HomeMy WebLinkAbout0303 Minutes from March 3, 2015COURTHOUSE, ADAMS COUNTY Thursday, March 3, 2015 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman Neumann presiding. Roll Call members present: Michael Stromer — District 1; Jennifer Czekai — District 3; Scott Thomsen — District 4; Dale Curtis — District 5; Chuck Neumann — District 6; Eldon Orthmann — District 7 Motion by Curtis and seconded by Orthmann that this is a meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An Agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, Ayes: Stromer, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks The Chairman announced the locations of the open meetings law and agenda in the room and asked if there were any conflicts of interest with any agenda items Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as circulated. Board members attended the following events and committee meetings and gave a brief report: Orthmann- February 18, 2015; attended a TERC meeting in Lincoln February 23, 2015; attended an Adams County Security meeting March 1, 2015; attended the Steak and Ale event at the Prairie Loft Nature Center March 2, 2015; attended an Adams County Security meeting March 3, 2015; attended and Adams County Building and Grounds Committee meeting Curtis - February 18, 2015; attended an Adams County insurance committee meeting February 23 & 25, 2015; Attended a Hastings Chamber meeting March 2, 2015; attended a meeting with the NDOR regarding the Hwy 6 project Weeks- Absent Czekai- No Report Stromer- February 26, 2015; attended a Community Action Partnership meeting in Kearney March 2, 2015; attended an Adams County Planning and Zoning meeting March 3, 2015; attended and Adams County Building and Grounds Committee meeting Thomsen- February 17, 2015; attended an ASAAP Board meeting February 23, 2015; attended an Adams County Security meeting February 23, 2015; attended the auction for the sale of the old Holiday Inn February 24, 2015; took and extensive tour of the Adams County Annex to explore options for additional office space March 2, 2015; attended an Adams County Planning and Zoning meeting March 2, 2015; attended an Adams County Security meeting March 3, 2015; attended and Adams County Building and Grounds Committee meeting Neumann- February 24, 2015; attended the United Way luncheon March 1, 2015; attended the Steak and Ale event at the Prairie Loft Nature Center Chairman Neumann opened the meeting for public comment. Adams County Highway Superintendent, Dawn Miller, informed the Board of a bill LB609 being heard in the legislature pertaining that would allow for the adoption of the Bridge Repair Act. Under the act, the Bridge Repair Commission would be established. Miller will keep the Board updated on developments with this bill. At 9:45 a.m. the chairman announced that bids would be opened for gavel to be used in 2015 road projects. Miller opened sealed bids from Consolidated Concrete, Deweese Sand and Gravel and Mid -Nebraska Aggregate. Submitted bids are as follows: 2015 Coarse Gravel - Prices are par square yard Township Consolidated Deweese Mid NE Agg Kenesaw 10.91 Verona 11.31 Wanda 11.97 Juniata 12.09 Highland 12.07 West Blue 13.19 12.79 Denver 14.29 12.79 Blaine 14.39 12.99 Cottonwood 24.56 12.86 Roseland 22.23 12.66 Logan 24.14 12.51 Silverlake 22.19 12.60 Ayr 20.16 12.98 Hanover 18.29 13.19 Zero 19.34 13.49 Little Blue 20.09 13.80 Armor Coat Aggregate 12.40 2015 Gravel Pit Bids 2015 Gravel Stockpile Site Bids 10.20 7.00 18.44 12.50 2015 Gravel Tab Sheet - Alternate bids for full quarters of the county Townships in area NW Quarter 11.05 NE Quarter 12.60 SW Quarter 12.60 SE Quarter- 13.40 Full County (no bids) Pit Site 10.20 7.00 Miller recommended the Board differ an award until she has time to review the bids with her road and bridge committee. Bids will be awarded during the March 17, 2015 meeting. At 10:05, Czekai motioned that a Public Hearing be opened to hear proposed amendments to county sign regulations, seconded by Stromer. Roll call, Ayes: Stromer, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks Public Hearing opened at 10:05 a.m. Adams County Planning and Zoning director, Judy Mignery, stated the following: Over the past few years, issues have arisen with the consistency of the Article 7 Sign Regulations of the County Zoning Regulations. It was decided to review the sign regulation and make changes and updates. Dave Potter, with JEO, reviewed the regulations. Mignery also presented the following resolution: RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE ADAMS COUNTY ZONING REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE UPDATED REGULATIONS FOR ARTICLE 7, SIGN REGULATIONS; AND TO PROVIDE WHEN THIS RESOLUTION SHALL BE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT WHEREAS, pursuant to Neb. Rev, SW. Section 23-174.10, as amended, any county which has adopted a county zoning regulation may make such regulations as may be necessary or expedient to promote the public health, safety, and welfare; and WHEREAS, Adams County has adopted zoning regulations and the Adams County Board of Supervimm desires to update the regrdatiwss within Adams County; and WHEREAS, the Adams County Planning Commission conducted n public homing on March 2, 2015 and provided a recommendation of approval, and the Adams County Board of Supervisors conducted a public hearing on March 3, 2015 for amendments to the Adams County Zoning Regulations: NOW, TIIEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Boanl of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska Nat the above regulations pertaining to the Sign Regulations are hereby approved. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall be in full farce and effect from and idler passage, approval and publication or pasting required by land and all other resolutions and sections in conflict are horeby repealed. Motion bv: Second by: Vote: Aye Nay Pessed and approved this _ day of March, 2015. ATTEST: Adams County Board of Supervisors County Clerk Board Chair Chairman Neumann requested anyone wishing to speak in favor or against the proposed changes to the Adams County Sign Regulations come forward. No one wished to speak Motion by Czekai, seconded by Curtis to close the public hearing for proposed changes to the current sign regulations. Roll call, Ayes: Stromer, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Orthmann to approved the proposed sign regulation changes proposed by Mignery. Roll call, Ayes: Stromer, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks Adams County Emergency Management Director, Chip Volcek, requested approval for the Inter -local Agreement for Cooperative All -Hazards Mitigation Planning Efforts. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR COOPERATIVE ALL-ILAZARI)S MITIGATION PLANNING EFFORT THIS INTERLOCAL AOR E/MINT is Intide and mused into by and hawanthe Little Blur Natural Raven. tlistHa (LDNRD), lamer Dig Blue Natural Resources District NIL -WHO) and Upper Big Blue Natural Raginnca Markt (IIt3BNRD) Iwninata called Districts; and Adams County, Clay County, Fillmore County, Gaga Cnumy, Jefferson County, Nu:kolle (-ounty, Selina Comfy, They. County and Webster County, hereinafter called Countia, all poliHal subdivisions ante Mae ofNebnaka; and fircMo that all parties to this caseation shall hereinafter collectively he tailed Sponsors: 1, Atl111ORTIN.,'fha Spumoni macs Into this agreement pursuant m the mahoriIy end pdrvlaionaofrhe InterI o oI Cuopmalk4 Ar Nein. Rev, Slat, 6 13401 b 9 13- 827, and io acondance with appropriate affirmative action of the governing bodies M dor rrapeaive Sponsors. PURPOSI1: This mapow of this Ann:anent is to develop an All-thnudo Mitigation Plan Man) which identifies the risks and vulnerabilities associnlal with natural dtaaacn wed develops log.lam auaagir3 (pronging pawkural PmMyty in futumhmanl events. 11 is ,rdwslnni dal media the !Asada Mitigation Aa of 2000 load governments we required to develop a tram* Mitigation PTan as a mldili,.Gw'waiving certain lams of nwnsrrwr$cmY disasereuis. a- 9003)1: The nova of this Agreement Ism outline vain:, shales. authorities and responsibilities of the Spmaon ranting to development of the Plus. The Sponsors shall pmued with dor implementation of matters set forth herein a soon urs practicable after the exec.. of this Agement, including the pasa4gaby the governing Matta of each resp0Hlve poly of tiny mac xsnry,usolullons, ndimncem or pr 03w. *spired by law or rules end regulations, time being of the assents, in din inl.osl of public wcl lire, CY%IRDINATION: The I.11BNR1T shall save as the wordhnIing ngocy for thio planning ellen and will work wid: the LDNRD m no mplisb to tasks listed hetnw. As anal. the LBBNRD .111 • review dor aeon. *launders of the consultant to assure Mcoada ofaw local entities are mei; • ant* in making wampum. for .nsaaary pMlic mooting+; • keep minutes of such mewing/4 end circulate the ume to partners, • work with Sponsors and dor consultant to assure dud Imes) submittals and planning deaden are mel; • meo with the governing bands ofSpmoanto answerquallons,a neoasrrry; monthly roman Sponsors in-kind servjm Ind track the omhhwd i*kind match aur the projo d; • bill project sponsors in *timely manner for lied shat of the conte, a nacos/lay. • ammo that Me Plan is compltal in a prof foal ed timely mons; 2, Pere I N. PAYMENTS BY SPONSORS: Thegpwwnu dhdl u ko p000mam the LBBNRD within also (601 days after meant or do Thoma'ht invoice. la<c mplafnl of Me Plum shall he •ppurml in writing bydl era. tipoam.,o prior b. the thud paymea w the *madam 9, PIAN SUBMISSION: All Spswn to Thu Aareaamt agree that om0 dor d,o7 FII, duo Lamm anrydawt. to *Buda the vena, Mahon, ammpiwt manna or ephawlkrm, to tMrrapmMo governing Nadi for review and approve. SUBSEQUENT PROf3CT APPLICATIONS: Plant pm_ittca, and mamma 'dish ars identified In dor aumplaal plmm, when .p turd, mrnb, hexene the reg omihility of ad, mnsstive nary, tori any application for Hauling Plan or oat,* m Mahan. *da woks of motivation an vase, cadnty ,n the nawalhle amenting basal for whl.h ova *lions rte tided intim Plan Il. TERM OF A,IRl.EM0NTo Thu Ag,amml hosoon• affosive upon de antennas Manewy w,d will mown In snap until lea. 31, 21116, or Anel eompielion of dor Ih)mdv.Ofmb Agreement, whvdwver die u oilier, 1116 ARrannmrmeyha laminmvd a may time won the mama wriaen atpoonan of ell Sponsor, provided that no dun non 90 days eavun awriten mdtn hum been given to the [Adria Try ms amiwing psny. 12. CONFLICT OP INTEREST, the Sponsors wawa Mat their bead metopes,ollm, soda, wed employ. presently haven, known Rnmcial into.. and droll not expire wry known finmvi*l inla.I, direct or indirect, which would .0Nlia in any manor ,rdegree with the po annum. of thesaris*rmxtoited by Jus A .... Th. Spreads *hall comply with Mopn.Neiumofte I. of da Sum ofNehook• which require diarlosure for motw'm or imam. dcruwhwawa. The.daaac of aur amnl1 of immed shall ranter this Aaronson voidable by the gamma hereto so it ob. to the Nay boring such a e ntldt of interest, a the tamest of any amapwly to thisApanwm No wait M;lbm voiding0 Agronnmt kall,Rwa any yoy.dbilluaafma tarty having nigh a amble of ina.t which love Iwwne'Nally binding on Jot poly Wim u, tho suede+n of 'aid amnia of inter. 13, 11010 HARMS/SS:T,e Nano* ad Spw,:wna,joucy amt nvvnlly,nhnlllnownnily, end hold anal oda party, Mel, emph.yees mod rcpr11001lva, hwmlaw from Any and all liabilities, china, suits.)udgmmla, cod demeyes ofaay nature moot by such may ate dieing mu of or iaamroeda with rob planning effo nor suWryoent implementation of the Pan 14. ASSIONIAB37' Thi:Ag .town mount bnnaugmel by any puny wllga the mine* euum ofllwDlnh1a and 0w oma Sponsors. 13. CoNDITTON30P AORDBMENT. This Armenian dull become legallybindog eaon ell asides Mikis anemias hereto upon the , p,.1.lcodaaninl'by the Dania, so/ Cowen. whip. ere being pmp.wt a Spo0wna. lo. SICNAITIRES.Tw polies agree Mnmla Addendum ;nay be exoamd in my nu*ba of nunlapans and by different padcs in separate moderns'. heal o,marpul wlwn so amtei shall he deemed to be e, min.; sod dlnfwhicbloPlha shah amelitute aM Hwuma agmealaa, • saris in Iwaapadon of Plan to load Sponsors beads if raevuxry; and • submit the Rol Plan to 3ateerNtbuske Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) for their review and the approval of the Federal Cmmgoncy Management Agency )'RMA). 3. SPONSORS INFORMATION: Bach Sponsr amu. to rondos appropriate surveys and inventories of the past, prestosadpotential ha &intheirjurisdiction.anew+ joint Spmsom meetings for the purpose of gathoing end sharing dn0mmetinn, orad empty ash oche inmnnr)on a in wormy for the ampamton of comprehensive and dwmugh l'Inn. l''mO individual Conroy shall he responsible for assisting es end lanai unfitia within Mai -jurisdiction to anther such information for rclusIi a in the Plan. 4. PLANNING eons AND DIVISION OF COR'19"0e Sponsors hare agreed to him 3370 Canultine Crean Ins,. `650 9' Street. Salto 113. Nebraska 611$111 to fulfill Me pot mora of developing an Ali-)Iwnd Mitigation Plan as so forth in Section 2 of this agnwnop, the goal estimated cut of dm project le $214,411Q with dor Consultant's fees not to aaai SI 0.1100 Federal Flunk: The /BMA AII-Hnrmvle Mitigation Planning /man. oilers'/3% omit aexishrwe for the development of snob Pira. State Ponds The Nebraska Depmtmam.nfNatuul RCMsmca may contribute in-kind ss.svicew to die planning ;moo*. Loud Funds:The remaining Inad deux of the planning rusts shall be fulfilled by Mt Sponsors as Rdl0wa: The Mister'sonl1Tution will he cash or (* a kind vices of approximately • 81,341.33 • The County Sponsor's contribution will be oad m irv-kind sennas of app1rsimntoly$3,383.33 par 010.010. If the Districts`, the Coanty's or Calandra' cash contributions or in-kind services Meet MOmidmun requital, the additional *vices will he mtllaed by file project to fulfill dm local Owning caw share If the Markle, the County or Counties request a 0300301 project, it Is Rutha nndeolo d that We mqu.Iing patty is responsible for tam additional cash nmlributirm or do -kind services match. 1t is Bobo mdemtmd That load aavices provided In Me development of the flan can be ount(l m 1*Riid Mach toward Ihc Pmjan and will thaelm a reduce or eliminate each Party's portion of km1 cath costa eanrdpngly. The Counties' share may include eligible **kind services from tech of their revisal,* *Ilia and villages, 7 The1.D11NRDamllmak, paymam to the Consultant in accordance with the provisions of the angina for arvl3er, and submit an hoot.. ND/A slung with otaamayol'ell focal 3,wkiml services pnwidat for the billing period. If local 1*kind novice as not Monona a to *ova the localshare of the pmjat's match, the I.BHNRD will invoice the Sponsors fur a proportionate share ol'the shortage to wear a100)Nwt planning *Assure page: IN 8 7')X)08 H SIEH ROI, Me Sponsor in0hated below hos eppoved, 0 40*4Id aawad this Cooperative ARaHva W MOWS. Montag Agrnumns on the date shown. ADAMS COUNTY BY. Arlan • Date Motion by Curtis, seconded by Czekai to approve signing the Inter -local Agreement for Cooperative All - Hazards Mitigation Planning Efforts. Roll call, Ayes: Stromer, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks County Clerk, Ramona Thomas, requested Board approval to designate Felicia Buechle with Krull Agency our exclusive agent for Aflac insurance.. Roll call, Ayes: Stromer, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks Motion by Curtis, seconded by Czekai to approve the claims and direct the County Clerk to pay them out of the respective accounts.. Roll call, Ayes: Stromer, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Czekai to approve officer reports submitted by the Clerk, Clerk of the District Court and Planning and Zoning departments.. Roll call, Ayes: Stromer, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks Motion by Czekai, seconded by Orthmann to move to closed session for the protection of the public interest; contract negotiations.. Roll call, Ayes: Stromer, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks The Board entered closed session at 10:27 a.m. Motion by Thomsen seconded by Czekai to exit closed session and resume regular session.. Roll call, Ayes: Stromer, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks Regular session resumed at 11:14 a.m. The Chairman announced the nature of the closed session was for contract negotiations and that no action was taken. Meeting adjourned at 11:14 a.m. COUNTY GENERAL SECRETARY OF STATE,SUPPLIES - VOTING ANN HINTON,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE JIM KUHN,TRAVEL EXPENSES HASTINGS TRIBUNE, MISCELLANEOUS GREAT WHITE SHREDDING, MISCELLANEOUS MARSHALL & SWIFT,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, NEBR PLANNING & ZONING ASSOC,DUES,SUBS.,REGIST. NACO PLANNING & ZONING,DUES,SUBS.,REGIST. JAMES MOFFRE,DISTRICT COURT COSTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT,COUNTY COURT COSTS/STOP P AS CENTRAL SERVICES,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE CEI SECURITY & SOUND INC,OFFICE EQ REPAIR EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE NORTHEAST NEBR JUVENILE SERV,JUVENILE CARE COSTS REDFIELD & COMPANY INC,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, WALMART,COUNTY COURT COSTS/STOP P JOYCE HASSELBALCH,COURT COSTS THEODORE DELAET, PH.D.,MISCELLANEOUS SKALKA & BAACK LAW FIRM,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT SKALKA & BAACK LAW FIRM,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT SULLIVAN,SHOEMAKER PC,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT SULLIVAN,SHOEMAKER PC,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT THEOBALD LAW OFFICE,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR MARATHON SYSTEMS,CHEMICALS UN RES A & A LEASING INC,CONTRACT SERV ACCO BRANDS DIRECT,SUPPLIES - OFFICE BG & S TRANSMISSIONS,EQUIPMENT - FUEL BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC ,UNIFORM ALLOWANCE CITY OF HASTINGS,CONTRACT SERV COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE GRAPHIC SCREEN PRINTING,UNIFORM ALLOWANCE GREAT WHITE SHREDDING,LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS -COU IN THE LINE OF DUTY,LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS -COU KENESAW MOTOR CO INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL NETWORKFLEET INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTING,EQUIPMENT - FUEL PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTING,RADIO REPAIR REED SUPPLY CO,LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS -COU JERRY SPADY PONT CAD INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL WEST PAYMENT CENTER,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, WEST PAYMENT CENTER,CONTRACT SERV YOUNG MENS CHRISTIAN, MISCELLANEOUS CASSIE L. BALDWIN,CORONER COSTS DAVID A BERGIN,CORONER COSTS ANDREW C BUTLER,CORONER COSTS JORDAN OSBORNE,CORONER COSTS BRENT D. QUANDT,CORONER COSTS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE CARPENTER REPORTING INC,COURT COSTS ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY,COURT COSTS 20.00 57.73 120.49 105.00 158.73 954.15 230.00 30.00 22.24 1,721.26 13.00 1,066.40 112.50 172.89 625.00 9,860.00 98.88 27.37 38.75 2,788.24 1,231.94 1,055.50 3,412.50 466.50 237.50 93.99 340.85 1,000.00 36.98 1,983.35 15.63 8,343.21 413.15 31.59 188.00 31.59 200.00 42.85 147.23 685.00 87.50 62.74 19.00 788.58 219.42 77.50 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 913.14 164.55 14.00 ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY,COURT COSTS 14.00 GREAT WHITE SHREDDING,COURT COSTS 53.30 HALL COUNTY COURT,COURT COSTS 2.00 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 631.81 MCGRADY LP,DATA PROCESSING SOFTWARE 660.00 MID -PLAINS COMMUNITY COLLEGE,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, 50.00 SOFTWARE UNLIMITED,DATA PROCESSING SOFTWARE 859.16 QUILL CORPORATION,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 187.18 HALL COUNTY SHERIFF,JUVENILLE COSTS 7.82 HOWARD COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT COSTS 18.58 NUCKOLLS COUNTY SHERIFF,JUVENILLE COSTS 33.73 YORK CO SHERIFF'S OFFICE,JUVENILLE COSTS 19.00 LUCINDA GLEN,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT 845.50 SEILER, PARKER P.C.,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT 1,018.50 SKALKA & BAACK LAW FIRM,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT 4,375.50 TELEPHONE SYSTEMS OF NE,TELEPHONE SERVICES 163.09 VERIZON WIRELESS,TELEPHONE SERVICES 1,576.87 WINDSTREAM COMMUNICATION,TELEPHONE SERVICES 190.00 WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES 2,527.84 WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES 198.00 ADAMS COUNTY JAIL/SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 2,497.20 ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC,LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS -COU 45.00 ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 7.64 AUS DES MOINES MC LOCKBOX,MISCELLANEOUS 94.00 BERTS REXALL DRUGS INC,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 266.45 BERTS REXALL DRUGS INC,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 128.63 BUFFALO COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE ,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 11,520.00 BUFFALO COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE ,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 164.32 CASH WA CANDY COMPANY,COMMISSARY 972.46 CASH WA CANDY COMPANY,LAUNDRY-PRISONERS 174.56 CASH WA CANDY COMPANY,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 59.78 CASH WA CANDY COMPANY,LAW ENF SUPP 109.12 CASH WA DISTRIBUTING,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 413.89 CASH WA DISTRIBUTING,COMMISSARY 62.20 CASH WA DISTRIBUTING,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 892.52 CEI SECURITY & SOUND INC,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 75.00 COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER- MLMH ,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 310.64 COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER- MLMH ,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 188.27 COMPUTER HARDWARE INC,DATA PROCESSING COSTS 222.95 CONSOLIDATED MANAGEMENT CO,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 542.00 CORNHUSKER PRESS INC,SHERIFF-MOTOR VEHICLE INS 109.67 CORNHUSKER PRESS INC,PRINTING & PUBLISHING 323.82 CORRISOFT LLC,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 877.50 CRAWFORD SUPPLY CO,COMMISSARY 16.92 STATE OF NEBR,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 7,947.78 STATE OF NEBR,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 720.96 FRITO-LAY, COMMISSARY 368.32 FRITO-LAY,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 171.88 FRITO-LAY,COMMISSARY 606.72 GUARANTEE ELECTRIC CO,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 50.70 HALL COUNTY DEPT OF CORRECTION,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 17,042.54 HALL COUNTY DEPT OF CORRECTION,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 51.47 ISLAND VIEW DENTAL PC,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 68.00 KEITHS PHARMACIES,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 168.39 KEITHS PHARMACIES,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 614.06 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 95.42 MARY LANNING PROFESSIONAL SERV,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 88.21 OVERHEAD DOOR,TRAVEL EXPENSES 127.50 PHYSICIAN EMERGENCY SERV,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 53.19 THE PHYSICIAN NETWORK,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 79.00 SAINT FRANCIS MEDICAL,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 1,385.28 THE THOMPSON COMPANY, INC,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1,033.23 WILLIAMS EXTERMINATING I,MISCELLANEOUS 46.00 WINDSTREAM,COMMISSARY 67.27 ADAMS COUNTY CLERK,POSTAL SERVICES 1,124.42 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 202.00 CENTURY LINK,TELEPHONE SERVICES 117.06 COMPUTER HARDWARE INC,OFFICE EQ REPAIR 197.95 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,OFFICE EQ REPAIR 81.98 FIFTH STREET PRINTING,MISCELLANEOUS 66.00 GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO,TELEPHONE SERVICES 49.95 GREAT WHITE SHREDDING,MISCELLANEOUS 88.66 KMART,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 81.56 MINDEN OFFICE SUPPLY,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 26.68 NEBRASKA TECH & TELECOM INC,TELEPHONE SERVICES 140.42 OFFICEMAX, INC,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 523.38 U S POSTMASTER,POSTAL SERVICES 84.00 WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES 28.34 WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV,MISCELLANEOUS 35.00 CITY OF HASTINGS,AMBULANCE COSTS 5,208.33 CHIP VOLCEK,CELL PHONES 25.00 COMPUTER CONSULTANTS INC,MISCELLANEOUS 22.50 HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES 225.43 GRACES LOCKSMITH SERVICES,SUPPLIES - SHOP 60.00 LARRY EINSPAHR,TELEPHONE SERVICES 25.00 HARVEY GOINGS,TELEPHONE SERVICES 25.00 ROBERT RUST,TELEPHONE SERVICES 25.00 ARNIE SOMMER III,TELEPHONE SERVICES 25.00 ROGER WENGLER,MISCELLANEOUS 58.50 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,RD EQ REP PARTS AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SMALL TOOLS, ETC. 9.49 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,RD EQ REP PARTS 83.95 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - SHOP 40.52 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,RD EQ REP PARTS 44.33 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SMALL TOOLS, ETC. 70.22 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - SHOP 118.36 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,RD EQ REP PARTS 352.87 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - MISCELLANEOUS 29.99 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,RD EQ REP PARTS 15.12 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - SHOP 107.19 AXIS CAPITAL INC,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 360.00 BGNE,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 969.60 BOSSELMAN ENERGY INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 12,081.55 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,MISCELLANEOUS 123.20 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 33.72 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 766.40 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 37.98 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 8.87 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,TECHNICAL 89.43 FASTENAL COMPANY,SMALL TOOLS, ETC. 129.99 FASTENAL COMPANY,SUPPLIES - SHOP 10.99 FLEET PRIDE,RD EQ REP PARTS 87.00 ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO,WELDING SUPP/CHAINS 173.83 MATHESON TRI -GAS INC,WELDING SUPP/CHAINS 38.59 NAPA AUTO PARTS,SUPPLIES - SHOP 211.17 NMC EXCHANGE LLC,RD EQ REP PARTS 61.50 NMC EXCHANGE LLC,RD EQ REP LABOR 132.25 NMC EXCHANGE LLC,SUPPLIES - SHOP 56.00 NMC EXCHANGE LLC,RD EQ REP PARTS 637.34 NMC EXCHANGE LLC,SUPPLIES - SHOP 70.00 OLSSON ASSOCIATES, BRIDGE CONTRACTS 2,610.00 FIRST CALL,MACH EQ GREASE OIL 99.99 FIRST CALL,SUPPLIES - SHOP 102.84 RAYNOR GARAGE DOORS INC,BUILDING REPAIR 100.00 ROAD BLDG MACH & SUPPLY,RD EQ REP PARTS 32.66 ROAD BLDG MACH & SUPPLY,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 17.23 ROSELAND ENERGY AURORA COOP,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 36.64 SANDRAS CLEANING SERVICE,JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS 530.00 SANITARY OUTDOOR SERVICE INC,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 276.75 DAV, MISCELLANEOUS 200.00 BONNAVILLA PLAZA CORP,PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 210.00 GATEWAY RENTALS, PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 210.00 HAPPY HOMES LLC,PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 210.00 CROSIER PARK PHARMACY,PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 215.79 BLAZE-STRAUSER MEMORIAL CHAPEL,COUNTY BURIALS 550.00 LIVINGSTON BUTLER VOLLAND,COUNTY BURIALS 1,535.00 COMMUNITY ACTION PART MID-NEBR,HANDI-BUS 2,285.16 FOOTE REALTY COMPANY INC,HAZ. MAT 2,100.00 HASTINGS TRIBUNE,PRINTING & PUBLISHING 230.66 ADAMS COUNTY COURT,COUNTY COURT COSTS/STOP P 336.00 ADAMS COUNTY COURT,COUNTY COURT COSTS/STOP P 48.00 ADAMS COUNTY COURT,COUNTY COURT COSTS/STOP P 240.00 HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES,INSTITUTIONAL COSTS 1,116.00 MIPS,BUDGET PREPARATION COSTS 38.80 PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC,POSTAL SERVICES 3,000.00 US POSTAL SERVICE,POSTAL SERVICES 200.00 REGION III PROG ADM OFFI,EMERGENCY SERVICES (EPC I 721.89 ZEE MEDICAL SERV,SAFETY EQUIPMENT 112.35 ASAAP,ALCOHOLISM SERVICES ACT C 833.34 CASA,CASA 2,833.34 HASTINGS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ,ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1,666.67 HEARTLAND PET CONNECTION,HUMANE SOC EXP 416.67 MEALS ON WHEELS,LOCAL MATCH 708.34 MIDLAND AREA AGENCY ON AGING,AREA AGENCY ON AGING COST 1,233.42 MID-NEBRASKA INDIVIDUAL SERV,DEVELOPMENTALLY DSBLD SER 2,613.67 REGION III PROG ADM OFFI,MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES AC 5,490.00 SPOUSE ABUSE SEXUAL ASSA,DOMESTIC ABUSE 1,041.67 RSVP,LOCAL MATCH 416.67 SO HEARTLAND DIST HEALTH,HEAD START 191.67 CENTRAL DIST COUNTY OFFICALS,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, 30.00 CENTRAL DIST COUNTY OFFICALS, DUES, SUBS.,REGIST. 60.00 CENTRAL DIST COUNTY OFFICALS, DUES, SUBS.,REGIST. 30.00 CENTRAL DIST COUNTY OFFICALS,LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS-COU 30.00 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 5,788.24 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 2,470.18 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 5,850.31 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 2,470.18 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 5,364.30 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 643.32 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 2,353.90 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 4,604.70 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 643.32 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 4,180.76 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 4,064.48 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 3,010.40 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 14,909.36 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 9,955.82 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,GRANTS 643.32 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 14,922.54 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 643.32 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 1,067.26 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 26,472.66 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 1,067.26 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 2,470.18 RURAL RD IMP DST 2013/1Y COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 643.32 HEALTH FUND WELLNESS PARTNERS LLC,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 1,453.50 COUNTY LIBRARY CITY OF HASTINGS,LIBRARY 12,457.50 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER, LIBRARY 18,000.00 INHERITANCE TAX ADAMS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOC,HISTORICAL SOC 1,033.34 ESTATE OF GLEN GOSCH,COURT ORDERED OVERPYMT RE 210.97 WEST PAYMENT CENTER,LIBRARY 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES WINDSTREAM,EMERGENCY PHONE CITY OF HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE Ramona R. Thomas County Clerk 2,180.04 3,107.69 218.29 Charles Neumann Pamela J. Witte Board Chairman Deputy Clerk