HomeMy WebLinkAbout0901 Minutes from September 1, 2015COURTHOUSE, ADAMS COUNTY Tuesday, September 1, 2015 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman Neumann presiding. Roll CaII members present: Michael Stromer — District 1; Mike Weeks — District 3; Jennifer Czekai- District 3; Scott Thomsen — District 4; Dale Curtis — District 5; Chuck Neumann — District 6; Eldon Orthmann — District 7 Motion by Czekai, seconded by Stromer that this is a meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An Agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, Ayes: Stromer, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Weeks, Orthmann. Nays: None The Chairman announced the locations of the open meetings law and agenda in the room and asked if there were any conflicts of interest with any agenda items Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as circulated. Board members attended the following events and committee meetings and gave a brief report: Orthmann - August 25, 2015 — Attended an Adams County Security Committee meeting and met with representatives from G -Force that will be contracted to provide security personnel at the south courthouse entrance. August 22, 2015 — Volunteered at the Heartland Pet Connection to repair a door August 24, 2015 — Checked inventory at various county offices September 1, 2015 —Attended an Adams County Building and Grounds Committee meeting Curtis - August 20, 2015 — Attended Drug Court August 26, 2015 — Attended a Hastings Chamber Board meeting where attracting new business to the area was discussed. Weeks- August 20, 2015 — Attended a Chamber Ag meeting August 27, 2015 — Attended the ASAAP quarterly breakfast at the YWCA August 27, 2015 — Attended the Oregon Trail Rodeo sponsor party at the fairgrounds August 28 and 29, 2015 — Attended the Oregon Trail Rodeo at the Adams County Fairgrounds September 1, 2015 — Attended an Adams County Road and Bridges Committee meeting Czekai- August 25, 2015 - Checked inventory at various county offices August 29, 2015 — Attended the Oregon Trail Rodeo at the Adams County Fairgrounds September 1, 2015 — Attended an Adams County Road and Bridges Committee meeting Stromer- August 20, 2015 — Attended a meeting in Kearney with CSBG representatives August 20, 2015 — Attended a Community Action Partnership meeting September 1, 2015 — Attended an Adams County Building and Grounds meeting Thomsen - August 18, 2015 — attended an ASAAP Board meeting August 27, 2015 — Attended the ASAAP quarterly breakfast at the YWCA August 25, 2015 — Attended an Adams County Security Committee meeting and met with representatives from G -Force that will be contracted to provide security personnel at the south courthouse entrance. September 1, 2015 —Attended an Adams County Building and Grounds meeting, and stated buffalo grass will soon be planted around the main courthouse building. Neumann - (date unavailable) Attended a South Heartland District Health Department meeting August 24, 2015 - — Checked inventory at various county offices (date unavailable) Attended a state veterinary meeting in Grand Island August 31, 2015 — Volunteered at the Nebraska State Fair September 1, 2015 — Attended an Adams County Road and Bridges Committee meeting Chairman Neumann opened the meeting for comments from the public. Adams County Highway Supervisor, Dawn Miller informed the Board that the proposed flood plain maps for Adams County have been received and there are some significant changes. Miller informed the Board of a meeting to take place September 2nd at 1:30 in the Adams County Board room regarding the changes to the map. Representatives from the Village of Kenesaw intend on being present. Adams County Wellness Committee member, Judy Mignery took this time to inform the Board of the wellness activity for the month of September. A wellness bingo card has been distributed to all Adams County employees. Employees who complete this challenge will be placed in a drawing for a FitBit. Public Comment ended Clerk Thomas requested the Board approve the 2015/2016 county office inventory lists. Several supervisors have performed spot checks of inventory items in various offices last week. Motion by Weeks, seconded by Czekai to approve the 2015/2016 inventory lists. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Clerk Thomas presented the Board with Resolution 2015-09-01.01 to authorize petty cash amounts for those offices with a petty cash account. Resolution: 2015-09.01.01 WNEREASAbere me same Oepanmem. an0Oka In Mims Gooey mmamn.m lW b30.read he petty cash +aounq nth W,NR*A&,bk5.%Aeddald®pettymd.2Nma2.appnadwdmAdamOmaBoalA5s3MmrbbatRb ABOLVIO.w petty cash amefa a mated am swore M de adNAsCm.s dead a Smwmws far N. *eR.•+rc.ewamw.and offices nthe Anou new: wensmlm1004 Petty 40RndWhim Fe Ammo. — Adam faeay. RemL:y bee Arm* Ad 410051m 022301 kora .dams Cowry N.A—.._...__............. Aa County *mdlMau. aaam Amm4as, 500Sfee Account --.2 pety Cab f A l5baa 0lmyy....... MMAIS OMMUt.20 nMbxnf: Pets QM FAA Petry 4lnf em Maasfm1.1W N4.1111a wAmbgry Petty Cash Fund —_.--_._. A.MiSOWELAI000A1150 Pala CAAfA Apwaed thio IA dm d septembef, 0015 Attest 515000 —$1®dn 54,50000 5500000 $5000 515 ssmmm $10000 —510000 $13. _515.M Conteaaa .udon W. Semaed by: Motion by Curtis, seconded by Stromer to approve Resolution 2015-09-01.01 authorizing petty cash amounts for county offices. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Adams County Emergency Management Director, Chip Volcek, presented the Board with an inter -local agreement between Adams County, the City of Hastings and the villages of Juniata, Kenesaw, Holstein, Roseland, Prosser and Ayr, for Emergency Management. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT NIR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT tln INIMILO ALNORSEM A N FLY IMENOEf.:CT MANAGPMMILLU ANN *Ad m as me -AsAmas) a molemdmlmee sap by.ad wood ram ®m of Rod Abram. MOW Mum Comity. NEON Ms hare mete qLL Amon LAMA bd.. RECITALS WHEREAS, WNMkada 1401,81•1511A emoted leo Ile' Me Nebtmka E.Ageouy Mmupmev A3, NA. Rm. Sm.011a119J5 m. N9..m Nm um by ram time m Nesta t u. ...MA'AM)*thio al.bwfm dJ*.4s** ymmty. NWi saa5mtbetlueoY Nebabed debli vaiwm m*m% mamma AromdRµ AMID A ANasu memgiun them.* WHEREAS. such Aho a 3a adv.mue by Ile., NA It I. in Mot. in.:NAM. agomm*M WA AsagnANawlMM3mmm ilumm pstwipme In lbe baeba.ad mp3 mMlLaue of m*0*yecy mmapmeN: WHEREAS, No Hata wishes* AmiaerSANdkbwl.*spay sa omeal.. .antis, as amlmml4fdby Ne. Am. NOW 11I00020IIC, IT LS AOR2 IMIETWYRNTIO1 EASIER AN POMMY: I. !wpm. hapmpmm af0S Apmewdmmblbwa: Nmea the wluabiLly apt:ASA mmouenies of Adm. Co. unly, mer*. dmuw0000,a555.5.55.N0501mPowemyultial N fmmM, lalayopml, W 3mwie.e Swam earl wosseeso4vM111 N.n.bm.W, a.MS mAimy w parmuthiay+Vl,v 2 NoANAm uary,mu./mmAWea At Adam *....NtMm14 =YogilWal opt. of A.A.M.m...wmm sosAAT: and me[mm: J. CUSS And2Sube mks mF.eaavmmu.A au.] their AOw, ad offices in dm.2.243'00 feo wamJm nf, plrryation ef, tAN W A M sad rcmvay Ilse Swum amp..,*avil &Now Maga Jm. 1. DelYAWm Uo1u olNm'im *Sued Wands Lasa *faith In au.A ALA b adaaeaoit.ss Rada NA.Ra.SIN. 931.112.M. 3. Da 1M.Adn.lml AM tmvu 141 bee sod Wes ARMsmnbeea aamau wovidal. A 6ampeny Mus.uMOtoabala. tar N a*y sloth adma.ddu alEARAMalmal Emmy Ila.s•uam SWAY* b al Myth gpamm.mslk ml MAN AdumC:m.oy,Ndarky AduuCaay ILA .d W Eau delama M du -.mono A Few, Ory.bnWna UkWNam+mowm*Sel m lb Aa. 2. Mama of Ttlaae5W. Tb gNNa 1menN mb Nm mmam.y NANN ..10 NA ANSI 000*0lawi yubmbmiog m,1.11115, Nbi* ue mot NSI p ENNA by 3124, NANO,pMAYAmalba Ym.m0.1IM Need by 4 3 Cmmly adma('ily 10.a golMMm&Y1b 500010e0pww)10 Yw NUaxi0N awn.. Cavy Eadamaa Yea INANN ANr 1,1OId.a farm* beep yoNaa ANN: AJwumy 500 C0. ofll.ei. 555a TIN nwmn m AIYW0 M Om fnmaid fmm. of lea anmna+Na Any Naga m b0$012.A.:A My 1,HHS, say ha na ral by Whet SANAA ANA>NARlp9M. ANA Nun In artiear law ON NlW)0AN AAer nM. .yJMm urge thmaawip NAAS NNaA ANN NAA. li fweym,MNay1.1111 * *0 W..* badge) by Roe I Med yarn 0351155 45Ce.dinae fis*Ck303056N is.seieo. NANA My 05* I.m,W Canatburn INkn.d **WA with myfimwam WJNimkR deangyo...00lb Neel.. ArnseouMy ak.4110:mevi.ay. aams ASO N yp+ove4 ....On naw al Ad.m caomy ad 0o city of IWJ1l pwa3N tor 000 l4dmp'eayr.md.N be Jai•* nthewings ma l Adm suchnm. A.& GAN. p pews ma yre•Awn Groom AIWA EmempacyM..m.ua Dl.ema. Ilea Ie barmyaue1,4e0+14.2el Eaosmf Mm.ael.1 Dinette Mims" No Moss SASb raw* . tlm W*05mias AN.NA,mydbaima ENS. NA* 00 o3.I5iaof.0 wuyomWama.41WA EAdao Cwmy, N'Amlu th512*U 2004 ay, NN Ukmem NSAAAN W 110010. 5Rlmndsa Ani in A toe Co meuiud gyam with mar WuwMalcaamivauNusale 4yWvayanmya W ...NIA lb MenlMyawy. Tlw 3k of&uynkyMMmensu mtlb Audet O. disssulai4Yl5Adxm CbulY. 1'SAJm9Umy'IWslofSayae*ma AAP SAN*alrvlvgamvitlm mmwlyNemam osAvaofMAdamCmdYNmMAf5myr*Ne:be M.m of b Llty ofONAAealiAlaer eaiv.,aa say asirdNMaWNOwdad AWRY. AIN aiew.m vu:AlvaAub caab NASA pa3mw Ihv+r,int WA.* .ill Nen wa4.mavl.Jmuum Na AYw Cow*,1.4 Ihrproiwg mJO0 May. AGMGy ofINAAAN far kir aoson.d. Tb Pel* ea** NM.. mamba agam by bad No Sass CANNA of Supervimm and the City of Hastings. For the purpose of general employment imam the Director will be deemed an employee of Adams County, Dison Supervision of the Director will be by the appointed Emergency Services Committee of the Adams County Board of Sopervisors. The day odoy operations and overall mponsibilityand management of the Emergency Management Organization shall bete sole responsibility ofthe Director. The Director may slot be tnmioded from employment orhired for employment with the Emergency Moorman an Organization without oomultation betwem the Ades County Board ofgnpavisme and the Maya. & Dolga. Tiro Director shall have the following duties: a) Coodinate the recruiting of volunteer personnel and menden to augment the personnel and facilities currently utilized for emergency management. b) Develop ad coordinate plans for the immediate use of erg futilities, equipment, personnel and other resources available to the Emergency Management Organization for the purpose of minimizing or preventing damage to person or property, and protecting and restoring governmental services and public utilities necessary forpubiichealth, safety, and welfare. c) Negotiate agneenenb with owners of buildings ad other properties la the Iso of such facilities as public sbeltero. d) fduolo the civilian population through public information mamma, as to actions necessary and required for the pmteoioaof lives and property in the can of soy civil defense emergency or disaster, either impending or present. e) Conduct practice ohms to ensure the eftidenn operation ot; and femiti i tion with, emerpgcy management services in Adam. County. t) Assin, support, and reaped as needed to other public and private agawio engaged in any other emergency management activity. g) Develop normal aid agreements with other public agencies for reciprocal emergency earsioea. 9. Office of Emergency Management. The Office ofEmergency Management will be locoed at a site ae agrood upon by the panic to this Memorandum. An inventory, of property of the Office of Emergency Management al ofloly 1, 2015, will be compiled by the Director forthwith and a copy submitted to the Adams County Board of Supervisors and the Mayor and Noting. City Council. This inventory will include not only m itemized listing of all property, when said property was acquired, and the purchase price of said property, but also whether the property was provided by any unit of local government. An updated inventory will thereafter he submitted to the partial each yam thereafter. 10. Lieges Officers. The liaison officer appointed by nosh load gownsman pony a this Agreement, es required by Scam ¢51.$29.46(7). Nebraska Reeked Statures (Release 1995k shill rave as the local amr0awy mortgagor flrmdl bad gnvormnnd, underthc a000t and mpg vision of the Director. The holism officer shall faalit 0. moperaoo with anagencymwgaoan orgaeloationa and mum that owrgenay auna5mau service". pnevided o amen of the liaisonoffoer'a local govaome& 11. Dimter.ed seaergaeey Maa.gemeat Remo.ath UoW.11ro governing body of tad punym this Aga: meat dull adopt a resoluta oro/distance authorizing patidpmwxi in ddsAgreement, and setting fatly u claw sal templet* ataamenn ofthe dim rand emergamey mmagetega reopo dMltties of thdadityad its oIEoiab, as well as the emergency response taut ofcomma A spy ofthe raolaiona adirutwedall be filed with the Nehruka E aagnwyManagement AYaoy.d with the Secretary oftw Committee. 11. Matted AM Arraageooena. As required by Neb. Rm. Stu 151.529.48, the Meador shall develop or cam to bo developed mutual aid arrangements for 000iprooal esnemacymayganat aid and .00100000 All soh arrangements shall be r du I to writing and pramad to the Committee firappruvtd. 13. Engrg/sem Operetbar Plan. An emorgoney operations plan, which dell be known oto Log Emergency Operations Plan (°4.EOPj, has previously bens moped and approved f0 th0 area raved by the EmergaOy Maoagwnatl. Orgaaiotion. 'Bot (.I0OP rnoy bo amended from lino to time with the upprovel of all patio bo this Agramau. Thr LEOP shall be kept on file in the ofi(a of the Director. the Director shell distribute **pia of the LEOP to ell patlo, and b imaaad agencies and ponona. 14. Withdrawal Any party may withdraw fpm tw Agency upon 90 day written notice to the other parties ad to the NoMnska Emergency Mwugmlat Orpniutioo. 15. Disposition of Assets Cpm Withdrawal All ashes of the P oagraoy Manage mad Orgadaotoo shell remain the property of am% Organbaadou oswitwund mgt e wilbdrswal of party, provided, however, to withdrawing party shall have the right e lake those assets with to Candy and the City agreed shall akewthj.n, however, to any applicable rules, regulations, w conditions of any gran& gifts, a Loam 14. Termination. Ibis Agreement slut be decreed to have terminated upon the arawuome of soy of the following events: a) Mutual oraremm r of the paries: le) Withdrawal from the Emwgmcy Management Organization by either Adams Canty mthe City of Ilaoioogo o) Adoption of legislation by to Neroga Legislature which hwelidates the Emergency Management Orgaiwlia. 17. &spondee of Awn Upon Tereslnallao. Ups termination ofgdeAgreement, apod0e was provided bysryIowa government, chill bummed to such entity. All other web oft the Emergency Mamgemet Organ iratiuo shall be divided equally between Alam Comfy .d the City of Hanioo abject, however, team applicable roles, ogohiom, m aoodidma of any grab, gig or loam. 00.1ndeaal&aalaa. Each party, arced during the time that lbs Emergency Management Director le aping fur and en behalf Much party, agrees toindaaoify and hold all omaparties to aria agremomtlmmtw from any mod all liability, dalaa. eau, actions,d000go, and penalties easing out oforinmy way costumed with the conduct and ads, a failure to act, of the Emerging Management Doawr, and his or her ageeam aulodmota, endhw or mot mutigaL and to Mall of add oars page:judgments. mats, repauc, ad ammo few rraanaably incurred in wnoedim therewith. For We popoaw of this Agraromt, dare shad be a rebuttable presumption the 00 &magmcyManagement Director la Wing for and on behalf of city or village when the primary man a dramaaaw requiring his or he aumtio,,, or that his or her agents or subordinates, odglwa wieie d0<ottmatn limas of i, dry ur village, and in all other eases, there thdl he rebuttable paumpion dial Ow Emergency Manegamml Agency Director and Ms ur her agents or subordinates arc acting fes and on the Wed ofthe coaly. 19. Effective Date. This Agmemanl .hall become effective ley 1, 2015 ADAMS C011NPY, NEBRASKA GUY ON HASTINGS, NEBRASKA A political Subdivision of the A Municipal Corporation Sale of Nebraska BY: VILLAGE OF JUNIATA BY: VILLAGE OF HOLSTEIN BY: VILLAGE ON PROSSER BY: BY: VILLAGE OFKBNNSAW BY: VILLAGE OP ROSELAND BY: VILLAGE OF AYR BY: Motion by Czekai, seconded by Weeks to approve the inter -local agreement for Emergency Management, between the County, City of Hastings and surrounding villages. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Volcek presented the Board with an inter -local agreement and resolution for cooperative development and use of the Nebraska Regional Interoperability Network. Volcek stated there is no fee associated with belonging to the network, however failure to accept the agreement will result in Adams County not being able to designate representatives to the advisory board. Motion by Weeks, seconded by Czekai to approve the inter -local agreement and Resolution 2015-09-01.02 for cooperative development and use of the Nebraska Regional Interoperability Network. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT FOR COOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT AND USE OF TRE NEBRASKA REGIONAL LNTEROPERABILITY NETWORK 1. Parties. The parties to this Agreement are Nebraska Publk Agencies that are signatories hereto. 2. Recitals. This Agreement is based upon certain understandings and furtherance of certain purposes, as follows: 2.1 The Interlocal Cooperation Act of the State of Nebraska (Neb.Rev.Stat. 13401 et.seq. and all amendments thereto) enables separate political subdivisions of Nebraska to cooperate on the basis of mutual advantage to provide for joint undertakings, services and facilities. 2.2 The equipment for the Nebraska Regional Interoperability Network (NM), comprised of microwave and other methods of data communications, has been procured and installed to connect the patties. 23 NRIN will benefit the parties by allowing information to be shared among emergency and communications centers an a real time, on demand, basis to help mitigate an emergency that threatens any location. 2.4 NRiN will allow multi -jurisdictional, multi -disciplinary intcroperability to ensure a competent level of local, regional, and statewide prevention, communication, cooperation, and coordination for an aU-hazards incident necessary to execute a wide range of incident management operations. 2.5 The parties agree that an NRIN Governing Board is necessary to effectively and efficiently operate NRIN. 3. Definitions. 3.1 Ag5 meats the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Neb.Rev.Stat. H13-801 et seq and all amendments thereto. 32 Amen= means this Agreement creating the Nebraska Regional Interoperability Network 3.3 Hoard means the NRLN Governing Board 3.4 Dtrertor means a person swing on the NR1N. Governing Hoard 3.5 Member means a Public Agency that is a party to this Agreement 3.6 II means the Nebraska Regional interoperability Network which provides data connectivity for public safety voice and data interoperability. 4. Creation. The undersigned Public Agency hereby joins with other signatory Public Agencies to create thehRIN with all the rights, powers, and privileges allowed under the Act. 5. Purposes. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish NRIN and an NRIN Governing Board (Board) to govern, manage, and coordinate NRIN to support public safety communications in Nebraska. 6. Duties. The Board shall establish policies to ensure quality of service standards, priority of service, data replication and backup, security standards, equipment and replacement standards, maintenance standards, allocation of bandwidths, monitoring and testing standards, and other operational areas necessary for the effective and efficient operation of NRIN. The Board may enter into contracts for monitoring, management, and maintenance of NRIN; expertise to advise the Board in fulfilling its duties; leases for towers that support NRIN equipment; NRIN usage by nom -members; administrative futmtions to support the Board in fulfilling its dudes; and other functions for the effective and efficient operation of NRIN. At least quarterly, the Board shall review NRIN use including traffic flow, usage patterns, and outages and make policy changes to improve NRIN functioning. The Board may establish bylaws, subconmdnees and working groups necessary to fulfill its duties. 7. proxry Ownership. The Board, through documented resolution, will determine ownership of any persdnal or real property acquired for purposes of f sthering the goals and objectives of the Agreement. The Public Agency owning the property will be responsible for ensuring the property is either insured against damage or theft, or that the Public Agency is financially responsible for the property if it is damaged or stolen. 8. Financial Plan. The Board shall develop a financial plan identifying resources for sustainment of NRIN. Prior to the first day of the fiscal year, the Board shall project expenses to effectively operate NRIN, project other revenue sources, and assess coats of the Members. 9. Stealers of Board. The Board shall consist of 16 elected Directors, two Directors representing each of the eight Planning Exercise and Training Regions established by the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency as follows: 9.1 An initial Development Committee shall be appointed as a working group of the Nebraska Public Safety Communications Committee formed miler Executive Order No. 12-01, 2012. The purpose of the Development Committee ism recommend to the Members, candidates for election to the Board. The Development Committee shall also develop procedures for voting and filling vacancies. Once the Board is elected, the Development Committee shall be a committee of the Board. 9.2 Each Member shall have out: vote and will vote only for candidates who represent the region containing the public agency. 9.3 Directors shall be elected for a three year term of office. Directors may be reelected for any number of terms. Directors shall serve staggered terms to promote stability and continuity. 10. Withdrawal. A Public Agency may withdraw front participation as a Member to the Agreement by written notice of lerninatlon evidenced by legally adopted resolution of the Member's governing body. All personal and real property acquired under the Agreement and owned by the withdrawing Public Agency shall be transferred to NRIN upon the effective date of withdrawal. 11. Term. This Agreement shall become effective upon passage of the attached Resolution for each Public Agency and extend through December 31, 2025. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the dates set forth in the attached Resolution. Resolution 2015-09-01.02 WHEREAS, 'the Interlocal Cooperation Act of the State of Nebreska (Neb.Rey,Stat. 13-801 etseq. and all amendments thereto) enables separate political subdivisions of Nebraska to cooperate on the bads of mutual advantage to provide forjoint undertakings, services and facilites. WHEREAS,. Adams County , Nebraska believes Itis in the best Interest of Its citizens to join with other Nebraska Public Agencies participating in Cm Nebraska Regional Interoperability Network WHEREAS, the Nebraska Regional Intanpetabilky Network is establk ted by Public Agencies for the benefit of Nebraska oltlzens end allows information to be shared among emergency and communications centers on a real time, on demand, basis to help mitigate an emergency that threatens any location. THEREFORE BB IT RESOLVED, that the Adams County Board hereby: 1. Approves the document entitled "Agreement", and 2. Eaten into the Agreement for the formation and participation in the Nebraska Regional lnteropersbIllty Network for the period through and 3. The Chairman of the Adams Countygoard is hereby authorized to execute the Agreement on behalf of the Public Agency following passage and approval of this Resolution PASSED AND APPROVED Cris 3. day of September Attest: Adams County 2015 Board By: County/City Clork Chairman/Presiding Officer At 10:02 a.m., there was a motion by Czekai, seconded by Stromer to open the Public Hearing for the presentation of the 2015-2016 Adams County Budget. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Adams County budget preparer, Chris Lewis, presented the 2015/2016 budget to the Board. Lewis stated the final tax request reflected a transfer of $1,000,000.00 from the Inheritance Fund to the General Fund in order to lower the amount that needs to be requested from tax payers. The total tax request for the 2015/2016 budget is $9,892,689.00. The proposed tax rate is 0.268500. I i 0,240.002.001 NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING AND BUDGET SUMMARY PIASUC NOTICE Is hereby given, M compliance oath the provialoes of 3913 Meknes 1}501 to 13.610 dKt the gowning body olI meet on O4 1st day of SEPTEMBER, 2015 at 1600 o'clock AM, al Haggles nsfor Ike purpose of hearing support opposing,3200 , suggestions Or businessobrarvitono roomy. 007464 a Ole 10110w0g Proposed wadg64 The baled daeA ts amiable 04 WM 44118 CMM 412028 regular FUNDS Actual Disbursements MOM 6042M 000023omenla Mudge of S(obursonlanle Necessary Cash �; 1 Markt* Taal Available Resources 04044 Property Texas (5) i s 0 Total Pummel and RW Property Tor Requirement 04 1 1015-2014 yf, 2014.2015 �1 7015.2010 (3) General 3 10431,7034 1 00,00744.00 3 07.190444 Wxary f I4oam33 f 3,7,43300 110074 1 4,406 am 3.0 u169,te1m 5 Highway Mend f ostamoo 1 1,63971833 ,7 s 885,01123 137,73022 s 9001010600 i t 0.wom s 1803401 3 002.0.33 543,117.0033,033.03 1 Rural Road Imp 3 412.193.00 3 001,13600 0 011,183.00 0 0100.42 3 Visitors Promolion f 443,330,00 a 10035920 3 121,341.00 0 43434740 • a Visitors Imp 0 4,0120 0 53,0030a s 1300020 '1 10,3044 ROD Pref3Mlbn 0633.83 f 084000 s 0 211 3 030000 3 430900 f 91442330 3 911.31.20 Veterans Redd t 9,034.00 s 02000 0 7MM a 400700 3 E1302,, 3 031,111.06 3 1,134,340.94 9 12130.4123 3 1,41010144 s 0 Inheritance 0 1000,00200 f 06000 3 3,601210411 0,11900020 3• TOTALS23 0 .1 ,90,06 4 03t0,IN33 3 04 4/3.013,00 0 730.00000 3 11,10,184,00 3 0,4442000 Unused Budget Authority seated fa haat year a�y2y AL Cler01202o4ary Total Personal and Real Properly Tax Requlromem for Ronda Is 043,707,00 I Total P1p9221 and Red PropaelyTax Requirement for ALL ahoy Purposes NOTICE OF SPECIAL HEARING TO SET FINAL TAX REQUEST 9003,40 601106Is hele6y 30006, In compliance 0406 the proNalons of State Statute 11-1601.02, tlet the governing body 404 mat on theist day of September, 201601 1Cr.00 Ctlock NA, et Hastings NE Mr the purpmo of hosing support opposition, cresms suggestions or downtimes of taxpayers re1310g 10 salting the final tax monist at e different 4304,4 than 210 pact year 100 request 2015.2010 Properly Tex Request 20152016 Proposed Property Tax Request 2014 T02 Rata —nisi Ma Propound 2015 Tan Rats Progeny Tax Rao (2214-2015 Rem4t0015 VW W 1 8,002.840.08 0.2005001 Chairman Neuman requested that anyone wishing to speak in favor or opposition of the information presented by Chris Lewis in regards to the 2015/2016 budget. No one wished to speak Motion by Weeks, seconded by Czekai to close the Public Hearing for the 2015/2016 budget presentation. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Public Hearing closed at 10:04 am. Budget preparer, Chis Lewis read Resolution 2015-09-01.03 into the record and requested the Board's approval. Resolution 2015-09-01.03 .COUNT Rent:6710s apADOPTION ANO' APPROPRIATIONS WNEREAS; ept'Apased Saynty Budget=forthe Renal Vear July t 2015 to June 30,`2016, prepared by the Oudget Making Authority, was transmlted to 9>e County Board on'thb day,0f : `2015, N•OW THEREFORE •BE ITRESOLVEO, by the Board of COMMISSIONERS or.SUPERVISORS {circle qne) of ' ; xCounty, Nebraska'ae folpws. . SECTION t fl at the budget for 110 Flsoal Year.Juiy 1, 2015,10"Junes 30.2016 as Categorically'evidenced-by the Budget Docymtvrt be, and the same'hereby 15, adopted as the Budget for 1 Cnunty for saidfiscal yedr. SECTION 2. That the-0ifl7es, departments activkles and Instltullostteteln named ere hereby authorized 10 expend the amounts herein appropdatad tot during the fl T year bgplprti i July 1 2015 a,dending June 30, 2016 SECTION 3 Ttlat the lnoome necessary to 0nancethe apprnprlatlons maie,altd a 1penditures auttioriztul ha',11,0 e pRwldeu Gutiof the unepcurnbered cash batan6e In e• ach furnt( revenueeboth• er th:ari;tQ %n fn be ooiieDtea during the tlscat year ire ai l2nd3 and t lle re uIroments foreach funds . = - DATED AND PASSED THIS t AY Oa:." COUNTY BOARD .. Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Curtis to approve the signing of resolution 2015-09-01.03 to adopt the 2015/2016 Adams County Budget. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Thomsen exited the meeting Motion by Stromer, seconded by Czekai to open the Public Hearing to set the final tax request. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Absent/Not Voting: Thomsen Public Hearing opened at 10:15 a.m. Budget preparer, Chris Lewis, stated the proposed levy for County General is anticipated to be .268500. Lewis stated no further action is required until levy amounts are approved in October. Thomsen returned to the meeting Chairman Neumann asked if anyone wished to speak regarding the proposed levy rate. No one wished to speak Motion by Weeks, seconded by Curtis to close the Public Hearing to set the final tax request. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Motion by Czekai, seconded by Stromer to meet in closed session to discuss possible litigation. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None The board met in closed session at 10:17 a.m. Motion by Czekai, seconded by Weeks to resume regular session. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Regular session resumed at 10:40 a.m. Chairman Neumann stated the nature of the closed session was to discuss possible litigation and that no decisions were made in closed session. Motion by Weeks, seconded by Czekai to approve an agreement with the Law Office of Vincent Valentino for legal services. Roll CaII: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Curtis to approve the claims and direct the clerk to pay them out of their respective accounts. Roll CaII: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Motion by Weeks, seconded by Stromer to approve an officer report submitted by the Adams County Sheriff. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None COUNTY GENERAL CENTRAL DIST COUNTY CENTRAL DIST COUNTY CENTRAL DIST COUNTY CENTRAL DIST COUNTY CENTRAL DIST COUNTY CENTRAL DIST COUNTY OFFICALS, DUES, OFFICALS, DUES, OFFICALS, DUES, OFFICALS, DUES, OFFICALS, DUES, OFFICALS, DUES, CENTRAL DIST COUNTY OFFICALS,DUES, BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,MARRIAGE LIC. SUPPLIES G & W SAW & TOOL SHARPEN,OFFICE EQ REPAIR DELL MARKETING LP,SUPPLIES - DATA PROCESSIN COMMUNITY ACTION PART MID-NEBR,HANDI-BUS ANN HINTON,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE NACO,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, JIM KUHN,TRAVEL EXPENSES JIM KUHN,STATIONERY/ENVELOPES BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE JUDY MIGNERY,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE RON KUCERA,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE RAYMOND GARREN,DATA PROC. EQUIP/SPECIAL QUILL CORPORATION,SUPPLIES - OFFICE EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE RUSS'S MARKET,JUROR FEES HOMETOWN LEASING,SUPPLIES - OFFICE CONWAY PAULEY & JOHNSON PC,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT SEILER PARKER PC,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT PATTI FELDMAN,TELEPHONE SERVICES SHON LIESKE,TELEPHONE SERVICES JAY MICHELSEN,TELEPHONE SERVICES MICHAEL MLEJNEK,TELEPHONE SERVICES DAWN THEER,TELEPHONE SERVICES SAM ZELESKI,TELEPHONE SERVICES CENTRA CHEMICAL SERVICES INC,MISCELLANEOUS SUB, SUB, SUB, SUB, SUB, SUB, SUB, REG, REG, REG, REG, REG, REG, REG, TRAINING, TRAINING, TRAINING, TRAINING, TRAINING, TRAINING, TRAINING, 40.00 80.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 68.45 128.50 20.00 1,229.64 2,328.77 57.61 45.00 59.51 98.00 31.50 28.75 55.00 7,297.00 41.82 3,128.48 69.02 179.21 3,582.00 3,191.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 719.65 DUTTON LAINSON CO,MISCELLANEOUS DAVE KYLE,BUILDING REPAIR DON SVOBODA PLUMBING,BUILDING REPAIR HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES KARREN CARNES,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE STEVE LANDON,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE JULIE OCHSNER,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE RON SEYMOUR,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE DON SIFFRING,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE A & A LEASING INC,CONTRACT SERV ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF REVOLVING,DATA PROCESSING COSTS ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF REVOLVING,DATA PROCESSING COSTS ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF REVOLVING,LAW ENF SUPP BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS,CONTRACT SERV EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE GREAT PLAINS CHRYS DODGE INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL HASTINGS FORD-LINCOLN,EQUIPMENT - FUEL THE INTERIOR GALLERY,LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS -COU NAPA AUTO PARTS,EQUIPMENT - FUEL NEBRASKA PUBLIC HLTH EVIRO LAB,LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS -COU OVERHEAD DOOR,LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS -COU NETWORKFLEET INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL REAMS BROS WRECKER SERVICE,LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS -COU SIOUX SALES COMPANY,LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS -COU CASSIE L. BALDWIN,CORONER COSTS DAVID A BERGIN,CORONER COSTS ANDREW C BUTLER,CORONER COSTS JORDAN OSBORNE,CORONER COSTS BRENT D. QUANDT,CORONER COSTS MELODIE BELLAMY,ATTORNEY FEES KEARNEY COUNTY ATTORNEY,COURT COSTS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE CARPENTER REPORTING INC,COURT COSTS CENTRAL NEBRASKA CREMATION,AUTOPSY COSTS CLAY COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT COSTS DOUGLAS COUNTY COURT,COURT COSTS HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE LATIMER REPORTING,COURT COSTS MCGRADY LP,DATA PROCESSING SOFTWARE SECRETARY OF STATE,COURT COSTS WEBSTER COUNTY SHERIFF,JUVENILLE COSTS YORK COUNTY COURT,COURT COSTS AS CENTRAL SERVICES,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS,TELEPHONE SERVICES VERIZON WIRELESS, TELEPHONE SERVICES WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES ADAMS COUNTY JAIL/SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC,COMMISSARY ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC,LAW ENF SUPP BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC ,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC ,LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS -COU BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC ,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES BOB BARKER COMPANY INC,LAW ENF SUPP BUFFALO COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE ,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD BUFFALO COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE ,LAUNDRY -PRISONERS CASH WA CANDY COMPANY,LAUNDRY-PRISONERS CASH WA CANDY COMPANY,COMMISSARY CASH WA CANDY COMPANY,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES CASH WA CANDY COMPANY,LAW ENF SUPP CASH WA DISTRIBUTING,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD CASH WA DISTRIBUTING,COMMISSARY CASH WA DISTRIBUTING,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD CENTRAL DENTAL GROUP,LAUNDRY-PRISONERS CEI SECURITY & SOUND INC,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER- MLMH ,MED-HOSP PRISONERS CORRISOFT LLC,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD CRAWFORD SUPPLY CO,COMMISSARY ER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MLMH ,MED-HOSP PRISONERS FRITO-LAY, COMMISSARY FRITO-LAY,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD FRITO-LAY, COMMISSARY FRITO-LAY,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 3.98 1,999.00 234.35 3,553.00 13.11 12.08 25.88 251.28 116.04 285.00 168.82 59.92 38.57 114.25 702.56 117.49 69.50 723.35 110.00 23.68 105.00 44.50 75.80 95.00 1,031.55 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 1,520.00 29.50 284.35 200.35 481.00 35.19 3.25 631.81 93.30 660.00 40.00 47.01 3.00 704.00 424.35 415.81 2,539.94 174.40 289.13 1,631.91 40.17 85.96 9.38 227.39 28.62 147.47 9,810.00 15.08 35.62 428.80 113.47 28.57 872.72 62.20 533.48 373.00 75.00 253.06 243.75 90.96 17.00 204.80 70.76 158.08 171.88 HALL COUNTY DEPT OF CORRECTION,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 24,090.00 HALL COUNTY DEPT OF CORRECTION,LAUNDRY-PRISONERS 890.78 KEITHS PHARMACIES,LAUNDRY-PRISONERS 135.18 KENESAW MOTOR CO INC,TRAVEL EXPENSES 36.25 MEDICAL OFFICE MANAGEMENT,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 195.91 MARY LANNING PROFESSIONAL SERV,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 109.92 PAUL SPADY OLDS BUICK,TRAVEL EXPENSES 13.75 PHYSICIAN EMERGENCY SERVICE,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 53.19 REDWOOD TOXICOLOGY LAB INC,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 111.20 SECURUS TECHNOLOGIES INC,COMMISSARY 1,797.92 WILLIAMS EXTERMINATING CO,MISCELLANEOUS 46.00 WINDSTREAM,COMMISSARY 67.99 WITT PLUMBING INC,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 572.84 CITY OF HASTINGS,AMBULANCE COSTS 5,208.33 CHIP VOLCEK,CELL PHONES 25.00 AMERICAN SIGNAL CORP,HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT 10,296.25 BAMFORD INC,MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 11.56 HASTINGS MOTOR SALES,LAWN EQUIP. REPAIR 181.72 HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES 167.53 PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTINGS INC ,RADIO REPAIR 2,822.00 PRESTO -X, MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 32.89 SCPETR,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, 100.00 VILLAGE OF JUNIATA,RADIO REPAIR 197.50 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,RD EQ REP PARTS 24.27 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - SHOP 10.83 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,RD EQ REP PARTS 361.54 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - SHOP 122.40 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,MACH EQ GREASE OIL 26.34 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,RD EQ REP PARTS 6.94 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - SHOP 99.63 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,MACH EQ GREASE OIL 105.84 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - SHOP 15.48 BAUER BUILT,MACH EQ TIRES & REP 1,719.54 BGNE,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 527.70 BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC ,GARBAGE 207.84 BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC ,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 114.06 BOSSELMAN ENERGY INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 13,335.50 BUFFALO COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT ,PAVEMENT MARKING 5,148.00 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS 149.60 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 32.72 DAKOTA FLUID POWER INC,SUPPLIES - SHOP 303.56 EZ -LINER INDUSTRIES,RD EQ REP PARTS 72.06 EZ -LINER INDUSTRIES, EXPRESS/FREIGHT 15.94 EZ -LINER INDUSTRIES,RD EQ REP PARTS 390.20 EZ -LINER INDUSTRIES, EXPRESS/FREIGHT 34.36 FILTER CARE,SUPPLIES - SHOP 292.60 FLEET PRIDE,RD EQ REP PARTS 571.54 GEE ASPHALT SYSTEMS INC,ARMOR COATING CONTRACTS 68,995.85 GREAT PLAINS CHRYS DODGE INC,RD EQ REP PARTS 101.00 IDEAL ELECTRIC INC,SIGNALS 197.92 MID -NEBRASKA AGGREGATE INC,MATERIALS - GRAVEL & BORR 17,686.89 MONTE MALOUF JR & ASSOC,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 642.35 NAPA AUTO PARTS,SMALL TOOLS, ETC. 10.79 NAPA AUTO PARTS,RD EQ REP PARTS 18.99 NAPA AUTO PARTS,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 104.98 NAPA AUTO PARTS,SUPPLIES - SHOP 44.58 NAPA AUTO PARTS,SMALL TOOLS, ETC. 59.98 NAPA AUTO PARTS,SUPPLIES - SHOP 44.58 NAPA AUTO PARTS,RD EQ REP PARTS 28.19 NMC EXCHANGE LLC,RD EQ REP PARTS 469.88 TITAN MACHINERY INC.,RD EQ REP PARTS 157.30 THOMSEN OIL COMPANY,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 6,487.12 TRANSIT WORKS,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 530.65 TRANSIT WORKS, EXPRESS/FREIGHT 32.89 ZEE MEDICAL SERV,SUPPLIES - MEDICAL 453.85 NEBRASKA WEED CONTROL ASSOC,DUES,SUBS.,REGIST. 125.00 LEE TOWNHOUSES LLC,PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 205.00 ADAMS COUNTY BANK, 81,043.84 DE GUNS,MISCELLANEOUS 918.00 PHELPS COUNTY SHERIFF,FEMA GRANT COSTS 18.50 PREFERRED MAIL SERVICE INC,POSTAL SERVICES 3,000.00 REGION III PROG ADM OFFICE,EMERGENCY SERVICES (EPC I 1,396.47 RINDER PRINTING CO INC,COURT COSTS 262.26 USDA APHIS WILDLIFE SERVICES,CADASTRAL MAPS 3,450.67 QUILL CORPORATION,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 287.06 QUILL CORPORATION,DATA PROCESSING COSTS 161.99 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 8,487.02 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 3,441.49 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 11,409.86 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 5,048.93 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 5,857.75 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 805.42 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 3,218.28 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 6,656.37 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 805.42 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 6,656.37 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 5,631.14 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 4,466.72 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 22,249.58 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 13,898.35 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,GRANTS 805.42 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 19,613.51 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 805.42 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 1,607.44 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 40,391.44 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 1,607.44 MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 3,441.49 COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 805.42 INHERITANCE TAX WEST GROUP PAYMENT CENTER,LIBRARY 2,180.04 ESCROW HOLDING FUND RAYMOND GARREN,MISCELLANEOUS 14,000.00 GEE ASPHALT SYSTEMS INC,MISCELLANEOUS 83,700.00 YANT EQUIPMENT CO INC,MISCELLANEOUS 7,686.00 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES WINDSTREAM,EMERGENCY PHONE 173.24 Ramona R. Thomas Chuck Neumann County Clerk Board Chairman Pamela J. Witte Deputy Clerk