HomeMy WebLinkAbout1201 Minutes from December 1, 2015Adams County Board of Supervisors Board Minutes Courthouse, Adams County,Tuesday December 1, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as public notice given with Chairman Neumann presiding. Roll Call Members Present: Michael Stromer- District 1; Mike Weeks - District 2; Jennifer Czekai-District 3; Scott Thomsen -District 4; Dale Curtis -District 5; Chuck Neumann - District 6; Eldon Orthmann-District 7 Motion by Weeks, seconded by Curtis that this is a meeting on the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An Agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office, Roll Call, Ayes: Stromer, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Weeks, Orthmann. Nays: none The Chairman announced the locations of the open meetings law and agenda in the room and asked if there were any conflicts of interest with any agenda items. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as circulated. Board members attended the following events and committee meetings and gave a brief report: Thomsen - November 17, 2015 — attended an ASAAP Board meeting November 23, 2015- attended an Adams County Security Committee meeting November 24, 2015 — Attended a meeting with residents of Good Samaritan Village regarding transportation options with RYDE. December 1, 2015 — Attended an Adams County Building and Grounds Committee meeting Stromer- November 19, 2015- Attended an insurance meeting with Chip Volcek regarding Medicare Insurance Part D November 19, 2015 — Attended the Downtown Hastings Celebration of Lights November 27, 2015 — Attended the Century of Lights Celebration in Minden, Nebraska Czekai- November 24, 2015 — was unable to attend the meeting at Good Samaritan Village regarding RYDE due to a scheduling conflict December 1, 2015 — unable to attend the scheduled Road and Bridge Committee meeting due to complications this morning Weeks- November 19, 2015 — attended Business After Hours at Earl May December 1, 2015 — attended an Adams County Road and Bridge Committee meeting Curtis- November 18, 2015 — Attended the monthly Chamber meeting, discussion was in regards to the lack of affordable housing in Hastings Orthmann- November 18, 2015 — Attended an MNIS Board meeting in Kearney November 19, 2015 — Volunteered at the Hastings Celebration of Lights November 23, 2015 — attended an Adams County Security Committee meeting November 24, 2015 —Attended a meeting with residents of Good Samaritan Village regarding transportation options with RYDE. November 29, 2015 — Participated in the "Shop Small" event at a local Hastings business Neumann- November 17, 2015 — Attended an Adams County Wellness Committee meeting December 1, 2015 — attended an Adams County Road and Bridge Committee meeting Chairman Neumann opened the meeting for comments from the public. There were no comments from the public Dave Rippe with the Hastings Economic Development Corporation, approached the Board inquiring the possibility of the county selling land parcel 010016617. Rippe stated he understood the process of there being a public hearing and then the land would be for sale via public auction. Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Curtis to hold a Public Hearing on January 2, 2016 at 10:00 to hear from the public in regards to the selling of parcel 010016617 by Adams County. Roll Call, Stromer, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Weeks, Orthmann. Nays: none The Adams County Clerk will publish the Public Notice for the Public Hearing accordingly in the Hastings Tribune. Adams County Deputy County Attorney, David Bergin, presented the Board with Resolution 2015- 12.01.01, pledging support of the Roman L. Hruska U.S. Meat Animal Research Center. RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE ROMAN L. HRUSKA U.S. MEAT ANIMAL RESEARCH CENTER Adams County Resolution No. WHEREAS, the Roman L. Hruska U.S. Meat Animal Research Center was authorized by an Act of the United States Congress on June 16, 1964; and WHEREAS, the Roman L, Hruska U.S. Meat Animal Research Center began development in the Spring of 1966, on 35,000 acres near Clay Center, Nebraska; and WHEREAS, the Roman L, Hruska U.S. Meat Animal Research Center has carried on valuable research into methods for increasing the efficiency of livestock production; and WHEREAS, the Roman L. Hruska U.S. Meat Animal Research Center has, for many years, provided valuableassistance to the agriculture and livestock production industry in Nebraska, which is the largest industry in the State of Nebraska; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA that: 1. The Adana County Board of Supervisors hereby expresses its gratitude to the Roman L. Hruska U.S. Meat Animal Research Center for its contributions to the economy of the State of Nebraska and the United States of America.. 2. The Adams County Board of Supervisors hereby expresses its gratitude to the Roman L. I'lruska U.S. Meat Animal Research Center for its contributions to the agriculture and livestock production industry to assist that industry in feeding the people of the United States and the people of the world. ADOPTED this day of December, 2015, at Hastings, Nebraska, by the Adams County Board of Supervisors, ATTESTED by: Chuck Neumann, Chaimlan Ramona Thomas, County Clerk Motion by Weeks, seconded by Czekai to approve the chairman's signature on Resolution 2015-12-01.01 that pledges support of the Meat and Animal Research Clinic. Roll Call, Stromer, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Weeks, Orthmann. Nays: none Adams County Treasurer, Melanie Curry, requested the Board approve the release of the following securities from Five Points Bank FIVE POINTS BANK Air seas nxos November 16, 2015 Five Points Dank of Hastings Mtn Cindy Johnson 2815 Osborne Drive West Hastings, NE 68901 Please release the following security from our Adsnu County Treasurer Holding Account: "`NE POINTS BANK wean Hoe November 23, 2015 Five Points sank of Hastings Attn: Cindy Johnson 2815 Osborne Drive West Hastings, NE 68901 Please release the following security from our Adorns County Treasurer Holding Account: Acct. 2996 MLR Step.Up 5500,000,00 Cusip 3130A3Y12 Acct. 2165 FHLB Step•Up S1,000,000,00 Cusip 5130A5D15 Sin Melanie Curry //-3d 1S Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Czekai to approve the release of securities as presented by Treasurer Curry. Roll Call, Stromer, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Weeks, Orthmann. Nays: none Adams County Highway Superintendent, Dawn Miller, presented the Board with Resolution 2015-12- 01.02 that would set a Public Hearing date and time for the possible closure of East 42nd Street within the east 1/4 mile between Section 29 & 32, T8N-R9W (West Blue Township). Motion by Curtis, seconded by Weeks to approve the signing of Resolution 2015-12-01.02.. Roll Call, Stromer, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Weeks, Orthmann. Nays: none RESOLUTION No. SETTING DATE & TIME FOR PUBLIC HEARING For the Possible Closure/Vacation Of a Portion of East 4e St., between Sections 29 & 32, T8N•R9W WHEREAS, the Adams County Highway Superintendent has reported that a segment of East 42nd St., located within the east % mile between Sections 29 & 32, T8N-R9W, Adams County, not currently maintained by the County nor is It currently in use as a public roadway, and WHEREAS, the construction of the 2014 42'1 St. to Showboat Blvd. Truck Route has moved t 42'd St. public roadway alignment south and off the previous section line alignment with the purchase of new roadway right-of-way, and WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent has recommended that the Adams County Board of Supervisors hold a public hearing to hear public comments as to the possible dosure/vacatto of the below described roadway segment: *410 2.711t 00044 J �A{ 2 w'et Di Powrw v 4k *pi„am-,sweTz3V/444i.:”? I/ �. .t .1fey au /07, Bet it. IPA I NTtI."M 3 1W LM:_ nrar:op SE0 I TON R44M Bd Or p..i� A aura O° LANO tOCATtO N PAtY OF 7HE ED.r1t4AST WARM ((SE 1/4).7 SiC'pt LOCATION A: '3t1TY-wg 013. AND PASTM,M; NCR0(EFST 01.AR114,040/4) or SEODSC 39, ALL N rOW8HP n:4r e() /WR -i nAvTR aaa (4) tlk7! Cr Tat cm 0.9. Ams caAw. NE�i Ara NOSS : AR: aLt.w.Y ar3g4ytp Alt MUM. 4S31 .AY MCI a!EOM 211-113N-ans MEM ON ,v. mum 14SNOOOF S * 714 (AA,'541 lig SW SEAST OMENRINE OF 340 10411111% 23, A OSTAN= W 310C MMC, To THS PDN- Or OO41NiO 11151 aarles e A OISteett Or 7530 NET 4 PON' or N7t3sc11di Or '1-t WET RANT -OF' OM1 UN: OF SHOISSa4T a.W. AAD TIE MIN RIONT-W=dA" UN! O. 43.14 6TRE4T1 1tt1C: gentle* A -ONO SN: $2 0TH SIONT-Cr-RAY 5%1114'4 3 STANCE OF 6/73 r00i1 'TOM 140041 642'4iti 11 n astioi 300 M O3 FJ0 00 A PEW UN --0 NORTH 4 OtT-00-RAY .1.110 Of *4Ia/ Steent, 0-ENor X68101'1 A MUNCE OF 3-040.92 FM T'3 A PONT O' 40ERe0TM,t( 2' SAC MST ISOT-CF-RA' LN; OF SNDO.SOAT 4l4 NO SSD mere rte4Y.-.pr-MA, Mt ce 42nD 13,M': MOVE 53'1f'44'0 A OiSTM 4 20 13.W 4EcT TO THE PONT 0' at0*NN3. Marys 01014'9 N:.1 i. r r�l NAD,krr414 &Ow si-A'-F414 I POR- I rnlrat naive SA10 TRAO1 CAA,M15 A 414_CUTATEn MEA co Sa.cg56a SWAPS Ft;- oa 9,031 MASS SOSO CR =S. 814, 39W '. WHEREAS, State Statute 039.1724 requires a Resolution setting the Ono, date and place for the public hearing be published once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks In the legal newspaper of the County, along with formal notification be sent to all adjacent landowners abutting on said described roadway and as the described roadway Hes within the zoning junsdlction atilt City of Hastkrgs, formal notdkation shall be sent to the Hastings P(enn(ng Director and the Public Works Director, at which time all persons interested In said road to heelosed/vecated may appear and be heard, NOW THEREFORE ITIS HEREBY DETERMINED AND ORDERED that the Adams County Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, will hold a public Hearing at 10:00 a.m. on January 5. 2016, in the Supervisors' room at the Adams County Courthouse In Hastings, Nebraska, at whtadl time all persons Interested In saki road closure/vacation may appear and be heard. Dated this day of December, 2015. Motion by: Seconded by: to adopt said Resolution and proceed to Public Heating comments. Vote: _Aye _ May ATTEST: Chairman, Adams County Board of Supervkorc Adams County Clerk Miller also took this time to inform the Board of and important meeting sponsored by the Department of Natural Resources regarding floodplain management. The meeting will take place on December 15' 2015 at 1:00 at Central Community College in Hastings. Czekai informed the Board that she wanted to research a claim payable to Associated Staffing for the Adams County District Court prior to approving it. Motion by Weeks, seconded by Curtis to approve claims, excluding a $4000.00 Associated Staffing claim, and direct the County Clerk to pay them out of their respective accounts. Roll Call, Stromer, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Weeks, Orthmann. Nays: none The Board recessed for five minutes while Czekai researched the Associated Staffing claim with the Clerk of the District Court. Motion by Curtis, seconded by Czekai to approve a $4000.00 claim payable to Associated Staffing for the Clerk of the District Court. Roll CaII, Stromer, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Weeks, Orthmann. Nays: none Meeting went into recess at 10:48 and resumed at 1:30 for a workshop with Adams County Supervisors, elected officials and department heads. COUNTY GENERAL RAMONA RAE THOMAS,MISCELLANEOUS 25.00 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 259.20 MONROE SYSTEM FOR BUSINESS INC,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 165.46 MELANIE CURRY,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 25.00 ANN HINTON,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 57.61 COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,CAR REPAIRS 113.31 CREDIT BUREAU OF HASTINGS,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, 90.00 QUILL CORPORATION,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 20.99 JACKIE RUSSELL,TRAVEL EXPENSES 25.86 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 54.47 RAYMOND GARREN,DATA PROC. EQUIP/SPECIAL 5,520.00 ASSOCIATED STAFFING INC,OTHER DEPUTIES' SALARY 4,000.00 ACCO BRANDS USA LLC,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, 14.86 AS CENTRAL SERVICES,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, 13.00 CEI SECURITY & SOUND INC,OFFICE EQ REPAIR 2,492.93 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 35.80 FAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 204.63 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 625.00 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 375.00 NORTHEAST NEBR JUVENILE SERV,JUVENILE CARE COSTS 942.50 WALMART,COUNTY COURT COSTS/STOP P 40.15 WEST GROUP PAYMENT CENTER,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, 312.00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 23.57 ANDERSON KLEIN SWAN & BREWSTER,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT 560.50 LUCINDA GLEN,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT 362.00 SEILER PARKER PC,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT 2,953.00 THEOBALD LAW OFFICE,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT 3,556.50 PATTI FELDMAN,TELEPHONE SERVICES 25.00 SHON LIESKE,TELEPHONE SERVICES 25.00 JAY MICHELSEN,TELEPHONE SERVICES 25.00 MICHAEL MLEJNEK,TELEPHONE SERVICES 25.00 SAM ZELESKI,TELEPHONE SERVICES 25.00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,CONTRACT LABOR 250.00 DON SVOBODA PLUMBING,MISCELLANEOUS 66.59 DUTTON LAINSON CO,MISCELLANEOUS 104.16 ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS INC,CONTRACT LABOR 130.00 MARATHON SYSTEMS,CHEMICALS UN RES 534.07 NEBRASKA DEPT OF LABOR,CONTRACT LABOR 430.00 NEBRASKA FIRE SPRINKLER CORP,CONTRACT LABOR 1,297.00 PROTEX CENTRAL INC,CONTRACT LABOR 133.00 WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERVICE,CONTRACT LABOR 71.00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 14.35 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,OFFICE EQ REPAIR 180.61 TWILA BANKSON,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 4.60 KARREN CARNES,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 4.31 STEVE LANDON,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 60.95 STEVE LANDON,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, 30.00 JULIE OCHSNER,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE RON SEYMOUR,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE RON SEYMOUR,POSTAL SERVICES BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,OFFICE EQUIPMENT EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE CLAY COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT COSTS CREDIT BUREAU OF HASTINGS,COURT COSTS DOUGLAS COUNTY COURT,COURT COSTS ELITE COURT REPORTING SERV INC,COURT COSTS HAMILTON COUNTY COURT,COURT COSTS HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE MCGRADY LP,DATA PROCESSING SOFTWARE NEBRASKA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, WEST GROUP PAYMENT CENTER,COUNTY LAW LIBRARY CASSIE L. BALDWIN,CORONER COSTS DAVID A BERGIN,CORONER COSTS ANDREW C BUTLER,CORONER COSTS JORDAN OSBORNE,CORONER COSTS BRENT D. QUANDT,CORONER COSTS AS CENTRAL SERVICES,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS,TELEPHONE SERVICES VERIZON WIRELESS, TELEPHONE SERVICES WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES CONSOLIDATED MANAGEMENT CO,TRAVEL EXPENSES CONSOLIDATED MANAGEMENT CO,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE GRACES LOCKSMITH SERVICES,TRAVEL EXPENSES GRACES LOCKSMITH SERVICES,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR CORNHUSKER PRESS INC,SUPPLIES - OFFICE CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS, MISCELLANEOUS GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO,TELEPHONE SERVICES HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE NEBRASKA TECH & TELECOM INC,TELEPHONE SERVICES OFFICEMAX INC,SUPPLIES - OFFICE S CENTRAL PARTNERSHIP OF NE,MISCELLANEOUS VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC,SUPPLIES - OFFICE WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERVICE, MISCELLANEOUS JOSEPH BUDNICK,ALCOHOLIC SAFETY ACTION P SUE KISSINGER,MISCELLANEOUS CITY OF HASTINGS,AMBULANCE COSTS CHIP VOLCEK,CELL PHONES HASTINGS UTILITIES, UTILITIES AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - SHOP AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SMALL TOOLS, ETC. AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - SHOP AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,RD EQ REP PARTS AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - SHOP AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,RD EQ REP PARTS AXIS CAPITAL INC,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC ,SMALL TOOLS, ETC. BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC ,BUILDING REPAIR CINTAS CORPORATION #449,TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS CINTAS CORPORATION #449,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES FASTENAL COMPANY, WELDING SUPP/CHAINS FLEET PRIDE INC,WELDING SUPP/CHAINS IDEAL ELECTRIC INC,SIGNALS ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO,WELDING SUPP/CHAINS ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR KELLY SUPPLY CO,WELDING SUPP/CHAINS LAWSON PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - SHOP LAWSON PRODUCTS, EXPRESS/FREIGHT LOUP VALLEY LIGHTING INC,BUILDING REPAIR MAINELLI WAGNER & ASSOC INC,CONSULTANT MCCONNELL CLEANING, JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS MATHESON TRI -GAS INC,WELDING SUPP/CHAINS MENARDS,BUILDING REPAIR NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS,SIGNS NMC EXCHANGE LLC,RD EQ REP PARTS 228.56 48.87 63.62 124.95 239.00 178.23 211.87 60.80 192.00 8.75 603.70 6.50 631.81 660.00 1,255.00 312.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 704.00 410.78 416.09 2,531.93 180.20 285.32 9.50 152.00 270.00 67.00 452.51 68.95 49.95 302.60 136.56 1,445.48 20.00 192.73 53.69 233.28 279.27 5,208.33 25.00 145.98 10.78 121.99 53.58 320.10 191.32 48.59 360.00 33.19 28.26 70.40 32.72 494.17 256.86 155.00 106.60 26.90 596.50 342.80 261.73 19.24 895.20 928.50 230.00 143.69 50.36 1,913.50 395.57 SANITARY OUTDOOR SERVICE INC,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES BERTS PHARMACY,PUBLIC ASSISTANCE REVIVE INC,PUBLIC ASSISTANCE COMMUNITY ACTION PART MID-NEBR,HANDI-BUS CREDIT BUREAU OF HASTINGS,COURT COSTS FOOTE REALTY COMPANY INC,BUILDINGS - ACCURAL HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES,INSTITUTIONAL COSTS ASAAP,ALCOHOLISM SERVICES ACT C CASA, CASA HASTINGS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ,ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT HEARTLAND PET CONNECTION,HUMANE SOC EXP MEALS ON WHEELS,SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAM RSVP,SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAM MIDLAND AREA AGENCY ON AGING,AREA AGENCY ON AGING COST MID -NEBRASKA INDIVIDUAL SERV,DEVELOPMENTALLY DSBLD SER REGION III PROG ADM OFFICE,MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES AC SPOUSE ABUSE SEXUAL ASSAULT,DOMESTIC ABUSE SOUTH HEARTLAND DIST HEALTH,HEAD START MID AMER MID AMER MID AMER MID AMER MID AMER MID MID MID MID MID MID MID MID MID MID MID MID AMER AMER AMER AMER AMER AMER AMER AMER AMER AMER AMER AMER MID AMER MID AMER MID AMER MID AMER BENEFIT -HEALTH, BENEFIT -HEALTH, BENEFIT -HEALTH, BENEFIT -HEALTH, BENEFIT -HEALTH, BENEFIT -HEALTH, BENEFIT -HEALTH, BENEFIT -HEALTH, BENEFIT -HEALTH, BENEFIT -HEALTH, BENEFIT -HEALTH, BENEFIT -HEALTH, BENEFIT -HEALTH, BENEFIT -HEALTH, HEALTH -ACCIDENT HEALTH -ACCIDENT HEALTH -ACCIDENT HEALTH -ACCIDENT HEALTH -ACCIDENT HEALTH -ACCIDENT HEALTH -ACCIDENT HEALTH -ACCIDENT HEALTH -ACCIDENT HEALTH -ACCIDENT HEALTH -ACCIDENT HEALTH -ACCIDENT HEALTH -ACCIDENT HEALTH -ACCIDENT - COUNTY - COUNTY - COUNTY - COUNTY - COUNTY - COUNTY - COUNTY - COUNTY - COUNTY - COUNTY - COUNTY - COUNTY - COUNTY - COUNTY BENEFIT -HEALTH, GRANTS BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY COUNTY LIBRARY CITY OF HASTINGS,LIBRARY INHERITANCE TAX ADAMS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOC,HISTORICAL SOC ESCROW HOLDING FUND HUSKER STEEL INC,MISCELLANEOUS MAINELLI WAGNER & ASSOC INC,MISCELLANEOUS MID -NEBRASKA AGGREGATE INC, MISCELLANEOUS OLSSON ASSOCIATES, MISCELLANEOUS WERNER CONSTRUCTION CO, MISCELLANEOUS 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES INFOGROUP/CITY DIRECTORIES,SUPPLIES - OFFICE Ramona R Thomas County Clerk Pamela J Witte Deputy Clerk 376.75 14.50 420.00 2,198.88 96.00 1,750.00 1,059.00 833.33 3,833.33 1,666.67 416.67 708.33 416.67 1,233.42 2,613.67 5,490.00 1,041.67 191.67 8,487.02 3,441.49 9,802.42 5,048.93 5,857.75 805.42 3,218.28 7,458.39 805.42 6,656.37 5,631.14 4,466.72 18,588.28 13,898.35 805.42 23,857.02 805.42 1,607.44 36,953.35 1,607.44 3,441.49 805.42 12,644.33 1,033.33 54,149.00 630.00 7,409.63 2,266.00 40,864.46 675.00 Chuck Neumann Board Chairman