HomeMy WebLinkAbout1015 Minutes for October 15, 2019 Adams County Board of Supervisors Board Minutes Courthouse,Adams County,Tuesday October 15,2019 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held with Chairman Eldon Orthmann presiding. Roll call members present, Michael Stromer- District 1,Glen Larsen—District 2, Lee Hogan- District 3,Scott Thomsen— District 4, Dale Curtis- District 5,Chuck Neumann—District 6, Eldon Orthmann—District 7. Motion by Curtis,seconded by Larsen that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. Roll Call;Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None No additional corrections were suggested, minutes approved by unanimous consent. Public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting.An agenda was available to the board members and was kept continuously current and posted in the County Clerk's office,the main courthouse lobby and the Adams County website.The following is the agenda of items to be heard, no modifications were made to the agenda after 9:30 a.m.the business day prior to this meeting. Agenda for Meeting of Adams County Board of Supervisors County Board Room,Courthouse,2nd Floor *Date of Meeting.October 15.2019. 9:30 A.M. Chairman to request a motion that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors Announce location of Agenda&Open Meetings Law postings Reminder to turn off all cell phones Pledge of AllePance Conflicts of Interest Roll call: Approve minutes: Committee reports: Receive Comments from the Public: Randy Kort -address the Board regarding a proposed bond for the rural fire department that would fall under the allotted$ .15 county levy amount 10:00 Board of Equalization-Ramona Thomas—Present for approval levy rates for Adams County Subdivisions based on 2019/2020 budgest submitted Melanie Curry—Motor Vehicle Exemption 10:15 PUBLIC HEARING—Amendment to the Adams County Zoning Regulations for Caretaker Dwelling in Apiculture District Judy:Winery-Request action on the Amendment to the Adams County Zoning Regulations for Caretaker Dwelling in Apiculture District be tabled until the November 5.2019 meeting Dawn Miller-review and possibly approve purchase of snow wing Miscellaneous Business Claims Miscellaneous Receipts Officer Reports This agenda is subject to amending until 9:30 AM on the Monday preceding the Board meeting. Note to Citizens:Any agenda item may be moved down at any time at the discretion of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Last updated on October 11.2019 at 1:32 p.m. For non-English speaking attendees wishing to arrange for a sign language or foreign language interpreter,please call or fax the County Attorney's office at Phone: 402361-7240 or Fax:402 46I-7241. For hearing-impaired individuals or individuals with other special needs call or fax the County Clerk's Office at Phone:402 461-7107,or TIY:402 461-7166 or Fax:402-461-7185. When requesting an interpreter or services for the hearing impaired,please protide at least forty-eight(48) hours advance notice to allow time for making the accommodations. - The Board reserves the right to go into executive session if such session is clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. 789 ' Page Board members attended the following committee meetings and community events and provided a brief report: Thomsen- (no dates provided)Attended several building and grounds meetings regarding work at the extension office building and the parking lot on the west side of the courthouse October 8,2019—Attended a jail committee meeting at the extension office building;future meetings may be open to the public (date not provided)attended a Convention and Visitors Bureau meeting in regards to the county applying for an improvement grant,the county does not meet the criteria to qualify for such grant Stromer- October 3,2019—Attended a mosquito abatement meeting in North Platte October 3,2019—Attended a veteran's ceremony at Fort McPherson Cemetery October 8,2019—Attended a Hastings Library Board meeting;the library will be donating some surplus books to the Adams County Jail October 9,2019—received a flu shot at the Adams County flu shot clinic Hogan- October 8,2019—Attended a jail committee meeting at the extension office building;future meetings may be open to the public October 9, 2019—Attended a Midland Area Agency on Aging board meeting October 10,2019—Attended an Adams County Roads Committee meeting October 11,2019—responded to a phone call regarding the condition of some rural county roads Larsen- October 10,2019—Attended an Adams County Roads Committee meeting; Larsen also mentioned the new southeast truck route is open Curtis- October 1,2019—Attended an Adams County Senior Services Board meeting October 3,2019—Attended a South Central Economic Development District meeting October 8,2019—Attended an Ag Society Board meeting October 9,2019-received a flu shot at the Adams County flu shot clinic Curtis also stated there has been an offer on the former Golden Friendship Center building in the amount of$160,000.00 October 9,2019—Attended and Adams County Wellness Committee October 10,2019—Attended a CASA Board meeting Neumann- October 11,2019—Attended the funeral for Monte Kehoe who was a former Adams County Supervisor October 10,2019—Attended an Adams County Roads Committee meeting October 9,2019—Attended a Midland Area Agency on Aging board meeting October 9,2019—received a flu shot at the Adams County flu shot clinic October 8,2019—Attended an Adams County Combined Services meeting October 3,2019—Attended the NIRMA Conference in York Orthmann- October 9,2019—Attended a Midland Area Agency on Aging board meeting Orthmann questioned a recent article in the Hastings Tribune stating that the proposed county jail would be built north of the main courthouse.Supervisor Thomsen confirmed that building north of the Adams County Courthouse is only one option being proposed. Chairman Orthmann opened the meeting for comments from the public. No public comments were made. Hastings Rural Fire Department representative, Randy Kort,spoke to the Board regarding the possibility of constructing a shop for the rural fire department vehicles at the current Adams County Extension office site on South Baltimore Avenue. Deputy County Attorney David Bergin advised that he would need to research the procedure for selling or leasing the ` ' land to the rural fire district before any action can be taken. Motion by Curtis, seconded by Stromer to meet as a Board of Equalization to discuss and take action on motor vehicle exemption applications and 2019 levy rates.Roll Call;Ayes:Stromer, Larsen,Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Entered Board of Equalization at 10:21 a.m. (see separate B.O.E minutes for 10/15/2019) 790IPage Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hogan to exit Board of Equalization and resume regular session. Roll Call;Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann,Orthmann. Nays: None Regular session resumed at 10:25 a.m. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Thomsen to open a Public Hearing to hear comments for or against amending the Adams County Zoning Regulation for Caretaker Dwelling in Agriculture District. Roll Call;Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan, Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Public Hearing opened at 10:25 a.m. ADAMS COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT Judy Mignery,Zoning Director 500 N.Denver Ave.,Hastings,NE 68901 Phone: 402-461-7174 Fax: 402-461-7177 Office Hours: Monday—Thursday,8:00—12:00 and 1:00—4:00 TO: Legal Advertising Hastings Tribune FROM: Judy Mignery Adams County Zoning NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TAKE NOTICE: The Adams County Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing starting at 10:15 a.m.,Tuesday,October 15,2019. Said Public Hearing is to hear testimony of support,opposition,criticism,suggestions or observations for: Amendment to the Adams County Zoning Regulations for Caretaker Dwelling in Agriculture District. All Interested citizens may attend and be heard.The hearing will be held in the Adams County Board of Supervisors Room,500 W.4th Street,Hastings,NE. Further information and the Supervisor's agenda are available at the Adams County Clerk's office,500 W.4th Street,Hastings,NE. For non-English-speaking attendees wishing to arrange for a sign language or foreign language interpreter,please call or fax the County Attorney's Office at Phone:402-461- 7240 or Fax:402-461-7241. For hearing-impaired individuals or individuals with other special needs call or fax the County Clerk's Office at Phone:402-461-7107,TTY:402- 461-7166 or Fax:402-461-7185. When requesting an interpreter or services for the hearing impaired,please provide at least forty-eight(48)hours advance notice to allow time for making the accommodations. Judy Mignery Zoning Director TO BE PUBLISHED:Thursday,October 3,2019 One(1)Proof of Publication requested No one was present to speak for or against the proposed zoning amendments. Motion by Stromer,seconded by Thomsen to close the Public Hearing and the proposed zoning amendments. Roll Call; Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Public Hearing closed at 10:27 a.m. Adams County Planning and Zoning Director stated that the Adams County Planning and Zoning Board tabled action on the proposed amendments,therefore she recommend the Adams County Board of Supervisors do the same and table any action at this time. Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to table action on the proposed zoning amendments until the November 19, 2019 meeting. Roll Call;Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann,Orthmann. Nays: None 791 J Page Adams County Highway Superintendent, Dawn Miller, presented quotes for a snow wing. Upon review by the Adams County Road and Bridge Committee, it is the committee's and Miller's recommendation to accept the quote from Murphy Tractor Supply in the amount of$20,600.00. Motion by Hogan,seconded by Neumann to approve the purchase of the snow wing from Murphy Tractor Supply in the amount of$20,600.00. Roll Call;Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann,Orthmann. Nays: None .JOHN DEERE i If i Quote Summary Prepared For: Prepared By: ADAMS COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT PATON HEUSINKVELT Po Box 983 Murphy Tractor&Equipment Hastings,NE 68902 3204 S Engelman Road Business: 402-461-7173 Grand Island,NE 68803 Phone: 308-381.0741 Mobile: 308-258-2101 pheusinkvelttmurphytractor.com Quote Id: 20504107 Created On: 25 September 2019 Last Modified On: 25 September 2019 Expiration Date: 31 October 2019 Equipment Summary Qty Extended HENKE AHW12 y,2 past 1 Equipment Total $20,600.00 Quote Summary Equipment Total $20,600.00 SubTotal $20,600.00 Total $20,600.00 Balance Due cam,$20,600.00 t!� sI d , 'h4.l\A JoHLV DEERE ezearow Quote Summary Prepared For: ADAMS COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Prepared By; 415 N Adams Central Rd PATON HEUSINKVELT Pio Box 572 Murphy Tractor&Equipment Hastings,NE 68902 3204 S Engelman Road Grand Island,NE 88803 Phone: 308-381-0741 Mobile: 308.2582101 phe usinkvel tigm urphytractor.com Quote Id: 20504/69 Created On: 25 September 2019 Last Modified On: 26 September 2019 Expiration Date: 31 October 2019 Equipment Summary Qty Extended HENKE PLHW-PL12 1 Equipment Total $16,200.00 Quote Summary Equipment Total $18,200.00 SubTotal $18,200.00 Total $18,200.00 Balance Due $18,200.00 At f, 792 I Page Dawn Miller ram: Tyler J.McNitt<TylerMcNitt@nmccat.com> Sent: Tuesday,September 17,2019 3:30 PM To: Dawn Miller Subject: Snow Wing Attachments: Henke CAT Wings.pdf Dawn, See attached literature forthe Henke snow wings.We have had really good luck with these attachments.You can get mastless+increased visibtli '1 3 } `A 1� 1n , higher bench height for deeper snowy.They are very similar in price, s l.';r,ilrN,�to ui a' C i '6 D;14 :l Or'lease let me know if you have any additional questions. Thank you. i „ Dawn Mi. er ...........:.... ...i .._, .. .....,„...., re,>Rasar:.....,: .�.J-'aneveTrns�.wranazaw.e�asscrr•asxvir-c �i,:ar w�s� From: ! Tyler J.McNitt<TyierMcNitt@nmccat.com> ent: Wednesday,September 18,2019 3:21 PM To: Dawn Miller Subject: Rylind Snow plow Attachments: Hydraulic-Snow-Wings.pdf Dawn, See attached literature for th; �' '> " ';` 4 tµi $r'd .Please let me know if you have any a r•t lona ques ons.Thank you. Tyler McNitt Key Account Manager•-CAT Machine Group NMC,CAT Inc 10501 S U S Hwy 281 Doniphati.NE 68832 Direct 402.845.6419 Toll 800.898-6230 Cell 402-679-8227 Fax 402-845.68 33 tylermyni ttinmccat.com www.nebraska-machinery port: 'ENERAL BUSINESS Cot IFIOEI filo UTr NOTICE.This email Including any attac:•mants rs for the sole use of the intended recipienttsl and ma;Wotan"confidential and on.ile oed Inramathn any unaLtho,ized review use disclosure or dlstrtbut!on is prohibited If you receb•ed th.s email and are not the•ntende;reciple.d obese inform the sender by small reply and eastrny ad^optes:f the onguial me;sagn Motion by Neumann seconded by Stromer to approve the claims and direct the county clerk to pay them out of their respective accounts. Roll Call;Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Neumann to approve the list of miscellaneous collections submitted by the Adams County Treasurer. Roll Call;Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann,Orthmann. Nays: None Miscellaneous Collections: Total; 23,346,48 Total hiliscellaneous: 2,817,292.87 Grand Total: 2,817,292.87 ' 793 ' Page Motion by Curtis,seconded by Stromer to approve officer reports submitted by the Adams County Sheriff, Planning&Zoning and Register of Deeds. Roll Call;Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT JOHN RUST Adams County Courthouse 500 West 4th Str.,Ste 126 KEVIN MAUCK Sheriff Hastings,NE 68901 Chief Deputy QUARTERLY REPORT FROM THE SHERIFF ON FEES EARNED AND COLLETED Fiscal Year: July 1,2018 thru lune 30.2019 rtta MONTH FEES EARNED COLLECTED FEES DUE I ADJUSTMENTS RUNNING TOTAL BANK JULY,2019 $8,423.07 STATE $1,276.00 $1,276.00 $0.00 $1,276.00 $9,699.07 CIVIL $5,258.00 $5,246.00 $12.00 $5,258.00 $14,957.07 COMMISSION $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTALS $6,534.00 I $6,522.00 I $12.00 I $14,957.07 AUGUST,2019 STATE $1,454.50 $1,454.50 $0.00 $1,454.50 $16411.57 CIVIL $5,494.00 $5,329.00 $165.00 $5,494.00 $21,905.57 COMMISSION $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTALS $6,948.50 $6,783.50 $165.00 $21,905.57 SEPTEMBER,2019 STATE • $1325.00 $0.00 $1,125.00 $1,125.00 $23,030.57 _ CIVIL $5,131.00 $1,482.00 $3,649.00 $5,131.00 - $28,161.57 COMMISSION TOTALS $6,256.00 I $1,482.00 I $4,774.00 I - $28,161.57 QUARTER TOTALS - STATE $3,855.50 _ 42,730.50 $1,125.00 CIVIL $15,883.00 $12,057.00 $3,826.00 - COMMISSION $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 TOTALS $19,738.50 $14,787.50 $4,951.00 $19,738.50 • $8,423.07 YEAR-TO-DATE TOTALS STATE $3,855.40 $2,730.50 $1,125.00 CIVIL $15,883.00 $12,057.00 $3,826.00 COMMISSION TOTALS I $19,738.40 I $14,787.50 I $4,951.00 I $8,423.07 • VI)01-1K CO.CLERK 2'19 4N3:00 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT IO 34897 COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE ADAMS COUNTY NEBRASKA RECEIVED ON: 10/02/2019 RECEIVED FOR: QUARTERLY FEES EARNED RECEIVED FROM: ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF ..:COUNTY G i,A11 •.. 8100.39}41 CO q194w.Fx SEJ3Vl{gEFEES ..: -19,;738.50:'. Receipt Total- 19,738.50 Melanie Curry Payment by Check viong ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER LS"J FOR FEES EARNED IN JULY,2019 $1276.00 $5258.00 FOR FEES EARNED IN AUGUST,2019 $1454.50 $5494.00 FOR FEES EARNED IN SEPTEMBER,2019 $1125.00 $5131.00 TOTAL EARNED: $19,738.50 794 IPage Planning and Zoning Officer Report: SEC T-N R-W LEGAL DESCRIPTION NAME ALPHA NAME ADDRESS CITYMLLAGE TYPED!"ammo DATE P O $County Lot 2 Green Acres JesANers - Ahlers 203 Okrebele Circle Juniata Grimm 7/9/2010 2608 Lots 924926&12 vac 891 Daniel Aloe= Allem 509N Platte Juniata Fence 102/2010 2630 31 7 10 Double D Ranch Sub Brady Anderson Anderson 7370 W Oak Ridge Hastings Storage Building 8/1212019 2613 $ 128.50 12 7 11 Pt E12NW V4 Richard&hike Bu111te 1019 N Republican Juniata Addition to Rem 7/24/2019 2608 Lot 614&616 Jugate Chateau[medal(Ransddar) Chateau 001 Platte Ave Jurdata •Storage Budding 7/31/2019 2610 BettySdmeda Sub. Melt Cite Ciro 710 N Smith AveKanosew fens 10/1/2019 2528 34 7 11 ConebruckHomestead 2nd OdellConsbruck Conebruck 4360 S Conestoga Ave Juniata Storage BusdIng 0/82018 2611 $ 26.50 Lot 10 BM 1 Hersh Sub John Heber Flatter 402 N Wayne Kenesaw Fence 9/62019- 2521 7 0 9 Poverty Flats 2nd Sub Joshua Ogees Edeas 8910 Osborne-Dr E Haslkgs Addition to house 8/1912019 -2814 $ 80,50 Lot 1047 Rodney Hagameletor Hagentebter ice Republaon Annate Fence 7/30/2019 2600 01/2 Lot 854 Al um N12 856 Kathy Hamer Honer Jwrlele Fence and Temporary BId9 8/20/2019 2517 Lot a Block l Freeland Creek Brent Hood Hood 1808 LIfamang Circle Hastings Pool Shed 10/12010 2629 $ 33.60 NOV W1/2 Lot 8 Parameters add Mem Horton Horton 406 N Penns Kenesaw Addition to House. 7/18/2019 2507 34 8: 12 PTEI2SNE1M Kenesaw School Kennaw Schott 110N611s Koneeew :Storage Building 8292019 2520 27 8 12 pt E129WINSE1/4 Dag lawman Kluernen 1700042nd at Kanaeaw Garage/storage 8/62019 2512 E12 Lots 852&863 Juniata Desiree Lowey° Lewel yrs 211 E 71h Aodata Fence 8212010 2518 SE1/4 sac 83-540 Am Meyer/SRe Aapdstkm Meyer 4880W Blue VatescRd Slue HIS antenna on tower 7/5/2010 2504 $ 66.00 Lot 1 Hightmd Heights 3 sub Jared Nlemoth Memel( 470 W 94th Hastings Ag Storage baling 9202019 2528 $ 132.00 1 0 11 pan 4 Sub Slane Parr Pair 4880 S Juniata Ave Amble MOMS Bating 9242019 2525 $ 63,50 7 7 lOCe0onwaodCreek Sub 7rnaStrand Strand 810 NAldo Ave Juniata Have 7102019 2505 10 6 11 PtNWI/4NE1/4 Vince Shaw Shaw 14595WOregon Trail Roseland Grain Bin 820/2010 2518 $ 91.00 23 6 12 Pt SW114.5W1/4 Scolt Show Show 17640 W Sundown Rd Holatokr Addition lo Garage 9/52019 2810 24 8 10 E12N1214W1M ChrlaT.lgm Thom. 875WSaddehomid Hastings :House 9/182919 2622 $ 478.80 Woman Sub Coin Wbemen Wiseman 708 Bowen Avo Juniata Fence 8202010 2818 13 7 11 PtSW 114 WlndsMssm Wbddmam 760 9 Juniata Ave Juniata Algoma and eclulpnont 0242019 2523 VlesroKenesaw Sub WlrcbMeam Wlndabamm 3050 N ConstRul on Kenesaw Antenna and equipment poen 9242019 2624 $ 551.00 Regiser of Deeds Officer Report: To: Adams County Board of Supervisors From: Register of Deeds Rachel L.Ormsby Date: October 9 ,2019 Subject: Filing Fees The following is a true and correct statement of the fees received in the office of the Register of Deeds of Adams County for the month of September,2018. r J'U1_. Je• Register of Deeds Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this day of October,2019 County Clerk 83 Deeds 968.00 203 Mortgages 8,666.00 1 Releases 10.00 7 Certificates 94.00 45 Miscellaneous 732.00 2 Federal Tax Liens&Releases 20.00 4 Construction Lien Documents 52.00 -- 5 State Tax Liens&Releases . 40.00 2 Subdivision Plats 128.00 Total: Filing Fees: 10,710.00 0 Certified Copies 0.00 5 Uniform Financing Statements,Rel.,Term. 56.50 795 J Page FEE SPLIT AS PER Neb.Rev. Stat. 33-109(UCC's are included in county fund) Total Fees-County Funds-0100-394.01 9,289.00 Total Fees Remitted to P&M Fund- 1150-394.01 1,477.50 Total: Fees Share&Certified Copies: Remitted to County Funds 0100-394.01 9,289.00 Remitted to County Funds 0100-394.03 Certified Copies 0.00 Copies/Postage $32.00 Less Sales Tax Escrow 2.09 29.91 Subtotal: Miscellaneous,0100-394.03 Copy/Cert copy 29.91 Plat Book Sales: 2700 540.01 23.36 Plat Book Sales Tax: 1.64 Minus State Sales Tax Held in Escrow 1.64 TOTAL:Remitted to County Funds 0100-394.01 $9,289.00 Remitted to P&M Fund 1150-394.01 1,477.50 Remitted to County Funds 0100-394.03 29.91 Remitted to Plat Book Sales 2700-540.01 23.36 TOTAL: $10,819.77 Total Held in Sales Tax Escrow: Plat Books Escrow $ 1.64 Copies Escrow 2.09 Total $3.73 Miscellaneous Receipts Attached: Assembly room rental: $25.00 With no further business,the Board adjourned by unanimous consent. COUNTY GENERAL Hastings Tribune, Printing/publishing-911.84;Cullig an Of Hastings,Miscellaneous-26.05;Hometown Leasin g,Copy Mach Rent-332.50;Microfilm Imaging System,E quipment Rental - Office-35.00;Us Bank,Supplies - Office-29.72;Us Bank, Data Processing Costs-168.79; Eakes Office Solutions, Supplies - Office-75.89;Mip s, Data Processing Costs-1, 344.25;Virginia Long,Mil eage Allowance-203.22;Virginia Long,Meals-10.80;Ri to Peshek,Meals-13.92;Deanna Thaut,Mileage Allowan ce-203.22;Us Bank, Supplies - Office-65. 11;Us Bank, Meals-191.55;Hometown Leasing,Copy Mach Rent-199.0 O;Adams County Hwy Department,Travel Expenses-80.4 , 1;Microfilm Imaging System,Office Equipment-25.00; Danielle Wahl,Miscellaneous-148.48;Judy Mignery,Mi leage Allowance-186.76;Naco,Dues, subs,regist,train ing-125.00;Hastings Tribune, Printing/publishing-51 .04;City Of Hastings,Capitol Outlay Software-392.0 O;Us Bank, Supplies - Data Processin-344. 94;Us Bank ,Office Equipment-17. 99;Us Bank,Supplies - Office- 169. 99;Adams County Sheriff,Mental Health Board Co sts-427.74;Associated Staffing Inc,Reg Clerical-i, 300.50;Candice Bolte,Juror Fees-55. 98;Adams County 796IPage Clerk Of Dist Crt,District Court Costs-2, 913. 00;C ulligan Of Hastings,Miscellaneous-20. 90;Eakes Offi ce Solutions, Supplies - Office-243. 98;Hastings Tri bune,Miscellaneous-102.00;Microfilm Imaging System ,Equipment Rental - Office-175.00;Michelle Oldham, Mental Health Board Costs-76.00;Derek Terwey,Menta 1 Health Board Costs-85.50;Lynn Folcik,Mental Heal th Board Costs-76.00;Jenifer Knuth,Mental Health B oard Costs-85.50;Michelle R. Smith,Mental Health B oard Costs-85.50;Bev Patitz,Mental Health Board Co sts-76.00;Adams County Sheriff Fee Acct ,County Co urt Costs-131.54;Adams County Court,County Court C osts-5, 522. 65;Culligan Of Hastings,Miscellaneous-2 0. 90;Eakes Office Solutions,Supplies - Office-242. 34;Hometown Leasing,Equipment Rental - Office-581. 65;Microfilm Imaging System,Equipment Rental - Off ice-582. 14;Knake Law Llc,Attrny Fees-court Appoint -1, 157.71;Anderson Klein Brewster Brandt,Attrny Fe es-court Appoint-902.50;Lucinda Glen,Attrny Fees-c ourt Appoint-427.50;Langvardt Valle & James Pc,Att my Fees-court Appoint-161.50;Langvardt Valle & Ja mes Pc,Attrny Fees-court Appoint-1, 890.50;Skalka & Baack Law Firm,Attrny Fees-court Appoint-7, 165.00 ;Skalka & Baack Law Firm,Attrny Fees-court Appoint -5, 727 . 90;Skalka & Baack Law Firm,Attrny Fees-cour t Appoint-2, 175.50;Sullivan Shoemaker Pc Llo,Attrn y Fees-court Appoint-437.00;Sullivan Shoemaker Pc Llo,Attrny Fees-court Appoint-3, 342.30;Sullivan Sh oemaker Pc Llo,Attrny Fees-court Appoint-3,240.50; Sullivan Shoemaker Pc Llo,Attrny Fees-court Appoin t-959.50;Lisa Adams,Telephone Services-50.00;Franc esca Boyles,Telephone Services-25.00;John Heieck,T elephone Services-50.00;Kelsey Helget,Telephone Se rvices-50.00;Shon Lieske,Telephone Services-50.00; Dania Ontiveros,Telephone Services-25.00;Dawn Thee r,Telephone Services-50.00;Sam Zeleski,Telephone S ervices-50.00;Advanced Reporting Solutions,Miscell aneous-700.00;Carpenter & Skalka, Deposition-523.85 ;Culligan Of Hastings,Miscellaneous-42.00;Hometown Leasing,Office Equipment-199.00;Justice Works Llc , Supplies - Office-200.00;Associated Staffing Inc, Part Time Salary - Mainte-912.83;Black Hills Energ y,Utilities-37 .72;Culligan Of Hastings,Other Equip ment-253.00;Graces Locksmith Services,Miscellaneou s-6.00;Hartland Cleaning Services,Janitorial Agree ments-4, 959.00;City Of Hastings,Haz. Mat-31. 98;Has tings Utilities,Utilities-11, 813. 91;Lawson Product s,Bldg Repair-annex/wallace-199.17;Menards,Miscell aneous-12.81;Menards,Buiding & Grounds Supplie-46. 47;Menards, Shop Tools-34. 99;Menards,Miscellaneous- 46.43;W G Pauley Lumber Co,Courthouse Building-1, 1 28. 40;W G Pauley Lumber Co,Bldg Repair-courthouse- 572.72;W G Pauley Lumber Co,Bldg Repair-annex/wall ace-28. 18;Thomas Reichert,Mileage Allowance-148.00 ;Schindler Elevator Corporation,Maintenance Agreem ents-173.61;Schindler Elevator Corporation,Other E quipment Repair-963.00;Southern Power District,Uti lities-531.44;Sunbelt Rentals Inc,Other Equipment- 478. 12;Us Bank,Signs-595.00;Us Bank,Dues, subs, regi st,training-50.00;Eakes Office Solutions,Supplies - Office-32.58;Eakes Office Solutions,Office Equip ment-25. 15;Hometown Leasing,Equipment Rental - Off ice-328.00;University Of Nebraska,Supplies - Offic e-60.00;Us Bank, Supplies - Office-11.84;Us Bank,Of fice Eq Repair-161. 95;Twila Bankson,Mileage Allowa nce-33.35;Lynn Devries,Mileage Allowance-49.01;Pat ricia Evans,Mileage Allowance-162.40;Beth Janning, Mileage Allowance-180. 96;Julie Ochsner,Mileage All owance-277 .82;Ron Seymour,Mileage Allowance-23.20; Mips,Miscellaneous Labor-513.00;Mips,Equipment Ren tal - Office-190.00;Adams County Hwy Department,Tr avel Expenses-1, 043. 44;Adams County Hwy Department ,Equipment - Fuel-3,256. 90;Adams County Sheriff Re volving, Sheriff Costs-206. 93;Credit Bureau Of Hast ings,Sheriff Costs-96.00;Galls Llc,Uniform Allowan ce-849.25;Hastings Tribune,Merit Commission Expens 797 I Page es-38.00;Janitor Inc, Janitorial Agreements-578.32; Kenesaw Motor Co Inc,Equipment - Fuel-313.80;Mips, Sheriff Costs-230.74;Mips,Miscellaneous-230.74;Pla tte Valley Of Hastings Inc ,Radio Equipment-21.25; Stericycle Inc, Sheriff Costs-85.00;Sunset Law Enfo rcement, Sheriff Costs-490.40;Us Identification Man ual, Dues,subs,regist,training-82.50;Nathan R Areha rt,Cell Phones-25.00;Cassie L. Baldwin,Cell Phones -25.00;David A Bergin,Cell Phones-25.00;Dale T Cal lahan,Cell Phones-25.00;Adams County Attorney,Cour t Related Costs-4.00;Buffalo County Sheriff Office ,Court Related Costs-18.50;Buffalo County Sheriff Office ,Juvenile Court Costs-59.79;Business World Products, Supplies - Office-658.77;Culligan Of Has tings, Supplies - Office-55.80;Douglas County Sheri ff,Court Related Costs-123.59;Hall County Sheriff, Court Related Costs-37.00;Howard County Court,Cour t Related Costs-3. 15;Janitor Inc,Janitorial Agreem ents-527.35;Microfilm Imaging System,Equipment Ren tal - Office-480.00;Secretary Of State,Court Relat ed Costs-40.00;Software Unlimited,Data Processing Costs-515.50;Transunion Risk & Alternative ,Court Related Costs-106.20;Webster County Sheriff,Court Related Costs-44.23;Charter Communications, Interne t Service-399.00;Verizon Wireless,Cell Phones-902. 59;Verizon Wireless,Communication Equip-45.06;Adam s County Jail/sheriff,Board Of Prisoners - Food-45 4 .70;Allens Of Hastings Inc, Jail Supplies-178. 47;B erts Rexall Drugs Inc,Med-hosp Prisoners-126.75;Bu ffalo County Sheriff Office ,Board Of Prisoners - Food-10, 170.00;Buffalo County Sheriff Office ,Med- hosp Prisoners-206.05;Cash Wa Distributing,Board 0 f Prisoners - Food-413.74;Central Dental Group,Med -hosp Prisoners-701.00;Culligan Of Hastings,Miscel laneous-33.40;Dawson County Sheriff,Board Of Priso ners - Food-2, 925.00;Graces Locksmith Services,Bui lding Repair-21.00;Island View Dental Pc,Med-hosp Prisoners-371.00;Keefe Supply Company,Commissary-1 , 086.00;Keiths Pharmacies,Med-hosp Prisoners-448.7 9;Beatriz A. Marino,Matron-30.00;Mary Lanning Heal thcare,Med-hosp Prisoners-476.06;Phelps County She riff,Board Of Prisoners - Food-7, 380.00;Us Foods I nc,Board Of Prisoners - Food-389.21;Witt Plumbing Inc,Building Repair-143.18;York General Hospital,M ed-hosp Prisoners-110.02;Adams County Clerk, Postal Services-483. 12;Culligan Of Hastings,Miscellaneou s-87.55;Culligan Of Kearney,Miscellaneous-44.50;Gr aces Locksmith Services,Miscellaneous-60.00;Hometo wn Leasing,Equipment Rental - Office-883.20;Office Depot,Supplies - Office-225.03;Phelps County Trea surer, Postal Services-94.00;Phelps County Treasure r,Telephone Services-51.23;Walmart, Incentive Payme nts-1, 000.00;Windstream,Telephone Services-67. 94;A dams County Hwy Department,Equipment - Fuel-69.87; Big G Commercial Hardware Inc ,Supplies - Shop-9.5 6;Cheyenne County, Sp Proj6-18shsp-pet Grant-569.00 ;Eakes Office Solutions,Office Equipment-305. 69;Ea kes Office Solutions, Supplies - Office-17.27;Fyr-t ek Inc,Sp Projl-shsp-mou Grant-410.74;Municipal Em ergency Services, Sp Projl-shsp-mou Grant-50.00;Pla tte Valley Comm-krny, Sp Proj6-18shsp-pet Grant-2,3 93.54;Us Bank,Travel Expenses-28. 69;G4s Secure Sol utions Inc,Security Contracts By Oth-3, 391.98;Data spec Inc,Miscellaneous-1, 347.00;Chris Long,Travel Expenses-135.84;Ramada Inn,Travel Expenses-198.00; Asaap,Alcoholism Services Act C-2,500.03;Casa,Casa -9,000.00;Hastings Economic Development ,Economic Development-4, 999. 97;Heartland Pet Connection,Huma ne Soc Exp-1,249. 97;Meals On Wheels,Senior Citizen Program-2,250.00;Midland Area Agency On Aging,Are a Agency On Aging Cost-3,700.22;Mid-nebraska Indiv idual Serv,Developmentally Dsbld Ser-7, 840.97;Revi ve Inc,Abuse Program-1,249. 97;Rsvp,Senior Citizen Program-1,249. 97;Spouse Abuse Sexual Assault,Domes tic Abuse-3, 124. 97;South Heartland Dist Health,Hea lth Dept Contract-624. 99;Adams County Sheriff Fee 798 1 Page Acct , Sheriff' s Fees-3, 306.58;Health & Human Servi ces, Institutional Costs-465.O0;Heritage Bank, Inter net Service-25.00;Mips,Budget Preparation Costs-43 .25;Mips,Data Processing Costs-277.50;Mid Amer Ben efits-fsa,Cafeteria Plan Admin Fees-340.00;Prochas ka & Associates Inc,Courthouse Building-1, 800.36;U s Dept Of Agriculture, Predatory Animal Control-2, 8 33.89; ROAD - BRIDGE Auto Value - Hastings, Supplies - Shop-346.83;Auto Value - Hastings,Small Tools, Etc.-35.65;Bauer Bui lt,Mach Eq Tires & Rep-1, 360.00;Black Hills Energy ,Heating Fuels-186.38;Bosselman Energy Inc,Equipme at - Fuel-14, 158.41;Buffalo County Hwy Department ,Rd Eq Rep Parts-212.20;Central Ag & Shop Supply I ac, Flares Flags Barricades-93.00;Central Ag & Shop Supply Inc, Small Tools, Etc.-194.70;Central Ag & Shop Supply Inc, Supplies - Shop-323.00;Cintas Corp oration #449,Towel/cleaning Agreements-136.00;Cint as Corporation #449,Janitorial Supplies-13;.O't C6hs, olidated Concrete Co,Materials - Concrete, gtc7-15� . 50;City Of Hastings,Waste Disposal-56.4�2;,Deweese \, Sand & Gravel, Fema Grant Costs-589. 18;DewJegs4an & Gravel,Materials - Gravel & Borr-2, 1104 "8,Eakes, Office Solutions, Supplies - Office-7. 98;Ea'kes O. ice Solutions, Janitorial Supplies-52. 96;Eakes�Offi ` ce Solutions, Supplies - Office-153. 13;Eakes Office Solutions,Equipment Rental - Office-1, 164.17;Ez-1 iner Industries,Rd Eq Rep Parts-636.71;Hastings Ou tdoor Power Llc,Other Equipment Repair-49. 98;Hasti ngs Outdoor Power Llc,Other Equipment-588. 98;Hasti ngs Tribune,Miscellaneous-193.99;Hastings Utilitie s,Electricity-470.87;Mcconnell Cleaning, Janitorial Agreements-230.00;Mid-nebraska Aggregate Inc,Mate rials - Gravel & Borr-10, 903.07;Murphy Tractor & E quipment Co ,Rd Eq Rep Parts-1, 240.71;Murphy Tract or & Equipment Co ,Express/freight-18.87;Murphy Tr actor & Equipment Co ,Rd Eq Rep Parts-75.00;Napa A lto Parts,Rd Eq Rep Parts-3.76;Napa Auto Parts, Sup dies - Shop-43. 98;Napa Auto Parts,Rd Eq Rep Parts -6. 90;Nmc Exchange Llc,Rd Eq Rep Parts-70. 88;Nebra ska Truck Center,Rd Eq Rep Parts-44.20;Matt Poppe, Miscellaneous-57.50;Ptsr,Miscellaneous-240.00;Sout hern Power District,Maint.work By Other-125. 00;Sou thern Power District,Electricity-359. 10;Square Dea 1 Lumber Co,Building Repair-24.38;State Of Nebrask a,Equipment - Fuel-3, 067.00;Thomsen Oil Company,Eq uipment - Fuel-5, 481. 18;Titan Machinery Inc. ,Rd Eq Rep Parts-2, 790.33;Titan Machinery Inc. ,Express/f reight-5.50;Us Bank,Small Tools, Etc.-52.28;Verizo n Connect Nwf Inc,Engineering/technical Equ-144. 92 ;Village Of Roseland,Water-78.00;W G Pauley Lumber Co, Supplies - Shop-7.70;W G Pauley Lumber Co,Othe r Road/bridge Materia-559.05;Woodwards Disposal Se rvice,Garbage-122.50 RURAL RD IMP DST 2013/1Y Werner Construction Co,Bituminous Surface Contra-2 , 438.06 COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS Anjanette Bonham,Cell Phones-25.00;Eakes Office So lutions, Supplies - Office-45. 99;Hastings Utilities ,Utilities-58.11;Hometown Leasing,Equipment Rental - Office-124. 18;Us Bank, Internet Service-99. 98; IISITORS IMPROVEMENT FUND ?RESERVATION & MODERNIZATION _Microfilm Imaging System,Equipment Rental - Office -184 .00;Mips,Miscellaneous Labor-371.75 VETERAN'S AID Veterans Service Office,Veterans Aid Costs-2, 000.0 0 INHERITANCE TAX Adams County Historical Soc,Historical Soc-3, 100.0 3;West Group Payment Center,Law Library-2, 879.38;P atricia Vacek,Lawn Maintenance Agreemen-2, 925.00; 799 1 Page AC & HWY 6 ROUNDABOUT Nebraska Dept Of Transport,Misc Road Contracts-200 , 000.00 ESCROW HOLDING FUND Central Nebraska Bobcat,Miscellaneous-230.00;Conso lidated Concrete Co,Miscellaneous-2, 453.25;Kully P ipe & Steel Supply,Miscellaneous-650.29;Stetson Bu ilding Products,Miscellaneous-1, 171.91 Pz 41110A 1i NTY 446, �.. El on Ort�imann r •'. Ra �.na R. Thoma Board Chairman .unty Clerk o SEAL Adams County Board of Supervisors Board of Equalization Minutes Courthouse,Adams County,Tuesday,October 15,2019 The Adams County Board of Equalization met on October 15,2019 at 10:00 a.m. in the Adams County Board Room to review and take action on 2019 levy rates and motor vehicle tax exemption applications. Chairman Eldon Orthmann presided over the meeting. Roll Call members present were: Michael Stromer—District 1, Glen Larsen—District 2, Lee Hogan- District 3,Scott Thomsen—District 4, Dale Curtis- District 5, Chuck Neumann—District 6, Eldon Orthmann—District 7. Motion by Curtis,seconded by Stromer to meet as a Board of Equalization to discuss and take action on motor vehicle exemption applications and 2019 levy rates. Roll Call;Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Entered Board of Equalization at 10:21 a.m. Adams County Clerk, Ramona Thomas, presented the Board with levy rates for Adams County Subdivisions based on the 2019/2020 budgets submitted by each subdivision. Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Larsen to approve the levy rates as presented by Thomas. Roll Call;Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann,Orthmann. Nays: None Adams County Treasurer, Melanie Curry present the Board with a motor vehicle tax exemption application submitted by Midland Area Agency on Aging. Curry has reviewed the application and confirmed the entity meets the requirements for exemption. 800 IPage , I , t I �'L1, i � roon.. Application for Exemption boat-wont FORM REVENUE from Motor Vehicle Taxes by Qualifying Nonprofit Organizations �p `1 tatcwt=,nr_cc�x`�}r„r ' .To be filed with yew county treasurotreasurer. • 45 I t 9 'Read Int truotlons on mono Ode. - Applloilnt's Name typo of OWnorship Midland Area Agency on Aging igJ Nonprofit street or Other Matlrt1gAddress , County Corporation 2727 West 2nd Street#440 Adams 0 Other(specify): City Slate Zip Godo Stale Where Incorporated F4asttngs,NE • 68901NE IDENTIFY OFFICERS,DIRECTORS,OR PARTNERS OF THE NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION lute Naso,AdOtoss City,Stole,Zip Coda ____ Chairperson ' Ghettos Naumann, 2727 W.2nd Street f1440,Hastings,NE 60901 Vice Chalrparson .Roger Wlover0727 W.2nd Street 114,10,Hastings,NE 84601 Secretory/Treasurer Rance Harman,2727 W.2nd Street1t440,Hastings,NE 66901 . • DESCRIPTION OFTHE MOTOR VEHICLES *Attach en addttIonel sheat,If neosssery. Reatetrailon Pale or Motor Vehicle hte"ke Model Year Body Type VehIeloI0Number �teofNewyAP rpnson• 3 Ford Fuelon _ ' 2019 • 4 DR Sedan 3FAOPOO78KR133708 September 10,2049 'Exempt Uses or hinter Vehicle: Aro the molar used exduaively 0 AflrtcurturalMoritcutturat Q Educational 0 Religious ®chfoik O Cemetery astndtceled? Give detailed dsscdplion of use,Including an explanation lf.ntulapte ugo classli eallone ext RYES ONO • Government Agency providing services to the public. If No,give percbnta9nofexempt use: ,:nP t Under penalties of lav,I declare That I have axamrsed tills , lion and that It to the best of ray knowledge and ballet two,complete,and correct I '• also declare that lain duly authorized tostunthis demotion application,endthatthoornanlzafon*Wrltagthenbovd•ilstedpropertydoesnotdiscriminate In membershtp or employment based on race,color,or national origin. • Sign tr A 1./(714s-;(—). AV V EXecutiveDIrector "it ion ` _ hi:1rd V Mi ,.unit A hurt t 'non Mtn Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hogan to approve the motor vehicle exemption request for Midland Area Agency on Aging. Roll Call;Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann,Orthmann. Nays: None Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hogan to exit Board of Equalization and resume regular session. Roll Call;Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann,Orthmann. Nays: None Regular session resumed at 10:25 a.m. (see minutes regular session minutes for 10/15/2019) 1 7 / Jr1TY`C ,--\ 44,t_s ' / ' El.On- Orthmann -* R. ona R. Thomas Board Chairman "•;y 41 ounty Clerk 801 1 Page