HomeMy WebLinkAbout0906 Minutes for September 6, 2022 Adams County Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes Tuesday,September 6,2022 Courthouse,Adams County A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners was held with Chairman Lee Hogan presiding. Motion by Patterson,seconded by Stromer that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson,Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Chairman Hogan inquired if there were any conflicts of interest. No conflicts were disclosed. Roll was taken, roll call members present, Michael Stromer-District 1,Glen Larsen—District 2, Lee Hogan- District 3, Harold Johnson—District 4, Dale Curtis- District 5,Chuck Neumann—District 6,Joe Patterson- District 7. Chairman Hogan requested a motion to approve all consent agenda items including: Minutes from the August 16, 2022 meeting, claims to be paid by the county clerk and officer reports from the District Court, Register of Deeds and the Sheriff Motion by Larsen, seconded by Patterson to approve all consent agenda items Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting.The agenda was available to the board members and was kept continuously current and posted in the County Clerk's office,the main courthouse lobby and the Adams County website.The following is the agenda of items to be heard, no modifications were made to the agenda after 9:30 a.m.the business day prior to this meeting. Agenda for Meeting of Adams Cent Board.f Cis Canty Board Room,Courthouse,28d Floor •DueofMeeting,September 6.2022 at 9:30 A.M. Chairman to request a motion that this is an open public meeting of the Adams Colony Board of Coetmessie®ors Announce location of Agenda&Open Meetings Law posmfs, Roulettes to turn off all cell Asses Pledge of Allegiance Conflicts of kunst Roll call Approval of consent agenda lams: • Mimes from previews meeting • Claims • Monthly Repot of Single Bank Pooled Collateral • Recognize disbursement of HRA Lords frog the Healthcare Fond(1275)for First Concord for deductible boydowa • Miscellaneous Receipts • Officer Repots Receive Cammeas from the Pub&: John Rut-Present for approval of the chairman's signage.the annul HIDTA Graffi Agreement Dale Curtis-Resent for possible approval.the following change ceders pertaining to the Adams County Lail • HVAC Budget $5400 • Electrical Budget 5 5.021 • Phonbing Badger S 3.717 • =OWNS 520.000 • Fee.Insurance.Bond S 6,162 • TOTAL BUDGET 519.100 Budget Committee-Resent forplsabk approval:Resolution 202249-0602:approving final levy allocations for political subdivisions in Adams Camey for 2022.2023 fiscal year Daum Fegler Deist-Approval and Anthacizatim for Chatnnan to sign Interlocal Agreement for Veterans' Treatment Cam Dieu!tiler-Reeder and Approval of the Stock:Imsasoey of cnaip ted metal pipe Dasid Bergin-Resent for possible approval Resolution 2022-09.06.01 to authaia appointed board members to sign change cedes relating to the Adams County lail cmwuction Michael Simmer-presort for possible approval.a coma with W Designs for county roof prole is This agenda is subject to amending ant 9:30 AM on the Monday preceding the Board ttseeong. Note to Citizens:Any agm8a item maybe moved down at any tune at the discretion of the Chairman of the Board of Co m issione s. Lau viand as S4pterrhr 1.`.n.f7 ere?97 T •r.F•Fgia 4••lmal a1wlm wi.MN•••w.�4.•We`ei!•"'t.••Y•W iramee *as col s fat Y C..•A4Ywa'• arum r ewer 61-73+0•.F.a.•32 46t-7141 F. •... i,. ..-• .,with o0r .1 swig ds l fat 9e Oweset M'.fOM=rPh ICC 46171137..TTY 4a:4n1•'k..'c.P.4tl:-461-71KWV••w•r4aew~raw at anima 6.0.lorry Wwwwit flew.P•wde r kw f:4av—#I Na>boom•W rw magic.m saw*ewes.wok*o.. __ The Mad mews 0.,O a go wt.amain;ri...1..sr weal da..t,win.."to.err t.•lwo..e d ere r.mic ilia..aa ere pamw dswami,wWw.w therq..wW•ofwmdi...LJ 802 ' Page Chairman Hogan opened the meeting to receive comments from the public. Board Administrator and budget preparer,Judy Mignery, informed the board of the joint public hearing that needs to be held as a result of the passing of LB644.The public hearing will be held on Monday, September 26, 2022 at 6:00 pm in the Adams County Board Room. No additional public comments were made. Adams County Sheriff,John Rust, presented the board with a contract award and special conditions for High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HITDA)funding. Rust has reviewed the contract and special conditions and is requesting approval of the chairman's signature on the contract and special conditions. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Stromer to approve the chairman signing the HIDTA contract and special conditions. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None QBE 1,ogr9 NEBRASKA STATE PATROL GRANT AGREEMENT tick ,As*, RECIPIENT NAME AND ADDRESS(including zip code) SUBAWARD NUMBER ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE 22HD05 500 W 2"'Street,Ste. 126 PROJECT PERIOD Hastings,NE 68901 January 1,2022 to December 31,2023 AWARD DATE May 2,2022 PROJECT TITLE TOTAL FEDERAL AWARD $1,174,861.00 CENTRAL NE DRUG AND SAFE STREETS TASK FORCE TOTAL AMOUNT OBLIGATED BY THIS SUBAWARD: $46,291.00 FEDERAL GRANT TITLE FEDERAL GRANT AWARD NUMBER CFDA NUMBER High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area(HIDTA)Initiative G22MW0007A 95.001 SPECIAL CONDITIONS The above grant project is approved subject to such conditions or limitations as set forth on the attached page(s). METHOD OF PAYMENT Primary method is reimbursement through submission of form NSP 161,Cash Report/Cash Request. APPRO\'ED BUDGET Category Federal Match Total Personnel-Investigative-Law Enforcement Officer $39,791.00 $0.00 $39,791.00 Services-Vehicle Lease-Passenger $6,000.00 $0.00 $6,000.00 Supplies-Office $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 Total Pro'ect Cost $46,291.00 $0.00 $46,291.00 ,AGE\Cl- APPROVAL TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF APPROVING OFFICIAL SIGNATURE OF APPROVING OFFICIAL ColonelJohn Bolduc Superintendent of Law Enforcement and Public Safety9)"-- Cl State Use Only Billing Code Business Unit Date Signed 22-SP-03 64905018 7- _ _l Z GRANTEE ACCEPTANCE TYPED NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED GRANTEE SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED GRANTEE OFFICIAL OFFICIAL I read and understand.the attached Terms and Special Conditions. l I��c jru , Chc.►r rnc..� �,::��y ( Ct. d Enter Grantee Employer ID Number(EIN)/Federal Tax ID Number. 41 -lC au Enter Grantee UEI Number Date Signed �1 .t4 ISI 803IPage NEBRASKA STATE PATROL AWARD NUMBER j AWARD DATE May 2,2022 SPECIAL CONDI7TONS 4. General Terms and Condition, 1. This grant is subject to The Uniform Administrative Requirements,Cost Principles,and Audit Requirements in 2 CFR Part 200(the"Part 200 Uniform Requirements"),as adopted and implemented by the Office of Nationl Drug Control Polity(ONDCP)in 2 CFR Part 3603. For this 2018 award,the Part 200 Uniform Requirements supersede,among other things,the provisions of 28 CFR Parts 66 and 70,as well as those of 2 CFR Parts 215,220,225,and 230. For more information on the Pan 200 Uniform Requirements,see htmr//cfo cov/cofar/ For specific,award related questions, subrecipiens should contact the Nebraska State Patrol Grants Section promptly for clarification. 2. This award is subject to the following additional regulations and requirement& • 28 CFR Part 69—"New Restrictions on Lobbying" • 2 CFR Part 25—"Universal Identifier and System of Award Management" • Conflict of Interest and Mandatory Disclosure Requirements,set out in#6 of these terms and conditions 3. Audits conducted pursuant to CFR Pan 200,Subpart F,"Audit Requirements"must be submitted no later than nine(9)months after the close of the subrecipient's audited fiscal year to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse at)rams://harvester.census,eov/facwcb.The Nebraska State Patrol will monitor subrecipient compliance with this requirement 4. The subtecipient gives the ONCDP,the Nebraska State Patrol,or the Government Accountability Office,through eery authorized representative,,cess to and the right to examine all paper or electronic records related to the grant 5. Recipients of HIDTA funds are not agents of ONDCP.Accordingly,subrecipiems,their fiscal agent(s),employees,contractors,as well as state,local and Federal participants,either on a collective basis oron apersonal level,shall not hold themselves out as being pan of or representing,the Executive office of the President or ONDCP. 6. Subrecipients ace prohibited from using HIDTA fonds to purchase certain telecommunication and video surveillance services or equipment in alignment with§889 ofthe National Defense Authorization Act of 2019,Pub.L.No.115-232.See 2 C.F.R.§200.216.See also,HIDTA PPBG,§720,Prohibited Uses of HIDTA Funds 7. Subrecipients should provide a psefetence,to the extent permitted by law,to maximize use of goods,products,and materials produced in the United States See 2 C.FR§200.322. 8. Subrecipients must comply with the Government-wide Suspension and Debarment provision set forth at 2 C.F.R§180,dealing with all contracts issued wider the grant 9. Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency(FFATA)/Digital Accamtabtlity and Transparency Act(DATA Act).Each subrecipient is required to(i)be registered in the System for Award Management(SAM);(h)provide a valid DUNS number on its subaward contract;(iii)continue to maintain an active SAM registration with current information at all times during which it has an active federal award;and(iv)provide all relevant subgrantee information required for the Nebraska State Patrol to collect for reporting related to FFATA and DATA Act requirements 10. Conflict of Interest and Mandatory Disclosure A Conflictof ngSSABeouirtmens Subrecipients must disclose in writing any potential conflict of interest to the Nebraska State Patrol.This disclosure must take place stately. The ONDCP conflict of interest policies apply to subrecipiens and contracts,and are as follows: i. Asa non-Federal entity,you mustmaintain Written Monads ofconduct covering conflicts ofinterest andgoverning the performance of your employees engaged in the selection,award,and administration of contract. ii. None of your employees may participate in the selection,award,or administration of a contract supported by a Federal award ifhe orshe has areal or amen=conflict of interest Suck a conflict of interest would arise when the employee,officer,or agent any member of his orher immediate family,his or her partner,or an organization which employs or is about to employ any of the parties indicated herein,has a financial or other interest in or a tangible personal benefit Bonn an organization considered for a contract The officers,employees,and agents of the non- federal entity must:tithe solicit nor accept gratuities,favors,or anything of monetary value from contractors or parties to contracts If you have a parent,affiliate,or subsidiary organization that is not a State,local government,or Indian tribe,you must also maintain written standards of conduct covering organizational conflicts of interest.Organizational matfett ofinterest mans thatbecause ofrelationships with aparent cornrow,affiliate,or subsidiary organization, you are unable or appear to be enable to be impartial in conducting a procurement action involving olving a related organization. B. Mandatory Disclosure Reouirement As a ren-federal entity,you must disclose,in a timely manner,in writing to the Nebraska State Patrol all violations of Federal criminal law involving fraud,bribery or gratuity violations potentially affecting the Federal award.Non-Federal entities that have received a Federal award that includes the term and condition outlined in 2 CFR Part 200,Appendix XII"Award Tem and Condition for Y Recipient and Performance Matters,"make lrequired to report amain civil,criminal,or administrative proceedings to the • for Award Management(SAM).Failure M required disclosures can result in remedies such as:temporary withholding of payments pending correction ofthe deficiency,disallowance of all or part ofthe costs associated with noncompliance,suspension, termination of award,debarment,or other legally available remedies outlined in 2 CFR 200.338"Remedies for Noncompliance". 11. As specified in the HIDTA Progam:Policy and Budget Guidance,recipient must a. Establish and maintain effective internal controls over the Federal award that provides reasonable assurance that Federal award funds are managed in compliance with Federal statutes,regulations and award terms and conditions.These internal controls should be in compliance with the guidance in"Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government,"issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and the"Vernal Control Integrated Framework,"issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission(COSO). b. Comply with Federal statutes,regulations,and the terms and conditions of the Federal awards. c. Evaluate and monitor camphorate with applicable statutes and regulations,and the terms and conditions of the Federal award. d. Take prompt action when instances of noncompliance are identified,including nonealphiana identified in audit findings. ngs. e. Take reasonable meamues to safeguard protected personally identified infbrmation(PH)and other information ONDCP or the recipient designates consistent with applicable Federal,state,and local laws regarding privacy and obligations of confidentiality. 12. Subawards are not allowed order this grant subaward. 13. Subrecipients must comply with the Govemmem-wide Suspension and Debarment provision set forth at 2 CFR Part 180. B. HIDTA Program Specific Terms and Conditions The following special conditions are incorporated into each award decmnen. 1. This grant is awarded forabone program Variation from the description of activities approved by ONDCP amid/or frontthebndgetattached to this letter must comply with the reprogramming requirements as set forth in ONDCP's HIDTA Program Policy and Budget Guidance. 2. This award is subject to the requirements in ONDCP's HIDTA Program Policy and Budget Guidance. 3. No HIDTA fiords shall be used to supplant state or local funds that would otherwise be made available for the same purposes. 4. The requirements of 28 CFR Part 23,which pertains to information collection and management of criminal intelligence systems,shall apply to any such systems supported by this award. 5. Special accounting and control procedures mast govern the use and handling of HIDTA Program finds for confidential expendivae&i.e., the purchase of information,evidence,and services for undercover operations.Those procedures are described in Section 6 of the HIDTA Program Policy and Budget Guidance. 6. Property acquired with these HIDTA grant finds is to be used for activities of the Midwest IATA.Ifyour agency acquires property with these funds and then ceases to participate in the HIDTA,this equipment must be made available to the IIIDTA's Executive Board for toe by other HIDTA participants. 7. All law enforcement entities that receive fluids from this grant must report all methamphetamine laboratory seizure data to the National Clandestine Laboratory Daabase/National Seizure System at the El Paso Intelligence Came. C. Par.meat Basis 1.A request for reimbursement shall be made by using the Nebraska State Patrol Cash Report/Cash Request form NSP161 by the 15w of each month.Copies of htvoiee,payroll registers,receipts and/or canceled checks must accompany the NSPI6I to provide documentation for the reimbtusenent request 2.Payments will be made by check or via Electronic Ftmd Transfer to the award recipient's bank account The bank must be FDIC insured. 804IPage Commissioner Curtis presented the board with the following change orders for construction of the Adams County Jail: • HVAC Budget S54,200 • Electrical Budget S 5.021 • Phimbing Budget S 3.717 • UNKOWNS 520.000 • Fee,Insurance,Bond $ 6,862 • TOTAL BUDGET $89,800 Midlands Mechanical, Inc. 058.MM. r H4.r.'!911111 F.0.1 M.4••.64...14.1.1..6..14 6 L�=11•001•11 le 696.1167 Yl E4 444416.2. HIM A.0681. 61 134.699.....6604144 ....•/818'4 rms.Law 9744WYII..MM Y.W T..•.4. .MI...tl.111d11f•.64 F...... 68.11814.4 ..p••••i•..•r•.rw 01•••••••••••WWI* w4464.••44.46.666..w• 4.•R••...a.......•.1126.4%6.so wr........•....w.rrw..•. ..a••.••........ .•..w ••.w•.w •..rrwl.•••••+...r►•.••••••.r•••.rrY..•.k.r•w.►wR r••ammo man.amp wwrw•►•••••..wa 14..0..4091.. ... 4.4611. To. 6164.994 labor 132949 1 1-171_8' /6.94.wow 0.47079 4..40 .1.. �. i6 tti•. 6.4 i 4820 i � )/9.191 .0.79 04 O.WY•. 9091124 14.6 4 • 6..*91.4..01.81 1111 1160 4 1666..33 }. T..b 1 371 (l17 l 133/6. t••=./.4�Mo61M . •l. 6.16 .$8 i 69161 4w1046 4 1.ws4 Rtl.p 1 1111.37 8.8.. 44691.46.1.1 1 "%a.. 161417 0110•111••••••04011101101. 91..441302664% 1181 748. 44.4.1 ado I r GAG.GGGG1 61016797106 66 +yti !.91660 y`{ T..N 6..•.• 9 149 {8 217.,4 11..... 1 - . 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This price increase incudes all labor and material associate with PR006. Details of the proposal are as follows: - Furnish and Install a branch circuit to feed HVAC unit proposed by Rutts - VFD's or control wiring is not included Please issue a contract amendment for($5,021),at your earliest convenience.The above price is subject to cost changes if not accepted in seven(7)days. Commonwealth Electric Company of the Midwest reserves all rights to make additional claims for impact on other work which is caused by this additional and/or changed work. This change will require a(3 Day)schedule extension to our contract. If you have any questions regarding this,please give me a call. Sincerely, James Haake Project Manager Office:402-474-1341 Cell:402-416-3415 jhaake@commonwealthelectric.com CHANGE ORDER BREAKDOWN 233277 Adams County Justice CO#5-PROO6 Date Submitted:8/15/2022 Adds: Material: $ 2,526.00 Regular Labor Hours: 30 Overtime Labor Hours: 0 Quotes: $ - Double Time Labor Hours: 0 $ Premium Portion OT Hours 0 Premium Portion DT Hours 0 Total $2.526.00 Regular Labor Rate: $65.00 Overtime Labor Rate: $97.50 Double Time Labor Rate: $130.00 Premium Portion Rate OT $32.50 Equipment: $0.00 Premium Portion Rate DT $65.00 Sales Tax: $0.00 Total Field Labor: $1,950.00 Total Material&Equip.w/Tax $2,526.00 Material&Labor Total: $4,476.00 Subcontract $0.00 Direct Job Expense $97.50 Mark-Up Subcontract $0.00 10%Overhead&Profit: $447.60 Admin.Labor: $0.00 CECM Low Voltage $0.00 Sub Total: $5,021.10 Freight: $0 00 Total: $5,021.10 806 I Page L HEATING & A/C INC. Proposal SHEET METAL 1001 W 1st St Date Estimate# Hastings NE 68901 8/11/2022 16692 Name/Address/Phone Number Beckenhauer Construction,Inc 1901 Riverside Blvd Norfolk,NE 68701 H22134 Adams County Justice Center We hereby submit specifications for: PR-006 Adams County Justice Center The following is not Included;cutting of penetrations through roof and walls,roofing,gas piping,electrical wiring and painting of exposed ductwork. Total Note:This proposal may be withdrawn if not accepted within 45 days. If payment made by Authorized Signature credit card exceeds$1000.00,add 2%to the total amount due. Acceptance of Proposal Signature cov‘ COMMERCIAL AIR MANAGEMENT,Inc. Manufacturers Representatives•7401 South 85th Street•Omaha'Nebraska•68128•402-339-9177•Fax 402-339-0566 Quote#02-1386-PR-006 Justln Vodicka 8/5/2022 RUTTS HEATING&AC ATTN:RYAN The following is your cost and includes addendum#:PR#006 Job: ADAMS COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER(CONST) Loc: HASTINGS,NE Branch circuit based Eng: OLMSTED&PERRY CONSULTING ENGINEERS,INC on this information, Bid: 8/5/2022 GREENHECK 1 - CUBE-200-20 4,160 CFM 2 HP;3 PHASE,460 V SWITCH,NEMA-1,TOGGLE,SHIPPED W/UNIT DAMPER,115 VAC ACTUATED FLAT ROOF CURB STARTER NOT INCLUDED 1 - DGX-P115-H12-MF 4,160 CFM HEATING SELECTION: HEATING:DIRECT GAS(NATURAL) ENERGY IN/OUT:400.0/368.0 MBH LEAVING DRY BULB:65.9 F AIR FLOW ARRANGEMENT:OUTDOOR AIR ONLY DAMPER:INLET WEATHERHOOD HEAT INLET AIR SENSOR UNIT CONTROLS:TERMINAL STRIP TEMPERATURE CONTROL:DISCHARGE FLAT ROOF CURB All neem are snipped F.O.B.factory,sates tax s not IKWded and pricing a va6 4 for 30 days,unless otneraose noted. Page 1 of 2 807 ' Page /VC ‘ COMMERCIAL AIR MANAGEMENT, Inc. Manufacturers Representatives'7401 South 85th Street*Omaha•Nebraska'68128.402-339-9177•Fax 402-339-0566 02-1386-PR-006 CONTINUED BRASCH 1 - GSE2-C•- • LOCAL PANEL&CO DETECT•- 1 - GSE2-CM-REMOTE REMO -• - ` OR VERIFY NO2 IS NOT N - : • AD 9 -=- ADDITIONAL REMOTE SENSORS UP TO A TOTAL OF(3) Engineered Controls Inc. 1101 Saunders Ave. Engineered ControlsLincoln, NE 68521 INC. Phone 402-434-2110 BUILDING CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES Fax 402-434-2111 Date: August 3.2022 Proposal:Q21L-1153 PR-006 Plans&specs by:Prochaska& To: Ryan Run Associates From: Todd Sclunidt/Engineered Controls Inc. Dated: Per Plans 06/2712022 Project: Hastings/Adams County Justice Center PR-006 Specifications: 230923.230993 Hastings.NE Addendum: 1.2.3 We are pleased to submit for your consideration our proposal to furnish and install the Honeywell temperature controls for the Hastings/Adams County Justice Center.Our proposal is based on the plans and specifications by Prochaska&Associates. Our Base Price for this temperature control work is and is based on the following scope of work. The following items are included in our Base Bid: 1. To furnish and install new DDC Controls for Sallyport Exhaust System •Includes new gas detection system panel. •Includes two(2)CO sensors. •Includes two(2)NO sensors. •Includes new 28"X14"controls damper with electric actuator. •Includes start/stop and status of Exhaust fan. *Includes start/stop and status of MAU. •Includes interlock wiring. •Includes all low voltage controls. •Includes monitoring VIA BACnet to BMS. 2. To furnish and install all required software.graphics.and customer training. 3. Includes project management.hardware engineering,installation.programming.and check-out. 4. Conduit in Sallyport for low voltage controls. Exclusions from this base price: 1. Installation of control dampers. 2. Installation of or providing of control valves. 3. VFD'S!Magnetic startersidisconnectsrconntactors for HVAC equipment. 4. Factory start-up or warranty of any equipment not provided by Engineered Controls Inc. 5. Any temporary controls for temporary heating or cooling. 6. Any Access Panels or Doors. 7. Providing.installation,or wiring of duct smoke detectors or fire/smoke dampers. 8. Performance and Payment Bond. 9. Providing of any equipment or controls not specifically listed above. 10.Overtime work. 11.Providing of any DDC controls to meet sequence requirements for RTUS. 12.Providing or wiring of any controls for EUH-1 and 2. 13.Interconnecting control wiring for MAU-1 to KH-1 and KEF-1 done by Elec per Adenium. 14.Sales Tax. AMMO Omaha - 10703 J Street. Omaha. NE 68127, Phone(402)339-1300. Fax(402)339-1311 Paae 1 of 1 808 ' Page HEATING A/C INC. Proposal -SHEET METAL- 1001 W Ist St Date Estimate 6 Hastings NE 68901 8(1112022 16692 Name/Address/Phone Number Beckenhauer Construction.Inc 1901 Riverside Blvd Norfolk,NE 68101 1122134 Adams County Justice Center We hereby submit specifications for: PR-0O6 Adams County Justice Center Spreadsheet Pricing$53,398.75 Add for Bond 8801.25 The following is not included:cutting of penetrations through roof and walls,roofing,gas piping.electrical wiring and painting of exposed ductwork. Total 654,200.00 Note:This proposal may be withdrawn if not accepted within 45 days. if payment made by Authorized Signature credit card exceeds$1000.00.add 2%to the total amount due. Acceptance of Proposal Sigatttre PROJECT NAME: CHANGE PROPOSAL.FOR SUBCONTRACTORS Change Proposal No. ACJC PR-6 Date of Proposal 8.111022 Description of Rork Pr-6 Labor Breakdown Labor Classification Hours Labor Ratehir. Labor Amount Sbeemxtal Journeyman 80 70.00 5,600.00 Sheetmetal Apprentice 80 60.00 4,800.00 Foreman!d 20%Labor-Super 32 75.00 2.400.00 Foreman Overtime 4 20%Labor 112.50 0.00 Project Manger 4.5%Labor 9.6 110.00 1,056.00 Stall Tools 83.00 Per How 604.80 Safety and Osha 0.75 Per How 151.20 Total Labor Costs 14,612.00 Material Breakdown(ase additional sheets if necessary) Material DescnpnoseEquipment l Quantity Unit Cost Material Amounts Exhaust Fan and Makeup Air Unit 1 8,963.00 8.963.00 Sheetmetai-28x16.200' l 4,100.00 4,100.00 Hanpng Materials 1 500.00 50000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 Subtotal Material Costs Total 13,563.00 Sales Tax on Material 7% If applicable Total Material Costs 13.563.00 Other Direct Costs(Subcontractors,Suppliers,Equipment,Travel,Performance&Payment Bonds,etc.) Quantity Unit Cost Other Cost Annuots Duct Insulation 1.00 83.000.00 3.000.00 Engineer Controls 1.00 516.950.00 16.95000 Equipment Rental 1.00 5900.00 900.00 Au Balancing 1.00 8800.00 800.00 000 Subsistence and Motel 8120 00 000 Truck Expense 8600 000 Total Other Direct Costs 21.650.00 1.Total Labor Costs 14,612.00 2.Total Material Costs 13,563.00 3.Total Other Direct Costs 21,650.00 4.Total Labor,Material&Other Direct Costs 849,825.00 5.Profit&Overhead(550)of Lime 1 8730.60 6.Profit&Overhead(5{a)of Line 2 5678.15 7.Profit&Overhead(10%)of Line 3 $2,165.00 8.Bond 1.5%if applicable 9.Grand Total(Lines,4,5,6&7) 553,398.75 809jPage aVilk COMMERCIAL AIR MANAGEMENT, Inc. Manufacturers Representatives'7401 South 85th Street•Omaha'Nebraska'68128'402-339-9177'Fax 402-339-0566 Quote#Q2-1386-PR-006 Justin Vodicka 8/5/2022 RUTTS HEATING&AC ATTN: RYAN The following is your cost and includes addendum#: PR#006 Job: ADAMS COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER(CONST) Loc: HASTINGS,NE Eng: OLMSTED&PERRY CONSULTING ENGINEERS,INC Bid: 8/5/2022 GREENHECK 1 - CUBE-200-20 4,160 CFM 2 HP;3 PHASE,460 V SWITCH,NEMA-1,TOGGLE,SHIPPED W/UNIT DAMPER, 115 VAC ACTUATED FLAT ROOF CURB STARTER NOT INCLUDED 1 - DGX-P115-H12-MF 4,160 CFM HEATING SELECTION: HEATING:DIRECT GAS(NATURAL) ENERGY IN/OUT:400.0!368.0 MBH LEAVING DRY BULB:65.9 F AIR FLOW ARRANGEMENT:OUTDOOR AIR ONLY DAMPER:INLET WEATHERHOOD HEAT INLET AIR SENSOR UNIT CONTROLS:TERMINAL STRIP TEMPERATURE CONTROL:DISCHARGE FLAT ROOF CURB (2)TOTAL=$8,963.00 All items are shipped F.O.B.factory,sates tax is not included and pricing is valid for 30 days,unless otherwise noted Page lof2 CLIVk COMMERCIAL AIR MANAGEMENT, Inc. Manufacturers Representatives'7401 South 85th Street•Omaha•Nebraska•68128.402-339-9177'Fax 402-339-0566 02-1386-PR-006 CONTINUED BRASCH 1 - GSE2-C*- ! LOCAL PANEL&CO DETECT•- 1 - GSE2-CM-REMOTE REMO •! - OR VERIFY NO2 IS NOT a 2)TOTAL=$1,582.00 AD• -%- ADDITIONAL REMOTE SENSORS UP TO A TOTAL OF(3) (ADD)TOTAL=$449.00 810IPage Engineered Controls Inc. 1101 Saunders Ave. Engineered Controls Lincoln,NE 68521 Phone 402-434-211 0 INC. Fax 402434-2111 BUILDING CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES Proposal:Q21L-1153 PR-006 Date: August 3,2022 Plans&specs by:Prochaska& Associates To: Ryan Rett Dated:Per Plans 06/27/2022 From: Todd Schmidt/Engineered Controls Inc. Project: Hastings/Adams County Justice Center PR-006 Specifications: 230923,230993 Hastings,NE Addendum:1,2,3 We are pleased to submit for your consideration our proposal to furnish and install the Honeywell temperature controls for the Hastings/Adams County Justice Center.Our proposal is based on the plans and specifications by Prochaska&Associates. Our Base Price for this temperature control work is S16,950.00 and is based on the following scope of work. The following items are included in our Base Bid: 1. To furnish and install new DDC Controls for Sallyport Exhaust System •Includes new gas detection system panel. •Includes two(2)CO sensors. •Includes two(2)NO sensors. •Includes new 28"X14"controls damper with electric actuator. •Includes start/stop and status of Exhaust fan. •Includes start/stop and status of MAU. •Includes interlock wiring. •Includes all low voltage controls. •Includes monitoring VIA BACnet to BMS. 2. To furnish and install all required software,graphics,and customer training. 3. Includes project management,hardware engineering,installation,programming,and check-out. 4. Conduit in Sallyport for low voltage controls. Exclusions from this base price: 1. Installation of control dampers. 2. Installation of or providing of control valves. 3. VFD'S/Magnetic starters/disconnects/contactors for HVAC equipment. 4. Factory start-up or warranty of any equipment not provided by Engineered Controls Inc. 5. Any temporary controls for temporary heating or cooling. 6. Any Access Panels or Doors. 7 Providing,installation,or wiring of duct smoke detectors or fire/smoke dampers. 8. performance and Payment Bond. 9_ Providing of any equipment or controls not specifically listed above. 10.Overtime work. 11.Providing of any DDC controls to meet sequence requirements for RTUS. 12.Providing or wiring of any controls for EUH-1 and 2. 13.Interconnecting control wiring for MAU-1 to KH-1 and KEF-1 done by Elec per Ademum. 14.Sales Tax. Omaha-10703 J Street Omaha HE 68137 Fhonr{402)339-1300 Fax(402}339-1311 Gage 1 of) Curtis has reviewed the change orders and is requesting the board approve the chairman signing all change orders totaling$89,800.00 Motion by Neumann seconded by Stromer to approve the change orders as presented by Curtis. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None. Commissioner Neumann presented the board with Resolution 2022-09-06.02 approving levy allocations for political subdivisions for the 2022/2023 fiscal year. Motion by Patterson,seconded by Neumann to approve Resolution 2022-09-06.02 as presented by Neumann. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE FINAL LEVY ALLOCATIONS FOR POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS IN ADAMS COUNTY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1,2022 Adams County Resolution No.2022-09.06.02 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA that: 811 ' Page The Final Levy Allocations for the political subdivisions of Adams County for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1,2022 and ending June 30,2023 shall be set as follows: Ag.Society General Tax Levy 0.017446 Bond Tax Levy 0.000000 Hastings RFD General Tax Levy 0.027509 Bond Tax Levy 0.013212 Holstein RFD General Tax Levy 0.024012 Bond Tax Levy 0.000000 Juniata RFD General Tax Levy 0.018558 Bond Levy Tax 0.011198 Kenesaw RFD General Tax Levy 0.006188 Bond Tax Levy 0.000000 Roseland RFD General Tax Levy 0.024914 Bond Tax Levy 0.000000 ADOPTED this 6th day of September,2022,at Hastings,Nebraska,by the Adams County Board of Commissioners. Lee Hogan,Chairman ATTESTED by: Ramona Thomas,County Clerk Adams County Attorney, Donna Fegler Daiss presented the board with an interlocal agreement between the counties of Adams, Buffalo, Hall and Nebraska Probation to maintain the Central Nebraska Veteran's treatment Court. Fegler Daiss has reviewed the agreement and is requesting approval of the chairman signing the agreement. Motion by Curtis, seconded by Johnson to approve the chairman signing the interlocal agreement as presented by Fegler Daiss. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT CENTRAL NEBRASKA VETERANS'TREATMENT COURT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the Nebraslca Counties of Buffalo,Hall,and Adams each a political subdivision of the State of Nebraska(hereinafter "Counties"),and the Nebraska Administrative Office of Probation('Probation")(collectively the"parties")to maintain the established Central Nebraska Veterans'Treatment Court. WHEREAS,the Counties and Probation have established a Veterans'Treatment Court in Central,Nebraska serving Probation Districts 9&10;pursuant to the approval granted by the Nebraska Supreme Court on September 21,2016. WHEREAS,pursuant to Neb.Rev.Stat.§29-2255,this Agreement must provide that County shall cover all costs associated with the participation of probation personnel or use of probation resources other than costs covered by funds provided pursuant to Neb.Rev.Stat.§29-2262.07 or substance abuse treatment costs covered by funds appropriated for such purpose. WHEREAS,the only costs not covered by funds provided pursuant to Neb.Rev.Stat.§29- 2262.07 or funds appropriated for substance abuse treatment are those costs for office space and necessary office equipment and supplies assumed by County pursuant to Section 7 of this Agreement;and WHEREAS,Probation is willing to provide staffing so that the Counties and Probation can adequately meet the service needs of the Veterans'Treatment Court for each respective county; NOW THEREFORE,the parties mutually agree as follows: 1. The Parties hereby agree to the continuation of the Central Nebraska Veterans'Treatment Court for adult offenders who are veterans of the armed services within Buffalo,Hall,and Adams Counties of Nebraska first established on February 01,2021. 2. The Agreement is in effect from July 1,2022,through June 30,2025.This Agreement may be modified only by mutual written agreement of the parties hereto. 3. Probation will provide Staff for the Veterans'Treatment Court.Staff shall serve in Buffalo, Hall and Adams counties. Staff shall be employees of Probation and shall exclusively perform their duties in accordance with Probation Policy and Procedures.Said Staff shall be selected by the District's Chief Probation Officer with the approval of Probation.The aforementioned Staff shall perform duties respectively as outlined within his/her job description in a professional and competent manner. 4. Participants in the Central Nebraska Veterans' Treatment Court who access programs or services in which Probation personnel or Probation resources are utilized shall be charged the one-time administrative enrollment fee and the monthly Probation programming fee required pursuant to Neb.Rev.Stat.§29-2262.06(2). Any participant who defaults on the payment of any such fees may be removed from such program or service,at the discretion of the Central Nebraska Veterans' Treatment Court. This does not preclude additional local fees for participation in such programs and services. The Page 1 of 4 812 ' Page INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT CENTRAL NEBRASKA VETERANS'TREATMENT COURT Central Nebraska Veterans'Treatment Court shall establish the administrative enrollment fee and monthly Programming fees in accordance with the rules established by Probation and policies adopted by the Central Nebraska Veterans'Treatment Court. 5. It is expressly agreed by the parties that this Agreement does not creatr an employer/employee relationship between the County and Staff. Staff shall not receive any compensation directly from the County and shall receive only such compensation,including benefits,as they may be entitled to pursuant to their terms of employment with Probation. Staff shall at all times be employees of Probation,and Probation shall be responsible for payment of all federal,state,local, and any other payroll taxes with respect to Staff compensation. G. It is expressly agreed by the parties that Probation will provide training to the Staff at Probation's expense.The Counties agree to provide,at no cost to Probation,office space and necessary office equipment and supplies for respective Staff. 7. Each party hereby agrees to obey and comply with any and all applicable laws,rules,arid regulations in governing its activities underthe terms of this Agreement. Further,each party agrees that in providing services pursuant to this Agreement,it shall not discriminate against any employee,an applicant for employment,juvenile,or any other person on the basis of race,color,religion, sex,disability,national origin,age,marital status,receipt of public assistance,or any other basis prohibited by applicable state or federal law. 8. Each party hereby agrees that it will be responsible for its own acts and the results thereof and shall not be responsible for the acts of the other party and the results thereof.Each party agrees that it will assume all risk and liability to itself,its agents,or employees for any injury to persons or property resulting in any manner from the conduct of its own operations and the operations of its agents or employees under this Agreement.Further,each Party shall maintain a policy or policies of insurance(or a self-insurance program)sufficient in coverage and amount to pay and judgments or related expense from or in conjunction with any such claims.Nothing in this Agreement shall require either party to indemnify or hold harmless the other party from liability for the negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of said other party or its principals,officers,or employees. 9. Due to the possible future reductions in funds,neither party can guarantee the continued availability of funding for this Agreement notwithstanding the consideration stated above. In the event funds to finance this Agreement become unavailable either in full or in part due to such reductions in appropriations,either party may terminate the contract or reduce the consideration upon notice in writing to the other party.The effective date of such Agreement termination or reduction in consideration shall be the actual effective date of the elimination or reduction of appropriat ions. In the event of a reduction in consideration,either party may cancel this Agreement as of the effective date of the proposed reduction upon the provision of advance written notice to the other party. Page 2 of 4 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT CENTRAL NEBRASKA VETERANS'TREATMENT COURT 10.It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto, that if any part,term,condition,or provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal or in conflict with any laws of this State or of the United States,the validity of the remaining parts,terms,conditions or provision shall not be affected,and the rights and obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced as if the Agreement did not contain that particular part, term,condition or provision. 1 I.Either party may terminate this Agreement for any reason by giving the other party thirty (30)days written notice of its intention to terminate. 12.This Agreement may not be assigned without the prior written consent of the other party. Any assignment without the prior written consent of the other party shall be absolutely void. 13.This Agreement shall supersede any and all previous agreements between the parties regarding the subject matter covered herein, and any previous agreements are hereby terminated by this agreement of the parties. This Agreement may be amended only by a written instrument executed by the parties subsequent to the effective date of this Agreement. The effective date of this Agreement shall be July 1,2022. 14.This agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts,and each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. EXECUTED this day of ,2022 by the Administrative Office of the Courts&Probation. Deb Minardi State Probation Administrator EXECUTED this day of .2022 by Buffalo County,Nebraska Ivan Klein,Chairman Buffalo County Board of Commissioners Page 3 of 4 813 ' Page INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT CENTRAL NEBRASKA VETERANS'TREATMENT COURT EXECUTED this day of ,2022 by Hall County,Nebraska Ronald Peterson,Chairman Hall County Board of Commissioners EXECUTED this day of ,2022 by Adams County,Nebraska Lee Hogan,Chairman Adams County Board of Commissioners Adams County Assistant Highway Superintendent, Greg Anderson, presented the board with bids received for corrugated pipe.Anderson has reviewed the bids and is recommending accepting the low bid of$47,665.00 from Ace Irrigation. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Patterson to accept the low bid from Ace Irrigation for corrugated pipe totaling$47,665.00. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None. STOCK/INVENTORY CMP BID TAB SHEET Inventory 2022 Thursday,September 1,2022 2:00 pm Ace Irrigation Contech Metal Culverts Midwest Sales 8 Service PIPE Base Bid Each S/SW/R Base Bid Each S/SW/R Base Bid Each S/SW/R Base Bid Each S/SW/R 18"Rd dia X 44'length,16 ga. $974.60 SW 1,056.00 $1,293.60 R X 20 St9,492.00 $21,120.00 $25,872.00 24"Rd dia X 46'length,16 ga. $1,357.00 SW $1,398.40 $1,807.80 R X 20 $27,140.00 $27,968.00 $36,156.00 Bands 18"Rd dia.X 24"wide,16 ga. $44.30 $60.00 $58.80 44?;, X 10 $443.00 $600.00 $588.00 24"Rd dia.X 24"wide,16 ga. $59.00 $76.00 $78.60 X 10 $590.00 $780.00 $786.00 Grand Total $47,685.00 $50,448.00 $63,402.00 Delivery 4-8 Weeks 6-8 Weeks ARO Date Award: Attest: Board of Supervisors: To: County Clerk Chairman Low Bid: Deputy Attorney Bergin presented the board with Resolution 2022-09-06.01 that would allow members of the jail committee to approve change orders relating to the construction of the Adams County Jail. The resolution allows for any of the three appointed individuals to authorize change orders.All approved change orders then must be sent to the board at the next regular meeting for approval. Commissioner Patterson inquired what happens if a member approves the change order and it is later denied by the full board. 814IPage Deputy Bergin stated then the board is"in trouble" as they have designated these individuals to authorize changes. Bergin stated he had contacted Lancaster County where they handled change orders during their jail construction the same way. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Johnson to approve resolution 2022-09-06.01 to authorize Lee Hogan, Dale Curtis and Michael Stromer to sign necessary change orders relating to the jail construction. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None. RESOLUTION TO APPOINT MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHO SHALL BE AUTHORIZED TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDERS OR CHANGE REQUESTS TO THE CONTRACT FOR BUILDING THE NEW ADAMS COUNTY JAIL FACILITY Adams County Resolution No.2022-09.06.01 BE if RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA that Pursuant to Nebraska Revised Statutes Section 13-2912,the following members of the Board of Commissioners are hereby appointed and authorized,acting individually,to approve change orders and change requests to the contract for the building of the new Adams County Jail Facility: Lee Hogan Dale Curtis Michael Stromer Any such change orders or change requests shall be presented by the Board Member approving such change orders or change requests at the nett regular meeting of the Board for review and approval by the Board of Commissioners as a whole. ADOPTED this 6th day of September,2022,at Hastings,Nebraska,by the Adams County Board of Commissioners. Lee Hogan,Chairman ATTESTED by: Ramona Thomas,County Clerk Commissioner Stromer stated his agenda item of signing a contract with W Design will need to be postponed as no surety bond has not been received. Motion by Patterson, seconded by Johnson to table the agenda item of possible approval of a contract with W Designs for county roof projects, be tabled until the September 20, 2022 meeting. Roll Call, Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson,Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None. Board adjourned by unanimous consent at 10:07 am. COUNTY GENERAL ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 195.00 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 458 .25 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 789.75 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 546.98 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 576.23 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 283.73 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 703.96 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 97 .50 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 360.75 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 429.00 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 429.00 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 1, 865. 19 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 1, 365. 98 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,VICTIMS ASSISTANCE PROGRA 195.00 815 ' Page ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 2, 707 . 61 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 97 .50 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 165.75 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 186.23 HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 447 . 61 ASSOCIATED STAFFING INC,OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 1, 512 . 42 BEAR GRAPHICS INC, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 303.13 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 35.00 QUILL CORPORATION, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 212 .03 ASSOCIATED STAFFING INC,REG CLERICAL 4, 132.38 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 965. 97 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 357 . 92 MIPS, FORMS PRINTING 121. 66 MIPS, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 1, 472 .99 NACO,DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 190.00 DELL MARKETING LP,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 654.00 DELL MARKETING LP, DATA PROCESSING 2, 604 .00 DELL MARKETING LP,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 3,297 .00 HOMETOWN LEASING,COPY MACH RENT 199.00 NEBRASKA SUPREME COURT, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 166.35 ACE AUTOMOTIVE,VEHICLE REPAIR 312 .27 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 25.00 VANGUARD APPRAISALS INC,DATA PROCESSING COSTS 5, 800.00 ADAMS COUNTY CLERK OF DIST CRT, DISTRICT COURT COSTS 1, 090.00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 44 .70 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 45.00 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 898 .13 HALL COUNTY SHERIFF, JUROR FEES 24. 45 LANCASTER COUNTY SHERIFF, DISTRICT COURT COSTS 7 . 97 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 175.00 JACKIE J STROMER QUEEN, DISTRICT COURT COSTS 120.00 JERI L HINRICHS,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 199.50 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 128.74 WALMART - CAPITAL ONE,COUNTY COURT COSTS 66.54 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 34 .20 DAS STATE ACCOUNTING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 26.00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 76.80 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 544 . 98 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 582. 14 ASSOCIATED STAFFING INC,REG CLERICAL 2,251.20 LIESKE LIESKE & ENSZ,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 6, 052 .50 MARSHA E FANGMEYER,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 2, 546.00 FYE LAW OFFICE,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 4, 801. 68 SKALKA & BAACK LAW FIRM,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 3, 614.00 DIER OSBORN & COX PC LLO,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 1, 598 .25 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,MOWERS 57. 99 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 528 .36 HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES 3, 684 .55 LANDMARK IMPLEMENT INC,OTHER EQUIPMENT 2, 500.00 MENARDS, SUPPLIES - SHOP 69.33 MENARDS, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 49.70 SAAT PLUMBING & EXCAVATING LLC,BLDG REPAIR-ACOB 150.00 MIPS,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 533. 10 MIPS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 190.00 ACE AUTOMOTIVE,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 626.88 COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 26.20 CORNHUSKER PRESS INC, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 268.63 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 839.32 GRACES LOCKSMITH SERVICES, SAFETY EQUIPMENT 22.50 GRAHAM TIRE GRAND ISLAND,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 24 .84 HASTINGS FORD-LINCOLN,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 61.28 HOMETOWN LEASING,CONTRACT SERV 58 .26 INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER ,MISCELLANEOUS 96.30 JANITOR INC, JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS 551. 16 JERRY SPADY CADILLAC GMC INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 1, 452.82 MIPS,MISCELLANEOUS 68 .90 NEBRASKA PUBLIC HLTH EVIRO LAB, SHERIFF COSTS 105.00 SAYLER SCREENPRINTING,SHERIFF COSTS 83.50 WILLIAMS EXTERMINATING CO,MISCELLANEOUS 18.00 ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY,COURT RELATED COSTS 2.00 ANTELOPE COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS 6.00 8161 Page WENDY C. CUTTING,COURT RELATED COSTS 56.25 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 171.07 HALL COUNTY COURT,COURT RELATED COSTS 3.25 HALL COUNTY SHERIFF, JUVENILE COURT COSTS 18 .50 HARLAN COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS 18.50 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 627. 43 HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES, INSTITUTIONAL COSTS 465.00 OUTAGAMIE SHERIFFS OFFICE, JUVENILE COURT COSTS 50.00 POTTAWATTAME COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS 108.00 ALLO COMMUNICATIONS, INTERNET SERVICE 646.39 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INTERNET SERVICE 399.00 DAS STATE ACCOUNTING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 704 .00 VERIZON WIRELESS,CELL PHONES 162.70 WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES 1, 469.78 WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES 150.00 WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES 326.14 AMERICAN JAIL ASSOCIATION,DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 495.00 ADAMS COUNTY JAIL/SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1, 793.84 BERTS PHARMACY,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 187 .78 BRYAN HEART,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 6, 174 . 96 CASH WA DISTRIBUTING,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 3, 468 . 68 CENTRAL DENTAL GROUP,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 458 .00 CIVIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE INC, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 249. 95 CLAY COUNTY SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 2, 860.00 CORNHUSKER PRESS INC, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 88 .53 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 90.73 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, JAIL SUPPLIES 49. 99 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 150.00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, DUES,SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 216.59 ENCARTELE INC,COMMISSARY-PHONE CARDS 300.00 GALLS LLC, PROVISIONS & CLOTHING 987 .00 GI RADIOLOGY,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 20.55 GRAHAM TIRE GRAND ISLAND,TRAVEL EXPENSES 624. 16 HALL COUNTY DEPT OF CORRECTION,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 9, 116.85 HAMILTON COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 6,200.00 HASTINGS VISION CLINIC PC,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 215.00 HOMETOWN LEASING,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 181.78 HOBART SALES & SERVICE,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 259. 60 JIM' S U-SAVE PHARMACY,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 88.86 KEEFE SUPPLY COMPANY,COMMISSARY 532.54 KEITH'S DRIVE IN DRUG,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 581.87 KENESAW MOTOR CO INC,TRAVEL EXPENSES 74.24 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 285. 18 MIPS,MISCELLANEOUS 68. 90 NESBITT AND ASSOCIATES INC,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1, 708.56 PROFORMA BUSINESS WORLD, PROVISIONS & CLOTHING 113. 94 PROFORMA BUSINESS WORLD, JAIL SUPPLIES 65.01 SAAT PLUMBING & EXCAVATING LLC,BUILDING REPAIR 9, 404.78 STATE OF NEBRASKA,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 10, 390.25 STATE OF NEBRASKA,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 2, 728.51 US FOODS INC,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 2, 105. 68 WILLIAMS EXTERMINATING CO,MISCELLANEOUS 28 .00 PHELPS COUNTY TREASURER,TELEPHONE SERVICES 55.88 CENTURY LINK,TELEPHONE SERVICES 157. 90 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 58.78 CULLIGAN OF KEARNEY,MISCELLANEOUS 14.00 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 833.59 MIDWEST CONNECT, POSTAL SERVICES 154 .77 NEBRASKA TECH & TELECOM INC,TELEPHONE SERVICES 294 . 95 CITY OF HASTINGS,AMBULANCE COSTS 5, 208.33 HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES 296.80 PRESTO-X,MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 45. 10 DARRIN LEWIS, 2020 SHSP-PET GRANT 65.26 ALLIED UNIVERSAL, SECURITY CONTRACTS BY OTH 5, 771.26 COMMUNITY ACTION PART MID-NEBR,HANDI-BUS 1, 186.13 FIRST CONCORD BENEFITS GROUP,CAFETERIA PLAN ADMIN FEES 332 .50 HERITAGE BANK, INTERNET SERVICE 50.00 MIDWEST CONNECT, POSTAL SERVICES 3, 000.00 MIDWEST CONNECT, POSTAL SERVICES 3, 000.00 MIPS,BUDGET PREPARATION COSTS 47 .27 MIPS, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 347 .50 REGION 3 BEHAVIORAL HLTH SRVCS,MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES AC 6, 894 .41 817 1 Page THOMSEN OIL COMPANY,UTILITIES 476. 64 ROAD - BRIDGE ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 3, 721. 61 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,RD EQ REP PARTS 144 .00 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS, SUPPLIES - SHOP 56. 95 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 1, 143.20 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS, SUPPLIES - SHOP 362 .57 BAUER BUILT,MACH EQ TIRES & REP 1, 800.00 BGNE,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 623. 94 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INTERNET SERVICE 109.98 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS 55. 63 CINTAS CORPORATION #449, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 33. 13 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS 111.26 CITY OF HASTINGS,WASTE DISPOSAL 246.82 COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 24,895.00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,MEDICAL/HOSPITAL 39.75 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 36.58 FILTER CARE, SUPPLIES - SHOP 165.05 FASTENAL COMPANY, SUPPLIES-BUILDING 112 .20 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 158. 96 ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 10.00 ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO,WELDING SUPP/CHAINS 52.59 ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 4.00 ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO,WELDING SUPP/CHAINS 70. 65 KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPLY,MATERIALS - LUMBER 13.57 KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPLY, SMALL TOOLS, ETC. 20.26 LAWSON PRODUCTS,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 33. 99 LAWSON PRODUCTS,MISCELLANEOUS 390.48 LAWSON PRODUCTS, SUPPLIES - SHOP 16.50 MENARDS,MATERIALS - CONCRETE, ETC 47 .88 NACO,DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 270.00 NAPA AUTO PARTS, SUPPLIES - SHOP 143.22 NAPA AUTO PARTS,MACH EQ GREASE OIL 79.08 NAPA AUTO PARTS, SUPPLIES - SHOP 26.42 OAK CREEK ENGINEERING,ENGINEERING 5, 900.00 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS, SUPPLIES - SHOP 220.42 POWER PLAN,RD EQ REP PARTS 598 . 93 POWER PLAN,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 15.50 ROAD BLDG MACH & SUPPLY CO INC,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 31.89 ROAD BLDG MACH & SUPPLY CO INC,RD EQ REP PARTS 284.21 SANITARY OUTDOOR SERVICE INC, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 87 .00 SQUARE DEAL LUMBER CO, SUPPLIES - MISCELLANEOUS 829.30 THOMSEN OIL COMPANY,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 14, 226.37 TITAN MACHINERY INC. ,RD EQ REP PARTS 210.00 VIE CO,LAND - RIGHT-OF-WAY 39, 530.00 VILLAGE OF KENESAW,WATER 18.08 VILLAGE OF KENESAW, SEWER 20.48 PRESERVATION & MODERNIZATION MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 184 .00 MIPS,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 382 .47 MIPS,DATA PROCESSING COSTS 468 .58 LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER BECKENHAUER CONSTRUCTION INC,BUILDING CONSTRUCTION/REP 2, 427, 955.57 GSI ENGINEERING,MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTS 473.00 HASTINGS UTILITIES,MISC CONTRACT-UTILITIES 399.33 PROCHASKA & ASSOCIATES INC,ARCHITECTURAL FEES 30, 000.00 ESCROW HOLDING FUND DEWEESE SAND & GRAVEL,MISCELLANEOUS 21, 077 .59 MID-NEBRASKA AGGREGATE INC,MISCELLANEOUS 51, 763.15 Lee Hogan Chairman Ramona R.Thomas Adams County Clerk 818 I Page