HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupervisors Rec 15 1954une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISOI 'S ECOi D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, January 6, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of December 24, 1953. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Maltman, Utecht and Woodman. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Woodman, that the reports of the Register of Deeds, (2) Judge, Sheriff, Cler}f of the District Court, County Library, and County Clerk Car Title be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Maltman, that the bond of Walter Fergus, member of the County Service Committee expiring July 1, 1958 be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Utecht that the Inventories of Sheriff, County Supt. County Library, County Judge and County engineer be approved and placed on file. Roll call, all voted -aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Gangwish that the following Miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisor's Record:. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 11840 J. L. Weeks 11841 Charles L. Wright, Adm. 11842 worthy B. Wood, County Sheriff 11843 Fred S. Martin 11811)1 U. S. Treasurer 11845 Emma Berg, County Clerk 11846 Earl Hunter, County Attorney & Melvin Kammerlohr 11847 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 11848 Adams County Nursing Home 11849 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 11850 C. H. Snell 11851 John E. Ray, Judge 11852 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. 11853 Void 11854 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. 11855 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. 11856 Village of Ayr 11857 The First Trust Co. of York 11858 State Treasurer -Mate Assistance 11859 Ayr Township 11860 Emma Berg, County Clerk 11861 Mrs. Neva Wolfe 11862 Perry 0. Larkin, Director 11863 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 11864 Emma Berg, County Clerk 11865 John E. Ray, County Judge 11866 Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dist Court 11867 Silver Lake Township 11868 Hanover Township 11869 County Assistance Fund Wt # 9 11870 County Assistance Fund Wt # 10 11871 County Assistance Fund Wt # 12 11872 County Assistance Fund Wt # 11 11873 Schroeder no ad Fund 11875. Schroeder Rod. Fund 11875 Webster County 11876 Nebraska State Racing Commission 11877 Kenesaw Township, Edward Berg, Twp Clerk 11878 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 11879 Fred O. Schaffroth, Register of Deeds 11880 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 11881 Eddie ''chreiner, Exec. 11882 State Treasurer -State Assistance 11883 Thomas Service Station 11884 Worthy B. Wood, Sheriff 11/85 Richard Hunter & M:1 Kammerlohr 11886 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 11887 Mary Schultz, Clerk of District Court 40.00 5222.83 43.00 7.95 1703.38 81.20 1.75 55.0o 232.50 45.0o 375.00 300.0o 1)1)10.86 9547.19 7325.36 100.00 1124.79 30946.96 750.00 210.05 12.10 12.80 75.00 19.36 772.40 381.45 11111.39 750.00 50.00 500.00 500.00 45.00 1892.40 1266.35 557.25 631.25 375.00 55.00 576.40 72.00 40.00 1519.94 10.00 63.31 10.10 50.00 23.3o Motion by Utecht, seconded by Hohlen, that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION: BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Adams, Neoraska, enter into a contract with Harold Hoskins and Associates of Lincoln, Nebraska, providing for the furnishinc of engineering and right of way services by said firm to Adams County, Nebrasta; said services to be perforned in connection with the construction of 3.75 miles of Federal 1.id Secondary highway in Adams County said services and the contract providing therefor to be approved by the proper authorities of the State of Nebraska and the United States Government. The consideration for said services is to be the sum of $535.00 per mile to be paid to said firm by dams County in accordance with the contracts on file in the office of the County Clerk of Adams County, Nebraska. Be it further resolved that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to execute and deliver said contract or contracts, the acts of said Chairman in executing such agreements being hereby ratified and confirmed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. C12 SUPE VISO 'S 1" ADAMS COUNTY, NE D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Motion by Maltman, seconded by oodman, that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION: Resolved that the County engineer be instructed to apply to the department of Roads of the State of Nebraska to change the specifications on Federal Aid Secondary road Project No S-329 (2) to postpone for future construction that part of said Project running west from the South East corner Section 32, Township 8, Range 11 and substituting approximately 1 1/2 miles running north from the South last corner of Section 32, Township 8, Range 11; and to postpone for future construction that portion of Project 44 (4) north of Kenesaw and substituting 1 mile north on the east side of Sections 20 and 29, Township 8, Rangell. Roll call, all voted aye.Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Woodman, thc,t we instruct the County Clerk to notify the County Treasurer to transfer all surplus funds remaining in the School District # 11 Bond fund to School District # 11 General Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Woodman, that we purchase one 1954 Dodge 1/2 Ton Express at 048.60.- Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Hohlen, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the county clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Adams County Service Committee Anderson Augustine Company Berg Burroughs Addings Machine Co. Burroughs Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Consbruck County Attorney County Clerk County Supt. County Supt. County Supt. Crosley Distributing L'ivision Crosson .0eese, M. D. l'eese, M. D. Gangwish Hargleroad Van & itorage Co. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hide Printing Co. Inc. Hide Printing Co. Inc. Howland Janssen Kerr Cochran Inc. Kleager, M. D. Lightner Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Mahoney, Co. Treas Mahoney Milburn & Scott Co. Inc. Myers Nash Finch Co. New method Laundry & Cleaning Onken Ray, County Judge Redfield & Company Redfield & Company Redistricting pay roll Royal Typewriter Compary, Inc. Schafer Printing Co. Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Schultz Schultz, Clerk of District Court Utecht Walters West Publishing Co. Wood, Sheriff Alberts Budd Oil Co. (lwrar Mnfnr.A Tnn_ Aug The Emma T. N. Raymond L. J. P. J. P. Earl L. Marjorie Hilda Clyde L. Ed D. J. U. Edward T. John E. Fred O. Mary Mary William J. Clyde V. Worthy B. ROAD FUND E. Office Expense Office Expense Mileage Supplies Convention Expense Bookkeeping machine Service on machines Supplies,Repairs Repairs Repairs Refund taxes Postage Postage, express Mileage Mileage Postage Range bailiff services Services Serkices Mileage )rayage Photos Advertising Supervisors Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Supplies Refund taxes Salary Refund taxes l'utopsy Convention expense Telephone service Postage, bank charge Convention expense Supplies Trimming trees Supplies Laundry Salary State cases, box rent Binder Supplies Pay roll Typewriter Supplies Postage, box rent Postage, supplies Committal fees,State Convention expense Tax refund Book words & phrases Jailor fee, postage food, mileage 320.00 63.33 12.00 63.75 30.00 656.10 299.60 27.75 8.15 8.15 101.08 6.00 161.49 34.11 24.39 10.00 245.81 50.00 3.00 3.00 11.88 1.83 10.00 73.00 proceedings42.49 57.47 3.65 176.60 206.12 68.15 9.50 2.00 5.00 416.64 75.00 30.00 156.35 25.96 3M.00 24.23 250.00 1.90 2.00 56.00 27.25 7.80 5.00 137.76 150.00 1.25 8.25 4.37 cases 293.12 30.00 W1.26 15.00 Mileage Gas, Diesel Repairs 500.80 6.12 187.99 21.27 ne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO ,S ECO1'W NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA 1" Essinger armors Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil -tamers Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil armors Union State Exchange karmers Union State Exchange .Priends Motors Supply Garwood Industries Inc. Hartman Hastings Motor Truck Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Home Oil Company Hunts Garage Island Supply Co. Johnson Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kenesaw Motors Co. Kenesaw Oil Co. Kerr-cochran Inc. Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McClelland Rose Motors Inc. Messer Co. Modern Linen Supply Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Newman Pauley Lumber Co. Pittz Service Sidles Company Sime Service Station Sinclair Aefining Co. Socony Vacuum Oil Co. Inc. Velder Western drick & Supply Co. Whities Seat Covers Wilber Service Inc. Wilders Service Station Cooks Paint & Varnish Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Hemberger McShane Co. Inc. Naggatz Litz Rie f Lippincott Road Account Albright Aman Bouregy & Curl Inc. Ernst kollett Library Book Co. Hale & Co. Hastings Carnegie Library Jones Kindig McNair Parks Snell J. W. George W. U -6. H. L. J. Herbert P.C. G. Ray BRIDGE FUND Eugene A. T. S. Ervin W. Hubert i'. Henry Repairs, Supplies Gas, Diesel fuel as, Diesel fuel Supplies Supplies Supplies Repairs Posts supplies Aepairs Supplies Utilities Demurrage Diesel fuel Repairs Blades Gravel Hauling Gas Bill Supplies Gas, Diesel fuel Repairs, supplies Gas, Repairs Repairs Telephone service Supplies, repairs Supplies Laundry Repairs, Supplies Salary Supplies Diesel fuel,supplies Repairs, supplies Gas, Supplies Diesel Mobiloil ta)3/.1:11Zte Repairs Repairs Gas, Repairs Paint Supplies Salary Supplies Salary Salary Salary 97.22 77.91 178.18 52.66 34.56 13.42 13.hh 4.00 20.56 3.85 37.16 .90 43.50 37.40 3513.56 10.00 39.56 20.98 36.78 47.97 74.23 313.71 26.02 36.82 33.03 1.83 105.80 158.40 7.10 179.90 103.87 245.05 77.28 41.45 206.80 72.00 8.00 2.5o 32.55 21.55 10.27 198.00 23.41 193.60 206.80 171.60 SCHROEDER ROAD FUND M. M. Gravel 214.07 Labor,Equipxnent rental 1474.05 XOUNTY LIBRARY Mrs. A. F. Mrs. R. D. Mrs. Waunetta N. Mrs. Aaron Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Klyoe Arlene Mrs. Howard Salary 2:(1s17 tnTY Books Books Library service Salary salary Salary Salary Salary SOLDIERS AND SAILORS RELIEF Adams County Soldiers Relief l'und Relief Adams County Fair Adams Adams COUNTY FAIR COUNTY ASSISTANCE FUND County Treasurer -Old Age Assistance County Treasurer -Aid to Dependent Children STATE ADMINISTRATION Emma Addie John W. Berg, County Clerk Burroughs Corporation Hager Hastings Utilities Kipp Fair fund Supplementation Supplementation Postage Services Mileage Utilities Rent 25.00 25.00 4.50 35.00 18.00 67.05 90.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 166.66 631.25 331.47 86.42 19.76 28.70 7.38 7.53 150.00 14 SUPE VISO 'S iEC ADAMS COUNTY, NE 0 11s; D NO. 15 ASKA. Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. POOR AID FUND Acme Printing Company Amen Bakernink Berts Rexall Drug Store Bi -Lo Market Borley's Storage & Transfer Co. Inc Business Supply Co. Carl's Cafe Charlton, M. D. Christian Children's Home Credit Bureau of Hastings Dick's Grocery Everson Fern's Pharmacy Gambles Store Guildner, M. D. Hastings Drug Store Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery- 3rd & Burlington Jack & Jill Grocery- Spencer Park Johnson Cash -Way Lumber Co. Jack & Jill Grocery- East South St. Kendall KinEsley, M. D. Kunce's Grocery Laird Coal Co. LivinEston-butler-Vollandziuneral Home McIntire, M. D. Parson's Oil Co. PinneY, M. D. Rural Gas Utilities of Nebraska Rutt's Drug Store # 1 Rutt Skaggs Grocery # 5 Skaggs Grocery # 11 Skaggs Grocery # 5 Spencer Park Rental Office Stop and Shop Market Thiel's Cafe Trausch's Grocery Uridil, M. D. Vern's Cash Grocery Western Auto Associate Store Whisinand's Grocery Wolfe Yott Lumber Co. This Board will now recess subject to the Supervisors. Peter C. G. &Edith G. Paul Mrs. Marie c. Mrs. Effie D. W. Lloyd s. R. 3. George L. Mrs. Frank O. P. O. P. O. P. Laurence M. J. E. Mrs. Neva J. H. call of the Supplies Janitor service Rent Medical supplies Staple foods Transportation Supplies Meals Medical care Care Credit service Staple foods Rent Medical supplies Supplies Medical care Medical supplies Utilities Staple foods Staple foods Fuel Staple foods Care Medical care Maple foods kuel Abulance, Burial Medical care Fuel Oil ledical care Fuel Medical supplies Care Staple fooas Staple foods Staple foods Rent Staple foods Meals Staple foods Medical care Staple foods Supplies Staple foods Care Fuel Chairman of the County 85.00 55.00 32.00 22.66 200.00 6.18 39.28 59.25 6.00 5.00 5.00 37.25 20.00 1.20 5.04 5.00 18.72 18.83 324.01 20.00 5.00 62.61 45.0o 2.00 17.25 62.50 77.50 6.00 30.00 20.00 9.00 6.80 170.00 154.50 20,00 1.31 50.00 86.25 33.60 17.25 9COOD 20.00 1.50 39.90 165.00 26.62 Board of COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 12, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Statutary meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of January 6, 1954. George Anderson,_Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Mailman, Utecht and Woodman. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Gangwish, that we authorize the Harold associates to negotiate for right of way for Secondary roads at not to per acre for cultivated land or 850.00 per acre for uncultivated land. to be conveyed to Adams Gounty, Nebraska by Warranty Deed. Roll call, carried. Hoskins and exceed100.00 All right of way all voted aye. Motion There appears to be no more unfinished business, that this board now adjourn sine die. REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD Roll call, members present: Anderson, L'angwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Maitman, Utecht and Woodman. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Woodman, that -Ed Lightner be appointed temporary Motion carried. chairman. une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO S 111ECOID NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NE : RASKA Motion by Lightner, seconded by Woodman, that we authorize the Chairman td sign the tax book correction slips for the year 1954. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maitman, seconded by Gangwish, that the Hastings Daily Tribune be designated as the County official paper for the year 1954. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Hohlen, that we approve the following banks as county depositories: The Hastings National Bank; City National Bank, Hastings; Adams County Bank, Kenesaw; and Roseland State Bank, Roseland; also approve the securities posted by the following banks as security for county funds in the following amounts; The Hastings National Bank $600.000.00; City National Bank, Hastings 4010.000.00; Adams County Bank, Kenesaw $30,000.00; and Roseland State Bank, Rosekand, $20,000.00; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Utecht that we consent to the County Treasurer depositing up to 100% of the capitol stock and surplus in any of the depository banks named, said deposits to be protected by the bonds as required by law. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Utecht that we appoint Wm. Hohlen, as the Adams County Board Representative of the Hastings Chamber of Commerce for the year 1954. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Woodman, that we hire Edward Johnson as a County -Engineer for 1954 at a salary of $4600.op per year. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maitman, se a formal report not 1 highway system and to report of work comple Motion carried. conded by Lightner, that the County Engineer be instructed to present ater than ilebruary 1st each year covering a complete plan for the county present at the first board meeting in each calendar month a detailed ted and work planned for the current month. Roll call, all voted aye. At 11:15 A. M. The Chairman announced the following committees: 'FINANCE: Earl L. Gangwish, Chairman, Wm. Hohlen and William Utecht. ROADS & BRIDGES: Floyd Woodman, Chairman, West half of county, Wm. Hohlen Co -Chairman east half of county, and all memberscpAtt rd. COURTHOUSE BUILDING& GROUNDS: Ed Lightner, Chairman, and all members of the Boar.7 S: W. Maitman, Chairman, Earl L. Gangwish and Wm. Utecht, COUNTY LAW LIBRARY: Wm. Hohlen, Chairman, and all members of the Board. ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME: 4Ed Lightner, Chairman, and all members of the Board. Motion by Maitman, seconded by Utecht that Mrs. Neva Wolfe be instructed to make a detailed report of the operation of the County Nursing Home at the first regular meeting of the COunty Board in each calendar month. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Utecht that we appoint George Kistler as Custodian for the year 1954 at the same salary as 1953. Roll call, Ayes: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Maltman and Utecht. Nay: Woodman. Motion carried. Motion'by Mailman, seconded by Hohlen, that the supply committee be authorized to buy Election tables from Dutton-Lainson Company, 15 tables W7.5 each table and 15 tables @$20.30 each table or a total price of $566.25 and that we purchase from the Omaha Printing Co. 4ssstall voting booths @$104.00 each set (1 Master booth & 4 annexes) 1.1.0.B. Crete, Nebr. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. ROAD & BRIDGES SUPPLIES: m. Utecht, Chairman, W. W. Maltman and Earl Gangwish,Tire, Grease, Oil & Repairs. SUPE 111EC0161D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEI, 1" ASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 26, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular mooting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors net as per recess George Anderson, Chairman, presiding. holt call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Bohlen, Lightner, Mailman, Motion by Woodman, seconded by Maltman, that the following claims fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the Motion carried. Anderson, Salary Clerk of the District Court, Office Expense County Assessor, Office Expense County Attorney's, Office Expense County Clerk's, Office Expense County Judge, Office Expense County Sheriff's, Office Expense County Supt, Office Expense County Treasurer, Office Expense Fitzke, Salary 6.angwish, Salary Hohlen, Salary Kisler, Salary Lightner, Salary Maltman, Salary Register of Deeds, Office Expense Utecht, Salary Veteran's Service Officer, Office Expense Woodman, Salary Alberts, Salary Anderson, Salary Austin, Salary Block, Salary Boontjer, Salary Heuertz, Salary Hinrichs, Salary Hock, Salary Hoefer, Salary Hohlen, Salary Johnson, Salary Joynt, Salary Kennedy,_Salary Kluver, Salary Koch, Salary Lower, Salary Overy, Salary Petrie, Salary Poore, Salary Pritchard, Salary Witt, Salary Nash, Salary LarkinPirector of Welfare Employees This Board will now recess subject to the GENERAL FUND George Beverly Earl L. Wm. George Edward W. w. William J. rloyd E. ROAD FUND of January 12, 1954. Utecht and Woodman. be allowed on their respective same. Roll call, all voted aye. E. Roy Weslie B. Bruce Ted James Klaas H. Charley John W. -bred Edw. E. Orville Dale Thos. B. John DaVid Marshall Jr. Cleon DuWayne Arthur Henry -Uelbert W. Clyde R. Lloyd BRIDGE FUND Lloyd STATE FUNDS Perry 0. call of the Chairman o f the 105.00 458.32 936.66 525.00 783.32 829.69 633.32 491.66 1116.66 165.00 139.38 93.18 160.00 120.00 97.50 591.66 114.60 370.00 126.12 170.00 230.00 230.00 260.00 230.00 230.00 215.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 383.33 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 260.00 2050.00 of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, January 29, 1954. 11:00 o'clock A.M. Th Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of January 26, 1954. George Anderson, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Mailman, Utecht and Woodman. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Lightner, that we adopt the following resolution. RESOLUTION: Resolved that the population of Adams County is hereby estimated to be in excess of 31,000 persons as of January 1, 1954. Roll call, Ayes: Gangwish, Lightner, Maltman and Woodman. Nay: Hohlen and Utecht. Anciprqnn not votimo-- Motion carried- /"\une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr SUPE 11 VISO 'S J ECO J D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEIIRASKA COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA i Saturday, kebruary 6, 195L. 10:00 otclock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County board of Supervisors met as per recess of January 29, 1954 . George Anderson, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Mailman, Utecht and Woodman. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Gangwish, that,we purchase from the Hide Printing Company the Assessors supplies at a cost not to exceed $750.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Woodmn, seconded by &angwish, that the reports (2) County Clerk, Sheriff, County Clerk Car Titles, Clerk Agent, Library and County Judge be accepted and placed on Motion carried. of the Register of Deeds, of District Court, Agricultural file. Roll_call, all voted aye. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Hohlen, that the Inventories of the Perry O. Larkin, Welfare Director and Mrs. Wolfe, Home for the Aged be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Hohlen, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts a part of the Supervisor's Records: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 118188 1189 11890 11891 11892 11893 11894 4.1895 11896 11897 11898 11899 11900 11901 11902 11903 11904 11905 11906 11907 11908 11909 11910 11911 11912 11913 11914 11915 11916 11917 11918 11919 11920 11921 11922 11923 11924 11925 11926 11927 11926 11929 11930 11931 11932 11933 11934 11935 Roseland Village fired A. Cook, Exec. Village of Holstein mina Berg, County Clerk P. E. Boslaugh John Junker, ireas, Highland township Chester J. Grabill, Treas, Roseland township Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace &race Simpson, Justice of Peace West Blue Township, A. F. Albright, Treas State Treasurer, Gas Tax Dist. State Treasurer, Gas Tax Dist, State Treasurer, Gas Tax Dist, Victor Konen Mrs. Neva Wolfe Moritz Aabel Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dist. Court &race Simpson, Justice of Peace State Treasurer, State Assistance John E. Ray, County Judge County Assistance rund County Assistance .bund Schroeder Road -bund John E. Ray, County Judge Arthur Post, Treas- Little Blue 'ownship Carl E. Anderson, Denver Township Treasurer Void Emma Berg, County Clerk Emma Berg, County Clerk Emma Berg, County Clerk John E. Ray, County Judge Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace -tired C. Schaffroth, Register of Deeds John E. Ray, County Judge John E. Ray, County Judge Konen Service Station Perry O. Larkin, Director Perry 0. Larkin, Director Mary Schultz, Clerk od District Court Mary Schultz, Clerk of District Court Mary Schultz, Clerk of District Court Grace °impson, Justice of Peace Mary Schultz, Clerk of District Court Mary Schultz, Clerk of District Court. Mary Schultz, Clerk of District Court Mary Schultz, Clerk of District ourt Mary Schultz, Clerk of istrict Court 100.00 28.86 100.00 1428.09 10.00 750.00 750.00 60.00 30.00 14.5.00 750.00 1091.00 7229.03 5546.68 10.00 277.50 10.00 234.50 40.00 29288.69 508.05 86.42 331.47 1474.05 6.00 750.00 750.00 101.55 194.20 19.76 290.00 70.0o 456.00 126.50 100.00 10.00 75.0o 5.80 20.00 77.5o 33.54 50.00 33.04 9.22 9.22 22.00 95.09 be made Motion by Lightner, seconded by Woodman, that the Bond of Alice Helms as Deputy County Assessor be approved and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Utecht, that we grant a license to the Drive -In -Theatre and Refreshment Stand for the year of 1954. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Maltman, that the following Resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, the Sixty-second Session of the Nebraska Legislature has enacted into law Legislative Dill No. 480, known as the "Nebraska Civial Defense Act of 1951, " and WHEREAS, section 7 of said Act authorizes and directs each county within the State of Nebraska to establiah a local organization for civil defense, and to do certain other SUPE VISO 'S ADAMS COUNTY, NE D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF' ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA: 1. That there is hereby established within said county a local civil defense organization to be operated in conformity with the Nebraska Civil Defense Act of 1951. 2. That reposing great confidence in his integrity and ability, Wm. Latta is hereby appointed director of civil defense for said county, to servd during the pleasure of this board or until a successor is duly appointed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Gangwish, that all Townships pay $750.00 to Adams County except Verona II:ownship and Blaine 2ownship. Verona Township none and Blaine Township $425.00, and all Villages except Kenesaw Village 3100.00 each. Kenesaw Village none, for the maintenance of roads and streets. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Woodnan, seconded by Utecht that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Acme Heat Equipment Co. Acme Printin{ o. Adams ()o. Agri. Extension Se Anderson Anderson Arnold Augustine Company Ballard Bee Printing Co. Berg, County Clerk Bierhaus Furniture booth Enterprises Brock Burling Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Central Nebr. County Officers City of Hastings Cornhusker Press County Attorney County Supt. County Supt. Credit Bureau of Hastings Crosson haymond L. Dier Edward L. Dreher C. H. Dutton-Lainson Co. Essinger Lydia Grabill Chester J. Guarantee Electric Co. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter -'o. Hastings Typewriter Hastings Typewriter Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Uo. Hastings Typewriter o. Hastings Utilities Hodge Robert D. Industrial Chemical Laboratories Inc. Interstate Freight Lines Journal star Printing Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Luxor Lighting Products Inc. McGrath Hardware Co. J. H. McGrath Hardware L;0. J. H. McGrath Hardware Co. J. H. Mackie Star Market Mahoney, Co. Treas D. Martin Lumber 'ompany Moore BusinessForms Inc. Nash Finch Co. Omaha Printing Co. Onken Edw. T. Overturf Bessie Ray, County Judge RedfieldJ & Company Samek Edward Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Fred O. Schultz Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dist Court Mary Stephenson School Supply Co. Stoner M. L. West Publishing Co. Western Surety Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Whipple Ernie . M rvice Aug. Merle S. A. UpholsterinR Ray Emma Co. R. C. Donald L. Ralph Assn. Labor, Repairs Supplies Office Expense Mileage, Postage Mileage Bond Supplies Refund Supplies Postage, Supplies Upholstering Supplies Attorney fee Mileage Supplies 1)ues Chairs Supplies Postage Mileage Mileage Credit services Bailiff Vital statistics Refund Supplies Mileage Mileage Supplies Publishing Publishing Publishing Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Refund Supplies Freight Supplies Telephone service Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Postage, Bank service Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Refund State cases, Postage Supplies Refund Stamps, Recording Postage, Supplies State Cases Supplies Mileage Supplies Bond supplies Refund tiAgiRtrint 58-43 318.65 320.00 23.00 3.60 17.75 20.55 3.00 143.33 104.78 332.00 1,.00 75.00 9.6o 3.19 8.50 237.75 454.61 6.00 48.42 19.08 8.00 45.00 186.50 0.51 579.50 12.60 12. 14.6 72.54 85.96 4.39 2.64 7.2o 4.69 11.70 1.08 8.0 6.99 269.47 8.46 21.00 1.25 125.40 167.90 126.81 10.20 8.00 3.55 17.86 charge 50.04 73.99 544.54 29.50 500.98 77.00 2.46 112.89 56.16 3.00 21.90 58.36 312.00 40.58 31.50 138.50 5.00 6.45 13.39 2.00 dune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO 'S ECO D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Consumers Public Power Dist, DeBord's Welding Shop Dens -Oil Lubricant Co. Dutton-Lainson Company Fairs hepair Shop l'armers Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil Co. Gilpin's Garage Hageman Hardware Co. Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. Hastings Motor Truck Co. Hastings U. S. Tire Sales Inc. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Home Oil Company Hoskins & Associates Harold Johnson's Cash -Way Lumber Co. Kansas Nebr, Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kenesaw Lumber Co. Kenesaw Oil Co. Laird Coal Co. Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McClelland -Rose Motors Inc. McGrath Hardware Co. J.H. McGrath Hardware Co. J.H. Messer Co. L. J. Modern Linen Supply Co. Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co. Newman Paper Calmerson & Co. Pittz Service Sidles Company Sime Service Station Sinclair Refining Co. Southern Nebr. Rural Public Power Dist. Street & Alley Dept, City of Hastings Thomas Specialty Manufacturing Co. Van Texaco Service Velder hay Village of Kenesaw Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Wilder's Service Station Herbert P. C. Hemberger Litz. McShane L;o. Inc. Naggatz R ie f Webster County Road account Albright Aman. Bouregy & Curl Inc. Clark Co. Ernst Follett Library Book Co. Hastings Carnegie Library Jones Kindig McNair Parks Snell Johnson's Cash -Way Lutber Kelso Chemical Co. Uerling Co. Anderson, M. D. Berg, County Clerk -nglehorn :6nglehorn Hager Kipp Lincoln Telephone & Teleg McCarty Schafer Printing Co. Snyder BRIDGE Eugene A. Hubert F. T. S. Ervin W. Henry FUND Electric service Welding Oil Supplies Supplies, Repairs Gas, Diesel fuel Gas, Repairs Repairs, Supplies Repairs, Supplies Repairs Repairs, Supplies Utilities Demurrage Diesel Engineering services Supplies Utilities Supplies Gas, Diesel, Supplies Supplies Gas Telephone services Supplies, Repairs Supplies Supplies Supplies Laundry Supplies, Repairs Salary Supplies Gas, Diesel, Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel fuel Gas Utilities Road oil Supplies, Repairs uas Salary Water Supplies Gas Salary Salary Supplies Salary Salary Repair bridge SCHROEDER ROAD FUND COUNTY LIBRARY Mrs. A. F. Mrs. R. D. Charles W. Mrs. Waunetta Mrs. Aaron Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Klyoe Miss Arlene Mrs. D011ie Labor, Equipment rental Salary Salary Books Books Salary Books Library Service Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary ADAMS COUNTY NtJRS INC HOME Co. Supplies Polisher Charles Supplies STATE ADMINISTRATION uo. Herbert Emma Evelyn D. Evelyn D. Addie John W. Freida Faye Daniel E. POOR AID FUND Medical care Postage Mileage Mileage Mileage Office Rent Telephone service Mileage Supplies Mileage 12.07 6.00 62.20 14.22 11.11 61.21 10.45 5.25 197.30 76.35 52.39 37.25 19.09 77.58 3700.00 3.70 59.07 36,30 52.16 4.10 44.87 25.95 10.05 17.30 2.66 159.98 2.78 300.03 105.60 271.94 187.91 158.41 114.82 76.59 14.08 9.75 13.87 27.71 176.00 13.50 28.48 39.01 171.60 184.80 2.76 176.00 132.00 77.76 795.15 25.00 25.00 6.00 3.80 35.00 34.17 90.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 126.58 180.00 227.41 7.00 17.48 5.4.6 8.16 5.52 150.00 36.h5 7.26 18.65 2.58 (20 SUPE VISO 11"ECO 1" ADAMS COUNTY, NE IS 1) D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic, Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Charlton, M. D. Christian Children's Home Cook Paint & Varnish Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings DeBacker, M. D. Dick's Grocery Egen, M. D. Everson Farmers Union State Exchange ilern's Pharmacy Foote, M. D. Hastings Drug Store Hastings Utilities Herbst Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery - Jack & Jill Grocery - Jack & Jill Grocery - Kendall Kunce's Grocery Laird Goal Company Larkin Larkin, Director Larkin, Director McIntire, M. D. McMillan, M. D. Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mikkelsen -rug Co. Parsons Oil Co. " Pinney, M. D. Pinney, M. D. Rural Gas Utilities of Nebr. Butt's Drug Store # 1 Rutt Safeway Stores Skaggs Grocery # 5 Skaggs Grocery # 11 Smith, Sup't Spencer Park Rental Office Stop and Shop Market Thiel's Cafe Trausch's Grocery Vern's Cash Grocery Wagner Service Station Western Auto Associate "'tore Whisinand's Grocery Whisinand's Grocery Whisinand's Grocery Wolfe Zubrod's -'"rocery G. Paul L.J. L , F. Mrs. Marie C. M. East South St. 3rd & Burlington Spencer Park Mrs. Effie Lloyd B. Perry O. Perry O. Perry 0. R. J. J. A. George L. George L. Mrs. Frank O. P. O. P. J. N. Laurence M. Mrs. Neva Medical care Care of children Supplies Credit service Medical care Staple foods Medical care Rent Staple foods Medical Supplies Medical care Medical supplies Utilities Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Care Staple foods Uoal Mileage Revolving Fund Postage, box rent Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Fuel Medical care Medical care Refill of Butane gas tank Medical supplies Care Staple foods Staple foods 4'taple foods. Care Rent Staple foods Meals Staple foods Staple foods Distellate & Kerosene Supplies Staple foods Staple fooas Staple foods Care Staple foods MEDICAL SURGICAL & HOSPITAL CARE Mrs. Margaret P. Brooks Chappell 6harlton Coleman Ellis Hastings Drug Store Holm Johns ton Kingsley Livingston-ljutler Volland McIntire Mikkelsen's Drug Store Myers New Haven Hospital Butt's Drug Store # 2 Sche idies VonStrode Weber Wolfe J r. J. R. Dr. LT. P. Mrs. Alma Mrs. Phidelia Dr. C. R. Dr. C. O. Dr. D. W. Funeral Home Dr, R. J. This Board will now adjourn to Mrs. Bertha Mrs. Amanda Mr or Mrs. W. R Dr, O. R. Mrs. Neva February 8, 1954 Nursing care Medical care Medical care Nursing care Nursing care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Anbulance Medical care Medical care Nursing Care Nursing care Medical care Nursing Home . Nursing care Medical care Nursing care at 10:00 o'clock A. M. 13.00 5.00 2.30 5.00 4.00 37.25 2.00 20.00 60.00 2.89 41.00 4.50 20.86 40.00 83.00 289.60 19.46 45.00 17.25 62.50 15.22 )1)1.15 25.00 6.00 36.0o 217.30 17.60 37.00 25.00 25.00 4.50 7.73 170.00 93.00 77.25 60.00 210.00 50.00 120.75 30.00 17.25 40.00 50.30 2.94 39.90 39.90 60.00 308.54 91.75 60.00 6.00 89.13 7.75 12.73 15.25 2.00 8.00 3.00 7.50 5.00 1.50 190.15 67.75 8.6o 266.06 174.0 8.00 304.15 COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Mnday, February 8, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of February 6, 1954. George -"nderson, Chairman, presiding. Hall na11_ mAmhpra nresent: kinderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Maltman, Utecht and une Graphic Arta, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISOR'S ECOI1W NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA At 1:30 P. M. the Board resumed with the following members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Maltmand and Utecht. Absent: Woodman. Motion by Maitman, seconded by Utecht, Revoled that we reject all claims for fence damages on Secondary Road Project #S-329 and that the Chairman of the County board notify all claimants of this action, and the County Attorney be instructed to begin such condemnation preceedings as are necessary to procure right of way for said project. Roll call, Ayes: Anderson, Hohlen, Lightner, Mailman and Utecht. Nay: Gangwish, Motion carried. 'his Board will now adjourn till February 15, 1954 at 10:00 o'clock A. M. uounty Glerk COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS,NEBRASKA Thursday, iiebruary 11, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of iiebruary 8, 1954, George Anderson, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Hohlen, Lightner, Maltman, Utedht and oodman. Absent: Gangwish. Motion by Hohlen, seconded byLightner, that we purchase 12 No, 926 W. J. 1st Grade Walnut Jury Chairs @ 55.50 each at a total price of $666.00 F.o.b. Hastings, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maitman, seconded by Utecht that we recind the following motion made on February 8th If Resolved that we reject all claims for fence damages on Secondary Road Project #S-329 and that the Chairman of the County board notify all claimants of this action, and the County Attorney be instructed to begin such condemnation preceedings as are necessary to procure right of way for said project. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, .bebruary 24, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of February llth 1954. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Uangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Mailman, Utecht and Woodman. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Gangwish, that the County Clerk be instructed to advertise for approximately 2000 cubic yards of gravel. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Utecht that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Anderson, Salary Clerk of District Court, Office Expense County Assessor, Office Expense County Attorney's, Office Expense / County Clerk's, Office Expense County Judge, Office Expense County Sheriff, Office Expense County Supt, Office Expense County Treasurer, Office Expense Fitzke, Salary Gangwish, Salary Hohlen, Salary Kisler, Salary Lightner, Salary Mailman, Salary Aegister of Deeds, Office expense Utecht, Salary Veteran's Service Officer, Office Expense Woodman, Salary GENERAL FUND George Beverly Earl L. Wm. George Ed. W. W. William J. Floyd 112.50 458.32 936.66 525.00 783.32 831.04 633.32 491.66 1116.66 165.00 124.50 156.84 160.00 120.00 97.50 591.66 118.80 370.00 111.111 (22 SUPE 111. VISO 'Ss 1°1-1ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE • 11 D. NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Austin, Walary Block, Salary Boontjer, Salary Heuertz, Salary Hinrichs, Salary Hock, Salary Hoofer, Salary Hohlen, Salary Johnson, Salary Joynt, Salary Kennedy, Salary Kluver, Salary Koch, Salary Lower, Salary Overy, Salary Petrie, Salary Poore, Salary Pritchard, Salary Witt, Salary Nash, Salary Larkin, Director of Welfare Employees BRIDGE FUND STATE FUNDS Weslie B. Bruce Ted James Klaas Charley John °J. tred E. E. Orville Dale Thos. B. John David Marshall Jr. Cleon DuWayne Delbert Henry. Clyde Lloyd Lloyd F. Sr. Perry O. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board 230.00 260.00 230.00 230.00 215.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 383.33 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 260.00 2050.00 of Supervisors COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Saturday, March 6, 1954. 10:00 otclock A.M. hairman Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of February 24, 1954. George Anderson, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Maltman, Utecht and Woodman. Motion by Matiman, seconded by Woodman, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to proceed with the sale of all real estate on which taxes are unpaid for three or more years last past. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Utecht that the following Register of Deeds, County Clerk Car Title, Sheriff, Clerk Library. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Uangwish, that we approve the for the Off Sale Liquor License to be operated at Ilssumption. carried. Motion by Maltma, seconded by Utecht that the Inventory of Neva Wolfe Leasee of the Adams County Nursing Ho,e be placed on file. poll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. reports be placed on file, of District Court, Judge and application of Nick Konen Roll call, all voted aye.Motion Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Woodman, that the followin& part of the Supervisors Record: Roll call, all voted aye. 11936 11937 11938 11939 11940 11941 11942 11943 119W1 11945 11946 11947 11948 11949 11950 11951 11952 11953 11954 11955 11956 Mary Schultz, Clerk of District Court Worthy D. Wood, County Sheriff U. S. Treasurer hichard Hunter, and Melvin Kammerlohr Void Emma Berg, 'ounty 'lerk i'iary Schultz, Clerk of District Richard E. Hunter Grace Dimpson, Justice of Peace Juniata Township John Ray, County Judge Worthy 3. Wood Mrs. John Traus ch Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace John E. Ray, County Judge State Treasurer, Gas lax Dist State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. State Treasurer-CTas Tax Dist. Emma Derg, County 'lerk Mary Schultz, Clerk of District Court Court Miscellaneous Receipt be made a Motion carried. 57.87 38.75 2121.43 18.65 114.05 13.50 10.25 60.00 375.00 545.30 29.75 35.55 70.0o 135.00 124.91 1183.23 784o.13 5971.93 332.15 38.00 mune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO 'S. ECOI'D No. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 11963 11964 11965 119b6 11967 11968 11969 11970 11971 11972 11973 11974 Mary Schultz, Clerk John Ray, County John E. hay, County City of Hastings State Treasurer -State Schroeder 'load Fund Emma Liprg, county Clerk 6"race Simpson, Justice Wm, H.Meier,Adtr]. Fred O. Schaffroth, Reg Grace Simpson, Justice U. Treasurer of District Court Judge Judge Assistance Motion by Maitman, seconded by of Peace ister of Deeds of Peace 290.95 25.00 100.00 491.12 28775.40 795.15 17.48 50.00 48.26 74.65 75.00 5200.00 Utecht that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: "hereas, Section 39-226 R S Supp. 1953 requires the of primary and secondary roads from the platted public Whereas, the attached map designates the as of the 1st day of March, 1954. selection and designation of a system roads within Adams County, Nebraska,and primary and secondary roads within said county Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the primary and secondary roads within Adams County, Nebraska, are as designated upon the map attached hereto and made a part of this resolution. Be It Further Resolved, that a copy of this resolution together with a copy of the map designating said roads be deposited with the County '1 - of Adams County, Nebraska and shall be open for public inspection; That upon such deposit the County Clerk shall fix a date of hearing thereon in accordance with the law; -that a report of this resolution, the hearing the!.'eon and the primary and secondary road system of said county as shown by said map be filed with the Department of hoads and IrriLation of the State of Nebraska in conformity with Section 39-227.01 R. S. Suppl. 1953. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by "oodman, seconded by Lightner, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS in compliance with state law the assessed valuation of real estatein Hastints, Nebraska, has been raised for assessment purposes from approximately 25% of actual value, as of 1952, to approximately 50% of actual value for 1953; and WHEREAS the mill levy to be applied to the assessed valuation for purposes of determination of taxes received by Adams L'ounty, Nebraska, has been reduced from 3.56 mills in 1952 to 1.84 mills in 1953; and WHEREAS this increased valuation has not been applied to Spencer Park .eublic Mousing, but the reduced mill levy has been applied; and WHEREAS the assessed valuation of "'pencer Park Public Housing has been reduced from $700,000 for 1952 tax purposes to 618.600 for 1953 tax purposes; and WHEREAS this has resulted in the government payment in lieu of tax on Spencer Park Public Housing to Adams 'ounty, Nebraska to be reduced from $2,492.00 in 1952 to $1,138.22 in 1953; WHEREAS the foregoing conditions will cause continued low in lieu of tax payments; Therefore be it and RESOLVED that the Adams County 'oard of Supervisors petitions the Public Housing Administration to re-evaluate pencer Park Public Housing for assessment purposes to conform with the increased valuation that has been placed on other real estate of Hastings, in order that the payment in lieu of taxes on pencer Park Public Housing may be consistent with the tax payments now being made on other Hastings, Nebraska real estate. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Woodman, that the county Attorney be instructed to prepare an agreement to be signed by the Chairmas and forwarded to the Department of Public Works, requesting engineering and construction of the remaining portion of F. A. S. project No.280 Not completed, Br from the C. B. & Q. Railroad right of way in the village of Juniata North from a distance of approximately 1400 feet to intersect F. A. S. project No. 239 (2). Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded year 1954 at the same salary at the first regular meeting by Utecht, that we hire George Sarver as Tax collector forthe as of 1953, and to make a report to the County Board of Supervisors of each month. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Gangwish, that we authorize m. Utecht to purchase a set of tires for the caterpillar motor grader in his district. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Utecht, That we adopt the following resolution "BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board of Supervisors sell to the following purchase the following described property: Lots 11 to 19 Incl. Block 1, Village of Roseland, Roseland, Nebr. to Richard M. Trausch for '100.00 and that the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors be hereby authorized to execute and deliver quit claim deed to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Woodman, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted AVP_ no»1,4.A C24 SUPE VISO 'S 111\ ADAMS COUNTY, NE 0 D NO. 15 ASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. GENERAL FUND Acme Heat Equipment Co. Adams County Agricultural Extension Committee Committee Adams County Service Adarris County Service k'nderson Anderson Itnderson Brothers berg, County Clerk Bruckman Business Supply C Coordt County Attorney County Supt. County Supt. County Supt. Crosson Dutton-Lainson Co. Hastings Daily iribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Go. Hastings 12ypewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings utilities Heimann Hide Printing L'o. Inc. Jensen Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. Aug. ug. Ernma Chas. A me E. Raymond L. Joseph R. L. h. Mahoney, Co. 'reas D. Martin Lumber 'o. Milburn & Scott Co. Inc. Milburn & Scott Co. Inc. Monroe Calculating Machine Co. Inc. Nash-iiinch Co. New Method Laundry & Cleaners Omaha School Supply Co. Onken Ray, County Judge Redfield & Company Schafer k'rinting Go. Schaffroth, Register of i)eeds Schmidt Mary Schultz Mary Schultz, Clerk District Court Mary Schultz, Clerk District Court Mary Sommerfield Electric Service Stephenson School Supply Co. Stephenson School Supply Co. Taedter Thiels Cafe Weiler West PublishinE Whelan Wiede rspan Wood, Sheriff World Book Co. Edw. T. John E. Bell Co. Inc. Budd Oil Co. Clarke Oil Company Consumers Public Power Dist. Coplen Leon Dutton-Lainson Jr, Farmers Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil GamWood Dinustries Inc. Gilpin's Garage Hageman Hardware Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Horne Oil Company Island Supply Co. Johnson's Cash -way Lumber Co. Kenesaw Oil Co. Kenesaw Telephone Co. Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. Modern Linen Supply Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Newman Herbert Pittz service Mrs. Huth Leo k. Gerald T. Esther Worthy s. James J. Repairs Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Mileage Mileage Papering Stamps Attorney fee Supplies Salary Postage Postage Mileage Mileage bailiff Broom Publishing Publishing Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Attorney fee Supplies Labor Telephone service Bank charge Supplies Supplies Supplies Repairs Supplies Laundry Supplies Salary State cases, Bank charge Supplies Supplies Bank charge, Postage Salary Postage, supplies State cases Postage, bank charge Repairs Supplies '11.pp1ies Woman Bailiff Meals Tax refund Supplies Attorney Fee Salary Jailor fee, Postage, Supplies ROAD FUND P. C. Supplies Gas, Diesel Gas Power Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel Supplies Gas Repairs Utilities Oxygen Blades Supplies Gas, Diesel Telephone Gas Repairs hepairs Telephone service Laundry depairs, Supplies Salary Gas, Diesel service 5.80 320.00 63.33 63.33 17.90 3.60 59.45 4.00 75.00 3.90 60.00 6.00 10.00 50.49 11.70 40.00 2.67 101.46 3.50 11.43 21.15 9.92 18.10 2.65 19.19 1.20 183.88 75.00 1.00 10.50 165.07 23.60 3.72 12.72 40.84 14.3.00 18.35 5.00 6.06 120.00 24.86 7.67 17.75 77.40 3.65 188.50 5.00 7.40 200.15 1.23 10.00 12.00 1.27 15.00 100.00 23.85 Mileage 309.45 72.19 13.21 107.58 29.80 7.54 15.00 28.87 52.80 204.68 2.66 19.50 37.75 9.36 40.60 164.16 63.48 32.74 12.65 59.03 17.28 125.02 27.25 2.68 194.67 197.45 219.56 •une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE 11 VISOJYS JE ADAMS COUNTY, NE :RASIKA 11 D NO. 15 Velder Ray wheeler Lumber Bridge & SupplyCo. Wilber Service Inc. Wilder's Service Station Williams Printing House Carpenter Millworks Hemberger Holstein Lumber Co. Litz Naggatz Rief Wheeler Lumber Bridge Road Account BRIDGE FUND Eugene A. Hubert F. Erwin W. Henry & Supply Albright Aman Book Shop Bouregy & 'url Inc. Clark Co. Ernst Follett Library Book Co. Hastings Carnegie Library Jones Kindig McNair Parks Snell SCHROEDER ROAD FUND COUNTY LIBRARY Mrs. A. F. Mrs. R. D. The "harles W. Mrs. waunetta Mrs, Aaron Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Klyoe Arlene Mrs. Howard ADAMS COUNTY NURSING Dutton-Lainson Co. Johnson's Cash "ay Lumber ')o. Martin Lumber Co. Stevens Plumbing & Heating Berg, County Clerk Englehorn ±'oote, M. D. Hager - Hastings Typewriter Co. Kipp Larkin-irector McCarty Sanderson, M. D. Snyder Adams Adams County Soldiers County Soldiers E. w. STATE ADMINISTRATION Emma Evelyn D. C. M. Addie John W. Perry O. Freida Faye D. S. Daniel E. SOLDIERS & SAILORS Relief Fund relief l'und POOR AID FUND Amen Peter Bert's Rexall drug Store Bi -Lo Market Brooke & Sons Drug Store Charlton, M. D. Christian 6hildren's Home Credit Bureau of Hastings Davis, M. D. H. L. iJeBacker, M. D. L. J. Dick's Grocery Egen, M.D. L. F. Everson Mrs. Marie Parmers Union State Exchange bern's Pharmacy Hall Co. Division of Public Welfare Hastings Drug Store Hastings Utilities Holthaus Drug Co. Jack & Jill Grocery -East South St. Jack & Jill Grocery- 3rd & Burlington Jack & Jill Grocery- Spencer Park Kendall -Kingsley, M. LI Kunce's Crocery Larkin -Director Perry O. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Tr V% 1)„ - - 3 - - - - r7 G. Paul Mrs, Effie D. ". Salary Supplies Repairs Gas Report Repairs Salary Repairs Salary Salary Salary Supplies Labor, Equipment rental Salary Salary Books Books Books Salary BoOks Library Salary Salary Salary Salary Repairs Repairs Aepairs Material service Postage Mileage Medical care Mileage Supplies Rent Postage Mileage Medical care Milege Aelief Relief Janitor service Medical supplies Staple foods Medical supplies Medical care Care Credit Service Medical care Medical care Staple foods Medical care Rent Staple foods Medical supplies Food order Medical supplies Utilities Medical supplies Staple foods staple foods Staple foods Care Medical care Staple foods Revolving fund Telephone service 193.60 1.38 191.05 40.75 21.25 2.00 193.60 6.61 206.80 176.00 193.05 36.16 871.10 25.00 25.00 11.80 4.50 4.2o 35.0o 143.81 90.00 25.00 2.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 49.36 130.55 17.92 74.16 17.36 5.70 7.00 8.52 37.85 150.0o 25.00 2.52 3.00 4.86 166.66 166.66 55.00 35.78 100.00 13.45 3.00 5.00 5.00 19.00 4.00 37.25 2.00 20.00 20.00 1.28 15.00 12.95 21.68 19.07 20.00 219.00 20.00 45.00 2.00 17.25 24-94 54.80 SUPE VISO 'Si ECOID NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Rastings, Nebr. Pinney, M. D. Rutt 'utt's Drug Store •t, 1 Rutt's Drug store it 2 Safeway Stores Schafer Printing Co. Skaggs Grocery # kJkaggs Grocery # 11 Smith Smith, Supt. Stop and Shop Market Thiels Cafe Uridil, M. D. Wagner Service Station Western Auto Associate Store Whisinand's Grocery Whisinand's Grocery Wolfe Anderson Bert's Bert's Brooke Brooks Charlton, DeBacker Egen Ellis Fern's Pharmacy .00te Clinic Harbaugh Hastings Drug Store Hastings Drug Store Heffmeister Jones Drug Store Kin'sley Kuehn Lynch McIntire McIntire McIntire Mary Lanning Myers New Haven Pinney Robinson Rutt's Drug Rutt's Drug Scheidies Smith VonStrode Weber Wolfe Drug Store Drug Store & son M. D. Hospital Hospital Store # 1 Store 17' 2 George- L. Ars. Frank 0. P. O. P. Dr. A. A. J. N. J. E. Mrs. Neva MEDICAL, SURGICAL This Board will now recess Supervisors. Dr. H. F. Mrs. Margaret Dr. G. P. Dr. L. J. Dr, L. F. Mrs. Phidelia Dr. . M. Dr. George F. Dr, D. W. Dr. Gerald R. G. Dr. R. H. Dr, R. J. Dr. R. J. Mrs. Bertha Dr. L. Lelia A. Mrs. Amanda Jr. A. A. Mrs. W. h. Dr. C. R. Mrs. Neva subject to the Medical care Care Medical supplies Medical supplies Staple foods Supplies Staple foods Staple foods Medical care Care Staple foods Staple foods Medical care Distillate Supplies Staple foods Staple foods Care & HOSPITAL CARE Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Nursing care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Nursing care 'Medical care Medical care Nursing care Medical care Medical care Nursing care Medical care Nursing care 'Medical care Nursing care • 5.00 170.00 9.90 1.13 18.00 18.00 77.25 127.00 150.00 105.00 86.25 30.00 22.00 13.30 1.50 80.00 39.90 240.00 7.00 3.00 46.20 29.50 84.82 9.05 5.00 2.00 12.73 4.50 27.15 6.00 12.75 32.75 36.00 1.20 3.00 10.00 4.50 54.0o 19.38 124.00 11)I) .60 190.15 133.07 17.3o 9.00 7.90 45.69 247.80 2.50 194.40 22.08 191.85 of the Chairman of the County board of COURT HOUSE, HASTINaS, NEBRASKA Friday, March 19, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors 1954. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Maltman, Utecht and Woodman. met as per recess of March 6, Motion by Woodman, seconded by Lightner, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, the preliminary agreements and detailed plans for the construction of Project No. F. A. S. 329 (2) have been completed, and WHEREAS, the plans for this work have been presented to this Board for approval, and ,nne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE is) VISO ]ECOJD Na 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA WHEREAS, the County has secured all right of way and material pits, necessary or required for the proposed work. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of these facts the County Board takes the following official action: Be it resolved that the plans for Project No. F. A. S. 329 (2) be approved the Chairman be authorized to sign them to signify such approval, and further Chairman be authorized to sign this resolution in behalf of the board. ,Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mailman, seconded by Utecht, that the County Attorney be instructed condemnition proceedings to procure the tight of way along the north side of of Section 8, Township 7, Range 10 in Adams County for construction of projec 329 (2) Secondary county road being a strip of land 8 1/4 feet wide and 1400 beginning at the NW corner of Section 8, Township 7, Wange 10 and running eas Noll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. , and that that the to file the NW* t No.F.A.S. feet long t 1400 feet. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. Advertise 1954. Geo Roll call Woodman. At 10:00 Chairman COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA monday, March 22, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. d meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of March rge Anderson, Chairman presiding. members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Maltman, Utecht and o'clock A. M. the following Gravel bids were opened and read.. H & M Equipment Co. Inc. L. J. Vontz Construction Co. Lippincott Oil & Construction Co. Lilley Sand & Gravel Co. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Maltman, that we accept the Gravel bids per cubi as follows: L. J. Vontz Construction co. 'ilaine $1.39, Hanover $1.10, Logan $1 Silver Lake $1.48 and Little Blue $1.26. Lippincott Oil & Construction Co. Wes Highland 1.10, Denver $1.48, Ayr $1.29, Roseland $1.42, Cottonwood $1.78 and Lilley Sand & Gravel uo. Verona $1.25,Kenesaw $1.25, Wanda '1.35, and Juniata call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 19, c yard .84, t Blue $1.16, Zero $1.22. $1.35. Roll Motion by Lightner, seconded by Maltman, that George Kistler erect a Televiaion Antenna on the Adams County Courthouse with a right to remove the same at anytime in the future. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mailman" seconde Hastings Country club Inc. at 3:00 o'clock A. M. and Roll call, Ayes: Anderson, Motion carried, d by Lightner, that we grant a load House license to the closing hours week days at 200 o'clock A. M. and Saturday Sundays at 12:00 o'clock Midnight. Hohlen, Lightner, Maltman, Utecht and Woodman. Nay: Gangwish. Motion by Maltman, seconded by angwish, that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, Orla Ernst, guardian of Chester D. Ernst, incompetent, duly appointed by the County Court of Adams County, Nebraska, has filed his petition in the District Court of Adams County, Nebraska for license to sell the real estate described as follows, to -wit: Southwest Quarter of Section 30, Township 8 North, Range 12 West of the 6th P. M. in Adams County, Nebraska, except Chicago, Bur- lington & Quincy Railroad right-of-way and except right-of-way over Central Nebraska Public Power & Irrigation District, said land consisting of approximately acr6s, belonging to said ward for the reason that the personal property in the hands of the guardian is insufficient to pay the debrs of the ward and the charges of managing his estate and maintaining the ward in the State Hospital at Ingleside, Nebraska, and for the reason that it would be for the benefit of said incompetent and his estate that said real estate be sold, and WHEREAS, the 13oard of supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska have investigated said matter and approve of such proposed sale and deem it necessary for the best interest of said incompetent. SUPE 111 VISO 'S IEC ADAMS COUNTY, NE 0 111 111 11 D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of of said County to the District Court Ayes: /Inderson, Gangwish, Maltman and carried. This Board will now recess subject to Supervisors. this resolution be certified by the County Clerk of Adams County, Nebraska in writing. Rollcall, Woodman.Nay: Hohlen, Lightner and Utecht. Motion the call of the Chairman of the County Board of COURT HOUSE, HASTIN1S, NEBRASKA Friday, March 25, 1954. 10:00 o'clock M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of March 22, 1954. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Maltman, Utecht and Woodman. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Hohlen, that we purchase a Tulsa 30 lb.Winch from the Highway Equipment 'o. at $595.00 less 5% discount O. B. Hastings all attachments included. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Gangwish, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Anderson, Salary Clerk of the District Court, Office County Assessor, Office Expense County Attorney's, Office Expense County Clerk's, Office Expense County Judge, Office Expense County Sheriff, Office Expense County Supt, Office Expense Yitzkel Salary &angwish, Salary Hohlen, SElary Kisler, Salary Kisler, Salary Lightner, Salary Mailman, Salary County Treasurer, Office Expense Register of Deeds, Office Expense Utecht, Salary Veteran's Service Officer- Office Woodman, Salary Anderson, Salary Austin, Salary Block, Salary Boontjer, Salary Heuertz, Salary Hinrichs, Salary Hock, Salary Hoefer, Salary Hohlen, Salary Johnson, Salary Joynt, Salary Kennedy, Salary Kluver, Salary Koch, Salary Lower, Salary Overy, Salary Petrie, Salary Poore, Salary Pritchard, Salary Witt, Salary Alberts, Salary Nash, Salary GENERAL FUND Expense Expense ROAD FUND August Beverly Earl L. Wm. George Kathryn Edward H. W. w. William J. Floyd Roy Arthur "eslie Burns Bruce Ted James Klaas Hinrich Charley John ". l'rederick Herman Edward E. Orville Dale Thomas B. John David Marshall Jr. Cle on DuWayne ". Arthur Henry Delbert Walter Clyde Ramond Lloyd Yranklin SCHROEDER ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND QrnI\n't IP I TUT) q Eddie Lloyd 112.50 458.32 771.66 525.00 783.32 83G.14 633.32 498.30 165.00 142.68 108.48 130.00 30.00 123.00 97.50 950.12 591.66 134.46 370.00 125.52 230.00 230.00 260.00 230.00 230.00 215.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 383.34 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 170.00 260.00 SUPE ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 30, 1954. 4:00 o'clock P.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of March 25,195) . George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Mailman and°Utecht. Absent: oodman. Motion by Mailman, seconded by Gangwish, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, the County of Adams, Nebraska, has entered into an agreement between said County, the State of Nebraska, Department of Roads and Irrigation, and Harold Hoskins and Associates for engineering services on Federal Aid Secondary Projects S 563 (1), S 562 (1), and S 252(1) and WHEREAS, supplementary agreements defining the duties of the consulting engineer in connection with right-of-way acquisition for said projects has been submitted for the approval of Adams County, and; WHEREAS, said supplementary PP ry agreements correctly set for the intention- of the Board of Supervisors of said County. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the -board of is hereby authorized and directed to execute the FAS S 563 (1), S 562 (1) and S 252 (1). Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. Supervisors that the Chairman of the Board said supplementary agreemtns for projects County Cl rk Deputy COURT HOUSE, Tuesday, April 6, Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of George Anderson, Chairman presiding. HASTTlGS, N.EBRASKS. 1951. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Supervisors met as per recess of March 30,1951. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Woodman. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Hohlen, that Clerk of District Court, Judge, (2) Register County Nursing Home and County Library be ac aye. Motion carried. Lightner, Maltman, Utecht and the reports of the County Clerk Car Titles, of deeds, (2) County Clerk, Sheriff, Adams cepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted Motion by Lightner, seconded by Utecht, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a of the Supervisors records. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 11975 State Treasurer, State Assistance 307.29 11976 Hastings Drive In Theatre 10.00 11977 Richard Hunter & Melvin Kammerlohr 7.40 11978 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 41.00 11979 John E. Ray, County Judge 10.00 11980 John E. Ray, County Judge 10.00 11981 John E. Ray, County Judge 10.00 11982 John E. Ray, County Judge 10.00 11983 John E. Ray, County Judge 10.00 1198)}. Worthy B. Wood, Sheriff 39.25 11985 Perry 0. Larkin, Director 8.00 11986 Perry 0. Larkin, Director 6.00 11987 Richard M. Trausch 3.22 11988 Silver Lake Township 375.00 11989 Mary Schultz, Clerk of District Court 3.50 11990 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 25.00 11991 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 135.00 11992 John 0.Krull 10.00 11993 Grace Simpson, J"stice of Peace 115.00 11994 Crosley Dist. Div. 63.35 11995 Adams County Service Committee 13.50 11996 State `i'reasurer-Gas Tax Dist. 1153.o8 11997 State Treasurer, Gas Tax Dist. 7683.55 11998 State Treasurer, Gas -Tax Dist. 5891.08 11999 Emma Berg, County Clerk 367.70 12000 Emma Berg, County Clerk 68.50 12001 Zero Township 750.00 12002 Mary Schultz, Clerk of District Court 406.39 12003 John E. Ray, County Judge 20.00 SUPE 111 1'EC0}1\D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 12011 John Ray, County Judge 12012 Schroeder oad Fund 12013 Emma Berg, County Clerk 12014 Mary Schultz, Clerk of District Court 12015 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 12016 L. J. Vontz 12017 0. G. Evans 12018 Biggs Construction Co. 12019 Hastings CountryClub 12020 Hastings Country Club 12021 Fred O. chaffroth, Register of Deeds 12022 Pauline Village 12023 Void 12024 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 12025 Oscar Hanson 12026 John E. Ray, County Judge 12027 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 12028 Perry Larkin, Director 12029 Wm. Moore 12030 Emma Berg, Countylerk 12031 Emma Berg, County Clerk 12032 Richard Hunter & Melvin Kammerlohr 12033 Worthy B. Wood 12034 Grace Simpson,. Justice of Peace 158.97 871.10 17.36 5.00 45.00 2.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 11.70 533.70 10.00 80.00 12.00 50.00 215.00 8.00 10.00 194q.00 25.00 9.15 47.00 35.00 Motion by Lightner, seconded by Gangwish, that the following resolution be adopted; RESOLUTION: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, that the County of Adams, Nebraska adopt the following provisions pertaining to certain employees, hereinafter set forth of said county for the year April 1, 1954 to April 1, 1955: 1. That from the 1st day of April, 1954, to the 30th day of September, 1954 inclusive the patrol operators and heavy equipment operators now employed by said county shall work fifty (50) hours per week as regular time and receive as compensation the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars (4250.00) per month during said period; that from the 1st day of October, 1954, to the 31st day of March, 1955, said patrol operators and heavy equipment operators now employed by said county shall work forty-four ()1) hours per week as regular time and receive as compensation the sum of Two Hundred Thirty Dollars ($230.00) per month therefor during said period; said patrol operators and heavy equipment operators shall be allowed six (6) days vacation during said year, five (5) days sick leave during said year and the six holidays per year, designated by said county elsewhere as holidays observed by said county; the failure of any of the above employees to work the required number of hours during any month as set forth above other than the days off as, allowed above shall cause said employeees compensation to be proportionately reduced for said month as the number of hours work bears to the required number of hours for said month; said above described employees shall receive compensation for overtime hours worked only when previously authorized by the Board of Supervisors or by the County Engineer in the case of emergency and shall be paid therefor at the rate of One Dollar and Ten Cents (41.10) per hour. 2. All new patrol operators hired after this date shall work the rer,uired number of hours for the periods as set forth in Paragraph )ne hereof and shall receive as compensation there- for the sum of Two Hundred Thirty Dollars(4230.00) per month for the months April through September, 195. inclusi-.e and Two Hundred Fifteen Dollars (4215.00) per month for the months of October, 1954, through March, 1955, inclusive; the provisions above set forth relating to sick leave and vacations shall not apply to said new employees and any of said new employees failing to work the required number of hours during any month, except as affected by the six holidays recognized by said county, shall have his said compensation for said month reduced proportionately for said month. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Hohlen, that we adopt the following resolution "BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Supervisors sell to the following Purchaser the following described property: Lot 150, Original Town in the Village of Kenesaw to J. O. Budd for 316.49. and that the Chairman of the County board of Supervisors be hereby authorized to execute and deliver quit claim deeds to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Woodman, that the following claims he allowed on their 'respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Boll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Acme Printing Company Acme Printing Company Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Adams County Service Committee Adams County Service Committee Anderson Aug. Bee Printing Company Berg, County Clerk Emma Bivens George W. Bivens George W. Business Supply Company Conrad Frank H. County Attorney County Supt. nonnty Supt. Supplies Supplies Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Mileage, Postage Supplies Postage Bailiff Salary Supplies Salary Postage Postage Mileage 146.85 54.7o 320.00 63.33 63.33 84.3o 53.7o 3.22 40.00 72.00 238.64 72.00 6.00 10.00 22.43 SUPE mune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. VISO 1St 11 ECO D ADAMS COUNTY, NE tRASKA 111 NO. 15 3J Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Hastings Utilities Hahlfeld Paint Company Industrial Chemical Laboratories Inc. Itzen & Diez Insurance Agency Knight Leffengwell's Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Lord Co. Lytton, M. D. McDonald Co. McGrath Hardware Co. Mahoney, Co. Treas Maytag Appliance Co. Milburn & Scott Co. Inc. Mohlman John J. Olson Atley Omaha Printing Company Omaha School Supply Company Onken Edw. T. Ray, County Judge John t. Rutt Mrs. J. Sanders Ray L. Schafer Printing Co. Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Fred O. Schlegel C. G. Schultz Mary Schultz, Clerk District Court Mary Shepard's Citations Inc. Sommerfeld Electric Service Stephenson School Supply Co. Taedter Thomas Wood, Sheriff Company Robert Co. The T. C. George J. -J. M. J. H. D. G. Bell Co. Inc. Budd Oil Company Clark Motors Inc. R. B. Clarke Oil Company Consumers Public Power District DeBord's Welding Shop Dilly's Service Farmers Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil Gilpin's Garage Friend's Mptor Supply Hageman Hardware Company Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Home Oil Company Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kenesaw Lumber Company Kenesaw Oil Company Kistler D. G. Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Telephone & Telegra)h Co. McClelland Rose Motors Inc. McGrath Hardware Co. McGrath Hardware Co. McGrath Hardware Co. Messer Company L. J. Modern Linen Supply Co. Moore Wm. Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Newman Pittz Service Sime SincIatr Refining Company Southern Nebraska Rural Public. Power Thomas Specialty Mfg. Co. Van's Texaco Service Velder Ray Wagner Service Station Whities Seat Covers Whities Seat Covers Wilber Service Inc. Wilder's Service Station A. Ruth Ray Worthy B. James W. ROAD FUND Herbert P. C. A. J. Publishing Supplies Publishing Supplies Supplies, Chairs Supplies Supplies Sup'plies File Utilities Paper, Paint Supplies Bonds Reporting inquest Supplies Telephone service Supplies Examination Supplies Supplies Postage, Bank charge Supplies Supplies Salary Salary Supplies Supplies Salary State cases, Postage Refund on tax Salary Supplies Postpge, Box rent Salary Supplies State cases Supplies Repairs Supplies Bailiff services Salary Office Expense, Food, Mileage Repairs Diesel Repairs Gas Utilities Repairs Gas Gas Diesel, Oil Gas - Repairs Repairs Utilities Oxygen Diesel Utilities Supplies Has Repairs C"as Repairs Telephone service Repairs Supplies Supplies Supplies Repairs, Supplies Laundry Gas, Repairs Repairs Salary Gas, Diesel, Repairs Gas, Diesel Gas Utilities Repairs Gas Salary Gas, Oil Repairs Repairs SupPlies, Repairs Gas, Repairs 4.20 20.20 226.63 4.06 3.75 680.95 35.31 11.00 2.75 143.75 189.53 117.31 8.46 12.50 25.00 34.60 161.05 46.53 10.00 43.11 6.9 13.0 148.41 93.08 120.00 160.00 1.2 6.0 59.90 2 .5o .o6 112.00 45.20 8.25 130.75 9.74 410.98 18.00 11.68 27.35 20.00 136.00 366.65 29.21 118.18 1.99 111.57 5.01 3.5o 46.81 91.81 17.29 3.00 10.20 32.50 9.85 37.70 56.11 33.22 30.75 66.04 54.59 25.0o 55.24 8.55 1.80 2.00 14..R8 1.76 70.27 790.98 193.60 172.97 181.82 74.52 21.05 27.71 6.07 193.60 134.83 8.5o 7.00 258.35 102.75 SUPE VISO 'S ECO 11 ADAMS COUNTY, NE It D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. ,Rinck Wheeler Lumber Wheeler Lumber Road Account Albright Aman Bouregy & Doubleday Ernst Hastings Jones Kindig McNair parks Snell Watkins Thomas William Bridge & Supply Bridge & Supply Curl Inc. & Co. Inc. Carnegie Library Book 6hop Nels)n Electric Co. Amen American Public Business Supply Business Supply Englehorn Foote, M. D. Hager Hastings Kipp McCarty Snyder Welfare Company Company Typewriter Co. Adams County Adams County Soldiers Relief Fund SCHROEDER ROAD FUND. COUNTY LIBRARY Mrs. A. F. Mrs. R. D. Mrs. Waunetta Mrs. Aaron Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Klyoe Arlene Mrs. Howard E. Salary Supplies Supplies Labor, Equipment rental Salary Salary Books Books Salary Library service Salary. Salary Salary Salary Salary Books ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME Repairs STATE ADMINISTRATION Salary Directory Supplies Files Mileage Medical care Mileage Supplies Rent Mileage Mileage Peter Association Evelyn D. E. C. Addie John W. Freida Faye Daniel E. SOLDIER'S & Soldiers Relief Fund SAILORS Relief Relief POOR AID FUND Berg, County Clerk Emma Bert's Rexall Drug Store Bi -Lo Market Brooke & Sons Drug Store Charlton, M. D. G. Paul Christian L'hildren's Home Cook Paint & Varnish Company Credit Bureau of Hastings Dick's Grocery Eckhardt's Grocery Egen, M. D. L F. Everson Mrs. Marie Fern's Pharmacy Hastings Drug Store Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities Herbst Grocery Holthaus Drug Company Jack & Jill Grocery- 3rd & Burlington Jack & Jill Grocery- Spencer Park Kendall Mrs. Effie Kunce's Grocery Laird Coal Company Lloyd B. Larkin Perry O. Larkin -Director Perry O. Lincoln telephone & Telegraph Co. McIntire, M. D. R. J. McNeill, M. D. L. S. Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mikkelsen Drug Company Hutt's Drug Store # 1 Rutt's Drug Store # 2 Rutt Schafer Printing Company Skaggs Grocery # 5 Skaggs Grocery 11 Skaggs Grocery # 5 Smith, Supt. Stop and Shop Market Thiel's Cafe Mrs. Frank O. P. O. P. O. P. J. N. Postage Medical supplies Staple foods Medical supplies Medical care Care Supplies Credit service Staple foods Staple foods Medical care Rent Medical supplies Medical supplies Supplies Utilities Staple foods Medical supplies Staple foods Staple foods Care Staple foods Mileage Revolving fund Telephone service Medical care Medical care Hospital care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies Care Supplies Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Care Staple foods Meals 167.20 217.24 7.50 1264.80 25.00 25.00 4.50 30.80 35.00 90.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 36.96 39.00 55.00 7.50 30.70 157.68 7.98 5.00 10.14 77.75 150.00 3.96 6.00 166.66 166.66 17.28 4.48 75.00 53.54 4.00 5.00 2.83 5.00 37.25 20.00 2.00 20.00 .85 20.23 3I.80 18.22 10.00 2.82 176.75 20.00 145.00 17.25 70.00 20.96 47.71 34.00 11.00 11„00 104.05 17.05 1.13 1.90 170.00 15.60 77.25 122.00 .73 105.00 103.50 10.00 7.00"'"A‘une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPERVISO S E- NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Anderson Anderson Beck Bert's Drug Store Bert's Drug Store Bert's Drug Store Brooke & Son Brooke & Son Charlton Charlton Coleman DeBacker DeBacker Dixon Eckhardt Ellis Fern's Pharmacy Foote Foote Clinic Guildner Guildner Hastings Drug Store Hastings Drug Store Hatfield Hawley Hoffmeister Holme rand Holsten Drug Company Holthaus Drug Store Holthaus Drug Store Johnston Johnston Jones Dru g Store Justice Locke Drug Store Klesger Kuehn Kuehn Livingston-butlor-Volland Livingston-Butler-Volland McIntire McIntire McIntire McIntire Mace Mace Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mikkelsen Drug Company Myers Obert Pinney Pinney Rutt's Drug Store # 1 Rutt's Drug Store # 1 Rutt's Drug Store # 2 Rutt's Drug Store It 2 Scheidies Uridil Uridil Von Strode Weber Weber Wegmann Wolfe MEDICAL, SURGICAL & HOSPITAL CARE Dr, Dr. Dr. H. H. V. F. F. L. Dr. G. P. Dr. G. P. Alma Dr. L. J. Dr. L. J. Mabel Mrs. Fred Phidelia Dr. E. C. Dr, C.. W. Dr. C. W. Mrs. C. Ross M. 4),. Geo, F. Dr. L. Dr. C. O. Dr. C. O. Dr. Dr. Dr. Funeral Funeral Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Adams County Fair This Board will now Supervisors. c. G. G. Home Home R. H. R. 3. R. J. Robert H. J. L. Dr. J. L. L. A. A. Bertha Dr. F. C. Dr, Geo, L. Dr. G. L. Amanda Dr. J. E. Pr. J. E. Mrs. W. R. Dr, C. R. Dr. C. R. Dr. Wm, Mrs. Neva COUNTY recess subject to the Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical Supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Nursing care Medical care Medical care Medical care Nursing care Nursing care Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Nursing care Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Ambulance service Ambulance sertide Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Hospital care Hospital care Medical supplies Nursing care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies Nursing care Medical care Medical care Nursing care Medical care Medical care Medical care Nursing care FAIR FUND Premiums & permant improvements call of the Chairman of the County Board of 20.00 14.50 1.00 6.77 8.00 121.73 37.93 23.4o 179. L6 159.85 38.95 59.80 5.00 8.00 53.57 12.73 5.5o 11.00 42.08 8.00 36.75 77.85 47.45 32.75 1.25 5.00 12.00 15.00 16.90 6.40 2.00 16.00 6.00 5.00 3.00 93.50 88.19 5.00 10.00 36.00 12.28 32.50 94.20 28.00 11.00 644.56 1028.10 6.25 190.15 21.00 11.76 31.67 13.20 40.50 61.98 56.61 262.80 17.00 6.00 194.4o 8.00 8.00 11.00 322.13 2000.00 COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 13, 1954. 2:30 o'clock P.M. Regular Meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Maltman, Utecht and Woodman. Chairman met as per recess of April 6, 1954. SUPE 1.l VSO 'S l' ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE 1 RASKA 1.1 D NO. 15 Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Utecht, that we adopt the following salary schedule for Adams County Officials as follows: Clerk of the District Court $3600.00, Count Clerk $3600.00, Register of Deeds $3100.00, County Treasurer $1}.000.00, County Assessor $3400.00, County Attorney $2800.00, County Sheriff $3,000.00, County Superintendent $3800.00. Roll call. Ayes, Anderson, Hohlen, Lightner and Utecht. Nayes. Gangwish, Maitman and Woodman. Motion carried. Motion byWoodman, seconded by Hohlen, that we purchase from Nebraska Tractor and Equipment Co. one No. 10 Elegrader 42"' x-19' carrier at $5,000.00 with Adams Elevator Grader trade in. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of i he County Board of Supervisors. Ag./ ounty Cle. Deputy. COURT HOUSE, HASTINaS, NEBRASKA Monday, April 26, 1954. 10:00 o'clock 1.M. Chairman. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of `'pril 13, 1954. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Maltman, Utecht and Woodman. Motion by Maitman, seconded That a committee be appointe Lincoln, Nebraska with full coming before this committee by Adams County. Roll call, Motion by.Woodman, seconded fund and the County "lerk be Motion carried. by Gangwish, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUT ION: d by the Chairman authority to negot and pertaining to all voted aye. Mot by Lightner, that instructed to iss Anderson, Salary Clerk of the District `'ourt, Offi e Expense County Assessor, Office Expense County Atto rney's,Off ice Expense County Clerk's, Office Expense County Judge's, Office Expense County Sheriff, Office Expense County Supt, Office Expense County Tre asur, r, -0_,i iceExpeanaser Gangwish, Salary ' y Hohlen, Salary Kisler, Salary Kisser, Salary Lightner, Salary Maltman, Salary Register of Deeds, Office Expense Utecht, Salary Veteran's Service Officer, Office Expense Woodman, Salary Anderson, Salary Austin, Salary Block, Salary Boontjer, Salary Heuertz, Salary Hinrichs, Salary Hock, Salary Hoefer, Salary Hohlen, Salary Johnson,, Salary Joynt, Salary Kennedy, Salary Kluver, Salary Koch, Salary Lower, Salary Meyer, Salary Overy, Salary Petrie, Salary Poore, Salary Pritchard, Salary Witt, Salary to consult with the Department of Public Roads in fate contracts, and sign agreements, on any matter any Federal Aid Secondary Road as now designated ion carried. the following claims be allowed on their respective ue warrants for- the same. Roll call, all voted aye. GENERAL FUND- George UND- George BE arl ly Wm. George Kathryn Ed. W. W. William J. Floyd ROAD FUND Roy eslie B. Bruce Te d James Klaas H. 'harley John w. re d E Orville Dale Thomas B. John David Marshall Jr. Clean William R. DuWayne Arthur Henry Delbert Clyde Lloyd SCHROE�DER ROAD FUND 165.00- 105.00 8132 859.66 525.00 783.32 821.59 633.32 491.66 _ _981.66 141.48 116.58 130.00 30.00 120.00 112.50 591.66 120.00 370.00 128.i4 250.00 250.00 270.00 239.65 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 383.33 250.00 247.70 250.00 250.00 250.00 186.75 24.15 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 ane Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VIS®�•�9� �E�®� O. 1,5 AlCOUNT '`, 1 'JEBRtAS . This Board Will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors hairman Filed April 29, 195L1. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING TO: EMMA BERG, COUNTY CLERK, ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. You are hereby notified that the undersigned, being a majority of the board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, hereby request a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of said county to be held on the 30th day of April, 1954, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. at the regular meeting place of said Board in the Court House in Hastings, Nebraska. The purpose of said special meeting is to reconsider the action of the l'oard taken in setting salaries for the various county officials. Y ti r;oun. are ereby requested to notify in writing each member of the Board of Supervisors of the e object of said meeting. Gated at Hastins, Nebraska, this 29th day of 1954. W. W. Maitman Wm. Hohlen Earl L. Gangwish -bloyd Woodman COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, April 30, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Special meeting as per notice shown above. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Hohlen, Maitman and Woodman. The Chairman of the Board being absent. Maitman, seconded by Woodman nominated Hohlen as temporary Chairman there being no other nominations the following votes were cast. Ayes: Gangwish, Hohlen, Maitman and Woodman. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Maltman, that the following, schedule of annual salaries be adopted for County Officials of Adams County effective January 1, 1955. County Assessor $3600.00 County Attorney 3200.00 County Clerk - 3900.00 Clerk of Dist Court 3600.00 Register of Deeds 3600.00 County Sheriff 3000.00 County Supt. 3800.00 County Treasurer Roll call, Ayes: Gangwish, Hohlen, Mal tman and Woodman. Motion carried. 4000.00 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. County (ler Deput . t" Temporal ,y Chairman. COURT HOUSE, HASTIN( S, NE�6RASKA Thursday, May 6, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Supervisors met as per recess of April 30, 1954• George Anderson, Chairman presiding. xo11 call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Maitman, Utecht and woodman. Motion by Maitman, seconded by Gangwish, that the following Resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, a majority of the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, met in the Supervisor's Boom, in the County Court House, Hastings, Nebraska, at 10 o'clock a. m. on the 30 day of April, 1954, pursuant to a written notice of a special meeting served on each member of the Board by the County Clerk of said County, and Vll!-lf UPAS. .`l f. 1± F.; *E-1 f=± Anti rl1 An moo{-iek-0 f' 4 44- r SUPE 11 VISO 'S 1'1.1€C0 ADAMS COUNTY, NE D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEHRASKA: That the action taken by the four members of the Board of Supervisors, being a majority present and voting on April 30, 1954, in favor of the revision of salaries for the elected County officials of Adams County, Nebraska, be and the same hereby is in all respects ratified and confirmed and all defects or irregularities resulting from the inadequancy of notice of said special meeting or the lack of a quorom are hereby waived, to the end that the salaries of the county officials adopted on April 30, 1954, shall become effective Januaryl, 1955, in accordance with the provisions of Section 23-1114, R. 6. 1953 Supp. Roll call, Ayes: Gangwish, Hohlen, Mailman and Woodman. Nay: Anderson, Lightner and Utecht. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Woodman, that we authorize the County Treasurer to purchase $150,000.00 U. S. Treasury Series J. Bonds. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Utecht, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the supervisors record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 12035 Emma Berg, County Clerk 12036 John Ray, County Judge 12037 Adams County Nursing Home -Mrs. Wolfe 12038 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 12039 Edw. T. Onken 12040 Mrs. Neva Wolfe 12041 Budd Oil Company 12042 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 12010 John . Ray, County Judge 12011h State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. 120h5 )-bate Treasurer, Gas Tax Dist. 12046 State Treasurer, Gas Tax Dist. 12047 John . Ray, County Judge 12048 Beatrice concrete 0. 12049 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 12050 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 12051 Clerk of Dist. Court 12052 State Treasurer, State Assistance 12053 Fred Schaffroth 12054 Mary Schultz, Clerk of District Court 12055 Grace simpson, Justice of Peace 12056 Carmichael -James & Geer Maurer Const. Co. 12057 City of Hastings 12058 Emma Berg, County Clerk 12059 Emma Berg, County Clerk 12060 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 12061 State Superintendent 12062 Wilbur Kuehn 12063 Roscoe E. Story 12064 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 12065 Schroeder Road i'und 12066 Gilbert Finnigsmier 12067 Emil Hoffman 12066 Void 12069 Mary Schultz 12070 N. M. Guettel, Exec. 12071 •red O. Schaffroth, Register of Deeds 12072 Melvin K. Kammerlohr 12073 Wenona Harris 12074 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 12075 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 12076 State Treasurer -tate Assistance 12077 Ray i. Rickel, Exec. 12078 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 12079 Richard Hunter & Melvin Kammerlohr 101.20 82.23 61.00 125.00 5.00 388.75 10.00 75.00 556.40 1081.02 7203.35 5522.91 81.38 72.00 50.00 45.00 1.00 29070.20 15.00 496.40 55.00 18.00 150.00 17.28 374.45 149.00 37733.99 10.0o 5.00 84.0o 11241480 1.1250 5.00 5.00 143.42 551.05 5.00 5.00 30.00 55.00 104.17 213.77 50.0o 5.95 n Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Utecht, that the Chairman of the Bo,rd be authorized and directed to execute an easement conveying to the Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas Co. right of way along that portion of Lot 25, Original Town, Juniata which is the abandon Missouri Pacific Right of way for the purpose of construction and maintenance of natural gas line. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mailman, seconded hy Woodman, that the following bonds be approved and filed.Assessors: Raymond L. Sanders, Henry MohlinE, Vern Blockef, Harvey Hunnicutt, C. G. Schlegal, Rudy Eigenberg, R. K. Hinriks, Wm. Oelschlager, Ray Eisele, George givens, Frank B. Onken, John Mohlman, Claude Seeley, d Onken, Frank conrad, A. F. Albright, Elwin Nienheuser, E. S. Newell, Atley Olson, Elvin urner, Ray --homas, A. G. Bourg, Wallace Bohlke, Stein Lukas, H. K. Sanford, J. E. Woods, ROADOVERSEER: Ervin '-erg, Kenesaw lownship; Howard W. Frazier, Silver Lake 'iownship; CONSTABLE, Leon Currier, Kenesaw l'ownship; Lloyd Joynt, Roseland iilownship; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Woodman, that the following reports •be accepted and placed on file: Adams County nursing Hone, County Library, Clerk of the District court, County Clerk Car Titles, County Judge, Register of Deeds, County 'lerk and Sheriff. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by cangwish, that we adopt the following resolution "BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Supervisors sell to the following purchaser the following described property; Hots 1 to 4 Incl. Block 2, Original '-own, village of Hansen to i,rank Lowell for 4P24.00; Lots 9 & 10, Block 2 Creeth's bubidivion of bt. Joseph's Addition to Clifford L. Wise for 220.00; Lots 18 to 20 Incl Block 3, West bide Addition, City of Hastings, 1.darns County Nebraska to LaVerne Ernst for "150.00; une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE lac p;. D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Lightner, seconded by Utecht, that the General Fund claim of the Hastings Typewriter Co. for X666.00 was charged in error to the Courthouse Building and Grounds and should have been Erection and Repair Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Gangwish, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Acme Heat Equipment company _Acme Printing LJompany Adams County r gricultural Extension Service Adams County Service committee 'Albright _Anderson Bartlett Berg, County Clerk Bivens Bivens Blocker Bohlke Booth Enterprises Bourg _Burroughs "orporat i on Business Supply Company Calandra Camera Company Inc. Conrad County Attorney County Supt. County Supt. County Supt. Credit Bureau of Hastings Crosson Dictaphone Corp. Dier ,Educational Audio Visual Eigenberg Eisele Ilarrmmond & Stephens Co. Hastings Dally Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter L'o. Hastings typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hide Printing Co. Inc. Hide Printing Co. Inc. Hide Printing L;o. Inc. _Hinrichs T-Iunnic.tt Indus trial Chemical Laboratories Inc. Industrial Chemical Laboratories Inc. Kisler Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Lukas Mahoney, Co. Treas as Milburn & Scott 'do. Inc. Mehling Monroe Calculating Machine 'o. Inc. Newell Nienhe us e r Oelsch lager Olson Omaha Printing Co. Omaha School Supply Co. Onken Over -Hite Express Pevalka Priebe Sheet Metal Works Redfield & Company hedfield & Company Sanders Sanford Sanford Schafer Printing Co. Schlegal Schultz, Clerk District Court Simpson, Justice of Peace Stephens Peck Inc. Stewart Plumbing & Heating Steward Taedter, Thiels Cafe Thomas '-urner Wahl A. F. Aug Phyllis Erna. George Georgee A. Vern Wallace A. C. A. G. Repairs Supplies Office Expense Office Expense Assessing Mileage, Postage Salary Postage, Freight ,Assessing Bailiff services Assessing Assessing Plat cook Assessing Services Supplies Dictaphone Frank Assessing Postage Commencement expense Postage Mile age Credit Service Raymond L. Bailiff services Transcriber & Stand E. L. Vital Statistics -Books Rudy Assessing Yzay Assessing Labels Publishing Publishing Publishing Supplies Flag Supplies Utilities Supplies Supplies Supplies R. K. Assessing Harvey Assessing Supplies Supplies George Supplies Telephone service Stein Assessing Postage, Bank Charge Supplies Henry Assessing Services C S. Assessing Elwin Assessing ern. Assessing Atley Assessing Supplies Supplies Edw.T. Assessing r're i gh t Margaret Services Supplies Sup,blies Supplies Raymond L. Assessing H. K. Assessing H. K. Assessing Supplies C. G. Assessing Mary State cases, Postage Grace H. Services Sup4211es Repairs Samuel J. Refund nuth Bailiff services Jurora Board Ray Assessing Elwin N. Assessing Lawrence Tax Refund 32.37[ 95.55 320.00 63.33 120.75 24.60 8.80 7.80 64.00 40.00 109.30 116.80 15.00 11;.8.70. 21.15 9.75 175.00 72.00 6.00 45.00 20.00 27.18 15.00 5.00 324.00 172.00 24.95 151.80 159.50 1.63 12.00 74.31 21.42 38.30 4.75 2.40 168.74 9.00 15.00 750.00 159.50 140.90 6.92 1)4.00 1.55 151.30 120.25 126.12 24.59 145.50 31.00 45.25 107.10 115.10 248.00 11.87 6.06 280.00 1.25 5.00 11.50 60.62 46.23 96.00 64.30 53.5o 8.62 177.25 117.85 29.25 6.00 26.52 25.61 10.00 9.45 232.00 121.30 1.62 (38 SUPE VISO 'SECOID NO. 15 111\) ADAMS COUNTY, NECRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Budd. Oil uompany Clarke Oil uompany Consumers Public Power l'istrict Dilly's Service Eaton Metal Products Corp. Fairs Repair Shop Farmers Union uo-Op. Gas & Oil Firestone Stores ±eriends Motors Supply Hageman Hardware Co. Hasti _gs Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Home Oil Company Island Supply Company Kenesaw Oil Company ,Kerr -Cochran Inc. Lang Lanhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment 'o. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McLilelland Rose ilbtors inc. Messer o. Modern Linen Sup )1y Newman Pittz ervice Pritchard Sherman Service Center Sidles Company Sime Sinclair Refining Co. Socony-Vacuum Oil Co. Inc Thomas Specialty Manufacturing Co. Velder Wagner Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wilber service Inc. Wilder's Service Station ROAD FUND Charles C. L. J. Herbert P. C. l'onald D. A. J. Elet M. BRIDGE FUND Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Cook Paint & Varnish Company Cook Paint & Varnish Company Cook l'aint & Varnish Company Dutton-Lainson Company Hartford Highway Equipment & Supply Co. Litz Naggatz --Rief Rinck Wheeler Lumber liridge & Supply Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Road Account Albright Aman Bouregy Doubleday Ernst Follett L Hastings Jones Kindig McNair Parks Snell White Curl Inc. & Co. Inc. ibrary Book Co. Carnegie Library Dutton-Lainson Company Hastings Elevator o. Acme Printing Company Berg, county Clerk Business Supply Company Frank H. Hubert F. Ervin W. Henry homas William SCHROEDER ROAD FUND COUNTY LIBRARY Mrs. A. F. Mrs. R. D. Mrs. Waunetta Mrs. Aurone Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Klyoe Miss Arlene Mrs. Howard Frank ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME STATE ADMINISTRATION Enarna Gas, JJiesel Gas Utilities Gas Supplies Repairs, Supplies Gas, Diesel Tire, Repair Repairs Repairs Utilities Acetylene, Oxygen Diesel Cable Gas Supplies Salary uas, hepairs Caterpillar Motor Grade Repairs Telephone service Supplies Supplies Laundry Salary Diesel, Supplies Salary Supplies Supplies Gas, Jiesel, Supplies Gas Oil Repairs Salary Glass Culvert Repairs Gas, Repairs weight Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Repairs Winch Salary Salary Salary Salary Supplies Supplies Labor, Equipment Rental Salary Salary Books Books Salary Books Library Service Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Mileage Supplies Water Softener Supplies Postage Supplies 181.11 101.21 5.4.5 60.92 2116.14 21.95 105.31 29.40 4.00 7.09 32.35 15.41 36.69 11.00 29.98 21.10 127.60 54.71 19900.00 299.19 27.85 98.14 22.49 4.31 209.00 325.14 100.10 7.22 126.29 248.42 81.42 41.45 3.39 238.70 .90 330.60 33.29 146.95 1085.67 4.79 21.55 4.47 4.38 7.50 563.65 238.70 233.20 216.70 238.70 1164.83 2458.84 981.15 25.00 25.00 4.50 40.04 35.00 163.30 100.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.52 8.28 25.00 9.75 19.28 20.65 1 une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO ]ECO D ATO® 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA SOLDIER'S & SAIL0R1S Adams County Soldiers Relief Fund POOR AID FUND Amen Bert's Rexall Drug Store Li -Lo Market Brunkow Christian Children's Home Credit Bureau of Hastings Dick's Grocery Doyle's Drug Store Eekhardt's Grocery Egen, M. D. Everson Fern's Pharmacy -do x Hastings Drui Store Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery_ Jack & Jill Grocery - Kuehn, M. D. Kunce's Grocery Larkin,Director Larkin McIntire, M. D. McNeill, N. D. Parson's Oil Company "utt Rutt's Drug Store # 1 Safeway Stores Skgggs Grocery 'it 5 Skaggs Grocery # 11 Smith, Supt. Stop and shop Market Vern's Cash Grocery Wagner's Service Station Western Auto Associate Store Whisinand's Grocery Wolfe Zubrod's Grocery Spencer Park 3rd & Burlington Anderson 3e-t's Drug Store 31 -and Mortuary Broomer Dispensary Brooke & son Coleman DeBabker Egen Ellis Fern's Pharmacy Foote Guildne r Hansen Hastings Druj Store Hastings Drug Store Hoffmeister Holm HIlthaus Drug Stroe Hunt Jones Drug store Kleager McIntire McIntire McMillan Mace Nary Lanninf Memorial Hosp. Myers Mikkelsen Drug Co. Penner Pharmacy Pinney Rutt's Drug Store 2 scheidies Von Strode Weber Wolfe Peter Herbert E. L. 14'. Mrs. Marie Mrs. Lew Gerald t-1. Perry 0. Perry O. R. J. L. S. Mrs, Frank O. P. O. P. Mrs. J. N. Mrs. Neva MEDICAL, SURGICAL & HOSPITAL CARE This 3oard will now recess subject /sr Dr. H. i'. Mrs. iilma Dr. L. J. Dr. L. Phidelia Dr. C. M. Dr. C. W. Dr, H. C. Dr. Dr. George -. R. Dr. G. H. Dr. Clyde Dr. R. H. Dr. R. J. Dr. John Dr. J. L. Bertha Dr. G. L. Amanda Mrs. W. II.. Dr. C. ". Mrs. Neva Relief Salary Supplies Staple foods Rent Care Credit service Staple foods Supplies Staple foods Medical care Rent Medical supplies Nursing care Medical supplies Utilities Staple foods Staple foods Medical care Staple foods Revolving fund Mileage Medical care Medical care Kerosene Care Medical supplies Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Care Staple foods Staple foods Gas, Cil Supplies Staple foods Care Staple foods Medical care Medical supplies Ambulance service Medical care Medical supplies Nursing care Medical care Medical care Nursing care Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical care Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Hospital care Nursing care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical supplies Nursing care Nursing care Medical care Nursing care to the call of the C4airman of the County Board 166.66 55.00 21.92 50.00 20.00 5.00 5.00 37.25 8.37 20.00 2.00 20.00 3.53 73.82 16.75 16.73 20.00 160.00 3.00 17.25 84.14 28.2 10.00 4.00 8.00 170.00 4.13 5.00 77.25 162.90 105.00 86.25 20.00 35.11 1.50 39.90 240.00 60.00 16.50 96.00 7.50 8.50 53.60 47.50 42.80 6.00 12.73 3.35 3.00 8.00 5.00 52.13 6.75 19.00 7.00 2.90 4.00 7.83 2.00 104.79 24.00 14.00 42.50 594.05 190.15 18.30 3.20 26.142 51.36 262.80 227.15 9.70 338.35 of Supervisors. .1.A9.41 4.4 4/ hairman SUPE Viso 's ECO 111 ADAMS COUNTY, NE It D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, May 17, 1954. 11:30 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors net as per recess of May 6, 1954. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Maltman,sUtecht and Woodman. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Gangwish, that the following claim be allowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Hunter ichard E. Court costs 93.80 .This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. azA hairman COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, May 17, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalizat'on. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Maltman, Utecht and Woodman. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Utecht, that the 1954 personal assessment schedules located in the City of HastinEs, Adams county, Nebraska be assessed at as follows: Wheeler Lumber Bridge and Supply Co., Inventory S135,000.00, Improvements on Leased Land 425,000.00; Johnson Cash-Wa Lumber Co., Improvements on Leased Land $20,000.00; Pauley Lumber Co., Inventory $40,000.00; Improvements on Leased Land $10,000.00; Hastings Fuel Company, lmprovem:enteon Leased Land $2000.00; Chas. Uerling Co., Inventory $75,000.00; Stitt Furniture Co., Inventory $75,000.00; Fred Goll Furniture Co., Inventory 430,000.00; J. W. Batt Furniture Co., Inventory $20,000.00; Fairmont Foods Co., Equipment $500.00; Topaz Dairy, Dairy Equipment $10,000.00; Service shoe Shop (Leo Weiler) Equipment $600.00; John Weiler Shoe Shop, Equipment $600.00; Ben Hein repair Shop, Equipment $500.00; Patterson Bros., Equipment $10,000.00; Hastings Piano Co, Inventory $20,000.00; Radio Electronics, Inventory 44200.00; Clarke Hotel Barber Shop, Equipment $400.00; Redondo Motel, Equipment $3500.00; Cartel Hotel, Furniture & Fixtures $8700.00; Henry Hotel Co., Furniture (1)42 rooms) @$60.00 each $14,200.00; Hammell Implement Co., Inventory $20,000.00; Improvements on Leased Land $10,000.00; McKenzie Farm Machinery Co., Inventory $20,000.00; Central Tractor Parts Co., Inventory $5000.00; Sherman ,,,rvice center Inc., Inventory $50,000.00; E. W. Stevens Plumbing & Heating Co., Equipment $1000.00; Dick's Sheet & Metal, l'ixtures and Equipment $1000.00; Rutherford Plumbing & Heatint Co., Equipment and Fixtures $4000.00, Inventory $15,000.00; Hinrichs Sheet Metal, Equipment $1000.00; •Acme Heating Equipment Co., Equipment $1000.00; Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. This Board will now recess until May 18, 1954. at 10:00 o'clock A. M. COURT HOUSE, HASTINCS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 18, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met,as a Board of Equalization. George Andersen, Chairnan presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Maltman, Utecht and Woodman. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Woodman, 1hat the 1954 personal assessment schedules located in the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska be assessed at as follows: Kully Iron & Metal Co. Inventory $3000.00; Elm Street Garage, Equipment & fixtures 01000.00; Hillcfest Grocery, E9uipment a000.00; H. M. Luber Auto Parts, Inventory $20Q0.00; Trupps Body & Fender Shop, Shop equipment 2500.00; Inventory $300.00; Losee & Cornelius Auto Shop, Shop Equipment,42500.00; Geo. F. Jahnke, Inventory $3000.00; irestore Stores, inventory $20,000.00; S. S.Kresge Co., Inventory $20,000.00; Geyerman's of Hastings, Inventory $30,000.00; Phillips Inc., Inventory $30,000.00; Jerold Shop of Nebr Inc., Inventory $7500.00; Fashion City Inc. of Nebr. Inventory $5000.00; Sidders Furniture Co. Inventory $10,000;00; Bruce Jewelry Co., Inventory $22,000.00; John W.Hiber, Inventory $15,000.00; Ohlsen & Meyers Jewelry, In entory $25,000.00; Brooke Jewelry Co., Inventory $7500.00; Helmes Jewelry Inventory $7500.00; Haberman's Studio, Inventory $20,000.00; -°-'quipment $5000.00; Bentz Studio, Equipment $3000.00; Inventory 810,000.00; Tuppers Tailor Shop, Equipment $500.00; C. D. Hoff, Equipment $4500.00; Harold L. Hoff,,Equipment 04000.00; Shorts Launderette, Equipment $1000.00; Parkside Cleaners, Equipment 41500.00; Ideal Cleaners, Equipment $2000.00; Cope Cleaners, Equipment $2500.00; New Method Laundry, Equipment $8000.00; Queeri City Laundry, Equipment $10,000.00; Hastings Typewriter Co., Inventory 440,000.00; Williams Printing Co., Antiques, $1000.00; Business Supply Co., Inventory $10,000.00; Equipment $300.00; Linder-Helgren Floor co-,ering, Inventory $5000.00; lurner Brothers Painter, Equipment $600.00; Yellow .0iamond Lines, Equipment $1000.00; 80 Taxi Lines, Equipment $2500.00; Hastings Yellow Cab Co., Equipment $2000.00; lopp's Flowers, Equipment 62000.00; Inventory $3000.00; Niemeyer Liquor Store, Inventory, 45000.00; Phelp's Licjuor, Inventory $8500.00; Joe Weiler, Inventory $5000.00; Kirk L. Amos., Inventory $8000.00; White Spot Linuor Inc., Inventory,$8000.00; Don's Liquor Store, Inventory $4000.00; Holcomb n SUPE VISO Etl ��� 1 O NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NE1313.ASICA une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 4] Nash Finch Co., Inventory40,000.00; Friends kiotor Supplyy, Inventory 4 30,000.00; Kerr -Cochran Inc., Inventory $15,000.00; Improvements on Leased Land $ 0 000.00• F H Brander Co., E: 'pme.nt $2500.00; Inventor $5000.00; McClelland Rose motors Co., Inventory $15,000.00; Albers Auto Service Equipment 1500.00; Mendell Motors Co. E ui ment Russell Hudson Co,, Equipment 41000.00; Lindeburg Ochsner Nash Co., Equipment 01500..00; , q p $2500.00, Inventory .$5000.00, Sporting- Goods Inc., Inventory $10,000.00; radio Station KHAS, Equipment $10,000.00; ,alter E. Hunt,, Inventory $2000.00;- Jones Drug Co., No. 2 Inventory $304000..00; {utts Drug Store, Inventory $11,000.00; This Borad will •now recess until May 19, 1954. at 10:00 -o'clock A.M. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, May 19, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization, George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: "nders n, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Matlman, Utecht and Woodman. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Hohlen, that the 1954 personal assessment schedules located in the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska be assessed at as follows: Dr. L. L. Lemonds, Equipment $2000.00; Jr. A. A. Smith, Equipment 42000.00; Dr. L. J. DeBacker, Equipment $2500.00; C. W. Guildner, M.D. Eouipment 41500.00; Dr's Seberg & Seberg, Equipment $6500.00; Seven Up Bottling Co., Equipment $2000.00; Nehi Bottling Co., Equipment 44000.00; Lindsay Sign Co., Equipment $4000.00; Farm Service Co., Inventory 55000.00; L. J. Spitz, Improvements on leased land $1500.00; Equipment $1000.00; Spitz & Blauvelt Machine Shop, Shop Equipment $3500.00; Watson Bros. Truck Co., Equipment $500.00; Overnight Express, Office Equipment $300.00; Interstate Freight Lines, Equipment $500.00; Hastings Transfer Co., Equipment 500.00; Highway Motor i'reight Inc., Equipment $750.00; Burlington Track Lines Inc., Equipment 0300.00; Carmichael and James, Eruipment $7500.00; Johnson Swanson Inc., Equipment 44000.00; Hargleroad Van & Storage Co., Equipment (fork not listed) 42500.00; BorleyStorage & Transfer ''o., Equipment $1000.00; Hastings Motor Truck Co., Equipment $5000.00; Buck's Booterie, Inventory 4515,000.00; Kernan shoe Co., Inventory 015,000.00; Heiman Shoe `'o., Inventory 015,000.00; Safeway stores Inc., Equipment $10,000.00; 0.P. Skaggs Store, Equipment $3500.00; Jack & Jill Store, Equipment 4510,000.00; Inventory 0415,000.00; Jack & Jill Store, Spencer Park, Equipment $5000.00; Inventory $15,000.00; Jack & Jill Store, 3rd & Burlington Equipment $7500.00; Inventory 015,.000.00; Whisinand No. 1 Equipment 54000.00;' Inventory 07500.00; Whisinand No. 3 Equipment $2000.00; Inventory $7000.00; Franks Food Market, Equipment 02500.00; Inventory $7500.00; Bi -Lo Market, Inventory $7500.00; Kendi-g Grocery, Inventory $7500.00; Stop and Shop Market, Inventory :$7500.00; Brown Grocery, Inventory $6000.00; Denver Aarket Basket, Inventory 44000.00; Emery L'Hrureux, Equipment (Stop Shop hop Market) 452500.00; Gronewold Grocery, Equipment $3500.00; Inventory $6500.00; Bairds 0.P.Skaggs Cold Storage, Equipment 410,000.00• Dalton Cafe, Equipment $4000.00; Homer Cafe, Equipment Eqpt$5000. 42500.00; W. F. Hayter, Equipment ¢1200.00;Jake Butts M & 0 Root Beer, E<uipment 4500.00; 452la0c0ks0e Cafe, Equipment 44000.00; silver Grill, Equipment 45000.00; Dilley's, Equipment $2l500.00; Thiels Cafe, Equipment 43000.00; Treasurer Island, Equipment 42000.00; Kenesaw Lumber Inventory0 co., `�4 ,000.00; Jackson Funeral Home, Kenesaw, Equipment 41500.00, Holstein Lumber Yard, Holstein, Inventory $7500.00; Hageman Hardware, Holstein, Inventory 53500.00; Reed Produce Holttein,' Inventory '$500.00; Hansen Grain Co., Hansen, Building on leased land 0201000.00; Miller Frozen Food & Grocery, Holstein, Equipment 45000.00; Co -Op. Grain & Supply .Co., Roseland Building on leased land 46000.00; Lester D.Pedersen, Eouipment Pumps 4640.00; Paul Dean, Equipment Pumps $640.00;; Joe L.'Haberer (Jae Sinclair Service) Equipment Pumps 0480.00; L. J. Vollweiler, Equipment Pumps 0480.00; Buzz Elliott,Equipment Pumps: 4640.00; Paul D. Batels, Equipment Pumps $640.00; Wilber service, Pumps 4320.00; F. D. Ruxton, Pumps 4320.00; Otis Lippincott, Pumps $640.00; Elmer Kort, Pumps 45320.00; Showboat Motel, Cabin Stock 41500.00; This Boar,, d will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, May 21, 1954. 10:00 o'clock The Adams County Board of Supervisors George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Maltman, Utecht and Woodman. Motion b y h Maltman, seconded by Woodman, that the 1954 personal assessment schedules located in the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska be assessed at as followi: siebend H. Adams, Shop Equipment 51000.00; Dutton Lainson Co. All Equipment (Warehouse office) $20,000.00; John J.Grier Co., Cafe Equipment 4500.00; Central News Stand, Merchandise 4500.00; Western Brick & Supply Co. (All equipment at Brick Yard) 415,000.00; Recordak Corp, Equipment 41200.00; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hohlen,seconded byUtecht,that the improvements on the y P 3501x2501 in S23p 8-7-19 be assessed at 436,500.00; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of May 19,1954. At 12:00 o'clock noon this Board will now recess subject t� the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, June 1, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board •of Supervisors met as a presiding. Roll call members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Mailman, Utecht and Goodman. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Utecht that on the personal schedules for the year '1954 be n.S'RPdeAel of o Board of Equalization. George 'Anderson, Chairman SUPE VISO 111 'S ADAMS COUNTY, NE D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Joe Weiler Shoe Shop, Equipment 4500.00; Ben Hein hepair Shop, Equipment 0155.00; Redondo Motel, Equipment $2025.00; Carter Hotel, Furniture & Fixtures 46000.00; Henry Hotel, Furniture $8520.00; Sherman Service Co. Inventory $401000.00; Hillcrest Garage, Equipment $800.00; Trupp's body & -ender Shop, Shop Equipment 01500.00; Inventory, none; S. S. Kresge Company, Inventory $22,000.00; Geyerman's of IlastinEs, Inventory $24,000.00; Phillips Inc. Inventory 424,000.00; Jarold Shop of Nebr, Inc.,Inventory *6000.00; Fashion City Inc. of Nebr. Inventory $4000.00; s idders Furniture Co. Inventory $1100.00; John W. Hiber, inventory $8875.00; Helmes Jewelry, Inventory 42000.00; Aaberman's Studio, Inventory 610,000.00; Equipment 44400.00; Bentz Studio, Equipment 41860.00; Inventory $5000.00; Tupper's Tailor Shop, Equipment 4300.00; Shorts Launderette, Equipment 4525.00; New Method Laundry, Equipment 45320.00; Hastings Typewriter Company, Inventory 428,200.00; Yellow ,Jiamond Lines, Equipment 5230.00; Phelps Liquor,Inventory $4840.00; Kirk L. Amos, Inventory 44000.00; Shite spot Liquor Inc. Inventory 45510.00; Holcomb Hatchery, Incubaor & Equipment 43500.00; Inventory $2500.00; R. W. Kerr Realty Co. Improvements on Leased Land 46000.00; Bruckman & Brock Library 4250.00; McKinley & Lanning, Office Equipment $940.00; Grace Simpson, Library & Equipment $300.00; &amble liobinson Co. Equipment 41000.00; Inventory $31,415.00; Jack & Jill. Store, So. Street, E uipment 06500.00; Inventory 49740.00; Jack P- Jill Store, Spencer Park, Equipment $2500.00; Inventory 39115.00; Jack & Jill Store, 3rd & Burlincton, Equipment 03800.00; Inventory 49485.00; Whisinand No. 1. Equipment $3100.00; Inventory $6280.00; Whisinand No. 3 Equipment 01400.00; Inventory $5705.00; Wilber Service, Pumps, none; John J. Grier Co. Cafe Equipment 4300.00; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess until June 2, 1954. at 10 o'clock A. N. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, June 2, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. The Adams County board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of June 1, 1954. George Anderson, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Maltnan, Utecht and Woodman. Motion by ciangwish, seconded by Hohlen, that on the personal schedules for the year 1954 be assessed at as follows: Williams Printing co., Antiques $500.00; Oonway & Irons, Librarz 4826.00; Albers Auto Service, Equipment 4300.00; Radio Station KHAS, Equipment $6450.00; Walter '. Hunt, I Inventory $2000.00; Dr. L. L.Lemonds, Equipment 41500.00; C. W. Guildner, M.D. Equipment 4600.00; Seven Up Bottling Co. Equipment $1065.00; Nehi Bottling Co. Equipment 02500.00; Watson bros. Trucking L'o. Equipment $200.00; Hastings Transfer co. Equipment 4500.00; Carmichael & James, Equipment $3500.00; Johnson & Swanson, Inc. Equipment $2700.00; Hargleroad Van & Storage Co. Equipment 6950.00; Borley Storage and Transfer Co. Equipment 4700.00; Kernaon shoe Co., Inventory $11,000.00; Safeway stores Inc., Equipment $5000.00; Joe Weiler, Inventory $3415.00; Highway Motor Freight Inc., Eccuipment 3500.00; Bairds Cold Storage, Equipment $3500.00; Central News Stand, Merchandise $250.00; L.J. Vollweiler, Equipment Pumps, none; Otis Lippincott, pumps,none; Treasurer Island, Equipment 41530.00; Kenesaw Lumber Co., Inventory 423,065.00; Holstein Lumber Yard, Holstein Inventory $6650.00; Jackson Funeral Home, Kenesaw, Equipment 01000.00; Denver Market Basket, Inventory, S2070.00; Groenwold Grocery, Equipment $2500.00; Inventory $4000.00; Showboat Motel, Gabin Stock 4840.00; Lester D. Peterson, Pumps, none; Bi -Lo Market, Inventory $3490.00; Buzz Elliott, Equipment pumps none; Siebend H. Adams, Shop Eruipment $1000.00; Brown Grocery, Inventory $1500.00; Stop and Shop Market, Inventory 451)18.00; Kendig Grocery, Inventory 64500.00; Paul D. Bartels, Pumps, none; Elmer Kort, pumps, none: Aoll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. COURT HOdSE, HASTIN S, NEBRASKA Friday, June 11, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A. M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of June 2, 1954. George Anderson, chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Maltman and Utecht, Absent: Woodman. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Lightner, that the 1954 personal assessment schedules located in the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska be assessed at as follows: Brooke Jewelry Co. Inventory $4840.00; Whelan and Whelan, Library $600.00; Geo. McArthur, Library, $180.00; Burlington Truck Lines, Equipment, 0100.00; Friend Motor Supply, Inventory 0251000.00; and the Improvement on the heal Estate to be assessed at as follows: Lots 1 to 7 Inc. Blk 19, Holstein Village at $1750.00; Lots 12 to 14 Incl b1k19, Holstein Village at $1100.00; Lots 9 to 12 Inc, Blk 21; Holstein Village at 41800.00; Lots 1 & 2, & NA- of Lot 3, Blk 22, Holstein Village at s700.00; Si Lot 3, all Lot 4, and Ni Lot 5, Blk 22, Holstein Village at $1300.00; S-A- Lot 5, all Lot 6, blk 22, Holstein village at $3300.00; Lots 1 to 6 Incl Blk 23, Holstein Village at S1200.00; Lot 7 to 8, Blk 23, Holstein Village at 41400.00; Lots 1 to 7 Inc blk 27, Holstein Village at 41400.00; Lots 5 to 7 Incl Blk 28, Holstein Village At $1235.00; Block 29, Holstein Village at $1500.00; Lot 2, Bik 1, Huckfeldt's Add to Holstein Village at 01200.00; Lots 6 & 7, Blk 2, Huckfeldt's Add. to Holstein (2 houses) at 41500.00; Ex. W. 10 ft of Lot 2, blk 1, Huckfeldt's North Side Addition to Holstein Village at $1600.00; Ex. E. 10 ft of Lot 3, Blk 1, Huckfeldt's North Side Add. to Holstein village at 01850.00; Pt. Si Si SE*, Beg at SE Cor. of SE* thence N. 40 rds W 723 ft S 40 rds E 723 ft to beg. Sec 22 -Twp 6 R 12 at $2,000.00; W 105 ft of Lots 17 to 19 Inc. & N 15 ft of W 105 ft of Lot 16, Bik 17, Holstein Village at $1400.00; Lots 30 to 33 Inc. Blk 22, Holstein Village at 0700.00; Lots 5 & 6, Blk 18, Holstein Village at 02500.00; N 25 ft of Lot 10, and all Lot 11, Blk 19 Holstein Village at $900.00; Lot 5, Blk 7, (new house) S1540.00; Lot 5 & 6, Bik 1, Holstein Village at $2250.00; Lots 1 to 3 Incl. Bik 2, Holstein Village at $950.00; Lots 4 to 6 Inc. Blk 2, Holstein Village at $2500.00; Lots 7 & 8, Blk 2, Holstein Village at $2200.00; Lots 9 to 12, Blk 2, Holstein Village at 4880.00; Lots 1 & 2, & N. 10 ft of Lot 3, Blk 3,Holstein Village at $800.00(new garage); S. 40 ft of Lot 3, and all Lot 4, Blk 3, Holstein Village at 860.00 (new shop); Lots 5 & 6, Blk 3, Holstein Village at $750.00; Lots 7 & 8, Bik 3, - IT.nn rh,n,n^in ^^- nr,,n .4+4. T.-4. 9_ L 1 nn. ne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Lots 11 to 14 Inc, Elk 7, Holstein Village at $104.0.00; Lots 1 to 9 Inc, Blk 8, Holstein Village at $4500.00; Lots 13 to 15 Inc, Blk 8, Holstein Village at $1150.00; Lots 19 to 22 Inc, Bik 8, Holstein Village at 41300.00; Lots 1 to 7 Inc, Elk 9, Holstein Village at $1080.00; Lots 8 to 12 Inc, Blk 9, Holsjein Village at $700.00; Lots. 13 to 15 Inc, Blk 9, Holstein Village at $1300.00• Lots 16 to 18 Inc, Bik 9, Holstein Village at $2000.00; Lots 2 & 3, Bik 10,Holstein Village at 4950.00; Lots L to 9 Inc, Blk 10. Holstein Village at 43500.00; Lots 3 & 4, Blk 11, Holstein Villa -.eat 1100. ,. g � 00, Lots 1 to 5 Inc. Elk 15, Holstein Village at $850.00; Incomplete; Lots 1 to 5 Inc, Elk 16, Holstein Village at 41250.00; Lots 9 to 11 Inc, Blk 16, Holstein Village at 2200.00, Lots 2 to 4 Inc, & N 122 ft of Lot 5, Elk 17, Holstein Village at $1550.00; Lot 11, & S. 5 ft of Lot 12, Elk 17, Holstein Village at $3500.00; E. S 12 ft of Lot 12, and all Lot 13, Blk 17, Holstein Village at $550.00; Lots 3 & 1, Blk 18, Holstein Village at $525.00; Lots 14 & 15, & S 10 ft of N. 105 ft of Lot 16, Bik 17, Holstein Village at $2250.00; Lots 1 to 6 Inc, Blk 21, Holstein Village at $750.00 Improvements on Real Estate in the City of Hastings be assessed at as follows: Si Lot 8, Bik L}., olebster & Wemple's Add at $4.190.00; Ni bot 8, Blk L., Webster & Weznple's Add. at $6200.00; S. 83 ft Lots 13 & 14, N 42 ft of Lots 12 to 14, all Blk 15, Original town at 10/100.00; E2 N 150 ft of Lot 2, Blk 2, College Add. at $1320.00; Lots 11 & 12, Blk 9, Original Town at $5520.00; 116.9 x N 239.5 Ex N 150 ft of E 150 Eastwood Add at $1455.00; Lots 31 to 33 Inc, Elk 16, Syndicate Add at $1185.00; Lots 3L1. & 35, Blk 16, Hastings syndicate Add. at $575.00;W2 Lot 115 Country Club Add. at $10,650.00; E2 Lot 115, W 6 ft Lot 117, and all lot 116, Country Club Add. at $10650.00; Ea Lot 110, all lot 111, Heartwell Sub of Heartwell Park at $5955.00, The following in Blaine Township: NEg 8-7-9 Improv ub • Improvements at $1800.00; Com. 661.3 N of Center of Sec., E 209 ft S 208 ft W 209 ft N 208 ft S �. to road Improvements $4.500.00. SW -1-16-7-10 Adams County Denver Twp Improvements $13,000.00; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This 'oard will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HAST1NCS, NE3RASKA._ Monday, June 14, 1954. 11:15 o'clock A.M. The Adams County `'oard of Supervisors met as a Eoard of Equalization as per recess of June 11, 1954. George Anderson, hairman,_ presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Lightner, Maltman, and Utecht. Absent: Hohlen and Woodman. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Gangwish, that the Improvements on Lot 1, Block 23,0riginal Town, it of Hastings, be assessed at as follows: 100% $169,700.00, less 50% 34,850.00. less 12% $74,670.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Fhis Eoard will now recess sub jesit to the call of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, June 16, 1954. 10 o'clock A. M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of June 1L., 1954. George Anderson, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Maltmand and Utecht. Woodman. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Hohlen, that the Improvements on the following real estate be assessed at as follows: Lots 12 to 1L. Inc, Bik 19, Holstein Village at $900.00; Lots 9 to 12 Inc, Bik 21, Holstein Village at $1500.00; Lots 1 & 2, & Ni Lot 3, Blk 22, Holstein Village at $175.00; Si Lot 3, all Lot 4, Ni Bot 5, Blk 22, Holstein Village at $1,000.00; Si Lot 5, all lot 6, Elk 22, Holstein Village at 52500.00; Lots 1 to 6 Inc, Blk 23, Holstein Village at x'750.00; Lots 7 to 8, Elk 23, Holstein Village at 01250.00; Ex W 75' S 2' of Lot 16, all lot 17, Blk 18, Holstein Village at $2000.00; Lots 10 to 12 Inc, Blk 3, Holstein Village at $5,000.00; Lots 1 to 7 Inc, Bik 27, Holstein Village at $1250.00; Bik 29, Holstein Village at $1250.00; Lot 2, Blk 1. Huckfeldt's Add to Holstein at $1250.00; Lots 6 & 7, Blk 2, Huckfeldt's Add. to Holstein at $1250.00; Ex. W 10 ft LOt 2, Bik 1, Huckfeldt's North Side Addition- to Holstein at $1500.00; Ex. E. 10 ft of Lot 3, Blk 1, Huckfeldt's North Side -Addition to Holstein at $1560.00; Pt Si Si SES Deg at SE Cor. of SES thence N 40 rds W 723' S L10 rds E 723' " to beg. 22-6-12. `Gt, $1750.00; W. 105 ft of Lots 17 to 19 Inc, Bik 17 and N 15' 0f Lot 11,W 105' ' Lot 16, Blk 17, Holstein Village at $750.00; N 25 ft of Lot 10, and all Blk 19, Holstein Village at $750.00; Lots 5, Bik` 7, Holstein Village at $2125.00; Lots 5 & 6, Bik1, Holstein Village at $1750.00; Lots 1 to 3 Inc, Elk 2, Holstein Village, at $750.00; Lots 4 to 6 Inc . , Blk 2, Holstein Village at 01480.00; Lots 7 to 8 Inc, Blk 2, Holstein Village75 , _ g IElk 2, Holstein Village at $770.00; Lots 1 & 2 &N 10 ft Lot 3, 1.� 3, Hols�ein�Vl�a�e at Inc,800.00; S. L�0' 'L of `3,' all lot L1., Blk 3, Holstein Blk Villaget at 750.00, Lots 5 & 6, -ilk 3, Holstein Village at Q875.00;Lots 7 & 8, Bik 3, Holstein Village at 1500.00; E 100 ft Lot 5 & 6, 31k 4,Holstein Village at $1250.00; Lots 7 & 8, Bik 4, Holstein Village at $1250.00; Lot 1, & N 40 ft Lot 2, Elk 5, Holstein Village at $1190.00; Lots Los 5 5 & 6, B1k 5, Holstein rt Village at $1250.00; Lots 7 to 12 Inc, Blk 5, Holstein Village at 0; Lot 1, & N 15 ft Loc 2, Elk 6, Holstein. Village x¢850.00; Lots"3 & 4, Bik 7,Holstein Village at $1250.00; W2 Lot 8, & all 9 & 10, Bik 7, Holstein Village at $2360.00; Lots 11 to 1L.. IncElk 7, Holstein Village at x'1,000.00; Lots 1 to 9 Inc, Blk 8, Holstein Village at $3350.00, Lots 13 to 15 Inc, Blk.8, Holstein Village at $1080.00; Lots 19 to 22, Blk 8, Holstein Village at $1250.08; Lots 1 to 7 Inc, Blk 9, Holstein Village at 41250.00; Lots 8 to 12, Blk 9, Holstein Village at $620.00; Lots 13 to 15 Inc, Elk 9, Holstein Village at 41250.00; Lots 16 to 18 Inc, Bik 9, Holstein Village at $14.80.00; Lots 2 to 3 , Elk 10. Holstein Village at 0950.00; Lots 4. to 9 'Inc, Bik 10, Holstein Village at $3250.00; Lots 3 & L}., 'ilk 11, Holstein Village at $760.00; Lots 1 to 5 Inc, Blk 16, Holstein Village at $1,000;00; Lots 9 to 11, Bik 16, Holstein Village at S1480.00; Lots 2 to ` . Inc, & N 12- ft Lot 5, Blk 17, Holstein Village at $750.00; Lot 11, & S 5 ft of Lot 12, Blk 17, Holstein Village at $2900.00; E S 12 ft of Lot 12, all lot l3, Holstein Blk 17, Holstein Village at $350.00; Lots 3 & 4., Blk 18, Holstein Village at $175.00; Lots 14 & 15, & S 10 ft of N 105 ft of Lot 16, Elk 17, Holstein Village at $1250.00; Lots 1 to 6 44 SUPE VISO 'S )ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE It RASKA 11 1 D NO. 15 Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr COURT HOUSE, HASTULS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, June 20, 1954 10:00 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a -Board of Equalization as per recess of June 17, 1954. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Maltman and Utecht. Absent: Woodman. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Lightner, that the improvements on Lots 17 to 21, Block 13, Original Town, City of Hastings be assessed at 29,515.00. Roll call, Ayes: Anderson, Hohlen, Lightner, Maltman and. Utecht. Nay: Gangwish, Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Utecht that the 1954 personal assessment schedule of Firestone, Hastings, Nebr. Inventory be assessed at $15,400.00; and Improvements on N 165' of E 264' SE* NE NW 8-7-9 (Denver Township) be assessed at 12,000.00; and -Improvements on N 103' of Lots 1 & 2 & So 22' of Lots 1 to 4, Block 22, Original Town, City of Hastinfs at $64,080.00; and Improvements on Lots 13 & 14, Block 20, Original Town at $25,000.00; and Improvements on Lot 4, Block 9 Lewis's Sub of Lewis ub at S3450.00; and Improvements on NW* 14-7-10 to $1800.00 and Wells $800.00; and SW* 16-7-10 Improvements to $8000.00; and Improvements on SW* 28-6-11 at 04855.00, and Improvements on Block 11 at Joe 2nd Addition, City of Hastings at $2700.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Soard will now recess subject to the call of the-"hairman of the County Board of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, June 25, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of recess of June 22, 1954. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Woodman. Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Maltmanand Utecht, Motion by Maltman, seconded by Gangwish, City of Hastings be assessed at $7920.00 HastinLs at $1715.00; and Lot 35, Block N 93' Lot 1, Block 4 Hillside Addition, SE cor of SEI thence N 40 rds W 723' So. 6 assessed at 01500.00; -and Lots 5 & 6 Blo Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried that the Improvements on Lot 106, ; and Improvements on Lot 19, Bole 2, Bungalow Addition, City of Has City of Hastings at $9935.00; and 40 rds E 723' to beg 22-6-12; Vil ck 18 Village of Holstein be asses . Absent: County Flub Addition, 's Addition, City of tings at $2200.00 and Pt Si Si SE* Beg at lage of Holstein be sed at $175000; This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County oard of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, August 9, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A. M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess 1954. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. of June 25, Roll call, members present: Anderson, Crosson, Gangwish, Lightner, Maltman and Utecht. Absent: Woodman. Motion by Insurance all voted Maltman, seconded by Utecht, that we transfer $18,676.91 from the Compensation and bund and 02,465.29 from the Mothers Pension Fund -to the County General VUnd. Roll call, aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Gangwish, that the budget for the fiscal year 7-1-54 to 6-30-55, hereby is adopted as the budget, for Adams County for said fiscal year: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. General Vund -Bridge Road County Relief Soldiers & Sailors Relief County Fair Fund Adams County Nursing Home Erection & Repair Vund Special Mail Route Road Fund Medical, Surgical & Hospital Care Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Crosson, that we property outside Free High School District. Roll 176,783.00 44,3oo.00 370,100.00 30,000.00 2,500.00 3,000.00 7,500.00 192,535.00 148,500.00 40,000.00 levy 3.0 mills for Free High School Fund call, -all voted aye. Motion carried. on all Motion by Maltman, seconded by Utecht that every citizen of Adams County between the ages of 21 to 50 years be taxed $2.00 each for Old Age Assistance Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by and 1 mill Motion by 1954-1955 now ready votdd aye. Crosson, seconded by Mailman, that we levy .82 mills for Holstein hural vire District Fund for lloseland Rural ±'ire 1)istrict. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Maltman, seconded by Utecht, that the assessed -valuation of Adams County for the year as equalized by this Board accepted and approved by the State Board of Equalization are to fix a levy on said valuation each sub -division be as follows to -wit: Roll call, all Motion carried. 'Adams County Levy General Fund Bridge Road tJ _ 1.05 none none DP kune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE A ECO D NO 15 AMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion In the by Lightner, seconded by Utecht, that the City & Village levies as based on tax certificates office of the County "lerk by the City and Village clerks. City Hastings Juniata Kenesaw Ayr Roseland .Holstein Prosser Roll call, all voted aye. Motion -carried.. and Village Levies. General Fund Bond 14.68 16.0 18.3 1.94 12.0 11.0 8.0 12.0 14.5 8.0 filedninytheolfice ofe otC Crosson that Levies, as based on tax certificates seconded -by r , by taxation:_ County y township Clerks showing amount to be raised Township Levies West Blue All purpose 2.10 Highland 2.06 Verona 2.42 Kenesaw 1.46 Wanda 1.84 Juniata 1.16 Denver .88 Blaine .66 Hanover .86 Ayr 1.26 Roseland 1.56 Cottonwood 2.02 Logan 2.36 Silver Lake 2.72 Zero 2.50 Little: Blue 11 1.62 Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Maltman, that the School District Levies As based on tax certificates filed in the office of the County Clerk by thevarious school Boards showing amount to be raised by taxation: Dist. No. 1 2 3 _R 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 37 39 40 41 42 46 51 53 57 60 61 62 64 66 67 75 76 Ri Genf 1. 20.12 7.4p6 16.68 147.82 8.22 6.86 10.96 11.78 5.o 17.24 3.7 2.46 7.28 8.04 20.90 6.54. 6.16 7.28 14.42 13.28 9.38 6.84 3.8 8.04 11.54 7.74. 9.14?1. 9.4 2.04. 6.4 4.9 8.44 41.4 11.52 7.08 12.98 7.84 3.0 7.06 9.04 11.3 5.58 10.88 16.48 5.06 1.74 ff rf 11 11 rr rr .11 n Bond 4.54 INN aim Web 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1t f 11 1111 . H. S. 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Total 20.12 10.46 16.68 17.82 11.22 9.86 13.96 14.78 8.o 17.24 6.7 5.46 10.28 11.04 25.44 9.54 9.16 10.28 17.42 16.28 12.38 9.84 6.8 11.04 14.54 10.74 12.44 12.4 5.04 9.4 7.9 11.){) 41.4 14.52 10.08 15.98 10.84 6.0 10.06 12.04 14.3 8.58 13.88 19.48 8.06 4.74 46 SUPE VISO 'S iECO 1" ADAMS COUNTY, NE It D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. "luune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE 1" D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, May 26, 1954. 10:00 o'clock a.m. Regular meeting of the 'dams County Board George Anderson, Chairman presiding. -Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Utecht and Woodman. Absent: Mal tman. of Supervisors met as per recess of May 17, 1954. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Lightner, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Anderson, Salary Clerk of the District Court, Office Expense County Assessor, Office Expense County Attorney's, Office Expense County Clerk's, Office Expense County Judge's, Office Expense County Sheriff, Office Expense County Supt, Office Expense County treasurer, Office Expense Fitzke, Salary Gangwish, Salary Hohlen, Salary Kisler, Salary Kisler, Salary Lightner, Salary Kaltman, Salary Register of Deeds, Office Expense Utecht, Salary Veteran's Service Officer, Office Expense Woodman, Salary -Alberts, Salary Anderson, Salary Austin, Salary Block, Salary Boontjer, Salary Heuertz, Salary Hinrichs, Salary Hock, Salary Hoefer, Salary Hohlen, Salary Johnson, Salary .Joynt, Salary Kennedy, Salary Kluver, Salary Koch, Salary Lower, Salary Meyer, Salary Petrie, Salary Poore, Salary Pritchard, Salary Winkelbauer, Salary Witt, Salary Nash, Salary Larkin, Director of Welfare Employees GENERAL FUND George Beverly Earl Wm. George Kathryn Ed. W. W. William J. Floyd ROAD ,FUND Eddie Roy Arthur Yeslie Burns Bruce Ted A. James Alois Klaas H. Charley rrederick John " . Frederick Herman E. E. Orville Dale. Thomas S. John David Marshall Jr. Cleon William R. Arthur Henry Delbert Walter Clyde Raymond Gerald F. Lloyd Franklin BRIDGE FUND Lloyd F. STATE FUNDS Perry 0. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the ;County Board of Supervisors. Sr. 120.00 458.32 864.66 525.00 783.32 849.94 633.32 491.66 966.66 165.00 155.40 176.04 130.00 30.00 120.00 82.50 591.66 125.34 370.00 151.92 180.00 250.00 250.00 270.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 383.33 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 230.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 84.70 250.00 270.00 2033.38 De p'u ty COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, June 7, 1954. 10:00 o'clock a. m. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of May 26, 1954. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, Maltmanc'and Utecht. Absent: Woodman. SUPE 11 VISO 'S ADAMS COUNTY, NECRASKA D NO. 15 Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Roadoverseer, Kenesaw Townshipl Roadoverswer, Kenesaw Township; Motion by Maltman, seconded by for 8702.18 against the Estate Maltman, that thefollowing bonds be approved; Walter Martin, Bernard Stroh, Constable, Silver Lake Township; and Roy Bender, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Utecht that we instruct the County Treasurer to file a claim of Albert L. Bexten. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Utecht, that we adopt the following resoution "BE IT RESOLVED, that the County L'oard of Supervisors sell to the following purchaser the following described property; Lots 17, 18 & 19, Block 14 Prospect Park Addition, City of Hastings to George DeBord for $150.00; and that the Chairman of the County l'oard of Supervisors be hereby authorized to execute and deliver quit claim deeds to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Acme Printing Company Adams County Agri. Extension Service Adams County Service Committee American Legion Post # 11 Anderson Augustine Company Bivens B i ve ns Burroughs Corporation Business Supply Company Conrad Coordt County Attorney County Supt. Credit bureau of Hastings Credle company Croft Publications Crosson Dictaphone Corporation l'eese Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hide Printing Co. Inc. Hide Printing Co. Inc. Hide 2rinting Co. Inc. Hide Printing Co. Inc. Hide Prihting Co. Inc. Hunter Kammerlohr Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Mahoney, Co. Treas Milburn & Scott Co. Mohl ing Mohlman Mortgage Investment Co. Nash Finch Company New Method Laundry Omaha Printing Company Omaha Printing Company Omaha School Supply Co. Onken Onken Onken Onken Ray Redfield & Company Rutherford Plumbing & Heating Co. Schafer Printing Co. Schafer Printing Co. Schafer Printing Co. Schaffroth, Register of Deeds School Form & Supply Co. School Specialty Supply Inc. Schultz Schultz, Clerk Dist Court Seeley Stark Taedter Thomas Thomas Specialty Mfg Co. United Chemical Co. V. 14. Post 1346 West Publishing Co. Wood, Sheriff Co. Aug. George George Frank Anne Z. W. Arthur C. Raymond L. Dr. J. P. Richard Melvin K. J. Henry John J. Edw. T. Edw. T. Frank Frank B. John E. Fred O. Mary Mary Claude James Delmar Jr. Ruth Ray Worthy B. Supplies Office Expense Office -nxpense Markers Mileage Supplies Bailiff Assessing Supplies Supplies Assessing Salary Postage Mileage Credit Service Belt Supplies Bailiff Supplies Medical service Publishing Publishing Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Expenses Expenses Telephone service Postage, Bank charge Supplies Assessing Assessing Bonds Supplies Laundry Supplies Supplies Supplies Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing State cases, postage,Bank Supplies Repair Supplies Supplies Supplies Postage, supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies State cases Assessing Labor Bailiff Assessing Repairs Supplies Markers Books Jailor, Office Expense, Food Mileage 266.65 593.05 335.00 63.33 38.98 3.00 15.51 45.o0 80.00 .69 31.00 72.00 5.00 6.00 26.01 8.00 5.98 28.00 5.00 10.75 3.5o 96.18 43.99 30.50 1.74 9.68 27.0 126.24 12.70 9.86 10.50 21.50 235.80 9.50 9.5o 169.85 126.47 9.50 204.0o 312.00 65.00 27.05 3.00 13.113 36.29 6.06 72.00 32.00 392.00 16.00 chg19.52 122.77 11.08 12.85 3.25 19.20 6.90 40.08 10.35 2.58 78.50 395.0o 34.00 5.00 48.00 .8o 48.55 25.75 30.00 une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO S EC01°W NO. 15 A AMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA D -A Lubricant Company Inc. Dutton-Lainson Company rarmers Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil roote Equipment Co. Friends Motor Supply Gilpin's Garage Hageman Hardware Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Home Oil Company Island Supply Company Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Kenesaw Oil Company Kenesaw Telephone 'Jo. Kerr Cochran Inc. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McClelland Rose Motors Inc. Modern Linen Supply Monroe Calculating Machine Nash Nebr. Tractor& Equipment Co. Newman Pittz Service Pritchard Sidles Company Sime Service Station Sinclair Refining Co. Socony Vacuum Oil Co. Inc. Southern Nebr. hural Public Trupp Velder Vontz Construction Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wilber Service Inc. Wilders Service Station Co. . Inc. Co. . Inc. Lloyd Herbert P. C. Donald D. Power Dist. Adam Ray L. J. Dutton Lainson Company Eaton Metal Products Corp. Holstein Lumber Co. Johnson's Cash Way Lumber Co. Litz Naggatz Rief Rinck Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply - Road Account Albright Aman Bouregy & Curl Inc. Ernst Follett Library Book Go. Jones Kindi Eing Goriapany McNair Parks Snell Loshonkohl Stevens Plumbing & Heating Co. Berg, County Clerk Business Supply Company Englehorn Hager Kipp Larkin,Director Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McCarty Snyder Adams County Soldiers BRIDGE FUND Hubert F. Ervin 4. Henry Thomas:William 00, SCHROEDER ROAD FUND COUNTY LIBRARY Mrs. A. F. Mrs. R. D. Mrs. Waunetta Mrs. Aaron Vrs. Margaret The Mrs. Klyoe Arlene Mrs. Howard ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME Arthur E. W. STATE ADMINISTRATION Co. Emma Evelyn D. Addie John W. Perry O. Freida raye Daniel E. SOLDIERS & SAILORS hellef Fund Adams County r'air Assn. COUNTY FAIR Lubricant Supplies Gas, Diesel fuel Supplies hepairs Gas, Repairs Supplies, hepairs Utilities Acetylene Diesel Repairs, Supplies Utilities Gas Telephone service hepairs hepairs, supplies Telephone service Repairs Laundry Maintenance Gas, Labor Repairs, supplies Sala Gas, hepairs Salary Supplies, repair Gas, Diesel Diesel Oil Utilities Repairs 6=r. Supplies Supplies, Repairs Gas, Repairs hepairs Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Salary Salary Salary Supplies 135.31 2.60 121.46 83.74 19.40 7.31 4-42 20.97 6.62 34.08 112.33 39.89 43.96 13.45 4.26 161.47 31.20 25.15 2.35 35.00 11.05 576.43 220.00 343.06 39.6o 96.99 352.13 119.37 35.75 21.21 6.00 165.55 560.80 40.56 335.31 142.97 6.25 1187.32 77.96 4.8o 235.95 224.95 198.00 189.20 149.83 Labor, equipment rental 2834.50 Salary Salary Books Salary Books Salary Salary Books Salary Salary Salary Labor, Material Repairs Postage Supplies Mileage Mileage RDoer Postage Telephone Telephone service Mileage Mileege Relief Premiums, Improvements 25.00 25.00 4.50 35.00 22.50 25.00 25.00 13.60 25.00 25.00 25.00 7.90 108.54 17.44 6.95 8.58 10.08 150.00 120.24 32.80 5.34 8.88 166.66 600.00 50 SUPE VISO 'S 1°11ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Brooke & Sons Drug Store Charlton, M. D. Christian Children's Home Coghlan Credit Bureau of Hastings Dick's Grocery Eckhardt's Grocery igen, M. D. Everson kern's Pharmacy Harvard City Courts Company Hastings Drug Store Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Holthaus Drug `)ompany Jack & Jill Grocery- 3rd Jack & Jill Grocery- Spencer Kendall KingKey, M. D. Kuehn, M. D. Kunce's Grocery Laird Coal Co. Larkin Larkin,Director Larkin,Director McIntire, M. D. McNeill, M. D. Mikkelsen Drug Co. Pinney, M. D. Ruttls Drug Store # 1 Rutt Safeway ''tores Inc. Skaggs Grocery # 5 Skaggs Grocery # 5 Skaggs Grocery # 11 Smith, Supt. Stop and Shop Market Uridil, M. D. Vern's Cash Grocery Western Auto Associate Store Whisinand's Grocery wilder Oil Company Wolfe & Burl. Park G. Paul Mrs. J. R. L. F. Mrs. Marie Mrs. Effie D. W. Gerald A. Lloyd B. Perry O. Perry O. Perry O. R. J. L. S. George L. Mrs. Frank 0.P. O. P. 0.P. J. N. J. E. E. E. Mrs. Neva MEDICAL, SURGICAL & HOSPITAL CARE Anderson Bert's Drug Store Brooke & Son Brott Charlton Charlton Cheapper Drug Co. Davis DeBacker Ellis Fern's Pharmacy Guildner Hastings Drug Store Hoffmeister Holm Holthaus Drug Co. Johnston Jones Drug Store Kinsley Kostal Kuehn Kuehn Livingston-Butler-Volland Funeral Mcintire Mcinti re McMillan Mace Mary Lanning Hospital Mary Lanning Hospital Mikkelsen Drug Atore Myers Pinney Rutt's Drug Store # 1 Rutt's Drug Store it 1 Rutt's Drug Store if 2 Scheidies Uridil VonStrode VonStrode Weber Home Dr. Dr. C. R. Dr. G. P. Dr. G. P. Dr. H. L. Dr. L. J. Phidelia Dr. C. W. Dr. Geo._ Dr. C. O. Dr. D. W. Dr. O. A. Dr. G. A. Dr. C. A. Dr. R. H. Dr. R. J. Dr. John Dr. J. L. Bertha Dr. L. Amanda Dr. J. E. Mrs. W. R. Mrs. W. R. Dr. C. R. Mrs. Neva Supplies Medical care Care Care Credit service Staple foods Staple foods Medical care Rent Supplies Rent Medical supplies Supplies Utilities Drugs, supplies Staple foods Staple foods Medical care Medical care Staple foods Mileage Revolving fund Postage Medical care Medical care Drugs, Supplies Medical care Drugs, supplies Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Medical care Staple foods Supplies Staple foods Kerosene Care Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Nursing Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Ambulanc Medical Medical Medical Medical Hospital Hospital Medical Nurshing Medical Medical Medical Medical Nursing Medical Nursing Nursing Medical Nursing care supplies supplies care care care supplies care care care supplies care supplies care care supplies care supplies care care care care e service care care care care care care supplies care care supplies supplies supplies care care care care O are care 41.96 3.00 5.00 65.00 5.00 37.25 20.00 2.00 20.00 .75 84.05 .75 20.10 13.38 4.88 85.00 20.00 90.00 2.00 14.00 17.25 18.75 21.90 35.00 25.00 2.00 8.00 19.30 3.00 9.23 170.00 10.00 1.57 77.25 95.00 105.00 86.25 3.00 20.00 1.50 79.80 1.60 240.00 85.94 179.51 64.60 10.00 114.06 '53.08 1.23 4.00 118.08 12.73 31.55 4.00 26.30 7430.00 14.00 13.60 8.00 9.12 3.00 3.00 85.00 42.76 2.50 55.00 83.56 3.65 29.00 443.56 75.55 9.92 190.15 27.52 18.35 34.10 108.97 262.80 4.00 227.15 28.35 147.10 291.22 dune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE Is VISO 'IS )111ECO AMS COUNTY, NE D NO. 15 RAsKA COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Saturday, July 26, 1954. 10:00 o'clock Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of'Supervisors met as per recess George Anderson, Chairman presiding, Roll call, members present: Anderson, Woodman. Gangwish, Hohlen, Lightner, of July 7, 1954. Maltman and Utecht. Absent: allowed on their respective the same. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Hohlen, that the following claims be fund and the County Clerk be hereby instructed ot issue warrants for GENERAL FUND George Anderson, Salary Clerk of the District Court, Office County Assessor, Office Expense County Attorney's, Office Expense County Clerk's, Office Expense County Judge's, Office Expense County Sheriff, Office Expense County Supt, Office Expense County Treasurer, Office Expense Fitzke, Salary Gangwish, Salary Hohlen, Salary Kisler, Salary Kisler, Salary Lightner, Salary Mailman, Salary Register of Deeds, Office Expense Utecht, Salary Veteran's Service Office, Office Expense Woodman, Salary t;xpense Alberts, Salary Anderson, Salary Austin, Salary Block, Salary Boontjer, Salary Heuertz, Salary Hinrichs, Salary Hoefer, Salary Hock, Salary Hohlen, Salary Johnson, Salary Joynt, Salary Kennedy, Salary Kluver, Salary Koch, Salary Lower, Salary Meyer, Salary Petrie, Salary Poore, Salary Pritchard, Salary Witt, Salary Nash, Salary • 120.00 458.32 880.66 525.00 788.32 831.04 633.32 491.66 966.66 Beverly 165.00 Earl L. 154.26 Wm. 52.26 George 130.00 Kathryn 30.00 Edward H. 155.10 W. W. 120.00 591.66 William J. 162.48 370.00 Floyd 56.28 ROAD FUND Eddie Roy Arthur Weslie Burns Bruce Ted A. James Alois Klaas H. John W. Charley Frederick Frederick Herman E. E. Orville Dale Thomas John David Marshall Jr. Cleon William R. Arthur Henry Delbert Walter Clyde Raymond Lloyd Franklin BRIDGE FUND Lloyd F. Sr. STATE FUNDS Larkin, Director of Welfare -6mployees - Perry O. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Utecht, that the follbwing resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: 180.00 250.00 250.00 270.00 250.00 250.00 250100 250.00 250.00 250.00 383.33 250.00 239.68 250.00 250.00 250.00 230.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 270.00 2199.33 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA: 1, 'hat here as there is an unexpended balance on hand in the General Fund of Adams County, . Nebraska, of Approximately $3646.53, and; 2. Whereas an emergency situtxtion exists by virtue of the necessity of unanticipated expenditures in the office of the Adams L'ounty Agricultural Extension Office of v19.80, in the office of the lerk of the istrict Court in the amount of $50.49, in the office of the County Judge & Court in the amount of $192.56, in the office of the County Attorney in the amount of $182.40, in the office of the County Assessor in the amount of $2374.28, in the County Jail fund in the amount of S560.54, in the Court House fund in the amount of $204.17, in the office of the Veteran's 'Service Office in the amount of $63.29. and that all of said expenditures which are in excess of the amounts provided by the budget arise from anticipated recuirements that were essential to the preservation and maintenance within said county of the administration of judtice, and of the public safety, public welfare and public health, now therefore; BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, that from the amount of unexpended appropriations now on hand in the General Fund of Adams County, Nebraska, the total sum of $3646.53 be withdrawn and credited to the office of the Adams County Agricultural Office in,.• • , 'HIir P onminf f -r dlc An. SUPE VISO 'SI iblECO 111\) ADAMS COUNTY, NE D Na 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT SP NEBRASKA Tuesday, / c- ock A. Y. Regular meeting of the Adams County board of Supervisors met as per recess of June 26, 1954. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Lightner, Mailman and Utecht. Absent: Hohlen and Woodman. Motion by Maitman, seconded by Lightner that the County 'lerk be instructed to notify the City Utilities Department and the Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company to discontinue all services to the County Shed located at 1242 North Baltimore Avenue at the earliest possible date, and that the County hngineer be instructed to remove at once all personal property, tools and equipment from this location and that a copy of the resolution be mailed to the County Engineer. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, July 7, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of July 6, 1954. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Lightner, Maitman, Utecht and Woodman. Absent: Hohlen. Motion by Maitman, seconded by Lightner, that the County Attorney is authorized to compromise and settle the appeals of the City National Bank and the A. H. Jones Co. from the determination of the Board of Equalization setting the 1953 assessed valuation of the properties envolved in these appeals on the same basis as the assessment fixed by the Board of Equalization of 1954. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Woodman, that the Chairman be authorized and directed to execute on behalf of Adams county an agreement among the State of Nebraska, Western Labatories Inc, and the County of Adams, Nebraska for testing services in connection with A. S. Project 329 (2). Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Woodman, that" we purchase from the western S Alrety Co., Sioux Falls, South Dakota excuss on the County Treasurer $45,000.00; Sheriff 000. Treasurer $5000.00; and county Judge $5000.00; at a four all voted aye. Motion carried. the $5000.00 Blanket Position Bond on all officials and employees with an 00; Deputy Sheriff $5000.00; Deputy year price of $2181.87. Roll call, Motion by Utecht, seconded by Maitman, that the following reports as follows County Clerk, Sheriff, County Clerk Car Title, County Library, County Judge, Clerk of the District court and Register of Deeds be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. /-- At 1:30 o'clock P. M. the board resumed with the following members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Lightner, Maltman and Utecht. Absent: Woodman and Hohlen. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Gangwish, that we appoint -ered Irons to the Adams County Veterans Service Committee for a period of five years. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maitman, seconded by Utecht, of the Supervisors records. Roll call, ,$. 12080 Raymondi M. nompson 12181 U. S. Treasurer 12082 Robert T. Schultz 12083 Richard Running Bear 12084 Worthy b. Wood, Sheriff 12085 Fred O. Schaffroth 12086 worthy B. Wood 12087 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 12088 Ennna berg, County 'lerk 12089 Aetna Insurance L'ompany 12090 U. S. '1reasurer Public Housing Adm. 12091 U. S. Treasurer Public Housing Adm. 12092 Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas 12093 Perry O. Larkin- Director 12094 Perry O. Larkin- Director 12095 Mrs. LaVerne h. E rnest 12096 Frank Lowell 12097 Clifford Wise 12098 Grace simpson, Justice of Peace 12099 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 12100 Perry O. Larkin 1'D1n1 n "1".,,ariln-nirArfnr that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made apart all voted aye. Motion carried. 5.00 12105 625.00 12106 5.00 12107 9.00 12108 38.00 12109 5.00 12110 5.00 12111 120.00 12112' 106.90 12113 7.90 12114 4577.64 12115 1138.22 12116 1.00 12117 65.00 12118 15.00 12119 150.00 12120 21.21 12121 190.20 12122 35.00 12123 55.00 12124 6.00 12125 .11.00 12126 State Treasurer -Gas Tx Dist 7133.19 Emma Berg, County Clerk 342.45 Daniel Snyder .70 State Treasurer -St. Assistance29722.91 Mrs. Neva Wolfe 384.50 Edmond H. Johnson 5.00 Mary Schultz, Cl Dist Ct. 330.75 Mary Schultz, C1 Dist Ct. 2.10 Schroeder Road -eland 981.15 Grace Simpson, Justice Peace 75.00 Perry Larkin -Director 12.00 Emma Berg, County Clerk 19.28 Mary Schultz Cl Dist Ct. 15.50 Rose Mercier 10.00 State Tres. Insurance Taxes 27231.11 Safeway More 9.46 Grace Simpson, Justice Peace 45.00 A. L. Samples 10.00 Fred O. Schaffroth, Reg Deeds611.35 Grace Simpson,Justice Peace 45.00 state Treas. state Assistance301.80 Perry Larkin 9.25 SUPE VISO 'S ECOI,D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 12131 12132 12133 12134 12135 12136 12137 12138 12139 12140 12141 12142 12143 12144 12145 12146 12147 12148 12149 12150 12151 12152 12153 12154 12155 12156 12157 12158 12159 12160 12161 12162 12163 12164 12165 12166 12167 12168 12169 12170 12171 12172 12173 12174 12175 12176 12177 12178 12179 12180 12181 12182 12183 12184 12185 12186 12187 Mary Schultz, Clerk District Court John E. Ray, County Judge Emma Berg Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Mary Schultz, Clerk of District Court Bruckman & Brock Trustee Carl J. Koepke Emma Berg, County Clerk Richard Hunter & Melvin Kammerlohr Emma Berg, County Clerk School Dist # 46, Treasurer Eiggs "onstruction Co. John Ray, County Judge Don Brock Mary Schultz, Clerk of District Court Mrs . Neva 'wolfs Void Ed Lightner George Anderson Earl L. Gangwish Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace E. Baumann, Exec, George DeBord August Anderson Mary Schultz, Clerk of District Court Cent. Nebr. Public Power & Irrigation Dist. Norris Swan state Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. State Treasurer- Gas Tax Dist. State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace State Treasurer -State Assistance George Daniher County clerk Car Title Account Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Mary Schultz Mary Schultz Schroeder Road Fund Emma Eerg, County clerk Gerald Whelan Mary Schultz, Clerk of District Court Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace Simpson, Jusice of Peace Adolph Heusser Fred O. Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Perry Larkin, Director state Treasurer -State Assistance Verner W. Felker Pauline E. Madgett LaVern Gangwish Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace lichard Hunter & Melvin Kammerlohr Worthy B. Wood, Sheriff Adams co. Agricultural Extension Service Emma Berg, County Clerk Worthy Wood, Sheriff 10.75 9.00 5.00 150.00 22.48 320.65 5.00 20.00 8.35 106.70 528.94 10.00 722.26 5.00 38,00 379.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 40.00 30.00 259.34 150.00 5.00 99.95 1240.86 10.00 1767.86 11780.06 9031.94 190.00 29501.25 5.00 342.25 60.00 440.70 15.50 2834.50 17.44 5.00 25.00 40.00 30.00 5.00 678.55 8.00 145.83 5.00 1500.00 5.00 85.00 4.30 35.75 69.31 2245.40 8.75 Motion by Maltman, seconded by Gangwish, that the Sheriff be authorized to buya two way Car radio set not to exceed 0500.00 with the understanding that the civil Defense to refund one half. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Maltman, that the Deputy Sheriff bond of Frank Morris be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, secondedb y Utecht, that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, Siebelt H. Itzen, Guardian of Hans Peter Holtze, incompetent, duly appointed by the County Court of Adams county, Nebraska, has filed in the District court of Adams County, Nebraska, his petition and application for license to sell the following described real estate belonging to said incompetent, to -wit: The East Half (40 of Northwest Quarter (NW*) of Section Twenty-six (26), in Township Five (5), Range Twelve (12), in .Adams County, Nebraska, for the reason from said real encumbrance on administering s that said real providing for s that the cash and personal property belonging to said incompetent and the income estate are insufficient to maintain said incompetent and pay the interest and said real estate and the taxes against the same, and the debrs and expenses of aid estate of said incompetent, and that it is for the benefit of said incompetent estate should be sold and the proceeds thereof used for the payment of debts and aid incompetent. WHERE,S, the Eoard of supervisors of Idams County, Nebraska, have investigated said matter and approve of such proposed sale and deem it necessary for the best interest of said incompetent; SUPE VISO 'S iECO D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NECRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Lightner, that the following Resolution be adopted: WHEREAS there $8,721.06 in the after payment of and which amount RESOLUTION: remains on deposit with the County Treasurer of Adams County, Sinking Fund of the bond issues of the School District of the the bonds and interest thereon in full, for which the Sinking should be transferred to the general fund; a balance of City of Hastings, -bUnd was created, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be insutrcted to transfer and deposit said amount to the credit of the School General Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Utecht, that we adopt the following resolution "BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Supervisors sell to the following purchaser the following described property; Lot 8, Block 2, Hollers Addition, City af Hastings to Donato P. Proto Jr for 050.00; Lots 12 & 13, Block 13 Prospect Park Addition, City of Hastings to George a. DeBord for 0104.00; Lot 20, Block 14, Prospect Park Addition, city of Hastings to George T. DeBord for 052.00; Lot 14, Hamerand's Addition, City of Hastings to James F. Siler for 460.00; and that the Chairman of the County iioard of Supervisors be hereby authorized to execute and deliver quit claim deeds to said purchaser. Roll cP11, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Mailman, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Acme Heat Equipment Company Acme Printing Company Adams County Agri. Extension Service Adams County Service Committee Anderson Augustine Company Bee Printing Company Berg, County Clerk Bivens Business Supply Company Carpenter Paper Company City of Hastings Conrad County Attorney County Supt. County Supt. County Supt. Dier Dutton-Lains on Company Peese, M. D. Hammond & Company Hastings Canvas &: Mfg Company Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities Haynes Bros. Hide Printing Co. Inc. Hohlfeld Paint Co. Kisler Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Mahoney, county Treasurer Milburn & Scott Co. Inc. Mohling New Method Laundry Omaha Printing Company Ray, County Judge Redfield & Company Schafer Printing Company Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Schultz, Clerk District Court Simpson, Justice of Peace Sommerfeld Electric Service Turner, State Librarian Williams Printing House Wood, Sheriff Zook Alberts Augustin Implement Co. Bell Company Inc. Merman Implement Co. GENERAL FUND Aug. Emma George W. Frank H. Edward. L. J. P. C. 5. Mrs. George D. Henry John E. Fred O. Mary Grace H. George H. Worthy B. Mrs. Marilyn ROAD FUND E. James W. Repairs Supplies Office Expense Office Expense Mileage Supplies Supplies Postage, Bank Charge Bailiff Supplies Supplies Voting houses Assessing Postage InstituteFund .bair Fund Mileage Vital Statistics Fan Medical service Supplies Awning Repair Publishing Publishing Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Supplies Paper Labor Telephone service Bank charge, Box rent Supplies Assessing Laundry Supplies State cases, Box rent Supplies Supplies Box Rent Sta%:etes cases, Committal Repair work Reports Supplies Jailor fee, postage, food Mileage Recording proceedings Mileage Repairs Blades Repairs 21.45 190.85 320.00 P- 63.33 6 J.o 38.68 81.15 284.18 35.00 3.75 13.52 1050.00 72.00 6.00 250.00 165.00 19.08 193.50 23.98 13.50 6.95 5.00 5.25 59.39 23.17 3.25 9.44 7.83 88.05 34.07 15.5o 59.60 70.70 162.85 10.28 2.13 16.0o 1.50 25.24 9.70 126.63 16.10 2.25 111.40 24.00 18.19 1.75 67.75 237.55 35.75 46.62 60.89 68.22 103 32 ___(000.4\une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE 1111' \ VISO ECO D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NE CRASICA Farmers union Co -Op. Gas & Oil Firestone Store Garwood Industries Hageman Hardware L'o. Halloran Battery & Electric Harp ahm Hastings Daily Iribune Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Highway Equipment & supply Co. Home Oil uompany Island Supply uompany Island Supply Company Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kenesaw Lumber Company Kenesaw Oil Company Kennedy Lang Lenhart Service Station Lilley LiOcoln Equipment Company Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Lippincott Messer Company Modern Linen supply Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Newman Parks Pittz Service Precision Lubricants Co. Sidles Company Sime Sinclair Refining Company Thomas Specialty Mfg. Co. Velder Vontz Wagner Service station Whities Seat Covers Wilber Service Inc. Wilder's Service Station Dutton-Lainson Company Litz Naggatz Rief Rinck Western Brick & Supply Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Lilley Lippincott Road Account Road Account Vontz Albright Aman Bouregy & Curl Inc. Ernst Follett Library Book Co. Hastings Carnegie Library Jones Kindig King Company McNair Parks Snell_ Haynes Bros. Laverne Thos. -b. Charles C. Ed. M. M. L. J. Herbert P. C. Walter W. A. J. hay L. J. BRIDGE FUND Hubert le. Ervin W. Henry Thomas William SCHROEDER ROAD FUND Ed. M. M. L. J. COUNTY LIBRARY Mrs. A. F. Mrs. R. D. Mrs. Waunetta Mrs. Aaron Mrs. Margaret The Mrs. Klyoe Arlene Mrs. Howard Gas, Diesel fuel Repair, supplies Supplies Repairs, Supplies Repair motor Labor Advertising Supplies Utilities Oxygen Signs Diesel fuel Supplies Cable -Utilities Supplies Gas Labor Labor Gas, Repairs Gravel Repairs, supplies Telephone service Gravel Supplies Laundry Repairs, Supplies Salary Salary Gas Supplies Lubricant Repairs, Supplies Gas, Diesel Diesel Supplies Salary Gravel Gas, SupAies Repairs Repairs, Supplies Gas, Repair Repairs Salary Salary Salary Salary Concrete Supplies Supplies Gravel Gravel Labor, Equipment Labor, Equipment Gravel Salgry Salary Books Salary Books Library Salary Salary Books Salary Salary Salary ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME American Public Welfare Association Berg, County Clerk Business Supply Company Englehorn Hager KiDD Supplies STATE ADMINISTRATION Emma Evelyn D. Addie 7,1-11,1ir Service Membership Postage Supplies Mileage Mileage T4-4. 104.07 620.95 2.99 8.44 2.5o 94.60 6.00 10.73 12.14 4.05 110.78 39.88 14.93 31.92 2.25 38.74 62.20 10.32 205.70 14o.25 2720.10 428.62 26.00 2613.92 36.56 3.55 5926.48 2)1)1.80 194.70 386.91 171.43 39.55 235.49 114.5 11.8 255.6o 430.6o 197.63 7.00 178.19 1)14.05 1.24 249.60 244.80 226.80 250.80 77.00 631.33 1113.55 3015.50 4270.24 1258.55 716.30 3881.85 25.00 25.00 4.50 35.00 37.50 90.00 25.00 25.00 87.97 25,00 25.00 25.00 14-.95 30.00 17.40 11.15 7.32 7.86 SUPE 111 VISO ADAMS C • S 181ECO D NO. 15 UNTY, NE RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 1-1darns County Soldiers Relief Fund SOLDIERS & SAILORS POOR AID FUND Acme Printing Company Amen Bert's Rexall Drug Store B runkow Clay County Division of Public vvelfare -L)oghlan Credit Bureau of Hastings Eckhardt's Grocery Egen, M. D. Hastings Drug Store Hastings Typewriter (Dmpany Hastings Utilities Herbst Grocery Holthaus Drug Company Jack & Jill Grocery- Spencer Park Jack & Jill Grocery- EastSouth St. Jack & Jill Grocery- 30d & Burlington Kendall Kunce's Grocery Larkin Larkin -Welfare Director Larkin -Welfare Director McGrath Hardware 'ompany McIntire, M. D. McNeill, M. D. Magner Nash -Finch ompany Rogers Rutt's Drug Store # 1 Rutt's Drug Store # 2 Rutt's Drug Store # 2 Ru tt Skaggs Grocery # 11 Skaggs Grocery # 5 Skaggs Grocery # 5 Stop and Shop Grocery Sullivan Thiels Cafe Vern's Cash Grocery Western Auto Associate Store Whisinand's Grocery Wolfe Wolfe Zubrod's Grocery Anderson Berts Drug Store Bert's Rexall Drug Store Brooke & Son Charlton Davis DeBacker Ellsi Fern's Pharmacy Foote Guildner Hastings Drug Store Holm Holsten's Rexall Store Holthaus Drug Store Johnston Jones Drug Store Kle ager Kostal Kuehn McIntire McIntire Mace Mary Lanning Hospital Myers Pinney Rose Rutt's Drug Store # 1 Rutt's Drug Store # 2 Scheidies Smith VonStrode VonStrode Wolfe Wolfe Peter Herbert E. Mrs. J. R. L. F. Mrs. Effie Perry O. Perry O. Perry O. J. H. R. H. L. S. Mrs. J. F. Mrs. Katherine Mrs. Frank 0. P. O. P. O. P. Mrs. Lillian Mrs. Neva Mrs. Neva MEDICAL, SURGICAL Relief Supplies Janitor service Drugs Rent Reimburse 'ounty Care Credit Service Staple foods Medical care Medical supplies Supplies Utilities Staple foods Medical supplies Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Care Staple foods Mileage Postage Revolving fund Supplies Medical services Medical services Rent Supplies Rent Drugs Drugs Drugs Care Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Board & Room Board Staple foods Supplies Staple foods Care Care Staple foods HOSPITAL CARE Dr. Herbert Dr. G. P. Dr. H. L. Dr. L. J. Phidelia Dr. E. C. Dr. C. W. Dr. C. R. Dr. C. O. Dr, Dr, Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Clyde L. 0. Gerald R. H. R. J. J. L. Bertha Dr. G. L. Dr. Forrest Mrs. Amanda Dr. A. A. Mrs. W. R. Mrs. W. R. Neva Neva F. Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Me di c al Nursing Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Hospital care Nurshing care Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Nursing care Medical care Nursing care Nursing care Nursing care Nursing care care supplies supplies supplies care care care care supplies care care supplies care supplies supplies care supplies care care care care care care 166.66 15.65 55.00 4.48 40.00 15.00 65.00 5.00 20.00 4.00 6.22 3.25 8.66 60.00 4.31 20.00 56.00 95.00 50.00 17.25 47.78 25.00 95.49 2.39 3.00 4.00 13.00 7.65 15.00 5.13 3.94 2.22 170.00 51.63 110.25 1.44 69.00 45.00 37.40 20.00 1.50 39.90 240.00 37.80 80.00 19.25 5.90 107.56 51.10 30.21 4.00 7.80 12.73 17.90 2.00 5.19 35.45 19.00 18.62 7.15 16.70 .85 100.00 15.65 42.0o 29.00 31.56 60.62 505.55 190.15 16.12 3.00 34.53 78.64 262.80 5.00 86.60 160.0o 317.)1)1 69.00 7,00'"Anne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. rem SUPE VISO 'S i",;IEC016\D NO. 15 ADAMS COC TY, NEBRASKA COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, July 15, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of July 6th,1954. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Lightner, Mailman and Utecht. Absent: Woodman. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Lightner, that we direct the County Clerk to advertise the petition for license to conduct a public Amusement Park, Dance Hall, Carnival Show and Swimming Pool of A. L. Samples at 1434 North Baltimore, Roll call, all voted ave. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. County Cl k / D puty. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Saturday, July 17, 1954. 3:30 o'clock P.M. Regular meeting of the Adams Uounty Board of supervisors met as per recess of July 15, 1954. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Lightner, Maltman and Utecht. )Absent: Woodman. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Utecht that we purchase the Culverts for the Hastings -Prosser Project from the Eaton Metal Products L'orp., Armco Drainage & Metal Products Inc., and the Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Company. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors Chairman COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 20, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams Uounty board of Supervisors met as per recess of July 17, 1954. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Lightner, Maltman and Utecht. Absent: Woodman. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Gangwish that we appoint Raymond Crosson as Supervisors of Jistrict # 1. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors County Clerk COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NE BRAS KA Monday, July 26, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County board of Supervisors met as per recess of JUly 20, 1954. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Crosson and Mailman. Absent: Lightner, Utecht and Woodman. Motion by Gang*IS13., seconded by Maltman, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. (117 INV 1:) T tTThT1Th SUPE VISO 'S 111 ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. County Judge's- Office Expense County Sheriff -Office Expense County Supt -Office Expense County Treasurer -Office Expense Crosson, Salary Fitzke, Salary Kisler, Salary Kisler, Salary Lightner, Salary Maltman, Salary Register of Deeds- Office Expense Utecht, Salary Veteran's Service Office -Office Expense Woodman, Salary Gangwish, Salary Alberts, Salary Anderson, Salary Austin, Salary Block, Salary boontjer, Salary Gunderson, Salary Heuertz, Salary Hinrichs, Salary Hock, Salary Hoefer, Salary Hohlen, Salary Johnson, Salary Joynt, Salary Kennedy, Salary. Kluver, Salary Koch, Jr. Lower, Salary Meyers, Salary Petrie, Salary Poore, Salary Pritbhard, Salary Witt, Salary - Nash, Salary Larkin,Director of Welfare Employees ROAD FUND Raymond L. Beverly George Kathryn Ed W. W. . William J. Floyd Earl L. E. Roy Weslie Bruce Ted Tony James A. Klaas H. Charley John W. 1red R. E. E. Orville Dale Thomas B. John David Marshall Clean Williams R. Arthur Henry Delbert W. Clyde R. Lloyd BRIDGE FUND Lloyd F. STAlE FUNDS Perry O. This board will now recess subject to the call of the Supervisors. 4e2 c7_ Deputy 915.04 633.32 491.66 956.34 7.50 165.00 130.00 30.00 97.5o 135.00 591.66 95.16 370.00 52.8o 143.10 180.00 250.00 250.00 270.00 250.00 175.20 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 383.34 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 230.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 270.00 2250.00 Chairman of the County Board of Cb_airman COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, July 28, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per advertisied Statement of Publication of Summary of the County Budget and Levy comparision for the purpose of objections, suggestions, or corrections to the 1954-155 County budgets. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Crosson, Maltman and Utecht. Absent: Lightner and Woodman. There were no objections, suggestions or corrections. The County Board of Supervisors will now recess to July 28, 1954 at 10:30 A. M. Board recessed. SUPE)1\ VISO A ECO D NO. 15 AMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA (or- .tine Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr, 5! COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, July 28, 1954. 10:30 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County board of Supervisors met as per recess George Anderson, Chairman presiding. of July 28, 1954. Roll call, members presant: Anderson, Gangwish, Crosson, Maltman and Utecht. Absent: Lightner and Woodman. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Gangwish, that scoop, and Dozer to be used on a Federal Aid Caterpillar Patrol and one 4 yard scoopand a voted aye. Motion carried. we purchase a Caterpillar D-7 Tractor, 8 yard Secondary Roads with a trade in of one No. 9 balance of $22,100.00 complete. Roll call, all At 10:45 o'clock the Board resumed with the following members present: Anderson, Gangwish Crosson and Maltman. Absent: Lightner, Utecht and Woodman. Motion by Maltman, seconded file a claim against the Es aid advanced to t he said J advanced since September 1, by Crosson, Resolved, that the County Attorney be instructed to tate of the late. James H. Robinson in the amount of 3318.26 for arses H. Robinson prior to August 31, 1947 and for $3851.90 for aid 1947. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess Supervisors. subject to the call of the Chaivman of the County Board of COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA i'riday, August 6, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of July 28, 1954. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Gangwish, Crosson, Lightner, Mailman and Utecht. Absent: Woodman. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Gangwish, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made- a part of the County Supervisors Record and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 12168 12189 12190 12191 12192 12193 12194 12195 12196 12197 12198 12199 12200 12201 12202 12203 12204 12205 12206 12207 12208 12209 12210 12211 Motion Judge, placed Carl Ruther Eldon Lewis Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace School Dist # 56, Aetna Insurance company Robert Kinley Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Emma Berg, County Clerk James F. Siler Donato P. Proto Jr. George T. DeBord George T. DeBord The Gift Shop John Ray, county JUdge John E. Ray, County Judge Mary Dchultz, Clerk of District Court Mary Schultz, L'lerk of District ourt Mary Schultz, Clerk of District Court Grace simpson, Justice of Peace Grace Simpson, Justice of eace State Treasurer, Gas Tax Dist. State Treasurer, Gas Tax Dist. state Treasurer, Gas Tax Dist. Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 5.00 12.00 70.00 115.63 210.60 20.00 140.00 107.70 50.00 50.00 52.00 104.00 5.00 535.25 60.00 3.50 1.00 1.00 14.5.00 50.00 1773.50 11817.63 9060.75 65.00 12212 12213 12214 12215 12216 12217 12218 12219 12220 12221 12222 12223 12M 12225 12226 12227 12228 12229 12230 12231 12232 12233 12234 12235 by Maltman, seconded by Utecht that the report's of the Register of Deeds, Nursing Home, Clerk of the District on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Pauline -6. Madgett 235.97 Pauline E. Madgett 328.99 Mary Schultz Mrs Neva Wolfe,Nursing Home 0:(71 John E. Ray, County Judge 34.83 Louis Trausch 35.00 State Treas, State Assistance29430.83 Wallace Ernst,Exec.Victor Truman 3817.65 Grace Simpson,Justice Peace 50.00 Grace Simpson, Justice Peace 11.9(..L0 Emma Berg, County Clerk Special Mail Route 1258.55 Special Mail Route 716.30 Estate IrvingM.Hart,Trustership 2150.66 Perry O. Larkin -Director 10.00 State Treasurer 26.26 Grace Simpson, Justice Peace 70.00 Grace Simpson,Justice Peace 95.00 Wm. G. Saddler 10.00 Fred 0.Schaffroth,Reg Deeds 644.25 State Assistance, State Treas 88.54 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace59.00 Grace Simpson, Justice Peace 40.00 Emma Berg, jounty Clerk 3.60 County 'lerk Car Titles, Sheriff, ''ourt, County clerk be accepted and Motion by Crosson, secondedby Lightner, that the -pond of Harold H. Christopherson, Deputy County Sheriff be approved and placed on file. Roll call, all noted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Gangwish, that we instruct the Chairman of the County Board to sign the following resolution. RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there has been signed by Adams County on the 6th day of Oct, 1953, and by the State on the 27th day of October 1953, aneagreement providing for the construction of a Federal Aid Secondary Road beginning at the end of the paving near the airport, west through Juniata to the SUPE VISO 'S IECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE 11 D NO. 15 ASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. WHEREAS, the Lbove mentioned agreement provided that the County would pay all of the non - Federal costs of this project, and WHEREAS, the State received bids for the construction of this project on July 29, 1954, at which time 10 bids were (was) received for the construction of the proposed work, and WHEREAS, the following contractors for the items of work listed low bidders to whom a contract (Contracts) should be awarded: Nichols Construction Company - concrete box culverts - $7,397.69 .NOW THEREFORD, in consideration of the above facts, the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, by this resolution, takes the following official action: 1. The Board hereby concurs in the selection of the above mentione items of work listed, to whom a contract should be awarded. 2. The board does not desire to perform any of the work with it's own forces in lieu of performing the work by the contract method. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Utecht, that we grant a Amusement Park Dance Hall, Carnival Show and Swimming Pool licenses, to A. L. Samples, Manager of the Lib Phillips Estate as per advertised hearing. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Utecht, that we purchase for Supervisor District # 2 one Hydraulic Steering booster for # 12 Cat Plotor Grader not to exceed the price of 0648.00 1. 0. B. Hastings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Utecht, that the claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County ulerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. have been selected as the contractors for the GENERAL Acme Printing Company Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Adams County Service Committee Anderson Aug. Anderson Aug. Berg, County Clerk Erma Bivens George W. Business Supply Company Conrad Coordt County Attorney Credit Bureau of Hastings Dutton Lainson Company Grand Island -Hall County Health Dept. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Aastings Utilities Hide Printing Company Inc. Aide Printing Company Inc. Itzen & Diez Insurance Agency Kisler Knapp Sheet & Metal Works Lincoln Telehpnne & Telegraph Co. McGrath Hardware Co. Mackie Star Market Mahoney, County Treasurer Midwest Communicat_on Service Monroe Calculating Machine `Jo. Inc. New Method Laundry Omaha Printing Company Ornamental Iron Works Parker Ray, County Judge Redfield & Company Schafer Printing Company Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Schultz, Clerk District Court Schultz, Clerk District Court Smith West Publishing Company Williams Printing Company Wood, Sheriff Frank Anne Alberts Augustin Implement Co. R qc>l'irinA George J. H. D. Carroll P. John E. .bred O. Mary Mary Myrtle Worthy B. ROAD FUND Ed. FUND Supplies Office expense Mileage Mileage Express, Postage Bailiff Supplies Assessing Salary Postage Report Fan Test Publishing Treasurer's Report Advertising Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Supplies Bonds Supplies Ballott boxes Telephone service Supplies Supplies Bank charge Radio Service Laundry Supplies Supplies Repairs State cases, Postage Supplies Supplies Postage State cases, Committal cases Postage, pens Salary Books Supplies Office expense, .bood, Laundry Mileage, Jailor Mileage Parts Repairs 512.20 320.00 71.6o 13.90 4.10 20.30 35.00 50.85 72.00 25.00 6.00 1.00 18.18 6.00 203.22 80.73 8.40 1.50 15.33 1.5o 92.69 63.00 .5o 10.00 3.00 93.80 166.66 33.82 21.65 9.36 25.00 21.00 1.00 19.82 42.05 1.75 34.30 3.33 1.40 6.00 414.25 10.54 25.00 158.00 3.50 259.50 12.48 201.50 7.75 (1kune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO 'Si ECOID N ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Dutton Lainson Company Eaton Metal Products uorp. Eaton Metal Product Corp. Farmers Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil Farmers Union State Exchange Parmers Union State Exchange Firestone Stores Gilpin's Garage Hageman Hardware Company Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Holstein Lumber Co. Home Oil Company Hunts Garage Island Supply Company Johnson Cash -Way Lumber Co. Kerr -Cochran Inc. Kistler Lang Lenhart Service Lilley Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McClelland Rose Motors Inc. McGrath Hardware Co. McGrath Hardware L;o. Messer Company Modern Linen Supply Moore Co. Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Paper Calmenson & Co. Parks Penney Company Pittz Service Sherman Service Genter Inc. Sidles Company Sime southern Nebr. Rural Public Power Stewart Plumbing & Heating Co. Stromer Auto Parts Thomas Specialty Mfg. Co. Voider Wheeler Lumber Bridge Wheeler Lumber Bridge Wilber Service Inc. Wilder's Service Station D. G. Charles C. Ed J.H. J. H. L. J. Wm. Walter W. J. C. A. J. Dist. Ray & Supply Co. & Supply Co. Hastings Daily Tribune Jones sheet Metal Works Litz Naggatz Newman Rief Rinck State Reformatory Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Lilley Road Account Road Account Vontz BRIDGE FUND Hubert F. Ervin W. Herbert P.C. Henry ThomasWilliam Supply L'o. SCHROEDER ROAD FUND Ed. Albright Aman Bouregy & Cul Inc. Ernst Hastings Carnegie Library Jones Kindig McNair Parks Snell Watkins Book Shop .L'utton-Lainson Co. Loshonkohl L. J. COUNTY LIBRARY Mrs, A. F. Mrs. R. D. Mrs. Waunetta Mrs. aron • Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Klyoe Arlene Mrs. Howard E. ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel, supplies Supplies, Repairs Supplies Supplies Gas, Repairs Repairs, Supplies Repairs, Supplies Advertising Utilities Oxygen Lath Diesel Repairs, Supplies Cable slips Cement Supplies Repairs Salary Gas, Repairs Gravel ilepairs, Supplies Telephone service Repairs, Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Laundry Gas, Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Supplies Gas, Supplies Supplies, Repairs Supplies, Repairs Gas, Diesel Utilities Supplies Repairs Supplies Salary Supplies Supplies Rapair Gas, Repair Advertising Supplies Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Supplies Supplies Gravel Labor, Equipment Labor, Equipment Gravel Salary Salary Books Salaryb1_y service Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Books Supplies Arthur Labor STATE ADMINISTRATION 7.58 2234.27 715.20 141.53 999.60 609.40 522.24 12.11 5.50 124-95 14.88 10.87 5.45 8.16 124.85 59.11)1 5.10 7.00 7.39 27.00 29.70 50.40 1024.10 232.48 27.50 15.84 10.70 4.07 16.33 3.30 53.64 313.63 36.42 235.40 11.70 156.08 162.43 63.02 257.89 19.70 3.00 20.00 6.75 256.80 6.79 1.50 1.50 67.86 33.25 6.48 256.80 246.00 244.80 222.00 246.00 2.31 515.60 4239.10 1826.42 1339.20 1065.24 25.00 25.00 4.50 35.00 90.00 25.00 25.00 -25.00 25.00 25.00 52.62 .42 21.61 (62 SUPE VISO ADAMS c S ECO UNTY, NE 11% 111 D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McCarty Freida Faye Schafer Printing Co. Snyder Daniel E. SOLDIER'S & SAILORS Adams County Soldiers Relief Fund Amen Amen Brooke & Son Drug Store Brunk ow Christian Children's Home Coghlan Credit bureau of Hastings Dick's Grocery ckhardt's Grocery Everson Fern's Pharmacy Hastings Drug Store Rastings Utilities Holthaus Drug 'ompany Jack & Jill Grocery-Spenc Jack & Jill Grocery- 3rd Kendall Kunce's Grocery Larkin -Director Larkin -Director McIntire, M. D. McIntire, M. D. McNeill, M. D. Mace, M. D. Mikkelsen Drug o. Montgomery Ward Penney Company hogers Rutt's Drug store # 1 Butt's Drug Store # 2 Rutt Skaggs Grocery # 5 Skaggs Grocery # 11 Skaggs Grocery # 5 Stop and •Shop Grocery Sullivan Thiels Cafe Tommy's Market # 1 Vern's Cash Grocery livagner Service Station Western Auto Associate Store Wilder Oil 'ompany Williams Urocery Wolfe & Co. POOR AID FUND Peter Peter Herbert E. Mrs. J. R. Mrs. Marie er Park & Burlington Mrs. MEDICAL, Anderson Bert's Rexall Drug Store Brooke & Son Charlton Charlton Ellis Guildner Hastings Drug Store Hoffmesiter Holthaus Drug Store Kingsley Kuehn McIntire Mece Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Micek Myers Pinney Rutt's Drug Store t 1 Scheidies Smith Uridil VonStrode Weber Wolfe Adams County Treasurer This Lord will now recess Effie Perry O. Perry 0. R. H. Russell J. L. S. John L. J. C. Katherine Mrs. Frank O. P. 0. P. 0. P. Mrs. Lillian Kenneth Mrs. Neva SURGICAL & HOSPITAL Dr. H. 'F. Dr. Cr. P. Dr. G. P. Mils. Phidelia Dr. C. W. Dr. U. F. Dr, D. W. Dr. Gerald Dr. R. H. Dr. J. L. Dr. L. S. Bertha Dr. George L. Amanda Dr. A. A. Dr, J. Mrs. k. R. Dr. C. R. Mrs, Neva Telephone service Mileage Supplies Mileage Relief Janitor service Janitor service Medical supplies Rent Care Care Credit service Staple foods Staple foods Rent Medical supplies Medical supplies Utilities Medical supplies Staple foods Staple foods Care Staple foods Revolving fund Revolving fund Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Clothing Clothing Rent Medical supplies Medical supplies Care Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods board & Room Meals Staple foods Staple foods Kerosene Supplies Kerosene Staple foods Care CARE OLD AGE ASSISTANCE Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Nursing Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Hospital Medical Nursing Medical Medical Nurshing Medical Medical Nursing Medical Nurs ing care supplies supplies care care Care care supplies care supplies care care care care care care care care supplies care care care care care care Transfer funds ' 42.65 11.82 20.45 14.34 208.33 4.00 55.00 10.14 20.00 5.00 65.00 5.00 74.50 20.00 40.00 2.25 .75 3.58 2.62 20.00 50.00 50.00 17.25 37.70 54.0o 12.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 10.00 14.25 12.34 15.00 10.13 20.44 170.00 3.44 113.50 82.25 37.25 60.00 30.85 39.90 20.00 6.00 1.50 1.60 32.25 2L0.00 5.00 42.64 70.80 16.00 35.21 12.73 8.00 5.90 3.00 24.15 6.00 92.90 18.00 11.00 88.65 2.00 202.88 3.00 .90 262.80 2.00 3.00 160.00 2.00 328.83 644.36 subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of SUPE VISO. 'S ECOID NO. 15 A 1 AMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, August 16,1954. 1000 o'clock A.M. • The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per advertised bids for Grader Blades and George Anderson,Chairman presiding. Lumber. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Crosson, Gangwish,Lightner, Maltman, and Utecht. Absent: Woodman. Motion by Maltman,s econded by Gangwish, that the Agreement ofthe .gestern Laboratories Inc and County of Adams and State of Nebraska marked Exhibit "A" and filed in the file of The Hastings - West Project No, S-329(3). Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 10:00 o'clock the following bids were opened and read: Lincoln Equipment Co., Highway Equip- ment & Supply Co., l'aper, Calmenson & Co., Wheeler Lumber Bridge &Supply Co., Century Bridge Lumber Co., and Mid -West Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Utecht, that we purchase one carload, from the Paper, Calmenson & Company, 90% Single level 717"x87' 1.03 41.01 lihear foot, f.o.b. Haslings, lebraska. Roll call, all voted Motion by Lightner, Sec the contract for Bridge year. All carload pric carried. or 40,000 lbs, Grader blades linear foot, 10% i"x8"x61 aye. Motion carried. onded by Crosson, that theWheeler Lumber Bridge and Supply Co. be awarded Lumber as prices specified in the bid submitted covering a period of one es f.o.b. to any station in Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion County Clerk Clerk COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, August 26, 1954. 10:00 ot clock Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of August 16, 1954e George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Crosson, Gangwish, Lightner, Maltman and Utecht, Absent: Woodman. Motion by Utecht, seconded oy Maltman, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: the County of Adams, Nebraska, has a lien on the following described real estate, Ihe South 50 feet of the East 164 feet of the North One-half (Ni) of Block Eight (8), Mclntyres Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska. Assistance payments made to John B. Ha*kenberry, and: WHEREAS, to -wit: for the Old Age WHEREAS, the said John B. Haukenberry has tendered to said county the sum of $785.20, which is the full amount of payments secured by said lien and has demanded the release of said lien, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County of Adams accept the payment of the sum of $785.20 from John b. Haukenberry and direct the Treasurer of said county to release said lien of record. The same being recorded in Book 154 Page 477 mortgage Records of Adams County, Nebraska, reserving to said County, however, any cause of action against the said John B. Hapkenberry or any other person for the repayment of any other old age assistance payments not secured by any statutory lien. lq)11 call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mailman, seconded by Crosson, that the County Sheriff be authorized to employee Ray Thomas as a Deputy 'lleriff for the primary purpose of collecting taxes as of January 1,1955. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mailman, seconded by Utecht, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, Maude A. Haws, received old age assistance from Adams her life time; and, WHEREAS, Maude time of her death A. Haws,departed this life the following described re Lot Ten (10), Block Addition to the Vill Nebraska; and County, Nebraska, during on the 20th day of June, 1953, and owned at the al estate, to -wit: Three (3) in Lindsay & Parmenter/s age of Kenesaw, Adams County, WHEREAS, an old age assistance lien was filed in the Office of the -iegister of -Deeds of Adams CountylNebraska, as follows: Maude A. Haws, dated November 25, 1950, recorded in Book 157, P0ge 696 in miscellaneous records in said office; and, SUPE VISO 'S EC 11 ADAMS COUNTY, NE It D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that iiorr Mahoney, County Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be and he is hereby directed and authorized to release both of said above described old age assistance liens upon the receipt of the sum of $2,139.11. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Crosson, that we purchase a Garbege disposal unit and Youngstown Cabinet dish washing machine with booster from Rutherford Plumbing Company of Hastings, Nebr., at a compete price Including installation not to exceed a total of U394.50, and to be connected to pass all City and Health department requirements. Roll call, all voted aye Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Lightner, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Anderson, Salary Clerk of the District Court, Office County Assessor, Office Expense County Attorney's, Office Expense County Clerk's, Office Expense County Judge'slOffice Expense County Sheriff, Office Expense County Supt, Office Expense County Treasurer, Office Expense Crosson, Salary Fitzke, Salary Ganwish, Salary Kisler, Salary Kisler, salary Lightner, Salary Maltman, Salary Register of Deeds, Office Expense Utecht, Salary Veteran's Service Office, Office Ex Woolman, Salary Anderson, Salary Austin, Salary Block, Salary Boontjer, salary Gunderson, Salary Heuertz, Salary Hinrichs, Salary Hock, Salary Hoefer, Salary Hohlen, Salary Johnson, Salary Joynt, Salary Kennedy, Salary Kluver, Salary Koch, Salary Lower, Salary Meyer, Salary Petrie, Salary Poore, Salary Pritchard, salary Witt, Salary Nash, Salary Alberts, Salary OENERAL,FUND George Expense Raymond L. Beverly Earl L. George Kathryn Ed. V. W. William J. pense Floyd ROAD FUND Roy A. Weslie 3. Bruce Ted Tony James A. Klaas Charley John W. Fred H. Edward E. Orville Dale Thomas B. John David Marshall Cleon William 11. Arthur Henry Delbert Clyde Lloyd BRIDGE FUND Lloyd 4r. SCHROEDER ROAD FUND Ed STATE FUNDS Larkin, Director of Welfare Employees Perry O. This Board will now recess suject to the call of the Supervisors. ounty 1 Deputy. Chairman of the 127.50 458.32 856.46 535.00 793.32 858.94 633.32 491.66 940.60 67.50 175.00 14i.96 130.00 30.00 120.00 120.00 591.66 122.46 420.00 70.62 250.00 254.40 270.00 250.00 250.00 219.22 250.00 253.85 250.00 250.00 383.33 250.00 251.10 250.00 250.00 250.00 226.85 250.00 254.40 254.40 254./40 273.72 180.00 2250.00 County Board of ne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr SUPE 111 VIS®ECOID NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURT HOUSE, HASTII&S, NEBRASKA Saturday, September 4, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of August 26, 1954. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Crosson, Gangwish, Lightner, Maltman and Utecht. Motion by. Maitman, seconded by Crosson, that the County Engineer be instructed to discharge James Heuertz as of this date. Roll call, Ayes: Anderson, Crosson, Lightner, Mal Lman and Utecht. Pass: Gangwish, Motion carried. This Board will now recess until September 7, 1954. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 7, 1954• 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of September George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Crosson, Gangwish, Lightner, Maitman and Utecht. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Utecht, that we reconsider our motion of September 4, and that we reinstate James Heuertz as a maintainer operator. Roll call, Ayes: Anderson, Gangwish, Lightner, and Utecht. Nay "Crosson and Maitman. Motion carried. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Crosson, that the following reports of the County Clerk Car Titles, Adams County Nursing Home, Register of Deeds,County Judge, Adams County Library, County Clerk and Clerk of the District LJourt be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maitman, seconded by Utecht, that we adopt the following resolution "BE IT L ESOLVED, that the County Board of Supervisors sell to the following purchaser the following described property: Lots 921 to 923 Inc. & 817 Village of Juniata for $43.32 to E. W. Robinson; South 50 ft North 150 ft Block 4, South Side Addition, City of Hastings to Walter Morse for 4100.00; and that the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors be hereby authorized to execute and deliver quit claim deeds to said purchaser. .doll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mailman, seconded by Gangwish, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: -WHEREAS, a vacancy exists in the office of County Supervisor of -District No. Two, Nebraska, due to the death of Floyd. B. Woodman and 4, 1954. of Adams County, of WHEREAS, the statutes of the State of _Nebraska require that the remaining members of the Board Supervisors sors appoint some qualified person to fill the vacancy thus created until a successor is elected and qualified; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY of Kenesaw, Nebraska, who possesses to fill the vacancy existing in the .L 1byd B. Woodman and the said C. H. until a successor is elected at the bond. Roll call, all voted aye. Mot THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA,that C.H.Kidd, all of the necessary qualifications be and he hereby is appointed membership of the Board of Supervisors _created by the death of Kidd shall represent District No, Two of Adams County, Nebraska, next general election and has qualified by giving his oath and on carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Lightner, that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, a system of Federal Aid Secondary roads have been established in Adams County, and WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors of Adams County feel that additional county roads should be placed on this Federal Aid Secondary system in order to secure Federal As,.istance in the necessary improvement thereof, and WHEREAS, the following described road is not now a part of the approved k'ederal Aid Secondary System of Adams County and it is the desire of the Board of Supervisors of Adams County that this road is incorporated in the Federal Aid Secondary system of Adams County. Be:inning at the Union Pacific Rail Road tract near the Northeast corner of Section 20, Township 7, Range 9 running thence north approximately three and one-fourth (3*) miles to the Northeast corner Section 5, Township 7, Range 9, Adams County, Nebraska, thence West One and one-half mile (12) to intersection of present State Highway No. 251 and terminating there. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of these facts the County Board takes the following official action; BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the necessary documents above described road as The state Department of Roads and Irrigation is hereby requested to prepare and take all necessary s tees required in order to obtain the approval of the a part of the Federal Aid econdary system of Adams County. RESOLUTION: -WHEREAS, a system of Federal Aid Secondary roads have been established in Adams County, and -WHEREAS, the County Board of supervisors of Adams County feel that additional county roads should be placed on this Federal Aid Secondary system in order to secure Federal Assistance in the necessary improvement thereof, and SUPE VISO ADAMS c S 1t EC UNTY, NE 0 It D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Beginning at the Northeast corner 'ection 32, Township 8, Range 11, Adams County, Nebraska running thence West four and one-half (4-1-) miles to the south quarter corner of Section 27, ownship 8, Range 12, Adams County, Nebraska and terminating there. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of these facts the County Board takes the following official actipn; BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The State Department of Roads and Irrigation is hereby requested to prepare the necessary documents and take all necessary steps required in order to obtain the approval of the above described road as a part of the Federal Aid Secondary system of Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Mailman, that the Chairman of the Adams County Board be authorized to execute a lease between the County of Adams and Mrs. Neva Wolfe for the period Septemberl, 1954 to January 1, 1956 upon the same terms and conditions contained in the previous lease except that the premises shall be limited to that portion of Block 3, Paul's Addition actually used for the purpose of the Nursing Home. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Crosson that the following Miscellaneous receipts be made a of the Supervisors records: Holl call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 12236 12237 12238 12239 12240 12241 12242 12243 12244 12245 12246 12247 12246 12249 12250 12251 12252 12253 12254 12255 12256 12257 12256 12259 Harold Bachman Perry O. Larkin Mrs. 'hos. Davidson 1Northy Wood Grace simpson, Justice of Peace Grace simpson, Justice of Peace Emma berg, County clerk Emma berg, County Clerk Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dist Court Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dist Court G. A. Steiner Treas, School Dist # 68 Grace 'impson, Justice of Peace John E. hay, County Judge Cancelled Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dist court Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Perry Larkin, Director Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dist. Court Sara Sandy, Admx uonrad Adler Neva Wolfe State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. State Treasurer, Gas Tax Dist. State Treasurer, State Assistance 36.00 10.00 351.21 43.75 55.00 94.00 127.60 319.75 24.95 21.00 230.24 60.00 707.76 175.00 65.00 4.32 328.00 90.00 395.0o 1861.05 124°1.07 9508.08 28694.58 12260 A. L. Sample 12261Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 12262 Beatrice Concrete Co. 12263 Emma Berg, county Clerk 12264 Juniata Farmers Co -Assn. 12265 Schroeder Road 12266 Schroeder Road 12267 Old Age Assistance 12266 Emma Berg, County Clerk 12269 12270 12271 12272 12273 12274 12275 12276 12277 12278 12279 12280 12281 12282 12263 part 10.00 40.o0 40.00 431.55 10.00 1826.42 1339.20 6)1)1.36 17.44 Russell W. & Paul B. Davidson,Ex 7.95 12.73 1041 22.80 70.00 375.00 81.60 130.00 135.42 785.20 921.35 4.60 42.00 22.80 22.50 Perry Larkin, Director Perry Larkin -Director Mary Schultz, 01 Dist Court Grace bimpsbn, Justice Peace Kenesaw Township Kenesaw Township Grace bimpson, Justice Peace state Treasurer,State Asst. G. E. Haykenberry Fred O. Schaffroth, Reg Deeds Lincoln Tel & Teleg Co. Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Mary Schultz, Clerk Dist Ct. Mary Schultz, Clerk Dist Ct. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Crosson, that the following claims be allowed on their fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all Motion carried. Acme Heat Equipment Co. Adams County Agri. Extension Service Adams County Service Committee Anderson Berg, County Clerk Bert's Drugs Bivens Borley Storage & Transfer uo. Burling Business Supply Company Byrne Conrad Coordt County attorney County Supt. Credit bureau ofHastings Credle Company Election Payroll Essinger Feese, M. D. .01anagan Gangwish Grabill Grace's Bike & Key Shop Hammond & Stephens co. Hastings Canvas & Mfg 'o. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities Hide Printing Company Hide Printing Company,Inc. Hide Printing Company Inc. Holthaus Drug uo. Jo1]rn1 Star Printing L'o. GENERAL Aug. Emma George Ralph Berdina rank Anne Z. W. Lydia J. P. Barbara Earl L. Chester J. FUND Labor Office Office Mileage Postage, Supplies '-rugs Bailiff Services Mileage Supplies Canvassing 'oard Assessing Canvassing 'oard Postage Postage Credit Service Repairs Payroll Mileage Medical care Salary Mile ge Mileage Labor Supplies Repair Awnings Book Publishing, ballots Supplies supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Supplies Supplies Drugs Supplies Expense Expense respective voted aye. 6.87 350.00 71.60 4.20 13.92 1.25 65.00 106.00 12.24 27.20 56.00 72.00 56.0o 6.00 8.25 12.00 9.32 3334.70 13.80 10.50 54.64 1.92 5.76 13.00 69.12 25.00 90.00 960.62 5.35 19.95 1.88 21.70 .64 74.09 135.40 8.50 5.50 .75 130.88 Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE J' VISO ECO)D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NE 1: RASKA Ray, County Judge Redfield & Company Schaffroth Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Schultz uchultz, Skorheim Stephenson School Supply Co. Stoner Theisen West Publishing Company West Publishing Company Wood, Sheriff Alberts Augustin Implement Budd Oil Company Clarke Oil company Consumers Public Power District DeBord Welding Shop Dillys Service Dutton Lainson Company Farmers Uo-Operative Oil Co. Farmers Union co -Op. Gas & Oil Co. farmers Union UO -Op. Gas & Oil Foote Equipment Company Friends Motor Supply Gilpin's Garage Hageman Hardware Co. Harpham Hastings Battery & Electric Inc • Hastings Motor Truck Company Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Hoagland Island supply Company Jones Kansas Nebr. Nati Gas Co. Inc. Kansas Nebr. Nati Gas L'o. Inc. Kenesaw Lumber Company Kenesaw Oil Company Kenesaw Telephone Company Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln 'lelephone & Telegraph Co. McClelland Rose Motors Inc. Messer Company Modern Linen supply Nebraska Dept of Road & Irrigation Nebraska Tractor 8c, Equipment Co. Nebraska Iractor& Equipment Co. Newman Penney Company Pittz Service Pritchard Sauerman Sidles company Siekmann Sime Sinclair Refining Co. Southern Nebr. Ru al Public Power Dist. Thomas specialty Mfg. co. Trupp Ve lde r Vontz Wheeler Lumber Bridge & supply Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Whities Seat covers Wilber Service Inc. Wilder service Station Witt John h. .red O. Fred O. Mary Mary Albert J. M. L. Susane Jane Worthy 6. ROAD FUND E. State Cases,Postage Supplies Election Postage Postage, supplies Committal,State cases Labor Supplies Mileage Salary Supplies Supplies Jailor, Postage, Mileage Repairs Gas, •Diesel Gas Utilities George Repairs, Labor Gas Prestone Diesel Gas, Diesel Diesel, grease Tires Supplies Gas Supplies LaVerne Salary Repairs, Supplies Parts Utilities Utilities Oxygen David Repairs Repairs James u. & Elva D. Contract Utilities Utilities Supplies Gas Telephone service Gas, Repairs Supplies Telephone service Repairs L.J. Supplies Laundry Contract Road Supplies, Repairs Supplies, Repairs Herbert Salary J, C. Material Gas, Diesel, Supplies Salary Herbert John Salary Supplies, Repairs contract Gas, Diesel Diesel Utilities Bolts Adam Repairs hay Salary L. J. Gravel Donald County of Webster Litz Naggatz Hief Rinck Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply uo. Road Account Road Account Vontz 65.84 37.30 4.00 6.00 3.25 235.35 9.00 1.75 18.72 80.00 20.00 20.00 Food, Mileage 363.75 Emilie D. J. Gerald D. BRIDGE FUND Hubert F. Lrvin Henry Thomas W. Supplies Supplies Repairs Repairs, Supplies Gas, Repairs Salary Culbert share Salary Salary Salary Salary Supplies SCHROEDER ROAD FUND Labor, Equipment Labor, E2uipment L. J. Gravel 1Trr1-rr 1 1-1 A 22.06 86.99 285.43 68.99 1.91 35.20 20.93 200.94 7.15 159.1111 38.35 237.24 5.65 2.40 100.0 62.92 46.48 9.66 12.39 11.15 9.00 29.40 886.65 1.8o 1.80 50.65 )i4.41 16.80 111.52 648.86 18.40 .34 18.65 2.88 3698.85 198.75 81.75 234.0o 11.70 262.94 201.85 234.30 68.53 125.40 303.41 162.15 17.3L 5.75 347.79 255.6o 20.16 1.91 3054.64 2.00 499.46 90.86 150.15 12.53 255.60 255.60 249.60 255.60 492.10 4217.66 1856.00 1178.77 (68 SUPE VISO 'S i'tECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE 1D) 1111 D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Hastings Carnegie Library Jones Kindig McNair Parks Snell Berg, County Clerk Business Supply Company Englehorn Hager Hastings Typewriter Company Kipp Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McCarty Schafer Printing Co. Snyder Wyckoff Adams County Soldier's Relief Fund Mrs. Aaron Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Klyoe Miss Arlene Mrs. Howard Library service Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary STATE ADMINISTRATION Emma Evelyn D. Addie John W. Freida Faye Daniel E. Clara Maxine SOLDIERS & SAILORS Amen Amen Amen Brooke & Son Drug Store Brunkow Coghlan Credit Bureau of Hastin, s Eekhardt's Grocery Everson Hastings Utilities Herbst Grocery Holthaus Drug Company Jack & Jill Grocery- Spencer Park Jack & Jill Grocery - 3rd & Burlington Johnson Venetian 131ind Service Kendall Kunce's Grocery Larkin Larkin -Director Larmore Market Livingston-Butler-Vollandiluneral Home McIntire, M. D. McIntire, M. D. Mary Laming Memorial Hospital Rogers Eutt's Drug store # 2 Rutt Safeway Stores Safeway Stores Skaggs Grocery # 11 Skaggs Grocery d 5 Smith, Supt. Stop and Shop Market Sullivan Thiels Cafe Tommy's Market # 1 Vern's Cash Grocery Weber, M. D. Western Auto .Associate Store Williams Grocery Wilder Oil Company Wolfe Zubrod's Grocery Anderson Bennett Bentz Bert's Drug Store Bert's Eexall Drug Store Brand Mortuary Brooke & Son Smith Davis DeBacker Egen Ellis Fern's Pharmacy Fitzgerald Foote Clinic Ft e Clinic POOR AID FUND Katie Peter Peter Herbert E. Mrs. J. R. Mrs. Marie Mrs. Effie Perry O. Perry O. Robert H. Russell J. Katherine Mrs. Frank 0. P. O. P. J. H. Mrs. Lillian C. R. Kenneth Mrs. Neva MEDICAL, SURGICAL & Dr. H. F. Dr. W. K. Mrs. Cal Postage Supplies Mileage Mileage Supplies Rent Telephone Service Mileage Supplies Mileage Mileage Relief Extra Labor Extra Labor Janitor service Drugs Rent Care Credit Service Staple foods Rent Utilities Staple foods Drugs Staple foods Staple foods Repair Blinds Care Staple foods Mileage Revolving fund Staple foods Ambulance service Medical care Medical care Hospital care Rent Drugs Care Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods ->taple foods Care Staple foods Bord & Room Meals Staple foods Staple foods Medical care Supplies Staple foods Kerosene Care staple foods HOSPITAL CARE Dr. Dr. H. L. Dr. L. J. Dr. L. F. Mrs. Phidelia Dr. Thomas Medical Medical Nursing Medical Medical Ambulanc Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Nursing, Medical Medical Medical Medic -al care care care supplies supplies e service supplies care care O are care care supplies care care care 90.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 17.12 37.89 8.10 15.30 21.65 150.00 46.90 5.40 16.53 8.10 1.38 206.33 25.32 2.00 55.00 22.24 20.00 65.00 5.00 20.00 20.00 3.52 40.00 1.69 41.00 90.00 2.00 50.00 17.25 18.24 59.13 10.00 37.50 9.00 2.00 6.00 15,00 23.73 170.00 50.00 20.00 60.00 77.25 210.00 37.25 60.00 30.00 39.90 20.00 2.00 4.25 10.00 3.20 313.34 80.00 18.00 3.00 30.00, 33.15 84.41 2.5o 46.5o 3.00 16.00 52.00 4.00 12.73 2.50 79.00 12.50 46.00 oune Graphic Arta, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO 'S ECOI'flD NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 111\1 Kingsley Kostal McIntire Mcintire McMillan Mace Mary Lanning Myers Pinney Rutt's Drug Scheidies Stinnette Uridil VonStrode Weber Wolfe Hospital Store # 2 This Board will now recess ]Jr. D. W. Dr. O. A. Dr, R. H. Dr. R. J. Dr. J. A. Dr. J. L. Medical care Medical care Medical care medical care Medical care Medical care Hospital care Bertha Nursing care Dr. G. L. Medical care Medical supplies Amanda Nursing care Mrs. Eva Nursing care Dr. J. E. Medical care Mrs. W. R. Nursing care Dr. C. R. Medical care Mrs. Neva Nursing care subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board 105.00 6.00 40.00 14.50 3.00 28.38 516.60 187.40 67.72 249.71 262.80 39.00 3.00 160.00 4.00 303.52 of Supervisors. Cipt nr-L_ Chairman COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Saturday, September 25, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of September 7, 1954. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Crosson, (langwish, Lightner, Utecht and Kidd. Absent: Maltman. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Gangwish, that we advertise for sealed bids on Wednesday, October 6th 1954 at 10:00 o'clock A. M. on the purchase of the Adams County Patrol Shed located at 1242 North Baltimore. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Crosson, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund ani the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Anderson, Salary Clerk of the District L'ourt, Office Expense. County -ssessor, Office Expense County Attorney- Office Expense County Clerk's - Office Expense County Judge - Office Expense County Sheriff - Office Expense County Supt - Office Expense County Treasurer- Office Expense Crosson, Salary Fitzke, Salary Clangwish, Salary Kidd, Salary Kisler, Salary Kisler, Salary Knight Lightner, Salary Maltman, Salary Register of Deeds - Office xpense Theisen, Salary Utecht, Salary Veteran's Service Office - Office Expense Alberts, Salary Anderson, Salary Austin, Salary Block, Salary Crippen, Salary Hock, Salary Gunderson, Salary Heuertz, Salary Hinrichs, Salary Hoefer, Salary Hohlen, Salary Johnson, Salary Joynt, Salary Kennedy, Salary Kluver, Salary Koch, Salary George Raymond L. Beverly Earl L. C. H. George Mrs. Kathryn Robert G. Ed W. W. Susan Jane William J. ROAD FUND E. troy Weslie B. Bruce William H. Charley y, lony James Klaas H. John W. kred E. E. Orville Dale Thomas B. John 1-1nTr;,1 127.50 458.32 900.46 535.00 793.32 833.74 633.32 491.66 937.81 60.00 175.00 140.82 46.38 130.00 30.00 43.85 120.00 52.50 591.66 80.00 125.34 420.00 180.00 244.25 279.40 271.29 70.20 250.00 250.00 224.70 250.00 250.00 250.00 383.33 272.20 260.20 0.00 (70 SUPE 111 VISO 'S. 16\ECO 1111) ADAMS COUNTY, NE 111. D NO. 15 ASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Nash, Salary BRIDGE FUND Lloyd STATE FUNDS Larkin, Director of Welfare Employees Perry 0. This 13oard will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. 275.16 2250.00 County L'lerkv chairman COURT HOUSE, HASTINOS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, October 6, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.N. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of SepterrOoer 25, 1954. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Inderson, Crosson, Gangwish, Lightner, Maltman, Utecht and Kidd. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. At 10:00 o'clock A. M. the following Adams County Shed bids were opened and read J. W. Wiens 0_56.00 Motion by Mailman, seconded by Gangwish, that we reject County Shed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Kidd, that the reports of County Library, (2) County Clerk, Clerk of the District Court, Adams County Nursing Home, accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. by Lightner, seconded by Utecht, that the followint, Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part Supervisor's Record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. any and all bids submitted for the Adams Motion of the 12284 12285 12286 12287 12288 12289 12290 12291 12292 12293 12294 12295 12296 12297 12298 12299 12300 12301 12302 12303 12304 12305 12306 12307 12308 12309 12310 12311 12312 12313 12314 12315 12316 12317 12318 12319 12320 12321 12322 12323 12324 12325 12326 12327 12328 1 92c) County Clerk Car Title, Sheriff and Judge be Mary Schultz, ulerk of IDistrict Court Richard Hunter, County Attorney John E. Ray, County Judge Emma Berg, County Clerk U. S. Treasurer Wesley 5urge, Treas. Logan Township John E. Ray, County Judge John E. Ray, County Judge John E. Hay, County Judge John E. Ray, County Judge Mary Schultz, 'Jlerk of District Court John E. Ray, County Judge Walter Morse E. Robinson Perry Larkin -Director Perry Larkin -Director Charles 3ossert, County Judge State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. State Treasurer -Gas lax Dist. Perry O. Larkin C. 111. Kidd by Republican Co. Comm. Ralph Haws Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace State Treasurer -State Assistance Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Neva Wolfe Void L'race Simpson, Justice Grace Simpson, Justice Grace Simpson, Justice Special I,,ail Route Road Special Mail Route Road Carrol Stoltes Grace Simpson, Justice Grace Simpson, Justice Nichols 'onstruction Co (-Trace Simpson, Justice Fred O. Schaffroth, Reg Grace Simpson, Justice crace Simpson, Justice L. Hunter Grace Simpson, Justice Florence Lehmann Emma 3erg, County Clerk (-PAPP Simnson. Justice of of of of of of Peace ister of of eace of Peace Peace Peace l'eace Peace Peace Peace of of Peace Deeds 58.45 18.65 100.00 117.45 5200.00 750.00 100.00 25.00 25.00 100.00 353.65 692.65 100.00 39.06 8.12 12.25 86.11 1987.13 13241.17 10152.19 36.60 5.00 2139.11 45.00 28775.37 65.00 352.50 90.00 35.00 65.00 1856.00 4217.66 5.00 65.00 85.00 20.00 55.00 672.65 75.00 65.00 19.04 55.00 262.85 17.12 50.00 kune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE It VISO 1"EC011'AD NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NE J: RASKA Motion by Utecht, seconded by Kidd, that we purchase from the Highway Equipment and Supply Company one XF51 Vee Type Wausau Plow @ 0995.00 1". O. I-3. Hastings, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Gantyish, that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLU1EON: '3E IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA: WhEREAS there is now pending in the County Court of Adams County, Nebraska, the Estate of Mary Pester, Deceased, and that there is listed as an asset of said estate, certain real estate described as: "An undivided 5/12ths interest in Lo ts 1 and 2, Block 2, Trupp's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, AND WdEREAS the County of Adams, Nebraska has filed a claim against said estate in the sum of $2,575.60, said claim being for Old Age Assistance payments made to said Mary Peister during her life time, AND WHEEAS, Alex Peister, Administrator of said hstate has estate for the sum of $4,400.000 and he has offered to pay the said last sum being 5/12ths of said sale price, for a full and Adams County for the said claim and lien, AN) WHEREAS, said offer is a fair and reasonable offer, and County of Adams would realize under any process of law, an opportunity to sell said real County of Adams the sum of $1833.00, complete release and discharge of is probably a greater sum than the That upon receipt by the County of Adams, Nebraska, of the sum of $1833.00 tendered by the Administrator of the Estate of Mary Peister, Deceased, the County of Adams, Nebraska, shall release and discharge any and all claim, lien or interest in or against the above described real estate, and against the Estate of Mary Peister, with the aim and object that said real estate may be conveyed free and clear of the said claim and lien of the County of Adams,Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Utecht, that we authorize the County Treasurer to strike from the personal taxes delinquent two or more years in which due diligence has been exercised on his part for the collection in accordance with Section 77-1926, Compiled Statutes 1929. Roll call, all voted aye. Lotion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Gangwish, that the Hawkeye-Security Insurance Co. be awarded the Workman's Compensation for a period of one year beginning October 6th, 1954. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Crosson, secondedby Utecht, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Agri. Extension Service Adams County Service Committee Anderson Anderson Augustin Company Berg, County Clerk Divens Burroughs Corp. Business Supply Company County -ttorney County Supt. Crosson Davenport L'ompany Ellerbrock Agency Hammond & •Stephens Company Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter L'ompany Hastings Typewriter Liompany Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Jompany Hastings Utilities hide Printing Co. Inc. Hillers Agency Infromative Classroom Picture Pub. Itzen & Diez Insurance Agency Kreiling Lincoln Telephone & Teleg. Co. Mahoney, County Treasurer Moomey, _pale Cafe New Method Laundry Omaha Printing Company rtay, County Judge Redfield & Company Schafer Printing L'ompany Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Schultz schultz, Clerk district L'ourt Scott, Director of Laboratory Qn1,n,1 n - GENERAL FUND Aug. Merle Emma George W. Raymond L. F. E. William 0 Dale John E. 1,red O. Mary Mary Frank R. Office hxpense Office Expense Mileage Mileage Bupplies 2ostaLe Bailiff Repairs Supplies Postage Mileage, Postage Bailiff liepairs Insurance Supplies PublisJing Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Bond Supplies Bond Janitor service Telephone service Postage, Bank charge Jury meals Laundry Supplies State cases, Postage Supplies Supplies Recording, Postage Postage State cases, Committal lest 350.00 71.60 4.20 3-84 7.37 9.95 60.00 .69 2.75 6.00 70.93 5.00 20.00 238.20 44.46 77.36 4.72 19.30 7.50 1i .00 84-59 20.00 10.00 79.91 6.00 74.00 165.50 253.84 34.50 4.75 28.01 13.36 46.85 7.8o 13.05 12.40 286.30 _3.00 T2 SUPE VIS ADAMS C 110) S 1'ECO D NO. 15 UNTY, NE RASKA Tribune Graph nc Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Adams County Noxious weed District Alberts Anderson Equipment Co. Inc. Armco Drainage & Metal Products Inc. Augustin Implement Co. B & b Super Service Co. Bierman Implement Company Budd Oil Company ularke Oil Company consumers Public Power District D - A Lubricant L'ompany Inc. Eaton Metal Product Corp. Farmers Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil Go. boote Equipment Company Gilpin's Garage Hageman Hardware Company Hanks Tire '-)hop Harpahm Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Hemberger Homelite Corp. Home Oil Company Island upply Company Kenesaw-Oil company Kistler Lenhart Service Station Lilley Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. McMurtry Modern Linen Supply Mousel Nebraska Tractor Equipment Co. Nebraska Tractor Equipment Co. Newman Paper Calmenson & ,,ompany Pavelka & sons Pittz Service Pritchard Pritchard Sauerman Sidles company Sime Sinclair hdfining co. State Reformatory •Stewart Plumbing & Heating Co. Velder vontz Wagner Service Station Wesco Steel Company Wheeler Lumber bridge & Supply Co. Wilber Service Inc. Wilders Service Station Witt Chicago Burlington & C=4uincy Railroad Litz Naggatz hief Rick Wheeler Lumbe_ Lilley 'oad Account oad Account Vontz Bridge Supplies Albright Aman Bouregy & Curl Inc. Doubleday & Co. Inc. Ernst Hale & Company Hastings Carnegie Library Jones Kindig McNair Parks Snell ROAD FUND Spraying Repairs Culverts Repairs Supplies Repairs Diesel, Gas Gas Utilities Lubricant Supplies Gas, Diesel Supplies Gas, hepairs Supplies repairs LaVern Salary Publishing Utilities Supplies John J. Salary Supplies Diesel Supplies, hepairs Gas, Repairs Jack W. Salary Oas Ed Gravel Tractor, Repairs ,Supplies Telephone service Andrew C. Salary Laundry Virgil Salary Repairs, supplies hepairs, Supplies Herbert P.C. Salary Blades Repairs aas, Diesel Clyde Salary Donald Salary Herbert John Salary Supplies, Repairs A. J. Gas, Diesel Gas Supplies Repairs Ray Salary L. J. Gr,vel Gas, Repairs Supplies Su)plies Supplies, Repairs Gas, Repairs Gerald D. Salary BRIDGE FUND Hubert Ervin Henry Thomas Freight Salary Salary Salary William Salary Supplies SCHROEDER ROAD FUND bd. L. J. COUNTY LIBRARY Mrs . A. F. MI's. R. D. Gravel County Labor, Equipment Labor, Equipment Gravel Salary Salary Books Books Mrs. Waunetta Salary E. M. Books Library Service Mrs. Aaron Salary Mrs. Margaret Salary Mrs. Klyoe Salary Arlene Salary Mrs. Howard Salary 74.0o 29.94 26.60 1477.77 119.88 54.98 25.02 319.97 106.87 2.17 59.85 22.)1)1 398.80 25.60 10.96 22.45 3.00 194.70 10.06 9.16 10.12 39.60 10.05 4.33 108.56 50.45 19.80 10.47 706.40 22246.36 19.4o 113.30 2.78 100.10 861.98 53.82 212.40 3328.90 15.00 227.20 31.05 260.15 234.30 314.40 327.53 48.58 26.25 1.91 265.20 801.19 116.12 41.91 231.46 561.28 45.09 249.70 1101.64 261.00 251.40 239.40 251.40 42.93 2298.00 1216.00 226.40 2229.23 25.00 25.00 4.50 40.04 35.00 28.56 90.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 ne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO 9S 11\ ECO D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA BKA, Amen Berg, County Clerk Business Supply Company ngleho'n Foote, M. D. Hager Hoffman, M. D. Kipp Larkin,i'irector Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. McCarty Snyder Adams County Soldier's Relief Fund Adams County Fair Assn. x. B. C. Appliance Co. Cottingham Lumber Co. Schafer Printing Company Armen Bert's Rexall Drug Store Bi -Lo Market Brand Mortuary Brooke & Son Drug Store B runke n B runk ow Coghlan Credit Bureau of Hastings i'ickt s Grocery Eckhardtts Grocery •igen, M. D. Everson STATE ADMINISTRATION Peter Emma Evelyn D. C. M. Addie Kenneth C. John W. Perry O. Freida Faye Daniel E. SOLDIERS & SAILORS COUNTY FAIR Janitor service Postage Supplies Mileage Examination Mileage Medical service Rent Postage Telephone service I4ile age Mileage Relief Premiums, Improvements ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME Groenewold Cash Grocery Hastings Drug Store Hastings Drug Store Hastings Typewriter ompany Hastings Utilities Hide Printing Company Hoffman, M. D. Hoffmeister, M. D. Holthaus Drug Company Jack &, Jill Grocery- East South St. Jack & Jill Grocery- 3rd & Buri_ington Jack & Jill Grocery- Spencer Park Kostal, M. D. Kunce's Grocery Larkin Larkin -Director Larmore Market Livingston -butler Volland N'uneral Home Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mikkelsen Drug `'ompany Mikkelsen Drug Company Montgomery Ward & Company Penney Company Rogers Euttts Drug Store rf 1 huttts Drug store / 2 Muttts Drug Store # 2 Ru tt Skaggs Grocery 4 5 Skaggs Grocery # 5 Skaggs Grocery # 11 Smith, Supt. Snyder Stop and sop Market Sullivan hiel's Cafe Western Auto Associate store Wilder Oil Company " o 1 f e Arrack & Son Mortuary r'nderson Bennett Bert's hexall Drug Store POOR AID FUND MEDICAL, Labor Supplies Supplies Peter Labor .Drugs Staple foods Ambulance service Dr. ugs Rent rent Care of patient Credit service Staple foods Staple foods Me d i c al care Mrs. Marie Rent Staple foods Drugs Drugs supplies Utilities Supplies Kenneth C. Medical care George Medical care Drugs Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods O. A. Midical care Staple foods Perry O. Mileage Perry 0. Revolving fund Staple foods Ambulance service Hospital service Dr ugs Drugs Supplies J. C. Supplies Katherine hent Drugs Drugs Drugs MPS. Frank Care O. P. Staple foods 0. P. Staple foods 0. P. Staple foods Mr. J. H. Car e Daniel Mileage Staple foods Mrs. Lillian Board & Room Meals Supplies Kerosene Mrs. l'e va Care Martin Herbert Mrs. J. R. SURGICAL & HOSPITAL CARE Jr. H. F. Dr. Uu . K. Ambulance service Medical care Me d i c al care Medical Supplies 55.00 16.92 32.73 1.98 5.00 14.70 5.00 150.00 115.62 34.00 4.14 8.46 208.33 400.00 7.00 22.92 8.25 �2.00) 8.96 50.00 2.50 7.94 30.00 20.00 65.00 5.00 74.50 20.00 2.00 20.00 28.50 2.35 11.00 16.L!)1 2.99 2.10 10.00 6.00 4.88 15.00 110.00 20.00 5.00 17.25 2.16 42.57 2) .00 2.50 42.60 5.65 9.75 5.50 15.42 15.00 7.88 1.62 4.49 170.00 77.25 2.98 20.00 105.00 23.88 37.25 60.00 30.00 2.32 1.60 )1)1 0.00 3.00 7.00 i.00 133.26 (74 SUPE 11 VISO 'S 1"1ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE D Na 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. i)avis DeBacker Ellis -0ern's Pharmacy toote Clinic Freeman CTuildner Hastings Drug Store Hoffman Hoffmeister Holsten Drug Store Holthaus L'rug ')-tore Hughes Drug ,3tore Johnston Kleager Kostal Kuehn Kingsley Livinaston-Butler-Volland Funeral McIntire McMillan Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Maynard Hospital Mikkelsen's Drug tore Myers Pinney Hutt's Drug tore # 1 Hutt's Drug Store d 2 Scheidies VonStrode "ober Wolfe Home This Board will now recess subject to the Dr. H. L. Dr. L. J. Phidelia Verne & Golda Jr. C. W. Dr, Kenneth Or. C. F. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. C. O. Clyde O. A. G. A. Jr. D. W. Dr. Robert Dr. John Bertha Dr. G. L. Amanda Mrs. W. A. Dr. C. R. Neva He medical Nursing Medical Medical Nursing Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical di cal Medical He dical Medical care care care supplies care care care supplies care care supplies supplies supplies care care care care Medical care Ambulance service H. Medical care Aedical care Hospital care Hospital care Medical supplies Nursing care Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Nursing care Nursing care i'ledical care Nursing care call of the 'dhairman of the County 15.00 42.0o 12.73 30.74 27.0o 68.80 4.00 152.)45 12.50 84.00 10.00 3.25 3.75 8.00 4.00 32.12 11.00 81.71 72.56 59.00 33.00 990.50 25.50 20.09 187.40 29.17 53.22 116.27 262.80 214.94 5.00 426.20 Board of Supervisors. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, October 20, 1954. 2:30 ofclock P. M. Chairman. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of October 6, 1954. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Crosson, Gangwish, Lightner, Maltman, Utecht and Kidd. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Gangwish, that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there has been signed by Adams County on the 6th day of Oct. 1953, and by the State on the 27th day of October 1953, an agreement providing for the construction of a Federal Aid Secondary Road beginning at the end of the paving near the airport, west through Juniata to the C. B. &. 0. overpass on the Section line between Sections 6 and 31, Township 7 and 8 North, Range 11 West, ten and three tenths (10.3) miles. WHEREAS, in the above agreement, the County has pledged sufficient funds to finance it's share of the cost of the construction of this project indentified as No. S-329 (2), and wHEPPAS, ( the above above mentioned agreement provided that the County would pay all of the non -Federal costs of this project, and WTTEPEAS, the State received bids for the construction of this project on October 14, 19at which time 7 bids were received for the construction of the proposed work, and 54, WH PEAS, the following contractors for the items of work bidders to whom a contract (Contracts) should be awarded: camp C)nstructLon Company - sand gravel surfacing -F 00. NOW THEPLEFOPE, in consideration of the above facts, the Board of Supervisors of by this resolution, ta.les the following official action: 1. The Board hereby concurs in the selection of the above of work listed, to whom a contract should be awarded. 2. The 'Board does not desire to perform any of the work with it's own forces in performing the work by the contract method. Roll call, all voted aye. M)tion carried. listed have been selected as the low mentioned contractors motion by Lightnerq seconded by Maltman, that the following resolution be adopted: Adams County, for the items lieu -of SUPERVISO S IECOD NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. WHFPEAS, on the 30th day of September, 1947, in Book 154, Page 419 of the 'Records of the Register of Deeis of Adams County, Nebraska, there was also filed a lien for Old Age Assistance to Gustav Kessler against the East Eight Feet (E.8'), Block Three (3), the West Fif'ty-five Feet (N. 55') of Lot Four (4), Holme's Sub.; and WTTErn-TAS, the Deeds Records of the Register of Deeds of Adams County, Nebraska, show that on the lst day of August, 1942, Book 127, Page 106 of said records that Gustav F. Kossler and Elizabeth Kessler conveyed by Warranty Deed to Lena Engel prop-rty described as follows: The West Thirty-six Feet (W. 36') of Lot Three (3) in Hairnets Subdivision of Lots Twenty-one (21), Twenty-two (22), and Twenty-three (23) of Kerr's Addition to the City of Hastings, N-brasa, with other property; and it further appearing that the Block Three (3) referred to in the Old Age Assistance liens abo e is the same as the Property described as Lot Three (3) in the above described Warranty Deed; it further aP)earing that the said Crust,lv Y. Kessler and hli-abeth Kessler conveyed said West Thirty-six Feet (W. 36') of Lot Three (3) and it further a ,earing that said Lot Three (3) being only fourty feet (40') from west to the east from the plat of said lot; and it therefore appearing of record that the said Gustav 1'1. Kessler andlizabeth Kessler were at the time of the filing of the liens mentioned above owners of record of the East Four Feet (E.4') of Lot Three (3) and the West Fifty-five feet (W.55') of Lot Four (4), Holrne's Subidvision of Lot 21, 22, 23, Kerr's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams Courty, Nebraska, NOW THE'REFORE, Treasurer of Adams County, \Tebraska is hereby directed and ordered to release from the above described liens the west Four feet (W.0) of the East Eight Feet (E.8') of Lot Three (3), Holmets Subidi-Viion of Lot 21, 22, 23, Kerr's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County,Nebraska, for the reason that said property was owned by Lena Engel before the filing of said liens, but that said liens remain of record and unreleased as to the East Four Feet (E.4t) of Lot Three (3) and the West Fifty-five Feet (W.55') of Lot Four (4) Holmets Sublivision of Lots 21, 22, and 23, Kerr's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams G'ounty, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. Chairman COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 26, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of October 20, 1954. George Anderson Chairman presiding. holl call, members present: Anderson, Crosson, Gangwish, Lightner, Maltman, Utecht and Kidd. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Utecht, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the Gounty Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. hall call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Anderson, Salary George Clerk of the District 'ourt, Office Expense County Assessor, Office Expense County Attorney's, Office Expense County Clerk's, Office Expense County Judge's, Office Expense County ,Sherrif, Office Expense County Supt, Office Expense County Treasurer, Office Expense Crosson, Salary Raymond L. -oitzke, Salary Beverly Gangwish, Salary Earl L. Ki,d, Salary Ld. H. Kisler, Salary Geo. Kisler, Salary Kathryn Lightner, Salary Ed. Mailman, Salary W. M. register of Deeds, Office Expense Utecht, Salary William J. Veteran's Service Office, Office hxpense ROAD FUND 127.50 458.32 765.71 535.00 793.32 840.04 633.32 491.66 956.66 72.30 175.00 154.86 105.24 130.00 30.00 105.00 105.00 591.66 135.54 420.00 ',.--- Anderson, Salary iioy A. 234.80 Austin,Salary weslie B. 276.80 Block, Salary Bruce 270.00 Ltunderson, Salary Tony 236.00 Heuertz, Salary James A. 219.20 Hinrichs, Salary Klaas H. 230.00 Hock, .Salary Charley 230.00 John Vv. 234.80 Hoefer, Salary Hohlen, Salary Fred 234.80 _-_ JnIlnqnn_ SI,A7- 66 SUPE VISO 'S ECOID NO. 15 11 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Petrie, Salary Poore, Salary Pritchard, Salary Pritchard, Salary Witt, Salary Alberts, Salary Nash, Salary Arthur Henry Delbert `11yde -,Jonald Lloyd SCHROEDER ROAD FUND Eddie BRIDGE FUND_ Lloyd STATE FUNDS Perry O. 2250.00 of the County Board of supervisors. Larkin,Director of Welfare Employees This board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman 222.80 234.80 239.60 249.10 276.80 180.00 274.80 County lerk 40, IIP -40111 err- _ Depu y COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Saturday, November 6, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Chairman Regular meeting of the Adams County -board of Supervisors met as per recess of October 26, 1954. George Anderson, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Crosson, Gangwish, Lightner, Maltman, Utecht and Kidd. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Utecht, that the petition of Walter Kroll and supporting petitioners be granted and the County give a Quit claim Deed to Walter Kroll covering the East twenty five feet (25') of Southwest Quarter (SWi), Section Seventeen (17), Township Eight (8), North, Range Eleven (11), Adams County, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Crosson, that the following reports be accepted and placed on file. County Library, Judge, Nursing Hone, Clerk of the District Court, Register of Deeds, Sheriff, Tax Collector and County Clerk. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Kidd, of the Supervisors Record. Roll call, 12332 12333 12334 12335 12336 12337 12338 12339 12340 12341 12342 12343 123)0i 12345 12346 12347 12348 12349 12350 12351 12352 12353 12354 12355 that the following Miscellaneous receipts be made a part all voted aye. Motion carried. Emma Berg, ,founty Clerk 2121.32 12356 Emma Berg, County Clerk 188.90 12357 (race Simpson, Justice of Peace 70.00 12358 Grace simpson, Justice of Peace 60.00 12359 Worthy b. Wood 54.25 12360 Richard Hunter & Mel Kammerlohr 11.40 12361 John E. Ray, County Judge 25.00 12362 John E. fay, County Judge 2.00 12363 brace Simpson, Justice of Peace 145.00 12364 Emma Serg, County Clerk 326.10 12365 Grace Simpson,Justiceof Peace 60.00 12366 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 45.00 12367 Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dist Ct. 20.25 12368 Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dist Ct. 300.00 12369 John . Ray, County Judge 587.15 12370 Louis 3. 2rasuch 59.00 12371 F. L. Youngblood 1833.00 12372 Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dist Ct. 398.30 12373 John E. hay, County Judge 50.00 12374 urace impson, Justice of Peace 65.00 12375 State Treas-Gas Tax Dist. 1497.01 12376 State Treas-Gas Tax Dist. 9975.29 12377 State 21-eas-Cas Tax Dist. 7648.20 12378 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 50.00 12379 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 100.00 State Tre,surer 5587.19 John E. Ray, County Judge 2.00 John E. 'ay, County Judge 11.00 state Treasurer -State Assistance29140.41 Schroeder Road 1216.00 Schroeder road 226.40 crace Simpson, Justice of Peace 120.00 W. S. & Floyd H. Arvanette 449.00 John E. Ray, County Judge John Ricker, Silver Lake Township 375.00 brLce Simpson, Justice of Peace 35.00 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 65.00 Neva Wolfe 142.00 (-'race Simpson,Justice of Peace 81.00 Chas. C. Osborne, Exec. John E. 'ay, County Judge 25,00 Emma -L/erg, County Clerk 16.92 kred Schaffroth,Register of Deeds 980.20 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 90.00 Grace impson,Justice of Peace Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace - State Ireas-State Assistance 198.12 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 75.00 Motion by Lightner, seconded by Crosson, that we instruct the County Treasurer to file a claim of $426.11 against the Estate of Agnes McCauley. Roll call, allvoted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Kidd, that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, a system of Federal Aid secondary roads have been established in Adams County, and WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors of Adams County feel that additional county roads should be placed on this bederal Aid Secondary system in order to secure Federal Assistance in the necessary improvement thereof, and une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE Viso S Eco A AMS COUNTY, NE RASKA NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of these facts the County '='oard takes the following official action: BE IT RESOLVE) THAT: The State Department of hoads and Irrigation is hereby requested to prepare the necessary documents and take all necessary steps required in order to obtain the approval of the above described road as a part of the Federal .did Secondary system of Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion. by Utecht, seconded by Gangwish, that the followinE claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed of issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Acme Printing Co. Adams County Agricultural Extension Adams County Service Committee Anderson Arnold 3erg, County Clerk Bivens Business Supply `'o. Continental Press, Inc. Cornhusker Press County Attorney County Supt. County Supt. County Supt. Croft, Publiaations Dier, Dutton-Lainson Company Election Payroll Emblem -Flag co. briden Calculator Agency Gant Publishing.,; Co. Gant Publishing Co. Haggard, Agent Hastings Daily 'tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings 'typewriter co. Hastings Typewriter co. Hastings Typewriter `' o. Hastings 'Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter ' o. Hastings Utilities Hide Printing Co. Inc. Hide Printing Co. Inc. Huckfeldt Industrial Chemical Laboratories Inc. . Interstate Freight Lines Itzen & Diez Insurance Agency Kisler Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Go. Loshonkohl McCarthy McGrath Hardware Co. Mahoney, County 'Treasurer Modern Electric . Monroe Calculating Machine . Inc. Nash -Finch Co. Ray, County Judge Redfield & Company Inc. Schafer Printing . Schafe-r Tinting co. Schaffroth, Schultz Schultz, Clerk Dist Couct Skorheim Sommerfeld Electric Service Taedter West Publishing Wood, Sheriff Alberts B. & JD. Super Service } a udd O i l C omn any Clarke Gil Company Continental Oil Co. Consumers Public Power District County of Webster Crippen D -A Lubricant co. Inc. De ✓or. d Welding Shop Service Aug. S. A. Emma George Arthur C. dward L. Lee Clarence George Art Edward r . J. H. D. John E. Fred 0. Mary Mary Alber t huth Worth# B. ROAD FUND E. W. H. Supplies Office Expense Office Expense Mileage Insurance Bank Charge, Postage Bailiff Supplies Sup,,: l ie s Supplies Postage Postage Mileage Pos tage Supplies Vital Statistics Supplies Election Payroll Markers Maintenance Supplies Supplies Bond Publishing & Ballots Publishing Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Supplies Refund Supplies Supplies Insurpnce Labor, Supplies Telephone "service Labor, Material Labor Supplies Pas tage, Bank Charge Labor, material Maintenance Supplies State cases, supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies .Election work Supplies State cases, Postage Election work nepairs �'ailiff Books Jai.lor,Postage,Food,Mile ge mileage Rep airs Gas, Diesel Gas Diesel Utilities Repair on bridge Labor Lubricant Welding • 152.15 350.00 71.60 3.00 88.20 20.50 45.00 14.95 115.61 104.96 6.00 7.09 55.26 15.00 4.00 169.00 18.74 3517.91 34.40 42.00 18.00 18.00 6.00 959.73 1647.10 117.30 2.85 2.10 .39 83.98 3.00 44.60 9.40 .75 127.57 1.20 2.00 111.1}1 35.00 1.25 1456.78 4.76 161.00 6.67 12.00 2.00 9.02 14.20 25.00 14.20 44.17 6.47 12.75 7.65 9.38 1.39 221.30 31.00 3.00 5.00 161.00 283.35 45.00 1.50 310.36 269.56 6 56.81 3.80 38.66 45.00 149.09 15.00 SUPE 11: VISO 'S 11'.ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NEIRASKA 11 D NO. 15 Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Hemberger Holstein Fire 1)epartment Holstein Lumber Co. Home Oil Company Hoskins & Associates Island supply Company Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas Co. Inc Kansas lebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kenesaw Oil L'ompany Lenhart Lincoln Equipment co. Lincoln Telephone 8- Telegraph Co. Lippincott Lippincott McClelland Rose Motors Inc. McGrath Hardware co. McGrath Hardware Co. Max Mennenga Messer Co. o. Messer Linen Modern Supply Nousel • Nebraska 1-ractor E,uipment Newman Paper, ,Callnenson & Company Pittz Service • Sauerman • Sherman Service Center Sherman ,Service Center Sidles Com,)any Sime 'ihomas Specialty Mfg Co. Trupp body shop Velder Village of Kenesaw • Vontz Construction Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. wheeler Lumber bridge & Supply Co. • Wilber Service Inc. Wilder Service Station W• itt John J. Harold The Paul E. M. N. M. M. Fred. John L. J. L. J. Virgil Herbert P. C. Herbert John A. J. Adam Ray L. J. Gerald D. • BRIDGE FUND 0, • • Qnicago Burlington & hailroad Litz Naggatz Rief hinck . Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Lilley . Lippincott • Road Account Road Account Williams Printing house Albright Aman • Clark Co. Doubleday & Ernst • Hastings Jones Kindig King company McNair Parks Running Library Snell Cr Go. Inc. Carnegie Library Service Hubert F. Ervin W. Henry Thorns William SCHROEDER ROAD FUND Ed. E. N. COUNTY LIBRARY Mrs. A. J. Mrs. R. D. Charles W. Mrs. Waunetta Mrs. Aaron Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Klyoe Arlene Mrs. Howard STATE ADMINISTRATION Emma Addie John W. Berg, County Clerk -business Supply Co. Hager Hastings Typewriter co. Kipp Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McCarty Snyder Freida Faye Daniel E. Utilities Utilities Supplies Salary Service supplies Diesel Services Supplies ilepairs Utilities Gas, Supplies Gas, Diesel Supplies, Repairs Telephone Repair Gravel Repairs, Supplies Supplies Labor Salary hepairs, epairs, Laundry La,or Repairs, Salary supplies Gas, Diese Salary Supplies, Supplies, Repairs, S Cas, 4Jiese Supplies, Repairs Salary Water Gravel Lumber Supplies Supplies 'Gas La )or service Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Freight Salary Salary Salary Salary Lumber 1 Repairs Repairs upplies 1, Repairs Repairs Gravel Gravel Material, Labor Labor, Equipment -Rental Supplies Salary StetoTyies Supplies Sary Library service Salary Salary Supplies 6: o a .a 11 0 iEctar:y Salary Postage Supplies Mileage Supplies Rent rrr -Lelephone service Mileage Mileage 21.32 13.48 6.53 206.80 10.00 9.68 40.60 178.95 3.35 213.48 6.92 100.14 123.78 817.98 27.50 8.97 465.08 36.17 6.18 5.20 3.50 61.6o 14.44 130.42 4.73 136.40 36.88 187.20 9.38 183.4 184.80 15.93 82.69 116.11 203.07 16.35 93.00 225.60 1 .00 776.16 70.10 2474.37 87.55 6.98 246.40 1049.02 244.80 168.00 187.20 220.80 3436.19 1162.00 2650.92 57.04 844.80 18.00 25.00 25.00 57.30 27.72 35.00 90.00 25.00 25.00 2.21 25.00 25.00 180.59 25.00 17.00 19.40 2.40 13.95 150.0o 31.50 1.80 6.90 rbpne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO S ADAMS COUNTY, NEB ASKA NO. 15 Loshonkohl rutherford Plumbing & Heating ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOVE Art POOR AID FUND Amen Amen Bert's Rexall Drug Store Brand Mortuary Coghlan Credit Bureau of Hastings Dick's urocery Dixon,DOS Eckhardt's Grocery Everson Fern's Pharmacy Hastings Utilities Herbst Grocery Hoffman, M.D., Hoffmeister,M.D., Holthaus Drug Co. Holthaus Drug Co. Jack & Jill Grocery -Spencer Park Jack & Jill Grocery -3rd & Burlington Kendall Laird Coal Company Larkin Larkin,Director Larmore's Market McGrath Hardware Co. Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mikkelsen -rug Co Rogers Aural Gas Utilities of Aebr. Rutt - , Butt's Drug Store #1 Safeway Stores Inc. Skaggs Grocery 5 Skaggs Grocery it 11 Smith, Supt. Snyder Stop and Shop Market Sullivan Thiel's Cafe Tommy's Market # 1 Western Auto Associate Store Williams Grocery Wolfe Zubrod's Grocery MEDI CAL, Bert's Drug Store bert's Drug Store Bert's Eexall Drug Store Brooke & Son Charlton Davis DeBacker gen Ellis Fern's Pharmacy Foote Clinic Freeman Haeberle Drugs Hastings JruE Store Hoffman Hoffmeister Holm Holthaus Drug Sore Johnson Johnston. Kingsley Kingsley Kostal Kuehn Livinston-Butler-Volland Funeral Home Livingston-Butler-Volland Buneral Home McIntire Mace Mary Lanning Hospital Micek Mikkelsen Drug uo. Moore Myers Pinney Reeves Pa41-11.,e1 Peter Peter Mrs. J. h. Mabel M. Mrs. Marie Ke -.meth G. G. F. Mrs. Effie Lloyd B. Perry O. Perry O. J. H. Katherine Mrs. ii'rank O. P. O. P. J. H. Daniel E. Mrs. Lillian Kenneth Mrs. Neva SURGICAL Dr. G. P. Dr. H. L. Dr. Leo Dr. L. F. Phidelia Labor Supplies Labor Salary Drugs Service Care Credit Services Staple foods Medical care Staple foods Rent Drugs Utilities Staple foods Medical care Medical care Drugs Drugs Staple foods Staple foods Care Mileage Revolving fund Staple foods Supplies Hospital care Drugs Rent Utilities pare Drugs Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Care Mileage Staple foods Board & Room Metals Staple foods Supplies Staple foods Care Staple foods & HOSPITAL CARE Verne & Golda H.H. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Kenneth C. G. F. C. R. E. O. C.O. D. D. w. O. A. G. A. Dr. R. H. Dr. J. L. Dr. L. S. Roy Bertha Dr. G. L. Dr. E. H. Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Nursing Medical supplies Examination -Treatment Nursing care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Aedical care Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Ambulance service Ambulance service Medical care Medical care Hospital care Medical care Medical supplies Nursing care Nursing care Medical care Medical care supplies supplies supplies supplies care care care care care 24.20 39/4.50 2.00 55.00 4-93 450.00 65.00 5.00 54.50 6.00 20.00 20.00 5.15 4.20 40.00 2.00 3.00 4.50 4.13 15.00 105.00 100.00 17.50 33.52 41.45 20.00 1.67 158.30 3.60 15.00 3.25 170.00 6.68 45.00 166.25 40.00 105.00 5.58 37.25 20.00 30.00 79.80 3.66 15.00 455.00 80.00 " 9.75 92.72 53.41 63.45 132.29 5.60 95.05 2.00 12.73 38.17 7.00 68.8o 20.30 87.99 25.38 3.00 12.00 5.05 3.00 8.00 102.29 364.20 3.00 68.37 6.00 2.50 15.00 11.00 1394.46 10.21 18.83 31.20 187.40 31.86 3.00 (80 SUPE r' VISO ' )r' ADAMS COUNTY, NE 1: 1r 1D Na 15 ASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Weber Wolfe Wolfe Dr. C. Neva Neva Medical sure NurslnE care Nursing care 26.24 75.00 314.8.81 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. % ,.Gc-.i i County Deputy 1 COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Friday, November 26, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Chairman Regular meeting of tie Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of November 6th, 1954. George Anderson, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Crosson, Maltman, Utecht and Kidd. Absent: Gangwish and Lightner. Motion by Mailman, seconded by Utecht, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND. Anderson, George Salary Clerk of the District Court Office Expense County Assessor 'I County Attorney rt County Clerk rr County Judge rt County Sheriff H County Superintendent rt County Treasurer '! Crosson, Raymond L Salary Fitzke, Beverly it Gangwish, Earl L It Kidd, C H rt Kistler, Geo it Kistler, Kathryn it Lightner, Ed rt Maltman, W W it Register of Deeds Office Expense Utecht, William J Salary Veteran's Service Office Office Expense Anderson, Roy A Austin, Weslie B Block, Bruce Boontjer, Ted Gunderson, Tony Hinrichs, Klaas H Hock, Charley Hoefer, John W Hohlen, Fred H Heuertz, James A Kluver, John Koch, David Marshall Jr Johnson, Edw. E Joynt, Orville Dale Lower, Cleon Meyer, William R Petrie, Arthur Henry Poore, Delbert W Pritchard, Clyde R Pritchard, Donald D Witt, Lloyd Alberts, E Nash, Lloyd Larkin, Perry 0, Director Welfare ROAD FUND. Salary rt $127.50 458.32 915.86 535.00 793.32 843.64 633.32 491.66 877.32 75.00 175.00 106.26 130.38 130.00 30.0o 127.50 120.00 591.66 137.76 420.00 215.00 258.80 270.00 115.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 220.00 230.00 230.00 383.33 254.00 230.00 102.08 230.00 230.0o 254.00 239.00 258.80 SCHROEDER ROAD FUND. Salary 180.00 BRIDGE FUND. Salary 270.00 STA1'E FUNDS. Office Expense 2250.00 SUPE VISO 'S CO D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, December 6, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of November 26, 195L. George Anderson, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Crosson, Gangwish, Kidd, Lightner, Mailman and Utecht. Motion by Mailman, seconded by Crosson, that we adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, the proposed project, hereinafter described is presently a part of the .bederal Aid Secondary System of Adams County, and WHEREAS, Federal regulations provide prior to the programming of any Secondary Project on this approved system of Federal Aid Secondary Roads to be constructed with County and Federal Funds that the concurrence and approval of the county -soard of Adams County be secured, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the County Joard of Supervisors of Adams County that the State Program with the bureau of Public Roads a project on the above mentioned Federal Aid Secondary System in Adams County described as follows: Beginning at the Union Pacific Rail Road crossing between Sections 20-21, Township 7 North, Range 9 West. Adams uounty, Nebraska thence north 3* miles to the north west corner of Section 4, thenee west 1 miles to inteosect State Highway 281 at the south west corner of section 31, Township 8, North Range 9,West., Said project is approximately 4'3/4 miles long. and indentified as Project Number and WHEREAS, the County has availabel approximately $55,000.00 for the construction of this project in co-operation with 'Pederal Funds. NOW, therefore in consideration of these facts the County action: i)oard takes the followink official Be it resolved, and the Chairman is authorized to sign this resolution on behalf of the Board, that the County Doard hereby approves the above contemplated construction prior to first submitting of said project to the Sureau of Public Roads. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Gangwish, that we adopt WHEREAS, the proposed project, hereimfter described Secondary system of Adams County, and the following resolution: is presently a part of the -bederal Aid WHEREAS, Federal regulations provide prior to the programmine of any Secondary Project on this approved system of -bederal Aid secondary Roads to be constructed with County and Federal Funds that the concurrence and approval of the County -oard of Adams uounty be secured, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the County 1-)oard of Supervisors of Adams County that the State Program with the Bureau of Public "oads a project on the above mentioned Federal Aid Secondary System in Adams County described as follows; Beginning on State Highway No. 7L, at the south west corner of section 22, FlOwnship 6 North hange 11 North, Adams County, Nebr, thence north 7 miles to intersect State Highway No. 6, at the north wect corner of section 22, Township 7, North Range 11, West and terminating there. and indentified as Project Number ,and WHEREAS, the county has available approximately $70,000.00 for the construction of this project in co-operation with -bedoral .t1unds. NOW, therefore in consideration of these facts the County l'oard takes the following official action: Be it resolved,• and the hairman is authorized to sign this resolution on behalf of the Board, that the County L'oard hereby approves the above contemplated construction prior to first submitting of said project to the Bureau of Public Roads. Roll call, Ayes: Gangwish, Lightner and Maltman. Nay: 'nderson, Crosson, Kidd and Utecht. Motion lost. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Utecht, that we adopt the following resolution: WHEkEAS, the proposed project, hereinafter described is presently a part of the Federal Aid SecondarySystem of Adams County,and. WHE'LEAS, Federal regulutions provide prior to the programming of any Secondary Project on this approved system of Federal Aid Secondary Roads to be constructed with County and,Federal Funds that the concurrance and approval of the county L'oard of 'dams County be secured, and WHEREKS, it is the desire of the County board of Supervisors of Adams County that the 6tate Program with the Bureau of Public oads a project on the above mentioned Federal Aid Secondary system in Adams County described as follows: Beginning at the end of ProjectS-329)2) or the 6outh east corner of section 33, Township 8, North Range 11, West Adams County, Nebraska, thence north 5 miles to Prosser, and indentified as Project Number , and WHEREAS, the County has available approximately $50,000.00 for the construction of this project in co-operation with Federal Funds. - NOW, therefore in consideration of these facts the County L)oard takes the following official action: Be it resolved, and the Chairman is authorized to sign this resolution on behalf of the Board, that the ;Thrinfir I, 4- SUPE 11 VISO 'S iECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE It D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Utecht, that the foilowink, Justice of Peace: Raymond Grothe ), West Blue -Lownship; O. Preston, Logan l'ownship; Township Treasurer: Ralph Pittz, iownship; Carl Anderson, Denver lownship; Walter Gartner, Anderson, Verona Township; Maynard Vance, Logan Township. i3onds be approved and placed on file. C. Carlson, Blaine Township; Ernest Roseland Township; Karl Baehr, Hanover Ayrlownship; Township Clark: Elwyn Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Gangwish, that the following reports of the County Judge, County Clerk, (2) County Clerk Car Title, Sheriff, (2) County Library, Clerk of the District jourt, Register of Deeds and Deputy Sheriff be accepted and approved. Roll call, all voted aye.Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Crosson, that the following Miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the Superivosrs record: troll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 12380 12381 12382 12383 12384 12385 12386 12387 12388 12389 12390 12391 12392 12393 12394 12395 12396 12397 12398 12399 12400 12401 12402 12403 12404 12405 Treas. of United States Paul h. Doslaugh, Exec. Mary Schultz Mary Schultz, Clerk Dist Court Worthy b. Wood, county Sheriff Perry O. Larkin urace Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace simpson, Justice of Peace Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace hichard Hunter & Mel Kammerlohr Emma Berg, County clerk John E. day, County Judge state Treasurer John . Ray, County Judge wm. Lambre.cht, Clerk 750.00 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 75.00 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 40.00 Grace impson, Justice of Peace 50.00 Emma Berg 309.50 Emma Berg, County ilerk 288.55 1rthur J. Krueger 12.00 O. W. Joynt 10.00 Lester Christensen, Treasurer 750.00 Itrthur J. Sime 5.00 Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dist 'curt 351.75 Mary schultz, Clerk of Jist 0ourt 50.00 625.00 3371.54 22.80 23.30 37.75 135.27 37.00 45.o0 50.00 7.85 85.55 5.00 6302.83 748.24 12406. 12407 12408 12409 12410 12411 12412 12413 12414 12415 12416 12417 12418 12419 12420 12421 12422 12423 12424 12425 12426 12427 12428 12429 12430 6tate Treasurer -State Assistance Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace County Assistance Special Mail Route Special Mail Route Grace H. Simpson, Justice of Peace James D. Conway Emma berg, County Clerk Perry O. Larkin Mary Schultz, Clerk District Court Mrs. Neva Wolfe Howard L. Gangwish, Village Treas. Tenn G. Matthews, 'lerk Karl E. Baehr, 2reasurer urace Simpson, Justice of Peace 28618.72 85.00 6531.46 844.80 57.04 100.00 198.52 17.00 11.40 38.40 375.50/m 100.00, 375.00 750.00 50.00 Alexander Reiber & Leo Meininger,Exec304.78 Otto Schkei 10.00 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 85.00 Geo. Bohlen, Treasurer 425.00 State Treasurer, State Assistance 161.68 vred O. SchaffrothlRegister of _Deeds 635.95 James D. Conway 5.33 A. H. Mann 13.80 Jrace Simpson, Justice of Peace 50.00 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 60.00 Notion by Maltman, seconded by Gangwish, that the Chairman be authorized to sign contracts with Verl L. Jensen covering Project # F. A. S. -S204 (2) Juniata Spur 4400.00, Project # F. A. S. - S44 -(4)- Kenesaw Spur $689.00, Project A. S. S-329-2 Prosser Spur 42650.00, Project P. A.S. -S Belt line 4 3/4 miles $2517.50. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Kidd, that the following Inventories be placed on file: County Treasurer, L'ounty Attorney, Register of Deeds, Assessor and County Clerk. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Kidd, that we cancel Old Age Assistance Warrants No. 5535, Amount $1.00 date 3-31-52, #524, Amount 44.00 d,te 7-31-52, #542 Amount 42.50 date 7-31-52 outstanding for two or more years. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Naltman, seconded by Utecht, that the following claims be allowed on their respettive fund and the County jlerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Ackerman Acme Printing Company Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Adams County Service Jomittee Anderson Anderson Augustine Company Berg, County Clerk Bert's Aexall Drug Store Livens Borleyts Storage & Transfer Co. Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corporation Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Byrne Chucks Delivery Coordt Cornhusker Press County Attorney County Supt. Credit Bureau of Hastings Dunn Company Fillmore County Fleet Foote service Foote Oil Uompany Gamble Stores Haberman's of Hastings Hastings Daily riribune Nnstino.s Djlv 2ribune GENERAL FUND Wilbert H. Aug. ug. Emma George Be rdina Anne H. J. Wendell Refund Supplies Office Expense Office Expense Mileage Supplies Supplies Postage Supplies bailiff Drayage Services Supplies Services Suppiies Salary Hauling Salary Supplies Postage Lileag,e Credit service Premium Services Rent on heaters Kerosene Supplies Prints Photos Proceedings 9.05 19.('5 350.00 71.60 10.10 389.80 51.17 5.47 1.60 40.00 86.00 327.80 1.11 24.30 2.20 55.00 63.00 1.55 63.00 224.67 6.00 )1)1.46 12.00 411.71 41.35 4.00 .85 1.52 67.65 16.00 168.87 77-A, r,,40.4,1kune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO 'S ECOJID NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Janssen Knight Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Go. Mahoney, County l'reasurer Mahoney, Co. Treasurer Morgan New Method Laundry Schafer Printing '(). Stroh Omaha Printing 'ompany Panama Carbon Company Panama Carbon Company Rabourn hay, County Judge Redfirled & Company, Inc. Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Schultz, Clerk District Court ,Williams Printinr, House Wood, Sheriff Alberts Budd Oil Company City of Hastings Street & Alley Dept. Clarke Oil Gompany Consumers Public Power District Continental Oil Company - Continental Oil Company Dens Oil Lubricant Company Dillys Service D & R Motors Dutton Lainson Co. Gilpints Garage Harpahm Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Hemberger Highway Enuipment & supply Co. Home Oil Company Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas Co. Kenesaw Lumber Company Kenesaw Oil Company Kenesaw Telephone Company Kistler Lenhart Lilley Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Lippincott Mack Modern Linen Supply Moore Wm. Mousel Virgil Nebraska Department of Roads & Irrigation Nebraska state Reformatory Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Nebraska Tractor & Eruipment Go. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Go. Pittz Service Saathoff Service Sidles Company Sime Thomas Specialty Mfg. -',ompany Velder Village of Glenvil Village of Kenesaw Vontz Wgners Service Station Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Wilber Service, Inc. Wilderts Service station Witt Service Station Hilda Robert G. D. D. N. G. Bernard. Clifford Fred O. Mary Worthy b. ROAD FUND Eddie LaVern John. J. M. N. Earl Supply Supply Co. C ,Dutton-Lainson Company Litz Naggatz Newman Rief Rinck Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Lippincott hoad Account Vontz k. J. I ay L. J. Gerald D. BRIDGE FUND Hubert Ervin W. Herbert P. C. Henry Thomas William SCHROE)ER ROAD FUND N. M. L. J. T 1-, A Checking Reporting Telephone service Bank charge Envelopes Police Laundry Supplies Constable Supplies Supplies Supplies Labor State cases, Postage Supplies Postage, bank charge state cases, Committal Supplies Jailor, Postage, 20.00 42.75 169.90 21.72 113.70 • 75 1.50 18.25 9.75 405.42 4.00 20.80 17.00 31.01 79.73 8.57 159.15 12.75 Food,LaundryipMileage Gas, Diesel 4 8:::804 Mileage 224.89 Road Oil 6.60 Gas Diesel Diesel Oil ;959): 53.69 Utilities Gas 29.14 Supplies, Repairs 56.86 Supplies 6.30 Gas, Supplies 17.79 Salary 96.80 Utilities 20.18 Demurrage .93 Salary 96.80 Snow Plow 995.00 Diesel 97.88 Utilities 13.13 Supplies 82.62 Gass Repairs 87.24 Telephone service 15.80 Repairs 16.00 Gas 116.26 Gravel 766.25 Supplies, Repairs 184.99 Telephone service 20.00 Gravel 1518.08 hent 17.50 Laundry 2.48 Gas, supplies 106.15 Salary Financing cost 22LII:g Supplies 105.50 Repairs, Supplies 56.35 Repairs, supplies Gas, Diesel 12Ni Supplies Gas, Diesel Gas, Supplies Repairs, supplies Repairs 12.50 Salary 216.00 Supplies Supplies Gas, Supplies Supplies 265572141749- ...: 551:49222 Gravel Supplies 10.50 Repairs, supplies 107.47 S:1:14113.30epairs 31.15 Supplies Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Supplies Supplies Gravel Labor, Equipment Rental Gravel 18.65 81.60 225.60 201.60 196.80 221.80 23.04 48.00 1999.92 1230.40 393.12 SUPE VISO 'S 111E.00 It\ ADAMS COUNTY, NE 111 D NO. 15 ASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Jones Kindig McClurg & Co. McNair New Method Book Bindery Parks Snell STATE Amen Berg, County Clerk -Business Supply Company Hager Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities Kipp ,Larkin -Director Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McCarty Snyder Wyckoff iidams County Soldierts relief blind Amen 1-Pert's Aexall Drug Store Bi -Lo Market brand Mortuary 3rooke & Son Drug Store Coghlan Credit Bureau of Hastings Dick's Grocery Eckhardt's Grocery Everson Hastings Utilities Guildner,M.D. Hastings Drug Store HillcrOt Super Market Hoffman, m. D. Hoffmeister,M.D. Jack & Jill Grocery -hast South St. Jack &. Jill Grocery -3rd & Burlington Jack & Jill Grocery -Spencer Park Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas Co. Kendall Kostal, M.D. Kuehn, M. D. Laird Coal Co. Larkin Larkin -Director McMillan, M. J. McNeill, M. D. Mikkelsen Drug -o. Aogers "utt Rutt's Drug -,tore 1 Skaggs Grocery # 13 Skaggs Grocery # 11 Skaggs Grocery # 5 Skaggs Grocery # 5 Smith, Supt. Stop and Shop Market Sullivan Western Auto Associate More Wolfe Wolfe MEDICAL, Austin Barth Bert's Drug Store Bert's Rexall Drug Store Brand Mortuary Brommer Dispensary Brooke & Son Charlton Davis DeBacker East Side Drug Store Egen Ellis .0ern's Pharmacy Foote sbreeman Guildner ,,stings Drug Store Mrs. Aaron Mrs. Margaret A. C. Mrs. Klyoe Arlene Mrs, Howard ADMINISTRATION Peter Emma Addie John w. Perry O. rreida ilaye ljaniel E. Clara Maxine SOLDIERS & SAILORS POOR AID FUND Peter Mrs. J. R. Mrs. Marie C. W. Kenneth C. G. F. Mrs. Effie O. A. Gerald Lloyd B. Perry O. Perry O. J. A. L. S. Katherine Mrs. Frank O. P. O. P. O. P. O.P. J. N. Mrs. Lillian Mrs. Neva Mrs. Neva Salary Salary Books Salary Books Salary Salary Janitor Postage Supplies Mileage Supplies Utilities Rent Pos t5ge Telephone service Mileage Mileage Mileage suaoicAL & HOSPITAL CARE Mrs. Mabel Mrs. Henry Jr. G. P. r. H. L. Dr. L.J. Dr, L. F. thidelia JJr. D. B. Verne & Golda Dr. C. W. Relief Labor Medical supplies Staple foods Ji.mbulance service Medical supplies Care Credit service Staple foods Staple foods Rent Utilities Medical care Medical supplies Staple foods medical care Medical care Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Utilities Care Medical care Medical care kuel Mileage 4volving fund Medical care Medical care MedicR1 supplies Rent Care Medical supplies staple food Staple food Staple food Staple food Care Staple food Board & Room Supplies Care Care Nursing care Nursing care Medical supplies Medical supplies Ambulance service Medical supplies mIdical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical care Nursing care medical supplies Medical care Nursing care Medical care Medical supplies 25.00 25.00 60.96 25.00 193.38 25.00 25.00 55.00 18.)14 5.90 9.90 7.00 13.06 150.00 25.00 39.20 5.28 11.4o 5.16 208.33 2.00 10.18 15.00 5.00 44.44 65.00 5.00 54.50 20.00 20.00 3.92 5.00 17.25 15.00 3.00 9.00 45.00 115.00 65.00 6.55 50.00 28.00 20.00 26.25 4.54 41.65 5.00 2.00 1.25 15.00 170.00 18.17 64.00 90.00 1.80 69.25 210.00 37.25 60.00 6.10 240.00 90.00 32.75 26.60 42.15 55.01 12.50 4.75 27.70 47.56 20.00 72.27 7.45 4.00 12.73 18.10 20.75 68.80 4.0o 137.1$ rr" r'n une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO A la 9 5 Eco AMS COUNTY, NE RASKA McMillan Mace Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mikkelsen Drug Store Myers Pinney Reinke Hutt's Drug Store # 1 Rutt's 1 -)rug Store it 2 S heidies VonStrode Wanek ,-)rug Company Warren Memorial Hospital Weber Wolfe Ziemer This Board will now recess Dr. J. J. L. 3ertha Dr. G. L. Ella Amanda Mrs. W. h. 1--)r. C. R. Mrs. Neva Dr. Clarence subject to the call of the' County Clerk Deputy Medical care Medical care Hospital care Medical supplies Nursing care Medical care Nursing care Medical supplies liedical supplies Nursing care Nursing care Medical supplies Hospital care Medical care Nursing care Medical care 4.00 6.50 5)48.15 5.72 187.40 28.77 51.20 44.79 94.76 267.80 181.20 6.15 23.00 24.65 365.11 13.00 Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, December 24, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Chairman Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of December 6, 1(64. George Anderson, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Anderson, Crosson, Gangwish, Lightner, Laltman, Utecht and Kidd. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Gangwish, that we adopt the followinL resolution: WH_ REAS, the County of Adams has a lien in the amount of 411,180.07 for Old Age Assistance paynents made to Thomas H. Merritt and Florence Merritt, husband no wife, on real estate owned and occupied by said recipients at 111 East econd ztreet, Hastings, Nebraska, which property has the value of approximately 05,000.00, and, WHEREAS, said Old Age Assistance recipients desire to exchange said real estate for property located at 214 last lqird 6treet, in Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, which has a value of approximately 06,80000, and have requested the transfer of the Old Age Assistance lien from their present residence to the newly acquired property, and WHEEAS, the Old Age Assistance Jo rd of Adams County, Nebraska, has made an investigation of the said matter and determined that the transfer of the Old Age Assistance lien from the present residence of the recipients to the newly acquired residence is in the best interest of Adams County because of the increased value of the security. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; by the Old Age Assistance -,cpard of Adams County, Nebraska; That the County Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be and he hereby is, directed to transfer the lien for Old Age Assistance payments made by Aiams County, Nebraska, to Thomas H. Merritt and Florence Merritt to the following described real estate, to -wit; Lot rive (5), Dietrich's Subdivision of 3lock Six (6), Bellangee's Second Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, from the following described real estate to -wit: The west sixty (60') feet of the oast one - hundred twenty (120') feet of Lot Eleven (11), Block One (1), Bellangee's .econd .addition to the City of Hastings, _dams County, Nebraska and to release the present lien upon the latter described real estate; that said lien should be subsecuent to a first mortgage which mortgage shall not exceed the amount of the presently existing mortgage. Roll call, ail voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Kidd that the County Officials having presented their blanket bond to the -ubard of Supervisors for approval and the Board having found the bond to be sufficient and the premium reasonable the blanket bond of the County officials and employees with the Western Surety Company as Surety being Bond •#638781 is hereby approved December 14., 1954 and ordered filed in the office of the County Clerk and County Judge of Adams Count , Nebr. Roll call,all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Utecht, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. :Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Anderson, George Clerk of the istrict Court County Assessor Corn -Fr LffnrInc, GENERAL FUND Salary Office Expense Office Expense n.P-Pioa 120.00 458.48 821.94 nn SUPE 11 VISO 'S ADAMS COUNTY, NE D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Fitzke, angrwish Kidd, C. Kisler, Kis ler, Lightner Maltman, Register Ute cht Veteran! Beverly , Earl H. George Kathryn 0 M. M. of Deeds William J. s Service Office 'nderson, Roy Austin, Weslie b. block, Bruce Boontjer, Ted Gunderson, Tony Heuertz, James A. Hinrichs, Klaas H. Hock, Charley Hoefer, John W. Hohlen, Fred H. Johnson, E. E. Joynt, Orville Dale Kennedy, Thomas 3. Kluver, John Koch, Jr. David Marshall Lower, Cleon Petrie, Arthur Henry Poore, Delbert w. Pritchard, Clyde Pritchard, Donald Witt, Lloyd Alberts,E. Nash, Lloyd Larkin, Perry 0. Director Welfare Thsboard will now recess Salary Salary Salary Salary salary Salary Salary Office Expense Salary Office Expense ROAD FUND Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary SCHROEDER ROAD FUND Salary BRIDGE FUND Salary STATE FUNDS Office Expense subject to the call of the 175.00 161.16 120.36 130.00 30.00 120.00 90.00 591.74 135.24 420.00 225.20 225.20 270.00 230.00 230.00 220.40 225.20 230.00 230.00 231.20 383.35 230.00 230.00 201.20 230.00, 230.00 225.20 225.20 230.00 215.00 230.00 180.00 270.00 2250.00 Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. Chairman COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, January 6, 1955. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams Uounty Board of Supervisors met as per recess of December 2, 1954. George Anderson, Chairman, presiding. Holl call, members present: Motion by Lightner, seconded fundsand the County Clerk be Motion carried. Anderson, Crosson, Gangwish, Kidd, Lightner, Maltman and Utecht. by Gangwish, that the following claims be allowed on their respective instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Adams 'ounty service Committee Acme Heat Equipment uompahy Acme Printing `lompany Adams County Agricultural Extension Anderson Berg erg, jaunty clerk bivens business Supply Company Cooks Paint & Varnish Company County Supt. County Supt. Crosson Crosson County Attorney Dutton-Lainson Lompany Dutton-Lainson Company Gambles GENERAL FUND service ug. Emma Emma George Raymond Raymond Office Expense 71.60 Repairs 7.60 supplies 129.85 Office Expense 375.00 Mileage 3.60 Convention Expense 35.00 Postage 7.75 Bailiff 50.00 supplies 4.50 Supplies .90 Mileage 26.46 Convention Expense 35.00 salary 21.90 Salary 22.50 Postage 6.00 Supplies 4.00 Supplies 7.35 Supplies 1.52