HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupervisors Rec 15 1955une Graphic Art, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE 1" VISO 'S Na 15 A I, AMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA McMillan Mace Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mikkelsen Drug Store Myers Pinney Reinke Rutt's Drug Store # 1 Rutt's Drug Store #' 2 S-naeidies VonStrode Wanek -Drug Company Warren Memorial Hospital We Wolfe Zimmer This Board will now recess Dr. J. Dr. J. L. Bertha Dr. G. L. Ella Amanda Mrs. W. C. R. Mrs. Neva Dr. Clarence subject to the call of the County Clerk Deputy Medical care nedical care Hospital care Medical supplies Nursing care Medical care Nursing care Medical supplies Medical supplies Nursing care NursinE care Medical supplies Hospital care Medical care Nursing care Medical care Chairman of the County board 4.00 6.50 5)48.15 5.72 187.0 28.77 51.20 44.79 94.76 267.80 161.20 6.15 26.00 24.65 365.11 13.00 of Supervisors. Chairman COURT HOUSE, HASTIZS, NEBRASKA .briday, December 24, 1954. 10:00 o'clock A.A. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of December 6, 19. George Anderson, Chairman, presiding. Boil call, members present: Anderson, Crosson, GanEwish, Lightner, Maltman, Utecht and Kidd. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Gangwish, that we adopt the followint_ resolution: WH:REAS, the County of Adams has a lien in the amount of $11,160.07 for Old Age Assistance payments made to Thomas H. Merritt and Plorence Merritt, husband cnd wife, on real estate owned and occupied by said recipients at 111 East second street, Hastints, Nebraska, which property has the value of approximately $5,000.001 and, WHEREAS, said Old Age Assistance recipients desire to exchange said real estate for property located at 214 z,ast bird Street, in Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, which has •a value of approximately $6,60000, and have requested the transfer of the Old Age Assistance lien from their present residence to the newly acquired property, and WHETEAS, the Old Age Assistance '3o rd. of Adams County, Nebraska, has made an investigation of the said matter and determined that the transfer of the Old Age Assistance lien from the present residence of the recipients to the newly acquired residence is in the best interest of Adams County because of the increased value of the security. NOW THEREFORE BE IT qESOLV7,17): by the Old Age Assistanee-73oard of Adams County, Nebraska; That the County Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be and he hereby is, directed to transfer the lien for Old Age Assistance payments made by Adams County, Nebraska, to Thomas H. Merritt and Plo-eence merritt to the following described real estate, to -wit: Lot rive (5), Dietrich's Subdivision of Block Six (6), Bellangee's Second Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Neeraska, from the following described real estate to -wit: The west sixty (60') feet of the east one - hundred twenty (120') feet of Lot Eleven (11), Block One (1), Bellangee's second Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska and to release the present lien upon the latter described real estate; that said lien should be subseouent to a first mortgwe which mortgage shall not exceed the amount of the presently existing mortgage. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Kidd that the County Officials having presented their blanket bond to the Oand of Superviso-s for approval and the Board having found the bond to be sufficient and the premium reasonable the blanket bond of the County officials and employees with the Western Surety Company as Surety being Bond #638781 is hereby approved December 11., 1954 and ordered filed in the office of the County Clerk and County Judge of Adams Count', Nebr. holl call,all voted aye. Lotion carried. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Utecht, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Anders on, George Clerk of the District Court County Assessor GENERAL FUND Salary Office Expense Office Expense e's • 120.00 458-48 6,21.94 SUPE VISO 'S ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE RASKA D NO. 15 111 11W Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. i4itzke, Beverly "angwish, Earl Kidd, C. H. Kisler, George Kisler, Kathryn Lightner, Ed Mailman, M. M. 1-egister of Deeds Utecht, William J. Veteran's Service Office "nderson, Roy Austin, Weslie 15. block, Bruce Boontjer, Ted Gunderson, Tony Heuertz, James A. Hinrichs, Klaas H. Hock, Charley Hoefer, John W. Hohlen, Fred H. Johnson, E. E. Joynt, Orville Dale Kennedy, Thomas B. Kluver, John Koch, Jr. David Marshall Lower, Cleon Petrie, Arthur Henry Poore, Delbert IN. Pritchard, Clyde Pritchard, Donald Witt, Lloyd Alberts,E. Nash, Lloyd Larkin, Perry O. Director Welfare This board will Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Office Expense Salary Office Expense ROAD FUND Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Sal ary Salary Salary S al ary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary SCHROEDER ROAD FUND Salary BRIDGE FUND Salary STATE FUNDS Office Expense 175.00 161.16 120.36 130.00 30.00 120.00 90.00 591..74 135.24 420.00 225.20 225.20 270.00 230.00 230.00 220.L.0 225.20 230.00 230.00 231.20 383.35 230.00 230.00 201.20 230.00 230.00 225.20 225.20 230.00 215.00 230.00 180.00 270.00 2250.00 now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. County lery 624111:624)14,01;1:1e. ----- Regular meeting of the Adams George Anderson, Chairman, p Roll call, members present: Motion by Lightner, seconded fundsand the County Clerk be Motion carried. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, January 6, 1955. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Chairman ° (jounty Board of Supervisors met as per recess of December 24, 1954. residing. Anderson, Crosson, Gangwish, Kidd, Lightner, Mailman and Utecht. by Gangwish, that the following claims be allowed on their respective instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Adarris L'ounty Service Committee Acme Heat Equipment (.;ompahy Acme Printing dompany Adams County Agricultural Extension Anderson 3erg erg, County Clerk Divens Business Supply Company Cooks Paint & Varnish Company County Supt. County Supt. Crosson Crosson County Attorney Dutton-Lainson L'ompany Dutton-Lainson Company Gambles GENERAL FUND Service "ug. Emma Emma George Raymond Ravmond Office Expense Repairs 6upplies Office Expense Mileage Convention Expense Postage Bailiff Supplies Supplies Mileage Convention Expense salary Salary Postage Supplies Supplies Supplies 71.60 7.60 129.85 375.00 3.60 35.00 7.75 50.00 4.50 .90 26.46 35.00 21.90 22.50 6.00 4.00 7.35 1.52 ne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO ECOJ'W NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities Hunter Kammerlohr 5night amphiear Construction Company Lightner Auction Company Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company Loshonkohl Mahoney Mahoney, County Treasurer Moore susiness form Inc. Nash-. inch Company Nebraska State Penitentiary New Method Laundry Ray, County Judge Redfield & Company, Inc. Redfield & Company Inc. Schaffer Printing Company Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Schultz Schultz, Clerk of District Court Schultz, Clerk of District Court schultz, Clerk of District Court Stobbe, Sheriff Stephensnn School Wide rgren Wood, Sheriff Supply 0o. Alberts Buss Oil Company ularke Oil Company Consumers Public Power District Continental Oil Company D -A. Lubricant "ompany, Inc. 1Jutton-Lainson company Dutton-Lainson Company ss 1-1armers Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil Co. l'armers Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil Co. l'armers Union State Exchange Garwood Industries Inc. Gilpin's Garage Glenwood Telephone Cbmpany Hageman Hardware Company Hastings Battery & Electric Company Hastings canvas & Mfg. Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities Hide Printing Co. Inc. Home Oil company Island Supply Company Kenesaw Lumber Company Kenesaw Motor Company Kenesaw Oil Company Kerr -Cochran Inc. Lenhart Service station Lewis Lilley Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company Lincoln Telephone 9- Telegraph Company Lippincott McClelland Rose Motors Inc. Messer Lompany. Messer Company Modern Linen supply Nebraska Tractor & Equipment company Newman Paper Calemson & Company sidles Company Sime Southern Nebraska Rural Public Power Velder western Brick ec Supply Company Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply whities Seat Covers Wilber Service Inc. Wilder's Service Station Naggatz Rief Rinck Wheeler Lumber Rap, Ar Ennnlir CO. Ur -1 - Richard E. Melvin K. Robert G. Art D. D. John E. Fred O. Mary Mary Mary Mary E. H. Arnold \I. Worthy B. ROAD FUND E. J. W. Ed. Ed. M. H. L. J. L. J. Herbert P. C. A. J. Dist. Ray BRIDGE FUND Hubert F. Lrvin W. He Thomas William Supplies Utilities Court Costs Investigation Reporting Supplies Heaters Telephone service Labor Convention Expense Postage, Bank charge Supplies Supplies Services Laundry County cases, Postage Supplies supplies Supplies Postage Convention expense postage committal tatBoard cases Supplies Rental forvoting place Office expense, Jailor Laundry, Food, Mileage Mileage Diesel fuel Gas Utilities ".iesel fuel Lubricant Supplies supplies Repairs, supplies Gas, Diesel, repairs Gas, Diesel, repairs Repairs, supplies Supplies Gas, repairs Telephane service Repairs, supplies Repairs, supplies Tarp Supplies Utilities supplies Jiesel fuel Repairs supplies, Repairs Supplies, Repairs Gas, Diesel Repairs, supplies Gas Repairs Gravel Repairs, Supplies Telephone service Gravel Repairs Repairs, Laundry Re )airs, Salary supplies Repa47s, Gas, Die Utilitie Salary Supplies Supplies Repairs Supplies Gas Salary Salary Salary Salary S,--1;-, supplies supp lies supplies supplies sel s repairs fee 8-94 203.48 1.00 2.00 71.50 18.25 7.50 131.20 11.44 35.00 39.32 520.64 7.40 75.00 1.75 17.50 12.15 5.00 99.07 8.25 35.00 35.00 45.60 50.70 19.25 5.93 10.00 249.70 26.6 22548 37.87 6.11 117.26 39.90 11.70 5.87 97.80 50.98 134.95 6.82 19.45 19.98 88.70 12.65 54.11 2.90 2.00 25.73 6.85 37.70 2.06 57.21 61.22 23.01 134.32 8.50 268.53 102.95 16.20 160.32 11.50 14.94 216.62 1.83 366.99 206.40 85.80 74.36 272.00 34.87 206.40 90.36 1.46 10.00 353.63 20.19 120.00 201.60 201.60 206.40 88 SUPE VISO 'S 11 EC ADAMS COUNTY, NE D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Albright Aman Bouregy & Curl Inc. Ernst Hastings Carnegie Library Jones Kindig McClurg Company McNair Parks Snell Story House Company Acme Printing Uompany Amen Berg, County Clerk Burroughs L'orporation Business Supply Company Hager Hastings Typewriter Hastings Utilities Kipp Larkin Lincoln Ilephone & Telegraph McCarty Nash- inch Company Snyder Wyckoff ompany Adams 16olfe COUNTY LIBRARY Mrs. A. F. Mrs. R. D. Mrs. WaUnetta Mrs. Aaron Mrs. Margaret A. C. Mrs. Klyoe Miss Arlene Mrs. Howard STATE ADMINISTRATION Company ounty Soldier's Relief und Peter Emma Addie John W. Perry O. Freida -vaye Daniel E. Clara Maxine SOLDIERS & SAILORS Salary Salary Books Salary Library Salary Salary Books Salary Salary Salary Books Service Supplies Janitor service Postage Service Supplies, Repairs Milege Supplies Utilities Rent Mileage l'elephone service Mileage Supplies Mileage Mileage Relief ADAMS COUNTY. NURSING HOME Neva Miscellaneous equipment Amen .Sert's Drug Store Bert's Rexall Drug tore Bi;Lo Market Brooke & Son Drug Store Coghlan Credit %reau of Hastings DeBacker,M.D. Eckhardt's Grocery -tern's Pharmacy Hastings Drug Store Hastings Utilities Herbst Grocery Hoffrneister,M.D. Holthaus .Drug Store Jack & Jill Grocery -East South St. Jack & Jill Grocery -Spencer Park Jack & Jill Grocery -3rd & Burlington Kansas-Aebrska Natural &as uo. Inc. Kendall Kendig's Grocery Kleager,M.D. Kostal,M.D. Kuehn,M.D. Kunce's Grocery Laird 'oal Co. Larkin Larkin -Director Larmore's Market Livingston-Butler-Volland runeral Home Mary Lanning I'lemorial Hospital Mikkelsen Drug iompany Pinney,M.D. l'ogers us sell Rutt's rug 3tore # 1 Hutt Safeway Stores Skaggs Grocery- # 11 Skaggs Grocery- # 5 Snyder Stop and hop Market Sullivan Thiels Cafe Western Auto Associate Store Wolfe Zubrod's Grocery POOR AID FUND Peter Mrs. J. R. L. J. & Mrs. Effie Clyde L. O. A. Gerald Lloyd s. Perry O. Perry O. George L. Katherine Mrs . Marie Mrs. Frank O. P. O. P. Daniel E. Mrs. Lillian Mrs. Neva Extra labor Medical supplies Medical supplies Staple foods Medical supplies Care Credit Service Medical care Staple foods Medical supplies Medical supplies Utilities Staple foods Medical care Medical supplies Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Utilities Li,re Staple foods Medical care Medical care Medical care Staple foods Fuel Mileage Revolving fund Staple foods Burial expense Hospital care Medical supplies Medical care Rent ient Medical supplies Care Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Mileage Staple foods Board & rooms Meals Supplies Care -,taple foods 25.00 25.00 4.50 35.00 90.00 25.00 25.00 26.20 25.00 25.00 25.00 52.85 2.00 55.00 17.36 28.70 32.75 5.52 18.70 7.16 150.00 24.01 40.10 6.18 7.65 5.04 9.42 208.33 679.39 2.00 15.00 3.69 55.00 29.85 65.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 2.25 .75 9.97 40.00 3.00 9.19 32.00 20.00 157.50 12.16 50.00 90.00 4.00 3.00 14.00 54.5o 35.00 39.93 28.34 40.00 150.00 108.80 4.15 3.00 15.00 20.00 9.57 170.00 20.00 32.47 108.25 37.25, 60.00 30.00 1.5o 330.00 80.00 Th (Th 1ne Graphic Arts, Hastings Nebr SUPE ECOID NO, 15 ADAMS C' 4tIN , NEBRASKA Davis DeBacker East Side Drugs Fern's Pharmacy Foote, Foote breeman Guildner Haeberle Drug Store Hartwig Hastings Drug Store Hawley Pharmacy , Hoffman Hoffmeister Holm Holmerand Holthaus Drug Store Kingsley Kuehn Livingston-15utler-Volland McIntire McMillan Mace Mary Lanning Hospital Mary Lanning Hospital Mikkelsen's Drug Store Moore Myers Pinney Reinke oy Rutt's Drug Store /i 1 1.1utt's Drug Store # 2 Scheidies VonStrode Weber Wil trout Wolfe Motion by that this Dr. H. L. Dr. L. J. Dr. C. M. Dr. D. B. jr. E. C. Verne & Golda Dr. C. W. H. H. Dr. C. H.' Jir. Kenneth Dr. G. F. Dr. C. R. Dr. Lee Dr. D. W. Dr. G. A. Funeral Home Dr. R. H. Dr. J. A. Dr. J. L. hoy Bertha Dr. G. L. Ella Mrs. Bee Amanda Mrs. U. R. Dr. C. R. Mabel Neva Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Nursing care Medical care Medical supplies Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Ambulance service Medical care Medical care Medical care Hospital care Hospital care Medical supplies Nursing care Nursing care Medical care Nursing care Nursing care Medical supplies Medical supplies Nursing care Nursing care Medical care Nursing care Aursin4 care 64.o0 47.00 15.00 1.25 10.00 113.0o 4.00 55.42 4.00 23.28 17.13 110.55 2.75 2.19 6.00 2.00 5.00 12.15 9.00 98.75 5.00 45.00 8.00 33.29 1564.23 339.90 42.10 39.00 192.40 108.15 51.20 35.00 35.30 1101.94 258.02 181.20 30.00 16.12 276.31 Crosson, seconded by Utecht, that there appears to be no more unfinished business and oard now adjourn sine die. boll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Reorganization of Board meeting was called to order by the County Clerk, with the Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Mal tman, Thompson and Utecht. At 10:30 o'clock A. M. the members present: Gangwish, following Motion by Uby Gangwish, that Carl hoepke be appointed temporary chairman. tech, seconded Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Kidd, that we proceed to take an informal ballott for the appointment of a permanent chairman of the Adams County Doard of upervisors for the year 1955. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. An informal ballot was ordered and the Chairman appointed Mailman and Gangwish as tellers with results as follows: Lightner 6, Gangwish 1. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by "altman, that we suspend all rules and by unanimous vote Ed. Lightner be declared duly appointed permanent chairman of the Adams county Board of Supervisors for the year 1955. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 11:15 A. M. the Chairman announced the followilx committees: FINANCE COMN'ITTEE: C. H.Kild, Chairman, Earl L. Gangwish and Will Utecht. ROAD AND BRIDGES: West half of County, Earl L. Gangwish, Chairman and all members of the board. East half of County, Wm. Utecht, laairman, and all members of the Board. COURTHOUSE BUILDINGS AND GROUND: Carl Koepke, Chairman, Ray Thompson, W. N. Mailman. COUTHOUSE SUPPLIES: Ray Thompson, Chairman, Carl Koepke, ad a. W. Mailman. ROAD AND BRIDGE SUPPLIES: Tires -Grease -011 & Repairs: Earl L. Gangwish,Chairman Wm. Utecht and L -j. H. Kidd. COUNTY LAW LIBRARY: Wm. Utecht, Chairman. ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME: W. W. Mailman, Chairman, Carl Koepke, hay Thompson, Motion by Thompson, seconded by Kidd, that we hire Mr & Mrs. Bert b. Brown as custodians beginning February 1, 1955 on a month to month bases with the understanding that the county will give a thirty day notice upon dismissal and that Mr. & Mrs. Bert Brown will give to the Board of SuperVisors a thirty day notice upon resignation. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion of the 12431 12432 12433 12434 12435 12436 12437 1243d by Utecht, seconded by Gangwish, that the Supervisor's Record: Roll call, all voted Richard Hunter & Melvin Kammerlohr 2.35 Worthy B. Wood John h;. hay, County Judge Emma Berg, County Clerk Walter Gartner Grace 1.111pson, Oliver Demuth Merle Anderson Justice of Peace 31.00 481.82 82.55 750.00 35.00 25.00 7.00 following Miscellaneous Receipts be made aye. Motion carried. 12447 John E. Ray, County Judge 12448 Grace Simpson, Justice of -0eace 12449 Sara R. Connely, areas 12450 Nebraska State Racing Comm. 12451 John E. Aay, County Judge 12452 Perry O. Larkin 12453 State Treasurer -State Assistance 12454 Mary Schultz, Clerk Dist Court a part 35.00 65.00 100.00 664.25 20.00 7.20 25816.43 315.75 (90 SUPE VISO 'S ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE RASKA 111\) D NO. 15 Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 12463 12464 12465 12466 12467 12468 12469 12470 12)471 12472 12473 Motion County County Neva "olfe Mary Schultz, Clerk Dist court Edward Berg, Township Clerk Highland Township urace, Simpson, Justice of l'eace Emma L'erg, County Clerk Schroeder "oad rund U. S. Treasurer Grace simpson, Justice of Peace Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 405.50 12474 22.80 12475 -bred 0. Schaffroth, Register Deeds &race Simpson, Justice of Peace 375.00 12476 State Treasurer -State Assistance 750.00 12477 John E. hay, County Judge 75.00 12478 'race Simpson,Justice of Peace 1841 12479 Clarence heets 1230.40 12480 City Hide & Metal Co. 2880.00 12481 Emma Berg, County Clerk 75.00 12482 Chester J. Grabill-Treas 60.00 12483 Worthy 3. Wood, Sheriff 55.00 12484 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 631.75 55.00 141.71 35.00 85.00 89.00 2.82 2041.38 750.00 61.50 94.00 by Kidd, seconded by Thompson, that the following inventories be accepted and placed on file. Library, County Agricultural Agent, Worthy B. Wood, Sheriff, Adams County Jail, County Supt., Judge. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mailman, seconded by Koepke, that the following bonds be approved: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE: Ed Hahlweg, Wanda -Lownship; Eischen, sero Township; E. H. Husman, Hanover Township; Leo Paul, Verona lownship; TOWNSHIP CLERK: Edward Berg, Kenesaw Township; LaVern Brown, Little Blue Township; TOWNSHIP TREASURER: hdward Zubrod, Logan Township; Walter Frickey, Verona Township; George Bohlen, Blaine Township; Edward Koch, Silver Lake Township; Darrel Versaw, Zero Township; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, s be accepted and place a wheel chair togethe Assessor in the idams call, all voted aye. econded by Gangwish, that an agreement d on file pertaining to a certain ramp r with the installation of bathroom fac County Courthouse, and the chairman be Motion carried. between Roscoe E. Story and Adams County rn-N, to facilitate the entry and exit of n • ilities in the office of the -county ,n/ • authorized to sign the same. Roll Motion by Utecht, seconded by Koepke, that the following reports be accepted and placed on file. 2 -Adams County nursing Home, County Library, Clerk of the District Court, County Clerk Car Title, Register of Deeds, sheriff and Judge, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Cangwi road maintenance for the year of maintenance pay Motion carried. sh, seconded by Utecht, pay to Adams County $7 1955, and the Villages to Adams county $100.00 that all the ownships who wish 50.00 each with the exception of of Roseland, Holstein, Ayr, Juni each for the year of 1955. Roll to participate with the Elaine ownship $425.00 ata and Pauline street call, all voted aye. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Koepke, that we hire Edward Johnson, as County Engineer at a salary of $4800.00 for the year of 1955. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This -oard will now recess subject to the call of the chairman of the county Board of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 11, 1955. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Statutory meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. Edward Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Uangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman, Thompson, and Utecht. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Kidd, that we authorize the Chairman to sign the tax book correction slips for the year 1955. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Gangwish, that the Hastings Daily Tribune be designated as the County official paper for the year 1955. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Koepke, seconded by Utecht, that we approve the following Banks as county depositories: The Hastings National Bank, hastings; City National Bank, astings; Adams County Bank, Kenesaw; and hoseland state Bank, Roseland, also approve the securities posted by the following banks as security for county funds in the following amounts: The Hastings National Bank, $450,000.00; City Nation Bank $4)10.000.00; Adams County Bank, 00,000.00; Roseland State Bank, $20,000.00; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Holtman, that we appoint Ray Thompson as the Adams County Board representative of the Hastings ''hamber of Commerce for the year 1955. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Koepke, that the Acme Printing Company be given the order for 3000 tax sheets to be delivered on or before -bebruary 15th at a price of $202.91 and proof must be submitted and apProvedby the County Assessor. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mailman, seconded by Gangwish, that we consent to the County Treasurer depositing up to 100% of the capitol stock and surplus in any of the depository banks named said deposits to be protected by the bonds as required by law. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Mailman, that all Deputies be employed at 0550.00 per year except the second Deputy in the sheriff office who shall be employed at $2300.00 per year and the minnQ qhp11 1-)( A270.00. and that other office personal un e Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO A,' AMS C D NO. UNTY, NEBRASKA 15 Motion by Utecht, seconded by Koepke, That each department head shall be allowed to purchase supplies and equipment up to an amount not exceeding $25.00 from Adams County firms°lmust th t the approval of the .Board of Supervisors, supplies and equipment of $25.00 to $100.00 rnus t be approved by thechairm-a.nf the purchasing committee and that supplies costing over $100.00 be purchased by the Board of Supervisors through bids from Adams County .Firms if possible. Furthermore, that a letter setting forth this policy shall be sent to each department head si ned by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Gangwish, that we renew a one year Insurance polipy for $1000.00 covering the Adams County Shed at Pauline with the present carrier. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This -'oard will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Sup / / rvisors . ch ai rm an COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, January 21, 1955. 2:00 o'clock P.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of January 11, 1955. Edwrd H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman, Thompson and Utecht. Notion by Maltman, seconded by Gangwish, that we instruct the County following Old Age Assistance Lien covering "lock 29, 'Palmer's Prospec of Hastings, Adams County, Nebr. in the amount of $2167.20. Roll call Treasurer to release the t Park Addition to the City , all voted aye. Motion carried. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, January 26, 1955. 10:00 O'clock Regular meeting of the Adams county Board of Supervisors met as per recess of Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. poll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Lightner A.M. January 21, 1955. Mailman, Thompson and Utecht. Absent:Koepke. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Utecht, that we approve the appointment of John . itzgibbon, Chairman of Adams County Red Cross Assistant Director of Cival Defense in Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Kidd, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Anderson, August Anderson, George clerk of the District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Clerk County Judge County sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Fitzke, .Beverly Gangwish, Earl L. Hunter, hichard E. Kidd, C. H. Kisler, George Kisler, Kathryn Koepke, Carl J. Lightned, Ed Nauman, 4. W. Register of Deeds Thompson, tray M. Utecht, Yvi1liam J. Veteran's Service Office Alberts, E. GENERAL FUND Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Office Expense Salary Salary Office Expense ROAD FUND Sal ary 15.12 75.00 512.50 1032.50 83.16 92.50 865.4-7 704.16 511.66 1200.83 175.00 173.1-0 16.67 160.32 130.00 30.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 707.50 150.00 154.32 4.20.00 1Fn_nn 92 SUPE VISO 'S ADAMS COUNTY, NE It 11 D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Hoefer, John W. Hohlen, Fred Johnson, E. E. Joynt, Orville Dale Kennedy, Thomas b. Kluver, John Koch, David Marshall jr. Lower, Cleon Petrie, Arthur Henry Poore, Delbert Pritchard, Clyde Pritchard, Donald D. Witt, Lloyd Block, Bruce Nash, Lloyd Larkin,Perry O. i)irector Welfare This Board will now recess subject Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary BRIDGE FILM Salary Salary STATE FUNDS Office Expense 230.00 230.00 400.00 230.00 230.00 220.40 227.60 230.00 230.00 230.00 230.00 215.00 230.00 270.00 270.00 2370.00 to the call of the hairman of the County Board of Supervisors. 4&'agdim').-4fty COURT HOUSE, HASTIN3S, NEBRASKA Monday, February 7, 1955. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of January 26, 1955. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Mailman, Thompson and Utecht. Motion by Mailman, seconded by Utecht, that the following bonds be approved and placed on file. TOWNSHIP CLERK: Harvey Hunnicutt, Hanover Township; Vernon Routh, Cottonwood Township; Norbert Borwege, Silver Lake Township; Bueford Wright, Zero Township; TOWNSHIP TREASURER: Bill Ramsey, Kenesaw '2ownship; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Koepke, Adams County Division of Public Welfare call, all voted aye. Motion carried. that the Inventories of the Clerk of the District Court, and County Engineer be accepted and placed on file. Roll Motion by Kidd, seconded by Gangwish, that the reports of Sheriff, County Clerk Car Titles, Adams County Nursing Home, Neva Wolfe, Register of Deeds, Clerk of the District Court, County Clerk, County Judge and Deputy Sheriff, Agriculture and Home Economics be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Gangwish, that the Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisors Records: Roll call, all voted a7e. Motion carried. 12485 12486 12487 12488 12489 12490 12491 12492 12493 12494 12495 12496 12497 12498 12499 12500 12501 12502 Raymond H. Eischen, Township Treasurer A. F. Albright, Township Treasurer James McCauley, Exec. Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace simpson, Justice of peace Village of Roseland Oscar 4. Cropley, Exec. Phil Mercier Mrs. Mabel E. Anderson Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Paul E. Isoslaugh, Exec. John E. Ray, County Judge John E. Ray, County Judge n'mma Berg, County Clerk A. J. Sime Chas . Thomas Emma Berg, County Clerk $750.00 12503 750.00 12504 426.11 12505 153.00 12506 85.00 12507 100.00 12508 4565.62 12509 10.00 12510 96.56 12511 150.00 12512 70.00 12513 554.25 12514 682.10 12515 35.00 12516 386.10 12517 10.00 12518 10.00 12519 222.35 12520 Motion by Thompson, seconded by Mailman, that we rescind the Printing Company for the printing of 3000 Assessor Ledgers and that Cornhusker Press as the lowest bidder. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Mary Schultz, Clerk Dist Court 0298.25 Special Mail Route Road 1135.00 Neva Wolfe 391.75 Emma Berg, County Clerk 17.36 6tate Treas. State Assistance 29055.33 &race 'Simpson, Justice of Peace 70.00 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace T5.0 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 50.0\ Treas. of United States 1440-'00 Worthy B. Wood 39.50 urace Simpson, Justice of Peace135.00 bred O. Schaffroth, Reg. Deeds 742.75 Aaron Jones 10.00 Perry Larkj.nDirector 2167.20 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 65.00 State Treas. state ,issistance 500.83 Perry O. Larkin,Director 42.50 Perry O. Larkin,Director 2.69 motion awarding order to the Acme we award the order to the Motion by Thompson, seconde WHEdEAS, a petition has bee the retaining of the firm o Adams, Nebraska in the civi et al., Case No. 14092, in NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby Nebraska, be and is hereby no compensation from Adams d by Kidd. n filed herein by ten freeholders of Adams County,Nebraska, requesting f livebb, Kelley, Green and Byam to represent this Board and the County of 1 action of Charles W. Foote, et al., vs The County of Adams, Nebraska, the L)istrict Court of Adams County, Nebraska, resolved that the law firm of Webb, Kelley, Green and Byam of Omaha, employed as special council in the above case, said law firm to receive County Nebraska, or this 13oard of Supervisors for said services. 4- 4 Ao,n n on -I, 1,1 4 fl 'tine Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO 1"\ 'S ECO D NO, 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEIRASKA 9 We Western Laboratories Inc. Wheeler Lumber Bridge, & Supply Co. Whities Seat Covers Wilber Service Inc. Wiltrout Winkelbauer Kistler Naggatz iqef Rinck Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Road Account Adams County Treasurer berg, County Clerk Burroughs 'orporation business Supply Co. Hager Hastings Typewriter Company Kipp Larkin Larkin -Director Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Schafer Printing Company Snyder Wyckoff Adams County Soldiers Relief krien Bert's Drug Store Bert's Rexall Drug Stoe Bi -Lo Market Brand Mortuary Brooke & Son • rug Store B runkow Goghlan Credit Sureau of Hastings DeBacker, M.3. Eckhardt's Grocery Hastings Drug Store castings Utilities Hoffman, M. D. Holthaus lirug Store Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas Kendall Kendig's Grocery Kent's Oil Company Kleager, M. D. Kostal, M. D. Kunce's Grocery Laird Foal Company Larkin Larkin -Director Larmore's Market McMillan, M. D. Mary Lanning Hospital Mikkelsen's Dru g Company Penney Company Rogers Russell Rutt's Jrug Store # 1 Rutt's Drug Store 2 Rutt Sfeway Stores In.c Skaggs Grocery # 11 Skaggs Grocery # 13 Skaggs Grocery # 5 Skaggs Grocery 77/ 5 Smith, Supt. Stop and Shop Market Sullivan Western Auto Associate tore Wolfe Co. Inc. John L. & Gertrude Chester J & Elizabe Gerald R & Ida J BRIDGE FUND D. G. Ervin W. Henry Thomas William Land. Purchase Agreement Supplies Repairs Repairs th Land Purchase Land Purchase Repairs Salary Salary - Salary Supplies SCHROEDER ROAD FUND SiklE ADMINISTRATION Erma Addie John W. Perry O. Perry O. Daniel E. Clara Maxine SOLDIER'S & SAILOR'S POOR AID FUND Peter He Mrs, J. R. L. J. Kenneth C. Mrs . Effie Clyde L. O. A. Lloyd B. Perry O. Perry O. John W. J. C. Katherine Mrs. Marie Mrs. Frank O. O. O. O. J. P. P. P. P. N. Mrs. Lillian Mr. NAITA 176.5o 1792.80 148.98 42.00 2.50 125.00 25.20 3.25 201.60 174.00 151.20 9.60 Labor, Equipment Rental 1329.60 Matching Postage Supplies Supplies Mileage Supplies Postage Telephone service Supplies Mileage Mileage Relief Janitor service Medical supplies Medical supplies Staple foods Funeral expense Medical supplies Rent Care Credit service Medical care Staple foods Medical supplies Utilities Medical care Medical supplies Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Utilities Care Staple foods Fuel oil Medical care Medical care Staple foods Coal Mileap e Revolving fund Staple foods Medical care Hospital care medical sApplies Supplies Rent Rent Medical supplies Medical supplies Care Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Cothfrig, care Staple foods _Board & Room Supulies 14.00 17.40 .69 42.30 1.68 22.59 150.00 6.10 115.62 29.60 19.25 8.46 7.08 208.33 65.00 11.77 4.48 38.00 150.00 28.29 30.00 65.00 5.00 3.00 20.00 5.05 11.02 5.00 10.88 110.00 64.00 61.25 12.71 50.00 20.00 3.60 11.00 10.00 54.50 44.50 15.22 23.85 20.00 2.00 89.90 13.85 19.94 15.00 20.00 16.25 1.85 200.00 50.00 60.00 180.00 65.25 2.99 223.24 37.25 60.00 2.52 oon nn SUPE 111 VISO 'Si EC 1 I II \) ADAMS COUNTY, NE 0 D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 3ertis Drug Store 13ert's ieXa11 -Drug Store 3rommer Dispensary Brooke & on Charlton Corey iJeBacker Ellis Fern's Pharmacy oote Foote Freeman Guildner Haeberle Drug Store Hastings Drug Store Hoffman Hofmeister Holme rand Holthaus Drug Store Johnson Jones Drug •Store lUnLsley Kos tal Kuehn Livingston-L5utler-Volland McIntire Mace Mary Lanning Hospital Mikkelsenis Drug Store Myers Obert Pearson Pickard Pharmacy Inc. Pinney Reiber Reinke Drug Store # 1 Ruttls Drug Store # 2 Scheidies VonStrode Weber Wolfe R. A. Dr. G. P. Mrs. Walter Dr. H.L. Dr. L.J. Mrs. Phidelia Dr. C. N. Dr. D. B. Uerne & Golda Dr. C. W. H. H. Dr. Dr. Dr. jr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Funeral Home Dr. Dr. Kenneth C. G. F. Lee Ii 0. D. 0. G. W. A. A. H. J. L. Bertha Dr. F. C. Ella Dr. G. L. Mrs .Henry Ella Amanda Mrs. W. R. Dr. C. R. Mrs. Neva This Board will now recess subject to the call of Supervisors. medical supplies Medical supplies Glasses Medical supplies Medical care Nursing care Medical care Mecial care Aurs_ng care Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Nursing care Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical care Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Ambulance service Medical care Medical care Hospital care Medical supplies Nursing care Medical care Nursing care Medical supplies medical care Nursing care Nursing care Medical supplies Medical supp les Nursing care Nursing care Medical care Nursing care 65.12 )14.10 11.75 47.55 112.62 26.20 14.00 12.00 25.46 1.25 2.00 72.00 68.80 8.00 49.45 95.10 40.92 4.00 12.50 14.50 6.00 4.80 203.00 3.00 13.00 8.00 7.00 23.00 1867.00 14.23 121.20 4.50 30.81 6.70 19.47 30.00 41.20 46.09 117.99 201.60 181.20 10.00 276.31 the Chairman of the County Board of COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, February 24, 1955. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Mailman, Thompson and Utecht. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Maltman, that we award the bid for County Assessor printing and supplies to Hide Printing Company for $612.00 being the lowest ,bidder, And, that we award the bid for County Assesor Office supplies to the Business Supply L'ompany for $18.19 being the lowest bidder. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Gangwish, that a resolution be passed requesting the Department of iioads and Irrigation, Lincoln, Nebr. to take the necessary action to provide signal lights between sections 20-21, T. 7. N., R. 9. W., where the main line of the Union Pacific Rail Road crosses the kederal Aid Secondary road project No. S-645 (1). Also requesting the County ';lerk to mail a copy of this resolution to Mr. R. C. Ayres, Engineer of F. A. S. roads, asking him to recommend the type of signal required. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. recess of February 7, 1955. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Thompson, that the Chairman appoint a Committee to work with the City Council in reference to the City -County building. Roll cail, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Kidd, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the county dlerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Rpl -n-cr 130.00 une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. %.?11SOI'S NO3 ti A A 9 COUNTY, NE1RASKA County Supt. County Treasurer bltzke, Beverly Gangwish, Earl L. Gangwish, Earl L. Kidd, C. H. Kidd, C. H. Koepke, Carl J. Lightner, Ed. Maltman, W. W. Register of Deeds Thompson, Ray M. Utecht, William J. Utecht, William J. Veteran's Service Office Alberts, E. Anderson, Roy Austin, Weslie Block, Bruce Boontjer, Ted Gunderson, Tony Heuertz, James A. Hinrichs, Klaas H. Hock, Charley F. Hoefer, John W. Hohlen, -tired Johnson, -°-;. E. Joynt, Orville Dale Kennedy, Thomas B. Kluver, John Koch, David Marshall Lower, Cleon Petrie, Arthur Henry Poore, Delbert Pritchard, Clyde R. Pritchard, Donald D. _Witt, Lloyd Nash, Lloyd Larkin,Perry 0. -Director Welfare This Board will now recess subject County C 411;11C-11:-e- Depu y Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Mileage Mileage Salary Salary Salary Salary Office Expense Salary Salary Mileage Office Expense ROAD FUND Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary. Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary BRIDGE FUND Salary STATE FUNDS Office Expense to the call of the Chairman of the County Board /1/ Chairma 511.66 1283.83 175.00 150.00 21.48 13.32 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 707.50 150.00 150.00 9.42 420.00 200.00 231.20 230.00 290.00 232.40 230.00 230.00 230.00 222.80 235.140 232.40 400.00 234.80 236.60 230.00 230.00 230.00 234.80 232.40 233.60 215.00 230.00 280.00 2370.00 of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Monday, March 7, 1955. 1000 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of February 24, 1955. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltnan, Thompson and At T.0:00 o'clock A. M. the following Truck bids were opened and read: Kenesaw Motor lose Motors; Sherman Service Center Inc., D &A Motors; and Kerr Cochran Inc. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Gangwish, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, on or about the 6th day of January 1955, there was filed in the office Clerk of Adams County, Nebraska, a petition requesting the formation of a rural fi district to be known as the HASTINGS RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DTSTRICT, AND WHEREAS, the Honorable Emma Berg, County Clerk of Adams that said petition and the signatures thereto comply with and designated the 7th day of March, 1955 at 11 o'clock A. the time and place for a hearing before this body on said County, has determined the requirements of law M. at the Adams County petition, and WHEREAS, notice of said hearing was duly published as by law re,uired. and Utecht. Lo; McClelland of the County re protection and certified in all respects Courthouse as OR SUPE VISO 'S 111E,C0 ADAMS COUNTY, NE RASKA D NO. 15 Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Section 1. 'hat it be and it hereby is found and declared that the formation and establishment of tad HASTINGS RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT within the boundaries prescribed by Section 2 hereof would be in the public interest and suited to the general fire protection policy of the county Ls a whole. Section 2. That the HASTINGS RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT is hereby organized and established with the fol boundaries, to -wit: Sections 17, 18, 19, 20, Si 28, 29,30, 31, 32, 33, 341 Si 350 Township 8, Range rn)19.West; " Sections, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24$ 25$ 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35 & 36,jr"3eoil c 3, 4, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35 & 36, except that part known as the Citi Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, Towilthip 7, Range 10 West; Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, .5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Pt 1( 19, 20, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 & N i of 33, 34 and 35, Township 7, Range 9 West; Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10 --- 13, 14., 15, 16, 21, 22$ 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35, & 36, exsapt p.11 that part known as Ayr Village, -1 6* Range 10 West; Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, W- 28* 29,-30;11$ 32 & Wi 33, Township 6 Range 9cW: Sections 1$ 2, 3, 144 9, 10, 11 & 12, Townsilp 5, Range 10 West; Sections 144 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, gs. ' Township 5, Range 9 West. Also, except that part known as the Navy Ammunition Depot in Blaine Township. Section 3. That the County Clerk of Adams County, be and she hereby is directed to desiEnate a time and place for a public meeting of allo?ectors who are owners of any interest in real or personal property assessed for taxation in the district and who reside within the boundaries thereof, and to give notice of such meeting as by law prescribed. Section 4. J -hat a duly certified copy of this resolution be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Adams county, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by l'ialtman, that the reports of the County Library, Adams County Nursing Home, (2) County 'lerk, County Clerk Car Titles, Sheriff, Judge, Register of Deeds and Clerk of the District L'ourt be aceepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Utecht, of the Supervisors Records: Roll call, 12521 12522 12523 12524 12525 12526 12527 12528 12529 12530 12531 12532 12533 12534 12535 12536 12537 that the following Miscellaneous Receipt be made a part all voted aye. Motion carried. Grace Simpson, ilugtice of Peace 70.00 12538 Neva Wolfe 402.25 12539 Perry O. Larkin, Director 10.00 12540 Wilcox & Follett Company 22.52 12541 Mrs. Gesina tief 50.00 12542 Worthy S. Wood 52.50 12543 44 Nick Konen 10.00 125 Pete Konen 10.00 12545 Perry O. Larkin 3651.90 12546 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 90.00 12547 U. S. Treas, Nebr. 5068.00 12548 U. s. Treas, Nebr. 1540.00 12549 G. D. Schaffer 150.00 12550 Urace Simpson, Justice of Peace 50.00 12551 State Treasurer, Gas Tax Dist. 1409.15 12552 State Treasurer, Gas Tax ist. 9389.84 12553 State Treasurer, Gas Tax Dist. 7199.32 Mrs. August Stulken Auth McCleery Allard, Exec. Mary Schultz, Clerk Dist Court Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace state Treas. state assistance ,-race Simpson, Justice of Peace Emma Berg, County Clerk Schroeder Road Emma Berg, County Clerk Emma Berg, County Clerk Grace Simpson, Justice of i'eace Grace 1.iiipson, Justice of Peace Fred O. Schaffroth, Register Deeds John h. Ray, County Judge Grade Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 448.07 254.13 390.25 85.00 29057.55 65.00 421.20 1329.60 128.40 17.40 45.00 43.00 640.95 504.95 85.00 165.00 Motion by Kidd, seconded by uanEwish, that the following lownship Bonds be/accepted and placed on file: Glen 'hristensen, Township Treasurer, Cottonwood Iownship; Frank Reis, Justice of Peace, Ayr lownship; and Lester Hickfeldt, Justice of the Peace, Cottonwood -ownship; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Utecht that we ap,rove the application of of Nick Konen for the Off Sale Liquor License to be operated at Assumption. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Thompson, that we purchase the following culverts and bands from the Eaton Metal Products 2-50" x 31" x 201 12 Ga. CMPA: 4- 224." x 16' 14 Ga. CMP: 6- 24" x 181 14 Ga. CMP; 3- 30" x 161 14 Ga. CMP; 3- 30" x18' 14 GA CMP; 3- 36" x 181 12 Ga. CMP: 4- 18" x 16' 16 Ga, CMP; 6- 18" x 201 16 Ga. CMP; 2- 12" x 18' 16 Ga. CMP; 1 - 50" x 31" Band; 5- 24" Bands; 3- 30" Bands; 3- 36" Bands; 3- 18" Bands; 1- 12" Band. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Maltman, that we purchase $16,000.00 Fire Extended Coverage Insurance on Contents and 4175,000.00 on Courthouse, both 80% co-insurance on a 5 year annual installment basis. Purchase to be from Hastings Association of Insurance Agents. Ao11 call, Ayes: Gangwish, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman, Thompson and Utecht. Nay: Kidd. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Koepke, that we adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, a certificate of award of old age assistance to Elizabeth Yost was filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of ,t -clams County,Nebraska on September 30, 1947, and WHEREAS, Elizabeth Yost owned no interest in any real estate on said date except a life estate in the East 61.5 feet of Lot 12, in Block 1, Noran's Iddition to the City of Hastings, Nebraska,and WHEREAS, Elizabeth Yost is now deceased havinE died on rebruary 5, 1954; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the County Treasurer of -r.dams County, Nebr,ska is hereby directed and authorized to forthwith release and discharge the apparent lien upon the East 61.5 feet. Lot 12, in Block 1, Noran's Addition to the City of Hastins, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted une Graphic Arts, Hastings Nebr SUPE VISOR'S ECOJ'W NO, 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Maltman, seconded by Koepke, that we adopt the following resolution "BE IT RESOLVED, that the County -board of Supervisors sell to the following purchaser the following described property Lots 10, 11 & 12, Block 11, and Lots 1 & 6 , Block 12, Pleasant View Addition to the city of Hastings, Adams county, Nebraska for $75.00 to Nora B. Dyer. and, that the Chainman of the County Board of Supervisor's be hereby authorized to execute and deliver quit claim deed to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Mailman, that the following, claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Acme neat Equipment Co. Acme Printing co. Adams bounty Agricultural Extension Service Adams County Service .L'ommittee Augustine Company Bee Printing company Berg, County Clerk Emma Bivens George W. Business Supply Co. business Supply Co. Cornhusker Pres County Attorney County Supt. Credit bureau of Hastings Dunmire Dutton-Lainson Company Gillette Safety Razor Co. Haberman's Studio Hastings Canvas & Mfg Co. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Hastings Typewriter `do. Hastings iypewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hide Printin co. Inc. Hide Printing Co. Inc. Hide Printing Co. Inc. Hide Printing Co. Inc. Houfek Hunter Hunter Kle,ger, M. D. Leslies Radio & T. V. Service Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Linder Mackie Star Market Mahoney, Co. Treas Mary Lanning Hospital Monroe Calculating Machine Co. Inc. Nebraska Stte Penitentiary New Method Laundry Omaha Printing Company Pinney, M. D. Polk & Co. Ray, County Judge Redfield & Company Inc. Sanders, Clerk Dist. Court Schafer Printing Co. schaffroth, Register of Deeds Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Schultz, Clerk District Court Secretary of State, Frank Marsh Stein Stephenson School Supply Co. Story, county Assessor Story, County Assessor Taedter Turner, State Librarian University Publishing Co Wood, Sheriff World Book Co., Bee Printing company Bee Printing Company Budd Oil Company City of Hastings Street & Alley Clarke Oil Company Clarke Oil uompany -'onsumers Public Power District Lawrence Dr. Edward 11. R. E. Richard C. L. Carl D. George L. ". L. John L. Wilford Fred O. Fred O. Mary Willard Roscoe E. Roscoe 1'. Ruth Geo. H. Worthy B. ROAD FUND Repairs Supplies Office Expense Office Expense Supplies Supplies Bank charge Bailiff Supplies hepairs Supplies ox rent Postage Services Attorney fees Supplies Supplies supplies Repairs Supplies Supplies Printing, Publishing Reprints Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Supplies -)upplies Supplies Examination, mileage Fees Telephone, Mileage 'ionsultation Services Telepone service Labor, material Supplies bank charge Services Services Service Laundry Office Supplies Services Directories State cases, Postage Supplies Services Supplies Postage Recording State cases Certified copies Reorganization Supplies Postage Mileage Services, bailiff upplies Supplies Jailor, Office expense, l'ood, Laundry, Mileage Supplies Reports Gas, 1 -diesel Supplies Cias Gas Utilities 8.04 21.50 350.00 71.60 42.72 2.25 8.78 60.00 18.19 2.00 204.31 2.25 10.00 12.00 1000.00 5.88 9.90 9.50 92.50 142.50 jj .15 90.63 3.50 26.24 6.15 3.84 1.60 1.45 239.35 19.80 4.50 39.65 20.50 259.00 750.00 32.79 7.50 22.55 154.38 40.00 8.69 28.48 4.00 43.00 3.00 1.75 87.71 10.00 200.00 36.96 13.81 55.80 18.40 6.00 53.75 20().95 24.0o 33.72 15.70 90.00 3.00 20.00 1.75 2.82 258.62 36.41 17.25 82.65 50.40 97.83 51.75 7_gA SUPE VSO 'S 11.ECOID NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NE RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Garwood Garwood Gentert Gentert liteman Hansen Hastings Hastings Has Hastings He ye Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas Co. Kenesaw Telephone ompany Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln telephone & Telegraph McClelland ram Equipment co. McL'lelland ilose Motors Inc. McDill Mary Lanning Hospital Trust Mathews Messer Company Miller Modern Linen Supply Mousel Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Newman Nienhueser Omaha Testing I0ooratories Pittz Service Plambeck Precision Lubricants "0. itansom hoeder Sands Schellak Sidles "ompany Sime Sinclair Refining Company Stainer Southern Nebraska Aural Public Thomas Specialty Mfg Company Trousch Trupp Valentin Velder weaver Western Laboratories Inc. "heeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wilber Service Inc. Wilder's Service Station Wilder's Service Station Industries Inc. Industries Inc. Hardware Company Typewriter Co. Utilities Welding Supply Co. Welding Supply Co. Co. L) Naggatz Rief Rinck Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Road Account 'nderson, M. D. Berg, 'jounty Clerk Business supply Company Hager Hastings Typewriter 0. Kipp Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McCarty Schafer Printing Company Snyder Wyckoff • Katie, L. r. & Emma, Merlin Katie, Lavina E. & Addie E. Orville & Gladys Elise A. Homer K. & Louella Glen G. & Cecil L. L. J. -alph A. & ilorencc A. Anthony P. & Mary A. Herbert P. C. Elwin Minnie Robert R. & Elizabeth J. tied & Louise A. John & Mary Evelyn C. & Wilhelmina A. J. Frances H. Power Dist. Co. Adams County Soldiers & Sailors Amen Berts ilexall Drug Store 3i -Lo Market (-1 n Emil Adam Henry B. & "ilma Ray Harold BRIDGE FUND Ervin W. Henry Thomas William SCHROE)ER ROAD FUND STATE ADMINISTRATION Herbert F. Emma Addie John W. Freida Faye ijaniel Clara Maxine SOLDIER'S & SAILORS POOR AID FUND Peter Peter Repairs Freight & Elton Land Purchase Land Purchase Supplies Land Purchase Supplies Utilities Oxygen Oxygen Land. Purchase Utilities Telephone service Gas bupplies, Repairs =hone Service itepairs Land Purchase Land Purchase Land -Purchase ileaPndrif'surchase Laundry Land Purchase Repairs, Supplies Salary Land Purchase Samples Diesel, supplies Land Purchase Lubricants Land Purchase Land Purchase Land Purchase Land Purchase Aepairs, Supplies Gas Diesel Land Purchase Utilities Repairs Land Purchase RtaeiDansurchase Salary Land Purchase Agrement Supplies Supplies Gas, Repairs Gas Salary Salary Salary bupplies 282.60 4.04 62.90 50.00 26.32 10.00 12.20 31.11 4.05 4.95 24.60 44.89 16.00 73.00 74-34 17.95 16.80 1.39. 47.50 70.30 12.60 201.78 24.60 3.88 ---- 12.60/" 358.26 168.00 99.50 18.85 119.61 49.20 89.67 24.70 37.10 10.00 50.00 217.80 167.05 42.30 49.30 18.49 2.53 25.50 58.00 98.60 194.0 49.30 389.2o 58.53 621.88 12.19 22.37 165.60 156.00 176.40 48.12 Labor, Equipment rental 1326.40 Medical care Postage Supplies Mileage Supplies Rent Telephone service MileL.ge Supplies Mileage Mileage Relief Janitor service Janitor service Medical supplies Staple food MeNA4,1o1 7.00 17.72 4.85 1.56 3.75 150.0o 43.40 2.28 8.60 6:30 6.36 208.33 3.75 65.0o 4.48 88.00 1 SUPE ne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 111\ VISO 'S JECOD NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Foote Equipment Uompany Hastings Drug Store Hastings Utilities Hoffmeister, M. D. Holthaus Drug Co. Jack & Jill Grocery- East South Jack & Jill Grocery- *.pencer Park Jack & Jill Grocery- 3rd & Burlington Jaco, Agent KansEs Nebraska Natural Gas Co. Kendall Kendig's &rocery Kingsley, M. D. Klegger, M. D. Kostal, M. D. Kuehn, M. D. Kunce's Grocery Laird cpa.1 Co. Larkin Larkin, Director Larmore's Market Livingston-Butler-Volland McIntire, M. D. Mace, M. J. Mikkelsen Drug Company Rogers Rutt's Drug Store 1 Rutt Safeway Stores Skaggs Grocery # 5 kaggs Grocery # 5 Skaggs Cirocery # 11 Skaggs Grocery # 13 Spencer Rental Office Stop and Shop Grocery Sullivan Tommy's Grocery # 1 G. F. Western Auto Associate 6tore Wolfe Zubrod's Grocery 'hnderson Bert's Drug Store Bert's hexall Drug Store Brand Mortuary Brooke & Son Charlton Corey Davis DeBacker Davis Ellis Fern's Pharmacy Foote mote i'reeman Guildne r Haeberle Drug Store Hastings Drug Store Hoffman Hoffmeister Holm Holthaus Drug Store Johnston Kingsley Kle,ger Kuehn Kuehn Livingston-Butler-Volland McIntire McMillan Mace Mary Lanning Hospital Micek Mikkelsen Drug Store Myers Obert Pinney Reiber Reinke hosenau Rutt's Drug Store # 1 Rutt's Drug Store # 2 Scheidies VonStredde Weber Wolfe J. D. Inc. Mrs Effie D. W. Clyde L. O. A. Gerald. G. Lloyd Perry Perry b. 0. 0. Robert H. John L. Katherine Mrs. Frank 0.P. O. P. O. P. O. P. Mrs Lillian Mrs. -Neva MEDICAL, SURGICAL AND HOSPITAL CARE Dr. H. F. l'uneral Dr. G. P. Mrs, Walter Elsie Dr. L. J. Dr. H. L. Phidelia Dr. C. M. Dr. E. C. Verne & Golda Dr, C. W. H.H. Dr. K. C. Dr. C. F. Dr, C. R. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Home Dr. Dr. Dr. 0. P. u G. 0. W. L. A. A. R. H. John J. L. Dr. L. S. Bdrtha Dr. IF. C. Dr. G. L. Mrs. Herry Ella Dr. A. B. Mrs. Amanda Mrs. W. R. Dr. C. R. Mrs. Neva Wax Medical supplies Utilities Medical care Medical supplies Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Rent Utilities Care Staple foods Medical care Medical c&re Medical care Medical core Staple foods "oa13 e.age Revolving fund Staple foods Ambulance service burials Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Rent Medical supplies Care Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Rent Staple foods tioard & Room Staple foods Care Staple foods Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Ambulance service Medical supplies Medical care Nursing care Nursing care Medical care Medical care Nursing care Medical supplies Medical care Medical cLre Nursing care Medical care Medical supplies l'iedical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Ambulance service Medical care Medi'al care Medical care Hospital care Medical care Medical supplies Nursing care Medical care Medical care Nursing care Nursing care medical care medical supplies Medical supplies Nursing care Nursing care Medical care Nurinc" nAY,P 2.70 .75 11.17 3.00 3.88 64.0o 83.63 120.00 37.50 15.90 50.00 65.00 2.00 9.00 3.00 13.00 54.50 44.50 14.32 38.90 20.00 337.50 9.00 4.00 5.60 15.00 6.75 200.00 20.00 47.25 1.56 183.00 164.10 7.23 47.25 60.00 146.55 8.10 459.84 80.00 33.75 81.75 53.21 35.00 72.10 110.75 26.20 71.45 42.00 11.00 12.73 4.00 152.00 2.00 6a.80 6.32 23.90 66.50 82.00 82.65 3.00 13.90 6.00 131.00 400.00 6.00 11.81 15.00 31.00 2.00 55.88 1136.90 45.00 8.87 125.23 3.00 14.92 20.69 41.20 29.73 35.03 106.86 250.96 209.55 25.0o -IA() 1n 102 SUPE VISO 'Ss I'lECO 11 ADAMS COUNTY, NE D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 15, 1955. 10:00 olclock A.M hegular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of March Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman, Thompson and Utecht. seconded by Gangwish, that the Chairman be authorized to sign Project No. S-252(1) $10,598.61. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 7, 1955. Motion by Maitman, at a total cost of Motion by Utecht, seconded by Gangwish, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the preliminary agreements and detailed plans for the construction of Project No. S-329(3) & S-204 (2) have been completed, and WHEREAS, the plans for this work have been presented to this Board for approval, and WHEREAS, it is the work, and desire of the Board of Supervisors of Adams 'Jounty to proceed with the actual. WHEREAS, the -`'oard of Supervisors have sufficient financial recources either in services and work to be performed, or in cash, to defray their entire share of the cost of the work, and secured all right of way and material pits, necessary or required for the WHEREAS, the County has proposed work. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of these facts the County board takes the following official action: e it resolved that the Chairman be authorized to s authorized to sign this res plans for Project No. S-329 (3). and 3-204 (2) be approved, anj that the ign them to signify such approval, and further that the Chairman be olution in behalf of the Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by l'ialtman, that we purchase 300 Probate Folders from Hide Printing Uompany as the lowest bidder at a price of $84.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Kidd, that we reject any and all bids open market. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Koepke, seconded by Kidd, that we table the purchase of trucks until March 22nd. "yes: Kidd, Koepke, Maltman and Utecht. Nay: Gangwish and Thompson. Pass: Lightner. Motion carried. on trucks and purchase on an This -bard will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. i // // /I 1-V1/Z/ COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NE RASKA Tuesday, March 22, 1955. 10:00 ofclo-qc .A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of March Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman, Thompson and Roll call, members Motion by Maltman, seconded by Gangwish, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there has been signed by Adarns County on the 6th day of Oct. 1953, the 27th day of October 1953, an agreement providing for the construction of a oad beginning at the end of the paving near the airport, west through Juniata corner of Section 4, Township 7 North, Range 11 v4est, thence north one mile. WHEREAS, of the cost WHEREAS, costs of this project, and Li( Ch irman 15, 1955. Utecht. and by the State on Federal Aid Secondary to the Southwest in the above agreement, the County has pledged sufficient funds to finance it's share of the construction of this project indentified as No. 6-329 (2), and the above mentioned agreement provided that the County would pay all of the non -Federal WHEREAS, the State received bids for the constructionof this project on March 17, 1955, at which time 8 bids were received for the construction of the proposed work, and WHEREAS, the following contractors for the items of work listed have been selected as the low bidders to whom a contract (contracts) should be awarded: Robert M. Stump Construction Company -- asphaltic concrete surface course - (136,731.78. NOW THEFORE, in consideration of the above facts, the board of Supervisors of Adams County, HTT fnlriac fnllnwinc nffiniAl pntinnt SUPE ne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 11 VISO 'S Na 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NE:RASKA 10 Motion by Utecht, seconded by Kidd, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEfEAS, the preliminary agreements and detailed plans for the construction have been completed, and WHEREAS, the plans WHEREAS, it is the work, and for this work have been presented to this of Project No. S-252(1) Board for approval, and desire of the Board of Supervisors of Adams County to proceed with the actual WHEREAS, the 'oard of Supervisors have sufficient financial recources either in to be performed, or in cash, to defray their entire share of the cost of the work, WHEREAS, the County has secured all right of way and material pits, necessary or proposed work. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of these facts the County Board takes Be it resolved authorized to sign this resolution in services and work and required for the the following official action: that the plans for Project No. S-252 (1) be approved, and that the Chairman them to signify such approval, and further that the Chairman be authorized behalf of the soard. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Koepke, that the following Resolution be RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, the preliminary agreements and detailed plans for the have been completed, and adopted: construction of Project No. WHEREAS, the plans for this work have been presented to this Board for approval, WHEREAS, it is the work, and desire of the Board of Supervisors of Adams County to proceed and be to sign S-253(1) with the actual WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors have sufficient financial recources either in services and work to be performed, or in cash, to defray their entire share of the cost of the work, and WHEREAS, the County has secured all right of way and material pits, necessary or required for the proposed work. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration action: of these facts the County Board takes the following official Be it resolved that the plans for Project No. S-253 (1) be approved, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign them to signify such approval, and further that the Chairman be authorized to this resolution in behalf of the Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion bv Thompson, seconded by Gangwish, that the following, resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, on or about the 7th day of March 1955, there was filed in the office of Adams County, Nebraska, a petition requesting the formation of a rural fire p to be known as the Juniata RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, and WHEREAS, the Honorable Emma Berg, County Clerk of Adams County, has determine said petition and the signatures thereto comply with the requirements of law in designated the 6th day of April, 1955 at 10 A. N. at the Adams County Courthouse place for a hearing before this body on said petition, and WHEREAS, notice of said hearing was duly published as by law required, and WHEREAS, at the time and place so fixed this body duly met and gave opportunity to be heard to all persons residing or owning taxable property within the proposed district respecting the formation of said district and the location of the boundaries thereof, and WHEREAS, careful consideration has been given to said petition and the evidence adduced at said hearing: sign of the County Clerk rotection district d and certified that all respects and as the tine and NOW TH,-1EvORE BE IT AND IT HEREBY IS RESOLVED: Section 1. That it be and it hereby is found and declared that the formation and establishment of the Juniata RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT within the boundaries prescribed by Section 2 hereof would be in the public interest and suited to the general fire protection policy of the County as a whole. secti with the Sections 29, 30, 21, 22, -'--'28, 9, Secti time and on 2. That the Juniata RURAL FIRE following boundaries, to -wit. , 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 29, 31, 32 T7N, RlOW; Sections 1, 2, 3 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, Ei 29, E- 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Ei 17, PROTECTION DISTRICT is hereby organized and established 30, 31, 32 TeN, RlOW; Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, $ 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 Ei 20, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, T8N, R11W; Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, Ei5, 24, 25, 36 T7N, R11W. on 3. That the uounty Clerk of Adams County, be and she hereby is directed to designate a place for a public meeting of all electors who are owners of any interest in real or personal 104 SUPE 111 VISO 'S 1°\ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE 11 D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Maltman, that we offer for vacation time. Roll call, Ayes: Maltman and Utecht. Motion lost. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Kidd, that wepurchase at $6550.00 plus trade ins. Roll cail, Ayes: Gangwish, Maltman and Utecht. Motion lost. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Thompson, that we purchase 3 ChevrOlet at ,T6439.06 plus trade ins. Roll call, All voted aye.Motinn carried. culverts for Federal Aid Road -Muriel to call, all voted aye. Notion carried. an unpaid claim of Ramona Dunlap for $25.00 Nay: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke and Thompson. 3 ±ord Trucks from the Kenesaw Motors Co. Kidd and Thompson. Nays: Koepke, Lightner, Trucks from Kerr -Cochran Inc. Motion by Maltman seconded by Thompson, that we purchase Glenvil from the Wheeler Lumber Company at $2410.99. moll that we recind the motion that we purchase 3 Chevrolet trucks 6 plus trade ins for the reason that Kerr -Cochran Inc. were specifications. Roil call, all voted aye. Lotion carried. that we purchase 3 .bord Trucks from the Kenesaw Motor Company call, Ayes: Gangwish, Kidd, Maltman and Thompson. Nays: Koepke, Motion by Thompson, seconded by Kidd, from the Kerr -Cochran Inc. at $64,59.0 unable to make delivery according to Motion by Thompson, seconded by Kidd, at $6550.00 plus the trade ins. Lightn(r and Utecht. Motion carried. Motion by Maltman, secon ed by Koepke WHEREAS, the County of described premises: that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: Adams, Nebraska, conveyed by Warranty Deed to William The West One Hundred Sixty-nine (169) feet of. Block Eigh een (18), D. W.Palmer's Prospect Park Addition to the City of HastinEs, Nebraska; which deed is recorded in Book 128, page L, of the Deeds Records of Adams County, Nebraska, for the sum of 3O0.00, and Hohlen the following WHEREAS, said West One Hundred Sixty-nine (169) feet of Block Eighteen (18) D. W. Prospect Park Addition to the City of Hastings, Nebraska, has by various conveyances to LaMoine Hillers, and WHEREAS, the validity of the deed to the said William Hohlen from the County of Adams, Nebraska, as above described has been questioned, and Palmer's been conveyed WHEREAS, the County Board of 1:tdams County, Nebraska, wishes to confirm and correct the title to the said West One Hundred ,ixty-nine (169) feet of Block Eighteen (18), 1). W.Palmer's Prospect Park Addition to the di.ty of Hastings, Nebraska, NOM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of Supervisors that the County of Adams, Nebraska, Claim Deed to LaMoine Hillers the following described premises: TheWiast One Hundred Sixty-nine (169) feet of Block Eighteen (18), 1). W. Palmer's Prospect Park Addition to the City of Hastings, Nebraska, for the sum of One Dollar ($1.00). Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of If 4 convey by County Quit Deputy Supervisors chai Ian -77rt COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Saturday, March 26, 1955. 10:00 otclock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of March 22, 1955. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Mailman and Utecht. Absent: Thompson. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Kidd, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION That the County Attorney be instructed to take the necessary legal action to get the Southern Nebraska itural Public Power District to remove the power poles and guys from the existing county right of way along the following roads; From Muriel east to the County line, from Muriel north to the Union Pacific Railroad and from Holstein north to No. 6 Highway. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Koepke, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, on the 21st day of February, 1955, the County of Adams, _Nebraska, entered into an agreement with Guy A. Thompson, trustee, Missouri -Pacific Railroad :;orporation by which agreement ,,4A rry.aylfeq fn -i- (-f-- nf Ariz:4mq the? nr nermission to enter and be UDOrl the • une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO 'S ECOID NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 111 10, AND WHEREAS, no formal resolution was passed on said date authorizing the execution of said agreement, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED :by the toard af Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska*that the County of Adams, Nebraska, enter into and bind itself to the attached agreement and that the County of Adams, Nebraska, ratify and confirm the acts of the said Chairman and County Clerk of February 21, 1955 and that said agreement be of full force and effect from and after the said 21st day of February, 1955, the same as if this resolution had been passed on said date. Roll call, all voted aye. Nlotion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Gangwish, that the followin resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, an emergency exists in relation to the County Library to the fact that the tax money has not come in to the County Library Fund as soon or in the amount provided and anticipated, and WHEREAS, said County Library Fund is not now sufficient to meet the needs of employee's salaries and other general maintenance requirements of the said county library and, WHEREAS, It is in the interest of the public welfare that the said County Liorary be continued in operation, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, that $1400.00 is required for the operation of the said County Library for the remainder of the fiscal year 1954-1955 and that a temporary loan be made from the General Fund of Adams County, Nebraska in the amount of 0.400.00 to the County Library Fund of Adams County, Nebraska, such temporary loan to be repaid from such sources as may be available whereby an annual levy of not to exceed two mills on a dollar upon the assessed valuation of the taxable property of Adams County, Nebraska, except intangible property. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Koepke, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Brown, Bert S. Brown, L. Maye Clerk of the District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Fitzke, Beverly Gangwish, Earl L. Gangwish, Earl L. Kidd, C. H. Kidd, C. H. Koepke, Carl J. Lightner, Ed Maltman, W. W. Register of Deeds Thompson, Ray Utecht, William J. Utecht, i11iam J. Veteran's Service Office Alberts, E. Ander-son, Roy Mustin, Weslie Block, Bruce Boontjer, Ted Gunderson, Tony Heuertz, James A. Hinrichs, Klaas H. Hock, Charley Hoefer, John w. Hohlen, Fred Johnson, E. E. Joynt, Orville -')ale Kennedy, Thomas 13. Kluver, John Koch, David Marshall Jr. Lower, ';leon Petrie, Arthur Henry Poore, Delbert Pritchard, Clyde Pritchard, Donald Witt, Lloyd Nash, Lloyd GENERAL FUND Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Mileage Salary Mile ge Salary Salary Salary Office Expense Salary Salary Mileage Office Expense ROAD FUND Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary BRIDGE FUND salary STATE FUNDS 130.00 30.00 512.50 876.63 641.66 897.50 854.67 704.16 511.66 1200.84 175.00 150.00 11.64 150.00 17.64 150.00 150.00 150.00 70(.50 150.00 150.00 8.70 420.00 200.00 250.00 250.00 290.00 250.00 250.00 240.40 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 400.00 245.20 240.40 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 281.80 0s SUPE VISO 'S 1' ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE RASKA D NO. 15 It Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Regular me Edward H. Roll call, COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Tuesday, March 29, 1955. 10;00 o'clock A.M. eying of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of March 26th, 1955. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman, Thompson, and Utecht. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Gangwish, that the following Resolution be adopted. RESOLTUTION WHEREAS, there has been signed by Adams County on 6th day S-204(2) April , 1954, and S-329(3) of Oct. 1953, and by the State on the 7th day of April, 1954, and the 27th day. of October, 1953, an agreement providing for the construction of a Federal Aid Secondary Road beginning S-204(2) Beginning from C. B. & Q. right of way in the Village of Juniata north to Project No. s-329(3). S-329(3) Beginning at the end of the paving near the airport, west through Juniata to the Southwest corner of Section 4, Township 7 North, Range 11 West, thence north one (1) mile. WHEREAS, in the above agreement, the County has pledged sufficient funds to finance it's share of the cost of the construction of these projects identified as Nos. S-204(2), and S-329(3), and WHEREAS, the above mentioned agreement provided that the County would pay all of the non -Federal costs of this project, and WHEREAS, the State received bids for the construction of this project on March 17, 1955, at which time 3 bids were received for the construction of the proposed work, and WHEREAS, the following contractors for the items of work listed have been selected as the low bidders to whom a contract (contracts) should be awarded: Robert M. Stump Construction Company - asphaltic concrete surface course 136,731.78. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above facts, the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, by this resolution, takes the following official action: 1. The Board hereby concurs in the selection of the above mentioned contractors for the items of work listed, to whom a contract should be awarded. 2. The Board does not desire to performany of the work with it's own forces in lieu of performing the work by the contract method. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Koepke, Seconded by Maltman, that the following Resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, a joint meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, and the County Board of Clay County, Nebraska, was duly fixed for the 25th day of March, 1955, for the hearing of a petition filed by the Glenvil Rural Fire District, and WHEREAS, the said Adams County Board of Supervisors was duly notified as were all persons duly notified as required and provided by law of the date and place and time of said meeting, and WHEREAS, said meeting was duly held but that the Adams County Board of Supervisors were not present at said meeting and there is land involved in the petition of said Glenvil Fire District which lies in Adams County, Nebraska, and WHEREAS, the land set forth in the Glenvil Rural Fire District petition which lies in Adams County, Nebraska, has always been satisfactory to the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, and said boundaries were so set at the meeting on the 25th day of March, 1955, aforesaid, NOW, THEREFORE, BF IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of Adams County, Nebraska, that all acts done, boundaries set and all the things whatever as pertains to the proposed Glenvil Rural Fire District at the meeting held on March 25, 1955 are hereby duly ratified, confirmed and validated to the same extent as if the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, had been present and had voted on the majority side of each vote taken and the following described boundaries are confirmed, set and ratified as the boundaries of the Glenvil Rural Fire District in Adams County, Nebraska, to -wit: Sections 33, 34, 35, except that part lying in the Naval Depot, and 36, except that part lying in the Naval Depot, all in Township 7 North, Range 9 West; Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1), 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, the East half of 28, the East half of 33, all of 34, 35, 36 in Township six North, Range 9 West; Sections 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, Township 5 North, Range 9 West, of the 6th P.M., all in Adams County, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the SUPE ne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. " VISO 'S iECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE. RASKA D NO. 15 10 COURT HOUSE, H STINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, April 6, 1955. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of March 29, 1955. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. holl call, members prbsent: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman, Thompson and Utecht. Motion by ahompson, seconded by Gangwish, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, on or about the 7th day of !arch, 1955, there was filed in the office of the County Clerk of Adams L'ounty, Nebraska, a petition requesting the formation of a rural fire protection district to be known as the Juniata RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, and WHEREAS, the Honorable Emma serg, County clerk of Adams County, has determined and certified that said petition and the signatures thereto comply with the requirements of law in all respects and designated the 4th day of May, 1955 at 8 o'clock P. M. at the Adams County Courthouse as the time and place for a hearing before this body on said petition, and WHEREAS, notice of said hearing was duly published as by law required, and (M, WHEREAS, at the time and place so fixed this body duly met and gave opportunity to be heard to all persons residing or owning taxable property within the proposed district respecting the formation of said district and the location of the boundaries thereof, and WHEREAS, careful consideration has been given to said petition and the evidence adducted at said hearing: NOW THEREFORE BE IT AND IT HEREBY IS RESOLVED: Section 1. 'hat it be and it hereby is found and declared that the formation and establishment of the Juniata RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT within the boundaries prescribed by Section 2 hereof would be in the public interest and suited to the general fire protection policy of the County as a whole. Section 2. That the Juniata RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT is hereby organized and established within the following boundaries, to -wit: Sections 5,6,7,8, 17,18,19,20,29,30,31,32 T8N, RlOW; Sections 5,6,7,8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 29, 30, 31, 32 T7N, R1OW; Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17ex SW* Ei 20,21,- 29, El 324 35, 36, T8N, R11W; Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, E* T22, , 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 28, El2 2 , 33, 3 , 7,. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.4,13, .111. aahie 5 16 E7 17, 214.1 25, 36 T7N, RilW. r --except Juni Section 3. ahat the County Clerk of Adams County, be and she hereby is directed to designate a time and place for a public meeting of of electors who are owners of any interest in real or personal property assessed for taxation in the district and who reside within the boundaries thereof, and to give notice of such meeting as by law prescribed. Section. 4. That a duly certified copy of this resolution be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Adams County, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Thompson, that the following reports be accepted and placed on file, County Judge, Clerk of the District Court, Sheriff, Deputy 'lax uollector, County Clerk, County Library, county Clerk Car 'itle, Register of Deeds and Adams County Nursing Home. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mailman, seconded by Utecht, that the following bonds be accepted and placed on file TOWNSHIP TREASURER: John Junker, Highland Township; Herman Mohling, west Blue Township; and Charley H. Snell, Juniata ownship; TOWNSHIP CLERK: Oscar Hansen, Denver Township and Glen Matthews, Juniata lownship; JUSTICE OF THF PEACE: Clarence Klusman, Kenesaw 'ownship and Leo Hoffman, Juniata Township; HASTINGS RURAL FIRE DISTRICT, Joe R. DeMuth. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Koepke, seconded by Gangwish, that the Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisors records: holl call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 125)4 12555 12556 12557 12558 12559 12560 12561 12562 12563 12564 12565 12566 12567 12568 12569 12570 12571 12572 12573 12574 12575 12576 Motion State Treas- State Assistance 193.47 3 & C. Steel Corporation 15.00 Neva Wolfe -Adams County Nursing Home418.75 Worthy B. Wood 38.25 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 145.00 Adams County Clerk 34.00 Adams County Bank 1341.93 L. J. 'iontz Construction 32.50 Daniel Snyder 5.00 Mel Kammerlohr, County Attorney 9.65 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 75.00 May Towler, Executrix 2476.56 Fred A. Robinson 502.00 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 120.00 Emma berg, County Clerk 379.80 Harry F. Russell 75.00 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 90.00 State Treasurer, Gas Tax Dist. 1115.73 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. 7434.65 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. 5700.25 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 70.00 Frundell Mfg Co. by lqrsP.D.Frundell 106.24 John E. Ray, County Judge 25.00 12577 12578 12579 12580 12581 12582 12583 12584 12585 12586 12587 12588 12589 12590 12591 12592 12593 12594 12595 12596 12597 12598 by Thompson. seconded by[Ttenbt.. that: WA crranf an Nick Konen 25.00 John E. Ray, County Judge 509.25 Grace Simpson, Justice of Pece 65.00 Kully Iron & Metal Co. 16.20 Mrs. L. L. Leonard 20.00 Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dist. Court 310.75 State 'Ireasurer, state Assistance 21244.40 Drive -In Theatre 10.00 Schroeder Road tund 1326.40 Webster County 125.00 Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dist. Court 22.00 Emma Berg, County Clerk 17.72 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 60.00 Fred O. Schaffroth, Register ofDeed Daniel E. Snyder 5.00 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 85.00 John E. Ray, County Judge 3.00 State Treasurer -State Assistance 68.09 Perry O. Larkin 6.80 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 120.00 O. Cr. Evans 10.00 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 90.00 544-50 ,Imricinmi=>nf 4 TT 108 SUPE VISO'S ADAMS COUNTY, NE 0 411, D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Koepke, that the County Clerk be instructed to advertise for one load or 40,000 pounds grader blades. Roll call, all voted aper., Motion carried. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Utecht, that we adopt the following resolution "BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Supervisors sell to the following purchaser the following described property: Lots 5, 6, & 8, Block 11, Cole's 1st Addition, City of Hastings to James 3. Kluver for $300.00; Lots 40, 41, and 42, A. M. Ghost's Addition, City of Hastings to Coleman Ben Ford for v100.00; Lot 8, Block 13, Prospect Park ,Addition, city of Hastings to Elden E. Borden for 0100.00; Lot 11, Block 1, West Lawn Addition, City of Hastings to Robert J. Kent for 9105.00; South 14 ft of Lot 6, Jorgensen's Addition, City of Hastings to Emma W. Shaw for 950.00; W. 1.7 ft of E. 51.7 ft of Lot 2, Block 13, Dawes & iloss Addition, City of Hastings to Eli Christensen for 91.00; Lot14, Bleck 4, Original Town, Roseland Village to Christina b. Goedert for $15.00; Lot 74, Juniata Village to Gailord Weseman for 910.00; an -1 that the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors be hereby authorized to execute and deliver Quit Claim Deeds to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted ayed. Notion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Kid, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: R. b. A. proposes that the cost of moving poles located between 32.3 and 331 be split between 1- . A. and Adams County. Cost of moving poles to be estimated by E. A. and submitted to Adams County, Engineer'within one day; cost not to exceed estimate. In no case is the cost to include any material or labor not absolutely necessary to the moving of the poles. it is our understan-ling that the moving of the poles will be done within 24 hours. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Gangwish, that we insure each County Shed for 5010 of recommended insurance value on 11.ed No. 1 at $1750.00; Shed No. 2 Et 01450.00; Shed No. 3 at $21Q0.00; Ayr Shed at s31250.00; Holstein Shed $1350.00; Juniata 'hed at $1250.00; Kenesaw Shed at $1550.00; Pauline Shed $1400.00 and l'oseland ''hed at $1300.00; or a total of $13,400.00 and that purchase be made through the Hastings Association of Insurance Agents. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconeed by Kidd, that we purchase Public Liability and Property Damage on Licensed Vehicles (19) Limits of Liability; $50,00/100,000 for bodily Injury Q10,000 for Property Damage, Premium $957.18. Roll call, Ayes: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman and Thompson. Nay: Utecht. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Koepke, that we authorize the County Treasurer to purchase $50,000.00 U. S. Government Series K. boms. Roll call, all voted aye.Notion carried. • Motion by Maltman, seconded by Thompson, that Ed Lightner, County Chairman be authorized to sign a Quit 'laim Deed:to Lots 5 & 6, Block 2, East board Street Addition to the Citta of Hastings for Municipal use only. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Gangwish, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. holl call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND B. C. Appliance Co. ACME PrintinF Company Acme Printing Company Adams County Agrciltural Extension Service Adams County Service committee Anderson Brothers Augustine company Ayr Village Bauder C. W. Berg, County jlerk Emma Bivens George business Supply Company Business Supply Company Caes, M. D. City of Hastings County Assessor County Attorney County Attorney County Supt. County Supt. Dictaphone corporation Dior Dutton-Lainson Company Hammond & Stephens Co. Hastings Association of Insurance Agents Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings lypewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings lypewriter Company Henry J. E. L. Repairs Supplies Supplies Office Expense Office Expense Labor, material Supplies hent As Postage bailiff Supplies Supp_ies Services Refund Mileage Box Rent Postage Mileage Postage Supplies Vital Statistics Supplies Supplies Insurance Supplies PupLishing, Supplies Notice to Voters Advertising Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies 18.68 16.55 34.35 350.00 71.60 149.80 20.51 6.00 19.60 11.03 50.00 .40 2.75 100.00 14.50 12.00 2.25 12.50 59.67 10.27 8.00 180.50 5.91 9.00 749.72 14.65 260.91 6.34 12.00 6.00 5.75 51.18 4.09 26.55 8.41 9.11 SUPE ne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. VISO 'S )ECOD NO, 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Kammerlohr Kammerlohr Kammerlohr Kammerlohr Leth, Clerk District Court Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co Loshonkohl Mahoney, County Treasurer Martin Lumber Company Mary Laming Memorial hospital Milburn & Scott Li0 Inc. Mousel Onken hay, County Judge Aedfield & Company Inc. hose Roseland Stiate Bank sandritter,M.D. chafer Printing Company schafer Printing Company Schafer Printing Company Schafer Printing Company Schaffroth, Register of Deeds School istrict # 11 Schultz, Clerk of istrict Court Shepardts Citations Inc. Stephenson S-;hool Supply Co. University PublishinL co. Village of Holstein "est Publishing Company Wood, Sheriff World Isook Company World Dook Company Youngblood Augustin Bell Co. Inc. Bell Co. Inc. Budd Oil Company Clarke Oil Company Conner Consumers Public Power istrict Continental Oil Company Cook Paint & Varnish Company Cook Paint & Varnish Company Cook Paint & Varnish Company Damere11 Dens -Oil Lubricant Company Dilly's Service Eaton Metal Products Eisele Farmers Union `"o -Op. Gas & Oil Gilpints Garage Hageman Hardware.. Co. Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Holstein Lumber '0. Huckfeldt, et al Island. Supply Company Jensen and Associates Joynt Kansas Nebraska Nctural Gas Katzberg Tire Shop Kenesaw Lumber Company Kenesaw Motor Company Kenesaw Oil Company Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln •Telephone&Teiegraph McClelland Rose Motors Inc. Messer Co. Modern Linen Supply Moore Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Newman Pittz service RuJsell Savery Savery Schaffroth, Register of Leeds Sherman service Center Sidles Company Melvin Melvin Melvin Melvin C. J. Arthur D. Chas. -sdw. T. John E. K. K. K. K. Ernest C. G. Lee .Mary Worthy B. i. L. ROAD FUND Orville James W. James W. Harmon & Evelyn Marie Corporation , chas. Co. Co. Henrietta Vearl L. Ivan E. Co. L. J. Wm. uo. 0. • Herbert P. C. Ronald E. Rex. T. & Inez L. hex T & Inez L. Advanced court costs Postage Freight Trarscript Postage Telephone service Labor Postage, Bank charge Supplies 4 Rolls of tilm Supplies Services Assessing State cases Supplies Labor hent witness fees Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Box Rent, Postage hefund State cases, committal Supplements Supplies Supplies Refund Supplies Jailor fee, Postage, .vood,Laundry Nileage Supplies Supplies Titles Storage Supplies, Repairs Repairs Diesel Gas Land Purchase Utilities Diesel Supplies Supplies Supplies Land Purchase Bentone Gas Culverts Repairs Gas, Diesel &as, Supplies Repairs, Supplies iepairs, Supplies Sppplies Utilities Demurrage Supplies Land Purchase Repairs, Supplies Agreement Labor Utilities Supplies Supplies Repairs, Supplies Gas Gas epaiirs, Supplies telephone service hepairs Repairs, supplies Laundry &as, Repairs Repairs Repairs, supplies Salary uas, Diesel Land Purchase Land. Purchase Land Purchase Recording Repairs epairs, supplies 3.00 1.48 2.53 1.25 2.11 169.75 77.00 12.92 59.77 6.58 12.43 58.18 241.5o 28.25 55.11 49.0o 10.00 150.00 30.90 3.5o 35.20 27.10 8.25 1.75 195.0o 18.00 14.82 1.72 7.5o 30.00 354.8o 15.40 59.48 32.50 20.00 138.53 80.38 74.68 50.09 16.84 5.23 84.88 64.67 72.20 19.38 2/4.90 59.0 38.52 2175.1.'2 8.00 250.47 16.12 10.80 34.75 10.90 29.68 23.31 43-78 5o.4o 243.20 991_.75 35.20 30.15 17.b1 58.85 14.58 140.68 115.51 196.71 16.30 1.74 162.23 4.66 53.90 8.65 845.03 201.60 233.25 49.20 30.00 70.2.40 29.75 42.90 104.90 110 SUPE 1" VISO ADAMS 1` c • 11 ECO UNTY, NE 11; D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Whities Seat Covers Whities,Seat Covers Wilber service Inc. Wilder Service Station Witt Dutton-Lainson Company Dutton-Lainson Company Dutton-Lainson Company Dutton-Lainson Company Naggatz Rief Rinck Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Road Account Acme Printing %mpany Berg, County Clerk Business Supply Company Englehorn Hager Kipp Lincoln '2elephone & Telegraph McCarty Polk & Company Snyder Wyckoff Gerald D. BRIDGE FUND Ervin W. Henry Thomas William SCHROEDER ROAD FUND Erma Supplies Repairs Repairs Gas Labor Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies ,Salary Salary Salary Supplies supplies Labor, Equipment rental STATE ADMINISTRATION Evelyn D. Addie John W. Co. Freida Paye R. L. Daniel E. Clara Maxine SOLDIER'S & SAILORS Adams County Soldier's Relief Fund Albright Albright Albright Aman Aman Aman Ernst Ernst Ernst Gaylord Bros. Inc. Hastings Carnegie Library Hastings Carnegie Library Hastings Carnegie Library Jones Jones Jones Kindig Kindig Kindig McNair McNair McNair Parks Parks Parks Snell Snell Snell Story House Company Amen Bert's hexall ,Ijrug Store Bi -Lo Market Brooke & Son Drug Store Brunkow Coghlan Cook Paint & Varnish ')o. Credit bureau of Hastings DeBacker, M. D. Eckhardt's Grocery Foote, M.D. Greenberg, M.D, Hastings Drug Store Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Miss Miss Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. COUNTY LIBRARY A. F. A. F. A. R. J. R. D. R. D. Waunetta Waunetta Waunetta Aaron Aaron Aaron Margaret Margaret Margaret Klyoe Klyoe Klyoe Arlene Arlene Arlene Howard Howard Howard POOR AID FUND Peter Mr. Herbert Mrs. J. h. L. J. Donovan B. N. Supplies Postage Supplies Mileage =age Telephone service Mileage Supplies Mileage Mileage Relief Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Wary Salary Supplies Library service Library service Library service Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Books Janitor service Medical supplies Staple foods I'ledical supplies Rent Care Supplies Credit Service Medical care Staple foods Medical care Medical care Medical supplies 23.81 7.00 8.00 24.35 10.93 154.00 3.00 4-47 4-64 2.37 220.80 192.00 2)10.00 8.33 12.40 771.20 35.2o 17.32 11.33 .72 8.16 150.00 38.65 3.54 25.00 8.64 7.44 208.33 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 • 6.20 90.00 90.00 90.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 11.20 65.0o 4-48 65.00 30.24 20.00 65.00 3.44 5.00 3.00 20.00 9.00 35.00 18.05 7--.‘ SUPE une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. VISO '.S ECO1'W NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Jack & Jill Grocery- Spencer Park Jaco, Agent J. D. Johnson's Venetian Blind Service Kafrsas Nebraska latural Gas Co.Inc Kendall Kendig's Grocery Mrs. Effie Kostal, M. D. O. A. Kunce's Grocery LairdCoal Co. Lloyd B. Larkin,Director Perry O. Larkin,Director Perry O. Larkin Verna J. Lamore's Market Livingston-Butler-Volland Funeral Home Mackie's Star Grocery Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mikkelsen Drug uompany Pinney, M. D. George L. Rogers Katherine Rutt Ars. ±'rank Rutt's Drug store # 1 Rutt's ,Drug Store # 2 Skaggs Grocery # 13 Skaggs Grocery # 5 Skaggs Grocery # 11 Skaggs Grocery if 5 Smith, M. D. Smith, Supt. Snyder Stop and Shop Grocery Tommy's Market # 1 Tribune Graphic Arts 14dstern Auto Associate Store Wolfe Inderson Baker osert's Drug store Bert's "exall Drug Store Brommer Dispensary Brooke & Son Charlton Corey Davis Davis .Egenr Ellis Fern's Pharmacy Foote Freeman Haeberle Drug Store Hastines Drug Store Hoffman Hoffmeister Holm Holthaus '-'rug Store Kingsley Kleager Kuehn McIntire Mace Mary Lanning Hospital Mikkelsen's Drug store Myers Pinney Reinke Rutt's Drug Store # 1 Rutt's Drug More # 2 Scheidies Smith VonStrode Weber Wolfe 0. P. O. P. O. P. O. P. A. A. J. N. Daniel E. Mrs. Neva MEDICAL, SURGICAL Dr, H. F. Mrs. Sybil R. A. Dr. G. P. Mrs. Walter Dr. H. L. Db. I. F. Phidelia Dr. C. M. Verne & Golds H. H. Dr. K. Dr. G. Dr. C. R. C. F. Dr. D. ". Dr. Clyde Dr. G. A. Dr. R. H. Dr. J. L. Bertha Dr. G. L. Ella Mrs. Amanda Dr. A. A. Mrs . . Dr. C. R. Neva Staple food Rent Supplies Utilities Care Staple foods Medical care Staple foods Fuel Revolving fund Postage Mileage Staple foods Burial Staple food Hospital care Medical supplies Medical care Rent Care Medical supplies Medical supplies staple food Staple food Staple food Staple food Medical care 6lothine, care Mileage Staple food Staple food Supplies Supplies Care AND HOSPITAL CARE This Board will now recess subjedt to the call of the Medical care Nursing care Medical supplies Medical supplies Glasses Medical supplies Medical care Nursing care Nursing care Medical care Medical care Nursing care Medical supplies Medical care Nursing care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical care medical c -re Medical supplies Medical care Medical care medical care Medical care Medical care Hospital care Medical supplies Nursing care Medical care Nursing care Medical supplies Medical supplies Nursing care Medical care Nursing care hedical care Nursing care Chairman of the 80.00 37.50 2.00 11.94 50.00 26.50 13.00 54.50 44.50 78.81 10.00 6.12 20.00 150.00 18.00 121.40 1.75 3.00 15.00 200.00 10.43 3.50 182.70 67.25 162.00 2.38 2.00 218.96 7.44 47.25 39.90 8.20 1.50 405.00 13.00 46.95 62.20 69.00 11.75 62.25 6.00 26.20 50.00 109.00 4.00 12.73 5.50 10.00 58.00 27.40 114.55 15.20 11.00 3.00 9.50 56.00 200.00 62.02 26.00 55.00 2357.95 16.97 121.20 18.87 41.20 28.60 81.19 168.85 150.00 238.15 11.00 303.16 ounty Board of Supe is rs. r an 112 SUPE VISO 'S iECO ADAMS COUNTY, NEB ASKA 111. D NO. 15 I Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINCS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 26, i955. 10 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of April 6, 1955. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Mailman, Thompson and Utecht. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Mailman, that we purchase Underwood Sundstrand Electric Adding Machine from the Nebraska Office Service Company of Grand Island being the lowest and best bid of $444.60. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. * Motion by Utecht, seconded by Maltman, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there has been s the 10th day of February 195 Secondary Road beginning at thence north on the section on the section line between miles. igned by Adams County on 7th day of Feb. 1955, and by the State on 5, an agreement providing for the construction of a Federal Aid the southwest corner of Section 4, Township 6 North, Range 9 West; line to the south right of way line of the Missouri Pacific Railroad Sections 20 & 21, Township 7 North, Range 9 West, a distance of 3.69 WHEREAS, in the above agreement, the County has pledged sufficient funds to finance it's share of the cost of the construction of this project identified as No. S-252 (1), and WHEREAS, the above mentioned agreement provide, that the County would pay all of the non -Federal costs of this project, and WHEREAS, the State received bids for the construction of this project on April 21, 1955, at which time '8 bids were (was) received for the construction of the proposed work, and WHEREAS, the following contractors for the items of work listed have 'been selected as the low bidders to whom a contract (contracts) should be awarded: Arnold Swanson and Company- roadway preparation and surface course -$64,339.95. Nichols Uonstruction Company- culvert items 41,393.2L NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above facts, the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, by this resolution, takes the following official action: 1. The L5oard hereby concurs in the selection of the above of work listed, to whom a contract should be awarded. 2. The Board does not desire to perform any of the* work with it's own forces in lieu of performing the work by the contract method. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Koepke, seconded by Utecht, that the mentioned contractors for the items following' resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there has been signed by Adams Uountyon 6th day of Oct. 1953, and by the State on the 27th day of October 1953, an agreement providing for the construction of a Federal Aid Secondary Road beginning at the southwest corner of Section 4, Township 6 north, Range 9 west, thence east to the County line 4.0 miles. WHERE'S, in the rbove agreement, the County has pledged sufficient funds to finance it's share of the cost of the construction of this project identified as No. S-563(1), and WHEEAS, the above mentioned agreement provided that the County would pay all of the non -Federal costs of this project, and WHEREAS, the State received bids for the construction of this project on April 21, 1955, at which time 6 bids were (was) received for the construction of the proposed work, and WHEREAS, the following conLractos for the items of work listed have been selected as the low bidders to whom a contract (contracts) should be awarded: Arnold Swanson and uompany- roadway preparation and surface course - 05,260.00 Nichols Construction Company- culvert items - $7,036.38 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above facts, the board of Supervisors of Adarns County, by this resolution, takes the following official action: 1. The Board hereby concurs in the selection of the above mentioned contractors for the items of work listed, to whom a contract shouldbe awarded. 2. The ,-'oard does not desire to perform any of the work with it's own forces in lieu of performing the work by the contract method. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion ,by Thompson, seconded by Kidd, that we purchase a 1400 gallon water tank from the Eaton Mu etal ompany for $685.00, delivery within three weeks. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mailman, seconded ay Koepke, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. ne Graphic Arts, Hast'ngs Nebr SUPE 111 VISO 'S )ECOD NO, 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Brown, Bert B. Brown, L. Maye Clerk of the District Court County Assessor County AttorneY County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Fitzke, Beverly Gangwish, Earl L. Ha.ngwish, Earl L. Kidd, C. H. Kidd, C. H. Koepke, Carl J. Lightner, Ed Mailman, W. W. Register of Deeds Thompson, Ray M. Utecht, Wjlljarn J. Utecht, "illiam J. VeLerants Service Office Anderson, Roy Austin, Weslie Block, Bruce Boontjer, Ted Gunderson, Tony Heuertz, James A. Hinrichs, Klaas H. Hock, Charley Hoefer, John vv. Hohlen, Fred Johnson, E. E. Joynt, Orville Dale Kennedy, Thomas B. Kluverl John Koch, David Marshall Jr. Lower, Cleon Petrie, Arthur Henry Poore, Delbert Pritchard, Clyde R. Pritchard, Donald Witt, Lloyd Alberts, E. Nash, Lloyd Larkin,Perry 0. -Director GENERAL FUND Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense 'Salary Mileage Salary Salary Salary Salary Office Expense Salary Salary Mileage Office Expense ROAD FUND Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary SCHROEDER ROAD FUND Salary BRIDUE FUND Salary STATE FUNDS Welfare Office xpense This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County 130.00 30.00 512.50 1002.50 641.66 897.50 867.27 704.16 511.66 1200.83 175.00 150.00 2.36 150.00 11.52 150.00 150.00 150.00 707.50 150.00 150.00 12.60 420.00 250.00 250.00 290.00 250.00 250.0, 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 1100.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 230.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 200.00 280.00 2370.00 Board of Supervisors 114 SUPE VISO 'S EC01•\D NOG 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, April 5, 1955. 10:00 oiclock A.M. Meeting of the Adams county Board of Supervisors met as per advertised bids for Gravel. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman, Thompson and Utecht. At 10:00 o'clock A. M. the following bids were opened and read: M. M. Lippincott Construction Company, Lilley Sand & Gravel Company, Bladen and and Gravel and L. J. Vontz Construction Company. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Kidd, that the bids be referred, to the County Engineer for tabulation. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Gangwish, That with the recommendation of Edward E. Johnson, County Engineer reading, in order to complete the road program outlined by the County Board for this year, I recommend that we trade two old tractors and one old scoop for a new tractor and scoop, and that we purchase from the Lincoln Equipment company 1-D6 Tractor, 1 -No. 60 Scraper, and 1 -No. 25 lleavy Duty Double Drum Unit, with a trade in of 2 -TD 9 Tractors and 1 -Adams Model 50 scraper at a net price of $14,750.00 r. 0. B. Hastims, Nebraska, delivery by May 20th, 1955. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This L'oard will now recess until May 6th 1955. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA t'riday, May 6, 1955. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County soard of Supervisors met as per recess of May 5, 19-5'5 2\ Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman and ULecht. Absent: Thompsoq At 10:00 o'clock A. M. the following Grader blade bids were opened and read: Highway Equipment and supply Company, ieehrs Equipment Company, Lincoln Steel Works and Paper, Calmenson & Company. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Maltman, that we purchase approximately 40,000 pounds of grader blades of 90% single bevel curved e x 8" x 7' @i.16 per lineal foot and 10% double bevel curved e x 8" x 6' @1.04 per lineal foot r. O. B. Hastings, Nebr, from the Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Roll call, all voted aye .Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Koepke, that we accept the Gravel bids per cubic yard, providing the bidders enter into the agreement now in the hands of the County Clerk within ten days as follows: Lippincott L'onstruction company, west blue -township $1.15; Denver Township $1.40; yr'ownship $1.39; and Zero Township $1.35. Lilley Sand and Gravel Company, Highland Township $.95; Verona Township $.82, Kenosaw Township .99 Wanda jownship $1.30; Juniata Township $1.05; Roseland iownship $1.20; Cottonwood Township $1.36; Logan Township $1.60; Vontz Construction Company, Blaine township $1.49; Hanover 'Iownship $1.15; Silver Lake Township $1.58; and Little Blue lownship $1.25; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Koepke, seconded by Gangwish, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisors record: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 12599 12600 12601 12602 12603 12604 12605 12606 12607 12608 12609 12610 12611 12612 12613 12614 12615 12616 12617 12618 12619 12620 12621 12622 12623 Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dist Court Kula & Kammerlohr, County Attorney n'nma Berg, County 'lerk 4ima ierg, County clerk Dr. C. O. J. Johnston Levi whitcomb Neva "olfe Perry Larkin Worthy B. Wood Grace 6impson, Justice of Peace U. S. Treasurer Fred Teller Glenn G. Matthews, lownship Clerk John Ray, County Judge John h. Ray, County Judge W. M. Whelan, rxec. Grace simpson, Juttice of Pepce Mrs. Amelia ljaden ha -les C. Osborne, Exec. Robert J. Kent Gailord Weseman Elden E. 13orden Coleman J3en mord James B. Kluver Emma W. Shaw 12.5.5o 6.35 2187.12 245.25 6.00 4.00 422.75 10.00 36.75 130.00 13000.00 10.00 375.00 25.00 25.00 275.98 70.00 271.05 13978.75 88.97 6.91 85.44 100.00 300.00 50.00 12624 12625 12626 12627 12628 12629 12630 12631 12632 12633 12634 12635 12636 12637 12638 12639 12640 12641 12642 12643 12644 12645 12646 12647 12648 Christina S. Goedert 15.00 State Treas- Gas Tax Dist. 1029.04 State Treas- as Tax JJist. 6856.99 State Treas- Gas Tax Dist. 5257.35 race Simpson,Justice of ieace 63.00 John E. hay, County Judge 525.15 '-tate Treas- State Assistance 30214.58 race Simpson, Justice of Peace 120.00 Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dist Ct 340.50 Emma Berg, County Clerk 410.65 Emma Berg, County Clerk 17.32 i'red Schaffroth, Reg Deeds 818.90 Grace Simpson 80.00 Special Mail “oute 'toad 771.20 W. 3. Woods, Sheriff 7.75 Grace Simpson 90.00 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 45.00 John E. Ray, County Judge 10.10 Lrace Simpson, Justice of Peace 75.00 State Treas-State Assistance 170.19 Eno Christensen 30.00 Willard Kissinger 20.00 E. James Kula 12.15 Lancelled Mel Kanmerlohr 771 .80 Graphjc Arts, Hastingg, Nebr. SUPE VISO A 'S i'EC(011 NO. 15 AMS COUNTY, NE:RASKA Motion by Kid, seconded by Maitman, that the following reports be accepted and placed on file. Tax Collector, (2) Car Title Report, County Clerk, Register of Deeds, Adails County Nursing dome, Sheriff, Junge, Clerk of the District Court,and Carnegie Library. Roll call, all voted aye. F,otion carried. Motion by Maltman, WHEREAS, seconded by Koepke, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTTON: Catherine Spady was an Old Age receipient of Adams WHEREAS, said recipient is no longer on 01d Age Assistance WHEREAS, said recipient has made payment in full to Adams Old Age Assistance received by her and, County, Nebraska, and rolls, and ounty, Nebraska, of the amount of WHE;1EAS, a lien for Old Age Assistance has been filed in favor of said county against Lot 17, Block 2, Gedney's Addition to the city of Hastings, Adams Uounty, Nebraska. Recorded in Mortgage Book 164, page 598. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be directed to release and discharge said lien upon the above described real estate. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maitman, seconded by Utecht, that we adopt the following resolution "BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board of Supervisors sell to the following purchaser the following described property: Lots 3, 7, 9 & 10, Block 11 Cole's 'irst Addition, City of Hastings to Louis M. & Anna M. Shaffer for $415.00; Lots 1 & 2, Block 13, East Park Addition, .1. -by of Aastings to M. M. Lippincott for 30.00; Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, d, 13, Th., 15, 16, 17 & 18 Block 3, Steven's Sub Division to J. A. Rutt for $720.00; and that the L'hairman of the County Board of Supervisors be hereby authorized to execute and deliver Quit Claim Deeds to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 1:30 o'clock P. M. the following 1/2 ton truck bids were opened and read: Kenesaw, Motor ompany, Kerr -Cochran Inc, D.& R Motors, Sherman Service Center Inc, Fred Spady Motors'and Huntsbarger Bailes Inc. Motion or Kidd, seconded by Gangwish, that we purchase one 1/2 Ion 1955 l'ord Pickup at 41290.00 from the Kenesaw Motor Company. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 330 o'clock P. A.. the chairman appointed W. W. Maltman, Carl Koepke and Ray Thompson as a Committee to investigate the Fred Tockey application for Asmusement and Dance Hall Licenses. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Kidd, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the District Court kund of Adams County, Nebraska due to unanticipated requirements essential to the administration of Justice, the public safety and the public welfare within said county including the expenses incident to the first degree murder trial of State vs Daniel E. Smith; and WHEREAS, said funds are insufficient to operate said District Court for the remainder of this fiscal year, and, WHEREAS, it is essential to the preservation of maintenance within said county of the administration of Justice, the public safety, the public welfare, and the public health that said -District Court have additional funds, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, that $500.00 is required for the operation of the said District Court for the remainder of the fiscal year 195471955 and that from the amount of unexpended appropriations now on hand in the General ilund of Adams jounty, Nebraska in the amount, of 9-500.00 to the District Court of Adams Uounty, Nebraska; as provided by Section 23-918 Aebr. Rev. Stat. 1943. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Utecht, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there is an Old Age Assistance lien filed against Lots 5 & 6, Block 9 Sowell's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, in favor of Adams County, Nebraska recorded in Book 154, Page 420, and WHEREAS, said property was owned by henry Christel at the time said line was filed, and WHEREAS, the said "enry Christel has never been a recipient of Old Age Assistance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that the Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be directed to release and discharge said Old Age Assistance Lien from said property. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. :Motion by Koepke, seconded by Utecht, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. B. C. Appliance Co. Acme Printing Company • GENERAL FUND Repairs, -bixtures Supplies 39.48 61.65 116 SUPE VISO 'S 1°'ECO) NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NIEzRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Bohlke Bourg City Engineering Conrad County Assessor County Attorney County Supt. County Supt. Credit Bureau of Hastings Isigenberg Eisele -beese, M. D. Hastings Association of Hastings Association of Hastings Hastings HastinEs Hastings Hastings Has Hastings Wallace A. G. & Inspection Dept. Frank Daily Tribune industrial supplies Typewriter Company Typewriter Company Typewriter Company Typewriter Company. Typewriter Company Typewrite Ray J.P. insurance Agents Insurance Agents Hastings Typewriter company Hastings Utilities Dept. Hide Printing Co. Inc. Hide Printing Co. Inc. Hunnicutt Hunnicutt Kammerlohr Karnme rlohr Karr Knight Kula Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Lord Company McGrath Hardware Co. Mahoney, County Treas Medsker Mohling Monroe Calculating Machine Co. Monroe Calculating Machine Co. Ne eman Newell Oelschlager Omaha Printing Co. Onken Onken Onken- Panama Carbon Company Parks Ray, County Judge Redfield & Company Robinson Sanders Sanford Schafer Printing Company SchleEal schultz, Clerk of Dist Court Seeley Stuart Thomas, Tax Collector Tribune Graphic Arts Trupp Turner Village of Kenesaw West Publishing Company Wood, Sheriff Woods World Book Co. Yost Young Harvey Harvey Melvin K. MelvinK. Delvin Robert G. E. James Co. T. C. J.H. D. Theodore Henry Inc. Inc. George Aragon Augustin 3rown Budd Oil Company Clarke Oil Company Consumers Public Power Dist Continental Oil Company Cook Paint & Varnish Co. cox Desn-Oil Lubricant co. Dillys Service Dutton-Lainson Company Jutton-Lainson Company f.,rmers Union Co -Op. Gas ?, Oil firestone Stores kripn,q Nnc-)r> Su -only E. S. -Wm. Cleo 1. Edw. T. Frank Arline John E. C. N. tay L. H. K. C. G. Mary Claude . LaVon K. Ray Jacob C. Elwin Worthy 3. . E. Lloyd Sherman B. ROAD FUND Anthony Orval & Thelma Lyle K. 'Prank & Edith E. Co. Assessing Assessing Maps Assessing Postage Postage Postage Mileage Credit service & bcok Assessing Assessing Medical service Insurance insurance Printing, Publishing supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Supplies Room for assessing Assessing Attendance at law clinic Transcript Assessing Iteporting, transcribing Supplies Telephone service Supplies Broom Postage, supplies Assessing As Supplies Supplies Assessing As Assessing Supplies Assessing Assessing Assessing Supplies lient State cases, Postage Supplies Assessing Assessing As Supplies Assessing State cases Assessing Reporting M.ileage Supplies Assessing Assessing Rent Books Jailor fee, Postage, .iood, Laundry, Mieage Assessing Sapplies As Assessing Salary Land Purchase Labor Gas, Diesel Gas Utilities Diesel Supplies Land Purchase Transmission Gas Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel Tire & Tube Supplies 120.80 10.00 80,00 632.80 6.00 6.00 15.00 )46.89 23.00 158.4o 173.20 3.00 238.48 881.04 111.88 10.95 9.99 .6o 3.45 22.65 9.67 5.45 148.11 1.75 3.5o 23.30 132.8o 29.00 1.00 133.20 b5.00 3.88 173.04 15.11] 2.25 1]4.63 30.60 321.20 31.00 1.65 158.00 39.20 1)13.20 28.01 235.60 199.50 352.8o 6.05 9.00 22.00 37.82 370.80 190.00 117.60 10.25 262.00 43.50 323.60 22.00 4.20 38.15 200.00 10240 20.00 108.00 446.41 184.00 21.82 156.00 228.80 2 105.60 75.80 12.10 81.90 268.23 2.14 141.28 4.22 13.80 106.94 65.85 19.69 5.20 93.05 197.31 62.05 7 -Th rkune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO St IECOI" D A AMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA NO. 15 Jensen & Associates Joynt Kansas Nebr, Natural &as Co. Kenesaw Motor Co. Kent Oil Co. Keuffel & Esser 'o Kissinger Ralph R. Kistler D. G. Kuehn Lewis A. & Emma Lenhart Service itation Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Lutkemeier McGrath Hardware Company Meyer William R. Modern Linen Supply Co. Nebr. Department of hoads & Irrigation Nebr. Tractor & Eouipment Co. Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co. Newman Herbert P. C. Pauley Lumber Co. W. G. Pavelka 3ros, Pittz 6ervice Saathoff Henry B. Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Fred O. Sidles Company Sime A. J. Southern Nebraska Rural Public Power Thomas Specialty Mfg. Co. Velder Hay Village of Glenvil Village of ulenvil wagner °ales Wailes Jesse & Helen "estern Labatories Inc. Wheeler Lumber Bride & Stpply co. Wheeler Lumbet Bridge & Supply Co. Wil er Service Inc. Wilder Service Station Willard Vearl L. Ivan E. M. C. Co. August & Lucille Winrtoh Witt Nebr. Department of hoads Harry R. 1tacque D. Gerald D. A. K. SCHROEDER ROAD FUND & Irrigation McGrath Hardware Co. Naggatz Rief hinck 'State Reformatory Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Hager McCarty Snyder Wyckoff Adams-;ounty Soldiers Relief -Albright Aman Ernst -Hastings Carnegie Lirary Jones Kindig McNair Parks Snell -Amen Berg, County Clerk 3ert1s Rexall Drug Store -Bi-Lo Market Brooke & Son Drug Store Brunkow Business Supply Company Coghlan Cook Paint & Varnish Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Eckhardt's Grocery Egen, M. D. Foote, M. D. Groenewold Cash Grocery 4- -1 BRIDGE FUND J. H. Ervin W. Henry Thomas William Co. STATE ADMINISTRATION Addie Freida Faye Daniel E. Clara Maxine SOLDIER'S & SAILOR'S l'und COUNTY LIBRARY Mrs, A. F. Mrs. R. D. Mrs. Waunetta Mrs. Aaron Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Klyoe Arlene Ars. Howard POOR AID FUND Peter Emma Herbert J. R. Lothar F. C. M. Agreement Salary Utilities Trucks Gas, Diesel Suppldes Salary Repairs Land Purchase Gas, Repairs Repairs, supplies Telephone service Land Purchase Supplies Salary Laundry Construction hepairs, supplies Ilepairs, supplies Salary Supplies Repairs Gas, Diesel, Repairs (xas Recording Repairs Cas, Diesel Utilities Repairs Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Land Purchase Agreement Supplies Supplies Repairs, supplies Gas, Repairs Salary '2:13 - Labor Construction 6upplies Salary Salary Salary Supplies Supplies Mileage Mileage Mileage Mileage Relief Salary Salary Salary Library service Salary Salary Salary Salary Janitor service Postage Medical supplies Staple foods Medical supplies -tient Supplies Care Supplies Credit Service Staple foods Medical care Aedical care Staple foods 662.50 158.40 21.97 6550.00 193.24 36.99 157.30 18.00 18.75 29.82 886.13 12.80 50.00 3.80 171.60 4.87 74,014.79 145.71 813.97 243.60 1.25 15.00 138.13 137.95 8.50 81.91 245.94 22.88 2.35 254-40 10.15 53.20 31.13 11.60 610.00 14.56 2500.52 556.45 159.40 . 157.30 19.80 254.4o 68,365.89 3.20 213.60 22)j 210.00 6.05 19.18 10.14 3.12 9.48 2.46 208.33 25.00 25.00 35.00 100.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 65.00 17.24 6.48 90.00 /17.50 20.00 15.60 65.00 1.06 5.00 20.00 4.00 36.00 53.00 118 SUPE VISO ADAMS C S l'ECOIDAD N 0. 15 UNTY, NEIRASKA Tribune Graphic Arta, Hastings, Nebr. Jack & J111 Grocery - Kendall Kipp Kostal, M. D. Kuehn, M. D. Kunce's Grocery Larkin Larkin, Director Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McGrath Hardware o. J. H. McIntire, M. 'D. Robert H. Mikkelsen Drug 'o. Missouri Valley Brace Go. Platt Aogers "utt's Drug Store if 1 "utt's Drug Store f 2 "utt Safeway Stores Inc. Safeway Stores Skaggs Grocery # 5 O. P. Skaggs Grocery # 13 O. P. Skac2gs Grocery It 11 O. P. Smith, Supt. J. N. Snyder Daniel E. Stop and shop Grocery Sullvian Mrs. Lillie VonStrode Mrs. W. R. "estern Auto Associate Store Wolfe York General Hospital zubrod's Grocery 3rd & surl. Mrs. Effie John W. O. A. Gerald A. Perry O. Perry 0. Co. Mrs. Alberta Katherine Mrs. Frank Mrs. Neva MEDICAL, HOSPITAL AND baker Bert's Drug Store Dert's Drug Store rand Mortuary Brooke & Son 'harlton Corey Davis Davis De Backe r Ellis beese .Fern's Pharmacy roote rreeman Haeberle Drug Store Hartwig Hastin,s Drug Store Hoffman Hoffmeister Holm Holthaus Drug Store Jones Drug Store Kingsley Kingsley Kirk Kostal Kuehn Livingston-Butler-Volland McIntire Mace Mary Lanning Memorial hospital Nary Lanning Memorial Hospital Aikkelsen Drug store Myers Pinney Reinke Rutt's Drug Store # 1 "utt's Drug store if 2 Lutt's Drug Store # 2 Scheidies vonStrode "eber "olfe Mrs. Sybil M. Jr. G. P. Mrs. Walter 1s le Dr. H. L. Dr. L. J. Phidelia Dr. J. P. -or. E. C. Verne & Golda H. H. Dr. C. H. Dr. K. G. Dr. G. i, Dr. C. H. Dr. D. Dr. 1). t)r. L. Dr. O. Dr, G. Funeral Home Dr. 1.° Dr. J. This Board will now W. C. A. A. H. L. Bertha Dr. G. L. Mrs. E11a Mrs. Amanda Mrs. W. R. Dr. C. R. Neva recess subject to the call County (-ilerk Staple foods Care Rent Medical care Medical care Staple foods Mileage Aevolving fund Telephone service Supplies Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Staple foods Rent Medical supplies Medical supplies Care Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods staple foods Staple foods Care Mileage staple foods Board & Room Care Supplies Care Hospital care Staple foods SURGICAL CARE Nursing care Medical supplies Medical supplies Ambulance service Medical supplies Medical care Nursing care Nursing care hedical care Medical c.,_re Nursing care medical care Medical supplies Medical care Nursing care Medical supplies lIedical care Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical supplies medical supplies Nedical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Ambulance service Medical care Medical care Hospital care Hospital care Medical supplies Aursing care liedical care Nursing care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies Nursing care Nursing4 care medical care Nursing care of the Chairman of the County 127.00 6.00 150.00 3.00 10.00 5b.50 25.40 33.50 35.70 6.43 9.00 15.05 6.00 103.53 15.00 8.35 6.31 200.00 45.00 79.50 147.25 178.-85 50.00 105.00 7.44 37.25 ) 52.00 75.00 8.07 441.00 17.70 100.00 46095 70.26 97.35 5.00 52.90 91.00 26.20 50.00 26.00 11.00 12.73 24.00 18.38 7,00 68.80 19.33 L 106.28 18.00 88.00 8.00 42.3o 17.50 2.00 308.00 2.00 39.00 45.o0 12.5o 43.33 34.5o 902.38 148.12 24.82 106.20 17.82 61.20 37.55 3,4.6 93-54 168.85 416.48 5.0.0 318.76 Board of Supervisors. ane Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO1'� A 'AMS C S NO, 15 UNTY, NEBRASKA 11 COURT HOUSE, HASTL GS, NEBRASKA Monday, May 16, 1955. 10:00 o'clock A. M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors net as a Board of Equalization. Edwards H. Lightner, presiding. thtne, Ghairman Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman, Thompson and Utecht. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Kaltman, that the 1955 personal assessment schedules located in the C County, �. an-! Lquipncni 11500�00; • Inventory 41500.00;ams Acme assessed at as Equipment loCs :- A B.O Aooliance Company, `fools CConstruction Company, �)1 43000.00; Company, Inventory $L�000.00; Martin i �, � ging machine hutherford Plumbing & Heating Company, Tools & ui r1 iq p,ent 4p3000.00; Dick's Sheet Metal, r'extures, pools & Equipment,Inventory 4y Knapp Sheet Metal A'orks, Tools Equipment, ment $3000,00; Inventor .>00; rie T " & �q -p 9 r , �..$760.00 �p5UU.00; Inventory 4h2000.00; Henr�.cn.s 'sheet Metal Tools �'' y $760.00; Priebe Metal Shop, pools Guarantee Electric Company, Tools ' k500.Q0; Holland rurnace Company, Tools 4h500.00; DonCompany, Tools ' v, ?2.000 00; Maytag Appliance Company, Tools 4500.00; Krieger Electric p • ny, Tock an50d .0; Myers r ri€,erat ion , Tools and Equipment 01000.00; Ear)_ Wheat, Eq uipr,lent Jill, 3rd & Burlington, Fixtures & Equipment ,;} 00. and Jill, South Street,- Fixtures Equipment X741 00; 00;InvKe digry Gr 00r,,I Jack 4j,�4r 7500 00; ;Inventory <;p12, 000.00; Kendig Grocery, Inventory $0000.00; McConnell Grocery,Equipment 41500.00; Inventor 6 . and. Equipment d_ y �, 000 00; Purity ll�rket,r'ixtures �., q r v 750.00; Herbst Grocery, Inventory 41750.00; Market Basket, Inventor 00• Walt's Grocery, Fixtures & Equipment ``' Dale's Market,y 4p3000. t,,,nti 750.00; Inventory 4p3000.00; Bi --Lo Market, Inventory 6000.00, Spencer Park Fixtures & Equipment 4;500.00; Jones Drug Store t 2, Fixtures and Equipment nt ' Pharmacy, q' . ?750)0.00 Inventory 430,000.00; Bert's Drug, Fixtures & Equipment , 0; Brooks & So n,Fixtures &Equiprent,W500.00; Fern's Pharmacy, Fixtures & Equipment $l595.00; NastingDrug Co. & Equipment 02000.00, -Lutt's Drug Store No. 2, Fixtures & .equipment `1500.00; tzutt's Drug No. 1, Fixtures & Equipment 43000,00; Roll call, all voted Lye. notion carried. This, Board will now recess until May 17, 1955. at 10:00 o'clock x,.M. COURT HOUSE, Tuesday, Play 17 The Adams County -Board of supervisors met as a So er=d Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. HASTINT .S, NEBRASKA 1955. 10:00 o'clock A.M. of Equalization as per recess of May 16, 1955. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman,-Lhomps.,on and Utecht. Motion by Ki d, seconded by Gangwish, that the 1955 personal assessment schedules located in the City of liastinEs, .dams County, Iebraska be assessed at as follows: limcrican Loan, Fixtures and Equipment $2500.00; Securities Acceptance ''orp., fixtures and `Equipment 41500.00; General Credit corpo-ation, mixtures and Equipment 41500.00, Ellerbrock Agency, i"ixtures and Equipment $750.00; he Union Central Life insurance, Fixtures and Equipment 4250.o0, George rtullraan Company, Fixtures and Equipment 01300.00; Harry G-, Hartwig, Air Conditioner 4100.00; Stiner and Boslaugh, Office Equipment $1000.00; Uthelan & Whelan, Professional Library $1200.00; Bruckman and crock, Professional Library $500.00; Madgett & Hunter, Fixtures & Equipment 41500.00; Professional Library 41200.00; Conway & Irons, Professional Library 41200.00; Equipment v1000.00; Grace `simpson, Professional Library ``' Harry li, n y �+ 4.00.00; ussell, Furniture and 'Equipment 411.00.00; _ Professional LibraryO . $1-I- 0 00; George McArthur, Professional Library 4400.00; City Hide & Metal Co. Scale 42000.00; Inventory 4;3000.00; Patterson Equipment 48500.00; p ' Blauvelt ' q e Shop, Equipment `$3000.00; Webb Farm Water supply, Equipment • Carpenter p���os.ru� �i�leny 750 00°Ornarrlent al IronvG�ozksac�iuiprnent ��300,00; Lamphier Construction Co. Carpenter Tools 01500.00; Kealy construction Co. Equipment 410,000..00; Carmichael & Jaraes,Equiprnent 45000.00; Pauley Lumber Company, Inventory 435,000.00; Johnson Lumber Company, Furniture, ";Fixtures Martin Lumber Company,^Furnitul e Tolls & Equipment , Fixtures, `fools & Equipment $+500.00; q � ti�-I-000.00; I'°1G.. �-. Yost Lumber Company, Furniture, Fixtures 'lolls & Equipment 4500.00; nohlfeld Paint Company, Inventory 413,500.00; Decker & Son, Inventory 46500.00; Dr. L. G. Brillhart, Dental Equipment $650.00; Dr.G.H. Hunt, Dental Equipment 4650.00; Sneller Optometric Clinic, Equipment 4}2000.00; Inventory 1000.00; A. Dr. D. W. Kingsley,�Equipment 1000.00° Robert H.Ticlrzti�3000.00; A. A. Smith, Equipment $2000.00; A. Broruner Dispensary, Equipment 1000.00° Inventor q p ,e,H.D. Equipment $2000.00; Dr. L. J.DeBacker, Eryuipment 42500.00; Dr. 0. A. Kostal, Equipment $25')0.00; C. W. Guildnen M.D. Equipment 41000.00; Dr. George L. Pinney, Equipment 41000.00; Dr. Charlton & Kuehn, Equipment 05000.00; Dr. h. H. Cowger, Equipment 41000.00; holl call, all voted aye. notion carried. this oard will now recess yuntil Nay 17, 1955 at 10:00 o'clock k. M. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, May 18, 1955. 10:00 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization, as per recess of :'lay 17, 1955. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. Holl call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltlnan, Thompson and Utecht. Motion by Kidd, second:d by Koepke, that the 1955 personal assessment schedules located in the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska be assessed at as follows: Hastings Medical Laboratories,Equ:ipnent yh � L5 . .p2500.00, ierman Implement Company, Tools & - ,nuipment 41000.00 Sherman Service Company, mixtures r„ 'ools and Equipment $5000.00; Inventory '50,000.00; Hammell Implement 'onpany, Improvements on leased land $10,000.00; Furniture, Fixtures, Tools & Equipment 1,000.00; Inventory 420,000.00; Aimos Farm Equipment, Equipment 41000.00; Inventory 4'5,000.00; McKenzie Farm Machinery, F'ixtures,Tolis and Equipment 4500.00; Inventory 420,000.00; Farm Service Company, Inventory $5000.00; Hastings Irrigation Supply Company, Equipment $5000.00; queen City Laundry and Cleaners, Equipment $20,000.00; New Method Laundry & Cleaners, Equipment 410,000.00; Inventory 4800.00; Parkside Cleaners, Equipment 41500.00; E. Linn Company, Fixture & Equipment v1500.00; jlosenbaum's,Fixtures F;: Equipment 41500.00; Den Sherman, Fixtures & Equipment 4?3500.00; Albrights, Equipment $1500.00; The Specialty Shoppe,Equipment $1500.00; Fashion City, Inc. Equipment 4;1000.00; Inventory 44000.00; Jarold Shops Inc. Equipment 41000.00; Inventory $6000.00; Oeyerrr_,an's of Hastints, Fuxtures & Equipment 43500.00; Inventory 120 SUPE VISO 'S ECO \ ADAMS COUNTY, NE 111) 111 D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Firestone Stores, Inventory 015,000.00; Fixclares Ecuipment $1500.00; 'ested Stores co., Inventory v40,000.00; l'iontgeonery ward & Company, i'urniture & Equipment 010,000.00; Inventory $200,000.00; J. C. Penny company, .furniture & Equipment $7500.00; 3rach Thompson Inc. Furniture & Equipment $13,000.00; inventory $125,000.00; hastmEs Casket Company, Furniture & Ec,uipment $1000.00; Topp's Plowers, Inventory $8000.00; i).ussel Davidson, Nursery Stock Q25,000.00; 'opp's ureenhouse, inventory v4000.00; Tom's Hobby Shop, inventory w4000.00; This loard will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, Play 23, 1955. 10:00 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of May 18, 1955. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Thompson and Utecht. Absent: Maltman. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Gangwish, that the 1955 personal assessment schedules located in the City of Hastings, Adarns County, Nebraska be assessed at as follows; Ingall & Turner, Kenesaw, Improvements on Lec,sed Land 020,000.00; Juniata Parners Co -Op. Assn. Juniata, Improvenents on Leased Land $33,000.00; Grain Inventory $2005.00;Inventory $3000.00; Huyck Grain Company, Inventory 43000.00; Hastings Elevator Company, Inventory 08790.00; Marnuardt Storage CRnpany, Improvements on Leased Land $50,000.00; Bierhaus Upholstering, Equipment $1,000.00; Play More company, Inventory $7500.00; DeBoer Piano Company, Inventory $7500.00; Holcomb Hatchery, Equip/int 03500.00; inventory $5000.00; Rivoli. Theatre- Tri State Theatre Corp. Fixtures $8500.00; Inventory 4100.00; Strand Theatre, Inventory \ $100.00; Hastings 'kninal Clinic, 2 -Way hadio $500.00; Soft Water Service, Tanks $3000.00; Johnson Venetian Service, Equipment 4250.00; Baird Cold Storage Company, Equipment 05000.00; Inventory 43500.00; Ven 6um, Vending Machine 4300.00; err Cochran Inc. Equipment 010,000.00; Inventory $37,000.00; Western Motor ales, Inventory 29,490.00; A. H.Jones Company, Equipment 410,000.00; Inventor r V100,000.00; Hansen -Pontiac -Cadillac, Equipment $2750.00; Inventory $10,000.00; D &R Motors, quipment 02250.00; i'red Spady Motors, Inventory 07500.00; Showboat Motel & Service Station, Air Conditioners $2000.00; sid's 'abins, Air 'jonditioners, $1000.00; Park Motor Court, Air Conditioners 02000.00; Henry Hotel Company, Equipment 075,000.00; Carter Hotel, Equipment 425000.00; Daltons Gas & Cafe, Equipment $5000.00; Inventory $1500.00; Johnny's Drive Inn, Equipment 46000.00; S. Abott, Building on Leased Land 47500.00; Mourer's Restaurant, All other equipment 45000.00; Grace Barry Cafe, Equipment 02000.00; Inventory 4250.00; Knotty Pine, Equipment $350.00; Inventory 050.00; Sandy's Drive -In, Equipment $750.00; Inventory p50.00; Blackstone Cafe, Equipment v5000.00; Homer's Cafe, Inventory $250.00; Equipment 42500.00; Thiel's Cafe, Equipment $3000.00; alters Ice Crdam,Inventory 4250.00; Sil er Equipment 45000.00; Inventory $500.00; Cueen City Cafe, Equipment $1500.00; Dale Cafe, Inventory V1000.00; white Island Cafe, 13uildinE on Letsed Land $400.00; i'airmont roods Company, Inventory v250.00; Lindsay Sign Company, Equipment $4000.00; inventory 0750.00; Hastings Yellow Cab Company, Equipment 02000.00; 80 Taxi Line Inc. Equipment 42000.00; Aobott's Dairy inc, Equipment 500000.00; Inventory $10,000.00; American 'Als Lines, Equipment $300.00; standard Oil Co., Equipment $3000.00; Improvements on Leased Land 4200.00; HastinLs U. S. 'lire sales, Inventory 410,000.00; Wilber Service Inc. Inventory $20,000.00; Clarke Oil Company, Inventory $5000.00; Harold Stromer Auto Electric Service, Inventory 0200.00; Hill Crest Garage, Equipment $8o0.o0p Albers -411to Service, Equipment $1000.00; Inventory $1500.00; Johnson Auto liepair, Equipment $500.00; Kellys Auto Service, Equipment 41000.00; Lossee & Cornelius Auto Shop, Inventory $1500.00; Walt's Conoco Service, Equipment 42000.00; Inventory $2000.00;* roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This oard will now recess until May 2L, 1955 at 10:00 o'clock A.A. COURT HOUSE, HASTIgGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 24, 1955. 10:00 o'clock A. M. The Adams County 'oard of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of May 23, 1955, Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roil call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman, Thompson and Utecht. Motion by Koepke, seconded by Maltman, that the 1955 personal assessment schedules located in the City of astings, Adams County, Nebraska be assessed at as follows: K -B Ice Cream Company,Equipment $12,090.00; Inventory 4500.00; L. J. Messer Company, Equipment 45000.00; °idles Company,Equipment $7000.00; iiriend's Motor Supply, Equipment 42000.00; Inventory 425,000.00; Auto Assessories, Inventory $5000.02; Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Bottlin Machine and other equipment $7500.00; Nehi-hoyal Crown ottling Company, Equipment 03500.00; Inventory and other 02300.00; Grapette 'ottling Company,Equipment 03500.00; inventory & _Bottles, 02300.00; Hires 'ottling company, Bottles $500.00; Western Brick & Suiply company, Equipment $15,000.00; Spitz Foundry, Equipment 1.000.00; Improvements on Leased Land $1500.00; western Concrete Product Company, Equipment $25,000.0p; imberlock Enterprises, Highway & L. Equipment 01000.00; Timberlock Enterprises, RFD Equipment$1000.00; Hastings Seed & Supply Company, Inventory 46500.00; Western Land Roller Company, All Equipment $300,000.0 Dutton-Lainson, Factory Machinery 0150,000.00; Equipment $300',000.00; Inventory 4500,000.00; Nash -I°Inch Company, Inventory v100,000.00; LIamble, Robinson Company, Inventory 050,000.00; Swift 6.: Company, Equipment 075,000.00; l'oote Equipment Company, Equipment $75,000.00; Mode -O -Day Corporation,Equipment 15,000.00; ornhusker Realty Company, Office Equipment 4200.00; PV -82 Inv. Hastings Tank $1650.00; Aoseland Tank, 01650.00; Hansen Building 'pecialties, Inventory 425,000.00; R. W. Kerr Realty Co. Improvements on Leased Land $6000.00; National Oil Equipment Company, Inventory $15,000.09; The Sperry & Hutchinson Company, Inventory v15,000.00; Hastings 4-tir Conditioning Company, Equipment 05,000.00; Hageman Hardware Company, Holstein, Equipment $300.00; Inventory $5000.00; heed Produce, Holstein Equipment $1000.00; Inventory 41000.00; Larmore Market, Kenesaw, Lockers & Equipment $1500.00; Trausch Locker Plant, ioseland, Lockers & Equipment ,(7a500.00; Williams 011 Company, Prosser, Inventory 0500.00; Budd Oil Company, Kenesaw, Inventory $500.00; Hargleroad Van & Storage, ±'onk Lift $950.00; Overnight Express, Equipment 000.00; Interstate Freight Lines, Equipment $500.00; Hastings Transfer Company, Equipment $500.00; Radio Electronics, Inventory 410,000.00; Kerr-Corhan Sales Company, Inventory and tires 430,0004.00; RoEers Radio T. V. Equipment $2500.00; Inventory $25,000.00; Ace Liquor Company, Inventory 410,000.00; Phelps Liquor's, Inventory 110,000.00; Niemeyer Liquor, Inventory $5000.00; Jon's Liquor Store, Inventory $4500.00; Turner Brothers, Inventory 0600.00; Bowlmor, Equipment 1-% all-- 61 nnn nn. 13nsp- PlAnt. 'Butcher Enuipment kine Graphic Arts, Hastings,Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, June 1, 1955• 1:30 o'clock P.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of Ma& Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. 4,'1955. 12 Ho11 call, members present: Koepke, Lightner, Maltman, Thompson & Utecht. Absent: Gangwish and Kidd. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Thompson, that the improvements on the following real estate be assessed at as follows: Lots 7 & 8, 31k 3, East Broad Str et Add„ City of Hastin s Add, City of Hastinks 41150.00; Com. at NE cor..f cor. S 72'L 96, Ghost's1' 7, 5 Blk 9 W to apt 135' � of NW cor. S � 1 + S + W1 to a pt. 135' E of �a line of Blk S 50' to S line of Nilk 9 E to ' W '` 7 a0 NiN 10' E to E � •� pt.152 of SE oor of said E21 s SiSiline of said Elk N to beg. Bik 9, Alexander's f'`irst Add., City of Hastin'-s , 57. 2 Si of Lot 8, Alexander's First Add., City of Hastings $6285.00; Lots 1 to 6, Elk 156kest09 Side Add, City of Hastings 4540.00; N 57+ of 114.25' of SW Ex E 6' BlkitSt. City of '�iastings 43800.00• N 50' of S 100' of E-2� 4a Joseph's Second Add., 'C , lk 11, St• Jose :�h's Second Add., City of Hastings, 42400.00; Lot -22 31k 1, Hillcrest Sub., y of Hastings 11:0 00; Lot Blk 6, Hillside Add., City of Hastings 47260.00• Lots &y bbl 3,t brok 6, t. S 25' City of 2, �8, � 11, East broad St. Add:, City of Hastin s 02400.00; 00.00• S 8' S of N 68' of W 125' Alexander's . 2nd Add.,C' City of Hastings 43180.00; Lot 6, Bik 4, Thompson's Add., City of Hastings 42500.00; Lots 1 & 2, Blk 3, Ingraham's Sub, City of Hastings 3300.00; 50' N of S 75' ofLot 4, Blk 1, Webster's Add., City of Hastings 4 Haire's Add., City of Hastings,1315.00; NE*,B1k 5,C, g X5 Qn; iV4 Lot03, Nlk 8, !a Pleasant Add my'v1�4400.00; Ni Add., It of Hastings '' Lot 19 , B1k2 , Buswell's Add . , City of Hastings $3430.00 • Lot 2,Elk 3 Thomas Add., City of Hastings, 43405.00; Lot 5, McFarland's Add. 42250.00; E �2' N 49' Lot 6, and N 49' Lot 7, blk 4, Palmer's Sub ' 'tings x'1,000.00; Pt Si Si NE4 22-6-12 41500.00; Lot 16, Blk 1, Model of Palmers Add., , City of Hastings Sub, City Hastings7 , 37, nof Hastings �! Home's of 28 0.00• Lot Nelson's Add. City Lot 12, Blk 1, buswell's Add., City of Hastings 42230.00• Lot g LewisSub of W wi' of SW* City of Hastings �ng:s �P2100.00;50' � of i�f + ' 4, 31k 16, of is Sub Lewis Sub, 1 75 Lot 1, Bik 3, 'hillside Add., City of Hastings 42655` .00• W2 Ex E 5' Lot 6 & 7, Elk 1, Owen's Sub of Blk 10, Haire's Add., City of Hastings 42490.00; Lot 4, Blk 7, East Park Add., City of Hastings 42490.00; Lot 1 & 2, N2 Lot 3, Blk 2 South Side Add., Cit of Hastings 41935.00;¢ S 50' of Lot 7, Elk 1, ia...re's Add�5 of Lot '., City of Hastings $3260.00; E ' y 10, Elk 14, Moore's Add. 41805.00; N8811 of E 100' :31k + 7, McIntyre's Add., City of Hastings X4555. Q0; Lot 3, Blk 5, Prospect Park Add., City of Hastint s 44190.00; Lot 1, B1k 2, Model Home Subdivision City of Hastings 432.80.00; Lot 1, Alexander's Sub of Elk 10 Alexander's Add City , �.�.ty of Hastings 62600;00; Lot 4, 'ilk 4, Thompson's Add., City of Hastings 42800.00; Lot 5, Elk 4, Thompscn's Add., City of Hastings 42905.00; Lot 9, Blk 4, lhompson's Add., city of Hastings 42750.00; Lot 3, Elk 4, Thompson's Add., city of Hastings 42965.00; N 50' of S 751 of J 125' of Lot 1, and S 25' of E 125' of Lot 1, and S 25' of E 125' of Lot I. and N 25' of E 125' Lbt5,Add., City of �jastings 411,530.00; Y ' 4, Blk Hillside ` Lot 106, county Club Add. City of Hastings 49365.00; Lot 114, and W2 Lot 115, County Club Add., City of Hastings 411,955.00; o Bi Lt 2 115, all Lot 116, and W 6'of mot 117, Country Club Add., City of Hastinf,s, v-12,155.00; Ex W 6' of Lot 117, and all Lot 118, Country Club Add, City of Hastings 428,620.00; Lot 69, Country Club Add., City of Hastings 414,495.00; E 32' of Lot 25, (Ex N 50') and W 10' of E 132' S 90' of Lot 25, and all Lot 26 (Ex N 50'of Lot 26(, Alexander's 2nd Add., City of Hastings, $15,665.00; N 25' of Lot 11, and all Lot 12, E1k 1, ulark's Add., City of Hastings 614,415.00; Lot 1, and E 60' of Lot 2 and N 20'of E 60' of Lot 3 , and N 20' of Lot 4, Blk 12, Hillside Add . , City of f_ 431,855.00;a j ' , ,, + City �ns .150. of E 110'of Elk 8, Lowman s North Side.Add . , of Hastings 48620.00; Lot 6, ilk 1, Clark's "ad.., City of Hastings 48575.00; E', 132' Ex 8 80' of Lot 4, Elk 2, Clark's Add., Cit of Hastings 614,085.00; of 7,Blk1,Baltimore eights, City of Hastings `9505.00; S 60' of N 120'15' S 120' 25'� �: & N of ExELLot 6,1k 7, College Add., City of Hastings 09700.00; N 745.89'ofS778.8� W 292'602' 2-7-10 410,000.00; Ni SW4 SW4 NW4 5-7-9 $15,740.00; Si SW* SW4 SW4 5-7-9 410,235.00; Ltht 23 & E 232+ of Lot 24, & N 50' of E 32' of Lot 25, and N 50' of Lot 26, Alexanderts/�IMd., City of Hastings 417,020;00; And, that the and be assessed as follows: W2 E2 SE4 NE4 & W 10 rds of E 50 rds of SET NE4 27-6-12 4370.00; E2 W2 Si NE4 & W 15 A E2 Si NE4 27-6-12; 5810.00; N2 SE4 & NE4 3-6-12 57200.00; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. :hat this board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman. Board recessed. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, June 6, 1955. 4:15 o'clock P. M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of June1,1955. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members presnnt: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman, Thompson and Utecrrt. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Koepke, that the improvements on the following real estate ee assessed at as follows: Lots 1 to 5 Inc. Bik 16, city of Hastin. s $750.00; Lot 4, Block 5, Prospect Park Addition city of Hastings 43760.00;Lot 1, Blk 3,.Blythe's Second Add, Village of Kenesaw '41190.00; Lot, 11, S 5' of Lot 12, Elk. 17, Village of Holstein 42700.00; E2 Lot 5 & 6, Blk 2, Hillcrest Sub Div, City of H stinfs `4,000.00; Lot 3, ilk 5, McConnell's Add., Village of Kenesaw 44930.00; Lots 754 00 ; 41160 -g Villi e of Juniata .Blks & 755, � , 3, 4, & 5, Baltimore Heights, City of Hastings 45650.00; S 38' Lot 1 and Lot 2, McConnell's Add., Village of Kenesaw 45275.00; Lot 894. to 896 Inc, Village of Juniata 4200.00; Lots 888 to 890 Inc, Village of Juniata 41660.00; Lots 66 to 70 Inc, Village of Juniata 4500.00; Lot 35, Blk 2, Bungalow Add., City of Hastings 43080.00. And, that the land be assessed at as follows: SE1 4-5-11 $3195.00; SW* 33-6-11 $4660.00• JVW� 20-8-12NE* � � 43680.Qo; 20-7-11 45405.00; SW* 4-5-11 42655;00; Lots 754-755 Inc Village of Juniata 420.00; Lot 1, Alexander's Sub of 'ilk 10, Alexander's Add., City of Hastinfs 4750.00; Lots 756 to 761 Inc, and 750 to 753 Inc, Village of Juniata 4100.00. Roll call, all voted aye Motion carried. this Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman. Board recessed. COURT HOUSE, HAST TL S NEBRASKA Monday, June 13, 1955. 9 o'lock A. M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as Edward H.Lightner, Chairman presiding. All members present: Gangwish. Kidd. Koenke _ Board of Equalization as per recess'of June 6, 1955. Ti rrhtnAr_ Tin a TT. -- v 122 SUPE 1' VISOR'S l'ECOI'W NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NE tRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Dale's Market, Inventory $1200.00; Dr. L. J. DeBacker, Equipment $2,000.00; Dicks sheet Metal, Equipment 41,000.00, and Inventory 3,000.00; -611erbrock A ency, mixtures & Equipment $750.00; triend's Motor supply, Equipment 1.,000.00, and Inventory '221500.00; Guarantee Electric Co. Tools $800 co- Hastings Drug Co Fixtures & Eauipment 41500.00; Holcomb Hatchery, Equipment $2500.00; . , and Inventory 45,000.00; Dr. G. H. Hunt, Dental Equipment '100.00; ''ack & Jill 3rd & Surlington, Fixtures & Equipment 47000.00, and Inventory 411,250.00; Jack & Jill, South Street, Fixtures 46500.00; Inventory 411,000.00; Keniig Grocery, Inventory 4450000; Knapps Sheet Metal Works, Tools & Equipment, 42,000.001 and Inventory 43500.00; Krieger Electric, fools $250.00; Madgett & Hunt, Library 41100.00; l'ixtures & Equipment 4900.00; McConnell brocery„, tixtures & Equipment 41500.00, and Inventory 42800.00; L. J.Messer Co. Equipment 03500.00; Nash tinch uo. Inventory $75,000.00; Ornamental Iron Works,Equipment 4200.00; Phillips Inc, fixtures & Eauipment $2,000.00, and Inventory 020,000.00;, Priebe Metal Shop, Tools 4100.001 and Inventory 4400.00; George hullman co, Fixtures and Equipment 4650.00; Securities Acceptance Corp, Fixtures and Equipment 0990.00; Dr, A. A. Smith, Equipment 411000.00; Sneller Optometric Clinic, Equipment, 41500.00; and Inventory 0500.00; snyder Packing Co, meEtt Packing Equipment $9000.00; 6pencer Park Pharmacy, Fixtures 0200.00; Sperry & Hutchinson Co, ihe, Inventory 4100300.00; Standard Oil Co, Equipment $3,000.00, and improvements on leased land 4200.00; Whelan & Whelan, Library $900.00; And that the Improvements on the following Real Estate be readjusted to read as follows: Lot 114, & W Lot 115, country Club Add., City of Hastings, 410.945.00; Ex, W. 6' of Lot 117, all Lot 118, County Club Add., City of Hastings 427„,500.00; Lot 35, 31k 2, Bungalow Add., City of Hastings 41980.00; N. 745.89' of S 778.89' W 292' E 602' section 2, 'Iownship 7, Range 10 48000.00; to11 call, all voted aye. Motion carried. That this Board will now recess to June 14th, 1955, 9'o'clock ". M. Soard recessed. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Tuesday, June 14, 1955. 9 o'clock A. M. The Adams County board of Supervisors met as a board of Equalization as per recess of June 13th 1955. Edward H. Lightner, chairman, presiding. All Members prese.nt: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Mailman, Thompson and Utecht. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Utecht, that the following personal property be readjusted as follows: DeBoer Piano Co, Inventory 43600.00; cuda's *hoes, fiKtures& Equipment 411000.00; Russel Davidson, Nuiesery Stock 42500.00; 80 Taxi Line, Inc, Equipment 4400.00; tern's Pharmacy, mixtures & Equipment $1,000.00; Geyerman's of Hastings, tixtures & Equipment 41175.00, and Inventory 421,885.00; Hammen Implement Co., Improvements on leased Land 410,000.00, ±urniture and Fixtures 4500.00, and Inventory 4120000.00' Hansen 2ontiac-Cadillac, Equipment 41550.00, and Inventory 44400.00; Hastings Elevator Co, Inventory 1.300.00; Hastings Irrigation Supply Co, Equipment 4500.00; Hastings Medical Laboratories, Equipment 1,000.00; Hastings Yellow Cab Co. Equipment 4760.00; nested Stores Co. Inventory 428,400.00; Huyck Grain Co. Inventory none; Jarold Shops Inc, tixtures 4500.00; and Inventory 43850.00; Lossee & Cornelius Auto Shop, Inventory 4350.00; Marquardt Storage Co, Improvments on leased land 440,000.00; McKenzie tam Machinery, tixtures Tools & Equipment500.00, and Inventory 4121000.00; Montgomery Ward & Co. Furniture & Equipment y8,0oo.00, and Inventory 41431000.00; Park Motor Court, Air Conditioners,Aone; Phelps Liquors, Inventory 4885.00; -0-. Geo. L. 2inney, Equipment 4760.00; Rivoli Theatre, Fixtures )7500.00, and Inventory 4100,00; Sids cabins, Air Conditioners none; western Auto, Fixtures & Equipment 1000.00; and Inventory 415,000.00; western Motor sales, Inventory 49400.00; Wiseman Shoe Store, .ixtures and Equipment 411000.00. "nd that the Improvements be adjusted as follows: E .3if Lot 25 (Ex N 50') & W 10' of E 13' S 90' of Lot 25, allLot 26 (Ex N 50' of Lot 26) Alexander's 2nd Add., City of Hastings $14,000.00; Lot 1,Blk 2, Aodel Home ')ubdivision, City of Hastings 43010.00; Lots 125, 126, 127, Country Club Add, City of Hastings, Improvements 414,000.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. -his'oard will now recess until June 15th, 1955 at 9 o'clock A. M. Board recessed. COURT HOGSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, June 15, 1955. 9 o!olook A.M. The ,Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a board of Equalization as per recess of June 14th, 1955, Edward H.Lightner, Chairman presiding. All members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman, Thompson and Utecht. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Gangwish, that the following personal property be readjusted as follows, Abbott's Dairy Inc, Equipment 425,000.00, and Inventory 410,000.00; S. Abbott, Building on leased lana / $5,000.00; Ace Liquor Co., Inventory 47,000.00; Albers Auto Service, Equipment 4500.00, and Inventory 0350.00; Grace Barry Cafe, Equipment 41500.00, and Inventory 4250.00; Blackstone Cafe, E-uipment 02425.00; Brach -Thompson, Inc, 'urniture & Equipment 48500.00, and Inventory 41101000.00; Budd Oil Co. Inventory 0330.00; Carter Hotel, Equipment $13,200.00; Dr's Charlton & Kuehn, Equipment 43,000.00; Clarke Oil Co, Inventory 01400.00; Dalton's Gas & Cafe, Equipment 43500.00, and Inventory 41500.00; toote Equipment Co, Inventory 435,000.00; Gamble Robinson Co, Inventory $34,795.00; Hageman Hardware Co, Equipment 4300.00, and Inventory 43500.00; dastingsU. s. Tire Sales, In,entory 41100.00; Henry Hotels Equipment 414,200; Jack's bar, Ayr, Inventory 011000.00; Johnson Auto Repair, Equipment 4350.00; Johnson Lumber Co., Tools.1_,000.00; Jones Co, A. H., Equipment 45,000.00, and Inventory 460,000.00; Kellys Auto Service, Equiprrient $650.00; Kerr -Cochran Inc, Equipment1,5330.00; Inventory $8970.00, and Improverrents on leased land 00,000,00; -err-Cochran Sales Co, Inventory & Tires 419,000.00; C.E.LinnCo. tixtures & Equipment $1500.00; 14cintire, hobert H, M.D. Equipment $1250.00; Mod olDay Corp,Equipment $12,000.00; National Oil Equipment Co, Inventory $2775.00; Nehi Royal Crown Bottling Co, Equipment V2500.00, and Inventory $700.00; Queen City Cafe, Inventory $575.00; Radio Electronics, Inventory 46570.00; Sidders Factory Outlet Co, Inventory v19,585,00; Sidles Co. Equipment $4433.00; Silver Grill, Equipment 04500.00; and inventory $300.00; Fred Spady Notors Inventory"$5860.00; Swift & Co. Eruipgient 435,000.00; Timberlock Enterprises, Equipment $650.00, and 44.35.00; Con000 service, Equipment 4800.00, and Inventory 0200.00; estern Land Rollor Co., Equipment 4122,640.00; Wilbur Service Inc, Inventory 412,000.00. And, that the following Improvements be readjusted as follows : Lots 1, 2, 3 Inc, Blk 10, Dawes & l'oss Ad., (hx. " 50' of NE*), Uity of Hastings 41900.00; E 132' hx 6 80' Lot 4, Elk 2 clark's Add, city of hastinEs 411,085.00; Lots 8, 9, & 10, Elk 3, SL. Joe's J-idd., City of Hastings 414,910.00; S 60' of N 120' & N 15' of S 120' Ex E 25' Lot 6, Elk 7, College Add., City of Hastings 47500.00; Lot 6, Blk 1, Clark's Add., city of Hastings, 48000.00; Lot 17, alk 4, Moore's Add.,41230.00; Lot 22, 23, & 24, ,J1k 22, Johnson's Add, City of Hastings, Abbott's share 5,000.00,Bonahoom share A-, . , ,• • • une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE 1" VISO'5 )ECOD NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, June 21, 1955. 9:00 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of June 15, 1955. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman,presiding. All members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Mailman, Thompson and Utecht. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Thompson, that the Improvements on Lot 22, and W 11 8" of Lot 23, Blk 22, Johnson's Icidition, City of Hastings be assessed at 44,880.00; and, the improvements on Lot 23 Ex W. 11 8", and all Lot 24, Blk 22, Johnson's Addition, City of Hastings be assessed at 022,255.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mailman, seconded by Gangwish, that the following personal property be assessed at as follows: Holthaus Jrug oo. Fixtures & Equipment 41500.00; Baird cold Storage Co. Equipment 45,000.00, and Inventory $1345.00; New Method Laundry & Cleaners?, Equipment 47500.00, and Inventory 4150.00; Queen City Laundry & Cleaners, Equipment 417,500.00; sherman Service Center, Fixtures, tools & Equipment v1380.00, and Inventory 438,905.00; and, Swan's -"urniture, Inventory $7500.00; And, that the improvements on the following described Real Estate be assessed at as follows: 31k 4, St, Jose h's Add., uity of Hastings 011,000;Lot 22, 23 & 24, Dunlap's Sub of Blk 15, Mumaw's Addition, City of Hastings 1660.00; E 451 W 90' N 69' n' 24' S 44' W 901 all in Ni of Blk 1, McIntyre's Add., City of Hastints, $1570.00; S 16' of W 551 of Lot 9, and N 34' of W 551 of Lot 10, Blk 1, Buswell's Addition, uity of Hastin s 42190.00; Lot 8, Blk 31, S. Joseph's Addition, City of Hastings 42375.00; Ni Lot 9, all Lot 10, Blk 30, St. Joseph's 'Iddition, city of Hastings v2030.00; Lot 7, 31k 31, St. Josephs Addition, city of Hastings 41430.00; S 82' of E 166' 31k 8, Palmerts Prospect Park Addition, City of Hastin.s 471000.00; Lot 70 & 30' of Lot 71, Country Club Addition, City of Hastints 03210.00; Lot 69, Country Club Addition, City ol.rlastings $13,570.00; Lot 106, Country Club Addition, City of Hastings 07865.00; NEI, Blk 5, Pleasan0Tddition, City of Has al.,000.00; S 70' of Lots 1 & 2, Blk 8 Lewis sub. of Blk 16-9-8 & 1 $5230.00; E 60' of S 60' of'191c-Mtyrels Addition, City of Hastings 4555.00; Lot12,8441411?ot13,Bik1,Prospect Park Add,Hastings- $5400.00; Lots 13 & 14, L'lk 7, Cole's lst Addition, City of Hastints 41350.00; Lots, 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5, "Elk 20, Original '-cown, City of HastinRs $33,515.00; Lots 3 & 4, John's Addition, City of Hastings 44025.00; Lots 6, 7 & 8, Buchanan's Sub of Lot 5, John's Addition, City of Hastings $7120.00; Lot 2, 31k 4, Hillside Addition, City of HastinEs 410,935.00; and 0 N 401 of Lots 1 to 5, Lyman's Addition of Blk 5, Moore's Add., City of Hastins n.2,235.00; Lot 6, Lyman's Addit'on of Lak 5 Moore's l'iddition, city of Hastings 41200.00. And, that the land described and be assessed as follows: NE* of ection 31, Township 6, Range 9 0200.00; SE* Section 35, '2ownship 5, iange 9 04190.00; Ni NW1 Section 35, Township 5, Range 10, $2305.00; NW + Section 14, '-township 7, Range 10 47425.00; NW t Section 29, Township 8, Range 9 $6140.00; NE* Section 26, Township 5, Range 12 0950.00; SW e Section 36, iownship 5, ange 9 $34450.00; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This L'oard will now recess subject to the call of the chairman of the Board of Equalization. Board recessed. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Friday, June 24, 1955. 1:30 o'clock P.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of June 21, 1955. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Mailmanand Utecht. Absent: Thompson. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Utecht, that the following personal property be reassessed as follows: Curt's Appliance, Inventory $17,500.00; Jarold Shop Inc, Equipment $200.00, Inventory 43850.00. And, that the following improvements on the following Real Estate be reassessed at as follows: Lot 4, Blk 5, Prospect Park Addition, City of Hastings, $31000.00; Lot 3, Blk 4, Thompson's Addition, City of Hastings $2665.00; WI Ex. E 5' Lot 6 & 7, Blk 1, Owen's Sub of Blk 10 Haires Addition, City of Hastings $2290.00; Lot 96, Country Club, 43800.00; Lot 7, Blk 6, Haire's Addition, City of Hastings $5200.00; Lots 22, 23 & 24, Dunlap's Sub of Blk 15 Mumaw's Addition, City of Hastings $1250.00; Lots 3 & 4, Johns Addition, City of Hastings $2605.00; Lots 6, 7 & 8, Buchanan's Sub of Lot 5, John's Addition, City of Hastings $5700.00; Blk 4, St. Joseph's Addition, City of Hastings 411,000.00; Lots 1, 2, & 3, Inc., Blk 10, Dawes & Foss Addition, City of Hastings (Ex S 501 of NE*) $1700.00; Lot 5, Blk 7, Bellangee's 3rd Addition, City of Hastings 43730.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 14).is Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board of Equalization. Board repess. COURT HOUSE, H.:,STINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 9, 1955,10:00 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Edward H. LiLhtner, Chairman, presiding. Equalization as per recess of June 24,1955, holl call, me4ibers present: Ganguish, Kid, Koepke, Lightner, Mailman, Thompson and ULecht. Motion by lhompson, seconded by Mailman, that the budget for the fiscal year July 1, 1955 to Juno 30, 1956, is he-eby adopted as tho budget for Adams county for said fiscal year: General Fund Bridge Road County Relief Soldiers & Sailors Relief County 1,,air Fund Adams County Nursing Home ErectiOn & Repair Fund Medical, Surgical & Hospital Care 213,691.00 38,400.00 289,000.00 30,000.00 2,500.00 5,600.00 11,000.00 25,858.00 45,000.00 124 SUPE 11 VISO 'S 1'ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE ig RASKA 1" D NO. 15 Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Koepke, that every citizen of Adams County between the ages of 21 to 50 years be taxed $2.00 each for Old Age Assistance Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Kidd, that we levy for the Rural lire District Funds as follows: 1.0 mills .8 mills 0.5 mills .5 mills 1.0 mills Roseland Rural Fire District Holstein Rural Fire Jistrict Juniata hural Fire District Hastinfs Rural Fire District Trumbull Rural Fire District Roll call, all voted aye. Moflon carried. Thompson, seconded by Maltman, that the assessed valuations of Adams County for the year as equalized by this Board accepted and approved by the State hoord of Equglization are to fix a levy on sai, valuation each sub -division be as follows to -wit: Adams County Levy General Fund Bridge Fund Road Fund County Relief Soldiers & Sailors Relief County Fair Erection & Repair Fund Special Mail Route Road -bland Adams County*Nursing Home Medical, Surgical & Hospital i'und Motion carried. Motion by 1955-1956 now'ready Roll call, all voted aye. Motion in the 1.330 mills none none .531 mills .041 mills .09) mills .500 mills none none .884 mills by Thompson, seconded by Maltman, that the City & Village levies as based on tax certificates office of the County Clerk by the City and Village Clerks. City and. Has Juniata Kenesaw Ayr Roseland Holstein Prosser Trumbull Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Village Levies. General Fund 14.92 10.0 21.57 12.0 11.0 13.90 8.0 7.0 Bond none none 1.93 none 8.0 10.56 none none Motion by Thompson, seconded by Holtman, that the '2ownship Luvies, as based on tax Certificates filed in the office of the County Clerk by the various township Clerks showing amount to be raised by taxation. township Levies "est Blue Highland Verona Kenesaw Wanda Juniata Denver Blaine Hanover Ayr Roseland Cottonwood Logan Silver Lake Zero Little Blue Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. All Purpose It 11 71 IT 1! if 11 1t If 17 71 71 11 It 11 IT If I I? 11 11 11 It 11 11 71 tt 11 1.98 mills 1.32 mills 1.98 mills 1.22 mills 1.84 mills 1.12 mills .58 mills .32.mills .42 mills 0.4. mills 1.5 mills 1.94 mills 1.72 mills 2.08 mills. 2.52 mills 1.62 mills Motion by Thompson, seconded by Mailman, that the School District Levies As based on tax certificates filed in the office of the County jlerk by the'various school Boards showing amount to be raised by taxation: Dist No. 1 2 5 6 7 8 10 11-R 12 iL 15 17 18 Obneral 32.30 8.64 19.86 9.8h 10.60 11.56 7.70 5.o 18.46 5.4o 3.62 2.56 .60 27.60 Bond 4.64 F. H. S. 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 Total 32.30 14.44 19.86 15.64 16.40 17.36 13.50 10.80 18.L16 11.20 9.42 8.36 14.40 32.24 ; ine Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE 1'' VISO A S ECO AMS COUNTY, NE J. RASKA PNO, 15 Dist. No. General Bond 30 5.38 -- 31 10.96 33 4.36 34-21 Hall 10.76 35 8.90 37 2.52 3940 18.80 4l 10.34 L 3L.7242 10.28 5351 107.22 .24 54- 9.00 57 2.90 620 6.96 11.68 64 3.10 66 8.70 67-65 Hall 18.4.6 75 6.94 76 5.94 81 5.82 101 15.64 This Boar d adjourned sine die as a Bard of Equalization. H. S. 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8p 5.8 5.8 5q .8 5.8 Total 11.18 16.76 10.16 16.56 14_.70 8.32 2).60 11.34 16.14 3L.72 16.08 13.02 16.04, 14_.80 8.7o {; 12.81 17.48 8.90 14.50 24.26 12.7? 11.�4 11.62 15.64_ 126 SUPE VISO 'S TECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE 1'l. 1 �1. It D Na 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. ,dune Graphic Arte, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO; 9s JkECO A D NO. 15 AMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURT HOUSE, HASTI_J S, NESRAS A E'ridav, play 20, 1955. 2:00 o'clock .P N. Ilegul&r meetink; of the Adams County Board of Siiperv:.sors met as per recess of May 6, 1955. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. 1Lo11 call, members present: Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Thompson and Utecht. Absent: Gangwish and Mailman. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Kidd, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, "dams County, Nebraska, has a lien against the following ,Described property, to -wit: Lots Seven (7) to Twelve (12) inclusive, Block r.. lwenty-two (22), Town of Holstein, Nebraska, Browning 1949. in out of payment of State Assistance to -dans Lang, deceased, which lien was filed April 1, Book 157, page 241 of the lien records of Adams County, Nebraska; and., WHEREAS, the reasonable value of the interest of said deceased in said real estate is the sum of 4300.00. NOW THE ?EPOi,E, BE, IT i{ESOLVrD, that upon Payment of the sum of X1300.00 to Dorr Mahoney, County Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, said County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to release the above described State Assistance lien against the followang described property,to-wit: Lots Seven (7) to Twelve (12) inclusive, Block Twenty-two (22) , down of Holstein, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. I'Iotion carried. this L'oard will now recess subject to the call of the Chairnan of L County Board of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, May 26, 1955. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Sup=rvisors met as per recess of May 20, 1955. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Thompson and Utecht. Absent: Maltman. t 11:00 o' -lock the hearing of Fred Tockey was held and referred to June 4th at 11:00 o'clock. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Kidd, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHE`?EAS, a system of Federal Aid Secondary roads have been established in Adams County, and WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors of Adams County feel that additional county roads should be placed on this Federal Aid Secondary system in order to secure Federal Assistance in the necessary improvement th(reof, and WHTT)7AS, the following described road is not now a part of the approved Federal Aid Secondary System of Adams County and it is the desire of the Board of Supervisors of Adams County that this road be incorporated in the Federal Aid. Secondary system of Adams County. Beginning on FAS R,ute No. 291 noar the S. W. corner of section 10, T N. the present .road and second street through section 11 and 12 to connect wi hOWthee Highwayc2.81ast at the along intersection of Second Street and Burlington Avenue. N0?' THEBEFOBE, in consideration of these facts the County Board takes the following official action: BE IT RESOL'''ED "'HAT: The State Department of ?oads and Irri ration is hereby requested to prepare the necessary documents and take all necessary steps required in order to obtain the approval of the above described road as a part of the Federal Aid Secondary system of Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Utecht, that the following resolution be adopted: RES'OLTTTI ON : WHE9 'AS, the County of Adams, Nebraska, is In the project of hard suf,facing certain roads within said county in conjunction with the State of Nebraska, and WHEREAS, it is necessary that certain laboratory and engineering supervision be had ,on certain of these projects, and SUPE VISO 'S ADAMS COUNTY, NE RASKA 11) D NO. 15 Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. of the Board of Supervisors and the County Clerk are authorized to execute said agreement binding the County of Adams thereto. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. ed Motion by Koepke, seconded eyinstructed to isst.zefollowing warrantsclaims theesame�wRollncall,their allsotedlaye. fund . and the County Clerk b Motion carried. Brown, Bert B. Brown, L. Maye Clerk of the District Court County Assessor County A4_torney County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Fitzke, Beverly Gangwsh, Farl L. Gangwish, Earl L. Kidd, C. H. Kidd, C. H. Koepke, Carl. J. Lightner, Ed Maltman, W. W. Register of Deeds Thompson, Ray M. Utecht, William J. Utecht, WilliamJ. Veteran's Service Office Anderson, Roy Austin, Udeslie Block, Bruce Boontjer, Ted Gunderson, Tony Heuertz, James A. Hinrichs, Klaas H. Hock, Charley Reefer, John W. Hohlen, Fred Johnson, E. E. Joynt, Orville Dale Kluver, John Kennedy, Thomas B. Koch, David Marshall Jr. Lower, Cleon Petrie, Arthur Henry Poore, Delbert Pritchard, Clyde Pritchard, Donald Winroth, Jacque D. Witt, Gerald D. Vitt, Lloyd Nash, Lloyd Alberts, L. Larkin, Perry 0. Director Welfare This Board will now recess subject G ' ?ERAL FUND Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Ex -Dense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Mil age Salary Mileage Salary Salary Salary Office Expense Salary Salary Mileage Office Expense ROAD FUND Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary BRIDGE FUND Salary CHROEDER ROAD Salary STATE FUNDS Office Expense to the call of the Chair Ian 130.00 30.00 512.50 940.83 631.66 897.50 866.82 704.16 511.66 1071.26 175.00 150.00 14.52 150.00 24.30 150.00 150.00, 150.00 707.50 150.00 150.00 10.56 420.00 217.60 260.80 290.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 400.00 259.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 260.80 260.80 180.00 260.80 260.80 230.00 200.00 2414.00 Board of Super ry is or s . SUPE I•\ VISO ADAMS 9S DECO D O. 15 COUNTY, NEBRASKA ane Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Saturday, June 4, 1955. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Admms County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of May 26, 1955. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. Holl call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman, Thompson and Utecht. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Utecht, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: Comes now U illiam G. Nelson and respectfully shows the Court as follows: 1. That your petitioner is the duly appointed, qualified and acting Guardian of the Estate of Sara F. Kenny, an incompetent, having been so appointed and r,ualified on the 8th day of June,1954. 2. That the said Sara b.Kenny, incompetent, is a resident of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, and is confined to the Hastings State Hospital at Hastings, Nebraska, as a mentally incompetent person. 3. That said incompetent is the owner following described real estate, to -wit: The Northeast (NES) uarter of Dection Eleven (11), Township Twenty-seven (27), Range One (1), East of the 6th P.M. Wayne County, Nebraska, said interest by inheritance from the husband of your petitioner's ward, interstate on the 24th day of October, 1953, and whose estate has been fully the County Court of Adams County, Nebraska. having acquired Kenny, who died administered in of an undivied one -twentieth interest in and to the Joseph E. 4. That the entire tract of said real estate is reasonably worth the sum of $22,900.00 and is encumbered by a real estate mortgage to the Federal Land Bank of Omaha, which mortgage had a balance of 0,154.51 as of the 1st day of January, 1955; that the value of the undivided interest owned by your petitioner's ward is the sum of approximately x;1,000.00. That because of the small interest that your petitioner's ward has in this real estate, your petitioner believes that it is uneconomical for his ward to continue to own said interest in this real estate and that it would be for the benefit of his ward that her interest in said real estate should be sold and the proceeds thereof invested at interest. WHEREFORE YOUR PETITIONER PRAYS: -`hat he be granted a license to sell the undivided one-twentienth interest in and to the real estate described above for the benefit of his ward and the invested as the Court may direct and for such other and further relief as may equitable. Roll call, all voted aye. No ti on carried. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Thompson, that we deny` the Dance Hall", & Public of gyred '1`ockey. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This lioard will now recess until June 6, 1955. owned by his ward proceeds thereof be deemed just and Amusement License COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, June 6, 1955. 10:00 Otclock A.M. -Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of June 4, 1955. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. Loll call, members present: Kidd Koepke, Lightner, Maltman, Thompson and Utecht. Absent: Gangwish. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Thompson, that the bond of Arthur Nienhueser, Wanda Township Treasurer be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. •Motion by Thompson, secon:ed by Utecht, that the reports of Tax Collector, Clerk of District Court, County Judge, Register of Deeds, County Clerk, County Library, Adams County Nursing Home and Sheriff be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. Motion by Koepke, seconded by Kidd, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisors record: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 12650 12651 12652 12653 12654 12655 Emma Berg, County Clerk Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Worthy B. Wood Void Emma Berg, County Clerk R. D. Enninga T 125.25 12664 50.00 12665 48.75 12666 1267 398.95 12668 15.00 12669 7 nn , nL-,n John E. Ray, County Judge John E. Ray, County Judge State Tres -Gas Tax Fist. State 1'reas-Gas Tax Dist State 'Teas -Gas Tax Dist M. M. Lippincott T _ ___ _ n 0t r_ea 5.00 100.00 3186.45 8377.42 7709.24 30.00 130 SUPE VISO 'S. IECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 12678 12679 12680 12681 12682 12683 12684 12685 12686 12687 12688 12689 Motion Home t Motion Grace Simpson, Justice of .reace Farmers Union 'o -Op. Gas & OilCo. Webster County W. R. Kidd Juniata Village Silver Lake Townsh p Treasurer &race simpson, Justice of 'eace Void Arthur Jensen & B.H.Bracken,Execs State Treas-Insurance Tax Grace Simpson, Justice of 'eace Treasurer of United States by Koepke, seconded by Kidd, o Carl Schlachter for the 1955 by Thompson, seconded by Kidd $ 87.00 12690 6.00 12691 242.54 12692 46.00 12693 2711.50 12694 375.00 12695 46.00 12696 12697 177.33 12698 28044.37 12699 40.00 1270o 10800.00 Grace °I.mpson, Justice Emma Berg, County Clerk Clerk of District Court Perry O. Larkin-Directo Fred U. Schaffroth, Reg Grace Simpson, Justice Grace Simpson, Justice Mary E. Baker Grace Simpson, Justice C. Tucker, Attorney Grace Simpson, Justice he land surrounding $35.00. Roll call, that we rent t crop year for , that the fol lowing resolution be RESOLUTION: of Peace r Welfare Deeds of Peace of eace of Peace of Peace 90.00 17.24 18.0o 300.00 692.30 105.00 75.00 67.44 90.00 62.38 120.00 the Adams County Nursing all voted aye. Motion carried. adopted: WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the Medical, Surgical and Hospital Fund of Adams County,Nebraskal due to unanticipated requirements essential to the preservation and maintenance of the public safety, the public welfare, andpublic health within said county; and WHEREAS, the existing appropriation for said fund is insufficient to complete the remainder of this fiscal year, and WHE'REAS, there is sufficient unappropriated money available in said fund for said purposes, and WHEREAS, it is essential to the preservation and maintenance within said county of the public safety, the p ublic welfare, and the public health that said appropriation of said fund be increased, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, that $2,000.00 is required for the said Medical, Surgial, and Hospital Fund for the remainder of the fiscal year 1954-1955 and that the existing appropriation in the budget for said fund be increased from w40,000.00 to $42,000.000 the money now available in said fund to be so used to the above limit. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 1:00 o'clock P. M. the board resumed with the following members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman, Thompson and Utecht. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Koepke, that we purchase shelves for the Register of Deeds office from the Hastings Typewriter Company for 0284.00 being the lowest and best bid. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Thompson, that we yhe County Board of Supervisors sell to the f Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8, Block 3 and Lot Block 6 and Lots 23 & 24, Block 6 Village of and that the Chairman of the County board of Quit Claim Deeds to said purchaser. Roll call adopt the following resolution "BE ollowing purchaser the following des s 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, Hansen to Byron W.Mott for $101.00. Supervisors be hereby authorized to , all voted aye. Motion carried. IT RESOLVED, that cribed property: 15, 16 & 17 execute and deliver Motion by Thompson, seconded by Utecht, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Acme Heat Equipment Co. Acme Printing Company Adams county Agriculture Extension Service Adams County •Service Committee Augustine Company The berg, County clerk Emma Bert's Drug Company Sivens George W Blocker, A. V. Bourg A. G. Brown Bert B. Burroughs corporation business Supply Company business supply Company County Assessor County Attorney County Supt. County Supt. Credit Bureau of Hastings Dutton Lainson Company Eigenberg &uildner,M.D. Hall county Health DepartMent Hammond & Stephens Company Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter CoMpany Rudolph H. L. GENERAL FUND Repairs Supplies Office Expense Office Expense 'upplies Postage, Bank Charge supplies Bailiff Assessing Assessing Gasoline supplies Supplies supplies Postage Postage Speaker, Flowers Mileage services Supplies Assessing Aedical care Test Supplies Proceedings, publishing Supplies supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies supplies 26.30 40.65 350.00 71.60 24.16 49.60 55.00 8.00 8.00 1.65 .69 130.50 18.50 12.00 6.00 32.00 34.83 .50 5.86 8.00 12.00 3.00 10.16 105.90 30.55 2.06 14.95 9.26 7.29 5.77 „ , SUPE - VISO 'S )EO) NO. 15 A lAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 131 Winne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Hunnicutt Karr Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Lord Company Luk ow Mahoney, County Treasurer Morrison Moyotola Communications & Electro Omaha Printing Company Onken Onken Panama Carbon Company Ray, County Judge Aedfield & Company Inc. Sanford Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Schlegal Schlegal Schultz, Clerk District Court Sinclair Manifold Products Stephens -Peck Inc. Stephenson School Supply laedter 'ilden Underwood Corporation •"est Publishing Company est Publishing Company Wood, Sheriff "oods, Harvey Delvin T. C. Joy D. Janet nics, Inc. Cleo Edward T. John E. H. K. Fred U. C. G. u. G. Mary Company huth He Budd Oil Company Clarke Oil Company Consumers Public Power Dist. Continental Oil Company Cook Paint & Varnish Company D -A. Lubricant uompany Inc. Dillys Service Eaton Metal Products Eaton Metal. Products Pairs hepair Shop Fairs Repair Shop Farmers Union Co -Op. Gilpin's Garage Goldenstein Hageman Hardware Company Harpham Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Huntsbarger-Bailes Inc. Island Supply company Joyht Kansas liebraska Natural Kenesaw Lumber Company Kenesaw Motor Co. Kenesaw Motor Co. Kenesaw uil company Kissinger Kistler Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph . May Meyer Modern Linen Supply Monroe Calculating Machine Co. Nebraska state Reformatory Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Newman Parks Paper,Calenson & Company Penney & Company Pittz Service Saathoff Service Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Sidles Company Sime A. J. Sinclair hOfining Company State Reformatory Stewart Plumbing & Heating Company Thomas Specialty Manufacturing Co. Tyler Company W. S. Tyler Company W. S. Velder hay Wagner Service Station Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply u . Whities Seat Covers Corp. Corp. Worthy B. F. E. Gas & Oil Col Gas Co. Co. ROAD FUND Leonard LaVern Ivan E. Ralph R. D. U. Prank W. & William R. Inc. Co. Aerbert P. Walter J. C. Fred O. Assessing As Telephone service Supplies salary Banks service charge Salary Supplies Supplies Assessing Assessing Supplies Postage Supplies Assessing £pstage, Bank charge .hssessing Assessing state cases Supplies supplies Supplies Bailiff Judging school art Adding machine Supplies Supplies Jailor fee, Postage kIssessing Diesel Gas, Diesel Utilities Diesel Supplies Lubricant Gas Supplies Tank, Supplies Supplies, repairs Supplies, Repairs Gas, Diesel Gas Salary supplies Salary Utilities Oxygen Repairs Supplies Salary Utilities Supplies Pickup Suppoies Gas Salary Repair Tractor Repairs, supplies Telephone service Katherine Land Purchase Salary Laundry Maintenance Supplies Repairs C. Salary Salary Supplies supplies Diesel, Supplies Gas, Supplies Recording Supplies Gas, Diesel Gas Supplies Supplies Repairs Supplies Supplies Salary Gas Supplies Supplies ReJairs l'ood,Mileage 8.00 8.00 154.05 4.86 47.32 13.60 72.80 566.31 16.95 16.00 49.50 4.00 9.00 146.75 8.00 6.80 8.00 40.00 168.23 17.40 6.00 11.35 10.00 15.00 444.6o 25.0o 25.00 337.55 8.00 171.89 134.03 1.00 59.64 64.46 57.00 88.78 1231.78 756.66 9.29 21.20 82.33 3.34 174.90 6.5o 223.20 12.58 11.07 3.19 3.76 229.90 2.00 72.00 1290.00 44.24 35.94 229.90 18.00 14,750.0o 749.36 13.5o 24.90 250.80 1.86 35.00 96.20 5.01 230.40 45.10 35.89 11.70 239.95 90.69 2.00 143.77 239.72 133.81 25.65 4.25 11.20 7.30 7.30 250.80 138.62 373.8 16.00 13.85 632 Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO 'S ll'ECOJID NO. 15 11 ADAMS COUNTY, NE RASKA Hager • Larkin,Director • McCarty • Snyder yckoff Adams County Soldiers . • Albright Aman • Ernst Jones • Kindig McNair . Parks Snell Adams County Fair STATE ADMINISTRATION Addle Perry O. Freida baye Daniel E. Clara Maxine SOLDIERtS & SAILORS Relief Fund Amen . American Public Welfare Assn. 1• 3erg, County Clerk I• .ertts Drug .Store bertts ,Aexall Drug Store Brooke & Son Drug Store Brunkow susiness Supply Company • Credit "Jureau of Hastings DeBacker,M.D. • DeBacker, M. D. Egen, M. D. Farmers Nursing Home Groenewold Cash Grocery Guildner, M. D. • Hastings Drug Store Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities Hoffman,M.D. Holuhaus Drug Company Jack & Jill Grocery -East South St. Jack & Jill Grocery -3rd & Burlington Jack & Jill Grocery -East south Jaco,Agent Kendall Kingsley, ". D. Kingsley, m. D. Kipp Kleager, M.D. Kostal, M. D. Kuehn, M.D. Kunce's Grocery Larkin Larkin -Director Larkin -Director Larkin -Director Larmorets Market Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Mary Lanning Hospital Mikkelsen Drug Company Rogers hutt's Drug Store # 1 hutt's Jrug Store It 2 Safeway Stores Inc. Schafer Printing Company Skaggs Grocery i4 11 Skaggs Grocery if, 5 Skaggs Grocery # 13 Snyder Stop and Shop Grocery Thiel's Cafe Tommy's Grocery # 1 VonStrode onStrode Western. Auto Associate store Wolfe COUNTY LIBRARY Mrs. A. F. Mrs. R. D. Mrs. Waunetta Mrs. Aaron Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Klyoe Miss Arlene Ars. Howard COUNTY FAIR FUND POOR AID FUND Peter Emma herbert L.J. L. J. L. F. C. W. Kenneth C. St. J. D. Mrs. Effie D. W. D. W. John W. Clyde L. O. A. Gerald A. Anderson Baker Perry O. .terry O. Perry O. Perry O. Catherine Mrs. Frank O. P. O. P. O. P. Daniel E. Mrs. Lillie East Side sl W. R. Mrs. ". R. Mrs. Neva MEDICAL, SURGICAL & Dr. H. F. d HOSPITAL Mileage Postage Mileage mileage Mileage Relief Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Premiums & Improvements Janitor services Membership Postage Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies Rent Supplies Credit service Medical care Medical care Medical care Care Staple foods Medical care Medical supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities -edical care Medical supplies Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods he Care Medical care medical care hent Medical care Medical care Medical care Staple foods Mileage Revolving fund hevolving fund OStag Staple foods Telephone service Hospital care Medical supplies Staple foods Medical supplies Medical supplies Care Staple foods Supplies Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Mileage Staple foods Board & Room Meals Staple foods Transportation Care Supplies Care CARE Medical care ,a 12.18 115.62 6.66 9.12 6.96 208.33 25.00 25.00 35.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 2600.00 65.00 30.00 16.84 6.56 14.98 34.05 20.00 18.10 5.00 3.00 12.00 2.00 65.00 53.00 10.00 9.00 7.50 18.40 1.04 3.00 6.68 83.5o 70.00 15.00 37.5o 50.00 32.00 6.00 150.00 22.00 3.00 3.00 54.50 5.28 71.90 16.85 15.00 40.00 42.4o 7.00 15.00 2.00 4-00 200.00 20.00 13.25 66.00 145.25 87.00 4.80 67.25 30.00 13.14 79.8o 5.00 75.00 3.90 330.00 22.00 SUPE VISO 'S EC01"AD NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 133 tune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Cowger 1 -)avis i)avis DeBacker Ellis i'ern's Pharmacy Foote -boote treeman Lilenn Guildner Haeberle Drug Store Hastings Drug Store Hoffman Hoffmeister Holm Holmerand Holthaus Drug Store Johnston Jones Drug Store Kingsley Kuehn Livingston - McIntire McMillan Mace Mary Lanning "ospital Mikkelsen Drug Store Minden Clinic Myers Pinney Reinke Rutt's Drug Store # 1 "utt's 1)rug c,tore rit 2 6cheidies VonStrode Weber Wolfe Jr. R. H. Elsie Dr. H. L. Jr. L. J. Phidelia Dr. C. M. Dr. E. C. Verne & Golda Dr. Elmer E. Jr. C. W. H. H. Dr. K. C. Dr. G. F. Jr. C. h. Dr. Lee Dr. C. 0. Dr. D. W. Dr. Gerald A. utler-Volland Funeral Home Dr. R. H. Dr. John Dr. J. L. Bertha Dr. G. L. Ella Amanda Mrs. W. R. Dr. C. R. Neva Medical care Nursing care Medical care Medical care Nursing care Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Nursing care Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Aedical care Medical care Medical care Medical supplies "edical care Medical supplies "edical care "edical care Ambulance service Aedical care Aedical care "edical care Hospital care Medical supplies Medical care Nursing care Medical care Nursing care Medical supplies Medical supplies Nursing care Nursing care Medical care Nursing care 2.00 13.05 8.00 3.00 12.73 10.50 1.00 3.00 68.8o 2.00 5.39 21.46 114.30 65.00 33.00 22.00 12.00 31.20 2.00 4.90 9.00 83.50 35.00 24.00 16.00 57.50 888.82 29.56 5.00 106.20 19.27 61.20 59.57 64.32 168.85 255.45 202.00 328.76 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. uounty Cle hairma COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday,June 13, 1955. 4:3o o'clock P.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors net as per recess of June 6, 1955. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Mailman, Thompson and Utecht. Motion by Mailman, seconded by Gangwish, that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, there 'of said Lots, in in favor of Adams 3314.28, and RESOLUTION: is an Old Age Assistance Lien filed against Lots 3 and 4, except the West 6o feet Block 10. Thompson's Addition to the pity of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, County, Nebraska, for Old Age Assistance to Cora E. Walis in the amount of WHEREAS, said Cora E. Walls and stands ready to pay said amount of $3314.28 to discharge said lien; WHEREAS, it appears to be in the best interest of Adams County, Nebraska, to accept said amount anddiAcharge said lien; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be directed to release and discharge said Old Age Assistance Lien from said property upon the payment of said $3314.28. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. -'his Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Coity Board of Supe sors. L1(/ / 4 ha man Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO 'S iitECO ADAMS COUNTY, NEB \ D NO. 15 ASKA COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, June 24, 1955. 3:00 o'clock P.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of June 13, 1955. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman and Utecht. Absent: Thompson. Motion by Cangwish, seconded by Kidd, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS there is an Old Age Assistance lien filed against Lots 1020, 1021, 1022 and 1023 in the village of Juniata, Adams County, Nebraska in favor of Adams County, Nebraska for Old Age Assistance to Charles Hogsett in the amount of 42/4_07.75; and WHEREAS James Nickkila stands ready to pay the amount of 02.00 to discharge the said lein as to Lots 1020 and 1021 only; and WHEREAS it appears to be in the best interest of Adams County, Nebraska to accept said amount and discharge said lien as to Lots 1020 and 1021 only; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska be directed to release and discharge said Old Age Assistance lien from said Lots 1020 and 1021 in the Village of Juniata, Adams County, Nebraska upon the payment of the sum of Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Kidd, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the Supplemental Agreements covering Project S-562 (1) Holstein North Road. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Maltman, that the following claims be allowed on their respectivefund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. drown, Bert C. Brown, L. Maye Clark of the District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Fitzke, Beverly Gangwish, Earl L. s-'angwish, Earl L. Kidd, C. H. Kidd, C. H. Koepke, Carl J. Lightner, Ed Mailman, W. W. Register of Deeds Thompson, Ray M. Utecht, William J. Utecht, William J. Veteranis Service Office Anderson, Roy ustin, Weslie Block, Bruce Boontjer, Ted Gunderson, Tony Heuertz, James A. Hinrichs, Klaas H. Hock, Charley Hoefer, John W. Hohlen, Fred Johnson, E. E. Joynt, Orville Dale Kennedy, Thomas B. Kluver, John Koch, David Marshall Jr. Lower, Cleon Petrie, Arthur Henry Poore, Delbert Pritchard, Clyde Pritchard, Donald Witt, Gerald D. Witt, Lloyd Nash, Lloyd Alberts, E. GENERAL PUN]) Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Mileage Salary Mileage Salary Salary Salary Office Expense Salary Salary Mileage Office Expense ROAD FUND Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary BRIDGE FUND Salary 130.00 30.00 512.50 967.50 641.66 897.50 881.22 704.16 511.66 1050.84 175.00 150.00 14.64 150.00 23.52 150.00 150.00 150.00 717.50 150.00 150.00 10.08 445.2o 250.00 253.60 290.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 400.00 250.00 250.00 206.80 250.00 250.00 250100 250.00 253.60 253.60 253.60 253.60 280.00 SCHROEDER ROAD Salary 200.00 SUPE VISO S CO 1t ADAMS COUNTY, NE l'' D RASKA NO. 15 une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. n COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, July 6, 1955. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of June 21.4, 1955. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman, Thompson and Utecht. Motion by Koepke, seconded by Maltman, that we employ Lowell Anderson to paint a portion of the Courthouse for $663.00 as per specifications on file in the County= ` Clerk's office, being the lowest and best bid. Roll call, all ;voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Thompson, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisors Record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 12701 12702 12703 12704 12705 12706 12707 12708 12709 12710 12711 12712 12713 12714 12715 12716 12717 12718 Grace Simpson, Justice of Po ace E. James Kula Worthy B. Wood F. C. Sneller, Adm. Mrs. A. E. Bennett Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Emma Berg, County Clerk Neva Wolfe Grace. Simpson, Justice of eace Emma'Berg, County Clerk Emma Berg, County Clerk John E. Ray, County Judge Hastin s Rural Fire Protection Dist Grace impson, Justice of ''ecce State Treasurer -Gas Tax i)ist. State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. Perry O. Larkin -Director 80.00 12719 .85 12720 32.50 12721 658.95 12722 65.21 12723 85.00 12724 147.90 12725 432.75 12726 85.00 12727 35.00 12728 101.00 12729 578.00 12730 30.30 12731 105.00 12732 3186.155 12733 11543.03 12734 9819.65 12735 17.70 12736 State Treasurer -State Assistance 28581.57 Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dist Ct. 460.20 John IL. Ray, County Judge 169.70 Emma Berg, County clerk 16.84 Grace Simpson, Justice of t'eace 2997.676. Luella K. Schafer, Exec. n.. James Kula, Deputy Co. Atty 50.00 Fred 0. Schaffroth, Reg. of Deeds 815.95 Mrs. Clara Hohlen 129.80 A. L. Samples 10.00 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 45.00 Mrs. Murl Graham 101.35 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 185.00 Emma Berg, County Clerk 381.65 State Treasurer -State lissistance Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 95.00 Emma Berg, County Clerk 2597.46 Perry 0. Larkin 10.80 Motion by Thompson, seconded by Kidd, that the Hastins Daily Tribune be granted the bid for seven binders and four extra indexes total bid of $115.00 being the 1 owest and best bid. Roll call, all Voted aye. Motion by (2) Adams Collector, all voted Motion by Motion carried. Thompson, seconded by Koepke, that the following reports be accepted andp laced on file County Nursing Home;, Judge, County Clerk Car Title, register of DeedsSpecial Tax Sheriff, County Clerk, Clerk of the District Court and Veterans Service Office. Roll call, aye. Motion carried. Thompson, seconded by Gangwish, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, On or about the 23rd day of May, 1955, there was filed in the office of the County Clerk of Adams County, Nebraska, a petition for the annexation; of the following described territory,to-wit: Section 31, Township 7, North, Range 11, West; and Sections 32, 33, 34, 35, and 36, all in Township 7, North, Range 12, Ifiest of the 6th P.M. in Adams County, Nebraska, to the Holstein Rural Fire Protection District which petition was signed by sixty percent or more of the electors who are owners of any interest in real or personal property assessed for taxation within the above described territory and who are residing therein, and WHEREAS, the County Clerk has certified that said petition complies with requirements of law and forwarded said petition together with the plat of the above described territory which was filed with said petition and the said certificate to the Board of Directors of the Holstein Rural Fire frotection District, and in writingj�w�th the County•�1er1L of Adams County, ire Protection District has filed a report WHEREAS, The oard of Directors of the Holstein Rural r Nebraska, approving the proposed annexation. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA, that a hearing be had upon said petition on the 26th day of July, 1955, at 10 o'clock A. M. at which hearing any person owning taxable property or residing within the above described territory to be annexed or within the boundaries of the existing Holstein rural Fire Protection District shall have an opportunity to be heard and that the County Clerk of Adams County, Nebraska, shall give notice of said hearing in the manner prescribed by law. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Koepke, seconded by Utecht, that we direct the of A. L. Samples for a Public Amusement Park, Dance Hall all voted aye. Motion carried. County Clerk to publish notice of hearing Carnival Show and Swimming Pool. Roll call, Motion by Kaltman, seconded by Koepke, that we approve the Bond of Grace H. Simpson, Justice of the Peace, City of Hastings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Thompson, that James F. Crowley be Committeeman as the representative of the Veterans of Foreign Wars all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Kid d, That the following Zoning. Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: appointed as Veterans Service for a five year period. Roll call, SUPE Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 11 VISO ADAMS c • S 11 ECO UNTY, NE D NO. 15 RASKA SECTION 1. LOCATION, BOUNJARIES ZONES, AND HEIGH? RESTRICTIONS The vicinity of the Hastings Municipal Airport located in •Section Three (3), Township 4)even (7), North, Range Tan (10) West of the 6th P. M., Adams County, Nebraska, shall be regarded as and is hereby zoned for that portion within the Airport hazard area as follows: SUBDIVISION 1. Airport Hazard Area Boundaries (a) The Hazard Area consists of Approach Zones, Turning Zones, and Transition Zones. The outer boundary of the Hazard Area is composed of a series of connected tangents and simple curves which also constitute the outer boundaries of the Approach and Turning Zones. (b) The inner boundary of the hazard Are tangents, 250 feet from the parallel to the inner boundaries of adjacent Approach 4ones runways or landing strips. a is a boundary line consisting of a series of intersecting center lines of the respective runways and connecting the at the ends of the runways, landing strips or proposed SUBDIVISION 2. Zone Descriptions (a) An Approach Zone shall be located at each end of each existing or proposed runway, landing strip or other portion of the airfield used regularly, or to be used regularly, for the landing or taking -off of airplanes. Such approach zones shall be 500 feet in width at each end of each existing or proposed runway or landing strip, and all approach zones shall expand uniformly to a width of 2,500 feet at a distance of two(2) miles from the ends of the respective runways or landing strips. The outer boundary line of each Approach Zone shall be a tangent perpendicular to and bisected by the extended centerline of its respective runway or landing strip. The Inner Area of each Approach Zone shall be that portion of the Approach Zone beginning at the end of the runway or landing strip and extending to the intersection of the controlling glide angle with a plane 150 feet above the highest elevation of the end of the respective runway or landing strip. The Outer Area of each Approach Zone shall be the area between the Inner Area of the Approach Zone and the outer limit of the Approach Zone. (b) The Turning Zones shall comprose all portions of the zoned area not contained in the Approach Zones and in the Transition zones. The outer limits of the Burning Zones shall be simple curves and tangents connecting the tangents constituting the outer limits of the Approach Zones. The points of curvature shall be not less than 1,250 feet from the runway centerlines extended. The tangents of the curves shall be the shorter of the two lines, extended from the outer limits of adjacent Approach Zones, and measured from the near limits of adjacent Approach Zones to the points of intersection. (c) The Transition Zones shall be the areas bounded by the inner boundary of the Hazard Area, the sides of contiguous inner areas of approach zones and the outer limits of the Transition Zones; said outer limits of the Transition Zones being the intersections, at elevations of 150 feet above the nighest elevation at the ends or edges of the closest runway or landing strip, of a series of contiguous planes originating from bases established by the inner boundary of the Hazard Area and the edges of adjacent inner areas of approach zones. Said planes rising from their respective bases at the rate of one (1) foot vertically to seven (7) feet horizontally to the lines of intersection previously referred to. SUBDIVISION 3. lialjalILILLILL121L No building, transmission line, co or other structure or appurtenance constructed, repaired or establishe to grow: munication line, pole, tree, smokestack, chimney, wires, tower thereto of any kind or character shall hereafter be erected, do nor shall any tree or other object of natural growth be allowed (a) in InnerAres of Approach Zones to a height above the elevation of the nearest point on the end of said runway or landing strip in excess of one fortieth (1/)0) of the distance from said point to said structure or object; (b) In the Outer 'irea of Approach Zones and in Tures to a height in excess of 150 feet above the elevation at the end of the nearest runway or landing strip (c) in the Transition zones to a height above the planes forming the transition slopes; (d) in the existing of proposed runwayLELIII.21 to a height above the existing or proposed finished grade of said runways or landing strips. SECTION 2. LOCATION SKETCH AND ZONING MAP. she boundaries, approach zones, determined in accordance with the and zoning map dated June 6, 1955, copy of which shall, at all times Nebraska transition zones, and turning zones of said airport shall be existing and proposed runways as indicated on the location sketch which accompanies and is hereby made a part of these regulations, a be on file in the Office of the County Clerk of Adams County, SECTION 3. NON -CONFORMING STRUCTURES vithin the zoned area as hereinbefore defined, no non -conforming building, transmission line, communication line, pole, tree, smoke stack, chimney, wires, tower or other structure or appurtenance thereto of any kind or character or object of natural growth shall hereafter be replaced, substantially reconstructed, repaired, altered, replanted orallowed to grown, as the case may be, to a height which constitutes a greater hazard to air navigation than existed before these regulations were adopted; nor above the heights permitted by these regulations if such structures or objects of natural growth have been torn down, destroyed, have deteriorated or decayed to an extent of 50 per cent or more, or abandoned fw nr. n H 4- 1 n n a Tr,c ynnr14-1,,c SUPE liECOi'D NO. 15 A AMS COUNTY, NE RASKA 137 7.00",kune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Whenever the Building Inspector shall determine, or shall be notified by the Nebraska Department of Aeronautics that a specific non -conforming structure or object exists and has existed prior to the passage of these regulations and within the zoned area herein before described at such a height or in such a position as to constitute a hazard to the safe operation of aircraft landing at or taking off from said airport, the owner or owners and the lessor or lessors of the premises on which such structure or object is located shall be notified in writing by the said Building Inspector and shall within a reqsonable time thereafter permit the lowering or removal thereof or immediately permit the marking thereof by suitable lights or other Signals designated by the said Building Inspector and based on the recommendations of the Nebraska Department of Aeronautics. The cost of such lowering, removal or marking shall not be assessed against the adner or lessor of said premise. SECTION 5. It is hereby resolved that the Board of Supervisors shall constitute the Zoning Board of Adjustment for Adams County, Nebraska, and as such Board of Adjustment shall allow a variance to the terms of this resolution where a literal application thereof would result in unnecesaary hardship, and the relief granted would not be contrary to the public interest and the intent of this regulation. SECTION 6. There is hereby established the position of the County Building Inspector of Adams County, Nebraska. The said Inspector shall hold office at the pleasure of the board of Supervisors, and shall furnish bond approved by the Board of Supervisors. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to examine the conditions pertinent to applications for permits as provided hereinafter, to issue such permits when said conditions are in compliance with the terms of these regulations, to deny such permits when said conditions are not in complaince with the terms of these regulations and to advise the Board of Supervisors. Adams County, of conditions within the zoned. area under the said Inspector's jurisdiction which are hazardous to aerial transportation. SECTION 7. Except after obtaining a permit from the County Building Inspector it shall be unlawful hereafter; (a) within two miles of the Hastings Municipal Airport outside the incorporated area of any city or village to erect, reconstruct or repair to an extent in excess of 50 per cent of its replacement value, any building, transmission line, pole, tower, or other structure, or (b) within three miles of said aiprort to erect or extend an overhead power line except as hereinbefore provided. Application for a permit as required under this resolution shall be made upon a form to be available in the o fice of the Building Inspector and shall indicate the approximate location, ground elevation and height of the proposed structure. The fee for each permit issued shall be 01.00 and all fees received by the said Inspector shall be paid by him to the County Treasurer for deposit in the general revenue fund, in an account entitled "Building l'ermit Fund." No permit shall be required for any structure to be located farther than one-half mile from the nearest boundary of said airport and no higher than fifty feet above the elevation of said boundary, or farther than one thousand feet from said boundary and no higher than twenty feet above said elevation, or farther than five hundred feet from said boundary and no higher than ten feet above said elevation. No fee shall be charged for a permit for any construction or repair whose estimated cost is less than 0100.00. SECTION 8. Ihe erection, reconstruction or repair of any structure, or the allowing of any natural feature to grown to a height in excess of that permitted under the terms of this resolution, shall be deemed a violation of this resolution and punishable, upon conviction thereof, as a misdemeanor as provided by law. SECTION 9. This resolution shall be known and may be cited as the Adams County Airport Zoning Regulations for the Hastings Municipal Airport. SECTION 10. Each section and each subdivision of a section is hereby declared to be independent of every other section or subdivision of a section, so far as inducement for passage of this resolution is concerned, and the invalidity of any section or subdivision of a section of this resolution shall not invalidate any other section or subdivision of a section thereof. SECTION 11. This resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its due passage and publication as required by law. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Malunan that we purchase from Burroughs one Burroughs Sensimatic, Style k 300, at 0375.00 being the best and lowest bid. Aoll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Koepke, seconded by Gangwish, that we adopt the following resolution "BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board of Supervisors sell to the following purchase the following described property: Lots 6 & 9, Block 15 Dunlap's Subdivision Mumaw's Addition, City of Hastings to edward F. Dutcher for 300.00; Pt of the SEi of Section 5, Township 8, Range 11 beginning at a point on the east line of the right of way of the Missouri Pacific Railroad 260 feet east and 260 feet *South of the NE Corner of Blk 7; East 510 feet to East line of quarter Section, South 80 feetWest 510 feet to right of way, North 80 feet to beginning, Village of Prosser, to H.L. Royston for 425.00. and that the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors be hereby authorized to execute and deliver Quit Claim Deeds to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Koepke, that we discontinue the possibility of a City -County Building. T- iiAaraa.1TiShKidd. Koenke. Lightner, Thompson and Utecht. Nay: maltnan. Motion carried. Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO 'S I'ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE i. 111 D NO. 15 ASKA Motion by Kidd, seconded by Koepke, that the following claims be allowed.on'their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye .Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Acme Printing Company Adams County .,,griculture Extension Service Adams County Service Committee Bee Printing Company berg, County Clerk EVima Bivens George bohlke Wallace Business Supply Company Clerk of the District Court Conrad Cornhusker Press County Attorney County Supt. Credit Bureau Dier JAItton-Lainson beese, M.D. Gant Publishing Company Gant Publishing Company Hammond & Stephens Company Hastings Association of Insurance Agents Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial supplies F 1 Hastings lypewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings l'ypewriter Company Hastings Utilities Hide Printing Company Inc. Hide Printing Company Inc. Hunter Journal Star Printing Co. Journal Star Printing Co. Kammerlohr Kula Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Mackie Star Market Mahoney, County Treasurer Monroe Calculating Machine Nash Finch Company Omaha Printing Company Onken Ray, County Judge Redfield & Company Inc. Schaffroth, Register of Deeds School Form & supply Co. Stephenson School Supply Co. West Publishing Company vood, Sheriff of Hastings Company Frank E. L. Dr. J. P. Richard E. Melvin K. E. Janes go. D. Co. Inc . Woods, Augustin Implement Co. Bockerman Budd Oil company Clarke Oil Company L;onsumers Public Power Dens Oil Lubricant co. pillys Service putton-Lainson Company earners Union Co-Cp. Gas & Oil Co. Ciilpin's Garage Crollenstein Hageman Hardware Co. Harpham Hastings Hastings Homelite ist. Utilities Welding Supply corp. Huntsbarger-Bailes Inc. Island Supply Company Itzen & Diez Joynt Kansas Nebraska iNatural Gas Co. Kenesaw Motor Company Kenesaw Oil Company Kenesaw Telephone Co. Kent Oil Company Kent Oil Company Kerr -Cochran Inc. Kissinger Co. Edw. T. John E. Fred O. Werthy B. F. E. Gus Leonard LaVe m Ivan E. M. C. m. C. ROAD FUND Printing Supplies Office Expense Office Expense Printing Supplies Envelopes, Postage Bailiff services Equalizing heal Estate Supplies State Cases, Committals Assessing Supplies Postage Mileage Credit service Vital statistics Supplies Services Session Laws Session Laws Supplies Insurance Printing Publishing Publishing Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Supplies Services Supplies Supplies Mileage, Telephone Supplies Telephone service Supplies Envelopes, Bank charge Services Supplies Supplies Assessing State cases, Box rent,Bank charge Supplies Postage, box rent 6 upp 1. ies Supplies Supplies Jailo-2 fee, Postage, food, Laundry Mileage Equalizing Real estate Repairs, supplies Sand Diesel fuel Gas, Diesel Utilities Transmission Gas Supplies Gas, Diesel, Grease Gas, Supplies Salary epairs, supplies Salary Utilities Oxygen Supplies Supplies Supplies Insurance Salary Utilities Repairs, Supplies Gas, Repairs Telephone service 1)iesel fuel i)iesel fuel Supplies Si 40.50 350.00 71.60 71.45 169.44 45.00 8.00 10.42 210.95 2.40 12.94 6.00 21.96 .50 162.00 21.87 3.50 2.50 10.00 20.23 284.50 96.29 4.88 10.95 1.50 7.32 4.10 14.68 85.12 17.10 2.00 75.00 109.50 11.33 2.56 1.15 154.70 12.11 71.19 21.00 36.80 62.97 84.00 22.96 84.67 11.23 4-76 371.34 25.00 258.35 16.00 66.44 392.40 379.47 153.47 2.05 105.50 106.03 15.60 117.75 6.74 213.40 21.95 191.40 10.18 4.55 14.30 12.75 205.80 20.00 223.30 2.00 4.65 56.80 16.70 55.35 313.20 11.61 nn SUPE VISO 'Ss I'ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE 111 1 D NO. 15 RASKA une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Modern Linen supply Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Go. Newman Parks Pittz Service saathoff Service schaffroth, Register of Deeds sidles Company Sime Southern Nebraska Rural Public Thoraas Specialty Mfg Co. Velder Ray Vontz L.J. Wagners Service Station "estern Brick & Supply Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. "ilber Service Inc. Wilder's Service Station Herbert_ Walter ". Fred O. J.A. Power Dist 1)Uttoon-Lainson Company Naggatz RieQ Wheeler Lumber Willard Lilley Road Account vontz Albright Aman Bouregy & Bouregy & Doubleday Ernst Has Jones KincUg McClurg McNair Parks snell BRIDGE FUND Ervin W. Henry Bridge & Supply Co. Harry R. Curl Inc. Curl Inc. & Company Inc. Carnegie Library & Company Loshonkohl Mullen 'looting Company 6tevens Plumbing & Heating Co. SCHROEDER ROAD Ed L. J. COUNTY LIBRARY Mrs. A. F. Mrs. R. D. Mrs. Waunetta Mrs . Aaron Mrs. Margaret A. C. Mrs. Klyoe Arlene Mrs. Howard Laundry Repairs, Supplies Salary Salary Gas, Diesel, supplies Gas Recording deeds Supplies Gas, Diesel Utilities Repairs Salary Gravel Gas, Repairs Supplies Supplies Repairs, Supplies Gas, Repairs Supplies Salary Salary Supplies Salary Gravel Labor, Equipment rental Gravel Salary Salary Supplies, books Supplies, Books Books Salary Library service Salary Salary Books Salary Salary Salary ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HGME, Arthur E. W. STATE ADMINISTRATION Berg, County Clerk Emma Business Supply Company Hager Addie Hastings Typewriter ummpany Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McCarty Freida Faye Schafer frinting Uompany snyder Daniel E. Wyckoff Clara Maxine SOLDIER'S & SAILORS Adams County Soldiers Relief Fund POOR AID FUND Peter Amen Bert's Rexall Drug store Bi -Lo Market Brooke & Son Drug store Brunkow credit sureau of Hastings hgen, M. D. Parmers Nursing Home Groenwold Gash Grocery Guildner, M.D. Hastings -Jrug Store Hastings utilities Hastings Utilities Hoffman, M.D. HottmeisterIP.D. Holthaus Drug c)Inpany X, Till BurlinLton Herbert L. F. C. W. Kenneth C. Jr. F. Labor Repairs Supplies Postage Supplies Mileage Supplies Telephone service Mileage Supplies Mileage Mileage Relief Janitor Medical supplies Staple foods Medical supplies Rent Credit service Medical care Care Staple foods Medical care Medical supplies Utilities Utilities Medical care medical care Medical supplies Staple foods 3.35 4003.81 230.40 215.60 308,90 18.56 2.00 143.73 194.29 18.54 11.50 242.40 486.25 108.50 11.00 54.61 189.23 102.20 10.87 214.80 208.80 369.99 222.00 1638.84 1372.80 670.00 25.00 25.00 13.50 13.50 9.24 35.00 90.00 25.00 25.00 5.96 25.00 25.00 25.00 6.00 20.00 41.50 16.84 36).15 15.06 15.48 38.70 6.96 23.50 7.80 208.33 65.00 15.63 50.00 15.20 20.00 5.00 5.00 65.00 53.00 15.00 16.60 1.04 4.54 3.00 3.00 4.69 80.00 4-4 0 SUPE VISO •'S JECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Kunce's Grocery Larkin -Director Larmore's Grocery Lindell Rooms McGrath Hardware Uo, Mace, M.D. Mary Lanning i'lemorial Hospital Missouri Valley Brace Richardson iiogers Rutt's Drug Store # 1 Rutt's Drug Store If 2 l'utt Skaggs Grocery # 5 Skaggs Grocery 11' 5 'kaggs Grocery # 11 Skaggs Grocery # 13 Smith, Supt. Snyder Stop and Shop Grocery Thiels Cafe Vasey VonStrode vonStrode Western Auto Associate Store Wilcox "ilder Oil Company "olfe Lompany Anderson baker Beck "ert's Drug Store 'ert's Rexall Drug Store Brooke & Son 6rommer Dispensary `'harlton Corey DeBacker EEen Ellis Fern's Pharmacy Foote Foote Freeman Guildner Haeberle Drug Store Hastings Drug Store Hoffman Hoffmeister Holm Holthaus Drug Store Kin sley Kostal Kuehn Lebsack McIntire McMillan Mace Mary Lanning Hospital Mikkelsen Drug Store Myers Pinney Reinke Rutt's Drug Store # 1 Rutt's Drug Store # 2 Scheidies Smith VonStrode Weber Wolfe • This Board will now recess Perry 0. J.H. John L. Mrs. Viella Katherine Mrs. Frank 0. P. 0. P. 0. P. 0. P. J. N. Daniel E. Ruby Mr. b. R. Mrs. 4. R. Dale R. Mrs. Neva MDICAL, SURGICAL Dr. H. F. Mrs. Sybil D, V. L. R. A. Dr. G. P. Mrs. Walter Dr. L.J. Dr. L. F. Phidelia Staple foods Revolving fund Staple foods Rent 'upplies medical care Hospital care Supplies Board & Room. Rent Medical supplies Medical supplies Care Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Care Mileage Staple foods Meals Mileage Transportation Care Supplies Transportation Kerosene Care & HOSPITAL CARE Dr. C. M. Dr. E. C. Verne & Golda Dr. C. W. H.H. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr, Dr, Dr. Dr. Dr, Dr. Dr. K. C. G. F. C. R. D. W. 0. A. G. A. Edwin W. R. H. J. J. L. Bertha Dr. G. L. Ella Amanda Dr. A. A. Mrs. 4, R. Dr. C. R. Neva subject to the call of the Medical Nursing 'Medical Aedical Medical Medical Glasses Medical Nursing Aedical Medical Nursing Medical Medical Nursing Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Hospital Medical Nursing Medical Nursing Medical Medical Nursing Nedical Nursing Medical Nursing Chairman care care care supplies supplies supplies care care care care care supplies care care care care supplies supplies care care care . supplies care care care care care care care• care supplies care care care supplies supplies care care care care care 54.50 19.57 20.00 14.00 1.60 5.00 102.50 22.00 27.00 20.00 7.75 1.00 200.00 1.15 37.25 143.08 80.00 105.00 27.78 67.25 7.85 24.78 10.0o 165.00 1.50 16.00 1.6o 330.00 26.5o 46.95 3.00 79.56 120.61 83.49 15.50 53.62 59.5o 3.00 6.00 12.73 14.25 15.0o 22.37 58.00 11.09 40.72 129.40 32.00 8.00 22.00 13.15 100.00 7.00 86.00 50.00 231.30 2.00 26.00 1132.40 44.86 106.20 24.37 93.95 45.05 105.04 168.85 8.00 198.35 2.00 502.56 of the County Board of Supervisors. Chair SUPE VISO 'S ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA _rollokok • une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 12, 1955. 2:00 o'clock P.M. Statutory meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of July 6, 1955. w. Maltaan, Temporary Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Aaltman and Utecht. Absent: Lightner and Thompson. Court Motion by Koepke, seconded by Gangwish, that WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the Justice Court,District and Service Officer to unanticipated requirements essential to the preservation and maintenance of the public safety, the public welfare, and public health within said county; and WHEREAS, the existing appropriation for said funds are insufficient to complete the reMainder of this fiscal year, and WHEREAS, there is sufficient unappropriated money available in said funds for said purposes, and WHEREAS, it is essential to the preservation and maintenance within said county of the public safety, the public welfare, and the public health that said appropriation of said funds be increased. NOW THE.LEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of Supervisorsof Adams County, Nebraska, that $110.65 is required for the Justice Court, $301.42 for the District Court, and 04.0 for the Service Officer, for the remainderof the fiscal year 1954-1955 and that the existing appropriation in the budget for said fund be increased from %,)75.00 to $185.65, $6500.00 to $7301.42, and O000.00 to $6034.03, the money now available in said General Fund to be so used to the above limits. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. /00A5 2A1 - Temporary -Chairman COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 26, 1955. 9:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of July 12, 1955. Edward Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Thompson, that a licensesbe granted to A. L. Samples to conduct a Public Amusement Park, Dance Hall, Carnival Show, and Swimming Pool from the First day of August, 1955 to the First day of August, 1956. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Utecht, that the following RESOLUTION be adopted: WHEREAS, On or about the 23rd day of May, 1955, there was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of Adams County, Nebraska, a petition for the annexation of the following described territory, to -wit; Section 31, Township 7 North, Range 11, West; and Sections 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36, all in Township 7 North, Range 12, West,of the 6th P.M. in Adams County, Nebraska, to the Holstein Rural Fire Protection District which petition was signed by sixty percent or more of the electors who are owners of any interest in real or personal property assessed for taxation within the above described territory and who are residing therein, and WHEREAS, the County Clerk has certified that said petition complies with requirements of law and forwarded said peation together with the plat of the above described territory which was filed with said petition and the said certificate to the Board of Directors of the Holstein Rural Fire Protection District, and WHEREAS, The Board of Directors of the Holstein Rural Fire Protection District has filed a report in writing with the County Clerk of Adams County, Nebraska, approving the proposed annexation, and WHEREAS, it appears to the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, that said petition should be approved in total. NOW THEHEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA, that the following described territory, to -wit: Section 31, Township 7, North, Range 11, West; and Sections 32, 33, 34 35 and 36, all in Township 7, North, Range 12, West of the 6th P.M. in Adams- County, Nebraska, be and hereby is annexed to and form a part of the Holstein Rural Fire Protection District. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. * Motion by Kidd, seconded by Gangwish, that the following claims be allowed on their res five funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all vote ye. Motion carried. Brown, Bert Brown, L. Maye County Assessor County Attorney County Clerk County Clerk of the District Court County Judge County Sheriff County Register of Deeds County Superintendent GENERAL FUND. Salary Office Expense It 11 $1.30.00 30.00 978.13 610.00 897.50 512.50 845.87 704.16 662.50 511.66 Tribune SUPE Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Maltman, M M Thompson, Ray M Utecht, Wm Utecht, Wm Veteran's Service Officer Klusman, Janet Alberts, E Anderson, Roy Austin, Weslie Block, Bruce Boontjer, Ted Gunderson, Tony Heuertz, James Hinrichs, Klaas H Hock, Charley Hoefer, John Hohlen, Fred Johnson, E E Joynt, Orville Dale Kennedy, Thomas B Kluver, John Koch Jr, David M Lower, Clem Petrie, Arthur Poore, Delbert Pritchard, Clyde R Pritchard, Donald Witt, Gerald D Witt, Lloyd Nash, Lloyd Larkin, Perry 0, Director Welfare VISO 'S 1'ECO D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NE RASKA Salary ft it Mileage Office Expense Salary ROAD FUND Salary ft ft 11 ft tl u ft ft is It It It n tt ff ft If ft BRIDGE FUND Salary STATE FUND Office Expense 2370.00 $150.00 150.00 150.00 11.40 420.00 40.00 200.00 250.00 256.60 290.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 400.00 250.00 250.00 222.L0 250.60 250.00 250.00 250.00 261.40 256.60 256.60 261.40 280.00 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the 0fi. r Board of Sup= is ors . COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 26th, 1955. 1:30 o'clock P.M. Meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per advertised Statement of Publication of Summary of the County Budget and Levy comparison for the purpose of objections, suggestions, or corrections to the 1955-1956 County Budgets. Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Heitman, Thompson and Utecht. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Maltman, that we approve the Budget of $52,220.00 for the County Assessor including $20,000.00 for reappraisal of Real Estate in Hastings if contract is approved, and $9500.00 for an addressograph to be used by the various offices in the County Court House. Roll call, Ayes, Gangwish, Kidd, Maltman and Thompson. Nays, Koepke, Lightner, and Utecht. Motion carried. There were no objections, suggestions or corrections. The County Board of Supervisors will nor recess Subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. Board recess. SUPE 111 ii\ECO D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 7,004•41ki\ne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Saturday, August 6, 1955. 10:00 o'clock A.M. ilegular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of July 26, 1955. Edward Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Heitman, and Utecht. Absent:Thompson. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Gangwish, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, Adams County, Nebraska, has a lien against the following described property, to -wit: The West Thirty beet (1o1301) of the South k'orty-four _beet (S.44') of Lot Nine (9) Original --own, Village of Kenesaw, Adam County, Nebraska. growing out of payment of State Assistance to Emma S. Parker, age 65, which lien was filed December 11, 1951, in Book 160 at page 398 of the lien records of Adams County, Nebraska; and reasonable value of said above described property is the sum of One Hundred Dollars WHEREAS, the ($100.00, and WHEREAS, there is other property adjacent to the above described propertyon which said Adams County, Nebraska, still has a lien, NOW, THE'REIAORE, BE IT RESOLVED that upon payment of the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) to Dorr Mahoney, County Treasurer of Adams county, Nebraska, said County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to release the above described State Assistance lien against the following described property only, to -wit: The West Thirty Feet (W. 301) of the South Forty-four Feet (S. )41) of Lot Nine (9), Original Town, Village of Kenesaw, Adams County, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Utecht, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, :Kelvin L. Cramer, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Guardian of Cora Hay Roush, an Incompetent, has filed his Petition in the District Court of Adarns County, Nebraska, praying for a license to sell the following described real estate, to -wit: Lot our (4), Block Six (6), Johnsonts Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, (also known as 315 liest 6th Street) for the reason that it is for the best interest of his ward that said real estate be sold and the proceeds therefrom be invested in interest except such a portion thereof as may be necessary for the immediate care and maintenance of said ward and WHEJEAS, the -Doard of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, have investigated said matter and approve of the proposed sale and deem said sale necessary for the best interests of said Incompetent, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUP ,RVISO-iS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA: That we deem the proposed sale of the real estate of said Incompetent to be proper and beneficial to the estate of said Incompetent and deem that said sale is necessary. Be it further resolved that a copy of this Resolution shall be certified by the County Clerk of Adams County to the Ju ge of the District Court of Adams County,Nebraska, in writing. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Kidd, that the reports of the County Clerk, County Judge, Car Title, Adams County Nursing Home, Register of Deeds, Sheriff, Clerk of the District Court and Special Sheriff be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. Motion by Koepke, seconded by Utecht, that the following Miscellaneous the Supervisors Record: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 12737 12738 12739 12740 12741 12742 12743 127144 12745 12746 12747 12748 12749 12750 12751 12752 Kula & Kammorlohr 9.20 Joseph Heimann 25.00 Grace ')irripson, Justice of 1eace 68.00 J.Fred Ernstneyer,1-'scrow Agent 33111.28 J.1 -.red Ernstmeyer,Escrow Agent 163.83 Worthy B. Wood, sheriff 61.80 Emma Berg, County Clerk 115.20 Clerk of the District Court 18.50 School District # 60 10.00 L. M. Leonard 7.00 Adams County Agriculture Extension31.80 John E. Ray, County Judge 8.00 Grace Sjampson, Justice of Peace 123.00 Perry O. Larkin 8.85 Perry O. Larkin 36.85 Perry O. Larkin 23.25 t : nr, r1r1 12761 12762 12763 12764 12765 12766 12767 12768 12769 12770 12771 12772 12773 12774 12775 12776 Receipts be made a part of State Treasurer -Gas Tax. Dist, State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist, Mrs. Sarina J. Merkel, Exec. Grace Simpson Grace Simpson,Justice of l'eace John Junker, et al Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dist Court State Treasurer -State Assistance Frances Bacon John Ray, County Judge Grace simpson, Justice of Peace Emma Berg, County Clerk Emma Berg, County Clerk Perry 0.Larkin,Director Special Mail route Mary Schultz,Clerk Dist Court 10582.23 9179.13 41.48 65.00 75.00 704.28 438.75 29511.18 44.31 724.85 75.00 16.84 377.75 4.15 1372.80 16.45 2 7E (14 SUPE VISO 'S ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE lit RASKA I • D NO. 15 Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 1278 Burroughs Corp. by Roscoe Story 12786 &race Simpson 12787 'tate Tax Commissioner 14.75 12788 75.00 12789 8316.74 12790 State State Grace Tax Commissioner 5956.08 Treasurer -State Assistance 476.96 Simpson, Justice of Peace 65.00 Motion by Kidd, seconded by Gangwish, that we authorize the Chairman to sign the Supplemental agreements between the state of Nebraska a ,d for the improvement of the Kenesaw North Road, designated as Project No. S-44(4). Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. Motion by Koepke, seconded hr Malbman, that we adopt the following resolution "3E IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Supervisors sell to the following purchaser the following described property: Lot 1, block 12, East Park Addition to A. S. Woodward for v15.00 and that the Chairman of the County 3oard of Supervisors be hereby authorized to execute and deliver Quit Claim Deeds to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mailman, seconded by Koepke, that we purchase 22000, 1956 Tax ileceipts from the Hastings DailyTribune @ S452.80 and 500 Tax list Sheets from the Cornhusker Press @ 09.56. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, secon ,ed by Koepke, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. Acme Heat Equipment Co. Acme Printing company Adams County Agricultural Extension Adams County Service uommittee Anderson Augustine company Berg, County Clerk Bivens Brach's uornhusker Press County Assessor county Attorney County supt. County 'upt. Credit Bureau of Hastings Don's Sign Company Dutton-Lainson Company Dutton-Lainson Company Gant Publishing Company Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter 'o. Hastings Typewrner Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings -typewriter Co. Hastings typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hide Printing Co. Inc. Hide Printing 'o. Inc. Hide Printing Co. Inc. Hide Printing 'o. Inc. Itzen & Diez Insurance Agency Krieger Krieger Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McArthur Themas, Tax Collector Mahoney, County treasurer Milburn & Scott o. Nebraska Association of Panama Carbon Co. & Company Inc. 'chafer Printing Co. 'chafer Printing Co. schafer Printing Co. Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Schultz, Clerk District Court Simpson, Justice of Peace "est PublishinE Company west Publishing Company Wood, Sheriff Service Lowell Emma George 6 John John George D. hay D. County Officials Armco Drainage & Metal Products Augustin Implement Co. & B. Service judd Oil Company ularke Oil uompany Consumers Public Power Dist. Continental Oil Company Davis Dens -Oil Lubricant Co. Fred O. Mary Grace Worthy 3. Albert GENERAL FUND Materiai, Labor Supplies Office Expense Office Expense Painting Court room Supplies Postage Bailiff Supplies supplies Postage Postage Fair Fund Institute Fund services Signs Supplies supplies Session laws Semi-annual Statement Supplies ROAD FUND Publishing, Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Workman's Compensation Labor Labor Telephone Attorney fee Lock bank service charge supplies Annual Assessment Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Postage, supplies State cases, committal Cases Supplies Supplies Jailor fee, i'ostage, food, Laundry, Mileage Supplies Supplies Tire Repair Diesel Gas Utilities Diesel Land purchase 01l '4.70 3.35 375.00 71.60 663.80 9.30 16.00 35.00 9.90 53.71 200.90 6.00 150.00 250.00 12.00 5.00 41.42 5.86 2.50 79.56 287.05 55.75 3.00 7.95 285.114_ 13.75 9.00 1.10 4.30 93.54 8.5o 1.50 .35 10.50 1190.43 167.63 10.75 147.15 75.00 1.00 9.4.8 3.27 35.00 9.70 15.47 15.90 24.50 42.76 7.15 307.95 72.00 146.0o 25.00 313.05 565.88 108.21 4.00 87.73 139.79 1.00 87.00 49.30 L'A 0-7 SUPE VISO 'St 11\ECOIsAD NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NERASKA u e Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. fl Hageman Hardware Co. Harpham Hastings Cattery & tlectric Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply 0o. Holstein Lumber Go, Huntsbarger-Bailes Inc. Island Supply Co. Jensen Joynt Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Kenesaw Lumber Co. Kenesaw Oil Company Lenhart Service station Lilley Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Meyer Modern Linen Supply Morgan Moore Nebraska Newman Parks Pittz Service Saathoff Service Sherman Service Center Sidles Company Sime Thomas Specialty Co. Tr aus ch Trupp Trupp Velder Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Nhitiets Seat Covers kilber service Inc. Wilderts Service Station Tractor & Equipment Co. ' Chicago, Surlington Kissinger Naggatz Rief Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Willard LeVern Vearl L. Ivan E. Ed. William Ellis Wm. Herbert P. Walter W. A. j. Lester S. Adam Adam Ray Supplies Labor Supplies Utilities Water Demurrage Supplies Repairs, Supplies Agreement Labor Utilities Supplies Gas, Repairs Gas, Repairs Gravel Supplies Telephone service Salary Laundry Labor Gas, Supplies Supplies C. Salary Gas, Diesel, supplies Gas Supplies Supplies &as, Diesel Repairs SeraphineZIal l,,, M. Land Purchase Repair Salary Supplies Repairs Repairs, Supplies Gas, Repairs BRIDGE FUND Quincy Railroad Ralph Ervin Henry Lilley Lilley Lippincott Road Account Supply Berg, County Clerk Business Supply Company Hager Hastings Typewriter Co. Kostal, M. D. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McCarty Snyder Wyckoff Adams County Solderils Relief Fund Albright Aman Doubleday & Co. Ernst Hastings Carnegie Library Jones Kindig McNair Tarks Snell Amen ilync>in Harry R. w. SCHROEDER Ed Ed M. M. STATE Erma .Addie O. A. ROAD ADMINISTRATION Freida Faye Daniel E. Clara Maxine Freight Salary Salary Salary supplies Salary Gravel Gravel Gravel Labor, Equipment rental _Postage Supplies Mileage Supplies Medical care Telephone service Mileage Mileage Mileage SOLDIER'S & SAILORS Relief COUNTY LIBRARY Mrs. A. F. Mrs. R. D. Mrs. Waunetta Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Miss Mrs. Aaron Margaret Klyoe ArloTIQ Howard POOR AID FUND Katie Peter Salary Salary Books Salary Library service Salary salary Salary Salary Salary Salry Salary 26.81 252.60 8L. .41 .17 33.42 .90 61.83 6.37 58.15 1964.50 170.50 6.20 50.14 59.27 82.60 456.18 442.27 17.15 246.00 3.00 1.10 61.66 761.31 187.20 304.70 596.55 11.57 64.21 84.31 186.09 6.75 50.10 8.50 8.50 246.00 124.32 9.00 218.83 108.77 921.05 220.00 246.00 241.20 2579.22 246.00 1338.75 3075.24 2350.08 1380.80 18.16 9.25 5.46 21.75 10.00 40.30 9.54 6.54 6.54 208.33 25.00 25.00 18.48 35.00 90.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 30.00 65.00 4-4 6 Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO A a AMS c • S EC UNTY, NE 11 D NO. 15 RASKA DeBacker,M.D. Egen, M. D. Farmers Nurs:ng Home Groenwold Cash Grocery Hastings Drug Store Hastings Utilities Hoffman, M.D. Holthaus Drug Co. Jack & Jill Grocery -3rd & Burlington Jack & Jill Grocery- East South St. Jaco, Agency Kendall Kin€sley,M.D. Kipp Koch Grocery Kunce's Grocery Larkin -Director Larmore's Grocery McIntire, M.D. Mikkelsen Drug Pinney, M. D. hichardson Rogers Rutt's Drug Store # 1 "utt Safeway 'tores Skaggs Grocery Smith, Supt. Steward Stop and Shop Grocery Tommy's Grocery # 1 VonStrode Mrs. W. H. Weber, M. D. C. R. Western Auto Associate Store Wilder Oil Company Wolfe Mrs. Neva Gompany Inc. # 5 L. J. L. F. Kenneth. C. J. D., Mrs. Effie D. W. John W. Perle Perry 0. RobertH. George L. Mrs, Viella Miss Katherine Mrs. Frank 0. P. Mr. J. N. S. J. sert's Bert's Bert's Brooke Drug Store Rexall rug store Rexall Drug Store & Son Charlton Davis DeBacker East Side Drugs Egen Ellis Ernstmeyer, Conservator t'ern's Pharmacy Foote toote Foote treeman Guildner Haeberle Drug Store Hastings Drug Store Hoffman Hoffmeister Holm Holthaus .Drug Store Jones Drug Store Kingsley Kostal Kuehn Livingston-L5utler-Voiland McIntire Mace Mary Lanning Hospital Mikkelsen's Drug Store Myers Pinney Reinke Rutt's Drug Store # 1 hutt's Drug store # 2 Scheidies seberg 'ionStrode Weber Wolfe This 'oard will now recess MEDICAL, Funeral Medical care Medical care Care Staple foods Medical supplies Utilities Medical care Medical supplies Staple foods Staple foods Rent Care Medical care Rent Staple foods Staple foods Revolving fund Staple foods Medical care Medical supplies medical care Board & Room Rent Medical supplies care Staple foods staple foods Care Rent Staple foods staple foods Gare Medical care Supplies Kerosene Care SURGICAL AND HOSPITAL CARE Dr. G. P. Dr. H. L. Dr. L. J. Dr. L. F. Phidelia J. Fred Dr. C. M. Dr. D. B. Dr. E. C. Verne & Golda Dr. C. H. H. Dr. Kenneth C. Dr. G. Dr. C. R. Dr, D. W. Dr. 0. A. Dr. G. A. Home Dr. R. H. Dr. J. L. Bertha Dr, G. L. Ella Amanda Dr. Herbert Mrs. W. R. Dr, C. R. Mrs. Neva subject to the call of County Clerk the Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies edical care medical care Ledical care Medical supplies edical care Nursing care Nursing care Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Nursing care Medical care Hedical supplies Medical supplies Medical care medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies medical care Medical care Medical care Ambulance service "edical care Medical care Hospital care Medical supplies Nursing care Medical care Nursing care Medical supplies Medical supplies Nursing care medical care Nursing care Medical care Nursing care 3.00 2.00 65.00 41.50 42.50 5.07 3.00 6.57 70.00 65.00 37.50 50.00 2.00 150.00 20.00 37.25 25.30 65.00 6.00 19.90 10.00 64.00 20.00 13.75 200.00 40.0o 37.25 105.00 12.00 67.25 79.80 165.00 10.00 1.60 1.60 455.00 108.99 173.51 10.00 91.30 54.00 4.00 9.65 1.75 2.00 12.73 36.20 8.00 1.00 • 7.00 4.00 58.00 4.00 33.43 132.40 36.56 14.0o 11.00 4.85 2.5o 3.00 3.00 66.00 5.00 16.00 98.00 1748.88 35.75 106.20 18.87 93.95 8.74 125.44 168.85 74.0o 198.35 3.00 382.56 Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. SUPE VISO 'S Ec(011-.) NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 147 _____"014041zune Graphic Arts. Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 9, 1955.. 1:30 o'clock P.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board Edward H. Lightner,Chairman, presiding. Aoll call, members Motion by Gangwish, of Supervisor ta met as per recess of August 6, 1955. present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman, Thompson and Utecht, seconded by Koepke, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, There is an Old Age Assistance lien filed Adams County, Nebraska, against the East One-half (E4) of Aoseland, Adams County, Nebraska, in favor of Adams Mary Schmitz, and WHEREAS, said above described property is not reasonably worth more than 1)10.00 and said Mary Schmitz has tendered the amount of $10.00 to Adams County, Nebraska, lien, and in the officeof the Register of Deeds of of Lot Five (5), Block Eleven (11), Village County, Nebraska, for Old Age Assistance to on the market to discharge said WHERRAS, it appears to be in the best interest of Adams County, Nebraska, to accept said amount and discharge said lien. NOW TH]REFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be directed to release and discharge said Old Age Assistance lien from the East One-half (E-0 of Lot 5, Block 11, Village of lioseland, Adams County, Nebraska, upon the payment of said v10.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Notio,1 carried, Motion by Utecht, seconded by Kidd, that the following resolution be adopted: JOINT RESOLUTION ADAMS AND WEBSTER COUNTIES, N=ASKA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Adams, State of Nebraska, and the Board of County Gomnaissioners of the County of Webster, State of Nebraska, are desirous of entering into a working agreement for the construction and maintenance of the road between said counties and the construction and maintenance of bridges thereon, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. 'hat the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska construct, improve and maintain said road running along the south boundary of the following Adams County sections or parts of sections, to -wit: Section 'Section °ection Section "'ection 6ection c'ection Section 31 and and 31 and 34 and 31 and 3)4 and 31 and and 34 34 West Half of Section 32, West Half of Section 35, West Half of Section 32, "est Half of Section 35, West Half of Section 32, township 5 North, lownship 5 North, iownship 5 North, Township 5 North, Township 5 North, West Half of Section 35,Township 5 North, Range 10 West; West 3/4 of Secton 32, Township 5 North, Range 9 West; West Half of Section 35, Township 5 North, Range 9 West; Commissioners of Webster County, Nebraska construct, improve and maintain south boundary of the following Adans County sections or parts of sections, Range 12 West; Range 12 West; Range 11 West; Range 11 West; Range 10 West; That the Board of County said road running along the to -wit: East East East East East, East East :East Half of Section 32 and Half of Section 35 and Half of Section 32 and Half of Section 35 and Half of Section 32 and Half of Section 35 and 1/4 of Section 32 and Half of Section 35 and all of Section 33, all of Section 36, all of Section 33, all of Section 36, all of Section 33, all of Section 36, all of Section 33, all of Section 36, lownship,5 North, Range 12 West; Township 5 North, Range 12 West; l'ownship:5 North, Range 11 West; Township:5 North, Range 11 West; -Lownship-5 North, Range 10 West; Township 5 North, Range 9 West; Township' 5 North, Range 9 West; 11. ihat the County of Adams Shall construct and keep in repair all bridges located upon the sections of said county line road assigned to said county as provided in Paragraph No. 1 hereof and the County of Webster will construct and keep in repair all bridges located upon the sections of said county line road assigned to it by the provisions of Paragraph No. 1 hereof; that the costs of the constructions repair and maintenance of all bridges of said county line road shall be borne equally by the County of Adams and the County of Webster regardless of the location of said bridges and the county constructing or repairing any of said bridges shall be reimbursed for one-half of the costs thereof by the adjoining county. If any bridge structure exceeds a cost of 500.00 both of above counties must agree to sane before commencing it. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This toard will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. SUPE Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. VISO IECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE It RASKA D NO. 15 COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Jriday,,'iugust 19, 1955. 1:30 o'clock P.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors net as per recess of August 9, 1955. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman,presiding. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, and Utecht. Absent: 74altman and Thompson. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Gangwish, that we purchase one #12 Cater illar Motor Grade with a trade in of Caterpillar D8800 Engine Serial #6S6325 cash difference 13,950.00 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This toard will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEERASKA Friday, August 26, 1955. 10:00 'Clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of August 19, 1955. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, l'ialtman, Thompson and Utecht. Motion by Thompson, seconded by GanFwish, that Moore Business -corms, Inc. be for 19,500 7 part Ilutomobile Registration certificates for a bid of &41.82 being the lowest and best old. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motiol by Gangwish, seconeed by Koepke, that the following claims be allowed fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. oll Motion carried. Brown, Bert B. brown, L. Maye Clerk of the District Court County Assessor County Attorney County 'oard County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt, County Treasurer Fitzke, Beverly Klusman, Janet hegister of Deeds Veteran's Service Office Highway Department Nash, Lloyd Alberts, E. Larkin, Perry GENERAL FUND Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary & Mileage Office Expense Office Hxpense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense ROAD FUND Salaries & Expense BRIDGE FUND Salary SCHROEDER ROAD Salary STATE FUNDS O. Director Welfare Office Expense This soard will now recess subject awarded the order F. O. B. Hastings on their respective call, all voted aye. 130.00 30.00 512.50 852.52 501.80 1088.52 897.50 826.97 704.16 531.66 1045.26 180.00 60.00 707.50 480.00 5807.40 284.80 2_00.00 2370.00 to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supe visors Chairm SUPE VISO 'S 11'1ECO'W NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NE 1: RASKA It 149 _____reamilizune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. _ Regular meeting of Edward H. Lightne Roll call, members Motion by Kidd, se Collector, County County Sheriff, an aye. Piotion carrie COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 6, 1955 10:00 o'clock A.M. the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of August 9, r, Chairman, presiding. present: Oangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman and Utecht. Absent conded by Maltnan, that the reports of the Clerk of the District Court Clerk, County Library, County Clerk Oar Title, Register of Deeds, Coun d Adams County Nursing Home be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, d. 1955 - Thompson. , Tax ty Judge, all voted Motion by Koepke, seconded by Utecht, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a the Supervisors Record: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 12791 12792 12793 12794 12795 12796 12797 12798 12799 12800 12801 -12802 ,12803 12804 _12805 12806 _12807 12808 12809 12810 12811 12812 12813 . 12814 _12815 12816 Leona TReissener Worthy B. wood Mel Kammerlohr momma Berg, County Clerk Grace Simpson, Justice ofPeace Neva Wolfe Grace 'impson, Justice of eace Mary Schultz Grace impson, Justice of Peace &race Simpson Aetna Insurance Co. 'race simpson, Justice of Peace Perry 0. Larkin -Director Perry O. Larkin -Director Perry O. Larkin -Director State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist state 1-reasurer-LTas Tax Dist State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist Mary Schultz, Glerk of District John E. Ray, County Judge State Treasurer -state Assistance Grace Simpson, Justice of reace Perry 0, Larkin -Director Mary schultz, Clerk Dist Court Emma Berg, County Clerk Alma th. Hengstenberg 10.00 35.00 1.25 911.80 110.00 11.35.00 65.00 22.80 75.00 80.0o 15.32 75.0o 18.50 22.50 42.80 3186.45 11091.29 9518.50 1.00 393.32 29161.45 80.00 10.00 390.30 10.00 480.00 part of 12817 Schroeder Road l'und 12818 Mary Schultz 12819 Mary Schultz 12820 Emma Berg, County Clerk 12821 State Treasurer -Diesel Tax 12822 State Treasurer -Diesel -cax 12823 -thmma lierg, County Clerk 12824 Emma Berg, County jlerk 12825 .1'red O. Schaffroth, Reg of Deeds 12826 Grace 'impson 12827 Edward H.Lightner, Exec. 12828 A. S. Woodard 12829 W. A.Kniceiy, Adm. 12830 race simpson, Justice of eace 12831 Perry O. Larkin -Director 12832 A. L. Samples 12833 LaVern Baughn 12834 Mrs. I. M. weeks 12835 state 'Ireasurer-State Assistance 12836 dward berg, Township Clerk 12637 1-). Mahoney, County 'treasurer 12838 trace bimpson, Justice of reace 12839 E. James Kula 12840 Grace 'impson, Justice of reace 12841 Emma Berg, County Clerk 1380.00 22.80 20.00 351.20 296.77 2228.07 18.19 18.16 703.50 75.00 71.20 15.00 497.13 90.00 11.27 16.90 50.00 100.00 57.90 750.0o 34..53 100.00 .5o 100.0o 125.50 Motion by Kidd, seconded by Gangwish, that the County Clerk be instructed to advertise for Bridge Lumber to be awarded or rejected on October 6, 1955. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Koepke, that the County Assesspr be authorized to purchase 20 M 4 - Part Motor Vehicle Tax Statements and 6M-3 part Tax Credit Application and Refund Claims as specified in proposal dated August 26th 1955 from the Hide Printing Company at a total cost of $365.05. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Gangwish, that the following claims be allOwed on their respective fund and the County Clerk ee instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND A. B. C. Appliance Co. Acrrie Printing Co. Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Adams county Service Committee Anderson Lowell Bee Printing Company Berg, County Clerk Emma Bivens George W. Boslaugh Leslie business Supply Co. Business Supply L'o. Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press County Attorney County Attorney Gant Publishing Company Hammond & Stephens "0. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings typewriter L'o. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter co. Hastings UtilitieS. Hide Printing company Inc. Hide Printing Company Inc. Hide Printing Company Inc. Hide Printing Company Inc. Hide Printing Company Inc. Itzen & Diez Repairs, Pixtures Supplies Office Expense Office Expense Painting supplies Postage Salary Bailiff Services Repairs Supplies Supplies Supplies Box Rent Postage Session laws Supplies Reprtins Supervisor proceedings Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Bonds 34.88 22.05 375.00 88.10 103.00 30.23 6.98 65.00 75.00 5.00 120.00 49.90 79.56 3.00 6.00 2.50 31..24 3.50 114.60 5.40 14.35 3.85 57.35 114.38 90.84 51.05 1.75 19.80 .75 3.95 15.00 nL 4:50 SUPE ViSen'S l'ECOID NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Schultz, Clerk of Smith Stephenson School Supply Co. Thomas Tjarks Wood, Sheriff District Court Mary William Arnold Ray Mrs. "obert Worthy D. Armco Drainage & Metal Products Inc. Augustin Implement Co. Bierman Implement Co. Bockerman Brown 3udd Oil 'ompany Clarke Oil Company Consumers Public rower Dist. Continental Oil Company Dens Oil Lubricant Co. Dillys Service Dutton Lainson Company Dutton Lainson Company Eaton Metal Products Corporation .baber Farmers Union L'o-Op. Gas & Oil Co. liarmers Union State .6xchange Gilpints Garage Goldenstein Hageman Hardware Co. Harpham Hastings Battery & Electric Service Hasting3 Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Home Oil Company Joynt Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas Katzberg Kenesaw Lumber Company Kenesaw Oil Company 'Kenesaw Telephone Co. Kent Oil uompany Lenhart Service station Lilley Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McGrath Hardware Co. McMurtry McShane Co. Inc. Meyer Modern Linen Supply Co. Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Newman Olsen Pauley Lumber Company Pittz service Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Sherman Service L'anter Sime Sime Sinclair Defining uo. Velder Village of Kenesaw Western Brick & Supply Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wilber Service Inc. Wilder's Service Station ROAD FUND Gus John L. Rolland P. Leonard LeVern Ivan E. Co. Inc. Albert & Maria Co. Go. Clark Hartford Naggatz Rief Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Willard Lilley Lippincott Road Account Vontz Albright Aman Bouregy & Curl Inc. Doubleday & Company Inc. Co. Ed. J.H. Andrew C. T. S. Will H. Herbert P. P. Lavern L & Iliene Fred O. A. J. A. J. Ray BRIDGE FUND Dill D. Frank Ervin He Harry R. SCHROEDER Ed. M. M. ROAD L. J. COUNTY LIBRARY Mrs . A. F. Ars. R. D. Postage, committal Refund Supplies Supplies Salary Jailor fee, 182.60 3266). 6L. i1. 1.58 Postage, .bood,mileage g4:L3()5 Supplies Supplies Supplies Sand Salary Gas, Diesel fuel Gas Utilities Diesel fuel Transmission Gas Supplies Supplies Bands Salary Diesel Fuel, Gas Supplies Gas, Repairs Salary Repairs, supplies Salary Repairs, Supplies Utilities Demurrage Diesel fuel, gas Salary Utilities Land Purchase Supplies Gas, Repairs Telephone service Gas, Diesel Gas Gravel Supplies Telephone service supplies Salary supplies Salary Laundry Supplies supplies Salary Land purchase supplies Gas, Diesel, supplies Filing deeds Supplies Diesel Gas, Diesel Gas Salary Water Supplies Culverts, Bands, supplies Repairs Gas Salary Repairs Salary Salary Supplies Supplies Salary Gravel Gravel Labor, Equipment rental Gravel Salary Salary Books Books 1896.50 47.72 15.89 42.20 194.70 90.33 320.74 1.00 175.66 93.51 141.82 5.12 216.91 1270.37 256.30 246.09 377.3(1,„ 13.40 249.70 7.80 267.60 73.38 8.16 .93 57.58 251.90 4.00 48.60 47.66 287.62 17.55 139.70 90.86 1156.59 1273.95 36.95 15.81 135.30 .43 261.60 3.13 1.31 263.06 34980 10.50 6.17 657.59 2.00 64.48 50.78 '341.55 156.51 277.20 3.50 129.5) 205.9c 1.50 71.18 84.70 6.00 277.20 272.40 30.64 369.96 266.40 3002.16 2964.40 1903.60 914.23 25.00 25.00 13.50 33.88-, r-' SUPE VISO 'S 111E,C0 D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 151 isc14.41,une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr Dutton-Lainson Company ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME Supplies STATE ADMINISTRATION Berg, County Clerk Emma Hager Addie Hastings Typewriter Co. Klegger, M.D. C. L. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McCarty Freida Faye McIntire, M.D. Robert H. Schafer Printing Co. snyder Vasey Daniel E. Ruby Wyckoff Clara Maxine Adams County Soldiers Relief ku Acme Printing Company Ameh Bert's Rexall Drug Store BI -Lo Market Brooke & Son Drug Store Brunk ow Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings East Side Drug Store Farmers Nursing Home Gant Publishing Company Glenn,M.D. Groenwold Cash Grocery Hastings Drug Store Hastings Utilities Hoffman,M.D. Holthaus Drug 'dompany Industrial Chemical LODoratories Inc. Jack &Jill -Grocery -3rd & Burlington Jack & Jill Grocery- East South Jaco, Agent Kendall Kingsley, M.D. Kipp Koch Grocery Kuehn, M.D. Kunce's Grocery Larkin Larkin -Director Larkin -Director Larkin -Director Larmore's Grocery McIntire, M.D. Mikkelsen Drug Co. Penney Company Richardson Rogers Royal Typewriter o. .autt Rutt's Drug Store if 1 Skaggs Grocery W 5 Skaggs Grocery # 11 Skgggs Grocery # 13 Smith, Supt. Spencer Park, 11 G.A. Market Steward Stop and Shop Grocery Tommy's Grocery # 1 ‘ionStrode Western Auto Associate store Wolfe SOLDIER'S & SAILOR'S POOR AID FUND Peter Herbert Elmer E. Kenneth Anderson Bert's Drug store Eert's Rexall Drug Store Brand Mortuary Brommer Dispensary Brooke & on Charlton Cowger Davis Davis C. St. J. D. Mrs. Effie D. W. John W. Pe arle Gerald A. Perry O. Perry O. Perry O. Perry O. Robert H. J. C. Mrs. Viola Miss Catherine Mrs. Frank O. P. 0.P. O. P. J. N. S. J. Mrs. W. R. Mrs. Neva MEDICAL, SURGICAL AND HOSPITAL Dr. H. F. Dr. G. P. Dr. R. H. Elsie Dr. H.L. Postage Mileage Supplies Medical care Telephone service Mileage Medical care Supplies Mileage Mileage Mileage Relief Supplies Janitor service Medical supplies Staple foods Medical supplies Rent Supplies Supplies Credit service Medical supplies Nursing care Supplies Medical care Staple foods Medical supplies Utilities Medical care Medical supplies Supplies Staple foods Staple foods Rent Care Medical care Rent Staple foods Medical care Staple foods MileLge Revolving fund Postage supplies Staple foods Medical care Medical supplies Supplies Board & Room Rent Typewriter Care Medical supplies Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Care staple foods Rent Staple foods Staple foods Care, supplies Supplies Care CARE Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Ambulance service Frames Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Nursing care Medical care 1.72 16.44 8. 0 32. t58 3.00 42.75 2.82 5.00 6.05 16.W1 3.72 5.82 208.33 15.85 65.00 4-48 130.00 61.65 20.00 25.5o 44.75 5.00 2.16 65.00 2.50 3.00 39.75 59.00 3.77 3.00 7.69 19.50 50.00 60.00 37.50 50.00 7.00 150.00 20.00 6.00 54.5o 16.30 45.o8 15.00 115.62 35.00 3.00 6.75 5.32 64.00 20.00 127.50 200.00 5.40 37.25 72.00 47.00 210.00 20.00 12.00 67.25 39.90 118.95 10.09 455.00 93.00 119.40 116.53 5.00 5.75 116.65 251.00 7.78 38.64 17.00 SUPE Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Haeberle Drug More Hastints Drug Store Hoffman Hoffmeister Holm Holthaus Drug Store Kingsley Kleager Kostal Kuehn McIntire McMillan Mace Mainey Mary Lanning Hospital Mikkelsen Drug Store Myers Pinney Reinke Rutt Rutt's Drug Store # 1 Ilutt's Drug Store e 2 Scheidies Von Strode Walz Drug Store Weber Wolfe This toard will now recess VISO 'S JECO subject A AMS COUNTY, NE H. 11. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Mrs K. O. C. R. D. w. c. L. O. A. G. A. R. H. J. J. L. . Lulu Bertha Dr. G. L. Ella D. F. J. Amanda Mrs. W. R. Dr. C. R. Neva to the call of the D NO. 15 RASKA Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Nursing Hospital Medical Nursing Medical Nursing Medical Medical Medical Nursing Nursing Medical Medical Nursing supplies supplies care care care supp±ies care care care care care care care care care supplies care care care care supplies supplies care care supplies care care Chairman of the County Board 37.02 137.65 30.72 18.95 13.00 15.75 130.00 200.00 3.00 88.90 84.00 12.00 19.00 62.75 1521.75 38.08 106.20 34.00 93.95 7.40 19.67 95.61 168.85 309.25 2o.752.00 : 418.76 of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, September 26, 1955. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of September 6, 1955. Edward H. Lightner, chairman, presiding. Aoll call, members present: (Taingwish, Kidd, Koepke, uightner, Maltman, Thompson and Utecht. Cha man Motion by Thompson, seconded by i to be used by the various County and will be in his charge. Extra Roll call, Ayes: Gangwish, Kidd, carried. Maltman, that we purchase an Addressograph machine for 06284.05 offices. The machine to be placed in the County Assessor's office plates must be cut and paid for by the county office ordering. Lighter, Mailman, and Thompson, Nay: Koepke and Utecht. Motion Motion by lhompson, seconded by Kidd, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Brown, L. Maye Brown, Bert B. Clerk of the District Court County Assessor County Attorney County '-'oard County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Fitzke, Beverly ilegister of Deeds Veteran's Service Office Highway Department Nash, Lloyd Larkin, Perry O. Director We GENERAL FUND Salary Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Office Expense Office Expense ROAD FUND Salaries & Expense BRIDGE FUND Salary STATE FUND Office Expense 30.00 130.00 512.50 784.90 656.66 1083.54 902.50 813.47 775.00 511.66 1179.32 180.00 707.50 450.00 6095.84 283.10 2370.00 This %ard will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Co nty Board of Supervisors. Ch an 153 SUIPE16 VISO S CO D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. n COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, October 6, 1955. 10:00 o'clock A.A. Regular meeting of the Adams County l'oard of Supervisors met as per recess of September 26, 1955. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman, Thompson and. Utecht. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Koepke, that the reports of the Register of Deeds, Adams County Nursing Home, L'ounty Clerk Car Titles, County Library, L'ounty Judge, County Clerk, Clerk of the District Court and Deputy Tax Collector be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roll call, members present: A.M. At 11:00 o'clock/the following Bridge Lumber Bids were opened and read: Century Bridge Lumber Company and wheeler Bridge & Supply Company. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Gangwish, that the Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Company be awarded the lumber contract as being the lowest and best bid. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Maltman, that the Deputy Tax Collector take definate legal steps immediately to collect all taxes appearing on the delinquent personal tax list. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by &angwish, seconded by Utecht, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisors Record: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 12842 12843 128)1)1 12845 12846 12847 12848 12849 12850 12851 12852 12853 12854 12855 12656 12857 12858 12859 12860'. 12861 12862 H. P. Gerloff Grace Simpsm, Justice U. S. Treasurer worthy b. Wood, County Sheriff Perry O. Larkin -Director Neva Wolfe Grace impson, Justice of Peace John h. hay, County Judge Melvin Nienhueser &race Simpson, Justice of 'eace btate ireasurer-Gas Tax Dist. State Treasurer -Gas Tax State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist &rade Simpson, Justice of reace Lee C. Brooks Mrs. 1Llizabeth Bruntz Emma berg State Treasurer-btate Mary Schultz, Clerk of Stella 1i. Hansen, Exec U. S. treasurer of reace 25.00 70.00 13;000.00 55.75 37.40 432.25 50.00 617.90 3.80 80.00 3186.45 11719.74 9937.46 65.00 17.65 296.20 351.40 ssistance 28578.06 Dist court 575.80 423.22 5760.00 Motion by Mailman, seconded by Gangwish, that the 12863 12864 12865 12866 12867 12868 12869 12870 12871 12872 12873 12874 12875 12876 12377 12878 12879 12880') 12881 12882 12883 County Attorney Clarence hlusman Emma Berg, County clerk Schroeder hoad kund Elmo, Berg, County Clerk Grace bimpson, Justice of reace Fred O. Schaffroth, Reg. of Deeds John Doe LaVern Vaughn Grace 5impsor4 Justice of reace W. w. Maltman Grace Simpson, Justice of 'eace Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace bimpson, Justice of Peace Francis Trausch Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Emma Berg, County Clerk Perry O. Larkin -Director State Treasurer -State Assistance C. R. Bentz Jr. Admr following Resolutions be adopted: RESOLUTION: 20.00 240.00 16.44 1903.60 6907.13 155.00 701.05 2.00 50.00 80.00 22.50 95.00 75.00 105.00 24.00 80.00 105.00 2413.48 80.62 174.35 134.00 WHEREAS, there has been signed by Adams County on the 6th day of October, 1953, and by the btate on the 27th day of October 1953, an agreement providing for the construction of a Federal Aid Secondary noad beginning at Highway No. 74 in Holstein, north to Highway No. 6, seven miles. WHEREAS, in the above agreement, the County has pledged sufficient funds to finance it's share of the cost of the construction of this project identified as &o. S-562(1), and WHEREAS, the above mentioned agreement provided that the County would pay all of the non -Federal costs of this project, and WH=AS, the State received bids for the construction of this project on Sept. 29, 1955, at which time 4 bids were received for the construction of the proposed work, and WHEREAS, the foilowinf contractors for the items of work listed have been selected as the low bidders to whom a contract (contracts) should be awarded: L. J. vontz 'Ionstruction Company- sand gravel surfacing 3167.50 aow THEREFORE, in consideration of the above facts, the board of Supervisors of Adams County, by this resolution, takes the followinE official action: 1. The Board hereby concurs in the selection of the• above mentioned contractors for the items or work listed, to whom a contract should be awarded. 2. Ihe Board does not desire to perform any of the work with it's own forces in lieu of performing the work by the contract method. RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there has been signed by Adams County on the 6th day of Oct. 1953, and by the State on the 27th day of October 1953, an agreement providing for the construction of a Federal Aid Secondary Road beginning at the north end of the paving in Kenesaw, north to the north side of gection 27, Township 8 north, Eange 12 west, 1.3 miles. WART/S. in the above ap-reement, the uounty has pledged sufficient funds to finance it's share (154 SUPE VISO 'S ADAMS COUNTY, NE 0 D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. WHET -EAS, the following contractors for the items of work listed have been selected as the low bidders to whom a contract (contracts) should be awarded: H. & M. Equipment Company- sand gravel surfacing $757.55 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above facts, the by this resolution, takes the following official action: board of Supervisors of Adams County, 1. The -0oard hereby concurds in the selection of the above mentioned contractors for the items of work listed, to whom a contract should be awarded. 2. The board does not desire to perform any of the work with it's own forces in lieu of performing the work b7 the contract method. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Utecht, that we authorize the County Treasurer to strike from the tax list personal taxes delinquent two or more years in which due diligence has been exercised on his part for collection in accordance with Section 77-1926, compiled Statutes 1929. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Thompson, that we award to Lowell Anderon the paint contract in the amount of $454.00 at the Adams County ffursing Hone as per specifications on file in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. iqotion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Koepke, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the county Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Adams County Service Committee Adams heuben Augustine Company Augustine Company Berg, County Clerk Emma Bivens George W. Booth Enterprises R. C. Booth 'nterprises R. C. Brown Bert B. Burroughs corporation Business Supply Co. -business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. County Attorney County Supt. County Supt. Cropley Henry J. Davenport & Co. F. E. Dior E. L. Friden Calculator Agency Hammond & Stephens Hastings Association of Insurance Agrnts Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Tfpewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities Health Department Hide Printing co. Inc. Hotel Clarke Journal Star Printing Go. Larsen Sign Company Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Mahoney, County Treasurer Omaha Printing Company Onken hay, County Judge Redfield & Company Inc. Schafer Printing Company Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Schultz schultz, Story Taedter Tribune Graphic kirts Urbach Clerk District court ilkins wood Youngblood Youngblood & Associates "ugustine Implement Co. co. D. Edw. John T. E. Mary Mary Roscoe Ruth n; • Betty E. T. Worthy B. L. Myron J. ROAD FUND Office Expense Office Expense Special Deputy Sheriff Office Supplies Office supplies Postage Bailiff supplies supplies Supplies Machine supplies Supplies Supplies Postage Mileage Postage Labor service & Repair Vital Statistics Rental on Calculator Supplies Insurance policy Supplies, Publishing Supplies Supplies Supplies upplies Supplies supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Tests Supplies Jury Meals Supplies Signs TelephonePostage, service ,os Bank charge Supplies Salary State cases, Postage Supplies Supplies Postage, bank charge Postage State cases, Committals Mileage, Room charge Lady bailiff Supplies Salary Professional services Jailor, fee, Food, Laundry, Services Fee for services Supplies 370.00 71.60 38.90 20.02 25.59 163.92 65.00 45.00 15.00 3.86 3375.00 5.50 10.50 11.25 6.00 19.26 16.89 21.75 20.00 201.00 45.00 15.00 1453.16 114.64 97.72 22.70 13.75 7.45 11.50 9.60 2.90 3.78 41.45 101.'24 9.00 1.05 21.55 1.28 30.00 158.67 241.30 214-89 132.00 39.25 64.11 3.60 10.12 15.00 282.95 27.25 15.00 30.00 4.40 75.00 Mileage 226.40 50.00 75.00 128.64 SUPE VISO ADAMS COUNTY, NE ItRASKA ECO D NO. 15 Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr Dillys Service Jlaton Metal 'roducts Eaton Metal Products 'I'aton Metal rroducts 'aton Metal Products -baber Fairs Repair shop Fairs Repair shop airs Repair Shop Farmers Union 'o -Op. Gas & Oil Friends Motor .'11.pply Glenwood Telephone Co. Goldenstein Leonard Hageman Hardware Co. Harpham LaVern Hastings Motor Truck Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding_ Supply Co. Huntsbarger-3ailes inc. Island °11pply Company Jensen & Associates Vearl L. Joynt Ivan E. Kenesaw Motor L'ompany Kenesaw Oil Company Kerr Cochran Inc. Kully Iron & Metal Co. Lenhart Service station Lincoln Equipment '1o. Lincoln Equipment Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Lippincott,state M. M. LloydsMooil service McShane Co. Inc. T. S. William R. Corp. Corp. Corp. Corp. Rolland P. 00. Meyer Modern Linen Supply Nebr. Tractor & Equipment L'o. Nebr.Tractor & Equipment Co. Newman Herbert P. C. Pavelka "Bros. Pittz Service Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Fred O. Sherman Service Center Sidles Company Sime A. J. Sinclair Refining southern Nebr. Rural Public Power Trupp Body Shop Western Equipment Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wilber Service Inc. Wilder's Service station Zogg Clark Hastings Daily Tribune Naggatz Rief wheeler Lumber Bridge & Willard Lippincott, Estate "oad Account Albright Aman Sauregy & Doubleday Ernst Hastings Jones Kindig Parks Snell Curl Inc & Co. Inc. Co. Benjamin H. BRIDGE FUND Bill B. Ervin 1,41. He Supply 'cp. • Harry R. Carnegie Library Dutton-Lainson Companu Berg, County Clerk Business supply co. Hager Hastings Typewriter eo. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. SCHROEDER ROAD M. M. COUNTY LIBRARY Mrs. A. i. Mrs. R. D. Mrs. Waunetta Mrs. Aaron Mrs. Aargaret Mrs. Klyoe Miss Arlene Mrs. Howard Gas Bands Bands Bands Bands Salary Repairs, supplies Repairs, supplies Repairs, supplies Gas, Diesel Supplies Service, Labor Salary Supplies Salary Supplies Utilities Supplies supplies Supplies Services Salary Supplies Gas, Diesel Supplies, Aepairs Supplies Gas, Repairs Grader Supplies, Repairs Labor, trucks Telephone service Gravel Gas Supplies Salary Laundry Supplies Supplies Salary Repairs Diesel, supplies Recording deeds Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel Diesel fuel Utilities Repairs Supplies Culverts Supplies Gas, Repairs Sand Salary Publishing Salary Salary Supplies Salary Gravel Labor, Equipment rental salary Salary Books :Books Salary Library service Salary Salary Sal ary Salary Salary ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HONE Supplies STATE ADMINISTRATION Ria Addie1Ii1e age Supplies Supplies Telephone service 29.44 1520.74 466.90 68.73 174,90 21.48 12.10 29.05 461.90 10.10 25.00 228.25 31.92 201.60 4.02 7.78 11.71 50.47 9.74 503.50 229.90 13.94 147.26 25.23 7.20 57.25 13950.00 397.39 1216.11 16.40 571.20 55.22 77.57 244.80 2.53 160.13 2.58 231.60 72.00 383.02 2.25 29.06 345.44 144.76 94.47 19.43 8.5o 9.80 506.98 186.09 45.18 470.00 225.50 34.13 201.60 244.80 933.43 224.40 1301.28 1022.40 25.00 25.00 4.50 36.96 35.00 90.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 71.20 16.48 5.78 7.5o 4.2o SUPE VISO 'S A AMS COUNTY, NE IW D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Amen Bi -Lo Market Brooke & Son Drug Store Central Nebr. Mental Hygi Credit Bureau of Hastings DeBacker, M. D. East ide Drug store iiarmers Nursing home 1oote, M.D. Groenwold Grocery Hargleroad Van & Storage Hastings Drug Store Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hoffman, Hoffmeister,M.D. Holthaus Drug Company Jack & Jill Grocery -East S Jack & Jill Grocery -3rd Kendall Kendig Grocery Kipp Koch's Grocery Kostal,M.D. Kuehn, M.D. Kunce's Grocery Larkin,Director Larmore's Market McDonald Company hichardson Hoge rs Rutt'3 Drug store # "utt Safeway Stores Inc. kegs Grocery # 5 Skaggs Grocery It 5 Skaggs Grocery 11 -kaggs Grocery ff13 Smith, Supt. Stitt & Company Stop and Shop Grocery Von Strode western Auto /-ssociate Store Wilder Oil Company Wolfe Peter ene Clinic L. J. outh St. & Duriington Mrs. Effie Norman John W. Perle O. A. Gerald A. 0. POOR AID FUND Janitor service Staple foods Medical supplies Tests Credit service medical care Medical supplies Care Donavan b. Medical care Staple foods Moving Medical supplies Utilities Utilities Kenneth C. Medical care G. Medical care Medical supplies Staple foods Staple foods Care Staple foods hent Staple foods Medical care Medical care Staple foods Perry O. Revolving fund Staple foods J. M. Glothing Mrs. Viella Soard, hoom & Laundry Katherine Rent Medical supplies Mrs. Frank Care Staple foods O. P. staple foods O. P. staple foods O. P. Staple foods O. P. Staple foods Mr. J. N. Care Rent Staple foods Mrs. W. R. care Supplies E. E. Kerosene Mrs. Neva Care MEDICAL, SURGICAL & MEDICAL CARE Dr, H. 1. Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Cynthia Nursing care Ambulance service Glasses Medical supplies Dr. G. P. Medical care Dr. A. H. Medical care Dr. H. L. Medical care Dr. L. J. Medical care J. -bred Nursing home care Medical supplies Dr. C. M. Medical care Dr. D. B. Medical care Golda & Verna Nursing care Mrs. Marie Nursing care Dr. U. W. Medical care H. H. Medical supplies Medical supplies Dr. K. C. . Medical care Dr. G. H. Medical care Lee Medical care 01. Medical care Dr. Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Ambulance service Medical care Medical care Nursing care Hospital care Medical supplies Bertha Nursing care Dr. G. L. Medical care Mrs. Ella Nursing care Medical supplies Medical supplies "nlerson- Sert's Drug Store 'ert's Rexall Drug Store Betts brand Mortuary 3rommer Dispensary Brooke & Son Charlton Cowge r Davis De Backe r Ernstmeyer, Fern's Pharmacy Poote l'oote i'reeman Grothen Guildner Haeberle Drug Store Hastings Drug Store Hoffman Hoffmeister Holm Holmerand Holthaus Drug Store Howard Kamm Kingsley Kuehn Livingston-butler-Volland McIntire Mace Mainey Nary Lanning Hospital Mikkelsen Drug Store Myers Pinney Reinke hutt's Drug store it 1 Rutt's Drug Store it 2 Conservator Dr, R. G. Dr. Frank Dr. D. W. Dr. G. A. -euneral Home Dr. R. H. Dr. J. L. Mrs. Lulu 65.00 160.00 96.65 20.00 5.00 6.00 4.32 65.00 100.00 60.00 6.42 12.85 7.43 4.77 3.00 3.00 9.97 160.00 50.00 50.00 30.00 150.00 20.00 13.00 5.00 54.50 45.15 20.00 14.94 64.00 20.00 2.10 200.00 40.00 67.95 1.14 118.00 55.00 105.00 10.00 37.25 75.00 2.72 3.20 455.00 17.62 109.73 150.41 4i.20 23.00 31.75 131.44 65.20 3.00 16.00 14.00 36.20 2.35 2.00 32.00 58.00 12.73 16.00 29.55 162.22 96.22 3.00 13.00 8.00 16.75 23.00 25.00 9.00 104.00 3.00 18.00 44.50 24.0o 931.15 75.66 25.00 41.o2 132.95 73.45 96.61 SUPE VISO 'Ss l'ECO 1" ADAMS COUNTY, NE D NO. 15 IRASICA -\ 157 e Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Wolfe Mrs. Neva Nursing care This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supe ‘Adll County Cler :Regular meeting of Edwar&HLightner, Roll call, members 425.06 sors . COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, October 26, 19.55. 10:00 o'clock A.M. the Adams County board of Supervisors met as per recess of October 6, 1955. Chairman, presiding. present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman, Thompson and Utecht. ha i rm Motion by Thompson, seconded by Maltman, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, the Adams County, Nebraska courthouse and grounds is located in the business district of Aastings, Adams County, Aebraska, and WHEREAS, there is an acute shortage of avilable parking area for parking motor vehicles in the business district of said city, and WHEREAS, it is necessary to the general welfare and conduct of business of Adams County,Nebraska, that the elected officials of said county and employees of said county regularly employed in said courthouse have a place set aside for parking their motor vehicles, now therefore: BF IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPrl]RVISORS OF ADAMS O0UNTY , NEBRASKA, that the hard surfaced portion, excluding sidewalks, of said courthouse grounds lying immediately to the northwest, north, and northeast of said courthouse building are hereby set aside as a parkin{ lot for the motor vehicles of elected officials of said county and employees of Adams County, leuraska, who are regularly employed in said courthouse and consent is hereby viven to said persons to park their motor vehicles in said area. Roll call, all voted aye . Aotion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Gangwish, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clrk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Brown, Bert b. Brown, L. Maye Clerk of District Court County assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Culp, Coletta itzke, Beverly Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Office Highway Dept. Bridge Dept. Alberts, E. Larkin, Perry O. - Welfare This 'oard will now recess Director GENERAL FUND Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salc„ry & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Office Office Expense Expense ROAD FUND Salaries BRIDGE FUND' Salaries SCHROEDER ROAD Salary STATE FUND Office "xpense subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board 130.00 30.00 512.50 771.70 656.66 1078.86 902.5o 827.42 725.00 511.66 1219.68 52.50 180.00 707.50 450.00 6174.10 473.60 200.00 2370.00 of Supervisors. Cham SUPE 111 VISO 'S 111 EC RD NO, 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NE it RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINC*S, NEBRASKA Monday, November 7, 1955. 10:00 olclock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of October 26, 1955. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Holl call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Mailman, Thompson and Utecht. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Gangwish, that the report of the County Clerk, County Judge, 3 -Sheriff Car Title, Register of Deeds, County Library, Idarns County Nursing Home, Clerk of the District Court, and Deputy Sheriff Collector be approved and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Koepke, that the following Miscellaneous reports be made a part of the Supervisor's Record. Roll call, all voeed aye. Notion carried. 12884 12885 12886 12887 12888 12889 12890 12891 12892 12893 12894 12895 12896 12897 12898 12899 12900 12901 12902 12903 12904 12905 12906 12907 Perry 0. Larkin, Director 10.92 U. S. Treasurer 690.00 Perry O. Larkin- Director Grace Simpson 95.00 Grace H. Simpson 85.00 Emma Berg, County Clerk 110.35 State Tax Commissioner 761.99 6tate Tax Commissioner 4331.00 Mel Kammerlohr 3.70 E. James Kula 7.65 Agri. Stabilization & Conservation 15.00 Neva Wolfe L30.00 Grace Simpson, Justice of reace 95.00 Worthy Wood, Sheriff State Treasurer,Gas Tax Dist. 3186.45 State Treasurer -Gas Tax ,Jist. 9561.81 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist 498-84 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 95.00 John E. Hay, County Judge 464.65 Mary Schultz, Clerk Dist Court 315.65 Nary Schultz, Clerk Dist Court 22.80 Mary Schultz, Clerk Dist Court 52.00 John E. hay, County Judge 35.00 Perry O. Larkin -Director 7.50 12908 12909 12910 12911 12912 12913 12914 12915 12916 12917 12918 12919 12920 12921 12922 12923 12924 12925 12926 12927 12928 12929 12930 12931 Grace Simpson, Justice of reace Eimna Berg, County Clerk State Treasurer -State Assistance Special Mail itoute Road Fund Emma Berg, County 'lerk Grace Simpson, Justice of reace Grace Simpson, Justice of leace Perry 0. Larkin -Director Fred O. schaffroth, Register'ed Grace H. Simpson, Justice of Peac 'clerk of District 'ourt Nadgett & Hunter Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Vill,ge of Holstein - Harm Saathoff Perry O. Larkin -Director E. James Kula Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Emma Berg, County Clerk State Treasurer -State Assistance U. s. Treasurer U. S. Treasurer Velma Helen Von, Aote, Exec. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Thompson, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: 2TB.g 16.48 s 514.5 e !!!!! 22.80 64.00 1050.00 25.00 20.00 2.33 85.00 165.00 54-00 562.20 625.00 2070.00 1629.56 WHEREAS, there is the sum of $70,588.00 in the Inheritance Tax ±und of Adams County, Nebraska, which have not been credited to any purpose and WHEREAS, the amount of 815,000.00 is needed in the Medical, Surgical,and Hospital Fund of said county for the relief of worthy, incapacitated and indigent persons of said county, and WHEREAS, the budget of said Medical, Surgical and Hospital Fund is sufficient but there is insufficient moneys in said fund at this time and it is to the best interests of Adams County, Nebraska, that a part of said inheritance Tax money be used for the relief of worthy, incapacitated and indigent persons through said fund. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T1L BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF' ADAMS COUNTY, NERRASKA, that the Gounty Treasurer of said County credit to the Medical, Surgical and Hospital Fund for said county, the amount of W5,000.00 from the inheritance tax fund of said county, said money to be used for the relief of worthy, incapacitated and indigent persons for medical, surgical, or hospital expenses. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded byKoepke, that we purchase one- 2 burner Tarr Kettle with spray bar and hand pump from the Highway Equipment Company at $580.00 f.o.b. Hastings. Roll call, all voted aye.(Th Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Kidd, that the following Maintenance Agreement be adopted: MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WHEREAS by reason of an act of the 1955 Legislature, the public road described as beginning at a point on Highway #281 approximately 6 miles north from Hastings, Nebraska (i.oad known as Trumbull connection) Patrol #)41020 length 5.4 miles becomes a part of the state Highway System, AND WHEREAS, the responsibility for the maintenance of the Stte Highways or detours thereof rests with the Department of Roads and Irrigation, AND WHEREAS, due to thetisolation of the foregoing described road from similar maintenance activities now oeing performed by the Department, it is the desire of uhe Department to enter into an agreement with the County Board of Adams County for the surface maintenance and light snow removal of the above described part of the State Highway System, THEREFORE, it is agreed that the aforesaid County -board will perform the surface maintenance and light snow removal at the rate of 02.00 per mile for each round trip. The Department will assume responsibility for all other maintenance. THE COUNTY shall submit a statment each month to M. Nebraska, indicating thereon the number of trips made. C. Wolff, Maintenance Superintendent, Hastings, Payment to the County -shall be by state warrant. SUPE ibEC0111D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 159 ane Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. At 1:00 o'clock P. 1'1. the Board resumed with the following members present: Maltman, Thompson and Utecht. Absent: Lightner. Maltman temporary Chairman. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Koepke, that the following and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for carried. Acme Heat Equipment Co. Acme Printing Company Adams Adams County Agricultural Extension Adams County Service Committee Berg, County Clerk Bivens Burnside & Company Burroughs L'orporation Business .Supply Company County Attorney County Supt. County Supt. Credit Bureau of Hastings Crowley Dutton-Lainson Company Feese, M.D. Friden Calculator Agency Gant Publishing company &ant Publishing Company Hammond & Stephens Company Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Company Hast:nEs Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities Hide Printing Co. Inc. Kammerlohr Knight Koepke Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Mackie Star Market Mahoney, County Treasurer Mahoney, County 'ireasurer Mary Lanning memorial Hospital Monroe Calculating Machine Co. Inc. Omaha Printing Company Oaken Ray, County Judge Redfield & Company, Inc. Schultz, Clerk of District Court Stephenson School Supply Company Thomas, Tax Collector Turner, state Librarian Vest Publishing Company vvest Publishing "ompany Wood, Sheriff dans County Noxious Weed District Augustin Implement Brown Budd Oil company Clarke Oil company Consuners Public Power Jistrict Continental 011 Company D -A Lubricant Uompany Dilly's Service Dutton-Lainson Company Dutton-La:nson Company Dutton-Lainson Uompany i'armers Union Go -Op. Cas & Oil Co. Firestone Stores Gilpin's Garage Hageman Hardware Co. Harpham Hastings Canvas & Mfg. Co. Hastings Canvas & Mfg. Co. Hastings Typewriter co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply/Company GENERAL FUND Reuben Service Emma George Art games . J. P. Lois Robert G. Carl J. D. D. Edward T. John E. Mary Ray George H. Worthy B. ROAD FUND J. L. LeVern Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, claims be allowed on their respective fund the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Supplies, Repairs Supplies Extia Help Office Expense Office Expense Bank charge, Postage Bailiff Supplies Maintenance Supplies, Repairs Postage Mileage Postage Credit Service Attorney fee Supplies Medical care Maintenance, Rental Supplies Supplies Supplies Advertising Supervisors proceedings Supplies, printing Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Salary Reporting Supplies Telephone service Supplies Supplies, lank charge Taxes X-rays Maintenance Supplies Salary State cases, Postage Supplies Cases, Committal Supplies Mileage Reports Supplies Supplies Jailor service, Laundry, Food Mileage Spraying Supplies Salary Diesel Gas Utilities Diesel Lubricant Gas Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas, Grease Tire, Tube Gns Supplies Salary Repairs Repairs Supplies Utilities Utilities Jtilities Oxygen • 10.28 84.30 72.00 350.00 110.40 10.92 80.00 20.40 240.50 6.25 6.50 5.5.71 10.00 12.00 75.00 13.98 14.00 87.00 18.00 18.00 168.92 11.03 59.07 1611.15 11.00 30.36 59.37 36.80 17.85 1.00 121.95 1.20 80.00 52.50 11.00 148.33 7.42 120.26 5.60 15.00 25.00 42.29 120.00 21.50 34.13 207.60 2.83 5.50 1.75 146.00 229.00 287.70 80.00 19.24 101.20 87.00 111.89 1.97 78.52 149.09 65.38 1.49 14.70 3.00 15.47 206.62 23.88 21.45 122.40 25.35 24.50 3.65 12.75 1.04 10.16 5.00 n") Etc' 460 SUPE 1111\) VISO A 1S ECO D NO. 15 AMS COUNTY, NE It RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Kent Oil Company Kent Oil Company Kerr -Cochran Inc. Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Lippincott Istate McClelland Farm Equipment Company Mack- Earl Messer Company L. J. Modern Linen Supply Company Nebraska Department of Roads & Irrigation Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Company Newman Pittz •Service Saathoff Service Sidles Company Sidles company Sime A. J. Sinclair Refining Company Village of Kenesaw Village of Kenesaw Vontz Le Je Wagner Service Station Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wilder's Service Station Zogg Herbert Benjamin H. BRIDGE FUND Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railroad Cooks Paint & Varnish Company -iutton-Lainson Company Naggatz Rief Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Willard Lippincott Estate Road Account Vontz Ervin Henry Company Harry R. SCHROEDER ROAD FUND L. J. COUNTY LIBRARY albright Mrs. A. F. Aman Mrs. R. D. Book Shop Doubleday Ernst Mrs. Waunetta Hastings Carnegie Library Jones Mrs. Aaron Mrs. Margaret McNair Mrs. Klyoe Parks Hiss Arlene Snell Mrs. How rd & Company, Inc. Anderson Ellerbrock Agency Midwest 'lelevision company Anderson, M.D. Berg, County Clerk Business Supply Company Glenn, M. D. Hagemeyer Hager Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McCarty Schafer Printing ompany Snyder Vasey Adams County 5oidiers Relief Fund Amen Bert's Rexall Drug Store Bi -Lo Market Brooke & Son Drug store Credit Bureau of Hastings DeBacker, M.D. Egen, M. D. rarmers Nursing Home Groenewold Grocery Hastings Drug Store 'ie sel Diesel Supplies Gas, Repairs Supplies Telephone service Gravel Supplies Rent on water tank Supplies Laundry Contract Supplies Salary Gas, Diesel, Supplies Gas Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel Diesel Water Utilities Gravel Gas, Diesel, Repairs Supplies Gas, lire Repair Sand Freight bill Paint Supplies Salary Salary Supplies Salary Gravel Labor, Equipment rental Gravel Salary Salary Books Books Salary Library service Salary Salary Salary Salary :Salary ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME Lowell .Painting & varnishing Insurance Repairs STATE ADMINISTRATION Herbert F. Emma E. E. Clara Maxine Addie Freida Faye Daniel E. Ruby SOLDIER'S & SAILOR'S POOR AID FUND Peter L. J. L. Medical care Postage Supplies Medical care Mileage Mileage Telephone service Mileage Supplies Mileage Mileage Relief Janitor Medical supplies Staple food Medical supplies Credit service Medical care Medical care Nursing care Staple food medical supplies 49.14 49.95 .84 173.50 331.61 23.05 772.80 21.48 10.00 33.29 2.24 378.78 69.84 286.80 235.18 36.90 54.48 172.87 138.46 97.5o 75.07 7.00 516.08 233.48 809.07 / 55.92 286.00 698.25 22.00 9.10 225.60 225.60 1960.50 225.60 1315.76 1243.20 728.32 25.00 25.00 71.22 52.36 35.00 90.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 454.00 238.20 15.32 10.00 17.16/- 21.00 2.00 3.48 9.00 31.40 5-34 9.25 5.46 3.96 208.33 65.00 8.96 85.00 86.45 5.00 3.00 2.00 65.0o 90.00 SUPE VISO1'�9.S ECO D NO. 15 ADAMS ,COUNTY, NE RASKA une Graphic Arta, Hastings, Nebr Jack & Jill Grocery, 3rd & Burlington Jack & Jill Grocery, East South Jackson Funeral Home Jaco, Agent Kendall Kingsley, M. D. Kipp Koch's Grocery Kuehn, M. D. Kunce's Grocery Larkin Larmore's Grocery Mary Laming Memorial Hospital Mikkelsen Drug %ompany Richardson J ogers Rutt's Drug Store # 1 Rutt's Drug Store it 2 hutt, M. D. butt Safeway Stores Inc. shreck, M.D. Sku.g:gs Grocery 5 Skaggs Grocery # 11 Skpggs Grocery # 5 Smith, Supt. Steward. Stop and Shop Grocery Tommy's Market # 1 VonStrode Weber, M. D. Western Auto Associate Store 4olfe Yost Lumber Company Andersen 3ert's Drug Store Inert' s Rex.all Drug tae tts Brooke & Son Charlton DeBacker Egen Ernstmeyer, Conservator Fern's Pharmacy -b oo to Freeman Grothen Guildne r Haeberle Drug Store Store Drug Store Hoffman Hof fine is ter Holm Holme rand Holthaus Drug Store Kingsley Kuehn Livingston -Sutler Vpiland McCauley" McIntire McMillan Mace Mainey Maly Mary Lanning Hospital Mary Lanning Hospital Micek Mikkelsen' s rug Store Pinney Reinke Rutt's Drug Store # 1 Butt's Drug store# 2 Hutt Scheidies Von Strode Walz Drug Store Veber 0Jolfe Store This 1oard will now recess J..D. Mrs. Effie D. W. John W. Perle Gerald A. Perry 0. Mrs. Viella Katherine F. J. Mrs. Frank H. •6. 0. P. 0. P. 0. P. J. N. Sam Mrs. W. R. Ce R. Mrs. Neva MEDICAL, S UI ,l C,AL Dr. H. F. Mrs. Lois Mae Dr. G. P. Dr. L. J. DrT� . L. F. J. tired Dr. D. B. Verne & Golda Mrs. Marie Dr. C. W. H. H. Dr. K. C. Dr. G. F. ar. C. R. Dr. Lee Dr. Dr. r' uner al dome Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Mrs Dr. D. W. G. A. R. F. R. H. John J. L. . Lulu James Dr. L. •). Dr. G. L. Mrs. Ella subject to County Cler Dr. F'. J. George Mrs. W. R. Dr. C. R. Mrs. Neva the call Staple foods Staple foods Burial eervice Rent Care 1`ledical care Rent Staple food Medical care Staple food Mileage Staple food Hospital care Medical supplies Bo -rd & Room Rent Pledical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Care Staple food Medical care Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Care Rent Staple foods Staple foods Mur. sing care Medical care Supplies Nu: sing care Supplies & HOSPITAL CARE Eedical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Nursing care Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Care Medical supplies Medical care Nursing care Nursing care Medical care medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Ambulance service Medical care Me d i c al care Medical care Medical care Nursing care 0. Medical care Hospital care Hospital care Medical care Medical supplies Medical care furs inz• care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Nursing care Nursing care Medical supplies Ee d i c al care Nursing care 50.00 115.00 119.00 75.00 50.00 2.00 150.00 ( 20.00 3.00 54.50 16.22 20.00 177.85 18.00 64.00 20.00} 6..35 1.90 3.00 200.00 20.00 3.00 122.95 26.00 1.68 105.00 24.00 37.25 79.80 75.00 4.00 1.5o 455.00 8.87 52..50 121.59 96.67 43.)40 131.49 40.00 73.00 3.65 42.65 6.35 10.00 58.00 14.93 12_.00 38.05 113.05 56.72 16.00 4.00 5.00 15.00 177.63 126.00 5.00 14.00 54.00 4.00 41.00 26.20 7.00 68L1.81 689.75 35.00 73.61 21.02 166.34 2),.35 64.40 9.00 165.40 334.70 17.25 265.80 407.25 of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors SUPE VISO ECO A I AMS COUNTY, NE 9S • D NO, 15 RASICA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Saturday, November 26, 1955. 10:00 o'clock Regular meting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Thompson and Motion by Koepke, WHEREAS, there and Lots 1 to 5, Nebraska, for Old A.M. of November 7, 1955. Utecht. Absent: Mailman. seconded by Utecht, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: is an Old Age Assistance Lien filed against Lots 13 to 18 inclusive in Block 9, in village of Roseland, Adams County, Nebraska, in favor Age Assistance to Henry Phillips and Paulina Phillips, and WHEREAS, Henry Phillips and Paulina said lien, and in Block 10, of Adams County, Phillips stand ready to pay the amount of X1,957.25 to discharge WHEREAS, it appears to be in the best interest of Adams County, Nebraska, to accept said amount and discharge and release said lien; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be directed to release and discharge said Old Age Assistance Lien from said property ppon the payment; of said S119,57.251, Roll call, Ayes: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, yhompson and Utecht. Motion carried. Recorded n Book 157 Page 138 & 177. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Kidd, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Brown, Bert B. Brown, L. Maye Clerk of the District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Fitzke, Beverly Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Highway Dept. • Nash, Lloyd Larkin, Perry 0 . - Welfare Director GENERAL FUND Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Office Expense Office Expense ROAD FUND Salary BRIDGE FUNT) Salary STATE FUND Office Expense This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the 130.00 30.00 512.50 941.30 656.66 1081.50 902.50 821.57 725.00 511.66 1127.38 180.00 707.50 450.00 6155.60 280.00 2370.00 County Board of S 'ervisors. SUPE VISO ECO D NO.- 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASK?, ne Graphic Arts, iias ings, Neb Regular me Edward H. Roll call, COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEB ASKA Tuesday, December 6, 1955. 10:00 o'clock A.M. eting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of November 26, 1955. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Mailman, Thompson and Utecht. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Utecht, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS,, the County of Adams, Ne')raska, is in the project of hard surfacing certain roads within said county in conjunction with the State of Nebraska, and WHEREAS, it is necessary that certain laboratory and engineering supervision be had on certain projects, and WHEREAS, the attached agreement between the State of Nebraska, the County of Adams, and Western Laboratories, Incorporated .of Lincoln, NebrLska has been proposed and is satisfactory to said County: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the ioard of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, that the County of Adams, Nebraska enter into and bind itself to Project S-58 (4) and Project s-58 (5) and that the ohairman of the Board of Supervisors and the L'ounty Clcrk are authorized to execute said agreement binding the County of Adams thereto. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. Motion by Maltman, second.d.d by Gangwish, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisor's Record. Roil call, ail voted aye. Motion carried. 12932 12933 12934 12935 12936 12937 12938 12939 12940 12941 12942 12943 12944 12945 12946 12947 12948 12949 12950 12951 12952 12953 12954 12955 12956 12957 12958 Motion 41orthy Wood 85.10 12959 Wm. Lambrecht, Clerk 750.00 12960 Emma Berg, County Clerk 113.70 12961 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace74.00 12962 State Treasurer 496.74 12963 State Treasurer 769.34 12964 Neya Wolfe 457.50 12965 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 110.00 12966 Charles Bossert, Co. Judge, 8.96 12967 L. R. ':tiner, Adm. 2521.28 12968 Grace Simpson, Justice Peace 70.00 12969 John E. Ray, County Judge 15.00 12970. John E. Ray, County Judge 15.00 12971 John L. Ray, County Judge 58142:g 84 12972 Mrs. Grace °lockburn 82.89 12973 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist 3186.45 12974 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. 8569.65 12975 "tate Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist 7837.40 12976 Grace Simpson, Justice of reace 70.00 12977 Grace Simpson, Justice of reace 60.00 12978 Laurence M. ',.raus ch, C1c rk 100.00 12979 Sara R. Connely, L'lerk 100.00 12980 Lucile M. Uridil 202.13 12981 Grace H. Simpson, Justice Peace 125.00 12982 Grace Simpson, Justice Peace 75.00 12983 Mary Schultz, Clerk Dist Court 392.25 12984 Grace H.Simpson,Justice Peace 105.00 12985 by Thompson, seconded by Emma Berg, County Clerk U. W. Joynt John Junker, Treasurer Carl E. Baehr -Treasurer Arthur. Post -Treasurer °tate Treasurer -State Assistance 6pecial Mail Route Road l'und Grace H. Simpson, Justice of reace Grace n. Simpson, Justice of. Peace Mary Schultz, Clerk of District Court Emma Berg, County Clerk Darrel Versaw, Treasurer Grace 'impson, Justice of Perry 0. Larkin- Director Perry 0. Larkin- Director Fred 0. Schaffroth, Register Arlene Esther Wiltfang Grace Simpson, Justice Ed Zubrod, Treasurer d Koch, Treasurer John E. Ray, County Judge Grace H. Simpson, Justice G. A. Steiner Grace H. Simpson, Justice James Kula Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dis Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dis e ace of Mailman, that the following resolution be adopte RESOLUTION: of Pe ace Deeds of Peace of Peace trict Court trict Court d: 278.45 12.00 750.00 750.00 750.00 31704.26 1243.20 90.00 105.00 23.30 17.16 750.00 65.00 6.15 7.45 557.10 625.00 115.00 750.00 375.00 125.00 110.00 30.00 70.00 6.70 29.00 29.00 WHEREAS, Frank E. Morhart and Henrietta Morhart on March 26, 1955, paid the sum of 0210.28 for 1954 real property taxes on real estate described as Lot 3, Gangwish Homes Subdivision of Block 6, Lowman's North Side Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, and WHEREAS, the valuation of said property was increased from 030 to 44,050 for the year 1954, no notice having been given as required by law, and WHEREAS, the proper tax which should have been paid was $1.56, and WHEREAS, the said Frank E. Morhart and Henrietta Morhart have made timely demand for the refund of $208.98; that the difference between the tax paid and the tax which should have been paid is 208.72, and WHEREAS, the Prudential Insurance Company of America tenders two checks totaling $$_08.98, (having paid 01.30 on April 15, 1955) which amount totals 4210.28 and represents the sum which should have been paid on real property described as Lot 1, Gangwish biomes Subdivision of Block 6, Lowman's North Side Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, but which was erroneously assessed to Lot 3, Gangwish Home "'ubidvis ion of Block 6, Lowman's North °ide Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams Liounty, Nebraska, and WHEREAS, it appears to be in the best interest of Adams County"`' Nebraska, to accept the checks tendered by the said insurance company, and to refund the sum of 4208.72 to Frank E. Morhart and Henrietta Morhart, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of Adams County, Nebr&ska, be directed to credit the Prudential checks in the amount of 0208.98 to the general fund and issue a Miscellaneous tax receipt therefor; and, further, that the County Clerk of Adams County, Nebraska, be and is - - A T-'' . r 1r F+: M r, nl'i a r 1- Sa n r1 464 Tribune SUPE Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 11' VISO 'S ADAMS COUNTY, NE D NO. 15 RASKA Motion by Koepke, seconded by Utecht, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, the amount of $581.96 has been offered to Adams County, Nebraska •by Hawkeye Security Insurance Co. in full settlement of damage to bridge near Holstein on or about August 19, 1955 by a truck owned by Walter A. Hartwig and driven by Adolph Peters, and WHEREAS, said amount appears reasonable and it is to the best interest of Adams County accept said amount, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supe amount be accepted and credit to the Bridge Yund of s a release of said. Waiter A. Hartwig and Adolph Peters to rvisors of Adams County, Nebraska that said aid County and the Chairman of said board sign Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by ?ialtman, that the following reports be approved and placed on file: Tax Collector, County Library, County Clerk Car Title, Register of Deeds, Clerk of the District Court, County Judge, Nursing Rome and Sheriff. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by u-angwish, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: That the County board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, hereby acce Alex Barth of Hastings, Nebraska, to pay to Adams County,Nebraska, the sum of settlement of the Old Age Assistance Lien of Adams County, Aebraska, filed in Register of Deeds of Adams County, Nebraska, and recorded against Lot 108, A. to the City of Hastings, Adams uaunty, Aebraska, the said lien being recorded 475. The property above decribed is valued by reliable appraisors at Barth, deceased, has an interest therein of an undivided nne-third, and probate court expense. he offer of Alex Barth in the sum of 41 the fair value of the full cash equity of the estte of Mary Barth ts the offer of 1,333.33 in full the office of the M. Ghosts Addition in Book 154 at page $4,750.00. The estate of Mary subject to costs of funeral ,333.33, is recognized to be in the property. It is further resolved that upon payment of the said sum of Adams County, Nebraska, the treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be and he is hereby authorized to and directed to release the said lien of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Adams County, Nebraska. noll call, ail voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Koepke, seconded by Kidd, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. poll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND A. B. C. Appliance Co. Acme Printing Company Acme Printin Company Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Adams uounty Service Committee Addressograph Multigraph Corporation Addressograph Multigraph Corporation American Legion Augustine Company berg, County Clerk Emma Bivens George W. Business Supply Company business Supply Company 'lerk of the District Court 'ornhusker Press County Attorney County Supt. County Supt. Dictaphone Corporation briden Calculator Agency Hammond & Stephens company Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities Informative Classroom Picture Publishers Kammerlohr Mel Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. LivinEston-Butler-Volland funeral Home Loshonkohl Arthur Mahoney, County Treasurer D. Moore Business l'orms, Inc. Morhart Beianik E. & Ochsner Panama Carbon Company Paymaster corporation pi --- Supplies, Repairs supplies Supplies Office Expense Office Expense Plates & Cabinets Supplies Crave Markers Supplies Bank charge, stamps Bailiff supplies Supplies State cases Supplies Postage Mileage Postage Repairs Rental Supplies Book Binding Supervisors Proceedings Supplies 50.67 73.3o 175.45 350.00 82.66 1531.66 67.16 41.38 1941 9.74 0.00 1.25 el.75 36.40 24.08 6.00 45.09 10.00 7.40 45.00 30.52 57.00 65.0o 9.00 Supplies 6.90 Supplies 4.53 Supplies 7.44 supplies .84 Supplies 2.00 Supplies 19.27 Utilities 214.59 Supplies 14.81 Motion 1.00 Telephone service 154.35 Ambulance service 5.00 Labor, Material 20.30 Postage, Bank charge 25.72 Supplies 440.94 Henrietta Refund 208.72 Salary 36.30 Supplies 14.65 Service Contract 42.50 c, SUPE 1" VIS016.'S iblEc0.11) Na 15 A it AMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 1.kinc Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. West Publishing dompany West Publishing Company Wood, Sheriff World Pook Company Worthy B. & B Super Service Budd Oil company 'larke Oil Company Consumers Public Power Dist. Continental Oil Company DeBord Welding shop Dillys Service Dutton-Lainson Company l'armers Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil Co. l'oote Equipment nompany Gilpin's Garage Hageman Hardware company Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities HastinEs Welding Supply Co. H1Lhway Equipment & Supply Co. Huntsbaeger-Bailes inc. James J nes Kenesaw Oil Company Kenesaw Telephone ompany Kent Oil Company Kerr Cochran Inc Keuffel & Esser Company Lenhart Service Station Lilley Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone Company Lippincott Estate Lloyd Mobil Service Lloyd Mobil Service McShane Inc. Messer Company Moore Nebr. Nebr. Newman Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Precision Lubricants Co. Reisser 1/43orp. Saathoff Service Sidles Company Sime Sinclair efining State reformatory Southern Nebr. Rural Swanson & Company Vontz Weseman Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wilder's Service Station Go. John A. John A. M. C. Ed. T. L. Wm. Department of Road & Irrigation Tractor & Equipment c'o. S. j. co. ROAD FUND Herbert P. A. J. Public Power Dist Arnold L. J. Gailorod & Chicago, Burlington & Quincy cook Paint & Varnish Company Naggatz Rief Wheeler Lumber Bridge Wheeler Lumber Bridge Willard Lilley Lippincott Estate Road Account Vontz Railroad & Supply & Supply Albright Aman Bouregy & Curl Inc. Ernst Hastings Carnegie Library Jones Kindig McNair parks Snell C. Dorothy BRIDGE FUND Ervin W. Henry Harry R. SCHROEDER ROAD FUND Ed. L. J. COUNTY LIBRARY Mrs. A. F. Mrs. R. D. Mrs. Waunetta Mrs. Aaron Mrs. Margaret Mrs, Klyoe Arlene Mrs. Howard Supplies Supplies Jailor fee, postage, food, Laundry Mileage Supplies Repairs Gas, Diesel Gas Utiljties Repairs Gas Supplies Gas, Diesel, supplies Tires Gas Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Tar Kettle "epairs Extra ground Binder Gas, Diesel Telephone service Jiesel Repairs Supplies Gas, Repairs Gravel Supplies Supplies iPlephone service Gravel Gas, Repairs Gas, Repairs Parts Repairs Gas, Repairs construction Repairs, Supplies Salary Supplies Lubricants Supplies Gas Supplies Gas, Diesel Diesel Supplies Utilities Supplies Gravel Land Supplies Gas, Repairs Freight Supplies Salary Salary Supplies Supplies Salary Gravel Grvel Labor, Gravel Equipment rental , Salary Salary Supplies Salary Library Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary service 16.00 9.00 280.45 71.06 1.50 181.10 228.27 1.36 78.26 16.54 51.01 11.39 107.19 189.32 26.24 14.26 158.63 3.20 20.02 .93 580.00 30.47 50.00 129.00 118.54 16.90 62.64 1.83 23.43 122.80 570.06 152.11 105.66 15.65 535.20 50.15 63.33 15.48 28.28 92.47 1583.75 307.14 194.40 4.55 266.39 30.66 51.41 133.36 212.63 91.52 129.06 21.14 1880.00 282.47 76.40 264.28 64.45 755.4 22.00 201.60 211.20 6.82 2801.70 201.60 1332.00 947.68 996.80 881.30 25.00 25.00 9.00 35.00 90.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 466 SUPE VISO 'S I"\ EC ADAMS COUNTY, NE 01'W NO. 15 RASKA IMP Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McCarty Snyder Adams Co. Freida Faye Daniel E. SOLDIER'S & SAILOR'S County Soldiers Belief Fund Acne Printing Company Amen Peter Bert's Drug Store Bert's Hexall Drug Store Bi -Lo Market Booth Memorial Hospital Brooke & Son Drug Store Credit Bureau of Hastings DeBacker, M. D. L. J. Farmers Nursing Home Groenewold Grocery Hastings Drug Store Hastings Typewriter L'ompany Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hoffman, M.D. Hoffmeister,M.D. Holthaus Drug Co. J_ck & Jill Grocery -East Jack & Jill Grocery- 3rd Jaco, Agent Kendall Kendig Grocery KinEsley, M. D. Kipp Koch's Grocery Kuehn, M. D. Kunce's Grocery Laird Coal dc). Larkin Larkin -Director Larmore's CroCery Livingston-putler-Volland Funeral Home McDonald Company J. M. Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mikkelsen Drug 'ompany Penney CoMpany Rogers Rutt shreck, M.D. Skaggs Grocery # 5 Skaggs Grocery # Skaggs Grocery # 13 Smith, Supt. Spencer Park Market Steward Stop and Shop Grocery Tommy's Market i 1 Von Strode Western Auto Associate Store Wolfe POOR AID FUND Kenneth C. G. F. So. St. & Burlington J. D. mrs. Effie Norman D. 14., John Perle Gerald A. Lloyd D. Perry O. Perry O. Bert's Drug Store Bert's Rexall Drug Store Betts Brand Mortuary Brooke & Son Brooke & Son Charlton Davis DeBacker Egen Ernstmeyer, Conservator Fern's Pharmacy Poote koote Craupner GrOthehlc) Guildner Haeberle Drug Store Hastings Drug Store Hof fman- Holm Holme rand Holthaus Drug Store Johnston Kuehn Livingston-Butler-Volland J. C. Miss Katherine Mrs. Frank H. W. O. P. O. P. O. P. J. N. S. J. Mrs. W. R. Mrs. Neva Telephone service Mileage Mileage Relief Supplies Janitor service Medical supplies Medical supplies Staple foods Hospital care Medical supplies Credit Service Medical care Nursing Care Staple foods Medical supplies Supplies Utilities Utilities Medical care Aedical care Medical supplies Staple food Staple food Rent Care Staple food Medical care hent Staple rood Medical care Staple food Fuel Mileage Postage Staple food Ambulance Service Supplies Hospital care Medical supplies Supplies Rent Cure Medical care Staple food Staple food Staple food Care Staple food Rent Staple food Staple food Care Supplies Care MEDICAL, SURGICAL AND HOSPITAL CARE Mrs. Lois Dr. G. P. Dr. H. L. Dr. L. J. Dr. L. F. J. Fred Dr. C. M. Dr. D. B. Dr. G. W. Marie Dr. C. W. H. H. Dr. K. C. Dr. C. R. Dr. Lee Dr. C. O. Dr. G. A. unern1 TinmA Medical Medical Nursing Ambulanc Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Nursing Medical Medical Medical Medical Nursing Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical sUpplies supplies care e service supplies supplies care care care care care supplies care care care care care supplies supplies care care care supplies care care Amhnlnn^n 34.60 1.32 9.48 208.33 9.55 s•. 65.00 6.35 4.48' - 80.00. 132.30 64.85 5.00 9.00 65.00 67.50 31.50 6.95 16.64 9.10 3.00 3.00 13.25 35.00 50.00 37.50 50.00 60.00 4.00 150.00 20.00 3.00 54.50 35.50 39.12 25.00 20.00 2.50 7.73 230.140 6.90 32.64 20.00 200.00 70.00 1.28 115.25 110.00 105.00 11.0D 12.-00 37.25 39.90 75.00 1.63 455.00 167.82 92.142 5.00 5.00 21.01 108.79 29.63 2.00 78.00 4.00 38.40 3.50 31.20 4.00 6.00 14.93 4.00 32.08 77.85 132.18 5.00 5.00 17.75 2.00 81.00 SUE VIS O 9 S 1'EcO ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr Pinney Reinke tut t Butt's Drug :'tore # 1 . tutt's Drug Store r1 2 Scheidies Von Strode • Walz Drug Store It eber Wolfe This Board will now recess Dr. G. L. Mrs. Ella Dr. R. J. Ralph Mir s . W. R. Dr. C. R. Mrs . Neva subject to the call Medical Nursing Medical Me d i c al Medical Nursing Nursing Medical Medical Nursing c are care c are supplies supplies care care supplies care care of the Chairman of the County Board COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, December 23, 1955. 10:00 O'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board ofSupervisors met as per recess Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. hall call, members present: Gangwish, Koepke, Motion by Thompson, seconded by Gangwish, that Assessor as being the lowest and best bid. The net cost of 574.0.00. Roll call, all voted aye. 18.12 166.34 3.00 18.70 92.93 1p65.40 284.90 21.2.5 12.65 390.61 of Supervisors. Chairs of December 1955. ightner, Maltman, Thompson and Utecht. Absent: Kidd. we purchase the`riden Calculator for the County price is 075.00 less i35.00 rental credit leaving Motion 'carried. Motion by Maltman, seconded by Koepke, that we place the following Inventories on Kammerlohr, County Attorney; Dorr Mahoney, County Treasurer; Fred O. Schaffroth, Emmu Berg, County Clerk; Howard Temple, County Agrent; Wenona Harris, County Supt; Adams County Jail; Worthy B. Wood, Sheriff; John E. Ray, County Judge; Roll call, Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Koepke, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all ,vo ted aye. Motion carried. file; Melvin Register of Deeds; Worthy B. Wood, all voted aye. Brown, Bert B. Brown, L. Maye Clerk of the District Court County Assessor County Attorney County board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Fitzke, Beverly 1 egister of Deeds Veteran's '-ervice Office Highway Dept. Nash, Lloyd gilberts, E. Larkin -Perry 0. -Welfare Director This board will now recess subject to the GENERAL FUND Salary salary Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary and Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Office Expense Office Expense ROAD FUND Salary BRIDGE FUND Salary SCHROEDER ROAD Salary STATE FUND Office Expense call of the chairman of the County Board 130.00 30.00 512.50 890.53 523.33 1067.76 902.50 814.33 725.00 511.74 1173.52 180.00 707.50 4.50.00 5924.40 280.00 200.00 2370.00 of Supervisors. (68 Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE RECOID NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NE 1: RASKA COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, January 6, 1956. 10:00 otclock A.M. regular meeting of the Adams County Board of supervisors met as per recess of December 23, 1955. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman, Thompson and Utecht. Mouion by Koepke, seconded by Utecht, that the following reports be accepted and placed on file. County Clerk Car Titles, Clerk of the District Court, 'egister of Deeds, County Clerk, Adams County. Nursing Home, County Library,County Judge and Tx Collector. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Kidd, that the following Inventories be accepted and placed on file: Clerk of the District Court, County Library and County Assessor. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Koepke, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisors Record: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 12986 Mary •Schultz, Clerk of Dist Court 29.00 12987 Cottonwood Township 750.00 12988 State Treasurer 459.49 12989 Grace H. Simpson, Justice of 'eace 100.00 12990 Worthy Woods 32.75 12991 Aetna Insurance Company 8.50 12992 Neva Wolfe 11g90.(0) 12993 Howard L. Gangwish 1299L1.. T. R. Sherwins (Hawkeve Security Ins)581.96 12995 Prudential Insurance t3o. 208.98 12996 John E. Ray, County Judge 792.80 12997 Charles Bossert, County Judge 35.70 12998 Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dist Court 42.81 12999 Mary Scbultz, Clerk of Dist Court : 13000 Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dist uourt 13001 L'laine Township, Geo. Bohlen Treas. L12.00 13002 Glenn G. Matthews -Town Clerk 375.00 13003 Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dist Court 56.26 13004 Grace H. Simpson, Justice of reace 95.00 13005 Perry O. Larkin, Director 1333.33 13006 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist 3186.45 13007 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. 7941.99 13008 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist 7418.96 13009 J. Fred Ernstmeyer 1957.25 13010 State Treasurer -State Assistance 31424.25 13011 Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dist court 281.90 13012 13013 13014 13015 13016 13017 13018 13019' 13020 13021 13022- 13023 13024 13025 13026 13027 13028 13029 13030 13031 13032 13033 13034 13035 13036 J. E. Ray 5.00 Grace H. Simpson, Justice of Peace 80.00 Nebraska State Racing Commission 723.25 Emma Berg, County Clerk 17.80 Special Mail Route 996.80 .red O. Schaffroth, Register Deeds 482.60 Ralph Pittz 750.00 Emma Berg, County Clerk 256.30 Emma Berg, County Clerk 130.15 Perry O. Larkin -Director 367.50 -'race H.Simpson,Justice of Peace 87.00 walter Gartner 750.00 Herman A. Mohling 750.00 tate of Nebr.ska 45.20 Grace H. Simpson, Justice of Peace 70.00 v.1,.Sanders, Clerk of Dist Cburt 4427.99 W.F.Sanders, Clerk of Dist Court 29564.24 W.F.Sanders, Clerk of Dist Court 2216at?) Seraphine M. Trausch Denver 'ownship, Treasurer 7.50 Grace H. Simpson, Justice of Peace 70.00 Emma Berg, County Clerk 2268.06 State Treasurer -State Assistance 607.66 Klyoe McNair 100.00 Mr & Mrs. Chas. Thomas 10.00 Motion by Utecht, seconded by Gangwish, that we accept the offer of Lincoln Equipment Company to furnish #12 Caterpillar Motor Grader, completely equipped at a net price of $12,674.00 14. O. B. Hastings plus trade in of old equipment as per recommendations of the County Engineer. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Kidd, that we purchase culverts of various sizes from the Wheeler Lumber Company and Lincoln Steel works for $2381.69. Roll call, all voted aye. htotion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Kidd, that we adopt the following resolution "BE IT RESOLVED, THAT the County L'oard of Supervisors sell to the following purchaser the following described property: Lots 21 to 25 Inclusive, Village of Juniata to :harmers Union Co -Op. for 035.00 and that the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors be hereby authorized to execute and deliver Quit Claim deed to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Utecht, that we adopt the following resolution "BE IT RESOLVED, that the County uoard of Supervisors sell to the following purchaser the following described property: Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block 10, and Lots 13, 14 & 19 Block 11, Village of Hansen to A. F. iabright for 025.00; and that the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors be hereby authorized to execute and deliver quit Claim Deed to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. Notion by Utecht, seconded by Aaompson, that the following claim be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Acme Heat Enuipment Co. Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Adams County Service Committee Berg Erraa Berg, County Clerk Emma Bivens George W. Burroughs Adding Machine uo. Carmichael & James Childrens Press Clerk of the District court Co)bs Manufacturing Co. County Assessor County Attorney County Supt. County Supt. County Supt. JJiper GENERAL FUND Repairs Office expense Office Expense Convention expense Postage, box rent Bailiff services Supplies Labor Books Mental hearing Supplies Mileage, postage Postage Postage Mileage Uonvention expense T • . 25.27 375.0o 82.66 35.00 12.50 45.00 1.96 24.96 18.00 52.W) 250.00 30.00 6.00 10.0o 16.47 35.00 SUPE I" VISO 1" ECO D Na 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA __rakune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr Hastings Hastings Has Hastings Hastings Hastings Typewriter Typewriter Typewriter Typewriter Typewriter Typewriter Hastings Typewriter Hastings Utilities Hide Printing Co. Inc. Lightner Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Mahoney Mahoney, County Treasurer Omaha Printing Co. Onken Robinson Schaffroth, Register of Schultz Schultz, Clerk Stephenson School Supply Co. West Publishing Company Wood, Sheriff Company 'ompany Company Company Company company Company Edward H. Co. D. D. Edw. T. W. F. Deeds Fred O. Mary of District uourtMary Budd Oil Company ularke Oil Company onsumers Public Power Continental Oil Company D -A Lubricant Company, Inc. Dillys Service Essinger J. Essinger J. Farmers Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil Co. Gilpin's Gar,ge Glenwood Telephone Co. H4eman Hardware uo. Hastings Battery & Electric Hastines Utilities Hastings Welding Supply uo. Highway Equipment & Supply Co. Holstein Lumber Company Kenesaw Oil Company Kerr uochran Inc. Ko -gals Grocery Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone Company Lloyds Mobile Service Messer Company Modern Linen Supply Co. Nebraska State Reformatory Nebraska State Reformatory Newman Pittz Service Pittz Service Sherman Service Center Sime Sinclair Refinin; Smilt Wagners Service Station Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply uo. Wilber Service Inc. Wilders Service Station Worthy 13. ROAD FUND Co. w. w. L. J. Herbert P. C. A. J. John Dutton-Lainson Company Dutton-Lainson Company Dutton-Lainson Company liartford Naggatz Rief Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Willard Road Account Albright Aman Doubleday & Company Inc. Ernst Hastings Carnegie Library Jone s Kindig McNair Parks Snell BRIDGE FUND Frank Ervin Henry Harry W. SCHROEDER Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Convention expense Telephone service Convention expense Box rent, Bank charge Supplies Assessing real esLate Labor Box rnet, postage Convention expense State cases, committal Supplies Books Office expense, food, Diesel fuel, Las Gas Utilities Diesel fuel Lubricant Gas Repairs, supplies Supplies Diesel fuel, Gas Gas, supplies Telephone service Supplies, repairs Utilities Supplies Tar kettle Supplies Gas, supplies Supplies Supplies Gas Supplies Telephone service Gas Supplies Laundry Supplies Salary Gas, Diesel, Supplies Gas, Diesel, Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel Diesel Saw blade Gas, Diesel, supplies Supplies Supplies Gas Supplies Supplies Supplies Repairs Salary Salary Supplies Salary ROAD FUND Labor, Equipment COUNTY LIBRARY Mrs. A. F. Mrs. R. D. Mrs. Waunetta Mrs. Aaron Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Klyoe Miss Arlene Mrs. Howard Salary Salary Supplies Salary 'Library service Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary 104.58 15.63 14.73 .50 75.65 365.05 295.41 33.30 25.00 162.15 35.00 29.46 108.99 108.00 2.00 9.00 35.00 134.80 70.13 17.00 Laundry,Mileage267.45 165.93 130.43 4.81 71.89 74.55 55.13 14i.15 36.60 98.60 5.20 73.35 10.12 57.94 33.33 5.90 13.47 32.57 41.70 3.96 3.73 71.13 766.81 15.65 32.43 40.8o 4.86 100.36 315.52 139.20 140.81 321.80 6.17 200.55 78.39 8.00 117.14 29.52 752.32 4.37 2.35 3.04 6.00 3.50 172.80 196.80 66.81 211.20 rental 1619.20 25.00 25.00 50.82 35.00 90.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 SUPE VISO IS ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE 111 D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr Soldiers & Sailors Relief Fund Acme Printing Companu Amen Lerts Drug Store Bi-LoMarket Brooke & Son Drug Store 13usiness Supply Company Credit Bureau of Hastings l'armers Nursing Home l'oote Oil Company Groenewold Grocery Hastings Drug Store Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hoffman Hoffmeister ,M.D. Jack Pse Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jaco Agency Johnsin, Mgr. Kendall Kendig's Grocery Kipp Koch's &rocery Kuehn Kunce's Grocery Laird veal Co. Larkin Larkin -Director Larkin -Director Larmore's Grocery Livingston-Butler-Volland McCarty McMillan SOLDIER'S & SAILOR'S POOR AID FUND Peter Wendell Dr, Kenneth C. G. F. J. D. J. C. Mrs. Effie Norman John ". Pe arle Dr. Gerald A. Lloyd B. Perry O. Perry O. Perry O. Funeral Home Freida Faye Dr. John Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mikkelsen Drug Company Itichardson "ogers Rutt Rutt Skaggs # 5 Skaggs # 13 Smith, Supt. Snyder Steward Stop and Shop Grocery Vasey Von Strode Weber western Auto Associate Store Wolfe /5ert's Drug Store ert's Rexall Drug Store 'etts Brornmer Dispensary Brooke & •Son Brooke & Son 'harlton DeBacker EEen ll'rnstmeyer, Conservator Fern's Pharmacy l'reeman 1400te mote 0rauper 6 -Lindner Haeberle Drug Store Hastings Drug Store Hoffman Hoffmeister Holmerand Holthaus Drug Store Kuehn Livingston-Butler-Volland McIntire McMillan Mace Mainey Mary Lanning Hospital Mikkelsen Drug Store Miller Pinney Reinke Mrs. Viella Miss Katherine Dr. F. J. Mrs. Frank O. P. 0. P. J. N. Daniel E. Sam Ruby Mrs. W. R. Dr. C. R. Mrs. Neva MEDICAL, SURGICAL AND Mrs. Lois R. A. Dr. G. P. Dr. L. J. Dr. L. F. J. Fred Verne & Golda Dr. C. M. Dr. D. H. Dr. G. W. Dr. C. W. H. H. Dr, K. C. Dr. George F. Dr. Lee Dr. G. A. Funeral Home Dr. Dr. John Dr, J. L. Mrs. Lulu Dr. Samuel b. Dr. C. L. Ella Relief bund Supplies Janitor service Medical supplies Staple foods Medical supplies Supplies Credit service Nurs inCare -ouel Staple foods Medical supplies Utilities Utilities Medical care Medical care Staple foods Staple foods ,Rent Rent Board & Room Staple foods Rent Staple foods Medical care Staple foods .buel Mileage Revolving fund Postage Staple foods Burial & Ambulance service Mileage mecical care Hospital care Medical supplies Nursing care Rent Medical care Nursing care Staple food Staple food Care Mileage Rent Staple foods Mileage Care Medical care Supplies Care HOSPITAL CARE Medical supplies Medical supplies Nursing care Glasses Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical care "edical care Nursing care Medical supplies Nursing care Medical care Medical care Medical care mecical care Medical supplies Mecical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical care Ambulance service Medical care Medical care Medical care Nursing care Hospital care Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Nursing care 208.33 98.35 65.0o 4.48 110.00 52.00 74.85 5.00 65.00 14.0o 71.50 14.75 10.80 22.87 3.00 16.00 103.50 5o.00 37.5o 46.00 50.00 30.00 150.00 20.00 3.00 54.50 45.25 39.19 37.12 25.00 20.00 350.00 2.04 150.00 225.79 8.00 8.95 20.00 2.00 84.60 159.00 37.25 105.00 3.36 12.00 37.25 3.00 75.00 100.00 3.00 341.uo 109.02 167.78 43.40 4.00 182.99 17.85 59.90 26.00 (Th 4.00 43.40 20.00 116.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 53.85 151.25 35.50 10.00 8.00 29.25 80.00 5.00 15.00 4.00 58.00 26.20 901.60 30.77 7.30 16.85 ihA_qh SUPE VISO 'S IECOl'W NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA a une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. We Wolfe 'his Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. Dr. C. R. Mrs. Neva Medical care Nursing care 9.00 392.71 hairm COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 10, 1956. 10 o'clock A.M. Statutory meeting of the adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of January 6, 1956. Edward Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Mailman, Thompson and Utecha. Motion by Mailman, seconded by Thompson, that the following Resolution be adopted: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA, that the County Assessor of Adams County, Nebraska, is hereby given the approval of the County Board to make corrections on the tax lists of said county on Certificates numbered 1801 to 2103 inclusive, for the reasons stated on each individual certificate and that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is authorized to sign said certificates. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Gangwish, that there appears to be no other unfinished business and that this Board now adjourn sine die. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. REORGANI7ATION 014 THE BOARD. At 10:30 o'clock A. M. the meeting was called to order by the County Clerk with the following members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Mailman, Thompson and Utecht. Mo -Lon by Utecht, seconded by Gangwish, that Carl Koepke be appointed temporary Chairman. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Mailman, that we proceed to take an informal ballot for Chairman of the ,idams County Board of Supervisors. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. An informal ballot ws ordered and the Chairman appointed Thompson and Kidd as tellers with results as follows: Gangwish (2) Two, Lightner (5) Five. Motion by Maitman, seconded by Gangwish, that we suspend the rules and by unanimous vote Ed Lightner be declared duly appointed pernament Chairman of the Adams County Boar d of Supervisors for the year of 1956. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Maitman, seconded by Utecht, that the Hastings Daily Tribune be designated as the County Official paper f or the year 1956. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Kidd, that we approve the following banks as County Depositories; The Hastings National Bank, Nastinis, Nebraska, City National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska, Adams County Bank, Kenesaw, A-ebraska, and the Roseland otate Bank, Roseland, Nebraska; also, approve the securities posted by the following banks as security for county funds in the following amounts, Hastings National Bank, liastinLs, '"ebraska $450,000.00, City National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska, $360,000.00, Roseland tate Bank, Roseland, Nebraska $20,000.00, Adams County Bank, Kenesaw, Nebraska $30,000.00. lio11 call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Koepke, that we consent to the County Treasurer depositing up to 100% of the Capitol Stock and surplus in any depository banks named; said deposits to be protected by the bonds as reauired by law. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gangwish, seconded by Kidd, that we apoint Ray Thompson as the Adams County Board Representative of the HastinEs Chamber of Commerce for the year 1956. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 11:30 11. M. the Chairman announced the following Committees for the year 1956; FINANCE, Mm. Utecht, ',hairman, C. H. Kidd and Earl Ganrwish. ROADS AND BRIDCES, District No. 2 C. H. Kidd, District No. 3 Earl Gangwish, and District No4 Wm. Utecht. BUFLDINGS & GROUNDS, W. W. Mailman, Chairman, Ray Thompson, and Carl Koepke, COUATHOUSE SUPPLIES, Ray Thompson, Chairman, C. H. Kidd and W. W. Mailman. ROAD AND BRIDGE SUPPLIES- tires, grease & oil supplies- Earl Gangwish, Chairman Wm. Utecht and u. H. Kidd COUNTY LAW LIBRARY, H. Kidd, Chairman and all members of the Board. ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME, Carl Koepke, Chairman, Earl Gangwish and m. Utecht. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Koepke, that we appoint Bert Brown as Custodian for the year 1956, at the same salary as 1955. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Bord will recess subje_t to the call of the Chairman of the County/Board of Supe viso /(/ /1 , ounty /OP' /OOP , ,••• . 421.10.L. -4eputy. SUPE VISO 'S i'ECOI'W NO, 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NE IIRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS; NEBRASKA Friday, January 20, 1956. 1:30 o'clock P.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of January 10, 1956. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. o11 call, members Motion by Thompson, on behalf of Adams The County of Adams Roll call, all vote This present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, seconded by Gangwish, that the County an agreement among the St , Nebraska for testing services d aye. Motion carried. Lightner, Maltman, Thompson and Utecht. Chairman be authorized and directed ate of Nebraska, Western Labatories in connection with F. A. S. Project Board will recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board to execute Inc., and. GRID -201 S -44(4) - of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, January 26, 1956. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of January 20, 1956. Edward H.Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Gangwish, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Maltman and Utecht. Absent: Thompson. Motion by Koepke, seconded by Gangwish, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Brown, Bert B. Brown, L. Maye L'Ierk of the District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer ilitzke, Beverly hegister of Deeds Veteran's Service Office Highway Department Nash, Lloyd Larkin -Perry O. Welfare Director This Board will now recess subject GENERAL FUND Salary Salary Office EXpense, Office Expense Office Expense Salary Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Office Expense Office Expense 130.00 30.00 512.50 928.00 523.33 1098.96 902.50 1062.37 725.00 511.66 1358.14 180.00 707.50 450.00 ROAD FUND Salary 6077.60 BRIDGE FUND Salary 280.00 STATE FUND Office Expense 2370.00 to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors.