HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupervisors Rec 15 1959SUPE 11 VISO 'Ss ECOI°A) TO..15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA (mane Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Rutt's Drug Autt's Drug Smith Taylor Drug Yost Store # 1 Store # 2 Store Acme Printing Co. Berg, County Clerk Bert's Rexall Drug Store Bi -Lo Market Brand Mortuary Brooke & bon Drug Store i3urroughs ivision Business Supply Co. Cook Paint & Varnish Co. Cosgrove Cosgrove Credit Bureau of Hastings Duthie Hastings Drug Store Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastins Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Kipp Kloke Kunce Grocery Larkin Larkin -Director Larkin -Director Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McIntire, M. D. Mary Lanning Hospital Safeway Grocery d'afeway Grocery Schafer Printing company Schmidt Skaggs Grocery # 13 Skaggs Grocery Skinner Smith, M. D. Smith. Snyder Snyder Spencer Park Rental Office Stop & Shop Market Thomas Vasey Vasey Western Auto Associate Store Wolfe Yellow Cab Inc. This Board will now Dr. R. C. Dr. John -brnma Madelyn Madelyn Eva B. John Mrs. Perry Perry Perry 00. R. J. GENERAL RELIEF W. R. o. 0. 0. Dona 0. P. 0. P. Gladys C. Robert C. Zeb Daniel E. Daniel E. Mrs. iilora Ruby • Ruby Mrs . Neva recess subject to the Medical Medical Aedical Medical Medical supplies supplies care supplies care Supplies Postage Medical supplies Staple rood Abulance service Medical supplies Mechanical service Supplies Supplies Mileage Mileage Credit service Mileage Medical supplies Supplies Utilities Utilities Staple food Staple food Staple food Board & Room nglzefood Revolving fund Postage Telephone service Medical care Hospital care Staple food Staple food Supplies Board & Room Staple food Staple food Care Medical care Salary age Eete: Staple food Board & Room Mileage Miletge Supplies Nursing care Transportation 96.73 123.20 4.00 8.75 291.50 70.90 31.95 19.25 40.00 35.00 25.00 33.20 8.91 2.93 7.92 3.30 5.00 1.80 28.00 10.00 37.80 11.36 197.00 160.00 10.00 150.00 46.25 17.25 15.12 10.75 25.00 27.50 34.00 39.27 36.00 20.00 7.05 30.00 167.00 38.00 75.00 2.00 75.00 2.88 6.78 100.00 20.00 3.16 4.68 14.70 1.50 165.00 9.0.5 call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. irman (;8 2 SUPE VISO ADAMS c (0) S ECOi'D NO, 15 UNTIL', NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA i'rlday, December 26, 1958. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of December 5, 1958. Carl J. Koepke, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Mackie, Thompson and Utecht. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Hoagland, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Agricultural Extension Brown, Bert b. Brown, L. Maye County Assessor County Attorney County Board Clerk of District Court. Congrove, Maxine J. County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Highway Department Nash, Lloyd Larkin,Director Perry O. This board will now recess subject to GENERAL FUND .ROAD FUND Office Expense Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense Salary & Mileage Office Expense Salary Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salaries BRIDGE FUND Salary STATE FUNDS , Office Expense 267.50 130.00 30.00 1049.47 456.74 1096.76 512.50 150.00 912.50 936.(7 725.00 511.74 1323.26 512.50 576.25 6347.94 300.00 2740.00 the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 6, 1959, 10:00 oiclock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of December 26, 1958. Geri J. Koepke, Chair.man, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, l'iackie, Thompson and Utecht. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Hoagland, that the reports of the Maras County Library, Car Titles, County Judge, Register of Deeds, Sheriff, Clerk of the District Court, Adams Counuy Jail and Deputy Sheriff be accepted and placed on file. hall call, all voted aye. Notion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Hoagland, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisors Record; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 1486 State Treas-SLate Assistance 1487 Neva W. kiolfe-Nursing Home 1488 Grace simpson,Justice of l'eace 1489 Perry Lark;m,Director 1490 Perry Larkin,Director 1491 ferry Larkin,Director 1492 Perry Larkin,Director 1493 John E. Ray, County Judge 1494 John E. Hay, County Judge 1495 Grace Simpson,Justice of reace 1496 Highland -Lownship 1497 Worthy Wood, County Sheriff 1498 Emma Serg, County Clerk 1499 John E. hay, County Judge 1500 service Lite Insurance Co. 1501 Juniata 'township 1502 Village of -6-enesaw 1503 Nichols ,,onstructIon Co. 1504 Mel Kammerlohr 1505 Perry O. Larkin -Director 1506 Kenesaw 'Iownship 1507 Emma Berg, County Clerk 117.53 1514 470.50 1515 70.00 1516 10.00 1517 22.50 1518 12.50 1519 62.50 1520 142.86 1521 92.83 1522 65.00 1523 500.00 1.24 14.75 1525 206.05 1526 33.46 1527 2.70 1528 250.00 1529 50.00 1530 313.00 1531 .75 1532 37.43 1533 500.00 1534 239.70 1535 Village of Juniata Denver '-l'ownship State Treas- Gas Tax Dist. State Treas-Cas Tax Dist State Treas-cas Tax Dist John E. Ray, County Judge 'race Simpson,Justice or Peace Edwards & Lippincott Construction J-arl Van Boening-Treasurer Mrs. Walter H. Nead Perry Larkin -Director Mary Scnultz,Clerk Dist Court zred O. Schaffroth,Register Deeds Special Mail houte Medical,Surgical, Hospital Medical,Surgicai, Hospital Medical, Surgical,Hospital Medical, Surgial, Hospital Emma Berg crace Simpson, Justice of Peace Charles Thomas Herman C. Klocke 100.00 500.00 9134.60 3180.85 11434.52 415.50 65.00 320.10 377.25 4.20 20.00 343.55 401.75 1143.45 27.60 1132.54 78.75 131.00 31.95 63.00 10.00 10.00 r____ffne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. t ) 1542 15143 1544 SUPE VISO 'S IECO1kD.N� 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 383 Herbert A. Ronin,Lancster Co. Judge 116.87 41054.11 10.00 89.07 10.00 85.00 500.00 500.00 43.20 10.00 65.0o 2.20 100.00 24.76 104.00 100.00 otate Treasurer -State Assistance Aaron M. Jones 1545 John J. Ray, County Judge 1546 Paul N. Konen 1547 Grace Simpson,Justice of i'eace 1546 West Blue Township 1549 hoseland Township 1550 State of Nebraska 1551 Mrs. Lester Burge 1552 crace Simpson, Justice of i'eace 1553 Ohio National Life Ins. Co. 1554 Village of Ayr 1555 Jutton-Lainson Company 1556 Grace A. Simpson 1557 Village of hoseland 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1566 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 Grace H. Simpson,Justice Peace 85.00 wanda lownsnip 500.00 Grace ,impson,Justice of Peace 52.00 Harry F. Russell, Adm. 1110.27 Union Pacific Railroad 25.04 Lawrence Stade 1.00 Arthur Lewis 32.00 Village of Kenesaw 1000.00 James H. Phillips,Deputy Attorney 5.60 Mel Kammerlohr, Attorney 1.85 Grace Simpson,Justice of eace 65.00 blaine Township 283.34 brank A. Konzak, Estate 258.83 Grace Simpson,Justice of l'eace 85.00 Mary Schultz, Clerk Dist Court 15.30 Village of Holstein 100.00 Motion by Mackie, seconded by Kidd, that the following Township Officer Bonds be accepted and placed on file. Township Treasurer 3onas, west Blue Township, Herman Mohling; Wanda Tow Iship,Don Nienhueser; Blaine Towrship, Harold Bassett; Logan Township, hd Zubrod; Zero Township, Darrel Versaw; and, the following Township Clerk Bonds- West Blue Township, Leon Stulken; blaine Township, R. K. Hinrichs; Logan lownship, Ray Vap; Little Blue -'ownship, Boyd Garrelts; Ayr Township, Doyle Curry; and the following Township Justice of the Peace Bonds; West blue Township, Leland Uaymon; Verona Township, Lep Paul; wanda Township, Ed Hahlweg; Blaine Township, George Bohlen; Silver Lake Township, Ray Jones; 'ero Township, Ray Eischen; Kenesaw Township, Lloyd hrnst; Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Thompson, seconded by Utecht, that the following Adams County Official bonds be accepted and placed on file. Mary H. Schultz, Clerk of the District Court; Fred O. Sohaffroth, Register of Deeds; Grace H. Simpson, Justice of the Peace, City of Hastings; Leland V. Johnson, County Surveyor; Don L. Brock, County Attorney; Wenona Harris, County Superintendent; C. G. Yost, County Treasurer; and Minnie Stimbert, Deputy County Treasurer; Ida Batterman, Deputy Clerk of the District Court; Rachel Hayen, Deputy Register of Deeds; Ray M. Thomas, Deputy County Sheriff; Carroll D. Parker, Deputy County Sheriff; Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Kidd, that the following Inventories be placed on file: County Juage, County Attorney; Custodian; County Librarian; Adult Probation Officer; County Superintendent; County Jail; Clerk of the District Court; Sheriff; County Engineer and Supervisors Road Equipment, etc. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Kidd, that we authorize the Adams County Chairman to sign supplemental agreements between the State of "ebraska and Adams County for the improvement of the Hastings Cutoff Road, Designated as Project Ao. S-645(3); and, supplemental agreemenus between the State of Nebraska and Adams County for the improvement of the nastings-Last Aoad,designated as Project No. S-806(1). Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by '-cnompson, seconded by Utecht, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLTLION: 1HEIEAS, there is the sum of 52,386.65 in the inheritance Tax ii'und of Adams County,Nebraska, which have not been credited to any purpose, and WEEREAS, the amount of 5,000 is needed in the Medical, Surgical, and Hospital l'und of said County for the relief of worthy, incapacitated and indigent persons of said County, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIEIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA, that the County Treasurer of said County credit to the Medical, Surgical and Hospital -blind for said County, the amount of 5,000.00 from the Inheritance J -ax iiuna of said 'aunty, said money to be used for the relief of wortny, incapacitated and indigent persons for medical, surgical, or hospital expenses. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Utecht, that the followingYresolution be adopted: kESOLUTION: WHEREAS, the preliminary agreements and detailed plans for the construction of Project Ao, 3-807 (1) have been completed, and WHEiEAS, the plans for this work have been presented to this oard for approval, and WEIREAS, it is the desire of the Soard of Supervisors of Adarns County to proceed with the actual work, and WHEREAS, the 'oard of Supervisors have sufficient financial resources ether in services and work to be performed, or in cash, to defray their entire share of the cost of the work, and WHEREAS, the County has secured all right of way and material pits, necessary or required for the proposed work. NON THEREFORE, in consideration of these facts the County board takes the following official action; Be it resolved that the plans for iiroject No. S807(1) flastings Airport South be approved, and that the 'hairman be authorized to sign them to signify such approval, and further that the Chairman be authorized to sign this resolution in behalf of the i3oard. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. (384 SUPE it VISO 'S ]ECORD NO, 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Augustine Company Berg Bivens Brach -Thompson Burroughs Corporation Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Clerk of District Court Commerce Clearing house Inc. Coordt Cornhusker Press County Clerk Dan's Pickup & Delivery Ellerbrock Norris Insurance Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter o. Hastings Utilities Hillers ,h-gency Hoagland Home l'ederal Agency Itzen-Diez & Nolte Jensen Kammerlohr, County Attorney Kammerlohr, County Attorney Kidd Ko e pke Landgraf, Jr. Lightner Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Lindeburg, Agency McArthur Marvel Insurance Agency Nebraska Citizens Council Inc. Onken Orkin Exterminating Co. Inc. Polk & Co. Mortgage -investment O. hay, County Judge Rolls Schaffroth Schaffroth, Reg Deeds Schultz Schultz, Clerk Dist Court Story Taedter Utecht Welch West ?ublishing Co. Wood, sheriff Yost, Co. Treasurer Bachman Batteoman Budd Oil Company City of Blue hill Water Dept. Construction •service Equipment Co. Cook -eaint & Varnish Co. Cook Paint Co. DeBord Welding Shop Dilly service Station Dutton-Lainson Co. garners Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil Juniata Farmers Co -Op. City of Kenesaw Clarke Oil Company Clarke Oil Company Consumers l'ublic Power District Evans Fairs Repair shop Friends Motor Supply Hageman Hardware Co. Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings co -Operative Supply Hastings Motor Truck Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Heuertz Emma George W. Anne Orville L. R. Kelvin K. helvin K. C. H. Carl J. Charles W. Ed Co. Clarence R. George D. Edw. T. R. L. John E. druce Fred O. Fred O. Mary Mary Roscoe Huth William J. Clifford Worthy B. C. G. ROAD FUND L. L. Mike Geo. T. Henry garold O. Office Expense convention expense Bailiff Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Rent on machines State cases, Committment Supplies Election help Supplies Postage Delivery Bond Supplies Supervisoz's Proceedings Sup_jies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies supplies Jtllities Bonds Convention expense Bond Bonus Repair Postage Box Rent Convention expense Convention expense Consultation Convention expense Telephone service Insurance Attorney fee Workman's Compensation Reports Salary Services Supplies Bonds State cases Salary Convention expense Postage Convention expense state cases Postage, Mile age Bailiff Convention expense Janitor help Books Jailor, liood. Laundry,Mileage Jiox rent, Box Diesel, gas Labor Diesel, gas Water Supplies 'Supplies Supplies Services Gas Supplies Gas, Diesel Gas Water Gas G as Utilities Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities water Mileage 24.06 37.48 35.00 4.35 40.37 8.25 5.20 9.75 6.00 223.70 35.0o 5.00 41.35 101.30 2.5o 4)1.37 339.62 8.19 1.25 .98 1649 3.30 1.00 8.30 281.36 576.89 35.00 • 133.14 12.50 11.75 7.62 2.25 35.00 35.00 20.00 35.00 173.85 1383.99 100.00 1417.34 15.50 12.00 5.00 184.00 2562.23 63.85 21.60 2o.90 10.25 37.69 130.90 6.50 10.00 35.00 25.00 12.50 275.25 156.12 25.00 128.85 4.0 54.3d 3.55 1.42 8.00 34.00 149.02 293.5 235.00 40.20 94.86 36.13 4.29 239.20 15.49 11.35 3.45 37.40 26.11 10.57 .60 43.35 5.70 3.71 7Th Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO EC ADAMS "00tINTY, NEBRASKA D NO. 15 Lenhart ervice Station Lilley Ed Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment (Jo. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. meints Bros. Construction Co. Modern Linen •Supply Co. Mousel Virgil Nebr. Department of Roads & irrigation Nebr. State neformatory for Men Precision Lubricants Co. Saatftoff Service Schaffroth, Reg Deeds Fred 0. Sime A. J. Southern Nebr. tublic l'ower Dist Southern Nebr. jural 1ub1ic 'ower Dist Southern Nebr. 1-4,1rea1 Public Power Dist Spitz & Blauvelt Machine Shop Stromer Struss Thomas Specialty Mfg Co. Trupp Vontz Wailes »ebb barm Water Supply Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Wheeler LumDer Bridge & Supply Co. Wilber service Inc. Wilderts Service Station Paul G. Lambert R. Adam L.J. ‘jerome S. Dutton-Lainson Go. 0oedert Jake Lemke Fred Aaggatz Ervin Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Lilley 4oad Account Vontz Albright f)oubleday & Ernst Q.angwish Has Jones Kindig McNair New Method Parks Sanford Wopp Floral Company, Inc. Carnegie Library Book Bindery Hoffmeister Holcomb Kuehn McIntire Mary Lanning Larkin Adams County Adams County Adams County Adams County Anderson sennett Berts Drug Store Berts tiexall Drug Store Brooke & son Charlton Doylets Drug Store Egen Fern's Pharmacy -bbote Glenn Hastings Drug Store Hoffmeister Holcomb Holm Holthaus Drug Store Kamm Kingsley Memorial Treasurer Treasurer Treasurer Treasurer Hospital BRIDGE FUND Gas, Repairs Gravel Supplies Supplies Telephone service Labor Launury Salary Project No. S-58(5) Supplies Lubricant Gas Filing deeds Gas, Diesel : 0 r Utilities Utilities Supplies Salary Salary Repairs epairs Gravel Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies, Repairs Gas, Repairs Supplies Salary Labor, Salary Supplies Supplies SCHROEDER ROAD FUND Ed. Grvvel Labor, L. J. Gravel 00UNTY LIBRARY Dixie May Waunetta M Anna Aarcn M. '1argare t Mrs. Klyoe Arlene Dorothy STATE FUNDS Dr. George F. Dr. Gerald R. Dr. Gerald A. Dr. R. J. Perry 0. MEDICAL, Dr. H. t. Dr. W. K. Dr. G. P. Dr. L. k. Dr. D. B. Dr. Elmer Dr. G. F. Dr. G. R. Dr. C. R. Dr. Frank Dr. D. W. Equipment rental Salary Books. Salary Salary Library service Salary Salary Salary Books Salary Salary Flowers Medical care "edical care Medical care "edical care Hospital care Mileage SURGICAL & HOSPITAL CARE Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment "edical care Pledical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies Hedical care Medical supplies Medical care Medical supplies "edical care "edical care "edical supplies "edical care Medical care "edical care Medical supplies Medical care Medical care 130.10 132.12 946.83 94.9 20.70 47.15 3.13 104.00 557.68 47.10 98.44 16.00 7.20 109.29 5. 11.12 317.52 5.58 239.20 324.80 5.00 8.50 251.75 345.70 1.55 ))1.50 9.90 600.60 88.95 2.24 176.00 7.20 239.20 221.74 6.5o 817.26 19,38.75 543.25 25.00 22.40 35.00 25.00 90.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 109.94 25.00 25.00 5.00 7.50 15.00 7.50 3.00 22.00 27.77 30.48 179.00 63.75 1195.94 20.14 14.69 88.37 126.26 51.35 104.03 6.75 8.00 20.80 1.20 16.50 163.22 60.83 11.00 9.00 25.20 1.( .71 26.28 t 386 SUPE VISO 's ADAMS COUNTY, NE ECO) NO. 15 imp 111P RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Mikkelsen Drug Store Murray 0h1sen-hastings Labs Pinney Hutt Rutts Drug Store # 1 Rutts Drug Store # 2 Sawyer Drugs Shreck Smith Weber Yost 6erg, County Clerk i3ertts Drug Store bert's Rexall Drug Store Bi -Lo Market Brooke & Son Drug Store business Supply Co. Cosprove Cosgrove Credit Bureau of hastinEs Duthie Hastings Drug Store Hastings 'ypewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities ftolfmeister Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Kipp Kloke Larkin, Director Larkin Larkin,Director Lincoln Telephone Paul's Pharmacy Polk & Co. Potter hoberts & Co. hutt's Drug Store # 2 Safeway Crrocery Schmidt Shineman Market Skaggs 13 Skinner Smith Snyder °pencer Park dental Office Stop & '''hop Market University of "ebr. College of Vasey Wendt 44estern Auto Associate Store Yellow Cab uo. Dr. Don E. John Dr. G. L. Dr. F. J. Floyd Dr. H. W. Dr. R. C. Dr. C. R. Dr. John G. Emma riedical Medical Tests "edical "edical "edical "edical r'edical "edical "edical "edical GENERAL RELIhF Postage Medical "edical rladelvn Hughes "adelyn Hughes Eva B. Dr. George F. John R. Perry O. 1"eg;1e 0. & Telegraph Co. R. L.• Beulah M. I. G. Mrs. ,00na 0. P. Mrs. uladys Dr. Robert C. Daniel E. "edicine Ruby Mrs. Mary This board will now recess subject to the supplies care care care supplies supplies supplies care care care care supplies supplies Staple food Nedical supplies Supplies f1ileage 11i1e age Credit service Aileage Medical supplies Supplies Utilities Utilities kiedical care 6taple food Staple food Staple food hent board & noom Revolving fund Aileage Postage Telephone service "edical supplies Directory Aileage Supplies Supplies Staple food Board & "oom Staple food Staple food Nursing care "edicai care dile age Rent Staple food rledical supplies Aileage board & Room Supplies Cab service 23.88 35.00 3.75 L3.51 3.00 67.10 U2.83 13.16 4.75 8.00 69.32 255.89 31.40 2b.80 19.25 67.00 10.00 2)4.1 /A.26 14.00 .50 2.58 6.51 12.38 5.73 2.00 10.00 1.16 123.00 150.00 6b.20 108.16 27.77 25.00 36.b0 4.20 23.00 2.52 3.72 2.43 79.00 30.00 36.00 133.00 (5.00 6.00 1.68 31.00 2D.00 (.40 5.40 17.00 1.50 10.90 Pail of the Chairman of the County Board or Supervisors t -Chairman SUPE 11 \V• SO 9S '\ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE RASKA 1" D NO. 15 1. ne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 13, 1959. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Statutory meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of January 6, 1959. Carl J. Koepke, Charman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Kidd, Koepke, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht. Absent: Thompson. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Kidd, that there appears to be no more unfinished business and that this Board now adjourn sine die. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. REORGAvIZATION OFi. THE BOARD Roll call, members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Light.ler, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. The Adams county Board of Supervisors will now proceed to appoint a temporary Chairman. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Mackie, that Myron J. Youngblood be appointed temporary Chairman. Roll call, all voted aye.'iotion carried. An. informal ballot was ordered and the Chairman appointed Kidd and Crosson as tellers with results as follows: Lightner 4, Hoagland -3. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Hoagland, that this informal ballot be made formal and by unanimous Vote Edward H. Lightner be declared duly appointed Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors for the year 1959. Roll call, all voted aye. 1`iotion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Kidd, that Orville Hoagland, receiving second high vote for Chairman, be appointed Vice-'jhairman of the Adams Uounty board of Supervisors for the year 1959. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 10:30 o'clock A. M. the h a rman announced the following committees: :FINANCE: Raymond L. Crosson, Chairman, Orville Hoagland and Wm. J. "Utecht. ROOS A!'R) BRIDGES: C. H. Kidd, Chairman, District #2, Orville Hoagland, Chairman, District # 3, and Wm. J. Utecht, Chairman, District # 4. ROAD AND BRIDGE SUPPLIES: Wm. J. Utecht, Chairman, C. H. Kidd and Orville Hoa land.00Ui4TE0USE: BUILDING & GROUNDS: Gerald E. Mackie, Chairman, Raymond L. Crosson and. C. 14 Kidd. COURTHOUSE SUPPLIES:& COUNTY LAW LIB�otAR : Uys o' J. Youngblood, Chairman, Orville Hoagland and 1' m. J. Utecht. COUNTY INSURANCE: C.H. _ r on J.v and r L, Mackie. Chalrrnan Myron Youngblood anti Gerald L. COtTiJTY NURSING HOME: Raymond L. Crosson, Chairman, Gerald E. Mackie and Byron J. Youngblood. EMERGENCY WELFARE CASES: Chairman of the hoard of bupervisors in and another nearest his district. COUNTY GOVERNMENT DAY: Orville Hoagland, Chairman, Myron J.Youngblood and Raymond L. Crosson. and the appointment of Myron J. Youngblood. as Representative to the Hastings Lhamber of Commerce. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Hoagland, that we consent to the County Treasurer to deposit up to 100% of the Capitol Stock and surplus in any of the depository banks named, said deposits to be protected by the bonds as required by law. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Utecht, that we approve the following banks as county depositories: The First National Bank, Hastings, City National Bank, Hastings; Adams County flank, Kenesaw; and Roseland State Bank, Roseland; also, approve the securitiespostd by the following banks as securities for countyfunds an the following amounts,First National Bank 4480,000.00; City National bank, Hastings 5 i00.U00.00; Adams County Bank, Kenesaw 30,000.00; Roseland ,State Bank, Roseland 20,000.00. 'loll call, all voted aye. 'Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Utecht, that the castings Daily "tribune be designated as the official paper for the year 1959. holl call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Youngblood, that Mr. Sam S. Pirruccello be appointed Deputy County Attorney as per Don Brock County Attorrey request and starting; salary be S230.00 per month as of January 8, 1959. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. County erk F h, J rman 4-88 SUPE VISO 'S JECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE 11 D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COU.IT HOUSE, H,3TINLS, NEPRASKA Tuesday, January 2(, 1959. 10:00 o'clock A.M. hepular meetinE of the Adams L'ounty Board of Supervisors met as per recess of January 13, 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding, lion call, membels present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kiad, i,ightner, Mackie, iJtecht and Youngblood. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kidd, that the follaNing claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. GENE Adams County Agricultural 11,xtension Office Brown, 1-5ert B. Brown, L. Maye Congrove, Maxine J. Clerk of District ',,ourt County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Killinper, Roy hegister of Deeds Veteran's Service Highway Department Nash, Lloyd Larkin,Director Perry 0. This -board Will now recess ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND STATEFUNDS subject to the Country 1,lerk Office Expense Salary Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense. Office Expense Salary & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Labor Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Salary Office Expense 209.00 130.00 30.00 150.00 555.00 1001.70 684.64 1197.28 969.56 963.66 785.00 535.00 1597.86 17.70 555.00 585.00 6524.66 300.00 2713.54 call of the 'hairMan of the County Board of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, February 6, 1959. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of January 27, 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Uteeht and Youngblood. At 2:00 o'clock P. M. the following bids for bridge Lumber were opened and read: Wheeler Lumber Bridge and Supply Company. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kidd, that we accept the lumber bid of Wheeler Lumber Bridge and Supply Co.for the year of 1959. hall call, all voted aye.Motion carried. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Kidd, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the 6upervisor's Record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 1574 U. S. Treasury 1575 Hanover Township 1576 state Treas-State Assistance 1577 Emma Berg, County Clerk 1578 Grace Simpson, Justice of eace 1579 Aortfty wood, Sheriff 1580 Grace Simpson, Justice of eace 15d1 John E. hay, County Judge 1502 Perry 0.Larkin,Welfare Director 1583 Charles Bossent, Hail Co. Judge 1584 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 1585 Lucy Talbert, Estate 1586 Grace Simpson, Justice of ljeace 1507 Perry O. Larkin,DiresAor 1588 West Blue Township 1589 Grace Simpson, Justice of l'eace 1590 Neva W. Wolfe 1591 State Treasurer,Gas Tax Dist. 1Ca) MT1c.colirr naQ Yalr 714Q+ 414.00 500.00 148.79 2788.54 46.00 37.75 85.00 688.53 10.00 74.16 100.00 50.00 105.00 40.65 500.00 65.00 490.0o 7)143.27 1599 304.15 160Cr 1.00 1601 75.00 1602 135.00 1603 30.48 1604 1195.94 1605 63.75 1606 19 16071938.75 1808 460.30 1b09 State 'ireasurer-State Assistance43269.64 1610 Edwards Construction Co. 298.40 1611 Mary Schultz,Clerk Dist Court 15.30 1612 Mary Schultz, Clerk Dist Court 15.30 1613 John E. Ray, County Judge 136.15 1614 Crace:6impsonlJustice of feace 145.00 1615 Mary Schultz 26.00 1616 Emma Berg, County Clerk 31.40 1(,17 (np Simnsnn-TliqtinA nt Penne 7.00 Mary Schultz, Clerk Dist Court Mary Schultz, Clerk Dist Court Elmer Uden Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace Medical,Surgical, Hospital Medical, Surgical, Hospital Medical,Surgical,Hospital Medicai,SurgicallHospital Special Mail route Fred O. :)chaffroth,Reg Deeds une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO 'S 1''SEC® DNO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 389 At 2:00 o'clock P. M. the Board resumed with the follotng members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Utecht and Youngblood. Absent: Mackie. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Youngblood, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there is an Old Age Assistance Lien filed against certain real property with the following legal description: to -wit: West One-half (W2) of Lots rourteen (14), rifteen (l), and Sixteen (16) Block Four (4), M. J. Smith Addition, Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, in favor of Adams County, Nebraska, for Old Age Assistance payments paid to of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, in the ari ount of 4L3,138.00, and WHEREAS, the above described property was sold by the duly appointed, qualified and acting administrator of the estate of Anna Kottwitz, Gerald Whelan, by Administrative sale through the District Court of Adams County, Nebraska for the highest obtainable price; which sale was confirmed by said court, there remained in the hands of the said administrator, after fully administering said estate, no funds for payment of any claims. WHEREAS, it appears to be in the best interest of Adams County,Nebraska to discharge and release said lien, NOW, THERErORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be directed to release and discharge said Old rge Assistance Lien from the said property. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried.. Anna Kottwitz late Motion by Crosson, seconded by Hoagland, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there is an Old Age Assistance Lien filed against certain real property with the following legal description, to -wit: East Seventy ( E 70') Feet of Lot Thirty-one (31) Kerr's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, in favor of Adams County, Aebraska, for Old Age Assistance payments paid to JOHN BRU KEN of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, in the amount of $4 72.20, and WHEREAS, there is now a check in the hands of the Director of the Adams County Welfare Division in the amount of $472.20 to cover said lien, which check has been deposited in the Old .Age Assistance runds; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be directed to release and discharge said Old Age Assistance Lien from said property. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Utecht, that the Township Officer bonds be accepted and placed on file, as follows: Justice of the Peace, Frank Eckhardt, Logan Township; Frank Reis, Ayr Township; Dale Bohlen, Hanover Township; Township Clerk: Vern Routh, Cottonwood Township; Raymond H.Jones, Kenesaw Towship; Arthur Schukei, Wanda Township; Carl E. Anderson, Denver 'Township; Norbert Parr, Roseland lawns/lip; Township Treasurer: Herman Bockerman, Verona Township; Glenn Gangwish, Juniata Township; Arnold Wiens, Ayr Township; John Junker, Highland Township; Ray Daugherty, Denver Township; Ralph Pitz, Roseland lownship; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carrie d. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Youngblood, that the bond of VVorthy B. Wood for County Sheriff be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Crosson, that the reports of the Car Ticle, County Clerk, (2)Adams County Nursing Horne, Justice of k'eace, County Library, County Attorney, rtegister of Deeds, Clerk of District Court, County Judge, Farm Bureau be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Youngblood, that the Inventories of County Welfare and County Assessor be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Kidd, that the following, Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, the preliminary agreements and detailed plans for the construction of Project No. S-645(3) have been completed, and WHEREAS, the plans for this work have been presented to this board for approval, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the board of Supervisors of Ldams County to proceed with the actual work, and WHEEAS, the Doard of Supervisors have sufficient financial resources either in services and work to be performed, or in cash, to defray their entire share of the cost of the work, and WHEREAS, the County has secured all right of way and material pits, necessary or required for the proposed work. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of these facts the 'county board takes the following official 390 SUPE VISO 'S IDECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE it RASKA NO. 15 Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Crosson, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, the preliminary agreements and detailed plans for the construction of Project No. S-806 (1) have been completed, and WHEREAS, the plans for this work have been presented to this board for approval, and. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the board of Supervisors of Adams County to proceed with the actual work, and WHEREAS, the 'oard of Supervisors have sufficient financial resources either in services and work to be performed, or in cash, to defray their entire share of .the cost of the work, and WHEREAS, the county has secured all right of way and material pits, necessary or required for the proposed work. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of these facts the County Board takes the following official action; Be it resolved that the plans for Project No. S 806(1) 'astings East -12th St. be approved, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign them to signify such ,approval, and further that the Chairman be authorized to sign this resolution in behalf of the board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Hoagland, that we adopt the following resolution "BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board of Supervisors sell to the following purchaser the following described property: • Lots 15 and 16, Block 12, Village of Prosser, Adams County, Nebraska to Kenneth Schenk for $15.00 and, that the chairman of the County Board of Supervisors be hereby authorized to execute and deliver quit claim deed to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Hoagland, that the following resolution be RESOLUTION: WHE,-.EAS, The Department of Roads of the State of Nebraska has legal for said County in the matter of improving certain County Roads, and WHEREAS, Certain roads and streets in said County have been designated as the rederal Aid Secondary Road System of that County by joint action of said County, the Department of Roads, and the bureau of ''ublic hoads in compliance with bederal Laws pertaining thereto, and, adopted: authority to act as .Agent WHEREAS, Said County desires to improve a certain portion of the Federal System in said Uounty, more fully described hereinafter, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Department of hoads is herebyrequested to act as County as stated above and to program for construction that portion of F. A. described as beginning at the SW Corner of the (Use legal subdivisions for termini) SW* of Section 4, TdN, R 11W., 6th P.M., Adams Co., lebr., end or endof existing asphaltic concrete paved road, thence North one mile along Section line, thence easterly along the North line of said section 4 one-eighth mile more or less to a connection with a proposed Hall County Hard -Surfaced road. and which construction includes: (Check each one) Grading (x), Culverts (x), Bridges (), Surfacing (x), or other improvement to -wit: The ESTIMATED cost of such improvement Grading and Culverts one and one-eighth Miles $4,500 New Bridges: Length Ft. Ft Ft t. None (SEE REVERSE SIDE OF FORM) Low Type Surfacing, Depth 24" 'iidth 22' ,idles 1-1/8 $10,500 and 4" Soil Aggregate Base Course $'9,750 Surveys and Plans (If Federal id not requested -indicated NONE) Right of Way (If Federal Aid not requested -indicate NONE) $225 ESTIMATED Total for Project Surveys and Plans will be made by Consultant DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Chairman of the county Board is authorized to sign this resolution on behalf of said board and that the County Board hereby approves the above contemplated construction prior to first submitting of said project to the Bureau of Public hoads. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That sufficient funds of said County are now, or will be, available and are hereby pledged LO the Department of Roads in the amount and at the required time for the purpose of matching Federal runds available for the contemplated construction. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. MOtion by Youngblood, seconded by Utecht, that we accept the Acrre Printing Company bid for $704.50 for Personal Assessment supplies. loll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Utecht, that we accept the 'Acme Printing Company old of $137.55 for 2 -Hazel Photostat binders. lion cal', all voted aye. Motion carried. The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors appointed Orville Hoagland and Raymond Crosson to N. A. D. Disposition uommittee. Aid Secondary Road Agent for said S. houte No. 4425 ‘2,14-00 the ”AT, une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 391 A. B. C. Electric Co. Acme Printing Co. Adams County Extension Service £dams County Soldiers belief i'und Adams County Veterans service Committee Arnold. Insurance Company Augustine Company Bi -Lo Market Bivens George W. Brock, County Attorney Don Brock, County Attorney Dori Brooke & son Brooke & Son Burroughs Corporation Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Central Nebr. County Officials County Assessor County Clerk Credit bureau of Hastings Dier E. L. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Industrial Typewriter Typewriter Typewriter Typewriter Typewriter Typewriter supplies Co. Co. Co. Co. co. Co. Hastings Utilities Hoagland Orville Hotel Clarke Kammerlohr Melvin K. Landgraf, Jr., M.D. Charles W. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McNannay Electric Service Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Merrell Reverand James Mikkelsen Drug co. Modern Office Methods National Sheriffs Association Nelson Electric Co. Orkin Exterminating Co. Inc. Photostat corporation hay, County Judge John E. Redfield & uo. Redfield & Co. Rolls Bruce E. Rosenau Dr. A. B. Schafer Printing Co. Schultz, Clerk District Court Mary Schultz, Clerk District Court Mary Science Research Associates Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace Sinclair Manifold Products Stephenson Scaool Supply Co. Stewart Story Thomas Tribune Graphic Arts Dept. ".Tribune Graphic Arts Dept. Burner, State Librarian George H. Vaughans Printers Inc. Welch Clifford west Publishing Co. West Publishing Co. Wood, Sheriff Worthy Yost, Co. -'reqs C. G. Harold A. Roscoe E. Ray L. ROAD FUND Bachman Conoco Products Bob & Als Auto Salvage Budd Oil Company Chris Service city ngineering Dept. Clarke Oil Company Clarke Oil Company Construction service Equipment C Consumers Public Bower District Cook Paint Co. rTh Dillys -Service Repairs Supplies Expenditures for February Relief Fund Office Expense Bonds Supplies Supplies Bailiff Postage Postage Supplie s Supplies supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplie s Dues Postage .Postage Credit Service Vital Statistics Supplies Supplies Supplies Publishing Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Mileage Jury meals Attorney fee Consultation Telephone service Repair Care Expenses, Mileage Drugs Supplies Director Repairs Services Supplies Postage Supplie s Supplies Salary Services Supplies Postage, State Case,Committment Supplies Supplies State cases Supplies .Supplies Tests Supplies Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies .Supplies janitor pie 1pe r Books Books Postage, Jailor fee, Food,Laundry Mileage Postage, Supplies Diesel Supplies :Diesel Gas, Diesel, Supplies Supplies Gas Gas Supplies Utilities Supplies Gas 10.20 37.95 398.00 2000.00 500.00 128.75 126.46 23.06 30.00 5.00 2.00 1.20 3.74 33.83 2.75 5.15 6.99 79.62 2.35 8.50 469.88 252.32 10.00 129.50 23.75 24.75 19.55 14.75 27.90 66.74 1.15 29.33 9.14 6.60 8.)5 316.16 17.22 21.75 75.00 20.00 157.45 5.50 77.80 10.35 7.65 4.00 12.50 20.66 5.00 254.10 12.72 2.76 6.00 30.00 10.00 1.25 132.88 2.34 31.97 22.00 24.50 451.91 10.00 13.00 1L5.50 24.75 18.85 1.75 64.75 25.00 100.00 163.00 433.61 87.1;.0 141.12 4.00 84.00 31.65 3.00 1){.0.57 31.80 297.00 4.73 10.56 17.36 (73 9 2 SUPERVISO 'S EC01"\D Na 15 1 1 ' ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arta, Hastings, Nebr Gamble Store Gilpin Garage Clenwood Telephone Co. Hageman Hardware Co. Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Hoagland Melvin H & Ivan D.Anna Huntsbarger lord Inc. Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kenesaw motor Co. Kenesaw Oil Co. Kenesaw Telephone Co. Kerr Chevrolet Co. Kerr Chevrolet Co. Kerr Cbchran Sales Co. Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Go. Loskill Raymond O. & Clara M. McGrath Hardware Co. J.H. .McGrath Hardware Co. J.H. McGrath Hardware Go. J. H. McRoberts Industries Modern Linen Supply Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co. Olson ituto Sales Pittz Service Schaffroch, Reg Deeds Fred 01 Sidles Company Sime A. J. Stromer Paul Struss Lambert R. Thomas Specialty Mfg Co. Trausch Elmer wagners Service Station Wailes Jerome S. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wilder's Service Station Goedert HastinEss Hastings Hastings Naggatz Wheeler Jake Jo -Operative Supply Daily Tribune Equity Grain Bin Mfg ,Co. Ervin Lumber Bridge & Supply BRIDGE FUND SPECIAL MAIL ROU1E Lilley Ed Road Account Supplies Supplies Telephone Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies M. Land Supplies Utilities Supplies Gas, Repairs Telephone service Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas, Repairs Supplies Telephone Sand Supplies Supplies Supplies Repairs Laundry Supplies He ter Gas, Diesel, riling Deeds Supplies Gas, Salary Salary Repairs Damages Gas, Diesel, Salary Supplies Cas service service Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies ROAD FUND Gravel Labor, Equipment COUNTY LIBRARY Albright Dixie May book Shop hrnst Gangwish Hastings Carnegie Library Jones Aaron Kindig Mrs. Margaret McNair Ars. Klyoe New Method Book Bindery Inc. Parks Ariene Sanford Dorothy Simon & Schuster inc. daunetta B. Mrs. nna Nelson .61ectric uo. Anderson Charlton Cosgrove Duthie Guildner Snyder Vasey Yost Adams County Treasurer dams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams county Treasurer Anderson ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME STATE FUNDS Dr. Herbert F. Dr. G.Paul Madelyn Eva B. Dr. C. W. Daniel E. Ruby Dr. John G. MEDICAL, SURGICAL, Dr. H. F. Salary Books Salary Salary Library Service Salary Salary Salary Books Salary Salary Books Supplies, Repairs medical care Medical care Mileage Mileage Medical care mileage Mileage Medical care AND HOSPITAL Vendor Vendor Vendor Vendor payment payment payment payment Medical care Rental 8.07 16.53 13.85 10.74 51.73 27.91 3.39 1.00 45.40 5.25 20.00 3/.60 19.75 32.18 29.)4 7.90 74.14 7.46 86.88 89.25 503.58 20.05 298.40 1.30 7.10 2.60 9.5o 2.55 3.65 4.00 420.96 2.5 231.38 196.93 2±8.bo 124.80 4.00 25.00 139.79 216.40 17.95 43.15 208.00 9.60 35.65 21.00 218.40 59.25 41.16 1786.95 25.00 22.24 35.00 25.00 90.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 29.22 25.00 25.00 146.24 42.55 7.50 7.50 4.86 .3.42 12.50 4.92 7.92 30.0o 63.75 19.80 b0.40 1045.97 46.00 SUPE VIS011\'S lb\ ECOii\D A D ANIS COUNTY, NEBRASKA NO. 15 une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Cowger Doyle's "drug Store Egen Pern's Pharmacy Glenn Guildner Hastings Drug Store Hoffmeister Holcomb Holthaus Drug Store Jackson Kleager Kuehn McIntire McNeill Mary Lanning Hospital Mastin Mikkelsen Drug Store Pinney 12-tt Butts Drug Store # 1 Rutts Drug Store # 2 Shreck Smith Weber Acme Printing Co. Berg, County Clerk Bert's Iexa±1 Drug Store Bi -Lo Market Brooke & son Drug Store Business Supply Go. Cook Paint & Varnish Co. Credit Bureau of ti.astings tamers Union Co -Op. Gas & Hastings Drug Store Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hercers Hermansen, M.D. Holcomb Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Kipp Kunce Grocery Larkin -Director Larkin -Director Lincoln Telephone Dr. R. H. Dr. L. F. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Elmer G. G. F. G. R. Wayne L. Dr. Clyde Dr. G. J. Dr. R. J. Dr. L. S. Dr. R. L. Dr. G. L. Dr. J. Dr. H. W. Dr. Robert 'C. Dr. C. R. Emma Oil Co. & Telegraph Livingston-Butler-Voiland -buneral Home McIntire Dr. R. J. Marr's Nursing Home Pinney Safeway Grocery Safeway Grocery Schmidt Shineman's Grocery Shineman's Market Skaggs # 13 Skinner Smith Smith Spencer Park hental Office Spencer Park 4ntal Office stop & shop Grocery Tommy's Market Wendt Western Auto Associate Store Witter Wolfe GENERAL RELIEF John Dr. P. J. Dr. Gerald R. John W. Perry rry t;o. 0. 0. Dr. George L. Dona O. P. Gladys C. Dr. -Robert C. 7ieb Mrs. Mary Regina Mrs. Neva This Board will now recess subject to the call of County lerk Depu y Medical care Medical supplies Medical care Medical supplies Medical care. Medical care "edical supplies Medical care Medical care medical supplies Ambulance service Medical care Medical care medical care Medical care Hospital care Medical care "edical supplies Medical care medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care medical care Medical care Supplies Postage Aedical supplies Staple food Medical supplies Supplies Supplies Credit Service Fue,1 oil Medical supplies Supplies Utilities Utilities Salary medical care "edical care Staple food Staple food Staple food Rent Staple food Postage Revolving fund Telephone service Burial Medical care Nursing care medical care Staple food Staple food Board & Room Staple food Staple food Staple food Care Medical care Salary Rent Rent Staple food Staple food Board & hoom Supplies Board & hoom Nursing care the Chairman of the County Board 12.00 6.75 19.97 30.16 27.00 16.00 146.65 7.5.95 32.00 36.50 6.30 5.00 10.48 103.50 3.00 199.30 192.39 84.90 23.86 32.00 139.30 131.85 10.00 15.00 6.00 27.45 27.55 1.5o 170.00 10.00 86.35 14.17 5.00 51.94 20.00 30.40 48.18 9.07 67.75 7.95 6.00 42.00 105.00 382.60 150.00 34.50 40.00 76.15 37.70 150.00 12.50 12.00 5.00 12.50 45.00 30.00 72.00 36.00 102.00 75.00 8.00 82.20 68.00 27.00 30.00 11.00 17.00 1.50 9.00 330.00 of Supervisors. h man (3,4 SUPE VISO 'S It ADAMS COUNTY, NE 111 D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, February 25, 1959. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County board of Supervisors met as per recess of ilebruary 6, 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Crosson, Hoaglana, Kidd, Lightner, hackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Kiad, that we award the contract to ". B. C. Electric for wiring the office of the -e-dams "ounty Extension Office in the basement, of the Court House. Roll call, all voted ave. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Crosson, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. Adams county AgricUltural Extension Office Brown, Bert B. ulerk of the -Oistrict Court Congrove, Maxine J. County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County ,Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Highway Department Nash, Lloyd Larkin,Director-Perry O. This board will now recess GENERAL FUND ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND STATE FUNDS Office Expense Salary Office Expense Salary Office Expense Office Expense Salary & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Salary Oifice Expense subject to the call of the Chairman of the County oard of 205.00 225.00 555.00 150.00 979.50 720.00 1205.26 981.66 958.66 785.00 515.00 1580.41 555.00 585.00 6363.20 300.00 2760.00 pervisors. / 44-8/ airman COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBEASKA Friday, March 6, 1959. 10:00 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisor's met as per recess of February 25, 1959. Edward. H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Crosson, Hoagland Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Hoagland, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, the village of Roseland has a surplus remaing in its Revenue Bond Fund in the amount of $723.83, and WHEREAS, all Revenue Bonds for which said fund was levied have been paid in full and the Village of Roseland has made application for the transfer of said amount to its General i'und, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the amount of 723.83 be transferred from the Village of Roseland Revenue Bond ±und to the Village of hoseland General Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Utecht, that the Bond of Sam Pirruccello, Deputy County Attorney be approved and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Hoagland, that the reports of the Adams County Library; Clerk of the District Court; County ulerk Car Title; (2) County Clerk; Register of Jeeds; County Judge; Adams County Nursing Home; Sherif .1 and Tax Collector •be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ail voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Kidd, that the following Township Officers Bonds be accepted and placed on file: to -wit:- TOWNSHIP CLERK, W. F. Adams, Highland Township; ulen Matthews, Juniata Township; and TOWNSHIP TREASURER: Ed Koch, Silver Lake Township; and CONSTABLE: Mike 'irausch, Silver Lake Township; Lloyd Joy -it, Roseland -ownship; Lester Augustin, Kenesaw Township; and T1M9'T(1"P c MT -TW PTC P0 Jnqpnh Znhrod. Roseland -Lownshib: Albert Granstrom, Cottonwood Townshib: -,\ 395 SUPEIICVISO •"Epabi) NO, 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA .1411nne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. fl Motion by Utecht, seconded by Youngblood, that the following Miscellaneous part of the Supervisor's Record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 1623 U. S. Treasury 1624 Grace Simpson, Justce of Peace 1625 Kenesaw '2ownship 1626 Worthy Wood, Sheriff 1627 Emma Berg, County Clerk 1628 Emma Berg, County Clerk 1629 Mary Schultz, Clerk of District 1630 (-Trace Simpson, Justice of Peace 1631 Neva Wolfe 1632 Nary Schultz, Clerk of District 1633 Mary Schultz, Clerk of District 1634 John h. Hay, County Judge 1635 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace .1636 Kenneth F. Schenk 1637 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 1638 State Treasurer, cas Tax Dist. 1639 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist .1640 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist 1641 Mary Schultz, Clerk of District 1642 Mary Schultz, Clerk of District 1643 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 1644 John E. Ray, County Judge 1645 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kidd, that of a heer Off Sale License to Herman C. Kloke. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Hoagland, that we adopt the following resolution BE IT RESOLVED, .that the County Board of Supervisors sell to the following purchaser the following described •property: Lots 3- 4 & 5, Block 7, Village of krosser to George Halte for 415.00 • and, that the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisols be hereby authorized to execute and deliver Quit claim Deeds to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Mackie, that we authorize the Chairman to sign correction certificates of County Assessor No's 2777 to 2809 (2810 void) 2813 Inc. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Court Court court Court Court 1380.00 67.00 50.00 25.00 217.35 189.85 2b.75 65.00 487.75 16.59 1.23 569.10 115.00 15.00 155.00 8013.82 3180.05 9641.26 26.00 425.04 175.00 145.15 150.00 we recommend to Receipts be made a 1646 Kenneth Gerloff 502.60 1647 Medical, Surgical, Hospital 63.75 1645 Medical, Surgical, Hospital 19.00 1649 Medical, Surgical, Hospital 130.110 1650 Medical, Surgicai, Hospital 1045.97 1651 Special Mail Route 1786.95 1652 Fred 0.Schaffroth, Reg Deeds 282.75 1653 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 8 1654 Emma Berg, County Clerk 381.05 1655 Emma Berg, County Clerk • 270.60 1656 State Treas-State Assistance 41968.98 1657 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace L5.00 1655 Grace Simpson,Justice or Peace 134.00 1659 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 50.00 1660 state of Nebraska 36.40 1661 Mary Schuluz, Clerk Dist Court 100.00 1662 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 175.00 1663 John E. hay, County Judge 283.23 1664 The Chuck wagon 10.00 1665 Clarence Frahm 5.00 1666 State Treas-State Aassistance 707.23 1667 John E. Hay, County Judge 43.06 the State Liquor Commission the grant Motion by Kidd, seconded by Hoagland, that we authorize the County chairman to sign the two agreements for the improvement of the Prosser -Wood River hoad designated as Project No. S-56(10). 'Roll call, all voted aye. Motian carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Kidd, that we award the bid to Home Improvement Company for the .installation of Asphalt tile in the County Superintendent, County Extension office and Room on southwest corner at 4;412.52 complete. Holl call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Crosson, that we instruct the County Engineer to pl,ce adequate culvert across the natural water course road at the head of draw between Section 34 and 35 Little Blue Township, approximately 30 rods north of south line. Moll call, Ayes: Crosson Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie and Youngblood. Nay: Utecht. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Kidd, that the County Treasurer be authorized to write tax •certificates on all real estate on which taxes are unpaid for three years last past. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Crosson, that we set the salary of Deputy County Attorney at >250.00 per month effective March 1, 1959. Holl call,,all voted aye. Motion carried. motion by Hoagland, seconded by Utecht, that the following claims be allowed on their respeCtive fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roil call, all voted aye. iiotion carried. Acme Printing Company Adams County Agriculture Extension Augustine Company 3ivens • George w. Brock, County Attorney Don Burroughs Corporation County Assessor County Assessor's Assn of Nebr. County Clerk County Supt. Credit -6ureau of Hastings Guildner, D. C. IN. Hammond & Stephens Co. Hastings Daily Tribune -Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co. -Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities GENERAL Service FUND Supplies Office Expense Supplies Bailiff Postage Supplies Postage Supplies Postage Mileage Credit service Office all Supplies Reprints Proceedings & Advertising Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities 270.35 405.65 12.13 60.00 5.00 1.90 29.00 31.20 3.40 19.37 5.00 12.00 21.13 6.25 156.84 7.60 1.20 98.58 9-40 20.03 315.08 1396 SUPE VISOI'\'S RECO D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NE 'S ASKA I MP 1 it Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Rolls Schafer Printing Company Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Schultz, Clerk District Court Stewart Story Thomas Vaughans Printers Welch Wood, Sheriff Biil's Seat Covers iJower Budd Oil Company Clarke Oil Company Clarke Oil Com)any Construction Service Equipment Co. Consumers Public lower District Cook Paint & Varnish Co. Dutton-Lainson Company Dutton-Lainson Company Elley's Conoco Service Evans Farmers Union uo-Op. Gas (R; Oil Co. Gamble Store Glenwood Telephone Co. Goedert Jake Hageman Hardware Co. liastings Battery & -61ectric Hastings Co -Op. Supply uo. Hastings Utilities Huntsbarger -bord Inc. Island Supply Co. Jensen Kansas iebr. Gas Co. Inc. Kenesaw Telephone Co. Kennedy Kerr Chevrolet Co. Lemke Lenhart Service Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McRo,)erts Industries Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co. Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co. Novak Pauley Lumber Co. Pittz Service Precision Lubricants Co. Saathoff Service Schaffroth, Register Sime Smith & Sons Southern Nebr. Mural Stromer Tropical Paint Co. Trupp Body Shop Wailes Jerome S. Wheeler Lumber Bridge &-Supply Wil)er Service Inc. Wilder's Service Station Bruce Fred 0. Mary Harold Roscoe Ray L. A. Clifford L. Worthy B. Ralph L. Henry Vearl L. Tom .0red Robert W. G. of Deeds Fred O. A. J. S. E. Public Poer Paul G. Chicago Naggatz Wheeler Wheeler Burlington & Quincy Railroad Ervin -uumber Bridge & SuLply Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. account Albright Doubleday & Company Inc. J2,rnst Follett Library book Co. Gangw ish Hastings Carnegie -:Library Kindig McNair Parks Sanford ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE Salary Supplies Postage State cases, Committment Test Mileage Salary Supplies Janitor service Jailor fee, Postage, Mileage, Food, Laundry. Repair Diesel Gas Gas Supplies Utilities Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas Salary Gas, Diesel, Supplies Telephone Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Telephone Salary Supplies Repairs Gas Supplies Telephone Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Supplies Gas, Diesel, Lubricant Gas Filing Gas, Diesel, Supplies Utilities Salary Supplies Repair Salary Supplies Supplies, Repairs Gas, Repairs , Repairs Repair service service service Supplies Supplies Freight Salary .ziupplies Supplies ROAD FUND Labor, Equipment CO',NTY LIBRARY Dixie May Waunetta Branson Mrs. Anna Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Klyoe Arlene Mrs. JJorothy Salary Books Books Salary Library service Salary Salary Salary Salary ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME Rose Ernest C. Material & Labor rental 30.00 57.05 8.00 295.20 15.00 9.10 154.50 36.25 25.00 379.65 7.00 84-95 84.00 18.00 50.64 10.0( 4.9 5.28 1.21 .96 2.57 208.00 169.25 29.02 7.05 208.00 6.85 55.20 10.10 70.59 2.62 17.26 1.26 22.39 8.10 8.05 40.099 1.50 45.28 449.49 21.90 30.09 88.51 3.21 40.00 1.85 193.57 298.21 9.00 2.55 114.55 17.37 10.72 197.60 190.60 11.50 197.60 4.16 10.35 33-48 1057.50 197.60 25.00 2132.55 177.5.40 25.00 22.40 35.00 120.56 25.00 90.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 114.y6 • SUPEI"VIS(C) 1ECC) D O.' 15 'ADAMS CCDUN Y, NEBRASKA une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. °Kingsley Mastin Snyder Vasey Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Bennett Berts Drug •Store Berts Texall Drugs Brand Mortuary Brooke & Son Charlton City Optical service DeBacker Doyle's Drug Store Ege n Fern's Pharmacy i boote Glenn Ciuildner Hastings Drug Store Hoffmeister Holcomb Holm Holunaus Drug Store Johnson Drug Store Kamm Kingsley Kleager Kostal Kuehn Lucas mcIntire McNeill Mary Lanning Hospital Mastin Mikkelsen Drug Store Ohlsen-Hast ings Labs Pinney Rutt Rutt's Drug Store # 1 Rutt's Drug Store # 2 Sawyer Drug Store Smith Weber Acme Printing Co. Acme Printing Co. Bi -Lo Market Berg, County Clerk Bert's Drug Store bert's Rexall Drug ,tore Brand Mortuary Brooke & Son Drug Store Business Suplly Co. Credit Bureau of HastinEs English Hastings Drug Store Hastings typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Herbers Jack & Jill Jack & Jill Jack & Jill Jack & Jill Grocery Grocery Grocery Grocery Dr. D. W. Dr. "obert L. Janie? E. Ruby "edical care Medical care Mileage Mileage MEDICAL, SURGICAL & HOSPITAL CARE Vendor Payment Vendor Payment Vendor .eayment Vendor Payment Dr. w. K. Aedical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Ambulance service Medical supplies Dr. G. P. "edical care Lenses Dr. L. J. Medical care Medical supplies Dr. L. b. Medical care Medical supplies Dr. C. N. Medical care dJr. E. "edical care Dr. Elmer "edical care Dr. C. Id. hedical care Medical supplies Dr. G. i'. Medical care Dr. G. R. hedical care Dr. C. H. Medical care Jack & Jill Grocery Kent's Service Station Kipp Kloke Kunce Grocery Laird Coal Co. Larkin Larkin -Director Larkin -Director Lincoln lelephone & Telegraph Marr's Nursing home utt's Drug Store 2 Safeway Grocery Safeway Grocery Safeway Grocery Schafer Printing Co. Dr. Dr. Jr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr, Dr. Frank D. W. Clyde L. O. A. G. A. Thomas R. J. L. S. Dr. R. L. John E. Dr. G. L. Dr. F. J. Floyd Dr. Robert G. Ur. C. R. GENERAL RELIEF Emma Mrs. . E. John W. John W. Mrs. h. R. Lloyd B. Perry O. Perry O. Perry O. Co. Medical supplies Medical supplies hedical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care "edical care Medical Medical Hospital Medical Medical Medical Medical hedical Medical Medical "edical Medical "edical care cam care care supplies care care care supplies supplies supplies care care Supplies Supplies Staple food Postage Medical supplies Medical supplies Ambulance service Medial supplies Supplies Credit service Rent Medical supplies Supplies Utilities Utilities Janitor service Staple food Staple food Staple food Staple food Staple food Fuel Oii Rent board & hoom Staple food Coal Mileage Postage Revolving .bund Telephone service Board & Room Medical supplies Staple food Staple food Staple food Supplies 7.50 7.50 6.78 6.12 1041.63 130.L10 27.12 63.75 8.00 221.27 255.72 2.50 104.30 73.28 10.00 2.50 6.75 5.00 30.04 10.00 17.50 41.48 12.00 127.65 18.00 24.00 6.00 33.35 18.43 7.00 5.00 218.21 8.00 18.00 2.00 40.91 3.00 479.05 121.05 77.95 2.00 20.00 8.00 47.95 98.67 35.46 19.00 11.00 23.95 16.90 120.00 26.35 6.80 24.50 35.00 15.00 58.83 5.00 22.50 4.00 b.00 87.42 48.61 75.00 396.00 72.00 158.0o 20.00 20.00 28.90 150.00 28.30 17.25 10.00 36.52 25.0o 9.00 29.75 4.00 10.00 85.00 55.00 134.50 29.45 It VISO 'S 16\ ECO AJIAMS COUNTY, NE )111 1 111 1 \ D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Spencer Park Rental Agency Stop & Shop Market endt estern .Auto Associate Store Wolfe This board will now recess Mrs. Mrs. subject Mary Neva to tne Rent Staple food Board & Room Supplies Nursing care call of the chairman of the County Board 95.00 160.00 17.00 30.33 165.00 of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, March 26, 1959. 10:00 o'clock A.M. airman Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of March 6, 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Kidd Roll call, members present: Crosson, Hoagland,/Lightner, Utecht and Youngblood. Absent: Mackie. Motion by Crosson, seconded Oy Hoagland, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed. to issue warrants -for the same. Roll cali, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Agricultural Extension Office Brown, Bert B. Clerk of the istrict Court Congrove, Maxine J. County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Veteran's Service Register of Deeds Highway Department Nash, Lloyd Larkin,Director-Perry O. This board will now recess GENERAL FUND ROAD FUND BRIJ)GE FUND STATE FUNDS Office Salary Orfice Salary Office Orfice Salary Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Expense Expense 1"xpense Expense & Mileage r,xpense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense -°-ixpense Salaries Salary Office Expense subject to the call of the 'hairman 205.00 225.00 555.00 82.00 988.75 832.00 1238.16 908.66 1212.26 785.00 525.00 1386.66 585.00 610.00 6367.68 301.37 2760.00 of ,he County Board of Supervisors. airman dune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. n SUPE 1" ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA NO. 15 CO= HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, March 30, 1959. 2:00 o'clock P.M. Regular meeting of the Adams. County Board of Supervisors net as per recess of March 26, 1959. Orville Hoagland, Co -Chairman,- presiding. Roll call, members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood, Absent:Lightner. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Utecht, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there has been signed by Adams County on the 6th day of June, 1956 6th day of bebruary 1958, and the State on the 8th day of June, 1956 7th day of February, 1958, an agreement providing for the construction of a Federal Aid Secondary hoad beginning tipril 1, 1959, and WHEREAS, in the above agreement, the County has pledged sufficient funds to finance its share of the cost of the construction of this project identified as No. S-597(4) & S807(1), and WHEJe,EAS, the above mentioned agreentn provided that the County would pay all of the non -Federal costs of this project, and WHeREAS, the -etate rOceived bids for the construction of this project on March 26, 1959, at which time 8 bids were (was) received for the construction bf the proposed work, and WHEREAS, the following contractors for the items of work listed have been selected as the low bidders to whom a contract (contracts) should be awarded: werner & Son ----culverts, subgrade reconstruction, soil -aggregate base course & asphaltic concrete surface course. 0150,797.05 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above facts, the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, by his resolution, takes the following official action: 1. The Board hereby concurs in the selection of the above mentioned contractos for the items of work listed, to whom a contract should be awarded. 2. The Board hereby authorizes the Chairman to sign a contract (contracts) with the above mentioned contractor (coni,ractors) and with the StFte for the above mentioned work. 3. The BoErd does not desire to perform any of the work with its own forces in lieu of performing the work by the contract method. troll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This lioard will now recess subject to the call ofthe hairman of the County Board of Supervisors. COUT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, April 6, 1959. 10:u0 o'clock Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess or March 30, 1959. Edward. H. Lightner, q_airman, presiding. Roll call, mem)ers present: Crosson, Hoaglard, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Mackie, that we accept the Hastings Daily Tribune low bid ior 1959 personal property receipts of 333.15 and for 1959 real estate receipts of 0445.60. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 399 Motion by Utecht, seconded by Hoagland, that the County*ngineer shall install an 18 inch culvert across the road between sections 3) & 35 in Little Blue Township at a point approximately one road south of the present Joe Novak driveway and that we rgiscind the motion passed on this matter on March 6, 1959 End if this arrangement does not dispose of the drainage water then further relief shall be granted. hall call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Mackie, that the following Bonds be accepted and placed on file Otto Kleier, loadoverseer, west Blue lownship; ilay Gaymon, Justice of the l'eace, West Blue Township; Glenn 6hristensen, Township Treasurer, Cottonwood Township; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion candied. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Utecht, that the followina reports be accepted and placed on file. Adams County .nibrary, County Clerk, Adams county Nursing home, County Judge, County Sheriff,Clerk of the District Court, County Clerk Car Title, hegister of Deeds and lax Collector. Roll call,all voted aye. Motion carried. Mouion by Utecht, seconded by Crosson, that the follo4ng Miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisors record: Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. '400 SUPE 111 VISO 'S ECOJ'W NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 1682 Perry O. Larkin,Director 1683 John E. Ray, County Judge 1684 Grace simpson, Justice o/ Peace 1685 State Treas-Gas Tax Dist. 1686 State Ireas-Cas Tax Dist. 1607 State Treas-Gas Tax Dist. 1688 Herman 0. Kloke 1609 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 1690 John E. Ray, County Judge 1691 Grace Simpson,Justice of l'eace 1692 Kermit Gundersen 1693 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 1694 Emma Berg., County Clerk 195 Commerce Clearing House Inc. 1696 Perry O. Larkin-Diiector 1697 Mary Schultz, Clerk Dist Court 1698 Nary schultz, Clerk Dist Court 1699 Grace u.Simpson,Justice of Peace 1700 Emma Berg, County Clerk 49.28. 1701 514.70 1702 85.00 1703 6951.98 1704 3180.85 1705 7942.32 1706 25.00 1707 150.00 1708 1202.55 1709 65.00 1710 7.00 1711 100.00 1712 352.85 1713 35.00 1714 63.10 1715 7.00 1716 263.30 1717 .60.00 1718 26.35 1719 Fred O. Schaffroth,Reg Deeds State Treas-State Assistance Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Mrs.Cathrine Trausch Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace Hastings Drive In Theatre Crace Simpson,Justice of Peace Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace Edwards construction co. L.J.Vontz, Construction co. State of Nebraska Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace Special Mail Route Medical, Surgical, Hospital Medical, Surgical, Hospital Medical, Surgical, Hospital Medical, Surgical, Hospital Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 320.35 43011.66 65.00 461.77 65.00 65.00 10.00 85,po 90.00 560.35 7.3 32.0 60.00 177540 63.75 27.12 1041.63 130.4o 70.00 Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Aackie, that we grant the "musement License for the Hastings Drive In Theatre beginning April 6, 1959 to peCember 31, 1959. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Crosson, that we instruct the County Treasurer to file a claim covering Old Age Assistance payments made to Emma Koch and Dave Koch in the amount of 0.796.35 in the estate being probated in the county Judge's office of Adams county, Nebraska, holl call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Hoagland, that we recommend to the State Licuor Commission the grant of seer Licenses to Paul N. Koen, Retal Beer -Off Sale Assumption, Nebr; and On and Off Sale Beer License to Henry Grasmick, 523 N. burllngton, Hastings, Nebraska (Outside limits of city of Hastings) Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Crosson, seconded byYoungblood, that the following resolution be adopted: ..,4ESOLUTICh: WHEREAS, Conrad walker, Jr., Guardian of conrad Walker, Sr. and Mary Igaiker, Incompetents, duly appointed by the County Court of .t,daras County,Nebraska, has filed in the District 'ourt of ,Adams CountY,Nebraska, his petition for License to sell the following real estate belonging to said incdr,petents, towit: Lot Ninety-seven (97) , Ghosts •hddition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, for the reason that there are no funds from income except that provided by the board of Public Welfare and that it is necessary that said home be vacated as the ward, Conrad Walker, Sr. is no longer to live alone and must be cared for elsewhere and the said ward, Lary walker is confined in the State Hospital at Ingleside, Nebraska, and in order that the net proceeds from the sale of said home be used for the benefit of said ward. WHEREAS, the Board of supervisors of Adams County,Nebraska, have investigated said matter and approve of such proposed sale, and deem it necessary for the best interest of said incompetents, NOW THEEFOFE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of supervisors of /-dams County, Nebraska, that we deem such proposed sale proper and beneficial to the estate of said incompetents and approve the sme and deem it necessary. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall be certiCied by the County Clerk of said County no the Judge of the District Court of Adams county, Nebraska, in writin. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kidd, that we purchase from Lincoln Equipment Company one Caterpillar No. 12 Motorgrader for W.6,000.00 with trade-in Caterpillar No. 212 Motorgrader as per contract. .Holl call, Ayes: Hoagland, Kidd, laightner, ana Utecht. Nay: Crosson, Mackie, and Youngblood. Lotion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kidd, that we instruct the county clerk to advertise for gravel and bids to be opened Nay 6, 1959 at 1:30 o'clock P. M. Roll call, all voted aye. l'iotion carried. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Mackie, that we approve the appointment of hobert Anderson as Deputy ')heriff of Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. Piotion carried. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Kidd, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk de instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND A. B. C. Electtic Co. Acme Heat Equipment Co. Acme Printing Co. Adams County agriculture Extension Service Adams County Veteran service Office Bi-LoMarket Bivens George w. Brock, County Attorney Don Burroughs corporation Burroughs Corporation Business Supply Co. County Assessor county Clerk Wiring & .bixtures Supplies 8.; Repairs Supplies Office Expense Office Expense Supplies Bailiff box Rent supplies Supplies Supplies Postage Postage re' 355.20 23.69 862.95 398.00 350.00 8.45 50.00 2.25 30.00 1.90 5.95 42.03 2.00 r"--" EcO)'' D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA dune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter 'o. Hastings Utilities Hawes Henry ltzeri,Dirz & Nolte Ins. Agency Landgraf, Jr. Charles Landgraf, Jr. Charles Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Monroe Calculating Machine Go. Inc. Omaha Printing Co. Photostat Corporation Red Ball Transfer Co. Redfield & Company, enc. Rolls Bruce -. Schafer Printing Company Schafer Printing Company Schafer Printing Company Schafer Printing Company Schafer Printing Company Schafer rrintin; Company Schultz, Clerk District Court Mary Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace H. Stephens -Peck, Inc. Stewart Harold 4. Story hoscoe E. Thomas Ray L. Village of Ayr Welch Clifford Wood Sadie M. good, Sheriff Worthy B. WI W. Augustin Implement Bachman L.L. Burge Garage Budd 011 Company Clarke Oil Company Clarke Oil Company Construction Service Equipment Co. Consumers Public Power -district -'cok Paint & Varnish Co. D-4 Lubricant Go. Inc. Dillys -Service Dilly Service Station Dutton-Lainson Company Elley's "onoco Service Evans Farmers Union uo-Op. Gas & Oil Co. Friends Motor Supply Goedert Hageman Hardware Co. Hastings Battery & Electric Company Inc. Hastings Seat Cover 'o. Hastings Utilities Hastings welding Supply Co. Heuertz Island Supply Co. Kenesaw klotor Co. Kenesaw Telephone Co. Kerr Chevrolet Co. Kerr Cochran Sales Co. Kully Iron & Metal Go. Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McRoberts Industires Messer Co. Modern Linen Supply Go. Moore Nebr. Tractor & Equipment 0 Parr Penney Co. Pittz �'ervice Sidles Company Sime State reformatory Southern Nebr. mural Stromer Trupp Body Shop Village of Juniata Wailes Werner wheeler Lumber Bridge Wheeler Lumber Bridge Wideners Store Wilber Service Inc. Henry Jake Harold Co. L. J. Wm. Leonard J. C. • V • Public Power 1>ist. Paul G. & & Jerome Walter Supply Supply Supplie s Supplies Supplies Utilities Postage Service Officer Examination .Examination Telephone service supplies Supplies Supplies Fre i gh t Supplies Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies State cases, Conmittment Sti.te cases Supplies Test Mileage Salary Rent Janitor help Matron f e e Jailor fee, Postage Bond ROAD FUND Supplies Diesel Gas Gas, Diesel Gas Gas Supplies Utilities Supplies Lubricant Gas Gas Supplies Gas Salary Gas, Diesel Supplies Salary Supplies supplies Repairs Utilities Supplies £iile a€�e Supplies Supplies 'lelephone service Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas, Repairs Supplies Telephone service Repairs Hep a irs Laundry Gas Supplies Labor Supplies Gas, Diesel, Supplies Supplies Gas, iesel Supplies Utilities Salary hepar Water Salary hepairs Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies, hepairs 16.50 5.76 .35 213.20 5.00 2.50 20.00 20.00 208.43 1.40 137.00 6.30 6.18 2.39 41_1.m 26.75 8.00 17.95 19.15 12.10 14.70 (0.10 17.00 12.00 10.00 14.00 240.00 15.00 25.00 10.00 Fooa,Laundry, Mile age 324.65 280.92 140.00 31.28 157.45 67.36 131.30 448.30 2.23 1.80 52.80 25.34 20.18 10.13 3.80 213.20 154.55 45.6 189.80 4.67 11.65 9.00 39.78 12.93 5.18 30.66 293.35 8.35 5.43 106.93 16.52 72.18 1201.62 2`(.65 58.55 3.65 4.61 64.43 57.)12 2(.00 13.65 1613.01 463.18 233.98 12.80 13.73 200.20 10.50 33.00 200.20 24.00 108.30 894.36 3.13, • nJ r • 402 SUPE VISO 'SI ECWW Na 15 la ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Lemke Fred iNaggatz Ervin Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. oad Account Albright Ernst Cangwish Gaylord Bros. Inc._ Hastings Carnegie Library Houchen Bindery Jones Jones Kindig McNair Parks Sanford Schuster & Simon Thomas Bouregy & Company SPECIAL Repairs Salary Supplies MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND Labor, Equipment Rental COUNTY LIBRARY' Dixie May Waunetta Branson Anna Aaron M. Aaron Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Klyoe Arlene Dorothy Salary Salary Salary Supplies Library service Repairs Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Books Books ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME Linder Carl Repair Stevens. & Saunders Plumbing & Heating Repair Charlton Cosgrove Duthie Herbers Hoffmeister Kipp Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph hutt Snyder Vasey Yost Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasure' Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Anderson Bennett Berts Drug store Berts hexall Drug .Jtore Berts nexall Drug Store Brook & Son Charlton Charlton Doyiels Drug Store Egen East Side Drug ilernts Pharmacy Poote Glenn Guildner Hastings Drug Store Hoffmeister Holcomb holm Holthaus Drug Store Kamm Kin4sley KcY,tal Kuehn Livingston-z)utler-Volland McIntire McNeill Mary Lanning Hospital Mas tin Mikkelsen Drug Store hutts Drug Store # 1 butts Drug store nfr 2 Rutt Ohlsen-Hastings Labs Pinney Smith Taylor Drug •Store Sawyer Drugs Jeber Yost Barth Beal STATE FUNDS Dr. G. Paul Madelyn Eva B. John W. Dr. George F. John W. Co. Dr. F. J. Daniel E. huby Dr. John G. MEDICAL, SURGICAL Dr. H. Dr. W. K. Dr. U. P. Dr. G. P. Dr. L. F. Dr. u. M. Dr. Elmer Dr. U. W. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. uneral Dr. Dr. G. F. G. h. C. 11. Frank D. Id. O. A. G. A. Home R. J. L. S. Dr. J1. L. Dr. F. J. John Dr. U. L. Dr. Robert Floyd Dr. C. R. Dr. John Richard Verneda J. Medical care Mileage Mileage Janitor service "edical care hent Telephone service Medical care Mileage Mileage Medical care HOS2D2AL CARE Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment medical care medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care medical care Medical supplies Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical care "edical care Medical care Medical supplies medical care Medical care medical care Medical care Ambulance service Medical care Medical care Hospital care Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies medical care Test Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies i'-edical care Medical care GENERAL RELIEF Rent Nursing care 4.00 209.30 250..54 2706.00 25.00 35.00 25.00 15.25 90.00 130.35 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 28.09 29.70 19.48 29.10 7.50 5.64 6.42 75.00 15.00 150.00 34.92 7.50 5.04 6.36 22.50 1047.75 165.00 58.80 1/44.53 (4.50 8.00 120.4/ 118.42 3.3o 65.65 26.25 47.15 6.75 3.00 33.70 14.65 3.85 5.00 20.00 234.35 133.68 5.00 10.65 25.75 1.45 2.00 11.22 59.10 10.00 23.00 3.00 214.85 62.11 50.87 48.03 9.3.14 5.00 7.00 20.00 11.00 2.25 2,„.36 15.00 234.17 15.00. 206.00 SUPERVISO 'S I) NO, 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 7"*ne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Hastings Drug Store Hastin"s Industrial HastinLs Typewriter Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill -Hillcrest Kl oke Kunce Grocery Larkin Larkin -Director Livings ton-butler-Volland Mary Lanning Memorial Hos Mas tin Mikkelsen Drug Company Safeway Grocery Safeway Grocery Schmidt Skaggs Grocery 11 Skaggs Grocery 13 Skinner Snyder 6pe nce r Park Rental Supplies Co. Grocery Mr s . E. R. Perry 0. terry 0. rune ra1 Houle pital Dr. Robert L. Office Stop & 'hop Grocery Weber Wendt Western Auto associate Store Witter Witter Wolfe Mrs. Dona 0. P. 0. P. Mrs. Gladys Daniel E. Dr. C. R. Mary Regina Regina As. Neva W. Phis board will now recess subject to the call Medical supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Staple food Staple food Staple food Staple food oard & Room Staple food Mile age Revolving fund burial Hospital care Medical care Medical supplies Staple food Staple food board & Room Staple food Staple food Nursing care Mileage Rent Staple food line d i c al care Care Supplies Board &Room Board & xoom Nursing care 8.50 1.88 47.00 73.44 247.60 285.00 54.00 20.00 14.00 17.25 41.10 61.26 150.00 429.00 15.00 98.130 60.00 84.00 30.00 162.00 164.00 75.00 6.36 127.00 100.00 2.00 17.00 1.50 25.00 32.00 165.00 f the 6hairman of the County Board of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, April 16, 1959. 1`0:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the #dams County Board of ipervisors met as per recess of April 6, 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. 11611 call, members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner and Utecht. Absent: Mackie' and. Youngblood. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kidd, that we authorize the chairman to sign the Agreement between .Adams "ounty and western Laboratories, Motion carried. This '5oard will now recess of the Adams County Inc. Roll call, all voted aye. Board subject to the call of the chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. =ice �h�ai a 404 SUPE VISO RECOI'W NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTIX-S, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 21, 1959. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular 'meting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of April le, 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, YLckie, Utecht Motion County Motion and Youngblood. by Youngblood, seconded by Hoagland, that we purchase 1000 Daily Balance sheets for Adams Treasurer office from the tugustine ompany at a price of 202.09. Roll call, all voted aye. carried. Motion by Jtecht, seconded by Kidd, That the following resolution be adopted: that this Board declare its opposition to L. B. 705 now before the Nebraska Legislature concerning mandatory voting machines for this andother larger communities on the ground of the great expense and the demonstrated lark of reliability of such machines, and that this position be communicated to the Government L'ommittee of the Legislature and Senator Richard Marvel. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Mackie, that Jilliam S. Jackson, be hired and employed as Custodian and, janitor c)' the Adams L,ounty Courthouse and property thereto with starting salary of 4225.00 per month. Roll call, Ayes: crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Nay: Lightner.Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Saturday, April 25, 1959. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per rOcess of April 21, 19'59. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman,'presiding. Roll call, members present: Crosson, Hoaglard, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Hoagland, that the followinp, claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye., Motion carried. Adams County Agricultural Extension Brown, Bert B. Clerk of District ourt Congrove, Maxine J. County tissessor County ttorney County Board County Clerk -)aunty Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Register of Deeds Veteran's Service HILhway Department Nash, Lloyd Larkin,Director-Perry O. This Board will now recess County Office GENERAL FUN ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND Office Expense Salary Office Expense Salary Office Expense Office Expense Salary & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Salary STATE FUNDS Office Expense subject to the call of the Chairman of the County e rk 205.00 225.00 555.00 82.00 965.70 740.00 1202.39 781.66 1135.51 730.00 525.00 1351.66 555.00 585.00 630.85 300.00 2760.00 oard of Supervisors. SUPE VISO J ECO D NO. 15 AAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA e Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. em, t COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, May 6, 1959. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roli call, members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht recess of April 25, 1959. and Youngblood. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Crosson, that the Bond of Ervin Berg, Road Overseer Kenesaw Township be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Crosson, seconded b y Mackie, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisors Record:, hoil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724. 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734. 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 174.1 174.2 1743 17)01 1745 174.6 1747 1748 1749 Worthy Wood, U . S .Treasury State Treasurer -State :assistance Emma Berg, County Clerk Emma Berg, County Clerk Grace Simpson,Justice of Perry O. Larkin -Director Perry 0. Larkin -Director Bettie Zubor, Executrix Neva+olfe, Nursing Home Perry O. L ark in -Dire c for Don Brock, County Attorney Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace Precision Lubricants Company John . Ray, County Judge Henry Grasmick Paul Konen Grace Simpson,Justice of reace Perry 0. Larkin -Director Perry 0. Larkin -Director Fred Teller Jr. Mary Schultz, Clerk District State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist State. Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace clary Schultz, Clerk District Court Emma. Berg, County Clerk Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace John . Ray, CountyJudge County sheriff Pe ace 31.75 690.00 305.74 112.80 3208.66 165.00 20.20 26.40 1862.17 471.50 25.60 1.30 120.00 42.00 770.85 25.00 25.00 95.00 23.20 56.46 10.00 Court 32.70 549.93 3180.85 Motion by Utecht, seconded by Kidd, that 5612.65 60.00 305.80 299.95 75.00 877.60 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776' 1777. 1778 1779 Don Brock John E. Ray, County Judge John E. Ray,County Judge Village of Juniata 1.80 100.00 50.00 222.20 Register of Deeds,Fred 0.Schaffroth5o8.55 Grace Simpson,Justice of reace Jessie L. Simmering Emma Berg, County Ulerk Special Mail Route Medical,Surgical,Hospital Medicai,Surgical,Hospital Medical,Surgical,Hospital Medical,Surgical,Hospital State of »e araska State Treasurer -State Assistance 42644.05 George Syring-Guardian 4000.00 Grace Simpson,Justice of ee ace 77.00 Grace Simpson,Justice of reace 55.00 Juniata Township 250.00 Schultz,Clerk Bis Simpson, Justice Simpson,Justice Berg, County Ule Treasurer -State Schultz,Clerk Dis Simpson,Justice Simpson,Justice Simpson, Justice Simpson, Justice Schultz,Clerk Dis 120.00 105.00 27.40 2706.00144..531144.,�3 53.60 1047.75 16.00 43.20 Mary Grace Grace Emma State Mary Grace Grace Grace Grace Mary the following' resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: trict Court 26.00 of Pece 65.00 of Peace 65.00 rk 476.30 Apportionment 4.3218.86 trict Court 30.50 of Peace 90.00 of Peace 55.00 of Peace 73.00 of Peace 60.00 trict Court 39.50 WHEREAS, there has been signed by Adams County on the 6th day of January, 195, and the State on the 17th day of January, 1955, an agremment providing for the construction or a Federal Aid Secondary hoed beginning at the Union eacific Railroad crossing between Sec. 20, 21, T7N.,R9W., Adams County, Nebraska, thence north 3i miles to the NW corner of Sec. 4, thence west 12 miles to intersect State Highway No. 281 at the SW corner of Sec. 31, T8N., R9W., said Project is approximately 4. 3/4 miles long, and WHEREAS, in the above agreement, the County has pledged sufficient funds to finance its share of the cost of the construction of this project identified as No. S-645(1), and WHEREAS, the above mentioned agreement provided that the County would pay all of the non --Federal costs of this project, and WHEREAS, the State received bids for the construction of this project which time nine (9) bids were (was) received for the construction of the WHEREAS, the following contractors for the items of work listed have bidders to whom a contract (contracts) should be awarded: • Nichols Construction Co. Culvert Items on April 30, 1959, at proposed work, and been selected as the low 419,634.57 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above facts, the oard of Supervisors of Adams County, by this resolution, takes the following official action': 1. The Board hereby concurs in the selection of the above mentioned contractors for the items of work listed, to whom a contract should be awarded. 2. The Board hereby authorizes the Chairman to sign a contract (contracts) with the above mentioned contractor (contactors) and with the State for the above mentioned work. 3. The Board does not desire to perform any of the work with its own forces in lieu of performing the work by the contract method. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Youngblood, that the reports of the Sheriff, Judge, Library,County Clerk, Clrk of the District uourt, County clerk Car Titles, Register of Deeds, Tax Collector and Adams County Nursing Home be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, allvoted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Hoagland, that the Clerk of the District Court be authorized n his 1.'� --.i...r .. �t�_...._..�; �._.... <...-- "rr.r nn �..� � __ i 1 SUPE VISO 'S }ECO 1111\) ADAMS COUNTY, NE • t D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Kidd, that we adopt the following resolution "BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Supervisors sell to the following purchaser the following described property: Lot 10, Lilock 12, Village of Pauline to Grover C. Stapleman for 44310.00 and that the Chairman of the County board of Supervisors be hereby authorized to execute and deliver Quit Claim Deeds to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 1:30 P. M. the bids for Gravel as per advertisement of April 10-17 & 24 were opened and read; H & M Equipment Co; L. J. Vontz Construction Cp; and Lilley Sand and Gravel. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Utecht, that we award the Gravel bids as follows: Lilley Sand & Gravel: Kenesaw Township $1.26; Verona Township 01.18; Wanda Township $1.66; Juniata Township 41.26; L.J. VONTZ CONSTRUCTION CO: Cottonwood 'ownship ei.68; Roseland Township $1.66; Logan Township $1.66; Silver Lake Township $1.68; Ayr Township $1.38; Zero Township $1.36; Hanover Township 41.38; Little Blue Township $1.38; H & M EQUIPMENT CO.: Highland Township $1.01; West Blue Township $1.25; Denver Township 1.40; Blaine Township $i.14.3; Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Utecht, that the following resolutions be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there is an Old Age Assistance Lien filed against certain real property with the following legal description, to -wit: South Adams in favor Juniata, One-half (S.i) of Lots 866 and all of lots 867, 870 and 872 in the Village of Juniata County, Nebraska of Adams County, Nebraska, for Old Age Assistance payments paid to Mabel L. beach of Adams County, Nebraska in the amount of $2,305.00, and WHEREAS, said real property was sold at public auction and the amount after expenses and that full value of the property was received, and of $1,754.50 was realized WHEREAS, there is a check in the hands of the Adams county Welfare Division for said amount, which check will be deposited in the Old Age Assistance kund, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of Adams uounty, Nebraska, be directed to release and discharge said cld Age Assistance Lien -from said property. RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there are Old Age Assistance Liens filed against Lot 12, block 7, Westland Subdivision to the Uity of Hastings in favor of Adams county, for such assistance to Eura and uora M.Carmichaell and WHEREAS, said property has been sold at public sale for an amount 602.28 above all other prior liens and encumbrances and expenses of sale, as per statement filed, and WHEREAS, to consummate said sale it is necessary to clear said Assistance Liens from the record, and it appears to the best interests of Adams County to accept the above amount and release and discharge said liens upon said premises, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Treasurer of Adams uounty, Nebraska be directed to release and discharge the said Liens, recorded in Book 169, pages 211 and 212 respectively of the Mortgage Records of this County, on the receipt by said 2reasurer of said sum of $602.2. RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there is an Old Age Assistance Lien in the favor of Adam Uounty, Nebraska against an undivided One-half interest in the following described real estate: North One-half (N.i) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW.*) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE.t) of the Northwest One-uarter (NW.111.); and the East One -Half (E. -A-) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE.i) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW.*) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE.i) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW.i) of Section Eight (8), Township Seven (7), Range Nine (9), Adams County,Nebraska, said Lien bering in the amount of $5,421.74 for Old Age Assistance payments made to Benjamin F. and Laura Alice Willett, and, WHEREAS,the value of the undivided one-half interest in said property sujbect to said Lien, less Liens and encumbrances is 41,000.00, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that upon receipt of payment in the amount of $1,000.00 by the County Treasurer of Adams county, Nebraska, he is hereby authorized and directed to execute a release of said Old Age Assistance Liens against the aboke described property and cause same to be recorded in the Register of Deeds Office. RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there is an Old Age Assistance Lien filed against certain real property with the following legal description, to -wit: Lot 122, Ghost's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams L'ounty, Nebraska in favor of Adams County, Nebraska, for Old Age Assistance payments paid to HENRY BARTH of Hastings, Adams county, Nebraska, in the amount of $2,787.80, and ne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 407 SUPE VISO 'S IECOID\D NO 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA • NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer or AdaMs County,Nebraska, be directed to release and discharge said Uld Age Assittance Lien from said property upon payment of $2,257.77 to the Treasurer by the purchaser. RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there is an Old Age Assistance Lien filed following legal description, to -wit: A11 of Blocks Thirty (30)0 Thirty -One (31), of -Holstein, Adams Uounty, Nebraska in favor of Adams County, Nebraska, for Uld Age Holstein, Adams County, Nebraska, in the amount against certain real property with the Thirty-two (32) and Thirty-three (33),Viliage • Assistance payments paid to MARY BLAYNEY of of $1,965.20, and WHEREAS, said real property was sold at public auction and the expenses, and that full value of the property was received, and amount cf '588.29 was realized after WHEREAS, there is a check in the hands of the Adams county Welfare Division for said amount, which check will be deposited in the Old Age Assistance Fund, NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of Adams Uounty, Nebraska, be directed to release and discharge said Old Age Assistance Lien from said property. RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there is an Old Age Assistance Lien filed against certain real property with the following legal description, to -wit: Lot Nine (9), Block Twenty-six (26), St. Joseph's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska in favor of Adams Uounty, Nebraska, for Old Age Assistance payments paid to EVA BENOIT of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska in the amount of $7,47b.90, and WHEREAS, said real property was sold at public auction and the amount of $1,378.10 was realized after expenses of sale and that full value of the property was received, and WHEREAS, funeral expenses in the amount of $150.00 has been authorized to be paid by the Adams County Director of Welfare, and said amount is a prior claim under Section 58-215.06 1956 Reissue, and after payment of said funeral expenses there will be a balance remaining to be paid on the Old Age Assistance lien in the amount or $1,228.10, and WHEREAS, there is a check in the hands of the Adams Uounty Welfare Division payable to the County Treasurer in the amount of $1,378.10, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be directed to release and discharge said Old Age Assistance Lien from said property upon the receipt of $1,378.10, and that $150.00 thereof be applied to the Ueneral Relief Fund of Adams uounty, and the balance of $1,228.10 be applied to the Old Age Assistance Fund. Roll call all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by R.idd, seconded by Hoagland, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Ulerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Acme Printing Company Adams County Agricultural Bivens Brock, County Attorney Brock, County Attorney Business Supply Company Business Supply Company Clerk of District Court County Clerk County Supt. County Supt. Dakota )irector Service Hammond & Stephens Uo. Hargleroad Van & Storage Co. Hastings redit Bureau Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Drug Store Hastings Industrial .upplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter uo. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hawes Hoagland Home Improvement Co. IBM Corporation Extension Service George W. Don Don Henry Orville GENERAL FUND Supplies Office Expense Bailiff Postage Postage Supplies Supplies State Case, Committment Postage Postage Mileage Supplies Supplies Moving Credit service Advertising, Supplies Supervisors Proceedings Advertising Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies New Equipment Supplies Supplies Utilities Postage Mileage Tile Supplies 81.90 398.00 35.00 10.00 5.00 11.18 1.67 242.67 3.00 13.55 46.92 3.00 165.18 11.25 7.25 46.45 73.30 24.50 5.00 7.30 1.95 5.09 13.89 311.20 7.39 21.20 192.47 2.31 14.21 412.52 7.30 _ _ 4-08 SUPE Viso 11 ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE I') 111) D NO, 15 RASKA. Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Monroe Calculating Machine Co. Orkin Exterminating Co. Inc. Ray, County Judge Redfield & Company, Inc. Rolls Russell, Attorney Schaffroth, Shepard's Citations,Inc. Sinclair manifold oducts Inc. Stephenson School Supply Co. Story Swearingen Taedter Thomas Wall ace Welch West .eublishing Co. West fublishing Co. Wood Wood, Sheriff Bachman Budd Uil Company Burge Garage Chris service Clarke uil Company Clarke uil Company Construction Service Equipment Co. Consumers Public Power District D -A Lubricant Co. Inc. DeBord's Welding Shop Dilly's Service Dutton-Lainson Jo. Elley's Conoco Service Evans ±iarmers Union Go -Op. Gas & Oil Co. Geis 'Iire Company Glenwood Telephone Co. Goedert Hageman Hardware Co. Hastings Battery & Electric inc. Hastings Co -Op. Supply Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Motor Truck Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings welding Supply Co. Heuertz Huntsbarger Ford Inc. Johnson Johnson Kansas l'ebraska Natural Kenesaw Lumber Jompany Kenesaw uil Company Kenewaw Telephone Co. Kennedy Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph uo. McRoberts Industries Nebraska Department of Roads Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Oshkosh Motor Truck Inc. Pauley Lumber Pittz Service Sidles company Sime Sime Strome r Struss Velder Wailes Wheeler Lumber Bridge Wheeler Lumber Bridge Wilber Service Inc. Wilder's Service Station Inc. John E. Bruce E. harry F. kred O. Roscoe E. J. R. Ruth Ray L. Dennis Clifford Sadie M. Worthy B. ROAD FUND L.L. Henry Jake Harold Edward Edward Gas Co. Inc. Supply & Supply • Cook Paint Company Dutton-Lainson Company jutton-Lainson Company Mousel Naggatz Ready Mixed Concrete Inc. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Toni W. G. G. E. W. A. J. A. J. Paul G. tambert R. Gilbert Jerome BRIDGE FUND Virgil Ervin Maintenance Services Postage Supplies Salary Attorney fee Postage Supplies Supplies Supplies Mileage Services Bailiff Bailiff Assessing Labor Janitor help Supplies Supplies atron "atron fee, Food, Diesel Diesel Gas, Supplies Gas, Oil Gas Gas Supplies Utilities Lubricant Supplies Gas Supplies Gas Salary Gas, Diesel Supplies Telephone service Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Advertising Supplies Utilities Supplies Mileage Supplies Survey Salary Utilities Supplies Gas, Diesel Telephone service Mileage Gas, Repairs Supplies Supplies Telephone service Supplies Project No. S(58) Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas, Oil, Diesel,Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel Gas, Diesel Salary Salary Salary Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas, Repairs 35.00 20.00 8.00 25.00 28.00 75.00 8.00 20.00 18.75 21.56 17.78 5.00 30.00 220.50 3.00 25.00 30.00 28.00 5.00 Laundry,Mileage 288.40 (4) Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies 140.14 175.84 27.30 17.58 128.37 88.15 82.96 2.61 52.80 1.35 29.94 73.87 6.80 263.40 330.30 260.00 16.30 260.00 7.06 19.61 4.60 30.19 17.73 32.36 12.43 3.85 2.80 127.50 10.80 34.99 130.45 74.10 8.35 8.54 63.98 190.31 751.94 26.25 13.54 71646.3 10.53 36.75 9.20 34.64 69.92 61.95 196.89 283.40 148.20 43.20 224.90 54.15 128.47 • 24.82 110.20 27.48 3.12 1.36 141.70 263.10 34.50 1122.82 311.40 SUPE VISO 'S 111 ECO D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA dune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Cs) Albright Clark Company Ernst Follett Library Book Co. Follett Publishing Company Gangwish Hastings Carnegie Library Kindig McNair Parks Sanford COUNTY LIBRARY jixie May Charles w. Waunetta Brandon Anna mrs. Margaret Mrs. Klyoe Arlene Dorothy Salary Books Salary Books Books Salary Library service Salary Salary Salary ADAM 6 COUNTY NURSING HOME Labor, Repair Labor, Repairs Nelson Electric Co. Stevens & Saunders PluMbing & Heating AdamsCounty air Assn. Berg, County clerk Burroughs Corporation Business Supply Company Cosgrove Credit Bureau of astings DeBacker Duthie Hastings Typewriter Co. Herbe rs Kipp Kuehn Larkin Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Snyder Vasey Weber Western Auto Associate Store Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Anderson Bennett Berts Drug Store Berts Rexall Drug Store Brooke & Son Charlton DeBacker Doyle's Drug Store Egen East Side Drug Store l'ern's Pharmacy i'oote Foote Glenn Guildne r Hastings Drug Store 110f1Meister Holcomb Holm Holthaus Drug Store Kingsley Kottal Kuehn McIntire McNeill Mary Lanning Hospital Mastin Mikkelsen Drug Store Pinney • Rutts Drug Store # 1 Rutts Drug Store # 2 Rutt. Sawyer's Drug Store Shre ck Smith Taylor Drug Store Weber *Yost Zikmund Berts Berts B - To Drug store Rexail Drug Store NIArtrAt COUNTY FAIR STATE FUNDS Emma Madelyn Dr. L.J. Eva B. John W. John W. Dr. Gerald A. Verna J. Co. Daniel E. Ruby Dr. C. R. MEDICAL, SURGICAL Dr. h. i'. Dr. W. K. Dr. G. P. Dr. L.J. Dr. L. F. Dr. C. M. Dr. D. B. Jr. Elmer Dr, C. W. Dr. G. Dr. U. R. Dr. C. R. Dr. D. W. Dr. O. A. Dr. G. A. Dr. R. J. Dr. L. S. Dr. R. L. Dr. G. L. Dr. F. J. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. H. W. R. C. C. R. John E. T. GENERAL RELIEF & HOSPITAL Premium & Improvement Postage Supplies Supplies Mileage Credit service medical care Mileage Supplies Salary "ent Medical care Mileage Telephone service Mil eage Mileage "edical care Supplies Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment medical care MediPal care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical care medical care Medical care Medical supplies medical care Medical care medical care Medical supplies Medical care Medical_ care Medical care Medical care Medical care Hospital care medical care Medical supplies Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical care medical care medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies R-FATI1A fnnri 25.00 157.06 35.00 7.85 3.45 25.00 100.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 5.70 22.33 3000.00 26.50 1.90 15.71 13.68d 5.00' 7.50 4-98 54.14 75.00 150.00 37.50 1.86 40.20 5.64 12.12 7.50 1.50 957.06 i13.94 159.40 140.35 10.00 157.48 156.02 71.90 84.35 6.00 6.75 5.00 13.50 34.30 ld.00 28.00 79.00 9.00 117.35 23.35 24.00 9.00 32.00 66.00 18.00 140.00 17.00 3.00 188.26 79.28 150.91 35.00 119.65 89.26 13.50 26.26 19.22 77.50 113.00 9.00 116.60 14.00 1.60 11.25 _7r, SUPE VISO 9S ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE IRASKA D NO. 15 Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery- Hillcfest Kloke Kunce Grocery Larkin -Director Modern l'ye Wear, Inc. Penney Company Rutt's Drug Store # 2 Safeway Grocery Sc#midt Shineman Market, Skaggs Grocery # 11 Skaggs Grocery # 13 Skinner Smith Spencer ?ark Rental Office Stark Stop & Shop Market Wendt Wolfe This Board will now recess Grocery Perry O. J. c. rs. Dona O. P. 0. P. Mrs. Gladys Mrs. Robert Mrs. Martha Mrs. Mary Mrs. Neva ii. Staple food Staple food Board & Room Stable food Revolving fund Glasses Supplies Medical supplies Staple food Board & Room Staple food Staple food Staple food U. Care Rent Rent Shelter Staple food board & Room Nursing care subject to thecall of 10.00 60.00 16.00 20.00 19.98 17.00 12.92 3.25 100.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 171.00 75.00 75.00 58.00 40.00 100.00 17.00 120.00 the chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, May 20, 1959. 4:00 o'clock P.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of May 6, 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Crosson, Hoagland, iad, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Crosson, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTIONS: WHEREAS, there is an Old Age Assistance Lien filed against certain real property the the following legal description, to -wit: Lots 843, 844, 845, 84b, 847, 84d, 849 and 850 inclusive in the Village of Juniata, Adams County, Nebraska, in favor of Adams County,Nebraska, for Old Age Assistance payments paid to JAMES T. ADKISON of Juniata, Nebraska in the amount of $6,925.30, and payments made to MARY E. ADKISON of Juniata, Nebraska, in the amount of 040.40, and WHEREAS, said real property was sold at public auction and the amount of $2,0h)1.48 was realized after expenses and that full value of the property was received, and WHEREAS, there is a check in the hands of the Adams County Welfare Division for said amount, which check will be deposited in the Old Age Assistance Fund, NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of ,Adams County,Nebraska, be directed to release and discharge said Old Age Assistance Lien from said property. RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there is an Old. Age Assistance Lien filed against certain real property with the following legal description, to -wit: Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3)/ Four (4), Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7), Eight (6), Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (11), and Twelve (12) of Block Eleven (11), all or Blocks Twelve (12) and Thirteen (13), and Lots One (1), Two (2) and Three (3) of Block Fourteen (14), all in the Village of Holstein, Adams County, Nebraska in favor of Adams uounty, Nebraska, for Old Age Assistance payments paid to Henry Hendricksen of Holstein, Nebraska in the amount of $703.65, and payments to Anna Hendricksen ofHolstein, Nebraska in the amount of $3,631.55, and WHEREAS, Pots Three (3) and our (4), Block Eleven (11),Original Town of Holstein were sold at public auction and the amount of $1,052.30 was realized after expenses and that full value was received, and WHEREAS, the lien on the remainder of the property is unenforceable, and WHEREAS, there is a check in th hands of the Adams County Welfare Division for said amount, which check will be deposited in the Old Age Assistance Fund, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of Adams Uounty, Aebraska, be directed to release and discharge said Old Age Assistance Lien from said property. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. 4 ,44ztil Chair une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISOR'S � I i D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 411 COURTHOUSE, ' HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, May 18, 1959. 10 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Utecht, that the REAL ESTATE `located and described be assessed at as follows: Improvements on NE 31-7-10 at $485.00 - Improvements on Lot 22, Block 1, Thompson's Addition to the City of Hastings at 03500.00; and, the PERSONAL PROPERTY be assessed at as follows; Brach - Thompson, counters and showcases at $2,000.00 - Wilder 0i1 Company, Improvements on leased land a`",fi2,80O.00 - Western Land Roller Company, fixtures, tools & equipment at X309;000,00- Ready Mix Concrete Company, all equipment $25,000.00 W. G. Pauley Concrete Company, concrete plant 025,000.00 - Deyo FurnitureStore, Inventory 6,000,00 - Fels Memorial Works, improvements on leased land $5,600.00.- Roll call,all voted aye. Motion carried. At,5 o'clock p.m. the Board of Equalization will now recess until May 19, 1959 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Tuesday,. May 19,, 1959. 10 o'clock A.M. • t 10 o'clock a.m. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of May 19th, 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Mackie, that the REAL ESTATE located and described be assessed at as follows:`E 50.3' of Lot 9, Raymond's Sub and Lots 2 & 5 Haire's Sub, City of Hastings, land at $5 PROPERTY' be assessed at as follows: Hastings Canvas & Mfg. Co, equipment & fi0turesaatt$1,200.00AL Huyck Grain Co., improvements on leased land 89,000.00 - Club Ivanhoe, Inc. inventory $250.00 - Coca Cola Bottling Co., equipment $7,500.00 - Hansen Bldg Specialty, Inc, fixtures & equipment $3,000.00 - Hastings Battery & Electric Co, °Inventory 030 000.00 - Hastings Equity Grain Bin Co., equipment 527,000.00"- Hastings Mattress Factory, equipment $11900.00 - Sherman Service Center, inventory 8150,000.00 and all equipment $6,000,00 - Hastings Farm Tools Inventorvy 30,000.00 Argos Farm Equipment Co, equipment & Hatchery equipment $8,000.00 and inventory $75,000.00 Livingston- Volland-Butler Funeral Home, l eqpe�fixtures 000�•0Ray's ng Products, improvements on leased land $15,000,OO-;BeePrinting Company, equipment800.00 Bo�lmorLanesall $7,000.00 Byers Lumber Co., improvements on leased land $12,500.00 - Carmichael Construction Co., fixtures & tools & equipment $5,750.00 and improvements on leased land $12,000.00 - City" Hide & Metal Co., fixtures & equipment $3,300.00 - Coast to Coast Store, fixtures and equipment $2,350.00 - Cornhusker Press, equipment 82,650.00 - Dilly Cafe, fixtures & equipment $2,300.00 - Faber Bros. Auto Repair, all equipment $2,000.00 - O.K. Cafe, inventory $300.00/ Wheeler Bridge & Supply Co., improvements on leased land $12,000.00 - Adams Auto Repair, equipment 600.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. O.K.Cafe, Equipment $2,300.00 -Rank's Second Hand Inventory Ob 000.0 At 5 o'clock p.m. the Board of Equalization wili\now recess until May 20, 1959 at 10 o'clock a.m. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS,' NEBRASKA. Wednesday, May 20, 1959. 10 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Equalization met as per recess of May 19, 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. At 5 o'clock P.M. this Board of Equalization will now recess until Tuesday, May 26, 1959 at 10 o'clock A.M. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRI; SKA. Tuesday, May 26, 1959. 10 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of May 20, 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Youngblood, that the Improvements on Lot 8 Varah's Sub, City of Hastings be assessed at $2130.00; AND, that the PERSONAL' PROPERTY be assessed at as follows; Western Land Roller Co, fixtures -tools -equipment at$159,170.00 - Hastings Battery & Electric Co, inventory at 16,000.00 - Hastings Mattress Factory, equipment $1300.00:- Livingston-Butler-Volland Funeral Home, all fixtures & equipment $11,500.00 - Bee Printing Company, equipment at $4,000.00 - City Hide & Metal Co, fixtures & equipment at $2500.00 - Cornhusker Press, equipment at 02175.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock P.M. this Board of Equalization will now recess until June 9th, 1959 at 10 o'clock A.M. COURTHOUSE HAST NCS NEBRASKA. Tuesday, June' 2, 1959. 10 o? clock A.M. The -Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of May 26, 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Holl call, all members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Utecht, that the Improvements on the SW4 32-5-11 be assessed at $100.00, and -Si NE4 & Ni SE4 13-6-9 Improvements at 4100.00; - and that the PERSONAL PROPERTY be assessed at as follows: - Sherman Service Center, Inventory $101,305.00 - All equipment $5000.00 Hastings Parm Tools Inventory $20,775.00 -Arnold Swanson co, equipment $187,935.00 - Central. radio Supply, (2 SUPE VISO 'S ECOls\D NO. 15 A AMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Tuesday, June 9, 1959.- 10 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of June 2, 1959.: Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, L4.ghtner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. I a. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Youngblood, that the improvements on Pt. NEz NET 8-6-9 be assessed at $800.00; and, that the PERSONAL PROPERTY be assessed at as follows:- Sidles Company, Inventory 61,526.00 - J. C. Penney Company: Inventory 684,789.00 - Great Plains Container, all equipment 656,511.00, and, book Accounts $26,000.00 - Firestone, Inventory 36,575.00 - Hoff Bros., equip- ment $18.07700.00 Lamphiear Construction, Accounts Receivable 10,000.00 - Sherwin-Williams, Inventory $16,195.00 Wayfair Motel, equipment $5,465.00 - Wilber Service, equipment $17,855.00 - Singer Sewing Machine Company, inventory $11,60.00 - Priebe Sheet Metal, Inventory 61,000.00 - Hastings Concrete Co, equipment $75,000.00 w Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock P.M. this Board of Equalization will now recess until June 16, 1959 at 10 o'clock A.M. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Tuesday, June 16, 1959. 10 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of June 9,1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Kidd, that the IMPROVEMENTS in the CITY OF HASTINGS be assessed at as follows:- Lot 3 & 4, John's Add at 2605.00-6Lobs 6,7 & 8 Buchanan's Sub -div. of Lot 5, John's Add. ••at 65700.00 - Ei of Lot 15, and all Lots 16 & 17, East Park Add at 621000.00 - All Lot 2 (ex Tract 18'x67' in NE Corner) Blk 7, Prospect Park:Add. at $2250.00 - 501 of S 100' of Ei of Bik 11, St Joseph's 2nd Add. at 62400.00 - Wi Sr* (ex N 3') Bik 1, McIntyre Add. at $2090.00 W 125.1' of S 168.2' of Elk 2, Ernces Add. at 61585.00 - Lot 5, Blk 13, Moore's Add. at 62860.00 - N Lot 36„Palmer's Add at ;y2065.00 - Lot 9 & W 12' of Lot 10, Blk 4, Original Town at $3280.00 Lots 9 & 10, Blk 3, Shedd's Sub -Div. of McIntyre's Add at $2630.00 - Lot 22, Bik 1, Thompson's Add at 3500,00 -$ Lots 7 & 8, Shedd's Sub of McIntyre's Add. at 024)15.00 - Lot 2, Blk 14, Creeth's Sub -div. of Elk 2 & 14, St Joseph's fcl.d at $1200.00 - Lot 7, Bik 1, Baltimore Heights at 69,000.00 - All Lots 19 & 20, & E 12' Lot 210 Blk 3, M. J. Smith's Add. at $1565.00 - Lot 8, Bik 13, Moore's Add. at $1200.00 - All Fountain's Add. ex W 90' at 2515.00- Lots 7 & 8, Elk 4, East Park Add. ab $1800.00 - Lot 1, Blk 3, Wilkin's Add, at 63610.00 - Lots 7, 8 & 9, Cisney's Sub of Blk 4, McIntyre's Add. at 611,000.00 - E (ex S 40') Lot 2, Blk 7, College Add. at $2750.00 - Lot 8, Blk L, Hillside Add; at 64.0000.00 - Lot 31, Elk 4, St Joseph Add. at 1125.00 - Lot 21, Bik 2, Thomoson's Add. et 02140.00 - Lots 19 & 20, Blk 23, Original Town at 95015.00 N 50' S 100', Blk 22, St Joseph's Add. at 63500.00 t - AND, the following REAL ESTI and Land out side the City ot Hastings, as follows:- SE* 9-6-11 Land at $6,000.00 - Pt. NE. as Desc. in Deed Book 154, page 277, improvements at 62100.00 - SE* 34-5-9, Improvements at $700.00 -NW* 33-7-11, Improvements at 61500.00 - SE* 32-7-11 Improvements at 61800.00 N 6" of Lot 80, All Lot 81, and S lit of Lot 82, Kenesaw Village, Improvements at 63240.00; - AND * the following PERSONAL property be assessed at as follows: Firestone, Inventory at T22,050.00 - Hoff Bros., equipment at 612,051.00 - Priebe Sheet Metal, Inventory at nonejt„ Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. -C. E. LINN, Inventory at $26,285.00 - A. H. Jones Co., Inventory at $231,087.00 At 5 o'clock P.M. This Board of Equalization will now recess until June 22, 1959 at 10 o'clock A.M. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Tuesday, June 23, 1959. 10 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of June 16, 1959, Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht, and Youngblood. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Kidd, that the following be assessed at as follows:- Improvements on Lots 5 & 6, Blk 1, Original Townr Village of HOlstein at $1550.00 Imprvoements on E 3it of 390' Lot 25, and all Lot 26 (Ex N 50') Alexander's 2nd Add., City of Hastings at 010,000.00 - Improvements on Lots 15 & 16, Elk 4, Paul's Addition, City of Hastings at $100.00 - Improvements on E 175' of S 5' Elk 7, E 175' of Ni Ni Elk 8, N 81 of St Ni Blk 8, Alexander's 1st Add., City of Hastings at $2745.00 - Improvements on Lots 1 to 12, Inc., Elk 1, Taggart's Add., City of Hastings at $1,000.00 - Improvements and land on S 250' W 5A. NW* SE* & 65x91.33' Bet. Heller & Lawence Add., City of Hastings at $23,475.00, Land $1690.00 - Land described as SE* 15-5-11 at $4,000.00 - Improvements on Lot 31, Elk 4, St Joseph's Add., City of Hastings at $900.00, and, the following PERSONAL PROPERTY be assessed at as follows: Mode 0 Day Corporation, Inventory at 655,520.00, and, Jacob W. Batt, Household goods at $400.00. Roll call, all voted aye., Motion carried. At 5 o'clock P.M, this Board of Elualization will now recess until Wednesday, June 25, 1959. A.M. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, June 24, 1959. 10 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Sqpervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of June 22, 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Motionby Crosson, seconded by Utecht, that by personal request of Mr. Raymond L and Bertha, Crosson that the Improvements on Wi of S 76.2' of Lot 6, Elk 2, Webster's Addition to the City of Hastings be assessed at 62440.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. a Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE V11S0 S . 1'ECO ADAMS COUNTY, . NE ii RASKA City of Hastings IMprovements at 11000:00, Land at $1625.00. assessed at as follows: - Fastin s Concrete Co, all equipment Improvements on Leased Land at $8500..00 - Carmichael Constru.c at 010, 000.00 and fixtures, tools and equipment At 05750, 00. carried. At 5 o'clock P.M. this Board of.Equalization will now recess The Adams Edward H. Roll call NO. 15 413 AND the following PERSONAL PROPERTY be at 448,885.00 - Ray's Bldg. Products tion Co., Improvements an Leased Land Roll call, all voted aye. Motion until June 26, 1959 A.M. Board recess. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. June 26, 1959. 10 o'clock A.M. County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess Lightner, Chairman, presiding. all members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and of June 24, 1959. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Youngblood, that the following IMPROVEMENTS be of Hastings, Adams County; Nebraska, on REAL ESTATE described. as'follows: - Lo Original Town at 010, 000.00 S 250' N 550' W 5 A I'W SES & 65x91.33' Bet.Helle $23,475000 75.00 - Lot 5, Alexander's Sub -Div of Blk 10 Alexander's Add., at 0950. Add: at 514500 - Com. 175' W of SE Corner of NlS Bik 8, N 72' W to E Side of Beg._ viz: Pt Bik 8, AleXander's ist Add:, at $6;000.00' -Lot 17? Blk 4, Moore Lot 4 & 5, Bik 4,'Moore's Add at $2680.00 - Lot 15, Blk 24, Original Town at W 15' Lot 31, Country Club Add at $4200.00 Lot 1, Blk 2, Moore's Add at $161 Roll call,, all voted aye. Motion carried. Youngblood. assessed, all in the City Ms 13 & 14, Blk 20, r & Lawrence Add. at 00 - Lots 3 & 4, Bonnewell' Burlington Ave, S 721 to 's Add at 41230.00 and 3630.00 - Ni Lot 32 Ni 500, and land at 01640.00. At 5 o'clock P.M. this Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman. Board recess. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, .'ugus t 6, 1959. 10:00 o' clack A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of June 26,1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. .Roll call, members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Mackie, that we adopt the following Resolution: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. RESOLUTION DF ADOPTION AND APPROPRIATION WHEREAS, a proposed county budget for the fiscal year 7-1-59 to 6-30-60, prepared by the Budget Making Authority, was transmitted to the County Board on the 29th day of July, 1959, and WHEREAS, a summary of such proposed budget, together with a notice of public hearing to be held on the 29th day of July, 1959, was published in the Hastings Daily Tribune a legal newspaper, on the 24th day of July, 1959, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held, pursuant to baid published notice, on the 29th day of July, 1959, and WHEREAS, the action of the State Board of Erualization has been had and certified to the County Clerk, NOW, THEREFOPE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska as follows: Section. 1. That the budget for the fiscal year, 7-1-59 to 6-30-60, as summarized on page 2 of the budget document be, and the same hereby is, adopted as the budget for Adams County for said fiscal year. Section 2. That for the expenditures proposed in said budget document as adopted, there is hereby appropriated, by offices, departments, activities, institution and funds, the following amount, to -wit: For General Administration COUNTY GENERAL FUND County Board County Clerk County Treasurer Register of Deeds Clerk of District Court County Judge County Sheriff County Superintendent County Attorney County Assessor i Supplies Microfilm &A Agricultural Agent Veteran's Service Officer Probation Officer MISCELLANEOUS Insane Inquest Testing cattle Tax Refund Adams Co. Soil Consv. Dist Vo. Jail Building & Grounds Elections Bounties Adv. Tax Sales Printing & Publishing Co. Law Library Vital Statistics 15;595.00 14;275.00 25,539;00 10,253.00 8,911.00 14,410.00 12,000:00 9,025:00 11,500:00 27,900:00 8,000.00 7,890.00 8,795.00 1,200.00 540.0o 100.00 60.00 none 1,800.00 3,195.00 10,685.00 7,175.00 none 1,200.00 1,50.00 600.00 600.00 SUPE 1) VISOR'S RECO1 D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NE RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Miscellaneous Social Security Matching Fund Total General Fund 1,000.00 3,050.00 213,378755- County Bridge Fund 37,200.00 County Road .eund 291, 300.00 Special Mail Route Road ind 124,000.00 County Relief Fund 35,000.00 County Medical Fund 50,000.00 Soldier's & Sailor's Fund 5,000.00 County Fair Fund 5,000.00 Adams County Nursing Home 7,050.00 County Library(Outside City of Hastings 6,000.00 Motion by Mackie, seconded by Youngblood, that the following resolution be adopted: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. RESOLUTION OF ADOPTION AND APPROPRIATION That the offices, departments, activities and institutions hereinbefore named, are hereby authorized to expend the amounts hereinbefore appropriated to them during the fiscal year beginning July 1,1959, and ending June 30, 1960. That the income necessary to finance the appropriations made and expenditures authorized shall be provided out of cash on hand in each fund, revenues to be collected during the fiscal year in each fund, and a tax levy for each fund as follows General Fund Mills 0.789 Bridge Fund Mills none Road Mills none County Relies Mills .618 Soldiers & Sailors Relief Mills .061 County Fair Mills .068 County Medical Mills •90► Special Mail Route Road Fund none Erection. County Jail Fund Mills .500 This Board of Equalization will now recessed until 4 o'clock P.M. At o'clock the Board of Equalization resumed with all members present. Motion by Crosson Seconded by Mackie that we equalize the following Improvements on Leased Land as follows: Biggs & Goble Construction Co. @$2190; Byers Lumber Co. at $28,765; Carmichael Const Co. at $20,335; Gabriel Roenberg at $8915; Clarke Oil Co. at $3220; R. J. & Carolyn J. Hammell at $17,955; Hastings Concrete co. at $26,980; Hastings Elevator at $126,210; Hastin 84s i at 54550; Clarence Hide at $16,150; Shirley Lou Strobel -Trustee Gr. Island TrusCo. at/ ,906; Hueske Implement Co. at $5,940; Huyck Grain Co. at $10,600; Johnson Cash -way Lumber at $51,675; Sunglow Dairy Products at $7,505; Kerr -Cochran Inc. at $177,580; Kully Iron Work at $1790; Laird Coal Co. at $2820; Marcuardt Storage Co. at $81,075; W. J. Pauley Lumber Co. at $27,335; Ray Building Products at 012,470; Spelts Lumber Co. at $7830; Spit,, & Blauvelt Machinery Shop at $2130; Spitz Foundry at $3890; Louis J. Spitz at $6930; Howard D. & Dorothy Thomas, Tommy's Market at $2790; Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. at $31,460; Wilder Oil Co. at $2670; Charles Youngson at 10,530. holl call, ryes:Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie and Utecht. Nayes: Youngblood. lotion carried. This r'oard will now recess until August 26, 1959. Courthouse, Hastings, Nebraska. Wednesday, August 26, 1959. 3 o'clock P.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as Board of Equalization as per recess of August 6, 1959. Edward Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Crosson absent. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Utecht, that we assess the Improvements on Leased Land all located in the City of Hastings as follows: Byers Lumber Company at $27,255.00 - Feis Memorial Works at $4,480.00 -B -G -H -Inc. at $121,440.00 - Marquardt Storage Co at $77,830,00 - Biggs & Goble - none - on personal schedule Johnson Cash-Wa Lumber Company at $25,054.00 - Kerr Cochran Inc at $122,340,00 - Clarke Oil Co at one - on personal schedule, and, personal property of Huyck Grain Company, scale at $9600.00. Roll call, ayes, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie and Utecht. Naye Youngblood. Motian carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman. Board recessed. Courthouse, Hastings, Nebraska. November 23, 1959. 4:30 o'clock P. M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met in session as a Board of Equalization at the call of the County Chairman and all members of the Board. Ed Lightner Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Youngblood, hat through a clerical error the following personal assessmentschedules for the year 1959 shall be assessed at as follows: Wilber Service,Equipment, T onr.a SUPE VISO s\' S .. J ECO D NO, 15 ADAMS COUNTY' NEBRASKA Sine Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 415 COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, January 6, 1960. 4:30 of clock P.M. The he As County ymBoard ofSupervisors met in session as a Board of Equalization at the call ®f CountytBoard. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. That at a regular continued meeting of the xdams County Board of Equalization on upon hearing of the appeal of Hastings Motor .ales business assessment, same hav from the regular recessed meeting of December 4, 1959 by stipulation of the said same being now represented in person by Adolph Taedter, its bookkeeper, IT WAS MOVED by Crosson, seconded by Mackie, that the actual valuation inventory of said firm be left at $80,000, as previously set by the 'dams all voted aye. Motion carried. January 6, 1960 ing been continued appellant, and for 199 business County Assessor. Roll call, Motion by Mackie, seconded by Youngblood, that we exempt the county car tax of Maridel Harding 1957 Cadillac,; Motor No. 5762019956 used exclusivly for religious proposes, as shown in sworn to affidavit marked Exhibit A on file in the County Ulerkf s office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Hoagland, that this board now adjourn. 416 SUPE VISO 'S D ADAMS COUNTY NEBRASKA NO. 15 Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 26, 1959. 10:00 oeclock A.M. Regular meeting of the ,i,dams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of May 20, 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll cail, members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Motion by Youngblood, seconded b y Utecht, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, it appears that $502.60 was erroneously paid into the County General Fund for hospitalization costs incurred at the Hastings State Hospital by Maxine Gerloff and miscellaneous receipt #1646 was issued therefore, and WHEREAS, this amount should have been paid to the Hastings State Hospital directly, NOW, THEREFORE :TIE IT RESOLVED that the County Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be directed to draw a warrant on the County General Fund in the amount of 6502.60 and pay said amount to the Hastings State Hospital. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kiad, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams "ounty Agricultural Extension Brown, Bert B. Clerk of District court Cosgrove, Maxine J. County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. (,ounty Treasurer Jackson, William Register of Deeds Veteran's Service. Highway Department Nash, Lloyd Larkin -Director Perry O. GENERAL FUND ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND STATE FUNDS Office Salary Office Salary Office Office Salary Office Office Office Office Office Salary Office Office Expense Expense Expense Expense & Mileage Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Salaries Salary Office Expense 219.50 50.00 555.00 75.00 996.90 740.00 1226.96 865.52 962.66 831.50 525.00 1351.66 225.00 645.00 585.00 6336.80 300.00 2705.0 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Monday, June 8, 1959. 10 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of May 26, 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht, and Youngblood. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Youngblood, that we authorize the County Chairman to sign the tax list correction receipts No's 2814 to 2832, Inc. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Hoagland, that the part of the Supervisors record, Roll call, all 170 U. S. Treasury 1781 U. S. Treasury 1782 U. S. Treasury 178 Guarantee Mutual Life Co. 178 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 145o .00 ' 2070.00 625.00 .00 State Treasurer -State Assistance 5 Perry O. Larkin - Director Perry O. Larkin - Director Perry O. Larkin - Director Emma Berg, County Clerk Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace D. C. Hoffman D. C. Hoffman Worthy B. Wood, Co. Sheriff .95 56.67 112.50 9.55 106.35 70.00 16.16 11.40 22.25 following miscellaneous receipts be made a voted aye. Motion carried. 1801 John E. Ray, County Judge $ 503.35 1802 Perry O. Larkin, Director 588.28 1803 Perry 0. Larkin, Director 1754_.50 1804 Perry 0. Larkin, Director 150.00 1805 Perry O. Larkin, Director 1228.10 1806 Grover C. Stapleman 10.00 1807 Saumuelson & Samuelson, Atty's at Law 190.93 1808 Lee J. Krupinsky, Exec. .13 1809 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 80.00 1810 State Treasurer - Gas Tax Dist.3180.82 1811 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. 8210.96 1812 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. 9956.69 rTh ne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr 1820 1821 1822 182 182 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 SUPE VISO 'S JECSRD NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Perry O. Larkin, Director Mary Schultz, Clerk of Dist.Court John E. Ray„, County Judge John E. Ray, County Judge State Treasurer-State,Assistance Special Mail Route Medical, Surgical & Hospital Medical, Surgical & Hospital Medical, Surgical & Hospital John E. Ray, County Judge Emma Berg, COunty Clerk Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Mary Schultz; Clerk of Dist. Court $ 11.90 288.50 10.00 8840 41,522.11 2435.40 159.40 113•91J- 957.06 8.00 26.80 70.00 29.00 417 1833 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace i.83L. Fred Money, Webster Co. Treas. 1835 Kenneth Gerloff 1836 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 1837 State of Nebraska 1838 Perry a. Larkin, Welfare Director 1839 Perry O. Larkin, Welfare Director 1840 Grace Simpson,'Justice of Peace 1841 Biggs & Goble Construction Co 1842 State Treasurer -State Assistance 1843 Emma Berg, County Clerk 18)14 Graoe Simpson, Justice of Peace $ 65.00 120.00 20.00 55.00 64.80 2044.48 1052.30 90.00 6.00 346.25 163.26 55.00 Motion by Conon, seconded by Mackie, that the monthly fee reports of the Sheriff, Judge, 2 -Library, County Clerk, Adams County Nursing Home, Clerk of the District Court, Register of Deeds, and County Clerk Car titles be approved and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Utecht, that we rescind the Resolution made on May 26, 1959. RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, it appears that $502.60 was erroneously paid into the County General Fund for hospitalization costs incurred at the Hastings State Hospital by Maxine Gerloff and miscellaneous receipt #1646 was issued therefore, and WHEREAS, this amount should have been paid to the Hastings State Hospital directly, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska be directed to draw a warrant on the County General Fund in the amount of $502.60 and pay said amount to the Hastings State Hospital. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Hoagland, that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, it appears'that $502.60 was erroneously paid into the County General Fund for hospitalization costs incurred at the Hastings State Hospital by Maxine Gerloff and miscellaneous receipt #1646 was issued therefore, and WHEREAS, this amount should have been paid to the Hastings State Hospital directly, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be directed to transfer said amount of $502.60 from the County General Fund to the Hastings State Hospital Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Crosson, that we set the salary of Ed Albers, Bookeeper at $250.00 per month effective June 1, 1959. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Kidd, that the Janitor be paid $250.00 per month effective June 1, 1959. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Hoagland, that we accept the following best bids for County supplies: - Hastings Typewriter Company for 40 receipt books for County Treasurer at $80.00; Hastings Daily Tribune for 25,000 enve7ope6 for real and personal property receipts at $530.00; Hastings Typewriter Company for 200 Tax receipt binders at $650.00; and, Nebraska Sales Book Company for 25,000 1960 8 -part motor vehicle forms at 01491.25. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Utecht, that we set the salary of the three road foreman at $280.00 a month and that all regular monthly employees including foremen while working on Federal Aid Secondary Projects receive a bonus of $1.00 a day. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Kidd, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. A. B. C. Electric COmpany Acme Printing Company Adams County Agriculture Adams County Treasurer Anderson, Bee Printing Company Bivens Bohlke Boslaugh Bourg Brock, Co. Attorney Brock, Co. Attorney Brown Burling Business Supply Co Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co Christensen City Clerk - Kenneth Yost Conrad County Clerk County Superintendent Credit Bureau of Hastings Credit Bureau of Hastings Dictaphone Dutton Lainson Co Dutton Lainson Co Dutton Lainson Co Eisele, Ray Gaudreault Beverly J. Extension John P George W Wallace Leslie A. G. Donald Donald Bert B Don Glenn Frank General Fund Supplies & repairs Supplies & labor Service Office expense Supplies Assessing Supplies Bailiff Assessing Services Assessing Postage Postage Supplies Assessing Rental Supplies Supplies Assessing Rent Assessing Postage Postage Book Credit Service Services Supplies Supplies Supplies Assessing Recording 15.78 6.40 436.00 3.37 318.40 24.70 45.00 152.00 75.00 178.80 2.00 5.00 2.80 268.40 8.00 9.00 1.98 141.20 35.00 496.10 20.00 10.00 20.00 5.75 16.1 19.7 - 36.14 3.20 223.60 5.00 (418 SUPE VISO 'S ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities Hawes, Henry Hotel Clarke Hunnicutt, Harvey Hunnicutt, Harvey IBM Corporation International Business Machines Corp. Kendigs Frozen Food Store Koch Edward William Landgraf, M.D. Charles W. Lightner Auction Co Lincoln Telephone & Telgraph Co Mac Office Supplies Mohling Henry Neeman, George Oelschlager, Wm. Omaha Printing Company Onken, Cleo Orkin Exterminating Co., Inc. Prosser Library Ray, County Judge John E Redfield & Company, Inc Rethus Ernest Rolls, Bruce E Sanford. Harry Schafer Printing Co Schafer Printing Co. Schafer Printing Co Schafer Printing Co Schafer Printing Co Schafer Printing Co Schafer Printing Co Schaffroth, Register Schultz, Schultz, Clerk Dist. Seeley, Sherwin-Williams Co Simpson, Justice of Sittner, Smitty's Electrical Co Smitty's Electrical Co Stimbert, of Deeds, Fred C Mary Court, Mary Claude the Peace, Grace H Alberta Charlene Stephenson Stoffregen Story aedter Thomas Turner Vaughans Printers, Inc Volkmer, West Publishing Co Widmaier Wood, Sheriff Wyatt Yost, County Treasurer Yost, CRrl School Supply Co. Earle E Roscoe E Ruth Ray L. Elvin John E Charles E Worthy B George C. G. Lloyd Adams, Edward Augustin Implement Co Brennick Budd Oil Company Business Supply Co Chris Service Chuck's Conoco Service Clarke Oil Company Clarke Oil Company Consumers Public Power District Construction Service Equipment Co DeBord Welding Shop Dillys Service Dutton Lainson Company Dutton Lainson Company Dutton Lainson Company Evans Henry Farmers Union Co-op Gas & 011 Co Gartner, David Goedert, Jake Hageman Hardward Co. Hastings Battery & Electric 0o, Inc. Hastings Battery & Electric Co., Inc. Hastings Typewriter Co Hastings U. S. Tire Sales Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co Supplles Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Postage Jury Meals Assessing Rent Equipment Equipment Supplies assessing Examination Equipment Telephone Service Supplies Assessing Assessing Assessing Supplies Assessing Service Rent Court cases, & postage Supplies Assessing Salary Assesstng Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Postage Postage State cases & committment As Supplies State Cases Assessing Repairs Repairs Assessing Supplies Assessing Mileage & postage Services bailiff Assessing Assessing Supplies Assessing Supplies Assessing Postage, food & laundry & mileage As Postage Assessing ROAD FUND. Salary Equipment Salary Gas & diesel Supplies Gas & oil Repairs Gas Gas Utilities Supplies Repairs Gas Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Gas & oil Salary Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies, & repairs Utilities Supplies Harrison Rawleigh E 11.95 4.09 80.00 5.33 136.94 5.00 53.00 165.60 35.00 505.00 505.00 9.8o 118.4o 25.00 38.50 196.42 10.45 228.00 268.80 212.00 1.52 164.00 5.00 10.00 23.00 2.39 167.20 39.00 142.40 102.00 24,50 13.25 24,95 8.62 .6o 24.25 3.00 86.90 286.80 13.,30 34.00 387,20 37.00 312.4.0 15.10 250.00 27.14 ^15.00 118.50 108.00 37.46 57.00 30.0o 457.40 229.94 194.40 21.1L0 203.20 49,80 200.00 43680 184.1 6.7 21.43 2,00 77.96 100.89 1.94 529.56 20.00 69.18 1.00 6.6o 1.64 191.10 204.25 86.40 223.60 20.79 12.32 33.09 3.18 12.66 22.99 5.25 r /0"41Anne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO 'S 1' I'' D NO. 15 1" ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA McRoberts Industries Modern Linen Supply Co Monroe Calculating Machine Co., Inc. Montgomery Ward Co. Nebraska Department of Roads Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co Pauley Lumber Co. Pavelka Bros. Pittz Service Sherman Service Center Sidles Company Sime, A. J. Sime, Smiths s & Sons Southern Nebr. Rural Public Stromer Struss, Tru pp voider Wa ;ners Service Station Wailes Western Equipment Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wheele=r Lumber Bridge & Supply Wilber Service Inc Wilders Service Station W. G. A. J. S. E. Power District Paul G Lambert R. Adam Gilbert Jerome Supplies Laundry Maintenance Supplies Project s645 (3) Supplies Supplies Repairs Repairs & supplies & gas Supplies Supplies Gas Gas P-, diesel Supplie s Utilities Salary Salary Repairs Salary Gas, oil & repairs Salary Supplies Culverts Culverts & supplies Repairs Gas & repairs ?button: Lainson Company Dutton,Lainson Company Mousel, Virgil Naggatz, Ervin Wheeler Lumber Bridm & Supply Co Lilley, Road Account Vontz Vontz Albright Ernst Gangwish Jones Jones Kindig,, McNair Parks Sanford Buckman Nelson:Electric Co Stevens & Saunders BRIDGE FUND Supplies Supplies Salary Salary Supplies -SPECIAL MAIL E L. J. L. J. COUNTY Dixie May Waunetta B. Anna Aaron Aaron Mrs Margaret Mrs. Klyoe Miss Arlene Dorothy ADAMS COUNTY Harold Plumbing Co American Public Welfare Berg, County Clerk Business Supply Co. Charlton, Cosgroiie, Credit, Bureau Duthie Hastings Herbers Kostal Larkin, Director Lincoln Telephone Potter, Snyder Vasey Assn. Emma of Hastings Industrial Dr. G. Paul Madelyn Eva B Supplies John W. Dr. 0. Perry 0 Telegraph Co. Beulah DanielE Ruby Western Auto Associate Store Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Anderson, Ball Bartleson Bassett Batty Berts Drug ,Store Berts Drug Store Berts Rexall Drug Store Best Brand Mortuary Brooke & Son MEDICAL :fir. H. F. D. R. Emagene 'Howard T Dr. J. L Miss Orah ROUTE ROAD FUND Gravel Labor, equipment & rental Gravel Grave 1 STATE IBRARY Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary NURSING HOME Repairs Services Services FUNDS Membership Postage Supplie s Medical care Mileage Credit Service Mileage Supplies Janitor Medical care Postage Telephone service Mileage Mileage Mileage Supplies SURGICAL & HOSPITAL Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor -payment Medical care Nursing care Nursing, Services Nursing services Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies Nursing care Ambulance service Medical supplies 25.23 _x.16 39.00 17.98 9817.29 2.0 3.1.0 .00 39.83 57.07 154.5o 36.90 24o.05 11.36 40.21 249.60 256.10 17.00 120.00 294.81 209.30 29.23 649.46 410,97 8.15 65.80 1Z}..10 19.37 237.90. 237.90 1002.57 13 1.88 166.70 1176.00 3353.40 25.00 35.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 28.00 29.24 18.40 30.00 26.25 26.09 7.50 9.54. 5.00 5.22 3.31 75.00 7.50 0.00 2.15 •s 6.1,+ 7.86 1.50 109.50 54.2/4- 262.1 1009.19 46.17 8.24 2.00 5.00 2..00 176.84 176.84 207.12 252.00 5.00 (o Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE Guildner Guthridge Haberer, R.N. Hastings drug Store Herrick Hoffmeister Holcomb Hoorn Holthaus Drug Company Hurd Jackson Johnston Kamm Karr Kingsley Kirk Kostal Kuehn . Livingston-Butler-Volland Lucas McIntire McNeill Mary Lanning Hospital* Mastin Mikkelsen Drug Co Molder Ohlsen - Hastings Labs Pinney, Randolph Rutts Drug Store #1 Butts Drug Store #2 Sawyer -Drug Store Scoville, R.N. Shreck Smith Weber, Yost Zikmund Berts Rexall Drug Bi Lo Market Bosanek's Grocery Brand Mortuary Brooke Drug Store Glenn. Guildner, Hastings Drug Store Hastings Utilities Hermsen Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & 3111 Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Kansas Nebraska Natural GadCo., Inc. Mrs E R Store VISO ADAMS Dr. C. W. Mrs, Nancy Noel J Mrs Doris Dr G F Dr G R Dr C R Mrs Emma Wayne Dr C L Dr Frank Marian L Dr DW Dr L C Dr. O. A Dr G. A. Dr Thomas Dr R J Dr L S DrRL Neil W John Dr. G. L. Mrs Georgina Mrs. Arlene Dr. H. W Dr Robert C Dr C R Dr John Dr E T Dr. Eimer Dr C W • Dr P J' 3rd & Burl. So Burl. East South Hill crest grocery Kloke Kunce Grocery Larkin Perry 0 Larkin, Director Perry 0 Livingston-Butler-Volland Miller Grocery Safeway Grocery Safeway Grocery Skaggs,#11 O. P. Skaggs #13 O. P. Skinner Mrs Gladys C Spencer Park Rental Office Stop & Shop Market Weber. Wendt, Wolfe. Dr C R Mrs Mary Mrs Neva This Board will now recess subject Cour Clerk ep.u. y. to the S ECOID NO. 15 UNTY, NEBRASKA 111 Medical care Nursing care Nursing care Medical supplies Nursing care Medical care Medical care - Medical care Medical supplies Nursing care Ambulance service Medical care - Medical care Nursing care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Ambulance service Medical care Medical care Medical care Hospital care Medical care Medical supplies Nursing care Testa Medical care Nursing care Medcial supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies Nursing care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medcial care Medical care GENERAL RELLEF Medical supplies Staple Food Staple food Burial Medical Supplies Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Utilities Medical care Staple Foods Staple foods Staple foods staple foods Utilities Board & room Staple foods Mileage Revolving fund Burial Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Staple foods Nursing care Rent Staple foods Medical care Board & room Nursing care call of the Chariman of the County Bay $ 41.00 63.00 14.0o 80.99 10.50 67.00 35.00 12.00 39.30 15.80 6.4o 3.511 43.23 14.00 19,50 8.00 12.00 37.00 5.00 5.00 71.00 3.00 281.35 73.60 137.66 14.00 38.50 42.86 196.0o 51429 78.714- 28.5 42.00 10.00 145.00 18.00 83.4o 4.00 19.75 14.0.00 25.00 150.00 12.55 3.00 5.00 1140 41.83 7.20 70.00 362.80 45.0o 20.00 3.83 24.00 20.00 1446 27.91 150.00 20.00 80.00 108.00 20.00 142.00 75,00 68.0o 116.00 13.00 17.00 75.00 d of Supervisors, COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, June 9, 1959. f o'clock P.M. Regular meeting.Of the Adams Gounty.Board of Supervires met as per recess of June 8, 1959. Edward, H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Crosson, TT.17,nn1,1+. an Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. i- 1-r fH 11TYC P 1i,+ -m HPAni-N-hg4A• kine Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE '1 VIS01"\ l'ECO D NO, 15 ADAMS. COUNTY, NEBRASKA 421 the North edge of said right-of—way and furnish the dirt needed to raise the grade, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the COUNTY OF ADAMS, NEBRASKA, for and in consideration of mutual benefits to be derived thereform, grant and convey to the CHICAGO, BURLINGTON and QUINCY RAILRAOD COMPANY a perpetual railroad crossing right-of-way easement over and across a tract of land des- cribed as: The County road right-of-way immediately to the North of and adjacent to the present Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company right-of-way for a distance, in a Northerly direction, of forty (40) Feet, being a part of the County road lying between Sections Eight (8) and Nine (9), Township Seven (7) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M. in Adams County, Nebraska, and that the Chairman of the County Board be authorized to execute and deliver an easement to Railroad Company. said Provided that such easement shall be used and occupied so as to cause no expense to Adams County. BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that the culvert now located near the North edge of said railroad right-of- way be moved by Adams County Engineering Department to new location approximately one hundred (100) Feet North of the North edge of said railroad right-of-way. The expense of same to be paid by Morrison Quirk Grain Corporation of Hastings, Nebraska. This T3oard will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the founty Board of Supervisors. .4godalf---`e County/ eputy COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, June 26, 1959. 10:00 o'clock A.M. / Cha;d Regular meeting of the Adams ounty Board of supervisors met as per recess of June 9, 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roil call, members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kiad, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Utecht, that we purchase one Polish & Scrub Brush from Hastings Industrial Supplies 0146.50 as per specifications. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconaed by Youngblood, that we purchase 2- Electric drinking fountains and cooler combination installed at W50.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seonded by Kidd, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: Be it resolved that effective as of this date all iidams County Road employees work the following hour schedule per week- from April 1st to October 1st, 45 hours Monday through Friday 7 o'clock A.M. to 5 o'clock P. M. October lst to pri1 1st, 40 hours Monday through Friday lclock A. M. to 5 o'clock P. M. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Hoagland, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund tnad the County 'lerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. - - GENERAL Adams County ,Agricultural Extension Clerk of the District Court Congrove, Maxine J. County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk Jackson,William County Judge Register of Deeds County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Veteran's gervice • • Highway Department Nash, Lloyd Larkin -Director Perry 0. This Board will now recess subject FUND Office Office Salary Office Office Salary Office Salary Office Office Office Office Office Office ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND Expense Expense Expense Expense & Mileage Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Salaries Salary STATE FUNDS Office 4;xpense 254.00 555.00 150.00 1041.30 740.00 1229.76 937.56 250.00 941.66 695.00 830.00 525.00 1259.48 585.00 6563.40 313.6± 2655.00 to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supurvisors. 1422 SUPE VISO 'S ECORD NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NLBRASKA Monday, July 6, 1959. 10:00 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the -Adams county Board of Supervisors met as per recess of June 26, i959. Edward H.Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present : Corsson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Youngblood, thatthe Reports of Adams County Nursing Home, Car Titles, Register of Deeds, Clark of the District Court, County Clerk, County Judge, County Attorney (2) Deputy Tax Collector and Sheriff be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Crosson, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, Marie Siren, Guardian of Clara Siren, incompetent, duly appointed by the county court of Adams County, Nebraska, her petition and application for license to sell the following described real estate belonging to said incompetent, to wit: The West Fifty Feet (50) of the Southeast Quarter (i); the North Half (1-) of the East Half (1) except the North One Hundred Twenty (120) Feet thereof; and the South One hundred Nineteen and One Half (i19i) -beet of the West Half, except the VJest One Hundred and ijve (105) Ileet; all in Lot Three (3) Eastwood Addition to the City of Ha6tings,Nebraska. for the reason that the cash and the personal property belonging to said incompe income from said real estate, are insufficient to maintain said incompetent, and on the encumberance on said real estate, and the taxes against the same, and the of administering the estate of said incompetent, and that it is for the benefit that said real estate should be sold and the proceeds thereof put out at interes tent, and the pay the interest debts and expenses of said incompetent t, and 7Th WHEREAS, the board of supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, have investigated said matter and approve of such proposed sale, and deem it necessary for the best interest of said incompetent, now. THEREFORE, be it resolved by the board of supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, that we deem such proposed sale proper and beneficial to the estate of the said incompetent and approve the same and deem it necessary. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion. carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Mackie, that we instruct the County Attorney to start administration of the Samuel Martin Estate to recover OAA payments made to Samuel and Hulda C. Martin deceased. o11 call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by, Crosson, seconded by Youngblood, that we reappoint Fred Irons to a member of the Veterants Service tornnittee for a five year tdrm. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Kidd, that we recommend to the Nebraska State Liquor Commission a Retal Beer License to the Southern Hills County Club, Inc. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kidd, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION.: WHEREAS, there is an Old Age Assistance Lien filed against certain real property with the following legal description,to-wit: Lots 717 and 718, Original '.own of Juniata, Adams County, Nebraska in favor of Adams uounty,Nebraskal for Old. Age Assitance payments paid to MARY SNELL of Juniata, Adams County, Nebraska, in the amount of $7,510.300 and WHEREAS, said real property was sold at public auction and the amount of $25.67 was realized after expe#ses, and that fun value of the property was received, and WHEREAS, there is a check in the hands of the Adams County Welfare Division for said amount, which check will be deposited in the Dld Age Assistance kund, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of .idams Gounty, Nebraska, be directed to release and discharge said Old Age Assistance Lien from said property. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Kidd, that we purchase one 1959 Ford F600 Cab Iruck from the Kenesaw Motor Company at $2745.00 and trade. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Crosson, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Olen, be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND A. B.C. Electric t)Ompany A. B. C. Electric Company_ .Adams County Agriculture Extension Office Adams County Treasurer Adams County Veteran Service Batterman, Deputy Clerk Dist Bivens Brock, County Attorney Office Court George W Don Repairs Repair Office Expense Box Rent Office Expense Supplies Bailiff Postage 20.00 4.05 398.00 12.00 500.00 2.70 20.00 5.00 dune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. n SUPE •V1SOI"'S IEsCOjD NO. 15 ADAMS CQUNTY, NEBRASKA County Supt. Credit Bureau of Hastings Dick's Sheet Metal Co. Dictaphone Corporation Dier E. L. Dutton Lainson Company Dutton Lainson company Grace's Bike & Key Shop Hammond & Stephens Co. Handler News Agency Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Uo, Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Inbau Professor,Fred International business Machines Corp.,. Itzen-Diez & Nolte Insurance Co. Leach Heusser Agency Hopp Bess M. Kendig Frozen Food Store Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McGrath Hardware Co. J.H. Marvai-Smith Insurance Agency Midwest Communicat on Service Monroe Calculating Machine Co. Inc. Montgomery lhard & co. Narcotics Education Inc. Nebraska Association of County Officials Post # 11 American Legion Ray, County Judge John E. Rolls Bruce E. Schafer Printing L'o. Schaffroth, Register Deeds Fred O. Schaffroth, Register Deeds Fred O. Stephenson School Supply Co. Stewart Harold A. Thomas Ray L. Tribune Graphic Arts Wood, Sheriff 1Norbhy B. Yost, County Treasurer C. G. Youngblood F. L. Adams Adams Augustin Implement Co. Bachman Brennick Budd Oil Company Burge Garage Capital Steel Company Coats Implement Co. Construction Service Equipment Co. Consumers Public Power Dist. D -A Lubricant Co. Inc. Dillys Service Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Evans Evans Farmers Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil Friends Motor Supply Gartner Glenwood Telephone (-1 ,o. Goedert Hageman Hardware Co. Hastings Battery & Electric Co. Hastings Co -Op. Supply 'Jo. Hastings Seat Cover 'o. Hastings Seat Cover Co. Hastings Tire Sales Hastings utilities Heuertz H & M Construction Co. Huntsbarger i'ord Inc. Jensen Johnson Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas Kenesaw Lumber Company ROAD FUND Edward H. Edward H. L. L. Rawleigh,E. Henry 0, G. David Jake Harold Vearl L. Edward w. Co. Inc. Mileage Credit Service Air Conditioner Supplies Vital statistics Supplies Supplies Repairs Supplies Supplies Advertising Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Tuition Supplies Bonds Appraisal Assistance Supplies Telephone service Supplies Insurance Radio set Maintenance Air Conditioner Supplies Dues Markers Box Rent Services Supplies Postage, Box Rent Box Rent Supplies Rest Salary Supplies Laundry, liood, Mileage Mileage Tax Sale Certidicates Mileage Salary Supplies Diesel Salary Diesel Gas, Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Lubricant Gas Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Supplies DiesellGas, Supplies T:18e;hone service Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Repairs Repairu Supplies Utilities Mileage Gravel Supplies Project S-806(1) Salary Utilities Supplies Supplies 57.12 6.00 337.00 9.83 149.00 25.24 7.03 7.65 80.50 8.25 23.00 211.28 9.00 1.20 14.40 1.25 107.55 90.62 8.3 106.7 100.00 7.30 12.50 284.00 5.00 19.87 206.00 1.45 1002.80 34.95 26.00 144.56 53.46 35.00 44.08 9.00 114.00 12.50 10.25 2.25 36.84 10.00 127.50 445.6° 169.90 3.50 38.00 4.17 77.40 162.77 140.00 129.60 89.60 7.33 4756.25 60.90 78.75 1.27 52.80 40.81 1.03 4.50 112.50 125.40 .85 65.00 1.98 170.05 13.25 169.20 17.15 265.20 48.63 3('.86 3.50 8.00 15.00 467.77 14.41 7.28 1451.00 6.08 176.25 37.20 14.10 73.57 424 SUPE 1" VISO ADAMS c S )11ECORD NO. 15 UNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Lithoprint ''ompany of New York Inc. McGrath Hardware Co. McRoberts Industries Messer Co. Mousel Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co. Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Pauley Lumber Co. Pavelka Bros. Pittz Service Rief Sime Sime Stromer Struss Vance Velder Village of Juniata Vontz Wailes Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wilder Oil Company Naggatz Wheeler Lumbe Bridge & Supply H & M Construction Co. Lilley Road Account Vontz Vontz Charlton Cosgrove Duthie Hoffmeister Kingsley Kuehn. Snyder Vasey Albright -• Clark Co. Clark Co. • Doubleday & Company, Inc. - Ernst Gangwish • Golden Press Inc. Jones Kendig McNair Parks Sanford Bouregy & Company White Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Anderson Bert's Drig Store Bert's Rexall Brand Mortuary Brooke & Son Charlton City Optical Service DeBacker Doyles Drug Store Bast S ide Drug Store Egen Fern's Pharmacy Giren Drug Store Guildner Hastings Drug Store Herrmann PU.neral Home Hoffmeister J. H. L.J. Virgil W. G. He A. J. A. J. Paul G. Lambert R. „Anna V. Gilbert L.J. Jerome BRIDGE FUND Ervin SPECIAL Ed L. J. L. J. MAIL -ROUTE Supplies Supplies Supplies Telephone Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Repairs Gas, Diesel, Salary Gas, Diesel Gas, Diesel, Salary Salary Contract Salary Water Gravel Salary Culverts Culverts, Supplies Gas, Repairs service Supplies Repair Salary Supplies ROAD FUND Gravel Gravel Labor, Equipment Gravel Gravel STATE FUNDS Dr. G. Paul Madelyn Eva Ur, George Dr. j. W. Dr. Gerald A. Daniel E. Ruby COUNTY Dixie Ma Charles Charles W. Waunetta B. Mrs . Anna, LIBRARY, Mr, Aaron Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Klyoe Miss Arlene Dorothy Thomas Frank MEDICAL, SURGICAL Dr. H. F. Dr. G. P. Dr. L. J. Dr. L. F. Dr. C. W. Dr. G. F. Medical Mileage Mileage Medical Medical Medical Mileage Mileage Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Salary Supplies Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary supplies Mileage care care care care Rental & HOSPITAL Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Medical care Medical suppLies Piedical supplies Ambulance service Medical supplies Medical care Glasses Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical supplies Ambulance service Aedical care 430.88 1020.62 543.17 29.35 20.16 1.91 6.85 8.05 270.40 8.37 32.98 18.21 15.00 419.48 58.50 104.65 224.23 287.30 276.90 372.60 2 .60 .00 336.00 273.00 115.66 146.86 92.99 263.40 10.08 1071.00 2354.40 3220.80 3394.60 6767.20 7.50 5.28 8.64 18.00 4.00 19.50 2.76 10.32 25.00 161.00 161.00 57.60 35.00 25.00 34.01 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 39.60 17.04 1276.29 185.29 21.72 120.16 213.57 131.45 120.72 2.50 64.80 125.32 4.50 3.00 13.50 36.70 9.00 30.00 11.50 12.00 113.30 17.00' 60:50 une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE 111 VISO ECO A * D NO 15 AMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Kos tal Kuehn Livingston-Butler-Volland McIntire McNeill Mary Lanning Hospital Mastin Mikkelsen's Drug Store Obert Ohlsen-Hastings Labs Pinney Rutt Rutts Drug Store # 1 Rutts Drug Store e 2 Sawyer's Drug Store Shre ck Smith Trenton Drug Store Weber Winkler Yost Acme Printing Company Berg, County Clerk Berts Drug tore Bi -Lo Market Broke & Son Business Supply . Charlton Credit Bureau of Hastings Duthie Guildner Hastings Drug Store Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Herbers Hermsen 'Jack & Jill Grocery- 3rd & Burl. Jack & Jill Grocery- East South Jack & Jill Grocery- Hillcrest Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery- Hillcrest Grocery Kipp John W. Larkin -Director Perry O. Kunce Grocery Larkin -Director Larkin -Director Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Safeway Grocery Safeway Grocery Skaggs Grocery # 13 O. P. Skinner Mrs, Gladys Snyder Daniel E. Southern Nebraska Rural Public Power Spencer Park Rental Office Stop & Shop Market Western Auto Associate Store Wolfe Mrs, Neva This toard will now recess subject to the call Dr. O. A. Dr. G. A. uneral Home Dr. R. J. Dr, L. S. Dr. R. L. Dr. F C. John Dr. G. L. Dr. F. J. Floyd Dr. H. w. Dr. Robert C. Dr, Dr. Dr. Erma C. R. Paul H. John GENERAL RELIEF Dr, G. Paul Eva B. D. C. W. John W. Dr. P. J. Co. Perry O. Perry O. Medical medical Ambulanc Medical "edical Hospital Medical Medical Medical Test Medical "edical Medical Medical Medical medical Medical Medical Medical_ Medical Medical care care e iervice care care care care supplies care care care supplies supplies supplies care care supplies care care care Supplies Postage Medical supplies Staple food Supplies Supplies Medical care Credit service Mileage Medical care Medical supplies Supplies Utilities Janitor service Medical care Staple food Staple food Staple food Staple food Rent Mileage Staple food Revolving fund Postage Telephone service Staple food Staple food Staple food C. Nursing care Mileage Utilities Rent Staple food Supplies Nursing care of the liairman of the County 12.64 19.85 5.00 57.00 3.00 318.00 19.66 54.27 7.14 7.25 48.00 200.00 39.21 109.93 17.35 5.00 19.00 19.70 15.00 16.00 200.00 30.10 26.50 5.25 40.oc 3.66 17.95 2.00 5.00 2.52 74.50 15.50 6.95 16.18 75.00 4.80 20.00 77.00 40.00 20.00 150.00 25.84 20.00 29.19 25.00 44.05 4o.00 60.00 355.00 75.00 7.:30 1.12 65.05 100.00 1.50 75.00 Board of Supervisors. 426 SUPE VISO A ECO 111 D No, 15 AMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, July 24, 1959. 10:00 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors.ret as per recess of July 6, 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and oungblood. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Hoagland, that we purchase 25,000 lbs of Grader Blades (3/14inch Pacal Extra Edge) at $2.10 per foot and 20 sets of (1/2 inch by 9 inch) D. B. C. - by 7 feet $1.40 a foot. plus one box of bolts from the Paper Calmenson & Company. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Youngolood, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the Lounty Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams 0ounty AgricUltural Extension Office Clerk of District Court County -ssessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Jackson, William Icalvoda, Norma Jean jiegister of Deeds Veteran's Service Highway Department Nash, Lloyd Larkin,Director, Perry O. GENERAL FUND ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND STATE FUNDS Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office -..xpense Office Expense Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Salary Office Expense 305.0 555.00 1196.00 740.00 1219.34 954.27 947.66 b31.50 525.00 1351.66 250.00 140.00 713.60 5b5.00 6243.30 317.20 2740.00 This Board will nowrecess subject to the call of the hairman of the uounty Board of Supervisors. z) • COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, July 29, 1959. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Meeting of the Adams uounty Board of Supervisors as per advertised Statement of Summary of the County Budget and Levy comparison for the purpose of objections, corrections to the 1959-1960 County Budget. Roll call, members present: urosson, Ho&gland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kidd, that we include in the 1959-1960 County of $1d00.00 for the Adams County Soil Conservation District. Roll call, Ayes: Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Nay: Crosson, Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Kidd, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: Ca'irman Publication of suggestions or and Youngblood. budget the amount Hoagland, Kidd, WHEREAS, there is the sum of 425,000.00 in the Inheritance Tax Fund of Adams uountylNebraska, which has not been credited to any purpose, and WHEREAS, there is the sum of 05,000.00 in the Adams uounty Nursing Home Fund, which has not been credited to any purpose, and WHEREAS, the amount of $30,000.00 is needed in the General Fund of Adams County, Nebraska. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OD SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA, that the County Treasurer of said County credit to the General Fund of Adams °aunty, the amount of $25,000.00 from the Inheritance Tax Fund of said County, and the sum of $5,000.00 from the Adams County Nursing Home Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Mackie, that we Budget $d000.00 to the General Fund for microfilming. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the L'hairman of the County Board of Supervisors. /7 - une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE I1 ADAMS COUNTY, NE �c. D NO. 15 RASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, August 6, 1959. 1:30 o'clock P.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board or Supervisors met as per recess of July 29, 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Utecht, that the reports of the County Judge, Adams County Nursing Home, County Ulerk, Adams County Library, Sheriff, Car Titles, Clerk of the District Court, register of Deeds and Tax Collector be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Hoagland, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there is an Old Age ,Assistance Lien filed against Lou 14 in Block 2, Wilkints Addition to the City of Hastings, Nebraska in favor of Adams 'county, Nebraska for old age assistance furnished to 'William P. Austin in the sum of X0,299.57, and WHEREAS, said property has been sold at public sale for an amount $1852.55 above all other liens, encumbrances and expenses of sale, as shown by formal Settlement Statement to this Board presented, and WHEREAS to consumate said sale it is necessary to clear said Lien from the records, and it appears to the best interests of Adams County to accept said sum and release said lien upon said premises, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska be directed to release and discharge said Old .Age Assistance Lien recorded in Took 1.54, page 422 of the Mortgage Records of this County, upon above described property, upon the receipt by said Treasurer of said sum of $1852.55. Holl call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Mackie, that the application of A. L. Samples to conduct a public Amusement Park dated from August 17th 1959 to August 17th,1960. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Utecht, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there is an Old Age Assistance Lien riled against certain real property with the following legal description, to -wit: Lot 97, Ghost's addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska in favor of Adams County, Nebraska, for Old Age Assistance payments paid to CONRAD WALKER AND MARY WALKER of Hastings, Adams County, £4ebraska in the total amount of $2,d12.t37, and WHEREAS, said real property was sold at public auction and the amount of #2,187.04 was realized after expenses, and that the full value of the property was received, and WHEREAS, there is a check in the hands of the Adams L''ounty Welfare Division for said amount, which check will be deposited in the Old Age Assistance Fund, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer 'of L dams County, Nebraska, be directed to release and discharge said Old Age Assistance Lien from said property. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Crosson, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, Charley M. Petersen, Incpetent, is indebted to the State of Nebraska, and Adams County, in the sum of $5,114.90 for care and maintenance at the Hastings State Hospital at Hastings, Nebraska, and WHEREAS, it has been represented that said incompetent person has no assets with which to pay said indebtedness, other than certain real estate described as the Southwest Quarter (SW4) of Section 20, Township 6; North, Range 12, "est of the 6th P. M., in Adams county, Nebraska,and WHEREAS, said real estate can be sold only after the consent of this board is given: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Adams C ounty Board of Supervisors, in behalf of Adams County, Nebraska, consent that O. J. Petersen, Guai.dian for Charley M. Petersen, Incompetent, be allowed to apply for license to sell real estate before the District Court of Adams County, Nebraska, and that upon such license being there granted, that said O. J. Petersen be allowed to sell the real estate of the said Charley M. Petersen, Incompetent, as provided by law, and that a copy of this nesolutian be certified and given to the Judge of the District Court of Adams County, Nebraska, as provided for in Section 38-602 Revised Statutes of Aebraska, He -issue 1952. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Hoalarnd, that we incorporate into our official minutes the compact of July 13, 1959 between Adams ounty Nebraska and Burfao County Nebraska heretofore designated as Exhibit "A" in the County :Clerks office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Hoagland, that we grant the Adams county Fair Association a permit to'operate a bingo game under tate License, at the Adams County Fair Grounds for the , 428 SUPE VISO 'S 1111ECO 1 D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Motion by Crosson, seconded 'by Youngblood, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County, Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND A. B. C. Electric Co. Adams uounty Agriculture Extension Service Adams county Treasurer AugustineCompany Berg Emma Bivens George Clerk of istrict Court Cobbs Manufacturing co. county clerk Credit Bureau of Hastings Department of Agriculture & Inspection Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Store Knight Knight Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Modern Office Methods National Assoc. of Assessing Nelson Electric Co. Orkin Exterminating Co. Inc. Pirruccello Ray, County Judge Schafer Printing 1/4"ompany Schafer Printing Company Schaffroth, Register Deeds Schaffroth Story Thomas iribune Graphic Arts West Publishing Co. West Publishing Co. West Publishing Co. Whitmore Wood, Sheriff Inc. W. Robert G. .Robert G. co. Officers Augustin Implent Co. Bachman Budd Oil Company Burge Garage Clarke Oil Company Clarke 0i1 Company Clarke Oil Company Clarke Oil Company Coats Implement 'o. Consumers Public PowerDistrict D -A Lubricant Co. Inc. Dillys Service Dutton-Lainson company Evans farmers Unthon Co -Op. Gas Felzien Jr Friends Motor Supply Gambles Store Goedert Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Utilities H & M Construction Co. Island Supply Co. Chris Jahn Service Juranek Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Kenesaw Oil Company Kenesaw Oil Company Kerr Chevrolet company Lenhart Service Station Sam John E. Fred O. 14 -red 0. Roscoe E. Ray L. Helen A Worthy B. L.L. Henry & Oil Gilbert JakInc. e' Inc. Ray Inc. -ROAD FUND Repairs Expenditures Postage Supplies Mileage Bailiff State, Committment Supplies Postage, Bank charge Credit Service Testing Supplies Supplies Supplies Copies Supplies Publishing Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies. Reporting Copies Telephone service Supplies Membership Fixtures Services Postage State Cases, Postage Supplies Supplies Postage Supplies Mileage, Postage Salary Photos Supplies Supplies Supplies Judging Postage, Meals, Laundry,Mileage Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel Gas, Supplies Gas Gas Gas Gas Supplies Utilities Lubricant Gas Supplies Salary Gas, Diesel, Supplies Salary Supplies Supplies Salary Supplies Supplies Utilities Gravel Supplies Gas, Oil Salary Utilities Gas, Diesel, Supplies Gas, Diesel, Repairs Supplies Gas, Repairs 8.70 422.00 60.00 202.09 4.00 25.00 162.54 431.25 204.66 5.00 58.92 9.30 12.83 2.12 5.00 333.15 152.99 W15.60 71.50 1.4d 7.55 .99 5.65 8.19 1.10 19.99 650.00 4.09 120.00 47.55 25.00 14.70 195.50 2.70 20.00 29.50 5.00 3.00 19.25 12.60 18.90 8.00 1.49 9.30 58.50 12.25 203.00 25.00 28.00 25.00 269.23 49.29 426.81 175.10 26.11 31.25 163.79 121.97 92.88 19.13 1.65 52.80 34.03 67.50 257.40 140.04 86.40 27.37 15.42 257.40 24.62 8.09 9.27 1340.20 64.01 38.03 215.00 2.00 199.95 322.35 1.75 107.50 r une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO 'St ECORD NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Nebr. Tractor & Equipment co. Paveika Bros. Rief S aathoff Schaffroth, Register Deeds Shurigar Bros. Sidles Company Sime 6ime Simmons Stromer Struss Trupp Body Shop V'ontz Velder Wagners Service Station Wailes Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wilber Service Inc. Wilder Service Station Kenesaw Motor Company Naggatz Wheeler Lumber Bridge H & M Construction uo. Lilley Road Account Vpntz Vontz Vontz Werner & Son Henry He nry Fred 0, A. J. A. J. Arthur ':Ixlibrose Paul G._ Lambert E. L.J. Gilbert Jerome BRIDGE FUND Ervin & Supply SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND Ed Albright Doubleday & Company, Inc. Ernst Gangwish Gaylord Bros. Inc. Hastings Carnegie Library Jones Kindig McNair Parks Sanford Cosgrove DOlay Duthie Guildner Kpstal Lakein Smith Snyder Vasey Yost Adams L;ounty Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Bennett Berts Drug Store Berts Rexail Drug Store Brooke & on Brown Charlton Doyle's Drug Store East Lide Drug Store Egen Fern's Pharmacy Foote Giren Drug Store Glenn Guildne r Hastings Drug Store Hastings Laboratory -John Hoffmeister Holcomb Holm Holthaus Drug company Kamm Kingsiey Kingsley tr4-1, L.J. L. J. L. J. Geo. K. COUNTY LIBRARY Dixie May Waunetta Branson Anna Aaron Mrs. "argaret Mrs. Klyoe Miss Arlene Dorothy STATE FUNDS "adelyn De.George Eva B. Dr. U. W. Dr. 0. A. Verna J. Dr. R. C. Daniel E,. Ruby Dr. John G. -MEDICAL, SURGICAL & HOSPITAL Dr. W. K. Dr. R. Dr. G. P. Dr. L. F. Dr, D. B. Dr. Elmer Dr. C. W. Ohlsen Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. m_ G. 0. 0. F. R. R. Frank D. W. D. W. Supplies Repairs Salary Gas, Supplies Recording Propelled scrapers Supplies Gas, Diesel Gas, Diesel Salary Salary Salary Repair Gravel Salary Gas, Diesel., Repairs Salary Supplies Repairs, ')upplies Gas, Repairs Truck, Repairs Salary Supplies Gravel Gravel Labor, Equipment Rental Gravel Gravel Gravel. Gravel, Oil, Salary Books Salary Salary Books Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Mileage Mdical care Mileage "edical care "edical care Mileage Medical care mileage mileage "edical care Concrete Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment edical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies medical care "edical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical supplies medical care Medical supplies "edical care medical care Medical supplies Tests "edical care "edical care medical care Medical supplies "edipai care "edical care medical care 151.90 7.00 269.10 7.90 2.80 450.00 83.18 60.90 142.82 75.60 269.10 269.10 8.50 669.00 266.10 304•74 301.60 226.58 21.60 82.38 2766.60 269.10 721.82 2366.80 2629.20 1757.25 2906.40 5510.40 2111.40 12,260.46 25.00 25.00 35.00 25.00 8.25 90.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 3.68 5.00 2.96 7.50 7.50 7.12 7.50 9.28 9.52 40.00 76.35 41.28 157.40 1323.23 440 97.35 134.61 38.20 3.00 181.65 6.75 3.60 5.00 42.35 60.00 5.50 110.50 32.00 116.60 12.50 25.00 67.50 11.00 31.25 9.50 39.00 17.50 ( 430 SUPE It VISO 'S iECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE RASKA D NO. 15 Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Mas t in Mikkelsen Drug Store Murray Pinney Pruner rharmacy Rutt Rutt's Drug Store # 1 Rutts Drug Store #1 Rutts Drug Store # 2 Sawyer Drug Store Smith Taylor Drug Store Weber Adams County Treasurer Berg, County Clerk Berts Rexall Drug Store Bi -Lo Market Business Supply Company Charlton Uredit Bureau of Hastings Guildne r Hastings Drug store Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Go. Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Herbers Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Kansas -Nebraska Natural Gas Kipp Kloke Larkin -Director Larkin -Director Larkin -Director Lincoln Telephone & Telegrap Miller Grocery butts Drug Store if 2 Safeway Triocery Safeway Grocery Skaggs # 13 Skinner Southern Nebr. Rural Public Spencer Park iental agency Stevens Rest Haven Stop & 'Shop Market Swanson University of Aebr. College estern ,-luto Associate store Snyder Wiseman Grocery "olfe Dr. R. L.• Dr. Don E. Dr. G. L. Dr. J. Floyd Dr. Robert C. Dr.C. R. GENERAL Emma Dr. G. Paul Dr. C. W. John W. Co. John W. 19rs. E. R. Perry 0. Perry 0. Perry 0. h U. 0.P. Mrs. Gladys rower Mrs. Fern of Medicine Daniel Mrs. Neva RELIEF This r"oard will now recess subject to the call of So ounty the Medical Medical Medical medical Medical medical Medical "edical Medical medical "edical Medical medical care supplies care care supplies care supplies supplies supplies supplies care supplies care Food, Transportation Postage Medical supplies Staple food Supplies "edical care Credit service Medical care Medical supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Utilities Janitor Staple rood Staple food Staple food Utilities Rent Meals & Lodging Mileage Postage Revolving fund Telephone service Staple food medical supplies Staple food Staple food Staple food Nursing care Utilities Rent Nursing care Staple food Board & Room Medical supplies Supplies Mileage Staple food Nursing care 292.84 50.85 150.00 25.00 5.95 143.92 8.45 147.80 73.66 52.15 10.00 7.00 4.00 100.00 26.20 11.25 40.00 37.83 2.00 5.00 24.00 13.50 26.03 5.55 7.81 22.02 75.00 216.18 143.00 49.00 2.00 150.00 22.00 25.92 50.00 117.70 49.84 40.00 5.45 77.00 100.00 233.00 75.00 3.21 95.00 8.00 100.00 97.50 1.3.85 2.94 23.38 20.00 75.00 chairman of the County Board of Supervisors rman n L J L SUPE VISOIVS E,CORD NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NE it RASKA 431 une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, August 27, 1959. 4:00 o'clock P.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of August 6, 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood, Absent:Crosson. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Mackie, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the ''ounty ulerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Agricultural Extension Office Clerk of District uourt County Assessor County Board County Attorney County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Jackson, William Kalvoda, Norma Jean Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Highway Department Briage Department Larkin,Director, Perry O. This board will now recess GENERAL FUND ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND STATE FUNDS Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Salaries 280.00 555.00 1179.05 1229.28 740.00 949.51 943.66 85i.50 609.00 1366.66 250.00 150.00 707.10 585.00 6292.50 569.5o 022 ie Expense 2740.00 subject to the ea:1_1'0f the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 8, 1959. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams county board of Supervisors met as per recess of August 27, 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Youngblood, that the report of the Adams County Library, County Clerk, Judge, Clerk of the District uourt, Car Title, Adams County Nursing nome, Register of Deed be approved and placed on file. hollcail, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Hoagland, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts of the Supervisor's Record, to -wit. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 1845 Neva 4. wolfe 1846 Emma Berg, County Clerk 1847 John E. Hay, County Judge 1548 Worthy Wood, County Sheriff 1849 ,Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 1850 Perry O. Larkin -Director 1851 Perry O. Larkin -Director 1852 Perry O. Larkin -Director 1853 Perry O. Larkin -Director 1854 Perry O. Larkin -Director 1855 Perry O. Larkin -Director 1856 John E. Ray, County Judge 1857 State Treasurer 1858 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 1859 John E. Ray, County Judge 1860 Mary chultz, Clerk or District Court 1861 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 1862 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist, 1863 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist, 1864 State Tresurer-Gas Tax Dist 1865 Grace bimpson, Justice of Peace 1866 Webster County 1867 John E. Ray, County Judge 497.25 1876 125.15 1877 7.00 1878 17.25 1879 148.00 1880 91.00 1681 108.80 1882 15.03 1883 11.34 1884 4.60 1885 29.00 1886 523.60 1887 1744.00 1888 55.00 1889 26.60 1890 327.30, 1891 80.00 1892 10645.99 1893 3180.85 1894 13852.7L 1895 70.00 1896 204.35 1897 1398 be made a part Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 65.00 Grace SimpsonlJustice of Eeace 62.00 Special Mail Route tioad 1646.70 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 54-24 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 109.50 Medical, Surgical, Hospital 262.12 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 1009.19 Village of Kenesaw 1204.55 Mary Schultz,Clerk Dist Court 17.15 Grace Simpson, Justice of l'eace 85.00 Morrison & Quirk Grain corp. 1J2.55 State Treas- Insurance Tax Fund37158.53 John E. Ray, County Judge 345.77 Mary Schultz, Clerk Dist Court 15.30 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 95.00 Gage County 211.20 kirarklin County 52.80 Nuckolls County 72.00 Kearney County 48.00 Fillmore County 72.00 Farmers Mutual Auto Insurance 20.00 Emma Berg, County Clerk 26.25 State Treasurer 43.20 (432 SUPE 1.1\' VISO ADAMS 11'\ c • S EC0111) Na 15 UNTY, NEBRASKA 11 Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 1907 C. A. Whitney 1908 Emma Berg, County Clerk 1909 Phelps County 1910 (Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 1911 Perry Larkin -Welfare Director 1912 John E. Ray, County Judge 1913 Fred Malley 1914 Worthy Wood, Sheriff 1915 Perry O. Larkin -Director 1916 County Judge, John E. Ray 1917 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 1918 Thayer County 1919 Southern Hills County Club 1920 Perry O. Larkin -Director 1921 Perry Larkin -Director 1922 Perry Larkin -Director 1923 Perry Larkin -Director 1924 Perry O. Larkin 1925 Perry O. Larkin -Director 1926 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 1927 Webster county 1925 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 1929 Clerk of District Court 1930 Clerk of District Court 1931 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist 1932 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist 1933 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist 193)4 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 1935 Mary Schultz, Clerk District court 1936 Mrs. Minnie h. Smith 1937 Clay County 1938 Fred O. Schaffroth, Register of 1939 John E. Ray, County Judge 19)40 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 1941 John Ray, County Judge 1942 Emma Berg, county Clerk 1943 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 1944 Medical, surgical & Hospital 1945 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 1946 Medical, Surgical, & Hospital 1947 Special Mail haute 1948 Mary Schultz, clerk District Court 1949 Mary Schultz, clerk District court 1950 Mary Schultz, clerk District court 1951 Mary Schultz, ulerk District court 1952 Harlan County 1953 State Treasurer -State Assistance 1954 Grace Simpson, Justice of eace 1955 Emil J.Hoffman & Ernest kionsel 1956 Emma Berg, County Clerk 1957 Sam Pirruccell6, Deputy Attorney 1955 Don Brock, County Attorney 1959 GrLce Simpson,Justice of Peace 1960 John E. hay, County Judge 1961 Grace Simpson, Justice of reace 1962 Morrison & Quirk Grain corp. 1963 John nJ. Ray, County Judge 1964 Mary Schultz, Clerk District Court 1965 Grace Simpson, 'Justice of Peace 1966_ John Ray, County Judge 1967 John . Ray, County Judge 1965 Biggs & coble Construction co. 1969 State' Treasurer -state Assistance 1970 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 1971 John E. Ray, county Judge 1972 John E, hay. County Judge 1000.00 130.05 67.20 65.00 8.00 156.25 3.65 31.70 13.33 975.95 70.00 79.20 25.00 34.80 8.20 64.00 146.00 225.67 41.80 60.00 55.20 60.00 15.30 4.50 10610.99 3180.65 13796.73 110.00 386.50 5437.30 64.80 Deeds 723.05 7.60 100.00 200.00 314.40 185.29 120.16 1276.29 21.72 3220.80 1.00 8.00 5.00 6.95 54.0o 42510.97 90.00 3500.00 26.50 12.0 4.45 66.00 19.00 65.00 150.00 100.00 5.75 105.00 10.00 7.59 6.00 255.21 80.00 10.00 10.00 1973 John E. Ray, County Judge 10.00 1974 State Treasurer 63.43 1975 Grace 1.mpson, Justice of Peace 60.00 1976 State Treasurer 43.20 1977 U. S. Treasury 1380.00 1978 Perry O. Larkin -Director 20.00 1979 Worthy B. vvood, Sheriff 34.75 1980 En -ma Berg, County Clerk 58.50 1981 John E. hay, County Judge 12.67 1952 Neva Wolfe 489.50 1983, Grace Simpson, JustiEe of Peace 160.00 1984 LaVern Goerig 7.69 1955 LaVern Goerig 10.90 1956 Perry Larkin -Director 88.70 1987 Perry O. Larkin 1852.55 1988 Perry O. Larkin 2157.04 1959 Ervin Berg 20.00 1990 Grace simpson, Justice of Peace 50.00 1991 John E. hay, County Judge 452.25 1992 H. H. Huebert 33.00 1993 Mary Schultz, Clerk District Court 26.00/ 1994 state Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist 11334.35 1995 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist 3150.55 1996 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist 14954.11 1997 John E. Ray, County Judge 20.00 1998 John E. Ray, County Judge 25.00 1999 Grace Simpson, Jusgice of reace 100.00 2000 Mary Schultz, Clerk District Court 237.50 2001 Emma Berg, county Clerk 293.25 2002 A. L. Samples 10.00 2003 J. A. Peters 37.50 2004 F. H. £tromer 6.00 2005 A. L. Clauson 6.00 2006 John E. Ray, County Judge 7.00 2007 Webster County 161.22 2008 rred O. Schaffroth, Register Deeds 546.80 2009 Grace ,limpson, Justice of Peace 60.00 2010 Charles B. Paine 25.)1)1 2011 State Treasurer -State Assistance 42115.59 2012 LaVerne Vaughn 65.00 2013 Special Mail houte 1757.25 2014 Medical, Surgical, Hospital 41.28 2015 Medical, Surgical, Hospital 76.33 2016 Medical, Surgical, Hospital 157.40 2017 Medical, Surgical, Hospital 1323.23 2018 Don Brock 1.45 2019 Klaus h. Friesen 93.75 2020 Hawkeye ''''ecuriuy Insurance Co. 21.40 2021 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 60.00 2022 Grace Simpson, justice of reace 70.00 2023 Circe Simpson, Justice of Peace 69.00 2024 Charles Bossert, Hall Co. Judge 723.45 2025 State of "ebraska 231.15 2026 Edward H. Wehnes 18.00 2027 John . 11v, County Judge 35.60 2028 State of 'ebraska 43.20 2029 Earl Peterson 2030 Perry O. Larkin -Director 2031 Floyd A. Hansen Exc 2032 Emma Berg, County Clerk 26.20' 2033 State Treasurer -State Assistance 531.46 2034 Grace H. simpson, Justice of reace 6o.00 2035 Mary schultz, Clerk District Court 7.00 2036 Mary Schultz, Clerk District Court 1.50 2037 Mary Schultz, Clerk District Court 3.00 2035 Mary Schultz, Clerk District Court 5.67 10.60 20.22 48.24 Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Hoagland, that we authorize the chairman to sign tax correction certificate No's 2533 to 2840 and 2842 (28)4) void. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Kidd, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there has been signed by tidams county on the 6th day of February, 1955, and the State on the 7th day of February, 1955, an agreement providing for the construction of a Federal id Secondary Road beginning at the Southwest corner of S5, T7N, R9W in Adams County, Nebraska, thence East one mile to along Section line to the Southeast corner of S5, T7N, R9W to Project S-645(3) and terminating there, and WHEREAS, in the above agreement, the County has pledged sufficient funds to finance its share of the cost of the construction of this project identified as No. S-506(1), and WHEREAS, the above mentioned agreement provided that the uounty would pay all of the non -Federal costs of this project, and /-"N SUPE VISO ECORD NO. 15 AMS. COUNTY, NEBRASKA 433 ane Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. WHEREAS, the following contractors for the items of work listed have been selected as bidders to whom a contract (contracts) should be awarded: M. A. Nichols, Contractor- One concrete box culvert —03,251.98 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above facts, the 'oard of Supervisors of Adams this resolution, takes the following official action: the low County, by 1. In the event Federal funds are insufficient or are temporarily withheld for the construction of this project, the County hereby agrees to pay the Federal share until such Federal funds are available. 2. The Board hereby concurs in the selection of the above mentioned contractors for the items of work listed, to whom a contract should be awarded. 3. The Board hereby authorized the L'hairman to sign a contract (contracts) with the above mentioned contractor (contractors) and with the State for the above mentioned work. 4. The Doard does not desire to perform any of the work with its own forces in lieu of performing the owkr by the contract method. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Kidd, that we authorize the Chairman of the. Adams County Board of SuperVisors to sign the Supplemental Agreements between Adams County and Western Laboratories, Inc. Project S-329(4) and Project S-252(2) & S -645(1). Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Hoagland, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there is an Old Age Assistance Lien filed against certain real property with the following legal description, to -wit: in favor of Adams County Adams County, Nebraska i WHEREAS, there is now in the amount of $715.00 Fund: Lots Five (5) and Six (6), Block highteen (18), Johnsons Addition to the Uity of Hastings, Adams 0ounty, Nebraska, ,Nebraska, for Uld Age Assistance payments paid to LUCY TALBERT of Hastings, n the amount of 0715.001 and a check in the hands of the Director of the Adams County Welfare Division to cover said lien, which check has been deposited in the Old Age Assistance NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be directed to release and discharge said old Age Assistance Lien from said property. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by "ackie, seconded b y Youngblood, to set salary of Deputy Sheriff at effective August 1, 1959. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Mackie, to set salary ofHead Bookkeeper in County Treasurer office at $215.00 effective August 1, 1959. Roll call, Ayes: Crosson, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie and Utecht. Nay: Hoagland and Youngblood. Motion carried. 250.00 per month Motion by Utecht, seconded by Kidd, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, the Hastings Cemetery Association has caused a fence to be placed through the center of the public roadway at the east side of the ground which it has recently annexed, described as: South One -Half of the Northwest One -Quarter of the southwest One-4uarter of Section Five, Township Seven, Range Nine, Adams County, Nebraska AND WHEREAS, Thirty-three (j3') feet of the east edge of said tract was reserved for road purposes in a deed of said tract recorded in Book 45 at Page 408, Deed Records of Adams County, and WHEREAS, said ro_dway was actually opened and used by the public for a period of more than twenty (20) years, and WHEREAS, the County Board desires that said road should be retained for such use by the public as shall be needed now and in the future. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Hastings Cemetery Association be directed to remove the fence from said roadway and to rebuild the road drainage ditch which the Association has caused to be filled. The County Attorney is instructed to notify the Hastings Cemetery Association of this resolution and to take such action as may be necessary to carry out this directive. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Utecht, that we acdept the bid of the HastinLs Tribune of $75.00 for 3 personal tax list binders for. County Treasurer. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Hoagland, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Acme Printing Company Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Adams Lounty Veteran Service Office Augustine L'ompany 100" Bi -Lo Market Supplies Office Expense Office Expense Supplies Supplies • • " 12.10 405.00 500.00 66.48 15.35 SUPE " VISO I t 9 S ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE fir D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Dutton Lainson Company Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter L'o. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter uo. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilitlos Lel'ebure-Corporation , Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Madgett A. e. Orkin. Exterminating Co. Inc. Orkin Exterminating 0o4 Inc. Pittsburgh Plate Glass 0. Redfield & Company, Inc. Register of Deeds Rolls Schafer rrinting uo. Schultz, Clerk District court Mary Sinclair Manifold• Products Stephenson School Supply Co. Stewart Harold Story Roscoe E. West Publishing uo. Wood, Sheriff Worthy B. Bruce E. Augustin Implement Co. Bachman Budd Oil Company Burge Garage City of astings Clarke Oil Company Clarke Oil Company Construction Service Equipment Co. Consumers Public rower District Dillys Service Dutton Lainson Company Dutton Lainson Company -Dutton Lainson Company Evans Henry Farmers Union Co. ROAD FUND Supplies Publishing Publishing Advertising Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Telephone service Services Services Services Supplies Supplies Postage Salary Supplies State cases, Committment Supplies Supplies Test Postage, supplies i.00d, Laundry, Mileage Nileage Supplies L. L. Supplies Diesel Gas, Supplies Prints Gas Gas Supplies Utilities Gas Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Gas, -Diesel Supplies Gilbert Salary Supplies Gale Supplies Telephone service Jake Salary G. h. Land Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Repairs, Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Harold G. Mileage Gravel Melvin Damage on Wheat Supplies Salary Utilities Telephone service Telephone service Supplies Supplies Gas, Repairs Ed Gravel Co -Op. Gas & Oil Fehrs Tractor & Equipment Co. Felzien, Jr. Friends Motor Supply Gangwish Glenwood Telephone uo. Goedert Hadden Hageman hardware uo. Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. Hastings Co -Op. Supply Hastings Equity Grain Bin Hastings Motor Truck uo. Hastings Tire Sales Hastings Tire Sales Hastings Tire Sales Hastings Typewriter co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Heuertz M & M Construction L'o. Hoagland Huntsbarger Ford Inc. Juranek Ray J. Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kenesaw Telephone co. Kenesaw Telephone Co. Kerr Chevrolet company Kully Iron & Metal Co. Lenhart Service station Lilley Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McRoberts Industries McRoberts Industries Mousel Virgil Nebraska State Reformatory for Men Nehr. Tractor & Equipment Co. Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co. Mfg GO. Supplies Supplies Telephone service Repairs Repairs Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies 30.59 101.60 5b.71 13.80 3.00 13.26 2.50 10.20 23.92 1.65 10.69 5.24 140.34 43.50 179.55 100.00 5.00 5.00 3.87 21.09 6.00 126.00 22.70 275.65 11.00 5.69 5.00 38.00 28.00 314.53 104.86 264.04 85.40 34.69 5.80 29.23 120.39 202.00 .45 19.95 67.50 2.32 8.78 222.30 253.75 21.14 194.40 9.86 21.80 15.20 222.30 500.00 10.55 10.40 .85 18.75 .42 175.56 121.77 282.14 .40 7.87 21.68 3.84 25.00 70.00 22.24 216.00 2.00 8.20 8.30 11.81 .90 124.45 249.48 629.67 57.25 26.00 1.50 36.36 234.00 104.70 220.48 271.46 L SUPE VISO '8 J' ECORD: NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA gne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Schultz Hardware Sherman's Service Center Inc. Sidles Company Sime Sime Simmons Smith & Sons Southern Nebraska Rural Stromer Struss Velder Vontz Wagner Service Station Wailes Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Wilber Service Inc. Wilder Oil Co. Willy's Body Shop Walt A. J. A. J. Arthur S. E. Public Power Paul G. Lambert R. Gilbert L. J. supply Supply .Supply Dutton Lainson Company Lemke , Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply H_& M Construction Co. Lilley hoad Account Vontz Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Albright Benef is Press Doubleday & Company, Inc. Doubleday & Company, Inc. Ernst Gangwish Hastings Carnegie Library Jones Kendig Nc Nai r Parks Sanrord Adams County Soldiers Relief Cosgrove Duthie Guildner Kleager Kingsley Smith Snyder Vasey Yost Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams "ounty Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Anderson Be its Drug Store Bert's Rexall Drug -'tore Brooke & Son Bubany Charlton DeBacker oyle's Drug Store East side Drug Store Ege n Fern's Pharmacy Foote Glenn Guildner Hastings Drug Store Hoffineister Holcomb Holthaus Drug Co. Karn Kingsley Kos tal Jerome Steve BRIDGE FUND Fre d SPECIAL MAIL Ed L. J. Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel, Supplies Gas, Diesel Salary Supplies Utilities Salary Salary Salary Gravel Gas, Diesel Salary Culverts Culverts Supplies Supplies, Repairs Gas, Repair Supplies Supplies Rep airs Supplies ROUTE ROAD FUND Gravel Gravel Labor, Gravel Culverts COUNTY LIBRARY Dixie May l�jrs . Waunetta B. Mrs. Anna Aaron Mrs. Margare t Ars. Klyoe Miss Arlene Dorothy SOLDIER'S & SAILOR'S and STAiE FUNDS Madelyn Eva B. Dr. C. W. Dr. Clyde Dr. D. W. Dr. Robert Daniel E. Rub y Dr. John G. MEDICAL, SURGICAL Dr. H. F. C. Equipment Rental Salary Books Books Books Salary Sal ary Library Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary- Relief alary Relief service Nile age .Mileage Medical care medical care Medical care Me d i c a l care Mileage Mile age 1"e dical care & HOSPITAL CARE Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment 1"edical care Dr. John w. Dr. G. P. Dr. L. J. Dr. L. F. ter. D. B. Dr. Elmer Dr. C. W. Dr. G. F. Dr. G. H. Dr. Frank Dr. D. W. Dr. O. A. Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical i"ledical Medical Medical medical Medie.al Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical 1'medical. supplies supplies supplies c are care care supplies supplies c are supplies c are c are care supplies care care supplies care care care 5.20 136.96 54.35 191.13 59.15 216.00 19.23 fl 38.86 234.00 245.70 234.00 434.80 421.62 241.00 578.64 95.52 960.13 22.12 94.95 6.50 1.36 6.00 5.11 1396.90 1664.40 2362.80 2315.40 92.15 25.00 49.07 22.40 28.80 35.00 25.00 90.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 2000.00 7.76 10.64 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 4.72 11.28 15.00 993.06 95.40 210.48 59.13 250.17 87.20 101.89 69.60 4.00 129.60 16.83 6.75 14.00 11.00 34.83 18.50 21.00 32.00 129.51 24.00 4.00 29.50 7.00 13.00 3.000 43 6 SUPE VISO 'S ADAMS COUNTY ECO NE 111 D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Pinney Rutt Eutts Drug Store # 1 Rutts Drug Store # 2 Sawyer's Drug Store Weber Zikmund Berg, County Clerk Bert's Rexall Drug Store Bi -Lo Market Business Supply company Credit Bureau of has t ings Guildne r Hastings Drug Store Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastines Utilities Hastings Utilities Herbers Hermsen Holcomb Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas Co. Kipp Klein Hotel Larkin -Director Larkin -Director Larkin -Director Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Miller Grocery Penney Company Hutt Safeway Store Skaggs # 13 Skaggs Grocery Skinner Southern. Nebraska Rural Spencer Park hental Off Stop and Shop Market University of ilebraska, Weber western Auto Associate Widener's IGA Store Wiseman's Grocery Wolfe Dr. G. L. Dr. F. J. Dr, C. R. Dr. £i. T. kledical "edicai Medical Medical Medical Medical "edical care care supplies supplies supplies care care GENERAL RELIEF Emma . Postage Medical supplies Staple food Supplies Credit service Dr. C. V, "edical care Medical supplies Supplies Utilities Utilities John W. Janitor service Dr. P. J. "edicai care Dr. G. R. Medical care Staple food Staple food Staple food Utilities John W. Rent Room Perry O. Mileage Perry 0. Postage Perry 0. Revolving fund Telephone service Staple food J. C. Clothing Dr, F. J. l'Asdical care Staple food Staple food Staple food Nursing care Utilities Rent Staple food Medical supplies Dr. u. R. Medical care Supplies Staple food Staple food kirs. Neva Nursing care O. P. O. P. Mrs. Gladys Public Power Dist ice College of i'ledicine tore This Board will now recess - subject C. 20.00 117.00 56.52- 109460 18.00 9.00 3.00 26.60 9.50 40.00 6.86 5.00 16.00 11.90 33.70 12.78 8.18 75.00 3.60 4.00 60.00 75.00 242.50 5.60 150.00 4.00 50.80 50.00 27.40 34.00 20.00 25.94 4.00 105.00 183.00 20.00 75.00 3.78 67.00 100.00 2.20 12.00 1.50 20.00 20.00 75.00 to the call of the Chairman of the Uounty Board of supervisors. County perk Deputy ,"49,une Graphic Arts, $astmgs, Nebr. SUPE 1.� VISO 'S )ECO J D N A 11 AMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 115 43 COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, September 25, 1959. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of Orville Hoagland, Co -Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Mackie, Utecht September 8, 1959. and Youngblood, Absent:Lightner. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Utecht, that i propose the following resolution: That the Chairman of the County board be directed to execute on behalf of said county an easement to the City of Hastings for construction of a water belt -line, and connections thereto, on Marian r',oad frorri 12th Street Southward. Roll call, all woted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Youngblood, that I propose the following resolution: That Adams isounty bear half the cost, not to exceed 5500. of armor -coating Baltimore Avenue from 14th Street North to a point South of the U. P. Railroad right of way. Holl call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Crosson., seconded by Mackie, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Agricultural Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Jackson, William Kalvoda, Norma Jean Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Highway Department Bridge Department Larkin Director Perry 0. This Board will now recess subject to the call Extension Office GENE R''iL FUND Salary Office Office Office Office Salary Office Office Office Office Office Salary Salary Office Office Expense Expense Expense Expense & Mileage xp ens e Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense 210.00 555.00 1211.05 712.90 1243.34 965.4d 965.03 805.00 525.00 1539.56 250.00 150.00 708.40 585.00 ROAD FUND STATE FUNDS Salaries Office Expense f the 'Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. Co lhairman COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 6, 1959. 10:00 o'clock `.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of September 25, 1959. Orville Hoagland- Co -Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Crosson, Hoagland, £iidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. T etion by Crosson, seconded by Mackie, that the reports of the Sheriff, County Clerk, County ,Library, Clerk District Court, Register of Deeds, Car 'iitles, County Judge, Tax Collector and Adams County Nursing Home be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Youngblood, that the following Miscellaneous of the Supervisor's ecord: Holl call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2()), Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Perry O. Larkin -Director Emma berg, County Clerk Curtis Hutt Hans F. Thorne John E. Ray, County Judge Mary Schultz, Clerk District Court Mary Schultz, Clerk District Court Neva W. Wolfe Perry O. Larkin -Director PerryO. Larkin -Director Ilno Christensen Worthy ood, Sheriff Vernon W. Nelson -.Administrator (;rain Sirnr' rn .TiiclinA of Vanna Receipts be made 90.00John71.00 2062 2063 raceLlay, County Judge Grace Simpson, Justice of l'eace 9.20 2064 Emma Berg, county Clerk 165.95 2065 Mary Schultz, Clerk Dist Court 12.00 2066 worthy Wood, County Sheriff 10.00 2067 Mary Schultz, Clerk Dist Court 100.00 2068 bred O. Schaffroth, Reg. Deeds 1.80 2069 &race ''impson, Justice of Peace 10.75 2070 &race Simpson, Justice of Peace 505.00 2071 State 'Teas- State Assistance 64.40 2072 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace )g: i) , 40 2073 John E. Ray, county Judge 20.00 2074 lion Brock 32.75 2075 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 1o34.13 2076 Grace Smmpson,Justice of Peace nn 2(377 Emma Barri_ Cnnnty Cl ark a part 689.16 75.00 270.60 27.00 5.75 416.75 438.60 60.00 75.00 32575.21 75.00 25.00 5.10 100.00 70.00 2 _m SUPE VISO 'S ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE t 11 D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 2085 LaVern Mohlman 2066 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 2087 Emma Berg, County Clerk 14.00 48.00 343b.62 Motion_ by Hoagland, seconded by Kidd, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there is an Old Age Assistance Lien filed against certain following, legal description, tot;wit: Lot 525, Village of Juniata, Adams County,Nebraska real property with the in favor of Adams County, Nebraska, for Old Age Assistance payments paid to ELIZABETH LOCHMER and FRANCES EUGENE, and WHEREAS, Howard Snell is desirous of purchasing said property from Elizabeth Lochner and .brances r-ugene for Fifty (4 0.00) Dollars which is the full and reasonable value of said property, and WHEREAS, there is a check in the hands of the Adams County Welfare Division from Mr. Howard Snell for said amount of iiifty (460.00) Dollars which check will be deposited in the Old Age Assistance Fund, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the -Lreasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be directed release and discharge said old Age Assistance Lien from said property. Roil call, all voted Motion carried. Motion 'Liquor by Utecht, seconded by Youngblood, that we recommend to the 4'tate Liquor Commission a License to the Meadow Brook Gulf Club. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. to aye. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Kidd, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTIO N: WHEREAS, the preliminary agreements and detailed plans for the construction of Project No.S-506(1) have been completed, and WHEREAS, the plans for this work have been presented to this Board for approval, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the board of Supervisors of Adams County to proceed with the actual work, and WHEREAS, the board of Supervisors have sufficient financial resources either in services and work to be performed, or in cash, to defray their entire share of the cost of the work, and WHEREAS, the county has secured all right of way and material pits, necessary or required for the proposed work. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of these facts the County Board takes the following official action: Be it resolved that the plans for Project No. S-806(1) be approved, and that the 'dhairman be authorized to sign them to signify such approval, and further that the Chairman be authorized to sign this resolution in behalf of the Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Hoagland, that we approve the -bond of Artilur Post, Little Blue Township Treasurer. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kidd, To purchase a Balderson B. V. 11-V Type Snow Plow from Lincoln Equipment Company for a271.00 with used Trade in. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Youngblood, that we set the salary of the Deputy County Attorney , at 275.00 effective October 1st 1959. rtoli call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Kidd, That the County ireasurer be authorized to re -invest $100,000.00 in U. S. Goverment Bonds at 3.75 interest, representing matured bonds of 04,000.00 and 26,000.00 accured interest thereon. Roll call, all voted aye. hotion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Hoagland, that we purChase one national "dding Machine from Business Supply for $494.50. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Mackie, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Acme Printing Co. Acme Printing co. Adams County Agriculture Extension Office Augustine Company Bivens Brock, County Attorney Brock, County Attorney Brock, County Attorney Burroughs Corporation Business Supply company Business Supply Company George W. Donald L. Donald L. Donald Supplies Supplies Office Bxpense Supplies Bailiff Postage Postage Box Rent Supplies Repairs, Supplies Repair 202.65 26.b5 405.00 55.78 43.00 13.60 3.00 2.25 1.90 23.30 12.40 /—"*"*,, une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPERVISO ECOI"\ D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Dutton-Lainson Company obriden, Inc. Cangwish Grothe n Guildner Hammond & Stephens uo. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial 'Supplies Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter uo. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hast,ngs Typewriter uo. Hastings Utilities Hawes Killinger (7) Knight -Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Molierren May Mott Narcotics Education Inc. Nebraska Salesbook Co. Panama Carbon Co. Panker's Plumbing & Heating Photostat uorporation Ramsey Ray, County Judge Redfield & Company, Inc. Schafer Printing Company Schafer Printing Company Schafer Printing Company Schafer Printing Company Schafer Printing Company Schafer Printing Company Schaffroth, Register Deeds • Schukei Schultz, Clerk District Court 6chultz, Clerk District Court Stenographic Machines Inc. Stitt Company Story Thomas Turner, tate Librarian Wood, sheriff Yost, County Treasurer Adams County Nixious Weed District Augustin Implement uo. Bierman Implement uo. Budd Oil Company Burge Garage Clarke uil Company Clarke Oil Company Construction Service quipment Co. Consumers Public Power Dist. Cook Paint & Varnish Co. Decker Son Dens -Oil Lubricant Dietzgen Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Ess inger Evans Farmers Union 6o -Op. Gas & Oil Co. kriends Motor ')upply Goedert Hageman Hardware Co. Hastin s Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Heuertz Battery & Battery & Electric Canvas Co. Co -Op. Supply Seat Cover uo. Utilities Welding Supply Co. • /I Inc. Inc. Glen Raymond Dr. C. W. Henry Roy Hobert G. A. D. Joe- Byron W W. L. John Fred U. Herbert Mary Mary Albert E. Roscoe E. Ray L. George H. Worthy S. U. ROAD FUND Eugene J. W. Henry Jake Harold G. Supplies Calculator Plileage =age Supplies Supplies Supervisors Proceedings Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Postage Repairs Reporting Telephone service Mileage Janitor helper Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Drinking fountains Supplies Mileage Postage Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Box Hent, Postage Mileage Fees, Publication State cases, Committment Supplies Used heaters Mileage, Freight Salary Supplies Food. Laundry, Mileage Postage Sprayed bindweed Supplies Supplies, Repairs Gas, Diesel Gas Gas Gas Supplies Utilities Supplies Install glasses Lubricant .supplies Supplies •Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies, Repairs Salary Gas, Diesel, Oil Supplies Salary Supplies Supplies, Repairs Supplies, Repairs Repairs Supplies Repairs Utilities Supplies Mileage 12.91 680.00 3.80 1.90 10.00 11.21 552.86 92.55 13.05 57.00 29.05 4.75 5.72 1.20 12.40 4.50 8.60 10.60 45.38 .60 125.80 5.00 110.67 7.50 237.10 5.42 10.00 4.56 22.00 1492.46 60.10 450.00 279.60 6.84 12.00 11.57 10.75 31.60 .60 9.90 7.50 26.10 10.25 7.12 25.09 106.40 18.88 9.85 22.59 150.75 1.75 385.14 10.00 75.00 31.88 98.55 102.95 10.30 115.76 116.08 187.23 1.00 .45 17.60 55.70 7.76 10.0 139.24 .51 14.41 15.90 125.00 245.70 209.79 24.33 234.00 12.20 16.9 23.79 4.50 2.30 15.00 6.17 6.24 6.16 1(1-40 SUPE VISO ADAMS c • S ECO UNTY, NE ASKA 111 D NO. 15 Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Kerr Chevrolet Company Koldroc Asphalt Company Lenhart Service Station Lilley Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McRoberts Industries Messer uo. Modern Linen Supply Mousel Mousel Nebraska Department of Roads Paper Calmenson & uo. Penney Co. Pittz Service Precision Lubricants Co. Rief Safety Metals Co. Sherman Service uenter Sidles Company Sime Sime Strome r Struss Velder Village of Juniata Wagner • Wailes heeler Lumber • heeler Lumber Wilber Service Wilder Oil Uo. Dutton-Lainson Dutton-Lainson Simmons Wheeler Lumber Bridge Bridge inc. & Supply & Supply Company Company Bridge & Supply • H & M Construction Lilley Road Account • Vontz • Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply CO. Albright Ernst Gangwish Hastings Carnegie -Library Jones Kindig McNair Parks Sanford Shiffler - Adams county Fair Assn. Charlton Cos rove Duthie Kuehn -Larkin-Director Mastin Potter Snyder Vasey YoSt .dams County Adams County Adams Uounty Adams County Anderson Bennett Berts Drug "tore Berts Rexall Drug Store Brand Mortuary Brooke & Son Bubany Chariton City Optical service DeBacke r Ed L. J. John Virgil J. C. enry A. J. A. J. Paul U. Lambert Gilbert Fred E. Jer ome Supplies Supplies Gas, Repairs Gravel Supplies Telephone service Supplies, Repairs Supplies Laundry Dirt & "Water Salary Project St306(1) Supplies Material Gas, Oil, Supplies Lubricant Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel Gas, Diesel, Supplies Salary R. Salary Salary Water Gas, Diesel, urease Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies, Repairs Gas BRIDGE FUND Arthur Ambrose SPECIAL MAIL Ed L.J. ROUTE Supplies Supplies Salary Supplies ROAD FUND Gravel Gravel Labor, Equipment ental Gravel Supplies COUNTY LIBRARY Dixie May Waunetta iranson Anna Aaron Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Klyoe Arlene Dorothy Dorothy Dewey COUNTY FAIR STATE FUNDS Dr. G. Paul Madelyn Eva B. Dr, Gerald A. Perry 0. Dr. hobert L. Beulah M. Daniel ". Ruby Dr. John G. Salary Salary Salary Library service Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary MEDICAL, SURGICAL & HOSPITAL Treasurer -Aid to Disabled Treasurer -Aid to Dependent L'hild Treasurer -Blind Assistance Treasurer -Old Age Assistance Dr. Dr. H. F. Dr. John M. Dr. G. P. Jr. L. J. Premiums & Improvement Medical care Mileage Mileage medical care Mileage "edicai care Mileage Mileage Mileage Medical care Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment medical care edical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Ambulance service Medical supplies Medical care medical care Glasses medical care 79.89 37.90 96.68 W17.24 491.83 25.15 24.75 17.45 4.33 562.71 222.30 1625.99 1975.63 11.70 234.05 98.25 245.70 14.83 60.30 140.17 140.93 123.81 245.70 257.40 201.50 20.00 294.91 245.70 511.98 155.61 204.61 48.75 3.51 13.87 183.60 399.51 543.40 1960.08 2055.90 897.00 54.15 25.00 35.00 25.00 90.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 83.33 2000.00 7.50 6.08 5.44 7.5o 18.24 15.0o 16.80 10.32 9.60 30.00 80.88 51.48 156.00 1186.57 10.00 8.00 46.66 144.77 2.5o 95.95 12.00 105.85 15.60 2.00 SUPE VISO ECO1'W NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 441 Hoffmeister Holcomb Holm Holthaus Drug Company Kamm • Kingsley Kleager Kostal McIntire McNeill Mary Lanning Aospital Mastin Mikkelsen's Drug store Ohlsen-Hastings Labs Pinney Ruttts Drug Store # 1 Rutt's Drug Store 44 2 Rutt Smith Taylor Drug Store Weber Zikmund berg, County Clerk bert't Rexall Drug Bert's .tiexall Drug store Bi -Lo Market Booth Enterprises Business Supply uo. Cosgrove Credit bureau of Hastings Goldbeck, Villa Rest Home Guildner Hastings Drug Store Hastings Typewriter Hastings Utilities Hastings utilities Herbers Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Kansas 4braska liatural Gas Co. Kipp Larkin -Director Larkin -Director Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Miller Grocery Rogers Grocery Hutt Safeway Grocery Skaggs Grocery Smith Southern Nebr. Buraal Public Power Spencer Park Rental Agency stop & Shop Market Western Auto Associate -.)tore Widener's IGA Store Wiseman's Grocer7 Wolfe This board will now recess subject Dr. G. F. G. R. Dr. C. R. Dr. Frank Dr. iJ, W. Dr. Clyde Dr. O. A. Dr. R. J. Dr. L. S. Dr. R. L. Dr. G. L. Dr. Dr. 11. J. Robert Dr. U. R. Dr. E. T. GENERAL RELIEF Enma R. C. Madelyn Rev, Wm, Dr. C. W. John W. John W. Perry O. Perry O. Dr, F.J. O. P. Dr. a. C. District Ars. Neva to the call of the county Medical care "edical care "edical care Medical supplies "edicai care "edical care "edical care "edical care "edical care "edicai care Hospital care "edical care Medical supplies Tests "edicai care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical supplies uedicai care "edical care Postage Medical supplies Medical supplies Staple food Books Supplies Mileage Credit service Nursing bare Medical care medical supplies Supplies Utilities Utilities Janitor service Staple food Staple food Staple food Staple food Utilities Rent Revolving fund Postage Telephone service Staple food •Staple food Uedical c,re Staple food Staple food. "edical care Utilities Rent Staple food Supplies Staple food Staple food Nursing care L'hairman of the uounty Board 19.50 80.00 4.00 34.25 19.55 2.00 6.00 8.00 118.75 3.00 249.60 51.74 87.87 20.00 27.50 48.05 56.65 19.00 14.00 1.50 12.00 7.00 27.10 5.25 21.16 40.00 15.00 33.14 11.60 5.00 90.00 16.00 28.50 5.69 7.47 10.39 75.00 20.00 215.50 75.00 3.07 2.00 150.00 24.75 50.00 42.18 20.00 10.00 4.00 70.00 92.00 4.00 3.46 68.00 122.00 1.50 20.00 20.00 75.00 of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, October 26, 1959. 10:00 'clock M. rman Regular meeting of the Aidams ''ounty Board of Supervisors met as per recess of October 6, 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht, and Youngblood. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kidd, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, it has previously been resolved by this board that consent be given O. J. Petersen, guardian for Charley M. Petersen, incompetent, to apply for license to sell real estate, and that said 0.J.Petersen be allowed to sell the real estate described as the Southwest Ounrter (SWf (442 SUPE VISO 'Ss EC(”D NO. 15 11 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Adams County Board of Supervisors consent that O.J. Petersen, guardian for Charley M. Petersen, incompetent, be given permission of this Board to sell real estate and FURTHERMORE this Board, by this resolution does hereby deem such sale necessary. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Mackie, that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, the Cling, upon the the City of Has of said County, County of Adams N.t of Lot 25, tings, Nebraska, and in the sum RESOLUTION: , Nebraska has a lien for Old and the West 8 feet of the N. same being of record in Book of $1415.60, and Age Assistance advanced to Addie t of Lot 27, Palmer's Addition to 173, page 177 of the Mortgage Records of saj WHEREAS, said premises have been sold, full payment of said lien is proffered, and it is necessary that said lien be released to clear the title to the property, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this IJoard authorize and direct the County Treasurer of this County to release and discharge said lien recorded in Book 173, page 177 of said Mortgage Records, upon the receipt by him of said sum of $141.60 in full payment of the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Kidd, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there has been signed by Adams County on the on the 17th day of January, 195, an agreement providing Secondary Road beginning at the Union Pacific Railroad c Adams Uounty, Nebraska, thence north 3* miles to the NW intersect State Highway No. 281 at the SW corner of Sec. 4 3/4 miles long WHEREAS, in the above agreement, the Couny has pledged sufficient funds to finance of the cost of the construction of this project identified as No. S-645(1), and. WHEREAS, the above mentioned agreement provided that the County would pay all of the non -Federal costs of this project, and WHEEAS, the State received bids for the construction of this project on October d, 1959, at which time one bid were (was) received for the construction of the proposed work, and WHEREAS, Federal funds for the construction of this project are temporarily not available, and WHEREAS, the following contractors for the items of work listed have been selected as the low bidders to whom a contract (contracts) should be awarded: H and M Equipment Company Gravel surface course —12,945.00 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above facts, the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, by this resolution, takes the following official action: 1. In the event bederal funds are insufficient or are temporarily withheld for the construction of this project, the County hereby agrees to pay the Federal share until such Federal funds are available. 2. The Board hereby concurs in the selection of the above mentioned contractors for the items of work listed, to whom a contract should be awarded. 3. The Board hereby authorizes the Chairman to sign a contract (contracts) with the above mentioned contractor (contractors) and with the State for the above mentioned work. 6th day of January, 1955, and the State for the construction of a Federal Aid rossing between 6ec. 30, 21, T7N., R9W., corner of Sec. 4, thence west lt miles to 31, T8N, R9W., said Project is approximately its share 4. The Board does not desire to perform any of the work with its own forces in lieu of performing the work by the contract method. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Crosson, that the low bid of the Hastings Daily Tribune of 52.90 for 1000 three-part forms for use of County Assessor be accepted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Hoagland, that the follotnE claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Agricultural Clerk of District court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk Cbunty Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County l'reasurer Jackson, William Kalvoda, Norma Jean Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Extension 'GENERAL FUND Office Office Office Office Office Salary Office Office Office Office Office Salary Salary Office Office Expense Expense Expense Expense & Mileage Expense J1,xpense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense 210.00 555.00 1152.45 790.52 1223.10 967.56 968.66 851.50 525.00 1536.84 250.00 150.00 770.20 585.00 dune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO ECOi'W NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEI RASKA 44 Larkin,Director, Perry O. STATE FUNDS Office Expense This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County County Clerk Deputy 2750.00 Board of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, November 6, ±959. 10:00 o'clock di -1.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County -board of supervisors met as per recess of October 26, 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, l'iackiel Utecht and Youngblood. Motion by Utecht, seconded by Youngblood, that the reports of the Nursing Home, County Clerk, dans County Library, Judge, Sheriff, (2) County Attorney, Register of Deeds, Clerk of the District Court, Car Titles and Tax Collector be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Mackie, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisor's Record. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. 2088 U. S. Treasury 2089 State Treasurer -State Assistance 2090 School Dist # 46 -dams '%ounty 2091 State of Nebraska 2092 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 2093 Mary Schultz, Clerk District Court 2094 Mary Schultz, Clerk District Court 2095 Emma Berg, County Clerk 2096 Neva w. Wolfe 2097 Grace H. Simpson, Justice of ''eace 2098 Perry O. Larkin 2099 Perry O. Larkin 2100 U. S. Treasurer 2101 Special Mail Route 2102 l'iedical, Surgical & Hospital 2103 Medi al, Surgical & Hospital 2104 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 2105 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 2106 urace Simpson, Justice of Peace 2107 Worthy wood, County Sheriff 2108 Melvin K. Kammerlohr 2109 Perry Larkin, Director 2110 Emma Berg, Uounty Clerk 2111 Elvin Witt 2112 Lloyd Bohlke 2113 Harry J. Rothrock-Clay County Judge 65.48 2114 Crace Simpson, Justice of 'eace 2115 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 75.007gg 2116 John E. hay, County Judge 690.94 2150 2117 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist 9078.70 2151 2118 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist 3180.85 2152 2119 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist 11345.06 2153 2120 Juniata Township 250.00 2154 2121 John E. Ray, county Judge 86.28 Motion by Utecht, seconded by Mackie, that the following 690.00 2122 223.96 2123 20.90 2124 34.40 2125 54.75 2126 15.30 2127 18.15 2128 178.20 2129 488.8o 2130 240.00 2131 50.00 2132 137.11 2133 26000.00 2134 2362.80 21.35 59.13 2136 210.48 2137 95.40 2138 993.06 2139 65.00 2140 44.50 2141 322.00 2142 14.00 2143 25.00 2114 9.00 2145 11.25 2146 2147 RESOLUTION: C. M. Pierson, Exect. 4.00 Don Brock, County Attorney 13.15 Grace '"impson,Justice of Peace 60.00 Gallen King 1.50 John E. Ray, County Judge 67.40 Emma Berg, County Clerk 264.95 Mary Schultz,Clerk District Court 373.50 state Treasurer -State Assistance43599.59 Grace Simpson,Justice of 'eace 60.00 Special Mail Route Medical, Surgical & Hospital Medical, Surgical & Hospital Medical, Surgical & Hospital Medical, Surgical & Hospital 2055.90 131t:g70 51.46 80.68 Uharles Bossert-Hall County Judge 10.77 Fred O. Schaffroth, Register Deeds553.90 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 65.00 Grace simpson, Justice of Peace 155.00 Grace Simpson 95.00 John E. hay, County Judge 105.75 Hastings State Hospital 5.00 Mary Schultz,Clerk District Court 50.00 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 115.00 Grace Simpson,Justice of reace 85.00 Emma Berg, Uounty Clerk 27.10 State Treasurer -State Assistance 695.54 John E. Ray, County Judge 158.56 State of »ebraska Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 75.00 Juniata Village -Clerk 4260.00 Perry O. Larkin -Director 125.00 County Judge -John E. hay 52.93 John E. hay, County Judge 294.68 resolution be adopted: WHEREAS on December 7, 1957, the County road on the south side of Section Thirty six (36) Township 6 North, hange 10 West in ',dams ounty,Nebraska, was vacated, except for the West One Thousand (1,000) Feet, and no provision was made for the transfer of said roadway to the adjoining property owners, and, WHEREAS the adjoining property owners have given land for the relocation of said roadway, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board of Supervisors sell to George W. Nielsen and Arthur A. Nielsen as Joint Tenants for the sum of 1.00 the following described real estate: All that part of the vacated county road right of way which was located between the Northeast Quarter (NE:) of Section One (1), Township 7 North, Range 10 West and the Southeast Quarter (SED of Section Thirty Six (36), Township 6 North, Range 10 Lest and contained within the land described in the Plant of South Shore Subdivision of a part of the forth Half (Ni) Northeast Quarter (NEi) Section One (1), Township 7 North, Range 10 West and a part of the south Half (SI) of Southeast 411arter (SE') Section Thirty Six (36), Township 8 North, Range k 2 4 10 west ail in Adams L'ounty, Nebraska, and that the chairman of the County Board be hereby authorized to execute and deliver Quit Claim Deed to, said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. iiotion carried. SUPE I \. VISO ADAMS C S EC016\D NO. 15 UNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there is an Old Age Assistance Lien filed against certain real property with the following legal description, to -wit: Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14, Block 7, Village of Holstein, darns County, Nebraska in favor of Adams County, Nebraska, for Old Age Assistance payLients paid to ETHEL SHULZ, also known as BESSIE ETHEL SHULZ of holstein, Adams County, Nebraska, and WHEREAS, said real property was sold at public auction and the amount of 4612.14 was realized after expenses, and that full value of the property was received, and WHEREAS, there is a check in the hands of the —dams County Welfare Division for said amount, which check will be deposited in the Old Jge Assistance kund, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of JAdams County, release and discharge said Old Age Assistance Lien from said property. Nebraska, be directed to RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there is an Old Age Assistance Lien filed against certain real property with the following legal descriptLon, to -wit: Lots 996, 997 and 998, Village of JuniL ta, Adams County, Nebraska in favor of Adams ''ounty, Nebraska, for Old Age Assistance payments paid to PEARL WHITING of hastings, Adams uounty, Nebraska, and WHEREAS, said real property was sold at public auction and the amount of 291.83 was realized after expenses, and that fui.1 value of the property was received, and WHEREAS, there is a check in the hands of the Adarns County Welfare Divisionfor said amount, which check will be deposited in the Old Age ilssistance NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of Adams uounty, Nebraska, be directed to release and discharge said Old Age Assistance lien from said property. RESOLUTION: WHEEAS, there are Old Age Assistance Liens filed against certain real property with the following legal description, to -wit: Lots 1020, 1021, 1022 and 1023, Village of Juniata, Adams County, Nebraska, in favor of Adams uounty, Nebraska, for Old Age Assistance payments paid to CHARLES LEE HOGSETT and BESSIE HOGSETT of Juniata, Adams Uounty, Nebraska, and WHEREAS, said real property was sold at public auction and the amount of 069.79 was realized after dxpenses, and that full value of the property was received, and WHEREAS, there is a check in the hands of the AdamsCounty Welfare ivision for said amount, which check will be deposited in the Old Age Assistance Fund, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be directed to release and discharge said Old Age —ssietance Liens from said property. RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there are Old Age Assistance Liens filed against certain real property with the following legal description, to -wit: Lot 528, Village of Juniata, Adams County, Nebraska in favor of Adams County, Nebraska, for Old Age Assistance payments paid to ELIZABETH LOCHNER and FRANCIS EUGENE LOCHNER, also known as FRANK EUGENE LOCHMEH, and WHEREAS, Howrd Snell is desirous of purchasing said property from Eliaabeth Lochmer and krancis Eugene Lochmer for Fifty ($50.00) Dollars which is the full and reasonable value of said property, and WHEREAS, there is a check in the hands of the Adams County Welfare Division from Mr.Howard Snell for said amount of Fifty (460.00) Dollars which check will be deposited in the Old Age Assistance kund, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Ireasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be directed to release and disch rge said old Age Assistance Liens from the above described property. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Hoagland, that we authorize the County Chairman to sign Tax list correction certificates No's 2843 to 2874 Inc. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Notion by Crosson, seconded by Mackie, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County ulerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE 111 VISO ECOI'W NO, 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Bivens Booth nterprises Brock, County Attorney Burroughs Uorporation Burroughs Corporation Business Supply ';o. Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Clerk of District Court County Clerk Credit Bureau of Hastings Davenport & Company Dutton-Lainson Company •Dutton-Lainson Company Dutton-Lainson Company Friden Agency Gant Publishing Company Gant Publishing Company Gulldner, M. D. Hammond & Stephens Co. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings IndustriA3 Supplies Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities International business MachinesLincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co.U McGrath Hardware Co Modern Office Methods Nelson hnterprises Omaha Printing Company Orkin Exterminating Company Inc. Photostat uorporation Photostat Corporation Redfield 6 Company, Inc. Redfield & Company, Inc. Schafer rrinting ompany Schfer "rinting Company Schafer rrinting L'ompany Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Schultz, Clerk District "ourt Simpson, Justice of l'eace Stephenson School Supply Co. Stewart Story Story Thomas rrf Turner, State Librarian University Publishing Co. Vaughans Printers Inc. Vaughans Printers Inc. West Publishing Company Wood, Sheriff (Th Augustin Implement Co. Bachman Brown Repair shop City of hastinEs- Street & Alley Dept Clarke Oil Company Clarke Oil Company Construction Service Equipment Co. Consumers Public Power District Evans Farmers Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil Co. Fehrs Tractor & Equipment o. Felzien, Jr. Friends Motor Supply Co. Glenwood Telephone 'o. Goedert Hageman Hardware Co. Harpham Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. Hastinfs Co -Op. supply Hastings Tire Sales Hastings Tire Sales Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Go. Heuertz Highway Equipment & Supply Co. H & M Construction Co. George W. R. C. Don P. h. J • J. H. Fred O. Mary Grace Harold Roscoe E. Roscoe E. hay L. George Worthy B. ROAD FUND L. L. Henry Gilbert Jake hay B. Harold 3ailiff Supplies Postage Maintenance, Supplies Supplies Labor Supplies Supplies Hearing Postage, Express Credit service Inspection Supplies Supplies Supplies Maintenance Subscription Subscription Office call, care Supplies Supplies, Publishing Publishing proceedings Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Repair Telephone service Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Services Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Postage State cases, Committment State cases Supplies Tests Mileage mileage, Room, Meals Salary Revised Statutes Supplies Supplies Supplies supplies Postage, jailor fee, Laundry mileage Supplies Diesel Repairs Armor coating Gas Gas Supplies Utilities Salary Gas, Diesel Supplies Supplies Telephone service Salary Supplies Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies, Repairs Supplies Utilities •Supplies hileage Supplies Gravel 4d.00 28.19 11.70 760.65 1.90 3.50 15.00 3.00 23.00 11.67 4.00 32.50 50.92 8.11 6.80 46.00 18.00 18.00 25.50 94.03 1174.75 177.82 16.43 8.56 6.51 142.20 80.36 14.85 4.25 1.65 179.94 6.50 200.60 3.70 2.90 4.50 3.33 5.00 254.10 333.15 60.84 9.27 3.15 2.70 63.10 20.50 108.90 52.50 68.51 15.00 1.92 55.35 119.25 37.05 19.05 34.46 2.72 189.00 263.90 53.04 14.1.26 6.40 500.00 94.3( 79.89 313.38 2.05 208.00 145.61 30.01 86.40 38.35 17.85 208.00 20.70 81.60 54.51 11.55 585.04 125.06 20.34 5.40 7.52 47.93 !120.00 SUPE VISO 'S 61EC 1' ADAMS COUNTY, NE 01'W NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Kenesaw Telephone Co. Kenesaw Telephone L'o. Kerr Chevrolet Company Kluver L aux Lenhart Service Station Lilley Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph uo. Mculelland Farm Equipment Lo. McRoberts Industries AcGrath Hardware 'do. Messer uo. Modern .sinen Supply uo. Montgomery Ward & Co. Moore Mousel Nebraska Department of Roads Schaffroth, Register of Deeds sidles Company Sime Sime Simmons Sinclair efining o. Southern Nebr. iural Public Power Stromer Struss Velder Vontz Wailes "heeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Wilder Oil Co. Zubrod Dutton-Lainson Company Rief Wheeler Lumber Bridge H & M Construction Co. Lilley Road Account Vontz & Supply Albright Bennett,Co.Inc. Doubleday & Company, Inc. Doubleday & Corra)any, Inc. Doubleday & Company, Inc. Ernst Gangwish Gaylord Bros. Inc. Hastings Carnegie Library Jones Kindig Meair Parks Sanford Shiffler Cosgrove Duthie Hoffmeister Mas tin Snyder Vasey Yost Adams County Treas- Adams County Treas- Adams County Treas- Adams county Treas- Anderson Bennett Berts Drug 'tore Berts nexall Drug Brooke & Son Charlton DeBacker, Doyle's Drug Store Ege n Fern's Pharmacy Foote Gelw ick John Wayne, et al J. H. L. J. Virgil Fred O. A. J. A. J. Arthur -ist. Paul G. Lambert R. Gilbert L. J. Jereire Harold L. MIDGE FUND He SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND Ed L. J. COUNTY LIBRARY Dixie May Chas. A. Waunetta Branson kina Aaron Mrs. Margaret Ars. Klyoe Liss Arlene Dorothy Dorothy Dewey STATE FUNDS Madelyn va 3. Dr. George F. Dr. ii. L. Daniel 12.. Roby Dr. John G. MEDICAL, SURGICAL & HOSPITAL Aid to Disabled Aid to Dependent child Blind Assistance Old Age Assistance Dr, H. Dr. W. Store F. K. Dr. G. P. Dr. L. J. D. L. F. Dr. D. B. Dr. G. Telephone Service Telephone service supplies Salary Dand Gas, Repairs Gravel Snow Plow, Supplies Telephone service supplies Supplies, epairs supplies supplies Laundry Supplies Gas Salary Project S645(3) Filing deed Supplies Gas, Diesel Gas, Diesel, Repair Sal Diesel .Power line relocation Salary Salary Salary Gravel Salary Culverts, supplies Gas Gas, Supplies Salary Supplies Gravel Gravel Labor, Gravel Equipment Salary Books Books Books Books Salary Salary Supplies Library service Salary salary Salary Salary Salary Cataloger Mileage Mileage Medical care "edical care Mileage Mileage Medical care Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Medical care "edical care Medical Medical medical medical "edical Me dical medical Medical medical medical supplies supplies supplies care care supplies care supplies care care Rental 9.55 9.05 9.28 14.30 50.00 118.14 210.24 1611.18 23.35 8.68 25.12 1.64 2.70 2.95 51.90 75.10 208.00 1472.50 2.00 24.)14 144.68 111.93 67.20 153.16 1441.90 208.00 228.80 208.00 92.20 208.00 2251.15 99.90 11.70 5.99 208.00 688.15 1494.10 2004.24 1828.20 3346.80 25.00 47.61 6.40 3.2o 25.60 35.00 25.0o 22.25 90.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 83.33 7.68 7.04 7.50 3.00 5.12 9.76 7.5o 52.53 05.76 213.00 1150.18 140.38 111.00 99.08 153.52 97.7o 287.00 15.00 6.75 8.00 108.56 5.00 4.00 b,pne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO ADAMS C D NO. 15 UNTY, NEBRASKA Johnson Drug Store Kamm Kostal Kuehn Livingston-Butler-Volland Funeral McIntire McAei11 Mary Lanning Hospital Mastin Merten-Butler Funeral Home Mikkelsen Drug Company Orthopedic Brace company Pinney Rutt Rutts Drug Store # 1 Butts Drug store # 2 Sawyer's Drug Store Shreck Taylor Drug Store We Yost Zikmund Acme Printing Company Berg, County Clerk Bert lx Rexall Drugs Bi -Lo harket Brooke & Son Credit Bureau of liastings Goldbeck Guildner Hastings Drug Store Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Herbers Hoffmeister Jack & Jill Grocery Kansas-Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Kipp Larkin -Director Larkin -Director Lincoln Tele hone & Telegraph Co. Miller Grocery Rutt Drug Store # 2 Safeway Grocery Safeway Grocery Skaggs # 13 Smith Southern Nebr. Rural Public Spencer Park Rental Agency Stop & Shop Market Traum's .L'uneral Home Western Iuto -ssociate Store Widener's IGA Store Wiseman's Grocery Wolfe Dr. Frank Dr. O. A. Dr. G. A. Home Dr. R. J. Dr. L. S. Dr. R. L. Dr. G. L. Dr. F. J. Dr. H. W. Dr. C. R. Dr. John Dr. E. T. GENERAL BELIEF Emma Rev. Wm. Dr. C. W. Sophia M. Dr. George F. John W. Perry O. Perry O. P, Dr. Robert C. Power Dist Mrs .Neva ibis board will now recess subject to the call of the Clerk Regular meeting of the Adams Edward H. Lightner, chairman Medical Medical medical Agbulanc Medical Medical Hospital medical Ambul anc medical Supplies medical medical Medical Medical Medical medical Medical medical medical Medical supplies care care care e service care care care care e ser -vice supplies care care supplies supplies supplies care supplies care care care Supplies Postage Medical supplies Staple food Supplies Credit service Nursing care medical care Medical supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Janitor helper medical care Staple food Utilities Rent Postage Revolving fund Telephone service Staple food Medical supplies Staple food Staple food Staple food Medical care Utilities Rent Staple food Burial Supplies Staple food Staple food Nursing care 11.02 31.00 6.50 4.00 7.50 17.50 3.00 259.75 43.66 10.00 75.16 20.00 25.00 153.50 79.99 167.98 59.90 30.00 7.25 4.00 215.0o 2.00 76.90 26.25 5.25 80.00 1.78 5.00 90.00 12.00 3.25 2.15 .90 8.60 75.00 7.5o 56.0o 4.00 150.00 50.00 62.45 39.75 20.00 14.45 70.00 187.00 112.00 2.00 4.15 31.00 5L. 00 150.00 1.50 20.00 20.00 75.00 chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, November 23, 1959. 10:00 o'clock L.N. County Board of Supervisors met as per recess presiding. Roll call, members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, of November 6, 1959. Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Notion by Youngblood, seconded by Utecht that the low bid of the Hastings Daily Tribune for County Assessor supplies of 003.60 be accepted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by 6rosson, seconded by Youngblood, that we authorize the County Treasurer to strike from the tax list personal taxes of those who have moved and addresses unknown and those deceased in accordance with ec. 77-1938 Compiled Statutes 1943. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. (1,48 SUPE VISO ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE 11 D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Crosson, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund. and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County i,gricultural 'Clerk of District uourt County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Jackson, William Kalvoda, Norma Jean Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Highway Department Bridge Department Larkin,Director, Perry O. Extension Office This '5oard will now recess subject to County j erk GENERAL FUND Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense • Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense ROAD FUND Salaries BRIDCE FUND Salaries STATE FUNDS Office i'xpense 245.00 555.00 1198.90 765.00 1197.74 938.96 1032.66 978.94 525.00 1528.74 250.00 125.00 765.00 585.00 6097.65 57.00 2750.00 the call of the hairman of the County io&rd of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, December 4, 1959. 10:00 coclock A.M Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of November 23, 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Utecht and Youngblood. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kidd, that the reports of the Adams County Library, Sheriff, Register of Deeds, Judge, Clerk of. District Court, Nursing Hate, Car Titles, County Clerk and Deputy Tax Collector be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Youngblood, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisor's Record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 2155 Zero Township 2156 U. S. Treasury 2157 Perry Larkin 2158 Worthy B. Wood, Sheriff 2159 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 2160 Gray National Service 2161 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 2162 Emma Berg, County Clerk 2163 Perry Larkin,Director 2164 Perry Larkin,Director 2165 Elsie Parker, Admx. 2166 Neva W. Wolfe 2167 Josie E. Johnson,Executrix 2168 Village of Juniata 2169 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 2170 Perry O. Larkin -Director 2171 Perry O. Larkin -Director 2172 Perry O. Larkin -Director 2173 Perry O. Larkin -Director 2174 George & Arthur Nielson 2175 Howard Snell 2176 John Ray, County Judge 2177 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist 2178 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist 2179 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. 2180 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 2181 Gladys Kerr -Exec. 2182 Maine Township 2183 Mary Schultz, Clerk District court 2184 Verona Township 2185 Emma Berg, County Clerk 500.00 4385.00 52.50 26.50 65.004 .90 170.00 212.50 12.00 60.60 51.42 488.00 185.17 100.00 80.00 141.60 512.14 369.79 291.83 1.00 50.00 719.10 9445.62 3180.85 11932.14 74.00 4741.47 283.34 452.90 500.00 266.15 2186 Mary Schultz Clerk Dist. Court 2187 Special Mail "oute 2188 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 2189 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 2190 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 2191 Mediaal, Surgical & Hospital 2192 Kenesaw Township 2193 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 2194 Emma Berg, County Clerk 2195 John E. "ay, County Judge 2196 Hastings Nati_ karm Loan Assn. 2197 fired O. Schaffroth, Reg. Deeds 2198 Perry Larkin -Director 2199 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 2200 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 2201 State Treas-State Assistance 2202 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 2203 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 2204 John E. Ray, County Judge 2205 John E. Ray, County Judge 2206 Mary Schultz, Clerk Dist. Court 2207 Mary Schultz,Clark Dist. Court 2208 Silver Lake township Treasurer 2209 Highland Township 2210 John E. Ray, County Judge 2211 Cancelled 2212 Mary Schultz, Clerk Dist. Court 2213 Ayr Township 2214 Wanda =Lownship 2215 State of Nebraska 2216 State Treas-State Assistance • 16.35 18.20 52.53 65.76 213.00 1150.18' 500.00 95.00 26.25 64.08 17.40 615.95 32.31 80.00 d0.00 )1)1426.25 70.00 80.00 20.00 20.00 .30 2.64 500.00 500.00 229.80 15.30 500.00 500.00 14.80 681.88 SUPE VISO 'S ECCPW NO, 15 A AMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 449 Motion by Kidd, seconded by Crosson, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, a 1950 Chevrolet truck owned by Adams ounty Highway Deprtment was involved in an accident on May 20, 1959, at a country road intersection one-half mile west of Kenesaw, Nebraska, resulting in damage to said truck estimated at $202.75 by Trupp's Body and kender Shop, HastinEs, Nebraska, who has since repaired said truck, and WHEREAS, insurance carrier for the other automobile involved has offered $17.00 in full and complete settlement for the damage for said truck, and Don Brock, County Attorney, for Adams County has recommended the acceptance of said amount in settlement: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County board of Supervisor's accept said offer for the damage to said truck and authorize said County Attorney to accept said payment for and in behalf of Adams Uounty and to execute a release, releasing Gerald H. Loveland, driver of the other automobile, from any further liability for damage to said truck or any other claim arising out of said accident. C. G. Yost, County Treasurer, is also authorized to endorce the check from Western Casualty and Surety Company in the amount of $175.00 which contains a receipt in release on the back thereof. Roll call, Ayes: Crosson, Kidd, Lightner, Utecht and Youngblood. Nay: Hoagland and Mackie. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Crosson, that the County Sheriff is authorized to purchase a Camera kit and accessories as contained in Haberman low bid of $165.51. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Utecht, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Acme Heat Equipment Company Acme Heat Equipment Company Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Adams County Veterans Service Office Bee Printing Company Bivens Brock, County Attorney Business Supply Company Business Supply Company Business Supply Company Business Supply Company Commerce Clearing House Inc. Commerce Clearing House Inc. Cornhusker Press County Assessor County Clerk County Supt. County Supt. Credle Dictaphone Corporation Farmers Mutual Insurance Co. Hammond & Stephens Co. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings T'ypewriter "ompany Hastings Utilities Hawes Henry I.B.M. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co Marvel -Smith Insurance Agency Mortgage Investment Co. Orkin Exterminating Co. Inc. Ray, County Judge John E. Recordak uorporation Road Fund hoyal McBee Corporation Schafer Printing Company Schafer Printing Uompany Schafer Printing Company Schultz, Clerk District Court Mary Shepard's Citations Inc. Swearingen J. E. Thomas Ray L. Vaughans Printers West Publishing Company Wood, Sheriff Yost, County Treasurer George Don Z. W. of Nebr. Worthy B. C. G. GENERAL FUND Repairs Repairs Office Expense Office Expense Supplies Bailiff Mileage, Expenses Supplies Supplies Adding Machine Repairs Reports_ Reports Supplies Postage Postage, Janitor supply Mileage Convention Repairs Records Insurance Supplies Supervisors Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Repairs Supplies Supplies Utilities Postage Supplies telephone service Insurance Insurance Services State cases, Postage Supplies Supplies Typewriters Supplies Supplies Supplies State cases, bubscription Bailiff Salary Supplies Books Iood, Laundry, Mileage Postage Proceedings Committment 101.90 34.85 400.00 500.00 17.65 40.00 33.02 6.25 7.25 494.50 3.00 35.00 30.00 16.63 120.00 4.85 58.64 40.00 13.89 5.27 1383.99 15.75 112.37 52.90 6.00 20.00 55.40 5.10 .97 9.00 3.95 3.24 55.75 14.65 9.65 284.67 5.00 14.60 178.30 1390.39 133.88 5.00 34.75 332.00 17.48 891.25 12.60 2.15 10.27 208.62 35.00 16.00 127.50 10.75 30.00 246.54 100.00 SUPE 1 VISO 'S IECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE RASKA D NO. 15 Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Consumers Public Power District Cook Paint & Varnish Co. D -A Lubricant Company, Inc. Dutton-Lainson Company autton-Lainson Company Evans Evans reamers Union Co -Op. Gas Friends Motor Supply Hageman Hardware Company Hastings Motor Truck Co. Hastings Utilities H & M Construction Company Home Oil Company Hunts Garage Itzen, Diez & Nolte Insurance Juniata Farmers Co -Op. Assn. Kansas liebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kennedy Kerr Chevrolet Company Kluver Lenhart Service Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Mousel Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co. Paper Calmenson Pittz Service Pittz Service Rief Sherman Service Center Sime Smith & Sons Stromer Struss Irupp Velder Village of henesaw Wagners Service Station Wailes Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Wilber Service Inc. Wilder Oil Company Zubrod Henry O. U. & Oil Co. Agency & Company Co. Cook Paint & Varnish Co. Goedert Hastings Co -Op. Supply Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Lilley Road Account Vontz Albright Bouregy & Ernst Gangwish Hastings Jones Kind ig McNair Parks Sanford Shiffler Vaughanis Printers Watkins Book Shop Company Carnegie Charlton Cosgrove Duthie Guildne r Hoffmeister Kostal Mastin Snyder Vasey Adams Adams Adams Adams Lounty County County County Library Tom John Virgil Henry A. J. S. E. Paul G. Lambert R. Ad am Gilbert Jerome Harold BRIDGE FUND Jake SPECIAL:MAIL ROUTE ROAD Ed L. J. COUNTY LIBRARY Dixie May Thomas Waunetta Branson Mrs. Anna Aaron Mrs. Margaret Mrs. Klyoe Miss Arlene Mrs. Dorothy Dorothy Dewey Emma STATE FUNDS Dr. G. Paul Madelyn Eva B. Dr, C. W. Dr. George F. Dr. O. A. Dr. R. L. Daniel E. Ruby MEDICAL,- SURGICAL Treas- Old Age Assistance Treas- Blind Assistance Treas- Aid to Dependent Child Treas- Aid to Disabled FUND Utilities Supplies Lubricant Supplies Supplies Salary Supplies Gas, Diesel, Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Gravel Diesel Supplies Insurance Supplies Utilities Utilities MlialpTDCs Salary Gas Supplies Telephone service Salary Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel, Supplies Gas, Diesel, Supplies Salary Supplies Gas, Diesel, Kerosene Supplies Salary Salary Supplies Salary Water Gas, Diesel, Supplies Salary Culverts, Supplies Supplies, Repairs Gas Gas, Oil Supplies Salary Supplies Supplies Gravel Labor, Equipment hental Gravel Salary Books Salary Salary Library service Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Supplies Books Medical Mileage Mileage Medical "edical medical Mileage Mileage care care care care care & HOSPITAL Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment 3.05. .88 52.80 2.05 312.19 187.20 2.39 167.63 7.75 12.59 1.51 36.15 471.90 70.00 68.78 797.49 756.40 6.99 5.40 8.82 1.20 23.40 106.41 164.39 26.25 197.60 446.21 32.51 254.10 170.35 187.20 16.49 165.05 3.90 187.20 208.00 272.75 52.00 16.00 131.50 183.30 483.03 26.75 35.53 12.20 5.91 166.40 3.55 70.00 1246.32 1499.85 588.00 25.00 31.50 35.00 25.00 90.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 83.33 17.10 14.00 7.50 7.76 5.20 7.50 7.50 7.50 5.00 9.76 11.12 1090.45 188.61 57.48 249.96 ne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE Doyle's Drug Store Egen Fern's Pharmacy Foote Foote Geren Drug Store Glenn Guildner Hastings Drug Store Hoffmeis ter Holcomb Holm's-Estate Holthaus Drug Company Jackson Funeral Home Johnson Drug Store Kamm Kingsley Kostal Kuehn McIntire McMillan McMillan McNeill Mary Lanning Hospital Martin Mikkeisen's Drug L'ompany- Pinney Hutt Rutt's Drug Store # 1 Rutt's Drug Store # 2 Sawyer's Drug Store Smith Taylor's Drug Store Weber Yost Berg, County Clerk Berts Rexall Drug Store Bi -Lo Market Burroughs Corporation Business Supply Company Credit Bureau of Hastings 14)uthie Goldbeck Guildner Has Hastings Hastings Hastings Herbers Jack & Jill Grocery - Jack & Jill Grocery - Jack & Jill Grocery - Jack & Jill Grocery- Kansas-Nebr. Natural Kipp Larkin-Bire ctor Larkin -Director Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph uo Livingston-Butler-Volland Funeral Home Rural Gas Utilities of Nebraska Rutt's Drug Store # 2 Safeway Grocery- N. Burl. Safeway Grrocery- E. 2nd Safeway Grocery- E. 2nd Schafer Printing Company Sclieidies Ray Skaggs Grocery e 13 0. P. Spencer ijark Rental Agency Stahnke Grocery Stevens Rest Haven Stevens Rest Haven Stop & Shop Market western auto Associate Store Widener's IGA Store Wiltrout Wiseman's Grocery Wolfe Drug Store Typewriter Company Utilities Utilities Viso East South So. urlington 3rd & Burlington 3rd & Burlington Gas Co. Inc. ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 'Dr. L. F. Dr. C. M. Dr. D. B. Dr. Elmer Dr. C. W. Dr. U. F. Dr. u. R. Dr. C. h. Wayne Dr. Frank Dr, D. W. Dr. 0. A. Dr. U. A. Dr. R. J. Dr, John Dr. John Dr. L. S. Dr. R.. L. Dr. L. Dr. ie. J. Dr. Robert C. Dr. U. R. Dr. John GENERAL RELIEF Emma Eva B. Rev. WM. •Dr. (-;. W. Sophia M. John 4. Perry -0. Perry 0. Mabel Nrs. Neva This Board will now recess subject to the call of VOunty clerk the Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Ambulanc Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Hospital Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical supplies care supplies care care supplies care care supplies care care care supplies e service supplies care care care care care care care care care care supplies care care supplies supplies supplies care supplies care care Postage Medical supplies Staple food Mechanical service Supplies Credit service Mileage Nursing care medical care Medical supplies Supplies Utilities Utilities Janitor helper Staple food Staple food Staple food Supplies Utilities Rent Revolving fund Postage Telephone service Ambulance service Utilities Medical supplies Staple food Staple food Staple food Supplies Nursing care Staple food Rent Staple food Nursing care Nursing care Staple food Supplies Staple food Nursing care Staple food Nursing care Chairman of the County 6.75 3.00 310.05 5.00 4.00 7.00 12.00 116.93 7.50 22.00 3.00 19.00 12.80 1.12 2.00 180.00 12.10 2.00 27.50 8.00 4.00 3.00 218.57 159.40 52.80 25.00 14.5o 69.02 75.00 24.30 2.00 12.64 14.00 4.00 26.35 23.18 100.00 40.00 21.16 4.00 7.80 90.00 12.00 15.00 6.95 10.25 13.32 75.00 98.00 227.50 25.00 6.33 150.00 60.15 50.00 42.45 50.00 4.75 39.00 75.00 20.00 90.00 6.50 90.00 92.00 31.00 40.00 28.00 16.00 4-5.00 1.50 40.00 30.00 20.00 75.00 Board of Supervisors. (452 SUPE D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEIRASKA 1" Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, December Al, 1959. 10:00 o'clock IL.M. Regular meeting of the Adams uounty Board of Supervisors met as per recess of December 40 1959. Edward H. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Crosson, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Utecht and Youngblood, Absent:Mackie. Motion by Crosson, seconded by Youngblood, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Agricultural Extension Office Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff CoUnty Supt. County Treasurer Jackson, William Register of Deeds Veteran's 6ervice Highway Department Bridge Department Larkin,Director, Perry O. This Board will now recess Cfr Couniy Clerk Deputy subject to the Regular meeting of Edward H. Lightner, Roll call, members Utecht. GENERAL FUND Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense :Salary & Mileage Office Expense 'Office Expense 'Office Expense Office Expense Office Elpense 'Salary Office Expense 'Office Expense ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND STATE FUNDS Salaries Salaries Office Expense call of the chairman of the County Board 260.00 555.00 984.05 765.00 1265.34 914.58 972.66 1026.50 525.00 1419.54 250.00' 765.00 585.00 5693.59 570.00 2750.00 of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesda Y, December 29, 1959. 1:30 o'clock P.M. the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess Chairman presiding. of December 2L, 1959. present: Crosson, Lightner, Mackie and Youngblood, Absent: Hoagland, Kidd and Motion by Mackie, seconded by Youngblood, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, the County of Adams Nebraska through the County Board of Public Welfare, Adams County, Nebraska, and the Adams County, Nebraska Division of Public Welfare and the Adams County Nebraska Department of Welfare has paid the total sum of S2,616.30 for the care, treatment and hospitalization of Lucille Tischer and Jerry rischer, minor children of Gehard Fischer and Marie Fischer, who were injured on May 10, 1959, when they were struck by an automobile operated by Edwin H. Rief, and WHEREAS, on May 26, 1959 Gehard kischer and Marie Fischer, entered into an agreement whereby they agreed to reimburse the Adams County IDepartnaent of Welfare for all amounts expended for the care, treatment and hospitalization of Lucille rischer and 'Jerry Fischer and made an assignment of their rights against Edwin H. Rief to the extent of such payments, and WHEREAS, Edwin H. hief has offered to pay the sum of 2,616.30 to the County of Adams, Nebraska in full settlement of all claims against him arising out of the accident of May 10, 1959; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the offer of Edwin H. Rief is hereby accepted; that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Adams, Nebraska and the County Clerk of the County of Adams, Nebraska is hereby authorized and directed to execute and delivera release of all claims against Edwin H. Rief arising out of the accident of May 10, 1959, including all rights under the agreement between Gehard Fischer and Marie Fischer and the Adams County Department of Welfare, dated May 26, 1959, upon the payment of the sum of $2,616.30 to the County of AdaRs, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the County'Ulerk call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors.