HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupervisors Rec 13 1934SUPERVISOR'S. RECORD NO. 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS, NEBR. Whisinand Groc Ayr Lbr Co Clark - Detour Frahm, et al Huckfeldt Mangers Nebr. Culvert & Mfg Co Silvey Lbr Co Adams County Agriculture Society Shannon Berg Ruhter J A Fred Art Robert Al J A BRIDGE FUND COUNTY FAIR FUND 14 Groc 2.70 Culvert, band etc 24.67 Repairs 110.83 Labor 2.50 20.75 5.00 u 4.00 Culvert 139.74 Lbr 53.60 For Pernament improvements & premiums 500.00 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST # 1. F E Road work 67.50 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. # 2. L A Road work 60.00 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. # ?. M Fred ,. Road work 65.00 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. # 4. Goble Jay Road. work 85.00 Motion by Bowers, seconded by Ruhter, that the following names be submitted to the Clerk of District Court from which to draw the jury for the next term of district court. Supervisor Dist. # 1. 'Nest Blue: Floyd Harrell, H. P. Hansen, John Yost. Highland: J. W. Rider, E. M. Dominy, Glen Robertshaw. Denver: Geo Neeinan, John Fricke, Pearl Daugherty. Blaine: Roy Smith, C. A. Starr. Supervisor Dist. # 2. Verona: Richard Struss, Harold Whitesel. Juniata: Cleo Newell,'Earl L. Gangwish, Fred Augustin. Wanda: Ralph Burling, Fred Roeder, Floyd Eggers. Kenesaw: Roy Ernst, Vern Osler, H. M. Finnigsmier. Supervisor Dist. # 3. Roseland: Mat Trausch, A. H. Ruhter, Henry Burkhard. Cottonwood: Bill Ei ch, Gus Granstrom, Roy Gilmore. LOGAN: Arthur Beirow, Lloyd Hall, Dave Koch. Silver Lake: Hugo Meyers, Geo. J. Ricker. Supervisor Dist. # 4., Ayr: Fred Kort, Will Rheingan, Will Dycus. Zero: Martin Kort, Louie Muhleisen, Herman Plautz. Little Blue: Emil Kalvoda, Ben Leighfield, John Reiber. Hanover: Fred Biomenkamp, Charlie.Brader. Supervisor Dist. # 5, City of Hastings. A Barth, John Stroh, H. Bexten, Henry Fete, John Maul, John Hopp, Geo. Trupp, T. J. Barry, H. 0. Eckhardt, Harry Wilson, W. E. True, J. K. Gettman. Supervisor Dist. # 6, City of Hastings. Ralph Patterson, Ernest C. Mathers, Clarence Robinson, Geo.:May, Peter Goedert, Chas. Stroh Jr., Geo. C. Adamson, Daniel Seward, Joe Hartman, M. M. Mathers, Edward Dier,'Tom Davis. Supervisor Dist. # 7, City of Hastings. Ben Hein, Frank Addleman, Glen Reams, E. C. Leinweber, J. J. Tawzer, Elmer Sunday, Chris Work, A. D. Lay, A. A. Adams, Owen Jones, Henry Cropley, I. L. Anderson. Motion by Goble, seconded, by Bowers, that this board now adjourn to meet again on January 6th, 1934 at 9 o'clock A.M. Motion carried'. Board adjouned. / t , County Clerk. / Chairman. SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0 E. SERF PRINTING CO HASTINGS NEBR, COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Saturday, Jan 6th, 1934. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of Dec. 5th, 1933. Roll call, all members present as follows: Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter and Shannon. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 when the baord again resumed with all members present. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Ruhter, t hat the request for a blind pension for Mrs. N. F. Davis be allowed at $12.00 per month. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bower that the application of Bert Brower for off and on Beverage license be not grant- ed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Shannon, that the fourth quarterly report of the County Sheriff be placed on file. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bower, that the blind pension for Fred Yenckel and L. W. Yenckel be cancelled. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bower, seconded by 6hannon, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams A. A. Baker Wesley bauer GG Berg LA Bohlke Co Judge W Halsey Bowers Reuben Brazelton Ed Brazelton Paul Brigham Beula Burroughs Adding Machine Co Cannon T N Central Power Co City Electric Dept Crosson Bertha Crosson, Sheriff Raymond L Cunningham, Supt Lottie E Defines Drug Co Dericks Bike Shop Dillenbach, Clerk of Dist Court Lucia Evans 0 G Gartner Frieda Goble Jay Hastings Letter Shop Hastings Rubber Stp Wks Hastings Sheet Metal Wks Hastings Typewriter Co Hewitt Gladys Jones, Co. Clerk T. R. Jones, Co. Clerk T. W. K -B Printing Co Keith, et al Dr. W. W. Kenesaw Progress Kline J B Land GH Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln Tel. & Telg Co Marian H E Marian J F Martin Wm S Mikkelsen Drug Co Omaha School Supply Co Queen City Laundry Ruhter M Fred Rutherford Bros Sample Kenneth Schroeder, Co Atty Herman G Serf Printing Co 0 E Shannon F E St John EA St John Theresa A Stein Bros Co Theobald Co. Treas A J Widmaier Wm Woodworth Lovina Zion Office Supply Adams Co J D GENERAL FUND. COUNTY HIGHWAY Desk top Labor Supervisor services Court costs Supervisor services Services Drugs Co Farm Gas Light Matron Office & joil expense Postage & mileage Supplies Lock Court costs Mileage Services Supervisor services Claim blanks Stamps Supplies Services •11 Mileage Postage, registers etc Supplies Insanitylwitness, etc Printing Services Care of inmates Supplies Services Supervisor services Services Supplies Laundry Supervisor services Plumbing Labor Supplies Supervisor services Mileage Services Desk Postage Bailiff & mileage Services Supplies FUND 53.50 1.25 56.00 52.80 62.06 95.50 75.00 8.75 43.20 38.25 6.00 10.07 37.14 5.52 136.93 29.60 3.70 .90 256.49 1.40 28.85 37.00 7.00 2.50 13.50 9.50 40.63 16.20 18.91 60.50 26.00 21.40 .75 110.54 36.61 68.25 99.05 60.00 24.26 .50 3.76 5.61 61.60 .60 1.25 2.75 145.25 25.00 2.00 48.10 4.75 47.00 23.50 75.00 .75 SnnnlipR 1.5.9E 0 E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR. SUPERVISOR'S RECORD City Electric Dept Clark Deep Rock Oil Station Duncan Dutton & Sons Co Eytan Farmers Un Co-op Gas & Gangwish Gaymon Goble Gregory & Doyle Hansen Haws Hubbard Kennedy Kuehn Lau Oil Co Lenhart Service Station Matthews, et al McGrath Hdw Co Newman O'Connell -Gill Tractor Co Overy Pete's Oil Station Phillips Petro Co Phillips, et al Pritchard Prosser Lbr Co Reed, et al Schlueter Lbr Co Schmitz Schuman Shaw Sime Sinclair Refining Co Smith, et al Smith, et al Standard On Co Trausch, et al JA GS W M Jacob Oil Co MC G E Homer L H. P. ✓ G Andy Dan Chas John G F • H Howard G Howard Henry Clyde R Lloyd R E R Carl John L AJ Dick G G Ayr Lbr Co Ayr Twp Blaine Twp Cottonwood Twp Denver Twp Dutton & Sons Hanover Twp Highland Twp Juniata Twp Kenesaw Twp Little Blue Twp Logan Twp Renner & Co Roseland ;p Silver Lake Twp Sinclair .fining Co Stager Verona Twp Wacker Wanda Twp West Blue Twp Zero Twp Co Peter W M Percy Fred Jacob Adams Co. eh. American Red Cross Austin Groc Bauer Fred Bert's Drug Store Brooke & Son Byers Lbr Co eannon T. N Carson Drug Store City Fuel & Feed Co Consumers Cash Lbr Co Cooper Coal Co Cowton Coal Co NO. 13 Elec. Supplies Gas & oil Supplies " Labor Gas & oil Patrolman County road dragging Gas, Gravel Supplies Gas Patrolman Dragging County roads Maintaining & grading Gas 11 Labor Supplies Labor ShoVels, lubricant & shovel parts Patrolman Gas. 11 Dragging county roads Maintaining Shovels Dragging county roads Fir Labor Maintaining Patrolman Gas tt Tea* work Dragging county raods Gas Team work ROAD DRAGGING FUND Culvert Dragging twp. roads ft Certificate containers Dragging twp. res ft ft Truck weight sheets Dragging Twp roads Gas Hauling wood Dragging Twp roads Setting & filing saw Dragging Twp roads n POOR AID FUND Services s Groc Drugs Coal Drugs Coal .75 22.20 67.44 16.95 24.35 12.50 46.72 63.14 6.75 7.65 5.40 4.00 94.22 49.40 2.40 1.50 1.70 6.10 2.95 .85 74.29 173.56 53.20 107.00 33.45 16.50 62.32 9.50 29.40 13.14 66.88 55.50 70.84 61.02 34.08 6.40 38.40 7.54 4.50 17.55 33.40 31.60 28.30 30.40 300.00 36.40 84.10 57.25 62.80 30.93 15.10 3.50 59.20 26.88 1.55 5.00 58.90 1.00 40.90 26.65 42.10 5.45 5.45 47.65 7.61 10.10 .25 31.50 13.00 1.30 12.55 63.00 11.70 215.00 159.14 ;In nn 46 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO HASTINGS, NERR. Kidder Kohlbry Latta Laughlin Lee Dr C E Herman Dr E J Karl Katherine Livingston Bros M & A Store Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital McDowell Groc A H McPhearson Dr J B Mead's Cash Groc Mikkelsen Drug Co Montgomery Ward & Co Moon Lulu K Needham, et al Mrs E L Nowers Dr A E Oliver Lbr Co Osgood Clarence Pauley Lbr Co W G Pauline Grain Co Prouser Lbr Co Rogers Groc Roseland Grain & Sup Co Rutts Drug Co Samuelson Lbr Co schaufelberger Frank schleuter Lbr Co Schmitz Drug Co Schneider Edith M Schunk Chas. L. Sherman Ben Silvey Lbr Co J A Smith Dr A A Smith Bas Standard Oil Co Stark Mrs C It Mrs Elsie Hannah Mrs J Sumner Ella P Sunnyside Sweeney E E Texico Station Trausch Geo Uridil Dr J E Virgils Cash Store Neils Mrs Loda Whisinand Groc White Mountain Dairy Co Young Men's Christian's AssIn. Services Groc Services Groc Services Groc Services Groc Services Groc Drugs Supplies Services n 6.07 48.50 10.01 20.00 100.00 41.75 153.26 5.36 3.50 13.03 29.30 6.05 22.14 46.50 40.00 Coal 5.05 Groc 3.77 Coal 55.43 3.61 13.80 Groc 18.60 Coal 3.40 Drugs 6.50 Coal 5.16 Services 20.00 Coal 15.65 Drugs .75 Services 25.00 Groc 10.65 Supplies 3.53 Coal 3.75 Services 35.00 Trees 12.50 Gas .45 Services 15.50 11. 40.00 11 17.72 12.00 24.25 228.00 5.00 Gas 8.03 Groc 9.08 Services 70.00 Groc 13.11 Services 7.45 Groc 8.57 2.19 Services 18.00 BRIDGE FUND. Ayr Lbr Go Bolts, posts etc 41.27 Hageman Hdw Co Hardware 105.36 Nebr Culvert & Mfg Co Culvert 5.26 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST # 1. Shannon F E Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST # 2. Berg L A Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST # 3. Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. # 4. Road work Ruhter Goble M Fred Jay 80.00 70.00 95.00 5.00 95.00 Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, that as there appears to be no further unfinished business, that this board now adjourn inc die. Motion carried. ty Clerk Chairman 0 E. SERF PRINTING CO HASTINGS, NEBR. SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 44, Re—organization of the Board. At 3 o'clock P.M. the meeting was called to order by the County Clerk, members present as follows: Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter and Shannon. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Goble, that J. F. Marian be made temporary Chairman. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Bauer, that we proceed to take an informal ballot for the election of a Permanent Chairman. Motion carried. An informal ballot was ordered and the Chairman appointed. Supervisor Shannon and Goble as tellers with results as follows: Marian 3, Ruhter 2, Goble 1, Bauer 1. No choice. Chairman ordered second ballot with results as follows: Bauer. 1, Marian 2, Ruhter 3, Shannon 1. No, Choice. Chairman ordered third ballot with results as follows: Bauer 1, Marian 4, Ruhter 2. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Shannon, that the informal ballot be made formal and J. E. Marian be declared duly appointed chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors for the year 1934. Motion carried. At 3:15 P.M. the chairman declared a recess until 3:30. At 3:30 the chairman announced the following committees for the year 1934. SETTLEMENTS. Geo. G. Bauer, Chairman And all members of the Board. FINANCE. L. A. Berg, Chairman And all members of the Board. COMPLAINTS & BONDS. Geo. G. Bauer, Chairman Jay Goble, L. A. Berg. ROADS & BRIDGES M. Fred Ruhter, Chairman Ahd all members of the Board, LANDS & BUILDINGS Jay Goble, Chairman Geo. G. Bauer J. F. Marian COUNTY FARM F. E. Shannon, Chairman M. Fred Ruhter L. A. Berg SUPPLIES Reuben Bowers, Chairman Geo. G. Bauer J. E. Marian MOTHER'S PENSION Reuben Bowers. Motion by Goble, seconded by Bauer, that the Hastings Daily Tribune be designated as the official paper for Adams County for the year 1934 as per bid on file in Clerk's office. Roll call, Ayes, Bauer, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter. Nayes Berg & Shannon. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Berg, that the following resolution be adopted: Resolved that application for designation as County depository by First State Bank of Hayland, Nebraska, and that the deposit of the following securities aggregating in the amount the sum of $9000 to wit: $2500 Fourth Liberty Loan Bonds; $3,000 Lincoln Joint Stock Land Bank Bonds; $6,000 Federal Land Bank Bond; $500 School Warrants, with Basting 1 National Bank of Hastings Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Bower, that the County Treasurer be authorized to purchase City of Hastings Bonds not to exceed $30,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bowers, that this board now adjourn to meet again on Jan. 9th, 1934 at 9 o'clock A.M. Motion cadeied. Board adjou .ed. Air _ evuectele__ Chairman. 48 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO. HASTINGS. NEER COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. January 9th, 1934. 9 o'clock A. Statutory meeting of the Board.. J. E. Marian, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members present as follows: Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter and Shannon. Minutes of last meeting were read_ and approved. - Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Berg, that the following estimate of probable raised by taxation in Adams County, Nebraska be made as follows, to -Wit: Salaries Assessment. Farm Bureau. Coal Jail Lands and buildings Gas, light and water Telephones Printing and office supplies Mileage County Farm District court County court_ Justice court Insane Commission Insurance Blind Pension Postage Supervisors Nebr. Feeble Minded Inst. For new bridges, material, repairs, culverts, etc. For Mother's pension, For relief of Soldiers and Sailors, For pernament improvements and premiums, For all purposes of relief GENERAL FUND. $21,100. 6,000. 2,400. 1,500. 2,000. 4,000. 1,500. 750. 4,500. 1,000. 3,500. 5,000. 2,000. 1,000. 1,500. 1,500... 750. 1,000. ;. 6,000. 7,500. Total. estimate, General Fund $75.,000.00 expense for the year 1934 to be BRIDGE FUND. Total. estimate...... MOTHER'S PENSION FUND, Total estimate SOLDIER'S AND SAILORS RELIEF FUND. Total estimate COUNTY FAIR FUND 10,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 Total estimate 2,000.00 POOR AID FUND, Total estimate 45,000.00 Total estimate all funds....$140,000.00 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Goble, that the County Treasurer be instructed to transfer $10,000 from the Road Dragging Fund to the County Highway Fund. Roll 'c 11, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the baord recessed until 1:15 P.M. when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Goble, seconded by Shannon, that for the year 1934 be approved. Roll call, Motionty Shannon, seconded by Bowers, that and building for the year 1934 at a salary carried. the budget of expenses for the Adams County Farm Bureau for $2370 all voted aye. Motion carried. the application of A. I. Battan as Janitor of the Court House grounds of $76.50 per month be granted. Roll call, all voted aye. 'Motion Motion by Bowers, seconded by Goble, that M. Fred Ruhter be appointed Highway Commissioner for Adams County for 1934. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bowers, that we reappoint H. E. Marian as a member of the Soldiers Relief Committee for a term. of three years. Roll call, all voted aye._ Motion carried. Motion by Gnhlo_ APrnnAorl hzr Rich+or +1,o+ n1l Ann nn and Sailors • SUPERVISOI�,'S , RECOI�,D NO. 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS, NEER Motion by Shannon, seconded by Ruhter, that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, it appears to the Board of County Supervisors that It is necessary and advisable to authorize a deposit of county funds in the various banks in excess of 50% of the paid up capital and surplus, and WHEREAS, the following banks have been heretofore designated as a depository for county funds:- The Hastings National Bank, Hastings, Nebr., the State Bank of Juniata, Juniata, Nebr., the Prosser State Bank, Prosser, Nebr. the Roseland State Bank, Roseland, Nebr., and the First State Bank, Hayland, Nebr. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, That the County Treasurer of Adams County be and is hereby authorized to deposit in the following named banks which have heretofore -been duly and legally selected as depositories for county funds, funds in excess -Of -50% of the paid .up capital stock and surplus of` the said banks in accordance with law: The Hastings National Bank, Hastings, Nebr., the State Bank at Juniata, Juniata, Nebr., the Prosser State Bank, Prosser, Nebr., the Roseland State Bank, Roseland, Nebr., the Firat State Bank, iayland,'Nebr. Roll call,,al1 voted aye. Motion carried. Chairman. Motion by Bower, seconded by Berg, that the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized to issue salary warrants on the 1st day of each month to all count, officers, deputies, and clerks in county offices who are entitled to receive pay on county warrantsand in such amount as are fixed by law governing the different county offices, or upon agree- ment with the county board. Also, that the chairman of the Board be authorized to sign such warrants, Also, that this order is to apply to county road employees who are to receive a monthly salary. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Shannon, that we adopt the State plans and specifications for the year 1934 as the official plans and specifications for wooden, steel and concrete bridges to be built in Adams County, Nebraska during the year. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bauer, that the salaries of the county employees for the year 1934 be as follows: Road Dragging 30¢ per single mile, single man 25¢ per hour, man and team 40¢ per hour, man and two teams 500 per hour, patrolman $100 per month. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Ruhter, that we pay 500 per day for feeding prisoners in the county jail. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Berg, that we release $4,000 Fall City Bonds to the Juniata State Bank upon payment of deposit of correspondent amount. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Goble, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED that application for designat- ion as County Depository by State Bank of Juniata, Nebraska and that the deposit of the following securities aggregating in amount the sum of $8,000.00, to -wit: $4,000 U.S. Fourth Liberty Loan Bonds, $4,000 School District City of Hastings Bonds., with First Trust Company, Lincoln, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Goble, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED that application for des- ignation as County depository First State Bank, Kenesaw, Nebraska, and that the deposit of the following sec- urities in the amount the sum of $35,000 to -:grit: $30,000 Federal Land Bank Bonds. $5,000 Lincoln Joint Stock Land Bank Bonds, with the Hastings National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Boers, seconded by Shannon, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED that application for designation as County depository by Prosser State Bank, Prosser, Nebraska, and that the deposit of the following securities aggregating in the amount the sum of $14,000, to -wit: $2,000 Federal Land Bank Bonds, $8,000 Lincoln Joint Stock Land Bank Bonds, $4,000 First Farm Mortgage, with the Hastings National. Bank, Hastings, Nebr. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Goble, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED that application for des- ignation as County depository by Roseland State Bank, Roseland, Nebraska, and that the deposit of the following securities aggregating in amount the sum of $17,000, to -wit: $10,000 Federal Land Bank Bonds, $7,000 Lincoln Joint Stock Land Bank Bonds, with the Commerce Trust Co., Lincoln, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bowers, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED that application for des- ignation as County depository by Hastings National Bank, Hastings, Nebrska, and that the deposit of the following securities aggregating in amount the sum of $45,009,to-wit: $25,000 U.S. Fourth Liberty Loan Bonds, $20,000 U. S. Treasurer Bonds, with Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Mo. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Bowers, that the County Treasurer be authorized to accept from the Hastings National Bank District No. 18 Register School warrants as additional collateral for deposit of county funds. boll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Ruhter, that this board adjourn to meet again on Feb 6th, 1934 at 9 o'clock A.M. Motion Carrie• Board ajo ed. Clerk Chairman 50 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO 13 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO. HASTINGS, HERR, COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Tuesday, Feb. 6, 1934. 9 o'clock A.M.. - Regular meeting of the.Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjounrmentof January 9th, 1934. Roll call, all members present as follows: Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter and Shannon. Minutes of last meeting were read and. approved. Motion by `�hannon, seconded by Bowers, that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be authorized to release to the First tate Bank of Hayland $12,000 bondsupon payment of County Depostit. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by berg, that the application of John Yenckel and C. U. Allander for blind pension be granted at 12.00`Per`month. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried.. Motion by Goble, seconded by Bauer, that the fourth quarterly report of the Register of Deeds, Court, County Clerk, County Judge, and the semi-annual report of the County Supt. be placed on file. Roll all, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by `'hannon, seconded by Berg, that the following Roadoverseers bonds be placed on file: Verona Twp., Dist. # 1, Edwin Kent, Dist. # 3, H. C. Saddler, Highland Twp., Dist. # 2, M. R. DeMoulin, Dist. # 4, Oscar Grothen, Hanover. Twp., Dist. # 3, John Smidt, Dist. # 4, Oliver Busboom. Little Blue Twp., Dist. # 3, Jim Hessman. Silver Lake Twp., Dist. # 3, Jim Hessman. Silver Lake Twp., Dist. # 1, Al Mangers, Dist. # 2, Geo. Ricker. Juniata Twp., Dist. # 1, Ed Schnase, Dist. # 3, J. F. Riese, Dist. # 4, Orville Weber. West Blue Twp., Dist. # 1, Orval Blocher, Dist. # 2, Louie E. Yost, Zero Twp., Dist. # 3, Paul Krueger, Dist. # 1, Wm. Koepke, Dist. # 4,Hugo Bachman, Dist. # 2, Ray Foy. Wanda Twp., Dista # 1, Frank Bohlke. Ayr Twp., Dist. # 3, Oscar Bohlke. oll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bowers, seconded by Bauer, that the order of the court in regard to Mother's Pension for Mrs. Thelma Robinson be complied with and the clerk instructed to issue warrant for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Clerk of District .At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Goble, that the boand of August Stulken Treasurer of West Blue Twp• be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bower, that the bond of H. E. Marian member of Soldiers & Sailors Relief Commission be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Ruhter, that the bond of H. E. Marian, member of Soldiers & Sailors Commission ##2338869 for $500 issued January 12th, 1928 be cancelled this date on account of another bond of like amount be filed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Berg, that the bond of M. Fred Ruhter, Highway Commissioner be approved. Roll all all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Uoble, record. # 3408 #3409 # 3410 # 3411 # 3412 # 3413 # 3414 3415 # 3416 # 3417 # 3418 # 3419 #34 20 # 3421 # 3422 # 3423 # 3424 # 3425 # 3426 # 3427 # 3428 # 3429 # 3430 # 3431 # 3432 # 3433 # 3434 # 3435 # 3436 # 3437 # 3438 3439 # 3440 # 3441 # 3442 # 3443 seconded by Bauer, hat the following miscellaneous receipts be made a part of Supervisors Dillenbach, Clerk of Dist. Court 1t � tt rt Bonifas, Roseland Twp. Treas. Greenwood, Reg of Deeds Hendricksen Dillenbach, Clerk of Dist Court is tt Kenesaw 1wp Berg Bohlke, Co Judge Dillenbach Crosson, Sheriff Dillenbach, Clerk of Dist. Court tt n 11 1r Jones, Co. Clerk Dillenbach, Clerk of Dist Court Shannon Frahm Highland Twp., Treas. Ayr Twp Treas Einspahr Cottonwood Twp RoselandStateBank First State Bank, Hayland Hastings National Bank Prosser State Bank First State Bank, Kenesaw State Bank of Juniata Dillenbach, Clerk of Dist Court Marian Dillenbach Tebbald Webster Co Bohlke. Co Judge Lucia 11 tt John J C Robert Lucia L A W Halsey Lucia Raymond L Lucia t1 T. W. Lucia F E Art JW Lucia H E Lucia A J W Nnlacym Credit General Fund tr tt tt tt 11 it 1t 11 8 n tl Road Dragging Fund General Fund Soldiers & Sailros General Fund 1t tt Road Dragging Fund General Fund 11 n 1t tr R 1t General tl $5.00 5.00 5.00 59.75 176.55 Relief 9.95 5.00 5.00 342.00 2.50 8.70 5.00 264.75 5.00 6.00 6.00 248.10 6.00 907.80 326.36 10.00 50.00 141.00 18.00 67.50 47.50 121.32 22.50 70.00 100.00/ ^/ 10.00 104.97 5.00 5.00 134.39 Road Dragging Fund Co High & Road Dragging Road Dragging Fund 11 General Fund rt n Soldiers & Sailors Relief General Fund Bridge Fund SUPERVISCSR'S RECORD NO._ i3 51 0. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS, NEBR, # 3448 # 3449 # 3450 # 3451 # 3452 # 3453 Greenwood,• Reg. of Deeds State Tress. U. S. Treas. Bohlke, Co Judge Cancelled. Munroe, Geo & T. W. Jones J C W Halsey Credit General Fund " School Dist. General Fund ,r State Hail Ins. 219.70 6756.67 61.07 961.37 51.08 Motion by Shannon, seconded by Berg,that the following named persons be appointed as Road Dragging. Supt. in their respective districts for the year 1934: Dist # 1, Morris Asmus, West Blue Twp., 0. M. Doty, Highland Twp., Philip. Zimmerman, Denver Twp., Wm. Lenz, Blaine Twp. Dist. # 2, Arthur Augustin, Kenesaw Twp., Carl Ground, Verona Twp.,.Leo Beiriger, Juniata Twp.., Albert Einspahr, Wanda Twp. Dist. # 3, Robert Huckfeldt.,.Cottonwood Twp., J. H. Winter, Roseland Twp.,James Vance. Jr., Logan Twp., Geo. B. Carper, Silver Lake Twp. Dist. # 4, Wm. E. Stromer, Hanover Twp., Roy Black Little Blue Twp., Charlies Kruger, Zero Twp., Will Eischen, Ayr Twp. Roll call,all.. voted aye. Motion carried. At 2:30 the County Judge appeared before the. Board and approved of the following Supervisor bonds: F. E. Shannon, Dist. # 1, L. A. Berg, Dist. # 2, M. Fred Ruhter, Dist. # 3, Jay Goble, Dist. ## 4, G. G. Bauer, Dist. # 5, neuben. Bowers, Dist. # 6, and J. E. Marian, Dist. # 7. Motion by Dobie, seconded by Berg, that the County Clerk and the County Treasurer be authorized to release to the Kenesaw State Bank $35,000 in bonds upon payment of County Deposit. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Austin Agee Lauer Berg Binderup Hdw Co Blinn Sill & Son Board of Education, City of Hastings Bohlke, Co Judge Bowers Brach's Inc Brazelton Brigham Burlington Lunch Room Byers Lbr Co Cannon Uentral Nebr Millwork Co Central Power Co City eater & Light Dept Cleveland Cole Cooper Coal Co urosson Crosson, Sheriff Cunningham Gushing Groc. Co Deines Drug Co llemocrat Printing Co Dept of Public Welfare Dillenbach, Clerk of Dist Court Evans Fischer Folett Publishing Co Gaudreault Merc Co Gedney Co Goble Goldenstein Greenwood, Reg of Deeds Harris Hastings Equity Grain Bin Mfg Co Hastings Typewriter Co Hewitt Jones, Co Clerk K -B Printing Co Keith, et al Kenesaw Telephone Co Klein Knapp Land Lawson Hdw Co Lay Lincoln 6chool Supply Co Lincoln Telephone & 'ilegraph Co Marian Marian McGrath Hdw Co Milburn & Scott Co Miller Mortgage -Investment Corp Omaha School Supply Co Owen Pub. Co. GENERAL FUND. Labor Supervisor services G G__ L A W Halsey Reuben Ed Buela T N B H L Bertha Raymond L L Lucia 0 G G S A J K H Jay Carolyn J C J W Gladys T W Dr W W Peter Joseph K C H C K D Carl H E J E J H Worth M F A Supplies Tin Rent Court costs & office expense Supervisor services Supplies Services " Jury meals Supplies Drugs -County Farm Repairs Gas Light & water Bookcase & desk Plumbing Coal Matron Jail & office expense Express, stamps & mileage Sweeping compound Supplies Report of birth & deaths District court Mileage tr Supplies Rent Supervisors services Services Stamps Cleaner Iron Crabon & Services Services Postage & supplies Supplies Witness insanity hearings Services Labor Repairs Care of inmates at Co Farm Supplies Plumbing Supplies Services Labor Supervisor services Supplies Premiums on bonds Supplies 11 34.00 90.00 46.90 8.09 5.00 20.00 12.82 75.20 15.40 78.00 54.00 4.70 37.83 1.50 4.75 11.84 86.75 6.50 1.00 86.84 3.96 205.95 24.30 1.75 1.70 141.59 51.00 91.29 1.40 1.70 7.74 7.62 64.50 43.00 31.50 5.00 56.00 5.40 10.25 37.25 113.26 29.98 28.00 2.30 10.00 5.48 122.48 6.35 1.85 34.49 77.27 23.00 95.00 1.44 3.75 15.70 281.94 5.71 10,44 52 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O. E. 5 RF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR. Serf Printing Co Simms Book Store Shannon Standrad Blue Print Co State Journal Co Stein Bros. Co St John Tawzer Templin Theobald, Co Treas. Vance Whelan Widmaier Woodruff Printing Co Zion Office Supply Ayr Lumber Co Bachman, et al Bachman Oil Co Barta Bros Beal & Son Brown Gain City Water & Light Dept Clark Deep Rock Station Duncan Dutton & Sons Co Essinger Gar Gangwish Hageman Hdw Haskins Haws Hershey Hubbard Kenesaw Village M & M Master Service McClelland -Dunn Motor Co McGrath Hdw Co Miller Bros Morgan Newman O'Connell -Gill Tractor Co Oliver Lbr Co Overy rhiil.ips Petroleum Co Prosser Lbr Co Pritchard Roseland Lbr Co. Samuelson Lbr Co Schmitz Schmidt Schuman Shaw Sime Sinclair Refining Co Snyder Garage & Machine Co Traeger s Garage Ayr Twp Bell Blaine Twp Democrat Printing Co Lenver Twp Diamond Engineering Co Fairbanks Hanover Twp Heartwell Highland Twp Juniata Twp Kenesaw Twp Oliver Lbr Co Roseland Twp Verona Twp Lorentz, et al Polenske Bros Schellak Co Silvey Lbr Co O E F E Theresa A J J W H A J R R W M Wm Hugo R Vern Mutt J A C S W M J W M G RW W G S S Andy J H Geo Howard G Howard Clyde Albert E R Carl John L A J O P Lester C A John J A Supplies n Supervisor services Tracing cloth Supplies Shades Services lT Supplies Postage Ins Premium Services Bailiff Supplies COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND. Supplies Dragging. County roads Gas Repair on tractor. Supplies Extra patrolman Patrolman Water & light at shed Supplies Gas & oil Supplies n Gas & repairs Patrolman Supplies lT Gas Blacksmith Patrolman Water rent Gas Supplies /1 Labor Dragging county roads Labor • Tractor parts, etc Supplies Patrolman Gas Shovels Labor Supplies Cement Blacksmith Labor TT Patrolman Gas Blade Services ROAD DRAGGING FUND. Dragging Twp roads Assisting Surveyor Dragging Twp roads Motor Register sheets Dragging Twp roads Road signs Assisting Surveyor Dragging Twp roads Surveyor Dragging Twp roads iT Stakes Dragging Twp roads TT BRIDGE FUND. Labor Supplies Lumber POOR AID FUND. 190.60 2.45 135.50 13.75 30.50 14.40 91.39 10.00 1.25 65.20 80.00 12.32 24.00 5.11 26.09 20.83 7.80 7.61 1.10 64.00 51.90 57.60 1.95 3.95 20.11 4.40 11.76 273.47 72.40 2.55 3.25 26.40 26.31 74.80 7.00 1.87 .35 14.50 1.10 2.40 93.20 285.53 6.55 60.80 73.45 3.80 89.60 18.30 25.20 2.00 86.00 62.58 67.60 33.61 10.56 1.00 7.75 14.10 7.00 12.10 28.50 18.40 319.30 7.00 8.20 104.85 11.50 6.40 19.00 1.60 7.90 18.20 11.75 4.45 12.45 SUPERVISOR' 0. E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS. NENR. Bauer Fred Groc 6.76 Beiriger Henry Services 12.00 Berts Drug Store Drugs 5.35 Brand Funeral Home Services 25.00 Brooke & Son Drugs .90 Brown, MD 4 W Services 42.00 Galbreath, MD C B " 50.00 Cannon T N Drugs 19.25 Carson Drug Store " 21.05 City Fuel & Feed Co Coal 49.60 Coates C L Groc 6.01 Cooper Goal Co Coal 84.00 Cowton Coal Co n 99.60 Crosson Mrs Wm Services 20.00 Dever, MD Chas R n 12.00 Dickerson F E Drugs 5.70 Eckhardt Carl Chas Groc 6.95 Egbert Hospital Services 4.15 Gentert's Cash Store Groc 12.08 Guildncr C Wayne Services 100.00 Hahne Eros Groc 22.40 Herbst Henry n 12.44 Johnson's Cash Na Lbr Co Coal 88.05 Jones Drug Store No. 2 Drugs 4.20 Jungerman Groc Groc 47.58 Juniata urain & Live Stock Ass'n Coal 31.50 Kelley K Kaoda. Services 8.00 Kohlbry Herman Groc 6.35 Latta Dr E J Services 73.00 Laughlin Karl Groc 10.02 Lee Katherine Services 20.00 Livingston Bros °' 60.00 M & A Store Groc 21.09 Mace, MD John L Services 104.50 Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital n 365.60 Matthiesen & Co Carl R Drugs 2.25 McDowell Groc W H Groc 5.96 Mikkelsen Drug Co Drugs 15.75 Moon Lulu K Services 22.15 Needham, et al Mrs E L " 46.50 Nowers Dr W E " 45.00 Oliver Lbr Co Coal 7.95 Pauley Lbr Co " 88.90 Pay-N-Takit Store Groc 7.13 Penny Co J C Clothing 26.48 Pratt J C Groc 35.38 Rork, MD Lee W Services 20.00 Roseland Grain & Supply Co Coal 4.85 Rutts Drug Store Drugs 24.85 Samuelson Lbr Co Coal 5.16 Schmitz Drug Co Drugs 3.35 Schneider Edith Services 25.00 Schunk Chas L Groc 10.79 Shaw Wilfred L Services 43.15 Silvey Lbr Co J A Coal 7.90 Standard Oil Co Gas .45 Stark C Services 15.50 n Mrs Elsie n 20.00 n Hannah " 17.67 n J 8 12.00 Sunnyside " 228.00 Traush Geo Groc 13.02 Uridil Dr Joseph E Services 70.00 Virgils Cash Store Groc 13.21 Vblland Funeral Homes Services 110.00 Walker Conrad Groc 7.66 Wiegman D* 0 M Services 24.00 Wells Loda if 2.75 Whisinand Groc Groc 10.99 White Mountain Dairy Milk 1.96 Young Mens Christian Association Services 8.00 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST #2. Berg L A Road work 85.00 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. # 3. Ruhter M Fred Road work 75.00 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. # 4. Goble Jay Road work 90.00 COUNTY FAIR FUND Qn nn 54 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. HERR Motion by Bauer, seconded by Goble, that the County Clerk and the County Treasurer be authorized to surrender the Joint Custody Receipt of the Nebr. National Bank now on file with County Clerk, to the bank now holding pledged securities, and that all of pledged securities bp forwarded to the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City to be deposited with Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City on their custody receipt to the City National Bank of Hastings for the account of the Adams County Clerk and County Treasurer. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Ruhter, that the following resolutation be adopted: Resolved,_ that application for designation as County Depository by the City National Bank, Hastings, Nebr., and that the deposit of the following securities aggregating in amount the sum of $45,G00 to wit: Treasurers bonds 1951-55 $15,000, United States of America First Liberty Loan of 1917 bond 030,000, with the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, Seconded by Berg, that we adopt a budget of $20,000 for the county Highway Fund. This $20,000 to be divided equally between Supervisors District No. 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively, in the amount of $5,000 to each named district. This budget is adopted by the board and expected to cover all costs of the construction and maintenance of the County Highway system of Adams County for the year 1934. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, that we purchase two # 10 Caterpillar Auto patrols from the O'Connell - Gill Tractor Co, at an agreed price of $3130 each, delivered F.O.B. Hastings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded -by Goble, that this board now adjourn to meet again on March 6th, 1934 at 9 o'clock A.M. Motif' carried. B.4rd adjourned. T. w Jones Co ty Clerk. Emma berg, Deputy. J. E. Marian, Chairman. SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 55 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS,'NEBR. Tuesday,. March 6th, 1934. 9` o'clock A M... Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of. Supervisors met as per adjournment cf Feb. 6, 1954. Roll call, all members present: Bauer, Bowers, Berg, Goble Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Berg, seconded by Shannon, that the order of the court in regard to Mother's Pension for Mrs. Bess Hiatt and Mae Kueck be complied with and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Ro11.caf., all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Bauer, that the bond of M. Fred Ruhter, Highway Commissioner, issued by United States Fidelity and Guaranty Co., on January 5th, 1933 be cancelled this date on account of another bond of like amount being furnished. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Goble, that the following Roadoverseers, Constable and Justice of Peace bonds be placed on file: Roadoverseers: Ayr Twp. Dist # 1, John Bothe; Dist # 2, C. F. Peifer; Wanda Twp. Dist # 4 Andrew Einspahr; Highland Twp. Dist # 3, John Shaffer, Dist # 1, Wm Oelschlager; Roseland Twp. Dist # 1 August Heuertz, Dist # 3 Frank Zubrod, Dist # 2 Peter Trausch, Dist # 4 Al Siren; Verona Twp. Dist # 2 Bert McCall, Dist # 4 Sibert Ruhter; Blaine Twp. Dist #,4 Chris Meyers; Logan Twp. Dist # 57 Charles V. Busch; Denver Twp. Distist # # 3 Harry Grothaus, Dist # 2 Gilbert Matthews; Kenesaw Twp. Dist # 4 R W Balke, Dist # 3 John Cain; Logan Twp. 55 Peter Pittz, Dist # 58 Lloyd Hall; Juniata Twp. Dist # 2 J. M. Loskill. Constable, Ben Harms Hanover Twp. Justice of Peace, Verona Twp. J. F. Ernstmeyer, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Ruhter, that the County Treasurer be instructed to transfer $2500 from the inheritanc fund to Road District fund to be equally divided between Dist. Nos. 1-2-3 and 4. Roll call, all voted aye.. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Shannon, that the petition of O.G. Evans and others be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Marian, Ruhter & Shannon. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Goble, seconded by Shannon, that the following bonds held by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City to secure funds in the Hastings National Bank be approved: $28,000 U. S. Treasuery Notes, Series C-1935, 2z%, $ 2,000 School Dist. No. 61, Douglas Co. Nebr. 4 0 School site and building bonds, $ 1,000 City of North Platte Nebr., 4g% Refunding bonds, $ 6,000 City of Lincoln, Nebr., 4z% Paving Repaving & Grading Bonds, $ 4,000 School Dist. of Sidney, Cheyenne County, Nebr., 4i% School Bldg. bonds. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bauer, that the following bonds held by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City to secure County funds in City National Bank be approved: $10,000 Treasuery Note 0-1937, 3%, $15,000 Treasuery bonds of 1951-55, 4% Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Bowers, that the bond of Rachel Hayen, Deputy Register of Deeds, for $10,000 issued by the National Surety Corporation be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Berg, that August Anderson be appointed Road Dragging Supt. for Verona Twp. to fill thervacancy. Roll all, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Bowers, that the application of Geo. Hensman for blind pension be granted at $12.00 per month. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Ruhter, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk instructed toissue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Bauer berg Binderup Hdw Co Bohike, Co Judge Bowers Brigham Brazelton Burlington Lunch Burroughs Adding Machine Co Byers Lbr Co Cannon Carl's Cafe Central Power Co City Electric Dept City Fuel & Feed Co Cleveland Crosson Crosson, Sheriff Crosson Cunningham, Co Supt Reines Drug Co Democrat. Printing Co Tl+ 11 ___L._ -1- el '1 _ r T+ _1 n _ _ _ G. G. L A W Halsey Reuben Beula Ed T N P H Bertha Raymond L Raymond L Lottie E GENERAL FUND Supervisor services Supplies Postage Supervisor services Services Jury meals Ribbon 'coupon book Coal Drugs Co Farm Jury meals Gas Light Coal Desk Laundry Jail & office expense Bailiff Mileage, express & postage Supplies $75.00 68.30 3.33 3.00 83.50 44.10 84.00 11.45 8.00 123.59 5.15 48.35 11.21 50.95 19.31 2.50 1.74 140.66 3.00 39.95 w_.. 3.35 24.08 56 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO; 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS, NEBR. Grande Upholstering Greenwood, Reg of Deeds.. Harris Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Rubber Stamp Wks Hastings Typewriter Co Haynes Bros Hendricksen Jungerman Groc K -B Printing Co Keith, et al Klopp Printing Co Land Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln Tel & Telg Co Marian Marian Martin McGrath Hdw Co Milburn & Scott Co Queen City Laundry Rippeteau Wallpaper & Paint Ruhter Schroeder, Co Atty Serf Printing Co Shannon St John Stein Bros Co Thomas Law Book Co University Publishing Co Widmaier Woll Woodworth & Woll Zion Office Supply Adams County Chapter A.R.C. Adrian, et al Amick Austin Groc Bauer 4roc Berts Drug Store Brooke & Son Frown, MD Cannon Carson Drug Co City Fuel & Feed Co Consumers Cash Lbr Co Cooper Caol Co Lowton Coal Co Crosson Deep Laird Store Dickerson Eckhardt Bgbert Farmers Grain Co Foote Gentert's Cash Store Gray Guildner Hahne. I'ros Hamel Hardt Drug Store Hastings Cemetery Assn Johnson's Cash Wa-Lbr Co Jones Jungerman Groc Juniata Grain & Live Stock A Juniata. Lbr Co Kenesaw Mill & Elevator Co Kohlbry Latta Laughlin Lee Livingston Bros M & A Store Mace, MD Mary Lanning 'emorial Hospit & Co McDowell Groc McPhearson Meads Cash Groc Mikkelsen Drug Co Moon Nowerw Oder Store (12.1 n_ C J W Robert Dr W W C H H E J E Wm 5 J H Co M Fred Herman 0 E F E Therese A G Wm Minnie A Mrs John Dr A' J J. W. T N Mrs Wm F E Carl Chas Dr C L E C Dr 0 S C Wayne E B J G ss'n Herman Dr E Karl Katherine John L tal Carl R W H Dr J B Lulu K Walter E J Repair chsi r.. Postage Cleaner Printing Stamp & pad 1M Sheets paper Frame Services Groc Supplies Witness, insanity hearings Supplies Care of inmates at Co Farm Supplies Services Supervisor services Plumbing Cord Supplies Laundry Supplies Supervisor services Supplies Supervisor services Services Supplies n n Bailiff Services Supplies 1a POOR AID FUND. Services Groc n Drugs Services Drugs Coal ,r n Service Groc Drugs Groc Services Coal Services Groc Services Groc Services Drugs Grave Coal` Groc n Coal Groc Services Groc Services Groc Services Drugs Gro c Services Groc Drugs Services 4 Groc 2.25 3.00 4.50 81.27 1.00 1.65 2.25 5.20 3.85 11.92 28.00 8.08 97.00 58.11 79.90 3.20 81.00 2.65 .35 8.28 7.23 38.74 47.50 4.25 40.60 71.00 91.39 30.80 12.00, 7.48 69.00 67.89 1.50 21.30 25.09 42.00 7.00 41.30 5.43 10.35 3.75 59.50 10.15 2.80 49.45 7.70 66.50 84.23 12.00 3.75 8.00 7.31 50.00 22.41 20.00 23.66 3.00 57.00 23.38 18.00 10.53 12.00 98.90 8.07 32.68 30.30 54.65 11.35 4.96 80.00 9.98 24.00 100.00 23.31 35.00 396.60 8 .00 4.38 3.00 /5.51 18.50 20.00 140.00 1.25 SUPERVISOR'S CORD NO 13 57 0. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR. Roseland Grain & Supply Go Rutts Drug Co 6chunk Schlueter Lbr Co Schmitz Drug Co Schneider Shaw Silvey Lbr Co Smith Stark TT V Sumner, MD Sunnyside Taylor Thomas, Secy Trausch Uridil Virgils Cash Walker Groc 'Ayr Lbr Co Bachman Oil Co Beal Beal Service Station Brown, et al Brown City Electric Dept Cain Clark Deep liock Station Detour Duncan Dutton & Sons Co Enevcldsen Essinger,Gar & Oil Co Farmers Union Co-op Gas & Oil'Co Farmers Union State Exchange Gangwieh M Haws W Hastings Mechanical Wks Hubbard Krulish Battery & Electric McClelland -Dunn Motor Co McGrath'Hdw Co Newnan O'Connell -Gill Tractor Co Overy Pavelka Peterson, et al Phillips Petro Co Pritchard Prosser Lbr Co Schleuter Lbr Co Schmidt Schultz Schuman Shaw Silvey Lbr Co Sime Sinclair Refining Tompkins Motor Co Webb Charles L Edith M Wilfred .L..:. J A DrAA,.- - Mrs C Mrs Essie... Hannah Mrs J Ella P DrFS Loyal P Geo Dr Joseph.E. Conrad E C E L Harlan Vern Mutt J A Fred C S W M Anders Whitney Witt Zubrod Co Diamond Engineering Co Highland Twp Juniata Twp KenesaW Twp O'''Connell-Gill Tractor Roseland Twp Verona Twp Co C G Andy Co J H Howard Howard Wm Chas Clyde R E R Walter C Carl John L J A AJ Jay Chas Geo Jake Goal Drugs. Groc Coal Drugs Services Coal Services h n n n Groc Services.. Groc n COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Supplies Gas Patrolman Gas Labor Patrolman Light Patrolman Supplies Gas Patrolman Supplies 11 Gas n Supplies Patrolman Gas Supplies Patrolman .Battery Supplies Labor Tractor & grader parts Patrolman Blacksmith Labor Gas Labor Chain Cement, Lbr etc Labor Repair cushion Labor Patrolman Lumber Gas n Repair work Supplies Blacksmith Labor Casting ROAD DRAGGING FUND Paint & signs Dragging county roads n Two Auto Patrols Culverts & bands Dragging county roads 4.05 .50 10.95 29.35 5.20 25.00 18.00 3.20 50.00 14.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 33.25 217.00 2.00 . 8.00 9.41, 70.00 13.35 5.86 88.60 1.16 11.80 2.21 24.15 60.00 .75 61.60 25.29 25.22 19.20 1.65 40.04 11.25 84.57 46.55 20.23 86.80 77.15 6.95 51.20 3.50 3.30 13.47 76.80 451.23 60.00 1.00 68.00 69.11 79.60 8.40 65.65 35.20 1.50 59.18 90.80 12.75 39.52 32.48 18.50 24.60 4.80 .25 .25 69.15 13.50 7.30 13.30 6134.80 333.61 6.70 ..2.40 SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND Byers Lbr Co Corton Coal `Co Farmers Union Exchange Pay-N-Takit Rd, A. 1-1_ 1 _ _ Goal n . Groc 70.07 20.92 40.55 58 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO. FIASTIF Berg Ruhter Goble LA ROAD FUND. SUPERVISOR DIST # 2. Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST # 3. M Fred Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST # 4. Road work Jay. 60.00 80,00 70.00 Motion by Goble, seconded by Shannon, that men operating maintainers be paid $70 per month. Roll Call, all voted ayu. Motion Carried: Motion by Shannon, seconded by Bowers, that this board adjourn to meet again on April 6th, 1934 at 9'o acidic A.M. Motion carried. B..rd adjourned., 10r010. ounty Clerk SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS; NERR, COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Friday,. April .6th,,::.1934.:..9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of March 6th, 1934. Roll call, members present: Bauer, Bowers, Berg, Goble, Mariam Ruhter & Shannon. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Goble, that Hubert Favinger be appointed as substitute and acting County Judge for the balance of this term. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Ruhter, that the application of Effie Phillips, 1434 N Baltimore Ave., for a whole- sale beverage license be granted. Roll call, Ayes: Bauer, Berg, Goble and Ruhter. Nayes: Bowers, Marian & Shannon. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Goble, that the order of the court in regard to Mother's Pension for Mrs. Hattie Kimbrough, Mrs. Pearl Hanson and Mrs. Selma Gebhardt be complied with and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll cell, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bowers, that the first quarterly report of the sheriff be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Berg, that the following bonds purchased by the County Treasurer be approved: U.S. Government $20,000; Nebraska City $$10,000; Scotts Bluffs $5,000; North Platte $10,000; Ogallalla $5,000; Superior $2,000; and Wymore $2,000. Roll call, all voed aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Goble, that we approve the withdrawal of $8,000 Lincoln Joint Stock Land Bank bonds by the Prosser State Bank on account of depositbeing reduced porportionality. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed ,until 1 15 when they again rsumed with all members present. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Berg, that the following road overseers bonds be approved: Wm. Kuehn, Kenesaw Twp., Dist. # 2; Ben J. Harms, Dist # 2, Hanover Twp; John P. Halbmaier, Dist # 56, Logan Twp; Ray Woodworth, Dist #4, Ayr Twp;. Al Osler, Dist # 1, Kenesaw Twp; H. F. Busboom,"Dist # 1, Hanover Twp•, Joe Weber, Dist # 4, Juniata Twp; Dan Halloran, Dist # 1, Blaine Twp. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Shannon, byBower, g respective funds and the clerk Motion by hannon seconded that the following claims be allowed' their be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Ayr Lumber Co Baird Bauer Berg Binderuup:Hdw Co Bohlke Borley Storage & Transfer Co Bourg's Oil Station Bowers Brach's Inc. Brazelton Brigham Burroughs Adding Machine Co Byers Lumber Co Central Power 'Co City Electric Dept Clerk of Supreme Court Cobbs Mfg Co Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Co Crosson Crosson Cunningham, Co Supt Decker & Son Democrat Printing Co Diilenbach, Clerk of Dist Court Evans Fischer Gartner Gaudreault Mere Co Gedney & Co Goble Greenwood Hammond & Stephens Co Harris Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Rubber Stamp Works Hastings State Hospital Hastings Typewriter Co Haynes Bros Jungerman Groc Juniata 'br Go K -B Printing Co Keith, et al Dorsey D G G L A W Halsey Reuben Ed Beula- Bertha Raymond L Lottie E Lucia O G G S Frieda A J K H Jay J C J W Dr W W C F GENERAL FUND. Supplies Transcript Supervisor services 3f It Hdw. Court costs Drayage Supplies Supervisor services Six shades Services Supplies Gas Electric light Transcript Supplies Carbon Services Jail & office expense Postage, mileage & express Supplies 71 Court costs Mileage Services_ Supplies Rent Supervisor services Postage Supplies Cleaner Printing Stamps Inmates Repair work Supplies - Co Farm Supplies Witness, insanity hearings Drayage $23.81 72.75 85.00 68.90 1.05 9.86 2.00 5.45 81.85 1.20 78.00 59.40 4.00 1.33 10.89 50.95 34.55 50.59 18.90 19.26 129.80 26.51 88.18 49.75 106.00 1.40 1.70 54.00 11.73 45.00 33.25 2.00 33.36 3.50 65.00 1.35 96.60 28.20 118.15 .75 71.48 14.43 15.40 2.00 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 G. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR. McGrath Hciw Co Milburn & Scott Co Mortgage -Investment Co Oliver Lumber Co Penny Co Queen City Laundry kemington Rand Ino Ruhter 6chroeder Serf Printing Co Shannon Silvey Lbr Co Simms Book Store State Assessors Association St John St John Theobald, Co Tress Widmaier Winston Co Woll Adams Co Red Gross Alcorn Austin roc Bauer Beiriger Brooke & Son Brown, MD Byers Lbr Co Cannon Carson Drug Co City Fuel & Feed Co Consumbers Cash Lumber Co Cooper Coal Co Cowton Coal Co Dever Dickerson Eckhardt's Groc Eckhardt gbert Hospital Egbert Feese Foote Gentert's Cash tore Goble Goosic Gray Guildner Hahne Bros Hamel Hartwig Hardt rug Co Herbst Johnson's Cash Wa Lumber Co Jungerman Groc Juniata Grain & Live Stock Assn Juniata Lumber Co Kenesaw Funeral Home Kenesaw Drug Co Kohlbry Latta Laughlin Lee Livingston Bros Matthiesen & Co Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital M & A Store McDowell Store Mikkelsen Drug Co Moon Needham, et al Nowers J H J C M Fred Herman G O E F E J A E A Theresa A A J Wm °ohnC Mrs Minnie Ardella M Fred Geo J T N Chas R F E Carl Dr CL Dr J P E C Jay Mrs Anna Dr 0S C Wayne E B DrCH Parssons 0i1 Co Pauley Lbr Co Penny Co Pratt Oder Prosser Lbr Co Roseland Co-operative Rogers Groc Rutt Schaufelberger Sch mttz Drug Co Schneider Grain Henry Herman Dr E J Karl Katherine Carl R W H Lulu K Mrs EL Dr W E W G J C J C Preston & Supply Co John Frank Edith Cleaner Supplies Ins. Premium Supplies Supplies Laundry Coupon book Supervisor services Office expense Supplies Supervisor Services Posts Supplies Assessors meeting Services Office expense Mother's Pension & bailiff Supplies Services POOR AID FUND, Services Groc Services Drugs Services Coal Drugs Coal ti 1 Services Drugs Groc Services Groc Transportation charges Services n Groc Services ,tt Drugs Groc Goal Groc Coal Coal Services Drugs Groc Services Groc Services n Drugs Services Groc Groc Drugs Services r n Gas - Transportation Coal Supplies Groc Groc Coal n Groc Services Drugs Services .25 31.72 77.15 234.55 33.51 7.77 48.00 50.40 6.15 308.75 18.00 9.25 .95 1.50 5.00 115.24 12.48 45.80 3.33 78.00 51.08 10.00 58.42 6.17 24.00 1.70 60.75 3.06 26.84 26.15 82.00 8.00 62.50 124.04 33.00 3.65 21.26 4.35 62.00 11.60 6.00 16.00 28.93 1.20 13.72 2.00 135.00 28.03 23.00 24.00 23.10 11.43 183.70 76.29 34.95 16.35 75.00 4.45 7.15 40.00 12.45 24.00 85.00 14.03 443.70. 34.39 8.01 38.45 22.14 46.50 92.00 284.00 2.43 81.30 1.98 27.57 4.71 9.25. 5.30 30.45 25.00 12.00 6.89 9R nn SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS. NEBR. Spicer Stark 11 Sunnyside Swanson Sweeny MD Thomas Trausch Uridil Virgil's Cash Store Walker Whisinand Groc Ayr Twp. Blaine Twp Cottonwood Twp Denver Twp Hanover Twp Heartwell Highland Twp Juniata Twp Kenesaw Twp Little Blue Twp Logan TVP Roseland Twp Silver Lake Twp Verona Twp Wanda Twp West Blue Twp Zero Twp Adams Co Ayr Lumber Co Beal Oil Co Beal Bell Brehm Machine Co Cain City Electric Dept Clark J A Cornelius, et al D W Deep Peck atation Detour Duncan Dutton & Sons Co Essinger Gar & Oil Co Fairbanks Fisher Gerloff Goble Hansen &, Son Hastings Battery & Electric Co Haws Heartwell Hoagland, et al Hubbard Kleier Lenz, t al May McGrath Hdw Co Mikkelsen Drug Co Mouse]. Newman O'Connell -Gill Tractor Co Oliver Lbr Co Overy Overy Parson Phillips Petro Co 3chleuter Lbr Co chmidt Shaw Sime Sinclair Refining Co Stronier Webb Zubrod Dr C R Mrs C Mrs Essie Hannah Mrs J L A E E Loyal P Geo Dr Joseph E Conrad CA J D E G O P Mutt Ayr Lumber Co Fred C S W M Lester Clen Chris Homer L H P W G GA J P Andy Otto Harold Arthur J H Virgil Howard G Howard Jim Will ER John L AJ Geo H Jay Jake Services 11 Tt PT n Groc Services Groc n ROAD D GGING FUND. Dragging Twp roads 11 4 11 It Surveyor Dragging Twp roads lt 11 11 11 11 lt COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND. BRIDGE FUND. Repairs Lath Gas Labor Assisting Co Surveyor Bolts Patrolman Light Supplies Labor Gas, oil & alcohol Patrolman Supplies TV Gas & supplies Assisting Co Surveyor Patrolman Labor Gas Supplies TV Gas & grease Surveyor Labor Patrolman Dragging county roads Labor Dragging county roads Supplies Drugs Labor Patrolman Tractor & grader parts Stakes & repairs Patrolman Labor Lath Gas Lumber & posts Labor Patrolman Gas Generator, pulley & motor meter Supplies Repairs Lumber 240- 15.50 20.00 17.72 12.00 192.00 37.50 7.50 8.00 16.52 175.00 13.03 6.69 24.44 21.00 16.30 18.25 37.9(4 53.20 75.00 22.00 31.60 17.50 25.30 28.90 35.30 25.00 20.20 35.20 20.80 39.60 17.04 3.50 2.21 5.00 8.75 1.50 59.60 .75 8.00 36.80 15.40 92.00 2.40 1.92 142.74 8.75 28.00 12.50 17.74 4.65 5.00 35.67 36.05 38.40 62.00 2.40 23.55 2.40 2.25 3.75 3.75 86.40 306.27 55.97 72.80 5.00 7.50 81.92 22.83 42.80 99.20 59.97 40.00 2.65 .80 .75 62 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS. NEER Theobald Co Tr A J. Freight 1956.76 SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND. Byers Lbr Co Goal 31.62 ,Cowton Coal; Co 20.15 Farmers Union State Exchange Groc 19.85 COUNTY FIAR FUND. AdaMs County Agriculture Society Pernament improvements & premiums 450.00 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. # 1. Shannon F E Road work 95.00 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. # 2. Berg L A Road work 60.00 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. # 3. Ruhter M 71-q4 Road work 95.00 Goble ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. # 4. Jay —Road work 95.00 Motion by Bowers, seconded by Berg, that the claim of C. S. Palmer for $10.00 be disallowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bauer, that the application Of Lib Phillips for a permit to conduct Sunday dances be granted. Roll call, ayes, Bauer, Berg & Ruhter. Nayes, Bowers, Goble, Marian & Shannon. Motion lost. Motion by Shanno A.M. Motion seconded by Ruhter, that this boardnow adjourn to meet again on May 5th, 1934 at 9 o'clock ied. Board adjourned. ty Clerk Deputy 94-2a4-ta4q 63 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0. E. SERF PRINTING'CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. May 6th, 1934. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of April 6th, 1934. Roll call, members present: Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter and Shannon. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Berg, that the First Quarterly report of the Sheriff, County Clerk, Clerk of District Court, County Judge and Register of Deeds, be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Goble, that road overseers bonds for B. C. Smith, Dist. it 2, Little Blue Twp., Joe Juranek, Dist. # 4, Little Blue Twp., and W. H. Gartner, Dist. # 1, Little Blue Twp., and G. F. Kort Treas., of Zero Twp. be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Goble, that the Workman's Compensation and Employer's Liability policy, and the Public Liability Policy issued by the St Paul Mercury Indemnity Inprance Co. for the year commencing May 7th, 1934 be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Berg, that the Commerce Trust Co. of Lincoln, Nebr. be authorized to release to the Roseland State Bank $7000 Lincoln Joint Stock Land Bank 5% bonds, the deposit secured by said bonds being paid. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bowers, seconded by Ruhter that the Commerce Trust Co. be authorized to release to the Hastings National Bank $10,000 Federal Land Bank Bonds for the account of the Roseland State Bank and the Adams County Treasurer, this being for the purpose of changing the location of the securities. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Bowers, that the $10,000 Federal Land bank bonds and the $5000 U. S. Government bonds held in the Hastings National Bank as security for the Roseland State Bank and the Adams County Treasurer be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Bowers, that the designation of the Adams County Bank of Kenesaw, Nebr. as a depository for County Fund in the amount of $15,000 be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Goble, that the request of C. W. Woolsey be not granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Ruhter, that the County Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids for the following bridges: 1-64 ft Wooden bridge 20 ft. roadway between Section 3 and 4 Blaine Twp. One 64 ft wooden bridge 16 ft roadway between Section 3 and 10 Cottonwood Twp. One 64 ft wooden bridge 20 ft roadway between Section 7 and 8 Silver Lake Twp. 12 30 piling, 12 — 24 piling, and 28 — 20 piling in place between Section 31 and 32 Hanover Twp. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Berg, that the County Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids for the following gravel projects: (1) Commencing at northeast corner Section 27 and northwest corner Section 26, West Blue Twp. then 2 miles south, thence 3 miles west with oneinch gravel require approximately 1630 cubic yds. (2) Commencing at northeast corner Section 17 and northwest corner Section 16 Juniata Twp. thence south 84 miles with one inch gravel requiring approximately 2690 cubic yds. (3) Commencing at northeast corner Section 6 and northwest corner 5 Cottonwood Twpthence south 2 miles thence east 1 mile thence south 1 mile with one inch g gravel requiring approximately 1304 cubic yds. (4) Commencing at northeast corner Section 6 and northwest corner section 5 Zero Twp. thence south 4 miles with one inch gravel requiring approximately 1304 cubic yds. (5) Commencing at northwest corner Section 2 Cottonwood and southwest Section 35 Wanda Twp thence east 1 mile thence north 1 mile requiring approximately 652 cubic yds. (6) Commencing northeast corner Section 2 and northwest Section 1 Zero Twp thence south one mile requiring approximately 326 cubic yds. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Berg, that the following' claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. notion carried. Adams County Farm Bureau Bauer Berg Board of Education, Bohlke Co_ Judge Bouricius Bowers Brigham Byers Lbr Co Central Power So City Fuel & Feed Co City Water & Light Dept Crosson Crosson, Sheriff Cunningham, Co Supt Decker & Son Deines Drug Co Democrat Printing Co Dept. of Health Dillenbach, 01 of Dist Court Emel Extension Service Evans G G L A City of Hastings W Halsey G _ Reuben Beula Bertha Raymond L Lottie E Lucia Tom O G GENERAL FUND. Safe complete Supervisor services Rent Court costs & office expense Trees Supervisor services Services Coal Gas Coal Water & light Matron Jail & office expense Express, postage & mileage Paint Supplies 0 Reporting births & deaths Court costs & postage Assessing Little Blue Twp Supplies Mileage $25.00 85.00 47.35 30.00 29.40 50.00 75.00 35.70 26.71 9.28 17.14 46.12 6.12 138.42 35.05 13.25 8.75 75.25 44.75 53.00 140.00 1.50 1.40 64 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0 E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS, NEBR Greenwood, Reg of Deeds n n Hastings Letter Shop Hastings Rubber Stamp Works Hastings State Hospital Hastings Typewriter Co Jones, Co Clerk Kay -Dee Co Kealy Keith, et al Klein Lincoln Bchool Supply Co Lincoln Tel & Telg. Co Marian Marian Martin McGrath Hdw Co Milburn & Scott Miller Moore, et al Mortgage -Investment Co Oliver Lbr Co Omaha Compound Co Panama Carbon Co Parks Queen City Laundry Rants Hippeteau Wallpaper & Rosies Tire & Battery Ruhter Rutherford Schroeder, Shannon Starner St John St John Sundermeier & Bengston Sweeney M D Theobald, Co Treas. Widmaier Bros Co Atty Paint Co Service Adams Co Heal Oil Station Busboom, et al City Water & Light Dept Clark Crowe Deep Rock Station Duncan Dutton & Sons Co Einspahr Essinger Garage & Oil Co Essinger Evans Farmers Union Co-op. Geiger & Putney Goble Hall Hammond Hansen & Son Hare Hausermanrs Haws Hershey Hupf & Denkert Hynes Island Supply Co Katzberg Kort Lawson Hdw Co Leigbfield Lewis Gas & oil Co McGrath Hdw Co' Miller Mousel National Refining Co Nebr. Culvert & Mfg Co O'Connell -Gill Tractor Co Oliver. Lbr Co Parker Patterson Pavelka Peterson Phillips Petro Co Philleo Sinnlair Rnfininu en J C 11 T W Frank Dr W W Peter Ethel J E Wm S J H Worth M. Mrs W T M E Chas M Fred Herman G F E Henry EA Theresa E E A J Wm J D Oliver J A Melvin C S W M Andrew J W Claus Chas M Dick Henry H P Chas W G S S Wm Arthur Herb G K Ben Eldon J H Harold Virgil Jim John Wm Melvin Frank Changing tax books Postage Supplies n. Care_ of inmates Repairs Express, postage, etc. Binders Rent of ropes Witness insanity hearings Care of inmates at Co Farm Supplies Services n Supervisor services Plumbing Supplies Services Ins. policy Supplies Compound Carbon` Assessing Highland Twp Laundry Sponges Glass & paint Supplies Supervisor . services Plumbing Supplies & postage Supervisor services Assessing Hanover Twp Mileage & stamps Services Bal Auditing County offices Services Postage Bailiff COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND. Supplies Gas Labor Water & light Hardware Team work Gas & oil Bolts, wireetc Hdw. Team work Gas, oil & repairs Supplies Team work Gas' Supplies Gas Team work Labor Blacksmith work Labor Tube repair Gas & oil Supplies Team work Dynamite Dragging county roads Labor Hdw. Labor Tema work Supplies Team work Labor Oil & grease Repairs Tractor, grader & other parts Lath, etc Labor Blacksmith work Labor Gas & oil Labor 50.00 5.00 2.75 4.50 14.59 17.30 27.20 16.76 6.00 37.40 101.56 20.30 79.55 18.60 86.05 6.85 3.92 71.96 3.50 98.95.. 10.00 5.00 8.40 16.50 100.00 9.18 5.55 3.60 .35 47.70_, 3.60 13.00 25.00 135.80 7.60 125.00 284.00 2.75 39.30 24.00 16:11. 14.17 28.00 2.25. 8.29 26.80 10.72 6.41 16.30. 5.00 290.24 60.45 26.80 175.39 51.70 .96 26.80 3.75 10.25 7.25 .75 161.80 37.51 3.00 26.80 28.25 1.20 5.00 1.75 2.09 26.80' 10.79 26.80 '33.75 88.27 51.09 637:34 9.39 2.25 6.28 7.80 27.50 98.82 2.50 65 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS, NEBR. Ayr Twp Belford Bell i)enver Twp Fairbanks Hanover Twp Heartwell Highland Twp Hillery Agency Juniata Twp Kenesaw Twp Little Blue Twp Nebr Culvert & Mfg Co Oliver Lbr Co Roseland Twp Silvey Lbr Go_ Silver Lake Twp Verona Twp Wanda Twp West Blue Twp_ Zero Twp Ayr Lbr Co Baker, et al Bennett Brown, et al Kitts Kluver, et al Scholl, et al Theobald, Co Treas Wheeler Bridge & Lbr Co Adams Co Red cross Adrian, et al Amick Austin Groc Batterall Bauer Berta Drug Store Brooke & Son Brown, 'MD Cannon Carson Drug Store cash Wa-Lbr Co City i uel & Feed Co Cooper Coal Co Cowton Coal Co DeBacker Dickerson Deep Laid Store Eckhardt Egbert Hospital Foote, MD Gentert's Cash Store Goosic Guildner Hahne Bros Hamelton Hardt, Drug Co Havens Oil Co Heriist Hopper Jones..Drug Store # 1 Jones Jungerman Groc Kohlbry Latta Laughlin Lee Livingston Br M & A Store Mace Matthiesen & Co Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital McDowell Groc McGrath Hdw Co Merten, Mikkelsen Drug Co Moon Nowers Parson's Oil Co Pauley Lbr Co s Marvin 0 P Lester' C A J A ROAD DRAGGING FUND. Dragging Twp roads Ass't Co Surveyor n BRIDGE FUND. Wm Wilfred John Frank Henry Irvin AJ POOR AID FUND. Mrs John Dr A J Mary Fred J W TN DrLJ F E Carl Chas E C Mrs CF C Wayne J L Henry Dr A B James G Herman Dr EJ Karl Katherine John L Carl R W _H J H Thelma Watkins Lulu K DrWE W G Dragging Twp roads Ass't Co Surveyor Dragging Twp roads Surveyor Dragging Twp roads Ins. Premium„ Dragging Twp roads n Culvert Stakes Dragging twp roads Cement cloth, lath piling, etc Dragging twp roads 1t rr t, '1 Posta, & lbr. Labor tt t, n tt Freight Lumber Services tr Groc Services Groc Drugs Services Drugs n Coal a tt Services Drugs Groc Services Groc Services Groc n Drugs Gas Groc Services Drugs Groc Services Groc Services t, Groc Services Drugs Services Groc Seeds Services Drugs Services 1r_ Gas Coal 10.90 3.5.0 45.50 46.20 42.00 26.50. 195.70 14.50 656.33 10.60 18.40 44.80 324.08 8.40 9.70 794.63 5.90 8.80 12.40 10.45 18.55 155.61 42.00 7.50 18.00 150.00 40.00 27.50 628.88 778.86 37.92 45.00 15.00 56.62 2.25 5.79 25.25 1.55 64.00 15.30 27.50 19.80 23.35 16.20 48.51 37.00 7.65 11.38 5.22 142.0.0 70.00 29.40 .= 15.00 154.00 23.09 8.70 15.04 5.15 6.70 5.00 11.13 8.37 68.96 7.40 40.00 10.03 24.00 50.00 37.62 70.00 27.78 423.10 4.80 1.60 6.00 18.90 21.43 179.00 2.06 17.50 66 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO, .1 3 0. E. SERF PRINTING CO. NASTINGS, NEER Schaufelberger .chniitz" Drug. Co achneider Shaw Shunk Standard Oil Co Stark Dr Frank Edith. Wilfred L Chas. L Mrs C Mrs Essie Hannah Mrs J Sumner MD Ella P unnyside Swanson Leonard A Thomas Loyal P Trausch Geo Groc Uridil Dr Joseph E Services Virgil's Cash Store Groc Walker Conrad 1t Ohisinand Groc Services. Drugs Services Groc Gas Services ft n Services tT iT 31 10.00 2.04 25.00 48.00 10.70 .45 15.00 20.00 17.14 15.00 28.75 192.00 3.00 8.00 22.09 181.00 13.28 5.10 11.76 SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND. Byers Lbr Co Coal 2.40 5.89 Farmer s Union Mate Exchange Groc 24.99 Lawson Hdw Co C K .90 Matthiesen Drug Co Drugs .50 Pay-N-Takit Groc 52.99 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. # 1. Shannon F E Road work 95.00 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST # 2. Berg L A Road work 90.00 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR. DIST # 3. M Fred Road work 85.00 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST # 4. Jay Road work 85.00 COUNTY FAIR FUND Permanent improvements & premiums 87.40 Ruhter Goble Adams County Agric Society Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, that the board now adjourn to meet again on June 5th, 1934 at 9 o'clock A. M. Motion rried. Board adjourned. County Clerk Chairman 67 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O E SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS, NEER. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. June 5th, 1934. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of May 6th, 1934. Roll call, members present: Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter and Shannon. Minutes of last, meeting were read and approved. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Goble, that the petition of L. Phillips for Sunday dances be not granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Berg, that the order of the court in regard to Mother's Pension for Stella Atwater and Mrs. Bertha Eighmy be complied with and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bowers, that the $10,000 Federal Farm Loan BOnds and the $5,000 U. S. Treas. bonds' deposited by the Roseland State Bank in the Hastings National Bank to secure county deposits be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bauer, that the bond of O. W. Peterson Treas. of Logan Twp. be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Goble, seconded by Berg, that R. T. Schlueter be awarded contract for gravel projects: No 1 @ 960 per cu yd, No. 2 @ 830, No, 3 @ 830, No. 4 @ 830', No. 5 @ 830, No. 6 @ 680 per Cu yd. Roll ell, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Ruhter, that the county clerk be instructed to return checks to the unsuccessful bidders. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Bauer, that the Mid State Construction Co. be awarded the contract for construct- ing one 64 ft wooden bridge 20 ft roadway Blaine Twp. for an agreed price of $1808, one 64 ft wooden bridge 16 ft roadway in Cottonwood Twp. at an agreed price of $18201 one 64 ft wooden bridge 20 ft roadway in Silver Lake Twp. at an agreed price of $1923, and repair one bridge in Hanover Twp. at an agreed price $1515. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by records. #3561 #3560 #3559 #3558 #3557 #3556 #3454 #3455 #3456 #3457 #3458 #3459 #3460 #3461 #3462 #3463 #3464 # 3465 #3466 #3467 #3468 #3469 #3470 #3471 #3472 #3473 #3474 #3475 #3476 #3477 #3478 #3479 0480 #3481 #3482 #3483 #3484 #3485 #3486 #3487 #3488 #3489 #3490 #Z491 #3492 #3493 #3494 Ruhter, seconded by Goble, that the following misCellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisors Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Geo Hall, St Treas. 11 T1 tt Stroier Hughes St John Greenwood, Reg of Deeds Dillenbach,C1 of Dist Court Cancelled Kruger State Treas Wm J Forrest L E A J C Lucia Walter Void Penney Co JC First State Bank, Hayland First State Bank, Kenesaw Bohlke W Halsey Jones Co Clerk T W County Highway Fund Greenwood, Reg of Deeds Ernstmeyer J Fred Daugherty, Denver Twp Treas P R Goble Jay Bauer Geo G Goble Jay Cancelled Anderson I L Nebr Nat'l Bank Cancelled Galbreath C B Bohlke W Halsey Snyder D E Evans OG Marian H E Bourg AG Cleveland B H Wagner Fred E Hoffman Geo A Winter J H Canelled Cunningham Lottie E Harding Harry Greenwood, Reg of Deeds J C Geo Hall; St Treas 11 11 11 Dillenbach101 of Dist Court Lucia Not received Cancelled Gas tax 11 Credit 11 Bridge Fund Gen Fund • n 11 11 IT $460.00 4140.07 7.00 5.00 5.00 251.40 1917.41 Bridge Fund • 15.00 " & Road Drag Fund 10786.54 Gas tax 1198.49 11 Poor Aid Gen Fund 11 11 11 Fines & Licenses Hail Tns County High Fund Gen Fund it IT Bridge Fund IT TT fl n Old Age Pension Fund Bridge Fund IT It 11 11 Gen Fund 11 II 1.67 7.50 35.00 3.70 100.47 .85 356.45 5.00 15.00 14.00 7.19 4.00 5.00 71.50 Gen Fund • 5.00 Fines & Licenses 50.00 Gen Fund 5.00 Soldiers & Sailors Relief 6.00 n 11 133.00 General Fund 5.00 11 tt 11 n 11 tT Village of Holstein Gen Fund Gas tax n n Gen Fund 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 4300.00 279.40 441.31 3971.79 6.00 68 SUPERVISOR' S RECORD NO. 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEER #3499 #35.00 #3501 #3502 #3503 #3504 #3505 #3506 #3507 #3508 #3509 #3510 #3511 #3512 #3513 #3514 #3515 #3516 #3517 #3518 #3519 #3520 #3521 #3522 #3523 #3524 #3525 #3526 #3527 #3528 #3529 #3530 #3531 #3532 #3533 #3534 #3535 #3536 #3537 #3538 #3539 #3540 #3541 #3542 #3543 #3544 #3545 #3546 #3547 #3548 #3549 #3550 #3551 #3552 #3553 #3554 #3555 Gilmore Harmon Geo Hall St Treas n n n 1t Bohlke, Co Judge Dillenbach,C1 of Dist 11 11 ti 1t Kerr Jones Co Clerk Bohlke, Co Judge ii 1i 11 Marian City of Hastings K -B Printing Co Lay Shannon Nuss Ray Crosson, Sheriff Bohlke Co Judge n u n n Theobald Turbyfill Ruhter Court 1t Greenwood, Reg of Deeds Munroe, Geo A & T W Jones, 1P ti ti tt TT 11 1T Bohlke, Co Judge Phillips 11 Crosson Jones Co Clerk Dillenbach, Cl of Dist Geo E Hall, St Treas n 1T 11 11 11 Shaw Bohnet Harm Armitage Greenwood Bauer Gilmore Wary Not received Pfeiffer Berg Waterman Not received n n 11 Park Coe Jones Goble Barry Dillenbach Co t1 Irvin S Walter W Halsey Lucia 1r Geo G T W W Halsey tt n J E A D F E Edmund J E Raymond L W Halsey n n tt 1t A J Clara C M Fred J C Clerk n W Halsey Effie L Raymond L T W Court Lucia Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bowers, that instructed to issue warrants for the same. .Adrian Agee Anderson Bauer Berg Binderup Hdw Co Blocker Board of Education, School Boggs Bohlke, Co Judge Bowers Brazelton Brigham Central Power Co City Electric Dept Coe, Cornelison Crosson Crosson, Sheriff Cunningham, Co Supt Deines Drug Co Dillenbach, 01 of Dist Court Evans Extension Service Warmcre TTninn 7-srnhanve John Austin August Geo G L A AV Dist 18 Emmett W Halsey Reuben Ed Beula MP W T Bertha Raymond L Lottie E Lucia O G John L Harry George Fred C J C George G J C K D Carl F L A Leonard Credit Gen Fund 11 n 11 Gas tax n n It 1i If n 11 11 8 Fines & Licenses Gen Fund n n 8 it P, i1 Fines & Licneses Gen Fund Fines n ti & ti n Licneses n Gen Fund tr 11 11 11 It 11 Hail Ins 11 TT Gen Fund Fines & Licenses Beer License Gen Fund TT 11 n n Gas tax tt 1t Gen Fund 11 11 11 tT IT n 11 11 1T 11 Road Dragging Fund Gen Fund 5.00 5.00 395.58 3560.29 20.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 8.30 1.00 5.00 10.22 10.00 11.92 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 12.70 20.00 1.00 1.00 1.32 5.00 5.00 409.50 22.00 19.20 1105.07 250.00 25.00 5.00 334.35 1438.40 408.89 3680.09 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 W H n Gen Fund 5.00 M P 11 n n 5.00 T W n 11 91 5.00 Jay 1t Bridge Fund 12.00 Thos J n Gen Fund 5.00 Lucia 11 It 11 5.00 the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Assessing Juniata Twp Labor Assessing Verona Twp Supervisor services Supervisor services Supplies Assessing Logan Twp Rent Assessing West Blue Twp County court costs Supervisor services Assessing, City of Hastings Services Gas Light Assessing, City of Hastings Assessing, City of Hastings Matron Jail & office expense Postage, express &mileage Supplies District court costs Mileage Supplies - Farm Bureau �;nnn i cc 207.40 6.40 175.00 80.00 32.65 24.60 140.00 20.00 155.00 69.89 75.00 200.00 60.90 12.19 .62 225.00 190.00 13.02 170.22 34.72 9.30 65.86 1.40 6.00 A III I SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 69 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR. f Gaudreault Co Gedney & Co Goble Greenwood, Reg of Deeds Guarantee Electric Co Harris Hartman Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Letter Shop Hastings Typewriter Co Heartwells' Hoagland Jones, Co Clerk Jungerman Groc K -B Printing Co Keith, et al Kenesaw Telephone Co Kennedy Kidd Kistler Klein Kort Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln Tel & Telg Co Marian a Martin Maxwell Milburn & Scott Co Miller Moore Nebr Auto Parts Co Nienheuser Omaha School Supply Co Penny Co J C Proffitt J F Queen City Laundry Reed Renner & Co Rippeteau Wallpaper & Paint Co Rosenau Ruhter Rutherford Bros Saxelby, Charles Schiffler Schroeder, Co Atty Serf Printing Co Shannon Simms Book Store St John Widmaier Wright A J K H Jay J C J ai Ernest Clarence W S G TW Dr W Ray CH George S Peter Fred Ethel J E Wm S John Worth M Mrs W T et al Fred F B Percy J C M Fred M & Sarah Wescott Galvin Abraham Herman G O E F E Adams Co Ayr Lumber Co Bachman Oil Co Barta Bros Batteral Beal Beal Oil Station Bohlen Borwege City Electric Dept Classen, et al Consbruck Deep Rock Station Duncan Enevoldsen Essinger Garage & Oil Co Farmers Union Co-op Gas & Oil Ford Gartner Goble Grim, et al Ground Hageman Hdw Hansen & Son Hastings Mechanical Wks Haws Haynes Bros Hoffman, et al Horton Hupf & Denkert Huse Hynes, et al Interstate Mchy & Supply Co Co Therese A Wm W W J D • Rufus E E Dan Norbert Louie Ray C S Anders Luther P H Homer L Ben John H P W G Emil Francis Albert L Wm Supplies Rent Supervisor services Stamps Lamps Cleaner Assessing, City of Hastings Printing Claim blanks Supplies Labor Assessing Blaine Twp Express & postage Supplies tt Witness, insanity hearings Tolls Drayage Assessing Kenesaw Twp Assessing Silver Lake Twp Care of inmates at Co Farm Assessing Ayr Twp Supplies Services Supplies Assessing Cottonwood Twp Supplies tt Examination & commencement 8th Grade Supplies Assessing Wanda Twp Supplies Assessing, City of Hastings Laundry Assessing, City of Hastings Supplies Paint Assessing, City of Hastings Supervisor services Supplies Refund Assessing Roseland Twp Supplies Supplies Supervisor services Supplies Services Bailiff Assessing Denver Twp COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Repairs Supplies Gas Repairs Team work Labor Gay Team work qr Light Team work` Labor Gas Repairs Supplies Gas, oil etc Gas & oil Foreman Cedar posts Gas Labor Team work Supplies Blacksmith Labor Gas & grease Enamel Dragging county roads Team work Labor Team work Supplies 13.64 45.00 30.50 5.00 2.25 3.50 180.00 15.50 7.00 1.65 1.50 130.00 68.04 1.05 128.36 32.00 2.80 2.00 226.92 110.00 113.55 150.00 2.65 74.21 12.00 75.00 12.20 205.00 11.90 5.85 55.85 1.50 95.00 4.80 8.80 205.00 7.65 210.00 7.x'5 3.10 190.00 55.44 .80 413.63 175.00 3.25 177.00 18.00 6.54 125.00 16.80 105.00 28.19 8.70 2.75 2.00 22.00 1.88 12.75 24.00 24.00 .75 16.75 2.00 20.43 3.60 20.15 319.12 277.23 27.50 3.20 14.11 28.80 4.00 9.26 4.35 6.25 158.80 .30 14.40 24.00 17.45 23.00 48.00 126.56 70 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS, NEBR. McMahon Nat'l Refining Co O'Connell -Gill Tractor Co Oliver Lbr Co Patterson Phillips Petroleum Co Prosser Lumber Co Reiner Schleuter Lumber Co Schnase Silvey Lbr Co Sime Sinclair Refining Co Snell, et al Stromer, et al Stromer, et al Zubrod Ayr Lbr Co Ayr Twp Bell Blaine Twp Corner Geo & J S Rhinehart, et al Cottonwood Twp Fairbanks Hall Co Highway Dept Heartwell Interstate Mchy & Sup Co Juniata Twp Kenesaw Twp Kitts Nebr Culvert & Mfg Co Roseland TTS Silver Lake Twp Stromer Verona Twp West Blue Twp Adams County Red Cross Adrian Amick Austin Groc Bauer Groc Bert's Drug Store Blue Valley Cemetery Brand Funeral Home Brooke & Son Brown, MD Calbreath Carson Drug Co Cole Deep Laid Store Dever, MD Dickerson Eckhardt Egbert Feese Gentert's Cash Store Goosic Gray Guildner Hahne Bros Hardt Drug Co Hendriksen Jungerman Groc Juniata Grain & Live Stock Assn Kidder Kohlbry Latta Laughlin Lee Livingston Bros Lynch M & A Store Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Matthiesen & Co McDowell Groc Mikkelsen Drug Co Moon Newell Nowers Parsons Oil Co Phillips Dr G A Pra+.+. J l Chas John M Henry Ed J A A J Howard D W Paul Jake O P Lester CA Frank H Paul E Mrs John Dr A J J W G B Mrs W L Chas R F E Carl Chas C L Dr JP Mrs C F O S C Wayne Robt Dr C E Herman Dr E J Carl Katherine R G Carl R W H Lulu K Mrs Emily Walter E Patrolman Gas Tractor -grader and other parts Lumber Gas TS Paint Dragging county roads Lumber Team work Lbr. Gas n Foreman Team work Repairs ROAD DRAGGING FUND. Culvert & repairs Dragging Twp roads Assisting Co Surveyor Dragging Twp roads Gravel Dragging Twp roads Assisting Co Surveyor Re -graveling Surveyor Dynamite Dragging twp roads ft Culvert Culvert & repairs Dragging twp roads 11 Labor Dragging Twp roads n POOR AID FUND Services ft tt Groc 11 Drugs Grave Services Drugs Services ft Drugs Services Groc Services Drugs Groc Services 11 Groc Services n Services Groc Drugs Groc ft Coal Services Groc Services Groc Services 41 Groc 11 Services Drugs Groc Drugs Services n 11 Gas Services 30.00 16.80 472.02 12.10 16.05 79.51 53.00 3.60 12.03 5.00 21.20 46.18 84.03 21.25 42.00 43.60 2.50 82.50 5.85 3.50 13.00 289.00 7.30 28.00 37.95 99.90 70.80 4.90 28.30 572.55 123.97 23.20 9.40 12.45 10.90 10.90 26.57 46.50 3.00 60.16 5.16 6.20 5.00 50.00 .60 77.75 35.00 21.75 4.00 4.32 39.00 9.15 4.64 33.60 10.00 11.68 8.00 28.00 138.00 34.59 21.31 14.64 57.53 17.10 27.00 10.70 44.00 10.00 24.00 125.00 6.40 37.05 427.88 14.92 5.03 16.60 22.14 5.00 75.00 1.35 11.00 97 P9 SUPERVISOR' S RECORD NO. 13 71 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS, NEBR Schneider Sc hunk Shaw Spicer, MD Stark !t It Edith Chas L Wilfred L C R Mrs C Essie Hannah Mrs J Sumner F11a P Sunnyside Swanson L A Sweeney MD E E Thomas Loyal P Trausch Geo Virgils Cash Store Walker Conrad Walters Dr H D Whisinand Groc Services Groc Services Tt tt Groc n fF 37.50 8.20 8.00 20.00 15.5G 20.00 18.71 15.00 15.00 205.75 83.00 12.75 8.00 15.68 13.19 7.21 Services 20.00 Groc 11.91 SOLDIERS& SAILORS RELIEF Farmers Union State Exchange Groc Sumner Ella P Services Shannon Berg Ruhter Goble Adams County Agriculture Society 20.02 3.00 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST # 1. F E Road work 105.00 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST # 2. L A Road work 105.00 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST # 3. M Fred Road work 90.00 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST # 4. Road. work 105.00 Jay COUNTY FAIR Pernament improvements & Premiums 63.00 Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Berg,that the board now adjourn to meet again on July 6th, 1934 at 9 of clock A.M. Motion carried. B a rd adjourned. unty Clerk. Deputy, Chairman. 72 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS, NEBR. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. TUESDAY, JUNE 12TH, 1934. 9 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors together with the County Assessor and County Clerk met as a Board of Equalization. J. E. Marian Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members present: Bauer, Berg, Goble, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon, St. John and Jones. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 P.M. when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Ruhter, that the request of Dist. # 8 be granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock P.M. the board recessed until June 13th, 1934 at 9 o'clock A.M. Wednesday, June 13th, 1934. 9 o'clock A.M. Adams County Board of Equalization met as per recess of June 12th, 1934. Roll call, all members present: Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon, St John and Jones. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 P.M. when they again resumed with all members present. At 5 o'clock P.M. the board recessed until June 14th, 1934 at 9 o'clock A.M. Thursday, June 14th, 1934. 9 o'clock A.M. Adams County Board of Equalization met as - per recess of June 13th, 1934. Roll call, all members present: Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon, St John, and Jones. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 P.M. when they again resumed with all members present. At 5 o'clock P.M. the board recessed until Wednesday, June 20th, 1934 at 9 o'clock A.M. Wednesday, June 20, 1934. 9 'clock A.M. Adams County Board of Equalization met as per recess of June 14th, 1934. Roll call, all members present; Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon, St John and Jones. Motion by Goble, seconded by Berg, that the land. Si Sec 35-6-12 be assessed at $6600. Roll ball, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Goble, that the land Sec. 29-6-12 be assessed at $5760, the land Wz SE* & Si NWS & SW 30-6-12 be assessed at $2815., and the land on Ni & SW4 31-6-12 be assessed at $4275. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, that the Nebr. Natural Gas Co be assessed at $97,385, the Kansas Pipe Line be assessed at $6480, and the Natural Gas Distributing Co. be assessed at $8370. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 P.M. when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Bowers, that the land on Blk 3 St. Joseph 2nd Add. be assessed at $1670. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Bowers, that improvements on E2 Lot 19 Blk 19 and W2 lot 20 blk 19, Johnson's Add be assessed at $1855. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, that the request to reduce the improvements on Lot 1 & 2 Olivers Sub Division, the improvements on Lot 17 to 19 Blk 20 Original Town, the improvements on Pt SE SE 11-7-10, the im- provements on Pt SE SE 11-7-10, the improvements on E 120 ft lot 4 Pauley's Sub., the improvements W2 Lot 7, bik 7, Holstein Village the land on Si NE1 18-5-12, the improvements on lots 148-152 Original Town Kenesaw, the im- provements on SEs. 14-8-9. the land on NE4 6-6-9, the land on NEI 19-5-12, the improvements on Lot 1 Davis Add., the improvements on lot 8 Kerr's Add., the improvements on NE4 bik 3, Alexander's 1st Add., the improvements on Lots 1-2 Blk 11, Moore's Add., the improvements on lots 6-7 Morledge's Add., be not granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock P. M. the board recessed until June 21st, 1934 at 9 o'clock A.M. Thursday, June 21st, 1934. 9 o'clock A.M. Adams County Board of Equalization met as per recess of June 21, 1934. Roll call, all members present; Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon, St John and Jones. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Ruhter, that the improvements on lot 4, Davis land on lot 1 to 11 and 14 to 24 in Oberlin's Land Add. be assessed at $500. carried. Add. be assessed at $1420, that the Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Berg, that the request to reduce improvements on Lot 9 blk 4 College Add. for the year 1933 be not granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bowers that all real estate and improvements in Adams County be assessed at 5% less than in 1933. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Berg, that the improvements on lot 18 blk 4 Thompson's Add be assessed at $1000, that lot 4 blk 7 College Add be assessed at $1200, that improvements on lot 9 blk 3 Thomas Add be assessed at $1100, that improvements on lot 10 blk 3 Thomas Add be assessed at $970 W and $900 E, that improvements on E 20 ft Si lot 9 blk 7 and W 40 ft Si lot 10 blk 7 College Add be assessed at $1400, that improvements on lot 1 Martin's Sub. Div of lot 4. Lewis Sub be assessed at 81500_ that improvements on Lot 9 Kerr's Add be assessed at 81680_ SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 73 0 SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS, NEBR COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Saturday, July 7th, 1934. 9 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met together with the County Clerk and County Assessor met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of June 21st, 1934. Roll call, members present: Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon, St. John & Jones. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Berg, that the land on S2 Sec 35-6-12 be assessed at $5865 and the land on SWI SEc 36-6-12 be assessed at $3500. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Berg, that the personal property of the Standline Pipe Line Co be assessed at $80,685 and that the land and improvements on SWg NWS S of Ayr &'g of Burlington RR Rt of way 3-5-10 be assessed at $6760. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Berg, that the improvements on lots 18-21 Blk 18Original Town be assessed at $31,730. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Ruhter, that the request to reduce improvements on lots 9-12 Blk 12 Johnson's Add. , and the land on SE* 28-6-11 be not granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried® At 5 o'clock the board adjourned subject to the call of the County Clerk. 1 74 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Monday, August 27th, 1934. 9 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors together with the County Clerk and County Assessor met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of July 7th, 1934. Roll call, members present: Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon, St. John And Jones. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Bauer, that every male and female inhabitant of Adams County between the ages of 21 and 50 be taxed 50¢ each for the old age pension fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bowers, that Whereas, the assessed valuation as made by the County Assessor and equalized by this board and adjusted by the State Board of Equalization calling for a reduction of 5% on lots and improvements and real estate and improvements be adopted by this board. Roll call, all voted ayr. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 when they again resumed with all members present. At 5 o'clock the board recessed subject to the call of the County Clerk. SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Wednesday, September 5th, 1934. 9 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors together with the County Clerk and County Assessor met as. a Board of Equalization as per recess of August 27th, 1934. Roll call, members present: Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon, St. John and .Jones. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Ruhter, that we request the City counsel of the City of Hastings to reconsider the levy of 14.5 mills heretofore certified on account of being a drastic increase over levy of 1933 which was 11.4 mills, such increase appearing to be unreasonable. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock the board recessed subject to call ;of the County Clerk. 76 SUPERVISOR S RECORD NO. 13 0 E. SERF PRINTING CO. HASTINGS, NEBR COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Wednesday, September 12th, 1934. 9 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors together with the County Clerk and County Assessor met as a Board of Equalization as per recess. of September 5th 1934. Roll call, members present: .Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon, St. John and Jones. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 when they again resumed with all member present. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Berg, that we levy 1.6 mills for the Free High School fund on all property outside of Free High School Districts. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Bauer, that Whereas, the assessed valuation of Adams County for the year 1934, as equalized by this board and accepted and approved by the State Board of Equalization are now ready to fix a levy upon same, that we proceed to fix a levy on said valuation in each sub div- ision be as follows, to -wit: ADAMS COUNTY LEVY. as based on estimates by the Board at their statutory meeting held in January, 1934. General 1.36 Bridge .03 County Fair .06, Soldiers & Sailors .06 Mother's Pension .06 Poor Aid 1.53 CITY OF HASTINGS As based on tax certificate filed in the office of the County Clerk by the City and Village clerks. City of Hastings1.4.5 Juniata Village 3.7 Kenesaw Village14.0 Ayr Village ............. 8. Roseland Village........ 12.5 Holstein Village 5. Prosser Village5. Trumbull Village.. 00044* 5 . TOWNSHIP LEVIES. As based on tax certificates filed in the office of the County Clerk by the various township clerks showing amount voted to be raised by taxation: West Blue Township Highland Verona Kenesaw Wanda Juniata tt Denver Blaine Hanover f1 Ayr Roseland Cottonwood ft Logan Silver Lake Zero Little Blue .8 1.4 .4 .6 none .6 ..7 .3 none .4 .4 none 1.2 1.0 .72 none SCHOOL DISTRICT LEVIES. As based on tax certificate filed in the office of the County Clerk by the various school boards show- ing amount to be raised by taxation: Dist No. General Bond F.H.S. Total 1 7.34 none none 7.34 2 1.8 " 1.6 . 3.4 3 6. " none 6. 4 2.2 1, 1.6 3.8 5 3.1. " 1.6 4.7 6 1.8 " 1.6 3.4 7 4.9 " 1.6 6.5 8 6.4 2. none 8.4 9 2.6 none 1.6 4.2 10 3. " 1.6 4.6 11 9.9 2.5 none 12..4. 12 .32 none 1.6 1.92 13 3.8 " 1.6 5.4 14 1.8 11 1.6 3.4 15 1.7 " 1.6 3.3 16 1. " 1.6 2.6 17 2. " 1.6 3.6 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 13 77 O. E. SERP PRINTING CO., HASTINGS. NEBR, Dist No. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34-21 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42-77 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54-80 55 56 57 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67-65 68 69 70 71 72 75 74 75 76 78 81 101 General 3.1 .8 1.3 1.9 2.3 2.1 1.6 3.1 1. 1.8 2.2 1.9 4. 3.4 2.5p 1.8 3.4 2.9 2. 1.9 11.9 4.2 1.8 .5 none 2.4 2.3 2.3 1.6 2.7 1.5 12.2 1.5 1.2 2.6 .9 1.6 2.6 2.7 5.7 1. 3.7 2.3 1. 2.3 2.4 2.5 1.8 3.1 2.7 1.1 3. 4.3 3.6 16.5 9.4 Bond F.H.S. Total. none 1.6 4.7 1.6 2.4 1.62.9 1.6 - _ 3.5 1.6 3.9 1.6 3.7 't 1.63.2 ,t •8_ 3.9 tt 1.62.6 1.6 3.4 1r 1.6 3.8 11 1.6 3.5 1.6 5.6 1.6 5. n 1.6 4.1 ft 1.6 3.4 et 1.6 5. n 1.6 4.5 1.6 3.6 1.6 3.5 2.5 none 14.4 none 1.6 5.8 1.6 3.4 " 1.6 2.1 vt 1.6 1.6 1.64. 1.6 3.9 1.6 3.9 1.6 3.2 1.6 4.3 1.6 3.1 2. none 14.2 none 1.6 3.1 1.6 2.8 1.6 4.2 tf 1.6 2.5 " 1.6 3.2 n 1.6 4.2 .. 1.6 4.3 n 1.6 7.3 n 1.6 2.6 at 1.6 5.3 tt 1.6 3.9 11 - 1.6 2.6 1,.6 3.9 " 1.6 4. et 1.6 4.1 rr 1.6 3.4 „ 1.6 4.7 1.6 4.3 " 1.6 2.7 1.6 4.6 " 1.6 5.9 1.6 5.2 none 16.5 4. „ 13.4 and the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized to extend these levies on the 1934 tax list against the said valuations in the various governmental sub -division of Adams County, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Ruhter, that this board adjourn sine die as a board of equalization. Motion carried. Board adj `: -d. County Clerk � Chairman. 78 SUPERVISOR'S . RECORD NO. 113 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS, NEBR. COURT.. HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. July 6th, 1934. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of June 5th, 1934. Roll call, members present: Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter and Shannon. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Bowers, seconded by Goble, that we lease the county farm to Pete Klein for 1935 on the same term as per contract for 1934. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Berg, that the application of John McCleery of Pauline for beverage license and the application of Paul Strauch of Hillside Golf Club for beverage license be granted. 'poll call, ayes, Bauer, Berg, Goble and Ruhter. Nayes; Bowers, Marian and Shannon. Motion carried. Motion by berg, seconded by Ruhter, that the petition of Sam Ebersole and others be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Shannon, that the County Treasurer be authorized to of Capital Stock and Surplus in Hastings National Bank, the City National Bank, and the Roseland State Bank, Roseland, Nebr. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion deposit an amount up to 100% the Adams County Bank, Kenesaw, carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Bower, that the county Treasurer be hereby instructed to transfer from school district number 9 of Adams County to school district number 22 of Adams county the sum of 5.28.08, being the amount erroneously designated on the tax list for district number 9 on a 1932 real estate tax on the NW* 1-5-10 and on a 1931 and 1932 personal tax of Wm. Valentine who lives on the above described property. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Goble, that the order of the court in regard to Mother's Pension for Ilia Smith and Margaret Kindig be complied with and the clerk be instructed to issue warrant for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Bauer, that the claim of E. M. McKillip for all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ooble, seconded by Shannon, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 710. be disallowed. Roll call, Bauer Berg Binderup Hdw Co Bohlke, Co Judge Bowers Campbell Co Central Power Co City Electric Dept Crosson Crosson Cunningham Co Supt Cunningham Co Supt D'illenbach, Clerk of Dist Driebelbis - 80 Taxi Evans Films Fischer Gartner Gaudreault Mere Co Gedney & Co Goble Greenwood, Reg of Deeds Hamel Hammond & Stephens Hastings Rubber Stamp Works Hastings Typewriter Co Hayen Jungerman Groc K -B Printing Co Klein Lay Lincoln Tel & Telg Co Marian Murphy Typewriter Co Serf Printing Co Parsons Pierson `ween City Laundry Ruhter Schroeder Co Atty Shannon Standard Oil Co State Journal Co St John Tilden et al Trausch G G L A N Halsey Reuben Herbert Bertha Raymond L Lottie E Lottie E Court Lucia Cal 0 G Parrot G S Frieda A J K H Jay J C E B Rachel Peter Mrs AD J E R E O E Ruth Roy F M Fred Herman G F E Therese Helen Geo GENERAL FUND. Supervisor services tl Supplies County court costs Supervisor services Desk Gas Light Matron - jail Jail & office expense Institute fund Postage & express Dist court costs & postage Drayage Mileage Supplies - relief office Mileage Services Supplies Rent Supervisor services Postage Services Supplies is n Services Supplies Supplies Care of inmates at Co Refund Services Supervisor services Repairs Supplies Services Laundry Supervisor services Supplies Supervisor services Supplies to Services 11 Supplies Farm $90.00 62.50 6.73 24.87 75.00 20.00 10,57 45.70 3.30 192.01 150.00, 7.91 73.75 .50 1.40 4.83 1.70 78.00 72.41 45.00 48.00 5.00 15.00 24.04 .50 47.26 20.00 4.50 191.43 110.70 5.00 77.22 74.85 11.25 126.10 2.40 49.50 7.53 100.60 2.25 42.00 5.95 25.50 125.00 25.73 4.45 79 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEER Adrian et al Mrs John Services 45.00 Austin Groc Groc; Batterall Mary Services 24.00 Berts Drug Store Drugs .85 Boren, MD A J Services 15.00 Brooke & Son Drugs 34.05 Brown MD J W Services 46.50 Brillhart Dr G L " 46.50 Cannon T N Drugs 24.00 Carson Drug Store „ 22.20 Coates B F Groc 4.59 Golfer Dr J A Services 10.00 Deep Laid Store Groc 20.88 ?eines Drug Store Drugs 12.00 Dever MD Chas R Services 4.00 Dickerson F E Drugs 11.70 Eckhardt's Groc Groc 4.87 Eckhardt Carl Chas it 1.78 Eckhardt R E " 11.88 Egbert Hospital Services 19.00 Warmers Grain Co Coal 4.00 Farmers Union State Exchange Groc 12.50 Foote MD E C Services 34.00 Gentert's Cash Store Groc 10.55 Gray MD 0 S Services 10.00 Green Drug Co Drugs .60 Guildner C Wayne Services 102.00 Hahne Bros Groc 40.85 Hamel E B Services 18.00 Hardt Drug Co Drugs 17.49 Hastings Ice Co Cold storage - 52 cases lard 3.90 Herbst Henry Groc 7.25 Hopper Dr A B Services 6.50 Hunt Dr G H it 2.00 Jones James G Groc 8.42 Jungerman Groc it 45.81 K & R Inc Cold storage - pork & lard 4.95 Kidder MD C E Services 16.00 Kohlbry Herman Groc 10.60 Latta E J Services 106.00 Larsen Wm G " 4.13 Laughlin C Groc 18.98 Lee Katherine Services 24.00 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co `i 12.00 Livingston Bros " 50.00 Long Anna C if 23.33 M & A Store Groc 42.99 Mace MD John L Services 70.00 Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital " 236,75 Matthiesen & Co Carl R Drugs 12.74 McClure E L Tel. charges 10.11 McDowell Groc W H Groc 5.05 Meads Groc " 96.27 Mikkelsen Drug Co Drugs 53.33 Moon Lulu K Services 21.43 Nowers Dr W E p137.00 Pay-N-Takit Groc 4.76 Oliver Lumber Co Supplies `2.50 Producer's Dairy Milk 2.10 Rogers Groc Groc 33.84 Butts Drug Store Drugs .90 Hutt John Services 9.50 Schaufelberger Frank it 30.00 Schmitz Drug Co Drugs 1.50 " C W IT 2.00 Schneider Edith Services 50.00 Schenk Charles L Groc 8.25 Sheeley's Groc Store n 6.02 Smith Dr A A Services 70.00 Stark Mrs C " 15.00 '► Mrs Essie " 20.00 " Hannah " 16.17 ►: Mrs J It 15.00 Sumner MD Ella P " 8.00 Sunnyside " 216.00 Swanson L A " 16.00 Trading Post Groc 6.00 Irausch Geo " 8.23 Thomas Loyal P Services 8.00 Uridil Dr J E " 64.00 Virgils Cash Store Groc 13.48 Voland Funeral Home Services 50.00 "alters Dr H D it 21.00 Whisinand Groc Groc 28.63 White. Mountain Dairy Co Milk 3.83 Winroth Dr J P Services 10.00 Wiseman Harry Groc 2.95 72.57 80 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 E. SERF PRINTING HASTINGS. NEBR Corner Geo & J S Rhinehart Cottonwood Twp Leane Denver Twp Fairbanks Hanover Twp Heartwell Highland I'wp Interstate Machinery Co Island Supply Co Juniata Twp Kenesaw Twp Little Blue Twp Logan Twp Madgett Bros Phillips Rhinehart Gravel Co Roseland Twp Siler Lake Twp Verona Twp Ylanda Twp hero Twp Adams Co Ayr Lumber Co Bachman Oil Co Beal Oil Station Bohlen Borwege Central Nebr Millwork Co Clark Laois Deep Rock Station Duncan Dutton & Sons Co Enevoldsen Bssinger Gar & Oil Co Farmers Union Co-op Gas Ford Gentert's Cash Store Goble Hansen & Son Hastings Mechanical Works Haws Hoffman Horton Horton et al Hurst Koch Manske, et al McClelland -Dunn Motor Co McGrath Hdw Co McMahon National Refining Co O'Connell -Gill Tractor Co Patterson Pease Phillips Petro Co Placke Schmidt Sime Sinclair Refining Co Smidt et al Smidt Snell Stromer et al Lu.brod 11 Jack Lester C A Asa J J D Dan Norbert J A Jay C S W M Anders & Oil Co Luther Halbmaier Howet, et al Kitts Nebr Culert & Mfg Co Roseland Lumber Co Silvey Lumber Co Farmers Union State Exchange Foote Pay-N-Takit Sumner MD Homer L H P W G Emil J Raymond Frances Carl David L Herman J H Chas J M C A Frank Carl A J John Will Howard Walt Ed Joe John P N W Frank H J A E C Elia Gravel Dragging Asst Co Dragging Asst Co Dragging Surveyor Dragging twp roads Paint & Supplies Signs Dragging twproads 11 11 li twp roads Surveyor twp roads Surveyor twp roads Ins Labor Gravel Dragging twp roads n n 11 n COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Repairs Supplies Gas a Team work 1, Repairs for grader Supplies Labor Gas Repair Supplies Blacksmith work Gas & oil Gas & oil Foreman F E R A Supplies Gas Supplies it Gas & oil Dragging county roads Team work 11 11 11 Repairs Supplies Patrolman F E R A Gas & oil Tractor & grader parts Gas Blacksmith work Gas Team work Gas Gas Team work T1 Foreman F E R A Team work BRIDGE FUND Labor Team work Remodeling bridge etc Culvert & repairs Lumber Lbr. SOLDIERS & SAILORS RPLIEF FUND Groc Services Groc Services COUNTY FAIR FUND 224.60 13.00 7.00 45.70 10.50 15.70 37.90 16.90 54.78 6.00 8.80 38.20 38.50 35.50 524.13 11.00 67.23 9.70 53.13 12.10 6.10 36.70 11.36 9.22 3.52 15.63 12.00 12.00 .50 29.24 10.75 19.99 3.50 25.23 15.85 235.76 184.82 22.50 .90 15.19 13.70 3.50 75.35 1.80 20.00 36.00 20.00 20.00 32.00 16.20 2.62 48.75 227.43 117.08 16.00 8.25 98.55 12.00 20.00 62.30 49.04 27.00 6.00 37.50 40.00 20.00 20.00 8.00 20.25 762.00 73.41 34.51 35.30 33.29 12.00 55.94 4.00 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0. E. SERF PRINTING HASTINGS. MEW. Berg Ruhter Goble LA ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. # 2. Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST # 3. M Fred Jay Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. # 4. Road work Motion by Bowers, seconded by Bauer, that this board now adjourn to meet again A.11. Motion carrie Board adjourn. Deputy. 85.00 55.00 90.00 on August 6th, 1934 at 9 o'clock ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER'S REPORT Semi -Annual Statement of ALBERT J. TI-1E9BALD, Treasurer of Adams County, for 6 Months Ending June 30, 1934 = DISBURSEMENTS (Except Fees) SOURCE OF COLLECTIONS Balance on hand January 1, 1934 $231,223.42 1933 Taxes 282,967.81 1932 Taxes ........................ ...... 82,256.01 1930 Taxes......... ........ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6:128 207:°65 1929 and Prior Years Taxes ............. .......... 26 Protest Taxes ........ ...... • . . .. • • • • • • • • 1 312.51 School Land Lease . . ... . . .. . 4963..6380 School Land Lease ......... . .. . . ................ L26 State Hail Insurance • • • • .. 485•15 Redemptions ....... ........................: 3,67366..7301 Record Fees Fines and Licenses . . ... . ........ : : • :1..1.. 481.70 Drivers' Licenses ............. . 123.50 Motor Vehicle ....... . . • - • • • • - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. 28,284.75 Hastings Special Taxes ...... . ... ................ 12,394.17 State School Apportionment 6,706.68 Miscellaneous Free High Fund Miscellaneous Inheritance Tax • • • County General Interest on Deposit County Road Dragging County Bridge County Highway ..... Poor Aid - • • • • • • • • • - City and Village .... Soldiers' and Sailors' R Old Age Pension .... Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 49.99 6.32 8,689.33 471.32 21,525.82 6,016.96 300.85 • .. .. .. .• ; 1.67 7,204.27 • Clie• • : •• •• 207.51- 7.19 ................ ro State Treasurer ........... County General : : : 376:806040:0721 County Bridge .... ..... . . . . Soldiers' and Sailors' Relief ............• •• • • • 317.82 Poor Aid Fund .. 16,018.36 Mothers' Pension 828.00 County Fair .......................... . ....I: 980.40 Road Dragging .. ............. ................. . 1123:650982..4863 County Highway ....... ................. • • • • Motor Vehicle Refund . . 101.30 Township Orders ..................... • • 6.868.45 City and Village . ....... . . ............: : : 158,213.92 School Orders ... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 159,540.91 School Bond ..... ... 35,583.03 • • • • • • . • • • • • • • •• • • • •• :-'"•••• •:".-. "-19,947.25 Free High School ............... • • • • • .... • ... . Redemptions .. .. . .. ............. - • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3,38207..0026 Road 0 Supervisor 'District No. 1 ..................... _ Road Supervisor District No 2 . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1.'ig..0000_ • • • Road Supervisor District No. 3 - . 00 Road Supervisor District No. 4 .................................540.00 Old Age Pension ................ • .. • • .. • • . • . • ... 1,779.25 Balance on hand (June 30, 1934) 206,303.93 TOTAL ......................................$734,204.99 TOTAL showing balance at the beginning of the period, distribution of collections, disbursements, and the balance on hand June 30, 1934 Statement of various funds BALANCE Jan. 1, 1934 STATE FUNDS State General ....$ 9,589.14 State Capitol 93.50 State Highway 669.05 State Redemptions ..... Drivers' Licenses .... .•' Bee Tax 8.05 Hail Insurance 200.00 Int. State Sc. Land St. Sc. Land Lease 72.00 COUNTY FUNDS County General 23,084.72 Poor Aid . 2,540.67 County Fair .0.D. 33.98 I Mothers' Pension . 4,009.29 Gravel Fund ..... 114.87 County Bridge ...2,517.-61 Sold. & Sail. Relief 522.17 Road Dragging ... 7,731.54 Fines and Licenses 360.50 Advertising 19.50 Interest on Taxes8,637.63 Motor Fees 1,189.75 Treasurers' Fees 9.30 County Road County Highway Inheritance Tax - Old Age Pension . COLLEC- DISBURSE- BALANCE BALANCE COLLEC- DISBURSE- BALANCE TIONS MENTS June 30, Jan. 1, 1934 TIONS MENTS 'Time 30, 1934 SCHOOLS FUNDS School Dist. Fund. 49,393.57 164,018.45 162,292.44 51,119.58 School Bond Fund. 13,272.41 30,373.05 36,101.73 7,543.73 Free High School . 2,095.92 20,754.30 20,305.51 2 544 71 CITY AND VILLAGE FUNDS Hastings ... .. ... 68,028.86 97,704.94 153,960.36 11,773.44 Juniata 166.16 211.85 9.25 368.76 Kenesaw 526.53 2,145.69 2,483.68 - 188.54 Roseland ' 321.55 528.40 517.53 332.42 Holstein 369.02 4,840.74 4,219.31 990.45 Ayr ' 768.16 444.68 434.51 778.33 Prosser ...............121.20 130.01 180.85 70.36 Hayland 1.96 ........'' " 1.96 Trumbull 46.08 6.05 .82 51.31 Pauline 29.71 . ... . . .... 29.71 MISCELLANEOUS -•-•' FUNDS • • Townships .... 25,991.61 10,882.31 7,330.83 29,543.09 Redemptions 407.40 3,676.31 3,827.26 256.45 Protest Taxes• .. '. . . 1,312.51 .... . 1,312.51 Sup. Rd. Dist. No. , 118.56 625.00 390.00 353.56 Sup. Rd. Dist. No. 2 209,00 625,00 540.00 - 285.00 Sup. Rd. Dist. No. 3 157.36 tY576-0- '05701:1 - 287.39 Sup. Rd. Dist. No. 4 592'50 625.00 540.00 677.50 $ 47,658.44 $ 42,868.57 $ 14,379.01 711.66 452.60 352.56 8,839.83 8,591.58 917.30 2.77 2.69 37.25 17.50 19.75 .25 10.27 485.15 599.65 85.50 1,265.58 1,265.58 ..... 493.30 250.13 315.1'7 52,051.21 38,907.25 36,228.68 22,790.99 16,823.34 3,426.98 1,164.40 1,023.95106.47 1,177.40 871.45 4,315.24 • . • . • ...... • • • 114.87 7,227.44 6,060.69 3,684.36 1,378.63 357.17 1,543.63 40,878.04 14,013.85 34,595.73 481.70 360.50 481.70 25.45 44.95 .......... 11,328.53 19,966.16 Distributed 341.40 1,531.15 13,072.73 13,082.03 ....... 425.19 425 19 TOTALS .....$231,223.42 $552,299.55 $577,219.04 $206,303.93 8,134.84 338.10 13,698.450.0. 5,225.51 (Overdrafts Deducted) 2,505.58 6.32 2,500.00 11.90 NOTE -Included in the foregoing report are transfers as follows:07 1,295.25 1,011.47 1,834.23 472.49 From Advertising to County General ............. .$ From Treasures' Fees to County General . ........... 13,082.03 From Fines and Licenses to School Districts . , ....„ ., 360.50 From Inheritance' Tax to Sup. ESOail iiiitrfct's' ......... 2,600.0 ADAMS COUNTY \ STATE OF NEBRASKA 5.5. I, Albert J. Theobald, Adams County Treasurer, do hereby certify that the above is a tille and correct statement of all collections, dis- bursements and ledger balances of the various funds as same appear on record in my office, June 30, 1934. " '- ALBERT J. THEOBALD, Subscribed in my (SEAL) presence and sworn to before me this 24th day of July, 1934. T. W. JONES, County Clerk. • 82 SUPERVISOR S RECORD NO. 13 0. E. SERF PRINTING CO. HASTINGS, NEBR. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Aug. 6th, 1934. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of July 6th, Roll call, members present: Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter and Shannon. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Goble, that the petition of W. H. Burke and others be placed on carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Shannon, that the order of the court in regrd to Mother's Pension Wendt, Mrs. Gertrude Keller, and Mrs. Bess Hiatt be complied with and the clerk instructed to the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. < Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, that the second Quarterly report of the Sheriff, Clerk Register of Deeds, County Judge and the County Clerk be placed on file. Roll call, all voted carried. 1934. file. Motion for Mrs. Mary issue warrants for of District Court, aye. Motion At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bowers, that the application of L. Phillips for a license to conduct a public dance hall, except Sunday„ and an amusement park be granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Shannon, that the petition of Carl Hempel for a license to conduct a public dance hall, except Sundays, and an amusement park be granted with the understanding with Mr. Hempel that no club dances be conducted on Sundays. Roll call, Bauer not voting, Ayes: Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter. Nayes; Shannon. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Berg, that the application of L. Phillips for "On and Off Sale" beverage license, the application of M. A. Scholl for "On Sale" beverage license, the application of Peter Konen for a "On Sale" beverage license, and the application of Verneda Beal for a "On Sale" beverage license be granted. Roll. call, Ayes: Bauer, Berg, Goble, Ruhter. Nayes: Bowers, Marian and Shannon. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, seconded by, , that the application of Hulbert H. Malick for "On Sale" beverage license be granted. Motion lost for want of second. Motion by Goble, seconded by Berg, that the application of Ben Burkholder for a "On Sale" beverage license be granted. Roll call, Bauer not voting. Ayes: Berg and Goble. Motion lost. Nayes: Bowers, Marian, Ruhter and Shannon. Motion by Bowers, seconded by Bauer, that the following resolution be adopted: Be it resolvedsby the Board of County Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, that the application of the Hastings National Bank, the City National Bank, the Adams County Bank, and the Roseland State Bank asking to be designated as depositories for County funds in the amount of $1,000 each is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: That all excess depodts be secured by said banks, that said banks shall pay the statutory rate of interest at 2% per annum, less l% service charge allowed by law with no interest on deposits in excess of above amount. Be it further resolved that the right to withdraw securities and substitute oth-rs in their place subject to approval of County Clerk and County Treasurer. This agreement to become effective as of January 1st, 1934. Roll ell, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Berg, that the following names be submitted to theClerk of the District Court from which to draw the jury for the next Term of court. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Supervisor Dist. # 1. West Blue: Henry Gartner, Don Brewer, Erwin Ramsey. Highland: Henry Hueske, Herman Mohling, Wm. Oelschlager. Denver: L. F. Isaac, Pearl Daugherty, H. L. Orcutt, Blaine: R. K. Hinrichs, Frank Hoagland. Supervisor Dist. fr 2. Verona: Herb Giles, Earl Fairbanks, Lawrence Ground. Juniata: Cecil Buskirk, Albert Gangwish, E.R. Whitesel. Wanda: Clifford Hazelbarth, Frank Bohlke. Kenesaw: Roy Ernst, Floyd Parker, Geo. Augustin. Supervisor Dist. # 3. Roseland: M. W. Blankenbiller, Lester C. Farman, Geo. W. Loskill. Cottonwood: Frank Einspahr, H. T. Eigenberg, Henry Hemberger. Silver Lake: Vernon Borwege,,F. P. Horton. Logan: Eno Christensen, lief Vance. Wm Kistler Supervisor Dist. # 4. Hanover: Fred Blomenkamp, Emil Baehr, H. E. VanBoening. Little Blue: Roy Black, Wm. Gartner, Herb Crow. Ayr: Wm. Rheingan, Jim Ferguson. Zero: Herb Kort, Louie Muhleisen, Art Wormuth. Supervisor Dist. # 5, City of Hastings. D. W. Bauer, Neimer Burmood, John Froscheuser, Sam Steward, Harry H. Wilson, Lyman Battles, John Hopp, John Maul, Henry Fette, John Stroh, Aleck Barth, William True. Supervisor Dist. # 6, City of Hastings. W. A. Cole, Chas. Thomas, Wm. Austin, George Swain, Martin Murray, L. E. Harley, James P. Larsen, E. L. Whitlaw, E. A. Carl, F. H. Burchess, R. K. Gregory, James C. Mullen. Supervisor Dist. # 7, City of Hastings. 0. W. Nelson, Elmer Sunday, Owen Jones, H. E. Marian, E. C. Leinweber, James Arnold, Lawrence Motley, H. W. Aspegren, Everett Dykeman, W. T. Cornelison, Geo. Hendricks, Earl McNannay. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Berg, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND. clerk Central Power Co City Water & Light Dept Crosson Lrosson, Sheriff Cunningham Deines Drug Co Democrat Printing Co Dept of Health Dillenbach, Cl of Dist Court Emblem. Division, American Legion Evans Fischer Gartner Gaudreault Mere Co Geppeat Co Goble Guarantee Electric Co Harris Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Letter Shop Hastings State Hospital Hastings Typewriter Co Hayen Mildred Higinbotham Ins. Agency Jones Co Clerk T W Keith, ( al Dr W . Kenesaw Progress Kline J B Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln Tel & Telg Co Marian J E Martin Wm S Milburn & Scott Co Miller Worth M Nebr Auto Parts Co Parsons Ruth Phillips Petroleum Pierson Roy F Queen City Laundry Railway Express Ruhter Rutts Drug Store School Dist. # 18 Serf Printing Co 0 E 6hannon F E Sherman Ben Simms Book Store St John E A St John Theresa State Journal Co Steel & Ellerbrock Ins Stein Bros Stewart Plumbing & Heating Co Sundermeier Widmaier Winston Co Zinns Jewelry Co Bertha Raymond L Lottie E Lucia Owen G G S Frieda A J Denoyer Jay J W M Fred Anderson Ayr Lbr Co Bachman 011 Co Baker Baker Barta Bros Beal Oil Station Beiriger City Water & Light Dept Clark Deep Rock Oil Station Druecker Duncan Dutton & Sons Co Essinger Gar & ail Co Farmers Union Co-op Gas & Oil Co Ford Goble Goble Haba Hageman Hdw Co Hastings Battery & Electric Co Hauserman's Haws Hoffman Hub1 Interstate Machinery & Supply Co Walter G T F Wm John C Roy Harold Jim Arnold J A Wm C S W M Luther Chas M Homer L Frank W G Emil J Albert Gas Water & Light Jail laundry Office & jail expense Postage, express etc Supplies Reporting births & deaths District Court costs & postage Grave markers Mileage Services Supplies n Supervisor Services Supplies 7 gal. cleaner Proceedings Supplies Inmates at State Hospital (care) Rent of machines & repairs Services Ins. Postage, express etc Witness, insanity hearings Supplies Repair lights Supplies Services Supervisor services Plumbing Supplies Services Gas Services Laundry Freight & express Supervisor services Supplies Rent Supplies Supervisor services Supplies - jail Supplies Services n Supplies Bond Supplies Plumbing Auditor Bailiff Supplies Engraving cup COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND. Team work Grease, shovels, etc Gas Labor 't Repair work Gas Labor Water & light at shed Supplies Gas & oil Labor Supplies .Gas & oil, repairs & supplies Gas & oil. Labor Gas n Labor Hdw. Labor Tire repair Gas & oil Raod dragging Labor Supplies 10.93 163.50 4.20 177.41 14.51 4.35 308.20 62.25 45.30 19.20 1.40 1.70 78.00 17.69 2.70 24.50 .30 3.50 80.70 10.75 155.47 43.91 20.00 17..2.60 75.84 13.00 70.00 2.00 196.04 86.25 50.00 1.15 1.63 8.75 3.24 14.40 6.90 22.25 9.15 3.72 46.00 .95 10.00 100.25 25.00 1.47 3.15 18.00 101.00 80.00 6.00 3.00 1.50 45.00 9.40 28.82 2.00 53.20 9.55 4.00 38.40 22.40 2.25 18.70 2.90 3.00 12.02 13.57 5.75 3.10 3.84 406.25 206.96 43.75 3.05 12.75 62.40 8.36 7.50 2.25 49.15 1.80 40.00 4.37 84 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS, NEBR Kluver Koberstein, et al Koch, et al Koch, et al Krull McGrath Hdw Co McMahon, et al Nebr Culvert & Mfg Co Novak Ocker O'Connell -Gill Tractor Co Overy, et al Palmer Patterson Pavelka Pease Phillips Petro Co Polenske Bros Schellak Co Schmidt, et al Schmitz Silvey Lbr Co Sime Sinclair Refining Co n tr Snell, et al Snyder Gar & Machine Shop Stamer Theisen Trauernicht Wynn Ayr Twp Bell Denver Twp Fairbanks Heartwell Highland Twp Jones Disbursing Officer Juniata Twp Kenesaw Twp Blaine Twp Logan :Twp Nebr Culvert & Mfg Co Oliver Lbr Co Phillips Roseland Twp Schleuter Lbr Co Silver Lake .Twp Verona Twp West Blue Twp Adams Co Red Cross Austin Groc Bauer Groc Boren Brand Funeral Home Brigham Brooke & Son Brown Cannon Carpenter Carson Drug Co Cleveland Furniture Store Continential Oil Co Fox DeBacker Deep Laid Store Deep Rock Oil Co Dever Dickerson Eckhardts Groc Egbert Egbert ,Hospital_ Farmers Union State Exchange Foote Gaudreault Mere Co Gedney Co Gentert's Cash Store Glenns Market Gordon Groc Guildner Hahne Bros Henry Harry Dave L Fred Claus J H Chas Joe' Henry Jim Wm John Wm C A Carl Albert J A A J Howard Tony John John John 0 P Lester C A T W Ace Fred A J M H Dr J W T N Mildred Dr H H L J Chas F E Dr CL Dr EC A J K H C Wayne Labor It tt n Suppli es Labor Culverts Labor n Tractor. & grader parts Labor Gas Blacksmith work n Gas & Oil Supplies Labor Blacksmith work Lbr Gas n Labor Welding Labor n Gas ROAD DRAGGING FUND. Road dragging Assisting Surveyor Road dragging Assisting Surveyor Surveyor Road dragging 25% June Gas tax Dragging tt Culverts Stakes Labor Road dragging Lumber etc Doad Dragging POOR AID FUND Services Groc Services n tt Drugs Services Drugs Services Drugs Supplies Gas Services Groc Gas Services Drugs Groc Services tt Groc Services Supplies Rent Groc ft n Services Groc 5.00 33.60 50.80 40.00 12.00 17.28 57.50 479.76 24.00 24.00 217.82 15.50 14.50 5.76 56.05 2.45 68.23 1.31 38.00 4.70 27.95 166.69 28.64 155.02 29.17 34.50 1.25 12.00 3.20 24.00 2.53 10.60 7.00 32.50 7.00 27.90 4.80 1133.85 12.40 8.05 5.50 7.30 163.15 4.20 50.80 12.10 1153.28 5.50 5.50 9.50 41.27 53.36 5.50 22.50 60.00 4.75 37.60 35.25 20.95 6.00 20.70 3.50 6.72 11.00 64.00 36.41 4.00 35.00 5.85 6.01 2.00 44.95 21.50 55.75 2.88 45.00 16.71 1.60 21.07 130.60 25.50 CORD NO. 13 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEER, Juniata Lbr Co Kidder Klein Kohlbry Latta Laughlin Groc Laux Lee Lincoln Tel & Telg Co Livingston Bros Long Lynch M & A Store Mace John L Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Matthiesen Drug Co Carl R McDowell W H Mikkelsen Drug Co Moon Needham, et al Nowers Oliver Lbr Co Parsons Oil Co Pay-N-Takit Penney Co Producers Dairy Pratt Rogers Groc Schafuelberger Schmitz Drug Co Schneider Schunk Shaw Sheeley Groc Spicer Stark H !! ,r Sunnyside Sumner Sweeney Thomas Topaz Dairy Trading Post Uridil Veith Virgils Cash Store Walters Trausch Whisinand Groc White Mountain Dairy Dr CE Peter H Dr E j Ray Katherine Anna C R G Ayr Lbr Co Bassett, et al Asmus Treas Blaine Twp Kitts Mid State Construction Co Oliver Lbr Co Theobald, Co. Treas. Farmers Union State Exchange Pay-N-Takit Shannon Berg Ruhter Goble Lulu K Mrs E L Dr W E J C J C Frank Edith Chas L W L John Dr CR Mrs C Hannah Mrs J Marie Ella P E E Loyal P Dr J E A E Dr H D Geo Lavern Fred Frank A J F E L A Coal Services Care of inmates at Co Farm Groc Services Groc Milk Services Groc Services Drugs Groc Drugs Services n tt Lbr Gas Groc Clothes Milk Groc Services Drugs Services Groc Services Groc Services Services n TT n n Milk Groc Services Groc n Services Groc Milk BRIDGE FUND. Lbr Labor Repairing bridge Labor Bridge. Lbr Freight SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF. Groc n ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST # 1. Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST # 2. Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST # M Fred Jay Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST # 4. Roadwork 16.10 2.00 113.55 8.59 117.00 18.56 1.34 24.00 7.00 50.00 15.00 3.20 36.63 80.00 295.40 10.37 6.19 26.13 20.00 46.50 100.00 2.50 4.25 10.00 13.07 6.56 26.05 27.73 20.00 5.75 50.00 8.00 17.00 17.06 11.00 15.50 17.71 15.00 20.00 216.00 13.00 58.75 8.00 1.80 30.44 269.00 2.04 12.81 18.00 9.03 36.92 9.77 889.85 16.00 57.67 1007.30 2000.00 3.94 683.00 23.41 20.46 70.00 95.00 90.00 90.00 Motion by Shannon, seconded by Bauer, that T. W. Jones County Clerk be appointed Disbursing Officer for County Work Relief Project to disburse fund from gas tax. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 86 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO. HASTINGS, NEER COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEB. Sept. 6th, 1934. 9 o'clock A.M. negular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of Aug. 6th, 1934. Roll call, members present: Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter & Shannon. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Berg, that the order of the Court in regard to mother's pension for Mrs. Thelma Robinson, Mrs. Selma Gebhart, and Mae Kueck be complied with and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Shannon, that we accept the resignation of Anne Coordt as Clerk of County Court to take effect this date and approve the appointment of Rena Gartner for the same position. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Berg, that we release the securities held by the Hastings National Bank as security for county funds deposited in the Prosser State Bank. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Shannon, that we approve the purchase of $20,000 3% U. S. Government 1946-48 bonds, $10,000 34% U. S. Government 1941 bonds, $10,000 3 3/8% U. S. Government 1941-43 bonds, and $7,000 Kearney School Dist. 1941-43 bonds. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by ohannon, seconded by Goble, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND. Adams A A Labor 5.40 Bauer Geo G Supervisor services 65.00 Bequette 'Walter H Special sheriff - Fair 8.00 Berg L A Supervisor services 104.00 Binderup Hdw Co Supplies 3.94 Board of Education, Sch Dist 18 Rent 30.00 Bohlke, Co Judge fi Halsey County court costs 32.46 Booker Robert L Special sheriff - Fair 8.00 Borley Storage & llrnas Co Putting up & taking down election booths 26.50 Bowers Reuben Supervisor. services 53.75 Byers Lbr Co Lath 6.01 Central Power Co Gas 11.23 City Water & Light Dept Water & Light 101.23 Crosson Bertha Matron 5.82 Crosson, Sheriff Raymond L Jail & office expense 196.41. Cunningham, Co Supt Lottie E Postage & express 12.93 Deines Drug Co Supplies 1.15 Democrat Printing Co Ballots 116.28 Dillenbach, Cl of Dist Court Lucia District court costs 70.25 Election Pay Roll 1st Ward A 61.60 n n n 1st Ward B 60.40 n at n 2nd Ward A 47.30 II n n 2nd Ward B 47.60 tt It n 2nd Tard C 49.80 tt it tt 3rd Ward A 47.00 n 11 n 3rd Ward B 44.50 n " n 4th Ward A 50.15 n it n 4th Ward B 47.90 n tt n 4th Ward C 51.30 8 1t n West Blue Twp 39.70 11 It tt Highland Twp 41.15 II It 11 Verona Twp 45.00 n 11 It Kenesaw Twp 52.00 n 8 It Wanda Twp 40.90 n n n Juniata Twp 42.00 It n n Denver Twp 44.05 n tt n Blaine Twp 42.10 tt n n Hanover Twp 41.00 II tt n Ayr Twp 46.50 n n n Roseland. Twp 48.45 n n n Cottonwood Twp 41.30 it tt tt Logan Twp 44.40 't n n Silver Lake Twp 41.50 n 11 n Zero Twp 40.95 n n tt Little Blue Twp 46.95 Extension service Supplies 13.00 Evans 0 G Mileage 1.40 Fischer G S °t 1.70 Gartner Frieda Services 78.00 Gartner Rena tt 20.00 Gaston Music & Fur Co Election tables - rent 25.00 Gaudreault Marc Co A J Supplies 13.20 Goble Jay Supervisor services 30.50 Greenwood, Reg of Deeds 3 C Postage 5.00 Greenwood Mrs J 0 Services 28.00 Hastings Tribune Printing 241.69 Hastings Typewriter Co Rent & supplies - 8.00 • ,-,- •••• 0.13 •••••_•••,••• ••••• • • • •••••••••••••••••• •• 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS NEER Marian Marian McGrath Hdw Co McKnight & McKnight Milburn & Scott Co Murphy Typewriter Co Newsom Norval Omaha Printing Co Owen Publishing Co Parsons Polling places (aueen City Laundry Rodeheaver Co Ruhter Schroeder Co Atty Seaman Serf Printing Co Shannon Sherman Simms Book Store Skipton Stewart Plumbing & Heating Co St John Taylor Theobald, Co Tress University Publishing Co Western Union Telegraph Co Woodworth Wisley E Ayr Lumber Co Bachman Oil Co Balke Beal Oil Station Bunde et al Clark Clifton Deep Rock Station Duncan Essinger Gar & Dil Co Farmers Union Co-op Gas & Ford Goble 11 Ground Haws Haynes Bros Hupf & Denkert Klein, et al Lawson Hdw Co McMahon McGrath Hdw Co McClelland -Dunn Motor. Co Nebr Culvert & Mfg Co O'Connell -Gill Tractor Co Palmer Patterson Pauley Lbr Co Prosser Lumber Co Saddler Schleuter Lumber Co Schmitz Schnase Sime Sinclair Refining Co tl Snell Snow Standard Oil Co. Tompkins Motor Co Village of Kenesaw Whitney Nynn Zubrod Blaine Twp Deane Denver Iwp Emel Fairbanks Hanover Twp Heartwell Highland Twp Jones Disbursing Officer J E Harry J H R E Lois Chas FA Ruth M Fred Herman G Clyde O E FE Charles E ✓ E Therese A Florence AJ RA Carl J A Frank CS oil Co Luther Homer L Jay John W G John Jr CK Chas J H Wm John W G Clay Albert Ed AJ Howard Dr Chas . John Jake Jack Thomas Lester CA T w Supervisor services Special sheriff - Fair Supplies It n LCSmith -FERAoffice & Supplies Canvassing board Labor Supplies Service Kest Blue Twp, et al Laundry Supplies Supervisor services Supplies & postage Special sheriff - Fair Supplies Supervisor services Special sheriff - Fair Supplies Labor Plumbing Services Canvassing board Postage & express Supplies Telegraph Special Sheriff - Fair COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND. Supplies Gas Labor Gas Labor Supplies Labor Gas & oil Supplies Gas & oil & supplies Gas & oil Labor Gas Lath, oil & bolts Labor Gas Paint Repairs Labor Supplies Patrolman Supplies Repairs Supplies Tractor & grader parts Labor Gas Linseed oil Supplies Labor Posts, cement etc Chain Labor Gas Gas Foreman Corner Gas Repairs Water Blacksmith work Gas 6 steel plates ROAD DRAGGING FUND. Dragging Assisting surveyor .Dragging Labor Assisting surveyor Dragging Surveyor Dragging Bal 50% June Gas tax 405 62.50 8.00 5.00 1.60 15.84 136.00 45.00 1.50 5.70 37.89 7.20 220.00 6.15 2.70 90.30 5.25 8.00 223.00 38.00 8.00 6.50 3.60 2.50 9.60 45.00 24.46 59.63 .56 8.00 33.3C 4.18 8.50 14.90 16.75 9.18 3.00 17.97 9.82 285.55 42.69 45.00 14.10 18.92 11.85 42.35 .70 21.45 58.30 .45 51.25 20.15 6.50 110.10 362.19 24.00 9.18 21.50 38.13 10.80 41.00 .75 9.80 59.30 7.09 28.71 35.00 10.00 3.26 1.50 12.00 38.35 1.75 .75 6.00 3.50 40.30 66.00 7.50 9.10 32.40 23.50 871.09 88 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR Mid State Construction Co Patterson Roseland Twp Schleuter Lbr Co Silver Lake Twp Turner Chas M & Thomas Frahm Verona Twp Zero 'Iwp Adams Co. Red Uross Adrian, et al Arvanette Cafe Austin Groc Bauer John M Mrs John Fred Bridges Labor Dragging Gravel Dragging Corner Dragging n POOR AID FUND. Services Groc n Binderup Hdw Co String Boren Dr A J Services Brach's Inc - Clothing Brand Funeral Home Services Brooke & Son Drugs Brown Ekberg Co Clothing Brown Dr J W Services Byers Lumber Co Coal Gerson Drug Co Drugs City Fuel & Feed Co Coal Cowton Coal Co Coates B F Groc Golfer Dr J A Services DeBacker Dr 1 J " Deep Laid Store Groc Dever Dr C R Services Dickerson F E Drugs Dierker Dr J B Services Eckhardt Groc R E Groc Egbert Dr C L Services Egen Dr L F '' Farmers Union State Exchange Groc Fesse Dr J P Services F ERA Office Postage Fleet Foote Oil Co. Gas Foote Dr E C Services Gaudreault Merc Co A J Supplies Gentert's Cash Store Groc Gordon Groc J E " Gray 0 S Services Guildner Dr C Wayne Hahne Bros Groc Groc Hardt Drug Co Drugs Hartwig Dr Services Hastings Letter Shop Printing Herbst Groc Henry Groc Jungerman Groc. Keith Dr C C Services Kenesaw Mill & Elevator Co Flour Kernen Shoe Co Shoes Kidder Dr C E Services Kohlbry Herman Groc Latta Dr E J Services Laughlin Karl Groc Laux Roy Milk Lee Katherine Services Livingston Bros it Long Anna G " M & A Sb re Groc Mace Dr John L Services Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital I' Matthiesen Drug Co Carl Drugs McDowell Groc W H Groc Mead Oroc VV P it Mikkelsen Drug Co Drugs Montgomery Ward & Co Clothing Moon Lulu K Services Nebr Auto Parts Co Boxes Nowers Dr W E Services Parsons Oil Co Gas & oil Pay N '1Iakit Groc Pickering Rex Services Pratt J C Groc Producers Dairy Milk Railway Express Agency Frieght & express Roger's Groc. Groc. Rork Dr ]L W Services Rutt Drug Co Drugs Schaufelberger Dr Frank Services Schneider Edith n Seeley T H Postage 3143.00 33.54 9.70 2996.25 14.50 35.00 4.30 48.55 42.03 46.50 .90 58.50 8.00 .30 10.00 16.35 50.00 44.95 9.33 50.50 .33 10.25 4.88 1.90 12.00 4.00 17.00 67.50 10.50 7.95 35.00 14.42 54.05 5.00 17.00 1.00 10.50 3.40 57.75 27.57 11.74 10.00 9.36 63.00 25.00 7.04 2.00 10.50 11.00 56.00 2.00 800.00 4.25 20.00 10.00 51.00 16.95 1.57 24.00 200.00 15.00 34.24 30.00 348.70 7.97 2.00 241.32 25.10 7.18 24.28 2.00 122.50 6.20 2.50 20.00 2.00 7.87 2.57 19.81 40.00 8,40 38.50 50.00 19.50 Stark Hannah Stark Mrs J Sumner Dr Ella P Sunnyside Swanson Dr L A Sweeney MID E E ,r► Topaz Dairy Milk Trading Post Groc 'Trausch George " turner Mrs Chas M Services Uridil Dr J E " Veith Groc A E Groc Virgils Cash Store " 'palters Dr H D Services Whisinand Carl V Groc White Mountain Dairy Milk 18.71 15.00 17.00 240.00 94.25 41.35 5.22 37.50 2.50 18.00 2.00 10.10 8.00 7.50 48.74 11.74 SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF: Farmers Union State Exchange Groc 40.36 Penney Co J 0 Clothing .88 Schleuter Lbr Co Coal 19.00 BRIDGE FUND. Brown Floyd Labor 15.00 Dyer et al Russel 11 27.80 Fette John " 16.25 Hageman Hdw Nails, saw, etc 5.65 Kitts Frank H Uulverts 354.00 Jones, et al Harvey Labor 49.20 Jones, et al Lyle " 54.30 Klein, et al Carl r 19.50 Phillips Asa " 27.50 a`oseland Lbr Co Culverts 160.25 Silvey Lbr Co J A Lbr. 19.30 Adams County Agriculture Society Adams County Agriculture Society COUNTY FAIR. Permanent improvements & premiums Permanent improvements & premiums ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. NO. I. Shannon F E Road work Berg Ruhter Goble 138.98 280.12 90.00 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. NO II. L A Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. NO III. M Fred Jay Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. NO. IV. Road work 45.00 65.00 70.00 Motion by Goble, :bonded by Shannon, that the board now adjourn to meet again on October 5th, 1934 at 9 o'clock A.M. ' 4ti•- carried. Bid ,.. journed. '''Ir4WN/fa"- ounty Clerk Deputy. 90 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS, NEER COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Oct. 5th, 1934. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per a djournment of Sept. 6th, 1934. Roll call, members present: Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter & Shannon Minutes 'of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Bowers, that we recess until,'clock October 6th, Motion carried. Board adjourned. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEB. Oct. 6th, 1934. 9O'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of October 5th, 1934. Roll call, members present: Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter & Shannon. (the First Trust Co. of Linco;n Nebr for the) Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bowers, that all securities held by/Juniata State Bank be released onaccount, of the deposti being paid. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Shannon, that the order of the court in regard to Mother's Pension for Mrs. Chas. Guest, Mrs. Jennie Sass, and Hattie Kimbrough be complied with and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Bowers, that the third quarterly report of the Sheriff be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Goble, that the following resolution be adopted: That, men working on Draught Relief be allowed to work continous time to take advantage of present good weather condition in order to establish controlled credit for unworkable winter months. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bowers, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Alberts, et al bauer 'erg Bohlke, Co Judge Bowers Central Power Co City Water & Light Dept Coblentz Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Mfg Co Coordt Crosson Crosson, 6heriff Cunningham, Co Supt Democrat Printing Co Reines Drug Co Dillenbach, Cl Dist Court Evans Fischer Follet Publishing Co Furniture Exchange Gartner Gartner Gaudreault Mercantile Co Goble Grand Upholstering Greenwood, Reg of Deeds Guarantee Electric Co Hamel Harris Hastings Letter Shop Hastings Rubber Stamp Works Hastings Typewriter Co Ideal Truck line Industrial Chemical Laboratories, Jones Co Clerk Jungermar's Groc K -B Printing Co Klein Keth, et al Klein Knapp Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln Tel & Telg Co Lynch Mahoney Mangers Marian Martin AI _ A _ Ernest G G L A W Halsey Reuben C E Anne Bertha Raymond L Lottie E Lucia O G G $ Frieda Henry A J Jay J C Dr E B J W Inc. TW Peter Dr W W J B Joseph K R G Dorr L J J E Wm S T v GENERAL FUND. Transportation C C 0 Boys Supervisor services Postage Supervisor services Gas Water & Light Desk Carbon Services Matron Co Jail Jail & Office expense Postage, mileage & express Election reports Supplies Dist court costs & postage Mileage Supplies Chairs Services Supplies Supervisor services Repair on chair Stamps & bank charge Repairs Services Cleaner Printing Stamps Repair work Drayage Disinfectant Postage & express Groc Supplies Care of inmates at Co Farm 'Witness, insanity hearings Repair work Repair on building Supplies Services Supplies Co Farm Services n Supervisor services Plumbing G„rriio� 15.00 63.15 60.50 3.00 53.15 11.17 106.69 2.25 13.24 20.00 3.96 204.84 28.05 27.00 1.50 84.15 1.40 1.70 23.17 2.15 78.00 18.00 28.30 55.00 5.25 5.93 .25 2.00 3.50 3.00 .40 3.30 2.50 13.75 100.60 5.40 3.14 101.46 90.00 5.50 21.45 80,29 72.72 2.00 39.00 59,.65 55.75 1.00 .38 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NERR Ruhter Schroeder Co Atty Serf Printing Co Shannon Simms Book Store State Journal Printing Co Stewart Plumbing & Heating Co Theoabid Co Trees Virgil Cash Store Widmaier Woodworth & Woll Zion Office Supply Ayr Twp Bell Blaine 'Twp Borchers Cottonwood Twp Denver Twp Fairbanks Fricke Hanover Twp Heartwell Highland Twp Island Supply. Co Jones Disbursing Officer Juniata Twp M Fred Herman G O E F E A J 0 P gem Lester Alfred C A T W Kenesaw Twp Kennedy Fred Little Blue Twp Logan Twp McGrath Hdw Co J H Mid State Construction Co Mousel Nebr Culvert & Mfg. Co Oliver Lumber Co Roseland Twp 5chleuter R T Silver Lake Twp Verona Twp Wanda Twp West Blue Twp Wheeler Bridge. Lumber & Supply Co hero Twp Virgil Ayr Lumber Co Beal Oil Co Blomenkamp, et al Clark Continentall, Oil Co Deep Rock Station Enevoldsen Essinger Gar & Oil Co Farmers Union Co-operative Gas Ford Goble Hagemeyer, et al Hansen & Son Hastings Battery & Electric Co. Hauserman/ills Haws Haynes Bros Hemberger, et al Hoffman Holl, et al Krulish Battery Service McClelland -Dunn Motor Co McGrath Hdw Co McMahon Mid State Construction Co O'Connell -Gill Tractor Co Patterson Paveika Phillips Petroleum Co Poore Schleuter Lbr Co Schmitz Silvey Lbr Co Sime Sinclair Refining Co Snell, et al Ervin J A Anders & Oil Co Luther Homer L A B H P W G Albert Emil Dick J H Chas John M Wm Delbert J A J A A J Howard Supervisor services Supplies n Supervisor services Supplies 'Absent voters blanks Plumbing Postage, etc Supplies Bailiff Supplies 0 ROAD DRAGGING FUND. Dragging Ass't Co Surveyor Dragging Land, - Dragging n Asst Co Surveyor Sand Dragging Surveyor Dragging Dynamite Gastax for relief purposes Dragging n Labor Dragging, Supplies Bridge Checking gravel Culvert Stakes Dragging Gravel Dragging n Piling Dragging COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Supplies Gas Dragging Supplies Gas Blacksmith work Gas, oil & supplies Gas & oil ForemanFERA" Gas. Labor Supplies 0 �r. Gas, oil & grease Paint & oil Labor Dragging Labor '1 Repairs n Labor Paint Tractor & grader parts Gas Labor Gas & oil Labor Lumber Blacksmith work Lumber Gas Gas & oil Etas T.ahnr 77.50 15.75 156.70 129.50 2.70 80.00 1.85 120.52 .25 12.00 2.40 6.00 39.70 7.00 11.50 15.00 12.10 58.90 7.00 10.50 53.05 33.40 56.20 26.25 1000.00 15.60 37.00 59.80 125.00 52.90 50,-70 2.00 1923.00 63.00 20.59 1.60 30.40. 1328.00 38.73 24.40 10.60 5.40 17.50 594.52 33.10 10.67 • 18.03 18.60 22.47 1.65 24.47 14.25 220.60 25.15 51.75 6.13 10.90 16.65 18.55 .50 141.61 19.35 '100.50 3.00 54.00 1.60 64.20.,.. 14.50 61.25 31.91 152.18 13."70 8.25 138.44 7.50 45.53 4.50 6.90 132.28 265.04 21.13 2n nn 92 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 G. E. SERF PRINTING HASTINGS. NERR. Duncan Huckfeldt,_,et al Kitts Nebr Culvert & Mfg Co Polenske Bros Schellak Co Theobald Co Treas Adams Co Red Cross Augustin Austin-Groc Bauer Groc Bauer Dairy Berts Drug Store Bi Low Market Boren Brach's Inc Brooke & Son Brown Byers Lumber Co Campbell Co Gannon Carson Drug Co City Fuel""& Feed Co Coates Groc Colfer Cooley et al Cowton Coal Co Cox veBacker Deep Rock 011 Corp Deep Laid Store Deines Drug Co Dever Dickerson Eckhardt Groc Egbert Egen Farmers Union State Exchange Feese F E R A Office Foote Gaudreault Merc Co Gedney Co Glenn' s Market GordonGroc Gray Griess Bros Guildner Hahne Bros Hamel Hardt Drug Co Hastings Credit Bureau. Hastings Drug Co Hastings Fuel Co Hastings Typewriter Co Herbst Hunt Jones Drug Co Jones Jungerman Groc Juniata Grain & Live Stock Ass'n Juniata Lumber Co Kenesaw Mill & Elevator Co Kidder Kingsley Kohlbry Langdon Latta Laughlin Laux Dairy Lee Lincoln Tel & Telg Co Long M & A Store Mace Mack Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Matthiesen Drug Co McDowell Groc Mead Groc Mikkelsen Drug Co Montgomery Ward* Co Moon Murphy Typewriter Co Nowers n41 r'.. C S Robert, Frank H A J Laurence Fred John Dr A J Dr J W Herbert T N B F Dr J A Eulalia E Dr HH DrLJ Dr CR F E Dr CL Dr L F Dr 3P Dr EC A J K H Dr Dr C Wayne Dr E B Henry Dr G H J G Dr C E Dr D W Herman Hannah Dr EJ Karl Roy Katherine Anna C Dr John Eari W H W P Lulu K R E Dr W E Supplies Labor Repairs on culvert Culverts Rods Freight on lumber POOR AID FUND. Services Groc Milk Drugs Groc Services Clothing Drugs Services Coal Desk rental Drugs M Groc Services n Coal Services Gas Groc Drugs Services Drugs Groc Services Groc Services Stamps Services Supplies Rent Groc Services Drugs Services Groc Services Drugs Services Drugs Coal Repair work Groc Services Drugs Groc tt Coal Flour Services n Groc Services Groc Milk Services Services Groc Services Labor Services Drugs Groc ;rugs Clothes Services Repair work Services 8.58 24.50 175.00 109.78 2.46 319.88 37.32 30.00 52.70 10.00 1.68 11.95 2.50 10.00 1.58 35.95 59.00 22.13 6.00 30.80 30.75 16.75 14.50 23.00 45.00 13.51 6.00 14.00 3.44 63.50 1.80 12.00 2.35 4.25 203.75 16.50 20.10 12.50 5.00 32.50 14.49 90.00 8.90 12.50 21.50 3.50 66.75 25.35 19.00 9.30 9.00 13.90 27.12 27.35. 4.00 26.00 3.40 18.50 49.30 4.50 9.50 588.00 31.75 8.00 12.00 12.00 70.50 9.48 1.57 24.00 47.30 15.00 41.01 33.50 1.50 230.75 9.14 5.25 226.65 67.36 5.69 7.75 16.49 113.50 2 Q 0, P. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS. NEBR. Phillips Petroleum Co Pickering Pinney Pratt Producer' Dairy: Riggs Optical Co"" Roger's Groc Rosenau Rutts Drug. Store Schaufelberger Schneider Seeley Sheeley Groc Sherman Spicer Standard 0i1 Co Stark Sumner Sunnyside Topaz Dairy Trading Post Trausch George Turner Mrs Chas M Walters Dr H D Services Shaw Dr W l, w Uridil Dr J E Veith Groc A E Oroc Virgils Cash Store Oro° Begmann Dr Wm W SerrJices Western Union T Telegrams White Mountain Dairy Milk SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND. Rex Dr GL J C Gas Services: Groc Milk Services Groc Dr A B. Services Drugs Dr Frank Services Edith n T H Postage John A Groc Ben Clothing Dr C R Services Gas Mrs C Ser -ices Hannah Mrs. j DrJ11aP nl Milk Groc' flt Farmers Union State Exchange Pay-N-Takit Groc n 9.11 2'0.00 1.50 18.56 .14.43 2.25' 38.83 _. 4.00 4.95 75.00 50.00 10.76 46.25 5.81 4.25 1.84 15.00 17.15 15.00 18.00 262.50 8.56 70.34 7.50 18.00 6.00. 6 0 181.00 $'.50 8.00 8.00 2.17 17.72 37.31 42.47 COUNTY FAIR. Adams County Agriculture Society Pernament improvements & premiums ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST NO. 2„ Berg L A Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST NO't. Ruhter _M Fred Goble Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST NO. 4. Jay Road work 97.28 55.00 50.00 50.00 Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, that the board now adjourn`to meet again on November $th, 1934 at 9 o'clock A.M. Motion ca'ried Board adjourned. 94 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. November 8th, 1934. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of October 5th, 1934. Roll call, members present: Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter & Shannon. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Goble, seconded by Ruhter, that the order of the court in regard to Mother's pension for Mrs. Dorothy Bradford be complied with and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for same. Rolled?, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Berg, that the petition of P. A. Strauch and others be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Bauer, that the following miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisors record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. #3562 H. E. Marian Credit S & S Fund #3563 J. E. Marian r General Fund #3564 Anne Stull " r ,r #3565 Emil G. Polenske r #3566 Lucia Dillenbach, Clerk of Dist. Court r r #3567 F. E. Shannon " Road Dragging Fund #3568 E. L. Kearney " General Fund #3569 A. A. Graves " ' #3570 Jay Goble " Bridge Fund #3571 E. J. Hollister " n #3572 B. W. Smith I, deneral Fund #3573 Geo. W. Bivens " General Fund #3574 Wm. J. Sill " r #3575 Frank R. Gasch n r #3576 Ernest Butzirus r m #3577 J. Carl Snyder r r #3578 A. K. Deffenbaugh r " #3579 Walter Burr " #3580 John Shueey " r #3581 0. H. Olson " r #3582 C. W. Foote r r #3583 P. L. Graves r r #3584 C. A. Heartwell n r #3585 Matt Plein n " #3586 Mabel Cramer r r #3587 Marie Gartner r r #3588 Caroline Bengtson r r #3589 Worthy B Wood " r #3590 0. G. Evans n S & S Fund #3591 J. W. Marvel " General Fund #3592 Roy K. Smith " r fr 3593 William H. Swanson r r #3594 Tommy Dryden r r #3595 Chas. G. Ingraham r " #3596 Vern B. Arnold r " #3597 John W. Kipp r r #3598 C. H. Kidd r r #3599 J. C. Greenwood, Reg of Deeds r r #3600 Ralph W. Hargleroad " t' #3601 Dorr Mahoney r r #3602 Guy L. Adcock r r #3603 S. J. Steward " r #3604 Martha H. Schultz r #3605 Henry Burkhard r n #3606 Walter M. Crow " " #3607 Neil A. McDonald r r #3608 Martin Murray " r #3609 Daisy Bamford Rathbun " r #3610 J. H. Furry " r #3611 Cancelled #3612 Geo. B. North " r #3613 Tom Goodwin '" Bridge Fund #3614 Verner W. Felker n General Fund #3o15 John J. Stanley r r #3616 John McCleery " Fines & Licenses #3617 Paul Strauch ?' r r n #3618 W. Halsey Bohlke, Co. Judge r " t+ o� #3619 Clay County, Neb. r Bridge Fund #3620 County warrant #835 'r General Fund #3621 Hugo Meves, Hall Co. Treas. " Sch Dist # 31 #3622 Raymond L. Crosson r General Fund #3623 Cancelled #3624 Mrs. W. H. Cushing It Inheritance Tax #3625 State Treas. " Road Dragging & Bridge Fund #3626 State Treas. " Villages #3627 State Treas " Sch Dist. #3628 W. Halsey Bohlke, Co. Judge " Fines & Licenses #3629 0. G. Evans. Treas Sch Dist 8 r Bond Fund Se.h Diq+. # R $35.54 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 27.50 10.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 292.55 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 216.93 6.00 15.09 271.75 880.02 4557.81 506.42 8421.91 25.00 snn_nn E. SERF PRINTING HASTINGS. NEBR. #3634 #3535 #3636 #3637 #3638 #3639 #3640 #3641 #3642 #3643 #3644 #3645 #3646 #3647 #3648 #3649 #3650 #3651 #3652 #3653 #3654 #3655 #3656 #3657 #3658 #3659 #3660 #3661 #3662 #3663 #3664 W3665 03666 #3667 #3668 #3669 #3670 #3671 #3672 #3673 #3674 #3675 #3676 #3677 #3678 #3679 #3680 #3681 #3682 #3683 #3684 State Treas. Peter Konen Fred A. Stock, Ex. Henry B. Valentine Verneda Beal County warrant #353 Jay Goble Helen Weiler, City Treas. Lib Phillips Helen Weiler, City Treas. Lucia Dillenbach, Clerk of Dist. Jay Goble J. C. Greenwood, Reg of Deeds State Treas. n Helen Weiler, City Treas. tt Mrs. E. H. Husman W. Halsey Bohlke, Co Judge Mortgage Investment Co M. Fred Ruhter Robt. Hendrickson Treas J. L. Martin Helen Weiler, City Treas. County warrant #881 n " #641-46-59-97 Court Jay Goble T W Jones, Co Clerk Lucia Dillenbach, Cl of Dist. Court 0. C Hawthorne Ardath I. Rauch Raymond L. Crosson, Sheriff U. S. Treas. Wheat allotment Fred Kennedy Jay Goble W. Halsey Bohlke, Co. Judge M. .A. Scholl Henry B. Valentine Geo. Hall, St. Treas. Lucia Dillenbach, Cl of Dist. Court 1t F. E. Shannon W. Halsey Bohlke, Co. Judge J. C. Greenwood, Reg of Deeds West Blue Twp. Treas. L. A. Berg, Sup. Kenesaw Twp. Treas. Credit Villages n Bridge & Road Dragging Fund Fines & Licenses Inheritance tax Bridge Fund Fines & Licenses General Fund Bridge Fund n City of Hastings Fines & Licenses City of Hastings General Fund tt ti n n n n n n n n n 1t 1t tt n tt n 1T 11 11 n n tt t1 n at n tt Co. High Fund General Fund Bridge & Road Dragging Fund Villages City of Hastings 11 Bridge Fund Fines & Licenses Interest Acc't. Bridge Fund S & S Relief General Fund City of Hastings General Fund Old. Age Pension Fund Bridge Fund Old Age Pension Fund General Fund Bridge Fund n General Fund General Fund Bridge Fund Fines & licenses n Road Dragging Fund Bridge & Road Dragging Fund Villages General Fund tt 11 Fines & Licenses General Fund Road Dragging Fund Road Dragging Fund 445.54 4009.87 10.00 40.48 2.75 10.00 8.00 2.00 22.00 66000.00 75.00 6000.00 5.00 2.50 2.00 267.15 4609.90 512.21 6000.00 2000.00 5.00 10.00 150.87 21.40 5.00 5.00 6000.00. 100.00 5.20 16.75 1.30 5.00 1.25 3.00 223.50 23.21 5.00 2.00 10.00 10.00 4.40 4543.15 504.80 5.00 41.90 61.07 10.00 607.85 601.68 400.00 425.00 At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 P.M. when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bowers, that the following resolution be adopted: Whereas, a petition properly signed by considerable number of free holders has been presented to the Board of Supervisors requesting the condemnation of the sewage disposal plant as a nuisance, and whereas, this petition and the condition set forth therein having been duly considered, therefor be it resolved, that the Adams County Board of Supervisors regularly assembled this 8th day of November, 1934 condem as a nusiance the sewage disposal plant at Ingleside and demands that the same be abated to State Board of Control. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bower, that the members of the Soldiers & Sailors committee be not held res- ponsible for deposits that they cannot collect from failed banks. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Bowers, that we approve the $5,0003 Treasurery Bond and the $10,000 2 1/8 Treasurery Notes held in the Chemical Bank & Trust Co. of New York to secure deposit in the Adams County Bank at itenesaw, Nebr. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock the board recessed until 9 o'clock A.M. November 9th. 96 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0, E, SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS, NEER, COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. November 9th, 1934. 9 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of November 8th, 1934. Roll call, members present: Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter and Shannon. Motion by Goble, seconded by Ruhter, for the period of the agreement the County will meet the federal rate and that the relief clients working on County relief funds will be permitted to work out their budgets at the rate of 35¢ per hour for labor and 100 per hr. for each horse hire. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, that the third quarterly reports of the County Judge, Register of Deeds, County Clerk, and the Clerk of the District Court be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bowers, seconded by Ruhter, that Sundermeier & Bengtson be awarded the contract for auditing the various offices for the year 1934 at an agreed price of $375.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Berg, bat the claims of Leonard A. Swanson for $18.00, 1ivingston Bros. for $50.00 Lester Fairbanks for $7.00, 0. P. Bell for $7.00, C. A. Heartwell for 429.90, James F. Frye for $75.00, and Wm. M. Wegman for $13.00 be disallowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Bowers, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Arvanette Confectionary Bauer Berg Board of Education, Sch. Dist. Bohlke, Co Judge Borley Storage & Transfer Co Bowers Byers Lumber Co Carl's Cafe Carrico Central Power Co City Water & Light Dept Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Co Coordt Crosson Crosson, Sheriff Cunningham, Co Supt Democrat Printing Co Dept. of Health Diebold Safe & Lock Co Dillenbach, 01 of Dist Court Election Pay roll Extension Service Evans Fischer Gartner Gaudreault Mere Co Glenwood Telephone Co Goble L'reenwood, Reg of Deeds Griess Bros. Hammond & Stephens Co Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Weekly Invocie Jones, Co. Clerk Jones Kaul K -B Printing Co Keith, et al Kenesaw Progress Klein Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln Tel & Telg Co Mahoney Marian Milburn & Scott Co National Child Welfare Ass'n National Education Ass'n Nihon Norval Polling places Queen City Laundry Rants Remington Rand Inc Renner & Co Reutlinger Rosenau Ruhter Rutherford Bros Schroeder Co Atty G G L A # 18 W Halsey Reuben F L Anne Bertha Raymond L Lottie E Lucia O G G S Frieda AJ Jay J C T. W. T. W. F. W. Dr W W. Peter Darr J E J T Chas Chas Lila J C M Fred Herman G n w GENERAL FUND. Jury Lunches Supervisor services Rent County Courtcosts & Postage Errecting booths Supervisor services Slack Jury meals Services Gas Water & Light Carbon Services Laundry Jail & office exp. Mileage & Express & postage Supplies Reporting births & deaths Services Dist court costs & postage Clerk & judges of election Supplies Mileage Services Supplies Services Supervisor services Stamps Supplies n Postage, freight & express Services Printing Supplies Witness, insanity hearings Supplies Care & board of inmates Supplies Services n Supervisor services Supplies n Services Labor General election Laundry Labor Services Supplies Services ,r Supervisor services Plumbing Postage $4.55 70.00 57.95 30.00 43.16 26.50 70.00 117.96 28.80 25.00 12.20 110.43 11.00 20.00 7.14 189.39 46.53 62.63 58.50 18.50 142.63 1290.23 5.30 1.40 1.70 78.00 8.85 6.10 58.50 5.00 2.30 7.70 141.25 3.25 10.27 50.00 9.85 10.41 11.00 258.54 95.84 21.07 58.92 78.00 67.50 6.19 1.02 4.58 50.00 3.00 220.00 7.92 12.40 5.50 37.50 60.00 58.50 84.20 .50 2.00 iKQ tin E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS. NEBR Underwood Elliott -Fisher Co University Pub. Co. Widmaier Adams Co Anderson Garage Ayr Lumber Co Beal Oil Co Bunde, et al City Water & Light Dept D -A Lubricant Co Inc Deep Rock Oil Co Duncan Dutton & Sons Co Essinger Gar & Oil Co Ford • Goble Groff Hageman Hdw Harpham Hawkins Haws Hershey Hoffman Hupf & Denkert Knapp Lawson Hdw Co Matthews, et al McGrath, et al on e Construction Co -Gill Tractor Co Pav ka Pease Phillips Petro Co Reiner Schleuter Lbr Co Sime Spicknall, et al Standard Oil Co Trager°s 'arage Weatherwax, et al Webber, et al Wynn Adams Co Farm Bureau Ayr Twp Bell Blaine 'Imp Corner Cottonwood Twp Denver Twp Fairbanks Hanover Twp Heartwell Highland Twp Island Supply Co Jones, Disbursing Officer n Juniata Twp Kenesaw Twp Kennedy Little Blue Twp Logan Twp Nebr Culvert & Mfg Co Oliver Lumber Co Phillips Roseland Twp Schleuter Lumber Co Silver Lake Twp Silvey Lumbr Co Theobald, Co Treas. Verona Twp, "anda Iwp West Blue Twp Zero Twp Ayr Lumber Co Brown, et al Byers Lumber Co Clark J D Carl C W M Luther Homer L John D Bert Ray W G S S Emil Joseph K C K Glen J K Chas Wm H Wm C A G Henry A J Geo Ed Joseph John 0 P Geo Lester C A TW Fred Culverts Asa J A Albert J Floyd J A Typewriter Supplies Bailiff COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND. Supplies Repair on tractor Supplies Gas Labor Water & Light Oil Gas Supplies Gas & 0i1 Labor Gas Supplies e Blacksmith Labor Gas, oil & grease Supplies Labor Supplies Labor Supplies Labor Supplies Labor Pipe Parts, et c Labor n n Gas Dragging Supplies Gas Man & team Gas Supplies Labor n ROAD DRAGGING FUND. BRIDGE FUND. Solium Chlorate Dragging Assisting Surveyor Dragging Gravel Dragging n Assisting Surveyor Dragging Surveyor Dragging Dynamite Gas tax for relief n Dragging Engineer F E R A Dragging n Culverts Lumber, Labor Dragging Gravel Dragging Lumber Freight•onLbr Dragging n Supplies, lumber etc Labor Lath Supplies 117.00 25.83 78.00 29.32 .65 .60 33.49 25.00 3.58 21.30 22.31 6.33 10.58 270.68 58.50 12.60 26.35 18.73 6.00 7.50 70.96 19.45 1.80 7.15 1.70 6.75 29,25 5.50 47.50 21.00 428.39 10.00 4.00 1.75 103.39 3.60 29.60 48.95 22.50 108.66 59.65 60.80 28.65 .35 163.00 31.30 7.00 20.80 52.15 17.20 90.70 7.00 34.00 26.6C 70.90 57.75 200.0C 2000.00 54.10 32.20 130.0C 37.75 7.30 32.74 1270.07 27.35 32.50 1154.07 27.48 2994.71 1245.59 62.80 32.80 38.20 43.00 140.13 6.p00 .80 !l_R( 98 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS. HERR Juniata Lumber Co Mangers Nebr Culvert & Mfg Co Polenske-Bros Scheilack Co Prosser Lumber Co Silvey Lumber Co Smith Western Brick & Supply Co Al ie J A L P Supplies Labor Culvert Supplies Spikes Lumber Labor Gravel POOR AID FUND. 2.35 8.00 48.05 20.20. 4.10 85.60 16.00 16.60 Adams Co Red 'ross Services 34.35 Dr A J " 16.00 Amick Groc 42.501.12 Austin Groc rBall 0 W " 8.12 00 Bauer Groc Fred Bauer John " 1.68 Bert's Drug Store Drugs 3.15 Boren Dr Services 8.00 Brilhart Dr G L 1.00 Brooke & Son Drugs 30.40 Brown -Ekberg Co Clothing 21.24 Brown Dr J W Services 42.00 Byers Lumber Co Coal 41.63 Cannon T W Drugs 26.60 Carson Drug Co " 13.25 Chappel Dr James R Services 7.50 Coates Groc B F Groc 12.00 Coates L J n 20.00 Cooper Coal Co Coal 43.75 Cooley, et al Eulalia L Services 46.50 Cowton Coal Co Coal 42.88 Cox Dr Harold Services 25.00 City Fuel & Feed Co Coal 14.25 DeBaker Dr L J Services 61.50 "eep Laid Store Gine 80.05 Dever Dr Chas R Services 13.50 Dickerson F E Drugs 10.30 Dixon Dr Mabel Services 21.00 Eckhardt R E Groc 9.20 Egbert Dr C L !r::eices 10.00 Egen Dr L F 1.00 Farmers Union State Exchange 26.50 Feese Dr Servicew 3.00 F ERA Office Postage 29.50 Foote Dr E C Services 163.25 Gaudreault Mere Co A J Supplies 22.25 Gedney Co K H Rent 45.00 Gentert's Cash Store Groc 14.75 Gentert Store it 12.77 Gentert L F 41 6.00 Glenn's Market " 6.60 Gordon Groc " 11.20 Gray Dr 0 S Services 18.50 Griess Bros Drugs 4.90 Guildner Dr C W Services 88.00 Hahne Bros Groc 25.25 Hansen, R N Martha Services 30.00 Hardt Drug Store Drugs 19.22 Hartwig Dr C H Services 20.00 Hastings Fuel Co Coal 40.73 Hastings Rubber Stamp Works Stamps 3.05 Havens Oil Co Gas 6.92 Herbst Henry Groc 12.50 Hunt Dr G H Services 16.00 Jones Drug Store Drugs 3.83 Jones James G Groc 12.50 Jungerman Groc It 40.85 Juniata Lumber Co Coal 14.00 Kenesaw Funeral Home Services 15.00 Kidder Dr C E ;roc 21.75 Kohlbry Herman 11.00 Langdon Hannah Services 12.00 Latta Dr E J " 56.50 Laughlin Karl Groc 15.98 iaux Dairy Roy Groc .56 Lee Katherine Services 24.00 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co " 24.55 Livingston bros " 110.00 Long Anna C " 15.00 M & A Store Groc 35.97 Mace Dr John L Services 27.50 Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital " 507.95 Matthiesen Drug Co Drugs 6.64 McDowell W H Groc 3.75 McPhearson Dr Services 2.00 Mead Groc W P Groc 231.20 Mikkelsen Drug Co Drugs Firi.R.r, -A,400.A,W4 upER R CORD N • .,,Qf 13 - -4A1124,4 1'2 0. E. SERF PRINTING NASI1NGS. NEOR AFF0A. Wre a dal - Penney Co Phillips Petroleum Co Pratt Producers Dairy Railway Express Agency Roger's Groc Rork Rosenau Roseland Grain & Rutts Drug Store Schneider Seeley Shaw Sheeley roc Sherman Spicer Standard Oil Co Stark Supply CO Sumner Sunnyside, Inc Swanson Sweeney Topaz Dairy Trading Post Trausch Turner Uridil Veith Groc Virgils Cash Store Volland Funeral Home Whisinand White Mountain Dairy Wilber Service Station Wiseman Yost Lumber Co J J C Dr Lee W Dr A B Edith I H Dr W L John Ben Dr Mrs C Hannah Mrs J Mary Dr Ella P Dr L A Dr E E Geo Mrs. Chas Dr Joseph E Services Carl Harry B JH CO. FAIR. Adams County Agricultural Society Berg Ruhter Goble Billesbach Groc. Byers Lumber Co Cowton Coal Co Farmers Union State Exchange Kidder Pay-N-Taki t Schleuter Lumber Co LA M Fred Jay Clothing Gas Groc Express Groc Services Services Coal Drugs Services Postage Services Groc Clothing Services Ga Services 11 Tt Services Groc 11 Services ft Groc Services Groc Gas Clothing Coal **FA' Permanent improvements & premiums ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST # 2. Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST # 3. Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST # 4. Road work SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND. Dr G E Groc Coal TI Groc Services Groc Coal Motion by Ruhter, s onded by Berg, that this board now adjourn to meet again on December 5th, 1934, at 9 o'clock A.M. M01/0. carried. Bo d adjourned. A II ty Clerk 44.13 4.52 7.00 10.69 2.98 46.83 10.00 2.00 4.38 41.18 50.00 10.13 35.50 82.25 10.57 15.00 .51 15.50 17.71 15.00 20.00 6.50 265.00 2.50 7.25 7.59 83.70 41.77 18.00 175.00 8.00 14.00 50.00 58.95 15.76 1.13 4.15 7.50 100.00 90.00 65.00 80.00 1.94 23.02 14.18 45.95 6.00 35.52 10.15 Chairman. 00 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O SERF PRINTING CO HASTINGS. NEBR COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, N1 R. Tuesday, December 5th, 1934. 9 o'clock A.L. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of November 9th, 1934. Roll call, all members present: Bauer, Berg, Bowers Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Goble, that the order of the court in regard to mothers pension for Mrs. Gladys Fuller, Mrs. Stella Atwater, and Mrs. Margaret Kinaig be complied with and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all vobd aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Berg, that the bond of Harry Bierman, Justice of the Peace, Blaine Twp., and the bond of William Hohlen, Justice of the Peace, Highland Twp. be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Ruhter, that the securities held by the Hastings National Bank for county deposits in the Prosser State Bank be released onaccount of deposits being withdrawn. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Goble, Marian, Ruhter and Shannon. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bauer, that the following resolution be adopted. Whereas, Fred L. Carrico has presented his claim against Adams County which has been allowed in the sum of $25.00 against the General Fund, and whereas, the County Board has procured from the County Treasurer a certificate of the amount of delinquent personal taxes assessed against said Fred L. Carrico in the sum of $36.17, now therefore, it is ordered that the County Treasurer draw from said General Fund the said sum of $25.00 and apply same upon the delinquent personal taxesof Fred L. Carrico and upon application to give him a receipt therefor. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Goble,that the following list of names be submitted to the Clerk of District Court from which to draw the jury for the next term of court. Roll cavil, all voted aye. Motion carried. Supervisor Dist. # 1. West Blue 2wp: Henry Gartner, Harry Koberstein, Louis Yost. Highland Twp: Bernard Bennett, Sam Martin, Edwin Hueske. Denver Twp: Wm. Bunde, Wm. Wolfe, Harm Valentine Jr. Blaine Twp: Lloyd Laux, Clarence Cropley. Supervisor Dist. # 2. Verona Twp: Lester Ground, Eugene Pratt, H. J. Hinrikus. Kenesaw Twp: John Shuriger, F. E. Currier, Lee W. Ramsey. Wanda Twp: W. B.Bobbitt, Chas. Roeder, Heye Borchers. Juniata Twp: Theo Hoffman, O. B. Wiltrout. Supervisor Dist. # 3. Roseland Twp: Seo. W. Loskill, John Klein Sr., L. A. Joynt. Cottonwood Twp: Will Eich, Sam A. Gross, A. A. Graves. Logan Twp: Elmer Aufdenkamp, Herman Hansen, Silver Lake Twp: H. B. Batterall, J. A. Frazier, Otto Kleier. Supervisor Dist. # 4. Zero Twp: Clyde Ratcliff, Simon Gerloff, Adolph Kort. Ayr Twp: Will Rheingans, J. G. Schmict, Nick Scholl. Hanover Twp: R. A. Lay, A. B. Hagemeyer, Dick Stromer. Little Blue Twp: H. H. Hibbler, Herbert Crow. Supervisor Dist. # 5, City of Hastings. D. W. Bauer, H. 0. Eckhardt, Harry H. Wilson, Sam Steward, John Froshheuser, T. J. Barry, Henry Fette, John Stroh, A. Barth, Wm. Harm, Henry Kister, Emil Polenske. Supervisor Dist. # 6, City of Hastings. Charley Thomas, Thad E. Prather, Adam Sliger, Ernest Gay, William Austin, Louis E. Harley, W. Mullen, V. A. Palm, Royal Walls, F. 0. Cling, George Mizen, John Regier. Supervisor Dist. # 7, City of Hastings. 0. W. Nelson, Elmer Sunday, H. E. Marian, E. C. Leinweber, L. A. Motley, W. T. Cornelison, G. P. Hendricks, E. S. McNannay, Chas. Rants, Geo. Naughton, E. E. Sherman, A. W. Claus. 0. Cling, C. J. Motion by Bowers, seconded by Goble, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. B. & P. Company Bauer Beck Specialty Co Berg Binderup Hdw Co Board of-'ducation, City of Hastings Bohlke Bowers Brachs Inc Burroughs Adding Machine Co Carrico Central Power Co City Fuel & Feed Co Coblentz Coe Coordt Crosson 6rosson, Sheriff 'rowl,ey Cunningham G. G. L. A. W. Halsey Reuben F L C Margaret A Anne Bertha Raymond L J. F. Lottie. E GENERAL FUND. Supplies Supervisor services Supplies Supervisor services Supplies Rent County court costs Supervisor services Supplies Services n Water & Light Coal Desk Services Jail & office expense Services Mileage, postage & expense 1.75 77.15 3.64 146.30 5.73 10.00 75.24 53.75 3.50 38.25 25.00 11.49 19.65 3.50 27.50 20.00 6.60 172.77 10.00 22.34 HASTINGS, NEER, Fischer G S Follett Pub Co Gartner Gaston Music & Furniture Co Gaudreault Merc. Co A. J Gedney Co J H Goble Jay Guarantee Electric Co Hamel E B Harris J W Hastings Daily Tribune Co Hastings Letter Shop Hastings State Hospital Hastings Typewriter Co Jungerman Groc K -B Printing Co Keith, et al Kenesaw Telephone Co Klein Lincoln Tel & Telg Co Mahoney Marian Milburn & Scott Co Mortgage Investment Co Murphy Typewriter Co National Child Welfare Nebr 1 stitution for Feeble Nebr State Reading Circle Petersen Penney Co Parker Queen City Laundry Remington Rand Inc Reutlingen Rosenau Ruhter Schroeder, Co Atty Serf Printing Co Shannon Skipton St John St John Taylor Theobald, Co. Treas. Trausch Widmaier Frieda Adams Co Andersen Garage Augustin Ayr Lumber Co Bachman Oil Co Barta Bros Beal Oil Station Brown Cain City Water & Light Dept Clark Deep Rock Station Dens -Oil Lubricant Co Duncan Dutton & Sons Co Detour, et al Essinger Gar & Oil Co Farmers Union Co-op Gas & Fisher Ford Cayman Gentert's Cash Store Goble Hageman Hdw Hansen & Son Hastings Battery & Elec Co Hauserman's Haws Howet, et al Hubbard Hupf & Denkert Koepke Kroblen Lawson Hdw Co Lincoln Road & Eqpt Co McClelland -Dunn Motor Co McDonough McGrath Hdw Co McMahon, et al Dr. W. W. Peter Dorr J E R E Minded George J C Carroll Lila J C M Fred Herman G O E F E ✓ E E A Theresa A Florence A..J Geo Wm J D Herbert John Mutt J A C S W M Fred Oil Co Clen Luther G E Homer L H P W G Ben Andy Wm Floyd H. C K H J H Cha G Mileage Supplies Services Election tables Suppls Rent Supervisor services Supplies Services Supplies Printing Supplies Maintenance for patients Services Supplies Witness, insanity hearing Services Care of inmates at Co. Farm Services tt Supervisor services Supplies Ins. Premium Services Supplies Services Suppli e s Services Supplies Services Laundry Services Supervisor services Supplies Supervisor services Services n n Services Postage Supplies Bailiff COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND. Repairs "Tire & rim Supp _i es Gas Repairs Gas Labor Patrolman Water & light Supplies Gas 0i1 Supplies n Labor Gas & supplies Gas & oil Patrolman Foreman FERA Dragging Supplies Gas Supplies Disc & shovels Labor Repairs Gas, oil, etc Labor T. Supplies Labor Radiator Supplies Repairs ,r Gas & oil Supplies _.. 1.70 23.17 60.00 25.00 1.55 15.00 131.75 5.66 18.00 7.00 883.06 8.00 229.22 10.60 .90 329.99 13.00 1.15 36.30 94.52 78.00 97.90 11.92 69.09 4.50 1.20 162.94 5.98 1.25 23.71 1.70 5.52 84.00 36.00 51.00 146.60 3.25 187.50 24.50 3.60 2.10 9.60 27.50 50.76 4.45 21.00 55.53 1.50 8.00 29.35 4.97 5.20 17.04 17.50 80.00 4.75 13.82 29.65 31.89 3.75 33.77 117.25 377.65 77.73 56.00 49.50 7.05 .62 18.60 13.81 5.65 7.75 1.00 108.82 22.25 84.0G 10.20 2.00 2.25 1.10 33.03 9.40 2.76 24.73 102 SUPERVISOR'S. RECORD NO. 13 0. E. SERF PRINTING HASTINGS. NEER, O'Connell -Gill Trach r Co Oliver Lumber Co Overy Overy Palmer Patterson Phillips Petro Co Powers Service Stateion Reiber, et al Schmidt Sime Sinclair Ref Co "olcott Ayr Tipp Bell Cottonwood Twp Fairbanks Hanover Twp Heartwell Highland Twp Jones, Disbursing Juniata Twp Kenesaw Twp &ennedy „ Logan Twp Oliver Lumber Co Twp lilAl'1 1, Schleuter Silver Lake Twp Theobald Co Treas Verona Twp crest Blue Twp Zero Twp Howard Jim Sr William John Elmer E R A. J A M 0 P Lester C A officer T W Fred n R T A J Adams Co. Red Cross Amick Austin Groc Bauer Bauer Groc Beck Berts Drug Store Berres 'Lrach's Inc Brillhart Brooke & Son Brown Byers Lumber Co Cannon Carson Drug Co 0happel City Fuel & Feed Co Coates Coates Colfer Cooper Coal Co Cooley Low ton Coal Co Cox i'aggett Groc DeBacher Deep Laid Store Deep Rock Oil Corp Dericks Bicycle Shop Dickerson Dixon Eckhardt Lgbert Egen Farmers Elevator Co Farmers Union State Exchange Feese Fergus Tranfer & Storage Foote Gaudreault Mere Co LTentert's Cash Store Gentert Glenn's Market Golden Rule Store Gordon Groc Gray Green Drug Co Dr Wm Fred John Jane Tony Dr G L Dr J W T N Dr James R B F L J Dr J A Eulalia Dr Dr L J F E Dr R E Dr Dr Dr Dr AJ L F Dr Tractor & grader parts Supplies Patrolman Labor n Gas Gas & Gas Labor Patrolman Gas tt Labor oil ROAD DRAGGING FUND. Dragging Asst Surveyor Dragging Asst Surveyor Dragging Surveyor Dragging Gas tax for relief Dragging Salary Dragging Stakes Dragging tt Gravel Dragging Freight on lumber Dragging 11 POOR AID FUND. Services H Groc tt tt Services Drugs Services Clothing Services Drugs Services Coal & materials Drugs Services Coal Groc Services Coal Services Coal Services Groc Services Groc Gas Services Drugs Services Groc Services Coal Groc Services tt n Supplies Groc t, Clothing Groc Services Drugs 135.57 4.70 80.00 17.50 17.50 22.42 119.60 11.94 38,40 94.00 84.83 26.20 .90 20.80 7.00 10.60 7.00 14.20 26.30 56.85 3000.00 24.40 68.20 20.00 60.00 12.10 2.40 25.25 39.10 1183.48 22.45 153.00 32.50 44.20 31.30 16.85 37.50 50.05 9.08 7.28 11.00 15.64 5.75 17.78 4.00 32.35 59.75 103.75 22.75 41.35 6.00 20.18 26.10 15.00 3.00 47.13 18.00 31.63 6.00 3.75 18.00 42.37 3.13 2.00 13.70 7.00 19.80 2.25 9.00 7.50 40.72 8.00 .50 25.00 25.34 13.91 18.20 3.75 21.28 16.80 7.50 9_ l_ UPERVISQWS i O. E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS. NEBR, Hansen, R N Hardt Drug Store Hastings Lanvas Co Hastings Credit Bureau Hastings Drug Co Hastings Fuel Co Hastings Typewriter Co Hayland Farmers Union Co Hartwig Herbst Groc Helman Super Service Station_ Hoffman Hopper Jones Drug Store Jones Jones, Co. Clerk Jungerman Groc Jugert Juniata Lumber Co Kernan Shoe Co Kidder Kingsley Kircher Kohlbry Koon Langdon Latta Laughlin Lee Legler Lincoln Tel & Telg Co Livingston Bros Long Lynch M & A Store Mace Marcotte Mary Lanning Memorial Hospit Matthiesen McDowell McGrath Hdw Co Mead Groc Mikkelsen Drug Co Murphy Typewriter Needham Nowers Oliver Lumber Co Pauley Lumber Co Pay-N-Takit Penney Co Phillips Phillips Petro Co Producers Dairy Prosser Lumber Co Pinney Railway Express Co Rogers Groc Rork Roseland Lbr Co Rosenau Hutt Drug Store Sanborn Schaufelberger Schnedier Seeley Shaw Sheeley Groc Sherman Silvey Lbr Co Stark n It Standard Oil Co Spicer Sumner Sunnyside, Inc Swanson Sweeney Taylor Thomas Topaz Dairy Trading Post rrausch Groc Turner Veith Groc Virgils Cash Store Martha Dr CH Henry Nick Dr AB J G T W Henry Dr C0 Dr D C E Herman Mrs. Emily Hannah Dr E J Karl Katherine Adam Anna R G John L Mrs V al Carl R WH p Co R E Mrs 0L Dr Walter E G J C Dr CA Dr Dr Lee W Dr A B EW Dr Edith T H Dr W L John A Ben J A Mrs C Hannah Mrs john Mary Dr Dr Ella P Dr L A Dr E E Dr F S Dr E A Mrs Chas M Services Drugs Services Services Drugs Coal Services Groc Services Groc Gas Services n Drugs Groc Postage Groc Services Coal Shoes Services 11" Groc Services Services 1, Clothing Services n n n Drugs Groc Services n Drugs Groc Supplies Groc Drugs Services tt Coal ft Groc Clothing Services Gas Milk Coal Services Freight Groc Services Coal Services Drugs Services st tt n Groc Clothing Coal 'Services n n Gas Services 11 tt Milk Groc Services Groc 10.00 14.04 1.08 3.00 22.10 106.53 8.50 6.80 14.00 17.85 2.80 4.27 13.50 14.38 13.00 33.36 73.08 2.16 7.00 2.00 26.00 82.50 6.35 16.60 6.72 12.00 75.50 13.60 24.00 3.12 24.19 50.00 15.00 7.40 28.55 61.00 3.00 417.70 11.08 3.59 1.05 347.70 55.25 26.15 27.00 157.50 21.25 7.00 68.55 66.32 3.00 3.08 9.78 7.75 2.00 4.09 52.28 7.50 12.58 6.00 37.49 3.34 36.00 50.00 9.00 50.25 111.85 24.27 18.00 15.00 17.71 15.00 20.00 .40 16.00 18.50 240.00 6.00 3.50 3.00 22.50 18.96 97.75 26.50 18.00 10.17 104 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0. E, SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR. White Mountain. Dairy kyiseman Yost Lumber Co Harry B J H Milk Clothing Coal BRIDG FUND. Ayr Lumber Co 'Supplies Silvey Lumber Co J A Lumber Byers Lumber Co -'owton Coal Co Farmers Union Co Kidder Pay—N—Takit Dr C E SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF. 18.66 3.98 10.75 11.87 94.00 Coal 50.37 27.69 Groc 60.83 Services 19.50 Groc 71.43 CO FAIR. Adams Co. Agric Society Premiums & permanent improvements 125.00 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. # 1. Shannon F E Road work 70.00 Motion by Goble, seconded by Ruhter, tat the following resolution be adopted: Whereas, A. I. Battan, Janitor, of the Adams County Court house, and serving Adams County in that capacity for several years, departed this life on December 2nd, 1934, And, Whereas, we deplore the loss of his valuable services to the County of Adams, and that we will miss the pleasant associations we had with him Be it therefore, resolved, by the Adams County Board of Supervisors that these resolutions of respect be spread on our records and a copy of the same be sent to the family of the deceased. J. F. Marian Reuben Bowers G. G. Bauer F. E. Shannon L. A. Berg M. Fred Ruhter Jay Goble. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, tat this board now adjourn to meet again on January 3rd, 1935 at 9 o'clock. A.M., Mo- on carried. Board adjourned. County Clerk. Deputy.