HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupervisors Rec 13 1940463 PER,' COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Saturday, January 6, 194D. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of December 6, 1939. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Berg, Carter, Foote, Goble, Harm, Hohlen and Shaw. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Foote, seconded by Carter, that we sell Lot 7, Block 2, East Park Addition to Arlow S. Woodward for $20.00 and sell Lot 421, Juniata Village, to C. E. Byers for 10.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Hohlen, that the fourth quarterly report of the Sheriff and Clerk of District Court, and the .Annual report of James F. Crowley, Justice of the Peace, be placed on file. Roll call, ell voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Carter, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION. That the claim of Frank Cliffton be allowed in the sum of X64.00 and it appearing that the said Frank Cliffton has died leaving him surviving his widow and a number of minor children and that his estate is so small that it does not justify the appointment of an administrator and in no event exceeds the sum of 4500., and that since the widow is the sole beneficiary and is entitled to the said $64.00, the Clerk is ordered to issue a warrant in payment of the said claim directly to Mrs. Frank Cliffton. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion. by Harm, seconded by Foote, that the follow*ing claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND. Adams County Farm. Bureau $200.00 Adams County Voice 35.85 Bauer DW 2.50 Berg L A 45.00 Binderup Hdw Co 9.00 Bohlke, County Judge W Halsey 38.41 Brown Dr J W 5.25 Burroughs Adding Machine Co 37.15 Cerner Dorothy 39.00 Carter R C 80.00 Central Power Co 15.15 City Water & Light Dept 63.21 Crowley James F 26.85 Cunningham, Co Supt Lottie E 10.70 Cushing Co 8.35 Democrat Printing Co 27.50 7.00 Ernstmeyer, 01 of Dist Court J Fred 552.97 91.82 18.00 Foote C W 95.00 Gaudreault Mere Co A J 12.14 Glenwood Telephone Co 3.35 Goble Jay 56.00 Haim George 65.00 Hastings Daily Tribune The 41.06 Hastings Typewriter Co 31.80 Hohlen Wm 45.00 Hughes, Reg of Deeds Forrest L 29.00 8.18 Tones, Co Clerk T W 61.58 Kee Lox Mfg Co 5.08 Keith Dr W W 24.60 Kennedy C F 1.00 Klein Peter 65.42' Kline J B 4.51 Landgraf Esther 78.00 Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co 61.55 Lynch R G 2.50 McGrath Hdw Co J H 2.25 1.80 National Child Welfare Assn 6.48 Osterbout Lyle C 9.40 Penney Co J C 6.03 Pinney Dr Geo L 2.00 Renner& Co 4.50 Rippeteau Wallpaper &Paint Co 3.75 Rutts Drug Store .95 464 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 E. SERE PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR. Tribune Graphic Arts Walker Widmaier Willits Wood, Sheriff Woodworth Yost Jacob Win E Worthy B Lovina J H POOR AID FUND. 3.40 6.50 15.00 9.00 231.54 81.00 122.45 Adams Groo 6.20 Amick & Amick Dr' s 15. Ayr Lumber Co 11.7 Bauer GrocFred 15.30 Bearge Reka 16.00 Beavers Groc 47.38 Berres Gros 22.95 Berts Drug Co 12.94 Bi Lo Market 83.32 8iEe Funeral tiome Dr A J 501.00 26.00 Bovey Leandora 2.72 Brach's Inc 100 48 62.46 Brand Funeral Home 32.50 Bresci Mrs Filetelfo 9.00 Brooke Drug Co 15.19E Brooke Drug Co .89 Brown -McDonald Co 2.49 Bunnell, Oil Co 9.56 Buskirk Groc 162.97 Byers Lbr Co 9.25 Byers Lumber Co 37.40 Cannon Drug Co 10.54 Carson Drug Co 10.88 Cash la Lumber Co 11.99 Central Power Co .75 ChurchillNina 16.00 City Fuel &Feed Co 13.08 City Water &Light Dept 1.27 City Water & Liget Dept 3.55 Coates Groc 38.53 Coates Cash Groc 10.00 Cole Mrs 1 L 46.50 Colfer Dr J A 3.00 Collings Mrs M 13.00 Conway James 2.50 Courtright Groc 14.84 Co wton Coal Co 24.64 Cumming Anna K 10.00 Cummings Groc 5.00 Cushing Groc The 2.50 Cushing Groc The 5.08 Davis Mrs Tom 16.0101 Deep Laid 105.10 Dickerson Drug Co 5.06 Eckhardt Groc 35.25 Economy Groc 34.92 Ei schen Groc 64.81 Elliott Dave 6.18 Evans Groc 49.18 Farmers Grain & Supply Co 4.50 Farmers Union Groc 78.46 Fergus Transfer Co 4.50 Fischer Groc 31.75 Fleet -Foote Oil Co 1.09 Food Center Groc 81.10 Foote Dr Don 3.00 Foote Dr E C 68.50 Gaston Music & Furniture Co 3.59 Gaudreault Mere Co A S 3.90 Gaudreault Mere Co A J 1.60 Giese Nell ie 55.30) Gilmore Mrs J C 16.00 Gordon Groc 1 9.10 Gray Dr 0 S 23.00 Guest Naomie 6.50 Guil do er Dr C W 3.00 Guildner Dr C W 43.25 Ii N P Grain Co 4.88 Hageman Fred C 10.00 Hahne Bros Groc 35.84 Hansen Dr G H 3.00 Hardt Drug Co 6.65 HartwigDr C H 5.00 Hastings Credit Bureau 2.00 Hastings Daily Tribune 15.35 Hastings Daily Tribune 10.00 0. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR. Heasley Groc Hendrickson Groc Herbst Groc Higinbotham Holyoke Home Dairy Hoover Hoover Hunt Hunter J & M Booterie Johnson Johnson Johnson Groe Jones Groc Tones Grp° Tones Drug Co # 1 ones Drug Co # 2 Jones, Co Clerk Juniata Grain & Supply Co Juniata Lumber Co Kaufs Union Market Kendall Kendig Groc Kernan Shoe Co Kidder Kingsley Kissler Groe Kistler Ki ein Ko epke Ko stat Krick Krull Latta Lau Laux Dairy Lawson. Hdw Co Lawson Hdw Co Lincoln Tel & Telg Co Lincoln Tel & Telg Co Lincoln Tel & Telg Co Lincoln Tel & Telg Co Lincoln Tel & Telg Co Lincoln Tel & Telg Co Lippincott Oil Co Loftquist Loveland Groc Lowman Lowry Groc Lundeen Lux Cash Groc Lynch Drug Co McCall McPhearson Madgett Bros Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Meisenbaeh Midstate Creamery Mikkelsen Drug Co Miller Groe Mousel Madgett Nebr Fanners Union. Assn Nelson Newkirk & Salisbury Newkirk Dairy Nowers Nutter Oliver Lumber Co O'Neill Parsons Oil Co P aul ey Lbr Co Pauline Grain Co Penney Co Pi erce Pinney Pollock Pollock Producers Dairy Pullen Railway Express Agency Roberts Rogers Groc Roseland Grain & Supply Co Butts Drug Co Rutts Drug Co RAfRIAT NT am n Henry C E Ona Seth Seth Dr G H Earl Dorothy Mrs Fred WP Carl J G 24.21 51.01 30.06 14.00 8.88 38.32 11.63 21.25 2.50 13.00 5.00' 6.00 20.00 1.25 21.01 16.40 14.23 15.58 T Vu 37.00 14.70 36.55 31.90 Mrs Oakley 32.00 39.81 2.50 Dr C E 8.75 Dr D W 1.00 43.66 D G 1.80 Mary 6.00 Mrs Carl 8.0E Dr 0 A 10.50 Donald 25.00 John 4.96 Dr E 12.75 Luella 4.50 Lester 3.60 C K 3.09 D I 2.19 7.00 5.65 4.65 5.65 2.75 24.63 11.70 Cora 4.00 28.10 William 3.00 10.00 Bernice 10.00 56.46 12.15 Mrs Ralph 15.00 Dr J B 10.00 45.00 468.08 Margaret 12.00 28.66 32.40 41.�0p3 Victor 1.00 John 8.00 1.75 Herbert 8.00 21.70 2.48 Dr W E 71.75 Jean 40.00 23.60 Dr S H 11.00 48.29 6.64 4.10 J C 18.37 Mrs May 6.00 Dr G L 2.00 James 5.30 James 19.80 17.60 Mary 5.00 .50 Robert F 7.80 31.60 8.26 23.92 15.70 /1,1_ 5(4 466 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR. Shaw Sheeley Groc Sherman Si dwell Silvey Lbr Co Simes Smith Spicer Sp i cknall St John Stark Starr Steward Stitt Stop & Shop Groc Sunnyside Inc Swanson Taggart Taggart Thaut Shoe Repair Shop Thompson Thornberry Tinders Groc Topaz Dairy Trading Post Trausch Groc Trausch Uden Uridil VanEvery Walker Groc Wanzer Groc Wary Groc Webster Wessel s Whisinand Groc Whitcraft Wideners Groc Wiegman Groc Williams Williams Groc Winter Estate Wolfe Groc Yost Dairy Yost Lbr Co Yost Lbr Co Dr W L A Ben Dr L T AJ Dr A A Dr CR W C Therese Mrs Clyde EM Sam Albert E 1.00 79.32 10.26 2.00 9.73 4.9 6 89.00 22.50 7.00 15.20 .50 3.04 2. 2/5 50.00 13.66 37.90 Dr L A 35.50 Bernice 24.78 Bernice 19.'60 Peter 6.70 Dorothy 40.33 John L 92.00 7.00 50.81 104.09 George 50.20 Peter 12.50 L E 29.30 Dr J E 125.00 A J 2.40 30.91 5.00 17.91 Dr H Don 5.00 Herman .50 93.75 Mrs Dorothea 18.00 9.25 66.80 Arthur 4.00 2.50 Mary 7.00 50.37 3.60 17.08 J H 4.35 ROAD DRAGGING FUND Anderson Garage 74.40 Ayr Lumber Co 28.13 Baker Harold 9.60 Baker W D 9.60 Bell 0 P 3.50 Berg L A 55.00 Blaine Twp 5.20 Block Bruce 100.00 Brown J G 8.00 Brown. Lloyd P 12.80 Buss Jake J Jr 12.80 Byers Lumber Co 1.00 Central Power Co 2.00 Christensen A R 9. 660 City Water & Light Dept 2.11 Clark J A 2.90 Clarke Hotel Garage 74.45 Clarke Hotel Garage 31.90 Clarke Hotel Garage 2.35 Clark's Service Station 69.23 Clark's Service Station 8.53 Cliffton Mrs Frank 64.00 Davis J J 31.35 Decker & Son 10.20 Deep Rock Station 20.90 Deep Rock Station 78.59 Druecker Wm H 2.00 Dutton-Lainson Co 36.70 Einspahr Edwin H 9.60 Essinger J W .50 Essinger J W 3.75 Essinger J W 61.60 Essinger Garage & Oil Co 52.60 Essinger Garage & Oil Co 86.73 Essinger Garage & Oil Co 76.55 Essinger Garage & Oil Co 18.00 Fairbanks Lester 3.50 Farriers Union Co-op Gas & Oil Co 30.80 Gilmore Win g A. nes O. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR. Hanover Twp Hansen Hardin Silvey Lbr Co Hardin Silvey Lbr Co Hastings Daily Tribune Heartwell Hesnberger Herman Hesman Heuertz Rohl en Ho hi en Hubi Huckfeldt Huckfeldt Huckfeldt Huckfeldt Inter State Oil Co Island Supply Co Jones Jones oynt uniata Twp Juranek Kalvoda Kalvoda Kenesaw Motor Co Kenesaw Oil Co Kenesaw Oil Co Kenesaw Oil Co Kenesaw Twp Ki st1 er Klein Kluver Koch Krull Krull Lilley Lincoln Road Eqpt Co Lo still Lo skil:i Lo skill Lukas Lukow McClellsn.d-Dunn Motor Co Mikkelsen Drug Co Miller National Refining Co National Refining Co National Refining Co Nebraska Culvert & Pipe Co Nebraska Culvert & Pipe Co Nelson Newman Nienhueser Novak Overy Overy Parr Penney Co Petersen Pete's Oil Station Roseland Twp Power's Service Station Routh Shaw Sheffield Sime Sime Sime Sime Sinclair Refining Co Standard Oil Co Stromer Stromer Tompkins Supply Co Trauernicht Wagner Service Station Whitney Witt Zero Twp Zub ro d Otto The C A Joe George Stanley AM Frederick Wm Albert F C W Delmar Herman Robert H Harvey P Pierce D 0 V Roy Frank L awrenc e 7.90 9.60 76.55 6.00 183.50 14.10 9.60 12.80 11.20 9.60 80.00 70.00 12.80 55.80 92.00 9.60eA 11.000 170.47 21.24 9.60 12.80 9.60 92.12 9.60 4.80 8.00 3?.00 50.19 41.40 57.66 27.75 D G 14.95 Harry 9.60 Tohn 92.00 Perle 100.00 John A 12.80 John 0 9.60 Ed 187.80 11805.76 Buster 11.20 Raymond 11.20 Robert 9.60 Stein 9.60 Otto W 9.60 11.00 .95 A G 25.60 9.68 28. 69 36.42 275.38 46.73 Hulgar 9.60 Howard G 96.00 • win 9.60 Joe 12.80 Howard 54.00 Howard 10.00 Norbert 11.20 J C .70 George 9.60 83.33 10.00 25.88 Curtiss 9.60 John L 55.00 Vernon 9.60 A J 95.69 AJ 57.22 A T 53.65 A J 24.39 52.86 25.54 Paul G 3.00 Wm J 3.00 8.66 John 12.80 93.86 Chas 27.00 Lloyd 92.00 4.80 Jake .40 SOLDI1IRS & SAILORS RELIEF. Byers Lumber Co 25.15 Farmers Union State Exchange 39.45 468 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. _ 13 E. -SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEER Trading Post 40.38 Yost Lumber Co T H 25.05 BRIDGE FUND. Bontoft Robert 9.00 Cain Mutt 108.00 Christensen Ernest 2.40 Christensen 3 A 2.40 Deterding George 10.50 Harding Silvey Lbr Co 748.30 Bomberger Frank 6.00 Island Supply Co 8.36- Toynt C V 6.40 Mulder Toe 4.80 Roeder Herbert 6.00 Schlueter Lbr Co 17.25 Theobald, Co Trees, AT 787.70 Livingston Bros.. Funeral Home Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND. COUNTY FAIR. 100.00 33.00 Adams County Agriculture Society 304.84 Motion by Foote, seconded by Berg, that the following inventory reports of the various county offices and depart- ments be placed on file: County Treasurer, County Clerk, County Assessor, County Judge, Register of Deeds, County Superintendent, County Attorney, County Sheriff, Clerk of District Court, Insane Committee, Supervisor Dist. # 1, Supervisor Dist. # 2, Supervisor Dist. # 3, Supervisor Dist. # 4, Housekeeping Aid Project, Sewing Center, Library Project, and County Assistance Office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Bohlen, that as there appears to be no more unfinished business that this board now adjourn sine die. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. f RE -ORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD. Motion by Harm, seconded by Shaw, that Tay Goble be appointed Temporary chairman. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Shaw, that we suspend the rules and that Tay Goble temporary chairman be declared duly appointed permanent chairman of the' Adams County Board of Supervisors for the year 1940 and that we vote by acclamation. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 2:30 o'clock P M the Board recessed until 3 o'clock P.M: At 3 o'clock P.M. the chariman announced the following committee for the year 1940. FINANCE C. W. Foote, Chairman Roy Carter L. A. Berg ROADS & .BRIDGES W. H. Bohlen, Chairman end all members of the Board LANDS & BUILDINGS Roy Carter, Chairman W. H. Bohlen C. W. Foote COUNTY FARM L. A. Berg, Chairman Tohn Shaw W. H. Bohlen SUPPLIES. George Harm, Chairman C. W. Foote Roy Carter. Motion by Harm, seconded by Berg, that we reappoint B B Brovzi as T.aritor and Custodian of the Court House and grounds for the year 1940. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Carter, that we recognize the recommendation of the Committee from the American Legion and appoint Tohn P. Madgett a member of the Soldiers & Sailors Relief Committee for a period of three years. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Foote, that the Hastings Daily Tribune be designated the official paper for the year 1940 to print all legals at one-half the legal rate, the Spotlight to print all legals at one-fourth the legal rate and the Adams County Voice to print all legals at one-fourth the legal rate, also, the Hastings Daily Tribune to print the Supervisors proceedings at 10; per inch, the Spotlight to print the Supervisors proceedings at 10¢ per inch, and the Adams County Voice to publish the Supervisors Proceedings at 10rf per inch. Roll call, ell voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Berg, that we approve the application of Gladys Kilmer for Mother's Pension. Roll Ball, all voted aye. Motion carried. 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEER PERVISOR'S CORPRENO. 13 Statutory meetin g of the Board. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR Tuesday, Tanuary 9, 1940. 9 o'clock A.M. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Berg, Carter, Foote, Goble, Harm, Hohlen and Shaw. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Foote, that the motion made on Sanuary 6th, in regard to designating the official paper for 1940 be vacated. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion. by Harm, seconded by Carter, that the Hastings Daily Tribune be designated for the year 1940. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Berg, that the bond of Toho P. Madgett member of the be approved. Roll call, all ' vo ted aye. Motion carried. the county official paper Soldiers and Sailors Commission Motion by Berg, seconded by Carter, that the budget of expense for the Adams County Farm Bureau for the year 1940 be approved in the amount of $2800. Roll c621, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Foote, that we allow each township not to exceed $500 for road dragging for the year 1940 including any unexpended balance left from 1939 appropriation. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Foote, that Sohn L. Shaw be appointed as Highway Commissioner for the year 1940. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried._ Motion by Shaw, seconded by Berg, that the wages of county employees for the year 1940 be as follows: Roaddragging 30f per mile, single man 30$ per hour, man and team 4,0f per hour, man and two teams 60¢" per hour, man and team operating dump wagon 50g per hour, Patrolman 40f per hour, and maintenance men $90.00 per month. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by Hohlen, that the salary of the Assistant in the County Superintendent's office 'be fixed at $85.00 per month, the salaries of all others the sane as in 1939, and that all inexperienced extra help be started at $60.00 per month for the first six months. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Hohlen, that the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized to issue warrants on the last day of each month to all county officers, deputies and clerks in county offices who are entitled to receive pay on county warrants in such amounts as are fixed by law governing the different county offices and upon agree- ment with the county board, also, that the chairman of the county board be authorized to sign warrants, also that this order is to apply to county employees who are to receive a monthly salary. Pollcall, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Carter, that we adopt the following budget for the year 1940. Fund General Bridge County Fair Soldiers & Sailors Mother's Pension Poor Aid & Unemployment Relief Estimated Proposed Expense Budget 1939 1940 $78,141 $107,726 8,914 20,000 2,000 2,000 2,100 2,500 2,722 3,500 Blind Workman Comp Road Dragging Free High School 77,500 86,110 315 none 1, 27 5 1,500 87,892 94,000 25,990 24,500 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Estimated Income 1939 $88,000 12,500 1,900 2,200 4,587 60,900 190 none 78,775 27,310 Estimated Income 1940 $83,000 12,000 2,000 2,000 3,100 60,000 50 none 77,000 26,000 Motion by Foote, seconded by Carter, that this board now adjourn to meet A. M. Motion carried., and adjourned. Estimated Balance San. 1, 1940 $28,000 9,900 none none 2,250 2,500 950 23,500 35,000 15,000 .Uncollected Taxes 1939 $44,540 600 2,000 2,200 3,100 60,000 none none none 23,989 again on February 6, 1940 . Net Taxes Required $65,000 1,000 2,000 2,500' 3,500 86,110 none none none 26, 500 at 9 o'clock Chairman. 470 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEER COURT DOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Tuesday, February 6, 1940. 9 o'clock A. 'j. Regular meeting of the Adapts County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of January 9, 1940. Tay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Berg, Carter, Foote, Goble, Harm, Hohlen and Shaw. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Foote, seconded by Hohlen, that the fourth quarterly report of the County Judge, County Clerk, Register of Deeds, and the annual report of the County Superintendent be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Carter, that the bond of Peter Pittz, Justice of Peace in Logan Twp. be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Carter, that the claim of Douglas County for X47.49 be disallowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by Foote, that we approve the substitution of x"5,000 Beatrice School Bonds by the Hastings National Bank for $5,000 Treasuery Bonds 2% due 12/15/47. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Carter, seconded by Hann, that the following miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisors record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. #5257 Nuss Edmund 10.00 #5258 Nebraska State Racing Commission 511.00 #5259 Dunmire Lawrence S 5.00 #5260 Crowley, Justice of Peace as F 2.00 "5261 " TM " 5.00 #5262 Youngblood, exec. F L 60.00 #5263 N W Iron& Metal 17.25 #5264 Cancelled #5265 Hohlen Wm 71.65 #5266 Crowley, Justice of Peace Tas F 15.00 #5267 Lindgren Ernest 87.50 #5268 " " 41.50 #5269 Grothen Helmuth 132.78 #5270 Bo1ilke, Co Judge W Halsey 25.00 #5271 Goble Jay 60.35 #5272 Crowley J F 25.00 #5273 " " 5.00 #5274 State Assistance Dept 11147.88 #5275 Ernstneyer, Cl of Dist Court J Fred 32.77 #5276 Crowley J F 5.00 #5277 State Treas 531.43 #5278 " 4782.89 #5279 Crowley J F 20.00 #5280 Ernetmeyer, Cl of Dist Court J Fred 350.26 #5281 Daugherty P R 465.00 #5282 Wood, Sheriff Worthy B 365.76 #5283 Crowley J F 15.00 #5284 Bohlke, Co Judge WHalsey 1.00 #5285 " " 9.60 #5286 10.00 #5287 " " 1788.75 #5288 Ernstmeyer, 01 of Dist Court T Fred 45.30 #5289 Blaine Twp 440.50 #5290 " 50.00 #5291 Hohlen Wm 538.15 #5292 Goble Jay 118.56 #5293 Berg, Supervisor L A 480.00 #5294 Crowley Jas F 10.00 #5295 Hayland Farmers Union Co 10.00 #5296 McCl enahan H 5.00 #5297 Crowley Tas F 2.00 #5298 Byers C E 1€ .00 #5299 Woodward Arlo S 20.00 #5300 Theide Frank 20.00 #5301 State Treas 522.16 #5302 " 4699.44 #5303 Ernstmeyer, 01 of Dist Court J Fred 90.36 #5304 rr " " 82.21 #5305 Crowley as F 12.30 #5306 Ernstmeyer, Cl of Dist Court T Fred 88.85 #5307 Bohlke W'Halsey 10.00 #5308 Ernstmeyer, 01 of Dist Court J Fred 49.37 #5309 " " " 31.17 #5310 90.93 53 11 " " " 28.01 #5312 " " " 746.23 #5313 Goble Jay 26.12 #5314 Ernstneyer, C1 of Dist Court J Fred 19.59 0 E. SERF PRINTING CO. HASTINGS NEER t. #5321 Crowley #5322 Coates f5323 Ernstmeyer, Cl of Dist Court #5324 Crowley #5325 Bohlke #5326 Nebr State Treas #5327 Regier #5328 Carter #5329 McDowell #5330 Goble #5331 Ernstmeyer, Cl of Dist Court #5332 Crowley #5333 Jones, Co Clerk #5334 Hughes #5335 Klein #5336 Parker #5337 Berg, Supervisor J F 3.85 Cecil H 10.00 X Fred 17 . 43 Jas F 10.00 W Halsey 714.87 13924.14 john 5.00 RG 5.00 W H 5.00 Jay 5.00 X Fred 418.12 Jas F 3.85 TW 247.15 Forrest L 618.60 Peter 89.49 Floyd A 5.00 L A 300.00 Motion by Carter, seconded by Berg, that the following claims be allowed on their respecive funds and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Farm Bureau Adams County Voice Berg Bi Lo Market Boblke, Co Judge Brach's Inc Brown Byers Lumber Co Carper Carter Central Power Co City Fuel & Feed Co City Water & Light Dept Clarke Hotel Garage Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Mfg Co Comton Gaol Co Cunningham Cushing Co Dept of Health Ernstmeyer, 01 of Dist Court n Foote Gaudreault Merc Co n Goble Hammond & Stephens Hamm Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Drug Co Hastings Typ ewri t e r Co Hohl en Ingram Jones, Co Clerk K -B Printing Co tt Keith Klein Laidlaw Landgraf Lau Lincoln Tel Sc Telg Co 1Valburn. & Scott Nebr Legal News Nuss, Co Atty Oliver L -umber Co Omaha School Supply Co Penney Co Rippeteau Viallpaper & Paint Co Rutts Drug Store Server Serf Printing Co Shaw . Simms Book Store Spicer Stephenson School Supply Co Theobeld, Co Treas Trausch University Publishing Co wAbb GENERAL FUND. $200.00 17.80 L 30.00 3.25 W Halsey 28.46 33.98 4.96 Dr J W 1.50 7.97 Dorothy 39.00 RG 80.00 15.86 117.29 64.91 1.25 10.80 124.66 Lottie E 13.85 The 9.80 49.50 J Fred 116.40 10.50fl 35.02 C W 80.00 Ar 19.20 tt 4.50 Jay 56.25 5. 26 George 85.00 3. 40 68.40 1.00 24.40 Wm 50.00 L F 1.50 TW 7.95 11.22 1.64 Dr /V W 16.00 Peter 65.42 2.47 Esther 78.00 Luella 45.00 59.15 6.19 2.00 Edmund 9.00 10.12 5.20 30 .65 12.80 George 125.00 O E 426.75 John L 40.00 • 1.50 Dr C R 2.00 3.80 16.45 Geo 4.70 39.29 Xav 4.55 472 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS, NEER Yost Lumber Co J H 1.57 Zion Office Supply Co 1.00 ROAD FUND. Adams Co J D 253.64 tt " 378.55 Anderson Roy 12.00 Ayr Lumber Co 8.81 Bell 0 P 24.50 Berg L A 107.50 Block Bruce 112.00 Bomgardner Motor Co 35.40 II 70.80 Borley Storage & Transfer Co 3.00 Byers Lumber Co 6.81 Cain Mutt 88.80 Central Power Co 2.00 City Water & Light Dept 2.24 Clarke Hotel Garage 1.00 Clark J A 4.21 Clark Service Station 15.50 Curry Dayton 5.00 Deep Rock Station 35.34 Duncan C S 4.85 Dutton Lainson Co 143.97 Essinger Garage & 0i1 Co 45.10 I' 43.85 Fairbanks Lester 24.50 Farmers Union State Exchange 20.89 Foote Oil Co Wendell 36.86 Goble Chas M 11.55 Goble Jay 75.00 Hanover Twp 17.50 Harrell Floyd 2.00 :Hartwell 0 A 96. 60 Heilig Van Jr 50.00 Hoffman Rolland J 3.00 Hohlen Frederick 88.00 tt y4 90.00 Huckfeldt C W 18.45 Island Supply Co 90.75 Juniata Twp 51.30 Kenesaw Motor Co 10.25 Village of Kenesaw 12.00 Kistler D G 44.85 II `I 9.75 Koch P erl e 112.00 Krueger Henry 1.50 Krulish Battery & Elec Co 8.30 Lincoln Road & Eqpt Co 1256.10 Lippincott M M 1065.60 M TI 5.80 McGrath Hdw Co J H 5.86 Meyer W E 8.10 Muhl ei s en Edward 8.10 National Refining Co 21.66 Nesman Howard G 106.40 Oliver Lbr Co 8.55 II 26.05 Pete's Oil Station 67.58 Powers Service Station 20.12 Shaw •' John L 95,00 Sime A J 42.80 Sinclair Refining Co 52.86 n 54.92 Stromer Used Car Parts 9.25 Tompkins Motor Co 23.03 Trupp Adam 7.00 Webb Jay .55 Wilders Service Station 10.85 Witt Lloyd 112.00 ROAD W.P.A. _A.nderson Roy 21.00 Augustin Lester 176.25 Ayr Lumber Co 83.60 Baker Guy E 18. 40 Baker Harold 16.80 Brown. Lloyd D 6.40 Byers Lumber Co 3.20 Clark's Service Station 14.70 Deep Rock Station 5.73 Deri ck s Wm 3.20 Essinger Garage & Oil Co 57.97 n la 17A 0. E. SERF PRINTING CO HASTINGS NEBR Hardin-Silvey Lbr Co Herman ft Miner Geo j W S Everett Robert Pierce D Robt W 24.20 6. 40 12.80 16.00 ohn 16.00 Huckfeldt 9.60 tt9.60 Jones 6.40 tt'7.20 Kenesaw Oil Co 82.23 Krull John H 12.80 John 0 66.00 Leighfi el d Ben 18.80 Lukas Stein 6.40 Mangers Richard 9.60 National Refining Co 16.96 Overy Howard 28.80 Hutt Clarence 8.40 Schlueter Lbr Co 33.47 Sime A 63.47 Standard Blue Print Co 1 3. 57 Swanson S /4. 180.00 SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF. Beavers Groe Buskirk Byers.Lumber Co City Fuel & Feed Co Cowton Coal Co Deep Rock.Cil Co Farmers Union State Exchange Food Center Foote Oil Station Hahne Bros Home Dairy Hubbard Lux Groc Marian Millers GI:oc Oliver Lbr Go Pauley Lbr Co Safeway. Store No. 1 ft Trading Post Yost Lbr Co E A Wendell. Harry E W G • H STATE RELIEF. 42.25 18.00 103.49 8,20 37.73 3.50 17.20 11.63 10.71 1 6. 49 .40 1.10 2. 50 5.50 106.86 17.90 45.85 21.25 4.50 34.09 12.50 34.59 34.05 Go ersz Elsa 9.64 Hoffman Kathryn 80.00 Holyoke. Ona 11.76 ft " 55.00 Lindgren Ernest T 9.08 Nutter Jean 40.00 Roberts Robert Frank 10.48 " " 35.50 Starr Esther M 4.40 " et 50.00 Tanner Dale 40.00 Thompson Dorothy 49.50 BRIDGE FUND. Ayr Lbr Co 2564.33 Brunken Jacob 10.50 Buzzard 08 2.40 Coleman SL 2.70 Heltenb erg Sohn 2.40 Kluver Sohn 9.60 Lukas Stein 7.00 Mills 4 Willard 4.00 Placke Frank 2.40 Schultz Burdette 5.10 Theobald, Co Treas A J 709 . 36 COUNTY FAIR. Adams County Agricultural Society 91.00 POOR AID FUND. Adams Groo 7.32 474 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS, NEER Bents Drug Co 28.05 Bi Lo Market 81.88 7.20 Binderup Hdw Co 18.90 Bohlke Funeral Home 57.00 Bohnett W C 25.00 Bo ren Dr A J 18.50 Bowers E T 10.00 Brach's Inc 2.50 Brett Dr Mary 5.00 Bresci Filetelfo 9.00 Brooke Drug Co 12.45 Brooke Drug Co 1.50 Brown Dr J W 46.00 Bunnnell. Service Station 1.10 Buskirk Groc 169.90 Butler J C 10.00 Byers Lumber Co 160.43 Byers Lumber Co 17.75 Cannon Drug Co 19.15 Carson Drug Co 28.90 Cash Wa Lumber Co 40.24 Central Power Co .85 City Fuel & Feed Co 85.05 4T 4.10 City Water & Light Dept .57 1.32 Clark Lill aurae 6.00 Coates Cash Groc 11.24 Caotes Groc 49.12 Cole Mrs W L 46.50 Colfer Dr J A 7.00 Collings Mrs M 5.00 Conrad Groc 29.54 Conway James 2.50 Cooper Coal Co 78. 46 Courtright Groc 21.04 Cowton Caoal Co 88.25 Cumming .Anna K 10.00 Cummings Groc 6.96 Cushing Groc 7.48 Davis John 2.50 Mrs Tom 16.00 DeBacker Dr L J 77.00 Deep Laid 71.42 Dickerson Drug Co 6.26 Dykeman Lawrence 3.44 Eckhardt Groc 62.11 Economy Groc 33.29 Eischen. Groc 70.75 Ilnshoff Tire Servcie 1.15 Evans Gx0c 57.19 Farmers Elevator 3.6 3.63 Farmers Grain & Supply Co 9.00 Fanners Union Groc 98.91 Feese Dr J P 8.00 Fink Shoe Co 2.75 Fisher Gro e 16.20 Fisher Mortuary 50.00 Food Center Groc 145.82 Foote Dr Don 3.00 44 Dr E C 71.00 4e , MD EC 2.40 Foote Service Station Wendell 19.13 Froschheuser John 3.00 Furniture Exchange 5.00 Gaudreault Marc Co A J 2. 4.0 Giese Nellie 40.00 Gilmore Mrs J C 16.00 Goll Fred L 4.00 Gordon Gto c 13.86 Gray Dr 0 S 1.00 13.50 Guest Naomia. 6.50 Guildner Dr C W 50.25 H N P Grain Co 4.88 Hagman Fred C 10.00 Hahne Bros Groc 17.05 Hartwig Dr C H 9.00 Haskin R W 4.80 Hastings Credit Bureau 2.00 Hastings Tribune 10.00 14 10.30 151.45 10.00 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS, NEBR. Heiman Groc Helmes Hendrickson Groc Herbst Groc Hines Hoffman HohTld Paint Co Home Dairy Hoover Horning Hunter Johnson Johnson Jo`rnson Groc Jones Groc Tones Groc Jones Jones, Co Clerk Jones Drug Co # 1 Tones Drug Co # 2 Jorgenson Groc Juniata Grain & Livestock Assn Juniata Lumber Co,,, Kaufs Union Market Kendall Kenesaw Grain & Elevator Co K ernen. Shoe Co 30.65 Tacob T 6.50 36.56 Henry 64.99 W B 15.00 Mrs Albert 4.32 7.23 44.00 Seth 21.25 11.25 „ 21.25 Alma 10.00 Earl 13.00 Dorothy 6.00 Mrs Fred 20.00 QVP 5.00 Carl 11.66 G 26.39 Mrs N H 11.50 T W 21.50 39.58 2.41 4.88 s 37p. /4� O5 3., 8.Ei8 55.80 Mrs Oakley 32.00 19.25 7.20 Kidder Dr C E 33.50 Kingsley Dr D W 126.50 tt „ 3.00 Kissler Groc 44.25 Kistler D G 2.90 Koepke Mrs Carl 8.00 Kostal Dr 0 .A 1.00 Krick Donald 25.00 Latta Dr E J 112.50 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co 5.65 tt 8.15 2.75 5.65 4.65 Lippincott Oil Co 11.64 Livingston Bros Funeral Home 100.00 Loveland Groc 14.85 Lowman Co W M 12.50 Lundeen Bernice 10,00 Lux Cash Groc 64.74 Lynch Drug Co 16.61 Madgett Bros 45.00 Mary La./ming Hospital 212.25 212.25 Matthiesen Drug Co 4.27 McDowell Groc 10.99 McGrath Hdw Co J H 7.50 Meisenbach Margaret 12.00 Midstate Creamery 27.03 Mikkelsen Drug Co 52.35 Miller Groc 73.88 Montgomery Ward Co 1.45 2.15 Murphy Typewriter Co 1.20 Myers F J 15.00 Naggatz Mrs Vida 6.48 Nel son Herbert 14.00 Newkirk Dairy 2.48 Newkirk & Salisbury Groc 24.00 Nowers Dr W E 175.75 Oliver Lbr Co 132.68 Panter Dr R C 40.00 Seeley Hospital 48.00 Pauley Lbr Co 78.75 Pauline Grain Co 23.60 Penney Co J C 5.47 Penney Co Inc it 84.27 Pierce Mrs May 6.00 Pinney Dr G L 5.00 Pollock James 8.56 tt 5.80 Producers Dairy 14.08 Pullen Mary 5.00 Railway Express A envy .50 Rogers Groc 32.02 Rork Dr L W 10.00 476 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR Shea Funeral Home 50.00 Sheeley Grco T A 108.14 Sherman Ben 8.53 Silvey Lbr Co 7.85 Sines A T 4.96 Singer Sewing Machine Co 6.05 Skaggs 0 P 128.55 Spicer Dr C R 6.00 Spicknall W C 7.00 St Tohn Therese 15.20 Steward Sam 2.25 Stitt Albert E 50.00 Stop & Shop Groc 38.50 Sunnyside Inc 36.10 Taggart Bernice 2.52 t' t4 83.00 Thaut Shoe Repair Shop Peter .. 1.25 Thomas Dr E A 10.00 Thornberry T L 45.85 Tietgen Margaret 2.00 Tinders Groc 18.12 Topaz Dairy 68.07 Tracy Roy 3.50 Trading Post 80.01 Trausch Groc George 67.72 Trausch Peter 12.50 True Mrs W E 10.00 Union Special Machine Co 3.14 Uridil Dr T E 100.00 Walker Groc 30.91 Wan zer Groc 5.00 Warren Memeorisl Hospital 38.90 Wary Groc 18.40 We nann Dr WM M 30.00 Weiler Shoe Shop George 95.16 Whitcraft Mrs Dorothea 18.00 Wideners Groc 17.02 Wiegman Groc 62.38 Wilber Dr E E 3.00 Williams Arthur 4.00 Winter Est Mary 7.00 Wiseman Shoe Store .2.44 Wolfe Groc 21.53 Yeagley Mrs Chris 24.00 Yost Lumber Co 141.45 6.00 TH 8.10 Elmer .50 tt Young Motion by Carter, seconded by Hohlen, that the application of Tosephine Laporte for Mother's Pension be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Foote, that this board now adjourn to meet again on March 6, 1940. Motion carried. Board adjourned. 477 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO 13 O. ESERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEE3R. Wednesday, March 6, 1940. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of February Chairman, presiding. Roll call, ell members present: Berg, Carter Minutes of last meeting were Motion by stable West Blue approved. Motion by also sell voted aye Foote, Goble, Harr, Hohl en. and Shaw. read and approved. 6, 1940. Jay Goble, Berg, seconded by Hohl en, that the bonds of Lloyd Joynt, constable, Roseland Twp., James Hynes, Con_ Silver Lake Twp., Wolbert F. Lindeburg, Roadoverseer, Verona Twp., Harry Koberstein, Readoverseer, Twp., J. R. Wisner, Township Clerk, West Blue Twp., and Ray Eischen, Roadoverseer, Zero Twp., be Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Footte, seconded by .Harm, tc4. Roll lot 89 in. County Club Addition to A. J. Gaudreault for $60.00, lot 6, block 1, Nowlan's Sub/ o Haire's Subdivis‘to Lester D. Pedersen for $100.00. Roll call, all . Motion carried. -on of Parts of Lot 7 & 8 Grosse's Add. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Carter, that the annual report of L. A. Berg, Chairman, of the Adams County Farm for 1939 be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Berg, that the claim of J. D. Adams Co. for131.02 be disallowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by Foote, that the application of .Amelia Sypherd for Mother's Pension be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by, Carter, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Farm Bureau Adams County Voice Berg Binderup Hdw Co Bohlke, Co Judge Brooke & Son Brown Byers Lumber Co tt Carper Carter Central Power Co City Water & Light Dept Cobientz Millwork Craft Craft Cunningham, Co Supt. Dorainy & Co Dones Dunn Co Ernstmeyer, 01 of Dist Court ,t Tt tt Foote Gaudreault Mere Co Glenwood Tel Co Tr Gobl e Haggard Harm Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Fuel Co Hastings Typewriter Co It Herzog Hill Hohl en Hohlfeld Paint Co Hughes, Register of Deeds Hunter Loan & Title Co Jones, Co Clerk Keith KI ein Landgraf Lau Lawson Hdw Co Lincoln Tel & Telg Co Lorean Co Lynch GENERAL FUND. L A W Halsey Dr J. W. Dorothy R C C Mrs Carl Carl Lottie E C M Mrs Hetta H J Fred tt tt TT a W AJ Jay Lee George M E Clarence Forrest L T V Dr W W Peter Esther Luella CK Wm M R G 250.00 15.45 40.00 15.16 35.37 1.00 12.25 10.10 27.07 37.50 80.00 18.73 75.09 5.15 2.00 2.00 25.30 88.56 2.00 88.56 102.86 .45 18.00 8.00 80.00 8.23 4.55 .65 62.20 88.56 80.00 23.10 133.14 8.54 49.00 1.25 2.00 50.00 1.15 5.00 88.56 137.45 27.30 76.14 78.00 78.00 10.13 71.15 88.56 5.40 478 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEER. Palm Hilda 2.00 Pauley Lbr Co W G .16 Penney Co T C 5.04 Pi el stick W A 81.29 Renner Co P R 2.00 tr n 1.75 Rippeteau Wallpaper & Paint Co 10.10 Rutherford Bros 125.97 Rutt's Drug Store 1.75 Sarver George 125.00 Serf Printing Co 0 E 172.25 Shaw Sohn L 40.00 Simms Book Store 2.80 Taggart Bernice 2.00 Theobald, Co Treas. A T 21.96 Tooley Bros 88.56 Trausch Geo 2.20 Western Brick & Supply Co 4.50 Western Union .85 Wicker Mrs. Martha 2.00 W i dmai er Wm 6.00 Willits S E 12.00 Wood, Sheriff Worthy B 253.28 Woodworth Lovina 92.50 sr tt 10.65 Wright C M 2.00 Zion Office Supply 2.30 ROAD DRAGGING FUND. Adams Co T D 135.96 .Anderson Roy 27.00 .Aspegren 11 W 2.75 Augustin & Sons 6.00 Bell 0 P 24.50 Berg L A 90.00 Blaine Twp 4.30 Block Bruce 100.00 Bomgardner Motor Co 16.50 Brown. Service 21.71 Byers Lumber Co 14.50 Cain Mutt 108.00 Central Power Co 1.70 City Water & Light Dept 1.75 Clark J A 4.52 Clarke Hotel Garage 3.25 Clark's Service Station 9.51 Cottonwood Twp 6.10 Deep Rock Station 9.30 Democrat Printing Co .45 Dens Oil Lubricant Co /14.97 Duncan C S 5.51 Dutton-Lainson Co 49.78 Fnshoff Tire Service 82.41. Essinger J W 24.10 Essinger Garage & Oil Co 15.50 It 28.47 Fairbanks Lester 24.50 Gert en .nb ro se 6.40 Goble Chas. M. 4.66 11 !T 142.53 It Tay 65.00 Hardin Silvey Lbr. Co 57.05 Hastings Equity Grain Bin Mfg Co 29.00 Heartwell 0 A 98.60 H�ohl en Frederi ck 94.00 Hohlen Win 80.00 Hohlfeld G 0 .80 Huckfeldt Clarence W 172.76 Inter -State Oil Co 87.32 Island Supply Co 63.44 Tuni at a Twp 61.50 Kenesaw Grain Co 12.94 Kenesaw Oil Co 72.04 ft '7.44 Kenesaw Twp 7.80 Kistler D G 15.44 it tt 5.10 Kluwer Tohn 96.00 Koch P erl e 88.00 Krulish Battery & Elec Service 5.50 Lincoln Road Eqpt Co 246.90 Lippincott M M 9.04 Little Blue TVQp 7.90 Lubricant Co., Inc D -A 35.99 McClelland -Dunn Motor Co o� 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS, NESS, Pete's Oil Station Roseland Twp. Powers Service Station Roeder Schlueter Lbr Co Shaw Sidles Co Silver Lake Twp Standard Oil Co Tompkins Supply Co Traeger Garage Verona Twp Wagner's Service Station West Blue TIT Western Auto Associate Store Wilb er Service Wi t t Zubrod Sam Sohn L 42.01 13.10 9.30 2.50 57.71 85.00 37.15 3.70 16.98 10.72 Carl P 159.40 81.60 186.74 10.30 8.95 1.00 Lloyd 102.40 Take .15 W. P. A. .Andersen Garage 88.70 .Ayr Lumber Co 20.04 Bachman Ervin 17.60 Bachman Theo 17.60 Brown Delmar 6.00 Buhr Louis 33.60 Clark's Service Station 22.92 Deep Rock Station 27.04 Essinger T W 68.20 Essinger Garage & Oil Co 6.25 " 97.26 Evans Marcus L 27.92 Fanners Union Gas & 011 Co 32.71 Fate Ivan 6.40 Gates W W 17.00 Gilmore Van 69.00 Huckfeldt 0 W 12.09 Huckf el dt Delmar 45.00 Kenesaw Motor Co 48.35 Krueger Ernst 17.60 Krull Tohn 0 100.00 Mohlman Sohn 9.92 Moss Everett 6.40 O very Howard 92.00 Parsons Oil Co 8.60 rr 50.69 Pete's Oil Station 35.96 Reiber Elmer 34.60 Reiber Harry 16.00 Reiber Sohn 13.00 Sime A I 57.08 II tt 66.27 Simms Book Store .80 Stroh Bernard 34.60 Swanson S A 160.00 Wagner's Service Station 3.61 SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF. Beaver's Groc 36.50 Brillhart Dr G L 8.00 Buskirk Groc 8.50 Byers LZnnb er Co 4.85 City Fuel & Feed Co 20.50 Cowton Coal Co 16. 40 Deep Rock Station 10.50 Eckhardt Groc 11.25 Evans 0 G 7.95 Food Center 8.50 Gordon Groc 12.00 Hahne Bros 14.50 Hastings Fuel Co 32.80 Hendricksen. ' Robert 5..20. Home Dairy 1.45 Laird Coal Co Lloyd } 12.30 Lux Groc 37.50 Marian H E 3.10 McCleery Groc 13.50 Miller Gro c 21.20 Safeway Store No. 1 6.00 fr 5.72 't 5.50 Sheel,ey Groc 15.50 Trading Post 40.50 482 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS, NEER Rabourn Railway Express Agency Rippeteau Wallpaper & Paint Co W A 8.50 .50 6.70 rr 1.50 31.10 7.50 19.9 6 12.90 38.77 92.47 Mrs J .P 16.00 47.02 L H 1.92 O E 29.75 Dr W L 78.00 50.00 J A 84.41 Ben 6.75 11.60 0 P 90.77 Dr C R 44.62 +, n 17.00 rr tr 17.50 Spi cknall Vd 0 7.00 St John Therese 15.90 Steward San 2.25 Stitt A E 50.00 Stop & Shop Groc 67.59 Sunny si de Inc 31.00 Swanson Dr L A 39.25 Table Supply Groc 4.33 Taggart Berri ce 85.00 rr rr 14.40 Rogers Groc Rork Roseland Grain & Supply Co Rutts Drug Store TM Safeway Store Sanborn Schlueter Lbr Co Schwi er Serf Printing Co Shaw Shea Funeral Home Sheeley Groc Sherman Si lv ey Lbr Co Skaggs Groc Spicer Dr L W Thaut Shoe Shop Thomas Thomsen Thornberry Ti etg en Tinders Groc Topaz Dairy Tracy Trading Post Trausch Trausch Groc Uri dil Wal k er Groc Wanzer Groc Waxy Groc Web ster Whi sinand Groc Whi t c raft Wideners Groc Wiegman Groc Winter Rst Wiseman Shoe Store Wolfe Groc Yeagl ey Yost Dairy Yost Lbr Co Peter .90 Dr E A 2.00 A J 2.10 John L 44.00 Margaret 3.00 15.05 56.72 Roy 3.50 109.48 Peter 12.50 George 84.03 Dr J E 225.00 39.95 5.00 10.00 Dr H Don 7.00 59.63 Mrs Dorothea 18.00 17.66 37.10 Mary 7.00 2. 50 46.02 Mrs Chris 16.00 3.76 83.35 Motion by Harm, seconded by Foote, that the claim of Eugene W. Osler for $5.00, the claim of Seth Hoover for 8.86, and the claims of the City Water & Light Dept. for $21.03 and $14.97 be disallowed. Roll call, Berg, not voting. Ayes, Carter, Foote, Goble, Hann, Hohlen and Shaw. Motion by Foote, seconded by Bohlen, that this board now adjourn to meet again on April 6th, 1940. Motion carried. Board ad °ed. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NE3R. Saturday, April 6, 1940. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of March 61 1940. Tay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Berg, Carter, Foote, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, and Shaw. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. �ilnil(173 by 'F' -n1 _ CP.olvnr1 11 hr ho n's,1 4, L v. 2.,r ,,dL ., 7 + 4 n tie nnn O. E, SERP PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. HERR SUPERVISOR' Motion by Berg, seconded by Shaw, that the bonds of .Albert Fricke, Justice of Peace, Denver 'Imp; C. W. Bauder, Township Clerk, Little Blue Twp; Leonard Shaw, Constable, Logan Ttivp; Edd Blauch, Constable, Cottonwood Twp; and Tohn M, Krull, Roadoverseer, Dist # 4, Hanover Twp. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Harm, that, we recommend to the Nebraska Liquor Commission the Wholesale beer license for Effie Phillips and Lib Phillips doing business as the County Club Distributing Co. located at 1434 Baltimore Ave., outside ofthe City of Hastings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Carter, that the County Board recognize the kindness and unsolicited benefaction by the friend (who wishes to identity to be known only to the County Assistance Director) of the Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital and the Adams County Board of Supervisors for his payment of county authorized hospital bills for Relief Clients in the amount of $567.45. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Foote, that the application of Cecile Mead, Pauling Lambirth, Margaret Kindig, Bessie Pecht, Ily Smith, Geraldine Mefford, Josie Price for Mother's Pension, be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Harm, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND. Adams County Farm Bureau $250.00 Adams County Voice 77.00 Bengtson Emma. M 420.00 Berg L A 45.30 Bi Lo Market 3.50 Binderup Hdw Co 22.50 Byers Lumber Co .48 7.06 39.00 80.00 17.35 City Water & Light Dept 66.35 Clarke Hotel Garage 10.00 Cobientz Millwork C E 1.00 Cunningham, Co. Supt. Lottie E 22.28 Cushing Co The 9.00 Democrat Printing Co 121.25 Ernstmeyer, Cl of Dist Court J Fred 264.60 tt x rt 42.00 Foote C W 75.00 " 15.00 Frye Tames F 75.29 Ginn & Co 4.92 Goble Tay 61.00 HannGeorge 80.00 Hastings Canvas Co 1.50 Hastings Daily Tribune 407.25 Hastings Typewriter Co 44. 30 Hay en Rachel 50.00 Higinbotham C.E 27.57 Hohi en V 40.00 Hohifeld Paint Co .75 Hughes, Reg of Deeds Forrest L 6.40 Jaden F 30.00 Tones, Co Clerk T W 46.83 Jones T W 7.40 K -B Printing Co 48.56 11.. 53 Keith Dr WT 16.00 Kennedy C F 3.00 Keystone View Co 47.57 Klein Peter 65.42 Kohl Adam 83.76 Lan.dgraf Esther 78.00 Lau Luella 36.00 68.92 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co 68.92 Lord Co The T C /14.25 McGrath Hdw Co T H 3.00 Milburn & Scott Co 120.67 Mortgage Investment Co 75.78 Murphy Typewriter Co 9.75 Owen Pub Co F A 4.50 Penney Co T C 5.75 Rippeteau Wallpaper & Paint Co 8.60 Rutherford Bros 3.80 Sarver George 125.00 Serf Printing Co 0 E 593.75 Shaw John L 65.00 Simms Book Store 1.95 Smith Dr A A 50.00 Spicer Dr C R 5.00 Stanley John T RP -R7 tt Carper Dorothy Carter R C Central Power Co rr n SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR. Western Union Telg Co Willits Wood, Sheriff Woo dwo rth Zion. Office Supply Kohl Body Works 3.77 J E 6.00 Worthy B 27 6.8 6 Lovina 95.75 5.85 .75 ROAD DRAGGING FUND. Adams Co J D 103.64 Anderson Garage 45.55 n 24.80 Anderson Roy 56.70 Aspegren HW 3.75 .Ayr Lumber Co 37.60 AYr Twp34.00 Bell 0 P 35.00 Berg L A Blaine Twp 85.00 40.90 Block Bruce 100.00 Brandes Co F H 114.05 Brown Harlan 4.50 Central Power Co 2.40 City Water & Light Dept 1.00 Clarke Hotel Garage 1.50 Clark J A 8.59 Clark's Service Station 24.78 Cottonwood Twp 44.50 D -A. Lubricant Co 35.99 rr 111.45 Deep Rock Station 81.88 Denver Twp 19.22 rr 42.10 9.00 Dutton-Lainson Co 7.29 Dyer Paul ; -6.00 Ryer Russell L 4.20 Eigenberg' RH 10.2{? Elliott David J 9.24 Essinger Garage & Oil Co 1.85 99.61 Fairbanks 35.50 35.00 Farmers Union Gas & Oil Co 37.23 Gingrich Ira C 10.00 Goble Tay 70.00 Ground John W 3.00 Hageman Hdw Co 35.74 Hanover Twp 56.20 Hastings Equity Grain Bin Mfg Co 27.42 49.86 Heartwell C A 159.90 Highland Twp 45.50 Hohlen Frederick 82.00 Hohlen Wm 90.00 Island Supply Co 101.97 Toynt Cleve 48.00 Juniata Twp Kenesaw Twp 88.50 Kistler 53.25 tt D G 7.47 2.55 Kluver John 95.20 Koch Perle 88.00 Krulish Battery & Elec Co 4.65 Lincoln Road Eqpt Co Little Blue Twp 79.43 Logan Twp 26.80 29.E Mid State Construction Co 282.84 n Mulder 654.57 Toe 9.00 National Refining Co 36.91 Newman Howard G .1.00 Oliver Lbr Co 6.14 Overy Howard 100.00 Pete's Oil Station 30.54 Powers Service Station 16.75 Rolls Robert 6.00 Roseland Twp40.00 Shaw John L 65.00 Silver Lake Twp 34.30 Sime A J 22.39 Sinclair Refining Co 26.43 Stromer F 6.00 H Lester Stormer Paul G A_nn 0. E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS. NEBR. West Blue Twp Wilke Wi tt Zero Twp Zubrod Arnold Bachman Brach's Inc Clark's Service Station Coryell & Son Druecker Di schen Essinger Garage & Oil Co Evans Evans Foote Oil Co Gil= re Gobi e Huckfeldt Tt n Kenesaw Oil Co Krueger Lawson Hdw Co Mangers Manske Mohlman Muhleisen Park Ple.cke Sanford Schneider Sime James Lloyd Teke W. P. A. Sohn S Edgar Ernst Raymond Marcus L 0G Wendell Chas M C W Delmar Robert 35.20 6.00 104.00 23.20 .15 9.60 23.20 .38 27.79 .78 18.40 23.20 124.31 33.30 3.50 13.95 78.00 148.99 17 . 52 73.50 9.60 12.56 Louie D 23.20 OK .50 Frank 9.60 Lawrence 23.20 John 11.94 Edward 18.40 Louie 0 77.00 Donald 18.40 Arnold 7.27 TT 61.73 C H 41. 50 Theodore 9.60 A3 39.84 rt 87 . 68 Swanson S A 180.00 Wright Bueford K 18.40 Yost Lumber Co H 2.35 COUNTY FAIR FIMD: Adams County Agri c . So ci ety Beavers Groc Bi Lo Market Buskirk Groc Byers Lumber Co City Fuel & Feed Go Cowton Coal. Co Evans Groc Food Center Foote Oil Co Hahne Groc Hastings Fuel Co Heasley Groc Howe Daixy Tuniata Lumber Co Lux Gros Miliers Groc Oliver Lumber Co Rutts Drug Store Safeway Store No 1 Sheeley Groc Trading Post Yost Lunber Go SOLDIERS & SITriOR,S TON- D. Wendell 3H BRIDGE FUND. Ayr Lumber Go Buzzard 0 S Cain Mutt Chicago Burlington & Quincy RR Co Fricke Alfred Hall County Highway Hardin Silvey Lbr Co Hoffman Rolland Hynies Tames Hynes john 255.00 34.00 6.00 13.75 4.10 8. 20 12.30 7.03 21.05 10.15 5.00 20.40 4.00 1.55 28.70 40.00 17.90 20 . 50 .90 3.50 24.50 22.00 16.65. 54.18 6.60 108.00 369.90 48.00 61.20 21.30 6.00 6.00 7.00 486 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS. NE BR, Hoffman Holyok e Tt Lindgren Nutter Roberts Starr rr Tanner Thompson. Kathryn 85.00 Ona 20.04 rr 60.50 Ernest T 3.68 Tears 50.00 Robert F 12.00 50.00 Esther M 2.88 rr 50.00 Dale 40.00 Dorothy 47.68 POOR AID FUND. Adams Groc 27.18 Ami ck Dr's Amick & Amick 48.00 Ayr Lumber Co 14.88 Banks Gas Station .30 Bauer Groc 5.00 Beavers Groc 43.62 Berck Homer 3.00 Berres Groc 32.48 Berts Drug Co 26.53 Bi Lo Market 95.56 Binderup Hdw Co 3.65 Bohlke Funeral Home 54.00 Bohnett W C 25.00 Boren Dr A S 42.00 Brach' s Inc 106.57 rr 7.50 Brand Funeral Home 7.50 Bresei Filetelfo 9.00 Brillhart Dr G L 1.00 Brooke Drug Co 20.70 rs 20.44 Brown -McDonald Co 66.71 Bucks Booterie 12.25 Buskirk Groc 182.99 Byers Lumber Co 10.32 rI 72.98 Cannon Drug Co 23.65 Carson Drug Co 38.65 Cash Wa Lumber Co 60.35 Central Power Co .94 n 5.00 City Fuel & Feed Co 75.34 City Water & Light Dept 1.54 Coates Groc. 37.10 Cole Mrs W L 16.50 Colter Dr T A 5.00 Collings Mrs M 5.00 Conrad Groc 36.56 Conway Tames 2.50 Cooperative Grain & Supply Co 20. 65 Cornelius Mrs Anna 6.00 Courtright Groc 32.34 Cowton Coal Co 58.30 Crowell Maude 6.00 Cramming Anna K 10.00 Cummings Groc 5.00 Cushing Groc 7.10 8.26 Davis .Tohn 1.75 Davis Mrs Tom 16.00 DeBacker Dr L T 51.00 Deep Laid Store 90.98 Dickerson Drug Co 12.45 Dixon Dr Mabel 1.00 Dom.iny Co C M 21.00 Economy Groc 9.33 Eckhardt Groc 66.87 Egen Dr L F 1.00 Ei schen Groc 100.40 Evans Groc 47.70 Farmers Union Groc 78.78 Feese Dr T P 3.00 Fergus Storage & Transfer 1.50 Finks Shoe Store 5.25 Fisher Groc 37.01 Food Center Groc 126.60 Foote Dr E C 227.50 Foote Oil Co Wendell 6.10 Gaston Musi c & Furniture Co 1.50 Giese Nellie 53.50 Gilmore Mrs T C 16.00 E. SERF PRINTING CO HASTINGS. NEBR Hagman Hahne Gripe Hemberger Hardt Drug Ham Hastings Credit Bureau Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Fuel Co Hastings Room Hastings Typewriter Co Co UPERVISOR'S RECORD O. 13 Hyland Farmers Union. Haynes Bros Hea.sley Groc Fred C Elsie William 10.00 25.2'? 16.00 5.10 5.00 2.00 83.96 7 . 34 81. 57 6.00 6.00 6.20 9.54 1.00 HS/12ReiEg2 Groc 15. 36 g.11. Herbst Groc Henry 29.74 Higenbotham 0 E 14.00 Hines W B 15.00 Hoffman Alb ert 2.40 Holmes Dr K L 6.00 Home Dairy - 30.73 Hopper Dr A B 5.00 Hunter Earl L 5.00 johnson Dorothy 6.00 Tohnson Mrs Fred 20.00 Tones Drug Co # 1 22.72 Tones Groc Carl 28.36 JG 63.84 Tones, Co Clerk T W 57.91 Juniata Grain & Livestock Assn 38.15 Juniata Lbr Co 51.15 Kaufs Union Market 49.80 Kendall Kendig Groc Mrs ()kid ey 3392..0406 Kenesaw Grain Co 11.25 Kernans Shoe Co 5.00 Kidder Dr C E 18 . 50 tt 5.00 Kingsley Dr D W 107 . 50 Ko ch Mrs Carl 7.50 Ko epke Mrs Carl 8.00 Ki ssl er Groc 23.25 Krick Donald 30.00 Lai rd Goal Co 66.31 Latta Dr E r 3.00 Lawson Hdw Co C K 2.77 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co 1? 5. 65 5.65 ?? 2.75 4.65 10.25 ft 15.35 Lippincott Oil Co 5.85 Loveland Groc 26.77 Lowman Co WM 12.50 Lundeen Bernice 10.00 Lux Cash Groc 46.49 Lynch Drug Co 24.49 McCall Mrs Ralph 15.00 McDowell Groc 16.16 McGrath Hdw Co 2.94 MacCashlan.d Dr A T 19.00 Madgett Bros 45.00 Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital 179.00 Mid State Creamery 34.06 Mikkelsen Dru.g Co 40.99 Miller Groc 40.83 Naggatz Vida 5.16 Nelson Herbert 14.00 Newkirk Dariy 2.48 Nev&irk & Salisbury Groc 19.00 Parsons Oil Co 14.45 Pauley Lbr Co 44.24 Pauline Grain Co 4.50 Penney Co Inc 3 C 81.94 t? 4.47 Pinney Dr George L 3.00 ft ft 46.50 Polio ck Tames 13.52 Producers Dairy 39 . 65 Pull en Mary 5.00 Queen City Laundry 7.76 Railway Express Agency .50 488 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR. Safeway Store Sanborn Schroeder Shaw ft Sheeley Groc Sherman Sidles Co Silvey Lbr Co Smith Spicer Spicknall Stark Steward Stitt St John Stop 80 Shop Groc Sunnyside Inc Swanson Table Supply Groc Taggart it Thaut Shoe Shop Thomas Ti etg en Tinders Groc Topaz Dairy Tracy Trading Post Trausch Groc Trausch Uridil Walker Walker Groc Wanzer Groc Wary Groc Watsons Second Store Western Union Whi sinand Groc Whitcraft Wideners Groc Wiegman Groc Williams Winter Est Wolfe Groc Yost Dairy Yost Li lib Co Yost Lumber Co Motion by 'haw, seconded by Foote, A.m. Motion carri=d. Board adjo Mrs J'P Harry Dr W L J A Ben DrAA Dr C R WC Mrs Clyde Sam E Therese Dr L A Bernice f4 E A Margaret Roy Geo Peter Dr J E Conrad Mrs Dorothea Arthur H 103.81 16.00 10.00 3.00 51.50 62.14 2.45 3.93 11.60 50.00 26.50 7.00 1.00 2.25 67.50 10.00 15.90 32.30 31.00 35.00 22.54 10.28 85.00 4.05 9.00 3.00 30.51 44.90 2.10 117.12 98.99 12.50 70.00 3.00 31.20 5.00 10.00 3.00 1.00 65.61 18.00 20.26 37.10 2.24 7.00 35.16 2.32 75.68 4.35 hat this board now adjourn to meet again on Monday, May 6th, 1940 at 9 0 clock ed. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Monday, May 6, 1940. 9 o'clock A.M. 7 _i2,___ Chairman. Regular sleeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of April 6, 1940. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Berg, Carter, Foote, Goble, Harm, Eohlen and Shaw. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Foote, seconded by Shaw, that the petition of James E. Addie Guardian of Carl E. Johnson an insane person be approved and that the chairman be authorized to sign the formal approval. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Him, seconded by Carter, that the auditors report for 1939 be approved and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Berg, Deeds be placed Motion by Foote, call, all voted seconded by Shaw, that the first quarterly report of the on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Subdivision of seconded by Hoblen, that we sell Lot 6, Eaglebright's / aye. Motion carried. County Clerk, Sheriff and Register of Parts of Lots 7 & 8 Grosse' s Addition to X. Harold Cowan for $125.00. Roll UPERVISaR R 13 489' O. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEER voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Carter, seconded by Berg, that we approve $5,000 Additional deposits in the Adams County Bank by the Adams County Treasurer secured by F.D.I.C. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Berg, that the County Treasurer be directed to bring action against John A. Lawler to recover personal delinquent taxes owed by him. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Harm, that the parcel of land as described in Deed Record 53, page 143, from Henry Hansen to Adams County and that we deed same to Otto Hansen for 4.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carri ed. Motion by Carter, seconded by Bohlen, that the following claim be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND. Adams County Farm Bureau $250.00 Albright Delma 36.96 Amick & Amick Dr' s 2.00 Augustin Mrs Art 6.30 Berg L A 40.00 Best Wallace 25.00 Blauch E W 4.80 Board of Education 35.00 Boggs Emmett 40.00 Bohlke, Co Judge W Halsey 39.71 Borley Storage & Transfer Co 25.00 Borw ege Wm F 75.00 Bostitch- Chi cago, Inc. 4.50 It 2.25 Brown Dr J W 2.00 Burke Vim 92. 50 Byers Lumber Co .55 Carter R C 80.00 Central Power Co 15.70 Coe M P 135.00 Coe Margaret A 31.02 C ox LaVerne A 6.30 Crowley James F 5.00 n n 5.35 Cunningham, Go Supt. Lottie E 22.05 Dailey E A 5.40 'r Elbert 12.00 Department of Health 53.50 Dill Laura C 31.02 Election Polling Places 220.00 Election Boards 1129.20 Ernstmeyer, Clerk of District Court J Fred 8.45 n n n .50 n n n 37.50 tt tt rt 28.55 Favinger Hubert F 5.40 Foote C W 75.00 Gaudreault Mere Co A J 54.75 n n 2.75 n n 13.65 n n. 4.15 Goble Tay 55.90 Grabill L W 4.95 Ground Lester 90.00 Hama George 80.00 Harrison Nursery 181.50 Hartmann Ernst 135.00 Hastings Daily Tribune 21.20 tt 190.06 Hastings Drug Go 1. 29 Hastings Mechanical Works .50 Hastings Typewriter Co 18.55 Haukenberry J B 5.55 Haynes Bros 17.86 Heath Earl S 15.00 tt rt 13.00 r► n 15.00 n tr 19.40 Bohlen y 55.00 Hynes James 4.05 K -B Printing Co 60.58 Kee Lox Mfg Co 4.23 Keith Dr W W 8.00 Kennedy C F 1.00 Klein Peter 75.14 Knudson Mrs Ted m_Rn 490 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR. Luhring Macmillan Co Maxwell McGowan. Milburn & Scott Co Norval Penney Co Rathbun Rohner & Co. Sarver Schaff ro th Shaw n Sherman Spicer Starner State Journal Printing Co Stein Theobald, Co Treas. M C 120.00 The 1.08 Sohn L 105.00 Tom 8.70 5.88 Chas 6.60 C 5.51 Claude 3.00 Percy 12.25 16.75 George 125.00 F 0 135.00 Sohn L 60.00 Leonard 85.00 Chas 6.90 Dr. C. R. 8.00 Henry 110.84 292.50 Riley 7.05 A. T. 58.03 Trausch Store Geo 4.15 Weaver Chas. 5.55~ Werning H 3.50 Western Union .36 Vilhi t e C. A. 3.90 Willits T E 6.00 Woman' s Relief Co zp s 26.49 Wood, Sheriff Worthy B 24.1-95 Woods Lester 125.00 " Mrs Lester, et e1 30.75 Woo dwo rth Lovina 131.50 Yost Lumber Co T H 75.80 Adams Co tt Alemite Co Anderson Garage Anderson A yr Twp Berta Bros Ball erg Block Blaine Twp Bomgardner Motor Co Central Power Co Christensen Clark's Service Station 8 C ottonvood Twp D -A Lubricant Co., Inc Davis Deep Rock Station Denver Twp n Dericks Duncan Dutton-Lainson Co Essinger Garage & Oil Co ROAD DRAGGING FUND. S D The Roy 2A Bruce Christ T Geo A C S Essinger T W Fairbanks Lester Goble Chas. M. " tt n Tay Ground Sohn W Hanover Twp Hardin Silvey Lbr Co Heartwell C A Highland Twp Hohl en Frederick ,r ti�t"t Inter -State Oil Co Island Supply Co .Johnson W G Soynt Cleve V Kenesaw Oil Co Kenesaw Torp 77" - � 3560.98 5259.00 31.46 26.90 69.00 45.55 46.59 42.00 90.00 104.00 62.95 60.00 20.60 1.00 6.40 28.55 38.29 46.00 184.67 37.75 10.38 71.80 7.20 1.00 2.45 68.50 12.98 4.75 1.15 42.00 38.76 17.68 75.00 18.00 50.65 9.20 174.50 121.40 72.00 75.00 72.62 3.82 105.00 94.00 124.04 50.70 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS, NEER, 491 Lincoln Road Eqpt Co Little Blue Twp Logan Twp Mikkelsen Drug Co Mort pian Nebr. Culvert & Mfg Co Nevinan Oliver Lbr Co Overy Pete' s Oil Station Phillips Petroleum Co Powers Service Station Preston Ro seland Twp Shaw Silver Lake Tvap Sime T? Sinclair Refining Co 1, tt rt tt Smith-Gaiman Mchy Co Verona Twp Wagner Service Station Wanda Tvip West Blue Tep Whitney Wilke Witt Zero Twp John Howard G Howard Darrell John L AJ Chas James Lloyd Deep Rock Station tr Essinger Garage & Oil Co Essinger Tt Evans Gaudreault Mere Co Gilmore Goble Hoffman Huckfeldt Huckfeldt Kenesaw Motor Co Kenesaw Oil Co Krull Monthey Pete's 011 Station Standard Blue Print Co et Swan son Tompkins Supply Co Amick & Amick Beavers Groc Berts Drug Buskirk Gro c Byers Lila ear Co Carper City Fuel & Feed Co Cowton Coal Co Food Center Glover sr Hahne Bros Hastings Fuel Co & M Booterie Kernan Shoe Co Lux Groc McCl eery Miller Groc Sh e el .ey Groc Trading Post Wiegman Gro e Yost Lumber Co X 7T ss ML AJ Chas M Newton C W Delmar John 0 .Albert S A SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF. Dr' s. Dorothy P earl 1f C K JH 43.15 84.70 3.30 23.10 14.1 56.00 16.55 92.00 74.24 22.48 27.44 15.00 62.50 70.00 43-75 16.45 47.90 41.25 68.09 51.87 58.54 24.24 4.00 95.50 134.5/1- 2. 64 42.64 98.50 36.30 45.00 27.00 104.00 71.50 15.19 7.60 95.80 95.80 5.20 31.83 5.55 54.00 75.40 39.00 35.81 49.50 107.57 5.43 39.00 12.00 20.46 45.24 4.82 160.00 18.94 18.00 10.50 1.75 10.00 8.10 39.00 4.10 8.20 16.50 6.00 4.40 5.50 4.10 2.45 6.90 35.50 31.50 8.00 19.00 29.50 4.00 11.70 47.90 492 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO. HASTINGS, NEBR. Hageman Hdw CO 11 Hardin Silvey Lbr Co Hynes Mul der Polenske Bros Schellak & Co Snyder Village of Blue Hill Go ersz Hoffman Holyoke x Lindgren. Nutter Rob erts 11 Starr 11 Tanner Thompson John Jo e Daniel E STATE FUNDS. 278.00 35.86 435.70 3.20 12.00 671.23 5.50 1.00 Elsa 16.12 Kathryn 85.00 Ona 8.92 1T 60.50 Ernest T 2.00 Jean 50.00 Robert Frank 50.00 $ 8.68 Esther M 50.00 3.52 Dale 40.00 Dorothy 47.68 POOR AID FUND. Adams Groc. 16.91 Amick & Amick Dr's 57.00 Aul ri ch Frank 30.00 Ayr Lumber Co 16.26 Bauer Groc Fred. 5.00 Beavers Groc 96.24 Berres Groc 12.55 Berts Drug Co 15.01 Bi -Lo Market 107.00 Bohnett W 0 25.00 Boren Dr A J 149.00 Bo rrell Mrs Lee 40.00 Bresci Filetelfo 9.00 Brooke Drug Co 21.56 Brown Dr J VJ 15.25 Bucks Bo o t eri e 2.45 Buskirk Groc 200.02 Butler J 0 5.00 Byers Lumber Co 3.12 Byers Lumber Co 43.43 Cannon Drug Co 11.35 Carson Drug Co 7.31 Cash Wa Lumber Co 13.32 Central Power Co 1.32 City Fuel & Feed 42.77 Coates Cash Groc 10.21 11 11 14.84 13.71 Colfer Dr J A 18.00 Collings Mrs M 5.00 Conrad Groc 12.02 Conway James D 2.50 Cooperative Grain & Supply Co 17.7 6 Courtright Groc 21.45 Cowton Coal Co 17.03 Cummings Groc 13.28 Cl ark Lillamae 16.00 Cole Mrs W L 18.90 Coates Groc 32.71 Cushing Co 9.48 Davis Mrs Toni 16.00 DeBacker Dr L J 42.00 Deep Laid Groc 62.47 Dickerson Drug Co 2.44 Dixon Dr Mabel 9.00 East Side Dairy 4.83 Eckhardt Carl 8.00 Eckhardt Groc 45.27 Economy Groc 5.00 Eischen Groc 81.30 71 1 l tt Dave 6.18 Evans Groc 41.75 Farmers Union Groc 78.61 Feese Dr J P 6.00 Fergus Transfer & Storage 5.50 SUPERVISOR'S R NO. 13 0. E. SERF PRINTING HASTINGS. NERR. Gilmore Mrs I C 16.00 Glover P earl 5.00 Gordon. Groc 35.88 Gray Dr 0 S 67.50 Guest Naoni e 6.50 Gull finer Dr C W 176.00 H N P Grain Co 9.7 6 Hageman Fred C 10.00 Hahne Bros Groc 23.93 Hamb erger Elsie 16.00 Harm William 5.00 Hartwig Dr C H 14.00 Hastings Credit Bureau 2.00 Hastings Fuel Co 55.93 Hastings Ice Co 6.25 Hastings Typewriter Co 3.00 3.00 22.20 Hayland Farmers Union 9.54 Haynes Bros 3.05 Heiman Groc 15.16 Hendricksen Groc 36.61 Herbst Groc Henry 33.42 Higinbotham C E 7.00 Hines W B 15.00 :: tr 15.00 Home Dairy 47.42 Hunt Dr G H 10.00 Hunter Earl L 5.00 T & M Booterie 4.90 Tohnson Dorothy 6.00 Tohnson Mrs Fred 20.00 Johnston Lee 8.00 Tones Drug Co # 1 16.93 Tones Groc Carl 28.36 Tones Groc T G 75.16 Zones, Co Clerk T W 63.00 Juniata Grain & Livestock Assn 16.45 Juniata Lumber Co 20.51 Kahman Groc 15.16 Kalifs Union Market 37.40 Kendall Mrs O akl ey 32.00 Kendig Groc 40.74 Kenesaw Grain Co 18.75 Kennedy W A 8.00 Kernan Shoe Co 7.50 Kidder Dr C E 3.00 tt 15.25 Kingsley Dr D W 2.00 Kissler Groc 21.40 Koepke Mrs Carl 8.00 Ko stal Dr 0 A 48.50 Krick Donald 30.00 Laird Coal Co 42.32 Latta Dr E T 159.50 Lawson Hdw Co C K .15 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co 2.75 8.15 sr 9.60 rr 5.65 " 5.65 'f 17.28 Livingston Bros 100.00 Lovnan & Co W M 12.50 Lundeen Bernice 10.00 Lux Cash Gioc 96.97 Lynch Drug Co 26.85 Madgett Bros 45.00 Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital. 504.70 Mattheisen Drug Co .56 May Lavern. 5.00 McCall Mrs Ralph 15.00 McDowell Groc 18.66 Midstate Creamery 25.19 Mikkelsen Drug Co 39.34 Miller Groc 39.51 Murphy Typewriter Co R E 8.25 Naggatz Vida 5.16 Nelson Herbert 4.00 Newkirk Dairy 2.32 Newkirk & Salisbury Groc 14.00 Nowers Dr W E 262.75 Oliver Lumber Co 70_g4 11 tt 494 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS, NEBR Pollock Producers Dairy Pullen away Express Agency Renner & Co Rippeteau Wallpaper & Paint Co Rogers Groc Rork Rutts Drug Co Jaanes 9.08 20.96 Mary 5.00 .50 Percy 5.75 1.85 19.25 Dr L W 15.00 68.70 sr 1.55 Safeway Store 61.59 Sanborn Mrs J P 5.33 Schlueter Lumber. Co 19.87 Schti.i er L H 1.16 Seaton Fred ;62.23 6.45 Serf Printing Co 0 E 12.75 Shaw Dr W L 55.75 Sh eel ey Gro c J A 54.06 Sherman Ben 13.58 Silvey Lumber Co 5.63 Singer Sewing Machine Co 13.29 Smith Dr A A 3.00 Tr tr 50.00 Spicknall W C 7.00 Steward Sam 2.25 Stitt Albert E 67.50 'f It 8.75 ft " 10.00 Stone Carrie 7.50 Stop & Shop Groc 27.00 Surryside, Inc. 31.00 Swanson Dr L A 135.50 Table Supply Groc 20.17 Taggart Bernice 85.00 Taggart Tr 12.9 6 Thaut Shoe Repair Shop Peter .65 Thomas Dr E A 5.00 Tinders Groc 44.08 Topaz Dd./7 50.08 Trading Post 133.36 Trausch Groc Geo 104.28 Trausch Peter 12.50 IIri dil Dr 5" E 17 6.00 Volland Funeral Home 50.00 Walker Conrad 4.28 Walker Groc 27.29 Wanzer Groc 12.62 Wary Groc K D 12.50 Weber Leo 3.00 Webster Dr H Don 20.00 Whisinand Carl V 2.50 Whi sinand Groc 63.11 ti' 'hitcraft Dorothea 25.00 Wideners Groc 33.11 Wi egman Gro c 30.60 Winter Estate Mary 7.00 Wi sanans Shoe Co 7.40 Wolfe Groc 19.85 Yost Dairy 3.68 Yost Lumber Co 37.55 Motion by Carter, seconded by Foote, that the application of Menor Kent and Maude McKean for Mothers pension be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Shaw, that this board now adjourn to meet again on June 6th, 1941. Motion carried. Board adjourned ounty Clerk. �.c . E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEER. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Thursday, June 6, 1940. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met Chairman, presiding. as per adjournment of May 6, 1940. Jay Goble, Roll call, all members present: Berg, Carter, Foote, Goble, Ham, Hohlen and Shaw. Minutes of last meeting were read and appxv. ed. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Berg, that the bond of E. H. Human justice of Peace Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by caused by Motion by all voted in Hanover Twp. be approved. Foote, seconded by Har., that we appoint Fred 0. Schaffroth to fill the vacancy as County Assessor the death of A. K. Deffenbaugh. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Ham, seconded by Foote, that the bond of Fred 0. Schaffroth., County Assessor, be approved. Roll calf. aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Carter, tthat we approve the appointment of Lovina Woodworth Assessor for the year 1940. Rall call, all voted" aye. Motion carried. as Deputy County Motion by Carter, seconded by Shaw, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds .and the clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Farm Bureau Adams County Voice Adams County Voice .Albright Augustine Co Ball B erg Binderup Hdw Co Bivens Blomenkamp Boggs Breck' s Jewelry Store Brooke & Son Brow. Burroughs Adding Machine Co Byers Lumber So Carl's Cafe Carper Carter Carter Central Power Co City Water & Light Dept City Water & Light Dept Cling Coblentz Millwork Go e Cox Cunningham Dailey Davidson Floral Co Democrat Printing Co tt Ernstmeyer, Clerk of District Court tr Favinger Foote fl Gartner Gaudr. eats}. t Mere Co Goble Ground Harm Haim Hartmann Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co Haynes Bros Heath tt Hoagland Hohlen rt Hughes, Register of Deeds Jaden Jaden Joh Keith Kenesaw Telephone Co Kennedy Klein GENERAL FUND. Delma The Viola L A George Alfri eda Etrmett Dr J W Dorothy R C RG F 0 G E MP LaVerne A Lottie E E A J Fred rr HF' C W tt Hexmen AJ Jay Lester George tt Ernst Earl rr tt S G V,n Forrest L D Fred George W VI CF PPi:car $$250.00 13.10 3.00 60.00 3.90 6.05 45.00 29.69 230.00 1.25 60.00 3.50 .70 13.25 37.15 .45 13.10 39.00 70.00 50.00 13.41 66./11 58.45 250.00 2.50 125.00 1.40 20.80 27.00 1.00 4.00 60.95 59.00 132.80 200.00 70.00 50.00 4.50 21.10 60.75 80.00 70.00 50.00 65.00 25.40 31.00 55.35 31.25 13.00 30.00 130.00 60.00 66.00 9.45 18.00 3.00 175.00 35.00 2.90 1.00 496 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 1.3 O SERF PRINTING CO. HASTINGS. NEBR. Lau Lincoln Tel & Telg Co Lynch Maxwell Milburn & Scott Co Mill er Monroe Calculating Machine Co tt Luella RG Sohn L Benton 78.00 71.05 3.45 95.00 7.13 135.00 28.00 18.00 Moore 1.60 Mortgage Investment Co 46.88 Parker Floyd 205.00 Penney Co S 0 4.21 Pittz Mrs Peter 3.90 Prawl Carl 33.90 tt 5.00 it 5.00 tt tt 5.00 Radley C L 87.00 Remington Rand Inc 2.25 Renner & Co Percy 14.50 Reynolds G M 24.74 Rutherford Bros .45 Sarver Geo 125.00 Schaffroth F 0 115.00 Schiffl er Abraham 150.04 Serf Printing Co 0 E 92.75 Sergeant Lucy 3.00 Shaw Sohn L 50.00 Steele-Ellerbrock Ins. Agency 79.49 Tax. 80 .50 Theobald, Co Trees A S 23.29 Topp Floral Co A C 3.75 tt tt 10.75 Trausch Geo 2.25 Tru Vue Inc 24.96 Walker Groc Conrad 7.95 Werning H 1.40 Western Union Telegraph 1.87 Whitaker C H 205.00 Wicker Martha M 2.00 tt I 4.00 Willits S E 15.00 Wood, Sheriff Worthy B 161.29 Woodworth Lovina 131.00 tt tt Mrs W T Adams Groc Amick & Amick Aulrich Ayr Lumber Co Bauer Groc Beavers Groc Berts Drug Co Bi Lo Market Binderup Hdw Co Bonnett Boren Borrell Brach's Inc tt Bresci Brillhart Brooke Drug Co Brown Brown Buskirk Groc Butler Cannon Drug Co Carson Drug Co Central Power Co tt City Fuel & Feed City Water & Light tt Clark Coates Cash Groc Coates Groc Cole Collings Conrad Groc Conway Cooperative Grain & Supply Co Courtright Groc Cummings Groc Cushing Co Davi s Davis POOR AID FUND. 8.66 Dr's 32.00 Frank 10.00 1.06 Fred 5.00 44.68 28.91 125.26 1.75 W C 25.00 Dr A S 3.00 " 1.00 Mrs Lee 40.00 5.00 19.50 Fil etelfo 9.00 DrGL 1.00 18.82 Dr S W 16.00 Mrs Sarah 4.00 184.17 S C 5.00 14.92 24. 60 3.48 1.04 4. 61 1.25 1.25 Lillamae 8.00 11. 47 40 68 Mrs W L 20.40 Mrs M 5.00 17.89 James 2.50 4.12 13.90 18.85 21.28 Belle 4.00 Mi -'c Mnm 1P nn 497 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS, NEBR. Eckhardt Groc 53.34 Economia Groc 12.70 Egen Dr L F 7.00 Ei schen Groc 63.20 Elliott Dave 4.12 Evans Fred. 1.60' Evans Groc 27.02. Farmers Union Gies 68.82 Fergus Transfer & Storage 4.50 Ferguson Mrs 0 E 17.00 Fisher Gros 21.80 Food Center Groc 149.35 Foote Dr E C 150.50 Gaudreault Merc Co A J 3.64 Gi +ese Nellie 147.70 Gilmore Mrs J 0 16.00 Gordon Groc 6.50 Guest Naomie 6.50 Gull dner DrGy1 77. HNP Grain Co 2.44 Hageman Fred. C 10.00 Hahne Bros Groc 44.72 Hamberger Elsie 16.00 Harm William 5.00 Hastings Credit Bureau 2.00 Hastings Fuel Co 11.16 Hastings Ice Co 25.00 Hastings Rooms 2.50 Hastings Typewriter Co 55.50 11 t, 12.50 3.00 Hayland Farmers Union 9.54 Heasley Groc 19.69 Hendri cksen Grape 39.16 Herbst Groc Henry 31.90 Higenbotham C E 7.00 Hines W B 15.00 Hohnstein Service Station .50 Home Dairy 53.81 Hopper Dr A B 10.00 Hotchkiss Mrs A J 20.00 Hunt Dr 0- H 12.00 Hunter Earl L 5.00 Itzkowitz & Sons M 70.00 Johnston Lena 8.00 Johnson Dorothy 6.00 Johnson Mrs Fred 20.00 Sones Drug Co # 1 20.52 Jones Drug Co # 2 14.73 Jones, Co Clerk T W 20.52`: Jones Groc Carl 28.36 Sones Groc J G 7 6. 61 Juniata Grain & Livestock Assn 2.10 Juniata Lumber Co .66 Kaman Groc 8. Kauf Union Market 44.37 Kendall Mrs Oakley 32.00 Kendig Groc 34.78 Kenesaw Grain Co 7.50 Kernan Shoe Co 7.45 Kidder Dr C E 20.50 Kingsley Dr D W 18.50 KisslerGroc 28.92 Koepke Mrs Carl 8.00 Ko stat. Dr 0 A 57.50 K ri ck Donald 30.00 Laird Coal Co 9.93 Latta Dr E J 59.75 Lawson Hdw Co .50 L epl ey Floyd 8.00 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co 16.65 5.80 8.45 tr it 5.65 ss 5.65 2.75 Lippincott Oil Co 2.93 Livingston Bros 50.00 Lowman Co W M 12.50 Lundeen Bernice 10.00 Lux Cash Groc 84.82 Lynch Drug Co 33.64 Mace Dr J L 34.00 Madgett Bros 45.00 Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital 263.39 Matthiesen Drug Co 3.07 McCall Mrs Ralph 15.00 McDowell Groc 9.91 Mikkelsen Drug Co 25.16 498 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR Oliver Lumber Co 2.94 it 38.67 Penney Co 3 C 26.99 Pierce Mrs May 6.00 Pinney Dr G L 16.00 Poliock Seines 2.36 Pullen Mary 5.00 Railway Express Agency .50 Rogers Groc 22.40 Rork Dr L W 5.00 Rosenau Dr A B _ 25.50 Rutts Drug Store 30.44 n 26.72 Safeway Groc 33.06 Schlueter Lumber Co 15.69 Seaton Fred A 4.91 n " 57.32 Shaw Dr W L 20.00 Sheel ey Groc I A 65.03 Sherman Ben 3.84 Sidwell Dr L T 2.00 Si ekrran L T 7.50 Skaggs Groc 0 P 123.28 Smith Dr A A 9.50 Spicer Dr C R 19.50 Spicknall W C 7.00 Stein Co Lawrence M 3.01 Steward Sam 2.25 Stitt Albert E 10.00 rr n 67.50 Stop & Shop Groc 30.28 Stromer Anna 2.57 Summers Floyd 6.00 Sunnyside, Inc 34.90 Swanson Dr L A 45.00 n f' 3.00 Table Supply Groc 22.08 Taggart Bernice 12.80 " " 85.00 Thaut Shoe Repair Peter 3.45 Thomas Dr E A 7.00 Tinders Groc 33.46 Topaz Dairy 80.34 Trading Post 96.47 Trausch Groc George 118.44 Uridil Dr S E 240.00 Walker Groc 27.28 Wanzer G toc 19.47 Wary Groc 12.50 Weber Leo 3.00 Whi sinarid Groc 82.20 Whitcraft Mrs Dorothea 25.00 Widmaier Groc 0 E 10.00 Wiegman Groc 33.25 Winter Estate Mary 7.00 Wi semen Sho e Co 5.00 Wolfe Groc 20.84 Woolworths 1.75 Yost Dairy 1.20 • .Ayr Lumber Co Brunken Cain 01atte Coleman Coutts Eigenb erg Frick e Gob l e Hardin Silvey Lbr Co Island Supply Co Krueger Mulder Oliver Lumber Co Polenske Bros Schellak & Co Rad]. ey Swanson Gravel Co Wheeler Lumber & Bridge Sup Co Go ersz Hoffman Holyoke ,r Lindgren Nutter BRIDGE FUND. Tacob Mutt Russel SL L eonard RH .Alfred Chas M Hugo To e C L STATE FUNDS. Elsa Kathryn Ona ft Ernest T Tean 217.51 17.00 104.00 4.00 3.00 13.50 6.00 17.50 28.19 23.10 3.50 13.50 12.00 230.32 2.03 67.85 20.70 1074.80 14.24 85.00 60.50 12.88 2.00 50.00 13 499 SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS. Beavers Gro c 13.00 Buskirk Groc 17.50 Coney Island. Cafe 8.00 Food Center 12.00 Hahne Bros 15.00 Home Dairy 3.05 Juni ata Lumber Co 4.10 Lux Groc 28.00 Maple Hotel 5.00 Millers Groc 13.00 Oliver Lumber Co 4.10 Rodgers Groc 5.00 Safeway Store # 1 16.00 Sheeley Groc 15.00 Trading Post 22.00 Whi sinand Groc 8.00 Wiegman Groc 18.00 SOLDIERS & SAILORS REGI�k" COUNTY FAIR FUND. Adams Co Ag ri c Society 475.00 ROAD DRIAGGING FUND. Adams Co J D 58.67 Alemite Co 10.04 Andersen Garage 48.50 Anderson Roy 48.00 Ayr Lumber Co 54.11 Ayr Twp 18.70 Berg L A 85.00 Bittfield Edwin 12.00 Blaine Twp 23.50 Block Bruce 104.00 Brandes Co F H 225.49 Brown Service 15.50 Busboom 0 H 14.00 Central Power Co 1.00 City Water & Light Dept 9.86 tt 5.31 Clark J A 1.87 Clark, s Service Station 15.50 tt 25.36 Cottonwood Twp 23.80 D -A Lubricant Co . , Inc 36.14 Decker & Son 1.15 Deep Rock Station 93.27 Denver Twp 19.00 D eri ck s 1.50 Dutton-Lainson Co 26.94 Essinger Garage & Oil Co 128.50 n 54.72 Fairbanks Lester 28.00 Farmers Union Gas & Oil Co 47.84 Fielder D B 7.00 Frerichs H W 6.80 Gilmore Itn 75.00 Goble Chas M 14.73 It ,, 18.26 Goble Jay 75.00 Grothen Raymond. d 18.00 Hanover Twp 25.00 Hastings Typewriter Co 18.75 Heartwell C A 132.00 Highland Twp 16.30 Hill & Son Impl Co F L 3.80 Hoggatt J L 3.50 Hoh1 en Fredri ck 88.00 Hotel en Viten 65.00 Hubbard E P 5.00 Huckfeldt C W 57.97 f ` Delmar 75.00 Jaden Fred 1. 50 Jones & Son T W 7.60 Jo ynt Cleve 10 6.00 Juniata Twp 57.60 Katzberg Tire Service 69.65 Kenesaw Motor Co 20.18 Kenesaw Oil Co 274.17 tt 92.09 Kenesaw Twp 21.50 Kistler D G 20.40 Kluver Sohn 108x00 Koch Perle 104.00 " Ray 72.00 Kroblen Floyd H 7.50 Kruli sh Battery & Flee Service 2.90 Lilley _ Ed 250.80 500 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR. Mohlman N.Itional Refining Co Newman Oliver Lumber Co Overy Pete' s OilStation Powers Service Station Preston Ri of Roeder Roseland Twp Schmidt Schulz Shaw Silver Lake Twp Sinclair Refining 0o John Howard Howard Darrell Edward Herbert 82.93 26.17 104.00 1.00 96.00 143.69 26.75 72.00 1.00 63.00 36.10 Harry 8.90 Marvin 60.00 John L 80.00 64.00 69.80 tt 52.86 Stainer Henry 1.50 Standard Oil Co 25.58 Tompkins Supply Co 26.86 WFiem ers Service Station 317.67 Wen da Twp 12.10 Wei denkell er Conrad 3.50 West Blue Twp 36.40 Wilke Janes 51.00 Witt Lloyd 104.00 Wynn Vincent 6.75 Zero Twp 48.70 Brach's Inc Clark's Service Station Essinger Garage & Oil Co tt Evans Gobl e Pete's Oil Station Placke it Sime Swanson W P A ROAD FUND. 1.14 7.43 4.80 26.10 M L 28.08 Chas M 113.61 8.83 Frank 30.00 63.60 A J 63.60 S A 160.00 Motion by Berg, seconded by Shaw, that the application of Dora Ockinga and Bertha Myers for Mother' s Pension be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. M6tion by Berg, seconded by Shaw, t Motion carried. , =o rd adjourned. at this board now adjourn to meet again on July 6th,, 1940.at 9 o'clock A.M Chap. urian. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEM. Tuesday, June 11, 1940. 9 o'clock a. N. The Adams County Board of Supervisors together with the County Clerk and County Assessor met as a Board of Equalization. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Berg, Carter, I'oote, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, Shaw, Schaffroth, Jones absent. At 5 o'clock P. M. the board recessed until June 12, 1940 at 9 O'clock A. M. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR:" ieednesday, June 12, 1940, 9 o'clock A. M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors together with the County Clerk and County Assessor met as a Board of Equalization. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Berg, Carter, Foote, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, Shaw and Schaffrohh. Jones absent. Motion by Carter, seconded by Foote, that the personal property of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad be assessed at :378,565.00 Roll call, all voted aye. notion carried. Notion by Harm, seconded by Berg, that the personal property of the Stanolind Pipe Line Co. be assessed at $52,000.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Shaw, that the personal property of the Nebraska iatural Gas Co, be assessed at $109,000.00. Roll call, all voted aye. lotion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Berg, that the personal property of the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Co, be assessed at $238,400.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Hohlen, that the personal property of the John Deere Plow Co. be assessed at $3,000.00. Roll call , all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Berg, that the personal property of the Gamble Store be assessed at $7,700.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by berg, seconded by Shaw, that the personal property of the Hastings Livestock Sales Co. be assessed at "3,000.00. Roll call, all voted aye. =lotion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Harm, that the personal propertyof the Nebraska Livestock Sales Co. be assessed at $3,500.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by Carter, that the personal property of Rested Store be assessed at $23,220.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Foote, that the personal property of F. Jaden Manufacturing Co. be assessed at $35,000.00. Roll cell, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion: by Harm, seconded by Berg, that the personal property of the Nebraska Consolidated Mills Co. be assessed at $58,950.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Mc*ion by Shaw, seconded by Berg, that the personal property of The I'olenske Bros. Schellak Co. be assessed at $10,600.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Notion by Hohlen, seconded by Harm, that the personal property of Safeway Store # 1 be assessed at $8,100.00 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Foote, that the personal property of the Topaz Dairy be assessed at $6,100.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock P.M. the board recessed until June 13, 1940, 9 o'clock A. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Thursday, June 13, 1940. 9 o'clock A. M. The Adams County .Board of Supervisors met as per recess of June 12, 1940. Roll call, members present: Berg, Carter, Foote, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, Shaw and Schaffroth. Jones Absent. Motion by Harm, seconded by Shaw, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION. BE IT RESOLVED by the Adams County Board of Equalization at a regular session in the Court House,at Hastings, Nebraska, on this 13 day of June, 1940, that from an examination of the assessment of real estate in Adams County and from an investigation of the actual value of real estate in Adams County, it appears that the real estate in Adams County outside of the corporate limits of cities and villages is assessed at approximately 20% more than its actual value which by law and particularly Section 77-201 C. S. 1929 is the basis of valuation and that the assessment of real estate in the corporate limits of cities and villages is assessed at approximately 10c' above such actual valuation, and in order to do justice and in obedience to the law above mentioned, it is hereby ordered that all real estate valuations in the County of Adams outside of the corporate limits of cities and villages be, and it hereby is, reduced 20%, and that all real estate in Adams County, Nebraska, within the limits of any city or village be, and it hereby is, reduced 10%. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shan, seconded by Berg, that the personal property of the Hastings Fuel Co. be assessed at $5,160.00. Roll cell, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by•Harm, seconded by Carter, that the personal property of the S. S. Kresge's Co. be_ assessed at $11,000.00. 502 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O. E. SERE PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Saturday, June 15, 1940. 9 o'clock A. m. Adams County Board of Equalization met as per recess of June 14, 1940. Roll call, members present: Berg, Carter, Foote, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, Shaw and Schaffroth. Jones Absent. Motion by Harm, seconded by Berg, that the personal property of F. U Woolworth Co. be assessed at $25,000.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Carter, seconded by Shaw, that the personal property of J. C. Penney Co. be assessed at $15,915.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by Hohlen, that the personal property of Swift & Co. be assessed at $10,600.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock P. M. this board recessed until June 18th, 1940, at 9 o'clock A. M. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Tuesday, June 18, 1940. 9 o'clock A. M. Adams County Board of Equalization met as per recess of June 15, 1940. Roll call, members present: Berg, Carter, Foote, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, Shaw and Schaffroth. Jones absent. At 5 o'clock P. M. this board recessed until June 19th, 1940. at 9 o'clock a. rv. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Wednesday, June 19, 1940. 9 o'clock A. . The Adams County Board of Equalization met as per recess of June 18, 1940. Roll call, members present: Berg, Carter, Foote, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, Shaw and Schaffroth. Jones Absent. Motion by Berg, seconded by Shaw, that the personal property of A►rvanette Cafe be assessed at $1200.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded br tthat the improvements on Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 22, Original Town, City of Hastings, be assessed at $12, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock P. M. this board rece•'until June 21, 1940 at 9 o'clock A. M. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Friday, June 21, 1940. 9 o'clock A. Vii. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of June 19, 1940. Roll call, members present: Berg, Carter, Foote, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, Shaw and Schaffroth. Jones Absent. Motion by Foote, seconded by Carter, that the improvements on Lot Twenty-two (22), and East 10' of Lot Twenty-three (23) James Sub Division of Block One (1) James Addition to the City,of Hastings, be assessed at $600.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried.,*. Motion by Harm, seconded by Carter, that the request to lower the following Real Estate be not granted and remain the same, to -wit: Lot 4, Block 2 Birdsall' s Addition;'- S1 Lot 5 and 6, Block 4, Johnson's Addition;'t- E 47 ft of W 144 ft, Lot 11, except W 1 ft of N 65 ft, Block 1, Bellangee's Addition; Lots 3 and 4, Block 5, Sewell's Additio-i, E 45 ft Lot 7, Block 5, Bellangee's 2nd addition; - Sz Lot 2 and all Lot 3, Block 21, St Joseph addition,`: Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, Cleland's Addition; - Lot 3, Dietrichs Bub Division of Block 6, Bellangee's 2nd Addition.` 62 ft S of N 40 ft El Block 2, Alexander's First Add.; - Lot 3 to 6 Block 8, 2nd Addition to Kenesaw.41tRoll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. -Met3:ea by-Feabe, eeeeftded by Cantel that tile-imiarevemehte ez* Let 223 axd1--e -Let- 23; Janes- Rb-Divisi:eR of leek Gae James Addtiefr te-tRe City e# Haet urge, be aeeeeeed at b88. GG: Reil eal ; all--veted--ayel- getio-R-saPpled . Notion by Harm, seconded by Foote, that the request to lower the following Real Estate be not granted and remain the same, to -nit: NiLot 6, W 24' of N1 Lot 5, Block 4, Johnson's Addition¢- N 50 ft Lot 16, Block 3, Haire's Addition,& SA. of Lot 10, Shutt's Sub -Division of Block 9, McIntyres Addition' - 'r2 of Lot 7, Block 5, Webster & Wemple' s Add. ; - N 20' of Lot 10, South 1 Lot 11, Block 2, Webster & Wemple's Add.G; - E 50' of tiff 150' Ex N 30' for Str. of Block 8, Eastwood's addition:14= Lot 152, Campbell's Add.; - Lots 5 & 6 Block 10, Thompson's Addition.( Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Carter, that the request to lower Real Estate Ex W 72' of Lot 1, Fountain's Add. be not granted and remain the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Block 2 Motion by Harm, seconded by Foote, that the request to lower Real Estate Lots 49- 52aABungalow Add. be not granted and reamin the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by -Carter, that the request to lower real estate Lot 1, Block 4, West Lawn Addition be not granted and reamin the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. o Motion by Foote, seconded by Carter, that the request to lower Lot 6,Block 7 , Bellangee's Third Addition, be not granted and remain the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by Carter, that the request to lower Real Estate Lots 4 and 5, Block 19, Johnson's Add. be not granted and remain the same. Roll call, all voted aye. 'Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Harm., that the request to lower Heal Estate N 50' of S 100' Lot 5, Block 4, College Additionnbe not granted and remain the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. PER eeee- NO. 1.3 0. E. SERF PRINTING CO" HASTINGS, NEBR. 503 Motion by Harm, seconded by Foote, that the request to lower Real Estate Lot 12, Block 9, Lewis Sub of Lewis Sub to the City of Hastings, be not granted and remain the same. Roll call, All voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, City of Hastings Motion by Foote, College Addition carried. Motion by Foote, City of Hastings seconded by Carter, that the Improvements Si of Lot 11, Block 5, Webster & kemple s Add to the be assessed at $1400. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. ?Ic seconded by harm, that the request to lower Real Estate on E 50 ft and W 50 ft Lot 7, Block 4e, to the City of Hastings be not granted and remain the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion 06 seconded by Harm, that the request to lower Real Estate Lot 8, Block 4, Rillside'Add. to the be not granted and remain the same. Rollcall, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Berg, that the request to lower Real Estate Lot 9, McFarland's Add to the City of Hastings be not granted and remain the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by Berg, that the request to lower Real Estate N 42 ft Lots 13, 14 & 15, Block 12, Original Town e not granted and remain the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Carter, seconded by Foote, that the request to lower Real Estate N 40 ft of So. 50 ft of Lot 7, Block 3, Haire's Add. to the city of Hastings be not granted and remain the same. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Carter, that the request to lower Real Estate N 56' of Lot 1, Block 1, 1ebster's to the City of Hastings be not granted and remain the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Add. Motion by Berea seconded by Hohlen, that the request to lower Real Estate Lots 17, 18 & 4 Lot 19, Block 19, Johnson's Addity of Hastings be not granted and remain the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Carter, seconded by harm, that the request to lower Real Estate Lot 11, Block 7, Johnson's Add. to the City of Hastings be not granted and remain the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Carter, seconded by Harm, that the Improvements on Lot 8, block 4, College Addition be assessed at $114.04 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Bohlen that the improvements and land on Lot 7, Block 9, Lying 5 100' S of RR, - Lot 6 & 8, Block 9, Cottage hone Add., Ex RR Lot 3 to 11 Block 10, Pt Lot 1 & 2 Block 11, Lot 3 to 11 Block 11, Block 14, Block 15, Ex RR Blk 16, Cottage Hone Addition'1 assessed at $1145. Roll call, all voted aye. :Motion carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Foote, that the improvements on Lot 2, Raymond's Sub Div of W 2/3 of Lots 2 & 5 ,cA Haire's Sub"te assessed at $1050. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Hohlen, that the Improvements on Lot 3, Rayniond's Sub Div of W 2/3 of Lots 2 & 5, Haire's SubPbe assessed at $1250. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Harm, that the request to lower Real Estate Lots 8 & 9, Block 22, Original Town be not granted and remain the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Carter, seconded by Shaw, that the request to lower Real Estate Lots 7 & 8, Block 29, Original Town be not granted and remain the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Carter, seconded by -Foote, that the improvements on N 57 ft Lot 13, Block 3, uswells Addition be we' assessed at $1700. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Carter, that the improvements on Lot 2, Block 2, Chick's Addition be assessed at ;1350.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. ei4 Motion by Carter, seconded by Harm, that the impravemnnts on Lot 10, block 3, Johnson's Addition be assessed at $1500.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. ee et. Motion by Berg, seconded by 6thaw, that the improvements on Lot 7, E 8, Oliver's Addition be assessed at '',6500. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by berg, that the request to lower Real Estate A tract 300 ft square which is a part of the .E4 of SE}; Sec 11, Township 7, /lenge leCity of Hastings be not granted and remain the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by berg, that the land El SES Denver Twp, Section 8 Township 7, Range 10 be assessed v< at 0200. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Sham, seconded by lam, that the request to lower Real Estate NW2 &NWle Slid; 35-6-10 Ayr Township, SW :e SWk. 35T6710 Ayr Township' be not granted and remain the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Berg, that the land NW 4 NEI; (Ex Road) & E NW 5-5-9, Little Blue Township be assessed at $3200. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. et Motion by Berg, seconded by bhaw, that the request to lower Real Estate Wl of 20-7-11 Juniata Tranship be not granted and remain the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by Hohlen, that the stock of the Hested Store, City of Hastings remain the same as 1939. Roll call, ayes, Berg, Carter, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, Shaw and Scnaffroth. Nayes, Foote. Motion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Shaw, that W. A. Cole personal property schedule be assessed at $39,685.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock P. M. this board now recess until June 27th, 1940. at 8 o'clock A. M. 504 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEER COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Thursday, Tune 27,1940. 9 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of' Supervisors met together with the County Clerk and County Assessor as a Board of Equalizat- ion as per recess of Tune 21, 1940. Roll call, members present: Berg, Carter, Foote, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, Shaw and Schaffroth. Tones absent. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Berg, that the lend Vi N N* Sid 35-6-10, and Sim S 35-6-10 be assessed at $5090.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Carter, that the intangible "B" of W. A. Cole be assessed at $33,569.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock P.M. this board recessed until June 28th, 1940 at 9 o'clock A.M. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Friday, June 28, 1940. 9 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met together with the County Clerk and County Assessor as a Board of Equa3,izatian as per recess of Tune 27, 1940. Roll call, members present: Berg, Carter, Foote, Goble, Harm, Hobien, Shaw and Schaffroth. Jones Absent. At 3:15 o'clock P.M. Roscoe Hewitt appeared before the Board of Equalization, the date set for hearing, in con- ofimity with the Home Owners Loan requesting the various properties to be lowered to the amounts listed in his complaints of properties as listed on Tune 21st, 1940,meeting. No further action wax taken by the Board - leaving the assessment the same as of 1939. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Carter, that the personal property schedule of J. C. Penney Co be assessed at $15,840.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion earried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Berg, that the personal property schedule of Safeway Store be assessed at $7,325.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Carter, seconded by Shaw, that the personal property schedule of Swift & Co be assessed at $"10,000.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Foote, that the personal property schedule of Arvanette Cafe be assessed at $1200.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded. by Berg, that the personal property schedule of Gambles Store be assessed at $7,400.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Carter, that the personal property schedule of the Nebraska Livestock Sales Co. be assessed at $3,000.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Berg, that the personal property schedule of the Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. be assessed at $233,078.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Carter, that the personal property of the Topaz Dairy be assessed at $5,000.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion. by Hohlen, seconded by Berg, that the improvements on lots 113-118 Juniata Village be assessed at $260.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Harm, that the personal property schedule of the Hastings Livestock Sales Co be assessed at $3,000.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Berg, that the improvements of Lots 8 and 9, Block 22, Original Town, City of Hastings, be assessed at $11,400.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. <, Motion by Foote, seconded by Ham, that the improvements of Lots 7 and lot 8, Oliver's Addition, City of Hastings, be assessed at $5955.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. g= Motion by Foote, seconded by Carter, that the C. B. & Q R. R. Co. be assessedat $354,725.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Hohlen, that the improvements on lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 22, Original Town be crL' assessed at 020,000.00. Roll call, Ayes, Berg, Carter, Foote, Goble, Hoblen, Shaw and Schaffroth. Hayes, Harm. `Motion carried. At 5 o'clock the board adjourned subject to the call of the County Clerk. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NH.3RASfCA. Wednesday, August 14, 1940. 9 o' clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors together. with the County Clerk and County Assessor met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of Tune 28, 1940. Roll call, allmembers present: Berg, Carter, Foote, Goble, Haim, Hohlen, Shaw, Schaffroth and Tones. Motion by Foote, seconded by Carter, that Whereas, the assessed valuation of Adams County for the year 1940, as equalized by this board and accepted and approved by the State Board of Equalization are now ready to fix a levy upon same, that we proceed to fix a levy on said valuation in each sub -division be as follows, to -wit: 5U5 UPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 Adams County Levy. As based on estimates by the Board at their statutory meeting held in January, 1940. General _ - - - 1. 50 Bridge .02 County------------------------------------------------------------------.07 Soldiers & Sailors- - - - - - - .09 Mothers Pension - - - - .10 Poor Aid 1.50 Unemployment Relief - - - 1.00; Care of insane as required by law .43 City and Village Levies. As based on tax certificate in the office of the County Clerk by the City and Village Clerks. City of Hastings Juniata Village - - Kenesaw Village Ayr Village Roseland Village Holstein Village - - Prosser Village - - Trumbull Village 14.20 8.50 12.00 2.00 20 60 6.00 8.00 7.00 Township Levies. As based on tax certificates filed in the office of the County Clerk by the various township clerks showing amount voted to be raised by taxation: West Blue Township Highland Township - Verona Township - Kenesaw Township - - Vanda Township Juniata Township Denver Township - - Blaine Township Hanover Township Ayr Township - - - Ro sel and Township Cottonwood Township - Logan Township Silver Lake Township Zero Township Little Blue Township all purposes tt tt tt _ tt tt_ tt ft tt Pt 11 tt tt tt tt tt t tt 11 11 tt It tt 11 tt 11 11 ,t .92 1.20 .40 .72 .52 .76 .84 .92 .30 .78 .50 .70 1.42 1.60 .90 .32 School District Levies. As based on tax certificate filed in the office of the County Clerk by the various school board showing amount to be raised by taxation: District No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27 28 29. 30 31. 32 33. General 10.5 2.0 8.86 3.50 4.20 .10 3.50 10.10 3.0 3.30 11.80 3.10 2.70 2.00 3.50 .90 1.56 12.70 2.10 3.88 2. 60 5.60 2.50 1.80 4.50 2.a 1.9 2.3 1.50 2.70 3.00 1.80 2.60 Bond 1.5 4.0 3.94 F H S 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Total. 10.5 4.0 8.86 5.50 6.20 2.10 5.50 11.60 5.00 5.30 15.80 5.10 4.70 4.00 5.50 2.90 3.56 16.6/4 4.10 5.88 4.60 7 60 4.50 3.80 6.50 4.40 3.90 4.30 3.50 4.70 5.00 3.80 4.60 5.10 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS, NEBR. 40. 41. 42-77. 43. 44. 45 46. 47. 3.30 48. 2.20 49. 4.00 2.70 2.80 15.72 4.10 2.70 1.6 50. 2.70 51. 3. 40 52 __- 53 15.20 54. 1.84 55. 2.10 56. 1.90 57. 2.6 60 4.30 61. .84 62. 5.00 63. 5.660 64. 1.60 65. 5.20 66. 3.50 67- 65 3.70 68 3.60 69. 3.2 70 .50 71. 3.30 72. 3.20 73. 5.70 74 1.60 75. 4.20 76. 5.0 78. 5.50 81. 2.60 101 12.60 5.0 5.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 4.70 4.80 20.72 6.10 4.70 3.60 2.00 5.30 4..20 6.00. 4.70 5.40 2.00 15.20 3.84 4.10 3.90 4.60 6.30 2.84 7.00 7.60 3.60 7.20 5.50 5.70 5.60 5.20 2.50 5.30 5.20 7.70 3.60 6.20 7.00 7.50 4.60 18.20 And the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized to extend these levies on the 1940 tax 1 ' r t valuations in the various governmental sub -division of Adans County, Nebraska. Roll call, allavotedtaye. said Motion carried. e. Motion_ by Harm, seconded by Shaw, that every citizen of Adams County between the age of 21 and 50 taxed .; 2..00 each for the Old -Age Assistance Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried.. years be Motion by Berg, seconded by Hohlen, that we le side of Free High School Districts. Roll call2 mills for the Free car School Fund on all property out- side all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Hobl,n, that this board adjourn s carried. Board a.:, ourned. J ine ale as a Hoard' of Equalization. nation. Motion 4trAdlit unty Clerk Deputy. Chairman. 0. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Saturday, July 6, 1940. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of June 6, 1940. Chairman, presiding. Jay Goble, Roll call, all members present: Berg, Carter, Foote, Goble, Harm, Hohlen and Shaw. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion. by Carter, seconded by Berg, that the miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisors record: #5338 #5339 #5340 #5341 #5342 #5343 #5344 #5345 #5346 #5347 #5348 #5349 #5350 #5351 5352 #5353 #5354 #5355 #5356 #5357 #5358 #5359 #5360 #5361 #5362 #5363 #5364 #5365 #5366 #5367 #5368 #5369 #5370 #5371 ##5372 #5 37 3 #5374 #5375 #5376 #5377 #5378 #5379 #5380 #5381 #5382 #5383 #5384 #5385 #5386 #5387 #5388 #5389 #5390 #5391 ##5392 #5393 #5394 #5395 #5396 ##5397 #5398 #5399 #5400 #5401 #5402 #5403 #5404 #5405 #540 6 #5407 #5408 #5409 #5410 #5411 #5412 #5413 #5414 B erg Roseland Twp Osler Needham Hupf Ground Bobbitt Swanson Osler Bachman Sergeant Goble No receipt numbered. State Tress. tt Blaine Brewer Hohlen State Treas. Cummings Hagemeyer Ernstmeyer, Cl of Dist Court tr tt Johnsdn Gentert Crowley, Justice of Peace tt Gro thaus Berg Kindig Addie Burr Gilmore Crowley, Justice of Peace Canaday Roeder James Crowley, Justice of Peace Harrenstein State Treas. Favinger Russell Petersen COOS Skipton Ernstmeyer, C1 of Dist Court Crowley, Justice of Peace It Ernstmeyer, 01 of Dist Court Crowley, justice of Peace Ernstmeyer, 01 of Dist Court Lindgren et Ernstmeyer, Cl of Dist Court tt 11 tt Haggard Crowley, Justice of Peace Clay County Crowley, justice of Peace Ernstmeyer, Cl of Diwt Court Madgett Bros.- - Zrowley, ros.- Zrowley, Justice of Peace Jones, Co Clerk State Treas tt_ Jones, Co Clerk Bohlke Gaudreaul.t Pedersen Crowley Jones & Son Jones Schnase State Assistance Director Ernstmeyer, Cl of Dist Court Wood, Sheriff L A Eugene Elbert A Carl Carl J W B S A Vern E Edgar MD Jay F RP H B J Fred If Fred G Otto S Jas F te John L A Art James E Walter M J C Jas F R 0 Chas G John A Jas F J B Hubert F Harry F Mo rt Peter C ✓ E J Fred JasF tt J Fred Jas F 7 Fred Ernest tt J Fred tt tt tt Lee 5as F Jas F J Fred Jas F T W T W W Halsey A J & Viola Lester D & Thelma. Jas G T W T W Ed A J Fred Worthy B. 5.00 330.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 481.39 4332.47 118.13 39.07 6609.92 5.00 5.00 15.50 6.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 5.00 5.00 106.10 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.85 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 13466.96 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 278.30 1.00 10.00 24.93 20.00 21.98 11.00 9.00 5.00 111.77 10.50 129.37 1.05 10.00 37.10 2.00 87.23 11.32 1.00 22.79 421.33 3791.95 6.21 5.00 60.00 F 100.00 1.00 10.00 7.64 75.00 13807.58.. 400.80 171.50 508 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS. NEER #5420 Lindgren Ernest 61.45 #5421 State Treas. 396.69 #5422 tt 3570.18 #5423 Jones, Co Clerk T W 12.7 5 #5424 Bohlke, Co Tudge W Halsey 15.00 #5425 " it 12.60 #5426 Crowley, Justice of Peace J F. 2.15 #5427 Bohlke, Co Judge W Halsey 908.36 #5428 it it 50.00 #5429 Tones Co Clerk T W 10.00 #5430 State Assistance Fund 12248.97 #5431 Crowley, Justice of Peace Jas F 15.00 #5432 Albright A F 220.00 #5433 Ernstmeyer, Cl of Dist Court S Fred 275.40 #5434 Tones Co Clerk T W 200.80 #5435 Bohlke W Halsey 25.00 #5436 Hughes, Co Recorder Forrest L 550.40 #5437 Phillips L 5.00 #5438 Crowley, Justice of Peace J F 10.00 #5439 " Tas 10.00 #5440 If " 10.00 #5441 Jones, Co Clerk T W 13.16 #5442 Crowley, Justice of Peace Jas F 10.00 #5443 State Treas. 4200.45 #5444 tt 466.72 #5445 Lindgren Ernest 25.20 #54/16 Ernstmeyer, Cl of Dist Court J Fred 19.81 #57 Crowley, Justice of Peace Jas F 20.00 #5448 it tt 10.00 #5449 Cowan. J Harold 125.00 #5450 Bohlke, Co Judge W Halsey 13.20 #5451 Crowley, J P Jas F 15.00 #5452 it it 10.00 #5453 State Treas 119 67.78 #5454Berg L A 32.37 #5455 Ernstmeyer, 01 of Dist Court T Fred 343.75 #5456 it It 69.10 #5457tt . 4.00 #5458 Bohlke, Co Judge W Halsey ' 5.00 #5459 It It 29.41 #5460 Crowley, Justice of Peace Tas F 10.00 #5461 State Treas 535.15 #5462 " 4816.36 #5463 Crowley, Justice of Peace Jas F 6.15 #5464 It It 5.00 #5465 Goble Jay 1.50 #5466 Wood Worthy B 1.50 5467 Crowley as 10.00 #5468 Ernstmeyer, Cl of Dist Court J Fred .50 #5469 State Treas. 164.22.#5470 Foote Cabs W 12.50 #5471 State Treas. 12203.35 #5472 Crowley, Justice of Peace as F 18.85 #5473 Ernstmeyer, Cl of Dist Court J Fred 356.90 Motion by Foote, Seconded by Shaw, that the resignation of S. A. Swanson, County Engineer, be accepted. Roll calf., all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ham, seconded by Carter, that the Soldiers & Sailors report made by Jno. P. Madgett be accepted and pladed on file. Roll call, all vot ed aye. Motion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Hohlen, that the second quarterly report of the Clerk of the District Court and Sheriff be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Carter, seconded by Berg, that the application of Mrs. Beulah Porter for Mother's Pension be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Carter, that the folowing resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION. After due consideration of the facts brought forth at a public hearing, held in. accordance with the provisions of Legislative Act Number 225 of the 52nd Session of the 1937 Nebraska Legislature, and also in view of the favorable expression of the farmers in. Logan Precinct, it is the order of the Board of Supervisors that a Weed District for the control and eradication of Bindweed and other noxious weeds be formed. All the 3a nd situated within the boundaries of Logan Township should be included in this Weed District. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Carter, seconded by Foote, that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk be in- structed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted ay -e. Motion carried. General Fund. Adams County Farm Bureau $250.00 Aitken J B 8.75 Albright Delma 60.00 Arnold Specialty Works 16.10 Berg L A 60.00 , 509 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO. HASTINGS, HERR, Carper Carter ft Central Power Co City Water & Light Dept Cunningham TT , Co Supt Dailey Davidson Floral Co Ernstmeyer, 01 of Dist Court 1t Foote it Gaudreault Mer Co 8 Gobl e Goll Hammond & Stephens Ham n Hastings Canvas Co Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Equity Grain Bin. Mfg Co Hastings Typeviriter Co Haynes Bros Heartwell Heath Herbst Hohlen Hughes Johnson's Cash Way Lbr Co 3ohnston K -B Printing Co Kennedy Klein L andgraf Lau Lawson Hdw Co Lincoln Tel & Tag Co McGrath Hdw Co Milburn & Scott Co Mortgage -Investment Co Nuss, Co Atty Omaha School Supply Co Penney Co Postal Telegraph Prawl n 11 Rippeteau Wallpaper & Paint Co Row, Peterson & Co Sarver Schaffroth Serf Printing Co Shaw Stephenson School Supply Co Uerling University Publishing Co Wagoner Western Union Willits Wood, Sheriff Woodworth 1T Dr's Amick & Amick Beavers Groc Buskirk Gro c Coney Island Cafe Food Centers Foote 011 Co Glar er Hahne Bros Home Dairy 3uniate Gaol Co Lux Groc Millers Groc Safeway Store No 1 tt Sheeley Groc Trading Post Ayr Lumber Co Tt Dorothy R C TT. Lottie E Tt EA 3 Fred 1t C W tt A3 tt Jay Fred L George u Geraldine A Earl Henry 1(kn Forrest L Lee W C F Peter Esther Luella CK JH Edmund 3 C Carl tt tf George F0 0 E Sohn L Charles 3esse 3 E Worthy B Lovina n SOLDIERS & SAILORS. Wendell Pearl BRIDGE FUND. 4.50 25.00 75.00 12.2. 74.20 150.00 8.75 15.00 12.00 110.19 32.71 35.00 75.00 51.95 7 .3/5 81.44 37.00 2.92 80.00 25.00 49.00 19.80 37.80 170.00 28.25 32.95 18.00 17.85 10.20 60.00 5.00 13.56 28.00 2.14 2.00 81.42 78.00 78.00 21.60 84.95 13.90 39.00 4.40 10.00 12.97 5.78 .26 6.00 111.70 38.18 80.54 18.28 125.00 4.55 252.36 65.00 45.65 .35 60.91 45.00 1.87 25.00 312.23 125.00 7.50 2.00 7.00 3.00 8.00 14.00 7.00 11.00 15.50 1.50 8.20 13.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 13.00 23.50 8.08 es» n ese? 510 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0. E. SERF PRINTING HASTINGS. NEBR. Island Supply Co Tones Ni emey er Polenske Bros Schellak Co Wheeler Lbr Bridge & Supply Co Co ersz Hoftman Holyok e 1, Lindgren Nutter Roberts rt Starr tt Tanner Thomp son Aaron Chris STATE RELIEF. EI sa Kathryn Ona Ernest T Teen Robert Frank tt Esther M ft Dale Dorothy POOR AID FUND. Adams Groc Adki son Amick & Amick Arnold Specialty Works Bauer . «ic Beavers Groc Berges Groc Berts Drug Co Bi Lo Market Bohlke Funeral Home Bohnett Boren Bo rrell Bratt Bresci Brooke Drug Co Brown Buskirk Groc Butler Byers Lumber Co Cannon Drug Co Carson Drug Co Central Power Co Christian City Water & Light Dept Clark Clarks Service Station Coates Cash Groc Coates Groc Cole Collings Conrad Groc Conway Courtright Groc Cum Sings Groc Cushing Company Davis DeBacker Deep Laid Groc Dickerson Drug Co Dixon Eckhardt Grocery Economy Groc Eg en Eischen Grocery Emergency Crop & Feed Loan Evans Groc Farm Security Adn. Farmers Union State Exchange Fergus Transfer & Storage Fink Shoe Co Fisher Grocery Food Center Grocery Foote Foote Service Sta Froscheuser Gaudreault Mere Co Giese Gilmore Good. Eaters Cafe Gordon Grocery Gray Guest Guildner Hageman Nahrl n 11-»n o irw n Mrs Tames T Dr' s Fred W C Dr A Mrs Lee Dr Mary Fi1 etelfo Mrs Sarah T C Ed Lillamae Mrs W L Mrs M .Tames Mrw Tom DrL T Dr Mable Dr L F Dr E Wendell John AT Nellie Mrs T 0 Dir. 0 s Naomi e DrCW Fred C 9 51. 49 19.50 25.50 1101.13 15.34 17.12 85.00 60.50 10.04 2.32 50.00 50.00 13.32 50.00 5.24 40.00 45.84 34.86 22.50 4.00 2.75 5.00 90.53 42.65 24.82 153.80 2.50 25.00 151.50 23.22 3.00 9.00 14.05 4.00 182.80 5.00 2.23 13.72 9.15 1.04 3.00 1.25 8.00 1.00 14.26 38.50 34.90 5.00 25.73 2.50 36.11 21.04 11.13 16.00 43.00 55.91 .82 9.00 89.31 12.70 4.00 84.16 5.65 23.00 5.65 95.36 22.00 2.75 17.80 218.37 113.00 1.80 6.00 1.20 104. 20 16.00 5.50 21.90 4.00 6.50 83.00 10.00 511 P - - - S 1.3 SERF PRINTING CO HASTINGS. NEER Hastings Typewriter Co Hastings Typewriter Co Haylend Farmers Union Heasley Grocery Heiman Grocery Heiman Grocery Hendricksen Groc Herbst Groc Henry Higenbotham 0 E Home Dairy Hopper Br A B Hotchkiss Mrs A Hunter Earl L Johnson. Mrs Fred Johnston Lena Jones Groc Carl Jones Groc r G Jones W Co Clerk Jones Drug Co #1 Kahman Grocery Kauf Union Market Kendall Mrs Oakley Kendig Grocery Kidder Dr C E Kingsley Dr D W Kissler Grocery Koepke Mrs Carl Kostal Dr 0 A Krick Donald Laird Coal Go Latta Dr E 5 Lawson Hardware Co C K Liebers Arthur Lincoln Tele & Teleg Co Lincoln Tele & Teleg Co Lincoln Tele & Teleg Co Livingston Bros Lowman Co W M Lundeen Bernice Lux Cash Grocery Lynch Drug Co McCall Mrs Ralph McDowell Grocery EcGra.th Hdwe Co sH MacCashland Dr A T 4.95 3.00 9 . 54 26.99 2.50 29.98 14.74 62.36 7.00 70.68 14.00 20.00 5.00 20.00 8.00 27.65 47.70 48.02 18.40 13.61 48.23 32.00 49.28 81.50 145.50 12.32 8.00 19.00 30.00 5.08 35.25 1.85 5.00 2.75 9.35 16.99 2.50 12.50 10.00 136.04 38.14 15.00 8.66 .80 7.00 Madgett Bros 45.00 Mary Lanning Hospital 289 . 50 Midstate Creamery 33.83 Mikkelsen Drug Co 30 . 64 Miller Grocery 49.16 Victor Mousel 1.00 Myers Ralph 22.00 Nebr Children's Home Soc 6.26 Nelson Herb ert 4.00 Newkirk Dairy 4.80 Newkirk & Salisbury Groc 71.50 Dr W E 88.50 Nowers Nowers Dr W E 3.00 Parsons 011 Station 13.67 Pauley Lumber Co 2.29 T C 116.01 Penney Co Penney Co 5 C 1.25 Perry 5 E 8.00 Pi ckering R E 20.00 MayDrG L Pierce6.00 Pvinney 14.00 james Pollock 14.80 Pullen Mary 5.00 Quality Market 3.85 Queen City Laundry .75 Railway Express Agency 9.45.50 Rex Grocery Rogers Grocery Dr L W 30.70 Rork 7.00 Rutts Drug Co li'!1 29.226.25 Rutts Drug Co 7T1 Rutts Drug Co #2n 5.06 n.a. 21.93 Ryn.earson A Safeway Grocery 98.92 Schreiner Truck Line 2.87 Schwier L H 1.64 r Seaton Fed A 6.45 Serf Printing Co 0 E 27.25 Shaw Dr W L 68.50 Sheeley Groc I A 89.66 Skaggs Grocery 0 P 64.60 Smith DrrA0 E A 2.50 Spice r D 2.50 512 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS. NEBR. Stop & Shop Grocery 5.00 Summers Floyd 6.00 Summers Floyd. 6.00 Sunnyside Inc 34.90 Swanson Dr L A 21.00 Table Supply Groc 9.54 Taggart Bernice 8.32 Taggart Bernice 85.00 Thaut Shoe Repair Shop Peter 3.45 Tinders Grocery 37.60 Topax Dairy 1067fi Trading Post 131.89 Trausch Groc George 65.80 Trausch Peter 25.00 Uden L E 12.00 Uridil Dr J E 152.00 Wanzer Grocery 28.94 Wary Grocery 10.00 Western Auto Store 1.05 Whisinand Grocery 53.86 Widener Groc 23.26 Wi draai er Grocery 32.10 Wiegman Groc 44.64 Winter Estate Mary 7.00 Wolfe Grocery 15.42 Wo rl ey John W 2.00 Yost Dairy 2.48 ROAD DRAGGIND FUND Adams Co J D 32.62 Andersen Garage 17.95 Anderson Roy 30.00 Beal R 7.55 Berg L A 65.00 Blaine Twp 6.10 Block Bruce 100.00 Brandes Co F H 66.51 Burr W M TwpClerk 9.90 Cascade Petroleum Co 100.76 Central Power Co 1.00 City Water & Light Dept 2.18 Clark J A 9.76 Clarke Hotel Garage 92.99 Clarke Hotel Garage 11:91 Clark, s Service Sta 21.41 Clark's Service Sta 23.54 Continental Oil Co 27.12 Cottonwood DAT 10.90 Curry Dayton 9.00 D_A Lubricant Co 36.70 Day Rubber & Supply Co John 18.15 Deep Rock Station 24.43 Deep Rock Station 27.28 Dickerson F E 1.10 Dutton-Lainson Co 37.37 DyerRussell 3.00 Mils Earl 135.00 Essinger Gar & Oil Co 4.75 Essinger Gar & Oil Co 38.75 Essinger Gar & Oil Co 96.31 Evans M L 36.54 Fairbanks Lester 7.00 Farmers Union State Exchange 16.37 Fielder D B 3.50 Foote Oil Co Wendell 44.38 Gi1in re Wm 48.00 Goble Chas M 4.50 Goble Chas M 24.03 Goble Jay 45.00 Goodwin T W 30.00 Grothen Raymond 33.00 Hageman Hardware Co 64.06 Hanover Twp 7.90 Hansen & SonH P 23.25 Hastings Equity Grain Bin. Mfg Co 5.10 Heartwell 0 A 31.10 Highland Twp 7.30 Hill & Soil Impl Co F L 10.38 Hinrichs R g 60.60 Hoggatt J L 3.50 Hohlen Frederick 100.00 Hotel en Win 65.00 Huckf el dt Delmar 100.00 Jones J G 4.19 Joynt Cleve 9 6.00 Juniata Twp 31.20 Kenesaw Oil Co 9.,.5 Lippincott Little Blue Twp Nebraska Culvert & Pipe Co Nebraska Prision Industries Newman Oliver Lumber Co Oliver Lumber Co Oliver Lumber Co Overy Pete's Oil Station Preston Roeder Rolls Roseland Twp Saathoff Service Sta Shaw Silver Lake Twp Sime Sinclair Refining Co Swanson Gravel Co Tinder Grocery Tompkins Supply Co Verona Twp Wagners Service Station Wanda Twp West Blue Tun Western Auto Awsociate Store Witt Yost • Zero Twp City of Hastings Clarks Service Sta Foote Oil Co Gobl e Hoffman Hohlen Sinclair Refining Co Standard Blue Print Co Swanson MM Howard G Howard Darrell Herb ert Dale John L AJ D M Lloyd Louis E MAD AFUND Wendell Chas M Newton WM S A 1761.30 23.50 79.10 20.30 100.00 202.07 2.80 3.00 100.00 98.54 18.00 3.00 3.00 21.10 2.79 60.00 52.90 53.16 98.42 47.70 .60 2.15 73.20 112.68 6.10 26.80 .75 100.00 42.00 26.80 3.70 4.50 19.68 5.10 75.50 45.00 19.13 30.14 200.00 Motion by Shaw, seconded by Ber•, that this board now adjourn to meet again on August 6, 1940, at 9 o'clock A.M. Motion carried. Board adjourn d. Aftiot .= Clerk r Deputy. Chairman. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Tuesday, August 6, 1940. 9 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of July 6, 1940. Jay Goole, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Berg, Carter, Foote, Uoble, Haim, Hohlen, Shaw. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Carter, that the claims of All States Steel Corporation for $111.33 and $167.00 and $184.81 be disallowed, and the claim of the Frankel Carbon '&Ribbon Co. for $36.00 be disallowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Carter, seconded by jiohlen, that the second quarterly report of the County Judge, County Clerk and Register of Deeds be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by Shaw, that the claim of nalph layers for $22.00 be disallowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 513 Motion by Harm, seconded by Carter, that we rent the Adams County Poor Farm to Peter Klein for the coming year on the same terms and conditions as the contract for the year 1939. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Carter, that we approve the $143,000 bonds posted by the Hastings National Bank as substituted security for County Funds and $115,800 bonds posted by the City National Wank as substitution. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Carter, seconded by Foote that the County treasurer be and is hereby instructed to from the County Insane r ' und to the oor hid Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. '4otion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Hohlen, that the following miscellaneous receipts be made a part recor ds. Roll call, all voted aye. laotion carried. #5474 Wood, Sheriff #5475 Crowley, Justice of Peace ) r7 ti Mr.1-inurac+_arn L r ,i & Ma+.al Gn Worthy B Jas F transfer $8,000 of the Supervisors 172.50 11.00 16.53 514 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS, NEER #5482 Crowley, Justice of Peace Jas F 1.00 X5483 Crowley, Justice of Peace Jas F 7.50 :5484 Konen Peter 5.00 #5485 Berg L a 11.85 :5486 State Treas. 5161. 573.4722 #54$7 Mate `Treas. #5488 rnstmeyer, Clark of Dist Court J Fred 2.50 ###555444888798 5489 Bohlke, County Judge W Halsey 960.17 #5490 Crowley, Justice of Peace as F 5.00 #5491 Crowley Jas 10.00 #5492 hensen Herman 7.50 15493 State Assistance Director 12166.75 #5494 �rnstmeyer, Clerk of Dist Court J Fred 384.81 #5495 Mate Treasurer 9260.26 #5496 Jones, County Clerk T 1u 261.90' #5497 Hughes, Recorder Forrest 678.95 Motion by Carter, seconded by Berg, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams County Farm Bureau 250.00 'dams County Voice L16.80 11 it tt 8.00 Albright Delrna 30.00 Augustine Co The 6.20 Baird Dorsey D 33.50 Bengston Emma 5.00 Berg L A 45.00 Bi Lo Market 3.30 Binderup Hdw 0o 5.45 Bohlke, Co Judge Halsey 20.36 Borley Storage & Transfer Co 1.00 Brooke & Son 1.25 Byers Lumber Co 9.85 Carper Dorothy 39.00 n It 9.00 Carter R C 9.90 ntt 75.00 Cri&QR 1.00 16.20 Central Power Co 13.36 City eater & Light Dept 86.48 Cunningham, 0o Supt. L E 9.41 Democrat Printing Co 7.50 Department of Health 53.00 Dericks ' 1.50 Ernstmeyer, Cl of Dist Court J Fred 202.95 n tt tt 15.00 11 et tt 58.06 Follett Publishing Co 7.80 Foote C ti 80.00 Frankel Carbon Co 3.00 Gaudreault Merc Co x J 3.50 Goble Jay 60.25 Goll Fred L 7.50 Greenwood Ella 15.50 Hammond Stephens Co 35.75 Harm George 85.00 Hastings Cemetery hssn 12.00 Hastings Credit Bureau 10.00 Hastings Daily Tribune 79.76 Hastings Drug Co 1.00 Hastings Typewriter Co 12.90 Hiatt Albert 15.00 Hiliers Agency 10.00 Hohlen iim 35.00 Jones, Co Clerk T liv 121.90 Keith Dr '+v W 19.00 Kennedy C F 2.00 Klein Peter 83.13 Landgraf .sther 78.00 Lau Luella 78.00 Lawson Hdw Co C K 10.29 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co 69.30 Lord Co The 33.49 Milburn & Scott Co 6.17 Penney Co J C 5.16 Prawl Carl 5.00 tt It 2.00 tt 't 43.00 tt 240 Renner & Co 2.75 now, Peterson & Co 3.35 Rutherford Bros 41.86 Sarver George 125.00 Schaffroth F 0 11 .1.0 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEER Western Union Telegraph Co 8.86 Wi ck er Martha 2.00 Wilber Service 1.00 illiams John 12.00 Williams T H 32.60 Willits J E 9.00 Wood, Sheriff Worthy B 339.12 Woodworth Lovina 130.00 POOR AID FUND Adams Grocery 24.05 Albertson Dr L 0 6.00 Amick & Amick Drs 18.00 Anderson Dr Herbert F 3.00 Bauer Grocery Fred 5.00 Berres Grocery 22.84 Berts Drug Co 40.12 Bi Lo Market 138.84 Binderup Hardware Co 1.88 Bohnett W C 25.00 Boren Dr A J 90.75 Borley Storage & Transfer Co 12.00 Brach's Inc 22.50 Brand Funeral Home 52.50 Bratt Dr Mary 4.75 Bresci Filetelfo 9.00 Brillhart Dr G L 4..50 Brooke Drug Co 30.78 Brooke Drug Co 14.20 Brown Dr J V� 3.00 Brown Dr J 45.25 Brown Sarah 4.00 Brown McDonald Co 96.98 Brown McDonald Co 1.00 Buskirk Grocery 170.53 Byers Harold 6.00 Cannon Drug Co 32.02 Carson Drug Co 15.34 Childers H M .50 City water & Light Dept 1.25 Clark Lillaniae Clark & The Provident Co 8.00 Coates Cash Gros 13.51 Coates Grocery 42.44 Cole Estate Ola M 10.40 Colfer Dr J x 7.50 Collings Mrs M 5.00 Conrad Grocery 25.78 Conway James 2.50 Cummings Grocery 13.02 Cushing Co 16.42 Davis Mrs Tom 16.00 Deep Laid Grocery 92.06 Dixon Dr Mable 8.50 'ckhardt Grocery 71.24 Economy Grocery 7.31. Egen Dr 5.50 Eischen Groc -- 151.19 Evans Grocery 22.86 Farmers Union Groc 11.48 Farmers Union State Exchange 95.32 Fergus Transfer & Storage Co 20.00 Fisher Groc 22.87 Food Center Groc 226.95 Foote Dr E 0 91.50 Froeschheuser John 6.00 Giese Nellie 75.10 Gilmore Mrs J 16.00 Gordon Grocery 28.47 Gray Dr 0 S 9.00 Guest Naomie 6.50 Guildner Dr C W 78.00 Hageman Fred C 10.00 Hahne Bros Groc 30.32. Hamberger Elsie 12.00 Harm william 5.00 Hartwig Dr 0 H 4.50 Hastings Credit Bur 2.00 Hastings Daily Tribune 10.00 Hastings Ice Co 25.00 Hastings Transfer Co 5.58 Hastings Typewriter Co 3.00 Hastings Typewriter Co 11.25 Hawley Ur H 2.50 Hayland Farmers Union 9.54 Heasley Grocery 28.35 Helman Grocery 25.66 Hendricksen Groc 14.74 Herbst Groc Henry 37.36 516 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O. E, SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS, NEBR Hopper Dr A B 13.00 Hotchkiss Mrs A J 3.65 Hunt Dr G H 4.50 Hunter Earl L 5.00 James Market 75.00 Johnson Mrs Fred 20.00 Johnston Lena 8.00 Jones Groc Carl 33.12 Jones Groc J G 30.88 Jones tiu 23.00 Jones Drug Co # 1 20.89 Jones Drug Co 2 10.55 Jorgenson Groc 5.00 Kahman Groc 15.49 Kaufs Union Market 52.13 Kendall Mrs Oakley 32.00 Kendig Norman 43.45 Kenesaw Lbr & Goal Co 2.44 Kidder Dr C E 38.50 Kingsley Dr D 6ti 11.00 Kissler Groc 33.24 Koepke Mrs Carl 8.00 Kostal "r 0 A 36.50 Krick Donald 30.00 Latta & Anderson Drs 77.50 Lawrence Bernice 8.00 Lawson Hdwe Co C K .40 Lincoln 'fele & `leleg Co 5.65 n tt n n 5.65 11 0 11 ti 10.35 11 n 11 0 2.75 O tl 0 n 8.25 tt n n n 17.47 Lowman Co W M 12.50 Lundeen Lernice 10.00 Lux Cash Groc 78.62 Lynch Drug Co 32.40 McDowell Groc 8.66 MacCashland Dr A T 8.50 Mace Dr G L 59.50 Madgett Bros 45.00 Mary Lanning Hospital 368.25 Matthiesen Drug Co 1.50 Midstate Creamery 20.33 Midstate Service Sta 1.00 Mikke is en Drug Co 27.41 Miller Grocery 49.50 Moore Clarence 2.00 Newkirk Dairy 3.68 Newkirk & Calisbury Groc 42.10 Nowers_Dr uu E 239.75 Parsons ervice Sta 11.23 Penney Co J C 40.23 Penney Co J 0 3.96 Perry J E 8.00 Pickering R E 20.00 Pierce May 6.00 Pinney Dr G L 20.00 Pollock James 6.28 Pullen Mary 9.00 Quality Market 1.60 Railway Express Agency .50 Rex Grocery 14.77 Rogers Grocery 3.00 Rogers Grocery 38.00 Butts Drug Co 17.77 n n n 8.25 Rynearson Anna 40.00 Safeway Grocery 91.32 Seaton Fred A 25.00 n n 11.45 Service Fruit Co 19.79 Shaw Dr W L 28.50 Shea Funeral Home 50.00 Sheeley Groc J A 74.10 Sherman Ben 1.98 Skaggs 0 P 60.04 Smith Dr A n 3.50 Spicer Dr C R 35.00 Spicknall ii C 7.00 Standard Oil Co .50 Stein Co Lawrence M 2.86 Steward Sam 2.25 Stitt Albert E 67.50 n n 10.00 Stop & Shop Groc 26.70 Sunnyside Inc 34.90 Swanson Dr L A 53.00 51'7 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NENR Trading Post Trausch Groc Trausch Uridil Volland Funeral Home yvanzer Groc Wary Groc Weingart Whisinand Grocery Widener Groc lidmaier Groc iegman Grocery Winter Estate Wolfe Grocery Yost Lbr Co BRIDGE FUND George Peter. DrJE William IN Mary 106.11 57.14 12.50 187.50 50.00 17.95 11.25 7.50 82.59 72.88 20.06 38.33 7.00 31.15 1.88 Ayr Lumber Co 79.56 CainMutt 104.00 Coutts Leonard 42.00 Dailey Jess 3.00 veep Hock Station 41.65 Gerloff William 3.50 Goble Chas 13.67 Hansen & Son H p 2.00 Hardin Silvey Lbr Co 304.05 Harrington Elmer 3.00 Island Supply Co 584.y0 n n 11959.32 n n n 18.05 Kenesaw Lumber Co 88.52 Kenesaw Oil Co 11.71 Lilley Ed 371.75 Oliver Lumber Co 23.61 STATE FUNDS Goersz Elsa 13.56 Hoffman Kathryn 85.00 Holyoke Ona - 60.50 11 2 n 9.40 Nutter Jean . 50.00 Roberts Robert Frank 50.00 n ti n 5.08 Starr Esther M 50.00 n 9 5.72 Tanner Dale 40.00 Thompson Dorothy 49.52 Williams N M 14.40 SOLDIRS & SAILORS Coney Island Lunch 13.85 Food Centers 4.00 Foote Oil Co Wendell 1.75 Glover Pearl 'A 5.00 Gordon Groc 12.00 Hahne Bros 10.50 Home. Dairy 1.55 James Groc 11.00 Lux Grocery 33.00 Nelson Co H E 5.00 Safeway Groc Store W 1 4.00 Sheeley Groc 10.00 Trading Post 33.00 COUNTY FAIR dams Co Agricultural Society ROAD FUND 154.23 Adams Co J D 153.34 Andersen Garage 38.40 Aspegren H W 19.50 Ayr Lumber Co 45.39 Ayr Twp 6.40 B & S Service 8.00 Berg L A 85.00 Blaine Twp 28.00 Block Bruce 104.00 Brown Lloyd C 8.99 Central Power Co 1.00 City water & Light Dept 3.00 Clark 8.30 Clarke Hotel Garage .50 n n 9 .75 Clarks Service Sta 8.917 518 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR. Dutton Lainson Co Elliott Emshoff lire Ser Essinger Essinger Essinger Gar & Cil Co Essinger Gar & Oil Co Fairbanks rlarmers Union Coop Gas & Cil Co Fisher Gilmore Goble Grothaus Hanover Twp Hastings Battery & Elec Co Hastings Fuel Co Heartwell Hohlen Hohlen Huckf eldt Joynt Kenesaw Gil Co Kidd Ki stle r Kluver Koch Krulish Battery & Elec Ser Lincoln Road Equip Co Logan Twp McGrath Hdwe Co David J J W J Lester vµa Yam Jay H 28.14 10.06 1.85 3.65 104.65 56.54 66.65 7.00 104.03 3.50 48.00 70.00 3.25 10.30 3.70 1.05 C A 53.40 Frederick 96.00 William 95.00 Delmar 104.00 Cleve 100.00 183.08 C H 8.00 DG 30.90 Jc>hn 100.00 Perle 104.00 2.95 72.29 27.70 J H 5.80 9 It It 4.35 Mulder Joe 9.00 National Refining Co 9.03 National Refining Co 56.59 National Refining Co 34.77 National Refining Co 14.23 Nebraska Culvert & Pipe Co 69.52 Nebraska Prison Industries 10.00 Newman Howard G 104.00 Overy Howard 104.00 Parsons Oil Co 4.00 Pete's Oil Station 81+.94 Roseland Twp , 6.40 Verona Twp 33.50 Saathoff Service Sta 1.24 Serf Printing Co ' E 255.40 Shaw John L 50.00 Sidles Company 10,34 Silver Lake Iwp 62.80 Sime A J 34.44 Sinclair Refining Co 91.04 Stromer Wm 9.00 Swanson Gravel Co 111.30 Tompkins Supply Co 15.18 'agners Service Sta 36.86 1alt's uas Station 20.21 ebb Jay .45 Wilber Service 1.00 ti+ittLloyd 104.00 Yost Louis 30.00 ROAD L. P. A . Brach's Inc 5.58 II u 6.91 Clark's Service Sta 15.21 Clark's Service Sta 3.73 Essinger Gar & Cil do 52.35 Evans M L 29.88 Foote Oil Co viendell 36.72 Goble Chas M 15.15 Hastings Transfer Co 69.00 Hastings Typewriter Co 1.40 Hohlen William 22.50, National Refining Co 24.40 Oliver Lumber Co 9.50 Penney Co J C .30 Sime A J 15.40 Simms Book Store 3.30 It It It 2.62 Standard Blue Print Co 25.58 ''iagners Service Sta 12.09 Motion by Shaw, seconded by koote, that the application of Florenceillis, Elizabeth McAleer, Josephine LaPorte, Nora Zona, and Bertha Eighmy for Mother Pension be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Hohlen, that the following names be submitted to the Clerk of the District Court from which to draw the Jury for the next term of District Court: 13 • ' 0 E. SERF PRINTING CO HASTINGS, NEER Supervisor Dist if 2 Kenesaw Twp: Orlie Ernst, Carl Hupf, Clarence Fisher. Verona Twp: August Paulikat, Fred Witt, liester Ground. Wanda Tup: rwin Fisher, Julius Hinz. Supervisor Dist # 3 Cottonwood Twp: Ernest Huckfeldt, oilbert Felzien, Arthur 4m1e, Roseland Twp: John Klein Sr., Robert Spicknall, A. G. Bourg, Silver Lake Twp: Howard Frazier, Charles Shaw, Mike Trausch, Logan Twp: Lin Kistler, Cecil Harlow. Supervisor Dist # 4 Hanover Twp: Earl Stromer, Ralph A Lay, Emil Baehr. Ayr Twp: J. G. Schmidt, Charley Gartner, Chas Consbruck, Zero Twyp: Edgar D. Bachman, Albert Bostock, waiter R. Taute. Little Blue Twp: P. H. Gartner, James W. Hesman. Supervisor Dist h 5 Juniata Twp: Al,arlGangwish, Tony Consbruck, Cecil Buskirk. Henry Heiler, Henry Schreiner, Lawrence Douglas Sr, Henry J. A. Werning, John Maul, David Bauer, Fred J. Eckhardt, Philip Lofing, Loid L. Dufford, Alex S. Schreiner, Clifford 0. Rabourn, Milford F. Deets. Supervisor Dist # 6 Dan Schlick, L. B. Sanderson, Ira Scott, Lee Bovard, Lewis C. May, F. A. Robertson, E. J. Bassett, O. R. Greenfield, Lloyd Betters, J. E. Dragoo, V. H. McDowell, J. negier. Supervisor Dist # 7 Edwin L. Stratton Dale Dragoo, Elmer C. Feis, Chas. E. Easter, D. D. Duncan, Henry Cropley, Gordon W. Hahne, C. D. Hoff, E. H. Brown, Harry Beavers, Amos Brand. Glenn Ream, Roll call, all voted aye. liotion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Hohlen, that this board now adjourn to meet again On September 6th, 1940 at 9 o'clock A. Motion carried. Soar. adjourned. Clerk COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Friday, September 6, 1940. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of August 6, 1940. Tay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Berg, Carter, Foote, Goble, Hamm, Hohlen, and Shaw. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Harm, seconded by Foote, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the question of whether the County Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, shall be authorized to organize and maintain a County Library or a County Library Service be placed upon the official ballot at the General Election on Nov. 5, 1940 for the expression of the people and the County Clerk is instructed to prepare the ballots accord- ingly. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Harm, that the following resolution be adopted: That it is hereby resolved that the County Board of Adams County hereby request the County Attorney to file in the District Court of Adams County the necessary action against T. W. Tones, County Clerk to recover for said County certain fees collected by the County Clerk and now held in his possession in the enforcement of Legislative Bill # 221 knomn as the Motor Vehicle Certificate of Title Law. Roll call, all votedaye. Motion carried. Motion by Carter, seconded by Berg, that the application of Antonia Meidenkeller, McCauley, and Cecile Mead for Mother's Pension be approved. Roll call, all voted Motion by Berg, seconded by Hohlen, that the following claiMs be allowed on their be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Adams County Farm Bureau Adams County Voice Allyn & Bacon _Amick& Amick Belz Berg Bohlke Brown Carper Carter Central Power Co City Water & Light Dept Cunningham, Co Supt Cushing CO Davenport Co GMERAL FUND. Drs Charles LA W Halsey Dr I W Dorothy R C Lottie E The FE Elizabeth Tuggert, Rose aye. Motion carried. respective funds and the Clerk carried. 250.00 6.30 2.21 1.00 2.00 45.00 10.10 4.00 39.00 85.00 13.71 114.16 150.00 6.00 9.00 15.00 520 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS. NEBR Gaudreault Mere Co A J 1.10 Goble Tay 57.50 Ham George 60.00 Hastings Canvas Go 29.75 Hastings Daily Tribune 18.30 Hiatt Albert 3.75 Hines T J 14.40 Ho hl en Y ! 35.00 Hughes Forrest L _ 5.50 Island Supply Co 29.9 5 Johnson Cash Way Lb r Co 4.03 K -B Printing Co 38.12 Keith W W 27.00 Klein Peter 83.13 Knapp Joseph K 1.60 L andgraf Esther 78.00 Lau Luella 78.00 Lincoln Tel & Tlg Co 71.85 Lord Co The 11.72 Lynch R G 3.05 MacMillan Co The 352.98 McCue Harry 14.40 McGrath Hdw Co J H 15.12 Meyer Adolph 2.00 Mortgage Investment Co 75.00 Myers Lowell 1.00 Nuss Edmund 11.00 Partridge Mfg & Sales Co The 8.10 Penney Co J C 6.49 Prawl Carl 44.00 It tt 6.00 Rutt Drug Co .85 Sarver George 125.00 Serf Printing Co 0 E 19.25 Shaw John L 40.00 Stephenson School Supply 31.30 tt 120.68 tt 175. 69 Theobald, Co Treas. A J 9.96 Thornb erry John 14.40, Trausch Geo 3.20 Uerling Charles . 30 Western Union Telegraph Co .78 Wicker Martha M 2.00 Wood, Sheriff Worthy B 248.44 Woodworth Lovina 129.00 Adams Grocery Albertson Amick & Amick n Bauder Bauer Groc Berres Groc Bert Drug Co Bi Lo Market Bohlke Funeral Home Bonnett Boren Borley Transfer & Storage Bresci Brillhart Brooke Drug Co Brown Brown Buskirk Groc Byers Cannon Drug Co Carson Drug Co Central Power Co Christensen Churchill City Water & Light Dept Coates Cash Groc Coates Groc Colf er tt Collings Conrad Groc Conway Courtright Groc Cramer - Agt Jacobsen Est Cunnings Groc Cushing Groc Davis DeBacker Deep Laid POOR AID FUND. Dr. C L Drs tt Mary Fred W C Dr A Filetelfo Dr G L Dr 3' W Sarah Harold Ed 0 Walter R Dr JA It Mrs M James Mab el Mrs Tom Dr L J 10.60 4.00 18.00 34.00 8.00 5.00 40.95 44.59 102.08 5.00 12.50 69.00 12.00 9.00 1.50 24.00 14.75 4.00 128.48 6.00 10.61 30.28 1.50 5.32 10.00 1.25 17.47 30.52 2.00 5.50 5.00 25.78 2.50 30.78 13.00 7.50 9.48 16.00 146.00 SUPERVISCSR' RD NO.13 521 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS, NEER Egen Dr L F 7 50 it " 3.00 Eischen Groc 106.06 Elliott Dave 6.18 Evans Fred 7.00 Farmers Union. State Exchange 71.47 Feese DrIP 3.00 Fink Shoe Co 5.50 Fisher Gros 27.75 Flammang John 1.00 Food Center Groc. 155.22 Foote Dr E C 193.50 Foote Service Station Wendell 4.72 Fro schheuser John. 6.00 Giese Nellie 72.10 Gillmore Mrs T C 16.00 Gordon Groc 18.85 Guest - Agt for 0 W Stump Naomie 6.50 Guildner Dr C W 89.75 ,t " 64.63 Hagman Fred C 10.00 Hahne Bros 30.71 Hamb erger Elsie 16.00 Harm Willi a:n 5.00 Harman & Johnson Funeral Home 30.00 Hastings Conoco Service Station. 20.00 Hastings Credit Bureau 2.00 Hastings Daily Tribune 55.00 it 10.00 Hastings Ice Co 25.25 Hastings Typewriter Co 8.50 " 3.00 Hayl and Farmers Union 9.54 Haynes Bros 16.57 Heasley Groc 23.83 Helman Groc 11.16 Hendricksen Groc 35.92 Herbst Gro c Henry 19.10 Herring Mrs Myrtle 10.00 Higenbotham C E 7.00 Hohnstein George L .50 Home Dairy 50.41 Hopper Dr A B 10.00 Hunt Dr G H 4.50 " ,, 9.50 Hunter Earl L 5.00 Inni s, SP ei den & Co 10.00 Booterie J & M 7.50 James Market 74.05 Johnson Mrs Fred 20.00 Johnston Lena 8.00 Jones Drug Co # 1 11.32 Jones Drug Co # 2 8.28 Jones Groc Care 24.22 Jones Groc J G 26.54 Jones, Co Clerk T W 40.00 Kalman Groc 19.82 Kendall Mrs 0 ak'1 ey ' 32.00 Kendig Gmc 33.12 Kerner" Shoe Co 7.50 Kidder Dr'C E 34.25 Kingsley Dr D W 3.00 Ki ssl er Groc 24.41 Ko epke Mrs Carl 8.00 Ko stal Dr O A 22.50 Krick Donald 30.00 Krieger Charles 14.00 Latta & Anderson Drs 123.50 Lawrence Bernice 8.00 Lawson Hdw Co 0 K .90 rr „ 9.54 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co 16.85 rr f► 5.65 It5.65 y 2.75 " 9.70 Bowman Co I M 12.50 Lundeen Bernice 10.00 82.14 Lux Cash Groc Lynch Dru.g Co 14.77 McCall Mrs Ralph 3.45 McDowell Gmc 8.66 MacCashland Dr A T 2.50 rt ,r 11.50 Mace DrXL 51.50 Madgett Bros 45.00 Mary Lanning Hospital 613.70 Midstate Creamery 24.15 Mikkel sen Drug Co 34.27 522 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. HERR Omaha Brace Shop 20.00 Parsons Service Station 10.94 Penney J C .30 Phillips 66 Service Station 1.00 Pickering R E 20.00 Pierce Mrs May 6.00 Pinney Dr G L 13.00 Pollock Imes 15.76 Porter Harry 16.00 Pullen Mary 9.00 Railway Express Agency .50 Rogers GrOc 14.22 Rork Dr L W 10.00 Rutts Drug Co # 1 28.09 Rutts Drug Co # 2. 1.31 Rynearson Mrs Anna 40.00 Safeway Gro c 27.66 Schweir L H 1.75 Seaton Fred A 8.95 Shaw Dr W L 22.50 Sheeley Groc ,T A 72.24 Skaggs Groc 0 P 47.35 Smith Dr A A 174.00 Spicer Dr 0 R 17.50 Spi cknall W C 7.00 Standard Oi1 Co .70 Stark Mrs Clyde .50 Steward San 2.25 Stitt Albert E 10,00 it it 82.50 Stop & Shop Groc 28.38 Sunnyside 34.90 Swanson Dr L A 48.00 Table Supply Co 28.34 Taggart B erni c e 85.00 41 e 18.03 Thant Shoe Repair Shop Peter 4.10 Tinders Groc 49.17 Tompkins Bpply Co 1.25 Topaz Dairy 72.33 Trading Post 60.97 Trausch Groc George 93.06 Trausch Peter 12.50 Uridil Dr J E 235.00 Wanzer Groc 17.50 Wary Groc 17.50 Wei groan. Groc 24.33 Weingart William W 7.50 Whisinand Groc 100.85 Wideners Groc 32.32 Wildmaier Groc 21.66 Winter Estate Mary 7.00. Wolfe Groc 21.92 RAD FUND. Adams Co J D 96.02 rr ” r 71.00 r 8750.00 Adams Co Dist # 1 300.00 Andersen Garage 71.55 Ayr Lumber Co 13.00 Ayr Twp 31.90 Berg L A 90.30 B erminghm Martin 3.90 Blaine Twp 11.80 Block Bruce 108.00 Bron Lloyd 0 13.18 Cain Mutt 108.00. Central Power Co 1.00 City Water & Light Dept 2.45 Clarks Service Station 12.87 ft 2.48 Continental Oil Co 46.10 Cottonwood Twp rr 22.15 A 12.00 A D Lubricant Co., Inc 56.25 Davis J 3 8.50 Deep Rock Station 32.39 Denver Twp 22.00 Deri ck s 1.00 Dutton-Lainson Co 53.54 Emshoff Tire Service 95.59 Fairbanks Lester 14.Q0 Farmers Union Hdw 7.65 Fielder D B 2. Gilmore 0 � 72.00 Glenwood Tel Co 6.10 Goble rhic Nr n ry.- 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS, NEHR Hastings Canvas Co Heartwell Highland Twp Hill & Son Impl Co Ho hl en Hohlen Huekfeldt Huckfeldt Island Supply Co t1 Toynt Katzberg Tire Service Kenesaw Motor Co C A F Frederick WM C W Delmar 2.50 68.20 31.60 .47 108.00 100.00 12.71 108.00 3.26 91.75 Cleve 108.00 17.15 31.55 Kenesaw Oil Co 54.48 Kenesaw Twp 16.50 Kistler D G 50.10 Kluver Tohn 108.00 Koch Perle 108.00 Lincoln Road Eqpt Co 96. 67 Little Blue Twp 31.90 Logan Twp 34.60 Martin William S 20.10 Mulder Toe 15.00 Nat'l Refining Co 91.04 Nebr Culvert & Pipe Co 309.75 Newman Howard G 108.00 O el schlager Wm. 19.00 Overy Howard 10.00 n n 98.00 Parsons Oil Co 40.06 Pete's Oil Station 51.15 Roseland Twp 41.20 Scott Glenn 7.00 Shaw Tohn L 85.00 Sidles Co 8.16 Silver Lake Twp 3.50 n 69.45 Sime A T 23.56 Sinclair Refining Co 32.63 n 121.08 Snyder Daniel E 2.50 Swanson Gravel Co 146.40 Tinders Groc .30 Tompkins Supply Co 21.38 Verona Twp 5.0.70 Wagners Service Station 36.07 Walt's Sery Station 31.62 Wanda Twp 18.70 Witt Lloyd 108.00 Yost Louis E 60.00 Zero Twp 41. 20 WP A ROAD Clark's Service Station 7.45 Goble Chas M 40.73 Grothaus Harry 32.00 Hill Charles F 170.00 Ho tel en Wm 27.68 Mo himan Tohn 34.57 Nat'l Refining Co 8.99 Petes Oil Station 59.83 Wagner's Service Station 15.75 B & B Super Service Station, Fink Shoe Co' Food Centers Hahne Bros Home Dairy T & M Eooterie Tames Groc Lux Groc Nelson Co Sheeler Groc Trading Post SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF. H E 3.34 7.50 13.00 27.50 1.55 12.40 22.00 20.50 12.00 7.50 38.00 STATE FUNDS. Goersz Elsa Hoffman 12.48 Kathryn 85.00 Holyoke Ona 10.52 n n 60.50 Lindgren Ernest T 2.96 Nutter Jean 50.006 Roberts Robert F 6.40 n n 50.00 Starr Rs thAl, IV IA e„ 524 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. HERR, Clark J A 15.00 Deep Rock Station 99.83 Fricke Alfred 35.00 Gerloff Simon 3.00 Harding Silvey Lumber Co 655.60 Island Supply Co 169.41 iT 1? Kenesaw Lbr Co Kenesaw Oil Co Meyer Oliver Lbr Co Wagners Service Station Adams County Agriculture Society 410.35 651.53 299.211 .,, 1!7.50 27.58 Wm 8 Y 90.85 4.50 COUNTY FAIR. 225.00 Motion by Shaw, seconded by F•ote, that this board now adjourn to meet again on October 5th, 1940 at 9 o' clock A. M. Motion ..red. Boar. adjourned. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Saturday, September 14, 1940. 9 1/',�lock A.M. Special meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of September Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Berg, Carter, Foote, Goble, Hann, Hohlen, and Shaw. Motion by Carter, seconded by Foote, that we adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION. 6, 1940. Tay Goble, RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, in special session assembled on this 14th day of September, 1940, that during the process of reconstruction of the District Court Room and until said re- construction is completed, the County Court Room in the Court House at Hastings, be designated as the District Court Room for the hearing of cases without a jury, and that the County Attorney be instructed to get in touch with, and if possible obtain from the proper Federal authorities, permission to use the United States' District Court Room in the Post Office Building at Hastings, Nebraska, for hearing jury cases, and if permission to use said United States' District Court Room be obtained then the said United States' District Court Room shall be, and it hereby is, designated as the District Court Room in and for Adams County, Nebraska. If permission cannot be obtained to use said United States District Court Room then the Board will hereafter designate some suitable place for a temporary Court Room for the purpose of hearing Jury cases. All voted aye. Motion carried, Motion by Shaw, 5= wed by Berg, .,at this board now adjourn. Motion carried. Board adjourned. ty Clerk. Deput . COURT HOUSE; HASTINGS, NrBR. Saturday, Oct. 5, 1940. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of September 6, 1940. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Berg, Gamer, Foote, Goble, Harm, Hohlen and Shaw. Minutes of last meeting mere read and approved. Motion by Harm, seconded by Foote, that we appoint Dr. T. W. Brown as County Physician. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Berg, that the Third quarterly report of the Clerk of the District Court, Sheriff and County Clerk be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Shaw, that me sell lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,. 6, 7, 8, and 9 in H. R. Smith's Subdivision of a part of Block 13, Cole's 1st Add. to the City of. Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, to the State of Nebraska. The above property is to be free and clear Of -all taxes and encumbrances. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Carter, that the application of Josie Price, Margaret Kindig, Bessie Pecht, Geraldine Mefford, and Ily Smith for Mother's Pension be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Certer, seconded by Hohlen, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 13 SERF PRINTING HASTINGS, NEBR, Brown Dr J W 2.00 it tt 1.50 Byers Lumber Co 20.08 Carper Dorothy 39.00 Carrico F L 75.00 Carter R 0 75.00 Central Power Co 14.30 City Water & Light Dept 98.14 Covton Coal Co 95.34 Crowley James F 46.09 Cunningham, Co Supt Lottie E 12.90 Dailey Elbert A 15.00 Ernstmeyer, Clerk of Dist Court J Fred 4.50 tt tt 351.98 n :r 29.71 Foote C W 80.00 Gaudreault Mere Co A J 10.00 Goble Jay 46.10 Harm George 85.00 Hastings Daily Tribune 32.30 Hastings Typewriter Co 11.75 tt 3.90 Hotel en Van 55.00 Hughes, Reg. of Deeds Forrest L 5.00 Jones, Co Clerk T W 13.85 K -B Printing Co 2.64 Keith Dr W W 8.00 Kennedy C F 1.00 Klein Peter 81.42 Landgraf Esther 78.00 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co 69.51 Huss, Co. Atty. Edmund 20.00 Penney Co J C 9.02 Polenske Bros. Schellak & Co 231.98 Prowl Carl 43.50 Tt 11 Rutts Drug Store 6.30 . 30 Sarver George 125.00 Schaffroth F 0 5.30 Selig Co 23.60 Serf Printing Co 0 E 285.63 Shaw John L 40.00 Simms Book Store 2.80 Theobald, Co Treas. A J 112.74 United Chemical Co., Inc 5.70 Williams T H 23.95 Wood, Sheriff Worthy B 275.74 Woo dwo rth Lovina 32.55 STATE FUNDS. Go erz Fl sa 10.36 Hoffman Kathryn 85.00 Holyoke Ona 17.52 tt 1t Lindgren Ernest T 6.48 3 Nutter 5.00 Jean 65.00 Roberts Robert F 8.04 " tt 55.00 Starr Esther M 50.00 t4 t, r 16.52 Tarn e Dale 40.00 Thompson Dorothy 45.84 POOR AID FUND. Adams Groc 25.47 Amick & Amick Dr' s 32.00 Bauer Groc Fred 5.00 Berres Groc 8.36 Berts Drug Co 33.07 Bi Lo Market 164.48 Bohlke Funeral Home 4.50 Bohnett W 0 37.50 Boren DrAJ 57.50 Borley Transfer & Storage 12.00 Brach's Inc 10.39 rt 22.12 Bresci Fil eteofo 9.00 Brillhart Dr G L 5.00 Brooke Drug Co 33.59 Brown Dr J W 43.50 Sarah 4.00 Brown-McDona]. d 14.17 Buck's Booterie Buskirk Gee 9.65 149.60 Byers Harold 6.00 Cannon Drug Co 1 PA 526 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 1.3 0 E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS, NEER, Clarks Service Station Coates Cash Store Coates Groc Collings Conrad Groc Conway Courtright Groc CumminE,,s Cummings Groc Cushing Co Davis DeBacker ft Deep Laid Di ck erson Dixon Dominy East Side Dairy Eckhardt Groc Economy Groc Eg en Eihusen Ei schen Gro c Farmers Union State Fink Shoe Store Fisher Groc Flamm ang Food Center Groc Foote Foote Oil Co Froschheuser Gaudreault Merc Gi ese Gilmore Gordon Groc Gray Guest, Agt for 0 W liaman Hahne Bros Hainb erg er Harm Trustees Hastings Hastings Hastings Groc Drug Co Co fl tt Groc Exchange Stump for Former Shareholders Credit Bureau Ice Co rpewriter Co ” Hayland Farmer s Union Heasley Groc Heiman Groc Hendrickson Groc Herb st Groc Hermanson Higenbothem Hines Hohn.stein Home Dairy Hopper Hunter J & 1! Booterie Tames Market Johnson Jones Groc Tones Groc Tones, Co Clerk Jones Drug Co 1Z 1 Jorgenson Groc Juniata L'or Co Kahraan 0 -roc Kauf Union Market Kendall Kendi Groc Kernan Shoe Co Kidder ?? Kingsley Ki ssl er Gro c Ko epke Kostal Kri ck Kri eger Latta Latta & Anderson Lawson Hdw Co Lincoln Tel & Tag Co t? Mrs. M Tames Anna K Mrs Tom Dr L J Dr Mabel OM Dr L F Elms. Tohn Dr E Wendell John A T • Nellie Mrs T C Dr 0 S Naomi e Fred C si e William of Hastings Bldg & Loan Assn Henry Char1es CE Clara W B George L Dr A B Earl L Mrs Fred Carl T G T W Mrs Oakley Dr C E tt Dr D W Mrs Carl Dr 0 A Donald I Dr E 3. Dr' s OK ft 1.00 23.93 54. 61 5.00 10.00 2.50 13.39 12.00 9.62 11.03 16.00 3.00 9.00 5.59 2.89 18.00 8.00 4. 64 98.46 11.58 13.50 13.00 83.84 132.90 13.25 39.97 3.10 207.28 67.00 5.72 6.00 1.20 67. 60 16.00 34.33 1.00 21.50 10.00 36.18 16.00 5.00 8.00 2.00 25.00 2.50 3.00 4.75 5.45 9.54 26.74 41.34 27.40 50.44 5.00 7.00 20.00 45.00 .50 69. 34 5.00 5.00 12.10 55. 61 20.00 17.94 26.96 46.60 16.46 20. 69 1.88 27.94 142.86 32.00 56. 7 6 2.50 2.50 41.75 41.75 21.49 8.00 2.50 30.00 14.00 3.00 160.25 2.18 .15 2.75 0, E. SERF PRINTING -CO,. HASTINGS, NEER. Lo ;tan Co Luhring Lundeen Lux Cash Groc Lynch Drug Co Mace Madgett Bros Mary Lanning Hospital McDowell Groc McGrath Hdw Co McIntire Funeral.. Home Meininger Midstate Creamery Mi kk el s en Drub Co Miller Groc Montgomery. Ward. & Co Mortgage Investment Co Nash Newkirk Dairy Newkirk & Salisbury Gro c No rth Nowers Palmer Parsons Service Station Paul son Penney CO tr t1 Pickering Pi erce Pinney Polio ck Porter Pullen Queen City Laundry Rad1 ey Railway Express Rogers Groc Rutts Drug Store Rutts Drag Store # 1 Butts Drug Store # 2 Iynearson Saf away Gro c Seaton t4 1t Serf Printing Co Shaw Sheeley Groc Sherman Si e'omann Smith Spi cknall Standard. Oil Co Steward Stitt et Stop & Shop Groc Sunnyside, Inc Swan so n Table Supply Co Taggart It Thaut Shoe Repair Shop Thomas Thornberry Tinders Groc Topaz Dairy Trading Post Trausch Groc Trausch Uri dil Walker Wanzer Groc Wary Gro c Weingart Wells & Frost Co ti^dhi sinand Groc White 71 ec Co Widener Groc tali dmai er Groc egnan Giroc Wilder Sery Station Winter Est. Wisemans Show Store Wolfe Groc 1jT M Martin Bernice Dr JL tt Anna Lillian San. Dr W E Mrs F Rp JC tt 14 R E Mae Dr 0L James Harry Mary C L Anna Fred A tt 11 O E Dr W L • A Ben Ilnili e 0 Dr AA 11 W C Sam Albert E rr Dr L A Bernice tt Peter Dr E A L George Peter Dr J E John William 1`d Mary 12.50 1.30 10.00 94.67 26.47 2.50 16.00 45.00 152.68 15.96 1.00 57.00 6.00 28.01 41.32 71.18 9.90 6.00 10.00 2.40 41.27 .96 67.50 18.00 9.39 8.00 2.02 5.27 12. 64 20.00 9.00 16.00 9.56 16.00 9.00 4.85 16.80 6.01 18.40 52.45 18.47 2.36 40.00 62.06 11.72 13.43 55.00 21.85 50.00 77.09 27.50 7.00 2.50 5.50 7.00 .50 2.25 75.00 10.00 32.50 34.90 49.00 22.08 85.00 25.16 1.35 2.00 13.25 X5.22 90.85 101.02 73.21 12.50 51.00 .50 19.73 17.50 7.50 7.85 110.10 2.40 32.32 19.70 35.63 3.20 7.00 12.50 40.54 528 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS, NEBR. Dailey T II 3.00 Deep Rock Station 40.7? Eihusen Sr Tohn 1.50 Goble Chas M 2.33 Island Supply Co 277.92 Kenesaw Lumber Co 129.36 Kenesaw Oil Co 30.93 Krueger Hugo 38.50 t, Paul 28.00 Lilley Edwin 415.50 Wagners Service Station 3.00 COMPENSATION FUND. Nowers Dr Walter E 2.00 SOLDI =+ S & SMLORS. Amick & Ariick Drt s 3.00 Bi Lo Market 10.00 Eckhardt Groc IT 0 5.00 Food Centers 3.50 Hahne Bros 10.50 Nome Dairy 3.55 Hames Groc 14.00 K ernan Shoe Co 2.50 Penney Co T C 4.78 Safeway Store # 1 3.50 Salisbury Gro c 38.00 Sh e el ey t s Groc 37.50 Sherman Ben 4.29 Sneller Dr Floyd 5.50 Trading Post 49.00 MAD DRAGGING FUND. Adams Co T D 356.00 Anderson Roy 10.00 .Andersen Garage 45.40 Augustin & Sons 27.21 Austin Dell 15.00 Ayr Lumber Co 100.45 Ayr Twp 12.70 Berg L A 80.00 Elaine Twp 8.30 Block Bruce 100.00 Brown Service 13.14 Cain Mutt 100.00 Central Power Co 1;00 City Water & Light Dept 1.65 Clark T A 2.00 Clarke Hotel Garage 53.49 Clarks Service Station 10.70 Continental Oil Co 43.66 Cottonwood Twp 12.40 Curtis Pump Shop 2.00 D -A Lubricant Co., Inc 55.21 Deep Rock Station 24.33 Denver Twp 12.40 Dutton-Lainson Co 24.38 Essinger Gar & Oil Co .126.89 31.15 Evans 0 G 3.40 Fairbanks Lester 21.00 Foote Oil Co Wendell 15.55 Gob l e Chas M 27.71 Tay 80.00 Gro then Raymond 44.00 Hageman Hdw Co 65.61 Hanover Twp 11.65 Hardin Silvey Lbr Co 10.75 Hastings Battery & Mee Co 1.50 Hastings Equity Grain Bin Mfg. Co 33.75 it .60 et 2.48 Heartwell C A 81. 95 Highland Twp 10.90 Kohl en Fred eri ck 92.00 it William 70.00 Huckfeldt Delmar 96.00 Toynt Cl eve 100.00 Ken_esaw Oil Co 52.26 Kistler D G 55.90 Mluver Toin 100.00 Koch Perle 104.00 Krulish Battery & Elec Sery 4.40 Lilley Edwin 48.00 Lincoln Raod Eqpt Co 119.58 L'I tt1_P. R1lIP. Twn • SUPERVISR'S D N� . 13 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS, NEBR. Nebraska Culvert & Pipe Co Newnan North Oliver Lbr Co Overy Pete's On Station Roseland Twp Scott Shaw Sidles Co Silver Lake Twp Sime AT Sinclair Refining Co Smidt Dick Standard Oil Co Of Nebr Swanson Gravel Co Tompkins Supply Co Trupp Adam Verona Twp Wagners Service Station Wanda Twp West Blue Twp Witt L1Oyd Yost Louis E Zero Twp Zubrod Jake W P A ROAD. Beiriger Arnold Bruning Co., Inc. Charles Central Nebr Millwork Co Clarks Service Station Evans M L Foote Oil Co Wendell Gilmore Van Goble Chas M Hill Charles F Hohlen Wm Mohlman John Moore Th. Oliver Lbr Co Howard G Robert M Howard GL John L tt Pete' 8 011 Station Simms Book Store Standard Blue Print Co Wagners Service Station Walt's Gas Station COUNTY. FAIR. Adams County .Aggri c Society • 845.67 100 .00 3.00 228.54 100.00 79 . 52 25.00 17 . 50 85.00 2.41 43.9) 55. 66 57.39 5.20 25.20 132.30 7.55 13.00 40.80 34.09 8.50 7.90 100.00 72.00 19.90 .85 4.00 16.94 .50 8.91 60.30 24.80 64.00 20.86 170.00 39.81 22.00 22.48 7.30 7.40 30 . 42 .30 11.71 21.87 39.53 800.00 Motion by Harm, seconded by Shaw, that this board now adjoUrn to meet again. on November 7th, 1940 at 9 o' clock A.M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. County Clerk COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, ?MM. Thursday, November 8, 1940. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of October 5, 1940. Jay Goble, Chairman., presiding. Roll call, all members present: Berg, Carter, Foote, Goble, Harm, Hohlen and Shaw. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Haim, seconded by Foote, that we sell lots 9 and 10, Block 7, in the Village of Pauline, Nebraska to Wni. Moore for $10.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion. carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Hohler., that the third quarterly- report of the County .Tudge and the Register of Deeds be placed on filo. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Borg, seconded by Carter, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk be instructed. to issue warrants for the, same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GEN.12-_P.II, FUND. Adams County Farm Bureau $200.00 Adan -is County Voice 131.75 Berg L A 45.00 Best Wallace 25.00 Bi Lo Market 530 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO, 13 0 E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS, NEBR. Brown -McDonald Bruce's Jewelry Store Carper to Carter CentrR1 Power Co City Water & Light Cunningham. Dailey 1, Dept Democrat Printing Co Department of Health Election Payroll Ernstmoyor, Cl of Dist. Court tt tt Dorothy tt R C 1.00 .75 10.03 39.00 75.00 14. 59 78.00 Lottie E 32.66 E A 27.00 5.70 6.90 48.50 1199.55 T Fred 18.00 tt1.1 /6 4t 33. 50 IT 1479.21 Foote C W 80.00 Gaudreault Mere Co A J' 25.16 Goble Tay 50.95 Harm George 80.00 Hastings Daily Tribune 687.52 Hastings Rubber Step Works 5.00 Hastings Typewriter Co 23.10 Herbst Henry 13.35 Herzog M E 12.50 Holl on Wm 45.00 Bushes Forrest L 5.25 K -B Printing Co 157.83 TT 3.25 Keith Dr W W 22.00 K erg? ody C F 1.00 1 ein Peter 82.56 Landgraf Esther 78.00 Lau Luella 78.00 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co 62.45 Lincoln School Hospital 1.65 Milburn & Scott Co 1.90 Mmbro e TTS A 2.00 Nihon I T 35.00 Oliver Lumber Co 4.86 Polenske Bros Schellak Co. 420.92 TT 854. 29 Prowl Carl 11.69 Rutherford Bros .75 Rutts Drug Store 1.25 Sarver George 125.00 Schaffroth F 0 30.50 Serf Printing Co 0 E 195.50 328.25 Shaw John L 35.00 Sherman 0 E 5.25 State J•ournel Printing Co 240. 50 Theebald, Co Treas. A J• 4.47 Trausch Store Geo 3.75 United Chemical Co Inc 81.50 Western Brick & Supply Co 79.31 Western Union .25 Willits S E 12.00 YT TT 12.00 tt tT 3.00 Wood, Sheriff Worthy B 218.97 Roo dm rth Lovina 3.00 Go ersz Hoffman Holyoke YT Nutter Roberts tr Starr 14 Tanner Thompson .Adams Groc. Amick Amick Bauer Groc Berges Groc Berts Drug Co Bi Lo Market Binderup Hdw Co Bohnett Borley Storaee & Transfer STATE FUNDS. Elsa Kathryn Ona tt Jean Robert Frank t4 Esther M It Dale Dorothy POOR .AID FUND 16.92 85.00 12.28 60.50 65..00 9.64 55.00 50.00 9.36 40.00 49.52 21.24 Drs. 15.00 Fred 11.83 30.39 43. 61 112.86 3.05 W 0 25.00 nn 531. 0• E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS, NEER Bucks Booterie Bunnell Oil Co Buskirk Gioc By erm Byers Lumber Co Cannon Drug Co Carson Drug Co Cash Wa Lumber Co Central Power Co Chapp ell Churchill City Fuel & Feed Co City Water & Light Dept Coates Cash Groc Coates Groc Colter Collings Conrad Groc Conway Coryell Service Station Cowton Coal Co Cummings Cummings Groc Cushing Co Cu.shin5 Co Davi s DeBacker Dickerson Drug Co Dill Dixon Do .i ny Doyles Drug Co East Side Dairy Eckhardt Groc Economy Groc Eg en Eihusen Ei schen Groc Evans Fanners Union State Exchange Fink Shoe Co Fisher Groc Food Center Groc Foot e Foote Fro schheuser Gi ese Gilmore Glover Gordon Groc Guest Guildner 'Rabe). Hagman TIa'nne Brow- Groc Iiamb erger Hann H artwei g Hastings Credit Bureau Hastings Fuel Co Hastings Ice Co Hastings Typewriter Co n Hawley Hayland Farmers Union Heasl ey Gro c Holman Groc Herbst Groc Ilea anson Groc Higenbothasi Hines Hines fohnstein Service Station Home Dairy Hunter J& M Bo o t o ri e James Market Johnson Johnson Jones Groc Jones Groc Tones, Co Clerk Tones Drug Co # 1 Jones Drug Co # 2 Juni ata Lurnb er Co K ahnan Groc Kaufs Union Market Kendall Kendig Groc Harold DrT R Walter R Dr A Mrs M James Anna K Mrs Vernon Dr L J Lucile Dr Mabel C M Dr L F Elna Fred Dr EC Dr E C John Ilell e Mrs T C Pearl A Naoraie A t for C W Stump Dr C W Cliff Fred C Fl si e William Dr 011 Henry Charles F Cl a_ra; W B Earl L Mrs Fred Glen C Carl T G 6 T W Mrs Oakley 2.45 1.50 152.79 6.00 10.70 55.16 10.65 2.29 2.17 4.00 10.00 8.27 1.25 25.41 28.99 3.00 5.00 13.13 2.50 6.00 8.68 12.00 20.00 13.60 2.50 16.00 112.50 5.40 3.00 6.00 4.00 .94 4.96 79.62 11.58 6.00 13.00 79.53 6.10 97.78 12.00 26.12 160.99 3.00 149.25 6.00 76.00 16.00 21.72 42.57 6.50 27.00 .96 10.00 35.75 20.00 5.00 8.00 2.00 33. 61 25.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 9.54 20.24 31.23 49.73 5.00 7.00 10.00 15.00 1.00 64.43 5.00 2.50 75.47 20.00 7.50 24.33 25.78 24.50 27.90 11.55 15.72 3.42 65. 67 32.00 22.02 532 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEBR Ko vital K3i ck Laird Coal Co Latta cue Anderson Lawson Hdw Co L enhart Lincoln tt tt It t4 Tel & Telg Co Dr 0 A Donald Lloyd 3 Drt s C K Paul 3.00 45.00 12.79 66.25 4.07 1.00 1 4.83 5.65 5.65 2.75 8. 60 Livingston Bros. Funeral. Home 50.00 Lo -man & Co W M 12.50 Luhring Martin 2.20 Lundeen Bernice 10.00 Lux Cash Groc 57.52 Lynch Drug Co 24;94 McDowell Groc 30.34 McPherson Dr 3" B 1.00 Madgett Bros 45.00 Mazy Lmining Hospital 461.70 Matthei sen Drug Co 1.12 May LaVern 24.00 Metropoli tan Label Co 4.00 Midstate Crea?nexy 15.40 Mikk el s en Drug Co 42.22 Miller Groc 52.44 Montgomery Ward 8 Co 2.98 idortage.Investment Co 6.00 Nash Lillian 10.00 Nevikirk Dairy .2. 48 Nowers Dr W E 120.00 Oliver Luber Co 2.23 Parkview Cemet ery 6.20 Paulson R P • 10.00 Penney Co T C5.36 14 tt 29.31 Pickering F E 20.00 Pierce Mae 3.00 Pinney Dr .0 L 24.00 Pollock Tames 2.7 6 Porter Harry 16.00 • Pull en Mary 9.00 Railway Express Agency .50 Rippeteau Wallpaper Ec Paint Co 4.05 t 1.90 Rogers Groc 21.68 Rosanna Shope 1.98 Rutts Drug Sure 9.25 Rutts Drug Co # 1 18.52 SI 2 1.31 Rynearson Mrs Anna 40.00 S of eway Groc 83.25 Salisbury Groc 32.75 Schilling Service Station E H 1.00 Schwier L H 1.30 Seaton Fred A 55.00 T4 " 11.72 t4 tt 13.43 Serf Printing Co 0 E 28.00 Shaw Dr tied L 20.50 Sheeley Groc T A 82.4-3 Sherman Ben 11.92 Silvey Lumber Co 1.88 Singer Dewing Machine Co 2.65 Skaggs Groc 0 P 9.6.22 Smith Dr A A 50.00 Spi cknall W C 7.00 Standard Oil Co .50 Stansbury Glen 11gt for Bernice Lawrenice • 16.00 Steward Sax;. •2.25 Stitt Albert E 10.00 tt ,” 137.50, Stop & Shop Groc 9.33 Sunnyside Inc 64. 24 - Swanson Dr L A ' 25.50 Table Supply Groc . 22.19 Taggart Bernice 85.00 tt tt 19.56 Thant Shoe Repair Shop Peter 2.40 Tinders Groc 22.93 Topaz Dairy 99.19 . Trading Post 127.15 Trausch Groc George 64.52 Trausch Peter 12.50 Uerling Charles 21.00 Uri dil Dr T E 60.00 Voll an d Funeral Home 50.00 Wanzer Groc 97A_F7 13 533 0 E. SERF PRINTING CO HASTINGS NEER Viiognian Groc Wolfe Groc Yost Dairy BRIDGE FUND. 42.25 41.04 2.40 Ayr Lumber Co 64.12 Brunken Tames 3" 14.70 Deep Rock 011 Station 20.04 Ei schen Raymond 13.50 Fricke Alfred 19.80 Goble Chas M 8.53 Hardin Silvey Lbr Co 9.95 Lilley Edwin 32.40 Metzer Louie 7.50 Oliver Lbr Co 82.60 Reib er Reub en 10.50 Wright Chesly 10.50 Bi Lo Market Feese Food Center • Hahne Bros Hardin Silvey Lbr Co Tames Groc Millers Groc Penney Co Safeway Stores Salisbury Gro c Sheeleys Groc Trading Post 'Rhisinand Groc Yost Lumber CO Adams Co tt SOLDIERS & SAILORS. Dr3 P I Carl ROAD FUND. . •T D ?? .Alemite Co nderson Roy 6 Andersen Garage Aspegren 11 W Ayr Lumber Co yr TvaD B & B Super Service Berg LA Blaine Twp Blauch E W Block Bruce Bo ehlke Oscar L Brown Lloyd. Cain Mutt Cascade Petroleum Co Central Power Co Chri stensen. City Water & Light Dept Clarke Hotel Garage 01 a ink Clarks Service Station Comae Cottonwood TWI) • Curry D -A Lubricant Co Inc Decker & Son Deep Rock Station Denver Twp, Dutton-Lainson Co Elliott David Dash°. ff Tire Service Essinger T Essinger Gar & Oil Co VI Fairbanks Lester Farmers Union Hdw Frazi er Howard Goble Chas M 21 Tay Hanover Twp Hansen & Son H P Heartwell C A Haab er2er .Toe Highland Twp Hill & Son Impl Co F L Honer). Frederi ck Eno Ernest ,T A Russell Dayton 5.00 11.00 10.00 27.50 5.00 4.00 5.00 5.07 5.00 17.00 5.00 20. 50 24.00 5.00 25. 50 24.00 2830.00 28.96 8.96 72.00 20.00 2.75 32.12 28.00 8.00 90.00 20.80 42.00 108.00 5.00 4.65 108.00 18.00 1.00 3.00 6.00 1.65 2.40 16.72 11.15 6.00 33.10 3.00 110.42 21. 59 69.04 26.20 109. 56 16. 31 40.00 183.35 136.34 11.75 35.00 11 . 26 6.00 35.08 80.00 45.85 7 . 25 146.50 12.00 33.80 16.93 1 n 4. on ( 534 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0, E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS, NEER, it enesaw Motor Co Kenesaw Cil Co Kenesatr Tti Kistler D G Kluver John Koch David ,Tr Koch Perle Krulisli Batters 4 Electric Ser.r1ce Lenz Lloyd L ill ey EdvIrin Lilley Sand & Gravel Co Lincoln Haod Eqpt Co Lippincott Tai i`,i Little Blue Tap Log an. Twp LIliler Fred Mo hlman John T ul der Jo e National Defining Co Nebraska Culvert & Pipe Co Newman Howard G No = th Robert M Oliver Lbr Co Over Howard Peters Oil Station Polenske Bos Schellak Co Roseland T wp Shaw John L Sidles Co Silver Lake Tarp Sia A J Sinclair refining Co 59.21 96.48 55.35 43.39 94.00 12.00 108.00 12.35 1.50 914. 69 486.54 280.34 4100.22 41.65 21.10 2.45 18.45 80.00 49.60 3.92 104.00 46.50 11.60 108.00 54. 48 1.43 50.50 90.00 74.34 87.17 91.93 76.52 +: 25. 55 Spitz Foundry & Machine Works 70.50 Stader -Henry 9.00 Standard Oil Co of Nebr. 25.39 " 26.30 Stubbe Gerhard F 6.00 Tompkins Supply Co 26.70 Wagners Service Station 39.87 Waits Gas Station 34. 36 Wanda Twp 47.20 West Blue TIT 23.10 Whitney Chas 79.85 Witt Lloyd 104.00 Wright - � CT,_i . 20 Zero Tvp 54.40 ROAD W P A Clarks Segni ce .Station 6. 20 Deep Rock Station 2.33 Essinger Garage & Oil Co 81.13 Evan M L 30.42 Gilmore "Aka 72.00 Goble Chas 1 104. 62 Hastings Typewriter Co 30.80 Hill Charles F 170.00 TIo hl en Wi 1l i am 4 .67 Island Supply Co 976.1 Lawson 1day Co C K .50 National Refining Co 9.92 Pete's Oil Station 6.24 Wagners Se:'vi ce Station 11.51 1/lotion. by Carter, seconded by Berg, that the following applications for Mrs. Etta Haynes, Tars. 1+ilda Palm, tle anore Kent, and Mrs. Maude McKean for Mother's Pension be allowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconddd by Foote, to release and discharge the Old Age .Assistance Lien against the following Real Estate TSE-- Section 7, Township 5, Range 12 in the name of Nellie K. Sheffield. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harty, seconded by Shaw, that their. board now adjourn to nett again on Decenber 6, 1940 at 9 o' clock A. 1.1. Motion carni ed. Bo and adjourned. LY. t - County 01 ark C_nai nar . De -o y. PERVISOR RECORD NO. 13 535 - 0 E. SERF PRINTING CO HASTINGS. NEER COLTRT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Friday, December 6, 1940. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of November 8th, 1940. Tay Goble, Chairmen, presiding. Roll call, members present: Berg absent. Carter, Foote, Goble, Ham, Hohlen and Shaw. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Foote, that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS: Mr. T. W. Tones, County Clerk of Adams County, and serving in that capacity, departed from this life on November 8th, 1940, And Whereas: We deplore the loss of his service to the County of Adams in the Capacity of County Clerk, and that we will miss the pleasant association we had with him, Be it therefore resolved, by the Adams County Board of Supervisors that these resolutions of respect be spread on our record and acopy of the same be sent to the family of the deceased. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Carter, that the bond of Emma Berg for Deputy County Clerk be released. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Harm, that we appoint Erma Berg to fill the vacancy as County Clerk caused by the death of T. W. Tones. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried.. Motion by Harm, seconded Carter, that the County Tudge be called in to approve the bond of file in the County Judges office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. a Berg which is on Motion by Foote, seconded by Hohlen, that the bond of Forrest L. Hughes for Register of Deeds be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Carter, seconded by Hohlen, that the following miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the supervisors record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. #5498 Willis, Co. Treas. Pearl D. 5499 Lindgren Ernest 5500 tt It 5501 Crowley Tas 5502 ft " 5503 State Treas. 5504 tt 5505 Campbell Glenn 5506 Ernstmeyer, Clerk of Dist Court T. Fred 5507 11 It 5508 Tones, Co. Clerk T W 5509 State Treas. 5510 K1 ein Peter 5511 Ernstmeyer, Clerk of Dist. Court T. Fred 5512 Shaw Tohn 5513 Hohlen 'Ma 5514 Abbott Stanley H 5515 Hilsabeck B T 5516 Tones, Co. Clerk T W 5517 Bohlke, Co Tudge W. Haisay 5518 Berg, Sup. L A 5519 State Treas. 5520 it 5521 Crowley I F 5522 Hansen Otto 5523 State Treas. 5524 Shaffroth Pred 5525 Ernstmeyer, Clerk of Dist. Court X Fred 5526 Wood, Sheriff Worthy B 5527 Crowl ey Tas G 5528 Tones, Co. Clerk T. W. 5529 Crowley I F 5530 Whelan W M 5531 Cancelled 5532 State Treas. 5533 II 5534 Hohlen Eh 5535 Klein Peter 5536 Ernstmeyer, Clerk of Dist. Court T Fred 5537 It It 5538 tt ff 5539 Bohlke, Co. Sudge W Halsey 5540 Wood, Sheriff Worthy B 5541 Bohlke, Co Judge W Hal sey 5542 Crowley Jas F 5543 State Treas. 5544 Adams County Farm 5545 Ryan, Treas. 0 L 5546 Cancelled 5547 Ernstmeyer, Clerk of Dist. Court T Fred 5548 State of Nebr. 5549 Hughes Forrest 5550 State Treas. 5551 11 5552 Ern stmey er, Clerk of Dist. Court T Fred 4.65 50.00 45.00 6.35 9.85 718.68 6468.16 5.00 5.00 161.43 5.58 12078.45 134.50 397.29 465.00 707 . 50 10.00 10.00 1.25 10.00 17 . 53 518.12 4663.09 9.15 1.00 12315.01 2.00 413.37 199.38 10.00 198.85 2.00 10.00 593. 64 5342.72 300.00 175.00 227.44 27.49 13.84 50.00 1.05 729.93 2.00 14174.72 79.84 767. 21 349.11 113.70 611.10 5115.56 568.40 238.77 536 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO., HASTINGS. NEBR. 5559 ..Anderson 5560 Sprague 5561 State Treas. 5562 Crowley 5563 Hohlen 5564 Insurance Cots. 5565 Crowrley 5566 B :_ rg, Co Clerk 5567 Ernstneyer 5568 Berg 5569 Gobl e Carl 130.48 L A 41.63 14.498.43 Jas F 10.00 nt 500.00' 100.50 J F 2.00 Ermna 10.00 J F 274.05 L A 3.80 Jay 3.55 Motion by Foote, seconded by Shaw, that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, it appears that in the assessaent of the property consisting of two grain elevators listed as improvements on leased grounds, that there was made an obvious error in listing the valuation of the said property as $4,000 each instead of $4,000 total, or $2,000 each, as listed in 1939, and WHEREAS, it thereby appears that the total valuation of those two rpoperties are $8,000, and the County Board being satisfied that that was 'an obvious error, It is, therefore, the opinion and judgement of this Board that the said assessment should be corrected in accord- ance with the true valuation and intent, and the County Assessor, the County Clerk and the County Treasurer are therefore hereby directed to correct the said assessment and the records based thereon to show each of the said properties valued and assessed at $2,000 instead of $4,000 as now appears. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, seconded by Foote, that the following list of names be submitted to the Clerk of District Court from which to draw the jury for the next tern of District Court. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Sup ervi so r District #1. West Blue Twp; M. M. Ramsey, Andy Hubbard, Lloyd Bierman. Highland Twp: C. W. Rife, Fredrick Kroger, John Schafer. Denver Twp: Henry Grothen, Henry Stagier. Blaine Torp: R. D. Enninga, Fred Amus, George Filges. Supervisor District kr 2. Verona Twp: Victor Burr, Milton Kindig, Wolbert .Lindeburg. Juniata Ttnrp: Chester Wiltrout, John Consbruck, Nick Konen. Kenesaw Twp: Carl .Aufdenkarnp, Ralph Ernst, Max Lambrecht. WandaTwp: Elmer Bohlke, Henry Aufdenkamp. Supervisor District #3. Cottonwood Twp: Carl Ruhter, George Petersen, Wm. Routh. Roseland Twp: Joe Trausch, Ray Hoffi.an, Bob Brown. Silver Lake Twp: Eldon Lewis, Vernon Borwege, John. Hynes. Logan Twp: H. L. Hynes, Eno Christensen. Supervisor District # 4. Ayr Twp: John Gallagher, Miner E. Grethen, Frank Wintermute. Hanover Twp: Lester Pfeiffer, Klen Sherman., Louie Classen. Little Blue Twp: H. H. Hibbler, Toe Novak. Zero Twp: Albert Schultz, Paul Krueger, Walter Thaute. Supervisor District # 5, City of Hastings. Henry Schreiner, George G. Bauer, George G. Kerr, John Kilter, Walter Dommann, Jacob Thiel, George Trupp, John L. Thornberry , Lloyd L. Dufford, David W. Bauer, John W. Froscheuser, Frank Thiede. Supervisor District r 6, City of Hastings. Sidney Trobaugh, LaVern May, Tom Sorell, Hugh Newell, Chas. Davey pr., Mark DeWitt, Henry McClenhan, Wm Spicknall, Alonzo Stiner, Chas. Stansberry, P. W. Evans, Wm. Barfnecht. Supervisor District # 7, City of Hastings. Dave Rodine, C. D. Hoff, B. A. 'semen, Timer C. Fels, Ed L. Stratton, Dale Dragoo, Ray Johnston, Norman Kindig, Harry Beavers, Gordon W. Hahne, Frank C. Ground, Barney Boltjes. Motion by Carter, seconded by Foote, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the sane. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GHTLI ELAL FUND. Adams County Farm Bureau $200.00 Adams County Voice 21.84 Arvanettet s 11.05 Berg, Co Clerk argue. 228.51 Berg L A 40.00 Bohlke, Co Judge w Halsey 41.28 Borley Storage & Transfer Co Brown 25.00 Dr J W 1.00 Bruce's Jewelry Store .75 Burroughs Adding Machine Co 5.53 Byers Lumber Co 9.55 Carper Dorothy 39.00 Carter R C 90.00 Central Power Co 16.22 City Water & Light Dept. 49.20 Coe Margaret A 30.00 Crowley James F 5.00 Cunningham Lottie E 18.25 Dailey KLbert 3.00 Democrat Printing Co 335.29 !t 1.00 Dill Laura 1.00 O. E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS NEER Gaudreault Mere Co Gobi e Harm. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co Haukenb erry Hohlen Hughes, Reg. of Deeds Hynes K -B Printing Co Keith Ki ein Laird Coal Co L andg raf L au Lincoln Tel & Telg Co Lynch McGrath Hdw Co Nebraska Institution for Feeble Minded Nelsen P er n ey Co tt Bros Polenske/Schellak Sc Co Polling places in Adams Co. Renner & Co Rutherford Bros. Sarver Serf Printing Co Shaw Sherman Stein Furniture Co 80 Taxi Theobald, Co Treas. Tribune Graphic Arts University Publishing Co White Willits Wood, Sheriff Wo o dwo rth Adams Grocery Amick & Amick. Bauer Groc. Berg, Co Clerk Berres Groc Berts Drug Co 131 Lo Market Binderup Hdw. Co 17 Bladen Grain Co Bohnett Bohlke Funeral Home Boren Borley Transfer & Storage Bracht s Bresci Brooke Brooke Drug Co n Brooke & Son Brown Brown Bron i -McDonald Co tt Bunnell Service Station Buskirk Grocery Byers Lumber Co tr tt Carson Drug Co Cash Wa Lumber Co Central Power Co Churchill City Fuel & Feed Co City Water & Light Dept Coates Cash Groc Coates Groc Collings Conrad Groc Conway Courtright Groc Go-rton Coal Co tt Cummings Cummings Groc Cushing Co AT Tay George John Iran Forrest L Tames Dr W W Peter Lloyd 13 Esther Luella R G J u LaVern J T C it 85.00 45.60 80.00 84.14 16.45 5.40 35.00 5.25 4.20 9.23 16.00 64.28 116.75 78.00 78.00 60.55 3.95 10.15 133.85 265.00 4.63 7.55 .92 220.00 Percy 18.50 21.00 George 125.00 O E 34.00 John L 36.43 C E 3.60 1.50 1.00 AJ 24.54 4.80 13.82 C A 4.20 T E 6.00 Worthy B. 198.89 Lovina 4.00 POOR AID FUND, 22.35 Drs. 22.00 Fred 8.61 Emma 51.50 28.28 41.32 148.88 2.65 6.81 4.00 W C 25.00 50.00 Dr. A. T 103.00 12.75 11.65 Filetelfo 9.00 Don A . 3.00 5.00 33.40 12.00 Dr J` W 19.75 Mrs Sarah 4.00 37.40 7.94 4.88 156.77 79.18 8.50 3.24 8.50 16.04 26.62 7.86 Walter R 10.00 60.06 1.25 24.74 48.23 Mrs M 5.00 22.60 Tames 2.50 41.19 58.89 4.10 Anna K 12.00 33.23 15.29 538 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 13 0. E. SERF PRINTING HASTINGS,NEW East Side Dairy 2.40 Eckhardt Carl 8.00 Eckhardt Groc 69.27 Economy Groc. 4.85 Eg en. Dr L F 35.00 Eihusen ana 13.00 Eischen. Groc 66.10 Elliott Dave 4.12 Farmers Union State ExchaTtge 88.72 Feese Dr J P 14.00 Fisher Groc 34.20 Fleet Foote Oil Co .94 Food Center Groc 223.11 Froschheuser John 6.00 Gaudreault Mere Co A T 3.97 Giese Nellie 52.00 Gilmore Mrs J C 16.00 Gordon Groc 38.03 Gray Dr 0 S 1.00 Guest-Agt for C W Stump Naomi e 6.50 Guildner Dr 0 W 3.00 IT ft 47.75 H N P Grain Co 10.00 Hebei Clifford 1.28 Hagman Fred C 10.00 Haggard & Cling Real Estate 12.50 Hahne Bros 46.79 Hamberger ELsie 16.00 Haip. William 5.00 Hartwig Dr C H 6.00 Hastings Credit Bureau 2.00 Hastings Daily Tribune ?? 13.43 Hastings Fuel Co 92.40 It 9.20 Hastings Ice Co 25.00 Hastings Typewriter Co .2.10 It 2.00 tt . 3.95 Hayland Farmers Union Grocery 9.54 Heasley Groc 31 . 21 Helman Grco 26.02 Hendricksen Give 41.96 Herbst Groc Henry 32.46 Hermanson Groc Charles 5.00 Home Dairy 67.75 Hopper Dr A B 5.00 Hunt Dr G II 13.00 Hunter Earl L 5.00 Tamps Market 130.15 Johnson Mrs Fred 20.00 Tones Drug # 1 17.4.0 te# 2 11.17 Jones Groc Carl 30 . 62 Tones Groc J G 25.78 Jorgensen Groc 32.31 Juniata Grain & Livestock Assn 20.63 Juniata Lumber Co 33. 64: Kahman Groc 53. 63 Kauf Union Market 76.77 Kendall Mrs Oakley 32.00 Kendig Groc 49.60 Kenesatv Lumber & Coal Co 29.93 Kernar Shoe Co 7.00 Kidder Dr C E 51.00 t? rf 3.00 Kingsley Dr D W 55.00 Kissler Groc 47.41 Ko epke Mrs Carl 8.00 Krick Donald 60.00 Ko stal Dr 0 A 48.00 Larid Coal Co Lloyd 101.95 Latta & Anderson Dr's. 177.75 L enhart Paul 1.00 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co 21.47 T? 9.80 " 5.65 tt 5.65 • 2.75 Lovaman Co M 12.50 Lundeen Bernice 10.00 Lux Cash Groc 102.82 McCleery Mrs John 16.00 McDowell G roc 24.42 Mace Dr I L 10.50 Madgett Bros 45.00 Mary Lanning Hospital 313.90 May LaVern 21.75 Mecham Groc a SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NERR Newkirk Dairy Nowers Oliver Lumber Co Parsons service Station Penney Co 1? Pi ckering Pierce Pinney Pollock Porter Pullen Radl ey Railway Express Agency Ratcliff Rogers Groc Ro senau Rutts Drug Co Rutts Drug Co # 1 Rutts Drug Co # 2 Rynearson Safeway Groc Salisbury. Groc Schilling Service Station Seaton r* Shaw Sh e el ey Groc Sherman Silvey Lumber Co Skaggs Groc Snaith Snyder Spicknall Stam Steward Stitt It Stop & Shop Groc Sunnyside, Inc Swanson Table Supply Gro c Taggart Taggart Terry's Cottage Grocery Thaut Shoe Repair Shop Tinders Grocery Topaz Dairy Trading Post Trausch Groc Trausch Uridil Wanzer Grocery Wary Grocery Weingart Whisinand Grocery Wideners Groc Widmaier Grocery Wiegman Grocery Winter Estate Wiseman Shoe Store Wolfe Grocery Yost Dairy Yost Lumber Co Yost L umb er Co Byers Lumber Co Cowton Coal Co Hahne Bros James Groc Lux Grocery Rodgers Groc Safeway Store Salisbury Groc Sheeley's Groc Trading Post Wi egmen Giroc Yost Lumber Co Ayr Lumber Co Fricke Island Supply Co Polenske Bros Schellak & Co Polenske Bros Schellak & Co Dr. W. E. T 0 rr R E Mae Dr GL James Harry Mary C L Winifred Dr A B 2.40 75. 50 70.76 19.00 2.28 148.57 20.00 3.00 23.50 4.04 16.00 9.00 17.40 .50 7.50 25.34 1.00 16.25 24.02 3.30 Anna 40.00 87.87 62.20 E H 1.50 Fred A 55.00 11.7 2 Dr W L 18.00 J A 128.15 Ben 17.88 11.85 0 P 86.36 Dr A A 33.00 Dan 20.00 "IAT O 7.00 Mrs Clyde .50 Sazn. 2.25 Albert E 10.00 A E 142.50 66.01 34.90 Dr L A 35.00 22.30 Bernice 18.96 Bernice 85.00 28.66 Peter 5.05 17.-84 93.05 71.69 George 55.99 Peter 12.50 Dr T. E. 100.00 34.26 12.50 William W 7.50 76.44 27.10 25.71 56.30 Mary 14.00 12.50 SOLDIERS & SAILORS A T BRIDGE FUND Alfred 46.21 3.68 96.00 4.35 38.06 8.70 9.00 33.50 34.00 10.00 4.00 16.50 16.00 11.50 5.00 43.50 144.08 52.20 5.81 29.63 79.20 540 SUPERVISOR'.S RECORD NO. 13 G. E, SERF PRINTING CG., HASTINGS, NEER Lindgren Nutter Roberts Roberts Starr Starr Tanner Thompson Ernest T 3.64 can 65:00( Robert 55.00 Robert 3.96 Esther M 50.00 Esther M 9.36 Dale 40.00 Dorothy 47.68 ROAD DRAGGING FUND Alemite Co 19.06 Albers Elmer 2.00 Andersen Garage11006. 60 Anderson Roy 64.00 Ayr Luber Co 197.98 Ayr Twp 15.70 Ayr Twp 14.70 Bell 0 P 3.50 Berg L A 85.00 Blaine Tui 42.25 Block Bruce 96.00 Brandes Co F H 78.92 Bron Service Sta 2.48 Brunken, Jr. Tames T 21.75 Buzzard 0 S 12.00 Cain Mutt 84.00 Central rower Co 1.30 Clark J A 10.94 Clarks Service Sta 9.61 Clarke Hotel Garage 8.95 Clarke Hotel Garage 2.10 Clarks Service Sta 8.73 Continental 011 Co 147.07 Cottonwood Twp 15.40 City Water Light Dept 3.25 Curry Dayton 3.00 Dailey J H 10.80 D A Lubricant Co. Inc 52.32 Deep Rock "tation 73.08 Denver Ta 21.0 Fairbanks Lester 021.OQ Fanners Union State Exchange 10.07 Fricke Albert 2.00 Goble Chas M 4.03 Goble Say 80.00 Gerloff Simon 12.60 Gilmore dam 80.00 Hanover Twp 27.80 Hardin Silvey Lbr Co 424.50 Hastings Battery & Electric Co 8.32 Heartwell C A 99.35 Hesman Stanley 10.80 Heuertz A M 5.50 Highland Twp 31.00 Hoffman Rolland. T Rohl en 10.80 Frederick 94.00 Ho h1 en I%vin 80.00 Hu ckf el dt Delmar 96.00 Hynes W L 4.80 Island Supply Co 130.52 Tones T W 3.66 Joynt Cleve 98,00 Kenesaw Lumber Co 398.06 Kenesaw OilCo 11.78 Kenesaw Oil Co 90.49 Kenesaw Telephone Co 4.35 Kistler D G 28.40 Kluver Tohn 94.00 Koch, Tr. David 8.40 Koch Perle 100.00 Kroblen Radiator & Body Works Floyd 9.50 Kroblen Floyd 7.50 Krulish Battery & Electric Ser 14.40 Lincoln Road Equipment Co 169.18 Lippincott M M 1212.29 Little Blue Twp 13.60 Logan Tv 25.30 Lukas Stein 10.80 M cCl ell and -Dunn 6.05 McCormick Deering Store 7.02 McGrath zidwe Co J' H 12.01 McGrath Hdzre Co J H 7.75 Mulder Toe 8.40 National Refining Co 2.79 National Refining Co .94 National Refining Co 26.46 National Refining Co 82.66 Nebraska Auto {'arts Co 2.25 Q� _ 541 E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NEER. Motion by voted aye. Motion by Myers for Motion by Motion car Pete's Oil Station Phillips "66" Rolls Saathoff Shaw Sidles Company Sidles Company Silver Lake Twp Sime Sime Sinclair Refining Co Supervisor Dist #1 -Adams County Tanner -Wal sh Tompkins Supply Co Traeger' s Garage Verona Twp Wagners Service Sta Walt's Gas Station Wanda Twp West Blue Twp Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co TiVi tt Zero Twp Ziggafoos Dal e henry Sohn L A Ad Lloyd Ward ROAD W P A Central Nebraska Public "Power & Irrigation Clarks Service Station Deep Rock Station Ernest Evans Goble Hardin Silvey Lbr Co Hastings Typewriter Co Hill Ho hl en National Refining Co Oliver Lumber Co Pete's 011 Station Standard Blue Print Co Wagners.Service Station Dist Ralph Melvill e Chas Charles F Win 26.92 4.38 8.10 6.52 90.00 35.46 31.86 12.40 15.05 63.69 38.26.. 400.00 27.00 15.11 180.09 81.00 150.76 8.06 14.50 16.15 400.20 102.00 9.4f 18.00 135.00 2.41 31.13 6.00 14.04 105.10 79.85 8.10 170.00 27.68 23.86 8.00 30.18 3.38 12.70 Ham, seconded by Carter, that the claiin of Roland Mosel for $750.00 be disallowed. Roll call, all Motion carried. Hohlen, seconded by Halm, that the Mother' s Pension. be approved. Roll Harm, seconded by Hohlen, that this vied. Board adjourn. The Adams County Board of Roll Call. Berg absent. Motion by Hohlen, seconded Supervi sor's record. Roll Fund General Bridge County Fair Soldiers & Sailors Mother'.s Pension Poor Aid & Unemployment Blind Workman Camp Road Fund Free High School application of Mrs. Dora 0ckinga, Mrs. Mae Kueck and Mrs. Bertha call, all voted aye. Lotion carried. Board now adjourn to meet again on January 6, 1941 at 9 o'clock A.M. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Tuesday, Dec. 9, . 1940. 9 o'clock A. M. Supe rvi sor s met December 9, 1940. Those present: Carter, Foote, Goble, by Shaw, that the following proposed call, all voted aye. Motion carried Estimated Proposed Estimated Expense Budget Income 1940 1941 1940, $100,900 45,650 2,000 2,550 2,300 Relief 73,250 315 200 102,000 28,200 $104,471 13,000 2,000 2,500 3,000 78, 300 200 1,003 85,000 28,000 30,605 400 ,250 none none 200 none. 250 73,000 none Harm, Hohlen, county budget Estimate d Income 1941 $33,550 12,000 250 none none 200 none 250 70,000 none and Shaw. for 1941 be Estimated Balance .Tan.1, 1941 22,000 1,200 nOhe none 2,000 1,000 600 23,000 15,000 4,000 made a part of the Uncollected Taxes 1940 $9,000 100 100 120 100 11,000 100 none n one 1,000 Motion by Harlin, seconded by Foote, that the board now adjourn. Motion carried. Board adjourned. Net Taxes Required $40,000 530 1,851 2,380 2,645 66,131 none none non e 23,000 Chairman 542 SUPERVISOR'S RECORD NO. 1.3 0 E. SERF PRINTING CO.. HASTINGS. NERR COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. January 6th, 1941. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting ofthe Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of December 6, 1940. Jay Goble Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Berg, Carter, Foote, Goble, Ham, Hohlen and Shaw. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Harm, seconded by Carter, that the fourth quarterly report of the Sheriff and the Cerk of the District Court be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded. by Harm, that we sell Lot 12, Block 6, Bateman's Sub -Division, City of Hastings, Nebraska, to Helen L. Amick for $50.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Foote, seconded by Carter, that the application of Mrs. Beulah Porter for Mother's Pension be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shaw, secaa.ded by Berg, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GE ER -SL FUND. Adams County Farm Bureau $250.00 Augustine Co 4.80 Belz Charles 2.00 Berg, Co Clerk auna 5.25 Berg L A 25.00 Binderup Haw Co .40 Bohlke, Co' Judge W Halsey 81.13 Brach's 10.43 Burroughs' Adding Machine Co 21.50 tT 40.80 Carper Dorothy 42.00 Carter R 0 85.00 Central Power Co 15.14 City Water & Light Dept 54.99 Clarke Hotel Garage .60 Cunningham, Co Supt Lottie E 9.90 Dailey i A 12.00 Dutton-Lainson Co 3.75 Ern,sL ieyer, Cl of Dist Court J Fred 9.43 tt it 2424. 68 ft 11 1.00 IT tT 110.50 Foote D W 90.00 Gaudreault Marc Co A J 6.43 Glass J P 4.80 Goble Jay 35.35 Hamm George 85.00 Hastings Typewriter Co 11.00 Herbst Henry 4.25 tt 1t 3.00 Hotel en a'Is. 35.00 Hughes, Reg. of Deeds Forrest L 6.25 K -B Printing Co 3.14 Kei. th Dr W W 19.00 K.r_edy 0 F 1.00 Klein Peter 65.42 Kline . J B 2.95 Knapp Jo septi K 198 ,00 Landgraf Esther 78.00 Lau Luella 78.00 Lincoln Telephone & Telgarph Co 61.45 Lynch R G 3.80 Maul George 4.00 McGrath Hdw Co J H 9.87 Medals Fred 2.00 Meyer Adolph 4.00 Polenske Bros Schellek & Co Inc 8.86 Rutherford Bros 3.50 Butts Drug More 4.00 Sarver George 125.00 Schaffroth F 0 2.40 Serf printing Co 0 E Shaw 304.25 Sha John L 40.00 Stein Furniture Co 1.50 Stufft Mr & Mrs Robert 4.00 Theobald, Co Treas A T 16.37 Trausch George 3.20 Wi11 i am s T H 18.75 Willits J E 9.00 Wood, Sheriff Worthy B 229.74 Wo o dwo rth Lovina Yost Lumber CO 10.00 J H 105.34 Polenske Bros Schell.ak Co 596.99 11 POOR AID FUND. 1156.18