HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupervisors Rec 12 19284 Court House, Hastings, Nebraska, Thursday, January 5th, 1928, 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board o f Supervisors' as per adjournment o f December 6th 1927. T. R. Rinforth, (lair:nen presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, alrry, Gartner, Riinforth Ruhter and Whitesel. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Motion by Gartner, second by %ivy, that the order of the County Court inthe matter of renewals of 'Mothers Pensions to Laura Marsh and Margaret Corwin, be complied with and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for said pensions. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Geo. T. Wheat a member of the Soldiers & Sailors Relief Commission filed a report of the years business which upon motion by rurry, second -by Whitesel was approved and accepted by this. Board. Motion by Cole, second by Furry that we confirm the action of the City Council o f the City of Hastings, ::ebr. , in designating the Wards of said City into election districts, divided as follows, to -wit; The First Ward shall be and is hereby divided into two (2) election districts, as follows:- All. that part o f said Ward lying east o f the center line of he.stings Avenue shallconstitute and be Precinct "A" of said Ward, and all of the First Ward lying west of the center line o tia.stings Avenue shall. constitute Precinct "13" of said Ward. The Second Ward shall be and is hereby divided into three (3) election districts as follows:- All that part o f said Ward lying between the center line of Bellevue Avenue and the Center line of I3urlington Avenue shall constitute and be Precinct "A" of said Ward; All that part, o f said Ward lying between the said center line of Bellevue Avenue and the center line of Baltimore Avenue shall constitute and be Precinct "B" of said V.ard; and all that part o f said Ward lying west o f the said center line o f Baltimore Avenue shall constitute and be Precinct "C" of said 'Nerd. The Third Ward shall be and is hereby divided into two (2) election distri cts as follows: All that part o f said Ward lying west of the center line of Hastings Avenue shall constitute and be Precinct "A"of said .s Ward; and all that part o f said .a.rd lying sasto f the center line o f said Hastings Avenue, shall constitute and be Precinct "33" of said Ward. The Fourth Ward shall be and is hereby divided into three (3) election districts as follows; All that part o f said Ward lying east o f the center line of St. Joseph Avenue and west o f .abash Avenue shall constitute and be Precinct "A" of said Ward; All that part of said Ward lying between Wabash Avenue and the center line of California Avenue and extensions thereof shall constitute and be Precinct "B" of said Ward; and all of that part o f said ITard lying east of the said center line o f Cali fornai Avenue and extensions there° f shall constitute and be Precinct "0" of said Ward. That the above descriptions be and are hereby accepted by this Board as the legally designated election districts of the City of Hastings, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Motion by Cole, second by Gartner that the County Clerk be and is hereby instructed to strike from the tax lists for the year 1924, 1925 and 1926 the remainder of the taxes assessed against the seouriPaci Pic R. R. Co. , for the reason that 75% of said taxes were pail by this Company upon a Court order fromthe District Court of the U. S., Omaha Division, for each of the years 1924, 1925 and 1926 and that the remaining 25% was compromised by the state of Nebraska and the assouri Pacific R. R. Co., in the Di.strict Court of the U. S., Omaha Division, by the Court ordering that the Missour Pacific R. R. Co., pay to the Treasurer of Adams County 12.887% o f the remaining 25% and that the Treasurer receipt them for the full amount. Roll call, all voted aye. lotion carried. Motion 'by Gartner, second by Bauer that the continuation certificate of the Standard Accident Insurance Company on the Bond o f the Nebraska National Bank of Hastings, Nebr., he approved by this Board. Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried. .At this time bids for supplies which were advertised for by the County Clerk were opened. Only one bid was received, that of the L'ablnyist Bros. , of Hastings, Nebr.. After comparing prices submitted for supplieson this bid the Board came to the conclusion that ail bids should be rejected andthat the supply committee be authorized by this Boardto buy all supplies needed for the offices on the open market, which upon motion by Gartner, second by /furry and upon a roll call in which all voted aye, supplies were ordered bought on the open mark et. Motion by Ruhter , second by Bauer that the following duplicate miscellaneous receipts from the County Treasurers office be made part of the Supervisors record, motion carried. '2178 if 2179 # 2180 it 2181 2182 2183 ft 2184 2W5 ti 23.86 )y- 2187 fr 2188 # 2189 ff 2190 # 2193. 2192 2193 /OA. Adams County Ayr Village W. A. Dilworth Judge Turbyfill County Judge County Jud2-,e C. H. Land Lucia 111.11enbach Lucia Dill enb ach Lucia Dillenbach Lucia Dillenbach Fred Ruther prod Ruhter credit General Fund credit Ayr Village credit Genera.). Rind credit Fines it Licenses credit lines & Licenses credit Fines & Licenses Credit General Fund credit General and credit General Fund Credit General. Fund Credit General Fund credit Road Dragging Rind credit General ?und First State Bank Holstein Credit Interest on Deposita Lucia Dillenbach credit General Iiind Lucia rillenbach credi-t General Fund 1.10 300.00 10,00 40.00 10.00 100.00 2.62 5.00 5.00 29.80 5.00 150.00 133.52 534.16 6.00 6.00 if 2204 Pete Gartner Credit Bridge Fund 2205 Pete Gartner Credit Road Dragging .land 2206 J. H. Fhrry Credit Bridge 'Fund 48.50 10.50 19.50 At 12 o'clock Noon the. Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. , when they again resumed with ail members present. Petition <o f; Walter Harmon, uuardian of Roy M. Phelps, and incompetent person, to sell` Real. Estate belonging to the said Roy M. Phelps and as fully described in saidpetition was read be fore the Board. Motion by Cole, second by Ruhter that the prayer of the petition be granted: and that the chairman of the Board and the County Clerk be authorized to sign a certi ficate 'showing the approval o f this board for the sale o f the described Real Estate. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, 4th quarterly, report and yearly summary o f Joseph M. Turbyfill, County Judge was read before the Board. Motion by Whitesel, second by nuhter that the report o f Joseph M. Turbyfill be not accepted by this Board for the reason that he has, retained fees in excess of what is allowed him by lav, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Annual report o f the County Superintendent en the ;County Teachers Institute Fund was read before the Board. Motion by Cole, second by iiurry that the report be accepted and approved. Roll call>,, all voted aye, Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Sauer that whereas County Jute Joseph M. Turbyfill: was called before the Board and a demand was made; by the Board that he pay to the County Treasurer' $300.00 due Adams County in excess fees as shown by the report made and sworn to by the said County Judge andthat said demand was refused by the said County Judge, that it is the sense o f this Board that this demand and refusal be made a part of the Supervisors Record. Rollcall, all voted ayes Motion carried, Motion by Cole, second by Vhitese.l, that the claim of S. 0. Pittz, M. D. of Ogallala, Nebr., on the Poor Aid Fund for 04.00 be dis. allowed by this Board for the reason that C. L. Snell, the patient operated on and mentioned in said claim by S. 0, Pitts, is not a resident of said Adams County, Nebr., and had not been a resident since December. 2211d, 1926 and had only lived in Adams County 30 days previous to December 22nd, 1926. Roll :call.., ,.all voted aye. Motion, carried. motion by Whitesel, second by furry that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds andthe Clerk instructed to issue warrants far°the seine. Roll call:,. all voted aye, motion carried. Claims follow: Bauer Geo, G. nurrough'a Adding Machine Co Button L. N. Byers Lumber Co Cannon T. N. Cates J. A. Co, Clerk Cole W. A. County Treas. Crosson` Raymond L. Crow Walter M. Davis Elliott R. Deines Drug Co Democrat Printing Co Dillenbach Lucia ?Marry J. H. Marry J H. Gartner Mary Gartner P. H. Gaudreault Mere Co A. J. Hastings Daily Tribune Industrial Chemical Lab, Inc.' K_ B Printing Co Keith W. W. et al Kline J. B. Letton Chas:,: B. Clerk Supreme Lincoln School . Supply Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. Lincoln Tel. & Tela Co Milburn & Scott Co Queen City Laundry Rain forth T. R. Ruhter AtFred Ruther ford Bros School District # 18 Schultz Martha H. Serf Printing Co Vhitesel W, C Wi dmai er Wm Wo lb ach & Brach Blomenkamp nenry County 'Teas, Daugherty P. R. Hagenlann P. C. Mills Willard et al GENERAL FUND oupervisors services & mileage services on machines Postage Coal for Court House Drugs, Co. Farm 0 ffi ce expense Supervisors services & mileage :sight, water, gas, telephone, etc,,. Jail expense, office supplies ffice expense Mileage & salary for December Supplies:, Court House supplies usurt costs, office expense oupervisors services & mileage supervisors services & mileage Salary for December supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Court House Beivelopes, Court House rumi gato rs supplies, Co Treas. ittnese, insanity hearing supplies, Court House Court Court Costs, Crawford vs State supplies, Co. Supt, Toll calls, Farm Bureau Toll calls, Court House Supplies, Co, Supt Laundry, Court House Supervisors services & mileage supervisors services 8 mileage Supplies, Court House Use of Assembly office expense, mileage, etc. Supplies, Court House supervisors serViees & mileage services supplies, Co. Farm BRI tGE FIND 56,80 23.05 10.00 242.26 7.70 32.17 57.50 Court Ho -use 365.05 172.30 11.50 245.00 7.50 357.42 45.10 11.60 54.50 55.00 44.60 6.43 62.00 72.00 20,26 13,10 2,20 42,25 15.32 8.95 15.65 28.27 4i48 57.90 42.00 .35 10.00 58.41 150,25 38.40 19.50 6.90 Labor on bridge 4.80 Freight paid on. car; lumber 622.50 hauling Bridge plank 3.00 Culvert, etc. 41,39 Unloading plank 29. 30 Ayr Township Blaine Township Cottonwood Township Denver Township Hargleroad W. B Highland Township Kenesaw Township Little Blue Township Logan Township State Journal Co Verona Township West Blue Township Adams Co, Oil Co Bauer Henry Cannon T, N, C erl B. F, Cowton coal Co Daggett F. R. Deines Drug Co Eckhardt H. 0; Godding U. S. Herbst Henry Juni-As Gr & Live Stock Assn, Kohlbry Herman Larsen ti. G. Larsen H. G. Livingston Bro s Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital. Mikkelsen Drug Co Moon ars. Lulu K. Nebraska Sanitarium Nowers Walter E. Nowers Walter E. Oliver Lumber Co Prosser Lumber & Coal Co Roseland Gr & Supply Co Hutts Drug Co Starkey Grocery Strata L. K. Stump C. W. Sunnyside Yost Lbr Co J. H. Carpenter x. M. Shick Henry Wheat Geo, T. Adams & Co J D. Anderson August et al Bock Fred Clark J. A, Essinger J. W. Essinger Garage & Oil Co Essinger Garage & Oil Co Francisco Roy B. ?ricks O'Brien =urry Stulken Stromer Reis J. H. Tran L. A. August Welter Wm Hansen & Son H. P. Hastings Battery & Elea Co Haws & Sons Huxtable Edgar C. Jones & Sons T. W. Joynt (leve et al Lo fqui st Alfred Manhattan Oil .Co Novak i oe Pavelka Ovary Bohlen. James Howard Dan Smith B, C. Smith Machinery Co Smith Machinery Co Smith Machinery Co ROAD DRAGGING POND Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Road 'drag Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging License containers Road dragging: Road dragging POOR AID FtJND Coal ciroceries Drugs Groceries Coal Groceries Drugs Oroceries uroceries Groceries Coal Groceries tiro 'caries Groceries Servi ces Services Drugs Services Services. Services Servikes co al Coal Coal Drugs Groceries Services cervi ces Servttes 'oat SOLI DERS & SAILORS BELIE F ' FUND Meeting o f re lie f commission Meeting o f retie f commission meeting o:f relic f commission COTTNTY HIGHWAY RIND Supplies Labor Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas & Oil Repairs & supplies Patrolman Team work Dragging County mods Dragging County roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Gas & Supplies Supplies Gas Dragging Co. roads Supplie s Dragging Co, roads Supplies Gas & Oil Putting up snow fence Labor on Co. roads Labor on Go, roads yr egging Co. roads Putting up snow fence Supplies, repairs Supplies, repairs Supplies, repairs 12.25 16, 56 14,50 14,i3 150.00 59.93 25.75 8.50 5.50 190.00 21.88 35.87 1I3.00 16.42 17,65 15.00 88.63 14.53 1.00 18,73 11.86 14,42 61,05 6.67 21.50 12,50 38.00 49,60 14.25 22.17 50.30 17.25 50.00 45.00 6.15 10.60 4.65 25,75 50.00 5.00 58.00 25, 00 3.20 6.40 8.00 14.85 40.38 2,40 7.90 10.80 60.67 128.06 36.80 3.00 7.12 3.75 3.00 6,00 6,00 6,35 13.50 5.25 14.25 10.00 9.20 2.50 20,21 3.20 18,40 22,08 8.62 4.00 13, 51 73.46 36.29 Gartner P. N. Pavelka James et at., t;OUNTY' GRAVEL Ft= Supervising spreading gravel 63.50 Spreading gravel 13.30 Motion by Whitesel, second by Ruhter that this Board now adjourn to meet again on . Tuesday, January lOth, 1928 at 9 o'clock A. M. potion carried. Board adjourned. :Deputy County clerk. 59 Court House Hastings eebraskee Tuesday January 10th, 1928. 9 o' clock A. . Statutory meeting of the Board.. T. R. Rain forth, Chairman, presiding. Roll call„ ail members were present as, follows: Bauer, Cole, Burry, c:artner, Rainforth, Ruhter and YJhitesel. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. >otion by Gartner, second by Dauer that the depository bonds of the ?first National Bank of Hastings, one for e10,000.00 with the metropolitan Casualty and insurance Co,., and two of $10,000.00 each with the Massachusetts Bonding & Insurance Co. , be approved by tis 1 pard, Roll call, all voted aye. Bonds were approved. Semi-annual report of J. A. Cates, County Clerk and the 4th quarterly report of Raymond L. Crosson, Sheriff were received and examined by the Board and upon motion by Gartner, second by, Ruhter were accepted and ordered placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye on this motion. Motion by Vhitesel, second by Gartner that the report of H, M. Carpenter member o f the Soldiers a Sailors Relief Commission be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. eotiori carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Cole that the following duplicate miscellaneous receipts from the County Treasurers office be made part of the Supervisors Record. Motion carried, Receipts follow: 2202 # 2207 2208 n 2209 # 2210 2211 # 2212 jr 2213 ## 2214 2215 Kenesaw State Bank County Judge First State Bank Ragland Pauline State bank Farmers State Bank Ayr J. A. Cates, CountyClerk Lucia Dillenbach Ray Crosson, Sheriff Lucy N. Hutton H, 1, Carpenter credit Interest on Deposits Credit General Raid Credit Interest on Deposits Credit Interest on Deposits credit Interest on Deposits credit General Bund Credit General Fund Credit General Fund credit General Fund credit Soldiers & Sailor 270.00 928.35 75,00 75.00 200.00 350. 70 1342.20 513.90 362. 45 Belief 23.76 A communication from B. J. McLaughlin, secretary of the Nebraska. Department of Agriculture in .regard to testing cattle and also en order declaring Adams County to be an area for the inspection, examination and testing of breeding cattle for tuberculosis was received and read before the board. No action taken by the Board. A communication from T, S, Lampton 0 f .Hastings, Nebr. , addressed to the Board of oupervisors was read. No action taken by the Board. The 4th quarterly report of Lucia Dillenbach, Clerk o f the District court and the : annual report of' L. N. Button, Register of deeds were read before the Board. No action taken by the Board. This seems to conclude the business to come before the old Board, motion by Gartner, second by Cole that this rsoard now adjourn sine die. Roll call, all voted aye RatA4A,". County tlerk, Chairman. Deputy County Clerk. Re -Organization o f - Ivo change in the personell of the board, the Board. County Clerk called the Board to order; and statedthat the first thing in order could be temporary chairman. the e.tecti on Of a motion by Cole, second by whitesel that T, R. Rainforth be made temporary Chairman, The County Clerk put the motion before the Board and T R. Rainforth was declared .elected temporary Chairmen. Me Chairman announced that the next in order would be the election of a permanent Chairman. motion by curry, second by Bauer that we proceed to an informal ballot for the election of a permanent man. motion carried. An informal ballot was taken which resulted as follows; T. R. Rainforth, . six, J. H. Furry, one. Motion by Cole, second by burry that the informal ballot taken be made formal and that T. R, Rai'nforth be declared the duly elected Chairman o f the Adams County Board of oupervisors for theyear 1928, motion carried, The Chairman announced that a recess of 15 minutes would be taken in which he would make up the standing committees for the year. A recess was taken. The Chairman announced that the recess would be made until 1:15 P. Board re -assembled at 1:15 P. i`, with all members present, Iha Chairman annnivf+ori i+ha fnlln1nn0 c�h air.. . SETTLMENTS Geo, G. Bauer, Ohairrnan and all members of the Board. 114Al\ICE. W. C. Whitesel, Chairman and all members o f the Board. COMPLAINTS & BONDS J. H. Furry, Chairman, Ivi, Fred Ruhter and W. A. Cole, ROADS & BRIMES. P. 11, Gartner, Chairman and al members of the Board. LANDS & BUILDINGS. W. A. Cole, Chairman, T. R. Rainforth and P. H. Gartner, COUNTY nal. M. Wed Ruhter, chairman, J. H, Urry and W. C. Whitesel, SUPPLIES W. A. C ole, Chairman, Martha H. Schultz and T. R. Rainforth. Motion by Gartner, second by Cole that the following estimates on the different funds for probable for the year 1928 be made and that the County Clerk be instructed to publish said estimates as required by law. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. Estimates follow: 01 expenses For new bridges, GENERAL FUND. tat *********** 4.4.• Assessment...... Adams County Farm Bureau coal Election.. ................ .0* 06,001100 4611141.0.44016.0410 .. Lands & Buildings... Gas, Light & Water. . • . . . . Telephones ...• ... ........... ... . . ..... Printing o f fice supplies. .. " Mile age.. County Farm District Cort County Court J u st ice . insane Commission....... Board of Health insurance.... .... Blind Pensions.... . Postage. supervi so r s Nebraska Ieeeble Minded Institution..... miscellaneous Purposes • 4004.60. • ir• $ 20,000.00 6,000.00 3,500.00 1,500.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 1,500.00 750.00 4,500.00 1,000.00 3,500.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 750.00 1,000,00 4,000.00 500.00 1,500,00 $75,000.00 BRIDGE FUND material, repairs, culverts, etc. MOTHERS PENSION PUND COUNTY FUR 11TN'D SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND POOR AID FUND For Mothers Pensions Fbr permanent improvements and premiums For relief of soldiers and sailors for all purposes of ratio f $ 75,000.00 35,000.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 Total estimates on all funds...." ... $132,000.00 motion by Ruhter, second by 15 an e r that We adopt the plans and speicifications for building brithges, culverts, etc. , as put out by the uepartrnent of Public Works for the year 1928. Roll call,all voted aye. Motion carried, motion by urry, second by cols that we order the County Clerk to advertise for binds on wood, steel and concrete bridges which are to be built in Adams County, Nebr., during the year 1928 said bids to conform to State Plans and spool fication.s and to be on an annual contract basis. Roll call, all voted aye. motioncarried. aotion by Ruh,ter, second by Gartner, that we order the County Cler to advertise for bids on bridge lumber in mixed car load lots. speci fications as follows: 3 x 12-16 foot full sawn 3 x 12-18 foot full sawn 3 x 12..20 foot full sawn 4 x 4-16 foot full sawn 8 x 10-20 foot full sawn 6 x 18-32 foot full sawn Roll call, all voted aye. notion carried, fir lumber fir lumber fir lumber fir lumber fir lumber fir lumber Resignations o f Henry Shick and H.M, Carpenter two members o f the Soldiers & Sailors Relief Sommission of Adams County e which was filed in the office of the county Clerk on December 20th, 1927 was read and upon motion by Whitesel, second by euhter luxe the resignations were accepted. motion by Cole, second by Ruhter that harry E. Marian o f Hastings, Nebr., be appointed a member of the Soldiers & Sae.lors Relief Commission for a term of three years and that Owen G. Evans of Pauline, Nebr., be appointed a member of the Soldiers ea Sailors Relie f Commission fur a term of two years. Roll call , all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the county Clerk be and is hereby authorized to issue salary warrants on the let day of each month to all county officers, deputies and clerks in county offices who are entitled to receive pay on Bounty warrants and in such amount as are fixed by law governing the different county offices, or upon agreement with the county Board. Also, that the Chairman o f the board be authorized to sign such warrants. Also, that this order apply to county road employees who are to receive a monthly salary. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Request o f Walter Li. Crow, County Attorney for necessary stenographic and clerk hire for the year 1925, for the County Attorney's office in a sum to be fixed by the Board. Said request was granted by the Board and the salary fixed at ;90.00 per month. This was upon motion by uartner, second by furry and upon which a roll was taken and all voted aye, Motion by Ruhter, second by urry that we extend for one year the contract with C. H. Land, as superintendent of the Adams County Poor Farm under the same tams and conditions as the original contract. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by vghitesel, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fluids and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Claims follow: KB Printing Co L and C. H. National Cash Register Co Hastings Betel Co Kammerlohr Drug Co Kenesaw Mill & Elevator Co National Refining eo Motion by whitesel, for the year 1928. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND supplies, Co. Clerk 7.63 Board for inmates at County Farm 199,48 supplies and repairs 2.30 POOR AID FUND Coal .erugs Coal COUNTY' HIGHWAY FUND Oil second by Cole, that J... 11. Jewry be appointed highway Commissioner for Roll call, ayes, Bauer, Cole, Gartner, Rain forth, Ruhter and Tihitesel. 18.50 3.90 15.85 37.80 Adams County Nayes, Furry. Report of M. Fred Ruhter, Supervisor District # 3 and P. H. Gartner, Supervisor District if 4 were read and upon motion by awry, second by Cole said report's' were ordered placed on file. Motion by Bauer, second by uole that the following named persons be appointed Township Road Dragging Superintendents for the year 1928. e.oti on carried. Names follow: West Blue: Morris Asrnus, Highland: 0. M. Doty, Verona: Carl J. Ground, Kenesaw: Rhiner Balke, Wanda: B. IN, Bobbitt, Juniata: Cecil Buskikk, Denver: erank Quade, Blaine: E, W. Lenz, Hanover: Vb. E. Stromer, Ayr: Bert Dericks, Roseland: John inter,rCottonwood: J. J. Kral, Logan: Carl Schmidt, Silver Lake: Arthur Burg, zero: Simon Krueger, Little Blue: Dan Schnuerele. Motion by Ruhter, second by whitesel, that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Monday eebruary 6th, 1928 at 9 o cioGic A. M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. piaZAA — Cowl ty Clerk, Dep ty County Clerk. Court House, Hastings, Nebr. Monday, February 6th, 1928. 9 o'clock A. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per ad our nal ent o f January 10th, 1928, T. R. Rain forth, Chairman ,° presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, eterry, Gartner, Rainforth, Ruhter and thitesel. The minutes o f the last regular meeting were read and approved. notion by Gartner, second by ihitesel thatthe continuation certificate of the Royal Indemnity Co., on the depository bond of the First National Bank for $10,000.00 be approved by this Board. Roll call, all %oted aye. Motion carried. At the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. the time advertised for receiving bids for the construction of steel, wooden and concrete bridges, two bids were received, one ®f the Standard Bridge Co :., of Omaha, Nebr. , and one of J. C. Hargleroad, Hastings, Nebr. These bids were tabulated and compared with the bids of last year and upon comparison it was found that the bids were practically at the same prices received in 1927. motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that we enter into a contract with J. C. Hargleroad of Hastings, Nebr, , on his bid for the construction of new concrete bridges that may be ordered built during the year 1928. Roll call, alivoted aye. Motion carried, motion by Cole, second by Furry that we enter into a contract with the Standard Bidge Co. , of Omaha, Nebr. , for the construction o f steel and wooden bridges that may be ordered built by the Board during the year 1928, upontheir bid. Roll call, all voted aye. Motioncarried, Report of' James F. Crowley, Justice of the Peace for the year 1927 was read and ordered placed on file. F;uotion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the following official box ds be approved; Roll call, ail voted aye. Motion carried. Bonds follow: Ben Wigert, Road Overseer, L; strict if 4, Ayr Township, Orey Boontjer, Road Overseer, District # 3, Hanover Twp. , Frank Quade, Road Overseer, District r`i 1 and 4, Denver Township, L. R. Rickerson, Road Overseer, District 4, Roseland Township, Herbert Kort, Road Overseer, District f 3, Zero Township, Chris Trausch, Road Overseer, District # 3, Roseland Township, Harry Grothaus, Road Overseer, District f 2 and 3, Denver Township, W. R. Weakley, Road Overseer, District # 1, Zero Township, C. W. Busboom, Road Overseer, District f 1 and 2, Hanover Township, Lawrence Boni fas, Road Overseer, District # 2, Roseland Township, Harry E. Marian, Soldiers & Sailors Relief Commissioner, Owen G. Evans, Soldiers Sailors Relief Commissioner, J. H. Furry, Highway Commissioner. Motion by Furry, second by Bauer that in the matter o f the County Court granting leothers Pensions to Hannay Ferguson and Mae. Kueck that the order of the Court be complied with and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for these pensions. Roll call, ell voted aye, motion carried. J'rotion by Bauer, second by Furry that the bond o f the Standard Bridge Co. , of Omaha, Nebr., for the faithful performance o f their contract be approved. Roll call., all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by VWhitesel, that the following miscellaneous Receipts from the County Treasurers o ffice be made part o f the Supervisors He cord. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Receipts follow: 2216 C. H. Land credit General Fend 7f 2217 Nebraska National Bank " " 11 It 2218 D. Smith " '• *' fr 2219 R. R. Vance e" " 1/ 2220 State Bank Juniata " 2221 Roseland" state Bank " e is 3r 2222 County Judge uredit Fines &: Licenses / 2223 James D. Conway " General Fund 2224 County Judge " " " 2225 W. Halsey Bohlke e " 2226 E. L. Gauvreau " " 1111 // 2227 Lewis C. Paulson " If 1111 2228 W. C. Vdhitesel " " " f 2229 eepartment o f Public Works " e" tr 2230 J. C. Lee "' " 2231 C. F. Kidd " 11r " it 2232 John H. Fricke " Bridge Fund if 2233 H. F. Favinger " General Fund # 2234 J. W. James If 1111 tr 280.00 87,29 5.00 5,00 200.00 470.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 6971.72 10.00 5.00 3.00 10.00 10.60 At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M., when they again resumed with all members present. Report of Henry Shick, Soldiers & Sailors Relief Commissioner was received and read before the Board, and upon motion by Gartner, second by Furry" the report was accepted and ordered placed on file. A large delegation from the vicinity of Holetein appeared before the hoard in regard to new countyroad in that locality. At 3 o' clock P. M. the time set for opening bids on bridge plank, two bids were received and opened. Th*t o f the Standard Bridge Company o f Omaha, Nebr. , .end the Morris Lumber Co. Inc. , o f Eugene, Oregon were read. The bids were carefully compared and after some discussion on motion by Gartner, second by Huhter that all bids be rejected and that we purchase our bridge lumber in the open market. Roll call, on above motion ayes, Gartner, Rain forth, Ruhter, Whitesel. Nayes, Cole and Furry. Bauer present but not voting. Motionby 1,hitesel, second by Ruhter t.,at ail certified checks be returned to the bidder. motion carried. ',lotion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the claim o f J. D. Adams & Co. , of Indianapolis, Indiana, on the County Highway rand for 010,00 be dis-allowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter • that the County treasurer be and is hereby instructed to transfer ;1000.00 from the Road Dragging Fund to the County Gravel Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by Furry that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, ell voted aye. Claims follow: Adams A. A. Bauer Geo, G. Cannon T. N. Carpenter H. M. Carroll W. L. Cole W. A, Crosson Raymond L. Crow waiter M. Datvs Elliott R. Democrat Printing Go Diebold Safe & Lock Co Dillenback Lucia Farmers Union St Exchange Fischer G. S. Fu ilerton J. Furry J. H. Gartner Y, H .auldreault mere Co A. 4 H ame l E. B. Hastings state Hospital K..B Printing Co KB Printing Co K.B Printing Co Kline J . B. Land C. H. Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln Tel, & Tel. Co Lincoln rel. & Tel. Co Local Registrars Matthiesen & Co Carl R. 1iurphy Typewriter Go Northwestern M fg. Co Palmer Co A. N. Palmer Co A. N. Pauley Lumber Go W. G. Queen City Laundry Co Rain forth T. R. Ruhter M. Fred School hist, # 18 School Dist, # 18 Schultz Martha H. Schultz Martha H. et al Serf Printing Co 0. E. Shick Henry Simms ts. M. Tu rb y fi 11 J. M. , Underwood Typewriter ti(idmai er lit►, Vance R R. Wheat Geo T. Whitesel W. C. Wolbach & Brach Brown Daugherty Francisco Gartner Halloran Joynt leatzberg Kitt s ',Grath Hdw Go Reichert Karl Schlueter Lumber Co Standard Bridge Co Co. Judge Co. E. Clayton P. R. - Roy W. H. Wm. clave et al Gari Frank H. GENERAL FUND Repairing stairs at Court House Supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Court Farm Commission asRelief Commissioner Repairing chair Supervisors services & mileage Jail expanse, office supplies Mileage &office expense 1 ileage Supplies, Court House Repairing vault Court costs, office expense Supplies, Co, Fara Mileage for Mothers Pension committee Supplies, Uourt House Supervisors services & mileage Supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Court House Services Services Supplies, Supplies, Supplies, Supplies, board for Co. Clerk Co. Supt Co. Supt Court House inmates , County Farm Supplies, Co.: Supt Toll calls, Farm Bureau Toll calls, Court House Re cording briths deaths Supplies, Go. Farm Ribbons, services Supplies, Court House Supplies, Co. Supt oupplies, ea. Supt Supplies, Court House Laundry, Court House supervisors services & mileage Supervisors services & mileage Use o f High School Use of High School Mile age, office expense correcting examination papers Supplies, Court House Commission as Relief Commissioner Supplies, aloft £f court costs, office expense Typewriter, Co. Supt, o ffice Investigating for mothers ?onions Re fund for overcharge on filing fee Commission as Relief Commissioner upervisors services & mileage Supplies, Co. Farm BRIDGE FUND Labor Hauling bridge plank mauling bridge lumber .fling in bridge Labor on Co. bridge 13ri dge work Hauling lumber Labor on bridge Supplies pilling in bridge Lath Bridge lumber 14.40 56.50 2.50 18.94 2.50 61.50 218.57 19,60 65.00 340.28 20.00 138,12 2.23 3.40 1.20 59.40 40.20 10.43 18.25 2.60 4.62 12.38 10.11 3.50 186.21 103.36 6.90 14.85 54.25 4.95 7,25 37.50 4.21 12.00 41.55 5.43 60.00 63.00 10,00 10.00 411,59 38.10 52,25 31.35 3.15 96.90 61.13 11.70 10.00 3.50 43.00 3.33 1,20 4.80 16.80 7.80 4.60 41.20 3.20 100.00 7.12 16.20 6.60 821..50 Bowl ,s Frank Hanover Township Heartwell 0. A. Kenesaw Township Kistler Will Kral J. J. Logan Township Roseland Township Verona Township West Blue Township Zero Township Evans Mari an Shick Owen G. Harry Henry Adanis County Oil Co Beghtol Dr. J. V. Cannon T. N. Carl 13, F. Cowton Coal Co Daggett F, Ro Eckhardt H. 0, Go dding U. S. Hahne Bros Hamel E. B. Hastings Fuel Co Kohlbry Herman Larsen H. G. Larsen H. G.. Matthiese Co Carl R. goon Lulu K. Oliver Lumber Co Prosser limber & Coal CO Schlueter Lumber Co Starkey Grocery Sunnyside Volland Rineral Home Walker Gonrad Whisinand Grocery G. V. Yost Elmer Furry Schmidt We athe rwax Eigenberg Smi dt Haws Jeffers Johnson Oil McCoy eavelka ()very Lange Ruhter Shaffer Oil Shaw Joynt Trausch Whitesel white sel Gartner 0very Pavelka L. A. Carl E. P. .H. H. John W. G. Mrs, Anna Go J. e. W. A. J ernes Howard Fred M, Fred & Refining Co John L. J, J. W. C. H. M. et al P. H. Howard J araes Peterson Co H. J. ROAD DRAGGING FUND Assisting Co. Surveyor Road dragging surveying roads Road dragging Assisting Go. Surveyor Back payr for services as Supt. Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging SOLIDERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND Rene f Work Re lie f work Relief work POOR AID FUND Coal rro fessional Drugs Groceri es Goal Groceries Groceries oTroceries Groc eri es rro fessional Goal Groceries Groceries Groceries Drugs services oo al Goal Co al Groceries Services Se rvi ces Groceries Gro caries Go al services services COUNTY HIGHWAY. RIND At 5 o'clock P. M. the Board recessed until Board re -assembled as per recess. Tuesday Dragging County roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Gas & Oil Supplies Gas & Oil Supplies Erecting snow fence Erecting snow fence Dragging county roads ouperintending county roads & mileage Gas & Oil Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Supplies Superintending county roads & mileage Operating tractor GRAVEL FUND 24.50 13.68 86.70 21.62 24,50 12,50 10.37 12.25 9.00 43.37 13.75 100.00 250.00 40.53 18.90 22.00 20.20 15,28 25.80 22.61 18.91 12.03 4.20 30.00 59.55 7.65 12,60 20.05 3.25 22.16 45.00 12.10 45.40 19.24 93.00 75.00 23.92 25.83 24.50 4.50 4.50 3.00 8.90 9.75 22.75 9.62 1.26 10.66 3.68 3.68 3.75 12.40 3.25 11.96 11.96 16.00 34.20 32.24 Supervising graveling road 22.40 Operating grader,spreading gravel 9.20 Operating tractor, spreading gravel. 13.30 Gravel project # 6, completed 4280,54 Tuesday February 7th, 1928 at 9 0, clock February 7th, 1928. 9 0® clOck A. M. Roll call, all members were present. ::.otion by 14'urry, second by Ruhter that we order 10 Nebraska road drags, 8 foot, with 8 inch blades from the Nebraska Culvert Co. , Wahoo, Nebr. , at an agreed price of $29.00 each it'. 0. B. any station in Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. . . . Patrolmen., ; 120.00 per month Labor .400 per hour Team work -man & team .600 per hour than & 2 teams 050 per hour Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. At 12 O'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:30 o'clock P. M., when they again resumed with all members present. The afternoon session was taken up in a discussion of the County Road system upon which certain additions were discussed, motion by Ruhter, second by Cole that we designate the following described roads as a part and in addition to the County Highway system all ready established. Commencing in center of section 27-8-12 on the north side of said section thence run ing west three and one -hal f miles to the Adams -Kearney County line. Commencing at north-west corner of section 1-8-11, thence running south one mile to county road # 7. Commencing at south-west corner section 4-8-10, thence running north one mile to Adams -Hall County line thence one -hal f mile west on county line, commencing at south-west corner section 5-8-9, tnece running north one mile to Adams -Hall County line. Commencing at North-west corner section 9-7-10, thence running south one mile. Commencing at north-west corner section 13-7-9, thence running south one mile. Commencing at northwest corner, section 25.6-10, thence running south two miles. Commencing at Pauline village, running on highway established angling south-east to center of section 15-5-9 on the north side of said section, thence running eMiSte-half mile, thence running south one mile, thence running east tWmiles to the Adams -Clay County line, commencing at northwest corner, section 27-5-9, thence running south two miles1 thence east about 40 rods connecting with Webster County road. Commencing at north-west corner, section 29-6-11, thence running south eight miles to the Adams -Webster County line. Commencing at North-west corner, section 27-6-12 thence running south one mile, west one-half mile, thence angling south-west on the angling road all ready established to near the corner of section 33-6.12, thence south one mile, thence west two relies, thence south one-half mile, skipping at this point the next one and one-half miles south, thence from that point running south one and one -hal f miles. And that the county Lierk be and is hereby instructed to advertise these additons to the County Highway system as required by law and to set a time for a hearing when all persons that might be interested in these additions to the County Highway bystem may be heard. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. motion by C;ole, second by oartner that we enter into a contract with the Lincoln Road Equipment Co., for a #60 Caterpiller Tractor at an agreed price of ice 5 0 0 0 and with an allowance of $350.00 for an Avery Tractor now owned by the county. Said tractor to loe delivered ee 0. B. Hastings, net price $4500.00. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS: The Supreme Court o f the btate o f Nebraska having recently held that Chapter 91 benate File h 165, Session Laws o f Nebraska for 1925 to be invalid and un -constitutional and tieee VdiEMAS: By this act of the Supreme Court it now gives cou.nty Board of Supervisors the right to determine the population o f a County by other means and WHEAEAS: The Assessor s of Adams County did take a census during the year 1927 under authority of this Board, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED: That 'this Board go over the personal tax schedules as returned by the assessors for 1927 and determine therefrom the papulation of Adams County for the year 1927 and to ax the salaries ofCounty officials accordingly. Roll ca.U., all voted aye. Resolution adopted. At 4:30 P. M. the Board recessed until Wednesday, February 8th, 1928 at 9 J'clock A. M. Wednesday, Feb. 8th, 1928. 9 ol clock A. lc.. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members were present. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that this Board now go into executive seesionfor the purpose of checking the personal tax schedules for 1927 to determine the population. Motion carried, Entire forenoon session was taken up in checking schedules. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board redessed until 1 o'clock P. M. when they again resuinedchecking schedules and the entire afternoon sessinawas taken up with this work. At 5 o'clock P. M. the Board recessed until -Thursday, Fabruary 9th, 1928 at 9 o' lcook A, M, • 71 Thursday, February 9th„ 1928. 9 o' clock A. M. Board re assembled as per recess. All members present except Gartner. The Board went into executive session again for the purpose of checking the personal tax schedules for 1927. At 9:30 o' clock Supervisor, Gartner came in. Entire forenoon session was taken up in checking schedules. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. when they again resumed checking schedules with all members ipresent. except lfurry. At 4 o'clock P. M. upon motion by Whitesel, second by Bauer the Board went into regular session. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the claim of Chas. R. Warren & Co., on the General Fund for $200.00 be allowed and the clerk instructed to issue warrant for the same; Roll call, ayes, Bauer, Cole, Gartner» Rain forth, Ruhter and Whitesel. Absent Plarry. Motion carried. At this time the Chairman announced the Board would go into executive session again, At 4:45 Pof M. upon motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel the Board went into regular session. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the Chairman appoint a committee of three including himself as one of the committee for the purpose of finishing the checking of the personal schedules. Motion carried. Chairman appointed on this committee W. A. Cole, Geo. G. Bauer arid T. R. Rain forth. motion by Gartner, second by altesel that4hits Board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, February 21st, 1928,, at 9 o'clock A. M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. County Clerk. Chairm beputy County Clerk, Court House, Hastings, Nebraska. Tuesday, February 21st, 1928, 9 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting o f the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of 1ebruary 9th, 1928. T. R. Rainforth, Uhairma.n presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Furry, uartner, Rain forth, Ruhter and Vehitesel, Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Chas, R. Warren 8: Co. , the Auditors employed by the board to check the County Offices filed their report with, the Board. No action taken by the 13oard. At 10 o'clock A. M. the time advertised for a hearing on the proposed changes and additions to the county road system, two remonstrance petitions were received. One petition remonstrated against the proposed .routing o f county road ft 26, Petitioners were present to support this remonstrance. The Board listened to the objections of' the petitioners. Another remonstrance petition agai st the proposed county road # 27 was considered by the board and arguments for the petitioners on this remonstrance were listened to, motion by whitesel, second by curry that the two remonstrance petitions be laid over until the next meeting of the Board and that in the mean time the bounty Board look over the changes asked fbr in these petitions. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock A. M. the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M. At 1:30 o'clock P. M. the Board resassembled with all members present, motion by surry, second by uartner that, as no objections or protests of any kind appearing at a hearing held by the board, on all the other proposed additions to the County Highway as designated by the Board, it is hereby ordered that these additions as advertised, be declared a part of the County highway system subject to county control and maintenance and that the County clerk be instructed to enter these additions on the county road record. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. Motion by Starry, second by Salter that the County ureasurer be and is hereby instructed to transfer ;107.32 from the School Fluid to the county General Fund. This transfer to correct error as shown by Auditors report. Roll call, all voted aye. notion carried. eotion by Cole, second by ba.uer that at the suggestion of the auditors, the salary af the county Judge and clerk o f the County court be paid by warrant instead of by fees and that this be effective as of anuary let, 1928, Roll call, all ;voted aye, Motion carried. At 3 oc1ock P. M, the Chairman announced that the bo a rd would go into executive session. At 4:30 o'clock P. M. the chairman announced the Board would be in regular session. Motion by Cole, second by uartner that the Board of supervisors fix the salaries of the Adams County Ufficsrs for the year 1928 as shown statutory, for counties of less than 25,000 populatien. In 1927 the board made an order for the enumeration o f the numbers o f persons to be placed on the personal tax schedules of Adams County for said year of 1927. On February 6th 1928 a motion by uartner, second by Buhter that the Board examine the personal tax schedules as returned by the assessors for 1927 and determine therefrom the population o f Adams County for the year 1927 and to fix the salaries of county officials accordingly. After counting the numbers of persons shown on said schedules in book lettered A to E Inc. for the City of Hastings the Board finds the number of persons shown as 3707, In book lettered i to K Inc. 3246, L to R Inc. / 3534, and from book lettered 3 to Z Inc, City of Hastings, the number shown is 3150 making the total number of persons shown for the city of Hastings 13637, After deducting 365 on account of duplications and other discrepancies of names and numbers of persons shown, leaving a balance of, and which the Board places the population o f the City of Hastings at 13272. In the counting and examination o f the tax schedules for the sixteen townships o f Adams County the Board finds to- wi t: There is +1 Ili .1-,a Number ft 01 11 if tt ft 71 ft It ft of pe rsons 'T ft ft ft t1 ff ff tt 4,6 11 11 et ft ft 71 ft ft shown ft it ft Of .7 ft It ft tt 16 Townships Tota]. City of Hastings " Total for Adorns County est Blue 463 Highland 501 Verona 603 Ken e saw 977 Wanda 427 Juniata 830 Denver 530 Blaine 540 Hanover 473 Ayr 603 Roseland 737 Cottonwood 592 Logan 381 Silver Lake 401 Zero 527 Little .ulue 491 9076 13272 22348 approximately 1347 insane persons at the Ingleside ..State Hospital in 1 In frit +4 er, F7+1,1A, I, 4'4, ,-, —. _ IA._ Denver Township, The Board has 75 Court House, Hastings, Nebraska. Tuesday, aarch 6th, 1928. 9 o' clock A. Regular meeting o f the Adams County Board o f Supervisors as per adj ournrnent o f February 21st, 1928. T. R. Rainforth, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Furry, Gartner, Rain forth, Ruhter and thitesel. Minutes o f the last regular meeting were read and approved. Motion by Gartner, second by Cole that the following duplicate miscelaneous receipts from the County Treasurers office be made part o f the Supervisors record. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Receipts follow: 2236 # 2237 2238 ff 2239 # 2240 2241 • 2242 i2243 tf 2244 2245 2246 if 2247 # 2248 ri 2249 if 2250 2251 # 2252 # 2253 rr 2254 2255 2256 # 2257 2258 2259 • 2260 # 2 261 2262 # 2263 fr 2264 • 2265 # 2266 f# 2267 2268 1/ 2269 # 2270 It 2271 if 2272 Karl D. Beghtol W. A. Cole Walter M. Burr Lucia Dillenbach Wm. F. Struss National. Refining Co J. A. Cates Hansen State Bank Ben, F. Granke Co. Fred G. Roeder G. U. Whiting R. L. Crosson A. E. Allyn I. E. Montgomery County Judge Turbyfill Judge Turby fill Adams. County Clerk, Cates Fred Ruhter P. H. Gartner B. J. Hilsabe:ck Fred G. Johnson A. R. Pratt John .1Iihusen P. H. Gartner Max Marshall Walter Crow James F. Frye Geo. watt John A. Lawler Wrn, Dycus W. R. We ak ly Wm, Wintermute J. E. Bute Jr B. K. Rathbun W. H. Swanson County Judge Turbyfill N. H. Gartner credit General Fund n to 11 N n la Credit Fines it Licenses Credit General Fund Credit Road Dragging Pund Credit General Rand Credit General Fund credit Inheritance Tax Fund • General Fund' i, /i /1 11 11 n /1 " 41 Fines & Licenses Inheritance Tax Fund Bridge Fund General Fund Bri dge Fund General Fund General Fund n .: 11 ,+ n n It tl 11 .. 1/ .. 11 ry 11 n n 41 11 i/ n :1 credit Fines & Licenses Credit General Fund 10.00 5.00 5.00 100.00 5.00 12.32 4.95 100.00 82.25 5.00 5.00 17.65 5.00 10.00 100.00 60.96 37.44 350.16 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5, U0 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 100.00 46.50 Motion by Gartner, second by VJhitesel, that the following bonds be accepted and approved by this Board. Roll call, ail voted aye. Motion carried. Bonds follow: Chas. Wheat, Road Overseer, District j 55, Logan Township; John Ricker, Road Overseer, District # 2, Silver Lake Township; John Boltjes, Road Overseer, District * 4, Highland 'Township; Chas. VonBusch, Road Overseer, District i 57: Logan Township; Arthur Frahm, Road Overseer, Disttict f 4, Zero Township; V.arvin Earl Parks, Road Overseer, District # 3, Highland Township; Bob Brown, Road Overseer, District jf 2, Ayr Township; mike M. Trausch, Road Overseer, District # 1, Silver Lake Township; Edwin A. Fricke, Road Overseer, District # 2, West Blue Township; ,fohn F. Flese, Road Overseer, District #t 3, iuniata Township; Wm. Gartner, F.oad Overseer, Dist. # 1, Little Blue Township; uggie Petersen, Road Overseer, District /i 56, Logan Township;, Nebraska national Bank Depository Bond. Motion by hitesel, second by Furry that the application of L. W. Yenckel for blind pension of 0200.00 per year payable quarterly be granted by this board ad the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for said pension. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Cole, second by Ruhter that the application o f 'Phomas Murphy for blind pension of $250.00 per year payable quarterly be not granted by this Board for the reason that he is no longer a resident of Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. .lotion carried. :Motion by Cole, second by Bauer, that the Adams County Board o f S>upervisors will not purchase any land for road purposes on the eastand west one-half section line o f section 11-8-11 until satisfactory settlement has been made between school district 32 and Christ Petersen regarding title to school site,: Roll call, ayes, Bauer, Cole, Furry and Rainforth. Nayes, ixartner,Ruhter and wnitesel, motion carried. A large delegation from the vicinity o f Pauline and Roseland met with the hoard and the situation in regard to the proposed new county roads nurncers 26 axed 27 were discussed the Board taking no action at this time. Walter Livingston and '`J. G. Cooper appeared before the Hoard asking the Board to adopt a resolution to be addressed to the Department of Public Works at Lincoln, Nebr., for the hard surfacing of the mile between the City limits of Hastings and the State Hospital at Ingleside. No action taken by the Board. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. , when they again resumed with all members present. motion by curry, second by Bauer, that we accept the report o f the Chas. R. Warren & Co, , of Lincoln, ivebr. , on the audit made by this company o f the county offices for the year 1927. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Whitsel, second by Ruhter that this petition be received and ordered placed on file and that the County Clerk be instructed to noti fy the County Surgeyor o f the filing o f this petition and that the County Surveyor be instructed to view this proposed •road and to file a report o f the feasibility of opening this road and as to the probable cost of it. Roll call, all voted aye. Lotion carried. motion by Furry, second by Cole that we designate as a part o f the County Highway System the following described public road all ready established commencing on the D. L. D. at the north-west corner of section 16-7-11, thence running south 8 miles to county road # 9 or to the new state road # 107 and terminating thereat. And that the County Clerk be instructed to advertise this proposed county highway as required by law and to fix the time for a hearing to be held at which hearing remonstrances can be filed against the proposed highway. A plat of this proposed County Highway is now on file in the office of the County Clerk.. Roll call, on the above motion, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by Ruhter that the remonstrance petition filed against the proposed routing of county roads # 26 and 27 be held over until the next regular meeting of this Board for further consideration, Motion carried. Motion by Whitesol1 second by Ruhter that the claim of the Kearney Flour Mills of Kearney, Nebr. , on the General Fund for $21.35 be dis-allowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, second by Cole that the claim o f L. J. oeBacker, M. 3D,, on the Poor Aid Fund for $142.00 be dis-allowed. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried, .otion by Bauer, second by ehitesel that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the sarne. Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried. Claims follow: Arts Cafe Bauer ueo. G. Binderup Hdw Co Burroughs Adding mach Co. button L. N. Byers Lumber Co Cannon T. N, uhicago Steel Tape Co Cole W, A. Crosson Raymond L. Davis Elliott R. Davis Joseph V. Dairies Drug Co Democrat Printing Co Dillenbach Lucia Douglas Mfg. Co. Evans Owen G. Furry J, H. Gartner P. H. Gaudreault Marc Co. A, J. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Equity twain Bin Mfg Keith W. W. et al Kenesaw Progress Kline J. B. Klopp Pgg, Co Klapp Printing Co Knosp William R. Land c. H. Letton Chas, B, Lincoln Tel. Tel. •Co Lincoln Tel, Tel, Co Marian • Harry E. Milburn & Scott CO Palmer Co A. N. Queen City Laundry Rainforth T, R. Ruhter M, Fred Schultz Martha H. Serf Printing Co 0, E. University Publishing Co University Publishing Co University Publishing Co University Publishing Co Warren 5: Co Chas. R. Whitesel W. C. dmaier Wm. Wolbach & Brach Woodworth r arl B. Byers Lumber Co .Pricke• McGrath Hdw. Overy tavelka Pine Ronnek amp Shaw E. A. Co J. H. Howard Jamas Lawrence Raymond John L. et GENERAL FUND eieals for jurors supervisors services & Supplies, Court House Ribbon for machine Postage Coal for Court House Supplies, Co. Farm supplies, Co, Surveyor bupervisors services 8: mileage Jail costs, office expense mileage Settlement claim of damage against Supplies, Court House Supplies, Court House Court costs, office expense voting booths Annual meeting Relief commissioners Supervisors services & mileage Supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Court House • Display, election supplies, etc. Co Special Ballot boxes eitnessee, Insanity hearing .uisplay supplies, Court House Supplies Court House Supplies, Court House settlement of claim of damage against Adams Board for inmates at County Farm Court costs Calling V. State 'roll calls, Court House Toll calls, Yam Bureau services, meeting Relief Commissioners Supplies, Co. Supt. buppli es Laundry, Court House Supervisors services & mileage Supervisors services ec mileage Mileage, office expense supplies, Court House Supplies, Co. Supt, Supplies, Co. Supt. Supplies, Co, Supt. Supplies, Co. Supt. Balance due on contract auditing offices bupervisors services & mileage services as Bain if supplies, Court House Light, water, telephones, gas, etc. , for mileage Adams Co. B RI DG E FUND Lumber Filing in bridge Supplies Unloading bri dge Unloading bri dge Unloading bri dge Labor on bridge al Brida:e work plank plank plank Co Court 6.65 94.00 3.57 1.00 15.00 310.48 13.50 8.25 101,30 251,27 65, 00 150.00 7.85 160.96 76.80 180.00 5.40 89.60 73.20 8.01 70,05 21.00 30.80 11,60 1.30 101,80 155.70 150,00 181.89 40.05 22.75 7.20 3.20 24,52 4, 21 4,80 83.40 79.30 59.76 122,50 10, 50 19.66 28.50 19.66 175.00 64.20 99.00 7.56 House349.86 7.20 4.80 3.94 14.72 15,18 6.00 3.20 23. 92 J. D. Adams & Co Ayr Township Bowles ?rank Blaine Township co tt =wood Township Denver Township Essinger Garage & Oil Co Essinger Garage & Oil Co tabor Clen et al Fischer & Groff mcWhirter 0, W. Valentine Henry Lutz Ernest f fey John O'Brien Tom uaymon G. E. Grothaus Harry Versaw Darrell Weatherwax E. P. Eigenberg R. H. Woodworth F. H. B lomenk amp Ervin Schrnidt carl un sb ruck Jacob baker J. N. Starner Anton valentine Onno &run J ohn G artner P. H. btr omer Wm. E. Hanover Township Haws & Sons He artwell o. A. Highland To wnship Hubbard Andy Jones & Son T. W, Juniata Township K ene saw Township Kistler Will Land C. H. Land Edwin A. Lincoln Road Equipment Co Lincoln Road Equipment Co Little Blue Township Logan Township Manhattan Oil Co McGrath Hdw Co J. H. iacGrath Hdw Co J. H. Nebr, Culvert & M fg. Co Oliver Lumber Co Pavelka J arse s et Pavelka Wm. Roseland Township Ruhter i. Wed Burge L. A. Routh Jas, Christensen Hans Peterson Frank A. B1 ankenbille r u. E. Schi ffler Abraham Burge A. Fe1ziez R. A. Shaw J ohn L. et Silver Lake Township Verona Township Wanda Township West Blue Township Max field Bobbitt Burling Baugh Weber lv,c0a11 Young Osler Whitesel Zero Township Zubrod V. F. W. B. Chas, K. J . R. aheo. J. b ert 0. L. Al W. C. ake ROAD DRAGGING FM D Supplies Road dragging Assisting County Surveyor Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Gas & Oil Suppli es Labor Black smi thing Dragging County roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging County roads Dragging county ro ads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging County roads Dragging county roads .uragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads bupervising county roads & mileage Dragging county roads Dragging roads Gas & Oil burveying & mileage Road dragging Labor Supplies Road dragging Road dragging As si sting County Surveyor abwron County road Labor on county road Caterpillar tr actor bupplies Road dragging Road dragging uas & Oil Supplies Supplies Road drags stakes Labor Supplies & repairs 'Road dragging auperintending county roads & mileage Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads al Labor Road dragging Road dragging Road daagging Road dragging Dragging county ro ads Dragging county ro ads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county road Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Superintending county roads & mileage Road dragging Drayage 109,30 16,74 17.50 26.88 11.50 29,13 30.30 1.70 38.90 11,55 23,25 14.50 18.00 1,50 4.12 3.37 9.00 9.00 7.50 10.12 4,50 4,50 6,75 8. 25 7.31 10. 50 6.75 4.13 11,60 5,62 40.38 34,50 8 5. 25 43.87 4.60 13.40 34.37 23.50 17.50 41.60 20.00 4500.00 105,26 29.87 11,50 10.80 96.85 45,50 284,20 . 50 34,96 32,90 27.13 7.60 9.75 3.00 9.75 3.75 7.50 4.50 2,25 3.00 51,52 49.41 22,38 27,63 11.5o 6.75 2,25 2.62 6. oo 3.00 6.00 3.00 8.25 42.80 68.30 . 90 Adams County Oil Co American Red Cross Byers Lumber Co Cannon T. N. Carl 13. F. Daggett 14. R. Alines Drug Co Hastings Ebel Co Herbst henry Juniata Grain & Li ve Stock Assn. Kohlbry Herman Larsen Larsen H. G. Larsen ri„ G. Leeds u. B. & Martin Moon 1,-rs, Lulu K. Mothers' Jewels' Horne Oliver Lumber Co Prosser Lbr & Coal Co Rork L. W. Simpson & Joh Sunnyside Conrad Whisinand Grocery Wolbach & Brach Yost Lumber Co POOR ID FUND Goal Services Goal Drugs Gro ceri es Groceries Drug Go al Gro ceries Goal uroceries uroceries Groceries uro ceries services uroceries Services services Coa]. Go al bervices uroceries beryl ces uroceries Groceries Suppli es Coal 45.00 3.00 9.65 13,20 15.11 33.73 1.60 51.05 28.28 52.60 14.77 20.00 4.05 10.05 13.68 3.75 20.74 120.00 42.90 8.95 75.00 12.00 72.50 10.92 38.92 5.58 32.80 —otion by uartner, second by hurry that we confirm the appointment ad made by the County Assessor of Tom Rowe and Lovina Woodviorth for clerical help in the office of tli.e County Assessor at a salary of f100.00 per month. And that we confirm the appointment of E. A. St. John as an Assistant .,\.ssessorin the City of Hastings and of H. L. Sanderson, Precinct Assessor for West Blue Township and Ir. 0, Bourne, Precinct Assessor of Little Blue Township. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Cole that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday march 20th, 1928 at 9 o'clock A. M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. Dtputy C ounty Clerk Court House, Hastings, Nebraska Tuesday, March 20th, 1928. 9 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Board as per adjournment of March 6th, 1925. T. R. Rainforth, Cha.irman,presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Furry, Gartner, Rainforth, Ruhter and Whitesel. Minutes of the last re, lar meeting were read and approved. Motion by Furry, second by Gartner, that the following Official Bonds be approved by this Board. Motion carried. Bonds follow: Herbert Sauermann, Road Overseer, District # 2, Juniata Township, Joe Juranek, Road Overseer, District # 4, Little Blue Township, Ernest Lutz, Road Overseer, District # 1, Fest Blue Township; G. F. Matthews, Road Over— seer, District # 2, Denver Township; Albert Gangwi sh, Road Overseer, District #4, Juniata Township; N. W. Howat, Road Overseer, District # 4, Denver Township; Charles Hager, Road Overseer, District 3, Little Blue Township; and J. E. Hueretz, Justice of the Peace, Roseland Township. At 10 o'clock A. M. the hour set by the County Clerk for a hearing on the proposed extension of county road #24 as advertised, was held. No remonstrance of any kind appearing against this proposed extension. Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that we declare the extension of county road # 24 as advertised and upon which a hearing was held to be a part of the county highway system of Adams County, Nebraska, subject to County control and maintenance. This proposed extension was duly advertised andfully described in the advertisement. That the County Clerk be and is hereby instructed to enter on the Road Records this extension of county road # 24. Roll call on the above motion, all voted aye. Motion carried. Application for admission to the Soldiers & Sailors Home at Burkett, Nebraska, of Marion J. Fouts and Maria J. Fouts were read before the Board and upon motion by Gartner, second by Cole the applications were granted and the Chairman and the Clerk instructed to sign the applications of admission. Walter Livingston representing the Chamber of Commerce and Lewis Stein, B. '. Sherman and E. A. Peetzke a committee from the American Legion appeared before the Board and filed a petition asking the Board ofSupervisors to endorse a proposition of straightening highway # 36 by eliminating the two dangerous turns in front of the Nebraska State Hospital and the building of a viaduct across the Burlington and Missouri Pacific Railroad tracks west of the Nebraska State Hospital. This straightening to be done in order to secure the approval of:this section of highway # 38 by the Federal Highway Department. Also asking the Board to approve the project of paving from the present paving on second street west along the newly straightened highway across the proposed viaduct. The Board took the matter under consideration and listened to the argUnents of -the committee ancd the matter was laid over until the next meeting of the Board. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 2 o'clock P. M. At 2 o'olookk P. M. the Board re -assembled with all members present. Motion by Furry, second by Bauer that we release the Hartford Acciaent and. Indemnity Company of Hartford, Connecticut on their Depository Bond #605492, of the Nebraska National Bank at Hastings, Nebr., in the sum of $10,000.00, for the reason that a substitute bond. of $10,000.00 has been filed an approved by the Board, to comply with the Nebraska Laws governing depository bonds. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Whitesel that we order built by J. C. Hargleroad, concrete bridge contractor, one 16 foot flat top concrete bridge 16 foot waterway, 20 foot clear road way, 5 foot wings between sections 20 and 29, town 5, range 10, on Buttercreek. One 16 foot flat top concrete bridge, 16 foot water, 20 foot clear road way, S foot wings between sections 16 and 17, town 7, range 11. Also a repair job, concrete back walls with 8-30 foot steel piling between sections 11 and 12, town 5, range 9. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by Furry that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Thursday, April 5th, 1928 at 9 o'clock A. M. Motion Carried. Board adjourned. COunty Clerk Deputy County Clerk. Court House Hastings, Nebraska. Thursday, April 5th, 1928. 9 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment ofMarch 2Dth, 1928. T. R. Rainforth, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Furry, Gartner, Rainforth, Ruhter and Whitesel. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Report of J. P. Morrison, Chief Inspector of the Hartford Steam Boiler Insurance Co., onf the inspection of the boiler in the Court House, was read and ordered placed on file. H. H. Stuinpenhorst one of the commissioners of Webster County, Nebraska and a delegation from the vicinity of Blue Hill and from Zero Township appeared before the Board in support of a petition for a county highway which was filed on June 6th, 1927. The petition asked That our present county road #20 be extended conenecing at the north corner of section 19 and 20, Ayr Township thence running south 9 miles to the Adams -Webster County line thence running one-half mile east on the county line. The Board considered the petition and listened to the arguments presented by the delegation and upon motion by Cole, second by Bauer it was unanimously voted to designate this extension of county highway #20 as described in said petition as part of the county highway system. A plat of said extension was filed with the clerk. Also it was included in this motion to abandon and turn back to Kenesaw Township for maintenance cambiay road #22 which road is described as follows: Commencing at the N. W. corner of section 34, town 8, range 12 thence running west three miles to the Adams -Kearney county line, and that the County Clerk be instructed to set a time for a hearing to be had on the proposed extension of county road #20 and the proposed abandonment of county road #22. Motion by Cole, second by Bauer that this Board will not consider any more petitions for additions to the county highway system for the reason that approximately the entire mileage that the county is entitled to for county roads has been used and that said county highway system is now complete. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by Furry that in the matter of a renewal of Mothers Pensions for Carrie Seyler, Agnes Boudreau, and Ethel Mayhew by the County Court, that the action of the Court be confirmed by this Board and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the pensions. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Furry, second by Bauer that the following duplicate miscellaneous feceipts from the County Treasurers office be made a part of the Supervisors Record. Motion carried. Receipts follow: # 2235 Lucia Dillenbach Credit Fines & Licenses 5.00 # 2273 W. B. Hargleroad Credit General Fund 10.00 # 2274 City of Hastings Credit General Fund 91.42 # 2275 W. A. Cole Credit General Fund 40.00 # 2276 Prosser State Bank Credit General Fund 50.00 * 2277 First National Bank Credit General Fund. 194.62,:: # 2278 Hansen State Bank Credit General Fund 25.00 A petition signed by Geo. H. Roeder and others asking for an appropriation of $300.00 to straighten out a roe between sections 25 and 26, Wanda Township was read and upon motion by Whitesel, second by Ruhter prayer of said petition t ^not5-fid. Roll call, on above motion, ayes, Ruhter and Whitesel. Naves, Bauer, Cole , Furry, Gartner and Rainforth. Motion lost. Motion by Cole, second by Bauer that the Adams County Board of Supervisors endorse the Resolution adopted by the County Board of Cheyenne County, Nebraska on the 3rd day of January, 1928. The Resolution follows: Whereas, it is in the interest of good County Government that all the various offices and subdivisions of the County be financially self supporting.' And whereas, under the present arrangement of law enforcement and disbursements of fines that part of the Government of the County is not self sustaining, for the reason that the fires are not returned to the General Fund, from which all expense in connection with law enforcement are paid, And whereas, it is extremely difficult -for the reason that a limit of three and one-half mills is placed on all county expenses -to raise a sufficient amount ofmoney for General Fund purposes, And whereas, in the greatest majority of cases where arrests and convicitions are made on account of violation of the eighteenth amendment the guilty parties are not only unableto pay their fines but it be- comes necessary to take care of their families during the time their sentence is being served, And whereas, all the expense incurred in this connection is taken from the General Fund, but the fines collected from those who are able to pay is distributed among the school districts of the county. And whereas, school districts are allowed by law to vote what money is necessary to carry on school, Therefore, be it resolved by the County Board of Cheyenne County, State of Nebraska in regular session this 3rd day of January, 1928, to have a copy of this resolution sent to the various clerks in the State of Nebraska, they in turn to take it up with their respective boards, asking the next legislature of the State of Nebraska, to amend paragraph 10273, "Disbursements of money collected as fines," to read as follows: Any officer, who shall pay to the county treasurer of any county any money collected for any fines, cost forfeited recognizance, or proceeds of jail labor, shall take therefor the said treasurer's duplicate receipts, one of which shall be immediately filed with the county clerk, and the same shall be by him preserved in his office. All such receipts shall show upon the face thereof, definitely, what the moneys paid inwhere for, whether for fines, costs, forfeited recognizance, or wail labor, and the sums paid on account of each of said causes and also the cause in_whkch,each item is paid, giving the name of the defend- ant in each case. All such honeys araising from fines and recognizance, shall be credited by such treasurer to the. County General Fund, as well as the costs and proceeds of jail labor. Whenever any costs in any criminal case shall be paid from the county treasury, such payment must be made" from the county general fund, Motion by Furry, second by Whitesel, that the following Official Bonds be approved; L. R. Rickerson, Road Overseer, District #1, Roseland Township; Edward C. Gentert, Constable, Logan Township; Harvey Jones, Road Overseer, District #2, Little Blue Township. Motion carried. A petition signed by E. J. Woodman and others asking that bridges be built over the south channel of the Platte River, between sections 4 and 5, town S, range 12 was read before the Board and upon motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel, the petition was referred to the Raod and Bridge Committee. 1st Quarterly report of Joseph M. Turbyfill, County Judge and 1st quarterly report of Raymond L. Crosson Sheriff, were read and upon motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter the same were ordered placed on file. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M., when they again resumed with all members present. Representatives of road machinery appeared before the Boardandthe question of road machinery was discussed but no action taken by the Board. Walter Livingston and E. A. Peetzke appeared and the matter of straightening of the D. L. D. road and other road matters was discussed but not action taken by the Board. Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that upon the recommendation of the Road and Bridge committee the follow— ingbridges are hereby ordered built by the Standard Bridge Co., of Omaha, Nebr., One One One One One One One One One One One wooden bridge wooden bridge wooden bridge wooden bridge wooden bridge wooden bridge wooden bridge wooden bridge wooden bridge wooden bridge wooden bridge 20 16 32 32 6 32 16 24 32 16 16 Roll call, on the above motion, all x 16 between sections 11 and 14, Little Blue Township x 16 between sections 14 and 15, Little Blue Township x 16 between sections 23 and 24, Little Blue Township x 16 between sections 25 and 36, Little Blue Township x 16 between sections 7 and 15 , Zero Township x 16, between sections 17 and 18, Zero Township x 16, between sections 9 and 10, Cottonwood Township x 16, between section 31, Wanda Township and section 7 Cottonwood Township. x 16 between sections 21 and 2S, Juniata Township x 16 between sections 29 and 30, West Blue Township x 16 between sections 31 West Blue and section 6 Blaine Township voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by Furry that we confirm the appointment of Grace LeBaron Clerk in the office of the County Assessor at a salary of $75.00 permonth. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Furry, second by Ruhter that we appropriate $20,000.00 from the Road Dragging F':nd to the County Highway Budget for the year 192S. This $20,000.00 to be divided equally between Supervisors Districts numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4' reppectively, in the amount of $5000.00 to each named district. This budget is adopted by the Board and expected to cover all costs of the construction and maintenance of the county highway system of Adams County for the year 192S. Roll call, all voted. aye. Motion carried. Motion by Furry, second by Ruhter that the County Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to transfer $16,800.71 -from the Road Dragging Fund to the County Highway Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel that the County Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to acdept in full all taxes assessed against lots 6,7,3,9, and 18, block 1, and lots 2 to 10, block 2, and all of block 3, and lots 1 to 5, block 4 all in Pleasant Hill Addition for the year 1924 and 1925 without any interest being chargeson the same, on account of error. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by Ruhter that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow: Battan Baue r Binderup Edw. Bourne Bratton Button Cates Cole Corsson Crow Davis Decker & Democrat A. 1. Geo. G. Co F. 0. A. T. City Clerk L. N. J. A., County Clerk W. A. Raymond L. Walter M. Elliott R. Son Printing Co Dillenbach Lucia Fischer G. S. Furry J. H. Gartner P. H. Gaudreault Mere. Co A. J. Hamel E. B. Hammond. & Stephens Co Raskin R. W. Hiliers Agency GENERAL FUND Services Su.ervisors services 4 mileage Supplies, Court House Services Posting election notices Making transfers on Assessor's books Delivering election notices & supplies Supervisors services & mileage Jail. & Office expense Office expense Mileage Painting signs Supplies, Court House Court costs, office supplies Mothers Pension committee meetings Supervisors services & mile 'ge Supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Court House Services, Board of Health Supplies, Co. Supt. Repairs Premium on Fire Ins. Policy 3.00 76.50 2.02 3.80 12.00 50.00 50.00 66.00 270.00 4.40 65.00 9.00 259.98 58.00 3.40 122.60 72.70 2.16 53.75 80.73 1.25 100.00 89 Ruhter M. Fred Schmitz C. W. Schultz Martha H. Sigel Cafe Serf Printing Co O. E. Templin W. H. Turbyfill Joseph M. Underwood Typewriter Co Wahlquist Bros Whitesel W. C. Widmaier Wm. Wixvier Wm. Wooding W. L. Wooding <I/. L. )1rooding W. L. Boontjer Orey Duden R. W. Fricke E. A, Harlgeroad J. C. "Jones & Sons T. W. Lawson Hardware Co- C. K. Pavelka - James et al Overy Howard Shaw John L. Cleve Joynt Adams & Co J. D. Ayr Township Blaine Township . Bowies Frank Cottonwood Township Denver Township Duda -Myers Co Duncan Dykeman Enevoldsen Essinger Essinger Fisher Huxtable Lutz McWhirter McWhirter Gro this O'Brien Mathews quade Furry Schmidt Krueger Wortman Heeren Stromer Eigenberg Teatherwax Baker Schmidt Ounsbruak Woodworth Blomenkamp Dreher C. S. L. E. Anders J. W. Garage & Oil co. Olen Edgar Ernest Ben C. W. Harry Tom G:.F. Frank J. H. John Simon Emerson Edward Wm. E. H. H. E. P. J. N. Carl Jacob F. H. Ervin Fred Stromer Walter Gartner P. H. Hanover Township Hastings Battery & Elec. Co Hastings Machine Service Haws & Son W. G. Heartwell C. A. Highland Township Hollenbeck H. L. Hubbard Andrew Hupf John Jr Huxtable Edgar Jorgenson O. P. Joynt Cleve Juniata Township Kenesaw Township Kilter & Son Geo Kistler Will Kort Herbert Land C. H. T11, GENERAL FUND Cont. Supervisors services & mileage Prescription, Co. Farm Office expense, mileage Meals for jurors Supplies, Court House Supplies, Court House Office expense Typewriter Election notices Supervisors services & mileage School Attendance officer Investigation for Mothers Pensions Analyzing cider Analyzing hooch Analyzing intoxicating liquor BRIDGE FUND Bridge work Hauling bridge plank Team work Estimate on bridge Supplies Supplies Labor on county bridge Labor on county bridge Bridge work Bridge work ROAD DRAGGING FUND Supplies & repairs Dragging roads Dragging roads Assisting County Surveyor Road dragging Road dragging Supplies Supplies Team work Blacksmithing Repairs, supplies Gas, supplies Operating tractor Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Cash paid for freight Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Draggin,g county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Supervising county roads & mileage Dragging roads Supplies Blacksmithing Gas & Oil Surveying roads & mileage Road dragging Repair work Patrol & tractor work Hauling cain Labor Patrol work Tractor work Dragging roads Dragging roads Blacksmithing Assisting county Surveyor Team work Blasting trees Blastinp. treses 101.00 1.30 45.80 62.30 97.25 1.25 5.50 101.25 28.25 70.90 28.10 11.30 5.00 35.00 5.00 99.5o 2.00 9.20 1200.00 13.70 24.94 32.20 32.20 20.70 11.50 67.17 68.49 67.01 14.00 24.25 37.00 2.30 21.47 3.00 12.65 62.35 25.26 93.84 7.50 14.25 12.75 4.50 11.25 12.75 6.00 6.75 3.05 7.88 5.25 6.00 7.85 3.00 9.00 9.0o 5.25 4.50 15.00 13.50 6.75 8.25 13.50 60.90 39.26 7.10 20.00 34.70 55.50 52.75 8.25 58.es 17.00 2.00 66.24 50.60 63.05 31.35 37.55 114-. 00 14.40 8.140 3.60 Overt' James Sr. Pavelka James Pavelka Wm. Peterson Charles Rinehart J. S. Roseland Township Ruhter M. Fred Blankenbiller G. E. Routh Jas. Peterson Frank A. Land Edwin Burge A. Burge L. A. Felzien R. A. Christensen Hans Saddler, H. C. et al Schlueter Lumber Co Shaw John L. Silver Lake Township Smith Machinery Co Smith Machinery Co Standard Oil Co State Journal Co Verona Township Wanda Township West Blue Township Whit e sel Ira Whitesel W. C. Lippincott Orlie F. Cooper C. T. Maxfield V. F. u.rling Chas. K. Katzberg Arthur Williams K. R. Hurd Ralph Land Edwin Baugh J. R. Zero Township Adams County Agricultural Society Adams County Oil Co Bauer Jacob Beghtol J. V. Cannon T. N. Carl B. F. Carl B. 2. Daggett F. R. Dever Dr. C. R. Eckhardt H. O. Hardt Drug Co Hastings Fuel Co Juniata Grain & Live Stock Assn Kenesaw Mercantile Co Kenesaw Mercantile Co Larsen H. G. Mikkelsen Drug Co Moon Mrs. Lulu K Nebr. Sanituarrium North Sam." ' . Walter E. Walter E. Nowers Nowe r s _Oliver Lumber Co Prosser Lumber .& Coal Co Schlueter Lumberh Co} Schmitz C. W. Simpson & Joh Skaggs Safeway Store Sunnyside Walker Conrad Whisinand C. V. Motion by Ruhter, second by Cole 9 o}clock A. M. Motion carried. QCik (,County Clerk. Deputy County Clerk. ROAD DRAGGING FUND' Cont . Labor on county road. Labor on county road Labor on county road Repairs on tractor Dynamite Dragging roads Superintending roads & mileage Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Labor Bridge material Labor Dragging roads Repairs, supplies Repairs, supplies Gas & oil License containers Dragging oads Dragging roads Dragging roads Work on tractor & grader Superintending roads & mileage Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging roads COUNTY :AIR FUND For permanent improvements & Premiums POOR AID FUND Coal Groceries Professional Drugs Groceries Groceries Grocereis Professional Broceries Drugs Coal Coal Groceries Groceries ss Df u.gs Services Services Cob s Professional Prof e s si onal Coal ss Coal Drugs Groceries is Services Groceries services services services services 8.00 64.40 86.55 1.05 13.10 67.00 91.20 7.50 6.00 3.75 7.5o 4.50 10.50 6.00 11.25 65.41 15.33 78.20 53.5o 176.70 4.00 277.46 185.00 80.10 83.13 40.00 91.08 92.60 10.75 6.00 11.25 7.12j 5.25 12,00 12.00 3.00 6.00 74.69 700.00 9.00 3.34 36.0o 19.20 15.10 3.47 27.01 38.00 54.34 9.4o 23.55 13.40 9.40 16.38 32.50 11.70 22.17 4.00 4.00 33.34 32.00 34.05 6.15 46.00 3.20 12.00 13.47 58.00 18.95 48.98 that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, April 17th, 192S at Board adjourned. ro AtA;vtita Chairman G ) Court House Hastings, Nebraska. Tuesday April 17th, 192g. 9 otclock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per adjournmeat of April 5th, 1928. Roll call, all members were present. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. A petition signed by Ambrose Gertne and others asking the Board to re-establish a road described as beginning at the southeast quarter of section 26 and the northeast quarter of section 35, town 6, range 12 thence running east one mile and terminating thereat, was readn and upon motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel was referred to the Road & Bridge Committee. At 10 o'clock A. M. the time set by the County Clerk for a hearing on the proposed addition to county highway #20 and the abandonment of county highway #22, having arrived, no remonstrance of any kind or any objection was filed against the proposed extension of county highway #20 or against the abandonment of county highway #22, it was upon motion by Ruhter, second by Purry ordered that the extension of county high- way #20 as described in the petition be ordered by this Board to become a part of the county highway system, subject to county control and maintenance and that the oyunty clerk be instructed to enter the same on the road record. It was further ordered that county highway #22 be abandoned and turned back bo Kenesaw Township for maintenance. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the prayer of the remonstrators against the routing of the proposed county highway #26 be granted by this Board and that county highway #26 be ordered by this Board as a part of the county highway system and as agreed with the remonstrators be described as follows: Commencing at Pauline Village, running on Highway established angling Southeast to center of section 15-5-9 on the north side of said section thence running east one and one-half miles thence running south one mile thence running east one mile to the Adams -Clay County line. That this county highway #26 be subject to county control and maintenance and that the Clerk be instructed to enter this on the road record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion cartied. J. L. Hynes aPpeared before the Board and ask leave to withdraw a remonstrance petition signed by him and others against the proposed county highway #27. Petition withdrawn. Motion by Whitesel, second by Ruhter that there being no farther remonstrnace or objection to proposed county highway #27 that the same be designated as part of the county highway system subject to county control and maintenance. Said county highway #27 described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of section 29-6-llthence running south 8 miles to the Adans-Webster County The County Clerk was instructed to enter this County highway #27 on the road record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 11:30 o'clock A. M. the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M., when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that we order the Standard Bridge Co., to build one 32 x 16 foot wooden bridge between sections 4 and 5, Kenesaw Township across a branch of the Platte River, also one 16 x 16 foot wooden bridge between sections 4 and 5, Kenesaw Township. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second -by Furry that the,following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adelseck. Hattie E. Election Pay roll Election Pay Roli Election Pay Roll Election Pay Roll Election Pay roll Election Pay Roll Election Pay Roll Election Pay Roll Election Pay roll Election Pay Roll Election Pay Roll Election Pay Roll Election Pay Roll Election Pay Roll Election Pay Roll Election Pay Roll Election Pay Roll Election Pay Roll Election Pay Roll Election Pay Roll Election. Pay Roll Election Pay Roll Election Pay Roll Election Pay Roll Rent Polling Places Wilson Myrtle E. Election Pqy Roll Clay County GENERAL FUND Services on canvassing board. West Blue Township Highland Township Verona Township Kenesaw Township Wanda Township Juniata Township Denver Township Blaine Township Hanover Township Ayr Township Roseland Township Logan Township Silver LakeTownship Zero Township Little Blue Township 1st Ward. A 1st Ward B 2nd Ward A 2nd Ward B 2nd Ward C 3rd lard A 3rd Ward B 4th Ward B 4th Ward. C Primary Election Services on canvassing Board 4th Ward A ROAD DRAGGING FUND Dynamite SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND 14.00 32.00 29.95 39.75 45.30 29.45 39.20 32.50 32.50 24.60 41.40 39.40 32.60 26.10 31.35 39.g0 41.10 4O .95 41.70 43.50 39.60 43.35 44.g5 47.10 250.00 14.00 45.60 39.00 Leeds G. B. Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Pratt J. C. Motion by Ruhter,t•second by Whitesel at 9 o'clock A. M. Motion carried. attA County Clerk. ?(Z.,aeei Deputy County Clerk. POOR AID FURS Services Services Services Groceries that this Board now Board adjourned. 17.67 6.10 19.60 10.65 adjourn to meet again on Saturday, May 5th, 1925 (17 Court House, Hastings, Nebraska, Saturday, May 5th, 1925. 9 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of April 17th, 192, T. R. Rainforth, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members were present. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Motion by Furry, second by Whitesel that in the matter of Mothers Pensions granted by the County Court to Mrs. Wanda Gettman, Vera D. Sanford and Lena E. Barr, that the order of the Court be complied with and that the County Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for said pensions. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Motion by Furry, second by Gartner that the official bonds of Fri H. Bohlke, Road Overseer, District # 1, Wanda Township and. Albert Einspahr, Road. Overseer, District 4& 3, Wanda Township be approved by this Board. Motion carried. • First quarterly report of Lucia Dillenbach, Clerk of the District Court and 1st quarterly report of L. N Button, Register of Deeds was read and upon motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter said reports were order- ed placed on file. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 115 P. M., when they again resumed with all members present. Most of the afternoon session was taken up in the discussion of road machinery. Motion by Bauer, second by Gartner that the claim of the Volland. Funeral Home on the Poor Aid Fund for $75.00 be dis-allowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and that the County Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow: Adams A. A. Adams County Farm Bureau Bauer Geo. G. Borley Storage & Transfer Co Byers Lumber Co Byers Lumber Co Cannon T. N. ClaxtonWinifred et al Cole W. A. Crosson Raymond L. Crow Walter M. Deines Drug Co Democrat Printing Co Dillenbach Lucia Fischer G. S. Furry J. H. Gartner P. H. Gaston Music & Furniture Co Gaudreault Merc. Co A. J. Hollins Edith E. Hollins Hollins Edith E. Edith E. Industrial Chemical Laboratories Industrial Chemical Laboratories K -B Printing Co Keith D rW. W.et al * Kline J. B. Klopp Printing Co Land C. H. Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co Local Registrars Milburn & Scott Co Murphy Typewriter Co R. E. McGrath Hdw. Co. 3, E. McGrath Hdw, Co J. H. McGrath Hdw. Co J. H. Pauley Lumber Co W. G. Dickerson F. E. Proffitt Harry Queen City Laundry Rainforth T. R. eRippeteau Wallpaper & Paint Co Rather • M. Fred Simms B. M. Stewart Walter G. Turbyfill •Joseph M. Co. Judge University Publishing Co Wahlquist Bros WhitARal W. C. GENERAL FUND Repair work, Court House Supplies Supervisors services & mileage Services, Primary election Coal, Court House Lumber for repairs, Court House Supplies, County Farm Correcting examination papers Supervisors services & mileage Jail and office expense Office expense, mileage Supplies, Court House Supplies, notices, etc. Court costs, office supplies Mileage for Mothers Pension meeting Supervisors services & mileage Supervisors services & milea-e Rent of tables, primary election Supplies, Court House Cleaning vault, District Court office Cleaning vaUlt, County Clerks office Cleaning vault, County Judges office Fumigators Fumigators Supplies, Court House "itnesses, Insanity hearings Supplies, Court House Supplies, County Clerk Board for inmates at County Farm Supplies, Co. Supt Toll calls, Farm Bureau Toll calls, Court House Recording births & deaths Supplies, Court House Rent for typewriter, Co. Assessor Padlock Supplies, Court House Supplies, Court House Supplies, Court House Supplies Mileage for assessing Laundry for court house Supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Court House Supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Court House Repairs, Court House County court costs Supplies, Co. Supt. Supplies, Court House Sunervisors services & mileage S6.40 10.99 51.60 31.50 51.02 23.90 25.05 63.40 60.30 162.26 2.50 S. 70 275.55 221.60 3.40 31.60 75.140 27.50 19.39 3.20 3.20 3.20 36.00 36.00 7.35 32.20 1.35 4.55 155.90 3.24 1.30 21.40 61.25 56.29 5.00 1.00 4.15 3.25 9.00 2.25 29.50 6.33 67.50 .70 56.30 2.25 13.20 164.70 9.19 10.50 37.90 0 Q.fi Boontjer Brunken Byers Lumber Co Eigenberg Gartner Hagemaan Hargleroad Hargleroad Hibbeler Jones & Sons Krueger Nebraska culvert Plautz Rickerson Varah Webster County Wigert Orey et al Jake H. H. et al Wm. F. C. J. O. J. C. R. W. et al T. W. Paul & Mf.g Co R. W. et al L. R. Wm 11. F. et al Adams & Co J. D. Blaine Township Bowles Frank Clay County Cottonwood Township Denver Township Murdock Archie J. Gopher Stamp & Die Co Hanover Township Heartwell C. A. Highland Township Juniata Township Kenesaw Township Kennedy Margaret 'Usher Will Oliver LumberCo Roseland. Township Little Blue Township Verona Township Wanda Township West Blue Township Bauer Henry Bauer Jacob 3 Cannon T. N. Carl B. F. Carl B. F. Daggett F. R. Hastings Fuel Co Herbst Henry Juniata Grain Live Stock Assn, Kenesaw Mercantile Co Kenesaw Mercantile Co Kohlbry Hermon Larsen H. G. Larsen H. G. Leeds G. B. Mace John L. Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Matthiesen & Co Carl R. Moon Lulu K. Oliver Lumber Co Pratt J. C. Prosser Lumber & Coal ta Rehn Ruth Sunnyside Walker Conrad Whisinand. Grocery Yost Lumber Co J. H. Anderson Adams & Co Adams Bermingham Block Bobbitt Cannon Fergus Transfer Furry Gangwi sh Gartner Dreher Elwyn J. D. William et al Martin Bruce W. B. T. N. & Stornge J. H. Albert et al P. H. Fred BRIDGE FUND Labor on county bridge Filling in on county bridge Supplies Labor on county bridge Labor on county bridge Repairs and supplies Work on new bridge Work on new bridge Pilling in county bridge Supplies Filling in county bridge Culverts Labor on county bridge Filling in county bridge Filling in county bridge Adams -Webster County bridge Labor on county bridge ROAD DRAGGING FUND Road plow Road dragging Assisting county Surveyor Supplies Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Truck plates Road dragging Surveying roads & mileage Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Land for road purposes Assisting County Surveyor $takes Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging POOR AID FUND Groceries Groceties Drugs Groceries Groceries Groceries Coal Groceries Coal Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Services Services Services Supplies • Services Coal Groceries Coal Services Services Groceries Groceries Groceries COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Labor on county roads Supplies Team work Team work Taking down snow fence Team work Either Draying Superintending roads & mileage Team work Superintending roads & mileage Dragging county roads 51.00 1.20 13.57 6.00 29.40 151.17 395.59 1613.76 72.25 12.17 134.73 95.16 43.4o 1.80 1.50 173.09 69.50 33.00 16.76 25.00 39.00 2?.50 42.62 12.00 9.75 24.25 97.60 110.00 13.35 45.62 50.00 26.00 6.65 20.50 19.36 19.0o 20.13 19.36 11.64 4.26 14.10 9.42 15.00 26.67 24.65 16.57 31.75 16.60 12.63 19.71 20.26 12.40 17.10 5.00 41.35 3.00 21.45 9.25 25.55 4.6o 16,00 56.0o 12.71 29.64 31.50 7.60 12.04 22.25 30.00 6.00 13.50 .60 15.00 116.60 67.75 94.70 6.69 fl( Jones Kalvoda Kister & Son Krueger Land Luhn Manhattan Oil Co McGrath Hdw Co McGrath Hdw Co McGrath Hdw Co Needham Needham Ne e dham Newman Pavel'ka Peterson Ruther Savery Savery Shaffer Smith Machinery Standard Gil Co Whi to se l Finnigsmier McCall Osier Weber Bobbitt Roeder Gangwi sh Whitesel Zubro d Harvey Emil Geo. Hugo et al C. H. Arthur J. H. J. H. J. H. Cyril E. L. E. L. Howard Wm Chas. C. M. Fred Rex Rex Vergal Co W. C. H. M. Bert Al Theo J. W. B. Geo. Albert F. R. Jake Motion by Ruhter, second by Gartner at 9 o'clock A. M. Motion carried. County Clerk. eputy County Clerk. COUNTY HIGHWAY .FtJ1 D Cont. Labor on county Labor on county Blacksnithinn Team work Labor on county Team work Gas & Oil Supplies Dynamite Supplies Team work Labor on county Labor on county Labor on county Repair work, labor, etc. Supplies Superintending county roads & mileage Team work Team work Labor on county road Supplies, repairs Gas & Oil Superintne&ing roads & mileage Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Drayage road road road road road road 12.00 31.50 2.25 58.13 17.00 90.00 110.16 83.95 20.00' 15.54 99.00 30.00r 36.00 119.00 24.50 15.00 100.00 93.00 118.25 6�// 0.00 113.15 c }' 100.40 120.50 22.12 3.00 4.12 3.00 3.00 5.50 6.00 1.50 .25 that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, June 5th, 1914!, Board adjourned. Court House, Hastings, Nebraska. Tuesday, June 5th, 1935. 9 o'clock A. M. Adams County Board of Supervisors met in regular session as per adjournment of May 5th, 1928. T. R. Rainforth, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members were present. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Communication from C. E. Hedrick, Superintendent of Maintenance, Union Pacific System, in regard to road maintainers getting dirt on railroad coossings was received and read. An assignment of the concrete bridge contract for the year 1928 by J. C. Hargleroad to the Mid -State Construction Co., of Hastings, Nebr.: . was read. Motion by Gartner, second by giuhter that we approve of the assignment of the concrete bridge contract for 1925 by J. C. Hargleroad to the Mid -State Construction Co., conditioned upon the filing of a bond by the Mid -State Construction Co. in compliosice with the contract. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, secondby Cole that the official bond: of W. W. Gates, Justice of the Peace, Zero Township, be approved by this Board. Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that in the matter of Mothers Pensions to Mrs. David Repp, Emma Dell Young and Mrs. Eva Kaufman, granted by the County Court, that the order of the Court be complied with and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for saidpensions. Roll call all voted aye. Motion carried. A petition signed by John W. Ground and others asking that the Board buy and build a round corner road on the southwest corner of the S'r'i of section 4, in Denver Township on the county highway was read before the Board. Also a petition signed by R. C. sirme and others asking that a pfihlic road between sections 27 and 28 of West Blue Township be altered and established to run in a straight north and south direction for the purpose of eliminating turns in the road and also to avoid the building and maintenance of bridges, was read and upon motion bt6 Whitesel, second by Ruhter both petitions were referred to the Road & Bridge Committee. Motion by Furry, second by Whitesel, that we accept the Compensation Insurance Policy of the General Casualty and Surety Co., of Detroit, Mich., at the rates made by said company on policy No. WC -39256. Roll call, all voted -ye. Motion carried. The Town Board of Cottonwood Township together with a delegation of farmers from south of Holstein appeared before the Board in regard to Township roads in Cottonwood Township. No action taken by the Board. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M., when they again resumed with all members present. Representatives of road machinery met with the Board and the question of buying a tractor was considered. Motion by Ruhter, second by Furry that we enter into a contract with the Lincoln Road Equipment Company for one 20 Caterpiller tractor at an agreed price of $2259.00 F. 0. B. Hastings, Nebr. Roll call, ayes, Cole, Furry, Gartner, Rainforth and Ruhter. Naves, Bauer and Whitesel. Motion carried, Motion by Ruhter, second by Bauer that the claim of Dr. 0. S. Gray on the Poor Aid Fund for $65.00 be allowed at $50.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel, that the claim of J. B. Dierker, M. D., on the Poor Aid Fund for $16.00 be dis-allowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by Gartner, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow: Alexander Anderson Bauer Binderup Hdw. Co Blankenbiller Bourne Bowers Burroughs Adding Byers Lumber Co Cannon Cole Columbia Ribbon Crosson Crow County Treas. Davis . Dean Democrat Printing Dericks Bike Shop Dieter Dillenbach Durkee Eigenberg Farkas & Co Fischer Furry Charlotte M. Aug. Geo. G. JohnB. F. 0. Reuben Machine Co W. N. A. & Carbon Mfg Co. Raymond L. Walter M. Elliott R. B. M. Co M. E. Lucia George R. H. G. S. J. H. GENERAL FUND. Assessing in City of Hastings Assessing in Juniata Township Supervisors services & mileage Repairs & supplies Assessing Silver Lake Township Assessing Little Blue Township Assessing City of Hastings Adding Machine, Co. Assessors office Coal & lumber, Oourt House Supplies, Co. Farm Supervisors services & mileage Supplies Jail expense, office supplies Office supplies Tele, light,gas, water, etc., Court House Mileage for May Assessing Juniata Twp, Notices, supplies, etc. Labor Assessing Roseland Twp. Court costs, office supplies Assessing in City of Hastings Assessing Ayr Township Supplies, Court House Mileage to committee meeting Supervisors services & mileage 190.00 185.00 46.60 15.42 125.00 130.00 150.00 333.20 69.6o 8.x+0 53.2o 18.35 200.90 2.45 500.32 65.00 200.60 271.37 1.50 166.22 106.15 190.00 135.30 12.13 3.10 11.60 Hastings Daily Tribune Hollins Edith E. Hollins Edith E. Industrial Chemical Laboratories K -B Printing Co K -B Printing Co Kenesaw Progress Kort Martin Land C. H. Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co Matthiesen & Co Carl R. Maxwell John L. Milburn & Scott Co Murphy Typewriter Co R. E. Nienhueser Patterson Proffitt Proffitt Queen City Laundry Rainforth T. Ruhter M. Fred James Harry J. F. Sanderson School District School District Schultz Serf Printing Co Shannon Simms Smith St. John Starner Starkey Grocery Stein Bros. Co Templeton Trimble-Hoylman Turbyfill Wage s Wahlquist Bros Webb Whitesel Widmai er Wilson 4olbach & Brach Bonifas Bohlke Brower Byers Lumber Co G angwi sh Gartner Gartner Hargleroad Linderman Nebraska Culvert Nebraska Culvert Nebraska Calvert Newman Overy Thompson Anderson Ayr Township Blaine Township Bowles Frank Cottonwood Township Denver Township Hanover Township Highland Township Heartwell C. A. Juniata Township Kenesaw Township Kistler Will Little Blue Township Logan Township Nebraska Culvert & Mfg Co Nebraska Culvert & Mfg, Co Oliver Lumber Co Roseland Township Silver Lake Township Verona Township Wanda Township R. Fred H. L. # 18 # 18 Martha H. 0. E. F. E. B. M. Roy K. L. A. henry J. L. Ins Co Joseph M. Co. Judge Mrs. H. A. et al Jay W. C. Wm. C. W. Laurence et al Frank et al J. 0. Albert et al Herman Wm J. C. C. & Mfg Co & Mfg Co & Mfg Co Howard G et al Jim Wm et al Clarence L GENERAL FUND Cont. Notices Cleaning vault, Co. Treas. Cleaning vault, Register of Deeds Fumigators Supplies, Co. Supt. Supplies, Co. Supt. Notice Assessing Zero Township Board for inmates, Co. Fawn Toll calls, Farm Bureau Toll calls, Court House Supplies, Court House Assessing Cottonwood Township Supplies, Co. Supt. gibbons, overhauling machine Assessing Wanda Township Assessing Logan Township Office supplies, mileage Assessing in City of Hastings Laundry, Court House Supervisors services & mileage Supervisors services & mileage Assessing West Blue Township Use of Senior High Use of Lincoln School Office supplies, mileage, etc. Supplies, Court House Assessing Highland Township Fumigators Assessing Blaine Township Assessing in City of Hastings Assessing Hanover Township Supplies Supplies Assessing Kenesaw Township Compensation Insurance County Court costs, office supplies Correcting examination papers Supplies, Co. Judge Repairs at Co. Farr. Supervisors services & mileage Investigating for mothers pensions Assessing in City of Hastings Supplies, Co. Farm BRIDGE FUND Laoor on Co. bridge Filling in bridge Draying Culverts, etc. Filling in bridge Labor on bridge Removing culvert New birdge Labor on county bridge Culverts Culverts Culverts Bridge work Team work on county bridge Filling in bridge ROAD DRAGGING FUND Strip of land for road purposes Road dragging Road dragging Assisting County Surveyor Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Surveying Road dragging Road dragging Assisting County Surgeyor Road dragging Road dragging Road drags Road drags Stakes Roari dragging Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging 13.20 1#.00 3.60 72.44 30.15 4.64 6.00 135.62 171.27 7.95 17.30 1.81 165.00 52.3+ 18.50 110.00 120.25 10.50 1+30.00 5.82 77.80 26.80 110.35 10.00 10.00 53.89 23.25 125.10 1+.50 135.00 305.00 125.95 1.32 11.30 216.90 298.10 97.05 214.30 3.75 7.15 61.60 12.20 185.00 13.83 15.00 17.50 21.25 29.90 22.50 14. oo 3.00 1570.26 8.00 1414.g4 1+31.1 194A 4+4.00 3.00 149.80 63.00 59.87 56.88 11F. Oo 27.62 43.00 93.52 59.51/ 50.140 614.56 136.25 114.00 76.55 50.50 8547 51.2 7.00 33.25 66.26 43.66 62.69 Carl Carl Daggett Farmers Gray Hamel B. F. B. F. F. R. Union State Exchange Dr. O. S. E. B. Hastings Fuel Co Herbst Henry Kenesaw Mercantile Co Kenesaw Mercantile Co Kohlbry Herman Larsen H. G. Larsen H. G. Leeds G. B. Long Grocery Mace John L. Mace John L. Mary Leaning Memorial Hospital Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Matthiesen & Co Carl R. Moon Mrs. Lulu K. Nebraska Sanitarium Pratt J. C. Simpson & Joh Simpson & Joh Stump C. W. Sunnyside Walker Conrad Whisinand C. V. Coffey Duncan Essinger Garage Essinger Garage Furry McWhirter O'Brien Quade Gro this Valentine McWhirter Lutz Gangwish Gangwish Gartner Gartner Woodworth Blomenkamp Moss Schmidt Baker Stromer Stainer Weatherwax Kleier Smidt Consbruck Heeren Valentine Ver saw Stromer Hastings Battery Hastings Machine Haws & Son Hitch Junker Kalvoda Kister & Son Klein Kluver Krueger Krull Manhattan Oil Co McGrath Hdw Co National Refining Needham Newman Ruhter Burge Land Christensen Felzien Petersen__ W. T. et al C. S. & Oil Co & Oil Co J. H. Ben Tom Freak Harry Henry C. W. Ernest Albert et al Earl P. H. P. E. F. H. Ervin W. H. Carl Roy Walter Anton E. P. Herman John Jacob Edward Onno Darrel Wm. E. & Elec. Co Service Co W. G. F. M. J. et al Emil George John et al Henry et al Paul John J. H. Co Cyril Howard G. M. Fred A. Edwin A. Hans R. A. O. W. POOR AID FUND Cont. Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Professional services Professional services Coal Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Services Groceries Professional services Professional services Services Services Services Drugs Services Services Groceries Groceries Groceries Services Services Groceries Groceries COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Team work Supplies Supplies & repairs Gas & Oil Superintending roads & mileage Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Team work Team work Cash paid for express Supervising county roads & mileage Dragging county roads 0 11 9 11 0 11 11 9 0 It 11 Repitr work Blacksmithing Gas & Oil Blacksmithing Team !Fork Labor on county road Blacksmithing Team work Labor on county road. Team work Lath Gas & Oil Supplies Oil Grading road Team work Superintending county roads & mileage Dragging county roads braggilag county roads Dragging county roads 15.00 14.91 19.51 5.84 50.00 10.00 5.20 14.93 16.78 1.03 8.97 20.00 10.00 17.67 5.90 3.00 3.00 57.10 55.95 149.25 1.10 22.17 36.80 6.00 12.00 12.01 5.00 99,50 20.06 30.32 30.00 7.16 4 .31 18)4.19 119.80 9.00 4.50 7.50 12.75 19.50 9.00 9.75 138.00 37.50 17.20 100.20 18.60 6.75 15.00 9.00 9.75 12.00 5.25 9.00 5.63 7.87 12.00 13.12 10.50 12.50 6.75 9.85 1.50 67.15 9,14.0 30.00 10.50 1.20 81.00 26.00 84.00 1.00 146.74 1.15 30.80 46.00 67.20 139.40 3.00 11.62 4.87 6.00 14.43 Whitesel Saddler Gangwish Hurd McCall Burling Weber Maxfield Bobbitt Zubrod Motion by Gartner, at 9 o r clock A. M. PUOPIJA— County Clerk. W. C. H. C. Albert Ralph Bert Chas. K. Theo J V. F. W. B. Jake COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Cont. Superintending county roads & mileage Dragging county roads fl u n fi M If d 11 11 O 11 11 It it 11 n 11 0 O 11 11 Draying 83.60 45.00 6.00 6.00 12.38 5.25 2.25 9.75 5.25 .90 second by Furry that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, July 10th, 1928 Motion carried. Board adjounred, y County Clerk. I1 ,: • ••. ,, • „, „ ,„. , rg„, . . . „ . . . izaioN 192s. -InIgs, Nebraska. 44,4192S. 10 o'clock A. M. together with the County Assessor and County Clerk met ,..!444.44444.k*,4=r7t..*7 4k, Roll call, all members were present including the 4.44,74 assessed valuation of Real Estate were filed with the • 44. t e • lot SO, Kenesaw Village .iig.,24,..mmtwevamtneetit.n.to '4'44 . . • . . . . , . • • • 3, Johnson's Addition ' • A<A,3,,,A4A„, 4. • ••:••• t4040441404m4m4o4umo.,41,yls Addition . . lock 1, E. K. Wemple's Addition &24, 'Village of Hansen. ' all idX::::w2VIlage lot 6, block 6, les --, se --t Lawn Aadition o'clock P. M. molea with all members present. ." uation of lot 5, block 3, Wilkin's Addition and on NI City Park Addition were filed with the Clerk. Also on t g. 13, St. 1 2 1 It t ji 11° os o'clock: hd ne2ns dd1927 at 10 o'clock A. M. 192 ith all members present. ken up in listening to complaints but no formal complaints A.''...,,'.'Ae',,;f.":',"'i.AA-A,'''A'';',A...„'Zo – — #4 • ,A,,,A,,,,,A;AAA,'A,,,,s4.4A–A4•`,' " ' -":" ' " " – ' 444 •,',,,,,,d,V.-04.',,,,,,..,4 i'4,4k44,44.4*44'. , 4' — -'4'f-r'''W"'''4Ie4ir7'777!7.t',':T,rM,:Zg''4:%;i=j!?."Ir!',1.ir:,.,t,i',,.,,M1,6!:,'I',I*W,4g40f:Yk.'1.,40'e 4,,,,i, .;,,,,,, rfli'',6**1'h,,10,..,,'i,,-.,-,,,.14,4,,-.,,i. ..„,.,.,,i,...-•„.„i;A:„.„.„,...41g..,.., I as° until 2 o'clock P. M. r-7 1 i ..;2,,;t.,-.:,4e.1,i„etattiesoltmv*limgges.kEgot?0,A.,00ii,,,got,.!4.,,4gAA 4p4,10amed with all members present. . _ ' - - - ' ' - - -- ---- - - -,--- ---",- --- ,., - - ----''---s-,- - - - - "- r-,,-- :::.-',--"..-- valuation of improvements on the SW e section 17-5-12 was Balance of the afternoon session was taken up in looking over the personal schedules. At 5o1clock P. M. the Board recessed until Thursday June 14th, 192S at 10 o'clock A. M. Thursday, June 14th, 192. 10 O'clock A. M. Board re -assembled as per recess with all members present. No complaints of any kind were filed. The entire forenoon session was taken up in looking over personal schedules. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 2 o'clock Pe M. At 2 o'clock P. M. the Board re -assembled with all members present. The entire Board went out to view property in the City of Hastings Upon which complaint had been made on the assessed valuation. At 3:30 o(clock P. M., the Board returned. Motion by Ruhter, second by Whitesel that no change be made in the assessed valuation of the following described. Real Estate, upon which complaint had been made. N lot 79 and S- Lot 80, Kenesaw Village W Lots 125 to 127, Kenesaw Village Lots 11 & 12, block 3, Johnson's Addition Lot 10, Peabody's Addition Lot 5, and all lot 6, block 6, West Lawn Addition Lot 5, block 3, Wilkin's Addition S 50 ft of the N 150 ft of El§ lot 13, St. Joseph 2nd Addition St of SE i section 17-b-9 and SWi section 17-5-12. Roll call, on the above motion all voted aye. Motion earl:led. Motion by Furry, second by Bauer that we decrease the assessed valuation on the following described Real Estate: 113 Beard of Equalization. 1928. Lots 9 to 13, . K. temple's Addition from $1100.00 to $500.00 Ni lot 44, Palmer's Addition from $1700.00 to $1200.00 Lot 11, Jones' City Para Addition from $2700.00 to $2500.00 Part. of lots 22,23 and 24, Hansen Village from $2500.00 to $2000.00 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion_ carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Cole that the following resolution be adopted. TWKAS the Adams County Board of Supervisors, together with the County Assessor and County Clerk, sitting as a Board of Equalization, have reviewed the Personal schedules as returned by the various Precinct Assessors, in and for Adams County for the year 1925 and WHEREAS, there being no change in the Real Estate valuations, except where improvements have been put on or taken off, or upon which complaint has been made to this. Board and upon which adjustments have been made and WHEREAS, from such review made by the Board it appears that various classes of personal property have been fairly well equalized by the Assessors and that no changes seem to be necessary to be madeby this Board and BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that we confirm the valuations as returned by the Precinct Assessors and as corrected by the County Assessor and hereby= order that an abstract be made of the same and certified to the State Tax Commissioner, as the equalized valuations of Adams County, Nebraska, for the year 1925. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Furry that this Board of Equalization now adjourn to meet again at the call of the County Clerk. Motion carried. Board adjourned. County Clerk. eputy County Clerk. Board of Equalization. Court House, Hastings, Nebraska. Monday, August 6th, 1525. 10 o'clock A. M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors, together with the County Assessor and the County Clerk met as a board of equalization as per recess of June 14th, 1528 and at the call of the County Clerk. T. R. Rainforth, Chairman, presiding. All members of the Board together with the County Assessor and the County Clerk were present. Motion by Gartner, second by Bauer that we levy.06 of one mill for County Fair purposes. Roll call, ayes, Bauer, Gartner, and Ruhter. Hayes, Cole, Furry. Rainforth, Whitesel, Proffitt and Cates. Motion lost. Motion by Furry, second by Cole that we levy .07 of one mill for County Fair purposes. Roll call, ayes, Cole, Furry, Rainforth, Whitesel, Proffitt and Cates. Nayes, Bauer, Gartner and Ruhter. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Furry that whereas, the assessed valuations of Adams County, Nebraska, for the year 1928, as equalized by this Board and as accepted and approved by the State Board of Equalization and are now ready to fix a tax levy upon, that we proceed to fix a tax levy on said valuations in each Governmental: Sub -Division of said Adams County, Nebraska, and that the Mill rate for said tax 1 evy in each Governmental Sub -Division be as follows, to -wit: ADAMS COUNTY LEVY. As based on estimates by the Board at their statutory meeting held in Jany. 1928: General Fund Bridge County Fair Soldiers & Sailors Relief Mothers Pension Poor Aid .66 mills .44 N 07 .04 s 0q O 0 Total Mill rate 1.34 Mills CITY AND VILLAGE LEVIES• Board of Equalization. Cont. Juniata Village Kenesaw Village Prosser Village Roseland Village Trumbull Village Itemized Funds n It A11 purposes Itemized Funds General Fund TOWNSHIP LEVIES 9. Mills 10. n 5. 11. 12.5 tt n As based on tax Certificates filed in the office of the County Clerk by the various Township Clerks showing amount voted to be raised by taxation: West Blue Highland Verona Kenesaw Wanda Juniata Denver Blaine Hanover Ayr Roseland Cottonwood Logan Silver Lake Zero Little Blue Township tt n n It tt It tt n n It n u n n All purposes tt n a tt 0 tt n Itemize. Fields All purfoses n It tt n 11 11 n n Itemized Funds All purposes tt tt u n o n SCHOOL DISTRICT LEVIES.. 1 Mill 1 1.6 1.4 1.2 1. .7 .8 .9 1.3 1. 1.5 1.6 1.1 1.1 1. As based on tax Certificates filed in the office of the County Clerk by the various School Boards showing amount toted to be raised by taxation: Dist No. 1 2 6 7 9-- 10 11 12 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 General 8. Mills 1.3 " 7.6 n 6.4 3.6 .1 6.1 1.8 1.5 8. 1.7 4.8 1.7 2.3 1.7 2.6 13.8 2.1 3. 3.5 5,4 2. 2.2 3.3 1.8 3.4 2. 31 2.7 3.3 2. 1.2 3.8 2.5 2. 1.6 2.3 3.9 n n u n and that the County the said valuations voted aye. Bond. 1.5 Mills 2.5 2.8 F.H.S. Total 8. Mills 1. Mill 2.8 n 9.1 " 1. 0 7.11 0 1. 4.6 1. 1.1 1. 1+. .25 8.85 1. 2.8 1. 2.5 8. 2.7 5.8 2.7 2.7 6 16.6 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. .5 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 4.5 6.1 3. 3.2 •3 2.8 4.4 3. 3.6 4.3 3. 2.2 4.8 3.5 3. 2.6 .9 tt a 0 0 n tt 0 n 11 n n 0 0 u it 0 a n tt tt 11 u tt n Dist. No. 40, 4+1 42-77 43 44 46 4+7 118 49 5o 51 5523 5�+ 56 57 60 61 62 64 65 66 63 669 7o 71 72 757 76 73 80 81 101 General Bond P.H.S. 2.2 1. none 1. 10. 2.7 1. 1.2 1. 2.1 1. none 1. 1.9 1. 1.7 1. 3.2 1. 1.6 1. 3.7 1. 3.1 1. 8. 5.1 1. 2.7 1. 2.8 1. 3.8 1. 2.8 1. 3.7 1. 3.5 1. 5.6 1. 1.8 1. 4.6 1. 2.2 1. 4.1 1. 2.6 1. 2.5 1. 3. 1. 2.6 1. 1.8 1. 3.7 1. 2.? 1. 3.6 1. 3.8 1. 5.1 1. 2.8 1. 12. Levy made by Clay County Total 3.2 Mill 1. n 10. n 3.7 11 2.2 't 3.1 *t 1 2.9 tt 2.7 4.2 It 2.6 " 11.7 tt 4.1 n 8. 6.1 3.7 n g tt 8 n 8 0 '7 11 4.5 n 6.6 a 2.8 n 5.6 tt 3.2 tt 5.1 n 3.6 n 3.5 tt 4 n 3.6 ►� 2.8 't 4.7 0 3.4 tt 11.6 tt 11.8 tt 6.1 u 3.8 " 12. n Clerk be and is hereby authorized to extend these levies on the 1928 tax lists against in the various Governmental Sub -Divisions of Adana County, Nebraska. Roll call, all Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by Bauer that this Board now adjourn sine die as a Board of Equalization. Motion carried. Ploabk- ounty Clerk. Deputy County Clerk. Court House, Hastings, Nebraska. Tuesday, July 10th, 1928. 9 o'clock A. M. Statutory meeting of the Board. 3.:.R. Rainforth, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members were present. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Motion by Whitesel, second by Furry that the official bond: of Drayton Curry, Road Overseer, District # 1, Highland Township, be approved by this Board. Motion carried.. In the matter of renewal of Mothers pension to Margaret Corwin by the County Court, the action of the Court was approved and upon motion by Gartner, second by Buaer, the Clerk Was instructed to draw warrants for said pension. Motion by Furry, second by Bauer, that the following duplicate miscellaneous receipts from the County Treasurers office be made part of the Supervisors record. Motion carried: Receipts follow: 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284, 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2291 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 230+ 2305 2306 2307. 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 213 2314 36 2316 2317 2318 2319 J. M. Turbyfill, County Judge J. M. Turbyfill, County Judge Nebraska National Bank Pete Gartner Lucia Dillenbach First State Bank Lucia Dillenbach Lucia Dillenbach Lucia Dillenbach Lucia Dillenbach y'ucia Dillenbach State Bank of Hastings Lucia Dillenbach Lucia Dillenbach Juniata Village Judge J. M. Turbyfill City of Hastings Judge J. M. Turbyfill Judge J. M. Turbyfill J. A. Cates, Co. Clerk Village of Ayr Lucia Dillenbach Lucia Dillenbach Pete Gartner T. R. Rainforth J. M. Turbyfill, Co. Judge Prosser . State Bank J. M. Turbyfill, Co. Judge J. M. Turbyfill, Co Judge Lucia Dillenbach Lucia Dillenbach J. A. Cates, Co. Clerk First National Bank Hansen State Bank J. A. Cates, County Clerk State Bank Nebraska National Bank First State Bank Hayland Pauline State Bank M. Fred Ruhter J. M. Turbyfill Credit Fines & Licenses 11 n u n • Interest On Deposits " Bridge Fund " General Fund " Interest on deposits " Fines & Licenses " General Fund n n 0 n n " n n n 11 n n 11 0 1, Interest on deposits General Fund 0 0 Light Bond Fines & Licenses General Fund Fines & licenses n 11 n fl • Hail Insurance Interest on Electric Fund General Fund it n 11 Bridge Fund General Fund Inheritance Tax Interest on Deposits Fines & Licenses 0 n " Jury Fee n n Hail Insurance Interest on Deposit • Interest On Deposit " General Mand " Int on Deposit " Int on. deposit • Int on deposit n I t on Deposit • CBunty Farm " Bal 1927 fees County Court 10.00 10.00 54.16 59.50 997.70: 320.01 5.00 21.55 5.00 4.55 23.55 172.75 15.00 5.00 675.40 200.72 10.00 35.00 10.00 178.50 300.00 5.00 6.00 14.00 2.00 15.16 50.00 110.00 10.00 10.00 { 5.00 1'46.50 x+76.64 25.00 508.35 326.33 88.38 75.00 75.0o 660.11 304. oo Second quarterly reports of County Judge, Joseph M. Turbyfill, Register of Deeds, L. N. Button, Sheriff, Raymond L. Crosson and County Clerk, J. A. Cates, were read and upon motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter, said reports were ordered placed on file. Motion carried. At 11:30 o'clock A. M. the Board recessed until 1:30 o'clock P. M. At 1:30 o'clock P. M. the Board resumed with all members present. Second quarterly report of Lucia Dillenbach, Clerk of the District Gartner, second by Furry same was ordered placed on file. Court was received and upon motion by Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that we order from the Morris Lumber Co., Eugene, Oregon: 100 6 x 18 - 32 foot full sawn #1 fir lumber at $38.70 per M. 100 3 x 12 - 20 foot full sawn 44 1 fir lumber at $35.20 per M. F. 0. B. Pauline, Nebr., with 12 hour stop over at Holstein, Nebr. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, second by Buaer that on account of default having been made by the Lincoln Road Equipment a. a Co., in delivering a 20 Oaterpiller Tractor, which was contracted p.`r by this Board on June 5th, 1928 and in to -said contract delivery of said tractor was to be made at once and that upon information from the agent, J. E. Woods, for the Lincoln Road Equipment Co., that said tractor cannot be delivered with 30 days more, that .:12we cancel said contract and order the Clerk to notify the Lincoln Road Equipment Co., of the cancellation. 'aaRoll call, ayes, Bauer, Cole, Gartner and Rainforth. Naves, Furry, Ruhter and Whitesel. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by Ruhter that the follwing claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Olai:s follow: INANCIA A ADAj S COU PEARL-B.WbObOl ST for the six months ending June 30th, 1928, showing collections, disbursements, transfers from one fund to another and balance on hand. TOTAL PAID '0UT TOTAL 6'61'1E6 Balance on hand January 1, 1928... 1925 Taxes with prior years:':. 192.6 Taxes ..'.................. 1927 Taxes .. .se. ........• -'School Land Lea ........... • . • .. School Land Interest. ......• .. City of Hastings, Specials .Motor Vehicles .. ...........-.- Record Fees . Redemption of Tax Sales MISCELLANEcM Hail Insurance State Apportionment.•.. • County General ...... • "Interest on County Deposits ...... �CCounty Bri"dge.............._....... , R .• $ 32.6,950.91State Treasurer 2,215.16" - 9,850.55 County General .:553,763.16 County Bridge ........ 392.40 County Highway 448.05 Road Dragging 47,528.13 Poor Aid 70,192.33 -----14.75 Soldiers and Sailors Relief ................... 11,171.43 Mother's Pension •_ .......::......, . . Auto Refunds........ ...... ....... .:.:. 325.00 Gravel Fund 6,971.71 School Orders 5,718.63 School Bond and Interest 2,509.66 School Apportionment 181.44 Redemption Tax Sales ... 715.72City and Village Orders 22:82...._. 23.76 678.40 300.00 158.37 Soldiers and Sailors Relief Juniata Village ................. Ayr Village Inheritance Tax RIOUSF'1NDS; S (Ps - ATE s- ATEFTJND; $1,040,132:38 Free High School ............._. Township Orders ..... . . County Fair .................. Fees Retained without prejudice.. Balance, June 30, 1928.... AF D SBURS EMENTS" BALANCE COLLECTIONS TRANS. Jan. 1, '28 TO .. General $ 19,991.76 .$ 63,208:7Capitol ... ..••• 2,220.18 6,906.66 Redemption 14,201.50 45,272.62 Hail Insurance......... -• 325.00 School Land Interest 448.05 School Land Lease720.35 392.40 Motor Vehicle ... 47,21_, 22,147.34 COUNTY FUNDS" General 58,120.04 38,736.27 - Bridge 15,563.69 17,338.16 Road ....... . ......:............... .393.54 .42 Hihwa...... ... . Gravel Fund ........ , 3,564.11 Road Dragging Poor Aid .. Mother's :Pension ....:`.... County Fair ..... ...'...... Soldiers and Sailors Relief .... School District, General School District Bond School Apportionment 906.44 School, Free High 11,464.65 Township ...... ..:12,429.24 CITY AND VILLAGES 611.96 47,610.76 10,117.74 4,694.58 727.61 1,565.03 584.55 1,856.86 2,530.86 1,883.85 88,863.09 213,678.80 • 25,683.60 30,960.23 6,971.71 24,359.03 22,649.67 Hastings 38,372.02 146,583.25 Kenesaw 1,615.17 4,183.80 Juniata ...................... . 1,681.45 2,001.13 Roseland ............ • • • • ........ 928.77 791.44 Holstein .......................... 404.92 1,451.88 Ayr :.... ........... ......... 859.74 980.37 Trumbull. ............... ......... 30.14 1.83 Hayland 1.96 Pauline ... .......... .......... 29.42 SUNDRY FUNDS Redemption (tax sales) 1,467.67 Interest on Taxes ..... ............. 6,665.73 Advertising 37.40 Tines ........ 1,368.35 Fees........ .... ........ ...•... 151.75, Inheritance ...................... 14.30 STATE OF NEBRASKA, ss. Adams County J 11,171.43 2,195.02 1.90 715.72 17,015.74 158.37 $326,950.91 $738,586.16'` O 0 CO L C 0 S, TRA- DISBURSE- RADISBURSE- TRANS. MENTS FROM $ 74,393.24 8,289.17 54,337.91 $ 103.10 103.10 1,074.90 21,740.34 36,384:11 ,.....,_ > r ........ 12,538.04 1.60 .06 6,829.20 4,449.24 12,692.05 17,800.71 4,176.59 1,898.65 763.05 673.03 246 964.31 31,495.42 8,728.95 27,734:76" 23,036.65 174,5 i 2.00 5,470.08 2,686.49 1,441.11 1,145.90 1,627.78 575.20 30.68 12,-756.79- 16,800.71 1,000.00 11.25 1.60 2,084.07 $32757.52 $ 156,164.29 35,293.11 11,915.84 6,829.20 12,692.05 4,000.61 608.13 1,840.00 88.50 4,449.24 243,208.34 30,937.58 8,728.95 12,252.27 182,300.81 27,363.00 22,215.00 700.00 4,450.00 274,095.46 $1,040,132.38 SAF Mir -A 12,252.27 8,860.75 4,450..010 f.6 Distributed 39.30 2,084.07 12,717.49 BALANCE June 30, '28 $ 8,807.31 837.67 5,136.21 325.00 215.27 140.95 454.21 73,228.99 20,362.21 393.90 14,120.42 114.87 17,729.96` 10,646.98 395.59 1,678.36 3,741.68 55,577.58 25,148.41 1,233.27 8,088.92 12,042.26 10,383.27 328:89 996.09 279.10 710.90 212.33 172.69 1.29 1.96 29.42 386.83 172.67 4, I, PEARL B. WOODWORTH, Treasurer of Adams County,1Nebraska, do hereby certify that the above report is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Subscribed in my presence and sworn tobeforeme this 17th day of July, 1928. (SEAL County Clerk. PEARL B. VGOODWORTH, County Treasurer. Bauer Geo. G. Bind.erup Hdw Co Burroughs Adding Mach Co Button L. N. Byers Lumber Co Byers Lumber Co Cates Cole Crosson Crow Davis J. A. County Clerk W. A. Raymond L Walter M. Elliott R. Democrat Printing Co Deices Drug Co Lucia Dillenbach Elliott Lewis T. Fischer G. S. Frankel Carbon & Ribbonf Mfg Co Furry J. H. Gartner P. H. Gaston Music & Furniture Co Gaudreault Merc Co A. J. Hastings Daily Tirbune Haynes Bros Industrial Chemical Laboratories Industrial Chemical Laboratories K -B Printing Co Kline J. B. Klopp Printing Co 7� Land C. H. Lawson Hdw Co C. K. Lincoln Tel. & Tel, Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co Milburn & Scott Co Murphy Typewriter Co R. E. McGrath Hdw Co J. H. Northwestern Mfg Go Oliver Lumber Co Oliver Lumber Co Palmer Co A. N. Pitman & bons Isaac Queen City Laundry Rainforth T;R. Reining oa-Rand Bus Service Inc Rueter M. Fred Rutherford Bros Schmitz C. W. School District # 18 Schultz Martha H. Serf Printing Co O. E. Simms B. M. Stein Bros Co Trenton Emblem Co Turbyfill Joseph M. Co. Judge Whitesel W. C. Widmaier Wm Willaims Arthur Williams Printing House Wolbach & Brach Boon;. j er Frahm Gartner Eemberger Johnson Juniata Lumber Jones & Sons Kort Newman Pauline Grain Plautz Stumpenhorst VanBoening Valentin VanMeter Orey Art et al Herman Frank Ben Co T. W. Herbert Howard G Co Herman Ted H. E. Wm J. J. et al Ayr Township Blaine Township Bowies Frank Uottonwood Township Denver Township Doty Ira R. Gartner P. H. Hanover Township GENERAL FUND Supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Court House Services recording deeds, postage Supplies, repairs Coal, Court House Office expense Supervisors services & mileage Jail expense, office supplies Office expense Mileage Publishing notices, etc. Supplies, Court House Court costs, office expense Testing liquor Mileage for committee meeting Supplies, Court House Supervisors services & mileage Supervisors services & mileage Moving piano, County Agent Supplies, Court House Maps Labor at Court House Fumigators Fumigators Supplies, Co. Supt. Supplies, Court House Supplies, County Judge 'board of Inmates, Court Farm Supplies Toll calls, Farm Bureau Toll calls, Court house Supplies Repair work on machines Cord Supplies, Court House Rent on lumber Lumber Ink Notebooks, Court Reporter Laundry, Court House Supervisors services & mileage Cylinder for typewriter Supervisors services & mileage Labor, Court House Supplies Rent of Auditorium Office expense & mileage Supplies, Court House Supplies Supplies Spanish War Vet Markers County court costs, office expense Supervisors services & mileage Services as truancy officer Hauling trash Printing Supplies BRIDGE FUND Labor on County bridge Labor on county bridge Filling in county bridge fd 0 0 ri n r1 Supplies n n Team work 0 It Lumber Labor on county bridge Team work it It Pilling in county bridge Labor on county bridge ROAD DRAGGING FUND' Road dragging Is n Assisting County Surveyor Road dragging 0 u Land for road purposes Cash paid for freight Road dragging 71.90 3.65 22.05 18.10 18.10 47.60 55.11 61.50 217.74 16.55/ 65.00 21.85 11.95 42.00 5.00 3.140 38.00 33.10 69.60 10.00 13.25 47.00 8.05 72.00 144.00 217.05 4.00 126.00 148.72 .50 4.70 22.05 14.76 4.50 .75 43.15 4.45 .65 1.94 3.46 6.33 61.25 3.85 68.70 1.25 x+.05 5.10 17.40 40.00 9.3o 3.69 10.42 A5.00 49.80 9.40 1.00 12.50 12.56 8.00 44.00 2.40 3.00 40.50 7.10 13.28 8.50 30.00 12.00 50.40 21.07 4.50 15.80 5.00 129.22 71.50 14.00 54.25 120.33 100.00 11.17 100.80 Logan Township Logan Township McDonald C. W. McDonald C. W. Roseland Township Silver Lake Township Verona Township Wanda Township West Blue Township Zero Township Cannon Carl Carl Dever Gray Hastings Fuel Herbst T. N. B. F. B. F. Chas. R. M. D. Dr. 0. S. Co Henry Kenesaw Drug Co Kohlbry Herman Larsen H. G. Larsen H. G. Leeds G. B. Longs Grocery Moon Mrs Lulu K Nebraska Sanitarium Simpson & Joh Sunnyside Walker t'onrad Wright Mrs. J. M. Adams & Co Adams & Co Adams & Co Armstrong Baker J. D. J. D. J. D. H. P. Clifford Essinger Garage & Oil Co Essinger Garage & Oil Co Farmers Union Coop Gas & Furry J. H. Huxtable Edgar Schlachter J. C. Stulken O'Brien Grothaus Gayman McWhirter Schlachter Mcahirter Murdock Gartner Smidt Heeren Eigenberg Krull Stromer Versaw Weatherwax Starner Woodworth Schmidt Baker Consbruck Ricer Stromer Lei &if field Bloomenkamp Krueger Eigenberg Gartner Gartner Hansen & son Hastigs Battery & Elec Haws & Son W. G. Hitch F. M. Jones Ernest Juniata Lumber Co Kister & °on Geo Klein John Manhattan Oil Co May Edgar McGrath Hdw Co J. H. McGrath Hdw Co J. H. ROAD DRAGGING FUND Uont. Road dragging Road dragging Road maintainer R 11 Road dragging n 11 Q 11 n u 11 11 11 11 POOR AID FUND Drugs Groceries Professional services n n Coal Groceries Drugs Groceries Groceries M Services Groceries Services Services Groceries Services Groceries Services COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Road machinery s 11 Repairs Team work 9 to Gas & Oil Repairs & supplies Oil Co Gas & Oil Supervising road work & mileage Dragging county roads b 41 II August Tom .Harry G. (E E. YI 0. W. J. C. Ben Archie P. H. John Edward H. H. John Walter Darrel E. P. Anton F. H. Carl Roy Jacob Herman Jr Wm E Ben Ervin Simon H. H. Walter Wm Co et al 11 11 n 11 0 11 11 1, Supervisors services & mileage Dragging county roads Dragging county raods Dragging county roads n II 11 19 n n n n II 11 11 10 u 11 0 n 0 9 0 0 11 11 Team work s n Blacksmithing Repairs Gas & Oil 131acksmithing Team. work Supplies Blacksmithing Team work Gas & Oil Team work Supplies Supplies 72.28 72.28 400.00 150.00 129.62 00.88 98.63 118.97 85.18 145.95 8.90 12.00 12.11 12.00 30.00 2.65 12.37 9.10 13.73 12.61 18.79 5.13 9.49 21.45 48.25 10.00 94.00 23.61 11.1!0 153.17 131.25 11.71 9.00 2.40 57.61 26.15 X77.78 80.00 3.75 12.75 10.50 3.00 13.25 26.25 13.50 8.25 9.00 9.00 75.00 2/2.13 10.88 13.50 12.00 19.50 12.000/ 15.00 12.75 22.50 10.50 20.25 21.00 14.25 7.50 10.50 11.25 5.25 6.Oo 6. 0ry0 36.00 6.25 4.3o 160.05 9.140 78.00 2.50 5.50 69.50 97.15 15.00 3.40 1.b7 23 Schiffler Burge Burge Felzian Christensen Peterson Peterson Blankenbiller Schtaman Standard Oil. Waldren Whitesel WhiteSel Hoffman Hurd Cooper Williams Katzberg Maxfield Coulter Saddler Burling Bobbitt Weber Gangwi sh McCall Blessin Whitesel Osler Co Abraham L. A. A. R. A. Hans Frank A. O. W. G. E. Carl Vern et al J. E. W. C. Theo Ralph C. T. K. R. Arthur V. F. Trois H. C. Chas. K. W. B. Theo J. Albert Bert Ernst H. M. Al COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Dragging Dragging 11 0 0 8 county county n H 11 11 n Labor Gas &Oil Team work Labor roads roads 0 9 0 N n 11 Cont. Superintending County roads & mileage Dragging county roads N 9 9 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 f1 11 Mowing weeds Dragging county It 11 n N H n 11 n 0 n 11 0 1, 11 roads K n 0 Operating monarch Dragging county roads .N.75 13.5o 6.75 33.75 25.87 11.25 13.12 6.00 8.00 115.62 8.75 18.40 76.60 19.12 13.50 8.30 19.50 11.25 15.00 5.25 25.88 16.12 7.87 7.50 13.50 6.75 2.10 4.60 8.25 Motion by Gartner second by Bauer that the claim of A. A. Smith, M. D. on the Poor Aid Fund for $123.00 be die -allayed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by Furry that this Board now adjourn to meet again 9 o'clock A. M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. County Clerk. Deputy County Clerk. on Saturday August 4th, 1928 at Notice of a Special Nlieetinq of. he 'Adams County 48oard 'bf.'Supery+sors.i 'PEBLjC" NOTICE is hereby given, that a special meeting" of the Adams; County Board of Supervisors will -be', held in the Supervisors Room, Court House, Hastings, Nebraska, on Tues- 1 day the 9th day of October, 19'8, .at! the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. The said speC;a1 meeting of the frBeard is called upon a w itten re- quesrof more �tli�n bne-third" b�'�th`d mem ers"of the '..^ oard Which res` "(Ine ` wa§' filed is the office of the County Clerk on the 6th day of._ Oe- tcber 1025. Said request :for a "s1 C7` ial me ting is given for the purpose of reconsidering the Farm Bureau I oti£ion which was filed; in. the of - e of 'the Cou'i1Ey' Clerk off the 3btfi"' day of August, 192S No other business was specified. in the request for a special meeting and rio other business will be considek'eEj. at'th,s special fneeting A11 members of the •Adams County`s Board of'Super -i. ors `have`b'eeri -noti- letl in writing of this special meet - his of 'Elie B'S`oard, by County Clerktias:: "rbVided by' statute. Witness 'my -hand and the STA' idarns nett v. Nul e.,'" the - £rtit° o£"October, 1023. WSJ Airy'" J. A. Cates, - County CIerk., dctober$ w Affidavit of Publication STATE OF NE13RASKA ADAMS COUNTY SS I.R. , being first duly` sworn, on his oath deposes and says that` he is teras ier of the Hastings Daily Tribune, which is and was at n _all times herein mentioed a legal daily newspaper �•�. published and printed in _ as mow+nip—,nip—,,, in said county, and of'general circulation in the said county, of Adams. Affiant further deposes and says that the annexed notice,'Wvhich is, a true copy, was printed and published in said newspaper on the following dates, to -wit :- , October 8, 1928 Court House, Hastings, Nebraska. Tuesday, October 9th, 1928. 10 o'clock A. M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met in a special session occasioned by written request of more than one-third of the members of the Board. A copy of the written request is hereby made part of the Supervisors record: To J. A, Cates, County Clerk, Adams County, Nebr. We the undersigned, members of the Adams County Board of Supervisors, hereby request that you call a Special meeting of the Board, to meet in the Supervisors room, Court House, Hastings, Nebr., on Tuesday the 9th day of October, 1928, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of reconsidering the Farm Bureau Petition that was filed in the Office of the County Clerk on the 30th day of August, 1928. T. R. Rainforth Geo. G. Bauer W. A. Cole Members of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. Also a notice of special meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors is hereby made part of the Supervisors record: NOTICE OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that a special meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors will be held in the Supervisors Room, Court House, Hastings, Nebraska on Tuesday the 9th day of October, 1928, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. The said special meeting of the Board is called upon a written request of more than one-third of the members of the Board, which request was filed in the office of the County Clerk on the 6th day of October, 1928. Said request for a special meeting is given for the purpose of reconsidering the Farm Bureau Petittion which was filed in the office of the County Clerk on the 3Oth day of August, 1928. No other business was specified in the request for a special meeting and no other business will be considered at this special meeting. All members of the Adams County Board of Supervisors have been notified in writing of this special meeting of the Board, by the County Clerk as provided by statute. Witness my hand and the SEAL of Adams County, Nebr., this 8th day of October, 1928. J. A. Cates County Clerk. Board assembled. T. R. Rainforth, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Furry, Gartner, Rainforth, Ruhter and Whitesel. Motion by Bauer, second by Cole that we now proceed to reconsider the Farm Bureau Pettion as requested in the call for this special meeting and that the action of the Board held on September llth, 1928 and containedn Book 12, page 131 Supervisors Record be cancelled and set aside and that the request and prayer of said Petition be now granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that this business of the that the special meeting now adjourn. Motion carried. «ounty Clerk. Deputy County Clerk. special meeting having now been concluded / 4 /4 ACT.4/ Chairman Court House, Hastings, Nebr. Saturday, November 3rd, 1925. 9 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board. of Supervisors. T. R. Rainforth, chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members of the Board were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Furry, Gartner, Rainforth, Ruhter and Whitesel. Minutes of the last regular meeting and of the special meeting held on October 9th, 1925 were read and approved. Motion by RUhter and second by Gartner, that the following minutes of the joint meeting of the Adms County Supervisors and the Department of Public Works, which was held in Lincoln on the 13th day of October 1925, be made a part of the Supervisors record. Roll call, all voted aye. Minutes follow. Minutes of Meeting State Aid Project No. 611-A Adams County Pursuant to publication of Notice to Contractors which has been published for three consecutive weeks in a legal newspaper of general circulation in Adams County calling for bids on work to be constructed in Adams County - the following proceedings were had and done: Bids were opened, read. and tabulated on October 11, 1928, in the office of the Department of Public Works, State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska. On October 13th, at 9:20 A. M., a joint meeting was had between the County Board of Supervisors of Adams County, and the Department of Public Works, with the following mer :hers present: W. A. Cole, P. H. Gartner, T. R. Rainforth, J. H. Furry, M. Fred Ruhter, Geo. G. Bauer, representing the County of Adams and R. L. Cochran, State Engineer, representing the State Department of Public works. Moved by Mr. All members Moved by Mr. Cochran and seconded by Mr. Furry that Mr. Rainforth act as Chairman of the Joint Meeting. voting in the affirmative, motion was declared carried. Gartner and seconded by Mr. Cochran that contracts be awarded to the low bidders as follows: Grading - To the Abel Construction Company of Lincoln, Nebraska, as per their low bid in the total sum of $9,560.90• Culverts - to the Metz Construction Company of Springfield, Nebraska, as per their low bid for corrugated pipe in the total sum of $2,286.0+. Two Bridges - to the Fremont Construction Company of Fremont, Nebraska, as per their low bid in the total sum of $3,279.75• All members voting in the affirmative. Motion was declared carried. Moved by Mr. Cochran and seconded by Mr. Bauer that the Certified checks be returned to the unsuccessful bidders and receipts taken for same. ,98.1 members voting in the affirmative, motion was declared carried. Moved by Mr. Cole and seconded by Mr. Ruhter that the meeting be adjourned. All members voting in the affirmative, motion was declared carried. A. Rickert. Motion by Gartner, seconded by Ruhter that we extend the contract between Adams County and C. H. Land for renting the Adams County Farm, for the year 1929 on the same terms and conditions that the contract calls for, for the years 1927 and 1928. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon, the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M., when they again resumed evith all members present. Motion by yhitesel, second by Furry that in the matter of a renewal of Mothers Pension granted by the County Court to Mrs. David Repp, that the action of the court be confirmed and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for said pensions. Third quarterly report of Lucia Dillenbach, Clerk of the District Court and 3rd quarterly report of L. N. Button, Register of Deeds were examined by the Board and upon motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter these reports were ordered placed on file. Notice of appointment of Rachel Hayen, Deputy Register of Deeds by L. N. Button, Register of Deeds, was read before the Board and upon motion by Ruhter, second' by Bauer, and upon which a roll call was taken all voting aye, the appointment was confirmed by the Board. The official Bond of Rachel Hayen, Deputy Register of Deeds was upon motion by Cole, second by Nhitesel, approved by the Board. Motion by Gartner, second; by FUrry that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow: GENERAL FUND Adams A. A. Labor at Court House Amprinan Malt ip2ranh Sales Co Sutrnlies. Court House 25.50 2.47 Cannon Currier -Park Coal Davis Dillenbach Fischer Harry Furry Gartner T.N. Co. Elliott R. Lucia G. S. J. H. J. H. P. H. GastonMusic & Furniture Co Gaudreault Mere. Co A J. Han sen & Son H. P. Hayen Rachel Haynes Bros Keith. . et al Kenesaw Progress Keystone Envelope Co Kline J. B. 2.opp Printing Co Klopp Printing Co Land C. H. Lawson Hdw. Co C. K. Leonard Frank Letton Charles B. LincornTel. & Tel. Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co Maryland Cafe Mecham C. L. Milburn & Scott Co McGrath Hdw. Co J. H. Queen CityLaundry Rainforth T. R. Ruhter M. Fred Schultz Martha H. Serf Ptg. Co O. E. Service Laboratories Stewart Jolter G. Thornberry J. L. Turbyfill Joseph M. County Jude Western Brick & Supply Co Whitesel W. C. Widmaier Wm. Widmaier Wm. Widmwier Wm. Wolbach & Brach Fricke Grubb Johnson Jones Jones Juranek Livingston Livingston Nebr. Culvert Nebr. Culvert Plambeck Ricker Rinker Orey Berton Carl E. Clayton E. A. Frank B. L. Carl Robert Joe Jr Harry John & Mfg. Co & Mfg. Co Walter John S. S. Boontjer Brown Brown Brown County Treasurer Schlueter Lumber Co Shuman Carl et al Smith L. S. Standard Bridge Co Standard Bridge Co Blaine Township Bowles Frank Cottonwood Township Hanover Township Heartwell C. A. Juniata Township Kenesaw Township Kislter Will Logan Township Oliver Lumber Co Rinehart Gravel Co J. S. Roseland Township GENERAL FUND Cont. Supplies, County Farm Coal, Court Haase Mileage Court costs, office expense Mileage for Mothers Pension me -ting Supervisors services & mileage Supervising team work & mileage Supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Court House Supplies, Court House Blacksmithing Salary allowed Supplies, Court House yitneeses, insanity case Printing non-political ballots Supplies, Co. Attorney Supplies, Court House Election supplies Election supplies Care & Board for inmates at Co. Farm Vault Door Office chair Court costs in Purvis case Toll calls, Farm Bureau Toll calls, Sheriffs office Toll calls, Court House Meals for jurors Labor on vault at Court House Supplies, Co. Supt. Supplies Laundry for court house Supervisors services & mileage Supervisors services & mileage Office expense, mileage Supplies, ballots, etc. Supplies, Court House Supplies, Court House Hauling rubbish from Court House County Court costs, office expense Supplies for vault, Court House Supervisors services & mileage Investigating for mothers pensions Services as bailiff for Sept. Services as bailiff for Cot. Supplies BRIDGE FT `: D Team work Team work Team work Team work Freight on car lumber Team work Team work Filling in bridge Hauling bridge plank Team work Team work Filling in bridge Team work Culverts n Team work Filling in bridge Labor Lumber Labor Team work Bridge work & material Car lumber OIiD DRAGGING FUND Road dragging Assisting County Surveyor Road dragging Road dragging Services, County Surveyor & mileage Road dragging Road dragging Assisting County Surveyor Road dragging Stakes Gravel repair work Road dragging 10.00 2140.00 65.00 963.55 3.40 32.20 83.70 79.60 22.14 64.92 19.40 75.00 1.45 11.00 50.00 34.47 9.98 12.55 253.50 155.15 120.00 12.00 57.90 5.65 16.80 15.05 3.15 14.50 2.12 . 657 85.00 95.40 41.20 323.50 31.75 185.85 2.00 96.75 28.51 76.40 9.60 36.00 57.00 18.50 15.20 92.00 32.25 78.00 216.79 59.50 23.80 15.00 1.00 12.00 5.00 35.40 67.50 59.94 138.09 6.00 16.20 32.0o 8.52 46.00 7.00 75.41 383.21 50.67 14.00 11.50 37.75 55.70 44.15 42.62 14.00 32.57 2.80 160.00 52.00 Adams County Agri Society Marian Harry E. Adams County0il Co Adams County Oil Co Bauer Henry Brooke & bon Brown Dr. J. . Cannon T. N. Carl B. F. Dier Mrs. Emma Eckhardt H. 0. Hastings Fuel Co Kenesaw Implement Co Kohlbry H. Longs Grocery Mace John L., M. D. Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Matthiesen & Co Carl R. Moon Lulu K. Nebr. Sanitarium Schlueter Lumber Co Simpson & Joh Trupp Henry Walker Conrad Whisinand Carl V. Wright Mrs. J. M. Adams & Co Adams & Co Brown Clayton Derra Farmers Union Fi she r O'Brien Krenzen Gartner Stromer Smidt Heeren Schmidt Weatherwax Baker Bloomenkamp Starner Krueger Hager Hager Baker Baker Haws & Sons Hiltenberg Huse Johnson Jones J. D. J. D. Delmar Bert C. Louis Co-op Gas & W. H. Tom C. E. P. H. m. E. John Edward Carl E. P. Roy Erwin Anton Simon Chas Arthur Roy Harold W. G. John Wm. B. L. Robert Co Geo Herbert :C. E J. H. J. H. Chas. C. R. W. et al John John et al C. "T � s Frank A. G. L. L. A Abraham M. Fred Kenesaw Implement Kister & Son Kort Krenzin;. 7 -- Manhattan " ..,Manhattan 0i1 Co McGrath Hdw Co McGrath Hdw Co Peterson Plautz Reiber Ricker Peterson Peterson. Blankenbiller Burge Schi ff le r Ruhter Standard Oil Co Stine Sturnpenhorst Stumpei orst Vance Weatherwax COUNTY FAIR FUND For permanent improvements & premiums SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND Relief for soldiers & sailors POOR AID FUND Coal n Groceries Drugs Professional services Drugs Groceries Services Groceries Coal Gas Groceries 11 Professional services Services Drugs Services Services Coal Groceries Services Groceries Groceries Services COUNTY HIGHAY FUND Supplies Supplies Tears work Team work Tears work Oil Co Gas & Oil J. H. Geroge Theo J. E. E. P. Labor Dragging county roads 9 9 ti Supervising county roads & mileatie Dragging county roads 11 n $$ tt 0 it n n tt Team. wo rk q tt 11 9 it 9 11 ii ►i i► 0 It Gas & Oil Team work Labor on County road j eam work ti 0 Supplies, repairs, etc. Blacksmthing Team work Labor Gas & Oil Supplies Supplies 0 Team work 11 0 Team work Dragging county roads it ti a ii 11 ►t ti it i1 11 Supervising county roads & mileage Gas & oil Team work Team work ►1 n Team work H 9 225.00 300.00 15.25 23.00 17.93 •85 27.00 20.45 12.11 53.01 82.59 30.65 11.01 21.15 32.55 100.00 97.8o 6.75 22.17 64.65 7.5o 10.00 30.50 17.16 33.23 17.67 8.71 67.99 5.25 14.4o 4.20 18.19 18.20 3.00 6.75 78.20 5.25 12.00 10.50 3.00 3.00 8.25 11.25 5.25 6.94 21.80 28.05 23.25 23.25 57.50. 3.00 11.60 63.00 45.00 233.15 4.25 28.80 3.60 107.41 2.50 1.79 5.4o 50.10 12.45 20.40 9.37 3.75 7.50 11.25 12.00 85.00 96.10 2.40 27.60 35.00 5.35 22.80 COUNTY HIGHWAY FTND Cont. Kuehn Chas Dragging County roads 10.57 Bobbitt W. B. It 11 Whitesel w. C. Supervising county roads & mileage 61.00 Zubrod Jake Drying .35 Motion by Furry, second by Bauer that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Wednesday, December 5th 1925, at 9 o'clock A. M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. Fie County Clerk. eputy County Clerk. lit C i rman Court House, Hastings, Nebraska. Wednesday, December 5th, 1928. 9 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of November 3rd, 1928. T. R. Rainforth, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Furry, Gartner, Rainforth, Ruhter and yThitesel. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Auditing of claims was taken up by the Board. Motion by Gartner, second by Parry that the application of Geo. 0. Stanert for admission to the Soldiers & Sailors Home at Burkett, Nebr., was granted by this Board and that the Chairman and Clerk be authorized to sign the certificate of admission. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. A communication from A. H. Sander, Seely. in regard to a proposed bill to be introduced at the next session of the Legislature to license basses and trucks for using the public highway, was read before the Board, but no action taken by the Board. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M., when they again resumed with all members present. Pearl B. +oodworth, County Treasurer filed a request with the County'Board asking for a special clerk in the office of the County Treasurer for a period not to exceed five months each year and at a salary not to exeeed $500.00 per year. Said request was upon motion by Cole, second by Gartner and upon which a roll call was taken was granted by the Board. Motion by Whitesel, second by Furry that in the matter of a renewal of a Mothers Pension to Emma Dell Young, granted by the County Court that the order of the Court be complied with and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for said pension. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Furry that the following official bonds be approved: Wesley Burge, Town Clerk, Silver Lake Twp., Bert Whelan, Town Clerk, Roseland Trap., Simon Gerloff, Town Clerk, Zero Twp., G. G. Frickey, Town Clerk, Verona Twp., Ernest Aufdenkamp, Town Clerk, Wanda Twp., John Bonifas, Town Treas., Roseland Twp., Martin Heeren, Town Clerk, HanoverTwp., S. S. Rinker, Town Treas., West Blue Twp., Godfeey Steiner, Justice of the Peace, Wanda Twp;, and J. F. Moore, Justice of the Peace, Verona Twp. Motion carried. Bonds approved. Motion by Cole, second by Bauer, that the application of A. 1. Batten, for the position of Janitor of the Court House grounds and buildings for the year commencing January lst, 1929 at a salary of $100.00 per month, be granted by this Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by ' Yhitesel, that the following list of 60 games be submitted to the Clerk of the District Court, from whichto draw the jury for the January 1929 term of the Adams County District Court. Roll call, all voted aye. Names follow:. Supervisors District # 1 West Blue; August Juedeman, John Livingston; Highland, Wm.H. Burke, Earl Hollister,; Denver, Geo. Grothen, August Hahlweg, Bert Shay; Blaine, C. C. Hoagland, Bertrand Ries. Supervisors District # 2 Verona, L. A. Berg, Herbert Augustin; Kenesaw, Geo. Augustin, R. W. Balke; Wanda, Geo. Moehl, Daniel Roeder; Juniata, Albert Gangwisch, Henry Phillips, Albert Kcatzberg, Supervisors District # 3 Roseland, Chas. G. Larsen, John Schifferns, Bert Whelan; Cottonwood, Fred Miller, Robert Huckfeldt; Logan Fester Andersen, Jake Eckhart; Silver Laze Twp, G. E. Blankenbiller, A. "W. Kistler. Supervisors District # 4 Hanover, Martin Heeren, Fred Classen; Ayr, Richard Plautz, Emerson Wortman; Zero, Simon Gerloff, Albert Bostock; Little Blue, Jim Hespan, C. W. Bauder, Geo. Smidt. Supervisors District 5. City of Hastings Geo. Harm, Geo. Mohrlang, August Biskie, W. J. Gay, John Stroh, T. J. Hines, S. B. Sorensen, L. Schaffer. Supervisors District # 6 City of Hastings A. J. Mace, Stephen Swigle, Reuben Bowers, John G. Cole, J. B. Helmann, Geo. A. Munroe, Geo. McCoy, J. C. Snyder. Supervisors District # 7 City of Hastings H. H. Cowton, Will J. Sill, Chas. Smiley, Willie Hepple, A. A, Adams, L. E. Saddler, R. Lorentz, J. Webb. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow Adelseck Baird Bauer Borley Storage & Bratton Burroughs Adding Cannon Cates Hattie E. Dorsey D. Geo- G. Transfer Co A. T Mach Co T. N J. A. County Clerk GENERAL FUND Services on canvassing board Services at inquest Supervisors services & mileage Putting up and taking down election Posting notices of general election Ribbon Supplies, County Farm Delivering election notices & cash paid ballots booths and mileage 12.00 17.40 72.10 32.5o 10.00 1.00 6.15 for delivering { i ,0O Dillenbach Lucia Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Bo.^rd Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board E1_ction Beard Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Fischer G. S. Furry J. H. Gartner P. H. Gaston Music & Furn Co Gaudreault Merc. Co A. J. Hamel E. B. Hansen I. T. Harrenstein Nelle Hast ins Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Haynes Bros Holcomb Mfg. Co Keith Kenesaw Progress Keystone Envelope Co Land C. H. Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co Local Registrars Milburn & Scott Co Nebr. Feeble Minded Inst. W. W. et al Palmer Co Penney Co Phillips Rainforth Rants A. N. J. C. Dr. C. T. R. Charles A. Rent of Polling places Rippeteau Wallpaper & Pt. Co Ruhter M. Fred School District # 18 Schultz Martha H. Serf Printing Co O. E. Sigel Cafe Simms B. M. Turbyfill Joseph M. Underwood Typewriter Co University Publishing Co Whit e sel W. C. Bobbitt Brower Brown Byers Lumber Co Fuller Gartner Hall County Johnson- Joynt Kosmack Land Livingston Moehl Palmer Pauline Grain Co Plautz Riese Shaw Standard Bridge Co. W. B. et al J. 0. E. Clayton F. E. Walter Nick C. et al Cleve Frank C. H. H. N. Geo. Wm. Herman et al John F. et al John L. GENERAL FUND Cont. Salary for office help West Blue Twp. Highland Twp. Verona Twp. Kenesaw Twp. Wanda Twp. Juniata Twp. Denver Twp. Blaine Twp. Hanover Twp. ,Ayr Twp. Roseland Twp. Cottonwood Twp. Logan Twp. Silver Lake Twp. Zero Twp. Little Blue Twp. 1st Ward A 1st Ward B 2nd Ward A 2nd Ward B 2nd Ward C 3rd Ward A 3rd Ward B 4th Ward A 4th Ward B 4th Ward 0 Mileage for mothers pension committee Supervisors sertices & mileage Supervisors services & mileage Rent & drayage of election tables andchairs Supplies, Court House Services, Board of Health Repairing Underwood Typewriter Services on canvassing Board Notices, sample ballots Publishing deliquent tax list Glass Supplies, Court House Witnesses, insanity case Printing envelopes, Court House Supplies, Court House Board for inmates at county farm Supplies, County Supt. Telephones, toll calls, Court House Reporting Births & deaths Supplies, Co. Supt. Care of Adams County charges Supplies, Co. Supt. Supplies, Co. Fara Services Supervisors services Shoveling snow at Court House General election Supplies, Co. Farm Supervisors services & mileage Use of senior high Office expense, mileage Supplies, Court House . Meals for Jurors Supplies, Court House County court costs, office supplies Typewriter, Clerk District Court Supplies, County Supt. Supervisors services & mileage BRIDGE FUND Team work Draying, freight, etc. Labor on County bridge Supplies Labor on Bridge Team work Part payment for bridge, Adams -Hall Co. line Labor on bridge Bridge work Filling in bridge Filling in bridge Filling in bridge Filling in bridge Filling in bridge Cedar posts Team work on county bridge Bridge work ►e tl Bridge work & material 37.50 39.20 38.10 45.95 52.60 33.70 46.55 44.6o 31.20 31.20 48.00 47.20 38.80 41.00 28.80 38.25 48.80 50.70 5.00 53.70 48.15 52.50 50.4o 61.80 59.10 51.90 6.60 24.40 17.20 20.00 33.71 11.25 12.50 12.00 81.20 162.18 54.00 4.86 15.20 41.75 38.21 138.71 55.88 77.90 57.00 15.18 138.96 2.96 31.77 4.50 55.00 3.20 250.00 2.55 42.0o 10.00 6o.15 16.75 18.95 11.70 10.10 77.50 19.69 54.80 45.00 43.00 7.50 .96 7.80 3.00 435.75 17.80 16.10 3.00 8 3.00 3.00 12.00 84.5P5 96.00 16.10 1227.60 ROAD DRAGGING FUND Ayr Township Road dragging 41.12 Ayr `Township f1 11 65.12 Blaine Township 11 If 102.62 Cottonwood Township t1 11 11.12 Denver Township " 11 43.37 Denver Township 11 11 75.99 Farmers Union St. Exchange Steel posts 29.60 Hanover Township Road dragging 105.6+ Highland Township 11 f1 52.71 Highland Township " " 55.15 Juniata ` ownship 11 11 38.55 Kenesaw Township " " 100.75 Little Blue Twp 11 " 101.25 Little Blue Twp 11 11 37.50 Logan Twp. " 11 16.00 Mack Earl Hauling fence 30.00 Mack Earl Estimate on gravel on Hayland road 1000.00 Oliver Lumber Co Stakes. .g0 Prosser Lumber & Coal Co Steel Posts 32.00 Roseland. Twp. Road dragging 62.87 Schlueter Lumber Co Steel posts 48.00 Silver Lam Twp. Road dragging 73.27 Verona Twp. 11 11 64.00 Wanda Twp, 11 11 56.99 West Blue Twp. 11 " 31.81 Zero Twp. " is 140.11 SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND Marion Harry E. Relief of soldiers & sailors POOR AID FUND Adams County Oil Co Coal Bauer Jacob Groceries Beghtol J. V. Professional services Binderup Hdw Co Supplies Brehm Shoe Co Shoes Byers Lumber Co Coal Cannon T. N. Drugs Carl B. F. Groceries Dier Mrs. Emma Services Eckhardt H. 0. Groceries Hamel E. B. Professional services Hasebrook Mere. Groceries Hasebrook Mere. 11 Hempel Oil Co Gasoline Herbst Henry Groceries Juniata Grain & Live Stock Assn. Goal Kenesaw Mill & Elev. Co Coal Kohlbry Herman Groceries Larsen H. G. If Larsen H. G. 11 Larsen H. G. 11 Longs Grocery 11 Mace John L. Professional services Mary Leaning Memorial Hospital Services Matthiesen & Co Carl R. Drugs Moon Lulu K. Services Nebraska Sanitarium Servcies Pratt J. C. Groceries Pratt J. C. " Prosser Lumber & Coal Co Coal Schaufelberger Frank Professional services Shea Funeral Home Services Simms B. M. Drugs Simms B. M. " Simpson & Joh Groceries Sunnyside Services Sunnyside la Trupp Heary 0 Volland Funeral Home '1 Walker Conrad . Groceries Whi sinand C. V. t1 Wright Mrs. J. M. Services Zieler Mrs. Henry . " American Red Cross " COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Advance-Rumely Thresher Co Repairs Balke R. W. et al Operating grader, tractor, etc. Backe R. W. et al Shoveling snow Ball 0. Shoveling snow Bassett Bert et al Labor Burlin; Chas. K. et al Shoveling snow n.»4 ...,.,.11 n,.+ T.nhnr_ Y+anlins fPnnP_ Pte._ 250.00 70.00 15.02 12.00 1.00 4.50 12.00 8.95 12.04 51.30 32.10 3.00 18.04 18.04 .6o 15.x+1 67.15 28.06 24.71 12.50 10.00 10.00 31.12 12.67 66.10 3.20 21.x+5 278.25 6.20 8.65 7.15 20.00 15.00 5.25 4.5o 10.00 108.80 118.50 7.50 100.00 18.14 36.36 17.10 7.50 13.55 79.12 66.0o 75.85 2.x+0 1+. oo 42.45 76.8o I 5a Furry Schlachter Huxtable McWhirter Krenzin Grothaus McWhirter Gartner Baker Con sbruck Kleier Krueger Krull Starner Ieighfield Moss Schmidt Scholl Stromer Versaw Valentine Stromer Eigenberg Krabel J. H. J. C. Edgar C. W. 0. E. Harry Ben P. H. Roy Jacob Herman Jr Simon John Anton Ben W. H. Carl N. J. Walter Darrel Onno Wm H. H. Geo. F. Gilmore Service Station Harpham Bert Harpham Joe Hastings Machine Service Haws & Sons. Hershey Hoagland Janssen Johnson Jones .& Son Joynt Juedeman Kalvoda Kenesaw Implement Kister & Son Krueger Manhattan Oil Co McNhirter Newman Overy Parment er Pauley Lumber Co Pavelka Pavelka Plautz Pratt quade Reiber Rider Rife Roeder Ruhter Faber Burge Burge Peterson Christensen Felzien Blankenbiller Routh Saddler Samuelson Lumber Co Shaw Smith Machinery Co Standard. Oil Co Stumpenhorst Whitesel Maxfield Cooper Williams Saddler Hoffman Kuehn Babbitt Witt Gangwi sch S. S. C. C. E. E. Ben Cleve ug. Erni Emil Co Geo. Paul et Al C. W. Howard et al Howard R. Aa W. G. James Wm Herman E. B. Frank Louie M. Glenn et al Roy Geo, H. M. Fred O. E. L. A, A. Frank Hans R. G. E. Jas H. C. et al John L. Theo, W. C. V. F. O. T. K. R. H. C. Theo Chas W. B. George Albert COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Cont. Superintending county roads & mileage Dragging county roads fl ft If If fl 11 11 Superintending county roads & mileage Dragging county roads tI 11 11 11 Dragging 11 11 tf tl county roads 11 11 11 Grease Blacksmithing Labor Blacksmithing Gas & Oil Blacksmithing Labor Team work 1,%-terial & supplies Labor Bolts for grader Shoveling snow Supplies, repairs Blacksmithing Labor Gas & 011 Team work Team work Patrolman Dragging county roads Material Patrolman Blacksmithing Team work Dragging county roads Shoveling slaw Team work Shoveling snow Team work Dragging county roads Superintending county roads & mileage Dragging county roads 11 11 0 II 0 0 ft 0 11 ti Team work Material Labor Repairs Gas & Oil Team work Superintending county roads & mileage Dragging county roads n 0 It 11 0 11 0 11 11 11 0 0 80.00 8.25 19.12 12.00 6.00 10.50 3.00 50.34 13.88 12.00 12.76 6.75 8.25 4.50 8.63 16.50 10.12 3.00 16.50 15.75 12.75 6.01 20.88 3.75 8.00 26.50 21.60 3.25 41.45 25.35 3.60 12.00 10.50 27.65 64.4o .75 4.00 9.60 .35 36.80 65.28 1.20 76.00 44.16 5.25 114.00 57.04 23.40 133.75 19.32 ao. Go 6.00 10.20 53.60 18.00 59.40 4.50 14.25 6.75 9.00 14.25 3.75 3) • 65 8.30 64.110 5.75 28.35 20.40 73.80 214.00 1.88 11.25 16.87 9.00 12.00 6.75 21.00 6.00 Motion by Ruhter, second by Whitesel that this Board now adjourn to meet again Saturday, January 5th, 1929 at 9 oiclock A. M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. 411 vCounty Clerk. Chairman