HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupervisors Rec 12 1933COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Thursday, January 5, 1932. 9 o'clock. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of Dec. 6, 1932. Roll call: members present: Bauer, Cole, Gartner, Marian; liuhter, Shannon and '°hitesel. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by i''_hitesel that the County Treasurer be instructed to transfer $317.92 from the Road Dragging fund to the County Highway fund in order to correct an error in claim number 445 of August 5, 1932 allowed erroneously on County Highway fund. roll call. All voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Shannon that the '"ficial bonds of the following To reship officers be approved. Justice of the Peace: Arthur y�ormuth, 'ero, Geo. D. Stromer, Hanover, R. K. Hinrichs, Blaine, Chas. y Kuehn, Kenesaw, v ch ph Monahan, Ayr, Philip Zimmerman, Denver. Township Clerk: Bill Zubrod, an HBenlH. L a1Little A hynes, Nels P v ' Logan, H. o.g, Blue, J. Silver Lake, itiels Madsen, Hanover, Lloyd £aux Blaine,Frank Gasch, Highland, Simon Uerloff, Zero, Chris Christensen, cottonwood, Walter lambeck, Wanda, Theo. Trausch, Juniata, .'d Heeren, Denver, Carroll P. Parker, Kenesaw. Township Treasurer: Geo. Augustin, Kenesaw, Gus Bockerman, Verona, Jno. Bonifas, noseland, c. ". Busboom Hanover, Arthur Frahm, Zero, Heye Borchers, "anda, Fred P. r'smus, Blaine, P. d`. Daugherty, Denver, ` hay Jones, Silver Lake. Roll call. Ali voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by placed on Motion by year 1932 Shannon, seconded by huhter that the report of the highway vomrnissioner for 1932 be accepted and file. Motion carried. Ruhter, seconded by Bauer , that the report of the Chairman of the County Poor Farm for the be placed on file. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by huhter, that the report of 0. u. Evans, Robert Hendrickson and H. L. Marian, members of the Soldier's and Sailor's Relief Committee be placed on file. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Bauer that the order of the Court in regards to Mother's Pension for Selma Gebhardt and ilirs. Lavon F. Dodson be complied with and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call. All voted aye. Lotion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Cole, that the report of the Adams °ount;yr Farm Bureau for 1932 be placed on file. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, seconded by Shannon that the following miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisor's record. Motion carried. # 3265 # 3266 # 3267 #.3268 3268 # 3269 # 3270 # 3271 # 3272 # 3273 # 3274 # 3275 # 3276 # 3277 # 3278 # 3279 # 3280 # 3281 # 3282 # 3283 # 3284 # 3285 # 3286 # 3287 # 3288 # 3289 At 12 Kenesaw Township Roseland Township Dillenbach, Clk Dist Court Webster County Hanover Township Nebraska State Treasurer Whitesel Shannon Cancelled Denver Township Dillenbach, Clk Dist Court Dillenbach, Clk Dist "ourt Hihgland iownship Shannon Shannon Jones, Co. Clk. Land Little blue Township Little Blue Townshdp Prosser State Bank State Bank of Juniata Cottonwood Township Hastings iVational Bank First State Bank of rienesaw First State Bank of Hayland Lucia W. C. F. E. Lucia Lucia F. E. F. E. T. W. C. H. Credit Road Dragging Road Dragging Jury .Fees Bridge Fund Road Dragging Road Dragging General Fund Road Dragging ti 11 11 11 ri t1 tt n It 11 Fund F1.uZd r and Fund Fund Road Dragging Fund General Fund General Fund Road Dragging Fund Road Dragging Fund General Fund General Fund General rund Road Dragging Fund Bridge rund Interest on Deposit Interest on Deposit Road Dragging Fund Interest on Deposit Interest on Deposit Interest on Deposit tt 1t tt 213.64 309.00 10.00 872.04 100.00 2971.57 133.73 446.68 150.00 5.00 6.00 485.00 345.70 .66 5.00 280.00 45.00 54.00 22.50 100.00 27.00 114.20 140.00 56.52 clock noon the Board recessed until 1:15 when they again resumed with all members present. lotion by Shannon, seconded by Marian, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call. All voted aye. Motion carried. Bauer Bohike, Co. Judge Burroughs Adding machine Byers Dumber Co. Cannon Central Power Co. Churchill Mfg. Co. City Electric Dept. City Fuel & Peed Co. Cole Columbia Carbon Co. Crosson, Sheriff Cunningham, Co. Supt. lJ„vin 4 n n•1l! m G. G. W. halsey Co. T. N. w. A. Raymond L. Lottie E GENERAL FUND Supervisors services Court costs, office expense Services Coal Drugs Gas Supplies Light Coal Supervisors services Supplies jail & office expense Postage & Expense 56.60 46.30 38.25 102.08 7.90 10.53 2.60 52.95 75.94 35.30 1.00 93.80 22.85 Feese Fisher Gartner Gartner Gaudreault 14erc. Co Hankins Hastings Rubber Stamp Jones, Co. elk Keith (et al) Kenesaw Progress Kline -J. B, Land C. H. Land2 U. H. Land u. H. Lincoln School. supply Uo. !Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph. vo. Bincoln Telephone & l'elegraph Co. Marian H. E. Marian J. E. Milburn & cott Miller Worth M Penny Co. J. C. Queen Gity Laundry Remington Rand Inc. Ruhter M. Fred Shannon r'. E. I Simms B. M. Stevens Plumbing Co. Stewart 'weeny M. D. Theobald, Co. Treas University Publishing "hitesel Lion Office Supply Co Dr. . P. G. S. P. H. P. H. A. J. Sylvia 4orks T 4. Dr. �. W. Brehm- Machine Co. Carper (et al) City Electric Dept Clifton (et al) Duncan Button & Vons Enevoldsen Essinger Garage & Oil Co. Farmer's Union Co-op Gas & uil Gangwish Haws & Son Hubbard Jones & Son Kroblen body & Wheel Lambrecht (et al) Lutz McCoy Hardware Go. McGrath Hdw. Co. J. Nebraska Culvert "' Mfg Co. Newman (et al) H. 'O'Connell -Gill Tractor C9. O'Donnell -Gill Tractor Go. O'Connell -Gill Tractor Co. Oliver Bunber Co. Pauline Gil Co. Pavelka Pearson (et al) Pete's Oil Station Phillips Petroleum Co. Pritchard (et al) Schmidt (et al) Schuman Schuman Shaw Sidles -Duda ''leyers Co. Slack (et al) Zimmerman Vo. Walter G E. E. A. J. vV. C Floyd 0, S. N. M. Anders M. C. A. G. Andy T. '4 7f. V Wks Nm Ernest Ayr Township Blaine Township Cottonwood Tarp Denver Twp Hanover Twp Highland Twp Juniata Twp Kenesaw Twp Meyer Norris Stamping & Mfg. C H. G. Wm Martin Clyde E. R. Carl Carl John Harry Herbert C. Services Mileage Suanervj.sors services Expense Supplies Services Supplies Postage c'• Gffice supplies Services Supplies Repairs Board of inmates at Co. l''arm Improvements at Co. rarm Board of inmates at Co. f arra Supplies Services Services Services Supervisors services Supplies Supplies Supplies services Supplies Supervisors services Supervisors services Supplies Services Services Services Postage & office expense Supplies Supervisors services Supplies COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Supplies Bragging 0o. Roads Services Labor Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas & Oil Gas Labor Gas Labor. Supplies Services Dragging Bragging Hardware Supplies Supplies Labor Supplies Supplies Tractor parts Supplies Gas Labor Dragging Co. Gas & Oil Gas & Oil Labor Labor Labor -Gabor Patroling Co. Roads Supplies Bragging Co. Roads Lugging Co. Roads 66. Roads Co. Roads Roads ROAD DRAGGING FUND Dragging Twp roads tt n tt n It tt ttM It It tt tt tt tt tt tt tt n 11 11 11 tl Land for Road urposes Supplies 5.50 3.40 67.20 2.30 2.00 72.00 6.95 8.68 17.00 3.50 .90 110.80 44.40 39.50 1.38 10.75 56.62 124.14 75.00 45.52 9.50 9.40 7.17 10.00 51.00 74.00 2.25 .75 1.50 5.00 12.30 19.74 48.60 2.00 1.50 18.85 1.50 47.60 .85 .60 4.50 23.60 18.00 20.40 29.45 17.00 8.85 .50 10.40 11.37 2.83 1.10 18.37 81.05 18.63 286.93 1.60 11.30 6.50 14.75 11.25 8.57 20.12 12.80 47.35 44.80 5.25 20.40 .95 13.00 5.20 8.99 6.40 11.60 14.19 6.73 29.91 27.60 16.47 35.00 300.00 5�r Adams County Red Uross Bauer Grocery Bert's Drug Store Brooke & Son Brown M. D Byers Lbr Co. Cannon "ity Fuel & Feed Co. City Fuel c4 Feed uo. Coates Cooper Coal Co. Cowton Coal Co. Urafford Dean Dever Dever Dickerson Eckhardt Eckhardt Egbert Farmers Grain Co. Feese Gentert's Store Glasco General hospital Guildner Hahn M. D. Hahn M. D. Hahn M. D. Hahne Bros Hamil Hardt Drug `'o. Hendrickson Hempel Oil Co. Herbst Hobbs Hollister & Meads Groc DeBocker Jones Jungerman Groc Juniata Grain & Live Sto Kelley Kenesaw Drug Go. Kenesaw Mill & o. Kohlbry Leonard Lepley Groc mace Mace Mace M & A Store Mary Lanning Memoria Mary Lanning memoria Mary Lanning " emoria Mary Lanning f=emoria Mary Lanning .Memoria Mary Lanning memoria Mary Fanning `lemori Mcl'owell Groc Moon Needham Needham Nowers Pauley Lbr Co. Phillips Petro Co. Pratt Rogers Groc Rollins hutts Drug 'tore Schlueter Lbr. Co. Schunk Sherman ''impscn & Joh Standard Oil Uo. Stark Stark Stark Sumner Sunnyside Swanson Theil Virgil's Cash Store calker Neils Nhisinand Vicker Groc Wyatt . N . B. F. Mae Hattie Charles h.Chark,les R. .i • E e C.R. E Dr. G. L. Dr. J. P. U. Wayne O. H. 0. H. 0. H. Dr. E. 8. rugs Robt 7i mmcrmavi T o rr n 1 1 1 1 1 1 ai . E. T. Mrs. Lloyd Dr. J. L. James G ck Ass'n E. L. Herman Mrs. L. G. John L John L. John L. Hosp Hosp Hosp Hosp Hosp Hosp Hosp ,,77 H. Lulu K Mrs., E. L. `'elma Dr. W. E. W. , G J. C. Mrs. V. B. Chas. L. Ben Mrs. (-;;- Mrs. Mrs. J. Jim Ella P. L. A. Jacob Conrad J. R. Gari Mrs. C. k. POOR AID FUND Services Groc Drugs Drugs Drugs Coal Drugs Coal Coal Groc Coal Coal Services Services Services services Drugs Groc Grp? dervices Coal Services Groc Services Services Services Services Services Groc Services Drugs Groc Gas & Groc Groc Services Groc & Services Services Groc Groc Coal Groc 'rugs Coal Groc Services Groc Services Services Services Groc Services Services services Services Services Services Services Groc Services Services Services Services Coal Gas Groc Groc Services Drugs Coal Groc Supplies Groc Gas Services Services Services services Services Services Groc Groc Groc Services Groc Groc Services 3.67 7.78 7.90 1.90 42.00 59.40 21.25 171.20 68.50 7.30 72.40 114.40 39.86 17.50 14.00 3.00 2.05 9.62 10.75 42.00 7.30 26.00 8.48 60.00 71.00 6.00 50.00 2.00 64.50 4.00 11.40 11.21 1.48 7.89 19.50 50.00 35.00 12.03 65.69 69.30 12.56 9.10 34.35 12.05 8.00 51.32 7.00 10.00 40.00 9.00 25.00 54.95 17.40 79.80 19.45 60.95 17.90 2.97 22.17 62.00 2.00 2.00 132.50 2.74 16.88 6.89 19.50 2.50 18.10 16.01 2.96 39.00 1.82 15.50 12.00 20.00 10.00 206.00 33.00 9.13 12.45 7.28 8.82 125.78 7.30 12.00 Whi to s el Adams County Agri. Society • ROAD FUND OF SUPERVISOR DISTRICT NO. 2 Road yvork COUNTY FAIR FUND Permanent Improvements 40.00 600.00 Motion by Cole, seconded by ahitesel, that as their appears to be no unfinished business that tliis Board now adjourn sine die. Motion carried. Board adjourned. Re -organization of the Board. At 2 P.M. the meeting was called to order by the County Clerk, members present as follows: Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter, jhannon. Motion by Goble, seconded by Ruhter that J. E.. Marian be made temporary Chairman. Motion carried. Motion by Bowers, seconded by Shannon, that we proceed to take an informal ballot for the election of a permanent ghairman. Motion carried. An informal ballot was ordered and the Chairman appointed Supervisors Ruhter and Berg as tellers to count the Ballots. Results as follows: Shannon 1, Marian 4, Ruhter 2. Motion by Bauer and seconded by Ruhter, that the informal ballot be made formal and that J. E. Marian be declared duly elected Chairman of the Adams county board of Supervisors for the year 1933. Motion carried. At 2:30 the chairman declared a recess until 3 P.M. At 3 P.M. the Chairman announced the following committees for the year 1933. SETTLEMENTS G. G. Bauer, Chairman and all members of the Board. FINANCE L. A. Berg, Chairman and all members of the Board. COMPLAINTS AND BONDS G. . Bauer, Chairman, J. Goble and L. A. Berg. ROADS AND BRIDGES red Ruhter, chairman and all members of the Board. LANDS AND BUILDINGS J. Goble, Chairman, G. 4. Bauer and J. E. Marian. COUNTY FARM F. E. Shannon, Chairman, Fred Ruhter and L. Berg. SUPPLIES. Bowers, Chairman, G. G. Bauer and J. 6. Marian. MOTHER'S PENSION Reuben Bowers. At 3:15 P.M. the Clerk of the 'ounty court in absence of the Uounty (Ludge appeared before the Board and approved the bonds of m Fred Ruhter, A. berg, F. E. Shannon, Jay Goble, G. G. Bauer, Reuben Bowers and J. Marian. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Ruhter, that all bids for supplies for 1933 be rejected on account of being unsatisfactory and that the supply committee buy supplies on the open market. Roll call. All voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Ruhter, that we designate the Eenesaq rogress as the official paper for 1933. Roll call. All voted aye. flliotion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, that this Board adjourn to meet again on January 10, 1933 at 9 o'clock A. M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. Deputy Court House, Hastings, Nebr. Tuesday, January IOth, 1933. 9 o'clock A.M. Statutory meeting of the Board. J. E. Marian, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all memberspresent as follows: Bauer, Berg, Bowers, Goble, Marian, Ruhter and Shannon. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, that the following official bonds be approved: Justice of the Peace; Hubert F. Favinger, City of "Hastings, George Bomberger, Silver Lake Twp., and J. W. McHarry, Juniata Twp. Township Clerks: Matt Trausch, Roseland Twp., Walter Kroll `"Verona Twp., and A. F. Albright, West Blue Twp. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bowers, seconded by Shannon, that A. I Battan be elected Janitor of the Court House for the year 1933 at a salary of 080 per month. Motion by Goble, seconded by Bauer, to amend the motion and that A. I Battan be elected Janitor of the Court House for the year 1935 at a salary of $76.50 per month. Roll call, ayes, Bauer, Berg, Goble, and Ruhter. Nayes, Bowers, Shannon, and Marian. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bowers, that the budget of expenses for the Adams County Farm Bureau for $2370 for the year 1953 be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. 'Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Berg, that the following estimate of probable expense for the year 1934 to be raised by taxation in Adams County, Nebraska be made as follows, to -wit: GENERAL FUND. Salaries 020,000. Assessment 6,000. Farm Bureau 2,400. Coal 1,500. Jail 2,000. Lands & Buildings 4,000. Gas, light & water 1,500. Telephones 750. Printing and offic supplies 4,500. Mileage 1,000. County farm 3,500. District court 5,000. County court 2,000. Justice court 1,000. Insane commission 1,500. Insurance 1,500. Blind Pension 750. Postage 1,000. Supervisors 6,000. Nebr. Feeble Minded Inst. 71500: Total estimate, General""Fund $73,900.00 BRIDGE FUN I}. For new bridges, material, repairs, culverts, etc. Total' estimate. For Mother's Pension, . . . 10,000.00 MOTHERS PENSION FUND Total estimate. .. . .. ' . SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND. For relief of Solders and Sailors, Totalestimate. r For pernament improvements and premiums, Total estimate For all purposes of relief, Total estimate -4 • • '•' • • 0 •.:.•... • • • COUNTY FIAR FUND. • POOR AID FUND, • • '. • • Y 0 •• • • • • • 5,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 •. . . . . 25,000.00 Total estimate all fund 0117, 900.00 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion 'carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Goble, that this board reappoint O. G. Evans as a member of the Soldiers and 4.- _4. LI__ _ _ r)._ i n "_ _ y. 4 _:,* .� ... 111t • WHEREAS, the following' banks habe'been heretofore designated as a depository for -county funds: - The Hastings National Bank, Hastings, Nebr., the State Bank of Juniata, Juniata, Nebr., the Prosser State Bank, Prosser, Nebr., the Roseland State Bank;;` Roseland,` Nebr., the First State Bank, Kenesaw, Nebr. The First State Bank, Hayland, Nebr., and the -Nebraska National Bank, Hastings,'Nebr. THEREFORE BE'IT"RES'OLVED, That -the County Treasurer of Adams County be and is hereby authorized to deposit in the following anmed banks which have heretofore been duly and legally selected as depositoreies for County funds, funds in excess of 50% -of the paid up capital stock and surplus of the said banksin-accordance with law: the Hastings National Bank, Hastings, Nebr., the State Bank Of -Juniata', Juniata, Nebr., the'Prosser State Bank, Prosser, Nebr.,`the Roseland State Bank, Roseland, Nebr.,`'the Firat`State Bank, Hayland, Nebr., the First State Bank, Kenesaw, Nebr., and the Nebraska National Bank, Hastings; Nebr. Roll'" call,' all voted aye. Motion carried. Chairman. Motion by Goble, seconded by Berg;' that the'County'Clerk be"and is hereby authorized -to issue salary warrants on the 1st day of each -month to all'county officers,' deputies, and clerks in county 'offices' who are entitled to receive pay on county warrants and. in such amount as are fixed by law governing the different county offices, or upon agreement with the county board. Also, that the chairman of the Board be authorized to sign such warrants, Also, that'thi"s order`is to apply to county road employees who aro to receive a monthly salary. Roll call, all voted aye.' Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Goble, that we take an informal"ballot for the appointment of a Highway Commissioner for Adams County for `the year 1933. The Chairman appointed "Ruhter and Berg as tellers with results as follows: " Ruhter five, Bowers one, and Shannon one. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Bowers, that the Informal ballot "be made formal and that M. Fred Ruhter be unanimously. elected Highway Commissioner for Adams County for the year 1933. " Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded-byr.Bauer,°that'we adopt the State plans and specifications 'for the year 1933 as the official plans and specifications.for°wooden, steel and concrete -bridges -to be built in Adams County, Nebraska during. the year. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded. by Goble, that the County Clerk is hereby instructed to advertise for bids, on a yearly contract basis, according to plans and 'specifications on wooden, steel and concrete bridges adopted by the Board and that'.the"Board reserves the right to reject any and:all bids. Motion carried.. Motion by Berg, seconded by Bowers, that the surety bond°of F. E. Shannon be released this day Jan. 10, 1933 on account of a larger bond being furnished and approved.' Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, that we adopt a budget of $20,000 for the county Highway Fund. This $20,000 to be divided equally between Supervisors District Number 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively, in the amount of $5,000 to each named district. This budget is adopted by the board and expected to cover all costs of the construction and maintenance of the County Highly system of Adams County for the year 1933. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Shannon, that the salaries of County employees for the year 1933 be as follows: Road Dragging 300 per single mile, single man ^250 per hr., man & team 400 per hr., man and two team 50¢ per hr. Patrolman $99.00'per °month. "` Roll` call, all voted, aye.~ Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Shannon, that the salaries of the deputies and assistants in the various offices beginning January 1st, 1933 be as follows: Assistant in Co. Supt. office $81.00, Clerk of the County Court $90.00, Deputy Register of Deeds $90., Deputy Clerk of the District Court $93.00, Assistant in County Attorney office $70.00, Assistant in County Treasurer office $86.00,:Deputy Sheriff $99.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Berg, that=this board no adjourn to meet again an Monday, February 6th, 1933, Motion carried. B•<:rd adjourned. __4(40 County Clerk. Deputy. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR. Monday, February 6th, 1933. 9 o'clock A.M.. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of January 5th, 1933. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bauer, that the securities pledged by the following banks in their respective amounts be approved; First State Bank, Hayland, $12,000; Roseland State Bank, $17,000; First State Bank, Kenesaw, $35,000; State Bank of Juniata, $12,000; Prosser State Bank, $12,000; Hastings National Bank, $45,000; Nebraska National Bank, $45,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Goble, that the following official bonds be approved: Road Overseers; Orval Blocher, Dist. # 1, West Blue Twp; Louis E. Yost, Dist. # 2, West Blue Twp; Wm. Oelschlager, Dist. # 1, Highland Twp; Edwin Kent, Dist. # 1, Verona Twp; Bert McCall, Dist. # 2, Verona Twp; Al Osler, Dist. # 1, Kenesaw Twp; John Cain, Dist. # 3, Kenesaw Twp; Walter Finnigsmier, Dist. # 4, Kenesaw Twp; Albert Borchers, Dist. # 1, Wanda Twp; J. P. Mangers, Dist. # 3, Juniata Twp; Harry Grothaus, Dist. # 3, Denver Twp; Henry Starner, Dist. # 4, Denver Twp; John Kothe, Dist. # 1, Ayr Twp; Conrad F. Pfeifer, Dist. # 2, Ayr Twp; Orval E. Weber, Dist. # 4, Juniata Twp; Henry Manske, Dist. # 3, Ayr Twp; Peter Trausch, Dist. # 2, Roseland Twp; Wm. Ehrman, Dist. ## 4, Roseland Twp; Geo. Ricker, Dist. # 2, Silver Lake Twp; Herman Plautz, Dist. # 2, Zero Twp, Paul Krueger, Dist. # 3, Zero Twp; Hugo Bachman, Dist. # 4, Zero Twp; Laurence Bauder, Dist. # 1, Little Blue Twp; Jim W. Hessman, Dist. # 3, Little Blue Twp. Town Treasurer; R. W. Plautz, Ayr Twp; Ben McWhirter, Highland Twp; Fred Augustin, Juniata Twp, Justice of the Peace: W. H Fisher, West Blue Twp; Jas. Vance, Logan Twp; Carl J. Ground, Verona Twp; Clifford H. Haselbarth, Wanda Twp; Jno VanNordheim,-Little Blue Twp. Constable; T. J. Hines, City of Hastings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Bowers, that the bond of W. Halsey Bohlke, County Judge, for $25,000, and the bond of M. Fred Ruhter, County Highway Commissioner, for $2,000 be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Shannon, seconded. by Bauer,, that the semi-annual reports of the County Superintendent and County Treasurer, and the fourth quarterly reports of the Register of Deeds, County Clerk, Clerk of the District Court, Sheriff, and County Judge, be placed on file. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Goble, that the order of the court in regard to Mother's Pension for Mrs. Bess Hiatt, Mrs. Thelma Robinson, Mrs. Margaret Corwin, and Mrs. Mae Kueck, be complied with and the clerk instruct- ed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bowers, that we approved the appointment of Anne Coordt as Clerk of the County Court. Motion carried. At 2 o'clock the chairman ordered the clerk to open bids submitted for bridge contract, but none were sutmitted. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Berg, that the following named persons be appointed as Road Dragging Superintendent in their respective districts for the year 1933. Dist. # 1. Morris Asmus, West Blue Twp; O. M. Doty, Highland Twp; Philip Zimmerman, Denver Twp; Wm. Lenz, Blaine Twp. Dist. # 2: Arthur Augustin, Kenesaw Twp; Carl Ground, Verona Twp; Leo Bierger, Juniata Twp; Albert Einspahr, Wanda Twp; Dist. # 3: Robert Huckfeldt, Cottonwood T ��J. H. Wintera Roseland Twp; James VanceJr., Logan Twp, Geo. B. Carper, Silver Lake Twp. Dist. # 4: Roy Black, Little Blue Twp; Simon Gerloff, Zero Twp; Bert Dericks, Ayr Twp, Wri. E. Stromer, Hanover Twp. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bowers, seconded by Shannon, that the clerical help in the various county offices be paid $75.00 per month. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. A communication from Adams County National Farm Loan Ass'n was read before the board but no action was taken. Motion by Berg, seconded by Goble, that the bond of G. G. Bauer and M. Fred Ruhter be released this day Feb. 6, 1933 on account of larger bonds being furnished. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Berg, that the County Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to transfer $15,000 from the Road Dragging Fund to the County Highway Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Ruhter, that all supplies for Adams County offices must be authorized by the supply committee, and parties furnishing supplies to file claim with County Clerk. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Berg, that -no paid vacations -be allowed county employees and officers. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Ruhter, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds diad the clerk is instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Anderson Baird Bauer Berg Board of Education, City of Hastings n Bohlke Bowers Breckenridge, et al Button, Reg. of Deeds Byers Lbr. Co. Fester Dorsey D Geo. G. L. A. W. Halsey Reuben W. J L. N. GENERAL FUND Policeman Inquest of Edward R. Howard Supervisors services !t Rent Court costs Supervisors services Jurorsat Edward Howard inquest Office supplies Coal $3.90 24.00 98.10 106.70 10.00 10.00 78.81 85.00 18.00 16.00 Al_AS Cole Crosson, Sheriff Cunningham, County Supt. Cunningham Deines Drug Co Dept. of Public Welfare Dillenbach, Clerk of Dist. Court Dutton & Sons Co. Evans Fischer Frye Mfg. Co. Gartner Goble Hankins Hastings National Bank Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Rubber Stamp Works Juniata Lbr. Co. K -B Printing Co. Kenesaw Progress Keith, et al Land Lord Co. Lincoln School Supply Co. 11 Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. tt Marian Martin Martin Milburn & Scott Co. Monroe Calculating Mch. Co. Murphy Type Co. Queen City Laundry Remington Rand Inc. Renner & Co. Ruhter Ruhter Rutherford Bros. Serf Printing Co. Shannon Simms Standard Blue Print Co. Stevens Plumbing Co. Stewart Swift & Co. Theobald, Co. Treas. University Publishing Co. Whitesel Widmaier Blue Hill Machine Shop Brehm Machine Co. Cain Churchill, et al City Electric Dept. Clark Consbruck, et al Duncan Essinger Gar & Oil Co. Gangwish Hastings Battery & Electric Co. Haws & Son Hershey Hubbard Hupf & Denkert Kurlish Battery Service McGrath Hdw. Co. National Refining Co. Newman O'Connell -Gill Tractor Co. 11 Overy Fete's Oil Station Poore Powers Service Station Schmidt Schuman Shaw , Sithe Tompkins Motor Co. Zimmerman, et al W. A. Raymond L. Lottie E. Marjorie Lucia W. M. 0. G. G. S. P. H. Jay Sylvia Dr.W,W. C. H. T. C. J. E. G. T. Wm. S. Percy M. Fred M. Fred 0. E. F. E. B. M. Walter G A. J. W. C. Wm. Mutt George J. A. Jacob C. S. M. C. W. G. S. S. Andy Howard G Howard D. W. E. R. Carl John L. Arthur J Herman Supervisors services Jail & office expense Express, mileage & postage Services Supplies Reporting births & deaths Court costs Supplies Mileage TT Supplies Supervisors services Supervisors services Services Imprinting checks Election table Supervisors proceedings & notice Stamps Supplies - County Farm Supplies Supervisors proceedings & supplies Insanity hearings Board for inmates at County Farm Supplies Services - court house - Farm Bureau Supervisors services Supplies 11 Repairs Overhaul typewriter Laundry Repairs Supplies Supervisors services Services Plumbing Supplies Supervisors services Supplies Plumbing 8 Soap Supplies Supervisors services Services COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND. Supplies 11 Patrolman Labor Light Supplies Dragging County Highway roads Supplies Gas & oil Patrolman Supplies Gas, oil & supplies Repairs Patrolman Repairs Supplies Gas & oil Patrolman Tractor parts 11 Patrolman Gas & oil Labor Gas Labor Patrolman Gas Labor Dragging County Highway roads 21.36 231.74 25.97 86.00 1.35 54.75 71.60 1.77 2.80 3.40 2.00 22.20 64.20 72.00 2.02 5.50 29.40 .75 12.60 76.09 47.37 34.00 135.80 4.67 15.94 15.33 61.20 9.25 80.00 13.50 2.53 7.68 29.90 7.50 6.63 1.25 20.45 97.60 2.35 9.50 153.65 76.00 4.90 10.18 2.65 3.60 20.10 5.50 19.73 15.20 13.60 1.20 1.00 50.92 6.29 .75 22.10 23.00 6.85 26.95 47.12 4.60 64.18 11.90 33.06 8.95 7.85 4.20 74.12 48.83 41.85 148.22 47.42 75.39 50.92 25.24 24.89 5.04 43.70 49.80 47.12 58.65 2.00 20.70 6-1,9 Hanover Twp. Kenesaw Twp. Verona Twp. West Blue Twp. POOR AID FUND. Adams Co. Red Cross Dragging Twp. roads ,t 11 „ 10.50 19.40 9.25 3.25 Services 5.45 Ft n t, 5.93 n 20.66 7.20 Adrian, et al Mrs. John „ 62.00 Austin Groc. Groc. 6.79 Batten A. I. Services 22.14 Bauer Groc. Groc. 9.76 Berres Groc. n 27.71 Berts Drug Store Drugs 6.05 Brooke & Son n 1.60 Brown, M.D. J. W. Services 37.75 Byers Lbr. Co. Coal 47.85 Cannon T. N. Drugs 5.30 Cash Food Market Groc. 4.14 City Fuel & Feed Co. Coal 33.50 11 " 161.50 Coates B. F. Groc. 12.35 Cooper Coal Co. Coal 77.05 Cowton Coal Co. " 137.75 Crafford M. Mae Services 39.84 Dean Hattie " 27.50 Dickerson F. E. Drugs 4.30 Eckhardt C. C. Groc. 9.23 n R. n 10.37 Egbert Hospital Dr. Services 50.00 Feese, M.D. J. P. 86.80 n n „ 2.00 "' 5.00 Fisher Groc. Groc. 7.19 Flowers H. „ 13.35 e, ,F n 3.63 Foote, M.D. E. C. Services 111.50 Genterts Store Groc. 8.34 Guildner C. Wayne Services 36.00 Hahne Bros. Groc. 47.12 Havens Cash Market r, 7.86 Henderckson Bob " 12.96 Hollister Mrs. Lloyd Services 40.00 Jakes Groc. Groc. 9.09 Johnson Furniture Co. Supplies 4.95 Jones J. G. Groc. 15.04 Jungerian Groc. " 60.14 Juniata Grain & Live Stock Assn. Coal 38.25 Juniata Lumber Co. „ 24.65 Kenesaw Drug Co. Drugs 9.80 Kenesaw Mill & Elevator Co. Coal 17.34 Kohlbry Herman Groc 10.58 Leonard Mrs. L. G. Services 8.00 Lepley Groc. Groc. 48.50 Livingston Bros. Services 50.00 M & A Groc. Groc. 11.00 Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Services 25.60 n " 65.34 n 11 1143.55 n 26.80 n n 18.72 n n 36.05 n u 8.90 98.60 Matthiesen & Co. Carl R. Drugs 3.05 McDowell Groc. W. H. Groc. 5.05 Mikkelsen Drug Co. Drugs 6.40 Moon Lulu K. Services 22.18 Nowers Dr. Walter E. 11 19.00 Osler Dorothy n 5.00 Paisley Lbr. Co. W. G. Coal 111.00 Portor Co. Groc. 12.37 Prosser Lbr. Co. Coal 8.50 Pratt J. C. Groc. 10.56 Rogers Groc. n 9.63 Rollons Mrs. V. B. Services 15.50 Roseland Grain & Supply Co. Coal 6.80 Roseland Lbr. Co." 8.10 Rutts Drug Co. Drugs 19.79 Samuelson Lbr. Co. Coal 5.50 Schneider Edith M. Services 9.00 Schunk Chas. L. Groc. 16.15 Shaw Wilfred L. Services 15.00 8 „ n 31.00 Stark Mrs. C. tt Jim Mrs. J. Stump, R.N. C. W. Sumner, M.D. Ella P. Sunnyside Table Supply Co. Groc. Uridil Dr. Joseph E. Services Veith Groc. Groc. Walker Conrad tt ri It - Wells J. R. Services Whisinand Carl Groc. tt tt tt Wyatt Mrs. C. R. Services Services tt 11 n It Marian Whitesel Goble Motion by shannon A.M. Motion SOLDIERS & SAILORS BELIEF COMMISSION. H. E. Relief ROAD FUND" °SUPERVISOR: DIST. NO 2. W. C. Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. No. Jay Road work 15.50 20.00 12.00 5.00 10.00 224.64 8.06 150.00 8.30 5.27 9.12 8.87 56.69 11.71 12.00 400.00 10.00 50.00 seconded by Berg, that this board now adjourn to meet again on March 6th, 1933 at 9 o'clock ied. Boaradjourned. Co. Clerk Deputy. 625 COURT HOUSE HASTINGS, NEM Monday, March 6th, 1933. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of February 6th, 1933. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Shannon, that the request of Fred Yenckel and L. W. Yenckel, and Mark Campbell for blind pension be granted at $12.00 per month. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Berg, that the following official bonds be approved: Justice of the Peace; George Weber, Roseland TW., James F.' Crowley, City of Hastings. Constable, Felix Young, Kenesaw Twp. Town Treasurer; Alfred Lofquist, Little Blue Twp.„ Jno. Einspahr, Logan Twp., and Fred Hohfeld, Cottonwood Twp. Roadoverseers; Highland Twp., Wm. Coffey; Dist. 2, Fred Jones, Dist. 4. Kenesaw Twp; Roy Ernst, Dist. 2. Wanda Twp.; Andrew Einspahr, Dist. 4. Denver Twp.; Albert Hueske, Dist. 1, Gilbert Mathews, Dist. 2. Ayr Twp.; Ray Woodworth, Dist. 4; Roseland Twp.; Al Miller, Dist. 1, Frank Zubrod-, Dist. 3. Juniata Twp.; Tony Consbruck, Dist. 1. Cottonwood Twp.; Otto C. Hansen, Dist. 2. Logan Twp.; Peter Pitz, Dist. 55, James Patterson, Dist. 56, Charles V. Bush, Dist. 57; Lloyd G. Hall, Dist. 58. Silver Lake Twp.; Al Mangers, Dist 1. Zero Twp.; Will Koepke, Dist. 1. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Goble, that the order of the court in regard to Mother's Pension for Gertrude Preston and Mrs. Pearl Hanson, be complied with and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bower,thatthe resignation -of -Albert Borchers; Roadoverseer, Dist. #1, Wanda Twp., be approved and his bond be cancelled this date,March-6th,'1953:- Roll call, all -voted -aye. Motion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Bower, that the bond of J. E.. Marian be cancelled this -date, March 6th, 1933, on account of a larger bond being,furnished.- Roll call, all voted aye. -Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Goble, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND. Pencils $ 4.22 Supervisors services 11180:::g Court costs 33.30 Supervisors services - 76.20 Coal Light 12.443 60.75 Gas Jail and office expense 308.90 Matron County Jail 42.00 Laundry 6.30 n Services 2.00 Mileage and stamps 21.57 Supplies 2.25 n 8.50 Court costs 108.30 Mileage 2.80 Services & mileage of Soldiers & Sailors Relief meeting 5.80 Services & mileage of Soldiers & Sailors Relief meeting Supplies Advertising Pencil Co. Bauer Berg Bohike, Co. Judge Bowers Byers Lumber Co Central Power Co City Electric Dept. Crosson, Sheriff Crosson It G. G. L., A. W. Halsey Reuben Raymond L Bertha 11 William L Lottie E Cunningham, Supt. Deines Drug Co Democrat Printing Dillenbach, Clerk Evans I? Co of Dist. Court Lucia O. G. n Fischer Gaston Music & Furniture Co Gaudreault Mere Co. Goble Hastings Letter Shop , Hastings Rubber Stamp Works Haukenherry Hendricksen Hinrichs Keith, et al Kenesaw Progress Land Lincoln School Supply QD, Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. I, Madgett Marian Marian Milburn & Scott, Moore, et al Queen City Laundry Ruhter Schoreder, Co Atty Serf Printing Co Shannon Simms ' St. John St. John Theobald G. S. A J • . Jay George E Robt. Mrs. John F. Dr. W. W. C. H. William HE J. E. Mrs. W. T. M. Fred Herman G 0. E. F. E. B. M. E. A. Therese A A. J. tI Supervisors services Supplies n. Witness fee of E.R.Howard inquest Services & mileage of Soldiers & Sailors Relief meeting 7.40 Witness fee of E. R. Howard inquest 1.00 Insanity hearings 14.00 Supervisors proceedings and Treas. report 47.30 Care of inmates at Co. Farm 125.10 Supplies 16.42 Services - court house 57.80 " - Farm Bureau 9.75 Witness fess of E. R. Howard inquest 1.00 Services & mileage of Soldiers & Sailors Relief meeting Supervisors services Supplies Services Laundry Supervisors services Supplies Supervisors services 3.40 5.95 8.60 36.00 15.00 .70 1.00 Supplies Services Postage 3.30 85.00 15.76 18.15 5.37 73.30 12.04 142.25 66.00 5.20 15.36 48.96 151.26 Ayr Lumber Co Brehm Machine Co. n Brown Cain City Electric Dept. Clark Consbruck, et al Deep Rock Station Dillon Duncan Dutton & Essinger Gangwish Goble Haws Heimerl Hubbard Jones & Son Lawson Hdw Co. Lubricant Co., Inc. McClelland -Dunn Motor Co McGrath Hdw Co National Refining Co Newman O'Connell -Gill Tractor Co Sons Garage Overy Pete's Oil Station Phillips Petroleum Co.. Powers Service Station Pritchard Richersen Schmidt Schuman Shaw Sidles -Duda -Myers Co Sime Troeger Valentine Jr Weakley Zimmerman, et al Denver Twp. Highland Twp. Juniata Twp. Kenesaw Twp. Silvey Lumber Co. Adams Co. Red Cross Adrian Aulrich Austin Groc. Bauer Groc. Berres Groc. Berts Drug Store Brooke & Son • Brown, MD Byers Lumber Co. Cannon City Fuel & Feed Co Coates Cash Groc. Coates Groc. Consumers Cash Lumber Co. Cooper Coal Co. Cowton Coal Co. Crafford Crosson Dever, M.D. Dickerson Eckhardt Eckhardt Farmers Grain Co. Feese Fisher Groc. Gentert's Store Guildner Hahn It Hahne Bros. ud„+ n_,,,. r - Vern Mutt J. A. Jacob Earl G. S. W. M. 3. W. M. C. C. M. W. G. Rex Andy T. W. C. K. D -A. J. H. Howard G. Howard Clyde Wm. E. R. Carl John L - A. 3. Carl H R W. Herbert J. A. Mrs. John Wm. J. W. T. N. M. Mae Mrs. Wm. Chas. R. F. E. C. R. E. Dr. J. P. C. Wayne Dr. 0. H. n COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND. ROAD DRAGGING FUND. BRIDGE FUND, POOR AID FUND. Supplies Labor if Patrolman Light Supplies Road dragging Ga3 Labor Supplies Supplies Labor Patrolman Gas n' Labor Patrolman Supplies 1f Oil Repairs Supplies Gas Patrolman Tractor -Grader & other parts Tractor parts Patrolman Gas n., Labor ff Patrolman Labor Patrolman Supplies Gas Supplies Labor n Dragging county roads Dragging twp. roads If 11 n Lumber Services ff ' Trees Groc. fJ Drugs 1r Services Coal Drugs Coal: Groc. Goal tt Services rf ft Drags Groc. n Coal Services Groc. n Services n 11 Groc. TI,V11 IV" 11.90 4.S0 8.50 10.75 39.52 .75 2.15 11.70 22.28 2.50 1.90 2.95 3.50 26.60 4.85 9.80 7.50 28.50 6.05 .80 220.80 6.10 1.85 17.85 23.56 40.98 108.82 45.60 11.22 16.08 1.54 19.38 5.00 30.78 42.40 26.60 8.50 17.35 3.40 3.20 3.04 22.20 14.80 4.45 9.80 7.90 18.35 3.67 42.00 23.00 6.86 12.25 45.55 2.50 6.50 28.00 75.58 16.80 256.75 13.70 3.74 12.40 72.10 193.15 36.00 20.00 8.00 3.00 12.34 15.48 4.11 29.50 14.12 6.88 28.00 95.00 2.00 46.27 1% RA flf _J Kenesaw Drug Co. Drugs 2.30 Kindig J. E. Groc. 5.52 Kohlbry Herman " 11.13 Lee Katherine Services 10.00 n n 11 10.00 Leonard Mrs. L. G. n 8.00 Lepley Groc. Groc. 54.70 Livingston Bros. Services 50.00 M & A. Groc. Groc. 22.84 Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Services 13.90 n n 82.52 n n 21.35 n n 66.55 Matthiesen & Co. Carl R. Drugs 1.70 McDowell Groc. W. H. Groc. 39.82 3.31 Meads Cash Groc. " 37.62 Mikkelsen Drug Co. Drugs 11.95 Moon Lulu K. Services 20.02 Nowers Dr. Walter E. n 34.00 Oliver Lumber Co. Coal 32.45 Pauley Lumber Co. n 145.05 Pay-N-Takit Groc. 22.23 Porter Co. n 12.00 Pratt J. C. n 20.04 Rogers Groc. n 13.91 Rollins Mrs. V. B. Services 14.00 Rork Lee W. n 7.50 Roseland Grain & Supply Co. Coal 3.50 Rutts Drug Store Drugs 21.54 Schaufelberger Dr. Frank Services 10.00 Schlueter Lumber Co. Coal 13.30 Schneider Edith M. Services 25.00 Schunk C. L. Groc. 20.06 Silvey Lumber Co. J. A. Coal 3.75 Simms B. M. Drugs 2.00 Simpson & Joh Groc. 29.00 Smith Dr. A. A. Services 30.00 Standard Oil Co. Fuel 4.18 Stark Mrs, C. Services 14.00 Stark Jim n 20.00 Stark Mrs J n 12.00 Sumner Ella P. n 10.00 Sunnyside n 166.00 Thiel Jacob Groc. 12.94 Uridil Dr. Joseph E. Services 95.00 Veith Groc, Groc. 10.36 Virgils Cash Store " 17.27 Walker Conrad " 8.06 Wells Mrs. J. R. Services 8.00 Whisinand Groc. Groc. 81.92 Wyatt Mrs. C. R. Services 12.00 Yost Lumber Co. J. H. Coal 96.80 SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND. Marian H. E. Relief 400.00 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. No. 4. Goble Jay Road work 65.00 Motion by Shannon, seconded by Berg, that the claim of E. T. Hobbs for .13.00 and $6.00 respectively, and the claim of Jacob Peters for *11.50 be disallowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seeondedL by Bauer, tat the policy #14375 issued by the Hartford -Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. be cancelled this date March 4,1933. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded -by -Goble, that this board adjourn to meet again on April 5th, 1933 at a-GiLe-lowit-a- 9 o'clock A.MJ Motion carried. Board adjourned. oc, (53 9276z4L01/1. Chairman. opntyerk •Deputy 031 COURT' HOUSE;"` HASTINGS, NEER. Wednesday, April 5th, 1933. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of March 6th;' 1933. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Shannon, seconded by'Berg, 'that we purchase from the Byers Lumber Co. one car of bridge plank consisting of the following: 150 3x12-20 ft, 100 3x12-18 ft, balance 3x12--16 ft com fir full sawn at an agreed price of $28.50 F.O.B.Pauline, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bauer, that the County Treasurer be instructed to transfer $300 from the State Ma•intainance Fund to the County Road Dragging Fund for the purpose of reimbursing that fund for license certificate holders. Roll call, all voted aye.. • Motion carried. Motion by Berg, seconded by Goble,that we purchase from the Silvey Lumber Co. one car of bridge plank consisting of the following: 150 3x12-18 ft, 550 3x12-16 ft com fir full sawn at an agreed price of $28.50 F.O.B. Holstein. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer,zseconded by Shannon, that the -order -of the court -in regard to Mother's Pension for Hattie Kimbrough be complied with and the clerk instructed to• issue warrants for the same: ,Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Goble, that the following official bonds be approved:. E E Grothen, Twp. Clerk, Ayr. Twp. Roadoverseers; Oliver Busboom, Dist. #4, Hanover Twp; Thos O'Brien, Dist. #3, Highland Twp; Chris Meyer, Dist. #4, Blaine, Twp; Cleo Newell, Dist #2, Juniata Twp.. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 when they again resumed with all members present. ¥otion by Shannon, seconded by Goble, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to issue warrantsfor the same. ° Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Bauer Berg Binderup Hdw Co Bowers Brazelton Bruce Carts Cafe Cannon Central Power Co City Electric Dept City Fuel & Feed Co Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Co Crosson n Crosson, Sheriff Cunningham Co Supt Dillenbach, Clerk of Dist. Court Evans Fischer Frankel Carbon & Ribbon Mfg Co Gaudreault Mere Co Goble Hastings Rubber Stamp Works. Heartwell Heiman Jones Jones, Co. Clerk Jungerman Groc Kenesaw Progress Keith, et al Land Latta, et al Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co Lord Co Marian Martin Mortgage Investment Co It Murphy Typewriter_ Co Queen City Laundry Rutherford Bros Ruhter Serf Printing Co Shannon St John Taylor Taxi 80 emplin Theobald Co Treas Warren & Co Widmaier Woodworth G G L A Reuben Edmund Ed T IJ . Bertha tl Raymond L Lottie E Lucia O G G S AJ Jay C W George V LoRene TW Dr W W C H Dr.J0 J E Wm L R E M Fred O E F E Theresa -A n Maude E W H A J C R Wm Lovina GENERAL FUND. Supervisor services Supplies Supervisor services Services Meals for jury Drugs county farm Gas Light Coal Supplies Matron Services Jail ,& office expense Stamps --&-express. Mileage Court costs Mileage " Ribbons Supplies. Supervisor services Supplies Drayage Services rt Office supplies Soap Supervisor proceedings Insanity witnesses Care of Inmates at Co Farm Insanity witnesses Services- Farm Bureau " Court House Supplies Supervisor services Plumbing Bond premium Services Laundry Plumbing Supervisor services Supplies Supervisor services Services n Testimony Drayage Supplies Stamps Audi ting Bailiff Services 105.30 98.80 4.75 81.60 40.35 2.00 8 .85 7.85 11.81 43.97 89.68 8.42 13.50 2.88 189.15 19.20 22.00 155.90 2.80 3.40 2.50 5.40 41.20 .65 1.25 1 .00 14.45 85.66 10.80 12.75 29.20 135.80 21.00 9.70 59.80 49.73 76.00 3.15 30.00 48.00 3.00 4.95 .80 75.60 331.50 97.00 110.00 36.04 3.00 .50 1.25 2.00 100.00 27.00 75.00 Ayr Twp Bell Black Blaine Twp Bramble Chase Chenoweth Churchill Cottonwood Twp Crosson n Denver Twp Woods Dillon Ervin Fairbanks n - Gartner Gartner Geiger & Putney Gerloff Gartner Gerloff Hanover Twp Hawk Heartwell Highland Twp Juniata Tdgp Kenesaw Twp Little Blue Twp Logan Twp May Nebr Consolidated Mill's Nebr Culvert & "Mfg Co` Nolan Parson Oil Co Railway Express Co Ramsom Roseland Twp Schafer Serf Printing Co Silver Lake Twp Standard Oil Co Sterty Verona Twp Wanda Twp West Blue Twp Wood Wright Zero Twp Zimmerman Adams & Co Ayr Lumber Co Baker Brewer Brehm Machine Co Brown Cain Clark City Electric Dept Davis Essinger Gar & Oil Co Essinger Fisher Gangwish Hageman Hdw Haskin Haws & Son Hoefer, et al ,Hubbard Klusman, et al Lofquist Newman O'Connell -Gill Tractor Co n Oliver Lumber Co Overt' Overy Pavelka Pete's Oil Station Phillips Petroleum Co Phillips, et al Phillips Petro Co r - O P Dewey A L Roy Marvin George Will Dewey Earl Frank Lester Peter Raymond William Paul Chris Raymond C A George Don A Geo O E Henry Cecil H B Herbert J D Floyd' Blaine Vern Mutt J A Jay J W Clan M C RW W G John Andy Chris Alfred Howard G Howard Jim Wm Henry Dragging twp roads Assisting Co Surveyor Labor Dragging twp roads Assisting Co Surveyor Labor +r Dragging twp roads Assisting Co Surveyor Dragging twp roads Team work Labor Assisting Co Surveyor _11 Posts Labor Dynamite Labor Team work Labor Dragging twp roads Labor Surveyor ,r Dragging twp roads n n n Labor Sacks Supplies Labor Gas Express Labor Dragging twp roads Labor Auto License vouchers Dragging twp roads Gas Labor Dragging twp roads rr Labor Dragging twp roads COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Supplies Labor +r r+ n rr Supplies Light Welding Gas Repairs Labor Supplies n Gas Labor Patrolman Labor Welding Labor Tractor & grader parts n n Stakes Labor ++ Gas n Dragging Countyloads Gas 48.70 3.50 22.80 60.94 3.50 6.00 6.00 4.50 24.10 3.50 10.50 69.24 3.50 2.50 2.25 17.50 3.50 7.20 10.50 44.40 4.75 4.00 4.75 70.86 2.50 72.30 17.10 60.70 61.30 89.50 59.85 37.15 2.25 4.50 69.35 178.09 8.00 1.95 34.19 2.25 58.00 1.75 11.75 43.65 7.69 2.25 87.90 41.20 40.60 4.25 1.20 69.70 5.10 31.05 45.44 2.50 2.50 8.10 35.25 83.60 6.89 .75 10.00 93.54 27.60 26.03 65.36 11.08 5.00 36.00 6.65 45.60 2.25 2.50 38.57 38.97 60.39 24.51 5.20 83.60 1.00 22.05 14.14 20.67 46.80 39.31 cC 635 Slack, et al Harry Stromer, et al Earl F Stortz Supply Co Rosie's Right now Service Weakly Will Zimmerman, et al Herman Zubrod Jake Dragging county roads Supplies Repairs Labor Dragging county roads Labor 67.80 117.30 .48 1.35 6.75 43.80 1.75 BRIDGE FUND Duncan C S Repairs 7.15 Matthews G F Labor 6.50 Mohling, et al H A 6.50 POOR AID FUND. Adams Co Red Cross Services 5.00 11 if 13.93 Adrian, et al Mrs John r 46.50 Austin Groc Groc 6.22 " Sauer Groc 13.77 n Herres Groc 47.70 Berts Drug Store Drugs 17.60 Brooke & Son n .85 Byers Lumber Co Coal 40.31 Cannon T N Drugs 15.70 City Fuel & Feed Co Coal 52.60 li n 142.55 Coates B F Groc 16.24 Coates C L n 4.79 Consumbers Cash Lumber Co Coal 92.60 Cooper Coal Co n 48.30 Cowton Coal Co if 123.85 Crafford M Mae Services 39.86 Crosson Mrs W L Services 20.00 DeBacker Dr L J n 10.00 Deines Drug Co Drugs 5.75 Dickerson F E' Duerker 4.45 Duerker j B Services 14.00 Eckhardt Carl Chas Groc 14.30 Egbert Dr C L Services 95.40 Feese Dr J P n 20.00 Fisher Groc Groc 20.75 Foote Dr E C Services 18.00 n n il 150.00 Gray Dr 0G n 5.25 Green Drug Co Drugs 2.20 Guildner C Wayne Services 25.00 Hahne Bros Groc 46.53 Hamel E B Services 62.00 Havens Groc Groc. 28.45 n n .65 Hendrickson Robt Groc 28.24 Herbst Henry n 24.32 Hollister Mrs Lloyd Services 40.00 Jones James G Groc 20.40 Jungerman Groc " 71.89 Juniata Grain & Live Stock Assn Coal 33.70 Kenesaw Drug Co Drugs 1.95 Kindig J E Groc 7.17 Kohlbry Herman n 15.87 Lee Katherine Services 20.00 Leonard Mrs L G " 8.00 Lepley Groc Groc 56.45 Lincoln Splint & Brace Co Brace 27.00 M & A Groc Groc 29.32 Mace John L Services 9.00 Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital 11 26.70 McDowell Groc W H Groc 9.01 Mikkelsen Drug Co Drugs 25.70 Moon Lulu K Services 22.17 Newman, et al Howard Potatoes 92.85 Nowers Dr W E Services 58.00 Oliver Lumber Co Coal 3.10 Pauley Lumber Co W G n 109.70 Penney Co J C Clothes 12.76 Pratt J C Groc 18.74 Preston Mrs M Services 12.00 Reel Store GrIc 2.05 Rogers Groc II 17.02 Rollins V B Services 15.00 Rork, M D L W If 15.00 Roseland Grain & Sup Co Coal 3.55 Rutts Drug Store Drugs 10.00 Schaufelberger Frank Services 10.00 Schlueter Lumber Co Coal 5.20 Schneider Eidth Services 25.00 Schunk Chas L Groc 23.02 Shaw Wilfred L Services 36.00 Silvey Lumber Co J A Coal 3.25 SimpsonMoh Groc 51.00 _ _ _ __ 537 Stark Stark Sumner, M D. Sunnyside Swanson Theil Mrs J Jim Ella P Leonard A. J Virgils Cash Store *alker Conrad Wells Mrs J R Whisinand Carl V Wyatt Mrs C R Yost Lumber Co J H Services tc it a Groc n n Services Groc Services Coal 12.00 20.00 28.00 170.00 35.00 16.76 9.31 13.65 8.85 74.02 12.00 62.15 12.95 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. No. 2. Berg L A Road work 20.00 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. No. 3. Ruhter M Fred Road work 50.00 Goble Adams Co. Agricultural Society. Marian ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST; No. 4. Jay Road work HE COUNTY FAIR FUND 100.00 Permanent improvements & premiums 42.94 SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND. Relief 300.00 Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bower that this board now adjourn to meet again on May -5th, 1933 at 9 o'clock A.M. Motion carried.'oard adjourned. Co. Clerk .Deputy/