HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupervisors Rec 11 19275S:3 • • ..-eaesessse Court House Hastings, Nebraska Wednesday, January 5th, 1927. 9 o'clock A. M. Adams County Board of Supervisors met as. per adjournment of December 7th, 1926. S. B. Sorensen, Chairman presi ding. Roll call , members present as follows: Furry, Gartner, Hargleroad, Rainforth, Sorensen and Whitesel. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Motion by Re.inforth, second by Furry that the Chairman appoint a committee of three to draft suitable resolutions on the death of Supervisor Win. Keal, Motion carried. The chairman appointed Supervisors Rainforth andHargleroad and County Clerk Cates as resolution committee. The committee submitted the following resolutions 'WHEREAS: Wm. Keal, Supervisor o f District # 6, Adams County, Nebr. , and serving Adams County in that capacity for several years, deperted this life on December 17th, 1926. AND WHEREAS: We deplo re the loss 0 f his valuable servi ces to the County 0 f Adams in the capacity o f Supervisor 1.1.nd that we will naLss the pleasant association •we had with him on the Adams County Board. BE IT THEREOORE RESOLVED, By the Adams County Board of Supervisors that these Resolution of Respect be spread on our record and a copy o f the same be sent to thefamily of the deceeased. W. B. Hargleroad T. R. Rain forth J. A. Cates Motion by Hargleroad, second by Furry that the above resolutions be adopted. Motion carried. Appointment of Edward Shreiner, Deputy County Treasurer. by Pearl B. Woodworth, County Treasurer was filed with the Board and upon motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth, the appointment of Edward Schriainer, Deputy County Treasurer was confirmed by the Board. Annual report o f the Adams County Farm Bureau was received and shown to the Bo zd and upon motion by Hargleroad, second by Furry the report was accepted and ordered placed on file. W. G. Saddler, s. member of the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Commiesion, whose term of office had expired recommended to the Board the name o f H. M. Carpenter for appointment as Relief Commissioner. Application was also filed by Hastings Post # 11, American Legion reques.ting the appointment of Francis R. Lee as a member of this commission. The Board considered the names o f these applicants and upon motion by Hargleroad, second by Gartner H. M. Carpenter was appointed for the 3 year term of Soldiers & Sailors Relief Commission. Motion by' Ha.rgleroad, second Corwin, Mrs, Fay Louban, Mrs, Court, that the order of the pensions. :.10 tion carried. by Whitesel that in the matter of granting Mothers ens ons 0 rs. a ga Hannah Ferguson and Mrs. Wanda Gettman, which had been ordered by the County Court be approved and the County Clerk instructed to draw warrants for these The serni-annual report o f nartha H. Schultz , County Supt. , was read Furry, the report was accepted and ordered placed on' file. The following applicationefor appointment as Supervisor of District # 6 to fill vacancy caused by the death of Wm. Keal were read before the Board: R. R. Vance, W. A. Cole, Geo. Munroe, R. C. Firrne, C. W. Wilson, Harry Proffitt, P. W. Yager and Edward S. Jones. Metier, by Hargleroad, second by thitesel that the appointment o f a Supervisor in District 1 6 to fill vacancy be laid over cfser the new Board o fSupe rviso re to act on. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by Rainforth that the following Official Bonds be approved: Carroll Parker, Town Clerk, Kenesaw Township, Simon Gerloff, Town Clerk, Zero Township, Geo. Augustine, Town Treasurer, Kenesaw Township, Mart_n Heeren, Town Clerk, Hanover Township, W. A. Johnson, Town Treasurer, Silver Lake Township, John VonNordheim, Town Treasurer Little Blue Township, Albert Junkers Town Treasurer, Highland Township, Hulgar Nelson, Town Clerk, Cottonwood Township, S. S. Rinker, Town Treasurer, .West Blue Township, Ed Gentert, Town Treasurer, Logan Township, Frank Gasch, Town Cleric, Highland. Township, Fred Hohlfeldt, Town Treasurer, Cottonwood Township, Emil Baehr, Town Treasurer, Hanover Township, Edgar Huxtable, Town Clerk, Maine Township, Clifford Haselbarth, Justice of the Peace, Wanda Township, Ira Gingrich, Town Clerk, Silver Lake Township, Roy Laux, Justice of the Peace, Blaine Township, James F. Crowley, Justice of the Peace, City of Hastings, Adam Reader, Justice of the Peace, Zero Township, Albert Fricke , Ju Aim° of the Peace , Denver Township, G. D. Strotser, , Justice of the Peace, Ham ver Township, Charles Kidd, Justice of the Peace, Kenesaw Towrehip, John Shafer, Justice of the Peace, Highlend Township, H. F. Favinger, Justice of the Peace, City o f Hastings. Roll call, on the above motion, ail voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. when they again resumed. and upon motion by Hargleroad, second by Invoices of machinery, material, tools and supplies in Supervisors and upon motion by Rainforth, second by Hargleroad, these invoices Motion by Gartner, second by Fainforth that the following Official Sheriff, Edward Schreiner, Deputy County Treasurer, Walter M. Crow County Treasurer. The semi-annual report o f J. A. eaten, County Clerk was read and upon motion by Hargleroad, the report was ordered placed on file. Di strict s numbers 1-2-3 and 4 were read were ordered placed on file. Bonds be approved: Raymond L. Crosson, , County Attorney, Pearl B.‘ Woodworth , second by Rain forth Motion byhitesel, second by Rain forth that the following duplicate Miscellaneous receipts from the Treasurers Office be m-:ide a part o f the Supervisors Record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Receipts follow: 1975 1976 1977 # 1978 # 1979 it 1980 # 1981 # 1982 # 1983 # 1984 # 198.5 ## 1986 ## 1987 # 1988 ## 1989 # 1990 11 1991 1992 # 1993 # 1994 # 1995 1996 # 1997 # 1998 # 1999 # 2000 ft 2001 # 2 SO2 # 2003 ## 2004 ## 2005 # 2006 # 2007 # 2008 2009 # 2010 # 2011 # 2012 # 2013 ## 203.7 # 2018 ## 2019 # 2020 # 2021 # 2022 # 2023 # 2024 # 2025 P. Gartner Credit Bridge sUnd Hazel Powell, Webster County, Treas. Credit School District ## 49 Hazel Powell, Webster County, Treas. Credit School District ## 21 Judge Joseph Turbyfill Credit Fines &, Licenses Judge Joseph Turby fill Credit Fines & Licenses Judge Joseph Turbyfill Credit Fines & Licenses Judge Joseph Turbyfill Credit Fines & Licenses 7.50 35.15 120.69 25,00 100.00 20,00 153..25 Eschange National Bank Credit General Fund 125.04 Lyman -Richey Sand & Gravel Co Credit Bridge Kind 12.00 Judge J. M. Turbyfill Credit Inheritance Tax 3179.47 Lucia Dillenbach credit Fines & Licenses 9.25 Lucia Dillenbach Credit Fines & Licenses 5.00 Lucia Di.11enbe.ch Credit Fines & Licenses 5.00 Lucia Dillenbach Credit Fines & Licenses 5.00 Lucia Dillenbach Credit lines & Licenses 10.00 Lucia Dillenbach Credit Fines & Licenses 6.00 Judge Turbyfill credit Fines & Licenses 46.70 Ayr Village Credit Electric Light Int. 300.00 W. B. Hargleroad Credit Bridge Fund 10.00 W, B. Hargleroad Credit County Highway 1432.05 Peter Gartner Credit Bridge "'und 11.00 Kenesaw Township Credit General Fund 1000.00 W. B. Hargleroad credit County Highway litind 222.00 J. H. Robinson Credit Bridge Fund 1 5.00 matt Trousch Credit Inheritance Tax Hund 30.00 J. H Perry Credit Road Dragging Fund 226.50 J H. Furry Credit Road Dragging Fund. 510.00 Lucia Dillenbach Credit Fines & Licenses 5.00 Judge Turbyfill Credit Inheritance Tax Fund 90.75 Lucia Dillenbach Credit Fines & Licenses 30.00 Peter Gartner Credit County Bridge 31.25 Prosser State Bank Credit General Fund 50.00 State Bank of Juniata Credit General r'und 158.00 Lucia Dillenbach Credit General Fund 2.90 J. H. Furry Credit County Highway 516.00 Judge Turbyfill Credit Inheritance Tax 40.41 Kenesaw State bank Credit General rund 200.00 Farmers State Bank Ayr Credit General Fund 106.40 State Bank o f Hastings Credit Peter Gartner Credit First State Bank Hayland. ie is. Hargleroad credit Geo. Harm Credit First National Bank Credit First National Bank Credit J. A. Cates, Co. Clerk Credift Geo. Harm, Sheriff Credit Geo. Hare, Sheriff Credit General Fund 137.58 County Highway 92.00 General Fund 75.00 County Highway Fund 7.75 General Bund General r'und General_ Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Request o f Raymond L. Crosson, Sheriff -elect for a motion by Hargleroad, second by Gartner granted by 1229.42 34.07 439.11 367.60 7.75 274.30 deputy Sheriff at a salary at $100.00 per month was upon the Board. Requwst of Raymond L. Crosson, Sheriff -elect for the appointment of Bertha Corsson as matron was upon motion by Rain forth , second by Furry, granted by the Board. The appointment of John Frederick Bramble as Deputy Sheriff of Adam: County by Raymond L. Crosson, Sheriff - elect ... ......... elect was upon motion by Gartner, second by Furry, confirmed by the Board. Official Bond o f John Frederick Bramble, Deputy Sheriff was upon motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth approved by the Board. Motion by tilhitesel, second by Rainforth that upon the recommendation of the entire board acting as an auditing committee the following claims be allowed on their' respective funds and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Claims follow. Adams County Farm Bureau Branagan Wm, W. Burroughs Adding Machine Co Burroughs Adding Machine Co Button L. N. Byers Lumber Co Cates Central Power Co Voodworth ?earl B, A. Crow Walter M. Davis Elliott R. Davis Elliott R. Deines Drug Co Democrat Printing Co Diebold Safe & Lock Co Dillenbach Lucia rh a r G. S. GENERAL FUND 0 ffice supplies and expense Reward o ffered in Ringer case Servi ces Ribbon Recording deeds, postage, etc Plaster Office expense, supplies, etc. Gas range Gas, light, telephone, water etc, Court House U ffice expense Hotel, mel as mileage Supplies , Court House Supplies, Court House Repairing vault, Treas. Office Court Costs, postage, etc. La 1 eag e for meeting Mothers Pension Comm 8.15 1000.00 16.50 1.00 20.3.0 3.00 72.16 40.00 511.79 4.75 17.50 65.00 42.65 451.75 20.00 253.17 3.40 5q9 A.1g,A0=4VV,AVO,i*,t,oit Harm Harm Harm HELM K -B Printing Co K -B Printing Co Ke al Keith Kline Klopp Priiting Co Land C. H. Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co Line-ApTime Mfg. Co Northwestern Mfg Co. Oliver Lumber Co Palmer Co A. N. Paike & Co R. L. Queen City Laundry Co Rainforth T. R. Remington Tyepwriter Co Rutherford Bvothers Schultz martha H. Sipple Broa. Motor Co e. B. Geo. ueo. Wm. Wm. Wn. W. W. et al J. B. Sorensen Wahlquist Bros Whit esel lidmaier Wolbach & Brach Woodworth Ayr Lumber Co Bierman Buss Byers Lumber Ca Foster Frahm Halloran Kistler Nissen Reichart Ronnekamp Roseland Lumber Standard Bridge Standard Bridge W. C. Wm. Pearl B. Albert Jake Edmond Art Dan Bert A. J. Karl John Co Co Co Anderson E. Ray Balke R. W. Bitner D. N. Burr Walter M. Burroughs H. B. Christensen Hans Doty O. M. Fricke John H. Hogg C. F. Jones & Son T. W. Lenz E. W. Mid -State Const. Co. Reichart Karl Stromer rim American Red Cross American Red Cross Beghtol Dr. J. V. Brom J. W. Byers Lumber Co Cannon T, N. Carl B. F. Cowton Coal Co Currier -Park Coal Co Eckhardt H. 0, Gadding U. S. Hastings Fuel Co Kammerlohr Drug Co Kenesaw Mill & Elevator Co Kohlbry nerman Larsen H. G. General Fund Cont. Costs in State cases Jail expense, Jan 1 to Jan 5, 1927 Special Deputy, 4 days Special Deputy, 19 days Supplies, Court House Supplies, Court House Supervisors services Witnesses, insanity case Supplies, Court House SuPplies, Court House Beard for inmates at County Farm Supplies, County Supt. Toll calls, Farm Bureau Toll calls, Court House Linea -time, Clerk District Court SuPplies, Court House Step ladders Supplies, County Supt. 7 City Directories Laundry, Court House Supervisors services & mileage Coupons for typewriter ribbons Supplies, Court House Offices expense, mileage, etc. Storage on Yager Car Supervisors services Supplies, County Judge Supervisors services & mileage Services as Bailiff Supplies, Court House or Auto work BRIDGE FUND Culverts Team work Labor on bridge Bridge plank Labor on bkidge Labor onbridge Team work Labor Filling in bridge Filling in bridge Labor on bridge Lumber Lumber Lumber ROAD DRAGGING FIND eupt. Little Blue Twp Supt. Kenesaw Twp Supt. West Blue Tvp Supt. Verona. Twp Supt, Silver Lake Twp Supt. Logan.Twp Supt. Highland Twp Supt. Denver Twp Supt, Roseland Twp Supplies Supt, Blaine -Twp Supplies Supt, Cottonwood Twp Supt, Hanover Twp POOR AID FUND Services Services Professional services Professional services Coal Groceries Groceries Coal Coal Groceries Groceries Coal Drugs Coal Groceries Groceries 6.40 17.50 16.00 76.00 27.81 28,18 20.00 23.60 2.70 24.35 217.94 20.02 10.90 15.90 23.00 40.50 4.80 7.04 32.00 5.91 65.40 18.00 9.45 22.25 43.45 80.00 49.75 26.40 30.00 3.34 296.10 67.75 7.20 6.20 . 99.35 1.20 10.00 7.20 1.80 8.40 6.00 8.00 1.60 1700.00 478.00 13.94 65.87 78.42 27.36 28.59 10.38 7.88 10.75 16.00 9.03 38.13 100.32 9.25 26.14 2.75 24.20 20.00 10,00 4.50 6.05 13.14 46.00 40.50 123.75 24.25 119.00 2.60 7.15 2.13 42.43 17 -,.'::e-oo,..,...:olere=e0e.eeerereoe,eoete.seereeet, .e.ee±'.oeereee°'ee?eeeeee'e''-e'=erre 591 • Schmitz Simms Sunny d. de Walker Wanzer 1101 eeler Coal Co Whisinand Saddler Saddler Shick Whe at G. W. ts. Conrad H. C. c. V. w. G. W. G. Henry o. T. Blocker Orval Brown vern Byers Lumber Co Christensen Lester Daugherty P. R. Dickers on lc E. Duncan C. S. Easter John Essinger Oil Co Ft3lzine • Finnigsmie r ricke O'Brien Furry Huxtable Fricke Co ffey G ro th ens Furry Strome r Krull We athe rwax Heenan Halloran Hargleroad Harglero ad Hargl ero ad Hargleroad Burroughs Kistler Peterson Haws & Sons Hershey S. S. Kaarner lohr Drug Store Kenesaw Mot or Co Kindig A. P. Kitts Andy Kroblen Radiator Works Laird & Co L. D. Lutz .Ernest aihattari Oi I Co McDonough Paris Pavelk'a Shaw Shaw Srni th Smith Machinery Smith Machinery Standard Oil Co Stone Whitesel Gangw ish Finnigsmier Kroll Pratt Whitesel R. A. H. M. et al E. A. Thos L. A. Edgar 3. H. John Harry J. H. Walter John E. P. Edward Wm James C. W. B. W. B. W. B. Wendell Chester tirank A. Boont j er Cox Gartner Murdock W. H, tired James Ui arles ohn Roy K. Co Co Ted Ira Albert H. M. Albert Ramon VI W. C. urey J. L. P. H. Archie POOR AID 71ND Cont. Drugs Drugs bervices Groceries uroceries coal Groceries SOLDIERS & SAILORS PELIE F FUND Relief of soldiers Relief of soldiers & Relief of soldiers & Relief of soldiers COUNTY HI 11WAY REID $ailors sailors sailors sailors 'ream work Lab or Lath abor Labor iii ther buppli es Operating grader Gas Dr a.ggi ng County roads Team work Labor Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Supervising County roads & mileage Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging County ro ads Services as patrolman up er ating tractor money pad for telephone calls Error on claim corrected by Auditor 1,1p ervi sin g County roads & mileage Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Gas & Oil e,lacksmithing Ether , etc. use o f drill Breaking roads Lab or Repairing tractor radiator Supplies 'ream work Gas & Oil Labor hauling sneer fence Labor rutting up cable • Labor Patrol Work Supplies Supplies Gas & Oil erating tractor Labor Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging County roads .uragging County roads ouperintending County roads 8: mileage COUNTY GRAVEL FUND spreading , gravel Chocking gravel supervising graveling County roadf spreading gravel 9,70 4.50 58,00 13,80 6,55 4.50 4.95 16.65 25.00 100.00 60.00 4.30 1.20 .55 11.20 6,80 7.50 2.00 35.88 40.76 3.00 23.80 1.60 3.00 2.25 5.25 2.25 1.50 9.00 75.00 6.00 6. ), 6,54 6.38 18.48 31,75 4.02 10.00 46,40 14.25 12.00 3.75 21.05 17.30 1.15 • 50 4,50 1.60 10.25 1.75 12,00 14.18 6.70 3.00 54.26 1.20 54.75 13.36 5.75 5,60 210.20 13,34 13.34 3.00 4.50 6.00 2.63 41.70 3.30 43.00 122,00 4,80 Motion by Hargleraod, second by Rain forth that the request of Walter M. Crow , County Attorney for necessary stenographic and clerk hi re for the year 1927 for the County Attorney's office be granted at ;90.00 4)er month. Roll call, all voted we. motion carried. Motion by Rain forth , second by Furry that the fourth quarterly report of Geo. Harm, Sheriff, for the year oo 1n0,7 +114 Roqrri nnd ordered placed on file. motion 4 • 593 Thursday January 6th, 1927, 9 O'clock A. Board met as per recess o f J Etral xy 5th, 1927. Roll call, all members were present. Motion by Bargleroad, second by Burry that the following claims be allowed: General B'und, First Trust Co. , 4387.50, road Dragging eund, cert Dericks, nupt. , ;43.00, state Journal Co., $420.75 and County Highway Pund Johnson Oil Co. , $10.50. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth that the Official. Bond of L. N. Button, Register of Deeds be approved. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Hain forth that the official Bond o f martha H. Schultz , County of Public Instruction be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. motion by Hargleroad, second by Furry that the County Clerk be and is hereby instructed to publish in both of the Newspapers of Hastings, Nebr. , a condensed report of the claims allowed and audited by the Adams County Board on the 1925 Levy Funds, Also to publish a condensed report of the claims allowed and audited onthe County Highway budget for the year 1926. Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried. This seemed to conclude the business o f the old Board. motion by Hargleroad, second by ettrry that this Board now adjourn Sine Die, Roll call, all voted aye, Board adjourned Sine Die at 10,e3t• o'clock A. M. 177 County clerk. Chairman 6uperintendent Depl,dty County clerk. Re -Organization o f the Board. At 10:30 o'clock A. M. the County Clerk called the new Board to order. County Judge Joseph M. Turby fill was called in,fdd.oported that County Clerk, J. A. Cates, Supervisors J. H. Furry, M. Fred Ruhter and Geo. G. Bauer'l-Na. fp:Ed—bonds in his o ffice and were duly qualified to assume the dutie.s o f their respective offices The personell. of the Board is as follows: District No 1, J H. Airry, District 4 2, W. C. Whitesel, District # 3, M. Fred Ruhter, District # 4, P. H. Gartner, District # 5, Geo, Bu mr, District # 7, T. R. Rain forth. The County Clerk then asked for a temporary organization to be formed. Motion by Furry, second by Rain forth that we taken an informal ballot for the election of a temporary Chairman. Motion carried. An in fbrrnal ballot was taken ,for temporary chairman which resulted: T. R. Rainfbrth, 6 votes. Motion by Furry, second by Bauer that the Me formal ballot be made formal end that T. R. Rainforth be declared duly elected temporary chairman o f the Board, motion carried. The chairman announced that the Board would now recess until 1:15 P. M. At 1:15 P. le. the Board re -assembled as per recess, Members were present as follows: Bauer, Furry, Gartner, Rainforth, Ruhter and Whitesel. Motion by eiartner, second by Ruhter that we proceed to an informal ballot for the appointment of a Supervisor in District 4 6 to fill vacancy caused by the death of Mn,'Keal. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The chairman appointed as tellers, Ruhter, Gartner, and Whitesel. Informal ballot was taken which resulted as follows: Vance 1, Munroe 1, Jones 2, Firma 1, cola 1,, rormal ballot was then ordered and taken which resulted as follows: Cole 5, Vance 1, The Chairman announced that W. A. Cole having received a Majority of the votes cast is hereby declared duly appointed Supervisor o f Dis trict # 6 to fill vacancy. Motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel that the request of Martha H. Schultze for an assistant in the office of the County Superintendent at a salary of $90.00 per month, be granted by this Board. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. Motion by marry, second by Ruhter that the request of J. A. Cates , County Clerk for a Deputy County Clerk at the salary allowed by statute and one assistant clerk for a period not to exceed 9 months o f each year at a salary not to exceed $1.00.00 per month be granted. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. Appointment o f Lillian Alehouse, Deputy County clerk for the term commencing January 6th, 1927 and ending January 1931 was upon motion by Whitesel, second by Ruhter, confirmed by the Board. Appointment o f G. M. Hewitt, Deputy Register of Deeds, for the term ending January 1931 was upon motion by Bauer, second by slurry, confirmed by the Board. Resignation o fS. B. Sorensen as chairman o f the mothers Pension Committee was upon motion by !curry, second by Bauer accepted by the i3oard. Motion by Whitesel, second by Ruhter, that T. R. Rainforth, Chairman o f the County Board be appointed by this Board as a member of the Mothers Pension Committee, motion carried. Motion by e'urry, second by Ruhter that the fourth quarterly report and the yearly balance sheet o f Lucia Dillenbach, Clerk Of the _District Court be accepted and ordered placed on file, motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Bauer that this Board adjourn to meet again Tuesday, January lith, 1927 at 9 o'clock A. M. Motion carried, Board adjourned. gY2tOd7--e4 County Clerk Temporary Chair 595 Court House, Hastings Nebraeka. Tuesday, January llth, 1927, 9 o'clock A. M. Statutory meeting o f the Board. Board rnet as per adjournment of January 6th, 1927, T. R. Rain forth, Temporary Chairman, presiding, Roll call, all members were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Furry, Gartner, , Rain for th Ruhter andthitese1, Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The County Judge was called in and reported that W. A. Cole, Supervisor for uistrict # 6 to fill vacancy had filed a bond in his o ffice which had been duly approved. The Temporary Chairman announced that the first order o f business would be the nomination and election 0 f a permanent 0hainman. Motion by Gartner, :Second by Ruhter that we proceed to the, election of a permanent Chairman. Motion carried. Motion by Furry, second by Cole that an in fbnnal ballot be taken for the nomination o f a permanent Chairmam. Motion carried, An in lb rmal ballot was taken which resulted as follows; T. R. Rainforth 7 votes. motion by 14urrpf,- second by Gartner that the informal ballot taken be made formal and that T. R. Rain forth be declared duly elected permanent chairman o f this Board for, the year 1927. motion carried. The chairman announced that a recess o f 30 minutes would be taken in order that he might prepare a list of the standing committees. The recess was taken at 9:30 o'clock A. M. At 10 o' clock A. M. the Chairmen called the Board to order, The Chairman announced the following standing committees for the year: SETTLEMENTS Geo. G. Bauer, Unariman and all members of the Beard. FINANCE W. C. Whitesel, Chairman and all members of the Board. COMPLAINTS ,ec BONDS J. H. Furry, Chairman, Fred Ruhter and W. A. Cole. ROADS & BRIDGES P. 1-4 Gartner, Chairmen and all members of the Board. LANDS & BUILDINGS W. A. Cole, Chairmen, P. H. Gartner and T. R. Rainforth COUNTY FARM Fred Ruhter, Chairman, W. C. Whitesel and J. H. Furry SUPPLY J. A. Cates, Chairman, Martha H. Schultz and T. R. Rain forth Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the following estimate o f probable expenses on the different tax levy funds be made as follows, to..wit, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Estimates follow: GENERAL FUND 0 Sal aries ............. 17,500.00 Assessment 6,000.00 ...... .00 Adams County ?arm Bureau 3,500.00 ..... . 1,500.00 Jail............. ..... 040. ... • . • ..... 400.0 2,000.00 Lands & Buildings . ....... . 4,000.00 Gas, Light & Water......0 .e. ;00 .... 1,500.00 Telephones.,... ...... 750.00 Printing (5; office supplies.,.. . ........ 4,500.00 Mileage.. , ..... ...... .. ,.. ..... ....,...... 1,000000 County Farm........................,.....3,500.00 District Court....,5,000.00 ...... County Court.. ,......, . .......... . . . ...... 2,500.00 Justice Court................0.0..... 03,0•0 1 ,000. 00 Insane Commi ssion.... ............ ......... 1,500,00 Board o f Health....1,500.00 . ..... 0014.40e9O,4.040.041 InSUranCes......,... 1,500.00 08.0400.4. ...... 44..00 Blind Pension s...... .. . . ......... 4 750.00 84.....!. POStage00.0..........•••••••4•044••449 0 0 I,• 1,000000 bupervisors.............. ............ .4," 4,000.00 Nebraska Feeble Minded Institution .. .. . .. 500.00 Miscellaneous Purposes.......... ... ,...... 10,000.00 75,000.00 .:"-:'-'-'.'..'....'-n'eeteteaetreeseeeateteOe'4'e4taet0-'-e;ea4tettat'aeteeeteattteteetteateaeee:'eeeene.-_at.eee!.4eteat.etetE.-ereeeeee-ai!a1.te. 597 " "ira;4WgffAi,AV-t-sw'A' eiitagvoi BRIDGE FUND Building new bridges and repairs, etc. '.10THERS PENSION FUND For Mothers Pensions COUNT! FAIR MID For permanent improvements and premiums SOLDIERS ec SAILORS RELIEF FUND For relief of sol die rs and Sailors P -OR AID:71ND Per all purposes of relief $ 75,000.00 40,000.00 3,500.00 2,000.00 7 50.00 8,000.00 Total estimates on all funds -$129,250.00 Motion by Il'urry, second by iauer that we adopt the plans for itoe1, Wood and Concrete bridges now on file in toe Office a f the County clerk, with all spool fications as en.umerated therein as the official plans for the building of bridges in Adams County, Nebraska, for the year 1927. A13. voted aye. Motion carried. :Lotion by Whitesel, second by 14 -tarry that the County Clerk be and is hereby instructed by this Board to advertise for bias for the construction of steel, wood and concrete bridges, on a yearly contract basis, for the year 1927. Roll co.11, all voted aye. Motion carried. motion by harry, second by Ruhter that the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized to issue .kalary warrants on the first day of each month to all County Officers, Deputies and Clerks in County Offices who are entitled to receive pay on County Warrants and in such amounts as are fixed by law governing the different County Offices, or upon agreements with the County Board. Also, that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to sign such warrants. Also, that this order apply to County Road employees who are to receive a monthly salary. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Application o f 1, H, Kerr, for appointment as Janitor for the Court Howe for the year 1927 was read and ordered placed on fi3.e. Motion by Bauer, second by Vtleitesel that thc following bonds be approved and ordered placed on record: L. E. Isaac, lown Clerk, Denver Township, John Livingston, Town Clerk, West Bluo Township, G. M. Hewitt, Deputy Register o f needs, C. A, Heartwell, County Surveyor, H. 1.1. Carpenter, .Member o f Soldier es. Sailors Relief Commission, Depository Bond of First National Bank, Depository Bond of Nebraska National Bank. Motion carried. Bonds approved, Thoraa.s Murphy, made application for blind pension for the year 1927 which was upon motion by Furry, second by Cole granted by the Board at 3250.00 peer year, pay -able quarterly. At 12 o'clock voon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M, At 1:15 P. M. , the Board re -assembled with all members present. Bids for supplies which were advertised for were opened at this time. Only one bid was received,that was Wahlquist Brothers quoting prices on stationery,after considering the matter the Board concluded that the average prices on the bid submitted were no better than could be had on the open :a erket and upon motion by Furry, second by Ruhter all bide for supplies were rejected and the supply committee was authorized to purchase supplies on the open market at thebest prices obtainable. Roll call, on the above motion all voted aye. Motion carried. The following list of names were submi tted by the supervisors in District numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 as superin- tendents of Road Dragging of Township roads for 1927; Supervisors District # 1 West Blue Township: D. N. Bitner, Highland Township: O. M. Doty, Denver Township: Frank Quade, Blaine Township: E. W. Lenz, Supervisors District if 2 Verona Township: Carl Ground, Kenesaw Township: R. vv. Balke, Wanda Township: W. B. Bobbitt, Juniata Township: Cecil Buskirk, Supervisors Di strict * 3 Roseland Township: John Winter, Cottonwood Township: John Kral, Logan TownshipP Carl Schmidt, oilver Lake Township: Arthur Burge. 6upervisors District # 4 Little Blue Township:' E. R. Anderson, Zero Township: Simon Krueger, Ayr Township: Bert Dericks, Hanover Township: Wrn. E. Stroraer. Motion by Whitesel, second by Furry that the above appoinbaents be confirmed b y this Board. Roll call, ayes, Bauer, Furry, Gartner, Rain forth, Ruhter and Miteeel; Cole temporarily absent and not voting. Motion carried. Lotion by Gartner, second by nuhter that the 1927 scale o f prices for Road work be made as fo3.1.ows: Single max: 40g man & team 600 Man & 2 teams 75g 14'or tractor and grader men $120.00 per month. These being the voted aye. motion carried. per hour per hour per hour same prices paid during 1926. Roll call, all A certificate •filed by reartha H. Schultz, cOunty nuperintendent, showing that the school census of Adams County taken in June 1926 shows a total o f 7211 pupils. Another communication from Martha H. Schultz, county Superintendent, addressed to the noard 0 f supervisors suggests that this Board fix and determine the salary to be paid to the County Superintendent basing same upon the school census taken. 599 and, after careful consideration of the evidence and being fully advised in the remises, TIE BOA.RD FINDS FROM THE EVIDENCE: That the school population of Adams County, Nebraska, is Seven thousand two hundred. eleven (7211) and in pursuance to Section 2391 Compiled Statute o f Nebraska, 1922, the salary of said county superintendent should be fixed at not less than Twenty four hundred Dollars ($2400.00) as provided by law. Roll call, all voted aye. Lotion carried. At .5 o'clock P. M. the Board recessed until, Wednesday January• 12, 1927. at 930 o'clock A. M. Wednesday, January 12th, 1927. 9:30 o'clock A. M. Board re -assembled as per recess. Roll call, all manbers were present, Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that we appropriate $20,000,00 from the Road Dragging Fund to the County Highway Budget for the year 1927. This 320 ,000. 00 to be divided equally between nupervisors pis tricts numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively, in the amount of $5000.00 to each named district. This budget is adopted by the Board and expected to co ver all cp sts of the construction and enaintenance o f the 2163; miles of the county highway system for the year 1927. Roll call, all voted aye,; motion carried. motion by Whitesel, second by Bauer that the cost o f repairing and putting road machinery in shape for use on the county highway system and what new machinery that may be necessary to buy, be paid for from the Road Dragging rutid. This to apply to the cost necessary frr these purpoSes up to April lst, 1927, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Motion by Bauer, second by Furry that the Depository Bondso f the First National Bank be approved and ordered placed on record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. motion by Whitesel, second by Gartner that we proceed to an informal ballot for the appointment of a Highway Commissioner, motion carried, An informal ballot was ordered. The Chairman appointed as tellers, Ruhter, uartner and Cole. An informal ballot was taken w.ch resulted as follows: McDowell 1, Gartner 1, Yihitesel 1, Furry 4, formal ballot was then taken which resulted as follows: Furry 4, nitesel 1, Gartner 2, The Chairman announced that Mr. Furry having received a majority of the votes cast be declared duly appointed Highway Commissioner for the year 1927, eaotion by nauer, second by whitesel that we abandon and turn back to Kenesaw and Verona Township for maintenance a part of Adams County Road. # 7 described as follows, to-eit; Commencing at the northwest corner of section 11, town 8, range 12, thence running east two miles between sections 2 and 11 and sections 1 a,ndel2, town 8, range 12, thence running east 6 miles between sections 6 and 7, 5 and 8, 4 and 9, 3 and 10, 2 and 11, and 1 and 12, town 8, range 11 and terminating at th northeast corner of section 12, and the southeast corner of section 1 town 8, range 11, and to substi tute for this part of County road # 7 abandoned a new countyroad to be known as county road number '21i and described as follows, to -wit; Commencing at the northeast corner of Seotion 5, and the northwest corner of section 4, running south 6 miles between sections 4 and 5, 8 and 9, 16 and 17, 20 and 21, 28 and 29 8, range 11, thence south 2 miles between sections 4 and 5, 3 and 9, town 7, range 11 Len with the State and Federal road known as the D. L. D. road, and that the County Clerk be to advertise this according to law and to set a time for a hearing to be had so that all ei ther in the abandonment of a part o f County road # 7, or in the proposed new county ro opportunity to be heard. Roll call, on the above motion all voted aye, motion carried. Motion by Gole, second by Furry that the Official Bond o f M. H. Berres, Constable be aperoved. Motion town 8, range 11, thence and 32 and 33, town d connecting therat instructed to proceed pe rsons interested ad may have an carrie d. At 12 o'clock Noon the 13oard recessed until 1:15 P. M. , when they again resumed with all el:sabers present. A short session was held and at 2:30 o'clock la, M, upon motion by Bauer, second by Whitesel the Board adjourned to meet again on Saturday February 5th, 1527 at 9 o'clock A, M. tdoun ty Clerk. Ar / ') Deputy County. Clerk, 691 Court House, Hastings ,• Nebraska Saturday, February 5th, 1927, 9 o'clock A. If!. Adams County Board of Supervisors rnet as per adjournment of /anuary 12th , 1927. T. R. Rain forth , Chai rman presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Furry, Gartner, , minutes o f the last regular meeting were read and approved. The semi-annual report of the County Treasurer was read and, upon motion by Whitesel, second by Bauer, the report was accepted and a copy was ordered pasted in the Supervisors record. Two bridge petitions were read before the Board as follows ; one by O. L. Plum and others asking that a bridge be built between sections 15 and 16, town 8, range 10, And a petition to enlarge a bridge signed by Ueo. Johanssen and others, between sections 19 and 30, Wanda Township. Both petitions were referred to the Road and Bridge committee. The renewal of Mothers Pensions o f Mrs. Laura Marsh and Mrs, Jennie Sass which were ordered by the County Court were upon motion by Ruhter, second by Cole confirmed by this Board ,nd the clerk instructed to issue warrants for these pensions. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the following Resolution be adopted: Be it resolved that the County Treasurer of Adams County, Nebr. , be and is hereby authorized to deposit in the following named banks which have been heretofore duly and legally selected as depositories of County funds in excess of fifty (50%) per cent of paid up capital stock and eurpIus of said banks, provided however that said excess does not exceed the capital stock and surplus in any one bank, and provided further, that in case of National Banks, depository bonds in due form or laW042:furnished for any such excess deposit tO-wit; Rainforth, Ruhter anjaliteeel. Roseland State Bank, Roseland, Nebr. Prosser '.:tate Bank, Prosser, Nebr First State Bank, Hayland, Nebr, Kenesaw State Bank, Kenesaw, Nebr, First State Bank, aenesaw, Nebr, Pauline State Bank, Pauline, Nebr. Hansen State Bank, Hansen, Nebr, Farmers State Bank, Ayr, Nebr, State Bank Juniata, Juniata, Nebr, First State Bank, Holstein, Nebr, First National tank, Hastings, Nebr, Nebraska National Bank, Hastings, Nebr. State Bank, Hastings., Nebr. Roll call, on the above Resolution, all voted Capital '1 11 11 If 11 11 11 tt 41 25 ,000 20,000 15,000 30,000 25,000 7,500 10,000 15,000 20 ,000 25,000 200,000 100,000 75,000 aye. Resolution adopted. Surplus $2500 " $1400 $5000 #3000 7000 7500 41 4. ft .4 44 3000 5000 5000 100 ,000 20,000 8,000 Motion by 11Urrye second by Ruhter that the following official bonds be approved: Motion carried. Mtto Gilliland, Road Overseer, Wanda Township, J ohn Ricker, Road Overseer, Silver Lake Township, L. R. Rickerson, Road Overseer, Roseland Township, Richard Plautz, Road Overseer, Ayr Township, C. Hansen, Road Overseer, Roseland TOwnehiP, Arthur Frahm, Road Overseer, Zero Township, °has. Voneusch, Road Overseer, Logan Township, Chester Kistler, Road Overseer, Silver Lake Township, Chris Trausch, Road Overseer, Roseland Township, Charles Krabel, Road Overseer, Ayr Township, Henry Bloomenkamp, Road Overseer, Ayr Township, Herman Plautz Read Overseer, zero TownshiP, Fred Classen, Road Overseer, Hanover Township, B. G. Wigest, Road Overseer, Ayr Township, Fred Augustin, Town Treas. , Juniata, Township, William Huse, Road Overseer, Zero Township, Lawrence Boni fas, Road Overseer, Roseland Township, Karl Reichert, Road Overseer, Cottonwood Township, Henry Gartner, Town Treas. , Ayr Township, Felix Young, Gonstable, Kenesaw Township, Conrad Grothen, Town Treas. , Denver Township, J. H. Furry, Highway Commissioner and Depository Bond of Nebraska National ank, At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M. , when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Whitesel, second by Furry that the County Treasurer be instructed to refund to S. C. Slife, $5.28 Village of Trumbull Tan,errouneously assessed on Mr. Sli fe' s personal schedule for the year 1926 as shown by tax receipt iL5182. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Furry, second. by Bauer that we' purchase a new Monroe Calculator #KA200 at an agreed price of $369.00. Poll Call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Several representatives of Road machinery companies appeared before the Board and. propositions of buying road machinery was considered but no action taken, Motion by thitesel, second by Furry that the following claims be allowed on their respective Hinds and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Rolleallaallvotedaye. Motion carried, Claims follow: -aasSdimannasasAaaaaaaaaaaoaaaaoaa 603 Adams h. A. Adams County Farm Bureau Bauer, Geo. Supervisors s Burroughs Adding Machine Co Byers Lumber Company Cannon T. N. Cole WS A. County Treas, Crosson Raymond L. Crosson Raymond L. Crosson Raymond L. Corrson Raymond L. Davis Elliott R. Deines Drug Co Democrat Printing Co Dillenbach Lucia Farmers Union State Exchange Furry J. H. uartner P. H. Gaston Music & .9srniture Co Gaudreault Mere, Co A. J. Gaudreault A. J. et al Grande Upholstering Hastings Daily Tribune Co Hastings Fuel Co Kline J. B. Land C. H. Letton Chas, B. Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co Local Registrars Monroe Omaha Printing Co Proffitt Harry Queen City Laundry Co Rainforth T. R. Rants Charles Renner & Serf Ruh ter Ryan Schultz Simms Sorensen Stevens Plumbing Co Stewart Walter Trubyfill Joseph Underwood Typewriter Co University Publishing Co Wahlquist Brothers Western Union Tel. Co Whitesel w C. Widmaier Wm. Wolbach & Brach M. Fred Austin Martha H. B. M. 3, B. Creason Furry Zones & Sons Lutz Reichert Ayr Township Blaine Township Blocker Byers Lumber Co Cottonwood Township Denver Township Fisher Fischer & Groff Bruntz Mathews 0' Brien Stulken Grothaus Fricke Valentine Furry Gartner Krueger Starner Consb ruck Eigenberg Dycus Rtl-rimAr Chas L. A. T. W. Ernest Karl R Crvil Glen Alex G. F. Thomas August Harry J. H. henry L. A. P. H. Paul Anton Jacob H. H. Edward wm_ G. M. ,g''4IttW,Zaaf4,S,VOA'Wg-AVO: GENERAL FUND Repair work done at court Huse Office expense Supervisors services Services Plaster, sand etc, Supplies, Co. Farm Supervisors services & mileage Telephone, gas, light, etc, Court House Jail expense Jail costs, office expense Services & mileage Jail expense Mileage Supplies, Court House Supplies, Court House Court costs, Office expense Supplies, Couaty Farm Supervisors services & mileage supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Co. Farm Supplies Services Repair work Displays Coal, Court House Supplies, Court House Board for inmates at County Farm In case Campbell Vs State Toll calls, Court House Toll calls, Farm Bureau Recording births & deaths New Calculating machine Error -No holder MileTe, Lincoln to convention Laundry, Court House Supervisors services Labor at Court House Supplies, Court House Supervisors services & miles Paper eapaint, Court House Office expense Supplies Supervisors services Lavatory & labor Repairs, Court House County Court poets New typewriter . Supplies, Court House Supplies, Court House Messages Supervisors services & mileage Services Linoleum, Sheriff's office BRIDGE FUND Hauling bridge plank Hauling bridge plank Supplies Hauling bridge plank ailing in bridge ROAD DRAGGING FUND Road dragging Road dragging Labor Lath Road dragging Road dragging Labor Blackamithing Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Inspecting County roads & mileg Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging County roads 15.90 11,95 70.00 5.43 4.75 18.30 52.40 199.08 95.25 20.15 26.70 39.00 65.00 81,05 351.80 110.,0 16.35 27.40 50.30 6.75 2.20 26.20 2.50 60.55 400.10 27.62 236.66 23.00 7.00 4.95 65.50 369.00 20.30 26.00 7.23 85.00 33.65 77.25 44.10 21.71 58.00 .85 5.00 31.90 6.40 45.60 60.00 2.61 54.50 2.64 32,80 13.40 116.83 4.00 3.60 6,35 3.60 1.60 73.24 24.62 1.50 .55 10,75 31.37 10.58 6.05 3.75 3.00 6.00 4.50 6.75 3.00 6.00 6.75 9.00 6.75 7.50 8.25 11,25 11.25 5.62 61)5 Haws & Sons Highland Township Juniata Township Kenesaw Township Kindig Kistler moble Radiator et Lippincott Lippincott Simmons Pfeil too a..00..a000,,,n„„n„000noanonoaoaaooeaosa"saoaaLoe;;ossssssre=asrsrssnsoatosaeotltfsww4r' JE .. Chaster et Fender Works Orlie Seth Niles Albert Little Blue Township Logan Township Logan Township Manhattan Oil Co Roseland Township Ruh ter Routh Felzine Christensen Schiffler Shurrigar Smith Machinery Co Smith Machinery Co Standard Oil Co Verona Township Wanda Township West Blue Township Whitesel Whitesel Fischer Burling Kroll Kent Williams Baugh Katzberg Veber Bobbitt Osler Gangwish Zero Township Zero Toymship Zero Township Carpenter French Adams County Bauer Bauer Bauer Cannon Carl Cowton Coal S;ckhardt Godding Hastings Herbsto Jones Kenesaw Mill Larsen Mace Mace Mary Lanning Mary Lanning likkelsen Drug Co Nebraska Sanitarium Nowers Nowera Olson rratt Prosser Lumber & Schlueter Lumber Simms Staikey Grocery Sunnyside Walker Wanzer Weingart Oil Co Co Fuel Co M. Fred Jas. R. A. Hans Ab r ab am John B. Ira et al W. C. Dan C. K. Albert Edwin R K. R. J. R. Arthur Theo W. B. A. Albert H. M. al mrs. Albert nenry Jacob eacob T. N. 13. F, H. O. U. S. Henry Dr. Sherman J & Elev. Co H. G. John 14 John L Memorial Hospital Memorial Hospital W. E. W. E. R. C. J. C. Coal Co Co 3. M. Conrad H. C. W. IN. ROAD DRAGGING MD Cont. Ga ,Oil Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Dragging County roads Labor Repair tractor Snow shoveling Snow shoveling Snow shoveling Snow shoveli4g Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Gas & Oil Road dragging Supervising roads & mileage Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging Countyroads Dragging County roads Labor Repairs & supplies Repairs & supplie Gas & 011 Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Labor Superintending uounty roads Dragging Gotinty roads Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND For relief of soldiers &sailors POOR AID FUND Services Coal Groceries Groceries, Groceries, Drugs Groceries, Coal Groceries Groceries uoal Groceries bervices Coal Groceries rrofessional services rrofessional services Services Services Drugs Services rrofessional services Professional services Groceries Groceries 6oal Uoal Drugs Groceries services Groceries. Groceries Groceries. COUNTY GRAVEL FUND 35.25 52.76 63.63 53.47 4.50 22.62 2.50 6.80 3.20 3.20 3.20 36.05 17.87 26.68 18.65 41.13 20.40 3.00 6.0C 9.00 3.00 6.00 187.78 120.91 25.20 45.62 74.88 13.37 25.30 49.40 1.13 2.62 6.00 4.50 6.00 6.00 5.25 3.00 4.50 5.62 3.00 13.38 74.59 18.98 100.00 10.00 5.50 20.76 7.54 1.56 5,85 15.01 77.05 43.89 26.27 40,95 22.80 3.00 5.82 51,10 66.00 128.00 23.10 83.95 35.72 145.00 63.34 8.00 63.63 10.93 6.95 12.25 5.10 31,67 58.00 28.39 1.38 12.38 r 607 • •"'• gr.Afil • - Smithr Roy K Valentine Henry COUNTY GRAVFIL FUND Cont. L ab o r Spreading gravel 20.70 19.50 Motion by Irgleitesel, second by Gartner, that we appropriate $10.00 per month for a period of 6 months, to Mrs, Albert French o f Bingham, Nelor., for the care and support of Ruth and Rebecca Mecham, Adams County children who are making their home with Mrs. French. And that the Clerk be instructed to issue warrants on the first of each month. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. At 5 o'clock P. M., the Board recessed until Monday, February 7th, 1927 at 9 o'clock A. Id, Monday February 7th, 1927. 9 o'clock A. 1v1„ Board met as per recess of e'ebruary 5th, 1927 with all members present. Motion by Bauer, second by Furry that the Official bond of Charles Hager, Road Overseer, District # 3, Little Blue Township, be approved by this i3oard. Motion carried. At 10 o'clock A. M. the time set by Mae County Clerk for a hearing on the proposed abandonment of a part of Adams County road # 7 and the substitution thereof o f a new county road to be known as County road # 4, a hearing was held, A petition signed by abbut 80 persons favorable to the proposed new county road was received. A large delegation from the neighborhood o f this proposed new road appeared before the Board and considerable objection was made to making this change. After considerable discussion a motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that we continue the hearing on this :natter until Monday, March 7th, 1927 at 10 o'clock A. M. Iviotion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. , when they again resumed with all members present, for receiving proposals for bridge work for the year 1927, as Standard Bridge Company of Omaha, Nebr. , :frank H. Kitts, Hastings, bids, At 2 o' clock P. M. this being the time set advertised the following bids were opened: Nebraska. The Board duly considered these II/lotion by Gartner, second by whitesel that the bid of and best bid on this class of bridges, be accepted by Kitts for the building on concrete bridges for the Frank H. Kitts on concrete bridge work being the lowest this Board and that we enter into a contract with Frank year 1927. Roll call, all. voted aye, motion carried, motion by iikarry, second by 13 auer that the bid of the Standard Bridge Compan y of Omaha, Nebr., being the lowest and best bid on steel and wooden bridges be accepted by this Board and that we award the contract for building steel and wooden bridges in Adams County, Nebr. , to the Standard Bridge oo. , of Omaha, Nebr. , for the year 1927. Roll call, all voted aye. Mettion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruther that the report of Greenburg and Arnold, auditors employed by the Bond to audit the books of the county offices for the year 1925 and 1926 be accepted by this Board and ordered placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Gopy of a resolution adopted by township boards in a mooting held at Juniata, nebr., regarding prices charged by the County Board for grading township roads was received and read. N 0 action taken by the Board. At 5 o'clock P. M. the Board. recessed until Tuesday, February 8th, 1926. 9 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, •February 8th, 1926. 9 o'clock A. M. Board re -assembled as per recess of Jebruary 7 th , 1927. Roll call, all members were present, The matter o f prices chirgecl for grading township raods came up for discussion, motion by tiurry, second by Bauer that the price to be charged townships for grading township roads is to be the same as was charged in 1926, namely, Tp' 6.O0 per hour for time actually used in grading township roads. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Furry, second by Ruhter that the official bond of Joe Juranek, Road Overseer, nistrict 4, Little Blue, Township be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Balance of the Forenoon session taken up in a general discussion of Gounty roaes and road machinery. At 12 o'clock Noon the liourd recessed until 1 o' clock ? . Id. when they again resumed with all members present, motion by rihitese,l, second by bauer that the Glairn of nartford A. Kelley on the ueneral eund for §600.00 be allowed. Roll call, all voted aye, motion cartied. motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel that we purchaae 2 Rumely Oil -Pull Tractors, 30-60, at an agreed $6350.00 0, B., LaPorte, lnd. Roll call, voted aye, motion carried. Mot or: by Gartner, second by vole that A. i:!:. '4Thereupon the Board adjourned. yaloca.a... County Clerk, eeezofLee: z2Z-e-Joaen,o, Deputy County olerk. price o f this Board adjourn to :meet again Saturday, march 5th , 1927 at 9 o' clock rgRacAzt- Chairman 699 6, , rrrArrq," ...e.eateee teeteiro a#040,0* eaeaei:: 7eee44eee4eeeeeerrr 4ieenrereseenne renneren. seer r inee ;See ere geeei COURT HOUSE, HA.STINGS, NEBR. Saturday, March 5th, 1927, 9 o' clock A. kii. Adams County Boerd of supervisors met in regular session pursuant to adjournment of February 8th, 1927. T. R. Rainforth, Chairman presided. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Parry, Gartner, Rain forth, Ruther and Vuhitesel. Minutes o f the last regular meeting were read and approved by the Board. Motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel that the following Official Bonds be approved; Motion carried. Elmer Buettgenbacle,Constable Logan Township, Albert Einspahr, Road Overeeer, District # 3, Wanda Township, Nick Howat, Road Overseer, District f 4, Denver Township, Willis.m Jacobltz , Road Overseer, District -If Wanda Township, Wes, Gartner, Road Overseer, District # 1, Little Blue Townehip, Bert Shay, Road Overseer, District # 3, Denver Township, ilred Taute, Road Overseer, District # 4, Verona Township, Andrew Smidt, Road Overseer, District if 1, Hanover Township, Bert Needhara, Road Overseer, District # 56, Logan Township, E. A. Fricke, Road Overseer, District ff 2, West Blue Township, Wm. Thompson, Road Overseer, District # 58 Logan Township, Conrad Traut, Road Overseer, District # 2, Denver Township, Frank Quade, Road Overseer, District 1, Denver Township. A Petition signed by Nick Hoffman and others asking that the 13oarvacate a part of the public highway on the Township line between the townships of Roseland and Ayr and described further as follows: Commencing at the N. E. corner c f section 1, town 6, range 11, and the N. W. corner o f section 6, Town 6, range 10, thence running south onel-half mile to the center, of said section 1, town 6, range 11 on the east side thereof and the center of said section 6, town 6, range 10 on the west side thereof. This Petition was read before the Board and duly considered by them. Metion by Gartner, second by Parry that the prayer o f the above petition be not granted. Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried. Petition signed by L. W. Yenckel asking a renewal o f blind pension o f $200.00 per year. This pension was upon motion by furry, second by Gartner granted. Annual report o f Henry Shick, member o f Soldiers & Saila:es Relief Commission was read and upon motion by Whitesel, second by Pauer the report was acceptedand ordered placed on file. Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that this Board offer a standing reward of 0100.00 to be paid to any one person giving inforraatio.n leading to the arrest and conviction and sentence to the penintnntary and upon actual commitance to the penitentary, for the stealing of chickens or live stock in /Warns County, Nebr. Roll cal),, all voted aye. Motion carried. A ceremureication from Mrs. C. E. Bower., Supervisoro f Minerva Cottage Omaha, Nebr. , in regard to some Adorns County girls that they were taking care of was read before the Board. No action taken by the Board. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the following concrete bridge b One concrete bridge Zero Township; One concrete bridge Blue Township and; One concrete bridge Roseland Township. Iv At 21 o'clock Noon the 20 foot clear roadway, 16 foot waterway, flat top, 3 20 foot clear roadway, 20 foot waterway, flat top, 8 20 foot clear roadway, 20 foot waterway, flat Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. , when they e ordered built; foot •wings, between sections 19 and 30 foot wings on section 21, Little top, 8 foot wings between sections 35 and 36 again resumed with all members present. motion by furry, second by Ruhter that the County Assessor be instructed to order the Precinct Assessors to take a careful census of Adams County for the purpose of determining the population of said County for the year 1927 . otion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Furry that the following wooden bridges be ordered built by the Standard Bridge 041e One One One One One One One One wooden bridge at LeRoy, 16 foo wooden bridge between sections wooden bridge between sections wooden bridge between sections wooden bridge on cemetery road wooden bridge between sections wooden bridge between sections wooden bridge between sections wooden bridge between sections Roll call, on the above motion, all voted aye. Motion carried, t roadway, 3-32 foot span; 2 and 3, Blaine Township, 16 foo t roadway and 2-24 foot span; 5 and 6 Blaine Township, 16 foot roadway, 1-32 foot span; 27 and 28, Slain° Township, 16 foo t roadway, 2-24 foot span; west o f Juniata., 16 foot roadway, 1-24 foot span. 28 and 33, Juniata, 16 foot roadway, 2-24 foot span; 13 and 14, Roseland Township, 16 foot roadway, 1-20 foot span; 10 and 11, Silver Lake Township, 16 foot roadway, 8-32 foot span; 27 and 34, Zero Township, 16 foot roadway, 1-20 foot span. Co.; Motion by rurry,second by Bauer that upon the reeoseaendation 0 f the entire Board acting as an auditing committee the following claims be allowed on their respective fund e and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Claims follow: Adams A A American Multigraph Sales Co Barnard Stationery Co Geo. D. Ba.tta-n A. I. Bauer Geo, G. Broadway Cafe Byers Lumber Co Cannon T. N. Central Power Co Crosson Raymond L. GENERAL FUND Labor at eourt Moue Multigraph ribbon Supplies eervices Leapervisors services & mileage Meals for Jury Material used at Court House :Dupplies, Go. Farm eupplies, Court House Jail expense, o ffice expense 91. 55 2.73 6.21 5.50 79.70 14.50 25.40 7.60 22.85 238.09 Furry Gartner Gaudreault Yierc Co Halte Hastings Fuel Co Keith Kline Land Lincoln Tel. & 731. Co Lincoln Teel. & Tel. Co Milburn & Scott CO Murphy Typewriter CO McGrath Hdvi Co Oliver Lumber Co Omaha School Supply Co Polenske Bros.. Schell ak Queen City Laundry Co Rain forth Renner & Serf Ruhter Schultz Sigel Cafe Simms Stein Bros Co Stevens Plumbing Co Stewart Templin Turbyfill University Publishing University Publishing VanPatten Webb Whitosel Widmaier Wolbach & Brach T. S. J H. ?„ H. A. J. Geo Jones .8/ Sons Merkel Shaw VanBoening 1442';;;;Qar W. et al J, B. U. H. & Co R. m. Fred Martha H. B. M. Walter G. W. H. Joseph M. Co Co C• J ay W. C. T. W. claus John et al Harm Adams & Co J. D. Ayr Township Road Dragging Blaine Township Burge L. A. et al Cottonwood Township Denver Township Easter John Tischer ulen O'Brien Thomas Grothaus Harry McWhirter C. W. Murdock Archie Schlacter J. C. McWhirter ben Coffey J ohn Mathews G. F. Furry L. A. Baker J. N. Stromer m. E. Starner Anton Krull John Consbruck Jacob Woodworth F, H. Schmidt Ernest Stromer Walter Kreuger Simon Eigenberg n. H. Reis L. A. Baker: Clifford Herren Edward Weatherwax E, P. Gerloff Herman Moss W. H. Valentine Onno Smidt John Hagemann 4 C. Halloran m. Hanover Township Hastings Mach Service Co Haws & Sons Highland Township Juniata Township Vernsaw Tmnlement f!0 1, v 611 GENERAL FIT M Cont. Mileage on ioLhers Pension Committee supervisors.-6erices & mileage supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Court House services at Co un ty Farm Coal, Court House Witnesses, Insanity case supplies, Court House -oard for inmates at Go. Farm Toll call!, Court House Toll calls, Farm Bureau Supplies,- Co. Supt. Remington overhaul Supplies Supplies material for Court House repairs Supplies, Co. Supt. lloor material Court House Laundry, Court House supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Court HauSe supervisors services & mileage f fice expense & mileage. meals for jury upplies, Court House Office chairs Labor at Court House 6upplies, Court House Janitor Supplies county Court costs Supplies, CO. Supt Supplies Co. Supt. Supplies, Court House New well; County Farm supervisors services & mileage Services as bailiff supplies, Court House BRIDGE PUN D supplies Labor on brilige Labor on bridge Repairing Co. bridge ROAD DRAGGING FUND Repairs Road dragging Road dragging Dragging County roads Road dragging Road dragging Labor on Co. Highway Labor Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dr agging Dragging Bragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging* Dragging Co, Dragging uo. Dragging Co. Dragging Co, Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Supplies Patrolman Ho ad dragging Supplies (as & Oil Road dragging Road dragging Supplies . & Repairs Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. 00. Co. Co, Co. Go, Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. roads roads roads roads ro ads roads roads roads roads raads ro ads rao ds ro ads roads roads roads roads roads roads ro ads roads roads ro ds roads roads roads roads 3.40 44.90 66.20 9.10 8.75 185.80 28.30 13.92 221.32 35.15 7.25 11.77 14.50 2.36 11.30 30.70 110.00 6,03 73.00 184,10 91.90 44.09 44.50 3.95 23.50 5.20 10,25 1.25 63.35 19.32 19.64 5.00 92.25 63.70 90.00 19.88 5.80 3.20 2.30 3.20 20.70 89,24 82.37 30.00 10.50 61.19 43.70 26.22 3.00 6.75 7.50 6.75 4.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.25 14.63 9.00 11.25 8.25 13.50 4.50 9.00 10.50 7.50 6.75 3.00 9.75 11.25 9.00 11.25 16.50 6.75 32,63 5.70 28.52 93.31 1.25 44,30 53.55 3212 143.85 613 Pavelka Peterson Roseland Township Ruh ter Shaw Silver Lake Township Smith Verona Township Wanda Township Wanda Township We West Blue Township te s el White sol Gangwi eh Burling Baugh Bobbitt Maxfield Weber Kent Zero Township Carpenter Shick thick Wheat Bauer Beghtol Cannon Carl C. B,.& Q. Ry Co. Cowton Coal Co Eckhardt Godding Gray Hastings Fuel Co. Heti de Herbst Juniata Gr 4, Live Larsen Mary Lanning Memorial Nebraska Sanitarium Oliver Lumber Co Oliver Lumber Co Olson Rutts Drug Store Schlueter Lumber Uo Sigel Cafe Sims Starkey Grocery Sunnyside Volland Funeral Home Walker Wm Chas, O. M. Fred Uohn et al Roy K. J. W. lra W. C. Albert lias. K. R. W. B, R. E. T. J. Edwin R. H. M. leenry Henry Geo. T. nenrY Dr. J. V. T. N. B. F, • el. 0 • U. S, Dr, 0, S. P. A. floury Stock Assn, H. G. Hospital Furry Gartner Bahlweg R. C. 13. M. uonrad J, H. P. H, August ROAD DRAGGING FUND Cont, Gas, Oil, repairs, etc. Supplies Road dragging 3uperintending County roads Labor Road dragging Patrolman Road. dragging Road dragging hoad dragging Labor Holed dragging Labor buperintending County raods & mileage Dragging County raods Dragging County roads Dragging Roads nragging Co. roads Dragging Uo. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Road dragging SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND Annual meeting cc mileage Commission & annual meeting, mileage Relief of soldiers & sailors Commission & annual meeting, mileage POOR AID FUND uroceries rro fessional services Drugs uroceries Transportation for patient to Umaha Hospital Uoal uroceries uroceries Pro fessional servi cos Uoal uroceries uroceries 00 a]. uroceries Services Services Coal Goal Uroceries . Drugs L'oal Meals Drugs Groceries Services Services uroceries COUNT" GRAVEL FUND Supervising graveling road Supervising graveling road spreading gravel At 5 o'clock P. M. the Board recessed until Monday March 7th, 1927 at 9 o'clock h. M. 33.45 .75 41,46 35.40 53.82 51.25 27.60 47.09 11,34 30.24 1.60 29.12 26.22 31.00 3.00 5.25 6.00 2.25 8.25 3.00 9.00 111.23 3.20 23.06 100.00 16.25 13.36 18.00 5.95 15.00 10.90 74.40 31,15 26.75 30.00 13.80 4.55 21,45 76.05 51.21 98.70 172.50 51.50 78.70 70.99 2.35 16.60 11.50 3,00 48.95 58.00 50.00 24.42 76,60 78.20 18.75 Monday, March 7th, 1927.. 9 o'clock A. M. Board re -assembled as per recess. Roll call, all members were present. motion by Whitesel, second by curry that the following Oficial Bonds be approved. Motion carried. Geo. Witt, Justice o f the Peace, Verona Township, Fred Berg, Town Treas. , Verona Township. At 100' clock A. M. the time set for a continuationo feth hearing on the proposed abandonment o f a part of County Road if 7 and the proposed establishment of a new .OUnty road to be knwon as # 24, a hearing was had. A delegation frora voraoll Township were present and the matter was duly consi cred. It was -found that 13 miles more of County Highways could be add6d to our system. After the matter was discussed tp the satisfaction of all parties present the following mtoion was made: motion by leurry second by Ruhter that we rescind that partofthe action had and done by this Board on the 12th day of Jan, 1927, as recorded in Book 11 , at page 599 thereof, Supervisors Record, wherein a part of County Hoad # 7 was ordered abandoned as a part 0 f the (0untY Road system and the same to be turned back to the Townships o f Kenesaw and Verona, for maintenance and that thatpart of the action had and done at the same • • • • _ 615 A Petition to nhange routing Cwty road # 16 signed by J. C. Rigg and others, wde read before the Board. Petition asked for the change of routing on county road # 16 as now located, as folla*s to -wit: Commencing in the eenter, between eectione 14 and 15, town 8, range 9, the same beington the West side of said section 14, and the East side ef said section 15, thence running north one-half mile,;thence running East one-half mile, and connecting thereat with Adams County Road # 16 as now located. The Board duly coneidired this Petition and upon motion by Fnrry, second by Vlhitesel, the prayer of the petiti+ was granted and the Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that the following additions be made to the AdamsCounty Road system, to -wit; Addition cf one mile to County Road # 7, commencing at N. E. corner section and north west corner section /0, town 8., range 9, thence running one mile north to the Adams -Hall County line-; Extend County road # 15, one mile commencing at N. W. corner section 9 and N. E. corner section 8, town 8, range 10, thence running north one mile -to the Adams -Hall County line. Extend County road # 16 one-half mile commencing at S. E. corner section 31, town 8, range 9, and S. eifcorner section 3A, town 8, range 4T, thence runnine south_ one-half mile to the City limits of the City o f Hastings, Nebr. Clerk authorized to set a time for a hearing to be held on this proposed change. Extend County. road # 17e. 2 miles commencing at- Sn En-cOrnereeeection 27, town 5, range 9,. end S. W. corner 26, town 5, range 9, thence running east 2 miles to the Adamee...Clay County 11.no. The County Clerk is hereby instructed to proceed to advertise these extensions according to law and to time for hearing on the same. Roll call, on the above motion all voted aye. Motion carried. fix At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:30 o'clonk when they again resumed with all members present. Motion. by Gartner, second by Ruhtet allowed and the Clerk instructed to Motion by...Furry, second by Whitesel Board adjourned at 3 o'clock P. M. (J County Clerk IDeputy County Clerk that the claim of C. A. Heartwell on the General Fund for 040.00 be draw warrant for the Same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, that this Board now adjourn until Tuesday April 5th, 1927. section ,„,,,eueeivenereee-e-e.'4 '0040-001 4MV Court House, Hastings Nebraska, Tuesday April 5th, 1927. 9 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment o f March 7th, 1927. Rain forth Ch airman pre siding. Hon call, all members were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, .171.1rry, Gartner, Minutes of the last regular meeting were read. and approved. First quarterly report, o f Raymond L. Crosson, Sheriff was read and upon motion by Whitesel, report was ordered placed on file. Motion by Gartner, second byFurry that the following miscelleneous Supervisors Record. T. R. Rainforth Ruhter and 1hitesel. # 2014 # 2015 if, 2016 # 2026 # 2028 2029 # 2030 # 2031 # 2032 2033 # 2034 # 2035 # 2036 it 2037 e 2038 # 2039 .14 2040 # 2041 # 2042 ff 2043 # 2044 # 2045 if 2046 2047 2048 j 2049 # 2050 # 2051 it 2052 Motion carried. Receipts follow: Pearl B. oodworth Credit General Fund Lucia Vi 11 e nb a c h credit General Fund W. Whitesel Credit County Highway Fund Treasurers Nebraska National Bank Department o f Public Inst, L. N. Button Nebraska National Bank P.H. Gartner Judge J. M. Turby fill State of Nebraska 3. M. lurby fill, Co. Judge Stevens Bros. First State Bank Holstein nansen State Bank Pauline State Bank County Judge Turby fi 11 County Judge Turbyfill Pete Gartner county Judge Truby fill Lucia Dillenbach County Judge Turbyfill E. H. Briggs, Co. Treas. J. A. Cates, Co. Clerk Prosser State Bank First National Bank Exchange Natiional Bank Lucia Dille lach Lucia Dillenbach Lucia DillenbaCh Credit Tenors.). Fund Credit School Fund Credit General Fund Credit General Fund Credit Bridge.. Fund Credit General Fund Credit Bridge Fund Credit iiines & Licenses nredit Road Dragging Fund Credit General Fund Credit General feand Credit, General Fund credit Fines ec Licenses credit Fines & Licenses credit Bridge Fund credit Fines & Licenses Credit Fines & Licenses Credit Fines & Licenses Credit Fines & Licenses Credit County Highway Fund Credit General Fund Credit General Fund Credit General Fund Credit Fines & Teicenses Credit Fines & Licenses Credit Fines Licenses second by Ruhter the receipts be made part of the 296.10 1057.02 308.28 129.70 6761.82 1029.30 156.38 9.50 10.72 252,19 100,00 38.56 126,55 79.00 120.00 200.00 100.00 5.00 25.00 287.78 100.00 102,00 1156.53 50.00 476,83 22,72 6.00 16,80 12.00 Motion by Ruhter, second by Furry that the following Official Bonds be approved; August Paulikat, Road Over- seer, District ;Pi 1, Verona Township, Orvi3. Blocker, Road Overseer, District # 1, West Blue Township, Harvey P. Jones, Road Overseer, District if 2, Little Blue Township, Tom Bourg, Town Clerk, Verona Township, Morris Asmus, Town Clerk, West Blue Township. Motion carried. Motion by Furry, second by Whitesel that the order o f the County Court in granting Mothers Pensions to Mrs. David Ftepp, Vera Dean Sanf orl, Mrs. Ethel Mayhew and Agnes Boudreau be confirmed by this Board d the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that we order the Standard Bridge Company of Omaha, Nebr, to build the following bri dges: One wooden bridge between. sections 15 and 16, Highland Township, 16 foot roadway, 1-16 foot span. One wooden bridge between sections 30 and 31, Hanover .Township, 16 foot roadway, 6-32 foot span. One wooden bridge between sections 30 and 31, Hanover Township, 16 foot roadway, 2_32 foot span. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Furry that the County Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to transfer $20,000.00 from the Road Dragging Fund to the County Highway Fund on account of the County Highway Budget. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that we allow for o3-erical help in the office of the County Assessor ?4.00 per day. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock P. M. the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M., when they again resumed with all members present. The hour o f 2 o' clock P. M., the time set fir a hearing on the proposed additions to the County Roads as advertised by the County Clerk, having arrived a hearing was held. No remonstrance or objections of any kind were made to the proposed additions. 'notion by Furry, second by Ruhter that we authorize the County Clerk to change the road record, showing these additions, and that they now be declared to be a part of the County Road system. Ro3.1 ce.11, all voted aye, motion carrie Motion by Whitesel, second by Bauer that upon the recommendation of the entire Board acting as an auditing conenittee the following claims be a,110wed an their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll mei, all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow: 619 eqeelevreetestmeAtet,ittezeteNeo Adams A. A. Cole W. A. Baird Da rs ey D. Batton A. I. Bauer Geo, G, Button L. N. Cannon TN. Cates J. A. County clerk Columbia Carbon Co Crosson 7aymond Crow Walter M. Davis -caliott R. ueines Drug Co Democrat Printing Co Di llenb ach Lucia Fischer Furry J. H. Gartner Gaudreault Mercantile Co. H amel E. B, Hastings Fliel Co. Jacobson H. F. KB Printing Co K -B Printing Co Keith o„ et al Keno saw Progress Klopp PrintinF, Co Land C H. Lincoln State Hospital Lincoln Tel, & Tel, Co, Lincoln Tel. & Tel, Co MoElhinney Drug Co Penney Co J. C. Polenske Bros, Sciae 11 ak & Co Queen City Lw.mdry Co Rain forth T. R. Rants har1es Remington Typewriter Co Renner & Serf Ruhter M. Fred Schultz Martha H. Schultz Martha H. et al S. P, H. A. J. Simms 13, M. Turbyfill J. M. , Co, Judge University Publishing Ca Wa.hl qui st B ro s Whitesel W. 0, Wi droaier Wm. Young Fe lix School District # 18 Bunde Bun de Daughe rty Jones & Sons Kirminan ritts McCoy sleedhara Schlueter Lumber Shaw Silvey Lumber Co Snider Whitesel Woo CIAVO rth Joynt Riley Prod wm P. R. T. w. Blank et al Frank H. Vi • A. Bert , et al Co John J. A. tor a nk et E, R. et al Pearl B Cleve 0. A. Treas, Carpenter H. M. Adams & Co Adams & Co Ayr Township Blaine Township Bohlke Dyers Lumber Co 00 ttonwo o d T own ship J. D. Jr, D. John GENERAL FTJND Labor at Court House Supervisors services & mileage Bill of exceptions Crawford case Repairs Supervisors services & mileage Services on Assessor' s books Supplies I Co, Farm Cash pal d, Grave Markers Typewriter carbon Jail & office expense Office expense Mileage oupp lies , Court Hou se Supplies, Court House Court costs, postage, etc. Mile age for Mothers Pension Committee Supervisors services & mileage bupervisors services & rnileege Supplies , Court House Professional services Coal, Court House Overhauling typewrit ers Supplies , Co. Supt. Supplies, Co. Supt, witnesses, in sanity hearing Public Notice supplies, Court Hou se Board for inmates at County Farm Services Toll ca3.3.si Farm. Bureau Toll calls , Court House Supplies, Court House Supplies , Co, Farm Material for floors, Court House Laundry, Court House Supervisors services & mileage Services at Court House Platen Supplies, Court House Supervisors services & mileage ag Office expense, correcting examination papers bupplies, Court House Court Costs, office expense supplies, Co. Supt. Supplies , Court House oupervisors services & mileage Services Cash paid for messages USO of Assembly BRIDGE FUND Labor , I Repairing bridge oupp lie s repairs lling in bridge Estimate on bridge oupplies repairs Filling in bridge Bridge material Bridge work Bridge material Dri age work Bridge work Uash paid for freight Bridge work on bridge lumber COUNTY FAIR FUND For premiums and permanent improvements SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND For relief work • ROAD DRAGGING FTND Repairs. Repairs Road dragging Road dragging ASurveyor ssisting County Material Road dragging 91.20 83.30 122,62 1.10 84.00 50.00 13,10 38.75 15,00 253.17 7,78 65,00 50.99 148.45 343,65 3,40 101.80 114.80 26,74 20.25 164,08 19.00 7.00 7,63 29.50 22,88 254.38 257,25 20.50 10.80 8.35 1.40 28,10 32,38 6.30 101.90 15.45 3.35 129,00 161.40 3,25 75.38 7.55 129.61 4.55 12.75 150.20 13,60 5.55 20.00 7,20 7.20 2,00 9.50 49.78 1500.00 27.73 42,60 20.01 55.20 13.00 75.40 16.70 530.93 55,20 700.00 100.00 74.70 26.37 90.79 55.93 14.00 1.40 34.75 621 McWhirter Ben McWhirter C. W. Parry L. A. Huxtable Edgar ui.1 christ J. H. Valentine Henry O'Brien Thomas Mathews G. F. Quade Frank Stulken August Peters Ed Coffey J ohn Furry J. H. Krueger Simon Consbruck Jacob Herren Edward B aker Clifford John Smidt Ernest Woo dworth F. H, Valentine Onno Ei genb erg H. H. Gerlo ff Herman Stvomer Wm. E. Stromer Walter Smidt John We atherwax E. P. Stagier Ant on Geri° ff Herman Halloran Tm Hanover Township Hastings Machine Service Co Haws & So ns eartwell C. A. Heartwell C. W. Highland Township Juniata Township Kenesaw Township Ki star & Sons Geo. Little Blue Township Logan Township Manhattan Oil Co Nebr. Battery & Ti re Go Nebraska Culvert & Mf. Co Oliver Lumber Co P avelk a J ames Riose Louis ha Boland Township Ruhter Burge Routh Kin dig Fel z 1 en Peterson Burge Schi f tier Herberger Otristensen Ryan Shaw Silver Lake Smidt Smidt Smith Fred L. A, Jas, J. E. R. A. Frank A. A. Abraham Dan Hans ,J1 ark e 14 John et al Township George John Roy K. faith Machinery Co Smith Machinery Co. Smith Machinery Co Smith Machinery Co Standard Oil Co Verona Township Wanda Township West Blue Township White se 1 Ira Pratt Ramon W. Yheo. 3. J. R, Ghas, K. K. R. Arthur Albert R. E. John Bert E. R. C• Weber 0 s ler Baugh Burling Wi 11i rams Kat zberg G angwi sh Max fiel d K lusman oC all ite sol White sel Zero Township ROAD DRAGGING FUND Cont, Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Supervising County roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Go. roads Dragging Co roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging CO. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Go. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging 0o. roads abor Patrolman Road dragging Repair work Gas ec Oil surveying Assisting Surveyor Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Blaok smithing Road dragging Road dragging Gas & Oil Supplies Bupp li e Stakes Operating tractor Land for road purpo se s Ro ad dragging Supervising County roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co . roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Go, roads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Land for road purposes Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co, roads Patrolman Supplies, repairs Supplies, repairs Road drags Supplies , repairs Gas & Qil Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Patrolman Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Go. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging o. roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging t;)o. ro ads Dragging o. roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co, roads Supervising Co. ro ads Road dragging 6,00 14,25 15.75 10.80 24.75 16.50 7.50 3.00 4.50 15.75 4.50 3.00 79.80 5.25 10.50 9.37 12.19 7.12 12.00 24,38 6.75 16.62 9.00 8,25 7.50 5.25 12.00 7,50 1.00 82.80 96.51 6.50 47. 65 46.60 14.00 88.39 88.00 66.25 38.90 105.24 44.78 51.63 3.30 10.50 4.80 66.70 35.00 50.31 28.60 10.88 4.50 7.12 6.00 3.75 3.00 5.25 16.50 12.75 50.00 69.00 48.25 3.60 9.00 82.80 23.91 136,12 409.50 79.58 30.40 102.33 87.61 104.68 32.66 10.50 3.00 9.00 6.00 7.87 6.75 6.00 3.00 6.00 2, 00 6.00 3.75 11.60 91.32 POOR AID FUND Cont. Eckhardt H. 0. Groceries Dodding U. S. Groceries Hamel E. B, Services Hardt Drug Co Drugs Hastings kizel Co Coal Hayland Farmers Union Co Groceries Kohl Fred Groceries Kholbry Herman Groceries Larsen H. G. Groceries Nebraska Sanitarium Services Oliver Lumber Co Coal Ql-son t, C. groceries Penney Co J. C. Supplies Prosser Lumber ec Coal Co 'oal Schlueter Lumber Co Coal Simms 13, M. Drugs Starkey Grocery Groceries Sunnyside Services Talker Conrad groceries Gartner P. H. COUNTY GRAVEL FUND Supervising graveling 68.20 32.15 12.05 8.00 1.00 17.95 10.97 25.52 27.14 48.24 145.80 54.60 26,32 5.96 5.30 22.55 1.00 51.45 72,50 4.90 otion by Gartner, second by Bauer that this Board now adjourn to meet again Thursday, May 5, 1927 at 9 o'clock A. M. Motion carried, Board adjourned. .CIJa. County Clerk, Llh ai rman eputy County Clerk. 625 nnnnnnn.,nn„,nnnn,,nn-inn„nnnnndnmin!AMgWz4:!N ' 'Court House, Hastings, Nebraska, Thursday May 5th, 1927. 9 0' clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisory, as per adjournment of April 5th, 1927, T. R. Rainforth, Chairman, presiding, Roll call, e.11 members were present as follows: Bauer, Gole, Furry, Gartner, Rain forth, Ruhter and thitesel. First quarterly report of L. N. Button, Register of Deeds, Lucia Dillenbach, Clerk of the District Court and Joseph M. Turbyfill, County Judge were read and upon motion by Gartner, second by Bauer were ordered placed on file. The following Miscellaneous Treasurers duplicate receipts were read and ordered made part of the Supervisors Record: # 2053 # 2054 74,ft 2055 # 2056 # 2057 2058 # 2059 # 2060 2061 # 2062 # 2063 # 2064 Nebraska National Bank State Bank of Hastings First State Bank, Roseland State Bank Pete Gartner County Judge Turbyfill Clerk District Court Clerk District Court Clerk District Court Department of Public Works lered Ruhter Fred Ruhter Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter Township be approved by this Board. Motion by Furry, second by thitesel #34902. Roll call, all voted aye. Credit General Fund 11 ft 11 91 ft Bridge Fund Fines & Licenses Fines & Licenses Fines & Licenses Fines & Licenses Road Le egging rune General rand Bridge Fund 79.34 199.10 226.67 274.16 9.35 10,00 6.00 6.78 25.80 1450,00 181. 90 13.00 that the Official Bond of Frank Bosard, Road Overseer District # 1, Zero Motion carried. that we accept the General Casualty and Suretej Company, Compensation policy Motion carried. At 12 o' clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M., when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that the County Treasurer be instructed to refund to the Department of Public Works 0385.56, on account o f money being erroneously paid to Adams County by Stevens Bros. , for manipulation of gravel and should have been paid to Webster County as shown by Miscellaneous Tax Receiptfir 2 0 3 5 Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. F. C. Rolls, Division Engineer met with the Board, also E. J. Lyle, County Clerk of Hall County. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the Chairman of the Adan's County Board be authorized to sign a supple- mental contract with the Western Bridge & Construction Company, and the Department of Public Works for one and one-half inches gravel on project #169, Hastings north to Adams -Hall County line. Cost of this project to be paid for from State Funds. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. The following petitions for additions and new roads for t1e County Highway system were received and read before the BOard as follows: One signed by F. E, Hutchinson and others asking that the present County road of 3 miles between sections 28 and 33, 29 and 32 and 30 and 31, Kenesaw Township be vacated as a County road and that 34 miles commencing at a point between sections 22 and 27 thence running west between sections 22 and 27, 21 and 28, 20 and 29 and 19 and30 be made a County Highway, Another Petition signed by J. B. Reel and others asking that an addition of one mile be made to the present county road # 7, commencing at 'the northeast corner of section 7 and the northwest corner of section 8, town 8, range 9, running north one mile to the Adams -Hall County lino. And also a branch from this commencing at a point on said proposed road 783 feet south of the Adams -Hall County line and running east to the right of way of the St. Joseph Railroad. Another petition signed by 0. R, DeiAuth and others asking the Board to make a County road out o f the two miles of road between sections 25 and 26 and 35 and 36, township 6, range 9. Also petition signed by t. B. Hargleroad, Jr. , and others asking that the Board designate the folloveng road as a County road: Commencing at the north end o f the road between sections 27 and 28 in Cottonwood Township thence south one mile, thence southwest two miles thence in Logan Township south one mi 3.o, thence west two miles, thence south on the County line two miles, whereby this read will meet the present Kearney County road and also connect with the present Adams County Road. Also that the road running south from the D. L. D. between sections 19 and 20 in Juniata Township, 15 miles to Webster County line be designated a County road. No action taken by the Board, except that the petitions be ordered placed on file. Motion by Ruhter, second by Hurry that upon the recommendation of the entire Board acting as an auditing committee the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants forthe same. Claims follow: Adams Bauer Beghtol Binderup Hardward Co Boulder Typewriter Exchange Button 14. AA Geo, G. James V GENERAL FUND Labor at Court House Supervisors services & mileage Physicians services Supplies, Court House Supplies, Farm Bureau Recording deeds, postage 40.80 58.20 10,00 10.44 17.68 2tel. 00 Deines Drug Co Democrat Printing Co ,Dericks Dillenbach Fischer Furry Gartner Geo, A. Lucia G. S. . H. P. H, Gaudreault 1.1erc Co A. S, General Federation of Women's Clubs Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Fuel Co Haynes Bros. Hollins Edith Eleanor K -B Printing Co K -B Printing Co Keith Deith Dr, W. W. et al Dr. W. W. et a3. Deith 1)r. W. W. et al Kline •B. Klopp Printing Co Land C. H. Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln Tel, & Tel, Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co, Loc al Registrars Ilatthie son & Co Carl R. Milburn a Scott Co Mori fro s s john Oliver Lumber Co Omaha Printing Co Pauley Lumber Co W. G. rro ffitt Harry Queen City Laundry Co Rain forth 1, R. Rants uharles Renner & Serf Ruhter M. Fred School District # 18 Schlut z artha Simms B. M. StaYkry Grocery Stein Bros, Co, Trimble-Hoylman Ins, Co Turbyfill Joseph, County Judge Valentine m. H. Valentine Tida M. Whitesel w. C. Ay r Lumber Co Einspahr Albert H. vans Henry Gartner Wm. H. Hager Chas, Jones & Sons T. W. Kitts Frank H. Kitts ank H. Kitts Frank H. Leigh field Ben Lls T. J. et al cWhi rt er O. W. Needham bort Overy Howard Reiber Louie Ricker J ohn et al Srnidt Dick Woodworth. ?earl B Advance-Rumely Thresher Co Ayr Township Blaine Township Bohlke John Cottonwood Township Denver Township Hanover Township He artwell o. H e ar tw ell C. W. Hi ghl an a Township Juniata Township Keno saw Township Little Blue Township Logan Township Logan Township (114.17.nt, L'Imhar Cr 627 ee,...,,esekeeelmf,p--6.e,e.4e1,-eee,o,eePrtsrelAei.-v.eae-wseznieresnaerei.e., use en,,4pp,:,, ,,,,, ... , , ,,., , GENERAL FUND Cont. Supplie , Court House 27.40 Pro deedings of Board 16,60 Services 1.50 Court costs, office expense 5047 Services on Mothers pension committee 340 Supervisors services & mile ego 54.80 Supervisors services 8; mileage 87.20 Supplies, Court House 6.92 Supplies, Co. Supt, 9.50 Supplie s„ Farm Bureau 2,75 Notices 24.20 Coal, Court House 47.84 Paint 3.75 Cleaning vault , District Court 3.40 Supplies, Co. Supt. 44.76 Supplies, Co, Tre as & Supt. 50.59 'vvitnesses , insanity hearing 15.20 Witnesses) insanity hearing 30,40 Witnesses, Insanity hearing 15,20 supplies, Court House 3.86 Supplies, Court House 24.10 board for inmates at County Farm 259.25 supplies, Co. Supt, 3.30 Toll calls, Fax Bureau 6.35 Toll calls, Court House 28,25 Reporting births & deaths 55.00 Supplies 2,25 Supplies, Co. Supt, 53.40 Analyzing hooch 15.00 Supplies, Court House 1,20 oupplie s , Court House 136.00 material, Court House 1.50 0 f flee supplies , mile .ge 21,40 Laundry , Court House 6.21 oupervisors services & mileage 73.80 Labor , Court House 4.95 bupplies, Court House 51.75 "upervisors services & mileage 86.80 Use of assembly 30,00 Office expense, correcting paper, etc. 143,12 Supplies, Co. Supt, 1.35 Supplies , Court House .48 supplies, Court House 9.83 Compensation policy 243.40 rostage, office expense 6.20 Farvel of ground for road purposes 100.00 l'arcel of ground for road purposes 50.00 supervisors services & mileage 30.00 BRIDGE FUND vulvert s , etc. Filling in bridge Labor on County bridge Labor on County bridge Labor on County bri dge oupplies material & estimate on ridge Material a labor on County bridge rirst estimate on County bridge Labor on County bri dge Labor on county bridge Labor on county bridge Filling; in bridge "ork on County bridge work on county bridge Work on County bridge fling in bri the Cash paid, freight on lumber ROAD DRAGGING FUND 2 Trac tors equiped Road dragging Ho ad dragging Assisting County Surveyor Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Services ,Co. Surveyor Assisting Co, Surveyor Ro ad dragging Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Stakes 45,60 5,00 8.00 12,00 34.60 53 387.56 1464,13 1000.00 2,40 41.00 5.00 9.30 59.50 12.00 74.25 2,40 20.37 6573.50 177.11 192,99 14,00 80,62 153.45 205,75 44.80 14.00 206,14 139.73 236.50 176,14 106.39 27.00 2.80 Wheat Geo. T. American Red Cross Dauer Henry Bauer Henry Bauer Jacob Beghtol James V. Cannon T. N. Carl B. F. Cowton Coal Co Daggett Grocery F. R. Eckhardt H. O. Godding U. S. Hastings Rel Co Herbst Henry Larsen h. G. Matthiesen & yo Carl R. Nebraska Sanitarium Oliver LwnberCo »innoyG. L. Prosser Lumber & Coal Co Starkey Grocery Sunnyside Townley F. N. Welker Conrad Adams & Co Adams & Co Bontjer Crisman Daugherty Duncan Essinger Garage Essinger Garage Furry Grothaus McWhirter Murdock Furry O'Brien McWhirter Schlachter Goffay Valentine Gaymon Furry Gartner Smidt Stromer Moss Krull Consbruck Eigenberg Baker Gerlo ff Blomenkamp Starner Herren Stromer Valentine Reis Woodworth Sohmidt Krueger Gibson Harpham Haws & Sons Johnson Oil Co Kister & Sons Kort Krabel Lofquist Lutz Mack Mills Mills Anderson Leopold Manhattan Oil Pavelka Rihter Kindig J. rl. j. D. ()ray W.R, P. R. C. S. & Oil Co & Oil Co J. H. Harry Ben Archie J. L. A. Tom C. W. J. C. John rienry E. S. L. A. r. H. John E. W. H. John Jacob H. H. Clifford Herman Erwin Anton Edward Walter Onno w. M, F. H. Ernest Simon Edward Bert J. P. Geo. Herbert Lthas, H. Alfred Ernest Earl A. L. T. J. • Wyr1 Burton. E Co M. Wm 3. Fred .......a....aaaaeea;.;aa.aaeaa...a.eeeaaaaateea.aartaa,.aeeaaft!N:at:..VtMIWOMrVatifi0.1ft- SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND Relief of soldiers & sailors POOR AID FUND Services Groceries Groceries Groceries services Drugs Groceries Coal Groceries Groceries Groceries Goal Groceries Groceries Drugs Services Wal rrofessional services Goal Groceries Services Services Groceries COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Repairs Repairs & supplies Dragging county roads bteel cable Team work bupplies Gas Repairs, labor, etc. oupervising co. roads & mileage Dragging Co. roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Taking up snow fence oupervising Co. roads & mileage Dragging county raods Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging co. roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Labor on County highway Blacksmithing Gas & Oil Gas eqacksmithing Grubbing out stumps Team work bupplies, repairs Labor Hauling snow fence H4uling snow fence Labor on County highwey Labor on county highway Labor Gas & Oil alacksmithing auperintneding Co. roads & mileage Dragging county roads '629 60,00 7.40 3.41 14.34 9.38 6.00 6.00 15.00 6.75 20.54 30.45 12.19 5.30 27.27 46.25 1.10 123.70 19.15 50.00 7.50 38.78 58.00 165.35 16.56 8.35 134.11 4.40 5.00 9.00 9.30 59.15 21.40 85.85 29.29 11.25 10.50 18.75 11,25 16.50 11.25 9.00 24.00 42.00 6.00 77.00 19,88 12.00 16.13 11.63 39.40 28.00 20.65 18.50 15.75 14.25 18.38 15.75 10.50 7,50 23,25 15.38 9.00 10.40 10.35 67.20 32.00 8.10 13.60 21.00 2.45 8.00 25.00 10.00 4.00 12.40 4.50 63.07 58.30 65.00 16.87 - - . Durge A Burge L. A. Standard oil Co Vhitesel W. C. ilarmenter R. A. Usler Al btruss wm. F. Baugh J. R. Babbitt W. B. Babbitt W. B. Kent Edwin R uround JJester Vitt Lloyd Katzberg Arthur "cCall Bert Saddler H. C. Maxfield vergal Hurd Ralph Williams K. R. Burling Oha. K. Veber Theo, J. Ruhter Erwin H. Pratt Ramon W. uangwish Albert Knnigsmier H. M, E. R. Zubrod dake COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Cont. Dragging county roads Dragging county roads uas Superintending county roads & mileage Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Drayage COUN1Y GRAVEL FUND Consbruck Jacob Spreading gravel Hahlweg August preading gravel Ruhter: M, Fredsuperintending graveling road 6.00 21.75 23.75 84.40 15.75 6.00 8.64 18.00 15.00 6.75 11.25 15.00 1.00 7.50 6.75 9.00 13.87 18.00 16.50 18.00 12.00 6, 00 22.12 15.00 34,50 10, 65 .50 5.40 2.40 16.70 Motion by Yalitesel, second by Bauer that the claim of Dr. A. A. Smith on the Poor Aid .Nnd for 0185.00 be allowed at $100.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that this Board now adjourn to meet again Tuesday, l'lay 17, 1926 at 9 O'clock A. M. Motion carried. hoard adjourned. 4-)0,24._ county Clerk, Chai Deputy County Clerk. 633 tP- Court House, Hastings, Nebraska. Tuesday May 17th, 1927. 9 o'clock A. M. Adams County Board of Supervisors met in regular session a.s peradjeurnment of May 5th, 1927. T. R, Rainforth, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Furry Gartner, Rainforth, Ruhter and lidhitesel. J. S. Rhinehart filed a claim for completion o f Adams County Gravel Project # 4, together with an agreement cancelling the contract. Motion by Whitesel, second by Furry that the clams o f J. S. Rhinehart and the Western Bridge & Construction Company on the County Gravel Fund for the amounts respectively of $7091.37 and $11,521.62 be allowed eiid the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The payment of these two claims on the County Gravel Fund completes Adams County Gravel Projects numbers 2 and 4. Petition signed by Lawrence `Theisen and more, than two hundred others asking the County Board to designate as a County Highway the public highway all ready established commencing on the D. L. D. Highway at the N. W. corner of Section 16, Town 7, Rna.ge 11 and the N. E. corner of Section 17, Town 7, Range 11, thence running south 8 miles to the Adams County Highway Number 9 and terminating thereat, was received and read before the Board and ordered placed on file. Motion by Ruhter, second by Gartner that the claim of the Standard Bridge Company on the Bridge Fund for $485.02 be allowed and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Petition signed by R. Huse and others asking that the Board construct a nww bridge between sections 29 and 30 in Zero township was read and the same was referred to the Road & Bridge Committee, At 11:45 A. M. the Board recessed until 3 o'clock P. M. At 3 o'clock P. M. the., Board re-convesned with all members present. Motion by Bauer, second by Cole that we purchase 8 flags for uniform decorations for the Court House Square. Pell c311, an voted aye, Motion carried. Motion by awry, second by Whitesel that we order built one concrete girder bridge, 20 foot roadway, 32 foot waterway,, between sections 34 and 3 5 , West Blue Township. Cost o f this bridge not to exceed $2500.00. Roll call, ayes, Bauer, Furry, Gartner, Ruhter d Whitesel. Nayes, Cole and Rainforth. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel that this Board now a.djobrn to meet again on Monday June 6th, 1927, at 9 o'clock A. M. Motion carried. Board adjourned.' / Deputy County Clerk Ch ee„nn-e,,eeeene;TdTeeeeneeeeeeeeeioi.t4L**tA5iiktiRitkt',.ln.'"VctattfMtitigV4$i'eineittn.:,,..,„., 635 .i. "%--, -enee Te: ....teWtld!3!ee:eV*ARQ;t:Ciig,.JOe'*e4 Court House Hastings, Nebraska. Monday, June 6th, 1927. 9 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County board of Supervisors as per adjournment of May 17, 1927, T. R. Rainforth, uhairman, presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows Bauer, Gartner, Rainforth, Ruhter and leleitesel. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. The following petitions were received and read before the Hoard for new mileege o f County Highways to be designated by the Board: One signed by Ln S. Smith and others asking that the Hoard designate as a County Highway the following described road: Commencing at the N. E. corner of section 19, and the N. W. corner of section 20 in .4r Township, thence running directly south to the Adams -Webster County line and extending one-half mile east on the County line. One signed by Robert Warnke and others asking that the following described road be designated as a county road: Uole, Commencing at the N. E. corner Section 11 and the N. W. corner Section 12, Zero Township, on the present County Road J 10, thence running sotith 3 miles to County road 11 17 and terminating thereat. One signed by E. Ray Anderson and others asking that the following described road be designated as a County Highway: Commencing at the N. E. edge of Pauline and running eastward on the south side o f the Missouri Pacific Railroad to the half mile line in section 10, Little Blue Township thence south to the section line of Section 10, thence east one and oneOhalf miles thence south one mile thence east one mile and terminating at the Adams -C1 County line. The Boa.rd ordered all these petitions placed on file. Petition asking the Board tobuild two bridges between sections 12 and 13, Wanda Township signed by Herbert Sauermann end others was read and referred to the Road ee "'ridge Committee. Petition fbr a new road across the center of Section ll, Town 8, Range 11, filed in the Office of the County Clerk on May 7th, 1927, accompanied by a deposit of 4•25.00,was read before the Board. Copy o f the notice given to the County Surveyor by the County Clerk and a report and plat made by the County Surveyor accompanied the petition. The Board considered said petition and same was referred to the Road & Bridge Conuni ttee. Motion by Furry, second by Ruhter that the following °facia Bonds be approved: John J. Kral, Justice of the Peace, Cottonwood Township, R. H. Struss, Road Overseer, Districtie 3, Verona. Township and Dayton Curry, Road Overseer, District it 1, Highland Township. Motion carried. Bonds approved. Motion by Whitesell, sedonc by Gartner, that in the matter of renewal of Mothers'. Pensions for Mrs. Firma Dell Young, Mattie Baugh and Mrs. Wanda Gettman, ordered by the County Court that the order o f the Court be complied with and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for these pensions. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Motion by Furry,secend by Cole that the following Duplicate Miscellaneous Receipts from the County Treasurers office be made part of the Supervisors Record. Motion carried. Receipts follow: # 2065 # 2066 # 2067 # 2068 # 2069 # 2070 2071 2072 # 2073 # 2074 J. A. Cates, Co. Clerk ofVillage Juniata Chas, Land Judge 3. M. Turby fill Judge J. M. Turbyfill Judge 3, M. Turbyfill n. V. Kohout, Co. Judge Wilber Judge J. M. Turbyfill e)epartment of Public Works 3, A. Cates, Co. Clerk Credit General Fund Credit Villege Fund Credit County Farm Credit Inheritance Tax Fund Credit Fines & License Credit Inheritance Tax , Nebr. Credit Inheritance Tax Fund Credit Fines & Licenses Credit Bridge Fund Credit Hail Insurance Fund 10.00 760.40 259.25 60.30 400.00 9454.44 14,29 11.00 293.66 751.45 At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M., when thay again resumed with all members present. Motion by Furry, second by Cole that the following gravel projects for Ads County, Nebraska, be created: Adams County Gravel Project # 5 Commencing on the State and Federal Highway # 2, also known as the Grainland Highway at the N. W. corner of fractional section seven (7) and the S. W. corner of fractional section six (6) town eight (8) range nine (9) thence running east approximately five and one-half miles on county Road nufsber seven (7) to the Adams -Clay County line, Approximately 64548 sq yards two inch gravel surfacing. Adams County Gravel Project No. 6 Commencing on County Road No. eight (8) at the N. W. corner section nine (9) and the S. corner section four (4) town six (6) range nine (9) thence running east four miles to the Adams -Clay County line. Approximately 46944 square yards two inch gravel surfacing. Adems County Gravel Project No. 7 Commencing on county Road No. seven (7) at the N. W. corner of section nine (9) and the N. E. corner section eight (8) town eight (8) range eleven (11) thence running south seven miles tothe State and Federal Highway, siso known as the D. LI. D. Approximately 82152 square yards two inch gravel surfacing. All Projects to comply to the State specifications for gravel surfacing. 637 Motion by Ruhter second by Whitesel that we order the County Clerk to have some large display cards printed forbidding agents and Peddlers from selling goods or soliciting business in the Adams County Court House and that one of these cards be posted in each office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Petition signed by i. W. Kistler and others asking that the Board gravel county road # 14 was received and read. No action taken by the Doard. motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the County Assessor be instructed. to place on the assessment books for assessment the following described property to -wit: Lot One (1) , and the South Ei41.ty-nine and one half feet (89i) or Lot Two (2) in Scofield's Addition to the City of Hastings, Nebraska, and that any order of resolutidn that may have been passed by the County Board in conflict herewith shall be cancelled and set aside, Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by ItUrry that the following cle.ixns be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow: Alexander Anderson Anderson Banta Barnard Batten Bauer Charlotte M. ikrgust E. Ray J. W. Stationery Co Geo. D. A. I. Geo. G. Binderup Hdw, Co Blankenbiller bowers Button Cannon Carroll Cole Clark Uo ronors uounty Treasurer Crosson Crow Davis Dean Demo c rat Dieter Dillenbach Durkee Dutton Fischer Furry Garrison Gartner George Hammond & Stephens Co Hartmann Hastings Fuel Co Hastings Lions Club Haynes Bros Heartwell Heartwell Hoagland Juniata Lumber Co K -B Printing Co K. B Printing Co K -B Printing Co KB Printing Co K_B Printing Co Keith Keith Keith Keuffel & Esser Knapp Kort Land Lincoln School Lincoln Tel, & Lincoln Tel. 6: J. B. Reuben L. N. T. N. W. L. A. A. M. Raymond 1.4 Walter M. Elliott R. 13. M. Printing Co M. E. Lucia George 13 Sons Co W. M. G. S. J. H. John P. H, E. N. U A c. A. Cl ark Dr. W. W. et W. W. et el W. W. Go Joseph K Martin C. H. Supply co Tel.. Co Tel, Go, Maxwell John Milburn & Scott CO Nienhueser Yred Oliver Lumber Co Patterson. James Pe ase Elmer Proffitt J. F. Queen City Laundry Co Rain forth T. R. Renner & Serf Rinehart J. 5. Ruhter re. Fred al GENERAL FUND Assessing in 2nd !ard Assessing Verona, Township Assessing Little Blue Township Assessing Vest Blue Township Supplies, Co. Clerk Services Supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Court House Assessing Silver Lake Twp Assessing in 4th Ward Recording deeds Supplies, Co. Farm Repair wort Supervisors services & mileage Assessing in City of Hastings Jury & Witnesses Office supplies, light, tel, gas, water etc. , for Court House Jail expense, etc. 0 ffice expense Mileage Assessing Juniata Twp Supplies, proceedings, etc. Assessing Roseland Twp Court costs, office expense Assessing in 2nd Ward Services Mileage for Mothers Pension Committee supervisors services & mileage Assessing Denver Township Supervisors services 8: mileage Assessing Ayr Twp Supplies,Co. Supt. Assessing arst Ward coal for Court House nags for Uourt House Square Supplies & labor Cash paid for express Plat and report of road Assessing Blaine Township Supplies, Co. Farm Supplies, Co. Supt. Supplies, Co, Supt. Supplies, Go, Supt. Supplies, Co. Supt. Supplies, Co, Supt Insanity hearing Insanity hearing Insanity hearing Supplies, Co. Surveyor Services Assessing Zero Township Doard for inmates at Co. Fenn Supplies, Go, Supt Toll calls, Court House Toll calls, Farm Bureau Assessing eotton.wood Township Supplies, Co. Sutt, Assessing Wanda Township Stakes Assessing Logn Township Painting at Co. Farm Assessing in City o f Hastings Laundry for Court House Supervisors services & mileage Supplies, court House Gravel for Court House Supervisors services & mileage 200.00 175.00 125.50 120, 50 6,21 2,80 38.70 18.60 130,00 200.00 2.00 6, 25 2.00 38.50 210,00 25,90 717.91 230.07 4.75 65.00 210.70 484, 92 171.50 133,45 205.00 18.50 3.40 2,60 155.00 68.80 130.25 7.17 195.00 23,70 42,25 7.45 1,03 13,80 95.00 59.90 49.08 19.96 3,11 6.12 37.05 11,00 47, 20 17.30 16.19 .50 140,45 209.12 4.41 20.55 8.20 175,C0 3.74 130.50 18.30 125.00 21.00 415.00 8.61 37.70 133.75 37.15 51.00 r" Wi din at e r dei dm ai e r Wilson Anderson Ayr Lumber Co Baer B loree nk amp Boni fas Byers Lumber Co Cox Fr ohm G artner Hager H agorae.= Huse J ones & Son Kitts Kreuger Nebr. Culvert & Overy P1 ambe ck P1 aut z Ed W. D. et a.1. Henry Lawrence J. L. Art et al Vile, H. etas, wt al F. C. Wm, F. T. W. Frank R. Paul Mfg Co Howard Goo. et el W„ Schlueter Lumber Co Smidt'-'ick St romer 'lite. Fe. Adams Stamp & Stationery Co S. G. Blaine Township Bohlke J. C. eoetonwood Township Denver Township Hanover Township Heartwell Heartwell C W. Highland Township Juniata Township Kene saw Township Little Blue Township Logan Township Nebr. Culvert & Mfg Co Roseland Township Smith Machinery Co Verona Township Wanda Township West Blue Township Zero Township Adams County Agri Society Bauer Cannon Carl Coivton Coal co Cressman Dever Eckhardt Fulmer Go dding Jacob T, N. 13, F, Ralph G,, M. D. Chas Pe , M. D. H. 0, R. A, U. S. Gray Dr. 0, S. Hastings Fuel Co Hayl and Farmers Union Co Juniata Gr & I4ve Stock Assn Kohlbry Herman Larsen LI. G. Mace J ohn L. M. D. Mary Lanning Memorial HO spi tal Nebraska Sanitarium Schaufelberger Dr. Frank Schlueter Lumber Co Simms b. M. Starkey Grocery Sunny si de Iblland Funeral Home Walker Uonrad 635 egemmftwoftweetemee. GENERAL FUND Cont. Services on Mothers Pension Committee 15.40 Services as 13aili ff 3.00 Assessing in 4th Ward B RI DGF, FUND Filling in bridge Supplies for bridge Teem work Team work Filling in bridge Culverts Repairing bridge Labor on Co. bridge Filling in bridge Filling in bridge eulverts Labor on bridge Supp lies New bridge Labor on Co. bridge Culverts Labor on Co. bridge Labor on Co. bridge Labor on Co. bridge Bridge & culvert materials Labor on eo. bridge Labor on Co, bridge ROAD DRAGGING FUND Dealers plates Dragging roads Assisting Co. Surveyor Dragging oads Dragging roads Dragging roads Surveying Assisting uo. Surveyor Dragging roads Dragging roads Dragging roads Dragging roads Dragging roads Supplies for road drag Road dragging Supplies & repairs Dragging roads Dragging roads Dragging roads Dragging roads 210,00 11.00 18.00 83.70 39.40 22.95 83,45 4.00 30,20 4.20 81.30 145,22 172.60 14.54 811.62 90,00 40.56 4.00 9.90 44.00 72,98 13.00 7.00 1.44 90,25 28.00 21.75 46.37 40,01 93,20 28,00 67.39 96.63 91,00 37.01 37.75 57.56 42,62 72,85 157.08 59.86 109.75 35.50 COUNTY FAIR FUND r permanent improvements & premiums 800,00 POOR AID FUND Groceries Drugs Gro caries Coal Pro fessione.1 services Pro fessional services Gro ceri es ,2ash paid for R. R. ticket Groceries Pro fessional services Coal Groceries Coal Groceries Groceries Pro fessional services Services Services vro fessional services Coal Drugs Groceries Services Funeral furnishings & burial Groceries 6,20 13,05 15.00 4.75 20,00 12.00 17.57 5.99 12.40 75.00 2,65 22.14 81.85 22.93 43.34 10.00 29.25 110.30 28.00 7.50 6,35 6.04 58.00 75,00 6.19 Adams & Co Adams & Co Anderson lls Mills Armstrong De rra Duncan Es singer Furry Huxtable O'Brien Mathews Murdock Co ffey Gilchrist Mahirter G-roth a.us Gartner Schmidt Starner Gerlo ff Woodwo rth Consbruck J. D. J. D. Elwyn T. J. A. L. V. Louis C. S. Garage & Oil Co J. H. Edgar Tom G. F. Archie John J. H. Ben H arry P. H. Ernest Anton H. it; H. acob St romer Walter Baker Clifford Vie athe rwax E. P,. Hastings Machine Service Haws & Sons Hawthorne S. R. Hollister Earl Jones Harvey Johnson Oil Co J. P. Krueger Ted Kindig A. P. Kist er & Sons Geo Kort Herb Kr sugar Hugo Krueger Simon Lana den E. E. Lit chenburg John Manhattan Oil Co Mennenga Harfey Meyer Bill Meyer wi 11 i Ean Meyer Harold Blum Henry Meyer Gari Stunipenhorst George Millard B. F. McGrath H dw Co N ational Re fining Co N oional Re fining Co liewk a I1fred Peterson Cl or once B1 ank enb i 11 e r John Ruhter m. Fred Kindig J. E. Burge Peterson ler ank Christensen H an s Felzien R. A. S chi filer Abraham Burge L. A. Routh Jas. Rutherford Bros Smith Machinery Co Smith Machinery Snyder Standard Oil We athe rwa.x Vit e s el Anderson t t Willi am s Cooper Bobbitt Weber hurling MLELX.ii e 1 ci McCall Baugh Hurd Ground 0 sl er ':Zubrod • Co D. E. Co E. P. W. C. Aug. Geo. • R• C. T. W. B. Theo, J. Chas, K, Verga]. Bert J. R. Ralph Lest er Al J axe COUNTY HIGHWAY MID Repairs Repairs Grubbing trees Team work Road work Labor Labor Dolts , nalis, etc. Gas & repairs Sopa rin ten ding Co, ro ads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Go. ro ads Dragging Go. roads Supervising Co, roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads B1 acksmithing Gas & Oil Labor Team work Teem work Gas 84 Oil learn work Team work B1 ack smi thi ng Team work Tean work Team work Hauling plank Labor Gas & Oil Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor blacksmithing Supp lies Oil Oil Labor Labor Labor Super vi sing Co. ro ads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co, ro ads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Supplies Cable Supplies & repairs Axle grease Gas Team work cupervi sing Go, ro ads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co, ro ads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Go. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co, roads. Dragging Co, roads Drayage COUNTY GRAVEL l'UND 17,84 3.91 19,20 18.00 12,00 3,30 3,00 2.65 127,89 157.40 18,75 12.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 23.25 7.50 15.75 118,73 6, 00 10,51 4,50 9.00 17,25 10,50 4..88 24.75 1,75 114.72 4.80 42.00 1,80 154,40 7,50 9.00 11.15 74.60 11, 50 3.00 21,00 16,00 191.35 12, 00 2.40 62,35 56,40 21, 90 12.00 10.80 3.00 15,35 37.80 30.80 12,00 15.00 3.75 96.80 9.00 2,25 3.75 9.75 9.00 19,12 6.75 9.00 1.20 30.00 92.81 19.80 23.75 18.00 124.11 7.87 36.00 9,00 10,12 6.75 3,00 5,25 7.12 6.75 12.00 9,00 4. ,50 4,88 30 IA r%A EQUALIZATION mozia NG Court House, Hastings, l',:ebraska `Boesday, June 14th, 1927. 9 o' clock A. i,11. The Adams County Board of supervisors, together with the County Assessor and the County Clerk convened as a Board of Equalization. T. R. Rainforth, Claim= of the Board, presided. RollCall, there were present, batter, Cole, Furry, Gartner, Rainforth Buhter, County Assessor Proffitt, and County Clerk Cates. Absent Whitesel. At 10 o'clock A. Supervisor Whitesel came in. :eotion by Gartner, second by Burry that we exempt from taxation lots 11 and 12, block 5, Original Town on account o f same being used for Lb -droll purpo ses. Ro 11 call, ell voted aye. Motion carried. Forraal complaint on the assessed valuation of lot 5, and west 31 feet lot 6, block 4, Wilkin's Addition and on lots 43, 44 and 45, block 2, Ni J. Smith' s Addition and on lot 1, block 1, St. Joseph 2nd Addition were filed with the Clerk. Several persons came in and inquired about their valuations. At 12 o' clock Noon, the board recessed until 2 o'clock P, M. At 2 o'clock M. the Board re -assembled with all :embers present, except County AssessorProffitt. Formal complaint was made by L. Phillips on the assessed valuation of improvements on Ni SEele SE* N SE*, Section 2-7-10. At 4-130 o' clock P. M. the Board recessed until Wednesday, , June 15th, 1927, at 9 o'clock A. Wednesday, June 15th, 1927, 9 o'clock A, M. Board re -convened as per recess. Roll call, all members were present. Formal complaint .on the assessed valuation of the Section 24)-7-9, was filed with the Clerk. Motion by Furry, second by Cates that we reduce the assessed valuation on improvements on the SE' ,f Section 1-8.9 from $905„00 to $500.00. to equalize with other property. Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, second by Furry that we reduce the assessed valuation on improvements on the SW7 SE43- Section 2-7-10 from4200,00 to U3000.00. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. The Board recessed a.t 12 al:zioci; until 2 o'clock P. M. At 2 o'clock P. M. the Board reconvened with all members present. Motion by atter, second by Iduhter tht. we reduee the assessed valuation on all lots on Block 10, Sewell's addition to 0125.00 each, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, ittrmal complaint on the assessed valuation of improvements on lots 3 to 6, inclusive, block 1, Heller's Addition. Also on lot 129, Railroad Addition, Motion by Gartner, secon by Yurry that we reduce the assessed valuation on improvements on the rear of lot 2, Stulken's Sub Divisien from $1800.00 to $800.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. No further business appearing the Board recessed at 4:30P. M. , until Thursday June 16th, 1927. Thursday June 16th, 1927. 9 o'clock A. M. Board convened as per recess. Roll call, all members present except Vthitosel. 1,:otion by Proffitt, second by Bauer, that we reduce the assessed valuation on improvements on Lot 7, Block 25, St, Joe Addition from $750.00 to 0500.00. Roll 'call, all voted aye. Motioncarried. notion by Gartner, Eecond by Bauer that we reduce the assessed valuation on improvements on the following described properties on which formal complaint had been filed: Lots 3 to 6 inclusive, lockb1, Heller's Addition from 01100.00 to 01000.00. Lots 43,44 and 45, Block 2, M. J. Smith' s Addition from 0650.00 t0 0500.00. Also that no change be made in the assessed valuations on the following properties upon which formal complaints had been filed: Lot 129, Railroad Addition, on improvements. Block 1, St. Joseph 2nd Addition, on lands. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At noon the Board recessed until 2 9' oleck P. M. At 2 o' clock P. M. the Board convened with , .allreembere present except Vlitesel. motion by Bauer, second by Proffitt that we reduce the assessed valuation on improvements. on Lot 128, Railroad Addition from $2200.00 to 02000,00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Formal complaint on the assessed valuation oit.improvements on the EL-, Lot 3, Rockwood's Addition was filed with the clerk. Equalization Meeting, Cont. Motion by Bauer, second by Ruhter that we reduce the assessed valuation W 31 feet, lot 6, block 4, Wilkin's Addition from $2000.00 to $1750.00. carried. The Chairman announced that the Board would recess until Wednesday, June 29th, 1927 at 10 o'clock A. M. Wednesday June 29th, 1927, 10 0' clock A. 11. Adams County Board of Supervisors, sitting as a Board of Equalization met as per recess of June 16th, 1927. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Furry Gartner, Rainforth, Ruhter, Whitesel, County Assessor Proffitt -and County Clerk Cates. Formal complaints on assessed valuations o f improvements on lots 25, 26 and 27, A. M. on improvements lots 1 and 2, block 61, LI, J. Smith's Addition were read. At 12 o'clock, Noon the Board recessed until 2 o'clock P. M, , at which time they resumed with all members present. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that we reduce the assessed valuation on improvements onayleo,ts 18viotaniodn9, block 3, Blythe' 5 Addition Kenesaw. Village from tp1300.00 1050.00. Roll call, all voted o arried. The Chairman appointed Supervisors Cole, Furry and Gartner and County Assessor Proffitt, as a committee to go out and view some property in the City of Hastings upon which complaints have been filed. on improvements or lot 5, and the Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Ghost' s Addition and. Committee appointed to view property upon which complaint improvements reported that they •wculd recommend no change second by Furry the following described property was left Lot 5 1 and 2, Block 16, M. J. Smith' Addition. Loth 25, 26 and 27, A. M, Ghost's Addition. And the 4 except N 44 feet, Rockwood' s Addition 0 f Lot 3. Rollcall, on the above motion, all voted aye. Motion carried. had been filed on the assessed va ua to be made in the valuation and upon motion by Cole, at the same assessed valuation as for the year 1926; Motion by Whitesel, second by huhter that after consideration of all complaints filed with the Clerk and no further business appearing it is the sense o f this Board that any further complaints that might come in be not considered. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, second by Furry that the County Clerk be authorized by this Board to correct any evident clerical errors that may be found in the tax sehedules or in the Real Estate valuations for the year 1927. . „ Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, second by Gartner, that the assessed valuation as returned by the various Precinct Assessors for the year 1927 and as corrected and approved by the County Assessor and as equalized by this Board of Equalization, stand as a basis of valuations for taxation purposes for the year 1927. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion cartied. Motion by Furry, second by Ruhter that thio Board now adjourn to meet again to the call of the County Clerk. All voted aye. Motion carried. Board recessed. Court House, Hastings Nebraska. Thursday, l'uguet 4th, 1927.. 3 o' clock P. M, The Adores County Board of Supervisors together with the 9qyalty Clerk met- as a Board of Equalizatien as per o f the County Clerk. Ti R, Rainforth, Chairman presiding. Roll call, there were present Bauer, Cole, Furry,. Gartner, Fain forth , huhter, , Whit esel and County Clerk Cates, Absent County Assessor Proffitt. The Board o f Equalization met for• the purpose .0 f. making the County 4evy and for eon firming the Village, Township and School levies as certified to. the County Clerk by the various boards. Motion by Gartner second by Bauer that we :fix the -County. levy at 1.85 milis, itemized as follows, General Fund Bridge Fund Soldiers & Sailors Relief Mothers yensions County Fair Poor Aid .98 Mills .55 0 6 • .06 .15 ts if 31 ty to•wi t Roll call, on the above motion all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, second by Furry that we fix the Free High School levy at 1.4 mills on all school districts which are subject to free high school tax and that one half this rate for .7 mil3.s on School Districts that are subject to one half the regular rate.. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Furry, second by Ruiter that the following levies be made on Cities, Villages, Township and School Districts for the year 1927. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Levies ordered are as follows to -wit: Equziization Meeting. t,ontinued. CITIES & TOWNSHIPS uity of Hastings 9.8 mills Juniata Village 15. " Kenesaw Village 11, 0 Ayr Village 14, Roseland Village 10. 0 Holstein Village 12.8 0 Prosser Village 5. " West Blue Township 1. n Highland Township 1. " Verona. Township 1.2 41 Kenesaw Township 1.1 . Wanda Township 1.2 " Juniata Township 1. " Denver Township .4 " Blaine Township .7 11 Hanover Township .9 If Ayr Township 1.1 " Roseland. Township .7 “ Cottonwood Township 1. 5 ti Logan Township 1.5 " Silver Lake Township 1. 5 0 Zero Township 1, 0 Little Blue Township Dist, No, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3? 38 39 40 SCHOOL DI STRI CTS mills Bond Dist, No. Mills Bond 7.9 41 2.7 1,4 42 & 77 10. 6.5 1.5 43, 2.3 5.2 Spec. Bldg Fund 2, 44 1.5 2,6 45 1.7 .1 46 None 3.2 47 1.5 6,5 2.5 48 2.9 2. 49 3.3 3.2 50 1,6 8. 51 2.9 1,8 52 2, 1.3 53 8. .9 54 5.4. 3, 55 2.3 1. 56 2.5 1,6 57 3.1 14.2 2.8 60 2,5 2.2 61 None 3. 62 3.2 2, 2.8 63 6.2 2,8 64 1. 2.6 65 4.2 1.4 66 2.1 3.8 67 1.8 2, 68 2,9 3.2 69 2.7 2.1 70 2.8 2.3 71 2.6 1, 9 72 1.8 3.3 73 3.7 1,2 74 1.7 2,6 75 3,6 4,6 76 4, 3, 78 5,2 4, 80 3.4 1.5 81 12.2 2.9 4,3 2.4 Motion by Cole, second by Bauer, that this Board of Equalization now adjourn Sine Die. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried, Board adj ourhed. County Clerk, Deputy County. Clerk. - SUPERVISORS RECORD Vol. 11 1- 6 5 0 Box 1 Roll 6 C23, ai rman