HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupervisors Rec 10 19197e, LIM t fl 7 WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 8th, 1919. 10 A. M, Board met as per adjournment of December 31st, 1918. Roll call. Members present: Benedict, Kidder, Hynes, Hoff, Whiting Schlegel and Bitner. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Whiting that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and that the following claims be allowed on the General Fund, and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call. All voted yea. Motion Carried. Lem Tibbets F. J. Benedict .. B. F. Roeder Jacob Bauer B. M. Simms Anderson $hoe Co. J. W. Brown. J. H. Yost Lumber Co. W. H. Pearson -- - H. D. Webster Co. Dr. F. C. Dean 0. J. Reynolds J. A. Cates, County Clerk B. F. Schlegel Lee Haggard John Parish J. E. Willits Anderson Shoe Co. J. L. HYnes Lee Haggard Remington Type Writer Co. D. N. Bitner Lincoln Tele. & Teleg. Co. Nebraska Feeble Minded Institute John Hoff Chris Hansen 41. oft allo 011, $ 57.50- 32.40" 30.00 7.17 6.25 1,60 8.00 32.55 15080- 32.95* 50.00' 2.75 29.25- 19.20' 18.67 7.20- 3.00 5,25 26.50 2.71 $ 14.60 K B Printing Co. Mary Dungan 162.61- J. H. McGrath Hardware Co.. 16.00- J. W, Brown 26.00 B. M. Simms 8.00' Wolhach-& Brach 98.72 A. F. Kirk' 353.65 Kernan Shoe Co. 3.65 . ' Henry Bauer, . 10.04- union Meat Market - - 6.45 c ens a on """r Hillyard Chemical Co. ---- - T. G. Whiting. MP NO 410 Wit Fred Blake Jr. N. D. Kidder Lem Tibbets W. W. Keith .1.0. B. D. Webster Co. Hastings lonol Co. Hastings Fuel Co. me tar as • 5.50 16.00 ,= 8.85 32.00 179.00 .111.0. Or .25 C. V. Whisinand 26.10 L. A. Green 4.67 Adams County Democrat 40.00 John Hoff 24.00k Mrs. 0. V. Dewey 27.65- rim 4111ii .1101 8.00 10.19 ' 55.90 21.60 6.00 16.72 58.15 075 9.00 Motion by Whiting, seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following eltlims be allowed on the Soldier's & galore' Relief Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants all. All voted yea. Motion Carried. Geo. T. Wheat I . G. Saddler $ 4.50 Henry Shiok 28.50 Henry Shiok for the same. Roll .$ 200.00 12.78 Motion by Hynes, seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Complaint ommittee be made the order of the Board, and the following claims for reduction of valua- tions be approved. Valuation on Tax Receipt No. 4605 be reduced from $3750,00 to $3117.00; and on Tax Receipt No. 4592 valuation be reduced from $3877.00 Ito $2370.00, same being rethieed. on account of erroneous assessment. Roll call. All oted yea. Motion Carried. At twelve o'clock noon the Board recessed until 130 P. M. WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 8th, 1919. 1:30 P. M. Board reasssembled as per adjournment of 12A. M. Motion by Whiting, seconded by Hynes that the claim of Higway Maintainer Co., for 490.00 and the claim of E. K. Feister for $250.00 be disallowed. Roll call. All voted ea. Motion Carried. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Schlegel that the plans and s ecifications for bridges s given bY the State Engineer in 1915, and which are now on file in the Office of the county Clerk be adopted for the year 1919. Motion Carried. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Benedict, that the Clerk be i structed to advertise for bids on bridges, for the year 1919 as required by the Statute. Motion Carried. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Hoff that the recommendation. f the Finance Committee J1\ Roll call. All voted yea. Motion Carried. J. H. Augustin -_ 261.30 T. C. Siegner ---- .-- - - . 24.'70 Warren Boyd 9.80 W. F. Duncan 12.00 S. Bauder 42.00 Motion by Benedict, seconded by Hynes, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following claims be allowed on the Road Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll 0411. Yeas: Benedict, Kidder, Hynes, Hoff, Schlegel, Bitner. Whiting present, but not voting. Motion Carried. J. E. Wiltrout •4 42.00 Geo. N. Whiting $ 9.40 Motion by Benedict, seconded by Hynes that the resignation of L. N. Batton, as Deputy Clerk of the District_Court lie ace_epted. Motion Carried. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Schlegel that the appointment of Viola Uerling as Deputy Register of Deeds and of Addie Francis, as Deputy Clerk of the District Court be approved. Motion Carried. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Kidder, that the recommendation of the Bond Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following Official Bonds be approved. Motion Carried» Mary W. Dungan, Supt. Public Instruction Viols Uerling, Deputy Register of Deeds. Minutes read and approved. Motion to adjourn, carried. Motion by Benedict, seconded_ by Schlegel that this Board adjourn to meet again January 14th, 1919, at 10 A. M. as per Statute. Motion Carried. 91),/641/ - Corm si x.... Z1\ LUi\ HASTINGS, NEBRASKA, JANUARY 14th, 1919, 10 A. M. Board of Supervisors met persnant to Statute. County Clerk called the Board to order. On motion, Supervisor John Hoff, was made temporary Chairman. Roll call, showed the following Supervisors present: Benedict, Cramer, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad and Hoff. County Judge, John Snider, appeared before the Board and certified that the bonds of John Hoff, Geo. W. Bivens, W. B. Hargleroad and A. H. Cramer were duly approved by him as members of the Board of Supervisors. The Board proceeded to an informal ballot for Chairman. Ballot resulted as follows: F. J. Benedict, four: T. G. Whiting three. The Board proceeded to a formal ballot for Chairman. Ballot resulted as follows:, F. J. Benedict, four: T. G. Whiting, three: whereupon the Temporary Chairman declared F. J. Benedict elected Chairman of the Board. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Bivens that the election of F. 3. Benedict as Chair- man of the Board be made unanimous. Motion Carried. At 11:15 A. M. the Board recessed until 2 P. M. TUESDAY- JANUARY 14th, 1919 2 P. M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll eall, all members present: Hoff, Cramer, Hynes* Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad and Benedict. The Chairman then announced the Standing Committees for the year 1919 as follows: SETTLEMENT: Whiting, Chairman. Hoff, Hynes, Bivens, Hargleroad, Crater, Benedict. FMNCE: Hoff, Chairman. Cramer, Bivens, Hynes, Whiting, Hargleroad and Benedict. COMPLAINTS: Cramer,Chairman. Bivens, Hoff. BONDS: Hargleroad Chairman. Whiting, Cramer. ROD & BRIDGES: Hynes Chairman. Hoff, Hargleroad, and members of Board in District where work is done. LANDS, BUILDINGS,SUPPLIES: Cramer Chairman* Hoff, Benedict. COUNTY FARM: Bivens, Chairman. Whiting, Hargleroad. Motion by Hoff, seconded by Hynes that the appointment of James A. Benson, as on recommendation of Constable:AJames F. Crowley ow Justioe of the Peace: H. F. Favinger me Justice of the Peace: and John Snider, Judge of the County Court be confirmed. Motion Carried. Motion by Hargleroad, seconded by Cramer that the appointment of Joseph A. Gardi- ner as Deputy County Attorney, be confirmed. Motion Carried. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Whiting that the request of the Township Board of Zero Township for the appointment of O. C. Busboom, Road Overseer District No. 1: George Johnson, Road Overseer District No. 2: S. N. Livingston, Road Overseer District No. Z and Emil Sammerfald Road Overseer Iistriot No. 4 be confirmed. Motion Carried. Motion by _Cramer, seconded by Bivens that the appointment of Adda Snider, Clerk of the County Court, and Anna Gartner, Assistant and Stenographer,be confirmed, in con- formity with request of COnnty Judge. Roll call, all members voted yea. Motion Carried. iJ\ Motion by Hynes, seconded by Whiting that the recommendation of the Bond Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following Official and Indemnity Bonds be approved. Motion Carried. J. H. Pope, Assessor, West Bine Township. Geo. S. Kiater, Assessor, Silver Lake. Wm. Golgert, Town Clerk, Juniata. Wm. J. Hansen, Town Clerk, Cottonwood. E. W. Terhune, Town Clerk, Denver. T. T. Jones, Treasurer, Little Blue, John Hynes, Treasurer, Silver Lake. Geo. T. Wheat, Justice of Peace,Logan. P. L. Munson, Justice of Peace,Silver Lake. D..N.Bitner,Justice of Peace, West Blne. Ed Kent, Road Overseer District No. 2. Juniata. John Heiman, Road Overseer District No. 2. West Blue. F. E. Nash, Road Overseer, District No. 4. Denver. Henry C. Grelck, Road Overseer, District No. 4. Wanda. .Wm. Borwege, Road Overseer, District No. 2, Silver Lake. John Timm, Road Overseer District No. 2. Cottonwood. D. Mullen, Road Overseer, District No. 1. Blaine. Geo. Eigbrett, Road Overseer District No. 2. Wanda. First National Bank of Hastings. The Nebraska National At 5 P. M. the Board recessed until Wednesday January 15th, 1919 at John Einspahr, Assessor, Logan Township. J. H. Gilchrist, Town Clerk, West Blue. John Steiner, Town. Clerk, Wanda. Frank Winterrnute, Treasurer, Ayr. G. W. Hill, Treasurer, Denver. J.C.Gilrnore, Justice of Peaoe,Verona. J. H. Clute,Justiee of Peace,Little Blue. Bank of Hastings. 9A. M . WEDNESDAY- JANUARY 15th, 1919 9 A. M. At 9 A. M. the Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call. Members present: Hoff, Cramer, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad, Benedict. Motion by Whiting, seconded by Hynes that we allow the County Attorney thirty ($30.00) Dollars per month for stenographer until July lst, 1919. Roll call. All voted yea. Motion Carried. Sealed bids from B. M. Simms, Deines Drug Co., Renner & Serf, Watkins -Ashy -flute Co., and Wahlquist Bros. were opened and read. At twelve o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M. WEDNESDAY- JANYARY 15th, 1919. 1:30 P. M. At 1:30 P. M. the Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call. Members present: Hoff, Cramer, Hynes, Bivens Whiting, Hargleroad and Benedict. Motion by Whiting, seconded by Hynes that when this Board adjourns it does so to meet again Wednesday, February 5th, 1919. Motion Carried. The Committee en Supplies submitted the following report: Your Committee on Supplies and blank books beg leave to report that after consideration with the whole Board, decided to reject the bide filed for the general reason that we believe prices for said supplies, and books will decrease during the coming year, and state that where the Board can par - chase said supplies and books at home market at equal prices and qualities from elsewhere, we favor, buying in home markets. Motion by Whiting, seconded by Bivens that the recommendation of the Supply Committee be made the order of the Board and that all bids submitted on Classes A B & 0 be re- jected. Motion Carried. Motion by Whiting, seconded by Cramer, that the County Clerk be instructed to draw all salary warrants for County Officials, clerks and appointees thereto, at the end of each month, and such amount for the County Attorney as will make onethird of his quarter- ly salary; and the Clerk and Chairman of the Board are authorized to sign and deliver Motion by Whiting, seconded by Hynes that the County Clerk be allowed Six Hundred llars a year in fees for making the Assessor's books, and two hundred dollars a year fees for keeping Account Ledger. The same to be paid quarterly, also the County Clerk be instructed to employ enecessary extra help in the office, the same to be paid for from fees of said office. Roll Call: All voted yea. Motion Carried. Motion by Cramer, seconded by Hoff that the request of the County Treasurer to re- tain fees in the office of County Treasurer to pay Deputy, One Thousand Dollars, a year 'book keeper Nine Hundred Dollars a year, and Six Hundred. Dollars for additional clerk hire, be granted. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. At 3:30 o'clock the Board recessed, and resolved itself into the Adams County Board of Health. At 4o'clock P. M. the Board resumed. Motion by Whiting, seconded by Cramer, that the recommendation of the Bond Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following Indemnity Bond be approved. Motion Carried. Exchange National Bank Minutes read and approved. Motion to adjourn, carried. DErPTITY,.6 CHA MV. N 55 56 WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 5th, 1919. 10 A. M. Board met as per adjournment of January 15th, 1919. Rivans Roll call, all members present as follows: Hoff, Cramer, Hynesff1/4.Whiting, Hargelroad and Benedict. At 10:30 A. M. the clerk then opened and read the bids for bridges as has been adver- tised for four weeks as follows: P. C. Stom & Co., Omaha, Nebraska. Standard Bridge Co., Omaha, Nebraska. Frank H. Kitts, Holstein, Nebraska. All of which were referred to Road and Bridge Committee. At 11:35 A. M. the Board recessed until 1:30 P. m. WEDNESDAY- FEBRUARY 5th, 1919 130 P. M. At 1:30 P. M. the board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present: Hoff, Cramer, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad and Benedict. Motion by Whiting, seconded by Bivens, that the recommendation of the Committee on roads and bridges be made the order of the Board and that the bid of the Standard Bridge Company of Omaha, Nebraska, be accepted and the contract for building bridges for the year 1919, be awarded to the Standard Bridge Company according to plans and specifications now on file. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, seconded by Bivens that the report of the Settlement Committee be made the order of the Board, and that their report be accepted and made a part of the record. Motion Carried. The report of the Settlement Committee as follows: Hastings, Nebraska, Jan. 16th, 1919. TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE. OFFICE OF THE COUNTY TREASURER. We have carefully checked all book and vouchers and find that the following report of receipts, disbursements and balances on hand January 8th, 1919, to be correct. Balance on hand July 1st, 1918 $ 145,510.02 Collections from July lst, 1918, to Jan. 8th,1919, 349,982.23 Transfers 11,304.91 TOTRECEIPTS $ 506,797.16 Disbursements Transfers Balance on hand Jan. 8th, 1919, Respectfully submitted, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK. $ 343,862,20 11,304.91 .151630.05 $-506;797.16 F, J. Benedict. J. L. Hynes. T. G. Whiting. COMMITTEE. We, your checking committee have checked the following records with the fee book and find all fees properly entered therein: Chattel"Mortgage Record, Bill of Sale Record, Notarial Record, Optometry Record, Bond Register, Veterinary Register, Embalmer's Register, Official Bond Register, Dentists Register, Farm Name Register, Physician's Register, Association Record, Nurses' Register Health Record, Lli h`r Surplus on hand. July 1st, 1918 Total Receipts, six months from July lst, 1918, to December 31st, 1918, inclusive TOTAL Total Disbursements, from July lst, to December 31st, 1918 SURPLUS $ 278.18 2501.68 $2779,86 $1510 00 $1269.86 Treasurer's Receipt hereto attached for $1269.86. All of which agrees with the report of the County Clerk now on file. N. D. Kidder. John Hoff. Checking Committee. TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: We, the undersigned Sub -checking committee have checked the following records in the Office of the County judge: Pr0bate Fee Book Nos. 5, 7, 4, 3, 2, 6 and 1. Marriage Record No. 15. Justice of the Peace Docket No. 9. County Court Docket 6 and 7. Official Bond Record No, 2, and found them to agree with the cash book. Receipts for 2nd and 3rd Quarters $1719.50 Total to Jan. 8th inclusive 3443.70 Total Expenditures for the year are 3256.05 SURPLUS 187.65 As shown by Treasurer's receipt hereto attached. Respectfully submitted, John Hoff. T. G. Whiting. Checking, Committee. All of which agrees with the report now on file, in the County Clerk's office. TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: We, your sub committee wish to submit the following repOrt. IN THE OPFTCE OF TRE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. In the Office of the County Superintendent of Public Instruction, we have checked the account, knOwn eS the Institute Fund, and find that same agrees with the statement on file in the County Clerk's Office, for the year ending December 31st, 1918. Receipts: Expenditures: July lst, 1918 Balance July let, 1918 to Jan. lst, 1918 Fees received 281.43 148.00 Sept. 1918, Received from County 50.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS $ 479.43 July let, 1918, to Jan. lst, 1919, Institute & other Expenditures Total Expenditures BALANCE Jan. 1st, 1919 $ 336.04 $ 336.04 143.39 479.43 B. F. Schlegel 7 IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT: We checked Appearance Dockets Nos. 22,23, and 24: Judgment Ledger No. 8 and miseellaneons dash items were checked with Fee Book. Receipts: Total receipts for first half of year Receipts for 3rd Quarter Receipts for 4th Quarter TOTAL RECEIPTS Disbursements: Paid Deputy A. B. Tibbets I. A. Hill " County Treasurer Clerk's Salary $ 1606.00 782.90 896.20 $ 3285.10 $ 800.00 77.00 9.00 95.00 2304.10 1-3285.10 Treasurer's receipt for $95.00 hereto attached. All of which agrees with the report on file with the County Clerk. B. F. Schlegel. D. N. Bitner. Sub -Checking Committee. TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: We checked the following records in the office of the Sheriff from July lst, 1918, to December 31st, 1918, inclusive: Sheri:ff's Process Docket, County Court Nos. 6 and 7, District Court Dockets No. 7 and Justices Favinger and Beghtol's Docket and find same to agree with the report now on file in the County Clerk's office. RECEIPTS: Total for first six months of year $ 105.25 District Court 54.50 County Court 26.25 Justice Court Favinger 30.25 Justice Court Beghtol 8.75 Total Receipts $ 225.00 Treasurer's receipt for $225.00 hereto attached. A11 of which agrees with the report now on file in the Office of the County Clerk. B. F. Schlegel. D. N. Bitner. Sub -Checking Committee. TO THE HONORABLE B0fiR7 OF SUPERVISORS: We, the undersigned sub -checking Committee, beg leave to report that we checked the following records in the Register of Deeds Office Viz: Mortgage Records Nos. 103,107,106,108 and 109: Mechanic's Lien Record No. 7: Miscellaneous Record No. 16 and all Marginal Slaps, and found them to agree with Fee and Registration Record No, 5: Will and. Decree Record No, 4: The following fees were received in said office. TY L !hi September October November December Jan. (term ending Jan. Shortage 0537.25* The following are for the year 1918. 9th,1919) Total Fees Respectfully submitted, the reports of the Soldiers W. G. Saddler. Cash on hand Jan. 1st, 1918 Received from County Treasurer Total Disbursements Balance on hand Jqn. 1st, 1919 Geo. T. Wheat. Amount on hand Jan. 1st, 1918 Received nothing from County Treasurer during year 1918 Balance on hand Jan. 1st, 1919 Amount received Paid out during Balance on hand • Henry Schick. from County Treasurer year 1918 Jan. 1st, 1919 At 5 o'clock P. M. for the year $ 202.50 209.75 168.90 162.35 38.15 02152./5 T. G. Whiting. John Hoff. Sub -checking Committee. and Sailors' Relief Commissioners $ 78.71 600.00 • t 678.71 $ 507.95 170.76 Bitner and Schlegel. Checking Committee. $ 19.15 19.15 Bitner and Schlegel. Checking Committee. 1918 0 200.00 183.50 $ 16.50 Bitner and Schlegel Checking Committee. the Board recessed until Thursday February 6th, at 9 A. M. TFURSDAY - FEBRUARY 6th, 1919 9 A. M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present: Hoff, Cramer, Hypes, Bivens, Whiting, Eargleroad, and Benedict. Motion by Whiting, seconded by Hynes, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee claims be allowed on the General Fund, the same. Roll call, all voted yea. be made the order of the Board and the Clerk be instructed to Motion carried. National Refining Co., Sutter & Roeder, Juniata, Nebr, J..R. Baugh Chas. W. Crosier Sutter& Roeder, Juniata, Nebr E. Henry 0. H. Sprankle GAO. W. Rivorm and the following draw warrants for $ 14.76 - 119.28 63.75 150.00 17.79 -1.00 10.25 fzix ruIV George Halte John L. Mace J. B. Hillers B. F. Carl OM. 4is --$ 13.56 16.70 167.75 Joseph Ormond Moffitt Family Chris Hansen T 'Ti' ru4n-t44.- 17.00 14;40 25.00 37.75 60 County Treasurer Temple Cafe Lem Tibbets $'181.94 4.55 77,55 Lincoln Telaphone & Telegraph Co. 35.25 L. B. Button .. 6.25 J. L. Hynes 50.00 H. 0. Eckhardt 9,75 Alex Reiber 100.00 Henry Herbst --- - - - ------------- 31,63 H. 0. Eckhardt Miller Coal Co. - - - --------------- 15.25 Jacob Bauer -- 9.01 Waltef M. crow - -- ---- J. E. Addie Remington Typewriter Co. Pauley Lumber Co; Ella Taylor . 25.00 Nye -Schneider -Fowler Co. Anderson Shoe Co. John L. Mace G. W. Pratt E. L. McCue ao Local Registrars Lem Tibbets - T. G. Whiting A. 1. Battan John Hoff -- - --------- Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital --- Haetings Ice Co. Union Meat Market Conrad Walker W. A. Cole Baird & Baird - --- -----------. s nags Puel Co. 12.00 Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. - 34.04 City of Hastings .75 4 -Geo. T. Wheat 10.85 Proffitt & Lovell ---- ar.a.Amma0W4 a - a D 67.25 50.95 40.70e- 5,01 36.001-- 54.00 10.60 5.60 18.04 77.17 15.00 29.90 3.28 25.00 60.00 18.03 -3.00 4.00 6.46 5,00 185.00 Geo. Shinas ------ 44.25 Fred Blake Jr. 4.85 C. Whisinand - 10.00 John L. Mace -------------------- 10.19 A,0. Atwater 15.50 Motion by Whiting, seconded by Bivens that the County Attorney be instructed to pre- pare a deed to Nicholas Konen and Bernard Konen to a certain fractional tract of land in Section thirty four (34) Town Seven (7) Range Eleven (11), same having been used for public highway purposes and nowabandoned. Motion Carried. .At twelve o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M. THURSWY - FEBRUARY 6th, 1919. At 1:30 P. M. the Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call. All members present. Motion by Whiting, seconded by Hargleroad that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and that the following claims on the General Fund be disallowed. Roll call, all,voted yea. Motion Carried. John P. Loyd J. A. Jacobs F. L. Propst Motion by Hynes, * 7.00 7.00 7.00 E. B. Woods F. A. Hannis 7.00 7.00 seconded by Bivens that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and that the following claimsbe allowed on the Bridge Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw Motion Carried. JohnThin =------ -- ----------------$ Geo. E. Isamn & Co. Byers Lumber Co. Fred Blomenkamp J. H. Yost Lumber Co. Chicago Lumber Co. wa rantsfor the same. Roll call, all voted yea. 5.00 2.95 25.35 29,60 4.88 23.80 J. J. Kummer $ 1.20 John Lau -- 10.40 Oliver Lumber Co. 11.50 J. H. Yost Lumber 00. 34.74 Frank Bosard 5.80 Motion by Hynes, seconded by Whiting that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following Claims be allowed on the General Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. iMotion Carried« Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Wahlquist Bros. K -B Printing Co. Lem Tibbets Lem Tibbets Sunnyside B. M. Simms H. D. Webster Co. Guarantee Electric Co. Nebraska Sanitarium Lee Haggard $ 9.10 66.75 72.20 110.85 87.05 55.50 7.50 12.61 1.10 172.75 14.83 Wahlquist Bros. Renner & Serf B. M. Simms Lem Tibbets Deines Drug Co. - Wm. Otto, Kestone Market Mace Grocery MAxTo -Roes Co. R. W. Raskin Watkins-Asby-Clute Co. W. H. McDonough *The claim of Geo. T. Wheat allowed February 6th, 1919, on the General Fund should have been allowed on the Soldiers & Sailors' Relief Fund. $ 31.75 130.75 23.90 17.75 28.90 8.48 13.26 45.00 .75 91.35 262.95 ft 5 o'clock P. M. the Board recessed until Friday February 7th. 1919. at 9 . . e FRIDAY- FEBRUARY 7th, 1919'. 9 A. M. Board reassembled as per recess of Thursday, February 6th 1919 at 9 A. M. Roll call, all members present: Hoff, Cramer, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad and Benedict. The forenoon was taken up by representatives of the different Tractor concerns in regard to the purchasing of more road machinery. Motion by Bivens, seconded by Hargleroad that the bid of Frank H. Kitts for building concrete bridges for Adams County for the year 1919 be accepted, and that the Board enter into contract with Frank H. Kitts as per plans and specifications now on file. Roll call. Ayes: Hoff, Hynes, Bivens, Hargleroad and Benedict, Nays: Whiting. not voting. Motion Carried. At twelve o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M. FRIDAY - FEBRUARY 7th, 1919. 1;30 P. M. At 1:30 P. M. the Board reassembled. Roll call, all members present. Motion by Hoff, seconded by Hynes that the recommendation of the Bond Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following bonds be approved. Motion carried. Cramer absent and Joseph A. Gardiner, Deputy County Attorney. Addie L. Francis, Deputy Clerk District Court. Alva Versaw, Clerk, Zero Township, Harm Schmidt, Road Overseer,Ayr Township. Motion by Hargleroad, seconded by Hynes that the request of the new State Bank of Hastings to be recognized as a depository for County funds be granted. Motion carried. Motion by Whiting, seconded by Hynes, that the request of Sheriff W. A. Cole, for an increase in salary for the Deputy Sheriff, C. Wa Wilson, be granted, and that an increase of Ten ( 10.00) Dollars per month, effective February let, 1919, making the salary $85.00 per month be allowed. Roll call, all voted yea. 'Motion carried. Standard Bridge Company, Omaha, Nebraska. Fred Hohlfeold, Treasurer, Cottonwood Township. P. Jones,Road oad Overseer, Little Blue Township. Motion by Hargleroad, second for expenses for the year 1919 be Books, Stationery & Printing ---- General Expenses Bridges Supervisors Assessment ..-------_----..-------- --------------------- 4000.00 Superintendent -_-_ . _---------- 750.00 Coroner 250.00 Attorney 500.00 Jail ed by Bivens that the estimate of the Finance Committee Motion carried. adopted.A The estimate of expenses follows:- _____ --- _- -$ 2000.00 - 10000.00 - _ 25000.00 4000.00 .. _ :. .. .. 1000.00 Coal -- -- 1000.00 Poor Aid County Farm Court Expense Tax Lists ---..----_,....._ _ _.....-.. Lands & Buildings ---- Roads -« Gas,Water Lights& 'Phones Mothers' Pensions - 7000.00 - 2500.00 , -a _ 5000.00. 1000.00 2000.00 12000.00 1500.00 500.00 Motion by Whiting, seconded by Cramer that the petition of J. W. Striker, et al, for two automatic gates between Sections 1 and 12, Logan Township be referred to the Road & Bridge Committee, said Committee to report to the Board of Supervisors. Motion Carried. Motion by Whiting, seconded by Bivens that the various petitions for new bridges as enumerated below be referred to the Road & Bridge Committee: Motion Carried. A. B. Hagemeyer, et al, for a new bridge between Sections 31 and 32, Hanover Township, 62 Sections 5 and 8 Logan Township; Henry Phillips, et al. new bridge between Sections 21 and 28 Juniata Township; Thomas W. Carter, et al., concrete bridge between Sections 12 and 24 Roseland Township; Thomas W. Carter, et al., concrete bridge between Sections 30 Ayr Township and Sections 25 Roseland Township; Charles Crosier, et al., cement bridge between Sections 13 and 24 Juniata Township, and Walter Kort, et al. new bridge between Sections 16 and 15 Zero Township. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Whiting that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following claims be allowed on the Special Motor Vehicle Registration Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. otion Carried. A. B. Fernow --- ----- ------------$ 99.40 T. C. Siegner 51.70 W. B. Hargleroad 37.27 Andy Smidt ----------------------------- -10.10 Wm. 0. 'Ices _.--------------------------------------51.27 J. H. Furry ---------. 79.85,- C. P. Smith W. F. Duncan __ 46.20e S. Bauder ------ 26.65 Motion by Hynes, seconded by Whiting that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following claim be allowed on the Road Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrant for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. F. J. Benedict ------------------------4 16.00 Motion by Whiting, seconded by Bivens that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following claims be allowed on the General Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion carried. F. J. Benedict 49.20 E. M. Grey $ 7.00 Hastings Daily Tribune - 41.74 Motion by Bivens, seconded by Hoff, that when this Board adjourns it does so to meet again on Thursday February 13,1919 at 10 A. M. Motion Carried. Minutes read and approved. Motion to adjourn, carried. EPUTY. "., CHAIRMAN. Z11.1..1)/‘ 7 JI 11 Hastings, Nebraska, February 13th, 1919. As per adjournment of February 7th, 1919, the next meeting of the Board of Supervisors was called for Thursday, February 13th, 1919, at 10.A.M. but on account of severe blizzard on that day and no quorum being present, said Board of Supervisors of Adams County, did not meet at the specified time. J. A, CATES, COUNTY CLERK. WEDNESDAY MfiRCH 5th, 1919 10 A. M. Board met in special session at the call of the Clerk on petition of more than one- third of the members. Public notice of which was duly published as required by the Statute. Roll call, members present: Hoff, Cramer, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad, Benedict. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Bivens, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following claims be allowed on the General Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. Dr. James V. Beghtol $ 12.00 A. T. Rattan 17.92 University Publishing Co. 16.00 Milburn & Scott Co. 10.00 :Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. - 2.44 A. C. Atwater 140.00 Lem Tibbets,Clerk District Court 40.00 R. M. Simms ------------------- 16.40 Sutter & Roeder, Juniata 97.73 O. J. Reynolds - 12.75 Gus Bourg - -- -- 15.00 J. H. McGrath Hardware Co. 66.15 Conrad Walker 16.43 Wm. F. Widmaier 62.00 Geo. W. Bivens 41.90 County Treasurer ---------------------88.48 Alex Reiber -- -a- - -------------- 100.00 T. G. Whiting 44.50 Chris Fansen ---- --- -a- -- -- - ------- 16.20 John W. Shaw - - . - 10.00 Hastings Fuel Co. ------------------- 32.80 F. D. Webster Co. 34.66 Mary Dungan 6.21 J. C. Penney Co. - 8.39 L.Y.Button, Register of Deeds 1.65 Ed Hall - 490.00 NyeaSchneider-Fowler Co 302.85 F.J-Beuediot - - -- -- -- - 60.30 Motion by Rivens, seconded by Whiting, F. L. Youngblood $ 3.00 University Publishing Co. 16.00 Mrs, Elia Doty 20.00 Hammond & Stephens Co. 12.79 W. A. Cole 66.20 Lineatime Manufacturing Co. 14.00 Fred Blake Jr. 2.00 Sutter & Roeder, Janiata - 17.97 Pickens & Bretton 53.50 Geo; Halte Ray Parmenter --- a-110.00 Wolbach & Brach Jacob Bauer Temple Cafe Mrs. E. Grey John Hoff Henry Herbst Henry Bauer 013.& Byers Lumber Co. Lee Haggard Guarantee Electric Co. J. F. Yost Lumber Co. J. A: Cates, County Clerk The Sigel Cafe James E. Addie F. C. Dean - - 4.50 - 44.92 -aa-----aaa--a 6.70 3.60 aa. 7.00 a- 36.00 -- 19.46 - 9.34 6.28 - 5.60 20.34 1,10 10.80 10.90 23.65 . 36.67 125.00 that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following Claims be allowed on Sailors' Relief Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for call. All voted yea. Motion Carried. Henry Shick George T. Wheat 5.50 -$ 4.50 W. G. Saddler /t twelve o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M. the Soldiers' & the same. Roll a ------------------3.10 WEDNESDAY MARCH 5th, 1919; 1:30 P. M. At 1:30 the Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Motion by Whiting, seconded. by Hargleroad that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following elaims be allowed on the Special Motor Vehicle Registration Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. William C. Dycus -a-- -- a - - - -- ----$ 4.55 C. P. Smith O. M. Doty 14.35 Motion by Bivens, seconded by Hynes, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed on the Bridge Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. Frank Bosard - 9.80 Byers Lumber Co----------- ---,._ -t; 29.95 Byers Lumber Co.--- ---- ..-_36.00 Motion by Hoff, seconded by Hynes that the recommendation of the Bond. Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following bonds be approved. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. Walter Fisher, Road. Overseer District No. 2. West Blue, F. W. Yatzberg, Road Overseer District No. 3, Verona, George Johnson, ?load. Overseer District 1o. 1, Zero. 8. N. Livingston, Road Overseer District No. 2 Zero. Frank Bosard, Road Overseer District No. 4, Ayr. H. E. Van Boening, Justice of the Peace, Hanover. J E. Heuertz, Justice of the Peace, Roseland. N. B. Osborne, Justice of the Peace, Zero. Henry F. Bohlke, Treasurer, Logan. Ed Blouch, Constable, Cottonwood. Frank H. Kitts, General Bond. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Bivens that when this Board adjourns it does so to meet again on Tuesday, March 18th, 1919, at 10 A. M. Motion Carried. Minutes readand approved. Motion to adjourn, carried. )1k r- , TUESDAY- MARCH 18th, 1919. 10 O'clock A. M. Board met in regular session as per adjournment of March 5th, 1919. Roll call, all members present: Hoff, Cramer, Hynes Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad and Benedict. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Hargleroad that we lay over all bilis until the next regular meeting. Amendment by Whiting that we lay over all bills except the bills for the snow shoveling until the next regular meeting. Roll call on the Amendment, Ayes: Hoff, Bivens, Whiting,Benedict. Nays: Cramer, Hynes, Hargleroad. Amendment Carried. Roll call on original motion as amended. All voted yea. Motion Carried. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Hargleroad that we rescind the Motion as amended that was previously carried in regard to taking up the bilis for snow shoveling. Roll call, Ayes: Cramer, Hynes, Hargleroad. Nays: Hoff, Bivens, Whiting, Benedict. Motion Lost. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Cramer, that we lay over the snow shoveling bilis until 3 P. M. to day. Roll call, Ayes: Cramer, Hynes, Bivens, Hargleroad. Nays: Hoff, Whiting, Benedict. Motion Carried. Balance of forenoon was taken up by discussion of good roads proposition. At twelve o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M. TUESDAY- MARCH 18th, 1919. 1:30 P. M. Board reassembled as per recess of twelve o'clock noon. Roll call, all members present. From 1:30 P. M. to 3 P. M. the Board listened to the representatives of tractor and road grader companies with a view of purchasing more road machinery. At 3 P. M. the matter of snow shoveling claims was taken up, and after considerable discussion the matter was put over until March 19th, at 9:30 A. M. At 5 o'clock the Board recessed until Wednesday March 19th, 1919, at 9:30 A. M. WEDNESDAY- MARCH 19th, 1919 at 9:30 A. M. Board reassembled as per recess of Tuesday March 18th, 1919. Roll call, all members present as follows: Hoff, Cramer, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad and Benedict. Motion by Whiting, seconded by Bivens that the recommendation of the finance committee be made the order of the Board, and the following claims be allowed on the Road Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, Ayes: Hoff, Cramer, Bivens, Whiting, Benedict. Nays: Hynes, Hargleroad. Supervisor Hynes offered the following explanation of his negative vote, and asked that same be made a part of the record:- In voting "NO" on those bills, my reasons are, said bills are illegal, unjust, and unfair to the tax payers of Adams County, outside of the Townships where the snow was removed. J. L. Hynes, Supervisor. Supervisor Hargleroad offered the following explanation of his negative vote and asked that same be made a part of the record: In, voting "No" on those bills my reasons are that same are illegal, unjust and unfair to the Tax Payers of Adams County, outside of the Townships where the snow was removed. W. B. Hargleroad, Supervisor. Motion Carried. The claims are as follows: „OA PUJ . 177 Theodore Smidt Peter Consbruck Emerson Wortman WEDNESDAY -MARCH 19th, 1919, (Continued) 36.40 Otto Kleier 4.00 16.00 Edwin Prante ----------------------6.00 6.40 W. J. Eischen ----- ------ 4.00 4.80 57.00 T. C. Siegner 197.80 E. J. Huckfeldt 145.80 A. Uhrmacher 3.20 P. 3. Eischen Wm. C. Dycns 112,60 J. H. Furry Frank Bosard - ---- - ---- ----------- 42.80 E. E. Shierman 32.00 Motion by Hoff, seconded by Hargleroad that the list of names submitted by the County Assessor for the appointment of precinct assessors be approved. Motion carried. The list follows: W. M. Gilmore Zero Michael Hansen - ----Cottonwood Chas. Creason Verona L. W. Squires - Blaine. David Bauer First Ward Wm. Kistler --Second Ward. C. L. Stone Third Ward W. J. Bobbitt - Fourth Ward. At twelve o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M. WEDNESDAY -MARCH 19th, 1919. 1:30 P. M. Board reassembled as per recess of twelve o'clock. Roll call, all members present. The entire afternoon session was taken up with the discussion of Road Machinery and good road problems. At 5 P. M. the Board recessed Until Thursday March 20th, 1919. THURSDAY- MARCH 20th, 1919. 9 A. M. Board met as per recess of March 19th, 1919. Roll ca1l,a11 members present as follows: Hoff, Cramer, Hynes, Whiting, Hargleroad, Bivens and Benedict. Motion by Eargleroad, seconded by Hynes that we parehase three complete grader outfits, one for each Supervisor District of Adams County, for the use and benefit of each Super- visor District, under the direction of the Board of Supervisors of Adams County. Roll call. Ayes: Hoff, Cramer, Hynes, Bivens, HarglerOad. Nays: Whiting, Benedict. Motion Carried. Motion by Whting and seconded by Hoff, that the Chairman appoint a committee of three to recommend the kind and size of Tractors and Graders to be purchased. Motion Carried. The Chairman appointed the following Committee: Hargleroad, Whiting and Bivens. Motion by Hoff, seconded by Hynes that we comply with the order of the County Court in the matter of a Mother's Pension for Marie Partridge and the Clerk be instructed to draw a warrant each month for the same. Motion Carried. At twelve o'clock noon the Board recessed'Until 1:50 P. M. THURSDAY - MARCH 20th, 1919. 1:30 P. M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Cramer that the recommendation of the Committee on the purchase of tractors and graders for Adams County, be accepted and made the order of the Board. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. '211 1,V\ 77 t of Adams County, that we purchase one Stockland. 10 foot and terms quoted, namely, -$900 Also that we purchase one namely, $1000.00 minus discoun Also that we purchase one Also that we purchase one at $ 3835.20, plus the freight Also that we purchase Two Illinois or 25-50 at $2830, F. Avery to buy. r '7 111"-''',4'400'14%,*1*1"4**04,*grAt44iitSAAAO,V*14pt=t,,:, quick lift grader, at the prices .00. Galion 10 foot grader at the price and terms quoted, t. Russell 10 foot grader at the prices and terms quoted. Minneapolis 40-80 Tractor, price quoted, F.O.B. Minneapolis $165.56: Total oost $4000.76. Avery Tractors, 40-80 priced at $3600, F.O.B. Peoria, O. B. Peoria Illinois. Said Board to decide what size Signed: W.B.Hargleroad. T.G.Whiting. Geo. ff. Bivens, Committee. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Hoff that we enter into a contract with the Minneapolis Tractor Company, Avery Tractor Company, Galion Iron Works and Manufacturing Company, Russell Grader Company and Stockland Grader Company for the purchase of machines recommended by the Committee. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. At five o'olook P. M. the Board recessed until Friday March 21st, 1919 at 9 A. M. FRIDAY- MARCH 21st, 1919. 9 A. M. The Board reassembled as per recess of Thursday March 20th, 1919, at 9 A. M. Roll call, all members present, except Cramer. Motion by Whiting, seconded by Hoff that F. J. Benedict be appointed Highway Commissioner of Adams County, Nebraska, for the ensuing year. Motion Carried. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Bivens that we designate the Citizens State Bank of Roseland, Nebraska, as a County Depository. Motion Carried. the Motion by Hargleroad, seconded by Bivens that„appointment of John W. Shaw as Constable, for the City of Hastings, Nebraska, be approved. Motion Carried. Motion by Hoff, seconded by Hynes, that the recommendation of the Bond Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following Official Bonds be approved. Motion Carried. W. C. O'Brien, Town Clerk, Highland. Earl Hollister, Road Overseer Dist No.1 Highland. F. A. Grubb, Town Treasurer, West Blue. W. Meester, Road Overseer Dist. No.3, Blaine. J. W. Maxfield, Justice of Peace, Highland. John W. Shaw, Constable City of Hastings. Charles Wheat, Road Overseer Dist. No. 55, Logan. Motion by Whiting, seconded by Bivens, that the Clerk be instructed to communiaate with the Chairman of the Road & Bridge Committee for the year 1918, and request him to make n report of the Road & Bridge Committee for the year 1918, so that same may be made a part of the record. Motion Carried. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M. FRIDAY- MARCH 21st, 1919. At 1:30 P. M. the Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present except Cramer. Motion by Hoff, seconded by Bivens that we designate the following roads as County Roads, and that the Clerk be instrUeted,tP advertise aaMPacoodilig to Statute. Roll call, all members present voted yea. Motion Carried. - rfi*;Y,Xt.-,'.;-;g'-'4tlZbatzW;kil6'Ta*e4k*,tg./Tiv.„.:".4;.A',S-a6VY-Zi,Za,:t;',-,4;,;-;4airt.qX' 8 No. 4. Beginning at the north line of Adams County, Kenesaw Township, between Sections Two and Three, thence south five miles to Section line. No. 5 Beginning on the north side of the center of Section 3, Wanda Township, thence south three miles on the half section line, connecting with the 0.. L. D. No. 6 Beginning at the northeast corner of Section Twenty -Three, Wanda Township, thence south to Webster County line, fifteen miles. No. 7 Beginning at the northeast corner of Section 10, in Kenesaw Township, thence east on said line to the Clay County line, twenty miles. No. 8 Beginning at the northeast corner of Section 10, in Cottonwood Township, thence east of Clay County line twenty miles. No. 9 Beginning at the northwest corner of Section 19, Cottonwood Township, thence east three miles, thence south one mile, thence east eight miles, thence south two miles, thence east four miles to Federal Road in Ayr. No. 10 Beginning at the northeast earner of Section 3, Zero Township, thence east one mile, thence south one mile, thence east 3. miles to Pauline. Bo. 11 Beginning at the northwest corner of -SectiWI9-, rogan Tawnship, thence east six miles, thence saath three miles, to Webster County line thence east on County line to first section line running south. No. 12 Beginning at the northeast corner of Section No. 11, Verona Township, thence south five miles. No. 13 Beginning at the center of the north side �f Section No. 13 in Juniata Township, thence south five miles. No. 14 Beginning at the northeast corner of Section No. 28 Roseland Township, thence south six miles, thence west one mile, thence south two miles to County line, thence west to road leading to Bladen. No. 15 Beginning at the northeast corner of Section south six miles. Motion by Hargleroad, seconded by Hynes, that all Board and designated as county roads be graded not less to as in Highland Township, thence roads taken over by the County than 50 feet wide from ditch ditch. Motion Carried. Motion by Hargleroad, seconded by Hoff that ail culverts placed on roads designated county roads be as long as the width of the grade, Motion Carried. Motion by Whiting, seconded by Hynes, that the following naiad persons be appointed Superintendent of Dragging for the various Road Dragging Districts: List of names follows: Geo. A. Munroe,. ---- ------- --West Blue. C. P. Smith Verona W. A. Newell Juniata E. E. Shierm" Blaine W. C. Dycus Ayr. Art Kistler Logan Christ Kort Zero Motion by Hargleroad, Motion Carried. 0. M. Doty ------------------ -Highland. Fred Roeder Wanda E. J. Huckfeldt Denver Andrew Smidt Hanover W. F. Duncan Roseland F. B. Burroughs Silver Lake. S. Baader Little Blue. seconded by Whiting, that the Clerk be instructed to Charge the fees for recording Soldiers' & Sailors' Discharge papers to Adams County, and to re - fund all money already this paid for fees for - purpose. Roll call, all voted yea. Moti n Carried. -Minutes read and approved. VotlO'n by Hynes, seconded by Whiting, that this Board now adjourn to meet again on 69 • - 1 1,14.4 ,1 -,X,.^,41k11-1111,1.Y.1e.[k',1;.14i1,t,&1,,,,A01,iig'.'jk,Wi,4111,1,*V144&1k'i-ga14'X*W,1k'**-6,ii*it4ar:',A#1144gVkf'4A_44,k:aileViiat-e4EL4tAat;fa'giat17it;jQ4 MONDAY- APRIL 7th, 1919. At 10 O'CLOCK A. Board met as per adjournment of March 21st, 1919. Roll call, members present as follows: Hoff, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad and Benedict. Absent: Cramer. The forenoon was taken up with routine lonainess. At twelve o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1;30 P. M. MONDAY -APRIL 7th, 1919. At 1:O P. M. The Board reassembled as per recess of twelve o'clock. Roll call, all present except Cramer. Motion by Bivens, seconded by Hynes, that A. L. Hibbard, be appointed assessor for First Ward, City of Hastings for fall term, and E. J. Huokfeldt be appointed assessor for Denver Township for 1919. Motion Carried. Motion by Whiting, seconded by Hynes that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and that the following claims be allowed on the General Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call: Ayes, - Hoff, Hynes, Bivens, F. L. Youngblood Zion Institutions & Sunnyside Omaha Printing Co. State Journal Co. Fred Blake Jr. Whiting, Hargleroad, Benedict. Absent: Cramer. Motion Carried. Industries 111/0 gm& OM C. B. & Q. R. R. Co. Robert Zohner Nye -Schneider -Fowler Co. Twidale Shoe CO. Deines Drug Co. Mikkelsen Drug Co. J. L. Hynes T. G. Whiting Mrs. Peter Cook Alex Reiber A. 1. Battan--- 3. E. Willits Lem Tibbets Henry Herbst Coon Lumber Co. Pauley Lumber Co. E. 1. McCue Henry Bauer Miller Coal Co. C.B. & Q. R. R. Co. J. A. Oates, County Clerk Pickens & Bratton Juniata Grain & L. S. Ass'n. Chris Hansen ------------------------31.60 Emma Doll ----------------------------6.00 G. N. Coon 68.25 $ 2.00 5.58 52.50 23.66 339.50 2.90 3.14 14.66 15.75 3.50 41.70 12.50 60.40 46.00 40.00 100.00 4.71 6.00 208.00 27.55 82.80 21.60 49.25 19.33 10.10 4.28 366.00 31.35 109.45 Zion Institutions & Industries Zion institutions & Industries Hastings Fuel Co. Hammond & Stephens Co. Ella Doty Conrad Walker A. C. Atwater Adams County Deomcrat J. A. Cates, County Clerk L. R. Button H. C. Haverly Dr. Walter E. Nowers Geo. W. Bivens John Hoff Hastings Ice Co. James E. Addie County Attorney A. M. Clark W. W. Keith Jacob Bauer J. H. Yost Lumber Co. Union Meat Market Hastings Daily Tribune Stein Bros. Co. Kernan Shoe Co. Union Meat Market W. A. Cole G. N. Coon 0. H. Sprankle ---- -- - - - - - R. O. Wood B R, Carl Mary Dungan B. M. Simms ••• $ 1.82 9.70 27.40 33.02 20.00 10.36 165.00 14.55 16.16 22.50 78.49 56.00 52.00 16.45 33.50 4.00 16.00 20.29 10.80 5.55 2.76 22.80 2.95 600 92.80 12.20 10.65 10.55 16.85 7.69 21.40 Motion by Whiting, seconded by Bivens, that the recommendationof the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following claims be allowed on the Roaa Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw WarrantP for the PaMP.„ Poll eall, Ayes: Hoff, Bivens, Whiting, Benedict. Nays: Hynes, Hargleroad. Absent: Cramer. G. D. Priebe E. L. Priebe - - - - --- -$ 2.00 0. H. Priebe Motion Carried. - ------------ 1.60 H. C. Kothe 34.80 E. J. Enckfcldt 349.35 Minneapblis T. M. Co. 169.89 20.60 -E, E. Shireman H. C. Haverly Minneapolis T. M. Co. J. V. Beardsley $ 1.60 3.20 ---------- 22.00 ---- - ------3830.87 F. 3. Benedict 32.40 Motion by Bivens, seconded by Whiting, that the claim of R. V. Balke for $2.00 be allowed at $1.60. Roll call, Ayes: Hoff, Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad, Benedict. Hynes. Absent: Cramer. Motion Carried. Nays: Z1ILLIA 70 Motion by Bivens, seconded by Whiting, that the claim of S. D. Elmore for $2.00 on the Road Fund be allowed at $1.60. Roll call, Ayes: Hoff, Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad Benedict. Nays: Hynes. Absent: Cramer. Motion Carried. Motion by Hargleroad, seconded by Hynes, that we allow the State Board of Irrigation Drainage & Highways, the use of office room in the court house, same to be used as a District Office, for the District Engineer. Motion Carried. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Hargleroad that we appoint W. J. Bobbitt, as Hail In- surance Adjuster for Adams County, for the year, 1919. Motion Carried. Motion by Whiting, seconded by Hynes that the report of B. F. Schlegel, Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee for the year 1918, be accepted and made a part of the record. Motion Carried. The report follows: Hastings, Nebraska, April 3rd, 1919. TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Gentlemen; -- The following is the itemized report of B. F. Schlegel, Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee, on bridges constructed and repaired in Adams County, during the year 1918. NEW WORK DONE IN SUPERVISOR DISTRICT* NO. 1. Blaine Township. Between Sections 7 & 8 in Blaine Township NEW WORK DONE IN SUPERVISOR DISTRICT NO Juniata Township. Between Sections 33 and 34, 40 ft. waterway, 16 ft. roadway steel wood floor. $ 1973.29 Concrete abuttments and wings Between Sections 29 & 32, 12 ft. waterway 20 ft. roadway, concrete flat top. Between Section 19 Juniata, and 24 Wanda 12 ft. waterway,20 ft. roadway, concrete flat top. Between Section 19 Juniata and 24 Wanda 12 ft. waterway, 20 ft. roadway, concrete flat top. • 2. NEW WORK DONE IN SUPERVISOR DISTRICT NO. 3. Kenesaw Township. Between Section 36, Kenesaw and Section 1 Wanda, 10 ft. waterway, 20 ft. roadway, concrete.flat top. Between Section 20 ft. roadway, Between Section 20 ft. roadway, 2 and 11, 10 ft. waterway, concrete flat top. 2 and 3, 12 ft. waterway, concrete flat top. Wanda Township. Between Section 1 and 2, 16 ft. waterway, 20 ft. roadway, concrete flat top. Between Section 16 and 21, 16 ft. waterway, 20 ft. roadway, Concrete arch top. Between Section 14 and 23, 16 ft. waterway, 20 ft. roadway, concrete arch top. Cottonwood Township. Section 33, 16 ft. roPdway, 50 ft. waterway steel wood floor. Concrete abuttments and wings A 1000.00 1288.66 3261.95 3006.20 1284.38 918.58 943.40 856.31 -W80.24 715.58 741.47 780.60 860.07 1295.57 1206.08 4290.58 A WARq_QS Z11 LI Between Sections 7 & 8, concrete abuttrnents 607.18 Between Sections 18 & 19, 16 ft. waterway, 20 ft. roadway, concrete flat top. Silver Lake Township. Between Sections 8 & 9, 16 ft. roadway, 50 ft. waterway steel wood floor 2270.46 Concrete abuttment and wings 1047.61 3318.07 Between Sections 16 & 17, 16 ft. roadway, 90 ft. waterway steel wood floor. 3594.50 Concrete abuttment and wings 1121.06 Between Sections 8 & 9, 16 ft. waterway, 20 ft. roadway, concrete arch top. 940.40 Roseland Township. Between Sections 24 and 25, 12 ft. 20 ft. roadway, concrete flat top. Between Sections 24 and 25, 12 ft. 20 ft. roadway, concrete flat top. Between Sections 27 and 28, 16 ft. 20 ft. roadway, concrete flat top. Between Sections 15 and 22, 16 ft. 20 ft. roadway, concrete arch top. REPAIRS ON BRIDGES. SUPERVISOR DISTRICT NO. 1. waterway, No. 1. waterway, No. 2. waterway, raterway, Total repairs in West Blue Township. TT Highland " Denver TT TT TT IT SUPERVISOR DTSTR ICT NO. 2 Total repairs TT TT TT in Juniata Township. " Ayr TT Ti Ti n Hanover TT County line, Adams and Clay Counties SUPERVISOR DIST=`ICT NO. 3. Total repairs in Kenesaw Township. 'T Wanda rT n Cottonwood TT 1T TT TT SUPERVISOR DISTRICT NO. 4. Total repairs in Silver Lake Township. TT TT TT Little Blue TT Total repairs in Township lines between Logan and Silver Lake. Zero Township Total repairs in Roseland Township. SUMMARY OF BRIDE WORK 1918. Total cost new bridges constructed. Supervisor District No. 1. TT TT Total 11 TT Tt T, 2 3. 4. cost of new bridges Total cost of repair work on bridges, 1918. TT TT Supervisor District No. 1. iT 2• TT Tt 3* TT TT TT 4 Total cost of repair work_ 1918. TT /T TT 1000.00 5980.24 9889.95 14520.97 -773-1.79=6 485.00 1114.45 560.47 1112.53 4715.56 1204.34 784.90 728.35 883,83 1338.33 14520.97 148.85 74.65 261.50 485.00 375.89 291.32 351.24 96.00 >1114.4 75.20 222.57 262.70 560.47 279.33 516.05 795.38 90.70 28.20 198.25 1112.53 LlJil 72 • Advance payment on 1919 work Advancepayment on 1918 Sand and reinforcing wire Water tank and lumber Net total expenditures All of which is respectfully submitted. o 4000.00 178.72 65.00 $ 4243.72 2000.00 36663.61 4243.72 T32419.89 B. F. SCELEGEL, Chairman Road & Bridge Committee. At five o'clock -P. M. the Board recessed until 9 A. M. TUESDAY- APRIL 8th, 1919. At 9 o'clock A. M. the Board reassembled as per recess of Yonday April 7th, 1919. Roll call, members present: Hoff, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad and Benedict. Absent: Cramer. Motion by Bivens, seconded by whiting that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following claims be allowed on the Special Motor Vehicle Registration Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. J. H. Furry Roy B. Eversmen E. E. Shierman S. Bauder Andy Smidt W. A. Newell W. C. Dycus Motion Carried. $ 75.60 7.35 54.95 83.30 40.80 93.55 88.90 E. E. Shierman $ 31.15 Roy B. Eversman 5.95 Geo, A. Munroe 51.10 W. F. Duncan 33.25 Andrew Smidt - 106.00 C. P. Smith 39.20 Motion by Whiting, seconded by Hargleroad, that the recommendation of Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following claim General Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the all voted yea. Motion Carried. J. O. Brower, Transfer Co. ------$ 2.65 F. F. Thomas Law Book Co. 10.00 B. F. Schlegel 16.00 Proffitt & Lovell 34.50 Sutter & Roeder Motion by Hynes, 88.9'7 The Worrell Mfg. Co. F. J. Benedict ' L. F. Button Sutter & Roeder the Finance be allowed on the same. Roll call $ 26.25 52.00 1.60 15.19 seconded by Bivens that the recommendation of the Finance Committ- ee be made the order of the Bi,ard, and the following claims be allowed on the Bridge Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. yea. Motion Carried. Coon Lumber Co. Robt. W. Jones Motion by Whiting, $ 120.50 G. N. Coon 13.00 John Blankenbiller Roll call, all voted 49.55 17.60 seconded by Bivens that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and that the following claims on the General Fund be disallowed. Roll call, Ayes: Hoff, Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad, Hynes present, but not voting. Absent: Cramer. , Motion Carried. J. R. Baugh Logan Township $ 4.00 48.30 T. G. Whiting Benedict. $ 4.00 Motion by Hoff, seconded by Hargleroad that we transfer Fifteen Thousand ($15,000) Dollars from the General Fund, into the Road Ftnd. Roll call, all present voted yea. Motion carried. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Whiting, that the recommendation of the Bond Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following Official Bonds be approved. call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. Roll Z111,1)1k 73 • • - • • ,• , fr. R. F. Snider, Road Overseer District No. 2, KeneSaw. R. Striass Road Overseer District No. 3, Verona. A. G. Bourg, Road Overseer District No. 2, Ayr. A. E. Williams Road Overseer, District No. 2, Blaine. George Peters, Road Overseer District No. 4 Blaine. Robert Jones, Road Overseer District No. 4, Little Blue. Frank Zubrog, Road Overseer District No.58, Logan. Ivan E. Newkirk, Road Overseer District No. 2, Highland. F. J. Benedict, Highway Commissioner Adams County. Motion by Hargleroad, seconded by Bivens, that the petition of J. F. Gangwish and others, from Juniata Township, asking that the county road designated as No. 13, be changed to specifications in their petition, be granted. The road so changed by this petition be now designated as County Road No. 13. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. Motion by Hargleroad, seconded by Bivens that we rescind the action of the Board in regard to grading county roads 5ofoot wide from ditch to ditch. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. Motion by Fargleroad, seconded by Bivens, that all roads taken over by the County be graded 40 feet wide from ditch to ditch. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. Motion by Hoff, seconded by Hynes that in accepting the report of Captain R. R. Damerell of the Hastings Home Guards, we appreciate the manner in which the appropriation was handled, and that the. County Board hereby extends to Captain Damerell a vote of tlianks, and that his report be made a part of the record. Motion Carried. Report follows: Hastings, Nebr. February 21, 1919. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, Adams County, Nebraska. Gentlemen;--. 1 am pleased to submit herewith a statement of the expenditure of the fund of $2000, received by me to be used in paying for the equipment of the Hastings Home Guard Company. The Company was recently mustered out of the service by orders of the Governor. The report has been delayed on account of time given some of the boys, who were members of the Company, desiring to purchase the rifle used by them, which Was ordered by your Honorable Body. The 72 Rifles purchased have been sold to members of the Company. It was my purpose to use this money as sparingly as possible and. I am returning almost one-third of the original fund besides the amount received from the sale of the rifles to the members. I wish to thank you for the confidence placed in me in the expenditure of this fund: Amount received from County $ 2000.00 Sale of rifles to mebers of Company (110.00 (72) 720.00 $ 2720.00 Expenditures: C.K.Lawson Hardware Co 60 Rifles $ 1040.40 TT TT IT TT n Amunition 57.00 Wolbach & Brach, cleaning material and lamps 7.30 H.L.F. Proffitt, 1 uniform, 25 prs. insigna 22.00 C. K. Lawson Hardware Co. 12 Rifles, Amunition 237.84 G. E. Isaman & Co. Blk. Shells 45 cal. 1.00 C. K. Lawson Hardware Co. Blk. Shells 45 cal. 6.44 H. L. F. Proffitt 1 uniform 12.00 F. C. Haverly, County Treasurer,(amount of original fund returned) 616.02 Receipt of F. C. Haverly, County Treasurer for rifles sold 720.00 -T-076750"--- Total returned.to County original fund 616.02 Rifles sold 720.00 $ 133/.02 4,00,V4P, fl 74 At twelve o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1 o'clock P. M. TUESDAY- APRIL 8th, 1919. At 1 o'clock the Board reassembled as per recess of twelve o'clock noon. Roll call, members present: Hoff, Hynes, Bivens, whiting, Hargleroad, Benedict. Absent: Cramer. Motion by Bivens, seconded by Whiting that the Treasurer be instructed to refund to George Trupp $9.50 on account of being assessed in School District No. 78 instead of No. 23, as shown by Tax Receipt No. 5836. Motion Carried. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Whiting that the recommendation of the Complaint Committ- ee be made the order of the Board, and that an entire refund as shown by Tax Receipt No. 6270 be allowed, on account of erroneous assessment. Also that the valuation as shown by Tax Receipt Ho. 3543 be reduced from $1140.00 to $600.00, on account of double assess- ment. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. Motion by Hargleroad, seconded by Hynes that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board, and that the following clairnsfor a refund of taxes as shown by Tax Receipts Nos. 5345, 4204, 4087, 5403, 5615, 5619 and 5290 be dis- allowed. Motion. Carried. Motion by Hargleroad, seconded by Hynes that we confirm the appointment the appoint- ment of Martha Bntzirns as Assistant County Superintendent of Schools, and fix her salary at 885.00 per month, commencing May lst, 1919. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. Motion by Fergleroad, seconded by Hoff, that we make an appropriation of $150.00 from the General Fund, to the Publicity and of the Victory Loan Committee. Warrant to be drawn in favor of George Dutton, Chairman, under an agreement with Mr. Dutton. Roll call, ell voted yea. Motion Carried. Minutes read and approved. Motion by Hoff, seconded by Bivens, that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Monday, May 5th, 1919, at 10 A. M. Motion Carried. 4o, MONDAY - MAY 5th, 1919. 10 A. M. Board met in regular session, called to order by the Clerk. Roll call, all members present: Hoff, Cramer, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad and Benedict. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Whiting, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following claims be allowed on the General Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. A. C. Atwater Hastings Fuel Co. Rutherford Bros. W. W. Keith Lem Tibbets, Clerk District Court - 26.00 J. L. Hynes _ 57,75 .Alex Reiber 100.00 A. I. Batten 4.44 Conrad Walker __ _ 22.55 Thomas S. Wynn 130.00 St. Joe & Grand Island Railway Co. - 4.84 H. O. Eckhardt 35.76 Fred Blake Jr., 3.20 Henry Herbst 15.00 Jacob Bauer 6.85 $ 140.00 25.90 _ 1.20 - 24.00 Kernan Shoe Co. --- - --- - --------- Union Meat Market ---- - E. L. McCue Matt Plein ---- - ---- ------ State Journal Company H. D. Webster 00. Sutter & Roeder H. F. Jacobson Wahlquist Bros., Wahlquist Bros., Mary Dungan Proffitt & Lovell Adams County Democrat Lincoln Telephone & Teleg. Co, At twelve o'clock noon the Board 2.95 6.65 40.11 32.10 3.35 24.84 14.16 6.00 42.50 21.50 11.21 26.74 34,55 Pauley Lumber Co. -$ 21.60 W. A. Cole -- - -- ---- --------------- 93.48 Dr. J. W. Brown 2.00 J.E.Willits 9.00 John Hoff 49.00 T. G. Whiting 48.10 Mrs: J. W. Van Dyke 12.00 Geo. W. Bivens - 40.00 Nye -Schneider -Fowler 00. 87.40 Dr, James V. Beghtol 9.00 Industrial Chemical Supply Co. 112.50 C. V. Whisinand 4.96 Mrs- Elia Doty 25.00 Henry Bauer 20.70 Miller Coal Co. 10.10 Guarantee Electric Co; 7.50 James E. Addie - 39.50 Chapel Newell 15,00 B. F. Carl Lee Haggard J.H.McGrath Hardware Co. Zion Institutions & IndustrieS State Journal Company Lee Haggard H". D. Webster Co. Miss Moffitt - - F. J. Benedict 15.65 4.75 58.22 1.72 12.58 27.82 51.22 25.00 53.90 . County Treasurer -------------------- 51.00 40.50 2.16 County Treasurer recessed until 1;30 P. M. MONDAY- MAY 5th, 1919. 1:30 P. M. - At 1:30 P. M. the Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Motion by Bivens, seconded by Whiting, that the recommendation of the Road & Bridge Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following bridges be ordered built. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. Concrete Bridge between Section 13 and 24 Roseland Township, 10 foot water way, and 20 foot roadwO, arch -top. Concrete Bridge between Section 36 Roseland and Section 31 Ayr, 10 foot water 16 foot roadway, flat top. Concrete Bridge between Section 21 and 28 Roseland Township, foot roadway, arch top. Concrete Bridge between Section 19 and 30 Roseland Township, foot roadway, flat top. Concrete Bridge between Section 24 and 25 Silver Lake Township,16 foot waterway and 20 foot roadway, flat top. Concrete Bridge between Section 26 and 35 Silver Lake Township, 10 foot waterway and 20 foot roadway, flat top. Concrete Bridge between Section 15-anc 16 Cottonwood Township, 14 foot waterway, and 20 foot roadway, flat top. way and 8 foot waterway and 20 10 foot waterway and 20 Concrete Bridge between Section 19 and 30, Wanda Township, -16 foot water way and 20 foot roadway, arch top. Concrete Bridge between Section 5 and 8 Ayr Township, 8 foot waterway and 20 foot roadway. flat top. P'Z‘N L4U Motion by Whiting, seconded by Bivens, thtthe recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following claims be allowed on the Special Motor Vehicle Registration Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. E. E. Shierman Geo. A. Munroe Wm. C. Dycus Fred G. Roeder Ed J. Huckfeldt Ed J. Huckfeldt W. 7. Duncan E. E. Shierman E. E. Shierman Christ Kort Motion by Whiting, Motion Carried. - 1 14.70 H. B. Burroughs e 65.85 O. M. Doty 69.90 W. B. Hargleroad 152.25 307,3C S. Bauder --------------------------63.00 - 102.90 W. F. Duncan 59.15 - 94.15 Ed J. Huckfeldt 8.25 6.00 W. A. Newell --- -- - - -_ - 174,70 21.70 E. E. Shierman 28.00 - 26.60 E. E. Shierman 40.50 110.95 C. P. Smith 148.05 206.32 seconded by Hynes, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following,claims be allowed on the Bridge Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. Wm. H. Gartner dh 0 14.00 M. A. Hargleroad John P. Halbmaier 17.00 4.00 Motion by 'Hynes, seconded by Whiting, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following' claims' be allowed on the Road Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Oarried. The Galion Iron Works & Mfg. Jacob. Zubrod W. H. Liston Ed J. Huckfeldt Frank Bosard Co. ----3-948.66 5,10 . 22.60 18.50 3.00 W. B. Hargleroad E. A. Brandes F. J. Benedict N. A. Hargleroad Motion by Whiting, seconded by Bivens, that the petition of Art e 34.80 7625.00 21.50 23.65 Kistler for a bridge o be built between Section23 and 24Logan Township, and also the petition of O. W. Peter - on for a bridge between Section 5 and 8 Logan Township, and also the petition of John Steiner for two bridges on the half section line in Section 20 in Wanda Township, be disallowed. Motion Carried. Motion by Hoff, seconded by Hynes, that the recommendation of the Bond Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following Official Bonds be approved. Motion Carried. John P. Claussen, Road Overseer District No, 1, Verona Township. Fred Taute, Road Overseer District No. 4, Verona Township. Ed J. Huckfeldt, Assessor, Denver Township. Motion by Hargleroad, seconded by whiting, that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be Made the order of the Board, and the Treasurer be instructed to refund to W. E..Patzer, 3.84 on Tax Receipt No. 6591 on account of double assessment. Roll call all voted yea. Motion Carried. Motion by whiting, seconded by Hargleroad, that we accept the resignation of W. A. Woodworth as Precinct Assessor for Ayr Township. Notion Carried. Notion by Whting, seconded by Hoff, that we appoint Jasper Giddings, Precinct Assessor for Ayr Township, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of W. A. Wood- worth. Motion Carried. Motion by Cramer, seconded by Hoff, that the request of Judge Jno. Snider for a raise of Ten (, 10.00) Dollars per month for his stenographer, Miss. Anna E. Gartner, be allowed commencing May 1st, 1919. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. Motion By Hoff, seconded by Whiting that the Chairman and Clerk be instructed to r 21'y Lliik MONDAY- MAY 5th, 1919, 1:30 P. M. (Continued) Motion by Cramer, seconded by Whiting that we allow the County Assessor to pay his help A3.50 per day commencing from May 1st, 1919. Roll cell, all voted yea. Motion Carried. Motion by Whiting, seconded by Bivens, that the Chairman appoint a Committee of two to investigate a Good Roads proposition as being demonstrated by the Goods Roads Company of Kansas City, Missouri, provided the City of Hastings will appoint a Committee also. Roll call: Ayes,- Hoff, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Hergleroad, Benedict. Nays: -Cramer. Motion Carried. At 5 P. M. the Board recessed until 9 A. M. Tuesday May 6th, 1919. TUESDAY- MAY 6th, 1919, 9 A. M. Board met as per recess of Monday May 5th, 1919. Roll call, all members present: Hoff, Cramer Hynes, Bivens, Wliiting, Hargelroad, Benedict. Motion by Hargleroad, seconded by Hynes, that we allow for road dragging the sum of forty five (459!) cents per mile, until September, lst, 1919. Same to become effective May 6th, 1919. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. "Balance of the forenoon was taken up with the discussion of good roads proposition. At twelve o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M. TUESDAY- MAY 6th, 1919, 1:30 P. M. At 1:30 P. M. the Board reassembled as per recess. R011 cell, all members present. Good Roads proposition was discussed until 3 P. M. Minutes were read and approved. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Bivens, that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Monday June 2nd, 1919, et 10 A. M. Motion Carried. Whereupon Board adjourned. , el, ,/..4.„.„ .. CLERE. CHAIRMAN. DEPUTY rm" 211M\ 1 ) MONDAY - JUNE 2nd, 1919. At 10 A. M. Board met as per adjournment of May 6th, 1919. Roll call, all members present:- Hoff, Cramer, Hynes, Bivens Whiting, Hargleroad and Benedict. The forenoon was taken up with considerationof claims. Board recessed until 1:30 P. M. 'MONDAY - JUNE 2nd, 1919. At 1:30 P. M. Board reassembled as per recess of Monday June 2nd, at 12 otolock noon. Roll call, all members present. Motion by Whiting, seconded by Bivens, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following claims be allowed on the General Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. P. H. Cramer Mrs. Ella Doty Pickens & Bratton Proffitt & Lovell Mary Dungan Mable Croft Henry Bauer James F. Crowley Monroe Sales Co. J. F. Reader Geo. Halte Sutter & Roeder W. A. Cole, Sheriff County Treasurer Doctor- Sherman J. Jones Hastings Daily Tribnne Livingston Bros. John Hoff University Pablishing Co. Helen Cramer K- B Printing Co. T. G. Whiting John Hoff ----- ----- ---- Central Nebraska Mill Works J. A. Cates, County Clerk A. 1. Batten County Treasurer M. E. Dieter L. W. Squires Eckhardt Roeder Jasper Giddings W. A. Woodworth C. L. Stone William Gilmore Michael Hansen J. H. Pope Sunnyside Lem Tibbets, Clerk District Court Adams County Democrat Lee Haggard OM Oka ace $ 64.00 20.00 13.70 9.05 19.89 80.50 14.74 16.15 300.00 160.00 21.15 71.60 49.95 87.35 43.00 33.36 47.00 44.00 15.00 50.00 46.32 28.74 28.84 10.35 22.87 6.74 209.51 191.00 140.00 175.85 25.00 60.00 245.00 125.00 151.76 125.00 48.00 16.00 25.95 28.51 C. B. & Q. R. R. Co. McGrath Hardware Co. F. J. Schaufelberger 3. L. Hynes H. D. Webster Co. Helen Cramer Byers Lumber Co. A. C. Atwater J. R. Baugh R. O. Wood F. A. Kearns Hastings Fuel Co. W. A. Cole, Sheriff Sutter & Roeder William Widmaier John Snider, County Judge Local Registrars Alex Reiber Stewart & Smith Mabel Croft Stein Bros Company T. G. Whiting Renner & Serf Baird & Baird Miller Coal Co. Geo. W. Bivens Chas. Creason W. J. Bobbitt Geo. S. Kistler C. Zogg Emil Baehr W. A. Newell John Gearhart William Huston William Kistler Robert Zohner Central Nebraska Millwork C . F. J. Benedict Conrad Walter E. J. Huckfeldt 4.90 40.50, 7.50 60.65 17.29 80.50 15.75 140.00 28.43 11.50 88.79 5.15 74.60, 35.37 12.00 45.20 61.50 100.00 1.55 57.50 4.38 67.90 58.00 12.00 33.20 62.80 140.30 210.00 110.00 105.90 115.00 177.25 170.00 75.00 205.00 4.02. 7.90 43.40: 21.78 125.00 Motion by Hynes, seconded by Whiting, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following claims be allowed on the Road Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. standard Oil Company National Refining Co. J. H. Haney Co. C. B. & Q. R. :.Co. 3. E. Wiltrout Russell Grader Manufacturing Co. T. S. Hynes W. B. Hargleroad R. H. Struss Henry H. Gartner E. A. Brandes $199.07 187.86 20.03 55.87 42.90 --- 943.85 49.00 3.77 17.66 111.50 55.41 Standard Oil Company National Refining Company J. H. Haney & Co. Roy Gish Stockland Road Machinery Co. A. J. Willmes J. A. Weber Henry C. Grelok Fred G. Roeder E. J. Huckfeldt F. J. Benedict $ 73.65 17.83 1.80 60.20 844.13 155.60 135.10 18.35 74.55 5.30 56.20 '21 L li Motion be made the the General the General Motion be made the MONDAY - JUNE 2nd, 1919, 1:30 P. M. (Continued.) by Hynes, seconded by Bivens,, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee order of the Board, and that the claim of Mrs. Lulu Douglas for $15.00 on Fund be disallowed. Also the claim of Mrs. Laurence Douglas for t66.00 on Fund be disallowed. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. by Hynes, seconded by Bivens, that the recommendation of the Fiance Committee order of the Board and the followingclaims be allowed on the Bridge Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to Carried. Geo. N. Whiting Roseland Lumber C Frank H. Kitts draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion' $ 2.10 Chas. Wheat 18.50 703.66 Frank H. Eitts Standard Bridge Company 15.00 1400.13 3603.80 Motion by Hargleroad, seconded by Whiting, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and the f011oWing claims be allowed on the Special Motor Vehicle Registration Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. E. E. Shierman Niels Mikkelsen W. A. Newell Chris Kort Andrew Smidt Andrew Smidt $ 93.15 B. J. Huckfeldt 158.90 Roy B. Eversman 133.90 Art Kistler 81.00 John Garris 78.00 Fred G. Roeder 84.80 Chas. Wheat At 5 P. M. the Board recessed until Tuesday June 3rd, t 9 A. M. TUESDAY - JUNE 3rd, 1919. 9 o'clock A. M. The Board reassembled as per recess of Monday June 2nd, 1919 Roll call: Members present,- Cramer, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Absent: Hoff. Motion by Hargleroad, seconded by Bivenz, that Chas. Kuehn be $ 55.80 5.25 162.20 8.40 97.70 3.75 Hargleroad and Benedict. appointed Superintendent of Road Dragging for District No. 4, Kenesaw Township. Motion Carried. The forenoon was taken up with discussion of county business. At twelve o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30. TUESDAY JUNE 3rd, 1919. 1:30 P. M. At 1:30 P. M. the Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, All members present except Hoff. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Whiting, that the report of the County Farm Committee be accepted and made a matter of record. Motion Carried. The report follows: TO THE HONORABLE BOARD 07 SUPERVISQRS: GENTLEMEN; wishes to submit the following report of for the year ending March 1st, 1919. RECEIPTS. the receipts and expenditures Mar. 15, 1 Calf Hide 40# 2904 Lb. Hogs 16' 15-k Bu. Wjeat Your Committee of the County Farm Y 3.68 464.69 30.70 nn V" Z.4 Jh Report of County Farm Committee 7 Head of Cattle Feb. 8, 3 Mar. 1, i Team EXPENDITURES. Grocers. Sutter & Roeder Griennan Mere. Co. R. O. J. R. J. H. 2.9.2t11/. Work. Wood Baugh Still Hardware & Seeds McGrath Hardware Co. A, F. Meyer, McGrath Hardware Co. it TT TT - Continued. Blacksmith Work O. H. Sprankle, LT TT 11 0. TT TY Plumbing. 3. Reynolds, Plumbing, STITyy TT fl TT Hardware Garden Seeds Hardware & Grass Seed Hardware Blacksmith Extract & Spices. C. T. Buchanan, Extract & Spices, TT TT TT Oils & Grease. Manhattan Oil Co. Oils Nat. Refining Co. tt Twine & Implements. Chris Hansen, Twine. Stephen Schultz, Repairs Cole & Helmas, Shoveling Board Stephen Schultz, Hand Corn Shellers & Repairs ptmp Repairs. Geo. Halte, Pump Repairs Chas . Howard " TY Geo. Halte, " Dr. Mace, Dr. Hall, Dr. Mace, Medical Services. Medical Services, Veterinary Services Medical Services Disinfectants,-Hillyard Chemical TT Go. Miscellaneous Articles. J. W. Smith, Harness Repairs. C. F. Pfeiffer, Shelling Corn Earl Maxfield, Seed Corn O. Shouse, Seed Potatoes J. R. Baugh, Repairs & Supplies Chas. Burley, Seed Corn Rollins Furniture Co. Supplies for house L. L. Fink, Dehorning Cattle Coon Lumber Co. Lumber & Coal C. Pfeiffer, Corn Shelling Seth Pease, Potatoes $ 485.00 165.00 251.40 $4831.67 $ 598.22 28.20 19.22 9.35 38.50 19.25 46.00 19.80 16.00 20.75 8.90 3.10 10.35 10.25 6.15 10.00 12.75 10.15 9.00 5.18 5.95 14.76 78.00 14.91 3.00 8.60 4.50 40.85 13.65 14.00 33.50 5.70 15.40 16.00 19.60 14.00 37.50 20.00 28.41 30.00 23.00 5.50 360.78 14.30 74.50 19n A Report of County Farm Committee, - Continued. J. R. Baugh, Extra Labor J. B. Hillers, Insurance Gus Bourg, Telephone Chas. Crosier, Brood Sows Ed Hall, Team horses and cow J. R. Baugh, Extra Supplies J. R. Baugh, Salary for one year Total Receipts Total Expenditures All of which is respectfully submitted, Motion by Whiting, seconded by Cramer, that the $ 32.00 167.75 15.00 150.00 490.00 63,75 1600.00 $4447.39 $4831.67 4447.39 GEO. W. BIVENS. T. G. WHITING. W. B. HARGLEROAD. Committee, recommendation of the Finance Committ- ee be made the order of the Board and the following claim be allowed on the Road Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw Notion Carried. Sipple Bros., Motor Co. warrants for the same. 14.00 Roll call, all voted yea. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Bivens, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and the following claims be allowed on the Special Motor Vehicle Registration Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. C. P. Smith S. Bauder (4. 11) .44 133.50 61.75 Geo. A. Munroe W. F. Duncan $ 141.00 59.15 Motion by Whiting,seoonded by Hynes, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board, and the followingclaims be allowed on the General Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants Motion Carried. Borley Transfer Co. James E. Addie John W. Einspahr for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. $ 14.98 A. L. Hibbard $ 245.00 33.50 Wahlquist Bros. 46.00 171.51 Lincoln Tele. & Teleg. Co. 2.68 Motion by Hynes, seconded by Whiting, that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the Order of the Board, and that the claim of D. B. Marti for an en- tire refund of taxes as shown by ftx Receipt No. 4204 be granted. Also the claim of C. S. Tharpe for a reduction of $1.80 as shown by Tax Receipt No. 5456 be granted, same being on erroneous assessment. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried, Motion by Hynes, Committee be made the assessments for taxes for refund of part of seconded by Hargleroad, that the recommendation of the Complaint order of the Board, and that the following claims for reduction of on the 1918 Assessment, on account of over a valuation and asking taxes paid, be disallowed, for the reason that the Board has no authority to make refunds in cases of this nature after passed on the assessment for the year. Motion Carried. J. W. Plummer Tax Receipt No. 7663. VetnIT nnoc.pi Wm. Brach, -r 1 the Board of Equalization has List of claims follows: Tax Receipt No. 8541. elffIrt= 1414 Motion by Hynes, seconded by Whiting, that the resignation of Elizabeth Henry, as Deputy County Clerk be accepted. Motion Carried. Motion by Whiting, seconded by Cramer, that the Treasurer's request to retain 025.00 for a Deputy and =500.00 for a book keeper in the office of County Treasurer for the last half of the year 1919 be granted, same to be paid out of fees of the office for the cal- ender year. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. Motion by Whiting, seconded by Hynes, that the request of the County Clerk for an extra clerk during the preparing of the tax lists be granted. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. Motion by Whiting, seconded by Bivens, that the recommendation of the Bond Committee be made the order of the Board, and that the Official Bond of R. O. Wirfel, Town Clerk Verona. Township be approved. Motion Carried. Minutes read and approved. Ioti.on by Hynes, seconded by Bivens, that this Board now adjourn to meet again June 9th, 1919, at 10 A. M. , whereupon the Board adjourned. / a,teA n C 64/01,e4eve.,;c1 CHAIRMAN. VT AA E 7 MONDAY- JIJNE 9th, 1919 10- A. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Roll call, members present as follows: Hoff, Cramer, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting and Benedict. Absent: Hargleroad. Forenoon was taken up with County Busiress. At twelve o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M. MONDAY - JUNE 9th, 1919. 1:30 P. M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present except Hargleroad. Motion by Hoff, seconded by Hynes, that we comply with the order of the County Court in the matter of an application for a Mother's Pension by Mrs. Iva Rose, and that the Clerk be instructed to issue warrant each month for the same. Roll call, all present voted yea. Motion Carried. Motion by Cramer, seconded by Bivens, that the petition of John Hohlen and others, for a cement bridge in Zero Township be referred to the Road & Bridge Committee. Motion Carried. Motion by Cramer, seconded by Bivens, that the appointment of F. W. Evans as Town Clerk of Kenesaw Township be confirmed, and that the Bond of F. W. Evans be accepted. Motion Carried. Supervisors, John Hoff and T. G. Whiting who were appointed a Committee to go to Kansas City, and investigate an oil road proposition, made a verbal report to the Board that they were very much impressed with the proposition. Motion by Bivens, seconded by Hynes, that we appropriate$100.00 from the General Fund for the purpose of helping celebrate the return of the soldiers, said celebration to be held in Hastings, June 26th, 1919, and that the Clerk be instructed to issue a warrant for said amount in favor of• G. A. Volland, Secretary of theCommittee. Roll call, all present voted yea. Motion Carried. Minutes read and approved. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Bivens, that this Board now adjourn to meet again July 2nd, 1919, at 10 A. M. Motion Carried. Whereupon the Board adjourned. / 4-4 °-'-1g6Itft. 9 V .4 TUESDAY - JUNE 10th, 1919 10 A. Board met as per legal notice as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, all members present as follows: Hoff, Cramer, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Haigleroad, and Benedict. County Clerk Cates, and County Assessor Zohner, who are members of said Board. Forenoon was taken up with consideration and investigation of complaints filed. .At twelve o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M. TUESDAY - JUNE 10th, 1919. 1:30 P. M. Board reassembled as per recess of twelve o'clock. All members present, including Zohner and Cates. Afternoon was taken up with consideration and investigation of complaints filed. At 5 P. M. the Board recessed until Wednesday June llth, 1919 at 9 A. M. WEDNESDAY - JUNE llth, 1919. 9 A.M. Board reassembled as per recess. All memebrs present as follows: Hoff, Cramer, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad and Benedict. County Clerk Cates and County Assessor Zohner. Forenoon was taken up with consideration and investigation of complaints filed. At twelve o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M. WEDNESDAY -JUNE llth, 1919. 1:30 P. M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, 811 members present including Zohner and Cates. Afternoon was taken up with consideration and investigation of complaints filed. At five O'eloOk,P. M. tho Board7recessed untill'hursday at 9 A. M. THURSDAY - JUNE 12th, 1919. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present including Zohner and Cates. Forenoon was taken up with consideration and investigation of complaints filed. At twelve o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M. THURSDAY - JUNE llth, 1919. 1:30 P. Y. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present including Zohner and Oates. Afternoon was taken up with consideration and invesyigation of complaints filed. At five o'clock P. M. the Board recessed until., Friday June 13th, 1919. FRIDAY - JUNE 13th, 1919. 9 A. M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call all members present including Zohner and Cates. Forenoon was taken up with consideration and investigation of complaints filed. At twelve o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1;30 P. M. FRIDAY - JUNE 13th, 1919. 1:30 P. M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present including Zohner and Cates. Afternoon was taken up with consideration and investigation of complaints filed. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present including Zohner and Cates. Forenoon was taken up with consideration and investigation of complaints filed, and a final examination and comparion of the entire personal valuation of the county and city of Hastings was made. At twelve o'clock noon the Board recessed untl 1:30 P. M. SATURDAY - JUNE 14th, 1919. 1:30 P. M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present, including Zohner and Cates. The following Resolution was offered by W. 3. Hargleroad: 7hareas, after carefully examining and comparing the personal tax schedules of the personal property in the siAeen different townships of Adams County, Nebraska, and the four different wards of the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, as returned by the precinct assessors for the year 1919, and reviewed and revised by the County Assessor, we find that the valuations of these townships and wards have fallen materially below the valuations as returned for 1918, THEREFORE BE TT RESOLVED that,in order to equalize the personal valuation of the different townships and wards that we increase the entire personal valuation of the follow- ing townships and wards as follows: Wanda 30 Per Cent Denver 5 TT TY Blaine 10 " TT Hanover - 5 TY TT Ayr 5 Logan 30 TT TT Silver Lake 30 " Little Blue 5 Roseland 10 " TI IT CITY OF HASTINGS. First Ward 13 TT Second Ward 20 " And that the County Assessor and County Clerk be authorized to make these increases on all the personal schedules of the above mentioned townships and wards. Roll call: Ayes,- Hoff, Cramer, Hynes, Blvens, Whiting, Hargleroad, Benedict, Cates. Nays: Zohner. Motion Carried. At 5 P. M. the Board recessed until Tuesday June 17th, 1919 at 10 A. M. TUESrAY JUNE 17t11 1919, 10:00 A.M. Board reassembled as per recess, June 14th 1919. Roll call, all members present, as follows: Hoff, Cramer, Rynes, Bivens, Fhlting, Fargleroad, Benedict, Zohner and Cates Forenoon was taken up by the board in the consideration of complaints that arae on for hearing. At 12:00 noon, the board recessed until 1:30 P.Y. 11 L4 TUESDAY * JUNT; 17th 1919. 1:30 P.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present Motion by Hoff, second by Bivens, that we rescind the action of this Board in ordering an increase on the following townships and wards in Adams County and the City of P astings, to -wit: Wanda 30 per cent Denver - -----------5 per cent Blaine O. .0 10 TT TT Roll call, all voted yea. Hanover - Ayr - Logan JAWID IIMO Oft 5 _ 5 30 TT 11 T1 TT TT Silver :Lake 30 FT n Roseland -r, - - - 10 " TT Little Blue 5 TT IT First Ward Cy. of Has. 13 Yt TT Second Ward " T11 Motion carried.' 20 TT 11 At 5 P.M. the Board recessed until Wednesday, June 18th, at 9 A.M. WEDNESDAY JUNE 18th, 1919. 9 A.M. Board reassembled as per recess June 17th. Woli call, all members present as follows: 7off, Cramer, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad, Benedict, Zohner and Cates. Forenoon was taken up with parties cited to appear before the Board and show cause why their assessments should not be raised. 12 o'clock noon Board recessed until 1:30 P.M. fl1117,SDAY JUNE 18th, 1919. 1:30 Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. The entire afternoon was taken up with examination of personal schedules of various parties cit -d to appear before the Board. At 5 P.M. the Board recessed until Tuesday June 24th, at 10 A.M. TUESDAY JUNE 24th, 1919. 10 A.M. Board met as per recess of June 18th. 1919. Roll call, all members present as follows: Hoff, Cramer, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Fargleroad, Benedict, Zohner and Oates. The forenoon was taken up with the examination of personal tax schedules of parties cited to appear before the Board. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P.M. TUESDAY JUNE 24th, 1919. 1:30 P.M. Board reassembled as per recess. ?soli call, all members present. The afternoon was taken up with the examination of personal tax schedules of parties cited to appear before the Board. At 5 P.M. the Board recessed until Wednesday June 25th at 10 A.M. ... ..... ..... . WEDNESDAY JUNE 25th, 1919. 10 A.M. Board met as per recess of June 24th 1919. Call, all members present as follows: Hoff, Cramer, Fynes , Ivens , hitin,g, Iargleread, Benedict, Zohner. and Uates. The forenoon was taken up with the examination of personal tax schedules of parties cited to appear before the Board. At 12 O'clock noon, the Board recessed until 1:30 P.M. Wednesday June 25th, 1919. 1:30 P.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. The afternoon was taken up with the examination of personal tax schedules of parties cited to appear before the Board. At 5 P.M. the D'oard recessed until Thursday June 26th, at 10:_.M. THURSDAY ZUNE 26th. 1919. 10 A.M. Board met as per recess of June 25th. F3oll call, All members present as follows: Hoff Or mer, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting Fargleroad, Benedict, Zohner and Cates. The forenoon was taken up with the exeminatton of personal tax schedules of parties cited to appear before the Board. At 12 o'clock noon, the Board recessed until 1:30 P.M. THURSDAY JUNE 26th. L919. 1:30 P.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. The a:f'ternoon was taken up with the examination of personal tax schedules of parties cited to appar before the Board. At 5 P.M. the Board recessed until Friday June 27th, 1919 at 10 A.M. FRIDAY JUNE 27th, 1919 18 A.M. Board met as per recess of June 26th. Roll call, all members present as follows: Hoff, Cramer, Hynes, Bivens, ffhiting Fargleroad, Benedict, Zohner and Cates. The Forenoon was taken up with the exanination of personal tax schedules of parties cited to appear before the Board. At 12 O'clock noon, the Board recessed until 1:30 P.M. F IDAY JUNE 27th, 1919. 1:30 P.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Motion by Bivens, second by Whiting, that we disallow a reduction in valuation on the following protests filed with the clerk. As follows: Postal Telegraph Co. E. W. Swartz E.K. Stiehter B. M. Simms A. J. Binderup U. S. Rohrer Jacob Fisher LucyWiechelman amount of reduction asked for 5684.00 H n IT n n 1125.00 n n n n n S362.00 TT n n rr IT $1500.00 If TT n TT tt `;900.00 n n n TT TT S335.00 TT n n n n $3000.00 TT TT n n TT ,';200.00 Also the claim of the city of Hastings for taxes for the year 1917 on a part of the South Side Park. FRIDAY JUNE 27th, 1919. 1:30 P.M. Motion by Hoff, seconded by Whiting, that we allow a reduction it valUation on the following protests filed with the clerk. As follows: Geo. W. Bivens Fred Blake Zr. 3. G. Farrell Wm. P. Sultzer A. R. McPherson Robort Enckfeldt amount of reducti n asked for '1.50.00 17 TT TT TT IT TT 11 TT TT • TT TT 11 TT 77 TT TT TT 11 TT TT TT 1127 .00 $300,00 $200.00 $200.00 $300.00 Roll call, all voted yea. Motion carried. Motion by Hoff, seconded by Cramer, that we increase the valuation as shown by the personal schedules for the year 1919 of the following individtals andcorporations, as follows: Pauley Dumber do. increase on stock 35% Putter & Roeder TT 17 TT 30% Pizer & Co. T1 TT " 30% Livingston Bros 11 11 50,0 Automobiles 50% , . Byers Lumber Co. TT TV TT 20% Yost Lumber Co. T1 TT 17 20% Nye -Schneider -Yowler C . /1 FT 20% J. H. Rife IT 0. C. Zinn T r TT IT 20% Cushing Grocery Co. TT TT TT stock from $20,000 t TT " TT TT TT Book Accounts from $2,000 to L. J. Siekman Henry Siekman J. H. Spotts Schmitz Drug Co. Barnes Clothing Co. T/ TT Mattheisen Drug Co. Vastine Clothing Co. S. P. Barewin C. K. Lawson Hdw. Co. Myers Edw. Co. Hardt Drug Co. Deines Drug Co. Binder -up Edw. Co. Isaaman Hdw. Co. Kauf Binderspacher TT 71 TT 11 TT TT IT 11 TT $70,000 020,000 TT '9&L stock $1660.00 TT TT " ,810.00 " Fixtures $500.00. Automobile 500.00 " Stock 20% " from ''12,040 to 018,000 " Book accounts '500.00 " Stock from° 4,000.00 to 0§,000.00 11 TT fl 11 71 6,710.00 to 9,500.00 " 12,850.00 to $5,000.00 1' $10,060.00 to '13,500.00 11 from 013,500.00 to 014,500.00 TT TT TT TT '1:'2,000.00 to $2,600.00 TT- from,500.00 to 011,000.00 77 8,000.00 to $8,500.00 77 1! 77" from ;-:7,000.00 to 08,500.00 Bobk accounts 05,000.00 11 " officer fixtures from c,'3,335 to '''4,335 Topaz Dairy 17 Automobile 5400.00 A. R. Thomr)son " " Household Goods from 400.00 to $500.00 Roll call, all voted yea. Motion carried. At 5 P.M. the Board recessed until Tuesday July 2nd. at 9 A.1 1i 1,1.111 WEDNESDAY JULY 2, 1919, 9 A. M. Board reassembled pursuant to recess of June 27th 1919. . Roll call, all members present as follows: Hoff, Crammer, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad, Benedict, Zohner-and Cates. Motion by Cramer, Second by Zohner, that E. A. Brandes personal valuation be reaised as follows: On household goods, from $750.00 to $2,500.00; on stock from $16 500.00 to r'33,100.00. Roll call. Ayes: Hoff, Cramer, Bivens, Whiting, Harkleroad, Benedict, Zohner and Cates. Nays: Hynes. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Whiting, that the personal valuation of the F. H. Brandes Co. be raised from $6,435.00 to $9,000.00. 'Roll call, all voted yea. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon, tile Board recessed until 1:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY JULY 2, 1919. 1:30 P.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. The attention of the Board of Equalieation up to 4 P.M. was taken up with the proposition of a blanket increase on some of the townships of Acams County. Motion by Hynes, Second by Bivens, that we recess the Board of Equalization, to the call of the Clerk. Amendment by Whiting, Second by Cramer, that we recess until tomorrow at 9 A.M. Roll call on the amendment. Ayes: Hoff, Cramer, Whiting, Hargleroad, Benedict, Zohner, and Cates. Nays: Hynes, Bivens. The amendment car- ried. Roll call on original motion. Ayes: Hynes, Bivens, Zohner. Nays: Hoff, Cramer, Whiting, Fargleroad, Benedict and Cates. 'Motion Lost. Whereupon the Board of Equaliation recessed'until 9 A.M. Thursday July 3, 1919. WEDNESDAY JULY 2, 1919. 4 P.M. Board of Supervisors met in regular session pursuant to adjournment of June 9, 1919. Roll call, all members present. Petition of Heln L. Babcock was read and on motion by Hynes, second by Whiting, the petition was approved and the chairman and clerk were authorized to sign the same. At 5 P.M. the Board recessed to 10 A.M. July 3rd. 1919. THURSDAY JULY 3rd 1919. 9 A. M. Board of Equalization reassembled as per recess of July 2nd 1919. Roll call, all members present as follows: Hoff, Cramer, 11y1es, Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad, Benedict, Zohner and Cates. Supervisor J. I. Hynes, offered the following and desired to have it made a part of the record; Court House, July 2nd 1919. In registering my vote "NO" on the E. A. Brandes personal propert- my objection is in regard to the Household effects. As understand it, we are his schedule away up. Motion by Hynes, a board of equalization and are not to pick out one man and boost Signed J. L. Hynes, second by Whiting, that the personal assessment for the year 1919 on the sixteen townships of Adams County be left the same as returned by the Assessors. Roll call; Yeas: Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Zohner and Cates. Nays: Hoff, Benedict. Motion carried. Motion by Hynes, second by Cramer, that the Board of Equalization now recess, to the Cramer, Hargieroad, call of the clerk. Roll, call, all voted Aye. Motion carried. recessed. Where upon the Board THURSDAY JULY 3rd 1919. 10 A.M. Board of Supervisors reassembled as per recess- of July 2nd 1919. Roll call, all members present az follows: Hoff, Cramer, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad and Benedict Motion by Hynes, second by Bivens, that we purchase from the Wheeler Lumber Bridge and Supply co., one car load bridge luMber, 450 plank, 6 38.75 T.O.B. _Pauline, Nebr. Roll call, Yeas: Hoff, Benedict, Cramer, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting. Nays: Hargleroad. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1 P.M. THURSDAY JULY 3rd 1919.. :1 P. h Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Motion by Hynes, second by Whiting, that the recommendation of the Finance Com- mittee be made the order of the 2oard and the following claims be allowed on the Gen- eral Fund and the Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted Aye. Motion carried. L. M. Button State Journal Co. P. J. Benedict John Hoff 15.25 134.45 64.00 70.00 Alex Rieber ---------- ---------100.00 T. G. Whiting - 100.80 . Union Meat Market 8.70 Geo. McCoy 1.00 County Clerk 36.53 The Hastings Daily Tribune-- 21.20 Mable Croft 52.50 J. H. Yost Lbr, Co.---------- 10.25 H. D. Webster Co. 25.69 Kenesaw Progress ----- -------- 14.00 Stewart & Smith 3.50 J. B. Kline -4.00 Renner & Serf 7.15 Mo:Pfit Family 25.00 Geo. Kister 3.75 F. A. Kearns --------- 59.44 Adams County Democrat J. A. Cates J. L. Hynes t 47.26 21.00 _ 92.00 Elite Grocery Co . 2.89 George WI' Bivens 77.40 J. C. Penny O. 34.61 County Treasurer 20.99 Henry Bauer 11.87 County Clerk 423.20 Hastings Fuel Co. -- 10.25 Helen Cramer - 42.00 Mary Dungan 13.00 Henry Herbst 29.24 Lee Haggard- ---- --- -- 22.51 Burroughs Add. Mach. Co. 1.00 Twidale Shoe Co. 4.00 J. 0. Brower Trans. Co. 1.53 B. T. Carl- 23.20 O. H. Sprankle 8.85 James E. Addle 44.33 THURSDAY JULY 3rd. 1919. J. L. Fynes - - 0 18.15 A. F. Cramer ,-- - 72.00 K -B Printing 00,-------------- 152.19 D. Willmes _. _ . 3.90 Nye -Schneider -Fowler Co.---- 50.80 Binderup Fdw. Co. --- - - -_-_---, - -6.75 Hammond & Stephens Co. 9.09 James F. Crowley 24.40 Mrs. Lawerence Douglas 35.00 Remington Typewriter 00.-57.00 John Snider Co. Judge 20.00 J. E. Willits 3.00 Robt. Carter --, 2.10 Mrs, W. A. Cole - 2.10 S. J. Stewart - 2.10 Lem Tibbets - 18.50 B. M. Simms.. ----- ------------ 39.88 1:30 P.M. Contid. County Treaeer t, 82.20 K -B Printing o. 20.77 Haynes Bros.-- ----- 171.53 A. C. Atwater 150.00 Ella Doty--- -- --- - 20.00 Hammond & Stephens Co 33.60 Cole;a97.93 W. A. Cole Sherriff 21.17 A. I. Battan 4.77 John Snider, Co. Judge 4.60 W. A. Cole - 2.95 E. ;-.. St. John -- 2.10 Mrs. .1:. H. Brooke 2.10 W. W. Keith 8.00 W. S. Fast 2.20 B. M. Simms 20.44 Motion by Bivens, and second by Hynes, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the oreer of the Board the Dridge Fund and the Clerk instructed all voted yea. Motion carried. C. F. Glazier & Son Standard Bridge Co. 'rank F. Kitts A. G. Bourg and that the following claims be allowed on to draw warrants for the same. R611 $ 40.00 3235.76 749.09 • 10.05 57.45 7.00 438.05 5.57 Harvey P. Jones Robt. W. Jones - ---- - Chicago Lbr. Binderap Edw. CO. C. F. Glazier & Son Frank H. Kitts Frank H. Kitts Harvey P. Jones O. C. Busboom The Arco Co. Dem Bitner - ---- - --------- call, 11.38 600.00 685.90 112.05 8.00 191.57. 65.50 Motion by Whiting, Second by Hynes, that the recommendation of the Finance Com- mittee be made the order of the Board and that the following claism be allowed on the Road Fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all vot- ed yea. Motion carried. The Minn. Thrash. Co.- ---- - - Nebraska. Cal. & Mfg. 00.--- 37.78 Jay Webb 5.98 Karl Richart ---- ------------ 81.25 A. J. uillmes 103.90 Charles 7. Smith 32.20 Charles R. Smith 114.75 Neb. Cul. & Mfg. Co. 200.71 J. R. Whitesel--- -- --- 131.50 Dan Essinger 131.15 Anitman & Taylor Mbh. Co.-18.08 Gao. Kister 7.00 T. G. Whiting 1.84 Frank Bosard---- -- - - 49.25 F. J. Benedict 44.00 National Refining Co. 136.01 H. H. Gartner t 66.10 Neb. Cul. & Mfg. Co. 260.96 7. B. Hargleroad 7.31 J. A. Weber 100.80 C. L. Hanson 22.20 W. J. Hynes 10.00 Orville Joynt 27.20 L. S. SMith 101.52 Dan Essinger 198.05 Chrisrnan & Brehm 3.70 J. E. Wiltrout .... 77.00 J. H Haney & Co. 3.08 Mathew Uerling 2.95 Geo, Kister 4.40 Roy W. Gish 98.00 Motion by -Eynes:, second by Whiting, that the Clerk be instructed to file a claim with Clay County for their one-half cost of two bridges on the County line between Adams and Clay Counties. Cost of the two bridges l'eing $8,644.61. Roll call, all vo'ed yea. Motion carried. Motion by Whiting, second by Bivens, that the recommendation of the Road and Bridge Committee be made the order of the Board and that the folwing bridge be or- dered built: Between sections 3 and 10, Ayr Township, 55 foot Steel span, 28 foot { e" TFU S DAY JULY 3rd. _ 1919 1:50 P. . Contd+ Motion by Cramer, second by Hynes, that the recommendation of the Complaint Com- mittee be made the order of the Board and that the Treasurer be instructed to refund to Geo. Kisler, 9.60 on account of Clerical error as shown by tax receipt No. 741.4. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion carried. Minutes were read and approved. Motion by Cramer, second by Hynes, that this Board now adjourn to meet again July 15th 1919, at 10 A.M. same being a Statutory meeting. Whereupon the Board adjourned. .Board met as per TUESDAY JULY 15th, 1919, lb adjournment of July 3rd, 1919., this meeting being provided by law. Roll call, all members present as follows: Hoff, Cramer, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad and Benedict. Motion by. Hynes, Second by Cramer, that the communication John Snider, in regard to the salary of the 0 made a part of the record. from County Judge, erkof the County Court, be accepted Motion carried. The communication follows: for and Pending the interpretation and construction of H.R.$2604 Laws of Nebraska, 1919, and subject to future adjustment, there will be paid to the Clc-xic of the County Court, of Adams County but Sixty Six and Sixty Five one hundredths (46,65) dollars per month from as and after July 17th 1919, of the salary originallY authorized by the Board. Signed: John Snider. Motion by Hoff, Second by Bivens, That we confirm the appointment of Nancy Bottorff Deputy County Clerk, for the Balance of the year 1919, as per request of the County Clerk. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Hynes, that the bond of Nancy Bottorff as Deputy County Clerk be approved. Motion Carried. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P.M. TUESDAY JULY 15th 1919. 1:30 P.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Motion by Hynes, Second by Hargleroad, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and that the following claims beallowed on the Special Motor Vehicle Registration Fund and the clerk be instructed to draw war- rants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion carried. Charles Kuehn E. E. Shierman 0. M. Doty Ed. J. Fuckfeldt Chrits Kort W. A. Newell 0 P Smith Km. C. Dycus t 51.10 Charles Kuehn 46.55 110.05 0. M. Doty 85.00 64.20 Geo. A. Monroe 79.45 104.75 Nelis Mikkelsen - 92.30 W. B. Hargleroad 167.20 Andy Smidt 105.80 W. F. Duncan --- 201.85 Ed J. Fuckfelct- -- H. B. Burroughs 83.30 F. B. Burroughs S. Bauder 33.75 S. Bauder 44.75 90.78 99.75 33.30 67.45 53.10 102.50 At a meeting of the County Board of Adams County, Nebraska, held on the 15t1 day of July, 1919, 'Cis matter came on for hearing on the application of John Snider, County Judge, recuesting the aopointment of a competent anC disinterested, pe-oson as substitute and acting lounty Judge duringthe probable temporary absence of the County Judge from said Adams County, and on account of contingencies that may arise under the statute. Wherefore, in consideration of the nremises and of said petition, it is moved by rynes and seconded by Bivens that said request be granted, and that E. E. Danly, of rastings, Nebraska, be, and he is hereb7, arpointed to such position, and as substi- tute and acting County Judge, for and during the remainder of tle term ending January 6th, 1921, or until the further order of the Board, as is by statute in such case made and provided, said anpointment to be in full force and'effect upon his taking and fil- ing oath and filing bond as reqoired by law. Motion Carried. Said matter coming on to be further heard before the Board, upon the Bond tendered by said R. E. Danly, the oath required by law having been taken and filed, such bond is fo-ond to be sufficient and satisfactory, and it is moved by Hoff, and seconded by Hynes, that said bond, together with the surety thereon, be accepted and approved. Motion Carried and bond approved. Motion by Bivens, Second by Cramer, that Dr. ?red Schaufelberger be appointed physi- cian of the Adams County Board of Health for the remainder of the year 1919. Motion carried. The Minutes were read and approved. Motion by Hoff, Second by Hynes, that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday HAugust 5th, 1919, at 10 A.M. Whereupon the Board adjourned to meet with a committee of County Board of Supervisors to view a bridge on. the County .line between Hall and Ad.4S'oCOUnty. n /7 An /1 to A .415,ti:M$3311, TUESDAY AUGUST 5th, 1919, 10 A. L. Board met pursuant to adjournment ofJuly 15th 1919. Roll call, all members Present as follows: Hoff, Cramer, Ilynos, Bivens, Whiting Hargleroad and Benedict. Motion 1) Hnes, second by Whiting, that the petition of Julies Foll, guardian of Anna Louisa Fell, an insane and incompetent person, to sell real estate as des- cribed in petition, be granted. Motion carried. Lt 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P.M. TUESDAY AUGUST 5th, 1919. 1:30 P.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Motion by Hynes, second by Cramer, that the Committee be made the order of the Board and that on the General Fund and the Clerk be instructed t Roll call, all voted yea. Motioned Carried 7 B. Fargleroad 71.15 T. C. 71Thiting 84.80 Hastings Cemetery Assn.-- 10.00 A. T. Battan 4.26 ?auley Lumber Co. 10.75 County Treasurer 87.65 Lincoln Tele. & Tel 12.22 W. R. Fargleroad 86.20 C. B. & Q. R.R. Co 13.85 Mrs. -A. H. Brooke 10.00 JAmes F. Crowley 21.10 Mary Dungan 6.95 uni. Pub. Co. 1.00 Lee Faggard 24.01 Adams County Democrat 6.15 Wolbach & Brach 6.85 Deines Drug Co. --723.56 Sutter & .Roeder 19.52 Wolbach & Brach 18.05 Geo. W. Bivens 66.80 F. A, Kearns -65.91 J. H. McGrath Tdw, 00,3.85 C. K. Lawson Hdw. 7;o. 3.75 Dorsey P. Baird 22.25 J. L. Mace 31.85 Sutter &; Roeder 27.43 Hammond & Stephens Co. 75.86 Sunnyside , _ 54.00 Tini. Pub. Co. 26.40 W. A. Cole - 122.07 Guarantee Electric 00.------ 4.00 Fenry Bauer Union Meat market---------- 8.30 B. M. Simms 2.'70 r i0.0V Motion by Whiting, second recommendation of the Finance the following claims be allowed draw warrants for the same. W. B. Hargleroaa ''' 87.00 John Foff 50.80 T. G; miiting_ --- oo;oc James 7. Addie - 33.75 A. C. Atwater --------------170.00 Mabel Croft ,.. ,,..„ , 6.00 Local 'Registrars 42.50 J. H. Yost Lumber Co. 10.50 71. F. Pearson 15.00 Kenesaw Progress 1.50 Fastings Resturant 3.50 Alex 'Reiber 100.00 Fastings Fuel Co. 5.25 J. B. Klines 3.75 Ella Taylor 25.00 Renner & Serf 16.50 Juniata Lumber Co., 42.75 W. J.' Meester 10.00 C. T. Buchanan 10.73 The Kay Dee Co. 2.86 J. H71. McGrath hdw. go. 16.80 Burroughs Add. :Mach. Co. 9.10 Baird & Baird 15.00 3. L. Mace 18.00 Juniata Lumber Co. 35.75 State Journal Co. 73.72 Omaha School Co. 7.67 A. 7. Cramer 35.00' j. K. Hynes 42.50 F. J. Benedict 54.20 Conrad Walker 24.10 p: D. Webster Co. 16.96 :ii3rofitt & Lovell 26.85 . M. Simms 12.95 by Hynes, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and that the followinF claims be allowed on the road Fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the some. all voted yea, Motion Carried. T. G. Whiting J. E. Wiltront •W. E. LiSton. J. E. Whitesel,- ----- Seyler W. B!Hargleroad Fred G. Roeder SipPle The Gallion Iron 26.00 108.50 43450 •-64.40 -33.00 182.35 18.15•3.25. Rcli call, Nebr. Cul. & Mfg. Co. ------ --- 51.24 Roy W. Gish ---- 108.50 Juniata Lumber Co. 2.55 Chris Hansen .60 Roy Mack 89.60 S. S. Hershey ----- 41.90 Dan'Essinger 164.24 D. J. Benedict 48.80 The Mirneapolis M. M. Go. 13.69 t TUESDAY AUGUST 5th 1:30 P.M. Contd. Motion by Bivens, second by Whiting, that the mittee be made the order of the Beard an that the recommendation of the Finance Com - following claims be allowed on the Bridge Fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants all voted yea. Motion Carried. Chicago Lumber Co. Tames McCoy Geo. Y. 7hiting ------ - Charles Walker 63.10 for the same. Roll call, G. B. Walker ts 2.60 3.25 -. N. Bitner ---- 2.00 4.20 Wheeler br. Bdge. & Sun. Co 537.06 Frank F. Kitts 1303.57 Fisher Lumber Co. 121.25 2.00 Bladen Dumber Ce.- -------- 107.60 Countv „Treasurer 384.34 Prank H. Kitts 302.20 FrankT. Mitts 600.00 Motion by 7ynese second 'by Bivens, that the recommendation of the Finance Com- mittee be made the order of the Board and that the following claims be allowed on the Special Motor Vehicle Registration Fund, and the Clerk be instructed for the same. Roll Call, all voted , ea. Renner & Serf - 11.00 ,t E. T. Shierman 65.45 Fred G. Roeder 119.65 _Andy Smiet 681.40 W. T. _Duncan 39.60 C. P. Smith 42.60 Motion Carried. T. J. Fynes W. C. Dycus / to draw warrants )1. A. Newell S. Bauder Art .Kistler 0. M. Doty $ 10.30 80.70 41.05 28.05 116.65 51.60 ••••• 11000 Motion by liargleroad, second by '3ivens, that the following resolution be adopted; BE IT RESOLVED, That the following' salaries" be and they are hereby fixed by the County Supervisors of Idams County, Uebraska, in accordance with 7R. 227, passed by the 37th Session of the Legislature of the State of Nebraska.. The County Clerk shall receive a salary o: 2000.00 per year. The Deputy County Clerk shall receive a salary of 1250.00 per year. The shall be The above salaries herein provided for the County Clerk and Deputy County Clerk paid in monthly installments from the general fAind of the County. County Treasurer may retain not to exceed ;t2000.00 per year for his services and is hereby allovred rot to exceed ;1250.00 per year for his Deputy hire. The above amounts retaIned by the County Treasurer to be paid oat of the Statutory Fees collected by the County Treasurer, said salaries to be allowed from and after the 18th day of July, 1919, in accordance with said RR. 227. 33 IT FURTFER RESOLVED, That a salary of $1500.00 per annum be and the same is hereby_fixed "ey the County Supervise -s of Adams County, Nebraska, for the County At- torney, in accordance with Senate File No. 94, passed by the S7th Session of the Leg- islature of the State of Nebraska, said salary to be allowed from am fter the 18th day of July, 1919, in accordance with said Senate Pile Co. 94, and shall be Paid in monthly installments. Roll cell, on the above resolution, all voted yea. Motion Caor ed. Motion by Hoff, second IT', Fargleroad, that the following resolutfon be ado-eted: WFE7,EAS, the Bridge -Und of ,Adams County is now practically exhausted, and WEERELS, considerable sum of money rill be still reqUired to complete the 'work now under con- struction on Federal State Add Project Po. 7 - C, and WFEaRAS, there is now in the Road Fund, dereived from the Inheritance Taxes, the sum of 16,540.00 which is not at this time needeC for other purposes, and. IFERVB, under Section 8 of Chapter 185 of the 1917 Laws of Nebraska, we are permitted to use other available funds for: such -eur- ,13:1 7 • „,„.•.- PUESDY AUCUST th. 1919, 1:30 P.M. Cont d. Chapter 15 of the 1917 T'aws of Nebraska, be it he-eeby resolved that $10,000.00 be transferred from the -oad Fund, derived from the Inheritance Taxes, as aforesaid, to the Bridge Fund and bridges on IederaiState Add Project o.7-0, subject to the ap- proval of the State Board of Irrigation Highways and Drainage. -.Roll call on the above motion, all voted yea. Motion carried. Motion by -dargleroad, second by Whiting, that the appointment of Thomas Rowe as Deputy County Treasurer, to fill vacancy caused by the Resignation of M. L. Cramer, be confirmed. Yetion carried. Motion by Pargleroad, second by Tyres, that we ratify the appintment of J. L. Full as town clerk of Cottonwood Township, to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of T. J. Fansen. Motion carried. Motion by Fynes, second by Bivens, that the recommendation of the Pond Commi'tee be made the order of the Board, and that the official bond of J. T. Hull as Town Clerk of Cottonwood Township be confirmed,also the bond of Thomas Row as Tennty County Treasurer be accepted and confirmed. Motion Ca -ried. Motion by Targleroad, second by 13:Ivens, that Irving Martin and T. H. Bitner, be appointed a committee to assist the County Superintendent in redistricting the School Listricts of Adarns County, Nebraska. Said anpeintment is made in conformity to Secti n 2, Redistricting Laws of 1919. Motion Carried. A. H. Cramer The Chairman appointed J. L. Hynes and W B. T:trgleroada6-a-OiiiMittee 'GO confer ith a Committee from the Chamber of Commerce and the City Council, regarding the building of a Rand Stand on the Court House Grounds. The Board selected the following names as jurymen for the September term of the District Court. Supervisor District "o 1, Bert Mott, Ivan Mewkirk, L. N. Bitner, Rudolph Firme, Ira Ball, M. ith, othad rotnen, Frank ,-,),,,nade, Theodore „ioffman 7o. 2, Y. M. sher, C. Walker, E. Stone, I'm. Wintermute, J. Dycus, J. . food worth, Yenry J. Bloem, 'enry Starner, H. G. Stromer. District No 3, E. W. -Blanch, }like -ansen, Conrad Gentert, John Stdner, Christ 'Berndt, '. C. • Stanley, :ugust :nderson, Geo. .-1-uter Jr. District No. 4, James patterson, Peter Pitts, John Klein, Geo. Zestier, n TZrager, :.lbert Meyer, 7:att ''',urroughs, John Peardsl,ey Antone Tioffrnan. City rast-ings, Geo. Durkee, ".S. Rohr, 0. T. Van -atten, To 11. Van vleet, Tee '-'17,gg?,rd, Jracob 7isher, C. K. Lamson, Geo. ,prine.er, J. • 'fawner, C. T. Keith, J. B. Kline, A. M. Clark, J. J. l'elmes, J. Clover, Charies Calahan, Fred 73inderup, Ceo. 21edn, D. 0. Stromer, L. Asmus, J. Stewart, David 'auer, ;Tm. 7rueger, Perry Forbst, C-eo. Tem71e, Mich upon motion by -Eynes, second by Cramer vere,o-fficially recomended as the, llatfrom which to etraw jurymen.. ;:otdon c,;eeried. At 5 P.M. the Board recessed until Wednesday August 6th, at 9:30 A.M. 3 3, present WEDNESDAY AUGUST 6th, 191.9'. 9:30 - • Board reassembled as per recess of August 5th 1919. as follows: Hoff, Cramer, Hynes, Biven, Whiting, At 10 A.M. the Board recessed until 1:30 P.M. to go e 7011 call, all members arleroad and Benedict. out and relocate a bridge on the O. L. D. Highway, west of Juniata, at:Osx,e suggestion of the State District Engineer. be WRDNESDAY AUGUST 6th, 1919. 1:30 P.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Motion by IT,off, second by Hynes, that the report of the settlement Committee opted and placed on record. Motion carried. The report follows: Fastings Nebr., Aug., 6th 1919. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, Gentlemen: - We, your settlement Committee, having checked offices for the first SIX months of the year 1919, beg leave to port. all records in the various submit the following re - IN TEE OFFICE OF THE CaUNTY CLERK: We, your checking committee have checked the following record with the fee book, and find all fees properly entered therein: Chattell Mortgage record No's. 8676eto 9016 Record No. 1, Miscellaneous Records cord No. 2, 'Physician Record No. 3. inclusive. Lionor effidavits, Embalmers No's. 5 & 6, Notarial Feeord No. 4, Bill of Sale Re - Nurses Regiater No. 1, Certificate of registration Farm, Home and Banch, State Hail Insurance, the warrants and find that they agree. All -4cord,. Also we have checked all claims with, warrants not receipted for ere in the pos.- ession of the County Clerk. Total receipts, from Jan. 1st to June 30th Inclusive 2279.44. Total disbursements from Jan. 1st to June 30th inclusive 'ITRPTUS1912.46. 11 of which agrees with the report of the County Cletk now on file. ,ated July 8th 1919. 1366 .98. John Hoff T. G. ?ihitIng Sub Checking Committee. Hastings Nebraska, July 25th 1919. To the Board of Supervisors. Adams County Nebraska. e e, the undersiened members of committee on settlement, do hereby certify that lAiDe have examined and checked all record books, receipts, disbursements end funds in the ffice of County Treasurer of said county, from January 8th 1919 to June 30th 1919 inclueive, nd find from said examination and checking, that the report of the county r2reasnrer filed n the office of the County Clerk, for said period is correct as shown by the books, re- eipts, vouchers and disbursement accounts in his office, and the County Clerk, and that we and said Treasurer had on hand in has office and in the various banks June 30th 1919 , • ,1162,000,48. Respectfully Submitted. F. J. Benodic, .4. H. Cramer T. G. Whitinp 7:,!rt LILA Fastings Nebraska. July 251th 1919. To tbe Board of Supervisors, Adams County Nob'', • • We, the undersigned membersof. committee on settlements, do hereby certify that we have ermined and checked all record books used for the filing and recording instruments in the Register of Deeds office from January '30th 1919 to June 30th 1919 inclusive, and. find .that the same corimares'with Fee and registration record No. 5 kept in saidoffico of fees received • during- saidperiod, and that the report filed in the County Clerk's office t,7 the 7..egiater of reeds is correatas shown by said records That the fees received during said time is as follows: January 1.11.00 -..• February 168.65 March 323.70 April 268.65 May 219.45'. Jane 274.96. Total 1366,40 Respectfully Submitted. Fred. J. 8ered;1at...._ A. 7. Crpmer • ••„•,.•••.•• T. G. Whiti1:1' Committee. Hastings Nebr. July 10th, 1919. TO TEE CHAIRMAN OF T7E BOARD OF spunvntTasi Your sub -committee do hereby ce7tify that they have checked the records of the County Superintendent office and find that the recejpts are as follow: Balance Jan 1, 1919 Jan 1, 1919 to July 1, 1919 Total Receipts $ 228.39 Mxpenditures as vouchers show 22.50 Balance to July 1st, 1919 205.89 143.39 85.00 This agrees with the repOrt which • was filed :1J7.T the County ,:;.t.perintenetent. Respectfully -submitted • •. P. J. Benedict T. G. Whiting 7asti Fs, Nebr. July 25th, 1919. TO THE CHAIRMAN 08 STTTLEMENT COMMITTEE: We, your sub -checking committee, hereby•certify thatwe havechecked the Sheriff' S Fee 7306k with t116 following records' in the office of the Sheriff and find that the receiptS are as follows: District Court, Sheriff's Process Docket No. 7 e 282.50 County Court TT 11 T T .11b4 -• 35.00. Justice Court (J. 8. Crowley) No. 6 21.00 Oustioe Court (8. 8. Fd-virier) H1100 6 7.25 Tata1 - 7 346.50.. Respectfully submitted F. J. Benedict TO 935.E CH.kTRTOITOT SE7TLE1TNT.COMVIME We, your sub,,committee„ beg to submit the following retort: We have checked the records on the Office of. the District Clerk as HT.Tostings, rebi". July 25, 1919. Yollows: 1PPearance Dockets Fo's. 22, 23 and 24; Judgement Ledgers No's. 6, 7 and 8; judgment rockets No's. 6 and 7; and MiscellaneaUs Cash Items with the Fee Book and find that the total receipts for the preceeding six months amount to $2005.35. 1.11 of which agree with the report now on file in the office of the County Clerk. Respectfully submitted F. J. Benedic T. G. Thi ting Sub -Committee. Postings, Nebr. jnly 25, 1919 To the Chairman Of the Settlement 76mtAttee: We, or sub -checking committee, hereby certify that we have checked the Fee Book with following records in the Office Of 'the County Judge and find that the receipts for the first six months of 1919 agree With the report now on file in the ;Th ffice of the Oarinty Marriage Record No. 15 Probate Pee -Book 2 -3 -4 -56 -and 7 County Court ToOket. NO. 6 and justice of the Peace ReCord fTo1 8 and, 9 Official Bond Record. 'o. 2 Total amount. of • receipts $2041,95 :reeking Committee Signed: John Foff T. G. Whiting Motion by Fymes, second by 'livens, that we transfer the sura of I7,5,000.00 from the General Fund to the Nridge J!uha. ' voted yea. 1,4Ct".1.6iica*cI-ed,.. Minutes read and approved. Motion by Bivens, second.by Hynes, that Wenow adjourn to meet again on Thur- sday August 14th, 1919, at 9..11.1% • Metion:Carried. WhereuPon the •noorci adjourned. ounty Clerk TED ^3 D Y :MITTS 6th 1919. 3 TT.v. Hoar ret as a Board of Equalize tion a'. per c,-11 of the County 1 1erk. I oll call, all members o-esent including County Ise :;seor. Zohne o and County �y Clerk Cates. Motion '€?;T Whiting, second. by Hynes, that the levy Jror t: e Connty of Adams be c follows; General Fund 3.5 mills. Bridge rund 4 mill. Road Fund 1 mill. Poor Add fond 1 mill. Total 9.5 mills. Roll call, x:11 voted yea. 'lotion ca r1ee . Motion 1y ohner, second by Hynes, that the levy 'or the school e_istrl.cts, townships and villages of '-dams county be as i'01:11.07,9: d otion carried.. School Tris. School hills Bond _is . No, 1 25 TT +) 8.5 Tr :335 6. TV 4 15 TT 5 16.5 TT 6 4,5 TT 7 9 TT 8 33 TT 9 15 TT 10 15 TT 11 35 TT 12 13 TT 13 14 TT 14 11 TT 15 7.5 TT '1 6 10 TT 1L7 14. TT 18 52 13 TT 19 20 TT 20- 18,.5 21 17.5 PT 22 29.5 TT 23 12.. TT 24 10 TT 25 g4 TT 2.,6 12 ,T 27 13 TT 28 13.5 Tr 29 11 10 TT 30 20.5 TT 31 11 TT 32 10 TT 37 14 TT 34 TT 35 13.5 TT 36 7.5 P 37 9.5 Te 38 25 TT 39 18.5 • 40 11.5 41 14 Mills Bonet No. 42 35 10 TT 43 20.5 TT 44 16 TT. 45 T'Y TT 46 15 TT 47 13 TT 8 9 TT 49 15 Bldg.Nunc IT '50 13.5 10 1 11 ,T , 5 2_ 14 T7 6335 7.5 TT 4 15 55 16 TT 5621 IT, 57.. 105 . . TT 60 12.5 ,T 61 17.5 TT 6 2 Tt.. 63 25 T' 64 11 rr 65 25 TT 66 13.5 TT 67 12 TT. 68 14 TT 6917 4.5 Tr 10 ,. 13 TT 71' 12.5 Tr. f 2 'i 15.5 .. . rT 73 24 TT 74 11 T 75 17.5 2 TT 76 22 TV 77 35 TV 78 25 TT 80 20 tr 81 35 T 101 If TOWNSHIPS ,general Bride West Blue 2 mills 1 mills 1 mil T-'a.5h1and 2 TT 1.. TT 1.5 Verona 2TT 0 T7 1 c`l Kenesw 2 TT 3TT 2 IT Wanda 1..... TT.. _.. `4 n iT 1 TT. Juniata 1 TT 4 TT 1 TT Denver 2 IT 1.5 TT 1 TT 1':7 }1 i, ine G.. TT. Hanover 2:,.. TV 2 TT 2 Tt Ayr . 2 TT 3 TT 2 TT Roseland 2 TT 611 2 IT Cottonwood 2 TT 10 Tr 2 Tr Logan ogan 2. TT 10 TT 2 IT Silver Lake 2, TT 6 TT 2 TT Zero 2 TI 5 Tr 2 TT Little Blue 1 TT 3 TT 1 T1 C TT7 yrs J� ray City of Hastings For all Purposes 41 mills Juniata TT Tr TT 33 TT Renes aw Tr TT TT 66.5 TT .kyr TT T, IT 12 Roseland TT TT 16 Holstein T' IT it 20 TT IT T;T.Y''I7117bu..i l Motion by Bivens, sect_ r6 by Zohner, that the following resolution be ado:,:ted; RF 1'' ,.. +� IT 'i.t,EiJnVtf;D, T_e.at 1..27 c0771p11.anC:e with section 5, FR No. 220, State Fall Insurance Laws for 1919, the C.:unty Clerk is hereby instructed to extend on the personal tax book for 1919, all premiums due for State Hall Insurance for which policies have been issued_, and which were rot paid for by persons making application for said State Haul Insurance. Motion carried. Motion 1 ivens, second by Cramer, that this Board row ad jo/Irn sine dia. Whereupon the lloard adjourned. Chairman TFLP.SDA7 PUGUST 14th 1919. A. M. Board Let pursuant to aciournrqent of August 6th 1919. Roll call,all members present as follows: Hoff, Cramer, Hynes, Bivens, Ythiting, Harglero d and Benedict. There were also p_esent A. S. Mirick, repay S-taLe Engineer, Wm. P. Thomas, Supervisor Webster County and Geo. H. Overing County Highway Commissionero:ebster County. At 9:30 A.V. bids we -..'e opened on Project No. 32 Adams and Webster Counties. as folloTm: Geo. E. Condon, Omaha Nebraska, DivisionNo. 1, Item No. 1, 44.9. Item No. 4 90 Division No 2., Item 7o. 1. 44.9. Item No. 4 90V. Cook - O'Brien Construction Co., Eansas City Mo., Division No. 1, Item No.1 44.7 Item No. 4 85V. Division No. 2, Item No.1 45.4, Item No 4, 85V Condon & 801en Omaha, Nebraska, Division No. 1, Item No. 1 45.5, Division No. 2, Item No. 1, 45.5 Item No. 4, 90V R. 2. Enowland, Fairbury, Nebraska, Division No. 1, Item No 27 t;2.60. Item No. 28, ,t13.85. Item No. 37, ;t;31.00. Item 20. 4, 80V Division No. 2, Item 27 ,-,;2.60 Item No. 28, 3.85. Item No. 29, 4.90. Item No. 30, Item No 37, ,d,'31.00 Item No. 4, 80 Dan r';.uinton, hearney, Lieb-,aska, Div'sion No. 1, Item No. 4, 50V. Item No. 22 2.30. Item No. 23, A3.:'0. item No. 37, 29.00. Division 1o. 2, Item No. 22, 2.30 Item No, 23, P3.60. Item No. 24, 4.55. Item No. 25, '45.50. Item No. 37, 28.00 Nebraska Oulvert Mfg. Co., Wah.-o, Nebraska, Division 70. 1, item No. 4, 85V Item No. .21'2.33. Item No. 23, :3,55. Item No. 37, 30.00. Division No. 2, item No. 4, 85V Item No. 22,2.33 . Item No. 23, :'3.55. Item No. 24, c54.50. Item No. 25, rn • • Item. No. 27, •30.00.. Bids received on Project No, 77 as follows: Nebraska Culvert & Mfg. CO., Wahoo, Nebr., Diviston No. 1, Item No. 4, 85V Item r,./7 Item No. 23, 3.65. Dan Qui -ton, 'earney Nebraska, Ilvision N Item No. 1, Item No. 4, 55' Item Vo. 10, 22, '.:!!,2.30. Item No, 23, 3.60. Item No. 37,- V29.00 E. F. Knowland, Faribary, Division No. 1, Item No. 4, 80i item No. 27, 2.60. Item No. 28, Item No. 37, :'7)1.00. Cook - O'Brien Construction Kansas City, Mo., Division No. 1, Item No. 4 est Item No. 1, 44.7. Item No. 10, `:;4.70. Item No 38, 0..00 Geo. N. Condon, Omaha, 145r., Division, ]ten 2o. 1, 44.9. Item No. 4, 90V Item No. 28, '.41.20. Motion ny Hynes, Second by Bivens, That we accept the bid of Cook--O'rden on Items No's. 1,24 38,on Project No. 77. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. Motion By Hynes, Second by Cramer, That we accept the bid of Dan Quinton, on Items No's. 4, 10, 22, 23, and 37, Project No. 77, Roll call, all voted Yea. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon, the Board recessed until 1:30 P.M. 0 1-1‘21V ,,1)A THURSDAY AUGUST 14th 1919. 1:30 P.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Proceeded to canvass the bids on Project No. 32. Motion by Benedict, second by -ivens, That W. T21. Thomas, be made chairman of the Joint meeting of the Adams and Webster county Board of Supervisors. Motion carried. The meeting now resolved itself into a Joint Meeting. Motion by Benedict, second by Bivens, that we accept the bid of the Cook -O'Brien Company on item No. 1, Division No. 1, Project No. 32. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion carried. Motion by Overing, of ':ebster County, second by Cramer, that we accept the bid of aeo. W. Condon on Item No. 1, Division No. 2, Project No. 32. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion ca-ried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Cramer, That we accept the -bid of Dai Oolinton on Items No'. 4,22,23, and 37 Division No. 1, Project Eo. 32, and Items No's. 4, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 37, Division No. 2, Project No. 32. Roll call,all voted yea. Motion ca-ried Minutes of the Joint Meeting were read and approved whereupon on motion by Hynes, second by Benedict, the Joint Meeting adjourned, and the Adams County Board continued in session. A11 members present. Motion by Fargleroad, second by -Whiting, that the Chairman appoint a committee of two, to confer with the Frahm Borthers and Tenry Druecker in regard to purchasing a strip of land along the C.B.& O. R.R. south of Ayr, village, on the east side of the railroad for the use of the state and Federal Road. Motion Carried. The Chairmen appointed on the above committee, J. I. 7ynes and T2,. Cramer. Motion by Cramer, second by Pargle-ooad, that the following resolution be adopted; To.at Project District "I" be approved and the State Engineer be requested to submit Project Statements to the Secretary of Agriculture asking for Federal .id to construct Road as outlined on said map. Motion carried, Motion by Rynes, Second by Toff, that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Mesa' y, September 9th, 1919, at 10 A. M. ghereupon the Board adjourned. ah4 County Clerk Chairman TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 9th, 1919. 10 o'clock A. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment of August 14th, 1919. Roll call, all members present as follows: Hoff, Cramei., Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Fargleroad and Benedict. Motion by Cramer, Second by Hynes, that •the petition of W. A. Taylor, Guardian, of Martha• J. Myers an incompetent person, in regard to the sale of real estate as described in said petition, be granted and that the chairman and Clerk be instructed to sign an order of the Board approving said petition. Motion Carried. Motion by Hynes, Second by Cramer, that the recommendation of the Finance Com- mittee be made the order of the Board and that the following claims be allowed on the General Fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. Kauf & Rinderspacher James E. Addie Conrad Walker Mary Dungan J. E. Willits James F. Crowley Adams County Demoorat .H. D. Webster Co. James F. Crowley C. J. Van Honnten Mrs, Ella Doty Heartwell -T. N. Bitner Hastings Daily Tribune W. G. Arnold C. A. Heartwell Sutter & Juniata Grain & L.S. Assn. B. F. Millard McGrath Hdw. Co. • Carl Gangwish F. A. Kearns V. B. Rollins Lincoln Tel. & Tel Co. E. -B Printing Co. .K!=B PRinting Co. - Remington Typewriter Co Hammond & Stephens :am. Westering, Trustee. Geo. W. Bivens -.Walter E. Nowers ,J. L.'Hynes -To 11.15 50.95 13.63 5.00 3.00 20.80 12.00 18.05 17.00 10.00 25.00 7.00 26.35 26.73 2.98 25.00 14.00 22.50 21.35 2.10 241.34 61.30 68.95 5.70 51.10 115.22 7.00 35.75 ,5.90 35.80 12.00 70.50 Henry Herbst Henry Bauer Union Meat Market Nye Schneider Fowler Co. W.W. Keith W. A. Cole H. O. Eckhardt T. G. Whiting-- - -- --- - Binderup Hdw. Co. F. A. McElhinney- Lem Tibbetts County Treasurer Renner & Serf W. G. Arnold W. G. Arnold Will Kistler MoffItt-Faffilly F. B. Carl O. H. Sprankle. Geo. Halte Juniata Gr. & L.S. Assn. Sutter& Roeder J. F. Reader Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. C. E. Higinbotham State Journal Co. John Koff University Pub. Co. B. M. Simms P. J. Benedict W. B. Hargleroad Mary Lanning Hospital At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P.M. 13.97 10.25 4.70 29.60 8.00 108.63 40.36 61.30 18.60 4.50 28.23 68.85 9.50 18.28 6.28 15.00 25.00 30.60 20.25 5.00 28.75 51.66 107.95 6.05 149.60 3S.00 47.20 26.63 17.79 61.39 31.00 56.50 TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 9th, 1919. 1:30 P.M. Roll call, all members present. Motion by Bivens, Second by Hargleroad, that the recommendation of the Finance Cammittes be made the order of the Board and that the following claims be allowed on the Bridge Fund, and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Carried. Frank H. Kitts WM. F. Gartner Chicago Lumber Co. John Grothaus Walter Utecht Harry Grothaus A. F. Meyer Hdw. Co. H. R. Moore Kenesaw Farmers Lumber Co Motion by Hargleroad, ieeond 700.00 Roseland Lumber Co.0 Y 98.20 33.50 Ayr Lumber Co. 20.70 49.50 p. L. Hanson 38.01 17.90 Geo. Hlavaty 3.20 1.20 Wm. Bunde -. 5.60 5.60 Wm. tltecht 7.20 2.00 J. L. Hynes 115.00 25.00 John Hesman 2725 52.50 Oliver Lumber 0o. 69.10 by Whiting, that the claim of Prank H. Kitts, on the Bridge Fund for 2,467.73 be allowed and the clerk be instructed to draw a warrant for the same. Roll call, Ayes: Nays! Fvnes. Motion carried. Hoff, Cramer, Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad, Benedict. TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 9th 191 . 1:30 P. M. Cont'd. Motion by Whiting, Second by Bivens, that the recommendation of the Finance Com- mittee be made the order of the Board and that the following clams be allowed on the Road Fund., and the Clerk be instructed to voted yea. Motion Carried. Aultman & Taylor Moh Co. T. G. Whiting H. H. Hughes Geo. W. Bivens Roy Gish The Callion. Iron Wks & Mfg. Co. - W. R. Liston Dan Essinger D. Willmes W. B. Hargieroad Howard. Newkirk Sipple Bros. Motor CO. Nebr. Battery & Tire Co. E. A. Brandes- ------ --- Fred G. Roeder Dan Essinger 72.80 37.30 94.50 37.60 59.50 2.00 168.80 172.34 106.25 99,72 47.05 2.40 7.25 14.76 110.55 49.85 draw warrants for the same: Roll call, all National Refining CO. $ 163.01 Ivan Newkirk 6.00 3. E. Whitsel 125.30 F. J. Benedict 78.32 Nebr. Battery & Tire 0o. 4.00 chrisman & Brehm 25.30 John H. Caldwell 20.41 McHarry Brothers 3.00 Art Willmes 99.35 Roy Gish 42.00 Howard Newkirk 62.80 A. F. Meyer Edw. Co. 2.20 E. B. Borley Trans. Co. 2.50 John H. Caldwell 227.50 J. E. Wiltrout 42.00 W. B. Hargleroad 7.53 Motion by Bivens, •Second by Hynes, that the recommendation of the Finance Com- mittee be made the order of the Board and that the following claims be allowed on the Special Motor Vehicle Registration Fund, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the Same, C. P. Smith Roll. call, all voted yea. A 0 Charles Kuehn 0. M. Doty W. B. Hargleroad. Motion. by Whiting, Second mittee be made the order of the 43.20 91.90 30.95 57.20 Motion Carried. S. Bauder 36.00 Ed. J. Huckfeldt 117.05 W. A. Newell 40.00 R. A. Parmenter 41.55 by Cramer, that the recommendation of the Finance Com - Board and that the following claims be disallowed. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion E4 A. Brandes Dan Fischer carried. 2.44 Walter E Nowers $ 8.00 2.2 At 5 P.M. the Board recessed until Wednesday September 10th 1919 at 10 A.M. WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 10th 10 A.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. The entire forenoon was taken up by the Board in the inspection of bridges. At 12 Board o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER leth, 1919. 1:30 P.M. reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Motion by Bivens, Second by Hargleroad, that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and that the foliwing claims be allowed on the General Fund and the Clerk voted yea, motion carried. Alex Reiber instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, .all Motion by Hargleroad name Committee be made the lwed on the Road Fund., and Roll Call, all voted yea. Nebraska Cul. & Mfg. Co. $ 100.00 A. 0. Atwater 175.00 and second by Whiting, that the recommendation of the Fin - order of the Boardand that the following claims be al - the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Motion carried. 45.97 Nebr. Cul & Mfg. Go. 95.88 Motion by Whiting, Second by Bivens, that we instruct the Chairman, F. J. Bene - diet, to make application for two Government Trucks for use on State and Federal Roads. Motion carried. II) WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 10th, 1919. 1:30 P. M. CONT'D. Motion by Bivens, Second by Whiting, that we allow 37i-9 per mile for road dragging for each mile dragged, from September ]. t, 1919, to further notice. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion carried. Motion by Hoff, Second by Hynes, that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for a manager for the County Farm of Adams County for the year commencing March lst, 1920. Motion carried. Motion by Cramer, Second by Hargleroad, that all claims against Adams County shall be itemized stating date, what each item or charge is for, kind of article or nature and price, and to whom delivered, and by whom ordered or authorized. All claims for services per dien shall be itemized stating what service is rendered for, where and by whom ordered or authorized, mileage to be itemized stating from and to what place traveled, and when, and that all claims shall be signed and sworn to in accordance with law by claimant or duly authorized person being filed by County Clerk. Motion carried. Motion by Whiting, Second by Cramer, that the petition of Theodore DeWitt and others for a concrete bridge in Roseland township was referred to the Road and Bridge committee. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Whiting, that we buy a car of bridge lumber from the Wheeler Lumber Bridge and Supply Co. of Des Moines, Iowa. Roll call, Ayes: Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad, Benedict. Nays: Cramer. Hoff absent. Motion carried. Motion by Whiting, Second by Bivens, that the request of W. A. Cole, Sheriff, to be allowed 60 per day for feeding prisoners be granted. All voted yea. Motion carried. Minutes were read and approved. Motion by Whiting, Second by Hynes, that this Board now adjourn to meet again October 6th, 1919, at 10 A. M. Whereupon the Board Adjourned. jta 6464 County alerk 0% Cleznadi Chairman 1)A 1o& t MONDAY.00TOBER 6th 1919. 10 • Board met pursuant to adjournment o Sept...10-19J9. Roll call , members present as foliews.;.Hoff, Hynes, 4hiting,'Hargleroad, Benedict, Absent, Cramer and Bivens.. The entire forenoon Was takeneup-With the examination of claims against -the County. At twelve o'clock neer the Board.erecessed until on thirty. •P.• M. Monda Oct. 6th. 1919. at One Thirty P. M. Roll call al1 .Meml?OrS.. Present except CramerandBiens, Motion by Hynes, second by Whiting thatethe recoMendationof the. finance committe be made the order of the Boardand that the f011e7iing claims be allowed on the genera1fUnd and....the Olerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all members -bers present voted aye. Motion carried; Wm. M. Lowman & Co. State Journal Co. James F. Crowley Mrs. Ella Doty Nye-Sohneider-Fo*ler Co. C. K. Lawson Fdw, Co. J. F. Reader W. A. Q. R. R. Co. Renner & Serf Remington Typewriter Co. K -B Printing Co. Hammond & Stephens Co. Peter Krieger J. L. :gyms Lincoln Tel. & Telg. 00.0 F. A. Kearns -County Treasuer 'Sutter & Roeder Sutter & Roeder A. C. Atwater County Clerk --------- Fred Augustin Sutter & Roeder - Sutter & Roeder B. M. Simms LouAverill---------------- Kenneth C. Carson F. C. Kleckner W. H. Weeks James F. Crowley L. N, B.tton Kauf linderspacher 209. 36. 58. 20. 271. 45. 136. 129. 3. 25. 22. 27. 17. 11. 44. 9. 56. 78. 67 60 75 00 20 00 76 47 29 00 20 67 04 25 50 20 63 92 31.70 20. 30 115.00 349. 55 25. 10 14. 06 16. 90 12. 56 1. 10 1. 10 1. 10 1. 10 20. 70 15. 50 9. 15 F. D. Palmer W. A. Decker U. S. Rohrer resent all mem George B. Loucks Joe Neulin John W. Shaw A. W. Hall L. ,E,F. Crowley W. C. Bienkowski Edgerton & Hamilton Adams Co. Democrat Charles D. Huckleberry J. E. Willits Wm. Widmaier Lem Tibbets W. W. Keith County Clerk Alex Reiber John Hoff T. VgiTifftt Mary Lanning Hosp. Mary Dungan The Sigel Cafe A. I. Pattan John Snider, Co. Judge James B. Addle Conrad Wlker George Isaman & U. J. B. Kline Sunnyside Welter E._Nowers, M.D. James V. 13eghtol, M.D. 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 13.60 1.10 1.10 1.10 7.00 5.17 .50 6.00 51.00 232.75 16.00 9.85 100.00 26.20 64.00 55.00 99.80 177.28 13.80 8.71 64.25 3540 4.83 4.95 18.64 54.00 15.00 25.00 Motion by Whiting, second by Hynes that the recommendation of the finance committee be made the order of the Board and that the following clEims be allowed on the Road Fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the samel Roll call, all voted aye. Motion care* F. J. Benedict Dan Essinger Nick Seylor apple Bros. Co. W. B. Hargleroad R. Beal Standard Oil 0o. ----- --- T. G. Whiting McHarry Bros. George Kister Ida OM ono or Me $ 68.20 239.51 12.00 8.25 7.63 20.95 533. 14 2.73 12.00 18.60 Will Kistler $ V 61.90 C. A. Heartwell 80.Q0 C. B. ;leartwell 7.00 Harry Bing 24.50 J F Whitesel 80.50 Crisman & Brehm . Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co. -89.28 J. L. Hynes 13.60 T. G. Whiting 27.40 Motion by Hynes, secondby Hargleroad that tho recommr,ndation of the finence committee be the order of the Board and that the followng claims be allowed on t):Le Bridge Fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the.same. Roll call, all voted ae.Motion carried; Nick Seylor t gClo Frank H. Kitts Frank F. Kitts , 26.50 Frank H. Kitts ' 14.00 Henry:Phillips At 5 P. M. the Board recessed. until 9.30A. S. Robert W. Jones Oct. 7th.1919. 1000.00 860.38 7.00 107 TUESDAY OCTOP,E2 7th. 1-919. :00 Board met as per recess of October 6th, 1.19. Roll call, members. present as follows Hoff, Hynes, Whiting Hargleroad, Benedict, Absent Cramer and Bivens. Motion by Hynes second by Whiting that the recommendation of the emance Committee be made the order of the Board and the Clerk be instructed Motion carried. J.H. Haney & Co. Nebr. Battery & Tire Co. Otto Essinger and•thatths following Claims be allowed on the Road47Und a to d770,W warrants foi the same. Roll cail, all. Voted yea. 9.59 2.30 6.20 Fred G. Roeder oohn Arnold 'lore Bourg $ 33.35 10.00 24.50 Motion by 4hiting, second by Hynes that tho recommendation of the finance Committee be made the order o- the Board and that the following claims be allowed on the Special Motor Vehicle Registration Find and the same . R611 call, all voted aye. Motion W.A.Newell Chas. Kuehn Andy Smidt Geo.A. Monroe E.E. Shierrnan 46.66 62.15 71.10 56.60 107. 70 Clerk be instruoteo to draw warrants for the carried. Fred G. fkeder - $ 36.12 Chas. Kuehn 78.10 W.C. Dycus 17.25 S.Bauder - 32.40 W. t. Duncan 38.78 At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30,P.M. Tuesday Oct. '7th. 1919. 1:30 P.k. Board reassembled f2x per recessed. Roll call, all Members present. Motion by Harglerced, second by Whiting that the request of W-i,A..'eCole for the appointment of Hattie Cole, as Matron of the Adams County Jail, be granted. Notion carried. Motion by Bargleroad, second by Whiting that we purchase three Russell Rea Maintainers, subject to the aeproval of the Board, after a fir trial, also that we purchase three Tractors, for use in pulling these Maintainers. Same to be settled for January 15th. 1920, by the State Bureau. of State Highways. Roll call, ayes, Hynes, Whiting, Hargleroad, Benedict. Nays Hoff. Motion carried. Motion by W-iting, Second 11)7/Hynes that we build a cmment bridge south of Juniata, on the 0-11-D Road, between Sections 12 and 13 Juniata Townslip. Said Bridge to be 10Ft. waterway, 20 Ft. Roadway, with flat top. •Roll call, all voted aye, Motion catried. Motion by Harglcroad, peeond by Hynes, that the request of John Snider for an Increase of 15.00 per month in the salary of Anna E. Gartner, Stenographer in the County Judge's Office, be not granted. Roll call. All voted Yea. Motion Cfaiiied. Motion by Hoff, Second by Hyhes that the entire amount of taxes as shown by tax receipt No. 8495 be refuuded to Cleo M. Mikesell, on account of double assessment. Roll call. All voted aye. Motion carried. • Motion by whiting, Second by Hargleroad that Me Chatrman and Clerk be instructed to sign the admission,of Isaac F. Moon and Wife, andrewojeffers and Katherine Hoss, to the Soldier' Home at Burkett, Nebr. Motion carried. - Petition of Otto Miller and others asking the Ceun*y Board to, grade and clay the road between Sections 4 and 5 and Sections 8 and 9, Town 5 and Range 11,v/tea referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. rrfik, IL\ 10 7 TfJEST)AY OCTOBER, 7th. 1:30 "?.M. Contvd. The application of L.A.Purry for the position of Manager of the Adams County Poor Farm was read and the same was laid over for constideraten,at the next regular meeting of the Board. Also the offer of Roy Kistler and George Kistler to rent said farm on a cash or grain rent basis was laid aver until the next regular meeting of the Board. Mptlon by Hoff, Second by Hargleroad that we comply with the order of the County Oourt in the matter of a Mothers Penson for Marie Partridge, and that the Clerk be instructed to draw a warrant on the First of each month for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Mirmtes were read and approved. Motion by Hynes, Second by Hoff tit thislloard Pow adjourn VI meet again on i,:onday Oetober, 20th. 1919. at 10 A.i. ihcreupon the ;a° rd adjourned. County Clerk. iha irmen . MOND:.Y OCTOBER, 20th. 10 A. M. 1919. Board met as Per adjournment of Oct. 7th. 1919. Roll call , Members present as foilo-;;s: Foff, Fynes, Bivens, Whiting, Fargleroad and Benedict. Absent Cramer. Balance of forenoon taken u) in the discussion of Roadc, -nd Road machinery. At 12 O'clock noon, Board recessed until 1:30 MONDAY OCT.20th. 1919 1:30 P.N. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all Members present except Cramer. Entire Board went out to view a bridge near Ingleside, returning at 3 P.M. Balance of afternoon was taken up in looking over the merits of various Road Tractors. At 5 P.M. Board recessed until Tuesday Oct. 21st. 1919 at 9:30 A.Y. =SPAY OCT. 21st.1919, 9:30 A.M. Board reassembled as per recess, Roil call, Members present as follows: Foff, Fynes, Bivens, flitiyc Fargieroad and Benedict. Absent Cramer. At 10 o'cl,_ck A.M. the entire Board went out into the country on a tour of inspection of Roads and Bridges and of the County Farm. At 3:45P. M. the Board returned. Roll call, all Members present except Cramer. Motion by,..ynes, 6econd by Whiting that we rescind the action of this Board made on Oct. 7, 1919, in regard to an increase in the salary of Anna E. Gartner of $15.00 per month as Stenographer in the County Judge's Office. Motion carried. Motion by Whiting, Second by Fynes that the request of John Snider, County Judge for an increase of $15.00 per month in the salary of Anna E. Gartner be granted. Roll call, Yeas,Roff, Fynes, Bivens, Whiting, and Benedict. Pays, Eargleroad. Motion carried. Doctor Schaufelberger appeared before the Board and offered his resignation as Physician of the Adams County Board which on motion was accepted. Motion by Whiting, Second by Bivens that Doctor E. J. Hamel be appointed Physician of the Adams County Board of Health for the remainder of the year 1919. Motion carried. Motion by Fargleroad, Second by Hynes that we appropriate $,500.00 from the Road Fund for making a fill between Sections 14 & 15 in Cottonwood Township north of the Bridge across Cottonwood Creek and located on a County Road. Roll call, all voted yea.Motion carried. Minutes read and approved. Motion by Foff, Second by Whiting that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Thursday October, 23-1919 at 10 A.M. Motion carried. Whereupon the Board adjourned. ja ka,ted ounty Clerk. Ch man. --, - ' - - . 1 THURSDAY OCT. 23rd. 1919, 9:30 A . M. Board met pursuant to adjournament of Oct. 2lst. 1919. Roll call, Members Present as follows: Hoff, Givens, Whiting, Hargleroad and Benedict. Absent: Hynes and Cramer. At 10 A. M. the entire Board went out to witness a demonstration of Road Tractors. At 4:50 P. M. the Board returned. The entire day was spent in witnessing a demonstration of Road Tractors put on by the Wallis Tractor Co., The Avery Co., and the Aultmen & Taylor Machine Co. The Havelock Road Maintainer was used in this demonstration. Minutes were read and approved. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by 3ivens that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Monday Nov. 3rd., 1919 at 10 A.M. Motion carried. Whereupon the Board adjourned. �% unty Cloaf Coerk. Chairman. 311 Board met pursuant to MONDAY, NCTUABER, 3rd.,1919, 10 A. M. adlaurnmentt of Oct. 23, 1919. Roll call, all Members present as follows: Hoff, Cramer, Hynes, Bivens, hiting, Hargleroad and Benedict. The entire forenoon was taken up in the consideration Of bills. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessetantil 1 P. M. MONDAY, NOV. 3, 1919, 1 P. M. Board ref2ssembled as per recess€. . Roll call, all Members present. Motion by Targleroad, Second by Whiting that on and after Oct. 8, 1919 that we allow for road dragging 45 per running mile. voted yea. Motion carried. Same to apaly until further notice. Roll call. All Motion by Tynes, Second by Bivens that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be mall the order of the Board and that the following claims be allowed on the General Fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same* R01l. call, 11 voted yea. Motinn carried Ben Stanner United •Chemical Co. W. A. Cole J. L. Hynes James F. Crowley C. N. Nash 11.13. Borley Trans. Co. H. D. Webster Go. H. D. Webster Co. Renner & Serf Hastings Fuel Co. Hastings Fuel Co. S. J. Stewart Rays Shoe Store Ella Doty F. J. Benedict A. T. Battan T. G. whiting Mary Dungan ' Local Registrars J. C. Penny Co. 0 22.00 14.50 127.50 35.00 107.90 83.65 2.37 8.20 9,98 17.50 5.65 30.10 18.50 14.55 20.00 82.40. 4.71 79.30 31.80 49.00 • 8.54 Union Cafe Union Cafe Geo, W. Bivens Geo. W. Bivens Nye,Schneider,Fowler,Co Juniata Lbr. Co 33aird & Baird Mary Damning Hosp. Baird & Baird Henry Bauer Henry Herbst John Hoff W. G. Arnold Alex Reiber Wolbach & Brach Anderson Shoe Co. Geo* Talte Hammond & Stephens Go. 18.35 Cleo Y. Mikesell 10.90 11. F. Favinger 14.60 Lincoln Tel. & Telg. Co.-. 3.55 V. F. Carnahan 125.00 $ 8.00 . 25.40 35.80 31.00 12.30 208.35 15.90 88.7 5.00 10.53 22.53 .63.30 48.65 100.00 48.15 21.85 10.50 • "" Motion by Hynes, Second by Whiting that the recommendatiiOn of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and that theoilowing claims be allowed on the Road Fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw Farm Schmidt O. E. Snell F. J. Benedict Y. A. Hargleroad warrants for the same. Roil call, all voted yea. Motion carried. Minn. Thrash, Mach. Co. Galion Iron Works ----- Otto Schmidt Nebr. Battery & Tire Co. -- Fred G. Roeder Peter Hansen W. E. Riggs Mc:Harry Bros. Frank Crosier H. B. Whiting Charles Walker Flore Bourg 20.90 9.80 44,00 40.65 50.40 17.85 25.20 12.25 14.35 7.00 .75 4.20 58.10 1.50 11.65 4.00 Juniata Lbr. $ 2.05 5.80 56.00 112.35 18.00 64.75 7.00 7.10 F.'F. Tughes 156.80 Hughes Auto Go, 4.00 E. J. Huckfeldt 23.60 O. H. Sprnnkle 4.00 T. G. Whiting • 37.00 Geo. W. Bivens 37.90 Geo. W. Bivens 12.60 J. I. Hynes D. Willmes - Art. Willmes Wm. H. Gartner John F. Caldwell Robert Huckfeldt John Granstrom Motion by Whiting, Second by Fargleroad that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be • made the order of the Board and that the follow:mg claims be allowed on the Bridge Fund and the Clerk be instructed, to draw carried. Frank p. Eitts nG1ai2r & Son Farvey P. ;Tones A. E. Williams warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion 389.27 5.50 94.40 26.00 Geo. W. Bivens Mathew Uerling---- 7.00 Thomas Trousch 33.95 l'rank TT. Mitts 1500.00 6.50 112 4. Motion by Bivens, Second by Fynes that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and that tLe following claims be allowed on the Special Motor -Vehicle Registration Fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roil call, all voted yea. Motion carried. C. P. Smith C. P. Smith C. P. Smith W. J. F7nes H. B. Burroughs W. A. Newell O. M. Doty 84.60 36.20 7.65 3.60 30.55 :164.23 154.55 Charles Kuehn. 4, 73 '34 ,-0-, •-• W. F. Duncan 88.85 E. J..Huckfeldt 115.33 Fred G. Roeder ,.. 129.67 W. B. Hargleroad 83.10 Geo. A. Munroe 210.05 P. M. Poore 23.00 W. F. Duncan 7.00 At 1:30 P.M. the Board recessed until Tuesday, Nov.. 4th. 1919 at 9:30 A.M. and the Board together with R. O. Green, District Engineer, went on an inspection trip over the Federal. and State Roads. TUESDAY, NOV.4th.1919,-9:30 Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all Members present as follows: Hoff, Cramer Fynes, Bivens, Whiting, Fargleroad and Benedict. Motion by Fargleroad, Second by Fyhes that the order given the Russell Grader Co., for three Maintainers be cancelled and the Clerk be instructed to wire them of this order at. once Roll call,,all voted yea. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M. TUESDAY NOV. 4th. 1919, 1:30 P. M. Board reasembled as per recess. Roll call. All Members present. Motion by Foff, Second by Blvens that the recommendation of the Bond Committee be made the order of the Board and that the Official Bond of Peter Jacobson as Road Overseer of District No.4, Fanover be approved. Motion carried. Motion by Whiting, Second by Foff that the Chairman and Clerk be instructed to sign the admission papers of John and Josephine Regnn to the Soldiers rome at Burkett, Nebr. Motion carried. Motion by Whiting, Second by Rynes that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board end that the Treasurer be instructed to refund to Cleo M. Mikesell 9.00 as shown by tax receipt No. 10249, on account of double assessment. Roll call,• all voted yea. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Whiting that the recommendation Of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and that the following clairIs be allowed on the General Fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion carried. Adams County Democrat 0 39.73 Mrs. A. Litchenberg 3.60 J. B. Kline 7.75 A. H. Cramer 50.00 County Treasurer 161.32 Conrad Walker Miller Coal Co. County Treasurer Stewart & Smith Twiddle Shoe Co. 10.01 11.50 83.74 22.17 6.25 // Motion by Fynes, Second by Fargleroad that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and that the following Claims be allowed on the Special Motor Vehicle Registration Fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion carried. Christ Fort 137.25 S. Bauder e 86.35 "; I 3 Motion by Fargieroad, Second by Bivens that we Increase thecash-allownnce to the 'r Moffitt family of Juniata, from $12.50 a month to 2.5.00 a month. o11 call, all voted yea. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by }Toff that we enter into ,a contract with C. F. Land of Juniata, to become manager of the Adams County Poor Farm for a period of one year, commeeA, -cing March, 1st. 1920, at a salary of 01700.00 per year as per terms of the contract under which Mr. Lind makes application. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion carried. Motion by 4hiting, Second by Cramer that we buy two small tractors and two 7avelock Maintainers for use of maintaining the roads of Adams County. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion carried. Motion by Hynes, Second by Fargle-rond that we buy one Heider Tractor and one Avery Tractor. Roll or11. Ayes: Hoff, Cramer, Fynes, Whiting and Hargleroad. Present but not voting,Bivens and Benedict. Motion carried. Minutes read and approved. Motion by Fynes, Second by Bivens that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Monday, Dec. 1-1919, at 10 A. M. Whereupon the Board adjourned. • / 4 L. ae/nteCi Chairman. / 4 MONDAY, DEORM1ER, 1st. 1919, 10 o'clock A. 1. Board met as per adjournment of Nov. 4th. 1919. Roll call, all Members present as follows: Hoff, Cmmer, Hynes, Bi' -ens, Whiting, Hargleroad and Benedict. The entire forenoon was taken up by the Board in the checking up of claims filed in the office of the County dlerk. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1 P. M. MONDAY, DECEMBER, 1st. 1919, 1 2. M. Board reassembled as per recess, Roll call, all Members present as follows: Hoff, Cramer, Hynes, Tiivens, Whiting, Hargleroad and Benedict. Motion by. Hynes, second by Whiting that the recommendation of the Pinance Committee be mad the order of the Board and that the following claims Clerk be instructed to draw warrants carried. Election TT TT TT TT fl TY TT TT TT TY TT It TY VT YI IT 77 Board, TT TT TT TT TT TI TT TT TT TT Ti TT TT V, West Blue Highland Verona Kenesnw Wanda-- -- Denver Blaine Fanover Ayr Roseland Cottonwood Logan--- - -- Silver Lake Zero Little Blue First Ward A VT TY Second " A Third 7, Fourth "B A B--- ” W. G. Arnold Lincoln Tel. &. Telg. Co. H. F. Favinger G. A. liolland H. B. Borley Trans. Co. James E. Addie Lem Tibbets William Widmier Graham Furniture Co.-- --- - - M. O. Callender Mildred Pielstick,Sec'ty. John W. Shaw • E. W. Terhune, Town'Clerk John 31Fartenstine;Town-glerkWm. Golgert,Town Clerk John VanNordheim,Town Clerk Alva /ersaw, Town Clerk L.W. Grabill, Town Clerk J. V. Beardsley,Town Clerk Wm. Prante, Town Clerk F. 1/11. Evans,Town Clerk J. L. Full, Town Clerk W. Ackley - Guarantee Elect. Co. he allowed on the General for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. $ 22.50 22.30 23.20 25.00 27.90 26.10 21,70 22.50 20.80 24.00 23.20 29.50 24-.50 27.60 23,00 28.20 82.20 82.20 82.20 82.20 82,20 82.20 82.20 29.47 5.15 5.00 25.00 20.50 33.75 43.50 24.00 20.00 10.00 40.00 7.85 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10 ; 00 10.00 10.00 2.00 1.91 J. W. Gilchrist, Town Clerk W.C.O'Brien,Town Clerk V. O. Wirfel,Town dlerk 0. W. Peterson, Town Olerk John Stiner,Town Clerk J. E. Vance,Town Clerk J. F. Crowley W. G. Johnson A. T. Batton John Hoff Alex Reiber Ella Doty Fund and the Motion Wahlquist Bros. Renner & Serf Guarantee Elect. Co. J. F. Cast* K -B Printing Co. State Journal Co. Pauley Lumber Co. Nat'l. Security League T. G. Whiting Geo. W, Bivens Henry Bauer Sutter & Rdeder.... Pickens 80 Bratton F. A. Kearns Fred W. Fink James E. Addie Mary Dungan H. 0. Eckhardt Milbourn & Scott Co. B. M. Simms -- J. I. Hynes County Treasurer Sutter ..& Roeder J. Benedict A. C. Atwater W. A. dole Op. W. B. Hargleroad F. D. Webster Co. Western Union Otto Miller Lem Tibbets Lem Tibbets C. J. Reddon Hastings Fuel 0 . J. E. Willits W. W. Keith $ 10.00 10.00 3,0.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 3.00 4.74 32.50 100.00 20.00 123.50 18.90 10.88 1.00 251.38 14.46 36.00 2.00 43.30 38.80 6.45 43.89 32.85 60.50 2.40 35.25 18.63 39.47 170.80 12.68 25.00 80.24 23.65 50.00 120.93 119.79 8.27 1.47 2.00 40.00 28.00 7.00 18.25 15.00 30.00 Motion by Fargleroad„ second by Bivens that the recommendation Of the Finance Committee bt77, be made the order of the Board and that the following claims be allowed on the Road Fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. carried. T. G.Whiting--- - ---,------- - ---$ 37.60 C. a. Craven 8.75 Chas. H. Land 40.95 Clyde Preston 13.30 John Smith 13.10 IA ln Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Ed dtromer -- - - -- - $ 34.30 Geo. Kister 1.50 John H. Caldwell 67.05 Ed F. Juergens 48.68 Elmer Bohlke 2.10 S_PA Chas. Crosier Prank Crosier C. A. Walker J. L. Hynes P. J. Benedict J. M. Means M. N. Rounds Chas. D. Huckleberry Nebr.Culvert.& Mfg. Co. The Minn. Thresh. Co. J. 0. Brower Dan Essinger Aultman & Taylor Mach. Co. - -- -- The Galion Iron Wks.Mfg. Co. Otto Schmidt $ 40.95 47:25 33.60 23.80 39.50 15.00 42.00 2.50 285.60 1.34 4.50 129.46 50.80 10.00 95.74 H. H. Gartner Eobt. Huckfeldt W. B. Hargleroad Harry H. Hansen L. R. Tadden R. A. Felzien Bert SchiffernPred Wagner chae. Wegner - - - - - - - Peter Hansen- - - W. Yohey- - Frank H. Kitts Motion by Whiting, second by Hargleroad that the recommendation of the Pinance 107.65 89.00 67.00 45.00 63:50 8.00 38.00 12.00 16.00 77.70 20.80 39.50 Committee be made the order of the Board and that the following claims be allowed -on the Bridge Fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, carried. A. J. VanEvery Bert Elsie O. W. Peterson 81aden Lumber Co. County Treasurer Byers number Co. Prank F. Kitts O. C. Busboom - 30000 NW WY 0,11. 4.50 4.00 53.75 474.65 38.85 23.10 6.00 Roseland Lumber Co. Ayr Lumber Co. Frank,Bosard Fisher Dumber Co. all Voted 11011r aye. Motion $ 57.05 23.05 3.75 187.00 Motion by Bivens, second by Whiting that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and that the following claims be allowed on the Special Motor Vehicle Registration call, all voted aye. O. M. Doty E. E. Shierman Andy Smidt Fred G. Roeder Fred G. Roeder M. A. Newell Ernest Aufdenkamp Fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll Motion carried. ow 00 ow 69.45 66.68 209.71 24.20 162.25 110.97 43.95 S. Bauder ----------,$ 75.87 , Geo. A. Munroe 158.40 Chas. :Kuehn 151.75 Ed J. Huckfeldt- - 124.37 W. B. Hargleroad 42.85 W. C. Dycns----107.53 W. J. Hynes 3.60 Motion by Cramer, second by Bivens that the following claims for refund of taxes paid on account of erroneous assessments are disallowed for the reason that the Board has no author- ity to make refunds on claims of this class, the parties having failed to appear before the Board of Equalization: D. W. Sinclair, nen Stanner, Fred. Thant, Mary C. Duer, Gottlieb Waechter and 0. J. Riley. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carr. Motion by Foff, second by Whiting that the claim of the Rev. J. Guy Munsell for damages against Adams County be referred to the Township of Juniata, Adams County for settlement. Motion carried. Motion by Foff, second by Bivens that the Chairman and Clerk be instructed to sign the ad- mission papers of William R. Tripp of Eenesaw, Nebr., for admission to the Soldiers Home at Burkett, Nebr. Motion carried. Motion by Hoff, second by Whiting that the recommendation of the Bond Committee be made the order of the Board and that the bond of C. F. Land as Manager of the Adams County Poor Farm be accepted. Motion carried. Motion by Hoff, second by Cramer that the application of John Snider, County Judge in regar to the compensation of the Clerk of the County Court and of the Stenographer in the office of the County Judge, be accepted and approved and the County Clerk be instructed to draw warrants on the General Fund to comply with same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Eargleroad, second by Cramer that the application of A. I; Battan for the -bsitia as Janitor of the Court House for the year 1920 at a salary of t'100.00 per month be accepted Minutes;:-= read and approved. Motion by Hoff, second by Hargleroad that this Board now adjourn to meet again Monday December, 29th. 1919 at 10 A. M. Whereupon the Board adjourned. oun y erk. hairman. n'YTILIL Monday, December, 29th. 1919, 10 o'clock, A.M. Board metqlursuant to adjournment of December, lst. 1919. Roll call, Memberz present as follows: Foff, Cramer, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad and Benedict. Motion by Cramer, Second by Fargleroad that we accept the proposition of the Wiggins and Babcock Company of Lincoln, Nebraska to audit the books of all the County Offices for the year 1919. Rell call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P.M. Monday, December, 29th. 1919, 1:30 P.M. Board reassembled as Per recess. Roll call, all Members present. Motion by Fynes, Second by Whiting that the following list of names be submitted to the Clerk of the District Court, as a term of Court. Motion carried. The list follows: Supervisors District No. 1 Rudolph Pirme. D. N. Bitner. Bert Mott. Supervisors District No. 2 W. J. PedePson. Tra D. Philleo. T. O. Yrull. Supervisors District No. 3. Geo. Roeder. -,,Frbd Poore. Otto Gentert. W. B. Hargleroad. Sunervisors District. No. 4 John A. Weber. John Troush. John Kline. G. F. Saylor. Charley Myres. Matt Burrough. Supervisors District. No. 5 R. W. dole. S. J. Steward. C. n. doblentz. Joe G. Cole. J. M. lean. M. Stein. Supervisors District. No,6. Narry Proffitt. L. A. Clark. W. I. Hoagland. 3. B. Kral. G. n. l3oggs. Supervisors District. No. 7. Aubrey Twidale. R. J. Turpit. I. J. Seikman. L. 3. Ryan. list from which to draw the Jurors for the January 1920 Ira Ball, Riley Smith. Theodore Hoffman. Fred Augustin. H. C. Wintermute. E. T. Stromer. Geo. Mohel. Hoarce Larsen. J. C. Gilmore. Chas. W. Brown. O. O. IaevoreLu. n. F. Rohrer. Prank Quade. Thomas Winn, Jr. Morton Dean. J. F. Gangwish. W. C. Dycus. S. w. vanEoning- John Bohlke. John Falbmaier, Sr. Eugene Pratt. James Patterson. Dan Kruger. John MOClarY. John Coordt. J. W. Banta. D. M. Ball. P. L. Johnson. Willaim Rapp. W. T. Cornelius. Motion by dmmer, Second by Hargleroad that we buy f the State Journal Company,.24 1›„11^4 n ,g All Irn.1-_nri Ptrt3_ Urvhinn nArriari '42111,11A A4,44,00"*. amounts specified on each claim be allowod end the Treasurer be instructed to refund the same. Roll call, all voted Western Brick & Supply Oo. Fred C. Maage. 0. F. Hahn. _Henry Mall. aye. Motion carried. The claims follow: Tax Receipt TT TT TT No.2791 Refund 354.66 No.296I TT $ 21.21 r.3532 $ 88.91 Yo.1654 " 0 10.28 " $154.20 Bank of Comme-ce. TV TTNo.3499 Motion by Bivens, Second by Hargleroad that the request of 0. W. Wilson for a salary of $100.00 per month be allowed at 090.00 per month. Same to become effective Januray, lst.1920 Roll call, Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Hybes that the recommendation of the BondAommittee be made the order of the Board and that the offical bond of Theodore Trousch as Town Clerk of Juniata Township be accepted and approved. Motion carried. At 5 P.M. the Board recessed until December, 30, 1919 at 9 A.M. Tuesday, December, 30th. 1919, 9:A.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all Members present as follows: Hoff, Cramer , Fynes, Bivens, Whiting, Fargleroad and Benedict. Motion by Hynes, Second by Whiting that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and that the following claims be allowed on the General Fund and the Olerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. carried. Sunnyside Matt Plein Byers Lumber Co. J. 0. Brower-------- --- - Faimonds & Stephens Co. -- Proffitt & Lovell........- Univerzity Pub. Co.-. - Dr. F.Y. Hall ----------- Juniata Lumber Co. Juniata Gr. & Livestock . Juniata number Co. B. M. Simms B. M. Simms B. F. Carl - - -- Foote & McPherson Sutter & Roeder F. A. Kearns-- - - - O. T. Buchannan- - Sutter & Roeder Zena Yoffitt........University -'ub. Co. University Pub. Co. .K.B Printing oo. John Snider, Co.judge, Dem Tibbetts Nye,Schneider,Fowler Co. -- 8. Ma.rtin -- Nebr. Feeble Mind. Inst.-- Chrid Hansen A. C. Atwater 73.50 100.00 15.50 2.17 23.00 46.46 6.36 7.00 22.70 18.15 29.60 19.11 2.58 42.30 17.00 17.20 37.99 8.65 31.62 75.00 12.88 6.49 16.30 2.00 31.00 28.00 49.05 170.38 57.25 120.93 J. A. Cates $ 68.64 John Snider•Co. Judge. 10.00 H. D. Webster ---- 9.87 Dr. C. L. Egbert........75.00 25.00 10.00 11.00 29.10 7.00 18.70 5.00 16.85 1473.30 J.L. Evnes J. , W. J. Bartholomei Hastings Cemdtary Ass'. Johu Snider", 0o. Juage John Snider, co. Judge James F. Crawley F. J. Schaufelberger State Journal County Clerk John Hoff 32.50 Alex Reiber 100.00 P. J.tenedict - -- 55.00 P.a. Whiting - 35.40 Geo. W. Bivens 52.10 26.25 40.00 23,89 3.25 28.00, 35.00 290.00 72.04 135.00 1.05 6.78 59.40 2.35 Renner & Serf Dr. 0.t. Kidder W. G. Arnold ----- Carl R. matthiesen & co. Dr. James V. Beghtol A. F. Cramer Lem Tibbetts Deines Drug Co. Remington Typewriter Co. Remington Typewriter Co. A. . Batton - - ---------- - County Treasure,. Lincoln Tel. & Telg. Oo.------- - WM At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until.1:30 P.m - Motion y 1:30 P.M. the Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all Members present. Motion by Hynes, Second by Bivens that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and that the following claims be allowed on the Bridge Fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Robert W. Jones- - - -- ------- Bladen Lumber Co. Chicago 'Lumber Go. --------- 16.20 41.55 24.40 Jams Patterson 4 19.00 Frank Zuhrod 34.70 Oscar Johnson -------------------.2.80 141 '-,I\( An !21‘ .** Motion by Fynes, Second by Whiting that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and that the following claims be allowed, on the Roed Fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. John Smith $ 9.82 T. O. Whiting 5.40 J. A. Weber 66.50 J. H. Haney -- 3.00 Art Willmes 120.02 National Refin. Co.--.--- 353.23 Raymond Sumstine 25.00 L. .Clark & Co. 7.00 G. S. Fischer 37.00 The Galion Iron Wks.& Mfg. .--- 14.00 Karl Rechart 21.00 F. J. Benedict 45.25 T. G. Whiting 175.00 Motion by Foff, Second by Hynes that the claim of the Hastings Daily Tribune on the General Fund for $94.78 be allowed at $89.90. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hynes, Second by Bivens that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order'of the Board and that the following claims be allowed on the Soldiers & Sailors Releif Fund nnd the Clerk be instructed to issue warrant for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Fenry Shick $100.00 Motion by Bivens, Second by Hynes that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be vde the order of the Board and that the following claims be allowed on the Special Motor Vehicle Registration Fund and the Clerk be instructed to Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. W. C. Dycus $84.15 Highway Maintainer Co. Motion by Hynes, Second by Bivens that the claim of W. M. Burr $81.00 be disallowed. Also the claim of School District NO.73 on draw warrants for the same. 600.00 on the General Fund ffdr the General Fund for $37.50 be disallowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motinn carried. Minutes read and approved. Motion by Fynes, Second by whiting that this.Board now adjourn to meet again on January, 12, 1920 at 10 A.M. Motion carried. Whereupon the Board adjourned.