HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupervisors Rec 9 1917MONDAY - JAYUARY 8th, 1917 - 10 A.M. Board met as per adjournment. Roll call, all members present. u . Moved by Schlegel and seconded by George that the recommendation of the Bond Committee be made the order of the Board and the following bonds be accepted and approved. All members present voted yea. Motion prevailed. First ?rational Bank Depository bone?. Exchange rational Bank Depository bond. Mary W•Dungan County Superintendent. H.F.Favnger Justice of the Peace John A.Lawler T.N. Sheehy J. C. Gi lrnore D. J Roberts • .......... • Walter Plambeck_ "?.C.O'Brien oo•..•....•... Fred W.Fvans .. •.• •. E.T.Terhune 4,*410 Andrew Smidt John Van i; ordheim Little Blue • • TT ............ B Township. Fred Nienheuser Township Treasurer 4,••••41.4•••• ?^anda Township. Fred H.Augustine •,•..••.0 TT TT .•.. Juniata TOwnshin• G•T.Hill ....a.••••...•... TT TT ••.•••..•• Denver Township. F.F'.Tintermute .... Fr Tr Ayr Township. John Finspahr • • . • .... • . • . TT TT • s . • .. • • • Logan Township. Geo. Gossard. Road Overseer, Dist. 4L1 Test Blue Township. John Coyne ....a. " " Dist.3 Highland Township. ?ill Ketzberg .. ......... T1 T, Dist. 2 Verona Township. Seth ??ease T, „ Ti.Smth.... T► ,1 Dist.4 Verona Township. anda Township. Frank Finnigsmier Dist•2 '� T' Dist.�,'1 Juniata Township. C,L.I;iosier ••••••••••.••.• TT TT Dlst.4 Juniata Township. Chas. Smiley .......... ... 'f 'T Dist. -1 ....•. Denver Township. Fred Habbe •..... TT TT Dist.#1 ...... Hanover Township. Theo DeT"itt ..•,••••.••••. TT TT Dist.,3 Roseland Township. Chas. Theatf . T' TT Dist .455 Logan Township. Frank Giddings ... . ow.. TT rtDist. 2 Zero Township. Herman Valentine . TT IT Dist.A2 Little Bine Township. John T.Shaw .. Constable ................... City of Hastings. Roy Tracy .. .... ,T 0•••••••••410.00,0*** Roseland Township. George T.i"heat ........... member soldiers' & Sailors' Relief Commission. L.`17.Grabill •...... • •..... Township Clerk: Roseland Township. Chas, Farman Road Overseer, Dist., 4 Roseland Township. TT T► TT 11 Ft TT TT TT Highland Township. City of Hastings. City of Hastings. 11 T► ►t TI .... • • . Verona Township. ►1 TT Tt TT Kenesaw Township. Tt Ti TT tT ' •...... Wanda Township. Township Clerk • . ..,..,.. Highland Township. •••'••••+.. *. Kenesaw Township. rr Tr Denver Township. fi Tt •••.. Hanover Township. T► Moved by Benedict and seconded by Schlegel that the appointment of John w. Shaw as Consti,ble, be approved. Motion prevailed. moved by Kidder and seconded by Schlegel that the request, of the County Judge for clerk and stenographer' hire for the year 1917, be granted. motion prevailed. Moves by Kidder and seconded by Schlegel that the request of the County Clerk for fees and clerk hire for the year 1917, be granted. Hollcail, all voted yea. motion prevailed. T'Ioved by Kidder and seconded by Hynes that the recommendation of the finance -Committee be made the order of the Board and the following; claims be allowed against the general Rind and the Clerk be instructed todraw warrants for the same. Poll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed, 1Iatkins Printing House ........... 56.00. C.I.Van ?atten 3.30. Nye -Schnieder -Fowler- Co. ......... 45.50. B.M. Sir.1s 4.90. H.D. ebster Co. •••••••••..•••• 45,23. A,I,Battan 1.20. Edgerton & Hamilton ....,....•... 2.50. Geo. Barth 1.00. Wolbach & Brach .................. 27.82. F.N.Addleman 2.00. Kernan Shoe . ..............•• .. 13.35. James V.Beghtol . 19.00. St. Joe & G I.R.R.00. ••.......... 11.96. C• H..Hudson • 14.00. "wahlgnist Bros. ......... 56.10. ,C.A.Heartwell ........ 10.00. State Journal Co. ,............... 146.06. 0.H,Hahn .,.. 2.00. '"•,catkins nrintin ; House ........... 35.00. W,t'".Heith 8.00. A• .Meyer Hdw.0 •...... 1.35. J,F.Willits 3.00. Lincoln Tel. & Tel Co........... 13.85. N.D.Kidder Coon Lumber Co . .................. 65.20. J.F'Heiler 28.00. 36.00. Coon riber Co . ... .............. 22.35. Lem�Tibbets ........... 199.25. Pickens &Bruton ..•........•...• 5.00. D.N.Bitner ............ 10.15. Kauf & '?inderspacher 3.80. ' P.MoTntosh 15.00. Hastings Pu.el Co. 1.7.35. 0.Mikesell •..............••. 12.03. Blake -8c Sons ........ 32.15. C.F.Kidder 23.50. F,S,webster Co. ?�.••.. 9.00. T, T.ThOmbson ••••s•••••••.•., 22.00. ;:g:42 ---...-..c.0.:..-••. 34.43•Hen1y Bauer •..•2.78. • • • • • • . , , ,i,,..... 13.20. Henry Herbst 14.02. Lee Haggard ....•........... 19.03. J.W,I'igenberg ••.,,.•.,•..•.. 4.45. A recess until one o clock p.r. was then ordered by the chairman. Board reassembled as ?ger recess. Roll call, all members "Present. Moved by Hidder and seconded by Schlegel that the request of the Counter Treasurer for deputy and clerk hire for the year 1917, be granted. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. moved by Kitner and. seconded by George that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed against the general fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. The Cudahy Packing Co. , .... 4.00. W.A.Cole $239.90. Coon Lumber Co . ................ 187.00. W.A.Cole 48.35. Coon Lumber Co. •.••♦•..... .. 82.55. F.J.Benedict . 32.00. Lumber 127.15. B.F.Schlegel 16.80. S.R.Tucker ..................... 100.95. F.1T.George 27.30. Lilly a, Toed....,... ..•....... 90.23. J.L.Hynes 30.10. Hammond & S'tephens Co. 18.00. Gertrude Croft 3.00. Kr.A.C.Colman 89.00. J.R.Baugh 67.10. ii. C. uaverly ..... 89.06. L Coon umber C o Y. Moved by Hynes and. seconded by Benedict that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following; claims be allowed against the bridge fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. motion prevailed. T ladeosurnber Co, .. •••••••••••• 44.18. Bill Heltenberg 1.45. John Harrington Coon Lumber Co. •.••.•.••.••••.. 152.00. Elmer Harrington COOP Lumber CO..•..•..• ••••. 195.55. Frank Kitts ♦••••• Coon Lumber Co. ••••.••••••••••• 91.70.. Jack Heltenberg Clay County54.72; - G.Ratcli ff C.C.Hoagland 1.50. F.T.Hawthorne • ••••• 9.30. 15.00. 35.80. 32.00. 15.30. 5.50. 5.00. _. Moves by Kidder and seconded by Georgie that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be Made the order of the Board andthefollowing claims b� allowed against the speeia motor vehicle registration fiind and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Toll call, ali voted yea. Motion prevailed. C.P.Smith 19.50. ''.R.Vance ... C.".Smith ........•....•...•.•.. 18.00. Andrew Srlidt T.C.Siegner 17.50. "".B.Har71eroad J.H.:FTrzr.ry ... • • .... ♦ 18.00. noved by Kitner and seconded by George that'the Clerk of the District Court be allowed for the year 1917, $1600 for Clerk's salary, $800 for deputy's salary, and 100 for extra help. all to be paid out of the fees of the office. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed moved by Benedict and seconded by Hynes that the following; names be submitted as the list from which to select the jurors for the next term of District Court. emotion prevail ed $26.00. 6.25. 17.50. istrict Yo. 1,=- .*est Blue: Gaymon. '.7.1.Fleh_arty. ighland .0.0'Brien. Frank Shannon: Blaine Fd. Golgert. R.D.Bushnoll. Denver: Fred Linegar. John Furry. Robt. `*Tright. District No. Kehesaw: John Gearhart. "'. H. L ong L.0ox• `*land a John C . Bohlke. Eckhs,rd 'doe er. Verona: Jacob Augustin. Godfrey Trickey. Cottonwood: 7. J.Ilansen. prank H.Burling. District Ho. 5,- C onract Trump. Alex Meininger. F.T.Meyer. V•0.Vastine. Michael Volland. Wm. Van Deest. J.O. Brower. meter Hempel. District No. 6,- Henry Lehrman. Chas.M. Domi ny. Patrick Daniher. A.F.Meyer. Geo.F.Collett. J.A.Van Doren. ','m.F.Widmaier. District I?o. 2"- Juniata: ,-Juni:ata i. r. J.Kindig. A.'.Ashmore. I;Tatt Heuertz. Ayr, Jacob Consbruck. StephenSwigle. 7 E.George. T7 e r n leer . :District To. nosel'-nd: rT. .Beiriger. Antone Roffman. Logan: John (Haff. W. J. Hyne s . Silver 'Lake: John Kline. 7.prn• District y0. 7,- 1.F.Moon. S.Fay.inger. W.T.Cornelison. Chas. Rants. Tosen}} S'nannon. 224 MONDAY - JANUARY 8th, 1917 - 1 .M. cont. ;^oved by 'Kidder and seconded by Bitner that the report of the Settlement Committee be accepted and placed on record. Motion prevailed. Hastings, TTebraska, Jan. 6, 1917. "'o the Honorable Board of Supervisors, Gentlemen: - We, your Settlement Committee, having checked all books, papers, stubs, vouchers and warrants in the v^rious offices for the last six months of the year 1916. beg leave to submit the following report: - In the Office of the REGISTER OP DEEDS ,- We checked the following records: General Index to Deeds,No.16,'General Index to M;Tortgages'No.15, miscellaneous Index No.6, Mechanic's Lien Index No.1, Index to Estates No.1, anti found. these records to agree with Fee Book No.5, which in turn corresponds with the report on file. This report shows the following receipts and disbursements for the year 1916 Receipts:- Fees, eceipts; Fees, Jan.lst to July 1st, 1916 July August September October November December s•s•.••.•........ •• 114'73.10• 162.65. 146.25. 233.60. •.. 221.20. .. 230.35. 208.80. • .. • • • .....i._i..... .••.• •.• Total receipts },.. 12635.95. Disbursements, - Register of. Deedssalary .. 11500.00. Deputy Register's salary ... 1200.00. Total Fees insufficient to pay salaries Total disbursements -o0o- n' the Office of the COUNTY CLERK: '-e checked the records in the. County Clerk's office as follows:- Chattel Mortgape'Record, Bill of Sale 'record, Notarial Record, 'physicians' register, Dental. Register, Embalmers' Register, Optometry Register, Nurses' 'register, Boni: Register, the Miscellaneous 'record:, and all other records where fees are charged and found all !fees to be properly entered on the Fee Book and the same to correspond. with the report ion file. The warrants were checked with the warrant stubs andall warrants not receipted for were foundto be in the possession of the Clerk. Fees receivedduring the year 1916,- For the first sig months 1 760.35. For the lost sig months ..................•... 1427.78. 12700.00. 64.05. 635.95. Benedict and Hynes, Sub -committee. Balance Total ........... 12188.13. on hand. Jan. 1, 1916 17 7.15 Total ...........32365.28. Disbursements,- To deputy and assistants . • • • • • .-. • • • -12084.00• Balance on hand. January 1st, 1917 1 281.28. Uncollected fees due the office from the county,- 72 Bonds with seal, recorded .....•..........=.... 1 72.00. 32 Bonds without seal, recorded .•...•......R.... 24.00. 597 License seals ..`.................. 149.25. 2000 Seals on claims • • • • • . r • • 3745.25. Bitner and George, Sub -committee. 2,5 MONDAY - JANUARY Bth, 1917 - 1 P.M. cont. In the Office of the COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS : - 7e check ea the receipts ana expenditures of the office of the County super- intendent of Public Instruction and find the following for the year 1916:- Receipts, - Balance on hand July lst, 1916 . .. 11;3256.22. Fees received during last six months 199.00. Received of the County, Ang. 1st 50.00. motal receipts 3505.22. _Expenditures, Teachers' institute . 1254.20. ° ... ***** Teachers' outlines ........ ..... 25.00. Expenses in Study Center work .. 5.60. Total expenditures ... 3264.60. Balance on hand January 3ra, 1917 3220.42. Benedixt and Hynes, Sub -committee. -o0o- n the Office of the SHERIFF:- . In the office of the sheriff we ch'ecked the ,rocess Docket with the Fee Book and found that the same agree ana that they also correapond with the report of the Sheriff on file in the office of the County Clerk. Pees collected during the year 1916: - District Court 3155.00. Cornty Court 60.00. ( Favinger, 152.50. Justice Court , • • 74.95. t Lawler, 22.45' Total, Paid to Co. Treas.7..... 3269.95. Bitner and George, Sub -committee. 0 0 - In the Office of the COUNTY JUDGE: - The following records were checked in the County Judge's office and found to agree with the report on file with the county Clerk, viz.,- Marriage Eecord No.14, County Court Dockets Nos. 5 and 6, Justice'of'the peace Dockets tos. 7 and 8, Official Bend 'Record Fo.2, nrobate-Fee Books Fos. 1, 2„3, 4, 5 and 6, also miscellaneous items and cash books. Tleceipts,- First Sly months 1916, less first5 days 31654.05. July August 1181.60. 174.20. September 222.30. October 261.75. Te7ernre;' 450.05. 299.40. Jan. 1-3, 1917 ..... 14.15. 31603.45. Total receipts 33257.50. Disbursements: - Judge's salary 3 1650.00. Clerk's salary 1000.00. Extra clerk's salary ....a533.20. Total disbursements p,xcess paid to the County Treasurer Tn the Office of the COUNTY TREASURER: - o 0 o - 33163.20. 74.30. Benedict and Hynes, Sub -committee. All taxes collected and all other receipts of the County Treasurer's office were checked, together -with the alsbUrsements and balances on hand in the various funds an find them to agree with the Treasurer's report on file with the County clerk. Balance on hand July 1st, 1916 ' 3117,246.65. Collections, July lst,1916 to Jan.3, 1917, inc... 235,295.11. Total receipts •••• • • • • • • • • • • 3352.543.96. 6 t MONDAY - 8th, 191'7 - 1 P.P.Q. In the Office of the CLERK OF THE DISTK?ICT COURT:' cont. The records kept by the Clerk of the District Court including the Appearance Docket, the Judgment. Ledger, the Juagrient Dockets and the Fee Book were checked and fauna to correspond with each other and with the renoiri on fi.e in the coun+y clerk's office. Fees received and disbursed are shown as follows: - Fees received, - First six months 1916 ...•4••,,•, 11556.22. Last six months 1916 .....•......• 1313.55. Jury fees and fines ••....•..•.•••.•..••. 163.50. Total ........... 13033.27. Disbursements, Clerk's salary 21600.00. Deputy's salary ••.....••• 800.00. Extra help •.....•.•...• 108.05. 12508.05. la to oun":y Treasurer ••••.••.•..,...••••.•...,.,.. 3 525.22. -00- SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' RELIEF Fun,- Bitner amd George, Sub -committee. The receipts and expenditures of the menbers of the Soldiers' and Sailors Relief Commission have been checked ana found to be as follows, for the year 1916,- '! . s. Saddler , 0.Mikesell , - J.F1�;�terrell, Cash on hand Jan. 1st, 1916 •. �..•. .... 1 85.53. Received by warrant from fund 400.00. Total 404,04 Paid out ••••••••.•.s•• 485.53. 483.03. Balance on Jan. lst,'17 2.50. Cash on hand Jan. lst, 1916 1 .68. Received by warrant from fund 150.00. Total .•........•• •150.68. Paid out ..•... • 148.70. Balance Jan. 1st, 1917 1.98. cash on hand Jan. lst 1916 Cash on hand Jan. 1st 1917 -o0o- . . . 29.15. 29.15. 'respectfully submitted, Chairman, D.N.BITPT. N•D.KrIDDR: J.L•H(NFS. F. J.BFTPDICT. J.F.HF;ILE . R.F•SCHLFGFL. Settlement Committee. recess until nine o'clock a.m. was ordered by the chairms. 1 TUESDAY - JANUA3Y 9th, 1916 - 9 Board. reassembled 9.s per recess. Roll call, all members present. Minutes read and approved. Moved by Bitner and seconded by Vidder that this Board adjourn sine die. Carried. Clerk. `- - Chairman. TUESDAY - JANUARY 9th, 1917. Board assembled pursuant to statute, called to order by the Clerk. Schlegel, Hynes, Roll call, all members present, viz.,- Bitner, Whiting, Heiler, Benedict, Kidder. moved by 'Kidder and seconded by Benedict that Mr.Heiler act as temporary chairman. Motion prevailed. The County Judge appeared before the Boa id and rePorted the -bends of Benedict, Hynes and Whiting filed and approved according to law. Benedict, follows: An'informal ballot for chairMan was then'taken resulting as follows: one vote; Heiler, four; Schlegel, two. Upon formal ballot Mr.Feiler was erected:chairman, the votes being as Benedict, one; Heiler, five, Schlegel, one. The chairman thereupon ordered a recess for ten minutes. Board reassembled at the call of the chair. All members present. Standing committees for the year 1917 were announced as follows; Settlement Committee: Bitter, chairman; Kidder, Benedict, Hynes, Schlegel, whiting, Heiler. Finance Committee: Kidder, Chairman; Benedict, Bitner, Hynes, Heiler, Schlegel, Whiting. complaints; Hynes, Chairman; Kidder. Whiting. Bonds: whiting, Chairmam; Hynes, Kidder. Roads and Bridges: Schlegel, Chairman; Bitner. Kidder and the member of the Board in district where work is done. Lands, Buildings and Supplies: Benediet, Chairman; Kidder, Heiler. County Farm; Hynes, Chairman; whiting, Benedict. Bids for supplies for the year 1917 were opened and read. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Schlegel that the bid of the watkins Printing House on Class "A" - Boolrs, be rejected. Roll call, all voted yea. motion prevailed. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Whiting that the bid of Renner and Serf on Class "B" - !legal Blanks, as follows, be accepted for the year 1917. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Thole sheet blanks, Per M * **** . * 2.50. Half sheet blanks, per M ** 2.15. Quarter sheet blanks, per M * 1.95. Eighth sheet blanks, per M 1.50. Letter heads, ruled, per M ... 1.25. Note heads, ruled; per M 1.00. Envelopes, 6-1, rag, per M * . * * 1.40. Envelopes, lO's rag, per m 1.75. Metter heads, Arcadia bond, per M 1.25. Note head, Arcadia bond, per M .75. Envel0Pes, 0- Manila, per M 1.25. Envelopes, 10 s Manila, per m * . . . .. 1.50. $18.25. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Benedict that the Deines Drug Company on Class "C" - Office Supnlies, as follOws, be accepted and said company be awarded the 'contract for the year 1917. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Ink,- Carter's, Stafford's, Arnold's per quart, Pens;- Esterbrook, Eagle, Gillott, gross, Pens, -GlucInum, ....,.....•..••••••-............. " Pens, -Spencerian • Pen Holders,- cork or rubber Pencils', - Venus Copying Pencils,- Velvet ........•.•.,.••.........•• " Office Knives,- IXI, 2 blades • . • • ... ****** • • . . • • " Ink and "Pencil Erasers,- rubber, large Rubber bands,- guaranteed .... 1_, Paper fasteners; 0.. rennison's 1 inch /14 TT CT T1 t --inch 3/4 inch T " " Eyelets, short " long .... Staples, Hotchkiss, ro.1 Ink Eradicator . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . • • • • • •4••• • • • • . A recess until one thirty p.m. was then taken. TT Tv TT IT Tv IT dozen i .60. .30. .85. .70. .20. .45. gross 3.75. dozen 7.50. .25. pound 1.20. 100 .10. 13 .. .14, .15. .08. 11 .14. 1000 .25. bottle .15. 111 T/ IT , • 44~0***04.,44wok TUESDAY - JANUARY 9th, 1917 - 1:30 P.M. Board reassembled as Per recess. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Benedict an seconded by bidder that the Board give an order to The State Journal Company fqr eleven thousand (11,000) tax receipts, two hundred to the book, in duplicate fOr', carbon, at 1142.50; also one treasurer's cash book, 8 quire, book to be complete at 120,00; also one hundred (100) sheets of carbon to fit tax receipt books, at 5.00. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Move d by Kidder and seconded by Schlegel that the County Clerk be instructed to draw all salary warrants for county officials, clerks and appointees entitled thereto, at the end of each month, and such amount for the County Attorney as will make one third of his quarterly salary; and the Clerk and chairman of the Board are authorized to sign and deliver the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Bitner that the Adams County Democrat and the Hastings Daily Tribune be designated as the papers to publish the proceedings for the year 1917, each of said papers to be paid one half -of one third of the legal rate for advertising notices as provided by law. Motion prevailed. noved by Hynes and seconded. by -17hiting that the Clerk be instructed to advertise according to law for bids for the construction of bridges in Adams County, !Nebraska, for the year 1917, according to the State Fngineer's plans and epecifications !now on file in the Clerk's office; bids to be on file by ten o'clock a.m., February 7th, 1917, and opened by the Board of Supervisors on said date. -Roll call, all voted yea. motion prevailed. A recess until nine o'clock a.m. was then taken. WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 10th, 1917 - 9 A.M. Board reassembled as per recess. 7011 call, all members present.' Moved by Kidder and seconded by Benedict that when this Board adjourns it does so to meet again on Tuesday, February 6th, 1917, at ten o'clock a.m. Motion prevailed. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Schlegel that the request of the following e granted and said banks be hereby designated as depositories for the county funds year 1917. Motion prevailed., First "'rational Bank of Hastings. German rational Bank of 7astings. Exchange rational Bank of Hastings. Bank of Commerce, HastinP:s. Bank of pauline. First State Bank of Holstein. First State Bank of Kenesaw. venesaw 'Exchange Bank Bank of Juniata. Prosser State Bank. banks b for the First State Bank of 'Nyland. Hansen State Bank. Roseland State Bank. Farmers State Bank of Ayr. MOVea by Hynes and seconded by Benedict that the State Engineer's bridge plans and specifications now on file in the County Clerk's office, be adopted as the plans for bridge construction for the year 1917. Motion prevailed. Moved by Bitner and seconaed by Benedict that the recommendation of the Tin9nce Committee be made the order of the Board Ana the following be adopted as the !estimate of expenses for the year 1917, 7011 call, all voted yea: Motion prevailed. Books, Stationery and Printing 1 2,500.00. General Expense 15,000.00. Bridges 20,000.00. Supervisors 4,000.00. Assessment Superintendent 750.00. Coroner •••••••64,,prooloot000koodrooftor4,41•04,* 250.00. Attorney **** . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •P 500.00. Jail 1,500.00. Coal 4,000.00. Poor Aid OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO • •0•004180• County Farm Court Expense 0404,411411$0 Plist04,00410,11 OOOOOOOOOO 0000,10M414$110 Tax s Lands, Buildings Roads ••• OOO O ••..•••••••••..••.•• di di di • Gas, Water, Light and ?hones 1,000,00. 8,000.00. 5,000.00. 5,000.00. 1,000.00. 2,500.00. 5,000.00. 2;000.00. Mothers' Pensions ..... 2,000.00. Total 180,000.00. WEDNESDAY - JANUA$Y 10th 181.7 9 A.M, cont. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Bond Committee be made the order of the Board and the following official bonds be accepted and approved. Motion prevailed. E.L,McCue ....,... Township Clerk ... Roseland Township. Phillip Van Boening Constable ..... Hanover Township. E.TJ.Kistler Constable Logan Township. Upon the application of John Snider, County Judge, for the appointment of an acting, or substitute, County Judge, to hear and try any cases that the Counter Judge may be temporarily disqualified to hear or determine, or in his temporary absence, or sickness, it is moved by Kidder and seconded by Whiting that the application be granted, and that H.F.Favinger, of the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, be, and he is hereby appointed acting and Substitute county judge in the premises for and during the term of office of John, Snider, County Judge, unless such appointment is sooner revoked, upon the filing and approval of a bond in the sum of 125.000.00. 7?oll call, all voted yea. motion prevailed. recess until one thirty p.m, was then ordered by the chairman. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Bitner and seconded by Whiting that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for an experienced foreman to superintend the concrete construction on bridges !ordered by the Board or by the road and bridge committee for Adams County during the :year 1917, applicants to apply in-person before the Board of Supervisors at the Court House on Tuesday, February 6th, 1917, at two ' o' clock p.m. Motion prevailed. Minutes read and approved. motion to adjourn. Carried. Clerk. Deputy. Chairman. room. TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 6th, 191/ - Board called to order as per adjournment. Roll call, all members present except Kidder. Forenoon taken up with consideration of improvements in the district court A recess until one thirty p.m. was then taken. TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 6th, 1917 1:30 P. T Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present except Kidder. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Thiting that the prayer of the petition of liT.,R.Burraughs et al requesting the discontinuance of a pool hall in the village of Pauline, be granted and the County Attorney be instructed to institute Proceedings to abate and close the operation of pool halls in said village of Pauline, Adams County, Nebraska, for the reason that the same are operating without a license. Roll call, all members present voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed lagainst the general fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll , lean, all members present voted yea. Motion prevailed. Verona Grain & Lumber Co. ..... . . . t20.77. D.N.Bitner 149.20. C.B. & .R.R.Co. 15.70. Thomas G.Thiting Nebr. State Board of Health ...... 46.50. B.F.Schlegel Mg: H.D.Tebster & Co. ... 64.80. J.L.Hynes 35.00. Tolbaeh & Brach .................. 9.84. J.F.Heilr e .... . .......... . 40404V 40.00. _ Williams Printing House . 18.90. F.J.Benedict Binderup Haw. Go. *** . * 0•0410,41,0400# 17.70. N.D.Xidder ...... 52.00. 40.00. Hastings Fuel Co. ** . ** . *** ....... 88.50. H.C.Haverly l. stein Bros. Co. .................. 42.07, Don C.Fouts *** . OO ........... Allyn & Bissell 04,04141001,00 90.30. Mary Dugan n _, 7.54. Union Meat Market20.00. 114100110404.00001f4,410 3.95. LIR. EMberson Greininger Mero. Co. * . O 0 OO 004101041,41 28.35. W.G-.Saddler 3.10. Greininger Mere. Co. . 400 26.29. W.G.Saddler 27.25. K -B Printing Co. 5.41. A. J.Mace ft* 13.13. Hills Ribbon & Carbon Co. •..•.. .. 3.75. Dr. J.T.Straight 15.00. The Terrell Mfg. Co. 10.00. A.I.Battan OOOOOO ............ 2.66. Nebraska Sanitarium 120.00. John L.MaCe 14.00. Hammond & Stephens Co. .. O OOOOO ... 16.42. D.G.Talker wahlquist Bros. . 66.25. Chris Hann se5.00. „..... 121.80. Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. 8.35. Ella Taylor 12.50. Deines Drug Co. 23.35. Chris Hansen 69.70. Tatkins Printing House 45.00. W.".Mead 22.94. Oliver Lumber CO. *** . OOOO ........ 16.20. C.I.Van Patten 2.26. C.K.Lawson Rdw.Co. OO 0 OO 0114o0WOO• 4.25. A.T,.Bartlett 2.50. Nebraska Sanitarium ....... ....... 60.00. Y G.B.Daughert 15.10. Nebraska Sanitarium 60.00. John L.iTaee 12.00. Adams County Democrat 4 47.10. J.R.Baugh .............. 39.04. Lilly & Wood .... 104.77. F.N.qeorge Guarantee Electric Co. 410004000410401, 15.85. C.V.Mangevin .. 41,022,: St. Joe & G.I.R.R,Co. .. 5.38. TTenry Bauer 7.94. Greininger Mere. Co • ............. 8.00. Jacob Barer 48.43. Central Nebr. Millwork Co. ....... 42.60. J.T.Eigenberg 11.22. Blake & Sone . . ..... 29.55. H. 0.Eokhardt ... . . . ........ 39.96. Anderson Shoe co .•0 10.00. Henry Herbst ..•.•,,..••• 40.42. Hastings Ice Co. 72.25. Sunnyside 60.50. C.Trupp & Co. ...... 48.97. S.R.wucker 10.78. moved by Bitner and seoonded by Thiting that the appointment of G.G.Halstead as assessor for mest Bine mownship, be confirmed. All members present voted yea. motion prevailed. moved by Schlegel and seconded by Thiting that the proposition of the Coon Lumber Company with regard to the furnishing of cement for the year 1917, be accepted, contract to follow. Roll call, all members present voted yea. motion prevailed. A recess until nine o'clock a.m. Wednesday, February 7th, was then taken. WEDNESDAY - FEBRUARY 7th, 1917 - 9 A M Board reassembled as per recess. Rcil'eall, all members present. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Bitner that the chairman be instructed sign the contract with the Coon Lumber Company in triplicate. motion prevailed. Notified 2/7/'17. �?'EDATr SDAY p `A th , 11'i - 9 A.M. cont moved by Schlegel and seconded by Whiting that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be disallowed. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion 'prevailed. Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. ..•....... 1 6.10. John H.Emmert 117.00. Mrs'G.D'.Sanford ........,...,.... 15.00. Geo. Emmert 28.00. !d Brown ....., .•.-.. 45.00. Nebraska Sanitarium 82.39. 'roved by Hynes and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed against the general fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed, Deines Drug Co. Byers Lumber Co. Mace Grocery .«....0 Midland Chemical Co. K-BPrinting Co. Proffitt & Lovell 0000..... State Journal Co 0000. F. J,Schaufelberger 0000... W. J,?'orter 3. J•Stewart . • 0 •..... •••4•,. ....... • . • . • • •I.•.•• 621.100 ....... 41,20. 48.45. H,F.1avinger 25.25. Hans Sorensen •.. 22.58. W.A.Cole 72,00. Lee Haggard Mrs. Anna Devereaux Hattie Koppen 0000.• • ;35.28. 75.00. 141.65. • 18.10. 22.79. • 7,60. 250.00. • 4.00. • 7.50. ...11... . • .. • ... •.,.. • .:. • ..•-. • ... 28.90. 17.00. 17.10. 61.00. • • • .. • Geo. Y.Isaman . • A.M. Clark ...00.0.1••.....•. Don C.Fouts Moved by Bitner and seconded by Hynes that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed against the bridge fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Hastings Foundry & Iron Works .... 1479,86. Frank gitts 82,00. Coon Lumber 00. 605.15. Mathew uerling 1.80. Coon Lumber Co. ,00.00•••.+0000.._ 56.25. G,Ratcliff 10.00. Chicago Lumber Co. ...,... 149.15. Henry Woodworth 30.00. Binderup Hdw. Co. ..........000.0. 2.7p. Chas. wheat ... 22.50. Byers Lumber Co. 0000•.«.0.•. ,.•.. 61,30. Geo. grick..0.• .....•... 46,50. Clay County .................`,,0, 38.28. Carl Deterson 4.50. Earl Anderson 31.50. John Harrington 58.50, Elmer Harrington ...0.0...•..•,..i 96.50. Jack Hiltenber ..,.....,.,.«0000 22,50. Bill Hiltenberg ........•......•..• : 19.50. Moved by Bitner and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed against the special motor vehicle registration fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion Prevailed, J.7111mmer ••.•.00••• • 010•... .. 7.25• A.B.Fernow ,.• .. .143,00. Andrew Smidt .. 31.75. n ordered. WEDNESDAY - FEBRTJA?lt 7th, 1917'. 1:50 .M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call. all Members present. byby Hynes that -the Board do their own cement Ttoved Kidder Arid seconded and concrete work during the year 1917, for and within Adams County. Roll call, all voted yea. motion prevailed.. Moved by. .. to do the cement and concrete Schlegel and work seconded by Kitner that the Board. employ Frank gifts for the county during the year 1917 and the County Attorney be instructed to enter into contract with Mr.gtts, as per bid. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. roved by Kidder and seconded by Whiting that the supervisors from Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4 appoint the superintendents for dragging the roads in the townships of their respective districts for the year 1917. potion prevailed. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Bitner that the sum of :4,200 be appropriated to each dragging district for dragging the roads. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion pre- vailed. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Kidder that the recommendation of the and Committee be made the order of the Board and the following official bonds be accepted and approved. Motion prevailed. John Reader Township Clerk 7,ero Township. A.A.Graves:.,..•.. Constable............•Cottonwood Township. E.M.D ominy 0000•....... Road Overseer, gist. Al Highland Township. Road Overseer, Dist 0000 Verona Township. C,A.welch Henry Phillips Road Overseer, Dist.3 .,.. Juniata Township. E.V.McEntaffer Road Overseer, gist. 11 •... Roseland Township. (us C.Hohlfeld •Road. Oirerseer, ?Rist. 'Al .... Cottonwood Township. Moved by Bitner and seconded by Benedictxth'at the order of the county court in the matter of the application of Mrs. Madge Young for mother's pension, be accepted and made the order of the Board and the Clerk be instructed to draw a warrant against the general fund each month for Oil months beginning January, 1917, to pay the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. • CcL tAd giglOirizOg • WEDNESDAY - BYJ Tt1i, ii7 - 1.30 -P.M: -Cont. Moved by Hynes and seconded by gchlegel that the appointments of deputy assessors for the City'of Hastings, as made by County Assessor Robert Zohner, be confirmed. Roll call: yeas- Hynes, Schl0T1; nays- Benedict, Kidder, Bitner, Whiting, Heiler. motion lost. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Bitner that when this Board adjourns it does so to meet again on March 5th, 1917, at ten o'clock a.m. Motion prevailed. Moved by Kidder and seconded bY Benedict that the bid of the Standard Bridge Company for the furnishing of material and construction of bridges within the county for the year 1917, be accepted with the exception of the T beam bridges. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed, Moved by Kidder and seconded by Whiting that the motion to adjourn to meet again on March 5th, 1917, at 10 o'clock a.m., be'reconsidered. Motion prevailed. moved by Kidder and seconded by Whiting that when this Board adjourns it does so to meet again on February 15th, 1917, at ten o'clock a.m. Motion prevailed. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Hynes that J.F.Heiler, F.J.Benedict and. County Attorney Don C.Pouts be appointed by the County Board as a committee with power to secure and employ a competent and expert accountant to audit the office of the county Clerk and the office of the County Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, as soon as a competent and expert accountant can be obtained. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. A recess until nine thirty o clock a.m. February 8th, was then taken. THURSDAY - FEBRUARY Sth, 1917 - 9:30 A.M. Board reassembled as per recess. call, all members present. A recess until one thirty p.m. was ordered. THInSDAY'- FEBRVAY: 8th, .30 P.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Moved. by Hynes and seconded by Bitner that the Wiggins -Babcock Company, accountants, be employed by the County to make a complete audit of the books and accounts of the office of the County Clerk of Adams County, Nebraska, from the 4th day of January, 1912, and that said company shall receive as eompensation for such services the sum of 112.50 per day for each person employed in said work. Roll call, all voted yea. motion Iprevailed, moved by Bitner and seconded by whiting that the County Board appropriate from the finds of the general fund of the county the sum of Six Hundred. Dollars or so much thereof as is found to be necessary for the purpose of employing a competent and expert accountant to make a complete audit of the office of County Clerk of Adams County, Nebraska, from January 4th, 1912. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Minutes read and approved. Motion to adjourn. Carried. Chairman. Deputy. THURSDAY - FF'BRt7A1Y 15th , 1917 - 10 A.M. Board met as per adjournment. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Bitner that the recommendation of the Bond Committee be made the order of the Board and the bond of the Standard Bridge Company be approved. Motion prevailed. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Whiting that the following appointments o deputy assessors for the City of Hastings, as made by the county Assessor, be approve , viz.,- First ""ard, David Bauer; Second Tara, 1Vm.uistler; Third 'ward, W.A.Reynolds Fourth 'Ward, ^.:J.Bobbitt. Motion prevailed. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Kidder that the following list of appoint ments as Superintendents of Road Dragging, be accepted andapproved. motion prevailed. District No.1,- Geo.. Munroe. District No.2,- 0.M.Doty. District No.3,- C.P.Smith, District No.4,- John Gearhart. District No.5,- Fckhard Roeder. District No.6,- T.C.Siegner. District No.7,- John Furry. District No.8,- R,R.Vance. District No. 9, Andrew Smidt District No.10,- T.C.Dycus. District No.11,- W.F.Duncan. District No.12,- W.B.Hargleroad. District No.13,- A.B.Fernow. District No.14,- Thomas mrausch. District No.15,- Fred prahm. District No.16,- Sidney Bauder. :loved: by Bitner and seconded by "'•,rhitinp that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and the petition of. H.C.Faverly, vestryman, for the exemption from taxation of the South half of the South half of Block 7, Alexander's Add, on account of same being church property used as a parsonage, be granted. Doll call, all voted yea. Motion._ prevailed. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Schlegel that the application of John F. Emmert for ad.missjon to the Soldiers' and Sailors' FTome at Burkett, Nebraska, be granted and the Chairman and clerk be authorized: to sign same. Motion prevailed. A recess until one thirty p.m. was then ordered. THURSDAY - FEBRUA7Y 15th, 1917 1:30 "P.N. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, i11 terbers present. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Whiting that the request of the County rSuperintendent for ,75.00 for mileage for the .year 1917, be granted. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. F 'oved by Bitner and seconded by Whiting that when this Board adjourns it does so to meet again March 2nd, 1917, at ten o'clock. a.m. Motion prevailed. Minutes read and approved:. Motion to adjourn. Carried. v* its; FRIDAY - MARCH 2nd, 1917 - 10 o'clock A.m. Board met as per adjournment. Roll call, all members present. The chairman then called a recess until one o'clock p.m. March 2nd, 1917, on account o" the members of the board being required to appear in District Court. FRIDAY MARCH 2nd, 1917 P.M. . Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Schlegel that when this Board adjourns it does so to meet again march 5th, 1917, -at ten o'clock -a.m. „lotion prevailed. The chairman then ordered a recess subject to the call of the chair. The Board was called to order by the chair as per recess. Roll call; yeas- Benedict. Hynes, Bitner, Thiting, Heiler; absent- Kidder and Schlegel. Minutes read and approved. Moved by Bitner and seconded by Hynes thattheBoard adjourn. Carried. 11(197//1461____ Clerk. Deputy. Chairman. Board metas per adjournment. Roll call, all member,,s,present except Heiler. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Kidder that D.N.Bitner be chosen temporary chairman. 7o11 call; yeas- Benedict, Kidder, Hynes, whiting, Schlegel; nays- Bitner; Feller absent. Motion prevailed. moved by Benedict and seconded by Kidder that the report of the Bond Committee be accepted and made the order of the Board E:nd the following official bonds be approved. Motion prevailed. H.F.Favinger Antone 0ckinga Road Overseer, Dist.,t4, Blaine Township. T'?.A.Kennedy Road Overseer, Dist.56, Logan Township. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Benedict that the resignation of Charles H. County Judge pro tem9ore , Adams County, Nebraska. Hudson as County Clerk, be accepted. Boll call, all members present voted yea. motion prevailed. A recess until one thirty p.m. was then ordered by the chair. MONDAY - MARCH 5th', 1917 - 1 30 P.M. Board metas per recess. Noll call, all members present except Heiler. Moved by Benedict and.seconded by Whiting; that the following' petitions: be referred to the road and bridge committee. Holl call yeas- Benedict, Kidder, Bitner, Whiting, Schlegel; Hynes not voting; Feller absent. Motion carried. 1. Frank Sherman, et al, for a bridge between Secs. 11 and 12, Little Blue Township. 2. John Tiohlen, et al, for a bridge between SF:quarter Sec. 6 and. the NW quarter of Sec. 7 Zero Township. 3. Henry Bhillps, et al, for a bridge near the half section line between Sections 19 and 30, Juniata."Township. 4. John Fisher, et al, for a bridge between Secs. 22 and 23, Cottonwood Township. 5. John Laux, et al, for a bridge between Secs. 24 and 25, Blaine Township. 6. Fred Freitag, et al, for a bridge between Secs. 5 and 6, Zero Township, near the half section line. 7. Ben Post, Jr., et al, for a bridge between Secs. 18 and 19, Little Blue Township, 8. nen Sherman, et al, for a road beginning at the ST corner of Sec. 21, Hanover Township on the Fast side of the M.P.R,R. right of way, extending North across the S'V quarter of Sec. 21, connecting with the main road at the north end of this quarter section. T"oved by T'idder and seconded by Schlegel that the Board deny the petition of Elzy Davis for a license to conduct a pool andbilliard-hall in the village of. Pauline, Adams County, Nebraska. 'doll call: yeas- Benedict, Kidder, Bitner, `Biting, Schlegel; nay- Hynes; Heiler absent. Motion prevailed. moved by Hynes and seconded Finance Committee be made the order of against the general fund anti the Clerk .. call. all members present voted yea. Mo Juniata Grain & Live Stock Ass'n .•. Juniata Grain & Live Stock Assn Lilly & Wood Ziegler's Drug Store Ziegler's Drug Store Anderson Shoe CO. ....•..........•, C.Trupp & Co. Crisman & Brehm •••,•.•..••••....• Swift & Co. ...••• Stein Bros. Co . Cauffman's Store Elite Bakery Byers Lumber Co. Kauf & Rinderspacher Hastings Fuel co. T'folbach & Brach ••••.......•.•••••• Twidale Shoe Co. .......,r H.D.!*.=ebster Co. Blake & Sons .....••••••••••••••••••• Union Meat Market . . • ........ by Benedict that the recommendation of the the :Beard and the following claimsbe allowea.`. be inatruet-eco"" o draw warrents for the same. Roll tion prevailed'. 128.85. J•F.Heiler:145.00. 15.95. N.T).vidder 42.00. 74.08. B.F.Sehlegel- 35.45. 48.85. Alma 3,Chapman 7.00. 12.55. Chas.H.Howard 1$.20... 6.50. J.R.Baugh 37.'75. 13.53. H.Austin 190.00. • 2.00. George ?',?'"heat 5.50. . 8.75. Joseph H.Still 50.00. . 3.22. Joe Harpham 6.00. 5.20. Robert Zohner 7.23. 4.50. Bennett Clod 1.25. 17.00. Elizabeth Croushorn 33.75. .80. H.C.Haverly ........•.• ......e 80.78. 109.65. C,S.Tharp 3.50. 6.00. G.A..Cope 1.00. 1.65. M,H.E'mberson ..... • 20.00. 36.78. Don C.Fouts 3.00. 16.10. mary Dungan 9.23. 3.00. W. F.Widmaier ... • . • • • • ....... • 46.00. 17.80. Anna Devereaux ......•21.65. 5.00. Lee Haggard 17.07. 8.77. T7."?.?�eith 8.00. .58.J F.Baugh 2.00. 25.00... J.E.Wi11its 3.00. 5.32. C.A.feartwell 5.00. 35.00. Ella Taylor ... 20.00. 40.00. James V.Beghtol 23.00. 1.00. Dorsey ?.Baird 10.00. 42.93. Lem Tibbets 104.73. 40.10. A.I.Battan 2.97. 38.40. Chris ??ansen 30.75. 18.38. G.B.Daugherty 3.35. Zion Institutions & Industries Iowa Frye Co. .,••...•....••....,... Rippeteau ^Tallpaper & Paint Co. .••. C.B.?.R►_"zfCo• ••••♦•••••••i••.d•I•. Hallyard Disinfectant Co. A.F.T.Teyer Haw.Co. Volland. & Coon Sunnyside C.I.VanPatten Bennet Lloyd "T. P. Tie ad Jacob Bauer Henry Herbst . .. • ... . TUESDAY - MARCH 6th, 1917 - 9 A.M. Board reassembled as ?ger 'recess. Holl call, all members present. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Bitner that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed against the bridge fund and the Clerk'instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call; yeas,- Benedict, Kidder, Bitner, Whiting, Schlegel, Heiler; nay,- Hynes. Motion carried. Hastings Foundry & Iron Works Hastings Foundry & Iron Works Hastings Foundry & Tron "Torks Hastings Foundry & Iron Works Hastings Foundry & Iron Works Hastings Foundry & Iron Works Hastings Foundry & Iron Works .. Hastings Foundry & Iron Works Frank Livingston ,•..» 1549.26. 261.75- 732.68. 745.20.- 97.89. 52.92. 217.35. 22.10. 33.00. Geo. Krick 1'13.50. Harry Kruse 7.50. H.A.. Fowe ..•. • ............. 1.20. Henry "Woodworth 28.50. Frank Kitts 76.00. Bill Hiltenberg 37.50. Jack Hiltenberg 37.50. Elmer Harrington 83.50. John Harrington 27.00. moved by Bitner and seconded by Hynes that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the 'Board and the c'1.ims of the Chicago Lumber Company for 420.15 and of C.G.Schle-e1 for 116.15, respectively, be allowed against the bridge fund 'and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. I.Motion ,prevailed. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Whiting that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed against the special motor vehicle registration fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the Same. •••.�•••� y',11 prevailed. 25 Rll, all voted yea. Motioni.0 TckhardRoederW.F.-Duncan ........•...... . ;13.00. H.R. Vance , 9.50. T.M. Trau.sch 27.85. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Bitner that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed against the general fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Holl call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed'. Guarantee Electric Co . ............ 4.15. '.*'.A.Cole ..•..•...•.....•... 1127.85. Nebraska Sanitarium 67,30. John .A. ,awler 16.75. 90.00. I T4.Corey 300.00. Nebraska Sanitarium .... 0..?...... 60,00. A.H.Brooke 6.45. Nebraska Sanitarium ...... 60.00. F.J.l3enedict ............... 20.00. Nebraska Sanitarium 90.00. F;J.Benedict ..• •. 48.00. Williams Photo Co. .....•......•... 70.00. Thomas G.Whiting 45.30. Sigel Cafe 3.90. J.L.Hynes 42.50. Remington Typewriter Co. ..,... 1.30. D.TT.Bitner 30.70. Hastings Ice Co. 38.85. Hammond& Stephens Co. 33.56. "'----µ University Publishing Co. 12.€3. "' Moved by Bitner and seconded by .,..iting that the report of the Bridge Committee for the year 1916, be accented andplaced on record. Roll call; yeas,- Benedict, Kidder, Bitner, Whiting, Schlemiel, Heiler; Mimes, nay. Motion carried. Hastings, Nebraska, Jan. 15th, 1917. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, Adams County, Nebraska. Gentlemen:- The entlemen;-The following "is an itemized report of the 'load and Bridge Committee on bridges constructed and repaired in Adams County during the year 1916; also on road work during the same period. Yew bridges constructed: In Supervisor 'district No. 1, Between Secs. 34 and 35, Highland" Township; 16 ft. waterway, 20 ft. roadway' In Supervisor District No. 2, - Between Secs. 19 and 20, Hanover Township, concrete; 16 ft. waterway; 20 ft. roadway 1419.95. Between Secs. 25 and 26, Hanover Township; concrete; 12 ft. waterway; 20 ft. roadway ..... 286.87. Material furnished by county; labor by township. Between Secs. 26 and 35, Hanover Township; concrete; 16 ft. waterway; 20 ft. roadway ......•.•... 606.15. 1430.99. BRIDGES concrete; • .. • • , ...1•••••1 • • Between Secs. 28 and 33, Hanover Township; concrete; two 20 ft. spans; 40 ft. waterway; 20 ft. roadway . Between Secs. 28 and 29, Hanover Township; concrete 20 ft. waterway; 20 ft. roadway,..:._,. 790.28. On Sec. 15. Juniata Township; concrete, 16 ft. waterway; 20 'ft. roadway ' 651.80. Between Secs. 13 and. 14, Juniata Township concrete, 18 ft. waterway 20 ft. roadway 9 674.73. Between Secs. 18 and 19. Juniata Township. concrete; 16 ft. waterway; 20 -ft. roadway!...:- 648.77. Between Secs. 19 and 20, Juniata Township concrete; 16 ft. waterway; ` 20 . ft. roadway' 636.36. Between Secs. 17 and 20, Juniata Township, concrete, 16 ft. waterway 20 ft. roadway 636.36. 16782.26. X368.82. 9 11 TIJ13D'iv .. MARCH 6th, 1917 - 9 A.M. cont, In Supervisor District NO. 3; - Between Secs. 25 and 26, v'enesaw Township; P; concrete,. 16 ft. waterway; 20 ft. roadway; flat top In Supervisor T)istrict No. 4, - Between Sec. 7, Springranch Twp., Clay County, and Sec. 12, Little Blue Twp., Adams County; wood piling; plank floor; 16 ft. driveway; ........... 1282.80. Grading .................... 21.10. On Sec. 8, zero Township; 80 ft. waterway; 16 ft. roadway; steel; plank floor; concrete abutements and wings .. 5137.37. On Sec. 8, Zero Township; concrete; flat top; 40 ft. waterway; 18 ft. roadway 1838.94. Between. Secs. 8 and 9, Zero Township; concrete; 16 ft. waterway; 20 ft. roadway 606.20. Between Secs. 9 and 10. Ayr Township; concrete; 16 ft. waterway; 20 ' ft. roadway 631.53. Between Secs. 8 and 9, Ayr Township; concrete; 16 ft. waterway; 20 ft. roadway 630.53. Between Secs. 17 and 20, Ayr Township; concrete; 16 ft. waterway; 20 ft. roadway 675.93. Between See. 35, Logan Township, Adams County, and Sec. 2, Harmony Township, mebster County; wood piling; plank floor; 16 ft. waterway; 16 ft.roadway; built by 'Webster County; 1/2 cost 86.64. Grading 80 ft. and 40 ft. bridge on Sec. 8, Zero; ripraping west side of grade; cleaning channel; takinr out old bridge between Secs. 8 and 9 , Zero 810.00. Repairs on bridges: In Supervisor District No. 1, - Denver Township . 157.50. '?'!est B1i e Township .......... ..... 138.31. Highland Township ... ............ ............... 31.65. In Supervisor District No. 2, - Juniata Township- Sec. 11, ........................ X27.53. Sec. 13, ....... 57.68...E 85.21. Hanover Township- Between Secs.30 and 31 125.34. Secs.34 and 35 21.42. f, Secs.34, Hanover, and Sec. 3, Little Blue, 13.50. . , .. :Sec . 32 , Hanover, and Sec. 5, Little Blue 405.13. On Sec. 28, Hanover 117.53. 1582.92. Ayr Township - Center Sec.28, north bridge ,176.05. On See. 28 304.34. Between Secs.23 and 26 120.14. ecs. 25 and 26 201.51. Between Sec.31, Ayr, and "pec, 36, Roseland 8.76.. Between Secs.22 and 23 ...... 74.45. Secs. 11 and: 14 ) Secs. 10 and 15 )41.37. 1826.62. Secs. 3 and 10 In Supervisor ?li stric t No. 3, - Verona Township: Between Secs. 29 and 32 1 30.03. Kenesaw Township: Between Secs. 9 and 10 3.60. Mande,. Township: . . Between Secs. 14 and 23 .......... 122.78. " Secs. 5 and 8 ••••.•••.... 27.00. On Sec. 20 ...................... 23.30. 73.08. Cottonwood Township: Between Secs. 16 and 21 144.10. " Secs. 17 and. 18 28.60. TT' Secs. 8 and. 9 Secs.23 and 24 ) 49.40. 122.10. In Supervisor District No. 4, - Roseland Township. Between Secs. 1 and 2 118.75. Secs. 14 and 15 i " Secs. 21 and 22 ) .... 14.80; " Secs. 22 and 23 ) Nails 5.00. ;1 38.55. Logan Township: moving bridge from Sec.8, zero, to Secs. 2 and 3, Logan,160.50. Between Secs. 25 and 26 8.00. Secs. 4 and 9 228.15. 11 Secs. 10 and. 11 ....'10.50. Sees. 23 and 26 252.37. " 559.52.1 422.28. :110,722.04. 327.46 11494.75. 228.81. ,! -dr TU1SDAY - TIARCH 6th, 1917 -29 Silver Lake Township: Between Secs. 8 and 9 ) " Secs. 7 and 8 ) •.... 1 9.25. Secs. 5 and 6 ) Between Secs. 13 and 14 .......•.. Between Secs. 8 and 9 ) " Secs.11 and 14 ) •• Bet$6een Secs.14 and 15 '... Between Sec a.10 and 11 Between Secs.17 and 20, Concrete abutment and 'On Sec. 29, Concrete abatement and wings Zero Township: Between Secs. 22 and 27 . 41•••••11,41+1, Sec. not given •.v ... ....... .• .. Between Sec.4, Zero, and Sec. 33, Ayr ••••..••....•. Little Blue Township: Between Secs. 11 and 12, concrete abatements and wings Between Secs. 7 and 8 ) " Secs. 5 and 32).... " Secs. 4 and 7 ) Between Secs. 28 and 24 ) 7.00. .•.••. 48.90. 30.75. 505.91. • wings ... 507.15. . • . 551.62.11660.58. x'19.75. 38.00. •••. 238.35. 296.10. .Iti. cont. Secs. 19 and 30 ) .. • • • • .• Secs. 28 and 33 ) Between Secs. 4 and 9 Between Sec. 24, Little Blue, and Sec.19, Springranch, Clay Co... • 882.15. .. • •• . 15.00. Equipment purchased during the dear 1916 Pile driver . 1120.00. 24.00. 5.00. 48.08. Pope and pulley Two bridge forms (16 ft. and 20 ft.) 475.00. Freight on same •.. .•..... 44.53._ 4.38. Hose for water tank ........ 10.00. Cook wagon .•.. ..♦•..... 70,00, Two wheel barrows ... • •. • . • 5,00. Repairs on pile driver .••. .• • .• 5.20. material on hand Jan. 1st, 1917:- g e�r� Cement ,4•44,4, . • • . • . • • • • • • • • • • • . • .. • • • • • . 1 236.55. 60.00. Iron & wire •'• • • ♦ ♦ • ♦ • • • • *40'4 • *4-44.'4 • 1974.23. Summary of bridge work, 1916 - Total cost of new bridges constructed:` In Supervisor District 7o. 1 ....•..••••...• • ». 1 368.82. In Supervisor District No• 2 In Supervisor Bistrict No. 3 ..•,. .. In Supervisor District No. 4 ....•.., Total cost of repair work on bridges: ••• • 6,782.26. •....••••. 422.28. •0.11..•.. 10,722.04. In Supervisor District No. 1 •..••••. ••••• ••• •.1•••IC* ♦i' In ,supervisor District` No. 2 In Supervisor District No. 3 In Supervisor District No. 4 .••..,.• Equipment on hand, purchased during the ye material on hang •.•.•....... . Cement sacks, in transit .. Total cost of bridge work during the y 1 327.46. 1,494.75. 228.81. 118,295.40. »•..•.•..• 3,528.98. 1 5,580.00. ar 734.11. ..,.•...��.... y••y,♦296.55• •.i•rf'rwi•••i'•'.'i•?•i•i• 115.0. ar 1916 125,021.06. District No. 1,- Boad dragging ......•.. 1199.77. Superintendent .........• 12.00. District No. 2, - Road dragging .. • .,. ,1196.75. ROAD TRIGGING Superintendent •....... 11.50. ?district ND. 3,- . Road dragging .•••.•.••••• 1146.25• Superintendent ....,... 17.00. District No. 4,- Road dragging •.•..•..• 1293.75. Superintendent .r.r•.•............ 10.00. District No. 5, - Road dragging 1227.25. Superintendent 0400044 19.75. District No. 6, - Road dragging ..... 1260.50. Superintendent .•.•...•........... 25.50. 1211.77. 1208.25. 1163.25. 1303.75. 1247.00. 1286.00. TUESDAY - MARCH 6th, 1917 District No. 7, - Road dragging .. • • ... • .. Superintendent ..... District No. 8,. Road dragging .. Superintendent ..., �.......... .... . District No. 9,- oad dragging Superintendent �.... District No. 10, - Road dragging Superintendent . District No. 11,- -Road dragging ,...... ..•.. ••.....,.. Superintendent District No. 12,- Road dragging Superintendent District iro. 13,- Road dragging . Superintendent 0.0 0 0. •..... •....... District No. 14, Road dragging Superintendent District No. 15,- Road dragging Superintendent •..••.••.•.•.i.,.••.. District No. 16,- Road dragging Superintendent • •• .•....• • • • • •_ • • • • •. . . .. . • • • • • .. • • • • . . •• •• .• • • . • . • • •'• • • f . • • • . • .041•...••.•0• • • ...• • •• .• - 9 A.M. cont. 32a9• 00. 7.50. 3180.88. 4,50. $168.60. 13.75. /190.35. 18.55. 3191.25. 20.00. 3220.60. 10.50. /225.85. 11.35. /162.95. 31.10. 3'157.50. •. 5.70. 00 3 100.50 . .. 40.00. Total -Road dragging 0.00•• Superintendents.. • ••.••.•.•.••••. •••. • ROAD WORT Expended from Motor Vehicle Fund of 1914: - In Supervisor District No. 1,- Highland Township: 3246.50. 3185.38. 3182.35. /208.90. /211.25.. 3231.10. .3237.20. 3194.05. 3163.20. 3140.50. 5161.75. 258.70. 33420.45. Between 'Secs. 21 and 28 itsirdrosofe400loio4ol000414141.0.3'43.50. In Supervisor District No. 2, - Juniata Township: Between Secs. 19 and 20 Between Secs. 18 and 19 ..,.•j " Secs. 17 and 20 ••..) ownship: Between Secs. 9 and 10 ) And on Sec.12 )...••••.... 320.00. Tran over Township Between Sec.32, Hanover, and Sec.5, _Lithe Blue 390.00. On Sec. 26 ..•..:••.••••......•40.00• pervisor District No. 3, enesaw Township Between Sec. 6, xenesaw Township, and Sec. 1, Lowell Twp., Kearney County In Supervisor District No. 4, - Between Sec. 19, Silver Take, and n S Ayr x°30.00. 60.00. 0-0.00 /240.00. 20.92. 3..20:92. Sec. 24, Logan ................ 350.00�. 350.00. 3354.42. 'respectfully submitted by- B.F.Schlegel, Chairman. ND,Kidder IRoved by Kidder and seconded by ""biting that the explanation of Mr.11ynes' vote on the acceptance of the report of the Bridge Committee, be placed on record. Votion prevailed. "Supervisor's Roorn, Hastings, Nebraska, March 6th, 1917. I want to record my vote against the adoption of the report of the chairman of the road and brirge"committee for the year 1916 and, in doing so, desire to make this explanat.on, which I ask to be filed in connection withthe vote. "First. In my own district No. 4 all road and bridge work was done by the road and bridge committee without any consultation with me and without my knowledge. "Second. The road and bridge work done by said committee in Ayr and . Juniata Townships in 1916, in my judgment was unnecessary, in part, and the work, as done, costs the county too much money and, had it been properly looked after. much money could have been saved to the tax payers of the county on the work done in said Ayr and Juniata Townships. J.L.Hynes." TUESDAY - MARCH 6th, 1917 - 9 A.M. cont. Moved. by Benedict and seconded by Bitner that the Road and Bridge Committee be instructed to obtain prices on reinforcement for cement work for the year 1917. Motion prevailed. A recess until one thirty p.m. was then ordered by the chair. TUESDAY - MARCH 6th, 1917 -• 1: 30 P.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Holl call, all members present. Moved by Xidder and seconded by Bitner that we proceed to ballot for the selection of a county clerk to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of C.H.Hudson. Doll call; yeas,- Benedict, :bidder, Bitner, Schlegel, Heiler; nays,- Hynes, Whiting Motion carried. moved by Whiting and seconded by Hynes that the motion to elect a County Clerk be amended and that the election be postponed until the accountants complete the checking of the office of the County Clerk. Roll call: yeas,- Hynes, whiting; nays, - Benedict, 'bidder, Bitner, Schlegel, Heiler. *Motion lost. The informal ballot for County Clerk resulted as follows: G.'I'.Munson, one vote; John Vastine, five votes; J.F.Iieiler, one vote. votes; mhe formal ballot for County Clerk resulted as follows: J.H.Vastine, five .Heiler, one vote; G.?".Munson, one vote. Moved by Benedict and seconded by T idc?.er that J.H.Vastine be appointed County Clerk to`fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of C.H.Hudson. 'doll call: yeas,- 1 ened.ict, Kidder, Bitner, ""hiting, Schlegel, Heiler, tray,- Hynes. The chair declared J.H.Vastine appointed. byMOVed y,�al, and ascertain Surveyor be instructed to take the drainagepetitionofdT.IT.9heeh b etialer that the Cin the feasibility of the drainage project and report to the Board as to same at the..A:pril meeting. Holl call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Whiting that the recomtend'ation_of Finance Committee he accepted and made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed against the general fund and the Clerk' be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Renner & Serf ..... ...... ::77.05. J.w.Figenberg ;11.00. Renner & Serf ........ 70.50. Mrs. Anna Woodruff ........... 5.00. Greininger Mere. Co. 41.50. Mfrs. Anna Woodruff ........... 25.00. Lincoln mel. & Tel. Co1.40 moved by Benedict and seconded by Hynes that when this Board adjourns it does so to meet again Friday, March 9th, 1917, at ten o'clock a.m. Motion prevailed. Moved by Benedict and seconded by niting that the salary of Deputy Sheriff fixed at 75 per month beginning March 1st, 1917. Holl call, all voted yea. A recess until five o'clock p.m. was then ordered by the chair. Wilson be TUF.`SDAY - MARCH 6th, 1917 - 5 P.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Holl call, all members present except Kidder. Minutes read and approved. moved by Hynes and seconded by Whiting that the Board adjourn. Carried. Clerk. Chairman. FRIDAY - MARCH 9th., Board met as per adjournment. Roll call, all members present. Forenoon taken up with consideration of the complaints of superintendents of road dragging districts. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Hynes that the Board allow thirty five cents per running mile for dragging roads, beginning April 1st, 1917. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. work. The County Farm Committee then asked for a recess to look after committee chair. A recess until one o'clock p.m., March 10th, 1917, was then ordered by the Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present except Heiler. Moved by Benedict anti seconde . by Schlegel that Mr.Bitner act as chairman pro tempore. Roll call, all voted yea except Bitner. Motion carried. Session taken up with consideration of preliminary report of the !"iggins- Babcock Company, accountants. Moved. by Hynes and seconded by "'hiting that the report of the wi ;gins- Babcock Company be accented and spread on the minutes and a copy be referred to the County Attorney. Holl call, all present voted yea. Motion prevailed Honorable Board of Supervisors, Adams County, Nebraska. Gentlemen: - Hastings, Nebraska, March 10, 1917. Complying with your instructions we have made an audit and examination of the books, records, and accounts of the County Clerkts office of Adams County from January 4, 1912 to ?;larch 3, ' 1917 and submit the following report: Section 2453 of the ?devised 'Statutes of 1913 'provides` that County Clerks in Counties having from seven thousand to twenty-five thousand inhabitants, which includes Adams County, shall receive for their services~a"salary�of 11,650 per annum which shall be paid by warrant from the General Fv.nd, but in the same paragraph appears a provision to the effect that such officer and'the deputies, clerks and assistants of such officer, shall. not receive, in the aggregate, salaries or compensation in excess of the amount of the fees actually collected by such officer. This is- the interpretation given to the Section by the Supreme Court of Nebraska in Mizen vs Adams County reported in volume 147 ^Torthwesterm Reporter page 699. This mems that while the Clerk may' 'draw his full maximum salary by warrant from the general fund, he c?n pay Out for deputy and clerk hire no more than the excess of the fees received (or earned) over and above"his own salary. In all of the annual reports filed by ur.Ft?dson his own salary of 11, 650.00 per annum has been omitted. 'The wide difference in the final results between the .ee.Reports and our findings is largely due to this fact, as will be seen by the report of our findings by years and terms. In the fees of the office allowed and paid by the County we find the amount charged for making tax lists to be in excess Of the amount earned,' according to the rate of compensation prescribed in Section 2435 of, the Statutes; namely, four cents per line including footings and: recapitulations. The differences are as follows. 1912 Amount collected 1 1,024.60. Amount earned 988.44. Difference or overpayment 36.16 1913 Amount collected Amount claimed but not paid Total claimed Amount earned Difference or overchar e 1914 Amount collected Amount earned Difference or overpayment 1915 Amount collected Amount earned Difference or overcharge 1916 Amount collected Amount earned Difference or ove payment 500.00. 600.80. 1100.80. 1,043.88. 1,113.92. 1,026.80. 1,116.44. 1,047.84. 1,119.68. 1,029.56. 56.92 87.12. 68.60 90.12 338.92 Our computation of the amount earned in each year is the result of careful count*ng of In the allowance we have made for fees earned by the clerk to be paid by the County, we have been governed by the written opinion of the Countysoffice as regards the right of the Clerk to demand payment from the County Attorneyrs viz.; selling licenses to Hunt and Fish for the State Game Commission for which a fee of =25 cents each was claimed, and for swearing claimants to claims against the County for (which a fee of 25 cents each was claimed. In the case of hunting licenses the County Attorney holds that there is no !provision in the law requiring the County Clerk to either sign or seal such license; and ino provision for any fee for selling same. Tn the case of the claims against the County At is held that the swearing of the claimant is a service which can be rendered by any ';rotary, Justice or other officer, is not compulsory on the that no fee for such service is prescribed by law.part of the County Clerk, and 'Mile the elimination of the fees claimed for swearing claimants negatives the importance of the matter, we find that it has been the custom to base the charge to the County for this service upon the total number of claims filed, regardless of the fact that a very large percentage of the claims were sworn to before a notary or some other officer, while many were not 'sworn to at all. The items which we cutout for this ounty Attorney, are as follows: 1912 Number 857 1913 " 260 1914T' 532 1915 Tx 235 1916 ff 350 Teason, before we had the ruling from the Section 2435 '?evised Statutes relating to tees of County Clerks reads in art as follows: "For performing the duties of Clerk to the County Commissioners, and ttendinp to the businessof the County, such salary per -annum, to be paid by the County tar er y, as the Commissioners or -M. -county shall allow, not exceeding in any year the um of four hundred dollars." The County has paid Mr.Hudson during the entire period of his service as ounty Clerk the maximum amount provided by the law just quoted. One of the duties ordinarily performed by a County Clerk as Clerk of the oard is to check the claims filed against the County as to accuracy in extensions, 0o ings, etc., before they are laid before the Board for final audit and allowance. Whatever may have been Mr.Hudson's understanding as to his duties in the atter the claims were not properly checked as will be seen by the following statement of overpayments and underpayments which we have noticed in checking over the claims; 0141m Numbers 64 to 69 286 459 902 1023 1061 1080 1102 1133 1205 1345 1731 1675 1696 1711 1773 1881 1900 2004 "'ahlgriist Bros. TT ti Schmitz & Deines John Heye W."'.Cowton Hastings Tribune Miller & Martin Tahlquist Bros. John Heye n. ``.McCoy G.W.Bratt T. N.Bitner r,.1 . Hartigan N.P,i'idder John Reye ""Ahlquist Bros. John Heye Clyde L.7iegler 179 B.F.Schlegel 195 Trahlqu ist Bros. - For detail see claim 286 above 334 "".C.Fretiv 638 John Heye 651 Lincoln Tel.& Tel Co. 939 i3.M. Simms 1095N.1).Kidder 1184 J.L.Hynes 1230 Wahlgnist Bros. 1358 John Heye 1433 H.D.""ebster Co. 92Bridge Hastings 'nary &; Iron Works 194.33 49.35 33.80 32.20 32.'50 12.50 21.80 38.95 47.00 36.50 110.48 28.50 35.20 43.85 16.90 63.'25 56.20 22.50 16,75 1913 23.80 49.35 24.95 100.90. 24.50 30.02 24.50 49.10 93.40 81.60 8.20 40.44 184.33 42.35 27.80 31.70 33.50 11.50 21,31 38.15 45.00 38.50 100.48 27.87 39.20 23.8 17.90 64.25 54,20 20.50 16.00 10.00 7.00 5.00 .50 1.00 .49 .80 2.00 10.00 .63 20.00 2.00 2.00 .75 1.00 2.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 162.17 9.00 4.80 1.00 42.35 24.45 101.90 22.25 29.02 26.50 41.10 94.40 72.45 7.70 39.44 7.00 .50 2.25 1.00 8.00 * 9.15 .50 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 Claim Numbers 34 175 199 260 529 703 1020 1048 1135 1165 1429 1456 1505 551 SATURDALT ram° MARCH 10, 1917 1914 P.F.Schlegei Adams Co.Democrat Hammond & Stephens Mahlquist Bros. T.T.Maltman Henry Bauer Jacob Bauer Lee Hagard Blake & Sons 7.D.Kidder Dr.A,C.Colman Tahlquist Bros. f L.Tibbets, Clerk 1-efunded immediately uron 146 Bridge 70 11 26 79 122 510 550 580 703 175 202 236 300 353 375 407 660 725 879 900 905 964 1003 1114 1203 1531 31 Road D. 165 Brg. 166 " 191 " 321 " D.C. Amt.Daid 52.30 67.15 19.65 16.60 3.85 4.50 47.65 10.88 4.00 33.50 18.61 43.25 54.50 68.60 cont. Should be 47.50 57.15 19.35 16.60 3.65 3.45 47.05 5.44 3.50 31.50 17.61. 41.25 56.50 34.30 attention being called to error. 1915 Over Under paid paid 4.80 10.00 .3-0 .20 1.05 .60 5.44 .50 2.00 1.00 2000 34.30 .10 2.00 62.19 2,10 Frank Zitts 64.40 6.00 Coon Lbr.Co. 133.60 24.90 Guarantee Flectric Co. 7.15 2.00 T.P.Mead 12.90 1.15 .A.Cole 167.55 3.00 Lem Tibbets 64.00 John Bauer 34.23 E.P.Eilley 50./2 Mem Tibbets 130.50 G.7.Pratt 30000 7.P.Mead 4.80 2.40 Zieglers Drug Store 33.65 .95 Hastings Daily Tribune 71.38 24.00 J.T.EAgenberg 11.85 2.55 58.40 108.70 5.15 11.75 164.55 74.00 35.23 49.72 132.50 31.40 2.40 32.70 47.38 9.30 10.00 1.00 1.00 1916 6 22' 105 G.T.Pratt Jacob Bauer J.L.Hynes Deines Drug Co. B.M.Simms Schmi'dtz & Goble Wahlquist Bros. H.7.1rebster Co. Anna Devereaux J.13,71ine 7astings Daily Tribune Mrs. Anna Devereaux Jacob Bauer R.R.Baugh Frank Kitts ty 7.Harrington Frank Kitts 1917 Bridge Elmer Harrington " Gen. J.P.Heiler 30.70 39.82 15.00 65.62 8.80 58.40 24.00 18.48 11.92 2.95 33.70 38.09 36.69 36.75 62.95 312.75 107.85 141.00 35.80 96.50 40.00 2.00 1.40 67.95 14.40 32.05 1.35 39.72 .10 15.50 .50 66.62 1.00 7.70 1.10 61.90 3.50 25.00 1.00 17.98 .50 12.92 1.00 .50 2.45 34.20 .50 35.68 2.41 37.76 1.07 23.75 13.00 61.95 1.00 311.35 1.40 109.35 143.00 37.80 94.50 42.00 1.50 2.00 21.96 13.42 2,00 2.00 2.00 *or ! 2.00 4.00 Recent events have clearly demonstrated that -the past thethodHof keeping the records in the County clerk's office and the ianner of checking canceled warrants does not afford an adeqUate protection against the insurance and payment of unauthorized warrants. The accounts register, commonly called Claim Register, should by all means show the number of the warrant issued in payment of each claim, but this warrant number has been omitted during the entire period under observation. 7e have examined every claim allowed during the five years covered by our audit, checked each claim with the Claim Register, and then checked the canceled warrants against the Claim Register, inserting the number ef the warrant in the Register. Te have also made test checks from the record 'of claims allowed as shown in the Supervisors :Record, to the Claim Register. while not wishing to advise the Board as to the measures they should adopt in checking back the warrants paid by the Treasurer, we can safely say that the plan of checking, the warrants against the stubs only is not sufficient safeguard. SATURDAY .- .TA's C T 10th , 1917 - 1 p . T:T. cont . In checking the paid warrants also, a number of warrants, known to have been paid,were not in the files. "Te will here insert a list of the missing claims. To list the warrants missing would necessitate re -checking about ten thousand warrants as many warrants temporarily removed from the files during the trial, but not introduced:in evidence, have since been replaced. Tt . TT TT TT ' TT Tt ft 322. 999 1143 1265 1266 1267 1397 1508 1509 1.767 1768 1897 2016 683 8 Coon Lumber Co. 1 ':31.00 Tarrant not paid Hastings Fdry & Iron Wks. 1,241.35 V7t.Ho.1 paid 800.00 " " 17 paid 730.44 TT TT 22 TT 17.54' _ R ,T tT 24.00 IT IT TT TT 2,852435 TT IT 40 is 1,500.00 TY IT 52 TT 555.40 n TT TT TT 1, 405.15 n tT 70 TT 2.517.65 TT TT TT TT 1.951.53 Tt Tt 108 TT 1, 893.27 tT It 130 TT St. Anthonys Hospital 21.00 TT tt 630 TT Hastings Fdry & Iron Wks. 1,500.00 Ttm TT ". ,...,- -8 TT 1T t, TT IT TY Tt ,V TT TT tT TT IT tt TT TT t< TT TT TT TT There are in the County Clerk's office a large number of unclaimed warrants,. mostly for amounts ranging from one to fifteen dollars, which will, in all probability, never be called for. Some of these warrants were issued twenty-five or thirty years ago. If it can legally be clone these warrants, at least those over two or three years old, shoeld be canceled by the Board. Of course it would be necessary, if this were done, to make a permanent record of the warrants canceled in order that payment could be made at any future time should any of them be called. for. -4 great many of the claims examined are sadly lacking in detail, and while they were no doubt intelligible to the Boardat the time they were allowed they afford but little information essential to a permanent record of public business. One illustration will euffice to make clear our meaning: Claim ITo. 1368, C.G.Slater. "For goods furnished on requisition of T?.?'.Lidder" ........................... ' 4.45 This claim fails to show the kind, quantity or price of the goods furnished or to whom furnished, and no order is attached. We have no doubt that the tr=ansaction was perfectly proper and right, and mention it only as a typical case of carelessness in making out claims against the County. Clearly such claims should be returned for correction, and when goods are ordered by one of the Supervisors, the original order as well as the deteiled bill should be attached to the claim. "re will here insert statements, ny years and terms, showing the Far'nings , T'isbursements andbalance cue for each year and term o_f.Mr.Huason's incumbency. As these statements are somewhat complicated we have made an analysts of differences for the first term and for the second term separately, which may render the statements a little. clearer. In other words we prove the accuracy of the computations by using another method of analysis. There are two items regarding which we have some little doubt as follows; On January 2, 1914, warrant Number 5 for '95.00 was drawn in favor of Gertrude Croft for "Extra office service Oct. 1 to Dec. 17, 1913." "Above services were rendered in the County Clerk's office during; the time the office was without deputy help." "Te have included the amount of this; warrant in the salary of deputy and clerk hire, and it is therefore charged against the earnings of the office. If it had been drawn for some special or extra service instead of extra clerk hire, we would have omitted it from our statement, as we did in the case of several smaller warrants drawn to the same person. The other case is one where. in 1912, 1tr.Hudson claims credit for having paid the Board of Health :50.00. T"e have no information whatever regarding this trans- action, excest that it is shown in his 1912 fee report. et would seem to us that if there was anything due the Board of Health, either State or County, claimshould have been made and presented to the Supervisors for regular action. if it was a proper charge against the County funds which "r.Hudson was authorized to pay and paid he would be entitled to an additional credit of 4?50.00 in his first term. rA3TTI7GS, DIStU'?SEMENTS, FTC First R'erm January 4, 1912 to .January 6 , 1915, Inc. For Filing & ec or;i, ing as per Fee Book, For Filing & ec ord ing , not on Fee Book, Clerk of Board, Assessors Books, Keeping MIC with County Treasurer arnings Total 1912 1913 1914 1st Term 250.90 321.80 222.85 795.55 2.70 2.45 .75 5.90 Pd by Co 400.00 400.00 400.00 1,200.00 T Tt" 400.00 400.00 400.00 1,200.00 TT If n 400.00 200.00 600.00 SATRDAY - MARCH ,10th, 1917 _ 1 P.M. cont. Total 1912 1915 1914 1st Term Iaaking Tax lists Pd by Co. 988.44 1,043;88 1,026.80 3,059.12 Services on Canvassing 'Board Tt TT ft 23.70 23.70 Certificates of Flection_ 36.50 40.00 76.50 Official & Depository Bonds recorded 82.50 47.25 102.00 231.75 Total earnings 12561.04 2,415.38 2,216.10 7,192.52 Salary of County Clerk TT Deputy) 1T 'f Clerks) Clerk Pd by 00. ?isbrsements in excess oi' Earn ings Fees Earned Payable by County: Balance on Tax list 1913 Certificates of 7lection Recording Bond s Total due from County Disbursements in excess of earnings and credits, 1,142.67 'arrant (unauthorized) ,f1772 paid 12/23/14 Disbursements 1,636.71 1,650.00 2,186.00 Z, 791.68 1,059.00 95.00 1,650.00 1,000.00 1,086.00 4,936.71 3,977.68 2,145.00 95.00 3,822.71 3,595.68 3,736.00 11,154.39 1,261.6.7 1,180.30 36.50 82.50 543.80 1,519.90 40.00 47.25 102.00 119.00 591.13 589.17 3,961.87 543.88 76.50 231.75 142.00 852.13 1,377.90 3,109.74 513.75 513.75 Total due County 1st Term 11,142.67 589.17 1,891.65 3,623.49 EXRTTING$, DISBURSEMETTTS, ETC Second .Term January 7, 1915 to January 3, 1917, Ind. arnings. For filing & Recording, as per Fee Book, For Filing 8u Recording, not on Fee Book, For Clerk of Board, Paid by County Assessors Books tr Tf ff Making Tax Lists rf Services on Canvassing Board Certificates of flection Official and repository' ?Ponds recorded Tf Total earnings Salary of County Clerk n ff , Deputy n 'f Clerks tr Disbursements in eycess of earnings Pees Due from County: Balance on 1915 tax list Recording bonds Certificates of Flection Total 1915 1916 2nd. Term 251.30 270.45 521.75 .75 .50 1.25 400.00 400.00 800.00 '400.00 400.00 800.00 1,047.84 1,029.56 2,077.40 32.10 32.10 35.00 35.00 90.00 75.00 165.00 2,189.89 2,242.61 4.432.50 Disbursements 1,650.00 1,650.00 1,000.00) 879.00) 2,084.00 3,529.00 1,339.11 3,734.00 1,491.39 47.04 90.00 75.00 35.00 3,300.00 3,963.00 7,263.00 2,830.50 47.84 165.00 35.00 Total daze from County 137.84 110.00 247.84 Disbursements in excess of T'arnings and Credits 1,201.27 1,381.39 2,582.66 ?*Tarrant (Unauthorized) 771773 773 Paid 1/19/15 268.25 268.25 SATURDAY.- - MARCH 10th, 1917 - 1 ?.'T. cont. EARNINGS, DISBURSEMENTS, FTC. Third Term January 4, to March 5, 1917 'arnings For Filing & 'recording, as per Fee Book, " Clerk. of Board, ?aid by County, TT & Depository Bones, Recorded, Total Fee Earnings 1917 65.05 71.60 41.25 177.90 Salary of Cbi my Clerk Ti Tr Dennty TT " clerk Total Disbursements in excess of Earnings Fees: and expenses due from the county: Salary, 4 days Clerk of Board Recording Bonds Expenses 295.38 179.00 161.00 635.38 457.48 15.27 71.60 41.25 15.26 Disbursements in excess of Earnings & credits Tarrant (unauthorized) f1118, ''aid 1/18/17 Total dne County, 3d Term Due County First Term. T " Second TT TT TT Third TT Total FIRST TERM, JANUARY 4, 1,197.29 z 3,623.49 2,850.91 1,197.29 7,671.69 1918 to JANUARY Y 6 1915. Analysis of Differences. Fees Received. and. Reported: Clerk of Board Assessors Books Keeping Account with Treas. Making may lists Fees for filing & recording Services on Canvassing board 1,200.00 1,200.00 '600.00 2,638.52 795.55 23.70 6,457.77 Fees reported earned and due from County Total fees reportea earned 1st term Hudson drew by arrant for his own salary Hudson paid for deputy & clerk hire as reported 2,665.55 4,936.71 6,122 68 Total drawn by Hudson and assistants per his report showing the combined salaries of Huason and assistants as per his reports in excess of earnings of his office accord. ing to his construction of fees earned Add for Clerk hire ' paid by '►arrant i 1913,.not reported, Total Add for overcharge in collecting from and due from county for making tax lists 11,059.39 1,936.07 95„00 0.20 SATURDAY ,MARCH 10th, 1917 - 1 P.M. cont. Add for unauthorized chg. in due from Co. for selling Hunting & Fishing licenses Ada for unauthorized chg. due from Co. for swearing persons filing claims against Co. (' 99:25 ... (110.25 (104.25 313.75 (513.75 (400.00 (457.75 1,37.1.50 Total Deduct undercharge in Cert. of Flee. 1912 .50 " for filing & "recording fees earned, not on fee book Cert. of Flee. issued in 1914, Not pep. 40.00 46.40 5.90 4,008.27 Combined salaries of Co.Clerk and Assistants actually drawn exceed the actual earnings Add unauthorized '"ar. 1772, Cashed 12/23/14 Deduct fees earned payable by claim was not made or allowed Actual shortage first term 3,961.87 513.75 852.13 3,623.49 ECOND TERM, JANUARY 7, 1915 to JANUARY 3, 1917, Inc. Analysis of Differences. Fees Received and 'deported: Clerk of Board. Assessors Books Making Tax lists Fees for Filing & 'recording Services on Canvassing Board 800.00 800.00 2,119.68 521.75 32.10 Fees reported earned due from County: 1915 883.19 1916 745.25 Total fees reported Farnell 2d "errs Hudson drew by "Tarrant for his awn salary Hudson paid for deputy clerk hire as reported Total drawn by Hudson and his assistants per his reports Showing combined salaries of ITudson and his assistants as per his reports to have been in excess of the fees of the office, according to his construction of fees earned 3,300.00 3,963.00 4,273.53 1,628.44 5,901.97 7,263.00 1,361.03 Add for overcharge in making tax lists Add for overchrage in due from County for recording official bonds Add for unauthorized charge in due from County selling Hunting licenses Add for unauthorized charge in due from Co. swearing persons filing claims against the County (68.60 `(90.12 (118.75 ( 21.00 (145.50 (149.25 (412.50. (500.00 158.72 139.75 294.75 912.50 2,866.75 Less Fees Famed, not claimed: Issuing certificates of election Filing & recording fees not on fee book 35.00 1.25 Balance, being the combined salaries of County Clerk, and Assistants in excess of the actual earnings of the office Add unauthorized warrant !1773 cashed 1/19/1915 36.25 2,830.50 268.25 At the time we were einoloyed to make this audit we were requested to look up the amounts drawn by each Supervisor each year under observation. 7e therefore append a statement of sane as follows. It is our understanding that the maximum amount allowed Per diem and mileage is '650.00 per year for each Supervisor. It will be seen that only twice in the five years has the amount withdrawn exceeded the limit. In the year 1912 both Mr.Kidder and Mr.Heiler overdrew the maximum allowance. AMOUNTS DRAWN BY COUNTY SUPERVISORS AS PER ACCOUNT LEDGERS. 1912 1913 1914 1915 ',Long N.D.Kidder 761.75 562.66 J L ,Hynes D.N.Bitner John Heye 308.95 458 J.F.Heiler x 664.70 F.J.Benedict 350.80 B.'. Schlepe1 E. h?. George Includes X11.35 Aia advanced.. x Includes 1.00 Aid advanced. 543.10 Total 543.10 537.35 396.05 584.00 645.80 646.45 3,200.66 541.15 2,780.80 481.60 2,098.05 1,469.49 513.60 632.25 565.10 3,017.35 508.00. 566.40 567.40 2,504.50 606.85 465.65 420.85 379.35 94 629.80: 420.20 451.30 *250.30 463.55 599.45 620.10 2,125.55 *110.27 487.33 597.60 Respectfully submitted, 'rIGGINS-BABCOCK COMPANY. By Horace G.wiggins, Certified Public Accountant. moved by Kidder and seconded by Schlegel that when this Board adjourn it does so to meet again April 3rc?, 1917 at ten o'clock a.m. Motion prevailed. Moved by Tinder anis seconded by Schlepe1 that the Board adjourn. Carried. Clerk. ��',121 Chairman. TUESDAY APRIL '3rd. 1917 - 10 A.M. Board met as per adjournment. Holl call, all members present except Heiler. Moved by Kidder and seconded by '"biting that Mr.Bitner act as temporary chairman. Motion prevailed. Moved by Kidder and. seconded by Schlegel that the resignation of J.F.Heiler as chairman of the Board of Supervisors, be accepted. Holl call, all members present voted yea. motion prevailed. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Schlegel that we proceed by ballot to elect a chairman to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of J.F.Heiler. Motion prevailed. mhe ballot for chairman resulted as follows, Bitner, four votes; whiting, one Vote. Schlegel, one vote. "Theren;cn it was moved" by Dynes and seconded Eby Benedict that Hr.Bitner be declared elected Chairman of the Board. Motion prevailed. moved by Hynes and seconded by "Thi.ting that the minutes of the Board meeting held March 9th and loth, be approved as read. Motion prevailed. mhe chairman then ordered a recess until one th.rty o TUESDAY - 2PRIL 3rd, 1917 - 1; 30 P.1 Roa.rc1 reassembled as per recess. except Heiler. clock p.m. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed against the general -Puna and the. Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all members present voted. yea. Motion prevailed. C.B. & Q.'3.R.00• .............. 1 19.07. W.P.Mead34.56. Deines Drug Co. ............... 30.43. C.V."7hisnand 5.70. i?ebraska Sanitarium 30.00. Mrs. Anna. ^''oodruf ' 20.75. Nebraska Sanitarium .....•..•.. 90.00. F.'.Borley Nebraska Sanitarium ........... 60.00. sirs. A•R.Brooke 5.10. 4.00. r.Tebraska Sanitarium ' .... • 45.00. Dorsey.Ba`, rd 20.00.x ?''!illiams Photo Co. ••..•..•.•• 1.50. Jacob Baer •••.••••.•.••••••41.13. Greininger Mere. Co. 18.68. Geo. "',Pratt 37.37. Hastings Ice Co. Temple Cafe 11.05. G.?.:?ratt ... •... •........•... 21.44. 21.75. Lee Haggard 20.99. Coon Lumber co. .............•. 62.45. .&.J.Hace ...............a34.85. Coon Lumber Co. ....••••.•• • .•. 29.55. Ella Taylor .. .....••. •...:22.13. S.'.Tucker Hdw. Co. ........... 32.20. Sunnyside 44.00. Juniata Milling Co. .......... • 4.20. Conrad -Talker 18.28. C.B. & ?.H.3.Co. .. .,......•..6.23. Henry Baser ............•••••• 3.31. Allyn & Bissell 26.40. C.V.Langevin18.75. 3.04. C.I.Van Patten 9.30. 56.50. A.M. Clark ...... 5.45. 38.37• l.O.Graham •........4.!......0 3.90. �R44.28. Fames F. Crowley 63.62. "'olbach & Brach 49.20. John L.1pace 34.00. union Meat arket 3.40. Clyde L.Knopf 450.00. ;, iggins-Babcock co. • •..... • • • • 540.62. A.'".' eeks 17.55. Coon Lumber Co. ............... 1952.95. B,7.Schlege1 .....•...•......• 60.70. Glenwood Telephone Co. ...... .. 30.00. U.n.Kidder ..•48.00. Coon Lumber Co. ............. 76.85. J.F.Heiler 36.00. Coon Lumber Co. ... • . •......... 29.45. F, J.Benedict 57.20. McCue & Hogg ..... ............. 44.57. Don (.Fouts 3.00. Lilly & ""cod 69.03. M.'?.Ermberson ................ • 20.00. Blake 8c Sons 29.20. Mary Dungan • • . • . • • .. • .. • ..... 9.33. G.A.Volland &coon ..•.'••••..•25.00. Ii.F.Favinger 23.15. G.A.Volland ...,•.•..,......•• 35.00. ? .C.Haverly 88.76. Chris Hansen ..•.••••.•..•. • .• 16.25. J.'I.Baugh 35.00. Chris Hansen .....•....•••.... 107.04. J.H.Vastine 8.74. matt Plein .. .... •.... ....... 500.00. Chas. (.Larsen •..•.....•...•17.00. A.I.Battan 3.84. ?obert Zohner 4.96. I".?.Fmberson Bob . • • • . . 0.3. Hastins ?Uel C o . Biers Lumber Co. Iin.'lebstPr Co. Moved by Kidder and seconded by "'biting that the Chairman and. Clerl: be rof r admission to the instructed to sign the a:,nlication Ii. P.Li�eo. e and wife foradmission soldiers' and sailors' ITome at Burkett , r?ebraska. Motion prevailed. moved by Hynes and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Bond 0orilmf_ttee be accepted and made the order of the Board and the following official bonds be approved. Motion prevailed. 7illiam Kieffe Treasurer ... ................ Highland Township. Ed Hudson' ' oad Overseer, Dist. , 2 '*'est Blue Township. Fred Tatitea T, ,t It Al Verona Township. Albert Lay . • . • • . • •'. o .. • • " n vi 43 Hanover Township. Tff. SDAY - APRIL 3rd, 1917 - 1:30 P.M. cont. moved by Hynes and seconded. by whiting that the following bridge petitions be referred to the 3oad ' and Bridge Committee. motion prevailed. 1..Geo.T."Theat, et al, for a bridge between ;ecs. 17 and 20, Logan Township. 2. J.C. "'isner,,et al, for a bridge between Secs. 9 and16, gest Blue Township. 0. rn m n nodwi n Tr1'4 For a. bridge see between secs. 35 an'i. 36, Highland. Township. A recess until nine thirty o'clock a.m. "'ednesday, April 4th, was then ordered by the chair. ' 'EDNESDAY AP9IT, 4th, 1917 - 9:30 A.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Toll call, all members present except Heiler. Moved by Benecliet and seconded 12„Y Schlegel that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be mace the order of the Board anc° the following claims be allowed against the general fund and the Clerk instructed to ''.raw warrants for the same. Toll 'call, all present voted yea. Motion prevailed. Stewart & Smith ............... 1!273.10. T.T.Keith state Journal Co. ...••.•...•.. 6.06. J.`'.Tillits 3.00. ?,ion Instittutions & Industries .97. J.H.Vastine 100.00. Anderson Shoe co. ............. 14.50. J.V.Beghtol 8.00. University nublishing; Co. ..... 12.83. T. A, Baker .75 Klopp-Bartlett Co. ............ 72.44. ! A.Cole ....:..•...........• 125.45. Kernan Shoe co. 7.65. ".A..0ole ..................... 78.96. Deines ?)rue Co. 40.83. J.H. Vastinp 400.00. Thomas C.""hiting 39,10, C.A.Hear.twell 4.00. D.N.Bitner 21.95. 0.A.Heartwell 30.00. J.L.Tynes .................. 52.50. Chas•cCredy 2.15. Lem Tibbets ................... 303.70. S.J.Stewart 42.00. Lem Tibbets ................. 12.00. a B.11augherty 13.05. J R. Uerl ng 150.00. 8.00. Moved by Bene.ict and: seconded: by "'biting that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Ro' rd .and the following claims be a,1 lowed ap-ainst thio bri''pe fund and the ClerT, he instrpctea to draw warrants for the same. Toll call, all present voted yea. Motion prevailed. Independent Lumber Co. ...•.... 24.80. Y. -?.Baugh 1 9.55. Fisher Lumber Co. .••........•• 207.25. Harry Cruse 22.50. Coon Lumber •Co: ..........•,..• 63.20. prank Kitts • • 41.25. Coon Lumber Co. 7.70. Elmer Harrington 37.50. Coon Lumber Co: • 6.35. Thomas G.'hitfng 1.00. Coon Lumber C o . ....... ... ... 28.50. Eldred Heimann • 12.50. Frank Bosard .....•............ 2.00. T."T.Goodwin, Jr. ....•4.30. Henry Phillips 4.00. Carl T:ianske Mathew Uerling 44.70. Elmer Harrington Harry Cruse 40.50. Lester Einspahr Geo. 'crick 15.00. Frank Kitts .........•.• Chas. ' 30.00. tars Peterson .......• b heat ................,.. "gym. Johns 6.45. T,Tathew Uerl ing • 2.00. 75.00. 15.00. 77.00. 36.00. 1.25. Moved byT Hynes and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the ;Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed 'against the special motor vehicle registration fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw !warrants for the same. Toll call, all present voted yea. Motion p 0.I�.Doty 19.75. ^"rn.C.ry�cus prevailed. 3.75. J H.Furry 25.50. ""m. C.T)yc zs 46.75. Andrew Srtidt 16.50. S.Bauder 12.85. moved by Benedict and seconded by '''hitingthat the recommendation of the Cerfi. 'Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and the County Treasurer be instructed 44%'17. to extend the 1916 tax on Lots 21 and 22, Block 7,'Sewell's Add, on a valuation of ,125 • instead of 7145 on account of erroneous assessment, and refund the difference. Poll call, all present voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Whiting that the recommendation of the Road and Bridge Committee be made the order, ,of the Board and the following bridges be ordered built and repaired. 7o11 call, all members present votedyea. motion prevailed. 1. Between Secs. 27 and. 34, Cottonwood Township; concrete,; 16 ft. waterway; 20 ft. roadway. 2. Between Secs. 20 and 23, Cottonwood Township; concrete; 16 ft. waterway; 20 ft. roadway. 3. Between Secs. 34 and. 35, Cottonwood: Township; concrete top; repairs • 4. Between Secs. 4 and. 5, Test Blue Township; concrete; 20 ft. waterway; 20 ft. roadway. 5. ??etween Secs. 9 and 16, Test plre Township; concrete; 20 ft. waterway; 20 ft. roadway. 6. on Secs. 2 , Logan Township; 50 ft. waterway, 16 ft. roadway; I beams; concrete abutements, moved by Kidder and seconded. by Schlegel that the County surveyor be instructed to furnish the State Enineer'with. a county map showing all post roads of the county. Toll call: yeas,- Benedict, Kidder, Bitner, Schlegel; nays,- uynes, "'biting; Heiler absent and not voting. Motion carried. A recess until one thirty o'clo k p.m. was then ordered by the chairman. Wellai4M4-0:41, Cert. 4/4/'17. Cert. 4/4Pl7. rEDIITSDAv - AP -ZIT, 4th, 1917 -1:30 Board reassembled as Per recess. Roll call, all members present except Heiler. moved by Kidder an seoondea by Hynes that when this Board adjourns it does so o meet again Thursday, April 12th, 1917, at ten o'clock a.m. Motion prevailed. Moved by Kidder and secondedby Benedict that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made ,the order of the,Board_and_the,County Treasurer be instructed to refund the personal ta." of F.L.Bailey as Shown by tax receipt #6458 on account of double assessment. Roll call, all members present voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Thiting anc seconded by Kidder that the recommendation of the Complaint committee be made theorderLof the Board and_the County Treasurer be instructed to refuna the poll tax of 7.Brannagan, receiPt#6456 on account of double assessment. Roll call, all members present voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Hynes ana seconded by Thiting that the County TreaSurer be instructed to transfer 32.50, poll tax, from the City of Hastings to Ayr Township, on account of tx receipts No. 6456 and. Y0.4595 for the year 1916. Roll call; yeas,- Hynes, Whiting; nays,- Benedict, Kidder, Bitner, Schlegel; Heiler absent and not voting. Motion lost„;c'. Moved by Hynes and seconded by 7.idder that the report of the County Surveyor on the feasibility of the drainage project petitioned for by T.N.Sheehy, et al, be accepted and placed on record. Motion prevailed. 'To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Adams County, 'Nebraska, Re?ort of Srrveyor. Gentlemen: - As ordered by your honorable body, T took the drainage petition of T.N.Shechy, et al, ana in company with a member of the board we went to the locality described ih the petition with a view to determining whether or not the proposed plan of drainage as set forth in the petition above referred to ana the route of drainage as prayed for in the petition and beg leave to submit the following report thereof. The line of drainage as prayed for in the petition and described as follows: to run between sections 22 and 15 ana about the center of the section line. thence east to the end of the section; thence south on the section line between sections 22 and 23 until it reaches the natural waterway near that point, is not feasible. C.A.Heartwell, County Surveyor." moved by Benedict and seconded by Kidder that the bidof the Hastings PorndrY & Iron Torks on reinforcing for concrete bridges for the year 1917, be accepted. Roll call: yeas,- Benedict, :Kidder, Bitner, Schlegel; nays,- Hynes, Whiting; Heiler absent and not voting. Motion carried. .Minute3 read and approved., motibh to adjourn. Carried. Clerk. Chairman. Cert. 4/12/'17. THURSDAY - APRIL 12th, 1917 10 A.M, Roll call, all members Present except Mr. Meller. yoved by Midler and seconded by ':'shiting that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and the request of Peter Thant for a refund of taxes on receipt X6385 for the year 1916, 'be not allowed. Roll call, all members present voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Hynes and seconc ed by lchlegel that when this Board adjourns it does so to meet again Thursday, May 3rd, 1917, at ten o'clock a.m. Motion prevailed. Moved by Hynes and seconded by" ''biting that the County Surveyor be instructed to take the drainage petition of T,TT.Sheehy, et al, and ascertain the feasilility of the drainage project, 'to draw a plat of the route and report to the Board as to same at their meeting on May 3rd, 1917. Motion prevailed. moved by'Hynes and seconded by Schlegel that the Hans Sorenson deed to Adams County for road, be accepted and placed on record. motion prevailed. The remainder of the forenoon was given over to consideration of statements of representatives of the Lion Bonding & Surety Company and the PTew Amsterdam Causualty Company. A recess until 1:30 P.T.T. was then ordered by the chair. THURSDAY - APRIL 12th, 1917 - 1:30 11.M. Board reassembled as per recess. call, all members present except Heiler. The entire afternoon was taken up with further discussion of the settlement with the bonding companies. A recess until nine o'clock a,m. Friday, April 13th, was then taken. "RIDAY - APRIL lath, 1917 - 9 A.T Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present except ?Teiler. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Hynes that the joint offer of the representatives of the Lion Bonding & Surety Company and the New Amsterdam Casualty 'Corlpanv to settle their liability on the bonds of C.H.Hud.son for 2750, be rejected by 'the Board. 'loll call, all members present voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by 'Hynes and seconded by whiting that the County Attorney take such steps as he deems necessary to make collection against the bonding companies of the amount of shortage in the office of C.H.Huson, County Clerk, and that if it be necessary he may commence action in the court for that purpose. Roll call, all members present voted yea. Motion prevailed. A recess until one thirty p.m. was then ordered by the chair. FRIDAY APRIL 13, 1917 - 1:30 P.M. Board reassembled as ; Per recess. :Roll call, all members present except Heiler. Minutes read and a.proved. moved by Hynes and seconded by whiting that the Board adjourn. Carried. THURSDAY MAY 3rd., 1917 - 10 A.M. present Benedict, Kidder, Hynes, Bitner, ^Thiting, Schlegel. moved by Kidder and seconded by Schlegel that the Board proceed to ballot informally for candidates to fill the vacancy as Supervisor in District No.5, caused by the death of J.F.ueiler. Motion prevailed. The first informal ballot resulted a.s follows: John Hof, four votes; �` .G.Baiaer, one vote w r The result of the formal ballot was as follows: John toff, four votes; Luther E'elhoff, , two votes. Moved by Ilynes and seconded by Benedict that the appointment of. John Hoff be made unanimous. Motion prevailed. .Fgelhoff, one vote; A recess until one thirty p.m. was then ordered by the chair. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, present Benedict, Kidder, Hynes, Bitner, Whiting, Schlegel, Hoff. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Kidder that the recommendation of the complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and the County Treasurer be instructed Cert. to extend the 1916 taxes on the North 394- ?t. of Lot 60, Kenesaw Village, as shown on 5/./'17. receipt To.8219, on a valuation of 1700 instead of 11300 on:'account of partial exemption, and refund the difference to theKenesaw Fraternity Association. Roll call, all present voted yea. Motion -prevailed. Moved by Benedict and seconded_by Schlegel that the recommendation of the crt. i Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and the requests for refunds of 1916 5/3,'17. taxes shown on receipts Nos. 8114, 8213, 7912, 7920, 6972, 6738 and 8215, be disallowed. Roll call, all members present voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Hynes that the following petitions be referred to the Road andBridge Committee. Motion prevailed. 1. Leo Hemberper, et al, for a bridge between Secs. 8 and 17, Juniata Township. 2. Ed Hall, et al, for a bride: between Sec. 15 and NES Sec. 22, Roseland Township. Moved by Schlegel and seconded by Benedict that the recommendation of the Bond Committee be made the order ofthe Board and the bond of H.R.Srnith as Road Overseer for district No. 3, Blaine Township, be accepted and approved. Motion prevailed. The remainder of the afternoon was taken up with the consideration of the proposed Settlement .of the shortage in the County Clerk's office. A recess until nine o'clock `a.m. Friday, _ay 4th, was then ordered by the chair. FRIDAY - MAY 4'th, 1917 - 9 A.M. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Ridder and seconded by Schlegel that the chair appoint a committee to draw up proper resolutions of condolence and sympathy on the death of J.F.Heiler. Motion prevailed. Thereupon the chair appointed Benedict, Kidder and. Schlegel as a committee on resolutions. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Kidder that the following list of names be submitted from which to choose the jurors` for the next term prevailed. District To. 1, - est Blue: David Mays. John pope._, Highland, Thos . S .'"'ynn T.F.Stock enver: Conrad Grothen. Frank Alien. Mortimer 'mean. Blaine: d Golgert. C.?.Deardorff. District No. 2,- Ayr: J. A.Woodworth. ' .?.Gates. Henry ?Ilacke. Hanover: Albert Lay. Frank Tan Roening. Andrew Smidt. Juniata: Geo.rT.'hitin*. J.F.".'i1trout Theo. Trotxsch. of District Court. Motion Dist. No. 3, - Verona: Godfrey Frickey. William Schultz. Kenesaw: Reuben Bowers. John wendling. Jerry F.Lippincott. Wanda: G.H.Aufdenkamp. John Hetzel. Cottonwood: W.B.Hargleroad. Andrew Kitts. District No. 4,- Roseland: Ed Hall. Frank HoPg. Loran. A. B.Fernow. Silver Lake; John Kline. John Holbrook. Zero: Theodore Bachman. Robert Ratcliff. Little Blue: IM Anderson. Thos. Hodgson. FRIDAY - tAY 4th, 1917 - 9 A.M. District:No. 5, - Geo. Klein. J.i . Allsteadt. Millard Baugh. W.R . C r is sman . Carl Coorcit. Geo. Harms. J.M.Dean. Conrad TruPp. District N 1T.F.Rlack. A.R. tearson.` P.dward T Pow . T,T.Cornelison. cont. District No. 5. - Henry Lehrman. Pearl N.Kidder. John B.Grabill. W.T .Churchill. W.M. Likely'. W. A.Reynolds. D,M.Ball. John D McKenna. . 7, - Arthur A. TAW Dn '"'m. Rapp. E.Miller. J. S. Fellrnan. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed against the general fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. notion prevailed. Lincoln m Tel. Co. ........... _ ' 6.10. ITrs. Anna Devereaux .�e1. & 9.19. Hastings Fuel Co . ... ............. 17.00. Dr. 9.J.Stewart 2.00. Volland & Coon .................... 45.00. John A.?,awler 8.40. Wolbach & Brach ............ ...... 25.99. W.A.Cole 145.65. Roth Bros. .......:................ 12.85. Dr. J.V.Beghtol ........ 6.00. Juniata Milling Co. ............... 134.25. rr.Amy Robinson 2.00. Stockham Grain Co. 9.00. Lee_Hagpard 20.79. 98.86. A.M.Olark 4.05. Juniata Grain & Live Stock Assn .. 25.65. Bertha Crosson 2.00; Greinin''er Herc♦ Co. 40.05. �l.t.Rattan ............. 4.15. Pickens & Brattan ................. 10.55. Flizabeth Croushorn 19.60. mwidale Shoe Co. ................. 5.65. J.''.Guy`........... 3.15. u.).'"ebster Co. 47.32. Chas. mooley 3.15. ITastings Foundry & Iron ""orks 48.00. H.Lowe ..................... 3.15. Renner & Serf 61.25. 3.90. Thomas Snyder Guarantee ?lectric Co. 1.00. T.H.Prine 15.40. Hastings Ice Co. ................. 17.25. Robt. Ratcliff 14.88. Stein Bros. Co.......... 19.25. Geo. II.Miller 144.75. Anderson Shoe Co. 7.50, G.L:11Rar mee 28.87. Kernan Shoe Co. 3.50. R.0.'ood ................... 11.35. Nye-Schneider-Fowler Co. 227 75 V.B.Boll_ins ................ 40.35. C.I.Van fatten 17.85. W.J.Porter 7.00. I'.".Mead ..... 48.47. Patrick TTcKulley 13.30. Chris Hansen ...................... 102.97. real Sergeant 2'.50. Chris Hansen Lilly & Wood W.J.Porter Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. 3.90. 54.95. 9.00. proffet Family 15.00. C.V.""hisinand 15.50. john D,Lemon 25.00. 24.60. J.P.BauPh 56.60. B.x:I.Sima s ..........:............. 8.55. N.D.ridder 4.90. Jacob Bauer 44.30. M.R.berson 20.00. Henry Bauer ............... . ....... 2.20. Don C .Pouts 3.00. Uenry Barrer ..................::... 2.62, F. J.Schaufelberger 14.00. Henry Herbst 24.50. Flla Taylor 21.43. C.Tru-op 22.23. Chappel Newell 15.00. 1.33. J.F,"'illits ...........15.00. J."".ienberg Lilian Piel -.••••••••••••••••••••• 60.00. Dr.J.V.Beghtol 2.00. Mabelcroft ...................•... 5�.4.00. James V.Beghtol 25.00. Thos. 7ynn ........ ....... .....e. 81.00. T.G.Saddler 1.10. John Lau 81.00. 0.Lamereaux ................ 1.10. U.'. Schlegel 38.20. J. F.7:Iaddock 1.10. N.D.Y,idder ........................ 54.00. '�.B Iiarti 1.10. Thomas G.Whitng 48.70. J.A.Cates 1.10. 53.50. John "".Shaw 4.95. P.N,Bitner 26.80, U.S.Pohrer 32.00. j.V.Stine 1.10. I'.J.T3enedict 43.90. Ben R.? rown 1.10. Nebr. State Board of wealth ..Ifi ..... 50.75. .REmberson 5.00. Oliver Lumber Co. ................. 5.30. ^?."'.'jeith 35.00. .35. J.E.Spatz 283.76. Fd rtss .................... 3.50. Renner & Serf 12.75. H.C.Haverly 139.99. Union neat market .... • ... ....... 3.00. Mrs. Anna ^"oodruff 21.50. Proffitt &Lovell 47.77. C.A.Heartwell 8.15. TTansfield Paint ?: Class Co. ..... 54.96. Tyr. J.'''.Brown < 29.00. Nebraska Sanitarium ............... 40.84. Frank Schaufelberger 17.00. A.F.Meyer Hdw.. Co. ..,............. 3.90. S.J.Stewart 40.00. V'' .. . atkings "rinting House ........ 27.80. C.T.Buchanan 11.55. Nebraska sanitarium............... 178.07. Joseph Marian 8.75. K -B Brintinp Co. ...... ........... 7.25. W.A.Cole 20.70. Hammond & Stephens 0b. 5.27. Mary Dungan 20.23. Hammond & Stephens Co..• .......•..: 42.00. Sunnyside 34.00. Hastings Daily Tribune 5.50.__ H.O,Eckhardt ............•.. 41•13•J.B.Yline ••••••••••••••••••••••••• .50. Hastings Daily Tribune ..... 145.75. Wahlguist Bros. 102.35. Rickens & Bratton C.B.& O.R.R.Co. 1.94. Fred Blake, Jr., J,L.Hynes .•••••••••••••••••••• 1.10. F.-J.Benedict .... Oliver Lumh.er Co. State Journal Co. 10.00. • FRIDAY - MAY 4th, 1917 - 9 A.M. Moved by Hynes and sec Finance Committee be made the ord apainst the bridge fund aid the 0 all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Hastings Foundry & Iron 7Torks Hastings Foundry & Iron Works C.F.Glazier & Son ..... . . . Chicago Mumher Co. 7oth Bros ..... J.H,yost Lumber Co. ...... .400 Oliver Lumber Co. Fisher Lumber Co. Coon Lumber co. . . ** Fimer Harrington Elmer Harrington Hermaa Fisher ************* John Maxwell *********** ;,t§v004:441-A44.:04 cont. ,,,JAMMIaltMaottliwm onded by Whiting that the recommendation of the er of the Board and the following claims be allowed lerk instructed to draw warrants for same. Roll call, 328.80. T.M.Trausch 0 • . • • • • • • • • • • • 117.00. 1.00. S.S.Rershey 17.30. 19.42. 3.27. M.A.Hargleroad .....• •• • • • •-• • • • 8005. John Ya_xwel1 "00. ...... 2:50. Rary Cruse m.o6.00. , flqi900* 25.20. Louie neterson 6.00. .i... ,,,..... 4_4. li nn ...... 00,01V• Prank Kiubs ii.wv. ...... 20.70. Harry Cruse 40.20. ...... 85.25. Louie Peterson 43.20. 74.00. Frank Kitts 79.20. ...... 10.00. Frank Kitts 32.12. ...... 3.00. Geo. Krick 9.00. moved by Benedict and seconded by Schlegel that the rec Finance Committee be made the order of the Board ana the following against the special motor vehicle registration fund, and the Clerk warrants for the same. 7011 call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.. T.B.Hargleroad ********* . * .......... :7,3 29.00. rckhardt Roeder R.7.Vance ********** ... ****** ....... 43.50. Fckhardt Roeder Geo. A.Munroe .... 18.75. 0.M.toty 7.P.Hargleroad Andrew Smidt * C.P.Smith 46.90. Hen ry Augustine 47.00. "ffm.l.rycus 27.80. ******* ............... 50.30. T.C.liegner • 59.65. ommendation of the claims be allowed instructed to draw 114.25. 43.85. 11.55. 39.55. •••••• •• .• • .. 12.10. 0.?.Smith ••••.•••••••.••• 37.10. ;.t5. F.'.Frahm •.. 31.14. . • ********** . * ••• • ••••• • • .• • 7.Duncan 11.25. T.V.Mrausch . 27 55. * 0400041000•41* moved by Hynes and seconded by 'rhiting that the chairmaa of the Board be authorized to sin the contract in duplicate with Frank Kitts as foreman of concrete construction Of Adams County bridge work for the year 1917. Motion prevailed. A recess until one thirty o'clock p.m. was then ordered by the chair. FRIDAY - May 4th, 1917 1:30 n.M. Beard reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. The chairman then announced standinP committees for the remainder of the year 1917, as follows:- Settlement:- mhitinp, chairman; Kidder, Benedict, Ernes, Hoff, Schlegel, Bitner. Finance:- Kidder, Chairman; Benedict, Bitner, Hynes, Hoff, Schlegel, Whiting. Complaints:- Hynes, Chairman: Kidder, "Thitinp. Bonds:- Hoff, Chairman; Hyne8, Kidder. Roads and Bridges:- Schlegel, Chairman; Bitner, Kidder and member of board in district where work is done. •Lands, Buildings and. Supplies:- Benedict, Chairman; Kidder, Hoff. County Farm:- Hynes, Chairman; "lhitinp, Benedict. Moved by Kidder and seconded by 'Thiting that when this Board adjourns it does so to meet aFain on Tune 5th, 1917, at ten o'clock a.m. Motion prevailed. roved by schlepel and seconded by 1"hiting that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and the County Treasurer be instructed to extend the 1916 taxes on Pt. SF Sec.5, Verona Township, included in the Presser Village extensions, as shown on receipt No.8180, on a valuation of '36 instead of '1166, on account of assessment of improvements when there were none, and to refund the difference to J.7.Thitehouse. *2,011 call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Cert. 5/4/'17. • The report of the COunty Surveyor on the feasibilty of the drainage proposition of T.Y.SheehY, et al, was read and considered. moved by Hynes and seconded by Yrhiting that the report of the County Surveyor be approved, the board finding that the improvement is necessary and conducive to the public health and welfare, that the owners of the property are as described in the petition, that the proposed route is the best and most available route, and that such improvement should be made. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. roved by chlepel and seconded by Hoff that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the, Board and the request of Sarah L.High for refund of 1916 taxes on Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, lock 15, Dawes & Foss Addition, to the City of Hastings, as shown on receipt 7939, be disallowed. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. 4! The report of the resolutions committee was then read as follows " F'SOTVFD, That the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, Unite in expressing profound sorrow by reason of the passing from this life of Jacob F.Ueiler, who was many years as honored member of this Body and for four years its chairman. "HFSOLVFD, That in his death the. whole people of Adams County and especially the people of his district, have suffered a loss, His life was a life of uprightness and honesty of character which was worthy of imitation by all. As a citizen his strong adherence to truth and to justice rendered him a safe guide. Re was a true Patriot having enlisted in the war of the rebellion, remaining until victory was ours, and received an honorable discharge. "H'SOL1TF''C, That he manifested in his whole life that simplicity of conduct and character which commanded the most profound respect and admiration of all, and endeared him to those with whom he was most closely associated. "HFSOLVFD, That while we`sincerely 'mourn his loss, yet it is with pardonable pride that we can point to his career, a life of labor, of industry and of faithful endeavor. "Our sincere condolence and sympathy are tendered the f€ily and friends - those who will feel the loss most keenly. "Your committee moves the adoption of the foregoing resolutions, and recommends that they be spread upon the records of the Board of Supervisors as a lasting memorial to the life, character and service of Jacob ?.Heiler. P.J.Benedict. N.TT.Kidder. B.. Schlegel. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Benedict that we find that the New Ansterdam Casualty Company is liable to Adams County in the sum of 11000.67 on account of the' shortage of C.H.Hudson as County Clerk; and Harry !.Easton, on behalf of said Casualty Company, offering that amount in full settlement of all claims e at nst said company, we hereby accept the same in full and final settlement of all claims against said Casualty Company having executed his official bond No.32238. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Minutes real and approved. Hynes that he Board adjourn. Carried. Cert. 6/6/'17. TUFSDr1Y - JUNE 5th, 1917 - 10 A.M. Board assembled as per adjournment. ?doll call, all members present. I>Ioved by Kidder and seconded by Hoff that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order ofMthe Board and the tax as shown by receipt 7F'9479 be refunded on' account of erroneous assesspient , Mthe va.1uatvion - of ` Zot 299, Juniata village, having been included in the valuation of Lots 297 and 298. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. moved by Benedict and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of theTBoard and the request of Geo. Schreiner for a refund of taxes as shown on receipts -N6.8846 and 9006, for the year 1916, be refused. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.. A recess until nine o'clock a.m.;'ednesday, June 6th, 1917, was then ordered. WEDNESDAY - TUNE 6th, 1917 9 A.M. Board reassembled as per recess.:.; Roll call, all members present. moved by F.J.Benedict and seconded by J.L,Hynes that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed against the generalfund and the clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. 2o11 call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Co. 38.50. Christ Kort ....... ! Hastings Fuel .,o, .............. � ......... �r99.00. Golden ?yule .................... 4.00. G.(*'�.Halsted ................ 81.00. R.D.'ebster & Co. .............. 42.61. David "'.Bauer .............. 120.00. Golden Rule 9.00. H.F.Dieter ........ .. , 126.40. Tolbach & Brach 4.00. Otto Madsen ................ 81.50. C.K.Lawson Hdw.Co. .85. James Patterson 96.00. Frankel Carbon & Ribbon Co. .... 6.50. 77.A.'?eynolds 114.00. Union Meat ?;Market 2.60 , Chas. W.Hall 91.65. Ziegler's Drub; ;tore 37.50. Fdw.S.Jones ................ 138.30. Lilly & 7!ood 81.70. ''m. Kistler ................ 120.00. Byers Lumber Co. 4.25. w.C.Snicknall 96.50. Volland & Coon 35.00. W.A.'oodworth .............. 102.00. C.B.& 2.R.B.Co. 7.80. C.Zogg ... 93.45. State Journal Co. .............. 188.25. Robert Zohner .............. 2.53. Hastings Bus & Transfer Line ... .75. ".J.BObbitt ................ 117.00. Temple Cafe 9.00. Beter Hansen 90.00. Anderson Shoe Co. 3.25. O.C.Kent ................... 123.10. Hastings Ice Co. 8.50. Geo..W.ttong 84.00. o.I.van ?fatten ................. 17.35. Fckhard Roeder 93.27. 8. . Simms 9.95. B.F. Schlegel 56.20. Sunnyside 52.00. John Hoff .................. 37.25. jos. Still 1.10. F.J.Renedict 48.00. Ray Johnston .... 2.95. _ D.N.I3itner 37.85. Renner & Serf .................. 38.50. Thomas G.Whiting 58.60. Hammond & Stephens Co. 27.09. J.E.Hynes 47.50. K -B ''rinting co. 46.30. N.D.Kidder 50.25. Simmering & Reynolds 151.26. John Snider 9.05. r?ebraska Sanitarium 30.00. John Snider ..".............. 24.05. Nebraska Sanitarium ............ 60.00. John Snider 18.70. Nebraska Sanitarium . ...... .. 60.00. John Snider 13.25. Nebraska Sanitarium 60.00. John Snider' 9.05. 60.00. John Snider 15.00. rrebraska Sanitarium ........ ... 30.00. John Snider 8.90. Nebraska Sanitarium 41.80. John Snider 3.10. Deines Drug Co. ....,............_ 36.80. John Snider ................ 7.15. Stewart & Smith ................ 1.00. Don C.Fonts ................ 3.00. Lincoln '"ei:`.. Tel. Co. .• ..• ... 10.00. 1f .H.Fmberson ............... 20.00. K -B Rrinting 0o. 116.38. P.C.Tiaverly 11.30. Geo. F.Isaman & Co. .......... • 3.10. TI.C.Faverly 81.94. Chris Hansen ................... 60.60. H.C.TTaverly 117.67. Joseph H.Still 13.75. m.A.Oole ................... 2.00. Fred Blake, Jr. 21.20. Mary Dungan 27.65. Lee Haggard 23.09. Lem Tibbets................ 47.40. A. J.fiace 18.55. Lem Tibbets 56.75. Henry Herbst 15.35. w.A.Cole 130.25. Henry Battier .................... 10.87. ?'.A.Cole 51.55. Henry Baer 6.10. M.Reed .................•... 40.00. � Jacob B€naer • • 17.22. Mabel Croft ................ 84.00. Conrad.-alker Nebraska Sanitarium 20.20. 0.V.!hisinand ....... .......... 6.40. 9. R.!!ucker 81.68. 7.0.7rood 5.25. J.M.Farner • 1.10. D.B.T arti 1.10. Lilian Kiel ................ 84.00. J.B.Baugh 29.95. A.I.Battan 3.42. Geo.S.?arks 1.10. J.O.3i1ey 1.10. B.u.Brovrn .. ..`. :.... •..`1.10. M.3.Emberson ................... 5.00. J.H.Galloway 1.10. Frank Denton ................... 1.10. John W.Shaw 4.90. J.F.'*'illits 3.00. w.'?r.Keit .................. 8.00. Anna "roodru.ff 25.00. J.H.Lohmann ................ 24.67. R.F.hewis 4.50., J.O.Brower .'...............• 3.15 n n, G n n 'n ..1 1n Qr VTEDNESDAY' - JUNE 6th, 1917 -30 P.J. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present., Moved by Schlegel and seconded by ITynes that the recommendation of the ',be Committee be accepted and. made the order of the Board and the following claims :be allowed against the special motor vehicle registration fund'and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call. all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Geo. t .MUnroe ................. 35.20. tr.C.r!ycus ...... ....... 4193.50. 4.25. Geo. A.?:Tunroe 39.45. T.C.Dycus .. 0.?'.Smith ..................... - -. 6.00. 49.00. "T.F.nuncan ............... e.zn a a.< 58,50. C.'. Smith ............ ........ 3 •.90 "". .Duncan .. ,......... ... 16.80. ckhard Roeder ........... .... 61.60. ,..-B.TTarg eroad ........... 99.20. T.C.Siegner 94.65. A.B.1ernow'............... 144.55. J.R. 'carry 123.75. T.7. Tra,u sch .............. 40.55. 7.R.Vanee 71.90. F.'v.Prahm ................ 66.85. R.R.Vance ......•*........••••• 16.80. S. -Bauder . •........... 79.85 Andrew Smidt 3.00. Andrew Smidt 98.35. moved by Hynes and seconded by Hoff that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed against the bridge fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Fisher Lumber Co. ............ .3 17.30. Fisher Lumber Co. 371.10. Fisher number Co. 135.15. Coon Lumber Co. 12.90, Byers Lumber Co. Oliver Lumber Co. ....., Coon Lumber Co . Hastings Foundry & Iron Forks Hastings Foundry & Iron Works F.Stookham Grain Co. E.Stockham Grain Co. F.Stockham Grain Co. Elmer Harrinton .... A. Christensen Jack Heltenberg H . Bl omenkanip .......... C.G.Schlegel ................. H. 0.Haverly Louie Peterson •........... 121.60. Cyril Needham 37.80. Clyde Kennedy 33.50. Clyde rennedy 32.00. 61.50. 36.60. 3.00. 13.50. 55.00. 91.25. 2,50, 13.55. 16.25. 52.50. 37.35. 116.25. 4.00. 15.00. 88.35. John Maxwell .............. 10.08. ' ayne Needham 82.85. Harry cruse 32.31. J.L. Hynes 418.50. Chas. '"heat 55.00. Chas. 'Theat ......, 25.00. rmmett E.Yohey 55.00. Emmett E.Yohey. 107.00. Bert Needham ....... 52.50. J."."?arner 2.50. Emmett Yohey 5.05. Frank Pitts 30.50. Charles Farman 27.00. Fd Hudson , . . , . . . Moved by Benedict and seconded by H'idder that the request of the County 5u?,erintendent be granted and Miss Martha T3utzirus retained as assistant in said office at a salary of 360 per month for one year beginning September 1st, 1917. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Kidder and seconded by ""biting that since the drainage project set forth in the petition of T.!T.Sheehy and others, has been ordered, the County Surveyor is directed to go iron the line described in the petition and survey and plat the same, set Forth the section l'nes, road crossings, boundry lines, etc., and show upon said plat the name of the owners, of all lands that will be benefited and name the owners of said lands as shown upon the tax lists, show the surface and grade and file his repoiq with the clerk within thirty days, also that he make an apportionment of the number of lineal feet to each tract of land, road or railroad, according to the benefits which will result to each from the improvement and estimate the cost of location and construction to each. and a specification of the manner in which the improvement shall be made and completed. 7o11 call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. TToved by Hideer andseconded by Benedict that when this Board adjourns it d does so to meet wain June 19th, 1917, at ten o'clock a.m. Motion prevailed. Minutes read and approved. motion to adjourn. Carried. 4- Chairman. 0 L j. r, T 1 0 N Schlegel, TUESDAY - JUNE l2th, 1917 10 A.M. Board of Equalization convened according to statute. Roll call, all members present, viz. Benedict, Kidder, Hynes, Hoff, Bitner, Zohner and Vastine._ The forenoon was occupied with the presentation of eomplai4ts. A recess until one thirty p.m. was then ordered „by the chair. Roll call, all members present. p p discussion of complaints. The afternoon was s ant with further presentation and until nine o'clock a.m. June 13th, was then taken. Whiting, o'clock Roll call, all members present. After an hour's discussion of complaints a recess was taken until eleven for the purpose of viewing property. Roll call after recess, all members present. At noon the Board recessedagain until one thirty o'clock p.m. WEDNESDAY Y JUNE13th, 1917 - 1:30 P.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. The afternoon was spent with the inve A recess until nine 0 tigation and discussion of complaints. clock a.m. June loth was then ordered. THURSDAY - JUNE 14th, 1917 9 A.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Moved by whiting and seconded by Hoff that the County Assessor and a member of the Board be appointed by the chair to go to Kenesaw and investigate the complaint of -J.G.Jones in regard to his 1917 assegsment. Roll call: yeas,- Benedict, Kidder, Hynes, Hoff, Whiting, Schlegel, Bitner, Vastine; nay,- Zohner. Motion prevailed. Thereupon the chairman appointed F.J.Benedict to accompany the assessor. the forenoon was spent hearing and discussing complaints. The chairman then ordereda recess until one o'clock p.rn. T IJHSDAY JUNE 14th, 1917 1 P.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present, except Kidder. After due examination of the as returned by the precinct assessors it the assessment of' live stock be accepted Roll call, all present voted'yea. Motion averages of valuations of personal property was moved by Benedict and seconded by Hoff that without change by the Board of Equalization. -prevailed. Moved by Whiting and seconded by Hoff that the actual value of improvements on Lot 4, Block 3, Hansen Village, be reduced from x:1875 to >200; that the actual value of improvements on Lots 5 and 6, Block 3, Hansen Village, be reduced $1875 to X250; and that the actual value of improvements on Lots 1 to 6, Block 8,- Hansen Village, be :reduced from $1875 to 250. Roll call, all presen.tq voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Zohner and seconded by Benedict that the request of Peter Heckinger for reduction of 451000 on the valuation of the NW and the N4 -SW of Sec. 22-6-11 and a reduction of X1000 on the valuation of NE of ec.24-6-11, be not allowed; also that the request of Nick David for a reduction ofp:120 on the Ni -SW and alyv of Sec.16-6-11, be not allowed. Roll call, all members present voted yea. Motion prevailed. Cert. 6/19/T17 TUESDAY - JUNE 19th, 1917 - 10 A.M. Board met as per adjournment. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Whiting that the action of the Board on May 3rd, 1917, refusing a refund of taxes paid under protest as shown by tax receipts Nos. 7912, 7920 and 8215 for' the year 1916, be recinded. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Whiting and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be accepted and made the order of the Board and the County Treas- urer be instructed to extend the 1916 taxes'on Lot 4, Block 3, Hanse Village, on a --- valuation of $42 instead of $377 and refund the difference; also that the County Treasurer be instructed to extend the 1916 taxes on Lots 5 and 6, Block 3, Hansen Village, on a valuation of $56 instead of $381, and refund the difference; and also that the County Treasurer be instructed to extend the 1916 taxes on Lots 1 to 6 Block 8, Hansen Village, on a valuation of $56 instead of $441 and refund the difference. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. •Moved by Benedict and seconded by Schlegel -that action on the petition of Cottonwood township Board for an appropriation of 1000 for claying road, be deferred until the next meeting of the Board. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Hynes that the bridge petitions of Wm,Webber, et al, and H.E.Van Boening, et al, be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Motion prevailed. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Kidder that the communication from E.Pibel n regard to highway commissioner, be placed on file. Motion prevailed. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Whiting that the recommendation of the Bridge Committee be accepted and made the order of the Board and the following concrete bridges be ordered built. Roll gall-, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. 1. Between Sees. 24 and 25, Blaine Township, 16 ft. waterway, 20 ft. roadway; flat top. 2. Between Secs. 19 and 30, Juniata Township, 16 ft. waterway, 20 ft. roadway; flat top. 3. Between Secs. 8 and 17, Juniata Township, 12 ft. waterway, 20 ft. roadway; flat top. 4. Between Secs. 17 and 21, Logan Township, 14 ft. waterway, 20 ft. roadway; flat top. 5. Between Secs. 24 and 25, Roseland Township, 16 ft. waterway, 20 ft. roadway. 6. Between Secs. 15 and 22, Roseland Township, 16 ft. waterway, 20 ft. roadway. A recess until one thirty o'clock p.m. was then taken. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Benedict that when this Board adjourns it does so to meet again Tuesday, July 10th, 1017, at ten o'clock a.m., according to statute. Motion prevailed. Minutes read and approved. Motion to adjourn. Carried. Clerk. LS, 615,(-- Chairman. TUESDAY - JULY 10th, 1917 - 10 A.M. Board met in regular session, as per statute. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Benedict that the time allowed the County Surveyor on the Sheehy drainage 'project „be extended to the next meeting of the Board. Motion prevailed. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed against the general fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Stein Bros. Co. $58.00. Barnes Clothing Co. 10.00. C.B.& Q.R.R.Co. 1.94. Allyn & Bissell 12.65. Pickens & Bratton 36.50. Watkins Printing House 1.75. Iowa - Frye Co. 5.00. Simmering & Reynolds 219,49. Stein Bros. Co. 5.00. H.D.Webster Co. 40.76. Wolbaeh 8c Brach ..5.46. C.B.& Q.R.R.Co. 5.42. Twidale Shoe Co. 3.50. Twidale Shoe Co. 11.85. Hastings Fuel Co. 17.00. Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. ..0.040..... 4.40. Union Meat Market 2.05. Sigel Cafe 4.55. McCue & Hogg 45.16. C.K40Lawson Hdw.Co. 5.55. A. F.Meyer Hdw. Co. 1.85. uTahlquist Bros. 65.65. Greininger Mere. Co. 34.29. Greininger Mere. Co. 22.36. Lilly & Wood 83.43. Henry Herbst 22.15. C.W.Schnaitz 4.50. B.M.Simms ...:.:....40.........4040.75. Fred Blake, Jr. 6.05. Henry Bauer 19.72. Jacob Bauer 16.80. H.O.Eckhardt .......•000,0. 50.28. Sunnyside 52.50. Conrad Walker 17.81. Fred Blake, Jr. 20.75. A.I.Battan C.B.Heartwell C.A.Heartwell C.A.Heartwell C.A.Heartwell H.E.Carnes H.E.Carns 4040 Will Kistler 5. J. Jones ..............4040 Will Kistler ............ Chas.H.Howard Geo.G.Ross 3.8'Leisure 0.W. Jacobs ............. 00 A.IBattan Elia Taylor Wm.F.Widmaier •••......... Mrs. wen Car er .......... James A Miller ....0...400, John Ernst Charles 0 Canfield John H.Mohlman Leslie Ferguson Frank Pierce •,••••....._•• Thomas Morin M.R.Emberson 4040 A.G.Matter Jno.P.Madgett C.M.Wright A. J. Frant z A.E.Birdsall •.•. S.L.Carson Ida B. Ainold .... W.W.Keith 4040..... J.E.Willits ..... Lee Haggard .... 24.43. H.C.Haverly 0.I.Van Patten ...............40... 17.56. J.W.Shaw •.•...•••....• .50 15.81. 13.,50. J.B.Kline ... .........••.•.....•• Chris Hansen .............. R.0.Wood Jno.D.Lemon 10.75. D.N.Bitner 46.30. Thos. G.Whiting 41.50. N. D. Kidder 63.25. Don C. Fout s 4.00. aV.A.Cole ...,.•........•."0.... 120.58. W.A.Cole 39.33. Lem Tibbets 189.50. Lem Tibbets 180.75. .F.Favnger H. F. Fav Inge r H. F. Fa.vnge r W.T. Johnson 4040 Geo. H.Miller Mary Dungan M.R.Emberson •..••••.••••• John Hoff B. F. Schlegel J.H.Vastine ••••••.••.•..• 4040. J.H.Vastine •••••••..••••• J,H.Vastine ......•..••.•. Robert Zohner ...........• ....... • 4.00. Mabel Croft Lilian Pel •.......•........,...• 15.00. A recess until one thirty o'clock p.m. was then taken. TUESDAY JULY loth, 1917 1:30 p.m. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Benedict that the recommendation of the Road and Bridge Committee be made the order of the Board and a bridge be ordered built between Secs 20 and 29, Roseland Township, with 16ft. waterway, 20 ft. roadway and flat top. Motion prevailed. Moved by Hoff and seconded by Hynes that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed against the general fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll mall, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Nebraska Sanitarium .............. $150.00. J.V.Beghtol $12.00. Hastings Daily Tribune 13.80. G.Hasebrook 15.00. F.J.Benedict ..••••••••••.•••.••••• 58.00. Anna Woodruff 54.50. J.L.Hvnes .... .................. 81.50. $ 1.55. 2.40. 25.00. 49.80. 1.00. 12.00. 26.40. 28.70. 24.50. 15.10.. 16.25. 79.85. 5.00. 3.50. 3.36. 21.43. 30.00. 2.00. 1.10. 1.10. 1.10. 1.10. 1.10. 1.10. 1.10. 6.00. 1.10. 1.10. 1.10. 1.10. 1.10. 1.10. 2.00. 8.00. 3.00. 74.44. 4.95. 2.30. 6.10. 24.20. 25.00. 141.50. 9.53. 20.00. 45.00. 80.85. 400.00. 100.00. 34.68./ 24.00. TUESDAY - JULY 10th, 1917 - 1:30 P.M. cont. Moved by Schlegel and Finance Committee be made the order against the bridge fund and the Cle call, all voted yea. Motion prevail Hastings Foundry & Iron Works Hastings Foundry & Iron Works Hastings Foundry & Iron Works Hastings Foundry & Iron Works ., Hastings Foundry & Iron Works Webster County H.C.Haverly County Treasurer A. Christensen Elmer Harrington G.Reichstein W. Johns on Geo. Miller Jno. Blankenbiller Dan Essinger John A.Grandstrom Albert Lay WC.Dycus Geo. N.Whiting Frank Bosard G.Ratcliff Chas. Wheat Chas. Wheat seconded by Whiting that the recommendation of the of the Board and the following claims be allowed rk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll ed. $244.93. Wm. Ga r t ne r 55.56. Wayne Needham ....37.48. Frank Kitts 127.65. Clyde Kennedy 88.24. Jno.Maell 47.98. Louie Peterson 60.00. Jake Warner 67.50. Garret Hasebrook 95.50. Cyril Needham 160.00. Roy S Kistler 72.00. Pete Evans 8.50. 0.Johnson ................ 7.65. E.$hank 5,95. Jno Valentine 1.70. Bert Needham 8.00. F.L.Ferguson 8.00. Henry Phillips 7.50. Thos. G.Whiting 16.00. Carl Manske 21.25. Geo. W.Gossard .95. Chas. Wheat 135.00. Chas. Wheat 4.00. $65.08.. 93.00. 170.50. 156.25. 95.50. 95.50. 86.75. 5.00. 95.50. 91.35. 5.10. 28, 90. 20.40. 72.00`. 7.20. 10.00. 43.00. 30.70. 3.50. 6.00. 75.00. 83.55. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Whiting that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed against the special motor vehicle registration fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. C.P.Smith $ 17.85. W,C.Dycus $133.62. C.P.Smith 11.55. W.F.Duncan29.45. T.C.Siegner 51.95. T.M.Trausch__ 55.45. J.H. Furry 94.50. F. VJ Frahm 3.50. R.R.Vanoe ., 55.35. F.W.Frahm 49.00. Andrew Smidt 27.85. S.Bauder 64.05. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Benedict that the bridge petition of Warren Boyd, et al, be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Motion prevailed. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Hoff that the petition of Cottonwood Township for an appropriation for elaying road be laid" over until the next meeting. Motion prevailed. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Schlegel that the report of the Settlement Committee be approved and placed on record. Roll call, all voted yea. Hastings, Nebraska, July 9th, 1917. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, Gentlemen: We, your Settlement Committee, having checked all records including papers, stubs, vouchers and warrants in the various offices for the first six of the year 1917, beg leave to submit the following report: - books, months REGISTER OF DEEDS: In the office of the Register of Deeds the following records were checked: Deed Records Nos.94, 93, 92 and 33; Mortgage Records Nos.103, 105, 106 and 107; Miscellaneous Record No.15; Mechanic's Lien Record do.7 Decree Record No.3; also all marginal release slips filed in said office during the first six months of the year. These records were found to agree with the Fee Book No.5 and with the register's report on file with the County Clerk. The fees received from January 1st to July 1st, 1917, were as follows: January 228.75. February 245.15. March 465.60. April 810.80. May 347.65. June 252.05. Total $1750.00. -o0o- Kidder and Hoff, Sub -Committee. TUESDAY - JULY 10 , 1917 - 1:30 P.M. cont. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION In the office of the County Superintendent of Public Instruction the account known as the Institute Fund was checked and found to correspond with the superintendent's statement on file in the County Clerk's office, for the first six months of the year 1917. Balance on hand Jan. lst, 1917 0220.42 Fees received Jan. let to July 1st 122.00. 0342.42. expenditures 42.49. Balance on hand, July lst, 1917 $299.93. Kidder and Hoff, Sub -Committee. JUDGE OF THE COUNTY COURT: In the office of the County Judge all records and documents were checked and all fees found properly accounted for, the receipts of the first six months of the year 1917 being as follows: January $ 351.35 February 384.05 March 284.45 $1,019.95 April 372.05 May 469.95 June 337.95 1,179.95 Total $2,199.90 Kidder and Hoff, Sub -Committee -000- CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT: In the office of the Clerk of the District Court Appearance Dockets Nos. 21, 22, 23 and 24, Judgment Ledger No.8, Judgment Dockets Nos. 6 and 7, Execution Docket No.10 and Miscellaneous cash items were checked with the Fee Book. The Total receipts for the first six months of the year, amounting to $1942.75, were found properly accounted for in the Fee Book and on the report on file with the County Clerk. Benedict and Hynes, Sub -Committee. SHERIFF: The records in the office of the Sheriff were checked and found with the Fee Book and with the sheriff's report on file in the office of t Clerk. The fees received for the first six months of the year amount t as follows District Court 0 99.00. County Court 73.75. Justice Court ... (Favinger, $14.50 (Lawler, $7.75 22.25. 0195.00. to agree he County o 0195.00, Kidder and Hoff, Sub -Committee. COUNTY CLERK: The records in the office of the County Clerk were audited from Jan.1, 1917, to March 4, 1917, by the Wiggins -Babcock Co., as shown by their report recorded on pages 241 to 248, inclusive, of Book #9 of the Supervisors' Record. We have checked the office of the County Clerk during the' administration of J.H.Vastine commencing March 5, 1917 to June Z0, 1917, inclusive, as follows: - We checked all warrants with all bills for which the warrants were drawn; also all warrants with the stubs and find all warrants not receipted for are in the possession of the Clerk. We also checked the Chattel Mortgage Record, Bill of Sale Record, Notarial Record,Optometry Record, and the Miscellaneous Record with the Fee Book and find all fees properly entered therein, and find the same to agree with the Clerk's report on file. Total amount of fees collected from :larch 5, 1917 to July 1st, 1917, $1,149.92. We further report that we checked the Bond Register and find there have been 122 bonds recorded and no accounting made of them. We recommend that the Clerk file a bill for same at the legal fee, that the office will have the proper credit for same. Benedict and Hynes, Sub -Committee. Cert.- 7/10/T1 er,t..7/1_0/T1 TUESDAY JULY loth, 1917 - 1:30 P.M. cont. COUNTY TREASURER In the office of the County Treasurer the receipts and expenditures were checked and found properly accounted for, the amounts being as follows: Balance on hand January 3rd, 1917 $134,844.33. Collections, Jan.3rd to July 1st 317.629.66. Total ............ ......... $452,473.99. Disbursements 317.837.67. Balance on hand July lst, 1917 $134.636.32. Whiting, Schlegel and Bitner, Sub -Committee. This report respectfully submitted by THOMAS G.WHITING Chairman tJ . L. HYNES N.D.KIDDER D. N.BITNEER B. F. SCHLEGEL F. J. BENED IC2" JOHN HOFP Settlement Committee Moved by Hynes and seconded by special motor vehicle registration fund to for road dragging purposes. Roll call, all Kidder that $200 be appropriated from the each of the sixteen road dragging districts voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Whiting and Hynes that the Board procure an illuminated flag to be placed on the dome of the Court House. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Kidder and seconded by `Hoff that the chair appoint a committee from the Board to re -appraise the school lands of the State of Nebraska, in Adams County. Motion prevailed. Thereupon Schlegel, Kidder and Hynes were appointed as such committee. loved by Benedict and seconded by Hoff that the action of the Board on May 3rd, disallowing the request for a refund on tax receipt No.6972, be reconsidered. Motion prevailed. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and_the County Treasurer be instructed to extend the 1916 tax on the North half of Lot 17, 'Block 2, Euswell's Addition to the -City of Hastings, on a valuation of 0195 instead of $335 on account of erroneous assessment and refund the difference to Martha C.Janssen. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Hoff that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claim` be allowed against the bridge fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants fax the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Coon Lumber Co. .........,. $426.05. Coon Lumber Co. 41.85. Coon Lumber _Co. $39.85. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Hoff that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed against the general fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants fax the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Coon Lumber Co. . ......... $ 44.20. Coon Lumber Co. Covin Lumber Co. ........... 5.05. Coon Lumber Co. ........... 1.50. so to meet $126.05. Coon Lumber Co . 27.60. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Hynes that when this Board adjourns it does again August 2nd, 1917 at ten o'clock a.m. Motion prevailed. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Benedict that the Board appropriate $500 to City of Hastings to rebuild the bridge between Secs. 7 and 8, Blaine Townehip. all voted yea. Motion prevailed. assist the Roll call, Minutes read and approved. lo ion to ad` journ. Carried. Clerk. Chairman. THURSDAY AUGUST ,2nd, 1917 - 10 A.M. Board met as per adjournment. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Schlegel and seconded by Kidder that $1000 be appropriated from the special motor vehicle registration fund for the use of Cottonwood Township for the claying of sand road between Sections 28 and 27, and 28 and 33 and on Sec.33, Cottonwood Township, said township to complete said road satisfactory to this Board before the money hereby appropriated is drawn by said township. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. After discussion of other matters a recess until one thirty o'clock p.m. was ordered by the chairman. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Moved. by Hynes and seconded by Hoff that the chairman and clerk be authorized and instructed to sign the applications of George S.Parks and wife and J.R.Wright and wife for admission to the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home at Burkett, Nebraska. Motion prevailed. Moved by Schlegel and seconded by Benedict that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed against the general fund and the Clerk insty,Qted to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Proffitt & Lovell ............. 8 J.B.Kline Lilly & Wood Pickens & Bratton Bank of Juniata Golden Rule C.B. & R.L.Polk & Co. Twidale Shoe Co. Sunnyside Kenesaw Lumber Co. Greininger Mere. Co. Wolbaoh & Brach Rutherford Bros. Nebraska Sanitarium Nebr. State Board of Health Holcomb Mfg C o . Union Meat Market Nye -Schneider -Fowler Co. Underwood Typewriter Co. Foote & McPherson 115.00. Nebraska Sanitarium 69.42. K -B Printing Co. 508.98. Hammond & Stephens Co. 62.62. Temple Cafe 11.55. Renner & Serf 28.75. Haynes Bros. 29.20. H.O.Eckhardt 31.18:. C.I.Van Patten Fred Blake, Jr. Fred Blake, Jr. Thomas G.Whiting D.N.Bitner N.D.Kidder P.J.Benedict 16.3'55. 52,41. 11.40. 29.00. 5.00. 8.00. 30.00. 4.45. 27.50. 6.40. 43.88. 2.40. 13.40. Mrs. Anna Devereaux E.B.Hamel Henry Bauer Jacob Bauer .. Henry Herbst W. J.Porter W. J.Porter J.R.Baugh . H.C.Haverly C.S. Tharp Ella Taylor A.I.Battan .5.01. 120.00. J.F.Vastine County Clerk111.00. 53.75. Lem Tibbets 34.00. 2.30. M.R.Emberson 20.00. 3.60. Don C.Fouts 4.65. 4.25. H.E.Carns ... 16.80. 67.87. Will Kistler 4.00. 1.15. 12.45. 62.00. 24.11. 8.66. 9.29. 10.00. 15.10. 96.95. 172.34. 5.00. 22.15. C.A.Heartwell 35.00. W.A.Cole 101.56. W.A.Cole 42.77. Mary Dungan 2.34. S.J.Stewart 51.50. S.J.Stewart ..... 24.50. W.W.Keith 8.00. J.E.Tilli:is • • 3.00. 17.51. C.V.Whisinand 3.18. 5.95. J.R.Baugh 18.55. Lee Haggard 72.00. J.L.Hynes 54.30. B.F.Schlegel 55.00. John rcHoff 62.60. 36.91. 26.70. 35.50. 32.95. 40.60. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Hynes that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed against the bridge fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion` prevailed. Hastings Foundry & Iron Works .. 3.38. Frank Kitts $110.00. Hastings Foundry & Iron Works .. 92.77. Louie Peterson 61.25. Hastings Foundry & Iron Works .. 202.77. Jake Warner 63.00. Kenesaw Lumber Co. ............. 109.40. John Maxwell 70.00. Independent Lumber Co. 58.35. Emmet Yohey 31.50. Fisher Lumber Co . .............. 229.90. Bert Needham 18.00. Fisher Lumber Co . .............. 86.35. Chas. Wheat 26.00. Fisher Lumber Co. 47.60. Clyde Kennedy 101.00. Boom Bros. 3.65. Cyril Needham 70.00. C.Christensen 49.00.` Cyra Zubrod. 12.00. J.M.Schi.efelbein 7.50. Mayne Needham 60.00. Elmer Harrington 100.00. P.S.Grog? 3.50. Theodore DeWitt25.00. C.G.Peck 5.00. Theodore Devitt .............. 15.00. Geo. Pratt 4.65. H.C.Haverly, Co.Treas. 120.00. J.P.Wengler 6.20. Leo Hemberger 5.70. Ed Borchers ............. 18.95. Ed J.Boulton 14.35. Geo. N. hi ting 10.90. THURSDAY Wayne Needham Louie Peterson Cyril Needham J.M.Schi.efelbein Frank F.Finnigsmier Frank Lamphear Clyde Kennedy August Kemper Henry Kemper Wm. Kemper Chas. Golgert S.S.Rinker ................6 . • SEPTEMBER 6th, 1917 1:30 P.M. 76.50. 47.25. 87.50. 1.75. 4.50. 18.25. 133.00. 6.00. 6.00. 16.00. 33.75. 5.00. cont. Thos. Goodwin, Jr. R.W. Jones Geo. Gossard J .W. Banta .. J.P.Kelley Ray Laux Chas. Land Geo. Peters Thos. G.Whiting Ben Kennedy H.C,Haverly, Co Walter White $ 7.00. 17.00. 24.00. 7.00. 5.00. 14.00. 33.75. 9.75. 12.00. 33.25. Trews. .... 67.71. 52.50. Moved by Hoff and seconded by Whiting that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed against the special motor vehicle registration fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all present voted yea. Motion prevailed. R.R.Vance 31.85. F.W.T rater $27.65. W.B.Hargleroad 35.30. ,S.Baucler 38.70. T.M.Trausch 13.25. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Benedict that the request of W.1.Taylor Guardian, be granted and the Chs-.irman and Clerk of the Board be authorized to sign he petition to the Judges of the District Court for the sale of real estate. Motion prevailed. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Hoff that the Chairmen and Clerk be instructed to sign the approval for admission to the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home at Burkett, of I3.E.Foughtaling and wife and Indiana Kennedy. Motion prevailed. The petition of C.C.Erickson et al, to have the road through Section 25, Logan Township, vacated, was read and upon motion by Benedict seconded by Hoff, the County Surveyor was instructed to view this .road andmake a report to the Bo:rd at the October meeting. Motion prevailed. Moved by Whiting and seconded_ by Hynes th,t the bridge petition of Robert W. Jones, et -1, and the road petition of Leo Portz, et al, be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Motion prevailed, Moved by Benedict and seconded by Kidder that the recommendation of the Bond Committee be made the order of the Board and the official bond of Rudolph Junker as 'Road Overseer for District No. 2, Highland Township, be accepted. Motion prevailed. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Hoff that the following resolution in regard to Federal and State aidfor rods in Adams County, be made the order of the Board. Motion prevailed. "Be it resolved that the County Board of Supervisors of Pdams County, Nebraska, at this adjourned meeting at the Court House in Hastings, Nebraska., on this 6th day of September, 1917, hereby accept all of the provisions of the Federal and State id Roads ;lots, as provided in House Bill 7617 of the 64th Congress of the United States (39 Stat. 355), and Fouse Roll 722 of the 1917 Session of the Nebraska Legislature, approved April 19, 1917, and make application for State and. Federal funds for Adams County, as apportioned in said Hose Roll 722, to construct the following roads, beginning: at the southeast corner of ecti.on 12, Township 7, Range 9, thence west on the section line to the southwest corner of section 9, said township and range; thence north on the section line to the center of the west section line of said section 9, thence west on the half section line through sections 8 and '7, said township and. range to Hastings. "Beginning at the center of Section 12, township 7, range 10; thence west on the section line to the center of the west section linea Y0 section 11, said township and range; thence south on the section line to the southeast corner of section 10, said township and range; thence west on the section line to the northwest corner of, Section, 17, Township 7, RL..nge 11; thence south on the section line to the southeast corner of section 18, said township and range; thence west on the section line to the southwest corner of Section 18, Township 7, Range 12. "Beginning atthe northe :st corner of Section 1, Township 8, rh:,rnge 10; thence south the section line to the southeast corner of section 36, said township and range; thence west on the section line 160 rods thence south on the hTlf section line through section 1 and 12, Township 7, Range 10, to Foistings. "Beginning at the center of the east section line of section 11, Township 7, Range 10; thence south on the section line to the southeast corner of section 23, township 6, range 10; thence west on the section line to the northwest corner of section_ 26, township 6, range 10; thence south on the section lineto the southwest corner of section 35, township 5, range 10. For and in of the above specified roads being constructed with Peder<1and St to funds, the Board of County Supervisors of Arms County, Nebraska, hereby pledge the good faith Tnd credit of the County of Adams, Nebraska, to furnish all of the right of way on the above designated roads, free of cost to the Federal _ Government and State off. Nebraska, to provide funds for, andto properly and continuously maintain the above specified roads after the construction of same, as proviced in the above mentioned acts. THURSDAY - SEPTEMB R 6th, 1917 - 1:30 P.M. "We also pledge said Oounty of Adams, Nebraska, to construct and maintain all bridges on the above specified roads where the clear water way exceeds thirty-six (36) square feet, and within thirty days after the ;.hove described roads have been completed"'we agree to designate same as County roads as provided in House Roll 212' passed by the 1917 Legislature of Nebraska". Moved by Kidder and seconded by Hoff that the report of the County Farm Committee be accepted and placed on record. -Motion prevailed. o the Honorable Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen August 14th, 1917. Your committee wishes to submit the following report of the .receipts and expentiures of the County Farm, constituting an itemized statement of the same for the year ending March 1st, 1917. Receipts: Wheat $3587.69 Conn.......................... 656.15 Oats 8.75 Horses -old 110.00 Six yearlings and calves ..... 262.75 18 hogs 615.90 Hogs and beef butchered for f=arm house 322.25 Total receipts $5563.49 Expenditures: Male hog $ 20.00 2 Sows 45.00 3 Sorrel Mares ............ 590.00 New w=agon (Cole and Helms) 85.00 Drugs and Oil (Ziegler) 60.55 Hardw.re (Stanley Fdw.Co.) 16.25 Groceries w.nd Supplies 822.77 Potatoes for seed ••w••...•••.•.•e.•s...• 14.65 Coal, Lumber and Posts (Coon Lumber Co.) 163.70 Medical Service (Drs. Ackley and Mace) 16.50 Veterinary Service (Dr.Hall) 19.00 Farm Machinery, mower, twine, repairs(Tooley)86.40 Hardware , (S.R.Tucker Hdw.Co.) 224.73 Cream separator (S.R.Tucker I-idw.Oo.) 38.00 Blacksmithing (C.H.Howard H. Howard & L . A .Boyer) 55.80 A.J.`tan Every 40.00 Meat bought (Porter) 50.26 Hogs and Beef butchered for farm house 322.25 Fay bought ............ 30.00 Bed Springs, bedding & blankets (Stein Bros) 34.10 Plumbing &Repairing on well and house ... . 34.70 Threshing and shelling corn 176.73 Miscell<,=neous Items (Paid by J.R.Baugh)112.55 Salary, Paid d.R.Baugh from 31%'16 to 3/1P17 1200.00 Extra Labor during ye: r 209.25 Permanent Improvements Hen house .................... ...,340.42 New Barn, Payments for labor and material 957.43 or 00 Total expenditures .. ,5766.04 Total receipts ............ $5563.49 Total expenditures 5766.04 Have on hand 1200 bushels of corn, 1000 bushels of oats and 125 bushels of wheat. , Average number of inmates for the year, eight. Respectfully submitted, J.L.Hynes, F.J.Benedict, Thomas G.Whiting, Committee. A recess until nine o'clock a.m. was then ordered. 0 ?f Y SEPTEIvBER 7th 1917 - 9 A . M. Board ressYsembled as stern recess Poll ca11, all( members present except Scllege oved by Kidder and seconded by Hynes that when this Board adjourns it does U L I Z x 10 N FRIDAY - SEPTEMBER 7th, 1917 1:30 P.M. Board of Equalization met at the ,ca11 of the Clerk. Roll call, present: Benedict, Kidder, Hynes, Hoff, Whiting, Bitner, and Vastine; absent: Schlegel and Zohner. loved by Kidder and seconded by Whiting that the following levies be made for the various school districts, townships and villages for the year 1917. Roll call, all present voted yea. Motion prevailed. SCHOOL DISTRICT LEVIES Dist.No. General Bond Fund 1. 26. Mills 3.7 Mills 2. 5.7 Mills 3. 25, " 8. Mills 4. 11:6 " 5, 12. T' 6. '7. TY 7. 13.2 TT 8. 24.5 TT 9. 10.' TT 10. 15.7 TT 11. 27.5 TT 3.4 Mills 12. 6:7 IT 13. 8. " 14. 4.5 TT 15. 5.6 'T 16. 8. TT 17. 8.5 TT 18. 45. TT 11.5 Mills 19. 11.6 T' 20. 13. TT 21. 13. " 22. 11.5TT 23. 13. T, 24'. 4.5 TT 25. 9 ♦ TT 26. 7. " 27. 10. TT 28. 6.8 T' 29. 11.5 " 30. 13. It 31. 12.8 TT 32.7.5 TT 33 _ 7.9 TT 34. 14.8 TT 35. 17.8 36. 15.2 37. 6.4 TT 38. 17 TT 39. 8.55 TT 40. 7. TT Di.st.No. General Fund 41. 6.7 Mills 42. 30. " 43. 12. " 44. 9.5p TT 45. 5.8 TT 46, 12,8 " 47. 12. TT 48. 7. TT 49. 14. "' 50. 7.7 TT 51. 11. " 52. 12.3 " 53. 19.6 " 54. 15. IT 55. 14. TT 56. 15.3 TT 5'7 • 6.5 TT 60 6.6 IT 61, 15.5 " 6.2. 16. " 63. 22.4 TT 64. 7 TT 65. 10.5 TT 66. 11.3 ". 67. 26.5 " 68. 13.7 " 69. 9,, TT 70. 13.8 TT 71. 11.3 " 72. 10.6 TT 73. 9.6 IT 74. 8. 'T 75. None 76. 11.2 TT 77. 12.4 " 78. 11.8 " 80. 9.4 TT 81, 29.4 TT TT TT TOWNSHIP LEVIES Twp. West Blue, Highland, Verona, Kenesaw, 'Wanda, Juniata, Denver, Blaine, Gen. Road Bridge 3.5 M. 3. M. 5. M. 7. M. 2. M 10. M. 2. M. 6. M. 4.1 M. 2.9 M. Twp. Hanover, Ayr, Roseland, Cottonwood, Logan, Silver Lake, Zero, Little Blue, Bond 10.5 Mills 8. Mills 4. Mills 3. Mills Gen. Road Bridge 6.4 M. 5.8 M. 10. h. 2 M. 10. M. 2 M. 2 M. 10. M. 2 M. 8.3 M. 6.7.M. 4.3 M. Juniata, Kenesaw, Ayr, VILLAGE LEVIES 15. Mills Roseland, 10. Mills 61.5 " Holstein, 8. 8 TT Moved by Hynes and seconded. by Hoff that a levy of 10.02 mills be made for county. purposes for the ye-.wr 1917, as follows: 6.2 mills for gener.1 fund, 3 mills for bridge fund, ."7 of a mill for road fund, and .12 of a mill for soldiers' and sailors' relief. Roll call., all present voted yea. Motion prevailed. Minutes read and approved. Motion o ad jo4rn. Carried. Clerk. y Chairman. Board met in special session at the call of the Clerk for the purpose of considering the Kernan Lagoon drainage project. Roll call, all members present except Schlegel. The forenoon was occupied with discussion of the project. A recess until one o'clock p.m. was then taken. TUESDAY - SEPTEEBER 25th, 1917 - 1 P.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Kidder that after examining the notices served upon the parties who may be bei1rited by the drainage project, viz.,- T.N.Sheehy, Wm.H.Burke, M.E.Groenewold, S.L.Rife, Bart Kernan, administrator of the estate of Thomas Rernan, Henry Siekman, and Mary Dorothy Oliver, the Board finds due and legal notice has been given to each of the parties interested; and the Boardfurther finds after the exmination of the surveyor's report and the apportionment made by him, that it is in all respects fair and just according to othe benefits, and they do hereby approve and confirm the same. Roll call, alli%present voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Whiting that the County do the necessary road and culvert work caused by the drainage of the lagoon on Sections 15, 16, 21 and 22, Highland Township, and the expenses of this road and. culvert work be aid out of the roadfund of Adams County. Roll call, all membert present voted yea. Motion prevailed. Minutes read and approved. r Clerk. 9- Chairman THTURSDAY - OCTOBER 4th, 1917 - 10 A.M. Board met as per adjournment. Roll call, all members present. Forenoon taken up with the consideration of the drainage project and other items of county business. A recess until one thirty o'clock p.rn. was then taken. THURSDAY OCTOBER 4th, 1917 1:30 P.M. Board reFssembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Kidder and seconded_ by Hoff that the report of the County Surveyor recommending t''at the road located in the middle of Section 25, Town 5, Range 12, Logan Township, be altered and vacated, be approved. Roll call, yeas,- Benedict, Kidder, Hoff, Whiting, Schlegel, Bitner,passed-Hynes. Motion carried. On account of the parade and departure of the third contingent of Adams County's dratted soldiers a recess was taken at 2:15 P.M. until nine o'clock a.m., Friday, Oct. 5th. FRIDAY - OCTOBER 5th, 1917 Moved by Hynes and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Boardand the following claims be allowed against the general fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Hastings Ice Co. Union meat Market C.B..R.R.Co. Golden Rule Wolbaeh & Brach Byers Lumber C o . H.D.Webster & Go. H.D.Webster & Co. Nebraska: Sanitarium E -B Printing Go. .. Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. H.B.Borley Transfer Co. State Journal Co, Wahlquist Bros. Hammond & Stephens Co. ..... .•..• Roberts Numbering Machine Co . .. . Cole & Helms B. M. S imms C.I.Van Patten Fred Blake, Jr. H.0.Eckhardt Henry Bauer Henry'�Herbst Conrad Talker .. .... . .. . H.O.Eckhardt Mrs. Anna Devereaux Carl V.Whisine.nd D r • S . J .Ste 151a r t . • . • . • • • • • • • ... . • • lLiss Moffitt 25.50. 4.55. 2068.. 5.38. 36.00. 8.50. 9.97. 55.26. 85.30. 15.00. 2.75. 4.25. 80.85. 52.45. 15.45. 1.11. 170.00. 22.60. 9.67. 16.15. 17.75. 19.92. 16.79. 15.35. 29.3'7. 12.02. 5.19. 34.00. 15.00. John Hoff 0 42.90. F.J.Bened.ict 48.00. r,. Thomas G.Whiting 62.10. D.N.Bitner 33.20. N.D.Kidder 50.00. B.F.Schlegel 37.80. J.I.Hynes 50.50. J . R. Baugh 48.50 . .A,.I.Battan .....3.81. Lem Tibbets 136.90. Lem Tibbets . 206.40. Mary Dungan 30.20. Don G.Fouts 3.50. M.R.Emberson 20.00. J.H.Vastine ..... 00000000 300.00. J.H.Vastine J.H.Vastine ...J... 100.00. ..•14.09. H. C .taverly 84.97. C.A.Heartwell 10.60. J.E.Willits 3.00. W.W.Keith 8.00. Ella Taylor 21.42. Till Kistler 5.80. John Hoff .75. Mrs. Peterson 8.00. Mrs. M.E.Graves 4.00. D.N .Bitner 4.00. J.L.Mace 12.00. A recess until one thirty p.m. was then taken. FRID.Y - OCTOBER, 5th, 1917 Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Hoff and seconded by Committee be made the order of the Board 4 the bridge fund and. the Clerk instructed voted yea. Motion prevailed. Hastings Foundry & Iron Works Hastings Foundry & Iron Works Hastings Foundry & Iron Works 1 Byers Lumber Co . ...... ......... • Oliver Lumber Co. 2 - 1:30 P.M. Hynes that the recommendation of the Finance nd the following claims be allowed. against n Roll call, all to draw warrants cs for the same. 0 28.08. Frank Kitts .... 18,36. Geo. Gossard . • • • C •K.Lawson Hdw.Co. . • . • . • . • . . • .,. . . . . Doniphan Gravel & Sand Co. ......... 'Pi chn-y Tmm1 ' In ........ 0118.25. 3.00. 25.31. John Heiser 5.00. 86.85. Wm. Kemper 5.00. 30.47. Thos.Goodwin, Jr. 82.85. 30.05. Louie Peterson 42.00.. 58.11. Clyde Kennedy 110.00. 35.40 Ben Kennedv 73.50. FRIDAY - OCTOBER 5th, 1917 - 1:30 B.M. cont. E. Harrington Jack Heltenberg Geo. Saatoff Peter Barrie $ 2.25. Wayne Needham $75.25. 12.50. Cyril Needham 75.25. 22.00. Walter bite 1.75. 54.25. F.D.Rabbe 43.50. Moved by Schlegel and seconded by Hoff that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Boardand the following claims be allowed against the special motor vehicle registration fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Geo. A.Mt nroe •.....,$35.50. Andre] Smiat ............ $ 8.05. O.M.Doty 36.05. Andrew Smidt 24.80. Eckhardt Roeder 82.95. W.F.I�uncan .............. 6.00. T.C.Siegner 46.90. W.F.Duncar_ 60.20. J.H.Furry 57.40. T.M.Trausch 12.10. R.R.Vance 39.20. S.Bauder 54.35. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Benedict that the petitions of August Priebe, et al, fora bridge between Sections18 and 19, Ayr Township, and Thos.W. Carter, et €.l, for a bridge between Sections 26 and 27, Roseland. Township, be referred to the Road. and Bridge Committee. Motion prevailed. Loved by Hoff and seconded by Benedict that the recommendation of the Bond Committee be aide the order of the Board andw the official bond of T.E.Bavis Constable of Silver Lake Township, be accepted and approved. Motion pJ. .�evailed. Yr) vea by Hoff and seconded by Kidder that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be m< -.Ce the order of the Boarc'. and the County Treasurer be instructed to extend the 1916 taxes on Lot 1 and part of Lot 2, Block 20, St.Joe Add to the City of Hastings, on an assessed valuation of e100 insteadof 1')140 on account of erroneous assessment, and to refund the difference to Effie A.Clark. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Hoff and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and the County Treasurer be instructed to extend the 1916 taxes on Lot 5, Block 16, St. Joe Add on an assessed valuation of $115 instead of $155 on account of erroneous assessment, and to refund the difference. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Benedict and, seconded by Hynes that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed. against the general fund and the Clerk ins tructea, to ,raw warrants for th.e same. Roll call, all voted yea.. ! otion prevailed. Hastings Fuel Co. ........... $ 34.00. W.A.Cole ;147.15. Temple Cafe ...•..•.......... 4.55. F.J.Benedict. 6.30. seines Drag Co. 12.50. S.J. Jones 60.50. Sunnyside 73.33. Fred Blake, Jr. 7.80. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Benedict that the recommendation of the Road and. Bridge Committee be made the order of the Boardand the following bridges be ordered built. Roll call, all voted. yea. Motion prevailed. 1. Between Sections 18 and 19, Little Blue Township, 16 ft. waterway, 20 ft. roadway, concrete, to be built over form. 2. Between Sections 15 and 16, Little Blue Township, 16 ft. waterway, 20 ft. roadway, concrete, flat top. 3. Between Sections 26 and 27, Little Blue Township, 16 ft. waterway, 20 ft. roadway, concrete, to be built over form. 4. Between Sections 8 and 9, Silver Lake Township, 40 ft. span,steel, 16 ft. roadway. 5. Between Sections 16 and _ 17, Silver Lake Township, 90 ft. span, steel, 16 ft. roadway. 6. Between Sections 33 and 34, Juniata Township, 40 ft. span, steel, 16 ft. roadway. Moved By Kidder and seconded. by Benedict that when this Board adjourns it does so to meet again Tuesday, November 6th, 1917, at ten o'clock a.m. Motion prevailed. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Whiting that the chairman be authorized to sign contract, as read, in duplicate, with J.R.Baugh as Superintendent of the County Farm for he yeareginning i�1iarch lst, 1918, and. ending March 1st, 1919. Roll call, yeas,- Benedict, Hynes, Hoff, Whiting, Schlegel, Bitner; Kidder absent. Motion prevailed. Minutes read and ,approved. Motion to adjourn. Carried. TUESDAY - NOV?,T BER 6th, 1917 - 10 A.M. Boardmet as per adjournment. Roll call, all members present except Schlegel. Roved by Benedict and seconded by Hoff that the County Surveyor be instructed to view the road as described_ in the petition of W.C.Spicknall, et al, for the vacation of the public road between Section 6, Silver Lake Township, end Section 31, Roseland Toirnship, ndreport his findings to this board at its December meeting. Roll call, all members present voted yes„ Motion prevailed, ter discussion of other matters the Board recesses until 1: 0 o'clock p.m. Board reassembled as per recess. 'Poll call, all members present exceptSchlegel• The petition of C.T.Bonham, et al, of Ayr, requesting the Borurdto examine enddetermine the availability as to the ease of travel andservice given all concerned by h ving the mail routes from Hastings to the rTebster County line pass through Ayr, was read. .It VMS then moved by Hynes and seconded by Whiting that the prayer of the petitione-rs, C.D.Bonha.m et al, be granted and that this Board view tae road by way of Ayr to the Webster County line, as to availability, ease of travel, etc. Roll c --all, all members present voted yea. Motion prevailed. A recess until nine oclock a.m. Wednesday Nov. 7th, was then taken. WEDNESDAY - NOVEMBER 7th, 1917 - 9 A.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll cit, all members present except Schlegel. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Hoff that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the follewing claims be allowed against the general fund ana.the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all members present voted yea. Motion prevailed. Deines Drag Co. ...........•...• J.I.Hynes •.•.•..• `};82.00. Trios . G ,`d'ihi ting 58.80. D.N.Bitner 46.40. N,D.Yid'der ... OO 2.75. N.D.Kidder 60.00. B.F.Schlegel 61.85. John Hoff . 36.70. 56.00. 46.70. 56.00. 10.95, 7.90. 5.00. 7.40. 7.95. 3.95. • • 7.25. 6.85. 6.30. 4.60• 12.95.' 13.55. 5.65. 20.00. 2.50. 37.34. 99.31. 258.44., 119.82. 4.86. 3.00. 8.00. 24.00. 24,00. 26.50. 15.00. 2.00. 1.50. 4.50. 22.14. 10.40. 8.50. 10.50. Union Meat Tlarket 041.0040114 Greininger Mere. Co X -B Printing Co. Penner & Serf University Publishing Co. ...0• Hammond & Stephens Co. State Journal Co. .... Wahlquist Bros • .. • . • .. Hastings Daily Tribune Adams County Democrat K -B Printing C o . ... • . Haynes Bros. •...•. Ziegler Drug Store Yernan Shoe Co. .. Golden Pule ••0000 Hastings Fuel Co.. Blake & Sons ,••0000•••••••••••• Hastings Ice Co. Nebraska Sanitarium ••••.••••••• Greininger Mere. Co Ray's Shoe Store ....•• Murray Dairy •..••...•.•••••• H.D.Webster Co. • , , • • ••a • . • 0 • • • 0 .• • • • 0 34.10. 7.30. 63.2/. 28.48. 110.50. 12.84. 23.12. 172.15. 53.50. 83.'75 • 46.15. 98.91. 6.12. 17,55. 7.61. 14.33. 35.35. 21.00. 8.50. 28.22. 124.19. 11.90. 9.10. 56.22. 2.10 72.50. 40.75. 8.25. 17.00. 6.25. 11.50. 33.99. 19.41. 13.75. 2.95. 1,00. 45.59. 1.66. 3.05. 133.50. 10.76. 120.00. 2.50. 6.09. .D•J.Penedict ••••••••••••••• o.A.Heartw�ell J . F' . ?3au gh s • • John Snider John Snider John Snider ••••• John Snider 0000. John Snider ••.•• John Snider •0000 John Snider •.•.••••,•• •••• John Snider John Snider John Snider John Snider •..•.•••••••••e• John Snider" •.•..•••••••••• John Snider M.R.Emberson Don 0.Ponts .,,...••••..• Mary Dungan • • • • • • • , • • 0 0 0 • • • •b • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . 0 . 0 • • • . 0 0 • • . • • . • • Sunnyside ....•.•••.•.........•. `Tolba.ch & Brach ...••0000.•..•OO Pickens & Bratton Byers Lumber Co. .•••• ••••• A.F.Meyer Hdw.Co. Anderson Shoe co. ••.•••••••.••• Yee Lox Mfg. Co. Proffitt & Lovell ....• ••.. Bye -Schneider -Fowler Co. • • • • Oliver Lumber Co. •...o.•..•...• Mansfield Paint & Glass Co. . Nebraska State Board of Health.. Ij..ncoln Tel. & Tel. Co. ... • .. • Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. •.. •••. Underwood Typewriter Co. • • • • .. • Nebraska Sanitarium ..... .4.. Nebraska Sanitarium Guarantee .Electric Co. Guarantee Electric Co. Viel'•Cole ••••.••.•.•♦• • . • • • • • H.G.Haverly, Co.Tress County Treasurer A.I.Battan •.••••.•••.••••• C•C•Larsen •.......••••.•••• 13.117.Keith • .. • • • • • • • • • . • . 0 • • Lem Tibbets .........•.•.••• Wm . w i dura i e r 0 • ... • . , • 000.. H.E.Carns ••.••••••••.••.••• 1 .. 0000. . 0000... 0000.. _., :�iI1 kistle • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • Dr.W .H.Pearson .... • ..00.00 . P.L.Ferguson •. • ......... , B.F. illerd Mrs.E.Gray Ella Taylor W.J.Porter ..•0. ....... • • • • . B.F.Carl •••••••••••........ H.N.Hall WE Jacob Bauer "B.Xline Henry Bauer Conrad Walker H.O.Eckhardt . OOOOOOOOOOO 0 *OW Henry Herbst Lee Eaggar(7 C.T.Van Patten B.M.Simms Chris Hansen NOVEMBER 7th, 1917 - 9 A.M. 38.33. 1100. 19.62. 23.69. 44.88. 7.60. 35.88. 6.35. 19.30. 8.50. cont. R.O.Wood 4.50. R.O.Woed ......... OOOOOO 18.25. John D.Lemon 7.00. 0.H,SPrankle 8.25. C.W.Crosier 32.00. A.C.Atwater 120.98, E.B.Hamel 48.00. Mrs, Anna Devereaux 0. 18.06. C.V.Whisinand 8.38. A.J.Nace ........... 0000000 17.38. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Hoff that the recommendation of the Finance Co-m.mittee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed against tie bridge fundthe Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all members present voted yea. Motion prevailed. Eastings 7'oundry & Iron Works ... 15.81. Peter Barrie 82.25. Hastings Foundry & Iron Works ... 310.67. John Maxwell ... Hastings Foundry & Iron Works ..,138.45. Clyde Kennedy .. J.H.cGratn Edw.Co. •..........,, 5.50. Wayne Needham 80.50. Coon Lumber Co. Coon Lumber Co. * ** *** .0..0 82.25. • ****** 141.00. Oliver Lumber Co. ******** Oliver Lumber Co. J.H.Yost Iumber Co. J.H.Yost Lumber Co. Coon Lumber Co. ******* E.Harrington ************* Frank Bench Geo.Y.Whiting John Lawrence T.W.Goodwin. Jr. ..• • ******** 12.95. T.W.Jones ....... *** * ** . 44.00. 253.60. WJ.Eynes 0* ***** 04,00000000 171.40. 149.26. 15.24. 63.95. 13420. 2.75. 157.80. 8.00. 50.00. 5.00. 14.00. T.W.Goodwin, Jr. **** . * .......... 10.50. Cyril Needham ...... ******* 82.25. Wm.Borwege 21.00. Stephen Cookus 2.80. Frank Hitts osow000 * ** 'so** 140.25. • 26.00. Albert Lay .. *** 0 * .14,46.4.• so. 3.50. Henry Phillips 30.00. A.H.Einspahr W 29.15. m.Long 2.00. Ben rennedy 7.00. Earl Jones * 175.00. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Whiting that the recommendation of the Finfnce Committee be made the order of the Board and the followino- claims be allowed against the special motor vehicle registration fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants "ror tile same. Roll call, all members present voted yea. Motion prevailed. 0.M.Doty $62.85. Andrew Smiat 4.90. C.R.Smith 34.65. C.P.Smith7.70. C.P.Smith 28.85. Eckhard Foeder 34.20. R.R.Vance 21.35. W.C.Dycus 77.85. 11.B.Hargleroad 56.95. S.Bauder 00*****0000 * *0 *** 32.95. Treasurer Cottonwood Township.. ".:400.00. A recess until four o'clo?kp.m. was then taken to permit the Board to view the road south -of Ayr, as per petition of C.M.Bonham, et al. WEDNESD1Y - NOVEMBER 7th 1917 - 4 P.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present except Schlegel. After an hour's discussion the Board again recessed until 9 a.m. Thursday. THURSDAY - B0VEMB7R 8th, 1917 - 9 A.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll ca11, all members present 'except Schlegel. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Kidder that when this Board adjourns does so to meet again December 3rd, 1917, at ten o'clock a.m. Motion prevailed. Minn es read and aToroved. lOtion to adjourn. Carried. it Clerk. TUESDAY - DECEMBER 4th, 1917 - 1:30 P.M. cont. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Hynes that that part of the description of the Federal Aid road that reads as follows: from the North West corner of. Section 26-6-10, thence South on the section line to the South West corner of Section 35-5-10, be changed: to read: from the North West corner of Section 26-6-10, thence South on the section line to the North West corner of Section 2-5-10 thence West on the Section line to Ayr Village, South on the section line from Ayr Village to the South West corner of Section 34-5-10. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Whiting that the County Board accept 04500.00 from the Lion Bonding & Surety Company as their liability on the shortage of ex -County Clerk C.H.Hudson. Roll call, yeas,- Kidder, Whiting, Schlegel, Bitner; nays,- Benedict, Hynes; Hoff not voting. Motion carried. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Whiting that the following resolution be placed on record. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. adopted and "WHEREAS, the Lion Bonding and Surety Company of Omaha, Nebraska, has executed its esrtain official bond #132,86, in the penal sum of 010,000.00, running from January 4th, 1912, to January 8th, 1915; its certain official bond #24664 in the penal sum of 05,000.00, running from January 8th, 1914, to January 8th, 1915; and, its certain official bond #31224, in the penal sum of 010,000.00 running from January 7th, 1915, to January 1917, - all of said bonds having been executed in behalf of C.H.Hudson, and in favor of the county of Adams, state of Nebraska, covering his acts as county clerk of Adams county, Nebraska, as -prescribed by the laws of the state of Nebraska; and, "WHEREAS, the said Hudson has defaulted in his acts as county clerk and the Board of Supervisors of .Adams County, Nebraska, acting for and in beh=alf of the county of Adams, Nebraska, has asserted a claim against the said Lion 'Bonding a Surety Company for the shortage occuring in the office of the County Clerk during the life of the bonds heretofore recited, and, "WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors find that the shortage under the seid bonds amounts to d 4500, "BE IT THEPEFORE RESOLVED, That in consideration of 04500 paid by the Lion Bonding & Surety Company, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Board of Supervisors, acting for and in behalf of the county of Adams, Nebraska, releases, discharges and fully exonerates the Lion Bonding & Surety Company from any and all liability on the heretofore mentioned bonds, and will press no further claims against the Lion Bonding & Surety Company by reason of said bonds of whatsoever nature. Dated this 4th day of December 1917. Board of Supervisors By D.N.Bitner, Chairman. Minutes read and approved. Motion to adjourn. Carrie