HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupervisors Rec 17 1973SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 137 ACME PRINTING COMPANY Morris Paint & Varnish Co. NCCC Nebr. Public Power Districtl Olsen, L.L. Oil Company PPG Industries Inc. Pittz Service Precision Laboratores, Inc. Southern Nebr. Rural Public Power Vontz, L.J. Werner Construction Inc. Wheeler Division Witt, Lloyd Road Department Abbotts Dairy Cash-Wa Candy Company Century Soft Water Custom Pack Inc. F & E Distributing Flesner, Anne Gamble Robinson Co. Gene ra1,;Supply Hastings Industrial Sup. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Johnny's Plumbing Johnson, Carl Johnson, Richard Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McGee, Verla McNannay's Electric Motor Service Metz Baking Company Nebr. Nursing Assoc. Queen City Laundry Red & White Market Starks Quality Market Thompson Company Ulry-Talbert Co. Williams Exterminating Co. Wold Industries Woodward's Disposal Service Cave, Dorothy Chicago Lumber Co. Kearney Hawes, Anita County Clerk Hershberger, Greg Hershberger, Greg Kaufman-Wernert Kaufmann& Wernert Kaufmann & Wernert Kearney Plumbing & Heating Co. Kearney State College Kelly Electric L & W Service L &W Service Liberty Cleaners & Launders Pearson Electric Service Platte V lley Chemical Co. Pitchers Jewelry Sears Roebuck & Co. Swans Furniture Unimart Thrift Center Unimart United Rent All Acme Printing Company Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Glenn, Dr. Elmer E Hastings Typewriter Co. Kleager, Dr. Clyde Krebsbach, Catherine Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Supplies Radio Rental Electric Service Diesel Repair Gasoline & Repair Supplies Electric Service Gravel Oil Supplies Convention Expense Salaries NURSING HOME FUND Dairy Products Supplies Salt Meat Supplies Prior Service Benefit Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Repair Eggs Potatoes Telephone & Toll Supplies Repair Bakery Products Dues Laundry Supplies Supplies Meat Supplies Supplies Pest Control Supplies Disposal Service Salary; FEDERAL GRANT PROJECTS upp les Title supplies & Clothing Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies & Repair Utilities Repair Repair T.V. Cleaning Installation Supplie s Flatware Supplies Furniture Supplies Supp l ie s Rental STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Supplies Supplies Weekly Bulletin Professional Service Supplies Professional Service Mileage Telephone & Toll 92.11 258.48 5.79 165.18 3.28 237.61 31.85 43.26 366.52 312.50 114.28 75.00 927.63 136.68 90.90 5.80 115.13 2.00 51.50 61.78 18.76 26.25 4.48 249.60 29.30 22.50 4.50 25.00 11.91 13.10' 38.28 344.00 85.37 11.29 88.50 117.42 166.97 6.00 28.75 15.00 59.40 17.56 2.00 73.10 79.90 48.00 25.74 44.92 13.75 312.75 44.15 12.45 500.00 202.05 30.00 44.78 91.27 50.12 85.00 37.89 230.21 8.50 51.40 22.08 5.00 25.00 75.79 15.00 4.60 72.18 138 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Mastin, Dr. Robert Meyer, Garnet Mikkelson, Dr. Lane Morris, L.L. Director Morris, L.L. Pearson, Naomi Pierce, Mary Elaine Powell, Ray D Smith, Dr. Robert Yost, Dr.John G Bush, Marvin Morris, L.L. Director Jack & Jill Safeway Grocery Childrens Press Hastings Public Library Huntting, H.R. Co. Huntting Co. H.R. E. Hastings Library & iook Mobile Beatrice State Home Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Nebr. Dept of Public Welfare Professional Service Mileage Professional Service Postage Mileage Mileage Mileage Mileage Professional Service Professional Service GENERAL RELIEF FUND Rental Revolving Fund Groceries Groceries COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Books Library Service Books Books Salaries IiSfiTUTIONS FUND Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care MEDICAL SURGICAL HOSPITAL Vendor Payments This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board. CountyClerk 7.50 8.50 15.00 60.00 118.71 .70 2.40 7.10 8.00 7.50 75.00 6.54 370.00 143.56 54.06 333.33 19.80 437.85 920.93 2,370.00 4,365.00 927.00 10,887.00 COURTHOUSE, ATINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 9, 1973 10:30 o'clock A.M. Statutory meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as perpublic notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with the following members present: Lightner, Kidd, Goble, Hoagland, Theobald, Kailey and Tripp. M tion by Hoagland, seconded by Lightner that there is no more unfinished business and this board now adjourn sine die. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Board ajourned sine die. REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD The following members were present at the statutory meeting for reorganization of the board; Lightner, Kidd, Hoagland, Goble, Theobald, Kailey and Tripp. Motion by H agland, seconded by Tripp that Kidd be appointed temporary chairman. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Hoagland that we proceed to take an informal ballot for the appointment of a permanent Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors for the year 1973. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. An informal ball of was ordered and the temporary Chairman appointed Hoagland and Tripp as tellers with the following results: Lighter, Six and Goble, One. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble that we suspend the rules and by unanimous vote Lightner be declared duly appointed Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors for the year 1973. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded.by Tripp that we proceed to take an informal ballot for the appointment of a Vice -Chairman of the Adams County Board forthe year 1973. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. An informal b,llot was ordered by the Chairman and Hoagland and Tripp as tellers with the following results for the position of Vice -Chairman: Goble, Five; Kidd, Two. SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 139 ACME PRINTING COMPANY Motion by Kidd, seconded by Hoagland that we suspend the rules and by unanimous vote, Goble be declared Vice -Chairman for the year 1973. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Hoagland that the Hastings Daily Tribune be designated as the official County Paper for the year 1973. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble that we approve the following named banks as county depositories: First National Bank, Hastings,Nebraska; City National Bank, Hastings,Nebraska; Hastings State B nk, Hastings, Nebraska; Adams County Bank, Kenesaw, N=braska; Roseland State Bank, Roseland, Nebraska. Also that we approve the securities posted by the following banks as security for County funds. First National Bank, Hasti.ngs,Nebradc.a $2,600,000. City National Bank , Hastings,Nebraska $1,500,000. Hastings State Bank, Hastings,Nebraska 900,000. Adams County Bank, Kenesaw,Nebraska 220,000. Roseland State Bank Roseland,Nebraska 100,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Theobald that we consent to the County Treasurer do deposit up to 1007 of the Capitol Stock & Surplus in any -of -the Depository Banks named, said deposits to be protected by bonds as required by law. Roll call, all voted age. Motion carried. At 11:00 o'clock the Chairman appointed the following members to the stand committees for 1973. Ed Lightner, Chairman of the Board Gaylord Goble, Vice -Chairman FINANCE AND INVESTMENT COMMITTEE Theobald, Chairman Kidd ROAD AND BRIDGE COMMITTEE Kidd, Chairman Goble Theobald, Tripp COURTHOUSE BUILDING & SUPPLIES Hoagland, Chairman Theobald Tripp Kailey MID -NEBRASKA SERVICES FOR MENTALLY RETARDED Goble Hoagland COUNTY IN BANCE AND RETIREMENTIey Tripp, Chairman Kidd, Chairman Kailey, Chairman Theobald, Chairman Goble, Chairman Gaylord Goble Orville Hoagland COUNTY CARE HOME H agland AMBULANCE SERVICE Kidd Goble Hoagland PLANNING, ZONING, LANDFILL Kidd Kailey CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REPRESENTATIVE COUNTY GOVERNMENT DAY Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey ;that the regular meetings of the Adams County Board of Supervisors he called on the first and third Tuesdays that fall after the 3rd of the each month. Roll Call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble that in recognition of the experience gained while serving as Deputy County Attorney and considering the recommendation of the present County Attorney, we appoint Arthur Toogood to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of the present County Attorney, said appointment to be effective February 1, 1973 and to continue for the remainder of the unexpired term. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Tripp that we approve the bond of Roscoe Story, County Assessor in the amount of $3,000. Roll call, all voted aye.. Motion carrie.d This meeting will now adjourn subject to the call of the Chairman of the,r. ms County Board of Supervisors. '1 airman County Clerk 140 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 23, 1973 9:30 o'clock A. M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met in regular session as per recess of January 9, 1973 and as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Kidd, Goble, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp and Lightner. Absent: Hoagland. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. ROAD -BRIDGE FUND Roy P. Anderson Delbert W. Poore Weslie B. Austin Adams County Nursing Home Weed Control State Administration Eva B. Duthie Federal Grant County Extension Office County Ambulance Dept. Clerk Of the Dist. Court Adams County Assessor's Office Adams County Attorney's Office Adams County Supervisors Adams County Clerk's Office Adams County Sheriff's Office Adams County Superintendent's Office Adams County Treasurer's Office Courthouse Janitors Juvenile Probation Office Register of Deeds Veterans Service Office Schlachter, Gloria A. Gartner, Rena Reutlinger, Lila L. Grabill, Isaac Kidd, C. H. Goble, Gaylord This Board will now recess subject Salaries $14,419.07 Prior Service 25.00 Prior Service 25.00 Prior Service 25.00 Salaries Salaries Salaries Prior Service Salaries GENERAL FUND Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salaries & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Mileage Mileage to the call of the Chairman County Clerk /Li /1,2 Depu 4,590.23 653.10 7,216.51 14.00 828.77 1,670.66 2,977.97 1,311.79 2,805.55 3,347.03 2,625.00 2,288.25 2,032.56 976:62 4,240.05 921.58 902.45 1,464.96 1,114.33 255.38 25.00 14.00 46.16 39.10 38.60 of the Board. COURTHOUSE HASTINGS,NEBRASKA 9:30 o'clock A.M. Tuesday February 6, 1973 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met in regular session as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with Ed Lightner, members present, Kidd, Goble, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp and Lightner, recess of January 23, 1973 and as per Chairman, presiding. Roll call: Absent: Hoagland. Warren Rice appeared to give a report from the Little Blue Natural Resources District and to explain plans for construction Structure J on the 32 -Mile Creek. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Adams County Board of Supervisors grant a permit to the Little Blue Natural Resources District to allow temporary flooding of the road right-of-way between sections 20 & 29, 7-11 Juniata Township during periods of high rainfall. This is being approved to enable" flo4 1 SUPERVISORS RECORD ` NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 141 ACME PRINTING COMPANY flood control plans cif the former 32 -Mile Creek Watershed to be continued and structure J to be built. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 10:00 A.M. Public Hearing was held as per public notice given• to discuss the I & VI year Road plan for Adams County.. Approximately 35 interested citizens appeared give testimony concerning problems in certain areas of the County and to give recommendations. At 11:00 o'clock Godron Weed and Charles Herbst appeared represening the State Fire Marshall's office. It was recommended that action be delayed until certain provisions were clarified by the Legislature. Representatives of Gollehon,Schemmer,& A sociates, Inc. apeared-to-discuss the basic corridor study being made for. the Department of Roads concerning the future location of Highway 6 in the Hastings area. At 3:00 P.M. public hearing was held forpresentation of a proposed supplementary budget with the source of revenue to be Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. Motion by Theobald, Seconded by Tripp that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, a proposed supplementary budget was prepared and County Board of Supervisors, and, WHEREAS, a summary of such proposed supplementary budget, public hearing to be held on the 6th day of February, 1973 was Daily Tribune on the 29th day of January, 1973 and WHEREAS, Revenue Sharing Funds were available as supplementary budget, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Nebraska as follows: Sec. 1. That the supplementary budget adopted. presented to the Adams together with a notice of published in the Hastings the source of revenue for funding such Adams County Board of Supervisors of Adams County for the fiscal year 7-1-72 to 8-30-73 Ls hereby Sec. 2. That the office, departments activities and institutions named are hereby authorized to expend the amounts appropriated to them for the remainder of the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1972 and ending June 30, 1973. Sec. 3. That the income necessary to finance the appropriations made and expenditures autorized shall be provided out of cash on hand in the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund. Erection of horse barn on the Adams Co. Fair Grounds Improvement of a public road near Lake Hastings Adams County Centennial Books $10,000. 17,000. 12,500. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobalds seconded by Kailey that the following resolution be adopted. RESLUTIO�T WHEREAS, due to unanticipatedrequirements essential to the Administration of Justice, the preseration of the public health, welfare and safety there exists an emergency in the budget appropriation for the microfilm budget; there is not sufficient money appropriated to complete security filming of records for the balance of the fiscal year and WHEREAS, there are sufficient unused appropriated moneys in the County General Fund and it is essential- to the government of the AdamsCounty that the appropriation for said microfilming be increased by emergency appropriation, and WHEREAS, the Total General Fund expenditures will not exceed the total appropriation for the 1972-1973 fiscal budget, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, that there is herby appropriated and allocated from the General Fund the amount as hereto after set forth for the use of the microfilming for the balance of the fiscal year. Department. Increase Total Budget Mi:'crofilming records $13,000.00 13,700.00 Said appropriation increases the budget to the amount shown. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble that after public hearing held as per notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune, we approve and adopt the I & VI year Road improvement plan for Adams County as recommended by the Highway Superintendent, amended tha and approved by the Road Committee and by the Board. Said plan on file in the County Clerk's office, marked Exhibit "A"/ Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Theobald that we disallow the claims No. 5789 and 6800 requesting '69 Real Estate Tax Refunds on the basis that they were untimely filed.. Roll call, all voted 142 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey -that as provided by Sec. 77-1734.01 Cum Supp. 1963 of Nebraska we allow refund claims marked Exhibit "A" on file in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Kailey that the reports of Register of Deeds (2), County Clerk, Car Titles, County Sheriff, County Judge (2) County Library, Nursing Home be accepted and placedon file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Tripp thatthe following bonds be approved: Stanely, McMahon, Little Blue Township Treasurer; Memno Schmidt, HanoverTownship Treasurer; Leo Hoffman Juniata Township Treasurer; Ed Koch, Silver Lake Township Treasurer; ;and Ivan Meyer, Roseland Township Treasurer, in the amount of #2,000. each; Orval Augustin, Juniata Chairman 6f the Board; Larry Christ,ensen,,Logan Chairman of the Board in the amonn of $250. each; Olbert P. Madgett, Deputy County Attorney in the amount of $1,000. and Arthur C. Toogood, County A}torney in the amount of $1,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded No. 6188 through 6195. Roll Motion by Theobald, seconded this Supervisors' proceedings 4262 West Blue Township 4263 Kenesaw Township 4264 Adams Co. Noxious Weed 4265 County Judge 4266 Register of Deeds 4267 Register of Deeds 4268 County Judge 4269 Silver Lake Township 4270 Adams Co. Nursing Home 4271 Justice of the Peace 4272 County Judge 4273 County Judge 4274 County Judge 4275 Clerk of the District 4276 County Judge 4277 County Judge 4278 County Judge 4279 Clerk for Treas. 4280 State of Nebr. 4281 County Judge 4282 County Sheriff 4283 County Sheriff 4284 County Sheriff 4285 Roseland Village 4286 County Clerk 4287 County Sheriff 4288 State of Nebraska 4289 State of Nebraska 4290 State of Nebraska Roll call, all voted aye. Mo by Tripp that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections call, all voted aye. Motion carried. by Kailey that the following miscellaneous receipts be made a part o Court of U.S. ]lotion by Theobald, seconded County Clerk be insturcted to 500.00 500.00 33.55 10.00 363.13 2.00 945.05 500.00 4,237.06 2,268.00 222.26 452.10 ..21 520.50 369.00 120.00 7.00 96,002.00 7,575.55 108.64 12.50 17.50 12.50 4,000.00 44.54 164.00 24,092.24 7,082.07 111,664.88 tion carried. 4291 Adams County Noxious Weed Fund 4292 County Judge 4293 1st National Bank 4294 County Clerk 4295 County Clerk 4296 1st National Bank 4297 State of Nebr. 4298 State of Nebr. 4299 State of Nebr. 4300 Adams County Sheriff 4301 Adams County Nursing H;~me 4302 Sch.Dist #18 4303 Register of Deeds 4304 City National Bank 4305 Cancelled 4306 County Clerk 4307 Little Blue Township 4308 Void 4309 1st National Bank 4310 Hastings: State Bank 4311 Adams County Bank 4312 Juniata Trlr Court 4313 Joel Kueten. 4314 Morris, Welfare Director 4315 City National Bank 4316 Adams County Nursing Home 4317 County Sheriff 2.50 104,530.15 1,539.38 450.00 301.50 1,375.00 5,986.00 84,649.77 147,216.99 12.50 2,301.37 51,416.06 1,144.10 2,516.00 18,605.58 500.00 2,500.00 2,062.50 2,750.00 5.00 5.00 81.26 2,516.00 4,130.29 12.50 by Kailey that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams Hardware Allen's of Hastings, Inc. Anderson, Robert Sheriff Augustine Company Bancroft -Whitney Co. Blue Hill Leader Buhr, Don Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corporation Business Supply Company Callaghan, & Company Center for Cassette Studies, Inc. Certified Labs Clerk of the District Court Communicatibns Engineering County Superintendent GENERAL FUND Supplies Supplies Matron Fee, Food for Prisoners & Mileage Supplies Supplies Advertising Board Member Mileage Supplies Maintenance & Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies State C ses & Mental Health Repair Miscellaneous 6.17 29.88 1,734.25 214.66 41.55 7.00 22.28 176.16 3109.60 111.89 20.00 42.55 142.10 148.50 10.00 11.90 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 143 ACME PRINTING COMPANY County Superintendent County Superintendent Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc. DeLuxe Cleaning Services Inc. Des Moines RubberStamp Duro-Test Corporation Dutton -L insoncompany Eckhardt, Ray Ed's Texaco, Inc Ed;s Texaco, Inc. Education Service Unit No.9 Eigenberg, Roger Extension Service Revolving Fund Fast, Mrs. Bill Federal Grants Projects Fidler Plumbing & Heating Finnerty, R.W. Foote, G ne C.II Friend;sPMotor Supply Gangwish, Mrs. Glen General Supply General Supply Guarantee Electric Supply Haberman's of Hastings Hammond & Stephens Co. Hammond & Stephens Co. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Haverly, Harry C., Co. Judge Hawes, Anita M. Helmann,Joseph R. Heimann, J+. seph R Heimann, Joseph R Hoagland, David International Assoc. of Assessing International Business Machines Johnson Cashway Lumber Company Kleager,& Glenn, Drs. Knight, Robert G Knight, Robert G Koertner, Eugene Kohl, Adam Insurance Kranau, DuWayne KwikChek Company Kwik Check Company Kwik-Chek Company Lightner, Ed Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Lowe, S.G. Attorney Madgett, A.P. Attorney Madgett, A.P. Marvel, Jack N Marvel, John N Mental Health Board of Lancaster Co. Mid -City Auto Supply Midwest Communication Service Inc. Modern Lien Service Modern Methods Inc. Modern Methods Inc. Modern Methods Inc. Mowers, Richard L. Nebr, Assoc. of Co. Officials Nebr.Assoc. of Co. Officials Mebr Penal & Correctional Complex Nelson Amway Service Nelson, Luwane Necchi Sewing Center O'Keefe Elevator Co.,Inc. Omaha Printing Company Omaha Printing Company Pedersen's Mobil Service Pitney Bowes Mileage Board Meeting Expense Weekly Bulletin Laundry Supplies Supplies Supplies & R2pair Board Member Mileage G soline Gasoline Schooling Board Member Mileage Supplies Board Member Mileage Local Matching Share Repair Mileage & Meals Court Appointed Counsel Repair & Supply Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Repair Film Supplies Supplies Advertising & Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Oxygen Supplies Mileage,Registration & Meals Court Appointed Counsel Court Appointed Counsel Court Appointed Counse Board Member Mileage Membership Dues Maintenance Supplies Professional Service State Cases Professional Service Board Member Mileage Bond Board Member Mileage Jacketing Service Microfilm Jacketing Service Convention Expense Telephone & Toll Court Appointed Counsel Court Appointed Counsel Court Appointed Counsel Court Appointed Counsel Court Appointed Counsel Mental Health Supplies Radio Repair & !ental Mop & Mat Service 3-M Copier Supplies 3-M Copier Supplies 3-M Copier Supplies Professional Service Mico -Film Expense Dues Safekeeping Charges Supplies Mileage Alterations Maintenance Supplies Supplies Snow Removal Supplies 540 .52 60:00 113.40 15.10 40.44 160.14 11.00 113.75 96.09 3760.00 6.32 24.97 9.60 7540.00 12.50 98.40 100.00 45.17 19.40 82.21 24.40 35.64 91.42 72.80 724.92 145.91 108.36 2069.02 20.25 19.80 20.27 50.00 100.00 127.00 16.04 25.00 90.74 5.66 10.00 190.00 42.50 25 64 20.00 23.24 20.00 160.00 20.00 75.00 811.84 100.00 125.00 150.00 125.00 200.00 3.00 52.00 25.05 54.88 67.82 125.44 229.88 2561.78 300.00 232.50 17.55 13.84 8.00 37.50 462.00 11.51 7.50 2.21 144 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Pitney Bowes Postmaster Queen City Rentals Redfield & Company Rutt's Pharmacy Saylor, Ronald Mrs. Scott Electronic Supply Corp Schafer Printing Company Schafer Printing Co. Schukei, Wesley Scott, F.R. Seiler, Les Sherman's Clothing Simons, Dr. Milton Simons, Milton Singer Business Machines Snoberger, Don Story, Roscoe E Swanson, Paul Theobald, A.J. ;Tucker, Mfg Co., Inc. United Laboratories Inc. Vaughans Printers Inc. Webster County Hospital Wiest, Melvin J. Williams Exterminating Co. Xerox Corporation Aronson, Roy Haverly, Harry C. VanFleet, R.J. Clarke Oil Company Continental Oil Company Dutton-Lainson Company Farmers Co -Op Propane Company Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Co. Firestone Store Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone & Telegraph Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Kuly Iron & Metal Co. Lemke Sharpening Service Lincoln Equipment Go. Lincoln Equipment o. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Todd, Michael * Company Inc. Mid Continent Laboratories, Inc. Modern Linen Service N Triple C Nebraska Public Power District Olsen, L.L. Oil Company Pauley, W.G. Lumber Company Pittz Service Sidles Company Smith S.E. & Sons Smith S.E. & Sons Werner Construction Co. Jheeler Division Halte, Larry Abbotts Dairy Cash-Wa Candy Co. Custom Pack Inc. F & E Distributing Co. Faber Gas Appliance Service Gamble Robinson Co. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Utilitie Ingram, Jerry W J hnson, Carl Johnson, Richard Rental Postage Laundry Supplies Supplies Board Member Mileage Repair Supplies Supplies Board MEmber Mileage Analysis Court Appointed Counsel Foster Care Analysis Examinations Maintenance Board Member Mileage Mileage & Meals Mileage Handbook Supplies Supplies Supplies Resuscitator Mileage Pest Control Rental Salary Salary Salary ROAD -BRIDGE FUND Gasoline Diesel Supplies Propane Diesel Repair Supplies Telephone & Toll Utilities Oxygen & Supplies Supplies Repair Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Telephone & Toll Supplies Supplies Mop •& Mat Service & Shoproom Radio Rental Electric Service Gasoline & Diesel Suplies Gasoline & Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Cold Mix Supplies Salary NURS IN G HOME FUND Milk Products Supplies Meat Supplies Repair Groceries Advertising Supplies Utilities Produce Eggs Potatoes 19.50 500.00 36.81 82.18 19.14 12.32 6.80 6.65 125.61 23.90 24.00 75.00 69.65 25.00 40.00 145.50 18.44 32.05 20.2.4 3.20 7.84 136.46 208.85 50.00 9.40 5.00 160.00 50.00 116.67 300.00 253.82 109.48 8.14 1.75 43.40 48.50 5.84 17.77 91.85 18.25 28.40 106.93 227.92 68.26 87.61 1103.93 43.57 28.70 97.95 8.28 258.48 5.32 366.25 1.60 122.64 155.41 24.07 11.90 113.13 63.00 296.00 96.93 100.71 78.32 2.00 8.00 83.80 2.81 131.80 487.06 22.50 24.00 9.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 145 ACME PRINTING COMPANY K & U Packing Plant Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McDonald, J.M. Co. McGee, Veria Metz Baking Myers Refrigeration trotex System Inc. Queen City Laundry Red & White Market Safeway Inc. Stark's Quality Market State of Nebraska Thomson Company Ulry Talbert Company William Exterminating Woodward's Disposal Service Nebr. Weed Control Ass;c Juni. Farmers Co -Op Assoc. Smith, S.E. & Sons Burroughs Corporation Business Supply Co. Cosgrove, Madelyn Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Dean, Dr. E.J. Glenn, Dr. Elmer E Hastings TypewriterCo. Hoffmeister, Dr. George Kamm, Dr. Fra1 k Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Matuschka, Dr. Ernest Meyer, Garnet Morris, L.L. Morris, L.L. Pierce, Mary Elaine Powell, Ray D. Richter, Melo Dee Roberts R.G. & Company Schafer Printing Company Bro-Dart Inc. Campbell &,,Hall Denison & o., T.S. Harper & Rim Publishers Inc. Harper & Row Publishers Inc. Hastings Public Library Brown, Mrs. Bettie B Gangwish, Mrs. Anna Klein, Constance J. MeWhirter, J.T. Motley, Mrs. Evelyn % Saddler, Arlene H Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey Meat Telephone & Toll Sheets Supplies Bakery Products Repair Lease Laundry Groceries Groceries Meat License Fee Groceries Groceries Pest Control Disposal Service WEEDCONTROL FUND Dues Chemical Supplies STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Supplies Supplies Mileage Bulletins Professional Service Professional Service Supplies Professional Service Professional Service Telephone & Toll Professional Service Mileage Mileage Postage Mileage Mileage Mileage Supplies Supplies COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Books Books Books Books Books Library Service Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary MEDICAL, SURGICAL HOSPITAL Nebr. Deparmtne of Public Welfare 20% Vendor Payments GENERAL RELIEF FUND Berndt, Elmer Rent Bush, Marvin Rent Hastings Utilities Utilities Jack & :Jill West Heights Groceries Klein, H tel Rent Safeway Grocery Groceries Stop & Shop Groceries FEDERAL GRANT FUND General Telephone Company Hastings Association of Insurance Hawes, Anita County Clerk Kenesaw Motor Company Ed;s Texaco Beatrice State Home Hastings Regional Center Hastings RegionalCenter Hastings RegionalCenter Local & Long "istra nce Insurance Titles Patrol Cars Gasoline INSTITUTIONS FUND Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Out Patient Care 176.86 25.00 22.32 8.96 39.69 16.50 60.00 95.11 14.48 2.3.19 123.76 63.00 215.65 162.84 6.00 15.00 .2.5.00 700.00 11.90 57.20 45.86 11.00 5.00 15.00 25.00 10.50 5.00 5.00 68.51 70.00 6.90 5.00 60.00 2.20 4.40 41.60 5.30 28.80 56.60 16.65 12.24 46.72 53.11 333.33 40.00 40.00 300.00 150.00 150.00 40.00 150.00 8880.53 50.00 75.00 25.96 64.37 25.00 54.75 20.00 74.45 110.37 4.00 7540.00 113.75 2580.00 1826.00 4653.00 3576.00 146 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Adams Co. Agriculatural Soc. FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND Erection Horse Barn 10,000.00 This Board will now reces subject to the call of the Chairman. Co.Clerk Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS,NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 20, 1973 9:30 o'clock A.M. The Adams CountyBoard of Supervisors met in regular s r recess of February6,1973 and as per p g ����� public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with =,_, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp and Lightner. Absent: Kidd. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Kailey ;that the County Board accept the negotiated settlement for water assessments against lots 20 through 24 in Block 3, Pauls;s Addition in the amount of $1,073.70. Balance of the assessments to be waived until benefit is derived from the assessment district. Roll tall, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that we grant permission to issue a public amusement license to the Stran, Amusement Company for an amusement licsence at the Drive -In Theatre for the year 1973. Roll call all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Hoagland that under the provisions of Sec. 23-928 R.R.S., we order the County Treasurer to transfer $3,000. from the County General Fund to the Federal Grants Projects Fund to cover a current lack of funds for the Crime Commission County Law -Enforcement Grant. When funds have been received from the Crime Commission to meet the current demands of this patricular Grant project and the emergency no longer exists, the money shall be transferred back to the General Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble that the Salary Claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for, the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Road -Bridge Theobald, A.J. Poore, Delbert W. Anderson, Roy Goble, Gaylord Tinsman, Donald T Federal Grant Fund Nursing Home City of Hastings Weed Control State Administration Duthie, Eva Co. Extension Co. Ambulance Clerk of the Dist Court County Assessor's Office County Attorney's Office County Supervisors County Clerk's Office County Sheriff's Office County Superintendent's Office County Treasurer's Office Courthouse Janitors Juvenile Probation Office Register of Deeds Office Veterans' Service Office Gloria Schlachter Reutlinger, Lila This,-oard Salaries Mileage & Meals Prior Service Prior Service Mileage Mileage Salaries Salaries Water Tax Salaries Salaries Prior Service GENERAL FUND Office Office Office Office Office now recess subject to the call ea. Clerk Deputy Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Salaries Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Prior Service of the Chairman of the Board Chairman 13,439.20 7.73 25.00 25.00 27.80 10.20 973.31 4,416.57 1,073.70 660.00 7,300.00 14.00 1,670.66 3,155.97 1,319.20 3,456.61 3,390.83 2,625.00 4;Ib3:80 976.62 4,061.04 881.88 902.45 1,464.96 1,114.33 279.65 14.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 147 ACME PRINTING COMPANY COURTHOUSE HASTINGS,NEBRASKA Tuesday March 6, 1973 9:30 o'clock A.M. Regular meetingof the Adams County oard of Supervisors was held as per recess of February 20, 1973 and as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Kidd, Hoagland, Goble, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp and Lightner. Jim Ruberson, representing Occidental Life Insurance Company appeared to request permission to bid on the insurance plan for the County employees when the policy came up for renewal. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that the following resolution be aadopted. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, automobile traffic on notbh Burligton Avenue in Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska has increased to the extent that congestion between Sixth Street and Fifteenth Street is hazardous to persons and property. WHEREAS, the department of Roads of the State of Nebraska has prepared a comprehensive report recommending that the section of north Burligton Aveneue between Sixth Street and Fifteeneth Street be reconstructed in order to adequately support the inreased automobile traffic. WHEREAS, this Board has found that it would not be advisable to make Burlington Avenue part of a one-way traffic system for carrying the automobile traffic now borne by north burlington Avenue. WHEREAS, aft environmental impact statement submitted under the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act has concluded that although extending north Burlington Avenue to width of Sixty-Eight(68) Feet would c4e serious environmental damage, extending it to Fifty -Two (52) Fee would cause only minimum environmental damage. WHEREAS, this Board considers that extending°;north Burlington Avenue to a width of ,Si:ety-Eight(68) Feet would not be necessary to relieve automobile congestion along north Burlington Avenue. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this body recommends that the Department of Roads of the State of Nebraska undertake to extend north buirington Avenue between Sixth Street and Fifteenth Street to a width of Fifty-Two(52) Feet, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Mr. Paul Guptill, representing Central Nebraska Health Planning Council and Mrs. Vera Plum appeared to present information concerning Mrs. Plum's plansto build a new nursing home facitlity. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Hoagland that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION WHEREAS' homes for persons in Adams County requiring special care must be increased and improved to meet the needs of thepeop.e of Adams County. WHEREAS, Mrs. Vera Plum of Adams County -is now conducting the successful operation of the Hastings Foster Home in Adams County for persons requiring special care. WHEREAS, the Department of Health of the State of Nebraska has set standards requiring that Mrs. Plum improve the facilities of the home., WHEREAS, Mrs. Plum wishes to increase and improve the facilities of the home under the name of Highland Heights to meet the needs of the people of Adams County and the requirements of the Nebraska Department of Health THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this body hereby gives its support and approval to Mrs. Plum plans for improving the facilities of Highland Heights to meet the needs of the people of Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Mr. Jim Hansen appeared in behalf of the Adams County Centennial Commission to give a report of the sales of the Centennial Book and to work out details concerning inventory control with regard to future bales of the book. Miss Harris ,was appointed agent for the County to work71 ee Centennial Commission. Motion bar econded bykKailey that we rescind our action of February 6, 1973 regarding Str- ucture J" on Tripp,32-Mile Cree.,_because of an tcncorrect legal description, add adopt the following resolution. RESOLUTION NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Adams County Board of Supervisors grant a permit to the Little Blue Natural Resources District to allow remporary flooding of the road right- of-way between section 20 & 29, T7N, R -10W, Denver Township during periods of high rainfall. This is being approved to enable flood control plans of the former 32 -Mile Creek Watershed to be continued and structure '`J" to be built: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey ;that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Stephen A. Scheer is a Deputy County Attorney for Adams County,Nebraska assisiting in prosecution of the illegal use of Narcotics and dangerous drugs. 148 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY WHEREAS, it was in the interest of Adams County ;that we have additional training in this area of law enforcement and Adams County has paid his salary while he attended the Institute on Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs sponsored by the National District Attorney's Association. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this body recommends that the said Stephen A, Scheer be reimbursed by the Nebraska Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice for the necessary expenses of attending the said Institute. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Tripp that we authorize the Chairman to the sign the agreements covering the following Federal Aid Projects: S-25 (5) Pauline South; S-252 (6) Hastinp East; and S-645 (5) Hastings East. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Hoagland that the bond of Donald C Snoberger as Chairman of the Board of West Blue Township in the amount of $250. be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Motion by Goble, seconded by Kidd that the reports of County Library, Nursing Home, Car Titles, County Clerk, Register of Deeds(4), County Judge (3), be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Kailey that we approve the posting of JC 950575 7 Joint Custody Receipt covering Treas.Notes inthe amount of $400,000.00 by the City National Bank of Hastings,NFbraska and the exchange of JC4281 covering Omaha Public Power District Electric Revenue Bonds by the Adams County Bank. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, Seconded by Hoagland that we authroize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections No.6196 throught 6208. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble that the County Clerk be instructed to advertise for gravel bids to be opened April 10, 1973 at 10:00 o;clock A.U., said bids to be for approximately 2,000 cubic yards of gravel for each township. Roll call, all voted aye. Motioncarried. A group of residents from the Ayr area appeared to voice concern for the time schedule for completing the Adams Central South road and requested that the number of miles scheduled to be hard -surfaced in 1973 be raised from the amount listed in the One year Plan for Adams County. Motion by Goble, seconded by Tripp that the County Board include two additional miles to be hard -surfaced on the Adams Central SouthRoad upon inspection bythe Board and determination of satisfactory condition to proceed with the hard -surfacing; cost of the additional surfacing to be taken from the Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. Roll Call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Representatives from the Little Blue Natural Resources District appeared to explain proposed structures H & J to be built on 32 -Mile Creek, Two road structures were also discussed with the County Board. The Board indicating they would be willing to finance 20% of the cost of the structures since the County Road would benefit from the consturction. Dr. Landgraf, Welfare Director Morris, Judge Haverly and Judge Sprague appeared to discuss a proposed Hastings Alcohol Safety Action Program. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Theobald that the County Board of Supervisors Hastings Alcbbol Safety Action Program and Pledge support to the extent of of Hastings had indicated their interest and support of 8070 of the funding. Motion carried. indicate their support of the the 20% funding as the City Roll call, all voted aye. At 4:00 P.M. bids were received and reviewed for appraisal work in Adams County. Bids were received from J.M. Cleminshaw Co. for $150. per day for 10 working day's from Bill W Thornburgh for $150, per day with estimate o=10 or 12 days Ito complete or a per parcel bid of $2,225.00 tota '. . Howard E Baker for a totaid of $2,200,00; Dunlap & Skiles $150. per day for two men and they would pay own expenses. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble that the County Board upon reviewing the bids received for appraisal work, authorize the County Assessor to negotiate a contract with Dunlap and Skiles providing total cost does not exceed $1,500, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Theobald that the followingmiscellaneous receipts be made a part of this Supervisors proceeding. Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried. 4318 U.S. Treasury 4319 Dunmire, Executor 4320 Cottonwood Twp 4321 Register of Deeds 4322 County Judge 4323 Shady Lane Trlr Court 4324 Register of Deeds 4324" State of Nebraska 4326 State of N braska 2,732.00 4327 540.27 4328 500.00 4329 341.13 4330 190.35 4331 5.00 4332 4.00 4333 135,023.44 4334 7,548.21 4335 4336 Ambulance Serv, State of Nebr. Adams Co. Nursing Home County Clerk County Clerk Roseland Village State of Nebr. -Hall Co. Treas. County Judge County Judge 2,329.75 26,158.27 2,533.85 591.00 1,015.50 2,100.00 3,500.00 15,000.00 245,48 2,110,00 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNtY, NEBRASKA 149 ACME PRINTING COMPANY aBg County Judge County Judge 4339 County Judge 4340 County Clerk 4341 S nitary & Imp.Dist #1 4342 Kearney Co, Treas. 4343 Kearney Co. Treas. 4344 Adams Co. Noxious Weed 4345 Red & White Market 4346 Register of Deeds 4347 County Judge 4348 County Judge 4349 County Judge 4350 County Judge 2,311.00 1140.737 7,540.00 350.00 1,800.00 7,000.00 19.50 4.90 1,161.70 338.85 759.00 702.00 58.15 4351 County Sheriff 4352 County Sheriff 4353 State of Nebr. 4354 County Judge 4355 Smittys Trailer Plaza 4356 Clerk of Dist Court 4357 Strand Amusement Co. 4358 Strand Amusement 4359 County Judge 4360 Paul Pierce Adm. 4361 Paul Pierce Adm 4362 County Sheriff 4363 County Judge 4364 County Judge Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble that the claims be allowed on their respective the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted Motion carri.ed Anderson,Robert, Sheriff art Fac Inc. Assoc. School Supply Bancroft -Whitney Co. Business Supply Company Central Assoc. of Co. Officials Certified Labs Certified Labs Clerk of the District Court Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc. County Superintendent Dangberg, Darrel & Assoc. DeLuxe Cleaning Services Inc. Des M Ines Stamp Co. Des Moines Stamp Co. Dictaphone Corporation Dutton-Lainson Company Dutton-Lainson Company Eastman Kodak Company Ed's Texaco, Inc. Eds Texaco, Inc. Electronic Industries, Inc. Ellerbrock-Norris Agency Inc. Extension Service Revolving Fund Federal Grants Projects Finnerty, R.W. General Supply Grace's Bike & Key Shop Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities Hotel Clarke International Business Machines Kohl, Adam Ins, Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McArthur, George D McNannay's Electric Motors Mid-Nebr Community MentalHealth Master Teacher, Inc. Modern Linen Service Modern Methods Inc. Murthy, P.S.S. Murthy, P.S.S. Murthy, P.S.S. Martindale -Hubbell, Inc. Nebraska Penal & Correctional Nebr.Tax Research Council Nelson, Luwane Omaha Printing Company Omaha Printing Company Omaha Printing Company PPG Industries, Inc. PPG Industries, Inc. Paulsen Repair GENERAL FUND Matron Fee, Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Dues Supplies Supplies State Cases &Mental Health Bulleting Mileage Cadastral Maps Cleaning Stamps' Stamps Supplies & Repair Supplies Supplies Micro -Film Gasoline Gasoline Equipment Bond Supplies Reimbursement Mileage & Meals Supplies Keys & Service Supplies TV Tents Advertising & Supplies Supplies Utilities Lunch for Jury Supplies Bond Telephone & Toll Court Appointed Counsel Repair Psychologial Evaluation Subscription Mop & Mat Service Supplies Autopsy Autopsy Autopsy Subscription Safekeeping Charges Subscription Mileage Supplies Supplie Supplies Supplies Supplies Repair Food for Prisoners,Mileage 25.00 12.50 1,054.68 30.74 5.00 527.00 10.00 10.00 165.70 857.03 448.60 12.50 12.00 68.16 funds and aye. 1,912.35 40.00 23.52 68.40 101.61 8.50 153.51 40.85 360.83 10.00 54.81 1,869.00 56.20 88.30 31.05 114.20 34.51 32.74 218.00 279:42 76.14 81.86 2.00 13.04 228.12 45.85 1.56 9.75 142.87 38.40 481.43 111;49 2055.72 35.05 24.69 2.00 784.81 12.5.00 19.45 110,00 180.72 41.00 253.05 175.00 175.00 175.00 198.13 187.50 50.00 31.16 5,02 12.25 25.89 10.74 49.10 4.02 150 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Pedersen's Mobil Service Postmaster Publication Distribution Queen City Rentals Redfield & Company,Inc. Redfield & Company Inc.' Reeves, Company Inc. Relihan, Golda Roller Heaven Print Shop Ruge, Lyle Safeway Stores, Inc. Schafer Printing Company Scherr, Stephen A. Scott Electronic Supply Corp Seiler, Les Simons, Milton Stewart Plumbing Story, Roscoe E. Swanson, Paul Vaughans Printers Inc. Vaughans Printers Inc. Village of Kenesaw Village 2f Prosser Webers S, udio Wiest Melvin J. Williams Exterminating Co Youngblood, Myron J. Va.nFleet, R.J. Aranson, Roy Nelson, 0.M. Clarke Oil Company Continental Oil Company Dutton-Lainson Company Dutton-Lainson Company Fairs Repair Shop Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Company Firestone Stores Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Membership H & M Equipment Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. Hastings utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co, Kansas -Nebraska Natural Gas Co. Kenesaw Oil Supply Kerr Chevrolet Co. Koger Repair Kully Iron & Metal Co.,Inc. Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln E uipment Company Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co, McClelland Farm Equipment Michael Todd & Company,Inc. Modern Linen Service Nebr. Cons Comm Corp Nebr, Public Power District Nebr Tractor & Equipment Olsen, L.L. Oil Company Penny, J.C. Company Sherman Service Center Inc. Sidles Company Southern Nebraska Rural Public Wheeler Division Halte, Larry Theresa Gill Abbott's D-iry Cash-Wa C/ndy Co, Century Soft Water Co. Custom Pack Inc.. FSE Distributing Gamble Robinson Co General Supply Company Powe r Snow Removal Postage Supplies Laundry Suppl'es Supplies Supplies Alteration Printing Foster Care Groceries Supplies Mileage Equipement Court Appointed Counsel Drug Screen Repair Mileage Mileage Supplies Supplies Rental Rental Film' Mileage Pest Control Court Appointed Counsel Salary Salary Salary COUNTY ROAD FUND Gasoline & Oil Diesel Fuel Supplies Supplies Repairs Diesel Supplies Supplies Telephone & Toll Gravel Repair Utilities Oxygen & Repair Gas Service Diesel Repairs Repair Repair Repairs Repairs Repairs Telephone & Toll Repair Motors Washroom Service Radio Rental Electric Service Repair Diesel Material Repair Repairs Electric Service Supplies Salary Salary COUNTY NURSING HOME FUND Milk Products Supplies Supplies Meat Supplies Supplies Supplies 7,50 500.00 31.50 45.29 36.75 46.15 2,00 2.00 23.51 100.00 52.12 77.91 21.40 6.80 125,00 20.00 12.15 42,00 83.43 84.41 6.00 30.00 25.00 13.95 20.90 5.00 1,206,00 300.00 20.00 40.00 288.03 135.66 14.41 4.49 5.60 36.40 74.40 51.20 16.44 62.10 6.30 60.50 24.23 156.71 174.29 12.19 15.00 32.83 397.92 5.31 116.40 81.66 32.01 19.20 9.69 258.48 6.03 43.40 149.86 4.35 10,16 95.49 44.11 287,40 111.00 65,60 116.52 78.73 10.75 159.04 2.00 54.60 3.22 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNT, NEBRASKA 151 ACME PRINTING COMPANY Hastings Industrial Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities Johnny's Plumbing Co. Johnson Cash -Way Lumber Company Johnson, Carl Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McGee, Veria Metz Baking Company Protex Systems Inc. Queen City Laundry Red & White Market Safeway Stores Starks Quality Market State of Nebr The Thompson Company Ulry-Tlabert Company Williams Exterminating Woodwards Disposal Service STATE Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc. Charlton, Dr, G Paul Ellis, Dr.K.W. Kingsley, Dr, D.W. Krebsbach, C therine Kuehn, Dr, Gerald Lincoln Telehpone & Telegraph Matuschka, Dr,Ernest Meyer, Garnet Morris, L.L. Morris, L.L. Weiler, Dr. Leo Yost, Dr.John Klein, Bill Insurance Agency Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Jack & Jill Morris, L.L. Hastings Public Library Huntting Co, Brown, Bettie B Gagnwish, Mrs. Anna Klein, Conie P Mewhirter, J.R. Motley, Mrs. Evelyn Saddler, Mrs. Arlene H Shiffler, florothy Dewey Adams County Centennial Supplies Supplies Utilities Repair Supplies Eggs Telephone & Toll Supplies Bakery Supplies Annual Inspection Laundry Supplies Groceries Meat Groceries Groceries Groceries Pest Control Disposal Service ADMINISTRATION FUND Bulletin Service Professional Service Professional Service Professional c'ervice Mileage Professional Service Telephone & Toll Professional Service Mileage -Postage Mileag Professional Service Professional Service WEED CONTROL FUND Insurance GENERAL RELIEF FUND Utilities Groceries Groceries Revolving Fund COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Library Service Books Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND Centennial Books MEDICAL SURGICIAL HOSPITAL Vendor Payments FEDERAL GRANTS PROJECTS Utilities Utilities Supplies Supplies Supplies Telephone & Toll Telephone &.Toll Supplies Recreation Supplies Supplies Recreation Supplies Supplies Supplies Physicial Advertising Meat Repair Utilities Utilities Commission Nebr.Dept of Public. Welfare City of Kearney City of Kearney Bob's Kwik Shop Bob's Kwik Shop Gambles General Telephone Company` General Tlephone Company Hershberger, Greg Hershberger, Greg Hershberger, Greg "Hershberger, Greg Hershberger, Greg Kaufmann & Wernert Kaufmann & WErnert Kaufmann & Wernert 'Kearney Clinic Kearney Daily Hub Kearney Locker Kearney Plumbing & Kearney State College Kearney State College Heating o. 52.96 .70 263.86 8.85 16.50 24.00 25.00 6.53 31.33 20.00 75.45 11.50 186.13 87.74 10.27 117.57 67.47 6.00 15.00 5.00 6,00 5.00 30.00 5.10 80.00 64.15 35.00 12.20 70.00 22.50 26.00 7.50 162.00 22.32 65.00 70.00 6.85 333.33 104.87 40.00 40.01 300. 150.0 150.00 40.00 150.00 12,500.00 10,212.18 9.65 9.65 1.68 5,95 5.95 17.41 28.73 44.95 15.00 30.0 140.16 15.00 31.48 9.50 18.76 28.00 7.25 202.24 50.00 125.10 125.10 ,z. 152 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Kearney State College XxxxRs xillataxibmiiagsx Kelly Electric Knittel, Dr, Marvin G Knittel, Marvin G Michielutti, Mrs. Maxine Northwestern Public Service Co. Northwestern Public Service Co, Safeway Stores, Inc. Safeway Stores Inc. Sears Roebuck & Co. Sear Roebuck & Co, Simpson, Wm G. The Antelope Unimart Thrift Center Unimart Thrift Center This Board will now recess subject Utilities id$iai$ixs Repair Consultation Consultation Supplies Gas Service Gas Service Groceries G oceries Supplies Supplies Professional Service Advertisment Supplies Supplies to the call of the Chairman of the 125.10 x i$ixifix 44,15 45.00 60.00 14.30 13.60 14.19 153.83 159.11 15.48 21.84 43.50 2.00 7.40 34.26 r r-� y)- f;i County Clerk WHEREAS, the County. Engineer of Adams County has recommended to this Board that the speed limit for motor vehicle traffic be reduced on the following County roads: The County road on Section Nine (9) of Township Five (5), Range Nine (9), on the eastern side of the Village of Pauline; The County road between Sections Twenty One (21) and Twenty -Two (22) of Township Six (6), Range Eleven (11), on the eastern side of the Village of Roseland; and The County road on Section Thirty -Four (34) of Township Eight (8), Range Twelve (12), on the southern side of the Village of Kenesaw. . The County road between Section Four (4) and Nine (9) of Township Six (6), Range Eleven (11) on the eastern side of Assumption. WHEREAS, the well-beingof the people <. of Adams County, including school children, who reside along and drive upon the said County roads would be protected by the said reduction. WHEREAS, the CountEn that motor vehicle speed limits along saidecounty r has rroads ebeereduced from sixty-five (65) miles per hour to thirty-five (35) miles per hour. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board directs the County Engineer to post signs limiting the speed of motor vehicle traffic along said roads to thirty-five (35) miles per hour. DATED this 20th day of March, 1973. Adoption of Resolution Moved by Seconded by Kidd Chairman,' Board ¥o upervisors Adams County, Ne. ka Goble All Voted Aye, Carried. Motion None Voted Nay ai man 6, 1973 and as per ding. Roll call, Fire Marshall had ordered to proceed oors. Further inform - gat the speed limit 3f dren, who reside along along said county r hour. it respective funds and 1670.66 3336.97 1340.20 3472.11 3246.16 2672.00 2272.65 2914,30 976.62 3100.75 SUPERVISORSRECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 153 ACME PRINTING COMPANY Courthouse Janitors Juvenile Probation Office Register of Deeds Office Adams County Veteran's Service Schlachter, Gloria Assistanat Assessor's $ Clerk of the District Court Reutlinger, Lila Gartner, Rena Gartner, Rena Adams County Nursing Home Federal Grants Weed Control Fund State Administration Duthie, Eva B. Road -Bridge Fund Anderson, Roy Austin, Weslie B Poore, Delbert This Board will now recess subject County Clerk Salaries Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salaries State Cases Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Salaries Salaries Silaries Salaries Prior Service Salaries Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service to the call of the Chairman o eputy 905.88 902.45 1464.96 1114.33 226.78 4226.50 375.00 14.00 25.00 25.00 4220.18 2058.46 600.00 7020.00 14.00 13,262.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS,NEBRASKA April 2, 1973. 9:30 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met a Board of Equalization with the following members present; Lightner, Kidd, Hoagland, Goble, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp; County Clerk, Anita Hawes and County Assessor Roscoe Story. Personal property tax schedules were reviewed. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Hoagland that the Applications for Tax Exemption 73-1 through 73-12 be granted for reasons listed on individual applications. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess until 9:30 A.M. on April 3, 1973. COURTHOUSE HASTINGS,NEBRASKA April 3, 1973. 9:30 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with the following members .present: LAghtner, Kidd, Hoagland, Goble, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp; County Clerk, Anita Hawes and County ssessor Roscoe Story. Personal property tax schedules were viewed and discussed This Board of Equalization will now recess until 9:30 o'clock A.M. on April 4, 1973. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, April 4, 1973 9 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board present: Lightner, Kidd, H agland, Goble, Theobald, and County Assessor Roscoe. NEBRASKA :30 o'clock A.M. of Equalization with the following members Kailey, Tripp; County Clerk, Anita Hawes It wasagreed to hire professional appraisers to review some of the properties which were to be appraised in the next month. This Board of equalization will now recess until 9:30 o'clock_ A.M. on May 1, 1973. COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA 9.30 o'clock A.M. Tuesday April 8, 1973 The regular meeting of as per notice given in members present: Kidd, • the Adams.County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of March 20, 1973 and the Hastings Daily Tribune, Ed Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, Hoagland, Goble , Theobald, Kailey, Tripp and Lightner, 154 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY At 10:00 o'clock gravel bids were opened which had been received from L.J. Vontz Construction. Co., Lilley Sand &Gravel and H& M Equipment Company. H & M Equipment Company West Blue Twp 1.92 cu yd Highland Twp 1.76 cu yd. Denver Twp 2.14 cu yd. Blaine Twp 2.21 cu yd. Lilley Sand & Gravel Verona Twp. Kenesaw Twp Wanda Twp Juniata Twp L.J.Vontz Construction Co. Hanover Twp Ayr Twp Roseland Tpw Cottonwood Twp Lohan Twp SilverLake Twp zero Twp Little Blue Twp 1.64 cu yd. 1.87 cu yd. 2.32 cu yd. 2.03 cu yd. 2.11 2.06 2.29 2.56 2.62 2.41 2.24 2.31 cu cu cu cu Cu cu cu cu yd. yd. yd. yd. yd. yd. yd yd. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Hoagland that the gravel bids be accepted as bid and the County Clerk be instructed to prepare contracts for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Mr. Herbst appeared as representative of the Stte Fire Marshall to explain certain requirements to be met at the nursing home. He explained that it would be necessary to install solid core doors on all bedrooms and 40" doors on rooms with guests who were not ambulatory. Since two rooms already had 40" doors and only two guests who had been there for a number of years were confied to bed, it was agreed that this situation could be handled. Ron Jensen appeared to explain some of the proposed programs for the Aged and requested that the Board of Supervisors consider funding such programs. Motion by Goble, seconded by Trip that we authorize the Chairman to sign the Tri -Party Agreement between Technical consultants, Inc. of McCook, the State of Nebraska and the County of Adams. All voted ay.e Motion carried. George Kulhanek appeared and showed the pictures of ditch fronting his property with a drainage problem. The road committee agreed to investigate the situation and report back to the board. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble that the reports of Register of Deeds(3), CountyClerk, Car Titles and County Sheriff, County Library and Nursing Home be accepted and placed on file. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kailey that the Chairman be autorized to sign tax list corrections No. 6209 through 6218. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Hoagland that we approve the release of Joint Custody Receipts 946836 0 in the amount of $100,000. with First National Bank and Joint Custody Receipt 946937 2 in the amount of $100,000. with the First National Bank of Hastings,Nebraska. Roll call, u11 voted aye. Motion carried.* Motion by Goble, seconded by Kidd that the bondsfor Gary Bittfield, Garland Baker, Joseph DeMuth, Alfred Parr, Norbert Parr and Glenn Gangwish as members of the Weed Control Authority Board and Weed Superintendent in the amount of $1,000. each. Roll call , all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Theobald that the following proceedings. Rol call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 4365 County Sheriff 12.50 4366 City NationalBank 1384.25 4367 Register of Deeds 264.14 4368 County Judge 4369 First National Bank 4370. Register of Deeds 4371 County Judge 4372 County Treasurer 4373 State of Nebr 4374 County Judge 4375 County Judge 4376 County Judge 4377 Adams Co. Nursing Home 4378 State of Nebr. 4379 Register of Deeds 4380 County Judge 4381 Hastings State B-'nk 86.88 1250.00 9.01 141.62 106.40 7329.74 20.58 152.98 3.40 6380.70 47, 73.09 903.75 60.00 1375.00 misc 4383 4384 4385 4386 4387 4388 4389 4390 4391 4392 4393 4394 4395 4396 4397 4398 4399 ellaneous receipts be made a part of this County Clerk 206.50 County Clerk 965.00 County Clerk 228.12 County Judge 875.35 County Judge 892.00 County Judge 2,680.00 County Judge. 750.00 County Judge 3,094.00 County Judge 9.90 County Judge 239.03 County Judge 10.00 Adams Co. Ambulance Serv. 1700.25 Kearney Co. Treas. 1600.00 Co. Judge 10.57 Co. Judge 442.69 Co. Sheriff 125.00 Cle k of District Court 373.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 155 ACME PRINTING COMPANY 4400 Clerk of District Court 54.00 4401 Welfare Director 131.38 4402 Adams Co. Ambulance Service 1440.00 4403 County Judge 4404 Welfare Director 4405 County Judge 4406 County Judge 14.75 104.80 12.00 12.00 Motion by Theobald, seconded by Hoagland that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Anderson Anderson ,Robert G Sheriff , Robert G Sheriff Augustine Company bittfield Agency Blessing,Alfred Block & ompany, Inc. Buhr, Don Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corporation Business Supply Company Butterfield, Maurine City Clerk Cambridge, William G ATtorney Cash-Wa Candy Co. Certified Laboratories,Inc. City of Ayr Clarke Oil Coppany Clerk of the istrict Court Commercial Electronics Inc. County Superintendent County Superintendent Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Dangberg, D.3rrel & Associates DeLuxe Cleaning Services Inc. Department of Information Dutton-Lainson Company Dutton-Lainson Company Dutton-Lainson Company Eastman Kodak Company Ed;s Texaco Inc. Eogemberg, Roger Extension Service Revolving Fund Faber Gas Appliance Service Fast, Mrs. Bill Federal Grant Projects Fidler, Paul Plumbing & Heating Finnerty, R.W. Fitzke, Ronald R Foote, Gene C II Frerichs, Floyd G Gangwish,Mrs. Glen Geaeral Supply General Supply Goodwin Ray Company Haberman's of Hastings Hammond & Stephens Co. Hartman,Marvin Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Graphic Arts Hastings TypewriterCompany Hastings Utlities Hastings Welding Suppiry Co. Haverly, Harry C Co. Judge Hawes, Anita Heeren, Darrell Hoagland, David Holstein Rural Fire Hynes, Jack IBM International Business Machines Kailey, Willis_ Kolam Univorms GENERAL FUND Revolving Fund Matron Fee, Food for Prisoners & Mileage Files Bond Court Appointed Counsel Numerical Sorter Board Member Mileage Supplies & Validator Checkwriter Rep Supplies Reporting Vital Statistics Court Appointed Counsel Supplies Supplies Rental Oil State Cases Repair Fee for Workshop Mileage & Meals Verbal Reports Cadastral Maps Cleaning Supplies Supplies Supplies Fertilizer Repair & Mileage G saline Board Member Mileage Supplies Repair Board Member Mileage Local Matching Repair Mileage & Meals Court Appointed Counsel Court Appointed Counsel Purchase Right of Way Board Member Mileage Supplies Tires Supplies Film Supplies Installation of Radios Supplies Supplies & Advertising Printing Supplies Utilities Oxygen Membership Dues Mile age Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage R ntal Bgard Member Mileage Supplies & Repair Rental Registration. Supplies 115.91 2,464.50 49.20 35.70 100.00 46.15 17.68 2076.30 47.00 32.65 127.50 100.00 16.80 83.00 30.00 48.03 933.30 12.00 45.00 41.70 8.50 2965.00 68.20 48.70 23.17 14.45 26.34 39.82 117.45 12.64 44.34 8.00 6.20 507.82 11.75 58.14 235.00 125.00 1316.25 14.80 4.37 23.97 56.00 37.26 11.35 100.00 41.31 735.87 29.40 231.24 ,2159.83 51.95 25.00 3.75 13.36 12.88 30.00 24.88 29.41 68.52 3.75 4.50 156 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Kwik Chek Company Kwik Chek Company 1(10tXx6H*Xx138M154Nyxx Laux, Evelyn lincoln Regional Center Lincoln Teletthone & Telegraph Little Blue Township Meredith, L. John Mental Health, Board of Lancaster Co. Modern Linen Service Modern Linan Service Modern Office Methods Modern Methods Inc. Murthy, P.S..M.D. Nationel College of Probate Judges Nelson, Luwane Ochsner, Duane O'Keefe Elevator Co. Omaha Printing Company Overhead Door Company Orthopedic Brace Company Pitney=Bowes Queen City Rentals Redfield & Company Saylor, Ronald Mrs. Schafer Printing Company Schafer Printing Company Scherr, Stephen A Schukei, Wesley Scott, F.R. Scott, F.R. Sears Roebuck & Company Seiler, Les Shepard's Citations Inc. Sherman Service Center Snoberger, Don Simons, Dr.Milton stephenson School Supply Story, Roscoe E Swanson, Paul Tempo Timm's Repair Toogood, Arthur C United Laboratories, Inc. Vaughans Printers Inc. Vaughans Printers Weber Studio Wenske, Richard Wiest, Melvin J Williams Exterminating Co. Xerox Corporation Yost, C.G. Co. Treas. VanFleet, R.J. Dunley, Harold T Skiles, Lyle A Aranson,Roy Ayr Grain Company Clarke Oil Company Clarke Oil Company Continental Oil Company Dutton-Lainson Company Dutton-Lainson Company Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Heuertz, Harold G Firestone Stores Friends Motors Supply General Supply Auto Service General Steel Products Company Ginter, Robert Glenwood Telephone Membership H & M Ecuipment Co. Hastings Ashpalt, Inc. _Hastings Concrete Products Hastings Daily Tribune Microfilm Microfilm 144g5IUM Land Purchase Patient Care Telephone & Toll Rental Registration Patient Care Mop & Mat Service Mop & Mat Service Supplies Service & Paper Autopsy Membership Dues Mileage Board Member Mileage Maintanence Supplies Service Calls & Repair Supplies Inspection & Laundry Supplies Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Membership Board Member Mileage Professional Service Professional Service Repair Court Appointed Counsel Subsctriptions Repair & Supplies Board Member Mileage Porfessional Service Supplies Mileage & Travel Expense Mileage Machine Repair Registration & Mileage Supplies Claim Blanks Supplies Film Antennas Mileage Pest Control Rental Registeration Salary Salary Salary Salary ROAD -BRIDGE FUND Gasoline Gasoline & Oil Gasoline & Oil Diesel Supplies Supplies Gasoline Mileage Supplies Supplies Tires Culvert Mileage Telephone & Toll Gravel Hot Mix Crushed Block Legal Notice 180.00 20.00 1043.75 36.00 868.73 25.00 3.75 50.80 35.70 35.70 2.50 404.21 175.00 25.00 101.93 16.72 37.50 23.80 61.45 25.00 129.50 67.54 557.15 25.12 15.60 16.10 15.00 19.30 108.00 24.00 34.55 125.00 38.00 44.53 13.84 35.00 37.56 12.75 61.42 99.00 103.20 42.00 89.40 55.40 5.49 13.95 50.61 29.55 5.00 160.00 3.75 300.00 750.00 750.00 80.00 9.44 52.40 235.60 160.32 39.44 6.72 37.82 6.90 42.02 78.63 177.08 485.32 21.60 26.20 1196.00 1437.95 144.00 53.76 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 157 ACME PRINTING COMPANY Hastings Utilities Industrial IrrigationService Kansas -Nebraska Natural Gas Kenesaw Oil & Supply Kidd, C.H. Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Servic Nebr. Cons. Comm Corp Nebraska Public Power District Nebr Tractor & Equip Co. Olsen, L.L. Oil Company PPG Industries, Inc. Penny'` s Store Ramsey, Irene Rockmout Research S & H Truck Stop Sidles Company Southern Nebr RuralPublic Power 3-M Minnesota Mining & Mfg Co. Vontz, L.J. Construction Wheeler Division Wheeler Division Wheeler Division Witt, Lloyd ADAMS COUNTY Abbotts Dairy Acme Printing Cash-Wa Candy Co. Custom Pack Inc. Duro-Test Corporation F & E Distributing Gamble Robinson Co. General Supply Co. Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Utilities Hobart Sales & Service IQngram, Jerry Johnson Cashway Lumber Company Johnson, Carl Johnson, Richard L & M Distributors Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McGee, Verla Metz Baking Company Morris Paint & Varnish Nelson Electric Company Queen City Laundry Red & White Market Safeway Stores Inc. Starks Quality Market Thompson Company Ulry-Talbett Company Williams Exterminating Woodwards Disposal Service Inc FEDERAL Administrative Services Tele Div. Anderson -Divan -Cottrell Inc. General Telephone Co. Hershberger, Greg Hershberger, Greg Kaufmann& Wernert Kearney State College Knittel,Marvin G L & W Service Center Inc. Northwestern Public Service Safeway Stores, Inc. Sears Roebuck & Company Unimart Thrift Center Coop Grain & Supply Utilities Supplies Gas Service Diesel Mileage & Meals Supplies Supplies Supplie Supplies Telephone & Toll Washroom Service & Mats Washroom Service Radio Rental Electric Service Supplies Gasoline Supplies Material Grain Bin Supplies Repair Supplies Electric Service Supplies Gravel Supplies Supplies Supplies Registeration & Mileage NURSING HOME FUND Dairy Products Printing Supplies Meat Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Repair Produce Supplies Eggs Potatoes Supplies Telephone & Toll Supplies Bakery Products Supplies Repair Laundry Groceries Groceries Meat Groceries Groceries Pest Control Disposal Service GRANTS PROJECTS FUND Telecommunication Insurance Telephone Recreation Gasoline Supplies Utilities Professional Service APPLIances Co. Electric Service Groceries' WEED Supplies Supplies CONTROL FUND ..... ......_............ Chemical 48.11 23.90 78.32 73.22 19.18 306.04 19.44 108.55 140.66 .58.01 8.24 8.46 258.48 2.99 122.12 429.03 29;45 17.40 65.00 65.37 21.65 68.05 30.57 235.25 690.69 67.00 57.00 255.54 36.87 113.37 25.00 .. 85.03 120.57 185.70 4.00 70.03 9.75 36.73 235.91 47.50 ( ( 20.00 1.81 36.00 10.00 5,60 25.40 14.88 38.82 5.82 8.05 90.97 12.42 21.75 146.61 117.84 106.52 6.00 15.00 1562.50 169.00 30.49 15.00 108.82 3.77 125.10 30.00 249.00 14.39 109.65 1.99 42.47 2106.30 158 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Johnson, Wendell Roseland Sundries Nebr. Dept of Public Welfare Hastings Public Library Huntting HR Company Huntting H .R. Brown, Bettie B Gangwish, Anna Klein, Constance J. Mewhirter, J.T. Motley, Mrs. Evelyn Saddler, Arlene H Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey Beatrice State Home Hastings Regional Center. Hastings Regional Center. Lincoln Regional Center Lincoln Regional.Center NebraskaPsychiatric Institute Jack & Jill Jack& Jill Morris, L.L. Safeway Grocery Wagey Drug Business Supply Company Charlton, Dr, G. Paul credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Dean, Dr. E.J. Hoffineister, Dr. George Kingsley, Dr. D.W. Kleager, Dr. C.L. Krebsbach, Catherine Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Mastin, Dr. Robert Meyer, Garnet Mikkelsen, Dr. Lane M rri.s, L.L. M rris, L.L. Osborne, Dr. G.L. Pierce, Mary Elaine Powell, Ray D. Richter, M -lo Dee Weber, Dr. C.R. Yost, Dr. John G This Board will now recess subject County C erk E_LA11j1___ DP ty Repair Supplies MEDICAL SURGICAL & HOSPITAL Vendor] Payments COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Rental Books 1 Books S&lary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary INSTITUTIONS FUND atient Care Ourpatient Care Patient Care Patient Care Outpatient Care Patient & Outpatient Care GENERAL RELIEF FUND Groceries Groceries Revolving Fund Groceries Supplies STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Supplies Professional Service Bulletin Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Mileage Telephone & Toll Professional Service pileage rofessional Service Postage Mileage & Meals Professional Service Mileage Mileage Mileage Professional `'ervice Professional Service 213.29 41.00 9,132.17 333.03 25.10 4.07 40.00: 40.00 300.00 150.00 150.00 40.00 150.00 :5115.00 2386.80 10566 00 732.00 15.00 445.04 10.00 40.00 30.00 10.0 7.20 80.69 6.00 5.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 3.00 112.1.3 7.50 10.60 15.00 90.00 65.66 :.:..: 10.00 4.40 12..30 14.80 • 20.00 15.00 to the call of. the chairman of the COURTHOUSE HASTINGS,NEBRASKA Tuesday April 24, 1973 9:30 o'clock Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of April 10, 1973nand as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with Edlightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Kidd, Hoagland, Goble, Theobald, Kai.ley, Tripp and Lightner. Motion by Kailey seconded by Tripp that the County Treasurer is authorized to write tax certificates on all real estate on which Taxes are unpaid for two years last past. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Carried. Motion by Kidd seconded by Goble that we grant permission to Kansas -Nebraska Natural Gas Co., Inc. to undercross the road in Sec 24, T7, Rnge 10, Adams County, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye.Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Theobald-, that we'extend our 1972 asphaltic concrete contract With Werner Construction Company for 30 days from May 1, 1973. Rol1`call, all voted aye.' Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Motion by Goble, Seconded by Tripp that we authorize the County Clerk to advertise for sealed bids for asphaltic concrete for eight projects as designated by action taken by this Board. Bids to be opened on teh 8th day of May, 1973 at 10 o'clock A.M. Plans and specifications on ,file at the County Clerks office and at the Office of Benjamin and Associates Inc. engineers. of Grand Island, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 4Iotion by Hoagland seconded by Kailey that we approve the claims and order the County Clerk to issue warrants for the same on their respective funds. Roll call all voted aye. Motion carried. County Extension Office County Ambulance Department Clerk of the District Court County Assessor's Office Adams County Attorney's Office Adams County Supervisors Adams County Clerk's Office adamsCounty .Sheriff's Office Adams County Superintendents Office Adams County Treasurer's Office Courthouse Janitors Juvenile Probation Office Register of ;Deeds Office Adams County. Veterans Service Schlachter, Gloria Reutlinger, Lila Gartner, Rena Theobald, A.J. Adams County Nursing liome Federal Grants Weed Control Fundi State Administration Duthie, Eva B Road -Bridge Fund Anderson, Roy ,.P000re, Delbert W Austin, Weslie B This Board will now recess subject County Clerk Deputy Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Offices Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Office Expense Office Expense Office _E'pense Salary Prior Service Prior Service Trees Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Prior Service Salaries Prior Service Prior. Service Prior Service to the call of the Chairman ofthe Bo 1670.66 3348.47 1309.32 3881.59 3246.16 2656.90 2.282.25 3047.90 976.62 3100.74 889.88 902.45 1464.96 1170.33 293.75 14.00 25.00 20.50 4385.08 2128.64 600.00 7325.00 14.00 13603.50 25.00 25.00 25.00 a r n COURTHOUSE, HAST INGS NEBRASKA 'Tuesday May 1, 1973 9:30 o'clock The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of April 4, 1973 with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Kidd, Hoagland, Goble, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp and Lightner, County Assessor, Roscoe Story and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Members of the Board went to view properties on whic protests had been filed. This board will now recess until May 2, 1973 at 1:30 P.M. COURTHOUSE HASTINGS,NEBRASKA Wednesday, May 2, 1973. 1:30 P.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors metas a Board of Equalization as per recess of May 1, 1973 with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Members present. Kidd, Hoagland, Goble, Theobald, Tripp and Lightner, Absent; Kailey. Members of the Board reviewed applications for Homestead Exemption. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble that the applications which had been received and reviewed which are on file in the County Clerk's Office marked Exhibit "A" be approved as indicatec on each individual application. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 160 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY COURTHOUSE HAST INGS ,NEBRASKA Tuesday May 8, 1973 9:30 o'clock AM Regular meeting of the AdamsCounty Il8ard of Supervisors Met as per recess of April 24, 1973 and as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune, With Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Kidd, Hoagland, Theobald, Kailey and Tripp. Absent: Goble. Paul Guptill, representing Central Nebraska Health Planning Council appeared to give a report and to request consideration be given to continued support by Adams County in the next fiscal budget. At 10:00 a.m. bids which had been received for asphalt projects to be completed in 1973 were opened and tabulated. Bids were received from Hastings Asphalt, Inc.; L.J.Vontz construction Co.; and Werner Con struction, Inc. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Theobald that the contracts for asphaltic concrete surfacing projects be awarded to the low bidders as follows: Project C-1-1.973 Project C-21973 Project C3-1973 Project 04-1973 Project C5-1973 Project C6-1973 Project C7-1973 Project C8-1973 Vontz Construction Co. Vontz Construction Co./ Werner Construction Co. Werner Construction Co. Werner Construction Co. Werner Construction Co. Werner Construction Co. Werner Construction Co. 'doll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. $16,221.00 47,415.80 9,675.00 23,028.80 45,401.50 4,771.00 9,297.00 9,234.00 Motion by Kidd, seconded by Tripp that the officer's reports be accepted and placed on file: Nursing Home, County Clerk, Car Titles, County Library, County Sheriff, Register of Deeds(2). 8411 call, all voted aye.Motion cartied. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Kailey that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 6219 thru 6266. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. al Motion by.tio g atId con. t. by Kidd that--we_approveL tetposting of addition securities by the First National Bank of Hastings,Nebraska as follows: JC951870 2 Dodge & Saunders Co. Nebr. SD#95 Bonds in the amount of $35,000.; 951868 9 Omaha -Douglas Pub Bldg Comm. Bds in the amount of $100,000.; 951867 6 Minn. State Bldg. Bds in the amount of $100,000. We further approve the posting of JC951889-6 U.S. Treas. Notes in the amount of $388,000.; JC951912-5 U.S. Treas. Bilis in the amount of $200,000.; JC951913-8 U.S . Treas. Bills in the amount of $200,000.; JC 951915-8 U.S. Treas. Bills in the amount of $200,000.; JC951914-1 U.S. Treas. Bills in the amount of $200,000.; and approve the withdrawal of JC21750 Treas. Notes A1973 in the amount of $400,000. by the City National Bank of Hastings Nebraska. Roll call all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Tripp that the following revolution be adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, there has been signed by Adams County on the 6th day of October, 1971 and the State on the 19th day of October, 1971 an agreement providing for the construction of a Federal Aid Secondary Road beginning at the northeast corner of S..20, T7N, R9W, thence West about 1.3 miles and terminating at Junction with U.S. #6, and beginning at the Northwest corner of S21, T7N, R9W, thence East and terminating at the Northeast corner of S24, T7N, R9W, and WHEREAS, in the 'above agreement, the County has pledged sufficient funds to finance its share of the cost of the construction of this project identified as No. S-252 (6), & S-645 (5) and WHEREAS, the above mentioned agreement provided that the County would pay all of the non -Federal costs of this project, and WHEREAS, the State received bids for the construction of this project on April 26, 1973 at which time 5 bids were received for the construction of the proposed work, and WHEREAS, the following conctractors for the mems of work listed have been selected as the low bidders to whom contracts should be awarded: L. J. Webb Contractor, Inc., Geneva, Nebraska Concrete Box Culverts $17,000.93 Werner Construction Inc ;and Werner and Son-Hasting,Nebraska Asph. Conc. S.C. $97,759.65 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above facts, the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, by this resolution, takes the following >official action: 1. If for any reason the Federal Highway Administration rescinds, limits its obligations, or defers payment,. of the Federal share of the cost of this project, the County hereby agrees to provide the necessary funds to pay for all costs incurred until and in the event such Federal fundsare allowed and paid. 2. The Board hereby corm=s in the selection of the above mentioned contractors for the items of work listed, to whom a contract should be awarded. 3. The Board hereby Authorizes the Chairman to sign contracts with the above mentioned contractorsand with the State for the above mentioned work. 4. The Board does not desire to perform any of work by the contract method. Rollcall, all voted aye motion carried. the work with its own forces in lieu of performing the SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 161 ACME PRINTING COMPANY Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that the following miscellaneous Receipts be of this Supervisors Proceedings. Roll call,all voted Aye. Motion carried. 4407 Marvin Hartman 14.75 4408 Bankers Life Nebraska 982.77 4409 Register of Deeds 420.34 4410 Equitable Life Assurance Soc 7.40 4411 State of Nebr. 4148.05 4412 County Clerk 21,229.88 4413 Register of Deeds 1.00 4414 County Judge 49.03 4415 State of Nebr 99,846.43 4416 Treas. U.S. 56,364.00 4417 First Nat. Bank 212.50 4418 State of Ne. 8,215.36 4419 First National B nk 862.50 4420 State of Nebr. 60,432.60 4421 County Judge 810.38 4422 Adams Co Nursing Home 6,419.09 4423 State of Nebraska 139.58 4424 Roseland Village 500.00 4425 State of Nebraska 28,735.45 4426 Roseland Village 100.00 4427 Clerk Dist Court 693.50 4428 Clerk of Dist Court 48.70 4429 Clerk Dist Court 300.00 4430 Clerk of Dist Court 500.00 4431 County Clerk 306.25 4432 County Clerk 998.50 4433 First National Bank 1,375.00 4434 County Judge 1,017.64 4435 County Judge 1,085.00 4436 County Judge 2,780.00 4437 County Judge 954.00 4438 County Judge 3,641.00 4439 County Judge 12.00 4440 County Judge 12.00 4441 4442 4443 4444 4445 4446 4447 4448 4449 4450 4451 4452 4453 4454 4455 4456 4457 4458 4459 4460 4461 4462 4463 4464 4465 44661 4467 4468 4469 4470 4471 4472 4473 County Judge County Judge Register of Deeds Highland Operating Co. County Clerk Hastings Saddle Club Adams County Sheriff County Judge City National Bank City National Bank County Judge Hastings State Bank First National Bank First National Bank County Judge County Judge First ;National Bank City NationalBank Herman C Kloke Co. Sheriff Adams County Bank Adams County B nk Southern Hills Country County Judge County Judge County Judge L & W Service Center Inc. County Judge County Judge City National Bank Harold L Zubrod County Judge County Judge made a part 205.00 29.92 1,340.00 358.32 507.82 25.00 127.00 801.79 1,258.00 1,258.00 50.00 2,062.50 1,250.00 1,250.00 10.58 30.54 1,250.00 1,258.00 33.32 297.50 1,375.00 1,375.00 Club 358.32 12.00 93.75 82.50 175.00 2,806.22 16.48 2,516.00 33.32 270.77 324.84 Motion by Theobald, seconded by Kailey that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, allvoted aye. Motion carried. Agricultural Extension Service Aliens' fo Hastings Anderson, Robert G Sheriff Bancroft,Whitney Co. BankiAmericard Berts Rexall Drugs Beyke Signs Business Supply Company Commercial Electronics, Inc. Connolly, William M. Conway, James D. County Superintendent Credit Burea of Hastings DeLuxe Cleaning Services Dept. of Water Resources Duro-Test Corporation Dutton-Lainson Company Dutton-Lainson Company Ed;s Pharmacy Ed;s Texaco Educational Service Unit #9 Educational Service Unit #9 Erkra, Roger Fay's Drive In Drug Fidler, Paul Plumbing & Heating Fidler, Paul Plumbing & Heating Finnerty, R.W. Fitzke, Ronald R Friends Motor Supply General Supply General Supply Glenn, Elmer E M.D. GENERAL FUND Area Agents & Watts Line Film Matron Fee,Food for Prisoners & Mileage Library Expense Gasoline Medicine Supplies Supplies Radio Repair Court Appointed Counsel Court Appointed Counsel Mileage & Meals Bulletin Cleaning IBM Print-out Supplies Supplies Supplies Medicine G soline Trainable Mentally Ret. Film Library Supplies Supplie s Repair Repair Mileage Court Appointed Counsel Supplies Repair Supplies Professional Service 606.00 148.00 2,186.31 188.90 4.20 5.25 86.00 388.06 26.45 125.00 100.00 57.35 10.00 77.80 7.00 111.80 17.21 53.71 29.81 112.31 4,500.00 254.00 19.50 1.25 7.80 11.80 47.00 50.00 28.02 38.65 10.43 22.50 162 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Hammond, & Stephens Co. Hastings Advertising Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Plumbing & Heating Rastigs Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities Haverly, Harry C. Co. Judge Haverly, Harry C. Co. Judge Haverly, Harry C Co. Judge Heimann,_ Joseph R Johnson Service Company K C Career Apparel Co. Kully Iron & Metal Co. Kwik Chek Company McLane Jewelry Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Mac's Bt &&ding & Supplies Madgett, Albert P Midwest Communication Service Modern Linen Service Modern Methods Inc. NNCDA Services Inc. Nelson, Luwane Ostdiek, Leland Overhead Door Pitney -Bowes Platte V-l1ey Communications Queen City Rentals Safety E-uipment Company Safeway Stores Schafer Printing Company Scherr, Stephen A. Scott, F.R. Sherman Service Center Simons,Dr. Milton Singer Business Machines Story, Roscoe E Story, Roscoe E Swanson, Paul Taylor, Bernard H Clerk of Dist Court Taylor,Bernard Clerk of Dist Court. Taylor,Bernard Clerk of Dist Court Wiest, Melvin J. Williams Exterminating Co. Writing Instrument Corporation Xerox Corporation Youngblood, Myron J. Youngblood, Myron J. Aranson, Roy Salary Nelson, O.M. VanFleet, R.J. Bak -Vol Starter & Generator Co. Benjamin,Kasl & Associates Blue Diamond Concrete Inc. Continental Oil Company D.A. Sinclair Service Dutton-Lainson Company Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Friends Motor Supplies Gassford Machine Shop Glenwood Telephone Membership H &M Equipment Company H & M Equipment Company Hastings Asphalt, Inc. Hastings Asphalt, Inc. Hastings Utilities The Island Supply Company The Island Supply Company Kansas -Nebraska Natural Gas Co. Kenesaw"Oil Company Laird Motors Inc. Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Repair & Supplies Utilities State Cases Check Imprinting State Cases Court Appointed Filters Blazer Supplies Supplies Clock M tor Telephone & Toll Ambulance Supplies Mileage Radio Rental Mop & Map Service 3-M Copier Supplies Odometer. Certificates Mileage Printing Repair Rental Radio Installation Laundry Ambulance Supplies Groceries Printing Mileage Professional Service Repair Professional Service Supplies Mileage & Supplies Meals Mileage State Cases & Mental Health Mileage Mileage Mileage Pest Control Supplies Rental Court Appointed Counsel Court Appointed Counsel Salary Salary Salary ROAD-BRDIGE FUND Supplies Engineerjrng Services Cement Diesel Gasoline Supplies Gasoline Supplies Repair Telephone & Toll Grave 1 Gravel Partial Payment Ashphalt Utilities Supplies Supplies Gas Service Gasoline & Diesel Repair & Adv. Supplies Counsel 73.60 52.60 5.40 240.95 204.20 13.20 193.10 51.61 1,844.26 125.80 16.35 133.00 150.00 38.72 277.65 112.92 343.97 3.95 874.13 131.20 21.80 75.00 35.70 253.05 27.55 103.23 126.53 5.50 7.82 67.50 28.83 99.66 28.71 103.45 32.00 48.00 50.43 20.00 16.00 12.10 5.70 44.57 659.42 40.00 20.0 57.10 5.00 22.90 160.00 100.00 105.16 40.00 20.00 300.00 4.50 237.00 616.72 155.36 4.50 7.73 49.50 34 65600 15.46 2162.40 2749.40 2000.00 643.53 47.79 35.00 30.20 68.96 169.11 14.68 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY NEBRASKA 163 ACME PRINTING COMPANY Lilly Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Modern Linen Service Nebr. Cons. Comm. Corp. Nebraska Correctional Industries Nebaaska Public Power District L. L. Olsen Oil Company PPG Industries Inc. W. G. Pauley Lumber Company Pittz Service S. E. Smith & Sons Southern Nebraska Rural public Power 3-M Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co. Vontz, L. J. Const. Vontz, L. J. Const. Vontz, L. J. Const. Wheeler Division Werner Construction Z. & Z. Egyiipment Co. Johnson, Norman Heuertz, Harold G. Halte, Frank Abbott's Dairy American Hotel Register Co. Cash-Wa Candy Co. Century Soft Water Co. Custom Pack Inc. F. & E. Distributing Gamble -Robinson Co. General Supply Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities Johnson, Carl K & U Packing plant Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McDonalds McGee, Verla Metz Bakery Donated Food program Queen City Laundry Red & White Market Starks Quality Market Thompson Company Ulry-Talbert Williams Exterminating Woodwards Disposal Service Bobs Apco Service General Telephone Company Gonge, Max Hershberger, Greg Hershberger, Greg Hershberger, Greg Hershberger, Greg Kaufman & Wernert Kaufman & Wernert Kearney Daily Hub Kearney State College Kmittel, Marvin G Ed. D. Northwestern Public Service Co. Safeway Stores Inc. Sears Roebuck & Company Sears Roebuck & Company Simpson, W. G., D.D.S. Unimart Thrift Center United Rent -all Valley pharmacy Inc. Gonge, Max E. ADAMS Gravel Supplies & Repair Supplies Supplies Telephone & Toll Washroom Service & Mat Service Radio Rental Supplies Electric Service Gasoline Supplies Supplies Gasoline & Supplies Supplies Electric Service Supplies Gravel Gravel Gravel Supplie s Oil Repair Salary Salary Salary COUNTY NURSING HOME Dairy Products Supplies Supplies Supplies Met Products Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Eggs Meat Products Telephone & Toll Supplies Supplies Bakery products Supplies Laundry Groceries Meat products Supplies Groceries Pest Control Disposal Service GRANTS PROJECTS Gasoline Telephone Service Mileage Dues Recreation Allowance Supplies Gasoline & Supplies Supplies Supplies Advertising Utilities Professional Service Electric Service Groceries Supplies Repair professional Service Supplies Rental Supplies Salary FEDERAL 252.36 951.38 101.24 79.65 62.85 9.72 258.48 155.50 2.19 379.64 12.42 15.85 269.30 24.39 17.16 147.20 792.99 3791.04 5477.12 87.84 400.00 1.60 12.00 6.00 18.00 96.80 30.70 85.75 10.75 147.28 2.00 46.20 3.29 43.08 20.40 232.59 28.00 178.38 25.00 12.04 67.73 40.26 15.15 87.00 21.78 156.95 136.81 204.35 6.00 15.00 42.44 56.70 81.80 11.00 150.00 2.60 52.59 9.78 8.97 10.25 125.10 85.00 20.08 114.57 44.98 8.00 13.50 34.45 3.50 1.49 250.00 164 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc. Glenn, Dr. E. E. Hoffmeister, Dr. George Kamm, Dr. Frank Kleager, Dr. Clyde Kostal, Dr. 0. A. Krebsbach, Catherine Lincoln Telephone '& Telegraph Meyer, Garnet Mikkelson, Dr. Lance Morris, L. L. Morris, L. L. Powell, Ray D. Richter, Melo Dee Weber, Dr. C. R. Weiler, Dr. Leo Yost, Dr. John G. Hartman, Del Morris, L. L. Hastings Daily Tribune Kissinger, Roger The Book Shop Denson, T.S. & Company Doubleday & Company Hastings Public Library Brown, Bettie B. Gangwish, Anna Klein, Constance J. Mewhirter, J. T. Motley, Evelyn Saddler, Arlene H. Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey Nebr. Department of Public Welfare This Board will now recess subject / s / County Clerk STATE ADMINISTRAION FUND Bulletin professional Professional Professional professional Professional Mileage Telephone & Toll Mileage Professional Service Postage Mileage Mileage Mileage Professional Service professional Service Professional Service GENERAL RELIEF FUND Rent Revolving Fund WEED CONTROL FUND gdvertising Chemical COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Books Books Books Rental Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary MEDICAL, SURGICAL HOSPITAL FUND Vendor payments Service Service Service Service Service 5.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 7.50 2.80 99.88 20.40 30.00 100.00 5.30 3.20 7.90 20.00 12.00 7.50 32.50 58.70 13.12 385.00 24.45 12.38 62.43 333.33 40.00 40.00 300.00 150.00 150.00 40.00 150.00 11,732.48 to the call of the Chairman of the Boa of S ervisors. „A �-' C airman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS,NEBRASKA 3:30 o'clock P.M. Tuesday, May 8, 1973 The Adams County hoard of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalizsation as per recess of May 2, 1973, Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present Kidd, boagland, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp, and Lightner; County Clerk, Anita Hawes, County Assessor, Roscoe Story. Absent, Goble. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that we grant homestead exemption to those properties reviewed to date with applications on file in the County Clerk's office marked exhibit "A",` Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess until May 15, 1973 at 9"30 A.M. SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 165 ACME PRINTING COMPANY COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS ,NEBRASKA Tuesday May 15, 1973 9:30 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of May 8, 1973 Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Kidd, Hoagland, Theobald, Goble, Kailey, Tripp and Lightner. County Clerk, Anita Hawes; County Assessor,Roscoe Story; Deputy County Assessor, Melvin Wiest. The following hearings were held for the presentation of testimony concerning the individual pro- tests which had been filed during the month of April. Decisions to be made ifter review of evidence presented. Gene M Aabel, Described: N20' of Lot 2& S 75' of Lot 3 Power's Addition, also known as 1420 MacArthur Road, Hastings Nebraska. Mr. Aabel appeared and presented a list of comparisons. Fatil,ymoved in to property in November 1972. John P. Piekarski, Described: Sk Lots 43 & 44 Palmer's Addition, also known as 123 E 5th St., Hastings,Nebraska Protested that purchase price of property was $4,700. Improvements deteriorated especially on the interior. Felt valuation too high. Mr. Piekarski appeared. Said it will rent as I unit. Intends to re -decorate for about $800. IR§_e_pliktstE122212is! Hatch, Described: E25' of Lot 20 & W.45' of Lot 21, Block 3, East Third addition, also known as 907 E 3rd St., Protested: In comparison with houses at 903 E 3rd, 402 N 3rd Ave*, and 1214 E 5th St., ours is assessed too high. These houses are comparable in age, floor plan and construction. Mr and Mrs. Hatch appeared. Purchased house about 5 years ago. Compared house with other properties of same floor plan. Gus and Linda Sbhroeder, Described: W 3' of Lot 20, all of Lot 21 and E17' of Block 5, West Heights Addition, also known as 2625 W 5th St. Hastings,Nebraska. Protested: Property too high in comparison to comparable tit better properties. Mr. & Mrs. Schroeder appeared. Compared property with two west of him. Built in 1969. John A. Schmidt, Described: Lot 18, Block 4, Imperial Village 2nd Add. also known as 3135 Paradise Drive, Hastings,Nebraska. Protested in comparison with houses at 701 Valley Chase 2519 WlOth, which are houses of similar design and construction, mine is assessed too high. Mr. Schmidt appeared. James D Smith or Sheila C. Smith, Described: Lot 2, Lake Shore Villa Sub Addition, also known as 326 N Shore Drive, Pastings,Nebraska. Protested: No protest on land but the actual value they have on the dwelling is much higher than I consider I Paid for it. Mr. James Smith appeared. Presented comparison charts. Hastings Cemetery Association,Lot 1 thru 6, Block 2, Brown's Addition, 1323 No. Elm Ave. Hastings Nebraska. Lots declared exempt on April 2, 1973. Question of exemption is on Mobil Home owned by Hastings Cemetery A sociation. Feel a 1971 Bonnavilla Mobile Home Identification No.17-0634 should be declared exempt. Elmer Feis appeared, Gar Coulter and Marcille Coulter, All of Lot 8 except the No 10' thereof Bik 2, Colonial Estates also known as 1245 Heritage Drive, Hastings,Nebraska. Protested: In comparison with other properties of the neighborhood, ours is valued out of line. Mr. Coulter appeared. Charles H & Dorothy M Kidd , lot 1 thru 4, Block 1, Blythe's 2nd Addition to the Village of Kenesaw. Protested that the valuation is too high in relation to comparable property. Request that it be reduced to $6,645. to put it in line with comparable property. Mr. Kidd appeared. lainS, Lot 5 thru 12, Block 3 Lot 7 thru 12, blk 4 and all blocks 7 & 8 plus lots 7-12 bik 9 plus vacated streets and alley. known as Bonnavilla Mobile Plaza. Protested that the space per space on this park is assessed euual to Kingswood plaza. We fought for 2 years to get plastic sewer and water pipes approved and when it did get approved our bid was $40,000. less for plastic. Also our lot lenght is 25' per space less than Kingswood. Mr. Spady appeared. Jerry Spady Pontiac -Cadillac Inc, Lot 17 thru 24, Block 18, Johnson's Addition (new addition Proteste t at new bldg is Chief steel bldg. and steel roof. Showroom and Jacks Cafe are sidewalls that were already there. Rest of rear walls are block. Total bid on building I can prove is cost. Mr. Spady appeared. He thought total value was on shop addition. It also included other buildings. William D. Stitt Lot 1 thru 7, Block 17, Original Town, also known as 501-525 W. 3rd St., Hastings, Nebraska. Protested: I Have not made any improvements on this building so feel that the raise in taxation is not justified. Any taxes for improvements should be against Pfaff sewing machines. Mr. Stitt appeared. Told oflosing tenants in the current year ilith no pro- spects of renting. 40 0 166 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY K & R, Lots 1, 2 3, 4,5, & part of 6, Part of Lots 19, 2 21, Lots 22, 21 & 24. All of said lots and parts thereof being situated in Block 23 Johnson's Addition. Protested that the property was not assessed at actual value considering its earning capacity, relative location, desirability and functional use. reproduction costs less depreciation, comparision withother properties of known or recognized value and market value in the ordinary course of trade. Attorney Robert Paulick and Mr. George B. Rullman appeared. Presented figures showing rental income for 1972. Described the building and felt that is was not designed for current use. State Federal Savings & Loan, Lots 1 thru 5, Stone & Lyman's Sub formerly lots 20-24, Blk 14, OT, Includes value of lots 18 & 19, Blk 14 OT also known as 305 N Hasti ngs Ave. Mr. 0.D. Johnson and Wayne Weber appeared. Protested that we feel that this assessment is excessive when compared to comparable structures --such as First National Bank and City National Bank. No protest on valuation placed on land. Norbert J Kam snider & Elaine Kam snider, S10' of Lot 11 & N 60' of Lot 12, Blk 6 Indian Acres also known as 1326 apaphoe, Hastings,Nebraska. Protested: In comparison with properties at 1332 Araphoe and 1320 Araphoe which are of comparable age and construction, ours is assessed too high. Request assessment comparable with others. Mr. & Mrs. Kampsnider appeared. Lonnie E Oelschla er et ux, Lot 13, Blk 1 Hellers Add., City of Hastings, also known as 847 S Lincoln. Hastings,Nebraska. Protested: In comparison with houses at 844 S Hastings and 834 S Hastings I feel that my house is assessed out of line. These are newer houses and have atached garages and my house was moved in from the country and remodeled. Mrs. Oelschlager appeared. Said purchase price was $17,500 House has 845 square feet Eiven &Ramona DeJon e, E 86' of the W.240.5' of the S2 Blk 2, Pleasant Home Addition, 2110 Home Street Hastings,Nebraska. Protest withdrawn at request of owner. Satisfied after further investigation Loren E Johnson or Dorothy F Johnson, Lot 9, Blk 11, Lochland Ctry Club Sub #4, Protest withdrawn at owners request. Satisfied after further investigation. Roscoe E Story & Gloria M Story, E 26k of S2 of 5 & W 252' of S2 of Lot 6 Block 24, Prospect Park Addition also known as 2406 W 5th St. Hastings,Nebraska Requested that the assessed value for the year 1973 be changed to an amount ofvaluation comparable to the ratio of value as is now enjoyed by C.H. Kidd on his residence in Kenesaw Village and on a ratio of value comparable to what he is now asking on his 1973 protest to the Adams County Board of Equalization. Filed also on behalf of all other Adams County property owners similarly situated. Mr. Story appeared. Decisions on the valuations to be placed on the above properties to be decided at a later date. This Board of Equalization will now recess until 9:30 o'clock A.M. on May 16, 1973. COURTHOUSE HASTINGS,NEBRASKA Wednesday May 16, 1973 9:30 A.M. The. Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of May 15, 1973 with Ed Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, Members present: Kidd, Hoagland, Goble, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp and Lightner; County Clerk, Anita Hawes' County Assessor, roscoe Story' and Deputy County Assessor Mel Wiest. Hearings were held for the following described properties on which protests had been filed with the Board of Equalisation. Hastings Building Co., All of Block 9, Imperial Village known as Imperial Mall Shopping Center. Protested that land valued in excess of actual worth. Attorney James Conway appeared. Indicated valuation for previous years stillin litigation. Lincoln Telehpone & Telegraph Co. Personal Property; In attached Exhibit B "1973" Personal Property Return," incorporated herein by reference thereto. Protested: STated in Supplement, with Exhibits A through I incorporated herein by reference thereto. Richard W. Smith, Counsel and D.R. Awanson, appeared. Mr. Kidd present at 9:30 A.M. Presented Exhibits. Proceedings were taped and tapes are on file in the County Clerk's Board of Equalization 1973 file. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company, Lot 1-5 Block 16 Original Town City of Hastings Nebraska. Submitted supplementary statement of protest. Richard: W. Smith, Counsel and D.R. Swanson appeared. Proceedings were taped and tapes are on file in Cpunty Clerk's Board of Equalization 1973 file Hearing ended at 11:20 A.M. Decisions on the above protests to be made after further study of the testimony and evidence presented at the hearings. This Board of Equalization will now recess until 2:30 o'clock P.M. on May 22, 1973. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS,NEBRASKA Tuesday May 22, 1973 9:30 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met in regular session as per recess of May 8, 1973 and as per pub SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUN'T'Y, NEBRASKA 167 ACME PRINTING COMPANY public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chariman presiding. Roll call, members present; Kidd, Hoagland, Goble, Theobald, Kaiey, Tripp and Lightner. At 10:00 A.M. Public Hearing was opened for Supplementary Budget, No one appeared, other than members of the Prees. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Kailey that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, a proposedsupplementary budget was prepared and presented to the Adams County Board of Supervisrs and, WHEREAS, a summary of such proposed supplementary budget, together with a notice of public hearing to be held an the 22nd day of May, 1973 was publichsed in the Hastings Daily Tribune on the 15th day of May, 1973 and Revenue Sharing Fends and unappropriated funds within the Nursing Home Fund are available as the source of revenue for funding such supplementary budget, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Adams County Board of Supervisors of Amdas County Nebraska as follows: Sec. 1 That the supplementary budget for the fiscal year 7-1-72 to 6-30-73 is hereby adopted. Sec. 2 That the office departments activities and institutions names are hereby authorized to expend the amounts appropriated to them for the remainder of the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1972 and ;ending June 30, 1973. Sec. 3 That the income necessary to finance the appropriations made and expenditures authorized shall be provided out of cash on hand in the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund and in the Nursing Home Fund. $9,000.00 for the purpose of repair to Courthouse entrances and remodeling room for ambulance crews to provide 24 hour surveillance of the jail as required by the State Fire Marshall. NURSING HOME FUND Original budget $76,000. Additional Appropriation $6,000. Total $82,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. A report was given by Mr. Kasl on the proposed builings of the three bridges. Mr. Kasl was instructed by the Board to advertise for bids to be opened on June 19, 1973 at 10:00 A.M. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble that Revenue Sharing funds for the third entitlement period in the approximate amount of $112,729. be expended for public transportation(bridges) 100% Capital Outlay. Roll call, *11 voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kailey that the bid of Redfield & Company which was the only bid r`ceived, for 6,000 1973 Personal Property Tax Receipts for $454.35 and 15,000 1973 Real Estate Tax Receipts for $648.75 be accepted. Total bid $1,103.10. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Hoagland that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. County Extension Office County Ambulance Department Clerk of the District Court County Assessor's Office Adams County Attorney's Office Adams County Supervisors Adams County Clerks office Adams County Sheriff's Office Adams County Superintendent's office ftdams County Treasurer's Office Courthouse Janitors Juvenile Probation Office Register of Deeds Office Adams County Veteran's Service Schlachter, Gloria Reutlinger, Lila Gartner, Rena Adams County Nursing Home Federal Grants Weed Control Fund State Administration GENERAL FUND Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salaries & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Prior Service Prior Service Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries 1670.66 3743.85 1433.22 3842.50 3246.16 2704.80 2251.25 3187.30 990.83 3073.44 921.88 902.45 1464.96 1114.33 316.08 14.00 25.00 4239.37 2828.19 1025.00 7370.00 168 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Duthie, Eva B. Road -Bridge Fund Anderson, Roy A Austin, Weslie B Poore, Delbert W Revenue Sharing This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the ,r Prior Service Salaries Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Sidewalk Repair County Clerk 13RAle.:(;1 Deputy COURTHOUSE, Tuesday, May 22, 1973 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Members Tripp and Lightner; County Clerk, Anita Hawes; Assessor Mel Wiest. 14.00 13,035.08 25.00 25.00 25.00 3111.47 hal HASTINGS, NEBRASKA 2:30 o'clock,P.M. Board of_ Equalization as per recess of, May 16, 1973 present Kidd, Hoagland, Goble,'Theobald, Kailey, County Assessor, Roscoe Story; and Deputy County Hearings were held for the following protests which had been filed with the Board of Equalization. Hastin s Develo meet Corporation W2 of Lot 8 and, all of Lots 9, 10, 11 & 12, Oliver's Addition to the City of Hastings also known as 839 W 2nd St., Hastings, Nebraska. Lawrence Dunmire and Perry Rankin appeared. Protested that the valuation is higher than equal property and should by equalized and the assessed, valuation reduced. Presented chart comparing with Gamble-Skogmo Building at corner of 2nd and Lincoln and Woolworth's building at the same intersection. Decision on the valuation of the above described property to be made after further investigation of facts and evidence presented at hearing. Hearing were held for determining the tax situs of vehicles as listed below determinations: Rodney Kroger Roy Nash Harry & Kathleen Haverly Emil J Kimle Edward J Consbruck Viva Trausch Everett W Carl James T. Hull Harry C Hunt Marvin and Wilma Monson Mildred Joann Ozanne Ted S and Marjorie Smith Ronald L Steffens Adolph Koch 1969 Ford Pickup with the following Correct Tax Dist. 7T NR -1 SD101 1966 Ford Pickup 12C NR -1 SD 88 1966 Ford 22 Kenesaw Village SD 3 1967 1972 1973 West Blue Highland Kenesaw Mercury Ford Ranchero Pickup 23K NR2 SD 3 Wanda Mercury Cougar Change to 22 Kenesaw'Village SD 3 1970 Buick Change to 73 NR 2 1970 Pontiac Change to 73NR 2 1969 Chrysler 34 NR -2 SD 15 1963 Rambler 34 NR2 'SD 15 1965 Chrysler 1968 Plymouth 34 NR2 SD 15 1964 Chevrolet 1968 Chevrolet 34 NR2 SD 15 1954 Plymouth 34 NR2 S.D. 15 1959 Chrysler 1963 Bink 34 NR2 S.D. 15 1957 Chevrolet 34 NR2 SD 15 1965 Chevrolet 34 NR2 SD 15 Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver Denver SUPERVYSOF S -RECORD N. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 169 ACME PRINTING COMPANY Jimmie Cox (Sells for CMH Industries) Duane Fessler Douglas & Susan Lewis Martin or Irma Peters Pete and Bessie Peters Ernest 0. Rief 1973 Ford Pickup 1966 Jeep 1963,:HC Truck 1963 Chevrolet Camping Trailer 1972 Ford Pickup 1970 Chev. Pickup 1973 Ford Change to 38 CNR2 SD 60 Denver 38C NR2 SD 60 38C NR2 SD 60 38CNR2 SD 60 38C NR2 SD 60 73 NR2 Gesina or Edwin 'for Marilyn Rief Change to 1972 Ford LTD 41C NR2 18 1959 Ford Pickup Ranchero To remain in 38C NR2 SD 60 James W Berck d/b/a Berck's Mufflers & Tires d/b/a/Mothers Rubber Company Gary Primrose Earl E Boyd or Agatha C Boyd Roger D or Audrey J Larson Jerome Heuertz Dorothy and Margene Trausch Orville J Kothe Lorne W Veregin Eugene Alexander Jerome D Redmond Marcia J Bachman L. E. Clawson Chris Kernan Cheryl L Spencer Merle D Griess Joe or Pamela Vap This Board will now recess 1973 Ford 2 Ton Trk 1965 Oldsmobile 1972 GMC PU Denver Denver Hastings Blaine Denver to remain in TD 39CNR2 SD 15 39C NR2 SD 15 Blaine 41C NR2 SD 18 Bl&ine 1956 Ford PU 1973 Horse Trailer 1969 Ford 4 Dr S Wagon 1972 Ford HT 1973 Pontiac change to 1966 1968 1952 1969 1971 1966 1969 Ford Ford Change to Change to Chev. Truck Plymouth Car Chevrolet Trk Pontiac Pontiac Change to 41C NR2 SD 18 Blaine 41C NR2 SD 18 Blaine Change to 73B Change to 73B Roseland Village 73 NR 2 73 NR 2 53 R Roseland Village SD 42 53R Roseland Vill. SD 42 58AH NR2 31 Web. Logan 2C NR1 SD 18 West Blue T.D. 3C NR1 SD 33 West Blue 73NR2 on' 1970 Bulk St a Wag 6T NR1 SD 67 West Blue 20K NR2 SD 3 26J NR2 SD 1 53R NR2 S D 42 until 9:30 o'clock on May 29, 1973. Kenesaw Juniata Roseland 170 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 29, 1973, 9:30 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of May 22, 1973 with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Members pvesent: Kidd, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp and Lightner; County Clerk, Anita Hawes; County Assessor, Roscoe Story; Deputy County Assessor, Mel Wiest. Absent: Hoagland and Goble. Further hearings were held for determining the tax situs of vehicles as listed below with the following determinations. Correct Tax District Gary Williams 1973 Cadillac 6T NR 1 D.S. 67 Request title in business name Rolland Williams 1973 Ford Pickup 6T NR 1 S.D. 67 Request. Title in business name James W Berck 1973 Mercury chap e to 41C NR2 S.D. 18 Blaine 1972 Lincoln Continental change to 41C NR2 S.D. 18 Blaine Max Arnold, Expert Appraiser appeared to give testimony concerning appraisal of shopping centers, methods of appraisal, etc. He also gave testimony concerning factors to be taken into consideration when making appraisal of other types of property. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kidd that after hearing of testimony concerning all protests filed with the Board of Equalization, after viewing the properties described on the indivi- dual protests and review of any properties listed as comparisons and consulting with experts in the appraisal field, the determination of assessed valuations be as listed with the following described properties: Gene M. Aabel, Described as N 20' of Lot 2 & S 75' of Lot 3 Power's Addition, also known as 1420 MacArthur Road, The Board of Equalization find the valuation on improvements out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood. Actual valuation to be: Land $2,850. Imp. $32,355. Total $35,205. Assessed valuation to be: Land $995. Im. $11 325. Total $12 320. John P Piekarski, Described SZ Lots 43 & 44 Palmer's Addition, also known as 123 E 5th St., Hastings, Nebraska. The Board of Equalization found improvements greatly deteriorated. Actual valuation to be: Land $2,000. Imp. $4000. Land $ 700. Imp. $1,400. Total $2 100. Jose•h Hatch and Janice Hatch, Described: E 25' of Lot 20 & W 45' of Lot 21, Block 3, East Third Addition, also known as 907 E 3rd St., Hastings,Nebraska. The Board of Equali- zation found improvement valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood. Actual valuation should be: Land $1900. Imp. $14,185. Total $16,085. Land $665. Im. $4 965. Total $ 5 630. Total $6,000. Assessed valuation to b • Assessed valuation to b Gus and Linda Schroeder, Described: W 3' of Lot 20, all Lot 21 and E 17' of Lot 22, Block 5, West Heights Addition, also known as 2625 West 5th St., Hastings,Nebraska. The Board of Equalization found improvement valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood. Actual valuation should be: Land $1,670. Imp. $16,575. Total $18,245. Assessed valuation: Land 585. Im . $ 5 800. Total $6 385. John A Schmidt, Described: Lot 18, Block 4, Imperial Village 2nd Add. also known as 3135 Paradise Drive, Hastings,Nebraska. The Board of Equalization found improvement valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood. Actual valuation to be: Land $3,060. Imp. $19,240. Total $22,300. Assessed valuation to be: Land $1 070. Im. $ 6 735. Total $7 805. The Lincoln Tele hone & Tele rah Co. Personal Property. The Board of Equalization found the present assessment equitable. Leave as resentl assessed. James D Smith or Sheila C Smith, Described: Lot 2 LakeShore Villa Sub Addition, also Known as 326 N. Shore Drive, Hastings,Nebraska. The Board of Equalization found improvement valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood. Actual valuation to be: Land $2,100. Imp. $27,130. Total $29,230. Assessed valuation to be: Land $ 735, Imp, $9,495. Total $10,230. Hastings Cemetery Association, Lot 1 thru 6, Block 2, Browns's Addition also known as 1323 No. Elm Ave. Hastings,NEbr. The Board of Equalization found the mobile Home (a 1971 Bonna- villa 60x12) identification No. 17-0634 should be EXEMPT on the basis of charitable us. SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 171 ACME PRINTING COMPANY Gar E. and Marcille Coulter, All of Lot 8 except the No 10' thereof Blk 2 Colonial Estates also known as 1245 Heritage Drive, Hastings,NEbraska. The Board of Equalization found the assessed valuation too high in relation to comparable property. The Actual valuation to be: Land $3,600. Imp. $27,015. Total $30,615. Assessed valuation be: Land 1 260. Im . $ 9 455. Total $10 715. Charles H & Doroth M Kidd, Lot 1 thru 4, Block 1, Blythe's 2nd Add. to the Village of Kenesaw. The Board of Equalization found theimprovementvaluation out of line with equivalent pro- perties in neighborhood. Actual valuation to be; Land $755. Imp. $18,230. Total $18,985. Assessed valuation to be: Land $265. Imp. 6 380. Total $ 6 645. Jerry Spady: Lot 5 thru 12, Block 3, Lot 7 thru 12, Blk 4 and all Blks 7 & 8 plus Lots 7-12, Blk 9 plus vacated streets and alley. The Board of Equalization found improvement valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood. Actual valuation to be: Land $24,475. Imp. $51,030. Inc. (90% Comp) Total $75,505. Inc. Assessed valuation to be: Land $ 8 565. Im•. $17 8.60. Total $26 425. Inc. Jerry Board Spady Pontiac -Cadillac, Inc, Lot 17 thru 24, of Equalization found the present assessment Land ;$27,900.. Imp $105,605. Total Land $9 765. Im$ 36 960. Total Block 18, equitable $133,505. $46 725. Johnson's Addition. The . Actual: Assessed valuation: William D St .tt°,t•Lot 1 thru 7, Block 17, Original Town also known as 501-525 W 3rd St., Hastings, Nebraska..: The Board of Equalization found improvement valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood and functional obsolescence; Actual valuation to be: Land $35,340. Imp $58,610. Total $93,950 Assessed valuation to be: Land 12 370. Im 20 515. Total 32 885. Hastings Building Co. All of Block 9 Imperial Village (Imperial MallShopping Center). The Board of Equalization found the, present assessment Equitable. Leave as presently assessed. Actual: Land $613,814. Assessed: Land $214 835. K & R,Lots 1,2,3,4,5, & Part of 6, Para of Lots 19, 20,& 21, Lots 22, 23 & 24 in Bik 23 Johnson's Addition, Hastings, Nebraska The Board of Equalization found functional obsolescence. The Actual valuation to be: Land $19,800. Imp $35,000. Total $54,800. Assessed valuation to be: Land 6 930. Im* 12 250. Total $19 180. State Federal Savin s & Loan Lots 1 thru 5, Stone & Lyman's Sub formerly lots 20-24, Blk 14 OT (Includes value of Lots 18 & 19, Bik 140T. The Board of Equalization found assessed valuation too high in relation to comparable property. Actual valuation to be Land $42,270. Imp $220,760. Total $263,030. Assessed valuation to be Land.. $.1A.22.95. Im 77Total 92 060. Norbert J Kampsnider & Elaine Kampsnider, S 10' of Lot 11 & N 60' of Lot 12, Blk 6, Indian Acres also known as 1326 Arapahoe. The Board of Equalization found improvement valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood. Actual valuation to be: Land $2,270. Imp. $16,665. Total $18,935. Assessed: L`and'= 795. Im $5 835. Total $ 6 -630. Lonnie E Oelschla;rer et ux Lot 13, Blk 1, Hellers Add. also known as 847 S Lincoln. The Board of Equalization found the improvement valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood. The Actual valuation should be: Land $245. Imp. $12,855. Total $13,100. Assessed valuation to be: Land 85. Im . $4 500. Total 4 585. Eiven & Ramona Delon e, E 86' of the W240.5' of the S2 Blk also known as 2110 Home Street. The Board of Equalization ;equitable.. Protest, withdrawnat-request of owner. Actual Land $2,580. Imp. $23,185. Total $25,765. Land 905. Im & 8 115. Total $ 9 020. 2, Pleasant Home Addition, found the present assessement Valuation: Assessed valuation: Loren E Johnson;or Doroth F Jolnson Lot 9, Block 11, Lochland Ctry Club Sub #4. The Board of Equalization found the present assessment equitable. Protest withdrawn at' the owner's, _: request. Actual valuation; !Land- $1800. Imp. $23,275. Total $25,075. Assessed Valuation: Land 630. Im . 8 145. Total $ 8 775. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company, Lot 1-5, Block 16, Original Town City of Hastiggs, Nebraska. The Board of Equalization found the present assessment equitable. Leave as presently assessed. Actual: Land $30,445. Imp $235,475. Total $265,920. Assessed valuation: Land $10 655. Im,.82415. `Total 93 070,. 172 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Hastings Development Corporation : W/2 of Lot 8 and all of Lots 9,10, 11 & 12, Oliver's Addition to the City of Hastings also known as 839 West 2nd St., Hastings, Nebraska. The Board of,, Equalization found the present assessment equitable. Leave as presently assessed. Actual: Land $43,340. Imp. $183,160. Total $226,500, Assessed Valuation: Land 15 170. Irn $ 64 110. Total 79 280. Roscoe E Story & G1oria M Story, E 262' of S2 of 5 & W252' of S2 of Lot 6 Block 24, Prospect Park Addition also known as 2406 W 5th St.Hastings,NEbraska. The Board of Equalization found the present assessment equitable. Leave as reesentl assessed, Actual: Land $1,225. Imp.$8,815. Total $10,040. Assessed valuation: Land $430. Im. $3 085. Total $3 515. Motion by Kelley, seconded by Theobald that the Homestead Exemption be granted to those properties listed on applications and marked Exhibit A on file in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors for review of undervalued property. COURTHOUSE HASTINGS,NEBRASKA Tuesday, June 3, 1973 9:30 o'clock Regular meeting of the Adamscounty Board of Supervisors was held as per recess of May 22, 1973 and as per public Notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune, with Ed Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Kidd, Goble, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp and Lightner, Absent: Hoagland. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble that we authorize the Chairman to sign the Contracts with Southern Nebraska Rural Public Power District and the State of Nebraska for Pole Relocation; with L.J. Webb of Geneva; and with Werner Construction Co. of Hastings,Nebraska all concerning Project S-252 (6) and S-645 (5). Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Carried. At 11:00 o'clock A.M. bids were opend which had been received for 40,000 1974 Motor Vehicle Tax Receipt forms. Redfield & Company, Inc. of Omaha, Nebraska Augustine Company of Grand Island,Nebr $1,998.80 1,935.00 Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that the low bid of Augustine and Company to furnish 40,000 sets of combined Registration Certificates and M for Vehicle Tax Receipts as per specifications for $1,935.00 be accepted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Kailey that we disallow the claim of Hastings Yellow Cab Company in the amount of $1,050.00 as submitted by their attorney, Les Seiler. Roll call, sill voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Theobald that we authorize the Chairman tosign tax list corrections No. 6267 thru 6275, Roll call,all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Kidd that we approve the release of Joint Custody Rec 3084 covering Adams Co Nebr. 3R Refunding Bds in the amount of $10,000. and Joint Custody Rec 3095 covering U.S. Treasury Notes in the amount of $50,000. and approve the posting of Joint Custody Receipt 4443 coveting U.S. Treasury Notes in the Amount of $50,000. by the Adams County Bank of Kenesaw,Nebraska. We also approve the surrender of JC 22211 covering "BE" Treasury Notes A-1973 in the amount of $ 200,000. and theposting of 05362 covering School Dist. building Bonds of Norfolk in the amount of $65,000.', 05363 covering Kearney Various Purpose bonds in the amount of $50,000. and 05364 covering Hastings School District Born sin the Amount of $25,000. by ''-"'", the First National Bank of Hastings,Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Carried. Motion by boble, seconded by Kidd that the reports of the Nursing Home, Register of Deeds(2), County Library, Car Titles, and County Clerk be accepted and placed on file. Rnll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. A presentation was made by Gollehon,Schemmer,& Associates, Inc. for the Department of Roads concerting the Corridor Study for the Highway 6 By -Pass. A Group for Mid -Nebraska Mental Retardation Services appeared to give a report concerning services in this area. The Silver Lake Township Board appeared to ask about installation of a culvert. The matter was referred to the Road Committee as was a request to investigate report of a damaged bridge in the area. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Tripp that a charge of 50c per person per month be assessed the villages for Village and County Special Patrol for Law Enforcement during the fiscal year 7-1-73 to 6-30-74. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 173 ACME PRINTING COMPANY Motion by Kailey, seconded by Goble that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, due to unanticipated requirements essential to the Administration of Justice, the preservation of the public health, welfare and safety there exists an emergency in the budget appropriations of serveral categories within the general fund; there isnot sufficient mow appropriated to complete the business for the balance of the fiscal year, and WHEREAS, there are sufficient unused appropriated moneys in the County General Fund and it is essential to the government of Adams County that the appropriation for the different categories be increased by emergency appropriation, and WHEREAS, the Total General Fund expenditures will nct exceed the total appropriation for the 1972-1973 fiscal budget, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Adams County,Nebraska that there is hereby appropriated and allocated within the General Fund the amount as hereto after set forth for the use of the different offices and categories as follows: Office or Category Courthouse Telephone Courthouse Printing Warrants & Claims ?aint.Agreement Elec. Typewriters RNI Insurance Put ications Miscellaneous Court Appointed Counsel Mental Health Ambulance Additional Appropriation 30.00 5,000.00 50.00 15.00 4,400.00 700.00 1,300.00 3,500.00 400.00 800.00 Said appropriation increases the budgets to the amount shown. carried. New Total 13,965.00 56,000.00 325.00 765.00 29,400.00 3,200.00 6,300.00 13,500.00 2,000.00 48,040.64 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Motion by Tripp, seconded by Goble that the miscellaneous receipts be made Supervisors proceedings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 4474 4475 4476 4477 4478 4479 4480 4481 4482 4483 4484 4485 44861 4487 4488 4489 4490 4491 4492 4493 4494 4495 4496 4497 4498 4499 4500 R. ister of Deeds County Judge Clay Co. Treas. Clerk of Dist Court Clerk of Dist Court Clerk of Dist Court State of Nebraska First National Bank City National Bank State of Nebraska County Judge County Judge Hall County Treas. Hall County Treas. St. of Nebr. Weed Control County Judge County Judge Ambulance Service Holstein Village County Judge County Judge County Judge County Judge County Judge County Judge County Judge a part of this 436.70 ;Sz City National Bank 1,606.63Count Judge 425.00 4503 Register of Deeds 4504 Clerk of District Court 52.50 4505 Clerk of District Court 48.00 4506 County Judge 63.50 4507 County Judge 34,193.90 4508 County Clerk 2,500.00 4509 County Clerk 1,258.00 4510 First National Bank 7,581.50 4511 Kearney County Treasurer 30.00 4512 Kearney County Treas. 10.00 4513 County Judge 10,150.00 4516 Village of Juniata 3,600.00 4515 County Judge 100,035.70 4516 County Judge 275.00 4517 Pat's Pit Stop 8,778.94 4518 Adams Co. Centennial Comm. 177.44 4519 Adams Co. Extension Serv. 1,307.00 4520 Clerk of Dist Court 4,745.00 4521 Clerk of Dist Court 1,300.77 4522 County Judge 1,806.00 4523 Cpunty Judge 4,693.00 4524 Martin Stirtz & Martin 12.00 4525 Ambulance Serv. 715.00 4526 Campus House, Inc. 2,470.00 4527 20.00 'lerk of Dist Court Motion in Theobald s on,e,l by Kidd that the following clams b allowed tunas an a ounty ,Ler e s urc a to Issue warrants tor tcie same. aye . D.A. Sinclair Service Farmers Union Coop Gas Jahnke Supply Inc Johnson, Wendell E Juniata Farmers Coop Klein, Bill Insurance Agency Sherman Service Center WEED CONTROL Gasoline & Oil Gasoline & Oil Supplies Repair Chemical. Insurance Repair 1,375.00 1,488:18 180.00 8.00 1,270.00 708.80 1,014.00 261.75 1,375.00 1,541.20 775.30 12.50 22,000.00 12.00 1,017.21 10.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 716.00 48.00 550.36 184.85 73.47 1,168.02 25.00 55.50 on their 141.67 10.12 7.91 151.92 322.50 515.12 7.40 174 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY American Public Welfare Assoc. Business Supply Co. 'Business Supply Co. Cosgrove, Madelyn Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc. Hoffmeister, Dr. George»`, Kamm, Dr. Frank Kleaget, Dr." Clyde Kostal, Dr. O.A. Krebsbach, Catherine Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Meyer; 'Garnet Morris, L.L. Osborne, Dr. G.L. Pierce, Mary Elaine Powell, Ray D. Richter, Melo Weber, Dr. C.R. STATE ADMINISTRATION Beatrice State Home Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Nebraska Psychiatric Institute INSTITUTIONS The Book Shop Campbell & Hall Doubleday & Company Hastings Public Library Houchen Bindery, Inc. The H'.R. Huntting Co., Inc. Spencer Divion-Grolier Education Corp. Brown, Bettie B Gangwish, Anna Klein, Constance J. Mewhirter, Ted J. ,Motley, Evelyn ,Saddler, Arlene H ,Shiffler, Dorothy, D Jack & Jill Morris, L.L. Rathjen, Eunice Safeway Grocery Abbo;tt's Dairy Business Supply Co. Cash-Wa Candy Co Century Soft Water Co. Custom Pack, Inc. F & E Distributing Co. Gamble Robinson Co. . Supply Co. General HastingsIndustrial Supplies Hastings Utilities Johnson Cashway Lomber Johnson, Carl Johnson, Richard K & K Market Dues Supplies Equipment Mileage Bulletin Professional Professional Professional Professional Mileage Telephone Mileage Postage Professional Mileage Mileage Mileage Professional Service Service Service Service & Telegraph Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care FEDERAL GRANT Mileage CO. LIBRARY Service Service Books Books Books Library Service Service Books Books Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary GENERAL RELIEF Food Order Food and Transportation Rent Food Orders NURSING HOME Dairy Products Supplies Supplies Supplies Meat Products Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Eggs Potatoes Tomato Plants $35.00 36.51 748.20 16.00 5.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 7.50 19.30 72.78 28.34 120.00 40.00 4.20 4.001 2.70 10.00 5,172.00 10,431.00 1,815.00 282.00 130.60 93.53 204.83 12.91 333.33 593.10 138.40„ 198.00 40.00 40.00 300.00 150.00 150.00 40.00 150.00 60.00 34.60 75.00 33.85 130.34 8.87 59.39 9.30 89.07 2.00 51.91 6.95 79.51 183.28 3.99 24.00 10.00 7.75 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 175 ACME PRINTING COMPANY Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McGee, Verla. Metz Baking Co. Morris Paint & Varnish Co. Pfaff Sewing Center Queen City Laundry Red & White Market Safeway Stores Stark's Quality Meats The Thompson. Co. Ulry-Talbert Co. Williams Exterminating Co. Woodward's Disposal Service Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Dick Looye Construction Co. Nebr. Department of Public Welfare Benjamin & Associates, Inc. Blue Diamond Concrete, Inc. Clarke Oil Comapny Continental Oil Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Firestone Store Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Membership H & M Equipment H & M Equipment Hastings Asphalt, Inc. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Hydrotex Kansas Nebr._Natural Gas Laird Motors Inc. Lilly Sand and Gravel Lilly Sand and Gravel Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Mid-Nebr. Mental Retardation Modern Linen Service Nebr. Cons. Comm. Corp. Nebr. Public Power District Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co. Olsen, L.L. Oil Co. Pittz Service Sidles Comapny S.E. Smith & Sons Southern Nebr. Rural public 3-M Minnesota Mining and Mfg. Co. L.J. Vontz Construction Co. L.J. Vontz Construction Co. L.J. Vontz Construction Co. L.J. Vontz Construction 6o L.J. Vontz Construction Co. L. J. Vontz Construction Co. Werner Construction Co Wheeler Division Whefler Division Wheeler Division Z & Z Equipment Hoefer, John Pendergast, Cary L Witt, Harold M Telephone & Toll Supplies Bakery Products Supplies Service Call Laundry Groceries Groceries Meat Products Supplies Groceries Service Disposal Service REVENUE SHARING 'Supplies Service MEDICAL, SURGICAL, HOSPITAL Vender Payment ROAD BRIDGE Concrete Surfacing Concrete Surfacing Oil & Gasoline Diesel Supplies Repair Supplies Telephone & Toll Gravel Gravel Asphalt Advertisement Utitlities Supplies Supplies Gas Service Repair Gravel Gravel Supplies Supplies Telephone Traffic Signs Washroom Service & Radio Rental Electric Service Supplies Gasoline Gasoline Repair Supplies Electric Service Supplies Gravel Gravel Gravel_ Gravel Gravel Gravel Hot Mix & Oil Supplies Supplies Supplies Repair Salary Salary Salary Mat Service $25.00 52.61 37.16 46.76 12.50 81.50 19.18 18.21 107.58 202.83 194.79 6.00 15.00 173.15 1,080.00 11,238.19 1,262.54 770.90 375.34 159.89 17.26 58.13 21.63 19.89 2,997.50 1,144.00 2,604.56 71.68 23.68 10.00 227.05 57.62 12.71 3,511.90 1,396.82 86.90 24.62 56.67 252.85 9.23 258.48 1.58 134.07 890.30 336.59 118.88 7.10 9.68 162.50 5,051.20 2,464.77 2,528.24 3,942.84 1,555.07 2,783.55 151,936.48 10.51 80.50 22.50 4.75 144.00 108.00 455.00 176 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Addressograph-Multigraph Administrative Services Agricultural Extension Service American Geographic Anderson, Robert G Anstine Fire Equipment Co Audio-visual Repair Service o f Unit #9 The Augustine Company BankAmericard Service Center Booth, R.C. Company Buhr, Don Business Supply Co. Central Nebraska Comprehensive Health Commercial Electronic, Inc Conway, James D County Supt County Supt County Treasurer, Phelos Co Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc. Deluxe Cleaning Services, Inc. Dpt. of Economic Development DesMoines Stamp Co. Dutton_Lainson Company Ed's Pharmacy Ed's Texaco Inc Eigenberg, Roger Extension Service Revolving Fast, Mrs. Bill Finnerty, R. W. Finnerty, R. W. General Supply Auto Service Center Grace's Bike & Key Shop Hammond & Stephens Co Hartman, Marvin C Hastings Asso. of Insurance Agents Hasting Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastigsn Tupewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co Hawes, Anita Hoagland, David Hynes, Jack Hugo Heyn Co. Internationla Business Machines Corp. International. Business Machines Copr Johnson Cashway Limber Company Kwik-Chek Company Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Little Falls Paper Company Lowe, Steven Marshall and Swift Pub. C. Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Marvel, John N McArthur, George D McNannay's Electric Motor Service Mid Continent Laboratories, Inc Modern Linen Service Modern Methods, Inc Modern Methods, Inc Myers Refirigeration, Co Nelson, Luwane Newell, Phyllis Ochsner, Duane Ohlsen Jewelers PPG industries, Inc PPG Industries, Inc. Redfield & Company, Inc Redfield's Medicine Shoppe Fund GENERAL Supplies Thlecommun ications Area Agents and Area Wats Line Maps Matron Fee, Food for Prisoners Mileage Supplies Repair Printing Gasoline for Ambulance Publishing Mileage, Salary Supplies Financial Support Repair Court Appointed Counsel Graduation Expense Dues Purchase of Typewriter Verbal Reports Cleaning Library expense Supplies Supplies Medications Gasoline Mileage Supplies & Miscellaneous Mileage & Salary Mileage Mileage Repair(Patrol Car) Duplicate Keys Supplies Mileage Insurance Printing Printing Printing (Books of Receipts) Printing Supplies Supplies & Repair Utilities Oxygen Mileage & Registration Mileage Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Service Telephone & Toll Supplies Court AppOi n Valuation Se Lab Tests Lab Tests Court Appoin Court Appoin ted Counsel rvice ted Counsel ted Counsel Repair & Service Select Turf Granules Mop and Mat Service Recording Tapes Drawer Divider Kits Supplies Mileage Mileage Mileage Repair Repair & Supplies Supplies Subscription, Library Expense Surgical Supplies 11.25 312.50 606.00 97.50 2,455.98 8.05 3.95 96.65 44.78 103.20 8.84 157.25 1,525.00 17.25 150.00 13.80 58.00 80.00 5.50 54.00 3.00 9.10 54.40 22.84 223.34 6.32 106.18 6.20 23.50 25.00 304.32 13.25 84.40 3.20 60.83 2.24 13.50 137.40 331.00 149.78 120.91 1,544.64 25.60 18.20 12.88 24.88 93.20 18.00 522.00 3.83 20.00 818.81 150.36 100.00 40.00 28.00 32.00 125.00 100.00 7.50 108.61 17.85 33.70 40.00 15.60 45.00 10.20 8.36 6.00 22.50 4.54 99.55 31.31 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 177 ACME PRINTING COMPANY Roseland Fire Hall Safeway Saylor, Mrs. Ronald Schafer Printing Co Schafer Printing Co. Schukei, Wesley Shively's Conoco Service Snell, Robert M Snoberger, Don Stephenson School Supply Co Story, Roscoe, E. Swanson, Paul Taylor, Bernard H Toogood, Arthvr C Turner, George H University Binders University of Nebr. Extension .Divi; Vaughans Printers Wiest, Melvin - J, Williams Exterminating Co Xerox Corporation Xerox Corporation Yost, C.G. Yost, C. G. Van Fleet, R. J. Aronson, Roy Thais dark we 1 n►w recess subject Co.Clerk Rent for Essessing Roils Mileage Courtesey Notices Printing Mileage Gasoline Court Appointed Counsel Mileage Books & Supplies Mileage, Dues, Meal Mileage Costs & Mental Health Postage Nebr. Reports Volume,Postage Books Reffiound & Recovered Supplies Printing Mileage Spraying Jail Supplies Supplies Mileage, Registration, Motel Mileage,Meal Salary Salary he calPaofrtyhe Chairman o 30.00 15.00 25.12 22.25 22.75 9.65 5.60 50.00 13.04 543.50 5.75 65.69 595.56 30.80 5.40 4.80 183.25 102.90 94.05 5.00 160.00 160.00 122.26 24.10 300.00 50.00 .39 Tuesday, June 5, 1973 3:30 O'c10 P.M. The Adams County Board of Equalization met as per recess of May 29, 1973 with Ed. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll Call, members present:Kidd, Goble, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp; County Clerk, Anita Hawes; County Assessor, Roscoe Story, Absent Hoagland. Motion by Goble, Seconded by Kailey that the homestead exemption be granted to those applications marked Exhibit "A" on file in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board of ,Equalization Will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors for the purpose of reviewing undervalued properties, COURTHOUSE HASTINGS ,NEBRASKA Tuesday, June 19, 1973 9:30 o'clock Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of June 5, 1973 and per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Kidd, Hoagland, Goble Theobald and Tripp. Absent: Kailey. At 10:00 A.M. bids for the construction of three bridges were opened. Bids were received as follows: Hastings Ashpalt, Inc. Bridge #1 Original $44,100. Alt. $40,100. Bridge #2 Original 57,500. Alt. 53,800. Bridge #3 Original 55,100. Alt. 52,000. Bridges 1,2, & 3 Original, $155,700. Alt $144,900. 10" x 42" Piling $10./ Linear foot. Mid -West Bridge & Const. Co. of Norfolk Bridges 1,2, & 3 Alternate $141,193. 10" x 42" Piling $8.40 / linear foot Wm. Anderson Co. Inc. Bridge #1 Original $53,829.70 Alt. --- Bridge #2 Original 68,674.20 Alt. --- Bridge #3 Original 64,594.40 Alt. --- Bridges 1,2, & 9 Original $187,108.30 10" x 42" linear Piling $8;50 / linear foot Missouri Valley Const. Co. Bridges 1,2, &.3 Oringial $195,716.00 10" x 42? Piling $8.20 / linear foot 178 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Beatrice Const. Co. Bridges 1,2, and 3 Original $196,147.00 10" x 42: linear Piling $9.00 / linear foot Captial Bridge Co. Bridge #1 Alt.$46,888.00 Bridge #2 Alt. 58,642.00 Bridge #3 Alt. 57,084.00 Bridge 1,2, & 3 Alt. $147,613.24 10" x 42" Piling $5./ linear foot Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble that the low bid of Mid -West Bridge & Constrcution Co. of Norfolk for Bridges 1,2, & 3 Alternate Design in the amount of $141,193. be accepted and we hereby authorize the chairman to sign a contract for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Theobald that we authorize the Chairman to sign a contract for reimbursement with teh State Concerning the Alchol Safety Action Program. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 11:00 bids for Asphalt Projects C-9, C-10 and C-11. Bids were Vontz Contruction Co. Project C-9 $30,362.50 Project C-10 $10,162.50 Project C-11 $30,402.50 WERNER CONSTRUCTION CO. Project C-9 $29,795.50 Project C-10 9,791.50 Project C-11 28,197.50 received as follows: Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble that we accept the low bid of Werner Construction Co. for Project C-9 C-10, and C-11, total bid $67,784.50. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Richard Wenske appeared for the ambulance department to explain details concerning a equip a unit with an EKG Oscilliscope and Cardiostat T strip chart add defribilatro. of $1750. of the anticipated $3,359.00 was approved. Federal Grant to County participation Jack Halloran, representing Adams County Joint Planning Commission presented a Preliminary report to the Board from the Planning consultant. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Theobald that the claims be approved on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. County Extension Office Adams County Ambulance Dept Clerk Adams Adams Adams Adams Adans Adams Adams Linda of the District Court County Assessor's Office County Attorney's cffice County Supervisors County Clerk's office County Sheriff's Office County Superintendent's Office County Treasurer's Office Schmidt Sharlene Classen Courthouse Janitors Juvenile Probation Office Register of Deeds Office & Tele Operator Veterans Service Office Schlachter, Gloria Reutlinger, Lila Gartner, Rena WEED CONTROL STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Duthie, Eva B. ROAD -BRIDGE FUND Anderson, Roy Poore, Delbert Austin, Weslie B. Werner Construction Wheeler Division GENERAL FUND Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Z&Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Salaries Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Prior Service Prior, Service Salaries Salaries Prior Service Salaries Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Hot Mix & Oil Supplies 1670.66 3771.85 1272.99 3230.40 3246.20 2656.80 2189.01 3170.67 976.64-- 3100.75 76.64-3100.75 189.00 189.00 949.88 902.45 1464.98 1128.35 246.75 14.00 25.00 1073.00 7390.00 14.00 13250.98 25.00 25.00 25.00 16169.84 3876.99-- SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY,` NEBRASKA 179 ACME PRINTING COMPANY NURSING HOME Bob's Apco Service Chicago Lumber Co. of Kearney General Telephone Co. Greg Hershberger Greg Hershberger Greg Hershberger Hirschfield Co. Kaufmann & W rnert Kaufmann & Wernert Kearney Clinic Knittel, Marvin G Ed.D Amway Nebr. Dept. of Public Welfare Northwestern Public Service Safeway Stores Unimart Unimart Valley Pharmacy Inc. Merryman, Richard Merryman, Deborah Magee, Gregg Sidlo, Gordon Gonge, Max Hershberger, Gregory L. Hershberger, Catherine L. Salaries FEDERAL GRANT FUND Gasoline Supplies Telephone Service Registration Fee Recreation Allowance Pool Table Clothing Supplies Supplies Professional Service Professional Service Supplies Supplies Electric Service Groceries. Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary This Board will now recess subject County Clerk to the call of the Chairmanof the_Board._� t Adard. A #!'...dv 4656.13 59.15 52.61 43.93 18.00 210.00 300.00 2.4.94 161.26 54.44 110.00 125.00 7.25 10.43 22.85 363.12 15.98 6.87 2.90 172.78 25.00 600.00 600.00 703.12 650.00 100.00 rman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS,NEBRASKA Tuesday, Jule19, 1973 3:00 o'clock P.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per: recess of June 5, 1973 and pursuant to Sec. 77-1502 R.R.S. 1943 for the purpose of reviewing omitted or undervalued proper ty. Godfrey Steiner (SWC 16-5-12) ; William Ehrmann (SE 4 34-6-11) ; John Mousel (SES 21-7-11) ; and Mrs. Clarence Fischer for Harold Zubrod, etal (SES SWC 21-6-11) appeared to ask questions concerning raises invaluation. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that the above properites as well as those properties fiven notice of proposed raisebe assessedasv=raised by the County Board of Equalization and as per notice given to each property owner. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Ervin F. Blomenkamp (NEk ex RR + 1A NES NE4 & NW4 8-6-9) appeared to question notice of raise in valuation. Investigation revealed there might be an error in computation. It was agreed that Deputy County Assessor Weist would meet Mr. Blomenkamp at the farm to measure and review the assessment of the property, to determine the correct number of acres. This Board of E,ualization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 10, 1973 9:30 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met in regular seesion as per recess of June 19, 1973 and as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll Call, members present: Lightner, Kidd, Hoagland, Goble, Theobald, Kailey, and Tripp. Warren Rice appeared to give progress report on structures. being erected on 32 -MILE Creek. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Hoagland that the following resolution be adopted. 180 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Little Blue Natural Resources District requires an easement from Adams County for flood control purposes and, WHEREAS, it would be in the public interest and welfare to grant said easement, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Adams County Board of Supervisors to grant a road right- of-way easement to the Little Blue Natural Resources District, upon the following described Land situated in Adams County State of Nebraska, to -wit: The road and right=of-way between the Southeast quarter (SE') of Section thirty (30), Township Seven (7), North, Range Ten (10), West of" the 6th P.M.and the Northeast (NE4- Section Thirty One (31), Township SeVen (7), North, Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P.M.; Adams County, Nebraska, and, The Road and right-of-way between the Southwest quarter (SW4) Section Thirty (30), Township Seven (7) , North, Range Ten (10) , West of the 6th P.M. and the Northwest quarter (NW4) of Section Thirty One (31), Township Seven (7), North, Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P.M., Adams County, Nebraska, and The road and right-of-way between the Northwest quarter (NWk) of Section Thirty One (31), Township Seven (1), North, Range Ten(10), West othe 6th P.M. and the Northeast quarter (NE4) Section Thirty Six (36) , Township Sever (7) , North, Range Eleven (11) , West of the 6th p.n., Adams County, Nebraska and, The road and right-of-way between the Southeast quarter (SE4) Section Twenty Township Seven (7), North, Range Eleven (11), West of -the 6th P.M., Adams County, and the Northeast quarter (NE 4) of Section Twenty Five, (25) , Township Seven (7) , Eleven (11), West of the 6th P.M., Adams County, Nebraska. Roll Call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Four (24) , Nebraska, North, Range Motion by Theobald, seconded by Kailey that we approve the posting of JC 4485 in the amount of $9,000 by Adams County Bank of Kenesaw, Nebraska; that we approve the pledge of JC 952810.3 in the amount of $200,000. and the release of JC9519138 in the amount of $200,000. by City National Bank of Hastings, Nebr.; that we approve the release of JC951914 1 and the pledge of JC952593 1 in the amount of $200,000. by City National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska; that we approve the release of JC 22271 in the amount of $150,000.; JC 946808 5 in the amt. of $200,000.; JC 94b9767 in the amount of $100,000.; JC 951915 4 in the amount of $200,000. by the City National Bank; that we approve the release of JC 951912 5 in the amount of $200,000. and the pledge of JC952959 7 in the amount of $200,000. and JC 953156 9 in the amount of $200,000. by the City National Bank; that we approve the rlease of .' JC 945282 6 in the amount of $1,000,000.. and the posting of JC 953229 6 in the amount of 100,000.; JC 953230 6 in the amount of $230,000.; JC953228 3 in the amount of $255,000.; JC 953231 9 in the amount of $100,000.; JC953232 2 in the amount of $150,000.; JC953233 5 in the amount of $125,000.; JC953240 3 in the amount of $200,000.; JC 953241 6 in the amount of $50,000.; JC 953258 4 in the amount of $50,000.; JC953259 7 in the amount of $50,000.; JC953260 in the amount of $50,000.; JC953261 in the amount of $50,000.; JC953262 in the amount of $50,000.; JC953263 in the amount of $50,000.; JC953263 in the amount of $50,000.; and JD953264 in the amount of $50,000. by the First National Bank of Hastings, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Goble. that we approve the appointment of Walter Fergus to the Adams County Veterans Service Committee, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Kailey that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Adams County Board of Supervisors that the Central Nebraska Comprehensive Health Planning Council, Inc. is recognized as the official area wide health planning agency for central Nebraska. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Adams County, Nebraska shall participate in the comprehensive health planning program developed by the Central Nebraska Comprehensive Health Planning Council, Inc. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Adams County shall contribute financial support to the Central Nebraska Comprehensive Health Planning Council's planning program during the Council's 1973-1974fiscal year (June 1, 1973 through May 31, 1974) in the amount of $3,950.00_. Roll call. Ayes carried. Motion corrections 6276 : Kidd, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, and Lightner. Nays: Theobald, and Hoagland. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list thru 6281. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kidd that the reports of Car Titles, County Clerk, Register of Deeds, (2) and Nursing Home be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 181 ACME PRINTING COMPANY Motion by Kidd, seconded by Theobald that the following Miscellaneous receipts be made a part of this Supervisors's Proceedings. Roll call all voted aye. Motion carried. 4528 Little Blue Nat. Resources Dist. 4529 Adams Co. Noxious Weed Control 4530 First National Bank 4531 City National Bank 4532 Register of Deeds 4533 Lange & Kaehler 4534 Clerk Dist Court 4535 County Judge 4536 County Judge 4537 J'un iata Village 4538 Register of Deeds 4539 Clerk of Dist Court 4540 Welfare Director 4541 County Judge 4542 County Judge 4543 State of Nebraska 4544 State of Nebr. 4545 State of Nebr. 4546 State of Nebr. 4547 County Judge 4548 County Judge 4549 County Judge 4550 Hastings State Bank 4551 Register of Deeds 4552 State of Nebraska 4553 State of Nebr. 4554 First National Bank 4555 County Judge 4556 County Judge 4557 Clerk Dist. Court 4558 County Judge 4559 County Clerk 4560 County Clerk 4561 County Judge 4562 County Judgg 4563 County JUdge 4564 County Judge 4565 County Judge 4566 County Judge 4567 County Judge 4568 County Judge 4569 County Judge 4570 Adams Co. Noxious Weed Control 4571 County Judge 4572 County Judge 4573 County Judge 4574 Clerk of Dist Court { 4575 Clerk of Dist Court 4576 Adams Co Noxious Weed Control 4577 Adams Co. Ext. Sery 4578 City National Bank 4579 School Dist #18 4580 Adams Co Nursing Home 4581 County Superintendent 4582 County Judge 4583 County Judge 129.10 326.50 1250.00 1384.25 429.82 171.91 509.50 127.26 1304.28 2000.00 9.76 147.80 100.00 11.25 182.58 8869.99 4507.14 34018.47 1000.00 725.20 1229.00 141.00 1375.00 1255.25 264.43 2459.38 1375.00 76.47 3.47 37.00 383.38 984.00 295...25 1015.78 1337.00 4732.00 1480.00 1677.05 100.00 87.00 471.98 504.62 497:95 44.94 186.21 50.50 68.00 56.50 1259.70 1250.00 2000.00 19863.26 12786.00 14.95 10.74 15.60 Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll Call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Administrative Services Anderson Bros Plumbing & Heating Allen's Anderson, Robert G ,Sheriff Arnold, Max P & Associates Augustine Company Augustine Company BankAmericard Service: Center: Rental Repair Supplies Food for Prisoners, Box Rent Matron Fee Appraisal Supplies Supplies Gasoline 937.50 11.85 28.92 Mileage 2,123.91 766.60 134.10 7.51 57.74 182 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Blue Hill Leader Booth, R.C. Buhr, Don Business upply Company Butterfield, Maurine City Clerk Callaghan & Company Cambridge, William G Cobbs Manufacturing Co Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc Credit Bureau of Hastings,Nnc. Dangberg, Darrel & Associates Decatur Electronics, Inc Deluxe Cleaning Services Inc Des Moines Rubber Stamp Company Dutton-Lainson Company Eastern Uniform Co. Ed's Pharmacy Eds Texaco Inc. Extension Service Revolving Fund Finnerty, R.W. Foote, Gene C II Friends Motor Supply Gangwish, Mrs, Glen General Supply General Supply Glenn, Elmer E. M.D. Grasslands Farms Inc Haberman's of Hastings Hartman, Marvin C Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hasting Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities Hawes, Anita , Co, Clerk Haverly, Harry C Co Judge Heeren, Darrel Heiman, Joseph R IBM Corporation International Business Machines International Business Machines International Business Machines Klint, Phil Klint, Phiip J Kolam Uniforms Kwik Chek Company Kwik Chek Company Landgraf, C.W. Jr. M.D. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McArthur, George D Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Marvel, John Attorney Meridith, L. John Meredith, L. John Modern Linens Service Nebr. Assoc of Co. Official Nelson, Luwane Omaha Printing Company PPG Industries PPG Industries PPG Industries Paulsen Repair Pitney Bowes Pitney Bowes Postmaster Queen City Rentals Redfield & Company, Inc Rolee Flag Company Rouse Feed & Fertilizer Rutts Drug Store Schafer Printing Company Scherr, Stephen A Scott, F.R. Seiler, Les Advertising Tam. Board Member Mileage Supplies Reporting Vital Statistics Library Expense Court Appointed Counsel Supplies Verbal Report Bulletin Service Cadastral Maps Supplies Cleaning Service Supplies Supplies & Repairs Judge's Robe Medicine Gasoline Supplies Mileage & Registration Fees Court Appointed Counsel Supplies Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Professional Serttice Sod Film Mileage, Meal & Reg. Advertising & Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Postage & Box Rental Box Rental & Supplies Board Member Mileage Court Appointed Counsel Supplies Lease Supplies Supplies & Maintenence Court Appointed Cousel Court Appointed Counsel Uniforms Film Service Film Service Professional Service Telephone & Toll Court Appointed Counsel Professional Service Professional Service Court Appointed Supplies Box Rental Map & Mat Service Dues Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Repair Rental Supplies Postage Laundry Supplies Flags Fertilizer Supplies Supplies Reg. Meal & Mileage Professional Service Professional Service 45.50 38.14 8.84 32.45 100.00 45.00 150.00 75.00 1.50 10.00 1373.00 895.00 73.00 45.05 96.44 24.99 7.50 245.54 23.68 87.20 150.00 15.50 7.40 17.39 19.63 x00 25.00 35.64 61.85 452.27 14.10 113.21 1911.05 13.40 12.29 6,68 75.00 16.92 68.52 26.73 623.97 150.00 100.00 572.30 20.00 20.00 50.00 814.70 100.00 112.50 37.00 125.00 .67 10.80 35.70 315.00 109.99 43.76 72.00 33.05 104.10 6.00 19.50 29.10 500.00 70.48 368.55 27.51 20.00 62.19 19.25 74.30 24.00 601.80 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 183 ACME PRINTING COMPANY Seiler, Les Seiler, Les Sherman Service Center Simons, Dr. Milton Singer Business Machines Story, Roscoe E Swanson, Paul Shievely's Conoco Taylor, Bernard H Taylor, Bernard H Turner, George H United Laboratories, Inc United Laboratories, Inc Weber Studio Wiest, Melvin Wiest, Melvin J Williams Exterminating Co. Xerox Corporation Yale Banklock Co Yost, C.G. VanFleet, R.J. Aronson, Roy Cope, P. Bryon Hastings Daily Tribune Tom & Jerry's Nielsen, George Werner Construction Inc Bob's Apco Service General Telephone Co. Hershberger, Greg Hershberger, Greg Hershberger, Greg Hershberger, Geeg Hirshfeld Co Johnson, Halvin S ED. C. Kaufmann & Wernert Kaufmann & Wernert Kearney Clinic Kearney State College Kearney State College Knittel, Marvin G Ed.D Kuhnel, Duane General Insurance Ag. Northwestern Public Service Co Safeway Stores Inc Simpson, Wm G D.D.A. Simpson, Wm G D.D.A. Spencer, Jennifer Unimart Thrift Center Valley Pharmacy Inc Welter, Paul R. Ed.D. Youth Ranch for Underprivileged Abbotts Dairy Cash-Wa Candy Co. Custom Pack F & E Distributing Gamble Robinson Co General Supply Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Utilities Ingram, Jerry Johnson, Carl Johnson, Richard H L & M Distributors Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McGee, Verla Metz Baking Company Morris Paint &Varnish Co. Johnson Cashway Lumber Company Court Appointed Cou'sel Court Appointed Counsel Supplies Barbital & Alcohol Exams Maintenance Contract Mileage, Meals & Reg. Mileage Gasoline State Cases Post Office Bos Rental Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Mileage Pest Control Rental Repair, Post Office Box Rent Salary Bailiff Salary Salary FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING Advertising Furniture Cabinets Road Repair FEDERAL Children NURSING HOME GRANT PROJECTS Gasoline Telephone & Toll Miscellaneous Freight Bill Recreation for Girls Supplies Clothing Professional Service_ Supplies Supplies Professional Service Utilities Utilities Professional Service Insurance Electric Service Groceries Professional Service Professional Service Paper Delivery Supplies Prescriptions Professional Service Salary & Food FUND Dairy Products Supplies Groceries Supplies Supplies Supplies Advertising Supplies Utilities Supplies Eggs Supplies Supplies Telephone & Toll Supplies Bakery Products Supplies Supplies 150.00 150.00 11.62 35.00 67.50 19.94 81.36 4.05 471.55 14.40 30.75 149.64 256.73 13.95 2.32 89.58 5.00 160.00 55.00 14.40 300.00 80.00 100.00 58.59 258.00 150.00 7318.68 92.43 61.23 51.24 29.93 150.00 79.91 21.04 25.00 64.01 129.47 30.00 125.10 125.10 160.00 98.00 32.83 337.59 83.00 132.00 4.50 2765 11.00 25.00 1000.00 158.25 48.00 138.28 2.00 81.52 12.19 2.39 100.60 192.30 '25°00 23.00 5.00 17.48 26.02 115.44 40.16 17.50 388.48 184 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Myers Refrigeration Co. Queen City Rentals Red & White Market Safeway Sidles Starks Quality Market Swingle, G.N. Thompson Company Ulry-Talbert Company Williams Exterminating Co. Woodwards Disposal Service Inc Hasselman, Chris Webster, Jerry Curly's Stop & Shop Hastings Utilities Howell, Dewitt Morris, L.L. Morris, L. L. Department of Public Welfare Baker & Taylor Company Gaylord Bros Inc Hastings Public Library Huntting, H.R. Brown, Betty B Gangwish, Anna Klein, Constance J Motley, Evelyn Saddler, Arlene H Shiffler, Dorothy D Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc Glenn, Dr. Elmer E Hastings Typewriter Co. Hutson, Dr. Burce IBM Corporation Kamm, Dr. Frank Kingsley, Dr. D.W. Krebsbach, Catherine Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Meyer, Garnet Morris, L.L. Morris, L. L. Nitzel, Dr.Dale Osborne, Dr. R.S. Pierce, Mary Elaine Powell, Ray D Richter, Melo Dee Weber, Dr. C.R. Krebsbach, Catherine Pierce,Mary Elaine Powe -1l, Ray D Richter, Mel Dee Coop Grain & Supply D.S. Sinclair Service Juniata Farmers Coop Kerr Chevrolet Co. Kloke, Herman Conoco Service Miller Chemical Co Ayr Grain Company Benjamin, Kasi & Assoc Benjamin & Associates Inc Repair Laundry Supplies Supplies Repait Supplies Roto Tilling Supplies Supplies Pest Control Disposal Service Salary Salary GENERAL RELIEF FUND Groceries Utilities Ren t Revolving Fund Revolving Fund MEDICAL SURGICAL HOSPITAL Vendor Payments COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Books Books Rental Books Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Bulletins, Professional Service Supplies Professional Service Service Contract Professional Service Professional Service Mileage Telephone & Toll Mileage Postage Mileage Professional Service Professional Service Mileage Mileage Mileage Professional Service Salary Salary Salary Salary WEED CONTROL FUND Chemical Gasoline & Oil Chemical Repair Gasoline Chemical ROAD -BRIDGE FUND Supplies Professional Service Professional Service 16.50 109.07 22.32 19.03 1.29 161.88 7.50 168.23 197.27 6.00 15.00 22.40 22.40 50.00 29.97 20.00 30.80 8.95 11792.13 764.83 46.70 333.00 102.57 40.00 40.00 300.00 150.00 40.00 150.00 5.00 25.00 563.13 5.00 42.99 5.00 15.00 4.80 85.44 15.40 130.00 9.00 5.00 15.00 23.80 1.00 10.50 50.00 33.93 56.16 40.76 58.50 225.75 120.48 80.25 9.62 39.26 591.25 16::,64 7647.86 486.58 ACME PRINTING COMPANY SUPERVISORS 'RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUN'T'Y, NEBRASKA 185 Pittz Service Clarke Oil Company Continental Oil Co Dutton Lainson Company Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Friends Motor Supply Gessford Machine Shop Ginter, Robert Glenwood Telephone Membership H & N Mobil H & M Equipment Co., Inc Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. HastingsBattery & Electric Hastings Daily Tribune Hastiggs Motor Truck Co Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co Island Supply Company Kerr Chevrolet Co. Laird Motors Lilly Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Modern Linen Service Morris Paint & Varnish Co. Nebr.Cons Comm. Corp Nebr. Correctional Industries Nebr. Public Power Dist. Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co. Olsen, L. L. Oil Company Precision Lubricants Co. Sherman Service Center Sidles Company State of Nebr. Dept of Roads Southern Nebraska Rural Public Vontz, L. J. Construction Co Vontz, L. J. Construction Co Vontz, L. J. C Werner Construction Inc Wheeler Division Wheeler Division Z & Z Equipment Company This Board will now recess subject to the County Clerk Gasoline & Supply Gasoline & Oil Diesel Supplies Gasoline Supplies Repaik Mileage Telephone & Toll Gasoline Gravel Supplies Supplies Advertising Inspections Utilities Oxygen Supplies Repair Inspections Gravel Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Telephone & Toll Washroom Service Supplie `' Radio Rental Supplies Electric Service Supplies Suppltts Gasoline & Supply Supplies Repair Supplies Construction Electric Service Gravel Gravel Gravel Hot Mix & Gravel Supplies Supplies Supplies call of the Chairman of t 261.86 273.00 380.76 14.11 86.56 79.34 8.00 21.30 20.86 67.90 409.42 20.81 30.16 165.56 8.00 16.48 9.70 ;:22.00 3.77 10.00 2443.62 285.72 29.818 3.82 21.60 64.50 9.30 223.85 258.48 338.20 1.01 171.66 83.30 722 .5 675.73 21.89 45.11 57380.29 9.71 6914.91 2730.86 7285.30 29545.99 98.21 5016.77 10.96 ,u11 -/i4411 Ch-irman '.fie Board COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 24, 1973 9:30 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of July 10, 197 notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune, with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presi members present: Kidd, Hoagland, Goble, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp, and Lightne 3, and as per public ding. Roll call, r. Mrs. Stein representing the Area Commission on Aging and two members from the Hall County Board of Supervisors appeared to discuss the benefits of forming an area Commission on Aging. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Kidd that Adams County join the Area Commission on Aging and authorize the Chairman to sigh the agreement. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded byGoble that we accept the bid of Werner Construction Co. of P $.2175 per gallon for R.C. Road Oil per transport load or .$.2775 per gallon � g per distributor load, because.. 186 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY of conditions of delivery listed in bid. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Hoagland that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. County Extension Office Adams County Ambulance Clerk of the District Court Adams County Assessor's Office Adams County Attorney's Office Adams County Supervisors Adams County Clerk's Office Adams County Sheriff's Office Adams County Superintendent's Office Adams County Treasurer's Office Courthouse Janitors Juvenile Probation Office Register of Deeds Office & Telephone Opr. Veterans Service Office Alcohol Safety Action Project Gloria Schlachter Lila Reutlinger Rena Gartner WEED CONTROL STATE ADMINISTRATION Duthie, Eva B ROAD -BRIDGE FUND Anderson, Roy Austin, Weslie Poore, Delbert NURSING HOME FEDERAL GRANT GENERAL FUND Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salaries & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Salary Prior Service Prior Service Salaries Salaries Prior Service Salaries Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Salaries Salaries This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of /s/ County Clerk Dat /s/ 7/QUA" /s/ Boa 1858.32 4421.00 1395.48 3847.75 3452.45 2709.69 2197.22 3567.47 1006.62 3100.75 954.78 889.95 1913.90 1214.33 1415.00 158.63 14.00 25.00 1102.96 8219.42 14.00 15,750.76 25.00 25.00 25.00 4585.41 2861.26 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS,NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 7, 1973 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of July 24, Hastings Daily Tribune with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll Goble, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp and Lightner. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Goble that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list correction No. 6282. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Kailey that the following officers reports be accepted and placed on file: Extension Office, Mid -Nebraska Mental Retardation services, County Sheriff, County Clerk, Car Title, Nursing Home (2) County Treas--Distress Warrants, Register of Deeds (2). Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Kailey that the bonds of Lawrence Dunmire, Melvin W. Busboom, Walter R. Fergus, Vern E Bittfield, Weir L. John and Donald A. Consbruck in the amount of $1,000 each as members to the Adams County Veteran and Service Committee be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Carried. Motion by Kailey seconded by Tripp that Misc. Receipts No.4548 thru 4662 be made a part of this Supervisors Proceedings. Roll Call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 4584 Adams County Nursing Home 6,681.39 4585 County Judge 6,693.81 4586 Webster Co. Treas 459.16 Ch- irman 9:30 o'clock A.M. and as per public notice given in the call, members present: Kidd, Hoagland, ACME PRINTING COMPANY SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNtY, `NEBRASKA 187 4587 Webster Co. Treas. 635.36 4588 Webster Co. Treas 78.02 4589 Adams Co. Nursing Home 628.50 4590 Gene C. Foote 7:65 4591 Koelher & Lange 10.68 4592 Register of Deeds 426.51 4593 Adams County Noxious Weed 414.30 4594 County Judge 137.50 4595 County Clerk 21,354.88 4596 County Judge 1,349.82 4597 Adams Co. Ambulance Serv. 1,473.35 4598 County Clerk from U,S. Treas. 56,365.00 4599 First National Bank 212.50 4600 First National Bank 862.50 4601 County Superintendent 50.00 4602 Hall Co. Treas. 326.71 4603 Hall CO. Treas. 1,644.38 4604 Hall Co. Treas. 339.35 4605 Hall Co. Treas. 7.65 4606 County Judge 45.84 4607 State of Nebr. 3,609.79 4608 State of Nebr. 31,888.52 4609 First National Bank 500.00 4610 State of Nebr. 371.53 4611 School Dist #26 Hall 178.23 4612 Hall Co. Treas. 2,250.00 4613 Clerk Dist Court 154.55 4614 Clerk Dist Court 125.00 4615 Clay Co. Treas. 139.86 4616 Clay Co. Treas. 343.60 4617 Clay County Treas. 412.32 4618 VOID 4619 County Judge 1,531.77 4620 County Judge 125.11 4621 Filmore County 203.76 4622 Adams County Judge 477.50 4623 Adams County Judge 934.00 4624 Adams County Judge 1,910.00 4625 Adams County Judge 1,386.00 4626 Adams County Judge 4,882.00 4627 First National Bank 4628 Register of Deeds 4629 Clerk of Dist Court 4630 State of Nebraska 4631 Mrs. J.A. Jank, Exec. 4632 County Judge 4633 Adams Co. Noxious Weed 4634 State of Nebraska 4635 State of Nebr. 4636 AdamsCounty Hiway Dept. 4637 County Judge 4638 County Clerk 4639 County Clerk 4640 City National Bank 4641 City National Bank 4642 First National Bank 4643 Clerk of Dist Court 4644 Webster County Treas., 4645 Adams Co. Nusring Home 4646 County Sheriff 4647 HastingsState Bank 4648 Clerk of Dist Court 4649 County Sheriff 4650 a. Conway, Exec. 4651 First National Bank 4652 City National Bank 4653 Adams Co. Bank 4654 City Natt cn nal Bank 4655 City of Hastings 4656 Adams Co. Noxious Wedd 4657 County Judge 4658 L.L. Morris, Director 4659 E McDowell 4660 County Clerk 4661 Juniata Twp 4662 State of Nebr. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that the floowing`resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, there is $277,726.40 in the Inheritance Tax Fund and, 1,375.00 1,492.65 7.00 8,296.10 299.44 137.00 1,326.05 10,753.50 8,216.98 67.74 1,432.02 889.00 307.50 1,258.00 1,258.00 2,500.00 47.50 124.98 6,564.49 277.50 2,062.50 610.40 87.50 451.07 1,250.00 1,258.00 2,750.00 2,516.00 4,453.15 1,647.90 96.71 80.00 21.20 3,654.03 500.00 500.00 WHEREAS, it is inthe best interest of Adams County that the amount of $200,000.00 be transferred` to the County General Fund of said County, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Treasurer be notified to transfer $200,000.00 from Inheritance Tax Fund to the County General Fund. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is further notified to transfer $100,000.00 from the County General Fund to the Road -Bridge Fund to meet thte requirements for matching locally Hiway Allocation Funds. WHEREAS, the emergency no longer exists in the Federal Grant for County Wide -Law Enforcement, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Treasurer be notified to transfer $3,000.00 from Federal Grants Pro ects Fund beack to the Count General Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Dr Gausman appeared in behalf of the Central Nebraska Technical College to explain their proposed budget and levy.` James Warren appeared in behalf of Educational Service Unit Number Nine to explain their proposed budget and levy. At 10:00 o'clock A.M. the Public Hearing was held for the Adams County Budget. No one appeared to protest the proposed expenditures. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Kidd that the following resolution be adopted. 188 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY RESOLUTION WHEREAS, a proposed county budget for the fical year 7-1-73 to 6-30-74, prepared by the Budget Making Authority, was transmitted to the County oard of the 24th day of July, 1973 and HWEREAS, a summary of such proposed budget, together with a notice of public hearing to be held on the 7th day of August, 1973, was published in the Hastings Daily Tribune, legal newppaper, on the 26th day of July, 1973 and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held pursuant to said published notice, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE County Board of Adams County, Nebraska, as follows: Section 1. That the budget forthe fiscal year, 7-1-73 to 6-30-74, as categorically evidenced by the budget document be, and the same hereby is, adopted as the budget for Adams County for said fiscal year. Section 2. That the office, departments acitivies and institutions herein before named are hereby authorized to expend the amounts herein -before appropriated to them during the fiscal year beginning Julyl, 1973, and ending June 30, 1974. Section 3. That the income necessary to finance the appropriations made and expenditures authorized shall be provided out of cash on hand in each fund, revenues to be collected during the fiscal year in each fund and a tax levy for each fund. Funds TOTAL Buffet of Expenditures General Road -Bridge General Relief Medical Soldiers & Sailors Institutions County Fair Weed Control Courthouse Bond Nursing Home Federal Grants Projects Inheritance Tax Fund Revenue Sharing Fund County Library (Not a part of Co. R611 call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble Clerk be instructed to issue warrants Acme Printing Co. Acme Printing Co. Adams Central High School Adams Co. Red Cross American Federation of Pplice", Anderson, Robert G Anstine Fire E uipment Co. Audio -Visual Repair Service Bancroft -Whitney Co. Buhr, Don Business Supply` Cake Co. Co. Superintendent Credit Bureau of Hastings Curts Fleetway;Chevron Deluxe Cleaning Services Inc. Des Moines Rubber Stamp Company Dickman & Son Dictaphone Dunmire, Lawrence Attorney Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Company Dutton-Lainson Company Ed;s Pharmacy Ed;s Texaco Eigenberg, Roger Electronic Industries, Inc. Extension Service Revolving Fund Fast, Mrs. Bill Finnerty, R.W. Friends Motor Supply Friends Motor Supply Gangwish, Mrs. Glen Levy) 17,050.00 150 ,000.00 3,000.00 137,300.00 38,000.00 26,725.00 87,500.00 89,700.00 93,000.00 327,726.40 464,850.00 19,742.40 that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County for the same. Roll call, all voted ay.e Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Supplies Supplies Share of Instruction Swim Program Supplies Matron Fee,Food for Prisoners & Mileage Supplies Repair Supplies Board Member Supplies Badges Fair Premium 'peports Repair Cleaning Supplies Clean Pit Supplies Professional Service Supplies Supplies Supplies Medicine Gasoline Board Member Mileage Equipment Supplies Board Member Mileage Mileage Supplies Supplies Board Member Mileage Mileage & Expense • 90.50 25.60 200.00 2500.00 86.16 1864.70 54.00 1.00 23.15 8.84 346.28 32.00 440.00 20.50 4.50 51.80 12.10 15.00 14.88 100.00 10.47 6.76 122.01 2.89 81.19 6.32 204.35 60.90 6.20 27.50 15.54 5.63 14.80 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY 189 General Supply Supplies General Supply Supplies Grace's Bike & Key Shop Keys Grace's Bike & Key Shop Supplies Harcourt Brace & Jovanovich, Inc Books Hartman, Marvin C. Supplies Hartman, Marvin Ref. Hastings Assoc. of Insurance Ins. Hastings Daily Tribune Advertising Hastings Daily Tribune Advertising Hastings Skyways Inc. Air Search Hastings Typewriter Supplies Hastings Utilities Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co Oxygem Hoagland, David Board Member Mileage Hynes, Jack Board Member Mileage Home Federal Savings & Loan Assn Rental Home Federal Savings & Loan Assn Rental IBM Corporation Maintenance Agreement Imperial Mall Standard Tire Repair IBM Corporation Supplies Johnson Service Co Repairs & Labor Kleager, Clyde L Office Calls Kwik Chek Company Filar Kwik Chek Company Serive Kwik Chek Company Supplies Lueders, Jerry P 0 Box Rent Lueders, Jerry Writing Plan Kincoln Telephone & Telegraph Telephone & Toll Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Telephone & Toll McArthur, George D Cour Appointed Counsel McNannays Electric Service Repair & Labor Meredith, L John Filing Modern Linen Service 1 Map & Mat Service Motorola Inc. Supplies National. Police Chiefs & Sheriffs Directory Nelson, Luwane Mileage Nogg Paper Co Supplies Pchsner, Duane Board Member Mileage O'Keefe Elevator Co., Inc. Maintenanc.i Omaha Printing Company Supplies Omaha Printing Company Supplies Redfield & Company Supplies Queen City Rentals Laundry Rhoades, Dan Janitorai Services Rhoades, Rochelle Mileage Rochelle Rhoades Supplies Saylor, Ronald Mrs. Board Member Mileage Schukei, Wesley Board Member Mileage Scott, F. R. 1 Professional Sevvice Seiler, Les Attorney Court Appointed Counsel Sherman Service Center Supplies Shively's Conoco Service Gasoline & Oil Simons, Dr Milton Blood Screen Singer Business Machines Maintenance Snoberger, Don Board Member Mileage Stewart Plumbing & Co Repair Swanson, Paul Mileage Taylor, Bernard H State Cases & Mental Health Toogood, Arthur C Mileage University Publishing Co Books & Supplies VanBurgen & Greener Ins. Repairs Vaughans Printers Inc. Supplies Vaughans Printers Inc. Supplies Western Psychological Services Supplies Wiest, Melvin J Mileage & Registeration Williams, Art Supplies Williams Exterminating Co Pest Control Xerox Corporation Supplies Youngblood, Myron J Court Appointed Counsel VanFleet, R. J. S Salary Aranson, Roy Salary $ 2.20 15.80 32.55 2.30 80.05 14.33 42.50 7646.25 339.45 116.64 29.70 993.91 2244.35 20.25Q 12.88 24.:< 175.00 175.00 42.99 1.50 26.73 248.27, 5.00 1.60.00 20.00 787.48 10.70 500.00 910.97 69.70 125.00 12.65 16.30 28.90 1575.80 12.50 35.16 71.09 X8.36 37.50 23.20 12.08 1237.95 25.21 30.00 5.20 .90 12.56 19.30 12.00 105.00 4.10 9.20 20.00 63.50 6.92 12.00 44.36 521.58 21.60 65.75 29.05 57.95 18.00 67.50 127.40 11.60 5.00 49.20 100.00 666.66 70.00 190 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY WEED CONTROL FUND D.A.'S Sinclair Service Jahnke Supply Inc. Johnson, Wendell Kerr Chevrolet Co Klein, Bill Insurance Agent Kloke, Herman Miller Chemical Co Adams County', Bob's Apco Service General Telephone Co Gunge, Max Good Samaritan Hospital Hastings Assoc. of Insurance Agents Hershberger, Greg Hershberger, Greg Kaufmann & Wernert Kaufmann & Wernert Kearney Locker Kearney Daily Hub Kearney State College Knittel, Marvin G Kearney Clinic Medical Arts Surgical Group Northwestern Public Service William GSimpson D.D.S. Spencer, Jennifer Unimart Thrift Center Hastings Plumbing & Heating Rick Looye Construction Co Werner Construction Co Campbell & Hall Hastings Public Library Brown, Mrs Bettie B Gagnwish, Mrs. Anna Klein Constance MeWhirter, J. T. Motley, Evelyn Saddler, Mrs Arlene H Shiffler, Mrs Dorothy Dewey Abbott's Dairy Acme Printing Cash-Wa Candy Co Century Soft Water Cook Paint & Varnish Custom Pack Inc. F & E Distrubiting Co Faber Gas Appliance Servicel Gamble #obinson Co Hastings Assoc. of Insurance Agents Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Utilities Ingram, Jerry Johnson, Fred .i Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McGee, Verla Metz Baking Company Nebraska Nursing Home Assoc. Queen City Rentals Red & White Safeway Starks Quality Market Thompson Company Gasoline Supplies Supplies Repair & Labor Insurance Gasoline Checmical FEDERAL GRANT PROJECTS Reimbursement Gasoline Telephone & Toll Mileage Services Insurance Recreation Allowances Miscellaneous Supplies Supplies Meat Advertising Utilities Professional Service Professional Service Services Electric Service Professional Service Paper Delivery Supplies FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING Supplies Labor & Supplies Road Repair COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Supplies Rental Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary NURSING HOME FUND Dairy Products Supplie s Supplies Supplies Supplies Meat Products Supplies Repair & Supplies Supplie s Insurance Supplies Utilities Produce Eggs Telephone & Toll Supplies Bakery Products Workshop Laundry Groceries Coffee Meat Groceries - 56.78 4.50 103.49 188.15 50.77 33.80 664.62 1270.20 56.40 39.09 188.80 38.55 231.00 135.00 59.90 11.87 111.94 211.79 9.43 125.10 90.00 27.00 25.00 38.25 94.00 3.00 88.91 182.66 443.85 13,232.08 46.65 333.33 40.00 40.00 315.00 157.50 157.50 40.00 158.00 105.53 27.50 106.68 7.60 6.44 235.19 2.00 12.25 81.33 338.03 29.25 211.68 52.00 28.50 25.17 86.97 36.00 16.50 99.50 58.89 185.00 90.70 163.58 ACME PRINTING COMPANY SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 191 Ulry-Talbert Williams Exterminating Co Woodwards Disposal Service Betty J Thomas Groceries Pest Controll Disposal Service Salary MEDICAL SURGICIAL & HOSPITAL Department of Public Welfare Hastings Utilities Morris, L.L. Director Safeway Grocery Yeagley, Marion Sr. Vendor Payments GENERAL RELIEF FUND Utilities Revolving Fund Groceries dRent STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Acme Printings Business Supply Company Business Supply Company Beagle, Joy S Charlton, Dr. G Paul Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc, Glenn, Dr. Elmer E Krebsbach, Catherine1 Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Meyer, Garnet Morris, L.L. Morris, L.O. Pierce, Mary Elaine Powell, Ray D Richter, Melo Dee Schafer Printing Weber, Dr. C.R. Welch, Dr George Yost, Dr. John G Beatrice State Home Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Nebraska Psychiatric Institute Adams County Weed Control Berck's Muffler Shop Clarke Oil Company Continental Oil Company Dutton-Lainson Company Dutton-Lainson Company Dutton-Lainson Company Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Firestone Stores Friends Motor Supply General Supply Auto Service Glenwood Telephone Membership H & M Equipment Company Hastings Assoc, of Insurance Agents Hastings Utilities Heuertz, Harold Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas Kellar Implement Co Kenesaq Oil & Supply Co Kully Iron & Metal Co Laird Motors Lilly Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McNair Construction Mid Continent Laboratories Printing Supplies Supplies Mileage Professional Service Bulletin Professional Service Mileage Telephone & Toll Mileage Postage Lunches Mileage & Registration Mileage Mileage Supplies Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service INSTITUTIONS FUND Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care ROAD -BRIDGE FUND Spraying Weeds Repair Gasoline & Oil Diesel Supplies Supplies Supplies Gasoline Supplies & Repair Supplies Supplies Telephone & Toll Gravel Insurancw Utilities Mileage Gasoline Supplies Diesel & Supplies. Supplies Repair Gravel Supplies Supplie s Supplies Supplies Telephone & Toll Sharpen Handsaws Supplies 227.78 6.00 15.00 135.30 11,368.27 18.25 25.40 50.00 82.50 113.51 222.50 76.10 2.80 6.00 5.00 10.00 4.00 93.57 25.80 130.00 3.11 12.00 3.30 7.30 19.20 10.00 55.00 15.00 5,173.00 10,676.00 879.00 186.00 1,00.00 4.00 653.24 190.57 14.11 5.55 13.49 195,15 171.18 58.89 10.40 20.56 2839.40 4087.10 18.56 7.60 16.48 6.98 469.14 2.59 12.33 2307.84 93.40 23.71 19.81 264.03 70.49 3.50 38.00 192 ACME PRINTING COMPANY SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Modern Linen Service Nebr Cons. Comm Corp Nebr Public Power District Nebr Tractor & Equipment Co Olsen, L.O. 001 Company Sherman Service Center Smith, S. E. & Sons Southern Nebr Rural Public Power Vontz, L.3, Construction Vontz, L.J. Construction Werner Construction Co Werner Construction Co Wheeler. Division Wheeler Division Wheeler Division Hoefer, John Hock, Charley Einsel, Sandra Capps, Brad Rutt, Rodney Hanson, Dean Lower, Clem The Board will now recess subject to County Clerk Dep y Count. Clerk Washroom Service Radio Rental Electric Service Supplies Gasoline Supplies Supplies Electric Service Gravel Gravel Construction Construction Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary the call of the chairman o Tuesday, August 21, 1973 9.60 258.48 1.00 1.45 1021.31. 51.46 8,65 9.87' 1114.08 2291.52 32,854.10 9,838.85 475.73 14.60 3802.61 405.00 110.25 288.60 43.20 24.00 152.00 46.00 airma 9:30 o'clock P.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was heldas per recess of August 7, 1973 and as per public notive given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Kidd, Hoagland, Goble, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp and Lightner. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Theobald that $4,000. be granted to the Hastings Chamber of Commerce to be used for the promotion and development of industry in Adams County. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Boble, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp and Lightner. Nays; Kidd, Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble that we purchase from Island Supply 1 Used Model 14 Cat Motor Grader with Model MG20Roanoke Hyiralic mower mounted on the above machine for $13,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Alcohol Safety Action Program Agricultural Ext. Office Ambulance Dept. Clerk of Dist Court. County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Sheriff County Superintendent County Treasurer Custodians Juvenile Probation Register of Deeds Veterans Service Office Gartner, Rena Reutlinger, Lila ROAD FUND Austin, Weslie Anderson, Roy Poore, Delbert GENERAL FUND Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Off. Exp. Office Expense Office Expense Salaries & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Prior Service Prior Service Hiway Department Salaries Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service 2046.25 1858.32 5009.00 1317.48 3607.79 3441.20 2660.50 2170.74 3400.54 1018.62 3654.79 980.10 889.95 1913.90 1359.33 25.00 14.00 14,431.34 25.00 25.00 25.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY 193 STATE'ADMINISTRATION Duthie Eva NURSING HOME FEDERAL GRANTS Gonge, Max WEED CONTROL This Board will now recess County Clerk Welfare Dept. Salaries Prior Service Salaries Salaries Mileage office Expense subject to the call of the Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS Tuesday, August 21, 1973 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board o of 77-1502 R.R.S. 1943 for the purpose of equalization properties, Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll ca Theobald, Kailey, Tripp and Lightner; County Assessor, Clerk, Anita Hawes. 7355.00 14.00 4735.12 3169.34 419.80 1085.00 of the Board of AvaimmiclIAL rman ,NEBRASKA 3:00 P.M. f Equalization pursuant to the provisions of assessments on ommitted or undervalued 11, members present: Kidd, Hoagland, Goble Roscoe Story; Deputy Melvin Wiest, County Jerome Consbruck, Tom Swedlund Paul Weber, Larry Peters and Paul Finnigsmier appeared. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Kailey ;that the valuations be as follows: Paul Finnismier 17.8 A Class II Irrigation Provisional at $350. per acre Jerome Consbruck Further investigation to determine value. Tom Swedlund Further investigation to determine value. Other properties to be raised as per individual notice given. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess until August 28, 1973. (Board of EqualizatWRTHO ing)SE HASTINGS,NEM SKA Tuesday, August 28, 1973 11:30 o'clockA.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of August 21, 1973 with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Kidd, Hoagland, Goble, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp and ;Kidd. Motion by Hoagland, secondedCby Tripp Dtohaa�t thefollowingresolution be adopted. WHEREAS A PROPOSEDRENTAT UDBETA`F(3 THE FISc4!23 to iR 6-30-74, prepared by the budget Making Authority, was transmitted to the County Board on the 24th day of July, 1973, and WHEREAS, a summary of such proposed budget, together with a notice of public hearing to be held on the 7th day of August, 1973, was published in the Hastings Daily Tribune, legal newspaper, on the 26th day of July, 1973 and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held, pursuant to said published notice, on the 7th day of August, 1973 and WHEREAS, the action of the State Board of Equalization has been had and certified to the County Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Supervisors of AdamsCounty, Nebraska as follows: Section 1. That the budget for the fiscal year, 7-1-73 to 6030-74, as categorically evidenced by the budget document be, and the same hereby is adopted as the budget for Adams County for the said fiscal year. Section 2. That the office, departments, activities and institutions herein before named are hereby authorized to expend the amounts herein -before appropriated to them dittng thefiscal year beginning July 1, 1973 and ending June 30, 1974. 194 ACME PRINTING COMPANY SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Section 3. That the income necessary to finance the appropriations made and expenditures.;;, Authorized shall be provided out of cash on hand in each fund, revenues to be collected iufing the fiscal year in each fund, and a tax levy for each fund as follows: FUNDS TOTAL BUDGET OF EXPENDITURES MILL LEVIES General 895,755.05 2.48 Road 831,000.00 :A3 General Relief 17,050.00 Medical -Surgical 150,000.00 1.22 Soldiers' and Sailors Re. 3,000.00 .01 Institutions 137,300.00 .37 Fair 28,000.00 .25 Weed Control 26,735.00 .14 Bond Sinking & Interest 87,500.00 .39 Nursing Home 89,700.00 Inheritance Tax 327,726.40 None none Revenue Sharing 464,850.00 None Federal Grants Projects 93,000.00 None TOTAL COUNTY Levy 1i .33 Library CITY AND VILLAGE LEVIES Mills Hastings 16.16* Airport Authority 1.83* (.96 Gen .87 B) Juniata 18.91 .65W.B. --- S.B. Henesaw 22.05 3.90S.B. Ayr --- 4.33 S.B. Roseland 11.76 5.31 S.B. Holstein 27.68 6.62W.B. --- S.B. Prosser 23.66 * Includes Bond TOWNSHIP LEVIES Mills West Blue .87 Highland .71 Verona .64 Kenesaw .40 Wanda .97 Juniata Denver .49. Blaine .52 Hanover 1.22 Ayr .24 Roseland 1.13 Cottonwood 1.59 Logan .44 Silver Lake .69 Zero 1.11 Little Blue 1.36 SCHOOL DISTRICT LEVIES MILLS General Bond Spec Bldg. 1.Juniata 31.53 7.64 ---- 3R Kenesaw 28.51 4.54 8 14.40 11R Holstein 29.94 15 6.48 18 Hastings 51.71 6.27 1.91 26 5.05 29 7.09 33 6.77 42 Roseland 42.52 1.96 4.00 53 Ayr 20.10 3.76 60 9.27 65-67 8.40 75 6.73 81 18.62 9A Adams Central 13.45 6.16 RURAL FIRE DISTRICTS Roseland Rural Fire Dist Holstein Rural Fire Dist Juniata Rural Fire Dist. Hastings Rural Fire Dist. Mills Gen. S.F. .77 2.0 .37 .54 .48 .56 .93 ACME PRINTING COMPANY SUPERVISORS `RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 195 RURAL FIFA 1)1 1 x 1 lb Kenesaw Rural Fire Dist. Glenvil Rural Fire Dist. MISCELLANEOUS LEVIES Central Nebr. Technical College Educational Serv. Unit No. 9 Educational Serv. Uni-No. 10 Educational Service Unti No..11 Free High School Tutition County Library Sanitary Imp. Dist. #1 NRD Upper Big Blue NRD Little Blue `1 L. MILLS 1.00 .92 1.00 1.00 7.03 .33 1.32 .77 .88 • .49 .45 9.98 Bond Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland Board of Equalization now adjourn sine die. Roll call, all voted aye seconded County Clerk COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS,NEBRASKA Tuesday August 28, 1973 11:45 A.M. r by Tripp M+tio Air 4 lawcAhrigi or.ii that this • The Board of Supervisors met as per recess of August 21, 1973 and as per public notive given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with Ed Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Kidd, Hoagland, Goble, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp and Lightner. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Theobald that we instruct the County Highway Superintendent to advertise for bids for three metal shop buildings for AdamsCounty 1 each to belocated at. Holstein, Kenesaw, and Pauline. Specifications will be on file at the County Clerk's office and at the County Shop in Hastings. Bids to be opened at 10:00 A.M. on Tuesday September 18, 1973. Revenue Sharing Funds to be used. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams C• y Board of Supervisors. . % .dii /x/41 County Clerk Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 11, 1973 9:30 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of August,28, 1973 and as per public notice given with Ed Lightner Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. A petition was presented to the Board asking that a stop sign be placed at the intersection of 12th Street and Adams Central Road to stop east bound traffic. A group thf citizens appeared to give testimony concerning the dangerous conditions existing at the location. Sheriff Anderson and Trooper Dirks from the State Highway Patrol were consulted about the situtation. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Hoagland that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, DANGEROUS traffic conditions exist at the intersection of 12th Street and Adams Central Road, WHEREAS, it would be in the best interest of the citizens of Adams County that a stop sign be erected at the west side of the intersection to stop east -bound traffic, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Adams County that a large stop sign, with adequate warnings signs placed ahead of it Se installed on the west side of the intersection of 12th Street Road and Adams Central Road to stop the east -bound traffic. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 196 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY M i by Theobald, seconded by Kale we approve the release of JC 4443 in the amount of $50,8000. and approve the posting oaf Je4bbZ in the amount of $50,000. by the Adams County Bank of Kenesaw. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Kailey that the reports of Register of Deeds (2), County Library, County Sheriff, Adams County Nursing Home, Car Titles and County Clerk be accepted and placed on file. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Tripp tint this Board is in receipt of a report from the County Treasurer showing that certain personal property taxes cannot be collected because the personality has removed out of the county, or has died and left no property out of which the taxes can be paid, or other reasons causing it impossible to collect such tax. Therefor under the provisions of 77-1738 the County Treasurer shall strike from the tax list all such taxes delinquent more than two years, in which the treasurer has used due diligence to collect the same. Roll call, all voted aye. M,tion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Goble that the Miscellaneous Receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors Proceedings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 4663 U..S. Treas. 4664 County Judge. 4665 Adams Co. Centennial 4666 Register of Deeds 4667 Adams Co. Nursing H me 4668 Adams Co. Noxious Weed 4669 Adams Co. Highway Dept 4670 County Judge 4671 County Judge 4672 State of Nebr. 4673 CityNational Bank 4674 First National Bank 4675 State of Nebr. 4676 Clay County 4677 Co. Sheriff 4678 County Judge 4679 Weed Control 4680 Juniata Village 468. County Clerk 4682 County Clerk 4683 Clerk Dist Court 4684 County Jdge 4685 County Judge 4686 County Jdge 4687 County Judge 4688 County Judge 2782.00 4689 377.79 4690 Comm. 1000.00 4691 459.52 4692 713.40 4693 Cpntrol 1466.50 4694 71.02 4695 32.05 4696 52.05 4698 31,615.87 4698 1258.00 4699 2500.00 4700 9054.11 4701 299.21 4702 1008.50 4703 937.29 4704 1788.00 4705 300000 4706 249.00 4707 969.50 4708 556.00 4709 4455.00 4710 1795.00 4711 1344.00 4712 913.50 4713 608.08 Motion by Theobald, Seconded by Goble that the County Clerk be instructed to issue Adams County Nursing Home First National Bank City National Bank Nuckolls Co. Clerk Weed Control Clerk`'bf Dist Court Clerk of Dist Couet Clerk of Dist Court County Sheriff County Sheriff County Judge County Judge County Judge Clerk of Dist Court Emma Gentert County Judge St. of Nebr. State of Nebr. County Judge Register of Deeds County Judge County Judge Weed Control Village of Juniata E N McDowell 2627.34 1375.00 1375.00 203.76 783.45 78.49 11.00 125.00 123.00 173.50 17.50 17.50 37.50 250.00 '5.00 506.40 506.25 22.00 152.07 1485.35 47.66 25.95 961.30 3000.00 21.2.0 claims be allowed on their respective funds and the warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Acme Fringing Addressograph Multigraphics Division Addressograph Multigr4hics Division Ahlin, Stan Allen's of Hastings Anderson, Robert G Sheriff Anderson, Robert G Sheriff BankiAmericard Eankloek Service Co. Bert's Rexall Drugs The Big G Blessing, Alfred Business Supply Co. Cake Co. Cambridge, W.G. Certified Labs. Div. of USACHEM Inc. Certified Labs City National Bank Clarke Oil Company Cobbs Manufacturing Co. Commercial Electronics, Inc. County Superintendent Cut Rite Millwork, Inc. GENERAL FUND Supplies Maintenance Supplies Mileage Supplies Supplies Mileage,Matron Fee & Food for Prisoners Gasoline and School Service & 1intenance Medical Supplies Supplies Attorney Fees Supplies Supplies Court Appointed Counsel Supplies Supplies Imprinting of Checks Solvent Supplies Repair & Replace Antenna Fees for Workshop Supplies 19.00 578.50 21.40 5.20 59.80 139.72 2,139.07 214.19 55.00 4.75 50.60 150.00 105.94 15.00 150.00 149.70 132.50 45.10 2.25 525.00 12.50 600.00 118.13 ACME PRINTING COMPANY SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 197 Deluxe Cleaning Services Des Moines Rubber Stamp Co. Des Moines Rubbert Stamp Co. Dictaphone Corporation Drawing Board, Inc. Dunmire, Lawrence Duro-Test Corporation Dutton-Lainson Co. Ed's Texaco Educational Service Unit No. 9 Extension Service Revolving Fund Fay's Drive In Drug Federal Grants Projects Fidler, Paul Finnerty, R.W. Finnerty, R.W. Friends Motor Supply General Supply General Supply General Supply Haberman's of Hastings Hastings Assoc. of Ins. Agents Hastings Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Hastings Credit Union Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Plumbing & Heating Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hawes, Anita Helmann, Joseph R. Heinzman Engineering, Inc. Helmann, Joseph R. Hobart Home Federal Savings and Loan Assoc. Home Health Agency IBM Corporation KHAS Radio Kilmer, Lloyd Douglas Co. Clerk Kleager, Clyde L. M.D. Klein, Harry Klint, Philip Attorney Kwik Chek" Company Law Enforcement Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Lowe, Steve Attorney Lueders, Jerry Lueders, Jerry Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mid -Nebraska Mental Retardation Serv. Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Modern Methods Inc. Modern Methods Inc. Mowers, Richard L Nebr. Assoc. of Co. Clerk & Reg. of Deeds Nelson, Luwane Ohlsen Jewelers O'Keefe Elevator Co., Inc. PPG Industries Inc. PPG Industries Inc. PPG Industries Inc. Penney, J.C. Pitney Bowes Inc. Postmaster Queen City Rentals Redfield & Company Rhoades, Dan Rhoades, Rochelle Cleaning Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Court Appointed Counsel Supplies Supplies & Equipment Gasoline Recorder Supplies Medications Local Matching Labor Mileage Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Film Insurance Equipment Bulletin Supplies Supplies & Advertising Supplies Supplies & Equipment Utilities for Courthouse Mileage Court Appointed Counsel Supplies Court Appointed Counsel Repair Rent Reg. Nurse Visits Supplies Tower Space Annual Dues Professional Service Excess Tax Court Appointed Counsel Service Repair Telephone & Toll Telephone & Toll Court Appointed Counsel Postage Postage Professional Service Professional Service 2 Adams County Share Mop & Mat Service Mop & Nat Service Paper & Service Contract 3-M Supplies Professional Service Annunal Dues Mileage Supplies Relays Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Postage Laundry Supplies Maintanence Supplies 51.00 16.20 12.20 672.45 27.50 50.00 41.56 332.54 80.35 126.22 8.96 4.44 220.83 11.25 68.50 37.50 3.47 13.99 17.71 1.48 125.00 388.69 4000.00 21.00 447.80 302.61 24.00 727.82 1948.38 9.67 100.00 18.84 75.00 17.75 175.00 20.00 42.75 25.00 10.00 10.00 74.05 100.00 20.00 1.08 62.88 1273.10 100.00 8.00 8.00 232.00 90.80 7638.25 25.30 25.30 487.60 488.57 122.25 10.00 23.52 11.00 103.85 7.12 123.78 43.50 35.40 155.70 1000.00 37.53 103.37 30.00 1.61 198 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Rosenau, A.B. Safeway Stores #901 Schafer Printing Co. Schafer Printing Co. Scott, F.R. Seiler, Les Shively's Conoco Service Simons, Dr. Milton Singer Business Machines Snell, Robert M State of Nebr. Stephenson School Supply Stephenson School Supply Swanson, Paul Taylor, Bernard Clerk of Dist. Court United Laboratories, Inc. Vaughans Printers Inc. Vaughans Printers Inc. West Publishing Co. West Publishing Co. West Publishing Co. West Publishing Co. West Publishing Co. West Publishing Co. West Publishing Co. Wiest, Melvin J. Williams Exterminating Co. Williams, Art Ind. Chemical Lab Willsie Cap & Gown Co. Xerox Corporation Xerox Corporation VanFleet, R.J. Aronson, Roy Mobley, Beverly Hawes, Teresa Benjamin, Kasl & Associates Benjamin, Kasl & Associates Burke Surveying Co. Clarke Oil Company Clarke Oil Company Continental Oil Co. Dutton Lainson Co. Dutton Lainson Co. Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Fehrs Tractor & Equipment Firestone Stores Friends Motor Supply General Supply Gessford Machine Shop Glenwood Telephone Membership H & M Equipment Co. Inc. Hastings Utilities Island Supply Co. Island Supply Co. Kansas-Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Kelly Supply Co. Lemke Sharpening Service Lilly Sand & Gravel Co. Lilly Sand & Gravel Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McClelland Farm Equipment Co. Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service N -Triple -C Nebr. Correctional Industries Tooth Extration Supplies Supplies Supplies Alcohol Tests Court Appointed Counsel Supplies Professional Service Maintenance Contract Court Appointed Counsel Elevators Inspection Supplies Supplies Mileage State Cases & Mental Health Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Mileage Pest Control Supplies Judicial Robe Supplies Rental Salary Bailiff Salary Salary ROAD -BRIDGE FUND Engineering Services Engineering Design Services Surveying Gasoline & Oil Gasoline & Oil Diesel Supplies Supplies Diesel Road Sweeper Supplies Supplies Supplies Repair Telephone & Toll Gravel & Crushed Rock Utilites Supplies Machine Gasoline Service Supplies Repair Gravel Gravel Supplies Supplies Supplies Telephone & W.1 Repairs Washroom Service Washroom Service Radio Rental Supplies 12.00 35.34 64.80 12.20 120.00 531.80 3.80 40.00 202.50 100.00 14.00 60.53 5.24 32.72 707.45 139.46 20.30 49.75 167.00 283.00 267.00 189.50 42.50 245.00 42.50 233.30 5.00 4.80 63.14 62.60 245.96 666.66 30.00 91.00 31.50 241.90 1828.00 109.35 451.14 724.04 374.30 24.91 4.90 123.70 3666.78 225.09 26.66 17.24 79.00 18.23 700.25 15.91 126.92 13000.00 4.44 13.33 89.76 3500.88 1090.62 57.87 82.50 533.30 67.62 22.20 9.82 9.12 258.48 73.50 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY 199 Nebr. Public Power District Nebr. Tractor & Equip. Co. Olsen, L.L. Oil Company PPG Industries Pittz Service Sherman Service Center Inc. Smith, S.E. Southern Nebr. Rural Public Sidles Company Vontz, L.J. Construction Werner Construction Inc. Wheeler Division Hoefer, John Hock, Charley Einsel, Sandra Capps, Bradley Deterding, George Gill, Theresa Power Abbotts All Star Dairy Acme Printing Business Supply Co. Cash-Wa Candy Company Custom Pack Inc. F & E Distributing Co. Gamble Robinson Co. General Supply Hanzel Appliance Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supply Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilties Johnny's Plumbing Johnson, Carl K & U Packing Plant Inc. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McGee, Verla E Metz laking Co. Morris Paint & Varnish Myers Refrigeration Co. Protex Systems Inc. Queen City nentals Red & White Market Redfield Medicine Shop Safeway Stores Starks Quality Meat Thompson Co. Ulry-Talbert Co. Williams Exterminating Co. Woodwards Disposal Service D.A. Sinclair Johnson, Wendell E. Kloke, Herman Miller Chemical Co. Campbell & Hall Denison, T.S. & Company HastingsPublic Library Brown, Bettie B Gangwish, Anna Motley, Evelyn Mewhiter, J.T. Saddler, Arlene H Electric Service Supplies Gasoline Repair Gasoline & Repair Supplies Supplies Relocating Line Supplies Gravel Oil & Hot Mix Supplies Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Nursing Home. Fund Dairy Products Supplies Supplies Supplies Meat Products Supplies Supplies Supplies Repair Advertising Supplies Supplies Utilities Repair Eggs Meat Telephone & Toll Miscellaneous Bakery Products Supplies Repair Installation Laundry Groceries Supplies Groderies Meat Products Supplies Supplies Pest Control Disposal Service WEED CONTROL FUND Gasoline Repairs & Parts Gasoline Chemical COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Books Books Rental Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary 1.00 29.32 956.62 12.45 501.06 75.04 9.23 6x./8.00 29.92 3742.42 11497.20 656:17 405.00 283.50 118.40 16.00 162.00 160.88 145.35 17.50 18.52 24.80 259.88 2.00 44.34 38.90 10.34 3.19 101.63 22.20 178.81 36.95 52.50 189.27 25.20 26.90 39.39 13.25 37.50 1360.00 95.65 47.42 6.48 5.65 149.75 197.13 185.01 6.00 15.00 46.36 59.89 30.38 269.50 17.27 6.19 333.33( 40.00 40.00 150.00 150.00 40.00 200 ACME PRINTING COMPANY SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Peaslee, Constance J. Shiffler, Dorothy D. Beagle, Joy S Charlton, Dr. G. Paul Cosgrove, Madelyn Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Kingsley, Dr. A.W.`' Krebsbach, Catherine Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Meyer, Garnet Morris, L.L. Morris, L.L. Nitzel, Dr. Dale Osborne, Dr. G.L. Pierce, Mary Elaine Powell, Ray D. Weber, Dr. C.R. Weiler, Dr. Leo Welch, Dr. George Yost, Dr. John G. Curly's Stop & Shop Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill South Burlington Morris, L.L. Director Dept. of Public Welfare Communications Engineering Hastings Daily Tribune Modern Methods Inc. Bob's Apco Service Fitch, Dr. M.H. General Telephone Hershberger, Greg Hershberger, Greg Hershberger, Greg Hershberger, Greg Hirschfeld Company Kaufman & Wernert Kaufman & Werneft Kearney State College Knittel, Marvin G 1d.D. Law Enforcement Equipment Co. Law Enforcement Equipment Co. MacDonald, Dr. Mildred Northwestern Public Service Co. Roberts Fairacres Dairy Safeway Stores Inc. Spencer, Jennifer Unimart Thrift Center Valley Pharmacy Inc. STATE Salary Salary ADMINISTRATION FUND Mileage professional Service Mileage Bulletin Service Professional Service Mileage Telephone & Toll Mileage Postage Membership Dues Professional Service Professional Service Mileage & Dues Mileage & Dues Professional Service professional Service Professional Service Professional Service GENERAL RELIEF FUND Groceries Utilities Groceries Revolving Fund MEDICAL SURGICAL, HOSPITAL 20% Vendor Payments F DERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND This Board will now r -cess subject to the /s/ /s/ County Clerk Court Voice System Adverti,s.ing Copy Machine FEDERAL GRANT FUND Gasoline & Oil Repair on Glasses Telephone & Toll Recreation Allowance Rental Miscellaneous Washing Clothing Supplies Supplies Utilities Group Therapy Supplies Supplies Piano Lessons & Music Electric Service Milk Products Groceries World-Hearld Delivery Supplies Supplies call of the Chairman of the AOP i / S / 1111"SMC.. $t 4 4.I A Board. Chairman 315.00 150.00 13.80 5.00 4.40 5.00 15.00 1.90 102.22 61.16 130.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 9.30 9.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 7.50 15.00 40.86 118.53 10.80 12898.15 759.50 88.20 1920.00 95.17 5.00 49.16 135.00 7.50 619.09 19.65 112.65 72.75 77.59 125.10 50.00 1200.12 675.00 30.70 34.23 58.80 560.01 3.75 51.03 1.05 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 201 ACME PRINTING COMPANY COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday September 18, 1973 9:30 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per recess of September 11, 1973 and as per public notice given with EdLightner, Chairman presiding. Roll Call, members present: Kidd, Hoagland, Goble, Theobald, Kailey,Tripp and Lightner. A group of citizens appeared before the Board to discuss the stop sign which had been placed on the 12th Street Adams Central Road, the feeling of the group was that this was only a temporary solution and was asking for the hill to be cut down and road work to be done. The matter was referred to the road committee. Motion by Kidd and seconded by Hoagland that we grant Werner Construction and Vontz Construction an extension to November 1, 1973 to complete their 1973 asphalt surfacing contract. Roll Call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Bids for the 3 buildings for the road department were opened at 10:00 a.m. There were 2 bids Bert Rostvet Construction Co. Hastings, Nebraska bid was 3 buildings galvenized $17,746.92 or Color $19,128.57. Wilkens Steel Building Co. Geneva, Nebraska 3 building Flat roof and galvenized $14,818.00, colored $16,036.00, 3 building pitch roof galvenized $15,898.00 or colored $17,968.00 Motion by Theobald seconded by Tripp that we reject all bids and readver- tise for bids for 11:00 a.m. October 9, 1973. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald seconded by Kaily that the fdlowing claims be allowed on theirrespective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Alchohol Safety Action Program Agricultural Ext. Service Ambulance Department Clerk of the District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Clerk's Office Adams County Supervisors County Sheriff County Superintendent County Treasurer's Office Custodians Juvenile Probation Register of Deeds & Switchboard Veterans Service Office Reutlinger, Lila Gartner, Rena Goble, Gaylord Strasburg, Alliam Road Fund Austin, Weslie B Anderson, Roy Poore, Delbert W Duthie, Eva STATE ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL GRANTS Gonge, Max E WEED CONTROL NURSING HOME FUND This Board will now recess GENERAL FUND Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Prior Service Prior Service Mileage Car Repair ROAD BRIDGE DEPARTMENT Salaries 14,545.00 Prior Service 25.00 Prior Service 25.00 Prior Service 25.00 2,000.00 1,858.32 4,446.50 1,317.48 4,229.07 3,441.20 2,436.60 2,625.00 3,523.97 1,006.62 3,313.31 921.02 889.95 1,913.90 1,359.33 14.00 25.00 36.80 100.00 STATE ADMINISTRATION Prior :Service Welfare Dept Salaries Salaries Mileage Salaries Salaries to the call of the Chairman of the Bard of County Clerk /s/ 25.00 8°',121.00 2,784.12 214.50 1,025.00 4,644.16 S •ervisors. Chairm 202 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 18, 1973 3:OOP.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization pursuant to the provision of 77-1502 R.R.S. 1943 for the purpose of equalization of assessments on omitted or undervalued properties, Ed Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll Call, members present Kidd, Hoagland, Goble, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp and Lightner; County Assessor Roscoe Story, Deputy Melvin Wiest, Deputy County Clerk Phyllis Newell. Ed Kent, Bernhard Augustin, Mrs. August Stade or Gary Stade appeared. Motion by Kidd seconded by Goble that the valuations be as follows: Ed Kent leave as raised. Bernhard Augustinleave as raised. Mrs. Au:ust Stade or Gar Stade adjusted from $10,250 assessed to $10,035.Adjustments was made on the number of acres of irrigated acres. This Board of Equalization will now recess. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 9, 1973 9:30 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of September 18, 1973 and as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune, with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Kidd, Hoagland, Goble, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp and Lightner. At 10:00 bids for motor graders were opened. Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. 2 New Gallion Motorgraders with trade-in of 1 used 99 E and 1 used 99E, OSHA equipped, GMC Motors Net $45,054. INT. Motors Net 50,248. Lincoln Equipment Co. 2 New Catepillar with trade-in of 2 used Catepillars. Net $35,000. If OSHA dquipped add $1,945 to each machine for total $38,890. Construction Service Co. 1 New 444 WABCO, with Cummins Diesel Engine, Less Trade of 1 used Cat 99E7939 $20,240.00 Without OSHA equip. 1 New WABCO 444 with Cummins Diesel Engine, Less Trade-in of 1 Cat 99E12237 $18,990.00 Without OSHA Equip. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble that we accept the low bid of Lincoln Equipment Company of $35,000.00 for Two new Catepillar 120 Model Motor Graders with trade-in of 1965 Cat and one 1963 Cat. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 11:00 bids were opened to furnish material for 3 stell buildings. Bids were recieved from Rostvet Construction Co., Hastings, Nebr.; Holdrege Seed and Supply, Hampton, Nebr.; John Claussen Sons Co., Inc. Grand Island, Nebr.; Wilkins Stell Building Company, Inc.; Henningsen Steel Products, Inc., Lincoln, Nebr.. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble that the bids be referred to the Road Committee with power to act. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Dr. McKee and Jim Taylor appeared to present information about the new Community Mental Health Center. Mrs. Lar8on gave a progress report on the audit of the Nursing Home. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Tripp that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Adams County Board of Supervisors is vitally concerned with the economic development of the county and wishes to support constructive efforts to achieve stable economic growth; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED 1. That the Adams County Board of Supervisors endorges:. the aims and purposes of the Hastings Economic Development Corporation, and recognizes that success of its efforts with be economic benefit to each citizen and community within the county. SUPERVISORS 2ECORb n' NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 203 ACME PRINTING COMPANY 2. That the HEDC is recognized as the official body by which coordinated economic development activities within the county shall be conducted. 3. That pursuant to the request of HEDC, the chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors shall designate a member of this body to serve, at the pleasure of the board, as a voting member of the board of directors of the Hastings Economic Development Corporation. Roll call, all voted Aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded'by Kailey that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the County Attorney of Adams County, Nebraska, has the duty to represent the interest of Adams County in matters pertaining to the determination of inheritance tax liability in estates of residents of Adams County and estates of persons who owned real property in Adams County and, WHEREAS, from time to time the Adams County Attorney or one of his duly appointed, qualified and acting deputies may represent the administrator, administratrix, executor or executrix of the estate of a decedent who was a resident of Adams County or who owned real property in Adams County and, WHEREAS, John N. Marvel, a practicing attorney and a resident of Adams County, is willing to accept the position of Special County Attorney at no cost to Adams County, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA: That John N. Marvel is hereby appointed Special County Attorney for Adams County, Nebraska, to represent the interest of Adams County in all matters before the courts of this county and state pertaining to the determination of inheritance tax wherein the County Attorney of Adams County, or one of his duly appointed, qualified and acting deputies, represents the administrator, administratrix, executor or executrix of the estate of a decedent who was a resident of Adams County or who owned real property in Adams County, said appointment to continue until removed by further action of this board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble that the County Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids for construction of on -the -road dams to be constructed on the Trausch and Lukow properties and also to advertise for one car load of grader blades. Dam construction bids to be opened at 10:00 A.M. on November 6, 1973 and grader blade bids to be opened at 11:00 A.M. on November 6, 1973. Roll call all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kidd that permission be granted to the City of Hastings and to the Village of Kenesaw to hold their election in conjunction with the Primary Election. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Kailey that the reports of Nursing Home (3) Delinquent Personal Taxes, Sheriff, Anibulance-Accounts Receivable, Register of Deeds (2), County Library, Car Titles, County Clerk, Mid -Nebraska Mental Retardation Services (2) be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections 6283 through 6285. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Theobald, that the following miscellaneous receipts be made a part of this Supervisors Proceedings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 4714 4715 4716 4717 4718 4 719 4720 4721 4722 4723 4724 4725 4726 4727 4728 4729 4730 4731 4732 Adams Co. Noxious Weed Dist. Adams Co. Nursing Home City National Bank City Treasurer City Treasurer Adams County Clerk First National Bank Register of Deeds County Judge County Judge State of Nebraska Adams County Noxious Weed State of Nebraska National Bank of Commerce State of Nebraska Hastings State Bank Adams County Ambulance Service County Sheriff Treasurer of Thayer Co. 547.30 7,238.65 1,384.25 1,319.50 1;404.00 1,270.20 1,250.00 573.10 4.40 1,683.62 11,009.96 985.00 4,148.05 4,760.04 33,422.66 1,375.00 835.97. 483.50 179.31 204 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY 4733 Thayer County 4734 First National Bank 4735 Kearney County Treasurer 4736 Kearney County Treasurer 4737 County Clerk 4738 County Clerk 4739 First National Bank 4740 Adams County Noxious Weed 4741 Register of Deeds 4742 Buffalo Co. Judge 4743 Clay County Clerk 4744 County Judge 4745 County Judge 4746 Fin. Sec. Group Companies 4747 Emergency Employment Act 1971 4748 L.L. Morris, Director 4749 County Judge 4750 County Judge 4751 County Judge 4752 County Judge 4753 County Judge 4754 Adams Co. Noxious Weed Dist. 4755 Adams Co. Ambulance Service 4756 County Judge 4757 Marvel, Adm. 4758 Adams Co. 4759 Adams Co. Noxious Weed 4760 State of Nebr. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble and the County Clerk be instructed to carried. Anderson, Robert G., Sheriff BankAmericard Service Center Bee Line Motor Freight Beyke Signs Big G Big G Buhr, Don Business Supply Company Butterfield, Maurine Callaghan & Company City National Bank of Hastings Clerk of Dist Court Clerk of Brown County Dist.Court Connolly, William M. Attny County Superintendent Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc. Darrel Dangberg & Assoc. Deluxe Cleaning Services Dobrovolyn, Mary Ann Dutton-Lainson Company Fast, Mrs. Bill Fay's Drive -In Drug Federal Grants Projects Foote, Gene C. II Gangwish, Mrs. Glen Gant Publishing Co. Gill, Theresa Hammond, & Stephens Co. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Plumbing & Heating Inc. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. 224.14 1,375.00 2,100.00 1,300.00 267.00 917.50 81.25 646.40 1,409.15 64.80 330.10 4,116.98 222.71 200.00 16.94 10.80 1,399.80 3,125.00 951.00 3,558.00 482.50 850.60 627.00 48.00 58.84 220.83 224.60 2,459.37 that the following claims be allowed on their respective issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. GENERAL FUND Matron Fee, Mileage,Food for Prisoners Gasoline Freight Charges Signs Supplies Supplies & Repairs Board Member Mileage Supplies Vital Statistics Library Expense Imprinting Checks State Cases & Mental Health Copies Court Appointed Counsel Teachers Retirement Reports Cadastral Maps Cleaning Services Election Salary Supplies Board Member Mileage Medicine Local Matching Court Appointed Counsel Board Member Mileage Subscription Election Salary Books Supplies Advertising Supplies Supplies Repair Supplies Utilities Oxygen 2,101.20 59.32 5.43 25.00 13.12 173.30 17.68 81.53 114.50 47.50 11.28 182.50 5.00 312.73 7.00' 1.00 2944.00 89.25 / 4.00 495.57 6.20 5.07 168.75 75.00 7.40 24.00 4.00 126.87 207.85 590.20 23.40 269.29 9.82 89.52 2017.57 48.90 funds Motion SUPERVISORS 1REGORb NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY 205 Heeren, Darrel Hoagland, David Holes-Webway Co. Home Federal Savings & Loan Assoc. Howell, Sam." j Hynes, Jack International Business Machines Johnson Service Company KHAS Radio Station Kleager, Clyde L. M.D. Klint, Philip J. Knight, Robert Knight, Robert Knight, Robert Kolam Uniforms Laird Motors Levander's Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Lowe, Stephen G Lueders, Jerry McGrath, North, Nelson, Dwyer & O'Leary Marvel, John N Midland Medical Supply Co. Modern Linen Service National Police Chiefs & Sheriffs Nebraska Penal & Correctional Nelson, Luwane Ochsner, Duane Omaha printing Co. O'Keefe Elevator Co., Inc. PPG Industries, Inc. Paulsen Repair Polk, R.L. & Company Postmaster Queen City Rentals Quinlan Publishing Company, Inc. Redfield & Company Redfield & Company Rhoades, Dan Safety Equipment Company Schukei, Wes Scott, F.R. Shivelys Conoco Service Singer Business Machines Snoberger, Don Story, Roscoe E Swanson, Paul Trade Ruling & Binding Co. Turner, George Veterans Service Office Veterans Service Office Webers Studio Wentz Heating & Air Conditioning West Publishing Company Wiest, Melvin J. Williams Exterminating Xerox Corporation Yost, C.G. Aranson, Roy VanFleet, R.J. Youth Development Center G. G. G. Abbotts All Star Dairy Cash-Wa Candy Company Century Soft Water Co. Custom Pack Inc. F & E Distributing Co. Gamble Robinson Co. Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Utilities Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Supplies Rent Comaftmen t Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Tower Space Professional Service Court Appointed Counsel Professional Service professional Service Reporting Transcribing Clothing Repair Repair Telephone & Toll Telephone & Toll Court Appointed Counsel Post Office Box Rent & Postage professional Service Court Appointed Counsel Supplies Mop & Mat Service Library Expense Safekeeping Mileage Mileage Supplies Maintenance Supplies Sharpen Blades Registration Manual Postage Laundry Library Expense Supplies Supplies Maintenance Supplies Board Member Mileage Alcohol Test Gasoline Maintenance Board Member Mileage Convention Expense Mileage Supplies Library Expense Veterans Aid Office Expense Roll Film Repair Library Expense Mileage Pest Control Rental Co. Officials Exp. Bailiff Civil Defense Salary Safekeeping ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME Dairy Products Supplie s Salt Meat Products Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities 13.36 12.88 32.82 175.00 60.00 24.88 42.75 35.24 25.00 30.00 250.00 55.00 40.00 55.50 311.85 139.59 34.00 1149.40 62.59 100.00 10.70 35.00 150.00 64.50 25.30 12.50 232.50 172.39 8.36 29.68 37.50 58.54 2.25 12.00 1,000.00 30.87 20.00 51.65 3.58 30.00 536.23 9.65 60.00 1.75 134.50 6.92 74.45 169.38 51.95 5.45 715.00 1069.80 13.95 175.90 36.00 88.82 6.00 267.61 5.25 60.00 666.66 56.00 136.01 13.45 13.00 188.20 2.00 17.20 67.85 195.03 206 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Johnny's Plumbing Co. Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Johnson, Carl Johnson, Richard H Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McGee, Verla Metz Baking Co. Nelson Electric Co. Protex Systems Inc. Queen City Laundry Products Red & White Market Safeway Stores Starks Quality Meat The Thompson Company Ulry Talbert Company Williams Exterminating Co. Woodwards Disposal Service Inc. Associates Libraries, Inc. Campbell & Hall Campbell & Hall Hastings Public Library Random House Singer School Div. Brown, Bettie Gangwish, Anna Klein, Connie J Mewhirter, J.T. Motley, Evelyn Saddler, Arlene H Shiffler, DorotTy D Department of Public Welfare Beagle, Joy S Business Supply Co. Cosgrove, Madelyn Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc. Geiger, Dr. G.F. Krebsbach, Catherine Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Meyer, Garnet Morris, L.L. Director Morris, L.L. Nitzel, Dr. Dale Osborne, Dr. G.L. Pearson, Naomi Pierce, Mary Elaine Powell, Ray D. Shreck, Dr. H.W. University Extension Division Vader, Dr. Thomas Weber, Dr. C.R. Ammon, Melvin Epworth Village IGA Grocery Jack & Jill Jack & Jill Marsh, Cleo N Morris, L.L. Rader Real Estate Safeway Grocery Thiels Cafe* Repair Supplies Eggs Potatoes Telephone & Toll Supplies Bakery Products Repair Inspection Laundry Groceries Groceries Meat Products Groceries Groceries Pest Control Disposal Service COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Books Books Books Library Service Books Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary MEDICAL SURGICAL HOSPITAL Vendor payments STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Mileage Supplies Mileage Reporting Service professional Service Mileage Telephone & Toll Mileage Postage Mileage & Meals Professional Service Professional Service Registration Mileage Mileage Professional Service Tution professional Service professional Service GENERAL RELIEF Foster Care Groceries Groceries Groceries Rental Revolving Fund Rent Groceries Food 33.70 4.50 29.25 1.25 25.61 57.43 46.30 7.00 24.50 8420 18.88 16.53 123.78 223.20 117.81 7.00 15.00 238.23 234.42 2.84 333.33 141.96 40.00 40.00 315.00 157.50 157.50 40.00 158.00 13,089.36 13.60 100.21 13.12 5.00 7.00 20.20 95.95 52.72 130.00 51.57 10.00 10.00 10.00 14.92 36.00 15.00 198.00 10.00 10.00 200.00 25.00 125.00 25.00 20.00 19.60 50.00 151.99 4.70 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 207 ACME PRINTING COMPANY D.A. Sinclair Service Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil K1oke, Herman Miller Chemical Company Abbotts All Star Dairy Antelop Student Newspaper Bob's Apco Service General Telephone Co. Gonge, Max E Hershberger, Greg Hershberger, Greg Kaufmann & Wernert Kearney Clinic Kearney Daily Hub Kearney Daily Hub Kearney State College Knittel, Marvin G Nebr. Dept. of Public Welfare Northwestern Public Service Co. O'Connor Plumbing Repair Service Roberts Fairacres Dairy Simpson, Wm G. D.D.S. Simpson, Wm. G. D.D.S. Spencer, Jennifer Unimart Thrift Center Valley Pharmacy, Inc. Midwest Bridge & Construction Co. Beatrice State Home Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Nebraska Psychiatric' Institute Augustin Implement Ayr Grain Company Benjamin & Associates Inc. Certified Laboratores Clarke Oil Company- Construct;. on Service Equipment Continental Oil Company Dutton-Lainson Company Dutton-La.inson Company Dutton-Lainson Company Farmers Union Coop Ga.s & Oil Co. Firestone Stores Fry, Ervin Friends Motor Supply Ginter, Robert Glenwood Telephone Membership Corp. H & M Equipment Company H & M Equipment Company Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Park Hastings Utilities Island Supply Company Kelly Supply Co. Kenesaw Oil Company Kully Iron & Metal Co. Lilly Sand & Gravel Co. Lincoln Welding Supply Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. WEED CONTROL FUND Gasoline & Repair Gasoline Gasoline Chemical FEDERAL GRANT FUND Dairy Products Advertising Gasoline Telephone & Toll Mileage Mileage & Meals Recreation Allowance Supplies Professional Service Advertising Advertising Utilities Professional Service Groceries Electric Service Repair Milk Products Professional Service Professional Service Delivery of paper Supplies Supplies FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND Material for Bridge INSTITUTIONS FUND patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care ROAD -BRIDGE FUND Repairs Gasoline Construction Inspection Soil Sterilant Gasoline & 0±1 Repair & Supplies Diesel Supplies Supplies Supplies Gasoline Supplies & Repair Mowing Cecnetary Supplies Mileage Telephone & Toll Gravel Gravel Advertising Water Utilities Roanoke Chopper Repair Gasoline & Oil Supplies Gravel Oxygen Repairs 84.08 12.00 7.84 384.12 65.88 4.80 56.68 34.18 267.84 84.30 120.00 19.38 26.00 16.47 37.25 125.10 115.00 10.43 29.85 4.85 49.50 18.00 22.00 3.00 9.97 2.48 33,752.75 5,300.00 8,097.86 603.00 420.00 34.35 18.08 852.40 2057.00 233.74 85.46 152.57 6.86 5.13 21.56 220.21 512.32 15.00 65.96 43.20 13.59 2158.77 1073.60 24.74 19.10 20.91 17.44 41.4E 221.29 4.94 1595.56 5.25. 191.56 208 SUPERVISORS RECORD . NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co, McClelland Farm Equipment Modern Linen Service N Triple C Nebraska Public Power Dist. Olsen L.L. 01.1 Company Penneys, J.C. Rockmount Research & Alloys Inc. Sherman Service Center Inc. Sidles Company Sidles Company Southern Nebraska Rural Public Power Vontz Construction Vontz, L.J. Construction Wheeler Division Wheeler Division Hoefer, John Hock, Charley Deterding, George Gill, Theresa Bruntz, David This Board will now recess subject t Chairman Repairs Repairs Telephone & Toll Repairs Washroom Service Radio Rental Electric Service Gasoline Material Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Electric Service Gravel Gravel Supplies Supplie s Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary the call of the Chairman of the Board. County Clerk 1/ ty 195.87 238.31 62.32 30.01 11.33 258.48 1.01 719.14 17.70 26.75 39.48 33.61 70.09 23.69 42,916.90 371.80 648.13 592.03 222.75 173.25 144.00 121.50 2.44.75 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASWA Tuesday, October 2:i; 7...97 .3, ?9:30 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met in regular session as per recess of October 9, 1973 and as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Kidd, Hoagland, Goble, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp and Lightner. Motion by Goble, seconded by Tripp that we reaffirm the action of the Road Committee and approve the acceptance of the bid of Bert Rostvet Co. for furnishing 3 steel buildings for Holstein, Pauline and Kenesaw for the Road Department. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Theobald that we appoint Don Rabbe as Adams County representative on the Citizens Advisory Council for the Community Mental Health Program. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Lloyd Witt presented the report on critical bridges. The report listed 11 in this category with an estimated total replacement cost of $552,000. Jerry Houser, representative from Republic National Life Insurance Company appeared to give an annual claim experience and refund calculation report with a refund being presented to Adams County in the amount of $16,255.91. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble that the new job classification and salary schedule as presented by Road Committee is hereby approved effective October 1, 1973. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by elect ions call, all Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kidd that we grant permission and approval for Juniata to o ter in conjunction with the Primary Election this coming year, 1974 and in future years. Roll voted aye. Motion carried. Goble, seconded by Kidd that the following resolution be adapted. RESOLUTION REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL FEDERAL -AID SECONDARY FUNDS WHEREAS, an allocation of federal .did Secondary Highway funds is made available to the counties of Nebraska at yearly intervals and designated as fiscal year funds, and WHEREAS, this allocation is made available to each County for a period of not less than eight- een (18) months, and WHEREAS, the County of Adams has used or obligated all Federal -Aid allotted them including the most recent fiscal year allocation, and.:; SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 209 ACME PRINTING COMPANY WHEREAS, the present policy of the Department of Roads permit counties to request additional Federal -aid Secondary funds from a "pool" of unused Federal -aid Secondary funds, NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved: That Adams County requests that the Department of Roads transfer to the credit of Adams County unused funds from the Federal -aid Secondary funds in the amount of $28,415.23. !Oilcan, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Kidd that the following resolution he adopted. RESOLTUION WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Adams County hes ;made the following findings of facts 1. That the Nebraska Department of Roads is engaged in present improvements and has proposed future improvements on State Highway No. 74 in Adams County,Nebraska. 2. That the said Department of roads has already proposed improvement on a two-mile section of the said highway east of the village of Ayr and adjacent ot Sections 34 and 35 in Ayr, Township in Adams County. 3. That the said Department ofRoads has otherwise proposed that future improvements on the said highway should begin on thet part of the highway beginning at the border of Adams and Kearney Counties. 4. That the part of the sadi highway immediately vest of the Village of Ayr and adjacent to Section 33 of Ayr Township in Adams County is in need of immediate improvement because the road on that section of the highway is frequently covered by the water of the Little Blue River. 5. That immediate improvement of the said section of the highway would connect with improvements already being made on the Adams Central road in Adams County and would facititate traffic using the Adams .-;entral Road fcr transportation to Adams Central School. 6. That a recent fatality caused by nodding on the said part of the highway indicates that an emergency condition exiSts which should be corrected promptly. WHEREFORE, the Board of Supervisors of Adams County hereby resolves that improvements should be made immediately on that part of State Highway No. 74 immediately west of the village of Ayr as a continuation of improvements already proposed on that section of the said highway in Adams County, that these mpvovements should be made prior to improvements proposed for the said highway in the western part of Adams County, and that the Department of Roads should be requested to give priority to improvements on that section of the said highway immediately west of the Village of Ayr. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Kailey that we believe there is a need in Adams County for the Ada Adams and Hall County's Nutritional Program for the elderly and approve the plan for this County. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Hoagland that the salary claims be approved on their respective finds and the C.)unty Clerk be insturcted to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. STATE ADMINISTRATION Salaries Duthie, Eva Prior Service WEED CONTROL FUND Parr, Alfred Salary FEDERAL GRANTS NURSING HOME FUND ROAD -BRIDGE DEPARTMENT Austin, Weslie B Anderson, Roy Poore, Delbert W GENERAL FUND Agricultural Ext. Service Ambulance Department Clerk of the District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Clerk's Office Adams County Supervisors County Sheriff's Department County Superintendent County Treasurer's Office Custodians 0 Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salaries & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salaries 7665.00 14.00 600.00 2835.12 125.00 4370.59 13,385.22 25.00 25.00 25.00 1858.32 5046.86 1348.68 3915.56 3761.20 2401.39 2724.48 3482.07 1006.62 3313.31 ,988.54 210 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Juvenile Probation Register of Deeds && switchboard Operator Veterans service Office Alcohol Safety Action Program Reutlinger, Lila Gartner, Rena This Board will now recess subject OfficeffExpenseEE utnce Expense Office Expense Prior Service. Prior Service 889.95 1 ;:lg 2067.50 14.00 25.00 to the call of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. County Clerk COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS,. NEBRASKA Tuesday, November 8, 1973 9:30 o'clock A.M. Regular ;meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of October 23, 1973 and as per public notice given with Gaylord Goble, Vice -Chairman, presiding. Rol call, members present: Kidd, Hoagland, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp and Goble. Absent: Lightner. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Hoagland that the Vice -Chairman be authorized to sign the tax list corrections No. 6291 thru 6315. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Carried. At 10:00 A.M. bids were received and opened for construction of two road dams, Trausch property and one on the Clayton Lukow property. Stromer hand Leveling---Lukow Structure $5,692.40 Trausch Structure 9,886.40 . Stripps etc/ Hourly rate. L.J. Vontz Construction Co.--Lukow Structure Trausch Structure Tied D & M Earth Moving Lukow Computed Trausch Computed TOTAL Harold Shaw Land Leveling Lukow Structure Trausch Struct. TOTAL 6,762.88 11,413.12 18,176.00 5,940.60 10,611.97 16,552.57 5,019.48 8,813.53 13,833.01 one to be located on the Motion by Kidd, seconded by Hoagland that we accept the low bid of Harold Shaw Land Leveling Company to Constr uct two road dams, known as the Trausch structure and the Clayton Lukow Structure for a total cost of $13,833.01. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. A representative of Nebraska Public Power Company appeared to discuss the moving of poles on project S-252(6) and S 645 (5). County asked him to approach compnay with a 50-50 settlement agreement considering special conditions existing at site. At 11:00 o'clock A.M. bids were received and opened for one car load of grader blades. Lincoln Equipment Co. 1.85/ Linear foot for single bevel lst.alternate--Double Bevel $1.76/ linear foot 2nd alternate --Double bevel, heat treated #3.23/linear foot. Construction Service Co., $1.86 per ft. Alternate bid --double bevel $1.78 per ft. Wheeler Division of St. Regis Paper Co. 7' single beveled $13.09 each. Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Single Bevel at $13.71 each Double Bevel at $13.14 each Reynolds Machinery Co. Single bevel $2.095 per lineal foot by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that we accept the low bid of Lincoln Equipment Co. for one car load of blades, single bevel at $1.85 per linear foot. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion grader Bids were received and opened for furnishing 1974 assessment Supplies Redfield & Company, Inc. In accordance with invitation to bid --$497.60 Omaha Printing Company In accordance with invitation minus the 24 InstructionManuals. $462.00 Augustine Company: 1974 Assessment Supplies as per Notice to bidders. Note: Form",7schedules, B. & L., S.&.L., Production Credit companies not figured in bid. $462.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 211 ACME PRINTING COMPANY Motion by Theobald, seconded by Hoagland that we accept the bid of Redfield of $497.6o for furnishing 1974 assessment supplies as per -notice to bidders. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that the reports of Car Titles Distress Warrants, Sheriff Ambulance, County Clerk, Nursing Hr me, Register of Deeds (2) Civil Defense, be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Hoagland that the Adams County Board of Supervisors approve the application of William K Richey as Manager of Highland Operating Co. dba "Lochland Country Club." Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kailey a part of this Supervisors proceedings 4761. Adams Co. Nursing Home 4762 County Sheriff 4763 Adams Co. Noxious Weed Control 4764 Register of Deeds 4765 Adams Co. Clerk 4766 Ambulance Service 4767 State of Nebraska 4768 Diebold, Inc. 4769 Adams Co. Nursing Home 4770 County Sheriff, Ambulance 4771 State of Nebr. 4772 County Judge 4773 U.S. Treasury 4774 State of Nebr. 4775 First National Bank 4776 Ambulance Service 4777 Register of Deeds 4778 Adams Co. Noxious Weed Control 4779 County Judge 4780 Clerk of Dist Court 4781 Clerk of Dist Court 4782 Clerk of Dist Court 4783 Clerk of Dist Court 4784 Clerk of Dist Court 4785 Clerk of Dist Court 4786 Clerk of Dist Court 4787 First National Bank 4788 State of Nebraska 4789 Clerk of Dist Court 4790 Clerk of Dist Court 4791 Nuckolls County 4792 County Clerk 4793 County Clerk 4794 First National Bank 4795 County Judge 4796 Hall County, Treas. 4797 Hall County Treas. 4798 Hall County Treas. 4799 Hall County Treas. that the Miscellaneous Roll call, all voted 5,863.15 4800 38.00 4801 86.50 4802 354.20 4703 23,923.76 4804 579.38 4805 32,871.30 4806 55.00 4807 1,531.80 4808 317.75 4809 8,679.81 4810 837.37 4811 54,746.00 4812 3,301.00 4813 775.02 4814 415.78 4815 1,102.90 4816 330.30 4817 308.05 r4818 567.60 421.00 63.00 100.00 250.00 6.40 134.50 550.00 1,972.88 59.00 47.50 163.01 240.00 712.50 1375.00 155.71 3000.00 350.00 450.00 1000.00 Receipts be accepted and made .ye. Motion carried. Hall County Treas 200.00 Harry C. Haverly 1002.00 Harry C. Haverly 714.01 Harry C. Haverly 971.50 Harry C. Haverly 2258.00 Harry C. Haverly 3820.00 Adams County 168.75 Associate Judge 103.45 County Judge 12.00 Ambulance Service 353.00 State of Nebraska 1497.78 County Superintendent 51.95 Assoc. Co.Judge 146.79 Republic National Life Ins 16255.91 County Sheriff 96.15 Hastings State Bank 2062.50 Assoc. Judge 263.96 Clerk of Dist Court 150.00 Assoc. Judge 2261.31 4819 Adams Co. Sheriff 95.00 4820 Adams County Sheriff 45.00 4821 Adams County Sheriff 45.20 4822 Adam S County Sheriff 58.50 4823 Adams County Sheriff 58.50 4824 Clerk Dist Court 150.00 4825 Clerk of Dist Court 5.00 4826 Ambulance Service 648.50 4827 City National Bank 2768.50 4828 City Treasurer of Hastings 1124.92 4829 Adams Co. Noxious Weed 207.00 4830 Adams County Bank 3000.00 4831 County Sheriff 308.50 4832 Associate Judge 206.44 4833 Associate Judge 2674.90 4834 Associates Judge 620.66 4835 ;bounty Judgw 12.00 4836 Transamerica Real Estate Tax 2.60 4837 Morris, Director 162.00 Motion by Theobald, seconded by Tripp that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Acadia Press, Inc. Agricultural Extension Serv. Ahlin, Stan Allen's of Hastings Anderson,Robert G Sheriff Anderson,Robert Aronson, Roy Augustine Company Bancroft Whitney Company BankAmericard Service Center Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corporation Business Supply Company Cash-Wa Candy Company Central Nebr. Comprehnsive City of Hastings GENERAL FUND Supplies Watts Line & Salaries Mileage Supplies Matron Fee, Mileage & Food for Prisoners Mileage Co. Patrol Supplies Supplies Supplies Gasoline Payroll Checks Posting Unit Supplies Supplies Supp1ie- Health Planning Council Salary 11.28 678.00 19.20 31.44 2,203.70 49.95 6.49 1,935.00 6.85 27.31 148.21 42.00 8.20 371.23 10.00 3,050.00 655.28 212 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Clerk of District Court Commercial Electronics Cope, P. Bryan County Superintendent Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc. Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc. Criminal Research Products Inc. Deluxe Cleaning Services Inc. Dutton-Lainson Company Dutton-Lainson Company Dutton-Lainson:: Company Eastman Kodak Company Ed's Pharmacy Extension Service Revolving Faber Gas Appliance Service Finnerty, R.W. Gant Publishing Company Gant Publishing Company Gant Publishing Company General Supply General Supply Green's Office Machine Service Hastings Battery & Electric Ser. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities Raverly, Harry C. to.Judge Haver;y Harry C. Home Federal Savings & Loan Hobart IBM corporation KHAS Radio Station Kailey, Willis Kinney, Jerry Klint, Phil Knight.Rpbert G Knight, Robert G Kully Iron & Metal Co. Kwik Chek Company Kwik Chek Company Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph LincolnTelephone & Telegraph Luders, Jerry Lueders, Jerry Mac's Lumber Magee, Gregg Midland Medical Supply Co. Modern Linen Service Murthy, P.S..S. M.D. Healy, Patrick Executive Dir. Nebr Penal & Corectional Comp. Nelson, Luwane Pitney Bowes Polk, R.L. Company Postmaster Redfield & Company Revenue Sharing Advisory Serv. Rhoades, Dan Rhoades, Rochelle Schafer printing Company Scherr, Stephen A. Scherr, Stephen A. Scott, F.R. Seiler, Les Seiler, Les Seiler, Les Shively's Conoco Stephenson School Supply Company Stuart Books Swanson Paul Whelan, Gerald T Wiest, Melvin J. Williams Exterminating Co. Williams Art Ind. Chem Lab Xerox Corporation State CasesS& Mental Health Installation Gasoline Mileage & Meals Membership Verbal Reports Supplies Laundry Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Repair Mileage Subscription Subscription Brief Supplies Supplies Service & Maintance Supplies Supplies & Advertising Supplies & Repair Utilities Postage. State Cases Rent Repair Supplies Tower Space Rental Mileage Alteration Court Appointed Counsel Reporting Reporting Supplies Supplies Service Telephone & Toll Telephone & Toll Supplies Postage Supplies Miscellaneous Supplies Mop & Mat Service Autopsy Supplies & Postage Safekeeping Mileage Rental Books Postage Supplies Handbook Maintance Supplies Supplies Mileage Mileage & RegistrationFee Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Gasoline Supplies Supplies Mileage Court Appointed Counsel Mileage Pest Control Supplies Rental 588.70 25.00 33.36 92.60 10.00 19.00 13.00 81.60 24.75 17.64 25.19 116.00 36.43 28.90 17.84 107.00 24.00 24.00 357.96 5.68 18.48 35.00 7.52 2,202.42 351.00 1,895.38 10.00 40.75 175.00 17.90 9.81 25.00 8.00 3.00 150.00 45.50 77.50 4.20 740.20 20.00 72.56 1104.26 1.23 8.00 1.90 15.00 64.50 25.30 175.00 22.00 210.00 75.63 135.50 274.50 1,000.00 22.60 35.00 30.00 1.01 191.89 6.00 55.80 88.00 160.00 100.00 125.00 1.95 2.20 5.20 40.64 100.00 31.80 6.00 6.80 234.73 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 213 ACME PRINTING COMPANY VanFleet, R.J. Aronson, Roy Augustin Implement Benjamin & Associates Inc. Bi -Chem Industries D.A.Sinclair Service Clarke Oil Compay Continental Oil Company Cutton-Lainson Company Dutton-Lainson Company Fairs Repair Shop Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Firestone Store Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Membership H & M Equipment Co. Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Utilities Hunt's Garage Island Supply Company Island Supply Company Kenesaw Oil & Supply Lilly Sand & Gravel Lilly Sand & Gravel Lilly Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Eciuipment Co. Mid-Nebr Mental Retard. Serv. Lincoln Equipment Co. Modern Linen Service N -Triple -C Nebraska Public Power Dist. Olsen, L.L. Oil Company Pittz Service Precision Lubricants Co. Sherman Service Center Sidles Company Smith, S.E. &Sons Southern Nebr Rural Public Power United Laboratories Inc. Vontz, L.J. Construction Werner Construction Inc. Wheeler Lumber Wheeler Lumber Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Hoefer, John Kluver, Fred Kort, Terry Lower, Cleon Deterding, Geo Hock, Charles Gi11,Theresa Abbott's Dairy Cash-Wa Candy Co. Centruy Soft Water Company Custom Pack Inc. F.& E. Distributing Gamble Robinson Co Hanzel Appliance Hastings Industrial Supplie Hastings Utilities Jr hnson Cashway Lumber Co Johnson, Carl Johnson, Richard H Johnny's Plumbing Company K & U Packing Plant Inc. Lincoln Telephone & Toll McGee, Vera Mac's Building Supplies Metz Baking Company Queen City Laundry -Salary Salary ROAD Bg.,�1'JND Construction Inspection Supplies Gasoline Gasoline & Oil Diesel Supplies Supplies Repairs Gasoline Supplies Supplies Telephone & Toll Gravel Supplies Supplies Advertising Utilities Supplies Supplies Supplies Gasoline & Supplies Gravel Gravel Gravel Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Shop Towels Radio Rental Electric Service Gasoline Gasoline & Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Electric Service Supplies Hot Mix & Oil Hot Mix Supplies Supplies Telephone & Toll Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary NURSING HOME FUND Dairy Products Supplies Salt Meat. Supplies Supplies Repair Supplies Utilities Repair Eggs Potatoes Repair Meat_ Telephone & Toll Miscellaneous Doors Bakery Products Laundry 666.66 100.00 17.20 1000.50 578.39 14.14 604.78 318.00 10.82 26.38 14.02 24.26 89.30 69.78 13.07 1103.40 46.18 57.41 25.60 22.00 10.50 195.94 66.78 224.20 1092.80 934.96 2627.04 83.42 19.05 192.05 31.95 163.89 8.91 258.48 1.59 972.11 376.70 27.95 65.01 58.37 12.04 15.76 76.13 30,577.49 740.32 4,681.03 2,158.97 80.17 418.50 144.00 48.00 160.00 324.00 18.00 137.25 139.61 44.41 7.00 97.23 4.00 108.43 16.00 47.88 172.27 13.50 18.00 5.00 8.85 165.40 27.90 5.80 717.06 61.25 112.55 214 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Redd 45c White tfa ket RedfieldMedicine Shoppe Starks Quality Market Thompson Company Ulry=Talbert Co. Woodward's Disposal Serv. Blume, Irene Brown, Jancy J. Brundige, Odetta Cassel, H June Cave, Dorothy Enninga, Alma E Khuns, Bessie Ingram, Susie Kendall, Erma McCoy, Virginia Naggatz, Louise Peper, Alice R Skalka, Ida Siefken, Cheryl Sack,Frieda Campbell & Hall Campbell & Hall Hastings Public Library Browq, Bettie B Gangwish, ANna Klein, Connie Mewhitter, J.T. Motley, Evelyn Saddler, Arlene H Shiffler, Dorothy H Burroughs Corporation Eastman Kodak Company D.A. Sinclair Klein, Bill Ins. Agency Kloke, Herman Weber, Dr. C.R. Polk, R.L. & Company Pierce, Mary Elaine Pearson, Naomi Omaha Printing Company Morris L.L. Morris, L.L. Meyer, Garnet Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Krebsbach, Catherine Kostal, Dr. O.A. Kamm, Dr. Frank Hoffmeister Dr. George Credit Bureau of Hastings Charlton, Dr. G. Paul Beagle, Joy S Business. Supply Nebraska Psychiatric Institute Lincoln Reional Center Hastings Regional Center Dept of Public Welfare Abbotts Dairy Abbotts Dairy Bob's Apco Service Custom Pack Dirks, John General Telephone Co. Grand Island Daily Independent Hershberger, Greg Hershberger, Greg Hirschfield Company Hogan Sporting Goods and Trophies Fo ds, Medicine Meat. Groceries Groceries Disposal Service Salary Salary Sallary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Books Books Library Service Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND Signer Microfilmer WEED CONTROL FUND Gasoline & Service Insurance Gasoline STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Professional Service City Directory Mileage Social Work Instutite Supplies Postage Mileage & Meals Mileage Telephone & loll Mileage Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Weekly Bulletin Professional Service Mileage Supplies INSTITUTIONS FUND Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care MEDICAL SURGICAL HOSPITAL 207 Vendor Payments FEDERAL GRANT PROJECTS Law Enfrocement Campnut Campus house Gasoline Meat Meat Telephone & Toll Advertising Mileage & Miscellaneous Recreation Allowance Clothes Supplies 155.89 148.20 212.90 15.00 8.64 15.66 18.40 7.92 15.12 7.92 14.99 6.75 14.40 13.68 14.90 3.60 11.20 16.80 5.76 27.32 52.92 333.33 40.00 40.00 315.00 157.50 157.50 40.00 158.50 457.50 1,515.00 10.68 74.00 4.85 10.00 30.50 62.52 43.25 42.24 130.00 20.25 17.76 88.36 3.96 15.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 12.96 53.16 384.00 378.00 4,932.00 9,242.53 50.80 89,54 98.44 98.25 3.39 47.20 13.10 155.05 195.00 54.78 155.54 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 215 ACME PRINTING COMPANY Jack & Jill Hillcrest K & KMarket Kaufmann & Wernert Kaufmann & Wernert Kearney Daily Hub Kearney Locker Kearney State College Knittel, Marvin Northwestern Public Service O'Connor Plumbing Repair Serv. Omaha World Herald Pepsi Bottling Company Red & White Market Safeway Stores Unimart Thrift Center Valley Pharmacy Inc. Hershberger,Gregory L. Hershberger, Catherine This Board will now recess subject County Clerk g0; Deputy Groceries Groceries Groceries Supplies Advertising Bee f Utilities Professional Service Electric Service Repair Delivery of Papers Pop Groceries Groceries Supplies Medicine Salary Salary 72.81 48.10 303.00 20.05 15.35 203.58 125.10 210.00 37.90 41.05 3.00 30.72 5.10 410.60 8.47 11.18 835.20 124.80 to the call of the Chairman of the Board. {'rte hairman Gay ble lord o COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, November 20, 1973 9:30 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of November 6, 1973 and as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Kidd, Hoagland, Goble, Theobald, Tripp and Lightner. Absen: Kaily Gordon Metzger, Robert W.Seigel and J.D. Brown and J.D. Brown, President of the Senior High Student Council appeared to request help in finding facilities for a recycling center. The Board agreed to investigate to see what was available and if there was any way they could be of help. Motion by Goble, seconded by Tripp with Nebraska Public Power Company circumstances involved with moving aye. Motion carried. that the Chairman be authorized to with cost to be divided on a 50/50 the Structure on Project S645 (5) sign thepole-moving agreement basis due to unusual Roll call, all voted Motion by Goble, seconded by Theobald that the Board of Supervisors grant permission pr the Village of Ayr to hold their election with the County in 1974 and subsequent years. oll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald seconded by Hoagland that this Bard recess until after the public hearing at 3:30 P.M. concerning continuance or discontinuance of the County Superintendent's office in Adams County/ Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Public Hearing was held as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune. Meeting resumed at 4:00 P.M. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble that after consideration of evidence presented at Public Hearing and expression of opinions stated at public hearing we determine the office of County Superintendent should be continued in Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Hoagland that the claims be allowed on ;their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. STATE ADMINISTRATION Duthie, Eva WEED CONTROL FEDERAL GRANTS Gonge, Max E NURSING HOME FUND ROAD BRIDGE DEPARTMENT Anderson, Roy Austin, Weslie Salaries Prior Service Salaries Salaries Mileage Salary Salaries Prior Service Prior Service 8229.08 14.00 600.00 2898.12 318.48 4691.12 14,896.00 25.00 25.00 216 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Poore, Delbert GENERAL FUND Agricultural Ext. Service Ambulance Department Clerk of the District Court County Assessor County Attorney Adams County Supervisors County Clerk's Office County Sheriff Department County Superintendent County Treasurer's Office Custodians Juvenile Probation Register of Deeds & Switchboard Operator Veterans .Service Office Alchol Safety Action Program Ewurlinfwe, Lila Gartner, Rena This Board will now recess subject to the County Clerk Prior Service 25.00 Office Expense 1858.32 Office Expense 4708.50 Office Expense 1412.78 Office Expense 4088.55 Office Expense 3761.20 Salaries & Mileage 2653.00 Office Expense 2229.75 Office Expense 3490.57 Office Expense 1006.62 Office Expense 3313.31 Salaries 954.78 Office Expense 889.95 Office Expense 1913.90 Office Expense 1359.33 Office Expense 2042.13 Prior Service 14.00 Prior Service 25.00 call of the Chairman of the Baord of Supervisors. 1 COURTHOUSE HASTINGS,NEBRASKA Tuesday December 4, 1973 9:30 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met in regular session as per recess of November 20, 1973 and as per pub- lic notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll Call, members present: Kidd, Hoagland, Goble, Theoblad, Kailey, Tripp and Lightner. Robert Buckley and robert Seigel appeared to present an Interim Agreement concerning the perimeter road at the Hastings Industrial Park. Don Rabbe gave a report of the last meeting of the committee. for the Community Mental Health Center. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Goble that we authorize the Chairman to sign the Interim -Agreement with Hastings Industrial Park Corporation. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble that we purchase from Booth Enterprises 300 plat Books for $690. F.O.B. Harlan, Ia. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Kidd that we grant permission to the Village of Holstein to hold their election Jointly with Adams County in 1974 and successive years. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Hoagland that we approve the substitution of Joint Custody Receipt 7209 4 Treas Notes C1976 in the amount of $150,000.; JC 7211 7 Treas. Notes B1977 in the amount of $200,000. and J.C. 7210 4 Treas Notes C 1976 in the amount of $150,000. for J.C. 2810 3 Treas. Bill 6-14-73 in the amount of $200,000.; J.C. 2959 7 Treas. Bills 6-21-73 in the amount of $200,000.;J.C. 3156 9 Treas. Bills in the amount of $200,000.; and J.C. 2593 1 Treas. Bilis 12-6-73 in the amount of $200,000. by thi City National Bank as pledges still exceeed deposits. Roll call all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Tripp that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax -list corrections 6286 thru 6290 and 6316 thru 6324. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that the reports of Ambulance, Register of Deeds (2), Car Titles, County Clerk, Sheriff and Nursing Home be placed on file.. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kailey that the following miscellaneous be made a part of this supervisors;s proceedings. firm SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY 217 4841 Register of Deeds 4842 State of Nebraska 4843 County Sheriff 4844 County Judge 4845 City Treasurer 4846 Adams Co. Ambulance Serv. 4847 Adams Co. Nursing Home 4848 Cushing Exec. 4849 Adams Co. Nursing Home 4850 State of Nebraska 4851 State of Nebraska 4852 State of Nebraska 4853 City National Bank 4854 County Judge 4855 First National Bank 4856 Ambulance Serv. 4857 Adams Co Noxious Weed 4858 County Judge 4859 First National Bank 4860 Adams Co. Ambulance Serv. 4861 County Clerk 4862 County Clerk 4863 County Clerk 4864 Ambulance Serv. 4865 County Judge 4866 Village of Juniata 4867 Ambulance Serv. 4868 Clerk of Dist Court 385.81 4869 4000.19 88.50 100.00 3216.80 4870 4871 4872 4873 1000.80 4874 7431.78 4875 233.26 4876 1.25 4877 513.73 4878 9097.29 4879 30339.38 4880 1384.25 4881 27.55 4882 2750.00 4883 327.00 4884 502.60 4885 1471.75 4886 208.33 4887 618.65 4888 10.35 4889 387.50 4890 861.00 4891 413.50 4892 352.52 4893 15,000.00 4894 125.45 4895 626.00 4896 Clerk of Dist Court County Judge Harry C . Ha 'rly Harry C.Haverly Harry C.Haverly City National Bank First National Bank State of Nebraska State of Nebraska Ambulance Serv. County Judge County Judge County Judge Register of Deeds Curtis County County Judge Ambulance Serv. Ambulance Serv. Blu, Assoc. Judge Blum, Assoc. Judge Ambulance Sery Harry Haverly Harry Haverly Harry Haverly Harry Haverly Harry Haverly Co. SHeriff Adams Co. Weed Control 250.00 1208.00 5954.00 1371.55 4157.10 1375.00 1375.00 102.75 3014.74 195.00 511.60 551.63 904.00 1065.35 36.00 14.49 205.40 263.70 17.26 563.28 385.15 72.00 20.00 62.00 12.00 12.00 259.50 64.00 Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Agricultural Communications Ahlin, Stan Anderson, Robert Sheriff BankAmericard Beal Printing Co. Blessing Alfred Blessing Alfred Briggs Transportation Co. Buhr, Don Business Supply Company Certified Labs Div of USA Chem Certified Labs City of Hastings Clay County Leader Clerk of District Court Commercial Electronics Connolly, William M Cpunty Superintendent Criminal Research Products Inc. Deluxe Cleaning Services Dutton -Vinson Company DeSmet, George Extension Service Revolving Fund Faber Gas Appliance Service Fast, Mrs. Bill Fidler, Paul Fidler, Paul Finnerty, R.W. Four Season Gifts Freind's Motor Supply Foote, Gene C II Gangwish, mrs. Glen General Supply Auto Service C:nter General Supply Grace's Bike & Key Shop Guarantee Electric Co. Hansen, Dean N Hastings Credit Bureau Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies GENERAL FUND Supplies Mileage & Meal Matron Fee, Mileage isoners Gasoline Supplies Court Appointed Counsel Court Appointed Counsel Freight Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Advertising State Clses & Mental Health Radio Repair Court Appointed Counse 1 Mileage Supplies Cleaning Service Supplies Fee Supplies Repair Board Member Mileage Repair Repair Mileage & Misc. Supplie s Supplies Court Appointed Counsel Board Member Mileage Repair & Supplies Supplies Keys Repair Court Appointed Counsel Telephone Information Advertising & Supplies Supplies 86.85 45.49 & Food for Pr 2619.68 111.86 144.00 100.00 150.00 5.43 8.84 310.57 123.12' 129.00 626.77 24.75 1102.74 93.58 150.00 82.16 13.00 57.60 35.07 15.00 6.26 14.25 12.40 28.75 ;47.26 166.21 16.61 10.83 150.00 7.40 46.46 4.28 15.50 52.66 125.00 19.00 855.20 19.25 218 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Company Hawes, Anita Heeren, Darrell Hoagland, David Home Federal S vings and Loan Hotel Clarke Hynes, Jack International Business Machines Ihm, William J International Business Machines International Business Machines KHAS Radio Station Kailey, Willis L. Kidd, C.H. Klint, Philp Knight, Robert G Knight, Robert G Knight, Robert G Kwik Chek Company Laird Motors Law Enforcement EquipmentCo. Lightner, Ed Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Lloyd Texaco Longwith Auto Repair Lueders, Jerry Lueders, Jerry Lueders, Jerry Lueders, Jerry Noel Auto Service Madgett, Albert P. Magee, Gregg Marshall & Swift Pub. Co. Marvel, John N McArthur, George D Modern Linen Service Modern Methods Mowers, Richard L. Nr1son, Luwane Nogg Paper Company Ochsner,Duane O'Keefe Elevator Company Overhead Door Company PPG Industries, Inc. Parker Publishing Penny, J.C. Company Postmaster Queen City Rentals Redfield & Company, Inc. Redfield & Company, Inc. Revenue Sharing Advisory Service Rhoades, Dan Saunders, W.B. Company Saylor, Ronald Mrs. Schafer Printing Co. Schafer Printing Co. Scott, F.R. Sears Roebuck & Company Seiler, Les Sherman Service Center Singer Business Machines Snell, Robert Snoberger, Don Special Bond Echool Dist Story, Roscoe Swanson, Paul Toogood, Arthur C. Tribune Graphic Arts Tripp, C. Robert Turner, George H United Chem Co. United Laboratories Inc. Supplies Utilities Oxygen & Supplies Convention Exp Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Rent Jury Luncheon Board Member Mileage Supplies & Lease Witness Fee Supplies Maintenance Agremeent November Tower Space Convention Expense Convention Expense Court Appointed Counsel Reporting Reporting Reporting Service Repair Supplies Convention Expense Telephone & Toll Telephone & Toll Gasoline Repair Meals & Room Postage Supplies Supplies Repair Mileage & Meals G soline Supplies Court Appointed Counsel Court Appointed Counsel Mop & Mat Service Supplies Transcribing Mileage & Expense Supplies Board Member Mileage Inspection Service Call Supplies Supplies Supplies Postage Laundry Supplies Supplies Bulletin Janitorial Service Library Expense Board Mamber Mileage Supplies Supplies Alcholo Testing Repairs Court Appointed Counsel Repairs Maintance Contract Court Appointed Counsel Board Member Mileage #60 Election Expense Assessor's School Expense Mileage Dues Supplies Convention Expense Library Expense Supplies Supplies 92.63 1877.26 107.40 75.00 6.68 6.44 175.00 30.20 12.44 44.07 150.00 117.93 44.13 25.00 75.00 75.00 150.00 42.50 84.50 42.50 20.00 104.27 62.32 50.00 1098.61 61.51 299.92 46.43 21.09 8.00 1.26 1.00 214.30 66.98 4.47 9.00 100.00 100.00 25.30 30.90 130.50 84.89 97.10 8.36 13.20 10.00 2.70 19.40 11.96 1,000.00 36.18 2.80 8.47 25.00 20.00 21.30 25.12 17.40 20.58 48.00 100.70 1,702.50 7.20 134.50 150.00 13.84 168.00 101.36 13.48 140.00 56.15 75.00 36.80 25.60 170.36 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 219 ACME PRINTING COMPANY Wiest, Melvin J. Williams Exterminating Wilson, Larry C. Yost, C.G. VanFleet, R.J. Perry, Ruth E Aronson, Roy Nelson, O.M. Shada, Michael Continental Oil Company Dutton-Lainson Company Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Co Firestone Store Frickey, Walter Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Membership H & M Ecruipment Company Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Utilities Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas Co. Laird Motors Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Modern Linen Service N -Triple -C Olsen, L.L. Company Pittz Service Smith, Q.S.E. & Sons Southern Nebraska Rural Elec Vontz, L.J. Werner Construction Co. Wheeler Division Witt, Lloyd Youngson Supplies Kort, Terry M Business Supplies Business Supplies City of Hastings Hastings Typewriter Hastings Typewrite r Beagle, Joy S Business Supply Cosgrove, Madelyn Credit Bureau of Hast ings Forsman, Dr. R.O. Glenn, Dr. Elmer E Kingsley, Dr. D.W. Kleager,Dr. Clyde Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Meyer, Garnet Morris, L.L. Mileage Morris, L.L. Mileage Nitzel, Dr. Dale Peck, Dr. Eugene Weiler, Dr. Loe Yost Dr. John Beagle, Joy S Krebsbach, Catherine Pierce, Mary Elaine Powell, Ray D Nebr. Dept of Public Welfare Ammon, Melvin W. Gibson`s Ph rmacy FEDERAL Mileage Pest Control Fee Convention Expense Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary ROAD BRIDGE FUND Diesel Supplies Gasoline Supplies Snow Fence Supplies Telephone & Toll Gravel Advertising Utilities G soline Service Repair Supplies Supplies Supplie s Supplies TT,lephone & Toll Shop Towel Service Radio Rental G soline Gasoline & Supplies Supplies Electric Service Gravel Hot Mix Supplies Convention Expense Repairs Salary REVENUE SHARING FUND Files Files Road Repair County Share Files Furniture STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Mileage Supplies Mileage Bulletin Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Professiona, Service Telephone & Toll Mileage ±2xfiR Mileage Postage Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Salary Salary Salary Salary GENERAL MEDICAL SURGICAL HOSPITAL Vendor Payments RELIEF Foster Care Medicine 43.56 6.00 15.00 75.00 666.66 20.00 40.00 30.00 12.00 266.16 24.36 153.28 1997.35 55.00 31.17 12.67 1188.98 137.38 44.20 25.88 6.09 52.96 235.08 80.68 232.92 68.61 9.25 258.48 967.32 437.50 8.95 12.27 891.33 6028.11 3302.31 75.00 24.00 369.00 435.84 226.60 12,629.56 900.00 848.00 4.80 28.52 4.32 5.00 5.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 86.15 15.72 132.80 130.00 5.00 7.50 29.00 7.50 65.52 9.88 29.64 10.38 15,092.20 176.00 1.00 220 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY Hotel Klein Jack & Jill Leone, Roy Livingston-Butler-Volland Funeral Morris, L. L. Rader Real Estate Safeway Grocery Baker, Garland D.A. Sinclair's Service DeMuth, Joe Gangwish, Glen Johnson, Francis Parr, Alfred Parr, Norbert Associates Libraries, Inc Campbell & Hall Campbell & Hall Campbell & Hall Hastings Public Library Morrow, William & Company, Inc Brown, Bettie B Gangwish, Anna Klein, Judy Mewhiter, J.T. Motley, Evelyn Saddler, Arlene H Shiffler, Dorothy D Beatrice State Home Alco Discount Stores Abbott's All Star Dairy Baumgartner's Bob's Apco Service Central Typewriter Company Coast to Coast Stores Claussen's Famous Shoe Store General Telephone Company Gonge, Max E Hinky Dinky Super Markets Journal Star Kaufmann & Wernert Kaufmann & Wernert Kaufmann & Wernert Kearney State. College Kearney Typewriter Company Larsen, Harold J Northwestern Public Service Co. O'Connor Plumbing Repair Service Omaha World -Herald Omaha World -Herald Uhlman, Rodney K Safeway Stores, Inc. Uhlman, Rodney Unimart Thrift Center Valley Pharmacy, Inc. Winfrey, Kathy Abbott's Diary Co. Berts' Rexall Drug Cash-Wa Candy Co. Custom Pack Inc. F&E Distributing Guarantee Electric Company Hastings Industrial Supplies Johnnys Plumbing Co. Johnson, Carl Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McGee, Verla Metz Baking Company Monia, Charles Myers Refrigeration Co Nebr. Dept of Public Welfare Pohlmann, Donald E Queen City Laundry Room Rent Groceries Rent Funeral Expense Revolving Fund Rental Groceries WEED CONTROL FUND Mileage Gasoline Mileage Mileage Membership Mileage -Telephone -Convention Mileage COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Books Books Books Books Library Service Books Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary INSTITUTION FUND Patient Care FEDERAL GRANT FUND Supplies Supplies Supplies Gasoline Supplies Supplies Clothing Clothing Telephone &Toll Mileage Groceries Advertising Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Supplies Electric Service Supplies & Repair Advertisement Delivery of Paper Recreation Allowance Groceries Mileage, Gasoline & Misc. Supplies Medicine Tutor. Services NURSING HOME FUND Dairy Products Medicine & Supplies Supplies Meat Supplies Repair Supplies Repair Eggs Telephone & Toll Misc. Bakery Products Machine Rental Repair Supplies Piano Repair & Tuning Laundry 45.00 20.00 30.00 265.00 11.50 70.00 273.95 .80 11.30 10.40 6.00 25.00 186.80 14.80 238.23 262.20 19.80 24.53 333.33 107.24 40.00 40.00 315.00 157.50 157.50 40.00 158.00 2,451.00 229.36 64.26 8.90 61.09 63.73 20.95 22.99 44.92 46.15 321.60 230.54 23.04 1.40 38.68 85.86 125.10 23.35 6.57 30.38 22.45 26.04 3.00 160.00 629.40 160.88 148.16 21.35 16.00 133.31 7.45 147.00 189.18 2.00 691.44 82.38 18.00 42.00 25.20 13.75 45.12 192.00 9.00 15.91 26.00 110.91 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 221 ACME PRINTING COMPANY Ray Building Products Company Starks Quality Meat Thompson Company Ulry-Talbert Williams Exterminating Co. Woodward's Disposal Service Inc Monia, Charles The Board will now recess subject 6.7.2 Deput County Clerk Asphalt Tile Meat Supplies Supplies Pest Control Disposal Service Salary to the call of the Chairman of the Board. 21.50 93.76 148.48 192.52 14.00 15.00 96.00 COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA December 18, 1973 9:30 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of supervisors met in regular session as per recess of December 4, 1973 and as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribnne with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Kidd, Hoagland, Goble, Theoblad, Kailey, Tripp and Lightner. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that the guidelines and policy pertaining to sick and vacation leave benefits be adopted as per "ExhibitA" on file in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Hoagland that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the laws of Nebraska provide that the salaries of elected officials be estab- lished by the County Board at least 60 days prior to the closing of filings of Certificates of Nomination to place names on the Primary Ballot for the respective offices; and WHEREAS, the closing of filings of Certificates of Nomination to place the name on the Primary Ballot for the office County Clerk is March 15, 1974; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Adams County that the salaries for the following offices be established for the term beginning in 1975 with salaries to remain the same for each year of the term as follows: ANNUAL SALARY OF ELECTED OFFICIALS COUNTY 1SSESSOR $11,500. County TREASURER $11.500. COUNTY CLERK $11,500. CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT $10,500. REGISTER OF DEEDS $10,500. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT $10,500. COUNTY ATTORNEY $13,500. COUNTY SHERIFF $10,500. COUNTY BOARD MEMBERS $ 5,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Hoagland that it would be in the best interest of Adams County to approve payment of the additional overlay necessary on the Harrington Road on Revenue Sharing Funds. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble -that the County Treasurer be ordered to comply with the request of the School Board of School District 3R at Kenesaw and trasnfer all funds pres- ently in the 3R Sinking Fund and any funds designated for the Sinking Fund to the 3R General Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kidd that tax list corrections No.6325 thru 6369 be approved and the chairman authorized to sign the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Kailey that permission be granted to the Village of Roseland to hold their election in 1974 and successive years in conjunction with the Primary election in Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey seconded by Goble that weauthorize the Chairman to sign the lease agreement with Commercial Electronics Company to furnish 13 sets of radio equipment for County Road Equipment. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Mayor Monte Malouf, Mr. DeMoor, Mr. Allenand Dr Holm appeared to request consideration be given to cooperation of County and City in planning and construction of a community recreation facility. Further study is to be made conerning this matter. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble that we complete payment of the previous claim filed by Vontz Construction Company and order the County Clerk to issue the warrant in the amount of $4,768.54 on the Road Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Hoagland that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 222 SUPERVISORS RECORD NO. 17 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACME PRINTING COMPANY STATE ADMINISTRATION Duthie, Eva WEED CONTROL FUND FEDERAL GRANTS FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND Hersh, Larry Werner Construction NURSING HOME FUND ROAD BRIDGE DEPARTMENT Werner Construction Peterson Bros Enterprises Anderson, Roy Poore, Delbert Austin, Weslie Vontz, L.J. Construction GENERAL FUND Agricultural Ext. Service Ambulance Clerk of Dist. Court County Assessor County Attorney Adams County Supervisors County Clerk's Office County Sheriff's Department Cuunty Superintendent County Treasurer's Office Custodians Juvenile Probation Register of Deed.; & Switchboard Veterans Service Office Alcohol Safety Action Program Reutiinger, Lila Gartner, Rena Goble, Gaylord This Board wi 1 now recess subject to the County Clerk yr Deputy Salaries 8244.95 Prior Service 14.00 Salaries 716.60 Salaries 3334.42 Labor 112.00 Hot Mix 63,265..76 Salaries 4882.41 Salaries 16,007.96 Hot Mix 9972.60 Paint 2343.75 Prior Service 25.00 Prior Service 25.00 Prior Service 25.00 Hot Mix 4768.54 Office Expense 1858.32 Office Expense 4234.00 Office Expense 1391.80 Office Expense 3800.68 Office Expense 3761.24 Salaries & Mileage 2625.00 Office Expense 2399.82 Office Expense 3462.63 Office Expense 1006.64 Office Expense 3313.31 Salaries 937.90 Office Expense 889.95 Office Expense 1913.92 Office Expense 1359.35 Office Expense 2016.88 Prior Service 14.00 Prior Service 25.00 Mileage 28.08 call_ of the Chairman of the Board . f. ipe i . ors. man COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday January ,, 1974 9:30 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of December, 19 1973 and per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune, with Ed Lightner Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Kidd, Hoagland, Goble, Theobald, Kailey, Tripp and Lightner. A Group of rural citizens appeared to protest the condition of the roads both inthe southern part of the county and the north eastern part of thecounty. Discussion of proposed solutions was held and the Road Committee was instructed to investigate and report. Don Rabbe gave a report of the progress being made in the formation of Community based mental health services. John Hueske and Steve Neff appeared to give information concerning a planned rural residential development. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Kidd that subject to the approval of the Adams County Joint Planning Commission, we express our approval of the plans for the development to be known as WESTWOOD located in Section 28-7-10. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland that there is no more unfinished business and this board now adjourn sine die. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried