HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupervisors Rec 11 1925353 Court House, liastings, Nebraska, Friday, January 2nd, 1925, 10 o' clock A. th.. Adams County Board of Supervisors met in regular session as per adjolirnment f December 4th, 1924, Wm, Keal, Chairman presiding, Roll call all members pere present except Whiting. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and-oapproved, Application for admission to the soldiers & Sailors Home at Burkett, Nebr. , was made by caroline (eoble of Ayr, Nebr. , which upon motion by Ratcliff, second by margleroad was granted by this board and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign the papers of admission for Uarolin.e Goble. budget or estimate of expenses for the Adams County Farm Dureau for 1925 as filed in the office 0±' the county Clerk on the 23rd day of December, 1924 was read before the eoard aid upon motion by Hargleroad, second by Furry was adopted by said board and an item for this expense will be made in the estimate for 1925. The budget follows: 1 SALARIES A -County Agricultural Agent (or agents) 1 year m-0 ffice Assistant, 1 year PRINTING 2 3 4 OFFICE SUPPLIES (Ink, Paper, Carbon, etc.) POSTAGE, TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE, ETC • 5 EQUIPMENT, OFFICE FURNISHINGS-PERMANT 6 TRAVEL EXPENSES, CAR UPKEEP, RAILROAD 4800.00 720.00 25.00 50.00 180.00 25.00 700.00 Motion by Sorenson, second by Hargleroad, that the following resolution be. adopted: • WHEREAS, THE ST. .TOSEPH AND GRAND ISLAND RAILWAY COI has 'tendered to the County of Adams , Nebraska, a lease covering a parcel of ground on the Railway Company's right of way distant approximately 604 feet soutnesterly from the north line of Section 13, Township 7 North, Range 10 West of the Sixth Principe). Meridian, containing an era of 512 square feet for a site for storage bin for storage of gravel at Hastings, Nebraska: and WHEREAS, it is considered that the best interests of said County w al be subserved by the execution f said lease: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'Ni BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA: That the terms of said ].ease be and the same are hereby accepted on behalf of said County, that the Chair- man f said Board 0±' County commissioners of Adams Cojnty, Nebraska be herey authorized, empowered and directed t execute said lease on behalf of said County and that the County Clerk be directed to attest the sane. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. Motion by Ratcliff, second by Sorenson, that J, Livingston, Town Clerk, West Blue Theo, A. Trousch, Town Clerk , Juniata John Hynes, 'lawn e rk , silver L ake , J. G, Ferguson, Town Clerk, Ayr. Chaes K. purling', Town Clerk, Wanda if„ 0, Bourne, own Clerk, Little Blue Hulgar Nelson, 'own Clerk, Tottonwood Edgar Huxtable '1.on Clerk, Blaine S. A, Westing, Town Treas. , Kenesaw, D. L. Houser, Town Treas, Logan Albert Bierman Town Treas., Blaine W. A. John.von, Town Treas. Silver Lake Harvey Jones, Town Treas., Little blue Frank Wintermuta, Town 'Drees. , Ayr Fred G, Roeder, Town Treas, Wanda S. S. Rinker, Town Treas. , West Blue Conrad Grothen, Town Treas., Denver the following Ufficial Bonds be approved: Joseph M. Turbyflli, County Judge Lucia Dillenbacn, Clerk of the District court. Chas. G. Roeder, Justice of the Peace, Wanda Jay Coble, Justice of the Peace, Ayr Ada= Reader, Justice of the Peace, Zero • Art Criswell, Justice of the Peace, Highland H„ E. VanBoenine„ Justice of the Peace, Hanover Geo. L. Yost, Justice of the Peace, West Blue t', Hogg, Justice of the Peace, Roseland • T. T, Jones, Justice of the Peace, Little Blue John W. Shaw, Justice or the Peace , city of Meetings James Crowley, Justice of the Peace, City of Hastings, Motion by Hargleroad, second by liatcliff, that the order of the County Court in .the matter of a renewal of Mothers Pension for Ida bicFerren and the new order for mothers Pensions o f enni sass and Laura Marsh be complied with and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants d'n the first of each month for these pensions. Rollcall, all voted aye, motion carried, The Third quarterly report of' the Clerk of the District Court was read before the Beard and upon motion by hargleroad, second by Furry the report was adored placedon At this time., the bids for furnishing supplies to the County were opened and read. A bid from the Woodruff Printing Company ofLincoln, Nebr., on Class "Ai" blank books 3.red..a hid from Lincoln School Supply Co., on County SUperintendent's supplies was considered by the Board. Upon motion by Hargleroad, the matter of examining into these bids was referred -to the supply committee to report later on to the Board. At 12 o'clock noon the Board adjourned until 1:15 P, M. when it again resumed with all membere --present except Whitin, Reereserrtatives ef the Snow King Rotary Plow appeared before the Board and a t entative agreement was entered into to try out one o f tliese snow plows, and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign this tentative agreement. 4th quarterly report of George Harm, „Sheriff, was read and ordered placed on file. - Auditing of the claims against the County was taken up at this tiara, motion by Furry, second by Harvtleroad, that the follovring claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk authorized to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried, Claims follow, 355 Acme Chemical Co Adams Co. Farm Bureau t3randes L. A. Burroughs Adding Machine Co button L. N. Calhoun & Ross Gates J , A. Cates J. A. Grow Walter M Davie Elliott R. Dairies Drug Co ueines Drug Co Democrat Printing Co Democrat Printing Co. Dill enbach Lucia, Dilworth °ui.11iam A. Extension service i sch er G. S. rurry J . H, Gaston Music Go Gaudreault mere. Co A, J, Glenwood Tel. Co Guildne r Ch axles iiargleroad Maggie B. H argl era ad t. B. H arm Geo. Heartwell G. A, Insanity Commission Insanity Commission insanity Coulees sion Keel +m, Kistler will Lincoln School Supply eo Lincoln Te. (e Tel. Go Lincolns Tel. & Tel. eo Likely win fi el d Manhattan Oil Co Matthiesen e Co Carl R. McClelland -Dunn Motor Co McDowell w. H. McGrath Hdw. Co. J, H. Oliver Lumber Co Paul sheo do re Pease Co e, . F. Rain -forth T, R, Ratcliff R, M, Renner & Serf Schultz Shafer Simms Sorenson Stewart Templin Uridil VanPatte n Wahl qui st Widmai er W'i dma ier fioodworth Martha H, W. G. B. a S. B. kiai.ter G. YJ. H. lir. J. 13, C. I. Bro thers `a' i it i em Wm. Jennie G. Byers Lumber Co Coutts Hildebrand Mains Val ntine L. N. Roy John -H enry M. Atwater- A, C, Byers Lumber Co Currier -Park Goal Co Deines Drug Co Eckhardt H. O. Hastings e'uel Co Jungerman Grocery C. McGrath Hdw. Go. Oliver Lumber Co Sunnyside VanPatten C. I. Whisinand u, V, Yost Lumber Co Ayr Lumber Co Pigeo n Pfeiffer Leo Lester GENERAL FUND_ evade, Supplies, J arra Bureau Storage is repairs Repairs Recording deeds & postage Suppli es v ffice expense Railroad fare Omaha & return ffi (B expensed Mileage Suppii es Office supplies , 3 arm 13uroau. Rubber stamps, Term Bureau Supplies, Notices Court expenses Drayage on book cases delivered Supplies, .Farm Bureau Mileage, Mothers Pension supervisors se.Vvices & mileage Drayage on Pi ano , ram n-`ureau supplies Toil calls Analyzing liquor for County Storage o f County property Supervisors services & mileage J ail expenses, etc. Su Oveying nearing o f Charley Moore nearing o f Marie Hansen nearing o f Leo Pyle Supervisors servi ces & mileage Assisting County Surveyor supplies , 'o, Srupt, 'roll calls, Bounty o ffices Toil calls, rearm Bureau Analyzing Liquior for County Gas & 01.1 supplies Repairs .fare to Gmeha & return Supplies Stakes Assisting County Surveyor ouppliOS, Lo, surveyor Supervisors services Supervisors services & Mileage Supplies, Court House O ffice expense shoveling snow at Court house Drugs Supervisors services Supplies, Gourt House Suppli :s Pro f, services Groceries, uo,Farm Supplies Services as bailiff clothe re Pension committe Mileage, eiothers Tension committee BRI DGE F?3ND Supplies Labor Labor Labor Labor POOR AID FUND beryl. ces Goal Coal. Supplies Groceries Coal Groceries Supplies Coal services Groceries Gr oce ri es Goad. ROAD DRAGGING FUND Supplies Labor Labor 8.78 94,92 23,70 7. 74 8,00 12,30 70,31 10, 90 7.44 50,00 11.00 3.35 5.00 95.37 531.20 2.00 51.04 3.40 51.20 5,00 9.20 4.35 5,00 96.00 95.35 222,15 43,20 25, 00 22.30 72, 60 55.90 3.50 9,12 19.05 7.65 10.00 7,56 3.00 9.85 1,J. 90 13.13 .80 3., 9.26 50.80 108. 4t5 45.50 14,20 5,70 13.00 60,80 12.80 1.25 25.00 6u, 89 9,00 6.00 8.30 2, 40 48.90 2,10 9.00 32,35 1.00 16.00 9.50. 85.75 3.90 191.75 151.25. 45.75 1.00 26,85 58,00 42,29 3.75 14;25 46,37 15.38 7.13 ') n r' 357 Whrich Janson Lenz bmith Machinery Co Adams County Automatic Vehicle Tag Co Ayr Lumber Co Horley Storage dc Transfer Co bran des E. A. Byers Lumber Co hildebra.dn Roy Lawson hdw. Co. Maks John Manhattan Oil Co Newell B, B. Wilt rout U, B. Whiting George McGrath kidw. Co, J H. cH win ay James Newell W. A. Roeder henry Roel fe , J. Hoagl an d J es s Lyo ns Raymond Parks Dawson S ch um an "eriry Smith Machinery uo `Perim Cecil u, K. Shick 11 ry Fricke Fri ck e Bruntz Cornelius Will ims Sh.atuck Jansen Rob inson Geri o f f hablweg Highland Hudson Kalvoda Laird McGrath Hdw, Co, Pavelk a Pedders en Rider cWhi rter Robinson 5 chmidt Traut ein Weeks Anders° n Mathews Kar r Garri es Anderson Traut ei n Bdwin J ohn h Al ex Vick August both T. E. 0. J. erman August Township J ames Dale 0. Louis J. w. Ul i f 0. J. Harry Jos. J ohb J ohn Gilbert H, J ohn J ohn C. J Os ROAD DRAGGING FUND COAT Draggin co. roads uraggin Co. roads Services balance due on Tractor STATE HIGHWAY FUND Use of County car Dealers plates Suppli es natal ing snow fencing Storage Snow fencing shoveling snow Supplies be rvi ce s uas & 0i3. Sho vel tag snow oho vleing snow bhoveling snow Supplies Sdrvices Labor Rent on bldg, shoveling snow hove1ing snow oh ovel ing snow shvoeling snow L ab or Moulboards for grader abo r SOLDIERS & SAILORS "PIM Relief o f soldier & sailors COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Labor Shoveling snow Shovling snow Sh o vial ing snow Shoveling snow Labor Dragging County mods Dragging county raods L !lbw'. Labor ifill ing in ulvert shoveling snow Labor Labor Supplies Hep al r s Labor Labor Labor Opening co. road Opening Co, road Shoveling snow ohoveling snow shoveling snow Shoveling snow Sho vli in.g snow Shoveling snow Shoveling snow Labor Labor Labor 2.63 13,51 2, 50 200, 00 50,00 76.84 9,40 12,50 7.50 626, 25 3.00 7.36 16.00 127.13 1. 50 1,50 2,50 12,40 8.80 8.00 8.00 3,60 2,10 1, 20 2, 40 40, 00 70.00 10.80 200.00 17.75 1, 20 1.20 1,20 1,20 2, 00 5,63 5,25 3.00 3.90 5.00 4,20 28,40 14,00 10.30 35.43 4,00 5. 50 3.00 9.50 8,00 2.70 ' .90 .90 3.00 2,70 2, 40 1,50 1.50 1.50 1,50 Motion by o or enson , second by hargl eroact., that the County Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids on steel, wooden and concrete bridges that may be built during the year 1925 and according to plans and specifications adopted by the board. Motion carried. Motion by hargl ero ad , second by furry, , that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Thursday January 8th, 1925 at 9 o' clock A, M. Deputy oo unty Ch ai rman of the 150 ar d 359 UOUrt house, hastings, Nebraska. nednesaay January Dth, 1925 9 o'clook A. m. The Adams Uounty board o f Supervisor's met as per adjournment of January 2nd, 1925. am. Keal, Chairman. presiding. holl call, mli members were present as follows; iturry, nargieroad, hainforth, Aeal Ratcliff, and Sorenson and nniting. The ,Supply Uomtittee to whom were referred the aids for -supplies which were opened and read on january 2nd, 192> reported that they had carefully examined the bids and found that the prices mentioned in the bids were in most cases 2» higher than trio same articles have peen bought for in 1924 and that in no case were the bids any Loc the prices of articles in the open market and they therefore recommend that all the bids tor supplies be rejected. motion oy hargleroad, second by rtainforth that the report of the Supply Committee ue adopted by this toard and that all bids which were opened and -read on January 2nd, 1925 be rejected. and that the Supply Committee be authorized.to purchase supplies on the open market at the best prices obtainable. to11 call, all voted aye. Motion carried; The annua4n. report of the County Judge and the semi-annual report of the County Clerk were read and upon motion by borenson, second by nargieroad the reports wereorderedPlaced on file. Application of Thomas Murphy for Blind Pension or 0250.00 per year payable quarterly was read before the Board. motion by Sorensen, second by iurry that the application be granted and the ulerk insturcted to issue warrants quarterly to 'Thomas Murphy. poli calif all voted aye. Motion carried. motion by nargleroad, second by hainfortn, -Gnat tne':foliowing urricial bendsloe approved by this Board; U. M. uoty, Town -Clerk, nighland Township, n. u. vebanno,'Town Treas., Juniata Township, J. a. MOnarry, Justice or the reace, Juniata Township. Motion carried. The report of n. G. Saddler, one of the Soldiers and sailors hailer uommissioners was read before the board and upon motion by nargleroad, second by Sorensen the report was ordered placed on file. motion by hatcliff, second Dy iurry, that W. G. baddier, be re-appointea Soldiers and bailors relief commissioner for the term of 3 years commencing January let, 1925 and ending January 1st, 1926. motion carried. Claims against the county -were taken up for auditing az tnis time. motion by hargleroad, second by Sorenson that the foliowing claims De allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. hOil call, all voted aye. motion carried. claims follow: Acme Chemical Co Cannon Gangwisch 4-6 Printing Co Printing Co Kline Lincoln School Supply co Mansfield Paint & Glass Co Ratcliff R. M. Saddler 1. 0. 'nyder Grothers Trauscn Matt aahiquist brotners Western Land hoiler Go waiting T. G. T. N. timer F. Supplies J. b. Anderson ialentine Anderson And Goodwin Rounds Plum Doty wynn Lukow heichert Powell Augustin Volenske Schlueter Cowton Coal Co Kenesaw Mercantile Co Kenesaw Mercantile Co Mikkelsen Drug Co Mikkelsen Drug Co Mikkelsen Drug Co Nebraska Sanitarium Nowers Schmitz Simms Wheeler Coal Co balke Aatzberg McCall Schlosser baddler berg Kat zberg ,ierman Ed haY T. a. N 0. E. O. M. inomas Otto W Karl L. B. Lester wm jr R. T. waiter E. ti. w. Do M. R. W. Arthur bert u. n. ri. O. Fred Arthur GENERAL FUND iumigators Suppiies, Co. Farm bupplies, Co. liarm Tax receipts Supplies, Supplies Supplies Supervisors services ihreshing corn Corn shelling, nupplies 6 riorse evener, Co. ram Oupervisors services & mileage Cou riouse services & mileage fodder, Co. Co. Farm 'Farm BRIDGE FUND Labor ROAD DRAGGING FUND Dragging Co. road vragging co. road. Dragging Co. road uragging Go. road Dragging co. roads Dragging Go. roads Dragging Co. road Dragging Co. road Dragging Co road Dragging Co raod Dragging Co road Dragging Co raod Dragging Co raod services POOR AID FUND Coal Groceries uroceries Drugs Drugs Drugs services services Drugs vrugs coal UOUNTY HIGHWYA FUND ohoveling snow Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Dragging Co. road -----'-- 89.83 5.00 5.80 150.44 6.10 2.10 25.66 3.25 4.80 1o•0 16.00 13.9, 4.50 11.75 16.40 22.50 3.75 6.63 2.50 35.25 3.37 6.75 2.50 48.00 2.25 4.00 7.12 23.25 30.90 2.50 9.50 12.76 16.36 22.90 9.70 24.05 100.00 38.00 7.15 7.40 13.25 4.05 12.75 3.00 5.25 5.25 1.00 1.50 361 Cannon onicago LumberUo ,,hristensen Collins uolljns Lich Ligenberg Gangwisch Aoch Arueger Needham Needham Needham Needham Needham Reik nurd Moffitt inompson raulikat ihompson Moffitt Hurd Joy raulikat nurling rratt Sanford 5toner nein Anderson Txaut warner Whitesel whiting wiicox woods Woods T. 4. nans D. (;. D. Jonn h. H. Elmer V. Dave raul 0. L. Ezra Cyril E. L. wayne Alfred Ralph Erwin Nels August Nels G. W. Ralph James Aug uhas. A.. i;. D. H.' N. A. Jos john C. ulay W. C. T. G. L. H. Lester D. Lynn COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND CONT. Ether Supplies Dragging Uo. roads ijhoveling snow nhoveling snow Labor bhoveling snow Labor Dragging Uo. road nhoveling snow Shoveling snow nnoveling snow ohoveling snow bhoveling snow Snoveling snow bnow shoveling 'now shoveling snow shoveling onow shoveling onow shovieing "pening Uo. road Opening Co. road Opening Co. road Opening Uo. road Opening Uo. road shoveling snow Dragging co.. road Supplies 612,3veling snow nnoveling snow bnoVeling snow Shoveling snow shoveling snow Dragging co. road oupervisors services ec mileage shoveling snow Gas Opening road motion by Hargleroad, second b whiting, that the claims filed by Lester Ernst be returned to Nenesaw Township, it being the opinion of the noara tnat proper claim against Adams Uounty. motion carried. motion by hatcliff, second by hargleroad, that there being no further business appearing before the board that this Board now adjourn sine die. Motion carried. 2.00 56.45 5.25 1.50 9•30. 37.45 5.00 2.25 5.63 4.00 7.20 7.20 2.40 11.80 7.20 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 3.60 2.40 3.60 4.00 4.00 3.00 1.13 19.55 4.05 100 2.40 2.40 3.00 6.00 71.50 9.00 2.08 3.00 Augustin, Roy Ernst, and floyd these claims are not a County Ulerk. Deputy Uounty Ulerk. Vhairman of the board REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD its Uounty Clerk called the board to order. he Uounty Judge was requested to appear before the board to state if the new members wm. Aeal, P. h. Gartner, ana W. O. wnitesel had qualified as members of the board. The Uounty Judge stated that these members had duly qualified by filing a bond as required by law. The Uounty nlerk asked for nominations for a temporary chairman. It was duly moved and seconded tnat wm. Aeal be elected temporary chairman. mr. &eal was declared duly elected temporary chairman. The Board asked that a recess be taken and the chair declared a recess until 1:30 r. M. whereupon the Board recessed. At 1:30 F. m. the Board reassembled with all members present as follows: furry, Gartner, hargleroads Aeal, Rainforth$ Sorenson, and nhitesel. Wm. Keal, temporary chairman presided. The Uhairman announced that the election of 4 permanent chairman would be in order. Motion by hargleroad second by,furry that we proceed to an informal ballot for the monination of a permanent chairman • Motion carried. An informal ballot was taken which resulted as follows; S. n. bprenson, 7. Motion by Hargleroad, second by xurry, that the informal ballot be made formal and that S. B. Sorensen be declared duly -elected nnairman of the Adams County boardfof the year 1925. motion carried. Motion by Aeal, second by hargleroad, that a recess of 30 minutes be taken in order to give the Uhairman time to make up the standing committees for the year. Motion carried. And at 1:40 the recess was taken. At 2 o'clock e. M. dbe board was again called to order. The Uhairman announced the following standing committees for the year 1925. Settlement: r. n. Gartner, and all members of the Board rinance: T. R. Rainforth, and all members of the Board. Oomplaints & bonds, W. u. Whitesel, Uhairman, Wm. Aeal, and W. B. Hargleroad Land ec Buildings: Wm. Neal, Uhairman, T. h. hainforth and W. b. nargleroad. noads o bridges: J. n. .rurry, and all members of the board. Uounty yarm: w. n. Hargleroad, ohairman, r• ". Gartner and W. u. whitesel Supplies: J. A. Uates, kinairman, nm. Anal and T. A. hainforth 'Motion by Aeal, second by nargleroad, that the name of S. b. 8orensen be substituted on the supply committee for wm. Neal and on the Lands and buildings Uommittee for W. B. nargleroad. Anotion carried. Application for the appointment of Highway Commissioner for , e year 1925 of W. H. McDowell was read before the Boardmotion by nargleroad, second by Aeal that we appoint w. n. McDowell, highwy uommissioner for the year 192y at a salary of n1n00.00 per year, payable at the rate of *150.00 per month. Otherwise on the same condition as his contract of 1924. to11 call, ayes, rurry, hargleroad, Iteal, hainfortn, borensen and Wnitesel. mayes Gartner. motion carried. 363 1 Court House, Hastings, riebr. January 13th, 1925, 10 o'clock A. 14e " The Adams County board of bupervisors met in regular session as per adjournment of Jaunary 8th, 1925, and this being a statutory meeting of the noard. 6. B. Sorenson, nhairrnan-presiding. Holl call, all members were present as follows: Furry, uartner, narglaroad, aeal, Rainforth, bOrensen and Whitesel. Applications for renewal for blind eensions for the year 1925 of John Q. Minnix, $24000 per year and L. W. Yenckel, at 4200.00 per year were read before the board, and upon motion by nargleroad, second by rurry, a roll call wu taken on the granting of these renewals in which all members voted aye, motion carried. Annual report of ueorge T. Wheat a member o f the soldiers and nailors Relief nommission was read and upon motion by rurry, second. by whitesel the report was ordered placed on file. The 4th quarterly and annual report of Lucia nillenbach, nlerk of the District uourt, for the year 1924 was read and upon motion by reel, second by Hainforth the report was ordered placed ori file, Upon Motion by flurry, second by Whitesel, the ufficial nonds of John n. Fricke, Justice of ibe Peace, Denver Township, and itred nerg, Town Treasurer, verona Tcaansnip, were approved, motion by Hargleroad ad second by nartner tha the County Clerk be and is hereby instructed to issue salary warrants on the first of each month to all County Officers and Deputies who are entitled to said warrants by law. Also, to County empolyees, who under agreements with the county board are entitled to be paid on the first of each month. Roll call, all voted aye. notion carried, inventory of machinery belonging to the State and rederal Highways of Adarns County was sub- mitted by n. H. McDowell, Highway commissioner and upon motion by aurry, second by neal the inventory was ordered placed on file. The annual report of W. H. McDowell, nighway Commissioner wts read before the board and upon motion by nargleroad, second by Rainforth the report was ordered placed on file. At 12 o'clock noon the noard recessed until 1:15 P. M., when it again resumed with all members present, motion by Gartner, second by Furry, that we order 2 fire extinguishers o f nee uauvereau for use at the County Farm at an agreed price of 31.00. Roll call, all voted aye. motioncarried, communication from in, D. sergeant o f uni ata , complaining o f the condition o f roads on mail routes in J uniata and verona Township was received and read before the board, otion by Hargleroad, second by Whitesel that the highway Commissioner be instructed to proceed to open ail of the roads complained of in this communication, notion carried, notion by nargleroad, second by Whitesel that the following estimate of expenses on the Bridge Fund for the year 1925 for new bridges and repairs and maintainence of old bridges be placed at $50,000.00. Roll call, ayes, Furry, Gartner, Hargleroad 4ind thitesell. Nayes, Keel , Rainfbrth and Sorensen. Motion carried, Motion by tiargleroad, second by Gartner that the following estimate of expenses on the following funds be made for the year 1925. U eneral Fund $75,000.00 pflA dr 1.a 50, 006 6 C County Fair Fund 2,000.00 Mothers Pension Fund 3,500.00 Soldiers and Sailors Rolle' fund 750.00 Poor Aid Fund 10,000.00 Road Fund 30,000, 00 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth, that the request of Ed Dominy for striking off the tax dor the year 1924 on lote 11 and 12, block 2, Hansen Village be not granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, motion by Furry, second by Rainforth that the plans and specifications for Steel, wooden and Concrete bridges which were adopted by the Board for the year 1924, be again adopted by this Board for the year 1925 as the 0 fficial plans and specifications to be used in the construction of all bridges to be built on contract. Roll call , ail voted aye. Motion carried. Request o f Walter M. Crow for :,-p'75.00 per mont for stenographic and Clerk hire for the year 1925 for County Attorney's office was upon mOtion by Hargleroad, second by aeal, granted by the Board. Motion by Keal, second by Furry, that the following named persons be appointed Toanship Road Dragging Superintendents for the year 1925. nest Blue u, N. Bitner nanover Andy Smidt highland u, M. voty Ayr w„ C. Dycus Verona n, Me Burr Roseland 0. a. Ferhow Kenos= R, W, Balke Cottonwood Karl Reichert Vvanda Fred u, RoederLogan ians Christensen Juniata Cecil Buskirk Silver Lake n, B. Burroughs Denver John H. Fricke Zero Simon Gerloff E. W. Lenz Little Blue E, t, Anderson Motion carried. nlaine Motion by Keal, second by Furry, that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday February 3rd, 1925 at 9 o'clock A. M. Whereupon the Board adjourned. County Clerk. 0haiiinan of the hoard Deputy County Clerk. 364 INANCIAL STATE ENT OF ADAMS COUNTY. 1 EBRA: .Q1.444 .4'$`0 aRW."xmsyC • 3r< } , a -t .. ,, v-.. , PEARL -B WOOI, TREA IRER For the six months ending December 31, 1924, showing collections, disbursements, transfers from one fund to another, and TOTAL COLLECTIONS DISBURSEMENTS Balance, on hand July"1, 1.924: 212 1920 Taxes, (with prior years) 2 12 balances on hand. ,904.61 State Treasurer ;$ 34,130.84 8 65.70 County t Gee n ral `Warrants' 31784•93 ,783.79 County Bridge Warrants • 2-6,521-82 922: Taxes 1924 Taxes ' School Land Lease ` School Land Interest• City 'of Hastings, Specials Motor Vehicles . • ....;,,,•.:„.....--,...:.:4,-7-7-7----- 1,540.. District School Apportionment 9,917.84 w Taxes Paid„ under protest 856 20 Hail Insurance .. • . ... ..' 752.66 Interest on Bank Deposits .................. .• 754.05' . County, Soldiers &Sailors, Relaef .466:0.9 5,809.53 County Poor Aid 3,429:86 :,. 1211000 Township orders , . ••:•,.,, • ▪ M. 98 357 4i a,'11`3 7•00 1 747.35 Village orders District School Orders -„_ • �• 107,186:77 85•20 77 724:79' District School Bonds ZjS,VGO.I t Redemptions (tax sales) ...:.... ........ ....... MISCELLANEOUS FOR School District No. 21 • School District No. 81 . rv, School District (from Kearney Co.) Poor Aid Fund State Highway....'. County Highway County General Inheritance Tax 'Holstein Village Ayr Village TOTAL VARIOUS FUNDS,'SHOW-ING BALANCES, BEFOR STATE BALANCE du'y 1, 1924 97.00 1,069.20 16,367.38 188.00 16.6:2.! 40.00 3,888,67 2,841.05 2,672.21 1,816.32' 30000 District' School Apportionment . 'Redemptions on Tax Sales , . County Board Orders onProtestNTaxes. State Highway Warrants County Highway Warrants Road Dragging Warrants Mother's Pension Warrants •• City of Hastings. Treasurer Court Fees allowed on Inheritance .. , .. . County Fair Warrants Refund 'on Motor Vehicles 9,327.20 15,591.23 2343.45 18,483.54 19,278.95 1 8,332;9803000. 47'73120,670.46" 0 1,461.06 38.99 300 00 Balance on hand December 31 1924 ...• 247,870.827. • ti.r. ...,.,.i'. ., ,. .... ..,,. $694 205 97 TOTAL $694 205.97;: E AND A TER'DISTRIBUTION`OF COLLECTIONS, TRANSFERS AND DISBURSE COLI.ECTION.S„ TRANS. DISBURSEMENTS TRANS.BALANCE TO a x N'R0�1VI `De's c: X331; 19��"` $ 3,46101 ` $ 32,249.69 $ General Fund Capitol Fund .. .....• 516. a ura e School Land Lease• .•• Highway Supervision, (auto) ..........:.' . COUNTY School Land Interest general Fund Bridge Fund Road Fund Soldiers ,and Sailors Poor *id' Fund Townships' Schools School Bonds School App'nt State Highway in County ' . Road Dragging (auto) Inheritance' Tax County Fair Mother's Pension County" Highwaym 1 I We 11a5LL IJa+lavva . . . . CITY-& VILLAGES Hastings • Keuesaw Juniata "Roseland Holstein Ayr 1'0 70 33,283.30 24,166.79 16,129.28 13,895.97 663.79" " 59.09 298.90 ...: ... 1127 66 4,893.29 4,017.64 10,795.16 15,267.5748,636.05 ..W 33,313.27 25,531.03 118,845.52' 1,144.07 9,917.84 14,425.27 3,888.67 25,111.40 14,958.95 1,142 10 1,816.32 1 16$ 50 802.46 911.14` 1,202.83 12,919.36 `" 2,841.05'` 7,125.56 8,662.48 150,953.40 255.45 5,707.41 29.37 1,534.27 D 17 47 595.66 ;"-'"'"-'99.41 1,117.42 2.91 1,660.4.6'- 228.05 360 4.9 228.05 433.46 8.59 6,028 25 752.66 "' _"856.20 '1,747.35 SUNDRY FUNDS Redemptions -38.93 Interest on Taxes. Advertising Record Fees Fines Tax' paid under protest -1,467:25- TOTALS ,487 25: 'POTALS STATE OF NEBRASKA, ss. ADAMS COUNTY, I, PEARL B. WOODWORTH, Treasurer of Adams to the best of my knowledge and belief. ;.. $212 904 61 16,367.38 6 860.19 97.00 " 1,069:20 856:20` 81,262.37 County, Nebraska, 5,000.00 4,400.00 26 146.08 4,641.46 1,439.72 866.90 864.58 172.10' 31,784.93 26,521.82 450.00 3,429.86 12,110.00 107,188.77 28,026.77 9,327.20 18,483.54 8,332.98 477.30 1,461.06 1,030.00 19,278.95 120,670.46 3,055.00, 830.00 495.00 685.00 452.00 140.00 15,591.23, 2,343.45 5,000.00 4,400.00 $` 9,400;00 ' $446,29616 $ 9,400:00 do hereby $ 9,564.62 1,902.82 1,316.25 379.05 20,665.16 8,503.43 722,88 O. D. 24.34 5,481.07 13,952,73 74,760.55 16,349.78 1,734.71 O. D. 169:60 27,337.37 2,481.12 509.90 1,083.97 881.46 7,125:56 38,945.42 2,907.86 733.64 83.19 531.83 911.40 230.80 3.54 1.96 29.42 815.08 6,860:19 91.80 97.00 1,069.20 $247,870.82 certify that the foregoing report is true and correct PEARL B. WOODWORTH, County "Treasurer.:_ J. A. CATES, County Clerk. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me, this 28th day of January, 1925. SEAL) 365 COURT HOUSE HASTINGS, NEBR; eabruary 3rd, 1925, Tuesday, 9 o' clock A. M. Adams County eaar,,' of oupervisors net in regular session as per adjournment of January 13th, 1925, b B. Sorensen, hairman presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows: eurry, Gartner, nargleroad, Keal, Rainforth, eorensen and 'ehitesel. ainutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved, bemi-annuat report of the county Treasurer was read and upon motion by seea.)., second by Hargleroad, the report was ordered placed onfile, Appointment of Gladys i. Hewitt as clerk in the Office of the Register of Deeds, for the term of one year by L. eneutton, Register of veeds was read and upon motion by nargleroad, second by Rainforth, and on a roll call the appointment was confirmed by the noard, An members voting aye, motioc, by nargieroad,'secojed by eurry, that the following Official eonds be approved, aotion carried: Theodore i.11or, Town Clerk, lia05°0evei, red Hohl feld, Town Treasurer, uottonwood, John boni fas, Town Treas. , Roseland, John W. Carl, Justice of the reace, verona, rrank beach, Town Trees, Highland, henry Bloomenkamp, Road Overseer, District 1, Ayr, John te Riese, Road Overseer, District 3, duni eta., u. Traut, Road uverseer, District 2, Denver, Bert bhay, Road Overseer, iristrict, 3, Denver, Gus Krueger, Road overseer, District 3, zero, Harm Johnson, Road overseer, District 3, Ayr, Hannan Flantz, Road Overseer, District 2, Zero, Arthur Frahm, Road Overseer, vistrict 4, Zero, Bert Clayton, Road Overseer, District e 1-2 adn 4, euniata, J. J. Parr, Road Overseer, District if 3, Roseland, bemi-annual report of the uounty superintendent was read and upon motie n by aeal , second by Hargleroad, the report was ordered placed on me„ t 12 o'clock noon the eoard recessed until 1:15 P. M., when it again resumed with all members present, motion by Garter, second by nargleroad, that we purchase lots 20-21-22-23 and 24, block 2, Pauline, Nebr. , at an agreed price o f $20,e00 per lot. Roll call, allvoted aye, elation carried.. At 2 o'clock P, M. this being the hour for receiving bids for building b tool, Wooden and concrete bridges, three bids were received as follows: Frankel. Kitts, of Hastings eeebr. , The Diamond Engineering and construction company of Grand Island, and the etandard bridge company of Omaha, these bids were opened, need and tabulated, aotion by ieeal, second by nargleroad, that this board go into executive session to consider the bids on bridges, motion carried. whereupon the bids were taken up and considered by the noard„ The Board in executive session, carefully considered the bids and found that the bid of the standard bridge Co, , of Omaha was the lowest and best on steel, and Wooden bridges and that the bid of Rrank H, Kitts, was the lowest and best on concrete bridges, Motion by nargleroad, second by real, that the contract for building steel and wooden bridges in Adaris County for the year 1925 be awarded o the standard bridge uo. , of Omaha on their bid and that the contract tor building concrete bridges oe awarded to Prank H. Kitts on his bid. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried, indemnity :and of the Standard birdge Co, , was approved by the board. At 5 o'clock P, M. the eoa.rd recessed until eednesday lebruary 4th, 1925 at 9 O'clock A, M. Wednesday rebruary 4th , 1925 board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all memeers were present. A. T. Lobdell , District Division Engineer of the etate Department of Public Works appeared before the board and the :natter of a budget for the state highway rund for 1925 was taken up. notion by real, second by Gartner, that the following budget be adopted onthe btate Highway rund for the year 1925 as per agreement with the state Department of Public Works, Rollcall, all voted aye, twotion carried, State Highway budget 4 men at ;100.00 per Tenth for 12 months 1 man at $100.00 " 8 Gasoline, oil, kerosene, and grease Truck and tractor repairs Repairs for other equipment chop and patrol statin. construction Maintaining Outfit (one man) Material and repairs for culverts and bridges material, repairs and re -construction o f guard Markers and signs -new and re paiejes- steel 250,00, snow fence; material e and extra for erection Extra -teams and labor not included above- south Gravel repairs- 6 cars Highway commissioner's salary License plates and containers County Car Deficit contingencies 4800.00 800.00 $5600,00 2400,00 1500.00 300.00 2500,00 1500.00 4000.00 20000 rail 50.00 eounty 100.00 Ayr 10.00 360.00 1400.00 f Hastings 1200,00 700.00 600,00 1794.00 800.00 VallIIPWRIPM.00011•1••••••••••••• 1200.00 1500.00 3194,00 Grand Total ;23,604.00 Extimated balance unexpended 26,396.00 aotion by aeal, second by Rainforth, that the CountyTreasurer be and is hereby instructed to transfer from the Road Dragging Fund to the state Highway Fund ;23,604,00 to cover the items of the etate nighway budget adopted by the board, Roll cael, all voted aye. Motion carried, motion by furry, second by Whitesel, that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS there is a demand for gravelsurfacing on Projects 77 and 32 from riastings South to Webster County line. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we the Board of county Supervisors of Adams County, in regular session at 14.0 4- ylr,Q Nahrf.iggle webrmary 4th. 1925. do hereby reauest that the Department of rublic Works prepare plans 1 salaries be 0120.00 -er month instead. of 0115,00. Rol]. call on amendment, ayes, rurry, Gartner, nargleroad and Vihitesel. N ayes, eal, Rainforth and aorensen. Amendment carried, The ortginal motion as amended was then voted upon. Roll call, ayes, 2Ur r y Gartner, nargleroad emd whitesel. Noyes, real, Rainforth and sorensen. Original motion as amended carried. motio a by aea.i., second by nargleroad, that we enter into a contract withthe .acClelland and Dunn Mitor Go0 o f Hastings , aebr, , for one rordson-rieir , one man Grader 6: maintainer, for use on the tate and rederal Roads) at an agreed price of $1592.00 F. 0.13, , nastings, ,iebr. roll call, all voted aye, motion carried, balance of the afternoon session was taken up in a discussion of the uounty Highway budget and at 5 o'clock t". M. the aoard recessed until Thursday, aebr. , 5th, 1925 at 9 o'clock A, M. Thursday, , eh ru ary 5th , 1925 9 oi clock A, M. The Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members were present, :Lotion by nargleroad, second by real, that we enter into .a contract with the smith machinery Go. , of Hastings, aebr., for 2 model c. Monarch crawler, tractors at an agreed price of 8800,004 F, 0,b. Hastings, aebr„ with an allowance of 42400.00 for 2 Avery Tractors now owned by Adams County, making a net price of 4 6 400 00 , Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried, aOtion by Whitesel, second by argleroad that theofficial bond of ta, r, aidd, ustie e o' the reace„ &enesaw Township be approved, motion carried. motion by Gartner, second by rurry, that the official bond of Andy Smidt, Road Overseer, District t 1, Hanover be approved. motion carried. balance of the forenoon session was taken up in the discussion of the county nighway audget, At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 P. M, when they again resumed with all members present. motion by rurry, second by Gartner, that we adopt a budget for use an the County Highway fund for the year 1925 as follows to -wit: Supervisors .uistrict if 1, for all purposes except new machinery $6000.00 for tool shed 750.00 bupervisors District If 2 for all purposes for tool shed supervisors District •# 3 for all purposes for tool shed except new rnachinery except new machinery Supervisors .uistrict if 4 for all purposes except new machinery for tool shed 6000,00 • 6000, 00 7 50, 00 6750,00 6000,00 750.00 675o, 00 Y)5 67 5 oe 00 $6750,00 $6750.00 Grand. Total $27,000,00 Rdlicall, ayes, .Vurry, Gartner, 15.eal, Rainforth and Sorensen, aayes Hargleroad and Whitesel, motion carried, dMotion by A,eal, second by Rainforth, that the county Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to transfer 427 ,(000. 00 from the Road Dragging aurid to the County Highway rund to cover items adopted by the county highway Budget. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. motion by Gartner, second by rurry, that we order from the smith Machinery Go„ 24 Stroud Road Drags, 8 foot, with 6 inch blades at a pri of $26.50 each and 3 ciunrkRoad Drags, 10 foot, at market price. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried, motion by aeal, second by Rainforth that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED: it appearing by the record, that a majority of the board of supervisors of Adams County are in favor of raising the salary or the County Employees without said employees appearing before the board asking for a raise, believing that there should be no discrimination against part of the employees f thisCounty, 1 move you rar. Chairman that the salary of all employees of the court house, not otherewise fixed by statute, be raised $10.00 Oer month, Roll call, ayes, &sal and Rainforth, aayes rUrry, Gartner, nargleroad, aorensen and Whitesel, motion lost, motion by rurry, second by vthitesel that the following claims be allowed on their respective and the Clerk is instructed to issue warrants for same. Motion carried. claims follow: ra.ndes Carl Carl Crow Crow Davis E. A, 15, 1_ • • eJ al t e r M. waiter M.. Elliott R. Democrat Printing GO Deines Drug Co VOines Drug Co Dillenbach rullerton urry Gartner Gauvereau Lucia J. L. J. G. ?. H. Lee Hargleroad, Maggie B, nargleroad, V. 13. Ham Geo, Hastings Daily Tribune Johnson Oil Co 3, Juniata Lumber Go Keal m. Keith V. W. etal. Keith Kister & Sons Geo, Klopp Printing co Land C. H. Lincoln bchool supply Go Lincoln School aupply Lincoln '11. tfc Tbl. Co Lincoln 'rel. & Tel, Co. Local Registrars Manhattan Oil Co GENERAL FUND storage & supplies 6upplies , Go. ram supplies, co. Farm ffice supplies & expense Mileage & supplies Mil e age supplies, uourt House aupplies, .v arm Bureau bupplies Court expenses a. postage ouppli es supervisors services cc mil cage supervisors services & mileage eire extinguisaers Go, r arm Rent on building -upervisors services & mileage J ail & office expenses I`J o ti e s ayas & Oil Goal, Go, rarm -pervisors services a mil sage Services, insanity hearing aervices, insanith hearing oupplies supplies, county Clerk ace oupplies, uo, Sup.t supplies Toll call, Court riouse Toll calls, ram bureau nervi ces Gas ec 0i1 30,65 21,05 53.37 13.77 20.70 65,00 175,20 3, 40 6.65 23,6.40 .90 53.10 75.40 31,00 8.00 75.65 247.85 59.10 19.95 40.50 45,20 13,00 28.00 2,50 4,06 20,55 5,23 20,73 13.65 6.50 48.25 13.80 371 Schmitz Shields Hdw, Terway Still& Co. McNannay Woods C. W. Co. Cecil J. H. J ame s enn Mains John Tibbeto , Dungan & Tibbets Woods L ester D. Woods Lester D. Anderson et Hal ke , et a Balke Collins Collins Dickerson lurry G artne r Gartner Gilchrist Huxtable Gilchrist !illiarns Gilchrist Robinson M °WU rter Kistler Schi f fler Nissen Chris tensen al Ed. R, W, W„ D. C. 0, F, E. J. H. P. H. P. H, Jog H. Edgar H. J. Ho uf Ben Abe Christ Hans Hastings Battery & Elec Johnson harm Klusman, et Laird Moore Saddler McCall McCall Parmentor el Herbert Roy S. Roy :Farmer Bert bort R, A. Pi ffer , et al Elvin Rider J, Rider, et al J. W, Robinson, eta]. 0. J. Shielde idw. Co. Traut , et al C. Traut , et al C. Whitesel W. C. Wilcox Ray STATE HIGHWAY FUND CONT. Motor ether Supplies Building snow fence i es building snow fence building snow fence Running tractor Services Gas & Oil Gas & Oil COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND shoveling snow Shoveling snow Shoveling snow Shoveling snow Sho vbling snow motor Ether bup ervising roads & mileage wilding snow fence Putting up snow fence Road dragging Road dragging services Labor shoveling snow Sh °Waling meals for men Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Co Services snow shovbling now shoveling Labor snow shoveling Snow hovel ing opening road Opening road opening road shoveling snow Shoveling snow shoveling snow shoveling snow supplies snow shoveling snow shoveling super vising roads ohov el ing snow Motion by Rain forth , second 1925 at 9 o'clock A. M, mileage . 65 1.00 25.20 5.45 7.20 19, 20 4, 00 7.20 7.18 4.05 4,50 66.75 1.80 10.20 10.50 5,20 36.00 4,00 7.80 5,25 36,00 7.70 8.80 2.10 2,10 4.20 3.75 6.00 4, 50 8.25 1.00 4,40 48,10 14.00 10.80 7.20 9.60 18,00 5.00 6,30 5.50 88.40 56.30 3.80 9, 00 6, 60 32,80 12.00 by Whitesel , that this Board now adj ourn to meet again Tuesday, March 3rd, Deputy County Ulerk, ' • ',;4i;:i4 n Court House, Hastings Nebraska Tuesday March 3rd, 1925 9 o'clock A. board met in regular session as per adjournment of eebruary 5th, 1925. Roll call, ell members were present as follows: Furry, Gartner, H arglero ad , K eal , Rain forth , borener. and Whitesel, motion by Hargleroad, second by Furry, that the foiloeing Official Bonds be approved, motion carried. W. H. McDowell, highway eonuniseioner, ered ulassen, Road Overseer, District # 2, Hanover, John Leighfield, Road Overseer, District # 2, LittIe Blue, Earl Osgood, Road Overseer uist, # 4, Little nlue, Edwin A. Fricke, Road Overseer, Dist. # 2, West Blue, Wm. halbmaier, Road Overseer, Dist. # 56, Logan, Charles Wheat, Road Overseer, Dist.- # 55, Logan, Karl Reichert, Road Overseer, Dist. # 1-2 and 3, uottonwood, Charles Farman, Road Overseer, Dist. # 4, Roseland, A, R. Pratt, Road Overseer, Dist. # 2, Verona, nenry Hueske, Road Overseer, Dist. j 4, Highland, Fred Asmus, Justice of the reace, Bh laine, arm VanBoening, Road overseer, Dist. # 4, Hanover, Roy Jones, •Road Overseer, Dist. # 2, oilver Lake, E. J. Pfeiffer,Road Overseer, Dist. # 1, West Blue Ray Woodworth, Road everseer, Dist, # 4, Ayr, Frank Schneider, Road Overseer, Dist. # 2, Wanda, Albert Einspahr, Road Overseer, Dist. # 3, tanda, Felix Young, Constable, Kenesa.w, Carl Schmidt, Justice of the Peace, Logan, Chas. VonBusch, Road Overseer, nist # 57, Logan, tans M. Reis, Road Overseer, Dist. # 2, Ayr, Dick Smi dt, Road Overseer, Dist. # 3, Hanover, Fred Taute, Road Overseer, Dist, ft 4, Verona, M. H. Berres, Constable, City of Hastings, iioward Overy, Road Overseer, Dist. # 1, Little Blue, J ohn L. Maxwell, Justice of the reace, uottonwood Frank u, Kitts, Contractor Bond, motion by Hargoeroad, second by Furry, that the following petition by granted. Lotion carried. TO THE HONORABLE BOARD 0 T.' SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY, •NEBR. a entl erne n: We the undersigned, being the ()Moja." School Board of, School .uistrict if 54, Adams County Nebraska hereby request that your honorable body grant pernission to levy a special building fund tax o f 1.8 mills a year on the assessed valuation o f said school distri ct # 54 for a period of 5 y ears or until a sum of money amounting to 43000.00 has been raised by taxation, for the purpose of building a new school house. We hereby submit to your honorable Board the following to show that we have coneoliedwith the school laws of the 6tate ofNebraska made and. provided for such purposes; lst, that we secured a petition containing more than one- fourth o f the namesof the legal voters of said School District # 54, asking that this proposition be submitted to a vote of the electors cf said District. Secoad, that the prayer •of the petition was granted by the achool Board and that an election for sad purpose, was ordered held. Due notice of said election, wa.s given by posting notices hereof for 20 days and also by publication in the Hastings lettily Tribune. Third, that said election was duly held at the school house of said District if 54 on the 6th day of February 1925, and that a majority of the electors present of said District voted infavor thereo f. The result of the vote was as follows; Seventeen for and none against. We are therefore asking that the Adams County Board of oupervisors order this special building fund tax of 1.8 mi11 s per year for a period of 5 years be ordered spread against the taxable property of School District # 54. e hereby certi fy that the above proceedings were had and done pursuant to law. Dell Gibson Moderator ( sEAL ) G. A. hill Treasurer Official School Board District j 54 State of Nebraska) ss County of Athens ) aubscrieed and sworn to before me this 2nd day ofMarch, 1925,, J. A. Cates County Clerk. The following petition was received and read before the Board. TO ME HONORABLE COUNlY BOARD OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA; The undersigned petitioners represent and show that they are the owners of the landin Sections 2 and 3 in Township 7, North of Range 12, West of the 6th F. M. in Adams nounty, Nebraska, to be improved and affected by the ditch , drain and improvement hereby petiti coed to be made; that W, R, enyder is the owner of the eOrth- hal f of the Southwest quarter and the South -half of the Northwest Quarter of said eection Two; that e. h. Bohlke is the owner of the bouth-half of the eouthwest Quarter o f said section Two; that said land is e agricultural land; that -there is a depression or lagoon covering a part of' said Sections 2 and 3, end upon and affecting a part of the saicl lands of the petitioners; that it has no outlet or means of drainage other than evaporation anci percolation; that at seasons of the year and durig and following heavy rains and other percipitation, a large amount of water accumulates and stands therein, and covers a large tract o f agricultural lands including the lands o f petitioners; that water drains off from the land surrounding this depression or lagoon from Sections 10 and 11 in Township 7, North of Range 12 in said oounty, and also from Sections 33 and 34 in Township 8, North of Range 12 , in said uounty; that the land o f petitioners is thereby submerged and damaged, and petitioners are in some instances prevented from planting or causing crops to be planted uponsaid land, and at other tirnes• crops planted upon said land are destroyed; that the section line road between said Sections 2 and 3 at times submerged and rendered impossible to travel because or the water which aectunulates and remains in said lagoon. or depression; that the landof petitioners and the surrounding land hereinbefore re- ferred to and said pUblic road could be drained by constructing a ditch or drain commencing at or near the North- East corner or the North -hal f of the southwest Quarter o f said b action 2, and extending in a northeasterly direction about 150 rods to the East Section Lne of said section2, to a. natural depression, draw or drainege; that the exact location of said proposed ditch is shown by survey hereto attached and made a part hereof; that it is proper and necessary to drain said lands and said public road, end it will be conducive to the public health, convenience and well fare to have said ditchor drain constructed, That this petition is made under and in accordance with ,Lrticle 1 of Chapter 17 o f the Compiled btatutes of Nebraska 1922, and a bond as provided and required is filed herewith; that petitioners pray for the action of the .teoard and all proceedings in accordance with said Article 1 of said chapter 17 of the compiled etatutes of Nebraska of 1922. Dated this 4th day of February, 1925, W. R. Snyder 375 Report of henry &hick, boldiers 4t Sailors Relief Commissioner was read before the poa.rcl,and upon motion by Hargleroad, second by Gartner, the report was ordered placed onfile. Application for admission to the eoldiers Sailors home was melde by David Bryson and George R. Wol fe which upon motion by Keel, second by Furry, was grante, and the ehairman and Clerk were instructed to sign their admission papers. eounty Judge, Joseph M. Turbyfill, eustsices of the ree.Ce, John W. Shaw and James 14 Crowley appointed M. H. Berres to serve as eonstable. The following eridge Petitions were received; John is. Cornelius and others, Wooden bridge on Pawnee Greek, 32 feet waterway and 16 feet roadway, between sections 8 and 9, Denver Township, Arthur Frahm and others, 24 foot bridge between sections 27 and 34, Zero Township , eimon Krueger and others, 12 foot bridge between sections 21 and sections 16, Zero Township, W. H. Gartner, and others, 16 font bridge between sections 11 and 12, Little Blue Township, harm E. Post and others, 20 foot bridge between sections 17 and 20, Little k3lue Township, H. H. Hibbeler, and others, 16 foot bridge between sections 3 and 4, Little Blue Township, these petitions were upon motion by Gartner, second by harglero ad, referred to the Road and bridge Committee. motion by Gartner, second by eurry, that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, it has been the custom to file a large number of claims against the County on the day the board meets and whereas, this practice results in a great deal of confusion and does not give the uounty Clerk sufficient time to properly file these claims and whereas, it would seern that the best interest of Adams County would be served if the entire Board of Supervisors, acting as an auditing committee, would meet informally on the day before the regular meeting of the board and audit these claims and see that they are made out properly and to designate which fund the dein should be allowed on, therefore be it resolved, that this board shall not meet in regular session earlier than the 5th day of each month and that tai claims that are expected to be allowed at this regluar meeting shall te filed in the office of the County clerk not later than the 3rd day of each month abd shall be eediteci and approved by the entire board acting as an auditing committee. Be it further resolved, that if claims are filed later, than the date mentioned that they shall be held over until the next regular meeting of the teuditing committee. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. when it egainresumed with all member present. motion by Hargleroad, second by whitesel, that the salary of the Deputy Sheriff of Adams County, be raised from e90.00 to 41 00.00 per month effective march let, 1925. eeell cail, all voted aye. Motion carried. motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth , that We accept, the reasa t:fferec by 'the r`C. 'Di (1 Cl„ ,R. Co. , on their property west o f the bail park for a place to build a machine shed, at their price of per year, dimensions of property described in the lease. Roll call, all voted aye.; motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by eurry, that the report of the committee who was delegated to look after the location of places for buiidingmachine sheds in the different eupervisors Districts be accepted and that we purehase lots in holstein -village and eenesa.w village as descrieeci in deeds for said lots, to be used for the purpose of building sheds on, at prices agreed on between the owners of the lots and the committee, Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. At 5 o' clock P. M. the Board recessed until Wednesday, march 4th, at 9 O'ci ck A. M. Wednesday, March 4th, 1925 9 o' clock A. M. Motion by eal, second by Hargleroad, that the County Clerk be and is hereby instructed to stirke from the tax list all taxes assessed against the North 30 acres of the N. E. ef, S. W. e, section 1-7-1.0 for the year 1923, for the reason that this land belongs to the Adams County Agriculture.' eociety. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. motion by Hargleroad, second by Gartner, that the County Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to 4cept 46.13 in full pinent of taxes and interest for the year 1899 on lot 6, block 4, Wilkins Addition, the same being a sidewalk tax levied by the City o f Hastings for the year 1899. Roll call, all voted aye. »'otion carried. The balance of the forenoon session was taken up in auditing claims. At 12 o'lcok Hoon the board recessed until 1:15 P. M. , whee it again resumed with all members present. euditi,zg Of claims continued. leotion by Hargleroad, second by ehitesel, that the following claims be allowed on teeir respective funds and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for same. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. Claims follow erandes Button uannon Lthurchill Dorsey v. E. A. L, N. Ge Columbia Carbon eo County Treasurer Crow urow Davis Waltar M. Walter M. ealiott R. Deines Drug Co Deines Drug Co Democrat Printing Co Lucia J. H. Elmer T. F. H. Furry Gangwisch Gartner, Gaudreault merc. Co, A. J. H agemann e. Cg H am el E. B. Hammond & Stephens.o. argl ero ad , w. B, Harm GOO, Hastings Dail yrrribune Johnson Oil Co J. P. Johnston LSO W, Juniata Grain Live Stock Assn. lesal Keith Keith K1 Ine Krobi Wm, W. W. etal e. W. etal J. B. Radiator a Fender Works i.4 v./ .1 (r 1. n GENERAL FuND etatements to eounty Attorney Storage Recording deeds & postage bupplies, eo. !'arm and, for mactinery shed supplies tostage, telephones, light, etc, mil sage Postage & Messages alil eage 6uppli es Suppli es bupplies, Court house court Expenses, ec Postage 'upervisors services ek mileage bupplies, Co. Farm Supervisors services & mileage upplies Fire damages, Co, . Farm eervices, Board o f health eupplies, Co. bupt. supervisors services, & mileage Jail expenses , etc notices of financial statement Gas & Oil Official reporter eupplies, Co. Farm eupervisors services te mileage witness, ins Lnity hearing Witness, insanity hearing supplies, uourt House Repairs for Ford eueelies. GS. Yarn 5.40 6.00 14.00 23. 25 200,00 5.30 512.62 19,40 4.99 65.00 4,40 4.75 11 3. 25 149,15 28.40 24,50 52.10 8.15 172.13 40.50 5.95 71.00 328,39 3.00 28.63 2,00 57.40 55,20 15. 00 15.00 1.75 4,30 62.54 377 Northwesterniefg. Co Proffitt & Jones Queen City Laundry Co Renner & Serf Rain forth '1. R. Rippeteau Wall taper & Pt. Rohrer, b. F. Schultz martha Simms Sorensen Stewart Union Cafe Wahlquist brothe wheeler al GO Whit esol Widmaier widen ai e r eioodworth zinn Co. 5. B. waiter G, rs W. C. Wm wm. ennie G. G. U. Blomenkwap n. Gerlo ff Wm. Glenvil lumber Co Kitts irank H Kitts Frank n. Kitts rank n Kitts Kitta Schlueter lumber omidt vanBoening oodworth tirank rank n. Co vick Harm, i. H. Anderson E. Ray bake R, W. bitner D. IN, Ground Carl 3, Kroll Albert burr victor Auricle Wm. burroughs 1i, B. buskirk L. Buskirk u, L. Uhristensen Hans .Doty U. M. Dycus vim, G. Fricke John H. Fricke J ohn 11, Gerlo ff Simon Lenz E. W. McDowell Reichert Aarl Roeder Fred G silver Lumber Co J. A. Sraidt Andy smith Machinery Go Smith Machinery Co sLiith Machinery Co Smith Machinery Co smith Machinery Co smith Machinery Co Saddler Saddler whick Wheat W. G. W. G. n eriry Geo. T. Byers Lumber Co Currier -Park Coal Co Deines Drug Co Eckhardt n. O. Elite Grocery Hamel E, B, Hastings Fuel Co Kenesaw Mercantile Go Osobrn Oil Co Nebraska Sanitarium eb ra sk a 3 zanitarium Pauley Lumber Co Simms b. M. btump U, W, Sunnyside vanPateen Wheeler Coal uo GENERAL FUND COM`, brushes lornado Insurance premium Laundry Court house Supplies, court House supervisors services & mileage uo supplies, Go, Farm Ins. Premium mileage & stamps Supplies, court nouse supervisors services supplies meals for Jury supplies, court Mouse Goal, uourt house supervisors services & mileage Investigating mothers tension applications services as bailiff nearing on mothers t-ension Committee Repairs on clock b2IBGE FUND hauling bridge plank L ab o r supplies bridge material material and work on bridge material and work on bridge work on bridge liork on bridge Lumber Labor on bridge Ilataing bridge plank abor ROAD DRAGGING FUND 6upt. Little blue lwp. Aanesaw b up t. West 13lue Ltragging Co, roads Dragging Go. roads Dragging co. roads Dragging Go. •roads supt. Silver Jake Twp supt. Juni a t aTwp supt. Juniata Tv,rp Supt, Logan Twp supt. highland Twp Supt, Ayr Twp sup -b. Denver Twp Supt, Denver Twp supt. Zero Twp bupt. plain° Twp Railroad fare, express, eto Supt. Cottonwood Twp supt. Wanda Twp supplies Supt. Hanover Twp Road drags Road drags Road drags Tractor Road drags Road drags SOLDIERS & SAILORS REhIE F KIND rtelief of soldiers & sailors services on relief Committee services on relief Gommittee services on reiief committee POOR AID FUND Coal coal Drugs uroceries ro eerie s Yhysician' s services Coal tiro ceries Li as 0 Oil services services Coal Drugs -ervices services Groceries uoal & mileage mil e age ck, mil eage 14,83 20,00 9.93 135.00 63.20 .80 53. 60 46,80 1. 90 50.0o 92, 65 4.95 12.75 418,56 56.30 6.30 96,00 2, 40 3.00 5,50 37.40 5,30 115,50 164. 6o 114.60 69, 20 192,00 2, 64 2.00 5.00 25.00 76.19 68.86 2b. 01 17,25 19.61 4,50 15.75 52. go 47.35 28.50 23,09 56..o 83:88 5.25 67,36 87.61 65,12 14, 66 24, 22 79.37 54. 50 75,61 21 2, 00 79. 50 124,82 3200, 00 212,00 i8,, 50 100.00 3.20 20,65 8,00 4.75 40,75 2,00 157. 60 65,22 17.00 95.15 15.33 .95 100,00 58.32 38.0o 6.65 5.00 58.00 22, 68 13.50 379 Adams County Automatics V ehi cl e Tag Co Brandes E. A. syers Lumber Co Gangwisch earner F. Goble Jay ohnson uil Co 3, P. Jones Go. A. H. nohl u. A. Manhattan Oil Co miller Gro the rs Garage McClelland -Dunn motor Go McGrath tedw, Go. J. H. Osborn Oil Co Roeder linery en ford bmi th Macninery eo bmi th machinery Go omith Machinery Go Still & Go J H. St . Joseph & Grand Island Ry Johnson uil Go J ae, Anderson Burr Cannon Easter E ich Grothause Mathews Fricke Meyer McVlhirter VanMeter Furry Furry iVicVthi rt e r Robinson Dycus b tame r Gartner Gartner Gartner H arglero ad Hargl e orad Hargloroad Roy a al ter NI, I, N, J ohn J ohn Harry G. F. J. Will H G. W. lured J. U. W. 0. J. • arence • J. 1). li, sup t. P. H. Water Maggie 13. W. B. Supt. W. b. Supt. Highway maintainer uo. Johnson Oil Go. J. P. Mains ohn Matthews Moore r at McDonald Utto McWhi rter Ben Pratt Ramon et al Pi el stick W. Smith Machinery Co wed th machinery Go Stewart w at er G. Stokes A, W. V anMeter Herbert Wail es esse whit e sel Ira Whitesel W. C. Supt, whitesel ea C. up t. Whitesel e. C. • F. STATE HIGHWAY FUND use o f County. car Tuuck plates Repairs & 1 abro buppli es oupplies Dragging state Gas & Oil oup pli es Dragging St. road Gas & Oil Repairs , storage ec gas leo rdson Tractor & Grader supplies uas & Uil Rent on building buppli s Repairs & Labor Repairs ec labro aepairs & labor Supplies Co Rent on storage e as & Oil road on machinery on machinery on ma chinery bin .for gravel COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Gas Labor Motor ether Labor Labor Dragging Co. road Dragging Go. road .uragging Go, road .uragging Co. road Dragging Co. road Dragging Go. road Supervising roads & mileage Delivering road drags Dragging Co. read Dragging Go. road Dragging Go, road Dragging Go. raod Dragging Co. raod supervising Go, roads & mile age aia.bor Rent on building Dragging Go. roads Dragging Co. roads ouppli es Gas & Oil Labor Snow shovel ing Hauling gravel Hauling gravel uraggin roads onow shoveling ouppli es uppli es , for Truck & Tractor Supplies for maintainer & grader ripe L ab or Labor Labor abor Dragging Go. roads Dragging Co. roads eupervising & mileage 50,00 14.15 159. 60 2, 60 1.80 21.75 19,20 20.20 6.00 95.93 19,30 1592,00 1.70 63,04 8.00 5.05 161,81 223,52. 110,38 5.45 10.00 9.55 7,65 9.60 1,30 22.00 6.30 1,75 3,00 6,75 7,50 9,00 2,25 47,20 5,80 4. 50 19.50 6.34 6.00 104, 73 35,00 6.00 8,00 18.75 44,26 19,25 5.10 40.00 1.50 21.00 10,00 5,00 11, 25 9,75 29,13 77.35 1,10 62,00 2,50 14.40 14.40 75.01 29.25 21.40 The following appointments of assessors for the Gity o f Hastinas were submitted by the county Assessor: let Ward Ernest riartrnan 2nd Ward Geo; b, Durkee and mrs . Wm, Alexander 3rd ward J rro ffitt and A. M. Clark 4th IN arc R. Bowers and G. W. Wilson motion by Rain forth , second by Gartner, that we con firm the appointments of prceinct assessors in the Gity o f Hosting s as made by the uounty Assessor'. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, motion by Rarglero ad , second by Whitesel that we pay the following prices for labor and teams on the County Road a :ridge work for the year 1925, oingl e men Man & team man & 2 teams Roll call, all uted aye, motion carried, Motion by tiargleroad, second by Rain forth , that we proceed to build 3 machine sneds , 80 x 30 at a total cost o f not to exceed $855.00 each according to plans agreed upon by the soar& Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried, motion by Rain forth , second by u-artner, , that this board now adjourn to meet again on monday April 6th,.1925 at 9 o clock a. fa. Motion carried, Whereupon the Board adjourned. 35o per hour 6o0 755$ per hour 3S1 court House, Hastings, Nebr Monday April 6th, 1925, 9 o ' clock A. M. Board met in regular session as per adjournment of march 4th, 1925. ba sorensen, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members present as follows; eurry, Gartner, nargleroad, Meal, Rainforth, sorensen and Whitesel. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. In the matter of a renuwa.1 o f mothers Pensions for Ethel Mayhew and ±iattie Currey it was xnoved by Hargleroed, that the order of the County Court be complied with and. the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. motion carried. Motion by Furry, second by liartner, , that the following Official bonds be approved; Iketion carried: Frank Bosard, Road Overseer, District ft 1, Zero, George E. blankenbiller, Road Overseer, Dist. # 1, Silver Lake, Frank Quade, Road Overseer, District 1, Denver, August Paulikot, Road Overseer, District 1, Verona, C. L. Hanson, Road Overseer, Dist. # 1, Roseland, Frank Zubrod, Road Overseer, District if 58, Logan, W. D. Baker, Road Overseer, Dist, # 3, Little Blue, Dayton Uurry, Road Ovetseer, District # 1, nighl and, Joe Daily , Road Overseer, District 3, Highland and e'rank Frisch, Road Overseer, Dist. # 4, Denver, lot quarterly report of the County J udge and lot quarterly report of Geo, mann, Sheriff and the yearly reports of James i. Crowley and John W. shaw, Justices of the Peace were read and upon motion by Keal, second by Furry, the same were oreered placed on file, motion by Keel, second by nargleroad, that the appointment by the eounty Clerk of Lovina Woodworth as extra clerk at a salary o $75.00 per month be confirmed. Roll call, all voted aye, m6tion carried. Appointment by the County Assessor of Toni Rowe, and Gertrude Reick, as Clerks in the office of the County Assessor at a salary of $4,00 per d was confirmed by the tioard. Roll call, all voted aye on these appointments. Motion carried, by be motion by Hargle road the County Treasurer and f accepted by this Hoard and , second by Keal, that the following duplicates of m,.scellaneous receipts, issued iled in the office of the County Clerk, from January 3rd, 1925 to April 4th, 1925 made a part of the record of said boe.rd. Motion carried. Receipts follow: '.I. H. eurry, Grading roads, credit co. Highway Fund, $ 924,00 J. A. Cates, Co. Clerk, Fees " General " 260.85 R. la, Ratcliff, bale of bridge Lbr Bridge tt 54,24 eirst state Bank, Hayland, Interest General e 25,00 Lucia Dillenbach, Excess fees General " 927.85 Ic-enesaw state bank, interest General165,00 St #1675 to #1677 to #1678 to #1679 to #1687 to i688 to #1689 to #1690 to #1691 to #3. 693 to #1699 to #1700 to #1701 to #1102 to #1703 to 10.704 to n705 to #3.706:.to n707 to #2.709 to 1473.1 to #1712 to #1713 To #1715 to #1716 to 1720 to n723. to J, A. Cates, co. Clerk use of Co. car eeneral county Judge, Fines Fines & license R. A. Pickens Inheritance Tax County Judge J. A. Cates, Co. Clerk, use of eto. car General elund U. H. Land, calf Lucia Dillenbach, ines W. A, Pielstick C. H. Land, 2 hogs, 1 calf County Judge, eines J. A. Cates, Co. elerk, Use of Co C. H. Land, 1 cow, 3 heifers Keal & Sorensen, tire loss, Uo. Farm S. 13, Sorensen, chairman, ttire loss, W. H. McDowell, sale of now _Fence Lucia villenbach W. H.McDowell , Sale of snow fence Bert Weeks State Bank o f Hastings , interest C. H. Land, cream 8: Eggs 11 ear e18 eines & license Inheritance Tax Lre re ral funa eines license General Fund Generke rund etc " Co, Farm state highway Court Ac count inos & License State Highway 14 11 General Fund General Fund Total Miscellaneous filed in Co. Clerk's ,effice, 50.00 37.55 139,65 67.36 50.00 10,00 17.00 62,22 142.25 10.00 50.00 100.00 132,37 136. 67 6,00 139. 65 79.00 30, 00 6.90 195.16 44.13 $3861. 95 Petitions for bridges one by A, H. Frink and others, asking that a bridge be built between sections 26 and 27 Highland Township and one from joe Weber Mad others, asking for a bridge between sections 35 and 36 Juniata Township were read before the Board and upon motion by Whitesel second by Gartner these petitions were referred to the Road and Bridge committee, L. A. Kinney and Dr. McPherson appeared before the board in behalf of Alex Ray and elk that a blind pension be granted to Jar. Ray. No action taken by the Board. Petition of e. H. Woodworth for a concrete spillway to be constructed between sections 4 zero Township and section 33, Ayr Township, was received and read before the board and Chairman announced that the the hour of 2 o'clock P. id, the petition would be considered. Invoice of personal property at the Adams County Poor eaten, taken march 16th, 1925 was read before the board and ordered placed on file. At 12 o'clock :Wen the Board recessed until 1:15 when they again resumed with ail members present. C. Coeper, and L. B. Stiner representing theLincoln Telephone Company appeared before the eoard and matters pertaining to setting telegraph poles along the public highways were discussed. 1,10 action taken by the board, motion by Gartner, second by eihitesel that we appropriate 4300,00 from the Road Dragging eUnd to Hanover Township., for the purpose of repairing a road Detween sections 29 and 30 in said Hanover Township, on condition that Hanover Townsnip expend $500.00 toward the repair and improvement of the road at this acesaid improvements to consist of a culvert and of grading the highway at this point. Roll call, ayes, Gartner, and Whitesel. Mayes, Furry, Hargleroaci, Keal, Rain forth and ectrensen, motion lost. 383 report. J. do not think there is enough fall as shown on ?rofile, which is ereto attaclad and made a part of this C. jitistmell County Surveyor of Adana County motion by Whitesel, second by Rainforth that the following Resolution be adopted: Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Resolution follows: Whereas, on the 24th d ay of February, 1925 a petition was filed, signed by W. R. Snyder and Frank H, Bohlke the object and prayer of which is to drain the following described lands, to -wit; sections 10 and 11, Township 7, North of Range 12, in said county, and Sections 33 and 34, Township 8, North of Range 12, in Adams County, Nebraska and Whereas, the County Board of Adams County at their next meeting after the filing of said petition did proceed to view said described lands, and did take with them a competent surveyor with a view to determining by actual view of the premises along and in the vicinity thereof whether such drainage proposition was necessary or conducive -to public health, convenience, or well fare, and, after actual view on the 5th day o march, 1925, of the premises by b. B. Sorensen, W. B. Hargleroad, William Keal, Pete Gartner, w. 0, Villitesel, John H. Furry, and T. R. Rainforth , the duly qualified and acting members of the County Board of Adams County, Nebraska; said Board finds as follows , to -wit; That the improvement is not necessary nor will it be conducive to public health, convenience or well fare and that the drainage proposition set forth in the petition is not practicable or feasible, and that the prayer 0! said petition be denied, At 5 o'clock M. the Board recessed until Tuesday April 7th, 1925 at 9 oc1ock A. M. Tuesday April 7th, 1925 9 0' clock A. M, Board assembled as per recess, roll call, all members were present, motan by Furry, second by Hargleroad, that we allow Alex Ray a Blind Pension of §120,00 -er year payable yqarteriy. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Furry that we order from the Highway maintainer tJompan y of Havelock, Nebr. , one is. 0, High Ball if 3, Wheel scraper at an agreed price of #101.50 F. 0. 13, Holstein, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried, motion by Keal, second by Whitesei, that we order a 12 foot Adams Road King Grader for use in District # 4, at an agreed price of 41715.00 F, 0, i, Hastings. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried, iiotion by Hargleroad, second by aeal, that the Financial Report of the Adams County ram Committee be accepted and ordered placed on record. Roll cail,all voted aye. motion carried. Report of -the committee on the Adams County Farm for the year commencing March 1st, 1924 and ending February 28th, 1925. Resources, Invoice of personal property, taken march 16th, 1925, 0506, 00 Sale of Cream & Eggs, for year Sale 0! Hogs & Cattle " bale o f Grain & Potatoes " " Invoice of personal property, o. H. Land Matt T r au Bch J. G. Cole snyder Bros J. C. Penney Stein Bros. salary Corn sheiling Th re shing Threshing Uo Clothing Clothing Receipts, 30,0O 2730,17 259.19 Total sale Total Sales & Invoice for year Liabilities taken march 1st, 1924 Wolbach & Brach ulothing Rippet eau Wall Paper co Suppli es Dr. Smith medical se rvic e Dr. Hall medical service B. C. Clayton Stailion service Y. C. Hagemann Wind Mill o. Halts Repairing well Rutherford Bros Plumbing H. L. Sergeant Plastering L. Oauvereau tire extinguisher i. C.Hagemann Repairs on house McGrath Hdw, Co Hardware supplies LawsonHdw. Co Hardware supplies E. L. Hanson Corn Eichen Bros Theo. Hoffman John David Farmers Union C. H. Land Barley Oats Rye Tankage Cash paid Freight on ice cane seed • Expenditures 4'2000. 00 24,15 115.06 16.00 52. 22 16.60 10. 51 9.70 5,00 5.00 10,00 6630 6.55 6.00 12.00 31,00 172.13 97,20 11.96 200. 75 31.25 5s•00 3. 6o 27. 50 20.55 1 5.8o 3 0 6 9. 4 6 U1575.46 5i26. 20 $11575.46 3S5 Davis & On Repairing harness Supplies 44.05 E. F. Gangwisch blacksmithing 69.60 L. D. Laird & Co Groceries 269, 58 Ee, I. VanPatten Groceries 487.89 b. F. Carl ft 133.07 W. B. Hargleroad Jr Machinery 100.50 Brinkoma & Pope Twine & Repairs 62.65 Western Land Roller Co Evener 11.75 Juni ata Lumber 60 Co al & supplies 206.20 Juniata Grain Co Coal 57, 40 Ros eland Grain & Sp. Co Coal 31.15 $4830.40 Total Expenditures $4830,40 x.0656, 60 x.0656.60 Surplus for year 918.86 Respectfully submitted, W B Harel sro ad PeHt Gartner W. C. Whitesel Poor Farm Committee motion by Hargleroad, second by neat, that we order built one flat top Concrete bridge, 22 foot water- way, aterway, 22 foot roadway, 8 foot wings, between section 4 Blaine and section 33 i+'vest Blue. Also one Arch Concrete Bridge, 32 foot waterway, 22 foot roadway, 8 foot wings, between section 11 and 12, highland Township. Roll call , all voted aye. motion carried. motion by Keal, second by Rainforth, that we order built .a 1 span wooden bridge, steel capped, 32 foot waterway, 16 foot froadway, between sections 20 and 21, Juniata Township, Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried, motion by Gartner, second by curry, that we order built one cement bridge between sections 23 and 24, Verona Township, 14 foot waterway, 22 foot roadway, 8 foot wings and 6 feet high. Holl call , allvoted aye. Motion carried, motion by Gartner, second by Furry, that we order built one wooden bridge, steel capps, 32 foot water- way, 16 foot roadway, between sections 24 and 25, Juniata :Township. Roll call , all voted aye. motion carried, motion by Hargleroad, second by Furry, that we order built one slat top cement bridge, 22 foot water- way, 22 foot roadway, 8 foot wings, between sections 19 and 20, Wanda Township. Roll call, ayes, curry, Hargleroad, Keal, Rainforth, Sorenson and Whitesel. Nayes', Gartner, motion carried. yt 12 o'clock Noon the hoard recessed until 1:15 when it again resumed with all members present. The petition of F. H. Woodworth and others asking that a concrete spillway be built, between section 4 Zero Township and section 33, Ayr Township anu as more particularly described in said petition, be not grant- ed. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. motion by Gartner, second by Rainforth, that we order built 1-16 foot roadway, 15 ton wood bridge, 6 panel, 32 foot waterway, between sections 31 and 32, Hanover Township. Roll call, ayes, curry, Gartner, Hargleroad, Rainforth, Sorensen and whitesel. Nayes, Keal, motion carried. motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel, that we order built 1-20 foot waterway, 16 foot roadway, wood bridge between sections 17 and 20 Little Blue Township;. Roll call, ayes, Furry, Gartner, Rainforth, Sorensen, and Vihitesel, Nayes Hargleroad and Keal. motion carried. Motion by Keel, second by Gartner, that we order built one 16 foot waterway, 16 foot roadway, wooden bridge between sections 3 and 4, Little tslue 'Township. Roll call ayes, Furry, Gartner, iargleroad, meal and Whitesel. Nay es, Rain forth and Sorensen. Motion carried. motion by curry, second by Hargloroad, that we order built one 20 foot Waterway, 16 foot roadway wooden bridge, between section 8 and 9, Denver Township. Roll call, ayes, Furry, Gartner, Hargleroad, Keel and ' Whitesel. Nayes , Rain forth and Sorensen. too tion carried, motion by Hargleroad, second by Whitesel, that we order built one 6 x 8 concrete box culvert 40 feet ]gong, on County Road ; 11, between sectio re 13 and 24, Logan Township. Roll call ayes, Furry, Gartner, Hargleroad, Keal, Sorensen and Whitesel. Mayes.. Rain forth, motion carried, r otion by Hargleroad, second by furry, that we purchase of the stati and bridge Co, , one car load bridge lumber at an agreed price of $35,00 per 17., r. 0. B. , Pauline, Nebr. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. Motion by Keal, second by Hargleroad, that upon the reccornendation of the entire board, acting as an Auditing Committee the following cia:ens be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Clairls follow: GENERAL FUND Adams Co, Farm Bureau Postage & envelopes 26, 92 brandes E, A, Storage 6.00 Burroughs Adding mach Co. Ribbon 1,00 Hutton L. N. Makin; Transfers 50.00 Cannon' T. N. Drugs 10.50 Carl B. F. Groceries, 'Co, Farm 5.50 Carl ts. F. Groceries, 'Co, Farm 58.50 ,'..11 1 do fin 3S7 Democrat Printing Go Extension Service Fischer Fisk Oil Co Furry Gangwis ch Gartner uaudreault Mere, Co. Gaudreau]. t mere. 01, ueorge H agerrnann Haste Hargleroad harm Raskin Hal comb, Mfg. Go. Johnson oil Co Johnston K -B Printing Co Keel Keith Keith Klapp Printing Co Latsch twos, Lawson ndw. Co. Lincoln Tl. & Tel. C Lincoln Tel. et Tel. Manhattan Oil Co McCoy McG rath H dw. Co McGrath Hdw. Co Proffitt Queen City Laundry C Rain forth Renner & Serf Rutherford Bros. School Dist. # 18 Schultz Schultz Sigel Cafe Simms Sorensen Steele Stewart University Publ, Co, Wahlquist Bros, Whitesel Viidmaier William Photot Co. Woodworth G. S. J. H Elmer F. P. H. A. i. A. J. Ed. 1`. C. Geo W. B. Geo R. W. J. 0. J . P. Lee W. Wm. W. W. etal VJ. W, e t al G. K. o. Co W. A. J. H. e • H. harry 0 DD T. R. martha H, Martha etal B. M. 5.1. W. H. Walter G. • Bo sard !rank Christenson Hans Essinger Garage & Oil Co J ohnson Kitts Kitts Kitts Kitts Kitts Lid -State Const. Co, McGrath hdw, Co. Peterson Schmidt bl ini ng Smith Valent ins VanMeter Wo odwo rth Woodworth Wright Anderson Balks, Bitner :burr Burr Burroughs Buskirk Zubrod Hemberge r Christensen Doty Dy cus Felzinee Fricke ova4 ..vs, Harm Frank H. Frank ti Frank H Frank H. Frank 1-1. J. H` Frank Harry henry Dick Herman J . J. ie. H. Ray W. W. etal E. Ray R. W. D. N. Walter to Wal to r 1�1. h. B. etal C. L. Frank Leo tians 0. M. Wm. C. R. A. John H, T n'fn v v GENERAL FUND CONT. stamp Suppli es Mileage for Mothers Pension Gas & Oil Supervisors services & mileage Supplies , Co, Farm Supervisors services t mileage Office supplies Office supplies Assessing, 2 days, Ayr Twp, Services Repairs, Go. Farm Supervisors servic es t mil eage Jail expense, etc. Repairs supplies, Court douse Gas & Oil bervic es Court repo rte /- Supplies , Supplies, Go, Supt, Supervisors', services & mileage Witnesses insanity case Wittnesses, insanity case Supplies, uo, Assessor supplies, Go, Supt, Keys Toll call s , Farm Bureau Toll calls, Court House Gas & oil Supplies, uo. Yarm Suppli es Cord mileage ec postage Laundry, iourt House Supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Court House Supplies Use of Junior & Senior High mileage & office supplies Correction 8th Grade Exam. papers meals for jurors Supplies , Go. Supt. Supervisors services & mileage Insur encs premiums He pairs Supplies Supplies, Court House supervisors' services & mileage Attendance officer Pictures, Go. Attey, Mileage for; mothers pension BRIDGE FUND Labor Labor Supplies Labor Labor anbti;dge Labor on .bridge Labor on birdge Work on bridge Work on bridge Concrete pipe Supplies Labor Labor Repairing bridge Ailing in bridge Tilling in bridge Hauling bridge plank Labor Repairing bridge ktepairing bridge ROAD DRAGGING .FUND Supt. Little Blue Supt, Ke nes am Supt. West Blue Supt. Verona Road dragging Dragging Township Supt. Juniata Dragging TOtnship Dragging Township Services Supt. High1:and Twp Supt. Ayr Township Land for road plrposes Supt, Denver Twp, roads roads roads 'Pum 31..5'a 4.82 6.80 15.56 60, 90 2.25 4.5o 34,87 3.51 10.00 11.95 17.30 124. 66 410.92 1. 25 3.29 26.95 20,00 12.64 69.70 47.00 15.00 195. 20 2,59 1.50 5.50 23.75 2,31 60,00 5.40 1.95 21.90 6,04 27.80 314.25 1.40 20, 00 55.9 9 78.80 49,25 1.95 79.00 64.32 2i.38 19.62 19.00 63.80 3.50 7.50 2.40 30,00 60.00 10, 70 48, 50 127.40 83.00 239.40 99.80 88.00 48.00 27.18 31.75 3,00 14.75 9.25 36,35 1 2. 00 3 ti. 00 3.00 3.50 32,00 21, 25 30,07 83.87 32.44 7.00 26.49 5,25 4,50 2,50 9,76 58.69 40, 00 26,50 ,o,e 3S9 Oliver Lbr. Co Smidt Bachman Brooke & Son Brown Uarl Carl Ourri er- Park Co al Co Elite Grocery Evans Hastings ituel Co Kenesaw mere. Co. Mikkelsen urug Go Mikkelsen Drug Co Mikkelsen Drug Co Nebr. Sanitarium Simms Sunnyside Van? att en Volland 1%e eler Coal Co Whisinand Yost Lumber Co Booker Boulton Brand es Dept, f Public Fi elder France anwi8 ch Hastings Equity Hastings Equity Johnson Oil Co Lawsontidw, Co, Lo rent z Sullivan bullivan Manhattan Oil Co Millard Miller Bros. McGrath Hdw. CO. mcGrath fidw. Co, Nebr. Battery & Tire Nebr. Battery & Tire Nolan Osborn Oil Co Paul ey Lbr. Co Rabou rn Roeder Smith Machinery Co Stevens Sullivan bullivan Woods Andy 1.orence Drugs J. W. B. F. r. Groceries Owen R. L. Harry etal E. A. Works George . E. Elmer F. Lir Bin Mfg. Co Gr Bin Mfg, Co J. P. U. K, Robert nershel Jesse i. F, Gas, storage, etc. J. H. J. 11. Co Co Daniel U. 0. ri e nry E. W. ne rsh el JOSSe j oe etal Advance-Rumely Thresher Co Advance-Rumely Thresher Co Smidt Andy etal Brehm Machine Co Brehm Machine Co cannon Uhicago Lumber Co Chritensen Hans Clark J. A, Department of Public works Dusatko Joe Easter J oh n Erthum Essinger Garage & Oil Co Essinger Gairage & Oil Co Asher Glendon iicke Edwin Furry J. H. Huxtable Edgar Fricke J. H. Meyer Will H. Coffey .john McWhirter Ben Gilchrist H. Mathews G. F. Criswell Art McWhirter C. W. T. N. • • • ROAD DRAGGING VUNp CUNT. Stake s Supt, Hanover Twp POOR AID FUND Services Drugs Pro fdssional services Groceries uroceries Co al Groceries Groceries Co al Groceries Drugs Drugs Drugs Services Drugs Services Groceries services Uoal Groceries Uoal STATE HIGHWAY FUND Labor on Machine shed bnow shoveling btorage & repairs Repairs & supplies Labor on machine shed Labor on machine shed Repairs supplies buppli es LT as 8.1 011 Supplies Labor Work on shed Work on shed Lies & Oil b3. acksmithing Supplies suppli es Tubing Supplies work a machine shed Gas & Oil Lumber for machine shed work on machine shed Rent on building buppliesi grader numbing Work on machine shed Work on machine shed Team work COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Repairs Repairs now shoveling Repairs Repairs motor ether Material for shed Dragging uo. roads supplies. Supplies repairs rifling in road Work on tractor Work on tracot Supplies Gas Overhauling tractor Opening road supervising Co, roads Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co, Dragging Co. Dragging O. Dragging Co, Dragging Co. roads roads roads roads roads roads roads roads ro ads 8.40 41.97 14.00 2,3.5 3.75 15.00 15,00 34,50 69.68 16, 21 47,50 18.75 20,80 13.90 -5.65 100.00 6.40 58,00 19,67 50, 00 44.75 7.61 4.75 15.05 2.80 9.92 456,48 11.55 64.35 8.75 16, 50 487.96 36.00 7.50 7,00 19. 60 46.20 57.66 12,00 3.3.83 60. 20 .73 .80 10.15 9,45 29.30 1020.75 14.35 8.00 1.80 217.30 2o.00 2,00 69.40 236, 22 2,99 6,60 3,50 13.43 . 50 347.55 9,00 3,45 101,21 36,75 36,00 54,00 12,10 4t,50 26. 95 8.10 mil cage 12,10 4.50 2.25 5.25 6.00 9.75 26, 25 3, 00 11.25 11.25 le 391 Val entine Cl assen Gart ne r Hansen H age mann Onno Dick P, H. Peter F. C. Hargl ero ad Maggie Hastings Equity Gr Bin Mfg Co Hastings Mechanical works Heeren Hi el en Johnson Johnson Oil Co Ki star & Sons Ki star Garage Lawson Hdw, Co. Mains Main ey Manhattan Oil Co Millard McCoy McGrath kidw. . Co McGrath kidw. Co, Nebr. Battery & Ti re Co Nissen Novak Shaw Si ebk e smith Machinery co smith machinery Go smith Machinery Co smith machinery Co Smith machinery Go St ok es United El ectir c Service Wailes Whitesel Whi te s burl ing Anderson Finnigsmier Witt Max field Rankin uurrier Weber Wilcox Kent Taute Osler Baugh Pratt Pratt Woods Zellmer Ed Wm Harm S. P. Geo C. K. John Fe J. Gas b, F. 4. H. .3' .H. J . H. e tai. Christ Jx J e J ohn Leon A. E. JeSS0 Ira IN. C. Chas August A. M. • George V. F. John ra T. J. Ray Edwin R, Ifred Al J. R, E. D. E. L. G. W. Lynn Y. R. STATE HIGHWAY FUND CONT, ,d4-4,1444:golarre4Azok- Dragging Co. roads 3.00 Dragging Co. roads 4.50 Supervising Co, roads & mileage 97.60 Labor 50, 80 Part payment on machine stied at no? stein 500.00 Rent on buil ding 8.00 bup pl i es , machine shed 324.33 Supplies 5.50 Labor 2, 40 Contract on machine shed 192,00 now shoveling 1. 40 Gas & Oil 6.65 Repairs 1, 00 Repairs 25,85 supplies 6.10 Labor 50,40 VVo rk on machine sned Gas & Oil Blaeksmithing 13.60 1,40 18.00 Repairs 3.70 Supplies 2.4,20 Supplies 98.05 supplies 35729:185005 s Dragging co, raods Filling in road Repairing tram tr 15,40 tiork on tractor 12.25 Repairs for tractor 8 6. 58 Repairs for tractor 321.49 Repairs for tractor .75 Repairs 18,80 Repairslb for tractor & .b or 160,07 work on macnine sled & Tractor 68.00 Repairs 5.70 60. 00 i„Lltooborr 60, 00 supervising & mileage 46,40 shoveling snow 7,20 shoveling snow 7.87 Dragging Go. raads 23,24 Dragging Go, roads 32.25 Dragging Go, roads 1.85 Shoveling snow 2.40 Dragging Go. roads 10.50 Dragging do. roads 2.25 Shoveling snow 7.20 Dragging Go. roads 13.50 Dragging uo. roads 5.62 DraggingCo. raods 3.00 Dragging Go. ro ads 6.00 Dragging Co. road 18.75 Dragging Go, roads 9.00 Snow shoveling 1.80 Labor on tractor 41, 60 Labor on bridge 7.00 motion by Keal , second by Whitesel, that we atppropriate 1000,00§for team work in supervisors District # 3. Roll call, ayes tie al and Whit es el. Mayes rurry, uartner, nargleroad, Hain forth and so rens en. motion lost, tion by Rain fo rth , sec onct by K.eal that this 13oard now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, May 5th, 1925, at 9 clock A, M. Dm) tion carried. CounW Clerk, Deputy Court ul erk. 393 Court House Hastings, Nebr, Tuesday may 5th, 1 925 9 wcloci A. M. Board met in regular session as per adjournment of April 7th, 1925, S, 13, Sorensen, Chairman presided, Roll call, all members were present as followe; Furry, Gartner, Hargleroad,Keal, Rainforth Sorensen and Vthitesel, The minutes of the last regular meeting were read nad approved, motion by Whiting, second by kurry, that we caange the specifications of a bridge ordered built between sections 19 and 20, Wanda Township from 8 foot wing ordered, to 12 foot wing. Roll cell , all voted aye, motioncarried, motion by Gartner, second by Rainforth that we change the specifications or a bridge ordered built between sectione 31 and 32, Hanover Township, from 6-32 foot spans to 10.32 foot spans, All voted aye. motion carried, motion by nary, second by Vihitesel, tnat we change the specifications of a bridge ordered built between sections 8 and 9, Denver Township, from a 20 foot waterway to a 32 foot waterway. Roll call, ayes, Furry, Gartner, Rain forth, Sorensen and V1iitesei.. Nayes, Hargis roaci, and zeal, motion carried, Motion by Rainforth, second by Gartner, that we rescind the action had and done by this Board on the 7th day et April 1925, and thich appears in supervisors Record # 11, at page 3135, thereof, In that an order was made for a' new bridge to be built between sections 20 and 21, Juniata Township, and that no bridge be built at this place, Motion carried, Motion by tiargleroad, second by Gartner, that we order a renewal of the compensation insurance policy with the General Casualty & Surety Co. , o f Detroit, Mich, for the year 1925, Roll call , all voted aye, Motion carried, motion by Hargleroad, second by Furry, that the Hastings Democrat be designated as the Official paper for publishing legal notices teir the year 1925. Roll call, all voted aye.. Motien carried. motion by Hargleroad, second by Keel, that we comply witn the order o f the County Court inthe matter of a renewal of a mothers Pension for Alice Block and that the Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the sam Roll call, ell voted aye. motion carried, Motion by nargleroad, second oy Rainforth, that the let quarterly report of Lucia Dillenbach, Clerk of the District Court be accepted and ordered placed on file, Motion carried, Motion by Hargleroad, second by Whitesel , that the Official Bond of u, C. Hawthorne, Justice of the Peace, West Blue Township be approved. Motion carried, Motionby Hargleroad, second by Gartner, that the County 0, R, Palmer, $17.78 taxes erroneously paid as shown by County, School District, School Bond, and Hastings city to them on this tax receipt, Roll call, all voted aye, Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to refund to tax receipt #8637 for the year 1920 and that the State , accounts be charged witn the item credited erroneously Motion carried, At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1 P, M, , then they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth, that upon the reccomatidation o f the entire Board acting as an audi-t- ing committee, the following claims be allowed on -their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for tie same, motion carried. Claims follow: Adams County Bai rd Bengtson Burroughs Adding Button Cates Clark Davis Davis & Son Democrat Printing Dericks Dick Co Dillenbach Dill enbach Dillenbach Extension service Fischer Furry Gangwisch Gartner Gaston Music Co Gaudreau]. t Merc Co Glenwood Telephone Hamel Hammond & Stephens Hargleroad Harm Heartwell. Higinbotham Johnson Oil CO Juniata Lumber Co KB Printing co K -B Printing Co Keal Keith Keith Kline ktimn Bureau Dorsey D Ems. M Machine Co LM J. A. A. M. Elliott R. CO Geo. A. A. 13, Ducia Lucia Lucia G. S. J. H. Elmer F. P. H. A. J. CO E. B. CO W, B. Geo. C. A. G. 13, P, Wm W. W, et el W. W. et al r_ p_ GENERAL FUND Office expense & supplies Transcript on Ringer case Auditing uounty Offices Services on machine Hecording deeds & postage Mileage Assessing uity improvements Mileage Supplies, Co. Farm Tax lists, statements etc Key Stencil paper Transcript, Ringer case court costs, month o f march court costs, Month of April Supplies, farm Bureau Mileage investigation, mothers Pensions supervisors services di: mileage supplies, Co, Farm Supervisors services & mileage Typewriter cheat's Supplies, Court House Phone services, co, Farm Services, Board of Health Supplies, uo. bupervisors Services & mileage Jail & office expense Surveying Insurance premium on court house Gas a Oil Supplies, county i'arm Supplies Supplies Supervisors services & mileage witness insanity hearing Witness ineanity hearing Sunnlies. Court House 21.37 452.30 296.69 8.84 16,80 19.40 150.00 65.00 9.50 253.72 ,50 8.26 38.00 234.50 923.80 4.82 3.40 29,00 3.75 52, 40 21.20 5.36 15.00 11.00 4.60 39. 60 344.57 19.50 67.20 18.80 12.90 8,12 .80 41.60 15.00 11.00 1e McDonald Edam M McCleery J, mc ideCa ell and -Dunn Motor Co iiicCl ell and-iiunnidoto r Co McGrath Hdw. Co J, H, McGrathHdw, Co J. H. Fro f Fitt Harry Queen City Model Laundry Rain forth T. R. Lo cal Registrars Renner & Serf :w Rippeteau Wallpaper & Pt Co School District # 18 Schultz Martha H. Shane W. O. Simms B. M. Sorensen S. B. Stewart Walter G Templin W. H. Tracy Ro y Traus ch matt Trenton Emblem Co Turbyfill Joseph M VanPatten u. I, Whitesel w. C. Widmai er Wrn Wo o dwo rth Jennie Baker Byers Lumber Co Essinger Garage Ki sti er Kitts Kitts Kitts Leigh field Mid -State Const, Osier Pavel ka Plantz Roth Bros Silvey Lbr. Co Smidt Traut VanMeter Adams & Co Balke Bitner Burr Burroughs Buskirk iioty tiycus jricke Uer3 o ff Heartwell C, A. Highway Maintainer Co Highway Maintainer Co Hogg2 Jones Ki stl er Lenz Maunder Oliver Lumber Co Paul Roeder Ro oder Smidt Don & Oil Co Mester crank H rraH. sank H, John vo Eugene Wm nerman wail s & bolts J. A. vi ck C, etas v • J. J. D, R, W. D , N, Walter M h , B, C.L. 0. M. Wm.. C. J ohn H limon Brown m. D. Byers LumberGo Cannon Currier -Park Goal Baines Drug Co. Eckhardt Jungerman Fray Hahne Bros Hamel Hastings Fuel Co Juniata LumberCo Nebr. Sanitarium u. F, Aaron W. E, W. eh aries henry Fred G aired G Andy J. W. T, N, Co h. 0, 0, S. E. B. 395 GENERAL FUND OONT, Lots for machine shed Lots for machine shed services on car services on car sprinkler supplies, Go. Farm ro stage Laundry, Court House Supervisors services & mile Reporting births & deaths supplies, Court House supplies, Co. Farm Use o f Senior high Jileage & office expense handwri ting expe rt ease J. 13, 01 Connor Paper, Co. Supt Supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Court House Oil Hanging paper, Co. r Farm Shelled corn, Co, Farm G. A. R. Markers Costs, County Court uroceries, Co, Farm Supervisors services & mileage Investigating application for mothers pensions mileage for meeting mothers Pension committee BRIDGE FUND Laying plank on bridge steel culverts supplies Filling in bridge Final payment on concrete bridge Labor on bridge Part payment on bridge Labor on bridge concrete pipe work on bridge material & labor hauling bridge plank Lumber Work on bridge Work on bridge hauling bridge plank ROAD DRAGGING FUND €*rader Supt., Kenesaw Twp Supt. West Blue Twp Supt. Verona Twp Supt. Silver Lake Twp Supt. Juniata Twp Supt, Hi ghl and Twp Supt. Ayr Twp apt, Denver Twp Supt. Zero Twp surveying scraper scraper Supt. Roseland Twp Assisiting Co, Surveyor Assisting Co, Surveyor Supt, 31 eine Twp Assisting Go. Surveyor St ax es Assisting Co, Surveyor Supt. Wanda Twp Supt. Wanda Twp Supt Hanover Twp POOR AID FUND Prof services Coal I;rugs goal Drugs Gro ceries uroeerie s Prof. Services Groceries Physicians services t;o a3. Coa3. •ervices 40.00 20.00 1.40 7.50 1.50 6.45 4.50 4.32 31.80 56.25 20.25 20.63 10.00 43.15 94.55 1.95 61.80 .85 1.25 12.45 6.75 57.40 62,96 4 7. 60 8130 2.40 1.00 131.13 5.69 6.75 1661.72 84.00 2300.00 3.00 114.00 1.80 10.70 75.05 9.60 101.00 8.95 19.80 7.75 1715.00 111.62 84.62 96..55 87.57 104.83 114,12 95.16 81.98 107.06 106.90 98.50 36.50 75.37 21,00 35.00 68.70 7.00 12.00 7.00 89.84 21.75 50,20 6.50 4,75 11.75 10.50 4.25 202.15 8,00 40,00 4.20 12.75 23.00 22 90 100.00 Adamw County Bachman Dept. o f Public Eigenberg terance Hamerand Johnson Oil Co Kister & Sons Lawson hdw, Co. Lorentz Manhattan Oil C Millard 13. F. M c a ell and -Dunn Motor McGrath Hdw, Co J. H• McGrath hdw. Co J. H. Nebr, Battery & Tire CO Needham Elbert Osborn Oil Co Paul eyLbr. Go Rickerson LSO Ryan Austin Smith Machinery Co Snider G. H. Snider T. J. Snider Thos Staldard oil Co Sullivan Hershel Hugo et al Wo rk s H. H. W. E. Henry J. P. Geo C. K. Robt, Advance-Rumely Thresher Co Advance-Rumel; Thresher Co Baker Ulifford hak er Don Baker Guernsey Bauder G, W. Brooke & Son Chicago Lbr. VA Churchill Geo, Eigenberg !Herman Essinger Garage & Oil Co Essinger Garage & Oil Co Fradier et al Furry J. H. McWhirter Ben Coffey John Mathews 0, W. Robinson 0, 3, McWhirter C. W, Grothause harry Valentine tried Grisswell Arthur Janssen F. E. Meyers Will H. Fricke 3, H, Gaymon G. E. Murdock Arthur Gangwisch islmer F, Stromer Walter Gartner P, H. Weatherwax 1G, P. Eigenberg n. H. Consbruck Jacob Dycus Cl arence Gerloff tie man Classen Anton T Smidt Dick Trauernicht John Moss W. HI Steiner Anton V.entine onno Krueger Paul Herven Edward Woodworth r. H. Weathe rwax E, P. Hagemann 11; C. Harglero a.d W. B. Kistler uhester Nebr. Battery & Tire Co Hastings mechanics/ Works Hoagl and G. C. heuertz August J uniata Lbr, co Kister & Sons ueorge tister Garage Lawson Hdw. Co G. K, Leighfield John 414 I I I A A.' .itiZa,,t;e STATE HIGHWAY FUND Use of County Car Labor matertal & supplies Dragging St, road vvork on machine shed Use ct wagon Gas & Oil Labor on maintainer supplies Use of mixer Gas & Oil placksmithing Repairs Nails, bolts etc Yale lock Supplies Labor on state road Gas & Oil material, machine shed Work on State road oil & Brushes Repairs Bunning mixer Running mixer Use 01' mixer Oil Work on machine shed GMT? HIGHWAY FUND Repairs Repairs Labor on Co, road pilling in on Go, road Labor on Go, road Hauling sand Ether Material operating maintainer ruling iri uo. road Ge.s & Oil Supplies Labor on Go, road supervising Co, roads Dragging Go, roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Go. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Go, roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Go, roads Dragging Go. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging 0o.rods Dragging Co, roads supervising Co. roads Dragging Go. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Go. roads Dragging GO. roads Dragging Go. roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Go. roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co, roads tart payment on machine shed superintending eo. roads Dragging Co, roads supplies Repairs Dragging Go. roads bhoveling snow Repairs & Supplies Blacksmithing Repair work supplies Dragging eo, roads A A41 100.00 5.35 67.20 7.11 31,85 2,50 93.48 9,25 14.80 3.50 106.83 34.75 18.25 10,60 3.50 . 20 269,25 120, 24 115,67 149.50 7.90 .65 13.20 13.20 48.00 111.47 7.00 11, 56 116.04 18.11 19.66 3.33 8.00 1.65 15,60 17.50 2.10 192.17 20, 60 7.75 120.80 12.00 6.00 3.00 13.50 12.00 12.00 18.00 12,00 3.00 6.00 9.75 16.0o 9.00 10.87 120,70 11.25 13.10 6.00 4.50 9,00 7,80 9.00 13.09 20.25 4.50 6.75 7,50 6.75 13.50 9,00 300.00 73.20 17.25 7.75 600 9,60 4,80 28.60 12.75 7.55 9,70 17.80 ec 399 Osborn Oil Co Pavelka Peters Robinson Slits smith Machinery Smith Machinery Smith Machinery bmith Machinery Sprankle Standard Oil Co Standard Oil Co Stewart Stromer Tompkins Service United Electirc Whitesel rinningsmier Weber Maxfield Osler Roeder Currier Baugh Burling Pratt Gangwi sh weber Bobbitt Roeder • wm. Ed O. Sewell U0 Co co co 0. H, Walter G Wm. J. Garage Service W. C. h. M, 'iheo V. F. Al Fred Ira j. R. uhas, K. E. D. M. C. Theo w. B. rred G. Report of =imam, Gengtson, was ordered placed on file, -"-.0.4444XIM . TM, COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND CUNT, uas & Oil Labor & material Dragging Co. roads Dragging co. roads Dragging Co, roads Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs blades Gas & Oil Gas & Oil numbing Dragging Co. roads Repairs Supplies Superintending Go roads & mileage Dragging co. roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co, roade Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging co. roads Dragging co, raads Dragging co, roads Dragging co. roads Dragging co. roads 234.85 13.58 93,60 6.00 6,00 6.19 1.80 124,56 40.39 18,00 176.02 162.56 .85 60.00 1.50 8,00 73.29 15,00 2.62 8.25 14,25 11.62 7.50 18.00 10.50 13.14 12.00 3.00 8.25 4,50 uertiAed Accountant was read and upon motion, by Keel, second by rurry the report motion by Keal, second by Rainlorth that this board now adjourn until rriday June 5th, 1925 at 9 o' k A. M, Motion carried, board adjourned, fi,i1Dah,a,..-- L? county clerk. 2 7-0---- Deputi County clerk. airman o f the 150 ar 401 Court House, Hastings, Nebr. eriday, , June 5th, 1925, 9 o' clock A. Adems County board o f Supervisors met in regular session as per adjournment of May 5th, 1925. o. Eorensen, uhairman presided. Roll cell., all members were present as follows: Furry, Gartner, nargleroad, Rain forth, Sorensen and Whitesel., minutes of the last regular meeting were readase approved. county Judge, Joseph it. Turbyfill filed a statement With the county ulerk showing tees etc. , held in the o ffice o f the County Jdge for more than 10 years to the total amount of 4;345.46 and ask that the board make an order directing the County Judge to turn over these fees to the county Treasurer to be credited to the General Fund. Motion byeesle second by eargleroad, that the county Judge be and is hereby instructed to turn over to the County Treasurer fees etc. , to the amount of 8345.46 as shown by his statement filed with the County ('erk. }Rell call, ell voted aye. motion carried. The following petition from school District 4 was read before the board: Castings, Nebr. ,may 28th, 1925. TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBR. Gentlemen: We the undersigne,d being the Ufficial echool Board or ochool District le 4, Adams County,eebraska hereby request that your honorable body grant permission to levy a special building fund tax of two mills a year, on the assessed valuation 01 said school district # 4 for a period of five yearsor until a sum o f money amounting to $3000,00 has been raisee by taxation, for the purpose of building a new school leeueee, We hereby submit to your honorable Doard the following to show that we have complied with the school laws -of Nebraska made and provided for such pruposes: 1st, that we secured a petition containing more thanonee fourth o f the names of the legsaivoters of said School District # 4, asking that this proposition be submitted to a vote o f the electors o f said District. 2nd, that the prayer of the petition was granted by the School board and that an election for said purpose was ordered held, eue notice of said eiection was given by posting notices thereof for 20 days and atos by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune, third, that said election was duly held at the school house of said District # 4, on the 28th day of may, 1925 and that a majority of theelectors present of said district voted in favor thereof. The result of the vote was as follows. For Twenty votes, again, none, we are there fore asking that the Adams County .r.,oard o f eupervisors order this special need tax o f two mills per year for a period o f five years be ordered spread against the taxable property of School District if 4. We hereby certify that the above proceedings were had and done pursuant to law. SIGNED1._1,13oLLa me Director eh Moderator Louis JeUhr Treasurer Official School ward District ee 4 SLUE OF NEBRASKA) ( so Adams County Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd dayof June, 1925. Jo A. Cates County LI erk. motion by Keal, second by Gartner, that the prayer of the above petition be granted and at the time o f making the levies this special building fund. 1 evy be ordered. Roll call ,all voted aye. motion carried. County Judge, Joseph M, Turbyfill filed the following appointment with the county board: TO THE BORRD 0 F SUPERVISORS 0 F ADA,LiZ COUNT! NEBRASKA. HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Gentlemen: i hereby nominate and request that you appoint tar. E. Danly as substitute eountyJudge for the remainder o f my present term. mr. Danly will accept the appointment and qualify at once, motion by hargleroaa, second by Rain forth that the appointment confirmed. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Most respectfully yours, Joseph th Turbyfill Judge 0 f the county eourt, Adams uoVuety, aebrask. ere e. E Danly as substitute County Judge be Resignation o r 'ole, as Depety Sheriff o f Adams eounty, Nebr., to take e ffecto* the 16th day o f may, 1925 was read before Ithe Board and upon motion by Keal second by _Furry the resignation of e. 'dole as Deputy Sheriff was accepted and the chairman was authorized to sign a release o f his bond . noll call, on the above mo tion all voted aye. The appointment by Sheriff Geo. Harm o f Conrad Barth as Deputy Sheriff effective May 15th, 1 925 at a salary of *100.00 per month was read and upon motion by eargleroad, second by Gartner, the appointment of ytmel rt 104.1et a rim rwmr+ gin or•4 9f Af A rl .nrn nevilin +1r .o neva 4'4 rrniarl Rn1 1 nal 1 n ri+1,1 A A In MI? rnn+ 4 niet 1I v"4 -.Art 403 Motion by Whitesel, second by Furry that the order o f the eounty court in the matter of a renewal of Mothers Pensions for ulara M. Edwards, rearl M. Stafford and Emma Dell Young and also the new order for mothers Pension as granted to Rose A. hula be complied with and the Clerk is hereby instructed to issue warrants for these mothers Pensions, Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. The following Treasurers aiscellaneous Receipts dated from April lst, 1925 to June let, 1925 were react and upon motion by Keal, second by Rainforth were ordered placed on record. Receipts follow. Receipt # 1714 "# 1719 # 1723 ft 1724 # 1725 # 1726 1727 # 1728 # 1729 9 1730 9 1731 9 1732 9 1733 9 1734 9 1735 # 1736 9 1737 9 1738 9 1739 9 1740 ti 10 It if ft r1 '4 '4 It Roseland O tate Bank Prosser State Bank tanners State Bank Hayland Adams county Judge Adams County Judge Adams County Judge bottomley W. B. Hargleroad Exchange National bank Village o f J uniata Auditor Public Accounts H. Land .1. A, Cates E, Bradley i, A, Cates u, H. Land 0 f Ayr Peter Gartner J, W, mcnarry J. A. Cates aredi.t '4 ft 44 *1 4. 41 ti General iund 41 11 If Inheritance 44 4, Tax Furid It 14 State Highway County Highway General eund Light Bond General Fund 4, State Highway General Fund General Fund Light Bond 13r idge ruled County Highway eund General Fund 4,5 120,00 46.50 35,00 3.00 1104.03 33.70 1.50 7.62 104.96 843.20 313.40 85.50 10,00 24.,00 100,00 1493,59 300.00 35.00 5.00 10.00 4676.00 Petition for a 16 foot wooden bridge signed by henry Koepke end others located Oetween section 30, Zero Townahip and section 25, silver Lake Township was read and upon motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel was referred to the Itoad and aridge eommittee. At 12 o'clock 7ioon the eoard recessed until 1:15 P. M, , when they again resumed with all members present, motion by turry, second by Whitesel that we enter into a contract withthe bmith Machinery uo, , for an 8 foot, AustinaWestern Leaning Wheel Grader at an agreed price of 0.040,00, ee 0, 15 Hastings, to be paid for from the Road Dragging eund and for use in Supervisors District # 3. and 2„ Roll call ayes, Furry, Gartner, Hargleroad, Keel, Rain forth and whi tesel. N aye s , bo ren Sen. m0 tion carried. Application of James 14.Flouser and Susie Y, Houser, his wife, and o Mary E. aheely all o f aastings, for admission to the boldiers 8 Sailors Home at Burkett, Nebr. , was read. !lotion by Keel second by latinforth that these applications be granted and that the chairman and Clerk be ina tructed to sign these admission papers. Roll call, all voted aye, aotion carried, motion by Hargleroad, second by Harry that upon the recommendation o f the entire board acting as an auditing committee the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk ins turcted to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye, vitiation carried. claims follow, Adams County FarmBureau Addressograph Co. Alexander Anderson Bitner bowers buffalo Office a Burr Cannon C. B. & Q Ry Co Clark A. M. County Treasurer Crow Davis Davis & Son Deines Drug Co eemocrat Printing uo re, Charlotte E. Ray D. N. Reuben Law Supply uo W. M, T, N, Walter M. Elliott R. Dieter Dill enb tech Durkee scher curry uangwisch Garrison Gartner Gaston Music M, E. Lucia Geo 13 G. S. J. H. Elmer F. John H. 8: Furniture co uaudreau3.t alefc Hager:Ian Hargleroad Hargleroad Harm Harm artinan Ho agl and Huston Johnson Oil Co Co. A. 3. zabeth 14'. C. a. B. W. 1, Jr ueo Geo Ernest n. C. Wm, J. P. GENERAL FUND restage supplies Supplies, Farm Bureau M. Assessing 2nd yard City o f Hastieg s AsSessing Little blue Twp Assessing West blue Twp Assessing 4th Ward, City of Hastings supplies, eo. Supt Assessing Verona Twp Supplies, Co, Farm Rent of ground for storage Assisting Co. Assessor Light, water, gas, tele, Postage Mile age supplies , Co Farm u Moe supplies- �up1ies Assessing Roseland Twp court cost Assessing part 2nd ward City o f Hast sage moth° rs pension he aring supervisors servces, a mileage. bupplies, Co. Farm Assessing Denver Twp Supervisors services& mileage Desk, Sheriff's Office es uround for road purposes supplie s Machine shed eupervisore services (4 mileage lornado policy on machine shed Jail expense, etc, board of state prisoners Assessing let ward City o f Hastings Assessing biaine Twp assessing Ayr Twp uas & Oil etc ings 4.41 6.313 195,00 145.60 125.25 150.00 3.26 206.15 41.35 20.00 230.00 478.58 2,00 65.00 18.35 8.85 51.05 3.83., 20 121,75 190.00 3,40 64.00 7.85 130.00 92.30 105.00 5.50 50.00 411,24 55.00 6.40 275,96 188,25 195,00 90,00 135.25 17. 20 405 Ko rt rist Laird & Go L. D. Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln Tele a Tel Co Iiincoln Tele & Tel Co Lindsay n. C, Lindsay manhattan Matthiesen t Uo Carl R. Maxwell J ohn L Milburn & Scott Co Miller Bros mcClelland-Dunn Motor eo McGrath Hdw. Co J. mcGrath dw. Co J. Nienhueser tred rrof fitt Proffitt tarry Queen City Laundry Rainforth T. 7A. Renner & Serf Hippeteau Wallpaper & Pt Co Ruffle r ford Bros School District # 18 Schultz et al martha H. olataitz martha H, eh annon Dimas be Dor ens en b, B. Seams r " enry Tempi etc n J. L. Tracy Roy Trizable-Hoylmen Ins, Co VanPlatten u. I. wheat Chas Whitosel w. C. Widmaier William Widrnaier Wiemaier Wra Wil son u, W. Wolbach & Brach Woodworth J ennie G 1110 0. Oil Co Austin Ayr Lbr Co Burling burr Byers Lbr Co Chicago Lbr. Co Christenson Hoe? s Clay County Clec County Treas. Einspahr art nor highway Hynes Johnson Ki tts Kitts -Kitts Kitts Kitts t.ort Moehl eeedhern Reichert Roeder Roeder Schlueter Lbr Co emidtLick Smidt Ted Standard tsridge co Trout et al Zogg weslie Ralph Walter M Albert H Yea maintainer GO William Hann brankh Frank h Prank H FrankH Frank H bred ueo e. L. earl u. G. Fred Li An An Balks Bitner eurr Burr eurrough s E. Ray E. Ray R, D. N. Walter M Walter M H. B. Assessig Zero Twp uroceries , Co. Farm eepplies e rti ficatee 0 f Award eupplies, Co. Supt notice of special tax Toll calls, court house toll calls, Farm bureau costs in Supreme Court, Mary Kelley case Costs in supreme Court, Wm Phegley case Gas & Oil bupplies , Co. Farm Assessing Cottonwood Twp buppli , eo, oupt Repairs Repairs Lawn sprinkler supplies , eo. Farm Assessing Wanda Twp Assessing 3rd lard, city 0 f Hastings restage Laundry, Court House eupervisor's services a mileage Supplies, court House eupplies, Co, Farm Repairs Use of school building Le) rreeti ng examination papers Office expense Assessing nighland Twp -Iles, flags supervisors services a mileage Assessing Hanover Twp Assesaing Kenesaw Twp Painting, Go, Farm workmen' s compensation ero ceries Assessing &ogan Twp upervis ors services & mileage baili ff Attendance officer in ves tigation of uothe rs pensions Assessing 4th Ward, City of hosting° 1.01 i e s, Co. Farm mileage, mothers pension heating BRIDGE FUND billing in bridge upp1ies e jilting in bridge n aul ing bridge pinek Lath, culvert Lath, etc tilling in bridge One half cost of bridge on Co, line breight on lumber hauling bridge plank Unloading bridge plank slaetal culverts billing in bridge Labor on birdge Part payment on bridge Labor on bridge Floor on steel bridge Labor on bridge concrete box culvert nauling plank natal ing plank billing in bridge billing in bridge billing in bridge Filling in bridge material Reflooring Co, bridge Unloading bridge plank uar load bridge lumber rutting in culvert, bloorieg bridge ROAD DRAGGING FUND eupt. Little Blue Twp bupt. Little Zlue Twp eupt. Kenesaw Twp Supt West blue Twp eupt. Verona Twp Supt, Verona Twp Supt. Silver Lake Twp 156.46 54.38 43.85 27,14 40.34 1.08 18.05 7,30 48.05 95.80 28.84 6,55 165,75 9.80 3.32 15.95 1.30 7.75 135.25 250, 00 2,00 4.38 65. 60 42.50 13.95 25.35 20.00 34,20 71,21 120,35 1. 60 82, 20 131.00 218.08 16.25 231.81 1.75 115.55 73.60 3.00 1 4, 50 8.30 170.00 16,99 2.40 33.25 20.30 27.00 13.60 95.90 20,95 13.go 73.68 46.88 48.25 20,00 446.40 3.00 2,95 2000.00 626.78 294.47 173.25 1347,60 9,50 26.1 50.00 48.00 47, 40 10.50 12.18 24.15 4,75 504.12 4.50 20.00 124, 97 139.28 80.88 81.26 23,24 109.88 76.12 407 Hershey highway maintainer Hogg L enz Rei chart Reichert Ro ede r Smidt Smith Machine ry Co , s. Co 1•4 rip E. W. Khrl Karl Fred Andy Cannon T. N. Marl b. F. uarl J7e F. Currier -Park Coal Co Eckhardt h. O. Hastings Fuel Co Juniata Lb re Co Kenos aw Mercantile GO Nebr. Sanitarium Nebr, Sanitarium Swanson Swanson Twidale Shoo Bo VanPatten e, I, Leonard A Leonard A Adams County Adams County Adams & Co J. C. Automatia:Nehicl e Tag Co Ay r Lumber Co Blue Hill Pharmacy Jeffers J ohnson Oil Co Johnson Oil Co Lawsonlidw. uo Marl aft an Oil Co miller Br° s Aced. ell and- Bunn Motor Go McGrath lift. Co „ft, ash et al n. G. Osborn Oil Co San ford L. K, Stevens Plumb nag Go Tamer Ed mrs. Anna J. P. J. P. U. K, Chicago Lumber Co uh ri stens en Lariat e nsen Cox et al Dickerson Duncan Essinger Garage Es s inger Garage Essinger arage slurry et al Huxtable meyer Criswell Val entine Coffey txrothau a Furry G angwi soh Eiganberg Reis tamer Krull Dycus Con sbruck Cl as s en Heeren Woodworth Weatherwax Stromer Smidt Gerlo ff Gartner Valentine Krueger Hageman Hansen nargl eroad hans Hans J. L. Y. E. C. S. Oil Co Oil Co Oil Co Wm Edgar h ill H Arta tar tired John Harry J. H, milmer F. h e rm an Wm J-4,enry John ularence ac ob Anton Edward F. H. E. P. Walter Di ck Herman P. Unna Paul 14. C. Peter James C ROAD DRAGGING FUND CONT, ac ksmithing 1 -highball Wheel° r up t. Roseland Twp oupt. Blaine Twp Sn.pt, Cottonwood Twp supt, o tt onwoo d Twp Supt. Wanda Twp Supt. Hanover Twp Grader POOR AID FIND Drugs Groceries txrocories Goal uro ce ri es Goal Go tyro ceri es Services Services Physicians services Physicians services oho es uro ceri es STATE HIGHWAY FUND Desk for highway Uotmissioner Use of Uounty Car repairs bupplies Ether oupplies Gas & Oil Gas & Oil oupplies Gas & Oil Repai re Repairs , grader Supplies, highway (omin Team work Gas & Oil Supplies Pipe Us e of grader COMM HIGHWAY FUND L tunbe r iragging Uo. roads Dragging tic). roads Labor on machine shed Motor ether Nails, wahs ars etc supplies Gas Gas Dragging ‘-o, roade Dragging GO, ro ads Dragging uo, roads Dragging Go. roade Dragging uo. roads Dragging Go, roads Dragging Co. roads Supervising roads 131 acksmitni ng Dragging ao, ro ads .oragging Go. roads Dragging 'o. roads Dragging Ldo, roads Dragging Go. roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Go, roads Dragging Go, roads Dragging Go. roads Dragging Go, roads Dragging GO, roads Draggi ng o, roads Dragging Go. ro ads Supervising Go. roads Dragging L). roads Dragging Go. roads J3alanoe due on machine shed Dragging Go, r cads Dragging vo. roads 19.15 101.50 91.00 90.26 48.62 38.37 /1.86 63.41 1040.00 6.00 15.05 15.00 4. 50 52.70 7.00 6,90 39.43 25.08 100,00 59,00 9.00 3.75 34.17 10.00 50.00 1.43 14,15 41.15 1.50 12.12 1.15 252.77 9.48 35.41 4.75 24,00 4.55 123,00 72,74 1.40 1.80 15.00 39.75 25.88 18.00 151.90 1.95 79.32 80.90 293.82 6.65 46.87 6.75 8.25 6,00 16.00 3.00 15. 75 89.30 11,25 6.00 3,00 3.75 9,01 9,00 20, 25 4. 50 4, 50 9,00 9.00 9.75 10.87 6,75 60.60 11,25 5,25 89.45 8.05 19.20 Felz? nor R. A. Hastings machine Service Co Hastings Machine Service Co Heir, John Hershey S. S. Johnson Oil Co J. P. Juniata Lbr. Co Kister & bons Geo. Lawson indw, Co c, K, Manhattan Oil Co iicGle1land-Dunn Motor Go McCoy w; A, McCulloch..Meisenbach Uil Co McGrath tidw, Co Nebr. Battery & Tire C Needham E L. Osborn OilCo 0 Peterson Charles C Quada Frank Reichart Karl tiei chart Karl "utherford Bros San ford Schlueter Lbr Co Shatto ck Simms Smidt bmi dt Standard Oil Co Standard Oil Co LanMeter VanIeter VanMeter i Jhitesel Roeder Babbitt 0sl or Katzberg Camber Pratt ?annenter Kent Baugh isurling Roeder Anderson Woods Zubrod the the H. K. Seth Dick George Fred heft J. J. SIS', C. Fred G Vi, B. Al F, W,T J T. a E. D. R. A, Edwin R J. R, Chas K Ge o,H Aug Lester D Jake COUNTY HIGHWAY F" TND CONT. Dragging Go, roads Labor to tractor Blacksraithing Dragging Co, roads it ack:maithi ng Gas & oil bupplies ack smithing nivets, bolts, etc Gas & Oil Track Supplies Gas & Oil 1 -Keen Kutter Rep airs Team wo is Gas & Oil buppl i es Dragging co. roads Labor on machine shed Dragging vo; raods Supplies Gas & supplies Material, for machine shed Dragging co. roads Motor ether Dragging co, ro ads Dragging co. roads Gas & Oil Gas 0i1 mauling plank Draggi. ng Co, roads Dragging Co. roads supervising Ga. roads Dragging co, ro ads graggi rig County roads Drelggi ng Goun ty r o ads Dragging co, 'roach Dragging Go, roads Dragging co, roads Dragging County ro?..ds Dragging County roads Dragging County roads Dragging county ro ads Dragging County roads Dragging county roads Gas graying 10,50 11.,50 2.75 1.75 62,80 3.15 8.6o 15,10 1.05 8.60 15.00 27,04 58.80 2.75 5.55 188.75 375.60 20,21 3.75 22,20 30,00 .50 7,25 700.54 48.75 1.50 30,00 30.00 138.67 101.41 16.20 33.75 18.75 81.40 10,12 6.75 6.75 10,50 6.00 9.38 12.36 7.50 12,00 6,00 12.00 5,28 4,37 1.35 A large delegation of farmers and business men of Kenesaw, Wanda, and cottonwood. Townships appeared before Board n,d matters pertaining to the graveling of county Roads # 5 and 6 were discussed, NO action taken by Board, A petition signed by J. F', Ernstmeyer and more than on hundred others was filed in the office of the county clerk and read before the isoard. Said petition asked for the establishment of a County P.ighwey commencing on the Adams -Hall County line, between sections 4 and 5, verona Township, thence south 8 miles to intersect with the D. L. D, Highway. Said petition was held over for further consideration. Motii.on by &erg. , second by Rainforth that this board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday July 7th, 1925, at 9 o' clock A, M, Motion carried, Wheroupon the Adoard adjourned, Deputy county clerk. Ch Fe rman of the board 411 ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETING Tuesday, June 9th.1925, 10 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors, together with the County Assessor and County Clerk, assembled as a Board of Equalization. S.B. Sorensen, Chairman presiding. Roll call, there were present, Furry, Gartner, Hargleroad, Keal, Rainforth, Sorensen & Whitese, Supervisors and Harry Proffitt, County Assessor and J. A. Cates, County Clerk. This being a meeting provided for by Statute. The following complaints were filed with the County Clerk; Improvements on lots 7-8 and 9 block 10, Moore's Addition Improvements and land SW- - section 31-7-10. Improvements .N* lots 8 and 9, and W 40 ft of N 120 ft, lot 10 and E 60 ft of N 100 ft, lot 10, block 7, College Addition. On land NEi. section 15-6-11. Also on improvements lots 12-13-14 and 15 block 3, Roseland Village. Improvements E 61* ft, lot 12, block 1, Noran's Addition. Improvements N 103 ft lots 3 and 4, block 22, Original Town. Improvements Wi lots 125-126 and 127 Kenesaw Village. At Twelve o'oelock the Board recessed antil One thirty. At 1:30 P.M. the Board reassembled all members of the Board present. The following complaints were filed: Improvements on W 75 ft of lot 7 and $ 20 ft. of 1V 75 ft lot 8, block 5 Haire's addition. On the land Nie SWi and Si !Mei' section 26-6-11. Motion by Keal, second by Rainforth that we equalize the assessed value of the land in section 26-6-11 by making the assessed valuation 413,500.00 per quarter. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Keal second by Rainforth that we equalize the assessed value of the land on ..section 25-6-11 by raising the assessed value of the west half section 25-6-11 from 425,965 to 427,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Complaint by Nels Andersen on NEi section 34-5-12. addition. Complaint made by John Arvanette, improvements N 36* ft, lot 2, Pennfield's Sub. division. At 5 o'clock P.M. the Board recessed until Wednesday June 10th, at 9 o'clock A.M. Wednesday June 10th, 1925 9 A.M. Board reasembled as per recess. All members present except Hargleroad The following complaints were filed with the County Clerk; Improvements, Lot 17 block 11 Deitz addition. Improvements, $ 50ft Lot 11 Renfrew addition. Improvements,W 65 ft Lot 6 Block 13 Moore addtion. Improvements, James Sub. division Lot 12 Haires addition N 25ft Lot 10, 5 40 ft. lot 12 block 2. Improvements, Barrows Sub. of block 7 Haires addition Lot 1 At Noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P.M. Afternoon session, all members present, except Hargleroad. The following complaints were filed with the County Clerk: On lots 7 to 12, block 1, and lots 1 to 6, block 2, and lots 7 to 12, block 3, Dawe's and Foss' Improvements on the E 13* ft lot 10, and W of lot 11, block 2, Wilkin's Addition. At 5 o'clock P.M. the Board recessed until Thursday June llth, 1925 at 9 o'clock A.M. THURSDAY, JUNE llth, 1925 9 o'clock A.M. Board re -continued. All members present. Motion by Rinforth second by Keal that we increase the assessed valuation on improvements Lots 1-6 Block 23, Johnson's Addition, except part deeded to Hunt, from $20,100.00 to 4 30,100.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth that we increase the assessed valuation on improvements the $ 60 ft. N 100 ft, except W 100 ft. thereof, lot 1, Renfrew's Addition from 42,380.00 to 43,380.00 Roll call all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed antil 1:30 P.M. when it again resumed all members present. The following complaints were filled with the County Clerk; Improvements N 22 ft. of W 16 ft. lot 2, and N 2 ft of E 50 ft. lot 2, and N 22 ft. of lot 13, and the South 48 ft. lot 12, Grosse's Addition. 413 Motion by Furry, second by Gartner that the request of Theodore Hoffman for a reduction on the assessed value on SW section 31, town 7, range 10, be not granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Furry, that the Chairman appoint a committee consisting of Supervisors, Kean, Rainforth and Sorensen and County Assessor, Proffitt, and County Clerk Cates to investigate all complaints filed on City of Hastings Real Estate or Personal Property and to report their findings to this Board at the next meeting thereof. Motion carried. Motion by Keal, second by Rainforth that the Supervisor of each district in the County outside of the City of Hastings be instructed to investigate all complaints on Real Estate or Personal property in their district and report their finding to this Board. Motion carried. . The Chairman announced that the Board would now recess until Thursday June 18th, 1925 at 9:30 o'clock A.M. to give these committees time to investiage and report on complaints. THURSDAY June 18th. 1925 9 o'clock A.M. Equalization re -assembled as per recess. Roll call all members were present except Furry. Motion by Keal, second by Hargleroad, that we decrease the assessed valuation on improvements on lots 12-13-14 and 15 block 3, Roseland Village from $700.00 to 4500.00 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Keal, second by Whitesel, that we increase the assessed valuation on improvements on lots 10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17 and 18 block 12, Roseland Village from *200.00 to 4500.00. Roll call, all voted sye. Motion carried. Motion by Keal, second by Hargleroad, that the request of Mary Talksdorf for a reduction on the assessed value on land section 15, town 6, range 11, be not granted. Roll call all voted aye. Motion carried. Formal complaint was made on the assessed valuation on land on west 4 NE- section 4, town 5, range 10 Motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel, that we reduce the assessed valuation on land on the Wi NE section 4, town 5, range 10 from *4,945.00 to *4,500.00 Roll call, ayes, Gartner, Hargleroad, Rainforth, Whitesel Proffitt and Cates, nayes, Keal and Sorensen. Absent Furry. Motion carried. We, your Committee, appointed by the Board to investigate complaints filed on the Assessed valuation of Real Estate situated in the City of Hastings, beg leave to report as follows.; Addition. decreases all voted Decrease r, Increase *400.00 300.00 500.00 1000.00 250.00 300.00 500.00 400.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 500.00 500.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 on 9 9 9 ▪ 9 • 9 9 9 9 9 9 lt Decresses recommended Imps. Lot 12 James, Sub. Div. N. 25ft. lot 10, S 40 ft. lot 12, Elk. 2 Haires Addition. E 61 ft. lot 12, Blk. 1, Norans Addition. Ni lots 8-9 W 40ft. of Ni lot 10, E 60 ft. of NI- lot 10, Elk. 7 College *300.00'' 800.00 " 640.00 " 300.00 " 300.00 " 9 Lot 9 Elk. 2 Johnsons Addition. Lot 10, Elk. 2 Johnsons Addition. Lot 17 Elk. 11 Dietz Addition. Lot 18 Elk. 11 Dietz Addition. N 364 ft. lot 2 Penfoelds Sub. Division. Pt of Elk. 8 Barrows & Musselmans Sub. Lot 1 Barrows Sub.. Elk. 7 Haires N 22 ft. of W 16 ft lot 2, & N 4 of E 50 ft. lot 2 S 48 ft lot 12 & N 22 ft lot 13 Grosses Add. N 50 ft of 5 98 ft, lot 12 Grosses Addition. Lot 11 McCrearys Sub. Div. Lot 12 McCrearys Sub. Div. Lot 1 Barrows Sub Div. Increases Recommended N 52 ft of S 134 ft of E 82 ft Lot 1 Grosses Addition S 82 ft of E 82 ft lot 1 Grosses Addition E 50 ft of S 130 ft lot 1 Grosses Addition Lot 10 McCrearys Sub. Division Lot 7, Blk. 2 Johnsons Add. Motion by Gartner, second by Hargleroad, that the report of the Committee be excepted and the and increases in valuation as reccommended by the Committee be made the order of the Board. Roll aye. Motion carried. call Motion by Proffitt, second by Whitesel, that the request of Bernie Currier for a reduction on his personal tax scheduel on account of alleged over valuation on automobile be not granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Cates, second by Hargleroad, that the following request for reduction on assessed valuation be not granted. Motion carried, Request follow; F.W. Turner, lots 7 to 12, block 1, lots 1 to 6, block 2, lots 7 to 12, block 3, Dawes' & Fosses Addition. L. A. Clark, improvements on 5 50 ft lot 11, Renfrew's Addition. Louisa F. Scudder, E lai ft lot 10, Wi lot 11, block 2, Wilkin's Addition. Angeline Igou, on improvements W 75 ft, of lot 7, and S 20 ft, W 75 ft, lot 8, block 5, Haire's Addition. Henry Adler, lots 3 and 4, Block 5, Sewell's Addition. And Mrs. Anna Knox, improvements W 65 ft, lot 6, block 13, Moore's Addition. Motion by Rinforth, second by Whitesel, that the request for a reduction upon the improvements on N 103 ft, lots 3 and 4, block 22, Original Town be not granted. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Cates, that we decrease the assessed valuation on improvements lots 7-8 and 9, block 10, Moore's Addition from $9000.00 to 0000.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P.M. when they again resumed with all members present except Furry. 415 THURSDAY June 25th, 1925 9 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Equalization reasembled as per recess of June 18th, 1925 Roll Call, there were present, Furry, Gartner, Hargleroad, Rainforth, Sorensen, Whitesel and Cates. Absent Leal and Proffitt. Complaint was filed by T. S. Hampton on improvements, Sie Lot 1 Block 11 Prospect Park Addition. Motion by Rainforth second by Hargleroad that we increase the assessed valuation on improvement on Lot 12 Block 9, Lewis' Sub. of Lewis' Sub. from 1700 to $2000 Roll Call all members present, All voted aye. At Twelve o'oclock Noon the Board recessed antil 1:15 P.M. At which time they resumed with all members present except Keal and Proffitt. Motion by Hargleroad Second by Furry that the following resolution be adopted; Whereas: Adams County Farm lands and Improvements theron are in our opinion assessed too high as compared with the same class of property in the surrounding Counties of Clay, Hall, Kearney and Webster, and WHEREAS: While the year 1925 is not a year of general revaluation and that the instructions from the State Tax Commissioner were not to lower the land values any for the year 1925, yet we feel that the State Board of Equalization should take some action and get Adams County lined up better with the surrounding Counties, Therefore be it resolved, that itis the sense of this Board that we ask the State Board of Equalization to lower the val- uation on our Farm lands at least 10% for the year 1925 and that the County Clerk be instructed to mail a copy of this resolution to the Secretary of the State Board of Equalization. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Carried. Motion by Furry Second by Whitesel that the assessed valuations for Adams County for the year 1925, as returned by the Precinct Assessors and as corrected and approved by the County Assessor and as equalized by the Board of Equalization, stand as the valuations upon which to levy the taxes for the year 1925 and that the County Clerk be instructed to use these valuations in the extension of taxes. The County Clerk is hereby authorized to correct any clerical errors that may be found in these valuations and to make additions of any property that may have been omitted from the assessment rolls for the year. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried Motion by Gartner Second by Whitesel that this Board of Equalization now recess subject to the call of the County Clerk, Motion Carried. 417 Court House, Hastings Nebr, Wednesday August 6th, 1925 10 o'Clock The Adams County Board of Equalization meet as per call of the County Clerk for the purpose of completing the work of the Board and for making the levies for the year 1925. S.B. Sorensen, Chairman presiding there were present Furry, Gartner, Keal, Rainforth, Sorensen, Whitesel, County Assessor Proffitt and County Clerk Cates, absent Hargleroad. Motion by Keal Second by Furry the following levy for County purposes, for the Year 1925 be made as follows to wit: Roll call, All voted aye, Motion carried. General Fund .93 Mill Bridge Fund .72 II Soldiers & Sailors Relief .02 a County Fair Fund .04 a Mothers Pension Fund .06 -.. Poor Aid Fund .18 a Total 1.95 Motion by Gartner Second by Whitesel That -the following : -levies for Townships and School Districts for the year 1925, upon the valuation of aaid Townships and School Districts be made, as shown by the certificate filed with the County Clerk, by the proper authorities of said Townships and School Districts, asking for moneys to be raised by taxation for said townships and School Districts, as follows to wit: Roll call, All voted aye, Motion carried. Levies follow SCHOOL DISTRICTS Dist. No. Gen. M. Bond F.H.S. Spec.Bldg. T. Dist.No. Gen. M. Bond F.H.B. Spec. Bldg. T. 1 7.7 7.7 41 1.3 1.4 2.7 2 .9 1.4 2.3 42 6.3 6.3 3 7. 1.5 8.5 43 3. 1.4 4.4 4 3.4 1.4 2. 6.8 44 2.2 1.4 3.6 5 3.1 1.4 4.5 45 1.5 1.4 2.9 6 .1 1.4 1.5 46 1.4 1.4 7 1.8 1.4 3.2 47 1.5 1.4 2.9 8 7. 2.5 .7 10.2 48 4.7 1.4 6.1 9 1.2 1.4 2.6 49 2.8 1.4 4.2 10 2.8 1.4 4.2 50 2.3 1.4 3.7 11 7. 7. 51 2. 1.4 3.4 12 1.2 1.4 2.6 52 2.4 1.4 3.8 13 2.9 1.4 4.3 53 8. 8. 14 2.4 1.4 3.8 54 3.4 1.4 1.8 6.6 15 1.7 1.4 3.1 55 2.3 1.4 3.7 16 .8 1.4 2.2 56 2.1 1.4 3.5 17 1.5 1.4 2.9 57_ 1. 1.4 2.4 18 12.5 2.5 15. 60 2.4 1.4 3.8 19 1.7 1.4 3.1 61 3.7 1.4 5.1 20 2.6 1.4 4. 62 3.2 2. 1.4 6.6 21 3.8 1.4 5.2 63 2.7 1.4 4.1 22 3.1 1.4 4.5 64 1.4 1.4 23 3.2 1.4 4.6 65 1.6 1.4 3. 24 2.2 1.4 3.6 66 2. 1.4 3.4 25 3. 1.4 4.4 67 7.5 1.4 8.9 26 1.6 1.4 3. 68 3.7 1.4 5.1 27 3.3 1.4 4.7 69 1.3 1.4 2.7 28 1.7 1.4 3.1 70 2. 1.4 3.4 29 3.3 .7 4. 71 2.2 1.4 3.6 30 .8 1.4 2.2 72 1.9 1.4 3.3 31 2.2 1.4 3.6 73 4. 1.4 5.4 32 1.6 1.4 3, 74 1.5 1.4 2.9 33 2.4 1.4 2, 5.8 75 2.6 1.4 4. 34 1.1 1.4 2.5 76 2.6 1.4 4. 35 2.4 1.4 3.8 78 2.2 1.4 3.6 36 3.5 1.4 4.9 86 4.6 1.4 6. 37 1.5 1.4 2.9 6i. 9.3 7. 10. 38 4.4 1.4 5.8 101 Levy made by Clay County. 39 3.3 1.4 4.7 40 3.5 1.4 4.9 West Blue Highland Verona Kenesaw Wanda Juniata Denver Blaine All purposes Mt* 11 0! *0 1 Et It .9 .8 1.1 1.3 .9 1. .5 .6 TOWNSHIPS Hanover All purposes .8 Ayr Et " 1. Roseland ,, a .6 Cottonwood " " 2.. Logan a " 2.2 Silver Lake n n 1.8 Zero a 1.3 Little Blue a .. .8 Motion by Rainforth Second by Keal that the following levies for City and Villiage purposes be made on the assessed valuation of Cities and Villiages in Adarns County, Nebr. for the year 1925, as shown by cer- tificates filed with the County Clerk by the Clerks of said Cities and Villiages, asking for moneys to be raised for City and Villiage purposes as follows to Wit: All voted aye. Motion carried. Hastings Juniata Kenesaw Ayr All purposes 11 10V 9.3 14. 10. 13. CITIES & VILLAGES Roseland All purposes Holstein 11 Prosser Trumbull ft 6.5 8.9 3. 7.6 7-7 419 1 Board of Equalization Continued Motion by Furry Second by Rainforth that the County Clerk be instructed to spread the Tax for the year 1925 upon the assessed valuations, as shown by the sehedules on file and by the realestate assessment books and as equalized by the Adams County Board and confirmed by the State Board of Equalizaticn and upon the leVies as adopted by this Board. Roll call, All voted aye, Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel Second by Furry That this Boardnow ajourn Sine Die. Where upon the Board ajourned County Clerk Asn't. Deputy man of the Board 421 7 COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS NEBR. Tuesday July 7th, 1925 9 o' clock A. M. The Adams county Board of Supervisors met in regular session as per adjournment of June 5th, 1925. S. B. Sorensen, chairman presiding. Roll c&L1, ell members were present as follows: Mrry, Gartner, nargleroad, Keel, Rainforth, sorensen and Whitesel. L. A. Kinney Appeared before the Board and asked that the Blind. Pension granted to Alex Ray of 010.00 per month be increased -to 020.00 per month. notion by Hargleroad, second by Keel, that the increase asked for by L. A. Kinney be increased from.010.00 per month to N.6.00 per month. Roll cell, all voted aye, motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Ithitesel, that the following official bonds be approved: P. L.Munson, Justice of the Peace, Silver Lake, Twp. , W. E. Trauscle, Road Overseer, District 3, Roseland Twp, Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by hargleroad that the order f the uounty uourt in the matter of a mothers Pension for Allis Weaver be complied with and that the clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the sane. nal call, ell voted aye. motion carried. The 2nd quarterly report of Geo. Harm, Sheriff and the 2nd quarterly report of J o seph M. Turbyfill, County Judge, the semi-annual eport of the Register f Deeds, and the semi-annual report of the county clerk were read and upon motion by hargleroa,d second by eal, the report were ordered placed on file. motion by Gartner, second by Rain forth, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the following agreement with the Department o f Public Works. Roll oall, ell voted aye. motion carried. Agreement follows: July 7th, 1925. MEMORANDUM 0 B. AGR1.47AENT At a meeting o Adam s noun ty board o f Supervisors and District Engineer , •Lobdell in Hastings July 7, 1925, the following items were discussed and agreed on: •1. In view o f State Engineer Cochran's offer to release §10,063.99 from Budget of State nighway -fund in Adams County for 1925, for county work in 'Western part o f Adams County, the Board agreed to permit patrolmen end men who had furnished services and supplies for maintenance work on state Highways to receive payments same time as previously. Board agreed to pay monthly claims for state Highway maintenance, as approved by Adams County Highway Commissiozz and State District Engineer. It wa.s understood that all claims against State Highway be filed prior to 25th of each month, at which time the Highway Commissioner will make up his monthly report, and forward four signed copies to District Engineer, who will check report and return 3 copies to County Clerk for presenting to .ounty Board at first regular monthly meeting. Me Board will allow claims on ixenerol Fund, the County clerk will sign report and county Treasurer will pay warrants from (Aunty General Fund, County Clerk will forward two copies to Lincoln office where payment will be made from Gasoline Highway fund in one sum for tota amount of the report, payment from State to Adams County Treasurer. This payment from Gas Highway fund is expected to take a week or ten days. 2. That effective at once, the system of maintenance on State Highways be same as system o f Construction on State Highways; that County Highway Commissioner and patrolmen and other activities working under State Depe.rt- ment o f Public Works 3. That ti tle o f patrol ground and patrol shed be in County; That title o f following equipment be in btate. 1 Pord Car 2 Avery Tractors 1 10' Grader 2 maintainers & drags 1 Mowing machine 1 Fordson-Wehr 1 Nash Truck 2 Fresnos, 2 slips ec sznall tools Snow rence ,State to pay oun y '7,427.75 on snow fence) and that title to equipment purchased by btato in future for state highway use be in state Department of Public Wo rk s. 4. :ow work That maintenance be carried on the balance f the yaar in general as planned under 1325 budget. That contemplated at once includes: Purchase gravel truck with dome) body, and several car loads gravel, some patching material, to permit enriching work and rutted pi aces on Highway NO 7. Small shed, to cost about '0300.00 for Juniata patrol. Grading about 1/5 mile long and 1;5 high about 3 miles west 5. That payment by gravel contractor on Projects 77 and 32 for Board BY of Hastings and regravelling new grade manipulation be made to State Highway fund. of -ounty Supervisors o f Adaas County B Sorensen eh ai nn an State Department 0±' Public Works By A T Lobdell District Engineer ORDER day 7th, 1925 The County Treasurer of Adams County is hereby ordered -to transfer $10,063.99 from btato Highway fund to Adams County General fund. Board f County Supervisors f Adans County BY 5 B Sorensen chairman all•MriereNR•4•10* 423 Motion by Hargleroad, second by &eal , that the hairman be authorized to approve of the following Resolution, lifter the City 0 f Hastings has adopted said Resolution. Roll call , all voted aye. The Resolution follows: LIESSIJITT/ ON Whereas, there has been a demand by residents o f Hastings and users o f Otate Highway to change the route of State Highway 41 from Baltimore and B. Streets to Thatcher St. and Hastings Avenue in the city o f Hastings, and Ilereas, this change has been approved by State Highway, Department and J. S. Bureau of Public Roads, subject to furnishing right o f way for large curve at b. E. corner of south Side ?ark, which is property of' city of Hastings. Therefore, Be it Resolved that we the city Council of Hastings, Nebraska, in session July , 1925, do hereby agree to furnish right of way for 2 200' curve at S. E. uorner of South Side Park at Junction of Thatcher Street and Hastings Ave., without cost to uounty, State or Federal Governments, on condition that blade grader work and gravel surfacing be done North to H. Street without cost to the eity of Hastings, and earth excavation and necessary pipes be done by uity, city o f Hastings Attest: City Clerk (SEAL) Attest: County ul erk. (SEAL) Signed Approved Mayor rman of uounty Board Motion by Gartner, second by Rainforth that the county Treasurer be and i s hereby instructed to transfer $10063.99 from the State Highway rand to a new fund to be known as the uounty Gravel rund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. m, when they again resumed with all members present, a:otion by nargleraod, second ly Rainforth that we do not comply with house Rolls Number 216 and 186, being laws passed by the last session of the legislature and becoming effective July 1st, 1925, These laws pertained to the payment o f bounties on pocket gopher, ground squirred, crows, magpie and jackrabbit. These laws left it optional with the county Board whether these bounteis should be paid or not. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. motion by eal, second by iTurry, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to draw warrant for the same. Rollcall, al.lvoted aye, motion carried, claims follow: Ad am s County Farm Bureau Button-, - :Nitata Binderup ndw uo Bo wl es nurroughs Adding iaachinec;o nates 0. A, Grow welter M Davis Elliott R. Democrat Printing GO Dillenbach Lucia Dutton et bons co Furry J. H. Gangwisch Elmer F. Gartner 1.• I. Gaudreault aerc Go A. J. Hargleroad v, B. Harm Geo nas Ungs Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Huck fel dt Ernest Johnson Oil Co J. P. Juniata Lumber Co K -B Printing co Keal Keith WW, et al Kenesaw progress Klopp Printing eo Klopp Printing Co Lincoln Tel & Tel uo Lincoln Tel & Tel Co Madgett Brothers Manhattan Oil Co lae.tthiese & Co Carl R GENERAL FUND Uffice expense Office Expense buppl ies Assisting Go. Surveyor oervices u ffi ce exp ens e Postage & Book cases mil sage oupplies court costs, stazips, ect Awnings Supervisors services & mileage aupplies, Go. ism oupervisors services mileage bupplies, uourt mouse bupervisors services mileage Jail & office expensit Notice 0 f Equalization ids ply run nog, no, yarm uas & Oil bupplies, uo Farm bupplies, uo. bupt. bupervisors services witness insanity he ring Notices o f Equalization Road laws Bounty book loll calls , court House Toll calls, :ram Burueau ?alley on Fixtures & Bldg Gas & Oil Supplies 0 5.50 8.99 1.00 7,00 7.74 46.64 32,00 65.00 254.15 243.55 83.80 36,40 1.45 /6"(4/7 9,54 67, 60 207.94 10.90 5,60 30.00 23,55 5. 95 1. 60 40.00 26.00 19.00 25,20 4.08 26,15 4.45 64.32 25.49 1.50 425 Rain forth T. R. Remington Typewriter Go Renner & Serf Rippeteau Wallpaper & Pt Co Rutherford Bros School District if 18 Schultz Martha H. S. B. Co. waiter G. Dani el Joseph M. Soren sen State Journal Stewart Sunday Turbyfill VanPatten Vogt dice ahl qui s Bros Whitesel Wi dm aier Wm Wilsion Chemical Go Wolbach & Brach World stook Co Q. I. Bloomenkamp henry Borrugh Edd Surt.ing Ralph et al Durr W al t e r M Byers Lumber Co chic ago Lbr Co Dreher rirrne Fricke Gartner urothaue Hagemeyer Holister Juniata Lbr Co Juniata Lbr Co Ki tts .'rank H Kitts . .rank H Mid -State Const. Co RQid-State Const. Co McCle ery Jack Needham D. F. Needham E. L. Osgood Clarence Osgood Earl Pavelka James Prosser Lbr & Coal Co Rider 4. W. Schneider crank et al Silvey Lumber Co J. A. Slining bmi dt i c k VJh eat Ghas sner J. C. Woodworth Woodworth Ray Woods Ray Joe Llerbert et a1 E. A. Walter John harm Earl Balk e tsurr (Atristensen Fricke Gerloff Heartwell Lenz Oliver Lbr C Paul Roeder ami dt H. W. W M. bans John H aimo n G. A. E. W. h e my .'red G Andy Smith Machinery uo Young s Beghtol Beght o3. Eckh ardt Elite Grocery Horsey Edith E ,uniata Lbr Co Ke nes aw Mere Co iaikkelsen Drug Go Nebr. Sanitarium mowers waiter Nowers Dr. W. bimms B. M. Sunnyside VanPatten Q. I. iJr. Japes V Dr, James v n. O. E E. GENERAL FUND CONT, Supervisors services Typewriter Supplies, vourt House Varnish supplies Use of Senior IJigh Uffice Expense supervisors services Legal forms Plumb ing services ounty -ourt costs Groceries, Co. Farm supplies, Go. Supt, Supplies Supervisors services &mileage Bailiff services Supplies, Court House Supplies, Court House Supplies, Co, Supt. BRIDGE FUND Lab or Labolon .ridge filling in bridge hauling bridge plank Lumbar Lumber Labor on bridge Labor Filling in bridge Labor on bridge Labor on bridge Labor Hauling bridge lbr Suppli es Supplies Part payment .on bridge Labor on bridge Concrete pipe vont rete pipe Laboroon bridge Bridge work Bridge 'Ulric uabor on bridge Labor on bridge Labor an bri dge supplies rifling in bridge Labor suppl i s Labor Labor on bridge Filling in bridge Labor Labor Labor Hauling bridge lumber ROAD DRAGGING FUND Supt, Kenesaw Twp Supt. Verona `rwp Sup t. Logan Twp Supt. Denver Twp Supt, zero Twp surveying Supt. Blaine Twp Stakes Assisting 60. curveyor Supt. Wanda Twp Supt. Hanover Twp Dragging blade Assisting o, surveyor POOR AID FUND Services services Grocereis Gro aeries services uoal Groceries Drugs Services services Services Drugs Services Groceries 45,00 107.50 66.00 3.00 25.10 10.00 32.72 65.00 2.47 7.15 3.00 173.66 69.53 3.50 26,75 93.10 3,00 12,75 9.40 3.99 33.40 14.45 116.75 16,00 75.93 31.05 21.50 19.55 9,45 6.00 40.40 10.00 4, 70 196.55 57.00 1400.00 2044.77 27,00 36, 00 20.00 41.75 69.00 15.00 17,40 24,00 31.10 6,00 78,40 27.35 27,00 27,00 36.00 3.50 6.00 3.00 14.40 40.75 10.12 56.29 91.00 116.84 45.10 3 8, 50 6.00 14.00 67,37 43.35 4.00 7.00 8.00 16,50 71.65 7.50 24.00 8.95 21.13 29.40 100.00 64.00 34,00 1.00 130.50 30.52 Adams County Deep Rock Oil Gib, Johns on Oil eo J P Juniata Lumber Co Mine J. P. madgett Bros. Manhattan Oil Co mid -State uonst. Co McG1 ell en diOunn mo tor Co m c Cl ell and-lJunn ;a° tor Go McGrath hdva Co J. H. Nebr, battery ct Tire Co Osborn Uil Co Ryan Austin Smith machinery Go Smith machinery uo Standard Oil Co arp e 6. S. GO UN TY HIGHWAY FUND bl eke h. W. et al uri s swell Arthur tissinger Garage ec Oil co Essinge r Garage et Oil Co fprry J. H. Gro thause harry stulk en tug Huxtable idgar m e ye r Edgar G an gwis ch liamer F Gartner X. H. btromer Vd al t e r Reis M. 6tamer perry Consbruck J ac ob bmidt ck moss W. H. eatherwax L, P; Ge rlo f f nennan Woodworth i. H. Geri° ff he rman Hargl er o ad n. B. Nissen Gh ris t Felzine i,A. Kistler Ugester burr oughs Gilbert Peterson 'rank Hastings mechanical Works Hastings mechanical 'Works Haws W. G. He ye ohn Juniata Lbr Co Kalvode. Kister & Sons Geo Lawson HdVi CO U. K. McCulloch -Mei son bach 011 Go McGrathli dw Co J. H. Nebr. Battery & Tire Co Needham E. H. Nee dh P. W, Osborn Oil Co Pavelk a Reichert Karl Russell Grader Mfg Co. rutherford bro s Sh at uck 51 ining Smidt Smi dt both henry vick Geo Smith Machinery 00 Smith Machinery Co Smith Machinery Co Smi1± Machi ne ry Co Starner henry Standard Oil Co United Electric bervice VanMeter tired Whi te s el n. C. Balke R. W. Finnigsmier n, M. Currier ira Weber T. 3, Gangwish M. C, Roeder ire d G Roeder Geo H. Burling Ghas, K. Osler Al Baugh J. R. Zubrod ak e STATE HIGHWAY FUND Use o f Co. car Gas Gas & Oil Supplies Repairs Pr emium on machine she d Gas & Oil Concrete pipe Repairs Repairs Supplies Supplies Gas ec Oil Sign Repairs Repairs Supplies Mowing weeds ieain wo rk Repairing grader Gas Suppli es Supervising Go, roads & mil sage Tean work Team wo rk Team Work Team work blacksmithing Supervising Co raods mileage Dragging Co. roads Dragging 00. roads Dragging uo. roads Dragging Go. roads Drqgging Co. roads Dragging Go. roads Draggin Go, raods Dragging Co. roads Dragging Go. roads Dragging Go. roads Superintending road work a mil e age Dragging uo. roads Dragging uo. roads Dragging Go roads Dragging Go, roads Dragging Go. roads Repel rs Steering road, etc Ga.s ec 0±3. Laying cul vert Repairs Labor on bri cge blacksmi thi ng Rep at re Gas Repairs Repairs bridge work on Go. r -it L ab or uas & Oil Repairs & supplies Label on Co. roads Repairs Repairs Dragging Co. roads Labor on co, raods Labor on Co. roads Labor on Co. roads Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs Labor on Co. roads Gas & Oil Repairs abor on Co. roads oupe rintendizz road work & mileage Dragging vo. ro ads Dragging uo. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Go, roads Dragging Go, roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. road Dragging Go. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co, roads praying 50.00 11.35 1 asoo 3.90 3).85 80,00 45.28 60.80 3.10 11.40 13.40 2.20 38.71 6.80 9.83 5.80 41.25 2.10 119.50 10.00 325.50 19.30 87.20 18,00 14.62 7.50 6.75 32.75 69.60 9,00 9.00 7.50 13.50 9.37 23,25 3.00 2, 25 2.25 7.60 89.80 6.75 12.75 13.12 9.75 9.75 7.73 2,50 398.00 5.60 20,70 1.75 48.10 2,45 35.70 3.55 1.25 55.50 68.75 287.25 129.40 50.70 42, 25 1,35 28, 50 12 ,00 7.50 7.50 22.44 85.29 20.00 426,85 17.00 88.28 2,25 6, 00 62.50 9,00 15,00 7.50 3,00 12,00 17,25 25.50 13.12 7. 87 1200. .75 429 Motion by Keal , second by Rain forth, that the claim of Peter Pitts onthe General fund for 4 .5.00 be disUlowed. Roll call, all voted aye, iviotion carried. .Lotion by Keal , second by Rainforth that the County 'Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to transfer $5000.00 — from the Bridge Fund to the ueneral fund. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Keel , second by Liartner, that this board now adjourn 6meat again on Tuesday July 14th, 1925 at 9 o'clock A. M. Motion carried. County k. Deputy County Clerk. 431 Court House, Hastings,. Oebr, Tuesday, July 4-1-th, 1925 9 o'clock A. me if Statutory meeting of the board. b. B. bo re ns en , uh -airman presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Furry, nartner, nargleroad, Keal, Rainforth, sorensen and Whitesel. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Lotion by Hargleroad, second by Whitssel, that the chairman be authorized to sign 3 contracts with the U. B. & Q Ry Co. , for road work to be done by the County under the direction of W. F1 'McDowell, Highway Commissioner, on crossings on said Railroads specified in these 3 contracts and -n" at prices specified Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. J. W. James, and homes Frahm appeared before the board end matters pertaining to taking the injured people to ,he hospital were discussed. motion by Hargleroad, second by "cool, that permission be granted the ignerican Legion to close the public Highway on section line between section2 and 3, Denver Township, from duly 19th, to July 26, 1925, on account of the land adjoining being used for a flying circus on these dates. Roll call, ayes, norther, nargleroad, real, Rainforth, borensen and Vnitesel. Di -ayes, eurry, motion carried. At 12 o'clock ,Noon the board recessed until 1:15 P. M. when they again resumed with all members present. Lo lion by reel, second by narr eroad that the following resolution be ad.op Led: WHEREAS, there is a strong demand for graveling county Road # 5 and a part of uounty Road # 6, commencing on the one-helf Section line in the center o f section 34, Kenesaw Township, tele seme being within the corporate limits o f the -village o f Kenesaw, thence running South on bounty head ,t 5, three and one -hal f miles , to the D. L. D. Road, *thence commencing one -hal f mile East on the D. J„ L road at the IA. E. uorner o f oection 22 and N. W. corner of bection23, Wanda Township on County Road 6, thence running bouth an -..;ounty Road y/ 6 three miles across UV, d a TOW 511 p and tkience running outx four miles on county Road # 6, in uottonwood Towndnip to the yin age of Holstein and intersecting with uounty Road 9 9 and WHEREAS, the 'iovenships of Cottonwood and Vanda and the village of Kenesaw h ave represented to this board that they are willing to pay the sum af #2000.00 each on this graveling project, provided the county of Adams will pay the balance of cost, BE IT THEPEFORE RESOLVED, that we order this graveling to be done and that the uounty Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids for a two inch gravel surfacing and the same to be twenty feet wide ;and to let under plan S and specifications to be furnished by the Department of Public Works. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried, notion by Rainforth, second by real , that the entire board acting as a committee visit the uounty Farm on July 16th, 1925 to make arrangements with u. H. Land for renting the County Pam for the year 1926. Roll call, all voted aye. Lotion carried. motion by Keal, second by Gartner, that this board now adjourn to meet again on nednesda.y August 5th, 1925 at 9 o'clook A. M Motion carried. Whereupon the board adjourned. 433 O,ourt House, Hastings Nebr. Wednesday Aug. 4th, 1925. , 9 o' clock A. M. Board met in regular session as per adjournment of July 14th, 1925. s, IS, Sorensen, Chairman presided. Holl call, all members were present except Ihitesel. minutes o f the last regular meeting were read and approved. Appointment by Joseph M. Turbyfill, Judge of the uounty uourt, of Edmund r, ruse as substitute and acting Judge.'of the County Court for the remainder of his term, was read and upon motion by riargleroad, second by Furry, that appointment was confirmed. upon motion by riargieroad, second by Rain forth the ufficial Bond of Edmund P. Nuss as substitute and acting County Judge be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. County 'xreasurers duplicate miscellaneous receipts 4th, 1925 as follows: No. 11 ft tt 11 t1 tt t1 It ft ft tf tt ft W tt 11 tt N fI ft 1t 01 tf ft if a ft 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 ;1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 Auditor Public Accounts Peter Trousch J. A. gates, County ulerk County Judge 4. A. Cates, uounty ul e rk County Judge rrosser state rsank J. A. Cates, County clerk County Judge rirst National bank Nebr. :national bank State Bank 0 f castings J. A. Cates, County Clerk Fisst state Bank riayland John M. Matzen V. H. McDowell. rarmers State bank Ay uitizens state :sank Roseland Pulver & Son Lucia Dillen'oach Bank of Commerce J. A. Cates, uounty Clerk Exchange National bank Hall County Treas. Hall County Treas Lucia Dillenbach Lucia Dill enbach Lucia Dillenbach County Judge el ay uounty freas crow G. n. Land rulver son a. W. Jones J. H. Furry fil e d with the County Credit General rund " fridge rund '° hail lbs,rund Credit General rund Credit General rund Credit General rund Credit ixeneral rund nail Ins. Fund uredit General uredit General credit General. tt 11 it ft ft it t/ N credit state highway General, rund '4 6i d rund rund rund 41 f1 tt 1f 41 11 It ff 1i Credit .4 iuredit Credit Credit Credit uredit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit ff ft ft f1 i1Dtistrict ##81 n ##34 General rund General rund Gere rot rund General rund District #50 General rund General rund General rund General Fund County Highway ulerk from June 4th, 1925 to Aug. 188.25 8.00 420.20 345.46 60.00 100.00 50.00 100, 00 30.00 310,14 65..04 232,69 360.65 67.22 9424,22 12.00 35.39 35.00 1119.25 27.00 150.81 50.00 81.70 126,94 36.04 6.00 5.00 6.00 10.00 89.84 5.15 545,85 354.00 1521.05 306,00 $16284.89 Motion by neat , second by Rain forth that the above mentioned Miscellaneous Receipts be ordered placed on file motion carried. Semi-annual report o f Martha H. Schultz, County Supt. , and the second'querterly report of Lucia Dillenbach, Clerk of the District Court, were read and upon motion: by e.eal, second by Hargleroad, the reports were ordered placed on file. The following resignation was offered to the Board: TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: I, the undersigned do hereby respectfully submit my resignation as Deputy County Treasurer of Adams County Nebraska. Effective on the 6th day of Aug, 1925. Signed A. J. Christensen which upon motion by riargleroad, second by Furry was accepted by the -Board. Motion by Keal, second by Rainforth that the Chairman and clerk be authorized to sign the application for admission to the Soldiers & Sailors Home at Mil ford, Nebr. , of Sarah J. Miller and also of riartha E. Kinsley for admission to the soldiers & Sailors Home at Burkett. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried, motion by Hargleroad, second by Furrythat the contract drawn up and entered into on July 16th, 1925, signed by condition and specifications as sham in said contract, confirmed by this r3oard. And also that the sale o f the 1925, as per result of the contract with C. H. Land, be Motion carried. with u, H. Land superintendent o f the County Farm as s, D. Sorensen, uh ai rman of the County Board, and on now on file in the office of the County Clerk, be personal property of Adam County held on July 30th, confirmed by this board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Heal, that the Standard Bridge Co, , be instructed to move a g ei bridge between sections 13 and 24, Little Blue Township, across Oak Creek, to conform to the line of survey at said place. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried, At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by nargleroad, second by Gartner, that the following names be submitted to the Clerk o f the District 435 Supervisors District # 2 verona Chas . Cresson, Milton Kindig aenesaw R. W. J alke, J. L. Dox, M. A, Stoner Wanda (;has, K, Burling, A. Runt Juniata E. L. Kent, Edward Boulton Supervisors District # 3 Ro sel and F. G. Davis, M, Pd. Kendall, 0. H. Land Logan Peter Eischen, W. J. Hynes Cottonwood J. A, Clark, Joseph Eich Silver Lake Arthur Burge, Daniel Hunsberger Hanover Zero Supervisrrs District # 4 Wm J. Stromer, nenry Starner Ayr John Woodworth , Harm Johnson Aloert Bostock, Fred Frahm Little Blue, Rm, Gartner, U. W. Bauder, G. M, Kress Supervisors District ft 5 A. J. Baxtun, Harry Bohnet, W. A. Chambers, Cr. J. Gay, John Fassler, J. 0. Bromer, Theo. Cornelius, Jesse G. Every Supervisors District # 6 Chas. Whitaker, Chas. Duer, Peter Uerling, Clarence Yager, i eo rge Holman, C. bV, vdilson, C. V. Vhisinand, J. C. Snyder, supervisors District # 7 Jay Webb, Geo. Darling, .i. L. Helms, Jesse E. Marian, Everett Newkirk, F, W. Turner, Adison A, Adams, Roy Turpit. Motion by i)hitesel, second by furry, that upon the reccomendation of the entire Board acting as an auditing committee the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Maims follow: Adams County farm isureau Baird Dorsey D. Battan A. 1. Bockstadter J. H. Brandes E. A, Brehm Machine Co Brinkexna & Pope urroughs Adding .Machine Co Cannon T. N. Cannon 1, N, Carter 1. v. et al Cates J, A. Clayton. 3. C, County Treas. Davis ;;h Elliott R. Deines Drug Co Democrat Printing Cs Dericks Geo. A. Dow Chemical co Dillenbach Lucia Enevoldsen Anders Full erton rurry Gartr r Hargleroad Harm ue o. Hastings :cattery & El ec Co Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Electric Co Johnson ID11 Co J. P. Johnson Oil Co J. r. K -B Printing Co Ce a3. m. Keith vv. W. et al Kister & Sons Geo, Kline J. B. Klapp Printing Co Klopp Printing Co Laird & Co L. D, Land 0. H. Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln Tel, & Tel. Co "incoln Tel. & Tel, Co Lyman -Richey band Co Madgett Bros, Millard . Manhattan oil Co Manhattan Oil Co Matthiesen & Co Matthiesen & Go Mabe f:d Mabe Wm. McCleery Carl meet eery ohn McUlelland-Dunn Motor Co McClelland -Dunn Motor Go McCoy w. A, McGrath ridw. Co J. H. Nebr. Battery & Tire Co Osborn Oil Co Paul ey Lumber Co Pioneer Meat Market , L. J , H, e. H. B. earl R Carl R. GENERAL FUND office supplies Exhibits to Lincoln, Ringer Cas janitor help lup pl i es Repairs, Ford car Machine bolts auppli es Ribbon supplies, Co. Farm Supplies , Co, Farm Labor Expense to Linccln Services Light, Gas, Tel. etc mil sage Supplies Supplies Heys supplies court costs, office expense Services soap supervisors services & mileage supervisors services & mileage oupervisors services & mileage Jain. fees, & office expense Labor ui spl ay funs Gas las & Oil Supplies, Co, Supt. Supervisors servi ces & mileage britness, insanity case glades Lights Dockets Game Laws Groceries, Co. ram Services Supplies , Co. Supt, loll calls, Court riouse loll calls, Yarn bureau Gravel Ins, Premium o1acksmithing Gas & Oil i as & Oil supplies , Co, Farm supplies, Court House Labor on R. R. crossing Labor on R. R. crossing Lot for machine shed Ins. premium Repairs & Ford truck Rep ai, rs Refrigerator, Co. Farm Oupplies Supplies Gas & Oil Lumber meat 3.60 9,00 30.00 8. 95 25.50 20 70.09 1.00 15.55 26.00 42, 90 11.00 10.00 232.30 65.00 3.55 189.63 1.00 42.00 82.65 2.50 8.00 25.60 40.60 59.00 179.00 1.75 39.80 86.00 16.80 41,20 125.80 73.60 16,00 6.75 1.95 36.13 14,00 64.36 6.00 16,74 22.90 4.50 47.12 16,00 6.75 23, 68 40,08 .85 1,50 110.40 67,00 20.00 6.80 695,00 59.35 37.00 14, 69 1.75 29.68 82,00 5.40 Schultz r .artha H. chu1 tz Walter C. Smith Machinery Co Sorensen S, B. Wahlquist Bros. Whitesel la, C. Yager e. W. Basset Jul e Byers Lumber Co Uhicago Lumber Co Cloy County Fisher Jones Kalvoda Kasselder Kitts Kitts Lamborn L sign field Mid -State Con McCl eery Overy Peterson Po st Schunerele Sheets Slining Smi dt Ste dthem Anderson Bitner Burr bur roughs 1urrough s Buskirk Buskirk Christensen Doty Dycus Dycus Fricke Ger]o ff Heartwell Hogg Lenz Maunder Ni ssen David at al Robert Emil J ohn Frank H. Frank H, Wm. J ohn st. Co. J aack Howard Charles C John Jr. Dan ti • A. n e my Lick John E. Ray D. N. tia1terM. n. B. n, B. 0. L. C. L . h an s u. M. van. C. 4n. C. J ohn H. Simon C. A. 0. F. . W. �h axles A. J. Oliver Lumber Co Paul henry Rtbichert Kark Roeder Fred G. Gannon T. L. Eckh ardt h. 0. Kenesaw Mercantile co N ebr, Sanitarium VanPatten (. I. V"v'hisinand C. V. Adams County Agricultural Society Brehm Machine Co Chciago Lumber Co ch rist ens en Roy Churchill ueo, W. Collins D. C. Day n enry Valhi tes el Duncan Dycus Ei chum Enevoldsen r'alzine r elzine Gil chri st G r othaus R. M. u. S. vim Dem finders uilbert H, A, J. H. harry GENERAL FTJND CONT v ffice expense Lots Supplies Supervisors services dt mileage Supplies Supervisors services ec mileage Duns, Cookies, sale Co. Farm BRIDGE FUND Labor on Co. Bridge culvert Supplies L4bor on bridges Labor on County bridge Filling in bridge Labor on bridge Labor on bridge Labor on bridge Labor on bridge rifling in bridge Team work 'oncrete ripe Repairing bridge Bridge work Supplies rifling in °ridge Filling in bridge Dridge work Repairing bridge Labor on bridge Filling in bridge ROAD DRAGGING FUND Supt. Little Blue Twp Supt. West Blue Twp upt. Verona Twp bupt. Silver Lake Twp Supt. bilverLake Twp bupt. Juniata Twp, Supt. Juniata Twp. Supt. Logan Twp Supt, Highland Twp, Supt. Ayr Twp. Supt, Ayr Twp. Supt. Denver Twp. Supt. Zero Twp Surveying Supt. Roseland Twp, Supt. Blaine Twp, Assisting uo. surveyor Services Stakes Assisting Co. Surveyor Supt. cottonwood Twp, Supt. Wanda Twp POOR Ali) FUND Groceries Groceries Groceries Se rvices uro series tiro ceries COUNTY FAIR FUND remanent improvements & premiums COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Repairs Supplies Labor Team work Team work Labor rifling in culvert supplies Labor Labor rel ac ksmi thi ng 'beam work Team work Dragging Co. roads Dragging co. roads <.r�n-4 Fmr44 vn t+nARt 15.00 150,00 .30 76.60 9.50 42.60 17.90 5.25 72.80 3.90 136.70 15.50 12.00 19.20 7.00 61.46 1021.04 3.00 18.00 400.00 10.50 8.60 20,50 18.75 15.00 59.00 18.00 1.50 11.25 20.88 45.62 31.12 49.37 7.00 82.35 14.50 23.16 27.26 62.14 73.13 28.75 69.62 78.90 37.37 21.5 24.50 24.70 9.20 24.50 26.89 28.50 20.75 40,70 21.03 100.00 14,51 23,78 1685.68 5.35 1.50 30,00 7.00 10.15 26.00 1.80 4.60 7.00 3.50 18.45 7.50 37.50 9.75 6.00 1 an_ n 438 r the six months CJAL STATEN oobio' nding June 30th, 1925, showing collections, disbursements, transfers from one fund to another, and balances bn hand,. At. ..01- ,t;C'1,IONS mance oit hand Jas 1, 1925 1 20 Taxes with Prior years X13 des •te •� - a 1924 Tnses ryxvx ',14440144^R.;,45 eliool Land "L'ease and City of�Aas�gss peciaTs rotor Vehleles ',60T4 Fees Fees demption of Tax Sales (1TiS'°'T`6R «�� DISI41JRSEMENTS 4�� State Treaurer, • ..� 634(}9:glC __ 1,533.16 County General Warrants .... �...:• 134 018 3,129.55 1,514 31 County Bridge Warrants 1,886:58 ' Soldiers nd Sailors Relief .; .... .... ,............. . 181.85 1,563.66 Poor Aid Warrants . ,..,, ...... , 4,386.29 0,52113 Mother Pension ,Warrants * a 1,344.00 9`36 de C* unt Dragging a Warr Warrants . .. 41,186.64 Y� b15,888;35 ggi 8 onts ..w. .. 179,74 Inheritance Fees Allowed 16, 144.03 2175 State Highway Warrants 12,258;39 •:� •• • • • �.- •.._ ,... ,..,1205,886.61 • ............., :.. , • 9,089:20 ounty General 'Fund bounty Highway" Fund ouny' Br`i'dge end' :. tate Highway Fund .... .......` 'r C�ilIage . , chooT fstrict 0• ""• C ice. t "lata Light Bond Ilnh ritanoe Tax ate al • nsuranc$ • nes 6,806:44 SchoolBondsand-Coupone •........ 16,585.84 83162, „ Free High School Orders 15,624.00 97•24 Township Orders • 25,037:50 ngs 3 . 154,739.25 300.00 Village; Orders ''''''.75.°,9:. Redemptions on Tax -61,P. 20,032,10 7;507 09 Bees 4,450.00 J♦ 843.20 Balance on hand June 30t'h,' 1925 ,230,878.35 1,479 26 �. $ rte. TOTAL .. .,...:.•• • ...$854,796.24 X337 55 . �.�.. 67 50 ' City oil Hasti 11 537.70 nterest on County deposits 2,381.79 OTAL 1=10 i 7iN • B'E RE Jan. 1, 192 G neralund $ 9,564.62, tap`itat Fund ti 1,902 82 'ail Insurance ' 'Highway "'lands 1,316.26 'Highway' (Auto) 379.05 cxad I• rind 72188 oldiers & Sailors Relief Fund5,481.07' 13,952.73 74 760.55 16,349.78 1,734.71 169.60 .337.37 2,481.12' 509:90 1,083.97 881.4,6 7„125.66 38,945.42 oor Aid Townships School General . Schopl 11ond drool A ,portionment State Highway in' County 7toaritenc ging (Auto) linheritance Tax. County Fair o ,ersension` County highway" FreeHigii Bclool astings nesaw"w uniata. . 9114 doisteim 531 83 • grosser •••••,•••.•-•-• 230 80 Crumbull - x 4ayland S 71V D %,r, emptons nterest on Taxes ltO TOTALS" TE`,OF NIBRAA,' .96` 815 03 ; 6,86b 19.. 91.80`., 97.00 247;870•P AP ER' bi;'" M"ENl'S, 0'o RC- ':'1 C3F C 1:C 46,003.89 9,147 53 520 20 1,96't.17" .,967 i7 "39,685.35 21,129.23 1584 ....,,, ._ 299.40 6,09`2;`33 ...• 22,630:"97 183,712.27' '25,159:92' 7,507:09 ` "67.50 54,237'83 1,47940- '1;218:39 -` 1,218.39 1,827.26 931.3,2 . ,' 24,925.07 9,908.03 132132:66 6>267:98 2,507.91 64903 942.96 738.33 15541 24'91 -1.9,155;95 - ,. '2,505.99 7.40 14,168.95 $630,228.95 1,436.75', 23,604.00 C�14S, ?RAW E". AN[)' DF$33 ASS ANTS, $ 50,718.44 10,291.63 2,085:39 2,319.44 85,084.25 13,865.11 1.99 190:'85' • " 4,598.64..,, 25;836.65 ' 209,015.95 17,030.97 ', 9,089.20 12,258.39 16,179.74 • 176.98 42.61 1,403.89 27,000.00 15,888.35 15,940.84 159 390.45 4,952.53 / 8143.65 521.25 1,843:92 y-1,247.8,1 248.08 4.02 $ 61,943.78 YAMS C0V'NTY, I,, PEARL B. WOODWORTH, Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, do herb the beat of my kno`wle`dge 'and b heE.' t 7 �scrXbed• is my' presence and sworn to before we, this. 1.6th day of July, 19 B.Al:ANCES une "30,°'1925 $ 4,860.07 758.73 520.20, 167.21 26.78 35,169.21 15,767.55 756.23 $4':21'' 0974.76 10, 747.05 411,"•76.87` 25,478.73 1,5 39.35 21,243.51' 90,604.00 14,791.46 3,783.40 1,685.68 1,507.34 12,924 73 16,109.79 11,687.511 4,223.31 97.90 210.97 10.44 22.36 138.13 24.49 1.96 29.43 20,032.10 9,366.18 Distributed 2.12 97.08 ` 4,450.00, ` 9,805.95 _. 1,436:75: $647,221.42 $ 61,943.78 38.93 None None None None 3230,878.35 ,d r1; certify that the foregoing report is true and correc3es. • PEARL B. WOODWORTH, County Treasurer. •1e 2i►u J. A.CATES, ,8 n County Clerivo in r • Hargleroad v, 3, Hastings Battery & Elec Co, Hastings Machine Service Co, Haws w. G, Huckfeldt Ernest Huckfeldt Herman Huck fiedt Hobert Johnson 0i1 Co j. P. Kenesaw Imp. vo, Kister & "'ons Geo, Kohl Louis Lawson rides, Co C. K. Long Alfred Manhattan Oil Co Millard is, F, McCleery J ack McCoy VV. A, Nash ri, G, Nebr. Battery & Tire 00 Needham P. W, Osborn Oil Co Peterson uharles C, Pl acke r'rank Red Star Oil Co Rei chart earl Ronnekamp .,ohn Ronnekamp Raymond Russell Grader Mfg, Co Rutherford ,Bros. Schmidt Schmidt Sh attoek Slining Ernest n arty Seth jaenry smith machinery uo Smith Machinery Co Smith Machinery 00 Smith machinery 00 Smith machinery Co. Standard Oil Co, St one Ted Whi tes el N, R. 1 ra vurrie r, Baugh J. R. Katzberg wm. Kent Edwin R, Weer Burling vhas, K, Lippincott Urlie y+hitesel W• C. Zubrod Jake COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND CONT, Superintending Go. roads Repairs supplies Gas & Oil Team work Team work Team work i&as & Oil supplies, Bl acksnithing 'ream work -'upplies Team work Gas cc Oil B1acksmitning Labor on Co, roads supplies Team work Supplies Team work Gas & Oil supplies 'ream work Gas & Oil Team work Repairing vo. bridge Team work Disc plow Supplies Team work Team work Team work Team work supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies , & repairs Supplies, & Repairs Gas & Oil -perating tractor Dragging uo, roads Dragging vo, roads Dragging Go. roads Dragging uo. roads Dragging Co. mods Dragging 00. roads' Dragging Go. ro ads Dragging vo. roads Superintending 00, roads Supplies c 117.80 3.25 1.50 247.80 33.75 75.00 60.00 120.20 54.10 5.70 33.75 16.15 12.00 8.40 39.00 36.50. 13.33 3.75 1.95 40.50 324.38 4.25 33.30 175.50 117.00 3.55 9.00 94.00 1.30 41.25 34.80 16.20 42.00 113.80 3.01 65.91 93.54 240.80 288.85 22.00 4.50 3.00 6.00 6.00 9.00 4.88 1.87 16.50 111,70 .50 Motion by Hargleroad, second by Keal, that the binancial Report o f the County Treasurer be accepted and ordered placed on record. motion carried. copy of said report is plt.addc in the record, motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth that the County Treasurer be snd is hereby instructed to transfer $1500.00 from the Road Draggir_ g rund to the County Highway Fund, Roll call, ayes, Hargleroad, Rainforth, Sorensen and tVhitesel, Mayes , Furry, and Gartner. Absent Keal, Motion carried, Motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth that this :Board now adjourn to meet again on Wednesday August 12th, 1925 at 9 o'clock A. M. Motion carried, Hargleroad W. B. Hastings Battery & Elec Co, Hastings Machine Service co, Haws W, G. Huck fel dt Ernest Huckfeldt Berman Huck fie dt Robert Johnson Oil Co .1. P. Konesaw Imp. Kister & ons Geo. Kohl Louis Lawson ridw. 00 C. K. Long Alfred Manhattan Oil Co Millard McCleery McCoy Nash Nebr, Battery Needham Osborn Oil Co r5 • F. 4 ack W. A. n. G. & Tire Co P. W. PetersonCharles 0, P1 acke irank Red Star Oil Co Rei chart Karl Ronnekamp John Ronnekamp Raymond Russell Grader Mfg, Co Rutherford Bros. Schmidt Ernest Schmidt /lorry Sh attoek Seth Slining ilenry smith machinery uo Smith Machinery Co Smith Machinery uo Smith machinery Co Smith Machinery Co. Standard Oil Co, St one Ted Whi tes el E. R. 'urrier, Ira Baugh jR. Katzberg wm. Kent Edwin R. WOer '1". J. Burling ''has. K. Lippincott ()rile Whitesel V. U. Zubrod uake COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND CONT. Superintending Co. roads Repairs oupplies Gas & Oil Team work Team work Team work Gas & Oil oupplies. B1 ac ksmi thing Team work oupplies Team work Gas e: Oil Blacksmitning Labor on 00, roads supplies Team work Supplies Team work Gas & Oil supplies Team work Gas & Oil Team work Repairing uo. bridge Team work Disc plow Supplies Team work Team work Team work Team work supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies, & repairs Supplies, & Repairs Gas & Oil -perating tractor Dragging vo. roads Dragging vo, roads Dragging Uo. roads Dragging uo. roads Dragging Co. mods Dragging uo. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging vo. roads Superintending Co, roads Supplies Motion by tia.rgleroad, second by Keel, that the financial Report o f the County 117.80 3.25 1.50 247.80 33.75 75.00 60.00 120.20 54.10 5,70 33.75 1645 12.00 8.40 39.00 36,50 13.33 3.75 1.95 40.50 324,38 4,25 33.30 175.50 117.00 3.55 9.00 94.00 1.30 41.25 34.80 16.20 42.00 113.80 3.01 65.91 93.54 240,80 288.85 22,00 4.50 3,00 6.00 6.00 9.00 4.88 1.87 3.6.50 111,70 .50 Treasurer be accepted and ordered placed on record. motion carried, uopy of said report is plOced in the record, motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth that the County Treasurer be snd is hereby instructed to transfer $1500,00 from the Road Draggin g funci to the county Highway Fund. Roll call , ayes, Hargleroad, Rikinforth, Soregsen and Whitesel, Nayes , Furry, and Gartner. Absent Keal. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth that this 13 o ar d now adjourn to meet again on 1925 at 9 o'clock A. M. Motion carried. Deputy County ulerk. viednesday August 12th, 1019 441 `41A-,1$9 Court House, :Hastings, Nebr. Wednesday August 12th, 1925,. 9 o'clock A. M. Board met in regular session as per adjournment of August 5th, 1925, b. ii. bc) rens en , chairman presided, Roll call, all members were present as follows: rUrry, Gartner, Hargleroad,rieal, Hainforth, sorensen and eileitesele Bids on gravel project ko. 1 were received and opened and read from tne following bidders: Central Contractors R. T. Schlueter Allied Contractors Inc. Union Construction Co A. C. Lund uentral Bridge ec Const. Co E. Bowker Gravel uo section A. Section 13.380 13.880 bection A. 12.90 SectionB. 18,10 Section A. Section b. Section A, Section 13. Section Section Section section 15- A. b• bection A. Section 13. 13.770 13.770 12.380 15.38 .120 .14 13.390 13.390 11.90 13.90 41065 bq. Yds, 82130 sq. Yds 8213041065 4 sq.. Yds 41065 Sq. Yds 82130 " fl b4103605 Yds 21 41065 ;5q. Yds 82130 " •' 8412103605 q. Yds 41065 bq. Yds. 82130 " If 5699.82 0.1399.64 $ 5297.38 14865.53 5654.65 11309.30 5083.85 12631,59 0 4927.80 11493, 20 5498.60 10997.21 4886.74 11416.07 uertified checks for 5% of the amount bid accompanied each and every bid, The L,oard went into executive session aad considered the bids, It was found that the uentral Contractors were the lowest and best bidders, motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth that the contract for graveling Adams County Project r4o. 1, be awarded to the uentral Contractors on their bid of 12.97e: on both Section A, and B. o f said Project. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried, aOtiOn by Keel, second by whitesel, that the Chairman of the eounty .eoa.rd be authorized to sign a contract lith the oentral contractors for tells Project, Hell call, ell .voted aye, motion carried, motion by rurry, second by ieeal, that the uounty clerk be instructed to return to the unsuccessful bidders their certified checks, motion carried, A committee from the Hall County Board of supervisors consisting of ti, J. Voss, L. D, Geer, and IV. .H. Rain forth and also i, E. Lyle, County elerk o f Hall County met with the Board and matters pertaining to the state and Federal Road on the Adarns-Hall uounty line were taken up for discussion, Bedford Johnson and George Loucks, owners of land along the Adans-Hall County line also rnot with the Board. Division Engineer, Rolls, also met with theBoard. After considerable discussion an agreement was reached between Adams -Hall Counties and mr. Johnson and lar. Loucks for payment by the counties of ;300.00 per acre for land used in making an angle road at this point. .Payment to be made for this land by the counties and to be reimbursed from the state .Y•und, At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P, M. , efnen they again resumed with all Members present, motion b:Furry, second by noel that the eounty clerk be instructed to notify the lown clerk of wanda Township, and uottonwood Township and also to notify i4rank Hutchinson that the contract for graveling Adams County Project No, 1 has been let anu that they shall deposit 42000.00 each with the uounty Treasurer of Adams County, to be credited to the uounty ke.ravel rund, as' per their agreement with the ;dams uounty Board. motion carried, motion by real, second by Rainforth, that the uhairman appoint supervisor ti, 13. Hargleroad to inspect and superintend the distribution of gravel on the Adams County Project No. 1.. motion carried, motion by U• a rt e r second by Rainforth that this board now adjourn to meet again on baturday Sept. 5th, 1925 at 9 o clock A. M. Lotion carried and the Board adjourned, ounty Clerk. Deputy uouni.y. erk d4r Chairman 443 Court House nastings, aeLbr, Saturday septeniner 5th,if9 oc1ock A. on Board met in regular session as per adjournment 0 f August 12th, 1925, s, B. sorensen, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members were present, Application of Mary E. Mellinger for admission to the soldiers & Sailors Home at nurkett, Nebr., was read and upon motion by margleroad, second by Rainforth the application was granted and the uhairman and nlerk were authorized to sign the admission papers. In ;the matter of a renewa3. of Mothers rensions for Jennie sass, and Laura marsh which renewal had been ordered by the county 13aurtn was upon motion by real, second by V4hitesel # ordered confirmed and the nlerk instructed to issue warrants for the SW110. Motion by Awry, second by iiargleroad that we purchase two medium cars of snow fence, approximately 1100 rods, of the Wheeler Lumber & Bridge oo., o f vas rv1oines, lowa, at an agreed price or 0..45 per rod, 0. b, Hastings, and nenesaw. said fence to be put up in rolls of 75 feet each. Ro13. call, all voted aye. motion carried, Petition of. TA. Call and others asking that a Concrete bridge, 12 foot waterway and 24 foot roadway, be built between sections 25 and 36, oilver Lake Township, was read before the Board and the same was referred to the road and bridge committee, motion by Whitesel, second by nargicroad, that each supervisor be instructed to notify the Road Overseer in their respective districts that section 012 or the Road Laws of :Nebraska, covering the mowing of weeds along public highways must be complied with and each Road Overseer be instructed to notify the land owners of the privisions o this section or the statute and if said law is not complied with by the land owners, then the noadonerseers are to proceed to mow the weeds along the public highways and the costs, o f the same are to be charged against the land as provided by law. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon the board reasssed until 1:15 when it again resumed with all members present. Motion Dy Vihitesel, second by iturry, that the reward of 0.000.0o, authorized by b. E. Sorensen, Chairman of the County Board, for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the murderer or murderers ofars. Hazel nird and elarence Yager, be confirmed by this board, Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. motion by Gartner second by nargleroad, that upon the reccommendation f the entire board acting as an auditing committee, the following claims oe allowed on their respective funds and the °lark intructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ail voted aye. motion carried. ulaims Adams County Farm Bureau Baron Roy na.ttan A. Byers Lumber Co Cannon Co bl entz e. E. Cole John G. County Treasurer urow welter M, Davis Elliott R, veep Rock Oil co Democrat Printing Co Dillenbach Lucia Fischer nn, se curry 0, H. nangwisch Elmer F. Gangwisch nlmer Gartner e. H. uaudreaut1 mercantile to. A. J. Hsmmond & Stephenseo Hargl ero ad w. B. Hastings Auto Top Co Hastings Battery & Elec, uo Johnson Oil no 3. P, icn3 Printing Co KB Printing no KB Printing Co Keal un. Keith w, W. et al Keith w. W. et al Islopp Printing co Land u, H. Leslie John et a Lincoln school Supply co Lincoln Tel, & Tel, co Local Registrars Lyman -Richey band Co mabe rod Mabe W. M. Manhattan Oil Co Manhattan Gil Co Milburn & Scott Co Murphy Typewriter 00 mcCielland-nunn motor McGrath ndw, no J H. McGrath Haw, Co J. H. McGrath mdw, Co J. H. i'ebr. Battery a Tire Co R. E. no GENERAL FUND 0 ffice supplies surveying bOrvio es Uoal, Court mouse Supplies, County Farm oabinet, no, judge oupplies, no, .arm Water, Light Telephone, Gas etc Offices supplies, etc, mileage Gas Records Court costs, office supplies, etc raileage, mothers pension hegring oupe4visors services & mileage Supplies, uounty iarm Supervisors services � mileage v ffi co supplies Records Supervisors services & mileage Supplies Labor Gas & Oil Supplies, co, supt. oupplies Supplies Supervisors services a mileage witness, insanity hearing witness, insanity hearing Supplies, Go, Treas, noard for 6 inmates unloading gravel. supplies Toll calls, court house Reporting births a deaths sand gravel Labor Labor vias & Oil Gas Supplies Overhauling & rep.airing typewriter supplies Supplies, Co. Farm Supplies, court rouse Supplies supplies 5.50 4,00 2.25 283.47 10,20 48.00 5847 308.51 21.90 65,00 2,25 171.77 81.90 6,80 26.40 .50 2.10 80.60 9.37 56.65 83.20 5,40 1:50 93,40 16.68 64,00 56,60 102,20 13.10 15.20 5.64. 132078 10.15 15.13 17.45 58.50 80.44 129.00 54.40 61.39 9.07 85.21 12,50 26,74 10.60 4.35 15.09 17.25 Renner & Serf Rutter ford Bros, _Ruth er ford Broth e re Sanford ri. K. Sanford H. K, School District It 18 Schultz Martha H. Schultz riartha H. Sigel cafe Din= Be M, Sorensen D. B, tate Journal co Stewart Walter G. Tharpe u, S, Barion Pen Co Trimble-Hoylman Inv. Co Wahlquist Brothers Whitesel w. C. Wi dmai er w. M. williams Photo co Woodowth Jennie Anderson Gartner Gartner nagemann narlan Harrington riarrington Johnson Kisin -Kluver Knudson Krell Kummer Linderman Max Mid -State Miles Moore M cNannay McWhirter mcWhirter Nash Needham Needham Needham Needham Olivor Lumber co Reichart Rider VanBoening Walther Woodworth ohn Walter wm L. WO J ohn coda LI arm John J ohn melvin kred mat cl arena e u. W, Gonat, Uo Bi rbe Roy 3e.mes Ben U41 Ws U4111. ,y ral E, L, tzra Wayne Karl Lloyd et al ham 'rater Koy Anderson E. Ray Arnold John C. Dane R. W. Ditner D. N. Buskirk C. L, christen's= mans Doty 0. M. Dycus wm. U. .11.ricke John H, Gartner Walter 6erlo ff Dimon Gerlo ff Dimon hogg u.10. Lenz U. W. Overy noward Plambeck tie°. H, Roeder fred u, Roeder rred G. Roeder ueorge Dmidt Andy Striker cries weeks D. Brooke Son cannon Carl earl Carl T, N B. F. F. B. F. et al GENERAL FUND CLAIMS CONT. Supplies, Court House Supplies c repairs Dupplies Supplies Tube Use of senior high institute appropriation Offiee expense sinners for J ur y Ink Dupervisorc services cc mileage License containers Repairs mowing weeds Pens Compensition Ins, Supplies, court House Supervisors services ec mileage 6e rvi ces eI•vie4s Mileage, mothers Pension hearing BRIDGE FUND Team WO rk Tem. work Team work Team work Labor Team work Repairing bridge Hauling plank Repairing bridge Labor Labor work on county line Labor Labor Labor Concrete Pipe Labor Lab° r riling in bridge Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor supplies hauling bridge lumber Labor zatuling pl ETA Labor Labor ROAD DRAGGING FUND bupt, Little slue Twp Land for raod purposes oupt. Kenesaw Twp. Dupt, West Blue Twp Dupta J u ni. at a Asp. Dupt, Logan Tvvp Supt, Highland Twp aupt, Ayr. Twp, Supt, Denver Twp Team work Ow:rt. zero Twp supt. Zero Twp oupt. Roseland Twp. Supt. Blaine Twp. Labor Land for road purposes supt. wanda Twp Land for road purposes Land for aod purposes supt. Hanover Tim strawing road ins, premium on machine shed POOR AID FUND Drugs Drugs uroceries uroceries Gro ceries 86.25 50,60 1,45 4.50 2,00 10,00 150.00 20.97 2,45 1.25 61.40 495.00 10.10 2,10 7.20 612,55 29,50 53.60 8.3o 13.00 2,40 3,00 3.00 3,50 81,40 5.25 8.80 3.50 5.40 6,00 3.50 39.00 30,00 9.25 2,10 8.05 36.00 7.00 83.50 38.75 66,00 66,00 8.75 10,50 18,00 18.00 18,00 4.40 20,80 28,00 7.50 1,75 3,00 160.18 50.00 53.87 61.74 25.37 11.86 41.13 4.99 39.62 57.00 15.59 77.50 32,50 48,63 53.25 35.00 70.37 50.00 35.00 52.99 9.60 8.00 .50 6.00 16.25 15.14 16,32 Rork Sigel Cafe Sunnyside vanPatten Whisinand ►volbach & Brach Adams & Co Adams & Co Adams & Co Bassett Sohlke Bohlke Dloomenkarnp Christensen uolburn Collins Collins Duncan Einspanr ssinger uarage ssinger Garage Fel zine 'el zine Ascher lecher furry urisswell Coffey mayor Huxtable Gangwisch Gartner Dycus uonsbruck atromer Stamer Smi dt Gerloff 'T'rauerni cht zeta ath erwax Woodworth Herren Wal entine Gartner Hageman Hargleroad nurroughs Kistler Peterson Routh Nissen Schi Tiler L.W. v. I. Carl V. J . D. J. D. J. D. A. L. Elmer P3, vus W ri enry riane vern L. 0. D. C. u. o. v11ri s C. Oil Co & Oil Co Gilbert R. A. i uil v, S. J. H. Arthur John Will Edgar C. Elmer r. H. ularence Jacob Waiter henry Dick rierman John Bs P. r.H. Edward Unno I. H. F. 0, V. i, Albert uhester !rank James ahrist Abe Hastings Mechanical works Hastings machine Service uo Hastings machine befvice Go Haws Howat Huck fel dt Huck feldt Huck feidt Huck fel dt J ohns on Oil Co Kister & Sons Kleier Lawson Hdw, Co Lukow Lukow M cGl ee ry McGrath ndw, uo Nebr, Battery & Needham Needham Needham Needham usborn Oil Co Pavelk a Reichart Roeder Russell Grader b an ford Sanford S char dt Slining bmidt LR W. G, W. W. Ernst nerrnan Robert Joseph J. P. Geo Garman 0, a. bred Otto Jack J , H, Tire Co i yral Ed Zara Wayne wm, r arl r'red G. i fg, Co rr. K. n. K. earl n enry Geo. POOR AID FUND CONT. Servicos meal tickets bervices Groceries uroceries Shoes COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Supplies Repairs & supplies Repairs Teamwork Team wort Team work `ream work Dragging to. roads Team work Labor Labor bupplies Tom work uas & Oil bupplies Team work :ream work Labor D1 ack smithing Supervising Co, roads & mileage Dragging Go. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Go, roads Dragging .0, roads alackanithing bupervisors services a mileage Dragging uo, roads( Dragging Go, roads Dragging Co. roade Dragging uo. roads Dragging co. roads Dragging co, roads Dragghg "o. roads Dragging Go, roads Dragging uo. raoda Dragging co, roads Dragging uo, roads Dragging co, roads Repairs Superintending Co. roads & mileage Dragging Go. roads Dragging co. roads Dragging uo, roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging uo, roads Dragging uo, roads Repair work Repair work Repairs uas &Oil Labor Team work •esm work Team work Team work uas & Oil Dl acksmi thing Labor buppl i es Labor Team work Labor on uo. road supplies Supplies Labor Labor Labro on GO roads Labor on GO, roads uas & Oil oupplies Dragging Co. roads Road work on co, roads Repair s supplies Oil Dragging Co, roads Dragging uo, roads Dragging uo, roads 7.50 22,50 116.00 9.93 36.23 5.90 22.65 43.18 18.00 15.00 37.50 24.35 15.00 18.00 9.50 22,00 J4,00 1.35 55.70 324.50 9.15 71.25 96.75 9.00 16,95 88.40 6.00 1.50 3.00 2.25 9,40 107.90 9,00 8,25 6.75 . 6.00 7.50 6,75 24,38 9.75 9.00 6.00 6.75 10.12 2,30 125,00 18.75 9.75 7.50 6.75 3.00 5.25 5.00 105.50 32.35 348.65 3.60 22.50 82.50 78.75 59.25 183.70 10.10 24.75 .50 27.60 63,00 34.80 5.98 7.48 38.50 66.00 66.00 66.00 118.23 28,45 78.00 82,20 7.80 209,25 148.50 7.50 31.05 26,25 . nr n 440 Zubrod .jake COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND CONT. L ab or .65 motion by Rainforth, second by Hargleroad, that the claim o f Efeo. Harm0 bheri ff, on the tzeneral Fund for ;341eig he allowed at ;241.11R, Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. motion by .6.eal, second by Furry, that this Dos.renow adjourn to meet again on Tuesday ()Atter 6th, 1925, at 9 o'clock A. M. Motion carried. zoard adjourned. *IralP sif ithabA1 ----(Cotuity ulerk. 411114•1111•INUM.41111111111111, Deputy uounty ulerk. Chairman 451 court House Hastings, nebr. Tuesday Oct. 6th, 1925 9 o'clock A. M. -board met in regular session as per adjournment of September 5iih, 1925, 0. Foll call, all memoers were present. D. borensen, uhairrnan presiding. commuunication from the Union Pacific Railroad Company in regard to getting dirt an railroad crossings was read and ordered placed on file. Third quarterly reports of George Ham, uheriff and joseph m. Turbyfill, county Judge were read and ordered placed on file, motion by real, second by Jtrry that in the rattsr of a renewal of mothers -Pension to mrs. Ethel mayhew, which was ordered by the uounty Court, be confirmed by this board, and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for same. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried, balance of the forenoon session was taken up in the discussion of county business. At 12 o'clock Noon the board recessed until 1 o'clock P. motion by Keel, second by Gartner, the Standard Bridge uo„ Of Omaha,. purchase one car load bridge Plank umaha, Nebr., at an agreed price o agreemen with the btandard bridge when it again resumed with all members present, that we purchase one car load bridge Plank, to be delivered at once, from at an agreed price of *35.00 per m, Y. 0, i, , Hastings, also that we , to be delivered about'April 1, 1926 from the btandard bridge Uo., of f.435.00 per M. ic U. b. Hastings, both orders in accordance with a written uo. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. l'etition of John bonifas and others asking that a wooden bridge as built between 'section 7, Roseland Township and bection 12 cottonwood Township was read before the doard and ordered referred to the Road and bridge Committee. Motion by Keel, second by turry, that the county Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to transfer 45500.00 from the Road Dragging Fund to the county nighway Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by fqr doing call, all motion by committee for same. Aeal, second by Rainforth that during the balance of tae year 1925, all money earned by the county Township Road work be credited to the Road Dragging iiund instead of the county nighway rund. holl voted aye, motion carried, hargleroad, second by whitesel that upon the reccornmendation of the entire l'oard acting as an auditing the following claims be allowed on their respedtive funds and the ulerk instructed to draw 'swarrants Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried, laims follow, Adams County farm bureau bowman h. E. Dutton L. N. Dyers Lumber Co Cornelius & co crow waiter M. Davis Elliott R. Democrat Printing Co Dillenbach nucia Dominy & Son C. M. Extension Service fischer G. 8. turry J. L. ualloway Tire & battery oo Gartner P. H. Gaudreault mercantile no, hall n. N. Hargleroad U. B. Harm Geo. Harm ars, Geo, nastings battery cc Electric uo Hastings machine service Co Hoeppner & Uerling , lsman hdw. 00 Gea. E. Jeffers .rs. Anna Johnson Oil Co J. P. Juniata Lumber no K.BPrinting Co Keel wm. Kenesaw motor co Kline n. Land O. R. Lincoln Tel & Tel, no Lincoln Tel. & Tel. 00 Loucks Geo.B. Lyman -Richey band & Gravel uo madgett Bros. manhattan Oil uo Milburn & Scott CO murphy Typewriter Oo Murphy Typewriter no McGle1land-bunn motor 00 NebraskaEducational Journal Northwestern nanufacturing oo Osborn Oil Co A. j. Re E. R. GENERAL FUND 0,ffice supplies, rarm bureau Inc. premium necording deeds & office supplies Lumber Inc. Premium office supplies Mileage bupplies, uourt House nourt costs Premium on is, bupplies, Yam bureau mileage, dothers Pension nommittee dupervisors services mileage Repairs bupervisors services a mileage 'Supplies, nonrt house bervices Supervisors services & mileage Jail & office expense J-naundry for county Jail & matrons fees Repairs Repairs ins. Policy Oupplies, court House bupplies Gas & Oil county Farm bupplies, Go. 6upt, oupervisors services & mileage Parts & labor Lights oard for inmates calls, rarm Bureau 'oll calls, court House Land for road corner Gravel ins Premium Gas & Oil bupplies Repairing Typewriter Overhauling Typewriter oupplies ;supplies, 00, bupt. oupplies Gas & Oil Policy 3.50 53.76 26.50 11.55 67.20 2.00 65.00 99.55 240.32 40.20 2.09 3.40 27,80 4.25 58.20 9.90 7.00 28.20 197.40 7.50 .50 8.75 67,20 14.40 17.70 72.65 16.90 15.13 46.30 2.55 7.31 128.52 5.10 57.10 717.00 118.32 53.76 151.49 1.12 1.50 15.00 3.70 40.65 16.00 38.22 453 Renner a: Serf mlbon Woodfinishing a Product Sanford K. Schultz xiartha H. Simms z. M. Smith machinery ua Sorensen s. D. Trausch watt County Treasurer Trimble-Hoylman Inc. uo. Tyler & o w, S. University Pnol Co western Union Whitesel a. C. Woodworth oennie us Dyers Lumber uo uhruchill Geo. W. Fernow h. B. Gartner hagemann Herrington Kitts waiter 2. u. uecil prank H. Jones Orval Juniata Lumber co Kalvoda Kalvoda prank Kosmaeck Lamborn Overy Parr Paulikat McCall McCall Pavelka Pavelka Peterson Pittz Doe vim. uoward 0. J. August bert James ames 6harles C. Aoy Prosser Lumber a Goal uo Rei chart Karl Ronnekamp Geo. Standard bridge uo Standard bridge vo Andard bridge ta0 Standard bridge uo silvey Luer GO J. A. Smidt JAck Wheat uhas Woodworth .tr H. Beghtol J. V. Brooke & bon vurrier-Park uoal Eckhardt H. O. Hastings !Uel co Juniata Lumber Co Larsen h. G. Mikkelsen Drug Co McFerren L. F. Nebraska oanitarium Panker riirs. J. A. Roseland Grain a dupply ko Sunnyside volland Funeral Home Walker ,ionrad Whisnand Gari V Meek welter Anderson balke vitner burr Burroughs vurroughs iJuskirk Christensen Daniher Doty -yous Dycus Fricke " E. Ray H. Wa D. N. vialter M. m. b. LL B. U. L. Hans will is. M. Tim. C. um. C. John .._ ay....," GENERAL FUND CONT, supplies, uourt House uo. supplies Repairs uffice supplies supplies, uourt House Repairs supervisors services a mileage ohelling corn at 60, Farm Light, Water Tel., etc ins. Premium supplies Examination Questions messages .upervisors services & mileage Mileage for Mothers Pension uommittee 15RIDGE FUND italverts Repairing °ridge Labor J-iabor Culvert Labor New bridge Labor Lumber Labor Labor filling in bridge Labor Labor on county bridge Labor Labor Labor Labor Driving truck Labor Repairs Labor Lumber Team work Labor New bridge New bridge New bridge Pile bridge Lumber Labor • Pilling in bridge filling in bridge POOR AID FUND Services Drugs oal Groceries GO 33. GO 33, Groceries DrUgS Groceries services services uaal Services ,axneral furnishings Groceries Groceries Groceries ROAD DRAGGING FUND Supt. Supt. Supt. Supt. Little Llue Twp Kenesaw West blue v e rona Supt. Silverlaake Supt. Silver Lake supt. Juniata Supt. Logan Assisting uounty surveyor vupt. highland iwp, Supt. Ayr el It ik bupt, Ayr supt. Denver 106.75 6.34 .75 43.60 4.90 2.00 64.80 13.10 208.27 147.20 15.66 19.65 16.42 36.60 2.40 37.44 6.00 2.10 27.00 32.25 1.75 960.78 14.00 .90 6.25 4.05 9.05 18.75 31.05 5.60 10.00 7.00 7.00 16.00 8.00 7.55 3.50 37.75 22.75 14.40 551.22 552.01 756.06 2500.00 9.40 32.40 15.50 3.00 41.00 1.00 5.75 97.60 7.15 11.80 20.00 44.25 6.94 120.00 10.00 17.05 72.50 25.00 11.05 15.25 15.08 31.03 61.00 32.12 59.62 6.75 490,4 78.25 20,69 3.50 19.88 37.87 65.25 49.75 455 Paul Pittz Reichert Roeder eder Sni dt H=enry ohn Karl Hied G. Andy • Central Contractors Hargleroad W. b. Adams & Co J. D. Adams & Co J. D. Maker Jim Baker W. D. Bassett A. L. Bassett Jule Bassett Dert Beery J. C. Bloomenkarnp Henry Bohlke timer Criswell Arthur Beach i rank Krenzon uharley Derricks Bert Duncan v. b. iinspahr Lorence Essinger Garage & Oil uo Essinger Uara;e e Oil u0 Essinger. J. W. rirrne ii, C. Urothaus harry Robinson O. J. curry J, H. Galloways Tire & Battery Gartner P. H. otromer Walter mull John Eigenberg H. H. Woodworth r. h. omidt Dick Dycus Clarence Valentine Onno Starner Anton Krueger Paul Uonsbruck a acob Weatherwax E. P. G e rl o f f si e rman Peterson crank Schiffler Abe -urroughs n. b, Kistler vhester Hatgleraod vi. is. Christensen rians Marpharn bort Hastings machine service uo Haws & bon W. G. Hershey o. o, Huckfj.edt Hertian Huckfeldt Robert Hynes John A. I s arnan u eo , E. Johnson Oil uo Kister Garage Kister & Sons Geo ROAD DRAGGING FUND CONT. Assisting County ourveyor aupt. Uottonwood Twp. oupt. Holstein 'Twp. bupt. uanda °• Supt. rianover COUNTY GRAVEL FUND Adams Co.' UravelPro j ect 1 Supervising graveling road COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Repairs Repairs Labor Labor Labor Team work Team work Labor Labor J. e arta work Team work Team work `lean work Team work Supplies '.Foam work Gas & Gil Repairs Repairs & oupplies Team work Dragging vo, roads Dragging o. roads bupervisi1g County Co. B3atteries supervising Co. roads Knudson Lamborn Janes arm. Lukow .,red McClelland -Dunn, Motor Co McKenna Joe McWhirter U. • W" Nebraska battery & Tire Co Norton ti. E. Fis cher rimil Burling uhas. K. Osborn Oil uo Osler Pavelka Rei ch art Reif_ Roeder Roeder Ronenkamp Ron'nenkarnp Sanford Al Wm. r ari •enry r'red U. Deo, H. J. F. Raymond ii. K. ra0 ds Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging. Dragging v0. Co, 00. UO. Go. UO. Co. Co, Co, 'o. 00. CO. 00. VO. v0. %o. Express paid Dragging uo. roads Repairs Repairs Das &, Ui1 l ack smithing Tears work Team work Labor applies uas & Oil Dlacksmity ing Dl acksrnithing Team work loam work Team work Repairs & uupplies Labor Team work Dupplies Dragging d0, roads Dragging uo. roads Dragging Co, roads uas a Oil gagging o, roads -1 acksmith i ng Team. work Team work loam work .Dragging uo, roads Labor operating tractor Repairing roads roads roads roads roads roads roads roads roads roads roads roads roads roads roads ro ads 7,00 -7.50 43.37 70.25 49.87 10,000.00 138.20 41.06 23.75 15,00 14,40 6.00 3.15 18.00 36.00 63.75 6.75 9.60 7.20 4.80 4.20 1.35 25.90 501,18 29,45 61.85 8.40 20.25 22.50 125.90 4,00 105.50 8.75 11.24 17.50 4,50 12.36 4.12 4,50 3.75 6.00 6.75 9.00 4.50 6.75 3.00 7.50 13.50 6, 04 13.50 32.95 1.25 216.89 308.64 3.25 3.25 17.40 11.10 107.92 .75 10.50 18.00 16.40 63,65 50.90 7.50 10.20 2.93 12.00 12.00 3.50 149.07 16.50 21.05 17.75 1800 48.20 104.85 8.25 40.20 50.90 457 Stone btromer btromer Strome r Whitesel Weber ?ratt Witt D urling Web er iinnigsmier Kent Katzberg Dobbitt? baugh vvhitesel L ubrod T. H. W. J. Walter john It. R. T. J. _a ton Ciao. Ulnas. K. I. J. n.M. zdwin R. Wm, w. be w. ue Jake UOUNTY HIGHWAY FUND CONT. Driving tractor Dragging Uo. roads Dragging 6o. roads Dragging uo. roads Dragging uo. roads Dragging Uo. raods Dragging uo. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging uo. roads Dragging uo. roads Dragging uo. roads Dragging. uo. roads Dragging uo. roads Dragging uo. roads Dragging Uo. roads oupervising 'o, roads braying 48.00 24.00 33.75 24.00 6.00 6.00 12.00 22.50 5.25 11.22 21.75 9.00 5.25 11.25 12.00 109.60 .25 Motion by Hargleroad, second by whitesel, that this Doard now adjourn to meet again on ahursady, November 5th, 1925. at 9 o'clock A, n, Whereupon the board adjourned. ounty Ulerk. Deputy Uounty ulerk. 459 uourt House Hastings, Nebraska Thursday Nov. 5th, 1925 9 o'clock A. M. Board met in regular seEnsion as per adjournment of October 6th, 1925, S. B. Sorensen, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members yiereopresent as follows: Furry, Gartner, Hargleroad, Keal, Rainforth, Sorensen and Whiteselr Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. In the matter of the renew4of the -other Pension for nrs. Pearl M. Stafford, ordered by the County Court, Yotion by Keal, second by Whitesel that the order of the uourt be complied with and the ulerk instructed to issue warrants for this pension. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. The third quarterly report of Lucia Dillenbach, ulerk of District uourt was read before the Board and ordered placed on file. . on motion by nal, second by Rainforth, that the uounty Treasurer be instructed to distribute the Tax on the following described property, which had been paid under protest, as shown by protest Tax Receipt # 19 for the Year 1924. Property described as follows original town Lots 6 and 7 Block 16 uity of Hastings. Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Hainforth that we purchase a uar load of bridge Lumber from the "Standard Bridge Company; of Omaha, Nebraska. to be delivered at Holstein, Nebraska, and in accordance with a memorandum of agreement with the Standard Bridge'Co. Roll call, all:voted aye, motion carried. Motion by Furry, second by Keal, that the following duplicate miscellaneous receipt as filed in the the County Clerk by the County Treasurer be entered in the Supervisors record: Motion carried. N o. ft 11 tJ• 11 11 It 11 11 It tf 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 "- 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 ft If 0' ft ft .. ft,• ft 11 0 it • ; tt County Board County Judge rred G. Reader Webster County Harm Johnson Ulay uounty State Treasurer U.B. & Q. R.R. Co. County Judge tt Prosser State Bank First Nat'l, Bank Nebraska Nat'l, Bank State Bank of Hastings madgett Brothers xarmers State bank of Ayr P. H. Gartner Y. H. Gartner uounty Judge bank of Commerce Kenesaw Citizens John Leighfield County Judge Lucia Dillenbach Y. H. Gartner Juniata Twp. cottonwood Twp, Logan Twp. cottonwood Twp, Appropration Marie Berndt Inheritance Tax J. A. Cates uo. Clk. Hall County Blaine Twp. Road Work West Blue Twp. uity of Hastings Farm Sale Fines Appropration 1/2 cost Bridge Account of error 1/2 uost Bridge Reimbursement Road Work Fines Interest if it Account of error Interest Old Bridge Plank Fines Interest Appropration Road'Verk Fines 14 Fees Road Work 11: if ft"' Cr. Gen. Funds School " Co. Gravel Bridge Fund Road Drag. Fund bridge Fund General Fund 78 11 11 School It "'Bridge 11 "-School 11 If It If County Gravel Fund Cr. Go. Highway Fund " General Fund " School " H •; It '' Road Drag. Fund fi fi'11 11.; fi Co. Gravel Inheritance " Bridge Fund " Road Drag, Fund Fund It 11 11 .; office of 4 4215.32 10.00 2000.00 353.86 13.50 101.35 10000.00 442.40 45.00 4.13 50.00 181.60 81.97 114.51 23.80 35.76 5.00 49.75 10.00 121.79 2000,00 30.00 10.00 15.00 5.00 30.00 414.00 300.00 274.00 2000.00 53.04 35.87 546.00 402.00 48.00 • motion by hargleroad, second by Keal, that the uounty Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to transfer $ 500.00 from the Road Dragging Fund to the uounty Gravel Fund. Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried, motion by Keal, second by Furry, that the uounty Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to transfer § 2000.00 from the Road Dragging Fund to the County Highway Fund. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. The Board recessed at 12 o'clock and resumed again at 1 oftclock P. M. with all members present. U. R. DeMunth and others from Ayr Township appeared oefore the board and requested that two miles of Highway in Ayr Township be taken over and added to the uounty Highway system. No action taken oy the board. The following communication from the county Treasurer was read. To Honorable Board of Supervisors of Adams county, This is to request of your honorable body, the final appointment of Edward schreiner, as Deputy County Treas- urer. Bond for your approval will be presented at next meeting. Pearl B. Woodworth. Motion by Keal, second by Hargleroad, that the appointment ny the County Treasurer of Edward Schreiner as Deputy County Treasurer ne confirmed ny tnis Board. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, second Dy Keal, that upon the recommendation comanitte, the following claims ne anoweci on there respective fund warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. GENERAL. FUND Of the entire board acting as an auditing and the Clerk be instructed to draw Claims Follow: Byers Lumber co. Cannon T. N. Crow Walter m. Davis Elliott R. Democrate ?rinting co. Department of Public Works Derricks George A. Dillenbach Lucia Fiedler G. B. Frye J. F. Furry J. H. Gartner P. H. Gaudreault Were. Co. Hillers J. B. Hargleroad W. B. Harm George Hastings Daily Tribute Johnson Oil Co. K -B Printing co. Keel William Kister (1 Sons Kline J. 13, Laird & Co. Kort Louis Land 0. H. Lincoln School Supply co, Lincoln Tel. & Tel. co. 11 H ff Manhatten Oil Co; Millard B. F. Miller Brothers Nebraska Battery a Tire Co. North Western Mfg. Co. Osborn Oil Co. Palmer CO. Pauley Lumber Co. Queen City Laundry Rainforth T. R. Renner a Serf Schultz Martha h. Smith Machinery co. Sorensen S. B. Standard Oil CO. Stein Bros. co. Stewart Walter G, it It - It Wahlquist Brothers Whitesel W, C. Widmaier Wm, Willits J. E. Blankenbiller G. E. Buhr Louis Easter John Gartner Walter Gruener E. J. Hagenmman.F, 0. Kalvoda Frank Kistler I. W. Krull Claus Mid. State Constr. co. Pavelka William Post H. E. Post Jr. John Roseland Lumber Co. Standard Bridge co. it • ' ft ti Stedthen John Stokes L. A. smidt Dick VanBoening harm VanMeter J. J. Anderson E. Ray Bitner E. N. burr Walter m. Burroughs H. B. Buskirk C. L. Christensen Hans Doty O. M. Ilvems W GENERAL FUND CONTINUED steel posts Supplies, County -farm Office expense Mileage Printing Repairs Key District court Costs Mileage Insurance Premium Supervisors Service a Mileage 41 11 Office Supplies Insurance Premium Supervisors Service & Mileage Jail Expenses & Etc. Delinquent Tax List Gas & 011 Office Supplies Supervisors Service Blacksmith work Supplies Clothing; county Farm TearaWork Boarding 'mates County .arm Office Supplies Toll calls iearm bureau " Office Phones Gas & Oil Blacksmithing Repairs Supplies Janitor supplies Gas & Oil Ink Supplies Laundry Work Supervisors services Office printing Postage & Mileage Repairs 1`. Supervisors service & mileage Gas & Oil Janitor supply Plumbing Office printing Supervisor Service & mileage Court Bailiff Attorney Fees BRIDGE FUND Services Team Work Services Team work ft ft Culverts Team work ft ti If it Concrete pipe Blacksmithing Team work ft material Dal. New bridge H Team work services Team work ft' 0» ROAD DRAGGING FUND Supt. Little Blue West blue Verona Silver Lake Juniata Logan highland ft 76,10 10.00 2.50 65.00 541.25 4.93 .50 351.95 3.4o 40.32 22.00 56,40 5.36 30.42 28.20 230.39 50.00 46.49 9.10 20,00 .50 6.07 48.52 3.00 132.06 60.93 9.10 15.95 89.79 20.75 4.90 42.40 20.00 41.78 1.90 6.30 5.56 20.00 34.25 64.50 17.25 4.70 53.40 31,07 3.80 9.80 3.70 20.50 15.20 129.00 100.00 6.00 15.00 20,00 6.00 2.15 116.64 4.75 1.00 41.25 90.00 9.25 30.00 18.75 10.60 lo6.91 1863,50 24.00 20.00 115.27 3,60 5.45 34.75 56.65 60.74 48.44 36.05 53.12 78.26 el A', Oliver Lumber co. Paul Henry Pitt z John Reichert Karl Smidth Andy Adams County Red Cross Cannon T. N. Carl B. F. 1, If Eckhardt H. 0. Furry J. H. Hastings Fuel Co. Juniata Lumber co. Larsen H. U. Nebraska Sanitarium Prosser Lumber & Coal Co, Simms B M Sunnyside VanPatten C. T. V ol.i and G. A Walker Corired. Wheeler Coal Co. Vhisinand C. V. Wi e ck Wal t e r Yellow Gab Co. Yost Lumber Co, Bundy WM. Cannon T.. N. Consbruck Aloysius Daugherty T. R. Dickerson Y. E. Duncan 0. S. Easter John Essi ager Garage & Oil Co, /►: ,, ►1 1, i, Murdock Archie Meyer WM. H. Matthews G, F. "valentine i?red Gilchrist J. h. McV'hirter 0. W. Coffey John Grothaus harry Fricke john h. iicWhirter Hen Furry J. H. Gangwis ch Elmer F. Ol'assen Dick Dycus Edward Stromer Walter leatherwax E. P, Krueger Paul Trauernicht John Woodworth F. H. Reis L. A. Gartner P. H. troth aus Harry Hargleroad W. B. Granstrom Ed. Schiffler Abe Peterson Frank Christensen bans Nissen Christ Routh James Kistler Chester Burroughs n. B. Hastings. mechanic Works Haws W. G. Herreen Edward Hershey S, S. Juniata Lumber co. Krabel t.harles Lichtenberg John Nash Lloyd Nash H. G. Nebraska Battery & 'Tire co. Needham E.L. .Millard D. F. miller Brothers Garage McNannay James ROAD DRAGGING FUND Stakes Surveying Dragging Supt. Cottonwood Hanover POOR AID FUND R.R. fare paid Drugs Groceries as bi Cash paid for transportation Coal groceries Services Goal Drugs services Groceries Funeral Services Groceries Goal 11 Groceries Taxi Coal. COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Services motor ether Team work Services Motor ether Supplies services supplies Gas & Oil Dragging county Road 11^' 10 11 I, 1, U If 11 11 .. ►.: Supervising & .Mileage Blacksmith work Dragging County roads 11 R „ 11 tt 71 .. N +t 11 .: 0- 0.; ►, „ 11 II ' 0. 1, Supervising & Mileage Team work Supervising &Ivlileage Dragging County raods 1, al ,I fl" 0. tl.. O. t,:. 1, n 1r ,i U. flr.• RI 0 - Repairs - Repairs Gas & Oil Dragging county roads Blacksmith work Supplies Team work 11 n e- tt I 1,. Repairs Services Blacksmith work Repairs Services 5,20 10.50 9.00 10.00 33.24 13.49 12.00 15.99 16,20 50,15 5.00 27,25 15.60 20,46 100.00 7.75 1.10 58,00 4.75 50.00 16.45 8.75 17.50 27,15 29,34 1.50 4.50 8.75 1,50 24.90 3.50 7.75 .85 24.00 23.15 198.55 15.30 6.00 3.00 13.50 7.50 8.25 3,00 6.00 4.50 9.00 66,00 9.75 3.00 13.50 12.00 8.25 4.50 17.25 9.00 5,25 16,40 7.80 88,60 8.25 16.50 7.50 9.00 6,20 6;;00 18.24 12,00 73.50 132.65 7.11 22.75 .85 24.90 11.00 15.75 15.80 .90 12.00 23.75 1.80 2.10 465 Smith Machinery uo. kl YY" tt u" d tip, It 11,• tY•: Stokes L. A, Whitesel Ira Whitese3. W.. C. Maxfield V. E. Needham E. L. Whitesel R. Kent Edwin R. Kindig M. J. Currier Ira Webber T. J. Baugh J. R. Zubrod Jake Central Contractors Hargleroad W. B. (;OUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Repairs 44 11•. ii Services tt Supervising & Mileage Dragging County roads 11 •: It 11 /1. It N •: It 11 11 it 41 H ' uOUNTY GRAVEL FUND Balance Adams County Project #1 Superintending & Mileage 163.34 3.75 5.75 4.43 24.00 69.00 77.00 8.99 11.25 5.25 6.75 6.75 6.25 3.00 12.00 .25 6172.13 64,80 'Lotion by nargleroad,second by Keal, that the Register of needs be instructed to make copies of two new neumerical index's to replace old ones which are worn out, at an agreed price at three cents per lite. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried, T ;.otion by Hargleroad 100.00 Roll call, second by (artner, that we offer for sale all voted aye, motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad , 1925, at 9 o'clock A.M. ane Ford Truck belonging to Adams County, for econd by Rainforth, that this Board now adjourn to meet again on baturday Dec. 5th, Motion carried. The Board adjourned. Asot. Deputy clerk. 46.7 4:4 court house, Hastings Nebraska. Saturday December ‘th, 1925, 9 o'clock A. n, Adams County board of Supervisors met in regular session as per adjournment of 770e5th, 1925. b, B. Sorensen, Chairman presided, Roll call, all members were present as follows: Furry, Gartner, , Harlgeroad, Whitesel. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read She following eliscellaneeus Receipts from the and upon motion by en -al , second by Rainforth, follow: ft 1811 ft 1812 " 1813 # 1814 ft 1815 1816 t 1817 if 1818 # 1819 ft 1820 # 1821 if 1822 # 1823 S. B. Sorensen J. A. Cates, County Clerk J. Furry J. A. Cates,County clerk. J. A. cates, County Clerk I. A. Oates, County clerk. L.B. Stiner Lucia Dillenbach Lucia Dillenbach W. E. Andres Exchange National bank J. A. cates, county clerk Pete Gartner eeal, Rainforth, sorensen and and approved. County Treasurers Office, filed with the county were ordered tobe made part of the Supervisors credit Credit credit ,r edit Credit Credit ,redi t Credit credit eredit credit Credit credit General fend General Fund Road Dragging Fund Gen er al Fund Bridge Fund Bridge Fund General fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Genera Fund Bridge Fund Bridge Fund 100.00 2.90 48.00 4.20 25.32 97.52 10.00 221.15 18.00 10.00 98.87 5.30 5.00 Clerk were read Record. Receipts In the matter of renewa/s of Mothers Pensions ordered by the county Court on the applications of elara M. Edwards, Alice Block, Emma Dell Young and Ida mcFerren that the order be complied with and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for these pensions. bailie being made a motion by Rainforth and second by Kea. Roll call, all voted aye, el° ti on carried, eiotion by Furry, second by Gartner, that the Official Bond o f Edward Schreiner, Deputy county Treasur be approved, Roll call, all voted aye. Lotion carried, At 12 0' cloek Noon the Board recessed until 1 o'clock P. ie.. when they again resumed with all members present, notion by Hargleroad, second by Furry trAt we employ a uertified Public Accountant to audit the books of the various county Offices for the year 1925. Roll call, ail Voted aye. r;r.otion carried, Motion by Gartner, second by hargleroad, that the following names by submitted to the Clerk of the District Court from which to draw the J ury for the January term of the Adams 'County District court, loth Judicial District. Motion carried, Names follow: Supervisors District 1 West Blue nighland Edwin eTicke, Hastings, R. 1 William Adams, Hastings R. 4 William Preston Hastings R . bert Mott, Hastings R. 4 verona „John Royston,Hayland August Anderson, J uni at a Co et onwood H. Ile Eigenberg, Holstein E. Felzine, Holstein John Golgert, Holstein Little blue E. Post, 1-'auline lc 0, bourne, Pauline John brown, Pauline Blaine Harm Valentine, Hastings R 5 i'red Asmus, Hastines R 5 Denver R. M. Louden, Hastings R. 2 w. W, Wright, hustings R. 2 H. A, Hill, Hastings. R 2 Supervieots Dittrict 2 Wada Juniata chas. X, burling, isenesaw G. T. Cooper, Juniata Chas Roeder, eenesaw Bdward .boul ton , J uni ata Supervisors District # 3 Silver Lake Logan Willaim is° rwege , i1oden —Tester Anderson, Hol stein J. M. Call, Maden ,1Edward Gent ert , 1aden supervisor:: District # 4 Ayr acob Seemidt, Hastings J axles C.. Ferguson, Hastings 2rero iirank Bosard, Ayr F. H. Woodworth, Ayr e.enesaw e ssriffi de ner , teens saw Osler, Kenesaw M. A. Stoner, teenesaw Ins eland Acy Derr, Roseland T. W. Jones, Roseland Hanover Ernil Baehr, Hastings _Fred Ocker, Glenvil Supervisors District 5 Henry Gartner, 624 bo. burl. , W. J. Gay, 400 So. Hastings, Jdhn Hoff, 402 So. Balt,, Lex., Ernest Hartman, 115 So Colo. George cCoy, 620 So Denver, , H. Papenhagen, 420 Vastine, 425 So. Denver. u-eorge C. Kister, 515 So So, Denver., Orville eupervisore District - 6 _C. A. Rutnerfd, 1407N, Denver, C. E.' EPers; 1011 N,. Beer,J. 1C, Sh brinan , North ,Kanse.s George F0 V6j.th„, 202 W,iiigh J, C. Sr4ycler,,,105, E. 7th Rueselri Shinlcis., 407 E 7th, John Uerling court Park, 'Kenneth Getiney, Court Park, Supervisors District # 7 ;S L. Gs Ayan, 625 N. Bell., Hensman, 1 601 W 4th, Addie Adams, 1812 W. 4th, Joe M. Davis, 907 N. ur, 2.?, Hedge, 822 h. sell. , S. A. na.ynes, 717 N. burl. , J. is. Gordon, 421 e. briggs, W. E. rance, 1 620 W. 7th. J. Ir. Ernstmeyer and others from verona and Highland aownship appeared before the board regarding a change in County roads. No action taken by the iss0a rci. Lotion by Gartner, second by real, that the following al aims be allowed on their respective funds Lin d the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same, hell call, all voted aye, iaotion carried.. Claims follow; 469 Ada County Farm Bureua Beal E. U. Biuderup Hdw. co. Brinkema a Pope Button L. N. Ayr Lumber co 'byers Lumber Co C. B. & Q. R.R. co Columbia Ribbon .8: Carbon Mfg Co County Treas. Cramer A. H. Crow Water M. Davis Elliott R. Reines Drug Co Democrat Printing co Diebold Safe & Lock Co Dillenbach Lucia Duncan C. S. iarm Central Mutual iie InS. 00 Ascher S. rurry J. h. Gartner H. Hall County Hamel E. 13. Hama Geo. Hastings Battery & Elec. Co Hastings battery & Elec. co Hastings Sheet Metal Works Heye Dick Hildebrand Ed K -B Printing Co Keal . Keith v. W. et al Kister & Sons Geo. Land 0. H. Lawson Hdw, Co 0, K. Lincoln Tele & Tel. Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. Local Registrars Lowman & 00 Wm. .m. Madgett Brothers Manhattan Oil co Manhattan Oil co Llans field Paint & Glass Co Murphy Typewriter Co, R. E. Liculelland.-i)unn motor Co mcClelland-uunn Motor co mcDowell 14„ H. McDowell 1-1, mcGrath Hdw, Co J. H. McGrath Hdw. uo J. H. Nebr. Institution for Feeble Minded Osborn0il Co Pauley Lumber co Penney Co ‘J• U• Queen City Laundry uo Rain forth T. R. Renner & Serf School District # 18 Schultz Martha H. Sigel Cafe Smith machinery Co Sorensen S. Bo Turbyfill Joseph M. Wahlquist Brothers Western Union Tele. co. Wheeler Coal Co, wh ites el C. Vidmaier Wm, Winston Co John C. Woods Oil Co 00 Ayr Lumber co Byers Lumber co Clayton t. C. Daugherty P. R. Duden R. W. Firms ,Jred inne n. R. Fi rine Y. U. Hagemann Heiser Ho ffman Jones I' • 0. J ohn [Jewton Ray Jones & bons T. W. ohnson harm Krable iar1es GENERAL FUND Office supplies Gas Supplies oupplies recording Deeds, postage 8upplies Lumber torage ground Typewriter ribbons Tele, light, freight bills, etc Ins. Premium Office supplies mileage u face supplies office supplies, Court House ,.)ervices uourt costs, office supplies bupplies Inc. premium .Aleage for mothers eensions bupervisors services & mileage supervisors cervi oes & mileage fork on Hall -Adams line bervices J ail expenses «c ?office supplies ...agneto, etc Labor bupplies 1.[epairs, County 'Farm hunning tractor auppiles uourt House upervisors services 8.; mileage Witness insanity hearing hepairs •oard for inmates at Co, Supplies calls, Farm Bureau 'ion calls, Court House Hecording births & deaths Insurance Policy insurance premium Gas & Oil Gas & 0±1 Glass -typewriter, Court House Labor, supplies bupplies ash paid for toll calls ash paid for toll calls bupplies & repairs bupplies bupport of Adams County inmates Gas & Oil oupplies bupplies, uo. Farm. 1,aundry, Court House oupervisors services buppl ies , usurt House use of Senior nigh. u face supplies meals for Jury bupplies, repairs oupervisors services a mileage court costs. & office supplies oupplies , Court House lelegrams Coal , Court House ,-upervisors services & mileage bervices on MothersPension committee oupplies Gas & Oil Farm BRIDGE FUND Suppli es Lumber .uabor Labor on bridge Labor on bridge Labor on bi-idge Labor on bridge Labor on bridge Labor on bridge Gulverts Labor on bridge in bridge rifling in bridge bupplies Labor -abor on bridge 14.55 3.15 5,50 9.25 11.00 5,60 144.97 5.00 2.98 413.27 107, 52 17.50 65.00 6, go 28.87 20.00 126.85 3.80 11.25 3.40 11.60 67.10 91.12 5.00 244.40 5.30 1.25 9,65 7.45 10.00 2.61 38. 70 11.00 .7 5 127,80 66.90 8.75 26,75 49.75 67, 00 65,00 79.44 20.72 2.85 97,65 65.65 9.55 5.30 1. 6o 16.96 19.50 254.44 34.10 . 65 4.98 5.43 20.00 40.25 10.00 60.33 32.80 103.35 48.70 84,02 6.50 2.22 425, 28 15.20 21.20 7.95 81.61 7.30 5.05 11.00 5.60 5.20 4.55 4.55 4,55 6,30 15,60 2.50 3.50 7:?0 22.40 2.10 4.20 471 VanMeter J. J. Lc) o dworth Ray Anderson Ran e idtner burr Burroughs Dusk irk uhristensen uounty 'i'reas. 110 ty 0. M. Dycus ricke Stu]. k en Robinson Gaymon Fricke Dyk em an Huxtabl e Criswell Herren oss 0. H. C;onsbruck Jacob Geri° ff Woodworth Dycus. Ei genb erg n. H. Wo atherwax Reis is.rueger Val entine Smidt btamer Ge rio f f Hargl eroad Kindig Nissen (.4-ranstrom Fel zine R. H. Heuretz Kistl er Peterson Shiffler Chris tensen argl eroad 1-±0 ffman Lenz er Re ichart Feichert E. Ray L. N. waiter M. n. 13, U. L. hen 411. C. ohn H. August Li.. E. J. H. 0. E. C. Arthur Edward ilerman is'. H. a ar en ce E. P. L. A. raul ,„,nno ck rienry billion J allies C. rist A. hoster Fr ank Abe Hans L. B. e rt E. W. villard marl Karl Roeder 1,red G. bail water Lumber Go Siebke eone Smidt , dy • 'Wailes desSO Wheeler Lumber Eridge -hit esal narold Balk e Lurling ch os. K. Parmenter R. A. Pratt .lton L. hi te sel L. R. Pratt E. D. Laugh i. R. Weber T. J. Youngblood L. Saddler w. G. i Supply Beghtol J. V. Carl b. F. currier Park coal uo Hamel J.S• Hastings Fuel Co Juniata Lumber Go Larsen H. G. Latthi es en uo earl R. Nebr. Sanitarium Pratt Merc . uo . j, Schlueter Lumber co Sunny side bervic VanPat ten ker (.onrad BRIDGE FUND CONT. Haul ing 1u.iiber 'Ming in bridge ROAD DRAGGING FUND rupt. Li ttl e blue `TWp upt. Ke,iesaw TWp. bupt. West Blue Twp bupt. Vero nci. Twp i.;upt, Silver Lake Twp oupt. Juniata Twp bupt. Logan Twp Dreight on bllOW fence SuP,A. Hi ghland rIWO. bupt. Ayr Twp oupt. Denver Twp Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Road dragging Ho ad dragging Road dragging Road dragging Ro sa dragging Road dragging Road. dragging Road dr ,gging HO ad dragging Load dragging Ito ad dragging HO ad dragging road dragging EiLl dragging tad dragging Boad dragging bupt, Zero Twp Labor Ro ad dragging Road dragging road dragging Road dragging Road. dragging Road dragging Road dragging-, Road dragging Road dragging Supervisors services & mileage L oho r Supt. blaine Twp L abo r no ad dragging Labo r bupt. uott onvio od .iwp Supt. Wanda Twp. e el posts Labor tiupt, Hanover 'Ilvp Labor Co Snow fence Labor Dragging roads Dragging Ro ads Dragging roads Dragging roads Dragging roads Dragging roads Dragging raods Dragging roads Land for road purposes SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND Relief of soldiers POOR AID F',ND bervices Gro caries vo Services o al .)c) el o ce ri es rrescription Se rvices u.roceries Go al .ervices Groceries u-ro ceri es 24.00 6.00 41.52 99.25 67,00 69.00 32.82 46.73 36.60 229.83 126,64 84.15 53.13 9.36 19.50. 48.75 4.50 3,00 3.00 6.00 6.38 16.13 11.25 4.50 4.50 4.50 15.93 6.00 1.50 3.00 5.25 10.05 4.50 57.37 44.00 7.13 3.75 4.50 4.50 1.13 5,25 3.75 6.75 9.00 102.00 8.20 31.00 7.00 12.00 54.00 19.00 72.62 97.27 58.00 65.11 58.8o 758.78 30.00 11.25 6.38 8.63 18.00 3.00 25.12 6.00 3.00 50.00 100.00 5.00 15.85 33.75 8.00 48.25 14.80 20,79 1.15 100.00 12.75 18.70 58.00 14.60 1 5.35 473 Chri stens en Hans Cornelius Pick Furry J J. H. Gartner i-. H. Haws ec Sons Juniata Lumber L ambo rn McC1 ell and- Lunn LleGrath ridw. ilcGrath rldW. Co Osborn Oil co Robinson u. J. Ron.nexamp Raymond Slining henry Smith Lachiner-y Smith Lachinery Standard uil CO Tompkins ervice.,Garage Ihitesel 1. E. Whi te s el v. C. iaotor • J • H. J. H. COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Labor Labor bupervising roads bupervising roads Gas & Oil bupplies Setting up snow fence bupplies, repairs Repairs Hepairs Gas & Oil tabor Funning tractor betting up snow fence .Laabor on tractor Labor on maintainer Gas ec Oil Hepairs Labor Supervising Go. roads 3.00 2.40 72.90 20,80 69.60 .50 4.00 19.80 7,90 6.99 28.19 12.00 16.00 4.00 1.50 16,25 12.40 1.50 19.20 83.40 R. JJ. :i13.11.n of Prosser, Nebr., who owns land along the public highway on the Adams -Hall County line appeared before the board and made complaint regarding a dyke which was built by Adam.s-liallCounty., motion by Gartner, second by Hargleroad that the hairman appoint a committee of three to confer with the riall county board regarding this dyke. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. The Chairman appointed on this committee, supervisors, Fu rry, , Hargleroad, and Rainforth. _dotion by Keal, second by Fa,inforth that this board now adjourn to meet again on Viednesday, January 6th, 1920, at 9 o'clock ,v,otio-n carried, board adjourned. County clerk. Deputy (Jaunty Clerk. Ary--/./rize66, Chairman.