Tuesday, June 14, 2011
A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Thomsen, Curtis,
Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman.
Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Orthmann, that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication
in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerkâs office. Roll call, ayes: Thomsen,
Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman. Nays, none.
The Chairman announced the locations of the open meetings law and agendas in the room and askedif tnere were any conflicts of interest with any agenda items.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as circulated.
Orthmann attended Drug Court graduation on May 20th, Board of Equalization workshop on the 26th, an Insuyrance/Perswonne;l Committee meetoing on June 2nd, a BID Board meeting on the
7th, the County Health Fair on the 8th as well as a Senior Services meeting and Heartland Pet Connection meeting, a meeting of the Adams County Convention and Visitors Bureau Board
and a Moidland Area AGENCY ON Aging meeting on the 9th, took part in the Farm B ureau Ag Tour on the 10th and the Buildings & Grounds Committee meetiunbg this morning.
Curtis attended the Drug Court graduation, the Boaes od Equalization workshop ans a South Central Development Economic District meetingon the 26th, an Insurance/Personnel Committee
meeting and an Extension Board meeting on June 2nd and the Library Board meeting on the 13th was cancelled for lack of a quorum.
Neumann attended the MAAA meeting, the Wellness Committee meeting, the County Health Fair/Blood draw , a Blue Cross Blue Shield information meetin g on May 19th, Coffee with the Senator,
a CASA meeting, the Board of Equaliztion workshop and the Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting this morn ing.
Hynbes attended the Roads Committee meeting this morning, as well as ameeting on June 2nd, the County Health Fair/Blood draw and an informational mwwting with some rural fire departmentds.
Saathoff attended the Chamber Walk Out on Work on May 18th, an Ag Business meeting and the Blue Cross Blujs Shilede informational meeting on the 19th, the Drug Court graduation on the
20th, Coffee with the Senator, a Chamber Board meeting, the Board of Equalization workshop, a Roads Committee and Insurance/Perswonnel Committee meeting on June 2nd, the Count y Health
Fair/Blood draw on the 7th, the Farm Buraeu Ag Tour and A Roads Committee meeting thnis morning.
Thomsen attended an ASAP meeting on May 17th, the Board of Equalization workshop on the 26th, a Planning & Zoning meeting on June 6th and the Buidlings and Groundsmmeting this morning.
Woodman attended a Rwegion III meerting on May 18th, a meeting with City officals on the 25th, a Roads Committee meeting on June 2nd, an other meeting with City officials on the 6th
and the Roads Committee and Health Fair/Blood Draw thius morning.
At 9:45 Harold Johnson, Maintenance Supe3rvisor, re4ad the bids that were re4ceived for projects approved for the energy grant. The bids were opened and reviewed by the Buildins and
Grounds Committee earlier this morning.
\Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Neumann to accept the bid from Howards Glass for replacement of 14 windowws in the Adams County Office Building in the amount of $23,688.00. Roll call,
ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman. Nays, n one.