HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP12-06-11COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, December 6, 2011 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Orthmann, that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk’s office. Roll call, ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman. Nays, none. The Chairman announced the locations of the open meetings law and agendas in the room and also asked if there were any conflicts of interest with any agenda items. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as circulated. Thomsen attended an ASAAP meeting on November 15th, the Planning Commission meeting on the 5th and the Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting this morning. Saathoff attended a Senior Action meeting on November 21st, on the 29th he visited with the Hall County Board Administrator and heard a proposal on a new 911 telephone system at the Hastings Police Dept and attended a Roads Committee meeting on the 5th. Hynes also attended the proposal from Windstream on a new 911 system at the Police Dept on the 29th and the Roads Committee meeting on the 5th. Neumann attended a South Central District Health Dept meeting on the 21st, the Wellness Committee Lunch and Learn on the 22nd, a Midland Area Agency on Aging meeting on the 2nd and the Buildings and Grounds meeting this morning. Curtis attended a South Central Economic Development District meeting on the 17th, a Personnel Committee meeting on the 23rd, met with the Hall County Board Administrator, the Windstream proposal for 911 system at the Hastings Police Dept on the 29th, a Library Board meeting on the 28th and an Extension Board meeting on the 1st. Orthmann attended the Personnel Committee meeting on the 23rd, visited with the Hall County Board Administrator and heard the Windstream proposal for 911 system on the 29th and the Buildings and Ground meeting this morning. Woodman attended the 911 proposal at the Police Dept on the 29th and the Roads Committee meeting on the 5th. During public comment Bobbi Rousseau addressed the Board regarding concerns & funding issues she has with OSHA. Ron Seymour, Extension Educator, introduced a new staff member, Kayte Tranel. Ms Tranel told the Board a little about herself. Judy Mignery, Planning Director, presented information regarding vacation of the Trailblazer Subdivision and the proposed Double D Ranch Subdivision. Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Hynes to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 11-12-06.1 vacating the Trailblazer Subdivision. Roll call, ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman. Nays, none. Complete Resolution on file in the County Clerk’s office. Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Orthmann to approve the Double D Ranch Subdivision, case 11-12.2, applicant Orville Duden. Roll call, ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman. Nays, none. Highway Superintendent Dawn Miller presented information to the Board regarding resolutions to drop several Adams County projects from a list with the State for federal funding and for agreements for Environmental Study on two road projects by Mainelli Wagner. Miller recommended that the Board allow all of the projects listed on the resolution prepared by the state with the exception of Ayr Southwest BRO-7001(18). She told the Board that this project could not be funded entirely by Adams County and would require federal funds to complete. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Saathoff to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 11-12-06.2 as edited by Highway Superintendent Dawn Miller that allows several road projects to be dropped for federal funding with the exception of Ayr Southwest BRO-7001(18). Roll call, ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman. Nays, none. Complete Resolution on file in the County Clerk’s office. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Hynes to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Resolution 11-12-06.3 authorizing the Chairman to sign the agreement with the State Dept of Roads for Environmental Study for project BR-2138(1), Hastings Northeast with Mainelli Wagner and Associates. Roll call, ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman. Nays, none. Complete Resolution on file in the County Clerk’s office. Motion by Saathoff, seconded by Curtis to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 11-12-06.4 authorizing the Chairman to sign an agreement with the State Dept of Roads for Environmental Study for project BRO-7001(11), Ayr Northeast with Mainelli Wagner and Associates. Roll call, ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman. Nays, none. Complete Resolution on file in the County Clerk’s office. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Thomsen to move to Board of Equalization for motor vehicle exemption applications and Tax List Corrections. Roll call, ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Board of Equalization at 10:17 AM. Clerk Lewis told the Board she has received documents from Miller & Associates that require the Chairman to sign for payment of funds from the Dept of Energy grant the County received earlier this year. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Curtis to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign payment documents from Miller & Associates for the County energy grant. Roll call, ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman. Nays, none. Clerk Lewis presented an application received from the Liquor Commission for David Osborn for manager of the Elks Club. She stated that she had the Sheriff’s office do a search on the applicant and nothing was reported. Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Thomsen to approve the application received from the NE Liquor Commissioner for David Osborn for manager of the Elks Lodge BPOE #159. Roll call, ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman. Nays, none. Lewis also told the Board that Treasurer Bev Davis has received a request from Heritage Bank to release $1.5 million in pledged securities and replace securities in the same amount. Motion by Curtis, seconded by Orthmann to approve the release of securities from Heritage Bank in the amount of $1.5 million and replace securities in the same amount. Roll call, ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Neumann to approve claims with the exception of one general assistance claim payable to Jack McCoy for housing assistance and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds. Roll call, ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hynes to approve officers reports for the month of November from the County Clerk and Clerk of District Court. Roll call, ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Thomsen to move to Executive Session for negotiations and personnel matters. Roll call, ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Executive Session at 10:47 AM. Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Hynes to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 11:15 AM. The Chairman announced that the only discussion in Executive Session was for negotiations and personnel and no actions were taken. The Board continued their meeting in a work session with the County handbook Committee. The committee has finalized their revisions to the Employee Handbook and was available for any questions the Board may have regarding the revisions. The revised handbook will be forwarded to all county officials and department heads for their comments and the Board will schedule approval for the December 20, 2011 meeting. The Board then adjourned. COUNTY GENERAL RAMONA RAE THOMAS REIMBURSEMENT 98.64 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 62.05 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS MISCELLANEOUS 31.30 US POSTAL SERVICE POSTAL SERVICES 220.00 SHARON ROSE ELECTIONS 50.75 DELORES M ZIMMERMAN ELECTIONS 68.88 NACRC DUES, SUB, REG, 135.00 NE SUPREME COURT PUBLISHING 107.70 MIPS DATA PROC. 165.00 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 44.85 QUILL CORPORATION SUPPLIES 90.96 HOMETOWN LEASING EQUIPMENT 432.86 DELL MARKETING LP EQUIPMENT 399.00 DELL MARKETING LP REPAIRS 13.99 AXIS CAPITAL INC EQUIPMENT 235.00 HASTINGS AREA CHAMBER DUES, SUB, REG, 129.00 EAKES OFFICE PLUS SUPPLIES 9.65 NE SUPREME COURT PUBLISHING 65.40 ADAMS CO HIGHWAY DEPT REPAIRS 348.13 GLEN SHEPARD DUES, SUB, REG 299.00 LINDA CONKLIN TRAVEL EXPENSES 28.08 HASTINGS AREA CHAMBER DUES, SUB, REG, 129.00 DIANE HYNES REIMBURSEMENT 118.00 JIM KUHN MISCELLANEOUS 355.00 MARY JOHNSON MISCELLANEOUS 15.00 JACKIE RUSSELL MISCELLANEOUS 15.00 JUSTIN RUNYAN MISCELLANEOUS 15.00 CR BUREAU OF HASTINGS MISCELLANEOUS 90.00 EAKES OFFICE PLUS SUPPLIES 151.54 HASTINGS TRIBUNE PUBLISHING 32.39 JEO CONTRACT 195.00 NACO DUES,SUBS,REG 120.00 RON KUCERA MILEAGE 121.00 GAGE COUNTY SHERIFF COURT COSTS 104.18 US POSTAL SERVICE POSTAL SERVICES 308.00 AARON BISHOP MENTAL HEALTH BOARD 75.00 DELL MARKETING LP REPAIR 194.99 CHERYL STABENOW MENTAL HEALTH BOARD 60.00 MICHAEL MEFFERD MENTAL HEALTH BOARD 75.00 SHARON K MAULER MENTAL HEALTH BOARD 75.00 BRAD BIGELOW MENTAL HEALTH BOARD 75.00 BUFFALO CO SHERIFF OFF MENTAL HEALTH BOARD 41.18 STEPHEN LOWE MENTAL HEALTH BOARD 75.00 AXIS CAPITAL INC EQUIPMENT 290.00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS MISCELLANEOUS 53.30 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM SUPPLIES 175.00 EAKES OFFICE PLUS SUPPLIES 111.00 ASSOCIATED STAFFING INC SALARY 907.20 NORTHEAST NEBR JUVENILE JUVENILE CARE 21,810.00 ADAMS COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS 1,000.00 EAKES OFFICE PLUS SUPPLIES 1,736.86 HOMETOWN LEASING EQUIPMENT 574.81 WALMART COURT COSTS 24.20 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS MISCELLANEOUS 45.30 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM EQUIPMENT 375.00 SEILER, PARKER P.C. ATTRNY FEES 1,620.00 JOYCE HASSELBALCH COURT COSTS 20.50 GENERAL REPORTING COURT COSTS 354.40 JS WURM AND ASSOC COURT COSTS 86.38 LIESKE LAW FIRM ATTRNY FEES 2,160.75 TIMOTHY E HOEFT ATTRNY FEES 996.41 STACIE GODING ATTRNY FEES 432.25 DEREK TERWEY ATTRNY FEES 2,751.66 HASTINGS UTILITIES UTILITIES 2,186.01 DUTTON LAINSON CO MISCELLANEOUS 8.44 MARATHON SYSTEMS SUPPLIES 411.70 MONTE MALOUF JR & ASSOC MISCELLANEOUS 182.00 TRISHA THAUT CUSTODIAL 300.00 BETH MARICLE MILEAGE 420.69 RON SEYMOUR REIMBURSEMENT 234.06 EXECUTIVE COPIER SYS INC EQUIPMENT 2.87 KAYTE TRANEL MILEAGE 104.34 GWEN RODOCKER REIMBURSEMENT 112.72 GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO TELEPHONE 49.95 LAVILLA VANBOENING MILEAGE 125.32 DON SIFFRING MILEAGE 25.03 ADAMS CO HIGHWAY DEPT EQUIPMENT 211.00 WINGATE INN TRAVEL EXPENSES 77.00 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM CONTRACT 25.00 MIPS CONTRACT 942.66 FRONTIER FORD LINC-MERC EQUIPMENT 933.77 ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS 52.81 RADIOSHACK CORP LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS 101.94 PLATTE VALLEY TRANSFERS CARS/TRKS/TRLRS 3,740.45 COMPUTER HARDWARE SUPPLIES 316.00 EAKES OFFICE PLUS SUPPLIES 254.28 SEALEY BODY SHOP INC EQUIPMENT 100.00 ADAMS CO HIGHWAY DEPT FUEL 5,796.12 HASTINGS UTILITIES EQUIPMENT 226.51 GREGG MAGEE CO SHERIFF MILEAGE 400.14 HARDING SHULTZ PC,LLO ATTORNEY FEES 67.50 CITY OF HASTINGS CONTRACT 5,571.68 JOHN RUST UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 50.00 JAMES KONEN III UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 50.00 PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTING REPAIRS 392.50 TOM GREENLAND LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS 180.00 GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS 45.00 A & A LEASING INC CONTRACT 1,800.00 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 229.82 EAKES OFFICE PLUS SUPPLIES 515.09 DEANNA THAUT COURT COSTS 1,069.64 NEBR STATE BAR ASSOC DUES, SUB, REG, 1,415.00 NE SUPREME COURT LAW LIBRARY 327.00 ADAMS CO REG OF DEEDS FORECLOSURE COSTS 30.00 DOUGLAS CO HEALTH CTR AUTOPSY COSTS 914.20 LANCASTER COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS 4.00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS SUPPLIES 25.65 HALL COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS 14.75 DOUGLAS CO COURT COURT COSTS 7.50 LINCOLN CO COURT COURT COSTS 6.50 PHELPS COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS 12.50 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 486.76 MATTHEW HASENJAGER CORONER COSTS 25.00 SARAH A HINRICHS CORONER COSTS 25.00 ANDREW C BUTLER CORONER COSTS 25.00 ALYSON KEISER-ROUDEBUSH CORONER COSTS 25.00 HOMETOWN LEASING EQUIPMENT 612.96 TELEPHONE SYSTEMS OF NE TELEPHONE 163.09 VERIZON WIRELESS TELEPHONE 1,480.21 WINDSTREAM TELEPHONE 251.40 AS CENTRAL FINANCE EQUIPMENT 704.00 WINDSTREAM TELEPHONE 2,067.55 PTACNIK SERVICE INC TRAVEL EXPENSES 198.86 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS 157.34 WILLIAMS EXTERMINATING I MISCELLANEOUS 46.00 BOB BARKER COMPANY INC SUPPLIES 202.27 ROGERS INC SUPPLIES 79.00 BERTS REXALL DRUGS MED-HOSP PRISONERS 462.62 KEITHS PHARMACIES MED-HOSP PRISONERS 256.83 CASH WA CANDY COMPANY SUPPLIES 79.87 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS COMMISSARY 53.30 FRITO-LAY COMMISSARY 346.88 CASH WA CANDY COMPANY COMMISSARY 493.72 BRAD M CONSBRUCK UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 50.00 MARY LANNING MEMORIAL HO BOARD OF PRISONERS 3,232.80 RAQUEL MAAR MATRON FEES 25.00 KENESAW MOTOR CO INC TRAVEL EXPENSES 100.09 BIG G COMM HARDWARE REPAIRS 19.12 WINDSTREAM COMMISSARY 63.28 SAINT FRANCIS MEDICAL MED-HOSP PRISONERS 1,417.86 ADAMS COUNTY JAIL BOARD OF PRISONERS 3,189.64 EAKES OFFICE PLUS REPAIRS 198.50 WINDSTREAM TELEPHONE 25.27 EAKES OFFICE PLUS SUPPLIES 120.51 AXIS CAPITAL INC EQUIPMENT 380.00 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 62.18 QUILL CORPORATION SUPPLIES 83.70 OFFICEMAX, INC EQUIPMENT 365.60 ADAMS CO CLERK SUPPLIES 57.90 AS CENTRAL FINANCE TELEPHONE 36.69 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT 79.00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS MISCELLANEOUS 62.95 GREAT WHITE SHREDDING MISCELLANEOUS 76.83 US POSTAL SERVICE POSTAL SERVICES 324.00 RURAL METRO MEDICAL SERV AMBULANCE COSTS 12,500.00 COMPUTER CONSULTANTS,INC AGREEMENTS 24.00 PRESTO X COMP AGREEMENTS 31.00 HASTINGS UTILITIES UTILITIES 84.97 CARROLL SCHRINER EROSION CONTROL 3,735.00 WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV GARBAGE 102.50 WINDSTREAM TELEPHONE 30.43 STEPHEN JOHNSON CUSTODIAL 350.00 SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT ELECTRICITY 443.31 ROBERT RUST TELEPHONE 25.00 ROAD BLDG MACH & SUPPLY PARTS 1,117.63 PTSR MISCELLANEOUS 96.00 MICHAEL PRITCHARD TELEPHONE 25.00 PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTING REPAIRS 72.90 PARAMOUNT LINEN & UNIFOR SUPPLIES 88.20 NE MACHINERY CO PARTS 1,286.01 NEBRASKA TRUCK CENTER PARTS 12.66 NAPA AUTO PARTS SUPPLIES 1,277.34 MID NEBR AGGREGATE INC GRAVEL 14,776.12 MATHESON TRI-GAS INC SUPPLIES 18.60 LAWSON PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 40.55 STEVE HESMAN TELEPHONE 25.00 FLEET PRIDE PARTS 254.76 FASTENAL COMPANY PARTS 52.12 GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO TELEPHONE 20.59 FAIRBANKS INTERNATIONAL EQUIPMENT 54.74 EZ-LINER TECHNICAL 1,015.91 LARRY EINSPAHR TELEPHONE 25.00 EAKES OFFICE PLUS SUPPLIES 149.88 COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS IN FUEL 12,796.29 CONSOLIDATED CONC AGGREG GRAVEL 7,406.97 CITY OF HASTINGS GARBAGE 135.26 BOSSELMAN ENERGY, INC. FUEL 19,931.88 BIG G COMM HARDWARE SIGNS 16.19 BG KENZ & LESLIE DIST CO FUEL 532.50 BAUER BUILT REPAIRS 127.27 AXIS CAPITAL INC EQUIPMENT 360.00 AUTO VALUE SUPPLIES 206.54 NINA HENDRIX PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 300.00 REGENCY HEIGHTS APTS PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 210.00 ROPER & SONS COUNTY BURIALS 1,325.00 JIM KINDIG PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 200.00 DATASPEC LLC OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1,397.00 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 120.95 NACO TRAVEL EXPENSES 120.00 JOSEPH E BALLWEG MISCELLANEOUS 20.30 HASTINGS TRIBUNE MISCELLANEOUS 7.20 CITY OF HASTINGS GRANT 4,614.47 EAKES OFFICE PLUS COURT COSTS 699.95 IDEAL ELECTRIC INC GRANT 36,527.40 FIRST CONCORD BENIFITS AGREEMENTS 87.86 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER MISCELLANEOUS 331.79 HASTINGS TRIBUNE PUBLISHING 585.33 MIPS BUDGET COSTS 35.33 PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC POSTAL SERVICES 3,000.00 MARY LANNING MEMORIAL HO EMERGENCY SERVICES 1,380.94 MIDWEST SPECIAL SERV INC COURT COSTS 131.89 ZEE MEDICAL SERV EQUIPMENT 13.90 CASA CASA 2,750.00 HASTINGS ECONOMIC DEV ECONOMIC DEV 1,666.67 RSVP LOCAL MATCH 416.67 MEALS ON WHEELS LOCAL MATCH 666.67 MIDLAND AREA AGENCY AREA AGENCY ON AGING 1,170.33 REGION III PROG ADM OFFI MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 5,527.42 SPOUSE ABUSE SEXUAL ASSA DOMESTIC ABUSE 666.67 MID NEBR INDIVIDUAL SERV MENTAL RETARDATION 2,613.67 HEARTLAND PET CONNECTION HUMANE SOC EXP 416.67 SO HEARTLAND DIST HEALTH HEAD START 191.67 COUNTY LIBRARY CITY OF HASTINGS LIBRARY 12,094.67 INHERITANCE TAX WEST PAYMENT CENTER LIBRARY 1,778.20 ADAMS CO HISTORICAL SOC HISTORICAL SOC 883.33 ESCROW HOLDING FUND IDEAL ELECTRIC INC MISCELLANEOUS 14,832.60 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES INFOGROUP/POLK DIRECTORY SUPPLIES 355.00 WINDSTREAM EMERGENCY PHONE 232.91 Chrisella Lewis Larry Woodman County Clerk Chairman Pamela J Witte Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, December 6, 2011 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing motor vehicle exemption applications, correction of values by the Assessor and Tax List Corrections with Chairman larry Woodman presiding. Roll call members present were: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman. Also present were County Clerk Lewis, Attorney Daiss, Assessor Hynes and Shannon Bird representing the Treasurer. Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Curtis to approve correction of values to properties owned by Adams County Housing Development Corp, ID #s 284-20574, 284-20576, 284-20578, 284-20580, 284-20582, and 284-20584 by removing the TIF value and adding the corrected value. Roll call, ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Saathoff, seconded by Thomsen to approve correcting the value of property owned by Bernard Pavelka by removing the homestead exemption for 2011. Roll call, ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Neumann, second by Saathoff to approve motor vehicle exemptions for Good Samaritan Village, Mid NE Individual Services and Crossroads. Roll call, ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman. Nays, none Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Hynes to approve and authorize the Chairman to approve motor vehicle exemption renewal applications for 33 entities for 286 vehicles. Roll call, ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff, and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Curtis to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Tax List Corrections number 13903 through 13940. Roll call, ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, orthm,ann, Saathoff and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Saathoff, second by Thomsen to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 10:29 Am. This Board is adjourned.