HomeMy WebLinkAbout0917 Minutes from Sept 17, 2013161 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 27 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA REDFIELD & CO. E1204076LD COURTHOUSE, ADAMS COUNTY Tuesday, September 17, 2013 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman Chuck Neumann presiding. Roll Call members present were: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Othman, Saathoff, Hynes and Weeks. Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Weeks, that this is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call; Ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann, Saathoff, Weeks and Hynes. Nays: None. The Chairman announced the locations of the open meetings law and agenda in the room and also asked if there were any conflicts of interest with any agenda items. Supervisor Saathoff declared a conflict of interest pertaining to the Public Hearing for a proposed Rural Road Improvement District. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as circulated. Committee Reports: Thomsen attended a Planning and Zoning meeting on September 4'h, conducted interviews for an ASAAP project director and executive director on September 5th and 6'h, and met with HEDC and other organizations regarding the proposed truck route project on the 16th. Thomsen attended a Building and Grounds Committee meeting this morning where it was reported that the elevator remodel has been delayed until October. Saathoff attended a Road and Bridge Committee meeting this morning. Hynes attended a meeting with HEDC regarding the proposed truck route project on the 16th and attended the Road and Bridges Committee meeting this morning. Weeks attended a Library Board meeting on the 9'h, the Business After Hours event on the 10th, a Convention and Visitors Bureau meeting on the 12th, the meeting with HEDC regarding the truck route project on the 16th and the Road and Bridge Committee meeting this morning. Curtis attended an Extension Board meeting on the 5'h, an AG Society meeting on the 10th and a personnel meeting on the 16th boom Orthmann attended a Midland Area Agency on Aging Board meeting on the 5'h, a business improvement board meeting on the 10th, an Adams County Senior Services meeting on the 11th, a personnel committee meeting on the 16th and a building and grounds committee meeting this morning. Neumann attended a South Heartland District Health meeting on the 4th, a Joint Land Use Study meeting on the 5'h at the Greenlief Traning Facility and a Building and Grounds Committee meeting this morning. Judy Mignery, Adams County Planning and Zoning Director, presented the Board with a request by Michael and Teresa Schukei, of 19535 W Prairie Lake Road in Kenesaw, to vacate a section of land located in the W Y SW 'A Section 29, T7N, R12W concurrently with the approval of the plat of Schukei's First Subdivisoin. Motion by Weeks, seconded by Thomsen to approve the vacation of Schukei Subdivision, case #13-09.2 resolution #13-09-17.03. Roll Call: Ayes: Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann Nays: None Mignery presented the Board with a request by Ronald Ellermeier, case #13-09.3, for the creation of the Valentin 3rd Subdivision located in the NW 'A Section 2, T6N, R9W. Mignery confirmed all zoning regulations have been met and requested the Board's approval. Motion by Saathoff, seconded by Hynes to approve case #13-09.3 for the Valentin 3rd Subdivision. Roll Call; Ayes: Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays: None. Dawn Miller, Adams County Highway Superintendent presented the Board with the roads department 2012-20103 Fiscal Year End Report to be submitted to the Nebraska Department of Roads, for approval. Miller advised the Board that the bid award for project #418,432 and 434 was no longer necessary as the bid came in under $20,000.00 and Miller will award them directly. Motion by Curtis, seconded by Saathoff to approve the Roads Department 2012-2013 Fiscal Year End Report. Roll Call: Ayes: Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays: None. Motion by Saathoff, seconded by Weeks to approve the claims and direct the clerk to pay claims from their respected funds. Roll Call: Ayes: Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays: None. Motion by Curtis, seconded by Saathoff to approve the officer reports submitted by the Adams County Register of Deeds and the Clerk of the District Court. Roll Call: Ayes: Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays. None 162 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 27 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA REDFIELD & CO. E1204076LD At 10:00 Chairman Neumann opened the Public Hearing for the Rural Road Improvement District 2013-1. Supervisor Saathoff excused himself from the Board due to a conflict of interest. At 10:00 a.m., the Chairperson stated that the next item of business was to conduct a public hearing in connection with proposed Resolution No. 2013-8.20.03 for the creation of Rural Road Improvement District No. 2013-1 (the "District"). Notice of the public hearing had been published in the Hastings Daily Tribune, a newspaper of general circulation in the County, on August 28, September 4, and September 11, 2013. Notice of the public hearing, including the proposed resolution of creation, was also posted on August 28, 2013 at the intersections of East 42nd Street and North Showboat Boulevard, East 42nd Street and North Columbine Avenue and East 26th Street and North Showboat Boulevard, three locations along the route of the proposed improvements and within the proposed District, an affidavit of publication and a certificate of posting being attached to these Minutes. The Clerk advised that the following persons had filed written objections to the formation of the District: Name Address NONE FILED and that such persons do not own more than fifty percent in area of the real property in the District. The Chair then opened the public hearing and invited anyone present who was interested in expressing any position or opinion concerning the proposed resolution creating the District to do so. The following appeared in person or by agent or attorney and were heard: Those speaking to the Board in favor of the Rural Road Improvement District for the purpose of moving forward with the Highway 281 to Highway 6 Truck Route Project were : Dave Wacker, with the City of Hastings, Dee Haussler, retired HEDC Director, Joe Patterson, City of Hastings Administrator, Dave Rippe current HEDC Director, Vern Powers, City of Hastings Mayor, Elmer Murman, Former Adams County Board Supervisor, Scott Barwig, Juniata resident, Chuck Shoemaker, Chairman of Hastings Utilities Public Works, and Bob Fifeild with CPI of Hastings. Those speaking to the Board opposed to the Rural Road Improvement District for the purpose of moving forward with the Highway 281 to Highway 6 Truck Route Project were : Ivan Bengtson of 42"d and Columbine in Hastings, Craig Bengtson of 4965 N Columbine in Hastings, Larry Consbruck of 11520 W. Highway 6 in Juniata, and Sue Jensen of 4160 Columbine in Hastings. Phil Lorenzen with DA Davidson & Associates addressed the Board to outline the Rural Road Improvement District process. Board members confirmed that the signing of a resolution to create the Rural Road Improvement District does not commit them to the truck route project at this time. Motion by Curtis, seconded by Weeks to close the public hearing and return to regular session. Roll Call: Ayes; Neumann, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays: None. Absent/Not Voting: Saathoff Motion by Curtis, seconded by Orthmann to approve the signing of Resolution 13-9-17.02 stating that the Adams County Board of Supervisors has taken all action required by the Rural Road Improvement District Act to move forward with Rural Road Improvement District 2013-1. Roll Call: Ayes: Neumann, Weeks, Hynes, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays: Thomsen. Absent/Not Voting: Saathoff Resolution 13-9-17.02 is on file in the Adams County Clerk's Office Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Curtis to approve the signing of resolution 13-8-20.03 creating Rural Road Improvement District 2013-1 located in part of Section 32, T8N-R9W or the P.M, Adams County, Nebraska. Roll Call: Ayes: Neumann, Hynes, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays: Weeks, Thomsen. Absent/Not Voting: Saathoff Resolution 13-8-20.03 is on file in the Adams County Clerk's Office Motion by Curtis to approve the formation of an advisory committee for the proposed Hwy 281 to Hwy 6 truck route project. Motion died due to z lack of a second. Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Curtis to approve the Chairman working with the Roads Department and affected property owners toward the creation of an advisory committee for the proposed truck route project. Roll Call: Ayes: Neumann, Weeks, Hynes, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays: Thomsen. Absent/Not Voting: Saathoff. Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Curtis to open the Public Budget Hearing. 2013/2014 Public Budget Hearing was opened at 11:07 a.m. Chris Lewis, the budget preparer for Adams County, presented the Board with the final budget for the 2013/2014 fiscal year. The 2013/2014 proposed property tax request is $8,798,020.00 with the proposed 2013 tax rate being .31360928. 163 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 27 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA REDFIELD & CO. E1204076LD No members of the public were in attendance to speak in regards to the budget. Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Thomsen to close the 2013/2014 Public Budget Hearing and return to regular session. Roll Call: Ayes: Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays: None. Board returned to regular session at 11:26 a.m. Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Saathoff to approve the final tax request for the 2013-2014 fiscal year. Roll call; Ayes: Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays: None Motion by Weeks, seconded by Orthmann to approve the 2013 tax rate of .13160928. Roll Call: Ayes: Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays: None. Motion by Cutis, seconded by Weeks to approve the signing of resolution 13-09-17.01 approving the Adams County Budget for the 2013/2014 Fiscal Year. Roll Call: Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays: none. Extensive discussion took place among Board members regarding the proposed Hwy 281 to Hwy 6 truck route project. Motion by Weeks, seconded by Hynes to table to bid award of the truck route project until the October 1" Board meeting. Roll Call; Ayes: Neumann, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays: none. Absent/Not Voting: Saathoff Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Curtis to move to meet as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing motor vehicle exemption requests, protest of penalties and property tax exemption application(s). The Board entered Board of Equalization at 11:38 a.m. Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Weeks to exit Board of Equalization and return to regular session. Roll Call: Ayes: Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays: None. The Board resumed regular session at 12:02 p.m. Starlet Zeisler approached the Board regarding her request for the Board to appeal the decision of the local HHS office to deny her rent assistance for the month of August due to Ms. Zeisler being over the allotted income guidelines. Ms. Zeisler's request was origionally heard during the September 3rd Board meeting. Chairman Neumann asked Ms. Zeisler if she had any other documentation supporting her appeal. Ms. Zeisler did not provide additional information. Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Hynes to appeal the decision of the HHS department and approve rent assistance for the month of August in the amount of $210.00. Roll Call: Ayes: Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays: Neumann, Saathoff. Discussion continued among the Board regarding the current general assistance guidelines. The Board instructed Deputy Attorney Bergin to start the process of updating the County's current general assistance guidelines. Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Thomsen to meet as a Cemetery Board for the possible acceptance of a donation to and Adams County maintained cemetery. Roll Call: Ayes: Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays: None The Board met as a Cemetery Board at 12:15 p.m. Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Curtis to resume regular session. Roll Call: Ayes: Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays: None The Board resumed regular session at 12:21 p.m. Kim Wilder with the Adams County Veteran's Service Office approached the Board encouraging Adam's County's participation in the upcoming Alzheimer's Walk on September 26th at Lake Hastings. Chris Long, Adams County Veteran's Service Officer, approached the board on behalf of the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) requesting funds for the purchase of a van that will be used to provide transportation to area disabled veterans. The amount being requested from Adams County is $4,800.00. Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Weeks to approve funding in the amount of $4800.00 to the DAV toward the purchase of a van. Roll Call: Ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Weeks. Nays; None Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Curtis to approve the Chairman signing the audit report provided by the Sequoia Consulting Group. Roll call: Ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff, Weeks. Nays: None. Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Curtis to approve miscellaneous receipts. Roll Call: Ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthmann, Saathoff and Weeks. Nays: None. Board Adjourned at 12:37 p.m. 164 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 27 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA REDFIELD & CO. E1204076LD COUNTY GENERAL HOMETOWN LEASING, MICROFILMING/COPIER SECRETARY OF STATE,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS EAKES OFFICE PLUS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE HASTINGS TRIBUNE,PRINTING & PUBLISHING BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE MIPS,DATA PROC. EQUIP/SPECIAL NACO,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, FARM HOME PUBLISHERS, MISCELLANEOUS EAKES OFFICE PLUS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE JANICE JOHNSON,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC,PRINTING & PUBLISHING MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,OFFICE EQUIPMENT AXIS CAPITAL INC,OFFICE EQUIPMENT ADAMS CO HIGHWAY DEPT,CAR REPAIRS EAKES OFFICE PLUS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HASTINGS TRIBUNE,PRINTING & PUBLISHING JACKIE RUSSELL,MISCELLANEOUS JIM KUHN,MISCELLANEOUS MARY JOHNSON, MISCELLANEOUS NACO,DUES,SUBS.,REGIST. HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING JEO,CONTRACT LABOR NACO PLANNING & ZONING, DUES, SUBS.,REGIST. DILLON MOLT,CELL PHONES RON KUCERA,CELL PHONES JANE MORRIS,CELL PHONES CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS, MISCELLANEOUS AXIS CAPITAL INC,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE RUSS'S MARKET,JUROR FEES MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,SUPPLIES - DATA PROCESSIN ADAMS CO SHERIFF,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS EAKES OFFICE PLUS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE STEPHEN LOWE,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS BRAD BIGELOW,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS SHARON K MAULER,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS MICHAEL MEFFERD,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS TOM STEWART,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS CHERYL STABENOW,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS ADAMS CO SHERIFF,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS NORTHEAST NEBR JUVENILE,JUVENILE CARE COSTS TOM HAWES,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE WALMART,COUNTY COURT COSTS/STOP P HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE FAKES OFFICE PLUS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE K MART,MISCELLANEOUS SAM ZELESKI,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE SEILER, PARKER P.C.,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT DEREK TERWEY,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT LANGVARDT,VALLE & JAMES,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT MICHAEL MEAD,BUILDING RENTAL/OFFICE SUPP./MISC. HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES AUTO VALUE, MISCELLANEOUS MARATHON SYSTEMS,CHEMICALS UN RES GUARANTEE ELECTRIC CO,ELECTRICAL SERV REPAIR ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS INC,CONTRACT LABOR WILLIAMS EXTERMINATING I,CONTRACT LABOR JOHNSON CONTROLS,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV, MISCELLANEOUS WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV,CONTRACT LABOR CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,CONTRACT LABOR OKEEFE ELEVATOR CO INC,ELEVATORS REPAIRS AXIS CAPITAL INC,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE COURTNEY ULMER,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, BETH JANNING,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE DON SIFFRING,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE RON SEYMOUR,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE FAKES OFFICE PLUS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE MIPS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,CONTRACT LABOR REAMS BROS WRECKER SERV,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 298.52 40.00 46.95 148.66 88.50 223.08 170.00 90.00 75.00 8.99 116.96 163.90 180.00 155.00 247.47 25.98 245.60 30.00 30.00 30.00 45.00 30.43 33.75 200.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 65.30 290.00 8.16 175.00 1,133.64 131.50 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 60.00 7.00 22,733.75 64.98 25.65 375.00 8.97 574.81 799.89 399.99 57.64 1,815.50 171.00 9,055.94 2,394.99 8,782.04 28.57 262.42 45.00 234.00 85.00 748.31 97.90 257.50 250.00 1,162.58 4,452.00 70.00 238.43 158.20 217.53 138.96 1,013.66 25.00 170.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 27 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA REDFIELD & CO. E1204076LD YOUNG MENS CHRISTIAN, MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HASTINGS FORD-LINCOLN,EQUIPMENT - FUEL CORNHUSKER PRESS,SHERIFF-MOTOR VEHICLE INS NAPA AUTO PARTS,EQUIPMENT - FUEL PAUL SPADY OLDS BUICK,EQUIPMENT - FUEL RADIOSHACK CORP,LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS -COU COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS IN,EQUIPMENT - FUEL HASTINGS POLICE DEPT,LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS -COU KENESAW MOTOR CO INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTING,RADIO REPAIR TELEPHONE SYSTEMS OF NE,RADIO REPAIR WEST PAYMENT CENTER,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, EAKES OFFICE PLUS,OFFICE EQ REPAIR ADAMS CO HIGHWAY DEPT,EQUIPMENT - FUEL BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE FURNAS COUNTY COURT,COURT COSTS SECRETARY OF STATE,COURT COSTS MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE CR BUREAU OF HASTINGS,COURT COSTS CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE CARPENTER REPORTING INC,COURT COSTS VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC,SUPPLIES - OFFICE NEBRASKA.GOV,COURT COSTS CENTRAL NE CREMATION,AUTOPSY COSTS NE INSTITUTE OF FORENSIC,AUTOPSY COSTS ELITE COURT REPORTING IN,COURT COSTS ADAMS CO SHERIFF,BLOOD TESTS BUFFALO CO SHERIFF OFF,COURT COSTS HALL COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT COSTS KEARNEY CO SHERIFF,COURT COSTS LANCASTER COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT COSTS HALL COUNTY COURT,COURT COSTS GOVERNMENT LEASING LLC,DATA PROCESSING COSTS CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS,TELEPHONE SERVICES AS CENTRAL SERVICES,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SYSTEMS OF NE,TELEPHONE SERVICES CASH WA CANDY COMPANY,LAW ENF SUPP EAKES OFFICE PLUS,OFFICE EQUIPMENT CRAWFORD SUPPLY CO,COMMISSARY ISECURETRAC CORP,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,COMMISSARY CIVIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, ADAMS COUNTY JAIL,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD WEBSTER CO SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD VILLAGE PHARMACY, MED-HOSP PRISONERS BUFFALO CO SHERIFF OFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD SAINT FRANCIS MEDICAL,MED-HOSP PRISONERS RAQUEL MAAR,PART TIME SALARY - EMPLOY PHELPS COUNTY SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD LARRY L BAKER MD,MED-HOSP PRISONERS CROSIER PARK PHARMACY,MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOB BARKER COMPANY INC,LAW ENF SUPP GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR AUS DES MOINES MCLOCKBOX,MISCELLANEOUS CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS, MISCELLANEOUS PHELPS CO TREASURER,TELEPHONE SERVICES ADAMS CO CLERK,SUPPLIES - OFFICE AXIS CAPITAL INC,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE COMPUTER HARDWARE INC,OFFICE EQUIPMENT WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE GLENWOOD TELECOMMUNICATI,TELEPHONE SERVICES OFFICEMAX, INC,SUPPLIES - OFFICE NE TECH & TELE INC,TELEPHONE SERVICES PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTING,COMMUNICATION EQUIP JOHN UDEN,MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS PRESTO X COMP,MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES AUTO VALUE,SUPPLIES - SHOP BAUER BUILT,MACH EQ TIRES & REP 50.00 17.58 48.04 109.67 20.92 31.99 87.82 25.00 16.92 114.60 300.00 141.17 1,542.06 527.37 12,919.89 341.82 1.50 40.00 150.00 192.00 31.65 232.10 736.33 15.00 250.00 1,800.00 111.30 105.00 55.50 63.42 18.75 6.00 1.75 660.00 180.32 704.00 285.45 163.09 555.17 1,315.00 35.88 198.23 31.65 179.95 1,378.55 1,550.00 27.88 13,428.35 1,964.76 20.00 765.00 260.00 114.37 508.76 48.00 225.31 47.30 181.20 119.60 380.00 19.95 27.68 88.00 49.95 862.48 94.30 145.00 200.00 33.73 137.46 174.01 2,509.00 165 166 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 27 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA REDFIELD & CO. E1204076LD BIG G COMM HARDWARE, OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR BOSSELMAN ENERGY, INC.,EQUIPMENT - FUEL CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS,TELEPHONE SERVICES COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS IN,EQUIPMENT - FUEL DEWEESE SAND & GRAVEL,MATERIALS - GRAVEL & BORR EAKES OFFICE PLUS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE FAIRBANKS INTERNATIONAL, TECHNICAL GENE HASENKAMP,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR HASTINGS TRIBUNE,LEGAL ADS HASTINGS UTILITIES, ELECTRICITY IDEAL ELECTRIC INC,BUILDING REPAIR ISLAND SUPPLY,WELDING SUPP/CHAINS JOHN THOMAS INC,ENGINEERING/TECHNICAL EQU LAWSON PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - MISCELLANEOUS MATHESON TRI -GAS INC,WELDING SUPP/CHAINS MID NEBR AGGREGATE INC,MATERIALS - GRAVEL & BORR NACO,DUES,SUBS.,REGIST. NAPA AUTO PARTS,SUPPLIES - SHOP NEBRASKA TRUCK CENTER,RD EQ REP PARTS NE MACHINERY CO,ROAD EQUIPMENT RENTAL FIRST CALL,SUPPLIES - SHOP PARAMOUNT LINEN & UNIFOR,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTING,RADIO REPAIR PTSR,MISCELLANEOUS SANDRAS CLEANING SERVICE,JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS SOURCE GAS,HEATING FUELS SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT, ELECTRICITY 3 POINTS TIRE,MACH EQ TIRES & REP VILLAGE OF HOLSTEIN,WATER & WATER W G PAULEY LUMBER CO,OTHER ROAD/BRIDGE MATERIA WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV,GARBAGE BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HERITAGE BANK, MISCELLANEOUS HALL COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT COSTS ADAMS CO SHERIFF FEE ACT,COURT COSTS PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC,POSTAL SERVICES HASTINGS TRIBUNE,PRINTING & PUBLISHING HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES,INSTITUTIONAL COSTS MIPS,BUDGET PREPARATION COSTS WALDRON RENTALS LLC,PUBLIC ASSISTANCE REVIVE INC, PUBLIC ASSISTANCE RUTH PETERSON,PUBLIC ASSISTANCE HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,REPAIR SPRAY EQ HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,MISCELLANEOUS HERITAGE BANK - COUNTY PORTION EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT HERITAGE BANK - COUNTY PORTION EMPLOYEE FICA MATCHING BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD - EMPLOYEE HEALTH INSURANCE FIRST CONCORD - COUNTY PORTION EMPLOYEE FLEX PLAN MADISON NATIONAL LIFE - EMPLOYEE DISABILITY INSURANCE COUNTY SUPERVISOR - PAYROLL COUNTY CLERK OFFICE PAYROLL COUTY TREASURER OFFICE PAYROLL REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE PAYROLL COUNTY ASSESSOR OFFICE PAYROLL PLANNING AND ZONING OFFICE PAYROLL IT DEPARTMENT PAYROLL CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT OFFICE PAYROLL DISTRICT JUDGE OFFICE PAYROLL PUBLIC DEFENDER OFFICE PAYROLL MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT PAYROLL EXTENSION OFFICE PAYROLL MICROFILM PAYROLL SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT PAYROLL COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE PAYROLL ADAMS COUNTY JAIL PAYROLL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT OFFICE PAYROLL COUNTY SURVEYOR PAYROLL ADAMS COUNTY ROADS DEPARTMENT PAYROLL ADAMS COUNTY WEEDS DEPARTMENT PAYROLL VETERAN'S SERVICE OFFICE PAYROLL COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 85.46 20,197.61 59.99 17,845.78 7,477.13 125.53 44.34 36.99 174.02 832.97 11,370.00 532.16 586.50 933.04 20.47 6,509.00 426.06 30.90 105.50 7,590.08 149.66 52.41 84.50 268.00 360.00 139.28 349.89 804.00 34.50 5.40 105.00 3.99 25.00 108.11 9,206.67 3,000.00 613.23 1,023.00 37.67 400.00 210.00 210.00 69.98 2,641.05 30,053.10 31,481.49 139,226.39 5,418.00 1,070.31 9,134.86 11,085.76 22,935.27 11,266.57 19,765.34 2,760.42 10,999.84 18,338.20 2,708.33 16,796.48 11,541.12 5,019.78 86.25 77,065.94 40,838.54 73,396.37 5,616.25 322.98 91,523.81 2,600.00 7,636.66 278.34 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 27 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA REDFIELD & CO. E1204076LD WATSON SIGNS,OFFICE EQ REPAIR ADAMS CO TELECOMMUNICATI,TELEPHONE SERVICES DOWNTOWN CENTER ASSOC,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES CITY OF HASTINGS,TELEPHONE SERVICES DEER TRAIL LAWN,REPAIR MODERN METHODS LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE CASH WA CANDY COMPANY,SUPPLIES - OFFICE ADAMS CO CLERK,SUPPLIES - OFFICE GLORIA RODRIGUEZ,CONTRACT LABOR EAKES OFFICE PLUS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HASTINGS TRIBUNE,CHAMBER SUPPORT SERV KALEENA FONG,TELEPHONE SERVICES ERIKA WILLIAMS,TELEPHONE SERVICES HERITAGE BANK - COUNTY PORTION EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT HERITAGE BANK - COUNTY PORTION EMPLOYEE FICA MATCHING BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD - EMPLOYEE HEALTH INSURANCE FIRST CONCORD - COUNTY PORTION EMPLOYEE FLEX PLAN MADISON NATIONAL LIFE - EMPLOYEE DISABILITY INSURANCE ADAMS COUNTY VISITORS CENTER PAYROLL VISITORS IMPROVEMENT FUND HASTINGS MUSEUM,SPECIAL PROJECT INHERITANCE FUND WEST PAYMENT CENTER,LIBRARY ESCROW HOLDING FUND EAKES OFFICE PLUS,MISCELLANEOUS HOWARD'S GLASS LLC,MISCELLANEOUS GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO, MISCELLANEOUS WINDSTREAM,EMERGENCY PHONE Ra County Clerk Pamela J. W' Deputy Cler 65.00 27.90 168.00 166.01 8.52 240.00 2,855.74 82.38 29.90 140.00 68.97 4.25 40.00 40.00 407.94 434.82 715.31 42.00 7.41 5,863.02 4,000.00 2,031.20 3,160.91 9,441.00 54.54 2,475.83 Chuck Neumann Chairman 167 168 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 27 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA REDFIELD & CO. E1204076LD Courthouse, Adams County Tuesday, September 17, 2013 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Cemetery Board for the purpose of hearing and possibly accepting a donation request made to an Adams County owned cemetery. Ramona Thomas, Adams County Clerk, presented the Board with an offer received by Joseph Boosel of Indianapolis, Indiana via email. Mr: Boosel has offered to replace the sign at the Saxour Cemetery, located Southwest of Ayr, NE. Mr. Boosel's wife has ancestors buried in the cemetery and on a recent visit they noticed the current wooden sign was unreadable. Mr. Boosel provided plans to replace the current sign. Clerk Thomas had verified restrictions with the Planning and Zoning department, as well as the Adams County Attorney's office on the County accepting donations. Both offices approved of the donation and see no reason that the Board could/should not accept it. Motion by Weeks, seconded by Hynes to accept the donation of a replacement sign at the Saxour Cemetery, being donated by Joseph Boosel. Roll Call: Ayes: Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays: None This Board adjourned at 12:21 p.m. Ra ' ona R. Thomas County Clerk lel. Pamela J. Wit Deputy Clerk Chuck Neumann Chairman SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 27 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA REDFIELD 8 CO. E1204076LD COUTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, Septemer 17, 2013 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing motor vehicle tax exemption requests, real and personal property tax exemption request and request to remove penalties assessed for late filing of personal property returns with Chairman Neumann presiding. Roll call, ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Hynes, Orthamnn, Saathoff and Weeks. Also present were County Clerk, Ramona Thomas; Assessor, Diane Hynes; Treasurer,Bev Davis; and Deputy Attorney, David Bergin. Bev Davis, Adams County Treasurer presented the Board with motor vehicle exemption requests from Hastings Catholic Schools for one unit and Hastings Head Start for eight units. The application have been reviewed by Davis and it was her recommendation to approve the requests. Motion by Weeks, seconded by Hynes to approve the motor vehicle exemption requests for Hastings Catholic Schools and Hastings Head Start. Roll Call: Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays: None. Diane Hynes, Adams County Assessor presented the Board with a written request by Vontz Paving to remove a penalty that was assessed due to the late filing of a personal property tax return. Brad Vontz with Vontz Paving addressed the Board. Mr. Vontz stated he did not remember receiving a notice of the filing requirement and claimed the property was taxed in the incorrect tax district. Assessor Hynes stated notices were mailed out to Vontz with no return mailing, and a follow up reminder is not required. Hynes read to the Board State Statute 77-1233.06 stating the County Board of Equalization shall have no authority to waive or reduce any penalty and interest, which was correctly imposed. Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Orthmann to deny the request to remove the penalty assessed to Vontz Paving for failure to file timely personal property tax return(s). Roll Call: Ayes: Neumann, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays: Saathoff Hynes presented the Board with a written request by Cooperative Producers, Inc (CPI) located at 265 North Showboat Blvd in Hastings, to remove a penalty that was assessed due to the late filing of a personal property tax return. A representative from CPI was not present to speak. Assessor Hynes again referred to State Statute 77-1233.06. Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Weeks to deny the request by CPI to remove the penalty for the late filing of their personal property tax return. Roll Call: Ayes: Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis and Weeks. Nays: None Hynes presented the Board with a request from Peace Lutheran Church, located at 9063 North California in Hastings, for a property tax exemption. Hynes has reviewed the application and recommended Board approval. Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Saathoff to approve the tax exemption request for Peace Lutheran Church of Hastings. Roll Call: Ayes: Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Othinann. Nays: None. This Board is adjourned at 12:02 p.m. R. ona R. Thomas County Clerk Pamela J. Deputy Cle Chuck Neumann Chairman 169