HomeMy WebLinkAbout0916 Minutes from September 16, 2014COURTHOUSE, ADAMS COUNTY
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with
Chairman Neumann presiding. Roll Call members present: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann,
Saathoff, Weeks and Hynes.
Motion by Weeks and seconded by Orthmann that this is a meeting of the Adams County Board of
Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and
by posting. An Agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and
posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, Ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann, Saathoff,
Hynes, Weeks. Nays: None
The Chairman announced the locations of the open meetings law and agenda in the room and asked if
there were any conflicts of interest with any agenda items
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as circulated.
Board members attended the following events and committee meetings and gave a brief report:
Thomsen- September 12, 2014 — Attended an ASAAP event that featured former Navy Seal, John
Underwood as the speaker. Thomsen also extended an invitation to the ASAAP quarterly
breakfast where Adams County Drug Investigator, Jason Ackles will be the speaker.
September 8 and 15, 2014—Attended security committee meetings; discussion
included options for the courthouse entrances.
September 16, 2014 — Attended an Adams County Building and Grounds Committee
Saathoff- September 15, 2014 — Attended a Senior Action Board meeting
September 16, 2014—Attended an Adams County Road and Bridges Committee
Hynes- September 16, 2014—Attended an Adams County Road and Bridges Committee
Weeks- September 8, 2014 — Attended a Farm Bureau meeting at the Prairie Loft Center
September 11, 2014—Attended Business After Hours at Mary Lanning
September 11, 2014—Attended a CVB Board meeting
September 16, 2014- Attended an Adams County Road and Bridges Committee meeting
Curtis- September 4, 2014—Attended and Adams County Extension meeting
September 9, 2014- Attended an Adams County Ag Society meeting
Orthmann- September 8 and 15, 2014 — Attended security committee meetings; discussion
included options for the courthouse entrances.
September 9, 2014—Attended a Business Improvement District Board Meeting
September 9, 2014- Attended a Heartland Pet Connection Board meeting
September 10, 2014- Attended an Adams County Senior Services Board meeting
September 16, 2014—Attended an Adams County Building and Grounds Committee
Neumann - Nothing to report.
Chairman Neumann opened the meeting for public comment.
Adams County Highway Superintendent, Dawn Miller, presented the Board with a card received from
former Board Supervisor, Bob Johnson complimenting the Board for their decision regarding the new
truck route project.
Adams County Ag Society President, Lee Hogan and Adams County Fairgrounds manager, Sandy
Himmelberg presented the Board with the Ag Society's 2014/2015 budget.
Extensive discussion took place regarding the future plans for the Adams County Fairgrounds.
Public Comment ended at 10:04 a.m.
Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Curtis to open the public hearing for the 2014/2015 Adams County
Budget. Roll Call: Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays; None
Adams County Budget Preparer, Chris Lewis, presented the 2014/2015 budget. The 2014/2015 property
tax request by Adams County will be $9,424,896.00.
There was no one from the public wishing to speak during the budget hearing.
Motion by Weeks, seconded by Saathoff to close the Public Hearing for the 2014/2015 Budget. Roll Call:
Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays; None
Motion by Saathoff, seconded by Weeks to approve setting the 2015 levy different from the levy
amount from the previous year. Roll Call: Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis,
Orthmann. Nays; None
Motion by Weeks, seconded by Saathoff to approve Resolution 2014-09-16.01, a resolution of adoption
and appropriations for the 2014/2015 fiscal year. Roll Call: Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Thomsen,
Curtis, Orthmann. Nays; Hynes
Resolution 2014-09-16.01 is available for viewing in the Adams County Clerks office.
Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Curtis to meet as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing
motor vehicle exemption requests and for tax list corrections. Roll Call: Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff,
Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays; None
The Board met as a Board of Equalization at 10:20 a.m.
Motion by Weeks, seconded by Orthmann to resume regular session. Roll Call: Ayes; Neumann,
Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays; None
Regular session resumed at 10:42 a.m.
Phil Lorenzen with DA Davidson requested the Board's approval allowing for issuance of Bonds, Series
2014 or Series 2015 for Road Improvements.
Motion by Weeks, seconded by Saathoff to approve the issuance of Bonds for road improvements. Roll
Call: Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays; None
Planning and Zoning director, Judy Mignery presented the Board with case #14 -09.1 -Freeland Creek 6th
Subdivision, on behalf of applicants John and Jodi Rostvet. This is a final plat of two lots, creating the
Freeland Creek 6th Subdivision.
Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Saathoff to approve the plans for case #14 -09.1 -Freeland Creek 6th
Subdivision. Roll Call: Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays; None
Jeff Palik with Olsson and Associates provided the Board with an update on the construction of the
current truck route project.
Adams County Highway Superintendent, Dawn Miller, requested Board approval on the 2014-2015 year-
end report for the Adams County Roads Department and requested the Board/Chairman's signature on
form 1F, the road and bridge contract report as well as form 6, a certification to the Board of Public
Roads Classifications and Standards.
Motion by Hynes, seconded by Saathoff to approve the signing of Forms 1F and Form 6 as presented by
Dawn Miller. Roll Call: Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays; None
Adams County Victim/Witness Coordinator, Jackie Norris, presented the Board with a revised budget for
the victim/witness department, the revised budget will be submitted with a grant request to cover
expenses associated with the victim/witness program.
Motion by Saathoff, seconded by Weeks to approve the amended budget to be submitted for the
victim/witness grant. Roll Call: Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann.
Nays; None
Planning and Zoning Director, Judy Mignery, presented and agreement with JEO to provide professional
services for an Energy Element to the existing Adams County Comprehensive Plan and to update the
Airport Zoning District Overlay. The amount paid to JEO shall not exceed $3500.00.
Motion by Saathoff, seconded by Thomsen to approve the agreement between Adams County and JEO
to provide professional services for an Energy Element to the existing Adams County Comprehensive
Plan and to update the Airport Zoning District Overlay. Roll Call: Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks,
Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays; None
County Clerk, Ramona Thomas, presented the Board with a request from the County's Employee Health
Insurance provider, Mid -American Benefits, asking for a decision on the option to extend coverage to an
eligible dependent until the age of thirty.
Motion by Saathoff, seconded by Curtis to not allow the continuation of coverage past the age of
twenty-six as required by the affordable health care act. Roll Call: Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks,
Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays; None
Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Saathoff to approve the claims and direct the County Clerk to pay
them out of their respective accounts. Roll CaII: Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen,
Curtis, Orthmann. Nays; None
Motion by Saathoff, seconded by Hynes to accept the miscellaneous receipts provided by the Adams
County Treasurer. Roll CaII: Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays;
Meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m.
Culligan Of Hastings,Miscellaneous-9.65;Hometown L
easing,Microfilming/copier-298.52;Microfilm Imagin
g System,Office Equipment-35.00;Quill Corporation,
Office Equipment-99.99;Business World Products, Sup
plies - Office-59.35;Eakes Office Plus,Equipment R
ental - Office-109.55;Mips,Data Proc. Equip/specia
l-170.00;Hastings Tribune,Printing & Publishing -88
.50;Vaughans Printers Inc,Stationery/envelopes-261
.29;Eakes Office Plus,Supplies - Office-10.47;Home
town Leasing,Equipment Rental - Office-229.00;Adam
s Co Highway Dept,Car Repairs-142.64;Axis Capital
Inc,Office Equipment-155.00;Microfilm Imaging Syst
em,Miscellaneous-90.00;Mary Johnson,Miscellaneous-
30.00;Jim Kuhn,Travel Expenses-113.11;Jim Kuhn,Mis
cellaneous-45.00;Jackie Russell,Miscellaneous-45.0
O;Naco,Dues,subs.,regist.-90.00;Hastings Tribune,P
rinting/publishing-13.74;Ron Kucera,Cell Phones -25
.00;Jane Morris,Cell Phones-25.00;Adams Co Sheriff
,District Court Costs-449.35;Axis Capital Inc,Equi
pment Rental - Office-290.00;Cornhusker Press,Supp
lies - Office-281.21;Culligan Of Hastings,Miscella
neous-37.65;Eakes Office Plus,Supplies - Office -2,
304.31;Franklin County Sheriff,District Court Cost
s-18.50;Hall County Sheriff,District Court Costs-4
4.17;Hometown Leasing,Equipment Rental - Office-12
5.14;Jimmy John's,Juror Fees-13.39;Microfilm Imagi
ng System,Supplies - Data Processin-210.00;Russ's
Market, Juror Fees-28.88;Chrystine Setlik,Supplies
- Office-30.00;Charlotte Hawthorne Ms,Mental Healt
h Board Costs-636.50;Skalka & Baack Law Firm,Attrn
y Fees-court Appoint-1,589.50;Seiler, Parker P.c.,
Attrny Fees-court Appoint-840.00;Jackie J Stromer
Queen,Court Costs-455.00;Person Law Office,Attrny
Fees-court Appoint-104.50;Lieske Law Firm,Attrny F
ees-court Appoint-606.31;Langvardt,valle & James,A
ttrny Fees-court Appoint-7, 916.67;Langvardt,valle
& James,Attrny Fees-court Appoint-19.50;Culligan 0
f Hastings,Contract Labor-250.00;Hastings Tribune,
Dues, Sub, Reg, Training,-51.56;Hastings Utilities
,Utilities-12,229.20;Monte Malouf Jr & Assoc,Janit
orial Supplies-336.42;Marathon Systems,Chemicals U
n Res-428.90;Rutts Heating & Ac,inc,Courthouse Bui
lding-57,500.00;Woodwards Disposal Serv,Contract L
abor-292.50;Ziemba Roofing Inc,Contract Labor-89.0
0;Axis Capital Inc,Equipment Rental - Office-4,452
.00;Rixstine Recognition,Supplies - Office-12.63;U
niversity Of Nebraska,Office Equipment-30.00;Julie
Ochsner,Mileage Allowance-58.24;Gwen Rodocker,Mil
eage Allowance-32.34;Ron Seymour,Mileage Allowance
-262.00;Adams Co Sheriffs Rev,Law Enforcement Cost
s-cou-272.00;Adams Co Sheriffs Rev,Postal Services
-49.92;Adams Co Sheriffs Rev,Med-hosp Prisoners-11
2.59;Adams Co Sheriffs Rev,Miscellaneous-13.91;Con
solidated Management,Mileage Allowance-347.75;Grac
es Locksmith Serv,Law Enforcement Costs-cou-10.00;
Harding Shultz Pc,11o,Attorney Fees-132.50;Hasting
s Ford-lincoln,Equipment - Fuel-72.14;Hrdirect,Pri
nting & Publishing-35.20;Kenesaw Motor Co Inc,Equi
pment - Fuel-86.80;Lynn Peavey Company,Law Enforce
ment Costs-cou-180.70;Platte Valley Of Hasting,Rad
io Repair-302.50;Ed.roehr Safety Prod,Safety Equip
ment-1, 704.98;Sirchie,Law Enforcement Costs-cou-30
0.96;Telephone Systems Of Ne,Radio Repair-141.17;V
aughans Printers Inc,Printing & Publishing-154.05;
Video Kingdom,Contract Serv-299.99;Witt Plumbing,0
ther Equipment Repair-125.00;Young Mens Christian,
Miscellaneous-50.00;Adams Co Attorneys Offic,Law E
nforcement Costs-cou-313.00;Business World Product
s,Supplies - Office-93.83;Clay County Sheriff,Cour
t Costs-34.91;Cr Bureau Of Hastings,Court Costs-19
2.00;Culligan Of Hastings,Supplies - Office-19.65;
Franklin County Sheriff,Court Costs-18.50;Hall Cou
my Court,Court Costs-7.25;Hall County Sheriff,Cou
rt Costs-48.68;Hall County Sheriff,Juvenille Costs
- 59.16;Hamilton Co Sheriff Dept,Court Costs-37.00;
Hastings Tribune,Miscellaneous-125.20;Microfilm Im
aging System,Equipment Rental - Office-210.00;Nebr
aska.gov,Court Costs-30.00;Secretary Of State,Cour
t Costs-40.00;Telephone Systems Of Ne,Telephone Se
rvices-163.09;Verizon Wireless,Telephone Services-
413.99;Microfilm Imaging System,Contract Labor-32.
00;Mips,Contract Labor-827.66;Mips, Equipment Renta
1 - Office-190.00;Adams Co Highway Dept,Equipment
- Fuel-3,573.77;Adams Co Highway Dept,Travel Expen
ses-1,161.34;Adams County Jail,Board Of Prisoners
- Food-1,073.98;Adams County Jail,Med-hosp Prisone
rs-1,509.47;Alamar Uniforms,Uniform Allowance-160.
47;Allens Of Hastings Inc,Law Enf Supp-107.04;Alle
ns Of Hastings Inc,Med-hosp Prisoners-50.45;Allens
Of Hastings Inc,Supplies - Office-25.98;Allens Of
Hastings Inc,Law Enf Supp-47.40;Larry L Baker Md,
Med-hosp Prisoners-710.00;Bob Barker Company Inc,L
aw Enf Supp-198.58;Berts Rexall Drugs,Med-hosp Pri
soners-486.79;Buffalo Co Sheriff Off,Board Of Pris
oners - Food-13,500.00;Buffalo Co Sheriff Off,Med-
hosp Prisoners-26.01;Cash Wa Candy Company,Law Enf
Supp-32.97;Cash Wa Candy Company,Laundry-prisoner
s-36.26;Cash Wa Candy Company, Janitorial Supplies-
71.77;Cash Wa Candy Company,Law Enf Supp-30.97;Cas
h Wa Candy Company,Janitorial Supplies-74.00;Cash-
wa Distributing,Commissary-59.00;Cei Security & So
and Inc,Other Equipment Repair-386.34;Central Dent
al Group,Med-hosp Prisoners-236.00;Clay County She
riff,Board Of Prisoners - Food-6,615.00;Computer H
ardware Inc,Printing & Publishing-50.80;Cooks Corr
ectional,Law Enf Supp-91.86;Crawford Supply Co,Com
missary-4.44;Civic Research Institute,Dues, Sub, R
eg, Training,-179.95;Culligan Of Hastings,Commissa
ry-25.65;Eakes Office Plus,Printing & Publishing-1
77.50;Eakes Office Plus,Supplies - Office-27.48;Ha
11 Cnty Dept Of Corr,Board Of Prisoners - Food-14,
905.00;Hall Cnty Dept Of Corr,Med-hosp Prisoners-9
.68;Keefe Group/access Catal,Commissary-350.00;Kei
the Pharmacies,Med-hosp Prisoners-180.72;Ptacnik S
ervice Inc,Travel Expenses-52.61;Webster Co Sherif
f,Board Of Prisoners - Food-1,550.00;Windstream,Co
mmissary-67.19;Heritage Bank Ap Ach,Dues, Sub, Reg
, Training,-20.00;Heritage Bank Ap Ach,Lawn Equip.
Repair-12.94;Heritage Bank Ap Ach,Travel Expenses
- 34.10;Heritage Bank Ap Ach,Supplies - Office-43.0
3;Heritage Bank Ap Ach,Data Proc. Equip/special-15
0.39;Heritage Bank Ap Ach,Travel Expenses-95.82;He
ritage Bank Ap Ach,Travel Expenses-207.64;John Ude
n,Maintenance Agreements-200.00;Platte Valley Of H
asting,Radio Repair-157.50;Patricia Vacek,Maintena
nce Agreements-240.00;Modern Marketing Inc,Printin
g & Publishing-433.60;City Of Hastings,Homeland Se
curity Grant-1,928.75;Adams Co Highway Dept,Equipm
ent - Fuel-42.50;City Of Hastings,Ambulance Costs-
5,208.33;Auto Value - Hastings,Rd Eq Rep Parts-104
.80;Auto Value - Hastings,Supplies - Shop-207.00;B
ig G Comm Hardware,Traffic Control - Guard R-57.92
;Big G Comm Hardware,Other Equipment Repair-16.62;
Bosselman Energy, Inc.,Mach Eq Grease Oil-569.21;B
osselman Energy, Inc.,Other Equipment Repair-82.35
;Bosselman Energy, Inc.,Supplies - Shop-355.40;Bos
selman Energy, Inc.,Mach Eq Grease Oil-358.48;Boss
elman Energy, Inc.,Small Tools, Etc.-34.41;Bosselm
an Energy, Inc.,Equipment - Fuel-72.00;Charter Com
munications,Telephone Services-80.00;Consolidated
Concrete Co,Other Equipment Repair-220.75;Cooperat
ive Producers In,Equipment - Fuel-8,872.78;Eakes 0
ffice Plus,Supplies - Office-55.65;Fastenal Compan
y,Other Road/bridge Materia-8.41;Fastenal Company,
Rd Eq Rep Parts-8.26;Filter Care,Supplies - Shop-2
06.95;Computer Consultants Inc,Data Processing Cos
ts-259.98;Hastings Utilities,Electricity-791.61;Is
land Supply,Welding Supp/chains-299.63;J I L Aspha
It Paving Co,Materials - Asphaltic-3,589.21;Lawson
Products,Miscellaneous-143.04;Lawson Products,Sup
plies - Shop-79.66;Lawson Products,Express/freight
- 16.37;Mainelli Wagner & Assoc,Bridge Contracts-52
7.50;Matheson Tri-gas Inc,Welding Supp/chains-21.0
9;Mid Nebr Aggregate Inc,Materials - Gravel & Borr
- 2,926.15;Napa Auto Parts,Rd Eq Rep Parts-55.89;Na
pa Auto Parts,Express/freight-3.00;Napa Auto Parts
,Supplies - Shop-26.00;Napa Auto Parts,Rd Eq Rep P
arts-55.89;Napa Auto Parts,Supplies - Shop-25.32;N
apa Auto Parts,Rd Eq Rep Parts-58.17;Napa Auto Par
ts,Supplies - Shop-15.48;Napa Auto Parts,Other Equ
ipment Repair-3.92;Napa Auto Parts,Rd Eq Rep Parts
- 201.40;Paramount Linen & Unifor,Janitorial Suppli
es-60.63;Platte Valley Of Hasting,Radio Equipment-
1,408.00;Ptsr,Miscellaneous-50.00;Source Gas,Heati
ng Fuels-127.79;Southern Power District,Electricit
y-279.28;Square Deal Lumber Co,Materials - Culvert
s-694.00;Square Deal Lumber Co,Other Equipment Rep
air-24.02;Village Of Holstein,Water-21.50;Village
Of Holstein,Sewer-12.50;Village Of Kenesaw,Water-2
2.29;Village Of Kenesaw,Sewer-22.82;Diamond Vogel,
Pavement Marking-4,460.00;Adams Co Highway Dept,Eq
uipment - Fuel-54.38;Kingswood Plaza, Mhc,Public A
ssistance-210.00;Chris Long,Travel Expenses -40.11;
Adams County Court,County Court Costs/stop P-336.0
0;Adams Co Sheriff Fee Act,Court Costs-8,590.07;Co
mmunity Action Part Of,Handi-bus-1,914.01;Hastings
Tribune,Printing & Publishing-281.54;Health & Hum
an Services,Institutional Costs-1,116.00;Heritage
Bank,Miscellaneous-25.00;Mid-american Benefits,Mai
ntenance Agreements-322.50;Mips,Budget Preparation
Costs-38.80;Region Iii Prog Adm Offi,Emergency Se
rvices (epc I-1,443.78;Rinder Printing Co Inc,Cour
t Costs -262.26; Board of Supervisors -Payroll -9,134
.86;Clerks Office Payroll-12,194.55;Treasurer Offi
ce Payroll-24,460.08;Register of Deeds Payroll -12,
513.76;Assessors Office Payroll -$24,119.76; Plann
ing and Zoning Office Payroll-3,229.14;IT Depart
ment Payroll-11,332.95;District Court Office Pay
roll 16,100.82;District Court Judge Office Payro
11 2,500.00;Public Defender Office Payroll -19,
401.49; Maintenance Department Payroll -15,376.00;
Extension Office Payroll-6,715.96;Microfilm Office
Payroll-148.80;Sheriff's Office Payroll -82,548.58;
County Attorney Office Payroll-48,184.73;County
Jail Payroll-63,635.20;Emergency Management Pay
Roll-6,394.00;County Surveyor Payroll -342.64;
Roads Department Payroll-93,625.65;Weeds Depart-
ment Payroll-2,757.90;Veteran Service Office Pay-
roll-8,024.92;Heritage Bank -FICA County Matching-
33,188.47;Mid-American Benefits Employee Health
Insurance County Portion -117, 864. 85;Mid-American
Benefits -Employee 125 Plan County Portion -5,418.00;
Madison National Life Disability Insurance -1,307.65;
Adams County Health Savings Account -15,911.99;
Heritage Bank Employee Retirement County Portion -
Business World Products,Supplies - Office-90.74;Cr
Bureau Of Hastings,Chamber Support Serv-5.00;Deer
Trail Lawn,Repair-240.00;Eakes Office Plus,Suppli
es - Office-16.99;Hastings Utilities,Utilities-312
.71;Heritage Bank Ap Ach,Telephone Services -10.00;
Modern Methods Leasing,Equipment Rental - Office -3
,559.80;Visitor Center Payroll -5,148.33; Heritage
Bank -FICA County Matching-390.25;Mid-American
Benefits Employee Health Insurance County Portion-
643.32;Mid-American Benefits -Employee 125 Plan County
Portion-42.00;Madison National Life Disability
Insurance-16.81;Adams County Health Savings Account
-71.99;Heritage Bank Employee Retirement County
Portion -262.49
Cei Security & Sound Inc,Miscellaneous-4,550.00;
Glenwood Telephone Co,Emergency Phone -109.08
Ramona R. Thomas
Chuck Neumann Pamela J. Witte
Chairman Deputy Clerk
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Equalization was held as per public notice given with
Chairman Neumann presiding. Roll CaII members present: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann,
Saathoff, Weeks and Hynes.
Motion by Orthmann and seconded by Curtis that this is a meeting of the Adams County Board of
Equalization and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and
by posting. An Agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and
posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, Ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann, Saathoff,
Hynes, Weeks. Nays: None.
Adams County Treasurer, Beverly Davis presented the Board with motor vehicle exemption applications
from Head Start, the Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society (Good Samaritan Village), and Mary
Lanning Healthcare. Davis has reviewed all applications and confirmed that they all meet the guidelines
to be approved for exemption. Davis recommended the Board approve all applications.
Motion by Curtis, seconded by Saathoff to approve all motor vehicle exemption applications as
presented by Treasurer Davis. Roll call, Ayes: Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann, Saathoff, Hynes,
Weeks. Nays: None.
Adams County Assessor, Diane Hynes presented the Board with the following tax list corrections:
Tax ID# 284-03234 — South Central Behavioral Services
Assessor Hynes advised that South Central Behavioral Services has no plan to utilize the lot within the
next two years, resulting in them not meeting the criteria for an exemption.
Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Weeks to deny the permissive exemption to South Central Behavioral
Services. Roll Call: Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays: None
Tax ID # 32-00040 — Duane Burr
Assessor Hynes and Adams County Appraiser Jim Kuhn requested the valuation be adjusted from
$418,480.00 to $393,310.00 due to some acres being misclassified.
Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Weeks to approve the correction to property 32-00040 to reflect a
$393,310.00 valuation. Roll Call: Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann.
Nays: None
Tax ID# 50-00010 — Duane Burr
Assessor Hynes requested the valuation of this property be adjusted from $702,375.00 to $686,960.00
as there was an error in the measurement and classification of the property.
Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Curtis to approve correcting the valuation of property 50-00010 to
$686,960.00. Roll Call: Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays:
Tax ID#40-02476 — Brett & Jessica Larson
Assessor Hynes requested to increase the valuation of this property from $210,065.00 to $303,105.00 to
reflect the construction on the property now being 100% complete.
Motion by Saathoff, seconded by Weeks to adjust the valuation of property #40-02476 to $303,105.00.
Roll Call: Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays: None
Tax ID# 320-00124 — Engel Construction, Inc.
Assessor Hynes requested a correction on the description and classification of this property as the
building permit was assigned to the wrong parcel. The property in question is actually a vacant lot.
Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Thomsen to approve Assessor Hynes correcting property 320-00124
to reflect that this is a vacant lot. Roll Call: Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis,
Orthmann. Nays: None
Tax ID# 320-00122- Jason and Kimberly McCoy
Assessor Hynes requested the valuation be raised to $312,095.00 to include both the land and
improvements made.
Motion by Orthmann, seconded by Saathoff to approve adjusting the valuation of property #320-00122
to $312,095.00. Roll Call: Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays:
Tax ID# 284 -09210 -Physicians Building
Assessor Hynes requested the approval of a correction to reflect the land only valuation of $13,900.00.
Motion by Orhtmann, seconded by Hynes to approve the adjustment to property 284-09210 to reflect
the land only. Roll Call: Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays:
Tax ID -284 -19710 -Physicians Building Partnership
Assessor Hynes requested the valuation be changed from $37,605.00 to $10,425.00.
Motion by Curtis, seconded by Orthmann to approve the assessor changing the valuation of property
284-19710 to $10,425.00. Roll Call: Ayes; Neumann, Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis,
Orthmann. Nays: None
Motion by Weeks, seconded by Orthmann to resume regular session. Roll Call: Ayes; Neumann,
Saathoff, Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis, Orthmann. Nays: None
Board of Equalization adjourned at 10:42 a.m.
Clerk Deputy Clerk
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Cemetery Board on Tuesday, September 16, 2014 at
11:20 a.m. With Chairman Neumann presiding. Board members present were: Neumann, Saathoff,
Weeks, Hynes, Thomsen, Curtis and Orthmann. County Clerk, Ramona Thomas; Deputy County Attorney,
David Bergin; Board Administrator Judy Mignery; and Highway Superintendent Dawn Miller were also
The Chairman announced that this is an open meeting of the Cemetery Board.
Clerk Thomas informed the Board that she received a call from Patty's Lawn Service regarding the
condition of some of the County maintained cemeteries. It was indicated that several tree branches
were down in almost all for the five cemeteries. Patty's Lawn Service also indicated that badgers were
still an issue at two of the cemeteries.
Clerk Thomas stated that Jared Fullerton with the USDA Wildlife Division has been made aware of the
badger issue and he is working towards controlling the situation.
Chairman Neumann directed Dawn Miller and her staff assess the tree damage at the cemetery and take
care of any removal of branches/trees.
Meeting adjourned at 11:26 a.m.
Chairman Clerk Deputy Clerk