HomeMy WebLinkAbout0119 Minutes from January 19, 2016Adams County Board of Supervisors Board Minutes Courthouse, Adams County, Tuesday January 19, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as public notice given with Chairman Orthmann presiding. Roll Call Members Present: Michael Stromer- District 1; Mike Weeks -District 2; Jennifer Czekai-District 3; Scott Thomsen -District 4; Dale Curtis -District 5; Chuck Neumann -District 6; Eldon Orthmann- District 7 Motion by Czekai, seconded by Weeks that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. Roll Call, Ayes: Stromer, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Weeks, Orthmann. Nays: none Public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the Board members and was kept continuously current and posted in the County Clerk's Office, the main courthouse lobby and the Adams County website. The following is the agenda of items to be heard, no modifications were made to the agenda after 9:30 a.m. the business day prior to this meeting. Agenda for Meeting of Adams County Board of Supervisors County Board Room, Courthouse, 2nd Floor * Date of Meeting, January 19, 2016, 9:30 A.M. Announce location of Agenda & Open Meetings Law postings Reminder to turn off all cell phones Pledge of Allegiance Conflicts of Interest: Roll call: Approve minutes: Committee reports: Receive Comments from the Public: Note to Citizens: Any agenda item may be moved down at any time at the discretion of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. 9:45 Board of Trustee Members of SID 2 regarding concerns on Idlewilde Road. Eric Walston— Weed Department Annual Update 10:00 a.m. Public Hearing to discuss selling, by way of public auction, land parcel 010016617, currently owned by Adams County Discussion and possible decision on selling of parcel 010016617 and setting sale date and minimum bid, direct clerk to advertise sale in compliance with §23-107.01 10:15 Board of Equalization — Housing Development Corporation — Exemption Application • 10:20 PUBLIC HEARING —Real Estate and Personal Property applications for tax exemptions ---Melaine Curry — Motor Vehicle tax exemption applications for Mid Nebraska Individual Services ---Jackie Russell — Corrections and exemptions Judy Mignery — present written recommendations of the Adams County Planning Commission regarding proposal for amendments to zoning regulations, specifically the proposal originally initiated by the County Board at its November 17, 2015 meeting and forwarded to the Planning Commission for study and recommendation, and thereafter labeled by the zoning director as Case #15.12.3, which includes changes to definitional sections regarding adult establishments, regulations of adult establishments, opening of C-2 Highway Commercial District, FS Flex Space District, and I-1 Light Industrial District to adult establishments as a permitted use; and making adult establishments a permitted use in I-2 District, all subject to a new section of revised regulations. Further this proposal would revise related sections pertaining to home occupations, home based businesses, Off -Street Parking and Loading Requirements and repeal and replace the Separability section with a Severability section, as well as updatingpenalty/remedy provisions. Brandy Johnson - update from legal counsel on recommended edits to above referenced proposal for zoning regulation amendments (Case #15.12.3) arising from planning commission work session held on December 7, 2015 and request a public hearing be held on such proposal during Feb. 16, 2016 County Board meeting with advance published notice, with possible action to adopt the proposal following such public hearing Update from legal counsel regarding proposal for new ordinance #15-0001 regarding public nudity and lewd or lascivious behavior tabled at December 15, 2015 meeting. Request the following be placed on the February 16, 2016 agenda, in sequence after consideration of above - referenced zoning regulation amendment proposal; • Vote to take from table (from Dec 15, 2015 meeting) proposal for new county ordinance #15-0001 governing public nudity and lewd or lascivious behavior; whether to waive further readings of proposed ordinance, and if so, proceed to discuss and/or take action by vote on whether to adopt proposed ordinance Ron Seymour — Request approval of the following appointments to the Adams County Extension Board: • Bryce Katzberg — one year term • Glen Wiens- reappointment fo a second three year term • Jamey Hamburger • Ester Linblad Dawn Miller - Approve Agreement & Resolution for Project HRRR-STWD, Bridge & Culvert Markers with NDOR for High Risk Rural Road material funds (Resolution 2016-01-19.02) Sign Contract with Vontz Paving for Assumption Road Overlay 2016 Discussion and possible approval of Resolution 2016-01-19.01 for foreclosure on certain tax sale certificates. Discussion and possible approval of the formation of an Executive Committee and Security Committee Judy Mignery — present and make request on behalf of the Adams County Wellness Committee regarding the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between Adams County and South Heartland District Health Department Discussion and possible appointment of additional member to the Adams County Wellness Committee Presentation of the Annual Livestock Report Ramona Thomas — Request approval for the appointment of Michelle Oldham to th South Heartland District Health Department Board of Health for a second three year term Chip Volcek — request motion to vote the Nebraska Regional Interoperability Network Board of Directors ballot David Bergin — Present for possible approval a revised deputy salary resolution 2016-01-19.02 Quarterly jail inspection Miscellaneous Business Claims Miscellaneous Receipts Officer Reports • This agenda is subject to amending until 9:30 AM on the Monday preceding the Board meeting. Last updated on January 15, 2016 at 12:17 a.m. For non-English speaking attendees wishing to arrange for a sign language or foreign language inkcrpartor, please call or fax the County Attorney's office at Phone: 402-461-7240 or Fax: 402 461-7241, For hearing-impaired individuals or individuals with other special needs call or fax the County Clerk's Office at Phone: 402 461-7107, or TTY: 402 461-7166 or Fax: 402461-7185. When requesting an interpreter or services for the hearing impaired, please provide at least forty-eight (48) hours advance notice to allow time for making the accommodations. The Board reserves the right to go into executive session if such session la clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual, The Chairman announced the locations of the open meetings law and agenda in the room and asked if there were any conflicts of interest with any agenda items. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as circulated. Board members attended the following events and committee meetings and gave a brief report: Neumann: January 6, 2016, attended a South Heartland District Health Board meeting January 7, 2016; attended a Midland Area Agency on Aging Board meeting January 11, 2016; attended an Adams Central School Board meeting where traffic concerns were discussed January 13. 2016; attended an Adams County Wellness Committee meeting where Judy Mignery was designated as the chairperson of the committee January 19, 2016; attended an Adams County Road and Bridge Committee meeting Curtis: January 7, 2016; attended an Adams County Extension Board meeting January 10, 2016; attended a 4H soup supper January 12, 2016; attended an Ag Society Board meeting January 15, 2015; had a meeting with Adams County Emergency Management regarding fire drills and inclement weather closures Weeks: January 11, 2016; attended an Adams Central School Board meeting where traffic concerns were discussed January 14, 2016; attended an Adams County Convention and Visitors Board meeting January 19, 2016; attended an Adams County Road and Bridge Committee meeting Czekai: January 7, 2016; was unable to attended the Extension Board meeting do to the weather January 11, 2016; attended an Adams Central School Board meeting where traffic concerns were discussed January 12, 2015; attended a Hastings Library Board meeting, the library is seeking new board members January 19, 2016;. attended an Adams County Road and Bridge Committee meeting Romer: January 11, 2016; attended an Adams County Building and Grounds Committee meeting were interview for a full time maintenance employee were conducted Thomsen: Gave a brief security update regarding new security measures placed at the south entrance of the main courthouse building January 6, 2016; met with security personnel regarding repairs to the X-ray machine January 2, 2016; new carpet was installed in the basement of the Annex Building January 11, 2016; attended an Adams County Building and Grounds Committee meeting were interview for a full time maintenance employee were conducted January 15, 2016; had a meeting with Adams County Emergency Management regarding fire drills and inclement weather closures Thomsen also gave a brief report from the Building and Grounds committee, stating that new carpet has been installed on the second floor of the main courthouse building and that the probation office will likely be seeking more office space in the near future. Orthmann; January 7, 2016; attended a Midland Area Agency on Aging Board meeting January 11, 2016; attended an Adams County Building and Grounds Committee meeting were interview for a full time maintenance employee were conducted January 11, 2016; provided KHAS TV with an interview January 12, 2016; attended a Business Improvement District meeting and had a tour of the new Odessy restaurant in downtown Hastings January 12, 2016; attended a Heartland Pet Connection Board meeting January 13, 2016; attended an Adams County Senior Services Board meeting January 15, 2015; had a meeting with Adams County Emergency Management regarding fire drills and inclement weather closures January 18, 2016; attended a Senior Action Partnership meeting Chairman Orthmann opened the meeting for comments from the public. There were no comments from the public Chairman Orthmann opened discussion on the first agenda item. Members of the SID2 (Idlewilde) Board of Trustees were present to address issues with the condition of Idlewilde Road between Adams Central Road and Southern Hills Drive. SID Board Members Doug Pauley and Steve James stated the stretch of road needs to be replaced as patching is no longer sufficient and signage warning of the pavement break up were not in the correct locations to adequately advise drivers of the road conditions ahead. Adams County Highway Superintendent Dawn Miller stated that the referenced stretch of road currently is not on any road plan as Idlewilde residence do have an alternate route available to them via the Adams Central Road to Highway 6. Board member Weeks stated that it was worth looking at the road in question. Adams County Weed Department Supervisor, Eric Walston, presented the Board with an annual weed report. Walston requested the Chairman's signature on the report so that it may be submitted to Nebraska Department of Agriculture. Motion by Weeks, seconded by Czekai to approve Chairman Orthmann's signature on the report submitted by Walston. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Nebraska Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Protection P.O. Box 9456.......... Lincoln, NE 68509 (402) 471-2351 ACTIVITY REPORT (DUE January 31 of each year.) Adams County, 2015. Month and year weed superintendent started in this position: September 2012_ For the preceding year, indicate the following: 1. Control authority employees: a. Number of weeks weed superintendent was employed full-time as a weed superintendent 52 b. Number of part-time or seasonal personnel employed annually. 0 c. Number of full-time personnel. 0 d. Percent of time weed superintendent spent on required noxious weed activities. 50 a/o 2. County noxious weed budget: a. Actual total weed budget spent for the previous fiscal year, $64,184.96_ b. Total weed budget most recently adopted and approved (total requirements) $107,968__ c. Tax dollars required for weed control for last fiscal year $95,372_ 3. Public relations and education: a. Number of public education and informational meetings presented by the control authority 2 b. Number of noxious weed articles published based on information provided by the control authority 2 c. Number of radio Interviews conducted by the control authority regarding noxious weeds 0 d. Number of informational letters or brochures distributed by the control authority regarding noxious weeds 0 e. Number of events that informational noxious weed displays were presented by the control authority 0 4. Number of inspections completed and documented with appropriate inspection reports (Spring) (Fall) a. Annual noxious weed Inspection 20 15 b. Special noxious weed inspection 0 0 c. Complaint noxious weed inspection 2 2 d. Follow-up noxious weed inspection 0 17 e. Crop inspections 2 0 f. Article inspections 0 0 5. Noxious weed notification and enforcement: a. Number of reports received concerning uncontrolled noxious weed infestations (Includes landowner complaints and Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) reports) 2 b. Number of requests made to individuals or other entities to control noxious weeds (excluding official notices). 16 6. Official 16day notice result's: - --a:-Number of15daynoticeaissued - ... .................. ............._ .. ..... ... .._ _0....................... b. Number of 15 -day notices which achieved acceptable compliance prior to notice expiration 0 c. Number of notices prosecuted. 0 d. Dollar value of fine notices collected 0 e. Number of 15 -day notice disposition reports completed. 0 7. Official 10day notice results: a. Number of 16 -day notices issued 0 b. Number of 10 -day notices which achieved acceptable compliance prior to expiration 0 c. Number of parcels force controlled by the county 0 d. Number of parcels force controlled by contractors 0 e. Total number of acres force controlled 0 f. Total number of liens fled for nonpayment 0 g. Total number of 10 -day nonce disposition reports completed 0 8. Weed Superintendent Education and Training: a. Number of regional Nebraska Weed Control Association (NWCA) meetngs attended 5 b. Number of slate NWCA meetings, workshops, or seminars attended. 4 c. Number of university, state, or federal information or training sessions attended 0 d. Number of pdvate Industry training sessions attended. 0 e. Other pl.t number of..aarons.tt.msa) 0 9. Number of meetings weed superintendent held or attended with tether then me.s rated above): a. Control authority .. 2 b. County attomey 0 c. District NDA Inspector 2 d. Railroad officials 0 e. Road departments. . 0 1. Municipalities 2 g. Federal officials 0 h. Other or miscellaneous 0 County Weed Superintendent Signature Date Control Authority Chairperson/President Signature Date NW27.doc (Rev. 07/11) Nebraska Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Protection P.O. Box 94755 Lincoln, NE 68509 (402) 471-2351 WEED CONTROL AUTHORITY BOARD ROSTER (Due January 31st of each year.) Adams County, 2015. NOTE: (1) Roster should reflect current or upcoming members only; end (2) Ex-officlo or weed liaison commissioners or supervisors designated to receive correspondence In lieu of the chairperson should be indicated as such. Section 2-953 of the Noxious Weed Control Act defines the control authority as the county weed district board, or the county board. This control authority is: Ox County board 0 Weed board Name Mailing Address 419 Briggs St City/State/Zip Hastings Ne 68901 Telephone (incl dtng area code) (402)462-9846 Board Type* B Date Current Term Ends 2016 Years of Service 10 Chalrperson/Prestdent Eldon Orthman Vice ChairpersonNice President Dale Curtis 714 S Denver Ave Hastings Ne 68901 (402)483-3778 B 2016 7 Member. Charles Neuman 908 N Kansas Ave Hastings Ne 68901 (402)463-5471 B 2017 14 Member Scott Thomsen 1638 Morningside Dr Hastings Ne 68901 (402)463-9485 B 2017 6 Member: Mike Weeks 7450 W 12m St Juniata Ne 68955 (402)705-2546 B 2017 3 Member: Michael Stromer 1237 Acadamey Hastings Ne 68901 (402)482-8318 B 2017 1 Member. Jennifer Czekia 7460 W Bluehitl Rd Ayr Ne 68925 (402)756-3460. B 2017 1 Superintendent: Eric Walston 2309 Boyce St Hastings Ne 68901 (402)705-2400 a c 3 'Board types: C = City representative, weed board R = Rural representative, weed board 8 = Board member, county commissioner/supervisor County Weed Superintendent signature Date Control Authority Chairperson/President signature Date NW29.doc (07/11) Nebraska Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Protection P.O. Box 94756 Lincoln, NE 68509 (402) 471-2351 BUDGET REPORT (DUE January 31 of each year) Adams County, 2015_ Current Year Budget: Available Funds: 69,436:56 Expenses: 33,282.44 Prior Year Actual: Revenues: Expenses: 2,258.85 64,184.96 Superintendent Salary: 33,094.80 S -4 s. COUNTY TOTAL CROPLAND PASTURE/ RANGE/ NONAGRI- CULTURAL ROADS RAILROAD n w a A n ^/ F m sgN m m m Light -I Z 'm +1 m w co m Light -i 2 m -4 n g w to Z m r , ?$ Z -I m n w Moderate Severe C -i 8 Z -1 mm n a w Moderate Severe Trace Light Z m al n m Moderate Severe r -I Z 'm Am W n 4, CO > W 0 N CO O Al 0 m N O CO CO ~ fOAWuAW NN pm W VO m J O Oi m COO A 10+ m 0 AgKm -2 W- C ®x CO OW�1 N OO m N _ m W O CO ro CO O CO m 8 Co CO v CO O N O N �mWmONO NN O St u m CO m O Nm Nm O CO V D mV m CO CO O +N O 0 n Jj m mn O N m O CO + O N CO N O mO N O W coW m m CO WO CO COV CA N V O O O ha OW n�2 ON m� m Nm CO O NO N O NW O® + 0'm VV OS v S CO Vo V OCO IN IN X y ?O Naf50N b mO O COO m O ' CO N Ncc O N O m pp W W m V co O CO O O O C AAc g g m O e % O w IN m N OD O CO N NO CA O CO CO CO 0 CO CO V m 0 V o CO O 6 O m m a N m m m _. m Nr CO 0 CO O bJ W m CO Co m O N O V n o IT, O 8 W m Al m W -o W m N 1� Az IJ O N N O CO v0 EPP CO V CO CD mV CO O0 m COCOCO O N O AO N m mm N m 6 O w I. O 4 N O N O CO tl m V CO .... CO CO m CO +dn CO O W M m 0 B.N C1 N 3 O Q 0. co m W m 9. 0 n Q m n C N co coQ 0) 3 W SLOZ 'Aluno3 • A 7 o N y O 0 ill X" Z X iv m co sa. p(D ;0001 am 0 A. m 3 )U � � 0 D m 3 In eco 0" " Z 4. General In this section, list how your county achieved last season's goals and were they successful? Explain. I did more inspections this year with more landowner contact. I plan to continue this practice along with more mapping and public relations. Public Awareness Explain the type of public relations activities that your county will use in the upcoming year to increase public awareness (newspaper articles, interviews, presentations given, weed tours, landowner contacts, etc.). Do not include the required general notice in this section. I hope to provide information on noxious weeds at the County Fair as well. I would also like to give presentations to 4 H and FFA groups in the area. Cooperative Efforts Does your county actively support and participate in a weed management cooperative group? NO YES XExplain Noxious Weed Enforcement 1. Which legal notice(s) will be utilized by the county weed control authority? X 10 day 15 day Both 2, List the procedure that the control authority has adopted for the •weed .superintendent to follow when notifying landowners of uncontrolled noxious weed infestations. Adams County Weed Control will inspect land under its control as required in 2-954-3b,in the Nebraska Weed Control Act, to determine areas of infestation with weeds declared to be noxious. Owners of land found to be infested with noxious weeds will be contacted and advised of their obligation to control such infestations. Adams County Weed Control will aid in the control of such infestations,and if no action is forthcoming, will take the necessary steps to accomplish control and will asio strive for a low incidence of noxious weed infestations, Contact List Agency Contact Person Phone Number Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Dist 6 (306) 865-5329 Nebraska Department of Roads Jim Delarm (402) 462-1996 BELF Larry Gibbens (308) 631-1822 NRD Mike Onnen (402) 364-2145 RC&D Randal Gunn (402) 845-6678 FSA David Studicka (402) 463-6771 NRCS Shanda Spurgeon (402) 463-6771 Rural Development Rachelle Tompkin (402) 463-6771 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Wetlands management (308) 263-3001 National Forests or Parks Jane Darnell (308) 432-0300 Railroads UPRR BNRR (402)54420064 (402) 4327436 Irrigation Districts NA Cities and Villages Terry Brown (402) 461-2356 Local News Media Hastings Tribune {402) 462-2131 Public Power District Southern Power Dist (402) 463-7235 Other If more space is needed, you may attach additional sheets. 1. How many total hours does the control authority anticipate will be dedicated to the county noxious weed program? For the coming year? (Hours per quarter) _0 January - March 520 April - June 360 July - September 160 October - December 2. Has your county's noxious weed infestations increased or decreased in the past year? `Decrease__ Explain. Due to land use as cropland, control is easier, but looking for more weed growth as we come to Spring. 0 Control Authority Chairperson 0 County Weed Superintendent 0 (U N O N � wed, and approved by the county noxious weed control authority at a regular board Adams County Weed Control has a policy of informal contact Motion by Curtis, seconded by Weeks to open the Public Hearing for discussion on the selling of county owned land parcel 010016617 located at 214 West C Street in Hastings. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Public Hearing opened at 10:00 a.m. Dave Rippe with Hastings Economic Development spoke before the Board, in favor of selling the county owned parcel of land. Adams County Deputy Attorney David Bergin, provided an overview of the process of selling the land. Bergin stated the land must be placed on public auction advertised once at least ten days prior to the sale. Bergin stated the county could set a minimum bid. If no bids are received, Bergin stated the county could enter into negotiations with a single party. Chairman Orthmann stated that the Adams County Assessor's office advised that the land parcel has a valuation of $2,305.00. Motion by Weeks, seconded by Czekai to exit the Public Hearing and return to regular session. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Regular session resumed at 10:05 a.m. Motion by Czekai, seconded by Weeks to place land parcel 010016617 located at 214 West C Street in Hastings, up for sale by way of sealed bids to be opened on February 16, 2016, with a minimum bid of $2305.00. Roll CaII: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None The County Clerk will advertise the sale in the Hastings Tribune at least ten days prior to February 16, 2016. Adams County Highway Superintendent, Dawn Miller, presented the Board with a contract between Adams County and Vontz Paving for the Assumption Road overlay project. CONTRACT This Contract is made and entered into in triplicate this / day of , 20%r by and between Adams County, Nebraska, acting through its Board of County Supervisors (hereinafter "Owner"), and Vontz Paving. Inc., (hereinafter "Contractor"). The Contractor did submit a proposal for the construction of an asphaltic concrete overlay in Adams County and other incidental work, as set forth in the Contract Documents for the project titled "Hastings Southeast Overlay" and previously filed with the Adams County Clerk. A copy of the Contractor's proposal is attached hereto and made a part of this Contract. The amount of the Contractor's proposal was $ 457,694,04 and such is the full amount of this Contract, with no additions or deletions, except by written change order as set forth in the Contract Documents. If any change orders are issued, they shall be at the unit prices set forth in the Contractor's proposal or as negotiated with the Owner, and will in no way be construed as a release or waiver from the obligations of this Contract. In consideration of the following mutual agreements between the parties to this Contract, the Contractor agrees to furnish all work in accordance with said Contract Documents. The Owner agrees to pay the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents and the Contractor's proposal. This Owner awards this Contract to the Contractor subject to the following conditions: IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract on this day of d6CEMete, 20/5 OWNER: CONTRACTOR: Board of County Supervisors Vontz Paving, Inc. Adams County By: Title: By: Title: VI kk, / rf .4 ,+Qckn .argr.0 ' - 'fi''' t/ MAMMARY,. Stale al Nahfaaka GEORGE VA11AM HOWARD 1:04;.".?MY Comm. Exp. Apd 21, 2018 Notar Public My commission expires the2Atday of /4/10-4' , 20g 111Q O AL FOR HASTINGS SOVTBEAST QYlLAy ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Board of Supervisors Adams County Courthouse Hastings, NE 48901 Gentlemen: fN tichstbzu... r Academia after reviewing these Bid Documents and Specifications in filil, jtrig to lilmish all, materials and all othermaiscefaneous items required to construe the project as shown at the following unit prices: cONSTRU "j'ioN °F1 ASTJ JGS SOUTHEAST OVERLAY ITEM PLAN ITEM UNIT N+O. C}11ANT1TY D CC_ttlpelv7�ON t PIU He A OUNT 1-1 1-2 1-3 1.000 1,000 6,101000 1.4 500.000 l-5 90.000 Mobllizstion Lump Sum 'Traffic Control Lump Sum Asphaldo Typa"SPR" Tons Alpha& Concn*efor Patching, Type "WV Tons Hydrated time for AsphaltMixilttes Toms 1-6 I58.000 Cold Ming, Class 2 Sta. /14,12424,10 443267.490 $D.•r) s3 L/9e io y -74:� r400 0 Q IS";e /1, /CAM TOTAL FOR PROJECT 4/.6 L %i tO t. The Contract will be awaurdod based on the lowest price bid for the project Ver&: 4t1- Wo understand that this will be a lump sum contract and the total contract amount will be obtained by multiplying the Plan Quantities by the associated Unit Prices. If awarded the contract, we will furnish a surety bond and certificates of Maniocs as indicated in the Contract Documents. 64 Motion by Czekai, seconded by Weeks to approve the chairman's signature on the agreement with Vontz Paving for the Assumption Road overlay project.. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Miller presented the board with an agreement and resolution (#2016-01-19.02) with the Nebraska Department of Roads, for project HRRR-STWD for High Risk Rural Road Material Funds. STATE OF NEBRASKA Pete Ricketts Ga December 7, 2016 Ma Dawn Miller Adams County 415 N Adam Central Ave Juniata, NE 68955 0,PAaynu.TOrROA0. Kyle 9A.mW,P...DI taw Re teen, • POD. 9059• LIM Na 61e09!959 Plum (401)4714567 FAX (.0'a459tlii• w.rmeae9 s. r cl ovI JAN 1 1 2011 RE 00913 - Control Number, HRRR-S1WD - Project Number, Bridge and Culvert Object Marking - Project Name Program Agreement - - Enclosed please find tyro (2) duplicate, original program agreements and the signing resolution for the above -referenced project. Please route the agreements through your LPA for the appropriate signatures. After signatures have been obtained, rarum all original copies and the approved project program signing resolution to my attention for processing. Under this signing project, all algne must be installed by December 311, 2016. The LPA will be responsible for competing a Certificate of Completion within 45 days after prayed completion The Certificate of Completion will be provided to you once the Program Agreement Is executed. We look toward to working with you on this Federal -ad project. 0 you have any questioner, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Paul Kieper Project Coordinator NDOR Local Projects Section Phone 6402.4793944 E-mail. paul.kieperatnebraeka.gov LPA PROGRAM AGREEMENT High Risk Rural Road Bridge and Culvert Object Marking Project ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA STATE OF NEBRASKA, DEPARTMENT OF ROADS PROJECT NO. HRRR-STWD(128) STATE CONTROL NO. 00913 BRIDGE AND CULVERT OBJECT MARKING PROJECT THIS AGREEMENT, is between Adams County, Nebraska, a local public agency ("LPA"), and the State of Nebrska, Department of Roads, ("State"), and collectively referred to as the "Parties". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the State's High Risk Rural Road Implementation Team selected this statewide or local safety project for funding with Federal -aid funds; this project is identified as HRRR-STWD(128), and WHEREAS, the project is for the purchase and, when set out herein, the installation of the object marker devices specified below, and WHEREAS, LPA wishes to participate in the selected Federal -aid project, as evidenced by the attached Resolution of the LPA, identified as Exhibit "A" and made a part of this agreement, and WHEREAS, Federal -aid funds will be used in this project; therefore, all Federal -aid fund program requirements will apply, and WHEREAS, this agreement sets out the duties and responsibilities of the "Parties°, and WHEREAS, the Federal share payable on this project will be a maximum of 100 percent of the eligible and participating costs; the LPA's share will be the remaining 0 percent of the eligible and participating costs; and LPA will also be responsible for all other nonparticipating or ineligible costs, NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of these facts, the parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION 1. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT This project is for the purchase of the following described object marker devices: (number and description of object marker devices): Type 2 Object Marker Signs: 100 Type 3 Object Marker Signs: 400 Drivers: 1 Project Number. HRRR-STWD(128) Agreement No. BL1616 Control Number: 00913 RESOLUTION SIGNING OF THE HRRR PROJECT PROGRAM AGREEMENT — BL1616 Adams County Resolution No. Whereas: Adams County is proposing a transportation project for which it would like to obtain Federal funds; Whereas: Adams County understands that it must strictly follow all Federal, State and local laws, rules, regulations, policies and guidelines applicable to the funding of the Federal -aid project; and Whereas: Adams County and Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR) wish to enter into a new Project Program Agreement setting out the various duties and funding responsibilities for the Federal -aid project. Be It Resolved: by the Board of Supervisors of Adams County that: Chair of the Adams County Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to sign the attached Project Program Agreement between the Adams County and the NDOR. Adams County is committed to providing local funds for the project as required by the Project Program Agreement. NDOR Project Number: HRRR-STWD(128) NDOR Control Number. 00913 NDOR Project Name: BRIDGE AND CULVERT OBJECT MARKER SIGNING PROJECT Adopted this day of 2016 at (Month) (Year) The Board of Supervisors of Adams County Nebraska. Board/Coundl Member Moved the adoption of said resolution Member Seconded the Motion Roll Call: Yes No Abstained Absent Resolution adopted, signed and billed as adopted Attest: Signature County Clerk Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Czekai to approve the signing of the High Risk Rural Road material funds agreement and resolution with the Nebraska Department of Roads.. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Motion by Czekai, seconded by Curtis to meet as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing motor vehicle exemption requests, permissive exemptions and tax list corrections.. Roll CaII: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Entered as a Board of Equalization at 10:15 a.m. Motion by Czekai, seconded by Weeks to exit Board of Equalization and resume regular session. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Resumed regular session at 10:27 a.m. Adams County Planning and Zoning Director, Judy Mignery presented the Board with written recommendation of the Adams County Planning Commission regarding a proposal for amendments to zoning regulations that were presented during the November 17, 2015 board meeting. Mignery formally read the following into the record: 41141ifff cowl? PLANNING AND:ION:00 PEPARtMENt Thdy Mignery, 2'oningPitoctor $00.1I. Denver Ave., Hating, NE 68901 Pb.one: 402.461-7174 Fax: 402.461-7177 Office 4010: Monday — Thursday; St00.-12:00 and 1:00 4:00 DATE:: pecember1,201$ and January 4;2015 TO: Admits eotaiW Planning Commission O. Board of Supervisora 131O1t ,Zoniing.*00:-- Judy Mignery, Director. RE Case 05423 —Proposed Amendmento:to the-Adams County zoning regulations pursuant to Article 11, Section 1101 of the Adams County Nebraska .Zoning Resolution M4.10.08-032 (2010), specifically :Changesto definitional Sections:regarding adult' establishments, regulations of adult establishments; opening of C-2 'Highway Commercial.. District, FS Flex:Space District, and 1.1 Light industrial:District to adult establishments as a permitted use; and making adflit establidituerita a perinifted use M172:Dbltrict, all subject to apny section of revised regulations, Anther Otis proposal 'would. revise related sections pertaining to home occupations, homebitaedbtisinettes, OffStrect Parking and Loading Requirethenti and repeal and replace the Separability:section with a Severability section; as well as updating penaltYirentedy prlyViSion•i. Administrator's Comments: Minns C4:11* adoptedregulations addressing Adult Entertainmentin 2010 with the updates to the Comprehensive Plan, That being 5 years ago it is: tune to look at the County ovulations and make changes to Section 8:10 including deftnitiont, as well at changes to the Section.4.08.02:14ighWay CottmereittiDistrict, 4-.11:Flex Space .DiStrict,.4.12Iightindustrial District, and 4:13 I.2 Industrial District. Changes would also need to be Madele Section 8.07 Horne Occupations and Homol3ated:Busims.in Residential District and Section 8.08 Home occupations and Iftune Based Business in AG and .TA.District, A. revision would bemade to Sectwn 6.033 Scbcdtile of1v13ninrnm Off -Street Parking and Loading :Rectiiirements and Section 2.0 Definitions Section 1201.:Separability vVeuldba repealed and replaced with 1201 Severability. It is also important to have a better understanding of secondary effects as mentionedin Section8i0 A public hearing was held 'on the propos'ealime.ndments on the ith do of Li‘wertiber 2015' before the Planning Commission at its regidatineetingi following advance advertised notice to the publiopublished in. the local. newspaper for at least ten daysiprior te such hearing; as requited by applicable laW. The proposal was tabled pending a work session .to further study and oonsider such proposal, which was held on Decetiaber 16, 2015, after due-notice-to thptiblic, and wideli vas Open to public attendanco Commissioner's Comments: Pte: Monby 6 t Commission's Decision: proved), Denied 126L Planning Chairman Second• Commission's Vote: itY0, 7 Dray Absent 4Abstahf • tOt BLFoRE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. IN THE MATTER OF PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE ZONING REGULATIONS OF ADAMS COUNTY NEBRASKA PROPOSAL INITIATED BY: ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FINDINGS, REPORT, AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF PLANNING COMMISSION THIS MATTER cam e before the AdarnstOunty Planning Commission on the propOsal of the Adams County Board Of SuperVitoit initiated on November 17, 2015 to amend the County Zoning Regulations. The.spetifit proposal advanced to the Planning Commission for study and t�h%Pndationsis attathed hereto as Exhibit A, but -is edited to incOrporate.certaln nan- sUbStaritive'prOVISIOnS. AS suggested by member(s) of the, PIannng CornMiSsien to. clarify .orterreet language, punctuation; arid a typographical error foiled In the original dbeilitient, aSfolloWs; 1,. Page 1, second "whereas" clause:- addition of a semicolon to prevent any interpretation that "sexual !lesions of a casual nature" are 'unlawful sexual activities,' 2. Page 7, paragraph 8 of Section 8.10,03; addition of the word "other": The reason.for this is that there is overlap in the definition sections on "employee" and "operators of an adult establishment, meaning that an operator could also be viewed as an employee. As such, in theory, a semi-nude "operator/employee could be permitted In a room alone with a patron under paragraph 8. The change Makes the Wording of paragraph 8CO misterit.with its intent. 3. Page 19, narag,reph 11: correction of inadvertent typographical error, Reference to section 8.10.04 should be 8.10.03, A public hearing was held on thepropoSed amendments on the 7th day of December, 2013 before the Planning Commission at its regular meeting, following advance advertised notice to the public published in the local newspaper for at least ten days Prior to such hearing, as required by. applicable law. The proposal was tabled pending a work session to further study and consider such proposal:, which was held on December 16, 2,015, after due notice to the public, arici which was open to public attendance, • UPON REVIEW AND STUDY of all necessary facts, a presentation by legaltountel for the County regarding the legal basis for regulating adult establishments, as Well as consideration of studies, articles, and courtdecisions regarding same, and having heard and considered public comment, the Planning Commission makes the following findings: A.1 The proposed amendments to the Zoning ReSolutiOn are needed and JuStified, based ori the research and evidence considered concerning adverse secondary effects of adult establishments.. Oagb1 of B. The proposed amendments are consistent with the purposes of the general planning program, and the County's Comprehensive. Pian,.. and theywill serve purposes including; but not limited to, the following 1. Protecting the tax base; 2. Protecting property against blight and depreciation;: 3, Securing economy in governmental expenditures, 4. Fostering the state's Industries; 5: Encouraging the most appropriate use of the land in the county: Based on'all ofthe above findings, the Planning Commission'hereby recommends to the Adams County Board adaption of the'prdposal for amendments contained .in the attached Exhibit -A, as °approved• by appropriate motion and roll call vote at a regular meeting on January 4, 2016, with a vote of 9 _ in favor, Cr against, and absent. The roll call -vote on such motion was as - follows: FOR: Kostal, Rolls, Wilson,, Halbmaier, Hansen,.Junker, Trausch, Lukasiewicz, Schulz. AGAINST: none ABSENT; none DATED THIS 7 day of January, 2016. J-4,“ .26_,L19 Chairperson of Plan ing Cornniission Pagel '1 Mignery requested a motion to set a public hearing for February 16-- 2016 to hear comments for or against the proposed zoning amendments. Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Curtis to set a public hearing on February 16, 2016 to hear comments for or against the proposed zoning recommendations as presented by Mignery. Roll CaII: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Notice of the public hearing will be advertised in the Hastings Tribune. Clerk Thomas initiated a conference call with Brandy Johnson, with the Vincent Valantino Law Firm, for an update from legal counsel on recommended edits to the zoning proposal presented by Mignery (case #15.12.3) Board member Thomsen requested clarification on the section pertaining to VIP rooms. Johnson stated she would follow up on his question and provide an answer before the next meeting. Adams County Extension Office Director, Ron Seymour, presented the Board with the following recommendations for appointment to the Adams County Extension Board: • One year term: Bryce Katzburg; 312 W Ash St in Kenesaw • Glen Weins; 8560 S Baltimore Ave in Ayr • Jamey Hamburger; 914 N Colorado Ave in Hastings • Ester Lindblad; 2600 S Smokey Hill Rd in Hastings Motion by Curtis, seconded by Weeks to approve the appointments to the Adams County Extension Board as presented by Seymour. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Adams County Deputy Attorney, David Bergin, presented the board with Resolution 2016-01-19.01, for foreclosure on certain tax sale certificates. RESOLUTION 7() — Di — / 9 ., 01 A resolution for foreclosure on certain tax sale certificates. WHEREAS, the Treasurer of Adams County previously issued certain tax sale certificates; and WHEREAS, the following tax sale certificate previously issued has not been redeemed: 5486 5487 5490 5497 5498 5499 5502 5503 WHEREAS, the County Attorney is now authorized by statutory provisions to bring foreclosure proceedings upon the said fax sale certificates; WHEREFORE, the Board of Supervisors of Adams County hereby authorizes the Adams County Attorney to initiate foreclosure proceedings upon the said certificate which has not been redeemed at the time of filing of a petition. Dated this /9 day of ATTEST: Ramona Thomas Adams County Clerk 2016 1 Eldon Orthmann Chairman - Board of Supervisors Motion by Weeks, seconded by Stromer to approve Resolution 2016-01-19.01 for foreclosure on the tax sale certificates. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Chairman Orthmann opened discussion regarding the formation of an organized security committee and an executive committee. After extensive discussion it was determined that the formation of these committees was not necessary as the security committee is operating as a sub -committee under the Building and Grounds Committee. An executive committee was seen as unnecessary due to the limited amount of authority the committee would have. No motions were made and no action was taken on the formation of a security or executive committee. Adams County Wellness Committee Chairperson, Judy Mignery, presented the board with a Memorandum of Understanding between Adams County and South Heartland District Health Department, for Adams County's participation in the Business Wellness Council project. SOUTH HEARTLAND DISTRICT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT This agreement is between (business name) and South Heartland District Health Department (SHDHD) with regards to participation in the Adams County Business Wellness Council project. The tern of the agreement is January 1, 2016 through December 30, 2016. Whereas, SHDHD was awarded Adams County Business Wellness Council funding to support worksites to increase their employees' wellbeing. The Council will offer an opportunity for businesses to send one employee to the Health Department to attend monthly meetings, That employee representative will receive wellness education, monthly newsletters, worksite wellness training, and "ready to use" wellness program materials to bring back to staff at the worksite. There will also be three annual screenings all employees may participate in. In addition to materials and screenings business will also have the opportunity to complete assessments that will help determine individual business wellness needs. The Council is a pilot project open to all Adams County Businesses; Whereas, (business name), desires to start or continue to build capacity for improving and sustaining employee health and wellness initiatives. (business name) will collaborate with SIIDHD on this project by allowing its worksite wellness team to participate; Therefore, the parties agree that: 1. (business name) shall: a. Commit to developing a worksite wellness team with goals and objectives. b. Commit to a representative attending minimum of 6 of 12 monthly meetings held throughout 2016 at Mary Lanning's Conference Room 5 every fourth Wednesday of the month at 12:00, c. Commit to completing the worksite assessment tool. d. Commit to asking all employees to fill out the interest survey. e. Commit to reviewing (business name) current worksite policies. f. Commit to promoting Smart Moves (a diabetes prevention class offered in the SHDHD district) to in their worksite to at -risk employees. g. Provide to SIIDIID a copy of current business wellness policies. h. Develop action plans for new or ongoing policy priorities related to worksite health and wellbeing. 1, Commit to reporting annually of the business's success, improvements, and barriers. j. Agree to pay non-refundable business participation fee at a reduced cost of $50.00 (reduced for pilot year). 2. South Heartland District Health Department shall: a. Assist worksites in activating their wellness teams. Adams County Business Wellness Council Memorandtun of Agreement Page I1 SOUTH HEARTLAND DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT b. Provide six assessment tools to business to help assess their employee's wellness and wellness desires. c. Research best practices and gather resources for the local business; support and provide technical assistance to business in developing and implementing their action plan. d. Host a monthly Wellness Council meeting at the health department for all employers to send one representative from their worksite. e. Provide training, resources for workplace wellness, tools for measuring success and coaching to help maintain worksite wellness momentum and sustainability. f. Assist wellness committees in planning and implementing worksite wellness projects. g. Provide or coordinate educational trainings for employees on worksite wellness five times in the year 2016. h. Assist with screening reminders and challenges (e.g. completing FOBT kits for colorectal cancer screenings, heart health screening). i. Assist wellness committees to communicate with employees about worksite wellness, using channels such as e-mail, websites, newsletters, posters, and announcements. j. Assist worksites in evaluating their worksite wellness progress and promoting worksite wellness activities through free media and promotional ads. k. Work with local business to review their wellness policies. 1. Commit to sustaining a relationship with local business for ongoing wellness improvement beyond the grant period. m. Provide a WorkWeli membership for employee programing, signage, newsletters and webinars and morel n. Issue an invoice to businesses for non-refundable business participation fee. This Memorandum of Agreement can be terminated at any time by either party upon three (3) days written notice to the other party. kh is bad for Business Adams Council South Heartland District Health Department Presents: ty Business Wellness What to expect from your membership to Adams County Business Wellness Council * ''Free usinem's S CIC health Score card assessment.to ,.de t er m! i i e your business's primary health concerns * Free e(ectronf health Interest survey set upfor your employe * Onllne database"with abundantwellness resources * FREE °ready to useit wellness programs * Five one-hour, worksite wellnes 'ahow-to" trainings * Face -to face ietworking opportunitfes wlthfellow"worksites f * Ongoin face, unicatlon with your local h alth department * Electronic rribrithly wellness newsletters * Connection 3o;community health' and wellness programs * Onsite screening for health risks * Monthly wellness court ll m e iirigs at South Heartland District Health"pepartmerit for education; resources, round°tables and raitaing 2016 Annual Dues 11-25 Employees - $125 25-50 Employees: $200 51-100 Employees: $275 101-250 Employees: $350 SOUTH HEARTLAND DtSTNIDT Ulm. F.r4 ,9! MDryLaDTing Motion by Neumann, seconded by Thomsen to approve the signing of the MOU between Adams County and South Heartland District Health for participation in the Business Well Council. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Mignery approached the Board regarding an additional Board member sitting on the Wellness Committee. Supervisor Weeks volunteered to sit on the committee Mignery presented the Board with the Adams County Livestock Report. Mignery mentioned in the report that several Adams County schools have implemented FFA programs this year. Mignery stated the full report will be submitted to the Nebraska Department of Agriculture, but no formal action needs to be taken by the board. The full livestock report is on file at the Adams County Clerk and Planning and Zoning offices. Adams County Clerk, Ramona Thomas, requested the Board approve the reappointment of Michelle Oldham to the South Heartland District Health Department Board of Health for a second three year term. Motion by Weeks, seconded by Czekai to approve the appointment of Michelle Oldham to the South Heartland District Health Department Board of Health. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Adams County Emergency Management Director, Chip Volcek, requested that the board cast votes for the Nebraska Regional Interoperability Network Board of Directors for the South Central Region. The Adams County Board is allowed to vote for two candidates. Candidates up for consideration are Brandon Myers, Chip Volcek, Jon Rosenlund, and Robert Tubbs. Motion by Curtis, seconded by Thomsen to cast votes for Chip Volcek and Jon Rosenlund. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Clerk Thomas will submit the ballot to the University of Nebraska Public Policy Center. Adams County Deputy Attorney, David Bergin, presented the Board with Resolution 2016-01-19.03 that provides amendments to the deputy salary resolution in order to clarify that a deputy of an elected official is a nonexempt employee and to clarify the date that pay increases are effective. RESOLUTION TO AMEND RESOLUTION 06-03-07.2 AND RESOLUTION 07-08-21 TO CLARIFY CERTAIN RULES RELATED TO DEPUTIES OF ELECTED OFFICIALS Adams County Resolution No, &/ - 0 ` - / 9 , 0 3 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA that: 1. Lines 13, 14 15, 16 17, 18, and 19 of Resolution 06-03-07.2 are hereby amended to read as follows: "WHEREAS, Deputies are not exempt from the provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act and as such are eligible to receive overtime payment or compensation or compensatory time in addition to their established salaries. WHEREFORE, be it hereby resolved that, other than changes adopted herein, the resolution of October 7, 1992, as it relates to salaries and salary increases remains in full force and effect." - 2. Item Number 3 of Resolution 07-08-21 is hereby amended to read as follows: "3. The increase in salary to which the Deputy may be entitled as set hereinabove shall be granted in January ofeach year, if granted, and shall remain in effect for a period of one (1) year thereafter and the Deputy shall be considered for subsequent increases which shall only commence in January of each subsequent year." ADOPTED this of Supervisors, ATTESTED by: day of January, 2016, at Hastings, Nebraska, by the Adams County Board Eldon Orthmann, Chairman Ramona Thomas, County Clerk Motion by Weeks, seconded by Thomsen to approve the signing of Resolution 2016-01-19.03 that would amend previous deputy salary resolutions. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Motion by Neumann, seconded by Weeks to approve the claims and direct the county clerk to pay them out of their respective accounts. Roll CaII: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Motion by Weeks, seconded by Czekai to approve the list of miscellaneous collections submitted by the Adams County Treasurer. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Motion by Curtis, seconded by Weeks to approve the officer reports submitted by the Adams County Sheriff, Register of Deeds and Clerk. Roll Call: Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None The quarterly jail inspection was differed until the February 2, 2016 meeting. COUNTY GENERAL HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,DATA PROCESSING COSTS HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,SUPPLIES - DATA PROCESSIN HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,COURT COSTS HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,TRAVEL EXPENSES HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,COMMUNICATION EQUIP HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,POSTAL SERVICES HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,MISCELLANEOUS HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,DATA PROC. EQUIP/SPECIAL CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS, MISCELLANEOUS HOMETOWN LEASING, MICROFILMING/COPIER MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,MICROFILMING/COPIER DELL MARKETING LP,DATA PROC. EQUIP/SPECIAL EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE MIPS,DATA PROC. EQUIP/SPECIAL HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,CAR REPAIRS AXIS CAPITAL INC,OFFICE EQUIPMENT CENTRAL DISTRICT,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, NEBRASKA DEPT OF PROPERTY,DATA PROCESSING COSTS EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING RON KUCERA,CELL PHONES DILLON MOLT,CELL PHONES JANE MORRIS,CELL PHONES JOHN C FOLCIK,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS LYNN FOLCIK,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS RANDY KIRBY,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS BEV PATITZ,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS RUANN ROOT,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS AMY SKALKA,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS DEREK TERWEY,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF,DISTRICT COURT COSTS AXIS CAPITAL INC,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE ADAMS COUNTY CLERK OF DIST CRT,DISTRICT COURT COSTS CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS DAWSON COUNTY SHERIFF,DISTRICT COURT COSTS DOUGLAS COUNTY SHERIFF,DISTRICT COURT COSTS HALL COUNTY SHERIFF,DISTRICT COURT COSTS HASTINGS TRIBUNE,DISTRICT COURT COSTS MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,SUPPLIES - DATA PROCESSIN RUSS'S MARKET,JUROR FEES BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY INC,SUPPLIES - OFFICE BOYS TOWN,JUVENILE CARE COSTS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE CLERK OF THE SUPREME COURT,SUPPLIES - OFFICE CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE WILLIAM KLUVER,OFFICE EQ REPAIR MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HOMETOWN LEASING,SUPPLIES - OFFICE ANDERSON KLEIN SWAN & BREWSTER,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT PERSON DEWALD & DEAVER PC LLC ,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT FLATWATER LAW OFFICES,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT LUCINDA GLEN,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT LANGVARDT VALLE & JAMES PC,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT STACIE GODING,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT SKALKA & BAACK LAW FIRM,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT SKALKA & BAACK LAW FIRM,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT DORIS SCHUESSLER,COURT COSTS CASH WA CANDY COMPANY,MISCELLANEOUS DUTTON LAINSON CO,MISCELLANEOUS ELETECH INC,ELEVATORS REPAIRS GRACES LOCKSMITH SERVICES, MISCELLANEOUS GUARANTEE ELECTRIC CO, MISCELLANEOUS HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES 113.11 44.16 165.30 588.00 10.38 205.37 26.00 31.90 49.00 125.00 343.72 9.65 298.52 35.00 813.99 123.67 171.00 229.00 209.13 155.00 20.00 25,371.75 35.80 78.48 64.78 25.00 25.00 25.00 133.00 589.00 161.50 484.50 190.00 190.00 589.00 166.50 290.00 537.00 47.30 18.60 18.00 18.50 43.92 210.00 26.37 5.19 72.85 1,260.00 151.96 125.00 60.70 625.00 67.50 375.00 49.99 367.38 560.50 1,253.50 1,619.00 11.00 7,916.67 843.75 1,370.00 4,945.30 48.75 38.08 46.01 150.00 8.00 137.50 12,795.56 HOWARDS GLASS LLC,BUILDING REPAIR MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,CONTRACT LABOR MIPS,CONTRACT LABOR MIPS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,TRAVEL EXPENSES ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,EQUIPMENT - FUEL MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY INC,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, CONSOLIDATED MANAGEMENT CO,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,TRAVEL EXPENSES COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HASTINGS FORD-LINCOLN,EQUIPMENT - FUEL HASTINGS TRIBUNE,PRINTING & PUBLISHING KENESAW MOTOR CO INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL KENESAW MOTOR CO INC,TRAVEL EXPENSES NETWORKFLEET INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL PAT'S AUTO REPAIR & TOWING,LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS -COU PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTINGS INC ,RADIO EQUIPMENT PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTINGS INC ,RADIO EQUIPMENT REAMS WRECKER SERVICE LLC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL JERRY SPADY CADILLAC GMC INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL YMCA, MISCELLANEOUS CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS,TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SYSTEMS OF NEBR INC ,TELEPHONE SERVICES VERIZON WIRELESS, TELEPHONE SERVICES WINDSTREAM COMMUNICATION, TELEPHONE SERVICES ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY,COURT COSTS BUFFALO COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE ,COURT COSTS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE DOUGLAS COUNTY COURT,COURT COSTS HALL COUNTY COURT,COURT COSTS LANCASTER COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT COSTS LINCOLN COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT COSTS MADISON COUNTY COURT,COURT COSTS MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY INC,COUNTY LAW LIBRARY MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE NEBRASKA.GOV,COURT COSTS NEBRASKA SUPREME COURT,COUNTY LAW LIBRARY PLATTE COUNTY COURT,COURT COSTS SARPY COUNTY COURT,COURT COSTS SECRETARY OF STATE,COURT COSTS SEWARD COUNTY COURT,COURT COSTS SOFTWARE UNLIMITED,DATA PROCESSING COSTS ADAMS COUNTY JAIL/SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD CASH WA CANDY COMPANY,LAW ENF SUPP BERTS REXALL DRUGS INC,MED-HOSP PRISONERS CENTRAL DENTAL GROUP,MED-HOSP PRISONERS KEITHS PHARMACIES,MED-HOSP PRISONERS W G PAULEY LUMBER CO,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR PROTEX CENTRAL INC,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR RED WILLOW COUNTY SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD WITT PLUMBING INC,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR WOODS & AITKEN LLC,REGULAR TIME SALARY - EMP ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,EQUIPMENT - FUEL AED AUTHORITY, MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES MIDWEST CARD AND ID SOLUTIONS ,SUPPLIES - OFFICE PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTINGS INC ,COMMUNICATION EQUIP PRESTO -X, MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,RD EQ REP PARTS AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SMALL TOOLS, ETC. AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - SHOP AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,RD EQ REP PARTS AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - SHOP AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,RD EQ REP PARTS AUTO GLASS EXPERTS LLC,RD EQ REP PARTS AUTO GLASS EXPERTS LLC,RD EQ REP LABOR BOSSELMAN ENERGY INC,SUPPLIES - SHOP BOSSELMAN ENERGY INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS,TELEPHONE SERVICES CINTAS CORPORATION 4449,TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS 5,555.00 32.00 829.66 190.00 839.61 2,216.29 34.44 66.50 17.49 488.49 274.28 621.60 36.01 79.10 60.89 75.80 114.53 1,110.00 1,110.00 85.00 508.86 65.00 170.00 163.09 1,107.34 325.00 14.00 18.50 230.35 53.30 4.50 3.75 43.05 21.03 1.75 471.61 210.00 17.00 774.00 2.25 2.50 40.00 3.50 619.16 1,897.85 113.04 585.21 481.00 227.34 30.35 47.97 135.00 120.00 653.50 52.97 1,105.00 143.66 63.77 27.50 32.89 428.10 121.99 58.44 15.06 45.20 30.41 200.00 130.00 420.00 9,538.78 85.00 140.80 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES DELKEN PRESS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE FASTENAL COMPANY,OTHER ROAD/BRIDGE MATERIA FASTENAL COMPANY,RD EQ REP PARTS FASTENAL COMPANY,SMALL TOOLS, ETC. FASTENAL COMPANY,OTHER ROAD/BRIDGE MATERIA FILTER CARE,SUPPLIES - SHOP FLEET PRIDE INC,RD EQ REP PARTS GRACES LOCKSMITH SERVICES,SUPPLIES - MISCELLANEOUS HASTINGS TRIBUNE,LEGAL ADS HASTINGS UTILITIES,ELECTRICITY TODD HINRICHS,COM TRANSPORTATION KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPLY,SIGN POSTS KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPLY,BUILDING REPAIR KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPLY,RD EQ REP PARTS LAWSON PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - SHOP LAWSON PRODUCTS, EXPRESS/FREIGHT MATHESON TRI -GAS INC,WELDING SUPP/CHAINS MCCONNELL CLEANING, JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS MENARDS,BUILDING REPAIR MID -NEBRASKA AGGREGATE INC,MATERIALS - GRAVEL & BORR MURPHY TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO ,RD EQ REP PARTS NEBRASKA TRUCK CENTER,RD EQ REP PARTS NMC EXCHANGE LLC,SUPPLIES - SHOP NMC EXCHANGE LLC,RD EQ REP PARTS NMC EXCHANGE LLC,EXPRESS/FREIGHT NMC EXCHANGE LLC,RD EQ REP PARTS NMC EXCHANGE LLC,SUPPLIES - SHOP NMC EXCHANGE LLC,RD EQ REP PARTS W G PAULEY LUMBER CO,RD EQ REP PARTS PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTINGS INC ,RADIO REPAIR PTSR,MISCELLANEOUS SOURCE GAS,HEATING FUELS SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT, ELECTRICITY SUNBELT RENTALS INC,ROAD EQUIPMENT RENTAL 3 POINTS TIRE,MACH EQ TIRES & REP VILLAGE OF HOLSTEIN,WATER VILLAGE OF HOLSTEIN,SEWER VILLAGE OF KENESAW,WATER VILLAGE OF KENESAW,SEWER SANITARY OUTDOOR SERVICE INC,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,EQUIPMENT - FUEL STATE OF NEBRASKA,PUBLIC ASSISTANCE DAVID 0. PETERSON,PUBLIC ASSISTANCE CENTEC CAST METAL PRODUCTS,MISCELLANEOUS PHYLLIS A BARTLETT,RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONS- MARVIN HARTMAN,RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONS - JULIA MOELLER,RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONS - ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF FEE ACCT ,COURT COSTS FOOTE REALTY COMPANY INC,BUILDINGS - ACCURAL HASTINGS TRIBUNE,PRINTING & PUBLISHING HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES,INSTITUTIONAL COSTS HERITAGE BANK, MISCELLANEOUS MID AMER BENEFITS- FSA,MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS PREFERRED MAIL SERVICE INC,POSTAL SERVICES PREFERRED MAIL SERVICE INC,POSTAL SERVICES PREFERRED MAIL SERVICE INC,POSTAL SERVICES US POSTAL SERVICE,POSTAL SERVICES STAPLES PRINT SOLUTIONS,PRINTING & PUBLISHING MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 30.00 43.00 298.24 2,401.06 260.36 56.79 29.99 267.70 255.35 936.54 16.00 82.03 679.36 49.68 277.42 58.59 81.97 106.56 11.99 21.90 230.00 1,628.55 739.28 193.62 53.46 70.00 975.40 102.80 25.56 1,325.00 88.32 15.90 67.50 50.00 1,461.83 486.00 625.15 306.00 21.50 12.50 22.29 22.82 385.75 31.43 116.39 210.00 503.68 91.60 23.08 115.40 9,703.39 1,750.00 506.97 1,023.00 25.00 367.50 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 49.00 189.92 6,074.16 3,441.49 11,409.86 5,048.93 5,857.75 805.42 3,218.28 7,458.39 805.42 6,656.37 5,631.14 MID AMER MID AMER MID AMER MID AMER MID AMER MID AMER MID AMER MID AMER MID AMER MID AMER BENEFIT -HEALTH, BENEFIT -HEALTH, BENEFIT -HEALTH, BENEFIT -HEALTH, BENEFIT -HEALTH, BENEFIT -HEALTH, BENEFIT -HEALTH, BENEFIT -HEALTH, BENEFIT -HEALTH, BENEFIT -HEALTH, HEALTH -ACCIDENT HEALTH -ACCIDENT HEALTH -ACCIDENT GRANTS HEALTH -ACCIDENT HEALTH -ACCIDENT HEALTH -ACCIDENT HEALTH -ACCIDENT HEALTH -ACCIDENT HEALTH -ACCIDENT - COUNTY - COUNTY - COUNTY - COUNTY - COUNTY - COUNTY - COUNTY - COUNTY - COUNTY Heritage Bank- General Payroll - Heritage Bank -Social Security Matching - Heritage Bank -Retirement Matching - Madison National Life -Disability Ins- MidAmerican Benefits - FSA County Share - COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE CITY OF HASTINGS,TELEPHONE SERVICES COMPUTER HARDWARE INC,OFFICE EQUIPMENT JOHN GASPERS CONSTRUCTION INC ,REPAIR HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERVICE,REPAIR HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,REPAIR TIFFANY CROUSE,TELEPHONE SERVICES SHEANA SMITH,TELEPHONE SERVICES MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY Heritage Bank- Visitor Payroll - Heritage Bank -Social Security Matching - Heritage Bank -Retirement Matching - Madison National Life -Disability Ins - Mid -American Benefits - FSA County Share - PRESERVATION & MODERNIZATION MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,OFFICE EQUIPMENT HEALTH FUND MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY INHERITANCE TAX WEST GROUP PAYMENT CENTER,LIBRARY 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO,EMERGENCY PHONE WINDSTREAM,EMERGENCY PHONE Eldon Orthmann Board Chairman Ramona R. Thomas Adams County Clerk Pamela J. Witte Deputy Clerk Adams County Board of Equalization Minutes Courthouse, Adams County, Tuesday January 19, 2016 4,466.72 18,588.28 13,898.35 805.42 23,055.00 805.42 1,607.44 36,953.35 1,607.44 3,441.49 486,782.35 34,921.34 33,439.63 1,326.51 5,859.00 8.76 9.92 808.00 75.00 190.08 620.90 2.50 10.00 25.00 25.00 805.42 5,413.50 410.54 365.41 26.03 126.00 152.00 750.00 2,245.44 54.54 3,058.79 The Adams County Board of Equalization met on January 19, 2016 at 10:15 a.m. to review and possibly approve motor vehicle exemption applications, tax list corrections, conduct a public hearing on permissive exemptions and a public hearing on granting a waiver for a late personal property application. Roll CaII Members Present: Michael Stromer- District 1; Mike Weeks -District 2; Jennifer Czekai-District 3; Scott Thomsen -District 4; Dale Curtis -District 5; Chuck Neumann -District 6; Eldon Orthmann-District 7. Also present were Adams County Deputy Attorney, David Bergin; Adams County Clerk, Ramona Thomas; Adams County Assessor, Jackie Russell; Adams County Treasurer, Melanie Curry. Motion by Czekai, seconded by Curtis to meet as a Board of Equalization. Roll CaII: Ayes: Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Absent/Not Voting: Stromer Motion by Curtis, seconded by Neumann to open the Public Hearing to consider granting a waiver to the Maryland Center for a late personal property filing. Roll Call: Ayes: Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Absent/Not Voting: Stromer Adams County Assessor approached the board and explained the need for a public hearing. The Maryland Center did not file their request for a permissive exemption by the filing deadline, and while there would be a $100.00 penalty assessed, the board can grant a waiver allowing the application to be accepted. The $100.00 penalty fee cannot be waived. Maryland Executive Director, Michelle Callahan was present and available for questions. No questions were asked of Ms. Callahan and she did not verbally address the board. Adams County Clerk Ramona Thomas Adams County Board of Supervisors. P.O. Box 2067 Hastings, NE 68901 Dear Ms. Thomas and Adams County Board of Supervisors; Housing Development Corporation is a non-proflt organization here in. Hastings, NE. We own the property at 724 W. 7s" Street now known as the Mary Land Living Center. The Housing Development acquired this property from the Mary tanning Hospital approximately four years ago and now provides housing In the facility to homeless youth between the ages of 16.22. 1 have recently taken over the Housing Development Corporation as Executive Director and I did not realize that we had to make an annual request to remain tax exempt. Our previous director, Linda Addison, had made the original request for tax exemption for this property. I am asking that this property remain as a tax exempt property. As a non-profit we manage this property so that homeless, at risk youth, have a place to live. When the youth are livingrat.the Mary Land Living Center they are ' also receiving support from CASA who provides adult supervision to the youth to help them establish adult living skills. The Mary Land Living Center is providing a much needed shelter for the youth who live there. Since the youth are homeless and, for the most part, unemployed the rents we collect only cover the expenses. We do not make a profit from this. facility. If the propertywould lose the tax exemption It would make if very hard Cir 301 South Burlington • PO::Box 1005 • Hastings, Nebraska 68901 • 402.461.8407 • Fax 40246144000 sem 1811 West 2nd, Suite 5. 100 • Grand island, Nebraska 68803 • 308.382.4119 • Fax 30833984049 • for us to continue to offer this type of service to the homeless youth that we now serve. Linda; from the County Assessor's Office, did try to contact our office regarding the filing butour office was closed for the holidays and 1 did not receive her message until Jan: 4, 2016. I now know that this is a required annual filing and will not miss this filing again. Thank you very much for your consideration of continuing to keep this property in a tax exempt status so we can continue to provide shelter to our community's homeless youth. Sincerely, dittAUU Mi, helie M. Callahan Exec tive Director File with Your County Assessor Exemption Application for Tax Exemption on Real and Personal Property by Qualifying Organizations Read Instructions on reverse side. Iy file this application will result in a denial of the exemption. FORM 451 Name of Organization HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORTATION County Name ADAMS Tax Year 2016 Name of Owner of Property HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORTATION State Where Incorporated NEBRASKA Street or Other Meiling Address of Applicant PO BOX 1005 Total Actual Value of Real and Personal Property $ /d0, pod, - Percent) Number 284-10154 (010016802) City State Zip Code HASTINGS NE 68902 Contact Name /� )2 t,Alt//e 7'ij, e2644ialt Phone Number ') . <//.iog07 Type of Ownership • Religious Organizationff Cheritable Organization ❑ Cemetery Organization cra411Ur aa 1-11)111.,01,0 ... . .........y Ungnmw NameAddress, L, .._.._. -. a- .-S......--- Title of Officers, or Partners Directors, ,, _. City, State, Zip Code Er lc. Go.M.it'Il P/2.4• -J.D• / O)( 71C /✓a,�75ng3. /%c 6E'90/ / Tait -sem.., V. Fre S 1 damct , ,'�a. 4rhq -s i'I t 6 846' (/ C 2.771I.0./'' a✓et. AO .•s %ibvr�n_ .1Lt.rnov :�¢1..P %rw / ga.447'h'S Ha...II.Old . ii L G 8f0/ Legal description of real property and general desoription of all de eciabie tangible personal property, except licensed rtwtor vehrdes. 1534.00--W1/2 BLK 1 132 X 119 EX N90' ALEXANDERS FIRST ADD BLK 1 (724 W 7TH ST) Property described above is used in the following exempt category (please mark the applicable boxes): 0 Agricultural and Horticultural Society 0 Educational 0 Religious g Charitable 0 Cemetery Give a detailed description of the use of the property: �1'h� /-{�/' {�Zrm� •7 )-- r euf-g a 9.,s /G - z z . i1.6/192_S g(kt: (16.01 -40 at. p✓`^ ATI organizations, except for an Agricultural and Horticultural Society, must complete the following questions. �,(/,, Is all of the property used exclusively as described above? l� ' ES 0 NO Is the property used for financial gain or profit to either the owner or owner or organization making exclusive use of the property? ❑ YES ®'NO is a portion of the property used for the sale of alcoholic beverages? 0 YES ( NO if Yes, state the number of hours per week Is the property owned or used by an organization which discriminates in membership or employment based on race, color, ❑YES 2110or national origin? Under penalties of law, I declare that I have examined this exemption application and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it Is correct and complete. I also declare that I em duly authorized to sign this exemption application. sign here Au t orized Signature �X�c Jr>Z .Q/yQC /01--/ /5//4. . Date Tile Retain a copy for your records. O Approval O Approval of a Portion O Denial For County Assessor's Recommendation COMMENTS: i1 Signature of County Assessor Date For County Board of Equalization Use Only I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the determination made by the County Board of Equalization is correct pursuant to the laws of the State of Nebraska. O Approved 0 Approval of a Portion O Denied COMMENTS:. ' Signature of County Board Member County Clerk: A legible copy of this form showing the final decision of the County Board of Equalization must be delivered electronically to the Nebraska Department of Revenue within seven days after the by BBooard's�declsion. and 77zo2o6' Nebraska Department of Revenue, Property A8801)&11911 Division 05-135-1999 Rev. 1.2014 Supersedes 96-135-1009 Rev. 7-2012 Date Motion by Weeks, seconded by Neumann to close the public hearing to consider granting a waiver to the Maryland Center for a late exemption filing. Roll Call: Ayes: Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Absent/Not Voting: Stromer Public Hearing Closed at 10:19 a.m. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Czekai to grant a late filing waiver to the Maryland Center and allow the Adams County Assessor to process the application. Roll Call: Ayes: Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Absent/Not Voting: Stromer Adams County Deputy Treasurer, Dee Thaut presented the board with a motor vehicle exemption application for Mid Nebraska Individual Services. Thaut has reviewed the application and stated it meets the requirements for an exemption and recommends approval. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Weeks to approve the motor vehicle exemption request from Mid -Nebraska Individual Services. Roll CaII: Ayes: Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Absent/Not Voting: Stromer Adams County Assessor, Jackie Russell, presented the board with a tax list correction due to clerical error, for parcel 80045. Adams County BOE Hearings Date of Hearing: January 19, 2016 Parcel 80045 Corrective Action Needed PP was accelerated for owner (CCit14438) in Sept 2015. Property was not Inactivated and therefore billed again In error fax List Correct oh Pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 77-1507 (2)(b) County Board Explination Clerical Error Correction #(s) 14504 Tax Year(s) Corrected 2015 Date of Correction 1/8/2016 Levy of year corrected 0.961256 Description of Property Personal Property Owner Freightcar Rail Services LLC Parcel ID # 80045 Tax ID # 136-80045 Legal Personal Property Land Improvements rOTAL VALUATION LEVY TAX TOTAL Tax Credit Applied Late Penalty Billed Amount ' VALUATIONS Billed Value Correct Value 218,415.00 0.00 $218,415.00 0.961256 $0.00 0.961256 $2,099.54 $0.00 $2,099.54 $0.00 DIFFERENCE TO TAX ROLLS Reason for Correction DEDUCTION TO TAX $2,099.54 ADDITION TO TAX Owner requested an acceleration of 2015 taxes in September of 2015 due to business closing. (Correction Certificate #14438). Property was not deactivated on CAMA system and therefore, owner was billed for 2015 taxes a second time. Reversing additional billing. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Czekai to approve the tax list correction for parcel 80045 as presented by Russell.. Roll CaII: Ayes: Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Absent/Not Voting: Stromer Motion by Neumann, seconded by Weeks to open a public hearing for the presentation of permissive exemptions by Adams County Assessor. Roll CaII: Ayes: Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Absent/Not Voting: Stromer Public Hearing opened at 10:24 a.m. Assessor Russell provided the board with a list of all exemption applications, educational, religious and charitable. No additional comments were made during the public hearing. Motion by Curtis, seconded by Czekai to close the public hearing for permissive exemptions. Roll Call: Ayes: Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Absent/Not Voting: Stromer Public hearing closed at 10:26 a.m. Motion by Stromer, seconded by Thomsen to approve all permissive exemptions as presented by Russell.. Roll Call: Ayes: Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Absent/Not Voting: Stromer Motion by Czekai, seconded by Weeks to exit Board of Equalization and resume regular session. . Roll Call: Ayes: Weeks, Czekai, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Absent/Not Voting: Stromer Board of Equalization closed and regular session resumed at 10:27 a.m. Eldon Orthmann Board Chairman Ramona R. Thomas County Clerk Pamela i Witte Deputy Clerk