HomeMy WebLinkAbout0117 Minutes for January 17, 2017Adams County Board of Supervisors Board Minutes Courthouse, Adams County, Tuesday January 17, 2017 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held with Chairman Eldon Orthmann was presiding. Roll call members present: Lee Hogan- District 3, Scott Thomsen — District 4, Dale Curtis- District 5, Chuck Neumann — District 6, Eldon Orthmann — District 7 Supervisors Michael Stromer representing District 1 and Mike Weeks representing District 2 were absent Motion by Neumann, seconded by Stromer that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. Roll Call; Ayes: Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks and Stromer Orthmann stated that minutes from the December 20, 2016 meeting have been circulated and will stand approved unless there is a correction. No corrections were suggested Public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the board members and was kept continuously current and posted in the County Clerk's office, the main courthouse lobby and the Adams County website. The following is the agenda of items to be heard, no modifications were made to the agenda after 9:30 a.m. the business day prior to this meeting. Agenda for Meeting of Adam County Board of Snpervfaon County Board Room, Courthouse, 2nd Floor • Date of Meeting, January 17, 2016., 9:30 A.M., Announce location of Agenda & Open Meetings Law postings Reminder to tern off ail cell Dhotis Pledge of Allegiance Conflicts of -Interest Roll call: Approve minutes: Committee reports: Receive Comments from the Public: Note to Citizens: Any agenda item may be moved down at clay tinro at the diction of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. 9:45 — Mark Wilcox — program update from We Partners Chip Volexk— present for possible approval, Resolution 2017-01-17.0 incentives for Adams County employees to:oo a.m. Board of Equalization — Jackle Russell — Tax List Corrections Permissive Exemptions Melanie Curry — Motor Vehicle Exemptions Miscellaneous Tax List Corrections Mme Curry Request approval of increased securities Greg Anderson - Review & possible award of 2017 Asphalt Bids Request chairman's signature on the ground rental agreement between Adams County and David Janssen Faris Wilton - Weed Superendent Weed Annual report Weed Free Forage Prices Ann Hinton — Request approval of the Register of Deeds miscellaneous fees amounts Ramona Thomas -- Request approval to appoint awn Miller as Superintendent for 2017 -Request approval of voiding or reissuing outstanding checks Scott Thomsen — Discussion regarding events held in courthouse after hours David Bergin - Request approval of a contract between Adams County and Janitor Inc. for cleaning services in the sheriff and attorney offices David Bergin — Reqeust to meet in dosed session, for the protection of the public interest, to discuss possible litigation and contract negotiations. 378 Page David 1 e n This aubjr�ct to ding until 9:30 AM on the Monday preeoding the Board media , rY 3, 2011 at 9:57 s.rrr. caking attendees wiabbag xo arrange for a it Phim . 402-.461 4240 or Pax: 402 Coui r$ Ckrk's Mico at Phone: 412 4 serviopt Ai the bearing impaired. picnic pray adons. go int* motive lore 1 injury to **mutat mutaticat + f nt for the am of the public int n Board members attended the following committee meetings and community events since the last meeting and provided a brief report. Neumann: January 13, 2017- Attended a meeting with Adams County roads representatives and City of Hastings representatives regarding a proposed railroad crossing east of Showboat Blvd. January 4, 2017- Attended a South Heartland District Health meeting in Clay Center January 12, 2017 — Attended an Adams County Roads bid opening for asphalt bids to be presented today. Neumann took this time to inform the Board that he received a letter from Larry Hardesty of Kearney Nebraska, to voice his displeasure of building security placement at the main courthouse entrance. Curtis - Hogan - January 3, 2017 — Attended an Adams County Insurance and Wellness Committee meeting January 10, 2017 — Attended an Adams County Ag Board meeting January 11, 2017- Attended an Adams County Insurance Committee meeting January 5, 2017 — Attended an Adams County Ag Board meeting January 12, 2017 — Attended an Adams County Road and Bridges Committee meeting January 13, 2017- Attended a meeting with Adams County roads representatives and City of Hastings representatives regarding a proposed railroad crossing east of Showboat Blvd. Thomsen- Attended multiple Adams County Security Committee meetings January 11, 2017- Attended an Adams County Insurance Committee meeting January 13, 2017 —Attended a Legislative Committee meeting Orthmann- January 4, 2017 — Attended and Adams County Security Committee meeting January 10, 2017—Attended a Heartland Pet Connection Board meeting January 11, 2017 —Attended an Adams County Senior Services Board meeting Chairman Orthmann opened the meeting for public comment. No public comments were made Adams County Insurance Committee Chairman, Chip Volcek, presented the Board with Resolution 2017-01-17.01 to implement wellness incentives for Adams County employees. Motion by Curtis, seconded by Neumann to approve resolution 2017-01-17.01. Roll Call; Ayes: Hogan, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks and Stromer; Abstaining: Thomsen 3791 Page Resolution 2017-01-17.01 Revised Wellness Program Health Insurance Premiums — Portion Paid by County rid !mirenc constant ter rnanitur e W :SAS, wellness n is Ju hying try o s County rd of of the Adams qty a and and insurance Committee note a positive, healthy wog !dual employeeperfidy* tKREM, the Afbms Board of rvisors is terie pproval by the :Adams a and Insurance Comm adiustmerit to the current went and promote heafthy LET IT GE RESOLVED that the fo1lcwiyag health Insurance and weilness be are a bte Adams County employees,, as defined !n the Adams Comity EfliplOyee Ha le Adifelonal availableas defined fts the Adams qty Empioyee Hantthook. Health hflurm Ail regtdar fs -tlrne ernptcay+ appalnted o dal sai d electedo under a utrd group commencing on the first day of the cal lir red..A description of the aorerst coverage relay be obtained The adistras is available at the Adams Coen Adams t y will pay of 1'iealth Incur will of all citta insurance with dependents on the empto es' heat' It dep h €rst comity F' to mai, 0 all beneiat .til berwets may be Bible for health insurance benefits month after the math in which the m the County's health Clerk's officc tium for all moiler full-time employees, for dependents of all regular full-time paid $$2.00 per month tr.t.er+rrais, into the Flexible Spending part-time empiwee, appoWted official mid elected Old hty all current IRs ble ding guidelines and eritoilment dates. Employees are ynuary of en~rient Enrollment for the FSA plan occurs evert Jarrary of allowed to contribute own funds up to the ailotted IRS ITI“Xi1114011 amount Koval I in amtion is available at the Adams County Clerk's office. . kw the Wellness It dependents. Ad; provided all of the following cite OpelgnaI Weikuiss ineerdive Pmgram delln Incentive Programis optional. The intention of t a healthy lifestyle among Moms County Emcdorros and amount deposited into an el employee's ESA account • Cornet ling a health risk a ssment • Putti tte in 0* county sponsored blood draw a have a draw restilts from your primary care physician, comparable w tile tiltYrttrt calendar year. • Accept at kmat one coaching caR Wires Wellness Pertners as a follow up to ite • Pertidyate in a minimum of one wellness activity sponsored by the Adams County Vmtellness and Insurance Committee and/or Weilness Partners • Compiete a signed w . submittedto Weiloess pard tri re results oftf+e draretr tothe employee's -rent primary care physidan, or any ferysitien the employeerya the future. rayo 380 'Page M nira= county crrntrlbution far t First Year of Successful Participation Second Year of Successful Particitian Third Year of Successful Participation Fourth Year of Successful Participation fifth Year of Successful Participation Sixth Year of Successful Participation Seventh Year of Successful Participation td cnt increases to the e� 567.00 $70.00 (maximum 1e Panicipatiori rust be consecutive throw ut years to reach the rnaxl inc meeting the required crkeria M the current calendar year Vidi rue(*Vert tuck tlee m funded FSA compensation for the following year. my cont n} +e. kmpioycrs rw uma tof Participation In she Adams Conrtty Wellness Incentive Progrrsrr► wik monitored by the Adams County VY and insurance Committee. The Wellness and insurance Committee will ssbrrwtt to the Adams Osursty Clerk's office a hoof employees who have met all criteria and are eligible for annun,I increases to their FSA account_ Resoturion 2017-01.17.01 replaces the Wei ss Program and Health ons Prernlums out ned ors 1 2014.06-24.01 and 2015-06-0903 and shad taker effect in the year beginning with 1 ry i, 2017. Mot on by Roil of d Seconded by Ayes Nays Absen Adams Cot s Mark Wilcox with Wellness Partners presented the Board with the Executive Summary Report for Adams County for the 2016 year. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Curtis to meet as a Board of Equalization to review and possibly approve tax list corrections, permissive exemptions and motor vehicle exemption applications. Roll Call; Ayes: Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks and Stromer Board of Equalization opened at 10:30 a.m. (see separate Board of Equalization minutes) Motion by Curtis, seconded by Hogan to exit Board of Equalization and resume regular session. Roll Call; Ayes: Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks and Stromer Adams County Treasurer, Melanie Curry, presented the Board with the following increased pledged securities for approval. 3811 Page ]NST 001 WEPOINTS SARK OFHASTINGS REPORT 4S0006001. 10.2.6 BONG ACCOUNTS' 51054 SYSTEM:11611617219 PLEDGED ACCOUNTS PAM 2 RUN OATS 1002417 116200098ED TF861 14/15 WTURRY COUPON WOW' PLWG80 PLEDGE R1iRSRMATT0P1 ACCOUNTDL9JN1?ION Cl. CUSP DATE PAR VALUE RATE 110C15 VALUE VALL9i VALUE DATE EKPlMB AMOUNT 15713 uNIV 0016001 STU 26 5146411.78 72101310 $ 160,000.00 600 $ 151,93725 5 100706,50 S 100,78600 6162016 5102017 3 1600.00200 1100190 1634 MOIRE PPD NE REV 24 6604155322 1113032 2 135;000.00 413 $ 13322796 3 141,576.16 5 141176.13 9001!210 5562017 3 1551)00.00 6N62QZiC 1661 DES MODES IOWA REV ONDPr 25 250111176 1(112028 $ 300,000,00 540 $ 10443442 3 316,94520 3 314545,00 60012016 11300017 3 300502.00 06IJ120RIC 1560 LANCASTER CON «•�- " : *:. 24 313877105 124/2023 3 303400.00 SBO 5 31516205 5 322,224.00 1 372.22420 0+173016 8772817 s 300,00300 11136 1672 5ARPY CNTY NE 24 6017/0166 61132043 3 202,00020 403 5 270500.00 S 200,27030 $ 27027020 01712015 9170817 6 200.000.00 02322.016C 1710 PAWNPt CO KS 7UBUC 81.30 OSP 25 7040122400 2/162031 5 260,00030 4.40 3 260.617.63 5 255,!670.00 $ 25817020 012018 942017 $ 251000040 21152022C 1160 LINCOLN CONE LTD 24 633210008 12/162029 5 202,000.00 3.00 5 20050050 3 105,905.00 $ 10099550 91612018 0092017 i 200,00020 0301/20170 1762 SAUNDERS CO $CM DST 14 24 004404720 121112026 3 200,000.00 213 5 200500.170 $ 105,2030 5 106.270,00 0612018 182017 $ 206.000.00 01515120176 1770wA6H2/010NSTurvARFUR 24 030713083 7/1/7002 3 283000.00 500 5 272277.60 3 273.567.000 $ 275.687.60 952810 0412017 3 225500.00 020172200 1771ADAMS COBOHDL9Tw1 24 0080755811 12/450022 3 150,00020 210 3 160=00 3 152.013.60 3 550.011.60 11W2016 1/152017 S 130.00020 32320170 1773 ADAMS DOSCHMime 24 0000768/0 111612026 3 146.00020 300 $ 150,17084 $ 130.13605 $ 1220.13300 1412016 1132011 5 160,00000 34020176 1776610533)55305311 1307 31 53 0 Y 24 1600070.53 12012030 5 14000,00 305 5 149,09660 3 142.75530 3 142,75650 6/1312516 1/170017 3 150.00200 06713120176 1778 COUNCIL BLUFFS IA SCH DIST 24 222149024 7/112016 $ 162.0004 200 $ 160,21273 3 153666.50 s 15046.60 0/131415 00112017 5 150,000.00 073120176 16171486177E CO KS SCH OIST 24 505307333 10112037 5 17300020 4.75 $ 174 575.21 $ 170,77725 s 170,772.25 0612016 1672017 $ 175500,50 109320173 1227Ll1C0Cl3NEARP7AUTHREV j 26 10424710/8 7/1/7022 $ 11000000 240 $ 110.000.00 5 14407.60 5 103457.60 061735016 1412017 $ 110.00020 112617C 1124 1.94301.01 NEARFTAWN REV ] 25 334247375 7/173031 $ 110,000.00 225 $ 110,00020 $ 109,301.50 5 106101,60 /11/2015 *82957 3 110,00020 T/1/170 1536 NE ST PPD REV SUED 124 21 83661017 1/1226/20 $ 700,000.00 506 1 201.75120 $ 210.76620 $ 210,700.00 911/2016 42017 3 200.00600 1144 COLUMBUS NE COMB REV 00 ( 2S 1504371622 121362221 3 120,000.00 2.10 3 12050020 3 120,32350 S 12035320 $11312814 9/152017 3 110.00000 537M0176 1901140139:031 SDSCR DIST ( 24 6074454115 127112324 1 12500390 444 A 115,75514 5 125.54 50 1 126,96200 mum 01*3217 5 140004 127020171; 1666 N CBSTRAL 161 000 80 I 25 05051220 10/152815 S v562400 1.45 3 162740.01 3 16322126 5 14521,65 9/222016 813/2017 S 16650000 145120186 2000 310MM0. CNTY NE 3231 0157461 24 017753.AW 12411026 3 150.00400 4.00 6 152.755.07 1 15520520 5 16620500 01312016 511711711 9 150.00020 211200193 20018uFPALO Ci41Y IIE SCM DIST 24 11067601166 12/1152027 $ 295,000.00 2.50 3 24200.00 S 102,42016 t 202,17025 11172010 0112017 $ 24000.00 06153120176 2050 UNWOF MIR NF FACS 24 014030601 6/124015 5 100.00600 2.00 $ 100,30557 $ 10374.00 1 104763,00 0132.016 6132017 $ 102000,03 2052 WAN ENERGY AGY OF 24 41254143E7 4/173010 1 10000040 1.67 3 90.65235 $ 100.007,00 5 10059740 9/182014 911371017 5 100.000.0 2015PAFILLEN 510 0 00 21 0508520(4 6/1/2024 3 120 00.00 220 $ 120,506.01 3 11/42440 3 119.52342200 0113/3016 9450017 3 12400400 12123/20193 2090 IRKS 73 317041058 122772018 3 700,00400 220 $ 70490656 5 700.40600 3 701406.00 4/262010 4121(2011 5 70130300 2104 FED MATL MORT 43514 23 31380110.2 10/302013 $ 1.00W:00.00 1.15 1 994,951.10 1 512,950.00 3 00209000 4030016 4/253217 5 150400000 042013C 2133 HARRIS CMYTX 24 4453425 81/2634 f 14400000 6.11 9 344290/2 it 365067.20 9 36306720 5452016 6362017 $ 943000.00 09201/20173 lin PHU4CIRTN 23 311463462 77262016 5 2,002.60000 1200 $ 144029.11 5 145,440.00 5 1343.440,50 813/2016 8137017 1 2,00030700 0110500103 2206 LWCO.N IEARPTAUT.' 24 63434711 71171023 9 200.00000 299 S 200,000.00 6 104,64140 $ '.01.14600 11172016 6/110017 1 700.00400 2292 NORTHEAST NE 658411 y+. ' -.n 24 064326.475 7432017 5 275.000.00 270 t 23442.44 5 277,557M S 7(1.55710 611.016 163017 $ 27E40000 121111/2019C 2234 PANNE MAE 23 313303131.1 112614637 5 1,000,00000 1.50 $ 130000400 s 961,04000 5 060,04050 91111/716 0432 ,0000 217 $ 1.0000 2726 COUNCIL 020 14. CARRY `: 25 7121/93235 7/112036 $ 166000.01 2033 $ 1421725 4 163746.75 $ 166,343.75 1333015 91132617 9 156,100.00 7113017C 2242 1R1401.08 PARK A 24 042618370 5110050 $ 26500020 375 5 250.610.73 $ 277,561.90 5 273.5190 0252015 6617017 5 2352403 0601/20106 2266 FREDDE MAC 23 313400211 4/202024 3 UMW= 1,50 $ 999205.66 8 900.770.00 3 50677050 42712018 472712017 $ 1.000.00000 1041750196 2255 CORALVILLE 1A 24 216060600 6/12027 6 20000000 4265 110.950,11 3 153,45630 5 193546630 111/2016 8R13017 5 200,00000 06411/20226 2514WAYNE513(11.MOSCNDerr 25 946747474 4/152025 $ 200,00000 .200 3 200,2=00 3 1110360400 $ 165.66400 82121716 5/2017 3 200300.00 044320203 2330102146 STEE L* 23 51340433 1232008 $ 1,000,00020 1.30 3 117,003.70 3 853,40000 3 905.10110 142017 1152016 3 1,000000.00 ift 00170120176 TOTALS" NUMBER 11;5673500.00 35111* 513,7733.43 513181,532]1 112,11,91225 $ 12,056200690 Adams County Assistant Highway Superintendent, Greg Anderson, presented the Board with bids received for two asphalt projects and Liberty Avenue and Idlewilde Road. Bids were received from Vontz Paving Inc. and Werner Construction, Inc. Anderson stated it was his recommendation to award the low bid of $422,309.08 to Vontz Paving, Inc. 382 ' Page O‘OLSSON ASSOCIATES ADAMS COUNTY OVERLAY PROJECTS ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA - 2016 BID TABULATION OA #016-3340 Peas 1 of 1 CONTRACTOR R Vontz Paving Inc Werner Construction, Inc. Item No, j ITEM UNIT QTY. Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension BID SECTION "A" — LIBERTY AVENUE 1 MOBILIZATION LS 1 $19250.00 $19,250.00 $9,000.00 $9,000.00 2 1" COLD MILLING, CLASS 3 STA 103.14 $110.00 $11,345.40 590.00 $9,282.60 3 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE, TYPE "SPR" TONS 3088 $55.22 $170,519.36 $67.97 $209,891.36 4 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE FOR PATCHING, Type "SPF TONS 300 $90.00 $27,000.00 $167.97 $50,391.00 5 BUILD 12" CONCRETE DRIVE (47I3-3500) S.Y. 152 $89.64 $13,625:28 $72.00 $10,944,00 6 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT S.Y. 232 $12.50 $2,900.00 $5.00 $1,160.00 7 REMOVE TEMPORARY ROCK SURFACING S.Y. 245 $20.00. $4,900,00 $5.00 $1,225.00 TOTAL BID SECTION "A" — LIBERTY AVENUE .« %.. $248,540.04 $291,893.96 BID SECTION "B" — IDLEWILDE ROAD 1 MOBILIZATION LS 1 $10,200.00 $10,200.00 $10,tl40.00 $10,070.00 2 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE, TYPE "SPR" TONS 1575 $63.34 $99,760.50 $67.97 $107,052.75 3 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE FOR PATCHING, TYPE "SP TONS 150 $90.00 $13,500.0 $167.97 $25,195.50 4 BUILD 12" CONCRETE DRIVE(478-3500) S.Y. 404 $89.64 $36,214.56 $72.00 $29,088.00 5 18' RCP DRIVEWAY CULVERT (CLASS IV) L.F. 124 $53.27 $6,605.48 $49.65 $6,156.60 6 18" RCP FLARED END SECTION EA 4 $694.00 $2.776.00 $765.00 $3,060.00 7 REMOVE ASPHALT PAVEWNT _ S.Y 297. $12.50 .. 712.50 55,00 $1,485.00 TOTAL BID SECTION "B"-IDLEWIL 7 E ROAD. /,+ ,,;k, , - $1 $182,037.85 TOTAL BASE BID SECTION "A" AND "B" . - $473,931.81 I Work will be substantially complete nplete on or before June 5, 2017 June 15, 2017 Completed and ready for final payment on or before July 1, 2015 July 1 2015 Bid Guarantee: 5% 5% Remarks: -- I Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hogan to approve awarding both asphalt projects to Vontz Paving, Inc. for $422,309.08. Roll CaII; Ayes: Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks and Stromer Anderson presented the Board with a land rental agreement between Adams County and David Janssen of rural Hastings, for farm ground owned by Adams County. Bids for the ground rental were presented and awarded during the January 3, 2017 regular board meeting. RENTAL AGREEMENT Parcel #1 This rental agreement by and between the COUNTY OF ADAMS, NEBRASKA, hereinafter known as the LANDLORD, and, DAVID JANSSEN, Hereinafter known as the TENANT. TENANT agrees to pay to the LANDLORD, the sum of ($76.31) per acre, per year, cash rent for a period of five (5) years, Parcel #1 for 8.1 acres of farm ground on the westerly edge of the property owned by the LANDLORD in the Southeast Quarter (SE 'A) of Section 8, Township 7 North, Range 10 West, of the 6' P.M., Adams County, Nebraska. Payment will be made in accordance with the following payment schedule For each calendar year commencing with 2017, one-half (1/2) of the total amount of yearly rent is due and payable on May 15th, with the second half of the total amount of yearly rent due and payable November 1st. The TENANT agrees that he has examined the premises and assumes all risks and liability associated with the entry to and from the property, and all risks and liability associated with the operation of machinery and harvesting of the crop for himself, his employees and other agents. The TENANT further agrees to hold the LANDLORD harmless from any risks or liabilities associated with irrigation of the crop, application of fertilizer, herbicides or pesticides, or any other procedures associated with the raising and harvesting of the crop. Any and all costs associated with the above are to be paid exclusively by the TENANT, with no cost the LANDLORD. If, during the term of this agreement, it becomes necessary for the LANDLORD to use a portion of the above described property for a use other than as farm ground, the TENANT will have the option of either having the amount of acres on which he is paying rent be adjusted to reflect the actual number of acres being farmed, or having the remainder of the term of the rental agreement declared void. Signed this day of , 2017, LANDLORDby Chairperson of the Adams County Board of Supervisors 383 ' Page Attest: Adams County Clerk 4.TG"LENANTin" State of Nebraska) )ss County of Adams) Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, this , 2017. U 6t ll)fzRJdV tiiiojANI Nara+ nn r.wriad LlagioNmaw A N1QH memo ItrA day of ahjefergYi Notary Publi RENTAL AGREEMENT Parcel #2 This rental agreement by and between the COUNTY OF ADAMS, NEBRASKA, hereinafter known as the LANDLORD, and DAVID JANSSEN, Hereinafter know as the TENANT. TENANT agrees to pay to the LANDLORD, the sum of (57631) per acre, per year, cash rent for a period of five (5) years, Parcel #2 for 5.0 acres of farm ground on the northern side of the property owned by the LANDLORD in the Southeast Quarter (SE '4) of Section 8, Township 7 North, Range 10 West, ofthe 6th P.M., Adams County, Nebraska. Payment will be made in accordance with the following payment schedule: For each calendar year commencing with 2017, one-half (1/2) ofthe total amount of yearly rent is due and payable on May 15th, with the second half of the total amount of yearly rent due and payable November 1st. The TENANT agrees that he has examined the premises and assumes all risks and liability associated with the entry to and from the property, and all risks and liability associated with the operation of machinery and harvesting of the crop for himself, his employees and other agents. The TENANT further agrees to hold the LANDLORD harmless from any risks or liabilities associated with irrigation of the crop, application of fertilizer, herbicides or pesticides, or any other procedures associated with the raising and harvesting of the crop. Any and all costs associated with the above are to be paid exclusively by the TENANT, with no cost the LANDLORD. If, during the term of this agreement, it becomes necessary for the LANDLORD to use a portion of the above described property for a use other than as farm ground, the TENANT will have the option of either having the amount of acres on which he is paying rent be adjusted to reflect the actual number of acres being farmed, or having the remainder of the terns of the rental agreement declared void. Signed this day of , 2017. LANDLORD by Chairperson of the Adams County Board of Supervisors 4 3841 Page Attest: State of Nebraska) )ss County of Adams) Adams County Clerk ilave;s01;),z4.441._ TENANT Subscribed and swom to before me, a Notory Public, this va(k r+1 , 2017. day of Glyvy) Notary Publk lJ RENTAL AGREEMENT Parcel #3 This rental agreement by and between the COUNTY OF ADAMS, NEBRASKA, hereinafter known as the LANDLORD, and, DAVID JANSSEN, Hereinafter know as the TENANT. TENANT agrees to pay to the LANDLORD, the sum of {$76.31) per acre, per year, cash rent for a period of five (5) years, Parcel #3 for 2.9 acres of farm ground on the easterly edge oldie property owned by the LANDLORD in the Southeast Quarter (SE 'A) of Section 8, Township 7 North, Range 10 West, of the 6th P.M., Adams County, Nebraska. Payment will be made in accordance with the following payment schedule: For each calendar year commencing with 2017, one-half (112) of the total amount of yearly rent is due and payable on May 15, with the second half of the total amount of yearly rent due and payable November 1. The TENANT agrees that he has examined the premises and assumes all risks and liability associated with the entry to and from the property, and all risks and liability associated with the operation of machinery and harvesting of the crop for himself, his employees and other agents. The TENANT further agrees to hold the LANDLORD harmless from any risks or liabilities associated with irrigation of the crop, application of fertilizer, herbicides or pesticides, or any other procedures associated with the raising and harvesting of the crop, Any and all costs associated with the above are to be paid exclusively by the TENANT, with no cost the LANDLORD. lf, during the term of this agreement, it becomes necessary for the LANDLORD to use a portion of the above described property for a use other than as farm ground, the TENANT will have the option of either having the amount of acres on which he is paying rent be adjusted to reflect the actual number of acres being farmed, or having the remainder of the term of the rental agreement declared void. Signed this day of , 2017. LANDLORD by Chairperson oldie Adams County Board of Supervisors 3851 Page Attest: State of Nebraska) )ss County of Adams) Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, this j(144% 4 day of , 2017. Adams County Clerk 41),/tiollietgink„, TENANT kg,*GanitNowei•swe PENNY J. e0311MnN My Comm, E.xp-Arm 24.201 INVITATION FOR BIDS Sealed bids for the construction of Adams County Adams Central Avenue Paving Improvements, Adams County, Nebraska - 2017, will be received by the Adams County Board of Supervisors at the office of the Adams County Highway Superintendent at 415 N Adams Central Ave, Juniata, Nebraska 68955-2005, until 10:00 a.m. local time on Thursday, January 26, 2017, atwhich time the Bids received will be publidy opened and read. The bids will be presented to the Board of Supervisors for consideration of award at the February 7, 2017, County Board of Supervisors meeting. The project work shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment for construction of P.C. Concrete Paving associated with roundabout construction for Adams Central Avenue. The work consists of approximately 3658 S.Y. of concrete paving, storm sewer improvements, grading, sidewalks, traffic control, and other incidental work as described in the plans and specifications. Bid security shall be furnished in accordance with the Instruction to Bidders. The check(s) or bond(s) shall be made payable to the Adams CountyTreasurer, as security that the bidder(s) to whom the award(s) are made will enter into contract to build the improvements bid upon and furnish the required bonds and insurance. The envelopes containing bids shall be marked as follows: Adams County Highway Superintendent Proposal For: "Adams County Adams Central Avenue Paving improvements, Adams County, Nebraska -2017" Bids Received: Thursday, January 26, 2017 10:00 a.m. Local Time Adams County Highway Superintendent's Office 415 N Adams Central Ave Juanita, Nebraska 68955-2005 The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents is: Olsson Associates, 201 E 2nd Street, P 0 Box 1072, Grand island, Nebraska 68802. Engineer Jeff Palik; (ph) 308-384-8750; e-mail jpalik@oissonassociates.com. Adams County, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Dept. of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally assisted programs of the Dept. of Transportation issued pursuantto such Act, hereby notifies all bidden that it will affirmatively Insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, sex, age and disability/handicap in consideration for award. The Adams County Board of Supervisors reserves the right to reject any and all bids or waive any irregularities in bids received. Award of the Contract will be accordance with the County Purchasing Act's competitive bidding considerations as set forth in Neb.Rev.Stat. §§ 23-3110 to 23-3114, and the Adams County Board of Supervisors will, at its discretion, award the contract on the basis of the lowest responsible bid received. Adams County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. By order of Adams County Board Chairman and Adams County Board of Supervisors, Adams County, Nebraska. /S/ Eldon Orthmann, Board Chairman ATTEST: Ramona Thomas, County Clerk Publish in the Hastings Tribune issues of January 6th, 12th and 19th, 2017. 386 I Page BID PROPOSAL Cash rent of farm property at Adams County Highway Department facility in the Southeast Quarter of Section 8, T7N-R10W, Adams County, Nebraska. See attached aerial for parcel locations. Parcel #1: Parcel #2: Parcel #3: 8.1 acre tract of farm ground, five (5) year proposal j Bid Price Per Acre = $ -%G, 3! 5.0 acre tract of farm ground, five (5) year proposal Bid Price Per Acre = $ 76, 31 2.9 acre tract of farm ground, five (5) year proposal j Bid Price Per Acre = $ r / Signed this 2. 7 day of ,re„te41.,, , 2017. (Signature Bidder) Signed this day of 2017. (Cha'irperson, A. anis County Board of Supervisors) Motion by Hogan, seconded by Curtis to approve the land rental agreement between Adams County and David Janssen, as presented by Anderson. Roll Call; Ayes: Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks and Stromer Adams County Weeds Superintendent, Eric Walston, presented the Board with the Weed Department Annual Report. Walston also stated that per a recent meeting with the state auditor's office,that the Weeds Department needs Board approval for fees that are collected by the weeds department. Deputy Attorney Bergin suggested writing a resolution outlining all the fees collected by the Weeds Department and present it for approval during the February 7, 2017 meeting. Walston will present a resolution for the Weeds Department collectable fees on February 7, 2017. Adams County Register of Deeds, Ann Hinton, requested the Board approve fee amounts payable to the Adams County Register of Deeds. Register of Deeds—Schedule of Recording Fees Filing fees (Effective 1.1'2013)(Neb.Rev.Stat.33-109) • 14 page of Document: $10.00 • 2"s page & aM subsequent pages: $6.00 each • The above fees pertain to ALL documents filed in the Register of Deeds Office: With the following EXCEPTIONS: Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) filings 1a page of document $10.00 2ndpage& all subsequent pages: SO cents each Subdivision plats: 8X '')(141- $10.00 (additional pages $6.00) Subdivision plats: 18"x24" - $344.00 (additional pages $30.00) Subdivision plats: 24"x36° - $52.00 (additional pages $48.00) The documents listed below are "NO FEE" docurnents: Federal Tax Uen Termination State Tax Uen Termination UCC Termination Certified Copies: $1.50 per page DC)CUMENTARYSTAMP TAX (Effective 7-1-2005)(Neb.Rev,Stat.76.901) $2.25 per thousand of value always rounded up to next thousand See Computation Table at v✓yny.revantue.nuoJtag/cprrer}t/doc. tableted( COPIES 50 cents per page (letter & legal size) 70 cents per page (11"xi71 $4.00 (36" printed on large format printer) FAXES $1.00 per page PIAT BOOKS $22.00 each Adams County Clerk, Ramona Thomas, requested a motion that Dawn Miller be formally appointed as the Adams County Highway Superintendent for the 2017 calendar year. Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Hogan to approve the list of fees as presented by Hinton. Roll Call; Ayes: Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks and Stromer Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hogan to approve the continued appointment of Dawn Miller as the Adams County Highway Superintendent for the 2017 calendar year. Roll Call; Ayes: Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks and Stromer Thomas requested a motion that the Board approve the reissuing or voiding of outstanding and/or expired checks by the clerk's office. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Thomsen to approve the reissuing for voiding of outstanding and/or expired checks. Roll Call; Ayes: Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks and Stromer January 12, 2017 Motion to cancel duplicate, voided and outstanding checks from September 1, 2015 to August 16, 2016. Written on the County Imprest Fund with the stipulation that claims may be submitted for payment upon the request of any of the Vendors General to Check# Amount Medical Office Management 09/01/2015 150805 195.91 MIPS 09/15/2015 150951 32.00 Red Willow County Sheriff 11/03/2015 151516 19.21 Dave Kyle 06/07/2016 154443 324.00 Johnson County Sheriff 07/05/2016 160055 23.28 Island View Dental 08/02/2016 160437 119.00 Lincoln County Sheriff 08/16/2016 160527 19.38 Total amount of Checks $732.78 Supervisor Thomsen started conversation regarding individuals remaining in the courthouse after regular business hours. Thomsen stated there were two recent incidents were people were left unsupervised on the second floor of the courthouse after 5:00 p.m. Thomsen inquired if a policy need to be written outlining the protocol to deal with these situations. Deputy Attorney Bergin will draft a policy and present it during the February 7, 2017 meeting. Bergin presented the Board with an agreement between Adams County and Janitors Inc. for janitorial services for the Adams County Attorney's office and Sheriff's offices. Neumann inquired if the service was necessary as the county has janitorial services in place with Eagle Buildings. Discussion occurred in regards to what budget the services would be paid out of. 388 Page CONTRACT FOR THE PROVISION OF CLEANING SERVICES TO CERTAIN OFFICES UNDER THE CONTROL 01? ADAMS COUNTY ADAMS COUNTY, a political subdivision under the laws of the State of Nebraska, hereinafter known as "ADAMS COUNTY", and JANITOR, INC., at the address of 117 South Hastings Avenue, Suite A, Hastings, Nebraska 68901, Hereinafter known as "JANITOR, INC.", hereby enter into a contract for the provision of cleaning services to certain offices located in the Adams County Courthouse which are under the control of ADAMS COUNTY. JANITOR, INC. shall provide cleaning services to the following offices located in the Adams County Courthouse and under the control of ADAMS COUNTY: 1. That portion of the Adams County Sheriff's Office which is on the first floor of the Adams County Courthouse. 2. The Adams County Attorney's Office. JANITOR., INC. shall provide such cleaning services as directed by, and to the satisfaction of, the Adams County Sheriff, in relationship to the Adams County Sheriffs Office. JANITOR, INC. shall provide such cleaning services as directed by, and to tho satisfaction of, the Adams County Attorney, in relationship to the Adams County Attorney's Office. JANITOR, INC. shall provide such cleaning services five (5) days per week, unless otherwise directed by the Adams County Sheriff, in relationship to the Adams County Sheriff's Office, or the Adams County Attorney, in relationship to the Adams County Attorney's Office. All persons performing such cleaning services shall be employees of JANITOR, INC., and shall in no way be considered employees of ADAMS COUNTY. JANITOR, INC. Agrees to notify the Adams County Sheriff and the Adams County Attorney of the identity of any and all persons who will perform work within the .respective offices prior to such person or persons beginning work in the offices. Substitution of such persons for other persons shall not be made by JANITOR, INC., its supervisors or employees, without the prior approval of the Adams County Sheriff and the Adams County Attorney. JANITOR, INC. shalt require background. checks to be performed on all employees who will work in the respective Adams County offices, and such background checks shall be shared with the Adams County Sheriff and the Adams County Attorney. The Adams County Sheriff and the Adams County Attorney reserve the right to refuse access to the respective offices by any employee of JANITOR, INC. for which there may be a conflict or other concern. It shall be sufficient for either the Adams County Sheriff or the Adams County Attorney to notify JANITOR, INC. in a general way of such conflict or concern without providing specifics related to the conflict or concern. JANITOR, INC. shall provide all cleaning equipment, cleaning accessories, and cleaning chemicals for the cleaning of the offices. JANITOR, INC. shall use EPA registered disinfectants and sanitizers to clean rest rooms, desktops, and all other high touch surfaces. ADAMS COUNTY shall provide all paper products and waste receptacle liners. For the provision of cleaning services as described in this contract, JANITOR, INC. shall be paid Five Hundred Seventy-eight Dollars, Thirty-two Cents ($578.32) per month for cleaning services performed in the Adams County Sheriffs Office, and Five Mildred Twenty-seven Dollars, Thirty-five Cents ($527.35) per month for cleaning services performed in the Adams County Attorney's Office. JANITOR, INC. shall bill ADAMS COUNTY monthly, on the first day of the month following the month in which the cleaning service was provided. JANITOR, INC. shall provide to ADAMS COUNTY proof of General Iability Insurance which would cover any damage caused by JANITOR, INC. to property owned by ADAMS 389 'Page COUNTY. The cleaning services contracted for herein shallcommence upon February 1, 2017. This contract can be terminated by either ADAMS COUNTY or JANITOR, INC. by the provision of thirty (30) days writtcn notice by the party wishing to terminate the contract to the other party. This contract is hereby entered into on this day of January, 2017. ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA by JANITOR, INC. by Eldon Orthmann, Chairman Adams County Board of Supervisors Attested By: Ramona Thomas A 'lame r,.,,.,,„ rla k Motion by Curtis, seconded by Thomsen to approve the agreement between Adams County and Janitor Inc. Roll CaII; Ayes: Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks and Stromer Orthmann requested a motion that the Board meet in closed session, for the protection of the public interest, to discuss contract negotiations and potential litigation. Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Curtis to meet in closed session to discuss contract negotiations and potential litigation. Roll Call; Ayes: Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks and Stromer Entered closed session at 11:19 a.m. Motion by Curtis, seconded by Thomsen to resume regular session. Roll Call; Ayes: Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks and Stromer Regular session resumed at 11:59 a.m. Orthmann stated that no action was taken while in closed session. Bergin stated that action related to the closed session discussion is required. Bergin requested a motion that the Board approve a settlement with the Nebraska Intergovernmental Risk Management Association (NIRMA), in the amount of $4744.00 for fifty percent of damages to a fence owned by CPI. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Curtis to approve the payment of $4744.00 to CPI for damages to a fence. Roll Call; Ayes: Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks and Stromer Motion by Curtis, seconded by Thomsen to approve the claims and direct the clerk to pay them out of their respective accounts. Roll Call; Ayes: Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks and Stromer Motion by Neumann, seconded by Thomsen to approve the miscellaneous collections as submitted by the Adams County Treasurer. Roll Call; Ayes: Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks and Stromer Motion by Curtis, seconded by Stromer to approve officer reports submitted by the Sheriff, Register of Deeds and Clerk of the District Court. Roll Call; Ayes: Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks and Stromer 390 1 Page Meeting Adjourned. COUNTY GENERAL HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,SUPPLIES-COPY HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,DATA PROCESSING COSTS HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,DATA PROCESSING COSTS HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,OFFICE EQUIPMENT HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,DUES,SUBS.,REGIST. HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,DUES,SUBS.,REGIST. HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,TRAVEL EXPENSES HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,EQ REPAIRS COM COUNTRY INN & SUITES,LODGING HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING M DALE CURTIS,TRAVEL EXPENSES JENNIFER CZEKAI,TRAVEL EXPENSES LEE HOGAN,TRAVEL EXPENSES CHARLES F NEUMANN,TRAVEL EXPENSES ELDON ORTHMANN,TRAVEL EXPENSES MICHAEL L STROMER,TRAVEL EXPENSES SCOTT THOMSEN,TRAVEL EXPENSES MICHAEL WEEKS,TRAVEL EXPENSES BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS, MISCELLANEOUS HOMETOWN LEASING,COPY MACH RENT MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE NEBRASKA ASSOC OF CO CLERKS,DUES,SUBS.,REGIST. NEBRASKA ASSOC OF CO CLERKS,DUES,SUBS.,REGIST. RAMONA RAE THOMAS,MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE MIPS,DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT HAMPTON INN, LODGING HOMETOWN LEASING,COPY MACH RENT MIPS,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR MIPS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE SHANNON BIRD,SUPPLIES - OFFICE DANIELLE WAHL,SUPPLIES - OFFICE ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,TRAVEL EXPENSES BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,OFFICE EQUIPMENT BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HAMPTON INN, LODGING NACO PLANNING & ZONING, DUES, SUBS.,REGIST. RON KUCERA,CELL PHONES DILLON MOLT,CELL PHONES JANE MORRIS,CELL PHONES ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS ADAMS COUNTY CLERK OF DIST CRT,DISTRICT COURT COSTS CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,DATA PROCESSING JOHN C FOLCIK,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS LYNN FOLCIK,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS BEV PATITZ,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS RUANN ROOT,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS AMY SKALKA,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS MICHELLE R. SMITH,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS DEREK TERWEY,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS ANTELOPE COUNTY COURT,SUPPLIES - OFFICE CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS DAS STATE ACCOUNTING, DUES, SUBS.,REGIST. EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE WALMART,COUNTY COURT COSTS/STOP P CARPENTER REPORTING INC, DEPOSITION LUCINDA GLEN,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT LANGVARDT VALLE & JAMES PC,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT LANGVARDT VALLE & JAMES PC,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT LANGVARDT VALLE & JAMES PC,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT LANGVARDT VALLE & JAMES PC,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT STACIE GODING,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT 62.99 398.98 109.87 615.89 59.99 542.35 29.99 73.95 588.00 150.00 63.00 287.26 194.00 395.08 20.74 128.30 117.94 12.42 15.55 29.81 49.25 149.04 20.68 9.65 298.52 35.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 77.93 171.00 229.85 229.00 831.66 190.00 21.39 23.75 184.82 5.95 25.00 8.49 199.90 30.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 61.00 928.00 25.65 1,489.70 210.00 95.00 218.50 722.00 798.00 769.50 247.00 275.50 13.26 26.65 13.00 780.45 1,281.25 375.00 61.87 677.40 1,611.50 1,957.00 2,403.50 3,011.63 465.50 266.00 3911 Page SEILER PARKER PC,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT 2,783.00 SKALKA & BAACK LAW FIRM,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT 2,911.48 SKALKA & BAACK LAW FIRM,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT 2,596.50 SULLIVAN SHOEMAKER PC LLO,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT 2,973.50 SULLIVAN SHOEMAKER PC LLO,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT 1,985.50 DEREK TERWEY,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT 1,406.00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 252.00 ELETECH INC,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 156.75 MATT FRIEND TRUCK EQUIP INC,MISCELLANEOUS 73.00 HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES 3,774.35 LOUP VALLEY LIGHTING INC,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 743.82 MONTE MALOUF JR & ASSOC,CHEMICALS UN RES 379.16 RUTT'S HEATING & AIR CONDITION,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 60.00 DON SVOBODA PLUMBING,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 205.74 WILLIAMS EXTERMINATING CO,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 85.00 WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERVICE,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 37.50 LYNN DEVRIES,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 48.06 STEVE LANDON,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 130.14 JULIE OCHSNER,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 34.83 JULIE OCHSNER,OFFICE,EQUIPMENT 104.83 GWEN RODOCKER,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 5.51 RON SEYMOUR,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 85.86 RON SEYMOUR,POSTAL SERVICES 15.32 UNL ITS COMMUNICATIONS CENTER ,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 20.46 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 32.00 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,TRAVEL EXPENSES 937.90 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 2,294.86 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF,SHERIFF COSTS 1,000.00 BEYKE SIGNS,SHERIFF COSTS 210.00 CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS,CANDO 189.85 COMPUTER HARDWARE INC,DATA PROCESSING COSTS 95.00 COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 1,238.32 CORNHUSKER PRESS INC,COMMISSARY 85.89 CORNHUSKER PRESS INC,SHERIFF COSTS 422.82 COUNTRY INN & SUITES,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 291.00 GALLS LLC,UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 158.83 HASTINGS FORD-LINCOLN,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 1,444.78 HASTINGS TRIBUNE,DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, 29.50 KENESAW MOTOR CO INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 1,344.48 KUSTOM SIGNALS INC,RADIO EQUIPMENT 1,529.00 NE PUBLIC HEALTH EVIRO L,SHERIFF COSTS 105.00 NETWORKFLEET INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 75.80 PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTINGS INC ,RADIO REPAIR 813.45 RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR,UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 406.41 ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEYS OFFICE ,ATTORNEY FEES 120.00 BUFFALO COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE ,COURT RELATED COSTS 33.27 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 676.02 CARPENTER REPORTING INC,COURT RELATED COSTS 281.80 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 44.65 HALL COUNTY SHERIFF,JUVENILE COURT COSTS 50.25 MCGRADY LP,DATA PROCESSING SOFTWARE 660.00 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 240.00 NEBRASKA.GOV,COURT RELATED COSTS 26.00 NEBRASKA SUPREME COURT,LIBRARY BOOKS 402.50 SECRETARY OF STATE,COURT RELATED COSTS 40.00 SOFTWARE UNLIMITED,DATA PROCESSING COSTS 429.58 TRANSUNION RISK & ALTERNATIVE ,COURT RELATED COSTS 25.00 US DRUG TESTING LABS INC,JUVENILE COURT COSTS 300.00 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS,INTERNET SERVICE 170.00 TELEPHONE SYSTEMS OF NEBR INC ,TELEPHONE SERVICES 163.09 VERIZON WIRELESS,CELL PHONES 959.72 ADAMS COUNTY JAIL/SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 992.99 ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC,JAIL SUPPLIES 267.59 CASH WA CANDY COMPANY,COMMISSARY 465.65 CASH WA DISTRIBUTING,COMMISSARY 62.20 COMPUTER HARDWARE INC,DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT 899.00 CORNHUSKER STATE IND DCS ACCOU,JAIL SUPPLIES 87.50 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SAFETY EQUIPMENT 1,199.00 FRITO-LAY, COMMISSARY 426.88 FRITO-LAY,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 171.88 FRITO-LAY,COMMISSARY 368.32 FRITO-LAY,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 171.88 HALL COUNTY DEPT OF CORRECTION,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 8,855.00 HALL COUNTY DEPT OF CORRECTION,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 229.08 KEITHS PHARMACIES,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 611.44 MATT'S BODY SHOP LLC,TRAVEL EXPENSES 207.50 392 1 Page MIDWEST EAR NOSE & THROAT PC,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 355.00 SATELLITE TRACKING OF PEOPLE,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 848.25 THE THOMPSON COMPANY, INC,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 912.85 WEBSTER COUNTY SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 150.00 WITT PLUMBING INC,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 172.80 CARMICHAEL BUSINESS SYSTEMS,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 499.00 CENTURY LINK,TELEPHONE SERVICES 133.54 COMPUTER HARDWARE INC,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 4,635.00 COMPUTER HARDWARE INC,OFFICE EQ REPAIR 190.00 CORNHUSKER PRESS INC,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 190.00 CORNHUSKER STATE IND DCS ACCOU,FURNITURE 1,055.00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 89.07 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 281.77 FIFTH STREET PRINTING,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 78.00 GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO,TELEPHONE SERVICES 49.95 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 302.60 LITTLE CAESARS PIZZA,INCENTIVE PAYMENTS 500.00 MENARDS,MISCELLANEOUS 29.79 NEBRASKA TECH & TELECOM INC,TELEPHONE SERVICES 112.05 OFFICEMAX INC,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 508.33 PHELPS COUNTY TREASURER,POSTAL SERVICES 13.95 PHELPS COUNTY TREASURER,TELEPHONE SERVICES 102.42 PHELPS COUNTY TREASURER,POSTAL SERVICES 23.59 VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 307.54 WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES 40.64 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 58.28 GOVCONNECTION INC, SP PROJ4-16SHSP-PET GRANT 6,923.75 HASTINGS UTILITIES, UTILITIES 93.61 PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTINGS INC ,COMMUNICATION EQUIP 377.00 PRESTO -X, MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 33.87 SERGEANT LABORATORIES INC,SP PROJ4-16SHSP-PET GRANT 3,860.00 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,RD EQ REP PARTS 25.54 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SHOP TOOLS 269.99 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - SHOP 110.76 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,RD EQ REP PARTS 488.23 BGNE,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 494.70 BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC ,SUPPLIES - MISCELLANEOUS 8.79 BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC ,SUPPLIES - SHOP 59.99 BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC ,SUPPLIES - MISCELLANEOUS 52.75 BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC ,BUILDING REPAIR 339.02 BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC ,SIGNS 37.01 BLACK HILLS ENERGY,HEATING FUELS 2,364.05 BOSSELMAN ENERGY INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 11,533.32 CITY OF HASTINGS,WASTE DISPOSAL 282.72 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS 74.80 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 33.07 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS 74.80 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS,INTERNET SERVICE 85.00 CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES,MISCELLANEOUS 47.36 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - MISCELLANEOUS 8.00 FAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 100.00 FILTER CARE,SUPPLIES - SHOP 235.40 HASTINGS OUTDOOR POWER LLC,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 14.59 HASTINGS OUTDOOR POWER LLC,RD EQ REP PARTS 83.94 HASTINGS TRIBUNE,LEGAL ADS 55.82 HASTINGS UTILITIES, ELECTRICITY 763.17 LOUP VALLEY LIGHTING INC,BUILDING REPAIR 2,650.00 MAINELLI WAGNER & ASSOC INC,FEMA GRANT COSTS 7,016.00 MCCONNELL CLEANING,JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS 100.00 MENARDS,MISCELLANEOUS 63.80 MENARDS,BUILDING REPAIR 1,327.98 MID -NEBRASKA AGGREGATE INC,MATERIALS - GRAVEL & BORR 2,882.14 NAPA AUTO PARTS,SUPPLIES - SHOP 87.97 NAPA AUTO PARTS,RD EQ REP PARTS 230.00 PTSR,MISCELLANEOUS 210.00 SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT,ELECTRICITY 719.00 SHERWIN WILLIAMS,BUILDING REPAIR 58.13 THOMSEN OIL COMPANY,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 2,165.43 3 POINTS TIRE,MACH EQ TIRES & REP 723.00 STATE OF NEBRASKA,PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 111.66 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 31.98 HAMPTON INN,TRAVEL EXPENSES 99.95 PHYLLIS A BARTLETT,RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONS- 91.60 MARVIN HARTMAN,RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONS- 23.08 JULIA MOELLER,RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONS- 115.40 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF FEE ACCT ,COURT COSTS 8,586.52 393 1 Page HERITAGE BANK, MISCELLANEOUS MIPS,PRINTING/PUBLISHING MIPS,BUDGET PREPARATION COSTS MIPS,DATA PROCESSING COSTS US POSTAL SERVICE,POSTAL SERVICES RURAL RD IMP DST 2013/1Y COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS KAYLA NELSON,CELL PHONES CITY OF HASTINGS,TELEPHONE SERVICES HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,INTERNET SERVICE HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,DUES,SUBS.,REGIST. HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERVICE, GARBAGE PRESERVATION & MODERNIZATION MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE HEALTH FUND MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,INS ADMINISTRATION FEES INHERITANCE TAX WEST GROUP PAYMENT CENTER,LAW LIBRARY -FAN SUBSCRIPT 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES CITY OF HASTINGS WIRELESS 911 ,MISCELLANEOUS CITY OF HASTINGS WIRELESS 911 ,EQUIPMENT CITY OF HASTINGS WIRELESS 911 ,OFFICE EQ REPAIR ESCROW HOLDING FUND ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,INTER-FUND TRANSFERS G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS INC,MISCELLANEOUS JORGENSEN BUILDING GROUP LLC,MISCELLANEOUS Eldon Orthmann Chairman 25.00 105.86 39.58 272.00 49.00 25.00 2.73 283.62 10.00 21.78 130.38 2.50 152.00 750.00 2,370.47 5,727.75 311.58 733.52 300,000.00 3,152.30 75.00 Ramona R. Thomas Pamela J. Witte County Clerk Deputy Clerk Adams County Board of Supervisors Board of Equalization Minutes Courthouse, Adams County, Tuesday January 17, 2017 The Adams County Board of Equalization met on January 17, 20117 at 10:00 a.m. in the Adams County Board Room to review and take action on motor vehicle exemption applications as tax list corrections. Chairman Eldon Orthmann presided over the meeting. Roll Call members present were: Lee Hogan- District 3, Scott Thomsen — District 4, Dale Curtis- District 5, Chuck Neumann — District 6, Eldon Orthmann — District 7 Absent: Mike Weeks — District 1 and Michael Stromer — District 2 Motion by Neumann, seconded by Curtis to meet as a Board of Equalization to review and possibly approve tax list corrections, permissive exemptions and motor vehicle exemption applications. Roll Call; Ayes: Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks and Stromer Board of Equalization opened at 10:30 a.m. Adams County Assessor, Jackie Russell, presented the Board with tax list corrections. 394 1 Page Tax List Correction Correction #(s) 14566 Date of Correction 12/28/2016 Description of Property Personal Property Tax Year(s) Corrected 2016 Levy of year corrected 2.234294 Owner Rasmala Leasing Fund 2 LP Parcel ID # 88993 Tax ID # 284-88993 Legal �_�......____... Personal Property Land Improvements TOTAL VALUATION LEVY TAX TOTAL Tax Credit Applied Late Penalty Billed Amount VALUATIONS: Billed Value Correct Value 1,473,606.00 0.00 $1,473,606.00 ....._...................................... 2.234294 $0.00 2.234294 $32,924.70 $32,924.70 $0.00 $0.00 DIFFERENCE TO TAX ROLL: Reason for Correction DEDUCTION TO TAX -$32,924.70 ADDITION TO TAX Personal property owned by Rasmala Leasing Fund 2 LP is part of the Union Pacific Railroad and therefore was valued as Centrally Assessed as well as orr the county level. The owner filed incorrectly with the County in which the State of NE PAD notified us of in December after speaking with the owners. Correcting to removed from locally assessed records. Tax List Correction Correction #(s) 14567 Date of Correction 12/28/2016 Description of Property Personal Property Tax Year(s) Corrected 2016 Levy of year corrected 1.167277 Owner Robert A Meyer, Jr. Parcel ID # 26844 Tax ID # 136-26844 ............................................................. Legal Personal Property Land Improvements TOTAL VALUATION LEVY TAX TOTAL Tax Credit Applied Late Penalty Billed Amount VALUATIONS: Billed Value Correct Value 5,538.00 0.00 $5,538.00 1.167277 $0.o0 1.167277 $64.64 $16.16 $80.80 $0.00 $0.00 DIFFERENCE TO TAX ROLL: Reason for Correction DEDUCTION TO TAX -$80.80 ADDITION TO TAX Personal property was filed on behalf of owner after receiving no correspondence prior to the end of the filing period for personal property. However, owner moved personal property to Webster county which was confirmed in Dec 2016. Correcting to remove property from tax roll. Motion by Curtis. seconded by Hogan to approve the tax list corrections ad presented by Russell. Roll Call: Ayes: Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks, Stromer 395 'Page Russell presented permissive exemption applications from Hastings Catholic Schools, Hastings College, Ministerio International Dios Es Amor, and the YWCA. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Thomsen to approve the permissive exemptions as presented by Russell. Roll Call: Ayes: Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks, Stromer TO BE FILED WITH YOUR COUNTY ASSESSOR Exemption Application for Tax Exemption on Real and Personal Property by Qualifying Organizations Reed Instmettens on reverse side. FORM 451 r • I NAHUM 10 property compete Of timely TIN MIS approcenon wee MPH in a mute Ot VW 1XeMpla011. Narm of Organization KAG.5 CC4.3iThn i if- .C.‘r1C.)015 County Nams pt8c5.v.„..5 Tax Year ao i -1 Name of Owner of Property State Where Incorporated C \) Strove cm, Other Mang Address of Applicant 5a 1 AN,.). 1-40-6Q.S ,Au- Total Actual Value of Real and Personal Property $ Parcel ID Number ZY'005042,116 iaal City BMW Zip Code to S 10 g tpcaci 0 1 Contact Name ell-ar C )-‘. Se kcerA„ Phone Number Ho - 4L0 a -.D14 Type 01 Ownerelso Educational Organization Religious Orgarszation Dose Organization Query Organization Let* deecrIption of reel property and general dermiption 01 011 depreciable tangible 3 0 C\ ao 141 o -C- (-04's property, accept licensed motor vehicles: 1 acid. 5 c4 Property described above la used in the following camp ca1.goiy (please ma" the applicable bows): AgncutturatitionScultural Society lerEducetional .telipous D Chartable 0 Cemetery Gini s detailed daecrpdon of the WO of the prtmerly: 0•CC t 442. 0atc.D. ?ace-) . mre- l. -tu30 are usea +cal -0-kr -5c harA ,Thc hcc t.4c.s 4hc RSCVA r‘C.Crf•e• errc 1-c4 5-}o rag_ ev/%101•:+.› • AcIA t 2k5) RECEIVED 4Usivis COUNTY o. e r-eg-5AQ9 wate r Oor Ai Org./baking, except for an AgriculturaUHorticulturat Society, must complete the following questions. Is eti of the property used reclusively as described &Oval EICES 0 NO is the property used for financial gain Or profit to either the owner or organization making exclusive use al the property? , ...... EICES 0 NO Is a portion al the property used for the sale of alcoholic beverages? 0 YES 20) lilts. state the limber of hours wane* Is the property owned or used by an orgagration which discriminates in merribership o amplremere based on race. =to(. Of national origin? YES JNO -PrO r 'r Ir 4,1N.)44r4.,1 jkSe4,1 lerl Urals penalties of law, 1 declare (hall have examined the exemption 0pp/cation 12.1. 10 die beat al my knowledge and belief, it le coma and comoleb.1 dectere els I am iuty aulhonzed to eign Out souniptem aPP/10steel sign „L-- „ ; ; ,.e,_ i .- - 4 , .., .- ,..(4,...,, .,/, ,,- ,. - 1,5,4,, ,,';..,/,‹ , - ,„ ,-i /44-/.,,, here ' - 4.0d (. . ,, Titie FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR'S RECOMMENDATION D APPROVAL )a -APPROVAL OF A PORTION 0 ctli4i.iLt. FOR COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZA USE ONLY I declare that to me beet of my knordedpe and belief, the daterminetion made by M• County Board 0 Equalization is caned pursuant (0 10* ban of Re 51.2. 01 Nebraska. n APPROVED O APPROVAL OF A PORTION O DENIED (MOMENTS: 111' Eigrieture of County Board Welber Dale COUNTY CLERK: A legibie copy of this form showing the final decision 01 81* County Board of Equalization must be delivered electronically to dw Nebraska Department of Revenue within seven days after the Board's decision. RETAIN A COPY FORYOUR RECORDS. Hebraic* Dowterant of 1411,410111, PrOpity Ausessment omeen ermorcessty Nob. nee Sm. 04 7720241 end 77.20244 04105-100 Rot 72012 Suparsedes 35,1999 Rye. 72010 396 'Page None Title of Officers. Directors, or Partners Address, City, State, Zip Code ic..,..,...5 . ecev-Li -?re-Q. c4.ev, r 34 bo .her.cko.,... "i3l,t1 Lt. t• -,c01,4 t..I.T. krbSoto Y-1...\ar ....t 3o(. Po 1,-1;.? LASS04, "I'Fra-rof 5. 74AtA....1 ke W., -Trries ire Nr a..,-r6,,a5,2,......B.../.:L.Alieckna j211.41.1.a.s.i..o...ts 1 1‘.1 e — t Let* deecrIption of reel property and general dermiption 01 011 depreciable tangible 3 0 C\ ao 141 o -C- (-04's property, accept licensed motor vehicles: 1 acid. 5 c4 Property described above la used in the following camp ca1.goiy (please ma" the applicable bows): AgncutturatitionScultural Society lerEducetional .telipous D Chartable 0 Cemetery Gini s detailed daecrpdon of the WO of the prtmerly: 0•CC t 442. 0atc.D. ?ace-) . mre- l. -tu30 are usea +cal -0-kr -5c harA ,Thc hcc t.4c.s 4hc RSCVA r‘C.Crf•e• errc 1-c4 5-}o rag_ ev/%101•:+.› • AcIA t 2k5) RECEIVED 4Usivis COUNTY o. e r-eg-5AQ9 wate r Oor Ai Org./baking, except for an AgriculturaUHorticulturat Society, must complete the following questions. Is eti of the property used reclusively as described &Oval EICES 0 NO is the property used for financial gain Or profit to either the owner or organization making exclusive use al the property? , ...... EICES 0 NO Is a portion al the property used for the sale of alcoholic beverages? 0 YES 20) lilts. state the limber of hours wane* Is the property owned or used by an orgagration which discriminates in merribership o amplremere based on race. =to(. Of national origin? YES JNO -PrO r 'r Ir 4,1N.)44r4.,1 jkSe4,1 lerl Urals penalties of law, 1 declare (hall have examined the exemption 0pp/cation 12.1. 10 die beat al my knowledge and belief, it le coma and comoleb.1 dectere els I am iuty aulhonzed to eign Out souniptem aPP/10steel sign „L-- „ ; ; ,.e,_ i .- - 4 , .., .- ,..(4,...,, .,/, ,,- ,. - 1,5,4,, ,,';..,/,‹ , - ,„ ,-i /44-/.,,, here ' - 4.0d (. . ,, Titie FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR'S RECOMMENDATION D APPROVAL )a -APPROVAL OF A PORTION 0 ctli4i.iLt. FOR COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZA USE ONLY I declare that to me beet of my knordedpe and belief, the daterminetion made by M• County Board 0 Equalization is caned pursuant (0 10* ban of Re 51.2. 01 Nebraska. n APPROVED O APPROVAL OF A PORTION O DENIED (MOMENTS: 111' Eigrieture of County Board Welber Dale COUNTY CLERK: A legibie copy of this form showing the final decision 01 81* County Board of Equalization must be delivered electronically to dw Nebraska Department of Revenue within seven days after the Board's decision. RETAIN A COPY FORYOUR RECORDS. Hebraic* Dowterant of 1411,410111, PrOpity Ausessment omeen ermorcessty Nob. nee Sm. 04 7720241 end 77.20244 04105-100 Rot 72012 Suparsedes 35,1999 Rye. 72010 396 'Page File with Your County Assessor Exemption Application forTax Exemption on Real and Personal Property by Qualifying Organizations Reed lnakudlonian amen*stM. FORM 451 Failure to properly complete or timely Ake this impel ca0nn will result in a denial of the essmptlon. I Rales d °gnindam Hastings College Name T.0Wur A:ppii!- 5 1 AOl? TS � (litell FertO illc+ctan4t TattOS FS flow U1t Coolly Nada Adams rem 2017 Naw. r Oen. r P 0.1y Hastings College PartM al WnoMr poi94/r(ar la5-tA06. 1�?1r X&IVO('Ll Sou Wtwn Irtarpaaad Nebraska Lill Zjloa 8e13 stem ori thst MaMW Andreae rA1piant 710NTumor Ave Total t.arer NSW gnu iturannd Pt S iy PamNlo Noober 010011604 (4y-ni5541 Cay _ Hastings &+b NE 710 Cab 68901 Coto: Nra Susan Teutschmann Reno trader 402-461-7725 rawlereTile. ❑ apWaead and twGrwwd Soley 5t1 EdaaMedOlprnreion ❑neiwar. Name aro. of Otsnr., 0!.01111, or PlL.ers sere ❑ ansate (weramion Address, City, aces. Zip Code Ceaewry Ogn.aen Don Jackson President 710 N Tumer Ave. Hastings, NE 88901 Gan Johnson VP for Academic Ali 710 N Teener Ave, Hastlngs NE 68901 Anthony Resta VP for Finances 710 N Turner Ave. Hastings NE 68901 lanai OmmOim r,.d Pot ony one aanetd deeoer60n at e1 dP.driaal•oteapuma* Or0Pry, eeapt l01 .d m010..el0001 1557.00 lot 1 Pine Knob Place RECEIVE (1018 Plne Knoll Rd) OEC O 2 2016 Harty deredtM above b mod In the fd.*do irrorrIpl Mowry (plow owl, are .Ipedro bort): 0 AprICuaeal metHrbdrdSaar El Ed... -lineal 0 Reipww DChewable ADAMS COUNT" ASSESSOR OM a *new dead n of he user the P.Pmtr: Used for student housing. AA agrdzalIons. rule for anAgricultural and tionidehld apClely avec mnplete the km*owimg questions. lasorearempanyweavirolunew0dMaaedMom/ MYES 0 N bh.properly used tor anemia manor prate to *Mei the tamer mowner err90100 anmatingec*Mive OtII* pro w.? ❑YES f NO is a potion r de peapwly toted tar ear ado rdaaean bmra9s.?.. ❑Yrs IN NO tlws, a0LM0 umbra hears per wee le the properly craw teed M' m apenaa0ion which tlrOAm*aaa M membea*is or emplamwm bead on nips. Dear, a natio el o1.0n9 YES ® NO t1Mer penalties of tow. I telae dei l have eerdned pea IMMOUwralarlurn..(, brdr. treatr my barvledpe AM pef. A n 0000darea complaint oleo dodo* eel I am dayetM00b.tlW i0 nota er0piue appiaoa. sign "a rAtnam.asenawa '. t, WY4c here '�" Retain a copy for your records. 1rl7 /ic ab For County Assessor's Recommendation El Approver ❑ Apptcyel ol. POrtlon ❑ ikons COMMENTS, For county Board of Equalization use Only 1 deco,. Mal paw 0001 r toy Iero.Aed9e ant/babe. oar 0Wntrat on male be 0MCaety Word at 0Vtaa/aitn it aarrA pommel bet bra of to* Soo et Nemaaio. ❑ App•ovd ❑ Approval of a Portion o Denied COMMENTS, Swann nn of County Boon MOMr LLd County Cleric A legible copy of thte form showing the final decision 09 the County Board of Equalization must be delivered electronically to the Nebraska Department of Revenue withhf seven days after the Board's decision. rrwM aaproertrl.wne, Roomy Ar.nim.fe OhMn Noumea ay 910 Am EA. ki•+360.0 rod ”200.N eh11Y0.MNw.+eau 940.40.06•0334169 nµ.03050 Fee with bw County Assessor txemptlon Application forTax Exemption on Real end Personal Property by Qualifying Organizations Rea we.0.d.n• aro ow...Ide. Failure to properly complete or Amery ate W. .ppaO.Uon will result in a denier or the.arnptlon. FORM Iv 451 learnerAGM. I tPCC4aay 9 Alir ('t6 In d nctc4ongt :Utas zS Arm- Name T.0Wur A:ppii!- 5 1 AOl? TS � (litell FertO illc+ctan4t TattOS FS flow U1t Sal: Vann 090.0 rated iosigtAIbic 00$ rt va%� ser i i1 .0 adnarWAw0Rnl uM rNtral HoP+'ry s PartM al WnoMr poi94/r(ar la5-tA06. 1�?1r X&IVO('Ll Cr lx(4h411q Lill Zjloa 8e13 Type d OMralep ❑Ayktawd and “oneulwal6 Wm* Dinars, for Pears � ( (o X(.. cold -1 r 0.TIO (Oc ce Q6 r ❑ Edra0.nte Orp.^izahw Title or Oaeer., Oyruadal 0 aru*0 Oy.:z.ion Addles., CNy. Stals, Z. Cade 511Math^n 463 k."1 "Std f - ❑crrereyOrperr.non kr Ne- 4850 s (Jt- l231:101 1.941 amotrtb,d rad m.QMy ate paeal dr.1Nbn el M depromel. tomtit persona wows LOl vtowv S 50b1),Q,sion Dl TZ QitPza—r >~TS tc ie 6 L q Haan/ acebee now it urea uh. borne". orawl, .0.9ar 51..n may ere+Wahl* boas): 0 Ap,WUN and Nriwnar timidly 0 Edaasorel R,6 agate 0 toaster 0 carwrr5 Gee Omitted deactutun r ore tee of aro property tt2r'Sho fStrores .54,47,5c/tool/ funerer/51 1./C17 AA organizations, weep( ter an Ag/KWmral and HOtdWlAuni 4 W rthe prrpetrymaul rtlu*wy M Mooted Memo? oom bew pro elywa0 b 000001009 in or pat a Weer hammer or Owner or aryrd06cn mdo0terc.i0M tae r are to m.o. of ea Property ...et 1. Our .010101501000001.o0510' Ores geNO. ares oar h* motif r noon per "one.......-.-..�__ aaeDivert/St maned amoo r4OOry.MMmnOtt* dacdnwwaaa nmmarr,camr0lgeemra____ cc national coolm Ores Ow RIES 63N .00 YES r w) sign here Una. mull. r law, libellee Pot I No. gowned /is mammon 0 0100*n ens. b 6.gtw0 d Ima...::...peaI.mwry .,mrb.+roaOW,Irk a,m0.110r.iu...-'0 415 eisd, e is 0*0.01 oral Tole Retain a copy tor your records. 11/16/4" Ka For County Assessor Recomms .dation 6r Apace ❑ Approttl a( aRmfon ❑ Dental COMMENTS: For County Board of Equeltutioo Use any I doctor. oaf to els Nisi Or try On0NeitiO dbear,Nw drrma0ounmadt*M Couey 5040001 Er...B tton Mcorrect yorovarre to the aura aro Sudo Ned..eia. n ❑ Appraal d a Portion COMMurns must be Filrpsorre or 001050ard Armee 005* this Mme showing ate and decision d the County Board of Equalization Nebraska Department of Revenue within seven days after the Board's decision. .....- wh0at00000 0n sr.t$9r roe.awe?M..A. 397 'Page File with Your County Assessor Exemption Application for Tax Exemption on Real and Personal Property by Qualifying Organizations Read inektiations on ravens& aide. FORM 451 Failure to properly complete or timely Ole Oda application wet issue In • denial of the aremptiort. Nene or Organization YWCA Tele of Officers, Olrecters, or Partnora Address, City, State, 23p Code County Name Adams lax Year 2017 Name eE Omits at Property Jody Saltzman Vice -President State Where incorporated Nebraska Street or Omer Maar v Address or Applicant 604 N. St. Joseph Secretary 924 Richmond St.. Hastings, NE 68901 Total Amu Value of nisi and Personal Property 5885.735.00 Pixel 0) Number 010009670 ( atal-o13.0 City Hastings Stab NE 204Code 68901 COrille Me* Jen Lewis Piscine Number 402462-8821 ype o1 Onnwsfw 0 Agricultural snd tiorttulturril Satiety Educationist Organization 0 Rs OvernatiCat Ca aria* Orparazatton OCarnettry Orgenizabco Name Tele of Officers, Olrecters, or Partnora Address, City, State, 23p Code Wendy Harper President 1305 N. 7th Ave.. Hastings. NE 68901 Jody Saltzman Vice -President 1612 Hillcrest Dr., Hastings, NE 68901 Leota Rolls Secretary 924 Richmond St.. Hastings, NE 68901 Local deecrIpnon of real pm:party and See Attached, 041031 30 a e Frcoirty cfeliCaYat 8DGN1 used in cas losomnp insampt category (Meade mark the epplicable buresIt 0 Agricultural and riortcultural Society 4 Educaeonal 0 Pervious El Chem 0 Connery Owe a detailed description ot Me use ut the amperly: YWCA - offices and programming. (Portions are leased to private businesses.) All oivanizations, except for an Agricultural and Horticultural Society. must complete the following questions. ati or es pmperly Loo roclusiar.a. 00 0300400 above? OYES a". NO Is the property used kw Marvel ganc porit lo Mew the owner or owner or organization nuasing excluswe 0041 04 the property'? a:. YES 0440 Id a Conn? Of Lb* meetly used rer 4*. se* oi alcoholic OmbramasT , . ...... , „ . . „ „ . , . . .. OYES NO It Yes, slats the number or hours pa- woes Is Me property vamed or owe by tat orpubiralion when Omairranaies In itsbniershro fimpKyinvol WWI cr. ram, color. or national ono.? DYES IN0 Unoer p414044313 04 I declare Vial have esartimect this ruternpiiin appicaSon and, an Mis bast or my snaeledge and beard, it is contact and complete. I deave that I cm *Ay authorized 10 ban elia exelop0On apparAtior, sign here r Rae &Xecx,-4-ia b•ye...efr /Vali ig,261k Date Retain a copy for your records. 0 APPOVal .,.0<oproyal of a Portion 0 Denial For County Board of Equalization Use Only I Otelare Usd tu the tiesi ul nry sinowledge im04treael. datenMnatain lay tr., County Road Or 04004p4on is covroct puicuant 1,1 tho laws zit the State of Nebraska RaPTORIlli El Approval of a Portion 0 Denied County must be deEvered niapramima 00(1.11311021, a/ 6669665 94130.1999 916, 1.201.1 9.49.16699 96.1 COMMENTS. Signature ol County Roan 1.4ember Date a form showing the final decision of the County Board of Equalization the Nebraska Department of Revenue within seven days after the Board's decision. 4..movatls00.14.1v. Stat Ti -21C1 el 4,41 7741(0404 ADAMS COUNTY ASSESSOR Adams County Treasurer, Melanie Curry, presented the Board with a motor vehicle exemption applications from the Good Samaritan Society. Curry has reviewed the applications and the entity meets the requirements for exemption and is recommending approval. Motion by Curtis, seconded by Thomsen to approve the motor vehicle exemption application as presented by Curry. Roll Call: Ayes: Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None, Absent: Weeks, Stromer 398 1 Page .1.2- �_ — NUEfrom misimzeDxsom Appincauon Tor !xempiaon Motor Vehicle Taxes by Qualifying Nonprofit Organizations be Bled with yoor county treaeurac • Reed instructions on reverse side. Fob 457*To A00 '$ Nen* - Good Samaritan Society Village Home Health typeoIOxrerehya ®ilk Corporation [] am Weedy): Street or Other Melting Address 601 S 1st Ave County Adams City State Zip Code Hastings NE 68901 State Whore Incorporated NE IDENTIFY OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, OR PARTNERS OF THE NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION Title Herne, Addees, City, Steta, Zip Code Director Uza Nelson, 1043 5. Locust, Grand Island. NE 68801 3FAHPOHA5CR3S5736 8/2016 Ford I 2012 Fushion 3FAHPOI-IAA0CR358742 812018 DESCRIPTION OFTHE MOTOR VEHICLES *Attach an additional sheet, if necessary. Motor Vehicle Make Model Year BodyTypo Vehicle ID Number Date o1 Acquieniom N Newly Po/clewed Ford 2012 Fushion 3FAHPOHA1CR345091 1/2016 Ford 2012 Fushion 3FAHPOHA5CR3S5736 8/2016 Ford I 2012 Fushion 3FAHPOI-IAA0CR358742 812018 xampt Uses of Motor Vet1lC'4.. 0 Agricultural/Horticultural Eduoadcnal ® Rell 0 Charitable 0 Cemetery Olve detailed description of use, including an explanation 11 multiple use 'kabala exist: Home health nurses and aides use cars to drive top ti care, sign _ here FAuNa,zed elgaawm to provide in home health O Aro the motor whales used wa emively es Indicated? YES 0NO It No, give percentage o1 exempt use: Under penalties of law, I declare that I have examined ars application and 71st it la. to dArgaR6I my knowledge end betel. true, oonpleb, and COMM.! also declare that 1 an a.9y eullodmd to sign 81b exemption eppttelion, end Chet 7e orgeolxadon owning aro a0roveasted properly dose not dscMbnMe In berehi or employment based on row, color, m mineral origin, Tido Dote FOR COUNTY TREASURER RECOMMENDATION (APPROVAL 0 DISAPPROVAL COMMENTS- ne ae of CouolyTreaaaer. Dab APPROVAL 0 DISAPPROVAL FOR COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION SE ONLY COMMENTS: Authorized Signature Date NuMwka Capon unxn of tionnvir AuaWdwd by Nub Rev, cul. 23774020M sit id, and 6¢9,16,,: