HomeMy WebLinkAbout0404 Minutes for April 4, 2017Adams County Board of Supervisors Board Minutes Courthouse, Adams County, Tuesday April 4, 2017 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held with Chairman Eldon Orthmann was presiding. Roll call members present: Michael Stromer - District 1, Mike Weeks -District 2 Lee Hogan- District 3, Scott Thomsen - District 4, Dale Curtis- District 5, Chuck Neumann - District 6, Eldon Orthmann - District 7 Motion by Curtis, seconded by Stromer that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. Roll CaII; Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Orthmann stated that minutes from the March 21, 2017 meeting have been circulated and will stand approved unless there is a correction. No corrections were suggested Public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the board members and was kept continuously current and posted in the County Clerk's office, the main courthouse lobby and the Adams County website. The following is the agenda of items to be heard, no modifications were made to the agenda after 9:30 a.m. the business day prior to this meeting. Agenda for Meeting of Adams County Board of Supervisors County Board Room, Courthouse, 2nd Floor * Date of Meeting, April 4, 2017 at 9:30 A.M. Announce location of Agenda & Open Meetings Law postings Reminder to turn off all cell phones Pledge of Allegiance Conflicts of Interest Roll call: Approve minutes: Conunittee reports: Receive Comments from the Public: Note to Citizens: Any agenda item may be moved down at any time at the discretion of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. 9:45 Public Hearing — to hear comments for or against the possible issuance of a Conditional Use Permit for an intensive animal feeding facility Judy Mignery — action on the possible issuance of a Conditional Use Permit for an intensive animal feeding facility. Judy Mignery — present of possible approval, the following Subdivision plans: Case #17-04.1 — Freeland Creek 8th Subdivision — Tract in the SE' Section 2-6-10 Case #17-04.2 — BLB Subdivision — Tract in the SE / Section 13-6-9 Case 417-04.3 — Robert Pfeiffer Subdivision — Tract in the NE 'lo Section 3-8-9 Case #17-04.4 — West Fork Northwest Subdivision — Tract in the NW Section 1-8-10 Case #17-04.6 — Roger Shafer Subdivision -Tract in the NW '/ Section 2-8-10 Dawn Miller - Review & possibly award bid for 2017 Projects Corrugated Metal Pipe Receive letter of road closure request for West Pony Express Road from Jim Kostal Receive inspection report ffrom Highway Superintendent for closure request on West Pony Express Road Review and Adopt Resolution 2017-04-04.01, for setting publication dates and time for a Public Hearing to hear comments for possible closure of West Pony Express Road Present for signature contracts from Deweese Sand and Gravel and Mid - Nebraska Aggregate for 2017 gravel purchases Declare as surplus 1995 Ford' 4WD Pickup 4418 & offer at public auction 4701 Page 11:00 Michele Bever — annual report fora the South Heartland District Health Department and brief radon awareness presentation Request signature of Proclomation declaring the first week of April, Public Health Week David Bergin- request possible signing by the Chairman of a letter to the NDOR Safety Committee which supports improvements to the intersection of Adams Central Avenue and Highway 6/34. Request possible signing of Resolution 2017-04-04.01 donating a 1997 Chevy Lumina to the Drug Court Second Quarter Jail Inspection Miscellaneous Business Claims Miscellaneous Receipts Officer Reports • This agenda is subject to amending until 9:30 AM on the Monday preceding the Board meeting. Last updated on April 3, at 8:09 a.m. For non-English speaking attendees wishing to arrange for a sign language or foreign language interpreter, please call or fax the County Attorney's office at Phone: 402-461-7240 or Fax: 402 461-7241. For hearing-impaired individuals or individuals with other special needs call or fax the County Clerk's Office at Phone: 402 461-7107, or TTY: 402 461-7166 or Fax: 402-461-7185. When requesting an interpreter or services for the hearing impaired. please provide at least forty-eight (48) hours advance notice to allow time for making the acconunodations. The Board reserves the right to go into executive session if such session is clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injwy to the reputation of an individual. Supervisor Stromer informed the Board that he has a conflict of interest regarding the possible issuance of a conditional use permit by applicant K3, Inc. Stromer stated he will be abstaining on this issue. Supervisors attended the following committee meetings and community events since last meeting, and provided a brief report: Neumann- March 22, 2017 — Attended a joint meeting of the Adams County Wellness Committee and the Adams County Insurance Committee March 25, 2017- Attended a retirement party for Dewey Lindeman at the Webster County Fairgrounds. Curtis- March 30, 2017- Attended a South Central Economic Development District meeting in Franklin Weeks- Due to scheduling conflicts, Weeks was unable to attend committee meetings Hogan- March 28, 2017- Attended the Adams County CPR Training Stromer- March 23, 2017 — Attended a Community Action Partnership meeting in Kearney April 1, 2017 — Attended a fundraising event for Big Brothers Big Sisters at Hastings Ford April 3, 2017 — Attended an Adams County Planning and Zoning meeting April 4, 2017- Attended an Adams County Building and Grounds Committee meeting Thomsen- March 21, 2017—Attended an ASAAP Board meeting March 22, 2017 —Attended a joint meeting of the Adams County Wellness Committee and the Adams County Insurance Committee March 23, 2017- Attended an HEDC meeting Attended various Adams County Security Committee meetings April 4, 2017- Attended an Adams County Building and Grounds Committee meeting and provided an update on the progress to the landscaping of the 601 South Rhode Island building Orthmann- April 4, 2017- Attended an Adams County Building and Grounds Committee meeting March 28, 2017- Attended the Adams County CPR Training Chairman Orthmannn opened the meeting for comments from the public. No public comments were made. 4711 Page Motion by Neumann, seconded by Stromer to approve the claims and direct the county clerk to pay them out of their respective accounts. Roll Call; Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Motion by Curtis, seconded by Weeks to approve officer reports submitted by the Adams County Planning and Zoning Department and the Clerk of the District Court. Roll Call; Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Motion by Weeks, seconded by Neumann to open the public hearing to hear comments for or against the possible issuance of a conditional use permit to K3, Inc. for an intensive animal feeding facility. Roll CaII; Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Public Hearing opened at 9:45 a.m. Adams County Planning and Zoning Director, Judy Mignery, read into the record the request filed by K3, Inc. 17 5 Co dit o lai Use Permit for C Confn or Applicant i Condit: ty in the Alpicu]" , disttict rding to Adams County conditiotudu ew Avenue T ut Notitxt was ti oneral d'very. A Vii, Members of the public wishing to speak during the public hearing were asked to sign in. Chairman Orthmann was given the list and called individuals to the podium. 472 I Page P :LIC HEARING 4/4/2017 Nearing comments for or against the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit for an Intensive Animal Feeding Facility. APANS COUNTY ZONING DEPART DOOOt i** irkMU Vow »j 4. . t9 mat 114it rAir UR*" IN444 taw** i I moat otwithogot *two*** to t r* 4 tiiiitO 4T 1tTVC4r'Sim* 14.44 ,;Tot /kW tutott*otoottate A oigootos ookthkit sootvalo booptoottOrtrtnt, taapoo& votio tbo OW, Amett "4t 7240 r :402 4C•'. 4 far temimpioltaimi tawliM6oholc,rr **to ail tot ?44tt4 CoolgyC4.' Ortimttrfootw40. 5..+ 441 or tree: 40246 t.'f3 3. Wigm34444444att Mow** VP taigas *****& a fireyogight140 War# tom Wit, MI* i tliti 4 UV t trr atttt Miaow TO nt r'[ . Mash 24, 14*7 00441ormoterroafame tqueout Dean Settje of Settje Agri -Services and Engineering spoke in favor of the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit to K3, Inc. Settje outlined design plans for the feedlot expansion. Steve Mossman with Mattson Ricketts Law Firm also spoke in favor of the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit to K3, Inc. Mossman provided the Board with a handout published by the Nebraska Department of Agriculture and the Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Nebraska -Lincoln. Pastor Renee Johnson, with Saint Paul's Lutheran Church in Glenvil, spoke in objection to the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit to K3, Inc. Johnson stated that the current odor, flies and dust are already an issue for the church. Johnson also stated that not enough notice was given to area property owners to adequately prepare a defense against the issuance of a permit. Johnson requested that the Board consider delaying a decision until those opposed to the expansion of the feedlot can be better prepared. Additional members of the public that spoke against the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit to K3, Inc. included: Terry Copple of 10285 N Aspen Ave Matt Whitten of 403 Winters Ave Bill Saathoff of rural Adams County Larry Hardesty of 7240 W 37th St in Kearney, NE (Adams County land owner) Tom Genung of 902 East 7th St in Hastings Rick Meyer of 7230 Antioch Ave in Glenvil, NE 473 1 Page Extensive discussion occurred. Dean Settje of Settje Agri -Services and Engineering and Steve Mossman with Mattson Ricketts Law Firm were given a final opportunity to address the concerns of the citizens that spoke. Motion by Weeks, seconded by Neumann to close the public hearing and resume regular session. Roll Call; Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Regular session resumed at 11:08 a.m. Motion by Weeks, seconded by Neumann to approve the Conditional Use Permit by applicant K3, Inc. for an Intensive Animal Feeding Facility. Roll CaII; Ayes: Weeks, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Abstaining: Stromer Chairman Orthmann called a five minute recess. Recess concluded at 11:20 and regular session resumed. Michele Bever, director of the South Heartland District Health Department, provided the Board with an annual update from her office. Bever along with certified radon testing specialist, Jim Morgan, provided a brief radon awareness presentation. Bever concluded her presentation with requesting the Board of Supervisors consider signing Resolution 2017- 04-04.03; a proclamation declaring the first week in April, 2017 as Public Health Week. Motion by Curtis, seconded by Stromer to approve Resolution 2017-04-04.03 to declare April 3-9, 2017 as Public Health week in Adams County. Roll Call; Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Resolution 2017-04-04.03 Proclamation Declaration of Public Health Week iron Public ncairot ittltijaadlactating oatmeal:1y f April 3-9, +lie Hall I s dangrrtod by the At pry the thong "R abbitot N biic H. T1[EREFORE.1.. Nehraria, do badly Mahn Ow Adtaua County and catl upon rcahlcoin to dbaea+ dtis a' 1s by nagtibors, on -workers, and lenders better and araRnd 9hc s�$aC to dte national saw or'1lnhttiat Nation 200 by taking orator to move toward being the "Hplthicrt County in ?rdnaak.. motion to approve br, r) e'r( .-ijs t blron seconded br ,#i-,- it4r ee nes "61" abtrnlaboan ad 474 1 Page Adams County Planning and Zoning Director, Judy Mignery presented the Board with Case # 17-04.01; plans for the Freeland Creek 8th Subdivision by applicants, John and Jodi Rostvet. DAMS COUNTT G .4,N ZONING DEPARTMENT Zoolog Director 500 N. Denver Ave., Hastings, NE 68901 Phone: 402.-4614174 Fax: 402-461 7177 Office Hours: Monday Thin/lay, 8:00 -13:00 and 1:00 -- 4 DATE: April 3, 2017 TO: Adams County Planning Commission k Board of Supervlsorn FROM: Zoning Suitt- Jady Misery, Director RE: Case 1'#1:7-04,1- Freeland Creek 8th Subdivision; Ownen: John & Jodi Rostvet, 3290 S. Southern Nilly Drive, Hustings, NE 68901 Location: A tract of land in the SEI l4, Sec. 2, T6N-RI OW, Adams County. Zoned Use: TA Adminlurator'4 Comments: This it; a proposed Four (4) Lot Subdivision. Freeland Creek Su vision was Preliminary Plaited in 2006. Rostvet has mate some dtangm to the original preliminary plat, such as location of tots and mads, Ilse changes in flood plain have led to some of the changes. This is a Final plat of four (4) Lots, creating Freeland Creme 8* Subdivision containing 8.66 tags.. A portion of the parcel may fall within the boundaries of the 100 year flood plain as currently proposed. A aseptic system will need W be installed per DEQ Title 124 Roquirt:m nts. ingross d: egrass will be off of 13aymcadow Ridge, a private mad, Motion by Weeks, seconded by Thomsen to approve plans for the Freeland Creek 8th Subdivision as presented by Mignery. Roll Call; Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Mignery presented the Board with Planning and Zoning Case # 17-04.02; plans for the BLB Subdivision by applicants Ryan and Melissa Hinrichs. ADAMS COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT Judy Miguery, Zoning Director SOON. Denver Ave., Hastings, NE 68901 Phone: 402-461-7174 Fax: 402-,461.7171 Office Hours: Monday -- Thursday, 8:00 -12:00 and "1:00 4:00 DATE: April 3, 2017 TO: Adams County Planning Commission & Board of Supervieors FROM: Zoning Staff --Judy Mowry, Director RE: Case #17-04.2 - BLB Subdivision - A Tract 1st land in the SE % Section 13-T6N-R9W; Applicant: Ryan and Melissa Hinrichs and BLB, LLC Location: 7995 S Antioch Road, Gknvil, NE, SE l4 Sec 13-T6N-R.9V1" Zoned Use: Agriculture ?setting Administrator's Comments: The applicant would 111 SE ''4 Section 13, T6N, R9W. The property contain two houses, garage, building, well and septic tank. One of the housed will be removed. The par within the boundaries of the 100 year flood plain. A!1 requirements of the existing Village Subdivision Regulations and the Zoning Regulations have been met. Motion by Weeks, seconded by Thomsen to approve plans for the BLB Subdivision by applicants Ryan and Melissa Hinrichs. Roll Call; Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Mignery presented Planning and Zoning Case #17-04.03 for the Robert Pfeiffer Subdivision by applicant Mark Pfeiffer. ADAMS COUNTY PIA S VINGANDZONING DEPARi3IPNT Jo Misorrl, bombes Direct°, 300 N. Denver Ave., Hastings, SE 68901 Phone: 402-461.7174 Ras: 402-461.7177 °Mee Horn: Monday - Thursday, 8:00 -12:00 and 1:00 -4:00 DATE: April 3, 2017 TO: Adana County Planalag Commission ds Board of Supervisors FROM: Zoning Staff- Judy MIanery, Director RE: Case 417-04.3 - Robert Pfeiffer Su bdA Tract of land in the NE % Section 3-T$N-R9W; Applicant; Mark Pfeiffer Location: 3850 E Borrows Rood, Trumbull, NE, NE k Section 3-8-9 Zoned Vu: Agncultute Zoning Administrator's Comments: The applicant would like to subdivide 7.4 acres in the NE St Section 3, TSN,, R9W . 'this subdivision contains two Lots. Proposed Lot 1, contains two houses sad one garage, well and septic tank. One of the houses will bo removed from too property. There is a platted casetnad on Lot 1 for access to tot 2. The parcel dont not fall within the boundaries of the 100 your flood plain. All roguarcme is of the existing County and Village Subdivision Regulations and the Zoning Regulations haw boat mot. 475 'Page Motion by Curtis, seconded by Stromer to approve plans for the Robert Pfeiffer Subdivision as presented by Mignery. Roll Call; Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Mignery presented Case #17-04.4; plans for the West Fork Northwest First Subdivision by applicant, West Fork Inc. ADAMS COLTiVTY PL4NNINGAND ZONING DEPARIMMIsNT Judy Migirery, Zoning Director 500 N, Heaver Ave., Ilartings, N& 611901 Phone: 402-461-7174 ice: 402-461-7177 Office flours: Monday - Thursday, 11:00 - 12;00 end 1:00 -4:00 DATE: April 3, 2017 TO: Aden* County Planning CoeaWeston & Board of Super. kors FROM: Zoning Staff - Judy Mignery, Director Zoning Administrator's Comments. The s►NPlirmrt wsauid like to sul NE'1i NW i4 Section 1, TEN. R 0 to sell an in tivldssal to build a livestock. There are no other tesidenees in this slssastcr. Ti c p el docs not fail within boundaries of the 100 year flood plain. All requirements oftlnr a i'.ting C uracy atsd 'ill Subdivision Regulations and the Zoning Regulations have Motion by Neumann, seconded by Weeks to approve plans for the West Fork by applicant West Fork, Inc. Roll Call; Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Mignery presented the Board with Planning and Zoning Case # 17-04.6; plans for the Roger Shafer Subdivision by applicant Roger Shafer. ADAMS COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT Judy Mignery, Zoning Director 500 N. Denver Ave., Hastings, NE 68901 Phone: 402-461-7174 Fax: 402-461-7177 Office Hours: Monday — Thursday, 8:00 —12:00 and 1:00 — 4:00 DATE: April 3, 2017 TO: Adams County Planning Commission & Board of Supervisors FROM: Zoning Staff—Judy Mignery, Director RE: Case #17-04.6 — Roger Shafer Subdivision — A Tract of land in the NW 'Y Section 2---T8N-R10W: Applicant: Roger Shafer Location: 10520 N Marian Rd, Hastings, NE, NWI/ Sec 248N-R1OW Zoned Use: Agriculture Zoning Administrator's Comments: The applicant would like to subdivide 3.03 acres in the NW 1/4 Section 2, T8N, R1 OW. The property contains a house, a mobile home, farm implement building, Farm Utility Building, grain bins, well, septic tank and irrigation well. A conditional use permit had been issued on this property several years ago to allow for the mobile horne as an accessory living home for employees of the farm. The parcel does not fall within the boundaries of the 1.00 year flood plain. All requirements of the existing County and Village Subdivision Regulations and the Zoning Regulations have been met. Motion by Curtis, seconded by Stromer to approve plans for the Roger Shafer Subdivision as presented by Mignery. Roll Call; Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Adams County Deputy Attorney, David Bergin, presented the Board with a letter to the Nebraska Department of Roads Safety Committee declaring the Adams County Board of Supervisors' support of improvements to the intersection of Adams Central Avenue and Highway 6/34. 476 i Page ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PO BOX 2067 HASTINGS, NE 68902-2067 OFFICE: 402-461-7107 FAX: 402-461-7185 April 4, 2017 Dear NDOR Safety Committee, The Adams County Board of Supervisors hereby wants to add the Board's enthusiastic SUPPORT for the request by Adams Central Public Schools to direct Federal Safety Dollars to District 4 for improvements to the intersection of Highway 6 /34 and Adams Central Avenue in Adams County. Adams Central Schools has recently begun construction of a new elementary school complex in a location immediately to the northeast of the intersection of Highway 6/34 and Adams Central Avenue, across from the currently -existing Adams Central Jr./Sr. High School. Recently, Adams County Roads Department, at the behest of and in conjunction with Adams Central Schools, has begun the process of constructing a roundabout to provide access to the High School and the elementary school complex. This roundabout will be located on Adams Central Avenue directly to the north of the intersection of Highv,ny 6/34. In June of 2016, Adams Central Schools hired Olsson Associates to complete a Traffic Impact Study related to the Highway 6/34 intersection and traffic impacts which would result from the opening of the new elementary school. It is our understanding that the Safety Committer received a copy of the Study along with a letter from Adams Central Schools dated February 27, 2017, We would like to point outsome significant findings of the Study. Most significantly, the Study indicates that traffic will almost double at this intersection when the elementary school complex is opened. Also, the alignment of the intersection is non-standard and needs improvement. The Study recommends construction of a roundabout at the intersection. It should be noted that a permanent access drive east of this intersection was not supported within the Study. which we believe creates father safety impacts to the intersection of Highway 6/34 and Adams Central Avenue. During the telephone conference to review and discuss the findings within the Study, NDOR statTdid reference the lack of adequate turn lane lengths and improper shoulder construction through the intersection (see attached aerials), particularly for the traffic turning north onto Adams Central Avenue. As the north hound traffic leaving Highway 6/34 almost doubles due to the new elementay location, Adams County views this as a serious safety issue, particularly when there is no other drive access from Highway 6134 into the new elementary property. Traffic stacking to turn north in a non-standard turn lane is unsafe. Adams County has worked directly with the school district to develop plans and over -see the construction of the necessary improvements to allow for the additional traffic on Adams Central Avenue since the County offers the only access point to both the existing high school and new elementary complex off Adams Central Avenue. Construction impmvements for Adams Central Avenue will begin mid-May and are to he completed early August 2017. Adams County is concerned about the stated safety issues noted within the Study and formally requests that NDOR also recognize that safety improvements need to be addressed at this intersection. Adams County further encourages NDOR to fully review the Study and work towards developing a project to construct improvements on the intersection and place that project within the State's STIP as soon as possible. The Study outlines options for various types of construction improvements that would make the intersection safer for ALL travelers along the routes and through the intersection for all directions. Please consider and prioritize Federal Safety Dollars to District 4 and develop plans to construct the proper safety improvement options recommended within the Study in the near future. Please don't wait for an 'Accident Needs Study' to occur in order to justify the noted safety improvements already made evident from the existing Study. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Eldon Orthmann Michael Simmer Chairman Board Member Adams County Board of Supervisors tee l logan Board Member Chuck Neumann Board Member Mike Weeks Board Member Scott Thomsen Dale Curtis Board Member Board Member CC: Dave Wacker, City Engineer, City of Hastings; Wes Wahlgren, NDOR District Engineer; Justin Petersen, Olsson Associates; Steve Wolford, W -Design Associates; Shawn Scott, Superintendent, Adams Central Schools 477 1Page Motion by Curtis, seconded by Stromer to approve signing the letter of support, for improvements to the Adams Central Avenue and Highway 6/34 intersection, and to forward the letter to the Nebraska Department of Roads Safety Committee. Roll Call; Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Bergin presented the Board with Resolution 2017-04-04.02for the donation of a 1997 Chevy Lumina, that was declared as surplus during the March 21, 2017 Board meeting, to the Hall County Central Nebraska Drug Court. RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE DONATION OF A 1997 CHEVROLET LUMINA TO THE HALL COUNTY -CENTRAL NEBRASKA DRUG COURT ADAMS COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2017-04-04.02 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA that: Whereas, the Adams County Board of Supervisors has declared a 1997 Chevrolet Lumina to be a surplus vehicle; and Whereas, the Hall County -Central Nebraska Drug Court has use for such vehicle; THEREFORE, the Adams County Board of Supervisors hereby donates a 1997 Chevrolet Lumina, V.I.N. number 2G1WL52M1V9229159, to the Hall County -Central Nebraska Drug Court; and The Adams County Board of Supervisors hereby directs Eldon Orthmann, Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors, and Ramona Thomas, County Clerk, to do whatever is necessary to sign the title and transfer the above-described vehicle to the Hall County -Central Nebraska Drug Court. ADOPTED this 4th day of April, 2017, at Hastings. Nebraska, by the Adams County Board of Supervisors, ATTESTED by: Eldon Orthmann, Chairman Ramona Thomas, County Clerk Motion by Curtis seconded by Weeks to approve Resolution 2017-04-04.02 for the donation of a county surplus vehicle to the Hall County Central Nebraska Drug Court. Roll Call; Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Adams County Highway Superintendent, Dawn Miller, presented the Board with bids received for 2017 culvert projects. Bids were opened on March 30, 2017 by the Adams County Road and Bridges Committee. Miller has reviewed the bids and is recommending the low bid with Contech in the amount to $53,196.51. Motion by Weeks, seconded by Neumann to award the 2017 culvert project bid to Contech in the amount of $53,196.51. Roll Call; Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None 478 1 Page Site # 472 401 Prot $472 4 EACH 72' ARCH x 45 3x1 Con 10 ga Blue 1114 Rd W of Osage Toth Prof $481 3 EACH 48" Rd x 48' 12 pa @ 82nd E of Madan 2015 PW2 $28 Total PROJECT CMP BID TAB SHEET 3/30/1711:{0 a.m. Ace Irrigation Contech Midwest Sales & Service Base Bid S/SW/R Base Bid S/SW/R Base Bid SISW/R 4,462.00 S 4,240.40 17,840.00 16,985.60 2,136.10 1,604.53 S 484 Prot $482 3 EACH 48' ARCH x 44' 12 ge lHighland No!70th 2015 lWP2 $134 Total Proj $483 3 EACH 36" ARCH x 42' 14 ga C2 Bollknore 5 of 82nd 2015 PW2 $146 Total Prat $484 2 EACH 48` Rd x 48' 12 ga Barrows W of Showboat 2015 PW3 01 Total 6,408.00 5.413.59 2,002.00 5 1,786.33 s 6.006.00 1,068.00 S 1,075.17 S 3,206.70 3.2 1 2,104,00 1,911.20 $ 485 Praj $485 2 EACH 4* ltd x 83' 12 ga Mexon N of 70th 2016 PW3 $142 Total 4,368.00 3,822.40 2,866.50 9 3,032,46 S 486 Prot $486 2 EACH 72' ARCH x 58' 3x1 Cort 10 ga ® Barrows W of Maxon 2015 PW3 *3 Total 5,733.00 6,004,90 5,626,00 $ 5,187.20 S 480 Prof 0488 1 EACH 48' ARCH x 44' 12 ga 1 EACH 30'Rdx44' 14ga Holstein N of Hwy 8.2015 PW 1$122 6123 Total 11.252,00 10,374,40 2.002.00 1,122.00 $ 5 1,893.00 7,169.52 s s 489 Prot $489 1 EACH 48' Rd x 44' 12 ga 7018WofShiloh 2015 PW 1$17 Total 3,124,00 3,052.52 2,002.00 5 2,098.60 5 2,002.00 Grand Total Delivey 59,917,70 2,098.60 55,395.31 (3,200,00) 'CR Metal Culverts Base Bid S/SW/R s 1&760.40 2,552,00 7,956.00 2,499.20 7,497.60 1,291,50 3,874.50 2,052;00 5,304.00 3,925.00 7,850.00 5,921.80 11.843,60 2,499.20 1,290.00 3.797.20 2,431.00 2,431,00 4,096,80 $ $ S 5 S S 60,310.30 53,196.51 Grand Total 'Deduct for freight savings 4 awarded 04 items. Date Award: Attest; Board W Supervisors: To: County Clerk Chairman Low Bid: Miller presented the Board with a letter from Cheryl and Jim Kostal, requesting the closure of an abandoned section of West Pony Express Road adjacent to their property at 650 West Pony Express Road. Miller also presented her formal recommendation for the closing/vacating of the same stretch of road. March 20, 2017 Adams County Supervisors P.O. Box 95 Hastings, NE 68902-0095 Sirs: We are writing this letter at the suggestion of Dawn Miller, Adams County Road & Bridge Superintendent. Please consider this our formai request for closure of the abandoned section of West Pony Express Road adjacent to our property located at 650 West Pony Express Road. The road has been abandoned for over 20 years and not maintained by the County for over 15 years. The County has no plan to reconstruct the Pony Express Road Bridge that was destroyed by flood several years ago due to the extraordinary expense (estimated at more than $1.0 million), and the County residents have become acclimated to the existing barrier and the fact the passage is not a thoroughfare. This action would relieve the County of liabilities and accord us better control of the area involved. I •understand the process would involve a public hearing and take approximately two months to accomplish. Respectfully, t 20 O.A. (Jim) and Cheryl Kostal CC: Dawn Miller, Judy Mignery 479 1 Page HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 415 N. Adams Central Ave. Juniata, NE 68955-2005 April 4, 2017 TO: Adams County Board of Supervisors Office: 402-461-7172 Fax: 402-461-7171 Email: dmiller@adamscounty.org RE: Road Study for Abandoned road know as West Pony Express Rd along the NE1/4 Sec 36, T6N-R1OW (Ayr Township) and the NW1/4 of fractional Sec 31, T6N-R9W (Hanover Township), Adams County, Nebraska. It is my recommendation as the County Highway Superintendent that the County Board of Supervisors move forward with a Public Hearing to formally and officially CLOSENACATE the segment of abandoned roadway as located above. The reasons to formally and officiallyclose/vacate are as follows: 1/ The roadway has been barricaded to all traffic since November 15, 1984 when bridge C0001.23618 was severely damaged due to ice on the Little Blue River and never has been repaired. To rebuild this bridge would be in excess of $1,000,000 to the County. 2/ The old roadway was also served by another bridge C000123215 which has since deteriorated beyond use and would have to be completely rebuilt at an estimated cost to the County of $225,000. 3/ All new grade work and materials to re-establish the roadway and clear trees and other debris from the right-of-way would be in addition to the required bridge expenses stated above. 4/ The road has been barricaded to all traffic since 1984 and the public has not objected to the barricaded roadway nor have they inquired for reopening this segment. 5/ All adjoining landowners have access to their property. In consideration of the letter requesting formal closure/vacation of this abandoned roadway segment, it is my recommendation that the Board of Supervisors proceed with a public hearing to hear formal comments to formally and officially close/vacate this abandoned roadway as described and shown on the attached aerial. Respectfully, Dawn R. Miller, Highway Superintendent ADAMS COUNTY cc: Adjacent Landowners, File Motion by Neumann, seconded by Weeks to formally recognize the receipt of letters from Jim and Cheryl Kostal as well as Adams County Highway Superintendent, Dawn Miller, requesting the closure of a section of West Pony Express Road. Roll Call; Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Miller presented the Board with Resolution 2017-04-04.01 to set the date and time of a Public Hearing to hear opinions for or against the closure of a section of West Pony Express Road. Miller is recommending the Public Hearing be scheduled for May 2, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. Motion by Curtis, seconded by Hogan to approve Resolution 2017-04-04.01 setting the date and time for a Public Hearing as suggested by Highway Superintendent, Dawn Miller. Roll CaII; Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None 4801 Page RESOLUTION UV/7-04-04.0/ SETTING DATE & TIME FOR PUBLIC HEARING for W st Pony Expres R Closure/Vacation WHEREAS, the Adams County Board of Supervisors received a letter requesting the closure/vacation of a portion of West Pony Express Road, and WHEREAS, the Adams County Highway Superintendent has inspected and further recommends to the Adams County Board of Supervisors that this described segment of West Pony Express Road be closed/vacated, and WHEREAS, a public hearing in required to hear public comments on the possible closure/vacation of this segment of roadway known as West Pony Express Rd, further described as: Starting 3315 feet East of Hwy 281 or the NW comer of Section 36, T6N-R1OW, point of beginning, thence East along the north side of the NEI /4 of said Section 36 approximately 1935 feet plus another 450 feet along the north side of the NW 14 of fractional Section 31, T6N-R9W, Adams County, Nebraska (see attached map); and WHEREAS, said segment of roadway, approximately 2385 feet, has been abandoned for all maintenance purposes in excess of 20 years, and two (2) old bridge structures within this road segment are deteriorated or no longer in place, BE IT NOW RESOLVED, that in accordance with Nebraska Revised Statute #39-1724 directing that a public hearing be held in regards to possible road closure/vacation and that the date shall be on Tuesday, May 2, 2017 a 10:00 a.m. in the Board of Supervisors' room, Adams County Office Building, Dated this 4th day of April, 2017 Motion for Adoption of Resolution by: Seconded by: Ayes: Nays: Chairperson, Board of Supervisors (SEAL) ATTEST: , County Clerk Miller presented the Board with the 2017 gravel contracts with Deweese Sand & Gravel and Mid -Nebraska Aggregate; bids were awarded during the March 7, 2017 Supervisors meeting. Miller has reviewed both contracts and is recommending signature. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hogan to approve the Chairman's signature on the gravel contracts with Deweese Sand & Gravel and Mid -Nebraska Aggregate. Roll Call; Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None 4811 Page AGREEMENT THiS AGREEMENT entered into by and between the County of Adams, Nebraska, a political subdivision of the State of Nebraska, hereinafter called "Count y;' and IftetveeseSak t`Gtri%ei, hereinafter called "Contractor." WITNESSETH: That the Contractor for and in consideration of the amounts noted on the Bid Blank and hereinafter set forth, being priced for placement and spreading on the roadway, payable as set forth in the Specifications of the bid documents, hereby agrees to perform in accordance with the specification and special provisions therefore, and in the Project(s) and location(s) designated does hereby agree to furnish to said County approximately 12,700 cubic yards of "Gravel for Surfacing" for Proiect(s) 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13.14, 15, and 16, in Adams County, which includes the following Townships: Hletdand. West Blue, Denser, Roseland, Logan, Silverlake, As r, Hanover, Zero and Li Be Blue Townships, for use on such roads as the County Highway Superintendent of said County shall designate from time to time. All "Gravel for Surfacing" furnished under this Agreement shall conform to the Standard Specifications of the Department of Roads of the State of Nebraska for Highway Construction purposes as set in the 1997 manual, Section 1033 and the gradation further specified within Category I Specifications, Article III.. The said Contractor agrees to furnish, and the County agrees to purchase from said Contractor, gravel for use in said Proieci(s) 5. 6, 7. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,15, and :I6, between March 15, 2017, and March 1, 2018, seventy-five (75%) of which must be delivered by September 15, 2017, and ninety-five (95%) by October 15, 2017, 1F SO ORDERED, upon the stated terms and conditions as found within the bid specifications and bid documents and here within: CATEGORY #1— Road Surfacing Gravel 5. For use in Highland Township, approximately (1,700) cubic yards gravel for surfacing for the sum 512.30 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such points within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Highway Superintendent. 6. For use in West Blue Township, approximately ( 1.6001 ruble yards gravel for Surfacing for the sum $13.00 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such points within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Highway Superintendent. 7. For use in Denver Township, approximately11,600) cubic yards gravel for Surfacing for the sum 513.00 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such points within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the highway Superintendent. 10. For use in Roseland Township, approximately (1.200) cubic yards gravel for Surfacing for the sum 513A5 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such points within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Highway Superintendent. 11. For use in Logan "i'iins nship, approximately (1.000) cubic yards gravel for Surfacing for the sum 513.85 per cubic yard, delivered F.U.B. to such points within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Highway Superintendent. 12. For use in Silverinke Township, approximately 11,000) cubic yards gravel for Surfacing for the sum 513.25 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such points within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Highway Superintendent. 13. For use in Avr ins nship, approximately j 1.000) cubic yards gravel for Surfacing for the sum $13.52 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such points within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Highway Superintendent. 14. For use in Hanover Township. approximately 11,600) cubic yards gravel for Surfacing for the sum 513.89 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such points within said 'Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018,.by the Highway Superintendent. 15. For use in Zero Township, approximately 11.000) cubic yards gravel for Surfacing for the sum $14.15 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such paints within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Highway Superintendent. 16. For use in tattle Blue Township, approximately 11,0011) cubic yards gravel for Surfacing for the sum 514.85 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such pointe within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Ilighway Superintendent. It is further agreed that payment by the County to the Contractor shall be made each month during the life of this contract for any month in which gravel is furnished. Payment shall he made upon claims approved and initialed by the County Highway Superintendent and allowed in the manner provided by taw by the Board of Supervisors of said County. WITNESS the signature of the parties this day of , 2017. COUNTY OF ADAMS, NEBRASKA By: ATTEST: Board Chairman By: County Clerk CONTRACTOR: Date: Va70 j/7 By: X't� r . ' / / Tllle: AtSldekf 482 I Page AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT entered into by and between the County of Adams, Nebraska, a political subdivision of the State of Nebraska, hereinafter calla! "County," and Mid-Neb yalttt Atm lac hereinafter called "Contractor." WITNESSETEI: That the Contractor for and in consideration of the amounts noted on the Bid Blank and hereinafter set forth, being priced for placement and spreading on the roadway, payable as set forth In the Specifications of the bid documents, hereby agrees to perform in accordance with the specification and special provisions therefore, and in the Project(s) and location(s) designated does hereby agree to furnish to said County approximately 20.800 cubic yards of "Gravel for Surfacing" for Proieel(sl 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, in Adams County, which Includes the following Townships: JCenesaw, Verona, Wanda. Juniata. Highland, West Blue, Denver, Blaine, Cottonwood, Roseland. Logan, Sih'erlake, Ayr, Hanover, Zero and Little Blue Townships, for use on such roads as the County Highway Superintendent of said County shall designate from time to time. Alt "Gravel for Surfacing" furnished under this Agreement shall conform to the Standard Specifications of the Department of Roads of the State of Nebraska for Highway Construction purposes as set in the 1997 manual, Section 1033 and the gradation further specified within Category Specifications, Article III.. The said Contractor agrees to furnish, and the County agrees to purchase from said Contractor, gravel for use In said Proiect(s) 1.2.3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11, 12, 13, 14, 15. and 16, between March 15, 2017, and March 1, 2018, seventy -live (75"/o) of which must be delivered by September 15, 2017, and ninety-five (95%) by October 15, 2017, IF SO ORDERED, upon the stated terms and conditions as found within the bid specifications and bid docu.ntents and here within: CATEGORY #1 - Road Surfacing Gravel 1. For use in Kenesaw Township, approximately (1,600) cubic yards gravel for surfacing for the sum 511.66 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such points within said Township as designated from lime to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Highway Superintendent. 2. For use Verona Township, approximately 52,000) cubic yards gravel for surfacing for the sum 512.04 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such points within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Highway Superintendent. 3. For use in V, ands Township, approximately (1,000) cubic yards gravel for surfacing for the sum :$12.44 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such points within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the flighway Superintendent. 4. For use in Juniata Township, approximately51.500) cubic yards gravel for surfacing for the sum 312.50 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such points within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Highway Superintendent. 5. For use intIivbiand '1 ()unship, approximately f 1,700) cubic yards gravel for surfacing for the sum $12.37 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such points within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Highway Superintendent. 6. Fur use in West Mlle Township, approximately 11,600) cultic yards gravel for Surfacing for the sum 573.23 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such points within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Highway Superintendent. 7. For use in Denver Township, approximately (1,600) cubic yards gravel for Surfacing for the sum x13.22 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such paints within said Township as designated from lime to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Highway Superintendent. 8. For use In Blaine Township, approximately 51,000) cubic yards gravel for Surfacing for the sum 513.49 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such points within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Highway Superintendent.. 9. For use in'Cnttonwond, approximately 51,000) cubic yards gravel for Surfacing for the sum 5,13.50 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such points within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Highway Superintendent. 10. For use in Roseland Township, approximately (1,2001 cubic yards gravel for Surfacing for the sum $12.99 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such points within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Highway Superintendent. 11. For use in Logan Township, approximately 51,0110) cubic yards gravel for Surfacing for the sum 513.04 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such points within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Highway Superintendent. 12. For use In Silt=eriake Township, approximately (1,1)00) cubic yards gravel for Surfacing for the sum 513.04 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such points within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Highway Superintendent. 13. For use in Avr Township approximately 11,000) cubic yards gravel for Surfacing for the sum 113.21 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such points within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Highway Superintendent. 14. For use in Hanover Township, approximately (1,600) cubic yards gravel for Surfacing for the sum S13.49 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such points within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Highway Superintendent. 483 ' Page 15. For use in Zero 'Township, approximately (1,)001 cubic yards gravel for Surfacing for the sum 513.72 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such points within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Highway Superintendent. 16. For use in Little Blue Townshiu, approximately (1,000) cubic yards gravel for Surfacing for the sum $14.11 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to such points within said Township as designated from time to time from the date of this Agreement to March 1, 2018, by the Highway Superintendent. CATEGORY #2 - Mineral Aggregate for Armor Coat For use in Adams County, approximately (3ffl cubic yards of "Mineral Aggrettate for Armor Coat' for the sum of $16.99 per cubic yard, delivered F.O.B. to the Adams County Shop facility located at 415 North Adams Central Ave., Juniata, NE. Said material shall be delivered, IF SO ORDERED, by October 31, 2017. It is further agreed that payment by the County to the Contractor shall be made each month during the life of this contract for any month in which gravel is furnished. Payment shall be made upon claims approved and initialed by the County Highway Superintendent and allowed in the manner provided by law by the Board of Supervisors of said County. WITNESS the signature of the parties this day of , 2017. COUNTY OF ADAMS, NEBRASKA By: ATTEST: Board Chairman By: County Clerk CONTRACTOR: Date: 3,20-0 -17 By: r14.4.Qf. `�7� Title: / Miller also requested approval of declaring a 1995 Ford % ton four-wheel drive pick up as surplus and allow it to be sold at public auction on April 21, 2017. Roll Call; Ayes: Stromer, Weeks, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Adjourned at 12:13 p.m. COUNTY GENERAL BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES-COPY EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,COPY MACH RENT EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE RAMONA RAE THOMAS,MISCELLANEOUS MELANIE CURRY,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE MELANIE CURRY,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE NEBRASKA ASSOCIATION OF, DUES, SUBS.,REGIST. BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,COPY MACH RENT JACKIE RUSSELL,TRAVEL EXPENSES JUDY MIGNERY,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE BRAD BIGELOW,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS BRANDON BRINEGAR,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS MIKE GILMOUR,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS STEPHEN LOWE,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS SHARON K MAULER,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS CHERYL STABENOW,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS ADAMS CO WITNESS FEE ACCOUNT,WITNESS FEES BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE CORNHUSKER PRESS INC,SUPPLIES - OFFICE PATTI FELDMAN,TELEPHONE SERVICES KELSEY HELGET,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE KELSEY HELGET,TELEPHONE SERVICES SHON LIESKE,TELEPHONE SERVICES JAY MICHELSEN,TELEPHONE SERVICES 22.14 23.80 15.16 10.00 75.00 25.00 60.56 259.20 125.00 160.96 33.12 60.46 214.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 60.00 137.78 45.56 386.02 25.00 27.28 25.00 25.00 25.00 484 'Page DAWN THEER,TELEPHONE SERVICES SAM ZELESKI,TELEPHONE SERVICES HOMETOWN LEASING,SUPPLIES - OFFICE CARPENTER & SKALKA,MISCELLANEOUS CHILDREN & ADOLESCENT CLINIC,DEPOSITION CLAY COUNTY SHERIFF,SHERIFF'S FEES CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE FYE LAW OFFICE,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT JOHNSON LAW OFFICE LLC,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT SHAMBERG,WOLF,MCDERMOTT,DEPUE ,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC ,MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS, MISCELLANEOUS DELL MARKETING LP,SUPPLIES - OFFICE DUTTON LAINSON CO,MISCELLANEOUS HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES LEFTY'S INSTALLATION,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR LOUP VALLEY LIGHTING INC,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES STATE OF NEBRASKA DOL/SAFETY,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR PROTEX CENTRAL INC,MISCELLANEOUS WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERVICE,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR CORNHUSKER PRESS INC. SHERIFF -MOTOR VEHICLE INS GALLS LLC,SHERIFF COSTS HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE NEBRASKA PUBLIC HLTH EVIRO LAB,SHERIFF COSTS NETWORKFLEET INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL YMCA, MISCELLANEOUS CASSIE L. BALDWIN,CELL PHONES DAVID A BERGIN,CELL PHONES ANDREW C BUTLER,CELL PHONES JORDAN OSBORNE,CELL PHONES BRENT D. QUANDT,CELL PHONES APFEL FUNERAL HOME & CREMATION,AUTOPSY COSTS BUFFALO COUNTY COURT,COURT RELATED COSTS CENTRAL BILLING,JUVENILE COURT COSTS CENTRAL NEBRASKA CREMATION,AUTOPSY COSTS DOUGLAS COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS FRANKLIN COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS FRANKLIN COUNTY SHERIFF,JUVENILE COURT COSTS HALL COUNTY COURT,COURT RELATED COSTS HALL COUNTY SHERIFF,JUVENILE COURT COSTS HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE NEBRASKA INSTITUTE OF FORENSIC,AUTOPSY COSTS NUCKOLLS CO DISTRICT COURT,COURT RELATED COSTS RLI SURETY,NOTARY CHARGES SECRETARY OF STATE -NOTARY DIV ,NOTARY CHARGES SECRETARY OF STATE,COURT RELATED COSTS JANICE SHERMAN,JUVENILE COURT COSTS DAS STATE ACCOUNTING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO,INTERNET SERVICE GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO,TELEPHONE SERVICES VERIZON WIRELESS,CELL PHONES WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES ADAMS COUNTY JAIL/SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC,MED-HOSP PRISONERS AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,TRAVEL EXPENSES BEMANS APPLIANCE SERVICE INC,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR BUFFALO COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE ,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD BUFFALO COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE ,LAUNDRY -PRISONERS CASH WA DISTRIBUTING,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD CEI SECURITY & SOUND INC,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR CENTRAL DENTAL GROUP,MED-HOSP PRISONERS CONSOLIDATED MANAGEMENT CO,TRAVEL EXPENSES STATE OF NEBRASKA,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD STATE OF NEBRASKA,MED-HOSP PRISONERS EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE FAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SHERIFF'S FEES EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HALL COUNTY DEPT OF CORRECTION,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD HALL COUNTY DEPT OF CORRECTION,MED-HOSP PRISONERS KENESAW MOTOR CO INC,TRAVEL EXPENSES 25.00 25.00 597.00 240.00 500.00 37.18 50.00 300.10 19.46 660.50 71.25 6.91 90.00 1,200.28 26.48 2,911.07 156.00 448.64 72.00 17.10 322.21 126.95 151.71 189.00 105.00 224.46 185.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 390.00 2.75 50.00 925.00 9.26 12.00 18.50 6.25 21.39 638.50 2,000.00 6.92 50.00 30.00 40.00 275.00 704.00 231.76 393.12 416.72 2,198.43 228.60 290.02 1,963.10 71.49 238.04 1,073.08 5,895.00 438.63 1,751.22 80.00 414.00 34.96 4,700.30 1,901.88 60.54 205.20 95.26 9,916.00 93.75 626.29 485 1 Page KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPLY,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 71.02 RAQUEL MAAR,PART TIME - CORRECTIONAL 20.00 PEDERSON DISTRIBUTING, COMMISSARY 590.20 THE THOMPSON COMPANY, INC,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1,048.82 WITT PLUMBING INC,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 172.47 CENTURY LINK,TELEPHONE SERVICES 135.58 COMPUTER HARDWARE INC,OFFICE EQ REPAIR 380.00 CORNHUSKER PRESS INC,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 95.00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,COPY MACH RENT 638.93 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 302.60 WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES 40.98 CITY OF HASTINGS,AMBULANCE COSTS 5,208.37 THE BLUE CELL LLC,SP PROJ3-15SHSP-PET GRANT 2,500.00 DELL MARKETING LP,SP PROJ4-16SHSP-PET GRANT 3,860.00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 58.37 HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES 305.31 HOMETOWN LEASING,MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 622.80 IDENTISYS INC,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 176.94 STERLING COMPUTERS CORPORATION,SP PROJ4-16SHSP-PET GRANT 3,860.00 CHIP VOLCEK,CELL PHONES 25.00 CHIP VOLCEK,TRAVEL EXPENSES 11.75 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,RD EQ REP PARTS 85.05 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - SHOP 205.32 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,RD EQ REP PARTS 13.39 BAUER BUILT,MACH EQ TIRES & REP 125.80 BGNE,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 494.70 BGNE,MACH EQ GREASE OIL 161.80 BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC ,SMALL TOOLS, ETC. 86.05 BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC ,MISCELLANEOUS 117.91 CHRISTENSEN CONCRETE PRODUCTS ,MATERIALS - CONCRETE, ETC 1,625.82 CINTAS CORPORATION #449, TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS 140.80 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 33.07 COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,MISCELLANEOUS 61.88 DELKEN PRESS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 47.00 FASTENAL COMPANY,SUPPLIES - MISCELLANEOUS 123.70 FLEET PRIDE INC,RD EQ REP PARTS 638.64 GRACES LOCKSMITH SERVICES,SUPPLIES - MISCELLANEOUS 28.00 HASTINGS OUTDOOR POWER LLC,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 150.95 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 282.60 ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO,WELDING SUPP/CHAINS 32.24 LCL TRUCK EQUIMENT INC,RD EQ REP PARTS 98.00 MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS,GRADING 5,034.52 MCCONNELL CLEANING,JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS 230.00 MID CITY AUTO SUPPLY INC,RD EQ REP PARTS 52.50 MIDWEST SERVICE & SALES CORP,SIGN POSTS 3,037.50 NAPA AUTO PARTS,SUPPLIES - SHOP 31.51 NAPA AUTO PARTS,SMALL TOOLS, ETC. 20.79 NAPA AUTO PARTS,SUPPLIES - SHOP 4.94 NAPA AUTO PARTS,SMALL TOOLS, ETC. 71.24 NAPA AUTO PARTS,SUPPLIES - SHOP 23.00 NEBRASKA TRUCK CENTER,RD EQ REP PARTS 28.25 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS,SIGNS 37.50 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 10.23 NIRMA,MISCELLANEOUS 480.00 NMC EXCHANGE LLC,RD EQ REP PARTS 277.28 OLSSON ASSOCIATES,PIPES AND CULVERT CONTRAC 6,611.19 OVERHEAD DOOR,BUILDING REPAIR 78.55 PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTINGS INC ,RADIO EQUIPMENT 458.95 POWELL BROTHERS AG LLC,GRADING 10,431.50 ROAD BLDG MACH & SUPPLY CO INC,RD EQ REP PARTS 3,615.82 ROAD BLDG MACH & SUPPLY CO INC,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 28.76 ROAD BLDG MACH & SUPPLY CO INC,RD EQ REP PARTS 45.48 ROAD BLDG MACH & SUPPLY CO INC,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 16.95 ROSELAND ENERGY AURORA COOP,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 46.00 ERLE SEYBOLD,MISCELLANEOUS 57.50 STATE OF NEBRASKA,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 823.00 TITAN MACHINERY INC.,RD EQ REP PARTS 76.77 TRAUSCH DYNAMICS INC,RD EQ REP PARTS 132.52 WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERVICE,GARBAGE 107.50 FELICIA MELENDEZ,PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 210.00 REVIVE INC,PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 105.00 CHRIS LONG,TRAVEL EXPENSES 60.46 MIPS,BUDGET PREPARATION COSTS 39.58 486 ' Page MIPS,DATA PROCESSING COSTS SUNBELT RENTALS INC,COURTHOUSE BUILDING ASAAP,ALCOHOLISM SERVICES ACT C CASA, CASA HASTINGS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ,ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT HEARTLAND PET CONNECTION,HUMANE SOC EXP MEALS ON WHEELS,SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAM MIDLAND AREA AGENCY ON AGING,AREA AGENCY ON AGING COST MID -NEBRASKA INDIVIDUAL SERV,DEVELOPMENTALLY DSBLD SER REGION 3 BEHAVIORAL HLTH SRVCS,MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES AC REVIVE INC,REVIVE (ABUSE PROGRAM) RSVP,SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAM SPOUSE ABUSE SEXUAL ASSAULT,SASA (DOMESTIC ABUSE) SOUTH HEARTLAND DIST HEALTH,PLANNING COSTS - COUNTY SANITARY OUTDOOR SERVICE INC,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES PRESERVATION & MODERNIZATION OFFICE NET,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HEALTH FUND WELLNESS PARTNERS LLC,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY COUNTY LIBRARY CITY OF HASTINGS,LIBRARY INHERITANCE TAX ADAMS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOC,HISTORICAL SOC 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO,EMERGENCY PHONE ESCROW HOLDING FUND G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS INC,MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,MISCELLANEOUS OLSSON ASSOCIATES, MISCELLANEOUS 272.00 309.89 833.33 3,000.00 1,666.67 416.67 708.33 1,233.42 2,613.67 6,730.83 416.67 416.67 1,041.67 191.67 288.75 3,468.76 984.00 13,977.67 1,033.33 54.54 3,502.56 644.98 5,349.95 Eldon Orthmann Ramona R. Thomas Board Chairman Adams County Clerk Pamela J. Witte Deputy Clerk 487IPage