HomeMy WebLinkAbout0815 Minutes for August 15, 2015Adams County Board of Supervisors Board Minutes Courthouse, Adams County, Tuesday August 15, 2017 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held with Chairman Eldon Orthmann was presiding. Roll call members present, Michael Stromer - District 1, Glen Larsen — District 2, Lee Hogan- District 3 , Scott Thomsen — District 4, Dale Curtis- District 5, Chuck Neumann — District 6, Eldon Orthmann — District 7. Motion by Stromer, seconded by Curtis that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. Roll CaII; Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Orthmann stated that minutes from the August 1, 2017 meeting have been circulated and will stand approved unless there is a correction. No corrections were suggested Public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the board members and was kept continuously current and posted in the County Clerk's office, the main courthouse lobby and the Adams County website. The following is the agenda of items to be heard, no modifications were made to the agenda after 9:30 a.m. the business day prior to this meeting. Agenda for : letting of Adams County Board of Supertiisors County Board Room, Courthouse, .1nd Floor * Date of Meeting, Augu t 1 2017, 3:317 A.M. Announce location ofA` oda & Open Meetiur Law posune Reminder to turn off all cell tshoues Pledge of Allegiance Conflicts of Interest Roll call: Approve minutes: Committee reports: Receive Comments from the Public: Note to Citizens Any agenda item mad down at any Board of Supers~isors. loci cf the Citau�uan o: 9:15 Public Hearing—to hear eonrrnents for or against the issuance of a co "howl use permit for a seasonal dwelling in the Ag District m section 1 -TSN -R11 W (case *17-08.2) Judy 4i gnery — Request the Board take action on case 117-08.2, a couditiozsal use pemuit for a seasorml dweling izz to Ag District in section 1-TBI-R11W Judy liiignery —Present for possible approval, Case 17-08.01; Fiuskethnd Esttaate: 2'" Subeli don Concurseut with Vacation of Huskerland Estates 1" Subdivision, Resolutiozi 2017--08-15.01 to vacate Huskeriand Estate 1" subdivision 10:00 Board of Equation — Jackie Russell — Ptr pertx' valuation Co sectio , Sr Tax Lint Corrections Melanie Curry -1, otoir Vehicle Eztemptions 11i cellaneous Tax List Correction: a.m.:abbey Pascoe — t'erizon Report for County Cell Phone Accounts Dawn Miller —Discussion iteYn 2017'2018 preiiiranaat' budget nberr Ramona Thotaras- Request approval to idlei sue outstanrling checks and remit to the State Treasurer if uece�.aiy. Eldon Orthmann- Duo and possible act:on Urs Last Updated. August 11,2017 at 3:10 p.m. For-Emg1i i volute aterAnes wish tsg to atrarge for e stgts is f«ge or fcceira las a m erpre t. ;lase call or fax tie Cts Attmttes-'s office at pt one: 422461-7240 or aa: 4 2 4 1-'241. For Virg -i; area inikv Burls or irdi vi rias =with ate special t:ee r call or fax the Ctracty C` rk's Ofitce rt Phi : 402 461-7107. or TTY 402 461-7166 or Fax: 402451-71 S5. Whet regite.tizg an interpreter or secs:cel for the -icg =paired d glen p-ovtieate t forty -eel (48) hours adv re tome to allow ttne far raking the accorottoiedons. The Board rei-nves tight to go km a em:6re swim if sixh si:.00 it c1 aril nese uary the p et of }rabl-1 or for the premed= oftreedless :atltaty to the reprodot of an rod vish a . 656 1Page Board members attended the following committee meetings and community events, and provided a brief report. Neumann- August 14, 2017 - Attended a South Heartland District Health Department meeting August 10. 2017 — Attended a Combined Services Committee meeting August 10, 2017 — Attended a Midland Area Agency on Aging Board meeting where interview were conducted for a new MAAA director. August 8 — 9, 2017 — Attended a veterinarian "Leaders" meeting August 15, 2017 — Attended an Adams County Road and Bridges Committee meeting Curtis - La rsen- August 3, 2017 - Attended an Adams County Extension Board meeting August 8, 2017 — Attended an Adams County Ag Board meeting August 10, 2017 —Attended a Governmental Affairs meeting with senator Halloran in attendance August 15, 2017 — Attended an Adams County Road and Bridges Committee meeting August 3, 2017 - Attended an Adams County Extension Board meeting August 8, 2017 — Attended an Adams County Ag Board meeting August 10, 2017 —Attended a Combined Services Committee meeting August 10, 2017 —Toured County roads with Supervisor Hogan Hogan - August 10, 2017 - Toured County roads with Supervisor Larsen, and reported that issues that were reported by residence in they Ayr township regarding Powerline Road were addressed and improvements have been made. August 15, 2017 —Attended an Adams County Road and Bridges Committee meeting Stromer- August 7, 2017 — Attended an Adams County Planning and Zoning Committee meeting August 8, 2017- Attended a Hastings Library Board meeting August 15, 2017 — Attended an Adams County Building and Grounds Committee meeting Thomsen - August 8, 2017 — served as a judge for Teen Court August 9, 2017 — took down signage at the previous visitor's bureau location August 15, 2017 — Attended an Adams County Building and Grounds Committee meeting Orthmann- August 8, 2017 — Attended a Business Improvement District meeting August 8, 2017 —Attended a Heartland Pet Connection Board meeting August 9, 2017 —Attended an Adams County Senior Services Board meeting August 10, 2017—Attended a Combined Services Committee meeting August 14, 2017 — Attend a Senior Action Board meeting August 15, 2017—Attended an Adams County Building and Grounds Committee meeting Chairman Orthmann opened the meeting for public comment. No public comments were made. Motion by Curtis, seconded by Stromer to open the Public Hearing to hear comments for or against the issuance of a conditional use permit for a seasonal dwelling in the Ag District, in section 1-T8N-R11W. Roll CaII; Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Public Hearing opened at 9:46 a.m. Adams County Planning and Zoning Director, Judy Mignery read the case # 17-08.02 into the record. 657 1 Page ADAMS COUNTY PLAMVING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT Judy Mignery, Zoning Director 500 N. Denver Ave., Hastings, NE 68901 Phone: *a-461-7174 Fax: 402-461-7177 Office limns: Monday — Thursday, 800 — 1200 and 1:00 — 4:00 DATE: August 7,2017 TO: Adams County Planning Commission it: Board of Supervisors FROM: Zoning Staff—Judy Mignery, Director Case # 17-08.2 - Conditional Use Permit for a Seasonal Dwelling in the A2rieultural District in NW 'A Section 1-T8N-R11W, Applicant: Alan Williams, 2883 N Osage, it:1141M, NE Location: HMO N Liberty Avenue_ S 1/2 NW Section 1-IliN-R11W Zoned Use: Agriculture Zoning Administrator's Comments, The applicant would like to apply for thc Con..litional Use Permit for Seasonal Dwelling in thc Agriculture Distnct. The zoning regulations will allow for 3 Sca',onai Dwelling in till Agriculture District with 41 Conditional Us Permit. nu: applicant's property contains an existing house according to thc Assessors records that was built in 1870, The applicant currently allows his employee to hte in w house Own he cm/110p him seasonally. The applicant would like to move in a residence for himself on thr property. The older home will bc removed sometime in future, Public Hearing Notice. fbr the Pliuming and Zoning Comtni&sion Public Hearing and the Board of Supervisors Public Hearing 'WM published in the Hastings Tribune on July 27, 2017 anti a formal written notice to all landowners within `Mgr or the property was mailed hy general delivery. A list of the :andownets notified is included within the case tile. Mignery stated that the case had been approved by the Adams County Planning and Zoning Committee with the stipulation that the home would be removed after a maximum of five years. There were no additional comments made for or against the possible issuance of a conditional use permit. Motion by Stromer, seconded by Thomsen to close the Public Hearing and return to regular session. Roll Call; Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Regular session resumed at 9:48 a.m. Motion by Curtis, seconded by Stromer to approve the request for a conditional use permit for case #17-08.2. Roll Call; Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Mignery presented the Board with Planning and Zoning case # 17-08.1; plans for the Huskerland Estates 2nd Subdivision, along with Resolution 2017-08.15.01 to vacate the Huskerland Estates 1' Subdivion. Mignery read case #17-08.1 into the record: ADAMS CO U.NTY PL4NAZVGAND ZONING DEPARTMENT Judy Mignery. Zoning Director 500 N. Denser Avc,, Hastings, NE 611901 Phone: 402-461-7174 Fax: 402-461-7177 Office liours: Monday - Thursday, 8:00 - 12:00 and 1:00 - 4:00 DATE: August 7, 2017 TO: Adams County Planning Commission & Board of Supervisors FROM: Zoning Staff - Judy !Wipers:, Director RE: Case #17-4)8.1 — Huskerland Estates 2" Subdivision A Tract (Aland in the NW h Section 5 —T8N-R9W concurrent with the Vacation ofHuskerland Estates 1 Subdivision; Applicant: Richard and Dianne Becks:tom Oss ner: Richard and Dianne Beckstrom and Charles and Jodie Knott Location: 730 Grand St Hansen. NE, NW 14 StMion 5. TXN, R9W Zoned tie C-1 Village Development Zoning Administrator'n Comments; The applicant would like to subdhide 4.45 acres into two lots in the NW 1. Section 5, TN, R9W. This subdivision contains Huskerland Estates l' Subdivision that was created in 2W2 containine 1.37 ACM'S, 1 he applicants wish to vacate diuskerland Estate$ 1 subdivision and increase the si4e of that lot to at least 2 a.xes to make :t contnnning. The applicant also received a conditional use permit in June 2012 to place a single family re,sidcnce on the remaining acres with the following conditions, septic tank will he installed to scnc the residence, with DEQ approvd1, Water well to be installed and corux:cdcd residence, with letter lion) yid driller and plumber that water was connected. Llectrical must be installed and a letter from licensed electrician and Southern Public Power stating electrical connected. This was required to be done in one year. All of the mecca/my letters were rexised and a Certificated of Occupancy was mailed to the landowner. All roquitemcnis of the existing County and Village Subdivision Reuulations and the Zoning Regulations have been met. 658 1Page Motion by Neumann, seconded by Stromer to approve case 17-08.1; plans for the Huskerland 2nd Subdivision and Resolution 2017-08-15.01 to vacate Huskerland 1St Subdivision. Roll CaII; Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Adams County budget preparers, Dawn Miller and Judy Mignery presented the Board with preliminary 2017/2018 budget numbers and informed the Board that the Public Hearing for the Adams County Budget is scheduled for September 5, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Larsen to meet as a Board of Equalization to review and take action on motor vehicle exemption requests and tax list corrections. Roll Call; Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Entered Board of Equalization at 10:03 a.m. ( see separate BOE minutes) Motion by Curtis, seconded by Thomsen to exit Board of Equalization and resume regular session. Roll CaII; Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Regular session resumed at 10:08 a.m. Abby Pascoe, Director of Government Accounts for Verizon Wireless, provided the Board with an update on the county's wireless service. Pascoe stated she had done an audit on the county's wireless lines and confirmed the current plan the county is on is still the most economical plan. Adams County Clerk, Ramona Thomas, presented the Board with a list of outstanding checks from the Adams County Imprest Fund. Thomas requested Board approval to either void, reissue or remit the checks to the State Treasurer as unclaimed property. .August 15, 2017 Motion to cancel duplicate, voided and outstanding cheeks from October 20, 2016 to May 2, 2017. Written on the County lmprest .Fund with the stipulation -claims may be submitted for payment upon the request of any of the Vendors. Gene l'latta '4'a11ey of Hastings (11/2012016 1512911 Pats Auto repair and 'Cowing 04/16/2016 153701 07,,05/2016 160041 San Jaoquin Sheriff 1210612016 162037 01/03/2017 162419 02107/2017 162797 Thomson Reuters Lincoln County Sheriff hometown Leasing Total Amount 539.99 $220.00 $40,00 $111,00 5179.21 $3682,20 irtnan of th Board Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Stromer to approve the voiding or reissuance of outstanding checks as presented by Thomas. Roll CaII; Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Chairman Orthmann opened discussion regarding possible reduced operating hours on August 21, 2017 due to the Solar Eclipse event. Orthmann stated he had spoken to the Adams County Court Magistrate regarding possibly closing the courthouse for a few hours. Due to court being in session during that time, closing the courthouse doors are not a possibility. Supervisor Curtis recognized that each elected official does have the right to adjust their operating hours and for this event, that judgement should also be extended to the appointed officials. No action was taken as each department will determine their operating hours for August 21, 2017. 659 1Page Motion by Neumann, seconded by Curtis to approve officer reports submitted by the Register of Deeds and the Clerk of the District Court. Roll CaII; Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Motion by Curtis, seconded by Stromer to approve the claims and direct the county clerk to pay them out of their respective accounts. Roll CaII; Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hogan to approve the list of miscellaneous collections submitted by the Adams County Treasurer. Roll CaII; Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Adjourned COUNTY GENERAL HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,MISCELLANEOUS HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,MISCELLANEOUS HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,DUES,SUBS.,REGIST. HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,OFFICE EQUIP. REPAIR HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,DATA PROCESSING HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,MISCELLANEOUS HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,OFFICE EQUIPMENT HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,OFFICE EQUIPMENT HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,SUPPLIES - SHOP HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,COMMUNICATION EQUIP HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,EQ REPAIRS COM HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,MISCELLANEOUS HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,TRAVEL EXPENSES HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,DATA PROCESSING COSTS EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,COPY MACH RENT HOMETOWN LEASING,COPY MACH RENT MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING HOMETOWN LEASING,COPY MACH RENT BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE DELL MARKETING LP,OFFICE EQUIPMENT EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HOMETOWN LEASING,OFFICE EQUIPMENT MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,OFFICE EQUIPMENT US POSTAL SERVICE,POSTAL SERVICES US POSTAL SERVICE,POSTAL SERVICES HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING SECRETARY OF STATE,SUPPLIES - VOTING HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING DELL MARKETING LP,SUPPLIES - DATA PROCESSIN JOHN C FOLCIK,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS LYNN FOLCIK,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS BEV PATITZ,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS RUANN ROOT,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS AMY SKALKA,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS MICHELLE R. SMITH,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS DEREK TERWEY,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY SHERIFF,DISTRICT COURT COSTS MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE RIVERSIDE COUNTY SHERIFF,DISTRICT COURT COSTS ADAMS CO WITNESS FEE ACCOUNT,WITNESS FEES CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE DAS STATE ACCOUNTING, DUES,SUBS.,REGIST. MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE DEBORAH A. SILVERMAN,TRANSCRIPTS WALMART,COUNTY COURT COSTS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE BRIAN ISRAEL,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 19.94 18.95 1,200.00 98.00 48.80 127.58 62.38 138.98 58.99 600.89 85.97 33.13 89.52 26.94 330.60 67.95 23.96 14.22 50.00 9.99 9.65 179.99 20.36 298.52 35.00 153.15 229.00 25.00 1,491.36 30.99 2,108.75 25.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 9.16 414.71 20.00 33.38 29.00 351.50 133.00 180.50 494.00 294.50 95.00 351.50 172.00 31.65 90.00 210.00 55.00 264.20 32.15 2,227.13 13.00 535.00 133.25 22.20 84.99 15.30 344.75 660 ' Page CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS, MISCELLANEOUS GRAND ISLAND EAR, NOSE &,MISCELLANEOUS FYE LAW OFFICE,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT JOHNSON LAW OFFICE LLC,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT LANGVARDT VALLE & JAMES PC,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT LANGVARDT VALLE & JAMES PC,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT LANGVARDT VALLE & JAMES PC,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT LANGVARDT VALLE & JAMES PC,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT LANGVARDT VALLE & JAMES PC,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT LIESKE LAW FIRM,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT DUNMIRE FISHER & HASTINGS,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT SKALKA & BAACK LAW FIRM,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT SKALKA & BAACK LAW FIRM,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT DEREK TERWEY,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT DEREK TERWEY,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT DEREK TERWEY,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT THEOBALD LAW OFFICE,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT THEOBALD LAW OFFICE,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT THEOBALD LAW OFFICE,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT THEOBALD LAW OFFICE,ATTRNY FEES -COURT APPOINT THOMAS REICHERT,CELL PHONES MIKE KOCH,CELL PHONES CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,OTHER EQUIPMENT DUTTON LAINSON CO,MISCELLANEOUS DUTTON LAINSON CO,BLDG REPAIR #1 DUTTON LAINSON CO,MISCELLANEOUS HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES MENARDS,BLDG REPAIR #2 MENARDS,MISCELLANEOUS STATE OF NEBRASKA DOL/SAFETY, DUES, SUBS.,REGIST. NEBRASKA DEPT OF LABOR,ELEVATORS REPAIRS PRECISION SPRINKLERS INC,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR RUTT'S HEATING & AIR CONDITION,MISCELLANEOUS TRISHA THAUT,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERVICE, GARBAGE EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE UNL ITS COMMUNICATIONS CENTER ,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE ELEANOR AUFDENKAMP,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE TWILA BANKSON,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE LYNN DEVRIES,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE GWEN RODOCKER,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE RON SEYMOUR,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE RON SEYMOUR,POSTAL SERVICES MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE MIPS,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR MIPS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE A & A LEASING INC,CONTRACT SERV ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,TRAVEL EXPENSES ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,EQUIPMENT - FUEL ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF REVOLVING,SHERIFF COSTS ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF REVOLVING,SHERIFF COSTS ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF REVOLVING,POSTAL SERVICES ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF REVOLVING,SHERIFF COSTS ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF REVOLVING,MED-HOSP PRISONERS ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF REVOLVING,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES AUTO GLASS EXPERTS LLC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL AXON ENTERPRISE INC,UNIFORM ALLOWANCE AXON ENTERPRISE INC,UNIFORM ALLOWANCE BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE COMPUTER HARDWARE INC,DATA PROCESSING COSTS CONSOLIDATED MANAGEMENT CO,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE CORNHUSKER PRESS INC, PRINTING/PUBLISHING EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE FAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,OFFICE EQ REPAIR EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE GALLS LLC,SHERIFF COSTS HASTINGS FORD-LINCOLN,EQUIPMENT - FUEL STEVEN LAIRD,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE NETWORKFLEET INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTINGS INC ,RADIO REPAIR TOM DINSDALE,EQUIPMENT - FUEL WEST GROUP PAYMENT CENTER,CONTRACT SERV ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY,COURT RELATED COSTS MELODIE BELLAMY,ATTORNEY FEES BUFFALO COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE ,COURT RELATED COSTS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 42.00 28.50 71.85 878.75 1,548.50 2,508.00 1,444.00 1,387.00 342.00 209.00 523.00 4,017.13 3,484.46 1,985.50 1,755.75 3,631.74 1,838.40 1,719.65 422.80 1,315.90 50.00 50.00 252.00 13.29 8,036.00 26.85 13,816.50 179.00 130.67 49.00 130.00 176.20 1,108.73 295.00 275.00 459.70 19.80 58.31 38.52 27.28 212.93 102.72 26.30 32.00 856.00 190.00 1,000.00 707.53 2,343.56 47.68 309.39 45.11 372.00 40.49 11.93 205.00 3,980.00 3,980.00 95.49 25.00 186.23 105.00 151.70 197.68 11.00 121.50 48.04 322.05 113.70 888.60 61.83 247.19 12.00 185.25 79.75 343.92 661 'Page BUTLER COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE,JUVENILE COURT COSTS CARPENTER & SKALKA,COURT RELATED COSTS CLAY COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE DOUGLAS COUNTY TREASURER,AUTOPSY COSTS EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HALL COUNTY DISTRICT COURT,COURT RELATED COSTS HALL COUNTY COURT,COURT RELATED COSTS HASTINGS TRIBUNE,JUVENILE COURT COSTS JANITOR INC,JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS KEARNEY COUNTY COURT,JUVENILE COURT COSTS LANCASTER COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE NEBRASKA.GOV,COURT RELATED COSTS SARPY COUNTY COURT,COURT RELATED COSTS SECRETARY OF STATE,COURT RELATED COSTS SOFTWARE UNLIMITED,DATA PROCESSING COSTS HOLLIE STARK,MISCELLANEOUS TRANSUNION RISK & ALTERNATIVE ,COURT RELATED COSTS YORK COUNTY SHERIFF,JUVENILE COURT COSTS DAS STATE ACCOUNTING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE TELEPHONE SYSTEMS OF NEBR INC ,TELEPHONE SERVICES ADAMS COUNTY JAIL/SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD ADVANCED CORRECTIONAL, MED-HOSP PRISONERS ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC,MED-HOSP PRISONERS AUCA CHICAGO LOCKBOX, MISCELLANEOUS LARRY L BAKER MD,MED-HOSP PRISONERS CASH WA DISTRIBUTING,COMMISSARY GRAHAM TIRE COMPANY,EQUIPMENT - FUEL ISLAND VIEW DENTAL PC,MED-HOSP PRISONERS KEITHS PHARMACIES,MED-HOSP PRISONERS PHELPS COUNTY SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD SATELLITE TRACKING OF PEOPLE,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD VILLAGE PHARMACY,MED-HOSP PRISONERS WEBSTER COUNTY SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD WITT PLUMBING INC,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR BULLEX INC,SP PROJ1-SHSP-MOU GRANT COMPUTER CONSULTANTS INC,MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTINGS INC ,COMMUNICATION EQUIP PLATTE VALLEY COMM-KRNY,SP PROJ3-15SHSP-PET GRANT CENTEC CAST METAL PRODUCTS,MISCELLANEOUS CVSOAN TREASURER, DUES, SUBS.,REGIST. AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - SHOP AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,RD EQ REP PARTS AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - SHOP AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,RD EQ REP PARTS AUTO GLASS EXPERTS LLC,SUPPLIES - SHOP BAUER BUILT,MACH EQ TIRES & REP BG & S TRANSMISSIONS,RD EQ REP LABOR BG & S TRANSMISSIONS,RD EQ REP PARTS BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC ,SUPPLIES - MISCELLANEOUS BLACK HILLS ENERGY,HEATING FUELS BOSSELMAN ENERGY INC,MACH EQ GREASE OIL BOSSELMAN ENERGY INC,SUPPLIES - OFFICE CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS,INTERNET SERVICE CINTAS CORPORATION #449, TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS CINTAS CORPORATION #449,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES CINTAS CORPORATION #449, TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS CONSOLIDATED CONCRETE AGGREG,MATERIALS - CONCRETE, ETC COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,MACH EQ GREASE OIL COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC, MISCELLANEOUS COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL DEWEESE SAND & GRAVEL,MATERIALS - GRAVEL & BORR EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE HASTINGS TRIBUNE,NEWSPAPER AD/FOR HIRE HASTINGS UTILITIES, ELECTRICITY HASTINGS UTILITIES,WATER HASTINGS UTILITIES, ELECTRICITY TODD HINRICHS,MISCELLANEOUS ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO,WELDING SUPP/CHAINS J I L ASPHALT PAVING CO,MATERIALS - ASPHALTIC KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPLY,MATERIALS - STEEL PRODUCT 33.12 547.15 25.61 44.65 250.00 333.72 9.25 2.00 120.64 527.35 7.84 44.27 240.00 93.00 2.75 40.00 189.58 11.90 25.00 7.50 704.00 163.09 902.74 12.72 37.58 22.92 137.15 690.00 248.80 62.12 655.00 44.07 990.00 604.50 491.09 1,550.00 125.00 9,248.31 240.00 121.39 43.25 193.80 582.99 50.00 89.96 129.26 255.59 178.14 132.00 2,433.30 500.00 1,461.20 29.39 213.79 2,724.87 95.20 94.99 67.20 33.64 67.20 1,232.00 4,608.00 7,851.60 40.00 43.73 300.00 19,227.33 142.77 254.35 63.78 243.97 494.41 57.50 143.52 27,643.84 251.50 662 1 Page MCCONNELL CLEANING, JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS MENARDS,BUILDING REPAIR MID -NEBRASKA AGGREGATE INC,MATERIALS - GRAVEL & BORR MID -NEBRASKA AGGREGATE INC,ARMOR COATING CONTRACTS MURPHY TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO ,RD EQ REP PARTS MURPHY TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO ,EXPRESS/FREIGHT NAPA AUTO PARTS,SUPPLIES - SHOP NAPA AUTO PARTS,RD EQ REP PARTS NMC EXCHANGE LLC,RD EQ REP PARTS NMC EXCHANGE LLC,MATERIALS - GRADER BLADES NMC EXCHANGE LLC,RD EQ REP PARTS NMC EXCHANGE LLC,EXPRESS/FREIGHT NMC EXCHANGE LLC,RD EQ REP PARTS ROAD BLDG MACH & SUPPLY CO INC,RD EQ REP PARTS ROAD BLDG MACH & SUPPLY CO INC,EXPRESS/FREIGHT ROAD BLDG MACH & SUPPLY CO INC,RD EQ REP LABOR PTSR,MISCELLANEOUS SANITARY OUTDOOR SERVICE INC,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT, ELECTRICITY STETSON BUILDING PRODUCTS,OTHER ROAD/BRIDGE MATERIA STETSON BUILDING PRODUCTS,ROAD EQUIPMENT RENTAL TITAN MACHINERY INC.,RD EQ REP PARTS TRAFFIC SAFETY STORE,FLARES FLAGS BARRICADES TRAFFIC SAFETY STORE, EXPRESS/FREIGHT WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERVICE, GARBAGE ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,EQUIPMENT - FUEL DEMUTH/HINRICHS LLC, PUBLIC ASSISTANCE REVIVE INC,PUBLIC ASSISTANCE ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF FEE ACCT ,SHERIFF'S FEES FOOTE REALTY COMPANY INC,BUILDING RENTAL HERITAGE BANK, INTERNET SERVICE MID AMER BENEFIT-HEALTH,PCORI TAXES MID AMER BENEFITS-FSA,CAFETERIA PLAN ADMIN FEES MIDWEST CONNECT,POSTAL SERVICES MIPS,BUDGET PREPARATION COSTS MIPS,DATA PROCESSING COSTS MIPS,DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT RURAL RD IMP DST 2013/1Y COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC ,BUIDING & GROUNDS SUPPLIE CITY OF HASTINGS,TELEPHONE SERVICES EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, FURNITURE/REMODELING HASTINGS TRIBUNE,DUES,SUBS.,REGIST. HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES HERITAGE BANK AP ACH,INTERNET SERVICE KAYLA NELSON,CELL PHONES PRESERVATION & MODERNIZATION MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES HIGHWAY BONDS CAPITAL PROJECTS -ADAMS CENTRAL ROAD THE DIAMOND ENGINEERING CO,MISC ROAD CONTRACTS ESCROW HOLDING FUND G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS INC,MISCELLANEOUS ROAD BLDG MACH & SUPPLY CO INC,MISCELLANEOUS Eldon Orthmann Board Chairman Ramona R. Thomas Adams County Clerk 130.00 23.48 18,618.84 15,879.59 25.74 10.83 114.46 6.90 63.64 278.99 2,357.04 21.17 1,006.54 18.00 14.95 1,809.76 160.00 258.75 285.00 86.00 826.00 510.00 628.50 58.93 107.50 58.51 210.00 210.00 6,856.56 1,825.00 25.00 50.00 340.00 3,000.00 40.77 279.50 175.00 5.57 2.95 7,632.38 105.00 274.84 10.00 25.00 152.00 2,523.83 177,766.84 3,568.16 5,880.37 663 'Page Adams County Board of Supervisors Board of Equalization Minutes Courthouse, Adams County, Tuesday July 18 2017 The Adams County Board of Equalization met on July 18, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. in the Adams County Board Room to review and take action on tax list corrections and motor vehicle tax exemption applications. Chairman Eldon Orthmann presided over the meeting. Roll Call members present were: Michael Stromer —District 1, Glen Larsen — District 2, Lee Hogan- District 3, Scott Thomsen — District 4, Dale Curtis- District 5, Chuck Neumann — District 6, Eldon Orthmann — District 7 Motion by Neumann, seconded by Larsen to meet as a Board of Equalization to review and take action on motor vehicle exemption applications and tax list corrections. Roll Call; Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Entered Board of Equalization at 10:03 a.m. Adams County Assessor, Jackie Russell, presented the Board with tax list corrections. Russell has reviewed all the proposed corrections and is requesting approval. Tax list Correction Correction p(} 14398 Cute of Corrects+ 7/ 18i 2017 Description of Property Real Property Tax Year( s) Corrected 2016 Levy of year corrected .234294 Owner Danny 0 Cons 'n.g k Parcel ID $ 010013270 Tax ID Y 284.15040 legal Pessonai per, Land improvements TOTAL VA tt471ON t,'Ft�i, TAX TOTAL That Credi Applied Late Penalty pilicd Amount AA Lt 11G%10'ThereofvizN J' LI 11 nAtrptAddelk 7 VAWAT)ONS Billed Value Correct Value 64 DIFFEREt € TQ TAX Roil l DEDUCTION T# 51.1;2.38 Reason for Correct! 2.23412 4 $2,366.12 -394.86 52,271/6 _. During the protest process, 'rt was revealed that this property has been assessed with the wrong basement square footage for quite some time, most likely due to an estimation that has been maintained without being granted access to the interior of the property.. Correcting the square footage of the basement to reflect the proper value on the parcel for the past three years. 664lPage Property Valuation Correction No ice Correction 4(0 2017-012 Tax Teals) Corrected 2017 Date of Corico 1fWf2O17 Description of Property Vacant Rea 1 Property Owner Reit Savery Jr Parcel ID # 010002519 Tax ID 1 116-00760 Ma Ing Address S900 Shore Blvd Sout Unit 208, Gufport, FL 33707 Legal Icts 368 'MN 374 Einlara VI :age Personal Property Land itnproverneras TOTAL VAtUA VON CURRENT YEAR VALUATION: Current Year Value Corrected Current Year Submitted Value 59,215 00 $9,215,00 Reason for Correction $9 325 00 $9,315 (9 Vacant property was recently measured in order to split the parcel into two lots at the request of the owner. It was then discovered that the parcel size was incorrect by a shortage of 1,118 sq ft. Correcting for the 2017 year and moving forward due to clerical error. Tax List Correction Correction #(s1 14596 Tax Year(s) Corrected 2014 Dale of EnnvctIon 7/18/2017 Levy of year corrected 2295244 Description of Property Real Property Owner Danny 1) Consortick Parcel ID # 010013270 Tax ID a 284-15040 Legal It 13 Ex 510' 'Thereof Vit Niro tt It tndlan Acrts Add Blk 7 Pe rsorlal Pcopr riv Land Improverraerts TOT,47 VAWA VON LEVY TAX TOTAL rax Ciet Applied tate Penalty Billed Amount Re AWATI9W Billed Value Correct Value Si7,2so,co $89,260,0) S1/.22) CC — $84,020 CC $106.540 00 2c45244 $101 300 00 2,295244 $244526 476.22 $2,369,14 $2,325,08 -$72.48 $2,252.50 DIFFERENCETO TAX A : DEDUCTION 10 TAX 5116.54 0 ALIOTTION TO TAX During the protest process, It was revealed that this property has been assessed with the wrong basement square footage for quite some time, most likely due to an estimation that has been maintained without being granted access to the interior of the property. Correcting the square footage of the basement to reflect the proper value on the parcel for the past three years• 665 1Page Correction left) Date of Correction Descriptum of Property Owner Parcel ID 4 Tea ID Legal Personal Property Land Improvements TOM VAWATION LEVY TAX TOTAL Ter Credit 4pil Late Pe.nalzy 811 ted Amount Tax List Correction 4597 771812017 Real Property Taw Year(%) Corrected 2015 Levy of year corrected 2.23584 Danny 0 Consbruck 010013270 284-15040 All U1.1 Ex 510 Thoruial Vit NSW U11 irdian Acrr, Add DA 1 Wiled Vatue Corr ct Value 519 200 CO $89,260,00 so -fat -Co $84,020.80 12a5,4410 00 2 23514 $10.1,1.70, 2,23S4 $2,425.00 -$102,06 S2.322.94 52,307 84_ -597 12 $2,210,72 DIFFERENCE TO TAX ROLL Reason for Correction CDitZTiOtil TO 1.4.k $112.22 ADDITION ' TAX During the protest process, It was revealed that this property has been assessed with the wrong basement square footage for quite some time, most likely due to an estimation that has been maintained without being granted access to the interior of the property. Correcting the square footage of the basement to reflect the proper value on the parcel for the past three years. Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Stromer to approve the tax list corrections as presented by Russell. Roll Call; Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Adams County Treasurer, Melanie Curry, presented the Board with a motor vehicle exemption request from Hastings College. Curry has reviewed the application and determined they meet the criteria to qualify for an exemption. REAftwzAANI Application for Exemption (tom Motot Vo4voloTaIMIS by atleattyillg Nonprottt 0,gantzulorts 457 .024 14nsUncis ecaeow „- „- , — Mwt Misfry. HaNtly% € ' iiiii4r.aTii;iijiiiiiiidii i.4 MM. 0 fi 05 ME tiovinlOnT ORGANVANOW--- -1 , , ;-...:,1 724 Eat 7#, ttacl'Ittltlr.?„.t...E t',SF-) t , VP'f, row. I Attaln Mtze WNW, 4014 H4LklMA444444" N*01,40,11 L NE PE9C1tIrt1.014 Dr 1i1 le.001,vatieLES ....ruch 10 /404:Ilona s....t, If 6100;-- 41041.41 ,10.. Masi, 1',60 1 to:att f ',It .10.1 1,4 .. ri,.., ';d0is 4, 0443441*. '''''. ''',.a...,4 1 ''.,;,4,yr;.;":,,.200 1,fti.., CeLi+1 L& I —.,„ 7' Oat iyy 41..0 4411 1 460 *41 *441 400104* 1*44* Tit C: tr. ot it* CC4400 Irovoik,g w ,,v bual5esg, 1*410 E ap,t*Aok,,44 1 4141 ,,24 rtd 14444 0 411=:4-, :NE 141.-4i 4 444>1 rt. YIYY sign here FAA 6161.1T,T14t,ASUK0 F-00i,IFIADATIO114 In'APPADYYy, 666 1 Page Motion by Curtis, seconded by Thomsen to approve the motor vehicle exemption application submitted by Hastings College. Roll CaII; Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Motion by Curtis, seconded by Stromer to approve the miscellaneous tax list corrections submitted by the Adams County Assessor. Roll CaII; Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. TAX LIST CORRECTION.% ADAMS COMM NEBRASKA Nom Koh a Gat Drcrar Tax Year Corrected DeferiptIons of Property 2016 14593 Addrse8 1:!!!Z ti Awns Ce.tr‘rve 4333, ..tato W Date 7t144017 Tax Dist. No. 120 Olt4 P1TA7e171 1 t'2070fT2.421 0100(*(i Approved by Natio 1 hereby direct the Adman County Trierouree to accept this Officeel correctioa made for ths &bore named pt to Imo* hisilisr receipt In payment of the corrected Ise *Sown above. end lo cotters the teaftsiaccoodingty. All correction* made as the tax roe snort be In red day of TAX UST CORRECTIONS, ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 9.de 1 Weethe- m Tax Year Corrected peecoptione of Property 2018 Addreee 1342 '4 Crodat.54t, Haito NE eto:a Tax Dist No, 284 Rae P^ropelyq44-'08-Iftt C T0311262 Orrosv,/,7 No 14594 7/I V2017 — CONSOUOATED i / 'O. —.,,,,........ VAL JATi or. TAXES I SCHOOL. Hotdts.ntAD TAX 1 4;411f04T TOTAL TAX , ,1 04. TokX ildt0 r7MT vALLE 1 7,:f1Etot BILLED TAX 1.6 t -1 P46 285470 4&428 1 I 21301 4 4518 0488 I 241. 0 co CORRECTED TAX 1 ,61 1748 , 26,570 4604 2, 1 4 3 s 266 Oaf A, BILLED TAX 0 0, 0 03 , 0.00 22 0 03 CORRECTEDT 7Ax BILLED TAX 1: 03 2,1 1103 D 00 0 03 *.son for Correction rtitt4irtiriele, tivt/44y4404-y ,-4....0....roro APOiCailli -did f1,31 tntel Mt 11,11,401 t eM4411401 Ot 577 74CQ,;.740.4.711 4 ftve sr4mtnny 04411$0/3444 ?tom Tex Roll Additiores ur Tax Rail 4 'SRI 40 ,...... 'si 9rsi tkiavu.a 164? "a ii.k. ytt4t i'' hittit Ira asp 0:ant Approved by Natio 1 hereby direct the Adman County Trierouree to accept this Officeel correctioa made for ths &bore named pt to Imo* hisilisr receipt In payment of the corrected Ise *Sown above. end lo cotters the teaftsiaccoodingty. All correction* made as the tax roe snort be In red day of TAX UST CORRECTIONS, ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 9.de 1 Weethe- m Tax Year Corrected peecoptione of Property 2018 Addreee 1342 '4 Crodat.54t, Haito NE eto:a Tax Dist No, 284 Rae P^ropelyq44-'08-Iftt C T0311262 Orrosv,/,7 No 14594 7/I V2017 Reason for Correction nostorid comort di pr p7,0,10 A447.447 11) Led ocackna. kept -Atari setvictair needs re he rer70707.70 her- y I hereby direct the Adam* County Thritinlres to accept** CAM& vernrciion crude for th. above named party end d* t1p to issue ideArer motign In payment of dar itOrreciled lex *Norm atxtroo, erid to correct the tax Mat accordie*, Afl cormatione made on the tau rod must tro In red Deductsorte From Tex Roll Addition, to Tax Rod Applaved by cton ol the County Board I Ch amen My Of As r Cron* Ciartk NE -4-1V 667 1 Page CONsOuDATED 111i tAEw • VALUATION ES AllitCX.IWT 'IC"C°1 OR TAX _.7AT ' , HOMESTEAD TAX cRtiwr PSNALTY I ''' •, TOTAL TAX 4 7 VALLE I eRCT 4 425 BILLED TAX I 22M24 I 60375 2325 -96 ', / C75 COultscrrri TAX2,2-.14ZA ft– A, ,2020 90 . _ 0, ., 61 22 1.944 74 ., BILLED TAX D 00 0 • 0 CC . CilisseCTto TAX . 3 0 03 I Reason for Correction nostorid comort di pr p7,0,10 A447.447 11) Led ocackna. kept -Atari setvictair needs re he rer70707.70 her- y I hereby direct the Adam* County Thritinlres to accept** CAM& vernrciion crude for th. above named party end d* t1p to issue ideArer motign In payment of dar itOrreciled lex *Norm atxtroo, erid to correct the tax Mat accordie*, Afl cormatione made on the tau rod must tro In red Deductsorte From Tex Roll Addition, to Tax Rod Applaved by cton ol the County Board I Ch amen My Of As r Cron* Ciartk NE -4-1V 667 1 Page name Tex Vest Corrected Cnescrlpttorts 01 Property 2018 No. not Remi for Clem 4:rns ai erre roitsa: *.et *Ive4 at7Yrdtta Approved by Name Tax Year Co to Coen re led lona 01 Property T w7nty TTs r in necapt FIs i elal oarrs,etlon nit for tf rbaa t of tee corntsd tax s1►oot% abootk, mei to Cer»ct ale 1714 lit ace+ meas* bebate rad Ir A 2010 Ne (74-4 UMTV, NEBRASKA To 01et, No, i +4 14599 71= 2017 1 t Ct7Qr9tBOATEDTAXE ti $7EAIY:IR - 1 t t�4X Dt ST r it►1 TL:40 7AX CREENT I ,, tCiTAL PENALTY TAX T `,x,,,I a; AMtrt#InT 'xLW r:at tT RICLt TAX 2 2342 4 1 3C C its 2424 2 9114E 711 C ARECTED 1.1w 214 S CCRRECTEG TAX 2." 1 . 1C Or, 4142�t 323 t2 +5 -Cts . 3i 13' .,,,.,, ILLL.ED TAX C + ': ?t CC v.. T33 t1 L`C C. L T) RECTE TAx 0 D2 CID Remi for Clem 4:rns ai erre roitsa: *.et *Ive4 at7Yrdtta Approved by Name Tax Year Co to Coen re led lona 01 Property T w7nty TTs r in necapt FIs i elal oarrs,etlon nit for tf rbaa t of tee corntsd tax s1►oot% abootk, mei to Cer»ct ale 1714 lit ace+ meas* bebate rad Ir A 2010 Ne (74-4 UMTV, NEBRASKA To 01et, No, i +4 14599 71= 2017 1 by oyer day at 668 1Page CC3+i$ i?ATE[! T '$' TAX D T ti $7EAIY:IR TAXTYiTAL CREDa PENALTY TAX LPir yailti:r: AtNocJN `,x,,,I a; ;.1,9 t?7 dant l C C its DCII C ARECTED 1.1w 214 2235' 25, 5O 4 2 323 t2 L Q T C + 0C CORRECTED TeX T33 by oyer day at 668 1Page TAX LIST CORREC1IONS, ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Nem Jw»e K K Fon,tes Remo Address P0 .40, ;&i, A.411061 ter 0095, Tax Year Corrected Deecripbons of Property 2018 Tax Dist. No. • • ...••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• R.441 "mon. 89:XV/I09.. SILLIO TAX OdeRteled Tipt deLrO TAX CORRECTED TAX CONSOLIDATED TAXES LEW VALLIN'Wet XSIOtert 116 No 14600 7(31,2017 sCPIDOI co ; HOMESTEAD Dis't VAL JE CREDIT 77815 1872744 77815 1301 Si 1301 tlit5 0 00 000 ID CO 311 TAX CREDIT PENALTY TOTAL TAX 65 70 60 70 neteletri fw Cottaction PM i tor 3010 Not yew Ceeedes Ne tor tort to tored ow** 12r 00 t 30 0110 0 00 Dione Front Tex Roil 520 Additional° Tex Roll t hereby direct the Adam County Treasurer to accept this Official correction mods for the above nand party and description end to Iseult feather receipt in payment of the corrected tar sheen *Pose end 10 correct the fax het ituongkvgly. Al corrections made on the fax eel mutt be * red Approved by /teflon of the Courtly 8ord thIs day of Craernoo TAX LIST CORRECTIONS, ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA C ° • • .41 - Cettre; 14601 Name Colette: re J L Leetted L able, C;ts Address 2cL wtj; Sid10 Date arti207 Tax Yeah; Corrected Descriptions of Property 2016 Tax Dist_ No. 2M t4.1"43rPrt:;:t4-82.410) 11281d RAMON! 100 C1100C11011 11fltint,” ;..01; 4:41 ire tteteNes hiestest ;*,;potty tas too; extreste; ;::'.017 Nei steel e; ee reS tvr; Deductions From Tat Rol Additions to Tax Roll e* -4 ft5 hereby (tired the Adam* County Treasurer 10 accept eid 01Scial correction MOCI4. $W 1110 *bow, named party *id derrcriplion and to Inoue Nether receipt In payment of the cm/lewd tu Moan aboya, and in correct the lax Xed accordlnoly. AJ conoctlons made on the tax roll *est be in rod Approved by actlon o the county day of des kes-.essee ; Motion by Curtis, seconded by Thomsen to exit Board of Equalization and resume regular session. Roll Call; Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Regular session resumed at 10:08 a.m. ( see minutes for regular session) Eldon Orthmann Board Chairman Ramona R. Thomas Adams County Clerk 669 1 Page CONSOLIDATED .---, --- . Lf '.°.' * •• • T vtatinTioN 1 A Wort scHcOt '!. c4; LAX ; nlv MONIESTEAD TAX Data*, PENALTY TOTAL TAX vALLE -1 CFE:a ' BILLED TAX , :,! 0 1 0 ! , 3 Ct3 1 t ; t 8 CO coutccito tax 22424 714.,14 6'4 OP * ; 0 :I CO / ; . 0 01 BILLED TAX 0 clo I 47 co i ; .o co costotect tO TAX 0,00 1 t t:/ 00 i . 1 0,00 • RAMON! 100 C1100C11011 11fltint,” ;..01; 4:41 ire tteteNes hiestest ;*,;potty tas too; extreste; ;::'.017 Nei steel e; ee reS tvr; Deductions From Tat Rol Additions to Tax Roll e* -4 ft5 hereby (tired the Adam* County Treasurer 10 accept eid 01Scial correction MOCI4. $W 1110 *bow, named party *id derrcriplion and to Inoue Nether receipt In payment of the cm/lewd tu Moan aboya, and in correct the lax Xed accordlnoly. AJ conoctlons made on the tax roll *est be in rod Approved by actlon o the county day of des kes-.essee ; Motion by Curtis, seconded by Thomsen to exit Board of Equalization and resume regular session. Roll Call; Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Regular session resumed at 10:08 a.m. ( see minutes for regular session) Eldon Orthmann Board Chairman Ramona R. Thomas Adams County Clerk 669 1 Page