HomeMy WebLinkAbout0918 Minutes for September 18, 2018 Adams County Board of Supervisors Board Minutes Courthouse,Adams County,Tuesday September 18,2018 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held with Chairman Eldon Orthmann was presiding. Roll call members present, Michael Stromer- District 1,Glen Larsen—District 2, Lee Hogan- District 3,Scott Thomsen—District 4, Dale Curtis- District 5,Chuck Neumann—District 6, Eldon Orthmann—District 7. Motion by Curtis,seconded by Larsen that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. Roll Call;Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Orthmann stated that minutes from the September 4, 2018 meeting have been circulated and will stand approved unless there is a correction. No corrections were suggested minutes approved by unanimous consent. Public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting.An agenda was available to the board members and was kept continuously current and posted in the County Clerk's office,the main courthouse lobby and the Adams County website.The following is the agenda of items to be heard, no modifications were made to the agenda after 9:30 a.m.the business day prior to this meeting. Agenda for Meeting of Adams Coaaty Board of Supervisors County Board Room,Courthouse,2nd Floor *Date of Meeting,September 18,2018,9:30 A.M. C,haimian to request a motion that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors Announce location of Agenda&Open Meetings Law postings Retarder to tura off all tell Dhones Pledge of Allegiance Conflicts of Interest Roll call: Approve minutes: Committee reports: Receive Comments from the Public: 9:45 Don TLreewitt-Present for possible approval,plans for the J&P Subdivision 10:00 Paul Moyer of the State Depart:mos of Agriculture -presentation of the annual noxious weed review 10:15 a.m.Dna Scbwartzkopf--present for possible approval an agreancnt with MidAmcrican Benefits for reduced prescription rates Melanie Carry-Request approval of release of securities from Five Points Bank Judy Miguery-Present for possible approval: Ceaett18.09.1-Kirkogsard Subdivision-Tract in the SE'/.Section 10-1'6N-R1OW Case#18-09.2•-Meredy Subdivision Concurrent with Vacation of Hillern's Hill Second Subdivision-A Tract of land in the SW',t Section 5-T6N-R9W Casa#18-09.3-Theesen Subdivision Concurrent with Vacation of Lot 1,Hillesn's Hill Subdivision -A Tract of land in the SW 14 Section 5-T6N-R9W. Dawn Miller-Approve Chairman's signature on Contract with Husker Steel for materials(a)Proj C1-492,Br 23905,Pauline West Eldon Orthmann--discussion and possible action on forming a committee relating to Resolution 2018-09- 04.02:to place the phrase in God We Trust"in the Adams County Courthouse, Miscellaneous Business Review and Reuuest approval of asounts aavabic sjaimy_ Review and acknowledge receipt of a list of miscellaneous receipts submitted by the Coon ty'1'rc�urer Review and acknowledge receipt of officer reports submitted by county department heads 111,mown&is main tot to rmenskst until 91130 AM toe Os Monday rraewti s dos Muni mooting. skin (*tow Any ago&rain fay he mnvod dims etAny trnestMordiuosaktenetbeMingo derearnrderr' . Last mpdnrd cos Sepemmt.r 14,201 t nt 1121 am. Par son-Essildmaims aaaohr Wates re amass lir 4 dr APNsp Orwtjr sou a"$r frwsur,,►ImuauR re%a W Cowry A4rrmy's•010.14 ltmwm.112•411.724n w Fla.402 441 7741 Par I ,mNrwlrar r,ttdubaInMfs+Mwits otter wain wadia@er las rte dray eat'a Dams w Phow+91 441-759?,nit try 402 465-n64 or row 422•44l. 74 44.Naw r00.Nrs w irttprrYr or waist So Pr tar*IaPMnet Nuns yn4ills k foot lady-Ark(MQ lean*dams refer n AM UMW If mutism dr aurrrwirtha I is Baal mrtww M r1 I ti w W t,eNilrt water trsmrn moist I clew%sassy 1M lfatrnkpkr elft post mom 4,®r dsiwwelks Krreriw Wm/b fw npara'asnf 41$leihtlust 307 I Page Board members attended the following committee meetings and community events since the September 4, 2018 meeting and provided a brief report: Thomsen- September 5, 2018-Attended an Adams County Insurance Committee meeting September 5, 2018-met with Ann Hinton, Ron Kucera and Windstream representatives regarding the county phone system September 9, 2018-Attended an FOP negotiation meeting September 11, 2018-Served as Teen Court Judge September 18, 2018-Attended an Adams County Safety Committee meeting Stromer- September 4, 2018-Attended an Adams County planning and zoning meeting September 11th& 12th, 2018-Attended Husker Harvest Days September 12, 2018-Attended a local economic seminar Hogan- September 4, 2018-Attended a Road and Bridge Committee meeting with representative from the Village of Kenesaw September 6, 2018-Attended an Adams County Extension Board meeting September 9, 2018-Attended an FOP negotiation meeting September 18, 2018-Attended an Adams County Road and Bridges Committee meeting Larsen- September 4, 2018-Attended a Road and Bridge Committee meeting with representative from the Village of Kenesaw September 11,2018-Attended a Road and Bridges Committee meeting with City of Hastings representatives present September 18, 2018-Attended an Adams County Road and Bridges Committee meeting Curtis- September 5,2018-Attended an Adams County Insurance Committee meeting September 5, 2018-Attended a SCEDD meeting in Grand Island September 6,2018-Attended an Adams County Extension Board meeting September 6,2018-Attended an Adams County Senior Services meeting September 11, 2018-Attended an Ag Society meeting September 12, 2018-Attended an Adams County Senior Services meeting September 13, 2018-Attended a governmental affairs meeting Neumann- September 12, 2018-Attended an Adams County Senior Services meeting September 11, 2018-Attended a Road and Bridges Committee meeting with City of Hastings representatives present September 9,2018-Attended an FOP negotiation meeting September 6,2018-Attended a Midland Area Agency on Aging Board meeting September 5,2018-Attended a South Heartland District Health Department Board meeting September 4,2018-Attended a Midland Area Agency on Aging Board meeting September 18, 2018-Attended an Adams County Road and Bridges Committee meeting Orthmann- September 6,2018-Attended a Midland Area Agency on Aging Board meeting September 11, 2018-Attended a Heartland Pet Connection Board meeting September 15, 2018-Attended the Junk Street event in Downtown Hastings September 18, 2018-Attended a Hastings Business Improvement District meeting Chairman Orthmann opened the meeting for comments from the public. Adams County Roads Superintendent, Dawn Miller, spoke during public comment to encourage Board members to attend the upcoming NACO Central District meetings in Kearney as there are several road related items being presented. Miller also stated that the Pauline bridge project is nearing completion and the bridge should be open by the end of the week. Miller also advised that this week is national round-about week. 308 ' Page Adams County Planning and Zoning Director,Judy Mignery, informed the Board of a wellness events at the YMCA and Mary Lanning,sponsored by the City Chamber. Don Threewitt with the City of Hastings planning department, presented the Board with plans for the J&P Subdivsion for approval. Motion by Neumann,seconded by Hogan to approve plans for the J&P Subdivision as presented by Threewitt. Roll Call;Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann,Orthmann. Nays: None. Paul Moyer with the Nebraska Department of Agriculture presented the 2017 Noxious Weed Report for Adams County. 4/23/18 BBBRAORA DBPA RTMANT OF AG ICULTURB PAGE 1 11:00:12 Bureau of Plant Industry B3t1074 P.O. Box 94756, LINCOLN, MB 66509-4756 402 471-2394 REPORTS AND RRQQIRBIIADTB County; Adeaa Year: 2017 Scor¢ Bubtataj Poesi410 INSPECT/0MS Survey results 500 500 County foil o up )50 140 850 1000 OFFICIO BVALUATION 1000 1000 Timeliness Factor COUNTY REPORTS Roster 100 1.00000 100 100 Budget 50 1.00000 SO SO Activity 200 1.00000 200 200 infestation 230 .95000 238 250 Control plan 400 .75000 300 4Q0 888 1000 CONTINUING NUOCATION 400 400 tt d✓�K. 4.1.00 g TOTAL SCUMS FOR YWAR: 3138 3400 No action was required regarding Moyer's presentation. Dan Schwartzkopf with Krull Agency presented the Board with an agreement between Adams County and MidAmerican Benefits for reduced prescription rates for employees on the Adams County Health Insurance Plan. The Adams County Insurance Committee had an opportunity to review the plan for reduced prescriptions and hear a presentation by Schwartzkopf. Dale Curtis,chairman of the Adams County Insurance Committee stated they have no issues with the agreement. Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Stromer to approve the agreement between Adams County and MidAmerican Benefits as presented by Schwartzkopf. Roll Call;Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. 309 ' Page Authorization for Mid-American Benefits to advance funding for negotiated medical and prescription medical claims. On occasion when negotiating the cost of certain large medical or pharmacy claims,Partners Health Alliance is required to advance payment before the service or product is provided to the member,in order to obtain the lowest possible negotiated cost for the county. The county commissions hereby authorize Mid-American Benefits to rpake such advances when it is in the County's best interest to obtain the savings generated by a negotiated claim. Signed County Board of Supervisors Date Adams County Treasurer, Melanie Curry, presented security release request from Five Points Bank of Hastings in the amount of$850,000.00. Curry has reviewed the request and is recommending approval. Motion by Stromer, seconded by Curtis to approve the release of securities as presented by Curry. Roll Call;Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. FIVE Paws BAMC O♦ NAITf*r00 Memo Pim September 12*,2011 Five Pointe Hank of Hastings Attn:Emily Emil 2315 Osborne Drive Walt Hastings,NE 68901 Please release the following security from oar Adams County Treasurer Holding Amount Accost: Naar. Pledge Almost: Culp: 1922 Northwest Mos&Univ Rcv $300,000.00 667596O106 1770 Washington St Ut Var Pop $230,000.00 93V7404119 2374 Wear Dee Mohacs IA $300,000,00 9525302F9 1 z j../ r / ( 9 - /31I Meluic Curry Date .....,.. 310 IPage Adams County Planning and Zoning Director,Judy Mignery, presented the Board with Case# 18-19.1, plans for the Kiregaard Subdivision.The plans have been reviewed by Mignery and approved by the Adams County Planning and Zoning Board. Mignery is requesting County Board approval. ADAMS COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT Judy Mignery,Zoning Director 500 N.Denver Ave.,Hastings,NE 68901 Phone: 402-461-7174 Fax: 402-461-7177 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday,8:00- 12:00 and 1:00-4:00 DATE: September 4,2018 TO: Adams County Planning Commission&Board of Supervisors FROM: Zoning Staff-Judy Mignery,Director RE: Case#18-09.1 -Kirkegaard Subdivision Applicant: Scott and Patricia Kirkegaard,6940 S.Marian Road,Hastings NE Location: Tract in SE 'A Section 10-6-10 Zoned Use: Agriculture Zoning Administrator's Comments: The applicant would like to subdivide 2.25 acres in the SE'A of Section 10-T6N-R1OW. The proposed subdivision contains an existing house,garage,a well and septic systems. The applicant originally purchased less than 2 acres and would like to add more acres to make it a conforming lot. All requirements of the existing County and Village Subdivision Regulations and the Zoning Regulations have been met. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Larsen to approve Case#18-09.1, plans for the Kirkegaard Subdivision. Roll Call;Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann,Orthmann. Nays: None. Mignery presented case#18-09.2, plans for the Meredy Subdivision,concurrent with Resolution 2018- 09-18.02 to vacate Hillern's Hill Second Subdivision. Mignery has reviewed the requests and the plans have been approved by the Adams County Planning and Zoning Board. ADAMS COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT Judy Mignery,Zoning Director S00 N.Denver Ave.,Hastings,NE 68991 Phone: 402-461-7174 Fax: 402-461-717'7 Office Hours: Monday—Thursday,8:00—12:00 and 1:00—4:00 DATE: September 4,2018 TO: Adams County Planning Commission&Board of Supervisors FROM: Zoning Staff-Jody Mignery,Director RE: Case#18-09.2—Meredy Subdivision concurrent with the vacation of Dii -n's Hill Second Subdivision A Tract of land in the SW % Section 5— T6N-R9W,1 Applicant: Meredy Theesoa, 1005 E Assumption Road,Hastings,NE Location: SW %Section 5-T6N-R9W Zoned Use: Agriculture Zoning Administrator's Comments: The applicant would like to subdivide 3.62 acres in the SW '' of Section 5,T6N,R9W. A portion of the property was subdivided in 2005 as Hillern's Hill Second Subdivision.The existing tract has an existing hoose,garage,quonset, barn,septic tank and well making up 239 acres. The applicant would like to vacate Hillern's Hill Second Subdivision and add pasture land arra creating Mercxly Subdivision. The Applicant is proposing to vacate Hillern's Hill Second Subdivision concurrently with the approval of the plat of Merely Subdivision. A portion of the plat may fall within the floodplain. All requirements of the existing County and Village Subdivision Regulations and the Zoning Regulations have been met. 311 ! Page RESOLUTION No. VACATE IIILLERN'S HILL SECOND SUBDIVISION A Resolution of the Adams County Board of Supervisors.Mama County,Nebraska,vacating ftiTlcm's hitt Second Subdivision and providing for the filing of the same with the Register of Deeds; providing an effective date of this Resolution;and repealing any Resolution or other provisions in conflict herewith. It is hereby resolved that the Chairman and members of the Mama County Board of Supervisors of Adams County,Nebraska: Section 1. That Iiilkrn's bill Second Subdivision described as: A tract of land located in the Southwest Quarter(SW!4)of Section 5,Township 6 North, Range 9 West of the 6a P.M.,Mans County,Nebraska,said tract being wore particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast Coma of said Southwest Quarter(SW%);thence S90'00'00"W(assumed bearing on the south line of said Southwest Quarter(SW 14)a distance of 1210.14 feet to the place of beginning;thence NO0'00'OO'73 perpendicular to the south tine said Southwest Quieter(SW 14)a distance of 300.00 feet;thence N90°00'00"E parallel with said south line a distance of 48.00 fed;thence N00°0O'00"t3 perpendicular to the south line said Southwest Quarter(SW ii)a distance of 180.00 feet;thence 390°00'00"W paralld with said south line a distance of 265.14 feet;thence S00'00'OO"W perpendicular to the south line said Southwest Quarter (SW'4)a distance of 480.00 foe to the south line said Southwest Quarter(SW t4);thence N90'00'00"E along said south linea distance of 217,14 feet to the Place of Beginning,is hereby VACATED. Section 2. Concurrent with this vacation is the creation of Mandy Subdivision,hereinafter to be known as Merady Subdivision. Section 3. The County Clerk is hereby directed to certify this Resolution to the Register of Deeds of Adams County,Nebraska,to be resented,all as provided by law. Section 4. Any Resolutions passed and approved prior to the passage and approval of this Resolution,and in conflict with its provisions.is hereby repealed. Section S. This Resolution shall take effect and he in fill force from and after its passage and approval as required by law,said effective date being IIILLERN'S BILL SECOND SLBDIVISION —VACATION CONCURRENT wrrn CREATION OF MERRDY SUBDIVISION URREINA TER KNOWN AS MERRDY SUBDIVISION. Motion by: Second by: Vote: Aye Nay Passed and approved the day of ,2018 ATTEST: Adams County Beard of Supervisors County Clerk Board Chairman Motion by Stromer,seconded by Hogan to approve Case#18-09.02 with Resolution 2018-09-17.01 to vacate Hillern's Hill Second Subdivision. Roll Call;Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Mignery presented the Board with Case#19-09.03; plans for the Theesen Subdivision, concurrent with Resolution 2018-09-18.02;to vacate Lot 1, Hillern's Hill Subdivision. Mignery has reviewed the request an the plans have been approved by the Adams County Planning and Zoning Committee. ADAMS COUNTY PLANNING'AND ZONING DEPARTMENT' Judy Mignery,Zoning Dirrrector 500 N.Deaver Ave.,Hastings,NE 68901 Phone: 402-461-7174 Fax: 402-461-7177 Office Hears: Monday—Thursday,8:00—12:00 and 1:00—4:00 DATE: September 4,2018 TO: Adams County Planning Conunk fon&Board of Supervisors FROM: Zoning Staff—Judy Mignery,Director RE: Case#I8-09.3—Theesen Subdivision concurrent with the Vacation of tot 1.Hillern's Hill—A Tract of land In the SW %Section 5—T6N-R9W; Applicant Kevan Theisen,1035 L'Assumption Road,Hastings,NE Location:SW%Section 5-T6N-R9W Zoned Use: Agriculture Zoning Administrator's Comments: The applicant would like to subdivide 9.32 acres in the SW ;4 of Section 5,T6N,R9W. The property was subdivided in 1995 as I illcrn"s Hill containing two lots.Lot 1 has an existing House,Storage building,septic tank and well making up 3.93 acres. The applicant would like to vacate Lot 1,Hillexn's Hill and add pasture land area creating Thema Subdivision. The Applicant is proposing to vacate Lot 1,Hillem's Hill concurrently with the approval of the plat of Theesen Subdivision. A portion of the plat does fall within the floodplain. All requirements of the existing County and Village Subdivision Regulations and the Zoning Regulations have been met. 312 I Page RESOLUTION No. VACATE LOT 1,HILLERN'S HULL A Resolution of the Adams County Board of Supervisors,Adams County,Nebraska,vacating Lot 1, tlillem's Hill and providing for the filing of the same with the Register of Deeds;providing an effective date of this Resolution;and repealing any Resolution or other provisions in conflict herewith It is hereby resolved that the Chairman and members of the Adams County Board of Supervisors of Adams County,Nebraska: Section 1. That Lot 1,Hillem's Hill described as: A tract of land located in the Southwest Questar(SW%)of Section 5,Township 6 North, Range 9 West of thc 6"P.M.,Adams County,Nebraska,said tract being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast Corner of said Southeast Quarter(SW 14);thatce N90*00'00"W(assumed bearing)on the sot&line of said Southwest Quarter(SW'b)a distance of 638.14 feet to the point of beginning:thence N00°00'00M a distance of 300.00 feet;thence N90A00'00"W parallel with said south line a distance of 572.00 feet;thence S00°00'00"W a distance of 300.00 feet to the south line said Southwest Quarter(SW 34);thence Se90r'00'O0"F,along said south line a distance of 572.00 feet to the Point of Beginning,is hereby VACATED. Section 2. Concurrent with this vacation is the creation of Thecaerr Subdivision,hereinafter to be known as Masers Subdivision. Section 3. The County Clerk is hereby directed to certify this Resolution to the Register of Deeds of Adams County,Nebraska,to be recorded,all as provided by law. Section 4. Any Resolutions passed and approved prior to the passage and approval of this Resolution,and in conflict with its provisions,is hereby repealed. Section 5. This Resolution shall take effect and be in hilt force from and atter its passage and approval as required by law,said effective date being LOT 1,IIILLERN'S HILL —VACATION CONCURRENT WI TIH CREATION OF THEE EN SUBDIVISION RkRtEINAF1BR KNOWN AS T11EESEN SLBDIVISION. Motion by: Second by: Vote: Aye _..... Nay Passat and approved this day of ,2018. ATTEST: Adams County Board of Supervisors County Clerk Board Chairman Motion by Stromer, seconded by Curtis to approve Planning and Zoning Case#18-09.3 and Resolution 2018-09-18.02 as presented by Mignery. Roll Call;Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Adams County Planning and Zoning Director, Dawn Miller, presented the Board with a contract from Husker Steal for the "Pauline West" project.The bid was awarded to Husker Steel during the August 21, 2018 meeting. Miller has reviewed the contract and is requesting approval. Motion by Hogan, seconded by Thomsen to approve the contract with Husker Steel as presented by Miller. Roll Call;Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann,Orthmann. Nays: None. CONTRACT This Contract is made and entered into in triplicate this day of I Ai 2018, by and between Adams County,Nebraska,acting through its Board of County S:•z isors (hereinafter"Owner"),and linkir Steel.(hereinafter"Contractor"). The Contractor did submit a proposal to provide the required materials for the construction of a three span concrete deck slab bridge in Adams County and other incidental work,as set forth in the Contract Documents for the project titled "Pauline West, C000123905"and previously filed with the Adams County Clerk. A copy of the Contractor's proposal is attached hatio and made a part of this Contract. The amount of the Contractor's proposal was$19 ?36.00 and such is the full amount of this Contract,with no additions or deletions,except by written change order as set forth in the Contract Documents. If any change orders arc issued,they shall be at the unit prices set forth in the Contractor's proposal or as negotiated with the Owner,and will in no way be construed as a release or waiver from the obligations of this Contract. 3131Page In consideration of the following mutual agreements between the parties to this Contract,the Contractor agrees to furnish all work in accordance with said Contract Documents.The Owner agrees to pay the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents and the Contractor's proposal, This Owner awards this Contract to the Contractor subject to the following conditions: LN W , BSS THEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Contract on this day of ,2011 OWNER: CONTRACTOR: Board of County Supervisors Husker Steel Adams County --.- By: By: A ll�O4'� Title: Title: C. /ht.0..- Notary Poill is My commission expires thcj day of ,PROPOSAL FOR PAUTANE WEST.C000123905 ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA Board of County Supervisors Adams County Courthouse Hastings,Nebraska 68901 Gentlemen: t15Kt�2 S�"Efl- ,tc,,teues)atter reviewing these Bid Documents and Specifications in Rill,propose to furnish all,materials and all other miscellaneous items required to construct the project as shown at the*allowing unit prices: . ere �i.; :� 'Pi.. ' ' . :114:41. . ' . s e Cc '. ITEM PLAN ITE.'4I UNIT Q. QUANMY DESCRIPTION UNITS PRICE AMOUNT 1.000 SInpanal 8*eel for Sul:minnows, bow sumlS co 1-2. 30.000 , Ccoaeoe Deek Slab(.'nils ach ' 31.2r_ /Ls SS' 1-3. 750.000 IN 103(42 Sled Piling tic R. ISI g Q0 1.4. 650.000 11?12103 Sisal Mg lis.R- git2L7410, 1-3. 2,210.000 Steel Sbst _lol_� , es Piling eq.R r 1-6. 162.200 Thie Heal Gaardtsil Ma.R O� S 4 Ulf 1-7. 140.000 HP 10x42 Tat PW tis.R. asap! 14, 160.000 111'.12x53 Two Pile lie-R. pr l .4 4(`! 1-9. 510.000 ReinkrringSisal far a55�` Bridge ibr. Ser TOTAL DOR MATERIALS y /9.*,. 2 340! The County reserves the right to select a separate Contractor for the concrete deck slabs. The County reserves the right to add or delete less without penalty. 314 ' Page We understand that this will be a lump sum contract and the total contract amount will be obtained by multiplying the Plan Quantities by the associated Unit Prices. If awarded the contract,we will furnish a seedy bond and certificates of insurance as indicated in the Contract Documents. As specified in the Notice to Bidders,wejlereby submit this BID BOND CERTIFIED CHECK in the amount of S 4?/2 (3%of total bid).This bond will become the property of Adonis County if an award is offered within thirty days after the bid opening and we,as the successful bidder, fill to enter into a contract with Adams County. Substructure Delivery Date: cEPT 10, 20($ Superstructure Delivery Date:ter 24 264 Sincerely, fiscW (etatod nwe) (_1vW.e) CE,' (iie_ ire) /?'t)S <1EIt ST�.tt... wow» P.0 , 34 �o' 4vn�3as 4168602,,, -4o - b 'tt- Nkomo Brief discussion occurred in regards to forming a committee to manage the task of placing the phrase "In God We Trust" in the main courthouse building.Supervisor Thomsen,chairman of the Building and Grounds Committee, stated the task falls within the committee's duties and the committee will handle the placement of the sign moving forward. Motion by Stromer,seconded by Neumann to approve the claims and direct the county clerk to pay them out of their respective accounts. Roll Call;Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Motion by Hogan, seconded by Stromer to approve the list of miscellaneous collections submitted by the Adams County Treasurer. Roll Call;Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. NISa:uivsous COUICI ans FROM 08-01.2018 110)00 31-2018 TOTAL BY F1110: 01110 4:3.'25.59 C99C 15.939./1 09% 1.969 65 11t rin0C 2103 64.445.66 2918 !.50C 00 6CC! 1.181.25 15600 24.463.50 6601 425 ,3C 8002 151.'3 9501 1,9,E 41 9505 20.61O.21 315iPage Motion by Curtis,seconded by Stromer to approve officer reports submitted by the Adams County Clerk, Register of Deeds and the Clerk of the District Court. Roll Call;Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HASTINGS,NE 68901 HEREWITH IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPORT OF 11W FEES RECEIVED IN THE COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST,2018 SHOWN BY THE FEE BOOK IN SAID OFFICE. UCC FILING 0.00 MISCELLANEOUS RECORD I1.00 MARRIAGE LICENSE 675.00 COPIIIIS AND SEARCHES 420.00 FILING FEES ' 0.00 OTHER 9.50 TOTAL FEES AUGUST,2018 $111530 ' " '• ;KO AND • 0REtM `IE6T"DAY OF S :MRER,. 1$' -7 \} _� COUNTY CLERIC . 1977 ADAMS COUNTY CLERK • .:00W ertl Sr. 1M9TIh6S.NC NMI f QATE... 71_6'.CRO/r74 `I PAY • // . / i �� /// �!�$� t A • . �I , /1.4. L. _oot.trwa-11 +:. 1 Herita Bank , a H teat ,.7— RIM 481611 . 11,�J __. QrsJ2[d1y _ . !rte .-. » d 1'00&9?? 1:&0 4 908 38 31: 39S 8&ta € To: Adams County Board of Suptrvisnm From: Register of Dade Annie M.Hinton Date: September/0,2018 Subject: Filing Fees The following is a Into and correct statement of the fora received in the office of the Reg�i�stter..of.�Deeds of Adams County for the month of August,2018. Register of , Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this day of September,2018. County Clerk 124 Deeds 1,6114.00 200 Mortgages 7,232.110 2 Releases 26.110 13 Certificates 196.00 67 Miscellaneous 1,228.00 4 Federal Tax Liens&Releasers 4000 21 Construction Lien Documents 240.00 6 State Tax!Liens&Releases 20.00 4 Subdivision Plats 124.00 Total: Fihng Fees: 10,790.00 0 Certified Copies 0.00 2 Uniform Financing Statements,Rd.,Teem. 11.011 316 I Page FEE SPLIT AS PER 1\eb.Rev.Stat.33-109(UCC's are included in countyfund) Total Fees—County Funds-0100—394.01 9,173.50 Total Fees Remitted to P&M Fund- 1150—394.01 1,627.50 Total: Fees Share&Certified Copies: Remitted to County Funds 0100-394.01 9,173.50 Copies/Postage S 34.50 Less Sales Tax Escrow 2.26 Subtotal: Miscellaneous,01(X)-394.03 32.24 Plat Book Salus: 2700 540.01 0.00 Plat Book Sales Tax: 0.00 Minus State Sales Tax Held in Escrow 0.00 TOTAL:Remitted to County Funds 0100.394.01 S 9,173.50 Remitted to P&M Fund 1150—394.01 1,627.50 Remitted to County Funds 0100—394.03 32.24 Remitted to Plat Book Saks 2700—540.01 _LAM TOTAL: S10,833.24 Total Held in Sales Tax Escrow: Plat Books Escrow S 0.00 Copies Escrow _2,2§ Total S 2.26 *MISCELLANEOUS RRCKIPT• ADAMS COMITY TR13ASt782A'B ORIPTCS SOO M. 4TE STREET ROOM 106 HASTINGS NEBRASKA 68901 Receipt lumber: 33225 Date: 09-10-2018 Amount: $10,831.24 Received Fran: ]DAMS COUNTY P2OZ$TBR OF DEEDS 10833 DOLLARS AND 24 CENTS Collected By: CRN2275 Por: FSEFr,P&M FUND, MSC DISTR 1syrloN Source: Credit To: Amount: 0100-394-01 FLING MID RRCORDINO FRES Rita $9,173.50 1150-394-01 F*.ITNO AND RECORDING FEES REG $1,627.50 0100-394-03 M:SC REVENUES REGISTE2 OF DEED $32.24 Melenic Cursor County Treasurer DY! VLL 317 I Page JU5B3419 Adams County Board Page 1 Monthly Pees/Fines Report Date 9/04/2018 From 08/01/2018 to 08/31/2018 Time 10:27:22 Account Description Total Amount Petition 630.00 Filing Fee - State 29.00 Automation Fee 232.00 Appeal - Civil 35.00 Probation Aden Enrollment Fee 60.00 Probation Pee (Monthly) 95.00 NSC Education Pee 30.00 Dispute Resolution Fee 22.50 Indigent Defense Fee 90.00 Uniform Data Analysis Fee 29.00 Drug Ct Admin Enrollment Fee 90.00 Drug Ct Supry Pee 860.00 Drug Ct Local Fee 2,955.00 PRS Admn Enrollment Pee 30.00 Dissolution Pee 325.00 Parenting Act Fund 850.00 J.R.P. 174.00 Filing Fee-JRF 174.00 Civil Legal Services Fund 1.00 L.E.I.F. 2.00 Legal Aid/Services Fund 60.00 Legal Aid/Services Fund 181.25 Issuance of Writ 55.00 10>t Bond Fee 150.00 Complete Record 285.00 Photocopy Fees 109.00 Interest on Bank Account 11.41 Substance Abuse Testing Fees 275.00 Sup Ct Filing Fee 126.00 Spousal Support/Alimony 24,287.87 Child Care Expenses 125.00 Property Settlement 3,299.44 Judgment (General) 4,854.99 Attorney Fees 1,480.00 Attorney Lien 12,936.83 Restitution 405.25 Passport Processing Fee-County 2,170.00 HES Account 5,303.77 Proceeds of Sale 38,835.90 Bindover Ten Percent Bond 3,375.00 Refund 475,672.62 Bond 2,350.00 Sup Ct Cost Bond 75.00 Grand Total 583,137.83 � D.SpTRICi COURT - .i ca& DeEe_ .,I1 peaty Mit wrobe4iabeat ,VutamconadapOili pa[ anllwloai we_ cK.►aonaoc-- �1(1. Per � mo Meeting adjourned by unanimous consent. COUNTY GENERAL HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 625.20 HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 59.00 MIPS,DATA PROCESSING COSTS 175.00 ASSOCIATED STAFFING INC,OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 1, 134 .00 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS, SUPPLIES-COPY 12. 99 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 14. 99 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 19.30 HOMETOWN LEASING,COPY MACH RENT 332.50 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 35.00 QUILL CORPORATION, SUPPLIES - OFFICE QUILL CORPORATION, SUPPLIES - VOTING 80. 68 QUILL CORPORATION, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 39.48 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 19. 96 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,TRAVEL EXPENSES 123.08 US BANK, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 179.03 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 25.00 VANGUARD APPRAISALS INC, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 8, 945.00 COMPUTER CONSULTANTS INC, DATA PROCESSING 23.75 US BANK, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 141.30 US BANK, FURNITURE/REMODELING 212 .24 AMY SKALKA,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 66.50 DEREK TERWEY,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 47.50 RUANN ROOT,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 47.50 LYNN FOLCIK,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 66.50 JOHN C FOLCIK,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 47 .50 BEV PATITZ,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 66.50 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 224.20 CENTRAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 115.00 ADAMS COUNTY CLERK OF DIST CRT DISTRICT COURT COSTS 3, 743.00 318JPage CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 53.30 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 1, 621. 67 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 210.00 ADAMS CO WITNESS FEE ACCOUNT,WITNESS FEES 100.00 CEI SECURITY & SOUND INC,OFFICE EQ REPAIR 461.50 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 42.30 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 447.54 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 581. 65 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 535.00 VALENTINOS,MISCELLANEOUS 75.49 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF,SHERIFF'S FEES 20.00 ANDERSON KLEIN BREWSTER BRANDT,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 4, 432 .75 CARPENTER & SKALKA,DEPOSITION 497 . 60 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 42 .00 GODING LAW LLC,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 2,053.25 LANGVARDT VALLE & JAMES PC,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 1, 463.00 LANGVARDT VALLE & JAMES PC,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 1,216.00 LANGVARDT VALLE & JAMES PC,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 1,206.50 SKALKA & BAACK LAW FIRM,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 4, 313.50 SKALKA & BAACK LAW FIRM,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 3, 126.50 JESUS TENA LAW LLC,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 1, 871.50 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,OTHER EQUIPMENT 252 .00 GUARANTEE ELECTRIC CO,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 3, 608 .59 HATTEN ELECTRIC SERV & BAK VOL,BLDG REPAIR #2 110.40 JACOBI'S CARPET ONE,COURTHOUSE BUILDING 2,563.00 MONTE MALOUF JR & ASSOC,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 5, 908.65 W G PAULEY LUMBER CO,MISCELLANEOUS 607.50 W G PAULEY LUMBER CO, SHOP TOOLS 50.31 W G PAULEY LUMBER CO,OTHER BUILDING REPAIR 19. 17 RASMUSSEN MECHANICAL SERVICES ,MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 817.25 RASMUSSEN MECHANICAL SERVICES ,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 2, 064.72 DON SVOBODA PLUMBING,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 150.00 WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERVICE,GARBAGE 75.00 US BANK, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 14.70 US BANK,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 689.08 US BANK,TRAVEL EXPENSES - BOARD M 83.41 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 32.00 MIPS,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 856.00 MIPS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 190.00 A & A LEASING INC,CONTRACT SERV 1, 000.00 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,TRAVEL EXPENSES 941.38 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 3,243.48 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF REVOLVING, SHERIFF COSTS 750.00 COMPUTER HARDWARE INC,DATA PROCESSING COSTS 30.00 CITY OF HASTINGS,SHERIFF COSTS 10.50 TOM DINSDALE,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 745.47 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 230.54 JANITOR INC, JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS 578.32 KENESAW MOTOR CO INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 104.35 NETWORKFLEET INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 113.70 PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTINGS INC ,RADIO REPAIR 193. 95 WEST GROUP PAYMENT CENTER,CONTRACT SERV 262.02 WATCHGUARD VIDEO, SHERIFF COSTS 30.00 CASSIE L. BALDWIN,CELL PHONES 25.00 DAVID A BERGIN,CELL PHONES 25.00 ANDREW C BUTLER,CELL PHONES 25.00 JAY MICHELSEN,CELL PHONES 18 .75 BUFFALO COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE , JUVENILE COURT COSTS 18 .50 BUFFALO COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE ,COURT RELATED COSTS 44 .89 BUFFALO COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE , JUVENILE COURT COSTS 18 .50 BUFFALO COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE ,COURT RELATED COSTS 6.00 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 251.42 CARPENTER & SKALKA, JUVENILE COURT COSTS 188.00 CENTRAL NEBRASKA DRUG COURT,DRUG COURT 55,727.39 CREDIT BUREAU OF HASTINGS,COURT RELATED COSTS 192.00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 81. 95 DOUBLE TREE OMAHA DOWNTOWN,DUES,SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 833.00 DOUGLAS COUNTY TREASURER,AUTOPSY COSTS 250.00 FRANKLIN COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS 47.64 HALL COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS 97 . 62 INTOXIMETERS,COURT RELATED COSTS 4, 000.00 JANITOR INC, JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS 527.35 319 ' Page LINCOLN COUNTY SHERIFF, JUVENILE COURT COSTS 20.88 JENNIFER R MCCARTER,COURT RELATED COSTS 306.15 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 450.00 OMAHA WORLD HERALD,MISCELLANEOUS 139.88 RAF LLC,AUTOPSY COSTS 671.40 SECRETARY OF STATE,COURT RELATED COSTS 40.00 SOFTWARE UNLIMITED, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 515.50 JACKIE J STROMER QUEEN,COURT RELATED COSTS 139.75 TRANSUNION RISK & ALTERNATIVE ,COURT RELATED COSTS 25.00 US BANK,COURT RELATED COSTS 63. 13 US BANK,MISCELLANEOUS 199.00 ESPY SERVICES INC,OTHER TELEPHONE SERVICE 1, 007 . 60 TELEPHONE SYSTEMS OF NEBR INC ,TELEPHONE SERVICES 163.09 VERIZON WIRELESS,CELL PHONES 797.05 VERIZON WIRELESS, SHERIFF COSTS 141.00 ADAMS COUNTY JAIL/SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1,204.71 ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC,COMMISSARY 180.00 ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC, JAIL SUPPLIES 71.74 LARRY L BAKER MD,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 1,235.00 BOB BARKER COMPANY INC, JAIL SUPPLIES 215.70 CASH WA DISTRIBUTING,COMMISSARY 124.40 CASH WA DISTRIBUTING,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 473.32 CASH WA DISTRIBUTING,COMMISSARY 124 .40 CASH WA DISTRIBUTING,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 371.80 CHARM-TEX INC, JAIL SUPPLIES 164.70 STATE OF NEBRASKA,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 13,844.52 STATE OF NEBRASKA,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 2, 423.51 MIDWEST RESTAURANT SUPPLY LLC , JAIL SUPPLIES 91.30 WOODS & AITKEN LLP,REGULAR TIME SALARY - EMP 290.00 WITT PLUMBING INC,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 105.00 WINDSTREAM,COMMISSARY 79.85 US FOODS INC,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 396.10 PHELPS COUNTY SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1, 125.00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 110. 60 CULLIGAN OF KEARNEY,MISCELLANEOUS 28.50 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 196.00 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 441. 60 PHELPS COUNTY TREASURER,TELEPHONE SERVICES 51.19 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 36.58 CITY OF HASTINGS, FEMA GRANT COSTS 2,265. 90 COMPUTER CONSULTANTS INC,MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 45.00 NEBRASKA EMERGENCY MGMT AGENCY, SP PROJ5-17SHSP-PET GRANT 8,500.00 PLATTE VALLEY COMM-KRNY, SP PROJ5-17SHSP-PET GRANT 1,097 .20 US BANK,MISCELLANEOUS 494.61 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS INC, SECURITY CONTRACTS BY 0TH 3, 438.02 JEO,CONSULTANT 1,350.00 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS, SUPPLIES - SHOP 44.76 BAUER BUILT,RD EQ REP LABOR 162.50 BGNE,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 625.22 BGNE,MACH EQ GREASE OIL 6.92 BGNE, SUPPLIES - SHOP 9.38 BLACK HILLS ENERGY,HEATING FUELS 247.59 BOSSELMAN ENERGY INC,MACH EQ GREASE OIL 549.64 BOSSELMAN ENERGY INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 681.20 BUTLER COUNTY LANDFILL INC,WASTE DISPOSAL 2,789.90 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INTERNET SERVICE 94.99 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS 130.72 CINTAS CORPORATION #449, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 13.06 CONSOLIDATED CONCRETE AGGREG,BRIDGE CONTRACTS 577 .88 COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 7, 490.50 DEWEESE SAND & GRAVEL,MATERIALS - GRAVEL & BORR 7, 388.86 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 30.29 EZ-LINER INDUSTRIES,RD EQ REP PARTS 1, 024. 99 FILTER CARE, SUPPLIES - SHOP 321.85 FLEET PRIDE INC,RD EQ REP PARTS 405. 18 HASTINGS UTILITIES,ELECTRICITY 564.27 ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO,WELDING SUPP/CHAINS 132.44 J I L ASPHALT PAVING CO,MATERIALS - ASPHALTIC 2,896.52 MCCONNELL CLEANING,JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS 260.00 MID-NEBRASKA AGGREGATE INC,MATERIALS - GRAVEL & BORR 15, 121.42 NAPA AUTO PARTS,RD EQ REP PARTS 19.99 NAPA AUTO PARTS, SUPPLIES - SHOP 59.70 320IPage NETWORKFLEET INC,ENGINEERING/TECHNICAL EQU 614.90 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS,RD EQ REP PARTS 74. 90 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS, SUPPLIES - SHOP 178.57 PTSR,MISCELLANEOUS 30.00 ROCKMOUNT RESEARCH & ALLOY INC,RD EQ REP PARTS 581.88 ROCKMOUNT RESEARCH & ALLOY INC,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 32.13 ROSELAND ENERGY AURORA COOP,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 144 .82 SANITARY OUTDOOR SERVICE INC,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 86.25 TITAN MACHINERY INC. ,RD EQ REP PARTS 1, 633.80 US BANK, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 22. 92 US BANK,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 225. 60 US BANK,MISC. EQUIPMENT 299. 99 YANT EQUIPMENT CO INC,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 267.50 SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT,ELECTRICITY 402 .00 BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC , SMALL TOOLS, ETC. 22.55 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 263.45 DEWITT FUNERAL & CREMATI,COUNTY BURIALS 2,800.00 DAWN R MILLER,BUDGET PREPARATION COSTS 1, 400.00 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF FEE ACCT , SHERIFF'S FEES 6, 033.33 HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES, INSTITUTIONAL COSTS 651.00 US BANK,BUILDINGS - ACCURAL 760. 68 HERITAGE BANK, INTERNET SERVICE 25.00 MID AMER BENEFITS-FSA,CAFETERIA PLAN ADMIN FEES 335.00 MIPS,BUDGET PREPARATION COSTS 41. 99 MIPS, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 284 .50 RURAL RD IMP DST 2013/1Y COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS ANJANETTE BONHAM,CELL PHONES 25.00 HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES 85.07 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 124. 18 US BANK, INTERNET SERVICE 99. 98 US BANK,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 117. 66 PRESERVATION & MODERNIZATION MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 152.00 INHERITANCE TAX ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,TRANS TO GENERAL (0100) 750, 000.00 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,TRANS TO GENERAL (0100) 750, 000.00 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,TRANS TO VETERANS AID (19 3, 198 .24 WEST GROUP PAYMENT CENTER,LAW LIBRARY 2, 850.87 REGIONAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT HALL COUNTY SHERIFF,EM TRAINING 128 .63 IDEA BANK MARKETING,EM TRAINING 156.00 UNK POLICE,EM TRAINING 166.00 JUVENILE SERVICES CASA,JUVENILE SERVICES GRANT 31,200.00 CARISSA L UHRMACHER, JUVENILE SERVICES GRANT 174 .80 HORIZON RECOVERY CENTER,JUVENILE SERVICES GRANT 2, 520.00 MENTORING WORKS INC, JUVENILE SERVICES GRANT 5, 000.00 YWCA,JUVENILE SERVICES GRANT 5,285.00 ESCROW HOLDING FUND VANGUARD APPRAISALS INC,MISCELLANEOUS 35, 600.00 Eldon Orthmann Board Chairman Ramona R. Thomas Adams County Clerk 321 1 Page