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0723 Minutes for July 23, 2020 (BOE Property Protest Hearings)
Adams County Board of Supervisors Board of Equalization Minutes Courthouse,Adams County July 23,2020 The Adams County Board of Equalization met,with Chairman Hogan presiding,to review and take action on 2020 property valuation protests. Motion by Stromer,seconded by Thomsen that this is an open public meeting of the Adams county Board of Equalization. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis Nays: None Roll call members present were; Stromer—District 1, Hogan—District 3,Thomsen—District 4, Curtis— District 5 Absent were; Larsen—District 2, Neumann—District 6, Orthmann—District 7 Notice of the meeting was advertised in the Hastings Tribune and all interested parties were notified by mail of their hearing time, no less than ten days in advance of the meeting. All protesting parties wishing to speak signed the following oath: "I affirm the information I am about to provide is the truth to the best of my knowledge and belief." All property owners were allowed to address the board with evidence supporting their request for a reduction in their property valuation. Members of the Adams County Assessor's office including County assessor,Jackie Russell,were present to present their findings and the method used in the valuation process. Agenda for Meeting of Adams County Board of Equalization Property Valuation Protest Hearings County Board Room,Courthouse,2nd Floor *Date of Meeting,June 23,2020 at 8:00 A.M. Chairman to request a motion that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors Announce location of Agenda&Open Meetings Law postings Reminder to turn off all cell phones Pledge of Allegiance Conflicts of Interest Roll call: All persons speaking in regards to a property valuation protest will be asked to sign an oath stating the following: I affirm the information I am about to provide is the truth to the best of my knowledge and belief. Time PROTEST# Parcel# Property Owner Name/Representative 8:10 20-150 10014094 Jarrod C Kieffer for Kan&J Hospitality LLC 8:10 20-151 10014109 Jarrod C Kieffer for Kan&J Hospitality LIC 8:20 20-152 10013895 Greg Spady 8:20 20-153 10006117 Greg Spady 8:30 20-170 10014218 Property Valuation Services Katie McGee—Tax Agent 8:40 20-169 10010376 Erik R Allen ERA LLC 8:50 20-131 10017474 Christopher A Stafford 9:00 20-124 10008987 Jennifer Thomas 9:10 20-147 10010684 Daniel/Vicki Block 9:20 20-043 10003730 Stephanie Nyhus 9:30 20-167 10001319 Sharen K Lukow,Trustee Rev Trust 9:40 20-100 10018070 Mark Renschler 9:50 20-109 10019039 Derrick Parr 10:10 20-113 10008790 Linda Chartier 10:20 20-115 10006143 Brandon Maendele 10:30 20-136 10011202 William A Hathaway 10:40 20-137 10008863 Bradley G Bailey 10:40 20-138 10013655 Bradley G Bailey 10:50 20-143 10013574 Michael W Miller 11:00 20-154 10006076 William Hermes 11:00 20-155 10006149 William Hermes 11:00 20-156 10006150 William Hermes 11:00 20-157 10006151 William Hermes 11:10 20-158 10006152 William Hermes 11:10 20-159 10006340 William Hermes •11:10 20-160 10006158 William • Hermes 11:10 20-161 10006341 William Hermes 11:20 20-162 10015274 William Hermes 11:20 20-163 10006384 William Hermes 11:20 20-164 10014039 William Hermes 11:20 20-165 10014040 William Hermes 11:20 20-166 10018406 William Hermes 11:30 20-038 10018986 Jennifer Deets 11:30 20-092 10017566 Jennifer Deets 11:40 20-039 10006180 Southern Bell Heartland LLC 11:50 20-095 10006345 Savage&Browning for The Brewery Lofts LLC 11:50 20-096 10006159 Savage&Browning for The Brewery Lofts LLC • 11:50 20-097 10006343 Savage&Browning for The Brewery Lofts LLC 12:00 20-171 10002436 Casey's(Juniata) Philip A.Smith,CPA 12:10 Value Agreements On or before August 2,2020,the county clerk shall mail to the protester written notice of the board's decision,along with information regarding appeals to the Nebraska Tax Equalization& Review Commission. §77-1502(5) This agenda is subject to amending until 9:30 AM on the Monday preceding the Board meeting. Note to Citizens:Any agenda item may be moved down at any time at the discretion of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Last updated on July 10,2020 at 2:51 p.m. For non-English speaking attendees wishing to arrange for a sign language or foreign language interpreter,please call or fax the County Attorney's office at Phone:402-461-7240 or Fax:402 461-7241. For hearing-impaired individuals or individuals with other special needs call or fax the County Clerk's Office at Phone:402 461-7107,or TrY:402 461-7166 or Fax:402-461-7185. When requesting an intepr dri or services for the hearing impaired,please provide at least forty-eight(48)hours advance notice to allow time for making the accommodations. The Board reserves the right to go into executive session if such session is clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. To comply with social distancing recommendations, parties relevant to the protest being heard were called into the board room one at a time. Assessor Russell informed the board that protest numbers 20-150 and 20-151 would not be heard as the property owners withdrew their protest after the agenda was printed. File with the P',::operty Valuation Protest orn. FORM County Clerk `a , Report of County Board of Equalization Action 6 D,a A 22A (See Instructions) county Name ;F'1. e+Gams '# Name and Mailing "7•9. iling Protest Protest Number til ll Name v+ 1 b i,,..' `r1!- 30 ,20 Ara Jarrod C.Kieffer for Kan: Protested Valuation 20 20'"' , , Requested Valuation The person filing tris protest Is • an batt Real Property t.. Real •.•arty of the owner.If the protest Is 111 authorization to do so must b • 202,277,4'$ 100,000 Street or Other Malang Address itb 1625 N Waterfront Parkway,Sui * Personal Property Cay,Town,or Post Office State Wichita KS $ Property Identification Number Phone Number ,,-nue(Attach additional pages It needed.) 010014094 (31 6)268-7946 Ott - et value and may be unequal Email Address epol property's NOl does not jarrod.kieffer@stinson.com •r attachments are Real Property Description(Include Lot,Block,Addition,Location Address,Section, p Township,Range,and County)and/or Personal Property Description 1065 1400 W."J"Street, Hastings NE tio S . ValuationSumm- Hastings Express Inn sign 6,Is/Jarred C.Kleffer 6/30/2020 hereSignature of Person Filing Protest Date File with the Property Val a!, on ProtestsFORM _, 422A County Clerk •sport of County :;?a •:•f Equalization Acte�(}� ;See Instructions) County Nom!.=a Adams Name and Malting Address -gnus":Protest Number CO t;"1 Flied 0 lime _ t j e:3 _,. .' otlJ Jarrod C.Kieffer for BB&P Hos.' Protested Valuation'Otgeji r i.equested Valuation he person Sing ills protest Is the timer. ) Real •party f the owner.It the protest Is being riled o • ty [7l uthorization to do so must be provided with i . 217 treat orOtnerMelling Address ' 44,776 $ 260,000 1625 N Waterfront Parkway,Suite 300 Personal Property tty,Town,or Post Office State •A ichita KS • Op .. roporty Identmcetlttn Number Plane Number •nal pages II needed.) 310014109 (316)268-7946 eiViis =y be unequal mall Address Co • e l does not arrod.kiefer@stinson.com pUppdlir i f e eel Properly Description(Include Lot,Book,Addition,LacaeonAddreee,Section, provided: twnshlp,Range,and County)andlor Personal Property Description 910 W."J"Street,Hastings NE 1065 Forms for years Midlands Lodge sign /s/Jarrod C.Kieffer 6/30/2020 here 'Signature of Person Filing Protest Date Assessor Russell informed the board that protests 20-152 and 20-153 will not be heard as the property owner signed a valuation agreement with the assessor's office after the meeting agenda was published. .r lSCO. CLERKProperty Valuation Protest FORM 14`.alaElt&POlifj 1 and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 22 A (See Instructions) County Name Adams �+LL I Name and Mall! ling Protest protest Number Filed ,{ Name 20-15D-- QU30 t�E 202-0 Greg Spady Protested Valuation 20 20 uested Valuation a person•ing Is protest frai -+a Land Land of the owner.It the protest is ,. 992,240 992,240 authorization to do so must be prow- Street Street or Other Mailing AddressBuildings qere 2750 Osborne Dr E 1,022,206 $ 919,985 City,Town,or Post Office State e Total Land and Buildings Hastings NE 446 $ 1,912,225 Property Identification Number Phone Number cont property a 010013895 (402)469-3800 ' I • Email Address Re.:. ' -'needed.) greg@spady.com Jerry Sp-• g� .lain Real Property Description(Include Lot,Block,Addition,Location Address,Section, with the pon. . e� -mage Township,Range,and County)and/or Personal Property Description and feel that the but• 2750 Osborne Dr E 1635.10-Lot 3 Great Plains Sub-DIV PT S1/2 FR 31-8-9 Car Lot(2200)8.00 AC sign al/ 6-30-2020 here ►Sig rile.of Person Ruing Protest Date r+� y�yr Property Valuation Protest FORM �IJryJ�, f•t C i';rit/ ` and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 422 County Name Adams Name and Mal - •rotest Protest Number Filed T Name Spady lieh, �O-1�3 — 1SL 20-7.0Protested Yaluatlon 20 20Re•nested Valuation person i ng i N protest, " e 4 :nd Land of the owner.It the protest Is being file. authorization to do so must be provided wit . 86,265 $ 86,265 Street or Other Mailing Address gr Buildings 2750 Osborne Dr E ee 123,782 $ 92,837 City,Town,or Post Office State �e Total Land and Buildings Hastings NE 179.102 Property identification Number Phone Number �; rWorty 010006117 (402)469-3800 $ Email Address Reasons fo - g� .ori.) greg@spady.com 212 W 2nd S • 'leo tify the Real Property Description(Include Lot,Block,Addition,Location Address,Section, - increase in building ,- Township,Range,and County)end/or Personal Property Description 212 W 2nd St 1309.00-Lots 17 thru 21 &SO 48'of Lot 22 Blk 18 Johnsons Add sign 6-30-2020 here ► gna of Person Fling Protest Date Assessor Russell informed the board that protests 20-170 will not be heard as the property owner signed a valuation agreement with the assessor's office after the meeting agenda was published. File with the Property Valu• ti:.; n Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Boa . o ': qualization Action (See Instructions) 422 _ County Name Adams Name an. ting Protest Meal Number �} Filed I. 6 Name Veit/ t`X -/72g JProperty Valued° Protested Valuation 24 20 Re•uested Valuation person f I s ewes -1 - LandLand of the owner.if the protest s being filo• . gre 114,140 $ traauthorization to do so mustibe provided wit s Street or Other Mailing Address th Buildings 14400 Metcalf Avenue �� $ City,Town,or Post Office State ' Total Land and Buildings Overland Park KS S 33 $ Property identification Number Phone Number ganal Properly � 010014218 (913)583.3588 $ e Email Address Reasons for :.. ech additional pages If needed.) kmcgee@propertyvaluationservioes.net Marshall and '• :oh supports a value of Peal Property Description(Include Lot,Block,Addition,Location Address,Section, $1.77M Township Range.and County)endror Personal Property Description Letter of Authorization&evidence attached r t ' Katherine McGee sign 2 0206.3009:55:45-05'00' 6/30/2020 ►SgnureofesnExro�e' s rim., Assessor Russell informed the board that protests 20-169 will not be heard as the property owner signed a valuation agreement with the assessor's office after the meeting agenda was published. MI= Elle with the Propert ' ,'Iuation Protest County Clerk :,,:Fr Q and Report of e • IM{t ;r (See instructions) p 1 Board of Equalization Action f ;- Name and kw i County Name �i •n Filing Prete,. �, /�i/� Name � Protest Numb FpmErik R. AI0e 4 i/ �� + ��� ti-25f0 2e� The person Ming this proles • Protested Valuat on 20 Requested Valuation 1 of the owner.If the.protest Is being -.4" a Land Land authorization to do so must be provided • ��e 12,048 Street or Other Mailing Address e $ 12,048 616 South Shore Drive Buildings City,Town,or Post Office State est 00 Hastings NE 68' SiS; Total Land and Buildings 'roperty Identification Number Phone Number �� $ 12. 048 $ 010010376 402-460-0603 ect nal Property mail Address Reasons for r additional pages If needed) controller@thbpftllens.com House was seal Property Description(Include Lot,Block,Addition,Location Address,Section, — and u n ten a n to b l e bwnship,Range,and County)and/or Personal Property Description and scheduled to emoiished in 2018. 1506.00-E60r SW1/4 ex N7' McInt res No rent received on house since October, Add Blk 5 House - Apt Y 2017 and on garage since March, 2018. House ara 1214 West 2nd Street, Hastings NE 68901 removedn2/97/2020demolished and asbestos sign ' here ►Signet" of neon Filing Protest o-..3yQ?aac. At 10:30 Supervisor Larsen entered the meeting. Deputy Clerk Pamela Witte attempted to reach Christopher Stafford by phone for a conference call regarding protest 20-131 for property number 010017474. Deputy Clerk Witte was unable to reach Mr.Stafford by phone. The Board reviewed the protest form an information provided by Stafford. Pro r y Valuation protest FORM File with the422A County Clerk and R rt County Board of Equalization Action (See Instructions) ICounty Name. Adams /� Protest N be Piled .so , _�j , Name and Melling Address of Parson Filing rotes. /�/ (/ 2 -./ Verne / Christopher A.Stafford Protested Valuation 20 20 Requested Valuation rhe person Hang this protest Is the owner o1 the property or authorized to protest on behalf peal property Rent Property of the owner.It the protest is being filed on who of the owner, t� authorization to do so must be provided with the protest. t.,.,f Yes ONO .1,137,839 $ 400,000 Street or Other Melling Address $ Fredrikson&Byron,P.A.,200 South Sixth Street,Suite 4000 Personal property Personal property City,Town,or Post Once State Zip Code $ Minneapolis MN 55402-1425_$ Property Identification Number Phone Number Reasons for requested valuallon change(Attach additional pages h needed.) 010017474 (612)492-7426 equalized with comparable is valued In excess of its actual value and is and similar property In the county Email Address cstafford©fredlaw.com Real Township,Ran Range,and County)and/ty Description(include or Personal Property Description ,Block,Addition,Location Address,Section, 1716.00-LOT 4 CIMARRON PLAZA ADDITION(REPL LTS 1-5 CIMARRON MEADOWS 3RD ADDITION),Hastings, Adams County,NE,3503 Osborne Drive W,Hastings,NE sign + ��Z2�� _;�- - ,_. 7:I' 1--,,T-..7:I' 1--,,T - . Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Stromer to recommend no change in the current valuation of property 010017474 as the present valuation is equitable. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann File with the Property Valuation ProteS r FORM County Clark and Report of County Board of Equalization Actionl i, 422 (See Instructions) County Nanta r" Adams Name and Mailing Address of Parson Filing Protest ProtestNumber Si?r) {'1,/ File q Name t/LD ("i J �� ,203 O Jennifer Thomas Protested Valuation 20120Requested Valuation The person Ung this protest is the owner of the property or authorized to protest on behalf Land s4 Land of the owner.If the protest Is being tiled on behalf of the owner, ^-t 618 authorization to do so must be provided with the protest. O Yes 0 No $ $ 22,618 Street or Other Mailing Address Buildings , Buildings 1324 W.13th St $ 122,526 $ 113,450 City,Town,or Post Office State Zip Code Total Land and Buildings Total Land and Buildings Hastings Ne 68901 $ 145,144 $ 136,068 Property ldentdcation Number Phone Number Personal Properly Personal Property ()i COVg9g7 402-705-0754 $ $ Email Address Reasons for requested valuation change(Attach additional pages If needed.) happyhouse153iyahoo.com No improvements or updates have been made to the land or Real Property Description(Include Lot,Block,Addition,Location Address,Section, buildings. Township,Range,and County)and/or Personal Property Description 1430.00-S20'LT 4&ALL OF LT 5 LAMPHIERS SUB BLK 15 LOWMANS NORTH SIDE(0.24 AC) sign U/Ot ig b2O here Sign urs of ding Prole I Date There was no one present to speak regarding protest 20-124.The board reviewed the protest form signed by Jennifer Thomas. The Adams County Assessor's office staff presented the reason for the valuation amount. Motion by Thomas seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the current valuation set by the Adams County Assessor as the current valuation is equitable. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann Assessor Russell informed the board that protest 20-147 will not be heard as the property owner withdrew the protest after the meeting agenda was finalized. FlleWith the operty valuation Protest FORM .County Clerk ••rt of County Board of Equalization Action (See Instructions) ryS�,�S a l e' 422 County Namei Name and Malin! Protest Number Filed ��.y�JJ� Nam: II O'el,--.//7� Z` 7 - —' `. " r t y • Protested Valuation 20-_,� Requested Valuation I e person mg':protest is e owner of Land Land of the owner.n f the protest Is being t ed on h the iit4 r t authorization to do so must be provided with the p• 2,d Q S $ sal Street or Other Mailing Address Buildings 0 0 _ , b, _ .\ 1 Ao $ ltSe $qS City,Town,••Post Office State - tidings Total Land and Buildings �' �' t;. • :$ $ \36, tab Property Identification • •,r Phone Number Personal Property C)\n0\o64YK 907.--146R-s"7 Cifr $ Email Address (Attach additional pages if needed.) d01/4,1r,\40t:1C12(Z C'�'�'` tcetit-\ Nrtie Real Property Desoriptlon(Include B Addition,Location Address,Section, . X10 Township,Range,and County)and/or Personal Property DesccriptIon pay._ I S2-c) •oo tors el rS S\NO.\,.rs tA.a. . sign '' {/�_,1-26 here ►signature of Person Fit t Date Assessor Russell informed the board that protest 20-043 will not be heard as the property owner signed a valuation agreement with the assessor's office after the meeting agenda was finalized. File with theProperty valuation Protest FORM County Clerk �'• •d Report of County Board of Equalization Action A 22 (See Instructions) County Name Adams 'FL Name and Mai N� 'retest Pro umber 5 Filed Name .•• ,20_ Stephanie Nyhus eery .Protested Valuation 20 20 Requested Valuation I The person filing this protest Is the owner of the• - •shelf Land Land of the owner.If the protest is being filed on behalf o 99200 99200 authorization to do so must be provided with the prote, �i $ $ Street or Other Malting Address s uildings Buildings 7650 Edinborough Way,Suite 415 �. 3669235 $ 2304100 City,Town,or Post Office State • :nd Buildings Total Land and Buildings Edina,MN 55435 l 3766475 $ 2403300 Property Identification Number Phone Number O� Personal Property 010003730 5072736632 $ Email Address change(Attach additional pages if needed.) snyhus@dmalnc.com �� :and sates analyses.We also estimated the value of the tan' ng the estimated remaining lives of the tanks.Wren Real Property Description(Include Lot,Block,Addition,Location Address,Section, added• •shove the value of the property is excessive. Township,Range,and County)and/or Personal Property Description 13-7-09-TR of Land In SW 1/4 13-7-9 Cont 39.02 Ac Blaine NAD-Blaine Twp Verified by PDFaller e� ., sign ' V..,906,>5,zozo 6/15/2020 here gnature o Person Fit ng Protest Date Assessor Russell informed the board that protest 20-167 would not be heard as the property owner withdrew the protest after the meeting agenda was finalized. Valuation Protest � �..°- • - File with the I -roperty ',,+;422 `-`L'dOhty Clerk •• •. of County Board of Equalization Act- on----7�- (Sae instructions) 1 Y e ; .202a0 r Namepand/- t vmtaa Nwrmar F11°d p� Name Nerve F• C►• t n 20_. i ��T tion �� lend t;e sn n pmtast tg;,: qfl Ifo s /4�j S'tU_2_ ___-- anbowwnat pmWatahe rq t ,_ authphalion 10 do so moat be•• ,:• IIØp. Ndmiat Buildings Street a Other Ma ma se /4t , $ 5#4 ss O Val Land end Butidtrtga CitµT ,or Yael 0057e state •��..... lS 5/7'/5-/{1 tenesac& N }Fors«at Pmca%� tdaMiNcation Number Phorw Number ((Si / altille ..:.tile(Atlech ado al pages II needed.) Emelt AdM'eea er b11ouqe11�h>< -this tar-ler" Heal PmPertY aee9dpUd (include LOA.BIOOILefesn Addlllar.Loue cbf Addroee.Bedlon, librillit /1 ed by mJ rand—' 1 D8 zit T SE'ir�qx�.1 t, -10 li enesaurTW P r as Pa se a met ' 44 sign 2/44,t , _ �; _ here two of a�reonnkW Prete t Assessor Russell informed the board that protest 20-100 will not be heard as the property owner signed a valuation agreement with the assessor's office after the meeting agenda was finalized. MIME Pro.a .ty Valuation Protest .. b z ., File with the Na.----i- I 1 .. County Clerk - d Re.•rt:f County Board of Equalization Action 422 (See Instructions) Sii, County Name Ail J.,./d, Name and Mall �� „VI Protestor tear - ed �• ✓ Q Nam= VV Q � �j `, 2 /,,, _ �� �� Protested(/a uatton 2oT Requested Valuation a''rs•n • sprate-tis a•wnero ,e. �� Land Land •-� /J 7 of the owner.if the protest Is being filed on behalf. •$ as '9 _ $ --s s I7 /O` authorization to do so must be provided with the prate St•or Other Mailing Address �i Buildings)/�//b/6r©/z/C7 Buildings f/ �f/�y i $ w�?aIG7i�ii i / l/co I .ii�l�f/ City,Tow,or Post Office State .and Buildings Total �and ul ldings �y �j• 4 Property / -fI O Personal Property Property Identification Number Phone Number .fir :r I i. - i - / $ Email Address •n change(Attach additional pages if needed.) �r. �/aLuecl• Real Property Description(Inducts Lot,Block,Addition,Location Address,Section, Township,Range,and County)and/or Personal Property Description '`` sad-DI�5?./3 -h/3J - s / sign . , / azyt,s-hk-_. , -?s-az) - - L:Fl Btttt1!ii .on Fl .est ' ate Assessor Russell informed the board that protest 20-109 will not be heard as the property owner signed a valuation agreement with the assessor's office after the meeting agenda was finalized. File with the s. •perty Valuation Protest z •:L�.t«u 9 z�, r� ns jyJ�`.jpj�,t�S:.r ltz�. mte;_i it^• Til•'I,) obi County Clerk igh rt of County Board of Equalization Action (See Instructions) County Name Adams Name and Mailing'• Protest N r f� Fted Name �� GO '/i7 ,' � ,20'10 Derrick Parr Protested Valuation 20 20 Requested Valuation l The person filing this protest Is the owner of the prope Land Land of the owner,if the protest is being tied on behalf of the• authorization to do so must be provided with the protest. , 0 $ 0 Street or Other Meiling Address Buildings 1850 N.Overland Avenue113,305 $ 33,305 City,Town,or Post Office State �e'O• 'legs Total Land and Buildings Juniata NE 113,305 $ 33,305 Property Identification Number Phone Number Personal Property 010019039 (402)984-2946 0 $ 0 Small Address •.. Attach additional pages it needed.) derrickstaceyparr©gmait.com Req • �� =due to the condition of the Real Property Description(inducts Lot,Bock,Addition,Location Address,Section, grain bi .undations are in poor Township,Range,and County)and/or Personal Property Description condition w �� ' need of 6-07-11 TOLL S60 AC NW1/4&W42 AC N1/2 SW1/4(3 repair/replace Grain Bins/Dryer Equipment) edillit sigl?14/2020 here ►`NW of Protest Assessor Russell informed the board that protest 20-113 would not be heard as t e property owner withdrew the protest after the meeting agenda was finalized. File with the f'.' .. vt ivaiton rroiesT ./ FORM County Clerk ,� {.pl (See Instructions) -1 Board of Equalization Action cyy t''', 422 [County Name ".'J eine and iMailing Address of engird Numour tcilep� Vtee IP eO N .- f ..2a..._. - 4.i . I •tested Valuation 20 3.A Requested Valuation _J die vnruon lrtf No awn; - --- r the owner. the protest la Petrielata on banal,o •,? Butte Iwlbn tor do recoat be V tiled with the /176 :., �� . •• 81 1`f rOl�her Iing Ad y�jp In ddaWa iti City.4i/1 «wa JsQQmlall.andland euuanpe C. S-. e• S --Tff q ....-.__ P,onart kb :Ibn Number Numbor Perepntd PtOpeOy J kb0b 5790 _ D IQ(lo'- (1;4;1 $ is, additional patios a neoded.)Er .--- titoG/1 [atO//M S77�r�?n. '- �m -- TollleopotttyDeabnplbn(incb Lot.Bb Addition.Location/W«e...80050on, ��� ,jai,ges �,/i/. c4-4 ��. �u6�/ �`S'. !•A('-_G2'/l/Q lJ7�i 47 i.fY..0'Vt .-.7. .. r'O sig / //// C�l�/C//1Oirp ' ► -�l- L_ her ons` of Parson ono Protea; -Note ---- Assessor Russell informed the board that protest 20-115 will not be heard as the property owner signed a valuation agreement with the assessor's office after the meeting agenda was finalized. File with the S 0 a erty Valu ion Protest E 06 �2, i,- .s>_i)CE.5 C1'.36 CaMty Clack .f GtaJny 810 rqtislixau�Action - �l�' k (Sea instructions) qe r` 7LtG Name and Mailing Addeo, lie teems L6, Fltad I>F7 v340 �— alt a. }4'144 el S P . tad Valuation 20 j,.1. Requaated Valuation I aeparsonBiqamkplowtcmeaemd property at: . Land Ina owner.If the protest is being fld onfwlidf of IFA ewer, ff } �s nnoteaacn to do ea must be prowled the protest. Pty Oi I+SQ •+ Z 1 1:• O¢� bee71/33 Other w 3" �� S7 1 whams )`7l Do'. fly Town.ori Post Office $tate .... ad A• — Tied Land-and gallants Na S1,.g J °";k' 4 All lO ry $ s`s 710 roysoy Ido hn Number Photo teetbar Personal Properly 0I6011 Enlq,3 4x2. T)b )78 . kb\ s meds ifraea �.� ( ra tpny.a. agtsijt>nalpageseneed+ed:) 't R.P.-4A4"14',rn-tie fl'i �t J�J(/ A.2 4.% fa lel A', 14t,N le '1". e el Property Dm a4»n(inn Lot prom Adoisan,Lactation Arkkesa..Section. .nmeiap,Range,and Camay!anther Pe estaf ProWrry Ogecnptioh rli'ar tt°Y rA 0 L.*, 1-1,, 13 0R. o Cti +�1a� Sk,1<1,vt )fim I a'c t,..e. .E,t«e *1 iirj*ION. th iz( W. 2 .s3 I ': IV it 1.4. . ._... iiilf fit l• �O e.n'}^J �. fit, h.. +� eh ,, ' 4 a sign I e c� here ..-. , . . z° Assessor Russell informed the board that protest 20-136 will not be heard as the property owner signed a valuation agreement with the assessor's office after the meeting agenda was finalized. File with the Pr. ' ty Valuation Protest -e is .00 a rtnli%CAW, County Clerk an• Ss • my Board of Equalization Action ��� (See Instructions) . calx ty Nome A9��f I Name and Mailing Address of' '�� ProtesNt N�qumber r! Fled A f y) Name // // � U;� C/ T1s rson l$,G/tLY // H,grie fro ed Y�A(laatlon MAO Requested Valuation I Priza io to s 1e pmt of Ute prb6ertnty of the owner.11 the protest is being teed on behalf of the owner. �� authorization do so must be provided with the protest. [� .3 $ /4;SI Street or Other Melling Address Buildings .f/1 It/ I. C?//j $ ?is ‘‘995' .. .... . City,Town Of Pat Office 'Slaw 21p•..•>: '7oteltandendt s /*6". 2/WS Ni. 6fvD/ $ d'�.e.6, Property Identification Number Phone Number Pe- Personal t perty 9 Email AAdddress DTD ��,Gg'7 •'/�.l9 tor$ '•OReasons ..,..al pages If needed.) 1441(.'>JJ329._ l'44�e .C,'A No GA' rur�dy,�s' Real Property Description pndude Lot,Rock,Addleon,Location Address,Section, //�� �� Township,Range,end County)atelier Personal Property Description /'tLt,Pezic if4./,00 hi t '4 el/LT‘ k'Zh4Q " U./A8,'/6'/I sIf/ff/.,-4,2, o/,0yA,/1 %ip sign �r SCJ //A// �ed)� Assessor Russell informed the board that protest 20-137 will not be heard as the propertt + ner signed a valuation agreement with the assessor's office after the meeting agenda was finalized. 1.11.1111 i * ation Protest I FORM <tiO is:th)hr2'u Q� Cou ty-Clerk and •of Equaelzatlon Aotlon 422 (See Instructions) County N me Nemo end Mailln Address of Person Filing 0 i pa N ilio r Fuad IAA/ �(pti�v d Valuation 2oy Requested Valuation -I /Mei;f . ._„,iff.., X.ih0 P {� Y or 1F!{ie to Preto. if, --•Lad _-- d ththa n m p f abl being riled on bot+11 I the wn $ '2� 5 7 to -r":=;:e t be P b d with tl p task. WY.. i_--._ - _ "!!•_�"— aeMaul gAdd se B Ildlnp• MO7 1dvsLl3 are�e: anions-s O $ r74i 4' -- City,town,or wet Office. - smm Zlo Code— Tolet Land and Bondi pm errs We 68- - - $ -�QO-/ 538 Property Idenef eUon Number Phone Number Psroo �� Personal Properly _ri.V J ��i c0288.�, L Q - 4G_g__2X3-5 _ _-- [moil Adaroaa Via, R•w•-a_.e�a..t�for 'is O $n and�e_lon-el papaw ii needed. eal ty4w-tylion tc� �bck.A«an n,Locution Addams,eechon, Y� � \''- T ooh P.Range,mM County)any��nr, anal P.openy uaaf:r piton 1 a. t M e r Ti'`'-- ws /e?¢5^ /�4eT •r i-GYtr,B�o n Au e, r21 �1V�Y ►ro- dc/#/q.00—LOTS )¢� !/t-w 1s is, acK .2. '• 1rt.. c� ✓-1 Sign ¢ — Ckv� O • ,��e t �p.... w here ►-�rp lurw p(l+n rwyp`I rip ro wa _ fess 4 Assessor Russell informed the board that protest 20-138 will not be heard as the property owner signed a valuation agreement with the assessor's office after the meeting agenda was finalized. File with the s• -roperty Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk -.port of County Board of Equalization Action 422 (See Instructions) L f County Name 1201.1,.5 --_ Name and Mailing Ad• • ile st Protest Number Filed Name Po _ ,3� 20 T 'Protested Valuation 20A_ Requested Valuation 1 s an ntg Esyrot •tis thswner of •property• of the owner.if the protestmis being on behalf of the owns, �i� Land 4O' J O $Land Y�� authorization to do so must be provided with the protest, 4 Street or Other Mailing Address Buildings /607 1iJEsi 131u5imT Olt. t•10!) $ /75,O10 City,Town,or Post Office State t. - tidings Total Land and Buildings Ye� liastikrs , • . Qd) $ 2/5,750 Proper Identification Number Phone Number Personal Properly Ra►roat as. 5MAI 5455 4oz- 44,4-zzi9 $ $ Email Address Reason. • �� ' (Attach additional pages if needed.) b bad Jap n d, torr We . ., w� h7$ Pr r+7 rn .20/y Real f§ arty Description(Include Lot,Block,Addition,Location Address,Section, Township,Range,and Courtly)and/or Personal Property Description Address:3bal Aiek but brie 'For $2.110.•- -erj:/449.0o•Leh'7No.Nw 30'44-f et, it er- sign And ADI cwt.) e,34Ac here Signature of arson i p Pretest � 121/to • Flle with the Property Valuation Protest olui FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action W ur 422 (See Instructions) County Nam �.�i 's , Name and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest Protest N//er _ hYw q Name/� , D ` /Y/ P SV ,2020 Yleit5or‘I! [/ e" Protested Valuation 20 { C equested Valuation ( •a person'ng t s protest a the owner o i e property or nut r died to protest on behalf Land Lievyi of the owner.It the protest Is being tiled on behalf of the owner, authorization to do so must be provided with the protest. Q Yes DN. $ $2. Stre , Oilier Metingddress, �� /� Buildings BuildingsZVai /� $ Cfty, yytStateZip Code TotalBuildings Total /l151a7 ///e:- G ! 6/ f7 .7 $/3 J 000 Property Identification Number Phone Number Personal Property Personal Property (9/c2c2(7 '2 5 oo2-9Ft s s`Ffy' $ $ Email Address Reaso for reque`st�vyration change(Attach add tional pages ft needed.) f•Vg ZS t Real Property Description(Include Lot,Block Addition,Location Address,Section, Ad / /' /� Township,Range,and County)and/or Personal Props y Descdptl n A/' 4/ • �c p pts-f Ja r,-(`'`' 5, 7.2 f 4:44 3 it/ 47e-3 6( /,o !� ,,trap a(14 e ..'6 s1/?2 sign __ ___ here ►Signature of Person Flling Pr �� Dale r',���d The property owner or a representative was not present to speak regarding protest 20-143.The board reviewed the protest form signed by Michael W. Miller The Adams County Assessor's office staff presented the reason for the valuation amount. Motion by Thomsen seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the current valuation set by the Adams County Assessor as the current valuation is equitable. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann Bill Herms spoke to the board regarding protests 20-154 through 20-166 The Adams County Assessor's office staff presented the reason for the valuation amount on each of the properties Herms was protesting. Ale with the Property Valuation PrdIgst FORM CountyClerk h.. " and Report of County Board of EqualizatiotlAAon 422 (See Instructions) tir Co4e : yte Name andMailingAddress o Person JFlf-n('g�Protest Protest Number. y',1 f File ' Name { Z /4:- / /1Z��'/,,J � _2 equestedy/L� r1 !4 -r Z507,1 retested Va ua 70 20 Valuation The person tiling this protest is the owner of the property or authorized to protest on behalf 'Land Ir" Land / of the owner.if the protest is being filed on behalf of the owner, td �/ (/.�/l, authorization to do so must be provided with the prol t. Yea No $ 1-_ J $ /�✓J/s V Street or t mg Addr s Buildl Buildings / ��' / . $ "�,3 q� $ 332/60e) City.ToWr Po � g �eej / T$otal :,.an.: Wings . $Total La9d pL�1Bu/ydfng/� Property Identification Number Phone tmbe Personal Props y / Personal/Prop'erL/t}J ,./6700667e �/l�/� $ $ Email Address / Reasons for requested valuation change(Attach additional pages it needed.) f,/hr r)rA€f erI C6,Geh�t r22i-e: Real Property Description(Include LoAddition,Location Address,Section, Or. C/Range,and County)a or Personal Property Description T 4r./,- Township, 7-7-IU /30/. 6 0 7 /- 14't A ryli .(j/z. o')7yi el�41)7dY‘c-/ft sign /7_ here Signature of roast Agra Motion by Thomsen seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the current valuation set by the Adams County Assessor for protest 20-154 as the current valuation is equitable. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann L1)t:? File with the Property VaivatOn Protest FORM �f County Clerk and Report of County Board. t;:il ualizatlon Action 422 (See Instructions) } t`t 1 County NameG Na a and Mailing Address Person Filing Protest ,IF;xiel Number • Filed Name a //9�/ 7.E.eill t;t, ,R© ..��� ,2013//l.,L,./, fPiotested VatuaYtlon squealed ValuationThe person mg this protest ff£sss the ownee property orzvu to protest on behalf Lanilb ),/ y--1 l Land l / of the owner.If theprotest is beingtiled on behalf of the owner, /�C �h<„/ G/z/C/ zb authorization to do o must be provided with thee proleFt. 0Yes IT No $ '/ / F.�t/ $ / t�/� Street or,Zttt ei ng Addres / �b _/ f$ildir S_ ry l, Buildings 7 '2 `�"� City,Towo,oor�/jPost tDlft Sta[ Coda Total a mgs //y Total d d i J hrel, 256 Property Wen��bullion�Nump Phone Nurptre ♦,��/ Personal$ Property PersonalProperty $ Email Address (fJ _[7/ �]/C '�]/ Reasons for requested valuation change(Attach addition pages if needed.) AJ rilZ2f sw71� /f i Peal Property Description(Include Lot,Be2e/kG.CerrN. ddition,Location Address,Section, /+ // /�; ) Township,Range, nd r1 t)and/or Personal Property Description / 2 `7 1 4/5/ �J Alf� , :/ Gu°6/ vs/ 1/sAzhIsr is zio _. A - , 4 / , / eeNi 1-1/ sign -9V, here !1stgnature�/ : o �y�b otest e Motion by Thomsen seconded by Hogan to recommend no change to the current valuation set by the Adams County Assessor for protest 20-155 as the current valuation is equitable. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann File with the Property Valuati4 aProtest - FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of 451 abzation Action/J 422 (See Instructions) x CJI County ha a�/C���� letej —.C?r.— GGG�CCc 1 Na and) Mailing Adder/e//s/,of Person Filling Protest Front{iAber Name /44./ /'r / / /e/nL-� rro te / ..i. i. . . _ on Pro-iced Valuation / Requested Valuation The person Ing 1 isp protest is the owner of the property or authorized to proles)on behalf Land . of the owner.If the proses Is being filed on behalf of the owner, 2 i r/) authorization too do so must be provided with the rdest. Yes No $ / zJ $ 3 J�(.�/ Street or "r §ng`.'✓L]ter/ r1".✓' Buildings 3 3/3 $Wldings`�2�J d City) Post //C3_�,[,•, St yej�� �7 )_ ip Coda,/ T$otal Lend ail;:^s $Total :..a;•' ,Iy4 0///00Property 1ificatioyi 6 �,i5j�/�e�✓ h!(,✓ ' 7// /1--- $sone)^.. IY $Pe conal Property Email Address Reasons For requested valuation change(Attach additional pages It needed.) o/yicrh'IZ.r �/,r C �b t� Real Property Description(Include Block,Addition,Location Address.Section, Township,Rrange, .CpuLtty),and/or Personal Property Description 41122- 1//��f11S'7- / �f '� z / ` I// 7f '5hi/is.1 sign „-, here Signatre• on>.T^•lest �' 1 . . ate Motion by Thomsen seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the current valuation set by the Adams County Assessor for protest 20-156 as the current valuation is equitable. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann File with the Property Valuatio; rotest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of EAya1 Patton Action 422 (See Instructions) a Lri County Na .f�.C"t 1 Name nd Mailing Address of parson Filing Protest Protest r r File Name 1 r /� jr �41 I C (�J �' 1 � � Prole d Valua0li equested Valuation The person tiling th s protests the owner of he property or aulhonzed to protest on behalf Lend of the owner.II the protest Is being provided onw behalf of the owner, r No $ e (2 ) $and �23-6 authorization b do so must be provltletl with the pro)st. Yes (CJ�'� Street or� ✓/{i lIdle. yCC� , $dng\ls / (✓�)t S fma $ d /V56 Cil,/Ior Post Ofice r L Soda, Total end H s• Total / Ia�B .j 6—j L, G/ $ 7/ - $ Property nUllcadon Num r Personal Property Personal pent', heN�u ow z1/0606 / $ $ Email Address // Reasons Sr requested valuation change Attach additional W �✓Jr/ g ( pages if needed.) cvini, " �o,coru, Real Properly Description(Include Lot,Block,Addition,Location Address,Section, Township,Range,and County)and/or Personal Property Description 1/201 1,f fists"" X305.el0 L 45.7/1 i3/1 21 ;Tdk 4,/i4d sign here / re .Signature • est Data Motion by Thomsen seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the current valuation set by the Adams County Assessor for protest 20-157 as the current valuation is equitable. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann File with the Property Valuatic '.Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Eidazatlon Action 422 (See Instructions) ->< t''d County is Name and Mailing Address of Parson Filing Protest Protegln or R.. Name , ,^ -� Z4/ 'M /iis.ro j d _ / MS Pro•J d Value!•n 20_ /Re.nested Valuation T e person ruing this protest s t in owner of the pro.. or authorized o protest on. of the owner.tithe protest is being filed on behalf of the owner, r� Land • -� Lens/ 1 authorizetlon to tlo so trtust be provided with the proles) Yes E.No $ z� $ , / Street or Qtfy�`MaiJing Addre§�� B$ulldings��/z/06 $Buildings 77� \ 1rd C_41.57, /7"oorr Post ONiicc�^Y/ Stare Code' Total La/fid/Fnd ulldi/nys� 4//1(^f rl/, G �E 6 c i,„ $ L7 (t7 �"s.C/ ref LLVIIG / , �roany Idendlica�n1�b Phone Number Personal Properly Personal Propity $ $ Email Address ) r A/ Reasons for recuested valuation change(Attach ad Urinal pages if needed) lV/�J/c 1JCQ Cpifts .61 Real Property Description(Include Lot,Black,Addition,Location Address.Section, .ernahup,i3angei rgInty)end/or Personal Property Description 1 C//tC��/f C/c )17 t75, 4e LSr Za -21/ < 5/k 2/ 7e,":43Y4, 4.47 sign JC here ►Signature e n ole; Motion by Thomsen seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the current valuation set by the Adams County Assessor for protest 20-158 as the current valuation is equitable. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann File with the Property ValuatiV Protest t��, FORM County Clerk and Report of County Boardalization Action/L�� �� 422 (See Instructions) County Na r� Name and Mailing Address of*canton Filing Protest Pile♦ umber Filed Name r, w r Ill ' 410„..�. ,....�2n c20 / , r C�`'st-d Valuation 20 ' Lr-.'�fM.:d Valuation The person ft in.this protest is the owner o a property or authonzed to protest on be a Land alt land, of the owner.If the protestIs beingro filed on behalf ot the owner, "-K' /_5/'j-C.., $ e,r authorization to do so must be provided with the pr test. Yes r No $ (,!`1 c.�!/1..� Street or /her M 31ing Addreps I A Buildings 1 20 Buildings^ - O&i $ City,To or est Office ir State- p ) Total Le 4l s Total m ild' s r, z. Proper/ Iden tflcati Xis Phone car Personal PropRfly Personal Property 0/via�,� �1 9'-74.41/9/ $ $ Email Address i Reasons for requested valuation change(Attach additional pages it needed.) Real Property Description(Include Lo, lock,Addition,Location Address.Section, Township,Range,and County)and/or Personal Property Description s2 -336 41w ,L /i'f1. &A.A. ce 1-"Alf I3—/C„ J3/R ' Z. )4i4.5- Vs,62,4( sign here . Signature ox�, }4'oteat-. �7 �.- , e Motion by Thomsen seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the current valuation set by the Adams County Assessor for protest 20-159 as the current valuation is equitable. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann File with the • Property l. ation Protest • FORM County Clerk and Report of Count R.and of Equalization Action w (See Instructions) - L 422 ry n, County Armed S _ r----Na //and Mailing Addres3 of Person Filing Protest , C" Protest Num at ' P. File-, ]� Name //l retested Value on f equested Valuation The person4/ /IM protest is the owner of t> propertyor authorized to protest on h t g P t a Land 343-66 ,r_. 6 Land 32 t of the owner.It the protest Is being filed on behalf of the owner, z4,-; 5 authorization to do so must tre provided with the prote Yes (� $ $ Street olrO ,lift 'ng Ad re /2A Buildings, >fritq 76 Building?Pjr �C 11,/l City,To[(/,o[rr o Otfica 7J S t 'p e otal La $otal La uildlngs�� ��� $ � 7 $ /// oCO /006 1Number Ph Personal 4/ Personal Property Personal Proetarty $ Email Address j `')41 ✓� Reasons for requested valuation change(Attach additional pages it needed.) 41 Real Property Description(Include Lot,Block,Addi ion.Location Address,Section, )^'''`//\J„y' Township,Range,and Coun )and/or Personal Property Description 4/ `✓�' l 0/GC.0 4./3 3s7 y 2h--/ fit/ s'1" /361.oe l2b ///tri" l2 g >E 2Z ( .5,C4-. A.,4(6,614< sign here / � �� Signature of P o t' est e Motion by Thomsen seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the current valuation set by the Adams County Assessor for protest 20-160 as the current valuation is equitable. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann Fite with the Property Valuat .1 Protest FORM County Clerk ) and Report of County Board o'tqualization Action 422 (See Instructions =rt' County Name G Nin t aaNs- I Na and Mailing Address j o Person Filing Protest Pr ,i filo bar ' Filed Name l //�/ � .L_. d1(� C/' �(o /LL/441 //,-ie . gfested Valuation 20.E quested Valuation 1 The person fog this protest Is the owner tib f tthhee property or authorized to protest on ttehaU Land Land ��� of the owner.II the protest Is being tiled on behalf or a owner, aulhonzndcn to do so roust be provided with the P f- Vas IT No $ 5 - $ 3aeet ar o M�Iltng dr Bulkings Buildings , ko City,Town r tsost Office. �A stale P de/ Drat Le���� 50 $oral ��G < E. Property Identification Number Phone N tuber Personal Property Personal Propert/ aUO6G3 VI 2: Qin// $ $ Email Address/ Reasons for requested valuation change(Attach add/ I pages if needed.) d,/f?Cyr 3 S c-ri<G.C6/-... t4O/5.4r 'i;l Reel Property Description(Include Lot,Block,Addition,Location Address,Section,Township,Rangeo nty)and/or Personal Property Description 6/GGU G 3 51 I /3ell .6U ?�-1.4-. atm- e 1:-; / 0-L2 (1"h/ 1 2/5 I 4/1 Z3 g/C Xhk ) ,I4 sign c/Z� here ►Signature of Pe-.n• t i�C ate / Motion by Thomsen seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the current valuation set by the Adams County Assessor for protest 20-161 as the current valuation is equitable. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann File with the Property Valuatiort Protest • FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board ofr&g8Zilization Actio �( (See Instructions) .O 422 _ 0 County I Na and Mailing Address Person Filing Protest Proif4t ' r - File Name /,t/t� ,AJ //[�qf' �-+ lt�M //C�(�¢/q I ila/,e+ ///leek, • 'Pro• ted Valu ion 20 squealed Valuation The pea n g this protest Is the owner of are property or authorized to protest on behalf of the owner. Ido protestmis being tiled on h thehelf of the owner, I No $ L /55— authorization $ d /7 7 i3 Streeto do so must be provided with pg�lest. Yes `!7 I .l Street oa�r gqher M iUn /�''�.�/j/ gut / gni 7�� �/j/�.2 /y )) $ //'7j/f/� /�g 3� $ , 7 0 60 C. To/74 7/^"�I/'6.5 SlhaonSM1. ��) J/� �- s / d / l?s37O $ /l nCJ' ! / s! 55 y✓ r�V V U� �/ 7 ,,,v?..,,, 7?� /1! / $raofiel Properly $ersOhal Property ii Email Address Reasons for requested valuation change(Attach additionalional pages U needed) :ranz!(c ecCez' Real Propertynotion(include Lot,BlockAddition,Location Address,Section, fj4 3 L! 4)7G Township,Re e. nil County)and/or Personal Property Description e/6a Salnnt 1 Aft • /y la 93c13./o L 7� n ( / `3 1 Oda/51.2)8/ 5 / s/k.,:,,, 7)3., r,,. h4, sign (2,-2,� here ►SignaN a rng ate County Aeenosnr'aRRprnmmmnnwatinn I Rafa.m'e Rarn neruandsfinn Ste sne....d,.5 I Motion by Thomsen seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the current valuation set by the Adams County Assessor for protest 20-162 as the current valuation is equitable. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann sJ,1' File with the Property Valu Ion Protest FORM Bort,/e< County Clerk and Report of County Bor/f Equalization Action 422 (See Instructions) iF?'C7i) wort Na �3 me and Mailing Addres of Person Filing Protest t tprotest Number _ 90e51 mz/ 41 r pi- Of ice0Name /J y�� r protested valuation 2a 7Ued Valuation 1 The person fling this protest is the ow er o the property or authorized to protest on behalf q,c1 of the owner.If the protest is being Ned on behalf of the owner, 'C ) n/�/) authorization to do so must be provided with the lest. (n Yes r Na $ / 2, 2� $ /32,222 SlreetprfQtlrrjJlailing�7 24- $ilding5 c $uUoingp7� �� City,Tow or Post Office , /7_Cp / Total/✓ an�fiuild g� $Total/itd art ipgs,,,�o ,- Property Identification Number Phone r �V�!^%/ $ L L"/•G/• Yl Vo643�q e�,,,/ '•/ Personal f'rope�y $Personal Property , Email Addres Y Reasons for requested valuatton change(Affect additional pages it needed.) •/,/ ��De r1so►z3 ee.Ad c6cr4gral`/l�'�//r 3.3%Real Properly Description(Includktic,Addition,Location Atldress,Section, L Township,Range, County)and/or Personal Property Description f 61 OQ7V /SII.s E Zji.v,Sileed 13/G. 60 A/i i"-z VII C.Ke syr f'-.ti//e3--e /3ik 24//�kJ�e1 iii sign ,Z9-ZG here ►Signature ofP mast- - . Motion by Thomsen seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the current valuation set by the Adams County Assessor for protest 20-163 as the current valuation is equitable. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer, . Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann • File with the Property Valuat Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board or,' gll'llzatlon Action (See Instructions) t.19 / 422 I m m„ County Na - O • Name and Mailing A ress of Person Filing Protest Prr gs orm er °1 Reda U(J 20 K Name/4 Pss Valuatio 0 1G /Requested Valuation The person filing this protest is a owner of the property or authorized to protest on behalf Land La ' of the owner.If the protest Is being filed on behalf of the owner, C authorization to do so must be p triedwith ll7p protest. ]Yes No $ // 1 / $ 12C/ 5 St�et oy e/JMaili g res Buil;9s .(C Buildingsn 930/ fown,or Ci#4.3 Post -1 S� r�ry�/j�py/.C%I $t en(_Bylfldings}r-33 '��r Total I nt/✓ /r gu`�eJ rl idenlifl tin umber Phone Number ,""" •C/J J , t V /1/.. ¢/��q jl�� 962 jC 2. g/4// Personal/�Properly Pe nal Property Email Adtl ss UY /,L7/ Reasons for requested vvaal_uation change(Attach additional pages if needed.) Real Property Description(Ineelko ot,Block,Addition,Location Address,Section, V 4r' 5% Township,Ra and Copnty)and/or Personal Property Description 0/04/Yo3 - , A6/ W Z" I rte- 7"_ 1/-4 -i3 / )e . T / Yx/ i , —�-y/1,'s' sign here Signator ars Protest 42y2o Motion by Thomsen seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the current valuation set by the Adams County Assessor for protest 20-164 as the current valuation is equitable. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann t11 �j File with the Property Valrion Protest , FORM County Clerk and Report of County B;Yriof Equalization Action (See Instructions) x tt'7adao :2,2 „h County Name I / /Name and Melling Addddrrr as of Person Filing Protest "#Srote /y'f�)ber / FlI �/Name i'- 4�h /!�.A �! .5�PrK/ l / C 2QY.� f hh„ 1 Protested Vallued 20 7C� squealed Valuation f The person cling is protest is the owner o tha pro rty or amhork to protest behoatt ,, nd ' �� Lan of the owner.If the protest Is being filed on behalf of the owner, ,,,,,46,- authorization to do so must be rovided with the prolq/t. Yes +y/3 (� `3'3 666 '4 5' Street`/"' tiiltngA d4� l , 4 Buildings/56, �� Buildingsf 2`-" AZ City,Town or Post Office r 1 Stat Zi Code Total uildin s Total and B idtn /i4 774k1 ,� � ��1 $ Property Id fication bene Phon u2er /,ley Personal Proper'? Personal Proper y /L Email Addr s 1 LTJ ((J $ $ Z /� Reasons tor requested valuation change(Attach additional pages if needed.) AllOe Y.rpn(S e." `/ r '�/tM1 Real Property Description(Include Lot,Block,Addition,LocationAddress,Section, / 412 fdi Gf 1j Township,Range,and County)and/or Personal Property Description ttt I. ORO/g6$16i /7/1/ I✓24'51"d" l // sign7-/ -x311?, 0 4# / a 1.1 'G4INj t <1,ek...��_6,114,..,/ i-, "r/ r here 1 Signature• zsie....,, ,,,,,,_ - 77a`S z' ��' Motion by Thomsen seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the current valuation set by the Adams County Assessor for protest 20-165 as the current valuation is equitable. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann 111111111111 C.6-45 . File with the Property Vatuatil Protest ��//� . FORM County Clerk tr and Report of County Board oR2glization Action 422 22 (See Instructions) S•"7 County Nal e `F G A 4) Na and Mailing Addres of Person Filing Protest pr Fi f ad Name Na �/f�,/ .r ,2pab ,a),44-1 Qe4f PtC�TQsted& n2OiA`S Requested Valuation f The person I ling this protest Is the owner of property or au horized to protest on behalf Land „11 Land quer/ of the owner.If the protest is being tiled on behalf of theest owner, �� N j'?�` f�� fi;-?) authorization to do so must be provided with the test. 6G Yes IT No $ r(,./ $ �7 Street qr})h�r ailSng A�esu� �� 8$ullding��,/ f5z $Buildings, ,.1cv City,T w,,or Post°free T, /,92zit/ a.., h ip co // T$otal `/n ft2Z TotaluiidsProperly Identification Numberr (/tPr/ /jj/JJyy/mmbaPers IG'P/ropeffy Personal Prop �� Of e,.�/ QG e'V� /�� $ $ Y Email Address Reasons for requested valuation change(Attach additional pagges f need.)/ G>��1,i)09/4=eel/C.6> C Gycti f } �J L /G7.,/ rReal Property Description(Include Lot.81ition,Location Address,Section, 2 r5Z v' \/ Township, a ,anc(Cg�ty)and/or Personal Property Description J ✓�/ )2 ). ./ 1247-k-) OVA sign �t qZ2.— j 2d here ►Signet tits rgProte� Date Motion by Thomsen seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the current valuation set by the Adams County Assessor for protest 20-166 as the current valuation is equitable. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann Property Valuation rrozest �.r• Z: He with the `'I',, County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action '4; ; •�,St�w :.�.. (See Instructions) County Name / s p�Ip t r-2. ^� s ��VV 1 r f�G. ,20 D—V Name and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest Protest Number cD_p Zt► Name • � � � Protested Valuat on 20 L'� Re•uested Valuation Land Land The person' ling this protest is t e owner• t a property or au o e•to protest on beha j,� of the owner.It the protest Is being tiled on behalf of the owner, O No $ 7,5S U $ 'i-J 000 authorization to do so must be provided with the protest. 1 Yes Buildinga8ulldings Street or Other Mating Address $ $ 3 •• •I A • AI law0. / Zip Code Total Land and 8ulldings Total Land and Buildings City,Town,or Post Office sem'0 State 0 $ $ l 0 0 � ,: Personal Property ProperLL IdeA:4 lion Number Phone Number - / $ Reasons for requested valuationchange{AUach addttlon I pages�� de� Em.it Address • • (`/'�_lI„i.7di (,Jf--- Reel•••arty Description(Include Lot,BI•• Addition,Location A•drese,Section, Township.Range,and County)end/or Personal F.' Description m�� n__. ./ I(9 2 L'°-1- i N l�.V.rri �(,�1� cwai>t V te,L Ws ,i-t f 5 6.11 1146141/1 p czwinf vns .04 tic sign a 11 /ii AL.: Date here -�edt'• tog••est — The property owner or representative was not present to speak regarding protests 20-038 and 20-092. The board reviewed the protest forms and supporting documentation provided by Jennifer Deets. County Assessor Russell stated upon review of the documentation provided, she is making a recommendation to adjust the valuation of property 0010018986 to$127,701.00 and adjust property 010017566 to$500,000.00. Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Stromer to adjust the valuation of property 0010018986 to $127,701.00 as recommended by the Adams County Assessor. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann _1- File rvMtt the Property Valuation Protest Yi -' "blikelOti 9 County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action (See Instructions) 422 County Name SffAs Name anri,d Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest Purest Number 4 f Pied dNameName t .,..70 ! .i. -,2r,``.✓�/1 p I'IN i : Protested Valuation 20 Requested Valuation The...4-',,,. hhhdTSsss proteatl5 tie owner d the property or authorized to protest on behalf land Land Of the owner.If the protest is being tied on behalf of the owner, 4-71_ f�'t 2,00t000 authodzasan to do so must be provided with the protest. Yea 1.No $ [. 1 l —r $ Street or Other Mailing Address Buildings Buildings 213 S Gstel $ 2,�Zla $ 1,00l106 City,Town,or Post Office zo Code Total Land and Buildings Total Land and Buildings s�4 l $ q°141,14-1 $ 500,000 Property oot�t�le Phone,-06 0-gol7- s sa,elPraperty`' Personal Property Email Address Reasons for requested velustionchange(Attach additional pages if needed.) rdkatiato Real P ( Lot, Addition,Location Address.Section, t '_ i- T is(oft ty) d Personal I Property Alien nge044d (awRAP- QU/1 at r2 --f va(tAa6i n, $k{rvi n Cup.) 1.6046-- sign (/'---It'; ',-,40i -?-D-7620here . e Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Stromer to adjust the valuation of property 010017566 to $500,000.00 as recommended by the Adams County Assessor. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer, Hogan, Thomsen,Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann ■ File with the Property valuation Protest Z:0100 Mc: ,f r County Clerk 'Api ;e� Report of County Board of Equalization Action +�.-t LZ (See Instructions) County Name Adams LL Name and Mailing Addle,, 'teat Protest Number Filed // Name cie — ///^��t <fJ— /r7SWO Southern Bell Heartland,LLC J>. (� Protested Valuation 20 Requested Valuation ( The person fling this protest is the owner of the property or au S>. 'ail Land Land of the owner.If the protest is being filed on behalf of the owner, 56,040 56,040 authorization to do so must be provided with the protest la $ $ Street or Other Mating Address y nils Buildings 109 North Burlington Avenuea' 2,372,282 $ 1,100,000 City,Town,or Post Office Stale Zip ,, 4d :uildings Total Land and Buildings Hastings NE 6$9+ 4/O/ 2,428,322 $ 1,156,040 Property Identification Number Phone Number .1Personal Property 010006180 (706)505-4108 $ 9 $ Email Address Reasons for ~e r,r e(Attach additional pages If needed.) southembeilheartiandlic@gmail.corn Commercia . N74, a roperty based on completed Real Property Description(Include Lot,Block,Addition,Location Address,Section, plans at under ei, •ood portion of those plans Township,Range,and County)and/or Personal Property Description were not complete• t 1483.99-S74 1/2'lots 1-5 Lymans Addition of block 5 Under BID rules,my p- should not be Moores addition taxed. Other comparable deveiopm- it valued this high. sign - AP 10 -1 Z .70 here , Signature 0 -arson Filing Prole_ Date Assessor Russell informed the board that protest 20-039 would not be heard as the property owner -signed a valuation agreement after the meeting agenda had been published. 'MI= File with the Property VatuatiOli Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board olgt alization Action 422A (See Instructions) co.'1.). Name Adams Name and Mailing Address Of Person Filing Protest PrR Oat^$umber /,� FlI/7q /� Name t-j tgQ5 (s.�f?/e/ e-Z oAV Savage and Browning for/THE BREWERY LOFTS LLC pt�ested Valuation 20 24 i'uested Valuation I The person filing this protest is the owner of the property or authorized to protest on behalf Real pgdb erReal Properly ofutheriowzation Itfothdepsroomeusstltabbee provided owbethhaefpOrroprotest des No ty Street or Other Mailing Address $ 97,500 $ 29,700 8676 W.96th St#100 Personal Property Personal Property City Town,or Post Office State Zip Code Overland Park KS 66212 $ $ Property identification Number Phone Number Reasons for requested valuation change(Attach additional pages It needed.) 010006345 ,(913)385-3131 current rent roll, 4 &E statements and market data Email Address charris@savageandbrowning.com support a lower value Reel Property Description(include Lot,Block,Addition,Location Address,Section, Township,Range,and County)and/or Personal Property Description 1309.00-LOTS 13 THRU 18 JOHNSONS ADD BLK 23 101 S COLORADO AVE Hastings,NE Adams County sign here lure loon Filing Protest C\N(114Date 06-18-2020 The property owner or representative was not present to speak regarding protests 20-095,20-096 and 20-097.The board reviewed the protest forms and documentation signed by Ray Browning. Assessor Russell informed the board that upon review of the property,the buildings can be considered historical,and the value adjusted accordingly, however the parking lot should not be adjusted. Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Stromer to make no adjustment to property 010006345 as the present valuation is equitable. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann File with the t'ropertyy Iuation rrotest FORM County Clerk and Report of C&igty Board of Equalization Action 422A (See Instructions) FSI.,.u Count k'-,..)). y Name Adams Name and Mallin,Address of Person Filing Protest?, "K:j Protest Number Filedf;itite ) ± Name fill C-1 ..[fe0 0752oU[r i Savage and Browning fortTHE BREWERY LOFTS LLC £ P Protested Valluaation 20 20 Requested Valuation The person filing this protest Is the owner oche property or authorized to profegerbehalf Real property Real Property, of the owner.If the protest is being flied on behalf of the owner, --r r"' authorization to do so must be provided with the protest. IJ Yes iNo 455,940 118 800 Street or Other Mailing Address k $ $ 8676 W. 96th St#100 Personal Property Personal Property City,Town,or Post Office State Zip Code Overland Park KS 66212 $ $ Property Identlibatlon Number Phone Number Reasons for requested valuation change(Attach additional pages if needed.) 010006159 (913)385-3131 current rent roll, I &E statements and market data Email Address support a lower value charris@savageandbrowning.com Real Property Description(Include Lot,Block,Addition,Location Address,Section, Township,Range,and County)and/or Personal Property Description 1309.00-PT OF LT 6&ALL LOTS 7 THUR 10 BLK 23 JOHNSONS ADD 227 W 2nd St Hastings,NE Adams County sign , i 06-18-2020 here ►Sig tura rso Fling Protest U Date Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Stromer to adjust the valuation of property 010006159 to $113,965.00, as recommended by the Adams County Assessor. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer, Hogan, Thomsen, Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann File with the '` roperty Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk {'„ ii and Report of County Beim Equalization Action 4efe�p (See instructions) 1! ,, 3) GGG/� � I. CountyName Adams Name and Mailing Add . ' eraon Filing Protest t. �?fdteat Number Name r.^ C/�X/J'} ' .�L L ty 20921 Savage and Browning for/THE= `s Y LOFTS LLC Cm t'^t Protested Valuation 20 20 Requested Valuation 'tie person filing this protest is the ownp er a --Warty or authorized E protest on behalf Property Re Property autttrodzatiortr to do so mus beaprov d d withdthe prote etowner, 0 Yes DNo r;4 j Street or Other Mailing Address 4: 3,168,096 $ 841,500 8676 W. 96th St#100 Personal Property Personal Property City,Town,or Post Office State Zip Code Overland Park _KS 66212 $ $ Property Identification Number Phone Number Reasons for requested valuation change(Attach additional pages if needed.) 010006343 (913)385-3131 current rent roll, I &E statements and market data Email Address charris@savageandbrowning.com support a lower value Real Property Description(include Lot,Block,Addition,Location Address,Section, Tbwnahip,Range,and County)and/or Personal Property Description 1309.00-LOTS 1-6 EX PT OF LOT 6 1'STRIP ON WEST BLK 23 JOHNSON'S ADD(2200).43 AC 219 W 2nd St Hastings,NE Adams County sign Y � ? 06-18-2020 here ►Signature `son Filing Protest L Date Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Stromer to adjust the valuation of property 010006343 to$58,565.00, as recommended by the Adams County Assessor. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann Assessor Russell informed the board that protest 20-171 would not be heard as the property owners signed a valuation agreement after the meeting agenda was finalized. he Property Valuation Protest FORM .o QQourttywith clerkt • Report of County Board of Equalization Action 422 eg rnalructiona) County Name Adams Name and Mallin e ' •eat Prot umber FII Name /� 1 e�t-�, Philip A Smith,CPA(Tax Agent fo ��w `J ^ t ` � �, , 20 fV Protested Valuation 020 Requested Valuation he person ng th s protest is the owner o the pro.- ` Lend Land of the owner.If the protest is being filed on behalf of the• authorization to do so must be provided with the protest. 20,062 $ 20,062 Street or Other Mailing Address 501 Darby Creek Rd,Ste 19 ,. s Buildings City,Town,or Post Office State 1,476,350 $ 675,497 Ings Total Land and BuildingsLexington KY �'O 1,496,412 $ 695,559 Properly Identification Number Phone Number Personal Property 010002436 (681)888.5201 1)47 0 $ 0 Email Address Reese 'soh additional pages it needed.) psmith©intax.com Please gr dy sourced from data Real Property Description(Include Lot,Block,Additwn.Location Address.Section, provided by :11y,taxpayer Township,Range,and County)and/or Personal Property Description representative• , -dine retailers in 501.00-LOT 36 EX THE NO 20'THEREOF LOT 37 AND LOT the area and deter �%it- equitably 38 EX 822'THEREOF JUNIATA VILLAGE assessed.1307 N Juniata Ave heren ► \ J C,‘..\-)�' 2020 Signature of Pers n KNng Protest , t - Motion by Stromer, seconded by Thomsen to reopen protest 20-087 filed by Terry Conrad. Roll Call: Ayes:Stromer, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann Supervisor Thomsen visited the property and suggested a valuation adjustment due to the area being run down and a "halfway house" Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Stromer to adjust the valuation of protest 20-087 to$$100,514.00. Roll Call:Ayes:Stromer,Thomsen, Curtis, Larsen Nays: Hogan Absent: Neumann and Orthmann Assessor Russell presented a form 425;A Report of Destroyed Real Property,filed by Christopher Stafford on behalf of Auto Zone. The applicant is seeking a valuation adjustment due to lost revenue due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Adams County Deputy Attorney, David Bergin, provided the board assistance in determining if the lost revenue due to COVID-19 qualifies as damage to the property. Motion by Thomsen, seconded by Stromer to deny a value adjustment to property 10017474. . Roll Call: Ayes:Stromer, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Larsen Nays: None Absent: Neumann and Orthmann Ple County Ass read Report of Destroyed Real Property FORM County Cie ono Damage Occurring on or after January 1 and before July 1 of Current Year 425 Before,kr 1& Significant damage must exceed 20%of the current assessed value as defined In the instructions. I N and Mailing Address of Person Filing Report County Name Fled Name Adams July 15 20 20 Christopher Stafford Destroyed Report Number(optional for County use only) Syaet or Other Address Description and Location of the Property 200 S.6thth S St.,Ste 4000 commits a separate report for each parcel C t Town,or Post Moe State ap Code Property ID Number Minneapolis MN 55402 10017474 Phone Number Legal Description of the Real Property(For Example,Lot,Block,Addition,qty Name, 612-492-7426(office)/612-799-6074(mobile) Section,Township,Range) Email Address 1716.00-LOT 4 CIMARRON PLAZA ADDITION cstafford@fredlaw.com Seas Address of Property,it Different than Address Above 3503 Osborne Dr,Hastings,NE Reasons for Requested Reassessment Due To Significant Damage Date of Damage Damage Occurred to March 13,2020 to June 30,2020 ❑Land ®Buildings Significant 1:1 boo Due COVID-19 Pandemic Flood ❑bre ❑Tomedo ❑Eerthquaka ®outer((care Dlsaeter,specify Describe the significant damage,as defined In the instruceons. Property suffered substantial damage under Neb.Rev.Stat.§77-1307 et seq.due to COVID 19 pandemic and associated Impact on Nebraska economy,which damaged the value of the subject improvements in excess of 20%.See attached memorandum m Attach Supporting Documents:Indude any photographs,reports,damage estimates,repair estimates,Insurance documents,or other documents you wish to be considered by the county board of equalization In making any adjustment In value. sign 7/15/2020 here ►suture of Person Fa the 'y 0 .0 sal Properly Date For County Board of Equalization's Use Only Significant damage must exceed 20%of the current assessed value as defined In the Instructions. CurrentYear Assessed Value Reassessment Value Land c9q5 770 (; qS, 770 Buildings O t0G Bd � v�� VW Total Total ' 69 ` 157, 33 l County Board of Equalization's Certification The county board of e n hes lied the current year assessed value of the real property prior to making any aquatments due to significant property damage and cattle t any atfustme to value on this report has been made to destroyed real property only. 7-45 ►Signature of Eq id n � Dale { County Clerk Certification Dela the Report was Heard 45 -Rao Data of Me Decision s.VR D Date Nodce or Delo--`'tJ9lted�oPrcpnryt manor The niadgned certifies that a copy of this request for reassesament and the stem of the county board at %d�..m.�yp(%pqyen to assessor and has been m to the person eNmsia at the above-shown address on eau I "'I✓ �201� ti ►Signature of County r9 grit ` • Data`%; Nebraska Department of Benno, s8-329.1ote Auarodua by flab.Rea fleet a rflsm. Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to approve all value agreements signed by the Adams County Assessor's office and property owners. Protest# Property ID Current Valuation Agreed Value Value 20-002 10008743 $78,363.00 Agreement $25,000.00 Value 20-005 10017808 $282,176.00 Agreement $270,000.00 Value 20-006 10011180 $76,602.00 Agreement $54,534.00 Value 20-009 10018999 $153,570.00 Agreement $17,571.00 Value 20-010 10011871 $69,306.00 Agreement $52,457.00 Value 20-011 10007778 $65,722.00 Agreement $64,507.00 Value 20-012 10005875 $400,067.00 Agreement $283,620.00 Value 20-013 10005873 $191.092.00 Agreement $169,102.00 Value 20-014 10007715 $71,437.00 Agreement $70,074.00 Value 20-017 10018227 $291,681.00 Agreement $270,000.00 Value 20-018 10008342 $73,784.00 Agreement $50,000.00 Value 20-019 10006521 $61,342.00 Agreement $45,000.00 Value 20-022 10017093 $24,408.00 Agreement $2,608.00 Value 20-027 10008379 $96,141.00 Agreement $87,950.00 Value 20-028 10018963 $110,271.00 Agreement $41,110.00 Value 20-032 10012839 $71,493.00 Agreement $57,283.00 Value 20-033 10005349 $1,041,767.00 Agreement $1,039,749.00 Value 20-035 10013520 $282,400.00 Agreement $250,000.00 Value 20-036 10009186 $50,233.00 Agreement $44,608.00 Value 20-039 10006180 $2,428,322.00 Agreement $1,252,645.00 Value 20-043 10003730 $3,768,475.00 Agreement $3,708,068.00 Value $ 20-044 10002837 $151,505.00 Agreement 130,000.00 Value 20-045 10006467 $93,920.00 Agreement $89,289.00 20-047 10013465 $375,198.00 value Agreement $357,315.00 20-048 10017265 $93,892.00 value Agreement $60,889.00 20-049 10001784 $92,158.00 value Agreement $71,307.00 20-050 10001942 $2,723.00 value Agreement $2,475.00 Value 20-075 10001872 $30,292.00 Agreement $15,146.00 20-076 10018962 $402,349.00 value Agreement $390,103.00 20-078 10008254 $137,003.00 value Agreement $132,502.00 Value 20-079 10007657 $98,208.00 Agreement $88,447.00 Value 20-081 10008858 $75,460.00 Agreement $69,474.00 Value 20-082 10001028 $539,205.00 Agreement $477,567.00 Value 20-083 10015069 $192,432.00 Agreement $184,698.00 Value 20-086 10009601 $101,034.00 Agreement $100,206.00 Value 20-091 10011004 $1,207,137.00 Agreement $1,064,241.00 Value 20-099 10010860 $96,602.00 Agreement $80,000.00 Value 20-100 10018070 $471,541.00 Agreement $430,991.00 Value 20-101 10006095 $966,318.00 Agreement $800,010.00 Value 20-102 10006085 $687,148.00 Agreement $447,107.00 Value 20-103 10008304 $93,585.00 Agreement $88,790.00 Value 20-104 10018069 $412,731.00 Agreement $405,981.00 Value 20-105 10016908 $148,419.00 Agreement $120,000.00 Value 20-107 10016656 $241,261.00 Agreement $145,801.00 Value 20-109 10019039 $116,704.00 Agreement $83,472.00 Value 20-110 10001821 $110,853.00 Agreement $100,974.00 Value 20-114 10007628 $92,153.00 Agreement $90,721.00 Value 20-116 10003808 $69,460.00 Agreement $65,430.00 Value 20-121 10001740 $149,897.00 Agreement $142,047.00 Value 20-123 10001560 $31,922.00 Agreement $29,906.00 Value 20-125 10003654 $759,498.00 Agreement $406,233.00 20-126 10018013 $244,693.00 value Agreement $67,192.00 20-127 10013607 $105,655.00 value Agreement $12,085.00 20-128 10013609 $404,744.00 value Agreement $240,224.00 Value 20-129 10013610 $144,890.00 Agreement $21,140.00 Value 20-130 10013611 $62,551.00 Agreement $62,551.00 20-135 10013443 $225,819.00 Value agreement $211,013.00 Value 20-136 10011202 $88,138.00 Agreement $83,116.00 Value 20-137 10008863 $316,736.00 Agreement $291,726.00 Value 20-138 10013655 $229,751.00 Agreement $215,750.00 Value 20-139 10010843 $361,176.00 Agreement $345,000.00 Value 20-148 10008324 $86,720.00 Agreement $83,000.00 Value 20-149 10001613 $63,132.00 Agreement $39,110.00 Value 20-150 10014094 $202,277.00 Agreement $178,150.00 Value 20-152 10013895 $2,014,446.00 Agreement $1,598,625.00 Value 20-153 10006117 $210,047.00 Agreement $136,850.00 Value 20-169 10010376 $101,211.00 Agreement $14,451.00 Value 20-170 10014218 $2,101,433.00 Agreement $1,873,051.00 Value 20-171 10002436 $1,496,412.00 Agreement $849,872.00 Lee Hogan Pamela J.Witte Board Chairman Deputy County Clerk