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0721 Minutes for July 21, 2020
Adams County Board of Supervisors Board Minutes Courthouse,Adams.County,Tuesday July 21, 2020 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held with Chairman Lee Hogan presiding. Roll Call members present:District 1,Michael Stromer,District 2,Glen Larsen,District 3,Lee Hogan,District 4,Scott Thomsen,District 5,Dale Curtis, District 6,Chuck Neumann, District 7,Eldon Orthmann. Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stomer that.this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. Roll Call,Ayes,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann,Orthmann. Nays:None Notice of this meeting was advertised in the Hasting tribune.A continuously updated agenda has been available in the County Clerk's office and available on the Adams County website.No modifications have been made to the agenda within the past twenty-four hours. Agenda for Meeting of Adams County Board of Supervisors County Board Room,Courthouse,2nd Floor *Date of Meeting,July 21,2020,9:30 A.M. Chairman to request a motion that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors Announce location of Agenda&Open Meetings Law postings Reminder to turn off all cell phones Pledge of Allegiance Conflicts of Interest Roll call: Approve minutes; Committee reports: Receive Comments from the Public: 9:35-Public Hearing for Proposed Road Closure Action on Public Hearing Item 9:50 a.m.Judge Stephen Illingworth—Presentation of the 2020/2021 County Judge.Budget 10:00—Board of Equalization—Melanie Curry—present for possible approval motor vehicle tax exemption applications Jackie Russell—Tax List Corrections Melanie Curry-Pledge and release of securities 10:10—Ron Kucera-Presentation of the 2020/2021 County IT Department Budget 10:20—Jackie Russell-Presentation of the 2020/2021 County Assessor Budget 10:30—Amanda Bauer-Presentation of the 2020/2021 District Court Budget 10:40—Rachel Ormsby-Presentation of the 2020/2021 Register of Deeds,Microfilm and P&M Budgets 10:50—John Rust-Presentation of the 2020/2021 County Sheriff and Jail Budgets John Rust—Present for possible approval,the equitable sharing agreement for the 2020/2021 fiscal year 11:00 Shon Lieske-Presentation of the 2020/2021 Adams County Public Defender Budget 11:10—Donna Fegler Daiss-Presentation of the 2020/2021 County Attorney Budget 11:20—Eric Walston—Presentation of the 2020/2021 Adams County Weeds Department Budget 11:30—Jolene Laux—Presentation of the 2020/2021 Adams County Ag Society Budget 11:40—Anjanette Bonham_Present for approval,Improvement Fund Grants for: Hastings Municipal Airport-$5,000.00 Adams County Ag Society-$25,000.00 Roseland Community Club-$25,000.00such session 367 IPage Hastings Parks&Recreation- $22,400.00 Chuck Neumann—Present for possible approval, an agreement between Adams County and Heartland Pet Connection for care of impounded animals Dale Curtis—Discussion and possible action on temporary modifications to the Adams County vacation cap policy David Bergin-Approval of the written memorialization of the Isolated Land Ruling of July 7,2020 David Bergin—Present for possible approval, Resolution 2020-07-21.01 to dissolve West Blue Township Present for possible approval, Resolution 2020-07-21.02 to dissolve Ayr Township David Bergin—Closed Session; for the protection of the public interest,to discuss options on potential land lease by the county. Possible action on closed session item Dawn Miller-Presentation of the 2020/2021 Adams County Roads Department Budget Miscellaneous Business Claims Miscellaneous Receipts Officer Reports This agenda is subject to amending until 9:30 AM on the Monday preceding the Board meeting. Note to Citizens: Any agenda item may be moved down at any time at the discretion of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Last updated on July 17,2020 at 4:07 p.m. For non-English speaking attendees wishing to arrange for a sign language or foreign language interpreter,please call or fax the County Attorney's office at Phone:402-461-7240 or Fax:402 461-7241.For hearing-impaired individuals or individuals with other special needs call or fax the County Clerk's Office at Phone:402 461-7107,or TTY:402 461-7166 or Fax:402-461-7185.When requesting an interpreter or services for the hearing impaired, please provide at least forty-eight(48)hours advance notice to allow time for making the accommodations. The Board reserves the right to go into executive session if such session is clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. Chairman Hogan inquired if there were any corrections to the minutes for the July 7, 2020 meeting. No corrections were suggested, and Hogan requested a motion to approve the minutes. Motion by Neumann and seconded by Curtis toapprove the July 7, 2020 minutes. Roll Call;Ayes: Roll Call,Ayes,Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann,Orthmann. Nays: None The following committee reports were given Neumann: July 8,2020 Wellness meeting July 13, 2020 Road and Bridges Curtis: July 7, 2020 Justice center July 9, 2020 Government Affairs July 14,2020 Ag Society July 15, 2020 Senior Services Larsen: July 13,2020 Road and Bridges July 15, 2020 Phone call meetings with ASAAP and MNIS July 21,2020 Planning Committee Orthmann:: July 21, 2020 BID meeting Stromer: July 8, 2020 Security Thomsen: July 7, 2020 Justice Center No date Security Meeting 368 ' Page No date Parking lot to begin Monday July 27,2020 July 21, 2020 Employees to be screen beginning July 22, 2020 Hogan July 7, 2020 Justice Center July 13, 2020 road and Bridges • July 16, 2020' Sub Committee with Becky Sullivan July 17, 2020 Dawn Miller on road concerns Chairman Hogan opened the meeting to hear comments from the public. No public comments were made, public comment was closed Chairman Hogan requested motion to open public hearing on possible road closure. Motion by Larsen,seconded by Orthmann to open the public hearing. Roll Call,Ayes,Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Dawn Miller spoke on the road closure and stated that the road is known as Winchester Avenue between section 32 and 33,T6N-R12 or from old Sod road north 5247 feet.This road has been abandoned for general use and has not been maintained by the county for over 20 years. Chrisella Lewis from Alma Ne spoke in favor of the closure. No other comments were made Chairman Hogan requested a motion to close the public hearing. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Curtis to close the public hearing.Roll Call,Ayes,Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Motion by Curtis and seconded by Larsen to close Winchester Ave road. Roll Call,Ayes,Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Motion by Curtis and seconded by Thomsen to approve the Chairman to sign resolution 2020-07-21-.03 to formally close and vacate described road and the 66 feet of public right of way to be equally split. Roll Call,Ayes, Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA Resolution No. "240-4773/03 WHEREAS,R appears the road known as Winchester Avenue between Sections 32&33,TEN- R12W or from Old Sod Road north 5,247 feet,has been abandoned for general use by the public and has not been maintained by the County in over 20 years;and WHEREAS,a Public Hearing was held on July 21,2020,to hear public comments on the closure and vacation of this road right-of-way as described as follows: That portion of the old road right-of-way,66 feet In width and starting 33 feet north of the south common corner on the south end between Sections 32&33,T6-R12W, Adams County,thence north on section line 5,247 feet,and ending at the north common comer of said Sections 32&33,T6N-R12W(Cottonwood Township)Adams County,Nebraska;and WHEREAS,the Township of Cottonwood has stated no interest in this old road right-of-way and thought it had been dosed to all traffic many years ago; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,by the Adams County Board of Supervisors that said described road right-of-way be formally dosed and vacated and the 66 feet of public right-of- way be equally spilt,33 feet each side of the common section line between said Sections 32& 33,TEN-R12W,revert back equally to each respective and adjoining landowner of record common to said described road right-of-way and section line. Motion by: 4.6 """""^' Seconded by: afia 17-4141. Ayes: Nays: DATED this 2 lI day of'-1 u'c'y 2020. S ADAMS 't1NT*BOA'D OF SUPERVISORS ,.� C.,f - ss ■ .irman ATT,: County Clerk 369 ' Page Judge Stephen Illingworth, District 10 Judge presented his budget request of$63,651.49. No action was taken on Judge Illingworth's budget request. All budget request will be reviewed by the Budget committee and presented to the full board at a later date. Chairman Hogan requested a motion to meet at a Board of equalization. Motion by Neumann,seconded by Larsen to meet as a board of equalization. Roll Call,Ay.es,Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann,Orthmann. Nays: None Board entered at 10:00 a.m. Minute to follow Chairman Hogan requested a motion to return to regular session. Motion by Neumann seconded by Larsen to return to regular session Roll Call,Ayes,Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Board returned to regular session at 10:05 a.m. Melanie Curry,Adams County Treasurer presented pledge securities to release. Motion by Curtis seconded by Larsen for Treasurer to release securities. Roll Call,Ayes,Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None The Board commenced to hear 2020/2021 budget request from county offices. No action was taken on any budget request as all request will be reviewed by the Adams County Budget Committee before giving a recommendation to the full board. Ron Kucera, Director of the IT Department presented his budget request of$319,764.52, Ron also presented the budget request for Communications in the amount of$102,000.00 Jackie Russell,Adams County Assessor, presented her budget request in the amount of$499,000.00 Amanda Bauer,Adams County Clerk of the District Court, presented her budget request in the amount of$492,697.21 Rachel Ormsby Adams County Register of Deeds presented her budget in the amount of$270,183.19. Ormsby also present the budget request for Microfilm in the amount of$9,425.00 and Preservation and Modernization budget request for$68,287.60. John Rust,Adams County Sheriff, Presented his budget request for the Sheriff's office and Jail,Sheriff's office in the amount of$2,360,721.16 and Jail$2,614,150:60. Rust also presented for approval the Equitable Sharing Agreement for the 2020/2021 year. Chairman Hogan requested a motion to approve and sign the agreement. Thomsen made the motion to approve and sign the agreement,seconded by Orthmann Roll Call,Ayes, Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann,Orthmann. Nays: None. Page370 ' g e OMB Number 1123.0011 Expires:December 31,2021 �n� Equitable Sharing Agreement and Certification ? NCIC/ORIfTrackIng Number:N80010000 Agency Name:Adams County Sheriffs Office Type:Sheriffs Office Mailing Address:500 West Fourth Street Hastings,NE 68901 Agency Finance Contact Name: Curry,Melanie Phone:402-461-7120 Emall:rncurryyadamscounty.org Jurisdiction Finance Contact Name: Curry,Melanie Phone:402-461-7120 Email:mcurry@adamscounty.org ESAC Preparer Name:Pettit,Jeanie Phone:402-461.3784- Email:Jpettittlhastingspollce.org FY End Date:06/3012020 Agency FY 2021 Budget:$2,380,721,18 Annual Certification Report Summary of Equitable Sharing Activity Justice Funds! Treasury Funds 2 1 Beginning Equitable Sharing Fund Balance $8,559.19 $0.00 2 Equitable Sharing Funds Received $0.00 $0.00 3 Equitable Sharing Funds Received from Other Law Enforcement $0.00 $0.00 Agencies and Task Force 4 Other income $0.00 $0.00 5 Interest Income $0.00 $0.00 6 Total Equitable Sharing Funds Received Nest of aur ifi) $8,559.19 $0.00 7 Equitable Sharing Funds Spent sow.raw..-ni $0.00 $0.00 8 Ending Equitable Sharing Funds Balance $8,559.19 $0,00 (Aetna.taween an.r and me el 'Department of Justice Asset Fadaiexe Program participants ere:FBI,DEA,ATF,USPIS,USDA,DCIS,DS3,and FDA ZDepertment of the Treasury Asst Forfeiture Program participants era:IRS.ICE,GBP and USES. Summary of Shared Funds Spent Justice Funds Treasury Funds a Law Enforcement Operations and Investigations $0.00 $0.00 b Training end Education $0.00 $0.00 c Law Enforcement,Public Safety,and Detention Facilities $0.00 $0.00 d Law Enforcement Equipment $0.00 $0.00 e Joint Law Enforcement/Public Safety Equipment and Operations $0.00 $0.00 f Contracts for Services $0.00 $0.00 g LBW Enforcement Travel and Per Diem $0.00 .$0.00 h Law Enforcement Awards and Memorials $0.00 $0.00 I Drug,Gang,and Other Education or Awareness Programs $0.00 $0.00 Matching Grants $0.00 $0.00 k Transfers to Other Participating Law Enforcement Agencies $0.00 $0.00 I Support of Community-Based Programs $0.00 m Non-Categorized Expenditures $0.00 $0.00 n Salaries $0.00 $0.00 Total $0.00 $0.00 Date Printed:07/15/2020 Page 1 of 5 Equitable Sharing Funds Received From Other Agencies Transferring Agency Name Justice Funds Treasury Funds Other Income Other Income Type Justice Funds Treasury Funds Matching Grants Matching Grant Name Justice Funds Treasury Funds Transfers to Other Participating Law Enforcement Agencies 'Receiving Agency Name Justice Funds Treasury Funds Support of Community-Based Programs r �Ipfent Justice Funds w8 , TO;2; Non-Categorized Expenditures Description Justice Funds Treasury Funds Salaries Salary Type Justice Funds Treasury Funds Paperwork Reduction Act Notice Under the Paperwork Reduction Act,a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless It displays a valid OMB control number.We try to create accurate and easily understood forms that impose the least possible burden on you to complete.The estimated average time to complete this form Is 30 minutes.If you have comments regarding the accuracy of this estimate,or suggestions for making this form simpler,please write to the Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section at 1400 New York Avenue,N.W.,Washington,DC 20005. Privacy Act Notice The Department of Justice is collecting this information for the purpose of reviewing your equitable sharing expenditures. Providing this information is voluntary;however,the information is necessary for your agency to maintain Program compliance. Information collected Is covered by Department of Justice System of Records Notice,71 Fed.Rog.29170(May 19,2006), JMD-022 Department of Justice Consolidated Asset Tracking System(CATS).This information may be disclosed to contractors when necessary to accomplish an agency function,to law enforcement when there is a violation or potential violation of law,or Ir accordance with other published routine uses.Fora complete list of routine uses,see the System of Records Notice as amended by subsequent publications. Single Audit information Independent Auditor Name: Company:Nebraska State Auditor Phone:402-471-2111 Email:auditors@nebraska.gov Date Printed:07(15/2020 Page 2 of 5 371 I Page Were equitable sharing expenditures included on your Jurisdiction's prior fiscal year's Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards(SOFA)? YES %❑ NO E Prior year Single Audit Number Assigned by Harvester Database:threshold not met • • • Date Printed:0711512020 Page 3 of 5 • Affidavit Under penally of penury.the undersigned officials codify that they have read and understand their obligations under the Guide to Equitable Sharing for Stele,Local,and Tribal Law Enforcement Agencies(Guide)and all subsequent updates,this Equitable Sharing Agreement,and the applicable sections of the Code of Federal Regulations.The undersigned officials certify that the information submitted on the Equitabe Sharing Agreement and Certification form(ESAC)ban accurate accounting of hinds received and spent by the Agency. The undersigned certify that the Agency is hr compliance with the applicable nondiscrimination requirements of the following laws and their Department of Justice implementing regulations:Tele VI of the CM Rights Act of 1984(42 U.S.C.§2000d at seq.),Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972(20 U.S.C.§1681 et seg.).Section 504 of the Rehabata0on Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C.§794),and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975(42 U.S.C.§8101 et seq.),which prohibit discrimination on the basis of race,color.national origin,disability.or age in any federally ascsled program or activity,or on the basis of sex in any federally assisted education program or activity.The Agency agrees that it will comply with all federal statutes end regulations permitting federal Investigators access to records and any other sources of information as may be necessary to determine compliance with del rights end other applicable statutes and regiallons, Equitable Sharing Agreement This Federal Equitable uttering Agreement,entered into among(1)the Federal Government.(2)the Agency,and(3)the Agency's governing body,nets forth the requirements for participation In the federal Equitable Sharing Program end the restrictions upon the use of federally forfeited funds.property.end any interest earned thereon,which are equitably shared with participating law enforcement agendas.By eutmh0ng this lone,the Agency agrees that A will be bound by the Guido and en subsequent updates,this Equitable Shoring Agreement,and the applicable sections of the Code of Federal Regulations. Submission of the ESAC Is a prerequisite to receiving any funds or property through the Equitable Sharing Program. 1.Submission.The ESAC must be signed end eledromlraiy submitted within 80 days of the end of the Agency's fiscal year. Electronic submission constitutes submission 10 the Department of Justice and the Department of the Treasury. 2.Signatories.The ESAC must be signed by the heed of the Agency and the head of the governing body.Examples of Agency heads Include poke chief,sheriff.dIrector,commissioner.superintendent administrator,county attorney,district attorney,prosecuting attorney,state altomey,cannonweahh attorney,and attorney general.The governing body head is the head of the agency that appropriates funding to the Agency.Examples of governing body heads Include city manager.mayor, city council chairperson,county executive,county council chairperson.edminlstralor,commissioner.end governor.The . governing body head cannot be an official or employee of the Agency end must be from a separate entity. • 3.Uses.Shared assets must be used for law enforcement purposes in accordance with the Guide and as subsequent ' updates,this Equitable Sharing Agreement and lie applicable sections of the Code of Federal Regulations. -4.Transfers.Before the Agency transfers funds to other state or local law enforcement agencies,it must obtain written approval from the Department of Justice or Deparmrem of the Treasury.Transfers of tangible property are not permitted. s Agencies that transfer or receive equitable sharing pads must perform sub-reciplent monitoring In accordance with the Code of Federal Regutafons. 5.Internet Controls.The Agency agrees to account separately for federal equitable sharing funds receNed from the Department of Justice and the Department of the Treasury,funds from state and local forfeitures,joint few enforcement • operations hinds,and any other sources must not be commingled with federal equitable sharing funds. The Agency certifies that equitable sharing funds are maintained by the entity that maintains the Agency's appropriated or general bads and agrees Met the funds coil be subject to the standard accounting requirements and practices employed by the Agency's jurisdiction in accordance with the recudromeots set forth In the Guide,any subsequent updates,and the Code of Federel Regulations,including the requirement to maintain relevant documents and records for Me yearn. The misuse or misapplication of equitably shared hinds or assets or supplantation of elating resources with shared funds or assets Is prohibited.The Agency must follow ore(unadietion'e procurement policies when expending equllaby shared funds. Failure to comply with any provision of the Guide,any subsequent updates,and the Code of Federal Regulations may subject the Agency to sanctions. • • 8.Single Audit Report and Other Reviews.Audis shag be conducted as provided by the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 end OMB Uniform Administrative Requirements,Costs Principles,end Audit Requirements for Federal Awards.The Agency must report Its equitable sharing expondih,res on the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards(SOFA)under Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number 18.922 for Department of Justice and 21.018 for Depa*nnnl of the Treasury.The Department of Justice and the Depombnent of the Treasury reserve the tight to conduct audits or reviews. Date Printed:07/15/2020 Page 4 of 5, • • 372 I Page 7.Freedom of Information Act(FOIA).Information provided In this Document Is subject to the FOIA requirements of the Department of Justice and the Department of the Treasury.Agencies must follow local release of Information policies. 8.Waste,Fraud,or Abuse.An Agency or governing body Is required to Immediately notify the Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section of the Department of Justice and the Executive Office for Asset Forfeiture of the Department of the Treasury of any allegations or theft,fraud,waste,or abuse involving federal equitable sharing funds.. Civil Rights Cases • During the past fiscal year:(1)has any court or administrative agency Issued any finding, Judgment,or determination that the Agency discriminated against any person or group in violation of any of the federal civil rights statutes listed above;or(2)has the Agency entered Into any settlement agreement with respect to any complaint filed with a court or administrative agency alleging that the Agency discriminated against any person or group In violation of any of the federal civil rights statutes listed above? ❑ yes ® No Agency Head Name:Rust,John Title: Adams County Sheriff Email:mst@ademscounty.org Signature: Date: To the best of my Mosdedge end betel,the M!mm dlon prodded an Nis ESAC o true and emirate and has boon reviewed and authorized by the Law Enlacement Agency Heed wish.name appears above.Entry of the Agency Head name above InaYSMs hIsMer agreement to atdde by the Guido,eny subsequent updates,end the Code of Federal Regulation,Including ensuring perm!rabIlM of expenditures and following ell remind procurement policies and procedures. Governing Body Head Name: Chairman,Lee Hogan Title: Adams Co.Bd,of Supervisors Email: Ihogantr'TJgtmc.net Signature: Date: To the boat army knowledge end belief,the Agency's current Basal year budget reportod an gee ESAC le has and accurate end the Governing Body toed whose name appears above canines that tha agency's budget las not been supplanted as a result or receiving equitable snaring funds.Entry of the 1. Governing Body Head name above Indicates banker agreement to abide by the policies end procedures sot forth In the Outdo,any aubsoguontupdetes,and the Code of Federal Regulaenna. El I certify that I have obtained approval from and I am authorized to submit this form on behalf of the Agency Head and the Governing Body Head. Date Printed:07/15/2020 Page 5 of 5 Shon Lieske Adams County Public Defender, presented his budget request in the amount of $1,099,195.05 Donna Fegler Daiss.Adams County Attorney, Presented her budget request in the amount of $1,456,121.00 Jolene Laux, Director of the Adams County Ag Society presented her budget request in the amount of $702,122.00. Neumann presented for possible approval an agreement between the Heartland Pet connection and Adams County for impounded animals. The agreement was tabled until the 3%could be re-negotiated between the two parties involved. Anjanette Bonham presented for approval Improvement Fund Grants Hastings Municipal Airport for$5,000.00, motion by Thomsen seconded by Orthmann to approve grant to the Hastings Airport for$5,000.00 Roll Call,Ayes,Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann,Orthmann. Nays: None. --373. ' Page Adams Count Convention&Visitors Bureau Application/Cover Page This application is for grant assistance from the Hastings/Adams County Convention &Visitors Bureau Improvement Fund. • Name of Non-Profit Attraction/Facility applying for the Grant: Hastings'MunicipalAirport Amount of Grant Request: $5000 Brief Description of Project: This project would indude a new sign and landscaping at 12th Street and Marian Road,as well as new landscaping at the Airports entrance on 12th Street.A new sign and landscaping would increase the awareness and image of our Airport,which has seen renewed interest recently.Last summer,we hosted the Ford Tri-Motor aircraft and public Interest was overwhelming. Building on that,we applied and were accepted to host the 2021 Nebraska State Fly-In.A new,updated look increases our presence,and shows potential businesses and travelers(many from other States and Nebraska counties)that our Airport is welcoming and open for business.The improvements symbolize the Airport's vision moving forward:"to continuously improve the economic development impact of the Airport through pamerships with community and business organizations." Person Preparing Application: Name: Deb Bergmann Address: 220 N.Hastings Avenue,Hastings,NE 68901 Phone: (402)469-7063 Email Address: dbergmann©dtyofhastings.org Director of Public/Non-Profit// �� Organization Applying for Grant: Signature: 1. f.Gf- ?L Lf'�<j'?1 Typed or PrintedtName and Title: Deb Bergmann,Airport Manager Date Signed: June 26th,2020 Return Completed Application Form to: Adams County Convention&Visitors Bureau 291 N.Hastings Avenue Hastings,NE 68901 director(Svisithastingsnebraska.com Adams County Ag Society for$25,000.00, motion by Curtis.Seconded by Stromer to approve grant to the Adams County Ag Society for$25,000.00 Roll Call,Ayes,Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann,Orthmann. Nays: None. • • 374 ' Page Adams Coun Convention&Visitor Bureau / A? L\� t;01:‘VL' WOMB Application/Cover Page This application is for grant assistance from the Hastings/Adams County Convention&Visitors Bureau Improvement Fund. Name of Non-Profit Attraction/Facility applying for the Grant Adams County Agricultural Society Amount of Grant Request: $25:000.00" Brief Description of Project: We are wanting to update our 20 full-service pedestals to 50amp. We would also like to update some ofou.r other pedestals if funds are available in our budget. The 20 full-service pedestals will be a good start to updating our campgrounds. This project will allow the fairgrounds to offer more power to the campers passing through and staving at the fairgrounds. We also get many campers from the softball and baseball tournaments. We hope to attract more camping groups like Good Sam's to our grounds and continue to host the Nebraska High School Finals Rodeo, Person Preparing Application: Name: Jolene Laux Address: 947 South Baltimore Avenue Hastings.NE 68901 Phone: 402-462-3247 Email Address: jlaux@adamscountyfairgrounds.com Director of Publilicc//Non-Profit Organization Applying for Grant: Signature: V -'---� Typed or Printed Name and Title: lolene Laux-Manager Date Signed: 06/15/2020 Return Completed Application Form to: Adams County Convention&Visitors Bureau 291 N.Hastings Avenue Hastings,NE 68901 directorOvisithastingsnebraska.conl Roseland Community Club for$25,000.00. Motion by Thomsen seconded by Neumann to approve grant to Roseland Community Club for$25,000.00 Roll Call,Ayes,Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann,Orthmann. Nays: None. 375 I Page Adams C , Convention&Visitors Bureau r .), Maltre Application/Cover Page This application is for grant assistance from the Hastings/Adams County Convention&Visitors Bureau Improvement Fund. Name of Non-Profit Attraction/Facility applying for the Grant Roseland Community Club.Inc Amount of Grant Request: S25.000 Brief Description of Project: In 2015 the Roseland Community Club began dedicating all funds raised to building a Community Center.With help from a planning grant from the Nebraska Department of Economic Development,the Village of Roseland and the Roseland Community Club worked with Olsson Associates to assess the feasibility of building a Community Center in Roseland.A 7,200 sq/ft building design and layout that matched the Community Club's vision was proposed.One large event room holding 200-300 people will be a primary feature of the Community Center.This space will be flexible,allowing use for receptions,graduations, and other large gatherings.A small conference room will also be part of the building.This room will be used for smaller events of less than 50 people,such as board meetings,community organization meetings,or family gatherings.The project is under the jurisdiction of the Village of Roseland.The Roseland Community Club and the Village of Roseland will construct the Community Center building to meet local,state and federal codes and regulations for public use buildings.Construction of the new building will begin in the fall of 2020.The Roseland Community Club has raised$222,000 through fundraising efforts and was awarded a$375,000 Civic and Community Center Financing Fund grant in 2020.With a budget of$811,000 for the building,the Community Club is on the final drive to secure funds to complete the Roseland Community Center project. Person Preparing Application: Name: Kim Bonifas Address: 10300 S ProsserAve.Roseland.NE 68973 Phone: 402-756-6572 Email Address: kbonifasl@me..com • Director of Public/ on-Profit Organization Applying for Grant: Signature: . :71(),3-1,,(-- — Typed or PrintedName and Title: Kim Bonifas.President.Roseland Community Club // Date Signed: c './c2c2 /old Return Completed Application Form to: Adams County Convention&Visitors Bureau 291 N.Hastings Avenue Hastings,NE 68901 director@visithastin2snebraska-com Hastings Parks and Recreation for$22,400.00, motion by Thomsen seconded by Stromer to approve grant to Hastings Park and recreation for$22,400.00 Roll Call,Ayes,Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. 376 ' Page Adams County Convention&Visitors Bureau , 40s- HASTINGS Application/Cover Page NFr,ut7 r; This application is for grant assistance from the Hastings/Adams County Convention&Visitors Bureau Improvement Fund. Name of Non-Profit Attraction/Facility applying for the Grant Hastings Parks&Recreation Department Amount of Grant Request: 22,400.00 Brief Description of Project: The game of pickle ball has boomed nationwide and has taken off in the Tri- Cities. Currently,the Hastings Community has Indoor courts at the YMCA,Community Center,and Peace Center gym. The only outdoor courts(2)are at Carter Park where it is a mix of tennis/pickleball. The surface is in poor shape(pictures attached). This project would consist of turning those courts into(6) permanent pickleball courts and eliminating the tennis courts. We have 18 outdoor tennis courts in the community which is more than enough. The addition of the pickleball courts would allow Hastings to host tournaments as Kearney,Lincoln,Omaha,and GI currently does. I am attaching what the courts look like now and what they would look like with the renovation. The City would go out for bid on the project so the grant request may come in less. The matching funds would come from the City's 1/i cent sales tax fund. If approved the project renovation would begin sometime this Fall. Person Preparing Application: Name:Jeff Hassenstab Address: 2015 West 3rd Street,Hastings,NE 68901 Phone: 402-461-2324 Email Address: jhassenstab@cityofhastings.org Director of Pub i on-Profit Organization Applying for Grant: Signatur•. Typed or Pri •. Name and Title: .i ') .oma, Gi— C - /// Date Signed: /0 ,)a Return Completed Application Form to: Adams County Convention&Visitors Bureau 291 N.Hastings Avenue Hastings,NE 68901 directorOvisithasti ngsneb raska.com Curtis addressed the board about the possibility of modifying the Adams County vacation cap for the Adams County employees who were affected by the COVID 19 pandemic. No action was taken as it will be discussed in the personnel committee and brought back to the board. David Bergin present the written memorialization of the Isolated Land ruling on July 7,2020, motion by Curtis to approve the ruling,seconded by Larsen Roll Call,Ayes,Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann,Orthmann. Nays: None. 377 1 Page RULING OF THE ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS UPON CONCLUSION OF A HEARING FOR ACCESS TO ISOLATED LAND PURSUANT TO NEBRASKA REVISED STATUTES§§39-1713 THROUGH 39-1719. On April 30,2020,Maxine Strasburg,Personally,and as Trustee of the Ronald D.Strasburg Testamentary Trust,pursuant to Neb.Rev. Stat.§ 1713,filed an affidavit with the Adams County Board of Supervisors which stated that she,personally,and as Trustee of the Ronald D. Strasburg constituted the sole owners of the following real estate: The Northwest Quarter(NW%)of Section Nine(9),Township Five(5)North, Range Ten(10)West of the 6t'P.M.,Adams County,Nebraska. In addition,Maxine Strasburg,acting both personally and as trustee,stated that the Southeast corner of the above-stated quarter section is shut off from all public access. Maxine Strasburg requested that Adams County provide a public access road tosuch parcel of land pursuant to Neb.Rev.Stat.§39-1713. Pursuant to Neb.Rev. Stat.§39-1713,the Adams County Board of Supervisors scheduled a Public Hearing before the Board on June 2,2020. Notice to the Public of such hearing was made in accordance with Neb.Rev.Stat.§39-715. Notice of the time and place of the hearing was posted in three public places within Adams County at least ten days before the time fixed therefor. The affected landowners through which any access road required by the County Board may pass were notified as follows: Gregg Lay was notified by personal service. Loyal E.Smith and Mary A.Smith were notified by certified mail,return receipt requested and so received. The Craig L.Rippen Revocable Trust was notified by certified mail,return receipt requested and so received.The Julie D.Rippen Credit Trust was attempted to be notified by certified mail,return receipt requested,but was not so notified. However,Matthew Baack,Attorney at Law with the Skalka and Baack Law Firm,LLC,who was appearing on behalf of the Craig L.Rippen Revocable Trust,stated that he was also appearing on behalf of the Julie D.Rippen Credit Trust and acknowledged receipt of notice on behalf of the Julie D.Rippen Credit Trust. Accordingly,the Public Hearing was commenced on Tuesday,June 2,2020,in the Board Chambers of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. The heating was electronically recorded. Maxine Strasburg was present in person and in her capacity as Trustee of the Ronald D. Strasburg Testamentary Trust. Ms. Strasburg was represented by Doug Pauley and Josh Johnson of Conway,Pauley,and Johnson,P.C. Gregg Lay was present in person and was represented by Elizabeth Lay,Attorney at Law. The Craig L.Rippen Trust and the Julie D.Rippen Credit Trust were represented by Matthew Baack of the Skalka and Baack Law Firm,LLC. Loyal E.Smith and Mary A Smith were not present in person but were represented by Jeff Bachman,lessee of the Smith property.Mr.Bachman is not an attorney. 378 [ Page Deputy County Attorney David A.Bergin presented evidence to the Board for purposes of establishing jurisdiction under the statutes. Maxine Strasburg presented evidence to the Board. Gregg Lay presented evidence to the Board. Attorney Matthew Baack presented no evidence on behalf of the Rippen Trusts. Jeff Bachman,lessee of the property owned by Loyal and Mary Smith presented some evidence. At the conclusion of the evidence,at the suggestion of Deputy County Attorney Bergin,the Board continued the Public Hearing until July 7,2020,at 1:30 P.M.for further evidence and argument. On July 7,2020,at 1:30 P.M.,the Public Hearing was reconvened. Attorney Josh Johnson appeared on behalf of Maxine Strasburg and the Strasburg Trust. Attorney Elizabeth Lay appeared on behalf of Gregg Lay. Attorney Matthew Baack appeared on behalf of the Rippen Trusts. No one appeared on behalf of Loyal and Mary Smith. Deputy County Attorney appeared for the purpose of any consultation needed by the Board. Attorney Josh Johnson presented argument. Attorney Elizabeth Lay presented argument. Attorney Matthew Baack presented no argument. No argument was presented on behalf of Loyal and Mary Smith. At the conclusion of argument,the Board deliberated. At the conclusion of deliberation,the Board made the following fmdings after taking a majority vote on each finding. The following findings each passed by a majority of the Board Members voting thereupon: (1)That the real estate which is the subject of the dispute is located in Adams County,Nebraska. (2)That the real estate which is the subject of the dispute is shut out from all public access by being surrounded on all sides by real estate belonging to other persons,or by such real estate and water. (3)That the owner or owners of the isolated real estate are unable to purchase from any of the surrounding landowners a right-of-way over or through their land to a public road,or that such cannot be purchased except at an exorbitant price. (4)That the isolated land was not isolated at the time it was purchased by the applicant. (5)That the isolation of the land was not caused by the applicant or any other person with the knowledge and consent of the applicant. (6)That access to the isolated land is necessary for existing utilization of the applicant's land. The Adams County Board of Supervisors hereby finds that the conditions set forth in Neb.Rev. Stat.§§39-1713 and 39-1714 do,in fact exist. Therefore,the Adams County Board of Supervisors,pursuant to a unanimous vote of the Board,finds in favor of the applicant,Maxine Strasburg and the Ronald D.Strasburg Testamentary Trust. 379 .' Page The Adams County Board of Supervisors hereby finds that an access road shall be constructed by the Adams County Department of Roads at the following location: Sixteen and one-half feet on each side of the quartersection line which extends northward from West Cimarron Road to the isolated parcel owned by Strasburg and the Strasburg Trust.The total width of the access road shall be thirty-three(33)feet. The west one-half of the property for the access road is owned by Gregg Lay. The east one-half of the property for the access road is owned by Loyal E.Smith and Mary A.Smith. The cost of construction of the access road,including the land taken therefor,shall be paid for by Maxine Strasburg and the Ronald D.Strasburg Testamentary Trust. It is hereby ordered that a further hearing be scheduled for August 4,2020,at 10:00 A.M.to permit the applicant Strasburg and Strasburg Trust and Gregg Lay and Loyal and Mary Smith,or the representatives of such persons,to present evidence regarding the value of the land to be used for the road. Approved by the Adams County Board of Supervisors,July 21,2020. Lee Hogan,Chairman of the Board of Supervisors Ramona Thomas County Clerk • Bergin presented for approval and signature Resolution 2020-07-21.01 to dissolve West Blue Township. Motion by Larsen seconded by Larsen to sign and approve the resolution dissolving the west Blue town ship Roll Call,Ayes,Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. Page380 ' g e RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE OFFICIAL DISSOLUTION OF WEST BLUE TOWNSHIP 2020-07-21.0 1 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA that: 1.West Blue Township is hereby officially dissolved and shall no longer exist from this date forward. 2. All duties which heretofore have been carried out by West Blue Township shall be from this date forward carried out by the Adams County Board of Supervisors. 3.All property,whether real or personal,which has heretofore been owned by West Blue Township shall from this date forward be the property of Adams County. ADOPTED this 21st day of July,2020,at Hastings,Nebraska,by the Adams County Board of Supervisors, Lee ;,*c• Ch. :or ATTESTED by: ' a .�i�i. mona Thom.•"ounty Clerk Bergin also presented for approval and signature Resolution 2020-07-21.02 to dissolve Ayr Township. Motion by Larsen seconded by Stromer to sign and approve resolution dissolving Ayr Township Roll Call, Ayes,Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann,Orthmann. Nays: None. Page• 381 ' g e RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE OFFICIAL DISSOLUTION OF AYR TOWNSHIP 2020-07-21.0A BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA that: 1.Ayr Township is hereby officially dissolved and shall no longer exist from this date forward. 2. All duties which heretofore have been carried out by Ayr Township shall be from this date forward carried out by the Adams County Board of Supervisors. 3.All property,whether real or personal,which has heretofore been owned by Ayr Township shall from this date forward be the property of Adams County. ADOPTED this 21st day of July,2020,at Hastings,Nebraska,by the Adams County Board of Supervisors, Lee Ho .1 Chairman AFIESTED by: 4001te� '< ona omas,'ounty Clerk Dawn Miller Adams County Highway Superintendent, presented her budget request for the following Funds Adams County Weed Department in the amount of$92,566.00 Adams County Road Department in the amount of$6,080,852.00 Highway 6 and Adams Central in the amount of$1,300,000.00 42"d Street in the amount of$46,394.76 802 Asphalt Bond Fund $3,200,890.00 Road Bond in the amount of$633,045.00 ACOB parking lot in the amount of$88,000.00 382 ' Page No action was taken on Highways budget requests as all request will be reviewed by the Adams County Budget Committee before giving a recommendation to the full board. Chairman Hogan requested a motion to meet in closed session for the protection of public interest to discuss potential land lease by county. Motion to meet in closed session by Neumann seconded by Larsen Roll Call,Ayes,Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann,Orthmann. Nays: None. Board of Supervisors met in closed session at 12:40 a.m. Chairman Hogan requested a motion to return to regular session. Motion by Orthmann seconded by Neumann to resume regular session Roll Call,Ayes,Stromer, Larsen,Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None Board of Supervisors returned to regular session at 12:50 am. No action was taken in while in closed session Motion toby Neumann, seconded by Stromer to approve the claims and direct the county clerk to pay them out of their respective accounts Roll Call,Ayes,Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen,Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None: Motion by Neumann seconded by Stromer to approve an officer report submitted by Adams County Register Deeds Roll Call,Ayes,Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Thomsen, Curtis, Neumann, Orthmann. Nays: None. To: Adams County Board of Supervisors From: Register of Deeds Rachel L.Ormsby Date: July 6,2020 Subject:Documentary Stamp Tax Code 0100-394.02 The following Is a true and correct statement of the Documentary Stamp Tax received In office of the Register of Deeds for the month of June,2020. Documentary Stamp Tax Collected $24,009.75 Tax Commissioner approved refund $ - Net Documentary Stamp Tax $24,009.75 Collection Fee to County $ 5,334.97 Submitted to Nebraska Department of Revenue $18,674.78 Miscellaneous receipt for the sum of$5,334.97 from the County Treasurer is hereby attached. Register of Deeds Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this Day of July,2020 County Clerk 383 ' Page COUNTY GENERAL HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 440.24 BEAR GRAPHICS INC, SUPPLIES-COPY 267.30 BEAR GRAPHICS INC,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 151.75 BEAR GRAPHICS INC, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 542.28 HOMETOWN LEASING,COPY MACH RENT 332.50 US BANK, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 516.50 MIPS,DATA PROCESSING COSTS 1,358.84 MONEY HANDLING MACHINES INC,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 890.00 BEAR GRAPHICS INC, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 379.73 HERITAGE BANK,MISCELLANEOUS 30.00 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 83. 66 US POSTAL SERVICE, POSTAL SERVICES 148.00 HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 11.78 HOMETOWN LEASING,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1,225.00 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 25.00 US BANK, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 64.08 COMPUTER CONSULTANTS INC, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 93.50 DEREK TERWEY,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 228.00 RUANN ROOT,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 339.15 JOHN C FOLCIK,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 228.00 SARA BOCKSTADTER,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 111.15 BEV PATITZ,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 111.15 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF FEE ACCT ,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 61.00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 37.05 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 898.13 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 74.10 DAS STATE ACCOUNTING,DUES,SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 26.00 DELUXE,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 102.26 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 870.45 HASTINGS TRIBUNE,DUES,SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 204 .35 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 1,163.30 IDEAL PROFESSIONAL CLEANERS,MISCELLANEOUS 22.95 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 1, 164.28 OWENS EDUCATIONAL SERVICES INC, JUVENILE COURT COSTS 2,335.95 PRINTING PLUS INC, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 57.50 WALMART,COUNTY COURT COSTS 22.28 CARPENTER & SKALKA,SHERIFF'S FEES 30.00 CARPENTER & SKALKA, DEPOSITION 40.00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 42.00 GLACIAL LAKES COURT REPORTING ,TRANSCRIPTS 653.00 JOYCE HASSELBALCH,TRANSCRIPTS 144.00 JUSTICE WORKS LLC, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 200.00 KOENIG INVESTIGATIVE AGENCY,CRIMINAL INVEST & PROSEC. 66.00 US BANK,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 184.41 US BANK,BLDG REPAIR-COURTHOUSE 37.41 ANDERSON KLEIN BREWSTER BRANDT,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 148.00 BOCKSTADTER & GLEN LAW LLC,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 586.70 SKALKA & BAACK LAW FIRM,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 5,752.50 SKALKA & BAACK LAW FIRM,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 1, 026.00 STEHLIK LAW FIRM PC LLO,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 57.00 THOMAS S STEWART,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 746.60 JESUS TENA LAW LLC,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 3,031.45 THEOBALD LAW OFFICE,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 283.50 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES 22. 94 CITY OF HASTINGS,HAZ. MAT 22.96 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 130.16 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,BUIDING & GROUNDS SUPPLIE 23.34 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 95.22 HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES 8, 658.71 MENARDS,MISCELLANEOUS 37.24 MENARDS,BLDG REPAIR-ANNEX/WALLACE 120.73 NEBRASKA FIRE SPRINKLER CORP,MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 660.00 RUTT'S HEATING & AIR CONDITION,HEATING AND AIR CONDITION 245.55 DON SVOBODA PLUMBING,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 168.10 US BANK,VEHICLE REPAIR 572. 98 US BANK,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 102. 61 US BANK,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 17.70 MIPS,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 516.00 MIPS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 190.00 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF REVOLVING, SHERIFF COSTS 358.48 CITY OF HASTINGS,CONTRACT SERV 10,286.72 384 ' Page COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,EQUIPMENT FUEL 118.50 GRAHAM TIRE GRAND ISLAND,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 20.28 HASTINGS FORD-LINCOLN,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 544.74 KENESAW MOTOR CO INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 71.65 NAPA AUTO PARTS,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 49.12 NEBRASKA PUBLIC HLTH EVIRO LAB, SHERIFF COSTS 210.00 PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTINGS INC ,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 480.00 PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTINGS INC ,CARS/TRKS/TRLRS 960.00 RR DONNELLEY, SHERIFF COSTS 130.71 VERIZON CONNECT NWF INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 97.14 VERIZON CONNECT NWF INC,TRAVEL EXPENSES 48.57 NATHAN R AREHART,CELL PHONES 25.00 CASSIE L. BALDWIN,CELL PHONES 25.00 DAVID A BERGIN,CELL PHONES 25.00 DALE T CALLAHAN,CELL PHONES 25.00 TYSON D MOODIE,CELL PHONES 25.00 ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY,COURT RELATED COSTS 12.00 ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEYS OFFICE , SUPPLIES - OFFICE 220.00 ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEYS OFFICE , JUVENILE COURT COSTS 51.50 ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY,COURT RELATED COSTS 4.00 ADAMS COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS,COURT RELATED COSTS 44.00 CLAY COUNTY SHERIFF, JUVENILE COURT COSTS 28.01 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 92.45 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 21.92 HALL COUNTY COURT,COURT RELATED COSTS 2.50 HALL COUNTY DISTRICT COURT,COURT RELATED COSTS 6.00 HALL COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS 20. 97 JANITOR INC,JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS 527.35 LANCASTER COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS 56.43 NEBRASKA.GOV,COURT RELATED COSTS 16.00 NEBRASKA PUBLIC HLTH EVIRO LAB,COURT RELATED COSTS 36.75 TRANSUNION RISK &ALTERNATIVE ,COURT RELATED COSTS 50.00 VERIZON WIRELESS,CELL PHONES 1, 629.85 VERIZON WIRELESS,COMMUNICATION EQUIP 45.42 CITY OF HASTINGS, FEMA GRANT COSTS 3,740. 11 DAS STATE ACCOUNTING, SP PROJ6-18SHSP-PET GRANT 52.00 PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTINGS INC ,MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 170.00 PLATTE VALLEY COMM-KRNY, SP PROJ6-18SHSP-PET GRANT 10,754.84 PRESTO-X,MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 39.00 DAWNA WHITCOMB,CELL PHONES 25.00 G4S SECURE SOLUTIONS INC, SECURITY CONTRACTS BY 0TH 5, 065.73 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES-COPY 3,269.00 NEBRASKA TECH & TELECOM INC,TELEPHONE SERVICES 117.25 ADAMS COUNTY JAIL/SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 2,081.87 ADVANCED CORRECTIONAL,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 21.22 AUCA CHICAGO LOCKBOX,MISCELLANEOUS 73. 95 AUTO TRIM DESIGN & SIGNS,COURTHOUSE REMODELING 1, 635.00 BERTS REXALL DRUGS INC,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 232. 67 CASH WA DISTRIBUTING,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 2,760.18 CEI SECURITY & SOUND INC,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 80.00 CENTRAL DENTAL GROUP,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 1,207 .00 COMPUTER HARDWARE INC,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 99.90 CROSIER PARK PHARMACY,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 76.00 DAWSON COUNTY SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1,395.00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1,299.00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,JAIL SUPPLIES 35.99 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, DUES,SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 155.17 HALL COUNTY DEPT OF CORRECTION,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 5, 673.00 HALL COUNTY DEPT OF CORRECTION,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 665.61 KEEFE SUPPLY COMPANY,COMMISSARY 637.10 KEITHS PHARMACIES,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 642.74 KEITHS PHARMACIES,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 149.41 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 7, 429.70 MONTE MALOUF JR & ASSOC,LAUNDRY-PRISONERS 437.30 PHELPS COUNTY SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 2, 115.00 US FOODS INC,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1, 113. 95 WILLIAMS EXTERMINATING CO,MISCELLANEOUS 28.00 WILLIAMS EXTERMINATING CO,SHERIFF COSTS 18.00 WINDSTREAM,COMMISSARY 83.33 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER, INTER-FUND TRANSFERS 996, 192. 94 HASTINGS TRIBUNE,MISCELLANEOUS 6.14 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,SUPPLIES - OFFICE 18.14 3851Page EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES-COPY 5,884 .20 HERITAGE BANK, INTERNET SERVICE 25.00 MIDWEST CONNECT, POSTAL SERVICES 3,000.00 MIPS,BUDGET PREPARATION COSTS 44.55 MIPS,DATA PROCESSING COSTS 280.00 NACO,DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 2, 989.40 PROCHASKA & ASSOCIATES INC,COURTHOUSE BUILDING 1, 949.84 SIGN DOCTOR,COURTHOUSE BUILDING 4,500.00 US DEPT OF AGRICULTURE, PREDATORY ANIMAL CONTROL 2, 620.41 MIPS,SHERIFF COSTS 46.62 MIPS,MISCELLANEOUS 46.62 ROGERS INC,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 80.87 ROAD - BRIDGE AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - SHOP 61. 90 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,RD EQ REP PARTS 185.89 AUTO VALUE - HASTINGS,SUPPLIES - SHOP 263.55 BAUER BUILT,MACH EQ TIRES & REP 341.00 BGNE,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 594. 18 BLACK HILLS ENERGY,HEATING FUELS 183.20 BOSSELMAN ENERGY INC, SUPPLIES - MISCELLANEOUS 28.50 BOSSELMAN ENERGY INC,MACH EQ GREASE OIL 1,066.74 BOSSELMAN ENERGY INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 7,438.76 BOSSELMAN ENERGY INC,MACH EQ GREASE OIL 1,718.15 BOSSELMAN ENERGY INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 11, 480.58 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INTERNET SERVICE 99.99 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 31.43 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS 147.22 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 31.43 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS 220.83 CINTAS CORPORATION #449, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 31.43 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS 138.12 CINTAS CORPORATION #449, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 31.43 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS 239.93 CITY OF HASTINGS,WASTE DISPOSAL 617.55 COMPULINK LTD, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 3,300.00 CONSOLIDATED CONCRETE CO,MATERIALS - CONCRETE, ETC 2,423.00 FASTENAL COMPANY,SUPPLIES - MISCELLANEOUS 92.77 FILTER CARE,SUPPLIES - SHOP 323.35 FLEET PRIDE INC,RD EQ REP PARTS 696. 95 HASTINGS TRIBUNE,LEGAL ADS 77.74 HASTINGS UTILITIES,ELECTRICITY 472.62 HOOKER BROS SAND & GRAVEL INC ,MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTS 50,000.00 ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO,WELDING SUPP/CHAINS 77.10 ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 111.07 ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO,WELDING SUPP/CHAINS 454.84 JERRY SPADY CADILLAC GMC INC,RD EQ REP PARTS 28.50 KENESAW MOTOR CO INC,RD EQ REP PARTS 542.54 KENESAW MOTOR CO INC,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 35.00 LANDMARK IMPLEMENT INC,RD EQ REP PARTS 269.18 LCL TRUCK EQUIMENT INC,RD EQ REP PARTS 749.00 MCCONNELL CLEANING, JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS 260.00 MID-NEBRASKA AGGREGATE INC,MATERIALS - GRAVEL & BORR 15,573.81 NAPA AUTO PARTS,RD EQ REP PARTS 17.32 NAPA AUTO PARTS, SUPPLIES - SHOP 15.28 NAPA AUTO PARTS, SMALL TOOLS, ETC. 225.00 NAPA AUTO PARTS,RD EQ REP PARTS 148.00 NAPA AUTO PARTS,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 76.11 NAPA AUTO PARTS,SUPPLIES - SHOP 21.65 NAPA AUTO PARTS, SMALL TOOLS, ETC. 74.99 NMC EXCHANGE LLC,RD EQ REP PARTS 780.81 NMC EXCHANGE LLC,SUPPLIES - SHOP 402.72 NMC EXCHANGE LLC,RD EQ REP PARTS 495.71 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 648.00 PHILIP PETR,CELL PHONES 100.00 POSTLE INDUSTRIES INC,WELDING SUPP/CHAINS 600.00 POSTLE INDUSTRIES INC,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 16.27 POSTLE INDUSTRIES INC,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 1, 980.00 POSTLE INDUSTRIES INC,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 199.00 POWER PLAN,RD EQ REP PARTS 138.68 POWER PLAN,RD EQ REP LABOR 287.50 POWER PLAN,RD EQ REP PARTS 167.23 POWER PLAN,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 11.57 386IPage POWER PLAN,RD EQ REP PARTS 418.73 ARNIE SOMMER III,CELL PHONES 100.00 SANITARY OUTDOOR SERVICE INC, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 86.25 SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT,ELECTRICITY 356.41 SQUARE DEAL LUMBER CO,JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 10.52 SQUARE DEAL LUMBER CO, FLARES FLAGS BARRICADES 1, 350.00 THOMSEN OIL COMPANY,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 8, 583.96 3 POINTS TIRE,MACH EQ TIRES & REP 762.00 3 POINTS TIRE, SUPPLIES - SHOP 72.00 TRAUSCH DYNAMICS INC,RD EQ REP PARTS 325.00 TRAUSCH DYNAMICS INC,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 16.29 US BANK,RD EQ REP PARTS 35.94 VERIZON CONNECT NWF INC,ENGINEERING/TECHNICAL EQU 178.09 VILLAGE OF ROSELAND,WATER 78.00 W G PAULEY LUMBER CO,OTHER ROAD/BRIDGE MATERIA 52.97 W G PAULEY LUMBER CO, FLARES FLAGS BARRICADES 144.48 ZEE MEDICAL SERV,MEDICAL/HOSPITAL 187.00 RURAL RD IMP DST 2013/1Y COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS ANJANETTE BONHAM,CELL PHONES 25.00 CLEAR VIEW WINDOW CLEANING, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 28.00 COMPUTER HARDWARE INC,OFFICE EQUIP. REPAIR 100.00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 205.49 HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PROMOTION ADVERTISING 713.79 US BANK,UTILITIES 33.34 US BANK, SUPPLIES —OFFICE 47.46 US BANK, SUPPLIES-COPY 37.46 US BANK, INTERNET SERVICE 104.98 VISITORS IMPROVEMENT FUND NEBRASKA SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION , SPECIAL PROJECT (VISITORS 25, 000.00 PRESERVATION & MODERNIZATION MIPS,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 372.75 HEALTH FUND DAWNA WHITCOMB,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 11.97 INHERITANCE TAX WEST GROUP PAYMENT CENTER,LAW LIBRARY 2, 908.17 ESCROW HOLDING FUND ACE/EATON METALS, INC,MISCELLANEOUS 16,263.40 CONSOLIDATED CONCRETE CO,MISCELLANEOUS 4,342.50 GERHOLD CONCRETE COMPANY INC,MISCELLANEOUS 529.79 HOOKER BROS SAND & GRAVEL INC ,MISCELLANEOUS 43, 614. 96 MAINELLI WAGNER & ASSOC INC,MISCELLANEOUS 10,786.23 ROAD BLDG MACH & SUPPLY CO INC,MISCELLANEOUS 1,294.11 SQUARE DEAL LUMBER CO,MISCELLANEOUS 32.50 Lee Hogan, Chairman of the Board Pamela J Witte, Deputy County Clek 387 ' Page Adams County Board of Supervisors Courthouse,Adams County,Tuesday July 72020 The Adams County Board of Equalization met on July 23,2020 in the Adams County Board Room to review and take action on tax corrections and motor vehicle exemption.Chairman Hogan resided over the meeting Roll Call members Present District 1, Michael Stromer, District 2,Glen Larsen, District 3, Lee Hogan, District 4,Scott Thomsen, District 5, Dale Curtis, District 6,Chuck Neumann, District t 7, Eldon Orthmann. Chairman Hogan requested a motion to enter Board of equalization. Motion by Neumann and seconded by Larsen to enter the Board of Equalization.Supervisors entered the Board of Equalization at 10:00 a.m. Roll Call: Ayes,Thomsen,Stromer, Hogan, Larsen, Orthmann, Neumann and Curtis. Nays, none. Melanie Curry Adams County Treasurer presented for approval a motor vehicle exemption for Mid Nebraska Indiv Services, Head Start,South Central Behavioral services and Crossroads Motion to approve exemption made by Thomsen, seconded by Stromer. Roll Call: Ayes,Thomsen,Stromer, Hogan, Larsen,Orthmann, Neumann and Curtis. Nays, none. M1..;jr.s Y .), Application Tor Exemption cow � .COPY born Mater,eNd,. ..q« tr «o. asz o:•+ NA INDIVIDUAL SERVICES INC. I p ..,, ADAMSTilltrfMT_ 82 s AVENUE KAREN WICSON 402-482.5178 WASTINGSr`� NEBRASKA 68801 WreMatt®rnnic.org Or.....rir.mr.r.. Cu.rra...w Oam.u..+_ 1:166M0r.. 70tH-Cs EO 7T8 R41ASTINGS7NEseem+ l NarifOti a&.,41-N+.0. 0— po etek CRETARYI9017K�TeE r - u..a4.wiamram..mw.. m+..rmr -- OW. wam.pr_.r .n.GE_ • 2019 131W-.r. .'CIU.'ei0r ...80737-8}F p -Yi laror.r..r...1i+.�arf.Ir�wa..wdr..N i w._..rr--a-4 n,....m.a.....,.a.. �...�. awns. noir... oe-m..�...�., tl 4M uea 10 A»"s'x ems ntrmwee a transportation for clients, to medical appointments,to and from their hone to the training area. for shopping,for lob placements,and outings in the community. SIQn Wil. mq.pb..w.rr..rrp.y. CoAVIlaigarllwaseraielso t,TKww Caws..[___ A�ewa.w..ai Ll cams —_/_— • '-—__.._ T-7 2Oa0 • ❑.room.Onion --v— no_.e ��ri+�r�rw..r —• .�—`Caii4QIL:1 alR�6l:T7lr�A'��iN"Yi Plum main.copy for 9eu mord.. • 388 1 Page ...4vf..4445 7,A9( ) g' Application......... I Application for Exemption ocnocingccg.c. from Motor V•11163 Then by Gualtly.g Nowell OrganitatIons 457 --. •1..................... 11.a TiP7NIPONOI GA'. -••• .. . Nand Start Child It Finctly Dasokomont Prow,Mc. 2020 -o.no-Toon Ono. 524. --- 'noiToolTin-o7nia— Wood Start ChM A F*408 Dosoncomr!now..Inc. Adams Nab.. -- — 123 N.14,0402 84 Deb Ross 2.1_02.482.4167. im 'lip •INt•=--•••‘itilreka — HaNings --- NE 889011.drOPEg444norg vc,rarocigii — - 11.....o.noor onoo K cac000coonom 0.......... 1:4,:•....4.••••••... 0••••••••••••as.....a... • rt..mews. i -.1 tiom lawnorks.P.n. ano..11..ataa.139 Con O.Pam Oars Pm.' _121_11J1.1.0t1.1.01.19ktit..Pk, -..."1 toacaption ol ao 400455*040.5 — j , .A_.,riellanii.4•4,11 meow, ....,......... ........., D.1VP. WM. —_-.i._.L.-..1.-......!...-___, I"old MO rub" 3.10,91.141,11”3 . 05,29=211 Ir ora NO Nolen 3reconnowN/t to ri----'— tfol4.110_ —,. '.........moon ocon co ion.000nnoccon.in ono....in ••••••••imigna...• D................. Wm.* rl.... 14.•••••.. 1-140.., ............... for.".k...m.orec••••••••••••••••.raw Trampartalion ol El*Hood Shmt WA.40,0048*0404050 to nod taro school lacinty. Add.44 progrartnnak we lorolving c.a.,pm*OW slat1 act... o111,..•psyv tn..... • tit.. irti,t.11:-•-..i.tir..........g.....too•tam.a motait..e.Titiltsv.ilm,st. .•.:•1 —,....... sign a here L. Pm c....tow.....,..m........ j AlcorcYDI Czermete• - —- 00.8* . . - — • 16.-.',,,...... . Fee Camay ee•••el 6p.....E.•"....0.1 1 13 kw* •vv.ca.......••••••••fflemov Imo...two.**mono.*i•moria •................"......,.......cra500no10a40.3 .•6....e•eso.•••Karcer........e...s. il.iii...../iGiori...*•-e.. 'Iii• -,....t..s...,....,....-:-. .... .... Marie Main a copy for your cacorth. 4saeADMV•4040••• -9 S . ......,,,,, i Application for Exemption , ROMA Cowry lirtam from Motor 80410.15602gy Ocuiltylog Nonpasolit Oresnintiom-404- ,457 .......63w44.. Heed 5011 Child/1 Fainly Onockaornsol INN...,Inc. 2020 n000-ircon dom. Mead Start Chid&Fan*Development Program.Mo. kdrona 11404I.40._ '1.2Wcno-- -Tocao —.nrono.o. 1234.4104an 144 13.Ross 402402.4157 Ilannogi NE 609011. ..„,,,......„,..— ____ 015015 01. El r............. 0....r........... 3.............. O....,........ 1 ..... TT...011.... ,Pomo hon. ....Can.o.NP‘a. 1 o;T;Fr.-------21m=oo co. 122.k_l000takommnow....secot No42/120. Thou Poocco_ell Inron,/52..ftanjo ni,_Legiot _____ IDastelpoon ..21ac orilohntes ...Is•••••••.w4•••••1.1.00,.., ---—1 i ............ 1 .......;1 —***Te 1 ........ ..-.---.1.------.... - , r---- ...4.......,. , . MO _. 711•1 j trnr-occoccoo.1 — MC._ — - _ — ----. I innon, --.7-...,..11222.7.-ionn2o-onnniOnrcronono—on27,21,"-o/in ------no-Cni.-Wr''....--noi — ! .3,..”,4....”...................... N•'.......••• C.J..... Mo.* tjc......, "......"......... ano 8..............“••.....41........... g•Vr" 9'. Transportedlon ol Forty 11end Siso far..4 Poochcci..00 to and horn=N.laonty. ,........,Woramtnetic vas involving chaalowl.0.30004.04 Pell•tietlert. .o.n.no...ono-.co on ---‘ i .• . I i * ..11on oon7ozrooz:::;:zooc•o-oonon noo.coot on-.o.n.o....W.1.1 coo..no now. sign here OW— , 1 nit•Cam I y favours A.m." • -7:1 Xottototael anttrontir------ rT • t 6,••.3C),P0 t`tt•Catxtry "08.1 .1114;. th: ,,,,I..*.7„....aeo a,...r.gporzed.s.;...................***••••••••,...... 2......-,,,,.....,G.,.. -- 7104.0 nflala a Copy lor your man. _._ .. ..... . . . . _ _ . . . ___ . . _. . .. .. .... , .. . 389 IPage Application for Exemption MeatsFO�tM E from Motor Vehicle TsXos by Qualifying Nonprofit Organizations •7e WOW your sowytyrrwnr. .t57 '11 Norm •NYC YRbyLarw oes on mow*40. * `i South Central RRheviorel Services,Inc. Two of Owoasny vex:Odor www Aadws _- cw.ry 1$111e8411 616 West 5th Street,PO Roz 50 Adams Gy' RAY Iprbds wmwnr.inououwlae ❑o.Nl trPxtrk Nestngs NE 68902 NE IDENTIFY OPFICERR.DIRECTORS,OR PARTNERS OPINE NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION Teo New.AdAasA Cly.AWL ap Cad* President Nancy Nome.10814 776 Rd.LosN.,NE 80858 Vim Preakle t CWtlege Rlaaat 1120 41112 Ra,Menem NEO$e72 SaaNaiCEO Susan IWais.918 WAN 611A Neeaw..NE 68901 Treowrm 9hwti ECIdantalrw.106 NavNas IS Cloy Canter,NE e8933 - IWBCRIPUON OF THE MOlORVE)UCLE8 •AIIaoA an additions!Moot,w wises.y. MAW Wide Roby MoCs1Y.a IN9NOr on Mea 01801. WNe1.0 Naha O.Iaq ACpYAN.y. NNIRt Purchased 2020 CARRY-10 SEDAN AT1F11AN8L118812L0 Oa'01r102e Fe..owed NoioMtCi: ❑ /v. lSa Int max wad ewaiay kownnetw w.1 ❑Eera.wa ❑Ro7yw ®meymi. ❑Canvey r-0.t.e7 Olw miwda•IcroeongrrFrlArla aaavbwew 11.4.41wcb40sa..w say ®YF8 ONO 'from between dints and service ayes.Services provided include Mental Health, Substance Abuse,Specia62ed Chaoren's Services,Rehadatatton end Assertive Community v NA d+Pncomy.d a.aol rr: Treatment for adults with severe end persistent mental illness. >< Undx daliaad h.A l dodos to l hate asolned p wROrwe am Mels n,le Me Wad/ kenlN4o ae Ueld.rue,nnNoto.mad=mat sW deoso VW I as serreh rwC b Yon Fns asPeon ambition.OM Mat eve sestmewo+ww tlN MarC#Wd m.11,Ooft r.tdserki nail NonreasdeP P Ool L�..1 en IPA wbr.n wet**WO hsign .:5,4 7Crrt.vt Administrative Assistant 06103/2020 ere� � .4"""" ma ab FOR COUNTY TREASURER RECOYMENOATION I - JVA'PPROVAL OOObAENT&: ❑OSAPPNpvnt FOR COUNTY 8OARn OF EQUALIZATION USE ONLY • ❑APPROVAL CoMWNTS: ❑DISAPPROVAL 10-4.44m4 sleety. ON. Mobvia yrridRy rs N NS10001 W.11F1 usio*P031eweleM AobW1eM41.w LA MT7smIllWwle.errr Xos.Was,ls PLEAWC RETAIN A COPY FORFoU11 RECORDS. 2,2'd 2211.191050o1 eT :wa+d SCITT wee-fE-Fall` F1356V321l 00 SPAM EZILI90E110 61IEZ 006E/00/90 03/113035 • 3901 Page Clattun • COPY •T~ts Rb YYith Your I Application for Exemption FORM . County Treasurer from Motor Vehicle Taxes by Qualifying Nonprofit Organization 457 •teed naasaeaone lr mem aide. Hams d Clgevaaonn Mower Crossroads Center 2020 NaMI d cww.d hpOwtr Canty Nen. Stale Whore tnrnpaeed Crossroad Center Adams Nebraska Sha or cher Nerbry las Contact Name Amen Number 702 W 14th St Al Goetz 402-162.6460 Cly glen 2q Cede EmaiAd es Hastings NE 68901-3006.accounUngacrossmadsmission.com yp'F—a d iSm Olifm L1sorinearatand 4e•ncAral Sowely ❑EWatt Mans!t3gadmebn QPoeebusOyNra•dn 621tnawdeopammden ❑CNMNry Gip rdieaa'l Nigh DNaotorTitle e arNt Partners Addis's,Cay,stab,Zip Code Jey aumgvdnr Exeeduee Moots 10009$171Nh Si.omeha NE 611136,1961 Nan Lavender _ iPPrnMrM,hard of txrect 3670 W Old Potash ik ery. W Island NE 16603 James mas Canton i�masursr,Bowe of Met 1303 I-ads/law Or,Hastings,NE 66901 Description of the Motor Vehicles *Attach an additional sleet N necessary. a,Wilde Mata Mode Yew BodryTrPs %Wets*Nraaber Dae.. or Mephitle% tlli — Mo It Newly Purchased IMER�CURY— 1991 SABLE OB IMECA160U4MDe33626 6N6/2019 :PONTlAC 1996 DRANO AM 102NE62T1WM509246 7/2120 Nete•YNdd•described adM 1 used m ew rod'se•erna°Mown/(Wash%malt ea*COW*aneaC Pre ale xvMv venaes Out seam y Agra-Wheel and HOlkUlluralsxNM ❑Educmana [tla/gale oCt.r1w 0 eeadrn r intimated,las Metrwkan) Owe a dash dasa4d°n M ria we d me mate vends: elYES ONO Transporting homeless to/from jobs,Interviews,medlcalappolnlments,court dates, probation meetings,etc. d No,91w eerednnge d nNnpl we Travel between Hastings/Kearney/Grand Island/Omaha. Pick-up end delivery for thrift stores and food donations. • tlmtr paaR4e el .i&cWnMat&Uae wamabd tNaaeryrbnap9euem ale.tome bend myamm4dpe end a k bCawet ervl°pmplela. .. 1 Nap dads,*ens P *elle tr. age eta OMnSOn Na.lntld� sign Executive Director 7/212020 here it,.4d-weed s y Omar nee • Dae For County Twister Remmmendetion - - �APPmval Comments: ❑Dental - . -.411)211Z,- ///�._ 7 7 ao•D-0 s. c,np eaaaa Des L_ For County Band of Equalisation Us.• y Approval athe Missy somal debrmW•dmw Maned hors.l.Caa•Y ThgwrNf mtpemlegadpn.an aaN4glipn it r*rpwad, ❑Denied Issose dwa a beC any Ann!!den em Rein,*.demaaeemCi by Ito CouMv ilea a Ed+ArNbn w Cant nauwp a ase lens dal Stew of N•em Oa. S,meas d Cealry,dmd M1en'elx Polo w,ere.+a t.e,,,•.m.•dr..•r» hs,amdh'Nw me..11 B�T•Nel,T. {ore an-.l les ase.njw 7f15a10ee an 1-Intn ,Cf,114001,M 4!m. Please retain a copy for your records. • • 391IPage • DIVED 06484/2020 63.32 4024617122 ADAMS CO TRFAAfR=R JLN-04-2028 15:48 From: 3082344018 To:4024617122 P �;er romemneepe4.11a Application for Exemption from MotorVeh Ie Taxes by r / "F••lif ()E Qualifying Monprofit Organizations 11 rh°4 •m MAW Mie PM minty mw„ . t a•.. Anter„�. ars . .d. .�. r� 457j/-�1°J South Central Behavioral Services,Inc. VIP.da.m.r SWAN Oae Maly Mine. 1331 AMNON 816 West 51h Street,PO Box 50 - County Adams arra 20 Dae sworn.,toc.pmr - ❑ twxdrk Hastitgs NE 88802 NE IDENRPY OFFlCEeS,DIRECTOR0,OR PREMIERS OF THE NONPROFIT OROANI AT1ON Ta• Nem Adams,OV.Sows,ZS Cad Premien! Nancy Morse,10614725 Rd.1a•..4 NE MSS Yoe ProWNmd Ctwdetlo%AAe61120411,2 Rd.Poverin%NE 66W2 BoradaWCEO Sean Hanle,MO Wiest 00,Homarg..NE MINN r.aterar Sherif Edaarrdrlo.104 Noryekk.Or.Cl.,Cantor,NE wiz • �._. DESCRIPTION OVINE MOTOR VEHICLES •AtIac lrn 00dtaont aha0t,6 rummy. MN0Wdde Melo Maid Taw bad,T,p Vddde0OMebr eaWa+mort Ode Wm tl eedr4je.r. TOYOTA — ror _ Root NluNOER JrEEP11A67022&1116 07/31/2020,r,s m l.wnmd Vase d Molar WhIoa: ❑Au"°r.wmnewae' 0 dem a e, ❑R.e5aa. ®namaea ❑e.n.uy � wrrm.°..d waaewy ONe SPNIAldrmv5WooI.k ImirsAu onmaaeadm d maple akdo40.11oes ®Yee ONO Travel between clinics and service sites.Services provided include Mental Health, Substance Abuse,Specialized Children's Services,Rehabilitation end Assertive Community I”'gi' N'w P•n'"d.0°d amor.r. Treaanent for adults with sevens and persistent mental!Mess. uxuirexawiaiwi ldmdea NW Ilaw artleeeee rWkeimend Owl aM b as eredty bmmbdee aro WADI.hue..ery.l'end coma! abo6dee MIN. anwriddbNip ddaappllon ..1.41 agpnIxfonowiyh drwJlak9palms dueroldwtmMb nmentoriliN anolumeel hued a rte.odx...woof room hin re 'f vu�t id. Adninkhalive Azolslant 011/03/2020 1 y�/,.' FOR COUNT YTREASURER RECOMMENDATION . APPROYAL COMMENTS: ❑DISAPPROVAL 9pwwalcwq;.w« I� Drl. ( FOR COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION USE ONLY ❑APPROVAL COMIENT6' ❑DISAPPROVAL Arehwbed TWA!. wa rwr.wom••+•a n..0*v Wbamom._ maimelt rrad1x4.r,r,sed tSE..daa;at R43.03%.1.40.1R43.03%.1.40.1 .....242.aMR.4aW PLEASE RETAIN A COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS. • • • Jackie Russell,Adams County Assessor presented for approval tax List correction. Motion to approve tax correction by Curtis and seconded by Neumann. Roll call, Roll Call: Ayes,Thomsen,Stromer, Hogan, Larsen,Orthmann, Neumann and Curtis. Nays, none. Page• 392 ' g e Property Valuation Correction Notice Correction#(s) 2020-007 Tax Year(s)Corrected 2020 Date of Correction 6/26/2020 Description of Property Vacant Real Property Owner HEDC Parcel ID# 010000136 Tax ID# 320-00340 Mailing Address 3015 BURLINGTON AVE Legal 1635.22-LOT 1 BLK 3 NORTH PARK COMMONS ADD(4199)38.09 AC CURRENT YEAR VALUATION: Current Year Value Corrected Current Year Submitted Value Personal Property Land $177,847.00 $49,058.00 Improvements TOTAL VALUATION $177,847.00 $49,058.00 Reason for Correction HEDC Contacted the assessor's office in June stated that the LBNRD still showed irrigated acre designation on the parcel indicated above for 2020. HEDC is no longer farming this ground, however,the parcel was still undeveloped as of January 1,therefore,we are adjusting the value to reflect grassland rather than irrigated acres for 2020. Approved Denied 7/21/2020 Date County Board Chairperson County Assessor Chairman Hogan requested a motion to return to regular session. Neumann made the motion to return to regular session,seconded by Larsen. Roll Call: Ayes,Thomsen,Stromer, Hogan, Larsen, Orthmann, Neumann and Curtis. Nays, none. Board returned to regular session at: 10:05 a.m. 393 I Page