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0722 Minutes for July 22, 2019 (Property Protests - BOE)
COUTHOUSE HASTINGS,NEBRASKA Monday,3tme--22,2019 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of EqualiAiion for the purpose of hearing property valuation protests,with Chairman Orthmann presiding.Present were Board members; Stromer,Larsen,Thomsen,and Orthmann; County Clerk Ramona Thomas,assistant recorder Paula Scheil,County Assessor Jackie Russell,Adams County Appraisers,Bernie Parr,Shannon Bird and Stuart Nabower. Board members absent were;Hogan,Curtis and Neumann Motion by Larsen,seconded by Thomsen that this is an open meeting that was advertised in the Hastings Tribune.Roll Call: Stromer, Larsen,Thomsen Orthmann.Nays: 0 Absent/Abstaining:0 — The Pledge of Allegiance was performed. Chairman Orthmann requested that board members disclose any conflicts of interest with the protests to be heard today. No Conflicts of interest were disclosed. Prior to presenting evidence supporting their claims,all protesters and/or representatives present and wishing to speak signed an oath stating the information they are providing is the truth to the best of their knowledge and belief. Protest 19-170;Owners/representatives for the property were not present,the protest form(s)signed by Vincent Varel and all supporting documentation was reviewed by the Board. Fife with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 422A (See instructions) county Name / 72 Name/and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest — "al"Nt N;une �r —617 O 07025.1_.20/9 /� 1. l`�r �A/�(L _Protested Valuation 20__ Requested Valuation thee writ Mnittitin waled being the owner of theproperlyor th nor aieh«tied to«oieet on hoiva Real Property Real Prrywrry of the oVmer.11 the protest Ls Merlon behalf or the sorter, C/, authorisation to do so mud be pranded wdh the molest. N Yes . No a Q Sheol«Other Maiing Adry dress .. t $ /gra `53 Q51.�lE - V'=- . Personal Property Personal erop«ty City.Town,or rust Mice Slate Zip Cods NAS T7'A/6-s. Iv E --__ 2301. Property Identification Number Phone flambe, Reason to,'equaled valuation change(Attach additional pages 0 rrsmdert.) Oa,� or �sL- Y96 G Edda!MeowI1C as>essnic�i ' of 'r #y; y_ I(I Real Rooney Description iman]e Loi,eloca,Matin..Lecteton Address,Snctnn, /6 LY'C\CSS.! V L- f l SA Lt 11 Al, SA/ Taaship.Rarngr,and CountYl and/or Pu'sald Property Deccrq'aon � 13715-,6o_ L a 7r ,2_3 )1?3, /as 50117 H S-14108): 5'111.3 q�tac%mC'fits- sign V ,z here ►tiY)naanaBPo:our' (idssl — --- ----_'------------___._-_..------- Date Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuation of $197,307.00 for property 010008189 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Hogan,Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-263;Property owner Robin Schilling of 844 Sagewood Ave in Grand Island was present to protest the valuation of property #0100011973. File with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 42e>,GGM A (See Instructions) County Name G� �n if Name and Mailing Address of Person Fllin9 Protest Rasa NurrbGor} rhod Name -- -- ---- // — 6?CP 3 77•/ Schilling,Robin L Protested Valuation 20.18_ Requested Valuation Tro person long rola protest is the owner of the property or autnotreri m pinion on hetran R;r;,,l Property Real Property of the caner tf the protest is being Wee on PoliSht or the emu, autho Zatien to do so must be vidod Sons the stent. Yes Nr. P P _---- .-_-- 15840 8,035 5l seen Ocher Mal glvl0rwn 5 , 5 844 Sagowood Avenue 9 Pe�oornN Properly Personal Property City.Tomo,or Post Office State Zp Cade Grand Island NE 68803 S $ ---- —— — —PhoneNon Prrywrly kfenti6cution Numbed Phone Nnnseor Reasons for renwel Mi valuatbn change(Attach ednntavl pnGes i/nenKlen t 010011973 (402)469-1771 1. No known basis for the market adjustment(no comparable Small Marais sales of empty lots in the neighborhood because there are no rls @r(schillingcpa corn empty lots in the neighborhood). Real Property Description(Include Lel,elo;L Additi«n.Locarayn Aatn,>ss,Sector. Tnntrt., ,Ran e,nod Countyl antra Pa,cnnai Property Der.cription 2. There have been no land improvements done on the property 1565.00-Lot 8 Thompsons Add 81k1 kung 2018 to 2019(or soar since acquiring the land in 1992). sign J l �t� l�X 6127/2019 here ►6gnni eel firmer ngP Xa /! Dale Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuation of $98,260.00 for property 010011973 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Hogan,Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-178;Representative Marilee Jirkovsky was present to protest the valuation of property owned by Jeffery Jirkovsky. 6571Page File with the y.1 j Property Valuation Protest::'.". FORM rz• County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action'T; 422A (See Instructions) cm rty Name Name end Melling Address of Person Filing Protest Protea,Number r r Nerve L �S.t_�r u1 I i.<D V Sit Prate sted'Valuation 20L-• / Requested Valuation j r proem t g the not 18 the tremor d the properly or a�hatred to protest on behalf Real Prppeny - Real Property et the owner,II tire proles)la being fled on behalf of the caner, r- ntnhonrahnn in Po so error be prowled with the protest. ?Lets Eon , SIr Oma/r�t��{I I1/�Ing � Pomona)Property Personal Property Ci,lyyT en,or Pos ere Ledo / X'956 $ $ Property Idenfilicebon Number/ Number Reasons topma rrosfed valuation change 1A0.0r Mahone!pag0S if neeocd.t , /0(:)e, /&> /g' /-,Ict..sa-ibti`5lnn11 71-1...,6 bbd &o4 room on.i. , Ental Aooresa b\ 0`M (Q 4W t-l. r Yvi'h'..). �Dc.s vFiQ I a1' €- Real Properly oesceptan(Include lot,Block,Addition,Location Address.Section, A Gl..K Li a r d 4- IAi iacc lSn i bl.'ate -1-41 anLyLM . Township.Range.and county)and or persontlPmeriy Oeacny1a�1 t NW 4-OL4)rarr 4// (Jr.+heti 107 00-E%Z ES IN'9v' !Antic at r-o�/�S f>! 4�c r ) sf n m �L WA O/roc Qoo1-t. LI.-4 gcra9vi- PrOparl lroo V inq Pard e...-1.irs Add•gen•As.t.... (A/4vo 4-l if,. 10od pion`s5o grin'./ Cfs5.4-10 42,d41 OP-}o a.. • • • • •a f . v g.. here sign / 141 f- ��a-/p `-N f an-- roti•. Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuation of $68,515.00 for property 010001648 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Hogan,Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-179;Property owner Marilee Jirkovsky of 100 E 14th in Juniata was present to protest the valuation of her property. Fie with the 1 Property Valuation Protest I FORM County Clerk 1 and Report of County Board of Equalization Action (See Instructions) 422A Court),Nemo ( „- Name and Mress o alting Addf Person Filing Pi Pro;o:.:rmnwer —r lou'- -- --- -_-- hwne Protest � LL� .,,,_.L, can cw.rpas..cavo.a per ow x.oLs r prSiry aorta/Peri vlNvrwost nn banett Protested Valuation 20 - _Requested Valuation 7 oh'nn owlet.II the pmlesl la bMi. Merl w behalf el line amen. r� 00.4 i roes ii Rut Properly o'0000non to do so muni be Lrmdda9 men rho.rowel 'Iles Nn Slror or 01100 Marring Addrep:�//L S S /D.0 7n Pomona'Properly Pnrsnlai Property Cnv.Tm r.or Form 00!00 Slob Zrp Code -4ctl�l_4Y eJt.r 6070 $ $ Properly Idenleraeon Number Phare Nnreu+r Hoa fans IM represkd valuation change(Mach addgnonal oagas 4 neetted.) 01 0Oa1,4 y ,I -7S/-aas2- 11001 Properly(M:Cripiwn trnCkree Lm,Blom,Addnm Lnearrnn Andreas.Se l.on. _ Tpfvrsibp(tan)n.nnriCounty)rPersonal Proertyto pgef p Pr ow i JI- �6 4 w b(- fel .7-.;v.Lp�>1 `Av.h1A-root codni.aw a1-Lo-oti 4cnrsi,,,/c L__._ sign ---- here _here , .,,}.1,,f- kMafn '-- ./-fi'�/� ( zl-i . Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Larsen to recommend no change to the valuation of $233,240.00 for property 010002829 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Hogan,Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-177;Owners/representatives for the property were not present,the protest form(s)signed by Lonnie Persinger was reviewed. Fila with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk I and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 422A (See Instructions) ( County Name 1 Name and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest Protest Num err —Fe - Nar Ina ean Persinger/Lonnie Persinger POA Protested Valuation 20 Pi Requested Valuation 7, ns pepoison Ming mos protest is the owrer of are pmporty or ai.lonred m protestC'S Wdw1 NGd rPmpprty al property of the owner.tf the protest is being leo on behalf of the owner, authonbratwn to no so must ho reenter!with Leo protest. ❑Yes C.No • Street or Other Mailing Address S 13750 $ 6565 200 West 5th Street Porsor OI Properly Persona)Property City.Town,or Pmt Office Stela Zrp Code Hastings NE 68901 S 64340 $ 64340 Property IddntAkation Number Poona Number 00aaons Int reguosled vaamtbn change(mach oddrllonai pages it moved.) 0100006285 308-380-8183 The land valuation of this property in 2018 was at$6565.but then [roma Address ------•_ for 2019 the land valuation is$13750,a nearly 110%increase in Ldpers@hotmaii.com one year!?This is ridiculously excessive,especially when there has - been no enhancement whatsoever to the property.No residential Real Property oescrpuon(Include Lot,Bach,Adceson.Locetloo Address.Section. •. land value ever DOUBLES in one year with no enhancements.I am Township Ruga,and County)anNor Personal Property Oescdpbion 1309.00-LOT 12 JOHNSONS ADD BLK 7 requesting a re-evaluation and value adjustment more realistic of . general land values,and less of an outright travesty. , C j sign / 6-22-2019 t here hera �darg — _— t red Prol -•� ..._-_..__ _- Drab Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuation of $78,090.00 for property 0100006285 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Hogan,Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-0180;Property owners Donna and Shannon Fowler were present to protest their valuation on property 010015258. 658IPage File with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action I (See Instructions) !County Name "4/4422A • Name and Malting Address of Person Filing Protest Protest Number ere v�'r M n 4_G.4-Ve/ Protested Valuation 20 Ragwsted Valuation I T le peBOn S alis - ...Sag ass protest to die owner d the properly Of armor),..,,t0 WWI On oelwlf neat Pmpprty Real Property �Intl Dreyer.11 the P.orust.s De:ry bled m W hair W the owner. i otionzatbn to do so must he provided rem rne__prorest Yoe ;ANO lo �trpel or Olney Maihr Address -Y".__ „Z 8,0 S /$•UO 0-5,,cyr,u) (i-,10U 3 Al. l ghion a al Personal Property Personal Property ,:ey TMvn Or Post• S Office/ State / (,Z Code ikaitti/ > 1V/ 6.i Vo/ S $ Uelty kie-e.altaliOn NUtebet I (Phonne Number 7 _ Reasons for replwslod eel:uli0n change(Attach additional pages it needed.) U/d Addr -5ti-. —_—_ la �� '42/fi____— _, e�/rr �` 1,i •t 4.flu i Isco 20 ,u CL 1u Cft��[( ,f�!L(,--�_�Ci Real Fhopony Desniption(Include Lot,t• Addition.Location Address,Section. l rshlp,Range.and County)andre,Personal PtoPerly Description ieitaitai iky( en(,.1 Pant..1401en aS3.Etddros:oc3 N.I.bgk)anet ec/ 04.0-10-13e. 0--PrSeII/LISE/KIG x Lei/D'l-7-10 Ctlja1tonSipns sign ' / r�vcQci / 14;'21-1-2/2--- Motion Signature-o.Person Jng Pr tea! -- a Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuation of $213,805.00 for property 010015258 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Hogan,Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-0181;Property owner Bonny Kroeker was present to protest the valuation of property 010002561. File with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 422 (See Instructions) County Name I Name and Mailing Address of Person Ring Protest Pro Number 1 Fl 17?9 Name / '��!�/ .i �_ idDnn Kr-bako r IRfbf f 20 ProtestedValuet n2011 1r, RequestedValuation I person • g; a ,, . t e owner o . .property or au;mnzed to protest on. •' Lana of the owner.It the protest Is being Ned on behalf 01 the owner, Ladd' authorization to do So must be provided with the protest. INYes r No s 21,9$a I$ f tot q r3 Q Street or Otter Make Address Buildings Buildings P. O. Ise,K_ 21i, $ 14,186. j$19,136 City.Town,or Pos}}Office State Zip Code Totat Land and Buildings 1 Total Land and Buildings "t4,tiia-M. NE 42€155 $ 9Llttoc. x$9111G° Property Identificatbn Number Phone Number Personal Property i Personal Property O IDOL, -.5-6,j 46Z 23'7—LF1 $ 1 s Email Address Reasons tar requested valuation change(Attach additional pages It needed.) bc,hnv K2-4 ykkoz+,Ct, Y\ Real Property Description(include Lot,Blocs.Addition.Location Address,Section, Township,Range,and Courtly)andlor Personal Property,,D}e.scription 1_,4--6 55ei" 5 g3 =--t t11 -t<j Vi i iei/{v sign 4a0en here �Signature afPontrrg� ZS�l9 Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuation of $96,160.00 for property 010002561 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Hogan,Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-0182;Property owner Evan Stroot was present to protest the valuation of property 010018083. File with the j Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk I and Report of County Board of Equalization Action _ A 22 A (Sae Instructions) i county Name •+rGGM Name and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest _ Protest 'umber mad Name �/�.• /f /1A ti l E Tg UG- /P otest(edd Valuation 20 j°7 Requested Valuation I The person ling Nis protest is the owner of the property or authorized to protest on behalf Real Property N Property of the owner.If the protest is being filed on behalf of the owner. ✓; ENo authorization to do so must bo provided with the protest. You No c:� Sheet or Other Mailing Address N $ G�I UDo $ .)'1, G O t_ /7 4/ ,, (41— 5 T Personal Property Personal Property City,Town,or Post Office State Zip Code .--) 44/.2-/ , .Ug- ..._./ $ $ Property Identification Number Phone Number Reasons for requested valuation change(Attach additional pages It needed.) -- Oiool S'6S3 li'oZ- 75/ - Z/Z/ Emal Address _ ailzchi ie./h Real Property Description(Include Lot,Block,Addition,Location Address.Section, Township.Range,and County)and/or Personal Property Description ;nl. oo _ Lots S7o, 87/ 4 F72. :1-0/v. A7-,9 V.1 L-4,/1-6.E. sign here Signature Person Filing Protest Data Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuation of $72,641.00 for property 010018083 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Hogan,Curtis,Neumann 659 Page Protest 19-0183; Property owner Kenneth Dimler was present to protest the valuation of property 010013662. File with the Property Valuation Protest . FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action q 22 p ounty N (See Instructions) Come e..rC(c 'o-GGl1 C Name and Malting Addtoss of Parson Filin•Protest Protest Number` Flied / _ 9 Name "/(45 /9 / .—__Ll�-� 2°-4 A////t.'int_ I!`/'�E' iii /!Z(� C'`�',. Q.� ° ogled Valued on 20/ Requested Valuation The person lima this protest is the owner of then fumerty or ntntorrired to pretest on belted Rent Propor(y Rost Properly el Iho owner.It Ihu protect is being tied on behalf o f the owner, nu rtcheotkn to do se must bo provided wen the proles'. t s Yes I.:No / 1 /////�_� /�///� Seoul or Other Msiling rare+ $ /2- 6 L-3 $ !" —O 0G-``-" dv, /F/"I&"f u,.i0e,v A/c' Personal Prop arty Personal Creepily/ Coy.To••yr Post OUP SWI Code /7/9'5717/f5_.4 /< - j2 y o/ $ $ Pronely Identification Number one Number q,,�.� Reasons for requested valuation change(Attach additonal pages,,needed.) D/0C'I/3 ''7 ye,2 -`��� -?ac'AL�n7P D,.-t-/ l'�t4 /tea/P-44 of/•9a/k Email Address --------- e/0544_,-p e.-c -17,,,ifec;c,//LP, ,/0-/A.« Rest Property Description(Include Let,Plock Addition,Location Address.Section, Township,Rangc,and County)and/or Personal Property Desopton /6it,,v� .- �vII-3 Xxr i/y( ftpa+auryI'S iii /orf5 Af��t-lctne//A t ,.:_a% fir_//a, �IPd ,9��/ %/A / he-_,7,-e R tv tizr ...'><y c.s./4 sign if ��r,/7 !f , ' ' --7 6-,2-y_ / here r S'cnst rte Of Person Pima Protest to Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuation of $126,663.00 for property 010013662 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Hogan,Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-0185;Property owner Michael Cary was present to protest the valuation of property 010000102. Rlewiththe Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 422A (See Instructions) County Berne ADAMS Name and Mailing Address of Person HIInq Protest Protest Nva/nt7�a/r�_�///t/Q Fred Name r L //1115 _ 21-4Z Michael J Carey Protested Valuation 20 y Requested Valuation !Meyerson Wq acs motors s the owner of the Gmparty or ant/mitred to protest as hehaa Rag properly Roal Property of tine owner.ti tjw proau is bong tied on OWaY d Oa ower. eutheroe must pro-noted wan the proles(. (�Yes CNG $63.000.00 $ $40,000.00 sew or Other Mailing $ 5465 N 1st Ave Persona Property Personal Properly Cay,Town.or Poet Mee Stele bp Code Hastings NE 68901 S $329.532.00 $ $280.000.00 Property 010000102 402-460-0565timation Number Phone ritransigwOrie"9 err 'a riga orieaCs n ne)the land just on the opposite side of the fence In our backyard was reduced Email Address by 4%.Also the irrigated land across the street to the east has mbcarey1992@gmailcom been reduced 5%. Real Property Desaiption(Include Lok Stock Adak"Location Address.Section, TNa-09-102.40-LO B2 U(4 H UB• IV(ELKS 3&4 J PT NW1/4)29-8-9 ANNEX ORD#4055 sign i\0 .T 6-D4 -(, here ►Signalise of Person Ring Retest Oats Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Larsen to recommend no change to the valuation of $319,845.00 for property 010000102 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Hogan,Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-0188& 19-0189;property owner Delbert Bender was present to protest the valuation of two properties he owns. File with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 422A (See Instructions) (caaayNone ADAMS I Name and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest t Protest NumberFled Name 1 Zr— // O Ga�.20 7,f Delbert R. Bender tad Valuation 20_ Requested Valuation The person Meg this protest Is the owner or the property or authorized to protest on beams Hem prop,,,, Real Proper,,, at tow owner.II the protest is being filed on behee of the owner. t— �j V n authorization to do so must be provided with the protest. Its L No / Street or Omer Mailing Address t 21.947=$ $ / 20690 wet 70th st I Personal Property Personal Property City,Town.or Post Ofhee State Zip Code i • Kenesaw NE 68956 i$ $ Property IdenahratbNum n ber Phone Number I treasons br requested valuation change(Mace eddinonat pages■needed.I 010001599 308(70810083 Entail Address 4... Rosi Property Description(Nchdo Lot.Nock Adtlttton,Location Address,Saban. Township.Range,and County)onater Personal Property Description 405.00-Lots 7-9 MECHAM&ARMITAGE ADD-KENESAW VILLAGE BLOCK 1 sign1` %'-j � } here signets of Perna,t irr,p ",tel,a 660jPage Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuation of $21,947.00 for property 010001599 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Hogan,Curtis,Neumann Due to extensive discussion and time restrictions,a decision on protest 19-0189 was deferred until later in the meeting. Protest 19-0222;Property owner Michael McConnell was present to protest the valuation of his property due to it lying in a floodplain. File with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action ^n n A (See Instructions) Gusty Name '•PGGN I Name and Malting Address at Person Filing Protest rhptest bar dill Nan l1 -Dam tee--. - -'20 ft — r \i Gl\C,.r.t rJ .1-0,.I%P 1 1\.6.6,P .\\ Protested Valuation 201j Requested Valuation Tto person filing toe prlssl L the owner at the prciwrty or aeomoot to promo.an bunuim repet property nw.at Property _- 'Ina Owne'.ilihe protest lS being Ned on behatr of the aorta,, �d t' aa!ttodoaeon to lora must to proekled wkh era pealed L;_i Par {a Mn sdroet n Diner tdaiapt Address t $ 5H y S�-a S ,"20, S/65-8SSO4t 4-P 1_t bQ(_LJztUf- pgrom roProperty Personal Property Cry,Town,de Pus!Or�w Stard / Le Cate ,)lthtt a ai, r- (P '7t5S s $ Propany ldunlifratlon NumberPipfy Number 50153,15 for requested vadditionalpn change(Attach additional pages'18.8881 We- 0100P11117 7SI 2Z6SEmafi Moms; C-1 ,/"""} 43'6.-C urv-F1 62, maty-ve.J lZt-- \!C\\tAe40.-k-!iii-oi 9 • tVz o-4 ,ro( .t 8 Real P.opotly Desoapt ur.(include Lo:Block AddNon,LOlo?on Address,500:01 r-' { Townshp.Range,and County)ardPo tcr rronol Property Descriptor, L--(F y 5 irk l `O(}L`' '�\(':"..\ 3 Lk1) -CC l` 13--c1-k\-A(o.1( )--.o-t-,r, 5.,.\51,10.- J �.,uct L� \s to r\ z 4 a 011,nu0..1 r...-00c. t IA,,,y I i--'1--(t sign GY ZS zoighere 1>s?r,2:1,k-a o`' �'`�11 i<..,,•-t ((_ Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuation of $400,915.00 for property 010002217 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Hogan,Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-0213 & 19-0214;Property owner Todd VanSkiver was present to protest the valuation of two properties he owns. File with the 1 Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action ^22 A (See Instructions) County Nance //--'42 N I.____ Name and Molting Address of Person Filing Protest P,,,,,it N P; ) G `--e 2�� ,sums //�� -'"---� Q,f(a1 \ tX`�-V LLC.- Protested Valuation 20 Requested Valuation j Tie person Hing this pe l is the antler of the property or autnermea to protest m behalf Rem Property Neal Property -_ of the owner.a the protest Is being Mee on Dahill(of Um owner. au:nonra:gn to do so must be aided with the ten. yes ,No PcPte 5a G ` /t�,t C. Skeet or Otttoi MaSing Acheu ,{t.y� �1 '$ `, v_Y 1 s S' 17 a I IA_q �� l_ CA AI e.t v 1`t a Porsc.nai Property ______ Personal Property __— City,town Post Oerce State Zip Cafe 4 . �F _ ,4Via.{_i$ s, 61c1' $ Ss, 6 t 0 Prooeny Identlfcatbn N hone Number I Reasons For requunlod wouutien cneage(Asch rndbonat pages U needed.) (_mad MU so, s `loZ�CC`1-�S'(� II V t .305k' 1no1,Q 4 , tCLIASV,14{8t etoAMa.'(`_.,(,:4 �a S4 24.0 cwd cls88 Root Rroperiy Dascnp.icn(Int rude Lot,Nook,Additnn,Location Address.Section, L T1' .00ndNnlyag'Personal Property ps2.% L+ Zo 110 C cs -e (4.)l..1 wool J -- 1.K- t tt•c c&-k AAS (u4 3c AC! hc. a 4_701b.1iA.t v-.t, l,.t sign _to -7:7-11 here Signature 0 orSOa rang-.lust - -- Nile Supervisor Lee Hogan entered the meeting at 11:04 a.m. Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuation of $71,059.00 for property 010008858 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:Hogan Absent: Curtis,Neumann File with the I Property Valuation Protest 1 FORM County Clerk I and Report of County Board of Equalization Action R r�r�A (See Instructions) fcamn,Nan,e i„` /7/.5FGGf1 Name and Mailing Address of Person Filln.Protest Proles!Number Filen Name � // - er !Q r !Ll _AL L 4c-� �S LLS _Protested Valuation 20 Requested Valuation_- _ The person bittg ms protest nu t owner of Ute property or authorized to protest on benne Real Property Real Properly or the owner.a the protest is being IIIed on behat of the owner. authorization to do so must be provided wits the protest. Ves L� (',�(,4 Street or Other Mailing Address . -_ $ 11+ L..7 $ - t 1 f 39 0 `3\Lk CO_t_"n__C.‘. -_ V Personal Properly Personal Property City,Tarn, root 0111 State Lip Cods fi-t ioill o1 $ ?50 1 0S° ,s 290,oc Probetty Identification Numtr Phone Number Reasons for requested valuation change(Attach additional pages U needed.) Addre M0000 4525 q-D2: IR ' =-0`�i^t COlit-1G cad?`70 1 I ce V- �y.� �ti Enad Add,es, -- Real Property Descriptbn(Include Lot,0 009,Addhon,Location Address,Secl..txt, �k 17 Township.Range.and County)and/or Personal Pmperry Resonation ,.b%*,00 -tam °1 .10 Lo�.1,AccS. 51,tv- `i 'iS°'4 . CO ‘4-- C1 Qiu -tt Ce, vkt'zca ®vc, # 3151 ('U t, 339) °O0 . T' me -,c.d. _sign `� <`,'C^)� py�-' l- (' -Z {J� I_7i here ►signata.paP -on pol'g Rotesi — here Dat 661 Page Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuation of $364,205.00for property 010000825 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:Hogan Absent: Curtis,Neumann Supervisor Hogan left the meeting at 11:26 a.m. Protest 19-234;Property owner Randy Owens was present to protest the valuation of his property located at 601 N.Denison in Kenesaw. File with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action (Sue instructions) ICam:yNamu T-- 422"A - I Name and Mailing Address o1 Person Filing Protest lamest/hat-bar ,/ Facet 841,;r r 0 L(} 6t(,e F'AL‘; retested Valuation 20 JR Requested Valuation 1 :"."_iJ 7t ;toned tiny tats pgAnt.a the oaM me f eery or summered to proud on bvhall Real PmPerry Roel Prom tyfuItnlnxorwor.nPomp ,„. iMkd3ovnh100tlnRw ov"e. Z,Y>s r1No / • '(';•f Sooel or'Othee{r Malvlq AO hers //��_ �{ •t / y /4 e/e $ j/`��, ./ (o °//t'n, , 1 S[t A.r 62, ,2O) vnconhf Rawly P"rsn/nal rice:" v City,lows,or Foot nn:cN Slam �Zq+GadN �a•tJ � i �br, .. Q...6-6; 9 $ Prnre'ly feen,f tcabon Numt,or Moro hombre, Ramona 000001 d veluaron chang0(Arach adotto nal pagOs ll noeden].l O/fie,C'176/ $�u -y&9-.,36<s/ reaa atiihets 526 1 :d1 .7e/'1'1 randlj©(C 'r,„flalid u ('.6 11/1 Real Rh or' tamer plan(103u010 I ol.Block Ad dile”,Lecelon Alarms.Socha, Totnrp,Range.and Gnlyt a or Personal Fpory Neapa warn 6 e-/ /r.DOA.,Snn! f 4_, iit,C,F)L-tirts ,;w71q ' .9 �?ND 4OO —Ign to u. thliage �li,r.k 4 sign - here C�, /i� ► Ireti/� A .1�R __ natty Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Larsen to recommend no change to the valuation of $90,466.00 for property 010001801 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Hogan,Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-0148;Property owner Edward Tournor was present to protest the valuation of his property located at 1410 Westbrook Drive in Juniata. File with the Property Valuation Protest I FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 422 �L (SeeInstructiions) jCounty Name-1c/cj1.c; LLti . — ---_------ - Name and Malting Address of Person Finn•Protest Protest hi. ry riled / Name - it( r. ''Z l- 20 1 /' -•Valuation 20 1;i. •-•nested Valuation The penin Ming—rob protest is the wauv-- I Ure VmPer y or auandml b protest on bores rim p, h. --- rural Property 'L-__s or the ovmor,II the protest Is botn0 lAud on behae of the owner. E/ r- onlhpdraliMi b dp sa most ho prooldad with rho prIAsft. Xy Vee t No Street or Other Mang Address f ess $ -' 1' + 'J ,�'� C ( :v •� �-. � 1_y/i it.IL.c/\JJi,_—stale L CL Al (.y L /CV .> caramel Pmrmrty Personal rr,operty City.Torn.or Post Mirostale Zip Code $ $ Properly MrNdsnflon Number Phan Ntertar Bensons ler requested vekmiten change(Mach additional pages it needed.) C ICCJJI _ C y/r.1'-yam/E _. /.;,-', ..,. / - Lmai Address - Heal Properly Deacd(sion(Include LN.Olodt.Adelina,Location Address.Sadden. tiwmship,Range.and(Curry)aMror PC1501114 Property preception ---- - /r e;/ . (1 1.;-•.t 7 aLk. 2 '.v f-cr•., is [',lyre. .--"/.6;,...,:-..t,,:::-...,-7,- - fl/,ire/r'( ; Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuation of $38,500.00 for property 010006437 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Hogan,Curtis,Neumann Chairman Orthmann left the meeting at 11:46 a.m. Protest 19-218;Owners/representatives for property 010003044 were not present,the protest form signed by Paul D.Knott was reviewed by the Board. FILE WtrH THE Property Valuation Protest FORM COUNTY CLERK and Report of County Board of Equalization Action ^ (See Instructions) — 4t.22 n A __ County Nome Adams --- C_ Name and Liaping Address of Person Filing Protest Hos I Mollie, Had " ,., (- y/p' -�e2 / e02 - LtCI Y1� Protested Vauation 20 tY Requested Valuation Street or inner Maim°Address 5V9.5" &) • 1!�� 5-1--, .r.,17,141,7h.r.,17,141,7 Idvne Rtwonl t!roGo4j e (7 iocre .>. City Tern,or Post OtaceStale_ Zip Code $ p .p -i/In i' it)L` 6A'9 PersoNi 5ay7 nal/rpS75 �c»i�c��a) PrrpertY Personal Property Property Identificationt Phone Number 0/000 ZD 951 yon. - sl 9- 1237a- S s Real newly Descripliei(Include Lot,Nock.Matron,Location Adlreas,Sectial. Reasons for requested vat.latiwi drarpe(Attach adlaionat pages It neaaal I Iran,hio Range.and County)and'«P,eersonal Property Dem/toll. r 61,/.6.0._ 1, .50- ,lpi-. ' QiK„� Desi i-o L'U /iaye Ay land On/Lee -fcrr /kyr heelle. gloat) d(1a P Crom.2Cig/0W1`/- 1-1204 2V4/0 "iv l Si' Sul 15;J 4 me.xed ©kb 4--39i2 0-41.(3 i.5o?r7S'a, 7A is &„,.. ; t€Pstl/1q • or -Fair, — (_ sign ` ‘;45"--0 7 here Signature nt Person ring eleq � s"/_/j9 Derr. Chairman Orthmann returned to the meeting at 11:52 a.m. Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuation of $217,632.00 for property 010003044 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Hogan,Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-215;Owners/representatives for property 010014463 were not present,the protest form signed by Shelly A.Fleck was reviewed by the Board. File with theProperty Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk •, and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 422 n (See Instructions) 1CauntyName 1�a.,,1/1mS /-�-�-- wwt,.t.� Name and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest Proles.Number Filed [1-7— J' ip Dai ¢ -- �z7- , Name � ZD k1 t e( Protested Valuation 20_,--t Requested Valuation Ilia loo nen l Are Ina pr oter)i the own.of Ina properly or eonlon,ad to lest on beha!I Real Property Real Property of the owner It me protest is beep tiled on behalf at me owner, et/Ipso/aeon to do so must oe praviddd with era protest. Yes END l Street or Other Marr�q(�ddrat�* ,^ irC/i t $ t•5 , t.&`j $ (4gl �3O W0� lf T' d..� iT••�r 'Le- Personal Property Personal Property City,Town,or Post 0 � St� ( gcLip Code j,V` $ $ Pr iy Idenib-Iron Nu barPhone Nome?" Reasons for requested valuation change(Altana additional pages d need.l 9/Ce,/ ,6 3 i 4-44,60-&t3de 3 dry pyo x r y V()UAL_ 1 r•crc a' d Email Address 11, G • �`C�'tria 1 . r d rrI S i r\4%cat,rtt- (rurr. A?D SNg�',°a�jd i 1�Cilt-Vt- Real P very Descniplon(Induce Lot.Block.Adibuon,Louuwn Address.Section. I v V P� I r YJ+w 2F1(/A r�t/C.r - Townshn.Range,and Counlyl sootier Personal Property Dascnplwn WOO may(_ .-r- -don't•I y-.rale, mg 119411.00-W- 5 Yr c. C h 5 cprr ca, VYQSL b0 mYl�7u(.htiiuN mg Sub 0O? ' 8 1.1 TU yard. - 11 •*O mule rnl rrc -ior TvrrcthrI I q- • ....r, . -- sign i �/ya¢ q here S�grwrure-..•Tann slug eM ' ��Da:e Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuation of $158,185.00 for property 010014463 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Hogan,Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-233;Owners/representatives for property 010006847 were not present,the protest form signed by Kenneth W. Snider was reviewed by the Board. File with the Property Valuation Protest FORM Courtly Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action ^ears q (SSR Instructions) Campy Nnnw 422A L._ _�de I Name and Nailing Address of Person Filing Protest Pr,.+ost Nn.nbern Fit. p 13 1'(ehne43. 'd, Sn f der Protested Valuation 2o_ Requested Valuation Ile peters(tag he protect to the uonar of trio p arety oraurhul000 to protest on behalf Real Properly Rest Proporty or the miner l'the protest is being Ned on dermad the owner. t-,' ar1Iaieatbn to Coto Inuit be ermined wird the protest. 4v�.ae ❑Na I' /,,C� Street o Other Maung Addams $ Ip u, @✓ $ GCC 000.cc /�o ,-. Personal Property Personal Property Cry,Toon,or pool Once State Zip Code ILgs le- 6.`190/ $ $ Property leaner Number rttono Numter Reasonsty appealed vale/eon charge(Attach a166gpal pages If neeced.) or000tv£tg7 271o.) 48Y-/03a Baufh-i' -tAe'' house 5yeor.5 050 a^c1 '14"E- Era/ AnkPeoc ,SA / ' KKIPt"vv sr1.56-(0.56-(0J47'6- f'r i i, COM V,}/de o f ./14 p re pephi ems 3.?.oVO 5- H.Properly Cheap.Oahe Lot,bleak Ad9adt,LneSten Atlhess,Section. J /7 Township,Range and County)ana'er Parente Property Desolation hQ UG ren.' /111 backyard yield T'e.- Legg'"//a/,1 5,6414 M'T '3ohnsovv Cones,& bo,(da y My ADD Buc3(l;do)•16AL reLOMMefckt4)oIt 15 Olea-e tea tie. 44e- 'rop er-hi Vsltio-lim q/6 a. A44acA ,'s -live- sign live si n t bo,/8..15, r�i bArtiygrd vier/ here � � ,, fr i 9 an tutu W Parson riWYi rdosl [ate 663IPage Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Larsen to recommend no change to the valuation of $64,365.00 for property 010006847 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Thomsen and Ortlunann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Hogan,Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-176;Property owner Raymond Scholl was present to protest the valuation of property 010012991. Fie with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clark end Report of County Board of Equalization Aetlon 1— (See Inslructrcns) Canty Nene ADAMS 422 Name and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest ---- -Nitre!NlbrrW rr ) 'J/ Flea r —�. risme SCROLL,RAYMOND V ETUX Protested Valuation 2200 na _ Requested Valuation J 11.0 person Keg ties protest k 0,0 owner of thO Frmorty or mWideed to Protest an trl.oe Land ---.Land of the owner.If the protest is being ego an betel 01 me timer, authorisation to do so roust be provided vier the protest t i Yes 31.218 No $ $ 21,780 Street a Other Molina Address —_- -._ —...__.Duelegs abbess __w—_ 1945 HOME STREET S 82,000 $ 82000 Gay,Town,or Post Mee Stale Zip Code Total Land and 8uldnngz Total Land and SuWdngs --- HASTINGS NE 68901.3632 $ 113,218 $ 103,780 Pnporty Ideettr.000 Hunter Phone Number Pommel Property Persons!toperly 010012991 _ 402-462-9532 S $ t::'"r Email Address —Reasola requested valuation duese Warn addition*addition*pages it needed.( .- Reasons RAYSCHOLL@CHARTER NET I AM REQUESTING THAT THE INCREASE IN LAND VALUE BE neat Properly Description ry.dodeLa,tiled*Addition,Location Address,Sedan, RESCINDED BECAUSE THE LACK OF PROPER DRAINAGE AT Toren ,Range,and Cony)andfor Personal Property DuscrfWar THE INTERSECTION OF CRANE AND HOME STREET WHICH 1509.00-LOT 7 WEST HILL TOP ACRES ADD BLK 2 CAUSES EXTENSIVE FLOODING AND DAMAGE TO OUR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF CRANE AND HOME STREETS, PLEASE SEE ATTACHED SHEE1 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. sign ,/ here ►Slgnatve „rcon Rlenp Proeet Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuation of $113,218.00 for property 010012991 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Hogan,Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-150;Owners/representatives for property 010017646 were not present,the protest form signed by David L.Miller was reviewed by the Board. rrutL , . eset File with the Property Valuation Protest `"�` RFORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action e� (Seo Instruclbns) _ 422A Name and Mailing Address of Person Fling Protest Prose Nwg iCa.a.ly.Nemo Real —_. 7�{I l - V.5'0 -�i 2.1/7 .KDa cf L.,m r'.1z,-- `Protested Valuation 20__a_ Requested Valuation J 'oil; he re'''''' Mint Iter Pobot b owwa of 'popet '`f,'' edbpoCY se0.1011 pay"'"Y LQh\ 0cn1 t'R- key gggrty of die owe,.eatiorimbon to do so num te o pro00lis0 tied on beMaaec 0000 p Sher a Other MerlinsLAddress provided,ed the protect Yes No $ S q)s O I $ 30, I )3 01 't r\CACAO1 Q Personal Property Panoral Property City Tows or Post 0111,. patsZip Code {'ACrla-rc�s NE 6 Seto 1 $ s t'ral.erty M.1WW Nunber P1oro Number Reassert to redresser veluaeen chimes(Aaod,seasonal pages r needed.) ___C?±_cD 1 ri 4 ti 6 Li 00.q CCA• l S‘cl _-Tit. ca,e, NO I oil i, IAcsu$eve s I1J dmadrni\\2r(-y @ chcx$er..7,`�— they 0,5011 --0.,- OS.0,{TOV 1--cAt7)104- , ham rygwrty Deecdptian necktie Lot,eledn.Addition,Location Address Secaoe L.,�• Tow,nNe .I Range avae nesn a1 `�' )tlin ,Awe. we,41 Rode, 435;OVI:7 aG,-oo Leri<A Saye,Loch 1I1-th (x_‘ was rr,rV.- tNhs-r.S 00.cj TV i Slab-Oiv S 9ecas- Ct9,. sign Yb 8,.....— � tRI� here I aPerson Reg sr Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuation of $438,741.00 for property 010017646 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Hogan,Curtis,Neumann The Adams County Board of Equalization recessed for lunch at 12:07 p.m. The Adams County Board of Equalization resumed the open meeting at 1:20 p.m. Chairman Orthmann was not in attendance during the afternoon meetings.Vice Chairman Dale Curtis was present and presided over the afternoon session. Supervisor Hogan was also present for the afternoon meetings. Protest 19-191;Property owner Donald Max was present to protest the valuation on property 010001802. File with, Property Valuation Protest 1 FORM County Clark and Report of County Board of Equalization Action/�� 422A (See instructions) f Couoy None/'`u.'. __`. I Name and Mark ng Addmas of Person Filing Protest I',anti NUMblil/ --L'�. r� 20 Name ♦ i /r, (,i.AProtested Valuation 20_ Requested Valuation ms The perms]dingthisprotest Is rot the property or outnonced 0 Moine on bond- pay pf,p fy Roan Property or the owner.11 he protest is being tiled on bahyl of ere owner elalprnlabrbbtlo so mei baJrovlded Mea the Protas6 itYes Dees StreetorOther Magog Address ../ $ /4410 $ 0 •` M/Q /j// ,e' ,'/. Personal Property PersonaMowryC.ty//Tom,a Pont Slats Zip Code /t'Arr'SO t) A te Z12-7,5-6 $ $ Properly kbrtecetiar Number Plrae.Number cat Rsamrte to nquoeted relearn change(Attach additional Mae it needed.) L`1/0iiaiffa yp..e-7 -J77i. Sec PIl cAi/!7?ye d�l;cL`e:ci Emma address (/ -Real Property Description(Include L ,Block AhMan.Location Address,Seaton, T.ides.Range,arm Counsyl sada 7nd Oexrp000 err✓--si'fJr erU./i dy.'e 43%c/r y I sign , . 6-26' here ► ,naae.p,t„Ra est Date Page664 ' g e Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuation of $105,450.00 for property 010001802 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan,Thomsen and Curtis Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Orthmann,Neumann Protest 19-189;had been deferred from the morning session.Due to being ahead of schedule,at 1:34 p.m.protest 19-189 was heard. The property owner,Delbert Bender was not in attendance for the afternoon session. Fie with the 1 Property Valuation Protest 1 FORM County Clerk J and Report of County Board of Equalization Action It - __. -- 422A (SOP Irn`lru[tgns) {c a+er mane. ADAMS [ Neste ane Mailing Address of Person ting Prooeet- i Reseal N /�� k - _ .-_._ _._ -_... _.__ 1 !!1777 Nano DELBERT R BENDER 1- - - Val ._'20 1M twee sero n. �+�ad YaluWon 20 ngtwWYYoedon ..... � pest a bas Mao and,hrvmerlyette,. aabcerrwunwnAl 'pi , h, Peer or Pro strew-l tee protest a boas Mao on n tre A ere vette,. ._ ..._ Newly .wrmnrawn.ur,n aural be. At+f wen rn �I L7� P'e' leOOSY_ .....� -.. _rot_... 24,754:? D Cr)1)0 Strata G Ober Malmo Abire $ S 1 -� 20690 Wst 70th st _ PerawW PtMEty I Pomona,Property Cry,roan.or Pop,vete Sark 2p Code KENESAW NE 9ss I S i 88 S t_._-- -. ._ Poverty tr�reek,am wri,nr --_.__1 Plane+oot. ,:A...6 6 torrrequested*e ee.mune Omen weiro�wrgages a reacted I 010001836 J 307-708.0083 ?VALUE IS SET WAY TO HIGH Flat Adht. Peel Property Dery cwv,reel,.i.re AArl,.0(104.Loral.. ery Seca.,- Sec --•-.__ Tvan.t.p,Rarge,one CrXmen arlEor Persona poverty Uesu=ft., 27-8-12 41800 TR IN SE V4SW 1/4 TAX LOT.t KENESAW EXTENSIONS SEC 27-8-I3 /bel rap sign ,,0 Q���f --.__-_--- here ►- A-Qt'bF� — 'cam Je: 7 Extensive discussion occurred regarding the structure located on the land.Assessor Russell stated she could value the structure as an outbuilding site as it is periodically being used as a workshop,this would drop the total value to$9,216.00. Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to approve the assessor's adjusted value of$9,216.00 for parcel 010001836.Roll Call; Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan,Thomsen and Curtis Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Orthmann,Neumann Protest 19-223;Property owner Jamey Jameson was present to protest the valuation of his property located at 7580 Highland Road. File with the I Property Valuation Protest County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action FORM (See Inseuctione) I 422/t S County xama .ittitit,, M c.7 -..,Neta end Mailing Address of Person Filing Protect-_ Nonni niter p +"'r,_ {)_Q( icon ^Vstann•�itw ozii2.pO{�riyaauatertmdtoP «,Ri Protested Valuation 20�... R .waled Valuation { wen mew.a anaemia a being buena beireY et aw ore. ,D,� _ " r Haat Property to co pereetepnsvn.e.ee.eaptmea. Ifiles ( No — Street nr CONN $ x`',`73• $ IGs:ki6' iy$ Rr)5:-10 — CSRTool erlMOoa Law 2p00de tvraoneM PoeeO1rPrh glade., ,PVNinths? _ _ $ $ Pr°peny Iderosonnn NanetteSr ._ 0/11:1116,Sl ��} 20,5:,229 , ff.-ter ra¢,snW wrote°.thanes(Math wcaanN pages ii,.ead�L) t Emelt/Aimee -{(� -- --._ _ Thr/k7I to N t1-,P`N ty i.'5 q Col 7e' ".,41.,hc"oc TCS1H�,py,)<:Imt n'Klr�61st 44J Ye lwnc't is roc2,�ly ,~/cY'x'/L•lnJJ O. irJcS7re amtliopirty`Leteettenteakede 1.01Mbdb Mk*"UM=Adoes+.&ESOP. ,:Ctrl,/ Ytr✓t' It/,'lit 1;t.- +=2 re L:f/(4)Jn"[In /;(.t✓':C Tr^nsairA l rEok"'I Ca1ay1 e�eoe 7 75}��J5�N /+l -(h'cI t ..ted-ntoti r .�Ss5Sr Int e- !S no L✓:..y, M..1 JQar/ !'g IN, L r/ahle-- h(Gn'f r l'/ `�,'L-7<-kIn is (> -lCr-S,'1i ,.,Joy %! y,_.eco/-r t., ,t-t-1.oo Pett le.tc ray ;r -EY-1 cz 61/471%-rets, (Jed.: irk.f,.N' 3C rf•.2[»JS Witsh.,r j 1.4 7 I -e. i /e c't.'-.d r7r l?::F`'-"rJ, ,, t ..L,' T, sign ._ _ �, /�..,.v, l�lrl x, ,Ar y here ,. . . ,i.--(-- ,,t,'p,,,t,' h"--- - -1Y. Based on evidence provided by Mr.Jameson,Assessor Russell and Appraiser Parr,calculated a portion of Mr.Jameson's property as wasteland;41.93 acres wasteland,31 acres dryland and 56 acres grassland.The new calculation would be a total value of$263,046.00. Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to approve the assessor's adjusted value of$263,046.00 for parcel 010000551.Roll Call; Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan,Thomsen and Curtis Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Orthmann,Neumann Protest 19-196;Property owners Jeremy and Megan Shuler were present to protest the valuation of their property located at 343 Greenhouse Court in Hastings. Fite with the ! Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action A 22 w (See Instructions) Cuur.y Name ADAMI S YGGf1 Name end Mailing Address of Person Elting Protest 1 Protest Number Faoa Nippur .-__ 1 C� -. D� 5/ 20 — .Jc�rd 0,y lit'S iltflat 'i /�ej lin W J11N(e✓ Protested Valuation 20 lq_ { _Requested Valuation 21 me parson amp ern prwe.a is the owner of the proper r.ohon.ed 0 l.o:asl 00tither of the owner,it the mutest is boing flier or WWI of em nwror /Q (r' Proal p'aie'lyi Peal Prpptrty aullrorRar101 to 0o So lass.0e proynea with as protest, L::K)s '`1 N., Street or Otner Mot'ing AOOreS$ $16 s 1$ 1 J?q o VV .,; Gre8e{tgwc._�tlit4 Personal Properly I Porsonal Property - ___.__ Cry.'r or.or Post Deice Stale Zip Cale 1 Property Identrh00°m Number Phare Number Reasons for.SHpmserd vohnalful tewnge IAn0d,eart enel page&if needed I 0100136(,7 I.f/ 70c t(5 TI'fE :AcICASe in IImi ve)ae 'from a0 it to (Ila nci Ernst Address �q ;efkct.( in a 4twd Sa/er In e:. 4,ild je tette l/639OI@ y4 110o Coo. its,tie of G Y "'P c nr ,1ei+ec,�s d }� __. Y "4 of H.:tinljS. Iltie Hostel it- (oda?eel 7yU� Fowler* ler*Rarty ,Orl Co Pty)en Les',Pers n&Pero Prto,operty yocanw.Add,esa.secaort. or OA m,jE1 l ra n he..,w;iy tercel R4.-1,d T, -4t- tnrrrafier townenp.Wince,esti County)anbbr Penorlat PIop6Ay l7.uaiplwn 16)3.0C-LOT I(e ELLERMEIE.S Hipp (00o4C) ,gm's-e. ,Aaiun:,- .May $heats in 'f-Ire IdOOr Arc it 1,00' : ec• Cint, I`ro,erly is (,p,nilts t-t>., �r)4Sr-,yo:i anti 2q"AsAIM ISchrl• E'uu:4err sed "till ;.l lla:r;MjS 4rF C/4r'ci c. cics;n� — —_---- . — /AL...., ;k S�*�'-a,_ti�K.st+�Ltis-.Yalu¢ doer he Servo tea{hr, sgn here ► "�" i C,_:_.,:2 7-.109 -- - W m Pa100.1 rang hWesi -- _—--. 665 Page Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuation of $167,915.00 for property 010013867 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-192;Owners/representatives for property 010008456 were not present,the protest form signed by Ester R.Mays was reviewed by the Board. File with the I Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk I and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 422A (See Instructions) i County Name Ai)/1(1.j ---- - - ---- (- Name and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest I Protest No r Name �/7a / Feed _ 'J lJ /�"' —.. . itJZ'r Ka s(5 ClJ. /t/ J j oPt3sted Valuation 20 ! Requested Valuation 'w Puswr filmy s protest is t ower d the prNy or authorized to prop o on behalf IRoal Properly Properly Prorly of rhe owner.If the protest is being filed on behalf of the owner, I - artthori?alien to do so must be pronated wills the protest. Ili Yes 1, No Street or Other Mailing(rd5ess �7/ I S /5, .N7-',./'..-- $ 7, )15-5 /1:1v3) L, + ,�7 Personal Property Cay Town,a-Post Otrce tale . °wry Personal Property 11/15 710 Aloe. 6890/ 1$ 51, 7a/l $ 57, i,,Lt, Properly Idenliticalial Ntanber Phone Number Reasons for requested valuation change(Attach additional pages it needed.) r,/0 nc? :MJS 6 I 74� &IA'it0/ a ;?/-e-C c,r pa 16/ -kf- E ail Address Ji i Real Property Descoployn gockide Lot,Hb;k,A,ddawn.Locotion Address.Section, lin OIC it t' iiiS L(i r it/ !,tli Tirwnship.Range.and County)arxtror Personal Properly Descnpton �`f45 11Z' — >r- G.�SI o r fur r 61f I r'/fr9 ..6uC( scudo 1.1)EY3_51EQs 4 /Ale N?LES ADLi L—/ i 6; We" r. its C' .4r�! • cr -tie t)i U 0/r' - I: ,21C/9 _ sign 'tar- here 6 /� ,'rgnatthe Parson Fi i.id ()ate Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuation of $66,975.00 for property 010008456 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-197;Owners/representatives for property 010011251 were not present,the protest form signed by Matthew Hoban was reviewed by the Board. Filo with tho Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 422A (Soo Instructions) county Name r L - - Name and Mailing Address of Parson Filing ProtestProter.t Number .J/7 'Fr Name//1t" S f� �� -/1/77 ____.._6#_-_,,. _.._.20(7 ANT"(Nitj VLJJ.gn! Protestedvaluation 20 Requested Valuation J I ho person lung ttss protest rs ea owner of the property or outlorte d to protest on behalf Real Properly i Rotel Property el the owner.If the protest is being filed or behalf of the owner, E authorization to do so must be provided with the protest. Yes No c,Shout or Other Mailing Address S _/// R t�/ / S /0 q t '4/ 13 6 Ai Cs_p,,,c Personal Property Personal Property lLLLf City,Town,or Post Oleo Slab Zip Code IrkrsSluJirs S S Property Idonnfcalim Number 1 Phone Number Reasons for requested valuation change(Attach addillonel panes if needed.) O(d011�Sl Kvr7o5,3953 A1eT Wet.1ld -II IGOK : Como o..t1 ritu Ening Address lll111 To -5-$3.k., L,tsatJG i/At.Jf is-ea)ttt(et( 1,110/lanolin/ mSN.CO SA Reel Property Desert rem Warne lot,PKKk,Add.tion,Location Address.Section, Township.Ranee.and County)and/or Prrsonal Prq edy Description 1546.00"1J33 Ira LAT R .53S(J3'L07 to € VA C AttS e AD1G-SAtJ TR 4ARR(TTS Sets oc rrQLtiR si9n ,.- 7-7 z 7-IA here Synoro Poison leg Pretest Date Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuation of $111,941.00 for property 010011251 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-201;Owners/representatives for property 010007353 were not present,the protest form signed by Anthony Hilburn was reviewed by the Board. FILE WITH THE ,.) Property Valuation Protest FORM COUNTY CLERK and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 422A (See Instructions) Name ene A _-�- , s Name and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest Protest IJtorrnber Filed �nydame {� t ` 1 1 -0. 0/ __.utt(..__01t-F '10 I Q_ ?sib", Aa,ho toss t V ti�>S• -L.N"I'''.M Protested Valuation 20 j q Requested Valuation B�awr�l�or Otho Uad,ng Arkbe.a Rent prop.-0,7/5-7,„R -3 Real Property c• dXo�cl�V�es'f' D. 5-{'rce� ,11I� ' J IIll p�o9,lc�C Gdly,:own,(,,or Post ONce ,'State /�Zii1p Code S -1.,» S . n 6 c----.j kk-as i�A (V L(b'9O I Personal Property Pnmennl Prop rf Property Idenoli on Number Phone Number n y 10b 7353 1-10)- H - 7i7i" S s Real Progeny Description(Include La,Htnuk,Addition,Location Address.Section. Reasons tot requested vrrUuatron change IArtauh additional pages it needed.) Township,Range.and County)Sorin Personal Properly Description l3Lta.Oo _Lo-r t .v. Sac' o- Lora �ee� �;4.e ��L �4r� Jalue hos w e��\cs K. c66 a'3 tt� t i i A.cez,sect- b3 (a ltheS+ &av-bli atvj tie 'is th.f_QA +-JO rnut)h - \J 54-' M6A-.f•b% a- Aams CO. sign (,�� Y,.�, y._ 1�-alp-IR here 11.SP), ` ( Sqc.min of Person F.� 7 Protest Date 6661Pagc Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuation of $115,253.00 for property 010007353 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan,Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-204 through 19-207;Owners/representatives for multiple properties owned by Michael Nutter were not present,the protest forms signed by Michael S.Nutter were reviewed by the Board. File with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action ^n^n (See instructions) 422A a.,nlyeama4.11 LName and Mailing Address of Pursue Filing Protest Pr.es1 armee ,nam Noni / �0'irg7 2a l�/i Gy-rA otested V uation 2 Jr-_ Requested Valuation se.pmr.,:e.I.:/r./Ind p0dnr at rho ardlara'Ina prepay or*Amazes to pransr wnol.aP Real ROpo'ly Rod!reopen/ al lot ooner.If Ilu peote is being filed at bWtdl or Uro wens, I 'eet or Orn rblair rNiftiest a!be pI. VMa nIC„., r]�Vos I..�No (034-0 (?� � Skeet or O:rer MarnU you - 7'/ $ D� c I/X_ 4.2e OU'- --/- /7 _Pana.rnperts writing Promos Gy. n OUx S Tip Cole Roomy Mesmerise Nunkwr Phone N; her lessens Ss ruquooWa*gleans,nano(Asad'.00 010001pages 11 needed) efrfe a?O/5 3 3e1, -73?-7.r �_/ r tense, LI{elci 5 0 / 196 R l% r1t4(7Pedl Feer!shape y Dean leo'rIndoes La,Wad Adlaon,I o;anon Addmis,500000! 5-412/-£± VW U� K VI T:mruh 1.P.N...C old ender Personal Property nesse,. /7 ty�y.tie-lcl+cit //z- 1/01-fill., To /110C t) c 1t 4w‘ ron, Pi-:1;tgiA, Piimf5 14I)1 131,1/ henf-_-.,i£, sign - /ji !4, -n 7• " here �W 7—,7 �d„� I,a:e,. Fie with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clarkand Report of County Board of Equalization Action q nn n (Sue Instructions) cane Name C --._ 422A 1 Name and Malting Address of Person Piling Protest Pn;l„st IN/oon ��odles r fa /,,�� /2//,'‘./J4-f ) C' Protested Valuation 2a_j, Raquostod Valuation 1 Tie(ur0un Mg the protest Is rIto[wns!of eb Plupr✓IYer o,,110ri:01 b P'olnstanbat,n Figy proper, Real Rooters of Ns owner.II Ire protest is bei/redden behalf 01 the owner, {�qI!� uulnOrtalbn 1,Cu do nwovkkd st be orwith 1110 10 0 0 0 0,. L1'= tkr / �l Serge te Omar LI I /c1 (N s / 771' Pnsr,al stip M Pestered I (J Property G<Y.T ;ow1 Hee Stale ,,,,C0(1:4 �i I M 11 i- (ertiO I s a Reports Idsrrefraitbn ftu-ber P1:une Nu'wr Reasons kr m7rts!od verscran,Omega`(Attach.dOiaanal,dyes it needed I 0/e'oO-7(c 76 _3n 7J7-X,s,� d �–%J Erni Address (4 J c /)6 i n A- C rC r,A{I tJ Rea;Properly D:Acnpubn(Inddar, e Lot,Ulod:.Mee .taa rsi:.Are,,.Sec., ei CC)c) I rgki ...%;a�; 0...1 -1-1)U4/.7 ' Ton'latae.Rake,and Coun7amine(amiPommel Property nerp0on J / 137/,e:0— Lo-t 75 k.+;)2arEJ 4O/) here I „A-L.Per:an my �-a77-)3 File with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerkand Report of County Board of Equalization Action _ 422 n H tl G (See Instructions) carni/Ner,a ry(to Name and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest famr_y Weber trees 7 ( lq.dD� x /.i7�1� �S �.i_ —(_ __.2a , t, f Protested Valuation 20.4_ Requaalod Valuation Ts.inns.l Irt,this p:oa:r a dr0 uwr vv of led proper',or currnrided In prorcat cr 1n:r«r1, Ren,10 rio,ny dear Rrparly (lit,owt000 I`rte protest is leery fried on el of eW otasterer terya/aeoniprosonlJSlbopravuedwell ethe dal fyYes erre Sneer ix oott/h.t,�I�-l//pp[A�dd,!'se )�j�P //(�I �,���,j $ 6, /�L' $ 7e9 /`/ O [,t/ / j / (-jam/ E� [4-,44 l Personal Proteny Poisoner Proper ty COs t Or S Zip Gvlo O IO 4 7 c �- Rloo.arly100000uro Nuo'wry^ Phone Nuarbnr 4 lerreeraslsd s,lgw0on hangs(Moon Uaalo00Ip0g.s If meeedi G/6'0 I cin Ell - 36 r-737?'r' Z.. 1-- S% roc' R//r7 l Ammer Rost Rapory Orrenplon tlneasde Let,Ossa,Aealnn,Lo0Al:on Address,Seabee, ' Trasnsit Range.end Cn10lryl erdbr Perarec Roperty t estrgtbn /3-D7-(d•-t3C12loe14 '/.2 1/1 -1/41 5i l/y -1'74///y q-t %z I/1ic �/1 r f TAY Oct 1(, 1';44 2x-rtrts;nnr sign / ' .:dirt- Ce-,27-17-i : here _ .„—..p ro,tiu„F6Y1y Pa.. Del» File with theProperty Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action A n2 p (Sea Instructions) Counyupnp '-di4.0,i, I `tG H ( Name and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest— Protea Me ren t91ed,-���,p > Nnnle 1 ”,�)d� 1 7 _ant., r7,zo_19 /��!iG ter��/ �; '7 4-f-77)..0-„z. Protested Valuation 20____. Raquostod Valuation I he por�I.ny Ili rc prated m lei owns,01110 property or atetwli:0proleet an Well Heel Prop. Real Property Cl 115 owner.If nn piniosl is Peng Ince on beth,of the aster, PPyyrr s0Ihonzabonto do sontu1t be presided with the;votes! �J Yes No �'" / west or o!ner Moilop kidnaps /7. $ /�_39,1S" s /p (//.C) ary,/typn, OU: Sts Zip Corke ) / -i il - 7,-°!7( i $ $ ly kforil tion Nund,ar , Phuna Nylrbur rl a 0s kr repenter,selection charge(Mit ping,ft needed.) CD/(1t �,i5--,5,-,/ 46,f-77/--7d7s 2 _ C4 1 cl r e / 1 f) ."-f£t Fd e+{// Pewit Aadress Rest Wesel yDos<plpn hoobde Let,staple,Addition,Location Meters.Section, - �C-' /d ��19 /2./t14--/-1 -� l oho.Ranged Cora si a%Jlor Personal yep Iy Deser hon 0-- /4/ ,A,co --Lcrt / (`iLasci>i_G Pt"P..W 77 ;' - eco/ I P -)-ic.-CO 5ctil) _ 4c d. i_5 IK q hsign re (k,.// ' (/4eb�. - 4.: ' ,-2./—/ Page• 667 ' g e Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuations of protests 19-204 through 19-207 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan, Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann Parcel 010009453 valuation of$67,245 Parcel 010007676 valuation of$59,166.00 Parcel 010014068 valuation of$46,085.00 Parcel 010009589 valuation of$64,910.00 Protest 19-208;Protester Gerald Mackie was present to protest the valuation of his property at 1400 W 3`I St in Hastings. File V))t)1 the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk 1(j d� and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 422A (See Instructions) !Cagily Name iiidOWIS Name and Mail •Address of Person Filing Protest Protest Number �f(/,! Peed (/7' ' Name _ �y—,,5 v 3' ----T -•�S7.204 .._y (y?Priori �' `+' 2.,-id.rr.1, 1' A c_k 1 E,�� Protested Valuation 20_ Requested Valuation he person Bing the protest is the oeoret of the properly or authorized to protest on behalf Rest Property Real Property oauNheaoianrNlo tdeo deniawl bbpinegwliaedd ownitbhethcedoesht owner Yee ENO Sexist gMailing Address gd $ (03, , 760 $ .57-,ti i c. /-'iloo Personal Property Personal Property Coy.Town.or Pat Office Stab Zip Code - 'K'S7"/NCS N.61cW90) $ $ Property Idnerticatat Number Phone Number Reasons tat requested initiation change(Attach addtlonal Pa e if n ) ori Col o!/71r CAl0A.)Aiea-.5 99 landViaVernore. ./1�n h,9 lir Email Address," II .L coo ie- 6,.5%5" 4' ' oJ9-J/, ..52)11-'''010k,eo,..aebarkr0 eek /�� -i-0.rcl sDrn� inerelAC Real Property Description(Work Lot,Block Addtion,Location Address.Section. W under e.Y'S f Township,Range.and County)ander Parona!Property Description ) n /CC�o - W e. �et �1\Q c1 b ,t nio✓'c ' (.}J7 -file,/5"/S oo — t.57' 1 / / , n PIe_aSe ),"Oka +A , 1 o - 1 S [.L.rD 9. Err ��c�U� ��Cu 3�S 4.r�0u-rid GLS '� /'-) !> �e 17,cu n resnns��c e(,t.)r ri sign ° r/1n�'. ( � *jet L>er,.),4"l)10e.Keer-) b--77--7Q 19 here /Signature of Person Filing Protest Date Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Hogan to recommend no change to the valuations of property 010010476 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan, Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays: None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-209;Protester Sandra Smidt was present to protest the valuation of property 010000071. File with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 422A (See Instructions) Icaunty Nome Ad Q r»5 j Name and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest - Rte1 NI artery, Friel Hari, 'P 76;'"7,7_____•_2._°_/.7. c, Protested Valuation 20/' Requested Valuation r1gion lb Lire s e ��L e Pr ,°»/�� 1 ea Inn person Nm�'NS protest a me ovrt.!r el l prnpnrly rs authnnrol to Protest al lwnap float PropanyRnal PropertytW=; or the owner.It the p!utest is being find on behalf of the owner authort:arrnn to do so must he provider!with the protest. Yes L Nn / J Street or Olho Mgdug Address _I R $ /� r `/ s 424 4..," 63.l , Lock/a') d r d_ tPersonal Properly Personal Property Cii:yytTown,or Post OliCe pi... , p�de 14G5fth ei! e. g.cllll / Is $ Property lOgnklicbgbr.Number Phone Number Reasons for requested valwbat dtarge(Adore.adrklronel popes it needed I /C)Ot'10071 — tet `lin/ 3q/5- i nus/ 7 r2t1,oars,c}o ir7efeasc nit, u, Prean AgelessI f/ia+/-s /�Df -P f'c/f pi ec o idUnc/ Smid//t imishoarn.orf �tdila/e a eYC 71 W044/ci ,,1JLIv fj�ni)0 at Root Property Description(i chide Lot.Rock.Arkhhon.Location Andreas.Section may, e7 CaO.Latin C;5::,,? l:nvnslar Recon and C ry)tut or Perfsn"I Property Description 7/!C !P43O�T,/?y i-`� e . SF// -rx L0f Ail)/.1c)f o /O er t'v'rrf d- / i9v���17 P/ y ) W� cyDuldnf eVrn r-� /33,�/c>>"/��c rc- clake -,b se//.j ,./yvw ,Ccd CVa hsi lou) r 1-hp3 or`gi 42_as et tv'cry l tr/ sig ir/w-r/ try r i, ev,i4.0)9 (,o.-0-/'0'F)c 7 her ".i f � z _` (� a7 i? !Snaurre of Penson l orig Role Date Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuations of property 010010476 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan, Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays: None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-243;Owners/representatives for property 010003348 were not present,the protest form signed by Ronald Block and Deanna Block was reviewed by the Board. Filo with the I Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk 1 and Report of County Board of Equaliza(tion Action ��// 1 ,s (Sao in(ructions) Koren.Name A2/i2 s• 11 422A r --- N mea d Mailing Address of Person FII_Q,Proteel rvcre-!N6J�t.�'. -�. /7- t Mor hit,' proiwrt is ci comer ci the normo,"a i Proltntetl Wootton 20�' Re�safea Valuation j or Ito o .11 the c ,wr y n pn!os on LvwieM pw PrcLMy ) Rea!Rq'e'ry Imba hi oillhell oltnt comer, O2C A/ / l�f s �� ��� (•.�JJ oh ,to 11therNlnWLeingideilOnbehnpotent riyee 7b . SU7 (/3 :ieR V Oltwe N r'ie „,, ! /t S 6a �" /`F' ash .�'m 4Ktr // � �Fonat Propel,. Pwi,uiN Pr Cit,,pg '.r/140.e -1 't"' d i a/ $ S Pi it Kori- ion N t P .r N".rt.• ti .la is,;�wsiy0 valuation ohnrpa towact..0O,Wnnil pins 0 rte ,)- ---�� o Jc�oo3g -�3308—1' OYC , �o A:4":7/43/r..1/774/--- H Rosi Po.owry DuscrLot Sind.Addition.Lo-nwon A0Nsas.Sa''1 T rtes.Rugs.grabr fe !solpocry merrpsn 6� /.PT S e - / e1'i/ 7cre' S'`L `/Lir ,O"�.22-7%d, .est sign 0.;xdr y/here ► re fr2�? _ y 668 Page Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuations of property 010003348 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan, Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays: None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-248;Owners/representatives for property 010008185 were not present,the protest form signed by George Beckby was reviewed by the Board. File with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clorri and Report of County Board of Equalization Action (See Instructions) 4224.9 42 County Name Name and Mailing Address of arson Filing Protest Prime,'Notgbe _ Fen. 6x�/2 U:,-.0r1 L —f Jw Protested Valuation 2D Requested Valuation Tea person hg this Iuotest in the owner of the properly r auihotized to protest tit behctl Real PrpprxtyBaal Property _ of leo oener.If the protest is belong filed en Imbued the owner. - numoruotlee to oto so must be presided with the protest. � Yes „No J It I (�.� `l Street or Other Mailing Address $ 6231 I $ Li "�✓ V O() 5 .? pi or`- C)( Personal Property Personal Property Cd,lawn,or Past Cline State iia 1 i 6067 $ $ Poaperty Ice tit.ca n N�-, r Pyrone Number Reasons for requests valuation change(Attach add.(onal pap d needed.) I �o g16 1Lu2 7oS coo g? r AR..,...,Id rr�c.,)-r,}- v<<1 r�G,oA, 1..I l� Email Address tt ` e A1J��, t f3e C�l'71L�/•,'�n�1� (�l't ✓Ict ti •(odV7 evti pro`JPc/ik7 r/t cr?<1(3 1 4 f74/'Fi.+G Real Properly DeSc npt-lon(Include Lot,Block.AduAon!Location Address.Section. `„ 2 !r` J--. G 2 36'1 9 I(�jt e 3} C� 6,1( SU /� Teenshp,Range.and County)sandlot Personal Property Dsscriptlon kik.7 OS) t`� 13QS.100,.ri" t01200E5cpt3 1$).c)c.is 1 tvicri4se -PT.,,- Jitt pr,„„..,) v., ll,"-t,,.ti Spy,,j� i iO ' 53(3 �r�M zo( �• sign CPS-3//47 Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuations of property 010008185 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan, Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays: None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-226;Owners/representatives for property 010013621 were not present,the protest form signed by Gayle Hurst was reviewed by the Board. �;e Ye the1 Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk ! and Report of County Board of Equalization Action p 422A (See Instructions) i 'county t;utw d ei�yjJ(��" Nnmo tied Mailing Address of P mon Filing Protest r-retest nwr,d,ar �� Paan f �y�•j /� (L_,--q Id, a 1 • 1--A. -� Protested Valuation Requested Valuation in.pe:eon Pima Wit,:ofast is Ito owns!' Illia psopwny o•IIug.ailwd to prot_et on bele neer Poper, Real Pape ty or tlw owner.ti the protest is tem Sod on ndhall of the ower, rr''''1 _,- r / /) authorization to do so most bo omwdad nail the thheyrotioil _ ea Duo V/( f y Y'.'l $ i} {, t) Aauyl err.t ttrnrlu ten .WDOJ P Vd 7 C/ C/ d/r.�l ([�j�GJ{ C Personal Popery Persatat Properly 4. Py,Town,•rjimt(thee _ifiltaLspCed / $ $ Pe rt idrnac ,. N Lar gt�on n�bpr / nods.rot ler req; M Eon change(Attach additional mon If neoded. 1=1 Addict's,die ha see, F ,,i � �°", �'Y °eb-11 19 Real Pioporly Description(Include Lot,tlu;Addition,Location Address,Section, - .1-n -is' 6 11I- f lowinhio,Remand Coolly an Na P`sonaLptoperiy OoeonpuO 0 ff , r Jo �t (}� t'l�[ �1/-1 E -.)11 / iia 5 , see_ 2 idled' rrr� k fag e sign , 6,-,1.e-.7-0/99 ...,. '. .. `'� .u._.� - i! here r Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuations of property 010013621 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan, Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays: None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-261 & 19-262;Brian and Kelly Timm were present to protest the valuation of properties 010004766 and 010004793 . File with the ( Property Valuation Protest 1FORM County Clerk 1 and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 422A (See Instructions) (County Name Adams --Name and Melling Address of Person fling Protest - ___ Retest Namur• Pthi-"ter /• 1�; l�- Nana .._ i�l)-`,.(j,t I j � ILJj- ,20-Ir Brian Scott&Kelly Timm Protested Valuation 20 1a Req ested Valuation —1 Toe t'<rson ratio Ws protest is she owner or ate p rop.eiy or authorized to pr.aewi onb01051 thea!Property.-- Rea Properly _.— el the UWrwr_it the protest is beep filed on bahalt at the owner, autnooaeon to do so must be preened with merestyes_..--_-=No --5 96.5.30 $ 88.340_ _ Street a,Other Staling Add.. - PO Box 243 Persmal Property Personal Property--- City.Town,or Post Ot5pe Stele Lp Code Roseland NE 68973 s $ Property tdensacation Neater Phone Number Reasons for requested valuenon change Steno ammo.'pagesit needed I y� 010004766 402.469.4971 .11v2c e. Ito v2 V3 G.�.a'1 (10 (111(5)^0 tvetri e n 1 J Emelt Add ns onJ .vs bird) no Sates ofi lcirncl acetate' sprint89@gime net 'Heel ngh......ps.nPmd..deLatsteer,,Addaim,L. wnAddr«se.s,>ciion. �41LS �t'0(1cC �i>•+�i-hc , `�{..i1.K'tuQ is1 Township,Range,ail County)end/or PerSOnal Property nnenpion 901 00-E of lots 7thru 9 Bik 14 Roseland Village 0 6_i , sign6-3t,-/9 ._ S` - _ __ here ► rtes "'Sign-Muni orran,li Fri mat 6691Page Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuations of property 010004766 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan, Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays: None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann File with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 422A (See Instructions) Caddy Name /-1/i±!/a.7,r? -- C— Name and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest i Pretest Slumber Filed---)t/ Name z Protested f�.f-(..,..,-,,...7,,:i:.; 1. ..I Ci L ...20__..1. ��CCM 4" 1 _-0,-,t16.' l_- '.StL��/ 1 11�}� ( Prolesled Valuation 20 Requoated Valuation _I The parson ung this protest is the trent)of the propertYyo a authorized to protest on behalf r-y of the owner.H the protest is being fi n behalf of the owner, I Heal Properly Real Property autnnrization to OD so must be provided with the•retest. I Yes l__Nu Street or Other Malting Address S `(•'✓1 3Lf $ I. 33 Petscnal Property Personal Property vStemC I,Town,or••-t•trice OS(AGANA Zip Code epeny identification Number Phone Number et-7 Reasons for requested valuation change(Math additional pages it needed.) b_____. . 79. — Jr c^ i 1_i `6V-e,;5 00 '401 pr00i:'%11,211+.5 CI011'_ -IC`,-1-k-tS Ema_,S Address , f14. - lone\a h4u'L b9�in t,0 5cLLz o4 (Cu�Cd ".,, ��1��l�- " • Reel arty Description(Ind .-. iy1L or Mock,Addition,Location Address.Section, („'l Y-OU Yl C, si 5 pd OQ 1�j 4 'j<--i1l r Y4 wn Toship,flange,and Conti)ander Personal Property Description J goa.00-stra Bieck q Ex 4I;tuB coo k-5 -trst odd r,5e `f r J-hc Uoj1r2 -1'6 Rc5.et a.ful v i Hasa block 9 g519 L;r,eoi,, Awre -- -.sign here ► X -sur, – — -__ 6-30-0 Signature of Penon F.Ing Nat Dare Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuations of property 010004793 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan, Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays: None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-244;Owners/representatives for property 010018699 were not present,the protest form signed by Brad Hamburger was reviewed by the Board. File with the ' Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Raporl of county Board of Equalization Action , r ^��q (See instructions --"" Y A - .------ --- Of-- ---- _ .. . •:.'s.,__. — Name and Math ng Address of Period Filing ProtestFanest�tumbrr Filed Nam - .-7 (f tiCit it Ii.,r t]n'( Protested Vuivai n zo o _' �Regues 2a 1 grit ` iFe d b13,241, tea ValOatlon_. Ii Tee person Nana this prof stn hen•r the propart r a wtnorh g oa Dewe keel Prowls' Real Propel,. ' of tel ormer 1 the protest a Deng&ted on baron at Weather autrwztaiion rode to mw st he presided with ini utast Yes r.:121....._, QC i 6;; t Street wartw Mating Aearese S ' li US �G S--f" _ Personal RePany Personal Properly :g Cry, r.ol'ast OH&c• t. LP Col• ..hie fri1CI — _S - N $ $ tro meetly kleltfira;e n t,Liegaer Phone/timber Reasons hr requested raf,eDan peanut.(Moth adduced pages n neaoen.) i p i00)$�:((ct -ilt�(( f _cL(%Z<:_ytr -Y�' (, i�2;�r t5-t h... I-f- talc 11,4vt e. anti if-t,o in -i'r s) );l f,1 F,nat ss ` ii tl5 lci5+ ear. tJ-w +t"t, lend . ! a n 17 � t>r.�<�'iet��.nS114!��'i�,1 W r cn,y1 i� Y ° v.i I,t� h S C(t'c,S-t r1 Reel Orem ty Dem own(include Let,Stock,Addition,t.oemenMMgress.section. t ,71 ,/ Tarots*.Raps,and cry)anchor Purses Roma}Description OV er Se4`I c Ct 4d - eZ. Im;,,Ss`. )n cr e4s-t'A c ver (r'/::. 7-v -erj (�6Z,r5) Ir Lend 5E C:>- SEPI fl' ? �j i ha4- ,Seervt>' (, fl'1+ bmsf'ic. "TtletA l_y.-.,,t. Kr1;. ,1 et S cfdl ba ryor f1 o,91 a sree.c Serf,-0;v 1c sign (� V--/q here F§ipna,v.dPenan � -- —_ — Date Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuations of property 010018699 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan, Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays: None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-235;Property owner Lawney Knuth was present to protest the valuation of property 010001500. File with the 1 Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk 1 and Report of County Board of Equalization Action A 22A 11 — ------ - 'tGG (See Instructions) !County Name ADAMS Name and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest Protest Nue ter �`• Fwd Nemo da 2nf 1y LAWNEY J.KNUTH •ro ested Valuation 2019__ ___ Requested Valuation I --- wn - ro _ i he person ting ten protest rs pre owner d tea property a adnbon.na In�wsi nn balladballadmai arty Reel tropeperty of n o owner.If the protest Is beteg tied on behalf of the menet, r�-,o , authorization n do sso must be provklnd with the protest J Yes __ f—No 1 1,895 6,500 Street aOther tanning Address S $ —_ 210 W.ELM ST. Personal Property Personal Property e� City,Town,or Post 011ice State ZZip14� Code -.`Ll KENESAW NE 68956 $ $ Puberty tilentnnralim Number I Phone Number �- - Reasons for requested vnkunon change(Attach addehmal pages N needed.) 010001500 (402)964-9420 Request for land value be reduced to$6,500 which is a 9%increase F.rt+alt Address - - more than 2018 value of$5,950. First due to the 2019 valuation lawneyk(a3excite-core - almost doubling in value from 2018. Also property was placed into a Real Property Description(Include Let.aad`A,bsitun.taxation Address,section, flood zone as of July 2018. With the property in a flood zone the Townshp,Prange,and County)and7o Personal Property Description market value is less and is less marketable. Finally the added 403.00-W112 LOT 17 EX N1C' expense of having to have flood insurance now. KENESAW ORIGINAL TOWN-(1210).21 AC sign .`' (�fr -G/�✓Ta ,�'ltL 1--.__ > .. ,L_ poop here Signature off lest 670IPage Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuations of property 010001500 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan, Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays: None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-247;Property owners Brian and Kathleen Kohl were present to protest the valuation of property 010015523. File with the Property Valuation Protest 1 FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action ^nn A ---- - 422A (See Instructions) 0 .1V Name ittp Amy 7 NameNems and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest ;P,I I i � re..i �t ��yp -- .20/7 N C 1'1 P aastad Valuation 04-r Requested Valuation TI f t I tet hem a 0. t ri q m n.,protea t I.�(I i. p.w T 7-urea Iso mr:�r. r�r• lir,al t,,nrr,v LAN(1 reel Amen. NA )red A\LAy al IM t A 5 1 tie pf len Ah tot; teat I!,?K3e F7N tt�7 r 5/) Si 'I or Otter M.,,bhit Adm 5 �s 5"01(.73 0 s , V lti i/'S/ �jun Si-. ,_ ZG,G 75 / E.-- Por I Propi rlv P-r. �Jr y _ city.l YfA.re Poll U . :: hp Clete L)))NG •?nalnro• 1 ktbh yp;ri Sir »c�s ,, a G39o1 s t-/gl5i+� Is i74t, 0 — -t,,,,z,lr .„,,(vrv:u 0.100 Nurrmer Reason 5anequautedva1,1e1�1n chinn+s lAnaahado4*cne1Panes i!ievitn,ld Olool�sa 3 y,2_4 b2-61»L ., S�rTSa Ir..,,�Anaun>., h ef\Wq or" r I-1 C)MPt,rzX 1}cr.ess Tr= 5rttsf_r 50t0-i4ANnT-lel R I t5 0R ty IN t.r d-iu:lc Lou n. k•Adv loo.. c•ion n.. .s ,i-.r, / I 11 >{ 2 �y Pri55 , { r, 4 ear,tm lC01.110 aniror not,.onnl P ro,ly ouscrinron I P W % M A K I i J 6, i Td[16'J /702, I0- to `- Ko lL. Su5Di 17o Ort i it,) A b ouT of A'? h23IrlwAl �,) I any --Atib v&iAAE ALoN A w rill owl 7c'S F_, �l—ST. �s7,NS F-- j 71:72! &cy kw n QtAL17/OF LFP /Ails sign � � 4.55somE17, (575gJr/IAeliFD here ►s r� :r .` 1, a7�tFr — -elXP_ 14-k71�rW 7 )`i_- Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuations of property 010015523 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan, Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays: None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-251 through 19-253;Property owners Cynthia and Herbert Scott were present to protest the valuations of the following properties: File with the Property Valuation Protest I FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 422A (See Instructions) County Na ne f JQ� s� Name and Mailing Address of Person Fillny Protest Protest Number m�yff l4` Filed • /! 7 Name /7 4 '/ f�' f {�jr`,fr9.----/4.. Protested Valuation 20_ Requested Valuation f The person bong this protest a the owner of property or authorized to protest on basalt Real Property Real Propertyof the ownolithe protest ruing Pogo onhof the owner, authorizationauthorizationn to m do so ustt provided with h the neatest. CND Street or Other Meiling fess $ Z.2.1,6 / $ ..�----- RO AxAs y',//y J�ii),e9A Pre- Personal TAY ! Personal Property Cay,Town,or state zip Code fi�ahr;ef a ye � � S $ — Property Number change g� '© il,?/ Phone 77/02,c.6' Reasons s 6k,1 .1/--5r-,el . a2 ;z; ';9: ,. ro, ay . t7aal Propeecrip0ot. Block Milton,Location Address,Section. ffik"-"Te0'.1 745," fled.,f er/"�04, � Township,Rupe,and County)andlor Personal Property poor 77f,er-ia7 )Gr37 T ./ � J 1/ S / ,2 6% lT% : ‘0�,,ek ._. Wil' i --X a l'G'it'f•o!" / /!moi[ti• 9/-121i 9-- here .,......e- ."4//:o,igrNweat e File with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 1 422 A (See Instructions) jcix,ill Name i G/1 y i Name and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest Protest Number FJo-1 Nan`, /y� - _-, /L — 1��7( .....__ Cfr-�CJ .,. .20/_ _ Hr.‘ ,- � t1— Protested Valuation 20_ Requested Valuation I ho pe so;(ding this protest is he own-r d properly or authorized to protest on behalf Roai property Peat Property _- of the owner.It the protest is being tiled on behalf of the owner. authorization in do no must be prorated with the protest. GJ;. es I-No / r - ,,, or(knee ,.Pei xd Ad •55 ,-J�� $ !�rS 9)�O✓ I.I /. / / Personal nperiy Personal Property City, uwrl.ort e.u Stale Zip Code (Tl-0r-t4101 til �8 "�p3 $ _ $ nhir Properly klencalnn Number none Number P.easons for requested valuation Change Attach andainnal pages it needed.) -A nal Ikoperly Description("'side Lot,Block,Addition,L.alias• less.Seato:. Township Flange.and County)and'or Personal Property Description W4/if—.qt Q7 jari9/g"•1w,t:..2ir 4,�r I_ I _ sign l? here nalwo Of Pors o Fill Protest -',tn 671 IPage File with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action C/�ir,, 422A (See Instructions) County Namefr�j�u 5. �— Name and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest Protest Number C� 1 Filed / �/ Name �n-�/,� /7 1"� CCS 11_ .20. 1 r/G f Y -. ��� Protested Valuadoin 20 Requested Valuation T t person i ing this pro est is the owner t,the pr or authorized to protest on behalf Real Properly Real Property of the owner.If the protest is being tiled on behalf of the owner, ,,��,,,�fJ ENS to do so must be provided with the protest. „ties L.._No Street or Other�Mailing7Address / �(� ,p $ �q OCQ $ `07)p/'i/7 fv gy ,z j W & LLfi/11 A• vj l Perso 1 Property DD Persrsonhi Property`er City Town,or Post ice / State Zip Code n ger/1." A Nfi IrrT_$ 8 Property Identification Number Phone Number Reasons for repo sled valuation change(Attach additional pages if needed.) •e'i ©v�6 yob 7 7—,? !-, /./ kiv s �a�6 � , v ,E�mjail Ad ress 094---0//0 y y /,J�� ( , Real Proper(yy ascription(In ode Lot,Block,Addition,Location Address.Section, Township,Range,and County)and/or Personal Property ' Description d[[[��� y)/ /`„ e•va/ /A /�'O/"-/° / /7 T;ifiiAli ///G ?e sign here ig More of Person FUG) Mv:- 7 Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuations of properties 010002707,010002697 and 010002696 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen, Hogan, Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays:None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-187;Property owner Laci Reiners was present to protest the valuation of her property located at 2160 S Wabash Ave in Hastings. File with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action �,�,�A county...(See insuuciions) countymo fAaa."4 c fY Name and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest Protest N nt ���u Filed 7 I!� Nam r q '!J ___0_L!_ 20!/ -the lam+ )•��{le_ Y S Pit Valuation 20_____ Requested Valuation 1 p.ason trap this protect owner olihe property or authorized to protest ai behalf Heal Property Real Property ni the owner.If the protest is being filed on behalf of the owner, authorization to do so must be provided will)the protest. 511 Yes CNn Street or((Other Nail:ng Address S $ ittiL) 3' tCo 01101,1 f Palermo!Properly Personal Property City Town or Post Office Slate Zip Code N e 6s`ipi $ !D&f D435 $ gif `1Q Reperty identification Number Phone Number Reasons for requested valuation change(Attach additional pages It needed.) 1000 3 2.7-c t-{.p2.Lt(poi 4083 1,0Q. batt 'ittm r u. _ ott-wti, pvv per Email Address , ( )�e.i,nem l vu:.�(,co,4". -c A!(D,D 0.t- l i-l-F(.¢. (✓ cekCh r, roperty eDescription(Include Lct,Block,Addition,Location Address,Section, (,`- „4 II i r.( �0. U)i-�� 't"f' — Tewr>_vhip.Range,and County)and/or Panama(Properly Description f t,Lf e �C,LtC. l3� 2.4-U7-iii 61/2Eei -17tx lt:/- 2-2— ° 21,1pL InCALcv).< inn lO Y d V(L Lc., trh.,:-.r 3 3 K. -PU-0.`m-rt-C'°//-vts;clef. s n eu-� ty z�^/qhere / aturo Person Kling Protest pal Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuations of property 10003224 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan, Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays: None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-258;Representative David Skalka was present to protest the valuation of property 010003335 on behalf of property owner Dennis Tebbe. File with tire Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action (See Instructions) County Name Adams 422 ' Name and MnllIng Address of Person Fling Protest Protest Number �j Flied Name /1-,,25-/5 — 7_/ ,20/7 Dennis E.Tebbe Protested Valuation 20 jQ Requested Valuation _1 The person filing this protest is the owner of the property or authorized to protest on banal! Land Land of the owner.if the protest is being filed on behalf of the owner, _,I r-- 37,000 authorization to do so must be provided with the protest. I..J C Yes No $ $ 16,100 Street or Otter Mating Address Buildings Buildings do David J.Skalka,Esq.2120 S.72nd Street,Suite 1200 $ 193,255 $ 193,255 City,Town,or Post Oilice State Lp Code Total Land and Buildings Total Land and Bindings Omaha NE 68124 $ 230,255 $ 209,355 Property identification Number Phone Number Ptraonal Property Personal Property 010003335 (402)391.6777 $ $ r;.y; Email Address Reasons for requested valuation change(Attach additional pages If needed.) dskaika@crokerlaw.com Designation In 2018 Into flood plain,no basis for increasing Real Property Description(Indado Lot.Block,Additon,Location Address.Section, land value as lots are not selling(Lot 11 north of property Township,Range,and County)and/or Personal Property Description has been listed for five years at$20,000),and attached Lot 4,Southern Hills Acres Subdivision,Adams County, 111/19 FMV appraisal from Aaron Hyde valuing land and Nebraska,according to the recorded plat thereof improvements at$210,000.See attached flood plain designation analysis and appraisal. sign here ''. "_/�/ 6/27/2019 ..stere of •-J�c�f ""Rang .test Date 6721Page Extensive documentation was provided by Skalka in regards to Tebbe's property being located in a floodplain.Assessor Russell explained the valuation process and stated that current sales in floodplain areas support the valuation assigned by her office. Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend rio change to the valuations of property 010003335 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan, Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays: None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-272;Property owner Tyler Utecht requested to be contacted via conference call.Clerk Thomas attempted to reach Mr. Utecht by phone but was unsuccessful. File with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk f and Report of County Board of Equalization Action (See InsiructM�nsJ I r�unty Name _./V.0,../75422 Name and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest T Prole t Nweher F,d T' Protastod Valuation 20_5- Requested Valuation T 1 x�d U h s prr.<est is he ion..of ilia properly to,rleai to Pr hes'on Laha.r i Land � � t.nr a_ ---� -�- crin.n ner I t preleit n nnm5-led en hem el the inner f /\ d 4.1 U Icn a do sc must a plodded dl the p_otes Ycs - No I$ �' S i , '-5L ,rot7lot(71hF r np Atldn t Lu k6•,�q . �ufd':7. 9 ... ) de1. ±v $ 5-7__;f70 $ $ _0 Vern or F est Oamo Sr to Zip Ccnu Tyal fNrrcf eilo,,�y:�,� Total Land ago r:dinps .",;;v ry trient.tratraqpIt..anter Fran Kneeler Personal Pw{wrry --' Perronat Preporiy v ic,x)113(0,)- L .7-1-FCIa"8c/36l s - Is teal ander. Reason,'or lep0esled valuation change(Attach entliliona page;It needed.! jte rye;fr.\ t �c�4 a� f�,2 ewe nut PIouorlyDescription(Id-lee Lo..Plock Addeo,LocaIenAddross.Seclker. J �/ / n T ;:I,,p,Range and County wait);Palstneal Plop r,ly De. Ton 6,_,5 �`C:,.,. .. n csI d'I�3 C'.(i T. ('t f cu n.e iCYO.c b-L.or a)---5 ' OPtL-01 )-3 Ka) beck.. jo,xP f'o rr,.Ct e...5e 1 t-41, Dw4Lis5 SCA(3 OF 13 L )5 /vlGl(1 LAWS (Joel{\-. L ret?-F,-(' -1-"&-k" 4-\C (c,A& P �'�X ( 1)-IO1r?.,t RC pvvp,.ar ty L;,,,,, . MI Jv‘i�,) 1,-eLi Wes-r .7-iuc, sign gn 1,,_• t; rv,t,,,,,r-- f-r., _ -1:, t,c',c� ,je, here (_g1,----417./2 `7` �ti�t�-k., t / rr c�.. C-/ /? yn,uro r Pews:FNi q wtoa {.. ID Zt1t h&j 1lut S t c.._q,r-4r,'el 3i 'L(so, Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Hogan to recommend no change to the valuations of property 010011362 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan, Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays: None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-269;Owners/representatives for property 010008012 were not present,the protest form signed by Dan Welty was reviewed by the Board. _.. ...., Property aIuati, ol in Protest ix r 9 •. ) ill a Protested Valuation 20 rrt�1 r , e• .�.i 1) 1 i , i ._;. Pt-,,, .1.,,n, II-- t_1� , ti _....,..._r.rtrwttice rA.,Ch., Or.. r tt r.se.= _.,, ..< .... 1 .) ,r 21„1 .,., ,ri., ,. f, r, fit,,,, _ , r ai r. __ _ _ __._w.i{{ I - .:rP t. ..!1•.. t ' , _ . .,r _ -- ---- x22 7III -------- 11 ___„ Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuations of property 010008012 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan, Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays: None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-161;Owners/representatives for property 010017319 were not present,the protest form signed by Tammy McNeil was reviewed by the Board. 673 Page File with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 4r�2/t, (See Instructions) 'County Normo GI's Name end Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest Fhdest Nu/r/M/eye/, �/ /' F /rQ 20 Norm �. [ ! �f ,,..." :641,,, ��i�'r Troy&Tammy McNeil Protested Valuation 20 19 /Requested Valuation 1 The parson Sting this protest is the owner M the property or autnortted to protest on behalf Neat property meet Properly re the owner.II the protest io being Ned on behalf of the owner. al authorization to do so must be provided will the protest. LJ yes r'No Street or Oscar Mailing Address $ 56,437 s 40.000 1310 Lochview Dr Personal Property Personal Property Cuty.Town,or Post Orrice Seto Zip Code Hastings NE 68901 $ S Property ktentitkegon Number Phone Number Reasons for requested valuation change(Attach eddrhonal pages k needed.) 010017319 (402)440-1698 The property valuation increase is overvalued compared to land prices currently on market in similar neighborhoods with similar Emelt Address timcnei19245)gmait.com size lots. Real Property Description(Include Lot.Bkd,Addition,Location Address,Section. 3606 Wendell Dr-$35,000 Township,Range.and County)and/or Personal Property Description Lake 2nd View Lot 3-$40,000 25-08-10-218.00-LOT 6 BLOCK 2 SKY LOCH 6TH Skyle Loch 15 Sub Block 1-10 range in price from 532,000-38,000 SUBDIVISION sign % r , here Sig `teture `ihrg I��CV�.1.�— ,�7� �� Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Hogan to recommend no change to the valuations of property 010017319 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan, Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays: None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-203;Owners/representatives for property 010012569 were not present,the protest form signed by Merl Heinlein was reviewed by the Board. File with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk zi i)i} and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 422A (See Instructions) County News(1 10,2 j Name and Milling Address of Person Filing Protest Protest Number Po Nand /� ' 2a Re3 _ 7_..21_ Merl Heinlein,Jr. Protester fus on quested Valuation 1 The person ting this protest is the owner of the property or authorized le protest on WW1 Real Property Real Property o1 the owner.II the protest is being Med an damn of the owner, authorization to do so rent be wooded with the Qrotest. yes ❑No 83.967 76,175 Street a Other Mewing Address Oft 04 1i,y ,ci CILt t;pe .- S $ 1414 N Saint Joseph Ave p(' p,,,, 7`rr (0�/d, posonaProperty t Personal Property Mee Coy,Town,Or Post State Zip Code Hastings NE 68901 $ $ Property Identification Number Phone Number Reasons ler requested valuation change(Attach addeorel pages it needed.) C.)a/ JG 1 (402)469.0478 Land valuation was increased by 101 percent from$7,740 to$15, Ema ass 532.1 have made no improvements to the land.My neighborhood is adjacent to the bypass that has just closed and used to be a hastingsmanl(plyahoo.com potential selling feature for this neighborhood.I am not aware of E- i Real Property Description(Include Lot,Midi.Addition.Location Address.Section. any land properties that Increased by over 100 percent in value in Township.Range,and County)and/or Personal Properly Description the course of one year,not only here in Hastings,but In the entire 1586.00-LOT 16 DIETZ ADD BLK 11 country.I also have not made appreciable improvements to the structure,and the overall increase of real property in the latest valuation is 9.3 percent,and well above the average increase for the area for unimproved property, sign here ►aSpnature orrsonPen� l ` oaa06127/2019 Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuations of property 010012569 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan, Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays: None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-236;Owners/representatives for property 010018175 were not present,the protest form signed by Jason Morrision was reviewed by the Board. File with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action _ (See Instructions) 422 County Nae Adams Name I Name and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest Protest /N her }} z R---1--- --- \ g—�l //—t Name i & -t/ 3 t0 �Y 1� Jason Louis Morrison 18 zo� Sling protestproperty or authorized to protest on behalf. Protested Valuation 2b Requested Valuation J The person filo this is the owner of the ro Land Land of the owner.If the protest is being filed on behalf of the owner, authorization to do so must be provided north the protest r__, vas [7 No $ 54,018 $ 30,525 Street or Other Mailing Address Buildings Buildings 6003 West 13th street $ 211,120 $ 211.120 City,Town.or Post Office Slate Zip Code Total Land and Bullrings Total Land and Buildings • Juniata NE 68955 $ 265,138 S 241,645 Property Identification Number Phone Number Personal Property Personal Property 010018175 402-314-2836 $ $ k-'..) Email Address Reasons for requested valuation change(Attach add banal pages If needed.) jimorri81@gmail.com Protest of land valuation due to no improvements taking Real Property Description(Include Lot,Block Addtion,Location Address.section, place on the property or in the area to justify a 77%increase Township,Range,and Curtly)and/or Personal Property Description in land value.This property borders 12th street and is subject 05-07-10-615.08-LOT 4 BLK 2 WESTBROOK VILLAGE 10TH to a lot of high speed traffic noise and accumulates litter from ADD(PT SE1/4& RE LTS 1-3 WESTBROOK VILLAGE 9TH the road. ADD)SEC 5-7-10 sign here .,�, • o. 1 c,,,.,,,,,- 6/28/2019v� . Signa nFd otest Date 674IPage Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuations of property 010018175 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan, Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays: None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-200;Owners/representatives for property 010001792 were not present,the protest form signed by Tim Schirmer was reviewed by the Board. File with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 422A (See Instructions) County Name IArYIS I Name and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest Protest Number 7 plied Name / ''a� 6.7.7...g7 .2D/5,"/p Tim Schirmer P/rotested Valuation 20 Requested Valuation" The person filing this protest is the owner of the property or authorized to protest on behalf Real Property Real Properly of the owner.It the protest is being tiled on behalf of the owner, authorization to do so must be provided with the protest. n Yes Ci No Street or Other Mailing Address $ 20,659 $ 10,445 600 N Denison Ave Personal Property Personal Property City,Town,or Post Office Stale Zip Code Kenesaw NE 68956 $ $ Property Identification Number Phone Number Reasons for requested valuation change(Attach additional pages II needed.) 010001792 (402)984-6549 I am requesting a valuation change due to my home recently being Email Address mapped in a flood plain. I don't understand how land value can tischirmer1@gmail.com increase after this change. If anything I believe my land valuation Real Property Description(Include Lot,Block,Addition,Location Address,Section, should have gone down. Being in a flood plain should not increase Township,fangs,and County)and/or Personal Property Description the value of your property. My valuation nearly doubled after this 416.00-ALL LTS THRU 9 EX N5'LOT 9 BLYTHES 2ND change. Being in the flood plain decreases my ability to sell and/or ADD-KENESAW VILLAGE BLr�C 1 Improve my home due to have to comply with new rules. Therefore I believe the previous valuation or lower is more appropriate. Thank you. sign .„ _,�,.. - here a..117.116......_ S �oe Filiiy Protest c Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuations of property 010001792 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan, Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays: None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann Protest 19-149;Owners/representatives for property 010006876 were not present,the protest form signed by Kulpip Singh was reviewed by the Board. with the Property Valuation Protest FORM County Cie and Report of County Board of Equalization Action 422 (See Instruct• ) County Name ADAMS Name and Melling Address of Person Filing Protest Protest Number Filed oar Name _ 1 .9 a".32/ ,20 THE MONEY Protested Valuation 20 .: R••mated Valuation _— =person'mg.'Is protest.t ,owner• t :prope or:ut • e•to protest on•, :' Land Land a the owner.If the•roast is being filed on behalf of the o er, 63,145 63,145 authorization to do:•must be provided with the protest 0 Yes ❑No $ $ Street or Other Mal ing Address Buildings Buildings 2002 AVE I $ 588,505 $ 300,000 City,Town,or Post•' • State Zip Code Total Land and Buildings Total Land and Buildings SCOTTSBLU F NE 69361 $ 651,650 $ 363,145 Property Idendficat•n Number Phone Number Personal Property Personal Property 010006876 (308)641-3733 $ $ Email Address 'Reasons Inc requested valuation change(Attach additional pages it needed.) ks.cheema@ otrnail.com COPAREABLE PROPERTY Real Property De.•dption(Include Lot,Block,Addition,Location Address,Section, Township,Range,:nd County)and/or Personal Property Description 1332.30-LT 1 HASTINGS APARTMENTS I SUBDIV REPLAT LTS 1-17 M J SMITHS ADD I sign / - 6-20-2019 i here Signature• =arson Filing Protest Date Motion by Hogan,seconded by Larsen to recommend no change to the valuations of property 010006876 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan, Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays: None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann -. Protest 19-270;Owners/representatives for property 010011114 were not present,the protest form signed by Lisa Jurrens was reviewed by the Board. 675 page File with the • Property Valuation Protest FORM County Clerk r.f't 4r.°`'" and Report of County Board of Equalization Action q net A (See Instructions) Cooly Name YG /1 Name and Mailing Address of Person Filing Protest Protest Number /'� �^7 Flle Name /9-•F/��® // 2a/y L� Protested Valuation 20_ Requested Valuation The person lang this protest Is owner of the property or authorized o protest on behalf peat Properly Real Properly of the mmen st ts authorization II the to do so must be prrootMed wan ate behalf Ned on of the retest owner. 4-J yes :No 1, It r.y. Street or other Addme c 7P S a, •'1l $ !LIN �•1��J '1 1V N. Lt _,C]\� Personal Property Portional Properly O'lbilor Post a(ce / raw >^„S awn PrQIe i tiRr Phgb%ber• ‘p t5F Reasons requested valuation charge(Attach additional pages If needed.) \c-\C n \\ c,\--, U_ e\-, c7SC Email Address \;�,. ‘,>.‘C•Ce‘r,S®iCtiCk+d.CA'M\ z1 ceVtacejl. GSC •'S Real Properly Desc tplbn(Include CM,Block.Addllion,Location Address.Setloan. Township,Rane,and Comfy)=toil I ty Oa 14 CCJ L k!.c Q�Pckl • crc.�le�,..,3 `F`• 0,0,.,:,_Dom\ \ hL,\Q.. •tS cc vr9 'to A\IJ�Er, CQ Je• `\, ,sign here ►� Po 1 t ��—v� 1\ c -\d. \\\1\ -.. County Assessor's Recommendation ` Referee'sRecommendation(if applicable) o V' ee _—�� \�t--LJ• Motion by Thomsen,seconded by Stromer to recommend no change to the valuations of property 010011114 as the present value set by the Adams County Assessor/Appraisers is equitable.Roll Call;Ayes:,Stromer,Larsen,Hogan, Thomsen and Orthmann.Nays: None;Abstaining:None Absent: Curtis,Neumann All original protests and supporting documentation submitted by the protester are on file in the office of the Adams County Clerk and will be retained for a period of two years per retention schedule 12-8-9. The Board of Equalization adjourned by unanimous consent at 5:17 p.m. APP/ .L �r ldon Orthmann " Board Chairman ,, / R. :.on R.Thomas r dams County Clerk Page676 ' g e