HomeMy WebLinkAbout0420 Minutes for April 20, 2021 Adams County Board of Commissioners
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday,April 20,2021
Courthouse,Adams County
A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners was held with Chairman Lee Hogan presiding.
Motion by Curtis,seconded by Larsen that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of
Commissioners.Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer,Larsen, Hogan,Johnson,Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent:
Chairman Hogan inquired if there were any conflicts of interest. No conflicts were disclosed.
Roll was taken, roll call members present, Michael Stromer-District 1,Glen Larsen—District 2, Lee Hogan-District
3, Harold Johnson—District 4, Dale Curtis-District 5,Chuck Neumann—District 6,Joe Patterson—District 7.
Chairman Hogan stated minutes from the April 6,2021 meeting have been circulated to board members and
requested a motion to approve the minutes if there are no corrections.
Motion by Larsen,seconded by Stromer to approve the February 16,2021 Board of Commissioner minutes. Roll
Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson,Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None
Public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting.Agenda was
available to the board members and was kept continuously current and posted in the County Clerk's office,the
main courthouse lobby and the Adams County website.The following is the agenda of items to be heard, no
modifications were made to the agenda after 9:30 a.m.the business day prior to this meeting.
Agenda for Meeting
of Adams County Board of Commissioners
County Board Room,Courthouse,2nd Floor
Date of Meeting.April 20.2021. 9:30 A.M.
Chairman to request a motion that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Conunissioners
Announce location of Agenda Sc Open Meetings Law postings
Reminder to turn off all cell phones
Pledge of Allegiance
Conflicts of Interest
Roll call:
Approve minutes:
Committee reports:
Receive Comments front the Public:
Lee Hogan—Present for possible approval.Resolution 2021-04-20.01;declaring Adams County a Second
Amendment Sanctuary County
Melanie Cum.—Request approval of new pledge securities
Request permission to establish a fund within the Adams County Budget to received bond
money for the future Adams County Justice Center
Dawn Miller—Present for possible approval.an interlocal agreement between Adams and Clay Counties
County for maintenance responsibilities on Adams/Clay County line w/Amendment for
addition of Utility Permit issuance within each County's respective maintenance miles.
including an addendum action for utility permitting in respective maintenance areas
10:00 am—Board of Equalization:
Melanie Curry—Present for possible approval motor vehicle exemption applications for the
Salvation Anny and Crossroad Center.Inc.
Jackie Russell—Tax List Corrections
Ramona Thomas—Present for possible approval,renewal rates for employee group dental plan through Delta
Dental and vision plan though National Insurance Services for 2021/2022 plan year
Present for consideration and possible action,an agreement with gWorks for redistricting
10:45- Sharon Hueftle—annual report from the South Central Economic Development District(SCEDD)
Miscellaneous Business
Miscellaneous Receipts
Officer Reports
This agenda a subrct to amending unfit 9:30 AM m the Monday preceding the Board meeting.
Nose to Citizens.Any agenda nein may be mored down at any time at the diwetim of the Chairman of the Board of Supervises.
Int updated on Apel 19,2021 at 8:31 am
Fa noo-English spealmeg arena=wishing to mange for a sign language or fotesgn language nttepea,please call or fax the County Anmey's
dire at Phone:402-461-7240 or Fax:402 461-7241.For heaagenpved mdindnais a individuals synth other speaal needs all a fax the Camey
Clesk's Office at Phone:402 461-7107.or TTY:402 461-7166 a Fax.402-461-7185.When lepnnmg as interposer a aesvices for the heaimg
impaired please provide at least hely-eight(48)boors advance notice to allow time for making the accommodations.
The Board resew the right to go ono emote semen if such session is clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for she
prevention of needless inpary to the reputation of an iadividat
Board members attended the following committee meetings and community events since the last board
meeting and provided a brief report:
120 ' Page
Neumann- April 6,2021—Attended an Adams County Wellness Workshop
April 13,2021—Attended a Combined Services Committee meeting an will be meeting
Sheriff Rust and the Emergency Manager regarding back up power for the 911 call
Curtis- April 6,2021—Attended an Adams County Wellness Workshop
April 8,2021—Attended a CASA Board meeting
April 8,2021—Attended a Government Affairs meeting
April 12,2021—Attended an Adams County Personnel Committee meeting
April 12,2021—Attended Drug Court
April 16,2021—Attended an Adams County Justice Center Planning Committee meeting
April 19,2011—Attended Drug Court via Zoom
Larsen- April 6,2021—Attended an Adams County Wellness Workshop
April 12,2021—Attended an Adams County Personnel Committee meeting
April 13,2021—Attended the open Board of Commissioner interviews for the District 7
Johnson- April 6,2021—Attended an Adams County Wellness Workshop
April 8,2021—Attended an Adams County Visitors Bureau meeting
April 12,2021—Attended an Adams County Personnel Committee meeting
April 12,2021—Attended an Adams County Ag Society Meeting where the possible
future of offering gambling at the fairgrounds was discussed
Stromer- April 6,2021—Attended an Adams County Wellness Workshop
April 13,2021—Attended the open Board of Commissioner interviews for the District 7
April 13,2021-Attended a Library Board meeting where no action was taken due to the
lack of a quorum
Patterson- April 20,2021-was sworn in as an Adams County Commissioner for the District 7 seat
Hogan- April 6,2021—Attended an Adams County Wellness Workshop
April 13,2021—Attended the open Board of Commissioner interviews for the District 7
April 16,2021—Attended an Adams County Justice Center Planning Committee meeting
Chairman Hogan opened the meeting to receive comments from the public.
No public comments were presented.
Chairman Hogan presented Adams County Resolution 2021-04-20.01;declaring Adams County as a
second amendment sanctuary county.
Motion by Curtis,seconded by Neumann to approve Resolution 2021-04-20.01 declaring Adams County
a Second Amendment Sanctuary County. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis,
Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None
Resolution 2021-04-20.01
Declaring Adams County as a Second Amendment Sanctuary County
WHEREAS,the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution,adopted in 1791 as part of the Bill of rights,
protects the inalienable and individual right of the people to keep and bear arms;and
WHEREAS the Supreme Court in the District of Columbia v.Heller,554 U.S.570(2008),decision affirmed an
individual's right to possess firearms,unconnected with service in militia,for traditionally lawful purposes,such as
self-defense within the home;and
121 I Page
WHEREAS,the Supreme Court in McDonald v.Chicago,561 U.S.742(2010),affirmed that the right of an
individual"keep and bear arms,"as protected under the Second Amended,is incorporated by the Due Process
Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment against the states;and
WHEREAS,the Supreme Court,in the United States v.Miller,307 U.S. 174(1939),opined that firearms that are
part of ordinary military equipment,or with use that could contribute to the common defense are protected by the
Second Amendment;and
WHEREAS,Article 1,Section 1-1 of the Constitution of Nebraska provides that"All persona have certain
inalienable rights;among these are life,liberty,and the pursuit of happiness,and the right to keep and bear arms for
the security or defense of self family,home,and others,and for lawful common defense,hunting,recreational use,
and all other lawful purposes,and such rights shall not be denied or infringed by the state or any subdivision thereof.
To secure these rights,and the protection of property,governments are instituted among people,deriving their Just
powers from the consent to the governed.";and
WHEREAS,Article 1,Section I-7 of the Constitution of Nebraska provides that"The right of the people to secure
in their persons,houses,papers,and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated;and no
warrant shall issue but upon probable cause,supported by oath or affirmation,and particularly describing the place
to be searches,and the person or thing to be seized.";and
WHEREAS,Article I,Section I-16 of the Constitution of Nebraska provides that"No bill of attainder,ex post facto
law,or law impairing the obligation of contracts,or making any irrevocable grant of special privileges or immunities
shall be passed.";and
WHEREAS,Article I,Section I-21 of the Constitution of Nebraska provides that The property of no person stall
be taken or damaged for public use without just compensation therefore.";and
WHEREAS,the criminal misuse of firearms is not a reason to infringe the rights of law-abiding citizens of Adams
WHEREAS,it is the desire of the County Board to declare its support of the Second Amendment to the United
States Constitution and Article I,Section I-1 of the Nebraska Constitution protecting citizens'inalienable and
individual right to keep and bear arms;and
WHEREAS,the Adams County Board of Commissioners wishes to express its intent to stand as a Sanctuary
County for Second Amendment rights and to oppose,within the limits of the Constitutions of the United
States and the State of Nebraska,any efforts to unconstitutionally restrict such rights,and to use such legal means at
its disposal to protect the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms.
NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Adams,
Nebraska by the authority granted the Board by the laws of the State of Nebraska and people of Adams County,
Nebraska,we hereby declare that we shall stand and defend the rights and liberties of all county citizens,which arc
guaranteed by the United States and Nebraska Constitutions.
That the Adams County Board of Commissioners hereby expresses its intent to uphold the Second Amendment
rights of the citizens of Adams County and that public funds,resources,employees,buildings or offices not be used
to restrict Second Amendment right or to aid or assist in the enforcement of the unnecessary and unconstitutional
restriction of the rights under the Second Amendment of the citizens of Holt County to keep and bear arms;and
That the Board of Supervisors hereby declares Adams County,Nebraska,as a"Second Amendment Sanctuary."
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this board affirms its support of the duly elected Sheriff and County Attorney
of Adams County,Nebraska in the exercise of their sound discretion and affirms its resolve to support decisions by
our Sheriff and County Attorney to defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of
Motion by seconded by to approve the foregoing
Roll Call:Ayes: __ Nays Abstaining/Absent
Lee Hogan Ramona R.Thomas
Adams County Board Chairman Adams County Clerk
Adams County Treasurer, Melanie Curry, presented the board with new pledge securities from Five
Points bank totaling$21,233,000.00.Curry has reviewed the request to pledge securities and is
requesting board approval.
Motion by Neumann,seconded by Stromer to approve the pledge securities as presented by Curry. . Roll
Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None
Treasurer Curry requested permission to establish fund 2940 in the county budget in order to receive
bond payments and pay expenses related to the Adams County Justice Center. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer,
Larsen, Hogan,Johnson,Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None
Adams County Highway Superintendent, Dawn Miller, requested that the board defer her agenda item
of signing an interlocal agreement with Clay County until after Clay County has signed the agreement.
122 I Page
The proposed interlocal agreement for shared road maintenance costs with Clay County was deferred
pending the passing of the agreement by Clay County.
Adams County Clerk, Ramona Thomas, presented the board with group dental and vision rates for the
2021/2022 plan year.The rates reflect no increase in the vision premiums and a minimal increase of the
dental.Vision and dental insurance premiums are 100% paid by the employee.
NIS Corporate Headquarters
25i South Executive Onve
National Insurance Services Sone 300
Biookftekt 4111 53005
April 2021
Indiana Office
Ramona Thomas 9170 Meridian Square
County Clerk Sv Eas 01st Street
Adams County S'`e 315
Indianapolis,IN 46240
500 W 4th Street,Suite 109
Hastings,NE 68901
Michigan Offices
RE: Insurance Renewal for Adams County,Group#020331 310 Easi!Amgen Avenue
Vision,Ameritas Life Insurance Corp Mi Suite 503
Carrier Policy#29511,NIS Policy#6464 Kalama<uo n 490D7
Dear Ms.Thomas:
3120 Utica Road
Suite 400
Sterling Heights.MI 48314
The Vision Insurance renews July 1,2021.I am pleased to inform you that Ameritas Life Insurance Corp has
determined that a rate adjustment is not needed.Your renewal rates are as follows:
120 East Liberty
Vision Sate 220
Ann Arbor,MI 48104
Class Class Title Current Rate Per Renewal Rate Per Impact
# Person Per Month Person Per Month
nnesa Office
01 EMPLOYEE $10.64 $10.64 Pass 4552 Scenic esHeights Road
02 EMPLOYEE AND SPOUSE $23.12 $23.12 Pass Suite 210
03 EMPLOYEE AND CHILDREN $20.90 $20.90 Pass Eden Prairie MN 55344
04 EMPLOYEE,SPOUSE AND $29.38 $29.38 Pass
Nebraska Office
9202 West Dodge Road
These rates are guaranteed for 1 Year until July 1,2022,assuming no changes to the current benefit structure. Suite 302
Omaha.NE RI 14
We believe our level of commitment to you is most evident in our ongoing efforts to secure both competitive
pricing and extended rate guarantees.We truly appreciate your business and the opportunity to continue Pennsylvania Office
negotiating on your behalf.By signing below,you are acknowledging your reciprocal 1 Year commitment to 375 Su❑thpoinle Biw
National Insurance Services. Su:.,22n
Canonsburg PA 15317
Please complete the bottom portion and return a copy to National Insurance Services as indication of your
acceptance of the renewal.Thank you for your continued business.Please do not hesitate to call me if you have
any questions.
Megan Ware
Account Representative,Insured Products
cc:Candace Meredith
The July 1,2021 renewal of Group Vision Insurance as outlined above is accepted.
Signature&Title Date
123 I Page
Adams County
Contract Period: July 1,2021 through June 30,2022
Delta Dental Delta Dental Out-of-
PPOTM Premier• Network
Diagnostic&Preventive 100% 100% 100%
Radiographs 100% 100% 100%
Basic Services
Minor Restorative Services 80% 80% 80%
Posterior Composites 80% 80% 80%
Sealants 80% 80% 80%
Emergency Palliative Treatment 80% 80% 80%
Other Basic Services 80% 80% 80%
Major Services
Major Restorative 55% 50% 50%
Endodontics 55% 50% 50%
Periodontics 55% 50% 50%
Oral Surgery 55% 50% 50%
Prosthetic Repairs/Adjustments 55% 50% 50%
Prosthetics 55% 50% 50%
Lifetime Deductible(per covered person) $100 $100 $100
Annual Maximum $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
Deductible Waived for: Diagnostic&Preventive Services
Standard Implants Covered under Prosthetics
6 Months-Simple Extractions
Waiting Periods 12 Months-Other Basic Services and Major Services
Product Comprehensive Standard
Plan Type Contributory
Networks Delta Dental PPO Plus Premier '
Out-of-Network Reimbursement Level MN Non Par
Fully Insured Current Monthly
l}y ; ' r; Rates ,.26,„2j Enrollment Premium
Employee ' '7 • >d $23.77 46 $1,093.24
Employee&Spouse -i! !J ' $48.55 23
Employee&Child(ren) 'n r l $51.92 12 $623.02
Family (` , ( c $81.65 24 $1,959.62
Total 105 $4,792.57
Rate Guarantee Period 12 Months
Motion by Curtis,seconded by Stromer to approve the 2021/2022 vision and dental renewal rates as
presented by Thomas. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann, Patterson
Nays: None Absent: None
Clerk Thomas also presented a contract with gWorks to assist with the redistricting process once 2020
census numbers are released.Thomas suggested the advanced package at a rate of$10,450.00.
= gWorks
Adams County NE - Clerk I Redistricting
Adams County NE-Clerk Ramona Thomas Reference:20210322-045136409
500 West 4th Street County Clerk Quote created March 22,2021
Hastinys,NE 68901 rihomas@adamscounty.org Quote expects.June 20,2021
United States 402461 7107 Quote created by.Tyson Larson
Item&Description SKU Quantity Unit Price Total
Redistricting Services- RDS 1 $8,950.00 $8,950.00
Standard Tier
Standard level pian for gWorks
Redistricting Services.
Redistricting Services- RDA 1 $10,450.00 $10,450.00
Advanced Tier
Advanced level plan for gWorks
Redistricting Services
Motion by Curtis,seconded by Johnson to approve the chairman signing an agreement with gWorks for
advanced redistricting services totaling$10,450.00. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson,
Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None
Motion by Stromer,seconded by Larsen to meet as a Board of Equalization to review and take action on
miscellaneous tax list corrections and motor vehicle exemptions. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen,
Hogan,Johnson,Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None
Board of Equalization convened at 10:00 a.m. (see separate Board of Equalization minutes for
Motion by Stromer,seconded by Curtis to exit Board of Equalization and resume regular session. Roll
Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None
Regular session resumed at 10:02 a.m.
Motion by Stromer,seconded by Larsen to approve the claims and direct the county clerk to pay them
out of their respective accounts. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson,Curtis, Neumann,
Patterson Nays: None Absent: None
Motion by Stromer,seconded by Neumann to approve officer reports submitted by the Planning and
Zoning Office,the County Sheriff and the Register of Deeds. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,
Johnson, Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None
Planning and Zoning Officer Reports:
Judy Mignery,Zoning Director
500 N.Denver Ave.,Hastings,NE 68901
Phone: 402-461-7174 Fax: 402-461-7177
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday,8:00—12:00 and 1:00—4:00
March 31,2021
To: Village of Juniata
Board of Trustees
Please see the following list of Zoning Permits issued to owners within the Juniata jurisdiction
for the month of March,2021.
I. Date:3/10/21
Permit# 2654
Owner: Tyler Pratt,408 E 7`h Street,Juniata
Building:Residence and Garage
Legal Description:Lots 2 JELC Addition Juniata
Value:S 375,000 Paid to Village
Application Status:Approved
2. Date:3/29/21
Permit# 2657
Owner: Gary Wolfe,310 W South street,Juniata
Building:Addition to house
Legal Description:Lots1048,1050,1060 Juniata
Value:$ $60,000 Paid to Village
Application Status:Approved
Judy Mignery,Zoning Director
500 N.Denver Ave.,Hastings,NE 68901
Phone: 402-461-7174 Fax: 402-461-7177
Office Hours: Monday—Thursday,8:00—12:00 and 1:00—4:00
March 31,2021
To: Village of Prosser
Board of Trustees
Please see the following list of Zoning Permits issued to owners within the Prosser jurisdiction
for the month of March, 2021.
1. Date:3/4/21
Permit# 2653
Owner: Cassandra Weber and Justin Svitak,9885 N 1'Street,Prosser
Building:Porch Addition to House
Legal Description: Lots 1 and 2 and E20' Lot 3, Blk 2,Prosser
Value: $ 1000 Paid to Village
Application Status:Approved
Judy Mignery,Zoning Director
500 N.Denver Ave.,Hastings,NE 68901
Phone: 402-461-7174 Fax: 402461-7177
Office Hours: Monday—Thursday,8:00—12:00 and 1:00—4:00
March 31,2021
To: Adams County
Board of Commissioners
Please see the following list of Zoning Permits issued to owners within the Adams County
jurisdiction for the month of March,2021.
1. Date: 3/25/21
Permit# 2656
Owner: Ken Kissell,2955 W Prairie Lake Rd,Hastings,NE
Building:Ag Storage Building
Legal Description:Tract in the NE1/4 Section 347-10
Contractor:Husker Sales and Construction
Value: $ 51,300 $ 130.50
Application Status: Approved
2. Date: 3/31/21
Permit# 2659
Owner: Mark Dickey,4 Sonja Drive,Doniphan,NE
Building:Warehouse Storage/will require CUP
Legal Description:West Fork North 41 Sub
Value: $ 50,000 $ 128.50
Application Status: Pending
3. Date:3/31/21
Permit# 2660
Owner: Mike Anderson,Ayr,NE
Building:Move in House
Legal Description:Tract in SW'A 22-6-10
Value: $50,000 $ 128.50
Application Status: Approved
126 ' Page
Judy Mignery,Zoning Director
500 N.Denver Ave.,Hastings,NE 68901
Phone: 402-461-7174 Fax: 402-461-7177
Office Hours: Monday—Thursday,8:00—12:00 and 1:00—4:00
March 31,2021
To: Village of Kenesaw
Board of Trustees
Please see the following list of Zoning Permits issued to owners within the Kenesaw jurisdiction
for the month of March,2021.
1. Date:3/10/21
Permit# 2655
Owner: Taylor Jacobitz,713 N Estey Ave,Kenesaw,NE
Legal Description:Lot 7 KCDC Sub.Kenesaw
Value:$ Paid to Village
Application Status:Approved
2. Date:3/29/21
Permit# 2658
Owner: Scott Uden,207 E Hodge St,Kenesaw,NE
Legal Description:Lot 5,Kenesaw Housing Sub.Kenesaw
Value:$ 1000 Paid to Village
Application Status:Approved
3. Date:3/31/21
Permit# 2661
Owner: Windstream,Scott Coarsey,3050 N Constitution,Kenesaw,NE
Legal Description:Viaero Kenesaw Sub Kenesaw
Value:$ 50,000 Paid to Village
Application Status:Approved
4. Date:3/31121
Permit# 2662
Owner: Dustin Mayfield,709 N Estey Ave,Kenesaw,NE
Legal Description:Lot 5 KCDC Sub Kenesaw
Value:$ 300,000 Paid to Village
Application Status:Approved
Adams County Sheriff—Officer Report:
RECEIVED ON 03472/2021
R.B1pTaW- 2.01.32
McWYe Cunt Pe,me,REYPact Foos
PAPER MILEAGE FOR JAN,2021 - $346.50
127 ' Page
Register of Deeds—Officer Report:
To:Adams County
Board of Supervisors
From:Register of Deeds
Rachel L Ormsby
Subject: Filing Fees
The following is a true and correct statement of the fees received In the office of the
Register of Deeds of Adams County for the month of March,2021.
Ric h t Q SPO ,
Register of Deeds
Sb ;oily
p1presence and sworn to before me this/ day of April 2021.
121 Deeds $1,820.00
301 Mortgages $12,194.00
0 Releases $0.00
0 Estates $0.00
119 Miscellaneous $1,977.00
5 Federal Tax Liens&Releases $40.00
Construction Lien Documents $0.00
6 State Tax Uens&Releases $40.00
1 Subdivision Plats $52.00
553 Total Filing Fees: $16,123.00
Less overpayments(Refunds) $32.00
Total Filing Fees less refunds: $16,091.00
5 Certified Copies $7.50
9 UCC Financing Statements,Rei&Term $91.00
128 ' Page
FEE SPLIT AS PER Neb. Rev.Stat.33-109 (UCC's are included in county fund)
Total Fees-county Funds-0100-394.01 $13,856.00
Total Fees Remitted to P&M Fund-1150-394.01 $2,235.00
Total:Fees Share&Certified Copies:
Remitted to County Funds 0100-394.01 $13,856.00
Remitted to County Funds 0100-394.03 Certified Copies $7.50
Copies/Postage(with tax) $15.00
Less Sales Tax Escrow $0.98
Subtotal: Miscellaneous,0100-394.03 Copy/Cert copy $21.52
Plat Book Sales:0100-409.01 $0.00
Plat Book Sales Tax:
Minus State Sales Tax Held in Escrow $0.00
TOTAL: Remitted to County Funds 0100-394.01 $13,856.00
Remitted to P&M Funds 1150-394.01 $2,235.00
Remitted to County Funds 0100-394.03 $21.52
Remitted to Plat Book Sales 0100-409.01 $0.00
TOTAL: $16,112.52
Total Held in Sales Tax Escrow:
Plat Books Escrow $0.00
Copies Escrow $0.98
Total $0.98
Miscellaneous Receipts Attached: 0
Assembly room rental
RECEIVED ON: 04112/2021
Receipt Total- 16,112.52
Melanie Curry Payment COUNTY TREASURER by Check vlong
129 I Page
The board went into recess at 10:17 a.m.while waiting for their next presenter.
The board resumed at 10:38 a.m.
South Central Economic Development District Director, Sharon Hueftle, presented the board with the
annual report from the SCEDD Office.
The board adjourned by unanimous consent at 11:12 a.m.
Blue Cross & Blue Shield,Health-accident - County-
1, 662.88;Blue Cross & Blue Shield,Health-accident
- County-3, 890.56;Blue Cross & Blue Shield,Health-
accident - County-9, 894.74;Blue Cross & Blue Shiel
d,Health-accident - County-4, 566.70;Blue Cross & B
lue Shield,Health-accident - County-4, 566.70;Blue
Cross & Blue Shield,Health-accident - County-3, 037
. 14;Blue Cross & Blue Shield,Health-accident - Cou
nty-5, 807. 64;Blue Cross & Blue Shield,Health-accid
ent - County-1, 374 .26;Blue Cross & Blue Shield,Hea
lth-accident - County-8, 844.78;Blue Cross & Blue S
hield,Health-accident - County-831.44;Blue Cross &
Blue Shield,Health-accident - County-3, 579. 96;Blu
e Cross & Blue Shield,Health-accident - County-20,
240.28;Blue Cross & Blue Shield,Health-accident -
County-12, 592. 48;Blue Cross & Blue Shield,Victims
Assistance Progra-2,205.70;Blue Cross & Blue Shiel
d,Health-accident - County-18,577.40;Blue Cross &
Blue Shield,Health-accident - County-l, 529.56;Blue
Cross & Blue Shield,Health-accident - County-831.
44;Blue Cross & Blue Shield,Health-accident - Coun
ty-l, 374.26;Blue Cross & Blue Shield,Health-accide
nt - County-2, 361.00;Naco, Supplies - Office-25.00;
Associated Staffing Inc,Other Personal Services-64
2.02;Hometown Leasing,Copy Mach Rent-332.50;Hastin
gs Tribune, Printing/publishing-1, 524.09;Eakes Offi
ce Solutions,Supplies - Office-84.34;Eakes Office
Solutions,Miscellaneous-20.79;Adams County Hwy Dep
artment,Travel Expenses-47. 12;Eakes Office Solutio
ns,Office Equipment-36.31;Hastings Utilities,Misce
llaneous Contracts-10, 399.22;Nebraska Dept Of Prop
erty,Dues, subs,regist,training-500.00;Us Bank,Supp
lies - Office-47.76;Hastings Tribune, Printing/publ
ishing-13.09;Computer Consultants Inc,Data Process
ing Costs-180.00;Us Bank,Computer Expense - Genera
-102. 68;Us Bank, Supplies - Office-900.00;Us Bank,O
ther Equipment-27.30;Us Bank,Office Equipment-162.
83;Us Bank,Supplies - Office-21.54;Us Bank,Office
Equip. Repair-238. 95;Adams County Sheriff,Mental H
ealth Board Costs-196.00;Culligan Of Hastings,Misc
ellaneous-27 .15;Eakes Office Solutions,Equipment R
ental - Office-57. 99;Sara Bockstadter,Mental Healt
h Board Costs-39. 90;Michelle R. Smith,Mental Healt
h Board Costs-39. 90;Ruann Root,Mental Health Board
Costs-161.50;Derek Terwey,Mental Health Board Cos
ts-161.50;Jenifer Knuth,Mental Health Board Costs-
201.40;Microfilm Imaging System,Equipment Rental -
Office-175.00;Adams Co Witness Fee Account,Witnes
s Fees-65. 60;Eakes Office Solutions,Supplies - Off
ice-317.22;Hometown Leasing,Equipment Rental - Off
ice-581. 65;Microfilm Imaging System,Equipment Rent
al - Office-582. 14;Owens Educational Services Inc,
Juvenile Court Costs-448.32;Adams County Sheriff F
ee Acct ,Sheriff' s Fees-18.50;Culligan Of Hastings
,Miscellaneous-42.00;Terry A Davis, Deposition-5, 60
0.00;Eakes Office Solutions, Supplies - Office-67 .0
7;Hometown Leasing,Office Equipment-199.00;Justice
Works Llc,Supplies - Office-225.00;Koenig Investi
gative Agency,Criminal Invest & Prosec.-376.42;Us
Bank,Dues, subs,regist,training-149.00;Us Bank,Misc
130 ' Page
ellaneous-300.00;Anderson Klein Brewster Brandt,At
trny Fees-court Appoint-114.00;Bockstadter & Glen
Law Llc,Attrny Fees-court Appoint-5, 352.50;Wendy C
. Cutting,Transcripts-206.50;Langvardt Valle & Jam
es Pc,Transcripts-110.70;Langvardt Valle & James P
c,Attrny Fees-court Appoint-513.00;Skalka & Baack
Law Firm,Attrny Fees-court Appoint-4, 398.50;Sulliv
an Shoemaker Pc Llo,Attrny Fees-court Appoint-6, 37
6.50;Sullivan Shoemaker Pc Llo,Attrny Fees-court A
ppoint-76.00;Sullivan Shoemaker Pc Llo,Attrny Fees
-court Appoint-7, 360.50;Sullivan Shoemaker Pc Llo,
Attrny Fees-court Appoint-3, 994.00;Theobald Law Of
fice,Attrny Fees-court Appoint-5, 493.50;Lonnie P A
ckerman,Miscellaneous Labor-250.00;Business World
Products,Supplies - Office-18.08;Dutton Lainson Co
,Miscellaneous Supplies-19. 12;Eakes Office Solutio
ns,Janitorial Supplies-217.81;Electronic Systems I
nc,Miscellaneous Labor-225.00;Graces Locksmith Ser
vices,Bldg Repair-acob-740.00;Guarantee Electric C
o,Miscellaneous Labor-411.78;Hastings Utilities,Ut
ilities-7, 316. 61;Menards,Miscellaneous Supplies-94
.45;Precision Sprinklers Inc,Miscellaneous Labor-1
99.00;Us Bank,Miscellaneous-30.25;Us Bank, Seed Tre
es Plantings (eros-174. 99;Us Bank,Newspaper Ad/for
Hire-103. 67;Nathan R Arehart,Cell Phones-25.00;Cas
sie L. Baldwin,Cell Phones-25.00;David A Bergin,Ce
11 Phones-25.00;Dale T Callahan,Cell Phones-25.00;
Justin C Mccully,Cell Phones-25.00;Shelby Rowan,Ce
11 Phones-25.00;Adams County Attorney,Court Relate
d Costs-10.00;Adams County Attorney,Court Related
Costs-10.00;Buffalo County Sheriff Office ,Court R
elated Costs-18.50;Buffalo County Sheriff Office ,
Juvenile Court Costs-45.96;Shari Bullard,Juvenile
Court Costs-1, 222.02;Carpenter & Skalka,Court Rela
ted Costs-224.25;Central Nebraska Reporting Inc,Co
urt Related Costs-250.00;Clay County Sheriff,Court
Related Costs-6.25;Eakes Office Solutions, Supplie
s - Office-167.17;Hall County Court,Court Related
Costs-7.25;Hall County Sheriff,Court Related Costs
-20.36;Hastings Police Department,Court Related Co
sts-120.00;Hastings Tribune, Juvenile Court Costs-5
7 . 62;Hometown Leasing,Equipment Rental - Office-62
7 .43;Lancaster County Sheriff,Court Related Costs-
38.36;Health & Human Services, Institutional Costs-
713.25;Raf Llc,Autopsy Costs-339.00;Secretary Of S
tate,Court Related Costs-40.00;Vaughans Printers I
nc, Supplies - Office-888. 99;Western Alternative Co
rrection,Juv Grant Community, 19-cb-2, 015.00;Adams
County Hwy Department,Equipment - Fuel-3,726.26;Ci
ty Of Hastings, Sheriff Costs-10.50;Credit Bureau 0
f Hastings, Printing/publishing-96.00;Hastings Trib
une, Printing/publishing-27.O1;Jacks Uniforms & Equ
ipment,Uniform Allowance-602.49;Kenesaw Motor Co I
nc,Equipment - Fuel-1, 081.17;Nebraska Law Enforcem
ent, Sheriff Costs-135.00;Platte Valley Of Hastings
Inc ,Engineering & Technical E-5, 398 . 90;Sunset La
w Enforcement, Sheriff Costs-196.56;Vaughans Printe
rs Inc, Printing/publishing-121. 66;Verizon Connect
Nwf Inc,Equipment - Fuel-97.14;Us Bank, Supplies -
Office-153.76;Williams Exterminating Co, Sheriff Co
sts-18.00;Verizon Wireless,Cell Phones-1, 943.57;Ve
rizon Wireless,Communication Equip-41.30;Cornhuske
r State Ind Dcs Accou, Furniture/remodeling-606.00;
Culligan Of Hastings,Miscellaneous-41. 65;Eakes Off
ice Solutions,Miscellaneous-75.77;Hometown Leasing
,Equipment Rental - Office-927.49;Little Caesars P
izza, Incentive Payments-500.00;Midwest Connect, Pos
tal Services-138.85;Nebraska Tech & Telecom Inc,Te
lephone Services-122.66;Office Depot, Supplies - Of
fice-1, 057.88;Phelps County Treasurer,Telephone Se
rvices-55.22;Quill Corporation,Supplies - Office-1
, 408.25;Quill Corporation, Supplies - Office-3, 090.
49;Rogers Inc,Office Equipment-1, 498. 98;Adams Coun
ty Hwy Department,Med-hosp Prisoners-651.58;Adams
County Jail/sheriff,Board Of Prisoners - Food-1, 35
5. 68;Adams County Sheriff Revolving,Board Of Priso
ners - Food-112.20;Advanced Correctional,Med-hosp
Prisoners-55.17;Allens Of Hastings Inc,Board Of Pr
isoners - Food-98. 63;Auto Glass Experts Llc,Travel
Expenses-205.00;Auca Chicago Lockbox, Janitorial S
upplies-85.05;Berts Pharmacy,Med-hosp Prisoners-31
.03;Cash Wa Distributing,Board Of Prisoners - Food
-1, 989.85;Cash Wa Distributing,Commissary-62. 90;Ce
ntral Dental Group,Med-hosp Prisoners-541.00;Centr
al Ne Outdoor Covers, Jail Supplies-150.00;Crawford
Supply Co,Commissary-111.96;Frye Frazey & Associa
tes Llc,Board Of Prisoners - Food-51, 122.50;Graces
Locksmith Services, Jail Supplies-36.00;Grand Isla
nd Clinic Inc,Med-hosp Prisoners-151.50;Hastings F
ord-lincoln,Equipment - Fuel-52.45;Hastings Radiol
ogy Assoc Pc,Med-hosp Prisoners-22.80;Keefe Supply
Company,Commissary-573.56;Innovative Prosthetics
&,Med-hosp Prisoners-90.80;Keith's Drive In Drug,M
ed-hosp Prisoners-219.38;Kenesaw Motor Co Inc,Trav
el Expenses-136.06;Raquel Maar,Matron-30.00;Ptacni
k Service Inc,Travel Expenses-863.89;Securus Techn
ologies Inc,Commissary-phone Cards-2, 012.85;Mary L
anning Healthcare,Med-hosp Prisoners-6, 429.19;Us F
oods Inc,Board Of Prisoners - Food-524.24;Verizon
Connect Nwf Inc,Travel Expenses-48.57;Williams Ext
erminating Co,Miscellaneous-28.00;Windstream,Commi
ssary-87.07;Adams County Hwy Department,Equipment
- Fuel-33. 46;Das State Accounting, Sp Proj6-18shsp-
pet Grant-91.00;Mark Dekraai, Sp Proj7-19shsp-pet G
rant-41.82;Mark Dekraai,Sp Proj7-19shsp-pet Grant-
8, 750.00;Platte Valley Comm-krny, Sp Proj6-18shsp-p
et Grant-3, 497. 15;Us Bank,Sp Proj6-18shsp-pet Gran
t-20.00;Us Bank, Supplies - Office-7.04;Dawna Whitc
omb,Mileage Allowance-100.80;G4s Secure Solutions
Inc, Security Contracts By Oth-3, 825.80;Adams Count
y Sheriffs Distress, Sheriff's Fees-19.81;First Con
cord Benefits Group,Cafeteria Plan Admin Fees-372.
50;Heritage Bank, Internet Service-25.00;Midwest Co
nnect, Postal Services-3, 000.00;Midwest Connect, Pos
tal Services-3, 000.00;Trent Meyer Construction Llc
,Other Buildings Repair-4, 495.00;Trent Meyer Const
ruction Llc, Furniture/remodeling-500.00;Jackie Rus
sell,Travel Expenses-112.59;
Blue Cross & Blue Shield,Health-accident - County-
33,714.98;Arrow Seed Company Inc, Fema Grant Costs-
3, 481.75;Arrow Seed Company Inc,Seed Trees Plantin
gs (eros-3, 481.75;Auto Value - Hastings,Rd Eq Rep P
arts-445.48;Auto Value - Hastings, Supplies - Shop-
58. 95;Auto Value - Hastings,Rd Eq Rep Parts-170. 19
;Black Hills Energy,Heating Fuels-1,284 . 61;Bosselm
an Energy Inc,Equipment - Fuel-16, 055. 91;Charter C
ommunications, Internet Service-99.99;City Of Hasti
ngs,Waste Disposal-35.10;Cintas Corporation #449,J
anitorial Supplies-31.43;Cintas Corporation #449,T
owel/cleaning Agreements-119. 92;Consolidated Concr
ete Co,Materials - Concrete, Etc-856.00;Consolidat
ed Concrete Co, Fema Grant Costs-274.75;Eakes Offic
e Solutions, Supplies - Office-15.01;Eakes Office S
olutions,Janitorial Supplies-97.92;Eakes Office So
lutions,Supplies - Office-5. 99;Hastings Utilities,
Electricity-498. 12;Island Supply Welding Co,Weldin
g Supp/chains-137. 08;Island Supply Welding Co,Expr
ess/freight-8.00;Ideal Electric Inc, Signals & Ligh
ting-217 .95;Kenesaw Motor Co Inc,Rd Eq Rep Parts-1
49.46;Landmark Implement Inc,Rd Eq Rep Parts-128. 9
0;Matheson Tri-gas Inc,Miscellaneous-29. 14;Napa Au
to Parts,Rd Eq Rep Parts-277.01;Napa Auto Parts, Su
pplies - Shop-3. 99;Nebraska Truck Center,Rd Eq Rep
Parts-1,246.70;Nebraska Truck Center,Express/frei
ght-100.00;Nebraska Truck Center,Rd Eq Rep Parts-1
91.15;Nmc Exchange Llc,Rd Eq Rep Parts-789.56;Ptsr
,Miscellaneous-580.00;Postle Industries Inc,Weldin
g Supp/chains-270.27;Postle Industries Inc,Express
/freight-29.08;Power Plan,Rd Eq Rep Parts-2, 511.39
;Rose Equipment Inc,Rd Eq Rep Parts-157 .35;Rose Eq
uipment Inc,Express/freight-18. 15;Rose Equipment I
nc,Rd Eq Rep Parts-212.87;Rose Equipment Inc,Expre
ss/freight-23.19;Sanitary Outdoor Service Inc,Jani
torial Supplies-86.25;Southern Power District,Elec
tricity-504.45;Thomsen Oil Company,Equipment - Fue
1-17, 135.41;Titan Machinery Inc. ,Rd Eq Rep Parts-4
6.50;Transit Works,Express/freight-26.46;Transit W
orks,Miscellaneous-39.66;Transit Works,Express/fre
ight-17. 17;Village Of Roseland,Water-78.00;Verizon
Connect Nwf Inc,Engineering/technical Equ-178.09;
Anjanette Bonham,Cell Phones-25.00;Eakes Office So
lutions, Janitorial Supplies-29. 96;Hometown Leasing
,Equipment Rental - Office-198.37;Flagship Publish
ing Inc, Promotion Advertising-1,200.00;Us Bank, Int
ernet Service-104. 98;Us Bank,Utilities-166.70;
Blue Cross & Blue Shield,Health-accident - County-
20, 157.60
West Group Payment Center,Law Library-2, 908. 17;
Prochaska & Associates Inc,Architectural Fees-120,
Caterpillar Financial Ser Corp,Miscellaneous-53, 26
Lee Hogan
Board Chairman
Ramona R. Thomas
Adams County Clerk
Adams County Board of Equalization
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday,April 20,2021
Courthouse,Adams County
The Adams County Board of Commissioners met as a Board of Equalization with Chairman Lee Hogan
Motion by Stromer,seconded by Larsen to meet as a Board of Equalization to review and take action on
miscellaneous tax list corrections and motor vehicle exemptions. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen,
Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None
Board of Equalization convened at 10:00 a.m.
Adams County Treasurer, Melanie Curry, presented the board with motor vehicle exemption
applications for Crossroads Center and The Salvation Army.Curry has reviewed the applications and
133 ' Page
confirmed the applicants meet the criteria for exemption. Curry is requesting board approval of the
motor vehicle exemptions for Crossroads and The Salvation Army.
Motion by Neumann seconded by Stromer to approve the motor vehicle exemptions as presented by
Curry. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None
Absent: None
'6s_0-e"All i "" r`q
Fite I' Application for Exemption FORM
County Treasurer I from Motor Vehicle Taxes by Qualifying Nonprofit Organizations 457
•Read Instructions on raceme aide.
Name of Organization Tax Year -_
Crossroad Center Inc 2021
Name of Owner of Proporly -County Name Slate Where Incorporated
Crossroad Center Inc • Adams Nebraska
Skeet or Other MadMu Address Contact Name Phone Number
702 W 14th St Al Goetz 402-462-6460
City State Zip Code Email Address
Hastings NE 68901-3006 accounting@crossroadsmission.com
Typo or Ownership _
0 Agricwural and Hortiadt cal Society 0 Educational Organization ❑Religious Organization ®Charitable Organization ❑Cemetery Organization
Name Title of Officers,
Directors,or Partners Address,City,State,Zip Code
Daniel Buller Executive Director 922 N Saint Joseph,Hastings.NE 68901
Brian Lavender President,Board of Dyed 3830 Old Potash Hwy,Grand island,NE 68803
James Carson Treasurer,Board of Direct 1303 Lochview Or.Hastings,NE 68901
Description of the Motor Vehicles
•Attach an additional sheet,if necessary.
Regiakatton Date or
Motor Vehicle Mak. Model Year Body Type Vehicle ID Number Date of Acquisition,
Ii Newly Purchased
FORD F250 1996 PICKUP 1FTHX26G2TEA29795 1/21/2021 _
i •• -
Rotor Vehicle described above is used M the IosowIng exempt category 1piaase mark the applicable boxes): Are the motor vehicles marl exdllswey
❑Agricultural and Horticultural Society ❑Educational ❑Relebus, ;' El manta% 0 Cemetery as Itefcared7(see insttucha s)
Give a detail description of the use of the motor vehicle: ,r
Transport homeless to/from Jobs,interviews,medical appointor nts,court dates,and
probation meetings. is- ) `\, .�:' If No.give percentage or exenpI use:
Transport food,clothing,furniture between donors and Crossroads shelters. %
Travel between Hastings,Grand Island,and 4amey shelters.
U (melbas of law,I declare Mai I have examined this exemption application ane,to the bsi of my knowledge and belief.a is correct andcnniplete. —
t also• the I amduy au fired to sign des exemption application.
sign . ?,
Executive Director 3/10/2021
here► honkedsrerrewre
Tate meta
1 -es v 3A iv,
FilewlthYour Application for Exemption FORM
County Treasurer I from Motor Vehicle Taxes by Qualifying Nonprofit Organizations 457
Name m'Oryanuaurr, •Mad inaiucticm on reveres aide.
Tax Year
Crossroads Center Inc 2021
Name of Owner at Property County Name Slate Where Incorporated
Crossroads Center Inc Adams Nebraska
Street or Other Mating Address -Contact Name Pherce Number
702 W 14th St Al Goetz 402.462.6460
Cay Stam Zip Code Email Address
Hastings NE 68901-3006 accounting@crossroadsmission.com
Type of Ownership _y_,
❑Agrcultural end Horbcullural Society 0 Educational Organization 0 Religious Organization ®Charitable Organization
❑Cemetery Organization
Name Title of Officers, Address, p
rs,or Partners City,State,ZI Code
Daniel Butler • Executive Director 922 N Saint Joseph,Hastings.NE 68901
Brian Lavender President.Board of Direct 3830 Old Potash Hwy.Grand Island,NE 68803
James Carson - Treasurer,Board of Direct 1303 Lochview Dr,HaeBngs,NE 68901
Description of the Motor Vehicles
-Attach an additional sheet,if necessary.
Motor Vehicle Make Model Year 9 Registration Date or
odylype Vehicle ID Number Dale of Acquisition,
it Newly Purchased
FORD F550 ` 2016 CAB AND CHASSIS 1FOUF5GYXGEB82603 3/4/2021
Motor Vehicle descnbad above is used In the lolicrefrfg exempt category(please mark the p' No boxes):' Ara the motor veNused ed exclusively -
[3 Agrkuaurad and Hortk:alurm Society ❑Educehdnal 0 RelgIc Charitable 0 Cemetery as Indicated?(me inakucdone)
Give a detail deesplion of the use of the motor vehlcle:
Transport food;clothing,furniture between donors an.Cross,.:dssheiters. Travel between '
Hastings,Grand Island,and Keamey,and Omaha, If No,ghe percentage of exempt ase:
Cdi , %
Under,' allies of law.t daclare that IyyI have examined Itis exemption app4Wron and.to the best of my knowledge out belief,a l correct and complete.
I alas de eat t 7y auaprizad Ms eiamption applcelpn •
sign ^S7
here Au •iced Signature Tele Executive Director 3/9/2021
134 ' Page
rept&cy -wYec
File with Your Application for Exemption FORM
County Treasurer from Motor Vehicle Taxes by Qualifying Nonprofit Organizations 457
Name of Organization •Read Instructions on reverse side.
Tax Year Value of Motor Vehicles
The Salvation Army 2021
Name of Owner of Property
County Name
The Salvation Army Stale Where incorporated
Douglas IL
Street or Other Mailing Address Contact Name Phone Number
10755 Burt St. Major Dale Brandenburg 402-463-0529 opt.1
Oh, StateZfp Code Pel Address
Omaha NE 68114 dale.brandenbu
Type of°venemhip rg@usc.saivationarmy.org
❑Agricultural and Horticultural Society 0 Educational Orgargzadon
181 Religious Organizatlon 0 Charitable Organization ID Cemetery Organization
Name Title of Officers,
Directors,or Partners Address,City,State,Zip Code
David E.Hudson Chairman of Board 5550 Prairie Stone Parkway,Hoffman Estates,IL 60192
F.Brad Bailey President 5550 Prairie Stone Parkway,Hoffman Estates,IL 80192
Steve Howl Vice President 5550 Prairie Stone Parkway,Hoffman Estates,IL 60162
Description of the Motor Vehicles
•Attach an additional sheet,If necessary.
Motor Vehicle Make Model Year Body7ype Vehicle ID Number Regls4'atIon Date or
Toyota 2021 Sienna STDKSKFC7MS011385 R Nerdy
March 2021
Motor Vehicle described above Is used in the*Rowing exempt category(please mark the applicable boxes):
Are the motor Dee
lesInst used etrcgJsNe
Ag' awel and Horticultural Society ❑Educaaorntd ®RePoglous ❑Charitable 0 cemetery �Indicated?(see knesucacna) q
Clive a detailed description of the use of the motor vehicle:
Corps officer vehicle,used to transport personnel
\`-;:2• \ If Na BNB Percentage of exempt use:
. :...law.l declare that have examined this atm application tv�d,to the best of
Si also .•• my autho (f.'elfin•ads . my knowledge and belief,It to correct and complete.
Major Dale Brandenburg ?c * 'L tip )
her-j •Signature Title
Adams County Assessor,Jackie Russell, presented the Board with tax list corrections. Russell has
reviewed the corrections and is requesting board approval.
Motion by Curtis.Seconded by Neumann to approve the tax list corrections presented by Russell. Roll
Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None
**Adams County,Nebraska--Tax List Correction**
Correction a(s) 14819 Tax Year Corrected 2020
Date of Correction 4/16/2021 Levy of year corrected 2.258474
Owner Valdean W&E Elaine Kershner
Mailing Address 1021 N St Joseph Ave,Hastings,NE 68901
Parcel ID it 010006924
Tax ID a 284-01870
Legal 1334.00-LOTS 1,2,8 E 14'VAC ALLEY BUt 2 ST JOSEPH ADD
Billed Value Correct Value
Personal Property 0.00 0.00
Dwelling $0.00 $0.00
Improremenrs(OIher) $0.00 $0.00
Land $0.00 $15,709.00
TOTAL VALUATION $0.00 $15,709.00
tFVY 2/,84/4 258474 _ _
TAX TOTAL 50.00 5354.78
Homestead Exemptoo $0 00 -__ $0.00
-_. —aeaTE tat Tea __.._ _-
CrdnApplied $0.00 -$16.06
Ag Tat Credit
Personal Properly IRA
Billed Amount $0.00 __� --�- _— $338.72
0 $338.72
Reason for Correction
Parcel was incorrectly transferred in October of 2020,in whole rather than in part,due to clerical error.Therefore,
correcting transferred parcel and adding remaining land back to the tax roll in Kershner's name.
135 ' Page
**Adams County,Nebraska—Tax List Correction**
Correction 8(s) 14820 Tax Year Corrected 2020
Date of Correction 4/16/2021 Levy of year corrected 2.258474
Owner Kenneth J&Bonnie S Hatra
Mailing Address 221 S_Minnesota Ave,Hastings,NE 68901
Parcel ID A 010019206
Tax ID 284-1019206
Legal 1334.00 N25'LOT 3&E 14'VAC ALLEY BLK 2 ST JOSEPH'S ADD
Billed Value Correct Value
Personal Property 0.00 0.00
Dwelling $0.00 $0.00
Improvements(Other) $0.00 $0.00
Land $18,965.00 $3,256.00
TOTAL VALUATION $18,965.00 $3,256.00
LEVY 2.258474 2.258474
TAX TOTAL $428.32 $73.54
Homestead Exemption $0.00 $0.00
Real Estate Tax
Credit Applied -$19.38 -$3.32Ag Tax Credit
Personal Property TRA
Billed Amount $408.94 $70.22
$338.72 0
Reason for Correction
Parcel was incorrectly transferred in October of 2020,in whole rather than in part,due to clerical error. Therefore,
correcting transferred parcel and removing portion of land value from Hatra for the 2020 tax year.
Motion by Stromer,seconded by Curtis to exit Board of Equalization and resume regular session. Roll
Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None
Regular session resumed at 10:02 a.m. (see regular session minutes for April 20, 2021)
Lee Hogan
Board Chairman
Ramona R.Thomas
Adams County Clerk
136 ' Page