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1101 Minutes for November 1, 2022
Adams County Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes Tuesday,November 1,2022 Courthouse,Adams County A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners was held with Chairman Lee Hogan presiding. Motion by Curtis,seconded by Larsen that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Chairman Hogan inquired if there were any conflicts of interest. No conflicts were disclosed. Roll was taken, roll call members present, Michael Stromer-District 1, Glen Larsen—District 2, Lee Hogan- District 3, Harold Johnson—District 4, Dale Curtis- District 5, Chuck Neumann—District 6,Joe Patterson—District 7. Public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting.Agenda was available to the board members and was kept continuously current and posted in the County Clerk's office,the main courthouse lobby and the Adams County website.The following is the agenda of items to be heard,no modifications were made to the agenda after 9:30 a.m.the business day prior to this meeting. Agenda for fleeting of Adams County Board of Commissioners County Board Room,Courthouse,2nd Floor *Date of Meeting.November 1.2022 at 9:30 A.M. Chairman to request a motion that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners Announce location of Agenda&Open Meetings Law postings Reminder to turn off all cell phones Pledge of Allegiance Conflicts of Interest Roll call: Approval of consent agenda items: • Minutes from previous meeting • Claims • Monthly Report of Single Bank Pooled Collateral • Recognize disbursement of HRA funds from the Healthcare Fund(1275)for First Concord for deductible buydown • Miscellaneous Receipts • Officer Reports Receive Comments from the Public: Greg Anderson/Greg Schmidt—present for approval.the Year-End Certification of County Highway Superintendent Virginia Long—Request approval to issue 2021 distress warrants totaling$102978.46 Remove from table for discussion and possible action: Lee Hogan—Request approval of$ in ARPA Funds be allocated to Adams County Road projects Michael Stromer-For discussion and possible action.the designation and reserve of ARPA funds in the following amounts: $900.000 for employee retention and hiring incentives.$300.000 for Courthouse electrical main project.$300.000 for Courthouse window repair/replacement project.$200.000 for Courthouse remodeling project contingency.$90.000 for administrative/contract costs.and$25.000 for homeless prevention grant to Community Action Partnership of Mid Nebraska.and$150,000 for ACOB remodeling project Michael Stromer-Discussion and possible awarding of the bid for Courthouse electrical updates to Commonwealth Electric 862 ' Page Lee Hogan—Present for possible approval an agreement with WJE for indirect cost reimbursement relating to child support enforcement This agenda is subject to amending until 9:30 AM on the Monday preceding the Board meeting. Note to Citizens:Any agenda item may be moved down at any time at the discretion of the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners. Last updated on October 31,2022 at 9:22 am For non-Fegiich speaking attendees wishing to mange for a sign language or foreign language interpreter,please call or fax the County Attorney's office at Phone:402-461-7240 or Fax:402 461-7241. For hearing-impaired individuals or individuals with other special needs call or fax the County Clerk's Office at Phone:402 461-7107,or TTY:402 461-7166 or Fax:402-461-7185- When requesting an interpreter or services for the hearing impaired,please provide at least forty-eight(48)hours advance notice to allow time for making the accommodations. The Board reserves the right to go into executive session if such session is dearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. Chairman Hogan requested a motion to approve all consent agenda items including; minutes from the October 18, 2022 meeting. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Larsen to approve consent agenda items. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Chairman Hogan opened the meeting to receive comments from the public. No public comments were received. Greg Schmidt,Adams County Roads Superintendent presented the board with the Year-End Certification of the County Highway Superintendent for approval. Do not recreate or revise this document;ravilons and recreadars will not be accepted.Copying this lore ill acceptable;see(3) below, slurs to aamelete and return thttnecessary documents per I etruotlone will meek In your county not receiving an Incentive Payment for Calendar Year 202e. Documents include the original Signing Hueokrfion,Year-End Cenigaaton(e).end a copy of dncurearlrtion of the appointment(s)of the County Highway Superintendent(s);they must be received at the NDOT�( December 31,2022. Year-End Certification of County Highway Superintendent For Determining Incentive Payment in Calendar Year 2022 Separate forms may be needed to account for the entire year,see(3)betow This Form Covers the Following Period: January �1rr ,2022 to September _30_,20222 ftbkret,'{t)(a)The county of Adams nutlike that: 'Yawn R Miler.—--...------_-- lrivo0.4011e.0,tyl il',vHama of S,r,n,,uovvre e,even'r,x,k'r•be a+mdonSovLM was the appointed County HIgtm'ey Superintendent from during the above period. FOR ANY PERIOD OF TIME YOUR COUNTY IND NOT HAVE AN APPOINTED HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT,WRITE IN"COUNTY BOARD"AS THE NAME OF THE "SUPERINTENDENT"AND SKIP TO(2)BELOW. (b)the superintending services of the above gated person were provided by: (Checir arrobox) ($1 Emptoyment 0 Contract 0 Contract(Interior-et agreement)between this with this (consultant) County and the lofowtne listed County(teul County with dna en dlor MunlcIpeliy(ias) County (a)the above listed Individual assisted in the following:Reference Neb.Rev.Stat.§992502 1. Developing and arswelty updating a long-range plan based on needs and coordinated with adjacent local governmental unite, 2. Developing en annual program for design,construction,and maintenance, 3. Developing are annual budget based on programmed projects and ndhrteea, 4. Submitting such plans,programs,and budgets to the local governing body for approval;end 5. kmpkmeming the capital krprovemenla and maintenance activities provided In the approved pens,programa,and budgets. (d)If the above listed individual in a Licensed County Highway Superintendent,enter their Superintendent's license Number S- 776 end Clean of License_A_,and/or (a)II too above listed Individual is a Licensed Engineer In Nebraska,enter their Engineer's License Number E. (2) Signature of County Board Chairperson 13) Ib doling the calendar year your courtly(a)del not have an appointed County Highway Supeentendent for any portion(s)el the year,or(b)had=sum mem auggd3led County Highway Supeardendont(s)fist were not eoansed for any nonion(s)of the year:or(c) had pee or more Appointed licensed County Highway Stwerintendent(a)for any portion(s)of the year,please complete a separate Year-End Certification lone for each period, i:_ tau as ne: .to-,•. u, , 'e. .......a: r..t.. (4)The payment amount wig be computed booed on(a)your most recent Federal Census,rural population'(b)the number of full calendar months served by ate appointed County tighway Superintendere who is icaraod or exempted horn licensors under the Superintendents Act(c)class at license.A or B e applicable;(d)whether the appointed County Highway Superintendent is employed, or undo'contract(eoreuftant or intedoe of agreement with another county endior incorporated municipality);and(s)if the appointed County Highway Superintendent mildest with the required duties In(1)(0)above.Reterernee Neb.Rey.Stat.s339-2302 and 39-2500 through 39.2505. (5)Failure to return by December 31,2022,the Year-End Cordecatlon(e),SIgning Reeolutfor4 one a copy of documentation of the eppofntment(a)of the supedntendent(s)per the Instructions will result in your county not receiving en Incentive Payment. ;: Return the completed original resolution and certification(s),and a • ^� documentation copy of the of appointment(s)by December 31,2022 to: )� t t Highway Local Liaison Coordinator Boards-Liaison Services Section r a Local Assistance Division Nebraska Department of Transportation PO Box 94759 Lincoln NE M508-4759 Page 2 of 3 863 I Page Do not recreate or revise this document;revisions and recreations will riot be acceptant Copying this farm 1a acceptable;see(3) below.Wages/MI/white and return the necessary document ggehtstnictlene will result to vola'county not recetefen an )ppenthre Ferment for Calender Yearig22, Documents include lee origins(Signing Resolution,Year-End Certitcation(s),rid a ccpy d do%amentstion of the eppobument(s)of the County Highway Superintendent(s);they must be received at the NDOT}2y December 31.2022. Year-End Certification of County Highway Superintendent For Determining Incentive Payment to Calendar Year 2022 Separate kerns may be needed to account for the entre year,see(3)below This Form Covers the Following Period: _.__000ber 1 ,2022 to December ,2022 roars, .ah G ry ?{derson ekv., ylxa)The county ot Adams °edlnesthat: .._ o __ rH+nnamrMCowry) .Murt.Ymao• r onowMM ea egnprue Igo we cud k eryWraq, was the appointed County Highway Sttpadntendent from during the above period. FOR ANY PERIOD OF TIME YOUR COUNTY DID NOT HAVE AN APPOINTED HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT,WRITE IN'COUNTY BOARD"AS THE NAME OF THE "SUPERINTENDENT"AND SKIP TO(2)BELOW, (b)the superintending services of the above Wed person were provided by:(Coed,ono box) ® Employment 0 Contract 0 Contract(Irtedocal agreement between this with this (consultant) Comity and the flowing listed Cutedy(lea) County with this andfor Murridpallty(iee) County (a)the above listed individual aselated in the following Aeforonco Nob.Rev,Stet.539.2502 1. Developing and ennualy updating a tong-lenge plan based on needs end cooninated with ad reont local govemnental units, 2. Developing an annual program for design,construction,and melte seance, 3. Develcping an annual budget based on programmed projects and&denies, 4. Submitting such plans,programs,and budgets to the local governing body for approval;and 5. Implementing the capital Improvement%and maintenance activities provided M the approved pians,programs,and budgets, (d)if the above latent Individual is a Licensed County Highway Superintendent,enter their Superintendent's License Number 5-1274 and Class at License A_.endear (0)If the above listed individual is a Licenced Engineer in Nebraska,enter their Engineer's license Number E-_ . (2)— Signature of County Board Chairperson 5(3)It doing the calendar year your county(a)did riot hove an appointed County Highway Soperkaartdent for any po tion(s)of the year,or(b)had one or more atzddmed Corey Highway Suporinandemis)there were not Iioensed for arty portions)of the yuan or(c) had one or trmre unpainted horsed County Highway Sdperintondont(s)for any portions)of the year,please complete a separate Year-End Certification form for each pettod• Copy this form ati,A4tti441_tilaoctwn lex tease seoamte neriods- (4)The payment amount ail be computed based on(a)your meet recent Federal Census,rural population;(b)the number of toil colander months soared by the appointed County*hway Supedntendert who Is Cleansed or exempted from iboneure under the Superintendents Act:(a)does of license.A orB If apt/Mean;(d)whether the appointed County Highway Superintendent is empbyod, or under contract(consultant or Intedocwl agreement with another county erdlor Incorporated municipally);and(e)it the appointed County Highway Superintendent sisieted whit the required mutes In(1)(c)above.Reference Nab.Rev,Stat§§39.2302 and 30.2501 through 39.2505, (5)Failure to return by December 31.2022,the Year-End CerfRcatton(s),Stool rig Resolution,and a copy of documentation of the eppokttment(s)of the superintendent(*)per the instructions will result In your county not receiving en Incentive Payment Return the completed original resolution and eedlftcatlon(s),and a ' �� copy of the documentation of appointment(s)by December 31,2022 to; . Highwayon Local liaison Coordinator .d.„t �-�� Boards-Liaison Services Section et Local Assistance Division Nebraska Department of Transportation PO Box 94759 Lincoln NE 68509-4759 Page 2 Of 3 Do not recreate or revise thin document;revisions end recreation will not bine accepted.Copying tits font L acceptable;see(3) below.Failure to oompleteand return the neceseary documents pie a •t • r•,,•v a• el IngInthel Payment ter Calendar Year 2022 Dccunents include the egginai Signing Heeolution,Year-End Certification(s),and a copy of documentation of the eppoirtment(e)of the County Highway Supertrnendent(s);they must be raceme et the NDOT),Or December 31,2022. Year-End Certification of County Highway Superintendent For Determining Incentive Payment In Calendar Year 2022 Separate forms may be needed to account for the entire year,sae(3)below This Form Covers the Following Period: ,_Q(, 1��_2_022 to De ember ,2022 guile)The county of Ad a res canines that _ LAISMEt gem none M(:pnry1 IIM,K/Atne,]r S'UbwHwl,hrt to am...kYmumN4 Ir+imrihl was the appointed County Highway Superintendent from during the above period.FOR ANY PERIOD OF TIME YOUR COUNTY OID NOT HAVE AN APPOINTED HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT,WRITE IN"COUNTY BOARD”AS THE NAME OF THE "SUPERINTENDENT"AND SKIP TO 12)BELOW. (b)the superintending swifts of the above listed person were provided by(Chace one box) DA Employment i7 Contract i0 Contract(interlocal agreement)between this with this (consultant) County end tee blowing listed Couoly(tes) County with this ender AUntcipelity(les) County _._._.—_-.... (c)the above liabd IndlAduoi eawleted in the'angering Reference Neb.Rev Sant f39-2502 1. Developing and annually updating a long-range plan based on nada and coordinated with adjacent local governmental units, 2 Developing en annual program for design,cotstructIon,and rnahaenanoe, 3, Developing an annual budget based on programmed projects end activities, 4. Submittng such plans,programs,and budgets to the bowl governing body for approval;and 5. inpbn erehg the capital improvements and maintenance activities provided In the approved piens,programa.and budgets. (d)if the above intact IrhdMded is a Licensed County Highway Superintendent,enter their Superintendent's license Number s 1639_and Class et License ,savor (e)II the above listed individual is a Licensed Engineer in Nebula ender their Engineer's Uvonee Number E- (2) - Signature of County Board Chairperson '(3) It darting the calendar year your county(a)did not have an appointed Canty Highway Superintendent for any pomion(s)et the year:or(b)had one or more amounted County Highway Suporintarafont(e)het were not licesed for any portion(s)of the year,or(c) had onto or tres ggegialgelitgengng Count Highway Superintendent(a)for any portion(s)of the year,please eomrhlete a separate Year-End Certification Iona for each period.COPY ie foam ere lungedt9 esoeytnt for Mete separate periods. (4)The payment amount will be computed based on(e)your mote recent Federal Census,pan population(b)the number el Wt calendar months Seared by the appointed County Highway Superintendent who in tossed or exempted from licensers under the superintendents Act;(e)doss of license,A or B Y applbabte;(d)whether the appointed County Highway Superintendent is employed, or under contract(consultant or ktedocal agreement with another county andtor incorporated municipality);and(a)II the appointed County Highway Superintendent gssnteg with the required dotes in(1)(e)above.Reference Nab.Rev.Stet 55.39.2302 nod 39-2501 through 39.25015. (5)Failure to return by December 31,2022,the Year-End Certficaton(e),Signing Roeotuton,and a copy of documentation of the appointment(s)of the superintendent(s)per the Instructions will result In your county not receiving an Incentive Payment. e v ,�•,,h,- Return the completed original resolution and certN(catlon(s),und a < copy of the documentation of eppoIntment(a)by December 31,2022 to: t 4 It Highway Local Liaison Coordinator Boards-t.laison Services Section �<.' `• Local Assistance Division Nebraska Department of Transportation PO Box 94759 Lincoln NE 68509-4759 Page 2 of 3 Page864 ' g e Motion by Neumann, seconded by Larsen to approve the Year-End Certification of the Highway Superintendents; Dawn Miller January 1, 2022 through September 30, 2022 and Gregory Anderson and Gregory Schmidt October 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan, Johnson, Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Chairman Hogan requested a motion to remove from the table discussion and possible action on ARPA funds to be allocated to the Adams County Roads projects. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Larsen to remove from table the discussion and possible action on ARPA funds for the roads department. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Chairman Hogan stated the roads committee is asking for$2,000,000.00 in ARPA funds for projects including the bridge on Adams Central and the 82nd Street project which Cooperative Producers has pledged funding for. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Stromer to approve $1,500,000.00 in ARPA funds for Adams County Roads projects. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Adams County Treasurer,Virginia Long presented for approval to issue 2021 distress warrants totaling $102,978.46. VIRGINIA LONG TREASURER, ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE 500 WEST 4T11 STREET HASTINGS NE 68901 Sarah Davis, Deputy TELEPHONE 461-7130 Deanna Mead,Deputy FAX(402)461-7122 October 28,2022 Lee Hogan Chairman of the Board Adams County Mr.Hogan: 1,Virginia Long,Treasurer of Adams County,1Hastings,Nebraska do hereby certify that there are 241 distress warrants issued for 2021 and prior personal property tax,totaling$102,978.46. These are being certified as of October 27,2022 for collection. Respectfully, Virginia Long Adams County Treasurer 865IPage Motion by Neumann, seconded by Curtis to issue the 2021 distress warrants totaling$102,978.46. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Commissioner Stromer presented the board with ARPA committee recommendations for designations and reserve of funds to be used for employee retention and hiring,courthouse repairs, administrative costs, a grant for Community Action Partnership of Mid Nebraska and remodeling of the ACOB building for the County Assessor's office. Motion by Patterson,seconded by Neumann to postpone all further action on ARPA funds indefinitely. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson,Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Commissioner Stromer presented the board with a proposal from Commonwealth Electric Company for electrical updates for the courthouse building in the amount of$134,782.00. Commonwealth Electric Company of the Midwest 1504 E 4th Street I Grand Island, NE 68801-2906 I (308)675-3030 October 25,2022 Adams County Courthouse 500 W 41h St#109 Hastings,NE 68901 Bid#357-149 RE:Instslletion of 2000 Amp 208V1120 Volt Square D Switchboard Commonwealth Electric we: Demo out old switchboard Construct new mounting ped Extend existing circ+ris and relocate conduit nuns Install junction boxes for new cicuts Terminate new circuits on their designated circuit breaker Relocating Fire Alarm Disconnect Voltage testing and verification This Proposal is for. One Hundred Thirty-Four Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty-Two Dollars and Zero Cents.($134,782.00) This otr asal Includes all the following: - Conduit,Junction Boxes and Elbows - Power Disconnections and Permits - Fittings,LBs,ISO Lugs and Supports - Concrete Demo and Construction - New 2000A Gear Package with Surge Protection with All New Circuit Breakers - Feeder and Branch Circuit Wire - Shift Labor and Weekend Work This proposal excludes all the following: - Any work outside the scope of work listed - Pulling in new service or branch conductors greater than 40 feet - Temporary generator rental Work to be done on normal business days M•F lam-5pm This proposal Is good for 14 days If you have any questions regarding anis,please give me a call,text or aural. Sincerely. Dustin Allen Assistant Project Manager Commonwealth Electric Company of the Midwest Committed to Excellence I Customers,Employees,Character,Mastery Columbus I Des Moines I Grand Island I Kearney I Lincoln I Omaha I Phoenix I Tucson 866 ' Page Page 2of2 Office:(308)234-6950 Mobs:(402)942-4052 E-Mail:dallen@commonwealthetectric.com Motion by Johnson, seconded by Curtis to accept the bid from Commonwealth for electrical updates to the courthouse building in the amount of$134,782.00. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None Chairman Hogan presented an agreement with WJE Consulting for indirect cost reimbursement relating to child support enforcement. AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES TO ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day of , 20_, and effective immediately by and between WJE Consulting LLC(hereinafter called the 'Consultant") and The Adams County,State of Nebraska(hereinafter called the"County'"). WITNESSETH THAT WEIEREAS,the County has programs which it operates with Federal funding,and WREREAS, the County supports these programs with central services paid from County appropriated funds,and WHEREAS,the United States government and the State of Nebraska may pay a fair share of these costs if supported by an approved cost allocation plan,and requirements of d veloping and negotiating such governmental Consultant is staffed with vecosknowledgeable al location plans,ander ced in the WHEREAS, the County desires to engage the Consultant to assist in developing a plan which conforms to Federal requirements,and will be approved by their representative, NOW THEREFORE,the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: 1. En eloymeant of Consultant The County agrees to engage the Consultant and the Consultant hereby agrees to perform the following services. 2. Scope of Services - The Consultant shall do,perform, and carry out in a good and professional manner the following services: A. Development of a central services coot allocation plan which identifies the various costs incurred by the County to support and administer Federal and State programs. This plan will contain a determination of the allowable costs of providing each supporting service, such as insuran utilities, building maintenance, financial disbursement processing, and all other i e support service. This plan and indirect cost rates as computed would be all inclusive for claiming indirect costs for all County grants including IV-D Claiming. The Consultant offers a three (3) year agreement to prepare the plan based upon year-end financial data for FY 2022, IrY 2023 and FY 2024, which'will result in cost reimbursement in IrY 2024,FY 2025 and FY 2026. B. Negotiation of the completed cost allocation plan and rates as submitted to the State of Nebraska on behalf of the County with the representatives of the federal cognizant agency or its state designee if required. If the cost allocation plan requires negotiation, a negotiation agreement must be issued by the cognizant agency before any compensation is due the Consultant. C. Assistance in preparing the claims to the State for recovery of funds due the County from the Federal and State of Nebraska governments. Consultant will also monitor the progress of claims through the State to ensure the County receives recoveries due it. 867 ' Page 3. Time of Performance- The services to be performed hereunder by the Consultant shall be undertaken and competed in such sequence as to assure their expeditions completion and carry out the purposes of the agreement. 4. Compensation-The County agrees to pay the Consultant a sum noUo exceed Five Thousand One Hundred and Forty ($5,140)annually for all cost allocation plan services required herein. Consultant agrees to complete the project and all services provided herein for said sum. 5. Method of Payment Payment will be made by the County to the Consultant from recovered funds relating to indirect costs from the Federal and State of Nebraska governments, in the agreed upon amount in paragraph 4. Payment of 30% of the amount in paragraph 4 is due Consultant when the on-site work is completed by Consultant. Payment of 30% of the amount in paragraph 4 is due Consultant when the completed cost allocation plan is being used,which is for the quarter ending September 30 of each year by the County. Thereafter,recoveries will be shared 60%by the County and 40%by the Consultant until the amount in paragraph 4 is paid in full to the Consultant Should the County recover from the plan, an amount less than the amount needed to satisfy the Consultant's fees,then no further payment is due the Consultant. It is understood that the funds received by the County after the end of this contract term which funds are received as a result of the work effort of the Consultant during the contract term, and reported to the County Treasurer shall be included in the fee computation for the period this contract work is performed and forwarded to Consultant. 6. Channel: -The County may,from time to time,require changes in the scope of the se vices of the Consultant to be performed hereunder. Such changes, which are mutually agreed •,. by and between the County and the Consultant,shall be incorporated in written amendment to agreement. 7. Seryicca and Materials to be Furnished by the County-The County shall furnish the Consultant with all available necessary information, data, and materials pertinent to the execution of this agreement. The County shall cooperate with the Consultant in carrying cut the work herein,and shall provide adequate staff for liaison with the Consultant and other agencies of County government. 8. Termination of A cuicnt for Cause - If the County shall for cause notify the Consultant in writing to terminate the Consultant's services under this agreement, this agreement shall he deemed terminated and the County's obligation to compensate the Consultant shall be null and void. if the Consultant shall for any cause notify the County that it cannot complete its obligation under this contract and that it shall, thereafter, cease the performance of all its services, this agreement nt shall be deemed terminated, and the County's obligation to compensate the Consultant shall be mill and void. As specified in this paragraph, each party hereby waives, relinquishes, releases, and discharges the other party from all claims liabilities, and obligations of every kind or nature arising from the exercise of the right to terminate this agreement here-in-above granted. 9. fufotmation and Reports - The Consultant shall, at such time and in such form as the County may require, furnish such periodic reports concerning the status of the project, such statements,certificates,approvals,and copies of proposed and executed plans and claims and other infottnation relative to the project as may be requested by the Comity. The Consultant shall furnish the County,upon request with copies of all documents and other materials prepared or developed in relation with or as part of the project. Working papers prepared in conjunction with the cost allocation plan may be turned over to the County for safekeeping. 10. Reeorcll and Ins» 'ons The Consultant shall maintain full and accurate records with respect to all matters covered tinder this agreement. The County shall have free access at all proper times to such records, and the right to examine and audit the same and to make transcripts therefrom,and to inspect all program data,documents,proceedings and activities. 11. Accomplishment of Project - The Consultant shall commence, carry on, and complete the project with all practicable dispatch, in a sound economical and efficient manner,in accordance with the provisions thereof and all applicable laws. In accomplishing the project, the Consultant shall take such steps as are ate to insure that the work involved is properly coordinated with related work being Dalai on in the County. 12. Provisions Concerning Certain Waivers -Subject to applicable law, any right or remedy with the County under this contract may be waived in writing by the County by a formal waiver, if, in the judgment of the County, this contract, as so modified, will still conform to the terms and requirements of pertinent laws. 13. Matters to be 1)fsreitarded - The titles of the several sections, subsections, and paragraphs set forth in this contract are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall be disregarded in construing or interpreting any of the provisions of this contract. 868IPage 14. Completeness of Contract - This contract and any additional or supplcmcnie y document or documents incorporated herein by specific reference contain all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties hereto,and no other agreements, oral or otherwise,regarding the subject matter of this contract or any part thereof shall have any validity or bind any of the parties hereto. 15. County Not ©bliiatcd to Third Parties. The County shall not be obligated or liable hereunder to any party other than the Consultant. 16. When Bights andJ2emedies Not Waived - In no event shall the snaking by the County of any payment to the Consultant constitute or be construed as a waiver by the County of any breach of covenant, or any default which may then racist, on the part of the Consultant,and the making of such payment by the County while any such brew or default shall exist,shall in no wise impair or prejudice any right or remedy available to the County in respect to such breach or default. 17. Personnel-The Consultant represents that he has or will secure at his own expense, alt personnel requireperforming the services under this agreement. Such personnel shall not be employees of or have any contractual relationship with the County. All of the services required hereunder will be performed bythe Consultant or under his supervision,and all personnel engaged in the work shall be fully qualified to perform such services. 18. Consultant LiabilityIf Audited -The Consultant will assume that all financial and statistical information provided to te Consultant by the County,its employees or representatives is accurate and complete. Axiy subsequent disallowance of funds is the sole responsibility of the County. The Consultant will, however, provide assistance to the County should an audit be undertaken of County indirect costs. 19. Notices -Any notice, bills, invoices, or reports required by this agreement shall be sufficient if sent by the parties hereto in the United States mail,postage paid,to the addresses noted below: COUNTY Adams County Office of the Clerk P.O.Box 2067 Hastings,NE 68902-2067 CONSULTANT WJE Consulting LLC 2648 10m Street 01015 Gering,,Nebraska 69341 IN WITH SS'Gt BEEF,the County and the Consultant have executed this agreement as of the date first written above. Adams County,Nebraska By: (County Official) Attest. WJE Consulting LL w - • By. , ey . ci'" "om dr Crwner Motion by Neumann, seconded by Patterson to approve the agreement with WJE Consulting. Roll Call, Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson,Curtis, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Absent: None The meeting adjourned by unanimous consent. 869 ' Page COUNTY GENERAL ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 195.00 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 458 .25 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 789.75 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 635.71 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 576.23 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 283.73 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 703.96 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 97.50 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 263.25 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 429.00 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 429.00 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 1, 865. 19 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 1,288. 96 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,VICTIMS ASSISTANCE PROGRA 195.00 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 2, 796.34 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 97 .50 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 165.75 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 186.23 ASSOCIATED STAFFING INC,OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 2,275. 69 PROFORMA BUSINESS WORLD,MISCELLANEOUS 518 .07 QUILL CORPORATION, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 40. 67 QUILL CORPORATION, SUPPLIES - VOTING 80. 65 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 357. 92 HOMETOWN LEASING,COPY MACH RENT 199.00 ELECT SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE LLC, SUPPLIES - VOTING 5,315.46 SECRETARY OF STATE, SUPPLIES - VOTING 20.00 ADAMS CO WITNESS FEE ACCOUNT,WITNESS FEES 20.00 WALMART - CAPITAL ONE,COUNTY COURT COSTS 13.26 DAS STATE ACCOUNTING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 26.00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 286.39 EILEENS COLOSSAL COOKIES, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 12 .25 NATIONAL ASSOC FOR COURT MGMT ,COUNTY COURT COSTS 135.00 OAK HALL INDUSTRIES LP,MISCELLANEOUS 456. 95 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF FEE ACCT , JUROR FEES 18 .50 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 63.79 HALL COUNTY SHERIFF, JUROR FEES 23.32 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 898 .13 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 22.49 ASSOCIATED STAFFING INC,REG CLERICAL 4, 129.77 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 974 . 67 HOMETOWN LEASING,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 157.85 FYE LAW OFFICE,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 5, 163.07 MARSHA E FANGMEYER,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 636.50 DAAKE LAW OFFICE LLC,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 285.00 BOCKSTADTER & GLEN LAW LLC,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 652.50 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT, PICKUPS 751.47 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 788 . 94 GRACES LOCKSMITH SERVICES,COURTHOUSE BUILDING 18 .75 JACOBI'S CARPET ONE,COURTHOUSE BUILDING 61.20 MENARDS, SHOP TOOLS 35. 91 MENARDS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 27.00 WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERVICE,GARBAGE 536.50 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF REVOLVING,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 175.00 CITY OF HASTINGS,CONTRACT SERV 10, 599. 18 CONSOLIDATED MANAGEMENT CO,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 171.35 COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 264 .18 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SHERIFF COSTS 63.30 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 30.73 HASTINGS FORD-LINCOLN,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 930.47 HOMETOWN LEASING,CONTRACT SERV 59.59 NAPA AUTO PARTS,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 27 . 62 NE SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION, SHERIFF COSTS 250.00 ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY,COURT RELATED COSTS 10.00 ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY,COURT RELATED COSTS 12 .00 BECKY MCCRACKEN CERTIFIED,COURT RELATED COSTS 322.50 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 372.00 HALL COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS 35.92 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 627 .43 LA VISTA EMBASSY SUITES, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 604.80 HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES, INSTITUTIONAL COSTS 678 .00 870 ' Page YORK COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS 44 .46 ALLO COMMUNICATIONS, INTERNET SERVICE 646.10 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INTERNET SERVICE 399.00 DAS STATE ACCOUNTING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 704 .00 VERIZON WIRELESS,CELL PHONES 162.18 WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES 1, 424 .80 WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES 150.00 WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES 316.36 ADAMS COUNTY JAIL/SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1, 302 .81 BERTS PHARMACY,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 38.76 BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC , JAIL SUPPLIES 45.15 BOB BARKER COMPANY INC,COMMISSARY 931. 61 CASH WA DISTRIBUTING,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1,718 .22 CENTRAL DENTAL GROUP,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 504.00 COMPUTER HARDWARE INC,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 223. 95 CONSOLIDATED MANAGEMENT CO,TRAVEL EXPENSES 40.20 CROSIER PARK PHARMACY,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 22.84 DELKEN PRESS, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 87 .00 STATE OF NEBRASKA,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 6, 866. 60 STATE OF NEBRASKA,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 3, 254 .56 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 102.87 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 12 . 40 ENCARTELE INC,COMMISSARY-PHONE CARDS 600.00 GALLS LLC, PROVISIONS & CLOTHING 35. 43 HALL COUNTY DEPT OF CORRECTION,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 5,228.00 HALL COUNTY DEPT OF CORRECTION,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 56.95 HASTINGS RADIOLOGY ASSOC PC,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 103. 97 HOMETOWN LEASING,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 181.52 JIM' S U-SAVE PHARMACY,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 21.49 KEEFE SUPPLY COMPANY,COMMISSARY 541. 62 KEITH' S DRIVE IN DRUG,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 423.88 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 1,517 .58 MEMORIAL COMMUNITY HEALTH,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 1, 569.50 RUTT'S HEATING & AIR CONDITION,BUILDING REPAIR 1, 169.00 US FOODS INC,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 799.84 CENTURY LINK,TELEPHONE SERVICES 153.47 CORNHUSKER PRESS INC, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 164.39 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 83.50 MIDWEST CONNECT, POSTAL SERVICES 100.19 NEBRASKA TECH & TELECOM INC,TELEPHONE SERVICES 142.11 CITY OF HASTINGS,AMBULANCE COSTS 5,208 .33 HASTINGS FORD-LINCOLN,EQ REPAIRS COM 394 . 93 HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES 216.30 PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTINGS INC ,COMMUNICATION EQUIP 25.00 PRESTO-X,MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 45.10 THE BLUE CELL LLC, 2020 SHSP-PET GRANT 4, 800.00 ALLIED UNIVERSAL,SECURITY CONTRACTS BY 0TH 3, 600.66 KRUEGER LAND SURVEYING, SURVEYOR/GENERAL 2, 400.00 BEYKE SIGNS,VEHICLE REPAIR 100.00 FIRST CONCORD BENEFITS GROUP,CAFETERIA PLAN ADMIN FEES 320.00 NACO,LB644 COSTS 6, 958 .74 REGION 3 BEHAVIORAL HLTH SRVCS,MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES AC 6, 894.41 SEALEY BODY SHOP INC,VEHICLE REPAIR 2,225.00 US POSTAL SERVICE, POSTAL SERVICES 300.00 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER, INTER-FUND TRANSFERS 776,757 .25 ROAD - BRIDGE ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 3, 437 .88 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 60.00 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,MISCELLANEOUS 21.50 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SUPPLIES - SHOP 72.11 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP,RD EQ REP PARTS 47. 64 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SUPPLIES - SHOP 396.22 BGNE,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 630. 96 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INTERNET SERVICE 109. 98 CINTAS CORPORATION #449, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 33.13 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS 106.46 COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,MACH EQ TIRES & REP 65.00 FILTER CARE, SUPPLIES - SHOP 276.35 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 158 .96 IDEAL ELECTRIC INC,MAINT.WORK BY OTHER 530.00 ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO,WELDING SUPP/CHAINS 22 .90 871 1Page KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPLY,MATERIALS - STEEL PRODUCT 295. 69 KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPLY,BUILDING REPAIR 40.41 MENARDS,BUILDING REPAIR 38 .78 MID-NEBRASKA AGGREGATE INC,MATERIALS - GRAVEL & BORR 6, 910.18 MURPHY TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO ,MOTOR GRADERS 57,794.38 SANITARY OUTDOOR SERVICE INC, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 86.75 PRESERVATION & MODERNIZATION VICKIE BRODKORB,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 11, 900.00 VETERAN'S AID VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE,VETERANS AID COSTS 3, 600.00 LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER HASTINGS UTILITIES,MISC CONTRACT-UTILITIES 630. 62 PROCHASKA & ASSOCIATES INC,ARCHITECTURAL FEES 24, 000.00 PROCHASKA & ASSOCIATES INC,ENGINEERING 3, 840.00 JUVENILE SERVICES ESCROW HOLDING FUND MURPHY TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO ,MISCELLANEOUS 184, 800.00 JACOBI'S CARPET ONE,MISCELLANEOUS 11, 694 .00 MID-NEBRASKA AGGREGATE INC,MISCELLANEOUS 22, 322.56 KENESAW MOTOR CO INC,MISCELLANEOUS 38, 422 .00 BOB BARKER COMPANY INC,MISCELLANEOUS 7, 887. 66 Lee Hogan Board Chairman Paula Scheil Deputy Clerk 872IPage