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1115 Minutes for November 15, 2022
Adams County Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes Tuesday,November 15,2022 9:30 am Courthouse,Adams County A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners was held with Chairman Lee Hogan presiding. Motion by Curtis,seconded by Johnson that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann Nays: None Absent: Patterson Chairman Hogan inquired if there were any conflicts of interest. No conflicts were disclosed. Roll was taken, roll call members present, Michael Stromer- District 1, Glen Larsen—District 2, Lee Hogan- District 3, Harold Johnson—District 4, Dale Curtis- District 5, and Chuck Neumann—District 6. Absent:Joe Patterson - District 7 Public notice of this meeting, including the public hearing, has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting.The agenda was available to the board members and was kept continuously current and posted in the County Clerk's office,the main courthouse lobby and the Adams County website.The following is the agenda of items to be heard, no modifications were made to the agenda after 9:30 a.m.the business day prior to this meeting. Agenda for Meeting of Adams County Board of Commissioners County Board Room,Courthouse,2nd Floor *Date of Meeting.November 15,2022 at 9:30 A.M. Chairman to request a motion that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners Announce location of Agenda&Open Meetings Law postings Reminder to turn off all cell phones Pledge of Allegiance Conflicts of Interest Roll call: Approval of consent agenda items: • Minutes from previous meeting • Claims • Monthly Report of Single Bank Pooled Collateral • Recognize disbursement of HRA fluids from the Healthcare Fund(1275)for First Concord for deductible buydown • Miscellaneous Receipts • Officer Reports Receive Confluents from the Public: 9:45 am—Christina Thornton—Discussion and possible action relating to the Public Defender engaging in private practice 10:00—Board of Equalization—Jackie Russell—Present for possible approval permissive exemption applications for Grace Life Church Virginia Long—Present for possible approval a motor vehicle exemption application for Hastings College Tom Krueger—Present for possible approval.a five year land survey agreement with Nebraska DOT for perpetuation of corners of land surveys,in conjunction with Resolution 2022-11-7.01 Michael Stromer—Approval of a 2023 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD from Sid Dillon for S47.773.00 for the Maintenance Department with ARPA funds approved at May 3.2022 meeting. Present for possible approval.an application for payment to Beckenhauer Construction as recommended by Prochaska&Associates for justice center related costs Ron Kucera—Present for possible approval.an amendment to the attached lease agreement between Adams County and Alltel Corporation dibla Verizon Wireless for communication nication equipment upgrade located at 300 N St Joseph. Ramona Thomas—Present for possible approval,an application for a class I liquor license for Southern Hills Golf Course This agenda is subject to amending until 9:30 AI 1 on the Monday preceding the Board meeting. 874 ' Page Note to Citizens:Any agenda item may be moved dow'21 at any time at the discretion of the Chairlllan of the Board of Conullissioners. Last updated on November 14,2022 at 9:14 am For non-English speaking attendees wishing to arrange for a sign language or foreign language interpreter,please call or fax the County Attorney's office at Phone:402-461-7240 or Fax:402 461-7241. For hearing-impaired individuals or individuals with other special needs call or fax the County Clerk's Office at Phone:402 461-7107,or TTY:402 461-7166 or Fax:402-461-7185. When requesting an interpreter or services for the hearing impaired,please provide at least forty-eight(48)hours advance notice to allow time for making the accommodations. The Board reserves the right to go into executive session if such session is clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Stromer to approve all consent agenda items which include claims to be paid by the county clerk, a miscellaneous collections report submitted by the county treasurer, officer reports from Planning and Zoning,the Register of Deeds, County Clerk and the County Sheriff and HRA insurance premiums. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson,Curtis, Neumann Nays: None Absent: Patterson Misc.Collections—Submitted by the Treasurer 11103/2022 Adams Page 4 09'31 AM FUND BALANCE LISTING 10/31/2022 GrandTofis x,115,104,01 21 s, 921 6,181,4 .91 15,1136 n,318,846,61 Officer Report—Planning&Zoning SEC 141 R.W LEGAL DESCRIPTION WE ALPHA NAME ADDRESS CIYYNLWADE TRE OFBURIN DATE Pi $Cooly 24 8 9 Aro*St Web Arnold Arnold 65609 Mann Ave Tonal House 8116/2022 2783 $ 378.50 Lot 1 Ate('2nd Rosehrld Kstlrtn Bladrue Mae 9430 S Barrer Roselad Fence 10'1411022 2793 Lott Brows Sib Rcsdad TylerCiemnormbnsN Ciatn aolowsld 407 N Pedas Kenesea Fence 7/7@022 2775 8 7 11 PEWNtEtl4 DIM Dear Dethila Arista House 101242022 2797 $ 66.00 Lot105786ata AdwewEdxarts Edwards 110Nbiota Ave ,kriala Deck 8/162072 2782 LotIC:Natiaes MaiGerert Garbed 9523MainAve Hon Garage 7212022 2776 S - 12 8 9 Imam*Sit Ben Haman Haman 88509 Mudd Instal AgSbagahhop 8242022 2184 S 29650 25 6 10 SEMI SW114 Mat Hawley Hawley 1000 Dyer Pak Ayr Horse 9272022 2787 S 528.50 33 7 10 SW1/4SWIt4 krnanelWheat Chan Wawa 5500 Oak Ridge Rd Hags Won bduch 1122022 2799 1 26830 1ot5108511 Jin Jaws Jones 909NRite Ave Meta Fence 9222022 2186 Las 119.1221r ata Adele Fire Dept Amlot Fre Dept 1204 N JaidaAve Arista Sbrage Cmiaier 8W2022 2778 W121ots 3488 1 kerwsaw3d Cut Mad) Mat 412 Wan Kenesaw Deck 101132022 2791 Sat S s 44eyer Meyer 407 N Dersat Kenesaw Deck 81102022 2781 Lot 3148k6FrstAddKona RtMiarn Mire 114 S Brooks Ave Kenesaw Greenhouse 10132022 2792 23 7 11 Nader Sword Sub NaderSoky NmrderStppy 9765WHwy 6 ,krista S'gn 101182071 2795 S 41.E 25 7 12 N12SW114 WilanPatec Paec 3225 S Wawa krista Stoner Kichenbull's 81162022 2179 $ 91.00 Lot98tr721arBbk3Pwmedws Ben Peterson Peterson 304NDoss Kerma Gaage 101262022 2797 Lal Ed144'Bk 1 Medan&Arm Verde Prichard Prided 210 S Doane Ave Kassa gyred Porch over Ramp 101132022 2190 Cateas Rersdier Rersdier 265 Hunningbkd Circle Arista Shed 10022 2788 Las 552458 Ishii CatdweRersdia Resdier 110 Wed 9th Street Allah Fence 872022 2777 Witt Lot 11-13tie Roseland KelySimeon Simeon 91215141 an Raselad Fence 1011411022 2794 Ls1019Jweda Join*Sootier Soma 111W51h Areata Shed 101192022 2796 34 8 12 bt 1 Stuiga Sub Ted Slade Stade 17760W 26111 St Kenesaw Slorage Burro 81112022 2781 N46toil URLat8A5MdarekNaWter Wier 408NBreda Ave Kaesaw Storage Shed 91122012 2785 Lots 3608361 Gay Wit Wel 307E 111h Arleta Stage sled 10132021 2789 Red AppkceBampendngkspec8on $1,670.00 Green Perrot defied by Carly 875 ' Page Officer Report—Register of Deeds: To: Adams County Board of Commissioners From: Register of Deeds Rachel L.Ormsby Date: November 2,2022 Subject:Documentary Stamp Tax Code 0100-394.02 The following is a true and correct statement of the Documentary Stamp Tax received in office of the Register of Deeds for the month of October 2022. Documentary Stamp Tax Collected $ 27,465.75 Tax Commissioner approved refund $ - Net Documentary Stamp Tax $ 27,465.75 Collection Fee to County $ 6,102.89 Submitted to Nebraska Department of Revenue $ 21,362.86 Miscellaneous receipt for the sum of$6,102.89 from the County Treasurer is hereby attached. I°tAt.1 t tit d• Register of Deeds To:Adams County Board of Commissioners From:Register of Deeds Rachel L.Ormsby Date: November 3,2022 Subject: Filing Fees The following is a true and correct statement of the fees received in the office of the Register ofDeeds of Adams County for the month of October 2022. f n Register of Deeds Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this day of November 2022. County Clerk 96 Deeds $1,230.75 145 Mortgages $7,072.75 -Releases $0.00 -Estates $0.00 57 Miscellaneous $850.00 2 Federal Tax Liens&Releases $20.00 -Construction Lien Documents $0.00 4 State Tax Liens&Releases $20.00 3 Subdivision Plats $102.00 307 Total Filing Fees: $9,295.50 Less overpayments(Refunds) $60.75 Total Filing Fees less refunds: $9,234.75 0 Certified Copies $0.00 1 UCC Financing Statements,Rel&Term $14.00 876 I Page FEE SPLIT AS PER Neb.Rev.Stat.33-109 (UCC's are Included In county fund) Total Fees Remitted to General Funds-0100-394.01 $6,831.50 Total Fees Remitted to P&M Fund-1150-394.01 $1,172.50 Total:Fees Share&Certified Copies: Remitted to County Funds 0100-394.01 $6,831.50 Remitted to County Funds 0100-394.03 Certified Copies $0.00 Copies/Postage(with tax) $18.00 Copies only $16.82 Less Sales Tax-Escrowed $1.18 Subtotal:Miscellaneous,0100-394.03 Copy/Cert copy $16.82 Plat Book Sales:0100-409.01 (Total w/tax) $0.00 Plat Book Sales Tax: Minus State Sales Tax Held in Escrow $0.00 TOTAL: Remitted to County Funds 0100-394.01 $6,831.50 Remitted to P&M Funds 1150-394.01 $1,172.50 Remitted to County Funds 0100-394.03 $16.82 Remitted to Plat Book Sales 0100-409.01 $0.00 TOTAL: $8,020.82 Total Held in Sales Tax Escrow: Plat Books Escrow $0.00 Copies Escrow 1.18 Total $1.18 Miscellaneous Receipts Attached: 0 Assembly room rental Officer Report-Sheriff MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT ID:39440 COUNTY TREASURERS OFFICE ADAMS COUNTY NEBRASKA RECEIVED ON: 11/02/2022 RECEIVED FOR: PAPER MILEAGE SEP 2022 RECEIVED FROM: ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF COUNTY GENERAL _ 0100-395-02;,CO SHERIFF MILEAGE AND COST REFUNDS . 2,179.76 s 71 z Receipt Total- 2,179.76 Virginia Long Payment by Check vlong ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER PAPER MILEAGE FOR SEPT, 2022 - $2179.76 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA 877 IPage MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT ID:39439 COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE ADAMS COUNTY NEBRASKA RECEIVED ON: 11/0212022 RECEIVED FOR: PAPERMILEAGE AUG 22 RECEIVED FROM: ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF COUNTY,GENERAL 0100-395-02 CO SHERIFF MILEAGE AND COST REFUNDS _ 1 877.48„ Receipt Total- 1,877.48 Virginia Long Payment by Check vlong ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER PAPER MILEAGE FOR AUG, 2022 - $1877.48 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Officer Report—Adams County Clerk olco-.67l--03 - 'T/,330 otw- - as = yGo— ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS HASTINGS,NE 68901 HEREWITH IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPORT OF THE FEES RECEIVED IN THE COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER 2022 SHOWN BY THE FEE BOOK IN SAID OFFICE. UCC FILING $0.00 MISCELLANEOUS FEES 522.55 MARRIAGE LICENSE $400.00 COPIES AND SEARCHES $342.00 FILING FEES 50.00 O'III ER 56.75 TOTAL FEES OCTOBER 2022 5771.30 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN BEFO .'... - •"' I AY OF NOVEMBER 2022 egp COUNTY CLERK 2028 ADAMS COUNTY CLERK 500W ATH STHASTINGS NE Mai. hI oaoFn as_ cvit 3U`� _ '! SLI_ _- - ¢_-_ --__ _ tom--- - eBank �► Herita� ,.00 0280• 41049083830: 195 0810 878 ' Page HRA Premiums: MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT ID:3944.8 COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE ADAMS COUNTY NEBRASKA RECEIVED ON: 11/03/2022 RECEIVED FOR: INSURANCE PREMIUMS NOVEMBER 2022 RECEIVED FROM: ADAMS COUNTY CLERK HEALTH FOND 1275-5317_ INSURANCE PREMIUMS HRA= _ :_ - _ _ 11;456.35. HEALTH FUND 1275-531-07 INSURANCE PREMIUMS-HRA 3,437.88 Receipt Total- 14,894.23 Virginia Long Payment by Check vlong ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER -..s.4v...., . -...., .-.-- ; ... „ . inti, ^s4►...;.y:. 12'1545 11-01422 221545 11456 35 ' 11456.35 " l 221546. 11.01-22 221546 3437.88 ` :3437,88 Adams County Public Defender, Christina Thornton, had requested to remove her agenda item after the agenda was finalized, as she had a court conflict. Not discussion or action was taken on Thornton's item.Thornton will contact the county clerk's office should she want to be scheduled on a future agenda. Adams County Surveyor,Tom Krueger,was unable to attend the meeting. Chairman Hogan presented the agreement proposed by the Nebraska DOT for perpetuation of corners of land surveys,with Resolution 2022-11-7.01. Hogan stated Krueger reviewed the agreement and would recommend board approval. Neumann made a motion to table the agreement and resolution until the next meeting when Krueger could be present.The motion was seconded by Larsen. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann Nays: None Absent: Patterson Item tabled until the December 6, 2022 meeting. Adams County IT Director, Ron Kucera, presented the board with an amendment to an agreement between Adams County and Verizon Communications.The amendment will grant Verizon permission to make upgrades to their communication tower on the Adams County Office Building; a space that Verizon rents from Adams County. Kucera has review the agreement and recommends board approval. 879 1 Page Motion by Johnson, seconded by Stromer to approve the amended agreement between Adams County and Verizon with Resolution 2022-11-07.01. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson,Curtis, Neumann Nays: None Absent: Patterson SITE NAME:NE09 Berry Blast SITE NO:260829 FIRST AMENDMENT TO LAND AND BUILDING LEASE AGREEMENT This First Amendment to Land and Building Lease Agreement("Amendment")is made this_day of ,20_,by and between the County of Adams,Nebraska,with its principal offices located at 500 West 4th Street,Hastings,Nebraska 68902("LESSOR"),and Alltel Corporation, a Delaware corporation, d/b/a Verizon Wireless, successor-in-interest to Alltel Communications of Nebraska,Inc.,d/b/a Verizon Wireless,with its principal office located at One Verizon Way,Mail Stop 4AW100,Basking Ridge,New Jersey 07920(telephone number 866- 862-4404), ("LESSEE"). LESSOR and LESSEE are at time collectively referred to hereinafter as the"Parties"or individual as the"Party." RECITALS WHEREAS, LESSOR and LESSEE's predecessor-in-interest Alltel Communications of Nebraska,Inc.,have executed that certain Land and Building Lease Agreement dated November 21,2013(the"Agreement"),pursuant to which LESSOR leased to LESSEE space at the portion of the property located at 300 North St.Joseph Avenue,Hastings,Adams County,Nebraska(the "Property")for the installation,operation and maintenance of a communications facility. WHEREAS,LESSOR and LESSEE now desire to amend the Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein. AGREEMENT NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the facts contained in the Recitals above, the mutual covenants and conditions below,and other good and valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,the Parties agree as follows: 1. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the same meanings ascribed to such terms in the Agreement. 2. LESSOR agrees that LESSEE shall be permitted to install,maintain and operate the equipment (the "Modified Equipment") described in Exhibit B-1 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 3. Exhibit B to the Agreement is hereby supplemented with Exhibit B-1 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. From and after the Effective Date,in the event of any inconsistencies between Exhibit B and Exhibit B-1,Exhibit B-1 shall control. 4. Commencing upon the first day of the month immediately following the date that LESSEE commences installation of the Modified Equipment(the"Rent Increase Date"),the rent due under the Agreement shall be increased by Three Hundred Seventy-Five and XX/100 Dollars ($375.00)per month. Thereafter,the rent shall continue to escalate in accordance with the terms 1 NE09 Beny Blast First Amendment to Land and Building Lease Agreement SITE NAME:NE09 Berry Blast SITE NO:260829 of the Agreement. LESSOR and LESSEE acknowledge and agree that increased rental payment(s) may not actually be sent by Tenant until sixty(60)days after the Rent Increase Date. 5. Each of the Parties warrants to the other that the person or persons executing this Amendment on behalf of such Party has the full right,power and authority to enter into and execute this Amendment on such Party's behalf and that no consent from any other person or entity is necessary as a condition precedent to the legal effect of this Amendment. The Parties hereby reaffirm their rights and obligations under the Agreement as modified by this Amendment. In the event of any inconsistencies between the Agreement and this Amendment, the terms of this Amendment shall control. The Agreement and this Amendment contain all agreements,promises or understandings between the Parties. No verbal or oral agreements,promises or understandings shall be binding upon either LESSOR or LESSEE in any dispute,controversy,or proceeding at law,and any addition,variation or modification to the Agreement or this Amendment shall be void and ineffective unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto. In the event any provision of the Agreement or this Amendment is found to be invalid or unenforceable,such a finding shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Agreement or this Amendment. [Signatures appear on the following page.] 880 ' Page Adams County Clerk, Ramona Thomas, presented the board with a request received from the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission to review and make a recommendation to the commission regarding a class I liquor license application submitted by Southern Hills Golf Course. STATE OF NEBRASKA 511.; Pete Rkkder NEBRASKAUQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION e :r Governor Hobert B Rupe ,{..� &mane!)meta. 4'•0,e, MI Calomel Melt Sew& P.O.tow 950453 Limo),Pt 4 61509.5016 Phone HUH 471.2571 Fee(402)471.21114RUSER m(40.7Nn3374 IRS USER. II17555(ITV) Web Address 05104Ovena lee rebakaaw Today's Date: November 09,2022 From: Rebecca Roberts(rebecca.roberfs©nebraska.gov) To: Adams County Clerk I have attached a copy of a new corporate manager application submitted to the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission.Please complete the following information below to indicate your recommendation. Licensee Name: Southern Hills Country Club Inc Trade Name(DBA): Southern Hills Country Club License Number: 1-124773 Manager Name: Wallace,Patrice M --. Due Date: December 27,2022 APPROVED 0 NO LOCAL RECOMMENDATION 0 DENIED COMMENTS:(YOU MAY ATTACH MINUTES AND/OR ADDITIONAL NOTES) Clerk's Name: Date: Eta Lowe Brom Balky Harry Hods r(wwrrnew•S'wtee. MANAGER APPLICATION (Meth* INSERT-FORM 3c RECEIVED NEBRASKA LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION 301 CENTENNIAL MALL SOUTH NOV 0 8 2C:2 PO BOX 95046 LINCOLN,NE 611009.5046 NEBRASKA LIQUOR PHONE:(402)471.2371 CONTROL COMMISSION PAX:(402)471-21114 Web,its:www.ko.nebrukogov FORM MUST BE COMPLETELY FILLED OUT IN ORDER FOR APPLICATION TO BE PROCESSED MANAGER MUSTt • Complete all sections of the application.Be sure it is signed by a}member or corporate officer. corporate officer or member must be an individual on Ole with the Liquor Control Commission • Fingerprints are required.See form 147 for further information,read form carefully to avoid delays in processing,this form MUST be Included with your application. • Provide a copy of one of the following:US birth certificate,naturalization papers or current US passport(even If you have provided this before) • Be a registered voter In the State of Nebraska,include a copy of voter card or print document from Secretary of State website with application Spouse who tact not participate in the business,Douse most • Complete the Spousal Affidavit of Non Participation Insert(must be notarized).The non- participating spouse completes the top half;the manager completes the bottom half.lie sure to complete both halves of this form. • Need not answer question k I of the application Spouse who NM participate in the business,the sponse must' • Sign the application • Fingerprints aro required.See form 147 for further information,read form carefully to avoid delays in processing,this form MUST be included with your application. • Provide a copy of one of the following:birth certificate,naturalization papers or current US passport (even if you have provided this before) • Be a registered voter in the state of Nebraska,include a copy of voter card with application • Spousal Affidavit of Non Participation Insert not required 111111111111 2200812876 00 Nom 103 en&er ma Tie l at, 881 ' Page MANAGER APPLICATION OakeUm RECEIVED INSERT-FORM 3c NEBRASKA LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION NOV 0 9 2.022 301 CENTENNIAL MALL SOUTH PO BOX 95046 NEBRASKA LIQUOR UNCOLN,NE.65509.504b PHONE:(402)471.2571 CONTROL COMMISSION PAX:(402)471.2514 Website www.kc.oebraska.ttov MUST BE: ✓ include copy of US birth certificate.naturalization paper or current US passport. ✓ Nebraska resident. Include copy of voter registration card or print ettLdoeumertt from Secretary of State website I Fingerprinted. Sec form 147 for further information,read form carefully to avoid delays in processing,this form MUST be included with your application ✓ 21 years of age or older Corporation/LLC information �/ //t! /qt Name of Corporation/LLC: Send-herr? /fills LettAftI L'ICLb, Inc Premise information 4 Liquor License Number: I— IrA7 7 3 Class Type I. arsew rvaa,.tIsm b t Premise Trade Naatme/DBA: SSot6.'t/id/el N7'//S c/o/f Lours Premise Street Address: 3065 $o. Skid oca/tem kIs Qr,Vt_ City: NtASh H y s County Ada-177S Zip Cude: 68901 Premise Phone Number. A/oa-/6 3j-8006 Premise Email address: SOLA-t?ervl///)i I I S 9 C (n .gYVI Q t I• Co YY7 The Individual whose name In listed as a corporate officer or managing member as reported on Insert form 3a or 3b or listed with the Commission.To see authorized officers or members search your license information hem.(/f -. r / ;,G /�/211:21644,1SIGN REQUIR/I BY CORPORATE OFFICER/MANAGING MEMBER (Faxed signatures arc acceptable) F.,.103 RC.rwyants Pyr r era Manager's in emotion must be completed below PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY cY" Last Name: WQ,IIQCe. ,y° 7' 1 First Name: rt td MI: M HomeAddress: 706 len wood Rven(.ce- City: Nasi,n9 s County /4d t1'1 S Zip Code: t t&/6 l•S3 I I Home Phone Number: 7'6a-(, 57-7650 Driver's License Number&State: Ne-br4Ska. / Social Security Number Date OfBirth:_ Place Of Birth: WeSI POtnt, NE Email address: W4-1/a€tprn @ ho/hHAlf.ea en Are you married?If yes,complete spouse's information(Even if a spousal affidavit has been submitted) ®YES 0N Spouse's information Spouses Last Name: Wa-Ilaei°- First Name: V'efferV M1:T Social Security Number 1' Driver's License Number&State: /V/erb ca Ska. Date OfIiirth: Place Of Birth: C7lench-IC, 6/I APPLICANT&SPOUSE MUST LIST RESIDENCE(S)SFORUTHE PAST TEN(10)YEARS APPLICANT CITY&STATE YEAR YEAR CITY&STATE YEAR YEAR FROM TO FROM _TO Nash -9s, NE rho// eod,7 a #In•6 NE fid/l _____ ME Pam 103 Pm rb 2010 hoe 30(4 882 i Page MANAGER'S LAST TWO EMPLOYERS YEARNAME OF EMPLOYER NAME OF SUPERVISOR TELEPHONE FROM TO NUMBER 1997 aotO r , lids nc 5e.1{ 1,1o2-657.765-6 11; Ira Mutual of Omaha J tkic- 6mb5 866-670-5687 I.READ CAREFULLY.ANSWER COMPLETELY AND ACCURATELY. Must be completed by both applicant and spouse,unless spouse has tiled an affidavit of non- participation. Has anyone who is a party to this application,or their spouse,gag been convicted of or plead guilty to any dam. ONUS means goy charge a5ggine a felony,misdemeanor,violation ors federal or state law;a violation of a local law, ordinance or resolution.List the nature of the charge,where the charge sectored and the year and month of the conviction or plea,include traffic violations.Also list any charges pending at the time of this application.If more than one party, please list charges by each individual's name.Commission must be notified of any arrests and/or convictions that may occur after the date of signing this application. ® YES 0 NO If yes,please explain below or attach a separate page. Date of Where Description -. Name of Appiicani Conviction Convicted of Disposition (mm/yyyy) (City&State) Charge _Pi r 't ►/ < a0 Tx Speedol tcte,t h(tt((ac� Rios 1 d.zy fzket_ 2. Have you or your spouse ever been approved or made application for a liquor license in Nebraska or any other state? DYES NO IF YES,list the name of the premise(s): 3. Do you,as a manager,qualify under Nebraska Liquor Control Act 053-131.01)and do you intend to supervise,in person,the management of the business? ®YES DNO Faro 10.1 R..842oer 0.aes oft 4. List the alcohol related training and/or experience(when and where)of the person making application. *MCC Training Certificate Issued: Re'61 % S Name on Certificate: Pal rt[r M W12_1 ia-t Applicant Name Date Name of program(attach copy of course completion ( yyyy) certificate) ''. r1 R.B5T -_-_ 'Fur list of NLCC Certified Training Programs see adding Experience: Applicant Name/Job Title Date of � Name&Location of Business: Fatlployment: Pairice H Wa►lace_ 7/aoaa Sorcfht•a-n 1-1,11 s 60)f Course Operalmn9 Board _ 1' ___,30 +ss_5o tiern fills by ofF1'eer. Presets} /-last,n- . E • .'6e1 5. Have you enclosed form 147 regarding fingerprints? 1:1 YES ONO Fano 103 Rua maty 2010 ryes ofa 883 ' Page PERSONAL OATH AND CONSENT OF INVESTIGATION The above individual(s),being first duly sworn upon oath,deposes and states that the undersigned is the applicant and/or spouse of applicant who makes the above and foregoing application that said application has been read and that the contents thereof and all statements contained therein are true. If any false statement is made in any part of this application,the applicant(s)shall be deemed guilty of perjury and subject to penalties provided by law.(See h53-131.011 Nebraska Liquor Control Aet. The undersigned applicant hereby consents to an investigation of his/her background including alt records of every kind and description including police records,tax records(State and Federal),and bank or lending institution records,and said applicant and spouse waive any rights or causes of action that said applicant or spouse may have against the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission and any other individual disclosing or releasing said information to the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission. If spouse has NO interest directly or indirectly,a spousal affidavit of non-participation may he attached. The undersigned understand and acknowledge that any license issued,based on the information submitted in this application,is subject to cancellation if the information contained herein is incomplete,inaccurate,or fraudulent. Applicant Notification and Record Challenge: Your fingerprints will be used to check the criminal history records of the FBI. You have the opportunity to complete or challenge the accuracy of the information contained in FBI identification record. The procedures for obtaining a change,correction,or updating an FBI/ anion record are set forth in Title 28,CFR,16.34.` / /� Q� /jC/d , ._\.(4(-1:- J T wt Act Signature of lliao ger Applicant . nature of=Spouse ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of Nebraska Q�^M County of_ ft, The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this mer 19 aoaaby e 1A�1�a� ! ya NAME PERSON BEING ACKNOWLEDGED id ` i..1 . . Man seal { Now Public signature ,�jj{QQ SEM-MAm-Dats iw W __- (enjr�a Opkaa E...mom In compliance with the ADA,this application is available in other formats for persons with disabilities. A ten day advance period is required in writing to produce the alternate format. Fern mol Rev July 2018 flue iii PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT! SUBMISSION OF FINGERPRINTS! RECEIVED PAYMENT OF FEES TO NSP-CID NEBRASKA LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION NOV 0 8 2022 301 CENTENNIAL MALL SOUTH NEBRASKA LIQUOR LINCOLN,,NNE 68509-5046 LBOX CONTROL COMMISSION E PHONE:(402)471-2571 FAX:(402)471-2814 Website:www.lec.nebraska.gov THIS FORM IS REQUIRED TO BE SIGNED BY EACH PERSON BEING FINGERPRINTED: DIRECTIONS FOR SUBMITTING FINGERPRINTS AND FEE PAYMENTS: • ,FAILURE TO FILE FINGERPRINT CARDS AND PAY THE REQUIRED FEE TO THE NEBRASKA STATE PATROL WILL DELAY THE ISSUANCE OF YOUR LIQUOR LICENSE • Fee payment of$45.25 per person MUST be trade pIRECTLY to the Nebraska State Patrol; It is recommended to make payment through the NSF PayPort online system at www,ne,l os^eohlsn Or a check made payable to jiff can be mailed directly to the following address: ***Please Indicate on your payment who the payment Is for(the name of the person being fingerprinted)and the payment Is for a IAaaor License*** The Nebraska State Patrol—CID Division 4600 Innovation Drive Lincoln,NE 68521 • Fingerprints taken at NSP LIVESCAN locations will be forwarded to NSP—CID Appllcant(s)will not have cards to include with license application. • Fingerprints taken at local law enforcement offices may be released to the applicants; Fingerprint cards should be sebmined with the application. Applicant Notification and Record Challenge: Your fingerprints will be used to check the criminal history records of the FBI. You have the opportunity to complete or challenge the accuracy of the information contained In the FBI identification record. The procedures for obtaining a change,correction,or updating a FBI identification record are set forth in Title 28,CFR,16.34. ****Please Submit this form with your completed a .lication to the Liquor Control Commission'•'• Trade Name SOwilier rl 1471 • r It(. Name of Person in Fin erprinted: Pu-fir n*c.e WtLI10 e- Date of Birth: Last 4 SSN: Date fingerprints were taken: to/JB/•JA Location where fingerprints were taken: Aoi2mS La.Jet:i How was payment made to NSP? lIiiNSP PAYPORT OCASH OCHECK SENT TO NSP CK II My fingerprints arc already on file with the commission—fingerprints completed for a previous applies ess than 2 years ago?YES 0 L(/ate SIGNATURE REQUIRED OF PERSON BEING FINGERPRINTED FORM 147 REV JUNE 2021 884IPage Ramona R.Thomas PRSRT f�iST CLASS 402-461-7107 Adams County Clerk US POSTAGEPCO 500 W 4TH ST STE 109 Hastings,NE 68901 1 0WEST COMM* • i .�1 I i I''! IC �". _ NB�IICEREUESTED r , 7s --,..1-iii ..;;,.;!.., ,..,.. . ..s Acknowledgment&Verification of Registration 06IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON BACK ATTENTION:your polling place may have changed due to redistricting after the 2020 Census. J DETACH AT PERFORATION AND KEEP ENTIRE BOTTOM PORTION 41F1:--1''4!;'<44; ':{' a �l,,k,?t,( t5.s:5.�, a k7- �•.i St e..W •".•.: , tr.,. t 't s�' ,...-- Iv * ♦c d� ti+ w >'StG 7 L � �^�� � 5v * k'+. L i�l�t, P` •i�/a..`SN'3 $� G.� � 'J:{��N7%tifK'�L fit{ a .' NNf�+ s'(,j'�(� kh ,�,,1 �4 i .„,,,�'lwi i•':. :.. ��„,.. \© {IJ j. �t Ty A ©;!. , K3b-M.44-7 .`„4. 2 W .! ; sz. `+lt'tu ; tssr:3' 4 ,}A y,.ik;:ii-i-FA-f, ,1c za 4Ve . •`*.^.4 _ '�'e...wJ1..r..r.�r•c 'V:ax��wu .` `_'�...a ...ez__ �F 1'i R.t - POLLING PLACE: Fiiiiblitiiiiiiittiliiittitisia i' `ii 2566884 Patrice M Wallace Hastings ay Council Watd 2 706 Glenwood Ave •cixsxy oner District 4 He tI.nas Public stems Hastings, NE 68901 BSP i 6esoi stilt}tititilthlIEtpuiillviIliiithaliploftlittiluttitippfhHH SPOUSAL AFFIDAVIT OF olrmeUse RECEIVEDNON PARTICIPATION INSERT KA LIQUOR CONTROL COM 301 CENFRRNTENNIAL MALL SOUTH MISSION NOV 082022 PO BOX 95046 LINCOLN,N -sa 1a96 NEBRASKA LIQUOR PHOPHONE:(102))47471.2571 PAX:(402)171,2011 CONTROL COMMISSION website www.lw.nebwks.ew N I acknowledge that I am the spouse of a liquor license holder. My signature below confirms that I will not have any interest,directly or indirectly in the operation of the business(053-125(13))of the Liquor Control Act. I will not tend bar,make sales,serve patrons,stock shelves,write checks,sign invoices,represent myself as the owner or in any way participate in the day to day operations of this business in any capacity. The penalty guideline for violation of this affidavit is cancellation of the liquor license. I acknowledge that 1 am the applicant of the non-participating spouse of the individual signing below. I understand that my spouse and I are responsible for compliance with the conditions set out above. If,it is determined that my spouse has violated(053-125(13))the commission may cancel or revoke the liquor license. al -.A 0 O, �Q�� J ignatu t f NON-PARTICIPATING SPOUSE ignature o PLICANT .JeFf Wa-I(a.ce Pairr'ce Wa fiLC — Print Name /7 n damPrint Name y State of Nebraska,County of s State of Nebraska,County of Ad 12-mS The foregoing� tinstrument wasacknowledgedbefore me The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this t/elullcf ICI 20 r,( (date) this r, �JO , t berl9, Riliza (date) by -e.:sS Wallace- by 1 U7l iCe. (A14Ira(,P. Name of person acknowledged Name of person acknowledged (Individual signing document) (Individual signing document) . ,.4.taryPubiSignature a Public Si:..attire T , i „, , dil Io campamcewith the ADA.orb maul affidavit etas participation It mailable in other forma for pawls with&abl0ties. A ten day wawa period it reacted is wtilhtg to pmAxe 0.aaernre tommt. FORM 116 REV NOV 2016 Page iI 885 ' Page Motion by Neumann, seconded by Curtis to approve a recommendation to the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission for the issuance of a class I liquor license to Southern Hills Country Club. Roll Call,Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann Nays: None Absent: Patterson Commissioner Stromer presented the board with an application for payment to Beckenhauer Construction for costs related to the future Adams County Jail.The application has been reviewed by Prochaska and Associates, Prochaska is recommending approval of the payment. Motion by Stromer,seconded by Curtis to approve payment to Beckenhauer Construction in the amount of$2,145,778.94 as recommended by Prochaska. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann Nays: None Absent: Patterson TRANSMITTAL Planning • Architecture • Engineering • Interiors • Facility Management TO: Ramona Thomas PROJECT: Adams County Justice County Clark Center! Adams County Courthouse 500 W.a^St,Suite 109 Hastings,NE 68901-7657 FROM: MN99am R.Huey al PROJECT NO.: 201711 DATE November 10,2022 SUBJECT`. Pay Application No.06tj F For Approval u For Your Information ■ For Your Review ❑ No Exceptions Taken n For Distribution r For Review and Comment ❑ Approval for Payment n Shop Drawings Reviewed ■ Return_1_Signed Copy(s) • For Your Fin ❑ Deposit Check Returned ❑ Return of Plena Ma.Thomas, Attached,you wit And one original Owner's copy and one Construction Manager's copy of Beckenhauer Construction,Inc's.,Application for Payment No.OCR.This request has been reviewed and signed.Prochaska&Associates recommends payment in the amount of I $2,145,778.91. After the Board of Supervisors'Mel review,please distribute the Construction Manager's copy to Beckenhauer Construction,Inc.,with payment,and keep the Owner's copy for your Nes. Sincerely, Prochaska&Associates PROCHASKA&ASSOCIATES 11317 Chicago Circle•Omaha,Nebraska 88154-2833 Telephone:(402)3340755 FAX:(402)334-0898 E-Met:rcyi@pror leMe1:ua 1 APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATION FOR PAYMENT REVISED 11/04/2022 own 1 a• to DWMac Ain Casty ADM of CornMeanirs ,eOiCT. emi0%rty Wen Cater Drina an earn MOW.or e""+tn* ArMun(.NO, oro X000e5 terve .Sea SY/109 tnl W.M Ale Mate,ek6aD1 mea X69901 ,rem TO: run, —AWIMS1 BCONnUCTOA MNIDMmucoa, 4.444444caws..a.. enact nets 190t ban.SA IA.e..Nr.enol (pMTxrcrDAM Waal Control ra: CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT 'r"•ta+>nol Tae.aa n.e1.Oleic we..awc.e.mh haa+.,w.d.malkm.e... %A corral M..ApAe11a a.rent w ere wage',b...Name.0 w area o Doers ........Is Ar•..a rat oes,.armaMro..sem. tat MI woolsho ern adW,.0ws.*aWara en ata,s raga.a Pb..t No. me..o^sr.se.w. msec memo MOAm.orn eaOwn,n,weay..PW.a..darn...^•ro.Ja 1.MAHAL(CMMCT SN 412,116!0500 1 M.COV.W one•Ore.. *00 CO W pit 3.COMT.ACT SUM TO LAW(the 1.2) 02.119,..1. W w.Toru MOWED SSTaroro 11/4/2022 OAT!(Cann GnG703) 91.•016,736.•6 a; , ,,.IK1 O.A.1.CTAOeGB '--'_ Y A 0.11%a(CS. Wal.rate Marg 49.1.92610 assn IE Malys ,,rr--�����16�1kCo�n�� ((AtmpaFaIn(b)O31 Stento.p...to lob.,...a�.,oJ[n&acba/a7c 6 t w•WO Nit nS9fTAaMr2 <u.•1..Ur*sTeT.o m,lmAso36 we.y^� C.C.(k...r�A� 7.us Mavtpuc®nlgnAnS rat ]"tlaa7•a aYlRYra wnER(Um 6 kora ra.anb) 410$JaWLAl .MC....daa..a 044.6• ra,rt: tlffiftE t:�IpQA ..QSAawr PAYMENT 0(0 7�Q6 fr smarm ugh M Colt=Daa.r..4 011101a1 ons.charmer.d M m a•w.•.w A LA1.1TO try 041.01X4 KTAIDAGE .9wmW.e.w+.ewrmww+r9.ee w ata*e1, rbe.40N..noun+^*.. Ma l WI lie,Tway .UyS,1M94• NOW s..a, oo OOe.,e. 000 w Vaal a w was V bemea•..w(maa Doa.es..d w ants.le waled o..m..a w MOAT(13 IMI yrs 2,145378.94 /.®NapY'ah,/.mvlagl4/al nemasAtana.el IW.It...... 1'.d Dma OaDea A....11 15936016 CILUCROadusts. ,etVitnds.N10¢sbsael It.alaadat.4d) Tom chew.•.aa.a M a.do*Maes h o4. 40. 1.90 8 Taal Atm.w Mas luau OA _/.•. ....1 1. 11/10/22 __ TOM 1005 . TOWY NIT o•.5 a/Om G- 10. TNC..IWuwleaabl.The • •- .••sp.ble a*.02..0..o aMNib ave nma mesa.w 0.Casa. 886 I Page APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATION FOR PAYMENT,ordaining Conoecices signed cartlfloalion k attached. INVOICE NO: 000091 APPLICATION NO: 0006 APPLICATION DATE: 10725/2022 PERIOD TO: 10/0/2022 ARCHITECTS S PROSECT NO: 21-215 REM DESCRIPTION OF WORK ORIGINAL CHANGE ORDERS REVISED WORK COMPLETED STORED TOTAL %Comp BALANCE TO RETAINAG SCHEDULED SCHEDULED VALUE FROM THIS PERIOD MAMMALS COMPLETED AND FINISH E HELD VALUE PREVIOUS STORED TO APPLICATION DATE 00 0000 PmmMlludlOO Service, 530,024.91. 5000 $30824.91 930,024.91 50.00 00.00 530,024.91 100.0% 50.00 63.00249 01 0000 Genet Conditions $1.140,00500 $0.00 51,140,000.00 5300.000.00 $80,000.00 50.00 9360,000.00 31.8% 5780,00000 $36.000.00 011000 Safety Requirements $154,282.42 $0.00 $154,28242 $43,19008 59258.94 $0.00 052,45602 34.0% 9101,82840 $5,245.62 012100 90080.508. 596122823 $0.00 5851,22523 $64,005.58 534,82384 $0.00 59892940 11.8% $751,39683 59,552.97 01 3000 Muffin M00$0S glowance $9,800.00 $0.00 59.800.00 50.00 50.110 80.00 50.00 0.0% 50900.00 50.00 014516 SIM Coordination 578993.00 60.00 67858300 521,407.24 5000 50.00 521,40724 28.0% 456175.78 52,140.73 01 8200 Con4800ean F6489ee 892,541.38 $0.00 592541.38 548,44881 53.442.30 60.00 549.801.11 53E1% $42,650.27 84,989.11 017100 Cormtruction Survey 8 0006e001 $57.600.00 50.00 557,500.00 $54,825.00 5000 5000 554.82500 95.0% 62,875.00 85.402.60 03 2100 Stag Relnfa059 9184,835.00 50.00 $184,636.00 6184.635.00 0000 $0.00 5184,835.00 100,016 50.00 60.00 033000 CIP Concrete 0804146, 91.180,32200 50.00 51,180,32200 $304,90325 554,108.00 10.00 $36800025 31.3% 581131275 130,90093 03 4100 Precast Hollow Core 6810,000.00 50.00 1310.000.00 0810.00000 10.00 60.00 5810,000.00 1000% 50.00 $000 034500 0m458491 Poem Commits 01,639.513.00 00.00 $1,83891300 $1,835,384.00 $3.480.00 00.00 01.638.884.00 999% 51.04900 3800 036000 Grouting $83,500.00 50.00 583,500,00 $75.15000 9100 50.00 575,150.00 900% 56.950.00 97.61500 040100 Memory RrmratIon and Reps/ 620.782.00 50.00 $20.782.00 30.00 9.00 5600 903 0.0% 528.76200 50.00 042000 Unk 648696y 62.908,49221 50.00 52.608,49221 5388,324.70 605480.00 50.00 0791,784.70 282% $2.018707.51 679,17847 051000 55u45891 SMI Fremeng[Mate1000 8400.700.00 00.00 5400.700.00 $383.854.00 53,598.00 50.00 3387,450.00 98.7% 01325000 50.00 001200 0060*00Steel FRONS 5280e01) $589,185.00 $0.00 6880.185.00 $813,975.00 9.00 30.00 913,875.00 00.1% $75.31000 $81387.50 06 0000 Canal Trades and Mltlaarleous $207.97447 9.00 5207.974.47 5000 $0.00 50.00 50.00 0.0% 6207,974.47 $0.00 082000 F1n1101Capenn/01104011060n] 357,000.03 80.00 957.000.03 50.00 50.00 9.00 9.00 0.0% 057,00003 5000 00 410D 017drke001el Woad Casework Material] 542,637.00 60 0 $42.69700 9.30 5000 50.03 $0.00 0.0% 642.83700 900 075000 Membrane Roofing 9738.281.00 00.00 $738,281.00 0634,28980 528,105.00 00.00 5582.394.W 782% 5175987.00 $58239.40 07 9000 5511400 Joint Pro084800 0142.89100 50.00 5142,850.00 900 50.00 60.00 80.00 0.0% 514285000 50.50 001000 Personnel 096r8,Roan and Hardware 5179497.00 9.00 6179.497.00 ' 08960.02 9,10000 9.00 518.85000 9.3% 0162.847.00 $0.50 IMelSWL 08 3400 Overhead Doors 65E10200 00.00 555,102.00 90.00 50.00 9.50 00.00 0.0% 555.102.00 30.00 06 4000 008 ms,8080*991$8 and CurtamvNa $788.089.87 50.00 $780.009.67 0800 9.00 50.00 9.00 00% 5786.05087 9.03 09 2000 Mels Framing and Gypsum Boal 5505,248.14 9.00 $605.246.14 9.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 0.0% 5505246.14 9.00 095000 Caws 5191,430.00 9.00 5191,430.W $0.00 50.00 900 50.00 0.0% $190,430.50 00.00 096000 1500800 367,50080 900 687.500.00 027,70530 618,900.0 900 644,83500 88.1% 622.805.00 $4.483.9 096700 Fluid Applin FlOO 0 5143820.0 50.00 5143,520.00 9.50 800 3000 5000 0.0% 5143,520.00 9.00 09 900 P9111805 end C000n50 $246,873.0 50.00 5245,873.30 50.00 10.00 9.50 9.00 0.0% $246.873.00 5000 101000 Information 8Wd6l58s[K810n' 587,972.99 3000 $87.97299 50.00 900 9.30 50.00 0.0% 567.972.99 00.00 10 2000 Interkr 00a591/es U1168115l 418,74202 $0.00 $18,74202 $0.00 5000 50.00 $0.00 0.0% $16,74202 $0.00 111300 Lowing Dome Equipment 523830.00 900 523.03000 9.00 9.00 9.50 50.00 0.0% 623,030.00 $0.00 111900 Detention Equipment 95,251.663.00 50.00 9,251.053.00 51,85849.50 8402.028.02 $0.00 $2.341,483.82 44.8% 02,910,189.38 5234.14838 114000 Foodrrvia Equ3018fla4000e108 5311.061.00 50.00 911,061.0 5000 50.00 900 50.00 0.0% 911,001.00 00.00 123000 Maadacand C48ew01501680e1191 694.827.00 50.00 884,627.00 32280.0 900 50.130 32.200.00 2.7% 582.377.00 9.30 123550 C0o1150800 0181,89.88 9.00 5161,820.88 9.00 0000 $000 50.00 0.0% 0181.820.88 50.00 133400 18916000000e 051761$Allowance 5400.00400 50-00 9400,00000 00.00 9.00 50.00 00.00 0.0% 5400.030.00 00.00 21 1000 Wa/4mM M Sup/resew Sytena $208,238.09 $0.00 8208,238.00 67.90.00 513,500.02 $000 614,400.00 6.9% 3103.838.00 11.44000 APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATION FOR PAYRt91T,00008910 08/0100018$030010000ROcn Is 00180108. 240000 NO: 000091 APPLICATION 90: 0006 APPLICATION DATE: 10/28/2022 PERIOD TO: 10/27/2022 ARCHITECTS PROTECT NO: 21.205 ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK ORIGINAL CHANGE ORDERS REVISED WORK COMPLETED STORED TOTAL %Comp BALANCE TO RETAINAG SCHEDULED SCHEDULED VALUE FROM THS PEWOO MATERIALS COMPLETED AND FINISH 5 HELD VALUE - PREVIOUS STORED TO APPLICATION DATE 220000 P090050 02919.05330 9.50 52019,05390 1075.724.02 3786.91.07 900 61.741,615.09 59.7% 51.177.437.81 0174.181.52 230000 Hewing,Ve189800 ane Ar Conditioning 11.730.575.0 50.00 51.730.575.00 5338,525.00 92,00000 50.00 3300.525.00 22.8% 51340,050.00 838,05250 260000 E1e551591 $2,490,020.00 50.00 5249,020.00 51556337E0 591,410M 9.00 91,847.747.00 682% 5642273.30 5164.774.70 311000 Site Clearing ser E5094015 9778378.00 EOM 5778.378.00 5509,408.W $0.0 9.00 5569.409.0 792% 5208970.02 $50.94080 321700 PaysraRSpedWes 830,340,09 9.00 330,340.00 50.03 9.00 50.00 9.50 0.0% 530340.00 9.00 32 3100 Fakes and Gabes $37.920.0 $0.00 97.920.0 00.00 50.00 50.00 9.00 0.0% 537.920.W 9.50 32 3909 Manufactured She 3p64e10e0 52831.78 9.00 32931.78 52631.78 9.00 900 52,831.78 1000% 9.00 5000 410000 MASK Permit Fee 155928.37 900 59,528.37 555526.37 50.00 10.00 056.49497 100.0% 00.00 9.50 420000 80086 5212005.74 50.00 5212.005.74 0212905.74 $0.00 $0.00 0212.006.74 100.0% $0 0 $0.00 430000 tnaaanor $477,932.72 50.00 5477932.72 0477.632.72 9.00 900 8477.63272 100.0% $0.00 $0.00 440000 0008.M$mk Techndggy $35577.00 30.00 95577.00 335.577.00 9.00 9.00 535,577.00 100.0% 50.00 $000 40 0000 Esaterbn Contingencies 5288428.89 350.498.9 9248,928.11 50.00 9.00 9100 $0.00 0.0% $248928.11 $000 46 0000 651180's Fee 9659.82425 50.00 5083,82425 0282432.49 948,9728 9.00 $300.239.77 40.5% 5354.584.48 $0.00 47 0000 Design C000nga y 91.818950.00 3394,18444 91,222,785.58 50.00 00.00 9.00 50.00 09% 51222,79.9 990 460000 000504000 Conengamry 9984,298.12 3282205.47 0702900.9 9.00 5000 50.00 50.00 0.0% $702050.85 $0.00 49 0001 CR1001 COO808b Bond Cut $0.00 0.49.18 50.49.18 00.00 9,485.18 00.00 0465 18 100.0% 50-00 9.00 490002 CRO 002C06400Fuel Sundmage 9.50 536.340.00 538.340.00 59.340.00 $0.00 50.50 838,340.50 1013.0% 5003 0000 490003 C00000 Heartland Jule RMC Fuel Cook 00.00 91,225.81 $1225.81 51,225.61 9.00 9.03 51225.81 1000% 50.0 9.00 49 0004 CR/004 HalOwOOre Roof Penetrations 900 558.135.79 055.135.79 9.00 558.135.79 $000 558.135.79 100.0% 9.00 9.00 400008 CRS 005EPCO C9061P11004 900 9.351.13 9.91.13 9.00 900 50.00 9.00 a0% 38,351.13 $0.00 49 0008 CRe 006 H50tm0 Jay RMC Fuel Costa $0.00 $1,812.97 31,932.97 51.53287 9.00 50.00 51.93287 100.0% $.0 50.00 490007 CRS 0074G Eos Costa 000 9,151.78 9.15E78 9.00 9,19.78 9.50 58,153.78 1000% 50.00 0000 49000$ CR6 008(AS102)Mlm Chaos 9.50 354,89.75 354.860.75 50.02 5000 90.00 9.00 0.0% 584.800.75 9.50 49 0009 CRO 009 1/ISI 03)Med Rm 211,Borg Out 50.00 511.028.88 011.028.88 $0.00 $11988.88 9.00 01192888 100.0% 50.00 $.50 030 490012 CR0010(RR 01)Dom 331.18ChO0e 900 4921.00 4921.00 9.00 9.00 50.00 9.50 0.0% 4921.00 900 49 0011 CRw 011(PR 02)Kitchen Changes(Norm- WOO 354934.91 654934.91 9.00 50.00 50.00 9.00 0.0% 354,634.91 9.00 Edld9en0 49 0012 CRs 012(PR 03)Sealy Chimps 9.00 818.94087 818.940.87 50.00 50.00 9.50 9.00 09% 518.940.87 WM 480013 CRs 013(PR 04)HM Door Window Changes $0.00 53.84887 9.848.97 M50 $.3 00.30 50.00 0,0% 9,84897 50.00 49 0014 CRI 014 p90123)GMM P585,0 049030 50.00 $1,95.83 01.855.83 50.00 61.855.83 50.00 51,95.63 1008% 900 9.00 490016 CRC 015(PR 02)IO 0e50Mime 50.00 0100.98323 9100.993.23' 50.00 5000 9.50 00.00 0.0% 6103.01323 50.00 (Eaulonem Onto) 480016 CRI Ole(PR 05)Reduce Cell Phare Amy 00.00 417285.50 -517285.00 9.50 9.50 93.00 9.50 0.0% 4172900 5000 49 0017 CRS 017 Comte lndus/les Add Bond Coat 5000 $1,93205 51,9329 9.00 01,93295 9.00 5193205 1000% 9.50 9080 40 0016 CR/019R IASL 01)Mime Changes $0.00 552782.87 $5278287 90.00 00.00 9.50 50.00 0.0% 352,78287 00.W 49 0019 CRO 019(PR 08)RTU Fr C9606 900 34.92.84 9498284 $0.00 9.00 50.00 3000 0.0% 34.882.84 9.00 400020 CRO 020(A31 05)DekRbn He101w618 50.00 51.934.58 51.934.58 50.00 50.00 50.00 5000 0.0% 01934.58 50.00 Chanties 490021 CR6021 Hardware Change DOM 001A 8 9.00 0805.38 5805.39 50.00 50.00 9.00 9.03 09% 99.38 50.00 0018 887 ' Page APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATION FOR PAYMENT,containing Conbactoi's sgned ceof osa,is adadled. INVOICE NO: 000091 APPLICATION NO: 0006 APPUCATION DATE 10/28/2022 PERIOD 70: 10/27/2022 ARO-MELTS PRO)EC[1401 21-215 ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK ORIGINAL CHANGE ORDERS REVISED WORK COMPLETED STORED TOTAL %Comp BALANCE TO RETAINAG SCHEDULED SCHEDULED VALUE FROM This PERIOD MATERIALS COMPLETED AND FINISH E HELD VALUE PREVIOUS STORED TO APPUCATON DATE 49 0022 CRS 022 Carroll Supply-Replacement Reber $0.00 $2.322.17 $2,322.17 50.00 $2,322.17 $0.00 $2.322.17 100.0% 50.00 $0.00 49 0023 CRs 023 Ages Extra Mp0®ra6an $0.00 $3.715.47 53.715.47 $0.00 $0.00 5000 $0.00 0.0% $3,715.47 50.00 49 0024 CRR 024 Kelm OT to Maintain Schedule $0.00 $7.78228 07,78228 $0.00 67.78228 SO 00 $7,782.25 100.0% $0.00 $0.00 4S 002$ CRS 025 Midlands Security Shower Pans 50.00 $188,437.68 $188.437.666 $0.00 $188,437.88 $0.00 $188.437.66 100.0% 80.00 $0.00 49 0026 CRS 026(PR 07R)Slta Peeing Changes $0.00 $105,021.73 8108.021.73 $0.00 50.00 30.00 $0.00 0.0% $108,021.73 $0.00 Totals: $32,339,000.00 $0.00 $32,339,500.00 $11,719,716.53$2,367,016.63 $0.00 $14.086,736.48 43.8% $18,252,263.64 5952,926.10 APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATION FOR PAYMENT REVISED 11/04/2022 Page:1 oto TO OWNER: Mama Cony Eked ofCam0Msbnas PROJECT: Adorns Cony lus0Q Casa 10/0101 N0: 005091 Dsb'b5lon m: PSI Lov0on APPLICATION NO: 0006 OWNER 500 West 4th Sege[State 0109 1335 West M Street Nesgngs,NE,68901 Hasangs,NE,68901 PERIOD TO: 10/28/2022 _ARCHITECT X °"ACMR 18004 Bakerhauer Cnreblyd7Pt711G PROTECT: 21-215 _ 1901 Rhasde Bbd Norfolk,NE,65701 - CONTRACT DATE: 3/1/2021 Camau For: CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT TIe""a`p ed Conbactor certifies therm the trent or the Contractor's knowledge,000001 n and Lear de Work covered by this AppEradon for Parrot bee beat completed In somdance Mit the Contract Documents, AOMor0+5made err mown,es Mown meow,in oxaamnwon me Goma gote8 amounts have been p14 by de Curbed.for Work for Malo previous Certificates for PMrna9 wee Caeaalw,sea eetadea Issued and payments melted horn rte Owner,604 dot current LaVment shown herein s now Aa 1.ORIGINAL CONTRACT SLIM $32,139,000.00 2.Net OWlge by Osage Piles $0.00 3.CONTRACT SUM TO DATE(LM 1+2) $32.339,000.00 Oeeosimae or 4.TOTAL COMPLETED et STORED TO I� 11/4/2022 DATE(Warm G m 6703) $14,086,736.46 I D�Al 1.UTA.U,to.k l�Dec 5.RETAINAGE: e2rX0 SeOaNE46a._ a.6.97%of Completed Wake Stored Material $982,926.10 Slats A: 50 Canty oft Malmo ([damn D+E+Fm 6703) o 6.TOTAL EARNEDLre R+5+F on srOtW[a0 ser NwrnmbUae meths _mYof - , icqo (Lir 4 let Una 5 Toto 5113,101.81036 Ibtan•Pddt t _-�� c-1.1.34- _ 7.LESS PREVIOUS COOTIFIC.ATES FOR ted commission ex its^_Lam �d�to ' IQ'J$TRE S R PAYMENT0. EN One 6 from Par Catrflm0e) $10,958,03142 tom() r / 8.O1WtENf PAYMENT WE $Z145.77&94 A[atMoLERA 011619Oct.IL f. In accordance With the Contract Moments,based on on-Ste gbses90ors and dr data comprising the 9.BALANCE TO FINISH,INCLUDING RETA1NAGE application,the Ardabt0 certifies to the Owner Mat in the Lest of the Ant/mods lmowfete,We/orlon and (Une 3 Les Lime 6 TOW) $19,235,189.64 belief the Work hes 9050000 os Imitated,the quality dile Wok Is in accordance with the Contract Dousne4s,and Ute Contractor is entitled to payrne8 of the AMOUNT t1R IIFIti. A740100TCERT1FIED___..._......_.$ 2,145,778.94 (00606 eylenettn Mxorra mtiledcarps frm the Down fowled PitoM009v0410.340$4990b9and OAHU ORDER SUMMARY ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS on the Rsros,Nn sheet tet ere Maw,Iomnnm a00 the aireort whited) Total dOngef approved In previous moths by Owner $0.00 $0.00asks& •4,:Cf- '- .........-- Total Approved met Mono 10.00 $0.00 ��✓ �/ � .........-- Total , .,, 11/10/22 TOTAL 00.00 $0.09 . NET CHANCE by Change Order $0.00 Iles COrtldate is not negotiable. The AMOUNT•RTIHED is payable only to the Pe9dba to my NM.1(the Owner a Contractor Lads the Comxt. • 888 I Page APPLICATION AND CER70FICATI@l FOR PAYMENT,containing mrmaar'$signed melon Is Misdeal. INVOICE NO: 000091 APPLICATION NO: 0006 APPLICATION DATE 10/78/2022 PERIOD TO: 10/27/2022 ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: 21-215 ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK ORIGINAL CHANGE ORDERS REVISED WORK COMPLETED STORED TOTAL %Con.p BALANCE TO RETAINAG SCHEDULED SCHEDULED VALUE FROM THIS PERIOD MATERIALS COMPLETED AND FINISH E HELD VALUE PREVIOUS STORED TO APPLICATION DATE 00 0000 97e557590980&oboes 530324.81 $0.00 $30,024.91 $30,024.91 6080 30.00 330024.91 100.0% $0.00 53402.49 010000 General Co:Melons 61,140,00030 5030 01140,000.00 5300,000.00 330300.00 $0.00 5380,000.00 31.8% 0780,000.00 530.000.00 011000 Sahly Requirements 5164,282.42 3030 $15428242 543,109.06 902564 $0.00 052045882 34.0% $101,28.40 $524862 01 2100 AOowanaes $661,22923 $30 $061,32623 ' $64,005.56 03462384 90.00 598,829,40 118% 0752,395.83 04832.97 013000 Wain MOnder AOowence 90.600.00- $030 59.800.00 30.00 3030 $0.00 50.00 0.0% 59.60030 $030 014616 BIM C,00nanstion 57858330 $030 076683.00 $21,407.24 $0.00 30.00 $21.40724 250% $55,175.78 $2,140.73 01 6200 Construction 9e40580 902,641.38 $0.00 392,541.38 54844881 53,42.30 90.00 $49,891.11 53.9 49 542,65027 $4.989.11 01 7100 Co str4Nar Survey&Stakeout 557,500.00 $030 557.600.00 554.825.00 30.00 30.00 004,625.00 95.0% 32,875.00 $5.48250 03 2100 SUM Reinforcing $184,835.00 $030 5184,835.00 $784835.00 5030 50.00 5184,835.00 100.0% 3000 $030 033000 CIP Canelo Complete 31,100,922.00 50.00 31,180,32230 3304,903.25 504,106.00 5030 $38000025 31.3% $811,31275 938.900.93 034100 Precast Hams Cas $810,000.00 5000 9810,000.W 5610,000,00 50.00 5030 561000030 1000% $500 30.00 03450D 44490.6009 Proast Concrete $1,955,913.00 $000 51,839613.00 91.815,384.00 53,480.00 30.00 $1,038,684.00 90.9% 51449.00 $030 036000 Grouting $83,500.00 $.00 183600.00 575,150.00 30.00 $0.00 075,15930 90.0% $6.350.00 07.51530 40100 Masonry Resta/on and Repair 528.78200 $0,00 328.782.00 30.00 90.00 50.00 30.00 0.0% $26,792.00 $0.00 42000 59n6 lissom), 02.808,49221 3030 52608,49221 3388.324.70 $05400.00 $0.00 5751,74.70 282% 32,018,707.51 579.17847 061000 Struaarel Steel Framing M55690] 5400,700.00 50.00 3400,700.00 0383,884.00 33.598.00 30-00 5387.450.00 98.7% 613,250.00 30.00 061200 Structural Steel F005819(02ac0on] a00,10000 30.00 $889,185.00 3813,875.00 50.00 3030 $013,876.00 69.1% 575.310.00 581,38750 4 0000 Genera Trades and MbaRneoua 5207,974.47 30.00 $207,974.47 $0.00 90.00 $0.00 30.00 0.0% 3207,974.47 $0.00 4 2000 Fran Carpentry$n09e4n) 057,00033 5030 357,000.03 50.00 50.00 9000 $0.00 0.0% $57,000.03 $0.00 06 4100 Archttemael/NON Ceaewoh[MMMata(iM1 042,837.00 5030 $42,837.00 50.00 5030 30.4 50.00 0.0% 542,837.00 9030 076000 Membrane RooM9 5738261.0 30.00 5738,281.00 0534290.00 $20.10030 $0.00 0562,394.00 762% 0175667.00 $56239.40 07 5000 04ld009 JMr6 ROUND $142,850.00 50.00 5142,050.00 90.00 00,00 $0.00 50.00 0.0% 5142.85030 20.00 091000 Personnel 000,s,Femmes and Hardware 9179497.00 $0.00 - 517949730 5865030 08,100.00 00.00 018.65030 9.3% 5182,847.00 $0.00 GlatgWl 03 3400 Osemesd Dogra $55,102.00 50.00 055,102.00 50.00 9080 $0.00 30.00 0.0% 055,102.00 30,00 03 404 Entrances,Storefronts and Curu9mMs $788,009.07 $0.00 $74,089.87 90.00 $0.00 SO30 $0.00 0.0% $786090.57 $030 09 2000 Nebel Framing and Gypsum Boase 5595248.14 $0.00 5696,246.14 00.00 5000 50.00 50.00 0.0% 0565246.14 50.00 09 5000 CeM gs 3191,43080 $0.00 9191,430.00 30.00 90.00 40.00 00.00 0,0% 5191,430.00 3030 46000 Floating $87,50030 5030 387,500.00 027,735.00 $16601.00 $030 544.83530 66.1% 522,865.00 5448350 09 6700 7846 Applied Flooring 0143,520.00 5500 $143620.00 5.00 0000 $0.00 90.0) 0.0% 5143,520.0 00,00 099000 Pel409 and Co80ng. $245,873.00 5030 $245,07330 30.00 30.00 00.00 50.00 0.0% 0745,673.00 $0.00 101000 5040rrr7505Spedel e$BAK 17el) $07,97299 5080 907,972.99 $0.00 30.00 90.00 90.00 0.0% .307.972.99 50.00 10 2000 icor S0003646[98913130 $18,742.02 5000 $18,742.02 $0.00 50.00 5030 10.00 0.0% 518,742.02 30.00 111300 5944919 Dock EquipnNnl 923.03030 5030 93,030.00 30.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% 523.030.00 $0.00 111900 Detention Equipment $5251,853.00 40.00 35251,85330 01,859,45580 5182,028.02 0000 82,341,483.62 4.6% $2610,189.38$234,14828 114000 9000S607466 Equipment A30Tena $317,09130 90.00 $311691.0 90.00 90.00 5030 50.00 0.0% 0511.091.00 00.00 12 3000 Dnufaaured Casework[Weft) 04,027.00 00.00 584,627.00 92250.00 30.00 30.00 $225003 2.7% 382,377.00 $0.00 123600 Countertops $181,820.00 $0.00 0161.820.88 30.00 $0.00 3030 3030 0.0% 5161.823.68 $0.00 133400 Maintenance Building Allowarla 3400,00000 $0.00 9400.001.00 $0.03 $5.00 50.00 $0.00 0.0% 5400,000.00 3030 211000 09000-5a9e4 FmSuppresMOn SystMa 5200,23000 50.00 $200,238.00 57,900.00 16,500.00 $0.00 014.400.00 6.9% 5103,638.00 51,440.00 APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATION FOR PAYMENT containing Contractors signed certification Is attached. INVOICE 340: 000091 APPLICATION NO: 0006 APPLICATION DATE: 10(28/2322 PERIOD TO: 10/27/2022 ARCHITECTS PROTECT NO: 21-215 ITEM DESCRIPTION OF WORK ORIGINAL CHANGE ORDERS REVISED WORKCOMPLETED STORED TOTAL %Comp BALANCE TO RETAINAS SCHEDULED SCHEDULED VALUE FROM THIS PERIOD MATERIALS COMPLETED AND FINISH *HELD VALUE PREVIOUS STORED TO APPLICATION DATE 120000 Plumbing 92,919,05300 50.00 52.919,053.00 $975.724.02 5765,891.07 $0.00 51,741,81539 59.7% $1,177,437.91$174,181.52 230000 168151g,Ventilation end AYCoo49kabg 51,730,575.00 50.00 31.730,575.00 $338,525.00 53200080 9000 3350325.00 22.6% 31,340,05000 53936250 260000 Electrical 32,490,020.00 50,00 02,480,02030 11,550237.00 501,410.W 5030 01,47,747.00 662% 0842.273.00$184,774.70 31 1000 56a Cueing end E70sea5 0778,370.55 5030 3770.378.00 0565,409.00 90.00 90.00 5689.408.00 732% 3208,97000 056,40.60 321700 P9480em Spetlelees 530640.0 0000 530.34030 90,00 50.00 50.03 $0.00 ILO% 530,540.00 80.00 323100 Fences and Gane 037,920.00 9080 $37,92030. 10.90 5030 50.00 50.00 0.0% 237,920.00 50.00 32 3900 Mande2ve0 SIU 0p81el$90 02631.78 30.00 52,831.78 02.031.70 30.00 30.00 $2,031.76 100.0% 5030 30.00 41 0000 8011069 Penh Fee 555,528.37 30.00 950620.37 555,52037 $0.00 $000 555,62827 100.0% 00.00 5030 420000 Bonds 9212405.74 00.00 0212,036.74 $212,005.74 $030 50.00 0212,026.74 100.0% 00.00 5030 43 0000 Insurances 3477,63272 50.00 $477,032.72 547763272 00.00 5030 $477,832.72 1000% 90.00 SOLO 4000 Cns,Rpm!T4WnOIOOy $35,577.00 00.90 535677.00 535,577.0 00.00 90.00 935,57730 10.0% 3030 10.00 4 0000 EeaEMbn Cahngendes 3288,428.68 -039.49623 0248,928.11 58.00 $0.00 90.00 50.00 0.0% 524862011 50.00 46 0000 B0009'.Fee 0683,824.25 00.00 5863,82425 5262,432.49 54090728 $030 330923077 48% 9354.584.48 00.00 47 0000 0e9095 Coo*ngamY 51,618,950.00 4394,14.4 81222,78680 50.31 30.00 30.00 50.00 0.0% $1,222.785.68 $0.00 48 0000 Construollert(n84r%.nol 8964,290.12 -$282296.47 970230.85 50.90 90.00 50.00 30.00 0.0% 0702300.65 50.00 490001 CRS 001600.3 a Bond Cast 5000 90,486.18 99,465.16 5000 90,485.18 50.00 90,46618 100.0% 90.00 50.00 49 0002 OR3002 Caestsb Fuel 04rt09e 5.00 834.340.00 916,34030 $6340.0 00.00 30.00 530.340.00 1003% 90.00 50.00 48 0003 CRS 095 Hsardnd June RMC Fuel Coats 90.00 $1234.61 61,225.61 31,225.81 00.00 5400 51225.81 100.0% $30 MOO 4004 CRS 04 0800800ra Roof PMleYataa 90.00 356,135.79 558,135.79 5.00 $36,135.79 5.00 556,135.79 100.0% $0.00 $000 490006 CRS 005 EPCO Gamut P110159 30.00 56,351.13 56651.13 33.00 50.00 50.00 5030 0,0% $8,351.13 30.00 49 004 CRC 006 Heartland AO RMC Fuel Coats $000 01,932.97 01,932.87 51,03297 5.00 30.00 51,93297 10.0% 30.00 0030 490007 CRO 00740Extra Cods 00.00 06153,76 58,153.78 1000 56,153.70 3030 54,154.18 100.0% 00.00 50.00 49 0003 CRa 006(A8102)Mao Chanes $0.00 04,800.75 054660.75 50.00 00.0 50.00 $0.00 0.0% 054,85.76 $0.00 49 0009 CRS 000(A51 03)Elea Pon 211.Bone Out. 30.00 511,028,68 511328.88 30.00 311328.68 $000 511,028.88 10.0% 00.00 50.30 Aliso 30.00 40010 CRS 010(PR 01)Door 331.18 Change 3.00 392180 4921.00 $000 00.00 $0.00 SOM 0.0% 492130 49 0011 CRS 011(PR 02)Koehn Changes(Non- 0030 $54334.91 $54,834.91 00.00 00.00 $0.00 50.90 0.0% 354,84.91 00.00 End 40 012 CAS S$12012(PR 03)Smarty Changes 90.00 314640E7 016,940.87 30.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% 010.940.87 4 0013 CRP 013(PR 4)HM Door Wndow Charges 50.32 53,848.97 $3.04897 moo 50.00 3030 80 3 0.0% $.4097 50.00 48 0014 CR0014(54923)Geri M 9004079 Change 30.00 51.855.83 51355.5 30.90 51,056.03 530 51,85583 100.0% 00.00 50.00 49 0015 C09015(PR 021 Kitten Charges 00.00 $100,993.23 01068323 $30 $0.00 $.00 50.00 0.0% 5100,99323 90.00 NEOu1nnd ONrl 49 0016 CRs 018(PR 05)Reduce Cell Rene Arry 5000 317.285.0 317285.00 90.00 50.00 3000 00.00 03% 417285.00 EOM 490017 CRS 017 Cm50'88 Industries A00 Bowl Cost 50.00 51,932.05 31.93205 5.00 $1,932.05 $0.00 51,03205 10.0% 90.00 00.00 490018 CRS 018R(AS101)Mix Changes 33.00 052,762.87 55278287 90.0 $.90 3.90 sow 00% 1552,782.87 SOLO 490019 CR0019(PR 06)RTU Fn Change 50.00 $4662.4 04302.84 50.00 50.70 0030 50.00 0.0% 4,42.4 5000 490020 CRP 020(ASI 05)Detention Herdwna 5M 51,934.58 51.93468 50.00 00.00 $0.00 0.00 0.0% 51.934.58 30.00 Chances WM 40021 CR9021 Hardware Cho ge Dears 001A 6 woo 3005.36 5808.38 00.00 MOO WOO 50.00 0.0% $55.36 0010 889 ' Page 10P92: 273390'000.00 00.0o 233'ne'OOOoo 241'118'340.43 23`2ero1a•e3 20.00 244'06e'13e14 we JP 245'3231e224 2e83'83e•40 48 0030 CI6e 038(bK 010 208 69,400 C14e009e 2000 2108'03413 2109.02133 20'00 20'00 20.00 2000 0'0 20 2408.03713 2000 /90030 CK6039 W20Ie0012eenJ43200110 beim 20'00 2489431.00 2496'435'88 20'00 2498'431'90 2000 2499'43139 400020 2000 2000 4e 0034 CK1034 OW Oi to MOWN 201/0180 2000 21'19338 2118239 2000 21'18338 2000 2116358 400'0 20 20'00 2030 480023 CS%033 Y013 EWJ8 0309008000 00.00 23'11241 23'54213 20'00 20'00 tom 20'00 0.040 23348"41 20'00 42 0033 CVO 033 C3000 20069,-090000W90i 08P80 20.00 23333.45 2333341 2000 2323345 20-00 22'33545 4000 20 20•00 20.00 VbbrlCV 0011 DV1E AYrf1E bI5EN0f12 2101200/0 2CXEDnrED 2CHEDnrED AVrnE LHOle 1,412 bEM00 IOViEMVf2 COWbrE1ED 2110 WNW E HEED 11E24 DE*C131b.U014 Ok M0131C OHIOM'er CHYME O150E152 OEN2ED MOBK COWbrElED 2101fED J.01Vr X Comb HVIVNCE 10 HED184V0 V001uEC12 61101EC5 H0: 30-572 bENIOD J0: 10\3115033 VbbrlCy.IOH 021E: 70138/5033 Vbb1ICV1I011 140: 0000 Ybb ICV.001A 0HD CFKiI5ICV11061 100 INANEVI2 0091004102 C000.3C012 oa0ysPou 0 4ifegVe9• 10A0ICE HO: 000021 Commissioner Stromer requested approval to purchase a 2023 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD from Sid Dillon for$47,773.00 for the Adams County Maintenance Department.Approval to purchase a pick up for the maintenance department using ARPA funds was approved on May 3, 2022, however the vendor was unable to deliver the tuck. Stromer is now requesting approval of a different truck which will be paid for with the ARPA funds approved on May 3, 2022. Clerk Thomas asked if Stromer had a bid tab sheet for this new purchase. Commissioner Stromer stated the maintenance department had the paperwork on bids received, but Stromer had the amounts and read them as follows: • Sid Dillon -$47,773.00 • Hastings Ford -$44,455.00 • Friesen Chevrolet-$45,395.00 • Midway Auto-$46,665.00 • Tom Dinsdale Automotive-$52,161.00 State Surplus Contract—No amounts read,Stromer • Tom Dinsdale Automotive-$53,466.00 stated both vehicles on the state contract had too many miles to consider • Anderson Ford -$45,535.00 • Sid Dillon -$52,975.00 Chairman Hogan requested the board not take action on the purchase of the truck until the maintenance department brings the bids received. There was an approximate ten minute recess while waiting for 10:00 when the Board of Equalization could be opened. At 10:00 am, Chairman Hogan requested a motion to meet as a Board of Equalization to review and take action on property and vehicle tax exemption applications. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan, Johnson, Curtis, Neumann Nays: None Absent: Patterson Entered Board of Equalization at 10:00 am (see separate Board of Equalization minutes for 11/15/2022) Motion by Curtis,seconded by Johnson to exit Board of Equalization and resume regular session. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann Nays: None Absent: Patterson Regular session resumed at 10:03 am. Adams County Maintenance Director, Brock Illiff, presented the board with bids received for the pick up the maintenance department wished to purchase using ARPA funds. Illiff presented the following: 8901 Page 5ickbAi at / GM Sld Dillon Fleet .....04 Ron Fullerton I 402-640-7578 I ron.fulortonesiddillon.com Sid Dillon Fleet \\\ Dealership Information \\kilo Sld Mon 8Fleet Wallop, E. Prepared By: Ron Fugadon Old Sion Fleet le 402-540-7578 ron.fuledonaelddhlonoom Price Summary PRICE DIJSISSOr, . - . MSRP Base NOD $9,300.00 Totd Opdans $2,380.03 Weida Subtotal *51 650,00 . - ... Destination Charge $1.795.00 Owed Total LIP 171 71(773 Stal.4711.00 110**nowt wedelns kabfflullen accsidmdlicTi0n0.1-071;i0 stoma is cen;wedge:Th•Wertridat wiled Is net Wired Weak dekeue ft.., - 0, 0.0000/10,00 0000110 dame 01100100ke.0010,ollnaluce 00010 looktues and*mon fel may be ilquired by Imo wry Cy roonslacienw ar Nola Portmene•Ivor are°Warm 0*.one mewl$40c•nte0e*ow wry.P..mind rpm.Bard W..er mei coneaurepor.Content Ofted on yowl rammer, 00.0 001400 to Ow ussecg a 11.0 040,P0,000 0010 Krm:17101.Dete Updoftt Noi 202140003 PM PST. P.10,2010 Pop 2 I .......-- (.5,11"14' 00 Wi lliffinlCa-4'-''4 12412- .-- t•1 A \13o zi Ai A 3022- \id-0-k., I.oc=ito: 1=-- -- ' SRN by AWN Genwerlson Mri .ch.Will ZOOM 202:1 illerregt I I ROOM WA Chowolet MOND 2073 Gamete.2d:010._ - owersoo OK2074:1,4W0.Sharado'Cl00743-4WD Sliverade CK20744,4WD Wend, 43,4WD • - Standard Beg Cie.Cob . Mandel Ike Onie Cab Standout Bea Gans gab Standard Boo Crew Cab P1704714 P17011406 P1104774 P1104233 - ,MSRP 03.415.00 *53.475.00 333.410.00 166,33000 PDS ICX-Custom Profaned lea-Custom Preferred 105-Gtaiom Profaned 1CX-ooPoniPralaral .• Eoulornint Oros ,gatiginent&de- Souternent Orwo Eames*eme Wren,Cow GaZ•Swell While clAl-Streit While 3 -95w Id Melees am,-Silvar IM41l68 Tarn H1T-1WITIFL•Ocah,Jet HIT.iiteln81.450,44 Hit-IWITIFLOalh,Jet HIT-IWTil Pt/Clog%Jet Meet Index Trim Pak Inteticr Trim Neck hawks Tam Medi,insider Trim Dyes 1ST•Engine 8.84 Y-It. UT•F00)100,5.01..VA LaT-FJelne:8.0L.VA MI-Engles M.be, SIDI SII4 SIDI Dandisike MYT.1•86p44444aomana 14Y0•8435e0d Moons& !STD-a-Speed edema&-AIM-6..Soeed Mentego Different Option*: at.1-Liplatet/Acceeedy I SNOW telente CGN-Medea Spreyen Si ,Plul KM.iso Wit Shark* Romanis,Sr Cie KW 6-Akirratoi,220 AMP . . . I/ KYR-Atwater,170 Ate li el it ROE•Sated Conatlence If Peeked UDD-Dew Ind MOW. - . . st . USG-Sends.Fonserd 11 Colleen Alert , . - ' - UKS.Rade Guided- 4, Sleeting Wheel , , alsi:ozrd a 1 8468 Pros Warne Ootione: 40•aamcfront 4/" , ., 1,. ,;.; - " iii .. . . . ... ,. . Wawa I i MO•Olau.Deep Tinted lit di al - ' V ilt Entry AU3-Peer Deer Lowe if 1 / 1 $1 SI ' ' 834-eiR"'Ca= f _./' ' ' . ...i ...$1/ a'w•Rends Ellable V V V v Martine Wm , vGitivi.DeamRser I/.. . ve If el ciVec-Mardis LHS 1 if if d 1 Men.Foid.,Men.D TUrn 1.00000r SP-oweb.el ei 1 / .0/ TB-Seidel&deem 1/ I( VI, if 891 1 Page HSS. Folk( 11X022.526 PM PATNA.Ordr TOTE-Fla a Rog C40 FINIAL MAWS COUNTY Renew onto 7626-melee 6gOrb NOM Order Summary Tim al PrMw^.11/b9/20221125145 Onion*Noma Hastings Ford Lb CAM F53469 oedm540 TANNER STRUNG type Noe 'WARM Una S1p5ARy !OrdrCode 7036 t CrMrlmr Marone ADAMS COUNTY ;'Marko Cod.A2 :IMAM Vow 2023. ;TMa4Ytl 315 OESCMPTION MSN DESCRIPTION MSR► 1250434513115101%COUP/14QIS46760FLE 2��' S46FORD ET SPECIAL ADSUSIMENT $0 R INCH WHEELBASE 1313044;-F' $0 FRONTLICENSE PATE BRACKET SO TOTAL BASE VEHICLE $46760 100004 GVWR PACKAGE $0 OXFORD MOTE $0 50 STATE EMISSIONS So V110L40/20/40 SEATS $0 SNOW PLOW PREP PACXAGE 0250 MEDIUM DARK SLATE $0 LACK $0 PREFERRED EQUIPMENTPKGbOM $0 190AMP)GAS)/SSOAMP(6.71.)ALTA • $0 XL TRIM $0 SPECIAL DEALER ACCOUNTAOIUSTM $0 AM CONOMON1716-CFC FREE $0 SPECIAL FLEET ACCOUNT COEDIT $0 AM/FM STEREO 74P3A7K $0 FUEL°FAROE $0 .6.01.0E1ICT NA PR 51 ENGINE $0 NET 1014010E SKEET OPNON(54A) SO 105PEE0 AUTOTOROTHIFT6 $0 PRICED DOM $0 .0245/751117E nSW ALL-SEASON $0 ADVERTISING ASSESSMENT $0 3.73 AA110 REGULAR AIDE SO DFSrmATION fl OEUVERY $1795 10561 ORDER SO TOTAL BASE AND OPTIONS TAMP DISCOUNTS u{P{ NA 1455 $4 5 TOTAL I' ` $4 8805 ORDERING FN:Q1243 4a 551100960_�RN:C1)243 01APVI 1444(5 4,r Srou Feta Dprais4: Cmlaroer x.mc \\ EmM: Customer Address:i 7 fort_ °AA Phone:1-11D-46? PaVivear t 4 ttq,�gado- 5. 5 Ruk t Customer Signature Dole TAN order Lw not MFR submitted le LM molar iaY. abouLtgAnk 12 Ch tl/ GM Vehicle:[Retail)2023 Chevrolet Silvered°2500HD(C1(20903)4WD Reg Cab 142'Work Truck ( Commas) Window Sticker SUMMARY - IRetal3 2023 Chevrolet Segredo 2500110(C1C20603)4WD Rep Cab 147 Work Truck MSRP$43.300.00 MCNor.Jel Black Cloth seat trim Exterior 19xatmR While Exterior 2:No odor has been selected. Engine,6.6t.VS Transmission.&epeed automatic,heavy'daty OPTIONS CODE MODEL IMP 0(20903 (Beta)2023 Chevrolet SBvered0 2500140(01(20903)4WD Rap Cab 147 Work Truck543.300.00 OPTIONS 1 WT Work Truck Preferred Equipment Group $0.00 AE7 Seats,front 40t20140 spill-bench $0.00 663 Derided,pkkup bed $050 FE9 Emissions,Federal requirements $0.00 GAZ • Sunni White $0.00 0T4 Rear axle,3.73 ratio $0.00 HNT Jet Steck,Cloth sees trim $0.00 TOR AIMo system,CMNolet Infotainment 3 system $0.00 JOB GVHR,10250 kw(4649 kg) $0.00 NW5 Alternator,220 amps Inc. LOT Engem,6.61.VD 50.00 MVO TralydsM,0-egad auLaatIc heavy-duty $0.00 WZZ Sled Plebes tec. PVN Wheels,tr(43.2 cm)painted steel,Saler $0.00 0110 Tires,LT2A575R1TE al-eesaa,blackball moo 0Yv Snow Plow PraWCa pew Package $300.00 ZHQ Tire,epre LT245/75R17E al-eeeson,bdackwa$ 30.00 rnAmmo coming XMrewconolO aaadonliWwaGNrdetlidookeroN.7lrldenNanPONdedbTot loondod pAeeatrban.Priam, PPe*veay tineweYbaba male.ANovo email Dom ono No not IMudo wYf Mme,oar one ow Out err M moored W Lw.rorty b7nrobauwm mon ploo1414 Ce ak0ed aa. al input adr2rol porkmweP wed toy.Photo Nom n0 moment mewl AMT.co ANA mnRpwKwa.Corded bred on roped aapaa'a bp4b NNW lo h Kamm apd pwddod. Deb Veale 17701 Dnar7PARR 0024.202211:4601 PM POT. ON 20.3022 Popot 892 i Page GM Vehicle:(Retail]2023 Chevrolet Sliveredo 2500HD(CK20903)4WD Reg Cab 14?Work Truck 1.� SUBTOTAL 943,699.96 Adjulme 1M ToMI 90.09 DesemPon Chine :1,796.00 TOTAL PRICE 946,390.00 FUEL ECONOMY E/1 Cay:NIA Eek HMrRayWA EYlllpnrey Cruising Ra.wN/A DW Moa m mums afeaaren orUMrY CeAleW roue Silaid ant.urYW-TN.alprtbA peNaM Rao(RODeY r ptr4Yme.osaiallets. rAe°trailANDR WabaesRiled MDR meldsApbsr..rrassAms drwMDR/ lwiYylay owym..ru..>wyn bPaYmesOwn enDod Mod grinners ear Vr/.MDR el/not wpr•t uerlNMW N emelaoria irM COAYM earl a opalPeunlu OpYNDec 17761. ( t Oyu N.m]D It00 w PDT. 061242022 PRP2 1119122,3.96 PM OM QobRi:arwq Rabat Carlon meas./t wentYaw rsO.rwsbrmgnarr.AOAO,sA.paP_.rr.7 Iwn010 t Logout NOWAY CHEVROLET BUICK GIAC CADILLACr rr .tlrin"sp, A marrw~~ >DRY VNW*>RNA..a RN.W1•rY'13anrY PLAN FORECAST ORDER VEHICLES MANAGE MONDRY LOCATE VEWCLEB GRUVERVENOUS REPORTS TOOLS Configure a New Vehicle:Summary I EAC DM. BPD, NIo<itawAY aEVROLET MACK OMC CADILLAC e MOW fina•DAWN Stamen 015.1100 L1LP1l/ Mae.. DN.W AR asIke RAM weWWmtp .Inknabnbarrb own MI NY mea UTe ma la Obatlepripbrb C•sa.NAl• mumMgr*•tar void.SN.N wrmAven Ctl 9BOtAPRANPny CAW N RDYBYm4PDe e• GVW Sero CaBentlaa preaRw ay.COWER*M Sold CNRpaNbn•b safaris Awe RD aazurek.CkA'CwW'banal Or was �wOwLAnadwMNwrlam Depart. e1W ERN AMRLY.parerrrd.Y.1 END*Cade 1100F*bBrr DMrADapaOL VNollren0Va6o V WANrbmWon Moat ffia OWN.CTEMIOLErTRUCK Ae.ie Om.NOBLY Yoe*CREWS.SOSID/rwO¢DAE.PW.eOrTYRr TiEIW DNS INRCNI•Raw Out CANNON 1 NEAP:WARM dfffa Pmlerr•tl EAAba.wlo t PERMS, CND Pew Cabe GA l•eM.ryAE Tran N12JYERD OMsod SIN WBaM AER:Ser,Ra emNR a1Eaaw IAT.S Pn.LM BON lir"RR iYdrel*DP MR i1RaYabl es*Y and arrow Nara beim/ 160.00raarA•RD.eIr m1 Or+alptaee NCR:TrrlRra tswo Y PER ERRAND P.*.AOANYeor , 1@MYPII ORR ADobtbs ArreW nIY2�1•(IR.Tra1PWRY MAO DTD:Rissole.3?6nb 01S 1w.,LTZ70MIEL iNns. Mona pp:"dm swim.ararW rooms Rb5Y.0A Mem 01(1:1aR,IN a1rNIN .•00,MDR WORNµmpg LAP:IININNrrY K.M arsmrrg Nrarb 122.00 LMC Dr NWICnra UT:ALE.A+7W VIS N• INNR.RaNAa► I401:Calm moR*5 IANDI ,r Bre IOIPCyi.�pWr�W MR Wow**INA. 1rrLmDa4r HU ram Plea P.apleaupP 1306.01 MN&Afaer.22D avis Tet Tnbti EMUS. ZYD Tr.W1.l2lSIIuR1eb walLNINsymi P Be•b now CalnSan fdNCll SACS T MOB Nimlo.ORIN WW1nWY InlyAdod~oreolnpats Wal Dears PARR Mea YaMYMan papaw ND NOR b GLIP ARDm b NLYGM Rb etlrMia al MDR Y NOON M Mnpa bA COP ANN.. 1OWJYNrN _Ol.tlp 1R 893 ' Page DopeSign Enrelepe ID:6A7C/COE-CCA2.4F17-9940-1FAF46FAOOAB , jlcti'Sa"1. STATE OF NEBRASKA CONTRACT AWARD Stale Petfieeln9 Steer, 1526 K Street,Ode 120 Liman,Rearrest 69606 PAGE ORDER DATE Telephone:(402)471-5500 1 016 10120/22 Fax:(402)4712M BUSINESS UNIT BUYER 9000 ROBERT TAYLOR(AS) CONTRACT NUMBER VENDOR NUMBER: 503858 15750 OC VENDOR ADDRESS: AFL,LLC DBA ANDERSON FORD LINCOLN 2500 WILDCAT DR PO BOX 83644 LINCOLN NE 88501-3644 AN AWARD HAS BEEN MADE TO THE CONTRACTOR NAMED ABOVE FOR THE FURNISHING OF MATERIALS ANDIOR SERVICES AS LISTED BELOW FOR THE PERIOD: r,, OCTOBER 28,2022 THRt1/UGH OCTOBER 27,2029 f t. NO ACTION ON THE PART OF THE CONTRACTOR NEEDS TQ.15E'T AT THIS TIME.ORDERS FOR THE MATERIALS AND/OR SERVICES WILL BE MADE AS NEEDED BY THE VARIOUS AG _ OF THE STATE. 1h. THIS CONTRACT IS NOT AN EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT TOi'L ,�tl`HE MATERIALS AND/OR SERVICES SHOWN BELOW,AND DOES NOT PRECLUDE THE PURCHASE OF SIMILAR MA it MOOR SERVICES FROM OTHER SOURCES. THE STATE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO EXTEND THE ,OR;tF`il CONTRACT BEYOND THE TERMINATION DATE WHEN MUTUALLY AGREEABLE TO THE CONTRACTOR AND TN/ Oilh EASKA Original/Bid Document:6702 OF,Alladvrent'A•2 I.t i t i I t 8 it,i I i, i Contract to guppy and delver 2023 OR CURRENT PRODUCY 4- ( ''p QUARTER TON REGULAR CAB FORD F250(BASE)to the State of Nebraska as per the&teethed spedOcatIora to M. / OBER 28,2022.lymph OCTOBER 27,2023.The contract may be renewed for one(1)additional one(1)year agreeable to the vendor and the State at Nebraska 1 it 1I} i• IMPORTANT NOTE:When genenatlnp a Purchase Order The (weepers% lees.Each One le to be generated from ether the'STANDARD PAINT'lire ogt0a!EXTRACOST PA) IONS'300110.There Maid:one(1)ane for the Exterior Cola one(1)lee for the Ri n atre(v .-- d 4'{Sae>"gdee Pexin ,,{ro�ta coax nemea end codes. PLEASE CONTACT,ANDE PQF 4L s3 yRSR. �0011Q7 HaTEDION,Iy CONTRACT ARE NECESSARY FOR BUSINESS NEEDS?11,E<�t'3$i,I1it IJ `11iy: 5. 1 ,..I ,+) 5,,,/1,ii(S2"iIili +It11(t4'/'`i OEUVERYAR f@0 A '� a,t i /,'"# ,"121a'6a t' 1X,,ir"15' 1 Ie. '1 Vendor Contact BobbyColclawre..• Phore:402-0174521 S-Mail:bobby.00ldaeae®a deeonauagrop•Com (10.23.22 RT) Estimated UnB of Unit Line Description Quaintly Measure Price 1 2023 OR CURRENT PRODUCTION YR 15.0000 EA 45,889.0000 3/4 TON REGULAR CAB 4X4 TRUCKS (BASE)FFV E85 WHEELBASE:142 TIRE SIZE: 18' MAKE:FORD C!0 N, o,..ews 10/25/2022 AA.104 k?4s 10/27/2022 10/27/2022rr4pw'wk BAR SEL ADMINISTRATOR enormwwommim o 1 6 � / CUPLfr'tzeI' Vehicle: 20222500 TRADESMAN REG CAB 4.114(140 le WE WO Pi bog( Seim Code Deeaelgan "edea PadovaDJn.B2 2500 TRADESMAN REG CM 4X4(140 in WB OFT O IN bun) TOA Cumber,Preferred Package 2GA 45,7011 E88 0.41. Heev7 Deb HEMb543 Emirs 0 OFX 5800 Aub 011P761CVTlanernleYm 0 PW7 Mold While Clear Coal 0 APA ba else Peed 0 "TX HD Ve014G20149 Sat 8a000 sol 0 DMlane: .X8 Bled 010,11 my 0 YEP blaea8ldrrea of Origin 0 XHC TteNeBrake Caned 0 XBC Delete Mob Box 296 USD thermal 6W 8A•13Mby(USA) X00 TBE N Md Stele Msapes eDem) 756 50 Basilan 205 *ART Clean Tub lar:1de Stem 0 IAU And Fdg Lampe 496 ATE Power2•W y Darer Umber Ad)1M 195 XV 116V Aedaary Rod poeerpryd de 2AL CI1Mer 7.0•TFT Color Dom' 265 OPO MertsaTow Per AG nisi Bleak 76 DID ElmShirapn-TMFb Tremor Caw 196 Mt Trodereen Levet 1&HAnenl Oaxp 296 AMP Geene APPenmee Grata 1,490 AD2 Snow dad Group 1.295 ADB Probaun Moup 906 WO MAC 96 464U Fuel Fi/Battery Cheap 0 YO2 82Adelbut Geppne of(Me 0 nes Eby Order 0 Nen Equipment 4FM Flea Oram MIX 0 OsedeM anrfw: 4001 RaoaMWei Vehicle ttetl�y 0 0 1,796 H8: VAT) Toll Prbe: ! IZ FFP: 50,428 894IPage S-1-u4C- VM1aM: 2022 2I601RADEMIAN CREW CAB 4X4(149 In WB OFT 4 N box)10/7111) Woo cods Defarlp0oa ) Ilodek 011191 2600 TRADESMAN CREW CAB 4X4(149 In WB OPT 414 bar) 60.470 Model: : 204 Cuelonw Referred Package 20A 0 Pookolle EBB SALVO Newry Dur'HEW FADS Engkm 0 DFX d Aub 611P764.CVTwortbsbn 0 8-$ PaklYOesUTtYn: PW7 Bright WW1.Clow Coat 0 APA Nonobno Paid 0 `V9 Cloth 40120/40!kWh Boat 0 -X9 Bock 0 gym: TCP LT216/1OR18E CMA ONORRood lbw 2 0 HAS 50 Stab)Embalms Emi GPO ►Ymn-Taw Pr,'AN NW Black 196 D8A MS-OSlO Cf6RRf0at Row Ma 495 668 Tradesman Level 2 Egap'eel Olde 1,740 614Heavy vy Derr Brow Plow P040 Golly 21G )04C TWIN Bake Control 696 WBN 18XStar0 SWhoa* 225 4UQ T2AC 0 4NU Fuel FR/BMlery Charge 0 V02 5.2 Addfbrml Wens ef0os 0 6N6 SAW OWN 0 4EX Sass Treddng 0 Non EYulpranit IIA b PMN Painted Carpo Boa Traomrp 0 Dlesorarb; 461 Caamded Samba Dobbs Call ,T60 995 DutlnaYoo Pow: 1' NB: 1,618 Total Prior MIA PPP: 62914 EP: 60,929 Order NM MaM1YFfeela Bdmduling PAYdb: 4016WOrder Brad PON*: 02 Batsapsnom Customer Now CYebrr**Inew NEBRASKA PURCHASE CONTRACT Poo soot Tom OtrmtlsleChMlerDodge Jeep Ram ries AdamsCoullyMalntenceDept norm 28000sbonteDREast am*500WeSt4th ow IMsiklgs NE 68901 dry moony Adieu RAvt W61T4radamscounlynedov BORY (402)461.7165 on nem 10/111110111011 Manware huaaNE 68901 RAM true 12500 Yana f !alder aororo6wde on 4 ua spm 1[ yae '^- 11/09!2022 2022 nu 7a6arad. mill/OW-2022 AD01170NAI.EQUIPO ENT-OPTIOOIB oR WO*.,o BE•b0NE owmica OF 5196000 8NENINT PRICE B 51962. COLOR OAWI RO.TWM 6194y0 4XN.O IOTK REDAiFB a��( .S ^DOO12 "El0NFEE -t '" OWED OP TRAM _SO 00 { B411N0E 621610Q mom DENNAIN 1138 Q N ED lNEENINE0818181.0. VE8 Q NO (th000nRRrrayaf1a6Y111500Redi IIeIIIynmWOW o a IaaYSAll I=OA 1 atmetrio (f . ate'"` . tYYbaD,AIAN� wow � .,� - - t�w�. Maws . 1 rg no tiers ad mow*My*Ids anima W Mi el el Milo WORE*or to 0uppmordp'Rbld%se IA,*Nierm NINOIn.%MNINS °YmwR Ow dsrodlR awAiY'arpebtlww,OE*rutin. I�q Ihma Nott Mmmeerdm gOa1 �a o� Y f eoeW 1 _�mMof dtlu YaYii:lN�imp. bY�e ieF L6.IIiiint wiw R19be�wrkedaYl I% WBmlmtiraZicria0l:1b16soab4ald'IaMf1l!i*�*_V�E�a1ga: einft BllP<... p drarawad.Ybae"iet ItarrO6Jek skir.epline Meae111Nee11Ya0Yt* ndbmrad *Pkea9rrtm ‘lifutw, ... . akhe�aadnatYRT wwotwappry1ymaR�ay�N�peMFM hhNdElVelagerdka M6YmCiM mit.wpk.aRpYw Nep�rNnY oa ale NlrwelaNbda, aaakWbloom.walWwmilyal Mb01M1aYewN ewrya,at;arMllmYMebmrMrwfi 4 tun, Nr11Oa BF11r r, gl, 4`', 1�.� •�M 11+1-'u}t'`7,,r t4 4+:T',,, Y,' Nrlre►ser 11.14a.MlYabYr r..-- ~ ---:,aMaa~r~pq e1 Ili r WI ymYCIM OP R. R am lai� ��...c. wmw•�i awM14Yt s Mika provisions in She essosot or dos aright Bim' y oOn WMs MMAdbnwwutO",Vane t op y •ether WO 4m1ybRla RiQtmeder•BnywO OaNIV',BaMMo per n ow weldor.X R. X __ � mwe�1 1111111111M1 - WE tornnacrcommais OiTlit rW1101 AM rrri1YmmWlfm►Tlmr surilPrifiss*MP swam ..........- 895 I Page No proof of publication was provided as these are considered informal bids as the estimated value was anticipated to be under$50,000.00. Motion by Stromer, seconded by Neumann to approve the purchase of a 2023 Chevy from Sid Dillon in the amount of$47,773.00. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson,Curtis, Neumann Nays: None Absent: Patterson The Board adjourned by unanimous consent. COUNTY GENERAL BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 1, 835.08 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 4, 296.72 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 7, 470. 69 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 5, 909.14 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 5, 393. 91 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 2, 641.29 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 6, 535.70 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 917.54 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 2, 461. 64 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 4, 303.52 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 4, 005.74 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 17, 434.85 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 12, 958.48 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,VICTIMS ASSISTANCE PROGRA 1, 835.08 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 26, 053. 60 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 917 .54 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 1, 544 .10 BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 1, 723.75 CROWNE PLAZA KEARNEY,LODGING 479.80 NACO, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 450.00 ASSOCIATED STAFFING INC,OTHER PERSONAL SERVICES 1, 349.50 BEAR GRAPHICS INC, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 626.33 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 67 . 65 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 35.00 QUILL CORPORATION,MISCELLANEOUS 88 .20 QUILL CORPORATION,MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES 12 . 96 QUILL CORPORATION,MISCELLANEOUS 25.55 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 380. 97 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 54 .06 MIPS, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 1, 472 . 99 US BANK,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 855.30 HOLIDAY INN OF KEARNEY, LODGING 119. 95 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 25.00 US BANK, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 120.00 HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 377 . 44 HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 1,206.30 US BANK, SUPPLIES - VOTING 31.08 US BANK, FOOD AND BEVERAGE 201.77 FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH,VOTING POLLS RENT 30.00 HASTINGS COLLEGE,VOTING POLLS RENT 30.00 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH,VOTING POLLS RENT 30.00 KENESAW SENIOR CENTER,VOTING POLLS RENT 30.00 CROSIER PARK LLC,VOTING POLLS RENT 30.00 CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD,VOTING POLLS RENT 30.00 NORTHSHORE CHURCH,VOTING POLLS RENT 30.00 KIMIE K ANDERSON,ELECTION (WORKERS) 150.00 MARK W BARFKNECHT,ELECTION (WORKERS) 165.00 HEATHER BOLTE,ELECTION (WORKERS) 140.00 CYNTHIA J BRUNTZ,ELECTION (WORKERS) 155.00 REGINA M HARVEY, ELECTION (WORKERS) 155.00 MAUREEN A MOHLMAN,ELECTION (WORKERS) 165.00 BRUCE E PRELLWITZ,ELECTION (WORKERS) 150.00 LINDA D STUTESMAN,ELECTION (WORKERS) 150.00 STEVEN J STUTESMAN,ELECTION (WORKERS) 150.00 LAURA L ZADE,ELECTION (WORKERS) 155.00 KAREN ALLEN,ELECTION (WORKERS) 173.75 KATHERINE CARLIN,ELECTION (WORKERS) 155.00 MARY SOUCHEK,ELECTION (WORKERS) 155.00 JEANNETTE WIENS, ELECTION (WORKERS) 155.00 JUDITH M DOUGLAS,ELECTION (WORKERS) 152 .50 896 I Page ELIZABETH FLORIAN,ELECTION (WORKERS) 160.00 MARY GINGRICH,ELECTION (WORKERS) 160.00 EUNICE SCHOENHALS,ELECTION (WORKERS) 160.00 SHANDA SPURGEON,ELECTION (WORKERS) 145.00 CHRISTINA THOMSEN,ELECTION (WORKERS) 177 .50 MARGARET A WALLACE,ELECTION (WORKERS) 172 .50 KATHLEEN M WALSH,ELECTION (WORKERS) 172 .50 MARY M YILK,ELECTION (WORKERS) 182.50 ANN HINTON,ELECTION (WORKERS) 161.88 SHERRI E LYNN,ELECTION (WORKERS) 145.00 PATRICIA OCKER,ELECTION (WORKERS) 145.00 DIANE K PEYTON,ELECTION (WORKERS) 130.00 MARIE DOUGHERTY, ELECTION (WORKERS) 150.00 ANGELA HEMBERGER,ELECTION (WORKERS) 160.00 MICHAEL SULLIVAN,ELECTION (WORKERS) 150.00 JAMI TOMLIN,ELECTION (WORKERS) 135.00 SCOTT TOMLIN,ELECTION (WORKERS) 135.00 KENNETH A FRANZEN,ELECTION (WORKERS) 130.00 KRIS A HORTON,ELECTION (WORKERS) 45.00 AZULE HUPF,ELECTION (WORKERS) 230.00 ROSE KALVODA,ELECTION (WORKERS) 232.50 KAY KLOPPENBORG,ELECTION (WORKERS) 413.13 CHARLES MAUNDER,ELECTION (WORKERS) 183.13 BONITA S PITTZ,ELECTION (WORKERS) 245 .00 DENNIS J PITTZ,ELECTION (WORKERS) 245.00 SHARON ROSE,ELECTION (WORKERS) 202.50 MICHELLE S SCHAMENS,ELECTION (WORKERS) 45.00 WILLIAM E BEAVE,ELECTION (WORKERS) 135.00 MARY A BRAMBLE,ELECTION (WORKERS) 135.00 RANEE DILLMAN,ELECTION (WORKERS) 150.00 ALEXANDRIA G FLADHAMMMER,ELECTION (WORKERS) 135.00 DONNA J GARTNER,ELECTION (WORKERS) 148.75 JUDITH OBERT,ELECTION (WORKERS) 135.00 LAURA PETERSEN,ELECTION (WORKERS) 150.00 CONSTANCE M CONSBRUCK,ELECTION (WORKERS) 150.00 MARILYN JOHNSON,ELECTION (WORKERS) 155.00 WANDA KUMKE,ELECTION (WORKERS) 155.00 CATHY MORGAN,ELECTION (WORKERS) 140.00 DEBRA SHARRICK,ELECTION (WORKERS) 150.00 JAMES SHARRICK,ELECTION (WORKERS) 165.00 LORETTA J TEBBE,ELECTION (WORKERS) 162 .50 LAURETTA WOODS,ELECTION (WORKERS) 135.00 LYNN ZELESKI,ELECTION (WORKERS) 150.00 DEBORAH CARLSTROM,ELECTION (WORKERS) 167 .50 ROSE DATUS,ELECTION (WORKERS) 145.00 PAMELA K LAY,ELECTION (WORKERS) 162.50 KAYE LIGHT,ELECTION (WORKERS) 150.00 DEBORA A RAY,ELECTION (WORKERS) 150.00 LEOTA L ROLLS,ELECTION (WORKERS) 145.00 LORI SCHROEDER,ELECTION (WORKERS) 125.00 DOLORES SCHUTTE,ELECTION (WORKERS) 145.00 WANDA M BARTLETT,ELECTION (WORKERS) 132 .50 CECILE J CALLAHAN,ELECTION (WORKERS) 165.00 BEVERLY PATITZ,ELECTION (WORKERS) 132.50 DONNA ARNDT,ELECTION (WORKERS) 150.00 CHARLENE DIERS,ELECTION (WORKERS) 160.00 JEAN JANSSEN,ELECTION (WORKERS) 150.00 BELVA JUNKER,ELECTION (WORKERS) 150.00 KATHLEEN C AMYOT,ELECTION (WORKERS) 130.00 JUDY HALL,ELECTION (WORKERS) 150.00 VIRGINIA HARLOW,ELECTION (WORKERS) 165.94 BONITA HARPER,ELECTION (WORKERS) 150.00 DIANA LYNN REINER,ELECTION (WORKERS) 150.00 CYNTHIA BECK,ELECTION (WORKERS) 155.00 CONNIE L SCHUKEI,ELECTION (WORKERS) 267.50 LYNETTE K STEINER,ELECTION (WORKERS) 155.00 KATHY WITT,ELECTION (WORKERS) 165.00 VIOLA CLEMENTS,ELECTION (WORKERS) 157.50 JUDITH SANDEEN,ELECTION (WORKERS) 161.25 TONI SMITH,ELECTION (WORKERS) 157.50 VICKI S STRUSS,ELECTION (WORKERS) 142 .50 CORA UDEN,ELECTION (WORKERS) 157 .50 8971Page SUSAN KOTAS,ELECTION (WORKERS) 147 .50 BEVERLY NIXON,ELECTION (WORKERS) 147.50 TERRY WESTENGAARD,ELECTION (WORKERS) 147 .50 PAULA WITT,ELECTION (WORKERS) 177 .50 CONNIE SUE HARTMAN,ELECTION (WORKERS) 163.75 OPAL JOHNSON,ELECTION (WORKERS) 152.50 JANICE S MCGOVERN,ELECTION (WORKERS) 152 .50 MARGIE J ORMSBY,ELECTION (WORKERS) 152.50 JEANETTE SCHOLTZ,ELECTION (WORKERS) 152 .50 CATHY CAFFERTY,ELECTION (WORKERS) 140.00 RANDALL MILLS DATUS, ELECTION (WORKERS) 155.00 ELAYNE K LANDWEHR,ELECTION (WORKERS) 165 .00 KAREN LEWIS,ELECTION (WORKERS) 155.00 LAURA RHODES,ELECTION (WORKERS) 155.00 ARLETTA TOWNS,ELECTION (WORKERS) 155.00 JANET M BONIFAS,ELECTION (WORKERS) 215.00 JOLENE HEUERTZ,ELECTION (WORKERS) 130.50 DELORES MEYER,ELECTION (WORKERS) 150.00 SANDRA MONTAGUE,ELECTION (WORKERS) 150.00 SHARON A WILLMES,ELECTION (WORKERS) 130.50 NANCY BATHE,ELECTION (WORKERS) 15.00 HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 144. 45 NACO,DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 150.00 DAS STATE ACCOUNTING, DATA PROCESSING 41. 60 COMPUTER CONSULTANTS INC, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 660.00 QUILL CORPORATION, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 69. 99 ADAMS COUNTY CLERK OF DIST CRT, DISTRICT COURT COSTS 1, 130.00 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF FEE ACCT ,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 51.50 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 36.45 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 175.00 WJE CONSULTING LLC,CONSULTING FEES 2, 256.00 ACCO BRANDS DIRECT, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 25. 68 ADAMS COUNTY COURT,COUNTY COURT COSTS 7, 024. 95 ADAMS CO WITNESS FEE ACCOUNT,WITNESS FEES 48 .00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 34 .20 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 287.36 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 582 .14 WEST GROUP PAYMENT CENTER, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 828 .00 ASSOCIATED STAFFING INC,REG CLERICAL 3, 826.23 FAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 474.82 JUSTICE WORKS LLC, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 200.00 US BANK, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 723.36 US BANK, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 40. 65 US BANK,MISCELLANEOUS 30.00 ANDERSON KLEIN BREWSTER BRANDT,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 9, 092 .00 BOCKSTADTER & GLEN LAW LLC,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 6,275.74 DAAKE LAW OFFICE LLC,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 874 .00 DEWALD DEAVER PC LLO,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 1, 457.50 ZACHARY K GRAY,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 2, 528 .75 LANGVARDT VALLE & JAMES PC,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 209.00 LIESKE LIESKE & ENSZ,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 8, 888.50 DIER OSBORN & COX PC LLO,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 922 .25 SULLIVAN SHOEMAKER PC LLO,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 15, 143.50 SKALKA & BAACK LAW FIRM,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 17,207.25 STEHLIK LAW FIRM PC LLO,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 1, 624 .50 THOMAS S STEWART,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 427.00 DEREK TERWEY,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 9, 299.00 GODING LAW LLC,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 1, 543.75 THEOBALD LAW OFFICE,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 3, 537.50 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT, PICKUPS 112 . 90 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, PICKUPS 15.41 BLACK HILLS ENERGY,UTILITIES 104. 19 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,OTHER EQUIPMENT 254 .00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,CHEMICALS UN RES 125.40 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 1, 356.70 HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES 2, 871.18 PRECISION SPRINKLERS INC,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 5, 500.00 RUTT'S HEATING & AIR CONDITION,HEATING AND AIR CONDITION 2, 635.32 SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT,UTILITIES 268.35 US BANK, PICKUPS 468 .53 W G PAULEY LUMBER CO,BLDG REPAIR-COURTHOUSE 5.89 HOLIDAY INN OF KEARNEY,TRAVEL EXPENSES 104 . 95 898 ' Page UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLN,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 29. 99 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLN, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 160.00 US BANK, DUES,SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 35.00 US BANK,TRAVEL EXPENSES 487.58 US BANK, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 80.72 US BANK,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 148.09 BETH JANNING,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 66.88 BETH JANNING,TRAVEL EXPENSES 70.00 RON SEYMOUR,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 79.38 LYNN DEVRIES,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 62 . 19 LYNN DEVRIES, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 27 .41 MIPS,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 533.10 MIPS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 190.00 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 5, 070. 92 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF REVOLVING, SHERIFF COSTS 44.79 AUTO GLASS EXPERTS LLC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 45.00 CONSOLIDATED MANAGEMENT CO,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 103.20 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 189.08 GALLS LLC, SHERIFF COSTS 209.79 HASTINGS FORD-LINCOLN,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 302 .70 JANITOR INC, JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS 607.24 KEVIN JONES,MERIT COMMISSION EXPENSES 863.56 KENESAW MOTOR CO INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 68.75 MIPS,MISCELLANEOUS 68. 90 NEBRASKA LAW ENFORCEMENT, SHERIFF COSTS 75.00 SIRCHIE, SHERIFF COSTS 66.78 JERRY SPADY CADILLAC GMC INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 338 .01 US BANK,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 180.22 CASA, JUV GRANT COMMUNITY, 19-CB 60, 000.00 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF FEE ACCT ,COURT RELATED COSTS 55.50 CARPENTER & SKALKA,COURT RELATED COSTS 84 .00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 82. 65 HASTINGS TRIBUNE,JUVENILE COURT COSTS 86.09 JANITOR INC, JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS 553.72 LANCASTER COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS 37 . 97 MADISON COUNTY SHERIFF, JUVENILE COURT COSTS 37 .00 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 510.00 NEBRASKA.GOV,COURT RELATED COSTS 9.50 RAF LLC,AUTOPSY COSTS 371.00 SAMANTHA R SAMUELSON,COURT RELATED COSTS 131.25 SECRETARY OF STATE,COURT RELATED COSTS 40.00 SOFTWARE UNLIMITED, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 1, 135.00 TRANSUNION RISK & ALTERNATIVE ,COURT RELATED COSTS 75.00 US BANK,LIBRARY BOOKS 815.49 VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 758 .40 WESTERN ALTERNATIVE CORRECTION, JUV GRANT COMMUNITY, 19-CB 4, 410.00 DAS STATE ACCOUNTING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 704.00 US BANK, SHERIFF COSTS 499. 99 US BANK,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 509. 17 US BANK,TELEPHONE SERVICES 2, 438 .90 US BANK, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 57 .74 US BANK, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 161. 98 US BANK, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 249.00 VERIZON WIRELESS,CELL PHONES 162. 18 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,TRAVEL EXPENSES 768.76 ADAMS COUNTY JAIL/SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1, 457 .52 ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 9.29 LARRY L BAKER MD,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 2, 055.00 BERTS PHARMACY,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 88. 90 BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC , JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 320.40 CASH WA DISTRIBUTING,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1, 002.87 CONSOLIDATED MANAGEMENT CO,TRAVEL EXPENSES 9. 10 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 107. 40 DAWSON COUNTY SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 2, 790.00 GALLS LLC, PROVISIONS & CLOTHING 216.58 GRACES LOCKSMITH SERVICES,MISCELLANEOUS 132.50 HAMILTON COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 10, 050.00 HOBART SALES & SERVICE,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 311. 14 JIM' S U-SAVE PHARMACY,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 10. 90 KEITH' S DRIVE IN DRUG,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 393.00 LEXINGTON REGIONAL HEALTH CNTR,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 11.12 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 5, 443.59 899 ' Page MIPS,MISCELLANEOUS 68 . 90 NEBRASKA LAW ENFORCEMENT, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 720.00 NESBITT AND ASSOCIATES INC,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 7, 931.55 ZULMA K PEREZ,MATRON 12 .00 PHELPS COUNTY SHERIFF,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 23. 68 PHELPS COUNTY SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 5, 085.00 US FOODS INC,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1,289. 66 CHERYL BONTZ, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 122.37 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 50.70 CULLIGAN OF KEARNEY,MISCELLANEOUS 14.00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES-COPY 59.00 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 833.59 PHELPS COUNTY TREASURER,TELEPHONE SERVICES 55.30 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 133.35 HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES 68. 62 IDEA BANK MARKETING, 2020 SHSP-PET GRANT 144 .00 US BANK, SP PROJ7-19SHSP-PET GRANT 585. 95 US BANK,MISCELLANEOUS 110.89 US BANK, 2020 SHSP-PET GRANT 681.75 US BANK, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 581.00 US BANK, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 55.89 ALLIED UNIVERSAL, SECURITY CONTRACTS BY 0TH 4, 015.74 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 283.37 HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 68 .71 VAN DIEST SUPPLY CO,CHEMICALS UN RES 1, 400.00 CVSOAN TREASURER,DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 100.00 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF FEE ACCT , SHERIFF' S FEES 2, 873.43 ASAAP,ALCOHOLISM SERVICES ACT C 5, 000.00 CASA,CASA 18, 000.00 HASTINGS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ,ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 10, 000.00 HEARTLAND PET CONNECTION,HUMANE SOC EXP 3, 500.00 HERITAGE BANK, INTERNET SERVICE 25.00 MEALS ON WHEELS, SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAM 4, 500.00 MIDLAND AREA AGENCY ON AGING,AREA AGENCY ON AGING COST 7, 400.50 MID-NEBRASKA INDIVIDUAL SERV, DEVELOPMENTALLY DSBLD SER 15, 682.00 MIDWEST CONNECT, POSTAL SERVICES 3, 000.00 MIDWEST CONNECT, POSTAL SERVICES 3, 000.00 MIDWEST CONNECT, POSTAL SERVICES 3, 000.00 MIDWEST CONNECT, POSTAL SERVICES 3, 000.00 MIDWEST CONNECT, POSTAL SERVICES 3, 000.00 MIPS,BUDGET PREPARATION COSTS 47.27 MIPS, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 347 .50 NACO, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 3, 046. 66 RSVP,SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAM 2, 500.00 SOUTH HEARTLAND DIST HEALTH,HEALTH DEPT CONTRACT 1, 250. 00 SPOUSE ABUSE SEXUAL ASSAULT, SASA (DOMESTIC ABUSE) 6, 250.00 BOB BARKER COMPANY INC, JAIL SUPPLIES 212.01 ROAD - BRIDGE BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 32, 414 .86 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SUPPLIES - SHOP 175. 18 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SMALL TOOLS, ETC. 7. 99 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SUPPLIES - SHOP 92 .85 BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC , SMALL TOOLS, ETC. 23.49 BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC , SUPPLIES - SHOP 8.00 BLACK HILLS ENERGY,HEATING FUELS 337 .03 CINTAS CORPORATION #449, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 33.13 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS 101. 66 COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 14, 709.25 COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC, SUPPLIES - MISCELLANEOUS 22.00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 4.78 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 82 . 94 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 9. 99 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 77 .49 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 47. 95 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 62. 96 HASTINGS UTILITIES,ELECTRICITY 457 .55 HASTINGS UTILITIES,OTHR RD/BRDG MAT-H20 FOR 201.44 ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 14 .00 ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO,WELDING SUPP/CHAINS 18. 90 LAWSON PRODUCTS, EXPRESS/FREIGHT 16.02 LAWSON PRODUCTS, SUPPLIES - SHOP 171.36 MENARDS,BUILDING REPAIR 333.02 900IPage MID-NEBRASKA AGGREGATE INC,MATERIALS - GRAVEL & BORR 24, 475. 63 NAPA AUTO PARTS, SMALL TOOLS, ETC. 283. 99 NMC EXCHANGE LLC,RD EQ REP PARTS 1, 033.23 NMC EXCHANGE LLC, SUPPLIES - SHOP 386. 13 OAK CREEK ENGINEERING,ENGINEERING 31,218 .05 PTSR,MISCELLANEOUS 30.00 SIPP' S CLEANING SOLUTIONS, JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS 524 .81 SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT,ELECTRICITY 330.00 TITAN MACHINERY INC. ,RD EQ REP PARTS 2, 641.30 TITAN MACHINERY INC. ,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 71.38 TITAN MACHINERY INC. ,RD EQ REP PARTS 262.00 US BANK, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 864.00 US BANK,MEALS 17 .04 US BANK,MISCELLANEOUS 113.40 VERIZON CONNECT NWF INC,ENGINEERING/TECHNICAL EQU 210.47 VILLAGE OF HOLSTEIN,WATER 21.71 VILLAGE OF HOLSTEIN, SEWER 12.50 VILLAGE OF KENESAW,WATER 18. 66 VILLAGE OF KENESAW, SEWER 20.48 WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERVICE,GARBAGE 172.50 COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 188 .45 KEARNEY VISITORS BUREAU, PROMOTION ADVERTISING 2, 000.00 US BANK,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 53. 99 US BANK, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 6.00 US BANK, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 32. 63 US BANK, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 112.86 PRESERVATION & MODERNIZATION MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 184 .00 MIPS,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 382.47 MIPS, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 468.58 HEALTH FUND BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 16, 139.91 COVID AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN YMCA,MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTS 250, 000.00 INHERITANCE TAX ADAMS COUNTY HISTORICAL SOC,HISTORICAL SOC 6,200.00 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,TRANS TO GENERAL (0100) 1, 000, 000.00 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,TRANS TO VETERANS AID (19 3,599.12 PATRICIA VACEK, LAWN MAINTENANCE AGREEMEN 2,280.00 WEST GROUP PAYMENT CENTER,LAW LIBRARY 3,230.70 REGIONAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT US BANK,EM TRAINING 568. 93 LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER BECKENHAUER CONSTRUCTION INC,BUILDING CONSTRUCTION/REP 2, 145,778 . 94 CH BLDG BOND PYMNT/ACOB PRKNG FIVE POINTS BANK, PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 22, 000.00 FIVE POINTS BANK, INTEREST PAYMENT 1, 580.00 HIGHWAY BONDS BOK FINANCIAL, PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 575, 000.00 BOK FINANCIAL, INTEREST PAYMENT 10,256.25 BOK FINANCIAL,MISCELLANEOUS 200.00 FIVE POINTS BANK, PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 275, 000.00 FIVE POINTS BANK, INTEREST PAYMENT 3, 410.00 ESCROW HOLDING FUND ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER, INTER-FUND TRANSFERS 26, 080.50 Lee Hogan Board Chairman Ramona R.Thomas Adams County Clerk 901IPage Adams County Board of Equalization Meeting Minutes Tuesday,November 15,2022 Courthouse,Adams County A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Equalization was held with Chairman Lee Hogan presiding. Board members present were; Michael Stromer- District 1, Glen Larsen—District 2, Lee Hogan- District 3, Harold Johnson—District 4, Dale Curtis- District 5 and Chuck Neumann- District 6 District 7 Commissioner,Joe Patterson was absent. Public notice of this meeting, including the public hearing, has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting.The agenda was available to the board members and was kept continuously current and posted in the County Clerk's office,the main courthouse lobby and the Adams County website.The following is the agenda of items to be heard, no modifications were made to the agenda after 9:30 a.m.the business day prior to this meeting. The open meeting law act is posted at the door to the board room and a copy is available on the table at the board room entrance. At 10:00 am,Chairman Hogan requested a motion to meet as a Board of Equalization to review and take action on property and vehicle tax exemption applications. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan, Johnson, Curtis, Neumann Nays: None Absent: Patterson Entered Board of Equalization at 10:00 am Adams County Treasurer, Virginia Long, presented the board with a motor vehicle tax exemption application for Hastings College. Long has reviewed the application and confirms the entity meets the criteria for exemption. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Stromer to approve the motor vehicle exemption for Hastings College as presented by Long. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann Nays: None Absent: Patterson tAccio.^m Fle wlthYour I Application for Exemption �"'/'130V/oRM County Treasurer L from Motor Vehicle Taxes by Qualifying Nonprofit Organizations 457 •Rua on InoWctbM mere*ad.. —_ _ __..flaelbar VoieolM ,Wddes 'Frame a dgeNrellon Hastings College 2022 87773 Name of Owner N Progeny Canty Num Stele Where Incorporated Hastings College j Adams Nebraska %a.1 or Other Mang Mdro.iICanted Name Phare Numoer 710 North Turner Avenue Lynn Feeken 402-461.7733 See 211 Coda 11 EMI'MdNa Hastings NE 68901IIynn.feeken©haslings.edu Type or Ownerahlp ❑Agosaonel and hedkelna.I Society gFdawuonw Omer=ren 0 Rayweore.nwmn ❑cereal*Oraereaenn ❑c.meenoroeneacen Name Directors of Oakere,Directors or Partners Address,City,Skits,Zip Cods Or.Rich Lloyd President 710 North Two.,Avenue Hi15n5e,NE 88901 Or,Jonas Pride VPASA 710 North Turner Avenue Huang%NE 88901 Mo.Stephanie Oveda CFO 1710 North Turner Avenue,Hastings,NE 8890.1 Description of the Motor Vehicles •Aaaetl en additional sheet,If necessary. Moir Wake Melo I ModelYer Bedyoyp. *Nola IO Number ateiA Date or if NMy PurNraM Ilyrndal Senate 2022 Sedan KMHL44J22NA2d3587 9212022 hlyundel Senate 2022 j Sedan 5NPE114J2XLH00e457 9/212022 Mop*Nolo tlwxted atone a sees In tie blowing exempt category MW.ee monk Me eppl el#boss.? Are ars naw 0.1101.,used ecsaWNy AOMaural and Horticultural Society ❑Ede[alenel ❑Rdipfne ['Charitable ❑Cemetery a°indoeaall lase ea4uclkm) aka a derailed*natation or Or.use dab motor wade: 'Ig YES oso Fleet vehicles used for College travel(primarily athletics and activities travel).Vehicles reside on Hastings College campus when not in use.Vehicles are used as needed(not a No.ghePerre•tegeorearner ie' necessarily daily). x Under penaUwa low,Idecaeat at t hew reanrinedt is e.mrptkn applkauend.d,a timbal ul my anaemic)*end belief,it e oorreot and complete. sign i NG0 dada's tort to sign ra eerrpt 00.p1d0050n. adar�eChief Financial Officer 10/2112022 here Ad - sae For County Treeaurar Recommendation Ai Approval Comments: �. ❑Dental eIg"'" `^ at ;County'homage( L For COUntY Board of Eauolixatlon U..Only 902 I Page Adams County Assessor,Jackie Russell, presented the board with an exemption application for Grace Life Church, Inc for parcel 010009052. Russell confirmed the entity meets the criteria for exemption and is requesting approval. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Larsen to approve the exemption application for Grace Life Church, Inc as presented by Russell. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Curtis, Neumann Nays: None Absent: Patterson 1 """�L ".set I ....w.o Exemption Application FORM MII O« I falls Cameo on Red Mel Pommel property by OwillyboOripmeseene I 451 roewo«rrrat ww......wawa _ _. rrwra.wM.wrr.iirr�w�++r•swrH.wwir _J GRACE LIFE CNUNOI MG _._ ARABS- .. .-_9099 ._.-- atm,66.1...teagrat a.Ova. larartgaa,16•6 Median GRACE LICE CHURCH INC *500.000 IS 1010009059 Nonaa✓a.a•6I6.-e Nam• lave*a pea IL. 2:6627.6870 _ _ aUNfi«irjbn A..,%TE 160 s.r 26v. +`��_�1.ov0 w NE 09x01 Igw a.a tNw1wtrY�6pje. �S4 __... _. VjwM,irjoeyweord...M_,_ Urs..a..... $,....o..... Ua.—•ar•.• U.r........w. ww.. t6r..o.wa. emewe meneWw - �_.__..-_ I araaaagr.tw. 4,`c6i66a x76.4 ' L, _ 11 16 N.Denver Aye.HeatiMc NE 66601 _- _-- Peo Rem r - w,r686 63.64 .686666.686867.7868676 0....P>6 606taar r.Ar o.>a iq.h...ma ararm. 560 tato c6687636. ,...... 51...6.. 0 0...... ❑v... ...................................... The primary 880668 ane papal,/w166 mod as a rasa al was*Wine MOW rooms maNalthe th,cw nmb nsa e a6sare eadwe 0,00.1,/to BRomm l p«pa6..In Waling Drew, nerch 866 Mats 73 Wanly popary0.d 10 Me maim amp.the ANCA d 71650g7 00885 MOO rme oamrgrn on oat am pu.«6Y 760e67 a.6a 6 86.10.09010) ....w...dbMba...•N.44i......wsM..bo..9.....'. 0010 0110 .a.w.ar.wr6••.+•w.nn....ae.......a....'.m........esw..wJ`0.. gme, .w - Y-Mr.... IMw.i/I u�d6Y......w.i..4.Nr..1.1. WWS4 signti len irm9,7 a6.r� i► 4• here <, ea*.•aapr a Rr...600t. --- - -W N6./ _ ia,:o �"dW.) 1TJ LI w.cwa•we. _ p, +r..w.It1 . Gy_ �_ Oa.6r ewe. -- ._.---- 1 _ � -• .. ... YRS_ H... flesct.. l Fes velh arro6.olr Exemption Application [ FORM A6 9*W eI* ( OF Tax Epumpaol ort Reel MO seismal Pio�r by Owarvlr g-roe aiIR. --, 451 Bobo Deowber31 wwtr.ssweewe*a m.• Fiiiiieb papati wawa v Omar ewp 6 . MeWanne war m•e.aiaiw�..pma• I NW/aoeww.• • - law I •' GRACE Lire moot,INC ADNye AMS ,j24?7 T _. ar...ra�r.7tauoewow.rw. saa'own.mmoir.e Nebrasaa _ GRACE UFE CNURCH,INCSt.soo.000 s • ip7D0000M et.r r Ga *arc.112.14-07.4'mins --- - &WON-. nw,:r6:s 200 N Burn on Ay-e,STE 150 Darr apt•a Madara6 d liay11._ - ?50--27.6030 Hasti gsNE 68901 du11O.9naaRyen0•0r9_.___-_. .. ❑apwr•.rrarveewwraraay. I]re..e.aaQ,.seaa. 08r6188a+m.ar6• EIr7s•aroawar6• L1t...wa0m.ree. LNM* 7waow. �mwoMhip+.ap-�• ea,ea.erp..e..E-- . ----- Mkt-I:.000d____ Pra iidant 1;906 f.oTai,Or.,HastapS NE ea9nt _ ._._ _.. H Barry nry 1{1114 N.Der/ver Av_e.Hartwra0.NE 68901 Q,Tejlion Tioalc -- 'S. w Plane toot Gr.:00Nnhan.Na.686;12---i-;__ apweavyb.d wd mewl•AM P•tlnrewpV6wra Worms tigUemewspew*ewe kpereBarwe•.er Soo snitched exhibit. • li Rq..ym sm d..:we mi.tearo.r.p6artowo •.+6nwa r..t -.._—.. raanamAnd twaaA.da.** Bi Ea.ea is R.r... LI aarur. D e.a.vr -_-__ o»•emwar w.p aaestO ,re a b owettr pM..enm el Be owe: 1 ho primary purpose d the properly wet he load as a house of worsh p to the Chrlston Iain.The church.or the a-9tate of the church intends to Use portions ot the property to BOLCOM!!purposes oy tanning a Ovistian.Reh•preel COOL The ctnap+ aleo COOS*0 tease rho property Dade to the previous Guru,/,the YWCA ol Hasfng6 ONO+a5o Mrd e.:etrptor On read and pasonof property 10!ele ag0N ptopeafyl. .meet a ---- %Wry:GuocoeMOMrteOWN WNW* .........—RYE'S 0-'6.0 e pal temperer!IMAM*sApia ONIP I.bpipYMdbK.dt6.•«pet e Oho H6et 1.0..............11.1......".P..4.VCr......dY.! 3 phnW r•gloa tte66647,8mbbb Woof re 688708•« r' R .wR wM e.w.v t/6...P...6. .— ..p.rrl..ow*II,o.69•osike X61 a'aa6me...Mi ve. ermiYw6a.nrs.mm,rwwaApe...Doe Dt «.w. a�aea twe owed me Bowe.ereirwa—. w—rT.Giai;wr.ae�. Gaa'ai'oiwa Twee sign (AA _ DM here riResistors __10.1 0:122 °° RAMA a copy far your rewrda. -- Y���Mu,�aJ�(�r'�_'_ ■ _ I, A L i ,�/ ,i 11 a��"�Ig y/01 66 nApprewl of Oath _ I:,hey � `. M. 903 I Page Fie-row co * Exemption Application � ORM 0.0"0rah mr for Tex Exe pden on Real and Penland Property by a 451 WON Darr loan 3/ ser ruabn.M mono Oro. 1 y`a.: