HomeMy WebLinkAbout0404 Minutes for April 4, 2023 Adams County Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes Tuesday,April 4,2023 at 9:30 am Courthouse,Adams County A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners was held with Chairman Lee Hogan presiding. Motion by Stromer, seconded by Larsen that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None The Pledge of Allegiance was performed. Chairman Hogan inquired if there were any conflicts of interest. No conflicts of interest were stated. Roll was taken, roll call members present, Michael Stromer—District 1,Glen Larsen—District 2, Lee Hogan—District 3 Harold Johnson—District 4,Tim Reams- District 5, Chuck Neumann—District 6,Joe Patterson—District 7. Public notice of this meeting, including the public hearing, has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting.The agenda was available to the board members and was kept continuously current and posted in the County Clerk's office,the main courthouse lobby and the Adams County website.The following is the agenda of items to be heard, no modifications were made to the agenda after 9:30 a.m.the business day prior to this meeting. Agenda for Meeting of Adams County Board of Commissioners County Board Room,Courthouse,2nd Floor *Date of Meeting.April 3.2023 at 9:30 A.M. Chairman to request a motion that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners Announce location of Agenda&Open Meetings Law postings Reminder to turn off all cell phones Pledge of Allegiance Conflicts of Interest Roll call: Approval of consent agenda items: • Minutes from previous meeting • Claims • Monthly Report of Single Bank Pooled Collateral • Recognize disbursement of HRA funds from the Healthcare Fund(1275)for First Concord for deductible buvdown • 7 liscella nous Receipts • Officer Reports Receive Comments from the Public: Ron Seymour&Megan Burda–Present for consideration.an interlocal agreement between the UN Board of Regents and Adams County for the provision of Cooperative Extension Services Greg Schmidt–Present for possible award:bids received to complete 2023 asphalt resurfacing. (invitation for bids published in the Hastings Tribune February 23 d.March_'°d&9d~) -Review and possible award of bids for 2023 corrugated pipe metal projects. (invitation for bids published in the Hastings Tribune March 10&17.2023) David Bergin–Present for possible approval.Resolution 2023-04-04.01.a traffic plan during the Barn Festival dates 10:00—Heather Bolte,Executive Director of ASA 1P Introduction-April is National Volunteer Month Byron Morrow–Present for possible approval:a rental request for the AC'OB assembly room submitted by Tyler Crookshank for May 6.2023 Judy Mignery –Present for action.Planning&Zoning case#23-04.1-Fantasy Forest Subdivision Number Two a Replat of Lot'and Outlot B Fantasy Forest Subdivision in the SE' and the NE' SW'+Section 34-TSN- R9R'. Closed Session-Move to go into executive:closed session to receive advice from legal counsel on a personnel matter for the protection of the public's interest Discuss and act on Christina Thotnton's voluntary resignation. Discuss and act on a proposed Separation Agreement and General Release. Quarterly Jail Inspection by the Board of Commissioners.§47-109 Recess for Lunch 1:00 pm—Workshop at ACOB with elected and appointed officials This agenda is subject to amending until 9:30 AM on the Monday preceding the Board meeting. Note to Citizens:Any agenda item may be moved down at any tune at the discretion of the Chairman of the Board of Conunissioners. Last updated on April 3.2023 at 8 40 am For non-English speaking attendees wishing to arrange for a sign language or foreign language interpreter.please call or fax the Counts.Attorney s office at Phone 402-461-7240 or Fax 402 461-7241 For hearing-unp'red individuals or individuals with other special needs call or fax the Coram Clerk-s Office at Phone 402 461-7107.or TTY 402 461-7166 or Fax:402-461-7185 When requesting au interpreter or services for the hearing unpaired.please provide at least forty-eight(48)hours advance notice to allow time for making the accommodations. The Board reserves the right to go into executive session if such session is clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual Chairman Hogan requested a motion to approval all consent agenda items that include: • Minutes from the March 21, 2023 meeting • Claims to be paid by the county clerk from their respective accounts • A deductible buydown report from First Concord • Officer reports from the Clerk of the District Court and the Sheriff Motion by Patterson, seconded by Stromer to approve all consent agenda items. Roll Call,Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Chairman Hogan opened the meeting to receive comments from the public. Hogan spoke during pubic comment to recognize Dawna Whitcomb who was awarded the Assistant Emergency Manager of the Year Award at the 2023 Nebraska Association of Emergency Management (NAEM) Conference held in Columbus, Nebraska. Scott Thomsen, of 809 North Shore Drive in Hastings, spoke on behalf of Horizon Recovery to thank the board for reinstating the budget assistance funds for Horizon Recovery.Thomsen provided the board with tickets to the upcoming Horizon Recovery in the Park event. Commissioner Neumann spoke during public comment to recognize former Adams County Emergency Manager, Loren Uden who passed away last week. Adams County Assistant Emergency Manager, Dawna Whitcomb also recognized Loren Uden and stated that Uden remained active with NAEM and at the recent conference Uden was recognized for his twenty years of involvement with the organization. Ron Seymour and Megan Burda with the Adams County Extension Office presented the board with an agreement between Adams County and the University of Nebraska Board of Regents for the provision of cooperative extension services. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Patterson to approve the chairman signing the agreement as presented. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY DEPUTIES David A Bergin lir t fl DONNA FEGLER DAISS dberninCa?ndalnseouutvfto.aov i',w li Cassie L Baldwin Veba dwin(rdadamsrountvne.aov Adams County Courthouse,Room 143 Dale T.Callahan i Fourth and Denver Streets dcatisass 5)o4amscourrtvne.aov a,' P.O.Box 71 Hastings,Nebraska 68902-0071 VICTIM/WIFNESS UNIT Telephone(402)461-7240 lacici Norris Fax(402)461-7241 irabufrnaih scountvnctiov E-Mail Address:Ildaissdamscountvne.nov Raquel Maar (lla mwaf(aladamacountvne.¢ov 4. ::March?A 202-3:., Ron Seymour Nebraska Extension in Adams County —<� P.O.Box 30 ,' .1 Hastings,Nebraska 68902 ' - ron.seymour@unl.edu • '::) 1 , r • I have reviewed the Interlo41 Agreement for the Provision of Cooperative Extension Services which was provided to our office. , The agreement appears to be appropriate in all respects and I have no concerns about the contents of the agreement. Therefore,it is appropriate to place the agreement on the Agenda of the Board of Commissioners for their consideration. I Thank you for your attention. •1 • . Sincgrcly, ;gyp 1 dV CG David A.Bergin • • Deputy County:Attorney lalerkwd Agreement for the Provision of the University of Nebraska to generate valuable solutions hid positive impact to Nebraskans. Cooperative F.zrcas th Servitra The Panics agree that Nebraska Extension's partnership x ith county governments across the Saw is critical to achieving the Pareira'mdunl interest of growing the cap ity of Nebraskans and the Stat. T I,Agreement}s reside and entered into on this day of 202 .by 3. Applicable Law.This Agreement is ooroeod imo pursuant to and governed by the taws of the and between the Hoard of Regents of the Uaiverxity of Tiebraska("University").for and on State of Nebraska,anal in particular under the authority of Nob.Rev.Serf.§2-1001 on:bey.and behalf of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Institute of Agriculture and Natural the Nebraska Imrd000l Cooperation Act,Nth.Rev.Sat.113-801 et sem,and should be Resources,Cooperative Extension Division("Nebraska Extension"),the undersigned Adams construed inconformity with those provisions. County Board of Commb ("flauntyena("flaunty Board"),on behalf of Adana County.Nebraska ` ("Comm'',whether one or nnwrcl(exdiea:fively,the"Parties") 4. Admmbreatio,.Except as more speeincally described herein,this Agreement will be WHEREAS,Ute Smith-lever Act of 1914(7 U.S.C.5 342 et sem.)makes certain administered by the Extension Booed(organized and operated moment to Nob Rev.Stat.§2- 1601 et sex).)on behalf of the County and the Engagement Zone Cmsniinaton of Nebraska provisions for cooperative extension services applicable to such moires in the State Of Nebraska Extension on behalf of the university.Atter unoidnoti n of wry recommenclutbms or input and received from Nebraska Extensiem,the menthe.of the Extension Baud wilt be appointed by WHEREAS,Nob.Rev.Sun.g 2-1601 use).authorizes the County Extension Board the County. ("Extension Board"),a governing bard crated and appointed by the County as explained below, interested potential candidates will be identified through an open nomination process.A to furnish roth torsion.in conjunction and cooperation with Nebraska f:zfenak,n,ami inaasn panel selected by the Extension hoard from current Extension Board members end WHEREAS.Neb.Rev.Sat.§13-SOI et sod.(the"Nebraska Interlocal Cooperation Aa') .ether residents of the (loamy will uxxJbutc the nxnnfnaton process mrd make 'rasher es the Panics hereto to unite their eiti,rts and resources to...owlish the Ac of recommendations to the County.To encourage Ute public to serve on the Extension Reund.the this Agreement:and County will ammo.the oppextunity to.none by molding notice of any vacancies through them tnethods of public notice which may it iuJe, witout limitation advertising in WHEREAS.the undersigned Parties wish w unite their efdwts and rumen.to provide newspapers of general circulation,try conattfng Programputdcipwnn,by pmrmr0ng through to the residents of the County 000pcntive extension services to aclimate of nwrual t .S c h media channels,and by remising nx•.om l) tiuna hum the existing Extension-I-tOO rpe lit giving Such membership appointment poaches oes:hall comply with Neh,Rev.Stat§§84-1408 due ensiJentirn to the needs of all Panics,said services to include,hut nes be limited to, through g4-1414,as emended,and any other applicable public nettings laws The Exleruiont programs supporting Agriculture and Natural Rematch;Family and Consume Scutwes,4-11 and Booed Mall complete its nomination process by November IS'"of h and the Youth;and Community Resource and Economic Development. emer eacyear. lip pdmnnenn shall be node by the County Huard no lata tum the last scheduled County Board NOW THEREFORE,in consideration of the ie rerecitals and heir mutual meting oi'the calendar year, covenants hereinafter eapinnood,the Panics agree as follows In making their uppnmutteneothe County shall consider the following uiamiu he balance in I. Term ted Removals.Ibis Agreement will be effective _ _ _(••palixtive Dee"), representation:geographic bastion,peogntn interest,leadership potential,and diversity.Por for a wan of rive(S I years(the"Initial will no and:Jell atsumatiutlly renew for up w one(11 the purposes of this Suesiam,the Panus understand that Nebraska f.xtenskm,firma time to time, additional five-year dean("Renewed Tenn"),unless tamiru ase as otherwise Imwdded tin in is subject tun civil nigras compliance review by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture this Agreemem.Upon written agreement of the Punks,the Agreement may be extended pan of,u!Wend agency'now, the United Stews Department of Agriculture(184041).15(1 As On sed the Initial and Renewal'ems in writing upon the moue)egesonwel of the Panics for pan of that compliance review,NIc Act closures that Nagaoka Extrnch.complies with)}Ile VI additional tuna.The Initial'I and Renewal Tenn are c llnotively referred to herein as std Int. VII ol'ihe Civil Rights of 1964,as anwoJad. As such,for the ing of es of this the"Tenn." aeenio n,diversity dull he de0tad to include individual difference..including ndividuaLs' personalities,learning style:,and life expwriench.as well as group dilfercnces,including 2 Parpoae,The purpose of this Agreement u to alheate resp`wsibilities between the Panics individuals'cultural,political in otter atdilatiens.When op(ntinthpg nwmhers to the busenskun regarding the administration of the Nebraska Extension educator program l"Progenf')in the Howl,the Pandas will use(heir best NniMs to achieve eds ou.e board t.membership and seek out County.'flu Progrwn's mission b to'I rein Nebraskans enhance their lives through research- gender. oftes in federally d tif.nrecognized protected cu tains.s such as race.color.national Digin, based education."E:xitxuion professionals located in Nebraska's oountieo fulfill this mission gender.rcligkm,age,Jisublity,and cnprxnship saws. statement and support the Program by building song local relationships,engaging with Nebraskans on critical issues and opportunities,and bringing the knowledge arid expertise of osn000pwrxn Page I of 10 fONe2Mp em,s; Page 2 of 10 lime Paries agree one liaison of the County Board may be appointed to the Extension Board relationship of any kind will be formed or exist between hose County employees and the as mo-young members. University of Nebraska Extension. 5. General Liability;Errors and()ninaktox Insurance/Coverage. The County void provide 9. County Rwpostbllitiee.lime Extension Hoard,on behalf of the County.will he rcaponsible Nebraska Extension with a certificate or other evidence of insurance or coverage establishing for performing the tolbwing: that the ntemben ol'the Extension Board are insured or covered fee genera!liability arid for errors and omissions in amounts and with an insurer or coverage pnwider agreeable to a. Develop Program goals,objectives and bads. Nebraska Extension and the County prior to the execution of this Agreement and any renewal thereof. 'lime University will provide the County with a rxrtifh:ate or other eviddice of b. ixeluate the Program's ability to max defined objectives and engage in strategic inurance or torerage establishing that the employees and administrators of Nebraska planning in order to facilitate improvements. Extension are insured trcwered for general liability mrd for...and omissions in monads and with an insurer or coverage pntvider agreeable to the County prior to the execution of this c. Provide recommendations and other input to Nebraska Extension regarding the Agreement and any renewal thereof. placarent(including participation in any interview process conducted by Nebraska Extension),evaluation,job descriptions and duties,and terminatidh of Nebraska S. Mundell Contributions to the Program.Conctoert with Neb.Rev.Stat.§§2-I6d6 or 2- Extension employees providing extension services to do County pursuant to this 1607,as applicable,the Extension Board will finalise a tndget for the Program on behalf of Atonement. the County.The Eatensi,m Board and NoMaska Extension will work together in good faidt prior to the start of each Fiscal Year(Joly I.through June 311.9 to assess the Program's goals, d Provide Nebraska Extension with the facilities.services,and equipment necessary objectives and needs and to determine an appropriate budget honed on these goals,objectives to perform and achieve Program objectives,including without limitation general arid nssds.Nebraska Extension will develop a stalling plan that takes into consideration the maintenance,utilities.office supplies,phone session,Internet,office equipment, event Js and available resources of the Program.Ibis stalling plan,and the salary and travel expanea,and otter items necessary to unite<those facilities and equipment. benefits connibund by Neleaske Extension in providing that staffing,will be considered and Diem emote,shall be included in the annual budget pawned to the County. given rktcraec in setting the Nudge.Utile County seeks the addition of other staffnemlers or want to expand dee atone of the services provided try the Program,to County recognizes a. Provide to Nebraska eruwision the annual County extension tinwaial repots filed and acknowledges that this will require additional funding taxa tem.To facilitate the with the County Clerk. employment of Program staff members by the University using County finds,the Panics may agree to adopt a funding model by which the Counties will reimburse the University for the f. Provide mxussery Extension AxsutantsiA.tvrx;iatus,a d support and clerical staff salary and benefits associated with these positir in substantially similar limn to Exhibit A. to the Program. which is attached hereto and incorporated herein.Each County and Nebraska Extension will he responsible for obtaining approval of their pnrpowed contributions in aaonlwn:e with Item g. Such other responsibilities us the Parties hereto may mutually agree, own inlenal policies and processes Any other financial sources really available on fund the Program,such as grants or gills,also tray be used to fund the undertakings of Nebraska Id. Nebraska Eatcaskaa Obligations.The University,through N txaska Extension,will be l elvnoton andrar the l eunty. responsible for performing the following, 7. ()pea Meetings lista.The ativttics of the Lxtension Board will be conducted in conformity a. Provide Extension Educators in numbers and with the qualifications considered by with Neb.Rev,Sue.§a 84-1408 through 84-1414,and any other applicable public meetings Nebradea l:xmrekm to beat serve the needs of the Program,taking into amsidorntion laws. the:Bxerwkm Board's Program design and budget.Tisa E'.xtauinn Educators shall be employe)by to University and shall he subject to the terms and cond'akms of S. Program Staff. Nebraska Extension agrees to provide Extension Edueatots in a manner employment established by the University through its personnel policies ad protium. consistent with its stalling plan and resources ed to employ those staff nnembers pursuant to No employment relationship of any kind will he formal or exist between there the terms and conditions of the employment established by Nebraska Extension.The County Iiniversity employees and the County. 'like University will provide these cmployeos agrees to provide mxx•.ssary Extension Assistwaa/Associauw,and rapport and clerical stall with:(I)ren noble professional dovokopment and continuing education experience atmistent with the tens of this Agreement.The County shall have sok and full disete)dt in when such opponenhica tomtit the Program;(2)access to and support from University schooling and establishing the tents and eondinorta of attployman for their employees who programs,information and rwan:cs,belonging la the linivcnity of Nebraska,which perform duties on behalf of the Pmgram.although the County will seek input from the load it deems necessary and feasible to serve the Program goals and objectives;and(3) Ldicatoe in making emptoynenu decisions regarding terse employees. No empbynent assistance farm its Engagement Zone('odd)natem with the administration of this ua ire!Dance; Page 3 of 10 axourtoxs:s+ Page 4 of 10 terminated in any manner for any recon,any property dedicated to the Program will be Agreement and ci act as a hats.between the Extension Board and Nebraska recanted m the entity owning such propen) In those instances where one or mom entity owns Extension. the property,unless the Peaks agree ahewix,the property will be sold in a commercially b Appoint one t I)Extension Educator m serve as the reasnabi manner of disposition.and the owners will share to sale proceeds according 10 pee, printery Load Edte:ator.The lead their respective ratios of ownership. Educator role will he responsible for '.5. Employment IyfacrimiantMm."time Parties agree that in aco rdaricy;with the Nebraska fair Presiding input and advice to the E:xteiuioxr hoard on programming,budget Employment Practice Act,Neb.Ron,Stat.§48-1122,as well as other state and federal law, and personnel matters. they will not discriminate against any employee or applicant Id employment,to be employed Providing administrative support to the Lxenamn Board- in the perform..of this Agnomens,wilt respect to hire,tenure,terms-corditidu.o Contributing to Program coordination. privileges of employment because of the raw,chlor,religion,sex,national origin,age, n. Super,.isng the University Extension.AssistanulAssociates eosigrted to the disability,marital status.preguuay,or any other legally protected characteristic of the Program. employee or applicant. Nome of the Parties shadl in rho performance of this Agreement, v. ()Bering input on maters relating to the employment of any County employee discriminate or permit discrimination in v blaiah of federal to state laws or kcal ordinances. assigned to the Program.such as toper tom renting goals and evaluating penoniwce. 16. Compiraace with the Law.lime Panics hereto agree to comply with any and all laws,rules vi. Assisting in the establishment of the advisory committees pnrvide d for earn and egulatams,whether beat,state or federal,required in the administration cad execution of the Hylawa of the Extension Hoard. the terms and pnwisisos of this Agreanent. vii Such rather responsibilities as the Panics hemp may mutually agree. t I. IsabilHy to Provide University Personnel.'the Panics rcatgn'vc the in vermin instances, 17. Reciprocal Indemnification.to the extent permitted by Nebraska law,the County will mono including but not limited en budget rxxmstreinu,reassignment,retirement,or oiler unninatiott and hold harmless the University and its individual officers and employees from nee and all of sanatorium,the university may not be able m supply Extension Ldueaton for the entireoclaims and liabilitkxs of whatever nature which may arise from each aunty's apcerd, Tema of this Agreement The Canary agrees such ohs...,are acceptable,so long as theoperation,mashies and obligations,im;lsding the ale or«niaskru of its County Board, easily takes nowrmhie actions rent address the need(w rental:mein persomel let such a oil I wrims,employees,t agents a cher hr h to nutivu;provided,I re however,sail indenxlf vatdh way as on preserve the integrity oi'the Extension Boards Program. will not emend to any negy cr111 attrihutabk to the I ln)venity.To the extent permtned by Nebraska law,the University will move and hold harmless the County and its individual officers 12. (:nae sad Other Monies Collected.The(lmnry will venire,prior to the Extension Hoard's and employ.,front any and all claims and liabilities of whatever nature which may arise out application for grant funds d other similar kids°f nnicted gills,to Extension Board will o1'ihe UnivenuC It' enwn,activities and obligations,including the acts or omissions of its foil inform Nebraska Extension of the iituud of Regents,officer,employees,agents°rater representatives;provided,powder,said } gran cad its applications.Prior to nubmiuing any such grant application,Nebraska Extension and the E:xtaniun Board will mutually agree upon the indemnification will not cxuxrd to any regligerce attributable to the Cranny.Die provisions useand administration of the funds.the County ultimately shall be responsible though,for this sxtkni shall service expiration or termination of this Agreement.Theo indemnification the administration and expenditure of any grantor other nunies dial are received o pe collected provisions are not intended to at a Patsy's mvcreign immunity. A Party's liability is by the County.Nebraska Lidensirm.in turn,shall be responsible for to administration and governed by and limited to the extent pnv8kd by the Nebraska Political Subdivision Ton expenditure of any grant or other monies that are received to cote:ned by Nebraska Extension Claims Act,the State'I ort Claina Ad,or other applicable provisions of law. Lir any other unit of the University,of Nebraska. 18. Drug free Polity.1 he University assures the Cooley that the University has established and 13. Property Ownership.Any pnrpcny,personal or real,acquired for purposes of nint:ring the maintains o dug free workplace p°liey. goals and objectives of the Program,will be owned by to entity contributing the funds for the purchase of the property.Should nam than one entity contribute to the purchase of the IS. (laaeadablmty of Funding L aagnage.Due to possible future nduxidu including but mg property,then the properly will be owood by the contributor in proportion to the contribution. limited to County,State andnor federal appropriations,the Aunty amort guarantee the continued availability of funding for this Agneamens,notwithstanding the consideration stated 14. Tenulaatioa. This Agreement may be temhinatcd an any line,with or without cause,upon in this Agreement.In the event funds to finance this Agreement bonnie unavailable eithr in no less than 120 calendar days prior written notice,given to all Parties.Notwithstanding the full or in put due to such reduction in appnnpriations,the County may terminate the Agreement foregoing,should the vote of the County trade in accordance with Neb.Rev.Stet.§2-1004 or nduce the ansideratkm upon 120 days'advance make in mitring to University.lite notiw require that no appropriation be nuatbo for the Program then this Agaeontsx,t will terminate :dull be delivered by nonfood mail,return receipt requested. The County shall he the final ahnnenaurate with the date the appropriation maws to exist Should this Agreement he authorities as to the availability of find,line rllbeuve date of such Agneentent termination or wmum:.no,n1 Page 5 01.10 raxavo,rode Page 6 of 10 reduction in consideration shall be specified in the notice. Reduction of consideration shall 27. Applicable Law and Venue.Nebraska law will govern the terms and the perfonnae a under not apply to payments made for services satisfactorily completed prior to the effective date.In this Agreement. Venue for any legal proceeding under this Agreement shall he in Lancaster the event of a reduction of consideration,the University may cancel this Agreement as of the County,Nebraska. effective date of the proposed reduction upon the provision of advance written notice to the County. 28. Authority.The undersigned represent that each has the authority to bind the respective public body to this Agreement and that any and all actions on the part of any governing board, 20. Work Statue Verification.the Parties and any of their subcontractors shall use a federal committee,or officer has been taken to authorize the execution of this Agreement.The immigration verification system to determine the work eligibility status of new employees undersigned further warring that this Agreement does not conflict with the terns of any other physically performing services within the State of Nebraska pursuant to Neb.Rev.Stat.§§4- contract to which it is bound or any Constitution,Bylaws or other document governing the 108 to 4-114,as amended. activities of the respective Parties. 21. Severability.If any provision of this Agreement is determined by a court of competent 29. Notice.Whenever notice may be required under this Agreement,such notice will be deemed jurisdiction to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable,futhat provision will be severed and the to have been duly given,served and delivered,when mailed by certified mail,postage prepaid, remainder of this Agreement will remainninv force full force and effect. addressed to: 22. Waiver.The failure of any Party to this Agreement to insist on strict performance of any University of Nebraska covenants or conditions,or to exercise any option herein conferred on any one or more Cooperative Extenision brask instances,shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of any such covenant,condition, 211 Ag Hall right,or option,but the same shall remain in full force and effect. For a waiver of a right or •Lincoln,NE 68583 power to he effective,it must be in writing signed by the waiving Party.An effective waiver of a right or power Dull not be construed as either a future or continuing waiver of that sane Adams County('kik right or power,or the waiver of any other right or power.In addition,any act by any Party to SUO West 4th Street this Agreement,which it is not obligated to do hereunder,shall not be deemed to impose any Suite 109 obligation upon that Party to do any similar act in the future or in any way change or alto any Hastings.NI',68901-7657 of the prrvisions of this Agreement. 23. Aasignmeat.No Party may assign its rights under this Agreement without the express prior or such other address as such Party presides in writing to the other Party subsequent to the written consent oldie other forty.An assignment without such prior written consent shall be execution of this Agreemosht by certified mail,postage prepaid. a material breach of this Agreement. 30. Use of Name or Intellectual Property. The County agrees it will not use the name or any 24. Successors and Assigns Round by Covenants.All covenants,stipulations and agreensents in intellectual property,including but not limited to,any University trademarks or logos in any this.Agreement shall inure to the:benefit of the Paries hereto and extend to and hind to legal manner,including commercial advertising<x as a business reference,without the expressed representatives,success,rrs.and assigns of the respective Parties hereto. prior written consent of the University.The County agrees it will net use the University's Warne in any manner that acts as an endorsement or is nn appearance of any endorsement in any 25. Entire Agreement.This Ago-Immo contains the entire agreement of the Patio. The Promotion,advertisement,solicitation or other ahmmuntcatton,especially as it relates to provisions of this Agreement may not be explained,supplemented,or qualified through Extension Board business. evidence of trade usage or prior course of dealings. No representations were made or relied 31. Damage to University Property. Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the upon either Party other than tune that are expressly set forth herein.No agent,employee, contrary,the County shall he solely responsible(or nsto a0 costs and expensesreturn University or other representative of either('arty is empowered to alter any oldie terms hereof except as provided herein. property to the imndition existing a4 of the effective date of this Agreement.The County shall immediately give notice in writing of the occurrence of any damage to University property. 26. Amendments.this Agreement may be modified only by written amendment,duly executed Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary,the University shall be solely by autlhoxized officials of the Parties.No alteration or variation of the terms and conditions ofresponsible for all costs and expenses to return County property to the condition existing as this Agreement shall he valid unless made in writing and signed by the Parties hereto.Every of the effective date of this Agreement.The University shall immediately give notice in amendment shall specify the date on which its provisions shall be effective. writing of the occurrence of any damage to County Property sm nano coca.st Page 7 of 10 000505 aces sl Page 8 of Ill 32. Relationship of Parties. No agency,partnership,or joint venture is created by this 39. Right to Audit.The University shall establish a reasonable accounting system,which enables Agreement.This Agreement does not create a separate legal entity under the Nebraska ready identification of the University's cost of goods/services and use of funds.Upon thirty Interlocal Cooperation Act.The I'arties affirmatively disclaim any intent to form such (30)days written notice to the University,the County may audit the University's records any relationship. The Parties agree that there are no intended or unintended third-party time before three(3)years after final payment to verify the County's payment obligation and beneficiaries of this Agreement,and that this Agreement is solely for the benefit of the Parties use of Coutty!''ands.'l'his right to audit shall include other agencies or subcontractors in which hereto, good or services are subcontracted by the University.The University shall insure the County has these rights with the other agencies and subcontractors. 33. Fair Labor Standards. Pursuant to Nebraska Revised Statutes§73-102,the County states it complies with,and will continue to comply with,fair labor shuidarls in the pursuit of its 40. Miscellaneous.The section headings of this Agreement are for convenience of reference only business and in the execution of the Agreement and that fair labor standards shall be and do not form a part hereof and do not in any way modify,interpret or construe the intentions maintained for the term of the Agreement. of the Parties.The opening recitals in this Agreement are incorporated into and agreed upon as terms of the Agreement. 34. Equal Opportunity(intentionally boWedi.The Parties shall abide by the requirements of 41 CFR 60.1.4(a), 60-300.5(a) and 60-741.5(a). These regulations prohibit discrimination against qualified Individuals based on their status as protected veterans IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Parties have executed this Agreement on the dates appearing or individuals with disabilities,and prohibit discrimination against all individuals based directly below their signatures. on their race,war,religion,sex,sexual orientation,gender identity or national origin. Moreover,these regulations require that covered prime contractors and subcontractors HOARD OF REGENTS OF take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment individuals without I'HE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA regard to race,color,religion,sex.sexual orientation,gender identity,national origin, (IN BEHALF OF THE INSTITUTE OF disability or veteran status. AORICULTURL AND NATURAL RESOURCES, COOPERATIVE EXTENSION DIVISION 35. Confidentiality. The Parties acknowledge they may disclose certain confidential or proprietary information(the"Confidential Information")to each other during the course of this Agreement.The Parties will use such Confidential Information solely for the purpose for By: which it is provided and will not,except as required by law or agreed to by the other party, Date disclose such Confidential Information to any third parry.The provisions of this Section shall Title: Michael J.Boehm survive any termination or expiration of this Agreement. NU Vice President and Harlan Vice Chancellor. Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources 36. Depute Resolution.Any dispute which,in the judgment of a Party to this Agreement,may affect the performance of such Party shall be reduced to writing and delivered to the other Party. As song as possible thereafter,the Parties authorized representatives shall schedule a meeting to resolve the dispute in a mutually satisfactory manner.Prior to the institution of any COUKI'Y BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS formal legal proceeding,the Parties must meet in this manner to resolve the dispute.This OF ADAMS COUNTY meeting must take place within ten(1 U)business days after service of the written statement of dispute.(Raring the pendency of negotiations,the Parties shall act in good faith to perform By: their respective duties described herein. Date Title: fee Hogan 37. Joint Work Product.This Agreement is the joint work product of both Parties;accordingly, Adams County Board of Commissioners Chair in the event of any ambiguity,no presumption shall be imposed against or in favor of either Party by reason of document preparation. 38. Public Benefits.With regard to Neb.Rev.Stat.§§4-IOS 113,neither Party is an individual or sole proprietorship.Then:tine,neither Party is subject to the public benefits attestation and related requirements of Neb.Rev.Stat.§§4-108-113. tmaeuonoou. Page 9 of 10 lmwzmt.uoa,ut Page 10 0110 Adams County Roads Co-Superintendent, Greg Schmidt, presnted the board with bids received for • county asphalt projects. Schmdit and the roads committee have reviewed the bids received and is recommending the low bid of $964,464.20 with Werner Construction.The Village of Prosser will reimburse Adams County$32,000.00 for their portion of the asphalt work.An agreement with the Village of Prosser will be presented at a later date. Motion by Neumann, seconsed by Larsen to award the asphalt bid to Werner Construction in the amount of$964,464.20. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None OAK CREEK ENGINEERING March 23,2023 Adams County Board of Commissioners 500 W.4t°st,Suite 809 Hastings,NE 68902-2067 Re: Bid Results and Recommendation,OCE#14-C-14 2023 Asphalt Resurfacing Prosser Ave-26v Street to W.Virginia Ave in Prosser approx.5.25 miles 70'"Street-Prosser Avenue to Concordia Cemetery approx.0.5 mile Dear Board, Project notification was sent to six(6)contractors and publicly advertised. Bid opening occurred on March 22,2023 and project completion date was established as October 30,2023. No corrections to the submitted bids were realized during bid tabulation and the results arc as follows: Werner Construction Hastings,NE tfiR $964,464.20 Vont.Paving-Hastings,NE S 1,014,684.50 Engineer's Estimate: S 1,068,700.00 Considerations Village of Prosser will be responsible for a portion of the above stated bid to complete work within their Village limits. Comparison to the Engineers Opinion of Probabk Construction Cost: Low bid is 10%below the estimate and falls within an anticipated range of costs. Recommendation: Accept low bid from Werner Construction. ""Approximate cost fur each entity: Adams County portion: $932,464 Village of Prosser portion: s 32,000 Please contact me with any questions. Sincerely, lance M.Haney,P.E. cc: Highway Department P.O.Box 1209 Kearney,611160848 (3081455-1152 Schmidt also presented bids received for 2023 culvert pipe projects.Schmidt and the roads committee have reviewed the bids received and recommend the low bid with Ace Irrigation totaling$48,322.30. Motion by Johnson seconded by Reams to award the culvert pipe bid to Ace Irrigation for$48,322.30. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None PROJECT CMP BID TAB SHEET 2023 PROJECT CORRUGATED METAL PIPES Wednesday,March 22,2023 1:00 pm Ace Irrigation Conteh Midwest Sales&Service Metal Culverts Silas Base Bid Total BW S/SW/R Base Aid Total Bid 515(6/R DM Bid Toml 9i1 &3W/R Elm Bid Total Of Peico. SAWPosh Price ( Moo Each Pricy Pich 2 EACH 611"12d X 58'10 gn. .. _ _. _-_. . _. _._ C1-522 87,250.00 914.500.03 S $80,170.3) 320,340,60 S Prairie Lake W of Watkin-Co.B r.#E 35.1 C1-501 2 EACH66"Rd%60'10 go. $8,100.00 $16,200.00 s $11,535410 $23,070410 S 2 Blue HiO W ofEllthom -Co.1348024.2 - - _ 2023 I EACH 36"Rd X 50'14 ga. 32,592.50 32592.504p4 53,072,50 $3,072.50 Asphalt on 1 EACH 36"Rd X 64'14 ga. 33318.40 $3,318.40 SW 34,086.45 84,086,45 R Prosser Delivery to M,M A01,415 N/plows Caval Am t EACH 24"Rd X 46' 16 go. $1,306.40 813(6.40 114.6154(:) 31,720.46 s1,720.43 Kaman 3EACH IS"Rd X 44'16 ga. $968.00 32,904.0 , - A_ 31,229.80 53,659.40 Township 2 EACH 18"X 741"]feud 16 ga. 535.00 870.00 555.90 8111.80 Wimp to Mein Shop 415 N Adam Cenral Ave I EACH 42"Rd X 20'14 ga, 31,208.00 31,208.0 $1385.00 $1,355.00 I EACH 36"Rd X 20'148% 51,004,00 51,004.0 31,182.00 $1,182.00 12 EACH 24"Rd X 44'16 go. $1,306.70 52,613.43 a $1,667.50 $3,335.00 Sllverlake 2 EACH 18"Rd X 44'16 ga. 3968.00 31,936.00 L 51,19690 $2,393.60 Township Z EACH 43"X24"lined 14 go. $120.80 $241.60 SW $138,50. $277.00 It 2 EACH 36"X 24"Band 14 p. 510.40 520980 $118.20 3236.40 4 EACH 24"X 24"Band 16 go. 356.80 $22720 $72.50 $290.00 Damp to Mei.Shop 413 N Adeaa Cooing Are Grand Total $48,322.30 365,190.15 Delivery 24 Weeks 4 Wane ARO Schmidt also presented Resolution 2023-04-04.01 to adopt a traffic plan to be followed for Barn Fesitvals in 2023. Schmidt and Deputy County Attorney, David Bergin have reviewed the resolution and are presenting it to the board for action. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Stromer to approve Resolution 2023-04-04.01 as presented by Schmidt. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None RESOLUTION TO ADOPT A TRAFFIC PLAN TO BE FOLLOWED ON DATES UPON WHICH BARN FESTIVALS ARE OCCURRING DURING THE YEAR 2023 Adams County Resolution No.2023-04-04.01 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA that: WHEREAS,the Barn Festivals which occur on South Marian Road in Adams County each year are very well attended and a benefit to Adams County;and WHEREAS,the large attendance at the Barn Festivals can cause problems with vehicular traffic in the area of the Barn Festivals; THEREFORE,the following traffic plan to be followed on dates upon which the Barn Festivals are occurring during the year 2023 is hereby adopted by the Adams County Commissioners: 1. The traffic plans for the year 2023 are attached to this resolution and are hereby made a part of this resolution by reference. 2. The traffic plans shall be effective on the following dates: May 18th to 21st,2023 September 15'''to 17th,2023 September 22nd to 24th,2023 December 1st to i 0th,2023 3. The traffic plans for 2023 shall be operated and carried out by persons who are employees of the owners of The Barn or persons who have been contracted with by the owners of The Barn. The owners of The Barn shall be liable for any injuries,damages,or other unintended outcomes as a result of the operation of the traffic plan for 2023. 4. The persons designated by the owners of The Barn to operate and carry out the traffic plans for 2023 shall be responsible persons who are equipped with proper Personal Protective Equipment. In addition,at least twenty(20)days prior to May 18,2023,the owners of The Barn shall provide to the Adams County Highway Department a detailed map of the routes to be followed in carrying out the traffic plans for 2023 and examples of all signs being used to carry out the traffic plans for 2023 in order to ensure that the signs conform with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. hi addition,the owners of The Barn shall advertise,on facebook or in the local newspaper or both,the routes to be followed by vehicular traffic to the Barn Festival and the fact that parking will be provided at the Adams County Fairgrounds with shuttle service to the Barn Festival. ADOPTED this 4th day of April,2023,at Hastings,Nebraska,by the Adams County Board of Commissioners. Lee Hogan,Chairman ATTESTED by: Ramona Thomas,County Clerk , 71 4 7, lipt � " v° } w J ,ay-isground s s4 a,34:-1-„%,,..,: � t � E ¢', rf 1. jklit, ,# . � ` Ne traska Prime, Ayk 1 1 :::*/: , ' B i' eI r t3arn Festival 1- '''At i ..1 i ') E X14 , t 1 fiv f(y�. ji ,171 ...;rFt`R� • f 1i F Y t fes', itf0%440 The Christmas Market ..,._ , _ On Site Parking Spots East Side: 106 Spots "`t" • West Side:75 Spots (40 marked spots,35 > unmarked) Flood Lighting Reflective Cone MI Approach Sign Heather Bolte, introduced herself as the new Executive Director of the Area Substance &Alcohol Abuse Prevention (ASAAP)office. Bolte gave a brief ASAAP office update. Adams County Register of Deeds, Byron Morrow, presented the board with a ACOB assembly room rental request from Tyler Crookshank. Morrow has reviwed the application and is requesting board approval. Motion by Patterson, seconded by Stromer to approve the ACOB assembly room application submitted by Tyler Crookshank. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None REGISTRATION FOR USE OF THE ADAMS COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING ASSEMBLY ROOM/MEETING ROOM Name of person,group,or organization I/VIe.I e(06,14---SLtk Address Oa O. tiv /IL Phone number � S—�. �6x2)8' The above-named person,group,or organization intends to use the(circle appropriate) ASSEMBLY ROOM MEETING ROOM BOTH THE ASSEMBLY ROOM AND MEETING ROOM on the following date(or dates) '�y .. - A service charge of$25 per day must be paid at the time of registration. In addition,a$50 cleaning and damage deposit must be paid by a separate check. By registering to use the stated rooms,the above-named person,group,or organization acknowledges the following: 1. The Adams County Office Building is a SMOKE FREE facility at all times. In addition,no alcoholic beverages are allowed in the building or in any of the parking areas. 2. By order of the City Fire Marshall,capacity for the Assembly Room is sixty-two(62)persons. Capacity for the Meeting Room is twenty-seven(27)persons. Such capacities may not be exceeded at any time. 3. All parking on the adjoining parking lots is restricted to Adams County Office Building employees from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM on workdays. 4. Use of the Assembly Room and Meeting Room must be concluded by 10:00 PM each evening. The rooms must be entirety vacated at that time,and any property or materials belonging to the person,group,or organization must be removed from the building at that time each day. 5. Persons,groups,or organizations not related to the county shall not go beyond the closed door by the elevator. 6. Persons,groups,or organizations shall return the Assembly Room and the Meeting Room, and adjacent restrooms,as you found them. If any extra cleaning is required by county staff, the cost of such cleaning shall be charged to the person,group,or organization. In addition, any damage to any portion of the Adams County Office Building caused by members of a group or organization using the facilities shall be charged to the group or organization. The persons,groups,or organizations which use the above-stated rooms shall assume all liability for any occurrences which happen during the use of the above-stated rooms. The persons,groups,or organizations hereby acknowledge that Adams County shall not be held liable for any such occurrences,and agree to defend Adams County from any such liability. SIGNED L, r j REPRESENTATIVE OF DATED 3/2'74%c;.2 3 ��trt)d4y !v( . Adams County Planning and Zoning Director,Judy Mignery, presented the board with plans for the Fantasy Forest Subdivision and read the following into the record: ADAMS COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT Judy Mignery,Zoning Director 500 N.Denver Ave.,Hastings,NE 68901 Phone: 402-461-7174 Fax: 402-461-7177 Office Hours: Monday—Thursday,8:00—12:00 and 1:00—4:00 DATE: April 3,2023 TO: Adams County Planning Commission&Board of Commissioners FROM: Zoning Staff—Judy Mignery,Director RE: Case#23-04.1 —Fantasy Forest Subdivision Number Two a Replat of Lot 7 and Outlot B of Fantasy Forest Subdivision in the SE '/a and NE %SW ' Section 34-T8N-R9W Applicant: Robert and Mary Hansen,David Clancy and Jennifer Clancy Location:SE 1 and NE'/SW'A Section 34-T8N-R9W Zoned Use:R-2 Zoning Administrator's Comments: The applicant would like to re-subdivide Fantasy Forest Subdivision,move a lot line and vacate a portion of an easement. The tract contains a House,Ag barn with lean-to,well and septic system. The tract does fall within the floodplain. All requirements of the existing County and Village Subdivision Regulations and the Zoning Regulations have been met. The Adams County Planning and Zoning Committee has approved the plans for the subdivison and Mignery is now presenting it for county board consideration. Motion by Stromer,seconded by Reams to approve the plans for the Fantasy Forest Subdivision. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Chairman Hogan arequested a motion to meet ion closed session,for the protection of the public interest,to receive advice from legal counsel on a personnel issue Motion by Patterson,seconded by Johnson to meet in closed session.Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Entered closed session at 10:00 am Motion by Patterson, seconded by Larsen to resume regular open session. Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Regular session resumed at 10: 32 am Chairman Hogan stated the closed session was for the protection of the public interest to receive advise from legal council on a personnel issue,only the personnel issue was discussed and no action was taken while in closed session. Motion by Patterson, seconded by Reams to accept the resignation of Adams County Public Defender, Christina Thornton.Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Christina Thornton 731 Crane Avenue Hastings,NE 68901 April 2,2023 To the Adams County Board of Commissioners: Effective April 4,2023,at 9 a.m.,I am voluntarily resigning as the Public Defender of Adams County,Nebraska. Sincerely, Christina Thornton Motion by Patterson, seconded by Stromer to approve a separation agreement between Adams County and Christina Thornton.Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None SEPARATION AGREEMENT AND GENERAL RELEASE TIAs SEPARATION AGREEMENT AND GENERAL RELEASE(the"Agreement")is entered into between Christina Thornton("Thornton")and Adams County,Nebraska,including its insurers,representatives,elected and appointed officials, and past and present employees (collectively,the"County"). The County and Thornton jointly referred to as the"Parties"or individually as a"Party." In consideration of the mutual promises in this Agreement,the Parties agree as follows. WHEREAS,Thornton served as the appointed Public Defender for the County from May 2022,until April 4,2023,and wishes to voluntarily resign from that position effective April 4, 2023;and WHEREAS,the Parties wish to end their employment relationship and do so in a way that avoids controversy and costs as well as to fully and forever settle any and all differences, disputes or claims that Thornton may have against the County as of the date of execution of this Agreement,relating in any way to her employment with the County,as further explained below. NOW,'THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein,the County and Thornton hereby agree as follows: 1 TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT AND PAYMENT OF AMOUNTS DUE 1.1 Thornton's employment with the County shall be deemed to end at 9 a.m.on Tuesday,April 4,2023("Last Day Worked"). After the Last Day Worked, Thornton is no longer eligible to receive further payments for salary, compensation,commissions,PTO,vacation or other benefits,except that Thornton's health insurance coverage will continue through the last day of the month in which the Last Day Worked occurs,with Thornton being charged the active employee premium rate,after which Thornton will be eligible for continuation of health insurance benefits pursuant to the provisions of COBRA. (Thornton will receive from the COBRA Administrator further information regarding COBRA rights.) 1.2 The Parties agree that there am 19 working days within the month of April 2023, making the gross amount due to Thornton for work performed on April 3 and 4, 2023,not more than S653.39("Final Wages"). The County shall pay Thornton herr Final Wages within two weeks of the Last Day Worked. Thornton agrees that so long as this amount is properly paid,she will have been paid all wages for time worked on behalf of the County,and she acknowledges that she does not have any accrued but unused vacation. 1.3 Payment of Thornton's Final Wages will be made without any obligation for Thornton to sign this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to limit or affect,or in any way diminish or prevent Thornton from receiving any vested benefits,or rights Thornton has or is entitled to,if any,under any benefit plans in accordance with the terms and conditions of those plans. 1 1.4 Thornton will file all outstanding expense reports reflecting any and all expenses Thornton alleges were incurred on behalf of County no later than one week after the Last Day Worked. Such expense reports will be promptly reviewed by County and paid under its normal policies and procedures. 2 CONSIDERATION FOR THE PARTIES'AGREEMENTS 2.1 Separation Benefits. In consideration for Thornton's execution of and compliance with this Agreement,including the waiver and release of any actual or prospective claims,and provided Thornton executes this Agreement after the Last Day Worked,the County agrees to provide the following benefits: 2.1.1 In total,the gross sum of Eight Thousand Six Hundred Fifty-Seven Dollars and Forty-Nine Cents($1,657.49),shall be paid to Christina Thornton as allocated and set forth below("Separation Payment"). From this amount,all relevant taxes and other legally required withholdings shall be taken,and the remaining amount shall be paid to"Christina Thornton"as a separation payment and reported to the IRS on a Form W- 2. 2.1.2 The County will make this payment no later than fourteen(14)days following the Agreement's official Effective Date as defined in this Agreement. 2.2 Voluntarily Resignation of Employment.The County agrees that its internal records will reflect that Thornton voluntarily resignerl from her position as the Public Defender as of April 4,2023. 2.3 Future Employment and Reemployment. The County agrees that Thornton may apply in the future for reemployment within Adams County and may accept or request court appointments. No representation is made to'Thornton with regard to the outcome of any such employment application. 2.4 Reference Requests. Any reference request relating to third party employers that are not affiliated with the County shall be directed solely to the County Attorney or the then-chair of the County's Personnel Committee. Such individuals shall respond only with confirmation of Thornton's employment with the County, including positions held,dates of employment,and salary information. These individuals will not otherwise comment to prospective third-party employers about Thornton in response to a reference request,and Thornton shall not request a reference from anyone at the County other than the individuals identified in this paragraph. 2.5 Full Satisfaction. Thornton acknowledges,agrees,and warrants(a)that the sums provided to her in this Agreement,together with sums already provided to Thornton through the County's regular payroll procedure,fully satisfy any amounts the County may owe to Thornton for any work Thornton has performed for the County,(b)that the amounts paid are in excess of any disputed wage claim 2 that Thornton may have,(c)that the consideration paid is properly deemed to be paid first in satisfaction of any disputed wage claim with the remainder sufficient to act as consideration for the release of claims Thornton undertakes,and(d)that Thornton has not earned and is not presently entitled to receive any additional wages or other form of compensation from the County other than the sums in this Agreement or already paid to Thornton. 3 OPPORTUNITY TO REVIEW,METHOD OF ACCEPTANCE,AND EFFECTIVE DATE. 3.1 'Thornton expressly acknowledges that the County advises Thornton to consult with an attorney before signing this Agreement,and that she has consulted with Lampson Dugan&Murray LLP. 3.2 Thornton further acknowledges that County has provided up to twenty-one(21) days in which to consider the terms of this Agreement,prior to signing the same. To accept this Agreement,Thornton must provide a copy of the Agreement with Thornton's signature so that it is received by Joe Patterson,Chair of the Adams County Personnel Committee,at jpatterson@playasaball.com or by mail to Adams County,NE,ATTN:Joe Patterson,500 W 4th St.,Suite 143,Hastings, NE 68901,on or before the twenty-first calendar day following the presentment of this Agreement to Thornton. However,in no event may Thornton sign this Agreement prior to the Last Day Worked and if Thornton does so,this Agreement shall not be valid. 3.3 Thornton understands that she has the right to revoke this Agreement within seven (7)days after its execution,and the Agreement will not become effective or enforceable until after this revocation period has expired. If Thornton chooses to revoke this Agreement,Thornton must provide a written revocation notice Joe Patterson,Chair of the Adams County Personnel Committee,at jpatterson(a playasaball.com or by mail to Adams County,NE,AT N:Joe Patterson,500 W 4th St.,Suite 143,llastings,NE 68901,so that it is received on or before the seventh calendar day following Thomton's execution of the Agreement. 3.4 Given the opportunity to review and revoke,this Agreement shall not become effective until the eighth(8th)day after Thornton and County both execute this Agreement. Such date shall be the Effective Date of this Agreement. 4 REPRESENTATIONS AND WAIVERS FROM THORNTON. 4.1 As a material inducement to the County to enter into this Agreement,Thornton represents that she has not filed any grievances,lawsuits,charges,or discrimination complaints with any local,state,or federal agency or court of law arising from her relationship with the County,including the end of employment. Thornton further represents that,subject to the County's compliance with the terms of this Agreement,Thornton will not seek to recover any monetary 3 damages from the county,in the future for any wrongful,untawmt,or unfair act or omission on behalf of the County alleged to have occurred up to and including the date Thornton executes this Agreement. 4.2 To the extent that Thornton is legally prohibited from waiving her right to bring a claim of any sort against the County,Thornton nevertheless waives her right to seek or accept any damages or relief in any such proceeding. In the event that any such proceeding is instituted,Thornton agrees not to seek or accept any monies, award,or recovery. Nothing in this Agreement prohibits Thornton from providing any form of voluntary assistance to the EEOC,NEOC,or other similar anti-discrimination agency,complying with a properly served and lawfully issued subpoena or order issued by a court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction,or testifying truthfully in a curt of law or other tribunal. 4.3 Thornton acknowledges that any work in connection with the County belongs exclusively to the County and waives any and all claims to the same. 4.4 These waivers are not intended to encompass claims that cannot legally be waived by private agreement,such as claims for workers'compensation and unemployment benefits. These waivers are also not intended to prevent Thornton from filing a statutory claim with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,the National Labor Relations Board,or a comparable state or local agency. 5 GENERAL RELEASE OF CLAIMS. 5.1 As a material inducement to the County to enter into this Agreement,Thornton hereby releases,settles,acquits,and forever discharges the County of and from any and all claims,actions,causes of action,rights,demands,debts,damages (including attorney's fees),grievances or any action of whatsoever nature,known or unknown,that"Thornton may now have or has ever had against the County for any wrongful,unlawful or unfair act or omission alleged to have occurred up to and including the date Thornton executes this Agreement. 'Thornton expressly acknowledges that this release of liability includes Thornton's release and discharge of any and all claims Thornton may have against the County including all claims arising under the common law or under federal,state or local statute, law or regulation. Among the claims released(and not by limitation)are any claims under the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,as amended,42 U.S.C. §1981,the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA),the Age Discrimination in Employment Act(ADEA),the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act(PWFA),the Family Medical Leave Act(FMI.A),the Employment Retirement Income Security Act(ERISA)(including claims for retaliation under Section 510 of ERISA),the Fair Labor Standards Act(ELSA),the Nebraska Act Prohibiting Unjust Discrimination in Employment Because of Age,and the Nebraska Fair Employment Practices Act(NFEPA),all as amended and including all of their respective implementing regulations. 'Thornton acknowledges that any work in 4 connection with the County belongs exclusively to the County and releases any and all claims to the same. 5.2 This release is not intended to encompass claims that cannot legally be released by private agreement,such as claims for workers'compensation and unemployment benefits. This release is also not intended to prevent Thornton from filing a statutory claim with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,the National Labor Relations Board,or a comparable slate or local agency. Notwithstanding the foregoing,Thornton agrees that if any such claim is prosecuted in Thornton's name before any court or administrative agency, Thornton releases and agrees not to take any award of monetary or other damages from such action. 5.3 Thornton specifically represents,warrants,and confirms that Thornton has not made,possess,or hold any claims or allegations related to sexual harassment,sex discrimination,or sexual abuse with respect to the County,and that none of the payment set forth in this Agreement is related to sexual harassment,sex discrimination,or sexual abuse. Nevertheless,nothing in this Agreement is meant to restrict or impede Thornton from disclosing the underlying facts or circumstances giving rise to a claim of sexual harassment,abuse,or discrimination or exercising protected rights to the extent that such rights cannot be waived by agreement or from complying with any applicable law or regulation or a valid order of a court of competent jurisdiction or an authorized government agency,provided that such compliance does not exceed that required by the law, regulation,or order. 6 FUTURE COOPERATION. As further consideration for this Agreement,Thornton agrees to cooperate with the County,upon request,by participating,testifying, responding to questions,or providing truthful evidence(whether oral,written,or electronic)in any investigation,claim,charge,dispute,lawsuit or other similar proceedings relating to events that occurred during'1'homton's employment,if any. Additionally,'Thornton acknowledges that she has certain ethical obligations to clients of the Adams County Public Defender's Office and that ensuring a smooth transition of such matters to other attorneys is of great importance to the County. As such,Thornton agrees to remain reasonably available to the County through at least May 16,2023,to answer questions relating to the status of cases and/or steps needed to be taken to ensure an orderly transition of cases. 7 RETURN OF PROPERTY AND EXPENSES. All records or copies of the County's information,documents,or files will be immediately returned to the County,and Thornton agrees not to retain any copies of same. In addition,all County property will be immediately returned to the County. In the event that Thornton retains any of the County's property beyond one week atter the Last Day Worked,Thornton authorizes the County to deduct the fair market value of any such County-owned property from the Separation Payment in addition to any other remedies at law or equity that the County may choose to seek. 5 8 NO REPRESENTATIONS. Except for representations made in this Agreement,it is understood and expressly agreed that the Parties rely solely on their own independent analysis of the facts and claims at issue and their judgment,belief,and knowledge of the nature,extent,and duration of injuries,expenses,damages and losses,if any,and that they have not been influenced in any way whatsoever in executing this Agreement by any representations made by the other or the other's attorneys or representatives. The Parties expressly accept and assume the risks that their independent analysis of the facts and claims at issue and their own judgments,belief,and knowledge on which they rely in executing this Agreement shall be in all respects effective and not subject to termination or rescission by any such inaccuracy or difference. 9 NON-ADMISSION. This Agreement will not in any way be construed as an admission by either party of any wrongful or unlawful act or omission against the other party. Both parties specifically disclaim any liability to,or wrongful or unlawful act or omission against,the other party or any other person. 10 GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE, This Agreement will,in all respects,be interpreted,enforced,and governed under the laws of the State of Nebraska. If either Thornton or the County determine that litigation is necessary,the Parties agree to bring any lawsuit in the District Court of Adams County,Nebraska,or if a jurisdictional basis exists,the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska(selected venue: Lincoln). The language of all parts of this Agreement will,in all cases,be construed as a whole according to its fair meaning,and not strictly for or against either Thornton or the County. 11 EFFECT OF INVALIDITY. Should any provision of this Agreement be declared or be determined by any court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal,invalid,void,or unenforceable,the legality,validity,and enforceability of the remaining parts,terms,or provisions will not be affected thereby,and any said illegal,unenforceable,or invalid part,term,or provision will be deemed not to be a part of this Agreement. 12 ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between the signatory parties and fully supersedes any and all prior agreements or understandings between these parties pertaining to this subject matter. 13 MODIFICATION. No modification of this Agreement shall be binding on either of the Parties hereto unless it has been agreed to in a writing signed by both of them and identified as an amendment to this Agreement. 14 FURTHER ASSURANCES AND COOPERATION. At any time and from time to time before or after the execution of this Agteeinent,at either Party's reasonable request and without further consideration,the other Party hereto shall execute and deliver such other instruments and documents and take such other actions as may be reasonably required in order to more effectively carry out and implement the provisions and purposes of this Agreement. 6 15 COUNTERPARTS/ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts,all of which taken together shall constitute one instrument.A facsimile or other electronic signature on this Agreement shall be acceptable as and deemed to be an original signature. 16 NON-DISPARAGEMENT. Thornton will not make any further comment about this matter or any dispute that may have existed between herself and the County to any third party other than her attorneys or financial advisors. Likewise,the Board will not issue any public statement about this matter or any dispute that may have existed between Thornton and the County;however,appropriate references may be made in Board agendas,meeting minutes,other documents,or open meetings as necessary to disclose the settlement of this matter. Thornton agrees that if asked about this matter in the future, she will simply respond that the matter has been resolved to her satisfaction and has no further comment. The County will agree to instruct its current Board members that they are to respond similarly if asked about this matter by any third-party who is not affiliated with Adams County. Further,the current Board members shall be instructed that discussions of Thornton's employment with County representatives are to be kept professional and engaged in only to the extent such discussions are directly related to County business. 17 NATURE OF COUNTY AS PUBLIC BODY. Thornton understands that the County is a political subdivision of the state of Nebraska and,as such,constitutes a public body. Thornton acknowledges that as a result of that status,until the County Board of Supervisors votes upon this Agreement favorably in a duly noticed open meeting,this Agreement has not been approved by the County. 18 KNOWING AND VOLUNTARILY. Thornton represents and certifies that Thornton (I)has received a copy of this Agreement for review and study and has had ample time to review it before signing;(2)has read this Agreement carefully;(3)has been given a fair opportunity to discuss and negotiate the terms of this Agreement;(4)understands its provisions;(5)understands that Thornton has the right to consult with an attorney;(6)has determined that it is in Thornton's best interest to enter into this Agreement;(7)has not been influenced to sign this Agreement by any statement or representation by the County not contained in this Agreement;and(8)enters into this Agreement knowingly and voluntarily. ACCEPTED AND AGREED: CHRISTINA THORNTON Date: ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA Date: By: Name: Title: 4880-8336-8795,v. I Board members performed the quarterly jail inspection then recessed for lunch. At 2:00 pm the board attended a workshop for county elected officials and department heads.The workshop was for discussion only and no action was taken. Adams County Elected&Appointed Officials Workshop April 4,2023 at 1:00 pm Adams County Office Building Assembly Room Workshop Agenda Items Lee Hogan-Discussion on creating an Adams County HR Department • Structure • Location • Budget Mike Stromer-ARPA Funds Update • Fund Balance • Projects Greg Schmdit-County Employee Wage Discussion Open roundtable discussion of any additional topics Jackie Russell-BOE Hearing Format Chuck Neumann-discussion on Assumption Road west of Roseland COUNTY GENERAL ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 263.25 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 555.75 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 955.50 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 469. 96 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 487.50 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 283.73 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 703. 96 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 97 .50 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 360.75 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 331.50 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 429.00 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 2, 148 . 92 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 1,200.23 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,VICTIMS ASSISTANCE PROGRA 195.00 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 2, 589. 63 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 97.50 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 165.75 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 186.23 NACO,DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 50.00 HERITAGE BANK,MISCELLANEOUS 82.03 HOMETOWN LEASING,COPY MACH RENT 196.27 QUILL CORPORATION, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 184 .95 NACO, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 50.00 ACE AUTOMOTIVE,VEHICLE REPAIR 365.88 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 24 . 99 HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 7.46 COMPUTER CONSULTANTS INC, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 426.40 ADAMS COUNTY CLERK OF DIST CRT, DISTRICT COURT COSTS 740.00 BEAR GRAPHICS INC, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 454 .40 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 1,252.53 BOCKSTADTER & GLEN LAW LLC,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 180.50 RUANN ROOT,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 180.50 BEV PATITZ,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 180.50 DEREK TERWEY,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 171.00 MARTIN MILLER,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 171.00 JENIFER KNUTH,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 171.00 TERRY A DAVIS MD, DEPOSITION 7, 834 . 60 ANDERSON KLEIN BREWSTER BRANDT,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 1, 102. 96 BOCKSTADTER & GLEN LAW LLC,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 2, 087.43 FYE LAW OFFICE,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 3, 943.02 LIESKE LIESKE & ENSZ,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 11, 092.00 DIER OSBORN & COX PC LLO,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 156.75 DEREK TERWEY,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 8,212 .75 THEOBALD LAW OFFICE,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 5, 185. 65 BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC , SHOP TOOLS 64.74 CENTRA CHEMICAL SERVICES INC,CHEMICALS UN RES 234 .36 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 586.74 GRACES LOCKSMITH SERVICES,BLDG REPAIR-ANNEX/WALLACE 104.30 MENARDS,BLDG REPAIR-ACOB 34 .66 NEBRASKA FIRE SPRINKLER CORP,MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 690.00 PROTEX CENTRAL INC,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 744.25 WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERVICE,GARBAGE 506.00 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF REVOLVING, DUES,SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 114. 18 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF REVOLVING, POSTAL SERVICES 39.05 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 235.33 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 19.22 E-KIT TRAINING, SHERIFF COSTS 495.00 FORCE SCIENCE, DUES,SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 82.50 HASTINGS FORD-LINCOLN,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 83. 16 HOMETOWN LEASING, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 60.87 JERRY SPADY CADILLAC GMC INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 539. 97 NIRMA, SHERIFF COSTS 286.00 SUNSET LAW ENFORCEMENT, SHERIFF COSTS 563. 60 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF FEE ACCT ,COURT RELATED COSTS 19.00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 874.59 HALL COUNTY COURT,COURT RELATED COSTS 2.00 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 627. 43 KEARNEY COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS 19.02 LECC/CA ASSOCIATION, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 25.00 LIVINGSTON BUTLER VOLLAND,AUTOPSY COSTS 525.00 MADISON COUNTY SHERIFF, JUVENILE COURT COSTS 185.00 NANCE COUNTY SHERIFF, JUVENILE COURT COSTS 18.50 NEBRASKA PUBLIC HLTH EVIRO LAB,COURT RELATED COSTS 110.25 RAF LLC,AUTOPSY COSTS 774.00 ALLO COMMUNICATIONS, INTERNET SERVICE 851.72 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INTERNET SERVICE 399.00 DAS STATE ACCOUNTING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 704 .00 KIDWELL, TELEPHONE SERVICES 930.00 VERIZON WIRELESS,CELL PHONES 133.57 WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES 855.05 WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES 150.00 WINDSTREAM,TELEPHONE SERVICES 319.76 ADAMS COUNTY JAIL/SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1, 011.59 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF REVOLVING,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 81.36 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF REVOLVING, JAIL SUPPLIES 83. 90 BERTS PHARMACY,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 9.25 CASH WA DISTRIBUTING,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1,548.32 CENTRAL DENTAL GROUP,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 632 .00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, JAIL SUPPLIES 107 .50 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 201.81 ENCARTELE INC,COMMISSARY-PHONE CARDS 300.00 FAMILY MEDICAL CENTER,MISCELLANEOUS 299.00 FORCE SCIENCE, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 82 .50 HALL COUNTY DEPT OF CORRECTION,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 4, 911.00 HALL COUNTY DEPT OF CORRECTION,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 33. 13 HAMILTON COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 5, 950.00 HASTINGS TRIBUNE, DUES, SUBS, REGIST,TRAINING 180.00 HASTINGS RADIOLOGY ASSOC PC,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 68.25 HOMETOWN LEASING,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 181.52 JIM' S U-SAVE PHARMACY,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 11. 90 INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER , JAIL SUPPLIES 71.85 RAQUEL MAAR,MATRON 37.50 KEITH'S DRIVE IN DRUG,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 317.77 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 145.66 NIRMA,MISCELLANEOUS 156.00 PROTEX CENTRAL INC,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 30.40 RUSS'S MARKET, BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 108 .32 SAAT PLUMBING & EXCAVATING LLC,BUILDING REPAIR 600.00 CASHSTAR. INC, INCENTIVE PAYMENTS 500.00 CENTURY LINK,TELEPHONE SERVICES 157.77 DOLLAR GENERAL INC, INCENTIVE PAYMENTS 1, 125.00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES-COPY 83.30 LITTLE CAESARS PIZZA, INCENTIVE PAYMENTS 300.00 MIDWEST CONNECT, POSTAL SERVICES 90. 91 QUILL CORPORATION, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 59. 99 CITY OF HASTINGS,AMBULANCE COSTS 5,208 .33 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 182.08 HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES 741. 91 CELLEBRITE INC, 2022 SHSP PET GRANT 5, 040.00 ALLIED UNIVERSAL, SECURITY CONTRACTS BY 0TH 3, 441.02 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF FEE ACCT , SHERIFF' S FEES 5, 496.38 COMMUNITY ACTION PART MID-NEBR,HANDI-BUS 95.75 FIRST CONCORD BENEFITS GROUP,CAFETERIA PLAN ADMIN FEES 382.50 MIDWEST CONNECT, POSTAL SERVICES 3, 000.00 MIPS,BUDGET PREPARATION COSTS 47 .27 MIPS, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 347 .50 REGION 3 BEHAVIORAL HLTH SRVCS,MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES AC 6, 894 .41 SAFERWATCH LLC,BUILDING CONSTRUCTION/REP 12, 500.00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 510. 61 INTERSTATE ALL BATTERY CENTER , SUPPLIES - OFFICE 71.85 SOFTWARE UNLIMITED, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 2, 447.40 ROAD - BRIDGE ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER,HEALTH REIMBURESMENT ACCO 3,331. 61 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 63.00 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER, INTER-FUND TRANSFERS 152, 171.97 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER, INTER-FUND TRANSFERS 139, 027 .48 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SUPPLIES - SHOP 99.78 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP,MACH EQ GREASE OIL 58 .24 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP,SUPPLIES - SHOP 16.81 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP,RD EQ REP PARTS 90.20 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SUPPLIES - SHOP 102 .24 BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC , SMALL TOOLS, ETC. 75.01 BGNE,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 630. 96 BGNE,MACH EQ GREASE OIL 8. 19 BGNE,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 630. 96 CHEMSEARCH,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 44. 97 CHEMSEARCH, SUPPLIES - SHOP 167.50 CINTAS CORPORATION #449, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 33.13 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS 43.20 COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 11, 420. 96 COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,MISCELLANEOUS 16.50 COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,BUILDING REPAIR 25. 93 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 18.23 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 80.44 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 158 . 96 ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 20.00 ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO,WELDING SUPP/CHAINS 29.75 LYCOX ENTERPRISES,MISC. EQUIPMENT 6, 840.00 NAPA AUTO PARTS,RD EQ REP PARTS 27 .89 NAPA AUTO PARTS, SMALL TOOLS, ETC. 393. 99 NAPA AUTO PARTS, SUPPLIES - SHOP 92.25 NAPA AUTO PARTS, SMALL TOOLS, ETC. 117. 99 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 37.80 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS, SIGNS 882 .00 PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTINGS INC ,RADIO REPAIR 117 . 15 ROSE EQUIPMENT INC,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 17.75 ROSE EQUIPMENT INC,RD EQ REP PARTS 25.20 TITAN MACHINERY INC. ,RD EQ REP PARTS 314 .70 TRAUSCH DYNAMICS INC,RD EQ REP PARTS 50.40 STATE OF NEBRASKA,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 703.00 ROAD/BRIDGE BUYOUT PROGRAM OAK CREEK ENGINEERING,ENGINEERING 17, 900.00 PRESERVATION & MODERNIZATION MIPS,MISCELLANEOUS 15.00 COVID AFRICAN RESCUE PLAN ALLO COMMUNICATIONS, SPECIAL PROJECTS 33, 916.56 MASE ENTERPRISES,COURTHOUSE BUILDING 18, 120.00 LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER BECKENHAUER CONSTRUCTION INC,BUILDING CONSTRUCTION/REP 1, 442, 112 .06 HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES 4, 744 .49 MIDWEST STORAGE SOLUTIONS INC , FURNITURE/REMODELING 20, 756. 16 ESCROW HOLDING FUND FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTY,MISCELLANEOUS 25, 000.00 LYCOX ENTERPRISES,MISCELLANEOUS 13,700.00 FAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,MISCELLANEOUS 7, 159. 12 KENESAW MOTOR CO INC,MISCELLANEOUS 52, 581.52 Lee Hogan-Board Chairman Ramona R.Thomas-County Clerk