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0418 Minutes for April 18, 2023
Adams County Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes Tuesday,April 18,2023 at 9:30 am Courthouse,Adams County A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners was held with Chairman Lee Hogan presiding. Motion by Stromer,seconded by Johnson that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None The Pledge of Allegiance was performed. Chairman Hogan inquired if there were any conflicts of interest. No conflicts of interest were stated. Roll was taken, roll call members present, Michael Stromer—District 1,Glen Larsen—District 2, Lee Hogan—District 3 Harold Johnson—District 4,Tim Reams- District 5, Chuck Neumann—District 6,Joe Patterson—District 7. Public notice of this meeting, including the public hearing, has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting.The agenda was available to the board members and was kept continuously current and posted in the County Clerk's office,the main courthouse lobby and the Adams County website.The following is the agenda of items to be heard, no modifications were made to the agenda after 9:30 a.m.the business day prior to this meeting. Agenda for Meeting of Adams County Board of Commissioners County Board Room,Courthouse,2nd Floor *Date of Meeting.April 18,2023 at 9:30 A.M. Chairman to request a motion that this is an open public meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners Announce location of Agenda&Open Meetings Law postings Reminder to turn off all cell phones Pledge of Allegiance Conflicts of Interest Roll call: Approval of consent agenda items: • Minutes from previous meeting • Claims • Monthly Report of Single Bank Pooled Collateral • Recognize disbursement of HRA funds from the Healthcare Fund(1275)for First Concord for deductible buydowii • Miscellaneous Receipts • Officer Reports • Estimated Gross Payroll for pay period ending 4/2812023:$483,939.19 Receive Comments from the Public: Greg Schmidt—Present for possible award.bids received for the replacement of structure C'000102908:a bridge on Adams Central Ave approx.. 1"2 mile south of Sundown Rd(invitation for bids advertised in the Hastings Tribune March 23 Si 30.2023) Greg Schmidt-Present for Possible approval.Resolution 2023-04-18.01 to set a public hearing for May 16. 2023 at 9:45 am to hear conunents for or against the possible road closurevacation on Constitution Avenue south of 42"I St 10:00—Board of Equalization—Virginia Long—Request approval of motor vehicle tax exemption applications for: ASAAP Mary Lanning South Central Behavioral Services Board of Equlaization—Jackie Russell—Tax List Corrections: Parcel 000093152—K.Mack—Deduction to Tax Roll$84.48 Parcel 000034706—Stamps&More—Deduction to Tax Roll$166.04 Parcel 000092040—E.Uden—Deduction to Tax Roll-$2001.06 Parcel 010016002—Comm.Redevelopment Auth.Juniata—Ded.$104.78 Parcel 010007272—J.Hackler—Addition to Tax Roll-$340.00 Darryl Stanard—Discussion and action on hiring Stanard Appraisal Service,Inc.for appraisal and referee services for 2023 property valuation protests 10:15—Casey Musik,Director of Midland Area Agency on Aging—Update and Budget Assistance Request 101 Page Personnel Committee—Discussion and action on directing the Adams County Personnel and Budget Committees to establish and budget for an Adams County Human Resource Department starting with the 2023.2024 fiscal year Personnel Committee-Declare vacancy of Adams County Public Defender,set deadline for acceptance of applications.set hearing date for interviews for the position and authorize advertisement for the position Michael Stromer—Discussion and possible action on the purchase of vehicles for the cotunty assessor's office Closed Session—For the purpose of discussing personnel matters and to prevent harm to the reputation of an individual This agenda is subject to amending until 9:30 AM on the Monday preceding the Board meeting. Note to Citizens:Any agenda item may be moved down at any time at the discretion of the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners. Last updated on April 11'.2023 at 9:20 ant For non-English speaking attendees wishing to arrange for a sign language or foreign language interpreter,please call or fax the County Attorneys office at Phone 402-461-7240 or Fax 402 461-7241. For hearing-unpaired individuals or individuals with other special needs call or fax the County Clerk's Office at Phone.402 461-7107.or TTY.402 461-7166 or Fax.402-461-7185. When requesting an interpreter or services for the hearing unpairedplease provide at least forty-eight(48)hours advance notice to allow tune for making the acconmiodations. The Board reserves the right to go into executive session if such session is clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. Chairman Hogan requested a motion to approve consent agenda items that include; • April 4, 2023 meeting minutes • Claims to be paid by the Adams County Clerk • HSA/deductible buydown report paid to First Concord • Miscellaneous collections report from the county treasurer • Officer reports from the county clerk and register of deeds • Estimated payroll of$483,939.19 Motion by Patterson,seconded by Stromer to approve all consent agenda items. Roll Call,Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None 2022-2023 Remitted to First Concord for HRA Buy Down by County Treasurer For Dates 05/31/2022 through 07/10/2022 $35,544.42 (Includes June Plan Fees$780.00) (Includes July Plan Fees $760.50) For Dates 07/11/2022 through 08/07/2022 $13,892.90 (Includes August Plan Fees $734.50) For Dates 08/08/2022 through 09/11/2022 $29,655.72 (Includes September Plan Fees $747.50) For Dates 09/12/2022 through 10/30/2022 $17,961.99 (Includes October Plan Fees$741.00) For Dates 11/01/2022 through 12/11/2022 $5,633.66 (Includes November Plan Fees$708.50 and December Plan Fees$721.50) For Dates 12/12/2022 through 02/05/2023 $17,805.21 (Includes January Plan Fees $708.50 and February Plan Fees$741.00) For Dates 02/06/2023 through 03/05/2023 $16,068.54 (Includes March Plan Fees$747.50) For Dates 03/06/2023 through 04/02/2023 $33,162.71 (Includes April Plan Fees$734.50) For Dates 04/03/2023 through 04/16/2023 $17,463.39 102 ! Page Miscellaneous Collection Report by the County Treasurer 04/08/2023 /darns Page 4 0227 PMFUND BALANCE LISTING 3/31/2023 Fund Fund Name Beginning Balance Collections Disbursements Fund Transfers Ending Balance Grand Totals 34,461,383.81 8.105,640.08 -6,188431.85 792,725.62 37,171,317.86 Total of disbursement')from your dIsbursement work was-2,452,898.49. 04/0612023 Adams Page 39 114 AM REVENUE LISTING Miscellaneous ID Deealption Account Name Amount Grand Total: 4,661,620.67 Officer Report—Clerk 0100- 3i1/_ 03 = 4/ ,g-- 0 1 cx) g'"01c ) -.321- 05- i- ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS HASTINGS,NE 65901 HEREWITH IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPORT OF THE FEES RECEIVED IN THE COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 2023 SHOWN BY THE FEE BOOK IN SAID OFFICE. UCC FH.ING $0.00 MISCELLANEOUS FEES $0.00 MARRIAGE LICENSE. $550.00 COPIES AND SEARCHES $198.00 FILING FEES $0.00 OTHER $1.25 TOTAL FEES MARCH 2023 5749.25 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN BEFO'' I'THE 12TII DAY OF APRIL 2023 /ft ) ir, COUNTY CLERK • 1 2032 i ADAMS COUNTY CLERK t KO W 4Th,ST FASHNOS,NE S4191I '''''''7' � / 3 )���1 \l �^ ION PAY , I --^— UAT (L.�S:�..J a ToTHE nco 1irffE t.Y - uRe 6 ra:;., ,� Heritage , /Living Nebraska 64901 / 2) 6611 i r FOR_ 1 'r' 1f Jinn J n 1 I.. ..t n. n n n.n-...• ._- —-" %%«�r��. .---- Officer Report—Register of Deeds TO: ADAMS COUNTY BOARD FROM: ,REGISTER OF DEEDS DATE 4/5/2023 RE: FILING FEES THE FOLLOWING IS A TRUE AND CORRECT STATEMENT OF THE FEES RECEIVED IN THE REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE OF/OBIS COON FR /01/2023 TO03/31/2023 ittEEGISS„ OF DEEDS SCRIBED IN MY PRESENCE AND SWORN TO BEFORE THIS5TH OF APRIL,2023 COUNTY CLERK/NOTARY PUBLIC NUMBER FILED DESCRIPTION AMT RECEIVED AMT CHARGED 87 DEEDS 1,359.75 10.00 • 137 MORTGAGES 5,395.00 206.00 74 MISCELLANEOUS 1,112.00 68.00 103 1 Page 1 FEDERAL TAX UENS AND RELEASES 0.00 10.00 3 STATE TAX LIENS 0.00 20.00 3 PLATS 74.00 28.00 SUBTOTAL FILING FEES 7,940.75 342.00 SUBTOTAL DOC STAMP TAX 43,357.50 SUBTOTAL REGISTER OF DEEDS 51,298.25 342.00 O PLAT MAPS 0.00 0.00 PLAT MAP SALES TAX 0.00 O POSTAGE 0.00 0.00 O OTHER SALES TAX 0.00 0.00 5 COPIES/FAX 47.00 8.00 0 LIEN SEARCHES 0.00 0.00 O MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 0.00 SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS kF 11� 47.00 8.00 O CLERK 0.00 0.00 0 MARRIAGE LICENSE 0.00 0.00 0 CLERK MISCELLANEOUS 0.00 0.00 0 DMV 0.00 0.00 0 ELECTIONS 0.00 0.00 LESS OVERPAYMENTS(REFUNDS) 92.75 a3 1'1u,14'?J1''' r. 'rkr ,.ad'„•';a... .-3...,. .u*�. E� . , .�'�, • °, GRAND TOTAL RECEIVED+CHARGED 61,602.50 TOTAL:REMITTED TO PRESERVATIONMAINTAINING RECORDS FUND 1,187.50 TOTAL:REMITTED TO STATE OF NEBRASKA FOR DOC STAMPS 33,723.48 TOTAL:REMITTED TO COUNTY GENERAL FOR DOC STAMPS 9,834.04 TOTAL REMITTED TO COUNTY GENERAL FUND 7,067,50 THE ABOVE REPORT OF,REGISTER OF DEEDS,WAS EXAMINED AN APPROVED BY THE COUNTY BOARD ON THE_DAY OF 20_ BOARD CHAIR MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT ID:40280 COUNTY TREASURER'S OFFICE ADAMS COUNTY NEBRASKA RECEIVED ON: 04/05/2023 RECEIVED FOR: MARCH 2023 FILING FEES RECEIVED FROM: REGISTER OF DEEDS COUNTY GENERAL 0100-394-01 FILING AND RECORDING FEES REG OF DE 7,020,50 COUNTY GENERAL 0100-394-03 MISC REVENUES REGISTER OF DEEDS 34.58 COUNTY GENERAL 0100-409-01 SALE OF MAPS AND PUBL[CATJONS 0 00 i PRESERVATION& 1150-394-01 FILING AND RECORDING FEES REG OF DE 1,187.50 MODERNIZATION Receipt Total- 8,242.58 Virginia Long Payment by Check svandeventer ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER Chairman Hogan opened the meeting to receive comments from the public. No public comments were received. Adams County Roads Department Co-Superintendent, Greg Schmidt, presented the board with bids received for the replacement of structure C000102908; a bridge on Adams Central Avenue approximately a half a mile south of Sundown Road. 104 I Page 0000102908 Replacment Adams County,NE Contractor Bid Tab OCE 814-C-13 Midwest Infrastructure Inc General Excavating KEA Constructors Simon Contractors Item eDescription OE ate Unit Unit Price Price Unit Price Price Unit Price Price Unit Price Price No. 1 Mobilization 1 LS I$ 95,196.88 $ 95,196.88 $ 130,024.20 $ 330,024.20 $ 161,000.00 $ 161,000.00 $ 303,000.00 $ 303,000.00 2 Traffic Control 1 LS 1$ 5,250.00 $ 5,250.00 $ 8,000.00 $ ___ 8,000.00 $ 14,600.00 $ 14,600.00 5 10,000.00 $ 10,0_00.00 3 General Clearing&Grubbing ', 1 iS I$ 14,434.71 $ .14,434_71 3 25,200.00 S 25,200.00 $.._._8,700.00 $ 8,700.00 $ 5,000.00 $ _.__5,000.00 • • _4 Remove Etdst 1$Structure !_._ 1 LS $ 25,617.75 $ 25,617.75 $ 54,919.31 $ 54,919.31 $ 58,400.00 $ 58,400.00 $ 60,347.50 $ ____60,347.50 5 Earthwork Measured in Embankment,EQ. 1 680 CY $ 21.65 $ 14,722.00 5 41.451 r$ 28,186.00 $ 67.00 $ 45,560_00 $ _3000 $ _ 20,400.00 6 Granular Backflli231 CY ,5 72.64 $ 16,779.84 $ 91,60 15 21,159.60 $ 96_00 l$ 22,176.00 $ 100.00 523,000.00 7 Subsurface Drainage Matting 49 SY 1$__ 63.46 $ 3,109.54 $ 49.45 S 2,423.05 $ 8500 $ 4,165.00 $_-__ 150.00 $ 735000 _8 Salvage Broken Concrete Riprap I 220 TON $ 111.49 $ 24,527.80'S 127.45 $ 28,039.00 $ 13600 $ 29,920.00 $ 70.00 $ __.. 15,40000__ 9 I Rock Rlpran,Type A _. _.__ 25 TON I$ 128.93 $ 3,223.25 $ 146.60 $ 3,665.00 $ 120.00 5 __.3,000.00 5 20000 $ 0,000.00 10 (Crushed Rock for Shoulder 32 CY 1$ 104.34 $ 3,33888 $__.,._92.75 $ 2,968.00 $ 227.00 $ 7,264.00 $ 200.00 $ 6,400,00 I 11 jAbubnent No. Excavation 1 LS 1 ,8 : __-_ - $- 9,600.00 $ 30,000.00 $,_--_30,000.00 ` _ -,-�-- $__11 5060 $__ 11.850.60 $ 6,470.20 $ 6,470.20 $ 9600.00 }.12 Abtdment No.2 Excavation _---_- 1 1.5 $ 11,850.60 $ 11,850.60 $ 6,470.20 $ 6,470.20 5 9,600.001$ 9,600.00 $ _30,000.001$ 30,000.00 13 i 30'dla.Culvert Pipe w(Headwali 1 LS $ 33,224.43 $ 33,224.43 $ 21,788.55 i 3 21,788.55 $ 31,000.00`$ 31,000.00 $ 30,000.00!$ 30,000.00 ( 14 Test Pile ...1 IS S 11,289_34 $ 11,289.34 $ 10066_85 $ 10,066.85 $ 12,00000 $ 12,000.00 $ 15c000.001 5 15,000.00 15 HP 12x53 Bearing Pik 2000 LE $ 68.99 $ 137,980.00 $ 84.70 i$ 169,400.00 $ 90.00 1$ 180,000.00 $ _. ....85.00 $ 170,00000 16 Steel Sheet Piling 2996 SF $ 29.32 $ -__87,842.72 $ 3390 I S 101,564.40 $ 3800 $ 113,848.00 5 30.00 I$ 89,880.00 17 Fixed Bearing 5 FA $ 927.24 $ 4,636.20 $ 946.40 j$ 4,732.00 $ 1,550.00 $ 7,750.00 $ 1,00000 $__5,000.00 18 (Expansion Bearing,FIFE Type 51, EA $ 1,200.29 $ 6,001.45 $ 1,315.601$ 6576.00 $ 1,900.00 $ 9500.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 7,000.00 19 Steel Superstructure 11 LS $ 276,585.76 113 276585.76 $ 320,871.90 $ 320,871.90 $ 306,000.00 5 306,00000,$ 350,000.00 1$ 350,000.00 20 Epoxy Coated Reinfordng Steel for Bridge__. _.-27745; LBS $ 1.80 1.$__ 49,941.00.$ 3.00 $ 83,235.00 $ 2.60 5 72,13700 $ __.2.50 1$ 69,362.50 21 Concrete for Bridge,Class 47864,000 112.9'! CY $ 773.93 3 87,376.70 $ 1,122_00 S 126 673.80 $ 1,100.00 $ 124,190.00 $ 1,200.00 1$ 135,480.00_, 22 Concrete for Bridge,Class 478-3,000 78_.71,...CY $ 810.29?$ 63,769.82 3 678.80 $ 53,42156 $ 1,300.00 i$ 102,310.00 $ 3,000.00 1 5 236,100.00 Concrete forlavemeot Approaches,Class 4780- ..1 _23 4,000 145.51_ CY $ 496.64 $ 72,261.12 $ 51330 j$ 74,685.15 $ 800.00 i$ 116,400.00 $ _600.00 5 87,30000 24 9"Conaete Pavement,Class 47113,600 1261 5Y $ 126.00!$ 15,913.80 $ mos jt 5 17,688.32 $ 25200 1$ 31,827.60 $ 250.00$ 31,575.00 Epoxy Coated Reinforcing Steel faPavement - I ---- T _....--., 25 Approaches 25130 185 $ 1.87 1$ 46993.10 $ 3.00($ 75,390.00 $ 2.40 $ 60,312.00 $ 2.50 I$ 62,825.00 26 I Precompressed Polyurethane Foam Pant,Type 8 33 LF $ 173.25 I$ 5,665.28 $ 150.75 1$ 4,929.53 $ 165.00 $ 5,39550 $ 200.00 r$ 6,540.00 27 I Mld-Span Rag Support for 1,837.50$4 EA Approach Guardrail __ $_ _ 7,350.00 $ 1,998.75($ 7,995.00 $ 1,625.00 $ 6,500,00_$ 1,625.00 $- 6,500.00 28 !Bridge Approach Section,MGS Type 4_ r $ 4,016.25 $ 16,065_00 $ 4,55100 $ 18,204.00 $ 3,700.00 I$ 14,800.00 $ 3,700.00 i$ 14,800.00 29 !Guardrail End Treatment,Type Il 4 EA $ 4,541.25 I$ 18,165.00 5 _5,16600 $ 20,664.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 16,800.00 $ 4,200.00{$ 16,800.00 30 I Fabric Sill Fence,Low Porosity 200 LF 1$ 3.94($ 78800 $ 8.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 5.50 1$ 1,100.00 $ 3.50 $ 700.00 31 I Permanent Seeding__ 1,650 .____ SY $ 0.68 I$ 1,122.00 $ 1.15 $ 1,897.50 $__.. .240 $ 31960_00 $, 045 $ 742.50 32 Eroulon Control,Class IC _ 1650 SY_ $ ____..1.73 $ 2,854.50 $ 4.20 $ 6,930.00 $ 2.35 1$ 3,877.50 $ __155 $ 2,557.50 33 14"Permanent Pavement Markings,PeIM 1 4601 LF ;J.__ 2.10 $ 966.00 $ __3.70 $ 1,702.00 $ 4.50 j 5 2,070.00 $ 4.00 1$ 1,840.00 Tatar Bid Price {$ 1,176,693.07 $ 1,447,542.11 $ 1,595,762.60 3 1,856,000.00 EJCDCO NOTICE OF AWARD Date of Issuance:April 18,2023 Owner: Adams County,NE Owner's Contract No.: Engineer: Oak Crock Engineering,LLC , Engineer's Project No.:0(6 414-C-13 Project: C000102908 Replacement Contract Name: Bidder: Midwest Infrastructure Inc. Bidder's Address:5320 N.148•St,I,ncoln,NE 68527 TO BIDDER: You are notified that Owner has accepted your 810 dated April 13,2023 for the above Contract,and that you are the Successful Bidder and are awarded a Contract for: Traffic control,removal of existing bridge,grading,construction of a steel girder bridge with cost In place concrete deck,construction of approach slabs and associated work. Tice Contract Price of the awarded Contract Is:$1.176.693.07 (subject to unit prices] 13 1 unexecuted counterparts of the Agreement accompany this Notice of Award,and one copy of the Contract Documents has been made available to Bidder. You must comply with the following conditions precedent within 15 days of the date of this Notice of Award: 1. Deliver to Owner(3 Irnunterparts of the Agreement,fully executed by Bidder. 2 Deliver with the executed AgreemeM(s)the Contract security(e.g.,performance and payment bonds] and Insurance documentation as specified In the Instructions to Bidders and General Conditions, Articles 2 and 6. Failure to comply with these conditions within the time specified will entitle Owner to consider you in default, annul this Notice of Award,and declare your Bid security forfeited. Within ten days after you comply with the above conditions,Owner will return to you one fully executed counterpart of the Agreement,together with any additional copies of the Contract Documents as indicated in Paragraph 2.02 of the General Conditions. Owner: Adams County,NE 415 N Adams Central Ave,Juniata,NE 68955 BY. Title: Au:anirai Sigmuure Copy: Engineer EJCDC.0310 die-1L Notice of Award. Prepared...a publishedmsser the netnews taint Contract Doamwdscwseangle Pm*1 of 3 - 105 ' Page Schmidt with the Adams County Roads Committee has reviewed the bids and is recommending the board award the project to the low bidder; Midwest Infrastructure Inc.at$1,176,693.07. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Johnson to award the bridge project to Midwest Infrastructure for $1,176,693.07. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Schmidt presented the board with Resolution 2023-04-18.01 to formally set a public hearing for May 16, 2023 at 9:45 am to hear comments for or against the possible road closure on Constitution Avenue south of 42"d Street. RESOLUTION NO. 2023-04-18-01 SETTING DATE&TIME FOR PUBLIC HEARING For the possible CLOSURE of said described road sections WHEREAS,the Adams County Highway Superintendent has reviewed the conditions and safety considerations of an active rail crossing, and WHEREAS,the Adams County Highway Superintendent has contacted the BNSF Railway Company,hereinafter referred to as"BNSF",to research the feasibility of the possibility of permanent closure of the rail crossing, and WHEREAS,the Adams County Highway Superintendent has received a Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Closure Agreement from BNSF for consideration of permanent closure at the rail crossing described herein,does recommended that the Adams County Board of Commissioners hold a public hearing to hear public comments as to the possible closure/vacation of the described segment of roadway,inclusive of the public rail crossing described below: On Constitution Ave south of 42"d St; Section 33 &34,T8N-R12W Terminating at the north and south BNSF right-of-way,inclusive of rail crossing US DOT No. 083194L Therefore,BE IT RESOLVED,that in accordance with Nebraska Revised Statute#39-1724 directing that a public hearing be held in regards to possible road closure/vacation and that the date shall be on Tuesday,May 16,2023@ 9:45a.m. in the Board of Commissioners room, Adams County Courthouse. Dated this day of , 2023. Motion for Adoption by: Seconded by: Ayes: Nays: Chairperson,Board of Commissioners AI"1'EST: County Clerk Motion by Neumann, seconded by Reams to approve Resolution 2023-04-01.01 as presented by Schmidt. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Darryl Stanard of Stanard Appraisal Services Inc. presented the board with a proposed contract to provide referee services for the 2023 property assessment year. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Reams to approve the contract with Stanard Appraisal Services Inc. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None 106 ' Page . 111L AT; Stanard = Appraisal Services Inc. 1908 16th Ave •Central City,NE 68826• (308)946-5205 AGREEMENT FOR REFEREE SERVICES This agreement,made and entered into this day of_ 2023,by and between the County of Adams,Nebraska,herinafter referred to as"County,"and Stanard Appraisal Services Inc,hereinafter referred to as"Company." The County and Company may hereinafter be jointly referred to as the"Parties.- WHEREAS. Parties"WHEREAS.Neb Rev.Stat.77-1502(1996 Reissue)requires that the County Board of Equalization shall hold a session on not less than throe days,for the purpose of reviewing and deciding protests tiled pursuant to Neb.Rev.Stat.77-1502 to 77-1507;and WHEREAS,Neb.Rev.Stat.77-1502.01(Reissue 1996)authorizes the Board of Equalization to appoint one or more suitable persons to act as referees to hear protests in the first instance and to transmit to the County Board of Equalization all papers relating to such protests,together with written findings and recommendations:and WHEREAS,the County,to accommodate the volume of protests and to afford each taxpayer ample opportunity for a meaningful hearing before a qualified individual,has determined that it should appoint referees to hear the protests filed for the 2023 assessment year;and WHEREAS,in order to ensure that all protests are processed expeditiously,treated fairly and consistently,and decided in compliance with the provisions of state law,the County has determined that it should seek a qualified firm or individual to supervise and coordinate all activities of the referees and to provide referees to be appointed by County to hear the protests filed for the 2023 assessment year;and WHEREAS,the Company employs qualified individuals and is willing to contract with County to provide the necessary supervision and coordination of the referee activities and the necessary referees for the 2023 assessment year. NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained it is agreed as follows by the Parties hereto: I. The Company shall provide necessary referees and coordinate all referee activities for the 2023 assessment year. It is hereby understood and agreed by the parties that the Coordinator to be provided by Company for this coordination of activities shall be Darrel Stanard or Mark Stanard,hereinafter referred to as"Coordinator." The services to be provided by the Company shall include,but are not necessarily limited to the following: A. PRE-HEARING ACTIVITIES. 1. Establishment of basic philosophies. 2. Development and implementation of a pre-hearing review process designed to screen,classify,and,where appropriate,resolve protests prior to a formal referee hearing. 3. Selection and recruitment of referees 4. Development of reporting vehicles 5. Development and implementation of referee procedures 6. Development of referee aids 7. Coordination of facilities and schedules B. HEARING ACTIVITIES 1. Coordination of all referee activities 2. Day-to-day monitoring of all referee activities 3. Consultation with referees 4. Coordination and oversight of all reporting to the Board of Equalization 5. Provision of necessary referees to be approved and appointed by the County Board of Equalization 6. Consultation with the Board of Equalization.including attendance and consultation at the open sessions of the Board of Equalization at which protests are heard and decided by the Board C. POST HEARING ACTIVITIES I. Coordination of a critique session to discuss the referee procedure with those individuals and bodies who have been involved. 2. Preparation and submission of a final report which: a.Summarizes the activities and procedures employed in the referee system. b.(lives a detailed cost analysis of the referee system. 107 I Page c.Provides an assessment of the effectiveness of the referee system. d.Makes appropriate suggestions and recommendations regarding the use and structure of the referee system in the future. 3. Any work requested of the Company by the County which is related to appeal of the Board of Equalization decisions to the Nebraska Tax Equalization and Review Commission are specifically excluded from this contract. In providing the Mregoing services,the Company shall ensure that all protests are processed in compliance with the requirements of Neb.Rev.Stat.77-1502 and 77-1502.01(Reissue 1999) and all other applicable provisions of state law and regulations.Within a reasonable time. following disposition of each protest by the referee,all papers relating to the protest,together with the written findings and recommendations of the referees,shall be transmitted to the County Board of Equalization. II.As soon as practicable following approval of the Agreement by the County Board of Equalization of Adams County,the Coordinator shall meet with the Adams County Assessor and members of her staff for the purpose of developing a pre-hearing screening process designed to identify those protests which are capable of resolution without a formal referee hearing and to classify the remaining protests to minimize the time and effort required to hear and resolve those remaining protests. III.The Company shall be responsible for the provision of the individuals who will serve as referees who shall be individuals qualified by training and experience to properly perform all the duties assigned them.All matters relating to the selection and qualification of the referees,the specific nature and extent of the services each will perform,and compensation each will receive shall be decided by the Company,subject to the approval of the County. IV.Each individual provided by the Company and approved by the County Board of Equalization to act as a referee shall be required to follow the terms of this agreement as set out by the County and Company.A list of individuals who have been selected and approved by County to act as referees is attached hereto and marked Exhibit 1 and incorporated herein by this reference. The cost of the Coordinator,Assistant Coordinator,if any,and said referees is included as part of the cost of this agreement and is not to be considered separate. The Company has the responsibility of compensating all such individuals from payment received by Company from County pursuant to this Agreement. V. It is understood and agreed that the Company and all individuals provided by Company shall be independent contractors and shall not be employees of the County. The compensation to be paid to each of the foregoing independent contractors shall be determined pursuant to the terms of his or her respective agreements with Company and shall not be the responsibility of County. Except as specifically provided in this paragraph,the County shall not be responsible for the payment of any expenses of the Company,the coordinator,the assistant coordinator.if any.or referees,nor shall the County be responsible for the provision of any insurance or fringe benefits. 3 VI. It is hereby specifically understood and agreed that any protests in which the Company,its officers,employees and agents,is involved on behalf of the taxpayer,either directly or indirectly. in any advisory,professional,or other capacity,shall be heard and decided directly by the County Board of Equalization pursuant to the provisions of Neb.Stat.77-1502(1996 Reissue). It is further specifically understood that no referees shall be assigned to hear a protest concerning property that the individual referee has previously appraised for County unless consented to by the taxpayer. VII. As soon as is practicable after execution of the Agreement,the Company shall inform the County.through the County Assessor,of the facilities,equipment,materials and supplies that will be required to properly conduct hearings on the valuation protests filed for the 2023 assessment year. Said facilities,equipment,materials,and supplies shall be provided by the County at County's expense subject to the approval of the County Board of Supervisors. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. V111.The County further agrees to cooperate to the fullest extent possible,through the various offices of the County,in the processing of the valuation protests and the scheduling of the hearings. Copies of all materials tiled with the County by the taxpayers in connection with their protests shall be forwarded to the Company immediately after receipt of said materials by the County. IX.Eor the services of the Coordinator provided pursuant to the terms of this Agreement,the County shall pay as consideration to Company a fee of$115 per hour. For the services of each referee provided pursuant to the terms of this Agreement,the County shall pay as consideration to Company a fee of$95 per hour.All time spent for transportation to and from the work site,for meals,for resting periods,or for any other purpose or purposes not directly and necessarily related to the provision of services pursuant to this Agreement shall not be considered in the computation of working hours. Every effort will be made to work only full days(eight hours or more)and half days(four hours). X. In the event that the Coordinator is unable to provide all of the services required by the terms of this Agreement,Company may elect to provide another individual to assist the Coordinator in the provision of the required services. Employment of an assistant coordinator shall be subject to prior approval of the County Board of Equalization,which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.Any assistant coordinator shall be compensated at a rate not to exceed$115 per hr. Said rate shall be specifically determined and approved by the County Board of Equalization prior to the provision of any services by the assistant coordinator. Xl. It is hereby acknowledged by the Parties that the precise number of working days necessary to fulfill the terms of this Agreement is dependent upon the number of protests that are filed. Included in the costs of services for this agreement is the cost of the coordinator,assistant coordinator,if appointed,and the referees approved by the County Board of Equalization. 'Che total compensation to be paid by the County to the Company for services provided pursuant to this Agreement shall not exceed$54,000,without the prior approval of the County Board of Equalization. Failure to obtain such prior approval shall limit the compensation to be paid to the Company by the County to a maximum of$54.000 irrespective of the number of working hours of service provided. The County Board of Equalization shall approve compensation in excess of the$54.000 limitation only upon a showing of good cause by the Company.The action of the Board of Equalization authorizing the payment of compensation in excess of$54,000: 4 108 I Page A. Shall be taken only during a regular scheduled public meeting of the Board of Equalization. B. Shall specifically state the factors which justify the action;and C. Shall state a specific dollar amount by which the$54,000 limitation may be exceeded. XII.To assist the Parties in monitoring the cost of this Agreement,it shall be the responsibility of the Company to provide the County with periodic progress reports regarding the provision of services pursuant to this agreement. The County may request or the Company may provide additional reports at any time if deemed necessary. XIII.The Company shall not be reimbursed for any of the services provided pursuant to this Agreement until all such services have been properly completed. At such time the Company shall submit to the County an itemized statement detailing the number of hours of services provided,the names of the individual or individuals providing the services,the rate of reimbursement for each of said individuals,and the dates at which such services were provided and the specific nature of such services.The County shall reimburse the Company within a reasonable time following receipt of said itemized statement. XIV.All documents received by the Company or prepared by the Company or any of the referees in connection with services provided pursuant to this Agreement shall be considered the property of the County and shall be turned over to the County at or before the time at which the Company submits an itemized statement for reimbursement. Copies of said documents may be maintained by the Company for his or her files. It is understood and agreed that the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to any documents or other data that have collected or developed by the Company or any of the referees in the regular course of their business and which are made available to the County under the provisions of the Agreement for purposes of assisting the referee. XV. It is hereby specifically understood and agreed that the nature of the services to be provided pursuant to this Agreement,as well as the time frame in which such services must be provided, are subject to the requirements of state law,specifically Neb.Rev.Stat.77-1502 and 77-1502.01 (Reissue 1996). Failure by the Company to provide all the services required by the terms of the Agreement in a proper and timely fashion may result in irreparable injury to the County. For that reason,this Agreement shall be deemed indivisible and any breach by the Company shall be considered a breach of the entire contract. In the event of such breach in which the County has not materially contributed,the County shall immediately give the Company written notice of breach. If the breach can be remedied,the Company shall have a maximum of 48 hours within which to affect such remedy and resume performance of his or her obligations. Otherwise,the County may select to treat the Agreement abandoned by the Company. In that event the County shall have no obligation whatsoever to the Company and shall be entitled to recover from the Company as damages any and all costs and liabilities incurred by the County as a result of such breach. 5 XVI.In carrying out the provisions of this Agreement,the Company shall not discriminate against any employee,applicant for employment,contractor,prospective contractor,or any other person,firm,association or corporation because of race,color,religion,sex,national origin,age, marital status,disability or on any other basis prohibited by state or federal law. XVII.The Parties acknowledge that the Company,its officers,employees and agents,are independent appraisers or are overseen and managed by a Certified General or Licensed appraiser and that they have done and may do work for the County,other governmental agencies, and private individuals and businesses in this area and will continue to do so during the term of this Agreement. EXECUTED THIS day of ,2023 STANA PPRA_,RVICES INC. by: EXECUTED TIIIS day of .2023 ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION by Chair,Board of Equalization ATTEST: County Clerk day of ,2023 109 ' Page Commissioner Patterson left the room at 9:57 am At 10:00 am,a motion was made by Stromer,seconded by Johnson to meet as a Board of Equalization to review and take action on motor vehicle exemption applications and tax list corrections. Roll Call,Ayes: Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann Nays: None Absent: Patterson Entered Board of Equalization at 10:00 am (see separate Board of Equalization minutes for 4/18/2023) Commissioner Patterson entered the meeting during Board of Equalization at 10:01 am Motion by Johnson, seconded by Stromer to exit Board of Equalization and resume regular session. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Regular session resumed at 10:05 am Commissioner Patterson started discussion on budgeting for a Human Resources position/department for the county.There was significant discussion on the topic at the last county workshop and there appeared to be favorable support in moving forward with establishing an HR position/office. Motion by Patterson, seconded by Neumann to direct the budget committee to allocate funds for an HR position. Commissioner Neumann inquired how much needed to be budget.Commissioner Patterson stated he would research wages for an HR position and report to the budget committee. Chairman Hogan called for a vote. (Motion by Patterson,seconded by Neumann to direct the budget committee to allocate funds for an HR position.) Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Commissioner Stromer stated he has received from the State Purchasing Bureau,vehicles available on state bid. Stromer's research is a result of discussion from the county workshop when County Assessor Russell stated her office was in need of a vehicle to perform property inspections. Discussion occurred regarding bidding requirement were discussed. No action was taken on the possible purchasing of a vehicle for the assessor's office pending more research. Patterson started discussion on the vacancy of the public defender position and advised he had been in contact with individuals possibly interested in the position which will be discussed in closed session. Patterson motion to declare the office of the Adams County Public Defender as vacant.The motion was seconded by Johnson. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Motion by Patterson,seconded by Larsen to advertise to fill the Adams County Public Defender position, with applications due by May 10, 2023 and an anticipated date for interviews on May 16, 2023. Roll Call, Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Chairman Hogan requested a motion to meet in closed session;to avoid needless harm to the reputation of an individual,to discuss personnel matters. Motion by Patterson, seconded by Stromer to meet in closed session for personnel matters. Roll Call, Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Entered closed session at 10:26 am Motion by Patterson, seconded by Johnson to exit closed session and resume regular session. Roll Call, Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None 110 ' Page Regular session resumed at 10:43 am. The closed session was called to avoid needless harm to the reputation of an individual,to discuss personnel matters. No action was taken while in closed session. Meeting adjourned by unanimous consent. COUNTY GENERAL BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 108,288 .18 DELL MARKETING LP, ENGINEERING & TECHNICAL E 1, 386.00 DELL MARKETING LP,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1, 386.00 HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 700. 95 HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 13.35 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE, INS ADMINISTRATION FEES 276.00 NACO, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 125 .00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 42. 90 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE, INS ADMINISTRATION FEES 276.00 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 35.00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 77.37 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 357 .92 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE, INS ADMINISTRATION FEES 828.00 MIPS, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 1, 472.99 HOMETOWN LEASING,COPY MACH RENT 199.00 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE, INS ADMINISTRATION FEES 622.00 ACE AUTOMOTIVE,VEHICLE REPAIR 55.98 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,TRAVEL EXPENSES 48.54 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 21.45 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE, INS ADMINISTRATION FEES 828.00 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 25.00 NACO, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 25.00 HASTINGS TRIBUNE, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 68.34 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE, INS ADMINISTRATION FEES 138 .00 DAS STATE ACCOUNTING, DATA PROCESSING 41. 60 COMPUTER CONSULTANTS INC,DATA PROCESSING COSTS 349. 95 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE, INS ADMINISTRATION FEES 276.00 US BANK, DATA PROCESSING 735.39 US BANK,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 721.37 US BANK,CELL PHONES 490.76 US BANK,TELEPHONE SERVICES 156.48 US BANK, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 74. 99 US BANK, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 96.94 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF FEE ACCT ,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 138 .00 BEAR GRAPHICS INC, DISTRICT COURT COSTS 1,746.74 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 36.45 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 63.79 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 391.54 HAMILTON COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT, DISTRICT COURT COSTS 18. 69 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 898. 13 LANCASTER COUNTY SHERIFF, DISTRICT COURT COSTS 28 .11 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE, INS ADMINISTRATION FEES 690.00 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 175.00 US BANK,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 920.20 BOCKSTADTER & GLEN LAW LLC,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 57 .00 BEV PATITZ,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 57.00 JENIFER KNUTH,MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COSTS 57.00 ADAMS CO WITNESS FEE ACCOUNT,WITNESS FEES 40.00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 34 .20 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 16. 18 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 321. 97 EILEENS COLOSSAL COOKIES, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 9.50 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 544 . 98 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 582. 14 OWENS EDUCATIONAL SERVICES INC, JUVENILE COURT COSTS 1, 457. 93 VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 159.54 ANDERSON KLEIN BREWSTER BRANDT,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 7, 644 .19 BOCKSTADTER & GLEN LAW LLC,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 1, 145.00 DEWALD DEAVER PC LLO,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 999.50 JUSTIN M DAAKE,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 285.00 111 ' Page MARSHA E FANGMEYER,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 940.50 ZACHARY K GRAY,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 5, 303.26 STEHLIK LAW FIRM PC LLO,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 1, 016.50 THOMAS S STEWART,ATTRNY FEES-COURT APPOINT 323.00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 43.00 FAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 159.45 HOMETOWN LEASING,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 315.70 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE, INS ADMINISTRATION FEES 138.00 ANDREA N SEEFUS,TRANSCRIPTS 167.75 SAMANTHA R SAMUELSON,TRANSCRIPTS 32 .00 CHRISTINA THORNTON,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 137.55 US BANK, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 100.00 LONNIE P ACKERMAN,COURTHOUSE BUILDING 275.00 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT, PICKUPS 286. 92 BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC ,CHEMICALS UN RES 323.88 BLACK HILLS ENERGY,UTILITIES 552 .00 CITY OF HASTINGS,HAZ. MAT 10.50 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,OTHER EQUIPMENT 33.00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,CHEMICALS UN RES 103.50 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,OTHER EQUIPMENT 221.00 DUTTON LAINSON CO,BLDG REPAIR-ACOB 202.45 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 862 .80 HASTINGS UTILITIES,UTILITIES 13, 456.45 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE, INS ADMINISTRATION FEES 276.00 MENARDS,MOWERS 35.00 MENARDS, BLDG REPAIR-ANNEX/WALLACE 66.85 MENARDS, SHOP TOOLS 75.27 MENARDS,MISCELLANEOUS 6. 69 MENARDS, FORK LIFT 39.89 MENARDS,MISCELLANEOUS 2.76 MENARDS, FORK LIFT 48.50 PROTEX CENTRAL INC,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 223.50 SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORATION,MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 191. 16 SIGN DOCTOR, SIGNS 69.00 SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT,UTILITIES 291.79 US BANK, SHOP TOOLS 1, 049.00 US BANK,BLDG REPAIR-COURTHOUSE 959.03 FAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 17 . 16 HASTINGS TRIBUNE,TRAVEL EXPENSES - BOARD M 5. 11 NEBRASKA ASSOC OF COUNTY, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 100.00 US BANK, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 19.00 US BANK, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 427.71 US BANK,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 29. 99 BETH JANNING,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 124.45 RON SEYMOUR,MILEAGE ALLOWANCE 79.26 MIPS,MISCELLANEOUS LABOR 533.10 MIPS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 190.00 TWILA BANKSON, POSTAL SERVICES 5.04 3 POINTS TIRE,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 22 .00 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 4, 926.56 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF REVOLVING, SHERIFF COSTS 424. 95 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF REVOLVING, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 35.00 BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC ,MISCELLANEOUS 18 .58 FAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, DUES, SUBS,REGIST, TRAINING 207 .36 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 253.21 FAMILY ADVOCACY NETWORK,DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 1, 000.00 FAMILY MEDICAL CENTER,MISCELLANEOUS 265.00 GALLS LLC,MISCELLANEOUS 63.73 JACKS UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT, SHERIFF COSTS 704 .40 JANITOR INC, JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS 625.46 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE, INS ADMINISTRATION FEES 1, 518.00 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE, INS ADMINISTRATION FEES 1, 484 .00 PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTINGS INC , DUES,SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 323.75 REED SUPPLY CO, SHERIFF COSTS 510.00 SUNSET LAW ENFORCEMENT, SHERIFF COSTS 563. 60 VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 135.27 ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEYS OFFICE ,COURT RELATED COSTS 200.00 ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY,COURT RELATED COSTS 12 .00 BUFFALO COUNTY SHERIFF OFFICE , JUVENILE COURT COSTS 6.00 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 177.43 CLAY COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS 35.65 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 74 .40 112 I Page EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 559.84 FAMILY ADVOCACY NETWORK,ABUSE PROGRAM 2, 000.00 HALL COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS 50. 90 HAMILTON COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT,COURT RELATED COSTS 18. 69 HASTINGS TRIBUNE, JUVENILE COURT COSTS 152 .81 JANITOR INC, JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS 612 .04 LANCASTER COUNTY SHERIFF, JUVENILE COURT COSTS 12. 69 LANCASTER COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS 45.44 MADISON COUNTY SHERIFF, JUVENILE COURT COSTS 18.50 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE, INS ADMINISTRATION FEES 1, 484.00 MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 510.00 NEBRASKA.GOV,COURT RELATED COSTS 144 .00 PHELPS COUNTY SHERIFF,COURT RELATED COSTS 18.50 PHYSICIANS LABORATORY PC,AUTOPSY COSTS 510.00 RAF LLC,AUTOPSY COSTS 774.00 SECRETARY OF STATE,COURT RELATED COSTS 40.00 SOFTWARE UNLIMITED, DATA PROCESSING COSTS 1, 760. 90 TRANSUNION RISK & ALTERNATIVE ,COURT RELATED COSTS 75.00 US BANK, DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 24.25 WESTERN ALTERNATIVE CORRECTION, JUV GRANT COMMUNITY, 19-CB 5, 400.00 VERIZON WIRELESS,CELL PHONES 1, 672 .62 ADAMS COUNTY JAIL/SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 844.47 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,TRAVEL EXPENSES 1,262 .47 AUCA CHICAGO LOCKBOX,MISCELLANEOUS 110. 65 ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC, JAIL SUPPLIES 62 .39 BERTS PHARMACY,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 25. 18 BIG G COMMERCIAL HARDWARE INC , JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 145.06 CHARM-TEX INC, SAFETY EQUIPMENT 269.80 CHRIS' S CAR WASH,TRAVEL EXPENSES 57 .00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 61.20 STATE OF NEBRASKA,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 8, 312 .20 STATE OF NEBRASKA,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 2,757.51 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, JAIL SUPPLIES 171.99 ENCARTELE INC,COMMISSARY-PHONE CARDS 1, 500.00 HALL COUNTY DEPT OF CORRECTION, BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 3, 815.00 HAMILTON COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 7, 300.00 HASTINGS RADIOLOGY ASSOC PC,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 102.78 KEEFE SUPPLY COMPANY,COMMISSARY 1, 129.72 KEITH' S DRIVE IN DRUG,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 281.49 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 116.57 PHELPS COUNTY SHERIFF,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1,395.00 PROFORMA BUSINESS WORLD, PROVISIONS & CLOTHING 903. 60 SAAT PLUMBING & EXCAVATING LLC,BUILDING REPAIR 300.00 US BANK,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 31. 99 US FOODS INC,BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD 1, 121. 98 VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC, PRINTING/PUBLISHING 176.53 WINDSTREAM,MISCELLANEOUS 176.39 CORNHUSKER PRESS INC, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 110.33 CHRIS' S CAR WASH, INCENTIVE PAYMENTS 750.00 CULLIGAN OF HASTINGS,MISCELLANEOUS 58 . 95 CULLIGAN OF KEARNEY,MISCELLANEOUS 16.00 HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 883.20 MIDWEST CONNECT, POSTAL SERVICES 233.89 OFFICE DEPOT, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 219. 69 PHELPS COUNTY TREASURER,TELEPHONE SERVICES 52 .79 PHELPS COUNTY TREASURER, POSTAL SERVICES 77 .04 QUILL CORPORATION, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 236.85 ALLIED UNIVERSAL, SECURITY CONTRACTS BY 0TH 2, 471.72 ADAMS COUNTY HWY DEPARTMENT,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 136.78 HASTINGS MUSEUM,MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 150.00 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE, INS ADMINISTRATION FEES 276.00 PLATTE VALLEY OF HASTINGS INC ,MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 150.00 NBC CAPITAL LLC, TRAVEL EXPENSES 99.00 COUNTRY INN & SUITES, 2020 SHSP-PET GRANT 392.00 DARRIN LEWIS, 2020 SHSP-PET GRANT 76.86 US BANK,TRAVEL EXPENSES 43.45 US BANK, 2020 SHSP-PET GRANT 254 .02 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE, INS ADMINISTRATION FEES 104.00 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE, INS ADMINISTRATION FEES 138 .00 US BANK,TRAVEL EXPENSES 10.76 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE, INS ADMINISTRATION FEES 276.00 US BANK, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 24. 99 113 1 Page HASTINGS AREA CHAMBER OF COMM , DUES, SUBS,REGIST,TRAINING 900. 95 HERITAGE BANK, INTERNET SERVICE 25.00 K&G PLUMBING AND HEATING,COURTHOUSE BUILDING 3, 063.00 MIDWEST CONNECT, POSTAL SERVICES 3, 000.00 MIDWEST CONNECT, POSTAL SERVICES 3, 000.00 POWERTECH LLC,COURTHOUSE BUILDING 1, 148.00 US DEPT OF AGRICULTURE, PREDATORY ANIMAL CONTROL 3, 124 .57 WESTFIELD PHARMACY,MED-HOSP PRISONERS 42. 98 ROAD - BRIDGE BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 31, 385. 99 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SUPPLIES - SHOP 11.09 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP,RD EQ REP PARTS 443.17 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SUPPLIES - SHOP 196. 18 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP,RD EQ REP PARTS 199.70 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP,SUPPLIES - SHOP 174.79 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP,RD EQ REP PARTS 38 .83 ARNOLD MOTOR SUPPLY LLP, SUPPLIES - SHOP 143.76 BLACK HILLS ENERGY,HEATING FUELS 3, 177 .01 CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL SER CORP,MOTOR GRADERS 46,719.80 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS 43.20 CINTAS CORPORATION #449, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 33.13 CINTAS CORPORATION #449,TOWEL/CLEANING AGREEMENTS 86. 40 COOPERATIVE PRODUCERS INC,MACH EQ TIRES & REP 1, 558 .20 FILTER CARE, SUPPLIES - SHOP 215. 10 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 485. 69 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS,OFFICE EQUIPMENT 952 .70 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SUPPLIES - OFFICE 52.57 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS, JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 32 .25 FLEET PRIDE INC,MISCELLANEOUS 149. 99 HASTINGS TRIBUNE, LEGAL ADS 142.48 HASTINGS UTILITIES,ELECTRICITY 581.07 ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO,EXPRESS/FREIGHT 20.00 ISLAND SUPPLY WELDING CO,WELDING SUPP/CHAINS 109.50 KELLY SUPPLY CO,RD EQ REP PARTS 126.59 KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPLY,TRAFFIC CONTROL - GUARD R 371.84 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE, INS ADMINISTRATION FEES 4, 280.00 MENARDS,BUILDING REPAIR 394 .82 MIDWEST ALARM SERVICES,MAINT.WORK BY OTHER 404.00 NAPA AUTO PARTS,RD EQ REP PARTS 61. 11 NAPA AUTO PARTS,OTHER EQUIPMENT REPAIR 97 .19 NAPA AUTO PARTS, SUPPLIES - SHOP 78 .41 NAPA AUTO PARTS,RD EQ REP PARTS 5.39 NAPA AUTO PARTS, SUPPLIES - SHOP 58 .88 NAPA AUTO PARTS, RD EQ REP PARTS 325.79 NAPA AUTO PARTS, SUPPLIES - SHOP 281.24 NMC EXCHANGE LLC,RD EQ REP PARTS 396. 12 NMC EXCHANGE LLC, SUPPLIES - SHOP 188 .96 NMC EXCHANGE LLC,RD EQ REP PARTS 332 .58 NMC EXCHANGE LLC,RD EQ REP LABOR 1, 598. 18 CAMERON PIATT,MISCELLANEOUS 31.00 POWER PLAN,RD EQ REP PARTS 2, 938 .23 PTSR,MISCELLANEOUS 50.00 S & S SEPTIC PLUMBING LLC, SEWER 325.00 SIPP'S CLEANING SOLUTIONS, JANITORIAL AGREEMENTS 502.14 SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT,ELECTRICITY 521.13 THOMSEN OIL COMPANY,EQUIPMENT - FUEL 20, 304. 96 TOM DINSDALE,RD EQ REP PARTS 50. 48 US BANK, SUPPLIES - SHOP 30.16 US BANK,MEALS 14 .08 VERIZON CONNECT NWF INC,ENGINEERING/TECHNICAL EQU 210.47 VILLAGE OF HOLSTEIN,WATER 21. 91 VILLAGE OF HOLSTEIN, SEWER 12 .50 VILLAGE OF KENESAW,WATER 17 . 64 VILLAGE OF KENESAW, SEWER 20. 61 VILLAGE OF ROSELAND,WATER 78 .00 WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERVICE,GARBAGE 185.00 ROADS SPECIAL FUND OAK CREEK ENGINEERING,ENGINEERING 29, 560.00 COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS HOMETOWN LEASING,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 188 .45 MARY LANNING HEALTHCARE, INS ADMINISTRATION FEES 138.00 ALLISON PETR ACCOUNTING SVCS,CONSULTING FEES 360.00 114 ' Page US BANK, FURNITURE/REMODELING 24.33 US BANK, INTERNET SERVICE 179.97 US BANK, DUES,SUBS,REGIST, TRAINING 6.00 US BANK,UTILITIES 163.19 PRESERVATION & MODERNIZATION MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM,EQUIPMENT RENTAL - OFFICE 184 .00 HEALTH FUND BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD,HEALTH-ACCIDENT - COUNTY 15, 670.59 COVID AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN RUTT'S HEATING & AIR CONDITION,HEATING AND AIR CONDITION 45, 041.00 TEK84 INC,MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTS 159, 300.00 INHERITANCE TAX WEST GROUP PAYMENT CENTER,LAW LIBRARY 3,230.70 LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER PROCHASKA & ASSOCIATES INC,ARCHITECTURAL FEES 16, 000.00 ESCROW HOLDING FUND JACKS UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT,MISCELLANEOUS 2, 376.86 TEK84 INC,MISCELLANEOUS 20, 000.00 Lee Hogan Board Chairman Ramona R. Thomas Adams County Clerk 115 ' Page Adams County Board of Equalization Meeting Minutes Tuesday,April 18,2023 at 10:00 am Courthouse,Adams County A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Equalization was held with Chairman Lee Hogan presiding. The Board of Equalization meeting was held in conjunction with the regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Commissioners meeting on April 18,2023. Board members present included: Michael Stromer-District 1,Glen Larsen-District 2, Lee Hogan- District 3 Harold Johnson-District 4,Tim Reams- District 5, Chuck Neumann-District 6,Joe Patterson -District 7. At 10:00 am, a motion was made by Stromer,seconded by Johnson to meet as a Board of Equalization to review and take action on motor vehicle exemption applications. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann Nays: None Absent: Patterson Entered Board of Equalization at 10:00 am Adams County Treasurer,Virginia Long, presented motor vehicle exemption applications from ASAAP, Mary Lanning and South Central Behavioral Services. Long has reviewed the applications and confirms the entity meets the criteria for exemption and is requesting board approval. Commissioner Patterson entered the meeting at 10:01 am Motion by Stromer,seconded by Patterson to approve the motor vehicle exemption applications as presented by Treasurer Long. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Rlewith Your Application for Exemption FORM On 1- CountyTreasurer from Motor Vehicle Taxes by Qualifying Nonprofit Organizations 457 6 •Read Instructions on reverse side. Name of Organization Tax Year Value of Motor Vehicles n,, Name of Owner of Property ; County Name State Where Incorporated Street or Other Mailing Address Contact Name Phone Number CtiltS 4L•$vt'1..,S i% -�w \i aPr•rec itoN'te,. tit's=`tt.3--1,5;41y Ctty State Zip Code Email Address hoc , S N>r kit'VA ,c fr ti Type of Own D At/MuAeaf end Horticutturat Society Educational Organization 0 Religious Organization D Charitable Organization 0 Cemetery Organization Name Tttle ofI Officers,Directors,or Partners Address,City,State,Zip Code tkihrkma v f m.rA e,r•t.titr, 'Tessa.)nee - Description of the Motor Vehicles *Attach an additional sheet,It necessary. Registration Data or Motor Vehicle Make Model Year Body Type Vehicle ID Number Date of Acquisition, If Newly Purchased Foca t 'pp;brr, af' b4art034R.68^ it amt. Motor Vehicle described above is used in the exempt category(please mark the applicable boxes): Are the motor vehicles used exclusively Agdoultural and Horticultural Society "Educational 0 Religious 0 Charitable 0 Cemetery as Indiated?baa instructiane) Give a detailed description of the use of the motor vehicle ES 0 NO Yeti•c>y�c, �s ‘)5„,..3 '�1vt crams % Sia''q •cb 'OrA,e,tta..f,a4 qty► * (U,� S �r c iinc4, 0,,A, o j otkmi.4.4,4V�t psi�.`�' h No,give percentage or exempt use: 'SO( Q C'A^v. tir•�R Cov. C.4 d�"S .tom 40e."4„^nit ' — a`vbtc,".,,e,a.,b, cV.it� h,� �b� • ©Opp nder penalties of II,..rrr I declare that i have examined this exemption application and,to the best of my knowledge and betel,itis correct and complete. il fere that t am a abed to sign this exemption application. sig -. ,, . "- 0,1%;4, 4,c�. or \�taf3 here Autho ed Signature Data For County treasurer Recommendation Approval Comments: ❑Dental //th.e� if County reasurer 116 ' Page File with Your Application for Exemption FORM County Treasurer from Motor Vehicle Taxes by Qualifying Nonprofit Organizations 457 _ •Reed Instruction.on reverse side. _ Name d Organization - I Tax YewValue of Motor Vehicles The Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Association 2023 • Name of Owner of Property County Name State Where lnoorpor ted Adams Nebraska — --- Street or Omer Madeg Address --- Cooled!Nemo Phone NUMta 715 N.St.Joseph Jenny Kohtz 402-461-5006 Cay Stotts Zp Code Email Address Hastings NE68901 jkohtz@rnarylanning.org Typo d Ownemp ---' ---- -- -- — 0 Agricultural and Hort,cniturof Society--❑Educational Organization 0 Rdis.o s OM..fI., 0 Chanttblo Organization ['Cemetery Organization Name Title of Officers, Address,City,Siete,Zip Codeii Directors,or Partners JEFF ANDERSON CHAIRMAN • _ P.O.BOX 2026,HASTINGS,NE 68901 _ MICHELE BEVER VICE CHAIRMAN �_606 N.MINNESOTA,HASTINGS,NE 68901 _ ._i C.M.GARY ANDERSON SEC/TREASURER P.O.BOX 756,HASTINGS,NE 68901 __ I Description of the Motor Vehicles I *Attach an additional sheet,It necessary. - Registration Date or Motor Vehicle Melte ModoiYeer i Body Type Vehicle ID Number Date of Acgulanion, II Newly Purchased Ford Escape 2021 1 SE 4dr Alt-Wheel Dove __1FMCU9H9XMUBO5499 04-2023 - —._. Motor Vehicle described above aae usrn the bemiring nsempag t Oa (please mark the applicable bozos): Aro rho rM{ votl a nie$used exckry rswa o Agriculteal sort Horticultural Soaoly [JEducaaonal U lleegorn EChoreaae Lj Cemetery as,ndsaled?(see insiruc,rore) Give a deleted description 01 the use of Ow motor remote: ILiti YES [1° Home health&hospice visits 11 No give percentage of exempt use: --.-_.0 ,e••.:. ..:01 kw.'declare Owl lhave examinedIh:s exemption application and.Mitre USM of my'uxsxled9e and Dattel.flaaurect and almgNBte. I also., ..::a I auonrized to sign ties exemption anal abet sign , ! Director of Finance 03-29-2023 here - -tie- ___._- -- nwnudz: - -- - -... For County Treasurer Recommen ...e .e Se rt+- ___1 ..A, f� •\ r Zt�-3 J I{ Approval Comments: .--._.__ "\ — ❑Denial ` �. {S --- Sign urs..,(.-d Say Aeosur: �V Dale For County Board of Equalization Lau vier r 1 /.kbI Application for Exemption FORM from Motor Vehicle Taxes by Qualifying Nonprofit Organizations *To be filed With yaw county WOMAN 457 •need NtienAXomfos rsa aide. Ap sicion Name type Of OWaa/ship South Central Behavioral Services,Inc. ® tea Stew or Otter Metetd Adenine .- County Gerperalbn 618 West 5th Street.PO Box 50 Adams U Omar tePecdyy. City Stole Zip Cate State Where Inamperates Hastings NE 68902 NE _-- - - IDENTIFY OFFICERS,DIRECTORS,OR PARTNERS OF THE NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION i fide Name.Addicts,City.State,Zip Code Pisa/dant Jean leslar,620 BealNaton#114,Holdrogo,NE.68840 Vico President Nancy Morse,10514 735 Road,Loomis,NE.88e56 Secretary/CEO Robert Shueey,618 West 6th,Hearings,NE 68901 Treasurer MIAMI Rod,803 West 3rd,Juniata,NE.68066 I DESCRIPTION OF THE MOTOR VEHICLES ..--- 1 •Attach an additional sheet,It necessary. --- - Regale's=Wee or Meter Vehicle Make World year 1o4rype Vehicle ID Number ^__IDate at f TOYOTA 2023 Corolla LE SYF64MDEOPP023417 0310/2023 Exempt Uses of Motor Weide: _... -. Aro Its motor vehicles used ezokes ehr 0 AV culunttlMOrlic ltrta 0 Educational 0 Redolent& ®CMetpyc 0 Catrntery ea i °d' Give clouded d aoripftee of see,madding an azbWMhoe 5 mudtple use dhedScadors!stet: ZY6s ONO Travel between clinics and service sites. Services provided include Mental Health. Substance Abuse,Specialized Children's Services,Rehabilitation and Assertive Community dNa'W ePermit".at ermit gea"en"yes' ece elves' Treatment for adults with severe and persistent mental illness. i % copy Under pertatea d Inc I*mare tau I Iwo examined dls appdoalion and that a k-n tie beat el my knowledge and OMR(true,Complete,and=reek I dao dedwo punt tem duly aumorized lo sign thin inarnpaon application,and soul the organization owning me abp plaid moping does not datyteinato NI mamhershpora basad on moa.Cotes emotional cash sign2 ivt,t- Admin_Setvices P_ heresed' - pr here 03/3012023 rt'„ APPROVAL COMMENTS: Are J-— - . rl DISAPPROVAL _ — Date .. FOR COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Vitt OJNLT 117 I Page Adams County Assessor,Jackie Russell presented the following tax list corrections: • Parcel 000093152-K. Mack-Deduction to Tax Roll $84.48 • Parcel 000034706-Stamps&More-Deduction to Tax Roll $166.04 • Parcel 000092040-E. Uden-Deduction to Tax Roll - $2001.06 • Parcel 010016002-Comm. Redevelopment Auth. Juniata-Ded. $104.78 • Parcel 010007272 - J . Hackler - Addition to Tax Roll - $340.00 Russell has reviewed the proposed corrections and is requesting board approval. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Larsen to approve the tax list corrections presented by Assessor Russell. Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Motion by Johnson, seconded by Stromer to exit Board of Equalization and resume regular session.Roll Call,Ayes:Stromer, Larsen, Hogan,Johnson, Reams, Neumann, Patterson Nays: None Regular session resumed at 10:05 am (see Board of Commissioner's regular meeting minutes for 4/18/2023) ••Adamsn,Nebraska--Tax Ust atlon'• Correction O(s) 14936 Tax Year Corrected 2022 Date of Correction 4/14/2023 Levy of year corrected 1.532433 Owner Kevin Mack 24e5106 Address 612 N Wayne Ave,Kenesaw,NE 68956 _.. Parcel 10 a 000093152_ Tex ID I4 00.93152 La,*I Manwl Prawn BMW Vales Conseil/slue Person.'Property 120,300.90 __.._-.114,007.06 (Swelling _ $000 $0.00 .. Eneo en n.y0 oub $0.00 woo Land $0 $0.00 TOTAL VALUATION $120,38000 $114,867.00 _... _- 53. LEVY 1.532433 1.532433 TAX TOTAL 51,844.74 51,760.26 _ P_wnr $0.00---- $000 worenl..atangqn $0.00 $0.00 Pool tam T.. Oa*8.3444 50.00 50.00 4 tax 0.114 ..._. &aeeAmount $1,844.74 $1,760.26 DNIERENCET0TAXJfO.r DEDUCTION TO TAX I AD00000 TO TAX $54.48 0 Reason for Correction Removal of T-L Pivot missed by clerical error Iron,2022 personal property flung.Correcting 2022 tax roll to reflect. ---!Adams County,Nebrasl4--;Tax Ust Ct ctlon'• Correction 6(a► 14937 Tax Year Corrected 2022 Date of Correction 4/14/2023 Levy of year corrected 2.256474 Owner Stamps&More do Jan Hlnze Malik Address 1523 Westwood Terrace,Hastings,NE 68901 Percet 104 000034706 _..- Tex IDS 21434706.. Lao P°.rW warn Billed Value Correct Value Personal Property 7,352.00 0.00 Dwelling S0O0 50.00 .r.r.wnrrtMOltw) $0.00 $0.60 Land $0.00 50.00 TOTAL VALUATION $7,352.00 $0.00 LEVY 2.258474 2258474 TAX TOTAL $166.04 $0.00 noway $0.00 $000 iiOnVkilead fanyll101, $0.00 $0.00 _.._ Real EU.To tot444 444 $0.00 $0.00 At no Guilt gilled Amount 5166.04 50.00 t&IFFERENCE TOT/1001 : DEDUCTION TO TAX I ADDITION TO TAX $166.04 0 Reason for Correction Owner showed docwnentatlon that business and all personal property sold in 2019.Removing 2020 tax Wing for the personal property flied with new owner. 118 I Page ,g.'.' 3 * s aa. .,„1,34 °�I aa.rai 'ka- ax kati arc Correction N(s) 14938 Tax Year Corrected 2022 Date of Correction 4/14/2023 levy of year corrected 1.400291 Owner Eric Uden Mailing Address 312 W Elm St,Kenesaw,NE 68956 Parcel IDN 000092040 --- Tax IDN 30-92040 Legal Personal Property -- Billed Value Correct Value Personal Property 148,266.00 5,364.00_ Dwelling $0.00 $0.00 Improvements(Other) $0.00 $0.00 Land $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL VALUATION $148,266.00 $5,364.00 LEVY 1.400291 1.400291 TAX TOTAL $2,076.18 $75.12 Penalty $0.00 $0.00 Homestead Exemption $0.00 $0.00 _.-Real Estate tax Credit Applied $0.00 $0.00 A8 Tax Credit Billed Amount $2,076.18 $75.12 tbIFFERENWTO TAX nw DEDUCTION TO TAX I ADDITION TO TAX $2,001.06 0 Reason for Correction Owner brought in an amended federal return to show that drip tape added on this account last year was added in error. Correcting personal property schedule to removed drip tape and correct 2022 tax roll. **MtOilf Counbg Nebraska Tax List Ctirrectiortt* ,_ Correction N(s) 14940 Tax Year Corrected 2022 Date of Correction 4/14/2023 Levy of year corrected 1.889848 Owner Community Redevelopment Authority of Juniata Mailing Address 911 N Juniata Ave,Juniata,NE 68955 Parcel IDN 010016002 Tax IDN 116-01900 Legal 501.00-LOTS 83yy2��.833 JUNIATA VILLAGE yPSt. Billed Value Correct Value Personal Property 0.00 0.00 Dwelling $0.00 $0.00 Improvements(Other) $5,875.00 $0.00 Land $24,640.00 $24,640.00 TOTAL VALUATION $30,515.00 $24,640,00 LEVY 1.889848 1.889848 TAX TOTAL $576.70 $465.66 Penalty $0.00 $0.00 Homestead Exemption $0.00 $0-00 Real Estate Tax _-_ Credit Applied -$32.52 -$26.26 A5 Tax Credit Billed Amount $544.18 $439.40 DtfFERENCE TO7AX ROCU DEDUCTION TO TAX I ADDITION TO TAX $104.78 0 Reason for Correction Adams Central school provided documentation that a Bus Barn was removed from their property prior to selling the property in 2020 missed in error since the property was an exempt parcel. Removing value of Bus Barn for 2021 and 2022 tax roll. 119 ' Page *IPA r, " T 1. 4:0 did" Correction It(s) 14941 Tax Year Corrected 2022 Date of Correction 4/14/2023 Levy of year corrected 2.359137 Owner Jerry L&Jinx Hackler • Mailing Address 4735 N Baltimore Ave,Hastings,NE 68901 Parcel ID it 010007272 — -- Tax ID 284-02592.30 Legal LOT 3 HACALER SUB DIV Wititta r:ct Billed Value Correct Value Personal Property 0.00 0.00 _ - — Dwelling $0.00 $0.00 ---- ImprovementslOtherl $78,691.00 $78,691.00 Land $0.00 $15,093.00 TOTAL VALUATION $78,691.00 $93,784.00 LEVY 2.359137 2.359137 TAX TOTAL $1,856.42 $2,212.50 Penalty $0.00 $0.00 Homestead Exemption $0.00 $0.00 _ — ReatEstate Tax Credit Applied -$83.88 -$99.96 Ag Tax Crecift Billed Amount $1,772.54 $2,112.54 kflifFEREffeE TO TAKBOLL: DEDUCTION TO TAXADDITION TO TAX I 0 $340.00 Reason for Correction It was discovered that the 2022 valuation was missing the land value in error. Correcting the 2022 valuation to include the land value and correct the 2022 tax roll. Lee Hogan Chairman Ramona R.Thomas Adams County Clerk 120 IPage