HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupervisors Rec 16 1964SUPE VISORS ECO D No. 16 19 Jones,Dr. D. . Kamm, Dr. Frank Kingsley, Dr. W . Kirk, Dr. L. C Kle ager Dr. Clyde Kos t al, Dr. 0. A. Kuehn, Dr. G. A. Liv ings ton -Butl er- V o lland Funeral Home McIntire, Dr. R. H. McNeill, Dr. L. S. Mary Lanning Hospital Mastin, Dr. R. L. Mikkelsen Drug Co. Murray, Dr. D. E. Orthopedic Brace Co. Pinney, Dr. George L. Re di iel di s Pharmacy Butt's Pharmacy Sawyer's Drugs Weoer, Dr. C. R. Weiler, , Dr. Leo Yost, Dr. John Medical c are Medical care Medic al care Treatment Medical care Medical care Medi cal care Ambulance service Medi cal_ care Medic al care Hospita ± care Medical care Medi cal supplies Medi cal care Brace Medical care 140d i cal s upp 1 ie s Medical supplies Lb di cal s upplies Medical care Medi cal care Medi cal care 57.00 6.00 29.00 8.00 10.50 17.00 13.32 16.0 138.00 10.50 34o.00 22.00 98.b 53.25 21.95 2.00 89.87 122.23 73.75 52 55.00 2.00 This '-'oard will now recess subject to the call of the chairman ,01: the County Board of Supervisors. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, December. 20, 1963. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per re cess of De cembe r 6, 1963. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, pre siding . Roll call, members present:Goal_ e, Kidd, Lightner, lviackie , The opal. d, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that the following re solution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, a system of Federal Aid Se condary roads have been established in Adams County, and WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors of Adams County feel that additional county roads should be placed on this Federal A ia Se conaary system in order to secure ieederal Ass istance in the ne cessayy improvement thereof, and WHEREAS, che following described road is not 11014 a part of the approved Federal Aid. Se condary System of Adams County and it is the desire of the Board of upervisors of Adams County that this road be incorporated in the Federal Aid Secondary system of Adams County. Begin Southeast corner Section 1, Township 7, Range 11, Running North 7 miles to Northeast corner Section 1, Tonship 8, Range 11, and Transfer from Southe ast comer Section. 2, Township 7, Range 11, Running North 7 miles to Northeast conner Section 2, T ow ,ship 8, Range LL, and, remove from System -Begin Southe ast corner of Section 5, Township 7, Range 10, running 6 miles North to 'Northeast corner Section 8, Township 8, Range 10. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of these facts the 8ounty L)oard tale s the following official action: BE IT RESOLVED THJT State Department of oads is here by requested to prepare the necessary documents and take all necessary steps required in order to obtain the approval of the above described road as a part of the Federal Aid Secondary system of Adams County. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by The obald, seconded by Mackie, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the s are . Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Buckner Vehna L. Jackson, William Mulford, Fred -Regis ter of Deeds Veterants Service GENAL FUND RC)/ID FUND Office Expense Office Expense Office Expens e Off ice Expens e aL.,,,,ry Office Expense Office Expense Off ice Expense Off ice Expense Orrice Expense Sal ary Salary Salary Office Expense Off ice Expense 577.40 971.25 164V.50 1223.82 1666.72 1297.03 1276.10 1391.50 680.00 2116.25 200.00 20.00 40o.00 971.58 7o7.50 20 SUPERVISO 111 S RECORD No, 16 Ihis Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chainaan of the County Board of Supervisors. • COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday,Ja.nuary 6, 1964.. 10:00 o'clock A.M. jJ Uhairman Regular meeting of the Adams '''ounty Board of Supervisors met as per recess of December 20, 1963. Orville Hoagland, Chairman„ presiding. Roll c ail , members present: aoble Kidd, Lightner,Mackie, Thecbald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Kid, that the bond of John C. Van -douse for Township Assessor be accepted and placed on file. Roil call, all voed aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Youngbiood, that whereas Sunday sale of alcholic beverages if permitted by law in the other golf clubs in Adams County, but because of differences in corporate structue is denied the Lochland Country Club without Lhe authority of this Board, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Bo ard grant to Lochland Country 0lub the authority required under the statutes to make such sales upon Sundays. Roll call, Goble, 1\1_0d, Lightner, Mackie, Youngblood and Hoagland. Pass The ob ald Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconaed by Youngblood, that the following Miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the supervisors Record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2618 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2624 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 28j3 2634 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 28)j2 2643 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge State Treas-State Assistance Fund Highland T owns hip Harry C. Haverly, County Judge Grace S imps on Jus t ce of Pe ace Neva W. Wolfe Kenesaw Grace Simpson,Justice of Pe ce Neva Wolfe Nursing Home State Treas- Gas Tax Dist. State Treas-Gas Tax Dist State Treas-Gas Tax Dist Village of Roseland Wanda Township rcoselnd Township Juniata Village Harry C. Haverly, County Judge Harry U. Haverly, County Judge 100.00 922 .22 500.00 100 .00 65.00 533.75 100 .00 65. 00 8 .,50 3363.50 11,355.62 14,690.30 100 .00 500.00 500.00 100.00 928.00 50.00 bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Cour t586.57 Emma Berg, County Clerk 502.50 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peece 60.00 Radon Inc. 72.00 Hanover Township 500.00 Harvey M.Wils on ,Buf falo Co . Jud ge 1.35 Harry C. Haverly, Co. Judge 1187.82 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 86. 00 Grace H. Simpson, Justice of Robert E. Schweser State Treasure r Village of Juniata Harry C. Haverly, County Judge village of Ayr Village of Ayr Cottonwood Township Grace Simps on , Just ice of Peace Emma. Berg, County Clerk Peace 160.00 71,261.72 10 9.00 4000.00 191.96 450 .00 100.00 500.00 95.00 131.25 281414. Emma Berg, County Clerk 2814.5 Special Mail Route 2814.6 Medical,Surgical & Hospital 2847 Medical., Surgical & Hospital 2848 Medical, SUrgic al & Hos pi tal 284.9 Mea ic al ,Su .,gic al & Hospital 2050 Harry C. Haverly,Courn4 Judge 2851 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 2652 First National Bank 2853 red 0 S chaffro -di, Reg 28514. Perry Larkin -Director 2855 Perry Larkin -Director 2856 Verona Township 2857 Charles Thomas -Service Station 2858 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 2859 Kenesaw Township 2860 State Treas-S Gate Assistance Fund 2861 Grace Situps on, Just" c e oi Pe ace 2862 Pastime Bowl Inc. 2063 Phillips General Store -Assumption 26614. Clerk of District Court 2865 ShowBoat Service & Notel 2866 Kloke Conoco Service 2867 Harry liaverly, County Judge 2868 Harry Haverly, County Judge 2869 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 2670 Harry Haverly, County Judge 2871 Gail R. Wright -Denver Township Clerk 2672 West Blue Township -Herman. Mohling 2873 Harry Haverly, County Judge 28714_ Conw ay & Irons 2875 Darrell Bauder 2876 Emma Berg, County Clerk 2877 Grace Simpson, Justice of Pe ace 2878 Harry 0. Haverly, County Judge Deeds 31.41 14.33.0o 129.51 391.06 177.57 1717.07 100 .00 313.00 786.33 606.00 52.00 126.36 500.00 10.00 105.70 500.00 48,3o5.00 70.00 10.00 10.00 49.7 10.00 10.00 100 .00 25. 00 60.00 118.33 500.00 500.00 10.00 21.8 27.50 5671.08 85.00 5.00 Motion by Mackie, seconded by Goble, that the Adams County Officer Inventories be accepted and placed on file, as follows: Clerk of the District Court, Assessor, Agriculture Agent, Register of Deeds, Superintendent, Treasurer, Attorney, Clerk, Cultodian, Librarian, Judge, Machine Shop, Supervisor District i\lo. 2, 3 & 14, and Service Officer. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that the reports of the Library, Car Titles, Clerk of the District Court, (2) Register of Deeds, County Judge, Nursing Home be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Mackie, that the bids steel shelving and roller shelving be re jected, and new voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Youngblood, that the ()frier furniture for new court house be accepted, subject to re consultant. Roll call , all voted aye. Notion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Mackie, that the erroneous tax of Bertha M. Davis marked Exhibit' on file in the Yountv Clerk's office be refunded. Roll call, all voted ave. Motion carried. on the new court house wood furniture s, bids therefor solicited. Roll call, all of the Shaw Walker Co. on the steel vision and adjustment of our architectural SUPE VISO S ECO D No, 16 21 GENERAL FUND Adams County Extension Service Adams County Treasurer Adams Hardware Co. Anderson, Sheriff Robert Arnold, S. A. Bancroft -Whitney Co. Berg, Emma Brach-4Thompson Brock, Don Burroughs Corporation clerk of District Court Clerk of District Court- Hall County Consolidated Motor Freight Inc. County Assessor County Assessor County Clerk Contral_Nebr. q01; Official's Assn. County Supt. Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. DeLaet, Joan Department of Inforffation U Of N Dutton-Lainson Co. Eastman Kodak Stores Inc. Educators Progress Service Foote Equipment 'e. Lxoble, Gaylord Haberman's of Hastings Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Greenhouses Hastings Typewriter 'o. Hastings Utilities Haverly, Co. judge Harry C. Hawes, Henry Hoagl and, Orville Hoagland, Orville International Business ?.chines Kidd, C. H. Kidd, C. H. Knight, Hobert G, Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Modern Linen Supply Mulford, Fred A. Peterson, Theo. A. M.D. Rader aeal ,state & Insurance Recordak Corporation Recordak Corporation Redfield & Company Inc. Rockwood, Cedric E. Rucker, Morland Schafer Printing co. Schaffroth, Reg of Deeds Fred O. Stephenson School Supply Co. Stewart Plumbing & Heating Story, Roscoe E. Swearingen, J. R. Taylor, Clerk dist Court Bernard H. Temple, Howard Thomas, Ray L. Thomas, Ray L. Vaughans Printers Inc. Wagner, Loyd R. M.D. Wakley, Nancy INheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Williams Exterminating Co. Witt, Loyd York Medical Laboratories ROAD FUND Adams Hardware Co. Champlin's Skelly Service Clarke Oil Co. Inc. Clarke Oil Co. Inc. Consumers Public Power District Decker & Son Dutton-Lainson Co. Fairs Repair Shop Firestone Stores Foote Equipment Co. Fredricks, I. G. A. Friends Motorsupply Glermood Telephone Corp. Hageman Hardware Co. Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. Hastings Utilities Revolving Postage Supplies Laundry, Bond Supplies Convention Suppiie s Postage Supplies State cases, State case Freight Postage Postage Postage County Official Postage Services Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Repairs Mileage Supplies Pub±ishing Supplies Supplies Supplies, Repairs Utilities State cases, Postage Telephone Convention Supplies Convention Mileage Reporting Services Services Mop service Mileage Tests Insurances Supplies Supplies Supplies Services Mileage Supplies Postage Supplies Labor Mileage Bailiff Convention Mileage Salary Mileage Supplies Coroners Physician Salary Supplies Services Convention expense Test FUnd Food, Mileage expense Mental Illness Dues Postage expense e xp e ns e expense Supplies Gas Gas Gas Utilities Supplies Supplies Repairs Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Services 'Supplies Supplies Utilities Fees 14.04 100.00 3.64 975.73 5.00 17.50 50.00 32.95 10.00 20.95 506.30 30.00 2.40 50.00 496.93 20.00 8.50 4.50 18.28 10.00 37.44 6.26 lo.00 23.66 24.60 34.21 142.64 42.25 5.98 22(.6)4. 377.79 46.65 5.5o 5.04 50.00 12.0o 50.00 26.08 4d.50 275.26 26.85 1.90 18.00 60.00 145.68 16.54 271.55 21.06 8.00 19.84 57.28 10.00 22.10 9.50 23.40 40.0o 50.00 12.08 253.80 1.08 184.22 2u8.00 26.00 3.84 5.00 50.0o 10.0o 2.00 61..29 62.79 97.85 2.83 10. o 21. 16.50 6'(.32 69)4.48 1.08 7.23 13.64 8.94 73./4 68.71 22 SUPE VISO 1' ECO 111 D No. 16 Kenesaw Motor Co. Kenesaw Oil Co. Kenesaw Telephone Co. Kerr Chevrolet Co. Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment (Jo. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Messer Co. L. J. Modern Linen Supply Mousel , Virgil Nebraska Pris ioh Industries Nebraska Dept of Roads Pitt z Service Schaffro un., Reg Deeds Fred 0 Schiiferns Service She man s Service Center Shermants Service Center Sidles Company Sime 1 A. J. Sinclair Refining Co. Smith & Sons , S. E. Stevens & Saunders Plumbing & Heating Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wilber Service Inc. Zubies Service Rief, Henry Road Account Supplies, Repairs Gas, iesel Services Supplies Gas Supplies Servic es Supplies Shop Towels S al ary Suppl ies Cons rut t 1 on Gas, Diesel, Supplies Dee ds Gas, Diesel, Supplie s Supplies Supplie s Supplies Gas , Diesel Gas, Diesel upp lie s Supplie s Supplie s Repair Gas, Supplies BRIDGE FUND Salary SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND Equipment rental, Labor C0UNIY LIBRARY Albright, Dixie May Ernst, Waunetta B. Gangwis h, Mrs. Anna Houchen Bindery Kindig, Margaret McNair, Mrs. nyoe Parks, Miss Arlene Presbyterian Dis trib ut ion Service Redinger, Mrs . Dwight Sanord, Mrs . Dorothy Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey Leach-Heusser Agency Ruttls TV Installation Kully Iron & Metal Co. Stevens & Saunders Plumbing Duthie, Eva B. Glenn, Dr. Elmer E. Larkin -Director PerrY 0. Mary Lanning Hospital McNeill, Dr. L. S. Royer, Margaret I'. Vasey, Ruby Whitcomb, Audrey Yost, Dr, John G. Salary Sal ary Salary Supplie s Salary Salary Salary Books Sal ary Sal ary Salary ERECTION & RE PAIR FUND Supervision Ins tallat ion ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME & Heating MEDICAL, Adams County Tre as ure r Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer AdamsCounty Treasurer Anderson, Dr. H. F. Brormer Dispensary Inc . Charlton, Dr. G. P. Dean, Dr. 11. J. Dean, ,0r. E. J. ii..ay!s Prescription Pharmacy Kamm, Dr. ..erank Livingston-Butler-Voiland Funeral Home Mary Lanning Hospital Mastin, Dr. h. L. Murray, Dr. D. E. Pinney. Dr. G. L. STATE FUNDS Supplie s Supplies & Repairs Mileage Medical care Mileage Hospital care Medical care Mileage Mileage Mileage Medical care SURGICAL & HOSPITAL Vendor payment Vend or payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Examination Repairs Medical c are Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical care Ambulance service Hospital care Medical c are Medicai. care Medici care • 11.69 96.50 16.46 13.76 183.66 392.95 27.60 31.31 -4•85 255. 20 52.50 172.37 369.96 6.50 35.29 95.87 1.56 49.55 82.26 328.90 12.06 2.47 245.67 1.00 20.47 220.40 1274.50 30.00 40.00 30.00 75.03 30.00 30.00 30.00 2.45 30.00 30.00 88.33 100.00 302.95 27.65 86.12 1.26 7.50 29.79 10.00 7.50 6.56 8.08 1.28 7.50 31.77 115.69 157.15 293_5.68 1(.00 7.50 41.50 29.00 4.00 5.00 13.00 1u.00 186.00 24.00 15.00 1_0n SUPE VIS S. )11\ ECO D No. 16 23 Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Larkin -Director Perry 0. Larkin -Director Perry O. Larkin-Dirs °tor Perry 0. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Safeway Store s Skaggs, 0. P. Sk,aggs, 0. P. Southern Nebr. Rural Vublic Power Dist Stop & Shop Market Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. This Board will now recess subject to the County lerk Deputy Supplies Services Supplies Staple food S uaple food Util it les Mileage .0ostage Revolving fund Services Staple food Staple food. Staple food Utilities Staple food Custodial Services Rent call of the Chairman of the County Board 15.37 4.00 7.50 48.93 15.00 170.00 6.77 29.79 75.00 19.30 70.05 130.00 170.00 100.00 6.75 15.00 75.00 250.00 of Supervisors. ((2 ),Jr -a -,712.--C Chairman COURTHOUSE, H STINC-S, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 34, £964. 1000 otclock A.M. Statutory meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of January b, 1y64. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobaid, Youngblood and Hoagland. Notionby Mackie, seconded by Lightner, that there is no more unfinished business and that this Board now adjourn sine die. Roll call, alJ. voted aye. Motion carried. REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD Au 10:15 otclock A. M. the meeting was called by the County Clerk with the following members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobaid, Youngblood and Hoagland. The Adams County Board of Supervisors will now proceed to appoint a temporary Chairman. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Youngblood, that Orville Hoagland be appointed temporary Chairman. Roll caLL, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that we proceed to take an informal ballot for the appointment of a permanent Chairman of the Adams County Board atSupervisors for the year 1964. Roll call, all voted aye. Mot ion carried. An informal bailot was ordered and the Chairman appointed Lightner and Kidd as teilers with results as follows: Kidd One (i), Lightner One (i), Theobald One (1) and Hoagland Four (4). Motion by Theobaid, Orville Hoagland be Supervisors for the Motion by Light mr„ the year 1964. Roll seconded by Youngbl, od, that we suspend all rules and by unanimous vote declared duly appointed permarent Chairman of the Adams County Board of year 1964. doll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. seconded by Theobald, that Myron Youngblood be appointed Vice -Chairman for call, Ayes: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald and Hoaglanct. Pass:Youngbl Motion by Mackie, seconded by Theobald, that the Hastings Daily 'Tribune be designated as the County Official paper for the year 1 964. Roll call, an voted aye . Motion carried. Motion by Theobaid, seconded by YiLck:ie, that we approve the following named banks as county depositories- First National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska; City National Bank, Hastings, Nebrska; Hastings State Bank, Hastings, Nebraska; Adams ,County Bank, Kenesaw, Nebraska; and Roseland State Bank, Roseland, Nebraska; also chat we approve the securities posted by the following banks as security for the county funds in the fol1c:4/1.g amounts- First National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska 740,000.00; City National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska $350,000.00; Hastings State Ban, Hastings, Nebraska 4i>200,000.00; Adams County Bank, henesaw, lebrasifa $.50,000.00; Roseland State Bank, Roseland, Nebraska 25,000.00; Roll call, all voted. aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobaid, seconded by Kidd, that we consent to the County Treasurer to deposit up to 100% of the Capitol Stock and surplus in any of the depository banks named, s aid deposits uo be protected by the bonds as required by law. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 11:15 o'clock A. M. The chairman announced. the following Cormaitties: FINANCE: A. J. Theouald, Chairman, Ed H. Ldghtner and C. H. "Bill" Kidd. ROAD AND BRIDGES: C. H. "Bill" Kidd,Chairman, District No. 2; Orville Hoagland, Chaiman District No. 3; and Gaylord Lroble, Chairman, District No. 14.; ROAD AND BRIDGE SUPPLIES: Tires, Grecse, Oil and Repairs. C. H. "Bill" Kidd, ohairman, Ed H. Lightner, Gaylord Goble and Orville Hoagland. COURT HOUSE BUILDING AND GROUNDS: Gerald. E. Mackie, Chairman, A. J. Theobala and C. H. "Bill" Kictd, COURTHOUSE SUPPLIES AND COUNTY LAW LIt3RARY M.J. Youngolood, Chairman, Gaylord Goble and Ed H. Lightner, COUNTY INSURCE: G-aylord Goble, of 24 SUPE VISO 11 S ECO D. No. 16 COURTHOUSE, HAS T DIGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, January 22, 19614_. 9:30 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors nit as per recess of January 341 19D). Orville Hoa.gland , Chairman, presiding. Rola call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Motion by TheObald, seconded by Mackie, fund and the County Clerk be instructed Motion carried. Lightner, Nackde, The °bad d, Youngblood and Hoagland. Lhat the following claims be allowed on Lheir respective to issue warrants for the same. /loll call, all voted aye. Adams County Agricultural Extension Office Clerk of District Court County Assessor County .Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Buckner, Velma L. Jackson, Will iam Mulford, Fred A. Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Highway Department Bridge Department Larkin -Director Perry 0. GENERAL FUND Off ice Expense 606.15 Office Expense 980.00 Off ice Expense 1103.60 Office Expense 1090.00 Salary lo66.66 Office Expense 1217.50 Office Expense 1243.60 Off ice Expense 1391.50 Office Expense 680.00 Offize Expense 227.50 Salary 172.40 Salary 280.00 Salary 4.00.00 Office Expense 969.214 Off ice Exp ense 78(.50 ROAD FUND Salaries BRIE FUND Salaries STATE FUNDS Office Expense 7480.00 614.0 . 0 0 62 5. 00 Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Mackie, that the bid. of Hastings Typewriter Company for Steel shelving -(Group 3.) The bid of Business Supply Company for group 2 an.d 14_ wood furniture and roller shelving be accepted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. Deputy 62„A_Ae iL hairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, February 6, i96.44.. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of January 22, 19614.. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roil call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lighter, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. by Mackie, seconded by Youngblood, that the Inventory of the welfare office be accepted and placed on file. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Youngblood, that -we adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS: The Department of Roads and Irrigation of the State of Nebraska has legal authority to act as Agent for said County in the ma Liter of improving certain County Roads, and, WHEREAS: Certain roads and streets in said County have been designated as the Federal Aid Secondary 'toad ystem of that County by joint action of said County, the Department of :toads and Irrigation, and the Bureau of Public Roads in coMplian.ce with l'ederal Laws pertaining thereto, and WHEREAS: Said County desires to improve a certain portion of the ivederal Aid Secondary Road System. in said County, more fully described hereinafter, now therefore , BE IT RESOLVED: That the Department of Roads and Irrigation is hereby requested to act as Agent for said tJounty as stated above ana to program for construction that portion of F.A.S. Route No. located Beginning at the 4). W. corner of Section 6, T. 7 N., R. 10 W.; thence worth 14..0 miles to the Northwest corner of Section 19, T. 8 N., R. 10 W. and which construction includes: (check each one ) Grading (xx), Culverts (x), Bridges (x), ,)trfacing (x), or, other improvement to -wit: The ESTIMATED cost of s uch improvement: SUPE VISO ECO D No. 16 25 Surveys and Pians will be made by Thomas & benjamin & Clayton BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Chairman of the County Board is authorized to sign this resolution on behalf of saia oard and that the County Board hereby approved the above contemplat d construction prior to first submitting or said project to the bureau of Public Roads . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That sufficient funds of said County are now, or Will be, available and are hereby pledged to the Department or Roads and Irrigation in the amount and at the required time for the purpose of matching Federal -L'un.ds available for the contemplated construction. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that this Board approve the release of 1p3.70,000.00 and a257,000.00 U. S. Treasury Bonds pledged to secure County funas by City National. Bank be released. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Yount blood, seconded by Lightner, that the part of the Supervisors record: Roll call, all voted 2879 Treasurer of United States 2880 Blaine Township 2681 Little Blue Township 2082 Silver Lake Township 2883 Harry C. Haverly- Couaty Judge 2684 Harry C. Haverly-County Judge 2685 Harry C. Haverly- County Judge 2086 Grace Simpson 2887 Logan Township 2888 Void 2089 State Tres -State 4ssi-btance Fund 2890 Neva Wolfe 2891 Harry 0. Haverly- County Judge 2892 Harry C. Haverly- County Judge 2893 Perry 0. Larkin- Dim ctor 2694 Verna D. Cook 2895 Duane Burr 2696 Village of Holstein 289 v'4erner Construction 2890 Perry 0. Larkin -Director 2899 Grace Simpson-Juotice of 2900 Emma Berg, County Clerk 2901 Emma Berg, County Clerk 2902 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 2903 Grace Simpson, Justice 0± Pe ace 2904. State Treas- Gas Tax Dist 2905 State '-l-reas- Gas Tax Dist 2906 State Treas- Gas 'lax pis t 2907 Bernard H. Taylor- Clerk Dist 2908 Hilltop Cafe- Ayr 2909 Harry C. Haverly- County Judge 2910 Harry c. Xaverly-County Judge 2911 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 2912 Judge Chaddertdon-1)1strice Judge 2913 Zero Township 291) Roy A. Nelson- Ke arney Co. 'limas 2915 Bernard Taylor- Clerk Dist 'mart 2916 Harry C. Haverly- County Judge 2917 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 2918 State i'reas- State Assist anc e Fu 2919 Bernard H. Taylor -Clerk Dist Court 2920 Bernard H. Taylor-Cle rk Dist Court 2921 Bernard H. Taylor -Clerk Distcourt Peace Court 4i4.00 283.34 5oo.00 5oo.00 100 .00 25.00 19.00 75.00 500.00 520.19 522 .00 100,00 1u0.00 20.25 15.00 3u. 00 112.00 35.0u 47.0u 120.00 418.6° 242.25 29)!)1 90.00 173.00 3363.50 9610.46 11,898.08 341.50 10.00 602.65 56.00 90.00 2.21 500.00 2520.00 75.00 25.00 165.00 36,983.22 1.00 1.00 1.00 following Miscellaneous receipts be made a aye. Motion carried. 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 292 9 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939 2940 2941 2942 2943 241_5 2946 2947 291 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954- 2955 2956 2957 2958' 2959 2960 2961 2962 29 63 2964 Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Ct 1.00 Bernard H. Tailor, Clerk Dist Ct 1.00 Bernard H. Taylor, Cleric Dist Ct 1.00 Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Ct 1.00 Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Ct 1.00 Harry 6. Haverly- County Judge 10.00 bred 0. Schaffroth, Reg Deeds 674.75 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 313.77 Medical, Swgical & Hospital 115.69 Medical., Surgical & Hospital 2933.68 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 157.15 Special Mali Route Road Fund 1274.50 Ayr Township 500.00 Grace 6imps on, Jutice of Peace 75.00 l'irst National Bank 1127.56 Cancelled Grace Simpson,Just ice of Peace 65.00 Harry C. Haverly-County Judge 50.00 Harry C. Haverly-County Judge 200.00 Emma Berg, County 3.73 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 90.00 Folrner Paul se n 40.00 Harry 0. Haverly-County judge 25.00 Perry 0 . Larkin -Director 8.21 Grace Simpson, Justice or Pe„ce 75.00 Grace Simpson,Justice or Peace 60.00 Grace Simpson,Justice oi Peace 70.00 HarryC. Haverly, County Judge 100.00 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 Robert Anderson, Sheriff 122.75 Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Ct197.80 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 55.00 Harry C.Haverly„ County Judge 100.00 Harry C.Haverly, County Judge 6o.00 Harry C. Haverly„County Judge 10.00 Harry C. Haverly„County Judge 466.04 Grace S imps on, Jus tice ofPe ace 95.00 State Treas-State Asst Fund 161.61 L. R. Stiner 60.00 Harry 0.Haver.Ly, County judge 100.00 Grace Simps on „Ju6t ice of Peace 85.00 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 75.00 Nation by TheobaLd, seoonded by Youngblood, that whereas construction on the new Adams County Courthouse is now more than 75% complete and our contract witri the City of Hastings calls for a payment of $i25,000.00 by the City to the Adams County Building and Erection fund at this time. We respectfully request that arrangement for such paynDnt by the City be made at the earliest convenient date. Roll call, ail voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Goble, that the reports or the County Attorney, Justice of the Peace (2) Sheriff, Register of Deeds, County Judge, Clerk of the District Court, Nursing Home, County Clerk, County Clerk Car rzitle , Agricultural and Home E C011.0111iC S and County Library be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Mori on carried. Mdtion by Goble, seconded by tax of $11.20 marked Exhioit Motion carried. Mo tion by Lightner, seconded No. 4197 to 4208, 4209 Void, Theob ald, that "A" on rile m by Kidd, that 4210 to 4220. the County Tre asurer be instructed to refund errone ous the County Clerkts Office, flo1l call., all voted aye. the Chairman be authorized to sign correction slips Roll cail.„ all vo ted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by -Lheobald, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there are Old Age Assistance Liens aria General Relief Liens filed and Book 177, Page 637, in the liortgage Records in the office of the Adama against certain real property with the follow...rig legal description, to -wit: Lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 9, Original Village of Holstein, Adanaa -PcTrn» at Book 177, Page 606, County Regis Ger of Deed County, Nebraska, SUPE VIS ECO 1 D No. 16 WHEIEAS, there is a check in the hands of the Adams County Welfare Department in the amount of $1,037.414., which check will be deposited in a special fund pending a determination of distribution of the above funds . NOw THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Tre azure r of Adams County, Nebraska, be directed to release and discharge said, Old Age A ss is tanc e Liens and General. Rel ie f Liens from said property. Roll call, all vo ted aye . Motion carried. Mo tion by Youngblood, seconded by Mackie, that we adopt the following resolution "BE IT RESOLVED, that the County board of Supervisors sell to the follow ing purchaser the following described property: Los 3, Block 10, Cole's First Aadi ti on to the City of Hastings, for $40.00 and, that the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors be here by authorized to execute and deliver Quit Claim Deeds to said purchaser. Roll call, a.L1 vo d aye. M o tion carried. Mo tion by The bb aid se condec't by Lightner, that the following -claims be all owe d on their respective fund and the Uounty ivio t ion carried. Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same Koll call, ail voted aye. Acme Printing Co. Ad 81r18 County Extens ion Service Anders on, Sheriff Robert Anderson, Sheriff Robert Bachman , Mrs. Merlin Bee Printing 'lc). Bert is Rexall Drug Brock, Burling, huriing, Mrs . Carroll Burroughs Lorpo rat io n Burroughs Corporation business Supply Co. C.C.H. Products Clerk of District Court Commerce Clearing 1 -louse Inc. C opp le , Rus s e County Assessor County Assessor County Clerk County Supt. Credit Bureau of Hastings I nc. Dan's Pickup & Delivery DeLaet, Joan Department oz Information U of N. Dier, E. L. Dutton-Lainson Co. Gangwish, Glen General Supply Co. LToble , Gaylord Haberman s Studio Harcourt, Brace & World Inc. Hastings Equity Grain Bin Mfg Co. Hargle road Van & Storage Go. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter L'0 Hastings Typewriter (jo. Hastings Utilities Haverly, County Judge Harry Haverly County Judge Harry Hay m s & Co. Justin H. Haynes & Co. Justin H. Hoagland, Orville Karr, Mrs. Paul Kleager & Glenn Drs Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Lincoln Teleph one & Telegraph Co. Modern Linen Supply Modern Orrice Methods torola-6oramunications & Electronics Inc Mulford, Fred A. Mulford, Fred A. Nebr. Association Co. Omaha Printing Co. Parks, Arlene Pe ngad 0ompanies Inc. edfield & Company Inc. Riese, E. Dale Rucker, Morland Schafer Printing Co. Schaffroth, Reg Deeds Stevens & Saunders Plumbing & He at ing Story, Roscoe Swearingen, J. R. Tempie , Howard Thomas, Ray L. Thomas, Ray L. Vaughans Printers GENERAL FUND • Supplies Re volv ing fund i,aundry, , Food , mileage Convent ion Expense s Mileage Supplies Supplies Dues, Mileage Mileage Supplies Supp lie s JI)pLie3 Supplies State Gases, Mental Illness Supp lies Mileage Post ,ge Postage Postage Janitor supply Mileage Ser vi ces Del ivery service Mileage • Pcs 'Gage Vital Statistics Supplies Mile age Supplies Mileage =Supplies Supplie s Repairs Del ivery Supervisors Proceedings Publishing Supplie s Supplies Supplie s Utilities Mileage Sate cases, supplies Appraisal services Appraisal services Mileage Mileage Services Services Services Services Supplies Equi pment .12os bLige Mileage Dues Supplie s Rent Supplie s Su -pp ie s Mileage Mileage Supplies Post age, Supplies Repairs Mileage Bailiff Mileage Salary Milea ge Supplie s 865.b2 5.71 1054.82 50.00 6.16 20.00 4.85 4.5.92 4.36 24.30 2.40 145.17 12.32 228.90 40.00 3.92 25.00 50.00 2.60 30.88 6.50 3.00 21.60 41.74 152.00 1.02 2.28 8.70 2.5' .144 11.50 131.90 3.00 2.55 111.93 278.99 36.6o 65.54 3.2o 374.98 13.89 13. 60 5000.00 5000.00 47.84 3.40 5.00 32.89 345.02 3.80 1.50 2846.65 2.00 99.00 5.00 781.54 25.00 21.15 25.44 15.00 41.12 168.65 15.00 9.00 4.16 48.0o 299.70 7.01 200 .00 SUPE It VISORS ECO D No. 16 27 Clarke Oil Co. Clarke Oil Co. Inc. Consumers PuhL ic Power Dist. Construction Service Eq ui pmen t Uo. Curtis Oil Co. Davis , J. J. Dick s Electric Dutt on-Lains on Go. El Rancho Rent al Service Evans, Mos. 0. G. Firestone Store s Friends Motor Supply General Supply Glenwood Telephone Membership Hageman Hardware (Jo. Hastings Battery & Ele ctric Inc. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Hohlen , Fred Home Oil Service Hueske Implement Co. Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kenes aw Oil Co. Kenne dy, Tom. Kents Parts & E uipment Kerr Che vrol et o. Koch, Fred KuIly Iron & Metal Co. Laird Motors Lenhart Service Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Tele phone & Tele graph McRoberts Industries Messer Co. L. J. Minnesota Mining & Mfg Co. Modern Linen Supply Morris Paint & Varnish Co. Mouse 1, Virgil Nebraska Tractor & Equipment 'Jo. Pauley Lumber Co Pi tt z Service Ready mixed Concrete Inc. Rural Gas Utilities Aural Gas Utilities Schaffroth, Reg Deeds Fred 0. Schirferns Service Sherman Service Center Sherman Williams Co. Sidles Company Sine, A. J. Smith & Sons, S. E. Smith & Sons, •0. E. Sommerfeld Electric Thomas & Benjamin & Clayton Wheeler L umbe r Bridge & Supply Co. Wicknaan Bookbinding Co. Wilber Service Inc. Corp. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Rief , Henry Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Adams County Highway Department Albright,Dixie May Ernst, Mrs . W aunet t a Doubleday & Co. Inc. Doubleday & Co. Inc. Doubleday & Co. Inc. Gangwish , Mrs. Anna Hastings Public Library Mrs. Margaret Lippincott Go. J. B. McNair, Mrs. Klyoe Parks, lvIiss Arlene Re dinger , Mrs. Bonnie Jean Sanford, Mrs . Dorothy. Shiffler, Mrs. Dorothy Dewey ROAD FUN Gas, Oil Gas Supplie s Gas Repairs Repa irs Supplies Rent Supplie s Supplie s Supplies Supplie s Telephone service Supplie s Supplies Uti lit ies Supplies Salary Gas Supplies Uti lities Gas, Diesel Mile age Supplie s Supplies Supplie s Supplies Supplie s Gas Supplies Telephone service Repair Supplies Supplie s Shop t owe ls upp 1 ie s Salary Supplies Supplies Gas , Supplies Supplies Material & Labor Heaters & Installation Filing I ee Gas, Diesel, Supplies Suppii es Supp lie s Supp lies Gas, Diesel aupplie s Supp lie s Supp lies Rep airs Labor, Supp lies Supplies Rebinding books Repairs BRIDGE FUND Supplies Salary Supplies SPECIAL MA IL ROU'iE ROAD FUND Rent al, Labor COUNTY L IB RAW ERECTION & REPAIR Salary Salary Books Books books Salary Library service Salsry Bo kS Sal ary Salary Salary Salary Library cataloger FUND 39.82 29.45 4.95 10.0o 3.15 14.00 11.32 57.91 6.00 4.55 334.10 67.69 177.92 11.25 6.34 9.77 66.96 17.84 19.7.20 19.82 6.95 22.94 103.95 7.92 10.62 29.02 6.00 11.'77 49.84 171.25 20.86 24.05 12.75 19.58 503.35 6.00 172.08 266.30 336.d4 12.97 76.18 15.94 13.22 784.90 3.25 49.14 2.60 5-45 21.31 263.93 16.13 9.09 4.59 126.14 23.19 69.50 7.75 4.99 243.60 23.64 2453.00 30.00 40.00 31.50 3.50 17.50 30.00 90.00 30.00 3.01 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 b8.33 28 SUPE VISO 111 S ECO D No, 16 Southern Steel Co. Cha.rlton , Dr. G. Paul Dean, Dr. E. J. Dean, Dr. E. j. Debacker, Dr. L. j. Duthie Eva B. Foote, Dr. D. B. Hoffmeis ter, Dr. George F. Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Kos tall Dr. 0. A. Kuehn, Dr. Gerald Langraf, , Dr. Charles W. McNeill, Dr. L. S. Royer, Margaret F. Vasey, Ruby Weber, Dr. C. R. Whitcomb, Audrey Ye agley ,Compny STATE FUNDS Jail Equipment Medical care Medical care Medic al care Medical care Mileage Medical care dic al care Medical care Medi cal care Neal cal care Medical c are Medical care Milez.ge Mileage Medical care Mileage Labor & Mat eria.1 MEDIC a , S URGIC AL & HOSPITAL Adams County Tres- Vendor payment Adams County Tre as - Ad ams County '"re as - Adams County Ireasp Hoffmeister„ Dr. G. F. Holcomb, Dr. Gerald R. Livi ngs ton -Butie r -Vol land F Funeral Mary Lanning Hos pit al Mast in, Dr. Robert L. Weber, Dr. C. R. Acme Printing Co. berg, County Clerk Emma Bert's Drug Store Burroughs Corporation business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of H as t ings I nc. Hastings Typewriter Co. Has ulnas Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Larkin -Director Perry 0. Larkin -Dire c tor Perry 0. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Livings ton -Butler- Volland Funeral Peters, Mrs. V. Safeway Store s Saieway Store s Skaggs , 0. P. Skaggs 0. P. Spencer Park Rental Agency Stop & Shop Market Ye agley Marnion F. Sr. Ye agley, Marmion F. Sr. Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor paymnt Medical care Medical care. Ambulance service Hospital c are Medical care Medical care G -NERAL RELIEF This Board will now recess subject to the call Supplie s Postage Medi e al supplies Supplies Supp lie s Services Su bp 1 ies Utilities Staple food Staple food Revolving furci. Postage Telephone service Burial services Rent Staple food Staple food Staple food Staple food Rent Staple food Rent Cus todial s ervi ces of the Chairman of the County Board 4458.00 7.50 3.5.00 7.50 7 .50 7.26 7.50 7.50 15.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 16.2)1 13.20 (.50 5.12 248.87 3587.50 27.68 167.41 436.17 7.00 5.00 5.00 6.30 7.00 )4.. 00 34.09 11.38 2.40 39.46 4.00 51.00 30.35 4.5.00 112.00 10.10 50.00 70.35 205.00 39.50 90.00 85.00 149.98 190.00 0.00 75.00 250.00 75.00 of Supervisors . Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTI NGS , IEBRASE.A Thursday, February 20, 1964. 9:00 o'clock A.M. Regular /nee ting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per re cess of February 6, 1964. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kiad Lightner, Theob aid, Youngblood and Hoagland. Absent :Mackie Motion by Lightner, seconded by Kidd, that he followingclaims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for t1 same. Roll ca±±„ all voted aye. Notion carried. Adams County Agricultural Extens ion Service Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney GE NEI ?. AL FUND Off ice Expens e Off' ce Expense Off ice Expense Office Expense 571.65 945.00 1(89.11 1180 00 SUPE VISO 1' D No. 16 29 Jackson, William Mulford, Free A. Neff, Wyonna Register of' Deeds Veteran's Service Highway Department Bridge Iepartment Larkin -Director Perry 0. Salary Salary Salary Office Expense Offi ce Expens e ROAD FUND Sal arie s BRIDGE FUND S al a.r ie s STATE FUNDS Office Expense This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County' Clerk 280.00 400.00 lb .00 99 6.54 78(.50 7632.24 640.00 3625.00 County Board of Supervisors COUFEHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, March 6, 1964. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of February 20, 1964* Orville Hoagland, Choi "man, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Youngblood, That this Board agree of land adjoining the aye . Motion carried. seconded by Theobald, that the following resolution be adopted: RES OL UT ION : to support the County Fair Board in the purchase of an a.dditional tract present fair grounds in accordance with its proposal. Roll call, all voted Motion by Youmplood, seconded by Mackie, that we approve the repair contract with Monroe Calculator Company for repair of County Assessor's computer. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Goble, that the Reports of the Register of Deeds, County Judge, Clerkof the District Court, Car Titles, County Clerk arci. Adams County Nursing Home be accepted and placed on file. Roll calL all vo ted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Kidd, that the County Treasurer be instructed to refund the erroneous tax of $49.32 marked Exhibit "A" on file in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Mackie, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisors record: Roll call, all vo ted aye. Motion carried. 2965 U. t. Treasury 1380.00 2966 Neva Wolfe 534.75 2967 Vernon D. Cook 2.50 296b Darrell Stremer 10.00 2969 Frank Haba Jr. 7.50 2970 Juniata Oorre rcial Club 7.80 2971 Bernhard Augus tin 115.00 2972 Harry C.Haverly, County Judge 792.35 2973 Harry C.Haverly, County Judge 100 .00 2974. Grace S imps on, Jus tic e of Pe ace 80.00 2975 Harry 0.Haverly,County Judge 26.45 2976 Harry C.Haverly,County Judge 132.00 2977 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 65.00 2978 Ohio National Life Insurance Co. 1.80 2979 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 80.00 2980 Eninia Berg, County Clerk 800.50 2981 Emma Berg, County Clerk 161.50 2982 Bernard H.Taylor, Clerk Dist Court 713.20 2983 pale D. Kral 10.00 2984 Grace Simpson,Justice at Peace 55.00 2985 Wayne W. Wright 40.00 2986 State of Nebr. State Treasurer 8655.93 2987 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. 3363.50 Motion by Kidd, seconded corrections No's 4221 to Motion by Mackie, secone License for the year of 1 2988 State Treasurer 10,370.78 2989 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 90.00 2990 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 75.00 29 91 Sp e c ial Mail Route Ito ad 24-.3.00 2992 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 436.17 2993 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 16741 2994 Medicai,Surgical & Hospital 272.88 2995 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 3587.50 2996 First National Bank 114.01.25 2997 ,ered 0.Schaffroth,Register Deeds 65L.00 2998 Bernard H.Taylor,Clerk Dist Court 43.00 2999 Grace Simpson,Justice of *ace 60.00 3000 State Treasurer -State Asst Fund 52,268.314. 3001 Bernard H. Taylor,Clerk Dist Court 25.20 3002 Emma Berg, Uounty Clerk 34.00 3003 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 75.00 3004 Leonard 1.. Waterman 10.00 3005 Harry C.Haverly,County Judge 100.00 3006 Harry C.Haverly,eounty Judge 100.00 3007 Grace Simpson.,Justice of Peace 60.00 3008 Rex . Haberman 30.00 3009 Harry C.Haverly, County Judge 90.00 by Goble, that the County Chairman be authorized to sign tax list 4228 Inc. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. d by Youngblood, that we issue to Hastings -Drive -In Theatre an Amusement 964. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 30 SUPE VISO S ECO 1" D No. 16 Motion by,Youngblood, seconded by Mackie, that we adopt the following resolution "BE IT ithaSOLVED, that the ('ounty Board of Supervisors sell to George W. Nielsen. and Arthur A. Nielsen as joint tenants for the sum of 050.00 the following described property: Beginning at a point on the cente line of Kansas Avenue 380 feet East of the Northwet Comer of the North 1/2 of the Southeast 1/14 - of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 1, Township 7 North flange 10 West of the 6th PM in Adams County, Nebraska, and 693 feet North of the Northwest Coiner of Lot 6 Block 1, Taggartts Addition to the City of Hastings, Nebraska, thence South 33 feet, tehnce E st 40 feet, to such point to be the basis of measurement for a certain parcel of land continuing 16.3 feet South, thence diagonally 228 feet, in a Northeasterly direction, intersecting the East and West line at a point 156 East of such point where measurement was begun, thence West 156 feet, containing 29/100 acres more or less. It being the intention to convey the same property deeded to the CounLy of AdamsS in book 104 page 526 of deed records of said County. and, that the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors be hereby authorized to execute and deliver Quit Claim deeds to said purchaser. Roll call, ail voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded byLightner, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there has been signed by Adams County on the 6th day of August, 1962, and the State on the 7th day of August, 1962, an agreement providing for the construction of a Federal Aid Secondary Road beginning at the existing Asphaltic Concrete surfacing at the North Quarter eorner of Section 27, Tt3N, R12W, thence West 3.5 miles to the existing Asphaltic concrete surfacing near the SW Corner of Section 19, T8N, R12W, and. WHEREAS, in the above agreement, the County has pledged sufficient funds to finance its share of the cost of the construction of this project, identified as No. S-329(7) (Kenesaw), and WHEREAS, the above mentioned agreemenG provided that the County would pay all oi the non - Federal costs of this project, and WHEREAS, the State received bids for the construction of this project on February 20, 1964, at which time 7 bid(s) were (was) received for the construction or the proposed work, and WHEREAS, the following contractor(s) for the item(s) of work have (has) been selected as the low bidder(s) to whom the contract(s) should be awarded: Werner Construct ion, Inc --subgrade reconstruction soil -aggregate base course and asphaltic concrete surface course --$70,125.39 "NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above facts, the .board of Supervisors of Adams County, by this resolution, takes the following official action: I. The Board hereby concurs in the selection of the above mentioned contractor(s) for the item( s ) of work list ed to whom the contract(s) s ) should be awarded. 2. The Board hereby authorizes the Chairman to sign the contract(s) with the above mentioned contractor(s) and with the State for the abate mentioned work. 3. he Board does not desire to perform any of the work with its own forCes in lieu of performing the work by the contract method. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, secondedb y Kidd, that we adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, thee has been signed by Adams County on. the 6th day of August, 196, and the State on the 7th day of August, 1962, an agreement providing for the construction of a Federal Aid Secondary Road beginning at the SW corner of Sec. 3, T7N, RlOW, thence outh to the existing black -top road near the SE corner of Sec. 9, T7N, R1OW WHEREAS, in the above agreement, the County has pledged sufficient funds to finance its share of the cost of the cons tructi on of tills pro je ct, identified as No. S-434(3) ( Ingle side), and WHEREAS, the above mentioned agreement provided that the County would pay all of the non - Federal costs of this project„ and WHEREAS, the State receive d bids for the construction of this project on February 20, 1964, at which time seven bid(s) were (was) received for the construction of the proposed work, and WHEREAS, the following contractor(s) foL'the iwm(s) of work have (has) been selected as the low bidder(s) to whom the contract(s) should be awarded: Werner Construction, Inc. - subgrade reconstruction, soil -aggregate base course, and asphaltic concrete surface course-. k5, 640.60 NOW THEREFORE, in cons ideration of the above facts, the o ard of Supervisors of Adams County, by this resolution, takes the following official action: 1. The Board hereby concurs in the selection of the above menGioned contractor(s) for the item(s) of work listed to whom the contract(s) should be awarded. 2. The Board hereby authorizes the Chairman to sign the contract(s) contractor(s) and with the 6tate for the above mentioned work. 3.The Board does not desire to perform any of the work with its own forces in lieu of performing the work by thecontract method. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Theobald, that the following claims be allowed on their respectiv fund and the Uounty Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the seine. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. with the above mentioned GENERAL PUND Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Adams County Agricultural Extens ion Service Adams County Veterans Service Officer Adams Hardware Co. Anderson, Sheriff Robert Augustine Company Berts Drug Store Blackstone Cafe Blessing, Alfred Revolving fund 24.00 Revolving fund 7.22 Off ice Exp ens e 250.00 Supplies 2.78 Postage, Matron fee, Laundry Mileage, Food 1076.04 Supplies 211.00 Supplies 12.05 Jury n3e als 10.00 Attorney fee 100.00 SUPE I II\) ISO 1"\ ECO D No. 16 County Supt. Credit Bure au of Hastings Inc. Bee Printing Co. eLae t, Joan epartment of Information. U of N. Dut ton -L ains on Co. Goole, Gaylord Haberman' s of Hastin 1, -las tin gs Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Go. Hastings Type writer Co. Hastings Utilities Have rly, County Judge Harry C. Have rly, County Judge Harry C. Hoagland, Orville Hotel Clarke Kidd, C. H. Lincoln Telephone & Tele g Go. Line ol n Telephone & Teleg McDowe 11 Mary Jane McMahon, Stan Mary Lanning Memorial. Hospital Modern Linen Supply Mulford, Fred A. Neeman, Georg e Omaha Printing Co. Peterson, Theo. A. Pfeiffer, Kenneth Redfield & Company Inc. Rucker, Morland Safeway Stores Schafer Printing Co. Simpson, Justice of Peace, Grace SMH Insurance Agency Smitty's '"lectrical Co. Swearingen, 3. R. Temple, Howard Thomas , Ray L. Tribune Graph ic Arts Vaughans Printers Inc . Wagner, Loyd R. M.D. Weber s Studio ROAD FUND Clarke Oil "o. Inc. Clarke Oil Co . Inc. Construction Service Equipiiint Go. Consumers Public Power Dist. Cook Paint & Varnish Co. Cooperative Service Assn. Dutton-Lain.s on Co. Fanners Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil Farmers Union Co -Op. Gas & 011 Firestone Stores Friends Motor Supply Gate City Steel Inc. Glenwood Telephone Go. Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. Hastings Utilities Hastings We lding Supply Co. Hohlen, Fred Home Oil Service Kans as Nebr. Natural Gas Kenesaw Oil Go. Kennedy, Tom Kully Iron & Metal Go. Laird Motors Lenhar t Service Lincoln Equipment Go. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. McClelland Farm Equipment Go. Messer Co. L. J. Modern Linen Supply Go. Morris Paint & Varnish Co. Mousel, Virgil National Chemse arch Corpi Pauley Lumber Go. Pi ttz Service Precision Bearing Schafer Printing Co. Schuke i, Wes lie Sidles Company Sime A. J. Sinclair Refining Co. Co. Inc. Acoustical school Servi ce s Supp lie s Mileage Postage Supplies Mileage Picture s Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Dues State cases, Postage Mileage Meals jury Mileage Telephone services Telephone services Sal ar7 Mileage Services Service s Mileage Assessing Supplies Tes t Mil eage Supplies Mileage Supplies Supplie s Cases Insurance Repairs Bailiff Mileage Salary Supp lies Supplies Services Supplies Gas, Supplies Gag, Rep airs Supp lies Utilities Supplies Diesel fuel Supp lie s Gas, Diesel, Supp lies Gas, Diesel Supplies Su pp lie s Supplies Teleph one service Supplies Utilities Supp lies Sal ar-y Gas Utjijties Gas, Diesel Mil eage Supplies Supplies Gas Supplies Supplie s Telephone service Supplies Supplies Shop towels Supplies Salary Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel, Supplies Supplies Supp lies Repair Supplies Gas, Diesel Dies el 1 4 (Held over ) 25.00 13 . 50 . 60 28.86 4.61 12.67 214.80 33.50 26.75 28.99 1.25 36.65 .88 371.55 10.00 58.20 23.814. 27.60 43.16 327.70 35.21 66.25 7.12 oo 1.90 81.40 1514.00 4.00 10.00 2. 60 160.41 37.92 25.62 55.71 42.80 191.34 3.5o 32.00 10.80 266.20 178.69 9.31 135.00 4.90 51.74 41.84 73.65 3.71 12.36 143.00 8.94- 2.38.75 42.33 23.36 21.51 417.50 12.65 22.58 66.98 14.90 116.00 17.87 74-94 92.05 . 7.28 1.76 2.37 130.25 2273.24 232.50 25.76 14.70 5.78 5.75 9.20 232.00 168.91 3.50 130.45 2.28 7.64 11.00 30.47 211.26 149.00 1 r1,) SUPE 11 VISO s ECO D No. 16 He avy Duty Co. Lemke, Fred Rie f , Henry Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Adams County Highway Dept. Vontz . L. J. Albright, Dixie May Double day & Co. Inc. Erns t Mrs . Waune tta B. Gangwish, Mrs. Anna Hastings Public Library Kindig, Margaret McNair, Mrs . Klyoe Parks, Miss Arlene Redinger, bonnie Jean Sanford, Mrs. Dorothy Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey Anderson Bios. Plumbing & Heating Fast Construction Co. Guarantee Electric Co. Le ach-He us ser Agency Adams County Veterans Service BRIDGE FUND Supplies Repairs Salary Supplies SPECIAL MAIL IOU TE ROAD FUND Rental, Labor Gravel COUNTY LIBRARY Salary Books Sal ary Salary Library Sal ary Salary Salary Sal ary Sal ary Cataloger service ERECTION & REPAIR FUND SOLDIE R'S & SAILORS Mechanical work General Contract work Electrical work Supervision Relief ADAMS COU NTY NURS ING HOME Stevens & Saunders Plumbing & Heating Charlton, Dr. G. Paul DeBacker, Dr. L. J. Duthie, Eva B. Hoffme ister , Dr. George F. Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Kostai, Dr. 0. A. Kuehn, Dr. Gerald A. McNeill, Dr. L. 3. Mastin Dr. Robert L. Obert, Dr. F. C. Royer, Margaret F. Rutt, Dr. F. J. Smith, Dr. Robert C. Vasey, Ruby Welch, Dr. George L. Whitcomb, Audrey Adams County Tre as ure r Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Bert's Drug s Brame r Dispensary Inc. Glenn, Dr. E. E. Hoffmeister, Dr. G. F. Jones , Dr. D. W. Mary Lanning Hospital Berg, County Clerk Emma Business Supply Co. Credit Bure au of Hastings Inc . Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & JILL Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Larkin -Director Perry 0. Larkin -Director Perry 0. Larkin, Perry 0. Lincoln Telephone & Tele g Co. Peters , Mrs . V. STATE FUNDS Repair Medical Medic al M 11 e age Medical Medical Medical Medical Ebdic al Medic al Me clic al Mile age Medic al Medic ea Mileage Medic al Mileage care care care c are care care care care c are care care c are MEDICAL, SURGICAL & HOS PI TAL Vendor p ayrrent Vendor payrrent Vendor p aro nt Vendor payment Medical supplies Glasses Medical c are Medical care Medical care Hospital Care GENERAL REL IEF Postage Supplies Servi ces Supplies Utilities Utilities Staple food Staple food Staple food Revolving fund Post age Mileage Telephone service Rent 19.55 7.00 232.00 466.54 2104..50 120.20 30.00 24.50 40.00 30.00 90.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 bd. -33 8538.30 31,950.0C 1900 .0C 100 .00 500.00 33.95 7.50 7.50 6.40 7.5o 1.5.00 7.50 30.00 7.50 15.00 7.50 4.4 7.50 22.50 6.16 2.50 4.9E) 595.27 34.11 153.80 3025.72 12.00 22 .00 3.00 11.00 28.00 25.20 35.70 47.34 7.4.00 d0 29.63 39.85 220.00 120.00 140.00 .40 5.00 28.78 68.97 39.50 SUPE v Is ECO D No. 16 33 Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. Rent Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. This Board will now recess Custodial services 250.00 75.00 subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors IJ.1 Chairman COU THOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, March 2,5, 196ii. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of March 6, .1.9614.. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, pr s id ing Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobaid, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Lightner, seconded Ly Theobald, that we adopt the follow ing rt solution: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, the sixty-second session of the Nebraska Legislature has enancted into law LB 480, as the Nebraska Civial Defense Act of 1951, and WHEREAS, the seventy-third session of the Nebraska Legislature enacted into law authorizes and directs each county and ech city within the State of Nebraska to local organization LorCivil Defense, and to do certain other acts in connection LB 731, which establish a therewith, and WHEREAS, such action is not only required by law, bit that it appears to be in the best interests of the City of Hastings & Adams County and of the citizens thereof to participate in the benefits and responsibilities of said act, and WHEREAS, it is the desire and intent of the (Board of County Supervisors) for Adams County and/or the (City Council.) of Hastings, Nebraska, to establish a Hastings & Adams County Civil Defense Organiz ation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY SAID (BOARD) AND/OR SAID ( CITY COUNCIL): 1. .J -hat there is hereby established within said Hastings -Adams County a Joint Organization for Civial Defense to be operated in conformity with the Nebraska Civil Defense Act of 191, as amended. This organization will be known as the Hastings -Adams County Civil Defense Agency. 2. That, reposing great confidence in his integrity and ability Wm. M. Latta, whose address is 812 N. Baltimore, Hastings, Nebraska is hereby appointed director of Civil Defense for said Hastings -Adams Count.,y organization, to serve during the pleasure et 1211s City Council, County Board or until a successor is duly appointed. 3. That City Clerk will be responsible for the receipt and disbursement of all Civil Defense Funds, where fund are provided for Civil Defense purposes. holl call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Motion by Theobaid, seconded by Kidd, that the foliating claims be allowed on their respective fun and the County Clerk be i n.s true ted to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, aJJ. voted a.ye.Mo uiori carried. Adams County Agricultural Extension Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Juctge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Anderson, Lauren Buckner, Velma L. Jackson, William Mulford, Fred A. Neff, Wyonna Register of Deeds Veteran.' s Service Highway Department Bridge Department GENERAL FUND Service ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND Office Expense Off ice Expense Off ice Expense Office Expense Salaries Office Expense Office Expense Office Expens e Offi ce Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Office Expense Off ice Expense Salaries Salaries 557.85 97.00 1682 .93 1276.0o 1666.66 1207.05 1229 .30 1391.50 680 .00 1912.5o 96.93 20 0 .00 253.09 425.00 20.00 988.74 787.50 (555.4 640.00 34 SUPE VISO s ECO 1' D No. 16 COURTHOUSE, HAS TI NGS , NEBRASKA Monday„ April 6, 1964... 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of March 25, .1964. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood ana Hoagland. Motion by Goble, seconded. by Mackie, that the reports of the County Judge, Clerk of the District Court, Regis ter of Deeds, County Clerk, Car Title, Adams County Nursing Home and Adams County Library oe accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Kidd, that the issuance of Non -Profit Corporation license for Southern Hills Country Club, Inc, and the issuance of a Bottle Club License for Lochland Country Club be recommended to the State Liquor Commiss ion. Roll call, ail voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to write Lax certificates on ail real estate on which taxes are unpaid for three years last past. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Theobald, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisors record. Roll can, all voted aye. Motion carried. 3010 O. S. Treasurer 3011 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 3012 Harry C. Haverly, Count Judge 3013 Richard D. Marvel 3014 Victor Katzberg 3015 Trausch Bros. 3016 W. T. Rawleigh Co. 3017 Harry 6. Haverly, CounLy Judge 3018 Neva Wolfe 3019 Grace H. Simpson, Justice of Peace 3020 W.A.Beba Engineering Co. 3021 Perry 0. Lorkin-Director 3022 Milo M. Fink 3023 Paul E. Yeatman 3024 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3025 Hastings Drive -In Theatre 3026 Hastings Drive -1n Theatre 3027 Grace H.Simpson,Justice of Peace 3028 Nielsen Bros. 3029 State Treas-State Assistance Fund 3030 State Treas-Gas Tax Dist 3031 State Treas-Gas Tax Dist 3032 State Treas-Gas Tax Dist 3033 Robert K. Gray 3034 Bernard H.Taylor, Clerk Dist Court 3035 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3036 Val Paterson 3037 Harry 0. Haverly, County Judge 3038 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3039 Stephen G. Loft 2000.00 95.00 432.00 24.00 30 .00 18.00 1.00 20.00 574.00 80.00 1350.00 16.96 10.00 30.00 577.00 10.00 10.00 100.00 50,00 1_36.64 9549.04 3363.50 11,799.77 15.00 377.75 1177.28 25.00 10.00 10.00 100.00 3040 Clarence Blogsnkamp 30.00 3041 Eimer Hohlen 30.00 3042 Fred 0.Schaffroth, Reg Deeds 822:00 3043 Walter Gartner 30.00 3044 Harry C.Haverly,County Judge 550.00 3045 Harry C.Haver1y,Couny Judge 119.00 3046 Adams Co. Treas- C. G. Yost 64.63 3047 Emma Berg, County Clerk 698.50 3045 Erma Berg, County Clerk 182.75 3049 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 2.5 60.007 3050 State Treas-State Asst. Fund 502,918049:5750 3051 Special Mail Route 3052 Medic al„ Surgical & Hospital 3025.72 305.3 Med ical.„ Surgic a &Hos pi Lal 153.80 304.r101 3054 Medica±,Surgical & Hospital 3d4.11 3055 Medical,Surgica1 & Hospital 595.27 3056 Bernard H. Taylor,Clerk Dist Ct 43 .19 3057 Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Ct 43.00 3058 Grace Simpson, Justice or Peace 75 .00 3059 Emma5.( Berg, County Clerk 3060 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 85.003.6 3061 Grace Simpson„Justice of Peace 3062 First National Bank 6 3063 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 20.00 3064 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 135.00 3065 City of Hastings,Clerk Ed Dier125000.00 3066 Robert Anderson, Co. Sheriff 127.48 3067 State Treas- State Asst Fund 508.51 3068 Harry CO Haverly, County Judge 50.00 3069 Harry C. Haverly,County Judge 16t3.00 Motion by Lightner, seconded by Youngblood, that we ask the County Attorney to start foreclosure proceedings on Lots 10-11-12, Block 2, Cole's Addition to the City of Hastings Adams County, Nebraska in the name of James D. Charter; and, on Lot 6, Block 13, Prospect Park Aadition, City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska in the name ot .e'red Downing; and, on South 40 feet of Lot 5, L Block 27, St. Joseph's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska in the name of Wiiliarn Mischke. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that we authorize the Chairman to sign the .Agreement between the State of Nebraska and Adams County for the improvement of the Juniata North Road, designated as Project No. S -52b(2). Roll call, A1 1 voted. aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Mackie, that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax correction slips No's 4221 to 4240 Inc. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Kidd, that refund of illegal taxes due to clerical error be authorized and that the County Treasurer be instructed to make such refund as computed ''marked exhibit A, on file in the County Clerk office." to be correct by the County Assessor. Rail call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Coble, seconded by Kidd, that we contract for 2000 yards of gravel for each Township for the coming season, and that each road district be entitled to receive additional gravel for new graded roads as needed, that we award the contracts for gravel to the following firms as listed- Lilley Sand & Gravel Company, Keriesaw, Verona, wand a and Juniata Townships; and H & M Equipment Company, Highland, JestoBlue, Denver and Blaine Townsh ips; and, L.J.Vontz Construction Company, Hanover, Zero, Little Blue,Silver Lake and Ayr Towrships. Prices to be as _Listed with the Adams County Clerk. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Mackie, that the Board accept the bid of Redfield & Company or $132.70 for a new District Court Journal and filler per Clerks specifications. Roil call„ all voted aye.Motion carried. Mot ion by Kidd, seconded by Youngblood, that the Board approve the Kenes aw Telephone Comp any request to install cable in county road shoulders in accord with Exhibit "A" on file in the County Clerks office. :Roll call, all voted ave. Motion carried. lock 27, SUPE VISICY" s D No. 16 35 r GENERAL FUND Acme Printing Co. Adams County Extension ervice Amen, Alice Anderson, Sneriff, Robert Augustine Company Ayr City Hall Beyke, John E. Brock, Don, County Attorney Business Supply Co. Christensen, Glenn Clerk of District Court County Clerk DeLaet, Joan Department of Information, U of N Dutton-Lainson Company Eisele, Ray Galley, Clyde Gartner, Ervin L. General Supply Goble, Gaylord Grabill, Chester Haba, Frank Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hawes, Henry Haynes & Co. Justin H. Haynes & Co. Justin H. Hoagland, Orville Holstein EUB Church Hotel Clarke International Business Machines Corp. Kenesaw Methodist Church Kennedy, Marie Kidd, C. H. Koch, Edward Lawyers Co -Operative Publishing Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegr;ph Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McDonald Co. J. M. McNannay's Electric Motor Service Maintenance Co. Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Menzie, Wallace Modern Linen Supply Modern Office Methods Monroe Calculator Co. Muhle isen, Edward Mulford, Fred A. Nebraska Association of County Officials Nebraska Office Service Co. Neeman, George Oelschlager, Wm. Porter, Paul Redfield & Company Inc. Rehtus, Ernest Reiner, Ruth Rucker, Morland Runcie, Mrs. VerJean Schaffroth, Red O. heg Deeds Seeley, Claude Shepards Citations Inc. Sittner, Alberta State Penitentiary Stewart Plumbing& Heating Co. Stichweh, Lawrence Stimbert, Carl T. Swearingen, J. R. Taedter, Ruth Temple, Howard Theobald, A. J. Thomas, Ray L. Thomas, Ray L. Toomey & Associates, E. R. Turner, Elwin N. VanHouse, J. C. Village of Holstein. Waterman, Leonard T. Widmaier, C. E. Wiebe, Nadeene Williams Exterminating Go. York Medical Laboratories Yost, C. G. ROAD FUND Supplies Revolving fund Assessing Laundry, Food, Mileage Supplies Rent Supplies Postage, Mileage Supplies As State cases, ilental Illness Postage Mileage Postage Supplies Assessing Assessing Assessing Supplies Mileage Assessing Assessing Publishing, Supplies Supplies Utilities Postage Appraisal Services Appraisal Services Mileage, Telephone Rent Jury meals Supplies Rent Assessing Milesge Assessing Supplies Telephone service Telephone service Recorder Repair Supplies Test Assessing Hop service Supplies Supplies Assessing Mileage Assessment Supplies Assessing Assessing Assessing Supplies Assessing Assessing Mileage Assessing Postage Assessing Supplies Assessing Subsistence Labor Assessing Assessing Bailiff Bail if f Mileage Mileage Mileage Salary Supplies Assessing Assessing Rent Refund Assessing Assessing Services Tests Mileage 287.50 4.58 210.60 1220.44 30.13 25.00 32.00 44.56 7.49 133.60 466.63 136.60 32.50 3.26 1.86 214.00 247.20 114.40 19.50 34.40 174.40 133.60 597..34 79.74 376.71 5.00 5000.00 2500.00 32.09 3.00 27.60 7.50 6.00 236.80 31.* 111.20 56.40 316.37 36.23 39.95 7.85 79.42 2.00 163.20 1.90 3.25 2.00 140.00 99.00 35.00 14.25 361.60 376.00 174.00 16.45 163.20 345.2o 41.12 40o.00 10.00 295.20 20.00 196.60 227.50 9.50 145.6o 466.2o 112.00 40.0o 29.60 17.65 66.24 264.60 67.69 101.60 212.80 20.00 10.00 3Th .00 364.00 10.00 100.00 4.00 36 SUPE 11 VISO ECO D No. 16 Dutton-Lainson Co. Farmers Union Co -Up. Gas & Oil Co. Friends Motor Supply Gate City Steel Inc. Glenwood telephone Membership Corp. Goding Jr. Luther Hageman Hardware Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Heuertz, Harold G. Hohlen, Fred Home Oil Service Island Supply Co. Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kenesaw Motor Co. Keresaw Oil Co. Kenesaw Telephone Co. Kents Parts & Equipment Co. Kerr Chevrolet Co. Kerr Chevrolet Co. Laird Motors Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment L'o. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McRoberts Industries Messer Co. L. J. Modern Linen Supply Co. Mouse!, Virgil Nebraska Department of Roads Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Pittz Service Plantz, Alan H. Schaffroth, Reg Deeds FredO. Schifferns Service Station Sidles Company Sime, A. J. Smith & Sons, S. E. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wilber Service Inc. Zubies Service Dutton-Lainson Co. Island Supply Col Kully Iron & Metal Co. Rief, Henry Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. NebraskaEepartment of Roads Adams County Highway Dept. Albright, Dixie May Doubleday & Company Inc. Doubleday & Company Inc. Ernst, Mrs. Waunetta B. Gangwisn, Mrs . Anna Hastings Public Library Kindig, Margaret McNair, Mrs. Klyoe Parks, Miss Arlene Redinger, Mrs. Bonnie Jean Sanford, Mrs. Dorothy Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey Thomas Bouregy & Co. Inc. Westminister J3ook Stores Lech & Heusser Agency Ray Building Products Duthie, Eva B. Holcomb, Dr. Gerald h. Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Kuehn, Dr. Gerald A. Pinney, Dr. George L. Royer, Margaret F. Vasev. RUbv BRIDGE FUND Supplies Gas, Diesel, Supplies Supplies Supplies Services Material Supplies Utilities Supplies Mileage Salary Gas Supplies Utilities Supplies Gas, Diesel Telephone service Supplies Supplies Dump Box Pic kup-Ford Gas, Repair Supplies Telephone services Repairs Supplies Shop towels Salary Project S-329(() Supplies Gas, Diesel, Supplies Material Filing deeds Gas, Diesel Supplies Gas, Diesel Supplies Supplies Repair, Supplies Gas, Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Supplies SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND Project S-329(7) Labor, Rental COUNTY LIBRARY Salary Books Salary Salary Library service Salary Salary 5a1try Salary Salary Library Cataloger Books Books ERECTION & REPAIR FUND Supervision ADAW3 COUNTY NURSING HOME Supplies STATE FUNDS Mileage Medical care Medial care Medical care Medical care Mileage mile_pe 10.94 84.38 35.32 147.50 11.83 62.60 15.10 66.17 19.99 6.45 51.20 42..55 217.14 49.51 7.60 63.25 15.2u 26.22 34.97 250.00 1193.74 183.15 1012.69 31.29 59.61 2.77 5.73 255.20 30,351.66 137.41 160.73 102.20 13.00 47.06 25.54 153.30 4.82 5b.26 25.03 12.35 24.93 181.25 13.49 232.00 483.83 17,531.35 2045.00 30.00 17.50 17.50 40.00 30.00 90.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.0o 6833 42.00 11.06 100.00 1.5.12 3.26 7.50 7.5o 7.5o 7.50 6.72 1q_Ah SUPE VISO ECO. D No. 16 37 MEDICAL , SURGICAL & HOS PI TL A.nderson, Dr. H. F. Br omme r Dispensary Inc. Jackson Fune rai_Horne , Wayne Livings ton-Butler-Vollan.d Funeral Home Mary Lanning Hos pita' Re di* ield Pharmacy Smith, Dr. Robert 0. Berg, County Clerk Emma Bi -Lo Market Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastins Inc. Hastings Typewriter 0o. Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Jack & J ill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery K ns as .Nebraska Natural Gas Co. Larkin -Perry 0. Larkin -Perry 0. Larkin -Director Perry 0. Larkin -Director Perry 0. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Mary Lanning Hospital Peters , Mrs. V. Safeway Stores Skaggs, 0. P. Smith, Dr. Robert C. Walters, Mrs . Marjorie Welch, Dr. George L. Ye agley Marmion F. Sr. Ye agl ey , Marmi on F. Sr . This Board will now recess subject GE Na9. AL REL F Medical care Glasses Ambul ance service Arab ulance service Hospital care Medical supplies Medical care Post age Staple food Supplies Cre di t service Supplies Utilities Util ities Staple food Staple food Staple food Utilities Supplies Mileage Postage Re volving xund Telephone ser vice Hospital care Rent Staple food Staple food Medi cal care Board & Room Medi cal care Custodial. Services Rent 6.00 15.50 32.00 11.50 16.90 13.76 93. 00 35.90 6.96 .46.40 4.00 .79 23.52 125.00 140.00 50.00 43.64 4.53 24.22 5u.00 43.57 65.06 6.30 39.50 90.00 80.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 75.00 250.00 to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. COURTHOUSE , HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wedne sday, April t3, 1964. 4:30 o'clock P.M. Regular me e ting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of April 6, 1964. Orville Hoagland, 'hairman, presiding. Roll call members present: Goble, Kidd, The obald andlioagland . Absent Lightner, Mackie and Youngblood'. Motion by The ob ald se concted by Kidd, that the 'following re solution be ad op fed: RESOLUTI ON: WHE:ES, due to unanticipated requirements e -ss entiar to the Administration of Justice,the preservat on and maintenance of the Public Health, welfare and safety there exists an emergenc in the oudget approprfati ons for Lhe following county off ice and fund; County Superintendent Acus ti cal School; that there is not surf lc lent money appropriated to oper ate and carry out the needs and requirements of said office for the balance or the f is cal year, and WHEREAS, there are sufficient unappropriated Moneys in the General kund, and it is essential to the government of Adams ? ounty that the appropriation for said office and fund be increbsed by eme rge no y app'ropriat ion. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, that there is he re by 'appropriated ana allocated from the general fund the amounts as here inaf ter set forth for the use and benef it of the off ice or fund set opposite each amount f or the balance of the f is cal year, said appropriation establishes the budget of the Acus tic al School to the amount shown below: Sr , County Superintendent- Acus tic al School _ , 2500.00 Roll call, all voted aye . Mo tion carried. This Board will now recess subject 'to the call of the hairman of, the County Board of Supervisors. 6:?„eWY‘11,-.<162 Clerk ha i man 38 SUPE VISO s ECO D No. 16 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS NEBRASKA Wednesday, April 1, 19b4. 10: o'clocl A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood, and Hoagland. At 5 o'clock P.M. this Board of Equalization will now recess until April 2, 1964, 9 o'clock A.M. Board recessed. .COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, April 2, 1964. 10 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as perrecess of Aprill, 1964. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, T3lieobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. At 5 o'clock P.M. the Board of Equalization will now recess until April 3, 1964, 9 o'clock A.M., Board recessed. COURTHOUSE, ' HASTINGS, ' NEBRASKA Friday, April 3, 1964. 10 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as" a Board of Equalization as per recess of April 2, 1964. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood, and Hoagland. At -5 o'clock P.M. the Board of Equalization will now recess until April 8, 1964, 10 o'clock A.M. Board Recessed. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS; NEBRASKA Wednesday, April 8, 1964. 10 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of April 3, 1 6 . Orville Hoagland, Chairman. presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngnlood, and Hoagland Motion. by Theobald, seconded by Kidd, that the the assessments on schedules, all located in the City of Hastings, be raised to and assessed at as follows: PHIL BONAHOOM WARhBOUSE, Improvements on leased land from $7,000.00 to 7500.00; PHIL BONAHOOM WAREHOUSE;Furniture and fixtures from $4850.00 to $5400.00; BOWMOR LANES, furniture & fixtures from 64290.00 to $10,000.00; B. G. H. INC, Grain Storage, Improvements on leased land from $89,800.00 to $991767.00; CORNHUSKER REALTY CO, Furniture & fixtures from none to 0900.00; DEE'S BEAUTY LANE, Furniture `& fixtures from $910.00 to $2,000.00; DELS" 16th St Service, furniture & f ixtiure sfrom $405.00 to $800.00; DEYO'S FURNITURE EXCHANGE Inventory from $5120.00 to $6500.00; C M DOMINY CO, "Furntiure & fixtures from $145.00 to $2}.0.00; H. J. DUNN ' furniture & fixtures from $66o.00 to $1100.00; ECONOMY CLEANERS, furniture & fixtures from $570.00 to $900.00; ELLBERBROCK & NORRIS AGENCY,' furniture & fixtures from $760.00 to $1020.00; FAIRMONT FOODS CO, ' furniture & fixtures " from $915.00 to $1500.00 FAIRMONT ICE CREAK CO, equipment & inventory from $155.00 to $1500.00; GOLD BOND STAMP furniture & fixtures from $1520.00 to $2500.00; GRAND MOTEL, furniture & fixtures from $2195.00 to $3,000.00; HARGLEROAD VAN & STORAGE, furniture & fixtures from $1355.00to $1815.00; CONSOLIDA'T'ED CONCRETE, improvements on leased land from. $25,584.00 to $26,980.00; HASTINGS GRAIN EXCHANGE, furniture & fixtures from $1,000.00 to $1385.00, and, Inventory' from $4010.00 to $7550.00; HASTINGS HUYCK GRAIN 'CO ` improvements on leased land from $5527.00 to 7550.00; HASTINGS MEDICAL LABATORY, furniture & fixtures from $2665.00 to 03100.00; HASTINGSPRODUCTION CREDIT, furniture & fixtures from $2400 to $3200.00; HASTINGS SERVISOFT, furniture & fixtures from $3025.00 to '53800.00; BESTED STORES, furniture "& fixtures from $8055.00 to 88305.00; HIBER JEWELRY, inventory from $9435.00 to $20,000.00; "HILTFRS AGENCY, furniture & fixtures from $190.00 to $1000.00; HOFF & JOHN, futniture & fixtures' from $275.00 to3100.00; HOGAN SPORTING GOODS CO, inventory from $16,800 to $17,958.00; I.B.M., Inventory from $719.00 to $18,000.00; A.H.JONES CO, e'quipment from $12,170.00 raised to $15,500.00; K.M. CO, furniture & fixtures from $875.00 to $1080.00; KENTS SUPER SERVICE, furniture & "fixtures falom $1985.00 to $2315.00; NEIL GRINSTEAD, ' furniture & fixtures from $200.00 to $1000.00;J. M. MCDONALD CO, furniture & fixtures from $5370.00 to $10,125.00; MARTIN LUMBER CO, furniture & fixtures from $190.00 to $500.00; L. J. MESSER 'CO inventor from $17,140.00 to $36,015.00; RAY BUILDING, Improvements on leased from 510,350.00 to $12,494.00; SIDS TRAILER SPL ES, improvements on leased land from. $1,000.00 to $1500.00; STROBEL TRUST, Improvements on leased land from $10,000.00 to $13,900.00; TOPP FLOWERS, Inventory from $3930.00 to $5025.00; THOMSEN OIL CO, Improvements on leased land from 1805.00 to $895.00; TIMBERLOCK ENTERPRISES, furniture & fixtures from $9160.00 to $11,125.00; "LEE'STEXACO-, furniture & fixtures from $1050.00 to $1725.00; UNITED MOTORS, furniture & fixtures from $1215.00 to $2755.00; LIVINGSTON, BUTLER AND VOLLAND, furniture & fixtures from $7205.00 to $8450.00; CITY OPTICAL CO, furniture & Fixtures from $880.00 to $1305.00; JOHN G. YOST MD, furniture & fixtures from $3985.00 to $4430.00; X -L MOTEL, furniture & fixtures from $20,315,00 to $20,730.00; WILBERS SERVICE, equipment from W25.00 to $4.710.00; WHITE BARBER SHOP, fu.rnit.re & fixtures' from $240.00 to $360.00; WESTERN PLASTICS CORP, furniture "&'fixxtures from $44,061000 to $50,975.00; WESTERN ETRCTRIC CORP, Inventory from $10,598.00 to $14,135.00; H. D. WEBSTER' furniture & fixtures from $550.00 to $650.00; WEBER STUDIO, furniture&fixtures from $1390.00 to $1475.00; WAREHOUSE CARPET CO, bring in books to verify the gross provit percent(7 % is consideree too low) ; LOUISE PAYTON, Beauty shop equipment from none to1 5 0.00; AMERICAN BUS LIN ��S, furniture & fixtures from $50.00 to 350.00; SIDLES CO, inventory from $40 , 539.99 to $51,000.00; KERR CO, Furniture & fixtures from $22,401.00 to $45,282.00; WILDER OIL CO, furniture & fixtures from non to$751. m. x-00, Inventory from none to $835.00, and Improvements on leased land from none to $2670.00 and SMITTY'S ELECTRIC COMPANY, " Improvements on leased land from $1080.00 to $1h)10.000 KULLY IRON;, &- METAL, `"improvemei -s on leased land from; $4060.00 to $4790.00; LAIRD COAL CO, Improvements on leased land from $2700.00 to $2820.00; LAIRD MOTORS, Furniture & fixtures from $10,500.00 to $11.000.00: LAMP POST CAFE. furniture & fixtures from ti_1.61i.f Cif ' 42h_nnn_nn_ SUPE 11 VISO 8 ECO D No,. 16 39 'COURTHOUSE,'HASTINGS; NEBRASKA Friday, April 17, 1964. 9 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met aa -a Board 1964. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present - Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Hoagland. of Equalization as per recess of April 8, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood, and Motion 'by Youngblood, secondedby •Theobald, that after a -hearing by the Adams County Board of Equaliation the follOwing adjustments were made:- DEE's BEAUTY SHOP; Furniture & fixtures from 910.00 to -01885.00; H. J. DUNN; fUrnitUre—& fixtures from- $66o.00 to $1010.00; FAIRMONT , ICE CREAM CO, equipment at ..§795.,00 andInVeentdit $155..00 same as listed on schedule; HUFF & JOHNS, Furniture & fixtures from $2745.00 1;0 S27L5.0O. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion' carried. That this Board will now recess until April 21, 1964, Board recess. COURTHOUSE, HATIGS, NEBRASKA Thp.rsday, April 23, 1964. 10:00 Of -Clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, as per recess of April 8, 1964. Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Kidd, that we purchase 2- No. 12 Caterpillar Motor Graders from the Lincoln. Equipment Company for 034,000.00 plus the trade-in of 2-1949 Caterpillar Motor Graders. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that we Accounting Electronic Computer with 100 Electronics sign at a net cost of 19,000.00 including trade-in Motion carried. purchase one E 2100 Burroughs Direct Memory Units of 12 digits capacity plus F. O. B. factory. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble, that the following claims be ailowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Adams County Agricultural Extension Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Anderson, Lauren Buckner, Velma L. Mulford, Fred A. Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Highway Department Bridge Department Larkin -Director Perry O. GENERAL FUND Service ROAAFUND BRIDGE FUND STATE FUNDS This Board will now recess subject to the call Motion by Kidd, seconded by Youngblood, that we Benjamin and the State of Nebr, for performing Project S-528(21 Juniata North. Roll call, all Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Office Expense Office Expenae Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Salaries Office Expense of the Chairman of the 617.65 1025.37 1640.10 1266.2 1666.66 1297.02 1282.86 1390.00 680.00 1912.50 280.00 210.00 425.00 962.22 (87.50 7525.00 640.00 3468.33 County Board of Supervisors. enter into a Tri -party preliminary engineering' voted aye. Motion carrie Agreement with Edwin D. service on secondary road d. 40 SUPE 1' VISO S ECO D No. 16 -COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Tuesday, April 21, 1964. 9 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of SuperVisorS met aS'a Board of Equalization as per recess of April 17, 1964. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present, Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Complaints of tax exempt properties were heard - no decision. That this board will now recess until April 23, 1964. Board recess. -.COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS,.NEBRASKA. Thursday, April 23, 1964. 1:30 o'clock P.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors Met aS'a Board of Equalization as per recess of April 24, 1964. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, alr:members present, Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that'after a hearing held by the Board of Equalization an ad- justment tf I.B.M. Inventory from $6719.00 to q9570.00 was made. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. That this Board will now recess until April 28, 1964, 9 o'clock A.M. Board recess* COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Thursday, pri1 28, 1964, 9 olclock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of April ±-7-,1964 Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and. Hoagland. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Theobald, that after a hearing held by the Adams County Board of Equalization the following adjustrrbnts were made:-NARTIN LUMBER CO, Furniture & fixtures from $190.00 to 0400.00; L. J. MESSER CO, Inventory from $17,140.00 to $20,500.00; KUrLY IRON & METAL, Improvements on leased land from 04060.00 to $4790.00; LAIRD COAL CO, Improverbnts an leased land from $2/00.00 to 02820.00; LAIRD MOTORS, Furniture & fixtures from $10,500.00 to $10,500.00; UNITED MOTORS, Furniture & Fixtures from 01215.00 to 1215.00; LIVINCSTON, BUTLER & VOLLAND, Furniture e, Fixtu-es from $7205.00 to $8405.00; CITY OPTICPL CO, Furniture & fixtures from $880.00 to 0880.00; JOHN G. YOST MD, Furniture & fixtures from 3985.00 to $4280.00; WILBER SERVICE t-;1 Equipment from $442 $4 5.00 to 425.00; WESTERN PLASTICS CORP, Furniture & fixtures from Oto 50,545.00; WESTERN ELECTRIC CORP, Inventory from 4a0,598.00 to $12,710.00; KEJR CO, 91t1-1, & fixtures from w22,401.00 to 022,401.00; TOPP FLORAL, Inventory from $3930.00 to $5025.00. Rol call, all voted aye. Notion carried. That this Board will now recess until May 4, 1964 at 10:00 A.M. Board recess. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, May 4, 1964. 10:00 olclock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors net as a Board of Equalization as per recess of April 28,1964 Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all rrembers present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Mackie, that after a hearing held by the Adams County Board of EqualizatIon the followl_nr, adjustments were made:- A. H. JONES CO., Equipment from $12,170.00 to $15,500.00; SIDLES CO. Inventory from $40,539.00 to $40,539.00; SAVE -A -DIME, Inventory from $11,300.00 to 08350.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. That this Board will now recess .until May 25, 1964. Board recess. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, May 6, 1964. 10:00 otclock A.M. Regular meeting of thc Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of April 23, 1964. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mac& -ie, Theobaid, Youngbood and Hoagland. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Theobald, that the Chairman be authorized to sign County Assessor tax list corrections No. 4241 to 4267 Inc. Roll call, ail voted aye. Motion carrieu. Motion by Theobald, seconded byLightner, that the following Mis'ellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisors record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 3070 U. S. Treasury 3071 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3072 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3073 Grace Simpson, Justice of Pe ce 3074 Neva W. Wolfe 3075 The Nalt Company of Oraaha 3076 Maggie Gartner 3077 State Treasurer 3078 urace 6imason. Justice of Pece 690.00 46.1g 150.00 85.00 55-).0o .80 123.03 98,292.50 125.00 3086 Harry C. Haveriy, County Judge 1241.00 3087 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 60.00 3088 Robert Anderson 206.0 3089 State Treas- Gas Tax Dist 8204.4 3090 State Treas- Gas Tax Dist 3363.5 3091 State Treas.- Ga x 'Tax Jjist 964t3•41 3092 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 70.0 3093 Harry C. Haveriy, County Judge 138.0 3094 Arthur J. Sime 10.0 SUPE I \ VISO ECO D No. 16 41 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 311p 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 First National Bank 616.89 State Treas- State Assistance Fund52,114.18 25. 00 5.03 663.00 2045.00 35.90 807.0o 335.75 70.00 204.33 29.33 .20 65.00 50.00 85.00 Phillips Gen Store- hay Phillips Phillips Gen Store -Ray Phillips Fred Schaffroth, Register Deeds Special Mail Route Fund Erma Berg, County Clerk Emma Berg, County Clerk Emma Berg, County Clerk Grace Simpson, Justice of Pe ace Henry Grasmick Herman C. Kloke Nati onal Co. o Omaha Grace Simpaon,Justice of Pence Harry C. Haverly, County Judge Grace S imps on, jus tice o PL a ce 3118 3119 3120 3121 3172 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 Harry C . Haverly, County Judge Meadowbrook Golf Club Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 717.43 303.81 5u.00 195.00 10.00 Harry C . H averly, County Judge 20.00 Bernard Taylor, Clerk Dist Court 500.00 Bernard N. Taylor, Clerk Dist Court 62.00 Bernard Taylor, Clerk Dist Court 25.20 M. R. Lay 22.00 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 131.25 State Treas- State Asst. Fund 430.80 Lochlarri Country Club 603.64 State Trasurer-State of Nebr. 11,4.57.00 Grace S imps on , Justice of Peace .85.00 Motion by Mackie, seconded by Youngblood, that we hire iOicheal Seballoz as. Building Superintendent and Cus todian at a salary of $450.00 per month s tartirE May 15th 1964, hon call, all voted aye. tion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Mackie, 'that the reports of the Sheriff County Library, Clerk of the District Court, County Judge, legister Clerk and County Attorney be accepted and placed on file. Roll call (2) , Adams County Nursing Home of Deeds, Car Title, County all vo te d aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Goble, that we adopt the following resolution "SE IT .1 -SOLVED, that the County Board of Supervisors sell to the following purchaser the following described Property: Lot 12, Block 3, Famsher is South Side Addition to the City of Hastings Adams County, Nebraska to Housing Authority of the City of Hastings , Hastings, Nebraska for 4J10.00 and, that the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors be hereby authorized to execute and deliver Quit Claim Deeds to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Kidd, that we accep of $263.38 for 1000 Tax Roll Sheets, and $1089.92 for 'ihat we accept the low bids of Acme Printing CaupanY and, of $208.75 for Clerk of the District Court Appear all voted aye. Motion carried. t the low bids of the Hastings Daily Tribune rg}al and personal tax receipts, and, of $133.85 for Tax List Binders with index, anc e Docket as per s ice c if ic at ions . Roll call Motion by Kidd, seconded by Mackie, ,hat we cancel the assistance warronts of Household No. 1-2L31-1 issued 5-31-61, warrant No. 750, amount i.6o was issued to Maxine Palmer; Household No. 1-659-A2 Warrant #2740, amount 030.00 was issued to Emma Parker; and Household No. 1-1563-A2 issued 2-28-62 warrant #3245, amount $70.00 was issued to James charter. Said warrants have not been presented for payiLnt itbin two years. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Lightner, that the following resolution be adopted: • RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, Don Brock, County Attorney has appointe d William Connolly as Deputy County Attorney, subject to the approval of the County Board of Supervisors and whereas Don Brock as recommended s uch approval by the County Board, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that said appointraent of William Connolly as Deptty County Attorney of Adams County is here by approved. Roll c all, all voted aye. Motion c arri ed. Motion by Mackie, seconded oy Lightner, that we approve the Band of Fidelity and Deposit Company for W illiam M. Connolly, Deputy County Attorney, amount of 1000.00.41Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded oy Ki -ad, that the follotri ing re solution be adopte d: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there are Old Age Assistance Liens and General Relief Liens filed at :Book 177, Page 606 and look 177, Page 637, in the Mortgage Records in the office of the Adams Uount,y Register of Deeds against certain real property with the following legal description, to -Nit: Lots 8, 9, 10, 11 and. 12, Block 9, Original Village of Holste in, Adams County,Nebraska. In favor of Adams 0 ounty, , Nebraska, for Old Age Ass istance payare nts and General Relief payments paid to Mrs. Emma Beirew of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, and WITEREAS, said real property was sold at public auction and th amount of $1,037./h was received, after expenses, and that full value of the property was received, and WI,EREAS, EMIG:, BEIROW,has requested that she be permitted to retain money for funeral allowance from the sale of this re al estate, in the amount of $250.00 and said money is to be held in trust by Mr. Edward Hall of the Roseland State B anka for this purpose. WHEREAS, there is a check in the hands of the Adams County Welfare Department in the amount of $1,03744, which check is to be deposiied with the Adams County Treasurer and the said. Treasurer is authorized to make payment of the $250.00 burial allowance as previously set out to be held in trus t by Edward Hall of the Roseland State Bank for burial of Mrs . Emma Be ir ow The Treasurer is further ordered and authorized to make 'payment of i';335.11 to be applied to the General Relief Lien Fund and an additional 0189.80 to the Old Age Assistance Lien Fund. NOW TIEREFOIE BE IT RESOLVED that upon Payment to the Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska of the sum of $1,037.44; that the said Treasurer be authorized and di le c ted to release and discharge said Old Age Assistance Lien and. General Relief Liens from said property. Roll call, all voted aye. Mot ion carried. Motion by Theobal.d, seconded by Goble, that tl-e following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed ot issue warronts for the same. Roll call, ail voted aye. Motion carried, GENERAL FUND 42 SUPE 1" VISO 111 I \ s ECO D No, 16 Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Clerk County Supt. County Supt. Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. DeLaet, Joan Department of Information U of N. Department of Information U of N. Dier, E. L. Dutton-Lainson Co. Extension Service Felton & Wolf Company General Supply Co. Goble, Gaylord Haba, Frank Haberman's of Hastings HastingsAdvertisinguo. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co. Hatten Electric Service Haverly, County Judge Harry C. Hastings Utilities Hoagland, Orville IBM Corporation Kidd, C. H. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Magnuson Agency Modern Linen Supply Mulford, Fred Mulford, Fred Omaha Printing Co. Photostat Corporation Prentice -Hall Inc. Redfield & Company Inc. Roberts-& Company, R. G. Rucker, Morland Safeway Stores Schafer Printing Co. Schaffroth, Register Deeds Fred O. Stewart Plumbing & Heating Swearingen, J. R. Taedter, Ruth Temple, Howard Thomas, Ray L. Thomas, Ray L. Venteicher, George W. Wagner, M. D. Loyd R. William Exterminating Co. York Medical Laboratories Clarke Oil Co. Clarke Oil Co. Consumers Public Power Dist, Cuetis Oil Co. Dens -Oil Lubricant Co. Inc. Dutton-Lainson Co. Fairs Repair Shop Farmers Union Go -Op. Gas & Oil Co. Firestone Stores Foote Equipment Co. Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Membership Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Heuertz, Harold G. Hohlen, Fred Home Oil Service Hunt's Garage Island Supply Co. Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc Kenesaw Oil Co. Kennedy, Tom Kerr Chevrolet Co. Laird Motors Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment; Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McRoberts Industries Messer Co. L. J. Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co. Modern Linen Supply State cases, Yenual Illness Postage Post,ge Spelling contest expense Postage Services Mileage Postage Supplies Vital Statistics Supplies Revolving fund Supplies Supplies Mileage Rent Supplies Supplies Supervisors proceedings,Supplies Advertising Election notices Advertising, Supplies Supplies Repairing State cases, Postage Utilities Mileage Supplies Mileage Telephone service Telephone service Insurance Mop service Mileage Postage Suppiies Supplies Supplies Election supplies, Supplies Supplies Mileage Supplies Supplies Postage Repairs Bailiff Lady Bailiff Mileage 1411e age Salary Mileage Determination, certification Services Test ROAD FUND Gas, Grease Gas, Lubricant Utilities Diesel Bentone Supplies Repairs, Supplies Gas, Diesel, Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Telephone service Utilities Supplies Mileage Salary Cas Repair, Supplies Supplies Utilities Gas, Diesel Mileage Supplies Supplies Gas, Repair Supplies Supplies Telephone service Repairs Supplies Supplies Shop Towels 882.40 28.00 354.00 18.90 35.00 21.75 27.27 29.59 1.00 135.50 3.20 5.90 4.13 13.80 29.04 10.00 14.94 31.12 1105.18 103.07 251.84 10.50 84.25 268.85 . o4 12.00 40.48 33 .66 163.62 1.90 87.50 2.00 74.64 815.74 1.5.48 773.35 3.76 58.88 19.05 159.40 10.00 12.50 56.00 8.00 13.60 15.04 237.60 26.88 50.00 5.00 10.00 123.80 220.98 2.97 177.24 105.88 22.94 24,40 233.20 102.21 172.96 1.70 12.32 45.76 7.66 4.00 156..6o 20.15 20.60 51.45 46.79 136.10 17.84 .84 65.98 175.67 499.47 178.46 30.14 8.01 23. Ai 42.25 5.33 SUPE I \ VISO ECO D No. 16 43 Schifferns Service Sidles Company Sime, A. J. Smith & Sons, S. E. Thomas & Benjamin & Clayton Werner Construction Inc . Wilber Service Inc. Dutt on-Lains on Co. Dutton-Lains on Co. George, Roll and Laird Motors Ready Mixed Concrete Inc. Rief, Henry Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Adams County Highway Dept . National Che ms e arch Corp. Albright, Dixie May Doubleday & Company Inc. Ernst, Mrs. Waunetta B. Gangwish, Mrs . Anna Hastings Public Library Ki nctig Margaret McNair, Mrs. Klyoe Parks, Miss Arlene Re dinger , Mrs. Bonnie Jean Sanford, Mrs . Dorothy Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey Adams County Fair Assn. Gas, Diesel Supplies Gas, Diesel Supplies Agreement Project S-434( 3) Supp lies Su 1 ies BRIDGE FU ND Supp lies Supp lies Salary Truck Concrete Salary Supplies SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND Rental Labor Supplies COUNTY LIBRARY COUN'ITY FAIR ERECTION & Anders on Bros. Plumbing & Heating Anderson Bros. Plumbing & Heating Fast Construction Co. Guarantee Electric Co. Guarantee Electric Co. Henning son , Durham & Richards on Le ach-He us ser Agency Wright & Mack Co. Home Improvement Co. Charlton , D r. G. Paul Cosgrove, Madelyn Dean, Thr. E. J. Duthie, Eva B. Kann, Dr. Frank Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Royer, Margaret F. Vasey, Ruby We ion, Dr. George Whitcomb, Audrey Sal ary Books Salary Library service Salary Sal ary Sal ary Sal ary al ary Cataloger Pre miums & Permanent Improvements ?EPAIR FUND Mechanical Work Mechanical Work General Contract Work Electrical Work Electrical Work Architect -Engineering service Supe rvis ion Elevator Contract work ADAMS COUNTY NU RS I1C- HOME STATE FUNDS MEDICAL, Adams County Treasurer Adams County Tre as urer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Brand Mortuary City Optical service Holcomb, Dr. G. R. Mary Lanning Hospital Physicians Optical Service Inc. Redfield Pharmacy Sne lle r , D. R. C. Berg, County Clerk Emma Bi -Lo Market Business Supply Co. SURGICAL GE NE RAL Supp lies Medi cal Mileage Medical Mileage Medical Medical Mileage Mileage Medical Mileage & HOSPITAL Er, IFF c are care c are c are care Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor paym nt Vend or p aym n t Arab ulanc e service Frame Medi cal care Hospital care Lenses 'Medical supplies Lens e & frame Post age Staple food Supp lies 56.96 8.87 154.73 10.66 799.00 47.40 12.96 25.36 25.42 218.70 18V7.35 121.13 261.00 2861.52 2292.50 893.80 30.00 14.00 40.00 30.00 90.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 88 .33 3000.00 3910.50 8511.30 57,721..50 3600.00 3870.00 2272.50 100.00 3352.00 5.18 7.50 6.00 7.50 3.60 7.50 15.00 10.32 6.24 30.00 6.00 1888.57 545.69 297.53 5838 .09 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.30 12.00 3.96 17.00 36.28 10.00 47.49 SUPE 11 VISO s ECO D Nov 16 Jack & Jill Grocery Jack,& Jill Grocery JackAc Jill Grocery Larkin-Diiector Perry O. Larkin -Director Perry O. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Mary Lanning Hospital Nebraska State Medical Association Inc. Peters, Roberts Safeway Safeway Skaggs, Skaggs, Walter, Yeagley, Yeagley, Mrs.:T. & Co. R. G. Stoi-eo Stores O. P. 0. P. Mrs. Marjorie Marmion F. Sr. Marmion F. Sr. This Board will now recess subject CY n Staple Food 80.00 Staple food 20.00 Staple food 4.95 Post age 50.00 Revolving fund 15.90 Telephone service 71.36 Hospital care 6.70 Supplies 20.00 Rent 39.50 Supplies 3.76 Staple food 30.00 Staple food 60.00 Staple food 100.00 Staple food 180.00 Board & Room 36.25 Cust od i a3 .Services 75.00 Rent 250.00 to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. (CZ: County le rk , Chairman eputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, May 21, 1964. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of May 6, 1964. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Goble. Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble, teat the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the sane. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Clerk of District County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Anderson, Lauren Bu6kner, Velma L. Mulford, Fred Seballoz, Micheal Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Highway Department Bridge Department GENERAL FUND Office Expense 590.05 Office Expense 962.50 Office Expense 1786.32 Office Expense 1345.50 Salaries 1666.66 Office Expense 1222.50 Office Expense 1290.92 Office Expense 1391.50 Office Expense 680.00 Office Expense 2008.75 Salary 280.00 Salary 210.00 Salary 425.00 Salary 225.00 Office Expense 966.90 Office Expense 787.50 ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND STATE FUNDS Salaries Salaries Larkin -Director Perry 0. Office Expense Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County This County Cle rk eee , Deputy 7885.92 963.93 3847•90 Board of Supervisors. (;- COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, May 25, 1964, 10 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Chairman of May 4, 1964. Roll call, all members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. SUPEVISOS ►'SECO It D N o. 16 45 are assessed at, as follows: HIBER JEWELRY Inventory at $9435.00; and, LEE'S TEXACO, Furniture and fixtures at $1200.00; AND PROTEST TO THE BOARD OF EUALIZATION be assessed at as follows: MARGARET M. ROSE, E'2 Lot 15, all Lots 16-17, Block 7, East Park Addition, City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska at Buildings $1800.00, Lot $570.00, Total $2370.00; ROBERT G. PATTERSON, S140' Lot 6, Block 3, College Addition, City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska at Improvements $4200.00, Lot $700.00, Total $4900.00; W.F. LITTLETON, S2 Lot 1, S2 of Lot 2, (Ex. E 20' of N 10') & S522' of Lot 3,Peabodys Addition, City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska at Improvements $1890.00, Lot $390.00, Total $2280.00; FRANK W. NORTHROP, Lot 22, Block 1, Thompson's Addition, City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska at Improvements$3240.00, Lot $360.00, Total $3600.00; CHARLOTTE ADAMY, lot 12, Block 6, Prospect Park Addition, City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska at Impruvvements $1230.00, Lot $135.00, Total $1365.00; MRS, J. F. LEHMAN, Block 8, Alexanders 1st Addition, City of Hastings Adams County, Nebraska at Buildings $6,000.00, Land $820.00, Total $6,820.00; ARTHUR J. SEMOTAN, N2 Lot 28, N2 Lot 29 & E20' N2 Lot 30, Country Club Addition, City of Hastings, Adams County, Neb- raska at Improvements $5,000.00, Land $495.00, Total $5495.00; ARTHUR J. SEMOTAN, S2 Lot 28, Country Club Addition, City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska at Improvements $3690.00, Land $310.00, Total $4,000.00; NORBERT PARR, SW2 8-6-11 (Roseland Township), Adams County, Nebraska at Improvements $2040.00, Land$6460.00, Total $8500.00; EDGAR L. SCHMIDT, NE3 NE4 & W2 NE4 E of RR & E2 NW2 E of RR ex 0.419 A 21-5-10 (Zero Township) Adams County, Nebraska at Improvements $3,910.00 Land $3,280.00, Total $7,190.00; CHARLES ANDERSON, Lot 24, Block 19, Original Town, now City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska at Improvements $13,000.00, Lot $14,535.00, Total $27,535.00; H. D. SERGEANT, S 25 ft of Lot 8 and all Lot 9, Fairfax Addition, City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska at Buildings $7,200.00, Lot $270.00, Total $7,470.00; BURTON C. COOK, Lot 11, Block 2, Clines Addition, City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska at Improvements $4,150.00, Lot $750.00, Total $4,900.00; BURTON C. COOK, East 100 ft.of Lot 1, Block 2, Haire's Addition, City of Hastings Adams County, Nebraska at Improvements $1,500.00, Land $1,230.00, Total $2,730,00; LESLIE RAY JOHNSON, JR., E 35 ft of Lot 12 & W 45 ft of Lot 13, Block 3, West Hilltop Acres Addition, City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska at Improvements $5,025.00, Land $275.00, Total $5,300.00; FRANCES A. DAUGHERTY, Lot 3 & 4, Rasmussen Sub -division, Cipy of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska at Improvements $10,050.00, Lot $450.00, Total $10,500.00; EARNEST SHEFFIELD, W2 of Lot 2 & N 61 7/ ft. of W2 of Lot 3, Block 1, Thompson's Addition to Village of Kenesaw, Adams County, Nebraska at Improvements $520.00, Land $145.00, Total $665.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Lightner, that After notice of Exempt properties and hearing the following properties are to be assessed and laced on the tax rolls: New Hope Baptist Church, Lots 11-12, Bik 14, Creeth's Sub Division of the City of Hastings, Adams County --Taxable, not used for Charitable, Educational or Religious use; African Methodist Church, Lots 21-22, Bik 6, Sewell Addition to the City of Hastings --Taxable, not used for Charitable, Educational or Religious use; American Lutheran Church, Lot 3, Imperial North Addition, City of Hastings-- not exempt -No Exemptio claimed; Carpenters Union Local 1672, All Lot 2, N2 Lot 3, N2 of 11 and all of Lot 12, Snook's Additbn, City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska --Taxable, not used for Charitable, Educational or Religious use; Fellowship of Baptists for Home Mission Inc. , Lts. 1-5 Blk. 24, Neff's Sub-Divisio Lot 1, Bik. 24, Prospect Park Addition, City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska --Taxable, not used for Charitable, Educational or Religious use; First Church Four Square Gospel, Lot 7, Blk 4, West Lawn Addition, City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska=- Taxable, Not used for Charitable, Educa- tional or Religious use; Hamilton Methodist Church, Lots 11-13, Bik 2, E. K. Wemple's Addition to City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska --Taxable, not used for Charitable, Educational or Religiou use; Hastings Cemetery Association, N2 of SW4 of Section 26, Township 7, Range 11, Adams County, Nebraska --Taxable, Not used for Charitable, Educational or Religious use; Hastings I.0.0.F. #50, S44' of Lots 9-12 Inc. (Ex E 12' of_9).Block 19, Original Town of Hastings --(a) Charitable use and Part Taxable, not used for Charitable, Educational or Religious use; Hastings No. 28, Knights of Pythias, All of Lots 11 thru 13, Blk 24, Original Town of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska-- (a) Charitable use and Part Taxable, Not used for Charitable, Educational or Religious use; Mary Lanning Hospital, E92? of 3E 94k of 4, Foote's Addition & Scofield's Addition,City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska --Taxable, Not used for Charitable, Educational or Religious use; J. M. McDonald Fotndation, Inc., Lots 1 and 2, Block 7, of the Original Town of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska --Taxable, Not used for Charitable, Educational or Religious use; St. Cecilia's Roman Catholic Congregation, Block 10, Indian Acres Addition to City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska - Taxable, not used for Charitable, Educational or Religious use; St. Michael's Church, Lots 1 thru 6, Block 10, Berlin's Addition to City of Hastings, earns County, Nebraska --Taxable, not used for Charitable, Educational or Religious use; St. Paul's' Evangelical Lutheran Church, lot 133-134, host's Addition, City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, Lot 134 is Taxable, not used for Charitable, Educational or Religious use; St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, W. 285 Ft. S2S2S2 SE4 Lot 22, Blk. 6, Holstein Ext ensions, Cottonwood Twp., Adams County, Nebraska--Parsonage-Taxabl not used for Charitable, Educational or Religious use; (C) Church --Religious; Immanuel Lutheran Church, W2 NWk 7 1/3 rds. x 22 rds. 4-6-10 Ayr, Township, Adams County, Nebraska --Taxable, not used for Charitable, Educational or Religious use; United Evangelical Church, Bal. Lot 2, All Lot 3-4 & No. 8' of 5 & W. 40' Lot 5 & 6, Holstein Village, Cottonwood Twp., Adams County, Nebr.-- Parsonage-Taxable, not used for Charitable, Educational or Religious use; Cathedral Chapter Diocese Episcopal, Lot 673-674, Juniata Village, Juniata Twp., Adams County, Nebr,--Taxable, Not used for Charitable, Educational or Religious use; Church of the Brethren, W2 of Lots 873-875, Juniata Village, Juniata Twp., Adams County, Nebraska --Taxable, not used for Charitable, Educationa or Religious use; Kenesaw American Legion Post ¥268, North 392 Ft of Lot 60, Kenesaw Village, Kenesaw Twp., Adams County, Nebraska --Part exempt, Part taxable --Taxable, not used for Charitable Educational 'or Religious use; M. E."Church, Block 6, Pauline Village, Little Blue Twp., Adams County, Nebr.--Taxable, not used for Charitable, Educational or Religious use; Robert Brown Estate 1 A in SWk 27-7-12, Wanda Township, Adams County, Nebr.--Taxable, not used for Charitable, Educatio a or Rfl.igious use; I.0.0.F., Lot 9, Block 3, Hansen Village, West Blue Township, Adams County, Nebr. Taxable, not used for Charitable, Educational or Religious use; M.E. Church, Lot 1-5, Block 14, •__ ".11___ "__._ AA___ ., 1 4.,r r1- mrit-.lklo l:rl„n'+-4nnal 46 SUPE 1t VISO S ECO D N o, 16 Addition and all. of Block 9, Mumaws Addition, all in City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska -- Taxable, not used for Charitable, Educational or Religious use; Geary Women's Relief Corporation #55, Lot 672, Juniata, Nebraska --Taxable, not used for charitable, Educational or Religious use; Methodist Church, So. 67 Ft & 5 inches W2, Lot 3, Bik 1, Thompson's Addition Village of Kenesaw, Kenesaw Township, Adams County, Nebraska --Taxable, not used for Charitable, Educational or Religious use; African Methodist Episcopal Church, E 135' of N 50' Blk 3, St. Joseph's 2nd Addition, City of Hattings, Adams County, Nebraska --Taxable, not used for Charitable, Educational or Religious use; The Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society, Pt. of Section Seventeen, (17) Township Seven (7), Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M. (d) Taxable, not used for Charitable, Educational or Religious usel (a) Charitable use (b) Educational Use & (c) Religious use. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. That this Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman. Board recessed. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, June 5, 1964. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors net as per recess Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, All members present Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald of May 21, 1964.0rvil1e Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Kidd, that the following Miscellaneous receipts be made Supervisors record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 3133 U. S. Treasurer 3134 Lochland Country Club 3135 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 3136 Village of Holstein 3137 Southern Hills Country Club 3133 Hall County 3139 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3140 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 3141 Neva W. Wolfe 3142 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3143 Walter Ahrens 31.44 Bob Wiles 3145 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3146 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 3147 Edward Hall, Administrator 3148 '.ted Augustin 3149 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 3150 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 3151 State Treas- Gas Tax Dist. 3152 State Treas- Gas. Tax Dist. 3153 State Treas-Gas Tax Dist. 3154 -bred Schaffroth, Register of Deeds 3155 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 3156 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3157 State Tress- State Assistance Fund 3158 Treasurer of the United States 3159 United State Treasurer 3160 First National Bank 4000.00 128.99 85.0o 3050.00 30.81 190.19 125.00 130.00 54.00 486.22 5.00 .33 55.96 55.00 524.91 20.00 7'_..00 g,5.00 3363.50 6605.06 7089.39 729.0o 65.00 912.88 48,919.97 1937.50 2312.50 1538.50 a part of the 3161 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 25.00 3162 Grace Situps on,JuStice of Peace 110.00 3163 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 65.00 3164 Kearney County Treasurer 2100.00 3165 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 125.00 31o6 Harry C . riaver ly, Cou my Judge 25.00 3167 Harry C.Haverly,County Judge 25.00 3168 Emma Berg, County Clerk 36.28 3169 Emma Berg, County Clerk 110.00 3170 Emma Berg, County Clerk 661.50 3171 Erma Berg, County Clerk 166.75 3172 Hastings Adams Co.Civil Defense1423.32 3173 Grace H.Simps on, Just ice of Peace110.00 3174 Perry 0. Larkin -Director 56.30 3175 Bernard H.Taylor, Clerk Dist Ct. 722.00 3176 Harry C .Haverly, Coun uy Judge 205.16 3177 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 85.00 3178 Harry C.Haverly,County Judge 1325.35 3179 Robert Anderson,Co. Sheriff 451.10 3180 Robert Anderson,Co.Sheriff 183.82 3181 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 150.00 3182 Harry C. Haverly, Co.Judge 116.75 3183 Harry C. Haverly, C o . Judge 501.25 3184 Bernard H. Taylor 19.70 3185 Grace 5imps cn , Justice of Peace 75.00 3186 Harry Haverly 304.00 3187 Harry Haverly 'I0.00 3188 Juniata 'township 250.00 Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that the reports of the Register of Deeds, Nursing Home, Clerk of the District Court, County Clerk, Car Titles, County Judge, (2) County Sheriff be accepted and placed on file, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood , that the following resolution be adopted: RESOL UT ION : WHEREAS, due to unanticipated requirements essential to the .Administration of Justice, the pre- servation and maintenance of the Public Health, welfare, and safety there exists an emergency in the budget appropriations for the following county offices and funds: General Fund- Sheriff, Jail, Justice Court, Insane, District Judge, Supervisors Proceedings, Microfilming, Photostat, County Judge, County Superintendent, Register of .Deeds, Court House Ground & Building, Service Officer, and Social Security, That there is not sufficient money appropriated to operate and carry out the needs and requirements of said offices for the balance of the fiscal year, and WHEREAS, there are sufficient unappropriated moneys in the General Fund, and it is essential to the government of Adams County that the appropriation for said offices and funds be increased by emergency appropriat ion. NOS; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, that there is hereby appropriated and allocated from the General Fund the amounts as hereinafter set forth for the use and benefit of the offices or funds set opposite each amount for the Lbalance of the fiscal year, said appropriation increased the budget of each office of fund to the amount shown below: OFFICE OR FUND County Judge County Superintendent Register of Deeds County Sheriff Jail Courthouse Ground & Blinding AMOUNT OF 48510. 381. 158. 4438. 2079. 710. INCREASE 00 plus ,50.00 Extra 69 02 71 90 89 1 1 '2 •1i TOTAL BUDGET help 418,455.74 plue 450.00 Extra 11, 691.69 help. 1)1,431.02 27,758.71 6,404.90 9,352.89 t» 11. SUPE 11 VISO ECO D No. 16 47 Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble, that the following Resolutions be adopted: RESOL UT ION: WHEREAS, there is an Old. Age Assistance Lien filed in Book 180, Page 80, Mortgage Records of Adams County, Nebraska against property descri bed as: Lot 3 Cisney's subdivision of Block 14. in Mclntyre's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, in favor of the State Assistance Fund for Old Age Assistance Pasments made to May VanFleet in a total amount in excess of' the value of the above property, and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors determines that the toal value of said property less other liens and encumbrances is $1198.46 and that no larger amount than said sum could be obtained by foreclosure of said lien. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the sum of $1198.46 be accepted in full settlement of said iien and that the Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska be dire cted to release and discharge said OldAge Assistance Lien. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there is at Old Age Assistance Lien filed in Book 160, page 565, Mortgage records of Adams County, Nebraska against Florence Hunt against property described as: Lots 1478$ 479 and 480 in the Village of Juniata, Adams County, Ne braska (with other property) in 'favor of the State Assistance Fund for Old Age Assistance payments made to Florence Hunt in a total amount in excess of the value of said properly, and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has determined that the total value of the 3 above numbered lots is $150.00 and that no larger amount than said sum. could be obtaineu by foreclosure of said lien. NOW, THRREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the sum of $150.00 be accepted in full settlement of the said lien against the 3 above numbered lots only and that the Treasurer of Adams County,Nebraska be directed to release and discharge said 01.c1 Age Assistance Lien against said lots only. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Theobald, that we accept Bob Thauts bid $915.00 pickup and delivered (144 items) for painting. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Theobald, that the County Board accept the low bid of $1.557.85 of the Redfield & Company for Assessor's supplies as specified. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Theobald, that the Chairman be authorized to sign a contract with Pitney 3owes Company for Postal Metering chine . Roll call, all voted aye. Mot ion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that the Chairman of the Bo ard of Supervisors be authorized to sign tax list corrections of the County Assessor No's 4268 to 4287 Inc. Roll call, all ,voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that we City National Bank, Hastings, Nebr.in amount of $100 That we appro ve additional collater ial deposited by as of effective date of May 18, .1.964. Roll call, all Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that we purchase Company One Seaman Oil Applicator F.O.B. Hastings fo Motion carried. approve additional collateral deposited by ,000.00 as of effective date May 18, 1964. First National Bank in amount of '120,000.00 voted aye. Motion carried. from the Nebras ka Tractor and Equipment r $9700 .00 . Roll c all, all voted aye. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Acme Printing Co. Acme Printing Co. Anderson, Sheriff Robert Augustine Company Bancroft -Whitney Bee Printing Co. Book Shop Borley's Storage & Transfer Co. Inc.- Buscher, Lorene Business Supply Co. Clerk of District Court Copple , Russell Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. DeLaet, Joan Department of Information, U of A Election payroll Friden Agency Gangwish, Glenn General Services Administration General Services Administration Goble, Gaylord Haberman' s of Hast ings Haberman' s of Hasting Hanzel Maytag Store Harding Nancy K. Hastings Daily Tribune Supplies Supplies Matron fee, Laundry, Food, Mileage S upp l ie s Supplies Supplies Supp li es Delivery Election Booths & Ballots Salary Supplies State cases, Mental Illness Mileage Servic es Mileage Supp lies Payroll Maintenance Mileage Supp lies Fil ing Cabinet Mil e age Supp lies Supplies Repair Salary Supervisors proceedings Election notices 155.45 19.30 824.95 4.82 17.50 14.60 8.95 134.36 26.25 14-45 241.45 7.84 27.00 28.53 5.07 4615.68 52.00 11.14_0 34.10 165.85 37.20 30.15 29.88 8.95 10.43 473.09 48 SUPE VISO s 11\ ECO D No. 16 Kar4a1Mrs . Paul Kidd, 0. H. Krue ger, Mrs . Larsen, Marvin Lay, Merlyn Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. McDowe 11 , Mary Jane McMahon, Stan Mary Laming Hospital Mary Lanni ng Hospital May Seed & Nursery Co. Modern Linen Supply Monroe C al culat ing Co. Mortgage -Investment C.' o. Mulford, Fred A. Mulford, Fred A. Mulford, Fred A. Pfe iffer, Kenneth Redfield & Company Inc . Reis, Franklin Revolv ing fund Rucker, Morland Safeway Store Salt Lake Starqp Co. Schafer Printing Co. Schaff roth, Reg Deeds Fred 0. Schutte, Donald Sorensen, Mrs. Loyd Story, Roscoe E. Strasburg, Wayne Swearingen, J. R. Temple, Howard Thomas, Ray L. Weber Studio Whiting, Mrs. George Williams Exterminating Co. York Medical Laboratories Bachman, L. L. Clarke Oil Co. Clarke Oil Co. Inc. Consumers Public Power Dist. Dutt on-Lains on Co. Fanners Union uo-Op. Gas & Oil Co. Firestone Store s Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Membership Hageman Hardware Go. Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Heuer tz , Harold G. H & M Equipment Co . Inc. Hohlen, Fred Home Oil Service Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co . Inc. Kelley Supply Co. Kenesaw Oil Co. Kenesaw Telephone Go. Kerr Chevrolet Co. Kully Iron & Metal Co. Laird Motors Lenhart Service Station Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment o. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Go. McRoberts Indust ries Messer Co. L. J. Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Go. Modern Linen Supply Co. Mouse 1, Virgil Olson Auto Sales Pitt z Service Precision Lubricants Co. Schifferns Service Sime, A. J. Smith & Sons, S. E. Southern Nebr. Rural Public Por Thomas & Ben j amin & Clay ton Vontz, L.J. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wilber Service Inc. Witt, Pamela Mile age Nil eage Mileage Signs Mile age Services Services Salary Mileage Ser vices Test Sprayer Mop service Maintenance Bond Mileage Institute & Confere nce Matron Fee Mileage Supplies Mileage Revolving fund Milea ge Supplies Supp lies Supplies Pos tage Election Salary Miler ge Mileage Mileage Bail iff Mil eage Sal ary Supplies Mileage Servi ces Tests ROAD FUR) Diesel Gas, Oil Gas, 011 Utilities Supplies Gas, Diesel Supplies Supplies Services Supp lies Supp lies Supplies Utilities Mileage Gravel Salary Gas Utilities Supplies Diesel Services Supplies Supp lies Supplies Gas Gravel Grader Supplies Ser vices Supplies Supplies Supplie s Shop towels Salary Supplies Gas, 01 1, Supp lies Gear lube Gas, Diesel Gas, Diesel Supplies Utilities Labor , Supp lie s Gravel Cul -tier ts Repairs Salary BRDGE FUND 17.00 31.84 16.80 105. 60 4. 40..59 295.04 40.58 10.68 14.35 2.00 7.24 1.90 99.95 5.00 91.30 9.50 2.00 5.20 7.88 4.2o 10.35 81.84 23.90 9.25 37.2,5 10.00 8.12 20.6 15.3 19.40 64.00 61.52 187.20 19.40 4.00 5.00 40.00 0 4 •0 128.00 110.87 17 .70 1.19 10.42 135.93 112.98 40.38 13.01 7.7 84..50 32.00 24.26 4.72 193.60 156.60 16.13 10.95 .06 11 i .80 16.40 2.37 10.99 10.16 289.83 909.60 17,000.00 139.72 33.92 20.40 26.1A 102.00 6.08 274.05 10.00 431.92 327.37 113,56 250.01 4.00 51.86 354.00 546.40 733.15 33.75 70.00 SUPE VISO 111 D No. 16 49 Adams County Highway Adams County Noxio us H & 1/1 Equipment Inc. Lilley S and & Gravel Lilley Sand & Gravel Thomas & Benjamin & Vontz, L. J. Vontz, L. J. Vontz, L.J. Weiler, Helen, City SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND De p arm tent Weed District Co. Go. Clay ton Tre asurer Albright, Mrs. Dixie May Albright, Mrs . Dixie May Doubleday & Co. Inc. Ernst, Mrs. Waunetta Funk & Wagnalls Go. Inc. Gangwish, Mrs . Anna Hastings Public Library Kindig, Mrs . Mar gore t McNair, Mrs. Klyoe Parks, Miss Arlene Redinger, *s. Bonnie Jean Sanford, Mrs. Dorothy Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey White, Frank .Adams County Fair Assn. Rental, Labor Weed Spary Gravel Gravel Gravel Pro ject 5- e52 ( 3 ) Grave 1. Gravel Gravel vin g COUNTY LIBRARY Salary Mileage Books Salary Books Salary Library Ser vice Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Cataloger Mile age COLTNa. FAIR Premiums & Fermanen t Improvement ERECTION & RE PA I R FUND Anderson Bros. Plumbing & 1-b a.ting Fast Construction Co. Guarantee Electric Co. Hoagland, Orville Le ch 0He us se r Age nc y Pi tsburg Plate Glass Co. Charlton, Dr. G. Paul DeBacker, Dr. L. J. Duthie, Eva B. Holcomb, Dr. Gerald R. Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Larkin, Pe rry 0. Pearson, Naomi Pinney, Dr. George Royer, Margaret F. Rutt Dr. F. J. Vasey, Ruby Weber, Dr. C. R. Welch, Dr. George L. Whitcomb , Audrey Yost, Dr. John G. Me ch ani ea 1 work General Contract work Electrical work Water fountain Supe rvis ion Labor & instalklation STATE FUNDS Medical care Medical care Mileage Medical care Medical care Mileage Mileage Medical care Mileage Medical care Mile ge Medical care Medical care Mile age Medical care MDI CAL SURGI CAL & HOS PI TAL Adams County Tre asurer Adams County Treasure r Adams County T re asure r Adams Coun Treasurer Fay's Drive -In Drugs LiVingst on-Butler-Volland Funeral Pearl Optic al Redfield Pharmacy Berg, County Clerk Emma Ber ts Drug Store Bi -Lo Market Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. DeBacker, Dr. L. J. Foote, Dr. D. B. Hastings Typewriter Go. Hastings Utilities Has tinrs Uti lities Home for Children Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Larkin -Director Perry 0. Larkin -Dire c tor Percy 0. GENERAL RE I EF Vendor payment Vendor pays nt Vendor payront Vendor payment Medical supplies Anhui once ser vice Glasses Medical supplies Postage Medical supplies Staple foo d Supp lies Services Medical care Medi cal care Supp lies Utilities Uti 1 it ies Board & Room Staple food Staple food Revolving fund Supplies 2453.50 946.75 1833.140 2 41.40 1625.4.0 h)110.00 3310.20 2198.90 2695.00 800.00 30.00 7.00 35.00 40.00 20.01 30.00 100.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 88.33 10.08 14.19.00 6616.80 16086.60 2970.00 150.00 100.00 73.50 7.50 7.50 7.20 7.50 15.00 13.18 4.40 7.50 6.40 7.50 12.32 7.50 7.50 8.80 7.50 3200 .00 200.00 600.00 1000.00 3.50 10.00 14.50 2.96 36.19 2.80 45.00 52.13 4.00 4.00 19.00 25.50 30.814. 42.18 14.70 194.96 190.00 74.20 4.94 50 SUPE 1* VISO s E CO 1 D No. 16 Skaggs, 0. P. Skaggs, 0. P. Spencer Park Rental Agency Walter, Mrs. Marjorie Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. This Board will now recess subject to the Staple food Staple food Rent Board & Room Rent Custodial Services 35.00 30.00 32. 00 57.00 250.00 75.00 call of the Cn.ainnan of the County Board of Superisors. (Ls, a Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, BEBRASKA Monday, June 15, 1964. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of June 5, 1964. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Goble, Kidd, -Liightner, Ma.ckie, Theobald, Youngbood and Hoagland. Motion by Theobald, seconded by liackie, that we accept the new Courthouse building substantially complete less the items on the list of exceptions as prepared by the Architechts. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Mot ion by Goble, second ed by Kidd, that the follow ing resolution be adopted: RESOLUT ION: WHEREAS, there has been signed by Adams County on the 6th day of Septenber, 1.960, and the State on the 8th day of September,1960, an agreement providing for the construction of a Federal Aid Secondary Road beginning at the South end of the existing asphaltic -concrete surfaced road on the North Quarter corner of Section 4, T6N., R9W., thence south approximately 1.5 miles to the South line of the Village of Pauline at the appr oxate center of Section 9, T5N. , BgW. and WHEREAS, in the above agreement, the County has pledged s uff ici ent funds to financ e its share of the cost of the cons truction of this project, identified as No. S-22(3), and WHEREAS, the above mentiored agreement provided that the County would pay all of the non-Federa: costs of this project, and WHEREAS, the State received bids for the construction of this project on June 11, 1964, at which time four (4) bid(s) were (was) received for the construction of the proposed work, and WHEREAS the following contractor ( s ) for the item (s ) or work have (has) been selected as the low bidder(s) to whom the contract(s) should be awarded: The Diamond Engineering Company- Culverts and One Bridge - $84,820.03 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above facts, the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, by.this resolution, takes the follotng official action: 1. The Board hereby concurs in the selection of the above mentioned contractor (s) for the item(s) of work listed to whom the contract(s) should be awarded. 2. The Board hereby authorizes the Chairman to sign the contract(s) lith the above mentioned contractor(s) and with the State for the above mentioned work. ,3. The Board does not desire to perform any of the work with its cm forces in lieu of performing the work by the contract method. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This -board will now recess subject to the call of the chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. .00,-/ „of Cou A,/ y Clerk Cha man COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, June 22, ±964. 10:00 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting o.. the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of June 15, 1964. Orville Hoagland , Chairman, pre siding . Roll call, all mem be rs present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Mackie, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUN) Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Off ice Expense Salaries Office Expense Office Expense Off ice Expense 835.85 993.33 1543.90 131.17 1666.66 1227.50 1274.80 1390.00 SUPE 11 VISO ECO 11 D No. 16 51 Veteran's Servic e Highway Department Bridge Department Larkin -Director Perry 0. Hastings Typewriter This Board will now County Office Expense ROAD FUND Salaries BRIM E FU ND Salaries STATE FUNDS Office Expense ERECTION ANDREPAIR FUND Co. Contract recess subject to the call of the Ch. airman of the County Board of Supervisors. 787.50 7736.55 820.00 3890.00 59,310.73 erk COJ RT HOUSE , HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Non d a.y , June 22, 1964. 11 :45 o clock A. M. The Adams County Boar d of Supe rvi so r's raet as a Board of Equalization as per recess Orville Hoagland, Chair ma; pre s iding. of May 25,1964. Roll call, all re ers present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, The obald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion. by Youngblood on Monday, _July 6, 1 Society, also known Board of Supervisors all voted aye. Motio , seconded by Lightner, that the County Board sit as a Board of Equklization 9614. at 2 p. m. for the purpose of giving the Ev. Lutheran Good Samaritan as Good Samaritan Vill, ge Hastings, Nebraska a he aring on the Adams County proposal to assess and t ax certain property owned by said society. Roll call, n carried. That this Board will now recess sub j ect Regular to the call of the County Chairman. Board recessed. C ()UM HOUSE, Monday, July 6, meeting of the Adams County 3 oard Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. HI,ST I NGS, NEBRASKA 1964. 10:00 O'clock A.M. of Supervisors met as per re cess of June 22, 1964. Roll c ail , all members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, The obaid, Youngblood and Hoagiand. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Youngblood, that the bond of Bobbie D. Henry, Deputy County :Sheriff, ariount of 1310, 000. 00 be approved and pl aced on file . Roll can, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, Library, Adams County ( 2-) Register of Deeds se con de d by ihe oba id, tha t the i port s 01 the County Judge, 0 ar Ti ties, Nursing Home Clerk of the D is trict Court, Juvenile Probation Officer be accepted 'and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by The obald, se conded b y Goble, that the following Misc el lanecu s Receipts be med e a part of the Supervisors re c o/K1 . Roll call, all vote d aye. No tion carried. 3169 Neva Wolfe 3190 Dee Aman 3191 Grace Sirnpsai,Justice of Peace 3192 Martin & Stertz 3193 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 319L Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3195 Grece Simpson,Justice of Peace 3196 Harry 0. Haverly, County Judge 3197 Harry 0. Haverly, County Judge 3198 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3199 Adams County Noxious Weed Dist. 3200 Perry 0. Larkin -Director 3201 Perry 0. Larkin -3 ire c tor 3202 Perry O. Larkin -Director 3203 Juniata Farmers Co -Op. Assn. 3204 t H & H Co. 3205 State Treas- Gas Tax Dist 3206 State Treas- Gas Tax Dist, 3207 State Treas- Gas Tax Dist. 3208 Fred Schaffroth, Regist er Dee ds 3209 Harry 0 Haverly, County judge 3210 Grace S imps on, Justice of Pe ace 3211 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 2219 Wn.r,r3,, 576.75 1.50 70 .00 62. 00 .00 216.83 115. 00 851.85 10.00 50.00 118.07 6.30 120.00 65.00 150.00 1198.)46 10,145.80 3363.50 12,754.59 837.50 533.00 55.00 55.00 rrs 3219 Grace Simps on. , justi co of Peace 3220 Harry C. Ha ver ly County Judge 3221 Harry 0. H aver ly County Judge 3242 State Tre as -State Asst .Fund 3223 Grace Simpson, Just ice of Peace 3224 Harry C . Haverly, County Judge 3225 Elm a B erg County Clerk 3226 Special Mail Route 3227 Special Mail Route 3228 Medical, Surgi cal & Hos pi tal 3229 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 3230 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 3231 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 3232 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 3233 Medical, Surgical & Hospi tal 3234 Medical, Su;ica1 & Hospital 3235 iviedica.i, Surgical & Hospital 3236 Bernard H. Tayl or, Clerk Dist 3237 Grace Simpson, Jus-Gice of Peace 3238 Grace Simps on, Jus t ice of Peace 3239 Harry 0. Haverly, County Judge 3240 State Treas-State Asst.Fund 32)4 Harry C Haverly , County Judge 65.00 25.00 100 .00 51, 130.74 75.00 57.00 36.19 2292.50 2453.50 5838.09 297.53 545.69 1888.5( 1000.00 600.00 200 .00 3200.00 Ct. 35.00 80.00 63.00 100.00 1839 .86 100.00 1.'")n SUPE 11 VISO ECO D No, 16 3249 Harry C. H averl y, 0 County Judg e 3250 Harry C. Haver ly Count -y Judge 50.00 5o.00 Motion by Goble, seconded by Kidd, that we authorize the Chairman to sign a contract between Adams County and The Diamond Eng ine e ring Company or Grand Island, lb bras ka on Pro je c t No .S-252 (3 ) Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, se co nued by Youngblood, that we approve the re commendation of the app ointment of Fred R. Irons to the Veteran's Service Committee for a period of five years. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Kidd, that the That the County Board of Supervisors sell t the following described property: Lot 2, Block 2 and Lots 7, L & 9, Block 14, on the county tax certificate fore closure s by authorized to execute and deliver a quit Motion carrie.d Board adopt the following resolution : "BE IT RESOLVED, o Bart and Magdalen. Schiff erns for the sum of $60 .00 , Village of Roseland which was bid in by the county ale: ani and that the chairman of the County Board be here - claim deed to said purchaser. 1 call, aLl voted aye. Motion by Goble, seconded by K idd „ that we authorize the County Chairman to sign supplemental Agreement between County of Adams and St ate of Nebraska, Pauline North road, Project No. S-252 (3 ) . Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion b Youngblood, seconded by he ()bald, hat Typewriter from Bus iness Supply Company for the Roll call, Ayes: Goble Kidd, Mackie, Th.e °bald , carried. the Board p urchase one P-13 " Royal Standard Register of Dee ds for i70.000 with t rade Youngblood and Hoagland. Nay: Lightner, Motion Motion by The ob aid, seconded by Mackie, that the fell ow _.. ng claims fund and the County Clerk be ins truct eel to issue warrants for the Motion carried. Ad ams County Veterans Service Off icer Address og raph-Plulti aph Corp. Anders on, Lauren Anderson, Sheriff Robert Augustine u omp any Bee Printing Company Berg, Erma Brock, Don Buscher, Lorene R. Bus iness Supply Co. City National Bank Clerk of District Court Cobbs Manufacturing Co. Gornhusker Press County Clerk Credit Bureau of Hastings DeLae t, Joan .Dunmire Lawrence Go cle, Gaylord Hastings Chamber of Coirrierce Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Indus trial Supplies Hastings Typewri ter o. Hastings Uta ities Haver iy, County Judge, Harry Haverly, , 0 ounty Judge, Harry Hay ms & Co. Justin H. Haynes & Co. Justin 11. Heil Ms rine Center Joint Committee of Continuing Legal Educ ati Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Lindeburg-Smith Agency Modern Linen Supply Mulford, Fred A. Northwestern University Traffic Institute Polk & Company R. L. Reeordak Corp. Redfield & Company Inc. Roc kwood, C. E. Rucker, Morland Schaffroth, Regis ter eds Fred 0. Simpson, Justice of Peace, Grace H. State Penitentiary Story, Roscoe E. Swearingen, J. R. Taylor, Clerk of District Court Bernard Temple Howard Thomas, Ray L. Turner, State Librarian, George H. University of Nebrsta Whelan, Gerald Yost, Co. Treas C. G. Yost, Co. Treas C. G. Youngblood, F. L. GENERAL FUND be all owe d on their s pe c tive same. Roll call, all voted aye. Orf ice Expense S u pp 1 le s Janitor he ip Laundry, Postage Supplies 1000.00 24.28 48.47 Food, Mileage 791.59 220.86 Supplies 14.35 Mileage 6.00 Postage, Box rent 19.00 Sal ary 43.75 Supplies 82.15 Supp lies 13.88 State cases, Mental Illness 237.55 Supplies 300.00 Supp lies 23.01 Box Rent 2.25 Services 6.00 Mile age 9.48 Attorney fee 100.00 Mileage 2L.32 Hastings Birthday Celebration 100.00 Supplies Supervisor Proceedings 209.10 1225.00 1017.21 144,82 57.20 fee 54.16 1500 .00 3000.00 9.55 20 .40 service 311.99 service 35.56 852.96 1.90 77.80 3.05 225.00 55.46 29.66 16.00 61.44 Postage 12. 25 16 .00 to Safekeepe r 66.00 16.80 32.00 12.00 56.08 255.60 8.50 Inst itute 47.65 75.00 113 .00 4.00 15.00 Supplies Supplies , File Util it los St ate cases, Post ,ge Mileage, Re gist ration Appraisal services .App rais al services Supplies on Supplies Teleph one Telephone Insurance Mop service Post ge , Mile age Supplies Books Service Supplies Bal liff Mile age Box Rent, Cases Subs is tanc e Mile age Bailiff Postage Mile age Salary Supp lies Law Enforcement Attor re y fee Pos tage, Box rent Mile age Tax Certificates SUPERVISO s ECO D No. 16 53 Coats Implement Go. Consolidated Concrete Go. Construction •Service Equi pment Co . Consumers Public Power District Dutton-Lains on Go. Firestone Stores Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Membership Hastings Utilities He ue rtz , Harold G. H & M Equipment, Go. Inc. Hohle n, Fred Home On Service Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas 0o. Inc. Kufly Iron & Me tai Co. Laird Motors Larry s Auto Salvage Lenhar -G Service Station Lilley Sand & Grpve 1 Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Lo. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg McRoberts Industries Messer Co. L. J. Minnesota Mining & Mfg Co. Modem LinenSupply Mousell Virgil National Chemse arch Corp. Nebraska Department of Roads Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Go. Pauley Lumber Co . W. G. Penney 0o. J. 0. Pittz Service Rehtus „ George Roeder, Dennis Schifferns Service Station Scott, Dallas Sherman Service Center Sidles Company Sidles Company Sime , A. J. SMEI Insurance Agency Smith & Sons S. E. Timberl ock EnLe rprise s Vontz, L. J. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Wilber Service Inc. Witt, Pamela Corp. Co. Dutton -Lainson Co. Hastings Weld ing Supply Co. Motle y, Alvin Motley, Steve -Rie f , Henry Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Supply Co. Adams County Highway Dept. H & M Eouipment Uo. Inc. H & M Equipment uo. Inc. Lilley Sand & Gravel Lilley Sand & Gravel Nebraska Department of Roads Vontz, L. J. Albright, Dixie May Albright, Dixie May Book Shop Boobs -Merrill Co. Inc. Ernst, Mrs. Waune tta B. Gangwish, Mrs . Anna Hastings Public Liorary Kindig, Mrs . Margaret McNair, Mrs . Klyoe Parks, Miss Arlene Redinge r, Bonnie Jean Sanford, Mrs. Dorothy Saps is Inc, Perc B. Saps is , Perc B. Inc. Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey BRIDGE Supplies Concre te Supplies Utilities Supplies Rep airs Supplies Telephone service Util it ies Mile age Gravel Salary Gas Uti lities Supplies Supplies' Supplies Gas Gravel Supplies Supplies Telephone service Repair Supplies Supplies Shop Towels Salary Supplies Project s-252 (3 ) Supp lies Supp lies Supplies Gas Gre ase, Supp lies Salary Salary a3, Diesel Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel Insur ante Supplies Supplies Gravel Cul.% r ts Repairs Sal ary FUN -D Supplies Supp lie s salary Salary Salary Supplies Supp lies SPECIAL MATT ROUTE ROAD FUND Labor, Rental Gravel Gravel Gravel Gravel Project S-252 (3 ) Gravel COUNTY LIBRARY Salary Mileage Books Books S ary Salary Library service Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Books Books Salary -Library Cataloger ERECTION AND I PAI R FUND 6.65 33.13 77.73 1.00 34.83 14.33 115.(1 17.15 13.)12 6.56 526.40 195.75 34.93 23.60 12.00 164.99 10.00 249.18 550.56 188.63 308.86 33.31 46.35 67.32 269.62 6.3o 287.10 541.32 22 ,410 .02 59.54 6.61 11.(0 416.56 9.45 220.05 172.20 182.25 80.12 37.91 31.06 294.89 597.09 40.67 2.22 191.20 223.614- 17.48 170.00 16.70 13.96 267.30 85.05 259.5 3379.65 103.85 3261 .50 2082.70 1639.40 1570 .)11! 974.40 20,000.00 1534.70 30.00 7.00 4.9.50 4.5.30 40.00 30.00 180.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 1 2.64. 11.00 88.33 r'n rn 0 0 n SUPE VISO s ECO 11 D N®o 16 American Public Welfare Association Dean, Dr. E. J. Duthie, Eva B. Foote, Dr. C. M. Hoffmeister, Dr. George F. Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Kostal, Dr. O. A. Pearson, Naomi -toyer, Margaret F. Smith, Dr. R. C. Vasey, Ruby Whitcomb, Audrey Yost, Dr. John G. Ad ams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Brand Mortuary Livingstan-13utler-Volland Pearle Optical Co. Physicians Optical Service Inc. STATE FUNDS Membership Medical care Mileage Medica]. care Medical care Medical care Medical care Mileage Mileage Medical care Mileige Mileage Medical care MEDICAL , SU RGI 0 AL & HOS PI TL Funeral Horne Acme Printing Co. Berg, County Clerk Emma Bi -Lo Market Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. Larkin -Director Perry O. Larkin -Director Perry O. Larkin -Director Perry O. Larkin -Director Perry O. Safeway Stores Schmer, Henry Stop & Shop Market Tommyts Market Walter, Mrs. Marjorie Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. This Board will now recess subject -dd County Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Ambulance service Ambulance service Frame -Lenses Lenses GENERAL RELIEF Supplies Postnge Stap.Le food Supplies Services Utilities Staple food Staple food Telephone service Mileage Revolving fund Postge Supplies Staple food Salary Staple food Stfple food board & Room Custodial Services Rent to the call of the hairman of the county 35.00 7.50 6.32 7.50 7.5o 7.5o 15.00 5.68 7.12 15.00 5.60 9.52 15. 00 176.38 204.65 608.52 3149.59 5.0o 15.00 12.50 12.00 31.4o 36.22 96.00 68.112 L.o0 40.53 16.00 e23.00 83.69 21.06 28.80 35.00 1.40 90.00 16.50 35.00 30.00 25. 00 75.00 250.00 Board of Supervisors. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, LEBBASKA_ Tuesday, July 21, Iv04. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisor met at per recess o_4. July 6, 1964. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, Members present: Goble, Kidd, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland, Absent:Lightne Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Goble, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. • Adam ''ounty Agricultural Extension Office Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Brungard, Tilly Ann Mulford, Fred A. Seballoz, Micheal Register of Deeds GENERAL FUND Office Expense Office Bxpense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office .6xpense Office Experse Salary Salary Salary Office Expense 817.25 99540 995.40 1298.70 1212.36 1666.66 1227.50 1743-00 1391.50 680.0o 1892.50 87.36 425.00 450.0o 920.88 •-7 r7 SUPE VISO S ]ECOD No, 16 55 Bridge Department Larkin -Director Perry O. BRIDGE FUND Salaries STATE FUNDS Office Expense This Board will now recess subject to the call of 916.00 3742.82 le Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, July 29, 1964. 9:30 o*clock A.M. 11„6„42, Ohairmah Meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per advertised Statement of Publication of Summary of the County Budget and levy comparision for the purpose of objections, suggestions or corrections to the1964-1965 County Budget. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Theobald, Mackie, Youngblood, and Hoagland. Absent Lightner. No objections, corrections or suggestions were made. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. County Ul 1 Deputy (a,-2/4 Chairltan COURTHOUSE, HliSTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, August 5, 1964. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors net as per recess of July 29, 1964. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, ail members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Goble, that the reports of the County Attorney, Sheriff, County Judge, 3- County Library, Clerk of the District Uourt, County Clerk and Car Title be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Lightner, that we direct the County Treasurer of Adams County to file a claim listing the payments made to Gustav F and Elizabeth Kessler for 83,078.70 in the estate being probated in the County Judge's office of Adams County, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Lightner, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisors Record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 3251 3252 3253 3254 3255 3256 3257 3258 3259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 3268 3269 3270 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 3276 3277 3278 U. S. Treasury Harry C. Haverly, County Grace simpson, Justice of Neva W. Wolfe Grace Simpson,Justice of (race simpson,Justice of Harry U. Haverly, County Grace Simpson, Justice of Emma i3erg, County Clerk Robert E. Schwester Co. Grace Simpson, Justice of Bart Schirferns Webster County Harry C. Haverly, County Harry C. Haverly, County Grace Sampson, Justice of Robert Anderson, Sheriff Grace Simpson, Justice of Sate Treasurer -Gas Tax D State Treas- Gas TLX Dist State Treas- Gas Tax Dist Grace SimpsonlJustice of Fred 0. Schaffroth, Regis Emma Berg, County Clerk Emma Berg, County Clerk Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk L. R. Smidt Special Mail Route 414.00 Judge 10.00 Peace 80.00 567.75 Peace 80.00 Peace 190.00 Judge 689.90 Peace 85.00 6764.48 67,082.08 Peace 75.00 80.00 1014.25 Judge 1012.18 Judge 72.60 Peace 90.00 236.04 Peace 60.00 ist 12,185.19 3363.50 16,017.60 Peace 85.00 ter Deeds 880.50 236.25 595.00 Dist 0t 535.00 18.00 3261.50 3279 Medical, Surgical 3200 Medical, Surgical 3201 Medical, Surgical 3262 Medical, Surgical 3203 Ray Wilcox 3204 Duane Burr 3265 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 3286 Francis Mangers 3287 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 3288 State Treas-State Assistance 3209 state Treas-Insurance Tax Fund 3290 Richard D. Johnson 3291 Emma Berg, County Clerk 3292 ilobert Anderson, County Sheriff 3293 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 3294 Grace simpson, Justice of Peace 3295 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3296 State Treas-State Assistance Fund 3297 State Treas- State Assistance Fund 3298 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 3299 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3300 Harry u. Haverly, County Judge 3301 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3302 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3303 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3304 State Treasurer 3305 Grace simpson, Justice of Peace & Hospital • Hospital & Hospital & Hospital 314v.59 608.52 204.65 176.36 5.0o 25.00 65.00 18.00 65.0o 48,181.98 49:499.12 45164 36.22 1.63 70.00 65.00 436.70 524.99 559.28 70.0o 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 68.82 105.00 56 SUPE VISO 111 S ECO 1 IP D No, 16 Motion by Theobald, seconded by Kidd, that we adopt the following resolution RESOLUTION WHEREAS, there is a sum of $83,6o6.86 in the Inheritance Tax Fund of Adams ,County Nebraska, and it is deemed to be in the best interest of said County that the amount of $61,100.00 be transferred to the County .General Fund of said County for General Fund purposes, and WHEREAS, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA that the County Treasurer of said County hereby direct to effect such transfer. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Mackie, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, it is deemed to be in the best interest of said County th,t the amount of $14,000.00 be transferred from the General Fund to the 'ond and -bond Interest Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Mackie, that we accept the low bid of Acme Printing Company of $353.25 for 25,000 Assessors open window envelopes. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Mackie, that we authorize the County Chairman to sign tax list corrections No. 4208 to 4312 Inc. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, fund and the county Lotion carried. seconded by Kidd, that the following claims be allowed on their respective Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Acme Printing Company Adams county Extension Service Addressograph Multigraph Corp. American Book Company Anderson, Lauren Anderson, Sheriff Robert Anderson, Sheriff Robert Augustine Company bee Printing Company Bert's Rexall Drug Buckner, Velma L. Burroughs Corporation Buscher, Lorene Business Supply Co. Clerk of District Court Cobbs Manufacturing Co. Commerce Clearing House Inc. Connolly, Bill County Assessor County Clerk County Supt. Credit Bureau of Hastings Curts Fleetway Service DeLaet, Joan Department of Information U of N. Dier, E. L. Dutton-Lainson Co. Eastman Kodak Stotes Inc. Foote Equipment Co. Goble, Gaylord Grace's Bike & Key Shop Grand Island Daily Independent Hammond & Stephens Co. Hansen Building Specialties Inc. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hawes, Henry Hoagland, Orville Kidd, C. H. Kleager & Glenn Kohl, Insurance, Adam D. Lawson Communications Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Lutheran Family Service McDowell, Mary Jane Midwest Communication Service Modern Linen Supply Co. Mulford, Fred A. Nebraska ,tssociation of County Officials Nelson, Johnson & Co. Nolte & Boesen Omaha School Equipment Inc. Photostat corporation Recordak `lorporation Redfield & Company, Inc. GENERAL FUND Supplies Revolving Supplies, Supplies Salary Prisoner Laundry, Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Supplies Salary Supplies State cases, Mental Illness Supplies Supplies Tuition, Mileage Postage Postage, Cords Commencement, Fair premiums, Mileage Postage, Institute fund Services Supplies Mileage Postage Vital Statistics Supplies Supplies Cord Mileage Keys Publishing Supplies, Books Supplies Publishing,Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Postage Mileage, Telephone Mileage Services Bond Service order Telephone service Mileage Salary Services Mop service Matron fee, Mileage Dues Services Bonds Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies fund Mileage Board Food, fees Mileage 509.85 41.09 136.40 83.21 64.62 54.30 836.49 61.05 15.20 10.25 210.00 61.50 131.25 26.31 331.87 3oo.00 14.0.00 224.84 5.85 3.07 974.36 5.50 60.45 46.0o 3.57 134.0o 15.53 29.31 .69 29.28 12.50 17.28 212.67 9.92 1726.77 46.50 84.25 176.82 5.00 54.28 79.28 16.00 3..50 18.75 334.31 31.44 76.14 20.00 1.90 76.10 49.00 30.00 40.00 12.12 335.58 95.30 17.48 SUPE VISO 111 8 ECO D No. 16 57 Thmmas, Ray L. Thomas, Ray L. Vaughans Printers Inc. R Wagner, Dr. Loyd R. Whitmore, Helen Williams Exterminating Co. ROAD FUND Augustin Implement, Bachman, L. L. Cllwrke 011 Company Inc. Construction Service E-uipment Co. Consumers Public Power District Cook Paint & Varnish Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Farmers Co -Op. Gas & Oil Co. Felton & Wolf Co. Firestone Stores Friends Motor Supply Cate City Steel Inc. Glenwood Telephone Membership Corp. Hastings Seat Cover uo. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Hesman, Dave H & M Equipment Co. Inc. Hohlen, Fred Home Oil Service Hueske Implement Co. Island Supply Co. Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kene s aw Oil Company Kent's Parts & Equipment Co. Kerr Chevrolet Co. Kully Iron & Metal Co. Laird Motors Lenhart Service Station Lilley Sand & Gravel in Equipment Co. •Llnco Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McClelland Farm Equipment Co. Messer Co. L. J. Modern Linen Supply Co. Mousel, Virgil Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Nolte & Boesen Penney Co. J. C. Pittz Service Roeder, Dennis Schifferns Service Scott, Dallas Sherman Service Center Inc. Sidles Company Sine, A. 3. Stevens & Saunders Plumbing & Heating Sommerfeld Electric Service Southern Nebr. Rural 2ublic Power Thomas& Benjamin & Clayton Vontz, L. J. Werner Construction Inc. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. WichitaSteel Fabricators Inc. Wilber Service Inc. Witt, Pamela BRIDGE FUND Dutton-Lainson Co. Island Supply Co. Lenke, Fred • Motley, Alvin Motley, Steve Rief, Henry wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. SPECIAL Adams County Highway Department H & M Equipment Co. Inc. H & M Equipment co. Inc. Lilley Sand & Gravel Vontz, L. J. Albright, Mrs. Dixie May !ti Salary Mileage Suppl ie s Coroner's Fees Judgeing Fair Work Services Supplies, Repairs Diesel Gas, Repairs Supplies Utilities Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Telephone services Supplies -Repairs Supplies Utilities supplies Salary Gravel Salary Gas Equipment Supplies Utilities Gas, Diesel Supplies Supplies Repairs Supplies Gas Gravel Supplies, Equipment Telephone service Supplies Supplies Shop towels Salary Supplies, Equipment Insurance Supplies Gas, Diesel SatrKupplies Salary Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel Supplies, Repairs Repairs Utilities Pipes, Labor Gravel Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies, Repairs Salary Supplies Supplies Repairs Salary Salary Salary Supplies MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND Rental, Labor Gravel Gravel Gravel Gravel COUNTY LIBRARY Mileage 271.50 10.40 37.50 20.00 25.00 10.00 29.51 127.50 235.24 193.37 1.71 (0.00 33.04 102.50 5.62 36.75 42.07 135.0o 15.24 20.00 2.20 9.75 8.31 267.30 359.30 175.50 20.75 4500.00 167.35 4.20 245.76 3.98 4.03 19.17 8.03 336.15 614.56 17,405.50 35.21 22.25 9.64 6.43 310.50 9956.84 33.94 11.70 269.22 2(0.00 60.50 264.60 99.76 38.07 213.36 7.60 25.76 7.72 165.50 885.90 33.33 185.5o 10.42 53.24 185.00 25.03 16.91 6.00 296.25 243.00 283.50 4144.23 2502.50 945.00 2155.50 2202.48 6607.50 7.00 jr nn SUPE VISO s ECO D No. 16 Kindig, Mrs. Margaret McNair, Mrs. Klyoe Parks, Miss Arlene iiedinger, Mrs. Bonnie Jean Sanford, Mrs. Dorothy Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey Tartan Book Sales Inc. Brach Thompson Hastings Industrial Supplies LeachHeusser Agency Rossell Rambler Co. Vaughn Insulation Co. Wright & Mack Comapany Cosgrove, Madelyn Duthie, Eva. B. Pearson, Naomi Pinney, Dr. George Royer, Margaret Rutt, Dr. F. J. Vpsey, Ruby Weber, Dr. C. R. Welch, Dr. George L. Whitcomb, Audrey Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Library cataloger Books ERECTION & REPAIR FUND MEDICAL, Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Anderson, Dr. H. F. Anderson, Dr. Wesley B. Livings ton-Butle r-Volland F uneral Home Marx, R.P.T. Melvin Redfield Pharmacy Takamah Sr. Citizens Home berg, County Clerk Emma Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities IGA Foodliner Jack & Jill Grocery- 3rd & Buri. Jack & Jill Groeery- S. Burl. Jack & Jill Grocery- East South Larkin -Director Perry O. Larkin -Director Perry O. Larkin -Director Perry O. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph. Co. Livingston-Butler-Volland Rineral Home Safeway Stores Safeway Stores Smith, Dr. Hobert C. Stop & Shop Market Walter, Mrs. Marjorie Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. Yost, Dr. John G. his Board will now recess subject to (7: 00 y Clerk STATE FUNDS Supplies Equipment Supervision Supplies, Equipment Insulation Elevator contract Mileage Mileage Mileage Medical care Mileage Medical care Mileage Medical care Medical care Mileage SURGICAL & HOSPITAL GENb.,'RAL RELIEF the call of the Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Frames Frame Ambulance service Therapy treatments Medical supplies Supplies 2ostage Supplies Services Advertisement Supplies Utilities Utilities Staple food Staple food Staple food Staple food Revolving fund Mileage Postage Telephone service Burial Staple food Staple food Medical care Staple food Board & Room Custodial Services Rent Examination 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 88.33 27.04 159.20 206.15 100.00 863.00 324.00 2859.00 5.04 9.20 6.40 7.50 2.24 7.50 8.40 7.50 15.00 6.72 141.57 401.98 127.00 2673.24 8.00 17.00 74.30 10.00 21.61 10.60 34.08 12o.27 4.00 34.29 25.75 14.98 72.65 90.00 2.00 62.00 175.00 16.90 21.13 80.00 82.94 150.00 60.00 io.00 7.5o (0.00 25.00 75.00 250.00 19.50 Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. SUPE 111 1" D N o. 16 59 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, August 10, 1964 10:00 otclock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of June 22,196 Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, and Hoagland. Absent, Theobald and Youngblood. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Mackie, that the following Resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, Budget Maki WHEREAS, held on the on the 24th July, 1964, RESOLUTION OF ADOPTION AND APPROPRIATION. a proposed county budget for the fiscal year 7-1-64 to 6-30-65, prepared by the ng Authority, was transmitted to the County Board on the 15th day of July, 1964 and a summary of such proposed budget, together with a notice of public hearing to be 29th day of July, 1964, was published in the Hastings Daily Tribune a legal newspaper day of July, 1964, and a public hearing was held, pursuant to said published notice, on the 29th day of and WHEREAS, the County Clerk. action of the State Board of Equalization has been had and certified to the NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Supervisors as follows: Section.l.That the budge the budget document be, fiscal year. Section 2. That for the hereby appropriated, by amounts, to -wit: t for the fiscal year, and the same hereby is expenditures proposed offices, departments, For General Administration County Board County Clerk County Treasurer Register of Deeds Clerk of the District Court County Judge County Sheriff County Superintendent County Attorney County Assessor Agricultural Agent Adams County Soil Conservation Dist Insane Service Officer Probation Officer Juvenile Officer For General Miscellaneous: County Jail Building and Grounds Elections Photostat Supplies Advertising Tax Sale Printing and Publishing County Law Library Microfilming Reorganization Vital Statistics DistrittCourt Costs Including Jury Justice of the Peace District Judge (Phone) Miscellaneous Social Security Appraisal Real Property Telephone & Operators Salary, Postage Meter of Adams County, Nebraska 7-1-64 to 6-30-65, as summarized on page 2 of , adopted as the budget for Adams County for said in said budget document as adopted, there is activities, institution and funds, the following COUNTY GENERAL 'FUND Section etc Total County Bridge Fund County Road Fund County Relief Fund County Medical Fund Adams County Nursing Home County Soldiers and Sailors Relief County Fair Fund Special Mail Route Road Fund County Library, outside City Limits Erection & Repair Fund Bond & Bond Interest Fund $21,610.00' 16,310.00, 30.091.00- 12,455.00- 12,335.00 23,155.00, 22,230.00v 14,990.00v 19,969.00v 36,130.00v 13,185.00' 1,800.00v 1,500.00'1 10,843,00v 1,100.00v 7,210.00' 5,518.00') 17,(v 8,0 5.00' 1,500.00' 1,000.00' 117omov 600.00v 700.00v 1,000.00, 600.00' 6,075.0ov 510.00' 65.00' 11000.00- 6,800.00' 29,500.00' $340,175.00 310(T):gco)4; 25,000.00' 60,000.004 21,000.00' 3,000.00v 16,500.00' 190,000.00,4 8,750.00/ 160,364.00/ 97,564.00 3, That the offices, departments, activities and institutions herein before named, are 60 SUPE VISO 1" s ECO D No, 16 FUND General fund Bridge Fund Road Fund County Relief Soldiers and Sailors Relief County Fair - Adams County Nursing Home Erection and Repair County Medical Special Mail Route Road Fund Bond and Bond Interest Fund Mills. 1,887 none none .187 .0)1)1 .23 none none .852 none .8 and, that levies as based on tax certificates filed i n the office of the County Clerk and made by the various taxation districts are, as follows: - TOWNSHIPS West Blue Highland Verona Kenesaw Wanda Juniata Denver Blaine Hanover Ayr Roseland Cottonwood Logan Silver Lake Zero Little Blue Hastings Juniata Kenesaw Ayr Roseland Holstein Prosser Trumbull School District No. 1 3R 8 11 15 18 This CITY,,AND General Fund 194:765 4' 14.0 18.00 7.0 17.0 26.35 15.00 lo.00 VILLAGES Bond 1.655 2.0 8.0 9.39 mills 1.32 1.92 1.86 .94 1.88 .86 .86 .24 1 • 60 1.92 .64 2.20 3 • 28 2.12 2.52 1.58 Sewer 1.0 SCHOOL DISTRICTS General Fund Spec. Bldg. Fund 43.82 2941 16.92 37.28 2.02 40.60 20 16.68 26 14.42 29 7.18 31 9.90 33 9.16 35 4.8o 42 40.98 53 5.68 60 6.96 67 Adams 65 Hall 15.80 75 888 81 12;84 101 27.34 lam* Me Me 2.0 an. ow, ONO MID ••• 111•• MO *Mb •••• .1.0 .1111 Re IVO ••• PIO pi* OM RURAL FIRE DISTRICTS Roseland Rural Fire District Holstein Rural Fire District Juniata Rural Fire District Hastings Rural Fire District Glenvil Rural Fire District Kenesaw Rural Fire District Trumbull Rural Fire District Free High School Noxious Weed District'tax County Library 32 Mile Creek Watershed Conservancey District Sinking Fund 2.0 2.5 41101"Rege .00.00.4R ele*R. 5.o 5.o eleeletOR Medowee. Mills .08 .50 .75 none 1.00 .5o .25 4.82 .10 .28 .22 Board will now adjourn sine -die as a Board of Equalization. Board adjourned Coll/ y Clerk Bond Fund 6.80 8.06 RIR!. ea. ROROWO 1.36 4.46 14-.58 .5o .111011D0110 .1110,4MOM ..1•• OOP SUPE 1111\) VISO S ECO D No. 16 61 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, August 20, 1964. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess or August 5, 1964. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. o11 call, all members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that the following claims be allowed on their respect_vE fund and the County Ulerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Anderson, Lauren K. Brungard, Tilly Ann Buckner, Velma L. Hawes, Corinne D. Mulford, Fred Seballoz, Micheal Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Highway Department Bridge Department Larkin -Director Perry O. ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND STATE FUNDS Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Salaries Office Expense 420.50 882.00 1613.90 1198.70 1728.98 1267.50 1843.07 144.50 595.50 1992.27 185.63 240.00 210.00 150.00 425.00 450.00 787.50 767.50 8337.50 1000.00 3925.00 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the hairman of the County Board of Supervisors County z2 Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 8, 1964. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess �f August 20, 1964. Othlle Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Pfdbation Officer, County Clerk District Uourt, Sheriff, County Motion carried. Mackie, that the Reports of the Adams County Library, Juvenile (2) Nursing Home, Car Titles, Register of Deeds, Clerk of the Judge be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Youngblood, that County Assessor Tax list correction slips iJo's carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble, of the Supervisor's Record. Roll call, 3306 U. S. Treasurer 3307 Wenona Harris- County Supt. 3308 Ed Lightner 3309 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 3310 First National Bank 3311 Don M. Loudon 3312 Neva Wolfe 3313 Ciage County 3314 State Treas- Gas Tax Dist 3315 State Treas- Gas Tex Dist 3316 State Treas- Gas Tax Dist 3317 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 3318 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge the qmirman of the board of Supervisors sign 4313 yo 4348 Inc. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part all voted aye. Motion carried. 1380.00 3326 2070.00 3327 1722.20 3328 60.00 3329 914.86 3330 5.00 3331 538.75 3332 246.40 3333 12,508.99 3334 3363.50 3335 16,535.69 3336 65.00 3337 50.00 3338 nnn nn Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dourt 26.75 Harlan County 63.00 Phelps County 76.40 Thayer County 92.40 Clay County 75.60 Nucholls County 84.00 Jefferson County 119.00 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 63.00 Harry C., Haverly, County Judge 100.00 Fred O. Schaffroth, Reg Deeds 764.75 Kearney County 56.00 Saline county 123.20 Fillmore County 84.00 r11,,,,.1,,,, ril,,,,I, 0A,,",,,4- 4.(71-7 Lr 62 SUPE VISO s ECO D No, 16 3346 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 3347 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 3348 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3349, Kasper W. or Maxine Liebst 3350 Cottonwood Township 3351 Franklin County 3352 Emma Berg, County Clerk 3353 Emma Berg, County Clerk 3354 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 3355 Harold Moler 3356 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3357 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3358 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3359 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3360 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3361 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 411.57 3362 75.00 3363 25.00 3364 7.50 3365 306.00 3366 61.6G 3367 195.50 336d 717.50 3369 85.00 3370 234..50 3371 25.00 3372 25.00 3373 25.00 33714 50.00 3375 100.00 3376 10.00 Motion by Goble, seconded by Youngblood, that the following RESOLUTION: Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 59.15 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 747.12 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 85.00 Mrs. Leslie Meyer, 7.00 Grace Simpson, Justice of 2eace 55.00 State Trees- State Asst. Fund 12.64 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 75.00 Hastings SertomaClub 430.00 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 250.00 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 13.50 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 13.50 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 137.60 resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, more than ten (1.0) voters registered in Adams County, Nebraska, to vote and residing within ten (10) miles of the following described road, to -wit: The County toad located upon the Section line which separates Section Illeven (11) and Section Two (2), Township Five (5) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Adams County,Nebraska; have filed with the Adams County Board of Supervisors a Petition requesting the vacation and abandonment of the above described road, all as provided by section 39-1723, Nebraska hevised Statutes (1963 Supp.); and WHEREAS, the County Highway Superintendent has reported to the Adams County Board of Supervisors, as provided by law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: That a public hearing shall be had upon said above described Petition on Monday, the 5th day of October, 1964, at 2: P. M. in the office of the Adams County -board of Supervisors at the Adams County Courthouse in Hastings, Nebraska. That the road proposed to be vacated is legally described, as follows; The County Road located upon the Section line which separates Section Eleven (11) and Section Two (2), Township Five (5) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Adams County, Nebraska. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk of Adams County, Nebraska, shall cause this Resolution to be published as provided by law, and further cause copies hereof to be served upon the proper persons, all as provided by law. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Mackie, that the low bid of Hastings Typewriter Company of i5o.oa for 2500-14 part Distress Warrants, and $54.60 for 20 triplicate Receipt Books. and, of Hastings .2ribune of 6241.91 for Clerk of the District Court Judgement Docket, and of 25,000 -Tax Statement Envelopes for CountyTreasurer of $20.90 per M be accepted. Roil call, all voted aye -Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by -heobla,d that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, Elizabeth Henry, Guardian of Elsie M. Kirk, incompetent, duly appointed by the County Court of Adams County, Nebraska, has filed in the District Court of Adams County, Nebraska, her petition and application for license to sell the following described real estate belonging to said incompetent, to -wit: West 30 feet Lot three Block Two Barnels Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County,Nebraska, for the reason that the cash and personal property belonging to said incpmpetent ana the income from said real estate are insufficient to maintain said incompetent, and pay the interest on the incumorance on said real estate, art the taxes against the same, and the debts and expenses of administering the estate of said incompetent, and that it is for the benefit of said incompetent that said real estate should be sold and the proceeds thereof put out at interest, and, WHEREAS, the board of supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, have investigated and approve of such proposed sale, and deem it necessary for the best Lnterests of said incompetent, now, THEREFORE, be it resolved b y the board of supervisors of Adams uounty, Nebraska, uhat we deem such proposed sale proper and beneficial to the estate of said incompetent and approve the same and deem it necessary. Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution shall be certified by the County Clerk of Said couney to the Judge of the District court of Adams County, Nebrasal in writing. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by NIdd, seconded by Goble, that we purchase one Galion Model 8 to 12 Ton Variable Weight Roller for $8800.00 from Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. F. U. B. Hastings. Roll call, all voted ,ye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that we purchase one carload of Grader Blades at 1.23 per ft for Single Bevel edge and 1.19 per ft for Double Bevel edge from Paper, Calmenson & Company. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. Motion by Zoungblood, seconded by Mackie, -trial, the following resolution be adopted: RJ;SOLUTION: WHEREAS, there are Old Age Assistance Lien; in the office of the Register of Deeds for Adam with the following legal description, to -wit: --Lhe -t;aSt Lour (4) Feet of Lot Three (3) and Holmes Subidivision of Lots Twenty-one (21) Ariciitnn 1:(1 i"."k1P n.F. W.nc-FivIrro Aelny,c, ne,1 filed at pook 154, Page 419 and book 154, Page 4±9 s County,- Nebraska, against certain real property the West ivifty-five (55) Feet of Lot Four ()-i-) ,:2wenty-two (22) and Twenty-three (23), in Kerrts SUPE VISO S ECO D No. 16 63 WHEEAS, the said Elizabeth Kessler departed this life on November 7, 1950, Gustav F. Kessler, departed this life on 4pril 16, 1964; and WHEREAS, estate proceedings are presently being conducted in the County Nebraska, for the estate of Gustav F. Kessler; and WHEfEJS, the Executor of the estate of Gustav F. Kessler, has deposited of 2,776.10 with the Adams County Division of Public fe11ae, which check the Old Age Assistance Fund, which check shall be accepted in full payment all claims against the estate of Gustav F. Kessler, Geceased. NOW, THILiEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said amount be accepted in full payment of all liens as above described, and all claims against the estate of Gustav J. Kessler, deceased; and and Court he said of Adams C ounty, a check will be of said in the amount deposited in liens and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the tre discharge said Old Age Assistance Liens The East Four (4.) Feet of Lot Three Holmes Subidivion of Lots Twenty-one Kerr's Addition to City of Hastings, carried. asurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be directed to release, on the following described property, to -wit: (3), and the West Fifty-five (5) Feet of Lot Four (4), (21), Twenty-two (22) and Twenty-three (23), in Adams County,Nebr,ska, Roil call, all voted aye. Motion 'lotion by Theobald, seconded by Kidd, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. GE -NERAL Acme Chemical Co, Acme Printing Co. Adams Hardware Co. Addressograph-Multigrapn Corp. Anderson, Sheriff Robert Bancroft -Whitney Co. Berg, County Clerk Emma Brach -Thompson Brock, Don Burroughs corp. Business Supply Co. Cost to Coast Stores County Assessor County Clerk County Supt. Credit bureau of Hastings Davenport Co. F. E. DeLaet, Joan DeLaet, Joan J)eLaet, Joan Dutton-Lainson Co. Extension Service Fidler, Paul Gracets .pike & Key Shop Hapermants of Hastings Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Haverly, County Judge Harry C. Hawes, Henry International Business Machines Johnson -Cash way Lumber Co. Knight, Robert 0. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McDowell, Mary Jane Meister Publishing Co. PA.dwest Communicaton Services Modern Linen Supply Co. A.orris Paint & Varnish Co. Mulford, Fred Nasco Nebraska Office Service Co. Pegler & ompany Perrie, Isabel Photostat Corporation Pitney -Bowes Inc. Pounds, Postmaster Elton Recordak Corporation Redfield & Company, Inc. Rockwood, C. E. Royal McBee Corporation Rucker, Morland Rucker, Morland Safeway Stores 990 Sass Flowers, Bob Schafer Printing Co. Schaffroth, Register Deeds Fred 0, Scott, Frank R. Sidles Company Simpson, Justice of fence Grace H. smith Disposal Service Ted Smitty's Electrical Co. FUND Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Matron fee, Laundry, Food, Mileage Books Open House Expense Supplies Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Postage Janitor supplies, Postage Acoustical school Services Supplies Salary Mileage supplies Supplies Revolving fund. Labor Services, Keys Supplies Supplies, Publisning Supplies Utilities Stt.tecases, supplies Postage Supplies Services Reporting Services Salary Subscription Repairs Services Supplies Mileage, Meals, Postage Supplies Repairs Supplies Salary Service call Mail Machine, Meter Rental Postage Repair, Supplies Supplies Bailiff New Equipment Salary Mileage Supplies Corsages Supplies l'osuage Test Supplies Cases Services Services .gi7o-nhn1ionin .Zninnnl 6111nr,l-cr nn P,nrOrc 98.25 139.50 2.49 10.36 112.72 79.50 30.00 5.07 50.60 1.65 31.63 30.01 15.00 4.60 3500.00 4.00 45.00 81.82 17.85 6.68 27.86 5.64 7.40 32.83 12.45 243.46 283.140 581.62 62.30 4-00 12.00 2.74 165.50 1115.62 14.31 3.00 10.00 10.00 9.95 514.00 17.90 30.00 265.32 115.00 112.00 1037.64 500.00 41.87 55•20 8.00 170.25 106.64 42.72 29.76 6.00 23.65 4.00 10.00 33.54 30.50 6.00 3.88 .DL f 4,C 64 SUPE 111 VISO t s ECOID No. 16 Troxel, Rex Turner, George H. University of Nebraska Soil Testing Service West Publishing co. Williams Exterminating Co. York Medical Laboratories Augustin Implement Bachman, L. L. Clarke Oil Company Consumers Public Power District Cooperative Service Association Curtis Oil Co. Dens -Oil Lubricant Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Essinger, J. W. Farmers Union Co -Op. Gas ,!0 Oil Co. Firestone Stores Foote Equipment Co. Friends Motor Supply Gentert, Charles O. Glenwood Telephone Membership Corp. Hageman Hardware Co. Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Hesman, Dave Heuertz, Harold G. H & M Equipment Co. Inc. Hohlen, Fred Home Oil Service Island Supply Co. Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas Kenesaw Oil Co. Kenesaw Telephone Co. Kennedy, Thomas Kent Parts & Equipment Co. Kully Iron & Metal Co. Laird Motors Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Messer L;o. L. J. Mobil Oil Co. Modern Linen Supply Morris Paint & Varnish 'o. Mousel, Virgil Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. lloeder, Dennis Safety Metals Co. Schifferns iservice Scott, Dallas seaman Corporation x)nerman ,service Center inc. Sidles Company Sime, A. J. Sinclair Refining Co. Southern Nebr. Rural fublic Power Stein, Willard Tropical Paint co. Trupp, Adam Vontz, L. J. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wilber Service inc. Willys Body Shop, Steve Witt, Pamela Co. co. Inc. Inc. Dutton-Lainson Co. Hemberger, Eugene Motley, Alvin Motley, Steve Rief, Henry Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Adams County Highway Department H & M Equipment Go. H & M EquipmentCo. Vontz, L. J. Vontz, L. J. Vontz, L. J. ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND Vacuum Cleaner Supplies Test Supplies Services Test Supplies Diesel Gas, Oil Utilities Diesel Diesel Grease Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel Supplies, Repairs Supplies Supplies Mowing Roads Telephone service Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Salary Mileage Gravel Salary Gas, Diesel, Supplies Supplies ab or, Equipment Expense, Utilities Gas, Diesel service Telephone Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas Supplies, Telephone Supplies Gas Shop towels Supplies Salary Tandem Roller Supplies Salary Supplies Gas, Diesel Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel Gas, Diesel Utilities Supplies Supplies Repair Gravel Culverts, Suppiies Repair Repair Salary Equipment service Supplies Salary Salary Salary Salary Supplies SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND Rental, Labor Gravel Gravel for Armour coat Gravel Gravel Gravel 1-, • .1 45.00 5.25 4.00 210.00 5.00 10.00 40.93 110.13 203.56 2.46 203.00 135.00 372.35 35.41 39.45 148.11 171.63 42.32 9.08 97.20 16.46 15.27 72.54 35.00 5.40 149.85 6.32 277.70 135.00 74.60 306.70 Material 10.(9 4.00 84.25 10.46 4.h 4.42 12.65 8.83 222.95 537.46 29.33 100.54 43.64 6.48 139.33 263.50 8800.00 66.86 229.50 167.43 199.65 198.45 47.12 1)0 .41 74.5 238.92 210.08 6.52 15.00 113.30 12.50 1852.30 310.29 3.00 4.00 183.75 )4.96 135.00 283.50 205.20 243.00 3386.85 2899.30 402.70 1251.04 2456.10 1376.90 1492090 / SUPE VISO S RECO D No. 16 65 Doubleday & Company Inc. Ernst, Mrs. Waunetta S. Gangwish, Mrs. Anna Harvey, Sharon Kay Hastings Public Library Kindig, Mrs, Margaret McAair, Mrs. Klyoe Parks, Miss Arlene Redinger, Mrs.Bonnie Jean Sanford, Mrs. -Oorothy Books Salary Salary Cataloger Library service Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary ERECTION & REPAIR FUND Fast Construction Co. Hansen Building Specialties Inc. JHargleroad Van & Storage -Leach-Heusser Agency STATE FUNDS Dean, Dr. E. J. Duthie, Eva B. Kingsley, Dr. D. W Obert, Dr. F. C. Pearson, Naomi Royer, Margaret 1% Vasey, Ruby Welch, Dr. George L. . Whitcomb, Audrey MEDICAL, SURGICAL & Adams County Treqsurer Adams County Trec,surer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Brand Mortuary Redfield Pharmacy Berg, County Clerk Emma Business Supply Co. Credit 3ureau of Hastings Inc. Geist Grocery Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery & Jill Grocery Larkin -Director Perry O. Larkin-i)irector Perry 0. Larkin -Director Perry O. Polk & Co. R. L. Royal McBee Corporation Safeway Stores Safeway Stores Schafer Printing Co. chrrer, Henry Walter, Mrs. Marjorie Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. This Board will now recess General Contract work Supplies Moving Courthouse equipment Supervision services Medical Mileage Medical Medical Mileage Mileage Mileage Medical care Mileage care care care HOSPITAL CARE Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Ambulance service Medical supplies GENERAL RELIEF Postage Supplies Services Staple food Supplies Utilities Staple food Staple food Staple food evolving fund Postage Supplies Directory .Typewriter Staple food Staple food Supplies Salary Board & Room Custodial Services Re nt subject to the call of the chairman of the County 52.50 40.00 30.00 88.33 300.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 65,305.88 178.28 2313.01 100.00 15.00 2.24 22.50 7.50 3.92 13.04 9.92 7.50 6.56 415.06 266.91 322.92 3001.73 5.00 2.48 31.20 29.27 4.00 15.00 256.03 34.74 15.00 60.00 25.00 34.85 50.00 25.Q0 5.b.8 283.50 20.00 30.00 13.75 27.00 12.50 75.00 250.00 Board of Supervisors hai rman COURTHOUSE, 11STINCS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, September 23, 1964. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meetinf of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of September 8, 1964. drIrille Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightrer, Theobala and Hoagland, Absent: Mackie and Youngblood. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Kidd, that Election Booth sets, One Master and four annexes, Aluminium 3.49.85 each set Typewriter Company. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Lotion by Lightner, seconded fund and the County Clerk be Motion carried. we purchase three from the Hustings by Goble, that the following instructed to issue warrants claims be allowed on their respective for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. SUPE VISO S ECO D No. 16 County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Anderson, Lauren Brungard, Tilly Ann Buckner, Velma L. Hawes, Corinne D. Mulford, Fred Seballoz, Micheal Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Highway Department Bridge Department Larkin -Director Perry This Board wiil now recess subject to the , elfr Counuy7 Clerk Salary Office Office Office Office Office Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Office Office & Mileage Expense Expense Expense Expanse Expense Expense Expense ROAD FUND Salaries BRIDGE FUND Salaries STATE FUNDS Office Expense ca11 of the hairman of the 1982.22 1719.14 1360.90 1488.27 15U8.7 690.00 1937-5Q 227.81 240.00 120.00 15u.00 425.00 450.00 78(..S0 787.50 8115.00 956.5o 3925.00 County Board of Supervisors. Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 6, 1964. 10:00 o'clock Regular meeting of the Adan s County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of September 23,1964. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Notion by Mackie, seconded by Youngblood, that the reports of the Library, County Judge, Clerk of District Court, Register of Deeds Clerk, Annual Veterants Service Officer be accepted and placed on Motion carried. County Nursing Home, County (2) Sheriff, Car Titles, County file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Mackie, that the following Miscellaneous the Supervisors Record. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 3377 U. S. Treasury 3378 Bernard Taylor, Clerk Dist Court 3379 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 3380 S M H Insurance Agency 3301 Adams Co. Veterans Service 3382 Harry C. daverly, County Judge 3383 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3384 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 3385 Neva W. Wolfe 3386 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 3387 Harry O. Haverly, County Judge 3308 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3389 Harry C. Haverty, County Judge 3390 &race Simpson, Justice of Peace 3391 Perry O. Larkin -Director 3392 State Treas- Gas Tax .0ist 3393 4.tate Treas, Gas Tax Dist 3394 State Treas, Gas Tax Dist 3395 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3396 Perry O. Larkin -Co. Welfare 3397 Harold Konen 3398 Clay county 3399 Harry U. Haverly, Couny Judge 3400 _Adams County 3401 varmers Mutual Insurance Co. 3402 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 3403 Mrs. Onda Lilley 3404 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3405 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3406 Fred. O. schaffroth, RegisterDeeds 3407 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 3400 Harry U. Haverly, County Judge 3409 Kearney County Treas. 3410 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge ,1111 Wnr1-17- Unv,,,,m1,, 2000.00 3413 46.00 3414 55.00 3415 84.20 3416 8.12 3417 37.00• 3418 11.55 3419 3420 3421 3422 3423 344- 3)125 3426 3427 3428 3)129 3430 3431 3432 3433 3434 3435 3436 3437 23438 3439 3)10 3)1112 3443 3)1)15 3)1)16 60.00 542.50 80.00 10.00 100.00 100.00 60.00 12.60 11,543.56 3363.50 14,991,00 1312.90 2776.10 28.50 20.00 10.00 5.04 142.15 72.00 1.00 198.86 402.64 969.75 60.00 100,00 1985.00 10.00 Receipts be made a Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry 9. Haverly, Grace Simpson Harry C. Haverly, County Judge Harry Q. Haverly, County Judge state Treas- State Asst. Fund Harry C. Haverly, County judge Special Mail Route 2899.30 Med. Surgical Hosp. Fund Medical, Surgical, Hospital Medical, Surgical, Hospital Medical, Surgical, Hospital Harry C. Haverly, County Judge Harry C. Haverly, Count Judge Emma Berg, County Clerk Emiva Berg, County Clerk Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Lincoin Telephone & Teleg Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Harry C. Haverly, County Judge Harry C. Haverly, County Judge Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Cb Harry C. Haverly, County Judge Harry C. Haverly, County Judge Harry C. Haverly, County Judge Grace Simpson, Jw:Jtice of Peace Harry C. Haverly, County judge Harry C. Haverly, County Judge Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Harry C.Haverly, County Judge Emma Berg, County Clerk County County County County Judge Judge Judge Judge part of 100.00 683.61 50.00 131.90 135.00 220.00 18.07 5_3,200.25 10.00 2099.30 3001.73 266.91 415.06 322.92 296.63 10.43 326.75 687.00 8.143 10.49 12.72 10.49 10.00 100.00 40b.95 47.17 10.00 lo.00 65.00 18.00 1891.48 80.00 10.00 31.20 SUPE VISO S D No. 16 6 Motion by Lightner, seconded by Theo -bald, that the Board adopt the following resolution: "BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of supervisors sell to Percy Warburton for the sum of $100.00 the following described property: Lot 9, Block 2, Hellerts Addition to the City of Hastings and that thechairman of the County Board be authorized to execute and deliver a quit claim deed to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Moton by Youngblood, seconded by Theobaid, that the following resolution beadopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS:the six6y-second session of the Nebraska Legislature has enacted into law LB 480, known as the Nebraska Civil Defense Act of 1951, and WHEREAS, the seventy-third session oi the Nebraska Legislature enacted into law LB 731, which authorizes and directs each county and each city within the Sate of Nebraska to establish a local organization for Civil Defense, and io do certain other acts in connection therewith, and WHEREAS: such action is not only required oy law, but that it appears to be in the best interests of the city of Hastings & Adams County and of the citizens thereof to participate in the benefits and responsibilities of said act, and WHEREAS, it is the desire and intent of the (Board of County supervisors) for Adams Lounty and/or the (City Council) of Hastings, Nebraska, to establish a Hastings & Adams County Civil Defense Organization. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY SAID (BOARD) AND/OR SAID (CITY COUNCIL): 1. That there is hereby established within said Hastings -Adam County a joint Organization for Civil Defense to be operated in conformity with the Nebraska Civil Defense Act of 1951, as amended. This organization will be known as the Hastings-Adans County Civil Defense Agency. 2. That, reposing great confidence in his integrity and ability R. J. VanFleet, whose address is 213 Ringland Road is hereby appointed director of Civil Defense for said Hastings -Adams County organization, to serve during the pleasure of this City Council, County Board or until a successor is duly appointed. 3. Ihat city Clerk will be responsible for the. receipt and disbursement of all Civil Defense Funas, where funds are provided for Civil Defensepurposes. 4. 4i2he Civil Service Ordinance of the City of Hastings, Nebraska, Ordinance #1479 dated January 24, 1949 shall apply to all employees. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Goble, that wecancel warrants not presented for payment within two years after date of issuance, as follows: H H. No. 1-3222D1 4-30-62, Warrant No. 680 amount 017.60 issued to Henry F. Borchers, and H. H. No. 1-2361A2 issued 5-31-62 Warrant No. 4639 amount $57.60 issued to Mabel Rehn. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by coble, that the following resolutions be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there are Old Age Assistance Liens filed against certain real property with the following legal description, to -wit: Lot 6, Block 1, Norants addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska in favor of Adams County, Nebraska, for Old Age Assistance payments made to Catharina Henningsen and Julius Henningsen of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, and WHEREAS, the lien filed against said property for Old Age Assistance payments to Julius Henningsen was in error, Julius Henningsen having not owned said propel* since May 20, 1933, and WHEREAS the lien filed on said property for Old Age Assistance payments to Catharina Henning amount to $961.60, and there is on hand a bank money order #38127 on the First National Bank of Hastings in the amount of 961.60, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be directed to release and discharge said Old Age As Liens from said property. RESOLMON: • WHEREAS, there is an Old Age Assistance Lien filed against certain real property with the following legal description, to -wit: • Ei of Lots 1-2-3-4, Block 11, Adams County, Roseland, Nebraska in favor of Adams County, Nebraska for Old Age Assistance payments paid to Mary Schmitz, • WHEREAS, the lien filed on said property for Old Age Assistance payments to Mary Schmitz amount to $5,116.90, and • WHEREAS, the Adanis County Board of Supervisors finds that wo appraisals made on said property value the property not worth more than '800.00 and that no more than $800 can be realized by foreclosure on such lien, and • WHEREAS, there is a check for 800 made in the favor of Adams County, signed by Ronald R. Harpham in the hands of the Adams County Welfare Division for said amount, which check will be deposited in the Old Age Assistance Fund, en 68 SUPE VISO 11 s ECO D No. 16 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, there is an Old Age Assistance Lien filed against certain real property with the following legal description towit: Lots 7-6-9, Block 1, Mecham and Armitage addition in Adams County, Kenesaw, Nebraska in favor of Adams County, Nebraska for Old Age Assistance payments paid to William E. Redman and Eda Redman, and WHEREAS, the lien filed on said property for Old Age Assistance payments to William E. Redman amount to 412,h0.93 and the lien filed on said property for Old Age Assistance payments to Eda Redman amount to $3,671.80, and WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors finds that the above property's value is not more than 42,100 and that no more than 42100 can be realized by foreclosure on such liens, that said property was sold and 41,901.47 was realized after expenses and that full value of the property was received, and WHEREAS, there are two checks in the hands of the Adams County Welrare Division for said amount, which checks will be deposited in the Old Age Assistance l'und, and WHEREAS, as William E. Redman has requested that V250 be retained from the sale of said real estate for burial expenses before satisfying the Old' Age Assistance Liens, and that the 02_50 burial fund is to be deposited in the Adams County Bank of Kenesaw, Nebraska, in the name of William E. Redman and Clifford Hazelbarth, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be directed to release and discharge said Old Age Assistance Lien from said property and it is further considered and resolved that the Adams CLunty Board approves the $250 burial fund allowable to William E. Redman and Clifford Hazelbarth. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, there is an Old Age Assistance Lien filed against certain real property with the following legal description, to -wit: Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, Block 11, Prosser, Nebraska and Lots 17 and 18, Block 12, Prosser, Nebraska in favor of Adams County, Nebraska for Old. Age Assistance payments made to George Halte, and WHEREAS, the Adams County Board of Supervisors have fixed the value of each said lot at $25 the property value of said lots is not worth more than $200 and no more than $200 be realized by foreclosure on such lien, and WHEREAS, there are two checks amounting to two hundred (4)200) in the hands of the Adams County welfare Division for said amount, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of Adams County,Nebraska, be directed to release and discharge said Old Age Assistance Lien from said property, 11°11 call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Mackie, that the,following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL Acne Printing Company Adams County Extension Service Adams Hardware Co. Anderson, Sheriff Robert Augistine Company Bancroft -Whitney Co. Bee Printing. Co. Bert's Drug Store Borley Storage & Transfer Business Supply Co. Clerk of District Court Commerce Clearing House Inc. County Assessor County Clerk Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. DeLaet, Joan Department of Information U of N. Dier, E. L. Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Eastman Kodak Stores Gibson Products L'o. Grace's -pike & Key hhop Guarantee Electric -o. Haberman's of Hastings Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter o. Hastings Utilities Haverly, County Judge Harry C. Haynes & Campany, Justin H. Haynes & Company, Justin H. Knight, hobert G. Kohl, Insurance Adam D. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Mary Lanning Hospital Midwest Communication Service Inc. Modern Linen Supply Modern Office Methods Mulford, Fred Omaha Printing Co. Inc. Co. 6upplies Revolving fund Supplies Matron fee, Laundry, Food, Mileage Supplies Books Supplies Freight Supplies State cases, Mental Illness Supplies Postage, Assessors school Postage, Box Rent Credit service Mileage PosGage, Supplies Vital Statistics Supplies Supplies Supplies 'upplies Keys Supplies Bulbs Publishing, Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities State cases Appraisal Service Appraisal Services Reporting Bond Telephone service Professional services Supplies Mop.service Supplies Mileage, Meals Supplies 636.85 6.71 6.56 716.76 168.10 22.50 22.25 13.90 2.65 114.18 386.21 45.00 45.00 30.62 27.00 84.33 123.75 165.50 18.76 88.dh 73.60 10.62 7.50 23.56 2.50 W16.71 87.65 160.04 1553.82 105.26 5000.00 5000.00 34.50 16.00 426.33 2.00 22.60 7.50 19.45 97.70 24.69 SUPE )1'\' VISO ECO D No, 16 69 Rucker, Morland Russell, Harry F. Schafer Printing Co. Schaffroth, Register Deeds Fred O. Scott, F. R. Shepard's Citations Inc. Smith Disposal Service Ted Stephenson School Supply Co. Swearingen, J. R. Taedter, Ruth Taylor, Clerk District Temple, Howard lhomas, Ray L. Vaughans Printers. Inc. Williams Exterminating co. York Medical Laboratories Yost, Co. Treas, C. G. Court Bernard, ROAD FUND Augustin Implement Co. Block, Bruce Clarke Oil Company Consumers Public PowerDisu.oict Dutton-Lainson Company Fairs Repair shop Farmers Union Co-Opi Gas & Oil Firestone Stores Friend Motor Supplies Gentert, Charles O. Glenwood Telephone Membership Corp. Hastings Battery & Electric Co. Inc. Hastings Utilities Hohlen, Fred Home Oil Service Island Supply Co. Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kenesaw Oil Co. Kenesaw Telephone 0. Kents Parts & Equipment Co. Kerr Chevrolet co. Laird Motors Lenhart Service Lilley Sand & Gravel Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment 'o. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Mann, A. H. Messer co. L. J. Minnesota Mining & Mfg Co. Modern Linen Supply Co. Mousel, Virgil Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co. Pittz Service Roeder, Dennis Rural Gas Utilities Schifferns Service Sherman Service Center Inc. Sidles Company Sime, JA. J. Smiat, John Smith & -Sons, S. E. Smith & Sons, S. E. Southern Nebr. Rural Public Power Trupp, Adam VOntz, L. J. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply co. Witt, Pamela Zubies Service BRIDGE Industrial Irrigation Service Motley, Alvin Rief,Henry Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Mile age Lunche s Services as Attorney Supplies Supplies, Postage Test Renewal Subscription Disposal Books, Supplies Bailiff Bailiff postage, Supplies Mileage Salary Supplies Spraying Test Box Rent, Mileage Supplies Rivet machine Gas, Oil, Diesel Utilities supplies Repairs, Supplies Gas, Diesel, Oil Supplies, Repairs SuppLies Salary Telephone service Supplies Utilities Salary Gas, Diesel Tractor Utilities Gas, Diesel Telephone service Supplies Repairs Supplies Gas Gravel Supplies Supplies Telephone Snow fence Supplies Signs Shop towels Salary Supplies Gas, Diesel, Salary Supplies Gas, Diesel, Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel Salary Supplies Supplies Utilities Repairs Gravel Culverts, Salary Gas, Supplies service Repairs Supplies Supplies FUND Supplies Salary Salary Supplies SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND Adams County. H & M Equipment Co. Lilley Sand & Gravel Vontz, L. J. Vontz, L. J. Vontz, L. J. Werner Construction Inc. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Albright, Dixie May 1q11c41.•nrmin Mrla V4virri-r,4,n Patrol Miles, Labor Armour coat, Gravel Gravel Gravel Gravel Gravel Oil Supplies COUNTY LIBRARY Salary • 90.22 100.00 81.16 2.65 1M.00 40.00 12.00 501.08 88.00 16.00 15.66 68.06 284.70 56.21 5.00 10.00 12.52 36.14 33.00 322.37 1.27 11.30 11.74 208.70 80.75 11.11 203.85 15.1.2 14.61 7.75 202.50 108.4d 101.84 4.00 155.74 15.46 13.57 3.00 61.98 239.35 192.00 169.91 107.42 31.75 36.00 14.70 90.80 5.58 297.00 20.56 527.92 70.50 21.71 72.68 12.12 118.51 93.15 25.49 16.62 6.20 37.00 141.00 )129.71 67.50 18.27 46.44 108.00 399.00 600.06 2066.00 251.80 1457.58 520.20 713.80 2511.00 2337.26 1486.80 .50.00 nrt 70 SUPE 1" VISO S ECO I\ D No, 16 MpNair, Mrs. Klyoe Parks, Miss Arlene Redinger, Mrs. Bonnie Jean Sanford, Mrs. Dorothy Shiffler, Mrs. Dorothy Dewey Dutton-Lainson Co. Fast Construction Co. Guarantee Electric Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. IBM Corporation Leach-Heusser Agency Cosgrove, Madelyn Dean, Dr. E. J. Duthie, Eva B. Hernsen, Dr. P. J. Larkin,Perry O. Pearson, Naomi Royer, Margaret F. Vasey, Ruby Weber, Dr. C. R. Weber, Dr. C. R. Welch, Dr. George L. Whitcomb, Audrey Yost, Dr. John U. Salary Salary Salary Salary Cataloger ERECTION & REPAIR FUND Supplies Name Plates Contract Bookcase Typewriter Supervision STATE FUNDS MEDICAL, Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Brand Mortuary Brommer Dispensary Inc. Livingston -Butler- Volland Funeral Home Orthopedic Brace 'o. Berg, County Clerk Enna Bi -Lo Market Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Foote, Dr. D. B. Hastings Typewriter o. Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Larkin -Perry 0. Larkin -Director Perry O. Larkin -Director Perry O. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Safeway Stores Safeway Stores University Hospital Walter, Mrs. Marjorie Yeagley, Mannion F. Sr. SURGICAL Mileage Medical care Mileage Medical care Mileage Mileage Mileage Mile,ge Medical care Medical care Medical care Mileage Medical care & HOSPITAL Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Ambulance service Glasses Ambulance service Brace GENERAL RELIEF This Board will now recess subject to the Postage Staple food Supplies Services Professional call Supplies Utilities Staple food Staple food Staple food Nile age Revolving fund Postage Telephone service Staple food Staple food Examination Board & Room Rent call of the Chairman of the County Board )4, COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, October 22, 1964. 10:00 o'clock A. M. 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 86.33 128.42 27.17 7000.00 450.00 414.00 100.00 3.36 7.50 3.20 4.00 9.22 4.64 10.d0 10.96 7.50 15.00 15.00 12.32 7.50 3100.24 172.31 925.82 450.15 5.00 24.50 11.50 21.65 35.98 0.00 74.59 4.00 5.50 12.03 6.5o 30.00 30.00 60.00 22.90 11.87 65.00 99.61 25.00 24.00 5.25 10.00 250.00 of Supervisors Chairman Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of October 6, 1964. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Theobald, that the following claims be allowed on their respectiv fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams County Agricultural Extension Office Expense Clerk of District Court Office Expense 622.90 919.80 SUPE VISO D No. 16 County Superintendent County Treasurer Anderson, Lauren K. Brungard, Tilly Ann Hawes, Corinne D. Moeller, Julia Mulford, Fred 6eballoz, Micheal Register of Deeds Veterants Service Highway Department Bridge Department Larkin, Director Perry This Board will now 0. recess Office Expense OffiCe Expense Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense ROAD FUND Saiaries BRIDGE FUND Salaries STATE FUNDS Office Expense subject to the call of the Chairman 657.27 1937.50 74.38 24u.00 150.0o 36.12 425.0o 450.00 787.50 787.50 8095.00 970.00 3925.00 of the County Board of Supervisors. iL Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, November 6, 1964. 10:oo b'clock A.M. tiegular meeting of the Adams °aunty Board of Supervisors met as per recess of October 22, 1964. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobala, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Mackie, that the Bonds or James Peterson, Justice of the Peace, Wanda Township and Edna Smith, Assistant Assessor, Leonard J. Meredith, Assistant Assessor and Hazel E. Menzie, Assistant Assessor be accepted and placed on fiie. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Kidd, that the following Miscellaneous the Supervisor's Record. Roll call, ail voted aye. Motion carried. 3)119 State Treas- State Assistance 3450 United States Treasury Co. Co. Lincoln Tel & Tel Co. Harry C. Haverly, County Judge Neva W. Wolfe Adolph Kalvoda John C. Stein Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haveriy, Harry C. Haverly, Emma Berg, County Harry C. Haverly, County Judge Grace bimpson, Justice of Peace Harry Haveriy, County Judge Cortland Bombeck itate Treas- Gas lax Dist. state Treas- Gas Tax Dist. 3474 otate Treas- Gaff Tax Dist. 3475 Adams L0, weliare Dept. 3476'Adams Co. Weliare Dept. 3477 llonald R. Harpham 314.78George Halte 3479 Fred O. Schaffroth, Register Deeds 3480 Emma Berg, County Clerk 3481 County Clerk, Emma Berg 3482 Mrs. M. E. Mixkelsen 3483 Zora R. Jagger 3484 Clerk oi District uourt 3485 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 3486 Hsrry C. Haverly, County Judge 3451 Lincoln Tel & Tel 34_52 Lincoln Tel & Tel 3453 3454 3455 3456 3457 3458 3459 314.60 3461 -3462 3463 3464 3465' 3466 3467 3468 3469 347o• 3471 3472 3473 County County County County County County County County County Clerk Judge Judge Judge Judge Judge Judge Judge Judge Judge 322.67 690.00 3.41 1.78 4.28 1851.00 565.75 6.00 4.50 50.00 1433.41 50.00 40.00 40.00 10.00 50.00 50.00 200.00 100.00 50.00 80.00 l000.54 31.83 9779.92 3363.50 12,169.17 1651.47 961.60 8,o.00 200.00 873.00 157.50 582.50 232.46 23e.46 423.00 70.00 10.00 Receipts be made a part of 3494 Harry 0. Haverly, County Judge 100.00 3495 Harry 0. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 3496 Special Mail Route 2066.00 3497 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 3100.24 3498 Medica, Surgical & Hospital 172.31 3499 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 925.82 3,500 Medical, Surgical e'(; Hospital 450.15 3501 Grace •°impson, Justice of Peace 109.75 3502 Grace SimpsonlJusticecf Peace 70.00 3503 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 25.00 3504 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 30.00 3505 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 61.63 3506 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 302.94 3507 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 3508 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 3509 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 25,00 3510 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 60.00 3511 Telephone Office 7.85 3512 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 25.00 3513 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 3514 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 3515 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 3516 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 3517 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 3518 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 3519 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 3520 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 3521 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 3522 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 3523 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 15.00 35214. Harry t. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 3525 Void 3526 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 100.00 3527 Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. 13.36 3528 Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. 8.87 3529 Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co 12.77 3530 Lincoln Telephone & Teleg o.. 47.26 35,31 State Treas- State Asst. Fund 327.38 72 SUPE VISO S 1" ECO D No. 16 Motion by Kidd, seconded by L'oble, Attorney, Judge, Car Titles, Clerk Soil & Water Conservation District Motion carried. that the reports of the Adams County Nursing Home, County District Court, County Clerk, Register of Deeds, Adams Co. be accepted and placed on file. R911 call, all voted aye. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, the Holstein Public School has on hand in the office of the County Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska funds collected by resson of School Dist. No. 11-R Bond issue: and, WHEREAS, all of said bonds outstanding have been fully paid; and, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be instructed to transfer any and all such monies to the presently established Sihking Fund of School District R-11 as soon as they are collected. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Theobald, that the County Treasurer be instructed to refund te Philomena Swigle the amount of $64.80 due to a clerical error by County Assessor. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, sec nded by Theobaid, that the Board accept the low bid of '760.00 of Omaha Printing Company for Assessor's supplies and low bia of Bee Printing Company of '29.10 for letterheads. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Lightner, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there are Old Age Assistance Liens filed against certain real property with the following legal description to wit: South 50 feet of Lot 138, Railroad Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska in favor of Adams County, Nebraska for Old Age Assistance payments paid to Henry Schutte and Elizabeth Schutte, husband and wife, and WHEREAS, the lien filed on said property for Old Age Assistance payments to Henry Schutte amount to 075.00 and the lien filed on said property for Old Age Assistance payments to Elizabeth Schutte amount to $37.20, and WHEREAS, there is a check for 0112.20 in the hands of the Adams County Treasurer's Office for said amount, which check will be deposited in the Old Age Assistance fund, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska be directed to release and discharge said Old Age Assistance Liens filed in. Book 173, Page 9 & 10 of the Mortgage Records of Adams County, Nebraska, from said property, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Mackie, that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisor's sign County Assessor Tax list correction slips Nots 4349 tO )1)111 Inc. Roll call, all voted -aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Mackie, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, al voted Motion carried. Arcadia Press, Inc. Acme Printing Co. Adams Hardware Co. Anderson, Sheriff Robert Augustine Company Berger Anderson Co. Inc. Brock, County Attorney on Business Supply Co. Clerk of District Court Connolly, William M. Cornhusker Press County Assessor County Clerk County Supt. County Supt. Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc. DeLaet, Joan Department of Information U of N. Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Eastman Kodak Stores Inc. Election Payroll Extension Service Gangwish, Glenn Gant Publishing Co. Grace -Lee Products Inc. Haberman's of Hastings Hammond & Stephens Co. Harrenstein,J. B. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Haverly, County Judge Harry Haynes & Co. Justin H. Rnithnlict 111-rwia Un_ c. GENERAL FUND Supplies Supplies Supplies Matron fee, Laundry, Supplies Supplies Mileage Supplies State cases, Mental Illness Mileage Supplies Mileage, Dues, School Supplies Mileage Postage, Dues Services Mileage Postage Scale Supplies Supplies Payroll Revolving fund Mileage Subscription Supplies Supplies Books Elebtion help Publishing Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Utilities State cases, Postage Appraisal services aYe • 16.15 156.30 1.40 Food, Mileage 1312.74 643.39 14.85 21.20 69.52 369.25 6.00 20.29 91.73 8.00 54.96 35.00 8..5o 14.25 1.71 25.14 31.45 13._42 488648 17.31 6.84 36.00 546', 28.85 110.84 13.75 2224.66 18.80 535.88 931.14 900.02 35.85 5000.00 SUPE VISO 1111\) S 11 ECO 11' D No. 16 73 Modern Office Methods Mulford, Fred Nebraska State Librarian Neeman, Geo. Northwestern University Traffic Institute Pittsburgh Plate Glass ;o4. Polk & Co. R. T.J. Postmaster Recordak Corp. Redfield & Company Inc. Reis, Franklin Rogers T V & Appliance Rucker, Morland Schafer Printing Co. Scott, F. R. Shepard's Citations, Inc. Sinclair Manifold Products Smith Disposal Service Ted Spielman, LaRita Stimbert, Carl T. Strasburg, Wayne Swearingen, J. R. Taedter, Ruth Temple, Howard Thomas, Ray L. Thomas, Ray L. United Chemical Company Inc. Wagner, Loyd R. Whiting, Mrs. George Wickman Bookbinding Co. Williams Exterminating Co. York Medical Laboratories Augustin Implement Co. Bee Line Motor Freight Inc. Bourg, Louis A. Champlin's Service Clarke Oil Co. Inc. Clarke Oil Co. Inc. Consumers Public Power District Dutton-Lainson Co. Farmers Union L'o-Op. Gas & Oil Firestone Stores Friends Motor Supply General Supply Gentert, Charles 0. Glenwood Telephone Mmbership Corp. Hageman Hardware Co. Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Utilities Hilltop Garage Hohlen, Fred Home Oil Service Hueske Implement Co. Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kenesaw Oil Co. Kents Parts & Equipment Kerr Chevrolet 0o. Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Co. Linoln Telephone & Teleg McRoberts Industries Mack, E.r1 Messer o. L. J. Modern Linen Supply Morris Paint Co. Mouse!, Virgil Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Paper Calmenson & Company Pittz Service Ready Mix Concrete Co. Schifferns Service Sherman Service Center Inc. Sidles Company Sinclair Refining Co. Smidt, John S. Smith & Sons, S. E. Sime, A. J. Southern Nebr. Rural iublic Power Tjarks, Henry F. T - L Irrigation Co. Vontz, L. J. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wilber Service Inc. Bill St'ECIAL ROAD FUND Supplies Mileage, Meals Supplies Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Postage Supplies Supplies Mileage Repair Mileage Supplies Test Subscription Supplies Disposal service Salary Salary Mileage Bailiff Bailiff Mileage Mileage Salary Supplies Examinations Mileage Books rebound Service Test Repairs, Supplies Freight Saw Gas Gas, Repairs Gas, Oil Utilities Supplies Gas, Diesel, Grease Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Telephone service Supplies Supplies Utilities Repairs Salary Gas Supplies Utilities Gas, Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas Supplies Telephone service Supplies Supplies Supplies Shop towels Supplies Salary Repairs Blades Gas, Oil Supplies Gas, Repair Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel Salary Supplies Gas, Diesel Utilities Snow fence Supplies Gravel Supplies Supplies, Repairs MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND 1.60 92.93 7.75 52.00 7.40 105.00 12.00 500.00 598.53 135.42 8.40 4.00 57.28 191.21 17.50 25.00 52.50 12.00 6860 78.00 7.76 80.00 8.00 40.72 19.52 274.95 21.05 65.00 2.00 1945.25 5.00 10.00 49.95 2.65 25.00 54.92 136.33 119.119 1.00 52.74 107.65 986.80 41.22 407.40 237.60 14.12 14.15 14.97 24.04 5.50 166.00 56.17 12.85 2.60 680.62 279.149 4.62 150.33 152.56 31.99 36.00 19.66 6.35 67.00 264.00 10.28 3416.00 361.85 250.00 21.25 41.05 2.32 400.95 176.85 5.70 250.15 36.13 50.00 53.43 334.40 986.30 43.26 74 SUPE VISO S ECO D No. 16 Albright, Dixie May Bus boom, Virginia Ernst, Mrs. Waunetta B. Gangwish, Mrs. Anna Gaylord Bros. Inc. Gaylord Bros. Inc. Hastings Public Library Kindig, Mrs. Margaret McNair, Mrs. Klyoe Parks, Miss Arlene Redinger, Mrs. Bonnie Jean Sanrord, Mrs. Dorothy Sapsis Inc, Perc B. Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey Tarten Book Sales White, Frank Anderson Bros. Plumbing & Heating Hastings Mattress Co. Henningson, Durham & Richardson Henningson, Durham & Richardson Acme Printing Co. Berg, County Clerk Emma Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Duthie, Eva B. Foote, Dr. C. M. Guiidner, Dr. C. W. Hoffmeister, Dr. George IBM Corporation Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Larkin -Director Perry O. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McNeill, Dr. L. S. Pearson, Naomi Pinney, Dr. George Royer, Margaret F. Rutt, Dr. F. J. Vasey, Ruby Whitcomb, Audrey Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Anderson, Dr. Wesley City Optical Service East Side Drugs Livingston-Butler-Volland Nebraska Ambulance Service Orthopedic Brace Co. liedfield Pharmacy COUNTY LIBRARY Salary &lary Salary Salary Books Books Library service Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Books Library cataloger Books Mileage ERECTION & REPAIR FUND STATE FUNDS MEDICAL, Contract Mattresses Architectural engineering Architectural engineering Supplies Postage Supplies, Repairs Services Mileage Examination Medical care Medical care Maintenance Agreement Medical care Postage Telephone service Medical care Mileage Medical care Mileage Medical care Mileage Mileage SURGICAL & HOSPITAL GENERAL Bi -LO Market Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Larkin -Director Perry 0, Larkin,Perry O. Safeway Stores Yeagley, Sr Marmion F. This Board will now recess subject to the call of aunty Deputy Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Lenses Lenses Medical supplies Ambulance service Ambulance service Brace Medical supplies RELIFF Staple food Advertising Utilities Staple food Revolving fund Mileage Staple food Rent the uhairman of the County Board a-e).iL 50.00 30.00 40.00 30.00 16.95 19.00 250.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 10.83 88.33 39.50 26.24 18,000.00 308.00 631.25 757.50 13.15 30.12 39.70 4..50 10.24 2.50 7.50 3.00 35.00 7.50 50.00 45.50 7.50 5.60 7.00 8.48 15.00 10.32 6.16 914.97 257.84 763.33 2b21.31 24.00 17.00 5.23 17.50 10.00 7.50 1.19 20.00 30.48 6.64 165.00 11.30 5.84 140.00 250.00 of Supervisors. Cha rman 1 SUPERVISO s ECO I) No. 16 75 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, November 17, 1964. 930 otclock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors net as per recess of November 6, 1964. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roil call, members present: Goble, Kidd, 1,ightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngbood and Hoagland. Motion by Goble, seconded by Youngblood, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: BE IT RESOLVED, That the County goard of Supervisors sell to Roseland Cooperative Grain Company, Roseland, Nebraska for the exchange of lots, the following described property: Lots 13 and 14, Block 18, Original Town, Village of Roseland, Adams County, Nebraska which was bid in by the county on the county tax certificate foreclosure sale; and that the chairman of the County Board be hereby authorized to execute and deliver a quit claim deed to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors , / Chairman County eputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, November 17, 1964. 9 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per mailed notices. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood, and Hoagland. No action as to assessments were taken. That this Board of Equalization will now recess until. November 18, 1964, 9 o'clock A.M. Board recess. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, November 18, 1964. 9 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of November 17, 1964. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, and Hoagland. Absent Youngblood. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Kidd, that the assessments as set by the County Assessor be accepted as follows: - The Nebraska Book Company, Tangible Valuation be raised from $5835 to $7775.00. The EUB Church and The St. Paul Lutheran Church parsonages at Holstein were found to be used for religious use for 1964 and therefore TAX EXEMPT, Strand Amusement Company that the original figure of equipment as turned in at $3850.00 be acce ed. Carmichael Construction Company, Book Accounts from $41,525.00 to $63870.00, tax $55.86, penalty 500% $279.30, recommend to waive penalty. Fidler Plumbing Company, Accounts Receivable, from nothing to $1320.00, tax $3.30, penalty 500% $16.50, recommend to waive penalty. McKinley & Lanning, Excrow Accounts $5280.00, tax $13.20, penalty 500% $66.00, recommend to waive penalty. Frederick's IGA Store, Kenesaw, Nebr. Intangible A $1660.00, tax $415, penalty 500% $20.75 to report to Tax Commissioner for waiver of penalty. Larmore s Market, Kenesaw, Nebraska, Intangible A $2845.00, tax $7.11, penalty 500% $35.55 to report to Tax Commissioner for waiver of penalty. Schifferns Service, Roseland, Nebr. Intangible A from $2795.00 to $2705.00, tax $6.18, penalty 500% $21.80, recommend to waive penalty. Zubie's Service, Roseland, Nebr. Tangible A $1195.00, tax $3.24, penalty 500% $16.20, to remain as assessed by County Assessor. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. That this Board of Equalization will now adjourn. County Clerk Deputy t- 76 SUPE 1" VIS S ECO 11 D No. 16 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, November 23, 1964. 10"00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of November 6, 1964. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Theobald, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Adams County Agricultural Extension Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Superintendent County Treasurer Brungard, Tilly Ann Hawes, Corinne D. Moeller, Julia Mulford, Fred Seballoz, Micheal Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Highway Department Bridge Department Larkin, Perry 0., Director GENERAL FUND Office Office Office Office Salary Office Office Office Office Office Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Office Office Expense Expense Expense Expense & Mileage Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense ROAD FUND Salaries BRIDGE FUND Salaries STATE FUNDS Office Expense Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Mackie, that the resignation Peace, be accepted as of December 1, 1964. 604.15 961.65 1902.05 1355.40 1749.34 1247.50 1386.40 1400.00 690.00 1826.20 240.00 150.00 34.40 425.00 450.00 787.50 787.50 7773.00 970.00 3925.00 of Grace H. Simpson, Justice of the This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman od the County Board of Supervisors. County C Chairmin COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, December 7, 1964. 10:00 O'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of November 23, 196L. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Youngblood, Juvenile Probation Officer, County Judge, County Clerk, Car Titles and Adams County All voted aye. Motion carried. that the monthly reports of Adams County Library, Clerk of the District Court, Register of :Deeds, Sheriff, Nursing Home be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, following Mouion by Lightner, seconded by Kidd, that the/bonds be approved Justice or the Peace: H. O. Auter Zero Townshipl. Norbert Parr, Roseland Township; Elwyn Anderson, Verona Township; J. R. Heimann, City of Hastings, Assistant Assessor's: -ray Eisele and Ralph Raines, Fownship Treasurers: John Junker, Highland Township; Robert E. Pfeiffer, West Blue Township; Township Clerks: Harold E.Janssen, Blaine Township, Joseph Zubrod, Roseland Township and Lamoine Utecht, West Blue Township; be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Theobald, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisorls record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 3540 U. S. Treasury 3541 Harry C. Haverly, 3542 Harry C. Haverly, 3543 Harry C. Haverly, 35w1 Neva Wolfe v, --- County County County Judge Judge Judge 4000.00 662.00 10.00 906.80 5-52.Th ln nn 3552 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 105.00 3.53 Perry Larkin, Welfare Officer .80 3554 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 150.00 Gene W. Albers 15.00 356 Harry C. Haveriy, County Judge 2000 3555 TT. TT SUPE VISO S ECO D No, 16 3564 Logan Township Treasurer 250.00 3565 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 70.00 3566 Robert Anderson, Sheriff 160.61 3567 Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Ct 481.50 3568 Harry C. Haverly, Couny Judge 47.43 3569 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 3570 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 381.00 3571 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 13.00 3572 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 15.00 3573 Harry C. Haverly, Counuy Judge 10.00 3574 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 40.00 3575 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 25.00 3,776 Special Mail Route 3577 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 3578 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 3579 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 3580 Surgical & Hospital 3581 Haverly, Counuy Judge 3582 Haveriy, County Judge 3583 Haverly, County Judge 3584 Haverly, County Judge 3585 Haverly, County Judge 3586 averly, County Juage 3587 as- State Asst. Fund 3588 as- State Asst. Fund 3589 Haverly, County Judge 3590 Haverly, Couny Judge 3591 Haverly, County Judge 3592 Haverly, County Judge 3593 Haverly, County Judge "!-!-• Medical, Harry C. Harry C. Harry C. Harry C. Harry C. Harry C.H State Tre State Tre Harry C. Harry C. Harry C. Harry C. Harry C. 2152.00 2821.31 763.33 257.84 914.97 122.09 30.00 10.00 100.00 10.00 10.00 52,320.65 977.26 35.00 13.00 5.00 10.00 50.00 3594 Bernard H. Taylor,Clerk Dist Ct 3595 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3596 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3597 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3598 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3599 Grace Simpson,Justice of Perce 3600 Perry O. Larkin -Director 3601 Perry O. Larkin -Director 3602 Harry C. Haverly, County. Judge 3603 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3604 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3605 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3606 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3607 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3608 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3609 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3610 Emma Berg, County Clerk 3611 Emma Berg, County Clerk 3612 Emma Berg, County Clerk 3613 Paule Airnle 3614 &race Simpson, Justice of Peace 3615 Harry C. Haverly, Couny Judge 3616 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3617 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 3618 Harry C.Hnverly, Couny Judge 3619 Mervin Fricke 3620 buate Treas-State Asst. Fund 3621 Grace H. bimpson, Justice of recce 3622 Grace H. Simpson, Justice of Pece Motion by Mackie, seconded by Theobald, that we appoint Joseph R. Heimann Peace to fill the vacany which now exists to serve until ofiice is filled election. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Goble, that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax correction certificates Nots W112 to 4493 Inc. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by iheobald, that we authorize the County Treasurer GO strike from the tax list personal taxes delinuent two or more years in which due diligence has been exercised - on his part for collection in accordance witn Section (7-1926, Compiled Statutes 1929. Roil call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Liightner, that we approve the selection and operation of the dump site known as the Western Brick Yard. Roil call, Ayes: Goble, Kiad, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald and Hoagland, Nay: Youngblooa. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Mackie, that the following Claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 46.o0 11.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 75.00 6.00 356.8o 5.00 10.00 15.0o 10.00 lo.00 10.00 10.00 97.58 163.5o 30.12 595.00 18.75 80.00 10.00 25.00 100.00 10.00 3.00 552.62 50.00 75.00 as Justice or the at the next regular GENERAL Acme Printing Company Adams County Agricultural Extension Adams County Veterans Service Office Adams Hardware Co. Anderson, Sheriff Robert Animal Clinic Bee Printing Company Bittfield, Edwin Book Shop Brock, Don Burroughs Corporation Business Supply Co. Carpenter Paper Co. Clerk of District Court Coast to Coast Stores Connolly, William M. Consolidated Motor Freight Inc. Copple, Russell County Clerk Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc. D. 0. Stamp Service Co. Department of Information U of N. Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Election Payroll- Absent & Disabled Farmers Mutual Insurance to. of America Gamble Robinson Co. Grace's Bike & Key °hop Grace -Lee Products Inc. Green's Orfice Machine Service Haberman's of Hastings Hargleroad Van & Storage Co. Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Haverly, County Judge Harry C. FU ND Supplies Revolving fund Office Expense Supplies Postage, Laundry, Matron fee Autopsy Supplies Bond Supplies Membership fee, Mileage Service agreement Supplies Supplies State cases, Mental Illness Supplies Membership fee, Mileage Freight Mileage Postage, supplies Services Supplies Postage Supplies Supplies Payroll Insurance Supplies Supplied Supplies Services Supplies Delivery Election Booths Suppiies Supplies Utilities State cases el on TT 4 58.50 15.62 600.00 2.57 Food,Mileage 1480.51 10.00 29.10 37.50 6.75 51.45 607.50 45.58 67.39 552.15 1.86 36.50 2.40 3.92 2.51 4.00 2.60 13.27 8.16 9.01 138.75 563.75 26.76 2.65 48.46 25.00 9.6o 155.70 51.45 84.36 1631.20 30.75 ffnnn nn 78 SUPE VISO S ECO D No,. 16 Kelso Chemical Co. McMahon, Stan Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Modern Linen Supply Co. Modern Office Methods Mulford, Fred Nolte & Boesen Insurance Agency Pay Way Feed Mills Inc. Pfeiffer, Kenneth Pitney Bowes Inc. -Redfield & Company, Inc. Rucker, Morland. Safeway Stores # 990 Schafer Printing Company Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace H. Smith Disposal Service, Ted Sorensen, Mrs. Lloyd Spielgan, LaRita Swearingen, J. R. Temple, Howard Thomas, Ray L. Thomas, Ray L. Wickman Bookbinding Co. Williams Exterminating Uo, Yost, Co. Treas C. G. Benjamin Association Edwin D. Clarke Oil Company, Inc. Consumers Public Power District Farmers Union Co -Op Gas & Oil Firestone Stores Fredricks, I. G. A. Friends Motor Supply Gentert, Charles O. Glenwood Telephone Membership Corp. Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Hohlen, Fred Home Oil Service Hueske Implement Co. Island Supply Co. Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kenesaw Oil Co. Kenesaw Telephone Co. Kennedy, Tom Kully Iron & Metal Co. Laux, Robert Lenhart Service Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. McRoberts Industries Messer Co. L. J. Modern Linen Supply Morris Paint & Varnish Uo, Mouse', Virgil Nolte & Boesen Insurance Agency Pittz Service Schilferns Service Sidles Company Sime, A. J. Sinclair Refining Co. Smidt, John Smith & ,ons, S. E. T & L. Irrigation Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Sup,,,dy Zubies Service Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Adams County Lilley Sand & Gravel Co. Vontz, L. J. Albright, Dixie May Book Shop Busboom, Mrs. Virginia Doubleday & Company, Inc. Doubleday & Company, Inc. Ernst, Mrs. Waunetta B. Ganui4lh_ lVb ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND Supplies Mileage Test , Mop Service Supplies Mileage, Meals, Certificate Bond Supplies Mileage Supplies Supplies Mileage Supplies Supplies Cases Disposal service Mileage Salary Bailiff Mileage Salary Mileage Rebind books Services Box Rent Labor Gas, Diesel, Repair Utilities Gas, Diesel, Oil Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Telephone service Supplies Utilities Supplies Salary Gas Supplies Supplies Utilities Gas Telephone service Labor Supplies Snow fence Gas Supplies Supplies Telephone service Supplies Supplies Shop toweis Supplies Salary Insurance Gas, Oil Diesel Diesel, Repair Supplies Gas, Diesel Gas, Diesel Salary Supplies Supplies Culverts, Supplies Gas Supplies SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND Labor, Mail Route Road Gravel Gravel COUNTY LIBRARY Salary Books Salary Books Books Salary 85.15 7.12 2.00 3.75 58.05 72.36 10.00 1.60 2.6o 1.10 2.30 40.o0 42.24 86.90 29.75 12.00 15.48 66.03 4d.00 11.20 232.05 22.08 649.15 5.00 3.30 135.00 90.)46 1.Z-/ 221.55 345.33 2.02 9.10 194.40 14.74 30.89 31.67 5.40 132.00 68.23 18.65 11.13 5.76 90.88 16.32 7.84 2.14.0 35.00 129.40 169.35 631.61 27.55 4.93 36.77 6.148 62.59 252.00 961.45 228.23 80.10 79.1)1 106.33 345.89 108.00 21.61 9.75 399.59 15.53 325.45 1633.5o 428.04 1014.40 50.00 5.35 30.0o 7.00 3.5o 40.00 SUPE VISO 11 S ECO D No. 16 79 Sniffler Mrs. Dorothy Dewey Cataloger ERECTION & REPAIR FUND Anderson Bros Plumbing & Heating Hastings Typewriter Co. International 13usiness Machines Corp. Rossell Rambler Uo. SOLDIER'S Adams County Veterans Service Office Adams Uounty Fair Association Berg, County Clerk Emma Burroughs Cor)oration Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Dean, Dr. E. J. Duthie, Eva B. Kuehn, Dr. Gerald A. Larkin, Perry O. Director Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. McNeill, Dr. L. S. Mastin, Dr. R. L. Pearson, Naomi Pinney, Dr. G. L. Royer, Margaret F. Rutt, Dr. F. J. Vasey, Ruby Wniucomo Audrey Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Brand Mortuary Brommer Dispensary Inc. City Optical Service East Side Drugs Glenn, Dr. Eimer E. Livingston-Butler-Volland Nebraska Ambulance Service PearlOptical Company Redfield Pharmacy Bert's Drug Store Bi -Lo Market Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Hillcrest Lrkin-Director Perry O. Safeway Stores Stop & Shop Thiel's Cafe University Hospital Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. OnContract Cupboard & doors Typewriters Repaint desk & SAILOR'S RELIEF Relief fund COUNTY FAIR' STATE MEDICAL, Premiums & Improvements FUNDS Postage Mechanical service Repairs, Supplies Services Medical care Mileage Medical care Postage Telephone service Medical care Medical Mileage Medical Mileage Medical Mileage Mileage care care care SURGICAL & HOSPITAL GENERAL This Board will now recess subject to the County e k Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Ambulance service Glasses Temples Medical supplies Medical care Ambulance service Ambulance service Frames, Lens Medical supplies RELIEF Mecial supplies Staple food Utilities Staple food Staple food Staple food Revolving fund Staple food Staple food Meals Hospital care Rent 88.33 4839.60 380.00 2178.00 12.50 1000.00 3000.00 36.65 )14.00 63.91 4.00 7.50 5.12 7.50 50.00 44.63 15.00 7.50 4.40 7.50 6.96 7.50 3.20 2.16 3211.87 137.66 373.63 478.41 10.00 17.00 3.00 1.98 10.00 40.0o 10.00 17.00 3.00 42.60 10.00 27.38 160.00 35.00 20.00 11.30 10.00 25.00 25.00 5.25' 250.00 call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. _LL-_-./11e-fr-F---A-e(--- / Chairman 80 SUP ERVISO s ECO D N ®, 16 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, December 22, 1964. 10:00 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of December 7, 1964. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie and Hoagland. Absent: Theobald and Youngblood. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Kidd, that we accept the Acme Printing Company bid of 1000 Business Schedule Forms printed 2 sides with 50 depreciation table sheets printed on heavy card paper for $35.75. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Goble, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Agricultural Extension Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. Cou my Treasurer Daniels, Everett W. Elrod, Laurence Ray Hawes, Corinne D. Moeller, Julia Mulford, Fred Seballoz, Michael Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Postmaster Brungard, Tilly Ann Bridge Department Highway D ep a rtmen t Larkin, Perry 0., Director This Board will now recess subject GENERAL FUND BRIP¢F':, Office Experve Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense Postage Salary FUND Salaries ROAD FUND 631.00 957.60 1881.23 1337.80 1756.54 1291.25 1497.49 1401.50 690.00 2130.00 42.50 20.00 150.00 37.84 425.00 450.00 787.50 787.50 6500.0(0 240.00 970.00 Salaries 7773.00 STATE FUNDS Office Expense to the call of the Chairman of the County County C Deguty k COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, January 6, 1965. 10:00 Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisor's met Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. 3925.00 Board of Supervisors. o'clock A.M. Xhai rman as per recess of December 22, 1965. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Goble, that we approve the appointments made by Harry Haverly,County Judge, of RenaGartner, Clerk of the County Court and Helen M. Blum, Deputy Clerk of the County Court. Roll call, all voted aye.Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that the bonds be approved as follows: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE: Albert Granstrom, Cottonwood Township; Frank Reis, Ayr Township; George Bohlen, Blaine A, SUPE VISO S ECORD No. 16 81 Assessor, Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. Mot on carrie . Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Mackie, that the following resolution be adopted; RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, there is an Old Age Assistance Lien filed in Book 154, page 431, Mortgage records of Adams County, Nebraska against Martha Jones against property described as; Lot 4 Marquis Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska in favor of the State Assistance Fund for Old Age Assistance payments made to Martha Jones in a total amount of $1246.60, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that upon payment of $1246.60 to the County Treasurer, that the Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska be directed to, release and discharge said Old Age Assistance Lien against said lot. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Court, Register of Deeds, Car and Adams County Nursing Home carried. Goble, that the reports of the County Judge, Clerk of the District Titles, County Clerk, County Library, Juvenile Probation Officer be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Motion by Mackie, seconded by Lightner, that the following Miscellaneous of the Supervisor's record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 3623 3624 3625 3626 3627 3628 3629 3630 3631 3632 3633 3634 3635 3636 3637 3638 3639 3640 3641 3642 3643 3644 3645 3646 3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3659 3660 3661 3662 3663 3664 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 3671 3672 3673 3674 Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Juniata Township C. Haverly, C. Haverly, C. Haverly, Harry Harry Harry S. D. County County County County County County County County County County County County County County County County Judge Judge Judge Judge Judge Judge Judge Judge Judge Judge Judge Judge Judge Judge Judge Judge 10.00 100.00 100.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 10.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 10.00 100.00 20.00 250.00 82.00 10.00 31.00 3 R Kenesaw 345,000.00 Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph 6.49 Emma Berg, County Clerk 10.00 State of Nebr., State Treasurer 693.00 State of Nebr., State Treasurer 2026.12 Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Ct 150.00 Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Ct 40.01 Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Ct 133.00 Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Ct 39.65 Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Ct 142.89 Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Ct 38.75 Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Ct 44.23 Neva W. Wolfe 570.00 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 135.85 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 100.00 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 Harry C. Maverly, County Judge 10.00 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 25.00 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 Fred 0. Schaffroth, Reg Deeds 827.25 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 Gray National Service 4.00 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 25.00 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 10.00 Klyoe McNair -Village Clerk 1357.14 State Treas- Gas TaxDistrict 10,914.20 State Treas- Gas Tax District 3363.50 State Treas- Gas Tax Distridt 13,984.01 Equitable Life Assurance Soc. 6.70 Roseland Township 500.00 Village of Holstein 100.00 3675 3676 3677 3678 3679 3680 3681 3682 3683 3684 3685 3686 3687 3688 3689 3690 3691 3692 3693 3694 3695 3696 3697 3698 3699 3700 3701 3702 3703 3704 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710 3711 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 3725 Receipts be made a part Village of Ayr Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, J. R. Heimann, Jus Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, State Treas-Racing State Treas- State County Judge County Judge County Judge tice of Peace County Judge County Judge Commission Asst. Fund 50,004.1 Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Ct Harry C. Haverly, County Judge Harry C. Haverly, County Judge Silver Lake Township J. R. Heimann, Justice Peace Special Mail Route Medical, Surgical & Hospital Medical, Surgical & Hospital Medical, Surgical & Hospital Medical, Surgical & Hospital Federal Land Bank Highland Township Hanover Township Kenesaw Township J. R. Heimann, Justice Peace State Treas-State Assistance Joseph Heimann, Justice Peace U.S.Post, Office,Return Postage Little Blue Township West Blue Township J. R. Heimann, Justice Peace Elmer Uhrmacher, Denver Twp Emma Berg, County Clerk Emma Berg, County Clerk J. R. Heimann, Justice Peace J. R. Heimann, Justice Peace Perry O. Larkin Emma Berg, County Clerk Zero Township Verona Township Harry C. Haverly, County Judge Harry C. Haverly, County Judge R. M. Allen Harry C. Haverly, County Judge J. R. Heimann, Justice Peace J. R. Heimann, Justice Peace State of Nebraska State of Nebraska Blaine Township Ayr Township Harry C. Haverly, County Judge Emma Berg, County Clerk 100.0 952.9 35.0 4e79.1 100.0 25.0 10.0 1473.5 410.0 5.0 10.0 500.0 80.0 1633.5 468.4 373.6 137.6 3211.8 16.7 500.0 500.0 500.0 115.0 300.3 90.0 3.4 500.0 500.0 145.0 500.0 596.0 534.0 75.0 190.0 247.3 36.6 500.0 500.0 536.3 10.0 1246.6 270.6i 100.01 105.01 3997.6 53.0 283.3 500.0 178.5 50.01 Motion by Lightner, seconded by Theobald, that the Inventories be accepted and placed on file as follows: County Assessor, Co. Treasurer, Register of Deeds, County Clerk, County Extension Servic p-ArnIvelt-NY gimpy; ntpndpnt_ County Shot. Sunervisor Dist's 4. 2 & 3: County Judge. County 82 SUPE )'\ VISO s 1' ECO D No. 16 Acme Printing Company Adams Hardware Company Amsterdam Printing & Lito. Corp. Anderson, Sheriff Robert Augustine Company Bancroft -Whitney Co. Bee Line Freight Inc. Bee Printing Company Berg, Emma Brock, County Attorney Don Brock, Don Business Supply Co. Clerk of District Court Coronet Films County Assessor County Clerk County Supt. County Supt. Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Daniels, Everett W. Dan's Pickup & Delivery Dutton-Lainson Co. Ellerbrock-Norris Insurance Agency Grace's Bike & Kay Shop Green's Office Machine Service Guarantee Electric Co. Hammond & Stephens Co. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Haynes & Co. Justin H. Hoagland, Orville International Business Machines Corp. Irons, Fred R. Kidd, C. H. Kohl, Insurance Adam D. Lightnek, Ed Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Lowe, Stephen G. Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Midwest Communication Service Inc. Modern Linen Supply Montgomery Ward Mulford, Fred Pace Products Inc. Peterson, Roy J. Pounds, Elton Priebe Sheet Metal Works Pritchard, Clyde Quinlan Publishing Co. Recordak Corporation Redfield & Company, Inc. Rockwood, C. E. Schafer Printing Co. Schaffroth, Register Deeds Fred O. Science Research Associates Inc. Scott, F. R. Simpson, Grace H. SM H Insurance Agency Stephenson School Supply Co. Story, Roscoe E. Swearingen, J. R. Taylor, Bernard H. Thomas , Ray L. Glenn, Dr. Elmer E. International Business Machines Corp. Thomas, Ray L. Tribune Graphic Arts University of Nebr. Extension Div. Wagner, Loyd R. M.D. West Publishing Co. Williams Exterminating Co. Witt, Lloyd Bachman_ T. _ T. _ GENERAL FUND Supplies Supplies Supplies Postage, Laundry, Food, Mileage Supplies Supplies Freight Supplies Convention expense Postage Association Dues Supplies State cases,=:Mental Illness Rental Agreement Annual dues Assessor Association Postage Convention Expense Mileage Services Salary Delivery service Supplies Bond Keys Repairs Supplies Supplies Supplies Supervisors Proceedings Repairs, Supplies Utilities Appraisal Services Convention expense Supplies Fees Convention expense Bonds Convention expense Telephone service Substitute Judge Test Services Mop service Supplies Mileage, Meals Supplies Preparing bill of exceptions Postage Install Humidifiers Convention expense Subscrip tion Supplies Supplies Bailiff Supplies Box rent Supplies Tests Forms for Court Library Premiums workmen's compensation Supplies Convention expense Bailiff Convention expense Salary Services Maintenance Mileage Supplies Supplies Atiitopsy fees Books Services Convention expense ROAD FUND 148.35 6.00 40.27 2045.06 12.96 33.00 5.35 16.50 50.00 10.00 25.00 86.39 198.70 416.62 3.00 5,70 50.00 33.28 4.00 10.00 2.50 12.72 44.00 8.40 6.50 36.30 109.65 539.13 201.50 368.10 969.88 5000.00 50.00 6.75 100.00 50.00 177.25 20.00 472.99 36.18 2.00 5.00 7.50 18.72 69.18 21.00 86.25 500.00 195.00 19.50 15.00 4.90 18.71 8.00 65.95 2.25 557.95 65.00 25.00 1425.96 51.47 19.95 32.00 50.00 278.85 10.00 70.00 18.80 28.90 371.60 235.00 322.00 5.00 50.00 SUPERVIS ECO 11 D No, 16 83 Eaton Metal Products Corp. Fairs Repair Shop Farmers Union Gas & Oil Co. Firestone Stores Friend's Motor Supply Gentert, Charles Glenwood Telephone Membership Hageman Hardware Co. Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Seat Cover eo. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Heavy Duty Company, Inc. Home Oil Service Hunt's Garage Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Kenesaw Oil Co. Kennedy, Tom Kerr Chevrolet Co. Laird Motors Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McRoberts Industries Messer Co. L. J. Modern Linen Supply Co. Mousel, Virgil Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Parmenter, George Pittz Service Precision Lubricants Co. Schifferns Service Sherman Service Center Sime, A. J. Werner Construction Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Wilber Service Inc. C Co. Co. rP• Dutton-Lainson Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Adams County H & M Equipment Co.. BRIDGE Supp li e5 Repairs Gas, Diesel, Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Telephone service Supplies, Repairs Supplies Repairs Utilities Supplies Supplies Gas Supplies Utilities gas, Diesel, Repairs Mileage Supp lies Supplies Gas Snowplow & Supplies Supplies .Supplies Telephone service Repairs Supplies Shop Towels Salary Supplies Sand for Project S-329(7) Gas Oil Repairs Lubricants Gas, Diesel Repairs Gas, Diesel, Supplies Hot mix Supplies Repairs, Supplies FUND Supplies Supplies SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE. ROAD FUND Albright, Dixie M. Albright, Dixie M. Busboom, Mrs. Virginia Ernst, Mrs. Waunetta B. Gangwish, Mrs. Anna::' Gardner Co. Charles M. Grosset & Dunlap, Inc. Hastings Public Library Houchen Bindery Inc. McNair, Mrs. Klyoe Parks, Miss Aalene Benefic Press Presbyterian Distribution Service Redinger, Mrs. Bonnie Jean Sanford, Mrs. Dorothy Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey Stansbury, Mrs. Florence Equipment rental, Labor Gravel COUNTY LIBRARY, Salary Mileage Salary Salary Salary Books Books Library Service Books Salary Salary Books Books Salary Salary Cataloger Salary ERECTION & REPAIR FUND Burroughs Corporation Fidler Plumbing & Heating, Paul Guarantee Electric Co. Hastings Public Schools Hastings Typewriter Co. International Business Machines Corp. 41 ,, ___ .... Computer •Repairs Repairs, Supplies 'Chairs Office Equipment Typewriters RonA4 nt• fiirni tiurP 104.00 9.35 82.75 336.62 39.61 237.60 12.75 8.95 11.18 30.00 73.77 8.66 6.34 24.58 5.49 36.97 111.58 8.08 5.51 5.37 173.67 1338.19 462.22 243.51 22.00 4.73 29.24 6.01 276.00 14.43 195.60 100.85 67.05 50.18 4.90 70.04 14.40 271.91 293.87 21.44 58.32 1187.00 588.00 50.00 5.44 30.00 40.00 30.00 6.30 50.94 250.00 16.05 30.00 30.00 29.04 3.70 30.00 30.00 88.33 30.00 19,060.00 40.43 420.22 18.00 3704.00 936.00 63.00 84 SUPE VISO s EC D No. 16 Berg, County Clerk Business Supply Co. Cosgrove, Madelyn Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Duthie, Eva B. Larkin -Director Perry 0. Larkin -Director Perry 0. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McNeill, Dr. L. S. Pearson, Naomi Royer, Margaret Rutt, Dr. F. J. Vasey, Ruby Weber, Dr. C. R. Welch, Dr. George L. Whitcomb, Audrey Yost, Dr. John G. Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Brand Mortuary Brooke & Son Central Park Pharmacy Livingston=Butler-Volland Funeral Pearle Optical Co. Bi -Lo Market Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Larkin -Director Perry 0. Larkin -Director Perry 0. Livingston-Butler-Volland Safeway Stores Safeway Stores Schifferns Service Station Stop & Shop Market Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. This Board will now recess subject STATE FUNDS Postage Supplies Mileage Services Medical care Mileage Postage Mileage Telephone service Medical care Mileage Mileage Medical care Mileage Medical care Medical care Mileage Medical care MEDICAL, SURGICAL & HOSPITAL Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Ambulance service Medical supplies Medical supplies Ambulance service Lenses GENERAL RELIEF Staple food Utilities Staple food Staple food Staple food Revolving fund Mileage Burial Staple food Staple food Fuel oil Staple food RenC' to the call of the Chairman 30.42 43.75 1.36 4.00 7.50 10.00 50.00 51.36 43.69 7.50 4.24 14.40 7.50 13.28 7.50 7.50 6.00 7.50 517.78 266.68 243.03 3220.26 5.00 31.86 4.75 79.50 30.00 30.00 37.84 100.00 120.00 80.00 7.50 51.36 150.00 30.00 23.00 15.`00' 30.00 250.00 of the County Board of Supervisors Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 12, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Statutory meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of January 6, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland, Absent: Mackie. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Theobald, that there is not more unfinished business and that the Board now adjourn sine die. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD At 10;15 o'clock A. M. the meeting was called by the County Clerk with the following members Present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. The Adams County Board of Supervisors will now proceed to appoint a temporary Chairman. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Goble, that C. H. Kidd be appointed temporary Chairman. Roll call, all Amtpd ave+. Mnf-- nr, nar - eA