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Supervisors Rec 16 1965
SUPERVISO lt s ECO 1' D No. 16 83 Eaton Metal Products Corp. Fairs Repair Shop Farmers Union Gas & Oil Co. Firestone Stores Friend's Motor Supply Gentert, Charles Glenwood Telephone Membership Corp. Hageman Hardware Co. Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Seat Cover co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Heavy Duty Company, Inc. Home Oil Service Hunt's Garage Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Kenesaw Oil Co. Kennedy, Tom Kerr Chevrolet Co. Laird Motors Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McRoberts Industries Messer Co. L. J. Modern Linen Supply Co. Mousel, Virgil Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Parmenter, George Pittz Service Precision Lubricants Co. Schifferns Service Sherman Service Center Sime, A. J. Werner Construction Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Wilber Service Inc. Dutton-Lainson Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Adams County H & M Equipment Co., Supplies Repairs Gas, Diesel, Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Telephone service Supplies, Repairs Supplies Repairs Utilities Supplies Supplies Gas Supplies Utilities Gas, Diesel, Repairs Mileage Supplies Supplies Gas Snowplow & Supplies Supplies Supplies Telephone service Repairs Supplies Shop Towels Salary Supplies Sand for Project S-329(7) Gas Oil Repairs Lubricants Gas, Diesel Repairs Gas, Diesel, Supplies Hot mix Supplies Repairs, Supplies BRIDGE FUND Supplies Supplies SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND Equipment rental, Labor Gravel Albright, Dixie M. Albright, Dixie M. Busboom, Mrs. Virginia Ernst, Mrs. Waunetta B. Gangwish, Mrs. Anna.;;: Gardner Co. Charles M. Grosset & Dunlap, Inc. Hastings Public Library Houchen Bindery Inc. McNair, Mrs. Klyoe Parks, Miss Aalene Benefic Press Presbyterian Distribution Service Redinger, Mrs. Bonnie Jean Sanford, Mrs. Dorothy Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey Stansbury, Mrs. Florence COUNTY LIBRARY Salary Mileage Salary Salary Salary Books Books Library Service Books Salary Salary Books Books Salary Salary Cataloger Salary ERECTION & REPAIR FUND Burroughs Corporation Fidler Plumbing&Heating, Paul Guarantee Electric Co. Hastings Public Schools Hastings Typewriter Co. International Business Machines Corp. 73., ., ,.1 1 Computer Repairs Repairs, Supplies Chairs Office Equipment Typewriters n-- ,.. ,. « .. r--- 104.00 a....... �. 104.00 9.35 82.75 336.62 39.61 237.60 12.75 8.95 11.18 30.00 73.77 8.66 6.34 24.58 5.49 36.97 111.58 8.08 5.51 5.37 173.67 1338.19 462.22 243.51 22.00 4.73 29.24 6.01 276.00 14.43 195.60 100.85 67.05 50.18 4.90 70.04 14.40 271.91 293.87 21.44 58.32 1187.00 588.00 50.00 5.44 30.00 40.00 30.00 6.30 50.94 250.00 16.05 30.00 30.00 29.04 3.70 30.00 30.00 88.33 30.00 19,060.00 40.43 420.22 18.00 3704.00 936.00 /_ 7 net 84 SUPE VISO 1' s 1" EC �0 l D No. 6 Berg, County Clerk Business Supply Co. Cosgrove, Madelyn Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Duthie, Eva B. Larkin -Director Perry 0. Larkin -Director Perry 0. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McNeill, Dr. L. S. Pearson, Naomi Royer, Margaret Rutt, Dr. F. J. Vasey, Ruby Weber, Dr. C. R. Welch, Dr. George L. Whitcomb, Audrey Yost, Dr. John G. Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Brand Mortuary Brooke & Son Central Park Pharmacy Livingston=Butler-Volland Funeral Pearle Optical Co. Bi -Lo Market Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Larkin Director Perry 0. Larkin -Director Perry O. Livingston-Butler-Volland Safeway Stores Safeway Stores Schifferns Service Station Stop & Shop Market Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. This Board will now recess subject STATE FUNDS Postage Supplies Mileage Services Medical care Mileage Postage Mileage Telephone service Medical care Mileage Mileage Medical care Mileage Medical care Medical care Mileage Medical care MEDICAL, SURGICAL & HOSPITAL Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Ambulance service Medical supplies Medical supplies Ambulance service Lenses GENERAL RELIEF Staple food Utilities Staple food Staple food Staple food Revolving fund Mileage Burial Staple food Staple food Fuel oil Staple food Rent' to the call of the Chairman of the County Board 30.42 43.75 1.36 4.00 7.50 10.00 50.00 51.36 43.69 7.50 4.24 14.40 7.50 13.28 7.50 7.50 6.00 7.50 517.78 266.68 243.03 3220.26 5.00 31.86 4.75 79.50 30.00 30.00 37.84 100.00 120.00 80.00 7.50 51.36 150.00 30.00 23.00 15.00' 30.00 250.00 of Supervisors Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 12, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Statutory meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of January 6, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland, Absent: Mackie. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Theobald, that there is not more unfinished business and that the Board now adjourn sine die. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD At 10;15 o'clock A. M. the meeting was called by the County Clerk with the following members .resent: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. The Adams County Board of Supervisors will now proceed to appoint a temporary Chairman. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Goble, that C. H. Kidd be appointed temporary Chairman. Roll call, SUPEJ' VISO 8 1' ECO D N o, 16 85 An informal ballot was ordered and the Chairman appointed Theobald and Goble, as tellers with results as follows: Hoagland, Five; Lightner, Two. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Goble, that we suspend all rules and by unamious vote Orville Hoagland be declared duly appointed permanent Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors for the year 1965. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Theobald, that we proceed to take an informal ballot for the appointment of a Vice-chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors for the year 1965. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. An informal ballot was ordered and the Chairman appointed Theobald and Goble as tellers with results as follows: Lightner, four; Theobald; two and Kidd,one. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that we suspend all rules and by unamious vote Ed Lightner be delcared duly appointed Vice-chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors for the year 1965. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Goble, that the Hastings Daily Tribune be designated as the County official paper for the year 1965. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Kidd, that we approve the following named banks as county depositories- First National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska; City National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska; Hastings State Bank, Hastings, Nebraska; Adams County Bank, Kenesaw, Nebraska; Roseland State Bank, Roseland, Nebraska; also, that we approve the securities posted by the following banks First National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska U. S. Treasury Bonds an d Notes, amount $640.000.00; City National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska, U. S. Treasury Bonds and Notes, amount $592,000.00; Hastings State Bank, Hastings, Nebraska, U. S. Treasury Bills and Notes, amount $200,000.00; Adams County Bank, Kenesaw, Nebraska, U. S. Treasury Notes, amount $30,000.00; Roseland State Bank, Roseland, Nebraska, U. S. Treasury Notes, amount $25,000.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Kidd, that we consent to the County Treasurer to deposit up to 100% of the Capitol Stock and surplus in any of the depository banks named, said deposits to be protected by the bonds as required by law. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 11:20 o'clock A. M. the Chairman announced the following committees: FINANCE: A. J. Theobald, Chairman, Ed Lightner and C. H. "Bill" Kidd. ROADS AND BRIDGES: C. H. "Bill" Kidd, Chairman Dist 2; Orville Hoagland, Chairman Dist. 3; Gaylord Goble, Chairman Dist. 4; ROAD AND BRIDGE SUPPLIES: Tires, Grease, Oil and Repairs, Gaylord Goble, Chairman, Ed Lightner, C. H."Bill" Kidd and Orville Hoagland; COURTHOUSE BUILDING AND GROUNDS: Rex Haberman, Chairman, M. J. Youngblood and Ed Lightner. COURTHOUSE SUPPLIES AND COUNTY LAW LIBRARY: M. J. Youngblood, Chairman, Gaylord Goble and Rex Haberman. COUNTY INSURANCE: C. H. "Bill" Kidd, Chairman, Gaylord Goble and A. J. Theobald. ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME: Ed Lightner, Chairman, A. J. Theobald and Rex Haberman. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: A. J. Theobald, Representative. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervi ors Board recess. CC, z6 /Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, January 22, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisor's met as per recess of January 12, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Goble, seconded by Kidd, that we purchase from Lincoln Equipment Co. two No. 12 Caterpillar Motor Graders with V -Type Balderson Snow Plow for $37,800.00 and trade in of one 1949 Caterpillar Motor Grader and one 1953 Adams Motor Grader. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion,by Lightner, seconded by Goble, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams County Agricultural Extension Office Expense Clerk of District Court Office Expense 599.15 891.45 86 SUPE VISO 1 �Y s 1' �E CO 1'1 D N o, 16 County Supt. County Treasurer Brungard, Tilly Ann Buckner, Velma L. Hawes, Corinne D. Hohlfeld, Gust E. Moeller, Julia Mulford, Fred Seballoz, Micheal Register of Deeds Vwteran's Service Highway Department Bridge Department Larkin, Perry 0., Director Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense ROAD FUND Salaries BRIDGE FUND Salaries STATE FUNDS Office Expense This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of 690.00 2287.50 240.00 220.00 150.00 70.83 25.80 450.00 450.00 787.50 787.50 7761.00 946.00 3925.00 Supervisors COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, February 5, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisor's met as per recess :Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. airman of January 22, 1965. Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Youngblood, that the Judge, County Attorney, County Sheriff, County Clerk Juvenile Probation Officer be accepted and placed on carried. reports of the Adams County Library, County Car Titles, County Clerk, Register of Deeds file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Haberman, that the low bid of Redfield & Company of $151.28 for District Clerk Mental Health Record be accepted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that the following Supervisor's record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 3731 3732 3733 3734 3735 3736 3737 3738 3739 3740 3741 3742 3743 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 17LLQ U. S. Treasury Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Wanda Township Neva Wolfe J. R. Helmann, Justice of Peace J. R. Helmann, Justice of Peace J. R. Helmann, Justice of Peace Harry C. Haverly, County Judge. Harry C. Haverly, County Judge Kenesaw Village Hilltop Cafe Emma Berg, County Clerk, Bernard Taylor, Clerk Dist Court Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Ct Harry C. Haverly, County Judge Harry C. Haverly, County Judge Village of Juniata State Treas- Gas Tax Dist State Treas- Gas Tax Dist State Treas- Gas Tax Dist County Judge County Judgw County Judge County Judge 414.00 3756 100.00 3757 100.00 3758 25.00 3759 50.00 3760 500.00 3761 547.25 3762 160.00 3763 100.00 3764 60.00 3765 100.00 3766 38.00 3767 100.00 3768 10.00 3769 6005.74 3770 90.17 3771 100.00 3772 889.55 3773 56.51 3774 100.00 3775 9272.80 3776 3363.50 3777 11,357.77 3778 011 AA h '7 -r n Miscellaneous receipts be made a carried. part of the Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 56.00 Einiia Berg, County Clerk 452.00 Emma Berg, County Clerk 277.50 J. R. Helmann, Justice Peace 110.00 J. R. Helmann, Justice Peace 60.00 J. R. Helmann 125.00 Roy E. Nelson, Kearney Co. Treas 2835.34 Roy E. Nelson, Kearney Co. Treas 189.72 Emma Berg, County Clerk 30.42 State Treas- State Assistance 54,748.07 J. R. Helmann, Justice of Peace 70.00 J. R. Helmann, Justice of Peace 95.00 Robert Anderson, Co.Sheriff 136.75 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 300.00 Perry 0. Larkin -Director 10.00 Perry 0. Larkin -Director 4.68 Perry 0. Larkin -Director 26.40 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 100.00 Void Harry C.Haverly, County Judge 100.00 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 209.32 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 30.51 State Treas-State Asst. funds 26.14 TT nn SUPEVISO ECO D N o, 16 87 3786 LaVerns Television Service 3787 Kenesaw Motors 3788 C. W. Huckfeldt 15.00 3789 Walter Ahrens 10.00 3790 Roy Anderson 15.00 3791 Harry C. Haverly, County Judge 20.00 25.00 254.21 Motion by Haberman, seconded by Youngblood, that the inventories of Veterans Service Officer, County Attorney, Clerk of the District Court, Sheriff, Jail and Kitchen be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that the following bonds be accepted and placed on file: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE: Albert Fricke, Denver Township; Bernhard Augustin, Kenesaw Township; Fred Stichweh, Wanda Township; TOWNSHIP CLERK: Arthur Nienhueser, Wanda Township; TOWNSHIP TREASURER: John E. Halloran, Blaine Township; Arthur Schukei, Wanda Township; Merwin Fricke, Ayr Township; Burdette Schultz,Zero Township; Lavern Halbmaier, Logan Township; Ralph Pittz, Roseland Townshipl Menno Schmidt, Hanover Township; and, Esther C. Harms, Asssistant Assessor, Helen M. Blum, Depty Clerk of County Court, and Merlyn R. Lay, Rural Fire Protection District. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Haberman, seconded by Youngblood, that designation of the Adams County Courthouse as a fallout shelter supply facility is heregy accepted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carrie Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Theobald, that we authorize the Chairman to sign County Assessor correction slips No.'s 4494 to 4542 Inc. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Acme Printing Co. Adams Hardware Co. Anderson, Sheriff Robert Arnold Insurance Agency, S. A. Bancroft -Whitney Co. Bee Printing Co. Blessing, Alfred Brock, Don Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Central Nebr. County Officials Clerk of District Court Commerce Clearing House Inc. Consolidated Motor Freight Inc. Copple, Russell County Clerk Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Dier, E. L. Del Chemical Corporation Department of Information U of N Dutton-Lainson Carpenter Paper Co. Eastman Kodak Stores Inc. Educators Progress Service Emblem Flag Co. Extension Service Revolving fund Fidler Plumbing & Heating Paul French, Gary Gangwish, Glenn Haberman's of Hastings Hansen Building Specialties Inc. Harcourt Brace & World Inc. Hargleroad Van & Storage Co. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Haverly, County Judge Harry C. Holthaus Drug Co. International Business. Machines Corp. Itek Business Products Karr, Mrs. Paul Knight, Robert G. Kohl Insurance Adam D. Krueger, Mrs. Allan Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McDonald Co. J.M. McMahon, Stan Magnuson Agency Supplies Supplies Laundry, Matron fee, Food, Mileage Bond Supplies Supplies Attorney fee Dues, Mileage, Postage Supp lies Supplies Dues State cases, Mental Illness Supplies Freight Mileage Postage, Keys Credit Services Vital Statistics Supplies Postage Supplies Supplies Supp lies Supplies Flags Supplies Reparis Janitor service Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Freight Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities State cases, Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Mileage Reporting Bond Mileage Telephone service Supplies Mileage Bond 188.30 3.66 1409.27 40.70 17.50 32.16 100.00 24.00 2.65 28.05 8.50 580.75 40.00 2.40 5.88 9.75 5.50 149.00 47.31 6.23 43.91 164.15 23.57 10.00 31.01 40.51 114.45 3.75 4.56 26.90' 81.34 21.01 11.25 9.00 3.60 186.32 2482.`96 93.51 1.90 6.75 335.58 6.80 30.00 50.00 8.40 504.14 29.90 10.68 34.00 88 SUPE 1" VISO s ECO D N o, 16 Nebraska Association Co. Officials Nebraska Tax Research Council Inc. Omaha Printing Co. Omaha Printing Co. Pfeiffer, Kenneth Pitney -Bowes Inc. Postmaster -Elton Pounds Recordak Corporation Redfield & Company Inc. Ripp, Joyce Rucker, Morland Schafer Printing Co. Search & Seizure Bulletin Sherman's Service Center SMH Insurance Agency Smith Disposal Service Ted Sorensen, Mrs. Lloyd State of Nebraska Stephenson School Supply Co. Strasburg, Wayne Swearingen, J. R. Temple, Howard Thomas, Ray L. Turner, George H. Village of Ayr Village of Holstein Village of Prosser Williams Exterminating Co. ROAD FUND Benjamin & Associates Edwin D. Clarke Oil Company Inc. Construction Service Equipment Co. Consumers Public Power Dist. Cooperative Service Association Dutton-Lainson Company Evans Grocery Farmers Union Co -Operative Gas & Oil Firestone Stores Friends Motor Cupply Co. Gentert, Charles Glenwood Telephone Corp. Hastings Battery .& Electric Co. Hastings Diesel Service Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Henrichs Sheet Metal Hohlen, Fred Home Oil Service Island Supply Company Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kenesaw Oil Company Kenesaw Telephone Co. Kerr Chevrolet Co. Laird Motors Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McRoberts Industries Messer Co. L.J. Modern Linen Supply Mousel, Virgil Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co. Priebe Sheet Metal Schaffroth, Reg Deeds Fred 0. Schifferns Service Sidles Company Sime, A. J. Smith & Sons, S. E. Southern Nebr. Rual Public Power Stand -By Auto Parts Wilber service Inc. Dues Reports Supplies Supplies Mileage Meter rental Postage Supplies Supplies Mileage Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies, Repairs Insurance Disposal service Mileage Supplies Supplies Mileage Bailiff Mileage Salary Supplies Rent Rent Rent Services Project S -52E(2) Gas, Repairs Repairs Utilities Diesel Suppliea Supplies Gas, Diesel Supplies, Repairs Supplies Salary Labor, Telephone service Supplies Repair Utilities Supplies Supp lies Salary Gas Supplies Utilities Diesel Telephone service Supplies Supplies Gas Auppliws Telephone service Repair Supplies Shop towels Salary Supplies Supplies Recording Gas, Diesel Supplies Gas, Diesel, Supplies Supplies Utilities Repairs Repairs BRIDGE FUND Consolidated Concrete Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Supplies Supplies 5.00 55.00 760.00 29.52 2.60 17.40 500.00 103.40 248.45 13.76 67.68 57.05 10.00 27.73 363.25 12.00 10.32 20.00 13.35 11.64 56.00 33.28 273.00 5.25 30.00 30.00 15.00 5.00 1166.80 141.66 7.59 5.03 182.00 41.83 3.42 145.79 140.40 14.28 194.40 19.93 11.89 5.00 77.57 8.19 1.50 36.00 30.43 304.65 65.48 157.95 15.40 4.58 8.81 170.50 165.70 26.26 6.75 37.93 5.15 246.00 4.72 7.00 3.50 55.98 52.03 211.71 8.08 39.37 7.00 13.35 27.20 13.42 SUPE VISO 11 S 11 ECO }1� D No. 16 89 Albright, Mrs. Dixie May Albright, Mrs. Dixie May Bee Printing Co. Busboom, Virginia Ernst, Mrs. Waunetta B. Gangwish, Mrs. Annabelle Hastings Public Library McNair, Mrs. Klyoe Parks, Miss Arlene Redinger, Mrs. Bonnie Sanford, Mrs. Dorothy Sapsis, Inc. Perc B. Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey Stansbury, Mrs. Florence Westminister Book Stores COUNTY LIBRARY Salary Mileage Supplies Salary Salary Salary Library service Salary Salary Salary Salary Books Cataloger Salary Books ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME Dutton-Lainson Co. Hastings Equity Grain Bin Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Dean, Dr. E. J. Duthie, Eva B. Hoffmeister, Dr. George Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Kostal, Dr. 0. A. Kuehn, Dr. Gerald A. Larkin, Perry 0. Pearson, Naomi Reedy, Dr. William Royer, Margaret F. Rutt, Dr. F. J. Vasey, Ruby Welch, Dr. George L. Whitcomb, Audrey Yost, Dr. John G. Adams County Fair Association Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Brand Ambulance Service. Brooke & Son Brommer Dispensary Inc. Redfield Pharmacy Rutt's Pharmacy STATE FUNDS Supplies Supp lies Supplies Medical care Mileage Mecial care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Mileag e Mileage Medical care Mileagw Medical care Mileage Medical care Mileage Medical care COUNTY FAIR MEDICAL, SURGICAL Berg, County Clerk Emma Brooke & Son Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Central Cafe Credit Bureau of Hastings. Inc. Farmers Co -Operative Propane Co. Giest Grocery Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Larkin -Director Perry 0. Larkin -Perry O. Larkin -Director Perry 0. Nebr. State Racing Commission funds for 1964 & HOSPITAL Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Ambulance service Medical supplies Glasses Medical supplies Medical supplies GENERAL RELIEF Postage Medical supplies Supplies Supplies Meals Credit service Propane Staple food Utilities Utilities Staple food Staple food Staple food Postage Mileage Revolving fund 50.00 14.16 14.50 30.00 40.00 30.00 250.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 108.93 88.33 30.00 14.20 2.15 2.00 2.25 15.00 1.76 7.50 7.50 4.00 7.50 11.00 9.22 5.52 7.50 12.56 7.50 8.64 7.50 5.76 7.50 1473.50 644.74 305.58 272.31 3913.67 5.00 12.94 17.00 4.47 6.69 29.95 52.70 73.50 71.78 25.00 4.00 48.90 20.00 33.02 27.83 40.00 50.00 395.07 50.00 19.68 1.90 f°11 r A 90 SUPE VISO S ECO D N o, 16 Southern Nebr. Rural Public Power Dist. Wolfe, Mrs. Neva Utilities Nursing care 24.01 100.00 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, February 19, 1965. 10:00' o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisor's met as per recess of February 5, 1965 Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Youngblood, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Agricultural Extension Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Brungard, Tilly Ann Hawes, Corinne D. Hohlfeld, Gust E. Moeller, Julia Mulford, Fred Seballoz, Micheal Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Highway Department Bridge Department Larkin,Perry 0., Director This Board will now recess GENERAL FUND ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND STATE FUNDS Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Salaries Office Expense 529.15 787.50 2113.84 1374.00 1716.74 1394.50 1680.53 1397.00 690.00 2252.50 240.00 150.00 141.66 30.96 450.00 450.00 787.50 787.50 8216.75 1009.00 4180.00 subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors SUPE 11 VISO S EC D No. 16 91 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, February 26, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of February 19, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Theobald, BE IT RESOLVED, that Rachel Hayen be appointed acting Register of Deeds beginning March 1, 1965 and until the new Register of Deeds is appointe and bond approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisor . COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, March 1, 1965, 10:00 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of February Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call Motion by Mackie 3, of Deeds, 26, 1965. , all members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoaglan Theobald, seconded by Lightner, as the final official ballot resulted in Meredith 4 and That, we unanimously appoint L. John Meredith for the unexpired term of the Register to take office when bond is approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, March 5, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisor's met as per recess of Marc,. 1, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, ,members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd Youngblood. Lightner, Theobald and Hoagland. Absent: Motion by by Theobald, seconded by Goble, that the reports of the Clerk of the District Court, Car Titles, (2) County Judge, (2) Adams County Nursing Home, Register of Deeds, Juvenile Probatio Officer, Agriculture & Home Economics, and Adams County Library be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that the Chairman be authorized to sign County Assesor tax correction slips Nos. 4543 to 4563 Inc. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 1 o'clock P. M. the following bids were read: Kerr Chevrolet Co., Laird Motor Co., Jerry Spady Pontiac -Cadillac Inc. Sherman Service Center, Inc and Kenesaw Motor Co. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Haberman that refund of illegal taxes due to clerical errors be authorized and the County Treasurer be instructed to make such refunds as computed on Exhibit"A" on file in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Haberman, seconded by Lightner, that the bonds for as follows: JUSTICE OF THE PEACE: Alvin R. Stimbert, Juniata Twp; Ivan Hoagland, West Blue Twp; TOWNSHIP CLERK'S: Glenn Matthews, Juniata Twp; Gerry Meyer, Logan Twp; William F. Adams, Highland Twp; TOWNSHIP TREASURER'S: Leo Hoffman, Juniata Twp; Stanley McMahon, Little Blue Twp; Larry Woodman, Kenesaw Twp; and L.Joh Meredith. Register of Deeds be approved and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion d. 92 SUPE VISO s ECO D Nov 16 3792 U. S. Treasury 3793 County Judge 3794 County Judge 3795 Justice of the Peace 3796 Justice of the Peace 3797 Ayr Township Treasurer 3798 Adams County Treasurer 3799 Clerk of Dist Court 3800 County Judge 3801 County Judge 3802 County Judge 3803 County Judge 3804 County Judge- Hall County 3805 County Judge 3806 County Judge 3807 Justice of Peace 3808 Justice of Peace 3809 Register of Deeds 3810 Neva Wolfe 1380.00 3811 5.00 3812 5.00 3813 100.00 3814 130.00 3815 152.09 3816 323.35 3817 981.00 3818 743.43 3819 30.00 3820 23.91 3821 370.38 3822 1276.79 3823 35.00 3824 20.00 3825 115.00 3826 95.00 3827 573.25 3828 573.00 3829 State Treas- Gas Tax State Treas- Gas Tax State Treas- Gas Tax Village of Juniata County Judge County Judge County Judge County Clerk County Clerk Logan Twp State Treas- State Asst Justice of Peace Justice of Peace State Treas- State Asst County Judge Center Bank State Treas- State Cancelled Perry 0. Larkin -Director Dist 9836.85 Dist 3363.50 Dist 12,260.25 1000.00 30.00 5.00 95.00 800.50 161.75 500.00 Fund 44,970.74 105.00 70.00 Fund 1509.43 112.93 .80 Asst. Fund 947.87 34.20 Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, RESOLUTION, WHEREAS, there was an old age assistance lien filed against the following described property: Lots 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 Block 7; and Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 Block 2, Prosser, Adams County, Nebraska which lien is recorded in Book 154 page 423 mortgage recordsIn the office of the Register of Deeds of said county, for assistance payments made to Reuben D. Bunton, and WHEREAS, Reuben D. Bunton has never had any ownership interest in said lots and for that reasor the lien was filed in error. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that said lien was filed in error and should be released and the Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to release said lien. Roll call, all voted aye. Motior carried. Motion by Haberman, seconded by Kidd, that we grant an easement to Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company as per Exhibit "A" on file in the County Clerks office. Roll call, all voted aye.Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Theobald, that we purchase from the Nebraska Tractor and Equipment Company one Seeman Impactor and Drag for $4500.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Lightner, that we place an order for culverts for Juniata North Federal Aid Secondary Road project with the Island Supply Company of Grand Island. Roll all, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Haberman that we approve the appointment requested by Emma Berg, County Clerk of Anita Hawes an additional Deputy County Clerk. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Haberman, that we purchase two trucks fromJerry Spady Motor Company for a net bid of $3854.30, with two trade-ins of one 1954 Dodge Pickup and one 1950 two ton Chevrolet. Roll call, Ayes: Goble, Haberman, Lightner. Nay: Kidd, Theobald and Hoagland. Motion lost. Motion by Theobla,d seconded by Goble, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Acme Printing Company Adams County Extension Service Adams Hardware Anderson, Sheriff Robert Board of Mental Health Business Supply Co. Carpenter Paper Co. CCH Products Co. Clarke Oil Co. Clerk of District Court Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Department of Information Dutton-Lainson Co. Eastman Kodak Stores Inc. Felton & Wolf Co. Great Plains Container Co. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Haverly, County Judge Harry C. Haynes Paint & Wallpaper Co. Supplies Revolving fund Supplies Laundry, Matron Mental I11 Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas, Oil State cases, Nental Services Supplies, Postage Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Publishing, Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities State cases, Postage Supplies 24.75 5.65 1.25 fee, Food, Mileage 1069.11 46.60 32.14 14.84 12.32 13.20 Illness 583.19 6.00 17.57 8.62 38.12 4.20 2.45 742.77 12.50 297.34 1588.38 81.35 2.70 SUPE VISO .l l /1 ECO )11 D No, 16 93 Modern Linen Supply Mulford, Fred National Cash Register Co. Nebr. Association of County Officials Ohlsen-Myers Jewelers Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Priebe Sheet Metal Works Recordak Corporation Redfield & Company, Inc. Ripp, Joyce Rogers Inc. Rucker, Morland Schafer Printing Co. Scott, F. R. Seberg, Dr. Herbert Smith Disposal Services Stewart Plumbing & Heating Co. Story, Roscoe E. Swearingen, J. R. Temple, Howard Thomas, Ray L. Vaughan's Printers Village of Kenesaw Whelan, Gerald T. Williams Exterminating Co. Augustin Implement Ayr Grain Co. Borley's Storage & Clarke Oil Co. Inc. Construction Service Equip. Co. Consumers Public Power District Cook Paint & Varnish Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Engel Lumber Co. Farmers Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil Inc. Firestone Stores Friends Motor Supply General Tire Service Gentert, Charles 0. Glenwood Telephone Membership Corp. Hageman Hardware Co. Hastings Canvas Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Home Oil Service Island Supply Co. Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kenesaw Oil Co. Kents Parts & Equipment Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. McRoberts.' Industries Messer Co. L. J. Minnesota Mining & Mfg Co. Modern Linen Supply Co. Mousel, Virgil Pittz Service Schafer Printing Co. Schifferns Service Sime, A. J. Smith & Sons Lumber Co. Stevens & Saunders Plumbing & Heating Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Co. Transfer Co. Adams County Albright, Mrs. Dixie Busboom, Virginia Ernst, Mrs. Waunetta B. n.. _....��.. ..L �,[..,.., A...... .. Supplies Mileage, Meals Repair Dues Supplies Supplies Repair Supplies Supplies Mileage Supplies Mileage Supplies Tests Services Services Supplies Mileage Bailiff Mileage Salary Supplies Rent Legal services Services ROAD FUND Supplies Supplies Freight Gas, Oil Supplies Utilities Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel, Oil Supplies Supplies Rep air Salary Telephone service Supplies Repairs Utilities Supplies. Gas Culverts Utilities Gas, Diesel Supplies Gas Supplies Motor grader Telephone service Repairs Supplies Supplies Shop towels Salary Gas, Oil, Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel Gas, Diesel, Supplies Supplies Repair Supplies SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND Patroling COUNTY LIBRARY Salary Salary Salary 7.50 76.92 24.75 35.00 14.25 25.51 27.60 15.00 26.90 51.42 7.80 14.00 52.00 27.50 11.00 24.00 7.80 6.00 32.00 55.68 245.70 8.98 30.00 100.00 5.00 15.08 38.50 2.65 302.80 277.99 4.59 1.70 431.19 10.00 203.70 41.06 3.64 10.20 118.80 16.53 9.75 10.50 81.81 14.40 10.60 2063.50 45.99 172.81 9.30 128.27 500.03 18,900.00 28.35 4.05 17.04 523.46 4.70 252.00 386.87 9.98 96.93 117.09 9.63 23.00 10.24 4241.00 50.00 30.00 40.00 94 SUPE It VISO l.\ s ECO IIS N o, 16 Presbyterian Disbribution Service Redinger, Mrs. Bonnie Jean Sanford, Mrs. Dorothy Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey Stansbury, Mrs. Florence Tarton Book Sales Inc. Charlton, Dr. G. Paul Cosgrove, Madelyn Dean, Dr. E. J. DeBacker, Dr. L. J. Duthie, Eva B. Hoffineister, Dr. George Kostal, Dr. 0. A. McNeill, Dr. L. S. Murray, Dr. D. E. Pearson, Naomi Pinney, Dr. George Royer, Margaret F. Smith,Dr. R. C. Vasey, Ruby Welch, Dr. George L. Whitcomb, Audrey Books Salary Salary Cataloger Salary Books STATE FUNDS Medical Mileage Medical Medical Mileage Medical Medical Medical Medical Mileage Medical Mileage Medical Mileage Medical Mileage care care care care care care care c are care care MEDICAL, SURGICAL & HOSPITAL Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Bert's Rexall Drugs Brand Mortuary Brooke & Son Hastings Drugs Jackson, Wayne Livingston-Butler-Volland Funeral Home Mary Lanning Hospital Redfield Pharmacy Rine -Clyde W. Rutt's Pharmacy Acme Printing Co. Allen Self Service Berg, County Clerk Emma Business Supply Co. Central Cafe Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Fay's Drive -In Drug Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Krueger, Mrs. Clarence F. Larkin, Perry 0. Larkin -Director Perry 0. Larkin -Director Ferry 0. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Schafer Printing Co. Southern Nebr. Rural Public Power Dist Spencer Park Rental gancy Thiel's Cafe Yeagley, Sr. Marmion F. Yeagley, Sr Marmion F. Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Medical supplies Ambulance service Medical supplies Medical supplies Ambulance service Ambulance se xvice Medical supplies Medical supplies Ambulance service Medical supplies GENERAL RELIEF This Board will now recess subject to the call Supplies Staple food Postage Supplies Meals Se rvices Medical supplies Supplies Utilities Utilities Staple food Staple food Staple food Staple food Rent Mileage Postage Revolving fund Telephone service Supplies Utilities Rent Meals Rent Rwnt 1.75 30.00 30.00 88.33 30.00 46.00 7.50 2.88 15.00 7.50 3.28 22.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 5.12 7.50 4.64 15.00 10.08 7.50 7.28 110.62 2968.14 450.49 284.71 8.00 5.00 7.80 19.18 7.50 11.50 13.00 1.89 10.00 7.00 48.60 25.00 30.45 54.95 30.00 4.00 1.29 5.54 28.19 73.71 140.00 151.00 96.00 76.00 25.00 20.58 35.00 12.50 43.43 26.25 10.18 45.00 10.00 250.00 250.00 of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. SUPE VISO 8 ECO i D No, 16 95 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 9, 1965; 1:20 o'clock P.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of March 5, 1965. Ed Lightner, Vice -Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, Lightner, Theobald and Youngblood. Absent: Kidd and Hoagland. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Haberman, that we instruct the County Clerk to advertise for road gravel bids to be opened April 6, 1965 at 11:00 o'clock A. M. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board f 5..;,rvisors if 1,, ice Chai COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, March 12, 1965. 2:15 o'clock P. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of March 9,1965. Ed Lightner, Vice -Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald and Youngblood. Absent: Hoagland. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Theobald, that we accept the low bid of Jerry Spad Pontiac - Cadillac Inc. of $3854.30 for One 2 -ton truck and one- 1/2 ton Pickup as per spectification and accessories less trade in of 1954 Dodge Pickup and 1950 Chevrolet. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman the County Bo- d' '•prvisors. County lerk ;rr ,) �o Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, March 24, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisor's met as per recess of March 12, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND. Adams County Agricultural Extension Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt County Treasurer Brungard, Tilly Ann Buckner, Velma L. Hawes, Corinne D. Hohlfeld, Gust E. Moeller, Julia Mulford, Fred C..L..11 .. tu.:..L,....t Office Office Office Office Salary Office Office Office Office Office Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Expense Exp ens e Expense Expense & Mileage Expense Expense Expense Expense Exp ens e 529.15 787.50 2072.64 1354.00 1758.10 1373.50 1641.63 1401.50 690.00 2286.25 240.00 220.00 150.00 141.66 30.96 450.00 Len An 96 SUPERVISO S ECO l' 1D N o. 16 Highway Department Bridge Department Larkin, Perry O. Director ROAR FUND BRIDGE FUND STATE FUNDS Salaries Salaries Office Expense 7556.75 970.00 4180.00 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors County erk Deputy hairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 6, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of March 24, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald and Hoagland. Absent: Youngblood. At 11:00 oclock A. M. Gravel bids were opened and read - Lilley Sand & Gravel Co., Werner Construction Inc., L.J. Vontz Construction Co., H & M Equipment Co., Hastings Sand & Gravel,Inc, C. H. Luther Sand & Gravel Co. Motion by Haberman, seconded by Theobald, that the bonds of Don Thoesen,Cottonwood Township Treasurer; Donald Classen, Zero Township Clerk, Vernon Routh, Cottonwood Township Clerk, Herman Gartner, Little Blue Township Justice of the Peace, John Reiners, Highland Township, Justice of the Peace, be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Lightner, that the reports of Sheriff, County Library, (2)County Judge, Clerk of the District Court, County Clerk, Car Titles, and Register of Deeds be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that we reject all the gravel bids received by the Board on this date and that the Road Committee be authorized to negotiate contracts for one yearly supply of gravel. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Haberman, seconded by Lightner, that the following Miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisors record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 3830 U. S. Treasury 3831 Register of Deeds 3832 County Judge 3833 County Judge 3834 Neva W. Wolfe 3835 County Treasurer 3836 Justice of the Peace 3837 Justice of the Peace 3838 Register of Deeds 3839 County Judge 3840 County Judge 3841 County Judge 3842 County Judge 3843 County Judge 3844 County Judge 3845 Justice of Peace 3846 Justice of Peace 3847 County Sheriff 3848 State Treas- Gas Tax Dist. 3849 State Treas- Gait Tax Dist. 3850 State Treas- Gas Tax Dist. 3851 Arthur J. Sime 3852 Hastings Drive -In Theatre 3853 Clerk District Court 3854 Clerk District Court 3855 County Clerk 3856 County Clerk 3857 County Clerk 2000.00 3864 168.54 3865 25.00 3866 10.00 3867 529.50 3868 167.27 3869 75.00 3870 80.00 3871 455.46 3872 20.00 3873 100.00 3874 100.00 3875 48.00 3876 748.25 3877 30.00 3878 90.00 3879 85.00 3880 135.48 3881 8472.17 3882 3363.50 3883 10,076.77 3884 10.00 3885 10.00 3886 45.00 3887 475.00 3888 29.95 3889 810.50 3890 169.50 3891 Medical, Surgical Medical, Surgical Medical, Surgical Medical, Surgical County Judge Special Mail Route Medical, Surgical & Hospital Medical, Surgical & Hospital Medical, Surgical & Hospital Medical, Surgical & Hospital State Treas- State Assistance Lancaster County Judge First National Bank, Omaha Justice of Peace Justice of Peace Justice of Peace County Judge County Judge County Judge Iowa Securities Co. State Treas- State County Judge A. H. Blumenthal Ed Lightner Justice of Peace Justice of Peace Justice of Peace State Treas- State Assistance & 3913.67 & 272.31 & 305.58 & 644.74 25.00 4241.00 284.71 450.49 2968.14 110.62 44,944.42 8.96 .60 85.00 155.00 55.00 41.00 2270.64 10.00 ..20 ApportiQnment35,961.29 406.22 6.20 5.00 90.00 110.00 85.00 559.98 Hospital Hospital Hospital Hospital SUPE VISO D No, 16 97 3898 County Judge 10.00 3900 Clerk of District Court 3899 Clerk of District Court 46.00 3901 County Judge Motion by Theobald, seconded by Haberman, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized tax certificates on all real estate on which taxes are unpaid for three years last past. call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 100.00 250.00 to write Roll Motion by Lightner, seconded by Kidd, that refund of illegal taxes due to clerical errors be authorized and the County Treasurer be instructed to make such refunds as computed on Exhibit "A" on file in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax correction slips No's 4564 to 4567 In. and 4570 to 4575 Inc. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Lightner, that we authorize the County Treasurer to Transfer $10,000.00 from the Inheritance Tax fund to the County General Fund and that the 1964-1965 budget be increased by that amount. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Kidd, WHEREAS, due to unanticipated requirements essential to the Administration of Justice, the preservation and maintenance of the Public Health, welfare and safety there exists an emergency in the budget appropriations for the following county offices and funds: Jail, Courthouse, Microfilming, Postage Meter, Adult Probation Officer, and Reappraisal Fund. That there is not sufficient money appropriated to operate and carry out the needs and requirements of said offices for the balance of the fiscal year, and WHEREAS, there are sufficient unappropriated moneys in the General Fund, and it is essential to the government of Adams County that the appropriation for said offices and funds be increased by emergency appropriations. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors:; of Adams County, Nebraska, that there is hereby appropriated and allocated from the general fund the amounts as hereinafter set forth for the use and benefit of the office or fund set opposite each amount for the balance of the fiscal year, said appropriation increases the budget of each office or fund to the amount shown below: OFFICE OR FUND Jail Courthouse Microfilming . Postage Meter Adult Probation Officer Reappraisal Fund Amount of Increase $3,250.00 12,500.00 425.00 2,055.00 900.00 10,000.00 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Total Budget $8,768.00 29,745.00 1,125.00 5,555.00 1,142.52 39,500.00 Motion by Theobald, seconded by Haberman, that we deny the petition to close the county road located upon the Section line which seperates Section Eleven (11) and Section Two (2), Township Five (5) North Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M. Adams County, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Haberman, seconded by Goble, that we approve the renewal of the Hastings Drive -In Theatre Amusement License and Refreshment stand for the year 1965. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Theobald, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Extension Service Amen, Alice Anderson, Sheriff Robert Bee Printing Co. Brooke & Son Business Supply Co. Christensen, Glenn Clerk of District Court Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc. Dier, E. L. Dutton-Lainson Co. Eastman Kodak Stores Inc. Eisele, Ray Ernst, Lloyd Friden, Inc. Galley, Clyde Grabill, Chester J. Grace -Lee Products Inc. Haba, Frank Haberman's of Hastings Harms, Esther Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Drug Store GENERAL FUND Revolving fund Assessing Laundry, Matron fee, Supplies Supplies Supplies Assessing State cases, Mental Illness Services Vital Statistics Supplies Supplies Assessing Assessing Services Assessing Assessing Supplies Assessing Supplies Assessing Supplies Supplies 53.07 210.00 Food, Mileage 1146.01 31.05 ..50 77.91 156.40 361.53 7.50 136.50 18.02 14.21 266.30 142.40 20.61 28.40 179.60 48.46 137.60 28.98 287.60 265.85 5.00 J.L 7 C 98 SUPE 1.� VISO " S ECO 1.) D N o, 16 Haynes Paint Co. Heimann, Justice of the Peace Joseph R. Huyck Grain Co. International Business Machines Corp. Kansas Police Supply Co. Kelso Chemical Company Kennedy, Marie R. Koch, Edward Koch -Insurance Adam D Kully Iron & Metal Co. Land, Dennis Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Little Blue Township Madgett, A. P. Menke, Coris, Clerk District Court Menzie, Hazel Menzie, Wallace Meredith, L. J. Meredith, Register Deeds Metropolitan Refining Co. Inc. Midwest Communication Service Modern Linen Supply Modern Office Methods Muhleisen, Edward Mulford, Fred Mulford, Fred Neeman, George Oelschlager, William Omaha Printing Co. Postmaster Raines, R. E. Redfield & Company Inc. Rehtus, Ernest Reiner, Ruth Ripp, Joyce Roseland State Bank Rossell Rambler Co. Rucker, Morland Runcie, Jean Safeway Store Schafer Printing Co. Scott, F. R. Seeley, Claude Shepard's Citations Inc. Sittner, Alberta Smith, Edna Smitty's Electrical Co. Steven & Saunders Plumbing Stimbert, Carl Story, Roscoe F. Swearingen, J. R. Taedter, Ruth Temple, Howard Thomas, Ray L. Thomas, Ray L. Turner, Elwin VanHouse, J. C. West Publishing Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Widmaier, C. E. Williams, Exterminating Co. ROAD FUND Clarke Oil Co. Inc. Consumers Public Power Dist. Curtis Oil Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Farmers Union Co -Op Gas & Oil Co. Firestone Stores Fredrick, Ellard Fredricks I.G.A. Friends Motor Supply Fringer, Rex Gentert, Charles Glenwood Telephone Membership Corp. Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. Supplies State cases Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Assessing Assessing Bonds Supplies Maps Services Rent Services Mileage, Sheriff fees Assessing Assessing Assessing Box rent Supplies Rep air Supplies Supplies Assessing Salary Mileage, Meals Assessing Assessing Supplies Postage Assessing Supplies Assessing Assessing Mileage Rent Repaint desks Mileage Assessing Supplies Supplies Tests Assessing Subscription Assessing Assessing Repair Repairs Assessing Mileage, Meals Bailiff Bailiff Mileage Salary Mileage Assessing Assessing Supplies Supplies Assessing Services Gas, Repairs Utilities Diesel Supplies Gas, Diesel Repairs Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Salary Telephone services Repairs, Supplies 10.90 46.25 19.50 22.85 101.01 8.21 252.00 116.80 20.00 29.97 25.00 494.08 10.00 100.00 12.60 145.60 192.80 409.20 2.25 169.54 2.50 7.50 6.50 140.80 103.85 80.60 568.80 383.20 171.54 500.00 162.80 35.97 184.00 345.60 36.16 20.00 38.00 55.92 343.20 21.48 42.65 17.50 257.60 30.00 202.40 287.20 14.78 4.50 407.40 5.65 96.00 24.00 62.56 313.95 56.08 108.00 287.20 109.00 5.20 30.40 5.00 243.57 3.85 156.20 206.05 148.00 7.00 20.00 4.37 179.89 300.00 205.20 15.26 94.46 SUPE 1.' VISO ECO D N o, 16 99 Hueske Implement Co. Island Supply Co. Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kennedy, Tom Kerr Chevrolet Co. Kully Iron & Metal Co. Laird Motors Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Messer Company, L. J. Modern Linen Supply Mousel, Virgil National Chemsearch Corp. Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Precision Lubricants Co. Ray Building Products Rural Gas Utilities Schifferns Service Sime, A. J. Sidles Company Sinclair Refining Co. Smith & Sons, S.E. Spitz & Blauvelt Timm Repair Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Zubie's Service Cook Paint & Varnish Dutton-Lainson Co. Engel Lumber & Supply Pauley Lumber Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge Adams County supply Co. Co. & Supply Busboom, Virginia Doubleday & Company, Inc. Ernst, Mrs. Waunetta B. Gangwish, Mrs. Anna Hastings Public Library McNair, Mrs. Klyoe Parks, Miss Arlene Redinger, Mrs. Bonnie Jean Sanford, Mrs. Dorothy Sapsis, Perc B. Inc. Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey Stansbury, Mrs. Florence Fast Construction Co. Heusser, Adolph J. BRIDGE FUND Supplies Supplies Utilities Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas Supplies Services Supplies Shop towels Salary Supplies Vibratory Impactor Lubricant Supplies Supplies, Repairs Gas, Diesel Gas, Diesel Supplies Diesel Supplies Repair Rep ai r Supplies Gas, Repairs Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND COUNTY LIBRARY County Labor, Rental Salary Books Salary Salary Library service Salary Salary Salary Salary Books Cataloger Salary ERECTION AND REPAIR FUND Payroll, Supplies Supervision ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME Stevens & Saunders Plumbing & Heating STATE FUNDS Cosgrove, Madelyn Duthie, Eva B. Glenn, Dr. Elmer Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Kleager, Dr. Clyde Kuehn, Dr. Gerald A. Larkin, Perry O. Pearson, Naomi Royer, Margaret F. Vasey, Ruby Weber, Dr. C. R. Welch. Dr. George L. Repairs Mileage Mileage Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Mileage Mileage Mileage Mileage Medical care Medical care 18.50 19.42 52.59 9.44 177.00 5.20 2.07 146.77 321.14 29.52 33.08 4.50 276.00 33.01 4500.00 318.92 52.25 235.79 54.57 192.50 166.55 140.17 20.03 22.70 13.50 49.60 27.48 76.53 11.44 10.34 6.98 265.68 1918.00 30.00 76.00 40.00 30.00 300.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 43.09 88.33 30.00 4298.93 225.00 85.16 3.28 11.44 7.50 22.50 7.50 22.00 8.28 4.08 3.76 8.56 15.00 11 nn 100 SUPE VISO S 1" ECO D N o, 16 MEDICAL, SURGICAL Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Anderson, Dr. H. F. Bert's Drugs Brand Mortuary Brooke & Son City Optical Service Hastings Drugs Livingston-Butler-Volland Ortophedic Brace Co. Pearl Optical Co. Redfield Pharmacy Allen Self Service Berg, County Clerk Emma Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Farmers Co -Op. Propane Co. Fricke, Robert W. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Krueger, Mrs. Clarence F. Larkin,Perry 0. Director Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Safeway Stores Safeway Stores Thiel's Cafe University Hospital Yeagley, Mamion F. Sr. & HOSPITAL GENERAL RELIEF This Board will now recess subject 2tom County to the call of the Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Medical care Medical -supplies Ambulance service Medical supplies Lens - Medical supplies Ambulance service Brace Lenses Medical supplies Staple food Postage Supplies Services Propane Rent Supplies Utilities Utilities Staple food Staple food Staple food Rent Postage Services Staple food Staple food Meals Medical supplies Rent Chairman of the County 2519.98 150.17 296.29 464.81 79.00 3.00 10.00( 6.38 5.50 7.20 25.00 22.50 30.00 11.77 25.00 35.16 36.07 4.50 18.00 65.00 12.55 23.42 29.41 75.00 92.00 35.00 25.00 50.00 52.68 145.00 75.00 25.00 25.55 250.00 Board of Supervisor COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 20, 1965 10:00 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of April 6, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Hoagland. Motion by Haberman, seconded by Theobald, that the best and lowest bid of Miss Ann Flesner be accepted to be Administrator of the Adams County Nursing Home commencing 1 June 1965. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Youngblood, that the issuance of a Bottle Club license for Lockland Country Club be recommended to the State Liquor Control Commission. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Youngblood and 6. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Lightner, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams County Agricultural Extension Clerk of District Court County Assessor Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense 709.15 787.50 2087.70 1 q c1 nn SUPE 1' VISO s ECO 1.� D N o, 16 101 County Treasurer Brungard, Tilly Ann Buckner, Velma L. Hawes, Corinne D. Hohlfeld, Gust E. Seballoz, Micheal Spielman, LaRita J. Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Highway Department Bridge Department Larkin,Perry 0. Director Office Expense Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense ROAD FUND Salaries BRIDGE FUND Salaries STATE FUNDS 1892.50 240.00 230.00 150.00 141.66 450.00 2.80 787.50 787.50 7777.50 970.00 Office Expense 4180.00 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors a County Cl, rk COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, May 6, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Chairman Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of April 20, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that the reports of the 2- County Judge, County Clerk, Clerk of the District Court, Car Titles, 2- Adams County Nursing Home, County Library, and Register of Deeds be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Theobald, that we sell Lot 9, Block 2, Heller's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska to Marjorie A. Warburton. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Haberman, that the County Board accept the bids of the Hastings Daily Tribune of $805.00 for 15,000 Real Estate Tax Receipts, and $399.20 for Personal Tax Receipts; and the low bid of Omaha Printing Company of $89.85 for three Canvas personal tax roll binders; and the low bid of Redfield & Company of $1,768.25 for 27,500 sets of 1966 Registration and Motor Vehicle Tax Receipts. Roll call,all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Haberman that the following Miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisors record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 3902 Justice of the Peace 3903 Justice of the Peace 3904 Justice of the Peace 3905 U. S. Treasury 3906 Village of Roseland 3907 County Clerk 3908 Fred Mulford. 3909 County Judge 3910 County Judge 3911 Neva W. Wolfe 3912 County Judge 3913 County Judge 3914 Clerk of District Court 3915 Justice of the Peace 3916 Justice of the Peace 3917 Justice of the Peace 3918 County Judge 3919 Henry Grasmick 65.00 3925 85.00 3926 75.00 3927 690.00 3928 100.00 3929 6723.82 3930 189.70 3931 1107.20 3932 48.50 3933 510.00 3934 50.00 3935 1,0.00 3936 478.00 3937 70.00 3938 60.00 3939 135.00 3940 25.00 3941 204.50 3942 Register of Deeds Bernard H. Taylor Justice of Peace Justice of Peace Southern Hills County Club Ray Phillips Juniata Township Bernard H. Taylor Special Mail Route Medical, Surgical & Hosp. Medical, Surgical & Hosp. Medical, Surgical & Hosp. Medical, Surgical & Hosp. Herman Klocke County Clerk County Clerk State Treas- State Asst. Fund Meadowbrook Golf Club 780.75 72.78 100.00 75.00 304.68 30.37 250.00 386.09 1918.00 464.81 296.29 150.17 2519.98 29.33 408.75 840.50 52,142.82 304.51 102 SUPE 1 VISO s ECO Pi D No. 16 3948 Justice of Peace 3949 Perry O. Larkin -Director 3950 County Judge 3951 State Treas- State Asst. Fund 90.00 3952 11.80 3953 7306.09 3954 80.88 3955 County Judge Strand Amusement Co. County Judge County Clerk 10.00 10.00 10.00 35.16 Motion by Goble, seconded by Youngblood, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Supervisors sell to Herbert L.Stein for the sum of $5.00, all the right, title and interest of Adams County, Nebr- aska in and to the following described property: The 'ast Sixty-five (65) Acres of the South One -Half (S 1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (S. W. 1/4) of Section Twenty-one (21), in Township Seven (7) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P. M; and All that part of. the Northwest Quarter ( N. W. 1/4) and the North One -Half ( N. 1/2) of the Southwest Cuarter ( S. W. 1/4) of Section Twenty-one (21), in Township Seven (7) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P. M., lying South of the right of way of the St. Joseph and Grand Island Railroad Company, now known as the Union Pacific Railroad Company, except a strip of land Forty- one and Twenty-five Hundreds (41.25) Feet in width lying over and across the Westerly part there- of, said strip being parallel to and adjoining the West line of said Section Twenty-one (21). Which right, title and interest in said land was acquired by the County by a deed which was erroneously obtained and recorded; and the Chairman of the County Board be hereby authorized to execute and deliver a quit claim deed to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried Motion by Lightner, seconded by Theobald, that we accept the bid of Arnold Swanson Company at $8.25 per ton for type B Asphaltic Concrete, as per proposal, to reair present county roads. Roll call, Ayes: Haberman, Lightner, Theobald and Youngblood. Nay: Goble, Kidd and Hoagland. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that we authorize the Chairman to sign gravel agreements as per proposal submitted by H & M Equipment Company, Lilley Sand & Gravel Co., and L. J. Vontz Construction Company. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carred. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Acme Printing Company Adams Hardware Co. Adams County Ext. Service Anderson, Sheriff Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. Augustine Company Brock, Don Burroughs Corp. Business Supply Co. Cambridge, William G. City National Bank County Assessor's Assn of Nebr. County Clerk County Supt. Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Dan's Pickup & Delivery Davis, Judith Department of Information U of N Duro-Test Corporation Dutton-Lainson Co. Eastman Kodak Stores Inc. Emblem Flag Co. Friden Inc. Haberman's of Hastings Hastings Canvas & Mfg Co. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Haverly, County Judge Harry C. Heil Marine Center Hotel Clarke Huyck Grain Co. International Business Machines Corp. Itek Business Products Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. Modern Linen Supply Moeller, Julia Pittsburth Plate Glass Co. Supplies Supplies Revolving fund Laundry, Matron fee, Mileage,Food Supplies Supplies Mileage Supplies Supplies Services Attorney fees Supplies Supplies, Dues Supplies Mileage Credit service Freight bill Salary Postage, Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Flags Repair Supplies Supplies Publishing, Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities State cases, supplies Supplies Meals Supplies Supplies Supplies Telephone services Map service Salary Supplies 75.65 3.90 20.66 1216.59 22.88 171.86 16.64 2.40 25.60 200.00 43.56 42.67 8.80 75.20 9.00 2.65 61.25 76.27 22.68 71.07 14.35 51.70 22.86 6.30 6.50 497.69 51.75 94.67 1249.23 21.28 89.75 68.00 10.50 13.50 335.58 522.63 11.25 8.60 96.15 qA7 SUPE VISO s ECO D No. 16 103 Smitty's Electrical Co. Stephenson School Supply Co. Swearingen, J. R. Temple, Howard Thomas, Ray L. Thomas, Ray L. Turner, State Librarian George H. Vaughans Printers Inc. Wagner, Loyd R. M.D. West Publishing Co. Williams Exterminating Co. Wright & Mack Company Thiel, Jake ROAD FUND Adams Hardware Co. Ag-Tronic Inc. Barrows, Bessie Clarke Oil Co. Inc. Clarke Oil Co. Consumers Public Power Dist. Cook, Edwin E. Cook Paint & Varnish Co. Cook, Vernon D. Dunmire, Lawrence Dutton-Lainson Co. Engel Lumber & Supply Co. Farmers Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil Ferry, R. C. Firestone Stores Friends Motor Supply Gentert, Charles Glenwood Telephone Membership Corp. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Seat Covers Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Hohlen, Fred Home Oil Service Junker, Arend Herman Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Katzberg, Tomke Maria Katzberg, Wilbur J & Walter W. Kenesaw Oil Co. Kenesaw Telephone Co. Kent, Edwin R. Kent, Olga Kents Parts & Equipment Co. Kerr Chevrolet Co. Kohl -Insurance Adam D. Kroger, Fred Kully Iron & Metal Co, Laird Motors Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. McClelland Farm Equipment Co. Marchand, G. Earl Matthews, Glenn G. Meredith, Reg Deeds L. John Messer Company, L. J. Modern Linen Supply Co Mousel, Virgil Nebraska Prision Industries Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Pauley Lumber Co. W. G. Pavelka Bros. Penney Co. Inc. J. C. Pittz Service Rural Gas Utilities Inc. Schifferns Service Shattuck Farms Inc. Sidles Company Sime, A. J. Services Books, supplies Bailiff Mileage Salary Mileage Supplies Supplies Tests Books Services Repairs Services & Mileage Supplies Supplies Land Gas, Repairs Gas Utilities Land Project 528 (2) Supplies Land Project 528 (2) Land Project 528 (2) Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel, Oil Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Telephone service Publishing Repairs Supplies Utilities Supplies Salary Gas Land Project 528 (2) Utilities Repairs, Material Land Project 528 (2) Land Project 528 (2) Diesel Telephone service Land Project 528 (2) Land Project 528 (2) Supplies Supplies Bond Weld lift Supplies Supplies Gas Supplies Telephone service Supplies Land project 528 (2) Land Project 528 (2) Filing deeds Supplies Shop towels Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Repairs Supplies Gas, Diesel, Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel, Supplies Land Project 528 (2) Supplies Gas, Diesel 14.78 40.09 40.00 27.92 278.85 4.72 20.50 15.63 175.00 24.00 5.00 106.52 35.00 3.40 5.00 38.65 95.73 117.58 3.34 101.00 5.27 50.20 74.10 80.85 14.06 310.10 20.00 81.47 42.15 252.45 11.50 30.33 26.00 5.79 50.54 13.71 121.50 12.08 36.45 48.61 10.79 37.75 99.20 217.76 16.32 115.80 102.00 137.60 8.29 10.00 3.00 3.15 33.77 209.73 128.69 26.49 11.95 86.55 28.80 52.50 61.75 6.25 297.00 84.00 239.60 5.89 12.00 4.64 325.61 8.67 52.85 112.00 62.63 113.05 104 SUPE 1.� VISO S 1" ECO 1'\ D N o, 16 Werner Construction Inc. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Witt, Elvin F. Witt; Pamela Ag-Tronic Inc. Dutton-Lainson Co. Island Supply Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Adams County Book Shop Busboom, Virginia Ernst, Mrs..Waunetta B. Hastings Public Library McNair, Mrs. Klyoe New Method Book Bindery Inc. Parks, Arlene Redinger, Mrs. Bonnie Sanford, Mrs. Dorothy Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey Stansbury, Mrs. Florence Adams County Fair Association Adams County Nursing Home Charlton, Dr. G. Paul Dean, Dr. E. J. Duthie, Eva B. Hoffmeister, Dr. George Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Kostal, Dr. 0. 4. Larkin, Verna J. McNeill, Dr. L. S. Mastin, Dr. R. L. Pearson, Naomi Royer, Margaret F. Rutt, Dr. F. J. Vasey, Ruby Weber, Dr. C. R. Whitcomb, Audrey Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Anderson, Dr. H. F. Berts Rexall Drug Store Brand Mortuary Brommer Dispensary Inc. Brooke & Son Fay's Drive -In Drugs Jackson Funeral Home Wane Livingston-Butler-Voll.and Orthopedic Brace Co. Pearl Optical Co. Sneller, Dr. F. C. BRIDGE FUND Hot and Cold Mixes Supplies Land Project 528 (2) Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND COUNTY LIBRARY COUNTY FAIR Rental, Labor Books Salary Salary Library service Salary Books Salary Salary Salary Cataloger Salary 246.51 25.05 90.00 90.00 1.50 16.83 19.28 271.47 2285.00 8.90 30.00� ( 40.00 250.00 30.00 48.63 30.00 30.00 30.00 88.33 30.00 Premiums, permanent Improvements, Real Estate 5600.00 ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME STATE FUNDS Sink Medical Medical Mileage Medical Medical Medical Medical Mileage Medical Medical Mileage Mileage Medical Mileage Medical Mileage care care care care care care care care care care MEDICAL , SURGICAL & HOSPITAL f'L'1TL'D AT DTT TTT Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Medical care Medical supplies Ambulance service Lens & frame Medical supplies Medical supplies Ambulance service Ambulance service Curtches rental Lenses Lens 180.00 11.00 15.00 3.12 26.25 15.00 22.50 7.50 1.44 7.50 7.50 4.80 9.12 7.50 11.44 7.50 9.36 3926.91 369.82 274.69 209.02 17.00 3.83 10.00 30.00 34.03 1.79 6.00 15.00 2.00 15.50 7.50 SUPE lt VISO S ECO l') D N o, 16 105 Caseky, Jesse Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Fay's Drive -In Drugs Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery West Heights Larkin,Director Perry 0. Larkin,Director Perry 0. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Redfield Pharmacy Thiel's Cafe Trausch Grocery Yeagely, Marmion F. Sr. Board, Room & care Services Medical supplies Supplies Utilities Staple food Staple food Staple food Staple food Revolving fund Postage Telephone service Medical supplies Meals Staple food Rent 70.7(1 4.00 11.00 54.82 20.99 50.00 60.00 75.00 154.90 26.25 50.00 49.18 15.65 18.00 20.00 250.00 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, May 14, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A. M. Chairman Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of May 6, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoaglan Motion by Lightner, seconded by Youngblood, that as determined at the meeting of May 6, 1965 at which time the board accepted bid of Swanson Construction Company to resurface a portion of 12th Street road at $8.25 per ton, we formally declare that an emergency exists calling for immediate repair before further deterioration occures. Roll call, Ayes: Goble, Haberman, Lightner,Theobald and Youngblood. Nay: Kidd and Hoagland. Motion carried. kThis Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors (,4 i COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, May 20, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. c�t�s Chairman Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of May 14, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Haberman, that we accept the low bid of Woodward's Disposal Service for disposal service at the Adams County Nursing Home. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Agricultural Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer nri w crnrrl P411 -o. Arm Extension GENERAL FUND Office Office Office Office Salary Office Office Office Office Office c.1 �rr Expense Expense Expense Expense & Mileage Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense 711.65 787.50 2065.71 1337.50 1768.74 1391.87 1511.78 1523.00 690.00 1892.50 ')/.n nn 106 SUPE VISO s 1t ECO D N o, 16 Treasurer, State of Nebraska Highway Department Bridge Department Larkin, Perry 0. Director ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND STATE FUNDS License Salaries Salaries Office Expense 59.00 8310.50 943.00 4180.00 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisor - COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, April 1, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, /Chairman a Board or Equalization.Orville Hoagland, Chairman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood, and Hoagland. At 5:00 o'clock P.M. this Board of Equalization will now recess until April 2, 1965. Board recessed. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, April 2, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of April 1, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, prediding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. At 5:00 o'clock P.M. this Board or Equalization will now recess until April 5, 1965. Board recessed. COURTHOUSE , HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, April 5, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, a Board of Equalization as per recess of April 2,1965 Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. At 5:00 o'clock P.M. this Board or Equalization will now recess until April 9, 1965. Board recessed. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, April 9, 1965. 9:00 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board or Equalization as per recess Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. of April 5, 196`. Roll call,nEmbers present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. At 5:00 o'clock P.M. this Board or Equalization will now recess until April 20, 1965. Board recessed. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 20, 1965. 1 o'clock P. M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of April 9,1965 SUPE 11 VISO S ECO D No. 16 107 Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that on consideration the Board of Equalization finds that the assessed value of the following PERSONAL PROPERTY assessments should be raised as follows; -A B C Electric Furniture & fixtures, from $980.00 to $1160,00; ACE LIQUOR furniture & fixtures from $925.00 to $1535.00; B & H INC Improvements on Leased Land from $89,800.00 to $99,765.00; V. L. Beck, DDS furniture & fixtures from $4540.00 to $4540 for the reason that present assessment equitable; Bens Place Furniture 7 fixtures from $1515.00 to $1855.00. Barrel Bar Furniture & Fixtures from $2,955.00 to $3,550.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock p. . this Board of Equalization will now recess until April 21, 1965. Board recessed COURTHOUSE, Wednesday, April The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA 21, 1965. 10 o'clock A. M. a Board of Equalization as per recess of April 20,196 Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that on consideration the Board of Equalization finds that the assessed value of the following PERSONAL PROPERTY assessment should be raised as follows: - Carmichael Construction Co. Furniture & Fixtures from $7560.00 to $9150.00, and Improvements on Leased Land from $15,290.00 to $17,010.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon this Board of Equalization will now recess until May 3, 1965. Board recessed. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, May 3, 1965 9 o'clock A. M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of Apri 21,1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Lightner, that on consideration the Board of Equalization finds that the assessed value of the following PERSONAL PROPERTY assessments should be raised as follows Account Adjustment Bureau furniture & fixtures from $375.00 to $425.00; AMERICAN BUS LINE furnitur & fixtures from $50.00 to $350.00; NINA BLANTON ROOMS, furniture & fixtures from $ none to $200.00 R. F. McCAULEY DDS, furniture & fixtures from $250.00 to $420.00; PERMA STONE CO., Inventory from $ none to $480.00; CITY OPTICAL furniture & fixtures schedule raised to $580.00; DELS 16th St. SERVICE furniture & Fixtures from $270.00 to $720 00; PHILLIPS INC., Inventory from $16,890.00 to $21,500.00; E. F. DUTCHER furniture & fixtures from $120.00 to $500.00; ECONO WASH LAUNDRY furnitu & fixtures from $3660.00 to $4200.00;FARMERS GRAIN STORAGE INC. Improvements on leased land from $129,300.00 to $163,900.00; ROBERT C. SMITH MD. furniture & fixtures from $1525.00 to $2365.00; SMITTYS ELECTRIC CO., Improvements on leased land from $810.00 to $1440.00; ENGEL SUPPLY CO., Improvements on leased Land from$ none to $7830.00; TIMBERLOCK ENTERPRISES, all equipment from $7080.00 to $10,000.00, Improvements on Leased Land from $ none to $2800.00; WILLIAMS EXTERMINATIN CO, furniture & fixtures from $790.00 to $110000; HASTINGS EQUITY GRAIN BIN, furniture & fixtures from $18,055.00 to $27,300.00; UILLERS AGENCY, furniture & fixtures from $225.00 to $400.00; DORIS L. HUGHES, furniture & Fixtures from $30 00 to $60.00; BONAHOOM SEED CO., furniture & fixtur from $3500.00 to $4860.00; JAHNKE SUPPLY, furniture & fixtures fram $95.00 to $500.00; and, that the following schedules be left as originally declared:- Walter A. Papenhagen: Mrs. W. L. Smith Apartment furniture; Western Flavor Isle Inc. furniture & fixtures $6980.00; Hastings Motor Sales, Furniture & fixtures $70.00; and, that the furniture & fixtures of DeWayne Ganow be LOWERED from $5960.00 to $4770.00 - taken from old depreciation schedule. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carr At 5 o'clock P. M. this Board of Equalization will now recess until May 12, 1965. Board recessed. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, May 12, 1965 10 o'clock A. M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of May 3, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. e s nc ed Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Haberman, seconded by Youngblood, that on consideration the Board of Equalization finds that the assessed value of the following PERSONAL PROPERTY assessments should be raised as follows: NORGE CLEANING VILLAGE, eight (8) Automatic Was'lers from $ none to $6,875.00; and, that the follow'n schedules be left as originally declared:- A & W D-ive-in, furniture & fixtures $3030.00,Inventory $490.00; Dr. R. J. BUTZ ORTHODONTIST, furnitu:e & fixtures $3470.00; CARTER HOTEL furniture & fixtures $23,010.00; IBM, furniture & fixtures $6995.00; BROOKE & SON, furniture & fixtures $757.0 CARPENTER MILLWORKS furniture & fixtures $1335.00; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon this Board of Equalization will now recess until May 24, 1965. Board recessed. • 108 SUPE VISO 1'1 S 1' ECO 1" D N o. 16 Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Theobald, on consideration the Board of Equalization finds that the assessed value of J. M. McDonald Co, furniture & fixtures and equipment be assessed at from $3575.00 to $10,455.00 reason raised according to depreciation guide; and, that on consideration of the complaints filed the Board of Equalization finds that the following REAL ESTATE Should be EXEMPT:- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF KENESAW, Nebraska located on E 110' of S 20' of Lot 6, and E. 110' of N 85' of Lot 7, Block 2, Parmenter's Second Addition to the Village of Kenesaw, Adams County, Nebraska; HASTINGS COLUMBIAN HOLDING COMPANY, Inc. described as the W 12' of Lot 10, and the E 120' of Lot 11, Block 1, Bellangee's First Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska; FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH described as N 55' of Lots 11 and 12, Block 4, Original Town, City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska; GRACE EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHERN CHURCH described as all of Lot 6, and the E 51' of Lot 7, thereof in Block 4, Hilltop Acres Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska; THE EV. LUTHERAN GOOD SAMARITAN SOCIETY of Hastings, Nebraska being hereby defined as that property bounded by "D" Street on the North, UP tracks on the south, Highway 6 on the West and the corporate limits of said City on the East; HASTINGS COLLEGE describe as the W2 Lot 4, Block 1, Heartwell Park Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County,Nebraska; VFW POST # 1346 described as Lotsl thru 8, Block 2, Wayfair Addition to the City of Hastings,Adams County, Nebraska; and, that on consideration the Board of Equalization finds that the assessed value of the property complaints should be assessed as follows:- MRS SARAH ROSENBERG, buildings on leased land $4680.00 reason that Improvements were reduced on evidence of expert appraiser employed by County Assessor; SHERMAN SERVICE CENTER, Inc, Parts and Stock at $100,000.00 Inventory too low; HUESKE IMPLEMENT COMPANY, Inventory of Parts and Machinery at $80,750.00 reason present assessment equitable and as originally declared: FARM & RANCH SUPPLY COMPANY, Inventory of Animal Health Products Merchandise $1,080.92 reason that present assessment equitable and as originally declared; HASTINGS CONCRETE COMPANY, Inc. furniture & fixtures $65,000.00 reason set according to manual; PHILLIPS PETROLEUM COMPANY, BS6158 Hastings $2100.00 and BS3371 Roseland $700.00 reason according to manual and set according to depreciation guide; J. M. MCDONALD COMPANY fixtures $40,930.00 and Inventory $441,385.00 reason as originally declared; CURTS FLEETWAY SERVICE furnitu & fixtures $2500.00 and Inventory $3375.00 reason set according to depreciation guide; BOWLMORE LANES furniture & fi}es $23,800.00 reason set according to depreciation guide; CITY NATIONAL BA Capitol Stock $1,057.971.00 reason assessed according to manual; ASHTON WHOLESALE SERVICE Inc. Inventory $68,626.00 and furniture & fixtures $1755,00 reason assessed according to manual. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock P. M. this Board of Equalization will now recess until May 28, 1965. Board recessed. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, May 28, 1965. 10 o'clock A. M. The Adams County Board of Supetvisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of May 24,1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman ,presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Haberman, seconded by Youngblood, that on consideration of the within complaints filed the Board of Equalization finds that the assessment value of the property complained should be and the Board's statement of basis upon which theytook action are as follows;- EARL BALDWIN building at $2400.00 location Lots 1 & 2, Blockll, Sewell's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, reason present assessment equitable; F. H. HUBER building at $3700.00 , location N2 Lot 4, Johnson & Breckner's Addition to the Ci:.y of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, reason present assessment equitable; MABEL ANDERSON, building at $5220.00 location N1/2 Lot 8, Block 4, Webster & Wemples Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska reason Improvements valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood; MARGARET M. ROSE building at $1800.00, Land $510.00 location EZ of Lots 15, 16 & 17 East Park Addition to the City of Hastings Adams County, Nebraska reason present assessment equitable; FERN SWANSON LANCASTER building at $3230.00, Land $270.00 location Lot 20, Block 3, Thompson's Addi!::ion City of Hastings, reason present assessment equitable; DOUGLAS F. MILLER building at $5750.00 location S 60' of E 146' and 5" of Lot 1, Block 1, Cline's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska reason improvements valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood; MYRON C. KENT building $11,000.00 location E 75' of Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, Block 10, Moore's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska reason Improvemnts reduced on evidence of expert appraiser employed by County Assessor; JOHN VALKNIER, Lot 4 Building $2590.00, Lot 5 building at $4500.00 location Lots 4 & 5, Block 2, Heller's Addition to the CiLy of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska reason present assessment equitable; KERR-COCHRAN INC, building $10,785.00 location W 27' of Lots 14-18, Block 27, Johnson's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska reason Improvements valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood; LaVON BIENHOFF, buildings $2290.00 locationN 50' S 142' 3-7-10, W2 NE SE NW which lies W of and abutting the alley also com. NW cor. of tract W to E line Bellevue Ave S 50' E to SW cor. reason Improvements valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood; ROSE LEE SANDERS building $2,000.00 location N2 of Lot 24 & N of W 10' of Lot 25, Palmer's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska reason Improvements valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood; R. 0. ROSS, buildings $5,000.00 location Lot 10, Block 2, Ingraham's Sub -Div of Blks 12, 13, 14, 16 & 17, Mumaw's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, reason present assessment equitable; LOUIS KAPLAN AND MICHAEL OLIVETTI, buildings $10,050.00 location W 63' of S 72.9' of Lot 3, W 63' Lot 4, and the E 7' of S 72.9' Lot 6, and the E 7' Lot 5, Block 2, asn arm 11-,,-4 4 2.4 ci es." i -rt Pi 4-.r -P t7 4-- ,n n•n Ara n,.. r• (t.., ,... �-.� TT ..I�...n .. 1, .. .,... .. .. ..... T�..�.�...��.__��a.. .. ....1__. a.._ _� SUPE VISO S ECO D No, 16 109 reason Improvements valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood; LaMOINE HILLERS & ELVA G. HILLERS, buildings at $4500.00, location Lot 10, Block 22, Johnson's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebratika, reason Improvements valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood; LAURA McMAHON buildings at $590.00, Land at $9515.00, location NEk & SES 34-5-10 (Zero Twp), reason present assessment equitable; VERNON W. NELSON, building at $52.60.00, Lot at $5730.00 location Part of Lot 23 & 24, Block 20, Original Town to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, reason Improvements valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood; C, Wendell Foote, buildings at $3,190.00 Land at $605.00 location S 59' of Lot 4, Alexander's Subdivision of Block 10 in Alexanders First Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska reason present assessment Equit able; HENRY HOTELS CO., Hotel Building at $71,300.00 Land $20,000.00; Liquor store at $150.00, land at $2,365.00 location Lots 1 to 8, Block 19, Original Town to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska reason Improvements valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood; GEO. E. WYATT, building $1000.00, location Lot 2, Block 10, Alexander's Sub of Alexander's 1st Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska reason Improvements valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood; MARGARET L. GEDNEY, building at $17,000.00, location Lots 20 & 21, Block 20, Original Town to the Ci y of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, reason Improvements valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon this Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors Board recessed. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Monday, June 7, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of May 20, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoaglan At 10:10 o'clock A. M. the following bids for 1 Truck Crane were opened and read: Fehrs Tractor and Equipment Co, The Island Supply Co, Lincoln Equipment Co, Anderson Equipment Co,.. Construct' Service Equipment Co. Motion by Goble, seconded by Kidd, that we authorize the County Chairman to execute a poll moving agreement on file in the County Clerks Office Marked Exhibit "A" with the Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company in regard to services designated as Project No. S-528 (2) Juniata -North. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Haberman, seconded by Kidd, that we grant a Roadhouse license to Virginia May at 1401 East South Street from June 7, 1965 to January 1st 1966 Inc. Roll call, Ayes: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner and Hoagland. Nay: Theobald and Youngblood. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Youngblood, that the monthly reports of the County Library, Clerk of the District Court, Nursing Home (2) County Judge, (2) Sheriff (2) County Clerk (2) Car Title and Register of Deeds be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Haberman, that the refund of illegal taxes be authorized and the County Treasurer be instructed to such refund as computed on Exhibit "A" on file in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Lightner, that the following Miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisor's record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 3956 U. S. Treasury 3957 County Judge 3958 State Treas-Gas Tax Dist. 3959 Void 3960 Russell, Harry, Adm. 3961 Neva W. Wolfe 3962 County Judge 3963 County Judge 3964 Justice of Peace 3965 Justice of Peace 3966 Justice of Peace 3967 Justice of Peace 3968 Justice of Peace 3969 County Judge 3970 McMurray Co. Don J. 3971 Clerk of District Court 3972 Lancaster County 3973 County Clerk 3974 County Judge 3975 County Judge 3976 County Judge 3977 County Judge on0 4140.00 3094 380.54 3095 454.01 3096 3097 136.10 3098 507.25 3099 25.00 3990 25.00 3991 120.00 3992 95.00 3993 60.00 3994 125.00 3995 90.00 3996 50.00 3997 6.40 3998 45.00 3999 976.12 4000 5.00 4001 10.00 4002 15.00 4003 15.00 4004 50.00 4005 0/C nn i nrG State Treas- Gas Tax Dist.., State Treas- Gaa Tax Dist. State Treas- Gas Tax Dist. State Treas- Gas Tax Dist. State Treas, Insurance Tax Fund Justice of Peace Justice of Peace Justice of Peace Werner Construction Co. U. S. Treasury County Judge Kearney County Treas. Kearney County Treas. County Clerk County Clerk County Judge Radon Inc. Special Mail Route Medical, Surgical & Hospital Medical, Surgical & Hospital Medical, Surgical & Hospital Medical, Surgical & Hossital r ..,.L1 ..ra __L 611.49 9018.80 3363.50 10,951.38 51,688.97 75.00 60.00 85.00 77.00 4250.00 200.00 2140.00 142.00 207.00 749.50 52.91 53.12 2285.00 274.69 209.02 369.82 3926.91 on 110 SUPE 1•\ VISO s ECO 1'1 D N o, 16 4012 County Judge 4013 State Treas-State Assistance 4014 Ralph Baird 4015 County Clerk 4016 Clerk of District Court 4017 County Judge 4018 County Judge 4019 County Judge 4020 County Judge 4021 County Judge 25.00 2866.42 29.06 36.48 259.00 100.00 10.00 20.00 25.00 10;.00 4022 Hunter, Richard E. Adm. 4023 Justice of Peace 4024 Justice of Peace 4025 County Judge 4026 County Judge 4027 Larkin, Director 4028 State Treas- State Assistance 4029 County Judge 4030 Peterson, Edna Guardian & Adm. 4729.53 85.00 70.00 10.00 50.00 80.00 190.11 75.00 3638.90 Motion by Goble, seconded by Kidd, that the bonds of Otto Kleier, West Blue Township Roadoverseer Richard W. Johnson, Silver Lake Township Roadoverseer; and Howard W. Frazier, Silver Lake Townshili Constable, and R. 0. Canaday, Aging & Substitute County Judge be approved and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that we approve the request by Harry Haverly, County Judge of R. 0. Canaday as substitute and acting County Judge. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Lightner, that we approve the additional collateral of $200,000.00 U. S. Treasury Bonds of the First National Bank of Hastings for the security of County deposits. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that we approve the request made by Harry Haverly, County Judge of Richard Finnerty to serve as Probation Officer to Adams County Court. Roll call, Ayes: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Nay: Haberman. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Haberman, that we authorize the County Chairman to sign tax list corrections No's 4568 & 4569, 4576 to 4627 & 4628 void & 4629 to 4675 & 4676 void & 4677 to 4661 Inc. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Haberman, seconded by Lightner, that we ask the County Attorney to start foreclosure proceedings on the following properties, to wit: Emma Parker, Deceased, So. 88' of Lot 9,except W 30' of the S 44' of Lot 9, except W 30' of the N 44' of the S 88' of Lot 9, Original Town of Kenesaw, Adams County, Nebraska. In the name of Charles G and Emma Parker, Suryivorsh:p Deed. And, Anna Einspahr, Deceased, described as Lots 9 and 10, Block 5, First Addition to Kenesaw, Adams County , Nebraska. And Frank Parsons, Deceased, described as S 34' of the N 81' of Lot 1 and the S 34' of the N 81' of the E 15' of Lot 2, Shutt's Subdivision of Block 9 ofMclntyre's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be inst ucted to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Acme Printing Company Adams Hardware Co. Anderson, Sheriff Robert Bee Printing Company Bert's Pharmacy Booth Enterprises R. C. Brach-Thomp son Brock, Don Business Supply Co. Carpenter Paper Co. Clerk of District Court Connolly, William M. Copple, Russell Cornhusker Press Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Eckhardt, Mrs. Pearl Extension Service Fitzke, Gary Glenn, Dr. Elmer E. Harding, Nancy K. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Huyck Grain Co. Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Seed & Supply Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Haverly, County Judge Harry C. Heusser, A. J. International Business Machines Karr, Mrs. Paul Keim, Harold Supplies Supplies Matron fee, Laundry, Food Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Mileage, Postage Supplies Supplies State cases, Mental Illness Mileage, Registration fee Mileage Supplies Services Mileage Rwvolving fund Mileage Services Salary Supplies Proceedings Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies, Files Utilities State cases Services Maintenance Agreement Mileage Mileage 21.75 9.25 Mileage1556.22 21.70 8.60 30.00 83.12 19.72 33.59 10.89 556.50 6.60 11.40 2.00 38.00 23.84 8.67 17.52 29.75 9.30 21.15 114.37 10.00 4.50 18.90 372.40 1016.49 97.00 5.00 35.00 10.20 36.00 SUPE VISORS ECO D No 16 111 Midwest Lawn Sprinkler Co. Modem Linen Supply Nasco National Police Chiefs & Sheriffs Bureau Nebraska Association Co. Officials Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Omaha Printing Co. Parawax Company Pitney -Bowes Inc. Redfield & Company Ripp, Joyce Rucker, Morland Rucker, Morland Rutts Pharmacy Safeway Store Schafer Printing Co. Scott, F. R. Sinclair Manifold Products Inc. Snoberger, Don Sorensen, Mrs. Lloyd Stewart Plumbing & Heating Co. Strasburg, Wayne Swearingen, J. R. Temple, Howard Thomas, Ray L. Thomas, Ray L. West Publishing Co. West Publishing Co. Williams Exterminating Co. Wright & Mack Co. ROAD FUND Benjamin & Associates Edwin R. Champlin's Skelly Service Clarke Oil Co. Clarke Oil Co. Cooperative Service Assn. Consumers Public Power Dist. Cook Paint & Varnish Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Engel Lumber & Supply Co. Farmers Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil Firestone Stores Friends Motor Supply General Supply Gentert, Charles Glenwood Telephone Membership Corp. Hageman Hardware Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding & Supply Co. Hesman, Dave Hohlen, Fred Home Oil Service Hunt's Garage Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kenesaw Oil Co. Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Co. Kenesaw Telephone Co. Kennedy, Tom Kully Iron & Metal Co. Laird Motors Lilley Sand & Gravel Meredith, Register Deeds L. John Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Modern Linen Supply Co. Motley, Al Mousel, Virgil Nebraska Frisian Industries Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Penny's Store Pittz Service Schifferns Service Sidles Company Sime, A. J. Spady Pontiac & Cadillac Inc. Snadv Pontiac & Cadillac Tnc. Supplies Mop service Supplies Directory Dues Repairs Supplies Supplies Meter Rental Supplies Mileage ileage & Registration Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Tests Supplies Mileage Mileage Repair Mileage Bailiff Mileage Salary Mileage Supplies Supplies Services Repairs Labor, Pipes Gas Gas, Repairs Gas Diesel fuel Services Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel, Supplies Supplies, Repairs Supplies Supplies Salary Telephone service Supplies Utilities Supplies Salary Salary Gas Supplies, Repairs Utilities Gas Gas Supplies Telephone service Mileage Supplies Supplies Gravel Filing deeds Telephone service Shop towels Salary Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas, Oil, Diesel Gas, Diesel Supplies Gas, Diesel Rep airs Motor 67.70 12.00 32.56 6.50 49.00 24.00 15.78 58.25 17.40 55.53 4.00 105.00 38.88 1.29 26.31 60.95 47.50 30.00 13.68 25.00 7.25 15.52 40.00 28.96 243.75 7.52 35.00 17.50 5.00 237.01 190.00 29.50 46.85 80.28 140.00 1.00 16.52 7.62 12.69 143.30 63.13 17.91 39.50 236.25 14.47 12.07 23.45 17.66 24.30 189.00 37.58 9.60 34.77 9.25 314.07 190.84 16.00 8.24 1.65 2.71 354.32/ 6.50 29.11 5.75 40.50 283.50 79.80 123.71 8.14 214.40 111.52 56.52 188.90 4.30 7 nn 112 SUPE VISO s ECO D No, 16 Dutton-Lainson Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Adams County Highway Dept. Del Chemical Corporation H & M Equipment Co. Inc. Lilley Sand & Gravel Lilley Sand & Gravel Vontz Construction Co. L. J. Vontz Constructi©n Co. L. J. Busboom, Mrs. Virginia Ernst, Mrs. Waunetta B. Gangwish, Mrs. Anna Gangwish, Mrs. Anna Hastings Public Library McNair, Mrs. Klyoe Parks, Miss Arlene Redinger, Mrs. Bonnie Jean Sanford, Mrs. Dorothy Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey Stansbury, Mrs. Florence Aulner Ornamental Iron Works Fast Construction Co. Guarantee Electric Co. Bee Printing Co. Brooke & Son Business Supply Co. Gamble Robinson Co. Losee & Cornelius Auto Works Rank's Supply & Rentals Redfield Pharmacy American Public Welfare Assn. Charlton, Dr. G. Paul Cosgrove, Madelyn Duthie, Eva B. Hoffmeister, Dr. George Kamm, Dr. Frank Larkin,Perry 0. Pearson, Naomi Pinney, Dr. G. L. Royer, Margaret Rutt, Dr. F. J. Vasey, Ruby Welch, Dr. George L. Whitcomb, Audrey Adams County Adams County Adams County Adams County Anderson, Dr Brooke & Son Brommer Dispensary Inc. McBride, John L, D. D Sneller, Dr. Robert C. Treas. Treas. Treas. Treas. • H. F. Berg, County Clerk Emma BRIDGE FUND Supplies Supplies SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND Rental, County Labor Supplies Gravel Gravel Gravel Gravel Gravel COUNTY LIBRARY Salary Salary Salary Salary Library service Salary Salary Salary Salary Library Cataloger Salary ERECTION & REPAIR FUND Railing General Contract Electrical work ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Repair Supplies Supplies STATE FUNDS Membership Medical care Mileage Mileage Medical care Medical care Mileage Mileage Medical care Mileage Medical care Mileage Medical care Mileage MEDICAL, SURGICAL & HOSPITAL Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Medical care Medical supplies Lens Bifocals & frame Lens GENERAL RELIEF Postage 14.01 3082.04 2527.00 1288.10 1088.15 952.56 2231.88 1929.18 2497.33 30.00 40.00 30.00 30.00 100.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 88.33 30.00 166.00 2000.00 1375.93 49.95 348.40 24.84 268.81 29.87 6.80 36.60 35.00 15.00 1.76 14.24 9.00 7.00 27.33 4.64 10.00 9.84 8.50 3.04 15.00 7.52 486.82 716.57 219.11 3092.61 31.95 12.20 17.00 24.00 17.00 36.60 4n nn SUPE VISO s ECO D No, 16 113 Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Larkin,Perry 0. Larkin,Director Perry 0. Larkin,Director Perry 0. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Safeway Stores Safeway Stores Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. Staple food Staple food Staple food Mileage Revolving fund Postage Co. .gervices Staple food Staple food Rent 10.00 35.00 65.00 24.82 5.70 60.00 41.06 43.00 20.00 250.00 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. County .rte �_ _.... Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, June 14, 196.5. 11:00 o'clock A.M. AL,T7A Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of June 7, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that we purchase 1 new Link trade in of one Buckeye Clipper for $20,320.00. Roll call, all This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman County Crk Belt Model HC48, 6x4 Carrier, less voted aye. Motion carried. of the County Board of Supervisors. c� l/ Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, June 21, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of June 14, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, due to unanticipated requirements essential to the administration of Justice, the preservation and maintenance of the public Health, welfare and safety there exists an emergency in the budget appropriations for the following county offices and funds: County Clerk, Clerk of the District Court, County Superintendent, County Sheriff, County Treasurer, Jail, Court House, District Court, Service Officer, Insane, Microfilming, there is not sufficient money appropriated to operate and carry out the needs and requirements of said offices for the balance of the fiscal year, and WHEREAS, there are sufficient unappropriated moneys in the general fund and it is essential to the government of. Adams County that the appropriation for said offices and funds be increased by emergency appropriation. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, that there is hereby appropriated and allocatedfrom the general funds the amount as hereinafter set forth for the use and benefit of the office or fundset opposite each amount for the balance of the fiscal year, saidappropriation increases the budget of each office or fund to the amount shown below: OFFICE OR FUND County Clerk Clerk of the District Court County Superintendent County Sheriff County Assessor Jail.,. Court House District Court Service Officer Insane Microfilming AMOUNT OF INCREASE $1,020.00 450.00 600,00 2,100.00 1,600.00 1,000.00 200.00 400.00 615.00 45.00 340.00 TOTAL BUDGET $17,330.00 13,235.00 15,590.00 24,380.00 37,730.00 9,768.00 29, 945, 00 6,475.00 11,458.00 1,545.00 1.465.00 114 SUPE 1" VISO t s ECO D No. 16 Adams County Agricultural Extension Clerk of the District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Brungard, Tilly Ann Buckner, Velma L. Hawes, Corinne D. Hohlfeld, Gust E. Seballoz, Micheal Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Highway Department Bridge Department Larkin, Perry 0. Director Adams County Nursing Home This Board will now recess GENERAL FUND ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND STATE FUNDS Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Salaries Office Expense ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME Salaries subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board 721.65 787.50 1871.76 1354.00 1726.98 1411.44 1789.93 1582.50 690.00 1892.50 240.00 140.00 150.00 141.66 450.00 787.50 787.50 8451.50 923.50 4180.00 2622.,02 of Supervitors Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 6, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of June 21, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald and Hoagland, Absent: Youngblood. Motion by Haberman, seconded by Kidd, that we accept the bid of Larrys Refrigeration for one 71/2 hp. water cooled Air Conditioner, complete at $2310.54 as per bid on file in the County Clerks office. Roll call, Ayes: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Theobald and Hoagland. Nay: Lightner, Lotion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Theobald, that we accept the low bid of Modern Linen Supply for laundry service at the Adams County Nursing Home. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble, that the reports of the Clerk of the District Court, Register of Deeds (2) County Judge, County Attorney, Adams County Library be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Theobald, that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, there is an Old Age Assistance Lien filed in Book 188, page 4, Mortgage recordsof Adams County, Nebraska against Edward L. Ransom against property described as: Block 13 Sewell's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska (except the south 125' thereof) in favor of Adams County, Nebraska for Old Age Assistarce payments paid to Edward L. Ransom, and WHEREAS, the lien filed on said property for Old Age Assistance payments to Edward L.Ransom amounts to $232.10, and WHEREAS, TheAdams County Board of Supervisors finds that two appraisals made on said property value the property not worth more than $200.00 and that no more than $200.00 can be realized by foreclosure on such lien, and WHEREAS, there is a check for $200.00 made in the favor of Adams County, signed by LaMoine SUPE 11 VIS0111\ D No. 16 115 Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that the following Miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisors record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, 4031 4032 4033 4034 4035 4036 4037 4038. 4039 4040 4041 4042 4043 4044 4045 4046 4047 4048 4049 4050. 4051 4052 4053 4054 4055 4056, 4057 4058 4059 4060 4061 4062 4063 4064 Motion by Kidd, seconded by Theobald, that we approve the appointments to the Adams County Service Committee of Mr. Lawrence Dunmire of Hastings and Mr. Don Burling of Kenesaw to fill unexpired term of John Widener, deceased. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Lightner, that we authorize a refund of taxes paid due to clerical error marked "Exhibit A" on file in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Jared W. Siegfried 221.94 Neva Wolfe 522.00 County Judge 100.00 County Judge 100.00 Justice of Peace 135.00 Justice of Peace 80.00 Village of Juniata 700.00 County Clerk 715.50 County Clerk 202.00 County Judge 50.00 W. T. Rawleigh Co. 1,00 Cancelled Justice of Peace 75.00 Justice of Peace 80.00 Clerk of District Court 100,00 Clerk of District Court 25.20 Clerk of District Court 57.40 County Judge 25.00 County Judge 25.00 Virginia May 10.00 County Judge 66.00 Adams County Nursing Home 253.70 County Judge 100.00 Clerk of District Court 396.00 County Judge 1112.27 County Judge 39.00 Clay County 345,50 School Dist # 29 Treasurer 1567.11 Justice of Peace 80.00 Justice of Peace 115.00 Register of Deeds 800.00 State Treas- Gas Tax Dist, 10,263.52 State Treas- Gas Tax Dist 3,363.50 State Treas- Gas Tax Dist. 12,942.94 4065 State Treas- Gas Tax Dist. 4066 County Judge 4067 Clay County Treas 4068 Perry 0. Larkin -Director 4069 State Treas- State Assistance 4070 Justice of Peace 4071 Justice of Peace 4072 State Treas- State Assistance 4073 Special Mail Route Road Fund 4074. Village of Juniata 4075 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 4076 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 4077 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 4078 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 4079 Virginia May 4080 Clerk of District Court 4081 Justice of Peace 4082 Justice of Peace 4083 County Judge 4084 County Judge 4085 County Judge 4086 County Judge 4087 County Judge 4088 County Judge 4089 County Judge 4090 Justice of Peace 4091 Justice of Peace 4092 County Judge 4093 County Judge 4094 County Judge 4095 County Judge 4096 State Treas- State Assistance Fund 4097 Mrs. Martin Schroeder Fund Fund 695,89 25.00 625.00 301.40 50,062.59 130.00 105.00 9,227.72 2,527.00 2,500.00 3,092.61 219.11 716.57 486.82 8.96 52.00 80.00 165.00 100,00 10.00 100.00 50.00 25.00 99.00 1135.00 110.00 110.00 25.00 31.00 20.00 160.00 536.02 .39 Veteran the Motion by Theobald, seconded by Kidd, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams Co. Ext. Service Adams County Treasurer Anderson, Sheriff Robert Bender & Company, Inc. Matthew Booth, Enterprises, R. C. Burroughs Corporation Buscher, Lorene Business Supply Co. Buzz Elliotts Service City National Bank Clerk of District Court County Clerk Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc. Dan's Pickup & delivery service Department of Information U of N Dier, E. L. Eastman Kodak Stores Inc. Farmers Mutual Ins. Co of Nebr. Friden Inc. General Supply of Hastings Geographical Publishing Co. Goding, Luther Haberman's of Hastings Hargleroad Van & Storage Co. Hastings Daily Tribune Waqtinac Privrk a -rain rn_ Revolving fund Box rent Matron fee, Laundry, Box 5.55 12.00 rent,Food,Mileage 1322.45 6.50 105.30 2.40 87.50 33.72 1.70 9.96 264.80 13.65 6.00 34.00 17.50 123.50 49.04 987.20 75,86 54.00 25.00 20.96 26.13 5.00 171.39 17 cn Supplies Tam books Supplies Salary Supplies Gasoline Supplies State cases, Mental Illness Box rent, supplies Services Delivery Supplies Vital Statistics Supplies In Services Shelving Supplies Mileage Supplies Moving Supplies, Proceedings 116 SUPE VISO s ECO D No, 16 Holthaus Drug Co. IBM Corporation IBM Corporation Kelso Chemical Co Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. Martin Company Meredith, Register Deeds L. John Modern Linen Supply Modern Office Methods Oelschlager, Wm. Omaha Printing Co. Recordak Corporation Redfield & Company, Inc. Ripp, Joyce M. Robinson, Donald Rucker, Morland Rutt, Curtis Schafer Printing Co. Schmidt, Raymond Swearingen, J. R. Taylor, Bernard H. Clerk Dist Court Temple, Howard Thomas, Ray L. Thomas, Ray L. Waterman L. T. West Publishing Co. Whitmore, Helen Williams Exterminating Co. ROAD FUND Augustin Implement Co. Bachman, L. L. Clarke Oil. Co. Inc. Clarke Oil Co. Inc. Consumers Public Power Dist. Curtis Oil Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Engel Lumber & Supply Farmers Union CoOp. Gas & Oil Co. Firestone Stores Friends Motor Supply Gentert, Charles O. Glenwood Telephone Co. Hastings Utilities Hesman, Dave Heuertz, Harold G. H & M Equipment Co. Inc. Hohlen, Fred Home Oil Service Island Supply Co. Kenesaw Oil Co, Kents Parts & Equipment Co. Kerr Chevrolet Co. Laird Motors Lenhart Seivice Station Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. Minnesota Mining & Mfg Co. Modern Linen Supply Motley, Al Motley, Jim Motley, Steve Mousel, Virgil Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co. Pauley Lumber Co. Pittz Service Roeder, Denny Schifferns Service Sherman Service Center Sime, A. J. SM H Insurance Agency Smith & Son, S. E. Southern Nebr. Rural Public power Timm, Johnnie • 1 Supplies Maintenance agreement Supplies Supplies Services Labor, Mileage Box rent, Mileage, Supplies Services Machine, Supplies Mileage Supplies Supplies, Labor, Mileage Supplies Mileage Mileage Mileage Services Supplies Mileage Bailiff Box rent Mileage Supplies Salary Mileage Supplies Judging School Exhibit Services Supplies Diesel Gas, Oil, Repairs Lubricate Utilities Diesel Grease gun Supplies Gas, Diesel Supplies, Repairs Supplies Salary Telephone service Utilities Salary Mileage Gravel Salary Gas Blades Diesel Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas Gravel Grader Supplies Telephone service Supplies Shop towels Salary Salary Salary Salary Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel, Repairs Salary Gas, Diesel Supplies Gas, Diesel Insurance Supplies Utilities Repairs 22.00 299.25 6.75 1.06 449.63 51.00 7.25 9.50 402.55 20.80 91.70 78.26 56.54 39.43 33.60 13.20 11.10 56.75 14.98 64.00 12.00 19.68 6.49 300.30 3.20 31.00 25.00 5.00 120.02 133.13 260.03 29,62 1.00 151.20 6.28 50.25 139.00 258.78 69.72 267.30 14.36 17.41 188.33 7.20 192.90 148.50 85.30 174.96 158.63 23.53 8.55 22.48 315.00 385.28 18,900.00 191.59 46.13 79.80 6.00 283.50 230.85 243.00 297.00 8.73 .48 305.87 297.00 139.35 90.48 169.40 1242.64 4.25 80.40 9.25 nn nn SUPE VISO ECO D No. 16 117 Adams Hardware Co. Rosier, Charles Dutton-Lainson Co. Kully Iron & Metal Co, Van3oening, Ronald A. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Adams County Highway Dept. Adams County Noxious Weed Dist. H & M Equipment Co. Inc. H & M Equipment Co. Inc. Lilley Sand & Gravel Vontz Construction Co. L. J. Busboom, Mrs. Virginia Doubleday & Company, Inc. Ernst, Mrs. Waunetta B. Gangwish, Mrs. Anna Harvey, Sharon Kay Hastings Public Library New Method Book Bindery Inc. Parks, Miss Arlene Redinger, Mrs. Bonnie Jean Sanford, Mrs. Gerald Stansbury, Mrs, Florence Fast Construction Co. Guarantee Electric Co. Sherman Service Center Abbotts Dairy Brooke & Son Custom Pack Dey's Furniture Exchange Dutton-Lainson Co. Engel, Chester Engel Lumber & Supply Co. Gamble Robinson Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hinrichs, Gary M. Hrabak, Alan J. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. Lofing, Jake Monia, Ernest M. Nelson Electric Co. Peter Pan Bakers Theobald, A. J. Warehouse Carpet Sales Inc. Wolfe, Neva Woodward Disposal Co. Yost Lumber Co. J. H. DeBacker, Dr. L. J. Duthie,Eva B. Glenn, Dr. Elmer E. Kingsley, Dr, D. W. Pearson, Naomi Royer, Margaret F. Rutt, Dr, F. J. Shreck, Dr. H. W. Smith, Dr. Robert Vasey, Ruby Welch, Dr. George L. Whitcomb, Audrey BRIDGE FUND Supplies Salary Supplies Supplies Salary Supplies SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND COUNTY LIBRARY Rental, Labor Spraying Gravel, Armour coat Gravel Gravel Gravel Salary Books Salary Salary Cataloger Library services Books Salary Salary Salary Salary ERECTION & REPAIR FUND Grating & Panels Balance due contract Motor repair ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME STATE Milk Equipment Meat Equipment Supplies, Equipment Painting 2aint & Material Groceries Supplies Utilities Painting Painting Telephone service Tile base Salary Supplies, Repairs Bakery products Equipment Carpet Dining room tables Garbage service Repair FUNDS Medical care Mileage Medical care Medical care Mileage Mileage Medical care Examinatior Medical care Mileage Medical care Mileage 7.48 94.00 31.09 9.33 85,05 6703.61 2113.50 1011.00 437.78 3065.80 2699.12 9737.20 30.00 27.50 40,00 30.00 88.33 300.00 10.72 30,00 30.00 30.00 30.00 194.70 420.22 18.31 156.45 38.20 170.76 37.00 179.55 83.50 506.40 358.81 10.90 71,78 87.25 87.25 24.11 56.80 30.00 90.19 40.66 126.33 250,00 90.00 12.00 13.00 7.50 6.64 9.00 15.00 4.08 9.92 7.50 3.00 7.50 12.24 7,50 9.20 118 SUPE VISO 1'1 s 1�1 ECO D No, 16 Adams County Treasurer Brand -Wilson Mortuary Brooke & Son Redfield Pharmacy Berg, County Clerk Emma Bi-LoMarket Brand Am.bul anc e Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Glenn & Kleager, Drs. Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Larkin, Perry 0. Larkin,Director Perry 0. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. Mary Lanning Hospital Thiel's Cafe Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. This Board will now recess subject County Clerk GENERAL RELIEF Vendor payment Ambulance service Medical supplies Medical supplies Postage Staple food Ambulance service Supplies Services Medical care Utilities Staple food Staple food Mileage Postage Telephone service Hospi talization Meals Rent 464.76 5.00 13.60 6.06 35.70 30.00 5.00 33.97 4.50 15.00 21.69 95.00 56.00 20.90 40.00 75.31 34.30 25.00 250.00 to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisor . r0 a Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, July 21, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of July 6, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman,presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Theobald and Hoagland. Absent: Lightner and Youngblood. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Agricultural Extension Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Brungard, Tilly Ann Finnerty, R. W. Hawes, Corinne D. Hohlfeld, Gust E. Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Seballoz, Micheal Highway Department Bridge Department Larkin, Perry 0. Director GENERAL FUND ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND STATE FUNDS Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salaries Salaries Office Expense ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME 604.47 787.50 1812.28 1351.00 3406.36 1326.25 1613.05 1648.00 690.00 1882.50 240.00 121.50 150.00 141.66 787.50 787.50 450.00 8256.45 970.00 4180.00 SUPE 11 VISO I 11 S ECO D N o, 16 119 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, July 28, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per advertised Statement of Publication of estimated summary of the County Budget and levy comparison for the purpose of objections, suggestions or corrections to the 1965-1966 County Budget. Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Absent: Lightner. No objections or suggestions were presented. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors County ! erk Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, August 6, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Charman Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of July 21, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Goble, Haberma4, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoaglan Motion by Goble, seconded by Kidd, that the Chairman be authorized to sign an easement of The Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Marked Exhibit "A" on file in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Haberman, seconded by Youngblood, that the County Board make available to the Chamber of Commerce from County funds up to $6000.00 as needed, for Industrial Development and Promotion. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd,seconddd by Youngblood, that the following Miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisors record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 4098 U. S. Treasury 414.00_''4136 4099 County Clerk 36.60 4137 4100 County Judge 25.00 4138 4101 County Judge 100.00 4139 4102 County Judge 10.00 4140 4103 County Clerk 7381.78 4141 4104 Justice of the Peace 60.00 4142 4105 Justice of the Peace 110.00 4143 4106 Justice of the Peace 70.00 4144 4107 County Supt. 2668.05 4145 4108 County Judge 174.83 4146 4109 Welfare Director 200.00 4147 4110 County Judge 1086.85 4148 4111 County Judge 111.00 4149 4112 County Judge 125.00 4150 4113 Village of Holstein 4892.75 4151 4114 County Judge 288.68 4152 4115 County Judge 126.27 4153 4116 County Sheriff 275.00 4154 4117 County Judge 100.00 4155 4118 County Judge 100.00 4156 4119 County Clerk 682.00 4157 4120 County Clerk 227.25 4158 4121 Post Office 2.09 4159 4122 Adams County Home 2190.50 4160 4123 Clerk of District Court 49.75 4161 4124 Clerk of District Court 41.97 4162 4125 Clerk of District Court 739.25 4163 4126 Justice of Peace 140.00 4164 4127 Justice of Peace 80.00 4165 4128 Justice of Peace 75.00 4166 4129 Justice of Peace 80.00 4167 4130 State Treas- Gas Tax Dist1055.98 4168 4131 State Treas-Gas lex Dist11087.87 4169 4132 State Treas-Gas Tax Dist 3363.50 4170 4133 State Treas-Gas Tax Dist14261,89 4171 4134 Clerk of District Court 75.00 4172 4135 Randon Inc. 59.00 Special Mail Rout Medical, Surgical Medical, Surgical Medical, Surgical Medical, Surgical County Judge County Judge State Assistance State Assistance Justice of Peace Justice of Peace Justice of Peace Adams Co. Dept of Perry Larkin Perry Larkin County Judge Register of Deeds County Judge County Judge Adams Co. Nursing Clerk of District Clerk of District Justice of Peace Justice of Peace Justice of Peace Justice of Peace Justice of Peace State Treasurer Jean W. Fells Adm State Assistance County Judge County Judge Gage Co. Clerk Justice of Peace Justice of Peace Justice of Peace Justice of Peace e Road , Hospital & Hospital & Hospital & Hospital Fund Fund Welfare Home Court. Court Fund 2113.50 464.76 193.60 269.59 3421.01 25.00 335.00 49,836.69 3316.67 120.00 110.00 80.00 48.43 10.00 16.00 15.00 983.00 201.89 300.00 400.00 45.00 46.00 110.00 100.00 125.00 90.00 110.00 78.21 194.40 434.56 25.00 25.00 246.40 90.00 120.00 80.00 65.00 120 SUPE VISO .1 l\ S j,, ECO D No, 16 Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Lightner, that the County Board accept the low bid of Schafer Printing Co. of $48,45 for County Treasurer supplies as per specifications. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that we transfer $25,000.00 from the Inheritance Fund to the County General Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that the reports of the (2) County Judge, County Clerk Clerk of District Court, County Library, County Attorney, Register of Deeds, (2) Sheriff, Car Titles and County Clerk be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Goble, that we approve the Bond of Lawrence County Service Committee in the amount of $1000.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Lightner, that the Chairman be authorized to sign slips #4682 to 4718 Inc. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Dunmire, Member of Motion carried. tax list correction GENERAL FUND Anderson, Sheriff Robert Acadia Press, Inc. Adams County Ext. Service Augustine Company Aulner Ornamental Iron Works Bee Printing Co. Business Supply Co. Clerk of District Court Cobbs Manufacturing Co. County Clerk County Supt. County Supt. County Supt. Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Davenport Co. F. E. Dutton-Lainson Co. Felton & Wolf Co. Finnerty, R. W. First National Bank Hammond & Stephens Co. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Haverly, County Judge Harry C. Heil Marine Center Holthaus Drug Co. International Business Machines Corp. Irons, Fred R. Itek Business Products Johnson Service Co. Knight, Robert G. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McCormick -Mathers Publishing Co. Midwest Communication Service Midwest Lawn Sprinkler Co. Modern Linen Supply Co. Modern Office Methods Myers Refrigeration Co. Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Pitney -Bowes Inc. Postmaster Ray Building Products Co. Ripp, Joyce Schafer Printing Co. Scott, F. R. Sherman Service Center Inc. Short, Richard L. Swearingen, J. R. Temple, Howard Thomas, Ray L. Thomas, Ray L. Turner, George H. Laundry, Food, Mileage Supplies Revolving fund Supplies Supplies Supplies Repair, Supplies State cases, mental illness Supplies Titles Fair Fund Institute fund Dues Services Repairs Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Advertising, Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities State cases Supplies Supplies Supplies Services Supplies Supplies Reporting Telephone service Supplies Repairs Supplies Mop service Supplies Repairs Supplies Rental Postage Supplies Mileage Supplies Tests Supplies Mileage & Meals Bailiff Mileage Salary Mileage Supplies 1098.99 16.47 58.05 257.39 76.82 6.25 49.13 197.60 375.00 2.00 450.00 350.00 25.00 5.00 45.00 14.79 9.31 2.00 7.25 68.76 1485.86 4.50 47.13 2026.60 53.95 12.10 33.90 30.86 100.00 190.11 109.00 104.20 507.38 10.84 5.30 4.25 7.50 55.06 29.50 19.28 101.64 500.00 1.95 4.80 46.08 7.50 17.68 117.36 56.00 51.04 272.00 5.76 5.25 A A A SUPE)' VISO ECO D N o, 16 121 ROAD FUND Adams Hardware Co. Aman Plbihbing & Heating Co. Augustin Implement Co. Bierman Implement Co. Champlin's Skelly Service Clarke Oil Co. Coats Implement Co. Construction Service Equipment Co. Consumers Public Power District D & A Sinclair Service Dens -Oil Lubricant Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Fairs Repair Shop Farmers Union CoOp. Gas & Oil Co. Firestone Stores Friends Motor Supply General Supply Gentert, Charles 0. Glenwood Telephone Grand Island Testing Laboratories Hastings Battery & Electric Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Hesman, Dave Heuertz, Harold G. H & M Equipment Co. Inc. Hohlen, Fred Home Oil Service Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kenesaw 0il Co. Kenesaw Telephone Co. Kennedy, Tem Kerr Chevrolet Co. Laird Motors Lenhart Service Station Lilley Sand & Gravel Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Messer Co. L.J. Modern Linen Supply Morris Paint & Varnish Co. Motley, Al Motley, Jim Motley, Steve Mousel, Virgil Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Pittz Service Roeder, Dennis Rural Gas Utilities Schifferns Service Sherman Service Center Inc. Sidles Company Sime, A. J. Sinclair Refining Co. Smith & Sons, S. E. Spady Pontiac Cadillac Inc. Spitz & Blauvelt Stevens & Saunders Plumbing & Heating Swanson, Susie Uridil, Pamela Vontz Construction Co. L. J. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Sppply Co. Wilber Service Inc. Co. Co. Bosier, Charles W. Dutton-Lainson Co. Island Supply Co. Kully Iron & Metal Co. McClelland Farm Equipment Co. Nebraska Prision Industries Van Boening, Ronald A. Vhaa1 ar T.iimhar Rr4 dac f., Ciinnl cr rn Supplies Repair Supplies Supplies Gas Gas, Repairs Supplies Supplies Utilities Gas, Oil, Repairs Oil Supplies Repairs Gas, Diesel Supplies, Repairs Supplies Repairs Salary Telephone service Tests Supplies Utilities Supplies Salary Mileage Gravel Salary Gas Utilities Gas, Diesel Telephone service Mileage Supplies Supplies Gas Gravel Supplies Supplies Telephone service Supplies Laundry Supplies Salary Salary Salary Salary Supplies Ttuck crane Gas, Diesel Supplies Salary Fuel Gas, Diesel, Repair Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel Diesel Supplies Supplies Repair Supplies Salary Salary Gravel Culverts. Supplies BRIDGE FUND Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Blades Signs Salary CiTTn1 7 ac 2.24 28.00 133.72 6.48 20.71 279.58 11.12 129.42 1.00 26.82 372.35 8.10 9.64 210.00 639.65 9.34 5.30 255.15 13.31 233.00 62.67 24.75 11.78 206.55 4.40 503.60 229.50 140.95 12.80 122.50 16.00 6.40 9.05 49.49 303.75 407.04 110.16 23.79 27.63 105.11 6.55 126.00 297.75 255.83 222.08 297.00 20.12 20,320.00 340.80 292.50 10.50 124.67 35.11 117.72 225.70 166.32 4.04 4.40 18.80 8.86 50.00 80.00 2259.18 2252.42 138.84 30.00 14.78 304.83 8.97 25.20 22.50 231.53 1OS21 1 122 SUPE vis ECO D N®v 16 H & M Equipment Co. Lilley ;:;and & Gravel Lilley Sand & Gravel Vontz Construction Co. L.J. Vontz Construction Co. L.J. Vontz Construction Co. L.J. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Book Shop Bouregy & Co. Inc. Thomas Busboom, Mrs. Virginia Doubleday & Co. Inc. Ernstt, Mrs. Waunetta B. Gangwish, Mrs. Anna Harvey, Sharon Kay Hastings Public Library McNair, Mrs. Klyoe McNair, Mrs. Klyoe Redinger, Mrs. Bonnie Jean Sanford, Mrs. Dorothy Sapsis Inc. Perc. B. Stansberry, Mrs. Florence Anderson Bros. Plumbing & Heating Adams County Fair Assn. Adams County Veterans Service Officer Gravel Gravel Gravel Gravel Gravel Gravel Supplies COUNTY LIBRARY Books Books Salary Books Salary Salary Cataloger Library service Salary Salary Salary Salary Books Salary ERECTION & REPAIR FUND Repairs COUNTY FAIR Real Estate purchase SOLDIER'S & SAILOR'S Relief fund ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME Abbotds Dairy Adams Hardware Co. Aloe Bee Printing Co. Beebe & Runyan Furniture Co. Berck, Homer Bert's Rexall Drug Brach's Thompson Brooke & Son Christiansen, Thorvald J. Cook Paint & Varnish Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Engel Lumber & Supply Co. Faber Gas Appliance Service Fidler, Paul Gamble Robinson Co. General Supply of Hastings Good Samaritan Village Grace's Bike & Kay Shop Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hested Stores 709 Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Myers Refrigeration Modern Linen Supply Modern Linen Supply Monia, Earnest Morris Paint & Varnish Co. National Biscuit Co. Pauley Lumber Co. W. G. Peter Pan Bakers Inc. Queen City Laundry Queen City Laundry Shriver, James Stevens & Saunders Plumbing & Heating Milk Supplies Supplies Supplies Furniture Apples Medical supplies Supplies Medical supplies Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Repair Repair, Supplies Supplies Supplies Beds Keys Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Eas & Oil Telephone service Repairs Laundry Laundry Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Laundry Laundry Eggs Repairs, Supplies 1061.20 1415.78 120.00 2181.74 1111.44 1788.93 270.00 3.90 29.90 30.00 16.00 40.00 30.00 88.33 300.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 110.26 30.00 161.79 4974.87 1500.00 110.16 8.20 123.80 17.25 477.98 2.70 9.41 235.98 4.15 121.56 171.03 209.55 25.31 14.25 283.00 212.14 4.16 80.00 6.60 76.57 2.20 98.06 2.35 4.25 18.40 10.00 126.10 54.26 40.00 8.87 8.60 1.25 20.20 16.40 75.47 29.40 329.28 SUPE VISO 11' S ECO D N o, 16 123 Dean, Dr. E. J. Duthie, Eva B. Glenn, Dr. Elmer E. Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Jr. Larkin, Perry 0. Pearson, Naomi Royer, Margaret F. Vasey, Ruby Whitcomb, Audrey Medical Mileage Medical Medical Mileage Mileage Mileage Mileage Mileage MEDICAL, SURGICAL & HOSPITAL Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Brooke & Son Livingston Butler Volland Funeral GENERAL RELIEF Berg, County Clerk El aa Bi -Lo Market Booth Enterprises, R. C. Business Supply Co. Clopine, Adm. Myron Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. kastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Larkin,Director Perry 0. Larkin -Director Perry 0. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Livingston -Butler Volland Nebraska Hospital for the Tuberculous Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. This Board will now recess subjec care care care Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Medical supplies Ambulance service Postage Staple food Books Supplies Nursing care Services Utilities Staple food Staple food Staple food Postage Revolving fund Telephone service Transportation Dentures Rent 30.00 4.88 7.50 7.50 151.30 6.40 9.12 9.68 12.08 2878.35 231.11 533.24 395.87 10.69 15.00 36.42 12.00 15.10 23.40 129.34 4.00 48.31 30.00 55.00 30,00 60.00 10.33 57.87 46.40 47.00 250.00 to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. J� Coun - Clerk �% /Chairman Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, August 25, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met per recess of August 6, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams county Agricultural Extension Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Brungard, Tilly Ann Buckner, Velma L. Finnerty, R. W. Hawes, Corinne D. Hohlfeld, Gust E. Seballoz, Micheal Register of Deeds VAtaran i c fiorcri r+A Office Expense OfficeExpense Office Expense Office Expense Salary & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Office Expense 672.50 787.50 1660.75 1312.60 1824.48 1337.50 1903.68 1823.00 690.00 1952.50 240.00 230.00 225.18 150.00 141.66 450.00 787.50 -7C1-7 A 124 SUPE VISO S ECO D N o, 16 Bridge Department Larkin, Perry 0. Director Adams County Nursing Home BRIDGE FUND Salaries 973.00 STATE FUNDS Office Expense 4180.00 ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME Salaries 2946.26 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisor (0_,,„La airman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, August 25, 1965 1 O'clock P.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of May 28,196 Roll call, members present Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by, Haberman, seconded by Lightner, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION OF ADOPTION AND APPROPRIATION WHEREAS, a proposed county budget for the fiscal year 7-1-65 to 6-30-66, prepared by the Budget Making Authority, was transmitted to the County Board on the 15th day of July, 1965 and WHEREAS, a summary of such proposed budget, together with a notice of Public hearing to be held on the 28th day of July, 1965, was published in the Hastings Daily Tribune a legal news- paper, on the 23rd day of July, 1965, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held, pursuant to said published notice, on the 28th day of July, 1965, and WHEREAS, the action of the Etate Board of Equalization has geen hand an certifiedto the County Clerk, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska as follows: Section 1. That the budget for the fiscal year, 7-1-65, to 6-30-66, as summarized on page 2 of the budget document be, and the same hereby is, adopted as the budget for Adams County for said fiscal year. Section 2. That for the expenditures proposed in said budget document as adopted, there is hereby appropriated, by offices, departments, activities, institution and funds, the following amounts, to -wit: COUNTY GENERAL FUND For General Administration County Board $ 25,230.00 County Clerk 19,185.00 County Treasurer 29,984.00 Register of Deeds 10,580.00 Clerk of District Court 12,105.00 County Judge 22,800.00 County Sheriff 25,403.00 County Superintendent 12,392.00 County Attorney 24,354.00 County Assessor 44,170.00 Social Security Matching Fund 9,000.00 Appraisal Real Property 18,700.00 Soil Conservation District 1,800.00 Agricultural Agent 14,250.00 Service Officer 10,072.00 Insane 1,600.00 Adult Probation Officer 1,090.00 Pctai oral -inn 9 snn (l(1 SUPE VISO s ECO D No, 16 125 Advertising Tax Sale 1,000.00 Printing and Publishing 1,700.00 Postage Meter 4,075.00 Reorganization 500.00 Accoustical School 5,400.00 Vital Statistics 600.00 District Court Costs Including Jury 6,500.00 Warrants & Claims 500.00 Justice Court Costs (J. P.) 250.00 Maintenance Agreement Electric Typewriters 300.00 Juvenile Officer 6,600.00 Telephone & Operators Salary, etc 8,980.00 County Library 600.00 County Bridge Fund County Library Fund County Road Fund General Relief Fund County Medical Fund County Nursing Home Fund Soldiers and Sailors Relief Fund County Fair Fund County Bond Sinking Fund 32 Mile Watershed Conservancy District Special Mail Route Road Fund 54, 400.00 8,750.00 373,200.00 24,600.00 60,000.00 62,000.00 3,000.00 25,060.00 46,900.00 500.00 213,000.00 Section 3. That the offices, departments, activities and institutions hereinbefore named, are hereby authorized to expend the amounts hereinbefore appropriated to them during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1965, and ending June 30, 1966 . Section 4. That the income necessary to finance the appropriations made and expenditures authorized shall be provided out of cash on hand in each fund, revenues to be collected during the fiscal year in each fund, and a tax levy for each fund as follows: General Fund Mills 2,461 Bridge Fund Mills none Road Mills none General Relief Mills .165 Adams County Nursing Home Mills none Soldiers and Sailors Relief Mills .033 County Fair Mills .406 Bond & Bond Interest Mills .80 Special Mail Route Road Fund Mills none County Medical Mills .795 and, that levies as based on tax certificates filed in the office of the County Clerk and made by the various taxation Districts are, as follows: TOWNSHIPS West Blue 1.40 Highland 1.34 Verona 1.50 Kenesaw .82 Wanda 1.48 Juniata .76 Denver .70 Blaine .16 Hanover 1.28 Ayr 1.54 Roseland 1.08 Cottonwood 1.12 Logan 1.36 Silver Lake 1.74 Zero 2.04 Little Blue 1.30 CITY AND VILLAGES General Fund Bond Fund Sinking Fund Seward Bond Hastings 19,005 .870 1.545 Juniata 13.0 2.0 Kenesaw 18.0 Ayr 9.0 Roseland 18.0 Holstein 17.66 9.4 Prnccpr 15 _ (1 2.0 OW Oa MP 7.0 126 SUPE 11\ VISO s ECO D N o, 16 School District No. 1 3R 8 11R 15 18 20 26 29 31 33 35 42 53 60 65-67 75 81 101 This Board will now General Fund Bond Fund 41.72 6.16 28.94 7.0 15.56 -- 31.98 2.96 .22 43.58 3.66 12.24 14.92 7.0 12.14 6.62 3.72 36.66 5.64 4.32 8.82 2.0 PP IP. MO PP VO• WOO PO 11•11. 13.12 9.28 10.40 21.0 PIP MP OP MO 7.74 RURAL FIRE DISTRICTS Roseland Rural Fire District Holstein Rural Fire District Juniata Rural Fire District Hastings Rural Fire District Glenvil Rural Fire District Kenesaw Rural Fire District Trumbull Rural Fire District MISCELLANEOUS Noxious Weed 32 Mile Watershed conservancy District Free High School County Library (Outside City of Hastings) INSTITUTIONS. Hastings State Lincoln State Beatrice State Home University of Nebraska adjourn sine -die as a Board of Equalization. Special Bldg. Sinking Fund PO 00 OP PP OM NO 2.0 OP MP OP PO. NW IMO Mr OM MP OP OP OP PO tal• PO PO MP CIO •01 40111 PO OP Mills. . 30 . 50 .25 .08 1.0 . 50 . 25 Mills none . 10 4.82 . 28 3.34 . 15 . 76 .02 Board adjourned. 3.0 2.5 MO OP pa PP O N OP OP MO PO OP PO PO pp pg. OP MO 5.0 5.0 PM PI MO fp. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 7, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of August 25, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Absent: Haberman. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Lightner, that the monthly reports of the County Clerk, Car Titles, (2) County Judge, County Library, Clerk of the District Court, Register of Deeds and Sheriff be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that the following Miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisor's record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 4173 U. S. Treasurer 4174 Fillmore County :4175 Saline County 4176 Jefferson County 41?? 1380.00 84.00 123.20 119.00 qn nn 4184 County Judge 4185 Clerk of District Court 4186 Clerk of District Court 4187/Central Nebr. Public Power �.1 52Q Tl 10.00 29.21 320.50 2374.00 WI/. nn SUPERVJISO 1.� s E CO D N o, 16 127 4195 Justice of the Peace 4196 Justice of the Peace 4197 Harlan County 4198 Thayer County 4199 Clay County 4200 Webster County 4201 Nickolls County 4202 Phelps County 4203 County Judge 4204 State Treas- State Asst.Fund 4205 Clerk of District Court 4206 Clerk of District Court 4207 Franklin County 4208 Kearney County 4209 County Judge 4210 County Judge 4211 Walter Ahrens 4212 County Judge 4213 State of Nebr. State Treas 165.00. 4214 110.00 4215 63.00 4216 92.40 4217 75.60 4218 128.80 4219 84.00 4220 78.40 4221 142.55 4222 48,074.70 4223 45.00 4224 36.00 4225 61.60 4226 56.00 4227 75.00 4228 100.00 4229 5.00 4330 10.00 4331 554.82 State Treas- State Asst. Lancaster County Judge The Travelers Ins. Co. Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace. County Judge County Judge County Judge County Clerk County Clerk Medical, Surgical Medical, Surgical Medical, Surgical Medical, Surgical Special Mail Route County Supt. County Clerk County Clerk Fund & Hospital & Hospital & Hospital & Hospital 22.19 117.00 250.00 60.00 60.00 1070.20 25.00 50.00 35.70 36.42 533.24 395.87 231.11 2878.35 2284.40 831.95 736.00 217.50 Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Theobald, that the low bid of Vaughan's Printers, Inc. of $107.00 for Assessors envelopes be accepted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Acme Printing Co. Adams Hardware Co. American Book Company Anderson, Sheriff Robert Augustine Company Bancroft -Whitney Co. Berg, Emma Bert's Drug Brock, Don Business Supply Co. Clerk of District Court County Supt. Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Dan's Pickup & Delivery Service Davenport & Company, F. E. Duro-Test Corporation Dutton-Lainson Co. Ebco Safety Service Co. Extension Service Finnerty, R. W. Friden Inc. General Supply Co. Haberman's of Hastings Hammond & Stephens Co. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Haynes & Company, Justin H. Holthaus Drug Co. International Business Machines Corp. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Madgett, A. P. Modern Linen Supply Co. Nasco National Police Dog Academy, Inc. Ohlsen-Myers Jewiers Pay Way Feed Mills, Inc. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Postmaster Redfield & Company, Inc. Ripp, Joyce M. Russell, Harry F. Science Research Associates Inc. Schafer Printing Co. Shepard's Citations Inc. Shepler Saddlery Co. Harry Stephenson School Supply Co. gtAT7AnC k CalinaorQ Plsxnhino f. TT for, Supplies 402.90 Supplies 6.89 Supplies 129.21 Postage,Laundry,Matron fee, food,Mileagel451.68 Supplies Supplies Mileage Medicine Box rent, Registration fee,Mileage Supplies, Burroughs Adder State cases, Mental Illness Convention Services Delivery Inspection contract Supplies Supplies Supplies Revolving fund Mileage Calculators Supplies, Rental service Film Supplies Supplies, Publishing Supplies Supplies Utilities Appraisal se Yvices Medicine Supplies Services Services Supplies Supplies Police Dog Timer Supplies Supplies postate Supplies Mileage Services Books Supplies Supplies Arm Guard Supplies Rnrsai re 9.00 73.50 15.60 20.70 40.80 161.96 603.00 50.00 6.00 16.00 45.00 225.58 12.26 39.36 7.88 12.16 2710.00 3.03 7.47 74.43 260.68 14.70 , 1519.40 5080.00 14.70 30.10 482.79 100.00 11.25 3.34 463.00 26.50 1.20 35.00 500.00 1849.69 9.52 125.00 73.05 197.45 110.00 20.62 27.91 Q G 128 SUPE VISORS ECO 1t D N o, 16 Thomas, Ray L. Vaughan -s Printers Inc. West Publishing Co. Williams Exterminating Co. Yost, C. G. ROAD FUND Augustin Implement Co. Brown's Repair Clarke Oil Co. Consumers Public Power Dist. Co -Operative Service Association Fairs Repair Shop Farmers Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil Co. Firestone Stores Foote Oil Co. Wendell Foote Tire Co. Friends Motor Supply Gentert, Charles Glenwood Telephone Membership Corp. Hageman Hardware Co. Hastings Seat Cover Co. Hastings Seed & Supply Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Hesman, Dave H & M Equipment Co. Hohlen, Fred Home Oil Service Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kenesaw Oil Co. Kerr Chevrolet Co. Laird Motors Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Meredith, L. Johm, Register Deeds Messer Co. L. J. Meyer's Farm Equipment Co. Millers Frozen Foods Minnesota Mining & Mfg Co. Modern Linen Supply Motley, Al Motley, Jim Motley, Steve Mousel, Virgil Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co. Peterson Farm Equipment Co. Pittz Service Precision Lubricants Co. Refiners, Rosina Roeder, Dennis Schifferns Service Seaman Corporation Sherman Service Center Inc. Sidles Company Sime, A. J. Smith & Sons, S. E. Southern Nebr. Rural Public Power Dist. Swanson, Susie Trupp, Adam VanBoening, Ronald Vontz, L. J. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wilber Service Inc. BRIDGE FUND Ag-Tronic, Inc. Dutfon-Lainson Co. Fleming Distributing Co. Kully Iron & Metal Co. McClelland Farm Equipment Co. Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Salary Supplies Supplies Services Mileage Supplies Repairs Gas, Diesel, Repairs Utilities Diesel Repairs Gas, Oil, Diesel Repair, Supplies Gas Supplies Supplies Salary Telephone service Supplies Repairs Bags Utilities Supplies Salary Gravel Salary Gas Utilities Diesel Supplies Supplies Gas, Repairs Supplies Telephone service Filing deeds Supplies Supplies Supplies Signs Shop towels Salary Salary Salary Salary Supplies Supplies Ga§, Diesel, Repairs Lubricants Land Salary Diesel, Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel Supplies Utilities Salary Repair Salary Gravel Culverts Repairs Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies 308.00 22.98 17.50 5.00 8.80 41.28 13.37 238.83 1.00 125.00 23.80 232.75 73.26 2.35 5.27 22.10 297.00 16.58 9.77 9.00 8.40 14.29 4.90 182.25 716.80 178.50 76.52 4.60 78.00 2.53 3.70 206.70 220.85 26.98 6.75 20.78 12.94 4.72 76.70 4.55 300.00 270.00 270.00 300.00 16.20 58.72 384.90 121.00 74.25 229.50 42.64 14.45 129.18 38.61 194.20 3.90 27.05 220.00 14.50 178.20 765.60 149.47 7.23 4.25 17.47 14.95 5.46 7.40 418.00 2263.44 SUPE VISO S ECO 11 D N o, 16 129 SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND Adams County H & M Equipment Co. Inc. Lilley Sand & Gravel Vontz, L. J. Werner Construction Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Bro-Dart Industries Busboom, Mrs. Virginia Demco Library Supplies Doubleday & Company, Inc. Ernst, Mrs. 1aunetta B. Gangwish, Mrs. Anna Harvey, Sharon Hastings Public Library McNair, Mrs. Klyoe Parks, Miss Arlene Parks, Miss Arlene Redinger, Mrs. Bonnie Jean Sanford, Mrs, Dorothy Stansbury, Mrs. Florence Tartan Book Sales, Inc. Thomas Bouregy & Co. ADAMS Abbotts Dairy Aloe Beebe & Runyan Furniture Co. Brach -Thompson Brooke & Son Custom Pack Dunn Appliance Co. Electric Roto -Rooter Flesner, Anne Paulsen, Folmer Gamble Robinson Co. Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hoffman, Henry G. Lincoln Telephone & Telephonh McDona;d's Midwest Wholesale Grocery Co. Modern Linen Supply Nelson Electric Co. Penney Co. J.C. Peter Pan Bakers Inc. Red & White Market Safeway Stores Shriver, James Springer Fixture & Supply, Inc. Stevens & Saunders Plumbing & Heating Stop & Shop Market Swingle, G. N. Thaut, Mrs. Frederick Thompson Company Williams Exterminating Co. Woodward Disposal * House of George Charlton, Dr. G. Paul Duthie, Eva B. Larkin, Verna J. Kamm, Dr. Frank Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Jr. McNeill, Dr. L. S. Obert, Dr. F. C. Pearson, Naomi Pinney, Dr. G. L. Royer, Margaret F. Vasey, Ruby Weiler, Dr. Leo Miles, Labor Armour coat, Gravel Gravel Gravel Hot Mix Supplies, Culverts COUNTY LIBRARY Supplies Salary Books Books Salary Salary Cataloger Library service Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Books Books COUNTY NURSING HOME STATE FUNDS Milk Trouser, Mattress covers Furniture Drapes Medical supplies Meat Repair Sewer line Rubber Sheeting Washer Groceries Supplies Supplies Utilities Labor Telephone service Supplies Groceries Laundry Repairs Sheets Bakery goods Groceries Groceries Eggs Supplies Repairs Groceries Tomatoes Squash Groceries Services Garbage disposal Blinds Medical care Mileage Mileage Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Mileage Medical care Mileage Mileage Medical care 2526.00 1125 ._45 541.28 5385.15 4293.09 1084.89 17.50 30.00 19.97 43.50 40.00 30.00 88.33 300.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 24.04 11.40 101.49 155.15 219.57 10.98 12.29 79.49 24.00 20.00 5.40 50.00 274.65 14.53 7.00 116.62 6.25 21.30 322.21 94.27 57.57 222.30 53.64 28.74 2.27 167.13 16.80 396.37 22.55 113.46 2.00 1.70 65.43 17.50 12.00 6.80 7.50 22.88 1.68 7.50 15.00 7.50 5.00 5.20 6.97 15.76 19.68 7.50 130 SUPE VISO l s ECO 111 D N o, 16 Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Bert's Drugs Bert's Drug Store Bert's Rexall Drugs Brommer Dispensary Inc. Brooke & Son Hastings Drugs Kingsley, Dr. D. U. Klawitter Funeral Home Livingston-Butler-Volland Mary Lanning Hospital Mikkelsen Drug Store Sneller, Dr. R. C. Acme Printing Co. Berg, County Clerk Emma Bi -Lo Market Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Glenn, Dr. Elmer E. Guildner, Dr. C. W. Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Larkin -Director Perry 0. Larkin -Director Perry O. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Livingston-Butler-Volland Mastin, Dr. Robert L. Mason's Supermarket Safeway Stores Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. This Board will now recess subject Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies Glasses Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Ambulance service Ambulance service Medical care Medical supplies Glasses GENERAL RELIEF Supplies Postage Staple food Supplies Services Medical care Medical care Utilities Staple food Staple food Staple food Revolving fund Postage Telephone service Ambulance service, burial Medical care Staple food Staple food Rent 340.04 341.19 380.63 28.00 14.95 3.08 24.00 9.19 8.39 15.00 10.00 30.00 6.50 5.80 29.50 7.15 36.78 20.00 71.72 4.00 5.25 23.75 33.50 25.00 134.39 65.00 16.10 60.00 60.02 60.00 75.00 40.00 15.00 250.00 to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. Count AIL.e.ge Clerk Deputy airman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, September 22, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of September 7, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood, and Hoagland, Absent: Haberman. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Lightner, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Agricultural Extension Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Brungard, Tilly Ann Buckner, Velma L. Finnerty, R. W. Hawes, Corinne D. Hohlfeld, Gust. E. GENERAL FUND Office Office Office Office Salary Office Office Office Office Office Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Expense Expense Expense Expense & Mileage Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense 672.50 787.50 2467.82 1267.21 1806.80 1257.50 1828.78 1588.75 690.00 2049.93 240.00 230.00 145.26 160.00 141.66 /./1 nn SUPE VISO 11 s. ECO D Nov 16 131 BRIDGE FUND Bridge Department Salaries 959.50 STATE FUNDS Larkin, Perry 0. Director Office Expense 4180.00 ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME Adams County Nursing Home Salaries 2143.93 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. r(„J 6 ) County C erk Cftairman Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, October 6, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of September 22, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, Presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, and Hoagland. Absent: Youngblood. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that the teports of Adams County Library, Clerk of the District Court, Sheriff, R-gister of Deeds, County Judge -Justice cases, County Judge, County Clerk and Car Titles be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Kidd, that the following Miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisor's record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 4232 U. S. Treasury 2,000.00 4233 County Judge 10.00 4234 Village of Juniata 2,050.00 4235 County Judge 10.00 4236 Justice of the Peace 70.00 4237 Justice of the Peace 90.00 4238 Justice of the Peace 85.00 4239 Justice of the Peace 90.00 4240 Raleigh Vance 180.00 4241 County Judge 58.00 4242 County Judge 25.00 4243 County Judge 246.76 4244 County Judge 907.80 4245 County Judge 55.50 4246 State Treas-Gas Tax Dist, 552.16 4247 State Treas-Gas Tax Dist. 12,630.25 4248 State Treas-Gas Tax Dist. 3,363.50 4249 State Treas-Gas Tax Dist. 16,729.60 4250 Clay County 505.00 4251 County Judge 100.00 4252 County Judge 100.00 4253 County Judge 50.00 4254 Register of Deeds 797.75 4255 Adams County Nursing Home 2,460.70 4256 Cancelled 4257 County Sheriff 277.50 4258 Clerk of District Court 86.10 4259 County Judge 10.00 4260 County Judge 419.07 4261 Clerk of Dist. Court 405.00 4262 Kearney County Treasurer 2,200,00 4263 Kearney County Treasurer 150.00 4264 State Treas-State Assistance Fund 49,607.33 4265 County Judge 88.00 4266 County Judge 10.00 4267 Justice of the Peace 70.00 4268 Justice of thePeace 100.00 4269 County Judge 10.00 4270 Clerk of Dist. Court 45.00 4271 Clerk of Dist. Court 45.00 4272 County Clerk 157.00 4273 County Clerk 710.50 4274 County Clerk 36.78 4275 State Treas-State Assistance Fund 72.28 4276 State Treas-State Assistance Fund 484.89 A977 grata 'Prone ..Cf-ato Accicl'annea ninA 1 1nA 40 132 SUPE VISO s ECO l' D No. 16 Motion by Theobald, seconded by Lightner that we transfer from the Old County Assistance Fund to the County General Fund the amount of $99.95. This is a dormant account which is no longer used. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Kidd, that upon consideration the Board of Sypervisors finds that the following real-estate described as West 25 ft of Lot 21 and Lot 20 ex. West 3 ft thereof in Block 3, West Lawn Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska in the name of First Church of God be tax exempt for the reason that it is used exclusively for Religious purposes. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Haberman, that the following claims be allowed on their respectiv fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye Motion carried. Acme Printing Co. Adams Hardware Addressograph-Multigraph Corp Anderson, Robert , Sheriff Berg, Emma County Clerk Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corporation Buscher, Lorene R. Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Buiiness Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Cash-Wa Candy Company Clerk of the District Court Commerce Clearing House, Inc. Commerce Clearing House, Inc. Connolly, William M Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc Credle, Z. W. Co. Dan's Pickup & Delivery Dier, E. L. City Clerk Duro-Test Corporation Dutton-Lainson Co. Extension Service Finnerty, R. W. Grace's Bike & Key Shop Hammond & Stephens Co. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Haverly, Harry C. Haverly, Harry C., County Judge Haverly, Harry C., County Judge Heimann, J. R., Justice of the Peace Hoffmeister, Mastin, Holcomb Holthaus Drug Co. International Business Machines Corp. Itek Business Products Johnson Service Company Kleager, Clyde L., M.D' Glenn, Elmer. E., M.D. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Lovgren, Margaret A. McCormick-Mathers Publishing Co,Inc Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Matthew Bender & Company May, Earl Garden Center Meredith, L. John, Reg. of Deeds Modern Linen Supply Modern Office Methods Modern Office Methods Montgomery Ward Nebraska Tax Research Council, Inc. Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co. Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co. Peterson, Roy J. PnstmaRtPr GENERAL FUND Supplies Supplies Supplies Laundry, Matron Fee Food, Mileage Supplies Supplies Equipment Salary Supplies Supplies Service Call Supplies Supplies Supplies State cases, Mental Illness Tax Reports Tax Reports Mileage Bulletin Service Supplies Moving Service Vital Statistics Supplies Supplies Revolving Fund', Mileage Supplies & Service Report Supplies & Photographs Publishing Photocopy Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Mileage, Lodging, Meals State Cases Mileage, Registration, Meals State Cases Professional Service Medicine Supplies & Parts Supplies Thermostat & Guage Professional Service Telephone & Toll Service Salary Books Emergency Room Service Supplies Supplies Box Rent Mop Service Supplies Supplies Supplies Statutory Changes Supplies Supplies Reporting & Mileage Postage 50.40 1.53 25.55 1,270.83 1.00 1.40 740.00 15.00 9.76 26.40 4.00 14.56 6.72 8.00 568.00 42.30 52.88 8.56 4.00 7.37 7.50 144.50 195.99:. 1.88 28.83 8.00 10.55 2.33 21.15 128.57 2.50 77.45 10.65 59.85 2.08 1,530.64 31.40 47.17 82.50 32.00 5.00 21.00 32.66 161.55 31.38 15.75 512.73 9.10 69.83 5.00 8.50 8.49 2.25 9.60 15.36 5.78 9.98 4.00 29.45 1Q5.63 33.64 1.000.00 SUPEVISO s ECO D No. 16 133 Richard, Warren E., M.D. Safeway 990 Schafer Printing Company Schafer Printing Company Schafer Printing Company Schafer Printing Company Scott, F. R. Shepard's Citations, Inc. Slaters Body & Repair Shop Stephenson School Supply Co. Swearingen, J. R. Temple, Howard Thomas, Ray L. Thomas, Ray L. Vaughans Printers, Inc. Vaughans Printers Inc. West Publishing Co. West Publishing Company Western Plastics Corp. Williams Exterminating Co. Yost, C. G., Adams Co. Treasurer Aman, Stan Plumbing & Beating Augustin Implement Bachman, L. L. Champlin, Bill Skelly Service Clarke Oil Company, Inc. Clarke Oil Company, Inc. Consumers Public Power District Curtis Oil Company D.A.'s Sinclair Service Decker & Son Dutton-Lainson Company Firestone Stores Fobben Diesel Service Friend's Motor Supply Fulton & Cramer Gentert, Charles 0. Glenwood Telephone Membership Corp Hastings Battery & Electric 4nc. Hastings Canvas & Mfg Company Hastings Seat Cover Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Heuertz, Harold G. Hilltop Garage Hohlen, Fred Home Oil Service Island Supply Company, The Kansas -Nebraska Natural Gas Kenesaw Telephone Co. Laird Motors Lenhart ServiceStation Lincoln. Equipment Company Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Meyer's Farm Equipment Company Modern Linen Supply Morris Paint & Varnish Co. Motley , Al Motley, Steve Mousel, Virgil Pauley, W. G. Lumber Co. Pittz Service Schafer Printing Company Schifferns Service Sherman Service Center, Inc. Sherwin-Williams Co., The Sime, A. J. Smidt, John Susie Swanson Todd, Michael & Company Inc. Vontz, L. J. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Wilber Service, Inc. Co., ROAD FUND Inc. Professional Service Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Blood Analysis Subscription Wrecker Service & Storage Supplies Salary Mileage Salary Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Reports & Books Supplies Service Mileage Service Call Supplies Fuel Gasoline Gasoline, Lubricants Gasoline, Lubricants Electricity Diesel Fuel Fuel & Supplies Glass Supplies Supplies Parts & Labor Parts Engineering Services Salary Telephone Serv. & Toll Parts & Labor Service Repair Service Supplies. Utilities Supplies Mileage Service & Supplies Salary Gasoline Supplies Utilities Telephone & Toll Service Parts Gasoline Parts Supplies Telephone Parts Towel Service Paint Salary Salary Salary Supplies Gasoline & Supplies Supplies Gasoline & Supplies Parts Paint Gasoline & Supplies Salary Salary Rotating Light Gravel Supplies Su -implies 25.00 20.68 20.65 12.36 8.20 78.10 10.00 40.00 124.50 449.30 48.00 12.00 292.00 4.96 107.00 10.84 17.50 262.00 .65 5.00 8.00 3.00 29.22 136.89 34.60 33.12 87.24 1.10 157.50 33..35 17.22 3.33 118.88 47.20 4.36 265.00 297.00 14.41 22.15 7.00 9.00 1.65 34.60 27.20 7.76 8.20 81.00 28.68 233.28 4.40 16.24 4.62 163.50 159.55 199.32 59.56 14.46 6.25 157.50 132..75 255.15 297.00 15.80 198.98 8.20 53.18 31.81 171.75 156.82 72.90 150.00 29.08 192.28 80.01 RA RA 134 SUPE VISO s ECO D No, 16 Lemke Sharpening Service McClelland Farm Equipment Company Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Pavelka Bros. Webster County Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Adams County Highway Department H & M Equipment Company Vontz, L. J. Vontz, L. J. Vontz, L. J. Vontz, L. J. Werner Construction, Inc. Charlton, Dr. G. Paul Dean, Dr. E. J. Doering, Dr. W. A. Duthie, Eva B. Guildner, Dr. C. W. Hoffmeister, Dr. George Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Jr. Kuehn, Dr. Gerald A. Pearson, Naomi Royer, Margaret F. Smith, Dr. Robert C. Vasey, Ruby Weiler, Dr. Leo Whitcomb, Audrey Bouregy & Co., Thomas Busboom, Mrs. Virginia Doubleday & Company, Inc. Ernst, Mrs. Waunetta B Gangwish, Mrs. Harlow Hastings Public Library McNair, Mrs. Klyoe Parks, Miss Arlene Redinger, Mrs. Bonnie Jean Sanford, Mrs. Dorothy Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey Stansbury, Mrs. Florence Berg, Emma Co.Clerk Burroughs Corporation Business Supply Company Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc. Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grovery Jack & sill Hillcrest Larkin, Perry 0., Director Larkin, Perry O., Director Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Mary Lanning Hospital Safetay Stores Safeway Grovery Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. Abbott's Dairy Beebe & Runyan Furniture Co. Brooke & Son Custom Pack Dutton-Lainson Company Engel Lumber & Supply Gamble Robinson Company Gibson Products Grace's Bike & Key Shop Hastings Daily Tribune SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE FUND STATE ADMINISTRATION LIBRARY GENERAL RELIEF Saw Sharpening Supplies Supplies Service Bridge Repair Supplies Supplies Miles & Labor Gravel Gravel Gravel Gravel Gravel Hot Mix Medical Care Medical Care Medical Care Mileage Medical Care Medical Care Medical Care Medical Care Mileage Mileage Medical Care Mileage Medical Care Mileage Books Salary Books Salary Salary Library Service Salary Salary Salary Salary Cataloger Salary Postage Office Supplies Supplies & Service Bulletin Service Utilities Groceries Groceries POstage Revolving Fund Telephone Service Hospitalization Groceries Groceries Rent ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME Mild & Ice Cream Furniture Supplies Meat Supplies Supplies Groceries Supplies Supplies Advertising 6.00 40.85 147.45 6.00 329.27 1,819.80 4,072.78 2,161.00 888.30 225.72 773.63 751.08 733.26 984.83 9.00 7.50 9.00 5.20 7.50 3.75 7.50 18.75 2.64 6.96 15.00 7.36 3.00 6.16 11.40 30.00 89.50 40.00 30.00 300.00 30.00 30 .00 30.00 30.00 88.33 30.00 35.86 2.40 66.97 4.00 14.14 88.00 20.00 50.00 4.35 49.11 183.00 25.00 110.00 250.00 88.97 882.91 2.49 27.51 7.64 23.19 203.53 23.31 3.80 3.60 nn SUPE 16 VISO s D N 16 135 Monia, Charles M. Monia, Charles M. Montgomery Ward National Biscuit Co. Nelson Electric Co. Peter Pan Bakers, Inc. Shriver, James Stevens & Saunders Plumbing & Heating Stop & Shop Meat Dept. Thompson Company, The Woodward's Disposal Service Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Bert's Rexail Drugs Brand Mortuary Brooke & Son Fay's Prescription Drugs Jackson, Wayne Livingston-Butler-Volland Funeral Redfield Pharmacy Hastaigs Typewriter Co. MEDICAL, Home Rent on Equipment Salary Cases Groceries Supplies & Labor Bakery Products Eggs Supplies & Labor Meat Groceries Disposal Service SURGICAL & HOSPITAL Medical Assistance Aged Fund Old Age Assistance Fund 2 Aid to Dependent Children Fd. Blind Assistance Fund Aid to Disabled Fund Medicine Ambulance Service Medicine Medicine Ambulance Service Ambulance Service Medicine ERECTION & REPAIR Credenza file 15.00 15.00 5.37 12.23 304.48 26.94 16.80 897.60 58.06 45.83 12.00 31.80 ,823.62 237.73 357.98 341.30 3.56 10.00 21.34 4.95 15.00 10.00 2.79 375.00 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. County Clerk Deputy Thursday, COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS NEBRASKA October 21, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of October 6,1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, Presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Motion by Theobald, seconded by Lightner, that the pective fund and the County Clerk be insturcted to voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams County Agricultural Extension Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Superintendent County Treasurer Brungard, Tilly Ann Buckner, Velma Finnerty, R. W. Hawes, Corinne D. Hohlfeld, Gust E. Seballoz, Micheal Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Office Highway Department ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. following claims be allowed on their res - issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense Salaries 695.00 787.50 2,295.98 1,329.65 1,840.16 1,100.25 1,510.03 1,683.00 668.18 2,330.00 240.00 230.00 231.66 155.00 141.66 450.00 787.50 787.50 8,558.00 136 SUPE 11' VISO s t ECO 1D N oo 16 Adams County Nursing Home Anderson Bros. Plumbing & Heating Anderson Bros. Plumbing & Heating ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME Salaries ERECTION AND REPAIR Plumbing Contract Balance Contract 2,409.93 3,000.00 2,000.00 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. County Clerk Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, November 5, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of ,the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of October 21, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Haberman, that the bid of the Acme Printing Co. of $252.65 for election supplies be accepted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Goble, that the reports of the Sheriff, 2 -Co. Judge, Co. Library, Register of Deeds, Car title, Co. Clerk and Juvenile Officer be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Haberman that the following Miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisors record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 4279 County Judge 25.00 4311 Med. Surgical Hosp. Fund 341.19 4280 County Judge 25.00 4312 Med. Surgical Hosp. Fund 340.04 4281 Don Hansen, Guardian 2027.00 4313 Med. Surgical Hosp. Fund 3047.14 4282 Modern Linen Supply 50.00 4314 Special Mail Route 2526.00 4283 Ed Lightner 5.75 4315 County Judge 5.00 4284 U. S. Treasury 690.00 4316 County Judge 35.00 4285 County Judge 851.08 4317 County Judge 18.63 4286 County Judge 10.00 4318 Perry 0. Larkin, Director 65.00 4287 County Judge 30.00 4319 County Judge 177.39 4288 Justice of the Peace 130.00 4320 County Clerk 236.58 4289 JUstice of the Peace 70.00 4321 County Clerk 705.50 4290 County Judge 911.60 4322 Justice of the Peace 80.00 4291 County Judge 110.10 4323 Justice of the Peace 60.00 4292 Kenneth H. Elson, Atty. 240.59 4324 County Clerk 35.86 4293 County Clerk 7752.32 4325 Register of Deeds 867.00 4294 Clay Co. Treas. 270.00 4326 County Judge 10.00 4295 justice of the Peace 100.00 4327 State Treas.-State Assistance Fds.173.42 4296 Perry 0. Larkin, Director 7.20 4328 State Treas. State Assistance Fds2377.04 4297 County Judge 50.00 4329 State Treas. State Assist. Fds 46917.41 4298 County Judge 50.00 4330 Justice of the Peace 70.00 4299 County Judge 150.00 4331 Justice of the Peace 60.00 4300 County Judge 225.00 4332 Clerk of Dist. Court 24.95 4301 Gaylord Goble 10.80 4333 Clerk of Dist. Court 46.00 4302 Clay County 34.00 4334 County Judge 177.61 4303 Justice of the Peace 95.00 4335 County Sheriff 243.20 4304 Justice of the Peace 80.00 4336 County Judge 15.00 4305 State Treas.-Gas Tax Dist. 754.37 4337 County Judge 25.00 4306 State Treas-Gas Tax Dist 11,126.12 4338 County Judge 25.00 4307 State Treas. Gas Tax Dist. 3,363.50 4339 County Judge 100.00 4308 State Treas. Gas Tax Dist. 14323.09 4340 County Judge 57.00 4309 Spec. Mail Route 2161.00 4310 Med. Surgical Hosp. Fund 380.63 Motion by Goble, seconded by Youngblood that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax correctim slips #4756 to 4760 Inc. and #4762 to 4782 Inc. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Youngblood, that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, there are Old Age Assistance Liens filed against certain real property with the following legal description, to -wit: Lot 12, Block 1, Dodd and Marshall's addition to Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska, in favor of Adams County, Nebraska for Old Age Assistance payments, paid to Ida Schumann. WHEREAS, the lien filed on said property for Old Age Assistance payments to Ida Schumann amounts to $222, and 7'04,5riTar4 r-- 61nn _.., a.. t... T.T_l faro Tl$cr4c4nn fnr Ca d SUPEVISO s ECO }., D No, 16 137 �.t Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Goble that we Agreement No. 316457 with the Todd Division for for $40.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion authorize the Chairman to sign Machine Service Co. Clerk Check -writer Serial No. T88 -8E1180, carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood that we transfer from the Inheritance Fund to the Courthouse Erection & Repair Fund $1667.00 to Balance the account. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Haberman, seconded by Theobald that the north side of the Courthouse. Roll call Kidd, Lightner and Hoagland. Theobald-Pass. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Lightner that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. we constuuct a pen for the Sheriff's police dog on . Ayes, Haberman and Youngblood. Nays, Goble, Motion failed. Abbott's Dairy Acme Printing Co. Adams County Veterans Adams Hardware Co. Addressograph-Moltigraph Anderson Sheriff, Robert Service Corp GENERAL FUND Milk & Butter 14.86 Supplies 309.65 Officer Office Expense 250.00 Supplies 16.52 Service & Supplies 92.50 Laundry, Matron Fee, Food, Mileage Book Supplies Mileage Book Supplies Mileage, Meals & Room Ribbon Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies State cases, Mental Illness Mileage Bulletin Service, Reporting Books & Postage Supplies Supplies Revolving Fund Mileage Journal Journal Supplies Supplies Supplies Advertising Payroll sheets Tax Lists Supplies Proceedings Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Election Supplies Supplies Utilities Expense Appraisal Services Service Contract & Ribbons Court Reporter Mileage Service & Toll Legal Services Mop Service Supplies Photo Copier Service Mileage Binders Contract &Service Manual POstage Bulletin Supplies Siinnl i eG Bancroft-Whiteny Co. Berg, Co. Clerk Emma Bittfield, Vern Book Shop Brach -Thompson Brock, Don Burroughs Corporation Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Cash-Wa Candy Company Clerk of the Dist. Court Coonty Superintendent Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc. Department of Information U.of N. Dutton-Lainson Co. Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc. Extension Service Revolving Fund Finnerty, R. W. Gant Publishing Co. Gant Publishing Co. Grace -Lee Products, Inc. Hammond & Stephens Co. Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Daily Tribune Daily Tribune Daily Tribune Daily Tribune Daily Tribune Daily Tribune Drily Tribune Industrial Supplies Typewriter Co. Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Haverly, County Judge , Harry C. Heusser Agency International Business Machines Knight, Court Reporter, Robert G. Krieg, Kenneth Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Marvel, John N. Modern Linen Supply Modern Office Methods Modern Office Methods Moore's Rug & Upholstery Cleaners Oelschlager, Wm. Omaha Printing Co. Pitney -Bowes Inc Polk & Co., R. L. Postmaster Quinlan Publishing Co., Inc. Recordak Corporation Recordak C:nrnnratinn 1430.98 17.50 1.00 6.40 25.55 9.95 280.00 2.40 5.18 6.57 15.55 13.20 148.80 45.04 12.00 23.23 9.21 43.41 73.84 40.80 18.00 18.00 8.86 4.53 5.50 19.52 23.30 872.90 17.25 100.49 35.00 21.75 225.00 12.28 248.85 40.00 1144.16 33.00 125.00 81.54 75.50 48.72 517.19 100.00 7.50 18.00 1494.97 3.00 3.20 46.28 22.02 12.00 500.00 15.00 24.00 138 SUPE s� 1� VISO 1'1 ECO 111 D No. 16 Schmidt, Ray Science Research Associates, Inc. Scott, F. R. State Library Story, Roscoe E Swearingen, J. R. Thomas, Publisher,. Charles C' Thomas, Ray L. Thomas, Ray L. Wagner, Loyd R., M. D. Williams Exterminating Co. Wright & Mack Co. Augustin Implement Bachman, L. L. Champlin's Skelly Service, Bill Clarke Oil Co., Inc. Clarke Oil Co., Inc Consumers Public Power District Elfers, William Engel Lumber & Supply Co. Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Co. Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Co. Firestone Stores Fobben Diesel Service Friend's Motor Supply Gate City Steel, Inc. Charles 0. Gentert Glenwood Telephone Membership Corp. Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Utilities Hohlen, Fred Home Oil Service Island Supply Co., The Kansas-Nebr. Natural Kenesaw Oil Co. Kennedy, Tom Kent Skelly Service, Bob Laird Motors Lenhart Service Station Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Messer Co., L. J. (Modern Linen Supply Morris Paint & Varnish Co. Mousel, Virgil National Chemsearch Corporation Penney, Co., J. C. Pittz Service Precision Bearing & Chain Co. Schifferns Service Sherman Service Center Sherwin Williams Co. Sidles Company Sime, A. J. Smidt, John Smith & Sons, S. E. Smith & Sons, S. E. Todd & Co., Inc., Michael Tropical Paint Co. Vontz Construction Co., L. J. Werner Construction Inc. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Wilber Service, Inc. Nebraska Department of Roads Consolidated Concrete Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Mileage Supplies Analysis Book Mileage & Exp. Bailfff Book Mileage Salary Professional Service Pest Control Elevator Service ROAD FUND Supplies Fuel Gas Gas Oil. Lubricants Electricity Snow Fence Paiht Gasoline & Diesel Fuel Gas & Oil Supplies Service Supplies Sings Salary Telephone Service Supplies Supplies Utilities Salary Gas Grader Blades Gas Co.Service Oil & Gas Mileage Gas Parts Oil & Gas Gravel Parts & Snowplow Parts Parts Towel Service Paint Salary Supplies Material Oil & Gas Supplies Gas Parts Paint Parts Gas & Oil Salary Supplies Supplies Lights Paint Gravel Hot Mix Supplies Supplies Tire Repair Project S-434(3) BRIDGE FUND Supplies Saw Chain Supplies Supplies Supplies 1.92 73.05 7.50 29.00 50.15 40.00 11.72 5.92 252.00 245.00 5.00 92.00 27.97 133. 75 2.50 108.52 55.55 1.19 55.00 83.75 58.65 206.16 189.91 3.16 29.08 361.25 252.00 12.91 42.58 15.34 28.16 156.00 54.23 3488.00 12.66 87.85 5.60 8.73 7.50 166.85 32.96 1391.40 116.21 53.03 5.00 64.00 252.00 189.80 1 L70 211.65 10.37 61.76 17.78 383.40 80.32 154.19 178.20 11.30 13.57 29.08 64.10 201.96 206.96 298.87 235.28 2.00 1792.71 16.56 12.56 7.49 30.74 9.92 SUPEVISO ECO 11 D N o, 16 139 SPECIAL MAIL Adams County Road Department H & M Equipment Co., Inc. Lilley Sand & Gravel Lilley Sand & Gravel Lilley Sand & Gravel Nebraska Department of Roads Vontz Construction Co., L. J. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Book Shop Bro-Dart Industries Busboom, Mrs. Virginia Dodd, Mead & Co., Inc. Ernst, Mrs. Waunetta B. Gangwish, Mrs. Anna Hastings Public Library McNair, Mrs. Klyoe Parks, Miss Arlene Redinger, Mrs. Bonnie Jean Sanford, Mrs. Dorothy Sapsis, Pere B. Inc. Shiffler, Mrs. Dorothy Dwwey Stansbury, Mrs. Florence Adams County Veterans Service Adams Co. Fair Association Hastings Utilities J & B Cafe Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Hillcrest Jack FHill West Heights Larkin, Director, Perry 0. Mary Lanning Hospital Sawyer Pharmacy Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Bert's Drug Store Brand Mortuary Brooke & Son Clayton's Pharmacy Fay's Drive -In Drugs Rutt's Pharmacy Weiler, Dr. Leo Berg, Co. Clerk, Emma Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Duthie, Eva B. Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Larkin, Perry 0. Larkin, Director, Perry 0. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Pearson, Naomi Royer, Margaret F. Vasey, Ruby Weber, Dr. C. R. Welch, Dr. George L. Whitcomb, Audrey Yeagley, Sr., Marmion F. ROUTE ROAD FUND Mileage & Labor Gravel Gravel Gravel Gravel Project S-329(7) Gravel Supplies Supplies LIBRARY Book Book Covers Salary Books Sda.ry Salary Library Service Salary Salary Salary Salary Books Salary Salary SOLDIERS & SAILORS FUND Officer Relief Fund COUNTY FAIR Permanent Fixtures & Improvements GENERAL RELIEF ADMINISTRATION Utilities Meals Groceries Groceries Groceries Grocer ies Revolving Fund Hospitalization Drugs MEDICAL, SURGICAL & HOSPITAL Medical Assistance to Aged Aid to Dependent Children Blind Assistance Old Age Assistance Aid to Disabled Drugs Ambulance Service Drugs Drugs Drugs Drugs Professional Service STATE ADMINISTRATION Postage Supplies Supplies Inc. Bulletin Service Mileage Professional Service Mileage Estimated Postage Co. Telephone Expense Mileage Mileage Mileage Professional Service Profesdonal Service Mileage Rent 1822.00 997.50 97.20 398.26 644.38 453.96 1314.28 199.81 169.83 4.45 31.50 30.00 8.02 40.00 30.00 300.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 46.96 88.33 30.00 562.25 2900.00 14.60 5.00 20.00 160.00 4.95 347.84 16.85 34.30 19.00 39.02 224.16 107.32 2874.96 548.75 3.16 25.00 7.80 6.65 1.98 4.98 1.50 29.96 6.48 61.64 4.00 5.76 7.50 48.52 50.00 35.05 3.60 8.32 7.50 26.00 6.56 250.00 140 SUPE VISO I•� S ECO D N o, 16 Davidson, Lucy V.A. Engel Lumber Co. Gamble Robinson Co. General Supply Gibson Products Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supply Hastings Utilities Modern Linen Supply Monia, Charles Monia, Charles National Biscuit Co. Nelson Electric Co. Paulsen, Folmer Peter Pan Bakers Safeway Stores, Inc. Shriver , James Theobald, A. J. Ulry-Talbert Co. Williams Exterminating Woodwards Disposal This Board will now recess subject to the Supervisors. c i7 County C/ erk Deputy Refund Paint Groceries Supplies Supplies Advertising Advertising Supplies Utilities Laundry Rental of Mower Labor Groceries Supplies & Labor Mechanical Service Bread & Rolls Groceries Eggs Nursing Home Expense Groceries Pest Control Disposal Service call of the Chairman of the County Board of 15.00 29.94 41.28 2.51 9.06 3.60 1.20 4.73 118.30 47.30 10.00 10.00 11.43 14.89 7.00 29.50 297.57 12.60 11.50 105.99 12.00 12.00 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, November 22, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Adams County Board of Supervisors convened as a Board of Equalization at 10:00 o'clock A.M. on November 22, 1965 at which time the following action was taken. Brooke & Son Intangible A V lue at $4295 as set by the County Assessor Stacia Cushing Intangible A value $1500, Intangible B value$58,815 as set by the County Assessor, Francis W. Galvin Class B. value at $300 as originally declared by Property owner. Henry Grothen Class B. viz. T,ao (2) notes from Provident Company $7780 as taken by County Assessor. Oscar Grothen Paul R. Grothen Raymond G. Grothen Fred G. & Esther Harms Int. B note from Provident Company $1245 as taken by County Assessor, Int. B note from Provident,_Company $520 as taken by County Assessor. Int. B. note from Provident Company $2875 as taken by County Assessor. Int. B note from Provident Company $6750 as taken by County Assessor. Mrs. George (Alice) Hoffman Note from Provident_ Company Int. B at $2000 as taken by County Assessor. Jacob Hoffman Holthaus Drug Two (2) notes from Provident Company $7000 Class B as taken by County Assessor. Item 1 Class A $4270, Item 4, Class A $1440, Total $5710 Class A as taken by County Assessor, Kea;t Investment Company Class A $2830, Class B $2800 as taken by County Assessor. Mrs. George (Laura M.) Kerr Pauline K Koch Adam Kohl S. G. Lowe Note from Provident Company $2500 as taken by County Assessor. Note from Provident Company $1665 Class B 50 Shares Travelers Insurance $1730 Class Accounts Receivable from Standard Finance taken by County Assessor. as taken by County Assessor. B as talen by County Assessc Company Class A $100,645 as %� r' Tr r.l acc A Al G.7fl rl acc R AG.S(In ac takan by rniinty AccPccnr _ SUPE 1) VISO S ECO D No. 16 141 Ready Mixed Concrete, Inc. Tang. value at $17000 additional actual value total actual value is $30,930 as set by County Assessor. Assessed value $5950. Redeemer Lutheran Church Note from Provident Company $1680 Tax Exempt. Alvin L. Sassman Karl Tews Charles F. Von Nordheim Hattings Finance Company Note from Provident Company $2100 Class B. as taken by County Assessor American Tobacco 300 shares $9940, El Paso Nat. Gas 100 shares $2250 Class B. total $12,190 as taken by County Assessor. Note from Provident Company $7000 Class B as taken by County Assessor Not a corporation, not a finance and loan under Sec. 77-706. Firm through its attorney James D. Conway to furnish County Assessor a detailed breakdown of Class A. and Class B Int. values. Action was moved by Supervisor Haberman and seconded by Supervisor Lightner and upon roll call approved as stated above. CoUnty Cl'trk Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, November 22, 1965. 10:30 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of November 5, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, Presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, and Hoagland. Youngblood, Absent. Motion by Haberman, seconded by Kidd, that the following resolution be adopted: Whereas, the Adams County Historical Association has purchased property known as the "Lone Grave", approximately seven miles northwest of Kenesaw, Nebraska; Whereas said Association is desirous of deeding said property to Adams County, Nebraska, and clear of any and all encumbrances; free NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, that a deed to the property known as the "Lone Grave" be accepted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Haberman, seconded by Lightner that we accept the low bid of Omaha Printing Company Company for the 1966 Assessment Supplies at the price of $760.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same.' Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams Co. Extension Office Clerk of the Dist. Court County Assessor's Office County Attorney's Office County Board County Clerk's Office County Judge's Office County Sheriff's Office County Superintendent's Office County Treasurer's Office Buckner, Velma Brungard, Tilly Ann Finnerty, R. W. Hawes, Corinne D. Hohlfeld, Gust. Seballoz, Micheal Register of Deed's Office Veteran's Service Office GENERAL FUND Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salaries & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense ROAD FUND 750.85 787.50 2177.23 1242.07 1823.20 1245.50 1511.38 1738.75 690.00 1927.50 230.00 240.00 243.54 155.00 141.66 450.00 787.50 787.50 142 SUPE VISO 1'\ S ECO i° D No, 16 Larkin, Perry O., Director STATE FUNDS Office Expense ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME Adams County Nursing Home Salaries This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. 4270.00 2547.10 Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, December 6, 1965. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of November 22, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, Presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Goble, seconded by Kidd, that we purchase from Lincoln Equipment Company two #120 Cater.illar Road Maintainers, for $34,000.00, plus the trade in of two used #12 Caterpillar Road maintainers, - One to be delivered immediately and one in 1966. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Theobald, that the reports of the Sheriff, 2 -County Judge, Adams Co. Library, Juvenile Probation Officer, Register of Deeds, Co. Attorney, Car titles, and County Clerk be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seoonded by Goble, that the following Miscellaneous Recipts be made a part of the Supervisors Record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 4341 U. S. Treasury 4342 U. S. Treasury 4343 Adams Co. Nursing Home 4344 Justice of the Peace 4345 Justice of the Peace 4346 Robert Anderson, Co. Sheriff 4347 Evans Grocery 4348 County Judge 4349 Juniata Twp. 4350 County Judge 4351 County Judge 4352 Hall County Treasurer 4353 Harold Kort 4354 Clerk of Dist. Court 4355 Irene Garrett 4356 County Judge 4357 State Treas-Gas Tax Dist. 4358 State Treas--Gas Tax Dist. 4359 State Treas--Gas Tax Dist. 4360 State Treas--Gas Tax Dist. 4361 U. S. Treasury 4362 Lawrence J. Consbruck 4363 Justice of the Peace 4364 Justice of the Peace 4365 Larkin, Director 4366 County Sheriff 4367 Med. Surg. & Hospital 4368 Med. Surg. & Hospital 4369 Med. Surg. & Hospital 4370 Med. Surg. & Hospital 4371 Med. Surg & Hospital 4372 Med. Surg. & Hospital 4373 Med. Surg & Hospital 4374 Med. Surg. & Hospital 4375 Med. Surg. &Hospital 4376 Med. Surg. & Hospital 4377 Special Mail Route, 4378 County Judge 2070.00 2070.00 4441.80 70.00 80.00 133.50 5.00 100.00 250.00 604.50 96.50 100.00 52.00 45.00 44.16 15.00 641.23 9457.46 3363.50 11653.24 1937.50 43.00 135.00 90.00 59.00 75.52 341.30 357.98 237.73 2823.62 31.80 548.75 2874.96 107.32 224.16 39.02 1822.00 45.00 Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood , that -11 4379 County Clerk 4380 Clerk of Dist. Court 4381 County Nursing Home 4382 John F. Martin 4383 Ed Lightner 4384 County Judge 4385 L. John Meredith 4386 Clerk of Dist. Court 4387 County Judge 4388 Justice of the Peace 4389 Justice of the Peace 4390 Justice of the Peace 4391 County Sheriff 4392 County Clerk 4393 County Clerk 4394 Clerk of District Cour 4395 Gray National Service 4396 State Treas-State Ass't Funds 4397 State Treas--State Ass't Funds 4398 State Treas--State Ass't Funds 4399 County Judge 4400 Justice of the Peace 4401 Justice of the Peace 4402 Justice of the Peace 4403 County Judge 4404 County Judge 4405 Adjust Book Bal. 29.96 75.00 3705.20 130.00 30.00 338.00 781.50 979.00 25.00 60.00 80.00 95.00 122.50 609.50 190.00 t 1361.41 5.00 47457.96 920.80 161.90 4040.80 75.00 80.00 115.00 479.46 10.00 of Investment Account 2706.13 100.00 100.00 250.00 8.45 4406 4407 4408 4409 County Judge County Judge County Judge Pete Werner the bond of Ruth Ann Roberts, Precinct Mnf-;nn narricri AsPisstant SUPE VISO S ECO )1' D No, 16 143 Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Kidd, that the 'following. refunds for penalties be made by the County Treasurer as follows: Hefnider Barber & Beauty Shop, State No. 8071, Val No. 1726; Amount $44.90; Wayne K Strasburg, Rec. Cert 19830, Corr. No. 4659, State 11713A, Amount $26.40; Harry Brehm, State No. 696, Amt. $338.60; Edwin J Lehmann, State No 3789, Val. No. 5881, Amt. $142.70; Dale J. Bullard, State No. 1104, Val. No 6660, Amt. $22.10; Curtis H. Partridge, State No. 5296, Val No. 6140 Amt. $30.00 Harold Zubrod, State No. 11209, Val No. 5038. Amt. $16.20 Ed Briggs, State No. 953, Val No. 5265, Amt. $13.80; Rex Haberman Rex Haberman Rex Haberman Pres. Pres. Pres. State No 88A Val No. 1248, Amt. $21.22; State 114A, Val No. 1249, Amt. $16.96 State 159A, Val No. 1250, Amt. $166.20 Keast Investment Co., Class A & B. Intangible, Amt. $36.56 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Haberman, that the Inventories of Co. Treasurer, Service Officer, County Clerk, County Assessor, Register of Deeds by placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that we advertise for Culvert Pipe for Project No. S-528(2) t be opened Jan., 6, 1966. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the Cunty Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Acme Printing Co. Anderson, Sheriff Robert Bancroft -Whitney Co. Berg, Co. Clerk Emma Bittfield, Vern Brock, Don Burroughs -Corp. Business Supply of Hastings Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Clerk of the District Court Commerce Clearing House, Inc. Connolly, William M. Conway, James D. Copple, Russell Coronet Films Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc. Dan's Pickup & Delivery Service Department of Information U of N Duro-Test Corporation Eckhardt, Mrs. Pearl Elliott's Conoco Service, Buzz Extension Service --Revolving Fund Finnerty, R. W. Fitzke, Gary Green's Office Machine Service Haberman's of Hastings Haberman's of Hastings Hansen Building Specialties, Inc. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Haynes, Justin H & Co. Haynes, Justin H & Co. Ttclr R»ainoaa Drnt1inta GENERAL FUND Supplies Laundry, Food Mileage, Matron Fee Supplies Express Charges Mileage Mileage & Meals Supplies & Service Supplies Supplies Supplies State Cases, Mental Illness Supplies Mileage Legal Service Mileage Rental Bulletin & Reporting Service Moving Service Post. & Supplies Bulbs Mileage Gasoline Supplies Mileage Board Member, Mileage Service Contract Finishing slides Film Number Plates Advertising Proceedings Letterheads Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Appraisal Service 159.65 1205.14 16.50 3.75 3.20 38.00 861.80 8.80 19.47 19.45 308.60 10.58 30.00 100.00 25.12 416.62 17.50 7.00 110.58 142.27 29.98 1.70 21.76 26.00 20.76 25.00 3.90 19.92 23.83 3.45 95.42 13.05 12.70 38.85 1509.89 67.50 7620.00 1 Al C 144 SUPE 11 VISO 1"\ S 1' ECO 1 D N o. 16 Krieg, Kenneth Krueger, Mrs. Allen Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Loskill, Mrs. Robert McMahon, Stan Modern Linen Supply Modern Office Methodq Oelschlager, Wm. Perry, Robert E. Postmaster Recordak Corporation Redfield & Co., Inc. Ripp, Joyce M. Robinson, Donald Schafer Printing Co. Schafer Printing Co. Schmidt, Ray Sherman's Service Center Snoberger, Don Sorensen, Mrs. Lloyd Strasburg, Wayne Story, Roscoe E. Swearingen, J. R. Tabor, T. L. Tabor, T. L. Thomas, Ray L. Thomas, Ray L. Turner, Clerk Supreme Court, George H. Vaughans Printers, Inc. Williams Exterminating Co. Anstine Fire Equipment Co. Augustine Implement Champlin's Home Oil Service, John Clarke Oil Company, Inc. Clarke Oil Company, Inc. Consumers Public Power District Curtis Oil Co. Fairs Repair Shop Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Co. Firestone Stores Friend's Motor Supply Gangwish, H ward Gentert, Charles 0. Glenwood Telephone Membership Corp. Hageman Hardware Hastings Utilities Hohlen, Fred Hunt's Garage Kansas -Nebraska Natural Gas Co. Kenesaw Oil Co. Kenesaw Telephone Co. Kent's Parts & Equipment Kent's Skelly Service, Bob Kerr Chevrolet Co. Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Messer, Co., L. J. Modern Linen Supply Motley, Steve Mousel, Virgil Pittz Service Schifferns Service Sherman's Service Center Inc. Sime,•A. J. Smidt, John Trupp Body, Fender & Radiator Shop, Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridgq & Supply Co. Nebraska Tractor & Enuipment Co. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Mileage Board Member, Mileage Service & Toll Charges Board Member, Mileage Board Member, Mileage Mop Service Supplies Mileage Mileage Postage Service Supplies Mileage Mileage Supplies Warrants Mileage Supplies Board Member, Mileage Board Member, Mileage Board Member, Mileage Travel Expense Salary Repairing Books Repairing Books. Salary Mileage Costs Claim Blanks Pest Contraol ROAD FUND Supplies Supplies Gasoline Gas, Oil & Lubricants Gas, Oil & Lubricants Electricity Gasoline Parts Gasoline & Diesel Fuel Tires Supplies Snow Fence Salary Telephone & Toll Serv. Supplies Utilities Salary Supplies Gas Service Diesel Fuel Telephone -Toll Serv. Supplies Gasoline Parts Gasoline Parts Parts Telephone & Toll Serv. Parts Towel Service Salary Salary Gasoline & Supplies Gas, Diesel Fuel Parts Gas, Diesel Fuel Salary Adam Radiator Repair Supplies Supplies Sdrvice Call BRIDGE FUND Supplies SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE 53.41 8.20 463.50 19.32 23.64 7.50 26.83 1.60 8.24 500.00 29.50 20.26 9.60 4.80 15.57 109.05 .96 6.02 25.12 36.00 23.64 90.19 48.00 27.00 48.00 276.00 8.72 20.00 46.25 5.00 4.80 10.76 29.28 295.71 162.03 1.45 9.35 13.37 126.60 914.46 2.01 8.00 264.00 15.69 11.06 39.41 116.51 12.50 22.45 131.88 16.60 9.20 8.33 10.51 200.02 216.62 12.77 16.53 26.75 4.53 216.00 264.00 301.63 84.93 17.55 157.45 67.66 7.50 145.82 1228.40 25.00 897.78 SUPE V I S S ECO 1.1 D N o, 16 145 Vontz, L. J. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Bouregy & Co., Inc. Thomas Daniels, Mrs. Margaret A. Dodd, Mead & Co., Inc. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Ernst, Mrs. Waunetta B. Gangwish, Mrs. Anna Hastings Public Library Koch, Mrs. Karen McNair, Mrs. Klyoe Parks, Miss Arlene Redinger, Mrs. Bonnie Jean Sapsis, Perc B. Inc. Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey Stansbury, Mrs. Florence Abbotts Dairy Adams Hardware Beebe & Runyan Furniture Co. Brach -Thompson Burlington Truck Lines Cash-Wa Candy Co. Custom Pack Don's Pastry Shop Engel Lumber & Supply Flesner, Anne Flesner, Anne Gibson Discount Center Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hoffman, Henry G. Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Midwest Grocery Co. Modern L4nen Supply Montgomery Ward National Biscuit Coy Penney Co., J. C. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Red & White Market Redfield Pharmacy Shriver, James Stevens & Saunders Plumbing Sturtevant, W. H. Warehouse Carpet Sales Williams Exterminating Woodward's Disposal Service Adams County Treasurer -- Brand -Wilson Mortuary Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Larkin, Director Safeway Stores Safeway Stores Yeagley Sr. Marmion F. & Heating Perry 0. Adams County Adams County Adams County Adams County Adams County Berndt Drugs Bert Drug Store Brand -Wilson Mortuary Brooke & Son Hastings Drug Store Redfield Pharmacy Gravel Supplies COUNTY LIBRARY Books Salary Bookds Books Salary Salary Library Service Wary Salary Salary Salary Books Sal ary Salary ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME Milk & Ice Cream Supplies Furniture Drapes Express Supplies Meat Cookies Supplies Postage Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Service Supplies Telephone & Toll Serv. Supplies Laundry Bedspreads Groceries Blankets Mirror Produce Supplies Eggs Supplies & Labor Produce Carpet Pest Control Disposal Service GENERAL RELIEF ADMINISTRATION Correction of Fund Ambulance Service Utilities Groceries Revolving Fund Groceries Groceries Rent MEDICAL, SURGICAL & HOSPITAL Treasurer --Old Age Assistance Treasurer --Blind Assistance Treasurer --Aid to Dependent Children Treasurer --Aid to Disabled Treasurer Medical Assistance Fund 114,,%1:6 Drugs Drugs Ambulance Services Drugs Drugs Drugs STATE ADMINISTRATION ci1rrOaC 1339.69 623.71 11.40 30.00 25.77 4.00 40.00 30.00 300.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 18.72 88.33 30.00 108.04 3.15 33) .55 67.80 11.95 38.45 48.08 4.50 8.05 5.99 4.50 8.82 22.78 3.00 137.32 6.00 2.26 47.20 39.45 69.11 41,92 27.68 71.64 5.58 31.25 2.70 16.80 62.90 7.70 450.00 6.00 12.00 250.00 150.00 21.35 40.00 5.00 20.00 30.00 250.00 2374.69 103.65 164.86 267.56 28.68 2.00 3.00 15.00 7.14 3.48 3.87 LAR An 146 SUPE VISO s ECO D No, 16 Cosgrove, Madelyn Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc. Dean, Dr. E. J. Duthie, Eva B. Guildner, Dr. C. W. Hoffmeister, Dr. George International Business Machines Corp. Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Kostal, Dr. 0. A. Larkin, Perry 0. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Pearson, Naomi Royer, Margaret F. Vasey, Ruby Whitcomb, Audrey y0st, Dr. John This Board will now recess subject Deputy Mileagp Bulletin Service Professional Service Mileage Professional Service Professional Service Service Agreement Professional Service Professional Service P stage Telephone & Toll Serv. Mileage Mileage Mileage Mileage Professional Service 12.00 4.00 15.00 5.12 11.25 18.00 24.06 7.50 7.50 60.00 63.31 4.00 7.76 6.48 5.52 31.25 to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. ChaLrman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, December 21, 1965. 4:00 o'clock P.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of December 6, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, Presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Youngblood, and Hoagland. Absent, Theobald. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Lightner, that the following resolution be adopted: at WHEREAS, one George B. Fox is a resident of Adams County, Nebraska and the Hastings State Hospital for a period of time, and WHEREAS, of his care WHEREAS, support, George B. Fox is possessed of an estate and income at the Hastings State Hospital, and has been a patient sufficient to meet the expenses payment of account will not deprive any dependent or relative NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors Adams Count Attorney take action to collect on the account aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of their necessary of Adams County, Nebraska that the of George B. Fox. Roll call, all voted e5:;;e45-i7-71% Countyerk Deputy of the County Board of Supervisors COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, December 22, 1965. 9:00 o'clock A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess Orville Hoagland, Chairman, Presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood Motion by Lightner, seconded by Theobald that we accept the report as filed by the & Company, appraisers. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood that the following claims be allowed on fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call Motion carried. Charman of December 21, 1965. GENERAL FUND Adams Co. Agricultural Extension Service Office Expense Clerk of the District Court Office Expense and Hoagland. Justin H. Haynes their respective , all voted aye. 750.85 787.50 107q 7n SUPE 14 VISO s 14 ECO 1" D N o, 16 14' . County Superintendent's Office County Treasurer's Office Brungard, Tilly Ann Finnerty, R. W. Hawes, Corinne D. Hohlfeld, Gust Seballoz, Micheal Register of Deeds Office Veteran's Service Officer Highway Department Bridge Department Perry 0. Larkin, Director Office Office Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Office Office Expense Expense Expense Expense ROAD FUND Salaries BRIDGE FUND Salaries STATE ADMINISTRATION Office Expense ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME Adams County Nursing Home Salaries This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman CountyJ Cle Deputy 690.00 2219.47 240.00 207.90 155.00 141.66 450.00 787.50 787.50 8349.00 1314.00 4225.00 2602.61 of the County Board of Supervisors. ALM / Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, January 6, 1966 10L00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of December 23, 1965. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, Presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Haberman, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Goble the Supervisors record as follows 4410 U. S. Treas. 4411 Weseman & Gangwish 4412 Justice of the Peace 4413 Justice of the Peace 4414 County Judge 4415 County Judge 4416 County Judge 4417 County Judge 4418 County Clerk 4419 County Clerk 4420 Blaine Township 4421 Juniata Village 4422 Anderson, Robert 4423 State Treas-State Assist. Fds 4424 4425 4426 4427 4428 4429 4430 4431 4432 4433 4434 4435 4436 4437 4438 4439 4440 4441 4442 4443 4444 4445 4446 1../. 7 County County County County County County County County County County County Judge Judge Judge Judge Judge Judge sheriff Judge Judge Judge Judge Perner, Pete Highland Township Village of Ayr Village of Kenesaw Village of Roseland Verona Township County Judge Register of Deeds State Treas--Gas Tax State Treas--Gas Tax State Treas--Gas Tax State Treas--Gas Tax n,...... }__ T..a r.. Dist. Dist. Dist. Dist. that the following Miscellaneous receipts be made a part of 800.00 20.00 130.00 160.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 597.00 180.92 283.34 100.00 15.95 358.08 10.00 16.00 722.05 106.00 10.00 30.00 178.86 10.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 15.25 500.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 500.00 5.00 748.25 809.12 11933.65 3363.50 15615.15 117 Q,) 4453 4454 4455 4456 4457 4458 4459 4460 4461 4462 4463 4464 4465 4466 4467 4468 4469 4470 4471 4472 4473 4474 4475 4476 4477 4478 4479 4480 4481 4482 4483 4484 4485 4486 4487 4488 4489 Ahon Clerk of Dist. Court Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Hanover Twp. Justice of the Peace County Clerk Ayr Township West Blue Township E uitable Life Assurance Mortiz Aabel County Judge County Judge County Nudge County Judge County Judge County Judge Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace Clerk of Dist. Court County Judge County Judge County Judge County Judge County Judge Davenport & Co., F. E. County Judge County Judge Witte, Ronald Denver Township Treasurer State Treas--State Assist. Med. Surgical & Hospital Med. Surgical & Hospital Med. Surgical & Hospital Med. Surgical & Hospital Med. Surgical &Hospital 26.00 325.00 75.00 500.00 70.00 31.83 500.00 500.00 Society 7.40 10.00 10.00 35.00 350 .00 74.86 483.73 140.00 80.00 80.00 110.00 80.00 20.00 5.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 39.86 45.00 35.00 10.00 9.00 500.00 Fds 32273.18 2374.69 267.56 164.86 103.65 28.68 1q4.2 AA QTfctn l 91 141 148 SUPE v1ISo s ECO D N® 16 4495 County Judge 4496 County Judge 4497 County Judge 4498 Kenesaw Township 4499 Logan Township 4500 Justice of the Peace 4501 Justice of the Peace 4502 Justice of the Peace 4503 Adams Co. Noxious Weed 4504 Pike Station Roll call, all voted aye. Motion 25.00 50.00 50.00 500.00 500.00 75.00 130.00 25.00 Control Authority 15.00 Carried. 11362.13 Motion by Theobald, seconded by Kidd that the following bonds be approved, John E. Halloran, Blaine Township Treasurer; Robert L Jones, Assistant Assessor; Clifford L Bartlett, Assistant Assessor; Romain M Nelson, Assistant Assessor; Lota L Smith, Assistant Assessor , be approved and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by beginning Haberman, seconded by Youngblood that January 1967 be as follows: County Assessor_ County Attorney County Clerk Clerk of the Dis.Court Register of Deeds County Superintendent County Sheriff County Treasurer Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. the following salaries for the next term of OfficE $6500.00 6000.00' 6200.00' 6000.00/ 5900.001 5900.00/ 6000.00/ 6500.00' Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Theobald that the monthly reports of the Juvenille Probation Officer, County Judge, Sheriff, Register of Deeds, County Library, County Clerk, Car Titles and County Attorney be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Lightner that the County Treasurer by authorized to refund Intangible penalties as follows: Jane W. Bell, State #45, Val #2698, Amt. $59.80 Robert L Bruntz, State #8893, Val #978, Amt $88.60 J. J. Lewis, State #4225, Val #11628, Amt $79.30 David Eckel, State #87A, Val #19831, Amt $12.30 Joseph DeMuth, State 9197A, Val #7309 Amt. $28.36, Wayne E Keeler, State #3705, Val #338 & 852, Amt $40.10 Mrs. Karl F. Tews, State #6386, Val 5991, Amt. $181.40 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble, that this board approve the release of U. S. Treasury Bonds in the amounts of $42,000.00 maturity 10-1-69, and $50,000.00 maturity 10-1-64, and $100,000.00 maturity 2-15-64, and $100,000,00 maturity 2-15-69, and that we approve the purchase U. S. Treasury bonds in the amounts of $100,000.00 maturity 10-1-69 and $100,000.00 maturity 2-15-69 pledged by the City National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska to secure Adams County deposits. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. rs Motion by Kidd, seconded by Lightner that the INventories of Adams County Extension Service, Adams County Division of Welfare, County Judge, County Attorney, Custodian, County Library and County Shop be, accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Haberman, seconded by Youngblood that the switch board operator shall be considered an employee of the Register of Deeds Office and under the direct supervision of the Register of Deeds. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Kidd that the claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Acme Printing Co. Adams County Treasurer Adams Hardware Co. Anderson, Robert Sheriff Anderson, Robert , Co. Sheriff Augustine Company Bancroft -Whitney Co. Bee Printing Co. Berg, Emma Bert, Emma Co. Clerk Bert's Drug Bittfield, Vern Brock, Don Bump, Treas. Bevin B., Nebr. Co. GENERAL FUND Supplies Box rent Supplies Mileage, Matron Serving Subpoena Supplies Supplies Supplies Convention Eupense Supplies & P stage Medicine Mileage Postage Att. Assn.Dues 671.70 4.00 18.66 Fee, Laundry,Food 1313.90 2.00 12.30 161.21 2.60 50.00 4.00 1.68 35.20 10.00 10.00 el /_ AA