HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupervisors Rec 15 1963SUPE VISO 'S 11E,C0 D NO, i5 ADAMS COUNTY, NE I: RASKA une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 653 Adams Co. Treas Adams Co. Treas Adams Co. Treas Adams Co. Treas Allen Self Service Berts Drugs Bert's Rexall Brooke & Son Charlton, Dr. G. P. Jean, Dr. E. J. DeBacker, Dr. L.J. DeMay, Dr. Geo. East Side Drugs Fern's Pharmacy Foote, Dr. D. B. Glenn, Dr, E. E. Goldbeck, Rev. Wm. Guildner, Dr. C. W. Hastings Drugs Hofimeister, Dr. G. F. Holcomb, Dr. G. R. Holthaus Drugs Irwin, Dr. D. C. Jones, Dr. D. W. Kamm, Dr. Frank Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Kleager, Dr. C. L. Kostal, Dr. O. A. Kuehn, Dr. G. A. Livin(ston-Butler-Volland McMillan, Dr. J. McIntire, Dr. R. H. Mary Lanning Hospital Mikkelsen Drug Co. Myers, Dr. W. O. Ohlsen, Hastings Labs John Pinney, Dr. G. L. Redfield's Pharmacy Rutt, r. F. J. Ruttts Drugs Sawyer's Drugs Shreck, Dr. H. W. Weber, Dr. C. R. Weiler, Dr. Leo F. Wolfe, Mrs. Neva Yost, Dr. John Berg, 'Uounty Clerk Emma Bi -Lo Market Business Supply Co. Farm Service Company Hastings Credit Bureau Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hillcrest Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Kansas Nebraska Natural Kuklish, Mrs. Alberta Larkin, Perry O. Larkin -Director Perry O. Larkin -Director Perry O. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Uo. Livinston-Butler-Volland Safeway Grocery Skaggs, O. P. Skaggs Grocery O. P. Skaggs Grocery O. P. Southern Nebr. Rural Public Power Trausch Grocery Yeagley, Sr Marmion F. YeEgley, Sr. Marmion Gas GENERAL RELIEF Postage Staple food Supplies Fuel Credit service Utilities Utiliuies Staple food Staple food Staple food Utilities Board & Room Mileage Postage Revolving fund Services Ambulance service Staple food Staple food Staple food Staple food Utilities Staple food Rent Custodian services call of the Chairman of the Co. Inc. - This hoard will now recess subject to the Clerk Deputy Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment, Vendor payment Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical supplies edical supplies Medical care Medical care Nu sing home care Medical care Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Tre atman Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Ambulance service Medical care Medical care Hospital care Medical supplies Medical care Tests Medical care l'edical supplies Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Nursing care Medical care 92.28 293.80 1507.2o 268.00 16.67 117.86 135.51 2L.25 24.50 4.00 9.00 10.00 1.40 35.97 102.42 9.00 125.00 138.85 142.64 33.00 7.00 24.25 4.00 22.00 28.10 18.00 7.00 10.00 50.00 2.50 9.00 24.00 200.00 67.80 4.00 3.00 20.00 133.60 12.00 85.41 20.25 12.00 16.00 1.70 275.00 110.00 25.92 60.00 53.66 40.00 4.00 48.17 40.82 29.88 124.00 25.00 13.63 70.00 41.97 40.00 23.25 70.15 112.00 .1.00.00 60.00 163.00 50.00 3.08 50.00 250.00 75.00 County Board of Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, January 8, 1963. 12:30 o'clock P.M. RegnTar mentinff. of the Adams County Board of Simervlsors met ns -118r rnness of Jannary 8. 1qh"1_ 54 SUPE 11 VISO 'S ECOIIAD NO. 15 11 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr, COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday,January 23, 1963, 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of January b, 1963. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goole, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald and Youngblood. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Lightner, that the following resolution be adopted: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, Adams County, Nebraska, has liens against the following described property, to -wit: Lots Five (5), Six (b) and Seven (7), Block Twenty-nine (29), Johnson's Addition to the own, now City of Hastings, Adams Counuy, Nebraska; growing out of payment or State Assistance to James Campbell and Dollie M. Campbell, husband and wife, over 65 years of age, which liens have been filed in Book 154, Page 429, ana in Book 157, Page 137, of the Mortgage Aecords of Adams County, Nebraska; and WHEREAS, said liens are in the amounts of 0,906.6,5 and $9,510.25; and WHEREAS, the appraised value of said property amounts to the sura or $1,525.00; and WHEREAS, saia appraised value or $1,525.00 has been paid to Adams County, Nebraska; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that G. G. Yost, County Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, is hereby authorized and directed to release the above described State Assistance Liens against the following described property, to -wit: Lots Five (5), Six (6) and Seven (7), Block Twenty-nine (29), Johnson's Addition to the Town, now City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goble, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Jackson, William Kalvoda, Norma Jean Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Highway Department Bridge Department GENERAL FUND ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND STATE FUNDS Larkin, Director Perry O. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the County Deputy lerk Office Orrice Office Office Salary Office Office office Office Office Salary Salary Office Office Expense Expense Expense Expense & Mileage Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Salaries Salaries Office Expense Ghairman of the County Board of Supervisors, 556.66 1003.10 1663.01 1100.00 1608.64 1227.50 1293.02 1,395.04 680.00 2010.51 280.00 195.00 966.90 787.50 7196.30 612.80 3496.00 Chairman CO= HOUSE, HASTIA-GS, NEBRASKA Thursday, February 7, 1963. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams (Jounty Bo( -rd of Supervisors met as per recess of January 2, 1963. Myron Youngblood, Vice Chairman, presiding. Rowi call, members present: Goble, Kiad, Lightner, Mackie, Theobala and Youngblood, Absent: Hoagland. Motion by Liable, seconded by Kidd, that this 'oard approve the addition collateral of 0.5,000.00 J.S. Certificate Indebtedness of the Roseland State 13ank, Roseland, Nebr. for the security of County Deposits. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Goble, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisors record. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. nn ") 1, A Trt, rTir-kv.vv, ; c)c) nn SUPE e Graphic Arts, Hastings Nebr 111 VISO 'S ECOJD NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 2142 Ed Maul 2143 Perry O. Larkin -Director 21114 Blaine lownship 2145 Harold Heuertz 2146 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 2147 John E. Ray, County Judge 2148 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist 2149 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist 2150 Suate '-i-reasuer-GasllaX Dist 2151 John E. Ray, County Judge 2152 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 2153 Arthur J. Sime 2154 Erima Berg, County Clerk 2155 Emma berg, County Clerk 2156 Emma berg, County Clerk 2157 Perry Larkin -Director 2158 Mary schultz, Clerk Dist Court 2159 Mary Schultz, Clerk Dist court 2160 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 2161 Leslie Earl Uptagraft 2162 Leslie Earl Uptagraft 2163 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 2186 Jiernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Ct 2187 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 2188 Perry Larkin -Director 2189 Perry Larkin -Director 2190 Perry LarKin-Director 2191 State ireasurer-State Asst Fund 2192 Grace Simpson, Jutice of Peace 2193 State Treas- State Asst Fund 3000.00 78.12 20.34 1.50 70.00 10.00 9543.27 3180.85 11,973.19 625.99 05.00 10.00 4552.26 127.50 436.00 186.20 604.66 135.14 65.00 112.00 181.25 60.00 1.00 65.00 179.30 10.00 50.00 50.43 60.00 1132.66 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2rnr 2179 2180 2181 2162 2183 2184 2185 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 200 2201 Slate Treasurer -State 4,sst. Fund .bred O. Schaffroth, Reg Deeds John E. Ray, County Judge Grace simpson, Justice of Webster Co. Treasurer Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Special Mail Route Medical Surgical & Hospital Medical Surgical & Hospital Medical Surgical & Hospital Medical. Surgical & Hospital Medical. Surgical & Hospital Medical Surgical & Hospital Medical Surgical & Hospital Medical Surgical & Hospital Emma Berg, County Clerk Grace Sinpson, justice of Peace Fast Construction Co. Erma berg, County Clerk LaMoine st'iscner 5.00 Grace impson, Justice of reace 65.00 Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Court 5.00 -t'eace 46/739.79 600.0 1038.14 65.00 20.00 90.00 907.80 237.90 206.40 268.00 1586.14 1507.20 113.16 92.28 .27 145.00 1525.00 25.92 Void Kents ,-)uper service John E. Ray,County judge John E. Ray, County Judge John E. Ray, County Judge Grace 6impson, Justice of Peace U. S. Treasury Perry Larkin -Director 57.20 50.00 25.00 lo.00 235.00 1380.00 19.53 Motion by Mackie, seconded by Kidd, that we authorize the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors to sign tax list correction slips nots 3848 to No. 3b66 Inc. Roil pail, all voted aye. Notion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Mackie, that the reports of the Adams County Nursing Home, Justice of the Peace in City of Hastings, County Judge, Register of -Deeds, County Clerk, Car Titles and Tax Collections be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. lotion carried. Motion by Kidd, sec Township Clerks- Ge TOWNSHIP TREASURERS and JUSTICE OF THE Roll call, all vote onded by Goble, that the folloang rry D. Meyer, Logan 'ownship; and, - Arthur Schukei, Wanda Township; PEACE: Alvin R. stimbert, Juniata d aye. Motion carried. wownship Bonds be accepted as follows: Glenn Matthews- Juniata Township; and and, Stan McMahon, Little Blue Township; Township; and, George bohlen, Blaine Township. Mobion by Lightner, seconded by Kidd, that we ask the County Atuorney to start foreclosure proceedinr's on Los 524, 525, 525 and 527 Village of Juniata, Adams County, Nebraska in the name of Francis Eugene Lockmr and Elizabeth Lockmer: and, the North 76 feet of the South 222 feet, East 1/2 of block 5, St. Josephts Second jiddition, to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska in the name oi Conrad Nolda. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Goble, that the following claims be allowed on their:respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Acme He, u Equipment Co. Adams County Extension Service Anderson, Robert' Anderson, Sheriff Robert Augustine Company Bancroft -Whitney Co. Bee Printing Co. Beekman, Mary Bivens, Mary Brock, Don Burroughs (Jorporation Business Supply Co. Carpenter Paper Co. CCH Proaucts co. City National bank Clerk of District Court Consolidated ,',otor Freight Inc. County Assessor County Assessors Assn. or itbr. County Clerk County of Franklin Credit bureau of Hastings Dants Pickup & Delivery Service Department of Information U of N. Dier, E. L. Eastman KodaK stores Inc. Gangwish, Glenn Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities GENERAL FUND Le airs Revolving fund Convention Expense Laundry,Postage, Food, Supplies Supplies Supplies Mileage Bailiff Postage Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies State cases, commiutment Freight Postage Supplies Postage, janitor Supplies Services Freight Supplies Vital Statistics Supplies Mileage Publishing Supplies Utilities 9.00 0.02 40.00 Mileage 559.43 10(.17 17.50 )43.60 1.00 40.00 27.45 3.90 540.93 32.95 9.25 7.58 1189.10 2.15 25.00 65.27 6.82 5.00 10.50 3.00 1.49 152.00 19.17 2.26 216.32 101.04 424.55 supplies 656 SUPE 11 VISO 'S 11\ECO D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr, Modern Linen Supply Co. Mortgage Investment Co. Nebraska Tax Research Council Neeman, Geo. H. Newstrom Insurance Agency Chas. Parks, Arlene Pl'elifer, Kenneth 1-tay, Coun,y Judge John Recordak Corporation Redfield & Company Inc. Riese, E. Dale Roe, Irene C. Ruuker, Morland Safeway 6 -bores # 990 Schafer Printing co. Schafrotn, Reg Deeds Fred Sunbeam corporation Swearingen, J. R. lemple, Howard rhomas, Ray L. Tribune Graphic Arts Turner, State Librarian George H. Vaughans Printers Inc. West PubiisnIng Co. Williams Exterminating co. 0. Clarke Oil Co, Clarke Oil o. Construction Service Equipment L'o. Consumers 'ublc Power Dist. Dutton-Lainson Co. i'armers Union 'o -Op. Gas & Oil Firestone Stores Friends Motor Supply Glenood Telephone Membership Corp. Goedert, Jake Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. Hastings Seat Cover Co. Hastings Hotor Truck Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Hohlen, Fred Home Oil Service Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Karsting oil Co. Kenesaw Telephone Co. Kerr Chevrolet Co. Kully Iron & Metal Co. Lenhart, Paul E. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co McRoberts Industries Messer 0o. L. J. Modern Linen Supply Mousel, Virgil Piltz Service Schiffersn Service Sherman Service Inc. Sidles Company Sime, A. J. Sinclair Refining Co. Thomas & Benjamin & Clayton Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wilber Service Inc. Dutton Lainson Co. Lemke, Fred Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Rief, Henry Stromer, Paul G. Road Account Albrigh, Dixie May Bee Printing Co. Ernst, Mrs. W aune tt a B. Gangwish, Mrs. Anna Hastings Public Library Ter01,,- • qe--,4,m Co. ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND 'upplies Bonds Supplies Assessing Bond Rent Mi 1e age State cases, Postage Supplies Supplies Mileage Salary Mileage Supplies Supplies Recording, Postage Supplies 3ailiif Mileage Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Services Gas, Oil Gas, Oil, Repairs Repairs Utilities Suoplies Gas, Diesel Repairs, Supplies Sundlies Telephone service Salary Supplies Rep airs Supplies Utilities Supplies Salary Gas Utilities Diesel Telephone service Supplies Iron Gas, Repairs Supplies Telephone service Supplies Supplies Shop Towels Salary Gus, Diesel, Supplies Gas, Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas, Supplies Diesel Services Suppl ie s Supplies, liepairs Supplies Repairs Payloader, Salary Salary 6uPplies SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND Equipment rental, Labor COUNTY LIBRARY Salary Supplies Salary Salary Library service 1 1.90 1(1.14 53.00 140.00 17'9.00 12.00 2.60 54.50 9.0 20.46 10.00 1.54 L6.80 20.04 44.95 8.50 4.07 8.00 277.20 6.00 10.50 154.82 32.00 5.00 249.37 69.92 54.64 5.91 11.46 96.13 1.')6.26 12.21 11.58 100.60 46.57 16.00 11.20 67.74 20.01 100.50 25.20 36.20 105.00 5.22 6.00 1.60 111.75 711.11 22.36 6.70 103.29 4.95 224.00 233.13 56.10 3.35 116.1 6 23.5 160.02 36.00 119.12 249.61 13., 1.00 17,806.20 166.00 235.20 2274.60 30.00 10.85 40.00 30.00 90.00 une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE Acme Printing Co. Counby Clerk Emna 13usiness Supply Co. Charlton, Dr. G. Paul Dean, Dr. E. J. 'iuthie, Eva B. Glenn, Dr. E. E. Hastings Credit Bureau Hastings Utilities Hoffmeister, Dr. G. F. Kamm, Dr. Frank Kingsley, •Dr. D. W. Kuehn, Dr. Gerald Larkin, Perry O. Larkin,Director Perry O. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Obert, Dr, Frank 4oberts, & Co. R. Rutt, Dr. F. J. Snyder, Daniel E. Vasey, Ruby Williams, Donald Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. Yost, Jr. John G. G. Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Allen Selz. Service Anderson, Dr. H. F. Berndt Co. August Bertts Drugs Bert's Rexail Drugs Brooke & Son Charlton, Dr. G. P. Dean, Dr. E. J. Dean, .01-. E. J. DeBacker, Dr. L. J. East ide Drugs Fern's ]Drugs Foote, Dr. D. B. Cuildner, Dr. C. Hastings Drugs Hofimeister, Dr. G. F. Holcomo, Dr. G. R. Holthaus Jirug Jones, Dr. D. W. Kleager, Dr. C. L. Kostal, Dr. O. A. Kuehn, Dr. G. A. McIntire, Dr. R. H. Mary Lanning Rospital Mikkelsen Drug co. Murray, Dr. 11. E. Pinney, Dr. G. L. Redfields Pharmacy Rutt, Dr. F. J. Rut's Drugs Sawyers Drugs 6hreck, Dr. H. V. eber, Dr. C. R. Yost, Dr. John W. BI -Lo Market Cedar Co. Inc. Farm Service Co. Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jackson Funeral Home Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas Larkin -Director Perry O. Safeway Grocery Silver Grill Cafe Skaggs Grocery, O. P. Stop & Shop Market Union Rooms Weber, Dr, C. R. Widener Grocery co. VISOiVS ECOI"W NO. 15 ADAMS CbtN1NL NEERASKA Co. MEDICAL, STATE FUNDS Supplies): Supplies Medical care Medical care Mileage Medical care Credit service utilities Medical care Aedical care Medical care Medical care Mileage Postage Telephone service Medical care Supplies Medical care Mil e age Iii1e age ;18211r7 Medical care SURGICAL AND HOSPITAL Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Medical supplies Medical care medical supplies medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical care medical care Medical supplies Medical care medical care Medical care Medical care medical care Hospital care Medical supplies Nbdical care Medical care medical supplies Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Nedical care Medical care Medical care GENERAL RELIEF Staple food Board & Room Gas Utilities Staple food Staple food Staple food Burial Utilities Revolving fund Staple food Meals Staple food Staple food Room rent Medical care Staple food 657 17.60 30.80 92.53 7.50 7.50 6.80 7.50 4.00 35.b6 15.00 7.50 7.50 7.,50 12.30 25.00 72.37 7.50 3.72 15.00 5.76 4.00 5.01 75.00 250.00 7.50 1644.61 247.00 116.00 329.60 4.26 72.50 9.10 149.86 315.46 1.00 12.00 4.00 1.5050 12.00 23.90 56.21 15.00 145.49 185.17 91.50 16.46 24.00 16.00 4.00 15.00 39.10 6.00 327.25 69.40 13.50 50.00 109.01 17.00 114.01 33.75 18.00 12.00 11.00 40.00 70.00 43.40 65.63 96.00 80.00 126.00 160.00 11.50 29.22 10.00 24.50 315.00 5.00 21.00 2.00 20.00 58 SUPE Is VISOIVS Is:ECOI'W NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, February 21, 1963. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie recess of February 6, 1963. and Youngblood, Absent:Theobald. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Goble, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, aIi'Voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Agricultural Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County1-3oard County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Jackson, William Kalvoda, Norma Jean Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Extension Service Highway Department Bridge Department Larkin,Director Perry O. This Board will now recess subject Count4 lerk Deputy GENERAL FUND Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND STATE FUNDS Salaries Salaries Office to the call or the Chairman Expense of the County 542.66 963.90 1685.55 1191.13 1801.vi 1227.50 1235.00 1372.0o 680.00 2261.1 280.00 195.00 943.0 787.50 7064.6o 610.00 3530.45 Board of Supervisors, CO= HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, March 6, 1.963. 10:00 o'clock Regular meeting of the Adams.County Board Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Chairman A. M. of Supervisors met as per recess of February 21, 1963. R211 call, members present: Goble, Hoagland, Kidd, I4ghtner, Mackie, Theobald and Youngblood. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Lightner, that the reports of the clerk of the District Court, Sheriff, Adams County Nursing Home, Car Titles, Rigister of Deeds, County Judge, Veterans Service Olfice, County Clerk oe accepted and placed on rile, Roll call, all voted aye. notion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that the Bonds of Williams F. Adams, Highland Township Clerk and Orville Augustin,Juniata lowrship Treasurer; and John H. Reiners, Highland Township Justice of the Peace and Herman Gartner, Little Blue Township Justice of the Peace be approved. Roll call, all voced aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Kidd, that the following Miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisor's Record: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 2202 John E. Ray, County Judge 2203 Neva Wolfe 2204 John E. Ray, County 2205 John E. Ray, County 2206 Perry O. Larkin -Dire 2207 John E. Ray, County 2208 John E. Ray, County 2209 Perry O. Larkin -Dire 2210 Perry O. Larkin -Dire 2211 John E. Ray, County 2212 Kearney County Treas 2213 Kearney County Treas 2214 State Treasurer -Gas 2215 State Treasurer -Gas 2216 State Treasurer -Gas judge Judge ctor Judge J udge ctor ctor Judge ure r ure r Tax Dist Tax Dist Tax Dist 17.60 2223 562.25 2224 4b-.66 2225 14-7.82 2226 31.80 2227 5.00 2228 562.82 2229 74.30 2230 132.35 2231 863.50 2232 480.00 2233 2800.00 2234 7847.38 2235 3180.85 2236 9259.76 P237 -',(D State Treasurer -State Assistanceij7,715.11 Grace Simpson 73.65 Perry O. Larkin 8.36 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 65.00 Hagemeyer Farm Service 15.00 Enna Berg, County Clerk 30.80 Emma Berg, County Clerk 693.35 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 60.00 Bernard H. Taylor -Clerk Dist Court 322.35 John ho Ray, County Judge 257.00 &race Simpson, Justice of eace 80.00 John E. Ray, County Judge 12.73 John E. Ray, County Judge 137.67 -Farmers Co -Op. Propane Lo20.00. State Treas- state Asst. Fund 106.00 n n n 1 SUPEI VISO 'S 111ECOID NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Motion by Mackie, seconded oy Kiad, that we set the license date for application or John Eurek for On & Off Beer License for March 22, 1963 at 10 o'clock A. M. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax correction slips No's 3890 to j896 Inc. Roll call, ali voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Mackie, that we approve une renewal Amusement License for the Eastins Drive Ir Theatre for the year of 196). Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goole, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and theCounty Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Acme Heat Equipment Co. Acme Printing Co. Adams County Extension Service Anderson, Sherlif Robert Augustine Company Bivens, George Burroughs Corp. Business Supply Co. Cambridge, William G. Clerk District Court -Bernard Taylor County Assessor County Clerk Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Foote Equipment Co. Haberman's of Hastings Hammond & Stephens Co. Hastings Chamber of Commerce qastings Daily Tribune Has Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriuer Co. HastIngs Utilities Hawes, Henry Holcomb, Gerald R. M.D. Internacional Business Machines Corp. Krabel, Martha Lawson Communicat ons Leach-Heusser Agency Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg o. Marvel, John Modern Linen Supply Neeman, Geo. Nolte & Boesen Insurance Agency Redfield & Company Inc. Rucker, Morland Schafer Printing Co. Schaffroth, Reg Deeds Fred O. Simpson, Justice or Peace Grace H. Sinclair Manifold Products Inc. Story, Roscoe E. Temple, Howard Thomas, Ray L. Thomas, hay L. Tribune Graphic arts Vaughans Printers Inc. West Publishing co. Williams Exterminating Co. Yost, C. G. - Co. Treas Youngblood, F. L. Brown Repair Champlin's Skelly Service Clarke 011 Co. Inc. Construction Service Equipment Consumers Public Power Dist. Button-Lanson Co. irestone Stores Friends Motor Sup Iy Gate City Steel Inc. Goedert, Jake Glenwood Teiephone Membership -orp. Hastings Batuery (c'z Elecuric Inc. Hastings Seat Cover Co. Hastings Utilities Hohlen, tired Hone Oil Service Hueske Implement Co. Kansas Nebr, Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kenesaw Telephone co. T I. Y1 GENERAL FUND' ROAD FUND Repairs Supplies Revolving fund Postage, Laundry, Food, Mileage Supplies Bailiff Supplies Supplies Legal services State cases, commitument Postage Postage Services Supplies Supplies Supplies Labor survey Publishing, supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Postage Services Supplies lo age Installed Mooile Unit Appraising, Testifying Services Services Services Rent As Bond Supplies Mileage Supplies Postage, Filing Services SunPlies Mile age Nile age Mileage Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Services Mileage Title search We Gas Gas, Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Repairs, Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Services Subplies Repairs Utilities Salary Gas Supplies Utilities Services 14.05 19.75 8.?9 1060.69 76.69 32.00 2.40 38.90 77.27 534.60 25.00 10.00 9.50 13.95 12.05 66.95 376.81 182.03 53.65 43.16 39)1.56 15.00 2.85 h0.12 85.95 115.00 296.97 h0.34 75.00 1.90 135.00 10.00 35.22 8.34 30.42 1).75 20.00 48.75 5.50 33.60 3.28 210.60 91.23 10.76 70.30 5.00 16.00 9..50 1.00 8.10 45.b 190.02 3.63 14.84 231.90 42.22 62.00 1(9.20 12.99 1)4.86 19.00 49.16 201.60 35.76 35.5 61.49 8.30 (660 SUPE 11\ VISO 'S NO. 15 11 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Modern Linen Supply Mousel, Virgil Nebr. Tractor & Equipment, Co. Nolte & Beesen Insurance Agency Precision Lubricants Co. Schiiferns Service Sidles Company Sime A. J. Smith & Sons, S. E. Southern Nebr. Rural Public PooJerD ist. Thomas & Benjamin & Clayton Wilber Service Inc. Zubie's Service Pedersen Farm Equipment Co. Rief, Henry Stromer, Paul G. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Road Account Albright, :Dixie May Ernst, Waunetta B. Gangwish, Mrs. Anna Hastings .eublic Library Jolly, Mrs. Sophia Kindig, Mrs. Margaret McNair, Mrs. Klyoe Redinger, Mrs. Dwight Sanford, Mrs. Dorothy Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey Cosgrove, Madelyn Duthie, Eva B. Hoffmeister, Dr. George Holcomb, Dr. Gerald R. Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Kostal, Dr. 0. A. Pinney, Dr. George L. Smith, Dr. Robert 6, Snyder, Daniel E. Vasey, Ruby Weber, Dr. C. R. Williamson, Donald Yost, Dr. John Adams Co. Treas Adams Co. Treas Adams Co. Treas Adams Co. Treas Alien Self Service Bert's Drugs Bert's Rexall Brooke &Son Brommer Dispensary Inc. Charlton, Dr. G. p. City Optical Service Dean, Jr. E. J. DeBacker, Dr. L. J. East Side Drugs Fern's Pharmacy Glenn, Dr. E. E. Guildner, Dr. C. W. Hastings Drug Store Hoffmeister, Dr. G. F. Holcomb, Dr. G. R. Holuhaus Drug store Jones, Dr. J. w. Kamm, Dr. Frank Kingsley, Dr. J. W. Kleager, Dr. C. L. Kostal, Do. O. A. Kuehn, Dr, G. A. McIntire, Dr. R. H. Cc'Teill, Dr. L. S. Mary Lanning Hospital Mikkelsen Drug Store F. BRIDGE FUND Shop towels Salary Supplies Insurance Lubricant Gas Supplies Gas, Supplies Supplies Utilities ourvey Supplies, Repairs Gas, Oil Supplies Salary Salary Supplies SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND COUNTY LIBRARY STATE FUNDS Equipment Rental, Labor Salary Salary Salary Library service Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Cataloger Mileage Mileage Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Mileage Mileage Medical Mileage Medical ca -re care care care care care care care MEDICAL, SURGICAL & HOSPITAL Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Medical supplies Medical supplies Helical supplies Medical supplies Frames & Lenses Medical care Frames & Lenses Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies I4edica..L care Medical care Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Nedical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care hedical care Hospital care Aedical supplies 6.5 224.00 82.88 15.92 221.64 4b.18 229.88 14o.3o 21.60 53.84 1475.00 644.12 17.13 29.38 212.80 224.0o 21.08 163.5..40 30.00 Lo.00 30.00 100.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 88.33 1.60 9.28 1.00 7.0 30.00 7.0 7.0 7.0 12.32 9.44 7.50 12.72 10.00 1716.88 226.20 48.45 234.76 4.26 222.31 36.47 24.00 189.00 23.00 17.00 4.00 6.75 50.47 2u.00 108.67 180.02 80.00 12.00 17.25 8.00 15.00 27.00 2.00 10.00 64.60 63.00 6.00 306.70 102.2 SUPE une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. VISO ZE CO J' I O. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 661 Shreck, Dr. H. W. Smith, Dr. R. C. Weber, Dr. C. R. Acme Printing Co. Berg, County Clerk Emma Bi -Lo Market Business SupDly Co. Hastins Credit Bureau Hastings Typewriter Hastings Utilities Hayter, Mrs. W. F. Hoffineister, Dr. George P. Jack & Jill Grocery Ja .k & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Koch Grocery Larkin -Director Perry O. Larkin -Director Perry 0. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Uo. Lindell Rooms Safeway Grocery Safeway Grocery Silver Grill Cafe Skaggs 0. P. Skaggs Grocery O. P. Stop Y& Shop Market Trausch Grocery Walter, Mrs. Marjorie M. Yeagley, Marini_ on F. Sr. Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. Inc. GENERAL RELIEF {his Board will now recess subject to the call Count) -17.e rk of the Medical care Medical care Medical care Supplies Postage Staple Food Supplies Services Supplies Utilities Room rent Medical care Stele food Staple food Staple food Utilities Staple food Revolving fund Postage Services Room rent Staple food Staple food Meals Staple food !Maple food Staple food Staple food Board & Room, Rent Janitor Chairman Tr ansp orae ion service of the County Board .au,16 J� 3.00 13.00 84.00 50.V0 31.29 1__0.00 28.60 x}..00 57.61 34.49 7.00 2.00 84.00 75.00 171.00 8.41.E 50.00 45.05 50.00 69.70 14.00 35.00 13.00 49.00 230.00 473.00 30.00 25.00 2'(.00 20.00 75.00 of Supervisors. Cha irman COURT HOUSE, H ySTING S, NEB:t{ASKA Friday, March 22, 1963. 10 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board or'Supervisots met as per recess of March 6, 1963. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, and Youngblood. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Goble, that the issuance of On and 0.'f Sale Beer License for John Eurek be recommended to the State Liquor Commission. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that the following Resolution be adopted. RESOLUT ON WHEREAS, Esther Meester, the duly appointed, qualified and acting guardian of Nary C. Meester, and :incompetent person, has filed her Petition in the District Court of Adams County, Nebraska praying for a license to sell the following described reaj estate owned by her ward, to -wit: The East 47 Meet of the West 144 feet except the West 1 feet of the North 65 feet thereof, of Lot ,Eleven (11), Block One (1), Bellangees Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County,Nebraska, for the reason that it is in -the best interest of her ward that the said real estate be sold and that the proceeds thereof be put out at interest or invested in some productive stock, and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Adcuns County, Nebraska have investigated this matter and approved of the proposed sale and deem the said sale necessary for the best interest of the said incompetent. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BO,WRD OF SUPERVISOatS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ,That we deem the proposed sale of the aboue described real estate to be proper and beneficial to the estate of the said incompetent, s°'lary C. Meester and deem that the said sale thereof is necessary. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Theobald, that the following Resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION BE IT :dESOLVED, That the County -board of Supervisors sell to Luther Goding, Jr., and Frances Louise Goding, as joint Tenants, with rights of surviftorship, for the sum of 01100.00 the following described property: A part of the Northwest Luarter of Section 9, 1`ownship 5 North, mange 9 West of the 6thP.M., more particularly described as follows Commencing at a point on the Esat line of said Northwest Quarter, 793 Feet south of the Northeast corner thereof, running, thence in a Westerly direction on the North side of a row of cottonwood trees for 200 feet, thence South 100 feet, thence in an Easterly direction 200 feet to the East line of said Northwest 2uarter, thence North 100 feet to the p lace of beginning. whin}, Td AR e1P.1 iTTA1- c1 to fhA (Thiint7r f'nr rala,c,F of An nira Ac^e Dula i"7 of '6 2 SUPE VISO F ECO D NO. 15 1 \ ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Notion by Youngblood, seconded. by Mackie, That the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, there is an Old Age Assistance Lien filed in Book 173, page 118, mortgage Recons of the 02fice of the Register of Deeds in Adams County, Nebraska, against the following described real estate: A Part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 9, Townsnip 5 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P. M., more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the East line of said Northwest Quarter, 793 feet South of the North East corner thereof, running thence in a westerly direction on the North side of a row of cottonwood trees for 200 feet, thence south 100 feet, thence in an Easterly direction 200 feet to the East line of saia Northwest Quarter, thence North 100 feet to the place of beginning. That said Old Age -ssistance Lien incorrectly described the property as follows: Part of the NW*, Sec. 9, T5, NR 9, W. of the 6th P. N. and particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on theEast line of said NW*, 793 feet South of the NE corner therefore running thence in a westerly direction on uhe North side of a row of cottonwood trees South 11 feet, East 200 feet to the East line or said 1/4, North 100 feet to the beginning, in the naffe oi Andrew Peterson And, WHEREAS, DeVere M. Hamilton, the sole surviving joint owner of said property has deeded same to Adams County, Nebraska. NaJ, TIES BE IT RESOLVED that in consideration of the above conveyance of land, that the Treasurer ofAdams County, Nebraska, be directed to release and discharge said Old Age Assistance Lien upon the above descrieed property. Roll call, all voted aye. Mouion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, there is an Old Age Assistance Lien filed in Book 172, Page 19, Mortg, ge Records of the Office of the Register of Deeds in Adams County, Nebraska against the following described real estate: Lou Twelve (12), I -dock Two (2), Harry Graham's Subdivision of Block Twenty Nine (29), D. W. Palmer's Addition to the City of Hastings, =,-da s County, Nebrska, in favor of Adanas County, Nebraska, for Old Age Assistance payments to John Bauer of Hustings, ,:dans County, Nebraska; and WHEREAS, there are prior liens for taxes in the amount of 019.67 owing on said property and special assessments in the amountof $2,049.041 and the value of said property will not exceed 2,868.7l and, WHEREAS, Frederick D. Neff has offered a00.00 in compromise settlement of the ola Age Assistance Lien and has agreed to assume the taxes and special assessment in the total amount of $2,768.71 plus accruing interest. NOW THEaEFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the amount of 4a00.00 be accepued in full settlement of the Old age Assistance Lien and. Upon payment of said sum to the Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, he is hereby authorized and directed to release said lien on the records in the office of the Register of Deeds. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Youngblood, that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors find that there is a need for a person to work with the problem youth of our County and to coordinate the efforts of the several agencies and courts in this county working with youth problems, and WHEREAS, it appears advisable to hire a qualified person as a special assistant to the County Attorney's office to handle such matters. NOW THEREFORE be it resolved that the County Attorney be authorized to hire such a special assistant subject to the approval of the County rioard of Supervisors. That the Youth ProblerE Council, with the recommendations of the County Attorney, shall submit nen of qualified persons for such posit,on and the final selection shall be reserved to the County Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Youngblood, that we hire Adolph Heusser as Superintendent and Inspector representing Adams County and the Architects for the erection of the new Courthouse. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Mackie, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Jackson, William Kalvoda, Norma Jean Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Highway Department Bridge Department goAD FUND BRIDGE FUND STAT E FUNDS Ofiice Office Office Office Salary Office Office Ofiice Office Office Salury Salary Office Office Expense Expense Expense Expense & Mileage Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Salaries Salaries 527.66 993.30 3.1.0]..o0 11117.63 1571446 1216.60 1-02.50 1419.20 680.00 1817.25 280.00 9.20 963.00 787.5o 7039.80 610.00 SUPE ne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. S ECOI"\D NO. 15 UNTY, NE RASKA 663 COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, April 5, 1963. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of March 22, 1963. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goole, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald and Youngblood. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Mackie, that the reports of the Titles, Sheriff, Nursing Home, (2) County Judge, County Attorney, Annual Report Agriculture & Home Economics be accepted and placed aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded Road Overseer, Mike Traus Township, Justice of the carried. (2) Register of Deeds, Car Clerk of the District Court, on file. Roll call, all voted by The obadd, that the Township bonds of Lloyd Lutmeier, Logan Township ch, Silver Lake Township, Justice of the Peace and L. A. Joynt, Roseland Peace be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Motion by Mackie, seconded by theaSupervisorls Record. Roll 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 224 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 226 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that we authorize the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors to sign correction slips No's 3897 t 3914 Inc. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Lightner, that the lowbids of the Has Daily Tribune of 0372.51 for 18,000 Personal Property forms and 0526.11 for 13,000 Real estate property form as per specifications be accepted. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Goble, uhat the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to write tax certificates on all real estate 031 which taxes are unpaid for three years last past. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Goble, that the call, all U. S. Treasury Neva Wolfe Martha Krabel O. C. Evans Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Bernard H• Taylor -Clerk Dist Court Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace John E. Ray, County Judge John E. iiay, County Judge Guy William bernard Taylor -Clerk _Dist Court State Treas- Cas 'i'ax Dist State '-i2reas- Gas Tax Dist. State Trees- Gas Tax Dist Emma Berg, County Clerk Emma Berg, County Clerk C. R. Wilcox Grace Simpson, Justice of eace Grace Simpson,Juebice of Peace following Miscellaneous voted aye. motion carried. 2000.00 579.50 5-41 10.00 85.00 50.27 60.00 17u.00 657.15 4.00 30.00 113.00 7931.81 3180.85 93911.83 136.25 737.00 22.00 190.00 65.00 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2265 2286 2287 2288 2289 Hastings Drive -In -Theatre 10.00 2290 Hastings Drive -In -Theatre 10.00 2291 State Treas-State Assittance Fund46,530.84 2292 Bernard Taylor -Clerk Dist Court 7o7.80 2293 Fred O. Schaffroth 735.25 2294 Special Mail Route Fund 1635.40 2295 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 234.78 2296 receipts be made a part Medical, Surgical & Hospital Medical, Surgical & Hospital Medical, Surgical & Hospital &race Simpson, Justice of Peace Emma Berg, County Clerk Evelyn Schellak&WilhelminaM.Josephson Greco SimpsonlJustice of Peace C. U. Yost, Co. Treas. Grace 6impson,Justice of Peace John E. Ray, County Judge Grace Simpson Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Special Mail Routo Medical, Surgical & iiospitai Medical, Surgical & Hospital Medical, Surgical & Hospital Medical, •Surgical & Hospital Grace Simpson, Justice of 2eace liobert Anderson,Adams Co. Sheriff John E. Ray, Counuy Judge John E. Ray, County Judge John E. Ray, County Judge United State Fidelity & Guaranty United State Fidelity & Guaranty Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Perry O. Larkin -Director Perry 0. Larkin -Director of 01716.68 226.20 46-45 65.00 31.29 540.88 180.00 96.37 11,5.00 5°4.00 95.00 165.00 2274.60 116.80 329.60 247.00 1644.61 170.00 47.o0 50.00 50.00 50.00 55.50 72.42 95.0o 126.40 100.00 Motion by Kiad, seconded by Goble, that we instruct the County Clerk to advertise for Gravel bias to be opened on May 6, 1963. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Notion by Lightner, seconded by Kidd, that the foilowinrr. claims oe allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye.Motion carried. Acme Printing Co. Adaias County Extension Service naen, Alice Anderson, Sheriff- Robert Augustine ()IlImpany Ayr Vithge Bartlett, Phullis A. Bee Printing Company Bivens, George Bobbitt, W. B. Bohlen, George Brock, Don Business Supply Business Supply Co. Christensen, Glenn Cornhusker Press County Assessor County Clerk County Supt. County Supt. Co. GENERAL FUND Supplies Revolving fund As Postage, Laundry, Food, Mileage Supplies Rent Salary Supplies Bailiff Assessing Assessing Postage Supplies Supplies Assessing Supplies Postage Postage Mileage Postete 218.70 19.00 212.00 882.30 205.16 25.00 9.30 17.2.5 64.00 274.00 108.00 10.00 159.07 1.80 142.80 79.72 25.00 20.50 30.32 2.nn (664 SUPE VISO 'S NO. 15 AID AMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Eastman Kodak Stores Inc. Eisele, Ray Ellerbrock-Norris Agency Extension Service Fricke, Albert Galley, G. A. Gartner, Ervin Grabill, Chester Hab a, Frank Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hoagland, Orville Holstein Village Holthaus Drug Co. International Business Machines Kenesaw Methodist Church Koch, Edward Krabel, Martha Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. McRoberts Industries Mary Lanning Hospital Mary Lanning Hospital 1,1enzie, Wallace Modern Linen Supply Mohling, Henry Neeman, George Oe is chl ager, Wm. Park, Donald Police & Sheriff's Assn. Porter, Paul B. Ray, County Judge John Recordak Corp. Redfield & Company Inc. Rehtus, Ernest Roseland -tate Bank Rucker, Morland Runcie, Dolores A. Runcie, "erJean D. Rutts Drug. Store Schafer Printing Co. Schaffroth, Reg Deeds Fred O. Schaffroth, Reg Deeds Fred O. Seeley, Claude Shepard's Citations Inc. Sittner, Alberta C. S M H Insurance Agency S M H InsuranceAgency Stimbert, Carl T. Stoffregen, Earle Taylor, Clerk Dist Court Bernard H. Temple, Howard Thomas Ray L. Thomas, Ray L. Turner, Elwin N. Turner, George H. United Chemical Co. University of Nebr. Vaughans Printers Inc. Village Clerk_ Widmaier, C. Wiebe, Nadeene E. Williams Exterminating Yost, C. Trews C. G. Yost, Co. Treas C. G. Co. ROAD FUND Cavanaugh Bros. Clarke Oil Co.Inc. Clarke Oil Co. Inc. Construction Service Equipment Consumers Public Power Dist. Co -Operative ServiceAssn. Dutton-Lainson Co. ilarmers Union Co -Op. Gas &Oil Firestone Stores Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Membership Corp. Goedert, Jake Hageman Hardware co. Hartford, Frank H. Hastings Canvas & Mfg Co. Hastings Co -Op. Supply Go. Co. Supplies As Ins utance Revolving fund Assessing Assessing As Assessing Assessing Supplies Publishing Supplies Supplies Utilities Telephone Rent Supplies Service Rent Assessing Mileage Telephone service Telephone service Supplies Services Services Assessing • Supplies • Assessing Assessing Assessing As Supplies Assessing State cases, Postage Service, Mileage Supplies Assessing Rent Mileage Assessing Assessing Supplies Supplies Filing Postage Assessing Supplies Assessing Bond Insurance Assessing Assessing State cases, Committment Mileage Salary Mileage Assessing Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Rent, Heat Assessing Assessing Services Mileage • Postage Caterpillar Tractor Gas, Oil Gas Supplies Utilities Diesel Supplies Gas, Diesel Supplies Supplies Telephone service Salary Supplies Repairs Repairs Supplies 1 -liner, 1 4 cic 40.09. 230.80 4.3.16 10.00 217.60 362.40 148.80 188.00 128.00 143.86 76.01 5.45 263.03 279.85 6.87 25.00 5.25 8.50 3.00 110.4o 18.32 27.53 290.86 2.25 132.00 66.00 158.00 1.90 193.60 41.6o 201.60 14.4o 6.40 170.00 26. 15.86 133.67 178.8o 25.00 49.58 1)14.40 413.0o 12.00 26.70 6.50 10.00 277.20 20.00 205.60 35.50 191.34 354.40 238.00 788.80 35.60 275.4o 57.76 104.8o 1.75 37.12 3.00 43.44 30.00 316.00 357.20 5.00 9.60 100.00 27,500.00 209.44 123.b8 75.46 3.49 145.60 20.45 130.30 20.49 27.40 12.24 201.6o 4.91 1.50 .75 .87 1_2() une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE 'VISO ADA 1[S C ECO NE:: D NO. 15 RASKA Kennedy, Thomas Laird Motors Lenhart, Paul E. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. McRoberts Industries Messer Co. L.J. Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Modern Linen Supply Mousel, Virgil Pittsburgh Plate Glass "o. Pittz Service Sime, 4. J. Sinclair Refining°, Co. Trupp, Adam Trupp's Body & Fender Shop Wheeler Lumcer Bridge & Supply Wilber ;Service Inc. Willy, S. E. Lemke, Fred McClelland farm E uipment Co. 1 Morris Paint & Varnish Co. Rief, Henry Stromer, Paul G. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Road Account Albright, Dixie May Ernst, Mrs. Waunetta B. Gangwish, Mrs. Annabelle Hastings Public Library Kindig, Mrs. Margaret McNair, Mrs. KLyoe Parks, Miss Arlene Redinger, Mrs. Dwight Sanford, Mrs. Dorothy Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey .Anderson Bros. Plumbing & Heating Fast Construction Co. Guarantee Electric Co. Guarantee Electric Co. LeE ch-Heusser Agency Charlton, Dr. G. Paul .Dean, Dr. E. J. DeBacker, Dr. L. J. Kingsley, Dr. U. W. Kostal, Dr. O. Royer, Margaret Smith, Dr. bobert C. Snyder, Daniel E. Vasey, Ruby Weber, Or. C. R. Williamson, Donald Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams "aunty yyy Treasurer Allen .Self ervice Bert's Drugs Bert's 'Rexal l Brand Mortuary Brooke & Son Charlton, Dr. G. P. City OpticalService Cunningham, Dr. R. R. DeBacker, Dr. L. J. Fay's Drive -In Drugs Fern's Pharmac Foote, Dr. D. Guildner, Dr. C.''. Hastings Drugs Mileage Supplies Gas, Repairs Supplies Telephone service Supplies Supplies Co. Supplies Shop T owe is Salary Supplies Supplies, Diesel Gas, Diesel Diesel Repair Repairs Supplies Supplies, nepairs Repair BRIDGE F-CTND SPECIAL MAI Repairs Supplies Supplies ,Salary Salary Supplies 8.40 6.46 101.40 2190.58 24.94 2.26 .75 500.70 5.1.0 224.00 20.90 266.85 213.65 16.2) 18.50 127.92 116.34 197.76 2.00 3.0 23.90 21}.20 190.40 224.00 166.03 ROU' E ROAD FUND Equipment rental, County Labor 2060.40 COUNTY LIBRARY ERECTION & Salary Salary Salary Library Salary Salary Sal ary Salary Salary Salary PAIR FUND service Construction Construction Construction. Construction Supervision 30.00 40.00 30.00 90.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 88.33 3190.50 24,902.00 3195.00 900.00 25.00 Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Mile age Medical care Mileage Mile age Ie d is al care Mile age MEDICAL, SURGICAL & HOSPITAL Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies Ambulance service Medical supplies Medical care Temples Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Me d i c al c «re Medical care Medical supplies 7.50 15.00 7.50 15.00 6.00 4.80 15.00 6.o8 6.96 7.5o 7.76 196'0.16 39.75 267.80 194.08 4.26 134.11 226.08 7.50 17.65 6.00 3.00 4.00 36.00 3.65 31.49 5.00 65.67 15.99 (666 SUPE 11 VISO 'S 1* EC ADAMS COUNTY, NE 110 I* 11 D NO. 1.5 RASKA. Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Kostal, Dr. O. A. Kuehn, Dr. G. A. McIntire, Dr. R. H. McMillan, Dr. John McNeill, Dr. L. S. Mary Lanning Hospital Mikkelsen Drug Uompany Murray, Dr. D. W. Orthopedic Brace Co. Pinney, Dr. G. L. Redfield's Pharmacy• Rutt's Drugs Sawyer's Drugs Shreck, Dr. H. W. Snelier, Hobert C. Weber, r. C. R. Medical care Medical c,re Medical care Medical care Medical care Hospital care Medical supplies Medical care Supplies Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Examinat_on & Refraction Medical care GENERAL RELIEF Berg, County Clerk Emma Bi -Lo Market Brand Mortuary Bus_ness Supply Co. Cedars, Inc. Credit Bureau of Hastings Hastings Drug Steve Hastings Typewriter Uo. Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Kansas iebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Hotel Klein. Larkin,Perry O. Larkin -Director Perry O. Larkin -Director Perry O. Lincoln lelepehone & Teleg (do. Lindell Rooms Livingston-Butler-Volland Royer, Margaret Safeway Stores Safeway Stores Silver Grill Cafe Skaggs, 0.P. Skaggs, O. P. Spencer Park Rental Office University of iebraska, College of l'iedicine Walter, Marjorie M. Yepgley, Marmion F. Yeagley, Marmion F. Postage Staple food Burial Supplies Board & Room Services Medical supplies Supplies Utilities Utilities Staple food Staple food Staple food Utilities Room Iii1e age Postage Revolving Fund Telephone service Room Burial Mileage Staple food Staple food Meals Staple food Staple food zent Medical supplies Board & Room Salary Rent Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Goble, That we rescind that part of 1962 as follows: That this board approve the additional collateral of of Roseland State Bank, Roseland, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the the motion made $5000.00 U. S. Motion carried. County Board of 19.50 115.00 85.00 2.00 4.00 4z2.25 57.75 200.00 20.50 68.00 104.79 73.52 2L.90 3.00 10.00 25.00 31.02 20.00 150.00 36.13 70.00 4.0o 2.85 101.30 9.49 26.32 145.00 100.00 130.00 11.94 5.00 21.00 30.00 8.30 67.83 21.00 80.00 14.24 20.00 75.00 36.75 90.00 268.00 38.00 3.85 70.25 75.00 250.00 on June 6, Treasury Notes o Supervisors. Xi ) Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINCS, NEBRI1SKA Monday, April 1, 1963. 10:00 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Hell call, members present: Goble, Hoagland, Kild, Lightner, ihckie, Theobbld and Youngblood. At 5 o'clock P. M. this Board of Equalization will now recess until Tuesday April L, 1963. Board recessed. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 2, 1963. 10:00 o'clock A.M. as per recess of April. 1, 1963. The, Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization' Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald At 5 o'clock P. M. this Board of Equalization will now recess until Wednesday 'Rnnrrl and Youngblood. April 3-, 1963. SUPE VISO 'S J'ECO D NO, 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NE J: RASKA. ne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr 66 The Adams County Board of presiding. COURTH0USE, HAST_LN -S, NEBRASKA Wednesday, April 3, 1963. 10:00 o'clockA.M. as per recess of April 2, 1963. Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization/ Orville Ho ".gland, Chairman, Roll call, members present: Goble, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald and Youngblood. At 5 o'clock P. M. t lis Board o:0 Equalization will now recess until Monday Alp II 8, 1963. :Board recessed. COURTOUSE, HASTINGS, S, NEBRASKA 1 ;Monday, April 8, 1963. 10:00 of cloEk A. M. as ,per recess of April 3, 1963. a Board of 'Equalization/ Orville Hoagland, Chairman, The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as presiding. Roll call, members present Uob1e, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald and Youngblood. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Youngblood, that the assessment and fixtures be assessed at y 2210.00, item on schedule too low; Company, equipment be assessed at 0 25.00, item on schedule too carried. At 5 o'clock P. IVT. this recessed. oard of Bqualizat The Adams County ' Orville Hoagland, Roll call, members Motion by Theobald $1090.00 being too At 5 o'clock P. M. of the Brommer Dispensary, equipment and D an t s Plumbing and Heating low. Roll call, all voted afire .Motion on will now recess until Monday ipril 15, 1963. Board COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRYSKA Monday, April 15, 1963. 9:00 o' clock oard of Supervisors met as Chairman, presiding. a Board of Equalization as .M. per recess of April 8, 1963. present: Goble, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald and Youngblood. seconded by Kidd, that the furniture & fixturos of Harry Hartwig be low on the 1963 schedule. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. this Board of Equalization will now recess until April 23, 1963. Board recessed. assessed at COi:TRTHOI SE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 23, 1963. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of April 5, 1963. Orville Hoagland, Chairmae, presiding. Roll call, members present: Uoble, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, 'heobald and Youngblood. Motion by Theobald, se,'onded by able, that the following claims be alloKed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Jackson, William register of feeds Veteran's Service General Fund Office Office Office Office Salary Office Off ice Oe"fice Office Office Salary Office Office Expense Expense Expense Expense & Mileage Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expe nse Expense Bri ge Department STATE FUNDS Larkin,Director Perry O. This Board will now recess subject to the call Sal aries Off ice Expe nse 727.01 937.70 1531.14#- 1147.9 0 1762.34 1227.50 1398.44 1375.00 660.00 1842.50 280.00 966.46 787.50 7048.34 610.00 3292'.00 ' the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. ( 668 SUPE VISO 'St RECO 11 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA NO. 15 Tribune Graphic Arta, Hastings, Nebr. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 23, 1963 1:00 o'clock P.M. nn The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Soard of Equalization as per recess of April 15, 1963. Orvilleffbagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Hoagland, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald and Youngblood. Absent: Mackie. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Theobald, that the assessment of Econo Wash Laundry be assessed at $6500.00; Firestone Stores Inc., Inventory be assessed at $27,490.00; and, Wheeler Lumber Company, Improvements on leased land be assessed at $31,460.00. All being assessed too low on the assessment schedule. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock p. m. this Board of Equalization will now recess until April 29, 1963. Board recessed. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, April 29,.1963.: 9:00 o'clock A. M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of April 23, 1963. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, HoaEland, Kidd, Lightner, Motion by Mackie schedules at, as Sen Sherman Inc. $6915;00. Roll c Eackie, Theobald and Youngblood. 7-"N 0 seconded by Youngblood, that we assess the following items on follows: Patterson Bros. Well Drillersl'fixtures and equipment fixtures & equipment at 4_000.00; Kerr Chevrolet CO. furniture all, all voted aye. Motion carried. assessment - at $21,230.00; & fixtures at At 5 o'clock p. m. this -Board of Equalization will now recess until May 6, 1963. Board recessed. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, May 6, 1963. 10:00 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board ofSupervisors met as per recess of April 23, 1963. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Mackie, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEEAS, there are Old Age Assistance Liens filed at book 177, Page 314, Records in the Oifice of the Adams County itegister of Deeds against certain the following legal description, to -wit: North 46 feet of the South 92 feet of the west j of Lot 15, Block 1, City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, in favor of Adams County, Nebraska, for Old tge Assistance payments paid Jessie Bierman of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, and WHEREAS, said real property was sold at public auction and the amount alter expenses, and that full value of the property was received, and W-FEEAS, Jessie Bierman has requested that she be permitted to retain money allowance from the sale of the real estate, in the amount of !,1,250,00, and WHEREAS, there is a check in the hands of une Adams County ,,eliare Department $2,691.67, which check will be deposited in the Old Age Assistance -bund, NCI) THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, be airected and discharge said Old Age Assistance Liens from said property, Roll call, all voted aye. carried. in the Mortgage real property with Buswell's Add iti on to Harry H. to the Bierman and of 02,941.68 was received, in lieu of funeral in the amount of to release Motion At 2:00 o'clock P. M. gravel bids were opened and read as follows: H & M Equipment Co; Lilley Sand & Gravel Co; L. J. Vontz Co; and Dean Camp. motion by Mackie, seconded by Youngblood, that we approve the appointment of Walter R. Fergus to the Veteran's 6ervice Committee for five years. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble that the reports of the Adams Courcy Liorary, Sheriff, Car Titles, County Clerk, Clerk or the District Court, Register of Deeds, and Nursing Home be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Mackie, that the following Appointment be accepted. APPOINTMENT WHEREAS, on occasion the County Autorney and the Deputy County Attorney are both absent from Adams County, Nebraska, at the same time and WIIT,EAS, it is necessary that a County Attorney be available in said county at all times, I he appoint John N. Marvel as a Deputy County Attorney in and ior Adams County, Nebraska, to act whenever the regular County Attorney and Deputy County Attorney are both absent from Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Theobald, that the Bid of Schafer Printing Company of $34.15 for 3000 Assessors envelopes as specified be accepted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by hiad, that the following Miscellaneous receipts be made a part Of the Supervisorts Renordt Roll nail_ all vntpd f-rA- Mntlnn na-pripri. ne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr, SUPERVISO 1COJ'D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY,' 13IRLASK 2311 State `1'reas- Gas :Lax Dist. 2312 Logan Township 2313 Meadow Book Gulf Club 2314 nay Phillips 2315 John E. Ray, County Judge 2316 John E. Ray, County Judge 2317 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 2318 John E. hay, County Judge 2319 Grace Simpson, Justice of 2320 Emma Berg, County Clerk 2321 Emma Berg, County Clerk 2322 Herren C. Kl oke 2323 Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Court 2324 Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Court 2325 Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk :Dist Court 2326 Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Court 2327 Pastime Bowling 2328 Special Mail Route Road 2329 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 2330 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 2331 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 2332 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 2333 State 'Teas- State Assistance Fund 2334 Fred 0. Schaffroth, Register of Deeds 2335 Emma Berg, County Clerk 2336 Grace H. Simpson, Justice of Peace 2337 John E. Ray, County Judge Pe ace 8309.86 5po.0o ao4:16 30.03 125.00 10.00 85.00 236.00 '6Q.00 702.43 164.00 29.33 521.00 25.00 43.00 25.20 129.33 2060.40 1968.16 39.75 267.80 194.08 47,395.08 501.50 31.02 145.00 669.00 669 2338 Grace ►impson, Justice of Peace 2339 John E. nay, County Judge 2340 Grace H.Simpson,Justice Peace 2341 Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Court 2342 Void 2343 Void 2344 Void 2345 Void 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 Void Grace Sampson,Justice or Peace Urace H.Simpson,Justice of Peace Lockland Country Club Grace H.Simps on, Justice of Peace State Treas-State Assistance Fund Grace Simpson, Justice of re ace Peri y 0. Larkin - Director U. S. Tre als ury Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist L'ourt 25.00 L'ernard H. Taylor,Clerk Dist Court 43.00 Chicago,Burlington & Quincy RR Co 242.51 Lrrace Simpson, Jutice of Peace 95.00 Robert Anderson,Adams Co. Sheriff 94.75 Southern Hills Country Club 104.51 Perry 0. Larkin -Director 25.20 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 60.00 John E. Ray, County Judge 210.00 85.0o 50.00 75.00 248.57 55.00 65.00 103.99 80.00 227.90 115.00 24.63 690.00 Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Mackie, that the Chairman be authorized to execute an employment contract with rred A. Mulford for County Juvenile Probation Officer. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Youngblood, that the gravel bids be referred to the Road uorauittee for further consideration. Roll call, all voted aye. I°lotion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Goble, that we authorize the dhairman to sign , tax correction slips Acts 3915 to 3937 both inclusive. toll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Youngblood, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Board of Supe $780.00 the following described property: Lots Seven (7), Eight (8) and Nine (9) in Block :dams County, Nebraska, which was delivered to the County as a gift, and authorized to execute and deliver a quit claim d of 89.00 shall be paid to Walter Ahrens for ser general taxes on said property in the amount of into the General Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. rvisors sell to Roger Jnkert, for the sum of Three (3) in Parmenterts Addition to Kenesaw, in that the chairman of the County board be hereby eed to said purchaser. Flom the proceeds, the sum vices in regard to the sale of .the property and $33.08 be paid; the balance of $70`7.92 ,be turned Motion carried. Notion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County L'lerk be instructed to issue warrants for the s acne . Roll call, all voted aye. i'°lotion carried. Acme Heat Equipment Co. Adams County Extension Service Adams County Extension Service Adams County Veterans Service Anderson, Sheriff, Robert Augustine Company Bachman, Marlin Bivens, George Bohlke, Wallace Brock, Don Brock, Don Burroughs "orp. Business Supply 'o. Business Supply Co. Cornhusker rress County Assessor County Assessor County Clerk Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Credle, Company Z. W. Department of Information U of N. Eastman KodakStores Inc. Felton& Wolf `'o. Gamble & 'Robinson Co. General Supply Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter "o. Hastings Utilities Haverty, Harry C. GE ITERAL FUND Repairs Revolving fund Revolving fund Orrice expense Postage, Matron fee, Food, Mileage S upp l ie s Salary & Mileage Bailiff Assessing Postage Mileage Supplies Repairs, Supplies Supplies Supplies Pos cage Dues Pos Cage Services Supplies Postage Supplies $:Su pp 1 ie s Supplies NewEquipment Supervisors meeting Supplies Supplies Utilities Membership 4.00 6.95 34.16 200.00 1094.91 149.39 4.08 56.00 113.60 20.00 60.06 55.05 6.75 29.90 18.15 5.00 3.00 431.70 4.00 6.87 1.48 74.35 4.13 10.77 4ol.06 141.05 26.55 179.57 190.53 10.00 7(1 SUPE VISO '5 D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. McMahon, Stan Mary Lanning Hospital Midwest Communication. Service Modern Linen Supply Modern Office Methods Modern Office Methods Pfeiffer, Kenneth Photostat Corporation Polk & Co. R. L. Ray, County Judge John E. Riese, E. Dale Rucker, Morland Saathoff, Henry 'Safeway Stores Schafer Printing Co. Schalfrota, Fred O. Taylor, Clerk Dist uourt, Bernard Temple, Howard JIiamas ktay L. lhomas, Ray L. University of ebr. Extension Division Vaughan s Printers Inc. Williams Exterminating Co. Bachman L.L. Champlin's Skelly Service, Bill Clarke Oil Co. Inc. Clarke Oil Co. Inc. Construction Service Equipment Co. Consu.ers Public Power Dist. Decker & Son Duttpn-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Farmers Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Tlephone Membership Goedert, Jake Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Seat Cover Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Heuertz, Harold G. Hohlen, -bred Home Oil Service Hueske Implement c . Hunt's Garage Island Supply 'Jo. Joynt, O. D. Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kenesaw Oil Co. Kenesaw Telephone Co. Koch, David Lenhart, Paul E. Lincoln Equipment uo. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg o. McRoberts Industries McShane uo. Inc. T. S. Masser o. L. J. Modern Linen Supply uo. Mousel, Virgil Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co. Nolte & Boesen Ins. Agency Pauley Lumber Co. W. Pittz Service Ready Mixed Concrete Inc. Safety Metals Co. Schifferns Service Sidles Company Sime, A. J. Sinclair Refining Co. Smith & Sons, S. E. Thomas & Benjamin & Clayton Werner Const. Inc. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wideners More Wilber Service Inc. • McClelland Farm Equipment Co. Rief, Henry Stromer, Paul G. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND Mileage Services Labor Rent Supplies Supplies Mileage Supplies Supplies State cases Mileage Mileage Rent. SUppl ie s Supplies Postage State cases, Committmnt Mileage Salary Mileage Supplies Supplies Servi ces Diesel Gas Gas Gas Supplies Utilities Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel Supplies Telephone service Salary 2ublishing Repairs Utilities Supplies Mileage Salary Gas Supplies Supplies Supplies Labor Utilities Gas, Diesel Services Labor Gas, epair Supplies Services Supplies Supplies Supplies Laundiy Salary Supplies Insurance Supplies Gas, Oil Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel Supplies Gas, Diesel Diesel Supplies Labor, Supplies Cold Mix Supplies Supplies Repairs, Supplies Supplies Salary Salary Supplies SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND 3..56 11.00 10.00 1.90 12.23 4.05 10.80 355.02 225.00 34.20 18.00 61.84 10.00 11.80 84.40 10.00 21.12 257.ij.0 1.60 3.10 2.50 5.00 165.90 5.50 62.92 51.12 52.40 1.19 74.50 1.4b 11.94 118.30 62.51 277.20 29.87 18.00 27.54 11.30 2.80 189.00 19.L5 14.30 21.65 233.28' 36.88 28.83 89.00 15.00 36.88 192.20 589.29 32.20 1.00 471.95 16.62 6.4.0 21,60 7-N 1 .00 93.46 1.50 315.15 41.58 15.09 90.15 107.05 184.40 86.24 19.70 192.00 71.74 505.80 1.05 53.70 1.65 277.20 277.20 1346.27 une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. VISO 9� 1'�lECO D NO, 15 ADAMS COUNTY, E I RAS Doubleday 8c Co. Inc. Ernst, Mrs. Waunetta B. Gangwish, Mrs. Anna Hastings Public Library Kindig, Mrs. Margaret McNair, Mrs . Klyoe Parks , Miss Arlene Re di nge r, Mrs . Dwight Sanford, Mrs. Dorl thy Shiffler, Dorothy Dewey Ifh ite, Frank Fast Dons tructi on Company Guarantee Electric `'ornpany Leach-Heusser Agency Adams Co. Fair Assn. Charlton, Dr. G. Paul Cosgrove, Madelyn 1)ean, Dr. E. J. DeBacke r, Dr. L. J. Duthie, Eva B. Guildner, Dr. C. W. Hof fine is ter, Dr. George Lanndgraf, Dr. C. W. Landgraf, .D,r. . C. W. Mc Ne ill, Dr'. L. S. Pinney, Dr George Royer, Margaret 1 . Rutt, Dr. F.J. Vasey, Ruby Williamson, Donald Yost, Dr. John . Yost, Dr. John G. F. Books .Salary Salary Library service Salary Salary S al ary Sal,: ry Salary Salary Mileage ERECTION & REPAIR FUN[ COUNTY FAIR STATE FUNDS General Contract ork Ele c tri c al work Supervision- Mileage Pre rniums & Pe rma ne nt Improvements Medical care Mile age Medical care Medical c are Mile c.ge Medica]. c are Medical care Me d i c al car e Medical care Medical care Medical care Mileage 1�1ed.ical care Mileage Mile age Medical care Medical c are MEDICAL, SURGICAL & HOSPITAL Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer indarns County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Allen Self Service Anderson, Dr. H. F. Bert's Drmgs Bert's aexai1 Drugs Brooke & Son Charlton, Dr. G. F. City Optical Co. De an, Dr . E. J. Dean, Dr . i; . J. DeBacke r, Dr. L. J. East Side Drugs Fern's Pharmacy Glenn, Dr. E. E. Guildner, Dr. C. W. Hastings Drugs Hoffine is ter, Dr. George r'. Holcomb, Dr. G. R. Holthaus Drugs Irwin, Dr. D. C. Kamm, Dr. Frank Kingsley, Dr. ll. W. Kle ager, Dr. C . L. Kos t al, Dr. 0. A. Kuehn, Dr. G. Livingston-Butler-Vollana Funeral Mc Ne ill, Dr. L. S. McIntire , Dr. Robert Mary Laming Hospital Mikkelsen Drug (%o. Murray, Dr. D. .6. Pinney, Dr. George L. hedfieldt s Pharmacy Butts Drug Store Ru`Gt, Dr. F. J. Sawyer's Drugs 'hreck, Dr. H. W. Smith, Dr. R. C. Weber, Dr. C. R. Weiler, Dr. Leo F. Home Velndor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment Vendor payment lti dical. supplies Medi cal c are Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Lenses Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medi cal supplies Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical care Y.0 d c al care Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Abulance service Medical care Medi cal care Hospital care Pbdical supplies Medical care Medical care Medi cal supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Med.ical care 21.00 40.00 30.00 90.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 88.33 8.96 65, 053.00 1800.00 115.00 135.82 7.50 2.16 7.5o 7.50 7.04 7.50 7.5o 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 8.64 7.50 10.56 9.68 7.50 15.00 1832.57 85.71 176.80 365.44 8.40 16.00 96.81 197.50 76.78 8.00 20.00 25.00 16.50 27.00 145.45 60.55 6.00. 71.67 104.99 100.00 26.00 65.87 4.00 6.00 8.00 13.00 119.00 8.00 21.50 34.00 76.00 )127.50 85.00 10.25 31.00 220.73 183.82 2.77 10.85 27.00 12.00 299.00 10.00 2 SUPE VISO 'S ECOID Na 15 1t 1 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Bi -Lo Market Brand Mortuary Business Supply Co. Cedars Inc. Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Farmers L'o-0p. Propane Co. Guildner, Dr. C. W. Hastings Typewriter Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Koch Grocery Larkin -Director Perry O. Larkin -Director Perry O. Lincoln Teiephone & leleg Co. Livingston-Butler-Volland Funeral McNeill, Dr. L. S. Mary Lanning Hospital Safeway Stores Safeway Grocery Skaggs Grocery O. P. Spencer Park Housing Authority Trausch Grocery University of Aebraska Walter, Mrs. Marjorie M. Walter, Mrs. Marjorie M. weber, Dr. C. R. Yeagley, Marmion F. Yeagley, Marmion F. Co. This .poard will now recess subject to the call Staple food Burial Supplies Board & Room Credit service Propane Medical care Supplies Utilities Staple food Staple food Staple food Staple food Poscage Revolving fund Telephone service Burial Medical care Hospital care Staple food Staple food Staple food Rent Staple food Medical supplies Board & loom Board & Room Medical care Custodial services Rent 40.00 150.00 33.51 140.00 7.00 0.00 14.75 32.60 20.64. 64.00 30.00 4.67 50.00 50.00 79.10 56.58 258.50 3.00 198.00 10.00 160.00 11.00 31.00 25.00 .70 15.00 6.75 35.00 75.00 250.00 of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. A..;e4 Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, May 13, 1963. 9:00 o'clock A.N. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met -as a Board of Equalization as per recess of April 29,1963. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. lien call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. At 1:00 o'clock noon the Board a.,esumed with the following members present: Goble, Kidd, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Absent: Lightner. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that the following personal property located in the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska be assessed at as follows: Tom & Jerry Appliance, 1957 Inventory at 19,945.00 assessment out of line; Wm. J. Melvin, Household goods at 500.00 assessed too high; Edgar M. Scholey, one meat case at ci3200.00 and one Dairy case at $100,00 assessed poo high; and, that the following Real Estate be. assessed at as follows: Waldemar ,Komrofske, S 50 feet of N 150 feet Block 13, St. Joseph 2nd Hastings, Improvements at 012/45.00, Land $55.00; and, Ray E. Gaymon, Lot 5, & E 31.43 feet of Lot 6, Block 6, Gangwish Home Sub Addition, City of Hastings, Improvements at $5265.00 Land at 0300.00; Mrs. Sophia M. VanTrump, E 10 feet of Lot 1, & W 45 feet Lot 2, Block 1, Division, City of Hastings, Improverennts at 04105.00, Land at $275.00; John Kendig, W.' 0 feet of N. 100 feet Lot 1, Block 2, College Addition, Improvements at 03760.00, Land at 0365.00; Hilding L. Holsten, Lots 15 through 19, Rittenhouse's Sub, City of 0,1d house at 03580.00 New House at 03000.00 Land at 016.00; ,Ralph Katzberg, N. 75 feet of El- Block 11, Lowman's Addition, City $4675.00, Land at $300.00; Chester D. Owens, W. 28' of Lot 103 and Lot 104, Original lown, Kenesaw $250.00, Land at 050.00; C. A. Kroh, N. 75' ofLot Lord at c9115.00; Additipn, City of Lowman's North Side Hollingsworth Sub City of Hastings, Hastings,:Improyenents at of Hastings, Improvements at • Village, Improvements at Roll call, alivoted aye. At 5 o'clock p. m. this 9, Block 3, Buswell Addition, City of Hastings, Improvements •at 010,055.00, Motion carried. Board of Equalization will nowrecess until May 17th, 1963. Board recessed. VISO ECO D NO, 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NE 1. RASKA dune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS,` NEBRASKA Friday, May 17, 1963. 9 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of May 13, 1963. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Lightner, that the following be assessed at as follows: REAL ESTATE, located in the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska. Richard A. Brown, Lot 10, & S 25 ft of Lot 11, Block3, Brown's Addition, improvements $5950.00, land $150.00; Wayne E. Classen, North 30 ft of Lot 9, & South 30 ft of Lot 10, Block 2, Johnston': Addition, Improvements $3120.00, land $180.00; Hastings Drive In Theatre, Inc, North 800 ft. South 833 ft. of West 600 ft, East 633 ft, 13-7-10, Improvements $9250.00, land $515.00; Strand Amusement Co., Lots 13 & 14, Block 20, Original Town, Improvements $10,000.00, land $8440.00; Elizabeth E. Marvel, Lot 23, & East 3'k ft, of Lot 24, & N 50 ft of East 3k ft of Lot 25, & North 50 ft. of Lot 26, Block 18, Alexander's 2nd Addition, Improvements $11,370.00, land $2980.00; REAL ESTATE, located .n Adams County, Nebraska, outside City of Hastings. Glenn Christensen, S2 SW4 17-6-12, land at $1600.00; Robert D. Laux, WW SWk 34-8-10, Improvement $3210.00, land $1990.00; J. G. Brown, E7 SWC 22-5-9, & WW SEk 22-5-9, Improvements $3625.00, land $5420.00; J. G. Brown, W2 15-5-9, Improvements $90.00, land $6955.00; Conrad Eckhardt NES 25-5-12, Improvements $820.00, land $3625.00; Conrad Eckhardt, Sk 5-5-12, Improvements $1420.00, land $6605.00; Vernon Hunt, S2 of Lot 2, & all Lots 3 & 4, Block 3, Lindsay & Parmenter's, Village of Kenesaw, Adams County, Nebraska, Improvements $1130.00, land $70.00; and, the following PERSONAL PROPERTY located in Adams County, Nebraska be assessed at as follows. First National Bank, Hastings, Capitol Stock Assessment at $1,809,100.00; Elizabeth Marvel, Household goods at $1700.00; Geyerman's of Hastings, Inventory $40,000.00; Phillip Bonahoom Warehouse, Fairbanks scale at $2850.00, Augers $1350.00, Mobile lift $1250.00; Bowlmor Lanes, All equipment $10,000.00; The Boulevard Shop, Inventory $10,000.00; Bruce's Jewelry Store, Equipment & fixtures $2300.00; Consolidated Motor Freight, Inc, Truck bodies $450.00; Del's 16th St, Service, Fixtures & equipment $800.00; Deyo's Furniture Store, Inventory $6500.00; Dilleys Service Station, Fixtures & equipment $2400.00; Engel Construction Co, Improvements on leased land $17,995.00; Fairmont Food Co, Equipment & fixtures at 3rd & Lincoln $1500.00; Gold Bond Stamp Co, Inventory $10,000.00, fixtures & equipment $2375.00; Frontier Refining Co, fix- tures & equipment, Colo & South St, $2925.00, fixtures & equipment, 928 West 2nd St, $1,050.00; Hastings Concrete & Consolidated Concrete, Improvements on leased land $26,980.00; Hested Stores Co of Hastings, equipment & fixtures $8,575.00; Hasting Medical Laboratory, Furniture & fixtures $1,305.00; Iceberg Cafe, equipment $725.00; Inventory $100.00, Improvements on leased land $200.00; Jacks Music Store, 10 rental accordians at .$100.00; A. H. Jones Co., fix- tures & equipment $17,000.00; Kernan Shoe Co, Furniture & fixtures $1500.00; King Koin Launderette, Improvements on leased land $2790.00; Knapp Sheet Metal, tools & equipment $1500.00 Krieger Electric Co, tools $225.00; Kully Iron & Metal Co, equipment & fixtures $4805.00; Lloyd Laird Coal Co, Improvements on leased land $2820.00; Martin Lumber Co, equipment & fix- tures $500.00; Hastings Huyck Grain Co, Improvements on leased land $7,550.00; Harry Hartwig furniture & fixtures $1,090.00; Pickett Motor Co, fixtures & equipment $3400.00; Cliff Rose Motor Co, furniture & fixtures $1,840.00; Silver Grill Cafe, furntiure & fixtures $2950.00; Robert C. Smith MD, fixtures & equipment $2,900.00; Smitty's Electric Co, Improvements on leased land $1,440.00; Strobel Trust, Improvements on leased land $13,900.00; Swan's Furniture Co, Furniture & fixtures $1,600.00; T & L Irrigation, equipment $19,270,00; Topps Flower Shop, Inventory $5,023.00; Trupp's Body Shop, eqipment $350.00, Inventory $150.00; Wheeler Lumber Co, Improvements on leased land $31,460.00; Wilder Oil Co, Improvements on leased land $2670.00, Inventory $835.00; X,L Motel, Furniture & fixtures $11,200.00; Heil Marine Center, Inventory $5,000.00; Haynes Paint Co, furntiure & fixtures $1,335.00; Hastings Neon fixtures & equipment $4,000.00; Roll call, all voted aye.. Motion Sign Co, Furniture & fixtures $840.00; Ben Sherman, Inc. Rohrbaugh Construction Co, fixtures & egipment $500.00; carried. This Board will now recess until Wednesday May 29, 1963 at 9 o'clock A.M. Board recessed. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Wednesday, May 22, 1963. 10 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of May 6, 1963. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that we reject all bids for gravel received on May 6th, 1963 and that the Road Committee be authorized to negotiate prices and prepare contracts for a years supply of gravel delivered to each township. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Theobald,, that we accept the lois bid of Redfield & Company of $1527.25 for County Assessors 26,000 - 1964 Motor Vehicle forms. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Goble, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be authorized to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 674 SUPE VISO 'S 111 ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE 11 D NO. 15 RASKA. Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Superintendent County Treasurer Jackson, William Mulford, Fred Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Office Highway Department Bridge Department Larkin, Director Perry 0 This Board will now recess Salary & Mileage Office expense Office expense Office expense Office expense Office expense alary Salary Office salary Office expense ROAD FUD Salaries BRIDGE FUND Salaries STATE FUNDS. Office expense $1713.38 1226.90 1212.50 1376.50 680.00 1842.50 280.00 287.50 987.96 787.50 7053.00 610.00 3261.00 subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. Deputy. Chai COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, May 29, 1963. 9 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of May 17, 1963. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood, and Hoagland. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Kidd, that the following be assessed at as follows: REAL ESTATE:- Edwing Kort, Wk 32-5-10 (Zero Twp), Improvements $1630.00, land $10,095.00; and, Strand Amusement Co., Lots 13 & 14, nock 20, Original Town, City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska Improvements $9000 .00, land $8,440.00; ' PERSONAL PROPERTY, located in Adams County, Nebraska: - Deluxe Cleaner Service, Inc. all equipment $30,000.00; Phillips, Inc. Inventory $18,710.00; International Business Machine Corp., Tangible property $14,100.00; Sherman Service, Inventory $61,015.00; City National Bank, Hastings, assessment on schedule $1°,244,380.00 - less reduction for reserve for taxes $98,000.00 - total reduced to $1,146,380.00; and, Iceberg Cafe - delete assessments made by County Board of Equalization - late schedules received by County Assessor. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock P.M. this Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. Board recessed. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, MBRASKA Thursday, June 6, 1963. 10 otclock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of May 22, 1963. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Goble, that the reports of the Clerk of the District Court, Sheriff, Judge, County Clerk, Car Title, iegister of Deeds, 2dams County Nursing Horne and County Library be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Kidd, that we ask the County Attorney to start foreclosure proceedings on Lot 7, in Benedict's Subidvision of Block 2 of Benedictts Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, in the mare of Annabelle Boyer, lhat the funeral bill was approved in the amount of $250.00 to Brand Mortuary for Annabelle Boyer and that this bill be allowed as a first lien on the property in Annabelle Boyerts name: and Lot 18, in Block 10, in Saint Joseph Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, in the nano of Barbara Stromer. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ADAM COUNTY, NEBRASKA, that the County Board of Adams County, Nebraska, purchase for the use and benefit and in the name of said County, any real estate une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE 9S ADAMS COUNTY, NIE :RASKA. NO. 15 675 Motion by Mackie, seconded by Goble, that the following Miscellaneous the Supervisor's Record: Roll call, ail voted aye. Motion carried. 2364 U. S. Treasurer 4,000.00 2365 John E. Ray, County Uudge 1,161.00 2366 •Grace H. Simpson,Justice of Peace 160,00 2367 Neva Wolfe 570.00 2368 John E. Ray, County Judge 616.00 2369 Ralph Mangers 6.00 2370 State Treasurer 42,261.75 2371 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 23(2 Grace Simpson,justice of Peace 2373 1Jon J.McMurray Co. 2374 Bernard H.Taylor,Clerk Dist 2375 John E. Ray, County Judge 2376 John E. hay, County Judge 2377 John E. hay, County Judge 2378 Grace H. Simpson,Justice of 2379 Perry Rankin 2380 John E. Ray, County Judge 2381 Perry O. Larkin -Director 2382 Perry O. Larkin -Director 2383 National co of Omaha 2304 Bernard H.Taylor,Clerk Dist 2385 Bernard H.Taylor,Clerk Dist 2386 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 130.00 2387 John Eurek 128.99 2388 State Treas- Gas Tax Dist 9,110.45 2389 State Ireas- Gas Tax Dist. 2390 state Treas- Gas Tax Dist 11, 2391 Grace H.Simpson,Juatice of l'eace 2392 Grace simpson,Justice of Peace 2393 Jon Brock, County Attorney 2394 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 2395 Roy A. Nelson,Kearney Co.Treas 1, 2396 State Treas-Suate Asst.Fund 2397 John E. Ray, County Judge 2398 John 4. Ray, County Judge 2399 John E. hay, County Jddge Court 150.00 75.0o 7.40 15'0.00 25.00 25.00 73.0o Peace 90.00 2,691.67 609.20 160.00 16.00 7.50 Ct1,9537:68 Ct. 3,180.35 260.67 00.00 135.00 707.92 70.00 900.00 100.00 100.00 53.00 40,224.94 receipts be made a part of 2400 Bernard Taylor, Clerk District Court 2401 BernardH.Taylor,Clerk Dist Court 2402 Bernard H.Taylor,Clerk Dist Court 2403 Bernard H.Taylor,Clerk Dist Court 2404 John E. Ray, County Judge 2405 Fred O.Schaffroth,Reg. Deeds 2406 Emma Berg, County Clerk 2407 Emma Berg, County Clerk 2408 Grace H.Simpson,Justice of Peace 2409 Perry O. Larkin -Director 2410 Bernard H.Taylor,Clerk Dist Court 2411 Bernard H.Taylor,Clerk Dist Court 2412 Special Mail .Route 2413 Medical,Surgical & Hospital 2414 Medical,Surgical & Hospital 2415 Medical,Surgical & Hospital 2416 Medical,Surgical & Hospital 2417 John E. Aay, County Judge 2418 Hobt. Anderson, Sheriff 2419 Bernard Taylor, Clerk Dist Court 2420 Bernard H.Taylor,Clerk DistCourt 2421 Grace Simpson,Justice or l'eace 2422 Emma Berg, County Clerk 2423 John E. Ray, County Judge 2424 Webster County 2425 John E. hay, County Judge 2426 John E. hay, (jaunty Judge 2427 State 4:rees- State ,4sst.Fund 2428 Grace simpson, Juttice of Peace 2429 John E. Ray, County Judge 2430 Perry O. Larkin -Director 2431 U. S. Treasury 2432 John E. Ray, County Judge 2433 John E. Ray, County Judge 2434 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 2435 Perry O. Larkin -Director 54.6o 150.00 150.00 554.50 17.00 821.75 742.65 137.50 60.00 3.75 1,58(.06 64.22 2,322.20 1,632.57 85.71 365.14 176.80 41.00 216.00 25.20 56.32 75.00 31.82 49.63 212.61 39.50 50.00 121.90 (0.00 100.00 253.00 625.00 47.00 141.33 65.00 25.20 Motion by Lightner, seconded by Theobald, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, Prentice 1Lobert Post, Guardian Of Margaret Post, Incompetent, duly appointed by the County Court of ,Adams County, Nebraska, has filed in the District Court of Adams County, Nebraska, his petition and application for License to Sell the following described real estate, belonging to saia incompetent, to -wit: Lot Thirteen (13), Block cne (1), Cole's blrst Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams Counuy,Nebraska, for the reason that the cash and personal property belonging to said. incompetent and the income from the said real estate are insufficient to maintain said incompetent, and uo pay various outstanding bills, all of which are set forth in saia petition, together with debys and expenses of administering the guardianship of said incompetent, and that is is for the benefit of said incompetent that said real estate should be sold and the proceeds thereof be used to pay the debts of the said incompetent and to provide for her support and maintenance, and WHEREAS, the Board or Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, have investigated such mater and approve of such proposed sale, and deem it necessary for the best interests of said incompetent, now, THEREFOZE, BE IT RESOLVED by the board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, &hat we deem such sale proper and beneficial to the estate of said incompetent and approve the same and deem it necessary. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this hesolution shall be certified by the County Clerk of said County to the Judge of the District Court of Adams county, Nebraska in writing. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Kidd, that the following'reselution be adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, Walter L.Meyer, Conservator of E. Bernice Meyer,incompetent, duly appointed by the County Court of adams County, Nebraska, has filed in the Diatrict Court of Adams County, Nebraska, his petition and application for license to sell dhe following described real estate belonging to said incompetent, to -wit: Lots leive (5) and Six (6), block Fifteen (15), Jdhnson's Addition to the City of Hastings,Adano County, Nebraska; for the reason that said proper is rundown; that the income of the estate of said B. Bernice Meyer is not sufficient to maintain her and that it would be for the best interests and benefit of said E. Bernice Meyer uhat said real estate be sold and the proceeds thereof put out at interest, and WHEREAS, the board of Supervisors of Adams County, NebrasKa, have investigated said matter and q.pprove of suhc proposed sale, aria deem it necessary for the best intersts of said incompetent, NOw, THEaEFO,R,E, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, that we deem such proposed sale proper and beneficial to the estate of said incompetent and approve the same and deem it necessary. Be it further resolved that a copy of phis resolution shall be certified by the Counuy Clerk of said L,ouncy to the Judge of the Diatrict court of Adans County, Nebraska, in writing. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Notion by Youngblood, seconded by Theobald, Lhat the Board accept the -low aid of 6510.25 of the Hastings Tribune for 25,0000 window envelopes; and the low bid of 6115.95 of Acne Printing Co. for 1000 ruled sheets for County Treasurer and That this Board accept the low bid of Schafer Printing SUPE 11) VISO 'S ECOl'AD NO. 15 111 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Goo19, that we adopt the following resolution "BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Supervisors sell to the following purchaser the following described property: Lots 1, 14, 15 & 16, Original '.folan block 5, Village of Roseland, Adams County, Nebraska to Alfred Parr ana Louise Parr for 100.00 ana, that the Chairman of the County board of Supervisors be hereby authorized to execute and deliver Quit Claim Deeds to said purchaser. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by J-heobald, that the following resolution oe adopted: RESOLUTION: WHEREAS, due to unanticipated requirements to the Administration of Justice, the preservation and maintenance of the .eublic health, welfare and safety there exists an emergency in the budget appropriations for the following county offices and funas; That there is not sufficient money appropriated to- operate and carry out the needs and requirements of said offices for the balance of the fiscal year, and WHEREAS, there are sufficient unappropriated moneys in the General Fund, and it is essential to the government of Adams County that the appropriation for said offices and funas be increased by emergency appropriation. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the 'oard of Supervisors of Adams County,Nebraska, that there is hereby appropriated and allocated from tine general fund the amounts as hereinafter set forth for the use and benefit of the office or fund set opposite each amount for the bai ance of the fiscal year, said appropriation increases the budget of each office or fund to the amount shown below. 7Th, OFFICE OR FUND AMOUNT OF INCREASE, Clerk of the -Oistrict Uourt %75.00 County sheriff 3,075.00 County Jail 112.00 District Court 560.00 Insane 455.00 Service Officer 215.00 Advertising Tax Sales 45.00 District Judge Telephone 5.00 Social Security 775.00 Photostat 130.00 Roil call, ail voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Mackie, that the following funds and the County Clerk be authorized to issue warrants Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Bee Printing Company A. B. C. Electric Co. Acme Heat Equipment Go. Acme Printing Co. Adams uounuy Agricultural Extension Addressog'aph-Multigraph Corp. Anderson, Sheriff Robert Augustine Company Blessing Alfred Blue Hill Leder Burling, Mrs. Carroll Business Supply uo. Cobbs Manufacturing Copple, Russell County Assessor County Clerk Credit Bureau of Hustings Inc. Department of Information U of N. Dutton-Lainson Co. Friden Agency General Supply Habermants of Hastings Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hoffman, Richard L. Holstein Evangelical Church Holthaus Drug Co. Kleager & Glenn, Drs International Business Machines Corp. Knight, Robert U. Landgraf, Charles W. Jr., M.D. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Co. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Modern Linen Supply Mulford, Fred Ray, County judge, John Redfield & Company Inc. Ruckpr, Morland Schafer Printing Co. Smitty's Electricql Co. Story, Roscoe E. Swearingen, J. R. Taedter, Ruth Taylor,Clerk Dist Court,Bernard H. Co, TOIAL BUDGET. 12,305.00 20,299.38 5,402.00 6,560.00 1,655.00 10,215.00 1,045.00 180.00 5,775.00 730.00 claims be allowed on their respective for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Supplies Repairs Repairs Supplies Revolving fund Supplies Matron fee, Laundry, Supplies Services Supplies Mileage Supplies, Repair Subplies Mileage Postage Postage, Janitor supplies Services Postage, Supplies Sprinkler Repairs Supplies Supplies Publishing, Supplies Supplies, Repairs Utilities Board & Room Rent Supplies Services Repairs, Maintenance Reporting Services Telephone services Telephone service Mop Travel expense State cases, Postage Supplies Mileage Supplies Repairs Mileage Bailiff Bailiff State cases, Commitment 21.15 5.70 6.00 248.70 45.26 26.69 Food,Mileage 1115.08 71.27 75.00 4.00 10.72 170.45 360.00 4.24 5.00 2.53 25.00 18.41 5.50 60.00 b.95 31.99 171.06 97.26 133.35 46.65 3.00 2.75 15.00 35.00 37.50 10.00 316.00 35.29 1.90 91.52 36.50 27.91 54.96 298.98 26.57 6.00 72.00 16.00 685.15 (Th VISO S 111 ECO 11\13) NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NE RASICA une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 677 West Publishing Co. Williams Exterminating Co. Yost, Co. Treas, C. G. Youngblood, L. Augustin Implement Co. Clarke Oil Co. Consumers Public Power Dist. Construction Service Equipment Go. Dutton-Lainson Go. l'flarmers Union Go -Op. Gas & Oil Glenwood Telephone Membership Corp. Goedert, Jake Hageman Hardware Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Seat Cover 6o. Hastings Welding Supply Co. H & M Equipment Co. Hohlen, Fred Home Oil Service Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Keresaw Oil Co. Kennedy, Tom Kerr Chevrolet Co. Laird Motors Lenhart, Paul E. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. McRoberts Industries Modern Linen Supply Mouse', Virgil Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co. Pittz Services Rehtus, Harold E. Schifferns Service Sidles Compary Sinclair iefining uo. Sime, A. J. Smith & Sons, S. E. Southern Nebr. Rural .eublic Power Dist Thomas & Benjamin & Clayton Werner Const, Inc. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Wilber Service Inc. Zubies Service Inc. . ROAD FUND Dutton-Lainson Go. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Rief, Henry Stromer, Paul G. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Road Account H & M Equipment Vontz L. J. . Inc. Albright, Dixie May Doubleday & Company Inc. Ernst, Mrs. Waunetta B. Gaagwish,, Mrs. Anna Kindig„ Mrs. Margaret McNair, Mrs. Klyoe Parks., Miss Arlene Redinger, Mrs. Dwight Sanford, Mrs. Dorothy Shiftier, Dorothy Dewey BRIDGE FUND Supplies Services Postage, Mileage Services Supplies Gas Utilities Supplies Supplies Gas, Diesel Services Salary Supplies Utilities Repairs Supplies Gravel Salary Gas Utilities Gas, Diesel Mileage Supplies Supplies Gas Supplies Telephone services Supplies Shop towels Salary Supplies Gas, Diesel Salary Gas, Diesel Supplies Diesel Gas, Diesel Supplies Utilities Labor, pipes Hot Mix Culverts Repairs Gas, Supplies Supplies Supplies Salary Salary Supplies SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND COUNTY LIBRARY ERECTION & REPAIR FUND Anderson Bros. Plumbing & Heating Anderson Bros. Plumbing & Heating Fast Uontruction Co. Guarantee Electric 'Jo. Henningson,Durham & Richardson Leach-HeusSer Agency American Public Welfare Assn. Anderson, Dr. Herbert STATE FUNDS Equipment rental, Labor Gravel Gravel Salary Books Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Cataloger Mechanical Work Meghanical uork General Contract Electrical Work Engineering services Supervision MemberShip Medinnl naliA 70.00 5.00 219.00 7.00 107.57 156.51 1.00 67.51 4.50 206.45 1(.8 277.20 23.40 21.87 13.00 10.05 182.30 151.20 10.05 13.32 305.40 5.28 20.9 )4.9 197.12 749.(7 20.79 34.30 5.80 209.80 285.70 512.38 1&.85 60.56 51.97 151..48 339.40 6.21 4.(0 125.00 77.6 369.18 12.35 20.00 1.40 22.±2 277.20 289.80 1252.54 3253.80 452.50 997.60 30.00 31.50 40.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 88.33 14,066.38 10,797.30 66,726.00 3,600.00 2,6(5.00 100.00 35.00 1n nn (678 SUPE VISO 'S ECO1W Na 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Kuehn, Dr. Gerald A. Larkin, Perry 0. Pinney, Dr. George L. Royer, Margaret F. Vasey, Ruby Williams on, Donald MEDICAL, Adams GO. Treas- Ven dor payment Ad ans C o . Treas- Vend or payment Adams Go. Tr e as - Vend or p ayme nt Ad am Go. Treas- Vendor payment Allen Self Service Anderson, Dr. H. F. Bert's Re xall Bert ' s Drugs Brand Mortuary Brooke & Son Charlton, Dr. C. Dean, Dr. E. J. Dean, Dr. E. J. East Side Drugs Fern's Pharmacy Foote, Dr. D. B. Foote, Dr. C. M. Glenn, Dr. Elmer Guildne r, Dr. C. Hastings Drugs Hoffme is ter, Dr. G. F. Holcomb, Dr. G. R. Ho lthaus Drug Go Jones, Dr. D. W. Kamm, Dr. Frank Kingsley, Dr. D. w. Kos tal, Dr. O. A. Kirk, Dr. L. G, Kuehn, Dr. G. A. Livings ton-Butler-Volland Funeral Home Mcint Ire Dr. R. H. Mc Ne ill , Dr. L. S. Mary La ming Hospital Mikkelsen Drug ("0. Ohlsen-Has tings Labs John Pinney, Dr . G. L. Redfield's Pharmacy Rutt, Dr, F. J. Butt's Drugs Sawyer's Drugs Shreck, Dr. H. w. Smith, .Dr. o bert 0. Weber, Dr. C. R. Weiler, Dr. L eo Yost, Dr. John P. E. Medic al care Medi cal care Mile age Medical care Mile age Mile age Mile age SURGICAL & HOSPITAL Berg, County Clerk Emma Bus iness Supply Go. Business Supply Go, Cedars Inc. D. Nelson-Treas Cre di t Bure au of Hastings Inc . Hastings Typewriter 0o. Hastings U til it ie s Hillcrest Grocery Hillcrest Grocery Jack & Jill Gr0ce ry Koch Grocery Larkin -Perry O. Larkin -Perry O. -Director Larkin -Perry 0 . -Di rec tor Lincoln Teiephone & Telegraph Co Polk & Co., R. L. Safeway Grocery Schafer Printing Co. Skaggs, O. P. University of Nebr. College of Walter, Mrs . Marjorie M. Ye agley, Marmion F. Sr. Ye agley, Marmion F. , Sr. Medicine Thip Board will now recess subject to the Count,'Clerk /IJ Old Age Ass is t ance Blind Assistance Aid. to Dependent Children aid to D is aeled Medical supplies Medical care Medical supplies AD di c al s upp ie s Ambulance service Medical supplies Medi cal care Medical care Medical c are Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medic al supplies Medi cal c are Medi cal care Medi cal c are Medi cal care Medical care Medical c are Ambulance service Medi cal care Medical care Hos p it al care Me di c al supplies Tests Medi cal care Medical supplies Me di c al care Medi c al s upp 1 ie s Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medi cal care GENERAL RELIEF Pos tage Supplies Equipment Board & Room Credit service Supp lies Utilities Staple food Staple food Staple food Staple food Mileage Revolv ing fund Postage Telephone service Dire c tory Staple food Supplies Staple food Medi cal supplies Board & Room Re nt Custodial services call of the Chairman o f the County 22.50 22.50 11.63 (.50 8.96 14.88 5.76 1535.35 171.60 71.25 251.80 30.)!? 32.75 197.16 50.76 5.00 64.49 32.00 9L .50 17.00 52.70 46.66 2.00 40.00 52.25 65.67 90.63 52.00 35.00 18.07 28.00 4.45 2.00 21.00 8.00 118.80 5.00 56.0o 10.00 206.75 45.25 3 y2.25 102.02 1.77 08.09 37.15 13.00 4.0o 38.49 7.00 22.00 32.07 29.01 115.00 70.00 4.00 39.00 28.39 20.00 19.83 60.00 50.00 29.92 33.90 35.00 57.59 25.00 162.42 29.50 60.00 41.50 104.50 250.00 75.00 Board of Supervisors. / Chairman tune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. VISO 9S J'E:C®D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 679 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, June 20, 1963. 10:00 o'clockA.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of June 6, 1963. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. . Roll call, members present: &oble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Tbe obald Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Theoba1d, that for the purpose of equalization of assessments within Adams `'ounty and in compliance with LB s No 3 l'4. and 375 of the 1963 LegislativeSession of the State of Nebraska, the Chairman of this board be authorized to sign a contract with Justin H. Haynes & Company in the sum of $186,200.00 for the appraisal of all taxable real property in this County, subject to the approval of the State Tax, Commissioner; payments for such services to be made within the next three fiscal years. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by 'heobald, seconded by Mackie, that thea fo.Llowing claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be authorized to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Jackson, William Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Office Expense ,Office Exp ens e Office Expense Off ice Expense Salary & Mileage Office Expense Office Expens e Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Otfice Expense ROAD FUND 713.05 983.50 1584.98 1196.00 1776.50 1212.27 1307.36 1375.00 680.00 162.50 2 0.00 954.42 787.50 Highway Department Bridge Department Larkin -Director Perry 0. This Board will now recess subject to STATE FUNDS Salaries S al ar ie s Office -expense 7039.40 610.00 3261.00 he call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA A Friday, July 5, 1963. 10:00 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of June 20, 1963. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. haa,rman members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, "the obai d, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Youngblood, that the Bond of john N. Marvel, Deputy County Attorney be approved and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Goble, that the reports of the Sheriff, County Judge, Register of Deeds, Car Tiules (2) County Clerk, Adams County Nursing Home, be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Lightner, that the County Attorney start foreclosure proceedings on Lot 92, Ghost's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska in the name of David Rupert end Bertha (Rupert) Shannon, and East- of Lot 11, thru 15, Block 3, Village of Roseland, Adams County, Nebraska in the name of John and Anna Mangers. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that we correct an error in the Tax assessment of the City National Bank in accordance with Exhibit "Att. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Mo on by 'i`heobala, seconded by Lightner, that we„`instruct the County Treasurer to transfer all surplus funds remainng_nthe School District District iso. 75 General -Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried Motion by Kidd, seconded by noble, that the following Miscellaneous re Supervisor's Record: Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. (%lerk to notify the County No. 74 Bond Fund to School ceipt be made a part of the 680 SUPE 111 VISO A 111. s 11 ECOl'AD NO. 15 AMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 2450 Perry O. Larkin -Director 2451 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 2452 state Treas- Gas Tax Dist 2453 State Treas- Gas Tax Dist State Treas- Gas Tax Dist Cancelled Grace Simpson, Justice of xeace John E. hay, Couny Judge Grace Simpson, Justice of John E. Ray, County Judge John E. hay, County Judge Grace Simpson Alfred Parr Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist ernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist &race Simpson, Justice of l'eace rred U. Schaffroth, leg of Deeds 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 i-eace ourt our1; John E. Ray, County Judge Pastime Bowl-Isa Grasmick John E. hay, County Judge Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace Keith Ulassen Consolidated Concrete Uo. Clayton Bierman 58.73 11o.00 10,684.16 3180.85 13,798.62 75.00 301.00 72 .00 46.66 192.96 110.00 100.00 25.20 725.20 75.00 1039.0o 47.17 10.00 8.00 120.00 15.00 15.00 6.00 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 PI183 Grace Simpson, Justice or Peace Emma Berg, County L'lerk John -6. hay, County judge John E. Ray, uounty judge •John. E. Ray, County Judge bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist special Mail loute Medical,Surgical & Hospital Medical, Surgical & Hospital Medical, Surgical & Hospital Medical, Surgical & Hospital Emma Berg, County Clerk Emma Berg, County Clerk Grace simpson, Justice of reace Raymond Me rs ke Radio Station K M M J. -Grand State Ire as -State A s st. Fund 56.00 32.07 803.60 50.0o 100.00 (5.00 3253.80 71.25 171.60 251.80 1535.35 262.75 623.0o 85.00 1.00 Island 1.00 46,317.27 2491 United State Fidelity & Guaranty 2492 hobt Anderson -County Sheriff 2493 John A. Ray,County Judge 2494 Grace Simpson,justice of Peace 2495 Emma Berg,CountyClerk W.Chet Scudder 2496 1190.09 236.34 11.00 71.00 6371.11).- 809251, Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that we enter into a Pole moving agreement with the Southern Nebraska REA for moving poles along Project 5-329((). Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by &oole, seconded by Kidd, that we enter into a supplemental Tri -Party Agreement with Thomas & Benjamin & Clayton and the State of Nebraska for the design of a Bridge crossing the Blue River for Project No. S-252(2) Pauline North. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Goble, that we adopt the following resolution "gh IT RESOLVED, that the County board of Supervisors sell to the following purchaser the following described property: Lot 2, block 5, Second Addition to thetillage of Lenesaw, Adams County, Nebraska to LeMoine Beal for $20.00 and, that the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors be hereby authorized to execute and deliver Quit claim 'deeds to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Theobaid, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: Whereas Maree Ochsner, Guardian of William J. Ochsner, duly appointed by the County Court of Adams County, Nebraska has filed in the District Court of Adams County, Nebraska her petition and application for license to sell the following described real estate belonging to herself and said incompetent, towit: Tne North half or Lou Thirty-four (34) except the Est Fifteen Feet (151) thereof, and ail of the North half of Lot Thirty-five (35) in Palmerts Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams Counoy,Nebraska. Yor the reason that the said real estate has been used primarily as an investment ana due to the poor health of both the Guardian and the Ward herein, it is difficult and expensive and no longer practical to use said real estate for income for said ward, and for the further reason that said ward is requiring medical care all of which requires the expenditure of cash and that the cash derived from the sale of this real estate can be used to defray the medical expenses of said ard, and that is is the benefit of said incompetent that said real estate should be sold and the proceeds thereof put out at interest or used to defray the ward's medical expenses, and WHEREAS, the board of Supervisors of Adans County, Nebraska have investigated said matter and approve of such purposed sale and deem it necessary for the best interest of said incompetent, now, TEEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, that we deem such purposed sale proper and beneficial to the estate of said incompetent and approve the same and deem it necessary. BE ITFURT= RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution shall oe certified by the County Clerk C of saidCounty to the Judge of the DistrictCourt of Adams County, Nebraska in writing. Roil call, all voted aye. motion carried. Notion by Theobald, seconded by Mackie, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be authorized to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, alivoted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Veterans Service A. B. C. Electric Acme Printing Agricultural Extension service Anderson, Sheriff- Robert Bachman, Barbara Barber, Lillian Brock, Don Burroughs Corp. Business Supply Co. County Clerk County Supt. Credit Bureau of Hastings inc. Department of information U of N Dier, E. L. General Services Administration General Supply of Hastings GENERAL :E Office expense Repairs Supplies Revolving fund Matron fee, Laundry, Travel Salary Postage, box rent Service Supplies Postage, janitor supplies Postage, Mileage Services Postage Vital Statistics Equipment Supplies 1000.00 5.93 115.95 15.77 PostagelFood,Mileage790.20 13.76 101.50 32.00 22.80 69.58 _40.00 63.15 9.00 24.69 143.50 134.63 19.50 SUPE VISO une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. AMS C®tJNTY, NEBRASKA. Modern Office Methods Northwestern University Peterson,M.D. Theo A. Photostat Corporation Redfield & Company Inc. 1einers, John Rucker, Morland Schafer Printing 'o. Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace Sinclair Manifold Prnducts Inc. Stephenson School Supply Co. Story, Roscoe k. Swearingen, J. R. Taylor, Clerk Dist court, Bernard H. Temple, Howard Thomas, Ray L. Vaughans Printers Inc. Wagner, m.D. Loyd E. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Williams Exterminating co. Yost, co. Treas- C. G. Youngblood, L. Youngblood, Mygyon J. Augustin implement brown Repair Champlin's Skelly Service Clarke Oil Co. Clarke Oil Co. Coats Implement 'o. Consumers Public Power Decker & Son Dutton-Lainson Co. Farmers Union Co -Op. Gas Firestone Stores Friends Motor Supply General Supply Glenwood Telephone Goudy, Lloyd Goudy, Lloyd Hastingd Equity Grain Bin Mfg Co. Hastings utilities Hastings Welding Supply H & M Equipment co. Heuertz, Harold G. Hbhle n, P''re d Home Oil Service 'ones, co. A. H. Kansas Nebr. Natural Kenesaw Oil Co. Kenesaw 'telephone Co. Keuten, Joel R. Kully iron & Metal Laird Motors Lenhart, Paul E. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg co. McRoberts Industries Messer "o. L.J. Modern Linen Supply Motley, Al Mouse/, Virgil National Chemse arch Corp. Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co. Penney Co. J. C. Pittz Service R.ehtus , Harold E. Roeder, Dennis Schi`ferns Service Sherrnan Service Center Sime, A. J. MH Insurance Agency Southern Nebr. -aural Public rower Thomas & Benjamin & Clayton Thomas & Benjamin & Clayton Stromer, Paul Trupp, Adam Vontz, L. J. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. Wiloer Service Inc. jiis t & Oil embership Corp. Co. Gas Co. Inc. Co. Goedert, Jake Lemke, Fred McClelland Farm Equipment ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND Supplies Supplies Test Supplies Supplies mileage Mile age Supplies Box Rent, Postage Cases Supplies Supplies Mileage Bailiff State cases, commitment postage Mi le ag e Salary Supplies Autopsy Supplies Services Box gent .Litie search Services Supplies Welding Gas Gas Gas Combine Utilities Supplies Supp lie s Gas, Diesel Supplies Supplies Supplies Telephone service Salary Supplies Supplies Utilities Supplies Gr ave l Mileage salary Gas Supplies Utilities Gas Services Salary Iron Supplies Gas Supplies Services Supplies Supplie s Vii. op towels Salary Sal aI7 Supplies Supplies Supplies G s, Diesel Salary Salary Gas, Repair Supplies Gas, Diesel Insurance Utilities Agreement Salary & Services Salary Repairs Gravel Supplies Repairs, Supplies Salary Repairs Supplies 119.40 10.20 10.00 323.10 7.79 7.32 61.08 36.25 24.00 38.50 55.00 210.10 31.64 40.00 285.00 36.48 194.40 55.88 100.00 3.14 5.00 12.00 56.00 75.00 /1)1.51 68.66 112.34 115.(9 23.30 1.10 157.50 11.21 67.88 19.72 32.99 464.89 17.71 168.50 22.06 9.00 13.27 113.39 160.00 5.12 75.60 6.45 4.22 ;12.18 274.16 16.30 91.88 1.20 4•90 196.85 1024.14 27.22 8.25 21.48 6.13 222.30 252.00 245.45 130.88 11.70 635.65 222.30 163.80 58.88 143.85 283.80 1236.55 47.38 1986.00 254.50 252.00 27.00 1674.00 674.14 33.8 2252.00 3.00 23.90 SUPE VISO 'S EC0111D NO. 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE ROAD FUND H & M Equipment Co. Road Account Vontz, L. J. Vontz, L. J. Vontz, L. J. Albright, Dixie May American Publishers Ernst, Mrs. Waunetta B. Gangwish, Mrs. Anna Kendig, Mrs. Margaret McNair, Mrs. Klyoe Mallen, Marlene Parks, Miss Arlene Redinger,,Mrs. Dwight Sanford, Mrs. Dorothy Anderson Bros. Plumbing & Heating Fast ;Construction Co. Guarantee Electric Company Leach-Heusser Agency Southern Steel Company Charlton, Dr. G. Paul Duthie, Eva B. Hofftheister, Dr. George F. Kanmi, Dr. Frank Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Kleager, Dr. Clyde L. Kostal, Dr. O. A. Kuehn, Dr. Gerald McIntire, Dr. Robert H. McNeill, Dr. L. S. Royer, Margaret 1'4 Vasey, Ruby Weber, Dr. C. R. Williamson, Donald Yost, Dr. John G. Adams Counuy Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Adams Count Treasurer Allen Self Service Anderson, Dr. H. F. Bert's Drugs Bert's hexall Brooke & Son Bubany, Dr. J.M. Charlton, Dr. G. P. Dean, Dr, E. J. Dean, Dr. E. J. East fide Drugs Fern's Pharmacy Glenn, Dr. Elmer E. Guilaner, Dr. C. W. Has Drugs Hoffmeister, Dr. G. F Holcomb, Dr. G. R. Holthaus Drug Co. Irwin, Dr. D. C. Jones, Dr, D. W. Kamm, Dr. Frank Kostal, Dr. O. A. Kuehn, Dr. G. A. McIntire, Dr. R. H. MBNeill, Dr. L. S. Mary Lanning Hospital Murray, Dr. D. E. Ohlsen-Hastings Labs John Pinney, Dr. G. L. Redfield's Pharracy Rutt's Drugs Rutt, Dr. F. J. Sawyer's Drugs Sneller, D. R. C. University of Nebr-College of Medicine Weber, Dr. C. R. 'limn i.. Gravel Equipment rental, County Labor Gravel Gravel Gravel COUNTY LIE3RAIff Salary Books Salary Salary Salary Salary Cataloger Salary Salary Salary ERECTION & REPAIR FUND Construction & Mechanical -work Construction & General Contract Construction & Electrical work Supervision Contraction Jail Equipment STATE FUNDS Medical care Mileage Medical care Medicai care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Mileage Mileage Medical care Mileage Medical care MEDICAL, SURGICAL & HOSPITAL Vendor payment V ndor payment V2nuOr p ayment Vendor payment Medical supplies Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies kiedical care Medica.. care Medical supplies Pic=1 care care Medical supplies Treatman Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Medical care Hospital care Medical care Tests Medical care Medical supplies Medical supplies Medical care Medical supplies Lenses Medical supplies Medical care Medical care • 1501.40 2531.686 2h)9.60 2819.40 3035.00 30.00 115.34 40.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 88.33 30.00 30.00 30.00 15,411.00 25,0)11.00 13,500.00 -/ 100.00 352.64 22.50 3.01 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.0 7.50 7.50 7.50 (.0 6.96 7.60 7..50 9..52 7.50 1872.58 171.60 50.40 263.16 2.25 10.50 53.40 212.22 32.20 14. 00 16400 2.00 15.00 7.70 /Th 56.92 9.75 93.67 165.70 15.00 11.00 32.32 4.00 12.00 6.00 22./12 103.15 37.00 11.00 391.76 12.00 7.00 30.00 170.39 129.18 6.00 58.05 30.00 5.50 136.00 7.00 SUPE 111 VISO 9S ECO D NO. ADAMS COUNTY, EBRASKA �s\ 5 une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 688 Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Hastings Drugs Hastings Typewriter -'o. Hastings Utilities Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Larkin -Director Perry 0. Larkin -Director Perry 0. Larkin -Director Perry 0. Lincoln Telephone & Teleg %o. Safeway Stores Skaggs Grocery, 0. P. Skaggs, 0. P. Skaggs, 0. P. Spencer Park Rental Office Stop & Shop Market Walter, Mrs. Marjorie M. Yeagley, Marmion F. Sr. Yeagley, Marini on F. , Sr . This 13oard will now recess subject to Services Medical supplies Supplies Utilities Staple food Staple food Revolving fund Mile age Postage Telephone service Staple food Staple food Staple food Staple food Rent Staple food Room rent Rent Salary 4..00 4.6.50 5.50 37.67 191.50 35.00 4.6.50 21.60 30.00 02.32 (7.37 69.65 37.00 60.00 31.00 10.00 12.50 250.00 75.u0 the ca.L1 of the 'Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. i.ai.rman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NBBRAg.KA Monday, July 15 , 1963. 11 o'clock A* Meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per advertisement o house Building. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood, and Hoagland. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that the following RESOLUTION be adopted: RESOLUTION "BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of the County of Adams, in the State of Nebraska: I. This Board finds and determines: Pursuant to the Resolution passed by the Board an election was called and held on May 15, 1962, at which there was submitted to the qualified electors of said County the question of issuing negotiable bonds of the County in the principal amount of Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars (0650,000.00) for the purpose of purchasing a site and erecting a suitable court house in the County; that notice of said election and the submission of said question was duly given to the qualified electors of the County for more than twenty days prior to said election by publication in the Hastings Tribune, a legal newspaper published and of general circulation within the County; the said notice being published in the issue of said newspaper for five successive weeks, the first publication beginning on April 13, 1962, and the last publication being on May 11, 1962, said election was held at the time and place designated in said resolution and notice, and at said election there was submitted to the qualified electors of the County the question of issuing said bonds and levying a tax to pay the same as set out in the resolution of the Board calling said election and in the published notice of said election; at said election 6,158 ballots were cast by the qualified electors of the County of which 3,655 ballots were cast in favor of said proposition 59 ballowere spoiled; morethan50/ of the baoballots were cast against the same; that of issuingsaid bonds and levying said tax and 2,4)01 s cast at said election were in favor of issuing said bonds and levying said tax; all conditions, acts and things required by law to exist or to be done precedent to the issuance of said bonds do exist and have been done in due form and time as required by law. 2. That there shall be and are hereby ordered issued negotiable bonds of this County of the principal amount of Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($600,000.00) consisting of six hundred bonds of $1,000 each, numbered from 1 to 600, inclusive, dated August 1, 1963, and becoming due and payable in the order of their serial numbers as follows; and issue for Court - Amount s 30,000 31,000 32.000 33,000 34,000 35,000 36,000 37.000 38.000 9,000 0,000 4.1,000 42,000 ,000 114,000 45,000 Bond Numbers 1. to 30 Inclusive 31 to 61 , inclusive 62 to93, inclusive 91 to- 126, inclusive 127 to 160, inclusive 161 to 195, inclusive 196 to 231, inclusive 232 to 268, inclusive 269 to 306, inclusive 307 to 345, inclusive 346 to 385, inclusive 8to 1j26 inclusive 27 to 4.68, inclusive 4.69 to 511, inclusive 512 to 555, inclusive 556 to 600, inclusive Provided, however, any or all of said bonds shall be redeemable any time on or affier five years from date at issuance thereof in numbers. Said bonds shall bear interest after date, payable one year afte A t:Aro nn thA fi ra+: rZl r of WP1,r+„a ' r anA nf' 4»r1-1 cross» Maturi___ August 1, 1964 August 1, 1965 August 1, 1966 August 1, 1967 August 1, 1968 August 1, 1969 August 1, 1970 August 1, '1971 August 1, 1972' August 1, 197 August 1, 197 August 1, 1975 August 1, 1976 August 1, 1977 August 1, 1978 August 1, 1979 at the option of the inverse orders of the r'date and sethi-annua County at it serial lly there- r X684 SUPE VISO 'S i� ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE 111 D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Bond Nos. 1 to 2 1 inclusive. The interest shall be at the rate of Two and one-half per centum. (2 1 20) per annum from date to September 1, 1963, and after September. 1, 1963 to August 1, 1964 at the rate of Three and one-half per centum (3 1/2%) per annum and after August 1, 1964, at the rate of Two and one half per centum: (2 1/2%) per annum until maturity, said interest to be represented by two interest coupons, one at the rate of Two and one-half per centum (2 1/2%) per annum from date until maturity and the other at the rate of One per centum (1%) per annum from September 1, 1963 to August 1, 1964, and being attached thereto, either of which may be presented and will be paid separate and apart from the other. Bona Nos. 2 2 to 3L.5, inclusive. The interest shall be at the rate of Two and three quarters per centum 3 'a per annum rom date to September 1, 1963, and after September 1, 1963 to August 1 1964, ' at the rate of Three and three-quarters percentum (3 3/1-4.%) per annum and after August 1, 1964, at the rate of Two and three quarters per centum (2 3/4%) per annum until maturity, said interest to be`represented by two interest coupons, one at .the rate of Two and three-quarters per centum (2 3/4%) per annum from date until maturity, and the other at the rate of One per centum. (1%) per annum from September 1, 1963 to August 1, 1964, and being attached thereto, either of which .may be presented and will be paid separate and apart from the other. Bond Nos. 6 to 68 inclusive. The interest shall be at the rate of Two and seven -eighths per centum 2 7 «'a per annum from date to September 1, 1963, and after September 1, 1963 to August 1 1964, at'the rate of Three and seven -eighths per centum (3 7/8%) per annum and after August 1, 196}x, at the rate of Two and seven -eights per centum (2 7/8%) per annum until maturity, said interest to be represented by two interest coupons, one at the rate of Two and seven-eightisper centum (2 7/8%) per annum from date until maturity,and the other at the rate of One per centum (1%) per annum from September 1, 1963 to August 1, 19., and being attached thereto, either of which may be presented and will be paid separate and apart from the other. Bond. Nos. .69 to 600, inclusive. The interest shall be at the rate of Three per centum (3%) per annum from date to September 1, 1963, and after September 1, 1963 to August 1, 1964, at the rate of Four per centum (4%) per annum and after August 1, 1964, at the rate of Three per centum (3%) per annum until maturity, said interest to be represented by two interest coupons, one at the rate of Three per centum (3%) per annum from date until maturity, and the other at the rate of One per centum (i%) per annum. from September 1, 1963 to August 1, 1964, and being attached thereto, either of which may be presented and will be paid separate and apart from the other. 3. Said bonds and coupons shall be in substantially the following form:. UNITED 'STATE'S OF AMERICA STATE OF NEBRASKA COUNTY OF ADAMS.. COUNTY COURTHOUSE BOND. No $1,,000.00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the County of Adams, in the State of Nebraska hereby ack- nowledges itself to owe and for value received promises to pay to bearer One Thousand Dollars in lawful money of the United States of America on the first day of August 19 , together with interest thereon (Bond Nos. 1 to 0 inclusive) at the rate of Two and one-half per centum (2 1/2%) per annum from date to September 1, 1 3, and after September 1, 1963 at the rate of Three and one-half per centum (3 1/2%) per annum until maturity, said interest to be represented by two interest coupons, one at the rate of Two and one-half per centum (2 1/2%) per annum from date until maturity and the other at the rate of One per centum (1%) per annum from September 1, 1963 to maturity, and being attached thereto, either of which may be presented and will be paid separate and apart from the other, with the One per centum (1%) coupons having the letter 'tA" affixed to the number. (Bond Nos. 31 to 2inclusive) at the rate of Two and one-half per centum (2 1/2%) per annum from date to September 1$ 19, and after September 1, 1963 to August 1, 1961.4., at the rate of Three and one-half per centum (3 1/2%) per annum and after August 1, 1964 at the rate of Two and one-half per centum (2 1/2%) per annum until maturity, said interest to be represented by two interest coupons, one at the rate of Two and one-half per centum (2 1/2%) per annum from date until maturity, and the other at the rate of one per centum (1%) per annum from September 1, 1963 to August 1, 1964, and being attached thereto, either of which may be presented and will be paid separate and apart from the other with the One per centum (1%) coupon having the letter "A'* affixed to the number. (Bo id Nos., ,2 2_ to, k 3 , inclusive) at the rate of Two and three-quarters per centum (2 3/4.%) per annum from date to September 1, 1963, and after September 1, 1963 to August l 1964, at the rate annum Three and three-quarters per centum ( 3 3/4%) per annuand after August 1, 1964 at the rate of Two and Three-quarters per centum (2 3/14%) per annum until maturity, said interest to be represent- ed by two interest coupons, one at the rate of Two and three-quarters per centum (2 3/4%) per annum from date until matuzity and the other at the rate of One per centum (1%) per annum from September 1, 1963 to August 1, 1964, and being attached thereto, either of which may .be presented and will be paid separate and apart from the other with the One per centum. (1%) coupons having the letter ttArt affixed to the number. (Bond Nos. 6 to 68 incl sive) at the rate of Two and seven-eighthsper centum (2 7/8%) per annum from date to September 1, 19.3, and after September 1, 1963 to August 1,1964, at the rate of Three and seven -eighths per centum ( 3 7/8%) per annum and after August 1, 194 at the rate of Two and seven -eighths per centum (2 7/8%) per annum until maturity, said interest to be represented by two interest coupons, one at the rate of Two and seven -eighths per centum (2 7/8%) per annum from date until maturity and the other at the rate of One per centum (10) per annum from September 1, 1963 to August 1, 1964, and being attached thereto, either of which may be presented and will be paid separate and apart from the other with the One per centum (1%) coupons having the letter "A" affixed to the number. (Bond Nos. 6 to 600 inclusive] at the rate of Three per centum (3%) per annum from date to Sep em er`1, 63, an after epternber 1, 1963 to August 1, 1964, at the rate of Four per centum (1.4.%) per annum and after August 1, 1964 at the rate of Three percentum (3%) per annum: until maturity, said interest to be represented by two interest coupons, one at the rate of three per centum (3%) per annum from date until maturity and the other at the rate of One per cenum (l%) per annum from September 1, 1963 to August 1, 1964, and being attached thereto, either of which may be presented and will be paid separate and apart from the other with the One per centum (l%) coupons having the letter "A" affixed to the number. payable one year after date and semi-annually thereafter on the first day of February and August of each year upon presentation and surrender of the inter- est coupons hereto attached as they severally become due. (Insert in. Bond Nos. 161 to 600 inclusive) Provided, however, the County reserves the option of redeeming a paving t is .on• a any , e on or after five years from date of issuance. ne Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 685 suitable Court House in the County. Notice of said election was given for more than 20 days prior thereto in a legal newspaper of general circulation in the County and at said election the question of the issuance of said bonds and the levy of the tax t� pay the same was submitted to the qualified electors of said County in strict compliance with'Section 23-120, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 1943, as amended, and pursuant to a resolutionduly passed and adopted by the County Board. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED ANDWARRANTED that all conditions, acts and things require by law to exist or to be done precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, did exist, did happen and were done and performed in regular and due form and time as required by law, and that the indebtedness of this County, including this bond, does not exceed any limitation imposed by law. The County agrees that the Board shall cause to be made annually a special levy of taxes for the purpose of paying and sufficient to pay the interest and principal of this bond as and when such interest and principal become due, IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Board of County Supervisors of said County has caused this bond to be executed on behalf of the County by being signed by' the Chairman of the Board and the County Clerk of said County and has caused the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed on behalf of the County by having affixed thereto the facsimile signatures of its Chairman of the Board of County Supervisors and County Clerk and the Chairman and County Clerk do, by their execution of this bond adopt as and for their own proper signatures their respective facsimile signatures affixed to said coupons. DATED this first day of August, 1963. County Clerk COUNTY OF ADAMS, STATE OF NEBRASKA Chairman No. (FORM OF COUPON) On the first day of February (August) 19 Dollars at Nebraska, at liastings, Nebraska, for interest d No. (unless said bond has been redeemed o before the due date of this coupon). Nebraska will pay to bearer , the County of Adams in the State of the office of the County Treasurer of Adams County, ue on that day on its bond dated August 1, 1963, r money for the redemption of the same provided County Clerk chairman of The Board of County Supervisors. . Said bonds shall be executed on behalf of the County by the Chairman of the Board and County Clerk who shall sign the same in their official capacity. The interest coupons attached to said bonds shall be executed on behalf of the County by the Chairman of said Board and the County Clerk by causing their facsimile signatures to be attached thereto and the Chairman and County Clerk shall by executing a bond be deemed to have adopted as and for their own proper signatures their facsimile signatures affixed to the coupons on said bonds. 5. After being executed by the Chairman of this Board and the County Clerk said bonds shall be delivered to the Treasurer of this County who shall be responsible therefor under his official bond and he shall cause the same to be registered as provided by statute in the office of the Auditor of Public Accounts of the, State of Nebraska and in the office of the County Clerk of Adams County, Nebraska. 6. The Board of County Supervisors shall cause to be levied and collected annually a special levy of taxes on all the taxable property in this County for the purpose of paying and sufficient to pay, the interest and principal of said bonds as and when such interest and principal become due according to the terms thereof. 7. The bonds authorized by this resolution having been sold for not less than the par value `thereof, the Treasurer of this County is authorized to deliver said bonds to the purchaser of said bonds, upon payment in full of the purchase ~price thereof." Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now adjourn subject to the Call of the County Chairman of the Supervisors. Board adjourned. COURTHOUSE, UASi' N'S, �TEB i tSKA Wednesday, July d4, b 3. 10 ; uO o' clock . M. Regular meeting of the ,dams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of July 15, 1903. Orville Hoagland, U'hairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: 'noble, Kidd, Lightner, Mackie, `iheobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Motion byKidd,seconded b Goble that we # y , purcnase from Lincoln Equipment Company- One 12 of and 1 Dumor Elevator for 19,`f50.00 and trade in of used equipment. Roll call, y Caterpillar Patrol all voted a e . jjotion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Youngblood, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION; WHEREAS, there are Old Age Assistance Liens filed at Book 154_, page 459 and 479, in the Mortgage Records in the Office of the Adams County Register of Deeds against certain real property with the following legal description, to -wit: Lot 1 inety-Two (92) in A. M. host's Addition to the ' ity of Hastings, Adams uoun•ty, Nebraska; in favor of Adams County, Nebraska, for Old Age .Assistance payments paid to David Albert Rupert and bertha Rupert. WHEREAS, Glen H. Cramer has offered the sum of 4,2b1.11 to Adams County for conveyance of release of said lien upon said described property for 4L,2d1.11 which amount this County board find equal the fair market value of said property, and 686 SUPE 11 VISO '8 ECOI"\D Na 15 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. AGREEMENT SALE OF REAL ESTATE THIS INDENTURE, Made this 24th day of July, 1963, be the County of Aaams, Nebraska, party of the fist part, and Glen Cramer, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the party of the first part has this day sold to the party of the second part, the following described property, to -wit: Lot Ninety -Two (92) in A. M. /hostts Addition to the city of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska; together with with ail appurtenances thereto belonging and aow thereon, for which the party of the second part agrees to pay the sum of bour Thousand Two Hundred Eighty70he and 11/100 (N4.3281.11) Dollars on or before Aovember 1, 1963. agrees to furnish the party of the second part, or assigns, a to release ail Old Age Assistance and General .delief liens now in said property. l'.ie Party of the first part corporate quit- claim deed and favor of Adams county against All current taxes are to be paid by the party of the first part to and including the date of transfer out of the proceeds of the sale of said property. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the parties aforesaid have subscribed their names the date above mentioned. Roil call, all voted aye. riotion carried. Motion by Theobala, seconded by Youngblood, that we transfer the balance in the County Jail Erection Fund to the Court House 4.rection and repair fund. Also that future collections for the Erection Jail Fund be credited to he Courthouse Erection and hepair Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Lightner, that the following claims be ailoed on their respective fund and the county Ulerk be authorized to issue warrants for the same. call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams county Agricultural Extension .,)ervice Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County board County Clerk uounty Judge County 'heriff County Supt. County Treasurer Jackson, William Mulford, Fred Smidt, Virginia Register of Deeds Veterants Service Highway Department Bridge Department ROAD FUND Oiiice Office Office Oflice Salary Office Office Office Office Office Salary Salary Salary Office Office Expense Expense Expense Expense & Mileage Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Salaries BRIDGE FUND Salaries STATE FUND Larkin, Director Perry O. Office Expense 749.22 1003.10 2061.01 984.00 1766.74 1262.50 129,5.60 1473.40 680.00 1892.50 280.00 383.33 181.23 970.02 787.50 7110.00 610.00 3451.00 This board will now recess subject to the call of the Uhairman of the County Board of Supervisors. ounty erk L-7 r Deputy )4L0 -471-44,40C., Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, July 31, 1963. 10:00 otclock A.M. Meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per advertisied Statement of Publication of Summary of the County Budget and levy comparison for the purpose of objections, suggestions or corrections to the 1963-1964 county budget. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Absent: Mackie. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Kidd, that the following resolution be adopted: RESCLUTION: WHEEAS: there is a sum of $61,00.79 in the Inheritance Tax Fund of Adams County, Nebraska, and it is deemed to be in the best interest of said County that the amount of $120000.00 be' transferred to the County General Fund of said County'for General Fund purposes, and une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VIS®�'9S) ECO ADAMS COUNTY, NE D NO. 15 RASKA 687 COURTHOUSE, HL>STINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 6, 1963. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeing of the Adams Couoard of Supervisors met as per recess of July 31, 1963. Orville Hoagland,Chairman presiding. , Roll call, members present:'bole , Kidd, Lightner, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland, Absent: Mackie. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Goole, that the reports of the Register of 'deeds, Sheriff, Adams County Nursing Home, Judge, Cleric District Court, County Clerk, County Libr.ry and Veterants Service Office, be accepted and placed on fila. Roll call, all voted aye. l''otion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Youngblood, that the ' Chairman be authorized to sign Supplemental Agreement under State is Project designation of 5-329 (7) road known as Kenes aw-Shelton Road between Adams County and Stage of lie braska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Theobald, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be matide a part of the Supervisor's Record: Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 2497 John E. nay, County Judge 2498 John E. Ray, CounyJudge 2499 U. S. Tre a s ury 2500 Grace i.rnps on, Justice of Peace 2501 Neva Wolfe, Nursing 1tome • 2502 John E. nay, County Judge 2503 Perry O. Larkin -Director , 2504 Perry 0. Larkin -Director 2505 John E. nay, County Judge 2506 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 2507 State 'yeas- Gas Tax Dist. 2508 State Tre as - Gash Tax Dist. 2509 State Tre<::.s- Gam Tax Dist. 2510 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 2511 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 2512 Grace Simpson,Justice of Peace 2513 Bernard Taylor, Clerk Dist Court 2514 K. R. Kuyck t 2515 J. H. Hue s ke 2516 Special Mail Route 2517 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 2518 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 2519 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 2520 Medical, Surgical & Hospital 2521 Fred O. Schaffroth, Reg Deeds 2522 John E. Ray, County ,judge 2523 -Bernard Taylor, Clerk Dist 'ourt 252.00 288.28 414.00 59.00 503.25 177.,00 25.20 14.45 877.60 80.00 11,409.89 3160.85 15,087.77 ,70.00 70.00 60.00 6699.50 200.00 100.00 2531.68 263.16 1'71.60 80.4.0 1872.58 661.25 187.00 100.00 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2542 2543 2511)1 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 Bernard Taylor, Clerk Dist Court Bernard Taylor, clerk Dist 'ourt Bernard Taylor, clerk Dist Court LaMoine Beal Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Emma Berg, County Clerk Emma Berg, County Clerk Emma Berg, County Clerk Don Brock, ' o unty Attorney Bernard Taylor, Clerk Dist Court 43.00 125.00 150.00 20.00 60.00 31.98 173.00 566.50 773.:54 150.00 Perry O. Larkin -Director 1828.70 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 70.00 Insurance Tax Fund -Skate 'Ireas 44,527.98 John E. Bay, County Judge 211.00 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 15.00 Louie Bieber 6.00 Grace Simpson, Justice of 'eace 160.00 Grace `'imps on, Justice of Peace 55.00 State '.i re as -State Asst Fund 41, 79 6.72 State Treasurer 72.85 Berner Construction co. 77.00 John E. Ray, County ,judge 158.00 Fillmore County 84.00 John E. Ray, County Judge 95.06 Bernard n. Taylor, Clerk Dist Court 478.07 Bernard H. Taylor, Clerk Dist Court 3.00 Robert ri.nderson, Sheriff 77.41 Motion by .Youngblood, seconded by Goble, that we authorize the ''hairman to sign tax correction slips No's 3962 co 40014 Inc. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Notion by Lightner, seconded by Youngblood, that the 'pard finds that the West 150 feet of the North 50 feet of Block 3, St Josephts 2nd Addition to the City of Hastings, property of the Zion Lutheran Church is used exclusively for religious purposes and should be exempt from taxes for the year 1963. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Acme Printing co. Adams County Extension Service Addressograph-Mult igraph Corp. Anderson, Sheriff Hobert Augustine Company Booth Enterprises, R. Burroughs 'orporation Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Business Supply co. Carpenter Paper `'o. City National Bank Clerk of District Court Commerce Clearing House Inc. County ,I ssessor County Clerk County Supt. Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Department of Information U of N Dutton-Lainson Co. Gustafson & Kvasnicka Haberman's of Hastings Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Industrial Supplies Hastings Typewriter "o. Hastings Utilities Haverly, Harry 0, GENERAL FUND Supplies Revolving fund Supplies Postage, Matron fee, Supp l ie s Supplies Supplies Repairs, S upp li e s Supplies Repairs Supplies Supplies State cases , 0 on snit tme nt Supplies Postage, Mileage Janitor supplies Institut fund, Fair fund Credit service Postage Supp l ie s Services Supplies Supervisors meeting, supplies Supplies Supplies, Repairs Utilities Tuition, Room Rent, Mileage 85.05 13.35 23e. Food,Eaundry, i:ale ag 621.8344 209.13 165.80 2.40 22:10 23.57 19.00 32.62 12.03 258.75 40.u0 71.00 2.25 700.00 6.00 .907' 278.94 26.00 12.10 12842.4 33.00 175.79 139.46 256.30 SUPE VISO 'S EC ADAMS COUNTY, NE It 11) 1" D NO. 15 RASKA Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. Nebraska Office Service Co. Ray, County Judge, John -6. Recordak uorp. Redfield & Company Inc. Rucker, Morland Schafer Printing Co. Schaffroth, Reg Deeds Fred Smittyts Electrical 'o. Stout, Harland Swearingen, J. R. Temple, Howard Thomas, Ray L. Thomas, Ray L. Vauhns. Printers Inc. West Publishing Co. Williams Exterminating Co Youngblood, F. L. Augustin Implement uo. Augustin, Harold Bachman, L. L. Bittfield, Edwin Bittfield, Henry Booth Enterprises, h. Clarke Oil Co. Inc. Coats Implement 0o. Consumers Public Power Dist. Cooperative Service ilssociatian Coulter, U. U. Dutton-Lainson Co. Ernst, Estey Ernst, Lloyd Fairs Repair Shop , Farmers Union Co -Op, Gas & Oil Finnigsmier, Gilbert Finnigsmier, H. Martin Firestone Stores Foote Equipment 0. Friends Motor supply Glenwood Telephone Membership Corp. Goudy, Lloyd Harpham, Lavern Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. Hastings Seat Cover Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings We Supply Co. H & M Equipment Co. Inc. Hohlen, Fred Hone Oil Service Hunt, Ruth Bohlke Island Supply Company Jones Co. As H. Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Inc. Kenesaw Oil Co. Kennedy, Tom Kerr Chevrolet Co. Kleier, Walter Klusman, Chris E. Kully Iron & Metal Laird Motors Lenhart Service Station Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Lithoprint Company of 14ew York Inc. Losee & Cornelius Auto Works McRoberts Industries Martin, Walter Messer Co. L. J. Modern Linen Supply Co. Motley, Alvin. Memel, Virgil Nebraska Prision Industries Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. Parmenter, George W. Pavelka Bros. Pittz Service Precision Lubricants Go. Rehtus, Harold E. Roeder, Dennis Schaffroth, Reg Deeds Fred O. Schiiferns Service Schmidt, William F. Sherman Service Center Sidles L'ompany Sine, A. J. Sinclair Refining Co. C. u. Co. ROAD FUND Adding Macnine State cases, box rent Supplies Supplies Mileage Supplies Postage, Supplies Service charge Juding fair work Bailiff Mileage Mileage •Salary Supplies Supplies Spraying Title search Supplies Land Diesel iotary Land Supplies Gas, Oil Parts Utilities Land upplies Land Land Repairs, ,supplies Gas, Diesel, Oil Land Land Supplies Supplies Supplies Telephone service Salary Tractor hire Supplies, Repairs Re -pairs Utilities Supplies Gravel Salary Gas Land Supplies Supplies Utilities Gas, Diesel Mileage Supplies Trees Land Iron Supplies Ga s Repairs $ Gravel Supplies Telephone service Supplies Repairs Supplies, Repairs Land Supplies Shop towels Salary Salary Supplies Supplies Land Repair Gas, Diesel, Oil Lubricant Salary Salary Filing deeds G,s, Diesel, Repair Supplies, Repairs Supplies Gas, Diesel Diesel 200.00 62.50 280.60 12.58. 55.44 80.43 16.08 3.19 25.00 32.00 60.32 b.16 255.60 9.75 62.00 5.00 5.00 68.97 38.95 96.88 20.00 38.65 15.10 213.01 46.69 1.01 136.50 1018.30 7.46 100.80 47.95 2b.70 10(.05 151.35 37.45 155.37 20.63 12.65 16.21 218.70 45.00 56.79 15.00 9.99 5.40 5o9.60 104.0 6.08 74.95 563.88 .95 4.20 179.25 6.56 7.e.0 25.00 38.05 9.10 36.61 250.3o 618.64 157.91 36.35 34.10 8.04 7.95 74.70 25 5.13 267.30 300.15 77.00 27.18 76.55 18.00 400.75 109.29 267.30 265.95 52.00 114.00 113.15 64.74 110.87 269.21 ly2.20 >une Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. SUPE VISO ADAMS C .� ECO D NO. 15 UNIT, NE RASKA 689 Trupp, Adam Vontz, L.J. Wheeler Lumber Wilber Service Witt, Sharon .Bridge & Inc. Supply Repair Gravel Supplies Supplies, Repairs Salary 10.50 140.00 827.96 12i.56 160.00 BRIDGE FUND Dutton-Lanson Co. Goedert, Jake Rief, Henry w- _ Wheeler Lumber Bri dge & Supply ly H & M Equipment H & M Equipment Lilley Sand and Lilley Sand and Road Account Vontz, L. J. Vontz, L. J. Co. Inc. Co. Inc. Gravel Gravel SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE Supplies Salary Salary Supplies ROAD' FUND Gravel Gravel Gravel Gravel Equipment rental, Labor Gravel Gravel .84 300.15 300.15 3574.55 2752.10 1087.04 994.5 3342.04 260'(.90 506.1•.0 2155.60 _ Albright, Dixie May Ernst, Mrs. Waunetta B. Cangwish, Mrs. .Anna Ke rd ig, hrs. Margaret McNair, Mrs. Klyoe Mullen, Mrs. Marlene Parks, Miss Arlene Redinger, Mrs. Dwight Sanford, Ars. Dorothy Salary Salary Sal ary Salary Salary Library Cataloger Salary Salary Salary Leach-Heusser Agency ERECTION AND REPJII2 'FUND Supervision ADAMS COUNTY NURSING HOME Stevens & Saunders Plumbing & Heating SATE FUNDS Berg, County Clerk Business Supply Co. Cosgrove, Madelyn Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. DeBacker, Dr. L. J. Duthie Eva J3. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Kos tal, Dr. 0. A. Larkin,Perry 0. Larkin.,Director Perry 0. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Royer, 1Jiargare t Hutt, Dr. F. J. Vasey, Ruby Weber, Dr. 0. h. Williamson, Donald Yost, Dr. John G. Yeagley, Marmion Yeagley, Marmion F. 'mma Sr Adams County Treasurer .Adams County Treasurer Allen Selz' Service Drugs Bert's Drugs Bert's Rexal l Drugs Brand Mortuary Brooke & S o n Charlton, Dr. G. P. Dean, Dr. E. J. .De May , Dr. George Fern's Pharmacy Foote, Dr. 0. M. Foote, Dr. D. b. Glenn, Dr. E. �. Guildner, Ur. C.. Gundlach, 0. D. Walter J. Hastings Drugs Hoffine ster, Dr. G. F. Holcomb, ir. G. R. Holthaus Drug ompany Repairs, L Abor Postage Supplies Mileage Servi ces Medical care Mileage Suppl ie s Utilities Medical care Subsistence Meals Postage Co. Telephone Mileage Medical Mileage ,Medical Mileage Medical Rent Salary MEDICAL, SURGICAL & HOSPITAL servi ce c are care care ve nd o r p ayme nts Vendor payne nts Medical supplies Medical s upp l ie s Medical supplies Ambulance service Medical supplies Medical care Medical care Medical care Me di c al Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical supplies care care care care c are supplies are care supplies 30.00 40.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 88.33 30.00 30.00 30.00 100.00 97.14 32.07 123.64 4.24 4.0 15.00 8.08 37.55 53.1,.0 ,.7.50 15.00 50.00 6u_.13 9.76 7.50 9.92 7.50 5.28 7.50 250.00 75.00 1766.28 74.40 14.01 136.30 210.12 10.00 74.83 111.16 35.50 16.37 27.69 10.00 25.00 5.00 72.67 32.99 125.04 68.00 22.00 16.97 1690 SUPE VISO ADAMS ECOIsW NO. 15 UNTY, NEBRASKA 111 Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. McIntire, Dr. R. H. McNeill, Dr. L. 45. Mary Lannin.g Hospital Mikkelsen Drug 'o. Pinney, Dr. G. L. hediields Pharmacy Rutt, Dr. F. J. Rutt/s Drugs Sawyer's Drugs University of ileOraska Pharmacy Weoer, Dr. C. h. Weiler, Or. Leo GENERAL RELIEF DeBacker, Dr. L. J. Farmers 'o70p._Propane Guildner, Dr,u. W. Hillcrest Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jack & Jill Grocery Jackson Funeral Home Larkin -Director Perry O. Safeway Grocery Skaggs, O. P. Stitt, Detler Stop & shop Grocery 0. -his This Board will now recess subject to the call Medical care Medical care Hospital care Medical supplies Medical care Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical Medical supplies c are supplies supplies supplies care care Medical care Heater Medicaicare Staple food Staple food Staple food Burial Revolving fund Staple food Staple food Rent Staple food of tne )11airman of the County 31.00 b8.00 267.50 82.45 44.00 120.68 48.00 154.20 47.15 101.60 45.00 10.00 5.00 82.67 4.00 19.97 135.00 65.00 30.00 43.41 20.00 44.00 22.50 20.00 board of Supervisors. Xhairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, August 8, 1963. At 4 olclo:k P.M. The Ad,ms County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of May 20, 1963. Roll call, members present: Goble, Kidd, Lightmr, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. Mackie,absent. Motion by Theobald, seconded by Youngblood, that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION OF ADOPTION AND APPROPRIATION WHEREAS, a proposed county budget for the fiscal year 7-1-63 to 6-30-64, prepared by the Budget Making Authority, was transmitted to the County Board on the 12th day of July, 1963, and WHE_E,LS, a summary of such proposed budget, together with a notice of public hearing to be held en the 31st day of July, 1963, was published in the Hastins Daily Tribune a legal newspaper, on the 26th day of July, 1963, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held, pursuant to baid published notice , on the 31st day of July, 1963, and WHEREAS, the action of the State oard of .6qualization has been had and certified to the County Clerk. NOW, THE,EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska as follows: Section 1. That the budget for the fiscal year, 7 - budget document be, and the same hereby is, adopte year, Section 2. That for the expenditures proposed in appropriated, by offices, departments, activities, For General Administration County Board County Clerk County Treasurer hegister of .Deeds Clerk of District County Judge County Sheriff County Superintendent County Attorney County Assessor Agriculural Igent Adams County Soil onservation Dist. Insane Service Officer Probation Officer For General Miscellaneous County Jail Building and Grounds Court 1-63 to 6-30-64, as summarized on p age 2 of the d as the budget for Adams County for said fiscal aid budget document as adopted, there is hereby institution and funds, the following acounts,to-wit: COUNTY GENERAL FUI\D. 21,450.00 17, 605 . 00 31,410.00 14,273.00 13,961.00 17,6115.00 23,320.00 11,310.00 18,620.00 38,895.00 12,430.00 1,800.00 1,400.00 11,04)!.00 980.00 4,325.00 8,6/42.00 "^kune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. 691 District Court Costs Including Jury Justice of the Peace District Judge (Phone) Miscellaneous Social Security Appraisal (1/3 of 06, 200.00) Juvenile Officer 6,550.00 Z{_00.00 50.00 1;000.00 6,050.00 28,735.00 6,385.00 Total 4310,915.00 County Bridge Fund County -"oad Fund County Relief i`und County Medical Fund Adams County Nursing Tome County Soldiers and Sailors Relief County Fair Fund Special Mail Route Road Fund County Library, Outside City Limits Bond and Bond Interest Fund 50, 700:00 350,000.00 25,000.00 60,000.00 9,300.00 3,000.00 7,500.00 184,000.00 6,000.00 48,080.00 Section 3. That the offices, departments, activities and institutions herein before named, are hereby authorized to expend the amounts hereinfore appropriated to there during the fiscal yecr beginning July 1, 1963 and ending June 30, 1964. Section 4. That the income necessary to finance the aapropritions made and expenditures authorized shall be provided out of cash on hand in each fund, revenues to be collected during the fiscal year in each fund, and a tax levy for each fund as follows:- General Fund Bridge Fund Road Fund County Relief Soldiers & Sailors Relief County Fair Adams County Nurs ing Home Bond & Bond Interest Fund County Medical Special Mail Route, Rood Fund 1.925 none none .256 .009 .083 none .80 1,037 none Mills 9 11 9 11 9 99 11 and, that levies as based on tax certificates filed in the office of the the following various taxation districts are, as follows: West Blue Highland. Verona Kenesaw Wanda Juniata Denver Blaine Hanove r Ayr Roseland Cottonwood Logan Silver Lake Zero Little Blue Hastings Juniata Kenes aw Ayr Roseland -Holstein Prosser TOWNSHIPS CITY AND VITT,.AGES 1.30 2.02 1.93 .98 1.15 .89 .89 .19 1.6op 1.88 .99 1.68 3.32 3.23 2.4;.2 1.52 21.68 15.00 20.00 7.00 19.50 30.2;-8 15.00 County Clerk and made by School District No. 1 2 3R 11R l5 18 20 26 29 31 33 35 L SCHOOL DISTRICTS General Fund 45.18 10.26 32.45 18.91 35.46 2.30 42.34- 16.51 16.54 7.25 8.68 8.17 6143 n `rte Bond Fund 6.92 none 8.242 none none 1.96 4.71 none none none none none none Sinking Fund none none none none 2.5 none none none none 1.76 none 1.60 none -9 2 SUPE I t ADAMS COUNTY, NE D RASKA NO. 15 Tribune Graphic Arts, Hastings, Nebr. This Free High School Tax Noxious Weed District fax County Library 32 Mile Creek Watershed Conservancey District RURAL FIRE DISTRICTS, Roseland Rural .Eire District Holstein Rural Fire District Juniata lural Fire District Hastings Rural Fire District Kenesaw Rural Jire District Trumbull Rural Fire District Board will now adjourn Sine die as a County e rk 5:59 Mills no levy .21 Milis .28 .50 .75 none .5o . 25 Board of Equalization. Mills 11 It It f t Board adjourned. Citiairman C OURTH ()USE .HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, August 22, 1963. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of August 6, 1963. Orville Hoagland, Chairman, presiaing. Roll call, members present: Goole,- Kicid, Lightner, Mackie, Theobald, Youngblood and Hoagland. At 10:30 A. M. as per advertisement the following bids were opened, Motorola Communications & Electronics Inc. and Midwest Communications Service, Inc. Motion by Kidd, seconded by Cobles that the following resolution be adopt,ed: RESOLUTION: 1TEIIIREAS, the County of Adams in the State of Nebraska, contemplates the construction of Federal Aid Project S-329 CO Kenesaw-Shelton approximately 3.44 miles in length, and WHEREAS, neither the County of Adams nor the State of Nebraska, has men available for the performance of certain staking, inspection, and other engineering services during construction, and WHEREAS, the firm of lhamas& Benjamin & Clayton has proposed to perform said services for a fee which is mutually acceptable to the County of Adams, ,nd the State of Nebraska. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the facts set forth above, BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Adams accept the Tri -Party Agreement covering the engineering services to be performed covering the engineering services to oe performed by the firm of Thomas& Benjamin & Clayton, as prepared by the State of Neoraska and become a party thereto and authorize the Chairman of the Board of County Supervisors to execute the agreement for the County of Adams. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Youngblood, seconded by Goble, that the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors be authorized to sign_iigreement, Project No. S-43(3), Ingleside toad, between Adams County and State of Nebraska, Road Department. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Mackie, seconded by Kidd, that we accept the resignation of County Judge,John E. R effective Septemoer 30, 1963. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by 'Iheobald, seconded by Youngblood, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk b e instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roil call, All voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Agricultural Extension Clerk of District Court County Assessor County Attorney County Board County Clerk County Judge County Sheriff County Supt. County Treasurer Jackson, William Mulford, Fred Register of Deeds Veteran's Service Highway Department Bridge Department GENERAL FUND ROAD FUND BRIDGE FUND Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary & Mileage Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salary Salary Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Salaries 76.5.73 963.90 2086.79 1173.50 174v.94 1257.61 1222.97 1391.50 680.00 1902.50 280.00 383.33 976.26 787.5o 7757.25 670.00