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Supervisors Rec 14 1947
223 Q E. Serf Prints Co Buy -Lo Market Cannon Drug Company Charlton City Fuel and Feed Company City of Hastings Gas Department City of Hastings Water and Light Department Cottingham Lumber Company Daugherty Eckhardt's Grocery Evans Grocery Gayman Hastings Credit Bureau Hastings Fuel Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hiatt Hoffman Jack & Jill Juniata Lumber Company Kash & Karry Grocery Kendall Kipp Cigar Company Kissler Grocery Klein Laird Coal Company Larkin, Director Department of Welfare Larkin, Director Department of Welfare Larsen Grocery Leman Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company Livingston -Butler Funeral Chapel Lux Master Market, Inc. Malone Gellatly Company Mikkelsen Drug Company Murphy Company Nowers Penney Company Pinney Riffe Rutt's Drug Company No. 2 Rutt's Drug Company No. 2 Safeway Stores Serf Printing Co. Skaggs System Skupa Sunnyside, Inc. Tinder's Grocery Topaz Dairy Vern's Cash Grocery Vince's Grocery Vodra Dr. G. Paul Hiram Mrs. Jessie Mrs. Lucy Mrs. Jacob Mrs. Effie peter Lloyd B. Perry 0. Perry 0. Mrs. Louise The R. E. Dr. W. E. J. C. Dr. George L. Dr. J. H. 0. E. 0. P. Tony Mrs. Hulda This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County supe County Cl Dep ty COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, January 6, 1947. 10:00 o'clock A. M.. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of December 6, 1946. Geo. . Bivens, Chairman., presiding. Roll call, all members present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James, Koch,and Sergeant. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Harm, seconded by Hohlen, that we approve the appoint lent of P. J. McDonnell as Deputy County Attorney of Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Harm, that the monthly reports of the Clerk of the District Court, Sheriff, County Judge,, Register of Deeds,County Clerk Car Titles, Soldiers' and Sailors' Relief Commission and County Clerk be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Motion by Sergeant, seconded by James, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisor's Record: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Nos: Nos: 545.00 8666 10.00 8667 31.00 8668 56.55 8669 70.00 8670 98.30 8671 225.00 8672 91.80 8673 13.00 8674 1.00 8675 $16.00 2.70 6.00 22.95 14.15 4.39 13.75 10.00 32.00 16.00 60.00 5.00 12.65 13.40 20.00 7.50 97.00 11.50 46.00 30.00 2.05 62.00 90.00 25.75" 20.00 4.1.18 14.00 20.00 24.35 7.50 92.00 14.00 12.92 1.40 8.00 .69 3.00 7.95 .20 11.64 87.00 8.50 115.00 24.00 56.00 16.00 4.80 42.00 16.00 8.50 Chairman 8651 M. D. Sergeant, County Supervisor 8652 M. D. Sergeant, County Supervisor 8653 Worthy B. Wood, County Sheriff 8654 Emma Berg, County Clerk 8655 Emma Berg, County Clerk 8656 Perle Koch, County Supervisor 8657 Perle Koch, County Supervisor 8658 Jay Goble, County Supervisor 8659 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 8660 Village of Kenesaw State Treasurer - Asst. Fund Emma Berg, County Clerk Emma Berg, County Clerk Verner W. Felker, Clerk Dist. Court Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Verner W. Felker, Clerk Dist Court Verner W. Felker, Clerk Dist. Court Nebr. State Racing Commission Verner W. Felker. Clerk Dist. Court $25591.15 21.84 137.70 326.75 7.40 147.00 22.26 25.71 399.20 62.23 r 224 Serf Printing Co 'TO 0 D 1' Motion by Koch, seconded by Hohlen, that the following inventory reports of the various county offices and departments be placed on file: County Assessor, County Superintendent, County Treasurer, Agricultural Agent, County Sheriff, Register of Deeds, County Judge, County Clerk and Clerk of the District Court. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion c, carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Hohlen, that Max's Cafe, because of an erroneous assessment be assessed at $2500.00 for the year of 1946. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by James, seconded by Sergeant, that the following bonds be approved: P. J. McDonnell, Deputy County Attorney, $1000; Verner W. Felker, Clerk of the District Court, $5000; Lila L. Reutlinger, Deputy Clerk of District Court $5000; Ida Blomenkamp, County Superintendent, $1000; Dorr Mahoney, County Treasurer, $50,000; Mary Rader, Deputy Treasurer,Sp County $10,000; Fred 0. chaff roth, Register of Deeds, $2000; Rachel Hayen, Deputy Register of Deeds, $2000; Worthy B Wood, Sheriff, $10,000; Carroll P. Parker, Deputy Sheriff, $10,000; Lawrence Dunmire, County Attorney,$1000; Township Treasurer's: August Meiners, Verona Township; G. H. Frerichs, Blaine Township; W. J. Consbruck, Juniata Township; Harm Johnson Jr, Ayr Township; Township Clerks Wm. E. Stromer, Hanover Township; Justice of the Peace; George McArthur, City of Hastings; Walter Felzien, Wanda Township; O. C. Carlson, Blaine Township; Clark Ryan, truest Blue Township; Rol]_ call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by James, seconded by Sergeant, that we adopt the following resolution: "BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Board of Supervisors sell to L. J. Smith the following described property Lots 1 to 6 Inc. Block 2, Johnston's Addition; Lot 1 to 6 Inc. Block 4, Brown's Addition; Lot 9 to 12 Inc. Block 2, Johnston's Addition; for $600.00; and, that the Chairman of the County Board be hereby authorized to execute and deliver a quit claim deed to said purchaser. Roll call, Ayes: Bivens, Goble, Hohlen, James, Koch, and Sergeant. Nay: Harm. Motion carried. Motion by Koch, seconded by Sergeant, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams Albert A. $ 2.50 Adams County Agricultural Extension Service 200.00 Anderson Aug. 28.00 Anderson George 21.40 Arnold S. A. 239.42 Augustine Company The 54.67 Berg Emma 20.00 Berg, County Clerk Emma 28.75 Bivens George V 80.00 Blomenkamp, County Supertntendent Ida 35.60 Brungard Tilly Ann 65.00 City of Hastings Gas Department 145.64 City of Hastings Water and Light Dept. 48.03 Colbert Ruth 101.55 Cunningham Lottie E 23.00 Dunmire Lawrence 10.00 Dunmire Lawrence 25.00 Evans Mrs Jesse G 20.00 Favinger H. F. 100.00 Felker Verner W 20.00 Felker, Clerk of the District Court Verner W 203.58 Goble Jay 40.00 Hahlweg Ella 1.50 Harm Win. 80.00 Hastings Daily Tribune The 560.00 Hastings Daily Tribune The 59.60 Hillers Agency 436.00 Hohlen Wm 25.00 Hus;na.n Dorothy 110.00 Iroquois Publishing Co. Inc. 10.33 JanesJohn A 75.00 Johnson, County Judge Fred G 8.00 K - B Printing Co 11.71 KochPe rle 30.00 Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Co The 69.65 Padgett Brothers 17.75 Mahoney D. 20.00 Mahoney, County Treasurer D. 26.38 Mahoney',County Treasurer D. 11.19 Mortgage Investment Company 53.25 Mortgage Investment Company 177.50 Officers & Employees 3 Payroll 3488.30 Parker :a.Tyn Parker 55.00 ayn 27.30 Parker ls G 30.00 Parker, Agent 1597«50 Pinney Dr. George L 41.50 Rand & McNally Company 1.66 Russell Harry F 15.00 Sales Dept., Extension Div. University of Nebraska 12.25 Schaffroth Fred 0. 20.00 Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Fred 0. 2.26 Serf Printing Co O. E. 332.50 Serf Printing Co. 0. E. 125.00 Sergeant M. D. 30.00 Sieckman E. W. 9.00 Skultety Ann 36.40 Sliger Adam J 50.00 Stanley airs. Cora H 21.30 Steohenson School Snnn1 v nn_ , c ,",i 0 E. Serf .Printing Co. ROAD FUND Ayr Lumber Co Ayr Township Blaine Township B & R Service Brandes Co Budd Oil Company City of Hastings Nater & Light Dept. Clark -Hill Motor Co Clarke Oil Company Consumers Public Power District Continental Oil Company Denver Township R. H. Eigenberg Essinger J. W. Farmers Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil Co. Farmers Unioa Co -Op. Gas & Oil Co. Farmers Union State Exchange Glenwood Telephone Co Goble Jay Hageman Hardware Hanover Township Hansen & Son H. P. Hardin Silvey Lumber Co Hemberger Harold Highland Township Hohlen Wm Island Supply Co The Katzberg Tire Service Kenesaw Oil Company Koch Perle Konen Peter Kruger Paul Krulish Battery & Electric Lenhart Service Station.. Lilley Ed Lilley Ed Lilley4d Lincoln Road Equipment Company Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company Messer Company L• . Mo o re Wm National Oil Company Nebraska Tractor & Equipment 'ompany Patrolman, Payroll Pittz Bros. Service Station Sergeant M. D. Sherman Service Center, Inc. Silver Lake Township Shue A. J. Sime A. J. Sime A. J. Sinclair Refining Co Traeger Carl P Wagner's Service Station Wagner's Service Station Wanda Township West Blue Township Wilber Service Wilder's Service Station Zero Township F. H. 05.56 23.00 26.00 67.52 44.86 8.75 3.01 187.12 56.01 2.68 8.04 20.50 37.40 32.70 53.33 126.93 16.95 2.85 85.00 2.93 65.25 2.11 29.40 160.00 52;00) 100.00 75.12 21.22 78.01 92.70 10.68 20.00 2.50 29.02 82.14 346.20 1008.02 10.50 8.78 20.11 94.86 17.55 144.47 1920.00 171.95 90.00 10.70 83.75 78.88 63.09 55.16 26.53 5.30 60.38 3.33 16.00 70.75 98.30 2.33 12.00 COUNTY FAIR FUND Adams County Agricultural Society (not issued - held over) 1099.20 COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Ernst Mrs Waunetta B 20.00 Harpham Grace 8.00 Hastings Carnegie Library 90.00 Hastings Daily Tribune 91.25 Jones Mrs Aaron 8.00 Kindig Mrs Margaret 8.00 Lockmer Mrs. F. E. 8.00 Parks Walter 8.00 Watkins Book Shop Emma 75.91 O. E. Serf Printin! Co -Th POOR AID FUND Amen Baylor's Grocery Berg, County Clerk Brach's Inc. Brown -McDonald Company Buskirk Grocery Buy Lo Market Cannon Drug Company City Fuel and Feed Company City of Hastings Gas Department Clarke Oil Company Coats Eckhardt's Grocery Evans Grocery Farmers Union State Exchange Gayman Hartwig Hastings Credit Bureau Hastings Typewriter Company Hiatt Hoffman Hollister Grocery Hollister Grocery Jack & Jill - 1st Street Jack & Jill - 3rd & Burlington Johnson Cash -Way Lumber Company Jones Drug Company # 1 Juniata Farmers Co -Operative Ass'n Juniata Lumber Company Kash and Karry Grocery Kauf's Union Market Kendall Kissler Grocery Klein Kostal Laird Coal Company Larkin, Director Department of Welfare Latta Lewra n Livingston -Butler Funeral Chapel Lux Master Market Inc. Lux Master Market Inc. Malone Gellatly Company Matthiesen & Company Mikkelsen Drug Company Montgomery Ward Company Now'ers Nickolls County Dept. of Public Welfare Radio -Electronics Service Ro ley Roseland Cash Grocery Rutt's Drug Company # 2 Rutt's Drug Company # 2 Safeway Grocery Serf Printing Company Skaggs Grocery Sunnyside Inc. Tinder's Grocery Todd County ti' elfare Board Topaz Dairy Wilder Oil Company Short Aid Dependent Children Blind Mothers Pension Old Age Assistance This Board will now recess subject to the Peter Emma Dr. Edwin A Mrs Jessie Dr. C. H. Mrs. Lucy Mrs. Jacob Mrs. Effie Peter Dr. 0. A. Lloyd B Perry 0 Dr. E. J. Louise Carl R Dr. W. E. Dr. Willard C. 0. E. 0. P. E. E. BLIND FUND Marion ASSISTANCE FUND call of the Chairman $35.00 16.00 22.28 1.30 13.94 120.00 16.00 2.70 20.00 2.33 5.50 50.00 32.00 16.00 14.00 60.00 85.00 5.00 20.55 20.00 7.50 16.00 16.00 121.00 44.50 27.70 8.40 7.00 11.50 85.00 2.00 30.00 62.00 90..00 27.00 52.85 12.85 2.00 20.00 10.50 .56 64.20 14.00 56.72 14.04 4.30 14.00 75.00 .58 25.00 32.00 .47 2.44 89.50 10.50 124.00 56.00 16.00 28.80 4.80 .60 6.00 4,936.80 487.60 73.75 18,594.80 of the County Supervisors. 0 E. Serf Printing Co 'COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 15, 1947. 10:00 o'clock A. M. Statutory meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of January 6, 1947. Geo. W. Bivens, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James, Koch, and Sergeant. Motion by Koch, seconded by Sergeant, that there appears to be no more unfinished business, that this Board now adjourn sine die. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD Roll call, all members present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James, Snyder, and Sergeant. Motion by Harm, seconded by Goble, that Wm. Hohlen be appointed temporary chairman. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Bivens, that we proceed to take an informal ballot for the election of a permanent chairman. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. An informal ballot was ordered and the Chairman appointed Geo. Bivens and Jay Goble, as tellers with results as follo s: Goble, 3, Bivens, 3, Hohlen. 1. No choice. Chairman ordered second ballot with results as follows: Bivens 3, Goble 4. Motion by Harm, seconded by Sergeant that the informal ballot be made formal and Jay Goble be declared duly appointed chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors for the year 1947. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by Hohlen, that The Hastings Daily Tribune be designated as the County official paper for the year 1947. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, seconded by Harm, that we appoint Jesse G. Evans as custodian for the year 1947. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by James, seconded by Sergeant, that we consent to the County Treasurer depositing up to 100% of the capital stock and surplus in any of the depository banks named, said deposits to be protected by the bonds as required by law. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by James, seconded by Bivens, that we approve the following banks as County depositories: The Hastings National Bank and City National Bank, Hastings, Adams County Bank, Kenesaw, and Roseland State Bank, Roseland; also, approve the securities posted by the following banks as security for funds in the following amounts: The Hastings National Ban $250,000, City National Bank $198,800, Adams County Bank $12,000 and Roseland State Bank $20,000. Roll call, wall voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by James, seconded by Snyder, that the County employees for the year 1947 beginning January 1, 1947 be as follows: Road dragging 50¢ per mile, single man 60¢ per hour, extra patrolman 60¢ per hour, and common labor 60¢ per hour. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Sergeant, that the patrolmen be paid at $170.00 per month each and new men at $6.00 per day and be advanced as worth is proved not to exceed $170.00 per month. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Sergeant, that the salary of the custodian $90.00 per month, stenographer in the County Attorney's office $120.00 per month, one assistant in the County Treasurer's office 44120.00 per month, one assistant in the County Clerk's office 4120.00 per month, tax collector 4150.00 per month, one assistant in the County Judge's office $120.00 per month, all beginning January 1, 1947. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Sergeant, that the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized to issue warrants on the last day of each month to all County officers who are entitled to receive pay on county warrants as are if ed by law governing the different County offices and upon agreement with the County Board: also, that the Chairman of the County Board be authorized to sign warrants; and, that this order is to apply to County employees who are to receive a monthly salary. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 3:00 o'clock P. M. the Chairman announced the following committees: FINANCE - John James, Chairman, George Bivens, and Wm. Hohlen, ROADS AND BRIDGES - M. D. Sergeant, Chairman, and all members of the Board. LAND AND BUILDINGS - George Bivens, Chairman, and all members of the Board. COUNTY FARM - Daniel Snyder,Chairman, John James and Wm.Hohlen SUPPLIES - Wm. Harm, Chairman, John James, and George Bivens. Motion by Harm, seconded by dares, that the following list of names be submitted to the Clerk of the District Court from which to draw the jury for the next term of District Court: Roll call, all voted aye,;. Motion carried. Supervisor District No. 1 Highland Township: William F. Adams, Henry Kroger Jr, Roy Fiscus, and, J. W. Rider. Blaine Township: Dick J. Heye, W. J. Utecht and Rant K. Hinrichs, West Blue Township:John Lau, and Lloyd Bierman, Denver Township: John J. Shueey, and Carl Anderson, Supervisor District No. 2 Juniata Township: Thane Pease, Orville Hoagland, and Albert Gangwish, Verona Township:Harold Weaver, Virgil Meyer, and Dale Kral. Wanda Township: Walter Felzien, Lawrence Parr, and Will Lambrecht, Kenesaw Township: Helen Armstrong, Marian Sahling, and Leona Hewitt. Supervisor District No. 3 Roseland Township: Joe Hemberger, and Mrs. Lena Klein. Logan Township: Carl Lutkemeie r, Klyoe McNair, and Miss Vesper Einspahr. Cottonwood Township: Otto Hansen,Mrs Sylvia Miller, and Frank Mangers. Silver Lake Township: Howard Frazie Mrs. Rena Jones, and Mrs. Lucille Trausch. Supervisor District No. 4 Little Blue Township: Glenn Overy, Clarence Bauder, and John H. Post. Ayr Township:Jennie DeMuth, Leola Wiens, and Leora Traeger. Zero Township: Mrs. Hazel Reeve, Harry Reiber, and Arthur Wormuth, Hanover Township.:. Wm. E. Stromer and Fred Stromer. 228 0 E. Serf Printing Co 03 D) 0 Supervisor District No. 6 Otto V. Dudeck, Leo Pavelka, C. N. Moore, Henry A. Goos, Frank H. Conrad, Laura Fortner, L. 0. Seger, Geo. C. Pflug, William Barfknecht, Harry E. Banta, Mary Livingston, Lula M. Fergus. Supervisor District No. 7 Ted A. Boontjer, Harry A. Borley, Ralph E. Dominy, Benard Eihusen, Jack A. Eitel, Frank English, Mrs. Ovelyn Gaudreault, Mrs. Helen Rakestraw, Mrs. Antionette Weiler, Mrs. Pearl Hand, W. W. Maltman, and Oliver Manger Jr. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Harm, that the following inventory reports of the Supervisors be placed on file District No. 1, 2, 3 ,and 4. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, seconded by Harm, that we appoint Jay Goble a member of the Board of Directors of the Hastings Chamb of Commerce. Roll call, Ayes: Bivens, Harm, Hohlen, James. Nay: Goble, Snyder, and Sergeant. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, seconded by James, that the following bonds be approved: Justice of the Peace: Kenneth Thorpe,Juniat Township; Edwin Buschow, Silver Lake Township; Frank Reis, Ayr Township; Robert Bloom, Hanover Township; Township Cler : R. W. Balke, Kenesaw Townshipj. Alfred Fricke, Ayr Township; Frank Barton, Silver Lake Township; R. K. Hinrichs, Blaine Township; Delmar Brown, Little Blue Township; Township Treasurer's: Eno Christensen, Logan Township; Ernest Bittfield, Wanda Township; Ray Jones, Silver Lake Township; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 3:30 o'clock the County Judge appeared before the Board of Supervisors and approved the bonds of: Luella Lau, Deput County Clerk, $2000; August Anderson, Assessor, $2000; Daniel Snyder, Supervisor District No. 3, $2000; Emma Berg, County Clerk, $2000; Wm. Harm, Supervisor District No. 5, $2000; George Bivens, Supervisor District No. 7, $2000;and Wm. Hohlen, Supervisor District No. 1, $2000; r Motion by James, seconded 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th, carried. This Board will now recess by Bivens, that this Board meet with the County Engineer on January 20th, and 27th. February in regard to the maintenance and construction of roads. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Supervisors. County Cler;< Deputy Chairman. COURT HOUSE , HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, February 6, 1947. 10:00 A. M. Regular meetingof the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of January 6, 1947. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James, Sergeant, and Snyder. Minutes oflast meeting were read and approved. Motion by Snyder, seconded by James, that we approve the request of the Adams County Treasurer to purchase $74,000.00 Series F. Government bonds. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sergeant, seconded by Hohlen, that the monthly reports of the Soldiers' and Sailors', Relief Commission, Clerk of the District Court, County Judge, Register of Deeds, County Library, County Clerk Car Titles, County Clerk and Sheriff be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by harm, seconded by Hohlen, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisor's Record: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. NOS: 8681 8682 8683 8684 8685 8686 8687 8688 8689 8690 8691 8692 8693 8694 8695 8696 Earl Smith,Adm. Sarah E.Smith Estate Fred 0. Schaffroth, Reg. of Deeds Worthy B. Wood, County Sheriff Emma Berg, County Clerk Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace M. D. Sergeant, County Supervisor AL. D. Sergeant, County Supervisor Fred G. Johnson, County Judge Mrs Lester Burge L. J. Smith State Treasurer, State Treasurer, State Treasurer, State Treasurer, Wm. Bohlen. Gas Tax Distr. Gas Tax Distr. Gas Tax Distr. Diesel Tax Distr. 8713 Grace NOS: $1972.48 8697 Jay Goble 316.95 8698 Jay Goble 47.00 8699 Jay Goble 48.20 8700 Verner W. Felker, Clerk Dist Court 33.00 8701 M. D. Sergeant, County Supervisor 24.00 8702 Emma Berg, County Clerk 50.00 8703 Treasurer of United States 125.00 8704 Fred G. Johnson, County Judge 94.96 8705 State Treas. State Assistance 10.00 8706 Emma Berg, County Clerk 563.54 8707 Grade H. Simpson, Justice of Peace 726.81 8708 Grace H. Simpson, Justice of Peace 5962.23 8709 Grace H. Simpson, Justice of Peace 9.19 8710 Fred 0. Schaffroth, Reg of Deeds 75.34 8711 Charles Bossert, Co Judge, Hall Co. 229.70 8712 George D. McArthur, Justice of Peace H. Simpson, Justice of Peace 37.00 $ 422.34 842.00 201.80 229.35 460.00 128.15 2500.00 525.35 26703.50 22.28 14.00 23.80 93.00 299.40 58.43 10.00 Motion by Bivens, seconded by Snyder, that the following bonds be approved: Justice of the Peace: Willard Mills, Kenesaw Township; Reiner Reiners, Highland Township; Ed Zubrod, Logan Township; Chas. Eisele, Verona Township; Township Clerk's: 6. A. Newell, Juniata; Cecil Harlow, Logan Township; Alfred Frahm, Zero Township; Township Treas. Lloyd Ernst, Kenesaw Township; and Fred E. Wagner, Treasurer of Roseland Township. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Harm, that the road petition of Paul 4 Miller et al be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by James, that we adopt the following resolution: "BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Board of lu 229 0 E Seri Printing Co Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Snyder, That the Central Sales Inc, because of an erroneous assessment be assessed at $3000.00 for the years of 1944 and 1945, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Harm, that we confirm the appointment of the following Deputies: May Rader, Deputy County Treasurer: Rachel Hayen, Deputy Register of Deeds: Luella Lau, Deputy County Clerk; Lila Reutlinger, Deputy Clerk of the District Court. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Sergeant, that we appoint Owen G. Evans for a term of three years as a member of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Relief Commission. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sergeant, seconded by Bivens, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams GENERAL FUND Adams County Agricultural Extension Service $ 250.00 Anderson Aug. 28.50 Berg, County Clerk Ewa 32.50 Bias Mrs. R. T. 22.75 Bierhaus Furniture Upholstering Co 6.50 Bivens George W 80.00 Blomenkamp, County Superintendent Ida 49.71 Boslaugh P. E. 50.00 Brown Mrs. J. W. 6.00 Brungard Tilly Ann 72.80 Canaday Ray S 1.75 City of Hastings, Gas Department 163.94 City Water & Light Department . 44.19 Colbert Ruth 110.00 Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Mfg Co., Inc. 6.36 Cunningham Lottie E 24.00 DeMars Kathleen 3.30 Dieringer Bars. J. T. 2.00 Dunmire Lawrence 8.00 Lsch llrs. Leona 40.00 Evans Mrs. J.G. 20.00 Felker Alice 31.85 Felker Douglas K 2.00 Felker, Clerk of the District Court Verner W 797.76 Goble Jay 45.40 Harm Wm. 80.00 Hastings Daily `Tribune The 47.61 Hastings Daily Tribune The 18.30 Hastings Drug Co 1.64 Hobrock Dorothy 7.50 Hohlen Wm 45.40 Hoyt Walter R 3.00 James John A 80.00 Johnson, County Judge Fred G Koch 16.82 K - B Printing Company 32.11 Perla 15.00 Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company 77.64 Lowman & Company Wm. M. 39.05 Mahoney, County Treasurer D. 122.87 Marymee Shirley 63.00 Milburn & Scott Company, Inc. 7. Murphy Company R. E. 6.6086 National Society for the Prevention of Blindness, Inc. 4.50 Officers &nployees - Payroll 3467.13 Parker Carolyn 110.00 Parker Gladys 30.00 Pinney Dr. George L 49.80 Russell Harry F 18.00 Rutherford Plumbing & Heating Company 4.10 Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Fred 0. 7.40 Sergeant k. D. 50.00 Skultety Illiel 27.30Sliger50.00 Snyder E. 55.00 State of Nebraska, Department of Health 97.50 Stephenson School Supply Company 3.16 Taylor Jack B. 1.75 Unit Distributors 26.40 VanFleet May 5.50 Veterans Co-Ordinating Committee 416.66 Western Union Telegraph Company .85 Williams Printing Uouse 79.75 Wood, Sheriff Worthy B. 289.83 Ahrens Augustin Implement Ayr Township Blaine Town s'n ip Brown Burge City Fuel & Feed Company ROAD FUND Walter 5.00 9.15 18.50 10.50 Gerald E. 250.00 Lester A 18.45 14.63 7 dG 230 0 E. Serf Printin • Co. EMILf Dingsley Service Station Dutton Lainson Company Firestone Tire & Rubber Company Friend' s Motor Supply Goble Haskin Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. Hohlen Island Supply Company Kenesaw Motor Company Kenesaw Oil Company Kenesaw Telephone Company Koch Lenhart Service Station Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company Little Blue Township Logan Township Melchiors & Sons Miller Nebraska Tractor & Equipment L'ompany Patrolman, Payroll Perdew Pittz Brothers Service Station Roseland Township Sergeant Sherman Service Center Sidles Company Sidle: rThmpany Sime Sime Sime Snyder Spitz Machine Shop Thomas Company Thomas Service Verona Township Nagners Service Station ugester Blue Township Wilber Service Willy '& Kleinjan 19.08 35.29 23.83 1.95 Jay 80.00 R. W. 1.50 Wm 32.81 85.00 The 61.36 37.03 53.81 23.18 Perle 15.00 15.42 7.50 7.50 15.50 P. 11.03 Fred 36.90 46.24 2040.00 Lawrence 24.00 38.52 88.00 M. D. 75.79 16.28 11.50 25.75 A. J. 77.30 A. J. 17.10 A. J. 67.35 Daniel E. 25.00 S. A. 6.00 The 118.27 9.29 188.10 35.60 9.50 65.56 18.50 COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Ernst Mrs. Naunetta 20.00 Hansen Mrs. Dale 50.00 Harpham Grace 8.00 Harrell Mrs. Oma 6.00 Hastings Carnegie Library 90.00 Hastings Typewriter L'ompany 9.98 Jones Mrs. Aaron 8.00 Kindig Mrs Margaret 8.00 Lockmer Mrs. F. E. 8.00 Parks Walter 8.00 Stonecypher Annelle 21.50 COUNTY FAIR Adams County Agricultural Society 600.00 SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' RELIEF BUND Cottingham Lumber Company 14.00 Jack & Jill Grocery 24.00 Lux Market 10.00 Parsons Oil Station 3.85 Safeway Stores, Incorporated 18.00 Spencer Park Grocery 5.00 Spencer Park Grocery 30.00 STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Administrative, Payroll 1515.49 Arnen Peter Berg, County Clerk Emma 35.00 23.44 Brinkman Lucia 2.20 Buy Lo Market 1.69 Hager Addie .60 Hastings Credit Bureau 5.00 Hastings Typewriter Company 41.25 Hastings Typewriter Company 13.35 Kipp John W 75.00 Larkin Perry 0 14.00 Larkin, Director Perry 0 20.00 Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company 30.10 McGrath Hardware GOmpany J. H. 2.94 Meyers Vera F. 3.20 Moore Wm. T. 1.70 Murphy Company R. E. 2.20 Pettett Etta E. _OE FJ D �J 231 0 E.Berf Printing Co POOR AID FUND Baylor's Grocery Brach's Inc. Brinkman Lucia Lucia Brooke Drug Company Buy Lo Market Cannon Drug Company City Fuel and reed Company City of Hastings Gas Department Cottingham Lumber Company Eckhardt's Grocery Evans Grocery Farmers Union State Exchange Gayman HLAstings Drug Company Hastings Fuel Company Herbst Grocery Hiatt Hoffman Hollister Grocery Jack & Jill - 3rd & Burlington Jack & Jill - 720 V. 1st St. Jones Drug Company # 1 Jones Drug Company # 2 Juniata Farmers Co -Op. Ass'n. Kendall Kissler Grocery Klein Kostal Laird Coal Company Larkin, Director of Welfare Lewrnan Lux Master Market Inc. McIntire Funeral Home Mikkelsen Drug Company Nowers Pauley Lumber Company Quality Market Roseland Cash Grocery Rowley Rutt' s Drug Company if 2 Safeway Grocery Skaggs Grocery 0. P. Sunnyside inc. Tinder's Grocery Topaz Dairy Vern's Cash Grocery Vince's Grocery Yost Lumber Company Mrs. Jessie Mrs. Lucy Mrs. Jacob Mrs. Effie Peter Dr. 0. A. Lloyd B. Perry 0. Louise Dr. T. E. Mrs. Florence Hardin Silvey Lumber Company Short Aid Dependent Children Blind Old Age Assistance BRIDGE FUND BLIND FUND ASSISTANCE FUND Marion Motion by Sergeant, seconded by Snyder, that we allow the claim of Ed Lilley in Ayes: Goble, Harm, Hohlen, Sergeant, and Snyder. Nay: Bivens and James. Motion Motion by Bivens, seconded by Harm, that the claim of Dr. F. M. Harbaugh in the call, all voted aye. Motion carried. $16.00 2.10 12.10 1.80 16.00 5.40 10.00 3.98 13.00 32.00 16.00 7.00 43.39 39.30 152.00 20.00 7.50 16.00 53.75 105.00 3.65 6.42 12.00 30.00 16.00 90.00 2.00 13.75 62.97 20.00 30.00 75.00 6.00 14.00 26.00 18.00 16.00 23.00 7.52 387.00 158.35 76.00 26.00 2.40 32.00 32.00 12.50 6.60 6.00 5,161.20 495.60 19,378.60 the amount of $1552.88. Roll call, carried. amount of $5.50 be disallowed. Roll This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Supervisors. ';,;/I-27'. Chairman. 232 0 E. Seri Printing Co 139 of i n 0 COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Monday, February 10, 1947. 9:00 o'clock A. M. Meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of February 6, 1947. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James, Sergeant, and Snyder. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Sergeant, that we designate the roads as county roads as shown 28, 1947, in the County Clerk's office. Roll call., all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Harm, that we designate as a county road that road beginning at Section 24, Township 5, Range 12, thence south three miles to the Webster County line, thence miles more or less. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, seconded by Snyder, that the policy of the County Board be to Cooperate with the townships of the county in extension of county roads. That Township Boards and County Supervisors agree as to acceptable county roads and then upon township grading and draining such road or orads in a manner satisfactory to board. The county will designate same county road and within limitation of road funds to bear full costs of surfacing and maintenance there- after. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm., seconded by Snyder, That the Engineer is to locate lines, stakes, grades, furnish cost estimates and grading, and construction of bridges and culverts, and recommend sizes needed to care for runoff water from drainage areas. To locate needed materials and secure prices and specifications of same, and submit findings to Supervisors. His office to be the clearing house for receiving bids on gravel, bridge material and all other equipment and supplie to be purchased on bids. To tabulate costs of operations, construction and machines from reports to be furnished by Supervisors. To oversee bridge construction. Report each month's activities and plans at each monthly meeting. Supervisors to oversee and direct work of present construction and maintenance crews and work accomplished, (to be checked by Engineer). Daily records to be kept and made, and reports given monthly to Engineer for his records and reports. Roll call, Ayes: Goble, Harm, Hohlen, Sergeant, and Snyder. Nay: Bivens and James. Motion carried. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Hohlen, that we adopt the following resolution "BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Board of Supervisors sell to the following purchaser the following described properties: Pt SWw of NES, Section 9, Township 5, Range 9, Beg. Pt 675 ft North of Center of Section 9, E. 150 ft S. 25 ft W. 150 ft N. 25 ft to beg. to Wm. Moore, for 07.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Supervisors. by the map filed January the northeast corner of east three-fourths COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, February 17, 1947. 9:00 o'clock A. M. Meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of February 10, 1947, Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, Jaynes, Sergeant, and Snyder. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Bivens, that we adopt the Recommendation of the County Engineer as on file in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, Ayes: Bivens, Goble, Harm, James, Snyder. Nay: Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Supervisors. shown by Exhibit"A" Hohlen and Sergeant. Chairman [2 GM 9 r 0 E. SerLPrinting_Co. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday,'February 28, 1947. 2 o'clock P. M. Public hearing as per advertised meeting held by the Adams County Board of bupervisors for the purpose of forming a Noxious Weed Control and Eradication Districts, as follows: All land in Adams County excepting that included in Hastings, Kenesaw, Prosser, Juniata, Holstein, Roseland, Ayr and Southwest Adams County Weed District ( Logan Precinc Jay Goble, Charman, presiding. Roll call,.. all members present: Bivens, Goble, Harni, Hohlen, James, Sergeant, and Snyder. This meeting was called in response to petition filed January 15, 1947 for a hearing to form a Noxious Weed Eradicati District in Adams County, Nebraska. Said meeting had been advertised in two successive issues of the Hastings Daily Tribune in the County. A report and recommendation on the proposed Adams County Noxious Weed Eradication District by the Director of the Department of Agriculture and Inspection of the State of Nebraska has been filed with the County Clerk. A representative from the state was present to explain the purpose, formation and operation of such a district. Objection to petition for formation of Noxious Weed District by J. E. Willits was read and placed on file. Motion by James, seconded by Bivens, that this Board having heard the objections and evidence in support of or against the petition now adjourn. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. County Ole* Deputy -19-7 Chairman COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, March 6, 1947. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of February 28, 1947. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, Members Present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James, and Snyder. Absent: Sergeant. on Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Bivens, seconded by Hohlen, that the monthly reports of the Register of Deeds, Clerk of the District Court, County Clerk Car Titles, Solders' and Sailors' Relief Commission, County Clerk, Carnegie Library, and Sheriff be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by Snyder, that the following bonds be approved:. Roadoverseer: Bill Ramsey, Kenesaw Township Gus Krueger, Zero Township; John Grothaus, Ayr Township; Otto Kleier, West Blue Township; Matt Klein, Roseland Township; Alfred Klusman, Wanda Township; Carl Katzberg, Denver Township; Paul Stichweh, Wanda Township; Leon Stulken West Blue Township; Chas. H. Gartner, Ayr Township; Wm. Schmidt, Kenesaw Township; Clarence H. Fischer, Kenesaw Township; Township Clerk: Oscar Hansen, Denver Township; James A. Mohlman, West Blue Township; Township Treasurer's: Benton Miller, Denver Township; J. W. Rider, Highland Township; Hulgar Nelson, Cottonwood Township; W. W. Gates, Zero Township; Justice of the Peace: Albert Fricke, Denver Township; Constable: S. W. Robinson, Juniata Township; L. A. Joynt, Roseland Township; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by James, seconded by Bivens, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisor's Record: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Nos: 8714 8715 8716 8717 8718 8719 8720 8721 8722 8723 8724 8725 8726 Verner W. Felker, Clark Dist Court Worth B. Wood, County Sheriff Verner W. Felker, Clerk Dist Court Emma Berg) County Clerk Void City National Bank Walter M. Scudder Marion L. Carlson State Treasurer - Gas Tax Dist State Treasurer - Gas Tax Dist National Housing Agency F. P. H. A. National Housing Agency, F. P. H. A. State Superintendent -State apportionment 8727 Mortgage, Investment Co. 8728 Verner V. Felker, Clerk Dist Court 8729 Edward Gillette, State Treasurer 8730 Emma Berg, County Clerk 8731 State Treasurer -State Assistance 8732 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 8733 Wm. Moore 8734 G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace 8735 G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace 16.80 115.25 16.50 58.65 250.96 100.00 150.00 823.16 6556.27 544.15 52.33 19,240.73 426.77 15.80 1534.34 205.20 27,772.82 25.40 1.95 5.00 5.00 Nos: 8736 8737 8738 8739 8740 8741 8742 8743 8744 8745 8746 8747 8748 8749 8750 8751 8752 8753 8754 8755 8756 8757 8758 G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Perry O. Larkin -Director Verner W. Felker, Clerk Dist Court G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace Fred G. Johnson, County Judge Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Verner W. Felker, Clerk Dist Court Vernier W. Felker, Clerk Dist Court Verner W. Felker, Clerk Dist Court G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace Fred G. Johnson, County Judge Emma Berg, County Clerk Fred O. Schaffroth, Register Deeds 5.00 5.00 22.00 1.50 471.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 373.47 16.00 51.15 104.07 16.39 5.00 5.00 414.48 23.44 228.60 Motion by Harm, seconded by James, that we approve the appointment of Carroll P. Parker as Deputy Sheriff. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm) seconded by Snyder, that we adopt the following resolution: "BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Board of Supervisors sell the following described property: Lots 3 & 4, Block 10, Sewell's Addition City of Hastings to Dale L. Riley for $80.00; Lot 6 Cunlap's Subdivision of Block 15, City of Hastings, to Harry T. Mace for $50.00; m as_ _ __._ n--- hAme nn_ Mi d ....,a ^11 T...+ (] rrC' l(1 Ri.anL 0 E. Serf Printing Co E10 -q 0 -Th Motion by Bivens, seconded by Snyder, that we instruct the County Treasurer to file claim against the Estate of Clara Kivett deceased, for the reimbursement of payment received for Old Age Assltance. Roll call, Ayes: Bivens, Goble, Hohlen, James, Snyder. Nay: Harm, Motion carried. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Bivens, ORDER OFBOARD ESTABLISHING NOXIOUS WEED ERADICATION DISTRICT Now on this 6th day of March, 1947, in the Courthouse, Adams County, Nebraska, at the hour of 4 o'clock P. M. in pursuance of a notice heretofore given in due form as required by law, the matter of the formation of a district for the eradication of noxious weeds came on for hearing before the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, on the petition, objections, and report, recommendations and reasons therefor, of the Director of the Department of Agriculture and Inspection of the State of Nebraska, and persons interested in said matter of the formation of such district being present in person, Evidence was produced by persons interested in the formation of such district support of and against the petition. On consideration of the petition, objections, evidence, and the report of the Director of the Department of Agriculture and Inspection of the State of Nebraska and his recommendations and reasons therefor, the County Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, being fully advised in the premises finds that said petition should be granted, that there should be formed a district for the eradication of noxious weeds, and that said district should include the following lands, to -wit: All lands located in Adams County, Nebraska, excepting those lands located within the corporate limits of the village of Kenesaw, Prosser, Juniata, Holstein, Roseland, Ayr, City of Hastings, and Southwest Adams County Weed District (Logan Precinct). It is therefore ordered by the County Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, that a district for the eradication of noxious weeds be formed under the provisions of the Sections 2-910 to 2-951, inclusive, of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 1943, as amended by L. B. 219 of the 58th Session of the Legislature of Nebraska, relating to the control and eradication of noxious weeds. That said district be known as the Adams County Noxious Weed Eradication District, and that said district include the following lands, to -wit: All lands situated in Adams County, Nebraska, excepting those lands located within the corporate limits of the villates of Kenesaw, Prosser, Juniata, Holstein, Roseland, Ayr, and Southwest Adams County tiYeed District ( Logan Township) and Cities of Hastings BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by James, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrantor for the same: Rollcall, all voted a:re. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams County Agricultural Extension Service $250.00 Allyn and Bacon 1.57 Anderson Aug. 37.58 Barry Company M. J. 3.10 Berg, County Clerk Emma 52.50 Bias Mrs. Robert 61.75 Binderup Hardware Company 17.71 Bivens George W. 75.00 Blomenkamp, County Superintendent Ida 44.35 Brungard Tilly Ann 79.95 Central Nebraska County Officials Assri. 8.50 5 City of Hastings Gas Department 163.16 City Water and Light Department 46.89 Colbert Ruth 110.00 CoordtAnne 19.83 Cunningham Lottie E. 16.00 Debars Kathleen 6.60 Duca Patricia M. 106 30 Dunmire Lawrence 6.00 Esch Mrs. Leona 33.50 Evansrs. Jesse G. 20.00 Felker Alice 31.85 Felker, Clerk of the District Court Verner V. 84.79 Gartner Frieda 120.00 Gartner Frieda 27.30 Goble Jay 50.00 Hale and Company E. M. 8.02 Hall Brothers, Agents 21.30 Hammond and Stephens Company 39.46 Harm - Wm. 75.00 Hastings Rubber Stamp Works .60 Hastings Typewriter Company 244.06 Bohlen Wm. 50.00 Iroquois Publishing Company, Inc. 1.92 James John A. 80.00 Johnson, County Judge Fred G. 19.00 K -B Printing Company 17.21 Lyons and Carnahan .62 McCauley R. F. 7.50 Mackie Star Market 8.82 Mahoney, County Treasurer D. 21.36 Mahoney, County Treasurer D. 14.93 Milburn and Scott Company, Inc. 3.82 Murphy Company R. E. 23.86 Officers & Employees - Payroll 3472.47 Owen Publishing Company F, A. 56.80 Parker Carolyn 110.00 ParkerGladys G. 30.00 Pinney Dr. George L. 41.50 Rose Mildred 4.00 Russell Harry F. 15.00 Schaffroth, Register of DeedsFred O. 6.00 School Specialty Supply 39.01 NOY-C2RTAYAD [216 235 0 E. Serf Printing Co Williams Printing House Wood, Sheriff ROAD FUND Worthy B. 254.75 171.78 Ayr Lumber Company 20.72 Binderup Hardware Company 3.40 Bish W. E. 2.00 Blaine Township 9.50 Brown Gerald E. 250.00 Brown Gerald E. 3.25 City Fuel and Feed Company 11.66 City Water & Light Department 3.70 Clarke Oil Company 57.75 Consumers Public Power District 1.00 CottinghamLumber Company 4.75 Decker and Son 9.90 Denver Township 22.00 Fairs Repair 6.09 Goble Jay 70.00 Hageman Hardware Company 12.35 Hastings Typewriter Company 27.65 Hohlen Wm. 75.00 Island Supply Company The 88.18 Kenesaw Lumber Company 22.65 Kenesaw Oil Company 40.49 Kerr -Cochran, Inc. 139.07 Konen Peter 11.38 Krulish Battery and Electric Service 25.50 Lenhart Service Station 40.96 Lilley Ed 474.69 Lincoln Equipment Uompany 6.67 Little Blue Township 8.00 McClelland Motor Company 1.00 Martin Lumber Company 2.56 National Oil Company 11.80 Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Company 1388.01 Patrolman, Payroll 2040.00 Pittz Brothers Service Station 60.44 Sergeant M. D. 65.00 Sidles Company 20.49 Sidles Company 249.75 Sidles Company 48.09 Sime A. J. 47.32 Sime A. J. 48.55 Sime A. J. 74.98 Sinclair Refining Company 57.94 Snyder Daniel E. 45.00 The Thomas Company 72.36 Vagners Service Station 522.28 Wilber Service 307.48 Willy and Kleinjan 18.25 COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Ernst Mrs. Waunetta 20.00 Hansen Mrs. Dale 50.00 Harpham Grace 8.00 Harrell Mrs. Oman 8.00 Hastings Carnegie Library 90.00 Jones Mrs. Aaron 8.00 Kindig Mrs. Margaret 8.00 Lockmer Mrs. F. E. 8.00 Parks Walter 8.00 Stonecypher Annelle 28.00 SOLDIERS' AND SArL0RS' RELIEF FUND Best's Grocery Store 10.00 City Water and Light Department 1.44 Ditsch Francis E. 57.06 Evans O. G. 4.40 Five Star Market 10.00 Rowley Florence L. 27.50 Spencer Park Market 45.00 Topaz Dairy Inc. 17.03 STATE IDMINIST1ATION FUND Administrative, Payroll 1610.00 Brinkman Lucia 3.75 Hager Addie 12.65 Larkin Perry 0. 15.75 Moore Wm. T. 2.00 Pettett Etta E 4.05 Starr Esther M 9.00 POOR AID FUND 236 i'1W 0 E. Serf Printing Co._ Brown -McDonald Company 6.94 Buskirk Grocery 120.00 Buy Lo Market 31.25 Cannon Drug Company 10.80 City Fuel and Feed Company 37.50 City of Hastings Gas Department 3.16 Cowton Coal Company 14.00 Draper Dr. D. D. 8.00 Eckhardt's Grocery 32.00 Egen Dr. L. F. 20.00 Evans Grocery 16.00 Farmers Union State Exchange 5.00 Five Star Market 141.15 Foote Clinic 112.00 Gayman Mrs. Jessie 60.00 Hastings Credit Bureau 5.00 Hastings Fuel Company 56.75 Hastings Typewriter Company 7.60 Hendrickson's Grocery . 17.56 Hiatt Mrs. Lucy 20.00 Hoffman Mrs. Jacob 7.50 Hollister Grocery 16.00 Jack & Jill - 3rd & Burlington 75.25 Jack & Jill - 720 West 1st St. 119.00 Jackson Funeral Home 75.00 Jones Drug Company # 1 5.23 Juniata Farmers Co -Op Assn. 12.00 Kash and Karry Grocery 25.50 Kendall Mrs. Effie 30.00 Kipp John W. 75.00 Ki ss1,.e r .6.00 Klein Peter 120.00 Laird Coal Company Lloyd B. 12.95 Larkin, Director of Welfare Perry 0. 47.65 Larkin, Director of Welfare. Perry 0 25.00 Larson Grocery 25.50 Lewman Louise 20.00 Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company 23.90 Lux Master Market .64 Lux Master Market Inc. 76.00 Malone Gallatly Company 14.00 Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital 314.45 Mikkelsen Drug Company 16.59 Murphy Typewriter Company R. E. 14.00 Nowers Dr W. E. 12.00 Quality Market 28.50 Rutt's Drug Company r1 2 7.52 Safeway Grocery 180.75 Serf Printing Company O. E. 19.55 Skaggs Grocery 0. P. 150.50 Sunnyside Inc. 80.00 Tinder's Grocery 26.00 Topaz Dairy 2.10 Vince's Grocery 16.00 Wegmann Dr. trim. M. 12.50 Whitcanack Mrs. Stella 10.17 Widene r' s Grocery 6.00 Yost Lumber Company 4150 Short Aid Dependent Children Blind Old Age Assitance BLIND FUND Marion ASSISTANCE FUND This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Supervisors. 6.00 5607.40 510.20 19,406.80 o D3 237 O..E._Seri Printing Co COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday March 17, 1947. 9:00 o'clock A. M. Meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of March 6, 1947. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Holl call, members present: Bivens, Goble, Hohlen, James and Snyder. Absent: Harm and Sergeant. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Hohlen, that the County Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids on two carloads of bridge plank. Roll call, Ayes: Bivens, Goble, Hohlen, James and Snyder. Absent: Harm and Sergeant. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, April 7, 1947, 10:00 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of March 17, 1947. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James, Sergeant, and Snyder. Motion by James, seconded by S'nyder., RESOLUTION, BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors of •.dams County, Nebraska, in regular session with a quorum present: The County Treasurer of said county is hereby directed to pur- chase any real estate advertised and offered for sale at public tax sale for the year 1945 and prior, when the same remains unsold for want of bidders, uponwhich there are more than two years of delinquent taxes, and to purchase all subsequent taxes thereon as the same may become delinquent; the tax sale certificate thereon and subsequent taxes to be taken in the name of said county and to be for the use and benefit of all governmental subdivisions entitled to participate therein, Roll call, all vote aye. Motion carried. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Bivens, RESOLUTION, Be it resolved by the County Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, in regular session with a quorum present: The County Attorney of said county is hereby authorized and directed to foreclose, in the name of said county, all gertificates of Tax Sale, the real estate for which and the subsequent taxes for which were heretofore purchased in the name of said countyat private sale in accordance with the law of State of Nebraska after time of redemption has expired. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Bivens, that we instruct the Welfare Director to file claim against the Estate of Mrs. Elizabeth Williams, deceased, for the reimbursement of funds issued from the poor Aid Fund. Roll call, Ayes: Bivens, Goble, Hohlen, James, Sergeant, and Snyder. Nay: Harm.. Motion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by James, that H. F. Favinger be paid the sum of 0.00 for per Oause-of-Action completed as soon as the county tax sale foreclosure now owing in the District Court, Adams County, Nebraska. That he be directed to complete this as soon as possible. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sergeant, seconded by Snyder, that we instruct the County Treasurer to file d1aim against the Estate of Wilhelm F. Krueger, decased, for the reimbursement of payment received for Old Age Assistance. Roll call, Ages: Bivens, Goble, Hohlen, James, Sergeant, and Snyder. Nay: Harm. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, seconded by Snyder, that the Williams Printing House, because of an erroneous assessment be assessed for the years of 1920, X509.00 and 1921 $23 40"00Ro11 call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by James, seconded by Harm, that the following bonds be approved: Township Treasurer: Ervin L. Gartner, Hanover Township;. Roadoverseer: Fred,Abmus, Blaine Township; I. M. Grabill, Silver Laze Township; Robert L. Jones,. Zero Township; talter Claassen, Wanda Township; Chas. Kuehn, Kenesaw Township; R. D. Enninga, Blaine Township; Clarence Frhhm, Zero Township; Kenneth Rolls, Ayr Township; Highway Commissioner: Gerald E. Brown. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sergeant, seconded by Snyder, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisors Record: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Nos: 8759 8760 8761 8762 8763 8764 8765 8766 8767 8768 8769 8770 8771 8772 8773 8774 8775 8776 Worthy B. Wood, Sheriff Verner W. Felker, Clerk District Court Emma Berg, County Clerk Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Jay Goble, County Supervisor State Treasurer, State Assistance State Treasurer, Gas Tax Distribution State Treasurer, Gas Tax Distribution C. L. Huckfeldt Dale L. Riley Peter Konen E. W. Morrison Harry T. Mace Adams County, Department of Welfare Grace H. Simpson, Justice of Peace Geo. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace Fred G. Johnson, County Judge The. Omaha National Bank Nos: 2..211 9777 88.00 8778 63.50 8779 54.40 8780 63.84 8781 14.00 8782 708.19 8783 5640.56 8784 15.49 8785 71.08 8786 10.00 8787 75.00 8788 50.00 8789 10.00 8790 25.00 8791 35.00 8792 1293.03 8793 67.09 8794 State Treasurer, State Assistance Hmma Berg, County Jlerk G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace City National Bank Emma Berg, County Clerk Fred G. Johnson, County Judge Verner Felker, Clerk District Court Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace Fred G. Johnson, County Judge Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace State Treasurer, State Assistance M. D. Sergeant, County Supervisor Fred Schaffroth, Register of Deeds eo.rthy B. Woodk, County Sheriff M. D. Sergeant, County Supervisor $28273.36 147.85 10.00 671.57 23.72 280.97 540.00 25.03 5.00 82.00 101.40 5.00 5.00 22.00 80.00 249.80 31.75 50.00 v' 238 0 E. Serf Printing Co in 9 01 �S Motion by Harm, seconded by Sergeant, that the Soldiers' and Sailors' Relief Fund showing the necessity of increase of budget by reason of unanticipated requirements growing out of emergencies, we -hereby increase the budget of said Soldiers' and Sailors' Relief Fund the sura of $200.00, andwhich may be transferred to said fund out of the unappropriated funds for the balance of the year 1947. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Snyder, seconded by `'ames, that the County Clerk be instructed to strike from the tax list the 1940 tax on Lot 1 tomo -13 inclusive, Block 1. and Lot 1,, Block 2, East Side Addition. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by Hohlen, that the application of Gertrude Vdillmes for Off and On Sale Beer License (located in Assumption, not incorporated) be granted. Roll call, Ayes: Goble, harm, and Hohlen, Nays: Bivens, James, Snyder and Sergeant. Motion lost. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Bivens, that we recommend to the Nebraska Liquor Commission the wholesale beer license for forlCoountry: Club Beer Distributing Company, Inc. located at 1434 h. Baltimore Avenue outside the City of Hastings, Ayes: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James Nays: Sergeant and Snyder. Motion carried. Motion by James, seconded by Hohlen, that the monthly reports of the Register of Deeds, County Judge, Soldiers' and Sailors', County Clerk Car Titles, County Clerk, Carnegie Library, Clerk of the District Court, County Judge, County Sheriff, be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, seconded by Snyder, that we adopt the following resolution: "3E IT RESOLVED, That the County Board of Supervisors sell to the following purchasers the following described properties: Lots 1 and 2, Block 9, Lots 6, 7, and 8, Block 9, Prospect Park Addition to R. L. Booker for $425.00; Lot 3, Block 1, Brown's Addition, to George C. Schropp for $40.00; Lots 3, Block 4, East Park Addition, to Clarence LeRoy Cullip, for $75.00; Lot 1 and 2, Block 4, East Park Addition, to Wilsey R. Wisner, for 4)165.00; Lot 17, Block 1, Heller' s Addition, to Lola M. Hoggatt, for X35.00; North One (1) foot Lot 5, Morledge's Addition City of Hastings, to Harry D. Kazebeer for $5.00; Lots 26 to 30 inclusive, Lots 1 to 5 inclusive, Polla.rd's addition, to N. F. Robinson for $325::00; Lot 7 to 10 inclusive Block 10, Dietz Addition to William Havens, for $250.00; and, that the Chairman of the County Board be hereby authorizedto execute and deliver quit claim deeds to said purchaser's" Roll call, all voted aye. lotion carried. Motion by James, seconded by Bivens, that the County Engineer be authorized by the Board of Supervisors to take charge of county road equipment and have a right to advise the men who operate the equipment as to the maintenance and construction of county roads and that the County Engineer be allowed to perform the duties of a County Engineer as required of him by law and to be in effect at once. Roll call, Ayes: Bivens, Goble, Haan, James and Snyder. Nay: Hohlen and Sergeant. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, seconded by Snyder, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams County Agricultural Extension Service $$50.00 Anderson Aug. 27.00 Anderson George 60.00 Augustine Company 10.21 Berg, County Clerk E 30.68 Bias Mrs. Robert T. 39.00 Bivens George W. 80.00 Blomenkamp, County Superintendent Ida 49.07 Brungard Tilly Ann 54.60 Cafe Dale 17.85 City of Hastings, Gas Department 148.83 City Water & Light Department 40.96 Colbert Ruth Cunningham 110.00 Lottie E. 17.50 Daily Stanley A. 3.00 Davidson James C. 39.75 DeMars Kathleen 6.60 Duca Patricia M. 120.00 Dunmire Lawrence 6.00 Esch Mrs. Leona Evans Mrs. Jesse G .0 0 20 Felker .000 Alice 48.10 Felker, Clerk of the District Court Verner V% 118.30 Goble Jay - 80.00 Hargleroad C. J. 64.19 Harm 1m. 80.00 Hastings Daily Tribune The 33.19 Hastings Daily Tribune The 11.70 Hastings Daily Tribune The 14.85 Hastings Daily Tribune The 29.96 Hastings Typewriter Company 34.30 Hayen Rachel 50.00 Hobrock Dorothy 6.90 Hohlen Wm. 25.00 James John h. 80.00 Janssen Mrs. John 45.00 Johnson, County Judge Fred G. 38.21 K %, B Printing Company 42.44 Kee Lox Manufacturing Company 17.50 Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company 74.05 Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company 72.15 Lippincott Company J. B. 7.37 Mahoney, County TreasurerD 126.52 Milburn and Scott Company, Inc. 24.23 Mortgage Investment Company 46.88 Nebraska Tractor and Equipment Company 181.31 NUM NM an 770 J111O o 239 _0 E. Serf._Printing.Co Saathoff Schaff Toth, Register of Deeds Serf Printing Company Sergeant Skinner Skultety lige r Snyder Taedter University Publishing Co. Veterans Service Co-ordinating Committee Williams Printing House Wood, Sheriff Herbert Fred 0. Isaac Anr A. J. Daniel E. Mrs. Ruth Worthy B. 8.50 7.50 327.25 30.00 4.00 22.75 35.00 80.00 10.00 3.76 208.33 192.00 256.05 ROAD FUND AndersonCarl 2.00 Ayr Lumber Company 12.14 Ayr Township 17.50 Bittfield Fred 10.00 Brandes Company F. H. 39.75 Brown Gerald E. 38.20 BrownGerald E 250.00 Burge Lester A. 20.18 City Fuel and Feed Company 9.38 City Water and Light Department 8.57 Clarke Oil Company 28.31 Consumers Public Power District 3.71 Cottingham Lumber Company 3.75 Cottonwood Township 27.00 Denver Township 11.50 Dutton Lainson Company 25.61 Dutton Lainson Company 1.75 Dyker an Clifford 30.25 Eaton Metal Products Corporation 368.71 Fairs Repair' 5.60 Firestone Tire & Rubber Company 19.70 Goble Jay 37.11 Grace's Bike and Key Shop 1.50 Hageman Hardware 8.59 Hanover Township 53.50 Hanover Township 33.50 Hastings Daily Tribune 1..03 Hohlen Wm. 100.26 Island Supply Company The 352..08 Jones Company A. H. 00 Joynt Dale 6.00 Kenesaw Lumber Company 19.70 Kenesaw Motor Company 10.40 Kenesaw Oil Company 53.75 Kenesaw Township 39.00 Konen Peter & George 11.74 Lenhart Service Station: 30.01 Lincoln Equipment Company 725.47 Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company 38.65 Logan Township 36.50 Nebraska Tractor and Equipment Company 1039.63 Newell, Township Clerk IV. A. 46.70 Parsons. Oil Company 3.94 Patrolman, Payroll 2040.00 Pittz Brothers Service Station 51:40' Rief 'Edward 12.00 Rief Henry 6.00 Schneider and Morse 130.00 Sergeant M. D. 95.00 Sidles Company 8.76 Sidles �%ompany 120.55 Sine A. J. 78.71 Sime A. J. 108.93 Sinclair Refining Company 30.74 Skillman Wendell Motor Company 2.65 Wagners Service Station. 11.61 Wanda Township 16.50 Wilber Service 13.75 Willy and Kleinjan 11.75 COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Ernst Mrs. Waunetta B. 20.00 Hansen Mrs. Dale 50.00 Harpham Grace 2.00 Harrell Mrs. Oma 2.00 Hastings Carnegie Library 90.00 Jones Mrs. Aaron 8.00 Kindig Mrs. Margaret 2.00 Lockmer Mrs. F. E. 8.00 Parks 'alter 8.00 Stonecypher Annelle 28.00 Watkins Book Shop Emma 69.68 240 0. E. Serf Printing Co 3: __DM Orl Di Liu QL,0 BRIDGE FUND Baker Harold 6.00 Brown Gerald E. 5.88 Chicago Burlin ton & Quincy Railroad 629.75 Goble Maxwell 6.67 Nebraska Auto Parts Company 3.00 Noel Martha 6.00 Rief Henry 6.00 Wheeler Lumber Bridge and Supply Company 1561.61 Buy Lo Market City Gas Department Parsons Oil Company Spencer Park Market Stop and Shop SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' RELIEuFUND STATE: ADMINISTRATION FUND 15.00 9.59 9.14 10.00 40.00 Administrative, Payroll 1610.00 Amen Peter 40.00 Berg, County Clerk Emma 23.64 Brinkman"Lucia 12.75 Brown Dr. J. W. 9.0000 Egon Dr. Lothar F. 10. Foote Equipment Company 11.00 Hager Addie 17.25 Hastings Credit Bureau 5.00 Hastings Typewriter Company 6.15 Kipp John TAT. 75.00 Larkin Perry 0. 3.05 Larkin -Director Perry 0. 18.00 Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company 24.50 Mace Dr. John L. 7.50 Moore Wrn. T. 3.90 PettettEtta E. 6.55 Rosa Dr. I I. E. 3.00 Royal Typewriter Company, Inc. 126.23 Starr Esther M. 13.85 �vegmann Dr. Wm. 8.75 POOR AID FUND Bert's Drug Company 40.47 Brach's Inc. 3.78 Brooke Drug Company 6.93 Buy Lo Market 129.45 Cannon Drug Company 2.70 City Fuel and Feed Company 10.65 City of Hastings Gas Department 3.b8 Cook Pain and Varnish Company ,22 Douvas George Eckhardt's Grocery g 2.10 32.00 Evans Grocery 16.00 Farmers Union State Exchange 8.00 Five Star Market 58.00 George Bros. Grocery 16.00 Hager Addie 2.90 Haynes Brothers 3.65 Helman's Shoe Store 8.48 Hiatt Mrs. Lucy 20.00 Hoffman Mrs. Jacob 7.50 Jack and Jill - 3rd & Burlington 85.25 Jack and Jill - 3rd & Burlington 1.60 Jack and Jill - 720 W. 1st St. Jones Drug Company # 1 , o 3.00 Co -Op. Juniata Farmers Asstn..00 12.00 Kash and Karry Grocery 17.75 Kendall Mrs. Effie 30.00 Kinsler Grocery 16.00 Klein_ Peter 125.00 Kostal Dr, 0. A. Laird Coal Company Llo d B.13.85 3.85 Y 1,, S 5 Larkin -Director Perry 0• 63.40 Larson Grocery 51.00 Latta Dr. E. J. 8.00 Lewman Louise 20.00 Livingston -Butler Funeral Chapel 35.00 Lum. Master Market Inc. 72.00 Mackie's Star Market 24.88 Mikkelsen Drug Company o .70 Montgomery Ward Company 1.00 Moore Wm. T. 2.90 Nowers Dr.'. E. 8.00 Pauley Lumber Company 6.75 `7,1.0 I'a51 241 O.L._Seri P Co Skaggs Grocery Spencer Park Grocery Stitt Company Stop and Shop Market Sunnyside Inc. Tanner Tinder's Grocery Vern's Cash Grocery Vince's Grocery �Vm,olland Funeral Home YY egmann Whisinand's Grocery Wiseman's Shoe Store ?ubrod' s Grocery BLIND FUND Short ASSISTANCE FUND Aid Dependent Children Blind Old Age Assitance 0e P . Mrs. Ed Dr. Wm. M. 91.00 33.00 35.00 20.85 80.00 34.00 16.00 32.00 16.00 85.00 30.00 142.50 2.00 16.00 Marion 6.00 This !Joard will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Supervisors. 5905.60 483.40 20,122.40 COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Saturday April 12, 1947. 2:00 a! clock P. U. Meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per Advertised notice of March 17, 25 tipril 1 & 8th, Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James, Sergeant, and Snyder. Aotion by Hohlen, seconded by Snyder, that this Board of Supervisors reject any and all bids being higher than the Board feels it can be obtained, therefore, the county proceed to obtain the Bridge Lumber at the best price possible and not to exceed the lowest price offered in the bids. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Harm, that we purchase two car loads of approximately 60 M ft B. M. 3" x 12" Douglas Fir Plank unit price per M ft B. M. of $79.00 from the Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Company and Byers Lumber Compan Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by Snyder that this Board Employe Mr. Max Goble as a Bridge Foreman of Adams County at $200.00 per month. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried.' This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Supervisors. County Ole Deput 2-7 Chairman COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Saturday April 26, 1947. 2:30 o'clock P. M. Meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of April 12, 1947. Jay Goble, Chairman,, presiding. Roll call, Members Present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James and Snyder. Absent: Sergeant. Motion by Harm, seconded by Snyder, that the County Clerk be authorized to advertise for 10,000 yards, more or less, gravel. Rollcall, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Supervisors. (d--97( Chairman 242 O E. Serf Printing Co COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday May 6, 1947. 10:00 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of April 26, 1947. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, Members Present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, James, Sergeant and Snyder. Absent: Hohlen. Motion by Harm, seconded by Snyder, that the County Engineer confer with Mr. Wardner Scott, State Engineer, Department of Roads and Irrigation, Lincoln, Nebraska, and they in turn call on the officials of the Navy Ammuniation Depot with reference to the Navy's responsibility of road maintenance from 281 east to County line. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, seconded by James, that the petition of D. Mahoney, et al be tabled. Roll call, Ayes: Bivens, Goble, James, Sergeant and Snyder. Nay: Harm. Motion carried. At 11:00 o'clock Hohlen present. Motion by Harm, seconded by Hohlen, that the communication of J. Warren O'Meara, Commander, Post # 1346 Veterans of Foreigh tars and Joseph W. Smith, Commander, Post # 11 The American Legion be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Harm, that the application of Gertrude Villmes for Off Sale Beer License (located in Assumption, not incorporated) be granted. Roll call, Ayes: Goble, Harm, and Hohlen. Nays: Bivens, James, Sergeant and Snyder. Motion lost.. Motion by Sergeant, seconded by Bivens, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisor's Record: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Nos: 8795 8796 8797 8798 8799 8800 8801 8802 8803 8804 8805 8806 8807 8808 8809 8810 8811 8812 8813 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace State Treasurer -Gas Tax Distribution State Treasurer -Gas Tax Distribution Emma Berg, County Clerk J. F. Ernstmeyer, Adm. G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace W. F. Robinson Wm. S. Havens Lola M. Hoggatt Harry D. Kazebeer R. L. Booker George C. Schropp �+yilsey R. Wisner Clarence LeRoy Cullip Jay Goble, Ayr Village G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace Grace H. Simpson, Justice of Peace Ered G. Johnson, County Judge Motion by # 2, Zero Nos: 19.00 8814 577.50 8815 4599.60 8816 105.86 8817 71.64 8818 2.00 8819 12.40 8820 325.00 8821 250.00 8822 35.00 8823 5.00 8824 425.00 8825 40.00 8826 154.4.3 8827 69.51 8828 34.56 8829 35.00 8830 25.00 8831 23.47 8832 8833 yerner W. Felker, Clerk Dist Court Verner W. Felker, Clerk Dist Court State Treasurer -State Assistance Fred G. Johhson, County Judge Fred G. Johnson, County Judge Grace H. Simpson, Justice of Peace G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace G. P. McArthur, Justice of Peace G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace Emma berg, County Clerk M. D. Sergeant, County Supervisor Grace H. Simpson, Justice of Peace Verner W. Felk-=r, Clerk Dist Court Verner W. Felker, Clerk Dist Court G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace State Treasurer, State Assistance G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace Emma berg, County Clerk Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Fred 0. Schaffroth, Register Deeds 535.17 21.25 28839.79 10.00 285.28 18.00 5.00 15.00 15.00 23.64 375.00 46.40 11.87 15.80 10.00 6.00 5.00 169.75 21.00 395.45 Bivens, seconded by Snyder, that the following bonds be approved: Roadoverseers: Richard Kranau, District Township and Bernard Sheffield, District # 56, Logan Township, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by James, seconded by Harm, that the monthly reports of the Register of Deeds, Clerk of the District Court, County Judge, County Clerk Car Titles, County Library, County Sheriff and County Clerk be placed on file. Roll call. all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, seconded by "arm, that we adopt the following resolution: "BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Board of Supervisors sell to the following purchasers, the following described properties: Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 Block 7, 2nd Addition Village of Kenesaw to John Fischer for $50.00; Lot 6, Block 2, Davidson's Addition, City of Hastings, to Orlando P. Taylor for 475.00; Lot 18, Block 1, Heller's Addition, City of Hastings, to Lola M. Hoggatt for 025.00; Lot 10, Kent's Addition, City of Hastings to Mrs. C. A. Arnold for $20.00; Lots 135 to 139 inclusive Original Town Village of Kenesaw to Ingalls & Turner Grain Company for $125.00; and, that the chairman of the County Board be hereby authorized to execute and deliver a quit claim deed to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Snyder, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Alden Holm Company Amen Anderson Anderson Berg, County Clerk Binderup Hardware Company Bivens Blomenkamp, County Superintendent Brungard City of Hastings, Gas Department Colbert Costello Manufacturing Company City Water & Light Department Cunningham Mrs. Lottie Currier Bernie Alice Aug. George Emma George W. Ida Tilly Ann Ruth n0TV(n rc -3. I.1 �..� the County 200.00 3.12 130.00 32.00 52.50 25.60 2.50 80.00 150.35 72.15 98.51 110.00 75.41 45.78 17.75 135.00 NaNETIGM GgOi 243 0 E. Seri Ysin Co Evans Felker Felker, Clerk District Court Gilchrist Goble Guarantee Electric Company Harm Hastings Credit Bureau Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Post ,# 11 American Legion Hastings Typewriter Company Hested Stores Company Hobrock Hohlen Hoppens James Janssen Johnson K -B Printing Company Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company Mahoney, County Treasurer D. Mahoney, County Treasurer D. Milburn " Scott Company, Inc. Monroe Calculating Machine Company, Inc. Mortgage Investment Company Mullen John J, Murphy Company R. E. Nebraska Legal News Officers & Employees -Payroll Olson George Onken Edward F. Parker Gladys G. Pinney Dr. George L. Ray, attorney J. E. Rose Mildred Russell Harry F. Rutherford Plumbing & Heating Company Rutherford. Plumbing & Heating Company Schlegel C. G. Serf Printing Company 0. E. Sergeant M, D. Skultety Ann Sliger Adam J. Snyder Daniel E. State Journal Printing Company State of Nebraska, Department of Health Steele Ellerbrock Insurance Company Stephenson School Supply Company Topaz Dairy, Ltd. University Publishing Company Veterans Service Co-ordinating Committee Wagoner Clara Wicker E. R. Wood, Sheriff Worthy B. Woods Lester D Mrs. Jesse G Alice Verner W. J. H. Jay Vume Dorothy Wm. John John A. Mrs. Hilda Alvin E. ROAD FUND 20.00 92.20 112.85 125.00 80.00 162.99 80.00 15.00 15.60 51.9(7 68.70 11.50 11.40 80.00 15.00 80.00 88.50 9.00 18.40 64.40 7.77 23.58 78.77 28.00 53.16 100.00 1.00 2.00 3719.13 125.00 135.00 30.00 74.70 75.00 3.50 27.00 22.15 26.81 130.00 32.50 50.00 15.60 30.00 75.00 5.16 94.00 10.00 15.77 3.75 1.70 208.33 135.00 105.00 139:97 103.50 Binderup Hardware Company 7.15 Blaine Township 17.50 Blaine Township 71.00 Boontjer Ted A 96.00 Bower Ralph E 19.30 Brandes Company F, H. 27.00 Brown Gerald B. 59.60 Clarke Oil Company 58.28 City Water & Light Department 4.35 Consumers Public Power District 1.42 Cottingham Lumber Company 3.71 CottonwJod Township 56.50 Davis J. J. 90.50 Denver Township 67.50 Eaton Metal Products Corporation 461.31. Faber John 41.25 Goble Jay 45.00 Hageman Hardware Company 48.05 Hardin Silvey Lumber Company 33.75 Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. 10.33 Hohlen m. 5.0.00 Homelite Corporation 380.58 Huckfeldt C. w. 10.00 Island Supply Company 804.65 Kenesaw Lumber Company 15.85 Kenesaw Oil Company 86.95 Kenesaw Township 10,25 Kistler D. G. 4.80 Lilley Ed 404.75 Lincoln Equipment Company 15.93 Lincoln `Telephone & Telegraph Company 16.00 Little Blue Township 17.50 244 E. Serf Printing Co °3b u o) -Th Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Company Newell, Township Clerk Patrolman -Payroll Pittz Brothers Service Station Roseland Township Schumann Repair Sergeant Sidles Company Silver Lake Township Silver Lake Township Sime Sime Sime Sinclair Refining Company Snyder Stewart Plumbing & Heating Company Wanda Township West Blue Township Willy & Kleinjan BRIDGE FUND Ayr Lumber Company baker Binderup Hardware Company Bridge Payroll Brunken Gerloff Island Supply Company McGrath Hardware Company McGrath Hardware Company Moore Noel Rief Sime Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Company Wilder Oil Company Ernst Follett Book Company Hansen Harpham Harrell Hastings Carnegie Library Jones Kindig Parks Snell Stonecypher Webb Brothers COUNTY LIBRARY FUND COUNTY FARM FUND W. A. A. J. A. J. A. J. Daniel E. 39.07 70.45 2040.00 119.59 53.50 2.50 70.00 19.24 49.50 45.50 52.25 56.01 85.55 75.44 50.00 12.88 38.00 97.25 32.00 123.95 Harold 158.25 23.43 200.00 Jacob 33.00 William E. 133.50 12.90 J. H, 32.02 J. H. 12.60 Wm, 36.70 Martin 142.50 Henry 141.75 A. J. 25.88 1017.00 18.09 Mrs. Weunetta 20.00 163.21 Mrs. Dale 50.00 Grace 8.Q0 Mrs. Oma 8.00 90.00 Mrs. Aaron 8.00 Mrs. Margaret 8.00 Walter 8.00 Mrs. Howard 8.00 Annelle 28.00 STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Administrative, Payroll Berg, County Clerk Brown Hager Hastings Typewriter Company Kipp Larkin, Director Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company Mace Moore Pettett Starr POOR AID FUND Amen Baylor's Grocery Baylor's Grocery Best Grocery Brooke Drug Company Buskirk Grocery Buy Lo Market Carroll, Superintendent Caves Caves City Fuel and Feed Company City of Hastings Gas Department Cook Paint & Varnish Company DeBacker Eckhardt's Grocery Evans Grocery f- '.rm. n Emma Dr. J. W. Addie John W. Perry O. Dr. John L. Wm. T. Etta E Esther M-, Peter Hugo V. Mrs. George Mrs. George Dr. L. J. 22.37 1610.00 23.84 6.00 15.00 18.45 75.00 25.00 19.00 3.00 5.95 21.20 12.20 40.00 16.00 16.00 14.00 1.13 120.00 83.00 17.18 60.00 67.00 13.85 3.76 7.14 8.00 32.00 16.00 MR LI 245 0 If....Seri Printing.Co Home Oil Station Jack & Jill -720 W. 1st St. Kash & Karry Grocery Kendall Klein Kostal Larkin -Director of Welfare Larson Grocery Latta Lewman Livingston -Butler Funeral Chapel Lux Master Market Inc. Mace Mackie Star Market Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Matthiesen & Company Mikkelsen Drug Company Mikkelsen Drug Company Nowers NI:Ickolls County Department of laelfare Penney Company Rihn Roseland Uash Grocery Rutt's Drug Company # 2 Safeway Grocery tchuppen Grocery Skaggs Grocery Skaggs Grocery Skaggs Grocery Spencer Park Grocery Stafford Stafford Stitt Company Stop and Shop Market Sunnyside Inc. Tanner Tinder's Grocery Vince's Grocery Volland Funeral Home Wegmann Yost Lumber Company Zubrod's Grocery Whisinand Grocery Aid Dependent Children Blind Old Age Assitance ASSISTANCE FUND Mrs, Effie Peter Dr, O. A. Perry O. Dr. E. J. Louise .63 93.00 28.50 30.00 60.00 4.00 29.26 20.00 15.50 20.00 3.00 22.00 Dr, John L. 6.00 28.00 23.00 Carl R. 2.89 9.19 3.90 Dr, W. E. 6.00 9.50 J. C. 19.40 Mrs. Lois 14.11 16.00 9.00 129.00 16.00 O. P. .79 0. p. 61.00 O. P. 308.67 33.00 Dr. G. E. 6.00 Dr. G. E. 9.00 35.00 48.00 49.34 Mrs, Ed 34.00 16.00 16.00 170.00 Dr. Wm. M. 6.00 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Supervisors. OgriAdr County (41erk, Deputy 27.50 16.00 95.00 6046.00 516.20 20,406.00 orleeeL ---517*Chairman COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday May 7, 1947. 2:30 o'clock P.M. Meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of May 6, 1947. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, Members Present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James, Sergeant, and Snyder. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Bivens, that we purchase double drum winch from Nebraska Tractor and Equipment Company for 41110.00. F. O. B. Factory. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Supervisors. .County Clerk Deputy 246 0 of 0 E. Serf Printin • Co 4 COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Saturday May 24, 1947. 2:30 o'clock P. M. Meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of may 7, 1947. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James, Sergeant and Snyder. Motion by Bohlen, seconded by Sergeant, that we purchase from Ed Lilley and M. M. Lippincott, 10,000 yards of gravel, more or less, at an agreed price of 64¢ per cu. yard and 8¢ yard mile haul. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, seconded by Sergeant, that the County Clerk be instructed to return certified checks to the unsuccessful bidders. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Supervisors. Chairman COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, June 6, 1947. 10:00 o'clock A.I. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of May 24, 1947. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members presents Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James, Sergeant, and Snyder. Motion by James, seconded by Snyder, That the following resolution be adopted BE IT RESOLVED that the Adams County Noxious Weed District, of Hastings, Nebraska, be and it is hereby authorized to control and eradicate noxious weeds that may be found on any and all property belonging to Adams County, Nebraska, and said District be paid for said wor. in connection with the eradication of said noxious weeds the sum of $2.50 per annum and 5¢ per gallon for chemical used. That said County of Adams, Nebraska, does hereby agree that no claims should be presented against said Weed District for damage claimed to crops or property, clammed to have resulted from use of chemical and equipment in connection with work hereinbefore described. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, seconded by James, That M hereas, the City of Hastings, a Municipal Corporation is now and has been the owner and have legal title to Lots 1 to 5 Inc. Block 1, of Addleman's Subdivision of Bellangee's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, since January 26th, 1947, and, Whereas, by mistake taxes have been assesses and levied against said property, and Whereas, under the ownership said property has been subject to tax during said time. Now, therefore, be it resolved that the taxes be cancelled, for the years of 1937 through 1946. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 1:00 o'clock P. M. the Board resumed with members present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James and Snyder. Sergeant absent. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Harm, that we appoint to the "Department of Veteran's Affairs" and a "County Service Committee the following: Walter R. Fergus for the period of one year; Joseph W. Smith, for the period of two years; James`F. Crowley for the period of three years; John Widener for the period of four years; and Robert Hendricksen for the term of five years. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by James, seconded by Bivens, That the Sheriff of Adams County is hereby directed to place the County Enginee in immediate possession of all County road equipment in said County. Roll call, Ayes: Bivens, Goble, Hamm, James. Nay: Hohlen and Snyder. Motion by Harm, seconded by Snyder that the following bonds be approved: Carl Oltman, Roadoverseer Dist 1, Ayr Township; and Alfred Fricke, Treasurer, Adams County Noxious Weed District. Roll call, all voted aye. Mtion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by Bivens, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisor's Record: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Nos: 8834 8835 8836 8837 8838 8839 8840 8841 8842 8843 8844 8845 8846 8847 8848 8849 8850 8851 Verner W. Felker, Clerk of the District Court Perry O. Larkin,Diredtor of Welfare Worthy B. Wood, County Sheriff Geo. W. Bivens, County Supervisor Euna Berg, County Clerk Verner W. Felker, Clerk of District Court Verner W. Felker, Clerk of Dist Court Lola M. Hoggatt Mrs. C. A. Arnold Orlando P. Taylor Ingalls & Turner Grain Co. John Fischer State Treasurer -Gas Tax Distribution State Treasurer -Gas Tax Distribution Eriuna Berg, County Clerk Clay County Fred G. Johnson, County Judge G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace Nos: 15.80 8852 31. 7.06 8853 50 8854 4.00 8855 65.4E 8856 15.00 8857 18.38 8858 25.00 8859 20.00 8860 75.00 8861 125.00 8862 19.17 8863 784.84 8864 6250.99 8865 182.45 8866 34.56 8867 416.69 8868 5.00 G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace 2.00 G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace 2.00 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 25.00 State Treasurer, State Assistance 31,177.97 Geo. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace 20.00 Verner W. Felker, Clerk of Dist Court 333.45 Geo. Bivens, County Supervisor 2.00 G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace 5.00 G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace 5.00 Emma Berg, County Clerk 23.84 G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace 7.00 State Treasurer, State Assistance 61.75 Perry O. Larkin,Director of Welfare 84.00 Perry 0. Larkin, Director of Welfare 30.00 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 20.00 Verner W. Felker, Clerk District Court 15.80 Vred 0. Schaffroth, Register of Deeds 471.00 EM 0 247 0 E SeriPrintine Co Motion by Harm, seconded by Bivens, that we adopt the following revolution: "BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Board of Supervisors sell to the following purchasers, the following described properties: Lots 18 & 19, Block 22, :East Park Addition, City of Hastings to Clarence R. Hide for $175.00; Lot 13, Block 6, Voest Lawn Addition, City of Hastings to Charley Abbott for 475.00; Lot 22, Block 1, West Lawn Addition, City of Hastings to John C. Greshan for 480.00; Lot 22, Block 4, Original Town, Village of Roseland to Carl Zubrod for 47.50; Lot 1, Block 8, Second Addition, Village of Kenesaw to Floyd J. Eggers for 422.50; Lots 3 & 4, Block 8, Village of Prosser to Tom Bourg for 420.00; Lots 10 & 11, Block 1, Village of Prosser to Wm. Bockerman for $20.00; Lot 7, Kent's Addition, City of Hastings to Mrs. Lorena Arnold for $25.00; and, that the chairman of the County Board be hereby authorized to execute and deliver quit claim deeds to said Purchaser. Holl call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bohlen, seconded by Harm, that Lots 9 to 12 inclusive Block 3, Original Town, Holstein School District #1 because of an erroneous assessment be cancelled for the years of 1935 through 1946. Boll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, seconded by Harm, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. l GENERAL FUND Adams County Agric. Extension Service 200.00 Adams Co. Vets Co-ord. Comm. 166.66 Albright A. F. 100.00 Allen F. O. 55.00 Amen Alice 135.00 Anderson Aug. 32.50 Anderson Geo 54.00 Augustine Co The 68.50 Berg, County Clerk Emma 114.67 Bivens Geo 30.00 rt Geo 80.00 Blocker A. V. 110.00 Blomenkamp, Co. Supt Ida 61.34 Bohnett William 3.48 Brungardt Tilly Ann 71.50 Burroughs Adding Machine Co 93.07 11 .90 Busboom Curl 125.00 City dater & Light Dept. 47.14 Colber4 Ruth 110.00 Conrad Frank H 260.00 Cunningham L. E. 27.00 Currier Bernie 110.00 teMars Kathleen 3.60 Dick Paul L 19.80 Duca Patricia M 120.00 Eigenberg R. H. 195.00 Eisele Ray 160.00 Evans Mrs. Jesse G 20.00 Felker Alice 120.00 Felker, Clerk of Dist Court Verner W. 83.75 Fyr-Fyter Co. The 6.79 Gilchrist J. H. 90.00 Gilmore William 145.00 Goble Jay 51.55 Hahlweg Aug. 135.00 Harm Wm. 80.00 Hastings Daily Tribune The 130.15 Hastings Typewriter Co The 90.95 Hobrock Dorothy 12.00 Hohlen Wm 80.00 Hoppens John 130.00 James John A 80.00 Janssen Mrs. Hilda 96.75 Joh George 195.00 Johnson, County Judge Fred G. 15.36 Kaufman Mrs. Lucile 13.80 Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. 68.99 Luhring M. C. 145.00 Mahoney, County Treasurer D. 13.18 Milburn & Scott Co. Inc. 24.79 Monroe Calculating Machine Co., 1nc. 32.00 Mullen John J. 55.00 Murphy Company R. E. 34.45 Newell E. S. 30.00 Oelschlager Wm. 105.00 Officers and Employees Payroll 3344.65 Olson A. George 130.00 Omaha Printing Company 19.93 Onken Edward T. 110.00 Parker Gladys Ge 30.00 Parsons Oil Co ,..95 Pinney Dr. George L. ?33.20 Rutherford Plumbing & Heating Co. 1.90 Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Fred 0. 8.50 Schiffler Abe 175.00 q..hl aryal C. G. 132.92 248 0 E. Serf Printing Co 0.2 Sliger Snyder tt Stephenson School Supply Co. Turner United Spanish War Veterans Utecht Wagoner Williams Printing House Wood, Sheriff Woods ROAD FUND A. J 30.00'`, Daniel E 60.00 2.85 .68 Elvin 110.12 36.00 W j 135.00 Clara 130.00 33.00 Worthy B. 177.15 Lester 96.00 Augustin Implement 16.10 Blaine Township 22.00 Boontjer Ted 166.40 Brandes Co. F. H. 27.15 Brown Gerald E 72.40 City tater & Light Dept. 4.90 Clerk -Hill Motor Co 19.68 Clarke Oil Company 139.04 Consumers Public Power Dist. 1.00 Cottonwood Township 73.50 Decker & Son .60 Denver Township 30.75 Dutton Lainson Company 71.85 Eaton Metal Products Corp. 183.56 Essinger J.. 78.40 Faber John 13.50 Fairs Repair 8.45 Farmers Union State Exchange 6.70 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. 156.44 Friend's Motor Supply 15.16 Goble Jay 80.00 Hastings Daily Tribune The 14.88 Hastings Typewriter Co. 11.29 Hoffman Arthur 13.50 Hohlen tura 45.00 Haynes Bros. 2.35 Island Supply Co. The 198.75 Joe's Welding Shop 20.00 Joynt Dale 60,00 Juniata Township 84.30 Katzberg Tire & Battery Service 13,25 Kenesaw Oil Co. 86.08 Kenesaw Township 19.50 Kerr -Cochran Inc. 57,07 11 68.65 Konen Service Peter 11.86 Krulish Battery & Electric Service 26.76 Lenhart Service Station 43.36 Lincoln Equipment Co. 521.27 Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. 14.25 Little Blue Township 147.00 Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. 18.73 Patrolman, Payroll 2209.80 Penney Company J. C. 1.58 Pittz Bros. Service Station 210.79 Pritchard Clyde 4.00 WandaTownship 57.00 Roseland Township 71.50 Sergeant th. D. 9.05 II It 91.04 Shafer Maurice 34.50 Shafer M. R. 24.00 Shuriger Marion 6.00 Sidles Company 14.79 ti 44.95 Silver Lake Township 23.00 Sime A. J. 72.42 rt It 80.07 u 't 60.99 Sinclair Refining Company 57.14 Snyder Daniel E. 30.00 Village of Kenesaw 15.00 Wagner Service Station 73.79 it 2.59 Wilber Service Inc. 270.86 BRIDGE FUND Ayr Lumber Company Baker Bridge, Payroll Drunken Byers Lumber Co. Chicago Burlington & Quincu Railroad 83.42 Harold 183.60 181.30 Macob 154.80 24.00 6.56 Ai i _no _DZ -g o G39� 249 Q E.Seri_ Psinting.Co Hastings Typewriter Company Hohlfeld Paint Company n Island Supply Company Johnson Carl Joe's Welding Shop Kistler 4. G. Moore Neil Noel Martin Reif Henry Sime A. J. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Co. dilder's Service Station Wilber Service, Inc. 5.10 59.39 17.84 67.15 166.80 3.00 7.50 13.50 159.60 169.20 19.06 1012.17 41.79 35.32 COUNTY FARM Electrical Service & Equipment Company 490.00 STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Administrative Payroll 1610.00 Amen Peter 40.00 Berg, County Clerk Emma 24.04 Brinkman Lucia 16.80 Hager Addie 14.60 Hastings Credit Bureau 5.00 Kipp John uv. 75.00 Larkin Perry G. 20.90 Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company 20.52 Moore Vim. T. 7.15 Pettett Etta E. 13.90 Starr Esther M. 11.55 POOR AID FUND Amen Peter Baylor's Grocery Bert's Drug Company 1 Brooke Drug Company Buy Lo Market Cannon Drug Company City of Hastings Gas Department Cook Paint & Varnish Company Eckhardt's Grocery Cayman Mrs. Jessie George Brothers Grocery Gordon Grocery Hastings Fuel Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hiatt Mrs. Lucy Hoffman Mrs. Jacob Jack & Jill -3rd & Burlington Jack & Jill -720 West 1st Jack & Jill -720 West 1st Jones Drug Company # 1 Kendall• fie Klein Peter Kostal Dr. O. A. Larkin Perry O. Larkin,Director Perry 0.. Larkin,Director Perry 0. Leonard's Grocery Leonard Lester Lewman Louise Lux Master Market Inc. MacCashland Dr. A. T. Mackie Star Market Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mikkelsen Drug Company Sowers Dr. W. E. Penney Company J. C. Quality Market Roseland Cash Grocery Rpwley Florence L. Gchippan's Grocery Serf Printing Company O. E. Skaggs Grocery 0. P. Skaggs Grocery O. P. Smith Clara M Spencer Park Market Stop and Shop Market Sunnyside Inc. Tinder's Grocery Vern's Cash Grocery Wilder Gil Station E. E. Zuhrod's Grocery 1.20 16.00 23.84 5.92 77.00 5.40/ 2.41 1.99 32.00 65.00 16.00 34.50 6.70 67.90 20.00 7.50 9.64 93.00 7.50 10.69 30.00 30.00 4.00 13.25 70.96 25.00 12.00 42.50 20.00 44.00 5.00 28.00 75.05 5.36 16.00 8.91 16.00 44.00 18.50 16.00 28.20 .55 137.00 30.00 66.00 36.00 40.00 16.00 32.00 .70 16.00 250 0 E. Serf Printing Co °3b r.J_PIM 0 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Superirisers. County Cler. Depu Y. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Tuesday, June 11, 1947. 10:00 o'clock A.+'. The Adams County Board of Supervisors assembled as per recess of June 6, 1947. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding.. Roll call, members present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James and Snyder. Absent Sergeant. kotion by Snyder, seconded by hohlen, that we purchase one Isaacson Hydraulic Bull Dozer at $1465.00 Omaha from the Nebraska Tractor and Equipment Company to be delivered by June 20th, 1947. Boll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 10:30 o'clock this Board now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Tuesday, June 11, 1947. 10:30 &.clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors, the County Clerk, and the County Assessor met as a Board of Equalization. Jay Goble,.Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James, Snyder, Berg and Anderson. Absent Sergeant.. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Harm, Be it resolved: that, the property owners of the Village of Ayr be notified that the Qualization Board of Adams County, Nebraska will consider and determine whether or not the real estate located in the Village of Ayr, Nebraska has been undervalued and whether or not the valuation should be raised. That said hearing be set for June 26, 1947 and that the County Clerk be directed to give notice as provided by law. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock P. this board now recess until June 12, 1947. hairman COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Wednesday, June 12, 1947. 9:00 o'clock A.M® The Adams County Board of Supervisors, the County Clerk and the County Assessor set as a Board of Equalization as per recess of June 11, 1947. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, Janes, Sergeant, Snyder, Berg and Anderson. At 5:00 o'clock P.M. This board now recess until June 13, 1947. rrT\ 0 r 253 _ID Ser/Printing-Co School District Levies As based on tax certificates filed in the office of the County Clerk by the various school Boards showing amount to be raised by taxation: District No. General Bond 1 23.64 none 2 5.1 It 3 17.78 4 11.4 5 8.00 6 2.46 7 7.5 8 19.68 9 7.7 10 8.26 11 23.1 4.0 12 1.54 ndne 13 7.26 14 4.2 15 7.o 16 3.82 II 17 6.06 ti 18 25.46 1.82 19 7.26 none 20 6.74 It 21 4.48 it 22 12.18 It 23 6.54 it .24 2.0 tt 25 1.22 it 26 6.28 II 27 6.6 it 28 2.66 I, 29 0.0 tt 30 4.0 11 31 3.14 rt 32 5.5 il 33 9.0 it 34-21 3.8 IT 35 6.64 It 36 0.0 it 37 1.52 it 38 5.4 it 39 8.24 it 4o 4.36 II 41 1.14 rt 42-77 22.18 4.0 43 6.16 none 44 1.94 II 45 0.0 46 .98 47 4.54 II 48 10.56 II 49 4.48 it 50 1.96 tt 51 7.0 it 52 1.24 it 53 28.58 :t 54 7.5 II 55 6.86 it 56 7.72 it 57 3.6 it 60 5.16 II 61 0.0 62 9.68 tt 63 13.56 st 64 6.36 II 65 -4.1 It 66 .82 it 67-65 10.56 It 68 6.92 II 69 3.8 it 70 3.54 none 71 8.2 II 72 1.82 it 73 10.52 II 75 5.7 it 76 9.7 it 78 13.8 ?I 81 8.3 It 101 And the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized to extend these levies on the 1947 tax list against the said valuations in the various governmental subdivisions of ,.idams County, Nebraska, Boll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 11 F.d.8. - - 4.4 - - 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 - - 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 Dical 23.64 9.5 17.78 15.8 12.4 6.86 11.9 24.08 12.1 12.66 27.1 5.94 11.66 8.6 11.4 8.22 10.46 27.28 11.66 11.14 8.88 16.58 10.94 6.4 5.62 10.68 11.0 7.06 4.4 8.4 7.54 9.9 13.4 8.2 11.04 4.4 5.92 9.8 12.64 8.76 5.54 26.18 10.56 6.34 4.4 5.38 8.94 14.96 8.88 6.36 11.4 5.64 28.58 11.9 11.26 12.12 8.0 9.56 4. 4 14.08 17.96 10.76 8.52 5.22 14.96 11.32 8.2 7.94 12.6 6.22 14.92 10.1 14.1 18.2 12.7 Motion by jaties, seconded by ,raderson, that every citizen of adams County between the ages of 21 and 50 years be taxed'3.00 each for 01d Age .hssistance Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Lotion by Snyder, seconded by James, that this Board adjourn sine die as a Board of Equalization. All voted aye. Y^tinn p.qr,rierk Board adlourned. r- 254 0 E. Serf Printing Co D� L j l Co COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Saturday July 5, 1947. 10:30 o'clock A.M. Public hearing as per advertised meeting held by the Adams County Board of Supervisor's for the purpose to merge Logan Township bindweed district with the County -wide District. Roll call, all members present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James, Sergeant and Snyder. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Sergeant, That the following resolution be addpted. Resolution: Now on this 5th day of July, 1947, in the Courthouse, Adams County, Nebraska, at the hour of 10:30 A. M. in pursuance to a notice heretofor given in due form as required by law, the matter of the Logan Noxious Feed District becoming a part of an merging with the Adams County Noxious Weed District came on for hearing before the Board of bupervisor's of Adams County, Nebraska, on the petititions, objections, recommendations and reasons therefore of the Director of the Department of ►griculture and inspection of the State of Nebraska, and persons interested in said matter of merging the above named districts into the Adams County Noxious Weed District,. On consideration of the petitions, objections, evidence and the report of the Director of the Department of Agriculture and inspection of the State of Nebraska and his recommendations and reasons therefore, the County Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, being fully advised in the premises, finds that said petitions should be granted. It is therefore ordered that the Logan District become a part of and merge with the Adams County Noxious Weed District in accordance with Sections 2-910 to 2-951, inclusive, of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska, relating to the control and eradication of 'noxious Weeds as amended by L. B. it 219 of the 58th Session of the Legislature of Nebraska, 1943. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried.. This Board will now recess until July 7, 1947. County Clerk. Deputy COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday July 7, 1947. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of July 5, 1947. Jay presiding. Roll call, Members present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, Sergeant and Snyder. Absent: James. Motion by Bivens, seconded by Snyder that the bond of Dick Mulder, Roadoverseer for Silver Lake Township be approved Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Goble, Chairman, Motion by harm, seconded by Bohlen, That the mont'ily reports of the Clerk of District Court, Register of Deeds, Sheriff, County Library, County Judge and County Clerk be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 10:00 o'clock P. M. the Board resumed with all members present.. Motion by Harm, seconded by Hohlen, That the Assessment of Ritz Tavern because of an erroneous assessment be assesse at 41500.00 for the year 1946. Roll call, Ayes: Goble, Hera, Hohlen, James, Sergeant and Snyder, Naye: Bivens. Motion carried. Motion by James, seconded by Sergeant, whereas, the soldier's and Sailor's Relief Commission has been done away with and in its stead a Solder's ReligNsmittee has been created and there is such County Service Commission functioning in Adams County, Nebraska as LB 240,. Now therefore,+hereas, there is funds on hand $2492.39 in the Soldier's and Sailor's Relief Fund. Now therefore, be it resolved that said above fund be and the same is hereby transferred to the Soldier's Relief Cornmtt;eew Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by Hohlen, that we adopt tha folloaind resolution: '+B3 IT RESOLVED, That the County Hoard of Supervisor's sell to the following purchasers, the following described properties: Lots 4 to 1.2 inclusive, Block 9, Dawes and Foss Addition, City of Hastings to Lee R. Bovard for $225.00; Lot 19, Block 8, West Lawn Addition, City of Hastings to Herman H. Scheidemann for 0110.00; West Lot 16, Block 4, ingraharn's Subidivion. to A. L. Swanson, for 025.00; Lot 20, Block 8, West Lawn Addition, City of Hastings to Paul J. hupf for 0110.00; Lot 6, Kent's Addition, City of Hastings to Chris Niemeyer for 025.00; Lots 8 & 9, Kent's Addition, City of Hastings to Lorena Arnold, for 052.00; and, that the chairman of the County Board be hereby authorized to execute and deliver a quit claim deed to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Snyder, that we purchase one Buckeye Modle 70, one Jahn Modle 415 Trailer and one Omaha Modle L C R 3/4 yd Dragline Buckett, price not to exceed $15525.00 F.G.B. Hastings. Roll call, Ayes: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James and Sergeant. Nays: Snyder. Motion carried. Motion by James, seconded by Harm, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams County Agricultural Extension service 300.00 Amen Alice 20.00 American Education Press, Inc. 29.60 Anderson Aug. 32.00 Anderson George 55.00 0 E. SeriPrinting..Co —63 J 251 COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, June 13, 1947. 9:00 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors, the County Clerk and the County Assessor set as a Board of Equalization as per recess of June 12, 1947. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Motion by Sergeant, seconded by Harm, that the request to reduce the improvements on Lot 14, block 4, Thompson's Addition, City of Hastings, be assessed at $1350.00, and the improvements on Lot 17, Block 10, St Joseph's Addition be assessed at $625.00, and the request to reduce West 50 feet Lot 37 and the East 25 Feet Lot 38, Kerr's Addition, City of Hastings, be not granted. Roll call, all voted ayel Motion carried. At 5 o'clock P. M. this board recessed until June 26th, 1947. Chairman COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday June 26, 1947. 2:00 o'clock F.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors, the County Clerk and the County Assessor met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of June 13, 1947. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Goble, Harm, Hohlen, 'lames, Sergeant, Snyder, Berg and Anderson. Absent Bivens. At 2:00 o'clock P. M. the board of Equalization met to consider and determine whether or not the real estate located in the Village of Ayr, Nebraska has been under valued and whether or not the valuation should be raised. Arguments "For" and "Against" were heard. Evidence insufficient to be raised. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Sergeant, That the personal property of the Stanolind Pipe Line Company be assessed as follows: Tankage $6000.00; Machinery & Tools $10,000.00; miscellaneous $5000.00; and that the Improvements on Real Estate located on the SW4 Nay. of Ayr and Vest of Burlington Railroad Right of ay lection 3, Township 5, Range 10, be assessed at $7385.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock P. M. This board now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board. County Chairman eputy COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday July 9, 1947. 2;00 o'clock P.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors, the County Clerk and the County Assessor met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of June 26, 1947. Jay Goble, Chairman,presiding. Roll call, members present; Bivens, Goble, Harm, James, Sergeant, Snyder, Berg and Anderson. Absent: Hohlen.. Motion by James, seconded by Snyder, that the Improvements on SW4 HW4 3-5-10 Zero Township be assessed at $6000.00. Ayr Village at $2935.00. Personal be assessed at Tankage $6000.00; Machinery & Tools $4000.00; Miscellaneous $1500.00; Roll call, all voted ayeL Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Supervisors. 252 _Tara 0. E. SertPrinting Co COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Monday 2%ugust 25, 1947. 10:00 o'clock A.L. The Adams County Board of Supervisors, together with the County Clerk and County Assessor, met as a Board of JLquali- zation at the call of the County Clerk as per recess of July 9, 1947, Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James, Snyder, -`,nderson and 3erg. Absent: Sergeant. Motion by Snyder, seconded by James, that the i-Ldarns County board of supervisors adopt the following Adams County Budger for the year of 1947-1948 to -wit: FUNDS Require- ments. GENERAL 135,162.00 BRIDGE 87;500.00 ROAD 180,210.00 ADMINISTRATION & COUNTY RELIEF 30;000.00 POOR FAITH: 5,050.00 SOLDIERS 'RELIEF COMMITTE7 COUNTY FAIR. COUNTY BLIND MOTHERS' PENSION • ERECTION OR REPAIR FUND 1,000.00 2,344.00 100.00 2,000.00 25,000.00 Final Summary of County Budget. Fiscal Year July 1, 1947 to June 30, 1948. Outstanding 'Warrants, Etc. 800.00 500.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 none none none none none none Roll call, ryes: Livens, Goble, James, Snyder, Reserve 40,000.00 3;500.00 45,000.00 10,605.00 260.00 -none 1,000.00 none Total 175;9_62.00 91;500.00 235,210.00 41;650.00 5,310.00 1000.00 3,344,00 526.96 Cash on :misc. Amount to Total Hand Revenue be levied 7-1-47 by Taxation 77;632.00 26;800.00 71;530.00 51;346.00 18;450.00 21,704.00 188,336.00 117,000.00 none 38;005.00 -none 5,624.00 1,500.00 2;492.00 1,607.00 none 500.00 2,500.00 3,538.00 none 25,000.00 none none none none none none 2.05 .62 none 3,600.00 .10 none none none. 1,737.00 none none .06 none none none 25,000.00 .72 Berg. Nays: Harm and Hohlen. Pass: Anderson. Motion carried. iiotion by 6nyder, seconded by Hohlen, that we levy 4.4 mills for the Free High School Fund on all property outside the Free High School Districts. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, equalized by this said valuation in seconded by james, that 'WHEREAS, the assessed valuation of Adams County for the year 1947 as Board, accepted and approved by the State Board of iIiqualization, are now ready to fix a levy on each subdivision be as follows, to -wit: Adanis County Levy As based on the above Budget. General Fund 2 05 liridge Fund .62 County Fair Fund 06 County Relief 0ommittee none Mother's Pension Fund rone Poor Aid Fund none Unemployment Relief none rone Road Fund Poor Farm Fund .. ... . . . • . .... ............ none County Blind iund none Erection or Repair Fund 72 City and Village Levies As based on tax certificates in the office of the County Clerk by the City and Village Clerks: Bond general Fund City of Hastings none .19.38 Juniata Village none 18 00 Kenesaw Village 5 0 11 80 Ayr Village none 10 0 Roseland Village 8.0 9 8 Holstein Village none 9 4 Prosser Village none 8 0 Trumbull Village 4.0 5 0 Township Levies As based on tax certificates filed in the office of the clerks showing amount voted to be raised by taxation: vest township Highland Township Verona Township Kenesaw Township . . .. anda Township . oe . ee so Juniata Township Denver Township blaine Township Hanover Township all purposes 9 11 11 11 County Clerk by the various township 20 26 28 • • . . ........ 12 1 54 1 54 1 66 88 224 0 E Serf Printing Co_ E-0@ u0 0 Blomenkamp, County Supt. Blomenkamp, County Supt. Brungard Byers Lumber Company City of Hastings, Gas Department City Water & Light Department Colbert Conrad Coordt Cunningham Currier DeMars Dickerson Duca Dunmire Dunmire Evans Felker Felker, Clerk of Dist Court Gilchrist Goble Grant Publishing Co. Guarantee Electric Co. Hanchen bindery Harm Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Company Hobrock Hohlen Industrial %nterprises Inc. James Janssen Johnson K_B Printing Company Kee Lox 'danufacturing Company Keystone View "ompany Knebel Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. Mahoney, County Treasurer Martin Lumber Company Martin Plumbing Company Milburn & Scott Company, Inc. Nelson Olson Omaha School Supply Company Officers and Employees Payroll Parker Pinney Russell Russell Scarry & Company Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Schlegal See & Hear Magazine Sergeant Skultety Sliger Snyder Snyder Stephenson School Supply Co. Tilden United Chemical Company Inc. University Publishing Co. Wagoner Williams Printing house Wood, Sheriff ROAD FUND Adams County Noxious Weed District Armco Drainage & Metal Prudtcts Inc. Ayr Township Ayr Township Ayr Township Binderup Hardware Company Blaine Township Brown Brunken Brunken Byers Lumber Company City Water & Light Department Clark Hill Motor Company Clarke Oil Company Clarke Oil Company Clarke Oil Company Consumers Public Power District Cottonwood township Ida 28.48 Ida 300.00 Tilly Ann 59.80 6.70 79.23 Ruth 46.78 Frank H 30.80 Anne40.00 37.05 Lottie E. 34.50 Bernie 20.00 Kathleen 4.20 F. E. 7.50 Patricia M. 125.00 Lawrence 6.00 Lawrence 1.69 Mrs. Jesse G. 20.00 Alice 62.40 Vernerr. 1..15.25 J. H. 20.00 Jay 80.00 6.00 1.98 110.50 Wm• 80.00 31.17 13.15 19.75 Dorothy 44.70 Wm. 80.00 80.00 John A. 80.00 Hilda 78.00 Fred G. 14.25 61.15 6.55/ E 89.02 E. L. 9.00 64.65 D. 11.77 12.56 203.70 46.96 Lee 160.00 A. George 125.00 .70 3659.1.3 Gladys G. 30.00 Dr. George L. 41.50 Harry F. 12.00 Harry F, 15.00 B. J. 23.14 Fred 0. 7.50 C. G. 35.00 6.00 I. D. 80.00 Ann 103.35 A. J. 40.00 Daniel E. 80.00 Floyd 95.75 4.43 Helen 15.00 14.06 4.00 Clara 30.00 103.25 Worthy B. 239.74 28.10 939.52 42.50 63.75 123.00 9.20 95.25 Gerald L. 42.95 J. 12.00 James 185.00 1.54 3.16 310.95 127.10 68.00 25.90 1.00 131.50 256 -, J (2 -J- O. �o O. E. Serf Printing Co Firestone Tire & Rubber Company Hageman Hardware Company Hanover Township Hanover Township Hanover Township Hargleroad Van and Storage company Highland Township Highland Township Highway Motor Freight, Inc. Island supply Company Johnson's Lash Way Lumber Company Kelly Supply Company Kenesaw Oil Company Kistler D. U. Koch Edward Lilley Ed Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Telephone 4 Telegraph Company Lippincott M. M. Little BlueTownship LoganTownship Logan Township Messer Company B. J. Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co. Miro-Flex Company, inc. Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Company Newell, 'Township Clerk W. A. Patrolman Payroll Pittz Brothers Service Station Reiners, Township 'i'reasur.er 4ugust Saathoff Service Sergeant A. D. Schaffer Jack Sherman Service Center, Inc. Silver Lake Township Sime A. J. Sime A. J. Sime A. J. Sime A. J. Sime A. J. Sinclair Refining Co. Wagner Service Station Luanda Township West Blue 'T'ownship west Blue Township Widener's Store Zero Township Zero Township Zero Township Zero Township BRIDGE FUND 114.31 8.88 42.00 53.50 93.00 59.00 79.75 137.75 31.96 168.16 3.00 74.57 141.94 4.50 115.50 4752.32 1903.69 24.88 1098.56 19.50 134.00 77.00 2.50 34.00 25.13 2943.54 166.50 2630.00 94.77 196.50 5.73 34.13 82.60 36.57 90.50 88.93 129.29 15.94 57.21 97.15 52.06 276.45 16550 32.50 42.00 1.70 137.50 32.50 132.00 49.00 Allis John A. 120.00 Ayr Lumber Company 63.44 Baker Harold 180.00 Binderup Hardware Company 12.45 Bridge Payroll 200.00 Byers Lumber Company .50 Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railroad Lo. 1426.34 Dutton-Lainson Company 1.25 Eaton Metal Products Corporation 181.95 Gerloff William 174.40 Gerloff Wm. E.' 3.50 Godig Luther 64.80 Hastings Daily Tribune 39.2.0 Johnston Carl M. 165.60 Kistler D. G. 5.65 McGrath Hardware Company J. H. 1.95 Matthiesen & Company Carl H. 3.50 Noel Martin 158.40 Prunty .ichard 80.00 Henry Ft1 of 158.40 Sime A. J. 20.68 Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Company 6087.59 Wilder Oil Company Station 33.92 SOLDIER'S R=F7:; COMMITTEE Adams County Soldier's Relief:Gommi.ttee 100.00 STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Administrative Payroll 1610.00 Amen Peter 40.00 Berg, County Clerk Ery 24.32 Naner Addie 16.45 E.P1 -DM EA Moore Nuss Pettett Starr Foote Clinic Cox Ernst Ernst Follett Book Company Hansen Harpham Harpham Harrell Harrell Hastings Carnegie Library Hastings Carnegie Library Jones Jones Eindig Kindig Parks Parks Snell Snell COMPENSATION FUND COUNTY LIBRARY FU POOR AID FUND Brooke Drug Company Buskirk Grocery Buy Lo Market Cannon Drug Company City of Hastings -Gas Department Cook Paint & Varnish Company Eckhardt's Grocery Foote Clinic Gayman George Brothers Grocery Hastings Credit Bureau Hastings Typewriter Company Hoffman Hoffman, Cafe Hoffman, Cafe Jack & Ji11-720 ". 1st Jones Drug Company # 1 Kendall Kissler Grocery Klein Eostal Larkin -Director Latta Leonards Grocery Leman Lincoln Telephone & Lelegraph Company Livingston -Butler kuneral Home Lux Master Market Mackie's Grocery Mikkelsen Drug Company Nowers Pinney Polk & Company Quality Market Roseland Cash Grocery Royal Typewriter Uompany Inc. Safeway Grocery Safeway Grocery Schuppan's Grocery Serf printing Company Skaggs Grocery Smith Spencer Park Market Stop and Shop Market Sunnyside Inc. Tinder's Grocery Vern's Cash Grocery Wegmann Whisinand's Grocery -Blvd. Ave. Zubrod's Grocery Aid Dependent Children Blind. Uld ARe Assistance WM. T. Dr. H. V. Etta E. Esther M. ND Clifford Ars. Waunetta Mrs. Waunetta Mrs. Dale Grace Grace Mrs. °ma Mrs. Pma Ars, Aaron Ars. Aaron Mrs. Margaret Ars. Margaret alter halter Mrs. Howard Ars, Howard Mrs, Jessie Mrs. Jacob Urban Urban Mrs, Lffie Peter Dr. O. A. Perry O. Dr. E. J. Louise Dr, W. B. Dr, George L. R. L. O. L. 0. P. Dr. A. A. ASSISTANCE FUND 4.60 3.00 12.70 11.00 9.50 7.52 20.00 20.00 20.71 50.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 90.00 90.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.57 120.00 100.00 5.40 2.18 1.06 32.00 23.00 65.00 16.00 5.00 13.85 7.50 19.75 23.25 93.00 14.77 30.00 48.00 30.00 7.00 78.27 8.25 110.50 20.00 17.60 75.00 16.90 28.00 11.54 4.00 10.00 12.00 16.00 16.00 121.13 44.00 87.00 16.00 10.00 41.00 50.00 21.50 32.00 40.00 16.00 16.00 10.00 174.00 16.00 6879.80 539.00 258 M g 7 0 0. E. Serf Printing Co COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday July 15, 1947. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of July 7, 1947. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding, Roll call, all members present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Bohlen, James, Sergeant and Snyder. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Snyder, That the follewing a4reement be adopted. Agreement: This Agreement entered into this 15th day of July, 1947, between the County of "dams, State of Nebraska, herein called the County and the Kansas - Nebraska Natural Gas Company, Inc., a Kansas Corporation, herein called the Company; WHEREAS, the Company is preparing to construct certain natural gas pipe lines within the said County of Adams, for the transmission of natural gas through said County and desires to construct a portion of said pipe lines upon and along the right-of-way of certain public roads within said County of Adams; NOV- THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar (41.00) to the County paid by the Company, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the County hereby grants to the Company, the right to construct, install, maintain and operate a pipe line for the transmission of natural gas in, under, upon and along the public highways situated and described as follows, to -wit: Starting at S.1. corner of Section 32 T8 B.9 and extending south approximately one-half mile in the East edge of township road along west side of Section 5 T7 R9. It is understood and agreed that the Company may lay said pipe line either in and along the road surface or in the grader ditch, but that said roads shall always be kept open for traffic. The company agrees to replace the surface. of said roadways and leave same insofar as is practicable in as good condition as existed immediately prior to the installation of said pipe lines. The Company covonants and agrees with the County that it will protect, save harmless and indemnify the County from and against all liability, loss, damage and expense suffered by or imposed by the County by reason of the construction and installation of said pipe line, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreement is executed in duplicate the day and year first herein set forth.. ATTEST /s/ Emma Berg WITNESS: /s/ 1. Iv. Peel Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. COUNTY OF Adams, STATE OF Nehraska By /s/ Jay Goble Chairman of County Board KANSAS-N.FRASKA NATURAL GAS COMPANY, INC. By /s/ la. E. Wilson Vice Pres. Motion. by Snyder, seconded by Bivens, That the County Clerk be instructed that no tax refund or reduction shall be made without official action of the County Board of Bupervisors. toll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Bupervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, July 30, 1947. 10:00 o'clock A.M., Public hearing held by the Adams County Board of Supervisors for the purpose of entering objections, suggestions, or corrections to the 1947-1948 County 'Su get., Roll call, members present: Bivens, Coble, Harm, hohlen, James, Sergeant and Snyder. The following is FUNDS the proposed County Budget for the year 1947-1948. Summary of County Budget and Fiscal Year July 1, 1947 to Require- ments GENERAL 135,162.00 BRIDGE 87,500.00 ROAD 180,210.00 COUNTY RELMF 30,000.00 POOR FARM 5,050.00 SOLDIER'S RELIEF COMMISSION 1,000.00 COUNTY FAIR 2,000.00 COUNTY BLIND 100.00 MOTHERS' PENSION 2,000.00 ERECTION OR REPAIR FUN 25,000.00 COUNTY LIBRARY 3 000.00 (Outside HastingW Outstanding Ivarrants, Etc, 800.00 500.00 10,000.00 1,000,00 none none none none none none 100.00 Reserve 40,000.00 3,500.00 45,000.00 10,605.00 260.00 none 1,000.00 none 500.00 none 500.00 Cash on Hand • 7-1-47 77,632.00 51,346.00 188,336.00 38,005.00 5,614.00 2,492.00 1,607.00 526.96 3,538,00 none 40 3 . 42 Misc, Revenue Levy Comparisons June 30, 1948, 26,800.00 18,450.00 117,000.00 none 1,500.00 none none none none none none Amount to be raised by Taxation 1947 Levy 71,530.00 21,704.00 none 3,600.00 none none 1,393.00 none none Proposed mount raised by Levies Taxationl6 .. 50,980.00 None none none none 2.20 .64 none .10 none none .0$ none none 25,000.00 .76 3,697.00 .16 none 1,930.00 none none none 2,426.00 1946 Levies 1,58 none none none none none .06 none none none .10 K9) ORZ °3 O. 1r. SArf Printing Co 259 COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday July 30, 1947. 11:45 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of July 15, 1947. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, Members present: Bivens, Coble, Hama, Hohlen, James and Snyder. Absent: Sergeant.. Motion by Bivens, seconded iv Snyder. That we purchase from Eaton Metal Products Corporation 1-36"x20' Toucan Culvert @ $5.22, 4-42":ti22' Toucan Culvert @ 06..13, 6 - 24" x 20' Toucan Culvert @ 02.61 and 1-6" u " bands and from Lincoln Steel Works 5-36"x20' @ " r 3 a 18" t 6-21 connecting,2 X5.22, 5-30 x20 @ �c3.24, 1-1811x4' @ X1.97, 1-18T'x�' @ �1.979�18"x8'C an. 5-36", 5-30" and 4-18' bands; and from Armco Drainage and Metal Products Company 1-15"x4', 1-15"x6' & 1-15'x8' @$1,41 3-15" bands @ 41,41 - 6-18"x11' @ 01t97 1-30" bands @ 03.24, 1-30" bands @ $3.24, 4-48"x22' bands @ $7.06. 4-48" ban 07.06 6-18 bods 0 01.97 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now adjourn subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Supervisor's. County C Depu y COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday August 6, 1947. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisor's met as per recess of July 7, presiding. Chairman 1947. Jay Goble, Chairman, Roll call, Members present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James, Sergeant and Snyder. Mintues of the last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Bivens, That the following Resolution be adopted:"BE IT RESOLVED, That, whereas, M. L. Springer, guardian of the estate of David Breede, an incompetent person, has made application to the commissioners of Adams County, Nebraska, for their approval of the proposed sale of the real estate of said David Breede,incompetsn for the purpose of reinvesting the proceeds received therefrom in United States Savings Bonds, Series "G", we hereby certifythat we have examined into the proprieites and advisability of said proposed sale, and find it advantageous and for the best interest of said incompetent person and we fully approve of the same, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by James, seconded by Sergeant, That the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisors Record: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried., Nos: 8869 987© 8871 8872 8873 8874 8875 8876 8877 8878 8879 8880 8881 8882 8883 8884 8885 8886 8887 8888 8889 8890 8891 8892 8893 8894 8895 8896 8897 889$ 8899 8900 8901 8902 8903 M,D.Sergeant, County Supervisor U S. Treasury Vtiorthy B. Vood, County Sheriff Geo, Bivens, County Supervisor Emma Berg, County Clerk TOm Bourg Mrs Lorena Arnold Clarence R. Hide Floyd J. Eggers Carl Zubrod John C. Gresham Charley Abbott Wm. Eockerman Grace H. Simpson,Justice of Peace State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. Juniata Farmers Co -Operative Assn. Gertrude kvil1mes Gertrude +illmes State Treasurer -State Assistance Emma Berg, County Clerk Emma Berg, County Clerk Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace Verner W. Felker, Clerk Dist Court Verner Felker, Clerk Dist. Court Perry 0. Larkin -Director Grace B. Simpson, Justice of Peace Fred 0. Schaffroth, Reg. of Deeds State 'Treasurer, State Assistance Fred G. Johhson, County Judge Jay Goble, County Supervisor Verner W. Felker, Clerk Dist Court Worthy B. Wood, Sheriff Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 99.16 648,00 32.25 2,00 62.73 18,07 25.00 175,00 22.50 7.50 80.00 75.00 17.02 13,00 948.68 7555.92 55.58 10.00 25.00 31,380.60 24.04 177.90 15,00 10.00 10.80 315.45 148.94 60.00 341.15 158.05 543.95 7.50 185.10 48.00 /8 . /0n0 10.00 Nos: 8904 Pete Galligo 8905 Emma Berg, County Clerk 8906 Dan Snyder, County Supervisor 8907 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 8908 G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace 8909 Lee R. Bovard 8910 Herman H. Scheidemann 8911 Paul J. Hupf 8912 A. L. Swanson 8913 Lorena Arnold 8914 Chris Niemeyer 8915 State Treasurer, Gas Tax Dist. 8916 State Treasurer, Gas Tax Dist. 8917 State Treasurer, Diesel Tax Dist. 8918 State Treasurer, Diesel Tax Dist. 8919 Geo. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace 8920 Geo. W. Bivens, County Supervisor 8921 E.runa Berg, County Clerk 8922 Vertier+ Felker. Clerk of Dist Court 8923 Kansas Nebraska Nati Gas Co. 8924 Fred G. Johnson, County Judge 8925 State Treasurer, State Assistance 8926 Perry 0, Larkin, Director 8927 Emma Berg, County Clerk 8928 Fred G. Johnson, County Judge 8929 t' red G. Johnson, County Judge 8930 Fred 0. h"chaffroth, Register of Deeds 8931 Verner Vv, Felker, Clerk of Dist Court 8932 State Treasurer, State Assistance 8933 Grace H. Simpson, Justice of Peace 8934 Fred G. Johnson, County Judge 8935 Adams County Loan, by D. E. Snyder 8936 Fred G. Johnson, County Judge 8937 Grade H. Simpson, Justice of Peace 8938 G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace 2.00 89.33 2.00 7.00 2.00 206.46 110.00 110.00 25.00 52.00 25.00 1018.18 8109.49 9.82 78.24 10.00 6.00 184.00 255.39 1.00 404.00 31,014.10 60.00 24.32 200.00 400.00 351.45 10.39 420.04 34.00 500.00 827.38 44.00 65.00 10.00 9; sC LfU NY r 0 E. Serf Printing Co Motion by ,James, seconded by Snyder, That this Board of Supervisors rejedt any and all bids of lumber. Roll call, Ayes: Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James and Snyder. Nays: Bivens and Sergeant. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Hohlen, That we purchase 2 Car loads Average # 1 Common Full Sawn Rough Douglas Fir 3x11 -16t - First car to be delivered in 20 days @ ;73.45 per M. 2nd Car if delivered in 20 days @ $73.45 per M and if delivered after 20 days and by October 1st, 1947 '4 $71.95 per M. And one carload from Byers Lumber Company -same specifications as above @ CP73.45 if delivered within 20 days and if delivered after 20 days and by October lst,1947 @ $71.95 per M. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by James, seconded by Snyder, That the monthly reports of the Clerk of the District Court, Carnegie Library, County Clerk, County Judge, County Sheriff, County Clerk Car Titles, Register of Deeds, be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Bivens, that we adopt the following resolution: "BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Supervisors sell to the following purchasers, the following described properties: Lot 1 and 2, Block 2, Cole's First Addition, City of Hastings to Joe Thein for 035.00; Lots 6 to 11 inclusive Block 1, Prospect Park Addition, City of Hastings to Raymond A. i,krAtson for 0630.00; Lot 7, Block 12, Prospect Park Addition, City of Hastings to Raymond L. Taylor for 025.00 (Subject to sewer tax) and,that the chairman of the County Board be hereby authorized to execute and deliver quit claim deeds to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried.. Motion by Harm, seconded by Hohlen, That the following personal taxes be stricken from the tax records because of erroneous assessments to -wit: w. L. Tompkins 1936 01.02; Mrs. Catherine Woods, Ayr Township, Year 1929, $1.25; V. A. Palm, year 1937, $14.00; F. Brandes Co, year 1939, $22.32 and $3.72; F. C. Medals year 1942, 10.52; Harold Schmidt year 1942, 05.00; Dr. Wm, lAegmann, year 1943, $10,20; Carl lhotee Jr, year 1944, ',>4.38; Doris L. Talbot year 1944, 0.00; for the year 194 as follows: M. G. Opley $12.24; Earl W. Shipley $9.00; G. VonKampen $8,28; Nellie Cantwell 03.00; Raymond Turner $23.12; Frederick viright $2.A3; Wm. L. Zwink s7.79; James Froscheuser ,j,7.79, and Richard Stull, 0.43. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, seconded b- Sergeant, That the claim of the Adams County Soldier's Relief Committee be cut from $250.00 to 085.00. Roll call, all voted aye. notion carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by ames, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the'County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, Ayes: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James, Nays: Sergeant and Snyder. GENERAL FUND Adams County Agricultural xtension Service Anderson Berg, County Clerk Bivens Blomenkamp, County Superintendent Brurigard City Vater & Light Department Coordt City of Hastings- Gas Department Co 1hext Conrad Ditsch Dunmire Dunmire Evans' Evans Felker, Clerk of Dist Court Gant Publishing Company Gee Construction Company Goble Hann Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Rubber Stamp Illorks Hastings Typewriter Company Hobrock Hohlen James Janssen Joe's Velding Shop Johnson, County Judge Kay -Dee Company Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company Mahoney, County Treasurer Mahoney, County Treasurer Milburn & Scott Company inc. Murphy Company Murphy Company Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Company Officers and Emplcyees Payroll Parker Pinney Russell schaffroth, Register of Deeds Serf Printing Co. Sergeant Skultety 250,00 Aug. 38.00 Emma 6.50 George W. 80.00 Id% 24.88 Tilly Ann 63.70 43.88 Anne 52.00 17.02 Ruth 110.00 Frank H. 10.00 F. E. 19.46 Lawrence 6.00 Lawrence 17.00 Jesse .70 Mrs. Jesse G. 20.00 Verner 100.64 3.00 300.00 Jay 80.00 80.00 29.63 30.00 58.00 2,50 65.46 Dorothy 31.50 nm. 80.00 John A. 80.00 Hilda 87.50 1.00 Fred G. 41.38 The 7.00 67.05 D. 88.24 D. 23.94 7.78 R. E. 60.00 R. E. 2.30 6.70 3719.13 Gladys G. 30.00 Dr, Geo. L. 49.80 Harry F. 18.00 Fred O. 6.00 O. E. 134.95 M. D. 80.00 Ann 107.90 .T /0..00 0 R. S.erLPrinting..Co NTTO 410.16 D] i 0 0 University Publishing Company Wood, Sheriff York ROAD FUND Adams County Noxious heed District Augustin Implement Augustin Implement Blaine Township Block Boyd Brown Brunken Burge City Water & Light Department Clark Hill Motor Company Clarke Oil Company Consumers Public Power District Davis Denver Township Dutton_Lainson Company Dutton-Lainson Company Grace's Bike & Key Shop Hageman Hardware Company Hammel, Implement Company Hastings Battery & Electric, Inc. Hastings Equity Grain Bin Mfg, Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hohlfeld Paint Company Island Supply Company Joe's Welding Shop Kenesaw Lumber Company Kenesaw Motor Company Kenesaw Oil Company Kenesaw Telephone Company Kenesaw Township Kistler Koch Lenha.rt Service Station Lilley Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Steel u orks Lincoln Telehone & Telegraph Company Little Blue Township Losee & Cornelius Auto Works Nicholson Supply Company Patrolman Payroll Pfeiffer Pritchard Ring Roseland Township Saathoff service Station Schaffer socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Inc. Sidles Company Sidles Company Silver Lake Township Sime Sime Sime Sime Sinclair Refining Company Snow Snow State Hawkinson Tread service Wanda Township Watson Bros. Transportation Conpany,Inc. West Blue Township Wilber Service BRIDGE FUND Aragon Ayr Lumber Company Baker Boudreau. Boudreau Bridge Payroll Byers Lumber Company Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railroad Clay County Highway Department Gerloff Gilbert Harper Hastings Equity Grain Bin Mfg, Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hohlfeld Paint Company Worthy B. Duane L. Robert Byron Gerald E. Jacob Lester A. J. J. The 1), G. Ed Ed J. H. Donald E. Donald Loren Jack L. A. J. A. J. A. J. A. J. J. E. J. E. Anthony J. Harold William illiam William Robert E. A. B. 10,98 278,56 3.81. 25.20 13.58 21,08 38,00 28.00 753.00 89,05 52.44 30,65 3.36 436.38 110.32 1.00 59,25 30,50 38.00 1.52 1.50 6.10 2.60 27.43 2.52/ 1.10 1.98 288.79 4.25 23.09 5.64 1"6.65 14..60 13.00 1.75 63.00 17.97 9129,92 4.8.37 6,83 30.54 35.75 47.75 29.20 2630.00/ 140 .75 21.00 136.80 118,50 21,4.0 1.33,00 70.95 3.65 13.A1 85,50 83,20 73.95 33.51. 120.75 157.83 55.25 87.02 187,64. 49,50 1.09 20.50 90.17 30.00 11.73 191.60 22.50 63.75 200,00 1457.03 506.53 24.50 183.60 14,25 56.60 35,00 3.40 81.36 LIU r O. E. Serf Printing Co Kistler Kriiker Landie McGrath Hardware Company Noel Prunty Rief Ring Sime Wheeler lumber Bridge & Supply Wilder Service Station Company D. G. Albert W. Gerald J. H. Martin Aichard Henry Loren A. J. SOLDIERS RELIEF COMMITTEE Adams Uounty Soldier's Relief Committee STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Administrative Payroll Hager Hastings Kipp Moore Pettett Ernst Harpham Harrell Jones Kendig Parks Snell Tribune Watkins Typewriter Company Graphic Arts Book Shop Addie John W. Wm. T. tta E. COUNTY LIBRARY FUND EOUNTY FAIR FUND Adams County Agricultural. Society POOR AID FUND Amen Berg, County Clerk Binderup Hardware Company Booke Drug Company Buskirk Grocery Buy Lo Market City of Hastings -Gas Department City Water & Light Department .6ckhardt's Grocery Gayman Gant Publishing Company George Brothers Grocery Harrington Hastings Credit Bureau Hastings Drug Company Hastings Typewriter Company Herbst Grocery lioffman Jack & Jill Grocery -3rd & 46urlington Jack & Jill Groceryz720 W. lst Kendall Kissler Grocery Klein Ko stal Larkin -Director Larkin -Director Latta Leonard's Grocery Lewman Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company Livingston -Butler runeral Chapel Micek & Upton, Drs Mikkelsen Drug Company Murphy Company Mowers Quality Market Rathbone Roseland Cash Grocery Safeway Grocery Serf Printing Company Spencer Park Grocery Sy,n,nor Pnrl," illATMAnV Mrs. Waunetta Grace Mrs. alma Mrs. Aaron Mrs, Margaret waiter Mrs. Howard Emma Peter Emma Mrs, Jessie Dr, A. E. Mrs. Jacob Mrs. Effie Peter Dr, O. A. Perry O. Perry O. Dr, E. J. Louise R. E. Dr, W. E. Mrs, Elizabeth O. E. 6.00 58.25 15.00 38.90 8.00 15.20 119.60 24.40 34.37 31.70 28.35 85.00 1610.00 19.50 71.00 75.00 4.35 14.05 20.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 43.90 73.45 1600.00 40.00 24.32 2.45 4.50 60.00 81.33 6.04 2.16 32.00 18.90 1.50 16.00 16.00 5.00 6.19 47.60 96.00 7.50 4,00 93.00 30.00 16.00 30.00 2.00 50.00 6.95 3.00 69.50 20.00 14.76 35.00 5.00 15.99 17.50 49.00 16.00 25.00 16.00 73.50 28.25 9.00 1.88 °MO 11 263 0 _E. seri Printingco Aid Dependent Children Blind Old Agr Assitance ASSISTANCE FUND This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Ghairwan of the County Supervisors. COURT `HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Saturday September 6, 1947. 10:00 o'clock A.M. 6720.80 539.00 22,324.44 Chairman Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of August 6, 1947. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, Members present; Bivens, Harris, Hohlen, James, Sergeant and Snyder. Absent: Goble. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Sergeant, That we appoint yam. Hohlen temporary chairman, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 11:15 all members present. Jay Goble, Chairman presiding. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Sergeant, that the bonds of Chas. G. Roeder, Justice of Peace, Kenesaw Township and John V. Utecht, Roadoverseer District # 3, Juniata: Township be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried., Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Bivens, that the monthly reports of the (2) County Clerk Car Title. Clerk of the District Court, Register of Deeds, County that. Sheriff and County Clerk be placed on file, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried., Motion by Harm, seconded by Snyder, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisor's Record: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Nos: 8939 8940 8941 8942 8943 8944 8945 8946 8947 8948 8949 8950 8951 8952 8953 8954 8955 aaorthy B. Wood, County Sheriff Verner W. Felker, Clerk Dist. Court Emma Berg, County Clerk Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Pete Golligo Daniel Snyder, County Supervisor Daniel Snyder, County Supervisor State Treasurer, Gas Tax Dist. State 'Treasurer, Gas Tax Dist. Joe Thein.. Raymond A. Watson haymond L. Taylor Verner V. Felker, Clerk Dist. Court Verner W.. Felker, Clerk Dist. Court Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Webster County G. E. Brown Verner W. Felker, Clerk Dist. Court Nos: 37.25 8956 15.00 8957 56.95 8958 52:(0)g 9.0 8959 2.00 8960 250.00 8961 250,50 8962 917.93 8963 7311.03 8964 197.03 8965 600.00 8966 8967 25.00 15.80 8968 9.50 5969 60.00 8970 136.68 8971 193.75 Emma Berg, County Clerk State 'Treasurer, state Assistance Louis Buhr by Jay Goble G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace G. D. McArthur, Justice of_Peace Fred G. Johnson, County fudge Fred G. Johnson, County fudge Thos. Frahm =exec. Est of Robert Ray Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Verner W. Felker, Clerk Dist. Court Verner A. Felker, Clerk Dist. Court Verner W. Felker, Clerk Dist. Court Fred Johnson, County Judge urace H. Simpson, Justice of Peace Emma -berg, County Clerk Fred 0. Schaffroth, Register of Deeds 164.00 31,461.26 4.50 2.00 5.00 9.11 387.80 Damerell 110.00 7.00 11.19 .80 15.80 333.08 58.00 24.32 312.15 Motion by Harm, seconded by Snyder, that we adopt the following resolution: "BE IT RESOLVED, that the of Supervisors sell to the following purchasers, the following described properties: Lot 7, Block 2, rohrer's Addition, City of Hastings, to Chauncey Ray Menuey for 450.00; Lot 7, Block 8a„ Cole's First Addition, City of Hastings to Earl Stark for 450.00; Lots 23 & 24, Block 3, West Lawn Addition to Kenneth H. Howarter for $180.00; and, that the chairman of the County Board be hereby authorized to execute and deliver quit claim deeds to said purchasers.Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by James, that the following personal taxes be stricken from the tax records because of erroneous assessments to—wit: John Schultz, City of Hastings 1946, $3.00, Disability; W. S. Gates, City, 1944, $1.10 paid in Gosper County; Earl W. Byers, City, 1946, $17.52, paid in Buffalo County; Subeno Moreno, City, 1945, be assessed at $50.00; Mrs. Everett Krell, City, 1936, 45.00, taxes of Everett Krell, deceased; Virgil Keith, 1938, 43.00 poll tax & 1939, 43.00 poll tax. In National Guard; Albert A. Wiseman, 1941, 42.50 in Army; Leonard Larson, City, 1945 $3.00, Disability; Leo L. Morrissey, City, 1945, $24.85, sold Ford to Nielsen Chevrolet Company January 15, 1944; Frank H. nluver, 1946, be assessed at $300.00; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by James, seconded by Snyder, that we cancel the order for two Caterpillar Motor Graders, D. No. 12 0 $14068.20 purchased from Lincoln Road Equipment Company,purchaseporder dated January 8, 1946, and one Adams Motor45 purchase a from the Nebraska Tractor and Equipment 512 Grader @ 49694. ase order died January 8, 1946,purchased Company, and one Double drum winch with cable @ $1110.00 purchased from Nebraska Tractor and Equipment Company., Roll call, Ayes: Bivens, Goble, Harm, James and Snyder. Nays: Hohlen and sergeant. County Board Motion by Snyder, seconded by Bivens, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County 264 WAS 'II GU --____0. E.SertPrifltIflg• Co 4. GENERAL FUND Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Anderson Berg, County Clerk 3inderup Hardware Company Givens Blomenkamp, County Supt. Brungard City of Hastings -Gas Department City Water & Light Department Colbert Coordt Cunningham Evans Felker, Clerk of District Court Goble Guarantee Electric Company Hammond & Stephens Company Harm Harpham Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter company Hobrock Hohlen James Janssen Johnson, County Judge Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company Loskill Lowman,Company McCormick4lathere Publishing Company Makie Star Market Mahoney, County Treasurer Milburn & Scott Company, Inc. Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Company Officers and Employees Payroll Parker Parker Pinney Rose Hus sell Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Sergeant Skultety Sliger Snyder Standard Electric Company Stephenson School Supply Company Stitt Company Tarrs Service Van Patten Williams Printing House hOod, Sheriff • ROAD FUND Anderson Equipment Company Ayr Lumber Company Bierman Implement Company Blaine Township Block Boyd Brown Burge Byers Lumber Company City Water & Light Department Clark -Hill Motor Company Clarke0il Company Clarke Oil Company Clarke Oil Company Consumers Public Powsr District Cottonwood Township DeBord's helding Shop Denver Township Fairs Repair Foote Equipment Company - Foote Equipment Company Hageman Hardware Company Hastings Transfer Company Highland Township Holstein Lumber Company Island Supply Company Johnson's Cash -Way Lumber Company Juniata '2ownship-A.Newell-Clerk Keister n------. Aug. Emma George W. Ida Tilly Ann Ruth Anne Lottie E. Mrs. Jesse Verner Jay m. Joe Dorothy WM. John A. Hilda Fred G. G. Mrs. Harold WM. M-. Carroll P. Gladys G. Dr. George 21ildred Harry F. Fred 0. D. Ann Adam J. Daniel E. Albert E. Lydia Worthy B. Bob Byron Gerald E. Dester A. Leland h. 200.00 31.00 12.75 31.75 80.00 26.39 46.80 9.46 55.20 84.65 38.88 43.00 20.00 96.44 80.00 4.35 74.02 80.00 2.00 79.75 4.00 89.20 58.80 80.00 80.00 86.50 20.50 73.64 8.00 54.00 131.61 9.71 9.62 31.66 1.71 3719.13 .75 30.00 41.50 4.00 15.00 8.74 80.00 91.65 35.00 80.00 2.00 2E2.81 5.48 1.10 3.00 5.75 187.52 6640.00 6.50 43.18 76.50 42.00 851.84 70.95 7.75 88.92 1.50 328.77 27.20 42.37 9.25 1.00 24.50 20.00 30.50 4.00 21.55 11.12 14.66 .85 36.00 97.95 51.28 7.50 78.16 1.76 140.19 n Tr certPrimUwW,o NOP nW U1-63 Mr] J �oo 0 Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Steel "orks Lincoln Steel Works Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company Lippincott se Lippincott Mose Logan Tonship McShane Company T. S. Nebraska "uto Parts Company Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Company Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Company Oliver Bob Patrolman Payroll Pfeiffer Donald E. Pittz Brothers Service Station Pittz Brothers Service Station Pritchard Donald Ring Loren Saathoff Henry B. Schaffer Jack L. Service Center The Shannon & Company J. Jacob Sidles Company 'he Sidles Company The Sidles Company The Sime A. J. Sime Sime A. J. A. J. Snow J. E. Stewart Plumbing& Heating Company Stewart Plumbing & Heating Company Texas Company The Thomas Specialty Manufacturing Company Traeger 'agners Service Station Wagners Service Station ''est Blue Township �'�estern Land Roller Company "idener's Store Zero Township BRIDGE FUND Anderson Equipment Company Aragon Armco Drainage & Metal Products, Inc. Ayr Lumber Company Baker Binderup Hardware Company Bridge Payroll -Byers Lumber Company Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railroad Clarke Oil Company Friend's Motor Supply Gerloff Holstein Lumber Company Jacobs Jr. Johnston Kerr -Cochran Inc. Kerr -Cochran Inc. Kiiker Lincoln Steel Works Lincoln Steel °Yorks Blef Sidles Company Schmidt Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Company Wilber Service Vuilder's Service Station Yilk Hardware Carl P. Anthony J. Harold William Willis Charles Carl M. Albert W. Henry The Chas. SOLDIER' S RELIEF CO,s/1ITTEE Adams County Soldier' s Relief Co:x _Lit t ee. STATE, ADMINISTRTION FUND Administrative Payroll Berg, County Clerk Brinkman Brinkman Brinkman Hager Kipp Larkin Larkin -Director Emma Lucia Lucia Lucia Addie John N. Perry O. Perry 0. 415.98 18.56 870.15 30.69 1170.24 996.56 32.00 44.00 12.00 481.23 10311.99 21.00 2332.51 179.30 64.38 114.84 140.00 198.80 48.05 161.00 98.68 7.75 3.00 9.00 12.46 78.69 94.85 114.87 81.45 1.85 7.22 49.00 2.00 10.00 124.64 41.75 24.50 1600.00 3.00 13.00 7150.50 184.50 346.84 3.73 188.00 22.30 225.00 .62 19.00 50.04 .53 184.00 16.60 80.00 36.00 22.30 32.40 164.00 169.20 332.16 168.00 1.76 1.75 2491.36 70.42 53.85 1.90 85.00 1610.00 24.20 10.75 3.15 2.95 18.30 75.00 2.50 2 _nn 266 Dff of 0. E. Serf. Printing Co COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Ernst Follett Book Company Grace Harpham Hastings Carnegie Library Jones Mrs. Aaron Kindig Mrs. Margaret Parks vJalter Snell Mrs. Howard watkins Book Shop E. Mrs. . Waunetta B. Charlton, L D. Uridil Harvey Holstein Lumber Company Lowman & Company honnekamp COMPENSATION FUND COUNTY FAQ. POOR: AID FUND G. Paul J. E. H. D. "m. George 20.00 4.92 5.00 90.00 5.00 8.00 5.00 5.00 33.80 32.00 90.00 233.55 41.25 270.00 Adams County Treasurer -Aid to Dependent Children's Fund 409.25 Adams County Treasurer -Old Age Assistance Fund 59.70 Amen Peter 40.00 Brooke Drug Company 2.62 Buy Lo Market 75.00 Cannon Drug Company 4.88 City of Hastings -Gas Department 2.15 City of Hastings -Gas Department 2.03 City of Hastings -Water & Light Department 2.15 City of Hastings -water & Light Department 4.33 Coates Grocery 51.00 Commercial Printing Company 5.00 Donley --Stahl Company 15.16 Eckhardt's Grocery 69.00 Hall County Department of ti"ielfare 106.37 Hastings Credit Bureau 5.00 Hastings Typewriter Company 6.40 Hoffman Mrs. Jacob 7.50 Hoffman, Caf eUrban 6.15 Jack & ii11,720 W. 1st 93.00 Jones Drug Company # 1 5.51 Kendall Mrs. Effie 30.00 Kissler Grocery 16.00 Klein Peter 33.69 Larkin -Director Perry 0. 36.68 Larkin Perry 0. 15.75 Latta Dr. E. J. 14.50 Lewman Louise 20.00 Livingston -Butler Funderal Chapel 105.90 Mace Dr. John L. 3.00 Mikkelsen Drug Company 13.35 Nowers Dr. '+u . B. 2.00 Pinney Dr. George L. 5.00 Quality Market 16.00 Roseland Cash Grocery 16.00 Rowley Florence G. 18.50 Safeway Grocery 32.0054,00 Skaggs Grocery 0. P. Stop and Shop Market 16.00 Sunnyside inc. 40.00 Tinders Grocery 16.00 Vern's Cash Grocery 32.00 ti'�hisinand's Grocery -Bast Side Blvd. 39.00, 00 Vhisinand's Grocery -West Second St. 23, Wilder's Oil Station E. E. 2.10 Aubrod's Grocery 16.00 ASSISTANCE FUND Aid Dependent Children Blind Old Age Assistance This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Supervisors., 7859.10 663.20 24,011.22 NOP 267 COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday September 19, 1947. 2:00 o'clock P.21. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of September 6, 1947. Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Bivens, Goble, Harrn, Hohlen, James, Sergeant and Snyder. Motion by Bivens, seconded by Harm, that the following list of names be submitted to the Glerk of the District Court from which to draw the jury for the next term of District Court: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Supervisor District, ho. 1 Highland Township: Robert Patterson and R. G. Hoagland, Blaine Township:Henry Buscher and George Bohlen. West Blue Township: E. J. Pfeiffer, Elmer Srnidt and Arthur Meester. Denver Township: Henry Mohling, Harmon Pfeil, John D. Van Lengen and Gilbert Matthews. Jay Goble, Supervisor District No. 2 Juniata Township: Laurence Bonifas, John Utecht and Harlow Gangwish. Verona Township: Walter Katzberg, August Uden, and Edwin R. Kent. Wanda lawnship: Walter Felzien, Herbert Roeder and W. B. Bobbitt. Kenesaw Township: Guy Edmondson and Lester tligustin. Supervisor District No. 3 Cottonwood Township: Albert Granstrom, Vernon Routh and John Trauernich. Logan Township: Albert Lang, J. A. Christensen and Erwin Riese. Silver Lake Township: Theodore Kranau, Edwin Buschow and Mildred Blankenbiller. Roseland Township: William Ehrman and S. S. Heuertz. Supervisor District No. 4 Ayr Township: Jennie Dekuth, Leora Traeger and Herman P. Ggrloff. Little Blue Township: Glenn Overy, John H. ''ost and Dan Sohnuerle, Zero Township: Harry Reiber, h. K. Sanford and Mrs. Pearl Robinson. Hanover Township 4- Wm. E. Stromer and Virgil Kemper. Supervisor District No. 5 Mrs. Theresa Drohman, Ed Peters, Richard Kort, Mrs. Atha Dobesh, Mrs. Marion Ditsch, Mrs. Hattie Fette, Mrs. Rose Esmay, Millard Cornelius, -Lillian Brungardt, Mrs. Dorothy Battles, Fred E. Walther and Fred J. Eckhardt. Supervisor District No. 6 H. A. Uoos, Frank H. Conrad, Mrs. Erma Bunch, Mrs. Evelyn Davis, Mrs. Floy E. Ball, Ars. Alicia Mrs. Alene Turner, L. C. seger, Edward Onken, Harry E. Banta, Frank W. Taylor and E. A. Shriver. Supervisor District No. 7 Harry sorley, Ralph Dominy, Bernard Eihusen, Frank English, Oliver Magner Jr, 4rs. Joseiph Gilchrist, Helen Rakestraw, Fred M. Max, Virginia Magee and Jennie DeBord. Motion by James, seconded by Snyder, that we accept the resignation of Lawrence Dunmire to become effective October 10, 1947. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. j. Mulvihill, Antionette Weiler, Mabel Caton, Motion by James, seconded by Hohlen, that we adopt the following resolution: "BE IT of Supervisors sell to the following purchasers the following described properties: Lots 1 to 12 inclusive, Block 10, Trousch's Subdivision of Blocks 9 and 10 Lowmants of Hastings, to G. E. Buchanan for $360.00; Roll call, ayes: Bivens, Goble, Hohlen, Harm and Sergeant. Motion carried. Lots 1-2-3 Block 6, West Lawn Addition to Harold Hohlen, James and Snyder. Nays: Sergeant, Motion to execute quit claim deeds to said purchasers. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the M. RESOLVED, That the County Board North Side Addition to the City James and Snyder. Nays: Gale Finnerty for v300.00. Roll call, Ayes: Bivens, Goble, Harm, carried. and, that the Chairman of the County Board be authorized Chairman of the County Supervisors. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday October 6, 1947. 1000:o'clock A.L. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of September 19, 1947. Jay. Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James, Sergeant and Snyder. Motion by Notes l% Motion by Soldier's Motion by deceased, Sergeant, Harm, seconded by James, that we approve the substitution of the following bonds: $10,000 U. S. Treasury due 9-15-47 for $10,000 U. S. Treasury Notes 1% due 10-1-48. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Hohlen, seconded by Bivens, that we transfer $3.62 from the Soldier's and Sailor's Relief Fund to the Relief Committee. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Snyder, seconded by Bivens, that we instruct the County Treasurer to file claim against Lucy Fergus, for the reimbursement of payment received for Old Age Assistance. Roll call, Ayes: Bivens, Goble, James, and Snyder. Nays: Harm and Hohlen. Motion carried.. 268 0. E. Serf Printing Co DR7 rn"\ Motion by Bivens, seconded by Snyder, That the following taxes be cancelled from the tax records because of erroneous assessments, to -wit: Real Estate - year 1904, SW 4 16-5-12, $36.40; '"P 16-5-12 $36.40; Wi 36-5-12 $60.45 -School Land; Personal taxes: City of Hastings fro the year 1946, Clarence Hein $10.25; W. R. Cooper, 48.76; Willard Luedke $16.31; Elsie F. Grobe $E,76; Twyla V. Debbon $15.09; E. H. Steiger 46.00; Wallace W. Young $8.76; F. A. Eichelberger 43.89; Don Orendorff 4.38; Eugene Miller $11.20; hay F. Mahaffey 44.87; wayne L. Anderson 42.68; Katherine A. Moeller $16.06; H. J. Becker $4.38; Bernard Smith 49.24; 1"TS. John Bickley 011.93; Robert D. Hayes $17.52; Year 1944, Reinhold Reiss $7.67; Year 1931, Melvin Kennedy 43.00; and Little Blue Township year 1946, Asa H. Long 42.49; and Roseland Township year 1936, Hattie Genzmer $15.28; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by Hohlen, that we assess the improvements on :Lot 7, Block 12, Dietz Addition, City of Hastings for the year 1947 at $675.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At this time the matter of the appointment of County Attorney to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Lawrence Dunmire and the following list of applications for the position were read by the Clerk: Joseph R. Heimann, Preston J. McDonnell, H. F. Favinger, James F. Crowley, and Albert P. Madgett. Motion by James, seconded by Snyder, that we proceed to vote an informal ballot for the appointment of a County Attorney to fill vacancy. MOtion carried. The Chairman appointed supervisors Snyder and Sergeant as tellers. An informal ballot was taken which resulted as follows: Madgett five (5), Favinger One (1), Crowley One (1). Motion by Bivens, seconded by Snyder, that we appoint Albert P. Madgett as County Attorney to fill the vacancy to become effective October 10th 1947. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sergeant, seconded by Harm, that the monthly reports of the Clerk of the District Court, Sheriff, County Judge, County Clerk Car Title, Register of Deeds, County Library be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Snyder, seconded by James, that the following miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisor's Record: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Nos: 8972 8973 8974 8975 8976 8977 8978 8979 8980 8981 8982 8983 8984 8985 8986 8987 8988 worthy B. wood, County Sheriff Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Hammell Implement Company Emma Berg, County Clerk State Treasurer -State Assistance Mary E. Newell, Estate State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist, State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. Kenneth H. fiowarter Earl Stark Chauncey hay Mennuey G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace Fred Johnson, County Judge Harry F. Russell, Attorney Grace H. Simpson, Justice of Peace NO3: $ 18.50 8989 15.00 8990 6.00 8991 775.00 8992 48.00 8993 2807.32 8994 565.45 8995 1168.19 8996 9304.29 8997 180.00 8998 50.00 8999 50.00 9000 2.00 9001 7.50 9002 100.00 9003 380.46 9004 20.00 Verner W. Felker, Clerk District Court Burroughs State Treasurer -State Assistance Adams County Adams County Emma Berg, County Clerk U. E. Buchanan G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace Grace H. Simpson, Justice of Peace "erner W. Felker, Clerk District Court Fred G. Johnson, County Judge P. E. Boslaugh Fred 0. Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Verner W. Felker, Clerk District Court Emma Berg, County Clerk Motion by Snyder, seconded by Harm, that we adopt the following resolution: of Supervisors sell to the following purchasers, the following described properties: Lot 9, Block 5, West Lawn Addition, City of Hastings to B. H. Halboth for $100.00; Lot 5, Block 3, Taggartts Addition, City of Hastings to Earl Starks for $35.00; Lots 1 and 2 and 19 and 20 Block 3, Steven's Subdivision City of Hastings to William h. Ioepke for $150.00; Lots 1 to 3 inclusive Block 8, Dawes and Foss Addition City of Hastings toJ. J. ?ittman for $60.00; NWAi Block 4, Cook's Second Addition -Roseland Village to L J. Brophey for $40.00; Lots 540 to 542 inclusive Juniata Village to George Joh for $20.00; and, that the Chairman of the County Board be hereby authorized to execute and deliver quit claim deeds to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 318.75 10.00 26704.31 409.25 59.70 24.20 360.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 15.80 608.65 10.00 411.20 11.63 166.60 "BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board Motion by Harm, seconded by Bivens, that we authorize Perry Larkin to make special investigation on legal responsibl relative of patients committed to State Institutions. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Hohlen, that the salary of Carroll P. Parker, Deputy Sheriff be $150.00 per month. Roll call, Ayes: Goble, Bohlen, James, Sergeant and Snyder. Nay: Bivens and Harm. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, seconded by Snyder, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County C'lerk be instructOd to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, Ayes: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James and Snyder. Nay: Sergeant. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, seconded by Harm, that the experienced Clerks in the various offices be paid $130.00 per month beginning October 1, 1947. Roll call, Ayes: Bivens, Goble, Harm, James and Snyder. Nays: Hohlen and Sergeant. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Anderson Berg, County Clerk Bivens Blomenkamp, County Supt. Coordt Brown Brown -McDonald Company Brungard Aug. Emma George W. Ida A. E. Dr. J. W. Tilly Ann 250.00 30.50 37.25 80.00 60.48 63.36 3.00 36.30 63.70 I 04 v Seri Printing Co ogri -7) 269 Cunningham Lottie E. 26.00 Dunmire Lawrence 6.00 Evans Favinger Dirs. J. G 20.00 H. F. Felker, Clerk of District, Court Verner . 1154(f):06(0) French 10.00 W Minnie Goble Jay 80.77 Wm. 80.00 Harm Hastings Daily Tribune The 110.81 Hastings Typewriter Company :06:30 Hastings Typewriter Company 3.30 Hide Printing Company the 19.00 Hillers Agency 10.00 Hobrock :irldtahY Wm A. 80.00 80.00 Hohlen 86.25 James Janssen Johnson, county Judge 50.00 Kingsley Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company ZdIDG..w. MicCormick-4athers Publishing Company kahoney, County Treasurer D. Maytag Appliance Company 2.01 Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Company 2.59 Officers & Employees Payroll 3819.68 Penney Company J. C. 6.84 Pinney 1r. George L. 1.50 . L. Polk & Company R 6.00 Schaffroth, Register of Deeds :71 807.50 .000. Russell Harry F. 29' 15.00 Sergeant Skultety Ann 7.80 Sliger Adam J. Snyder 27500 45.008() Daniel E. 0 West Publishing Company E William Printing House 265.00 Williams Printing House 8.25 Wood, SheriffWorthy B. ROAD FflND Arnold Gerald E. 28.00 Ayr Lumber Company 1.95 Ayr Lumber Company 7.36 Baker Guy 186.40 Block Bruce 6.54 Boyd Byron 1932.09 Brown Gerald E. 80.51 Burlington Transportation Company 6.10 Byers Lumber Company 75.27 Byers Lumber Company 86.71 City Water & Light Department 3.49 Clarke Oil Company 51.62 Clarke Oil Company 48.00 Consumers Public Power District 1.00 DeBordls Welding Shop 14.50 c Decker & on 8.00 Dutton-Lainson Company 162.70 Dykeman 'Norval 126.00 Fair's Repair _ 9.15 Foote Equipment L'ompany 11.84 Friend's Motor Supply 14.52 Hageman Hardware Company 7.32 Hansen Building Specialties, Inc. 3.50 Hastings Battery_& Electric, Inc. 14.41 Hastings Equity Grain Bin Mfg. Company 42.00 Holstein Lumber Company 7.20 Home Oil Company 1.85 Island Supply Company The 15.00 Island Supply Company The 91.58 Joynt Dale 6.54 Kenesaw Oil Company 321.26 Kistler D. G. 28.00 Koch David. M. 6.54 Krulish Battery & Electric Service - 6.99 Lenhart. Service Station 19.85 Lilley Ed. 3174.67 Lincoln Equipment Company 857.40 Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company 18.70 Moore Van. 106.11 Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Company 10.13 Patrolman Payroll 2405.60 Petrie Arthur 6.54 Pfeiffer Donald E. 177.95 Pittz Brothers Service Station 164.35 Pittz Brothers Service Station 62.90 D1W rr";\ D3 _0. E. Serf Printing Co Sime A. J. Sime A. J. Sime A. J. Sinclair Refining Company Sinclair Refining Company Snow J. E. Spitz Foundry spitz Machine Shop S. Re Wagners Service Station Wilber Service Zero Township BRIDGE FUND Aragon Anthony J. Ayr Lumber Company Baker Harold Bridge Payroll Burge Lester A. Burge _ Lester A. Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railroad DeBord's Welding Shop DeBord's Welding Shop Dutton-Lainson Company Firestone Tire & Rubber Company Gerloff William Hargleroad Van & Storage Company Hastings Typewriter Company Jacobs Jr. Willis Charles Johnston Carl k. Kiiker Albert Monroe DeWayne aebraska Tractor & Equipment Company Reif henry Spitz Machine Shop Sweeten Sid Texas Company The Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Company Wilder's Service Station Adams SOLDIER'S RELIEF COjIMITTEE County Soldier's Relief Committee STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND 48.75 108.69 114.52 86.55 112.54 153.10 650.00 59.45 86.95 3.00 28.00 176.00 19.20 195.50 225.00 27.11 3.00 738.82 12.75 5.00 27.98 18.41 191.25 16.00 .50 28.00 184,00 176.00 147.00 28.19 172.00 14.75 7.50 2.56 1552.82 45.65 85.00 Administrative Payroll 1547.16 Brinkman Lucia 7.80 Hager Addie 19.10 Hastings Typewriter Company 15.69 Hide Printing Company 12.95 Kipp John W. 75.00 Larkin Perry 0, 2.60 Larkin -Director Perry O. 25.00 Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company 19.80 Moore Wm. T. 5.45 Pettett Etta E. 19.35 Starr Esther M. 15.75 COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Cox Clifford 5.36 Ernst lAaunetta B. 20.00 Harpham Grace 8.00 Harrell Mrs. Uma 8.00 Harrell Mrs. Oma 8.00 Hastings Carnegie LibEary 90.00 Jones Mrs. Aaron 8.00 lindig Mrs. Margaret 8.00 Parks alter 8.00 Snell ars. Howard 8.00 COMPENSATION FUND Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Smith COUNTY FAIR. FUND Adams County Agricultural Society COUNTY FARM Collier Hageman Hardware Company Holstein Lumber Company 12.75 Dr. hrthur A. 6.00 L. B, 200.00 98.15 1.84 7.40 Pa7 _a..E._sertPrintng Co LA OTA POOR AID FUND Adams County Treasurer -Aid to ependent Children's Fund Adams County Treasurer -Old Age'Assistance Fund Amen Peter Berg, County Clerk Emma Buskirk Grocery Buy Lo Market Cannon Drug Company Coates Grocery Cook Paint & Varnish Company Eckhardt's Grocery Foote Clinic George Brothers Grocery Hastings Credit Bureau Hastings Rubber Stamp Works Hiatt Mrs. Lucy Hoffman Mrs. Jacob Hoffman, Cafe Urban Jack& Jill -720 W. 1st Jones Drug Company it 1 Kendall ars. Effie Kissler Grocery Klein Peter Larkin -Director Perry 0. Latta Dr. E. J. Leonard's Grocery Lewman Louise Livingston -Butler Funeral Chapel Lux Master Market Mace Dr. John L. Mackie's Grocery Mikkelsen Drug Company bowers Dr. W. E. Penney Company J. C. Pinney Dr. George L. Quality Market Rathbone Mrs. Elizabeth Roseland Cash Grocery Rutt's Drug Store # 1 Rutt' s Drug Company #f 2 Skaggs Grocery 0. P. Spencer Park Grocery Stop and Shop Market Sunnyside Inc. Tinder's grc3.cery klisinand's Grocery -East Side blvd. Whisinand's Grocery -est 2nd St. Wilder' s Oil Station E. E. ASSISTANCE FUND Aid Dependent Children Blind Old Age Assistance This Soard will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Supervisors. 404.85 91.03 40.00 23.56 120.00 14.00 .94 51.00 2.14 32.00 12.00 32.00 5.00 5.10 33.00 7.50 21.40 93.00 8.51 30.00 16.00 30.00 55.87 1.00 25.50 20.00 5.50 28.00 3.00 16.95 9.54 12.00 1.98 5.00 16.00 50.00 16.00 .75 2.98 55.10 5.00 16.00 40.00 16.00 85.00 19.50 .98 5115.00 703.60 19,782.40 Chairman 272 °,S 0 0. E. Serf Printing Co COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday November 6, 1947. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of October 6, 1947. Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present: Bivens, Goble, Harni, Hohlen, James, Sergeant and Snyder. Motion bd Harm, seconded by Snyder, that the following resolution be adopted RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska hereby approve the entry upon the records of the Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, whereby J. A. Cates, then county clerk of Adams County, Nebraska, endorsed upon said records .with reference to Se4.`feet of E block 6 St Joseph's 2nd Addition, City of Hastings an erroneous entry of tax for 1920 the following endorsement, to -wit; nVoid on account of error in assessi .ent". Roll call, alitoted aye .Motion carred. Motion by Harm, seconded by Snyder, That the following taxes be cancelled from the 1946 Personal tax records because of erroneous assessments to -mit: City of Hastings: Noy D. Chaplin, 45.11; �yalter T. Roth, x3.16; Ormond L. Comer, $6.09; Gladys M. Sonday, 44.14; Lloyd Sonday, 42.43; George D. Schafer, $7.55 & $5.60; H. J. l'ibby, $4.87; kL• C. Miles, 4P20.93; E. A. Watson, 418.99; Mrs. Verne Berry, $3.00; J• P• iLooney, 420.69; Verona Township: Paul D. Nogers, 4.33; Hanover Township: E. J. Hinrichs 41.09; Roseland Township: Gertrude E. Villmes, 421.92; Lrror in School District 42 should have been School District # 6. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sergeant, seconded by Hohlen, that the following tax be cancelled from the 1946^ Personal tax record becaus of erroneous assessment, to -mit: Vanda Township: Donald Heckler, 43.67, Roll call, Ayes: Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James, Sergeant and Snyder. lays: Bivens. Motion carried. Motion by Harr., seconded by Snyder, That,'bhereas, the County Assessor has assumed the duties as provided LB 91 passed by 1947 Legislature. Now, therefor, Be it Resolved, that he continue in said duties and receive the salary as therein provided from the effective date September 7, 1947, of said law, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried Motion by Harrn, seconded by Snyder, that applications of Frieda Coppedge, Laura Hecht, Nettie May, Vivian McNiell, Dorothy Schutte, Dorothy Young, Bettie Pickering for Mother's Pension be allowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by James, seconded by Bivens, that the following monthly report of the County Clerk Car Titles, (2), County Clerk, County Library, Register of Deeds, County Judge, Sheriff, Clerk of the District Court be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 'aotion by Hohlen, seconded by Snyder, That on April 6, 1947 said Adams County Board of Supervisors sold to one John E. Aulner Sr. Lots 11 and 12, Block 15, Rosenfeld's Addition and which was in error and should have read Lots 11 and 12 Rosenfeld's Subidivion of Block 15, of Saint Jose:h Second Addition to the City of Hastings, "dams County, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Snyder, that the bond of A. P.adgett, County Attorney, for 41,000.00 be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, seconded by Harm, that the following Aeiscellaneous Record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Nos: 9005 9006 9007 9008 9009 9010 9011 9012 9013 9014 9015 9016 9017 9018 90L9 9020 9021 9022 9023 9024 9025 9026 hos: Geo. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace 2.00.`9027 Geo. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace 2.00 9028 Harold Gale Finnerty 300.00 9029 State Treasurer, State Assistance 242.57 9030 ti orthy B. VNood, County Sheriff 70.76 9031 Henry Evans 3.00 9032 Fred G. Johnson, County Judge 26.52 9033 George Joh 20.00 9034 Earl Starks 35.00 9035 Vain, H. kpepke 150.00 9036 L. H. Halboth 100.00 9037 J. J. Wittman 40.16 9038 M. J. Brophy 22.57 9039 Lisle Hanna, County Judge, Clay County 51.07 9040 Fred G. Johnson, County Judge 207.46 9041 State Treasurer, Gas Tax Distribution 1033.79 9042 State Treasurer, Gas Tax Distribution 8233.85 9043 G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace 2.00 9044 G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace 2.00 9045 State Treasurer, Rual & Star Mail Route 6178.42 9046 Grace E. Simpson, Justice of Peace 60.00 9047 Verner I. Felker, Clerk of District Ct. 10.95 9048 9049 Receipts be made a part of the Supervisor's Verner 14. Felker, Clerk of District Court Verner W. Felker, Clerk of District Court Jay Goble, County Supervisor Verner U. Felker, Clerk of District Court Grade Simpson, Justice of Peace Adams County Vuarrant # 145, Poor Aid Adams County Poor hid darrant V 144 G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace Eznrna Berg, County Clerk Emma. Berg, County Clerk Emma berg, County Clerk Fred G. Johnson, County Judge State Treasurer -State Assistance Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Verner W. Felker, Clerk of District Court Fred 0. Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace V6ilfred L. Kort Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Perry O. Larkin, Director State Treasurer, State Assistance Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace Verner W. Felker, Clerk of District Court 17.30 50.00 326.58 217.50 50.00 91.03 404.85 5.00 23.56 180.10 49.45 370.50 26,764.12 62.00 17.30 404.05 60.00 8.00 50.00 100.00 272.90 35.00 8.99 Motion by Bivens, seconded by Snyder, that we accept the resignation of George D. McArthur, office of Justice of the Peace, effective immediately. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by James, seconded by Harrn, that we appoint H. F. Favinger to the office of Justice of the Peace, created by the vacancy of George D. McArthureffective at once and until the next General Election. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, seconded by Hohlen, that the salary of the Custodian be reaised from $90.00 to 4100.00 per month. Roll call, Ayes: Bivees, Goble, Harrn, Hohlen and Snyder. hays: Jaynes and Sergeant, Motion carried. Motion by James, seconded by Harm, that the salary of the two Deputy Sheriffs, naively:- Carroll Parker from 0150.00 to 4160.00 per month and George Sarver from 4150.00 to 4160.00 per month. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Bivens, that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, lays: Livens, Goble, Harrn, Hohlen, James and Snyder. 0 A' Serf Printing co WPM GENERAL FUND Adams County Agricultural Extension Service Adams County Service . Commission American Book Company* Anderson Arvanette's Beckley-Cardy Company Bee Printing Company Benton Review Publishing Co. Inc. Berg, County Clerk Binderup Hardware Company Bivens Blomenkarnp, County Supt. Brungard Cafe Dale City of Hastings -Gas Department City Water & Light Department Civic Education Service Colbert Commercial Printing Company Coordt Cunningham Evans Felker, Clerk of District Court Ginn and Company Goble Grace's Bike & Key Shop Hale & Company Harm Hastings .Gaily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Company Hawkinson Haynes Brothers Hide Printing Company Hobrock Hohlen Hoover Itzen Janssen Johnson, County Judge K - B 13rinting Cornpany Lincoln T4lephone & Telegraph Company Madgett Brothers Insurance Agency Mahoney, County Treasurer Mahoney! County Treasurer Martin lumbing Company Milburn & Scott Company Inc. Monroe Calculating Machine Company, Inc. Montgomery Ward Company Mustard Nebraska Book Store News Map of the week Inc. Norval Officers & Employees Payroll Pinney Price Russell Sergeant Silver Burdett Company Skultety Sliger Snyder State of Nebraska-Dapartment of Health Stephenson School Supply Company Taedter West Publishing Company Wood, Sheriff World Book Company ROAD FUND Arnold Augustin Implement Company Ayr Lumber Company Ayr Lumber Company Baker Bierman Implement Company Block Braden Construction Cornpany Brown City Fuel & Feed Company City Water & Light Department Clark -Hill Motor Company Clarke Oil Company Clarke Oil Company Clarke Oil Company Cnnsnmars Pi,hl i r PnwPr Di st.ri rt. Aug. Emma George W. Ida Tilly Ann Ruth A. E. Lottie E. Mrs. Jesse G. Verner . Jay E. M. YVm. The jhe Harold W. Dorothy Wm. John S. H. Hilda Fred G. D. D' Earl Charlie Dr. George Gerald L. Harry F. M. D. ynn A. J. Daniel E. Ruth Worthy B. Gerald E. Guy Bob Gerald E. 300.00 85.00 2.83 10.00 21.55 418.00 155.95 3.49 30.17 30.71 80.00 55.21 101.12 17.95 46.11 58.86 24.65 130.00 7.75 72.88 26.00 20.00 368.31 9.97 80.00 3.00 3.60 75.00 92.69 1045.09 118.87 6.00 4.95 84.10 110.00 80.00 150.00 15.00 100.10 20.05 15.00 74.80 5.41 152.07 7.65 2.00 59.92 22.00 4.75 11.77 120.86 36.00 10.00 3784.13 41.50 1.45 15.00 80.00 11.18 7.11 60.00 80.00 96.25 2.39 50.00 12.00 234.64 11.48 14.00 22.86 26.45 .66 198.40 8.04 101.50 14.40 90.31 8.24 1.69 114.47 27.75 28.68 29.15 1 _ AL 274 D -11-0C12- 0 M. Serf Printing Co 7.50 DeBord's Welding Shop 119.52 Dens -Oil Lubricant Company 53.06 Dutton-Lainson Company Norval G. 175.00 Dykeman 36.54 Fair's Repair 118.56 Firestone Tire & Rubber company 2444 Foote Equipment Company 1.70 Friend's Motor Supply Toney 2.66 Friend's Motor Supply 11.45 Glenwood Telephone Company 66.50 Gunderson 3.85 Hageman Hardware 7.50 Hastings Typewriter Company 54.00 Highland Township 151.60 Holstein Lumber Company 51.60 Holstein Lumber Company The 95.33 Island Supply Company IJ, K. 90.00 Johnson a, H. 9.88 Jones Company 28.00 Gene Juranek Junior X7.50 Juranek 171.07 Kenesaw Lumber Company 108.51 Kenesaw Oil Company 1.50 Kerr -Cochran Sales Company 1.00 Kistler D. G. 156.10 Koch Ed Koch .1,c1 175.00 Krulish Battery & Electric Service 6.93 Lenhart Service Station Lilley 35.39 d 5231.08 Lilley 4d 439.68 Lincoln Equipment Company 35.38 Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company 2b.90 Little Blue Township 25.00 Logan `township 1 26.00 0 McGrath Hardware Company J. H. • McNair Klyoe 52.50 iro--Flex Company, Inc. The 99.53 i Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Company 46.67 Patrolman Payroll 2460.00 Pittz Brothers Service Station 161.36 Pittz Fester 52.50 Marvin 129.50 Schenk T. N. 38.50 Sheehy 51.90 Sherman Service Center Inc. Ray .90 Shively 33.42 Sidles Company 45.26 Sime A. J. Sime N. J. 52..56 Sime A. J. 30.35 A. J. 47.61 Sime 42.57 Sime A. J. Sime A. J. 46.71 Smi dt Phil 26.95 SmithPaul 45.50 Silver Lake Township 80.50 Sinclair Refining Company 87.45 Sinclair Refining Company rl'heesen waiter 0. 281.0117.50 Thomas Specialty Manufacturing company 36.85 Traeger Carl l'. 1.00 Traeger Cari '. 2.79 Wagners Service Station 85.88 West Blue Township 21.50 Viheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Company 507.40 4+ilber Service 70.95 y ilder's Service Station 25.21 hilly & Kleinjan 40.75 Yartz Herman S. 45.50 BRIDGE FUND Anderson Equipment Company 71.20 Aragonri Anthony J. 202.00 Ayr Lumber Company 18.09 Baker Harold 208.25 Binderup hardware Company 27.60 Bridge Payroll 225.00 Burge Lester A. 69.40 Butner Howard D. 138.00 Byers Lumber Company 30.24130.24 Clay County William 214.62 Ge rlof f 8.50. Hageman Hardware Hargleroad Van & Storage Company 2.27 Holstein Lumber Company 7.65 Johnston Carl M. 198.00 Jones Company b'. H. 3.42 3.02 Koror_CnohrAn Mc. 0 E-SerLPri nting-Co- IJ 0 Reif Rutherford Plumbing & Heating Company Schmidt Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Company Wilder's Service Station Henry Chas. SOLDIER'S RELIEF COMnITTEE Adams County Soldier's Relief Committee STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Administrative Payroll Amen Berg, County Clerk Brinkman Hager Hastings Credit Bureau. Hastings Typewriter Company Kipp Larkin Larkin -Director Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company Moore Pettett Starr COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Ernst Harpham Harrell Hastings Carnegie -,ibrary Hastings Typewriter Company Jones Kindig Parks Snell Watkins Book Shop COMPENSATION FUND Peter Emma Lucia Addie John W. Perry 01 Perry O. Wm. T. Etta E. Esther M. Mrs. Waunetta B. Grace Mrs. Oma MTS. Aaron Mrs. Margaret waiter Mrs. Howard j. Foote Clinic Uridil J. E. POOR AID FUND Adams County Treasurer -"id to Dependent Children's Fund Adams County Treasurer -Old Age Assistance Fund Brinkman Lucia Brooke DrugCompany Buskirk Grocery City Fuel and Feed Company City of Hastings Gas Department Coates Cash Grocery Cowton Coal Company Dawson County Assistance & Child Welfare -Ur. Wesley Hall, Director Eckhardt's Grocery George Brothers Grocery Hastings Drug Company "offnan Jack & Jill - 720 W. 1st Street Kendall Kissler Grocery Klein Larkin -Director Larsen Grocery Leonard's Grocery Mackie's Star Market Mikkeisen's Drug eompany Montgomery Ward Company Penney Company Pettett Pinney bathbone Roseland 'ash Grocery Rutt's Drug Company ir 2 Rutt's Drug Company if 2 Safeway Grocery Safeway Grocery Shultz Skaggs Grocery Stop and Shop Market Sunnyside Inc. Tinder's Grocery Vernis Cash Grocery Whisinand's Grocery- W. 2nd Street Whisinand's Grocery- East Side Blvd., Mrs. Jadob Mrs. Effie Peter Perry O. J. G. Etta E. Dr, George L. Mrs. Elizabeth Mrs. A. E. O. P. 202.00 1.20 5.00 978.00 36.04 85.00 1480.00 40.00 23.72 19.74 14.64 5.00 63.40 75.00 22.66 25.00 20.25 6.96 18.30 4.56 20.00 8.00 8.00 90.00 47.81 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 65.76 3.50 60.00 506.15 203.19 3.66 9.14 60.00 27.36 1.78 51.00 14.85 18.82 32.00 16.00 6.64 7.50 93.00 30.00 16.00 30.00 31.60 16.00 20.00 28.00 10.40 14.31 5.50 16.92 5.00 25.00 16.00 .63 3.80 121.50 73.50 17.50 32.00 48.60 40,00 16.00 32.00 56.02 90_00 276 0. E. Serf Printing Co ASSISTANCE FUND Kid Dependent Children Blind Old Abe Assistance This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Supervisors. 5602.20 654.60 19,862.39 COURT ROUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday November 17, 1947. 2:00 d'clock P.N. Meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per advertised bids for one Low -bed general purpose complee trailer. Roll call, members present: Bivens, Goble, Harm-, Hohlen, James and Snyder. Absent: Sergeant. At 2:00 o'clock P. M. the following bids were opened: Miller Hasselbalch & Company $2475.00• Anderson Equipment Company 14200.00 Nebraska Tractor & Equipment 3835.00 The Island Supply Company 3000.00 Motion by Bivens, seconded by Harm, that we reject any and all bids because of the variation in prices. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Snyder, that we purchase from the Island Supply Company one -24 wheel Low -boy Trailer - complete with front Dollies F. 0. B. Hastings, Nebraska for %x3000.00. Holl call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Supervisors. County Clerk: Deputy Chairman O._F.. SertPrintingCo. 'ba7 02ff -�0 0 27 COTTRT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Saturday December 6, 1.947 lO:UU o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per recess of Novemberl7 1 Jay Goble, Chairman, presiding. (, 9�7, Roll call, all members present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James, Sergeant and Snyder. lotion by Harm, seconded by Hohlen, that we approve the request of the Adams.Count Treasurer to chase 40,000.00 Government Bonds. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. y pur- Motion by James, seconded by Sergeant, that we authorize the County Treasurer to strike from the tax list personal taxes delinquent two or more years in which due diligence has been exercised on his par for collection, in a ccordance with Sec 77-1926, Compiled Statutes 1929. Roll call, Ayes: Bivens, Goblb James, Sergeant and Snyder. Nays: Harm, Pass: Hohlen. Motion by Bivens, seconded by James, that the bonds of H. F. Favinger, Justice of the Peace, City of Hastings and Officers of the County Service Committee: John Roy widener, C. N. Brown, Palter B. Fergus, Henry Robert Hendrickson, Jos. W. Smith and James F. Crowley be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. notion carried. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Bivens, that the following monthly report of the County Judge, Register of Deeds, County Clerk, County Library, Clerk of the District Court, County Clerk Car Titl-, (2), Sheriff, be placed on file. Roll call, a 11 voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sergeant, seconded by Snyder, that we cancel the Old Age Assistance Warrants �• #2127 dated October )l, 1947 in the amount of ;41.80 andWarrant #1606 dated September 5U, 1947 in the amount of ;57.40, and that we also direct the County Treasurer to release the lien on the real estate owned by Mrs. Susie Aker of Kenesaw, Nebraska, and, that we instruct the County Treasurer to file claim against the Estate of Susie Aker, deceased, for the reimbursement of payment received for 01. Age Assistance, and: that we cancel Old Age Assistance Warrants in the name of Mrs Laura M. Gaines #1622 in the amount of e2.40 and #2142 in the amount of 22.40, and #680 in the amount of X22.40. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by Sergeant, that applications of Gretel Borrell, Daisy Smith, Helen DeBor:, Fulda Plambeck for Motherts Pension be allowed. Roll call, all voted dye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by Bivens, that we defer the action of leasing the County .Farm to an early future date. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harm, seconded by Hohlen, that we appoint Alice Kolberg as Deputy County Assessor at a salary of %x175.00 per month beginning January 5, 1948. Roll call, a 11 voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Bivens, that we adopt the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Supervisors sell to the following purchasers, the following described pro ertie.• L,_ots 5 b 9 inclusive, Block 1, South Side Addition, City of Hastings to ti. E. Je ns for . Lot 6, Block 31, St. Joseph Addition, City of Hastings to Henry N. Lewis/�"'�p POL61143. ls, nus`DanwOa life Lot 8 and 9, Block 5, Poehl errs Addition, City of Hastings to Sidney white for P200.00; and, that the Chairman of the County Board be hereby authorized to execute and deliver quit claim deeds to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, seconded by James, that we continue the service of the County Engineer fbr anothe year beginning January 1, 1948. Roll call, Ayes; Bivens, Harm and James. Nay:Hohlen, Sergeant and Snyder. Pass: Goble. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Sergeant that the following claims be allowed on their respective fund and the County clerk -be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams County Service Commission American Education Press, Inc. Anderson Berg, County Clerk Bivens Biomenkamp, County Supt. Brungard Burroughs Adding Macnine Company City of Hastings -Gas Department City water & Light Department Colbert Coordt Cunningham Dunmire Electric Engineering Company Evans Felker, Clerk of District Court Follett Publishing Company Geographical Publishing Company Goble Harm. Hastings Canvas & Manu#:'acturing Company Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Drug Company Hastings Typewriter Company Hohlen James Janssen Johnson, County Judge 85.00 61.00 Aug. 508.07 Emma 57.50 Geo. W. 75.00 Ida 29.76 Tilly Ann 82.16 214.00 151.73 Ruth 46.55 97.50 A. E. 60.83 Lottie E. 12.50 Lawrence 125.Q0 124.50 Mrs. Jesse G. 20.00 Verner vv. 175.51 6.98 19.50 Jay 80.00 am. 80.00 70.L.0 The 449.77 The 40.44 .89 165.95 Wm, 800o John A. 75.00 Hilda 95.70 Fred G. 278 Lin L'1110CG3 O. E. Serf Printing Co Milburn & Scott Company Inc. Officers & Employees Payroll Palmer Company Pinney Russell Schaffroth, Register of Deeds Sergeant Skultety 6liger Snyder U. S. Chemical & Supply Company West Publishing Company Wood Wood, Sheriff The A,N. Dr. George L. Harry F. Fred 0. M. D. Ann A. J. Daniel E. worthy B. worthy. B. ROAD FUND Adams County Noxious Weed District Ayr Lumber Company Ayr ',umber Company Baker Guy Blaine Township Brown Gerald E. City water & Light Department Clark -Hill Motor Company Clark -Bill Motor Company Cl arke Oil Company Consumers Public Power District Cottonwood Township Decker & Son Dutton-Lainson Company Friends Motor Supply Gordon Darrell Dean Ton Dykeman Gunderson Norval G. Farmers Union State Exchange Highland Township Hohlfeld Paint Company Holstein Lumber Company Island Supply Uompany The Johnson Cash �.';ay Lumber Company Kenesaw Lumber Company Kenesaw Motor Company Kenesaw Oil Company Kistler D. G. Koch Ed Krulish Battery & Electric Service Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company Little Blue Township McClelland Motor Company Miller Garage Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Company Newell, Township Clerk i .r•A• Patrolman Payroll rittz Brothers Service Station Roseland Township Saathoff Henry B. Schenk Marlin G. Sidles Company The Silver Lake Township Sime A. J. Sime A. J. Sime A. J. Sinclair Refining Company Sinclair Refining Company Smith Phil Snow J. E. Stewart Plumbing & `seating Company Stewart Plumbing & heating Company Thomas Specialty Manufacturing Company Traeger Carl P. Village of Kenesaw Wagners Service Station Wanda Township West Blue Township Witt Transfer western and Roller Company Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Company vuilber Service Zero Township BRIDGE FUND Aragon Anthony J. Ayr Lumber Company Baker Harold Bridge Payroll Byers Lurber Company neRnrd t s Welding Shop 15.29 4104.97 76.55 41.50 15.00 10.4.0 80.00 17.58 55.00 80.00 5.00 12.00 12.06 :185.51 11.50 7.25 .25 1;0.00 10.00 31.31 6.60 50.05 108.65 50.71 1.00 18.5o 54.51 105.1..0 19.25 7.00 170.0o 95.80 8.40 75.50 14.85 5.05 3000.00 137.6o 240.00 1.80 45.65 16.55 3.50 8.65 269.66 22.45 21.00 9.55 59.19 71.08 87.50 2460.00 87.05 56.00 2.79 55.55. 155.62 21.00 82.02 48.01 21.68 164.45 47.56 2.10 119.70 1.95 2.62 5.50 12.55 12.00 60.55 29.50 58.00 15.21 13.05 672.60 50.00 23.0Or: 149.60 11.91 158.95 225.00 60.19 9.50 NOP -61 0. D J 0 Hastings Steel & Building Corporation Hohlfeld Paint Co. Johnson's Cash -Way Lumber Company Johnston Kerr -Cochran Inc. Kiiker Rief Sherman Service Center Inc. Stewart Plumbing & Heating Company Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Company Wilder's Service Station Carl M. Albert henry SPECIAL MAIL ROUTE ROAD Kenesaw Lumber Company Lilley, wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Company Adams County Soldier's SOLDIER'S Ed RELIEF COMMITTEE Relief Committee STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Administrative Payroll Amen Berg, County Clerk Brinkman Hager Hastings Credit Bureau Hastings Typewriter Company Kipp Larkin Larkin -Director Lincoln Telephone & 'Telegraph Company Moore Pettett Starr Ernst Gaylord Bros. Inc. Harpham Harrell Hastings Carnegie Library Jones Kindig rarks Snell Watkins Book Shop Adams County Treasurer -Aid Adams County Treasurer -Old Arvanette's Cafe Bert's Drug Company Brooke Drug Company Buskirk Grocery Buy Lo Market City Fuel and Feed Company City of Hastings -c' -as Department Coates Cash Grocery Eckhardt's Grocery Foote Clinic Gibson Funeral Home Hastings Fuel Company Hoffman, Cafe Jack & Ji11-5rd & Burlington 'Jack & Jill -720 v. 1st Street Jones Drug Company #1 Juniata Farmers Co -Operative Ass'n. Kendall Klein Laird Coal Company Lancaster County Relief Bureau Larscn's Grocery Latta Leonard's Grocery Mackie's Star market Master Mart Mikkelsen Drug Company Nowers Penney Company Rathbone Rutt's Drug Company #2 Safeway Grocery Schaefers Shultz Skaggs Grocery Peter Emma Lucia Addie John W. Perry O. Perry 0. Wm. T. Etta E. Esther M. COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Mrs. vuaunetta Grace Oma lvirs Aaron Mrs. Margaret V alter Mrs. Howard E. POOR AID FTJND to Dependent Children Age Assistance Fund s Fund Urban Mrs. Effie Peter Lloyd B. Dr. E. J. Dr.W. E. J. C. Mrs. Elizabeth Dr. Richard H. Mrs. E. E. 0.P. 1.54 10.30 25.20 121.60 475.78 139.20 18.80 41.88 2.02 41504 74.54 590.00 2166.01 590.00 85.00 1650.00 40.u0 2.).96 37.58 ;-21.48 5.00 43.48 75.00 .38 25.00 5.62 10.44 26.78 13.14. 20.00 44.90 8.00 8.00 90.0o 8.00 8.uo 8.00 8.00 7.20 552.05 163.76 .55 11.68 5.52 60.0o 14.00 20.16 3.16 51.00 2.00 8.00 85.00 26.00 51.20 44.00 86.81 4.76 14.00 30 000 30.00 3u.50 13.61 16.00 2.50 15.00 28.00 4.0o 14.55 16.00 14.04 25.00 1.72 88.00 10.00 17.50 280 VTAI M 9 11)13.' JJ �n O. E. Serf Printing Co Aid Dependent Children Blind lvother's Pension Old Age Assistance This Board will now recess subject. to the call of the Chairman of the County Supervisors. ASSISTANCE FUND 5975.00 507.60 26.78 20, 765.6. Regular meeting of the Adams County presiding. Roll call, members present: Bivens, Goble, Harm, Hohlen, James, Sergeant and Snyder. rman COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Tuesday, January 6, 1948. 10:00 o'clock A.M. Board of Supervisors met as per recess of December 6, 1947. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Jay Goble, Chairman, Motion by Hohlen, seconded by Bivens, that we lease the Adams County Farm to Tracy Oelschlager for the term of March 1st, 1948 to February 28, 1949. Roll call, Ayes: Bivens, Goble, Harm and Hohlen. Nays: James, Sergeant and Snyder. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, seconded by Hohlen, that we appoint Jesse Evans as custodian for the year 1948. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by James, seconded by Harm, that the following Resolutions be adopted: HEREAS, Lawrence S. Dunmire, guardian of John A. Utecht, incompetent, duly appointed by the County Court of Adams County, Nebraska, has filed with the District Court of Adams County, petition and application for license to sell the following described real estate belonging to said incompetent, to -wit: An undivided 10/258 equitable interest in the South 13 feet of Lot 5, and all of Lots 6 and 7, in Block 12, Moore's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska for the purpose of investing the proceeds thereof, alleging that it is for the benefit of said incompetent that the real estate be sold and the proceeds thereof be put out at interest or invested, and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, have investigated said matter and approve such sale and deemit for the best interest of said incompetent; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Hoard of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, that we deem such proposed sale proper and beneficial to the estate of said incompetent, and approve the same and deem it adviasable. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution shall be certified by the County Clerk of said County, to the Judge of the District Court of Adams County, Nebraska.. WHEREAS, William S. Arvanette and Floyd H. Arvanette, Guardians of John Arvanette, incompetent, duly appointed by the County Court of Adams County, Nebraska, have filed with the District Court of Adams County, petition and application for license to sell the following described real estate belonging to said incompetent, to -:pit: An undivided 12/258 equitable interest in the South 13 feet of Lot 5, and all of Dots 6 and 7, in Block 12, Moore's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska for the propose of investing the proceeds thereof, alleging that it is for the benefit of said incompetent that the real estate be sold and the proceeds thereof be put out at interest or invested, and WHEREAS, the Board of *,upervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, have investigated said matter and approve such sale and deem it for the best interests of said incompetent; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, that we deem such proposed sale proper and beneficial to the estate of said incompetent, and approve the same and deem it advisable. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution shall be certified by the County Clerk of said County, to the Budge of the District Court of Adams County, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted ayr. Motion carried. Motion by Snyder, seconded by Bivens, that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of the Supervisor's Record: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Nos: 9050 Jay Goble 9051 Worthy B. Wood;; County Sheriff 9052 Grace Simpson, Justice of Peace 9053 Emma Berg, County Clerk 9054 Verner 1. Felker, Clerk of District 9055 G. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace 9056 Verner W. Felker, Clerk of District 9057 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. 9058 State Treasurer -Gas Tax Dist. 9059 State Treasurer -Schroeder Road Fund 9060 Geo Givens, for Pete Galligo c r i t l+:ro RcY n r^lint,r C1 ark 5.00 36.75 10.00 73.26 Ct.. 29.50 5.00 Ct. 127.48 910.21 7249.47 5439.78 8.00 167.L0 Nos: 9067 9068 9069 9070 9071 9072 9073 9074 9075 9076 9077 9078 Adams County Poor Aid Fund # 191 Emma Berg, County Clerk Stanley D. Holper State Treasurer -state Assistance Worthy B. Wood, Sheriff Fred U. Johnson, County Judge Geo. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace Geo. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace Geo. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace Geo. D. McArthur, Justice of Peace `led Boontjer Western Land troller Company 506.15 23.72 2.00 27857.22 3.00 715.21 2.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 30.45