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Supervisors Rec 12 1929
Court House, Hastings, Nebraska. Saturday, January 5th, 1929. 9 O'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of December 5th, 1928. T. R. Rainforth, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Furry, Gartner, Rainforth, Ruhter and Whitesel. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Motion by Ruhter, second by Bauer that the following duplicate miscellaneous receipts from the County Treasure office be made part of the Supervisors record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Receipts follow: # 2359 # 236o # 2361 # 2362 # 2363 # 236+ # 2365 # 2366 # 2367 2368 # 2369 2370 # 2371 # 2372 # 2373 # 2374 # 2375 # 2376 # 2377 # 2378 2379 # 2380 # 2331 #2382 # 2383 # 238 # 2385 # 2386 # 2387 # 2385 # 2389 # 2390 # 2391 # 2392 # 2,393 # 23 # 2395 # 2396 # 2397. # 2398 # 2399 # 2'400 21101 # 2+02 # 2+03 # 24F04+ P. H. Gartner Pete Gartner County Judge Lucia Dillenbach Lucia, Dillenbach County Judge County Judge CountyJudge Walter M. Crow P. H. Gartner Geo. P. Grothen, Treas. S. S. Rinker; Two. Treas. Treasurer Blaine Twp. Lucia Dillenbach Lucia Dillenbach Lucia Dillenbach Lucia Dillenbach Lucia Dillenbach W. R. Holt, Clerk AyeVillage County Judge W. C. Whitesel County Judge Art Frahm, Treas. County Judge County Judge County Judge County Judge ?rosser State Bank First State Bank Hayland Lucia Dillenbach First National Bank Farmers State Bank Ayr State Bank of Hastings State Barak of Juniata Hansen State Bank J. M. Turbyfill, Co. Judge J. A. Cates Lucia Dillenbach Lucia Dillenbach P. H. Gartner Fred Ruhter Fred Ruhter John VonNordneim Pauline State Bane Nebraska National Bank Kenesaw State Bank Credit Bridge Fund Credit .Road Dragging Fund Pities & Licenses Pees Fines & Licenses .Inheritance Tax fund Fines & Licenses O rr ►t Refund costs County Bridge Fund County Highway Fund County Highway rand 0ri . " ►8 ►► 1r Fines & Licenses Fines & Licenses O 0 fl 88 n 0 O n ►i Ayr Village Fines & Licenses County Bridge Fund fines & Licenses Bridge Fund Inheritance Tax Fund rr 0 o ri it tt Fines & Licenses Int. On deposit jury fees Int. on deposit ►8 U 0 i, 0 H 9 ►r 88 81 0 General Fund e rr it rr ►t ►8 Road Dragging N Fund tl 0 e Int. on deposit it u r► u b. 20 100.00 30.00 950.60 5.00 89.85 17.95 2.70 9.70 7.20 238.00 1296.00 702'.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.o0 300. o0 15.00 3.5o 10.00 216.98 168.00 16o.00 141. oo 111•.00 50.00 75.00 5.00, 272.61 1400.00 2#9.18 200.00 50.00 5077.311 418.15 5.00 111.85° 59.525y� 528.bo 180.00 150.00. 75.00 79.94 370.00 A report on the bridge fund made by the Chairman of the bridge committee was read before the Board and upon motion by Ruhter, second by Cole the report was accepted. All voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M., *hen they again resumed with all members present. A petition to gravel a street in Hansen Village, from the school house east to the railroad track signed by Fred Paris and about 50 others was read before the Board and upon motion by Gartner, second byrhitesel it was ordered that the petition be held over for further consideration. Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that the depository bond of the First National Bank of Hastings, Nebr., written by the Royal Indemnity Co., of New York in the amount of $10,000.00 and an extension of the First National Bank of Hastings, Nebr., depository bond written by the New Amsterdam Casualty Co. in the amount of $10,000.00 and the depository bond of the Nebraska National Bank of Hastings, Nebr., inthe amount of $10,000,00 rritten,by the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Co., of Hartford Conn., be approved by this Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Bonds approved. Motion by Whitesel, second by Furry that .the appointm'.nt ; o,f Forest L. Hughes as deputy Clerk of the District Court of Adams County, Nebr , by Lucia Dillenbach, Clerk of the District Court, be confirmed by this Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Cole that the appointment of Anna Coordt as clerk of the County Court by W. Halsey Bohlke, Judge of the County -Court, be confirmed by this Board. Roll call, all voted eye. Motion carried, Motion by Gartner, secondby Furry that the appointment of Edmund P. Nuss, as Substitute county Judge for Adams County by W .-.Halsey Bohlke, Judge of the County0ourt, be confirmed by this Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. f six months or longer, was filed in the office of the County Clerk and upon motion by Ruhter, second by Cole the list of uncalled for fees was ordered published as provided by law. Motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel that the following official bonds be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Bonds follow: W. R. Burling,Town Clerk,Cottonwood Twp., C. L. Swigert, p O Town Clerk, Little Blue Twp., Carroll Parker, Town Clerk, Kenesaw Twp., Frank Gasch, Town Clerk, Highland Twp., Hans Christensen, Town Clerk e(opreeke Morris Asmus, Town Clerk, West Blue Twp., Theo. A. Trousch, Town Clerk, Juniata Twp., Edgar C. Huxtable, Town Clerk, Blaine Twp. G. F. Kort, Town Treas., Zero Twp., W. B. Bobbitt, Town Treas., Wanda Twp., T. N. Cannon, Town Treas., Juniata Twp., John VonNordheim, Town Treas., Little Blue Twp., Fred Asmus, Town Treas., Blaine Twp., Albert Junker, Town Treas., Highland Twp., Henry Gartner, Town Treas., Ayr Twp., Emil Baehr, Town Treas., Hanover Twp., Twp., gA p., Geo.Augustin,V Town Treas., Kenesaw Twp., JohnKrull, Justice of the Edward C. Gentert, Town Treas., i'eace. Little Blue Tw , Geo. D. Logan tromer, Justice of thePeace,Hanover Twp., John Shafer, Justice of the Peace, Highland Twp., James Vance, Justice of he Peace, Logan Twp,, Charles Kuehn. Justice of the Peace, Kenesaw Twp., A. W. Kistler, Justice of the Peace, Silver Lake Twp.; Roy Laux, Justice of the Peace, Blaine Twp., Jay Goble, Justice of the Peace, Ayr Twp., I. E. Munroe, Justice of the Peace, West Blue Twp., James F. Crowley, Justice of the Peace, City of Hastings, H. F. Favinger, Justice of the Peace, City of Hastings, W. Halsey Bohlke, County Judge, Lucia Dillenbach, Clerk of the District Court, Forest L. Hughes, Deputy Clerk of the District Court. Motion by Furry, second by Ruhter that the renewal of Mothers Pension to Margaret Corwin, ordered by the County Court be confirmed by this Board and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for said pension. Roll call, all voted aye. Mction carried, A petition for a bridge to be located between section 29-5-10 and section 32-5-10 signed by Ed C. Koepke and others was read before the Board and referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Semi-annual report of J. A. Cates, County Clerk and the 4th quarterly report of Joseph M. Turbyfill, County Judge was read and upon motion by Gartner, second by Cole said reports were ordered placed on file. Motion by Whites 1, second by Ruhter, that the follohing claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk authorized to issue warrants for the same. Roll call,a 1 voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow: Adams A. A. Bauer Geo. G. Bohlke W. Halsey Bohlke W. Halsey, Co.Judge Burroughs Adding Mach Co Button L. N. Cannon T. N. Cates J. A. Co. `lerk City of Hastings Cole W. A. Columbia Carbon Co Crosson Raymond. L. Crow Walter M. Currier -Park Coal Co Davis Elliott Dienes Drug Co Dillenbach Lucia Dillenbach Lucia Edwards E. E. Farm Central Mutual Fire Ins Co Fischer G. S. Frye Mfg. Co Fullerton J. L. Furry J. H. Gartner P. H. Gaudreault Mere. Co A. J. Johnston Lee W. K -B Printing Co Keith W. W. et al Keith W. W. et al Kister & Son George Kline J. B. Land C. H. Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co Milburn & Scott Co McGrath Hdw Co J. H. Queen City Laundry Co Rainforth T. R. Renner & Co Percy Ruhter M. Fred Schultz Martha H. Serf Printing Co 0. E. Simms B. M. Stein Bros. Tracy Mrs. Roy VanPelt Mary Whitesel W. C. Widmaier Wm. Vii dmaie r Wm. Woodworth Pearl B., Co. Teeas. GENERAL FUND. Labor, Court House Supervisors services& mileage Cash paid for desk, Judges office County Court costs, office expense Adding machine, Treas.' office Office expense Supplies, County Farm Office expense for six months City map for County Assessor Supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Register of Deeds Jail expense, office supplies Office expense Coal, Court House Mileage Supplies, Court House Court costs Court costs, office expense Platin for typweiter Ins. premium Mileage for Mothers Pension committee Supplies, Co. Treats. Supplies, Court House Supervisors services, & mileage Id #t 11 41 Supplies, Co. Supt. Transcript, State v. Trobough Supplies, Co. Supt. Witnesses, insanity hearing 11 11 #1 Reapri work, Court House Supplies, Court House Board of inmates atCo. Farm Office phones & toll calls, Court House Office phone & toll calls, Farm Bureau Supplies, Court House Supplies, " 41 Laundry for Court House Supervisors services Supplies, Court House Supervisors services & mileage Office expense, mileage, etc. Supplies, Court House Supplies, Court House Supplies 1# 4# Services on election board Assistant in office of Clerk District Court Supervisors services & mileage Investigating for Mothers Pensions, mileage Services school attendance officer Gas, water, light for Court Souse, office expense BRIDGE FUND 2.40 78.90 25.00 60.80 480.20 15.00 6.25 69.96 22.00 74.40 9.00 344.62 3.50 230.60 112.19 2.00 54.85 292.72 2.65 67.50 3.40 12.00 •85 27.80 22.70 2.90 17.60 8.14 13.2o 30.40 1.50 3.10 171.13 Go.15 10.35 2.15 .35 9.91 30.0o 13.00 66.80 35.28 168.25 2.45 10.67 4.50 90.0o 21.40 10.00 11.20 343.37 rylr r „ 4 , • r Ayr Township Blaine TownShip Cottonwood Township Denver Township Hanover Township Highland Township Juniata Township Kenesaw Township Little Blue Township Logan Township Silver Lake Township .State Journal Co Stulken Aug. Verona Township Wanda: Township Zero Township Adams County0ii Uo American Red Cross Byers limber Co Brown Dr. J. W. Beghtol James V. Bauer Fred. Bauer Jacob Cannon T. N. Carl B. F. Dever Dr. C. R. Dier Mrs. Emma Eckhardt H. 0. Hardt Drug Co Hasebrook Merc. Co Hastings Fuel Co Herbst Henry Jones S. J. Juniata Gr & Live Stock Assn. Kenesaw Drug Co Jungerman Carl Kohlbry Herman Larsen H. G. Long Grocery Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Matthiesen & Co Carl R. Moon Lulu K. Nebr. Sanitarium Simms B. M. Dr, L. K. C. T. Strate Stump Sunnyside Swanson Leonard. A. Volland. Funeral Horne Whisinand Carl V. Mrs. J. M. Mrs. Henry Wright Zeiler Balke Duncan Furry Coffey OtBrien Gro thaus Lutz Krenzen Arends Valentine Sheehy Gartner Baker Consbruck Hee ren Kleier Krabel Kreuger Schmidt Scholl Smidt .Stamer Stromer Hansen & Son Haws & Sons Hollenbeck Hubbard Independent Johnson Oil R. W. et C. S. J. H. John Tom Harry Ernest E. E. C. M. Henry Thomas P. H. Roy Jacob Edward Herman Geo. F. Simon Carl N. J. John Anton 'Om. E. H. P. H. L. Andrew Oil & Gas Co J. P. ROAD DRAGGING FUND Road dragging 11 11 0 11 11 11 11 License containers Road dragging POOR AID FUND Coal Services Coal Prof. services Prof. services Groceries Groceries Drugs ' Groceries • Prof. services Services Groceries Drugs Groceries Coal Groceries Prof. services Coal Drugs Groceries Services Drugs Services Services Drugs Prof. Services 0 If Services rrof. services Services Groceries Services COUNTY EIGHWAY FUND al Labor Supplies Supervising county roads, mileage Dragging county roads ti 11 11 11 ft Supervising county roads, mileage Dragging county roads 9 9 11 11 tt 11 11 111 11 11 Blacksmithing Gas & Oil Repair work Labor Co Gas & Oil Gas & Oil $1 11 11 • 63.62 80.50 28.75 45.26 115.78 • 94.03 79.92 72.25 • 23.50 45.26 35.87 453.75 9.75 54.99 54.99 59.87 90.50 21.00 12.00 26.50 18.00 11.80 17.49 9.05 12.50 2.00 53.01 11.96 6.45 18.81 134.00 6.69 75.00 35.20 5.70 16.92 13.13 10.00 26.77 10.50 3.25 22.16 6.75 1.75 3.00 5.00 139.00 4o.00, 85.00 37.04 17.67 15.50 50,60 1.60 13.00 6.00 5.25 6.00 10.12 10.50 2.25 15.00 3.00 13.80 4.87 6.00 6.00 9.00 1.50 3.00 4.50 3.00 21.38 3.75 3.75 1.50 34.00 6.75 23.00 18.00 1.60 COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Cont. Schiffler Abraham Dragging county roads Land Edwin A. If ,I tf Blankenbiller G. E. +I n II Trausch Chris :e n 1I Peters Frank A. n rc 0 Christensen Hans n n n Burge A. u _ t9 If Bruge L. A. n II 0 Ruhter M. Fred Supervising county roads, mileage Standard Oil Co Gas & Oil Thompson Wm. Labor Whitesel W. C. Supervising county roads, mileage Burling Chas. K. Dragging county roads McLeod George n n n Weber Theo J. n 0 n Saddler H. C. n n n Bobbitt W. B. as n n Hoffman Theo fe n n Wilson Bud . Labor 16.12 15.75 7.50 3.75 3.75 9.00 2.25 S.25 25.60 17.25 9.60 59.00 5.25 3.00 6.00 13.50 3.75 S.25 1.20 Motion by Ruhter, second by Cole that the claim of the Democrat Printing Co., on the General Fund in the amount of $359.79 be cut to $308.29. Roll call, all voted aye. Mbtion carried. Motion by ""hitesel, second by Ruhter that this Board adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, January Sth, 1929 at 9 o4clock A, M. All voted aye. Board adjourned. County Clerk. puty County Clerk. Chairman Court House, Hastings, Nebraska. Tuesday, January Sth, 1929. 9 o'clock A. M. 'SO Statutory meeting of the Board. T. 4. Rainforth, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Fnrry, Gartner, Rainforth, Ruhter and. Whitesel. Minutes of the Last regular meeting were read and approved. The report of H. E. Marion, and Owen G. Evans, Soldierts & Sailor's Relief Commissioners, were read and upon motion by Gartner, second by Cole, said reports were approved by the Board and ordered placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that an extension of the depository bond of the Nebraska National Bank written by the Standard Accident Insurance Co., in the amount of $10,000.00 be approved by this Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by Ruhter, that the application for admission to the Soldiers and Sailor's Home at Burkett, Nebr., of Hattie B. Staneart be granted by this Board and that the Chairman and Clerk be authorized to sign the admission certificate. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 4th cparterly report of Raymond. L. Crosson, Sheriff and the yearly report of Martha H. Schultz, County Supt., on the Institute Fund were read and upon motion by Gartner, second by Bauer and on which a roll call was taken, said reports were ordered placed on file. A report filed by Raymond L. Crosson, Sheriff on the collection of personal taxes under distress warrant was read and upon motion by Ruhter, second by Furry said report was ordered placed onfile. Motion by Ruhter, second by Furry that we increase the bUdget adopted by the Board on the County Highway Fund for the year 1928, from $20,000.00 to $23,000.00, being an addition to the budget of $3000,00. This $3000.00 to be divided equally between Supervisors district numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the amount of $750.00 each. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the County Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to transfer $500.00 from the Road Dragging Fund to the County Highway Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Furry, second by Gartner, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk authorized to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow. GENERAL FUND Marion H. E. Commission & mileage 52.00 ROAD DRAGGING FUND West Blue Township Dragging Township roads 65.11 Roseland Township II ft 61.74 COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Adams & Co J. D. Grader blade 7.70 Essinger 3. W. Supplies 30.95 No further business appearing, a motion by Ruhter, second by Parry that this Board now adjourn sine die, Motion carried and at 11:30 o'clock A. M., January Sth, 1929 the Board adjourned. Reorganization of the Adams County Board of Supervisors for the year 1929. No change in the Personnel of the Board. Immediately following the adjournment of the old Board sine die the County Clerk called the new Board to order and stated that the first thing in order would be the election of a temporary chairman. Upon motion by Cole, second by Bauer, T. R. Rainfdrth was elected temporary chairman. The temporary chairman announced the first thing in order would be the election of a permanent chairman. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that we proceed to an informal ballot for the election of a permanent chairman. Motion carried. An informal ballot was ordered and the chairman appointed Supervisors Gartner and. Furry as tellers to count A, Cole, 1, the ballots. The informal ballot resulted as follows: T. R. Rainfroth 6, w. Motion by Furry, second by Bauer that the informal ballot be made formal and that T. R. Rainforth be declared duly elected permanent chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors for the year 1929. Motion carried. A recess was then taken by the Board until 1:15 P. M., in order to give the Chairman time to makn up the standing committees for the year. At 1:15 P. M. the Board re -assembled with all members present. The Chairman announced the following standing committies for the year 1929. SETTLEMENTS COMPLAINTS AND BONDS. J. H. Furry, Chairman and M. Fred Ruhter and W. A. Cole, ROADS AND BRIDGES P, H. Gartner, Chairman and all members of the Board. LAND AND BUILDINGS W. A. Cole, Chairman, T. R. Rainforth and P. H. Gartner. COUNTY FARM, M. Fred. Ruhter, Chairman, J. H. Furry and W. C. Whitesel SUPPLIES A. Cole, Chairman, Martha H. Schultz, and T. R. Rainforth. w. County Judge, W. Halsey Bohlke was called in and announced that the Bonds of W. C. Whitesel, Supervisor District # 2, P. H. Gartner, Supervisor District # 4 and. W. A. Cole, Supervisor District # 6 had been duly filed in the office of the County Judge and have been approved. Motion by Cole, second by Whitesel, that in addition'to the request of Lucia Dillenbach, for a Deputy Clerk of the District Court, that she be allowed to employ Mary VanPelt for clerical work, at a salary of $ 83.00 per month not to exceed six months for the year 1929. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the following estimates of probable expenses for the yar 1929 to be raised by taxation in Adams County Nebraska, be made as follows, to -wit: For new Salaries. Assessment Adams Co. Farm Bureau Coal Jail Lands & Bldgs. Gas,Iight,water, Telephones Printing & Office supplies Mileage County Farm District Court County Court Justice Court Insane Comm. Board of Health Insurance Blind Pensions Postage Supervisors Nebr. Feeble Minded Inst. 500.00 Misc, Purposes 7,900.00 Total Estimate, General Fund $20,000.00 6,00mo 3,500.00 1,500,00 2,000.00 4,cm= 1,500.00 750.00 4,500.0o 1,000,.00 3,500.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,5o0.00 750.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 bridges, material, repairs, Total Estimate For Mother's Pensions, Total Estimate For relief of Soldiers and sailors, Total Estimate GENERAL FIND 475,000.00 BRIDGE FUND culverts, etc. 35,000.00 MOTHERS PENSION FUND 5,000.00 SOLDIER'S & SAILOR'S RELIEF FUND For Permanent improvements and premiums, Total Estimate For all purposes of relief, Total Estimate Total Estimate, all funds. 3,000.00 COUNTY FAIR FUND 3,000.00 POOR AID FUND 10.000.00 $131,000.00 Motion - Motion by Cole, second by Furry that the official bond of C. W, Ruhter, Township Treas., Cottonwood Township, be approved by this Board. Roll call, all voted aye. MPtion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Gartner, thet the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized to issue warrants on the 1st day of each month to all county officers, deputies and clerks in county offices who are entitled to receive pay on county warrants and in such amount as are fixed by the laws governing the different county offic-s, or upon agreement with the County Board. Also, that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to sign such warrants. Also, that this order apply; to county road employees who are to receive a monthly salary. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Motion by Cole, second by Ruhter that we proceed to an informal ballot for appointmezit of a Highway Commissioner. Motion carried and an informal ballot ordered. Result of the informal ballot taken, Gartner, 2, Cole, 1, Furry 4. A b ot Gartner, ral 3allTnelor the Chairrnanppointment of a arna>.znced that MF.nway Furryvhvningioner was received aaken majoritynofP�lted as follows, Furry, 4, a votes cast on the formal ballot was duly appointed Highway Commissioner of Adams County for the year 1929. Motion by Bauer, second by Whitesel that Geo. T. Wheat be appointed a member of the Soldier's & Sa.ilor's Relief Commission for a terrn of 3 years. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock P. M. the Board recessed until Wednesday, January 9th, 1929 at 9 o'clock A. M. Wednesday, Jan. 9th, 1929• 9 o'clock A. M. Board re -assembled as per recess. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Furry, Gartner, Rainforth, Ruhter and Whitesel. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the County Clerk be instructed to prepare a notice for sealed bids on bridge lumber and to publish the same in the Hastings Daily Tribune. Bids to be opened on Tuesday, February Sth, 1929 at 10 o'clock A. M. Bridge lumber to be full sawn and in mixed car load lots, F. 0. B. any railroad station in Adams County, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The matter of requiring State Banies to file bonds for the protection of county deposits was taken up and discussed by the Board. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the County Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to immediately notify that •State Banks in Adams County Nebraska, that they must file bonds for the protection of county deposits, with the County Clerk the sane as National Banks are required to do under existing laws. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1'30 P. Me, When they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the following resolution be adopted: 'VHSRFAS; the County Clerk advertised for bids on supplies needed at the Court House during the year as required by law and WHEREAS; no bids of any kind were received, therefore, be it resolved that the supply committee be and is hereby authorized to go into the open market and purchase such supplies as are needed by the various offices. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the Hastings Daily Tribune be designated as the official paper of Adams County for the year 1929. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Furry, second by Whitesel that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, February 5th, 1929 at 9 o'clock A. M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. /County Clerk. Deputy County Clerk. Court House, Hastings, Nebraska. Tuesday, February 5th, 1929. 9 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of January 8th, 1929. T. R. Rainforth, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Furry, Gartner, Rainforth, Ruhter and Whitesel. Minutes of the last regular meeting read and approved. Motion by Whitesel, second by Furry that in the matter of Mothers Pensions granted by the County Court to the following named persons, to -wit: Goldie Schiefelbein, Mrs. Albert Cross, Laura Marsh, Mae Kueck, Agnes Boudreau and Rose Huls, that the order of the Court be complied with and that the County Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. A petition signed by M. W. Berstler and others, asking that a concrete bridge be built between sections 23 and 24, Roseland Township was read and referred to the Road and Bridge committee. At 10 o'clock A. M. the hour set for opening bids on bridge lumber, which had been advertised for, the following bids were received and opened: Byers Lumber Company, Hastings, Nebr., Geo. A. Field, DesMoines, Ia., Oliver Lumber Co., Hastings, Nebr., and Standard Bridge Co., of Omaha, Nebr. The Chairman appointed Supervisors'Gartner, Ruhter and Whitesel as a committee to tabulate the bids and to report back to the Board. After a careful comparison of the bids received by the committee the following report was made to the Board. That the committee believes the bids to be all too high and`reccomend that all bids be rejected. Motion by Cole, second by Furry that the report of the committee be adopted. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, secOn by Whitesel that the following official bonds be approved: Bob Brown, Road Overseer District # 2, Ayr Ttp., Harry Grothaus, Road Overseer, Dist. # 3, Denver Twp., Nick J. Scholl, Road Over- seer, Dist # 3, Ayr Twp., Arthur Gerloff, Road Overseer, Dist. # 1, Zero Twp., vYm. Palmer, Road Overseer, Dist. # 1, Little Blue Twp., Lawrence Bonifas, Road Overseer, Dist.. # 2, Roseland Twp., Ralph D. Burling, Road Overseer, Dist. # 3, Wanda Twp., Grover Brannagan, Road Overseer, Dist. #1, Ayr Twp., L. R. Rickerson, Road Overseer, Dist. # 4, Roseland Twp., J. M. Call, Road Overseer, Dist. # 2, Silver Lake Twp., Herbert Kort, Road Overseer, Dist. # 3, Zero Twp., Nick Howat, Road Overseer, Dist. # 4, Denver Twp., G. F. Matthews, Road Overseer, Dist. # 2, Denver Twp., Geo. P. Grothen, township Treas., Denver Twp., W. A. Johnson, Township Treas., Silver Lake Twp., L. E. Isaac, Township Clerk, Denver Twp., Robert Hendrickson, Justice of the Peace, Cottonwood Twp., J. W. McHarry, Justice of the Peace, Juniata Twp., J. E. Heuertz, Justice of the Peace, Roseland Twp., Felix Young, Constable, Kenesaw 'Twp., J. H. Furry, Highway Commissioner. Also Chris Trausch, Road Overseer, Dist. # 3, Roseland Twp. Roll call, all voted aye. Bonds approved. Motion by Gartner, second by about buying 20 feet of land the S.E.* of section 11-8-11 per acre. Said committee to call, ayes, Gartner, Ruhter Xhitesel, that the Chairman appoint a committee of three to see what can be done off of the north side of the S.W.* of section 11-8-11 and off the north side of for road purposes, provided the land can be bought for not to exceed $150.00.. have power to purchase said landif it can be done at the price stated; Roll and Whitesel. Nayes, Bauer, Cole, Furry and Rainforth. Motion lost. Motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel that the following deposiotyr bonds be approved by this Board: First National Bank, with the Federal Surety Co., of Davenport, Ia., in the amount of $10,000.00 and the First National Bank, with the General Casualty 'I& Surety Co. ofDetroit in amount of $20,000.00 and the First National Bank with the Detroit Fidelity and Surety Co. of Detroit in the amount of $10,000.00, State Bank of Hastings with the Southern Surety Co., of New York in the amount of $50,000.00 and the Nebraska National' Bank of Hastings, Nebr., with the National Surety Co., of New York in the amount of $5000.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Bonds approved. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:00 P. M At 1:00 P. M. the Board resumed with all members present. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the depository bonds and securities mentioned in said bonds, to the amount of $30,000.00, of the First State Bank of Holstein, Nebr., be approved by this Board as a surety bond for county money on deposit in said First State Bank of Holstein, Nebr. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that we purchase from the Byers Lumber Co., mixed car No. 1, fir bridge lumber, full sawn of the following dimensions: 10-8 x 20-20 feet at 537.50, 50-3 x 12-18 feet at $33.75,'100-3 x 12-20 feet at car 3 x 12-16 feet at $33.75 F. 0. B. Holstein, Nebr. Also one car No. 1, fir the following dimensions: 20-8 x 10- 20 feet at $37.50, 50- 3 x 12-18 feet at $33.75. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. of Hastings, Nebr., one $33.75 and balance of bridge lumber, full sawn.pf $33.75, 100-3 x 12-20 feet at Motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel that we enter into a contract with J. E. Woods, agent for three Caterpiller 30 tractors at an agreed price of $2475.00 each, F.O.B. Peoria, I11. Roll call, ayes, Bauer, Furry, Gartner, Rainforth, Ruhter and Whitesel. Nayes, Cole. Motion carried. At 5 olclock P. M. the Board recessed until Wednsday,February 6th, 1929 at 9 o'clock A. M. Wednesday, February 6th, 1929. 9 o'clock A. M. Roll call, all members were present. Motion by Ruhter, second by Furry that the following named persons be aproointed Road Dragging Superintendents of their respective township for the year 1929: Supervisors Dist. # 1 - ;fest Blue, Morris, Asmus, Highland, O. M. Doty, Denver, Frank Quade; Blaine, E. W. Lena. Supervisors Dist. 4 2. Verona_ _ r._ gAaala,- uA„nanw Motion by Gartner, second by Cole that the County Clerk be instructed to notify the Diebold Safe & Lock Co. of Canton, Ohio, that Adams County gives notice that they are cancelling and terminating the contract with said Company for cleaning and looking after the time lock in the vault of the County Treasurers office. Motion carried, Motion by Furry, second by Ruhter that the report of Geo. T. Wheat, member, of the Soldier's and Sailor's Relief commission for the year 1925 be approved by this Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Gartner that the requestc of th., Royal Indemnity release of New York for a release on the Depository Bond of the girst National Bank of Hastings, Nebr., in the amount of $10,000.00 effective during the year 1925 be granted by this Board and the County Clerk be instructed to notify the local agent, Hoeppner & Uerlirg that this request has been granted. Motion carried. The Resolution adopted by the Sherman County J Board was read before the Board. No action taken. Motion by Gartner, second by Cole that the financial statement of Pearl B. Woodworth, County Treas., for the six month ending; December 31st, 1925 and the 4th quarterly and yearly report of Lucia Dillenbach, Clerk of the District Court and the annual report of L. N. Button, Register of Deeds, and the yearly report of the Adams County Poor Farm Committee for the year 1928 be ordered placed on file. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, second by Whitesel that on account of the advertising rates for the printing of the proceedings of the County Board, that the Board reconsider the action taken on January 9th, 1929 in marring the Hastings Tribune as the official paper and rescind the action of the Board of that date. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The balance of the forenoon session was taken up in listening to representatives of road machinery. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M., when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Ruhter, second by Whitesel, that we enter into a contract with Charles R. Warren & Co., of Lincoln, Nebr., to audit the different county offices of Adams County for the year 1929 at an agree price of $375.00 as shown by contract. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that we appropriate $20,000.00 from the Road Dragging Fund to the County Highway wa Budget for the ._. � Y g year 1929. This $20,000.00 to be divided equally between Supervisors Districts numbers 1,2,3 and 4, respectively, in the amount ofc $5000.00 to each named district. This budget is adopted by the Board and expected to cover all costs of the construction and maintenance of the County High- way system of Adams County for the year 1929. Roll call, all -voted aye. Motion carried.. Motion by Furry, second by Gartner that the County Treas•rarer be and is hereby instructed to transfer $20,000.00 from the Road Dragging Fund to the County Highway d Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Ivt Court be approved by this Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. otion by F-arry,second. by Whitesel that the official bond of Edmund Nuss, substitute Judge of the County Motion by Whitesel, second by Cole that the Kenesaw Progress be designated as the official paper for Adams Countyy for year 1 92 Roll: call, a LLe s, Co] e l+�iirr° ` Rainforth Ruhter and Whitesel. the9 9• = aais,' Ys NayeS, Gartner. Bauer, present but not voting. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by Bauer that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk be instructed to issue Warrants for tbe same Roll call, ail voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow: Bauer Geo. G. Burroughs Adding Machine Co Byers Lumber Co Cannon T. N. Carroll W. L. Cole W. A. County Treasurer Crosson Raymond L. Crow Walter M. Davis Elliott R. Deities Drug Co; Dericks Bike Shop Dericks Bike Shop Diebold Safe & Lock Co Dillenbach Fullerton Furry Gartner Lucia J. L. J. H. P. H. Gaudreault Mere. Co A. J. Green Wm. M., M. K -B Printing Co K -B Printing Co Keith Dr. 4. W. Kline J. B. Land C. H. Leonard Frank Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co Local registrars Naylor P. T. North Mary et al Proffitt Harry l'! , a a., i'!; 4 ,. 1 n,-,.,.? ,•... D. GENERAL Ft7RD Supervisors services & mileage Maintenance service Supplies Supplies, Co. Farm Repair work Supervisors services & mileage Gas, .light, Court douse, office expense Jail expense, office supplies Office expense, mileage, etc. Mileage Supplies, Court House Services Repairs Timelock inspection Court costs, office expense Supplies, Court House Supervisors services& mileage Supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Court House Post mortem examination Supplies Co. Supt. n 0 ti Balance due on hearing Supplies, Court House Board for inmates at County Farm Book... case Telephones, toll calls, Court House Telephones, toll calls, Farm Bureau Recording births & deaths City map Correcting 5th grade examination papers Mileage to County Assessors meeting 62.80 22.05 2.75 10.10 2.00 96.40 56.48 287.76 16.40 65.00 11.70 1.00 .6o 20.00 94.25 1.20 21.60 57.30 5.55 25.00 7.35 40. G0 2.00 20.91 130.54 27.00 73.05 7.65 64.5o 25.00 37.00 21.00 Serf Printing Co 0. E. Simms B. M. University Publishing Co. VanPelt Mary Warran & Co Charles R. Western Union Telegraph Co Whitesel W. C. Widamier Wm Wi dmai er Wm Woodworth Lovina Yager Cafe Joynt Shaw Cleve John L. Ayr Township Cottonwood Township Denver Township Hanover Township Highland Township Kenesaw Township Klopp Printing Co Little Blue Township Logan Township Roseland Township Verona Township West Blue Township Zero Township Adams County Oil Adams County Red Bauer Beghtol Begirt of Cannon City Fuel & Feed Di er Eckhardt Hastings Fuel Co Hollister Mrs. Mary Jungerman Carl Kenesaw Mill & Elev. Co Kohlbry Herman Larsen H. G. Longs Grocery Mace John L. Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mikkelsen Drug Co Moon Lulu K. Pratt J. C. Pratt J. C. Rutt's Drug Store Schaufelberger Frank Simpson & Joh Simpson & Joh Simpson & Joh Sunnyside Tunks Mere. Co E. G. Walker Conrad Whisinand C. V. Wolbach & Brach Wright Mrs. J. M. Zeiler Mrs Henry Zubrod Jake Co Cross Jacob J. V. Dr. J. V. T. g. Co Mrs. Emma H. 0. Marion H. E. Adams & Co Dreher Versaw Eigenberg Dreher Dreher Gayman J. C. Joe Darrel H. H. Ernest Fred G. E. Hawkeye Maintainer Co Huxtable Edgar Plautz R. W. GEJTERAL FUND Cont. Supplies, Court House ff 0 11 Supplies, Co. Supt. Clerical work Part payment for auditing county offices Telegram Supervisors services & mileage Investigating for mothers pensions Services as bailiff Clerical w o rk Meals for jury BRIDGE FUND Bridge w rk O n ROAD DRAGGING FUND Township read dragging fl 11 9 11 1► f1 9 H 11 11 fl N 11 n 11 License containers Township road dragging n ' f1 ff H ►f 11 n ff f1 n 1, POOR AID FUND Coal Services Groceries Professional ►1 ►1 n 11 services f1 Ii Drugs Coal Services Groceries Coal Services Groderies Coal Groceries 0 n Professional services Services Drugs Services Groceries Drugs Balance due on claim allowed in December Groceries fe fl Services Groceries n n Supplies Services 1f Drayage SOLDIER'S & SAILOR r S RELIEF FUND - For ThTD For relief of soldiers & sailors COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Grader repairs Team work Dragging county roads Dragging county roads 11 11 9 O 11 N # f1 0 Repairs Dragging County roads Shoveling snow 206.90 2.90 19.65 58.00 225.00 1.00 36.60 15.10 9.00 7.70 4.55 24.3g 24.3g 24.99 10.75 20.50 22.20 4l.gg 23.50 500.00 17.69 20.50 12.25 40.00 3+.92 20.50 103.50 13.52 9.63 20.00 9.00 g•95 21.00 14.82 12.56 76.5o 14.50 25.59 29.27 g.02 12.50 33.29 56.00 66.90 31.96 22.16 6.15 6.20 1.x+0 5.00 12.00 10.00 10.00 156.50 18.55 10.93 143.40 1.90 16.53 15.50 1.00 250.00 4.62 is. i0 9.00 9.00 16.87 5.63 30.00 9.00 4.5o 2.40 Maxfield McLeod Eatzberg Cooper Pratt V. F. George Arthur C. T. Ramon W. COUNTY HIGHWA`I FUND Cont. Dragging county roads 11 11 01 11 rt It u t1 ti tt rt 0 7.12 4.50 5.25 1.87 4.50 Motion by TrcasurersGoffice,beeby madeRUhtpart ofpr hat the Supervisorsowing record.plicate miscellaneous receipts from the County the Receipts follow: # 2405 # 2406 # 2407 # 2408 # 2409 # 2410 # 2+11 # 2'1'2 # 2+13 # 2414 # 2415 # 241b 2417 Ray Crosson, Sheriff R. M. Crosson 11 Roseland State Bank Lucia Dillenbach P. H. Gartner Helen L. Babcock, Exec. L. N. Button J. M. jurbjfill First State Bank Kenesaw J. M. Turbyfill Dept. of Public Instruction John Furry Fred Ruhter Credit Peneral Fund it n It Interest on deposits General Fund r1 Road Dragging fund Inheritance Tax fund General Fund Fees Interest on deposits Fines & Licenses State Apportionment Bridge Fund General Fund 11 0 159.12 1207.53 235.00 984.25 10.00 300.00 317.70 5.25 371.95 2+0.80 7b15.63 25.00-- / 261.70. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that thisBoard now adjourn to meet again on Monday, February llth, 1929 at 9 o'clock A. M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. 1D if -/1• #bJJ,J,J County Clerk. Chairman uty County Clerk. Court House, Hastings, Nebraska. Monday, February llth, 1529. 9 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of February 6th, 1929. T. R. Rainforth, Chairman presideing. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Furry, Gartner, Rainforth, Ruhter and Whitesel. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Motion by Furry, second by Gartner that the following official bonds be approved: Herbert Sauermann, Road. Overseer, District 2, Juniata Township, Edwin Fricke, Road. Overseer, Dist. # 2, West Blue Township, E. E. Grothen, Town Clerk, Ayr Township. Motion carried. Bonds approved. Motion by Whitesel, second by Ruhter that the following duplicate miscellaneous receipts from the County Treasurers office be mnae part of the Supervisors record. Motion carried. Receipts follow: # 2418 J. A. Cates, Co. Clerk # 2419 J. H. Furry # 2420 First State Bank Holstein # 2421 J. H. Furry # 2422 J. H. Furry # 2423 J. H. Furry # 2424 J. H. Furry # 2425 J. H. Furry # 2426 J. H. Furry # 2427 J. H. Furry Credit General Fund tt Bridge Fund Interest On Co. Deposits Bridge Fund 11 di 11 11. 1 11 fl 11 2.25 26.50 600.00 16.00 10.50 4.00 6.00 2.50 1.50 2.00 Motion by Cole, second by Ruhter that we release the 1928 Depository'Bond of the Nebraska National Bank of Hastings, Nebr.,"for $10,000.00, given by the Hartford. Accident and Indemnity Co., to secure county deposits. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M., when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Gartner, second by Nhitesel that we approve of the Depository Bond and securities mentioned therein, in the amount of $10,000.00 of the Prosser State Bank, Prosser;, Nebr., to secure deposits of county money. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, second by Furry that we approve the Depository Bond and securities mentioned therein, in the amount of $17,000.00 of the Roseland State Bank, Roseland, Nebr., to secure deposits of county money. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by "hitesel that whereas, Geo. T. Wheat having been appointed a member of the Adams County Soldier's & Sailor's Relief Commission and having declined to serve as a member, we hereby appoint Robert Hendrickson, of Holstein, Nebr., as a member of said Relief Commission for a term of three years. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel that we approve the Depository Bond and securities mention therein in the amount of $16,000.00 of the Kenesaw State Bank of Kenesaw, Nebr., to secure deposits of county money. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by Cole that we approve the Depository Bond and securities mentioned therein in the amount of $7500.00 of the First State Bank of Hayland, Nebr., to secure deposits of county money. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, second by Furry that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, March 5th, 1929 a 9 o'clock A. M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. a" - County Clerk. ./7.Z;/ Deputy County Clerk. Chairman. Court House, Hastings, Nebraska. Tuesday, March 5th, 1929. 9 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of Chairman, T.R. Rainforth heing unable to be present, the meeting was called to and upon motion P. H. Gartner was elected temporary and acting Chairman. Roll present except Rainforth. February 11, 1929: The order by the County Clerk call, all members were Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Motion by Ruhter, second by Furry that the following official Bonds be approved. Motion carried. Bonds follows C. W. Busboom Road Overseer District No Charles VonBush 11 r' ►► 11 John F. Riese Orey Boontjer Mike Trausch 0. W. Petersen Frank Quade Geo. Juranek Jr. Ernest Lutz 11 11 11 11 " 11 11 ►1 11 11 11 1 & 2 57 3 3 1 56 1 4 1 Hanover Logan Juniata Hanover Silver Lake Logan Denver Little Blue West Blue Motion by Furry, second by Bauer that the County Clerk be instructed to strike from the Tax list all taxes extended against Lot 1 and the South 89;x' of Lot 2 Scofields Addition. to the City of Hastings, for the years 1926,1927 and 1928, as ordered by the Supreme Court of Nebraska. Roll call, all members present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Furry, second by Ruhter that the application of L. W. Yenckel for a. blind pension for the amount of $ 200.00 per year payable quarterly be granted by this Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. House Roll No. 90, "Farm Truck Refund Act", A new law was read before the Board. Motion by Ruhter, second by Furry that the following Claims on the Road Dra ging Fund. for refund of Farm Truck Licenses for the year 1928, be allowed and that the CoOnty Treasurer be instructed to refund the same as provided by law; C. C. Hoagland F. E. Janssen & Son. Emil F. Krepcik $ 3.50 7.00 11.50 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Whitesel that the following Depository Bonds, with the securities mentioned therein be approved by this Board, for the protectionof County money on deposit. State Bank of _Ayr First State Bank of Kenesaw State Bank of Pauline Hansen State Bank State Bank of Juniata State Bank of Hastings Roll call, all voted aye. Bonds approved. Motion by Ruhter, second by Bauer Treasurers office be made part J. A. Cates J. H. Furry J. H. Furry County Clerk J. H. Furry J. H. Furry $ 10,000.00 15,000.00 7,500.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 35,000.00 that the following duplicate miscellaneous receipts from the County of the Supervisors record. Motion carried, and receipts follows: No. 2433 Use of Tractor & Maintainer Road Drag Fd No. 2425 Old Bridge Lumber Bridge Fund No. 2 429 I► EC 11 to 11 No. 2430 Rent of Polling Place General Fund No. 2431 Old Bridge Lumber Bridge Fund No. 2432 11 l 11 n ►► Adams County By County Clerk use of Tractor & maintainance of State Road Road 237.00 $ 20.00( 15.00 10.00 15.00 25.00 Dragging Fund 237.00 At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P.. M., when they again resumed with all members present except Rainforth. A report of F. B. Honza, State examiner of County Treasurer on the Audit of the office of Treasurer of Adams County Nebraska,was read before the Board and ordered placed on file. Motion by Ruhter, second by Furry that we order the Court House decorated, except the three rooms already provided for, provided reasonable bids can be had on the same, and that the County Clerk be instructed to advertise for Bids on the decoration of the remaining rooms in the Court House on the same specifications that were used when the building was decorated in 1922. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by R-uhter that we inter into a contract with the J. D. Adams Company for One Adams No.6 Maintainer, at an agreed price of $ 716.00 F.O.B. Holstein, Nebr. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, second by Ruhter that we accept.and approve the Audit Report of the Charles R. Warren Co. for Auditing the Adams County Offices for the Year 1928, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Cole that the Claim of the Democrat Printing Company on the General Fund for $43.75 be disallowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Cole that the Claim of the Democrat Printing Company on the General Fund for $166.70 be allowed at $115.20 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams Adams Baird Bauer Bohlke 0 annon C.B. & Q. R.R. Churchill Mfg. City Fuel & Feed Co. Inc. Cole W.A. Consolidated Company County Treasurer Crosson Crow Davis Furry Gartner A. A. Ralph W. Dorsey D. G. G. W. Halsey T. N. Cafe Co. Raymond L. Walter M. Elliott R. J. H. P. H. Hamel E. B. Hastings Daily Tribune Industrial Chemical Laboraties K -B Printing Company W. W. et al Progress C. H. Keith Kenesaw Land Lincoln Id Lincoln Id Marian School Supply Co. 19 tl 9 Tel. & Tel. Co. 9 td t! Id H. E. Matthiesen & Co. Carl R. Milburn & Scott Co. Pickens R. A. Queen City Laundry Rainforth T. R. Rantz Charles Rantz Charles Rork Dr. Lee W. Ruhter M. Fred Schultz Martha H. Serf Printing Co. O. E. Simms B. M. Strate Dr. L. K. Tillotson T. Underwood Typewriter Co. University Publishing Co VanPelt Mary Wahlquist Brothers Dr. Warren & Co. Charles R. Whitesel W. C. Widmaier William Wooding W. L. Shaw John T. et Adams County Agr. Society Adams & Company J. D. County Treasurer Denver Township Grogan Wm. Hanover Township Juniata Township Lincoln Road Equipment Co. Logan Township Verona Township Adams County 011 Co. Bauer Brown Burroughs Cannon Dier Hamel Henry Dr. J. W. M. B. T. N. Mrs. Emma Dr. E. B. Hastings Fuel Company Herbst Henry Jungerman Grocery Juniata Grain & Live Stock Long Grocery Matthiesen Co. Carl R. al GENERAL FUND For Labor Services Transcript of testimony Cruce Trial Supervisors services & Mileage Office Expense Supplies, County Farm Lunch for Jury Supplies, Court House Coal, for Court House Supervisors services & Mileage Supplies, Court House Gas, Light, Court House, office expense Jail expense, office supplies Office expense Mileage Supervisors services & Mileage td dl 9 8 Services, investigation Proceedings & Notices printed Formaldehyde :F`u.mgators Caucus Blanks Hearing of Insanity Cases Supervisor Proceedings Board for inmates at County Farm Supplies County Supt; 99 9 td Telephones, toll calls, Court House t9 t9 td 11 tt Service & Mileage Supplies, Court House Supplies, County 'Supt. Insurance on Steam Boiler Laundry, Court House Supervisors services & Mileage Decorating, County Supt. Office tl n b t9 Examination of Sarina Troubaugh Supervisors services '& Mileage Office expense, mileage, etc. Supplies, Court House f H 0 Post Mortem. on Sarina Trobouga' Conducting Eight Grade Examinations Supplies, Court House Supplice, County Supt. Services, in District Clerk office. Supplies, County Treasurer Auditing Adams County offices Supervisors services & Mileage Services, as Bailiff. Services, Testing Intoxicating liquor BRIDGE FUND Bridge work COUNTY FAIR FUND'; Improvements & Premiums ROAD DRAGGING FUND Supplies Freight on Tractors Township road dragging Freight on Lubr. grease Township road dragging i9 tt t9 For 30 Caterpillar Tractors Township road dragging tt n 9t POOR AID FUND Coal Groceries Professional services Groceries Drugs Care & Board Professional services Coal Groceries t9 Assrn Coal Groceries Drugs $ 23.15 15.6o 29.25 87.6o 5.94 1+. SO 5.55 +7. o0 395.1g 77.go 4.50 236.60 319.45 2.00 65.00 67.00 4.20 116.00 107.45 144+.00 2.35 37.20 2g.10 140.S5 3.54 5.22 63.50 7.65 3.20 2.50 1'66 251.90 5.34 75.0o 3'+.55 35.00 25.00 62.60 60.20 142.00 2.g5 25.00 2.50 .70 19.66 83.00 7.50 150.00 84.00 33.00 15.00 11.96 1000.00 29.47 225.00 5.gg 3.06 14.75 9.98 7425 . oo 10.00 34.37 152.70 13.29 29.50 4.45 9.00 29.6+ 45.00 ®9.30 39.565 52.95 103.00 30.9g .50 Tunks Mere. Co. Walker Whisinand Zeiler Burling Colbourn Duncan Essinger Furry Lutz Krenzin Blomenkamp Stromer Hubboard Huse Independent Joynt Kenesaw Kleier Lincoln Lutz Miller McCall McCully McWhirter Newman Pavelka Peterson Quade Bolter Faby Shaw E. G. Conrad Carl Mrs Henry Chas. K. et al Vern C. S. Garage & Oil Co J. H. Ernest C. E. Erwin Walter A. J. August Oil & Gas Co. Cleve Motor Co. Edwin Road Equipment Co. Ernest et al John et al Bert Hugh et al Ben H. G. James C. W. et al Frank et al M. Fred A. E. John L. Smith Machinery Company Tompkins Service Garage Whitesel H. M. Whitesel Whitesel Zubrod Ira W. C. Jake POOR AID FUND Cont. Groceries u rr Care & Board COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Shoveling snow Removing snow Repairs Gas & Oil Freight paid Dragging County roads u tt 0 Labor 11 Labor on county read Gas &.0i1 Removing snow on County road Repairs & Labor Shoveling snow Gas & Oil Shoveling snow Shoveling snow Dragging county roads Shoveling snow Dragging county roads Labor rt Shoveling snow Labor Freight paid Dragging county roads Labor Repairs n Labor tt Freight paid Drayage 17.80 5.91 67.74 14.00 27.25 8.00 8.10 97.40 3.04 2.25 9.6/0 9.00 6.00 18.110 7.50 19.05 62.10 5.73 1.60 375.19( 15.6o +. 80 11.90 8.00 3.00 66.55 3.65 3.20 15.4o 3.28 5.24 62.10 4.14 3.75 22.08 71.30 3.44 .75 Motion by Ruhter, second by Whitesel that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Friday April 5th, 1929 at 9 oleicck A. M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. Chairman County Clerk / --Asnrtt. Deputy County Clerk Court House, Hastings, Nebraska, Friday, April 5th, 1929. 9 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of March 5th, 1929. T. R. Bainforth, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Furry, Gartner, R4inforth, Ruhter and Whitesel. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Motion by Furry, second by Gartner that the following official bonds be approved; Motion follow: Fred Taute, Road Overseer, Dist # Gangwisch, Road Overseer, Dist. # Chas. Hager, Road. Overseer, Dist, McCall, Road Overseer, Dist. # 2, H. A. Kroger, Road Overseer, Dost carried. Bonds 4, Verona Twp., Roy Moore, Road. Overseer, Dist. # 1, Highland Twp., Albert 4, Juniata Twp., AugaSt Paulikat, Road Overseer, Dist. # 1, Verona Twp., # 3, Little Blue Twp., Arthur Frahm, Road Overseer Dist # 4, Zero Twp., Bert Verona Twp., Harvey P. Jones, Road. Overseer, Dist. # 2, Little Blue Twp., # 4, Highland Twp., and P. C. Zimmerman, J. P. Denver Twp. Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that in the matter of renewals of Mothers Pensions ordered by the County Court to Ethel Mayhew, Vera Dean Sanford and Carrie Seyler, that the order of the Court be complied with and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for said pensions. All voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Furry, second by Gartner that we enter into a contract with the Lincoln Road Machine Co., for one new Master Road Maintainer, 16i foot blade, at an agreed price of $750.00 F. O. B. Hastings, Nebr. Roll call, ayes, Bauer, Furry, Gartner, Rainforth, Ruhter and Whitesel. Nayes, Cole. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Whitesel that the following claims on the Road Dragging Fund, for refund of 1928 license fee be allowed and the County Treasurer instructed to fefund the sate. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Claims follow: Frank Naggat z Herman A. Mohling T. N. Sheehy Albert RUeSke J. M. Eltz Thomas A. Livingston • $ 7.00 1.88 17.50 7.00 11.50 A communication from the Superintendent of the Union PaOific System regarding the matter of dirt being left on the railroad crossings by patrolmen was read before the Board. No action taken. The following resignation was read before the Board: TO TEE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Gentlemen: I hereby tender my resignation, as County Clerk of Adams County, Nebraska to became effective May 1st, 1929. Dated at Hastings, Nebraska, this 2nd day of April, 1929., Signed - J. A. Cates Motion by Cole, second by Ruhter that the resignation of J. A. Cates, as County Clerk effective May lst, 1929 Motion carried, be accepted by this Board. Roll call, all votedaye. The following resignation was read before the Board: TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASLL Gentlemen: I hereby tender my resignation as Highway Commissioner of Adams County, Nebr., to take effect immediately. Dated at Hastings, Nebr., this 5th day of April, 1929. Signed - J. H. FurrY. Motion by Ruhter, second by Bauer that the resignation of J. H. Furry, as Highway Commissioner to become effective immediately be accepted by this Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. First quarterly report of W. Halsey .0ohlke, County Judge and Raymond L. Crosson, Sheriff were read before the Board and upon motion by Gartner, second by 4hitesel said reports were ordered placed on file. Also report of L. N.. Button, Register of Deeds. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the following duplicate thiscellaneous receipts from the County Treasurers office be Mede part of the Supervisors record. Motion Carried. Receipts follow: # 2434 # 2435 # 2436 # 2437 # 2438 # 2439 # 2440 J. A. Cates Co. 0lerk W. C. Whitesel J. H. Furry County Judge Bohlke J. H. Furry J. H. Furry W. Halsey Bchlke Credit Road Dragging Fund Credit Road Dragging Fund Credit Bridge FindH Credit Inheritance Tax Fund Oredit Road Dragging Fund Credit Bridge Fund' Credit Pines & Licenses 13.00 62.85 1.00 1693.65 26.00 6.50 100.00 # 2448 # 2449 # 2450 # 2451 # 2452 2453 2454 Prosser State Bank First National Bank Adams County, J. A. Cates Hansen State Bank State Bank of Hastings Nebraska National Bank John Furry Credit Interest on Deposits Credit Interest On Deposits Credit Road Dragging Fund Credit Interest on Deposits Credit Interest on Deposits Credit Interest on Deposits Credit Bridge Fund At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15, when they again resumed W. H. McDwoell, filed application for appointment Highway Commissioner. Motion by Cole, second by Ruhter that we proceed to an informal ballot for the appointment of a Highway Commissioner to fill vacancy. Motion carried. The Chairman appointed Supervisors, Ruhter and Bauer as tellers and an informal ballot as taken, which resulted as follor's° P;' H. Gartner, 5, W. H. McDowell, 1, W. `. Whitesel, 1. Motion by Furry, second by Bauer that we suspend the rule and that the informal ballot taken and that P. H. Gartner be declared the duly appointed Highway Commissioner for Adams County, Roll call on the abott'e°.motion all voted aye, except Gartner who was present but not voting. 50.00 363.13 40.00 25.00 263.43 97. g6 6.00 with all members Peesent. be made formal to fill vacancy. Motion carried. At 2 o'clock P. M. the hour set for opening bids for decorating the Court House the following bids were received, opened and read: Chas. Rants and A. A. Adams $ 2235.00 Haynes Brothers 2228.45 Isard Decorating Co. 2300.00 Rippeteau Wallpaper & Pt Co 2355.00 All bids were accompanied with certified checks in the amount of 5% or more of the bid. The Chairman announced that the Board would go into executive session for the purpose of considering the bids. The bids were duly considered in executive session after which the Chairman announced the executive session was over. Motion by Ruhter, second by Furry that after considering all bids filed for decorating the Court House, we find the bid of Haynes Brothers to be the lowest and that a contract be awarded them on their bid of $2228.4 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that we contract with J. H. Trausch to dig a ditch between sections 14 and 15, Silver Lake Township said ditch to be an average width of 20 feet and an average depth of 21 feet and to be 100 ft long, at an agreed price of $450.00. This ditch is intended to change the old channel and to dispense with two old bridges at this point. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that we adopt the State plans and specifications for the year 1929 as the official plans and specifications for wooden, steel and concrete bridges to be built in Adams County, Nebr., daring the year. Motion carried. Metion by Whitesel, second by Ruhter that the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized to advertise for bids, on a yearly contract basis, according to plans and specifications on wooden, steel and concrete bridges adopted by the Board and that the Board reserves the right to reject angt and all bids. R®11 call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow: Adams Bauer Beal Bohlke Button Byers Lumber Co Cates City Fuel & Cole Cole Crosson Crow Davis Deines Drug Co Derides Bike Shop Dillenbach Elliott Erwin Evans Farmers Union Stat Fischer Fullerton Furry Gartner Gaudreault Mere Co Gaudreault Mere Co Righley Hollins Co A. A. G. G. Richard W. Halsey L. N. J. A. W. A. W. A. Raymond L. Wal t e r M.' Elliott R. Lucia Harry A. Beulah Owen G. e Exchange G. B. J. L. J. H. P. H. A. J. A. J. Elmer G. Edith E. GENERAL FUND Redecorating 3 rooms, Court House Supervisors services & mileage Supplies Postage Postage, work on assessors books Supplies, Court' House Chairs, table, Court House Coal, Court House Supervisors services & mileage Cash paid or pen points Jail expense, office supplies, mileage Office expense Mileage Supplies fey s Court costs, office expense Testtig liquor Services, Co. Supt. office Mileage & services, Soldiers & Sailors Relief Comm Supplies, Co. Farm Mileage for Mothers Pension Comm Supplies Supervisors services & mileage Supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Court House Supplies, Court House Services & mileage Cleaning vaults, Court House 125.90 98.90 2.30 3.00 65.00 88.63 20.00 235.37 109.40 .75 477.6o 3.5o 65.00 2.90 1.00 59.50 5.00 10.00 5.80 2.84 3.4o .go 37.30 166.80 36.85 33.90 23.50 13.2o Klopp Printing Co Komrofski Land. Lincoln Tel. & Tel, Lincoln Tel. & Tel. McGrath Hdw Co Milburn & Scott Co Northwestern Mfg Co. Queen City Laundry Rainforth Rants Ruh t er Schultz Serf Printing Co Sigel Cafe Stein Brothers Templin VanPelt Whitesel Widmaie r Wolbach & Brach Inc Woodworth Jones & Sons Joynt Mills Samek Shaw Woodman Mrs. F. J. C. H. Co. Co. J. H. T. R. Charles M. Fred Martha H. O. E. W. H. Mary W. C. William Lovina T. w. Cleve Willard Edd et al John L. E. J. Adams & Co J. D. Ayr Township Blaine Township Buss cottonwood Township Denver Township Gartner Hanover Township Hastings Machine Service Highland Township Juniata Township Kenesaw Implement Co Kenesaw Township Krull Henry Little Blue Township Logan Township Mack Earl Nebraska Culvert & Mfg Co Nebraska Culvert & Mfg Co Pavelka Wm Roseland. Township Silver Lake Township Verona Township Wanda Township West Blue Township Whitesel E. R. Zero Township Barney P. H. Adams County Oil Co Byers Lumber Co Bauer Bauer Burroughs Hahn Hastings Fuel Co Herbst Jones Drug Co Juniata Gr & Live Stock Jungerman Kenesaw Mill & Elev Co Kohlbry Larsen Larsen Larsen Longs Grocery Mary Lanning Memorial Matthiesen & Moon Simpson & Joh Simpson & Joh Henry Raymond M. R. O. H. Henry Assn Herman H. G. H. G. H. G. Hospital Carl R. Lulu K. GENERAL FUND Cont. Supplies, Court House Labor at Court House Board for inmates at Co. Farm Telephones & toll calls, Court House Telephone & toll calls, Parm Bureau Supplies, Court House Supplies, Co. supt. Supplies, Court House Laundry, Court House Supervisors services & mileage Labor painting Court House Supervisors services & mileage dffices expense, mileage, etc. Supplies, Court House IVIals for jury Supplies, Co. Judge Supplies, Court House Services in Clerk Dist. Court office Supervisors services & mileage Services as Bailiff Supplies, Court House Services Couty Clerks office BRIDGE FUND Supplies Bridge work Drayage Labor on bridges Labor on bridges Labor on bridges ROAD DRAGGING FUND Repairs & Supplies Dragging township roads Dragging township roads Truck chains Dragging township roads Dragging township roads Cash paid for express & freight Dragging township roads Labor on tractor Dragging township roads Dragging township roads Supplies, repairs, etc. Dragging township roads Labor Dragging township roads Dragging township roads4 Graveling road to Hayland Road drags Blacksmithing Dragging township roads 9 9 0 11 H 11 11 11 It Auctioneer Services Dragging township roads POOR AID FUND Coal It Groceries 9 9 Professional services Coal Groceries Drugs Coal Groceries 000-1 Groceries 11 Services Drugs Services Groceries 6.00 6.75 155.15 65.15 11.50 1.00 37.87 19.50 5.49 55.8o 74.25 125.40 74.33 80.25 49.25 51.50 1.25 83.00 139.40 102.00 23.18 53.90 23.35 36.80 4.00 5.60 36.80 42.4o 57.69 47.4s 46.75 5.00 7.37 29.12 10.02 56.36 6.00 20.06 28.75 496.93 32.12 49.00 34.00 4.75 466.64 181.25 115.00 33.15 20.50 37.74 11.49 34.74 13.37 10.00 50.31 66.30 4.90 5.77 14.10 5.95 15.00 44.5o 24.07 16.75 35.45 46 26 26.54 11.39 12.50 10.00 17.06 14.96 51.90 4.35 22.16 12.00 10.00 Adams & Co Adams & Co Anderson Balke Bruntz Burge Burling Cliffton Derra Duncan Furry Mathews Patterson Schlachter Krenzen Eigenberg Con sbruck Baker Stromer Schmidt Leighfield Stumpenhorst Starner Smidt Krull Valentine Gartner Hastings Mech Haws & Sons Hubbard Independent Oil Joynt Kenesaw Mill Kister & Son Kluver Krenzen Land Lincoln Road J. D. J. D. John Raymond et al Alex A. Ralph et al Frank Louis C. S. J. H. G. F. John J, C. C. t. H. H. Jacob Roy Wm E Carl Ben Theodore Anton John John Onno P. H. anical Works A. J. & Gas Co Cleve & Elev. Co George John C. E. C. H. Equipment Co Lofquist Alfred Lutz Ernest McGrath Hdw Co J. H. National Refining Co Nebraska Culvert & Mfg Co Newman Howilrd G Ovary Howard Overy James Patterson John Pavelka James Peterson Frank A. Burge Wesley Biankenbiller G. E. Koch Raymond Christensen Hans Shaffer Oil & Refinina Co Shaw John F. Shenk H. L. Standard Oil Co Whiteoel McLeod. Burling Williams Anderson Zubrod Ira George Chas K. K. R. August Jake COUNTY'HIGHWAY'FOND., Blades Supplies, repairs Labor Shoveling snow Hauling snow fence Dragging County roads Team work Labor Team work Supplies Superintending county roads & mileage Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads 7 71 71 1177 It It " ft It It 11 ft ft ft 7.'8 It It Superintending county roads & mileage Repairs & supplies Gas & Oil Labor Gas Patrol work Coal Supplies Labor and patrol Hauling snow fence Dynamiting trees Supplies, repair's Supplies and repairs Labor Supplies Oil Supplie s Labor Patrolman Removing snow fence Team work Patrolman .Dragging county roads 0 9 77 77 11 77 u Gasoline Patrol work Labor Gas & Oil' Labor Dragging county roads Dragging county roads 77 77 77 Drayage 18.45 6.70 1.20 8.80 6.00 2.25 33.00 25.3o 1.20 3.55 7.6o 3.00 9.75 2.62 9.75 17.32 6.00 7.00 5.63 6.00 9.75 6.00 5.25 13.12 9.75 9.75 41.20 6.55 79.80 55.20 9.08 80.50 10.72 1.00 29.90 3.00 3.20 46.00 136.70 9.00 25.26 68.6o 1.84 72.68 110.4o 16.00 4.5o 105.8o 3.75 10.87 4.50 3.00 5.25 1.80 80.50 2.00 17.15 72.22 6.00 4.12 16.87 12.00 2.00 Motion by Cole, second by Gartner that the claim of the Klopp Printing Go on the General Fund in the amount of #198.74 be allowed at $165.74. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by Furry that this Board adjourn to meet again on Thursday,April, 18th, 1929, at 10 o'clock A. M. At this meeting the matter of appointing a County Clerk will be taken up o fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of J. A. Cates. Whereupon the Board adjourned. eputy Co12flt)' Clerk. Chairman I._(19 Court House, Hastings, Nebrasaka. Thursday, April lith, 1929. 10 OIClock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adam County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of April 5th, 1929. T. R. Rainforth, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Parry, Gartner, Rainforth, Ruhter and Whitesel. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Motion by Ruhter, second by Bauer that the following official bonds be approved. Roll call, all voted aye, except Gartner who was present but was excused from voting. Bonds follow: Joe Pitz, Road Overseer, Dist # 2, Roseland T%rp., M. D. Sergeant, Road Overseer, Dist. # 1, Juniata Twp. Wm. Stress, Road Overseer, Dist. # 3, Verona Twp., P. H. Gartner, Highway Commissioner of Adams County. First quarterly report of Lucia Dillenba.ch, Clerk of the, District Court with a treasurers receipt in the amount of $1295.05 attached was read before the Board and upon motion by Gartner, second by Furry the report was ordered placed on file. At this time the matter of the appointment of a County Clerk to Jo A., Cates care up and the following list of applications for Morledge, Chas. Re Hankins, Fred Kockrow, 47. R. Alexander, J. 0 Forrest L. Hughes,W. Frank , g?e i , 'L. M. W. Maxwell, T a. Jon s,J. W. Marvel DeWitt, E.JBBo Boggs, Herman W. At 10:45 o'clock the Chairman announced the Board would go into considering the different applications. fill the, vacancy, caused bythe resignation of the position were read by the Clerk: Bert Roserau, Lillian A. Nilber, J. C. Lee, Kent, H. O. Spi cknal l , Geo. M. Adams, Geo. Aspergren and Frank Rutherford. executive session for the purpose of Each applicant y considered by the Board and at 11:50 A. M. the Chairman announced the Board would go into regular.session and would recess until 1:15 P. M. At 1:15 P. M. the Board resumed with all members present. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that we proceed to an informal ballot for the appointment of a County Clerk to fill vacancy. Motion carried. The Chairman appointed Sapervicors Cole and Whitesel as tellers. An informal ballot was taken which resulted as follows: Jones,! %ilber Two, Spicknall, one, Adams one, Kent two. Chairman ordered informal ballot number two which resulted as follows: Jones, three, Wilber two, Kent one, Maxwell one. Chairman ordered informal ballot number three which resulted as follow: Jones three, Wilber one, Kent one, Morled ,.e One, Maxwell one. ChaMarvel ordered erediinformal balllottrmmber four which resulted as follows: Jones three, Wilber two, Maxwell one, • informal ballot number five which resulted as follows Aspergren two, Hughes one, Jones three, Wilber one. Chairman ordered informal ballot number six which resulted as follows: Hughes one, Jones three, Wilber two, Aspergren one. Chairman ordered informal ballot number seven which resulted as follows: Wilber two, Kent one, Petrik two, Jones one, Aspergren one. Chairman ordered informal ballot number eight, which resulted as follows: Wilber two, Jones four, Petrik one. Motion by Gartner, second by ' hitesel that we proceed to a formal ballot for the appointment of a County Clerk to fill vacancy. Motion carried. Chairman ordered formal ballot number one which resulted as follows: Jones ,three, Petrik one, Wilber three. No choice. Chairman ordered formal ballot xumber two, which resulted as follows: Kent one, Jones three, Petrik one, Wilber two. No choice. Chairman ordered formal ballot ntt.mbe three, which resulted as follows: Wilber one, Lee one, Kent one, Jones three. Six votes. No choice. Chairman ordered formal ballot number four which resulted as follows: Yilber three, Jones three, Lee one. No choice. Chairman ordered formal ballot number five, which resulted as follows: Jones three, Kent one, Lee one, Rutherford one, 'Wilber one. No choice. Chairman ordered formal ballot number six, which resulted as follows: Maxwell one, Wilber two, Jones three, Aspregren one. No coicee Chairman ordered formal ballot number seven which resulted as follows: Wilber two, Jones two, Posenai. ore, Kent two No choice. Chairman ordered formal ballot number eight which resulted as follows: Wilber three, Kent two , Jones two. No choice. Chairman ordered formal ballot number nine which resulted as follows: Jones four, Kent one, Wilber two. The Chairman announced that T. W. Jones having received a majority of the votes cast for appointment of County Clerk is hereby declared appointed County Clerk to fill vacancy. Motion by Furry, second by Gartner that the appointment of T. W. Jones as County Llerk to fill vacancy be made unanimous. Motion carried, motion by Ruhter, second by Cole that the County Clerk be and is hereby instructed to advertise for bids on gravel project #4, County Road #2, for an additional one inch gravel surface for approximately 12 raffles. Bids to be opened June 5th, 1929. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried.' Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that this Board now adjourn to meet again or Saturday May 4th, 1929. 9 of clock A. M. Motion carried. Board adj ocrned. County Clerk. Q l(/ eputy County Clerk. Chairman Court House, Hastings, Nebraska. Saturday, May lith, 1929. 9 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting -of the Adams. County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of April 18th, 1929. T. R. Rainforth, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Furry, Gartner, Rainforth, Ruhter and Whitesel. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that the County Judge be called in to which is on file in the County Judges office. Roll call, all voted aye. THE HONORABLE. _BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Gentlemen: approve the Bond of T. W. Jones Motion carried. I hereby appoint Mrs. Lillian G. Wilber Deputy County Clerk, for the Term of my Office as County Clerk and respectfully ask that your Honorable 1)60 confirm this appointment. Signed T. W. Jones Motion by Ruhter, second by Bauer that the board confirm the appointment County Clerk. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS_ OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. County Clerk. of Lillian G. Wilber as Deputy At the recent City Election, held in the city of Hastings on April 2, 1929. I was elected Police Magistrate in and for said City for the ensuing two years. Because of that fact I hereby tender my resignation as Sucstitute County Judge of Adams County, Nebraska, to take effect immediately, and ask that my acts and doings while substituting as County Judge be approved, and my bond released. Respectfully submitted, Edmund Nuss Motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel that the resignation of Mr. Nuss be accepted and his bond released. Motion carried. TO THE_ HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY: NEBRASKA. By virtue of the resignation of the present substitute County Judge, E. P. Nuss. which is tendered to you at this session, it becomes necessary that his successor be appointed. I respectfully request your approval of the appointment of attorney Herman G. Schroeder to succeed Mr. Nuss, as substitute County Judge of Adams County, and that he be given power to so act upon his giving bond. Respectfully submitted, W. Halsey Bohlke, Judge of the County Court. Motion by Bauer, second by Furry that we approve of the appointment of Herman G. Schroeder to succeed Mr. Nuss, as substitute County Judge of Adams County. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Gartner that the following official bond of Otto District No. 2 Cottonwood Township, be approved. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel that the. report of J. A. Cates, County commencing January 1st, 1929, and ending April 30th, 1929 be placed on file. Motion carried. C. Hansen Road Overseer of Clerk for the period Roll call, all voted aye. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the Order of Court for Mothers Pension for Mrs. David Repp and Lena E. Barr be complied with. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Furry, second by Ruhter that we release from any liability on and after the 4th day of May, 1929, the Sjrandard Accident Insurance Co. of Detroit, Mich. on their Bond No. 4364, written by them as sureties on the Official Bond of J. A. Cates, County Clerk of Adams County, Nebraska, for the term, commencing January 1927 and ending January, 1931. Said Bond is now on record in the Office of the County Judge of Adams County, Nebraska. This release is not intended to cover any part of the term of J. A. Cates, County Clerk, except after May 4th. 1929. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, Second by Whitesel that we release from any liability on and after the 4th, day of May, 1929, the National Surety Company of New York, N.Y. written by them as sureties on the Official Bond of J. H. Furry, County Highway Commissioner of Adams County, Nebraska, for the term, commencing January 1, i oaa 1 107A Coln Rnnri i s nnw nn rPrtnrii in tY,P (f f i cP of Connty Clerk of Adams County. Motion by Cole, second by Furry that we accept the Compensation Policy of the General Casualty Surety Company for May 7th, 1929 to May 7th, 1930. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion. by Bauer, second by Furry that we buy a Caterpillar Tractor Model No. 6o at the price of $4300.00 F.O.B. Factory.Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Cole that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow: Adams A. A. American Multigraph Sales Co. American Multigraph Sales Co Baird .Dotsey D. Bauer G. G. Binderup Edw. Company Cannon Cates Cole Crosson T. N. J. A. Co. Clk. W. A. Raymond L. Consolidated Company County Treasurer Davis Elliott R. Dericks Bike Shop Dillenbach Lucia Fischer G. S. Furry J. H. Gartner P. H. Gaston Music Company Gaudreault Mer. Co A. J. Hamel Dr. E. B. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewirter Co. Keith Dr. W. W. Keith Dr. W. W. Keith Dr. W. W. Klopp Printing Company Land C. H. Lawson Hardware Co- C. K. Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Company rr Ir II ft II Local Registrars Lyne J. 0. et al Milburn & Scott Co. Moon Lulu K. Kenesaw Progress Owen Publishing Co. F. A. Palmer Ebmpany A. N. Penny Company J. C. Proffitt Harry Queen City Laundry Rainforth T. R. Renner Printing Company Ruhter M. Fred Rutherford Brothers School Dist. # 18 School Dist. # 18 Schultz Martha. Serf Printing Company 0. E. Sergeant Neal Stein Brothers Company Steinbruck Emma L. Steinbruck Emma L. Stewart Walter G. Trimble. Hoylman_Ins. Co. Underwood Typewrtier Company VanPelt Mary Whitaker Florence Whit:esel W. C. Widmaier Wm. Wooding W. L. et et et Byers, Lumber, Company County Treasurer Frahm Art et al Grothaus John Jones & Son Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. 'Company Ir 9 rr 0 Ir rr tr 9 II H Rickerson Valentine Lee et al Henry al al al GENERAL FUND Labor Supplies Ir Transcript of Trobough Supervisors service & Mileage Supplies Drugs & Supplies Office expense Supervisors service & Mileage Jail expense, office supplies, mileage Office Supplies Gas, Lights, & Office expense Mileage Repairs Court costs, office Mileage for Mothers Supervisors service n Rent of Piano Office. supplies Professional Services Printing Cleaning of Typewriters Witnesses insanity case 11 expense Pension Comm. & Mileage n a rr rr n Supplies, Court- House Board for, inmates at County Farm Supplies for Court 'House calls, Farm Bureau "Court House • •Telephone & Toll rc 0 n Services Correcting Eight Grade Examination Papers Supplies Care & Board Printing Supplies, Court House Supplies, Court House Coin.ty Farm Supplies, County Assessors Office Laundry, Court House Supervisors services, Mileage Printing Supervisors services, Mileage Supplies, & Labor Renting of Assembly Room for 8th, Grade Exam. " Teacher Exam. etc. n 0 rr it 11 Office expense, mileage, Supplies, Court House Papering at County Farm Supplies, Court House Cleaning County Judges Office 0 0 0 n Labor & Supplies Insurance Supplies, Court House Services in Clerk of District Court Office Services in County Judges Office Supervisors services, & Mileage Investigating for Mothers Pension Services, Testing sample of Liquor BRIDGE FUND Supplies Freight paid Labor on Bridges it 9 II Supplies Ir ri n Labor Labor & Freight rr Ir H II on Bridges ROAD DRAGGING FUND 8.40 4.58 .52 288.37 68.8o 14.80 36.65 37.81 67.8o 363.68 9.00 218.10 65.00 2.00 340.00 3.40 36.60 26.20 10.00 20.84 91.00 53.35 10.00 13.10 46.8o 13.10 15.15 150,15 5.00 9.05 56.00 62.5o 104.00 135.67 21.45 30.82 11.31 10.20 4.86 44.17 7.77 55.0o 8.50 42.80 17.75 20.00 10.00 44.63 244.00 15.40 5.60 1.00 12.20 6.65 276.67 1.00 83.00 40.00 30.60 14.70 5.00 423.37 558.5o 69.35 11.80 20.17 386.56 243.00 88.90 36.15 1.00 2 Court House, Hastings, Nebraska. Wednesday, June 5th, 1929. 9 o'clock A. M. Adans County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of May 4th, 1929. Roll call, all members.present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Furry, Gartner, Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved: Motion by Gartner, second by Rthter that the communication from Gangwish be turned over to the Road & Bridge committee. Motion Rainforth, Ruhter, and Whitesel. the County Surveyor and the request of Mr. carried, Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that we place the road petition of H. B. others on file. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel Supervisors Record. Motion carried. # 2455 #246 # 2457 # 245e # 2459 # 2460 # 2461 #. 2 # 2463 Fred Ruhter Fred Ruhter Lucia Dillenbach Lucia Dillenbach CountyJudge Bohlke Lucia Dillenbach Lucia Dillenbach Judge Bohlke J. A. Cates Burroughs and Carl Koepke and that the following miscellaneous receipts be made Receipts follow: Credit Credit t» n 11 If 11 n Bridge Fund 12.75 Road Dragging fund 11.00 General Fund 26.35 6.00 Inheritance Tax Fund 140.15 General Fund 1295.05 N FI Inheritance Tax Fund General Fund 23.00 72.17 392.90 a part of the Motion'by•Furry, second by Ruhter that we accept the resignation of John F. Bramble and release his bond. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, second by Furry that we approve of the appointment of J. Floyd Arnold, Deputy Sheriff, made by Raymond Crosson, Sheriff of Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. A communication from the Department of Public Works, Lincoln, Nebr., regarding the division of the gas tax was read before the Board., Motion by Gartner, second by Cole that we approve the following Official Bonds: Robert Huckfeldt, Road Overseer, Dist. # 1, Cottonwood Twp., Fred Junker, Road Overseer, Dist. # 2, Highland Twp., M. E. Parks, Road Overseer, Dist. # 3, Highland Twp., W. W. Gates , Justice of thePeace, Zero Twp., Geo. H. Plambeck, Road Overseer, Dist # 4, Wanda Twp., and J. Floyd Arnold, Deputy Sheriff Adams County. Motion by Ruhter, second by Whitesel that the order of the County Court be complied with in regard to the application for a Mothers Pension for Emma Dell Young. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that the Depository Bond of the Southern Surety Co., of New York, in the ameunt of $20,000.00 given by the First National Bank, Hastings, .Nebr., and a Depository Bond of the National Surety Co., of New York in the amount of $20,000.00 given by the First National Bank, Hastings, Nebr., both to secure county money be approved by this Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, secondby"Bauer that we grant the request of P. T. Naylor, City Engineer for the construction of a water main on 12th St. from Baltimore Ave. to Crane Ave., andthence south to second street. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, second by Furry that the application of James P. Dewitt to enter the Soldiers & Sailors Home at Burkett, Nebr., be granted by bhis Board and that the Chairman and Clerk be authorized to sign said application. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M., when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that we order the following Co.;, of Omaha, Nebr.,: 1-32 foot i-.24 foot 1-32 foot 1-24 foot 1-32 foot 1-96 foot Roll call, all voted aye. waterway - 16 foot waterway - 16 foot waterway - 16 foot waterway - 16 foot waterway - 16 foot waterway - 16 foot Motion carried. roadway between roadway between roadway between roadway between roadway west of roadway between wooden bridges built by the Standard Bridge sections 16 sections 2 sections 27 sections 25 section 19, sections 32 and 21, West Blue Twp. and 11, Juniata Twp., and. 34, Juniata Twp. and 26, Wanda Twp., Wanda Twp., on County line. and 33, Hanover Twp. Motion by Gartner; second by Bauer that we enter into a contract with the Standard Bridge Co., Omaha, Nebr., for one 30 x 20 tj joist between sections 26 and 27, Little Blue Twp., at an agreed price of $2000.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried.. At 2 o'clock P. M. the time set for the opening of bids on Gravel Project # 4, Adams County, the following bids were opened and read: Western Bridge & Construction Co., Omaha Nebr., .0733 R. T. Schlueter, Kenesaw, Nebr. .055S Mid -State Construction Co., Hastings, Nebr. 4557 Allied Contractors, Inc., Omaha, Nebr. .0725 H. J. Peterson & Co., Omaha, Nebr. .0525 The Board went into executive session to discuss the _bids and found the bid of the .H. J, Petersoi Go., n..n., to,, +.n lho +lie lnwcef. hiAtiar_ Motion by_,Gartner, second by Whitesel that the following claims on the Road Dragging Fund for refund of 1928 license fee be allowed and the County Treasurer be instructed to refund same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow: Wm. Jacobitz L. S. Smith Clyde Knopf $ 7.00 7.00 36.00 Motion by Whitesel, second by Furry that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow: Addie Alexander Anderson Baird Baird Baird Bartram Bauer Binderup Hdw. Co Bohlke Bourne Bowers Burroughs Adding Cannon Cole Consolidated Co. Crosson Crosson Davidson Floral Davis Deines Drug Co Dieter Dillenbach Durkee Eigenberg Erwin Furry Garrison Gartner budreault Mere. Haines Hartman James E Charlotte M. August Dorsey D Dorsey D Dorsey D. Clarence Geo. G. • Halsey,Co. Judge Frank Reuben Machine Co. T. N. W. A. Martin Raymond L. Co Elliott R. M. E. Lucia Geo. B. R. H. Beulah J. H. John P. H. Co A. J. 0. H. Ernst Hastings Aiming Co Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co Haynes Bros Hoagland S. G. Holcomb Mfg. Co J. I. K -B Printing Co K -B Printing Co K -B Printing Co Keith Kislter Kline Klopp Printing Klopp Printing Kort Land. Leonard Lincoln School Lincoln Tel, & Lincoln Tel. & Lyne Matthieson & Co Carl R. Maxwell John Milburn & Scott Co Murphy Typewriter Co McGrath Hdw Co J. H. Newell C. N. Nienhueser Fred Oliver Lumber Co Omaha Printing Co Patterson James Peters H. F. Pfof fi tt Harry Proffitt J. F. Queen City Laundry Rainforth T. R. Renner & Co Percy Ruhter M. Fred School Dist. # 1S School Dist. # IS W. W. et al Geo. J. B. Co Co Martin C. H. Frank Supply Co Tel. Co. Tel. Co J. 0. et al GENERAL FUND Trials of Cruce case, Dist. Court Assessing in 2nd Ward Assessing Verona Twp. Bill, of exceptions State vs. Bohlke Bill of exceptions State vs. Roeder Bill ofexceptions State vs. Kunselman Hauling rubbish Supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Court House Court costs, office expense Assessing Little Blue Twp. Assessing 4th Ward Services on machine Supplies, Co. Farm Supervisors services & mileage Envelope sealers Assessing West Blue Twp. Jail expense, office supplies Supplies for Court House lawn Mileage Supplies, Court House Assessing Roseland Twp. Court costs, office expense Assessing 2nd Ward Assessing Ayr Twp. Extra help, Co. Supt. Supervisors services & mileage Assessing Denver Twp. Supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Court House Painting flag pole Assessing 1st Ward awnings for court house Notices Repair work, ribbons Labor at Court House Assessing Blaine Twp. Supplies, Court House Supplies, Co. Supt. Supplies, Co. Supt. Supplies, Co. Supt. Witnesses, insanity hearing Assessing Silver Lake Twp. Supplies, Court House Supplies, Co. Assessor Supplies, Co. Assessor Assessing Zero Twp Board of inmates at Co. Farm Office chair Supplies, Co. Supt. Telephones & Toll calls, Court House Telephones & toll calls, Farm Bureau Correcting 8th grade papers Supplies, Co. Farm Assessing Cottonwood Twp. Supplies Supplies & services Supplies, Co. Farm Assessing Juniata Twp. Assessing Wanda Twp, Supplies Supplies, Register of Deeds Assessing Logan Twp. Making concrete forms Office expense, mileage Assessing improvements & personal, Hastings Laundry for Court House Supervisors services. Supplies, Court House Supervisors services & mileage Use of school building Use of school building 200.00 200.00 180.00 144.00 102.00 56.25 2.50 46.20 23.92 19.90 135.00 220.00 2.63 2.95 97.20 9.00 150.00 420.02 4.00 65.0o 3.80 161.10 380.30 230.0o 146.10 16.50 35.00 150.00 33.60 77.52 11.00 185.00 116.10 28.90 5.50 5.85 135.0o 34.13 3.11 6.12 60.64 31.70 85.00 3.3o 2.48 33.00 150.55 152.0o 12.00 2.34 74.70 14.90 32.70 4.25 175.25 5.66 16.25 1.50 216.14 125.22 11.45 60.34 135.51 12.00 43.00 470.00 6.03 45.00 13.0o 31.20 10.00 10.00 Mt no Whitaker Whitesei Widmaier Woodworth Kenesaw Progress Bill ear Byers Lumber Co Fairbanks Heartwell Huse Jones & Sons Juranek Kistler Kistler Kort Kort Krueger Krueger Krueger Roseland Lumber T rausch Woodworth Florence W. C. Wm. Pearl B. Lester C. A. Bill T. W. Joe Jr Geo et al Will Chas Herbert Chas Dan Henry Co. Treas. Co J. H. Pearl B. Co. Treas, Advance-Rumely Thresher Co Ayr Township Blaine Township Cottonwood Twp Denver Twp. Fairbanks Lester Hanover Twp. Heartwell 0. A. Highland Twp. Juniata Twp. Kenesaw Twp. Kislter Will Kort Albert C Lincoln Road Machine Co Lincoln Read Equipment Co Little Blae Twp. Logan Twp, Mack Earl Nebr. Culvert & Mfg Co Oliver Lbr. Co. Roseland Twp. Silver Lake Twp. Smith L. S. Verona Twp. Wanda Twp West Blue Twp. Woodworth Pearl B. Co. Treas. Zero Twp. Adams County Oil Co Adams County Red Cross Bauer Fred Burroughs M. R. Byers Lumber Co Cannon Eckhardt E chardt Farmers Union Hardt Drug Co Herbst Jtzngerman Kohlbry Longs Grocery Matthiesen & Co Moon McFerren Sippson & Joh Simpson & Joh Simpson & Joh Sunnyside Walker- - Whisinand acker - Whisinand T. N. Chas. R. E. Coop. Assn. Henry Carl Herman Carl R. Mrs. Lulu K. Ida Conrad Carl V. Brower J. 0. GENERAL FUND Cont, Extra help, Co. Judges office Supervisors services & mileage Bailiff services Water, Gas,Lights Court House, office expense Notices, etc. BRIDGE FUND Unloading lumber Lumber Assisting County Surveyor Surveyor services Labor an county bridge Supplies Labor on county bridge Labor on county bridge Assisting County surveyor Labor on county bridge Filling in county bridge Labor on county bridge Labor on county bridge If II ff ft Culverts Cutting ditch Freight on lumber ROAD DRAGGING FUND Repair work Road dragging If fe If 0 If N Assisting Co. Surveyor Road dragging Road work Road dragging q If Assisting Co. Surveyor Piece of ground for corner Maintainer Tractor Road dragging Road dragging Gravel work Supplies Stakes Road dragging If n Ground for filling in grade Road dragging q 11 ff II Freight on tractor Road dragging POOR AID FUND Coal Services Groceries 11 Coal Drugs Groceries n n Drugs Groceries n s N Drugs Services n Groceries If N Services Groceries n COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Dravin' 40.00 43, so 12.90 1143.82 4.00 431.6o 3.50 12.18 2.00 12.93 5.00 16.15 3.50 3.6o 106.40 39.0o 70.55 21.00 411.35 4,0.00 4145.00 234.20 39.61 26.50 43.37 81.63 7.00 80.13 26.55 85.58 103.72 32.87 7.00 35.00 750.0o 4300.00 74.44 38.88 147.6o 37.55 .so 89.29 58.04 10.00 84.12 81.62 53.30 152.25 54.63 3.00 1.98 6.70 3.65 6.40 9.oa 8.00 6.59 8.81 8.00 14.51 30.88 14.01 22.35 1.85 22.16 66.00 10.00 11.90 9.90 201.50 13.85 nn Riese Kren zen Gartner Krul l Schmidt Starner Versaw Stromer Stumpenhorst Bleier Leighfield Baker Smidt Stromer Con sbruck Blomenkamp Gartner Grieman Harpham Haws & Sons Jones Kister & Son Independent Oil Independent Oil Kline Lewi s Lincoln Road Lincoln Road Livingston Lofquist Merkel Mills McGrath Hdw. McGrath Hdw. Geo. H. C. E. P. H. John Carl Anton Darrel Wm. E. Theo Herman Ben Roy John Walter Jacob Ervin P. H. Joe et a1 Bert Harvey George & Gas Co & Gas Co Carl A. W. et et al a1 Equipment Co Equipment Co H. Alfred Lambert Willard et Co J.H. Co J. H. National Refining Polley Lumber Co Pavelka Pitz Plautz quada Peterson T rau sch Peterson Koch Land Burge Felzein Burge Christensen Schiffl er Routh Blankenbi ller Ruhter Sharp Standard Oil Co Tompkins Motor Service Vinsen Pearl Whitesel W. C. Hoffman Theo McLeod Kat z berg Cooper Saddler Weber Kuehn Burling Atwater Bros Bobbitt Zubrod COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Cont. Dragging county roads ii Cash paid out Dragging county roads r1 n n 11 N i1 11 0 n O li 11 11 ►i 0 y fl H 11 11 11 8 11 p H 11 u 11 fi 11 11 0 N Supervising county roads, mileage Team work Blacksmi thing Gas &:011 Team work Blacksmithing Gas & Oil n n 0 Team work N 11 Supplies i1 Team work Supplies Ope rating tractor al Team work Dynamite Co W.(� G. Wm Joseph J. et al Herman Frank Frank A Chris O. W. Raymond C. H. A. R. A. Wesley Hans Abraham Jas G. E M. Fred A. O. George Arthur C. T. H. C. Theo J. Fred Chas. K. W. B. Jake Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that A. M. My ion carried. Board adjourned. f y Clerk. Deputy County Clerk. n Oil Lath Blacksmithing Team work it h Team work Dragging County n 8 11 11 n n 0 11 n n n Supervising county roads & mileage Oil Gas & Oil Gas Team work Supervising county roads Dragging county roads 11 fl 1i 11 11' i1 11 11 1i 11 a 1, braying 19.5o 6.00 7.80 10.87 4.50 6.75 9.00 17.25 3.38 6.75 6.38 9.00 12.00 i5.75 9.75 9.00 193.2o 55.65 13.75 112.3/0 76.50 2.75 6.7o 184.61 37.50 69.0o 4.20 2.78 61.4o 7.15 4.6o 30.65 10.00 62.25 61.60 1.10 55.85 16. so 205.0o 4.4o 3.75 2.25 10.50 1.87 9.00 5.25 9.00 15.75 9.00 16.50 3.00 13.50 102.70 2.10 197.03 4.20 30.00 75.60 5.25 3.00 9.00 5.64 11.25 3.00 3.00 5.25 3.00 3.75 .5o this Board now adjourn to meet again on July 'th, 1929. 9 o'clock EQUALIZATION MEETING 1 9 2 9 Court House, Hastings, Nebraska. Tuesday, June llth, 1929. 10 o'clock A. M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors together with the County Assessor and. the County Clerk met as a Board of Equalization. T. R. Rainforth, Chairman, Clerk. presiding. Roll call,all members were present also the County Assessor and County The following complaint on the assessed valuation of Real Estate was filed with the County Clerk: Lot 11, Jones City Park Addition to the City of Hastings. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 2 o'clock P. M., when they again resumed with all members present. The afternoon session was taken up in discussing different complaints. At 5 o'clock P. M. the Board recessed until June 12th, 1929 at 10 o'clock A. M. Wednesday, June 12th, 1929. 10 o'clock A. M. Adams County Board met as per redoes of June lith,.1929. 10 o'clock A. M. T. R. Rainforth, chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members were present including the County Assessor and the County Clerk. The following complaint was read before the Board: Lots 1-2 and 3, Daw's and Foss' Addition to the City of Hastings. Motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel that the complaint of J. J. Lewis on the above described property be not allowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The following complaint was read before the Board: Improvements on Lot 111, Kenesaw Village Motionby Whitesel, second by Furry that the complaint of Arteena Billesbach on the above described improve- ments be reduced from $500.00 to $300.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 O'clock Noon the Board recessed uitil 2 o'clock P. M., when they again resumed with all members present. The following complaint was read before the Board: Si fr. section 18 Blaine Township made by G. H. Frerichs. At 5 o'clock P. M. the Board recessed until Thursday, June 13th, 1929. 10 o'clock A. M. Thursday, June 13th, 1929. 10 o'clock A. M. The Board of Supervisors met asper recess of Wednesday, June 12th, 1929. 10 o'clock A. M. T. R. Rainforth, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members were present including the County Assessor and the . County Clerk. Motion by Proffitt, second by Whitesel that the valuation on the land on the Si fr. Section 18, Blaine Township of which complaint was made by G. H. Frerichs, remain the same. Roll call, all voted aye: Motion carried. A letter was read from. the Mary Leaning Memorial Hospital Association regarding the exemption from taxation of the following described property: N. 76 ft Lot 2, Scofield's Addition to the City of Hastings, and adjoining the Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital, and to be used for hospital purposes. Motion by Cole, second by Gartner that we grant the request of the Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Association exempting from taxation the above described property as it is '.sed for hospital purposes. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Proffitt, second by Gartner -that te""request of E. Pearson for a reduction on the assessed valuation on Lot 11, Jones City Park Addition be reduced from $2500.00 to $2100.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clok Noon the Board recessed until 2 o'clock P. M., when they again resumed. with all members present. request was made for the exemption from taxation of the following described property: Part of SE* SEi Section33, Ayr Village Extensions. Motion by Gartner, second by Cole that the above property be exempt from taxation for the reason it is used for religious purposes. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Court House, Hastings, Nebraska. Wednesday, August 2Sth, 1929. 10 olclock A. M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors together with the County Assessor and the County Clerk met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of June 13th, 1929 at the call of the County Clerk. All members were present except Mr. Rainforth. Notion by Cole, second by Proffitt that P. H. Gartner, act as chairman in the absence of Mr. Rainforth. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, second by Proffitt that whereas the assessed valuations of Adams County, Nebr., for the year 1929, as equalized by this Board and as accepted and approved by the State Board of Equalization and are now ready to fix a tax levy upon, that we proceed to fix a tax Thiry on said valuations in each governmental sub -division of said Adams County, Bebr., and that the mill rate for said tax levy in each sub -division be as follows, to -wit: ADAMS COUNTY LEVY As based on estimates by the Board at their statutory meeting held in January 1929. General .46 mills Bridge .27 " County Fair .05 0 Soldiers & Sailors .00 II Mothers Pension .12 0 Poor Aid .10 II Total mill rate 1.00 mill CITY AND VILLAGE LEVIES As based on tax certificates filed in the office of the County Clerk by the city and village clerks. City of Hastings Itemized funds 10.7 mills Ayr Village 0 11 15. 0 Holstein Village II 0 10. 0 Juniata Village 0 I1 9. II Kenesaw Village 0 0 g. II Prosser Village 11 0 5. 0 Ro seland Vila age 0 0 14. I1 Trumbull Village It 0 S. It TOWNSHIP LEVIES As based on tax certificates filed inthe office of the County Clerk by the various Township Clerks showing amount voted to be raised by taxation: Test Blue Highland Verona Kenesaw Wanda Juni at a Denver Blaine Hanover Ayr Roseland Cottonwood Logan Silver Lake Zero Little Blue Township 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 li 0 It 11 All purposes 1.2 mills II 0 1.2 II O II 1.6 of O 0 1.7 N 0 0 1.14 0 II 0 1.5 II II 11 . g 0 II' tt .5 0 0. 0 . g 0 11 0 1.2 0 o II 1.4 0 II II 1.5 11 It: It 1.5 0 O 0 5 0 II 0 1. II 11 II e9 II SCHOOL DISTRICT LEVIES As based on tax certificates filed in the amount voted to be raised by taxation: Dist. No. General Bond F.H.S. Total 1 2. ,3. 4 5 6 7 9 to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4o 8. 1. 74 6.. 3 3.4 .1 3. 75 2.9 1.9 8.2 2. 3.6 1.8 2.3 1.3 1.4 13.8 2.8 3.1 3.3 4.5 2.5 2.2 3.2 1,9 3. 2. 3.8 3.5 2.3 3 4.1 1 , 5 14. 1 2.4 2,1 1.6 2.9 3.9 2.1 2..8 8. 1. 2. 7.9 1. 7.3 1. 4.4 1. }1.1 4 1. . 10. 1. 3.9 1. 2.9 8.2 1. 3. 1. 4.6 1. 2.8 1. 3.3 1 . 2.3 le 2.4 16.6 1. 3.8 1.� 1e: 4.3 1. 5.5 1. 3.5 1,e 3.2 1. 4.2 1. - 2.9 1. 4. 1 3. .5 4.3 1.. 4.5 1, 403 1. 2.5 1, 5.1 1. 3.4 1. 3.1 1. 2.6 1. 3.9 1 4.9 1. 3.1 and that the County Clerk be and is hereby against the said valuations in the various all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Rnhter,_secon d by Bauer that thi Motion carr ed. Board adjourned. y Clerk. de./44/ X0�q1../��% z Deputy County Clerk. office of the County Clerk by the various school boards showing Dist. No. General Bond F.H. S. Total 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4s 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 78 80 81 101 & 77 10. 3.3 1.7 2.1 1.9 2.4 3.i. 2.4 2.9 2.5 10. 5.5 3e4 2.8 2.9 3+1 4.2 4.4 14 2.8 .5 2.2 4.7 2.5 2.1. 2.9 2.5 1.7 3.5 3.2 2.8 3.8 4.2 3.1 12. levy made 2.5 1. 1. 10. 1. 4.3 1. 2.7 1. 3.1 1. 1. 1. 2.9 1. 3.14 1. 4.1 1. 3.4 1. 3.9 1. 3.5 10. 1• 6,5 1 . 4.4y le 3.8 1. .1 1. 5. 1. 7.7 1. 5.4 1. 3.8 1, 5e5 1.^ 3•= 1. 5.7 1. 3.5 1. 3.1 1. 3.9 1. 3.5 1. 2.7 1, 4.5 1. 4.2 �. 3.8 1. 4.8 1. 5.2 1. 4.1 12. by Clay County authorized to extend these levies on the 1929 tax lists governmental sub -divisions of Adams County, Nebr. Roll call, s Board now adjourn sine die as a Board of Equalization. Actix Chairman Court Haase, Hastings Nebraska. Tuesday, July 9th, 1929. 9 o'clock A. M. Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of June 5th, 1929. 10 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting and Statutory meeting. T. R. Rainforth, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members were present. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Motion by Furry, second by Gartner that we advertise for gravel bids commencing at the Union Pacific track in the Village of Hansen thence west on Clark Avenue 1160 ft., thence north to Hall -Adams County line. Total distance of approximately one-half mile. Roll call, all voted aye, except Cole who was absent. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, second by Whitesel that we buy eight county maps from the Perkins Map and Directory Co., at a total price of $108,00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Mr. Moorehouse from the C. B. & Q. R. R. appeared before the Board at 11 A. M. in regard to changing the railroad corssing between sections 4 and q, Juniata Township. The Railroad Company will purchase 75 ft. outside of their right-of-way line and furnish a deed of this 75 foot strip to the county - the county to put the road in shape for use and allow the Railroad to close the crossing over their track. Motion.by Gartner, second by Furry that the request of Mr. Moorehouse in regard tochanging the railroad crossing between sections 4 and 5, Juniata Township be allowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M., when they again resumed with all members present, except Furry. Motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel that we order the following bridges built by the Midstate Construction Company of Hastings, Nebr.,: One concrete bridge 20 foot roadway - 16 foot waterway between sections 28 and 29, Juniata Township; One concrete bridge 20 foot' roadway - 16 foot wqterway between sections 29 and 30, Roseland Township, Roll call, all voted aye, except Furry who was absent. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Cole that we enter into a contract with the Standard Bridge Co., of Omaha, Nebr. to move and erect one 40 foot steel span bridge from between sections 10 and 11, Silver Lake Township, to between sections 3 and 4, Cottonwood Township, across Cottonwood Creek., at an agreed price of 5400.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by Ruhter that the order of the County Court be complied with and the Clerk instruct to draw warrants for Mothers Pension for Mrs. Lucy Blunt and Mrs. Corwin. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried.':: Motion by Gartner, second by Ruhter that the following miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisors Record. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Receipts follow: # 2464 # 2465 # 2466 # 2467 # 2465 # 2469 # 2470 # 2471 # 2472 2473 2474 # 2475 # 2476 # 2477 # 2478 # 2479 2480 #2481 # 2482 # 24. # 2485 # 2486 # 2487 $ 2488 2459 # 2490 # 2491 2492 2493 # 2494 # 2495 # 2496 # 2497 #299 City of Hastings County Judge First State Bank Holste Little Blue Township Fred Ruhter County Clerk Lucia Dillenbach O. A. Riley, Exec. State Treas, W. M. Crow Lucia Dillenbach Fred Ruhter Fred Ruhter Fred Ruhter County Judge Lucia Dillenbach Pete Gartner Pete Gartner F. E. Dickersen Helen Weiler State of Nebraska State of Nebraska Peter Gartner Lucia Dillenbach Prosser State Bank Hanover Township Albert Bostock First National Bank Hansn State Bak State Bank Hastings Nebraska National Bank Hayland State Bank Pauline State Bank Judge Bohlke Ayr Village Adams County Sheriff Credit General Fund Credit Fines & Licenses in " Int on deposits Road Dragging Fund Poor Aid Fund County Bridge bund County General Fund Inheritance,Tax Fund Road Dragging Fund General Fund tt tt It it it tt " d1 It County Bridge Fund Road. Dragging Fund Fines & Licenses It tt County Bridge Fund tt tt tt Poor Aid Fund City of Hastings General Fund Road Dragging Fund Bridge Fund General Fund Int. on deposits Road Dragging Fund Bridge Fund Int. on deposits tt " 11 tt 0 tt tt 9 11 " II O tt tt Fines & Licenses Ayr Village General Fund Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that the second quarterly reports of Clerk of the District Court, Lucia Dillenbach, and the Sheriff, Raymond call. all voted ave. Motion carried. the County Judge, Crosson be placed W. on file. Roll 10.00 100.00 129.17 138.96 230.12 105.59 3.20 90.00 2576.63 20.00 6.00 210.30 5.00 66.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 9.6o 2.45 1025.0o 200.00 3195.14 4.00 6.00 50.00 588.00 5.76 554.14 25.0o 437.27 178.68 75.00 75.00 5.00 300.00 519.58 Halsey Bohlke, instructed to issue warrant for same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Bauer that the Chairman appoint a committee with power to purchase the ground for the above described road at a price not to exceed $150.00 per acre. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that the following Resolution be adopted: Whereas the District Court has ruled that the population of Adams County as of January 1st 25,000 as shown by a certified copy on file and made a part of the Supervisors Record, Be it Resolved that the salaries of officials and deputies be paid as the law provides for than 25,000 and less than 50,000 population. Roll call, ayes, Furry, Gartner, Rainforth, Whitesel. Nays, Baue r, and Cole. Motion carried. , 1927 was more than counties having more Ruhter and Motion by Gartner, second by Cole that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and. the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow: Baird Baird Bauer Boh ike Burroughs Button Cannon Cole Crosson Crow Crow Davis Dorsey D Dorsey D G. G. W. Halsey, Co. Judge Adding Machine Co L. N. T. N. W. A. Raymond, Sheriff Walter M. Walter M. Elliott R. Deines Drug Co Dericks Bike Shop Dillenbach Fischer Fullerton Furry Furry Gartner Gartner Lucia G. S. J. L. J. H. J. H. P. H. P. H. Gaudreault Mere Co A. J. Hastings Awning Co Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co Haynes Bros Jones K -B Printing Co K -B Printing Co K -B Printing Co K -B Printing Co K -B Printing Co K -B Printing Co Kenesaw Progress Kline Land T. Co. Clerk J. B. C. H. Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co Matthiesen & Co Carl R. Milburn & Scott Co Milburn &,Sco'tt Co Omaha School Supply Co Omaha Printing Co Proffitt Harry Queen City Laundry Rainforth Rant s Rinehart Ruhter Ruhter Rutherford Bros T. R. Charles J. S. M. Fred M. Fred Schultz Martha H. Schultz Martha H. Serf Printing Co O. E. Stewart Walter G. Trimble-Hoylman Ins Co VanBrocklinrs Paint S ore Wolbach & Brach Woodworth Pearl B. Whitesel W. C. Whitesel W. C. Widmaier Wm. Zion Institutions & Industries Gartner Harrenstein Kearney County Herman J. B. GENERAL FUND Bill of exceptions State vs. Ernest Dodson Copy of decree Maltman vs. Adams County Supervisors services & mileage Court costs, office expense Maintenance service Office expense Supplies, expense Farm Supervisors services, mileage Jail expense, office supplies Expenses and mileage Office expense Mileage Supplies, Court House Repairs, Court House Court costs, office expense Mileage for Mothers Pension meeting Supplies, Court House Supervisors services & mileage Supervising county highways & mileage Supervising county roads & mileage Supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Court House Supplies, Court House Notices Repair Work Decorating Court House office expense Supplies, Co. Assessor Supplies, Co. Supt. p H rl ►t Of tt tt rt u Supplies, Co. Judge Supervi so rs proceedings Supplies, Court House Board for inmates at Co. Farm Supplies, Co. Supt. Phone & Toll calls, Farm Bureau Phones & toll calls, Court House Supplies, Farm Bureau Supplies, Co. Supt. Supplies, Co. Supt. Supplies, Co. Supt. Supplies, Register of Deeds, Co. Clerk Office expense Laundry, Court House Supervisors services & mileage Labor at Court House Gravel, Court Farm Supervisors services & mileage Supervising county roads & mileage Repairs Office expense, mileage County Institute Appropriation Supplies, Court House Repairs, Court House Compensation Ins. Paper for Janitors rooms Supplies, Court House Office expense, light & gas for Court House Supervisors services & mileage Supervising county roads & mileage Services Supplies, Co.Clerk BRIDGE FUND Labor on county bridge Labor One-half cost of bridge on County line 97.00 7.00 62.20 29.75 30.50 11.71 6.35 97.60 288.08 4.50 15.25 65.00 4.70 5.80 101.85 3.40 10.43 28.20 84.70 101.10 62.40 17.55 17.10 16.55 12.00 2284.15 39.14 22.19 5.11 2.60 24.04 147.03 38.46 16.60 7.76 122.27 94.24 11.05 64.19 5.74 45.90 4.13 •35 183.73 27.30 6.75 55.00 46.37 19.00 58.40 113.20 !4.15 24.81 150.00 238.50 25.60 453.33 12.42 30.63 151.76 69.20 30.80 22.4o 4.22 8.00 37.80 23.27 Ayr Township Blaine Rownship Byers Lumber Co Chicago Steel Tape Co Cottonwood Township Denver Township Fairbanks Lester Hanover Township Heartwell C. A. Highland Township Juniata Township Kenesaw Township National Bridge Materials Kistler Wm Little Blue Township Logan Township Nebraska Culvert Co Nebraska Culvert Co Peterson Henry Roseland Township Silver Lake Township Struss Wm F. Vercan a Township Wanda Township West Blue Township Worley John W Zero Township Adams County Coal Co Bauer H. Burroughs M. R. Cannon T. N. Eckhardt Carl Farmers Union Co -Op. Assn Hastings Fuel Co Herbst Jungerman Juniat -Gr Kohlbry Larsen Leeds Mikke l sen Moon Needham Simms Simpsln & Joh Simpson & Joh Sunday Sunnyside Walker xi sinand York Zimmerman ROAD DRAGGING FUND Township road dragging n ►► 11 Culverts Supplies, Co. Township road tt 1t Assisting Co. Township road Surveying Township Road n 11 Co Culverts Henry Carl Live Stock Assn Herman H. G. G. B. Drug Co Mrs. Lulu K Mrs. E. L. B. M. Clarence D Conrad Carl V Ed H Adams County Agric Society Adams Co Adams Co Adams Co Adams Co Anderson Beach Bruntz Continental Oil Duda -Myers Co Farmers Union Riese Filgus McWhor ter McWhorter Krenzen Gangwi sh Carries Consbruck Lay Starner St romer Kleier Krabel Stumnenhorst J. D. J. D. J. D. J. D. Elwyn et al Glen Alex Co Co -Op. Gas & Oil Co Geo Geo C. W. Ben C. E. M. C. John Jacob R. A. Ant o n Wm. E. Herman Jr G. F. Theo n Surveyor dragging Surveyor dragging draggin g 11 11 ►► Assisting Co. Township road 1► u Surveyor dragging ti Supplies Culverts Land for road purposes Township road dragging n n ►1 Labor Township Road dragging !► II ti n n n Land for road purposes Township Road dragging POOR AID FUND Coal Groceries t1 Drugs Groceries 11 Coal Groceries 11 Coal Groceries ►I Services Drugs Services 11 Drugs Groceries I1 Services 11 Groceries 11 Services Groceries COUNTY FAIR FUND Permanent improvements & premiums COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Repairs, supplies n Repairs Team work ►t 11 Mowing Gas & Oil Supplies Kerosene Dragging county it n 11 tl 0 !1 It 0 Patrol work Labor Dragging county 11 11 It 0 N N 11 n ►i 11 t 11 $$ roads i1 Il It roads It It t► 1$ 11 It 36.50 56.51 117.55 6.16 10.75 26.12 3.5o 45.85 14.15 40.38 33.85 55.36 39.0o 3.50 56.33 4.75 35.3o 106.39 35.00 52.00 45.61 10.00 70.68 18.61 34.18 35.00 55.75 3.00 8.63 3.25 8.85 16.54 6.64 19.35 16.16 24.8g 22.05 9.84 46.25 15.40 23.85 21.45 62.0o 1.00 20.33 12.00 16.00 184.00 19.10 50.11. 48.00 6.79 1500.00 22.26, 3.29 6.20 .67 12.40 49.10 3.60 11.82 1.35 5.80 6.00 24.00 9.00 16.50 4.5o 96.6o 10.00 14.50 9.00 9.00 6.00 4.50 6.00 36.-70 Miller Hahn Hastings Machine Haws & Sons Incependent Oil Kister & Son Kort Krueger Krull Benton Bert Service & Gas Co Geo Herbert et al Dan Henry Livingston H. Mikkelsen Drug Co Parks M. E. Paisley Lumber Co Phinney F. C. Plagtz Herman et al Land C. H. 44urge Wesley Petersen 0. W. Blankenbiller G. E. Koch Raymond Shaw John L Shuman Carl Stnadard Oil Co VanMatre C. W. Whitesel J. E. Saddler H. C. McCall Bert McLeod George Kuehn Fred Kuehn Chas Atwater Bros Burling Chas. K. Zubrod Cyria et al Lincoln Road Equipment Co COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Cont. Team work 11 Repairs, supplies Gas'& Oil Blacksmithing Team work 11 IV 0 Supplies Team work Lath Labor Team work Dragging county roads 11 ft If Patrol work Labor Gas Team work Labor Dragging County roads : 0 11 11 Team work Supplies 1.80 1.80 7.75 169.05 155.86 9.75 139.80 26.25 67.65 85.50 1.25 2.4o 1.10 5.00 147.70 9.00 2.25 10.50 6.75 1.87 4.6o 20.00 51)45 121.50 4.50 5.62 9.75 6.00 2.25 9.00 6.00 5.25 15.00 4.69 Motion by Whitesel, second by Furry that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Monday, August 5th, 1929 at 9 o'clock A M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. C uOty Clerk. Deputy County Clerk. ‘-acJI/A • , •'•"77 77' ;7' "77-'1,,f2:' • iiiancia1 Staternent o f Adams Countv. Nebraska e"*ITri, ursemen s, transfers from one fund to another and balance on hand. • TOTAL - TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS a ance on hand Jan.ist7 - ....... State-tieasfir6r . $ 94,254.03 ............. 349',064468::13 i°01/ Taxes :7°.'•-•'•'•-:. • • • • • • • •,-;•.•,•,,,-•-• County Bridge . .... ........... fONVale"-`es''w-Itir Prior years . • • • . • • . • • • •.• • • County General .......... 405.88 • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • ' - County Highway . . .... . .. , ................. 9,286.35 80 5D traT4'§6r0-611111'17irge'st'.. 1.:00 11°4•.-C1 Dragging • • • • • • • • • • • • ................. 20,922.22 grAf'e7gi3.1-Od1:1,-,alictPrinCiple • . • -• • • • • • • • - • • • •-• 7 • t)r Aid , • 7 • • ' • • • ! • • ' 1 • • • 7 • .••.' • • .. ,143 • • ity ofas ings0 , Specials • • _ ,42 7692574 15.75 §oldierS' anti Sailor' ........................ 25 .00 ecor4 ess. 86haor „ 252,124.81. eelf-ii4O11-Of • • isy2145- - - - 'mfsekti,ASTfitilt FOR choo, 1 $ 7,615.63 Redethiltioi, of Tax Sales ....... 13,3-52.26 24,510.00 1,020.80 City and Village Orders - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -, • ounty ▪ 10,692.79 Free High School Orders . . • • • • • • • • • ..• • • . •-•-• • - • - 86. 50 - • • •• • 1 02500 Inheritance Tax Fees • • • • , • , - , 232.' Fees (without pr judi e for last fiscal year Inheritance 3 816.67 Balin6e-- on hand 2. ......... 286,483. 1116*at,..1,1•1141111,31s•otito-rorl•ilt66 i•-t.rforlis7' - , A ,• to '1:1-X - I tkeilE4 10N OF COLLECTIONS,TRANSFERS rOVS-FUN tit; SHOWil4d-tALAI4CE • '•TRAXS. BALANCE -liVir VT* Genei---- $ 6 885.13 -•-"'"`"'77,V7v7",,n'"472-7,,":"-,e-7-',--"7-.7-.'-'7.-g.X-4-,,v7?! Jan. 1, 1929 , tal 56,647.425;83705 $ 62,744.03 266223..9579 aPi 0 • • 7 • - • • • • • ' - 717.80 300.(u) 859:62 20.00 6,822.57 510.98 36.27 ,!•ro, eiaera ............ . . 7 4 4.3 • , 39 76 gage- :.....: -5,198'48 28,091.49 9,286.35 • , 394.65 ,•21 20,500.00 ciri1 Tnt......... .. 8. 1272.60 OD 1826307 s ehool-tand Lease ........... • • ..-_• •• % A - • - • - • • 23 4 otor . ......... 43.65 24,253.81 ,844.93 452.53 11,497.75 • 114.87 5,204.62 3,888.99 27,817.56 7,735.3 1,351.68 a ragging ... . _ ... . . . . . . .... ::::---7:11;r91:9'10 ' - '6-6 Ot7 20- - - - ' ' '''' - --- - '' - 22 638.90 20,500.00 .......-..........,.„,.-------,..-..,„- , , •,1 . A, , A,e ra,,... ,A.,w. 4 4 1,848.76 Mothers Pension ...._ , . „, ,......,,., 725.46 2 365.24 2,262.98 SOiCtiersc and Sailors' Relief .... ....... 4,13-9:90 1,069.8 oiinty F ... 1,067.44 1,736.76 897.66 Crio01 Generar ....'.............-.-....... 86,189,47- --2l5 1'71.00 10,553.35 255,815.63 4 292.52 4,917,22 3516;994988:91; CliVOI Bond .. ...... • • • • • . • • .......„?•,,...,., 19.973.43 31,246.10 19,270.54 8,217.15 --%""11.--"Or -APportiolinieht-. ............... .......... ric...-6"-.° I-ligh. School ...... : : ........ • ......,...„••„, 18,469.85 17,165.45 TiArrilliip ................ 14,904.2 , .,_ ••"•••"••••• 28,769.83 06 25,368.23 6,865.47 GITY AND VILLAGE 14,094.05 actings . ... . .......................... 37,25.5.90 138,440.41 167,739.57 7 3 611.44 496568.:3754 enesaw705 7-• ' '2,- • ' : ".••••-,'7A14' ;."„-..• ",„•_,-.4...m4,.644,,,w,„4,,,,,r,471 3,374.08 , -......, .-.....,,,,,,....,m....7•5-T-6,5 ,,„•:,-..--,- -...,„....--.,..„,„----,-,_ 4 ,,, ..,,,, , ,,, 1,538.17 iniaa rityrat---, ----------- - - -2 271.06 OD 61986999...387675 , ..------,--_-•,0186,,Ir, -- - , - •••••-•-• • - , olste vV ..-.,_, t .;••••--",,,,--- .4.4,tet,,,, 11."..&",,,`*,,,,,,, ,7 6rr, 532.17" - - -1,359.50 OD 64.62 333.01 24.34 1, „ SUNDRY FUNDS 141.36 23:4035.12,..7346 1113;337522:7206 Dist. 320.00 Exc. 320.0038.93 rifeleat • • • 32.72 .80 33.52 2,336.20 fries .... • • • • • • *-* 163 75 16,734 44 1,020.80 ,Ces • • • • • • • .„.• • ' ..1..67 7,910.00 8,988.19 „„„. ........... rr606„ 96.12 0, 4,517,31 0 v ifede.vA' $6 6, O. it 22 it $286,48.4t TATE OF NEBRASKA, - DAMS COUN1' • f• of of e best y of rore RL - ledge • -,--7,444-777,-., • -• this •- ,•-•• - •-• ES, Clerk. '-',7•7„,,,-,7,7,,,i.v4A-••:.77.••••"•,•7,77,,,;...17,-..;',i7,,"'7.74•,,,,-.,n to - • County Subscribe. in July, f929. - my , - , ims County, Nebraska, do hereby certify that the above report is true and correct to SEAL) "". • • "•-••••"'":",,,:".•72,7777e.:"7" PEARL B. WOODWORTH, County treasurer. 7".• " • , , • ';7 , Court House, Hastings, Nebraska. Monday, August 5th, 1929. 9 o'ol©ck A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors called to otder by the County Clerk in the absence of the Chairman. Roll call, all members present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Furry, Gartner, Ruhter and Whitesel. Rainforth absent. Motion by Coel, second by Thitesel that P. H. Gartner act as temporary chairman in the absence of Mr. Ranforth. Roll call, all voted aye. Gartner not voting. Motion carried. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Ruhter second by Bauer that the following Resolution be adopted and a copy be sent to Roy Cochran, State Engineer. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Resolution follows: RESOLUTION Whereas, the contract that was made and entered into on the 23rd day of October, 1928, between the Adams County Board of Supervisors and the Department of Public Works of _ the State ofNebraska and the Abel Construction Company, for the building of State Highway 107 in Adams County, Nebraska, being the road from Western to Minden, that under the terms of said contract the work was to be completed by May 1st, 1929, and it appearing that no progress has been made of such work through Adams County, Nebraska, and the Board being desirous of securing information concerning this contract, and not wishing to enter into further contracts until this contract is completed, Therefore, be it resolved that the county clerk be instructed to correspond with Roy Cochran,the State engineer, and secure information concerning this project 107 in Adams County, Nebraska, and to find out why the work has not been completed as provided by the contract. Motion by Bauer, second by Furry that the application of Fred Yenckel for a blind pension of 5200.00 per year, payable quarterly be granted by this Board. Roll call, ayes, .Bauer, Furry, Gartner, Ruhter and Whitesel. Absent, Cole and Rainforth. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Furry that this Board grant the application of Mrs. Mary Radley for admittance to the Soldiers & Sailors Home at Burkett, Nebr., and the Clerk and Chairman be authorized to sign said application. Roll call, all voted. aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Bauer that the bond of Herman G. Schroeder acting County Judge be approved b y this Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by Cole that the order of the County Court for Mothers Pensions for Mrs. Albert Cross, Mae Kueck and Rose Buis be allowed by this Board and the Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the sane. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, second by Bauer that the application of Miss Nettie Goss for a blind pension be disallowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, second by Furry that the send -annual report of the County Treasurer and the. 2nd quarterly report of L. N. Button, Register of Deeds be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, second by Whitesel that the warrant of Lucia Dillenbach, Clerk of the District Court for the month of July, 1929 be cancelled on account of beis;absent from the office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauex,second by Cole that we approve of the action of the committee sent to Lincoln, Nebr., on July llth, 1929 in regard to letting contracts for projects 611-C and No. 611-A. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. A communication from the Nebraska Department of Agriculture Bureau of Animal Industry was read before the Board in regard to payment of claim for testing cattle. No action taken by the Board. At 12 o'clock Noon, the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. At 1:15 P. M., the Board was called to order.. All present except Bauer, Furry and Rainforth. Motion by Ruhter, second by "Whitesel that we enter into a contract with the Standard Bridge Company of Omaha, Nebr., for one 24 x 20 steel bridge, 12-20 ft. steel piling with gravel floor to be built between sections 19 and 30 Little Blue Township at an agreed price of $1850.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 2 o'clock P. M. the time set for the opening of bids on graveling Hansen streets and north to the Adams - Hall county line, the following bids were opened and read: J. S. Rinehart .1285 R. T. Schlueter .122 Midstate Const. Co. .14 Motion by Thitesel, second by Furry that as R. T. Schlueter having the lowest bid, he be awarded the contract for graveling. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by Ruhter that we return the checks of the unsuccessful bidders. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter second by Whitesel that the Treasurers receipt covering back salaries for the years 1927, 1928 and 1929 for himself and deputy be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. West Blue Township Frank Grubb, Hastings James Hudson, Hansen Ken. a saw Twp. W. F. Ernst, D. R. Mikesell, F. E. Currier Roseland Twp. N. J. Diederich Alfred Hanson Roy Tracy Hanover Twp. Wm. E. Strome C. W. Busboom Highland Twp. John Coffey, Maynard R. Shafer Wanda Twp. Ernst Jacobitz Chas. K. Burling Silver Lake Twp Frank Kaufman Walter Jones Zero Twp. Edd Finnerty Wm Gilmore Louis Mich Denver Township E. A. Howat John Anderson Roy Dudley Juniata Twp. John Trots& T. W. Mays Cottonwood Twp. Karl Fredrick Otto Q. Hansen Little Blue Twp., John Brown F. O. Bourne Blaine Twp John Stine, Clark Hoagland Verona Twp. W. F. Katzberg C. N. Moore Logan Township 0. W. Peterson Dave Koch Ayr Township_ Bob Brown J. N. Eischen City of Hastings A. J. Mace, Stephen Swigle, Reuben Bowers, J. C. Snyder, Thos Wynn, Andy Kellar, A. J. Binderun, E. A. Carl, Dale Hahne, Chas. Hall, L. E. Saddler, Chas. Porth, Joe Steele, Lewis L. Gooden, Ben Rohrer, A thur Chapman, W. J. Gay, Geo. Harm, J. H. Ament, Lyman Battles, John Stroh, John Kister, Chancy Robertson, Henry Schaffer. Motion by Bauer, second by Ruhter that the salary of Miss Lovina Woodworth be raised to $115.00 per month. Roll call, ayes, Bauer, Furry, Gartner, Ruhter and Whitesel, carried. Motion by Furry, second by Ruhter that the claim of Walter Burr-.: ca the Road Dragging truck license for the year 1928 be allowed and the Treasurer be instructed to issue Motion carried, from $100.00 per month Nays. Cole. Motion Fund for a refund on a a warrant for the same. Motion by Whitesel, second by Hurry that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the sane. Roil; call ayes, Bauer, Furry, Gartner, Ruhter and Whitesel. Nays, Cole. Motion carried. Claims follow: Adams Bauer Bohlke Bohlke Button Byers Lumber Cole Coordt Crosson Davidson Davis A. A. G. G. W. Halsey, Co. Judge W. Halsey L. N. Co W. A. Anne Rayond L. Floral Co Elliott R. Deines Drug Co Dillenbach Fisher Furry Furry Gartner Gaston Music Co Hamel E. B. Hammond & Stephens Co Hinrichs Mrs. Geo. Hughes Forrest L. K -B Printing Co K -B Printing Co K -B Printing Co K -B Printing Co K -B Printing Co Kenesaw - Progress Kern an Alma Klopp Printing Co Krieger Christine Land C. H. Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. Local Registrars Mace A. J. Matthiesen & Co Carl R. Milburn & Scott Co Murphy Typewriter Co R. Omaha Printing Co Perkins Map & l'irectory Co Proffitt Harry Rainforth T. R. Ruhter M. Fred School Dist. ib lg Schultz Martha H. Turbyfill Joseph M. Weiler Helen A. Lucia G. S. J. H. J. H. P. H. G tERAL FUND Labor Supervisors services & mileage Court costs, office expense Back salary as County Judge Back salary as Register of Deeds Lumber Supervisors services & mileage Back salary as Clerk County Court Jail costs, office expense Supplies, Court House Mileage Supplies Court costs Mileage to committee meeting Supervisors services & mileage Superintending roads & mileage Superintending roads & mileage Supplies, Court House -'oard of Health services Supplies, Co. Supt. Help in Co. Sujjt. office Back salary as Deputy Clerk Dist. Court Supplies, Co. Supt. I1 11 11 11 11 11 n 11 11 n 0 11 Supervisors proceedings, etc. Help in Co. Supt.s office Supplies Extra help, Assessors office Board for inmates at Co. Farm Telephone, toll calls, Farm Bureau Telephones, toll calls, Court House Recording births & deaths Extra janitor labor Drugs Supplies Use of machine, assessors office Supplies Map of Adams County Postage Supervi sacs services Supervisors services &mileage Rent of Senior High Mileage, office expense, etc. Back salary as County Judge Services in office Clerk Dist. Court 22.50 55.00 37.35 14g.l0 913.30 g.55 67.60 625.00 258.25 4.00 65.00 1.75 187.95 3.40 32.20 120.gO 172.go 12.04 45.00 5g•57 5.00 125.04 6.10 17.79 66.29 14.63 22.18 23.78 12.50 54.60 9.60 1+4.46 10.55 66.50 60.75 40.00 1.95 120.71 8.00 207.10 13.50 10.00 40,00 6g.go 10.00 25.37 602.50 26.67 Jones & Son T. W. Standard Bridge Co Wiert Ben et al Ayr Township Blaine Township Cottonwood Township Denver Township Fairbanks Lester Fairbanks Lester Fairbanks Lester Hanover Twonship Harris F. H. Harris Heartwell Heartwell Heartwell Hupp Juniata Township Kenesaw Township Kistler Will Kistler Will Kistler Will Little Blue Township Logan Township Loskill Chris Midstate Construction Co Nebr. Calvert & Mfg. Co Petersen Christ Petersen Co H. J. Roseland Township Burge A. Blankenbiller G. E. Petersen 0. W. Koch Raymond Silver Lake Township Verona Township Wilfred C. A. C. A. C. A. John H. Boren & Griess Drs. Dr. J. W. Carl Chas E. B. Fuel Co. Henry C. J. Herman G. B. Brown Eckhardt Hamel Hastings Herbst Jungerman Kohlb ry Leeds Longs Grocery Ne edham Nowers Nowers Sippson & Joh Sunnyside Volland Funeral Home Walker Conrad Whisinand Carl V. Mrs. E. L. Walter E. Walter E. Adams & Co Anderson Ander son Brower Clark J. D. Edd John J. 0. J. A. Continental Oil Co Enevoldsen Anders Essinger Garage & Oil Co C. E. Ernest Henry Geo. E win Rgy Jacob H. H. John Roy Service Krenzen Lutz Valentine Riese Blomenkamp Baker Consbruck Eigenberg Krull Gilmore Hastings Mach Haws & 'Sons Hudson Huff Jame s John BRIDGE FUND S_�ppli es Estimate on bridge work Labor ROAD DRAGGING FUND Road dragging n n O 0 n 0 Assiting Co. Surveyor Assisting Co. Surveyor 0 0 Road dragging Land for road purposes 0 ►t 11 0 Services, Co. Surveyor ►t n 0 Labor Dragging roads O 0 Assisting Co. Surveyor t► ft 0 Dragging rods O 0 Land for road purposes Estimate on two bridges Culverts Strip of land for road purposes Estimate on gravel Roseland road Road dragging Dragging roads Dragging roads 0► 0 n 0 Dragging roads 0 0 POOR AID FUND Services 0 Groceries Services Coal Groceries 11 Services Groceries Services 0 0 Groceries Services Services Groceries 0 COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Supplies Team work O ►► Draying Supplies Gas Blacksmithing Gas &011 Dragging county 0 0 0 0 0 n n 0 Oil Supplies Gas & Oil Labor Team work 0 H 0 ►t 0 0 roads n 0 11 ►► 0 0 18.48 3000.00 50.80 22.75 48.00 13.00 72.25 3.5o 14.00 7.00 31.38 150.00 75.00 34.75 12.05 53.45 23.00 14.84 19.75 7.00 3.50 14.00 35.12 14.49 35.00 2500.00 198.78 150.00 3500.00 19.00 2.25 7.5o 6.00 1.87 45.99 22.85 6.00 25.75 22.06 35.00 4.75 16.43 19.65 7.19 17.70 6.24 62.00 46.00 35.67 31.90 184.00 100.00 7.43 39.16 9.45 5.4o 3.00 6.00 35.35 13.98 20.5o 37.60 6.00 7.12 6.00 11.25 6.75 13.50 9.50 12.00 7.13 52.65 17.25 134.03 4.00 10.50 Myers J. U. McCoy Y. A. McGrath Hdw. Co J. H. National Refining Co quade Ruhter V"'ni tesel Atwater Kuehn Weber Williams Frank M. Fred J. E. et al Bernard L. Fred Theo J K. R. Motion by Cole, second by Bauer that Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Furry that the offices of the Court House be Tuesday and Wednesday, August 13 and 14+ for the Adams County Fair. Roll COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Cont. Team work Supplies ►► oil Labor Superintending county roads & mileage Labor Dragging county roads 66 11 Q 0 the claim of Dorsey Baird on the General Motion by Whitesel, second by Bauer that this Board now adjourn to meet 9 o'clock; . M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. y Clerk. Deputy County Clerk, 9.60 72.63 11,$5 30.30 5.00 63.00 4.50 6.00 3.00 2.62 9.00 Fund for $9.75 be disallowed. permitted to close on the afternoonsof call, all voted aye. Motion carried. again on September 5th, 1929 at e-voz...s Court Hauee, Hastings, Nebraska. Thursday September 5th, 19.9. 9 O'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors held as per adjournment of August 5th, 1929. Roll call, all members present except Cole and Rainforth. Motion by Furry, second by Whitesel that P. H. Gartner act as chairman in the absence of Mr. Rainforth. Motion carried. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Ruhter second by Furry that the following miscellaneous receipts from the County Treasurers office be made a part of the Supervisors record. Motion carried. Receipts follow: # 2500 # 2501 # 2502 # 2503 2504 # 2505 # gm- # 2507 2508 # 2509 # 2510 # 2512 # 2513 # 2514. # 2515 # 2516 # 2517 4 2518 # 2519 # 2520 Fred Ruhter Lucia Dillenbach State of Nebraska Hastings State Bank State Superintnedent State Bank of Holstein John Heiserck M. J. Stoetzel Henry Phillips State of Nebraska John Furry County Judge County Judge County Judge County Judge Lucy N. Batton County Judge County Judge Cal Whitesel B. G. Wigert Credit 10 11 11 11 If 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Road Dragging Fund General Fund Road Dragging Fund Interest on deposit State Apportionment Int. on Deposits General Fund - If Bridge Fund Road Dragging7und Fines & Licenses 11 0 0 0 General Fund FineS'& License 11 Bridge Fund Road Dragging Fund 67.00 1101.68 3289.50 100.00 8727.74 150.00 174.61 248.11 5.00 2954.89 35.00 83.80 17.80 50.00 18.60 233.15 50.00 50.00 17.00 168.00 Motion by Furry, second by Ruhter that the order of the County Court be complied with and a Mothers Pension be granted to Laura. Marsh at $30.00 per month and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 11:30 o'clock A. M. a petition with 116 names was read before the Board in regard to a bad railroad crossing on the D. L. D. highway west of Ingleside and. Mr, Moorehouse was called in and agreed to take the matter up with the proper officials. Motion by Ruhter second by Whitesel that we rescind the action of this Board done on the 5th day of Aust, 1929 in regard to cancelling the warrant of Lucia Dillenbach. Roll call,ayes, Furry, Gartner, Ruhter and Whitesel. Nays, Bauer. Motion carried. At 12 oiclock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M., ehen they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Whitesel, second by Bauer that we grant the request of the County Judge for extra help not to exceed 40.00 per month. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Whitesel that the claim of G. M. Reichstein on the Road Dragging fund for refund on a truck license be allowed and the County Treasurer be instructed to issue a warrant for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by Furry that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow: Batten A. I. Bauer G. G. Bohlke W. Hal sey Burroughs Adding Machine Co Button L. N. Cannon Cates Cole Crosson Crow T. N. J. A. W. A. Raymond L. Walter IL Davis Elliott R. Deines D ug Co DillenbaEh Lucia Dillenbach Lucia Fischer G. S. Furry J. H. Gartner P. H. Gartner P. H. Gaudreaalt Mere Co A. J. Guarantee Electric Co Hastings Daily Tribune Hoover H. C. et al Jones T. W. GENERAL FWD Services Supervisors services & mileage Postage Ribbon Recording deeds Supplies, Co. Fprm Back salary as County Clerk Supervisors services & mileage Jail costs, office expense Office expense Mileage Supplies, Court House Office expense Back salary as Clerk Dist. Court Mileage for mothers pension committee Supervisors services & mileage Superintending Co. roads & mileage Supervisors services & mileage Supplies Supplies Notice Services Bade salary, 2 months as County Clerk 7.00 79.20 2.20 1.00 6.00 6.00 1866.7o 90.4o 268.53 2.00 65.00 2.50 10.00 1250.00 3.4o 144.60 141.00 34.4o 5.70 .so 7.90 15.20 133.33 Lincoln Stool Supply Co Lincoln Tel. & T 1. Co Lincoln Tel. & Tgl. Co. Murphy Typewriter Co R. McGrath Hdw Co J. H. Omaha School Supply Co Omaha School Supply Co J. C. Dr. C. A. T. R. M. Fred Martha H. Penney Co Phillips Raitiforth Ruhter Schultz Stein Bros. Co. United Chemical- Co. Weiler Heln A Whitesel Widmai er Woodworth W. C. Wm. Pearl B. Brower J. O. Gangwi sh Albert et al Livingston H. Livingston H. M. Isaac L. E. Jones Harvey Palmer Wm Peterson 0. W. York Roy E. et al Ayr Township Blaine Tolanehip Byers Lumber Co Cottonwood Township Denver Twonship Fairbanks Lester Hanover Township Heartwell C. A. Highland Township Kenesaw Township Juniata Township Kistler Will Little Blue Township Logan Townthip Markley John L. Mid State Construction Co National Bridge Materials Peterson Co. H. J. V rona Township Wanda Township Zero Township Bauer H. Bauer Henry Burroughs M. R. Cannon T. N. Cannon T. K. Coates B. F. Dickerson F. E. Eckhardt Carl Eckhardt R. Farmers Union Coop. Assn. Hastings Fuel Co Herbst Henry Johns Little Sore Jungerman 0. Kohlbry Herman Larsen Larsen Leeds Matthiesen Moon Needham Simpson & Joh Sunnyside Trausch Geo Walker Conrad Whisinand C. V. Zimmelmans Store H. G._ - H. G. G. B. & Co Cati R Lulu K Mrs. E. L. GENERAL FUND Cont. Supplies, Co. Supt. Phones, toll calls, Farm Bureau Court House Supplies Supplies, Supplies Supplie s Services 11 Co. P rrn Supervisors services Supervisors services & mileage Office expense, mileage, etc. Scissors Supplies Services, Clerk Dist. Court office Supervisors services & mileage Investigating for Mothers Pensions Office expense, light & gas, Court House BRIDGE FUND Draying Team work Labor Team work 0 11 11 fl 0 ROAD DRAGGIYG FUND Road dragging Supplies Road dragging It 0 Assisting County Surveyor Road draging Services, Co. Surveyor Road dragging 11 Assisting Co. Surveyor Road dragging Strip of land for road New bridge, balance due Co Supplies Gravel Project # 4, balance Road Dragging It 0 POOR AID FUND Groceries Drugs Groceries Drugs Groceries tI Coal Gorceries 0 Services Dugs Services 11 Groceries Services Groceries 11 11 due 107.51 16.10 63.05 3.00 • 20.35 12.15 23.56 3.4o 20.00 52.40 21.45 1.65 17.50 140.00 126.00 5.10 152.80 3.00 44.40 36.6o 45.60 6.00 17.4o 3.00 9.75 49.20 36.98 14.87 13A 8.87 17.50 17.88 64.25 54.62 27.25 13.00 17.50 21.25 11.50 75.00 325.84 141.40 4105.36 13.37 9.24 48.44 6.55 6.53 6.80 8.95 9.10 23.61 2.80 26.18 35.52 13.50 .40 13.96 18.24 16.26 8.86 22.29 30.05 16.83 1.95 43.61 62.00 32.28 204.50 21.14 9.96 40.93 8.08 Adams & Co Adams & Co Adams & Co Ayr Lumber Co Duncan Farmers Union McWhirter Krenzen McWhirter Valentine Smith Krabel Lei ghf ie ld Kleier Dreher Gartner Hanson & Son Hastings Auto J. D. J. D. J. D. C. S. Coop. Gas & Ben C. E. C. W. Onno S. S. Geo. F. Ben Herman Ernest Walter H. P. Wrecking Co Hastings Machine Service Haws & Sons Hein Fred Independent Oil & Gas Co Jones Robert Livingston H. N. Monita Gus et al McGrath Hdw Co Pavelka Phillips Rinehart Ruhter Shuman Snyder Standard Oil Standard Oil Stumperihorst Swartz McLeod Atwater Burling Cooper Gan gw 1 sh York Zubrod Wm Henry J. S. M. Fred Carl D. E. Co Co Ted Charle s Geo Bernaad Chas. K. C. T. Albert; Roy Jake Motion by Ruhter, Oil Co COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Supplies fa {f n a1 Gas Dragging Co. f0 a0 01 f1 fa tl 10 10 Ff Ff It ff if ai fa Team work Blacksmithing Supplies 00 roads 0 0 Gas & Oil Operating grader Gas & Oil Team work n 1a O {{ Supplies Blacksmibing Labor Dynamite Superintending county roads & mileage Labor Supplies, repairs Gas t0 Dragging countyroads Labor Dragging county roads a w 0 fa ff f1 H 01 0 Team work Draying second by Furry that the following resolution be adopted: .44 9.89 5.67 26.72 4.21 12.60 9.00 6.00 9.00 8.25 9.00 3.00 3.00 2.25 15.18 48,75 6.35 1.00 2.00 73.15 13.80 117.41 48.75 253.80 55.70 16.00 38.38 2.00 35.00 87.00 4.00 19.45 113.4o 205.71 7.13 2.40 9.00 3.00 2.62 3.00 3.00 24.00 1.00 R+ SOLUT ION WHEREAS, the State Legislature of 1929®30 which heretofore convened on the 24th day of April A.D. 1929, made certain changes relative to the deposit of county funds in state banks, and and WHEREAS, certain banks have heretofore been designated as depositories for county funds, and WHEREAS, it has been deemed advisable to redesignate the banks as depositories for county funds, WHEREAS, the First National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska, the State Bank Hastings, Nebraska, the Nebrakka National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska, the State Bank of auniata, Nebraska, the Prosser State Bank, Prosser, Nebraska, the Roseland State Bank, *oseland, Nebraska, the First State Bank, Kenesaw, Nebraska, the First State Bank, Holstein, Nebraska, the First State Bank, Hayland, Nebraska., the Hansen State Bank, Hansen, Nebraska, and the Pauline State Bank, Pauline, Nebraska, have all heretofore been approved as depositories as of March 5th , 1929® THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the above named banks in Adams County be and hereby are redesignated as depositories for county funds. P. H. Gartner Acting Chairman of County Board. Motion by Whitesel, second by Ruhter that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, there is a provision in the law which. permits the County Treasurer to deposit funds in excess of 50% of the paid up capital stock and surplus of state banks provided that such excess shall not exceed the capital stock and surplus in any one bank and provided, further that in the case of National Banks, depository bonds in due form of law shall be furnished for any such excess deposits, and WHEREAS, various state and national banks have been heretofore designated as county depositories, L , WhaaEAS, it appears to the Board. of Sounty Supervisors that it is necessary and advisable to authorize a deposit of county funds in the various banks in excess of 50% of the pain up capital and surplus, an and rxrrm+nrn n n 1 1..:. v,.,.,. A®v+03o4 fnrr fpr rntinty 945 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Treasurer of Adams County be and is hereby authorized to deposit in the following named banks which have heretofore been duly and legally selected as depositories for county funds, funds in excess of 50% of the paid up capital stock and surplus of the said banks in accordance with law, First National Bank, Hastings., the State Bank, Hastings, Nebr., the State Bank of Juniata, Nebr., the Prosser State Bank, Prosser, Nebr., the Roseland State Bank, Roseland Nebr., the First State Bank, Kenesaw, Nebr., the First State Bank, Holstein, Nebr., the First State Bank, Hayland, Nebr., the Hansen State Bank, Hansen, Nebr., and the Pauline State Bank, Pauline, Nebr. P. H. Gartner Acting Chairman Motion by Bauer, second by Whitesel that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the First National Bank of Hastings, Nebraska, is holding a certain escrow agreement for. the Prosser State Bank, Prosser, Nebraska, as collateral security for deposit of county funds the following securities: Lincoln 'Mint S ock Land Bank Bonds U. S. Fourth Literty Bonds and $ 5,000.00 2,000.00 $10,000.00 WHEREAS, the State Bank of Hastings, Nebraska, is holding a certain escrow agreement for the First State Bank, Hayland, Nebraska, as collateral secutity for deposit of county funds the following securities: U. S. Fourth Liberty Bonds Lincoln Joint S ock Land. Bank Bonds Federal Land. Bank of Springfield Bonds and. $ 2,500.00 3,000.00 2,000,00 $ 7,500.00 WIRES, the First National Bank, Hastings, is holding a certain escrow agreement for the First State B nk, Holstein, Nebraska, as collateral security for deposit of county funds the following securities: P U. S. Fourth Liberty Bonds $30,000.00 and WHEREAS, the Lincoln Trust Company, Lincoln, Nebraska, is holding a certain escrow agreement „ ,.„ for the First State Bank, Kenesaw,Nebra&a, as collateral security for deposit of county funds the following securities: U. S. Faurth Liberty Bonds $15,000.00 and WHEREAS the First National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska, is holding a certain escrow agreement for the Kenesaw State Ban, Kenesaw, Nebraska, as collateral security for deposit of county fands the following securities: U. S. Fourth Liberty Bonds and $16,000.00 WHEREAS, the First National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska, is holding a certain excrow agreement for the Roseland State B1nk, Roseland, Nebraska, as collateral security for deposit 6f county funds the following securities: U. S. Fourth Liberty Bonds and $17,000.00 WHEREAS, the First National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska, is holding a certain escrow agreement for the Hansen State Bank, Hansen, Nebraska, as collateral security for deposit of county funds the following securities: Lincoln Joint S ock Land Bank Bonds Fremont Joint Stock Land Bank Bands City of Schuyler Bonds $ 2,000.00 2,000.00 1 000.00 $5,000.00 and WHEREAS, the First National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska is holding a certain escrow agreement for tbe Pauline State Bank, Pauline, Nebraska, as collateral security for deposit of county funds the following securities: U. S. Fourth Liberty Bonds Lincoln Joint Stock Land B nk Bonds P Fremont Joint Stock Land Bank Bonds and 3,500.00 2,000.00 2 000.00 t 7,500.00 WHEREAS, the State Bank of Hastings, Nebraska, is holding a certain escrow agreement for the State B nk of Juniata, Nebraska, as collateral security for deposit of county funds the following securities: U. S. Forth Liberty Bonds and t10,000.00 WHEREAS, the U. S. Trust Company, Omaha, Nebraska, is holding a certain escrow agreement for the State Bank of Hastings, Nebraska, as collateral secuirty for deposit of county funds the following securities: WHEREAS, the Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska, is holding a certain escrow agreement for the Nebraska National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska, as collateral security for deposit of county funds the following securities: U. S. Liberty Bonds and the County Clerk is holding the following surety bonds: National Surety Company of New York Standard Accident Insurance Co of Detroit Hartford Accident & Indemnity Co and $50,000.00 5,000.00 10, 000..00 10.000.00 25,000.00 WHEREAS, the County Clerk is holding the following surety bonds for the First National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska, as security for deposit of county funds: Royal Indemnity Company Detroit Fiedlity & Surety Co New Amsterdam Casualty Co General Casulaty & Surety Co Federal Surety Company of Davenport Southern Surety Company of New York National Surety Company and and $10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 10,000.00 20,000..00, 20,000.00. $100,000.00 WHEREAS, all the securities and bonds above listed are approved by the Board of County Supervisors WHEREAS, the law passed by the Legislature in the 1929-30 Session went into effect on the 25th day of July 1929, and .WHEREAS, it has been deemed advisable to reapprove the various escrow agreements with the various above referred to banks and to reapprove the various securities put up as collateral by the various banks THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that all of the escrow agreements heretofore approved by this county Board and all of the security referred to above which have been placed as security or placed in escrow for county funds be and are hereby anoroved. P. H. Gartner Acting Chairman. Motion by Ruhter, second by vhitesel that the request of the First State Bank of Holstein, Nebr., to substitute $20,00.00 in Liberty Bonds as collateral for county funds the following issues and amounts; be granted: $15,000.00 School District # 11 Bonds, Adams County, Nebr. 5,000.00 Lincoln Joint Stock Land Bank 5's due 1943. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion Whitesel, second by Furry that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Saturday, Ocotber 5th, 1929 at 9 o'clock clock A, M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. Deputy County Clerk, Acting Chairman Court House, Hastings, Nebraska. Saturday, Oct. 4th, 1929. 9 o °clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of September 5th, 1929. Meeting called to order by the clerk in the absence of the chairman. Roll call, all members were present except Mr. Rainforth. Motion by Furry, second by Ruhter that Mr. Gartner act as temporary chairman. Motion carried. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. A communication from Mothers! Jewels Home, York, Nebr., was read before the board and the Clerk was instructed to write for more information in regard to the Goddard children. A communication from the Methodist Hospital of Omaha, Nebr., in regard to David Snyder was read before the board but no action was taken. Motion by Furry, second by meter that the third quarterly report of W. Halsey Bohl Raymond L. Crosson, She riff,ti were read before the Board and were ordered placed on Motion by Furry, second by Whitesel that the following miscellaneous receipts from office be made a part of the Supervisors record. Motion carried. Receipts follow: 2521 2522 # 2523 # 2524 # 2525 # 2526 2527 # 2525 # 2529 # 2530 # 2531 # 2532 # 2533 # 2534 # 2535 * 2536 # 2537 2538 # 2 a # 25 T. J. Stanley Hastings Fuel Co Walter Grothen Little Blue Twp. Little Blue Twp. P. H. Gartner W. Halsey Bohlke, Co. Judge County Judge Co :;nty Judge Wm. Stebbins County Judge County Clerk Prosser State Bank First National Bank State Bank of Hastings Hansen Sfate Bank Nebraska National Bank P. H. Gartner Lucia Dillenbach Lucia Dillenbach Credit Bri da e Fund n Inheritance Tax Fund Bridge Fund Road dragging fund Bridge Fund 11 3, Inheritance Tax fund Fines & licenses " Fines & Licenses Road dragging fund Fines & Licenses Hail Insurance fund Interest on deposits 13 ►1 11 f! Bi 11 1► li 11 ►1 11 11 1/ n 11 11 n 1► If H 11 11 11 11 N 1► ►1 Bridge Fund Fines & Licenses General Fund Motion by Whitesel, second by Ruhter that the order of the issuing mothers pensions to Mrs. Ethel Mayhew, Mrs. Minnie instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all 11 ke, County Judge and file. Motion carried. the County Treasurers 20.00 1376.32 6.00 408.00 12.96 46.75 5.00 10.00 10.00 3651.76 145.00 222.00 50.00 340.61 256.09 25.00 153.71 24.50 37.§.a5-7 37.35 County court be complied with in regard to Kenyon and Vera Dean Sanford and the Clerk be voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Furry, secondby Cole that we advertise for two inch gravel surfacing, commencing at the corner of Baltimore Avenue and 12th street, t'-_ence three miles west, thence seven miles north to the Addis - Hall County line. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. At 1:15 P. M. they again resumed with all members present, after viewing the Union Pacific Railroad crossing between sections 1 and 2 Denver Township. No action taken by the Board. Motion by Ruhter, second by Whitesel that we purchase from the Byers Lumber Co., a car of bridge plank consisting of 100- 3 x 12 - 15 foot and 600- 3 x 12 - 16 foot full sawn at .$33.75 per thousand, F. 0. B. Pauline. Nebr. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by Furry that the following claims be allowedon t'.ei r respective funds and the Cle k instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow: American Red Battan Bauer Button Cannon City Fuel & Feed Cole Crosson Crow Davi s Dillenbach Evans Fischer Franks Furry Gartner Gartner Cross A. I. G. G. L. N. T. N. Co W. A. Raymond L. Walter M. Elliott R. Lucia 0. G. G. S. E. Z. J. H. P. H. P. H. Gaudreault Mere. Co A. J. Hastings Daily Tribune GENERAL FUND Services Supplies Supervisors services & mileage Office expense, recording; deed Supplies, Co. Farm goal, Court House uoervi sors services Jail expense, office Office expense, back Mileage Court costs, office expense Mileage for mothers pension 11 it Supplfes Supervisor s & mileage exloense pay as Co. services, 11 11 Supervising county ro Supplies Printinr financial st At t' y. committee 11 mileage 11 ads & mileage atement. Adams Co.. Extra conies 10.00 1.00 54.90 17.93 11.70 207.20 52.40 306.30 753.50 65:00 194.45 2.50 3.40 2.00 23.00 25.80 114.10 9.76 1.7 Keith w. W. et al Kenesaw Progress Land C. H. Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. Milburn & Scott Co Matthiesen & Co Carl R. .Orton Co A. G. Palmer Co A. N. Parawax Co Perkins Map & Directory Co ween City Laundry Rainforth T. R. Ruhter Schultz Schenk Serf Printing Co Serf Printing Co Snyde r Stewart Templ1n University Whitesel Widmaier WM. Widmaier Wm. Williams Joe Wodding W. L. M. Fred Martha H. Bernadene et al O. 'E. O. E. R. F. Walter G. W. H. Publishing Co W. C. Gartner Gartner Gartner Gaymon Hansen Jones & Son Livingston Lofqu1et May Lutz Munn Munro e Patterson Schlueter Lumber Silvey Lumber Co Snyder Standard Bridge Valentine Woodman Yost Ayr Township Blaine Township Byers Lumber Co Davi s Denver Township Fairbanks Fairbanks Hanover Township Heartwel1 Henry Herman Walter G. E. Otto C et al '• W. H. Alf re d Edgar Ernest C. A. Lawrence John Co J. A. Clint Co Win. et al E. J. et al L. E. Joe Lester Lester C. A. Heartwell C. A. Highland Township Juniata Township Kenesaw Township Kistler Will mistier Will Little Blue Township Logan Township Nebr. 0ulvert & Mfg. Co. Rinehart J. S. Roseland Township Schlueter R. T. Silver Lake Township Standard Bridge Co V rona Township Wanda Township Best Blue Township Zero Township American Rpd Cross American Red Crass Bauer H. Burroughs M. R. GENERAL•FITND Cont. "itnesses, insanity hearing Printing Board for inmates at Co. Farm Telephone, toll calls, Farm Bureau Telephones, toll calls, Court House Supplies, Co. Supt. Supplies Supplies, Co. Clerk Supplies n Maps of Adams County Laundry for Court House Supervisors services Supervisors services & ,rnileage Office expense, mileage Typing in Co. Judge's office Ipplies n 11 Labor Supplies 11 Supervisors services & mileage School Attendance officer Investigating for Mothers Pensions Labor on chairs, materials, etc. Testing liquor BRIDGE FUND Labo r Filling in Co. bridge ti 0 0 Labor on Co. bridge u 11 n 11 Supplies Labor Repairs Team work u 11 11 n Labor Supplies Labo r Bridge work Labor 11 n ROAD DRAGGING FUND Road dragging n 0 Cul vert Damages to borrow pit Dragging roads Assisting Co. Surveyor 11 11 0 Dragging roads Services, Co. Surveyor Services, Co. Dragging roads n 0 0 11 Assisting Co. 11 n Dragging roads n n Road drag Gravel on Pauline road Draggingroads Gravel Dragging roads il'stimate on bridge Dragging roans 11 it , it 11 n 11 Surveyor n POOR AID FUND Services 11 Grocerie s n 17.30 127.00 150.15 10.45 58.30 15.26 2.20 13.50 1.20 12.50 108.00 15.36 30.00 68.40 55.08 32.00 198.00 359.85 5.00 12.25 1,25 15.07 35.60 10.85 6.8o 31.25 5.00 8.00 9.00 11.25 19.00 63.4o 23.4o 84.90 9.00 7.50 15.00 3.00 10.00 12.00 8.47 82.50 4.00 2550.72 24.0o 14.60 10.20 32.87 54.25 10.48 100.00 18.25 10.50 3.50 21.25 34.45 12.30 73.01 12.97 90.62 10.50 3.50 25.00 20.87 28.75 199.28 16.37 785.88 18.99 1500.00 28.00 14.12 73.93 23.87 5.00 12.90 7.63 5.30 Jung erman C. Juniata Grain Live Stock Assn, Kenesaw Implement Co} Kohlbry Herman Larsen H. G. Long Ed. T. Leeds G. B. Mace John L: Mikkelsen Drug Co Moon Lulu K. Palace Auto Livery Co Silvey Lumber Co J. A. Simpson & Joh Sunnyside Walker Conrad Walters Dr. H. D. Wanzer H. C. 'Thi sinand C. V. Wolbach & Brach Adams & Co Brown Clark DeMoulin J. D. John J. A. M. R. Essinger Garage & Oil Co Farmers Co -Operative Oil Farmers Union Co -Op. Gas Riese McWhi rter Grothaus Lutz Krenzen Furry Gartner Eigen be rg Schmidt Moss Con sbruck Gartner Gi lmo r e Hageman Hastings Machine Hastings Machine Haws & Son Huff Huse Independent Oil & Gas Co Isaac L. E. Janssen E. Keller Oil Co Kendal 1 Kort Kene saw Kene saw Krenzen Kuehn Lincoln Lincoln Road Livingston May Milts MidState Newkirk Palmer Pavel ka Petro Pitz Qtiade Rickerson Rolls :, Rolls Rolls Ruhter Koch Blankenbiller Burge Burge Schiffler Land Schiff1er Sharp Standard Oil Co Stiles SoEzer George C, W. Harry Ernest C. E. J. H. Herman H. H. Carl W. H. Jacob Walter Roy F. C. Service Service W. G. J. E. Albert POOR AIS FUND Cont, Groceries Coal Gas Groceries 11 $1 Services 11 . Drugs Services Ambulance service Coal Groceries Services Groceries Services Groceries Supplies COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Repairs Labor Supplies Team work Gas & Oil Co Gas & Oil Co Gas & Oil Dragging county 11 11 it 11 11 11 1t Supervising Co, roads & mileage Team work Dragging county 11 n 11 r1 n 11 tt Team work & damage to mule Oil Supplies, repairs fl U to n Winnie Herbert Implement Co Implement Co C. E. Chas et al Road Equipment Co Equipment Co H. et al Edgar W. A. Construction Co Ivan • W.o Wm Dave Joseph J et al Frank L. R. Dale Kenneth S. R. M. Fred Raymond G. E. A. We sle y Abraham C. H. rnanue 1 Wi 11 Ozro Floyd roads E1 tt t1 1t reads n Gas & 05.1 Mowing weeds, cahh paid for repairs Team work Gas & Oil Labor Team work Gas Labo r Team work Supplies r1 Mowing weeds, cash paid for repairs Team work & Labor Repairs r1 Labor Team v:ork Grease Labor on Co. Highway Labor Team work Blacksmithing, etc. Labor 11 Labo r 11 Team work Team work Team work Supervising 'County roads, mileage Dragging Co. roads u tt 1t 11 0 11 1t 11 Labo r Gas Labor Team work 11 11 tt 11 t1 n �1 11 19.83 28.40 10.70 12.17 25.00 6.75 17.10 100.00 39.40 6.29 n 19.65 32.404 190.00 10.19 16.00 8.5 57.8 12.42 19.13 21.60. 6.68 7.80 280.30 1.90 28.94 2.25 6.75 12.00 10.50 13.50 71.60 18.00 4.61 4.50 10.13 4.5o 130.00 59.00 17.25 28.00 12.00 90.65 4.15 26.25 212.40 7.20 8.00 47.45 67.50 93.15 33.20 19.35 6.30 32.30 8.60 .85 36.90 28.50 4.20 37.80 31.55 12.00 25.50 33.00 53.00 10.60 112.5o 155.00 103.50 111.00 79.80 3.00 5.62 2.25 2.25 4.50 15.00 56.25 3.20 103.95 56.25 13.80 Kuehn Burling Atwater Saddler Whitesel Fred Chas. K. Bernard H. C. W. C. COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Cont, Dragging Co. roads tt n f1 tt ra tt n sr tt Supervising Co. roads, Mileage 4.50 2.62 3.00 16.87 67.20 Motion by Ruhter, second by Whitesel that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, November 5th, 1929. 9 of lock A.M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. eputy County Clerk. P144A/1-fiA Acting Chairman Court House, Hastings, Nebraska, Tuesday,November 5th, 1929. 9 o'clock A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of October 5th., 1929. Meeting called to oeder by the clerk in the absence of the chairman. Roll call, all members were present Rianforth. Motion by Ruhter, second by Furry that Mr. Gartner act as temporary chairman. Motion carried. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Ruhter, second by Furry that the following miscellaneous receipts from 'ehe County Treasurers office be made a part of the Supervisors record. Motion carried. Receipts follow: # 2541 # 2542 2543 # 2545 # 2546 » 2547 # 2548 # 2549 # 2550 # 2551 C. H. Land W. M. Stebbens, State Treas. Pete Gartner Fred Buhter Lucia Dillenbach Judge Bohlke Judge Borlke Mrs. L. N. Button Trineeleelloylman Ins. Judge Bohlke Credit General Fund ' Road Dragging Fund Bridge Fund Bridge Fund General Fund Pines & Licenses 11 tl I 0 ii U 0 0 rt General Fund Co General Fund • Fines & Licenses 115.00 4109.50 57.60 37.52 1088.60 110.00 10.00 677.55 5.01 10.00 except Motion by Whitesel, second by Cole that the order of the county court be complied with in regard to issuing Mothers pension to Mrs. David Repp and the clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, secondby Bauer that the request of A. J. P. Bertschy et al, to krill core -holes along highways be granted. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Furry that we grant the request of the Mothers' Jewel's Home at York, Nebr., asking for $40.00 perronth for the care of the Goddard children commerfing October lst, 1929 and the clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ell voted aye'. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Furry that the County Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to transfer $7000.00 from the Road dragging fund to the County Highway fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The 3rd quarterly report of Mrs. Button, Register of Deeds and Miss Dillenbach, Clerk of the District Court were read before the Board and upon motion by Cole, second by Whitesel these reports were ordered placed on file. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon, the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M., when they again resumed with all members present except Cole. At 2 o'clock P. M., the time set for opening the bids for gravel surfacing on Project # 8, said bids were opened At 2:.15 P. M., motion by Ruhter, bids. Motion carried. second by Whitesel that we go into executive session to duly consider these 3:10 P. M., motion by Whitesel, second by Furry that we go into regular session. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second, by Furry that Moses M. Lippincott be awarded the contract for gravel surfacing on Project # 8 at 9 3/40 per square yard of two inch gravel. All voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Whitesel that the Clerk be instructed to return the certified check to all un- successful bidders. Motion carried. Motion by Ituhter, second by Whitesel that the County Treasurer be authorized to pay the Farm Investment Company $552.88 for tax sale No. 115 issued in 1924 on an erroneous assessment. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion" by Whitesel, second by Furry that the following claim be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow: Adams Geo Adams County Red Cross Bauer Geo. G. Binderup Hdw. Co. Bohlke W. Halsey, Brown Dr. J. W. Burroughs Adding Mach Co. Cannon T. N. Cole W. A. Columbia. Carbon Co. Gro sson Cro sson Crow Crozier Davis Deines Drug Co Dillenbach Lucia Extension service Raymond L. Raymond L. Walter M. J. A. Elliott. R. Co.Judge GENERAL FUND Salary, help in Treas. office Services Supervisors services & mileage Supplies Court posts, office expense Medical services Adding machine Drugs, Co. Farm Supervisors services & mileage Supplie s Back salary as Sheriff Adams County Jail costs, office expense Office expense Supplies, Court House Mileage Supplies Court costs, office expense Supplies, Farm Bureau 4.455 57.L 3b.30 52.50 98.00 15.10 76.0o 9.00 500.00 274.49 6.00 26.07 65.00 6.70 63.50 37. 5 Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co Johnston Lee W. K -B Printing Co Kenesaw Progress Klopp Printing Co L1oppPrintin g Co Llopp Printing Co Land C. H. Lincoln Tel, & Tel. Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. Local Registrars Murphy Typewriter Co R. E. Penney Co. J. C. Philli sDr: C. A Queen vity Laundry Rainforth T. R. Ruhter M. Fred Schunk Bernadene et al Schultz Martha H. Serf Printing Co 0. E. University Publishing Co Weiler Helen Whitesel Widmai er Woodworth Brower Bundy Byers Lumber Co Chti sten sen Cris swe ll Grothen Jones & Son Lau Mack Mills Newkirk Plum Smi dt Stumpenhorst Valentine W. C. William Pearl B. Co. Treas. J. 0. C. et al Hans A. D. Fred T. W. John Earl. Willard et al I. E. C. E. Wm. Thoe. Wm. Ayr Township Blaine Township Cottonwood Township Denver Township Fairbanks Lester Hansen Otto C. Hanover Township Heartwell 0. Highland Township Juniata Township Kenesaw Township Kislter Will Little Blue Township Logan Township Nebraska Culvert & Mfg. Co. Nebraska Culvert & Mfg. Co Oliver Lumber Co Roseland Lumber Co Roseland Township Schoreder Carl Silver Lake Township Standard Bridge Co. Standard Bridge Co Verona Township Wand a Township West Blue Township Zero Township A. Cannon Davi s Dickerson Eckhardt Hastings Fuel Co Hastings Fuel Co Herbst Henry T. N. Mrs. F. F. E. Carl Jungerman C. A GENERAL FUND Cont. Financial statement D liquent tax list, etc. Machine, Co. Treas. Transcript Supplies Printing Supplies, Court House Supplies, Court House Supplies, Court House Board for inmates at County Farm Phones, toll calls, Court House Telephone, toll calls, Farm Bureau Reporting births & deaths Repair work, ribbons, etc. Supplies, Co . Farm Professional services Laundry, Court House Supervisors services Supervisors services & mileage Typing in Judge's office Mileage, office expense Supplies, Court House Supplies, Co. Supt, Services in Clerk Dist. Courtts office Supervisors services & mileage Services as Bailiff Gas, light, etc., Court House, office expense BRIDGE FUND Draying Labor Bridge lumber Filling in bridge Labor Supplies Labor Draying Labor Labor fi It tt n ROAD DRAGGING FUND Township road dragging n rr rt rt n if Assisting Co. Surveyor Freight bill, grader blades, paid xownship Road' dragging Services, County Surveyor llownship Road dragging 8 It rt It n Assisting Co. Surveyor Township Road dragging rt n n Road drag Oulvert St ake s Culverts, etc. Township road drain g Land for road purposes own ship road dragging Balance due on bridge rt n rt 0 Township road draggging tt n 0 11 ii fr tt rf 11 POOR AID FUND Drugs Services Groceries It Coal Groceries 0 29.40 63.92 37.5o 2.00 4.a1 140.38 37.66 42.45 12.11 155.16 53.20 11.45 55.25 10.00 46.95 i.28 25.00 35.40 32.80 52.28 474.00 19.69 56.00 15.20 66.00 176.95 13.5o 26. o0 1165.67 9.6o 14.Oo 8.35 16.97 4.00 11.00 12.15 5.25 26.40 6.00 26.;0 12.00 19.00 50.13 12.00 48.24 24.50 12.69 50.32 97.35 38.13 23.50 76.75 24.50 47.31 28.03 28.75 37.91 9.20 215.45 57.11 150.0o 25.75 500.00 1769.36 85.73 50.4.9 15.05 60.80 10.25 62.00 2.2 17.0 32.05 21.20 10.57 19.56 POOR AID FUND Cont. Silvey Lumber Co J. Coal Simpson & Joh Groceries Sunnyside Services Walker Conrad Groceries Wanzer Grocery n Wheeler Grocery n W'hisinand Carl n COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Adams & Co J. D. Supplies Adnerson Elwyn et al Team work Anderson Roy Team work Balke et al R. W. Team work Beach Herbert et al Team work Babbitt W. B. et al 11 II Burling Erwin et al 0 9 Continental Oil Co Gas Duncan C. S. Supplies Enevoldsen Anders Blacksmithing Essinger Garage & Oil Co Gas & (til, supplies Farmers Union Co -Op. Gas & Oil Co Gas & Oil Furry J. H. ireight paid Gayman G. E. Dragging county roads Wolfe Will H. n If 9 Grothaus Harry It It 0 O'Brien Tom n It tt Riese Geo 0 0 n Lutz Ernest 0 9 9 Krenzen C. E. ti I+ n Kleier Herman Dragging county roads Stromer Walter 0 ft 0 Lay R. A n n n Bigenberg H. H. n 0 0 Schmidt Carl n 9 tr Bloomenkamp Ervin n " 0 Consbruck Jacob H +t it Stromer fim. E. +t ". n Smidt John n 0 It Baker Roy It ii n Leighfield Ben n n e Hall Lloyd Team work Harpham Bert Blacksmithing Hasebrook Geo. Team work Haskin R. W. Supplies Hastings Machine Service 0 Haws & Son W. G. Gas & Oil Hitch F. M. Blacksmithing Independent Oil & Gas Co Gas & Oil Juranek John Team work Kalvoda. Frank a 0 Keller Oil Co Gas Kendall Winnie Team work Kendall Winnie n n Livingston H. o It Lubricant Co B & G Supplies McCall Bros Team work McCoy W. A. Supplies McGrath Hdw. Co J. H. If Nebraska Culvert & Mfg. Co Supplies Osgood Earl Team work Paulikat August et al Team work Peterson O. W. 0 • 0 Pitz Joseph J. et al 0 0 Reiber John 0 0 Rickerson L. R. 0 11 Riese John L tt Rolls Dale Labor Rolls Kenneth 0 Rolls S. R. Team work Rtihter M. Fred Supervising county roads & milea e Schiffler Abraham Dragging county toads Blankenbill er G. E. it 9 11 Burge Wesley H tt 't II Koch Raymond 9 Peterson Frank O. 0 0 n Felzien R. A. n a n T rau sch Maria = 0 `I II Burge A, n a n Christensen Hans 9 0 9 Lend C. H. 0 0 9 Schiefelbein John et al Team nark Schukei Otto et al n " Sheehy Thomas et al 0 Snyder D. E. Supplies Standard Oil Co Oil Sti 1e c Ozrn Team work 11.10 32.53 218.00 14.82 8.39 5.21 73.09 24.75 81.60 36.00 26.50 59.50 36.56 42.75 13.65 2.15 39.5o 183.60 19.51 1.42 36.75 1.69 12.00 2.25 6.00 7.54 13.50 2.25 12.00 7.50 8.25 4.50 9.00 9.00 8.25 12.00 2.25 2.44 102.00 43.9 5 57.00 4.00 14.25 117.78 10.55 178.75 40.50 37.50 8.40 109.50 117.45 198.45 44.20 61.20 77.20 7.65 3.50 46.0 13.00 66.25 5.00 42.00 69.75 36.25 24.00 40.25 114.30 13.87 3.75 6.00 2.25 3.75 3.00 2.25 2.25 7.50 13.50 60.00 28.00 34.75 20.42 55.65 Katzberg Arthur Cooper C. T. Hoffman Leo Burling Chas. K. Atwater Geo Atwater Kuehn Fred Bobbitt W. B. Sahling John Weber Theo J. Whitesel W. C. COUNTY HIGH4°iAY FUND Cont. Dragging county roads rl !1 9 9 H H !! !! r! O n !! n n n !! n !! n n n If !! !! r! a !! Supervising county roads & mileage COUNTY FIAR FUND 9.75 10.s7 3.00 5.25 88 2.25 2.25 9.00 2.25 92.60 Adams County Agric Society Permanent Improvements & premiums - 650.00 Motion by Ruhter, second by Whitesel that this Board now adjourn to meet again December 5th, 1929 at 9 o'clock A. .Lotion carried. Board adjourned. 44' Deputy County Clerk. Acting Chairman \ Court House, Hastings, Nebraska. Thursday, December 5th, 1929. 9 A. M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of November 5th, 1929. Meeting called to order by the clerk in the absence of the chairman. Roll call, all members were present except Rainforth. Motion by Cole, second by Ruhter that P. H. Gartner act as temporary chairman. Motion carried. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Motion. by Whitesel, second by Furry that we approve the assignment of contract from Moses M. Lippincott to R. T. Schlueter for gravel project No. 8. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Whitesel that the following miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisors record. Motion carried. Receipts follow : -# 2544 Fred Ruhter # 2552 County Judge # 3 Fred Ruhter # 255 Fred Ruhter # 2555 W. M. Stebbens, State Treas. 2556 County Judge # 2557 Pete Gartner # 2558 John Furry # 2559 John Furry 2560 J. H. Furry # 2561 Lucia Dillenbach # 2562 County Judge Bohlke # 2563 County Judge # 2564 County Judge # 2565 John Furry # 2566"` Lucia Dillenbach # 2567 Cal Whitesel # 2568 Pete Gartner # 2569 Pete Gartner # 2570 Lucia Dillenbach General Fund Fines & Licenses Bridge Fund General Fund Roaddragging fund Fines & Licenses County Bridge Road Dragging Fund Road Dragging Fund Road Dragging Fund Fines & Licenses Fines & Licenses Fines & Licenses Fines & Licenses County Bridge Fund General Fund Road Dragging Bridge Fund Road Dragging Fund Fines& Licenses 902.50 127.00 8.00 165.15 3142.66 25.00 32.00 570.00 474.00 1344.00 6.00 301.05 100.00 110.00 4.50 318.93 1752.00 182.68 1000.00 5.00 Motion by Bauer, second by Furry that the order of the court be complied with in regard to 'soling Mothers Pensions to Agnes Boudreau, Emma Dell Young and Lucy Blunt, and. the Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Furry, second by Whitesel that we employ A. I. Batten for the position of Janitor of the Court House grounds and building for the year 1930 at $100.00 per month. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Furry that the resignation of Lillian A. Wilber Deputy County Clerk be accepted and bond released after December 14th, 1929. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, second by Whitesel that we confirm the appointment of Emma Berg as Deputy County Clerk of Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, second by Whitesel that we grant the request of Lucia Dillenbach for $500 to be paid out for additional help in her office during the year 1930 at the rate of $80.00 per month. Roll cell, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, second by Furry that the report of Luda Dillenbach for uncalled for witness fees in the amount of $318.93, be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M., when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Cole, second by Whitesel that the request of the First State Bank of Kenesaw, Nebr., asking for a deposit of County money in the sum of Thirty Thousand ($30,000) for the balance of the year 1929 and for the calander year 1930, be granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, second by Ruhter that the request for a refund on truck license for 1928 by Fink and Harm be granted and the Treasurer authorized to refund same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by ;hitesel, second oy Furry that the following claims be allowed an their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants tor same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow: Bauer G. G. Binderup Hdw Co. Bohlke Cannon City Fuel & Feed Cole W. A. Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Mfg. Constitution Educational Assn Crosson Raymond L. Davis Elliott R. De in e s Drug Co Dillenbach Lucia W. Halsey, Co. Judge T. N. Co n; 1 1 on-honY GENERAL FUND Supervisors services & mileage Supplies Court costs, office expense Drugs, County Farm Coal, Court House Supervisors services Co. Supplies Supplies, County Supt. Jail costs, office expense Mileage Supplies Court costs, office expense C!n,irt nna+eat.ftrorrtosr exrnon COQ & mileage 47.20 14.110 61.80 4.15 225.18 68.20 46.70 25.13 245.28 65.00 8.75 85.70 Rn nn Guarantee Electric Co Hamel E. B. Hastings Typewriter Co K -B Printing Co Keith Dr. W. W. et al Keith Dr, W. W. et al Kenesaw Progress Klopp Printing Co Klopp Printing Co Land C. H. Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co Murphy Typewriter Co R. E. Queen City Laundry Rainforth T. R. Ruhter M. Fred School Dist. # 1S Schultz Martha H. Co. Supt. Schunk Bernadene, et al Sigel Cafe Underwood Typewriter Co University Publishing Co Weiler Helen Whitesel W. C. Widmaier Wm Widmaier William Wodding W. L. Zinn & Co 0. C. Zion Institutions & Industries Baker Bontjer Bur chess Gangti sh Hageman Joynt Montia Clifford Orey G. E. M. C. F. C. Cleve Gus Silvey Lumber Co J. A. Standard Bridge Co Versaw Darrel Adams & Co J. D. Adams & Co J. D. Ayr Township Blaine Township Wanda Township Byers Lumcer Co Cottonwood Township Denver Township Finnigsmier John A. Hanover Township Hearbwell C. A. Highland Township Juniata Township Kenesaw Township Kister & Son Geo. Kistler Will Logan Township Little Blue Township Mack Earl Nebraska Culvert & Mfg. Co Oliver Lumber Co Petersen Christ Roseland Lumber Co Roseland Township Verona Township Schlueter Lumber Co Silver Lake Township West Blue Township Zero Township Adams County Coal Co Adams County Red Cross Adams County Red Cross Bauer Henry Burroughs M. B. NT GENERAL FUND Cont, Supplies Board of Health services Repair work Supplies, Co. Supt. Witnesses, insanity hearing Witnesses, insanity hearing Printing Supplies, Court House Supplies, Court House Board for inmates at County Farm Supplies, Co. Supt. Supplies, Co. Supt. Phones, toll calls, Court House Phones, 11 11 Farm Bureau Supplies Laundry, Court House Supervisors services Supervisors services & mileage Use of Assembly Services & mileage Typing in County Judg€!s office Meals for Jury New typewriter Supplies, Co. Supt. Services in office Clerk Dist. Court Supervisors services & mileage Investigations, Mothers Pensions, mileage Services as Bailiff Testing liquor Clock repairs Supplies, Court House BRIDGE FUND Filling in County bridge Filling in County bridge 0 0 0 0 Bridge Work Labor Bridge work Filling in County bridge Labor on County bridge Estimate on bridge work Filling in County bridge ROAD DRAG GIN G FUND Road drag Road drag blades Road dragging 11 0 O 11 Supplies Road dragging Road dragging Land for road purposes Road dragging Surveying roads Road dragging O 11 O 11 Supplies Assisting County Surveyor Road dragging Road dragging Estimate on gravel hauling Road drag Stains Land for road purposes Error on bill Road dragging Road dragging Gravel, etc. Road daagging Road dragging tl 9 POOR AID FUND Coal Services Groceries 11 ilrin/7n .20 30.00 1.00 2.54 54.00 11.00 17.15 527.50 16. SO 150.15 66.96 143.41 55.95 10.55 .75 5.70/ 25./00 57.20 10.00 65.99 24.40 15.65 112.50 19.68 32.33 15.20 20.00 24.00 5.00 2.00 8.75 7.50 2.40 37.95 9.20 28.70 9.20 13.50 17.95 50.40 17.25 44.00 13.26 113.85 113.51 113.86 141,66 29.32 91.56 1.00 99.65 11,45 154.02 107.87 102.62 16.60 3.50 40.35 80.87 800.00 28.75 8.40 25.00 20.00 87.77 118.73 512.13 71.5o 95.37 49.10 78.75 19.61 38.20 10.96 8.75 14.75 Farmers Un. Coop. Assn Hastings Fuel Co ITrbst H. Uungerman C. Juniata Grain & Live S ock Ass1n. Kenesaw Mill & Elev. C6 Kidder C. E. Larsen H. G. Long's Grocery Mace John L. M. D. Matthiesen & Co Carl R. Mikkelsen Drug Co Moon Lulu K Nebr, Institution for Feeble Minded Nowers Walter E. Simpson & Joh Sunnyside Walker Conrad. Whisinand Carl Adams & Co Adams & Co Adnersen et Balke Brown Clifton Crisswell Duda -Myers Co J. D. J. D. al Elwyn R. W. Bob Frank Art Duncan C. S. Finnigsmier John et al Krenzen C. E. McWhirter C. W. Riese George Matthews G. F. Jannssen F. E. Furry J. H. McWhirter Ben Murdock Archie Gangwish M. CV Stumpenhorst Theo Baker Roy Leighfield Ben Schmidt Carl Valentine Onno Strorner Wm. E. Krable Geo. Consbruck Jacob Kleier Herman Krull. John Moss W. H. Versa' , Darrel Eigenberg H. H. Valentine Onno Hall County Harpham Bert Rarpham Joe Hastings Chev Sales Co Hastings Mechanical works Haws & Son Independent Joynt Juranek Jr Kistler Kluver W. G. Oil & Gas Co Cleve Joe Will John Lincoln Road Equipment Co Lincon Road Equipment Co Linderman Bros Lutz Patterson Matthews Murray Newman Pavelka et al Pavelka Riese Peterson Christensen Rout h Felzien Peterson Trausch Land Schiffler Blankenbiller Ernest John Glen Martin Hwward G. James Wm George H. C. W. Haas Jas R. A. Frak A. Chris C. H. Abraham G. E. Pirmn,111 POOR AID FUND Cont. Groceries Coal Groceries n Caal 11 Services Groceries Services Dr1S Services 11 Groceries Services Groceries COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Grader blades It 0 Putting up snow fence 0 11 11 8 Team work Patrolman, Labor Supplies Supplies Team work Dragging county Dragging county 0 11 roads roads Supervising County highways & mileage Dragging County roads Dragging county roads Patrolman Dragging county roads Dragging county roads ft li ft It JI 11 11 ft ft 11 0 11 0 11 11 11 11 11 11 0 Grading Labor tt Repairs Repairs Gas & Oil. 11 0 0 Patrolman Team work Labor Patrolman Repairs it Gas & Oil Team work Labor Team work Team work Labor Patrolman Labor Team work Dragging county roads 0 011 11 11 11 11 11 11 0 11 15.88 86000 12.30 38.63 59.15 L10 Li2 75.00 26.45 13.43 44.0o 1.25 25.15 21.45 161.45 166.67 32.04 190.0o 8.93 69.41 20.10 18.09 46.4o 59.00 27.00 108.00 18.00 1.90 11.67 26.25 26.25 6.75 12.75 3.00 13.50 12.90 9.75 6.00 75.90 10.50 10.50 4.88 9.00 6.75 5.62 3.00 9.00 9.75 8.25 9.00 28.50 13.88 9.00 151.87 8.4o 8.40 2.65 1.00 38.15 65.81 73.60 17.00 7.20 108.00 5.84 5.51 78.47 10.85 5.80 1.60 1.80 64.86 133.40 6.30 4.50 7.5o 9.00 6.37 6.00 3.75 2.25 6.00 15.75 15.75 4.12 Gangwish Albert Kuehn Chas McLeod George Atwater Bernard McCall Bert Kuehn Fred Weber Theo. J. Burling Chas. K. Saddler H. C. Hoffman Theo Witt George COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Cont Dragging ►9 county roads u ►1 ►► Whitesel W. C. Superintending county roads & mileage Zubrod Jake Grader Blades 6.00 22.12 9.00 7.50 1+.25 6.00 4.50 7.s7 11.2+ 13.3s 4g. 00 s5.431 . 50 Motion by Whitesel, second by Furry that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Decmeber 16th, 1929 at 9 o►clock A. M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. o./ o y Clerk. Deputy County Clerk. Acting Chairman Court House, Hastings, Nebraska. Monday, December 16th, 1929, 9 A. M. Special meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of December 5th, 1929. Meeting called to order by the Clerk in the absence of the chairman. Roll call, all members presence except Rainforth. Motion by Furry, seconded by Cole that P. H. Gartner act as temporary chairman. Motion carried. Minuets of last Tweeting were read and approved. Balance of the forenoon was taken up in discussing the Deposits of County Funds. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 P.M. At 1:15 the board resumed with all members present except Mr. Rainforth. Roll call. The Board discussed the Deposits of County Funds with various Bankers. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Furry that the following names be selected and certified to the Clerk of District Court from which to draw the Jury for the January term of the Adams County District Court of the Tenth Judicial District. Motion carried. Names follow: Supervisors District # 1. West Blue Frank Grub George Groenwalt Verona Walter Lamoreaux W. G. Berg Roseland Matt Trausch Chas. L. Henson J. W. Larson Hanover P. H. Vanboening John Harrenstein Highland Fred Grothen Will Kez'ff Kene saw Scott Fischer D. R. Mikesell W. F. Ernst Cottonwood Henry Johnson G. E. Felzien Denver P. R. Daugherty E. A. Howat L. E. Isaac Supervisors Wanda Chas. Edmondson W. B. Babbitt Blaine Chester Starr Lloyd Lan V District #2. Juniata George Whiting C. F. Cooper Supervisors District #3. Logan Frank Zubrod Vern Blocker Ayr Henry Gartner E. P. Weatherwax M. C. Alexander; Robert H. Kerr; Jacob Silver Lake Henry W.,Koepke Lewis Ellsworth Supervisors District #F. Zero Theo. Bachman 5r. Darrel Versaw Little Blue Thomas Emil H. E. Po s t Dan Schunerele Supervisors District #5. .Amen; Lyman Battles; L. Benner; H. O. Eckhardt; Geo. Stromer Jake Kist r. Supervisors District 16. ,✓ A. J. Mace; Andy Kellar; F. G. Cole; Robt. Binfield; F. 0. Cling; C. . Deardorff; E. R. Erway; J. C Bohlke. Supervisors District #7. Chas. Porth; Dale Hahne; Dale Lawson; Lee Mahoney; Willie Hemple; Claude Powers; W. M. Davidson; F. O. Schaffroth. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Ruhter that this Board now adjourn to meet again December 2Sth, 1929 at 10 o'clock A. M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. Deputy County Oler1 t/T C ,Acting Chairman. Court House, Hastings, Nebr. Saturday, December 2Sth,1929,9 A. Special meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of December 16th, 1929. Meeting called to order by the Clerk in the absence of the chairman. Roll call, all members present except Rainforth. Motion by Cole, seconded by Ruhter that P. H. Gartner act as temporary chairman. Motion carried. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Furry that the annual report of P. H. Gartner, Highway Commissioner of Adams County, for the year of 1929 be placed on file. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Cole that we purchase from the Silvey Lumber Company, of Holstein, Nebraska., a car of bridge lumber, full sawn, consisting of 50-3x12, 18 ft. 50-3x12 ,20ft. 600-3x12, 16 ft. at an agreeded price of $33.00 per M., F.O.B. Holstein, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 P.M. At 1:15 the board resumed with all members present except Mr. Rainforth. Roll call. Motion by Cole, seconded by Ruhter that the request of the Prosser State Bank for First State Bank, Hayland Hansen State Bank " State Bank of Pauline First State Bank, Holstein �t State Bank of Juniata First State Bank, Kenesaw Roseland State Bank 0 to become depositories of County Funds for the above amounts be by them for the calendar year of 1930 be approved by this board. carried. $10,000.00 7,500.00 5,000.00 7,500.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 30,000.00 17,000.00 granted. And the security offered Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Furry that the request of First National Bank, Hastings for 5100,000.00 State Bank of Hastings 0 85,000.00 Neb. National Bannk, Hastings n 50,000.00 to become depositories of County Funds for the calendar year of 1930 for the above amounts be granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Furry, seconded ,by Cole that the Surety Bond.of the Nebraska National Bank issued by the Hartford Accident & Indemnity Co. for $10,000.00 and the surety bond of the First National Bank issued by the National Surety Company for $25,000 to secure County Funds be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, seconded by Furry that the board now adjourn to meet on Friday January 3rd, 1930 at 9 o'clock A.M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. Acting Chairman