HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupervisors Rec 12 1931WVO Regular meeting of the Adams Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members Court House, Hastings, Nebr. Thursday, January 8th, 1931. 9 o'clock A.M. County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Furry, Gartner, Marian, December 23, 1930. P. H. Gartner, Ruhter and Whitesel. Minutes of last regular meeting were read and approved. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Whitesel, that the annual report of H. E. Marian, Chairman of Soldiers and Sailors Relief Commission, be placed on file. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, seconded by Bauer, that the semi-annual report of the County Clerk,the fourth Quarterly report of the County Sheriff, the semi-annual report of the County Treasuer, and the Additional Report of Distress Warrants by the County Sheriff, be placed on file. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Marian, that the report of J. H. Furry, Committee, be placed on file. Motion carried. Chairman of the Adams County Poor Farm Motion by Bauer, seconded by Whitesel, that the foliowing claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the sate. Rol/ call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL EUXD Adelseck Bauer Bohlke, Co. Judge Bourg Brower Burroughs Adding Machine Button, Reg. of Deeds Byers Lumber Co. Cannon Central Power Co. Churchill Mfg. Co. City Fuel & Feed Co Cole Columbia Coordt Cramer Crosson, Crow Crowley Davis Deines Drug Co. Demarat Printing Dillenbach Evans First Trust C Furry Gartner Gartner Gaudreault Merc Co. Hastings Electric Co. Jones, Co. Clerk. K -B Printing Co. Keith, Et al Kenesaw Progress Kline Klopp Printing Co. Land. Letton, Lincoln Lincoln Marian Carbon Co. Sheriff Co. Hattie E. G. G. W. Halsey Gus J. O. Co. L. N. T.N. W. A. Mary Mabel Raymond L. Walter M James F. Elliott R. Lucia Owen G. J. H. P. H. P. H. A. J. T. W. Dr. W. W. J. B. C. H. Clerk of Supereme Court, Telephone & Telegraph Co. Telephone & Telegraph Co: H. E. Marian J. E. Murphy Typewriter Co. R. E. Penny Co. J. C. Pielstick W. A. Queen City Laundry Remington Rand Business Renner & Co. Ruhter Ruhterford Bros. Schultz Martha H. Serf Printing Co. O. E. State Journal Company Trausch T. A. Turbyfill J. M. Weiler Helen A. Wester Chemical Co. Woodruff Printing Co. Underwood Typewriter Co. Zion Office Supply Service Inc., Percy M. Fred. Charles B. Services on Canvassing Board Supervisors services County Court costs, office expense Repairs, County Farm Express and. Drayage Maintenance service Postage Coal, Court House Supplies, County Farm Gas Supplies, Court House Coal, Court House Supervisors services Typewriter ribbons Services in County Judge's office Premium on Insurance Policy Jail expense, office supplies Office expense Premium on Insurance Policy Mileage Supplies Books & Supplies, Court House Courtcosts, office expense Mileage and services, Mother's pension Premium on Insurance Policy Supervisors services Supervisors services & mileage Services & mileage as Highway Commissioner Supplies Supplies Office expense Supplies Witnesses, insanity hearing Superviors Proceedings Supplies Supplies Board of Inmates at County Farm Court costs in Trobough case Office phones & toll calls, Court House Office phones & toll calls, Farm Bureau Commission, services and mileage Soldier & Sailors Relief Supervisors services Services Supplies, County Farm Premium on Insurance Policy Laundry, Court House Ribbon Coupon book Game Laws Supervisors services Repairs, Court House Mileage, office expense Supplies Supplies Services as Marshal in Juniata Township on Nov. 4th, 1930. Services in Laubon, Hamilton and Smith case Services in office of Clerk of District Court Supplies Supplies Typewriter, Clerk of District Court's office Supplies $15.00 44.50 52.28 3.50 2.74 38.25 10.00 93.29 7.35 5.13 42.00 127.14 57.70 9.00 11.20 48.4o 314.143 20.96 214.60 65.0o 2.35 460.50 98,70 2.80 36.30 16.60 51.18 35.140 20.6o 61.51 57.18 .83 21.70 26.30 5.69 2.25 172.67 25.00 71.55 11.90 62.os 61.90 1.00 13.82 4.40 5.58 3.50 214.00 28.20 4.00 80.50 25.75 6.14 6.60 40.00 75.00 9.31 10.20 71.25 8.55 Duncan C. S. Essinger Garage & Oil Co. Parry Furry Pfieffer Huxtable McWhirter Krinzen Lutz Gangwish Leighfield Rolls Stromer Consbruck Hageman Hardware Hansell C. H. Hargleroad Road Maintance 00. Harriss Claud Hastings Machine Service Haws & Son W. G. Hupf & Denkert Juranek Kenesaw Implement Co. Kistler Kister & Son Kluver Kluver Lincoln Road & Eqpt Co. Lincoln Road & Eqpt Co. Lutz McGrath Hdw Co. Newman, et al Overy, et al Pete's Oil Station Phillips Pet Co. Land Worley Klein Trausch Biankenbiller Ruhter Sllvey Lbr Co. Stiles Trausch Walker Whitesel Whitesel Morgan Katzberg Kuehn McLeod Saddler Anderson J. H. J. E. Carl P Edgar Ben C. E. Ernest M. C. Ben S. R. Wrn. E. Jacob Ayr Twp. Blaine Twp. Cottonwood Twp. Denver Twp. Fairbanks Hanover Twp. Haskins Heartwell Highland Twp. Juniata Twp. Kenesaw Twp. Kistler Little Blue Twp. Logan Twp. Mack Oliver Lumber Co. Silver Lake Twp. Verona Twp. Wanda Twp. West Blue Twp. Zero Twp. Ayr Lumber Co. Bontjer Byers Lumber Co. Darra Gasch Huckfeldt,et al Joe Jr. A. W. George John Henry Ernest J. H. Howard G. Howard C. H. John Karl Chris L. J. M. Fred J. A. O. C. John Jacob H. M. W. C. George Arthur Chas. George H. C. Aug. Lester R. W. C. A. Will Earl Orey Louis F. R. Robert Repairs Gas & Oil Supervising & mileage, County roads Supervising county roads, mileage Dragging county roads 11 If 1' fl fl u tt f1 t1 tt 11 fl Labor Dragging county roads N t6 11 fl If fl u 9 fl Repairs 11 tt Sand Repairs Gas & Oil Labor & repairs on tractor Labor Repairs Labor Repass Labor tr Repairs, 0 Labor Reparis Labor fl Gas Gas & Oil Dragging County roads 11 11 fl 11 fl ft 11 11 tt tt fl tt Supervising roads Sand Labor Cement Labor Operating Tractor & Labor Supervising roads Dragging county roads O 11 fl tt tt n fl ROAD DRAGGING FUND Dragging county O 11 fl fl fl N to 11 roads fl fl Assisting County Surveyor Dragging county roads Repairs Services, County Surveyor & Mileage Dragging county roads O rt n 11 11 tt Assisting County Surveyor Dragging County roads It 0 11 Gravel Stakes' Dragging 11 M u county 11 to n fl fl BRIDGE FUND Bridge Lumber Team work Bridge Lumber Team work Labor Team work POOR AID PUND roads tt 11 if n $3.70 52.98 35.00 61.00 4.50 16.50 3.00 27.00 22.50 71.30 3.00 15.00 3.75 4.50 10,45 1.30 27.81 4.50 1.25 72.40 18.25 17.80 37.19 9.60 1.50 96.60 2.00 60.37 15.76 10.80 10.22 39.26 25.28 1.52 31.72 10.12 3.00 }4.50 1.50 4.50 35.00 .70 53.82 22.36 35 57.60 80.82 3.00 7.50 2.25 9.00 6.37 1.12 45.23 40.37 34.75 31.00. 21.00 18.26 3.50 184.30 126.26 32.12 8.12 21.00 11.12 45.62 354.90 3.00 9.25 47.87 20.87 22.00 18.62 45.4/5 6.00 32.0o 9.00 7.70 12.00 Cannon City Fuel & Feed Co. Davis Hickerson Douglas Eckhardt Eckhardt Goble Hastings Fuel Co. Herbst Jones Jungerman Juniata Grain & Live Kenesaw Mill & Elev. Kelley Kohlbry Laird Leonard Leply Groc. Long's Groc. Mace, M.D. Mace, M.D. Mace, M.D. Mace, M.D. Mary Lanning Memorial Mary Lanning Memorial Mikkelsen Drug Co. . Needham Nowers Oelschlager Penney Co. Silvey Lumber Co. Simms Simpson & Joh Sunnyside Swanson, M. D. Sypherd Van Patten Virgil's Cash Store Walker Whisinand T. N. Mrs. F. F. E. Mrs. Lulu Carl R. Jay Henry. James G. C. Stock Assrn. Co. E. L. H. L. D. Mrs. L. G. John John John John Hospital Hospital L. L. L. L. E. L. WalterE. A. R. J. C. J. A. B. M. Leonard A. Mrs. D. N. C. I. Conrad Carl SOLDIERS Marian Harry Drugs Coal Care of B. F. Carl Drugs Care of Mrs. Nancy McReynolds Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Coal. Groceries Groceries Groceries Care of Mrs. Devereaux Groceries Groceries Prof. Services " t! i! rt 0 fl Services " Drugs Care of B. F. Carl Prof. Services Groceries Supplies Coal Drugs Groceries Services Prof. Services Care of Mrs. Giboney Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries & SAILORS RELIEF COMMISSION. Soldiers & Sailors relief Motion by Bauer,seconded by Marian, that the claim of V. A. Thompson for $67.50 all voted aye. Motion carried. $17.5o 8.90 32.00 6.15 29.00 4,19 85.16 1.94 37.6o 13.30 14.65 23.67 42.15 40.25 20.00 7.23 7.99 17.82 14.97 11.45 32.00 40.00 16.0o 30.00 33.35 33.0o 15.25 30.00 14.34 13.18 1.98 6.45 2.5o 32.31 193.00 60.0o 13.80 10.50 10.16 11.61 30.23 200.00 be disallowed. Roll call, Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Whitesel, that the following miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisors record. Motion carried. Receipts follows: 2872 # 2873 # 2874 # 2875 # 2876 #2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 # 2882 # 2883 2884 # 2885 2886 # 2887 2888 # 2889 # 2890 # 2891 # 2892 # 2893 if 2894 # 2895 #f 2896 # 2897 ## 2898 # 2899 # 2900 # 2891 # 2902 # 2903 # 2904 2905 American Red Cross Auditor Public Accounts P. H. Gartner Lucia Dillenbach P. H. Gartner J. H. Furry - Co. Poor Farm J. H. Furry - Co. Poor Farm 3.,H. Furry - Co. Poor Farm J. H. Furry Co. Poor Farm J. H. Furry - Co. Poor Farm Mabel W. Kingsley, Ex. Lucia Dillenbach Lucia Dillenbach State Bank of Juniata First State Bank, Hayland Prosser State Bank J. H. Furry First State Bank, Kenesaw First National Bank, Hastings M. Fred Ruhter P. H. Gartner P. H. Gartner State Bank of Hastings Nebr. National Bank, Hastings Cancelled a J. H. Furry Hansen State Bank Pauline State Bank R. L. Crosson J. H. Furry W. C. Whitesel Sheriff Crosson T W. Jones J. H. Furry Motion by Ruhter, seconded- by Whitesel, that there Credit Poor Aid r' Road Dragging Fund " Bridge Fund General Fund Road Dragging Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Inheritance Tax General Fund General Fund Int. on Deposits Int. on Deposits Int. on Deposits Bridge Fund Interest on Deposits Int. on Deposits Road Dragging Fund Road Dragging Fund Bridge Fund +' Int. on Deposits Int. on Deposits r! " " 11 0 r! " !! General Fund Int. on Deposits Int. on Deposits General Fund Road Dragging Road Dragging General Fund General Funs. Road Dragging Fund $ 4.98 3304.8o 53.6o 24.60 414.00 287.67 233.28 52.35 179.10 20.00 31.27 6.00 6.00 200.00 37.5o 50.00 3.50 300.00 505.01 738.00 343.00 99.04 137.19 111.45 35.00 25.0o 37.50 186.67 12.95 912.00 599.28 497.80 3.75 appears to be no more unfinished business that this board Re -organization of the Board. At 11:15 A.M. the County Clerk called the meeting to order, members present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Shannon, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter and Whitesel. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Ruhter, that P. H. Gartner Be made temporary Chairman. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, seconded by Ruhter, that we proceed to take an informal ballot for the election of Chairman. P. H. Gartner appointed Whitesel and Marian as tellers with results as follows: Gartner Motion by Cole, seconded by Marian, that the informal ballot be made formal and that P. H. Gartner duly elected Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors for the year 1931. Motion carried. a permanent 6, Cole 1. be declared At 11:30 the Board adjourned until 1:15. At 1:15 the Board again resumed with all members present. Roll call. The Chairman announced the following standing committees for the year 1931. SETTLEMENTS. J. E. Marian, Chairman and all members of the Board. FINANCE. F. E. Shannon, Chairman and all members of the Board. COMPLAINTS & BONDS J. E. Marian, Chairman, F. E. Shannon and G. G. Bauer. ROAD & BRIDGES. M. Fred Ruhter, Chairman, and all members of the Board. LANDS AND BUILDINGS Geo. Bauer Chairman, J. E. Marian and P. H. Gartner. COUNTY FARM. W. C. Whitesel, Chairman, W. A. Cole and M. Fred Ruhter. SUPPLIES. W. A. Cole, Chairman, T. W. Jones and J. E. Marian. MOTHERS PENSION W. A. Cole. At this time Mrs. Coordt, Clerk of County Court, appeared before the board and stated that the bonds of Supervisor F. E. Shannon for $1,000, Supervisor M. Fred Ruhter for $1,000, Supervisor G. G. Bauer for $1,000, Supervisor Jesse E. Marian for $1,000, E. A. St. John, County Assessor, for $10,000, T. W. Jones, County Clerk, for $5,000, and Emma Berg, Deputy County Clerk, for $5,000, were on file in the office of the County Judge, and that the County Judge approved of the same. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Marian, that the bond of A. J. Thobald, County Treasuere, for $100,000.90 issued by the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland be approved. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Whitesel, that the request of A. J. Theobald, County Treasuer, be granted and the appointment of J. E. Polenske as Deputy County Treasurer be approved. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Ruhter, that the request of Lucia Dillenbach, Clerk of District Court, be granted and th appointment of Forrest L. Hughes as Deputy Clerk of District Court be approved. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Whitesel, that the request of Raymond L. Crosson, Sheriff, be granted and the appointment of J. Floyd Arnold as Deputy Sheriff at a salary of $110.00 per month be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, seaded by Marian, that the request of L. N. Button, Register of Deeds, be granted and the appointment of Rachel Hayen as Deputy Register of Deeds be approved. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Ruhter, that the request of T. W. Jones, County Clerk, be granted and the appointment of Emma Berg,as Deputy County Clerk be approved. Motion --carried. Motion by Cole, seconded by Ruhter, that the following bonds be approved; Roscoe Hewitt, Substitute County Judge, Personal Bond for $25,000, Herman Schroeder, County Attorney, Surety Bond for $1,000, Raymond L. Crosson, Sheriff, Surety Bond for $10,000, L. N. Button, Register of Deeds, Personal Bond for $5,000, Rachel Hayen, Deputy Register of Deeds, Personal Bond for $5,000, Lucia Dillenbach, Clerk of District Court, Surety Bond for $10,000, J. Floyd Arnold, Deputy Sheriff, Surety Bond for $10,000, Forrest L. Hughes, Deputy Clerk of District Court, Surety Bond for $10,000, Lottie E. Cunningham, County Superintendent, Surety Bond for $1,000, C. A. Heartwell, County Surveyor, Surety Bond for $1,000. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Whitesel that the following Official bonds of the Township Clerk for various` precincts be approved. Motion carried. Bonds follow: Martin Heeren, Hanover Township; Theo. A. Trausch, Juniata,Township; Lloyd Laux, Blaine Township; Theodore W. Miller, Logan Township; Bert Whelan, Roseland Township; Morris Asmus, West Blue Township; Ben Zoog, Little Blue Township; Wesley Burge, Silver Lake Township; Simon Gerloff, Zero Township; Walter Plambeck, Wanda Township; G G. Frickey, Verona Township; E. E. Grothen, Ayr Township; F. R. Gasch, Highland Township. Motion carried. of Hastings; Jay Goble, Ayr Township; J. W. McHarry, Juniata Township; Tom Eme1, Littl Blue Township; Albert Junker, Highland Township; H. F. Favinger, City of Hastings; Carl J. Ground, Verona Township; Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Shannon, that the following official bonds of theTownship Treasurer for various precincts be approved; Motion carrad. Boiis follow: Ray Jones, Silver Lake Township; John W. Einspahr, Logan Township; John Coffey, Highland Township; Fred Augustin, Juniata Township; Fred .Amus, Blaine Township; George Augustin, Kenesaw Township; Heye Borchers, Wanda Township; Carl W. Busboom, Hanover Township; F. W. Katzberg, Verona Township; Motion by Marian, seconded by Ruhter, that the Pauline State Bank be permitted to withdraw the following securities, held in escrow by First National Bank of Hastings (trustee) to secure deposits of this County in said Bank, to -wit: $500 4th Liberty Loan, and that the substitution of the following securities therefor be and the same hereby is approved. $2,000 Federal Land Bank 5%. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Shannon, that whereas the deposits of this county in First State Bank, Kenesaw, Nebraska do not now exceed $15,000, said bank is entitled to and isherebypermitted to withdraw the follow- ing securities held in escrow by: Lincoln Trust Company (trustee) to secure deposits of this county in said bank, to -wit: U.S.A. Fourth Liberty loan 4i% Gold Bonds of 1933-3s #"00351981 $10,000.00 and #A00129121 Ca $5,000.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bauer, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, it appears to the Board of County Supervisors that it is necessary and advisable to authorize a de- posit of county funds in the various banks in excess of 50% of the paid up capital and surplus, and WHEREAS, the following banks have been heretofore designated as a depository for county funds:- First National Bank, Hastings, Nebr., the Hastings National Bank, Hastings, Nebr., the State Bank of Juniata, Juniata, Nebr., the Prosser State Bank, Prosser, Nebr., the Roseland State Bank, Roseland, Nebr., the FirstState Bank, Kenesaw, Nebr., the First State Bank, Holstein, Nebr., the First State Bank, Hay1and, Nebr., the Hansen State Bank, Hansen, Nebr., the Pauline State Bank, Pauline, Nebr., and the Nebraska National Bank, Hastings, Nebr. THEREFORE BN IT RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer of Adams County be and is hereby authorized to deposit in the following named banks which have heretofore been duly and legally selected as depositories for county funds, funds in excess of 50% of the paid up capital stock and surplus of the said banks in accordance with law: First National Bank, Hastings., the Hastings National Bank, Hastings, Nebr., the State Bank of Juniata, Juniata, Nebr., the Prosser State Bank, Prosser, Nebr., the Roseland State Bank, Roseland, Nebr, the First State Bank, Kenesaw, Nebr., the First State Bank, Holstein, Nebr., the First State bank, Hayland, Nebr. the Hansen State Bank, Hansen, Nebr., the Pauline State, Bank, Pauline, Nebr., and the Nebraska National Bank,' Hastings, Nebr. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Whitesel, that H. E. Marian be re -appointed a member of the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Commission for a term of three years. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Marian, seconded by Shannon, that the request of Lucia Dillenbach, Clerk of District Court, for $500.00 for Additional Clerical help for the year 1931 be granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded 'by Cole, that the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized to issue salary warrants on the 1st day of each month to all county officers, deputies and clerks in county offices who ere'entitled to receive pay on `jaunty warrants and in such amount as are fixed by law governing the different county offices, or upon agreement with the County Board. Also, that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to sign such warrants. Also, that this order is to apply to county road employees who are to receive a monthly salary. Motion carried. Motion •by Bauer,. seconded by Marian, hat the Board recessed until Friday, January 10th, 1931 at 9 o'clock A.M. FRIDAY, January 10th, 1931. 9 o'clock A.M. At 9 o'clock A.M. the Board again resumed with all members present. Roll call, members present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Shannan, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter and Whitesel. t_10 o'clock A.M. the Chairman ordered the Clerkto open the bids submitted for County Supplies for 1931. Motion. ba Marian, seconded by Whitesel, that all bids for supplies for 1931 be rejected onaccount of being un- satisfactory, and that the supply committee buy the supplies on the open market. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, that we proceed to an informal ballot for the appointment of a High- way Commissioner for the year of 1931. Motion carried. The Chairman appointed Marian and Whitesel as tellers with results as follows: Ruhter one, Gartner four, Cole one. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Marian, that we suspend the rules and the informal ballot be declared formal and that P. H. Gartner be declared appointed Highway Commissioner for the year 1931. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, seconded by Whitesel, that the order of thecourt in regard to Mother's Pension for Lavon E. Dodson be complied with and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Marian, seconded by Whitesel, that we purchase three 12 ft. Adams Graders, and one 8 ft. Adams grader with rubber tires and a 12 ft. mould board at an agreed price of $4818 F.O.B. factory, and three used 12 ft. Adams graders. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. cttJ Motion by Shannon, seconded by Marian, that the County Clerk is hereby instructed to advertise for bids, on a yearly contract basis, according to plans and specifications on Wooden, steel and con trete bridges adopted by the Board and that the Board reserves the right to reject aiy and all bids. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer,seconded by Marian, that the Hastings Daily Tribune be designated as the official paper of Adams County for the year 1931. Roll call, Ayes Bauer, Shannon, Gartner, Marian, and Ruhter. Nayes, Cole and Whitesel. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, seconded by Marian, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION. STATE OF NEBRASKA ) ) SS ADAMS COUNTY ) In the matter of the proposed ) sale of real property of John ) Feilen, incompetent, by guardian) Before the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska. •Certificate of Approval By Board of Supervisors of Proposed Sale. WHEREAS, O. A. Riley, guardian of the Estate of John Feilen, an incompetent person, has made application to the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, for 'their approval of the proposed sale of the real property of John Feilen, an incompetent person, for the purpose of paying for his care and support, and real property being Lots Twenty (20), Twenty -One (21), and Twenty -Two (22) in Block Seven (7) of Sewell's Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, and we hereby certify that we have examined into the necessity of said proposed sale, and find it necessary for the best interests of said incompetent person, and we fully approve of the same. Dated this 9th day of January A.D. 1931. ATTEST: County Clerk an Supervisors o erk of the Board of s County, Nebraska. Chairman. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Ruhter, that the surety bond of Julius E. Polenske, Deputy County Treasurer, for $10,000 be approved. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Whitesel, that the Surety Bond of the Nebraska National Bank for County Deposit issued by the Maryland Casualty Company for $20,000, Union Indemnity Company for $10,000, the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company for $10,000, and the Standard Accident Insurance Company for $10,000,frand also, the Surety Bonds of the First National Bank of Hastings issued by the New Amsterdam Casualty Company for $10,000, New York Indemnity Company for $17,000, American Employer's Insurance Company of Boston, Mass., for $10,000, and National Surety Company for $25,000; and New Jersey Fidelity & Plate Glass Insurance Co., for $7500. be approved. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Ruhter, that the report of Owen G. Evans member of the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Commission beplaced on file. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Marian, that the report of Martha H. Schultz for the Adams County Teacher's Institution Fund be placed on file. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Whitesel, that the same wages be paid for 1931 to patrolman, labor and team work as of 1930, as follows: Single man 400 perhour, man and team 600, man and two teams 750, Patrolman $120 per month, and 3710 per single mile for dragging roads. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Cole, that this board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday,Januaryl3th, 1931 at 9 o'clock A.M.o-fon carried. Board adjourned. County Clerk. Deputy County erk. , Chairman, COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Tuesday, January 13, 1931. 9 o'clock A.M. Statutory meeting of the Board. P. H. Gartner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Shannon, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter and Whitesel. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and. approved. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15. At 1:15 the board again resumed with all members present. Roll call. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Cole, that the following estimates of probable expense for the year 1932, to be raised by taxation in Adams County, Nebraska, be made as follows, to -wit: Salaries Assessment Adams County Farm Bureau Coal Jail Lands & Buildings Gas, Light & Water Telephones Printing & office Mileage County Farm District Court County Court Justice Court Insance Comm. Board of Health Insurance Blind Pension Postage Supervisors Nebr.Feeble Minded. Misc. Purposes. $20,000.00 6,000.00 3,500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 1,500.00 750.00 supplies 4,500.00 1,000.00 3,500.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 750.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 Inst. 500.00 7,500.00 GENERAL FUND Total estimate, General Fund $75,000400 BRIDGE FUND For new bridges, material, repairs, culverts, etc. Total estimate 25,000.00 MOTHERS PENSION FUND For Mother's Pensions, Total estimate. 5,000.00 For relief of Soldiers and sailors, Total estimate SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND COUNTY FAIR FUND 3,000.00 For permanent improvements and premiums, Total ................. 2;500.00 POOR AID FUND For all purposes of relief, Total estimate. 15,000.00 Total Estimate, all funds $125,500.00 Roll call, all votea aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Ruhter, that we appropriate $20,000 from tie Road. Dragging Fund to the County Highway Budget for the year 1931. This $20,000 to be divided equally between Supervisors Dittricts Numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively, in the amount of $5,000. to each named district. This budget is adopted by the Board and expected to cover all costs of the construction and maintenance of the County Highway system of Adams County for the year 1931. • all voted aye. Motion carrtd. Ruhter, seconded uy Shannon, that the following offical bonds be approved, John Township Clerk, Denver Township; Geo. D. Stromer, Justice of the Peace, Hanover Geo. P. Grothen, Township Treasurer, Denver Township; Henry W. Gartner, Township , Ayr Township; Motion carried. Cole, seconded by Whitesel, that the bond of P. H. Gartner,Highway Commissioned, Roll call Motion by Garrison, Township; Treasurer Motion by Court House, Hastings, Nebraska Thursday, February 5th, 1931. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of January 13, 1931. P. H. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll Ruhter, Shannon & Whitesel. The minutes of the last meeting were read call, all members present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Gartner, Marian, and approved. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Cole, that the order of the court be complied with in regard to Mothers Pension for Margaret Corwin, Ruth Kunselrnan and Mae,Kueck, and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, that the 4th quarterly report of the clerk of district Court, the 4th quarterly report of the Register of Deeds, and the 4th quarterly report of the County Judge, be placed on file. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Whitesel, that the request of the county Clerk be granted. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Whitesel, that the Districts be appointed for the year 1931. Dist. Bierman, Blaine; Morris Asmus, West Blue; Dist Backe, Kenesaw; Cecil Buskirk, Juniata; Dist. #3 James Vance, Logan; A. W. Kistler, Silver Lake; Simon Gerloff, Zero; Dan Schnuerle, Little Blue, following Road Dragging Superintendents for the various #1, 0. M. Doty, Highland; P. C. Zimmerman, Denver; Albert #2, W. B. Bobbitt, Wanda; H. C. Saddler, Verona; R. W. , John Winters, Roseland; Robert Huckfeldt, Cottonwood; Dist. #4, Wm. E. Stromer, Hanover; Bert Dericks, Ayr; Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 P.M. At 1:15 the board again resumed with all members present, roll call. Motion bj Ruhter, seconded by Whitesel, that the following communication be sent to the Honorable Charles W. Bryan, Governor of Nebraska. Whereas: there is an uncompleted stretch of raod consisting of four miles on Highway No. 74 in the western part of Adams County known as the Western Minden Road. The Adams County Board of Supervisors kindly ask you to take notice of the fact and if possible complete same in the year 1931. Respectfully submitted by the Adams County Board of Supervisors. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, seconded by Shannon, that the following official bonds be approved: Road Overseers: John Grothaus, Dist. #2, .Ayr Twp.; W. C. Dycus, Dist. #1, Ayr Twp.; N. J. Scholl, Dist. #3, Ayr.Twp.; Frank G. Stromer, Dist. #1, Hanover Twp.; Harm J. Meester, Dist. #2, Hanover Twp.; L. R. Rickerson, Dist #4, Rose - hid Twp.; Peter 'r'rausch, Dist. *2, Roseland Twp.; Chris Trausch, Dist. #3, Roseland Twp.; Frank Mangers, Dist. #1, Rosela Twp.4 0. W. Peterson, Dist. #2, Logan Twp. Constable: Felix Young, Bene saw Twp. Justice of Peace: H. E. Heuertz, Roseland Twp.; Benton Miller, Denver Twp. Township Clerks: W. R Burling, Cottonwood Twp; Carroll Parker, Kenesaw,Twp.; Township Treasurer: Fred Hohlfeld, Cottonwood Twp.; L. S. Bauder, g anovo Twp.; Arthur Frahm, Zero Twp.; D. E. Snyder, Roseland Twp. Motion carried.. Motion by Ruhter,seconded by Whitesel, that the surety bond of the Hastings National Bank ofr $50,000 issued by the Saint Paul. Mercury Indemnity Company of Saint Paul to secure county deposits be approved. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, seconded by Bauer, that the request of the County Superintendent be granted, and the appoint- ment of Etta Harrington at $90 per month be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Cole, that the request of the County Attorney be granted, and the appointment of Beatrice G. Rohrer at $100 per month be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Shannon, that the Prosser State Bank be permitted to withdraw the following securitis, held in secrow by the First National Bank of Easting's (trustee), to secure deposits of the county in said bank, to -wit: U.S. Fourth Liberty Loan, 4i% Bonds, 001886216 and #K00415520 at $1,000 each, and that the substitution of the following securities therefor be and the same hereby is approved. $2,000 of Federal Land Bank Bongs, Nos. M1S2149 and M1S2150 C $1000 each, due 1-1-33/43. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Marian, that thipointment of T. J. Hines as constable for the City of Hastings, be approved. Motion carried. At 2 P.M. the time advertised, the Chairman ordered the clerk to open bids submitted for bridge contracts. At 2:45 P.M. the board went into executive sessionto consider bids and at 3 P. M. they again went into regular seesion. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Ruhter, that all bids for the construction of bridges be rejected as being unsatisfactory. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Ruhter, that all certified checks be returned to the bidders.Motion carried. Motion by Marian, seconded by Cole, that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, there now exists a balance of the sum of $5000, in the Inheritance Tax Fund of Adams County, Nebraska, and, WHEREAS, it is desired by the County Board of said County, that a portion of said fund, to -wit: the sum of $2000, be allotted to supervisor districts No. 1, 2, 3 and 4, to be used in said districts for the improvement of the roads in said County, now therefor BE IT RESOLVED, that said sum of $S00O be and it is hereby appropriated from said Inheritance Tax Fund, said sum to be divided into four (4) equal parts of $2000 each, and each one-fourth (1/4) part be allotted and credited to supervisor districts No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively, and each part shall be known as "Road Fund of Supervisor District No. €!- (number as the case may be); that such supervisor district road • ----i- _r .,.i..._ I above provided, for directing and supervising the road work within their respective districts, Treasurer be instructed to transfer $2000 each into Road Fund of Supervisor District No. 1, 2, pectively. Ron call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Whitesel, •that the surety bond of E. E. Marian as a member of the Soldiers and Sailors Reiief Commission be approved. Motion carried. and the County 3 and 4 res - Motion by Whitesei, secondea by Shannon, that the County Clerk be instructed to advertise for gravel commencing at the N. E. corner of Sec. 8, Denver Twp., and the S. E. corner of Sec. 5, Denver Twp., •thence west 2i miles, thence north 1 mile, thence west 3i miles terminating at the S. B. corner of Sec. 32, Verona Twp., and the N. E. corner of Sec. 5, Juniata Twp., approxirnatei.y 7 miles of 2 inch gravel, also, commencing at the S. B. corner Sec. 32, Verona Twp., and the N. E. corner of Sec. 5, Juniata Twp., thence west to county line, approximately S miles of 2 inch gravel. Work to commence May 1st, 1931 and to be completed by Sept. 1st, 1931. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Shannon, that the following claims be aLowed on their respective funds and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried.. Adams Bauer Brooke & Son A. A. G. G. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Byers Lumber Co. Cannon Central Power Co. City Fuel & Feed Co. Cole Columbia Carbon Co. Crosson Crosson Crowley Cunningham Davis Deines Drug Co. Democrat Printing Co. Dillenbach, Clerk of Dist Court. Lucia Evans O. G. First TrustCo. Fischer G. S. Gartner P. H. Gartner P. H. Gaudreaalt Merc. Co. A. J. Gaudreault Merc. Co. A. J. Grand. Upholstering Greenwood, et al W. J. Hammond & Stephens Co. Harrington Etta Hastings Rubber Stamp Works Hiliers Agency Jones, Co. Clerk T. W. K -B Printing Co. K -B Printing Co. Keith, et al W. W. Kenesaw Progress Kiger H. J. Kline J. B. Land. C. H. Lincoln School Supply Co. Lincoln School Supply Co. Lincoln State Hospital Lincoln Tel & Telg. Co. Lincoln Te1 & Telg. Co. Local,Register Marian J. E. Martin & Son G. T. McGill Paper Products Milburn & Scott Co. Murphy Typewriter Co. Miller Queen City Laundry Renner & Co. Rohrer Ruhter Ruhter Schunk Schultz Sch. Dist. 18 Sch. Dist. 18 Secretary of State Serf Printing Co. Shannon Shannon Simpson Simms Spring Handle Co. Theobald, Co. Treas. Theobald, Co. Treas. T. N. W. A. Raymond L. Raymond. L. James F. Lottie E. Elliott R. R E. Worth M. Percy Beatrice M. Fred. M. Fred. Bernadene Martha H. O. E. F. E. F. E. Grace B. M. A. J. A. J. GENERAL FUND. Labor Supervisors services Pen Ribbons Coal Durgs -Co. Farm Gas Coal Supervisors services Supplies Office & Jaii expense Hand cuffs Ins. Supplies Mileage Supplies Supplies Court costs, office expense Mileage Ins. Mileage Services, Mileage & expense on Board. Services, mileage as Highway Com Supplies Supplies Repair work Extra help Co. Supt. office Supplies Services Stamps Insurance Supplies Binders Supplies Hearing of Insanity case Printing Labor Supplies Care of inmates Supplies Supplies Services Services - Court House Services - Farm Bureau Reporting Birth & deaths Supervisors services Stamps Supplies Supplies Repairs Supplies Court House Laundry Supplies Clerical help Supervisors services Supervising roads Extra help, Co. Judge's office Supplies Rent Rent Statutes Supplies Supervising roads, etc Supervisors services 'xtra help, Clerk of 'istrictCourts office Book Brushes Supplies & lights Supplies, lights & Ins. $ 5.50 87.20 7.00 2.25 47.3o 7.3o 4.57 92.53 100.20 13.50 249.40 5.00 5.65 13.47 65.00 5.30 144.33 230.50 2.80 1850.00 3.4o 57.50 17.30 6.25 2.00 22.00 16.80 12.16 69.65 .80 126.24 9.55 13.00 116.69 114.00 8.30 2.25 3.00 150.64 1.72 25.31 18.10 69.85 10.40 55.00 55.00 6.20 3.72 14.42 2.00 21.50 5.04 24.00 77.45 43 .30 44.40 12.00 15.45 10.00 10.00 72.00 112.25 25.00 21.00 15.00 1.00 14.50 109.55 176.16 Woodworth Woodworth Zion Office Supply Adams Co. Bock • Clifton Duncan_. Essinger Gar & Oil Co. Essinger Gar. & Oil Co Gangwish Hastings Machine Co. Hubbard Kluver Lay. Lincoln Raod & Eqpt. Co. Lincoln Road & Eqpt. Co. Lincoln Road & Eqpt. Co. Newman ()Very,. et al Pavelka Pete's 0i1 Station Phillips Petroleum Co. Land Christensen Krenzen Lutz Standard Oil Co. Whitesel Zubrod Adams & Co. Ayr Twp. Blaine Twp. Hanover Twp. Heatwell Juniata Twp. Kenesaw Twp. Logan Twp. Thompson Verona Twp. West Blue Twp. Schlueter Lumber Co. Bauer Burroughs Cannon City Fuel & Feed Co. City Fuel & Feed Co. Cooper Coal Co. Davis Dickerson Eckhardt Flowers Guildner Hastings Fuel Co. Herbst Jones Jones Jungerman Groc. Kelley Kenesaw Drug Co. Kenesaw Mill & Elev. Kohlbry Laird Lantz Tire Shop Leonard Leply Groc. Longs Gram Lott Mace Mary Lanning Memorial Matthiesen Co. Moon Needham Nowers Oelschlager Silvey Lbr. Co. Sims Co. Pearl B. Mrs Pearl B. J. D. Fred Frank C. S. M. C. Andy John R. A. H. G. Howard Wm. C. H. Hans C. E. Ernest H. M Jake J. D. 0. A. V. A. Henry M. R. T. N. Mrs. F. F. E. Carl H. C. Wayne Henry J. G. J. G. E. L. Herman L. D. ' Mrs. L.G. H. John L. Hospital Carl R. Lulu K. Mrs. E. L. Walter E. A. R. J. A. David S. Clerk hire, Co. Treas. office Extra bookkeeper Supplies COUNTY HIGHWAY Repairs Repairs Highway Pat-rol:nan Repairs Repair s Gas Labor Repairs Labo r Labor Dragging county raods Repairs Repairs Repairs Labor Highway Patrolman Blacksmith work Gas Gas & Oil Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Dragging county roads Oil Maintaining & Labor Repairs ROAD DRAGGING FUND Graders Road Dragging Road dragging Road dragging Repairs Read dragging Road dragging Road dragging Cylinder head Road dragging Road dragging BRIDGE FUND Posts POOR AID FUND Groc. Groc. Drugs Coal Coal Coal Care of B. F. Carl Drugs Groc. Groc. Services Coal Groc. Groc. Groc. Groc. Groc. Drugs Coal Groc. Groc. Repairs Care of Mrs. Devereaux Groc. Groc. Labor on Court House ground Services Services Drugs Care of Etta Cross Care of B. F. Carl Services Groc. Coal Drugs $77.39 100.00 8.54 1.66 1.45 41.40 7.55 46.00 19.90 55.20 1.00 46. oo 46. oo 1.50 13.25 39.72 11.42 58.42 68.5o 11.00 2.04 48.7o 9.00 6.75 6. o0 13.50 27.92 43.6o .85 5072.73 11.12 7.75 13.38 ©.8222 20.87 11.50 66.00 17.87 32.12 40.65 3.17 4.00 11.50 25.30 9.00 119.55 38.00 6.95 9.83 15.76 42.00 106.65 14.99 2.00 15.00 42.93 20.00 15.55 39.67 5.25 7.97 1.68 17.72. 42.02 43.97 7.00 14. oo 62.85 1.85 44.32 24.00 2.00 13.83 10.60 14.25 Virgils Cash Store Groc. Wacker Conrad Groc. Whisinand Carl Groc. Uridil Dr. J. E. Services Marian SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND Harry E. Relief work $12.50 18.18 56.80 50.00 250.00 Motion by Cole, seconded by Ruhter, that the claim of the Lincoln School & Supply Co. for $143.19 be disallowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter,seconde d by Cole, that the claim of Walter E. Mowers for $10.00:be allowed at $2.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Cole, that the claim of J. W. Brown for $13.00 be disallowed. Roll call, ayes, Cole, Gartner, Marian, Router, Shannon and Whitesel. Naves, Bauer, -Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, that this board now adjourn to meet again on Thursday, March 5, 1931 at 9 o'clock A.M. otion carried. Board adjourned. 51/V County Clerk. Deputy County erk. Chairman. 40_ Court House, Hastings, Nebr. Thursday, March 5th, 1931. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of Febr. 5th, 1931. P. H. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon and. Whitesel. The minutes of the Motion county Motion Grader by Shannon, offices for last meeting were read and. approved.. seconded by Marian, that the county employ the C. R. Warren & Co. to audit the various the year 1931 at an agreed price of $375.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. by Whitesel, seconded by Shannon, that Adams County purchase one #42 Giant Caterpillar Elevating at an agreed price of $1(25. F.O.B. Hastings, Nebr. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, that the First State Bank, Kenesaw, Nebr. be permitted to withdraw the following securities, heldin escrow by First National Bank, Hastings, Nebr. (trustee) to secure deposits of this County in said bank, to -wit: $30,000 par value Fourth 40 Liberty Bonds and that the substitution of the following securities therefor be and the same hereby is approved. $20,000 par value 4i% 1955-1935 Federal Land. Bank Bonds, $10,000 par value 4i% 1942-1932 Federal Land. Bank Bonds, $5,000 par value 5% Lincoln Joint Stock Land. Bank Bonds. Numbers to be supplies when exchange is made. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carrie d. Motion by Cole, seconded by Ruhter, that the auditor report of C. R. Warren & Co. for the year 1930 be placed on file. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 P.M. At 1:15 the board again resumed with all members present. Roll call. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Cole, that the following resolution be adopted. Whereas, Fred Mohlman has com- plained to the State Tax Commissioner in regard to valuation on Ni SE i lb -5-9 and, wherees, the State Tax Commissioner has asked the County Board to appraise said real estate. Therefor, after investigation as to the value of said real estate we have placed an assessed valuation of $2800 on said property. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 2 P.M. the time advertised, the Chairman ordered the cierkto open bids submitted for gravel. At 2:15 the board went into executive session to consider the bids submitted for gravel and at 2:30 the board went into regular session. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Shannon, that contract for gravel project No. 1 and 2 be awarded A. C. Lund of Kearney, Nebr., at .0827 per sq. yd. for project No. 1, and .0694 per sq. yd. for pi -eject No. 2. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, seconded by Ruhter, that the County Clerk be instructed to return certified checks to the un- successful bidders. Motion carried. Motion by Buaer, seconded by Marian, that the request of L. W. Yenckel and the request of Fred Yenckel for blind pension be alowed at $200 each for the year 1931. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Rnhter, seconded by Cole, that the following official bonds be approved. Roadoverseers: Cottonwood Twp. Otto C. Hansen, Dist. #1; Wanda Twp., Roscoe Karr, Dist.#1, Otto Gilliland, Dist.#2, Albert Stiner, Dist. #3, Geo. H. Plaxnbeck, Dist.#4; Zero Twp., Arthur Gerloff, Dist.#1, Paul Krueger, Dist.#3, Gust Mantle, Dist. #4; Logan Twp., Chas. Van Busch, Dist. #3; Juniata Twp. Herbert Sauerman, Dist. #2, John Riese, Dist.#3, John J. Flaming, Dist.#4; Hanover Twp.; Paul VanBoening, Dist.#4; Denver Twp., Albert Hueske, Dist.#1, G. F. Matthews, Dist.#2, Harry Grothaus, Dist.#3; Silver Lake Twp., Cecil Kistler, Dist.#1,-Chas. McMahon, Dist.#2; West Blue Twp., Ernest Lutz, Dist. #1; Highalnd Twp., Thos. Wynn, Dist.#1, Will Coffey, Dist.#2, Thos. 01Brien, Dist,#3, H. A. Krueger, Dist #)4 T. J. Hines, Constable, for City of Hastings. S. S. Rinker Treas. of West Blue Twp. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Ruhter, that we grant the request of School Dist.#3, and the County Treasurer is hereby instructed to transfer into the General Fund all meneY now in Bond Fund Dist.#3 and all that occrues in same. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Cole, that the following records. # 2906 Judge Bohlke # 2907 Judge Bohlke # 2908 Judge Bohlke # 2909 Auditor Pub. Accts. # 2910 Roseland. State Bank # 2911 Neb. State Auditor # 2912 L. N. Button, Reg. of Deeds # 2913 Treas. Hall County # 2914 Lucia Dillenbach # 2915 J. H. Furry # 2916 P. H. Gartner # 2917 W. Halsey Bohlke # 2918 Lucia Dillenbach # 2919 P. H. Gartner # 2920 Neb. State Trees. 2921 Lucia Dillenbach # 2922 Judge Bohlke # 2923 Judge Bohlke # 2924 T. W. Jones, Co. Clerk # 2925 Lucia Dillenbach Motion by hitesel. seconded by Shannon, miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisors General Fund General Fund General Fund. Road Dragging Fund Interest School apportionment Fees Bridge Fund Gen. Fund Road Dragging Fund Gen. Fund Gen. Fund Gen. Fund Road Dragging Fund Road. Dragging Fund Gen. Fund Fines & Licenses Inheritance Tax Gen. Fund Gen. Fund $3.45 104.01 50.00 31og.14 g5.00 75g1.53 630.35 417.97 1226.4o 145.00 73.55 20.91 71.5 90.0o 2811.20 5.00 10.00 805.76 12.00 3.50 that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and Bohike Bohike Brooke & Son Button Cannon Central Power Co. Cole Crab le Crosson, Sheriff Ounningham,Supt. Davis Democrat Printing Co. Dericks Bike Shop Dillenbach, 01. of Dist. Court Lucia Dillenbach, 01 of Dist.Court Lucia W. Halsey. W. Halsey L. N. T. N. W. A. Edward J. Raymond. L Lottie E. Elliott R. Evans Gartner Gartner Gaudreault Merc. Co. Gouldsmi th Guarantee Electric Go. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Rubber Stamp Wks. Hazebrigg, et al Heartwell Hendericksen Jumgerman Groc. Juniata LbrOo Kuehn Klopp Printing Co Keith, et al K -B Printing Co. K -B Printing Co Lincoln Telegraph & Telephone Co. Lincoln Telegraph & Telephone Co. Lincoln School & Supply Co Land C. H. Marian Harry E. Marian J. E. Murphy Typewriter Co. Omaha Printing Co. queen City Laundry Rutherford Bros. Ruhter Renner & Co Schunk Serf Printing.Oo. Shannon Sims Simms Simpson Stein Bros. Stein Bros. Co. Stroh John Theobald, Co. Treas. A. J. Theobald A. J. University Pub. Co. /warren & Co. C. R. Warren & Co. C. R. Weiler Helan A. Wester Chemical Co. Whitesel Widmaier Wo 11 O. G. P. H. P. H. A. J. Cora Mrs. E. J. C. W. Robert 0. Fred. W. Dr. W. W. M. Fred Percy Bernadene O. E. F. E. B. M. B. M. Grace Adams & Co. Adams & Co. Balke, et al Berta Bros. Clifton Consbruck, et al Duncan Dutton & Sons Essinger Gar & Oil Co. Essinger Gar & Oil Co. Gangwi sh Gartner Gerioff, et al Hageman Hdw. Co. Haws & Son Hubbard Kluver Lutz, et al McClelland -Dunn Motor Co. National Refining Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co. Newman W. C. Wm. Mrs. P. N. J. D. J. D. R. W. Frank Jacob C. S. W. M. M. C. Herman Simon W. G. Andy John Earnest H. G. Court costs Convention expense Pen Services For County Farm -drugs Gas Supervisors work Drayage Jail & Office expense Office expense Mileage Supplies Key, etc. Witness Fees Court costs, office expense Services & mileage Supervisors services & mileage Salary & Mileage as Highway Commi Supplies Meals for Jury Fuses Printing Stamps Extra help Supt's office Sharpening lawn mowers Services & mileage Supplies Cement Labor Supplies Hearing of irsanity cases Supplies Legal Blanks Services Services Supplies Care of inmates Servies & mileage Supervisors services Services Supplies Laundry Repair work Supervisors services 6Upplies Extra help Co. Judges office Supplies Supervisors services Supplies Supplies Extra help Clerk of Dist. CmrtIsoffice Supplies Supplies Labor Office expense,Light & ges for Expense Co. Treas. Convention Supplies Balance for auditing services Auditing services Extra help Clerk of Dist.Court Supplies Supervisors services Services as Bailiff Extra Bookkeeper Treas. office $112.72 6.4o 3.5o 50.00 8.15 4.57 34.00 2.00 346.78 19.05 65.00 .50 .55 12.60 146.80 5.50 51.60 ssioner 33.50 11.00 2.55 COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Repairs tt Labor Repairs Co. Highway Patrolman Dragging Co. roads Repairs Repairs Repairs Gas & Oil Co. Highway Patrolman Road work . Labor Hardware Gas & Oil Road Work Patrolman Co. highway Dragging co. roads Chains Gas & Oil Repairs Labor .50 95.00 1.00 6.30 3.00 7.40 7.75 1.35 5.6o 16.5o 17.00 1.34 7.62 11.4o 61.2o 43.07 136.00 3.30 50.00 1.00 22.70 4.98 74.95 106.20 23.00 I2.4o 67.75 40.50 2.55 2.50 7.5o 2.35 .45 5.6o court house 156.96 10.44 19.67 150.00 225.00 s office 4o.00 15.73 33.00 54.0o 100 .00 .34 11.01 52.60 2.60 73.60 39.75 2.10 8.03 21.35 44.30 101.20 6.00 14.25 11.15 94.55 75.20 96.60 10.10 10.50 96.55 10.67 74.52 t, Saddler, et al Schmidt Silvey Lbr Co. Slack, et al Standard Oil Co. Stompenhorst Valentine Weber, et al Worley Zubrod Adams & Co. Ayr. Twp. Cottonwood Twp. Denver Twp. Fairbanks Highland Twp. Heartwell Haynes Bros. Hanover Twp. Juniat- Twp. Kenesaw Twp. Kister & Sons Kistler Lincoln Road & Eqpt Co. Little Blue Twp. Logan Twp. Lyman Richie Sand & Gravel Co. Oliver Lor. Co. Roseland. Twp. Silver Lake Twp. Verona Twp. Wanda Twp. West Blue Twp. Zero Twp. E. C. E. R. J. A. Harry L. Theo. Onno Theo. J. John Jake J. D. Lester C. A. Geo. Will Anderson Frazier Jones Miller, et al Peterson Schmidtbower,Jr., Schuman Spicknall Shannon Whitesel Ruhter Marian Hendri cksen Lester Howard. Fred. Theo. O. W. et al Joe Carl Cliff Adams Oil & Coal Co. Bauer . Brooke & Son Burroughs Cannon Oity Fuel & Feed Co. Coats Cash Groc. Davis Dickerson Eckhardt Farmer's Union State Guildner Guildner Hastings Fuel Co. Jones Jungerman Groc. Juniata Grain & Live Kelley Kenesaw Mill & Elev Co. Kohlbry Leonard F. E. W. C. M. Fred. Harry E. Robert Henry M. R. T. N. Mrs F. F. E Carl Exchange C. Wayne C. Wayne James G. Stock Assn. E. L. Herman L. G. Dragging Co. Labor Nails Dragging Co. Oil Dragging co. Dragging co. Dragging co. Dragging Co. Repair ROAD DRAGGING FUND highway roads highway roads roads raods roads roads Repairs Dragging roads Dragging roads Dragging roads Assisting Co. Surveyor Dragging roads Co Surveyor Sign Dragging roads Dragging roads Dragging roads Repair Assisting Co. Surveyor Reapirs Dragging roads Dragging roads Pumping gravel Stakes Dragging roads Dragging roads Dragging roads Dragging roads Dragging roads Dragging roads BRIDGE FUND Labor Libor Team work Labor Team work Team work Bridge work Team work ROAD FUND OF SUPERVISOR DISTPICT NO.1 Road work ROAD FUND OF SUPERVISOR DISTRICT N0.2. Road work ROAD FUND OF SUPERVISOR DISTRICT NO.3. Road work SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF COMMISSION Relief work Relief work POOR AID FUND Coal GOc. Drugs Groc. Drugs Coal Groc. Care of B. F. Carl Drugs Groc Groc. Sarvices Services Coal . Groc. Groc. Coal Groc. eoal Groc. Care of Mrs. Deveraux 35.60 78.20 25.00 25.25 8.05 7.50 13.88 19.12 6.00 .50 133.30 11.87 16.00 25.37 7.00 18.20 29.00 .75 34.95 20.12 29.85 1.50 7.00 87.99 20.32 31.13 156.01 1.20 34.45 16.74 16.75 • 32.67 25.75 32.87 11.40 17.40 13.25 3.20 12.00 15.90 10.00 17.40 30.00 55.00 27.11 150.00 100.00 22.50 12.60 .75 3.85 11.50 35.70 29.58 32.00 9.25 19.25 5.96 16.50 30.06 93.05 19.35 63.82 51.40 20.00 43.02 7.90 8.00 7? na, Silvey Lbr. Co J. A. Simms B. M. Sunnyside Swanson Leonard A. Swanson Leonard A, S.ypherd Mrs. D. N. Van Patten C. I. Virgils Cash Store Wacker Conrad Whisinand Carl Wolbrach & Brach Coal Drugs Services Services Services Care of Mrs. G_. bbeony Groc. Groc. Groc. Groc. Supplies 10.80 2.95 �r�11 170.00 16.65 5.00 16.00 10.00 10.0+ 12.35 30.06 2.14 Motion by Cote, seconded by Reinter, that the claim of the Diebold Safe and Lock Co. for $12.50 be disallowed. Roll call, $.11 voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Whitesel, that this board now adjourn to meet again on Monday, April 6th, 1931 at 9 O'clock A. M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. unty Clerk. Chairman. Deputy County C1 rk. 439 Court House, Hastings, Nebr. Wednesday, March 18, 1931. 9 o'clock A.M. Special meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors P. H. Gartner, Chairman, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter, Motion by Cole, seconded presiding. Roll call, all members present Shannon and lhitesel. by Baaer, that the following resolutiorabe RESOLUTION. as follows: Bauer, Cole, adopted: WHEREAS, the Natural Gas Distributing Company has this day made application to lay and construct a four inch metal natural gas pipe -line in and along the Highway running North and South between Sections 27 and 28, Township 7, North Range 10, West of the 6th P.M. in Adams County, Nebraska, from a point where the main line of the Nebraska Natural Gas Company crosses said Highway between said Sections, thence South along said Highway to a point lying opposite the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter (NWi) of Section 10, Township 7, Range 10, in said. County and. State, thence East on the High- way as now constructed, to a point opposite the Northease corner of the West Half (W) of the Southwest Qaarter (SWi) of said Section 10, thence South along the Highway as now constructed, to a point somewhat North of the intersection between said Highway and the D.L.D. Highway. AND WHEREAS, such application has met with, the approval of the County Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, subject to certain conditions: BE IT RESOLVED by said County Board of Supervisors, that such application be and it is hereby granted, subject to the following conditions and restrictions: 1. Said pipe -line shall be placed not more than 24 inches from the shoulder of said Highway. 2. Eadh mile of said line shall be laid and completed andthe dirt returned to trench in not exceeding 48 hours. 3. The dirt from said channel or trench shall be returned to same and pressed back by use of a tractor, and the gravel and condition of the Highway shall be restored to its original condition after the line is laid. 4. If it should thereafter become necessary, in the opinion of this Board, to change the grade of said. Highway, or in any manner change said. Highway, and such pipe- line shall interfere with any of such changes, the Natural Gas Distributing Company shall relay and reconstruct its line to conform with such change, at its own cost and expense. 5. The Natural Gas Distributing Company shall hold Adams Coanty, Nebraska, harmless for any damages which may arise from the laying, construction or maintaining of said pipe -line, and agrees to execute and deliver to said. County before beginning work on the line, an indemnifying bond protecting the County from any loss, liability or damage resulting from the laying, maintaining and operation of said line. b. The Natural Gas Distributing Company shall pay to said County the sum of fifty cents (500) per lineal rod, for the entire distance occupied by said pipe-iine, and shall reimburse said County for all the expense involved in holding the special meeting of the County Board of Supervisors to act upon this Resolution, said considerat- ion to be paid to the Caanty before construction of the ;one is begun. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion. carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Ruhter, that this board now adjourn. Motioncarried. Board adjourned. ..„4/(dl • dr= y Clerk. Deputy County -Clerk Regular meeting of the Adams County P. H. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Shannon and Whitesel. Absent, Bauer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Court House, Hastings, Nebr. Monday, April bth, 1931. 9 o'clock A.M. Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of March 5th, 1931. Roll call, members present as follows: Cole, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter, At 10:30 A.M. a delegation from Highland and West Blue Townships appeared before the Board in regard to At 12 A. M. the board recessed until 1:15 P.M. At 1:15 the board again resumed with members present as Cole, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon and Whitesel. Absent, Bauer. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, that the following official bonds be approved: Roadoverseers, Cottonwood /wp., Robert Huckf eld, Dist. 2. Little Blue Twp., Joe Juranek Jr., Dist. 4, Junista Twp., M. D. Sergeant, Dist.1 Township Treas., Lewis H. Ground, for Verona Twp. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, seconded by Whitesel, that the surety bond of the First National Bank of Hastings for $5500 issued by the National Surety Company to secure County deposits be approved. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Ruhter, that the request of the Christian Orphans Home of Holdrege for the care of the Hopkins children be granted at $25.00 per month commencing March lst, 1931. Roll call, all members present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Whitesel, that the order of the court be complied with in regard to Mother's Pension for Vera Dean Sanford andthe clerk instructed to issue warrants for the sane. Roll call, all members present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Shannon, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all members present voted aye. Motion carried. roads. follows: Baird Baird Bauer Binderup Hdw Co. Biskie Biskie Bohlke, Co. Judge Brooke & Son Brown, M.D. Button, Reg. of Deeds Byers Lbr. Co. Central Power Co City Fuel & Feed Co. Cole Cole Cowton Coal Co. Crosson Cunningham Cunningham Davis Deines Drug Co Dillenbach, Clerk of Dist.Court Edwards Estes Evans Fergus Fergus First Trust Co. Gartner Gartner Gaudreault Mere. Co Glenwood Telephone Co. Grand Upholstering Guarantee Electric Co. Hamel Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Machine Serv. Huffman Johnson Mattress Works Jones, Co. Clerk. K -B Printing Co. K -B Printing Co. K -b Printing Co Kenesaw Progress Keith, et al Land Lincoln Scholl Supply Col Lincoln School Supply Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Lincoln Tleephone & Telegraph Marian McGill Paper Products Dorsey Dorsey G. G. August J August J. W. Halsey J. W. L. N. W. A. W. L. Raymond L Lottie Lottie E. Elliott R. Lucia;, E. E. W. B. O. G. C. Harrison C. H. P. E- P. H. A. J J. Dr. W. W. C. H. Co. Co. J. E. GENERAL FUND. Transcript State vs Bruce Transcript State vs Creighton Supervisors services Supplies Guard Guard Court costs Supplies Services Postage Coal Gas Coal Supervisors services Plumbing Coal Jail expense, office supplies Postage Mileage Mileage Supplies Court costs, office expense Repairs Shoveling snow Mileage Guard Guard Ins. Services on board Services and mileage as Highway Suppiies Services Supplie s Fuses Services Supervisors proceedings & Adv. Supplie s Shoveling snow Supplie s Office expense, express & freight Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Witness, insanity hearing Care of inmates Supplies Supplies Services Services Supervisors services Supplis Supplies Comm. $14.40 15.00 79.40 3.10 2.00 8.00 67.05 5.00 13.00 15.00 46.84 4.01 44.21 135.80 3.10 73.53 338,55 17.13 6.3o 55.00 2.20 179.80 6.96 2.00 2.80 2.00 4.00 271.20 74.50 74.40 10.53 8.15 4.00 .50 34.00 54.96 26.59 2.00 6.00 7.87 50.40 11.63 1.45 6.5o 37.00 15o.66 22.00 3.13 10.65 58.00 89.80 13.20 4.63 Oliver Lbr. Co. Omaha School Supply Co. 4ueen City Laundry Remington Rand Inc. Renner & Co. Renner & Co. Reppeteau Wallpaper & Paint Co. Russell & Dielson Ruhter Rutherford Bros. Schroeder Schunk Serf Printing Co. Shannon Sherman Sims Sims St. John Stein Bros. Co. Stewart Stoddard Taylor Theobald, Co, Treas. University rub. Co. Volland-Brand Funeral Home Weiler Whitesele Widmai er Wolbach & Brach Wo11 Zion Office Supply Ayr Twp. Blaine Twp. Blaine Twp. Cottonwood Twp. Denver Twp, Fairbanks Gilmore Hanover Twp. Hanover Twp, Heartwell Highland Twp. Juniata Twp. Kenesaw Twp. Kistler Little Blue Twp. Logan Twp, Highland Twp. Nebr. Calvert & Mfg. Co. Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co. Nebr. Culvert & Mfg, Co, Nebr. Calvert & Mfg. Co, O'connell-Gill Tractor Co Roseland Twp. Silver Lake Twp. Verona Twp. Wanda Twp. West Blue Twp. Zero Twp. Adams & Co.. Adams & Co. Adams & Co. Anderson Anderson, et al Ba1ke, et al Dykeman Duncan Edmondson, et al Essinger Gar & Oil °Oo, Essinger Gar & oil Co. Fischer, et al Fischer, et al Finnigsmier, et al Fricke, Gang i sh Gayman Goldenstein, et al Greiman Hastings Machine Service Hendricks Hindricks Hoffman, et al Percy Percy M. Fred Herman G. Bernadine O. E. F. E: Charles E. B. M. B. M. E. A. Walter G. Deal Maude E. A. J. Helen A. W. C Wm. Mrs. P. N. Lester I. S. C. A. Stakes Supplies Laundry Supplies Supplie s Supplies Glass Ins Supervisors services Plumbing Office__epense Extra help Judge's office Supplies Supervisors services ward Numbering machine Supplies Attending Assessor's meeting Supplie s Plumbing Testing liquor Transcript State vs Creighton Gas, light etc., Court House, Supplies' Services Extra help,.Clerk of Dist Court's office. Supervisors services Services. as Bailiff Supplies Extra help Treas. office Supplie s ROAD DRAGGINGUND Township road dragging u n $5.2o 5.38 6.30 3.50 1+0.00 19.75 3.15 198.72 105.40 6.10 13.45 12.80 267.25 50.00 4.00 9.00 2.25 20.00 20.81 5.00 5.00 22.50 officeexpense 82.80 19.67 15.00 40.00 51}.90 24.00 6.5o 22.60 2.50 rt r Assisting County Township road n Surveying Township road tt It Surveyor dragging dragging Will Assisting County Surveyor Township' road dragging t1 ti J. D. J. D. J. D. August Roy R. W. Lawrence C. S. F. W. Olen Dan Elmer Edwin A. M. C. G. E. Martin Joe Bert Onno Theo. Reapirs ti t, Culvert Grader Township road dragging ►t N tt It COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Repairs 0 n Shoveling snow Team work tt Repairs Shoveling snow Gas & Oil to Labor Shoveling snow & team work Shoveling snow Team work Patrolman Dragging county roads Shoveling snow Shoveling snow Repairs Shoveling snow Shoveling snow Dragging county roads 56.37 70.0o 5.62 22.00 117.12 3.50 7.00 55.50 49.38 50.6o 60.25 140.92 21.62 10.50 110.11 66.2((6 9.00 363.26 160.31 20.56 314.22 1732.68 149.71} 79.37 79.17 32•x7 38.12 101.99 11.58 1+.96 21.28 1.20 30.00 46.90 7.5o 3.7o 18.14.0 lo1.45 111.60 102.24 53.75 39.4o 30.0o 105.80 8.86 7.20 2.80 4.13 3.40 3.4o 1+7.69 R7 Un Kort, et al Kuehn, et al Lutz Matthews McCall, et al McGrath Hdw Co National Refining Co. Newman O'Connell -Gill Tractor Co Over.y, et al Pauline Oil Co. Pavelka Peters Rider Rider Roberts, et al Schuman Schunerele, et al Smidt Standard Oil Co. Stompenhorst, et al Slack, et al Snyder Texas Co . Zubrod Jones Lawson Hdw. Co. Pauiey Lbr. Co. Ri cker so n Adams Coal & Oil Co. Adams Co. American Red Cross B & B Service Station Bauer Cannon City Fuel & Feed Co. City Fuel & Feed Co. Cooper Coal Co. Davis Dickerson Eckhardt Eckhardt Guildner Hastings Fuel Co. Holstein Merc. Johnson & Gentert Jones Jungerman Groc. Juniata Grain & Live Stock Asstn. Kelley Kenesaw Mill & Elevator Co. Leonard Leply c&roc. Longs Groc. Matthiesen Drug Co Meads Cash Groc. Moon Ne edham Nowers Silvey Lbr. Co. Sims Simpson & Joh Simpson & Joh Sybnyside Sypherd Virgils Cash Store Walker Whisinand Clarence Chas. Erne st G. G. Bert J. H H 'G. Howard Wm. Ed J. W. Norris Ross Carl Dan E. R. Theo. Harry L. D. E. Jake Fred C. K. W. G. Lee H. T. N. Mrs. F. F. E. Carl R. E. C. Wayne James G. E. L. Shannon Whitesel Ruhter Ruhter Mrs. L. G. Carl R. Lulu K. Mrs. E. L. Walter E. J. A. B. M. Mrs. D. N. Conrad Carl F. E. W. C. Shoveling roads Dragging county roads ft Team work Shoveling snow Repairs Oil Pump Patrolman Repairs Patrolman Gas Blacksmith work Dragging county roads Team work Shoveling snow Shoveling snow Labor Maintaining county roads Pat ro lman Gas & "i 1 Dragging county roads ft Repairs Gas &.Oil Repairs BRIDGE FUND Bridge work Nails Repairs Filling in Bridge POOR AID FUND Coal Services Fuel Groc. Drug s Coal n ft Care of B. Drugs Groc. 11 Services" Coal Groc. If It F. Carl Coal Groc. Coal Care of Mrs. Deveraux Groc. ff Drugs Groc. Care of Etta Cross Care of B. F. Carl Services Coal Drugs Groc. Service s Careof grs. Gibbeoney Groc. Groc. N ROAD FUND OF SUPERVISOR DISTRICT NO. 1. Eoad Work ROAD FUND OF SUPERVISOR DISTRICT NO. 2. noad work ROAD FUND OF SUPERVISOR DISTRICT NO. 3. M. Fred M. Fred Road work tE nnTT1 V 1 TR TiIMM 7.20 21.00 26.85 7 5o 43.30 3.95 4.25 78.20 135.38 155.02 76.64 33.00 21.00 4.80 23.20 22.80 35.20 8.00 87.40 5.97 141.01 46.68 5.75 21.10 2.75 30.00 4.65 1.25 12.15 35.25 19.49 7.68 12.36 11.50 10.00 22.80 62.50 34.00 1.90 18. 66 40.88 7.00 81.80 15.72 12.11 20.00 50.o4 39.70 20.00 43.97 8.00 25.40 30.34 1.10 11.20 22.16 28.00 8.00 11.40 1.80 32.10 31.83 179.00 17.71 10.06 8.18 51.05 55.00 60.00 105.00 55.00 Lanning Memorial Hospital for $32.i0 be disallowed. Roll call, all members Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Marian, that this board now adjourn to meet Motion carried, Bo may• adjourned. County Clerk. Deputy County C1- k. present vote aye. Motion carried. on May 5th, 1931 at 9 o'clock. A.M. Court House, Hastings, Nebr. Tuesday, May 5th, 1931• 9 o'ciock.A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of April bth, 1931. Rolf caii, all members present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Shannon, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter and Whitesel. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Ruhter, that the petition of the Hastings Country Club and other to gravel the east 12th Street road be placed on file. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, seconded by Ruhter, that the first quarterly report of the County Judge, Clerk of District Court, Register of Deeds, and Sheriff, be placed on file. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, seconded by Ruhter, that the order of the court in regard to issuing mother's pension to Fay Laubon be compiled with and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Whitesei, that the following official bonds be approved: Roadoverseers; Ralph Mays, Dist. #1, Logan Twp.; Chas. Hager, Dist. #3, Little Blue Twp.; and, Wm. Palmer, Dist. #1, Little Bite Twp. Motion carried. At 12 o°clock noon the Board recessed until 1:15. At 1;15 the Board again resumed with all members present. Roll call, Bauer, Cole, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter, Shannonand Whitesei. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bauer, that the petition of Henry Henriiru.s and others to gravel county road No. 7 be placed on file. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, seconded by Ruhter, that the surety bond of the First National Bank for $11,000 issued by The New York Indemnity Go. as security for County Deposit be approved. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Whitesei, that the request of the First St��te Bang of Hayland for an additional e $(5uu deposit of County funds be granted and the securities offered be accepted. Roll caul, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Marian, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roar Call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow: Adams Co. Farm Bureau Baird Bauer Bohlke Central Power Co Cole Columbia Carbon Co. Columbia Carbon Co Cowton Coal Co. Crosson Cunningham Davis Dilienbach, Clerk of Dist.Court Dilienbach, Clerk of Dist.Court Deines Drug Co. Evans 0. G. Extension Service Farmers Mutual Ins. Co. First Trust Co. Fischer G. S. Gartner P. H. Gartner P. H. Gartner Frieda Guarantee Electric Co. Hade il Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hoover H. C. Johnson Mattress Wks. K -B printing Co. Keith, et al Dr.W. W. Kline J. B. K1opp Printing Co Klopp Printing Co Klopp Printing Lo. K1opp Printing Co.. Land Laurel Book Co. Leafdale Lincoln Tel & 'relg. Co. Lincoln Tei & 'rleg. Co. Lincoln School end Supply Go Lincoln Schooi and Supply Lindsay sign & Scenic Co LLudlows Cafe GENERAL FUE) Dorsey D. G. G. W. Halsey W. A. Raymond L Lottie E. Elliott R. Lucia Lucia Marguerite Co. C. H. Ethel Supplies Transcript State vs Trobough Supervisors services Court costs, postage Gas Supervisors services Supplies Supplies Coal Jail expense, office supplies Office expense, mileage. Mileage Court costs, office expense Witness fees, State vs Trobough Suppiie s Mileage Supplies Premium Compensation Ins. Mileage Salery,&mileage as Highway Commissioner Supervisors services & mileage Extra help in Co. Clerk's office Supplies Transcript State vs Trobough Printing Suppiie s Labor - Co. Farm Supplies Supplies Witness, insanity hearing Supplies ft fi ft !1 Board for inmates at Co. Farm Supplies Help in Assessor's office Services - Farm Bureau Services - Court House Supplies auppiies Supplies Meals for Jury Rorinrti no iii rti1 c R dRathn $11.24 22.50 76.60 37.35 4.99 83.80 1.00 39.00 37.66 451.66 30.71 65.00 359.76 1310.15 4.25 2.80 21.50 11.25 374.22 3.40 98.30 55.80 50.00 30.06 13.00 14.40 7.00 6.00 11.00 5.23 91.80 3.83 38.08 3.61 36.00 192.39 145.72 27.80 126.95 11.20 72.73 10.78 7.20 2.00 3.70 55.75 Moore, et at Queen City Laundry Ray, Atty. Remington Rand Inc. Renner & Co. Roseland Lbr. Co. Ruhter Rutherford Bros. School. Dist. to School Dist. la School Dist. la Schroeder, Co. Atty. Scnunx SeaLock Serf printing Co. Shannon Simms State Journal Co. Steinbruck Taylor Tempiin Tilley VanBrocklin's Paint Store Webster Pub. Co. Weiler Whitesel Widmaier Won. Zion Office Supply Zion Office Supply Adams & Co. Anderson, et al Anderson Armstrong Armstrong Atwater, et at Atwater Bane, et al Crosier, et al Edmondson, et al Enevoldsen Essinger Gas & Cil Co Essinger Gas & Uil Co. Farmers Un. Co-op Gas & Oil Co Forest Fi lgus Gartner, et al Haws & Son Hoffman, et al Independent Uil & Gas Co. Johnson, et at Jones June r Keller oil Co. Kort, et al Kuehn, et al Leighfield, et al Lubricant Co Lutz Matthews McCoy McCall McGrath Hdw Co. Meyer Morganflash National Refining Co. O'Connell -Gill Tractor Co Pauline Uil Co. Pete's Uil Station Peters Pfeiffer Pritchard Reiber Rider Ri de r Rief Roils, et al Ruhter Saddler, et al Schuman Standrad Uil Co Versaw, et at Welch McLeod Worley, et al Mrs. W. T. J. E. Percy M. Fred Herman G. Bernadine Eimer O. E. F. E. B. M. Mrs. George Dr. F. S. W. H. Geo. A. Helen A. W. C. Wm. Mrs. P. N. J. D. Elwyn Fester H. P. Floyd B. L. B. L. R. W. Uhas H. H. Anders Extraheip in Co. Supt. office 77.70 Laundry 5.25 Atty. fee for case of Bruce, McCoy & Snyder 75.00 Repair s Supplies Supplies - Co. Farm Supervisors services Supplies 'Rent of Senior High Rent of Senior High & Lincoln Schools Rent of Senior High. Office expense, postage Extra help in Co. Judge's office La. bo r Supplies Supetviosrs services Suppiies Supplies Labor Services Supplies Spraying trees Paint Supplies Extra help in Clerk of Dist. Court's Supervisor Services Investigations, Mother's pension,mileage Help in Assessor's office Supplies Supplies 10.00 45.00 3.15 42.80 3.20 . 20 10.00 30.00 10.00 52.33 13.40 1.50 100.00 14.00 1.85 30.18 12.50 2.00 1.25 103.45 4.30 7.23 office 40.00 62.20 11.90 84.70 63.85 40.40 COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND. Alvin Geo Herman W. G. Theo. Ed Lyle Albert Clarence Chas. Ben D. A. Ernest G. F. W. A. Bert J. H. Carl Joe Ed_ Carl Clyde John J. W. Norris sa S. R. H. O. H. C. Carl Drrell Clifford Geo. John W. Repairs ''eam work is !i Dragging Co. roads Team work Labor Teamwork Labor Blacksmith work Gas & Oil u 11 It it It 11 Labor Dragging Co. roads Road work Gas & Oii Team work Gas ragging co. roads Labor Gas Team work Labor Team work Uil Dragging Co. roads Team work Supplies Team work Repairs Labor Team work Suppli e s Repairs Gas u DraggingGo. roads Labor Team work '1 Labor tt Dragging Co. roads Team work t! Labor Gas Team work tt Dragging Co. roads 4.37 84.80 56.40 26.25 48.00 67.69 74.25 14.1.0 101.40 41.60 24.75 189.32 129.23 38.00 38.00 27.00 28.00 258.96 76.30 63.35 172.87 32.00 9.00 . 85. 20.80 12.70 105.00 48.89 40.50 26.25 79.29 190.75 7.79 3.0o 3.75 1.87 30.93 116.40 5.27 9.75 12.75 39.6o 39.00 3.00 11.75 4.00 167.66 115.00 68.00 72.00 4.76 81.00 96.75 75.75 24.93 Ayr Twp. Blaine Twp. Cottonwood Twp. Denver Twp. Eighmy Fairbanks Hageman Hdw Hanover Twp. Hanover Twp. Heartwe:il Highland Twp. Juniata Twp. Kene s aw Twp. Kistler Little Blue Twp. Logan Twp. Nebr. Culvert Uo. Nebr. Oaivert Uo. Oliver Lor. Co. Roseland Twp. Silver Lake Twp. Verona Twp. Wanda "L'wp. West Biue Twp. Zero Twp. Gartner Haynes Bros. Kieier Scholl Scholl ROAD DRAGGING FUND W. B. Lester U. A. Will Henry He rman Irving N. J. BRIDGE FUND Dragging Twp. roads $125.09 186.47 66.25 119.47 16.00 49.00 61.64 50.81 47.89 226.30 Dragging Twp roads 157.39 142.55 204.99 Surveyor's help 49.00 Dragging `1'= p. roads 136.68 93.98 Qulvert & Repairs 377.30 118.09 Stakes 18.00 Dragging Twp. roads 148.04 i1 86.86 157.74 130.00 115.94 rl 139.01 11 It checking gravel Surveyor 's help Hardware Dragging Twp. roads 11 Surveying 1, 11 Team work oil Team work u 12.00 4.50 15.00 15.00 15.00 ROAD FUND SUPERV1SuR D1S`i'. NU. 1. Shannon F. E. Road work 90.00 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. NU. 2. Whitesel W. e. Road work 65.00 RuAD FUND SUPERVISURDIST. no. 3. Ruhter M. Fred Road work 70.00 POUR AID FUND Adams Co. American Red cross Transportation for Ed Kane 31.00 Adams Coal & oil. Co. Coal 10.30 Adams Co. American Red Cross Transportationfor Martin boy 3.00 Adams Co. American Red cross Groc. 5.93 Bauer Henry Groc. 13.11 Burroughs M. R. f1 2.25 Calbreath C. B. Services 38.25 Davis, et al Mrs. F. Care of B. F. Gari 60.00 Dickerson F. E. Drugs 3.35 Eckhardt Carl Groc. 14.51 Feese Dr. J. P. Services 4.00 Guildner C. Wayne Services 3.00 Hastings Fuel Co. Coal 49.60 Johnson & Gentert Groc. 10.15 Jungerman Groc. 11 50.29 Kelley E. L. Groc. 19.60 Kenesaw Drug Co. Drugs 9.95 Kohibry Herman Groc. 7.87 Leonard Mrs. L. G. cpre of Mrs. Devereaux 8.00 Lepiy Groc. Groc. 16.59 Mary Lanning Mem Hospital Services 47.05 Long+s Groc. Groc. 34.26 Mace John L. Services 12.00 Mace John L. if 6.00 Matthiesen & Co. Oarl R. Drugs 1.75 Matthiesen & Co. earl R. " 1.85 Moon Lulu K. Care o± Etta Cross 22.80 Nowers Walter E. Services 6.00 Oelschiager A. R. Groc. 25.70 Shneider Edith M Gare of Jennie Fitzinger 30.00 Simpson & Joh Groc 38.05 Sims B. M Drugs 1.65 Spicer U. R. Services 30.00 Summer Dr . l:11 a lr 42.00 Sunnyside 1 184.00 Sypherd Mrs. D. N. Care of Mrs. Gibbeoney 17.14 Volland-Brand Funeral Home, Inc. Services 60.00 _ n__ -r., I., recalled. Roll caii, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ooie, seconded by Marian, that this Board adjourn to meet again on Friday, June 5th, 1931 at 9 o+clock A. M. tion carried. Board adjourned. Court House, Hastings, Nebr. Friday, June 5th, 1931. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of May 5th, 1931. Roll c all, all members present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon and Whitesel. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, that the following bridges be ordered built: One 32 ft. wood bridge, creosote piling, between Section 7 & 8 Wanda Twp, at an agreed price of $752.76. One 20 ft. wood bridge, creosote piling, between Section 26 & 35 Wanda Twp., nt an agreed price of $463.09, One concrete and steel extension between Section 13 Juniata Twp, and Section 34 Verona Twp., at an agreed price of $892.21. One 30 ft. concrete and steel bridge between Section 5 & 6 Cottonwood Twp., at an agreed price of $2058.60. One repair job between Section 13 & 24 Cottonwood Twp., at an agreed price of $243.84. One 16 ft. concrete and steel bridge between Section 23 & 26 Zero Twp., at an agreed price of $1)410.2+. One 16 ft. steel and concrete bridge between Section14 & 15 Cottonwood Twp., at an agreed price of $1300.00. One 20 ft. steel and concrete bridge between Section 34 Little Bine Twp. and Section 3, Webster County, at an agreed price of $1689.15. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Whitesel, that the petition of H. Goedert and others be placed on file. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Ruiter, that the official bond of Harvey P. Jones Roadoverseer in Dist.#2, Little Blue Twp. be approved. Motion carried. Motion by Marian, seconded by Bauer, that th surety bond of the Hastings National Bank issued by the Saint Paul Mercury Indemnity Co, to secure County deposits be approved. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Shannon, that the order of the court in regard to Mother's Pension for Nmma Dell Young, Lucy Blunt, and Mrs. David Repp be complied with and the clerk instructed to issue warrantsfor the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Shannon, that Adams County purchase a parcel or tract of gr-und in Section 1, Twp., (, Range 11 at an agreed price of $50,00, and a parcel or tract of ground in Section 4, Twp. 8, Range 9, at an agreed price of $35.00. Rollcall, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Shannon, thatthe assignment of A. C. Lund of gravel project No, 1 on County road No. 1 to the Abel Construction Co. be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. 'Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 P.M. At L:15 P.M. the board again resumed with all members present. Roll call, Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, that the County Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids to gravel the following County roads: Project No,3, Commencing at the southeast corner of Section 1, and the northeast corner of Section 12, Highland Twp,, thence west four miles, 2 in. gravel. Project No. 4, Commencing at the southwest corner of Section 3, and the southeast corner of Section 4 West Blue Twp., thence north one mile, thence west approximately 700 feet, 2 in, gravel, Project No. 5, Commencing at the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of Section 21, and the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of Section 28 Little Blue Twp., thence west seven miles, terminating at the southeast corner of Section 19 and the northeast corner of Section 30 Zero Twp, 2 in. gravel. Project No. 6, Commencing at the northeast corner of Section 19, and the northwest corner of Section 20 Silver Lake Twp., thence south three miles to Adams -Webster County line, thence west approximately 60 rods, 2 in. Project No. 7, Commencing at the southeast corner of Section.1", nd the northeast corner of Section 22, Logan TWO., thence west four miles to Adams -Kearney County Lined r3 oil call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Motion by Ruhter, records. 2926 2927 2928 # 2929 # 2930 # 2931 # 2932 # 2933 # 2934 # 2935 2936 2937 # 2933 # 2939 # 2940 # 2941 # 2942 # 2943 # 2944 29)45. # 2946 # 2947 # 2948 # 2949 # 2950 # 2951 # 2 952 # 2953 # 2954 seconded by Cole, that the following miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisors Glenvil Town Treas. W. H,Bohlke,Co.Judge W. H.Bohike,Co.Judge W. H. Bohike, Co. Judge W. H.Bohlke,Co.Judge Auditor of Public Acct's Not filed. W,H.Bohlke,Co,Judge Natural Gas Dist. Co. 19 11 Prosser State Bank First Nat'l Bane Hastings Nat']. Bank Nebr.Nat t l Bank Pauline State Bank First State Bank, Holstein Lucia Dillenbach First State Bank, Kenesaw T.W.Bass,St.Treas. W.H.Bohlke,Co.Judge American Red Cross Hansen State Bank W.H.Bohlke,Co.Judge W.H.Bohlke,Co.Judge Lucia Dillenbach L. N. Button Raymond L. Crosson First State Bank, Holstein xxr.. ve n Credit 9 19 N 11 91 G 1 tl 99 1! 9# 99 19 n 99 9t 11 0 n 19 11 n 11 n Road Dragging Fund Fines & Licenses Fines & Licenses Fines & Licenses Inheritance Tax Road Dragging Fund Fines & Licenses General Fund 99 11 Interest 11 11 n Jury fee Interest Road Dragging fund Fines & Licenses Poor Aad Interest Fines & Licenses Fines & Licenses General Fund ri 99 Interest Inheritance tax $72.00 19.80 40.00 4o.00 30.29 3042. 11 5.00 48'.00 287.00 303.00 50.0o 402.31 232.25 246.52 37.50 382.50 5.00 150.00 2895.90 7.6o 18.21 25.50 17.60 120.00 1660.70 64o.40 196.7(5 37.5"' 152.95 # 296o 29b1 # 2962 # 2963 2964 # 2965 # 29bb # 2967 # 2968 # 2969 fir- 2970 Neb. State Treas. Lucia Dillenbach State Treas. W. H. Bohlke ►► City of Hastings P. H. Gartner W. H. Bohlke E1 ►► Road Dragging Fund General Fund General Fund Gerneral Fund Fines & Licenses General Fund Bridge Fund Fines & Licenses Fines & Licenses Fines & Licenses ,► 2975.33 2.80 211.40 10.00 66.00 10.00 14.00 10.00 4.90 4.6o .40 Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Whitesel, that the County Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to transfer $15,000.00 from the Road Dragging Fund to the County highway fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 4 P.M. the clerk read the application of Wm. Sauer, Meent Meester and Chas. Land to lease the Adams County Poor Farm for the coming year, and the board spent considerable time discussing same. Motion by Shannon, seconded. by Marian, that the Adams County Poor Farm be leased to Chas. Land for the year commencing March 1st, 1932 and expiring March 1st, 1933 under the same terms and conditions as the lease of 1931. Roll call, Ayes, Gartner, Marian, Shannon and Whitesel. Nayes, Bauer, Cole, and Ruhter. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Shannon, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adrian Alexander Anderson Bauer Binderup Hdw Co. Blocker Blue Valley Hospital Bourne Bowers Buckholz Byers Lbr Co Cannon Carl's Cefe Carrico Central Power Co Chase City Electric Dept. City Fuel & Feed Co Cole Cowton Coal Co Crable Crosson Crosson Crosson Cunningham Davis Deffenbaugh Deines Drug Clerk of Dist. Court Dur ke e Ev axrs Gartner Gartner Gartner Gates Geudreault Merc Co. ►► Hamel ti Hammond & Stephens Co Hartman Hastings Awning Co Hastings Rubber Stamp Works Hastings Daily Tribune 11 Hazelrigg, et al Heartwells Hoagland Hopkins Huston K -B Printing Co u Keith, et al Kistler Kister's Auto Sery Land Larsen Leafdale John Mrs. August G. G. A. V. F. 0. Rubin John T. N. F. L. Hazel W. A. Edward Mar t in Raymond L. Raymond L. Lottie E Elliott R Allen George B Charles B Frieda P. H. P. H Webb. A. J. E. B. Earnest Mrs. E. J. Clarence S. G. R. R. Wm. Dr. W. W. George S Jake C. H. h G. Ethel GENERAL rpm. Assessing Juniata Twp. ►t Assessing Verona Twp. Supervisors services Supplies Assessing Logan `1'wp. Service s Assessing Little Blue Assessing Lobar Supplie s Drugs for Poor Farm Meals for Jury State vs. Trobough Twp, $91.80 Gas Witness fess Trobough case Light Coal Supervisor's services Coal Labor Assessing West Blue Twp. Jail expense, office supplies Expense Office expense, mileage Mi leage Assessing Supplies ►► Court costs, office expense Assessing Guard Services Highway Commissioner Supervisor's services Assessing Zero Twp. Supplies Services 1► Supp li e s Assessing Supplies Notices & Supervisors's Proc. Supervisors Proc. Services Labor Assessing Blaine Township Labor Assessing Ayr Twp. Supplies 0 Witness, insanity hearing Assessing Silver Lake Twp, Labo r Care of inantes at County Farm Assessing Kenesaw Twp. Services Supplies $L27.45 230.00 185.00 67.2o 10.55 150.00 37.50 145.00 255.00 10.40 4.80 22.20 51.50 1000.00 less delinquent taxes. 4.01 11.10 64.83 19.56 86.140 48.90 2.00 145.00 358.1414 37.5o 35.06 65.00 195.00 5.10 6.00 361.95 260.00 2.00 92.40 86.00 56.80 135.00 51.62 5.65 23.00 17.25 12.69 215.00 70.20 5.20 28.25 26.60 50.05 3.50 125.00 73.00 145.00 104.79 88.01 25.18 29.00 120.00 1.00 150.64 212.70 100.00 12.67 Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mathews Maxwell Milburn & Scott Co Miller Worth M. Nienheuser Fred. Omaha School Supply Co Parks M. E Peterson Co H. J. Proffitt J. F Queen City Laundry Remington Rand. Service Inc. Ruhter M. Fred Rutherford Bre. Schiffler Abraham Sch. Dist, 1$ Schroeder schunk Serf Printing Co Shannon Sims B M Spring Handle Co Stammer Henry State Journal Co Theobald, Co. Treas. A. J. VanFleet Robert G. F John L Herman G Bernadine O. E. F E University Pub. Co. Weiler Whitesel Widmaier Woll Zion Office Supply Armstrong Atwater Balke, et al Buskirk Carper, et al Derick Bike Shop Duncan Enevoldsen Essinger Gar & Oil Co Evans Farmers Un- Filgues Forest Frahm, et al Gartner, et al Hansen & Son Harpham Hastings Machine serv. Haws & Son Hinrichs Horton Huxtable Independent Oil & Gas Co Jones & Son Jones Co Jones Junker Krueger Lutz Lutz Lutkemier McCall McClelland -Dunn Motor Co McLeod, et al McWhiter Mielheisen Montia Morganflash Murdock National Refining Co Helen A W. C. Wm. Mrs. Philip Floyd B. L. R. W. Cecil Floyd C. S. G. R. O. G. Coperative Gas & Oil Co Geo Elvin Art Herman HP Bert OlConnell*Gill Tractor Co Palmer Pavelka Peters Peters Petes Oil Station Pierson, et al Pritchard Klein, et al H. G. Onno Frances Edgar A. H. Lyle Albert Paul Ernest William Wrn. George Ben Harold Merle Louie Gus Joe Archie J • Wm, Wm. Ed John Clyde Carl Services Assessing Denver Twp Assessing Cottonwood Twp Supplies Supplies Assessing Wanda Twp Supplies Assessing Highland Twp Gravel Assessing Launiry Supplies Supervisors services Services Assessing Roseland Twp Rent Expense Services Supplies Supervisors services Supplies Assessing Hanover Twp Supplies Gas, light, etc. Guard Supplies Services Supervisors services Mileage Services Supplies COUNTY 'HIGHWAY FOP Maintaining Labor ti Team work Road dragging Lock Repairs Labor Repairs Gas Grease Gas Road dragging Labor Team work Road work Repairs Gas Team work Road dragging Gas Repairs 11 Labor Team work Road dragging Team work Repairs Road dragging tt tt Team work 11 Road dragging Gas 9 Repairs Team work Labor Road dragging Gas Labor Maintaining Road dragging 23.05 135.00 185.00 1.88 2.75 105.25 24.75 100.00 19.80 315.00 5.25 1.25 106.70 4.55 145.00 10.00 11.70 2.80 14.75 20.20 2.85 41.76 141.60 3.96 568.21 2.00 11.19 40.00 60.20 37.00 100.00 2.33 62.00 12.00 64.59 131.00 225.15 2.50 4.65 2.00 5.85 135.91 2.00 72.30 12.00 40.00 88.00 28.00 5.50 23.50 11.25 242.50 12.00 43.50 15.00 27.20 17.93 .75 28.00 7.50 18.50 30.37 12.00 30.00 241.50 4.50 124.86 6.75 22.50 15.00 36.00 45.00 7.50 3.75 30.80 40.80 32.70 31.00 40.85 6.75 22.50 4.05 53.30 58.140 136.s7 n1 nC Prosser Lumber Co Zi mme rman Zimmerman Zubrod Zubrod Wynn Ayr Twp. Blaine Twp. Cottonwood Twp. Denver Twp. Eighmy Fai rbanks Hageman Hdw Hanover Twp Heartwell Highland Twp. Juniata Two. 11 Kenesaw Twp. Kistler Logan Twp. Lund Mid Stete Construction Co Nebr. Culvert Mfg. Co Oliver Lbr Co Roseland Twp . Little Blue Twp. Silver Lake Twp. Tanner Verona Twp. Wanda Twp. West Blue Twp. Zero Twp. Shannon Whitesel Ruhter Juranek, et al Polenske Bros Shellak Co Schlueter Lbr Co Boggs, (Trustee) Cannon N City Fuel & Feed Co 1r Davis, et al Dickerson Eckhardt Hastings Fuel Co Herbst Johnson & Gentert Jones -. 11 Jungermai Groc. Kelley Kenesaw Mill & Elev. Co Koh lb ry Leonard Leply Groc Longts Groc Mace Moon Schlueter Lbr Co Schneider Silvey Lbr Co Simpson & Joh Sumner Sunnyside Sypherd Virgilts Wash Store 1, Herbert Herman Ed Joe John Vim. Lester C. A. Will A. C. Ed F. E. W. C. Repair s Road dragging 11 Team work 01 ROAD DRAGGING FUND Road dragging 68 11 n Labor Assisting Surveyor Culvert Road dragging Surveyor Road dragging 11 11 11 Assisting Surveyor Road dragging Gravel Brida'es Culverts Stakes Road dragging 11 r1 Dump Wagons Road dragging It 11 11 ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DISTRICT 1'?0. 1. Road work ROAD. FUND SUPERVISOR DISTRICT NO. 2. Road work ROAD FUND SUPE :1VI SOR DISTRICT NO. M. Fred Joe Rex T. N. 11 Mrs. F F. E Carl Chas H. Groc James G. 11 E.L. H. Mrs, L. G. John L Lulu K Edith M J. A. Ella P Mrs. D. N. Road work BRIDGE FUND Team work Repairs Supplies POOR AID FUND 3. Groc Drug s H Coal 11 Care of B. F. C«r1 Drugs Groc, Coal Groc. Gro c 11 11 n Goal. Groc Care of Mrs. Devereaux Groc n Services Care of Etta Cross Coal Care of Mrs. Fritsinger Coal Groc. Services n Care of Mrs. Gibboney Groc 11 $4.65 15.00 9.37 45.00 45.00 19.50 134.46 13.56 74.80 198.37 73.20 35.00 264.74 135,07 157.. 20 221.58 12.38 134.84 151.36 35.00 113.12 1500.00 3600.00 75.87 13.60 19.37 123.38 101.12 300.00 171.06 80.88 118.35 136.74 85.00 70.00 55.00 6.00 23.92 14.65 2.31 11.50 11.50 10.10 3.90 62.00 2.10 5.18 9.35 24.64 8.90 15.00 15.00 29.68 19.98 14,78 7.85 8.00 21.29 32.08 6.00 22.17 7.55 60.00 3.65 37.02 33.50 179.0o 16.00 10.08 10.08 and Whitesel. Nayes, Bauer. Motion carried. Motion by huhter, seconded by Cole, that the foliowing resolutions be adapted: RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, Hazel Chase, Roscoe Burch, Fred Voght, John R. Childers, John F. Trobough, Dan A. Ross, Mrs. R. C. Peterson, H. A. Peterson, Ira Sherman, Paul Buckholz, have oresenteiltheir claims against Adams County, Nebraska which have beenallowed in the sums of $58.00, $22.20, $2220, $19.20:013.20, $36.30, $36.30, $13.20, $27.00, respectively, against the General Fund, and, WHEREAS, the County Board has procured from the C,unty Treasurer, a certificate of the amount of delinquent personal taxes assessed against said Hazel Chase, Roscoe Burch, Fred Voght, John R. Childers, John F. Trobough, Dan A. Ross, Mrs, R. C. Peterson, H. A. Peterson, Ira Sherman and Paui Buckholz, in the sums of $11.10, $7.65, $9.55, $12.go, $8,45, $4.60, $6.20, $9.75, $1o.50, $23.8o, respectively, now therefore, IT IS ORDERED that the said gums of $11.10, $7.65, $9.55, $12.8o, $8.45, $4.6o, $6.20, $9,75, $10,50, and $23,80, be deducted from said claims and a warrant draan on the General Fund be issued to said Hazel Chase, Roscoe Burch, FredVoght, John R. Childers, John F. Trobough, Dan A. Ross, Mrs, R. C. Peterson, H. A. Peterson, Ira Sherman, and Paul Buckholz, in the sums of $46.90, $14.55, S12,b5, $b.40, $10.75, $8,60, $30.10, $26.55, $2.70, and $3.20, respectively,balance remaining. IT TS FURTHER ORDERED that t.he County Treasurer darw from said General Fund, the said sums of $11,10, $7,65, $9.55, $12,go, $3,45, $4•6o, $6.20, $9.75, $10;50, $23.80, and apply same upon the delinquent f)ersonal taxes of Hazel Chase, Roscoe Burch, lred Voght, John R. Childers, John F. Trobough, Dan A. Ross, Mrs. R. C. Peterson, H. A. Peterson, Ira Sherman, Paul Buckholz, respectively, and on application to give them a receipt therefor. RESOLUTION.. WHEREAS, Adams County Oil Co., have presented their claims against Adams County, Nebraska, which has been allowed in the sums of $35.25, and $10.30, against the Poor Aid Fund. WHEREAS, the County Board has procured from the County Treagurer, a certificate fo the amount of delinquent personal taxes assessed against saidAdams County Oil Co., in the gum of $407.52, now therefore, IT IS ORDERED that the County Treasurer draw from said Poor Aid Fund, the sum of $35.25 and $10.30 and apply 5.1:rie anon said delinquent taxes of said Adams County Oil Co., and on application, to give him a receipt therefor, RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, L. P. Smith, Harry Hazelton, and Mrs. Eva Buckholz, have presented their claims against Adams County, Neoraska, which have been allowed in the sums of $19.20, $16.20, $7.20, against the General Fund, and WHEREAS, the County Board has procured from the County Treasurer a certificate of the amount of delinquent personal taxes assessed against said L. P. Smith, Harry Hazelton, and Mrs. Eva Buckholz, in the gum of $29,45, $29.48, $14.64, now therefore, IT IS ORDERED that the County Treasurer draw from said General Fund, the sum of $19.20, $1b.20, and $7.20, and apply same upon said delinquent personal taxes of said L. P. Smith, Harry Hazelton, Mrs. Eva Buckholz, and and on application, to give him a receipt therefor. RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, Fred L. Carrico, has presented his claim against Adams County, Nebraska, which has been allowed in the sum of $1,000.00 against the General Fund, and, WHEREAS, the County Board has procured from the County Treasurer, a certificate of the amount of delinquent personal taxes assessed against said Fred L. Carrico in the sum of $91.80, now thcrafore, IT IS ORDERED that t1 said sum' of -$91.80 be deducted from said claim and a warrant drawn on the General Fund be issued to said Fred L. Carrico, in the sum of $908.20, balance remaining. IT ISFURTHER ORDERED that the County Treasurer draw from said General Fund, the said sum of $91.80, and apply same upon the delinquent personal taxes of said. Fred L. Carrico, and on application to give him a receipt therefor. Dated this 5th day of June, 1931, Motion by Whitesel, seconded by hUhter, that this board 9 o'clock A.Itr Motion carried. Board adjourned. T1 y lerk, Deputy County C1erk, H. GartnerL Chairman County Board of SuperVisors, Adams County, Nebraska. now adjourn to meet again on July 7th, 1931 at EQUALIZA`PION MEETING 1 9 3 1. Court House, Hastings, Nebraska. Tuesday, June 9th, 1931, 9 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board ofSupervisors, the County Assessor and the County Clerk met as a Board of Equalization. P. H. Gartner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members present. Bauer, Cole, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon, Whitesel, St. John and Jones. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Coie, that the land on Eli Section 22-6-11 be reduced $1000.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The rest of the forenoon was spent in discussing various complaints. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 P.M. At 1:15 the Board again resumed with all members present as follows. Bauer, Cole, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon, Whitesel, St. John and Jones. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Ruhter, that the improvements on S 122 ft lot 5, all 6-7 and Ni 8, Block 17, Village of Holstein be reduced from $$000 to $6000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by St. John, that the land on W2 SE4 SEi section 2-7-10. City Extensions, be reduced from $3400 to $2650. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 P.M. the Board recessed until June 10 at 9 o'clock A.M. Wednesday, June 10, 1931. 9 o'clock A.M. Adams County Board of Equalization met as per recess of June 9th, 1931. P. H. Gartner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members present. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Whitesel, that the improvements on Lots 1-2, Block 8, Original Town, be reduced $2000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P.M. At 1:15 P.M. the Board again resumed with members present as follows. Bauer, Cole, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon, Whitesel, St. John and Jones. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Whitesel, that the improvements on Lot 110 in Railroad Addition be reduced $300. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by St. John, seconded by Ruhter, that the improvements 26 ft. of Lot 4, Benedict's Subdivision of Blk. 1, Benedict's ments on East 85 ft. Lot 5, Benedict's Subdivision of Blk. 1, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. on East 85 ft. and West 40 ft. of North Addition be reduced $1250, and the improve- Benedict's Addition be reduced $1200. Motion by Cole, seconded by St. John, that the improvements on E 332 ft. be reduced $200. Roll call, all voted aye.Motion carried. Motion by St. John, seconded by Ruhter, that the land on the SE* call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Whitesel that the improvements on W2 N Xi of , Section 3-7-11 be reduced $700. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by St. John that the improvements on W2 SW$ and W2 E2 of SWi, be reduced from $995 to $500. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 P.M. the Board recessed until June 11 at 9 A.M. Thursday, June 11, 1931 9 o'clock A.M. Adams County Board of Equalization met as per recess of June 10, 1931. P. H. Gartner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members present. Motion by St. John, seconded by Bauer, that the improvements on Lots 22 and 23 in Ghost's Addition be re- duced $250. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P.M. At 1:15 the Board again resumed with all members present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon, Whitesel, St. John and Jones. Motion by St. John, seconded by Jones, that the improvements on Lot 1, Young's Subdivision be reduced $600. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Whitesel, that the land on the Ni SE- and E2 SW4 Section 10-6-9 be reduced. $1000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by St. John, seconded by Ruhter, that the improvements on E. 75 ft. of Lot 1 and the S. 20 ft. of E 75 Pt. of lot 2, Block 5, Haire's Addition be reduced $1000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Lot 1, Bik. 2, Noran's Addition f Section 8-6-9, be reduced $3000. Roll Section 26-7-12 Motion by St. John, seconded by Ruhter, that the land on P44, $100. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by St. John, seconded by Bauer, that the improvements on NEi Block 3, Alexander's Addition be re- duced $2000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried.. Motion by Cole, seconded by Bauer, that the request of the Lincoln Telephone A reduction of $105.604. on their personal property valuation of $372,229 be Block 12, St. Joe 2nd Addition be reduced and Telegraph Company for granted at $45,955 making {>a Friday, June 12, 1931. 9 o'clock A.M. Adams County Board of Equalization met as per recess of June 11, 1931. P. H. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Cole, that the property of the Stenoline Pipe Line Company be assessed at $122,531 for Personal Property and $45,615 for Real Estate making a total of $168,146. Roll call, all voted eye. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, seconded by Shannon, that the land on NE4 of NWe Section 5-7-9 be reduced $1560. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by lhitesel, that the land on Si of SE4 Section 18-7-9 be reduced to $6400. Roll call, allvoted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Marian, seconded by Shannon, that the request for reduction of values on 14e of Section 33-5-12 and Fra SWr4 Section 19-5-12 and the request for a reduction of SEr, Section 33-5-12 be not granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Marian, seconded by Shannon, that the request to reduce the land on SEE Section 7-7-11 be not granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Shannon, that the request to reduce granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Shannon, that the request to reduce land on Si SEe Section 20-6-11 and SWW SW* Section 21-6-11 be not granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Whitesel, that the clerk be instructed to reduce the assessment on Ni SW4 Section 36-8-12 for the year 1929 in the amount of $2320 on account of being erroneously assessed. Roll cal, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P.M. At L:15 P.M. present as follows. Bauer, Cole, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon, Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Shannon, that the request to reduce Addition in Kenesaw be granted at a reduction of $1000. Roll call, and on N14 Section 20-6-11, $1000 be the Board again resumed with all members Whitesel, St. John and Jones. the land on Block 1-2 in Schultz's all voted are. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, seconded by Ruhter, that the improvements on Si NES, Section 34-6-11 be reduced $200. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Marian, that the improvements on Lots 1-6, Block 5, Parmenter's Addition in Kenesaw be reduced $200. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Marian, seconded by Whitesel, that the land in Blocks 1-2-3-4-5 in Cottage Home Addition be assess- ed at $700 and the request to reduce Blocks 12-13 in Cottage Home Addition and 32.74 acres in Highland Addition be not granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The remainder of the afternoon was spent in inspecting properties. At 5 P.M. the Board recessed until June 13 th at 9 o'clock A.M. Saturday, June 13, 1931. 9 o'clock A.M. Adams County Board of Equalization met as per recess of June 12, 1931.. P. H. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present. The Board examined a considerable number of personal schedules. The balance of the forenoon was spent in inspecting different properties. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P.M. At 1:15 the Board again resumed with all members present as follows. Bauer, Cole, Gartner, Marian, Rzhter, Shannon, Whitesel, St. John and Jones. The Board again went out to finish inspecting properties. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Ruhter, that the improvements on, Commencing 125 ft. W. of NE. corner of the a- NWW NW4 SW* S 216 ft, W. 50 ft., N. 216 ft., E. to beginning in City Extensions be raised $500 and the im- au. provements on lots 2-3-4-5 in Bonnewell's Addition be raised $500. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Marian, seconded by Cole, that the improvements on S. 60 ft. Lots 1-2, Block 1, Bateman's Sub- division be reduced $700 and the improvements on N. 66 ft. of Lots 1-2, Block 1, Bateman's Subdivision be reduced $600. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Marian, seconded by Cole, that the request to reduce the improvements of the Hastings Cabin Camp, the improvements on lot 96, Railroad Addition, and the improvements on Lot 13, Block 24, St. Joseph's Addition be not granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Marian, seaended by Shannon, that the improvements on the Si Lot 42, Palmer's Addition be reduced $200. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Cole, seconded by Bauer, that the improvements on W. 71 1/6 ft, Lot 15, Block 12, Moore's Addit- ion be reduced $200. Ro11 call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Motion by Marian, seconded -by Shannon, that the improvements on Lot 95, Railroad Additionbe raised $200. ...9_.. _ �. er_i...., Vattewe Rana/_ Witinn Motion by Bauer, seconded by Ruhter, that the improvements on Lot 13, Nelson's Addition be reduced $300. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by St. John, seconded by Ruhter, that the request to reduce improvements on Lots 29-30, Block 1 in M. J. Smith's Addition and the improvements on Lot 19 and the S. 16 ft. of Lot 20 in Cole's Subdivision of Block 12 Cole's 1st Addition, the improvements on Lot 152 in Campbell's Addition and the improvements on S. 45 ft. of the N. 105 ft. Block 11, St. Joseph's 2nd Addition be not granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried.. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by St. John, that the improvements on Lot 2, Biock 3, Bungalow Addition be reduced $200. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by St. John, seconded by Ruhter, that the land in Biock 3, St. Joseph's 2nd Addition be reduced $1000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, that the request to reduce improvements on the W. 45 ft. of Lot 5, Shutt's Subdivision of Block 9, McIntyre(s Addition and the Improvements on Lot 3-4 Campbell's Subdivision of Block 1-2-3, Lowman's North Side Addition and the improvements on Lot 6 and S. 10 ft. of Lot 7, Biock 3, Haire's Addition and the improvements on the N. 32.2 ft., lot 151 and S. 17.g ft. Lot 152, Railroad Addition and the imrpovements on the S. 50 ft. lot 151, Railroad addition, and the improvements on Lot 22, Block 3, Thompson's Addition, the improvements on S. 50 ft. Lot 4, Block 7, Hillside Addition and the improvements on Nb Lot 14, Block 3, Buswell's Addition be not granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by St. John, seconded by Cole, that the improvements on Pt. SW SW Section 12-7-10 be reduced $225. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Jones, that the improvements on Lots 23-26, Alexander's 2nd Addition be re- duced $1000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Cole, that the improvements on. Lot 10, Block 3, Johnson's Addition be re- duced $600. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Ruhter, that the improvements on lot 12, Biock 3, Johnson's Addition be raised $200. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by $t. John, seconded by Whitesel, that the improvements on Lot 2, Block 2, Bungalow's Addition be reduced $300. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Addition Motion by Bauer, seconded by Whitesel, that the improvements on Lots 10-11, Block 32 St. Joseph/be re- duced $50. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Marian:, seconded by Cole, that this Board recess until the call of the County Clerk. Motion carried. 44+1 - A. Court House, Hastings, Nebr. Saturday, August 8th, 1931. 9 o'clock A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors together with the County Clerk and County Assessor met as a Board of Equalization as per recess of August 5th, 1931. Roll call, members presents Bauer, Cole, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon, Whitesel, St. John and Jones. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Marian, that the order of the board on June 13, 1931, that the improvements on lot 95, Railroad Addition be raises. $200, be cancelled. Roll call, Ayes, Bauer, Cole, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon, Whitesel and Jones. Nayes, St. John. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by St. John, that the order of the board on June 13, 1931, that the im- provements on - commencing 125 ft. W. of NE corner of NW's NW4 S'4 5.216 ft. W. 50 ft. N.216 ft, E. to beginning in City Extensions be raised $500, and the order of the Board that the improvements on lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Bonnewells Addition be raised $500, be cancelled. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15, when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Cole, that whereas the assessed valuation of AAdam County, Nebraska, for the year 1931, as equalized by this Board and as accepted and approved ba the State Hoard of Equalizat- ion and are now ready to fix a tax levy upon, that we proceed to fix a tax levy on said valuations in each governmental sub -division of said Adams County, Nebr., and that the mill rate for said levy in each sub -division be as follows, to -wit: ADAMS COUNTY LEVY. As based on estimates by the Board at their statutory meeting held in January, 1931. General .50 Bridge .03 County Fair .05 S &S .00 Mother's Pension .08 Poor Aid .30 CITY AND VILLAGE LEVIES._ As based on tax certificates filed in the office of the County Clerk by the City and Village clerks. City of Hastings 10.7 Ayr Village 15. Holstein Village 10. Juniata Village 7. Kenesaw Village` 10. Prosser Village none Roseland Village 10: Trumbull Village 5. TOWNSHIP LEVIES:- As EVIES: As based on tax certificates filed in the office of, the County Clerk by the various Township Clerks showing amount voted to be raised by taxation. West Blue Township Highland i' Verona 10 Renesew n Wanda 0 Juniata 11 Denver " Blaine 0 Hanover n Ayr n Roseland " Cottonwood n Logan '► Silver Lake n Zero 0 Little Blue n AllPurposes n n n n n • It u t! n n n re id 1! u 8 n 11 tt 11 1. 1. 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.25 .9 .5 .9 1. 1.5 .5 1.6 .9. 1. .8 SCHOOL DISTRICT LEVIES. As based on tax certificate filed in the office of the County Clerk by the various school boards show- ing amount voted to be raised by taxation: Dist. No. General BondF.H.S. Total Dist.No. General Bond F.H.S. Total. 1 8,5 none none 8.5 4o 1.9 none 1, 2.9 2 1.5 n 1. 2.5 41 none n 1. 1. 8. s' none 8. 42 10. 1. none 11. 3 4.3 t1 1. 5.3 43 3.3 none 1. 4.3 5 2.7 ss 1. 3.7 44 1.6 " 1. 2.6 6 1.8 It 1. 2.8 4+5 4.2 8 1. 5.2 7 3.3 0 1. 4.3 46 none n 1. 1. nancial statement of Adams Gount ALBERT .l,` THEOBAL`D, TREASURER.'' For six months ending June 36 '1•911- TOTAL COLLCTbI TOTAL DISBl7RSEMENTS a1`ance`.ian ist-193] ,, 1930 Taxes $346 973 71 State Treasurer 486,034:84 83,402.85' 28•`• and prior years Taxes 3,604.72 • take chooi Lands ., , 659.80 actings Special Taxes 24,25708 o`tor Vehicle 64,638.00 ecoid Fees ax ale Redemptions 21:75 9,715.92 rivers Licenses 19$;25 MISCE LANEbITS TAX tate School Apportionment • . 7,581.53 ounty General ...., • . , 8,535:17 Inheritance Tax Fees '. Couhty Bridge County Highway .. ._. County PoorAid ' 13,853 71 County Road Dragging Mothers Pensions Soldiers and Sailors Relief ... .._. t t 22,143 67 ._ i..,.. 6;390'53 600.00 1,610x00 50000 Tax Sale redemptions 9,493 81 Free High: . .. -School ...., . 28,266 00 School Orders (General) ...........:, . .......... • 266.900:50 ounty Road Dragging Inheritance Tax .. Poor Aid credit ... .... . ..... ,._. _10 /... 19,064.22 ..,.� ,u• .. ... , 1YV VV 989 00 Supervisors Road Fund ( ..... ..... .. , ., .... - 767:1] �� 18.21._ :Balance on hand (June 30 1931) Total :.• ri $993 609 78 Total $993 609 78 STATEMENT SNOWIN"G'LD' 1D l4Ew `BAL%ANCES, CO' LECTIOI S, b'ls ` R-gE irtatS' , .r STATE FTJNDS - 13X-1:AW-Ce BOLL CT ON TITANS I)lSB[JRSEMENTS Ai `SE E en`eral .... .. Jan 1 1 3 AN s; , 9 1 .....m June 30 1931 $ - TO FROM- , $ 63,'713.94 $... ..... $ 59,787.07 $.::. .... $26,776:02 capital 2.027;58 6,58170 5,830.96 2,778.32 Redemption ~ 1,63 26.77 22.55 5.85 School l Land ay 42.09. 20.474 34 ` 19,796.53-25.20 Scho ghw• • State of Land Sale• 25.20" Lease 55.53 • 138.00 "'659 80 ` 455:53 342.27`N 2.58 14.10 2.38 90.00 68.25 34.00 36.00 36.00 COUNTY W11hiDS` General.......................... 43,066.89 Bridge •••••••••• •18,707 45 •Road•• - 422.13 Highway 6,971 80 Road Dragging 17,280 00 Poor Aid6,210.51. ` Soldiers and Sailors Relief' 3choo] District ` . . chool Bond ree' Iiig")f School................................... ownships CI'T`i' AND VI1-4-AGE`FIJNDS iastings renesaw uniata oseland olstem Ayr 1,083.32 Prosser•:: R14 R5 544.35 3,941 92 99,007.00 • 29,800.29 16,841.84 ......$ 51,699.11 1,37796 1,846 01 SUNDRY Ft NI)S ax Sale Redemptions $ 408.15 ntere'st on'Taxes 7,831.77 dvertising 36.70 reasurers Fees 163.65 15,168.26 ....... Inheritance Tax ,8,565.51 989.00 131.61 Fines & Licenses . 1,193.54 411.00 • 24,9,1 52 14 971.28 15,031.88 62685 33 _ 5,604 89 -N 4.98 3,007.41 1,209 26 430 227,72.12 1,65619 36,030 87 16,0200 '‘ 26,997.47 ......... $133,802.10"" 2,876.16 .. . 854.85 851.22 • 1,122.52 • .• ,......• . 5514:93"` 384.07" 7.82 48,392.14 638.11 8 13,853.71 22,143.67 6,570.53 1,719.02 644.55 500.66 270,775.16 45,724.66 28,521.44 27,917.74 175.157.52 3,892.72 1,885.17 1,030.25 1,879.32 1,214.34 610.54 .16 136.5' 15,031.88 34,460.96- 24,622.21 4 460.9624,622.21 424.63 8,149.97 114.87 42,789.7&` O. ID; 7;171.17 3,850.30' 1,109.06 3,445.56 57,610.15 437.05 15,921.57 10,343.69 361.40 815.69 3.97 381.54 383.91 88.38 10.05 1.96 29.42 630.26 1,352 65 411.00 396.55 1,740.00 1,750.00 1,742.89 2,000.00 $ 9,715 92 3,.364.41 . •'•'-'•-•-•-r":*""--'"'-'"'2,000.00_ 973 71 •"` " 346 ..„ $672,436.29 $ 40,192.49 IPATE-OP-NO �DAMS 'COUNTY ss 1, Albert J Theobald, Treasurer' of Adams County, Nebraska, do I my knowledge and belief.'' Subscribed in my` presence and sworn before me this.18thday of July 1931 �" T. W. "7ANES, SEAL) County Clerk 260.00 250.00 257.11 35.92 15,331.91 8,000.00 1,193.54 $ 40,192.49 ALD;" County Treasurer. Dist. No. General Bond F. H. S. Total. Dist. No. General Bond F.H.S. Total. 15 1.9 none 1. 2.9 54 1.5 none 1. 2.5 16 1.4 ff 1. 2.4 55 2.1 R 1. 3.1 17 2.1 ff 1. 3.1 56 2.7 ft 1. 3.7 18 13.5 3.3 none 16.8 57 1.6 fi 1. 2.6 19 2.2 none 1. 3.2 60 3.2 0 1. 4.2 20 2.3 ff 1. 3.3 61 3. 0 1. 4. 21 2.8 ff 1. 3.8 62 6.7 ff 1. 7.7 22 4. ff 1. 5. 63 5. if 1. 6. 23 2.6 H 1. 3.6 64 1.5 ff 1. 2.5 24 1.7 ff 1. 22 7 65 6.3 t 1. 7.3 f► 25 3.6 1. .6 66 2.2 1. 3.2 26 2. ff 1. 3. 67 4.4 ff 1. 5.4 27 2.1 ff 1. 3.1 6s 2.3 If 1. 3.3 28 2. fi 1. 3. 69 1.7 It 1. 2.7 29 2. ff .5 2,5 70 2.8 ff 1. 3.8 30 2.8 ff 1. 3.8 71 2.3 U 1. 3.3. 31 2.3 ft 1. 3.3 72 2.6 0 1. 3.6 32 2.3 tf 1. 3.3 73 3.4 f► 1. 4.4 33 2.5 9 1. 3.5 74 2.7 it 1. 3.7 34 4. it 1. 5. 75 3.6 a 1. 4.6 35 2.9 If 1. 3.9 76 2. ft 1. 3. 36 31.14 0 1. 4.4 78 2.1 if 1. 3.1 37 1.8 ff 1. 2.8 80 3.1 ff 1. 4.1 38 2.9 ff 1. 3.9 81 14.9 ff none 14.9 39 2.6 ff 1. 3.6 101 7. 2.5 If 9.5 and that the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized to extend these levies on the 1931 tax lists against the said valuations in the various governmental sub -divisions of Adams County, Nebr. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Shannon, that this Board now adjourn sine die as a Board of Equalization. Motion carried. j oard adjourned County Clerk. Chairman. Court House, Hastings, Nebr. Tuesday, July 7th, 1931. 9 otclock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of June 5th, 1931. P. H. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon and Whitesel. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Cole, seconded by Ruhter, that the order of the court in Thelma Robinson and Lavon E. Dodson be complied with and the clerk same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, that the surety bond of the. by the National Union Indemnity Co., to secure county deposits, be regard to Mothers Pension for Mrs. instructed to issue warrants for the First National Bank for $10,000 issued approved. Motion carried. The petition of Raymond W. Nelson Guardian was read before the board but no action was taken. The petitions of J. H. Thuma.n and Mrs. Katherine Bauer et al were read before the board but no action taken. was Motion by Cole, seconded by Marian, that the semi-annual report of the County Sapt., and the County Clerk be placed on file. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15. At 1:15 the board again resumed with all members present. Roll call. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Cole, that the second quarterly report of the Co. Sheriff be placed on file. Motion carried. At 2 P.M. the time advertised, the Chairman ordered the clerk to open bids submitted for gravel projects. At 2:20 the board went into executive session to consider the bids submitted for gravel and at 2:50 the board went into regular session. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Marian, that M. M. Lippincott be awarded contract for gravel project #3 ' .9738 per cu. yd., and project #4 is 1.1196 per cu. yd., and the Mid State Construction Co. be awarded gravel project # 5 1.26 per cu. yd., project #6 is 1.62 cu. yd., and project #7 4 1.62 cu. yd. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Ruhter, that all certified checks be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Marian, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Bauer binderup Hdw Co. Blina Sill & Son Bohlke Burroughs Adding Button Carl, s Cafe Central Power Co. Cole Crosson Davis Dickey Dillenbach Evans Feese First Trust Fischer Gartner Gartner Gartner Gauderault Mere. Guarantee Elec Co. Hammond & Stephens Co. Hammond & Stephens Co. Hastings Battery & Elec Hastings Rubber Stamp Wk Haynes Bros. Heartwells Jones Jones Jungermao. Gro c. K -B Printing Co. ►► n Co. G. G. W. Halsey Machine Co L. N. Co. W. A. Raymond L. Elliott R Roger Luci a O. G. Dr. J. P. G. S. Freda P. H. P. H. A. J. Keith, et al Kenesaw Progress # Kidder Kisterts Auto Serv. r.av, A Co. s. Clarence LoRene�/ T. MY . Dr. W. W. Dr. C. E. Jake C_ GENERAL FUND. Supervisors services Supplies Repairs Court costs, postage Services Office expense Meals for jury Gas :supervisors services Jail expense, office supplies Mileage Testing liquor Court costs Mileage Services Ins. Mileage Services Salary Highway Commissioner Supervisors services Supplies Services Supplies t► Services St amp s Supplies Sharpening lawn mowers Services Office expense Supplies Witness, insanity hearing Supplies 0 Services Supplies Care of inmates at Co. Farm $94.90 16.70 10.00 64.99 38.25 13.21 22.15 3.31 103.20 227.69 65.00 12.00 118.15 5.60 5.00 10.00 3.40 50.00 78.10 105.80 16.65 .50 87.67 96.18 1.50 .80 1.20 1.50 38.500 91.10 1.20 24.22 10.64 345.98 92.00 17.00 4.50 25.00 15.25 145.80 Lord Co. Marian Matthiesen & Co. Miller National Cash Register Omaha Printing Co. Queen City Laundry Ruhter Rutherford Bros. Schroeder School Dist, 18 Serf Shannon Simms Smidt, et al Stewart St.John Theobald Underwood Typewriter University Pub. Co. Uridil Dr, J. E. VPnlirodslinis Paint Store Vestal Chemical Laboratories Inc. J. E. Carl R Worth M. Co. M. Fred. Herman G. O. E. F. E. B. M. 11 Earl Walter E. A. A. J. o. G. Weiler Whitesel Widmaier Wolbach & Brach Wo 11 Zion Office Supply Zion Office Supply Adams & Co. Adams & Co. Anderson Armstrong Armstrong Bates, et al Carper, et al Derra Detour Duda Meyer Co Dieher Enevoldsen Essinger Gar. & Oil Co. Farmers Union Co-op. Gas Geiger & Putney Hansen & Son Hastings Battery & Elec. Hastings Battery & Elec. Hastings Machine Serv. Haws & Son Heuertz Jones Jones Jones Jones, et al Klein, et al Kock Kort Krueger Krueger, et al Lawson Hdw. Co. Lutz Mathews McGrath Hdw. Co. Miller Mohling Montia, et al National Refining Co. Newman, et al 01Connell-Gill Tractor Palmer, et al Patterson Pauline Oil Co. Pauline Grain Co. Pete's Oil Station Pfeiffer, et al Pierson Placke Pritchard, et al Reis Shuman Shannon Shaw Helen A. W. C. Wm. Mrs. P. N. J. D. J. D. Roy Floyd P. H. Vergil Floyd Louie Fred • 1 rt _ Joe Anders & Oil Co. H. R. Co. Co. W. G. H. E. Ernest Fred Lyle Ray Carl Raymond Herman charley Paul C. K. Ernest G. P. J. H. Lee Amil Gus. Wallace Co. Wm. J. M. Carl John Frank Clyde L. A. Carl Maurice Chas Supplies Supervisors services Supplies tJ Repair Cash register Supplies Laundry Supervisors services Repairs Office expense Rent Supplies Supervisors services Supplies ti Services Plumbing Office expense Office expense Typewriter Supplies Services Supplies ft Services Supervisors services Mileage and bailiff Supplies Services Supplies lt COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Repairs Team work Labor Team work Road work Dragging county roads Labor Team work Repairs ROad work Blacksmith work Gas &Oil Supplies BlacksMith work Repairs 11 Gas & Grease Supplies Team work 11 Labor 11 Dragging county roads Labor Road work Labor Team work Bolts Team work Team work Repairs Team work Road work Gas & oil Labor Repairs Labor 11 Gas Bridge Piling Gas Dragging county roads Labor Team work Patrolman Dragging county roads Labor Team work 14.37 65.00 2.45 9.50 25.30 8.66 7.05 124.20 13,30 2.96 10.00 91.75 77.0o 1.50 3.35 11.21 6.86 6.75 10.55 76.50 6.69 50.00 2.85 3.20 40.00 100.50 18.40 1.87 100.00 4.o6 103.75 3.21 21.28 17.40 78.00 30.00 78.00 33.37 1.80 51.00 1.20 91.85 31.95 238.85 117.00 122.30 16.90 11.00 7.00 30.10 214.20 1.00 16.80 24.00 56.0o 6.37 51.00 10.80 30.00 2.00 135.00 1.08 3.75 36.00 2.22 21.00 6.00 36.95 224.20 50.40 31.10 10.41 142.80 7.80 24.00 5.00 11.21 58.50 32.00 66.60 84.40 6.00 90.00 21.00 120.00 1QChn Zubrod .Ayr Twp. Blaine Twp. Cottonwood Twp. Denver Twp. Eighmy Hageman Hdw. Co. Hanover Twp, Highland Twp. Juniata Twp. Kenesaw Twp. Lamoreaux Little Blue Twp. Logan Twp. Lund Mid State Construction Mid State Construction Morris Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co. Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co. Roseland Twp. Silver Lake Twp. Verona Twp. Wanda Twp. West Blue Twp. Zero Twp. Joe W. B. Walter S. A. C. Co. Co. Edward B. Brown Chapman Eigenberg Huckfeldt, et al Marchand May's Palmer Parker Patterson Peterson, et al Pugh Riggs Smi dt VanBoening, et al Shannon Whitesel Ruhter Marian Vern Howard Vern Robert Russell Ralph Berwyn Jim J. M. O. W, Hurley R. R. Dick Paul F. E. W. C. M. Fred. H. E. Adams County Agriculture Society Bauer H. B & B Serv. Station Coats cash Groc. Cooper Coal Co. Davis, et al Dickerson Eckhardt Flowers Herbst Johnson & Gentert Jones Jungerman Groc. Juniata Grain & Live Stock Kelley E. Kenesaw Funeral Home Kohlbry Lenhart Serv. Station Leonard Mrs. F. F. E. C. Harry W H. James G . Ass'n L. Herman Mrs. L. G. Team work ROAD DRAGGING FUND Dragging twp. raods f! 11 ff Checking gravel Repairs Dragging twp. roads 11 Parcel of ground Dragging Twp. roads 1d Estimate of gravel Use of wagons Building bridges Parcel of ground Culvert Dragging Twp. roads u BRIDGE FUND Labor on bridge Pf' n Filling in bridge Labor on bridge f1 ft 11 Team work Labor on bridge Team work if 0 ff ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. 1. Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. 2. Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. 3. Road work SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND Soldiers & Sailors COUNTY FAIR FUND Relief Com Permanent Irprovemtnts POOR AID FUND Groc. Fuel Groc. Coal Care of B. F. Carl Drugs Groc. f1 11 1f n. 1r Coal Groc. Services Groc. Fuel Care of Mrs, Devereaux 3.00 20.5o 66.61 10.00 30.62 66. as 93.9'+ 85.38 45.63 70.37 37.37 50.00 39.05 91.75 1500.00 21.50 3600.00 35.00 417.3o 314.22 53.50 17.12 53.3o 63.43 42.79 69.62 8.00 2.00 3.20 21.80 3.20 36.00 16.20 10.00 19.25 17.60 7.50 4.80 1.50 8.40 75.00 50.0o 6o . 00 200.00 1000.00 7.26 5.68 40.09 33.90 60.00 1.85 7.01 9.06 8.14 8.40 19.90 18.35 56.35 20.00 25.00 7.16 1.00 8.00 1/ 7a Mowers Walter E. OelschlaEer A. R. Schneider Edith M. Sherman Ben Simpson & Joh Sunnyside Sypherd Mrs. D. N. Virgils Cash Store Waconda Sanitarium. Walker Whisinand Conrad Carl Services 6.00 Groc 12.80 Care of Mrs. Fritsinger 6o.00 Supplies 6.07 Groc. 37.04 Services 170.00 Care of Mrs. Gibboney 18.85 Groc. 10.03 Services 125.15 Groc. 7.39 li 42.44 Motion by Bauer, seconded by Whitesel, that the claim of Waconda Sanitarium for $125.15 be allowed. Roll call, Ayes, Bauer, Gartner, Marian, Shannon and. Whitesel. Nayes, Cole, and Ruhter. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesle, seconded by Marian, that this board now adjourn to meet again onAug. 5th, 1931 at 9 o'clock A.M. Mot o carried. Board adjourned. County Clerk. Deputy County e rk. Financial Statement of .A.( ams Count Staten) TOTAL COLLECTIONSS Balance, Jan. 1st 1931_. 1930 Taxes 1928 and- prier years" -'',''axes State School • Lands Hastings Special Taxes Motor Vehicle � - . •,e, saa�t'�X rte- . ,zmH'. s:¢v x+k*rh ..+ b+�: rm..z...__. ALBERT J. THEOBALD For six months en ung June 659 80 24,257 08 2 Tax Sale Redemptions •• • • • • • • • 9;71 92 702 �K 1'75 llrlvers J iCeusea _ Mt'SeiLLAN OUS TAX' State School Apportionment Interest; on ,Deposit Fines and Licenses ..... _ „mak.� ,a, County General County Bridge • . County Road Dragging Inheritance Tax Poor Md credit 7,5$5.53 1,960 22 411:00 .. 8,535.17 469 27 -19,()6412- 986 9 064 2`2` 989 00 18.21 Tota $993 609.7$ N ebraska 30; 1931 u TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 99,402.85 State Treasurer , �� .,�� �� 4T78154 County General ,••••.1..,_•_•_•-•-••••••:-••:_•-•-•:•• ...••••,..._•••••••406.47 County Bridge • • _ 13,853 71 - - County Highway . •._._,,••••_•••••_•..",-7,..-..=,....,-,1444.4., 67 63 County Road Dragging ... 90 53 County Poor Aid w County Fair ... 0 Mothers Pennons Soldiers and Sailors Relief • Tax Sale redemptions ...... Free High School 266.900 50 School Orders (General) School Bond '45,11099 26,970 30 Toa nship *Orders 180,421 94 City Treasurers _: •C _•. 421 94 Inheritance _Tax Fes,,..,,.« : 146 00 Auto Retund 25 767.11 Supervisors Road 1 and ,, 8,51089 Balance on hand (June 30, 1931 ::`:....... 600.00 1,610.0 500 00 9,493 81 o- 993 609.78 . .......... ..... ��a 131 I., Total �- ...... $ STATEMENT SH OWU4G OLb AND NEW BALANCES, COLLECTIONS, DISBURSEMENTS AND TRANSFER '. 71- _ ,._• A'.A1T E EC ION'S TRANS. DISBURSEMENTS `T`RA�1S B STATE FUNDS r..->: ------ TO FROM June 30, 1902 Jan.1, 1931 $ 59,787.07 $ $ 26,776. General $ 22,849.25 $ 63,713.94 $ 5,830.96 2,778.32 Capital ..... 2.027.58:. 6,581 70 22.55 5.85 Redemption 1.63 26:77 19,796.53 719.90 State Highway .... 42.09 20 474.34 25 20 236568:02005 School Land Sale . . . 455.3 ,,,, 342.27 School Land Lease • 138.00 - - 659:80 2.38 13.90 2.58 :... 14.0 34.00 12.25 90.50 .��8 6.00 Hail Tax .. COUNTY FUNDS Bridge ..... • •• Road ••• Highway Gravel • • •. Road Dragging `Poor Aid Mothers Pension County Fair. ',;-Soldiers and Sailors- School District School Bond h Free ?High Scool Townships CITY AND VT1I Hastings . $ 43,066.89 $ -,4,951.52 18,707 45 6.552.87 Kenesaw Juniata ,-Prosser Trumbull Hayland Pauline = SUNDRY FUNDS Tait Sale R edemptionsy...- Interest on Taxes Advertising ......:'.......``i' Treasurers Fees . Inheritance Tax • Fines & Licenses Motor Fees Stip: Rd. -list No 1 • Sup. ltd. Dist. No . -2 Sup. Rd Dist. No 3 Sup. Rd. Dist• No 4-• ,.a' Relief 9-6,007 00 227,722.12 • 29.800.29 36,030.87 12 938.59 16,020.30 • -1'6;841.84 26,9'97.47 �na . AGE FUNDS .. `"' .$ 51,699.11 $133,802.10 1,377.96 2,876.16 -, 1;846-01 183.00.....4.-. 1,138.34 1,083.32 314.85 2.39 1.96- 29.42 6,971 80 114.87 17,28000 62.685.33 210.51 6,604 89 '2;561.91 3,007.41 544.35 1,209.26 394192 2.58 • • 854.85 "851.22 1,122.52 514.93 384.07 7.82 408.15 $ 9,715.92 ...... 7,831.77 3,364.49 36:70 163.65 15,168.26 8;565.51 -- -- 989.00" 1,193:54 411.00 .•... -,- 14,971.28 -5,031.88 4.98 1,656.19 • 48,392.14 638.11 8 13,853.71 22 143.67 6,570.53 1,719.02 644.55 500.66 270,775.16 45,724.66 28,521.44 27 917.74 • 175,157.52 3,892:72 1,885.17 1,030.25 1,879.32 1,214.34 .16 9,493.81 11 19626 78 131.61 ` ` 333.47 396.55 '2,006.00 260.00 2,000 00 250.00 "2,60156 ' 257.11 ' 2,000.00 $760,8'' 1 136.59 34,460.96 24,622.21 424.63 8,149.97 ••• 114.87 15,031.88 42,789.78 O. D. 7,171.17 3,850.30 1,109.06 3,445.56 57,610.15 19,643 85 437.05 15;921.57 462.65 • 35.92 15,331.91 8,000.00 1,193.54 $ 0 92:49 10,343.69 361.40 815.69 3.97 381.54 383.91 88.38 10.05 .1.96 29:42 630.26 1,352.65 411.00 - 396.55 1,740.00 1750:00" 1,742,8.9, .. 2,000.00 $258,510 s9 $346,973.71 $672,436.29 $ 40,192.49 STATE QF NEBRASKA 1 ss ADAMS COUNT I, Albert` J. `heohald; Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska do hereby certify that the above statement ls true and correct to the best � of my knowledge and belief. Subsc (SEAL) ibed in my' presence"and sworn, before me this 18th day of July 1931. CountyClerk ALBERT J. THEOBALD, - County Treasurer. Court House, Hastings, Nebr. Wednesday, August 5th, 1931. 9 o'clock A.M. Regalar meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors as per adjournment of July 7th, 1931. P. H. Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon and Whitesel. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Bauer, seconded by Ruhter, that the semi-annual report of the County Treasurer be placed on file. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Ruhter, that the order of the court be complied with in regard to Mother's pension for Selma Gebhardt, Mae gueck, Margaret Corwin, and Ruth Kunselman, and the clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Cole, that the request of the County Superintendent for the appointment of Ida Bloomenkamp as assistant at $90.00 per month be granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Whitesel, that the second quarterly reports of the County Judge, Clerk of the District Court aad Register of Deeds be placed on file. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15, when they again resumed with all members present. At 2 P.M. the clerk opened bids submitted for bridge plank. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Shannon, that we purchase 500 - 3x10 - 18 ft. full sawn construction grade of Red Wood Bridge plank from the Wheeler Lumber Co. at an agreed price of $ 00 per_M. F.O.B. Pauline, also a car of #1 Common Fur full sawn bridge plank consisting of 500 - 3xI2aa 26 ft. from the Byers Lumber Co. at an agreed price of $30.50 per M. F.O.B. Pauline. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bauer, that the petition of Carl J. Hempel to operate a dance hall aid amusement park at Leroy in Ayr Twp., the petition of 0. L. Buzzard to operate a swimming pool and picnic grounds one mile north of Ayr in Ayr Twp., the petition of L. Phillips to operate a dance hall except Sundays and an amusement park at 1434 N. Baltimore in Denver Twp., and the petition of C. N. Nash and C. E. Borrell to operate a barn dance except Sundays on the SE*, Sec. 22, Denver Twp. be placedon file and that the County Clerk be hereby ordered to publish these petitions at the expense of the petitioner, for two consecutive weeks in a legal newspaper of general circulation in saLd county and precinct, and that said petitions will be considered by the board on the 22nd day of August, 1931, at 9 o'clock A:M., and that after full consideration slid the hearing of remonstrants, if there be any, the Board will use its discretion of granting or withholding said license. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seanded by Shannon, that the bond of A. C. Lund issued by the National Surety Co. covering the gravel project No. 2 be released on account of the work being completed. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Marian, that the following list of names be submitted to the Clerk of the District Court, from which to draw the jury for the next term of the Adams County District Court. Motion carried. Supervisor District #1. West Blue: R. R. Riggs, A. F. Albright, Ed Fricke; Highland; Bert Mott, Frank Gasch, J. W. Rider. Denver; W. E. Shafer, Benton Miller, G. F. Mathews. Blaine; Roy K. Smith, Clark Hoagland. Supervisor District 442. Kenesaw: Floyd Parker, Lee Ramsey, Frank Edmondson. Juniata; T. W. Mays, W. A. Newell, J. R. Baugh. Wanda: Dell Austin, Elmer Bohike. Verona; Chas. Welch, Eekhard Frickey, Otto Ruhter. Supervisor District #3. Cottonwood; E. F. Huckfeldt, Fred Miller, Roy Gilmore, Logan; C. J. Horton, Leonard Shaw, Henry Mangers. Silver Lake; Frank A. Peterson, T. W. Burge, Roseland; Wm. Trausch, M. W. Blankenbiller, J. E. Kindig. Supervisor District #4. Little Blue; Walter Gartner, George Sinning, Joe Juranek Jr. Hanover; Earnest Hansen, Anton Stamer, Dick Stromer. Ayr; Bert Derricks, Jim Ferguson. Zero; Martin Kort, Art Frahm, Wm. Gilmore. Supervisor District +5. City of Hastings. Dan Ricker, John Stroh, Henry Bexten, August Biskie, George Harm, Henry Fete, L. Schaffer, T. J. Hines, Henry Herbst, John K. Getman, Peter Barth, Tom Beery. Supervisor District #6, City of Hastings. A. M. Brooking, L. E. Hanley, W. T. Anderton, N. 0. Cling, Henry Urbach, Jacob Roelse, W. A, Ahlin, Chas. Thomas, Howard Turpit, W. B. Hargleroad, Chas. E. Hill, R. R. Vance. Supervisor District +7, City of Hastings. Bert Simmons, Chas. Smiley, Geo. Pratt, Clyde Edwards, Henry Davidson, Oscar Cropley, Ed Long, Chas. Widamier, G. D. Schaffer, L. J. McGrath, W. G. Pause y, Geo. Bivens. Baird Battan Battan Bauer Co. Judge Burlington Lunch Room Burrough Adding Machine Co. Cannon Central Power Co. City Electric Dept. City Fuel & Peed Co. City Water Dept. Cole Co. Sheriff Cunningham Davis Deines Drug Co. Clerk of District Court Evans Fischer Gartner Gartner Gartner Guarantee Elec. Co. Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Jones Jones K -B Printing Co. K®B Printing Co. K -B Printing Co. Keith, et al Keystone Envelope Co. Keystone Envelope Co. Ki ster' s Auto Serv. Kline Kline Klopp Printing Co. Klopp Printing Co. Keystone Eneviope Co Land Lawler Lincoln Tel. & Telg. Co. Lincoln Tel. & Telg. Co. Local Registers Marian McClain Co. Miller Nelson Omaha School Supply Co. Petty, et al queen City Laundry Remington Rand Bus. Serv. Renner & Co. Ruhter Rutherford Bros. Schroeder Serf Printing Co. Shannon Sims State of Nebraska St. John St. John Swat son United Chemical Co. Warren Co. Weiler Whelan Whitesel Widmaier Wilson Products Co. Woll Wright Zion Office Supply Ayr Twp. Blaine Twp. Denver Twp. . Ei ghmy Fairbanks Hanover Twp. Heartwell Highland Twp. Juniata Twp. Kene sawTwp. Dorsey D. A. I. George Geo. G. T. N. W. A. Lottie E. Elliott R. 0. G. G. S. Frieda P. H. P. H. LoRene T. W. Dr. W. W. Jake J. B. J. B. C. H. John A. J. E. Worth M. Viola M. Elizabeth Percy M. Fred Herman G. 0. E. F. E. B. M. E. A. E. A. Dr. L. A. Charles R. Helen A. Dolan W. C. Wm. Mrs. Phillip H. B. W. B. Lester C. A. State vs. Trobough Supplie s Services Supervisor's services County Court costs, office expense Meal for jury Supplies Drugs Gas Light Coal Water Supervisor's services Jail expense, office expense Institute fund Mileage Supplies Court costs Mileage Services Supervisor's services Highway commissioner Supplies Printing a Services 1i Supplies ii N Witness, insanity hearing Supplie s Repair Supplies it n Care of Inmates State vs. Chase Service s Farm Bureau Services Supervisor's services Supplies 0 Services Supplie s Services Laundry Ribbon Supplies Supervisor's services Supplies Office expense Supplie s Supervisor's services Supplie s Tuberculosis tests for Cattle Services tI 0 Supplie s Auditing Services n Supervisorsservices Services Supplie s Services Supplie s ROAD DRAGGING FUND Road dragging n Labor Road dragging Surveying Road dragging u 6! 473.62 .55 )0.00 70.80 31.85 2.35 1.00 4.50 2.33 108.06 19.14 109.10 73.60 231.01 150.00 65.00 1.40 141.85 2.80 3.40 80.85 90.60 40.90 11.00 98.75 31.15 40.00 21.60 30.30 9.06 12.25 31.10 55.49 11.81 2.75 2.08 26.50 9.08 .66 19.45 129.68 50.00 58.19 11.00 55.00 70.00 6.00 8.5o 77.0o 15.50 58.90. 6.15 1.00 12.75 38.4o .15 10.00 106.75 55.14 4.90 4.20 44.90 10.50 5.00 7.75 67.5o 12.50 25.00 97.60 15.90 9.50 386.50 29.74 49.37 43.00 35.50 104.00 10.50 18.25 45.10 46.oO 14.5o 49.75 in cn Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co. n tt Oliver Lbr. Co. Roseland Twp. Shaw Silver Lake Twp. Silver Lake Twp. Wanda Twp. West Blue Twp. Zero Twp. Fischer Gartner, et al Gartner Gartner Gilliland, et al Hansen Hudson Meester Oliver Lbr Co. Palmer Pugh Rickerson Riese, et al Smith, et al Trait Yost Beach, et al Burling Carper, et al Christensen Detour Essinger Gar & oil Co Farmer's Un. Op. Gas & Gasch Gayman Gayman Geiger & Putney Hansen & Son Hansen Hastings Machine Serv. Haws & Son Huckleberry Independent Oil & Gas Co. Jones& Son Jones Jones, et al Jones Karr Katzberg, et al Klein Kroblen Radiator Wks Kruger, et al Matthews Mc Cal l McGrath Hdw Co. McWhirter Mc":hirter Mo rri s National Refining Co O'Connell Gill Tractor Co u Patterson Pauline Garage Pavelka Peters Ruhter Pete's Oil Station Phillips Petro. Co. Placke Powers Pritchard, et al Schuman Shannon Silvey Lbr. Co. Standard Oil Co. Valentine Wright Zubrod Chas. Marvin Herman John Raymond Otto Otto Jim Harm Wm. Hurley Lee John Dick Loony J. P. Herbert W. R. Floyd A. R. Fred Oil Co Frank G. E. G. E. H. P. Otto C. W. G. Chas. D. E. C. Harvey Lyle R. A. Arthur Carl Paul G. F. Will J. H. Merle Harold Ed John M. Wm. Ed M. Fred Frank Lorenzo Clyde Carl Maurice J. A. John H. B. Jake Road drag Culverts Blades Stakes Road dragging Labor Road dragging td It II 11 BRIDGE FUND Team work Repairing bridges Labor 1$ Team work Labor it '1 Stakes Labor tt tt Team work Labor Teamwork COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Team work Labor Dragging Co. highway Gas Team work Gas n Labor 11 n Dynamite Repairs Labor Repair s Gas Repairs Gas. Supplies Labor Team work Labor n Dragging Co. Highway Team work Repairs Team work Dragging Co. Highway. Team work Supplies Teamwork 11 0 Gas Repairs 0 Labor Gas Repairs Dragging County Highway tt Gas tt Team work 0 Labor tt Supplies Gas Teamwork Repairs dP POOR AID FUND 28.01 179.55 33.59 3.85 32.12 22.80 8.62 24.25 15.25 59.87 34.75 47.40 36.00 2.80 3.00 30.50 9.00 4.00 2.00 11.20 5.60 8.00 1.80 26.10 8.40 6.00 24.05 26.80 10.50 66.75 2.00 24.00 177.50 163.65 6.00 8.00 15.85 52.25 16.65 45.60 2.00 92.80 1.00 1.22 21.80 15.00 48.30 20.00 4.20 19.12 30.00 2.50 33.75 3.00 149.30 6.60 11.25 11.25 6.00 225.33 30.99 66.76 1+0.140 162.74 22.30 11.25 25.88 19;80 27.95 45.00 15.00 0.65 40.ao 47.20 6.00 88.55 30.00 4.40' 1.00 Eckhardt R. Goble Jay Hastings Cemetery Assln. Hempel Oil Co. Johnson & Gentert Jungerman Groc. C. Kelley E. L. Kohlbry Herman Leonard Mrs. L. G. Leply Groc. Mace Jahn L Mace John L Matthiesen & Co Carl R. Moon Mrs. C. W. Mowers Walter E. Schmitz C. W. Schneider Edith M. Shea Funeral Home Sherman Ben Simpson & Joh Sumner Dr. Ella P. Sunnyside Sypherd Mrs. D. N. Walker Conrad Whisinand Carl Shannon Whitesel Ruhter Motion by Shannon, 9 o`clock A.M. Groc. 11 Cemetery Lot Gas Groc. 11 11 Tt Services Groc. Services 11 Drugs Services 11 Drugs Services 11 Supplie s Groc. Services 11 Groc. n ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. I. F. E. Road work ROAD FUD SUPERVISOR DIST. II. W. C. Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. III. Road work M. Fred seconded by Whitesel, 16.05 9.89 27.00 7.05 8.90 19.62 20.00 6.56 8.00 18.32 6.00 18.00 1.25 22.17 20.67 2.55 96.0o 100.00 8.97 36.9+ 47.00 237.0o 17.71 5. 46.5013 90.00 55.00 100,00 that this board now adjourn to meet again on Aug. 22, 1931 at ion carried. Board adjourned. my Clerk Deputy County C1er1. Chairman. Court House, Hastings, Nebr. August 22, 1931. 9 o clock A.M. Special meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors, P. H. Gartner, chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members of the Board were present as follows: Bauer, Cole, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon and Whitesel. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. At this time the Board considered the petitions on file to obtain license to operate dance halls and other places of amusement, also the remonstrance on file asking the County Board to refuse license for Sunday dances. Motion by Cole, seconded by Shannon, that the petition of L. Phillips to operate a dance hall, except Sunday's, and an amusement park at 1434 N. Baltimore Ave., from August 22, 1931 to August 22, 1932, be granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Marian, swimming pool and 1932, be granted. seconded by Bauer, that the petition of Oliver S. Buzzard to operate a a picnic ground one mile north of, Ayr, from August 22, 1931 to August 22, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Marian, that the petition of C. N. Nash and C. E. Borrell to operate a barn dance, except Sunday's, on the SE *.section 22, Denver Twp., from August 22, 1931 to August 22, 1932, be granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Cole, that the petition of Vern Miller of the Honolulu Sand- wich Shoppe to operate a road house, on the NWi section 16, Blaine Twp., from August 22, 1931 to August 22, 1932, be granted. Roll call, all voted naye. Motion lost. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Shannon, that the petition of Carl J. Hempel to operate a dance hall and an amusement park at Leroy, from August 22, 1931 to August 22, 1932, be granted. Roll call, all votednaye. Motion lost. At 11 o'clock the matter of At 12 o'clock present. serveral of the Hastings Business Men appeared before the board to discuss paving from Marian's corner south to. the D L D but no action was taken. noon the board recessed until 1:15, When they again resumed with all members Motion by Cole, seconded by Ruhter, that the action of the Board this morning with reference to the petition of Carl J. Hempel to operate a dance hall and an amusement park be vacated, and the said Carl J. Hempel be granted a license to operate a dance hall, except Sunday's, and an amusenent park at Leroy, in Ayr Twp., from August 22, 1931 to August 22, 1932. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Bauer, that the action of the Board this morning with reference to the petition of Vern Miller to operate a road house be vacated, and that said Vern Miller be granted a license to operate a road house, except dancing on Sunday's, on the NW* section 16, Blaine Twp., from August 22, 10531 to August 22, 1932. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Ruhter, that this board now adjourn to meet again on September 5, 1931 at 9 o'clock A.M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. A.M. County Clerk. Deputy County / lerk. Chairman. Court Haase, Hastings, Nebr. Saturday, September 5, 1931. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of August 5th, 1931. Roll call, members present: Bauer, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon, and Dhitesel. Absent Cole. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Shannon, that the Justice of Peace Bond of L. J. Manges for Roseland Twp. be approved. Motion carried. At 10:30 A.M. E. A. Allen and W. M. Whelan appeared before the board to discuss relief work. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15, when they again resumed with all members present except Cole. At 1:30 P.M. a committee from the Adams' County Medical Assn, appeared before the board to discuss plans for having on hand a supply of serum for Infantile Paralysis, and in regard to removal of tonsils of school children where the parents claim inability to pay for such service. At 3 P.M. charge on Motion by the clerk a committee form the Adams County Banker's Assn. appeared before the board in regard to service County Deposits but ae action was defered until the next regular meeting. Bauer, seconded by Shannon, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and instructed to issue warrants for same. Roll call, all voted aye Motion carried. Except/Cole being absent. GENERAL FUND. Adams Co. Medical Assn. Bat tan Bauer Binderup Co. Judge Cannon Central Power Co. City Electric Dept. Cole Collman Co. Sheriff Co. Supt Davis Democrat Printing Co Clerk of Dist. Court Clerk of Dist. Court Evans Fischer Furniture Exchange Gartner Gartner Gartner t inch, (t D1 Gauderault Merc. Co. Gauderault Merc. Co. Hamel Hastings Daily Tribune Heartwells Jones K -B Printing Co. K -B Printing Co, K -B Printing Co K -B Printing Co Keith, et al Kenesaw Progress Kister's, Auto Serv. Kline Land Laurel Book Co. Laurel Book Co. Lincoln School Supply Co. Lincoln School Supply Co. Lincoln Tel. & Telg. Co. Lincoln Tel. & Telg. Co. Lincoln Tel. & Telg. Co. Marian McCook Daily Gagette Milburn & Scott Miller Murphy Typewriter Co Nelson Queen City Laundry Remington Rand Bus. Sery Rutherford Bros Omaha Print ing Co A. I. G. G. A. J. T. N. W. A. 0. B. Elliott R O. G. G. S. Frieda P. H. P. H. ARMSEt A. J. A. J. E. B. Clarence W LoRene Dr. W. W. Jake J. B. C. H. J. E. Worth M Viola M Serum Supplies Supervisor's service Supplies Court costs, postage Drugs Gas Elec. Supervisors services Supplies Jail expense, office supplies Office expense Mileage Directors lists Services Court costs Mileage tt Supplie s Services Highway Commissioner Supervisor's service s temmtosa Sapplies a Services Adv. & Sup. Proc. Repairs Services Supplies ti to it Witness, insanity hearing Supplies Repairs .Supplies Care of inmates at Co. Farm Supplies. n rr tt Services rr rt Supplie s tt H �t Repairs Services Laundry Supplies Repairs Supplies n - Farm Bureau - Co. Assessor - Court House $25.00 2.00 57.80 1.95 34.45 5.10 2.47 4g.s4 6s.20 .50 15x.53 10.54 65.00 12.50 7.2o 140.55 2.50 3.40 4.00 5 s. 55 65.6o 70.140 4.55 6. S2 1s.00 103.51 1.50 40.00 9.06 103.10 7.61 10.90 14.00 9.50 12.25 1.6o ss. 6e 16.03 46.4s 20.25 5.72 10.25 6o 65.25 65.00 4.17 s.65 26.50 12.50 21.23 4.17 1.5o 1.25 1.13 7.43 Whelan Whitesel Wi dmai er Moll Zion Office Supply Adams & Co. Adams & Co. Appling Blomenkamp Christensen Detour Diedericks Duncan Enevoldsen Essinger Gar & Oil Co Farmers Union Co-op. Gas Hansen & Son Harpham Haws & Son Hoffman Horton Hudson Huxtable Jannssen Jones & Son John Jone s Jones Kennedy, et al Kleier, et al Kluver Koch, et al Kort Krueger, et al Kuehn, et al Lawson Hdw. Co. Lomax McMahon Mills, et al National Ref. Co. Nebr. Culvert Co. Newman O'Connell Gill Tractor Co. Q'8onnell Gill Tractor Co. Owens Palmer, et al Pauline Oil Co. Paveika Peiffer, et al Petersen Pete's Oil Station Phillips Petro. Co. Placke Pritdaard, et al Geiger & Putney Reiber Rei s Rider Ruhter Schifferns Schuman Shannon Standard Oil Co Silvey Lbr Co. Takata Trausch Winters Zub ro d Dolan W. C. Wm. Mrs. P. N. J. D. J. D. Walter Erwin A. R. Fred Nick C. S. Anders & Oil Co. H. P. Bert W. G. Albert Qhas. Jim Edgar Herman Ayr Twp. Bell Blaine Twp. David Denver Twp. Eighmy Fairbanks Hanover Twp. Heartwell Highland Twp. Juniata Twp. Xenesa* Twp. ., Little Blue t p. Logan Twp, - Chris Kyle Walter Den Herman Henry Raymond Clarence Paul Fred C. K. R. A. Chas. Willard Wallace A. H. Wm. Wm. Carl F. O. W. Frank Clyde Dan tL. A. Tim . A. H. Peter Carl Maurice J. A. Fred Mike John Jake Oliver P. John W. B. Lester C. A. Services Supervisors services Mileage Services Suppl ie s COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND. Repairs Repairs Labor Team work Gas Tears work n Hardware Blacksmith work Gas & Oil Gas & Oil Blacksmith work Labor Gas Team work It Labor Dragging Co. roads Team work Supplie s Labor t1 Dragging Co. roads Labor Dragging Co. roads Team work Tears work Dragging Co. roads Supplies Raod work Labor tt Gas & Oil Repairs Labor Repairs tt Labor Road Patrolman Gas Blacksmith work Dragging Co. roads Teams work Gas & Oil 0 Team work Labor Dynamite Team work Dragging Co Roads Labor Team work u Labor tt Gas & Oil Repairs Labor Team work tt Repairs ROAD DRAGGING FUND. Dragging Twp. roads Labor Dragging Twp. roads Labro Dragging Twp. roads Labor tt Dragging Twp. roads Co. Surveyor Dragging Twp. roads tt n fi n tt x+0.00 70.20 5.10 35.95 2.35 17.17 5.25 7.50 67.50 1.00 14.00 15.00 7.90 41.25 267.55 131.30 18.20 37.50 125.63 30.00 13.50 4.00 3.75 12.00 21.55 4.00 50.00 15.75 46.5o 52.57 4.00 61.31 15.40 27.00 59.99 19.43 9.60 � 2(0� . 40 40.37 31.05 28.09 27.00 82.53 132.54 7.50 56.00 164.97 18.25 27.00 6.00 21.35 14.50 12.00 143.00 27.20 12.60 6.00 6.00 15.00 12.00 84.00 50.00 160.45 2.20 47.00 9.6o 18.00 .50 17.50 45.50 44.5o 35.00 73.37 84.00 45.50 20.81 194.50 33.25 27.63 50.57 16. oo 67.37 26.50 Shaw Silver Lake Twp. Verona Twp. Wanda Twp. Zero Twp. Adams Co. Chapter A.R.C. ft it Bauer Virgil's Cash Store t1 Brown, M.D. Cannon Davis, et al Eckhardt ft Evans Flowers Glasco Hahn Hempel Oil Co tt Johnson & Gentert Jone s n Jungerman Kelley Koh lb ry Leonard Leply Groc. Mary Lanning Memorial Mary Lanning Memorial Matthiesen & Co Moon Schneider Simpson & Joh Sunnyside Sypherd Whi sinan d Hospital Hospital Blocker Boltjes Brown, et, al Byers LumberCo. Carper, et al Genloff Mid State Construction Co. Mid State Construction Co. Smidt Theobald, Co. Treas. Valentine Wheeler Lbr. Co. Marian Shannon 4Ihitesel Ruhter Chas. tt Henry J. W. T. N. Mrs. F. Carl Chas. C. 0. G. Harry Mrs. Anna Dr. 0. H. James G. n C. E. L. Herman L. G. MrsLulu Edith M Mrs. D. N. Carl Orvil John Vern Floyd Art Dick A. J. Harm H. E. F. E. W. C. M. Fred Labor Dragging Twp. roads tt tt P00R AID FUND Transportation tt Groc. 0 ff Services Drugs Services Groc 0 tt 11 Services 11 Groc. tt n tt N ft tt tl Services Groc. Services n Drugs Services 11 Groc Services tt Groc. BRIDGE FUND Labor 0 Lumber Bridge work Team work Bridges Repairing bridges Team work Frieght Labor Lumber SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND S & S relief com. ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST 1. Road work Road Fund SUPERVISOR DIST II. Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST III. Road work 14.80 38.12 44.13 40.75 47.12 11.29 25.70 13.29 (5. 81 10.16 12.67 13.00 11.50 62.00 4.23 5.09 4.68 3.80 15.00 25.00 1.99 1.80 10.32 19.95 19.01 29.24 20.00 1.80 8.06 11.88 44.35 6.25 3.25 21.43 122.00 37.13 189.00 17.33 27.14 10.00 4.00 18.00 251.35 12.00 6.00 1035.17 400.00 2.40 812.44 4.00 624.31 200.00 70.00 75.00 75.00 Motion by Shannon, seconded by Ruhter, that this board now adjourn to meet again on October 6th, 1931 at 9 o'clock A.M. Moti•n carried. Board adjourned. 7iy-2 U A� County Clerk. Deputy County C� -rk. Chairman. Court House, Hastings, Nebr. Tuesday, Oct. 6th, 1931. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of -the -Adams -County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment Roll call, members present: -Bauer, Cole, Gartner, of September 5th, 1931. Marian, Ruhter, Shannon, and Whitesel. Minutes of last meeting -were -read and approved. Mot on by Ruhter, seconded by Cole, that the foliowing miscellaneous receipts be made a part of the Supervisors records. Motion carried. 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 3003 # 3004 # 3005 # 3006 # 3007 # 3008 # 3009 # 3010 # 3011 # 3012 # 3013 # 3014 #3015 # 3016 # 3017 # 3018 # 3019 # 3020 # 3021 # 3022 # 3023 # 3024 # 3025 # 3026 # 3027 # 30 28 # 3029 # 3030 # 3031 #3032 Dillenbach, Cl. of Dist. Bass, St. Treas. Gartner Bohlke, Co. Judge Bohlke, Co. Judge Jones, Co. Clerk First Nat'l Bank Prosser State Bank Hastings Nat'l Bank Nebr. Nat'l Bank Jones, Co. Clerk. Pauline State Bank Roseland State Bank Dillenbach Dillenbach Crosson Bohlke, Co. Judge First State Bank, Hayland First State Bank, Kenesaw State Treas. of Nebr. Dillenbach, Cl. of Dist. Court Bohlke, Co. Judge Bohlke, Co Judge Bohlke, Co. Judge Taylor, St. Supt. of Schools Snader, Admi. Button, Reg of Deeds Rigg Hall County Whitesel, Chairman Co. Farm W. C. Weiler City Treas. Helen First 'rust Co., Lincoln Cancelled Auditor of Public Accounts Bohlke, Co. Judge Whitesel Hempel Miller Shannon Nash & Barrell Merchant Lillenbach, Cl of Dist. Court Jones, Co. Clerk Auditor of Public Accounts Phillips Buzzard McHarry Bohlke, Co. Judge Bohlke, Co. Judge Bohlke, Co. Judge Bohlke, Co. Judge Bohlke, Co. Judge Prosser State Bank Hastings Nat'l Bank Cancelled Nebr. Nat'l Bank Bohlke, Co. Judge Dillenbach,C1. of Dist. Court Dillenbach, 01. of Dist. Court Pauline State Bank Whitesel First State Bank, Hayland ourt" Lucia. T.W. P. H. W. Halsey 7. Halsey T. W. T. W. Lucia Lucia Raymond L. W. H. Lucia W. Halsey W. Halsey W. Halsey Chas. W W. A. L. N. R. R. __ Totion by nhitesel, seconded by Shannon, file. Motion carried. W. H. W. C. Carl Vern F. E. C. N. & C. E. T. 0. Lucia T. W. 2 L. 0. S. J. W. W. H. W. H. W. H. W. H. W. H. W. H. Lucia Lucia W. C. Deposit Gen Fund Road dragging Fund BridgeFund Fines n Fees Int. on Deposits Int on Deposits Int on Deposits Int. on Deposits 't nGen. Fund Int. on Deposits Int. on Deposits Gen Fund Gen Fuad Fees Fines & Licenses Int. on Deposits Int. on Deposits Road dragging Gen Fund Gen Fund Gen. Fund Gen. Fund Apportionment Inheritance tax Fees Bridge Road dragging Gen Fund City of`Hastings Bond Acct.,City of Cancelled r Road Dragging Fines & Licenses Road Dragging Gen Fund Gen Fund Road dragging Gen Fund Gen .Fund Gen Fund Hail Ins. Road Dragging Gen. Fund Gen Fund Gen Fund Fines & Licenses Fines & Licenses Fines & Licenses Fines & Licenses Fines & Licenses Int or Deposits Int on Deposits Int. on Deposits Fines & Licenses Gen Fund Gen- Fund Int. on Deposits Road dragging Int on Deposits n ri n h Tl ft TT "a rr n T, 11 T1 n n n u n n rr n rr n n F u n n 6.00 3095.84 37.30 5.10 10.00 1.95 435.69 50.00 329.01 288.42 597.25 37.50 140.83 16.0:0 6.00 274.75 97.00 58.75 150.00 3410.34 1158.90 1181.25 95.90 89.10 8818.76 197.20 635.05 8.00 32.10 62.50 25000.00 Hastings 4319.50 3738.91 89.19 50.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 276.92 4123.71 5.00 5.00 4.50 8.20 100.00 93.10 81.35 55.00 50.00 180.91 173.25 7.00 5.00 2.50 37.50 1.10 75.00 that the third- quarterly report of the County Sheriff be placed on At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15, when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Cole, seconded by Marian, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk instructed to issueaarraXtts for same. Roll call, all voted aye: Motion carried. Bauer GENERAL FUND G. G. Supervisors services 72.60 Binderup Hdvr°Co Supplies 2.64 Central NebrMillwork Co Central Power Co City Elec. Co City Fuel & Feed Co Cole Craft Crosson, Sheriff Cunningham, Co Supt. Davis Deines i)rug Co Deines Drug Co Dericks Bike Shop Dillenbach, Cl. Dist. Evans First Trust Co Fischer Gartner Gartner Gartner Gartner Gash, et al Gandreault Mere Co Hastings Daily Tribune Haynes Bros Kargo K -B Printing Co K- B Printing Co KB Printing Co K -B Printing Co K -D Printing Co Keith, et al Kenesaw Progress Kline Land Land Laurel Book Co Lawson Hdw Co Lincoln Tel & Telg. Co o Lincoln Tel & Telg C McGrath Hdw Co. Marian Marian Bros Milburn & Scott Co Miller Queen City Laundry Ransom Rants Renner & Co Rosenau Ruhter Schroeder, Co.Atty Serf Printing Co Shannon Sims Sims State Journal Co Stewart W. A. Carl Raymond L. Lottie E. Elliott R Court O. St. John Underwood Trpewriter-Co University ub. Co Wekesser-Brinkman'Co Whitesel Widmaier Abel Construction'Co-- Ayr Twp Bell Blaine Twp Juniata Twp Carswell Mfg. Co Cottonwood Twp Denver Twp Emil Fairbanks Hageman Hdw Co Hanover Twp Heartwell The Hugh Co Highland Twp Kenesaw Twp Lippincott Lippincott Little But Twp Logan Twp Marchant Lucia G. G. S. Frieda Henry' P. H. P. H. Agnes A. J. Renus Dr. W. W. JB C. H. C. H. C. K. J. H. J. E. Worth M. Albert Chas. Percy J. C. M. Fred H. G. O. E. F. E. B. M. B. M. Walter G E. A. W. C. Wm. • OliverP. The Firman L. Tom Lester C. A. M. M. M. M. E. F. Remodeling doors Gas Light Coal Supervisors services Labor Jail expense, office expense Mileage & Stamps Mileage Supplies Supplies tl Court costs, stamps Mileage Ins. Mileage Services Supplies Supervisors services Salary Highway Commibsioner Services Supplies Supervisors Proceedings Supplies Services Supplies It 11 tt Wintes, insanity hearing Supplies Supplies Care of inmates at Co. Farm Labor Supplies Supplies Services - Farm tureau Services - Court House Supplies Supervisors services Repairs Supplies Supplies Laundry Labor Labor Supplies Services Supervisors services Postage Supplies Supervisors services Supplies 11 tt Services-. Typewriter Supplies Printing briefs Supervisors services Bailiff ROAD DRAGGING FUND, Gravel Dragging -Twp roads Labor Dragging Twp roads Dragging Twp roads Culvert Dragging Twp roads Dragging Twp roads Labor it Repairs Dragging Twp roads Surveying Repairs Dragging Twp roads 11 Gravel Dragging Twp roads Labor 51.50 3.03 50.52 48.06 58.00 2.00 217.40 22.90 65.00 2.70 5.55 1.95 36.00 2.80 558.93 3.40 100.00 6.42 50.40 92.40 52.57 4.39 16.00 5.80 10.80 6.17 10.32 3.02 16.42 3.62 37.40 6.50 3.51 102.96 4.00 23.23 2.50 9.90 71.86 1.50 75.00 33.20 25.59 82.50 4.44 1.60 11.90 191.75 125.12 65.80 6.00 413.20 14.00 1.25 5.00 25.20 47.50 5.00 166.50 8.61 36.25 66.40 21.00 7020.24 33.99 14.00 22.00 33.07 76.26 37.00 27.25 32.00 14.00 78.54 45.25 63.40 115.00 57.25 77.85 1300.00 28.36 57.63 74.88 35.20 Silver Lake Twp Verona Twp Wanda Twp West Blue Twp Zero Twp Dragging Twp roads tt 11 t, n n n ti n tt tt tt n COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Adams Co J. D. Repairs Anderson, et al Roy Dragging Co. roads Atwater, et al Bernard " Bachman Oil Co Battery Barta Bros Repairs Burroughs H. B. Team work Clark J. A. Repairs Deutor Fred Labor Essinger J. W. Repairs Essinger Gar & Oil Co Gas & Oil Fisher W. H. Labor Gartner Walter Team work Geiger & Putney Dynamite Hansen & Son H. P. Labor Hastings Battery & Elec Co " Hastings Machine Sery n Hastings MechanicalWks. n Haws & Son W. G. Gas & grease Huxtable Edgar Dragging Co roads Jones Lyle Labor Jones Ray n Kleier Herman Dragging Co roads Kluver Henry Labor Lutz Ernest Dragging Co roads McGrath Hdw Co J H Bolts McMahon Chas Team work Mangers Frank May Dale Labor Nat'l Refining Co Oil Nebr. Culvert & Mfg Co Grader blade O'Connell -Gill Tractor Co Repairs O'Connell -Gill' Tractor Co it O'Connell -Gill Tractor Co n O'Connell -Gill Tractor Co n Osborn Oil Co Gas & Oil Palmer, et al Wm. Labor Paris Fred Team work Paulikat, et al August Team work Pauline Oil Co Gas & Oil Peterson, et al Frank A Dragging Co roads Pate's Oil Station Gas Peters Ed Dragging Co. roads Pritchard Clyde Team work Rider J. W. Labor Rider Norris " Roberts, et al Ross Team work Christensen Eno Dragging Co. roads Shumann Carl Labor Silvey Lbr Go J. A. Lath Shannon Maurice Labor Standard Qi1 Co Gas & Oil Taute Fred Team work Trausch Mike n Wright H. B. Bolts Wynne Thos. Labor Zimmerman Herbert Dragging Co. roads Zubrod Jake Repairs BRIDGE FUND Anderson, et al Roy Labor. Byers Lbr. Co Freight Galager Pat Labor Gilliland, et al Otto Team work Juranek Joe n Mid State Construction Co Repairing .bridges - Pauline State Bank Services Scott, et al Dan Labor Tehobald A. J. Office expense, etc POOR AID FUND 26.50 32.87 15.25 51.24 50.49 3.81 59.99 25.11 2.25 3.90 15.00 4.40 60.00 105.55 277.65 4.00 18.75 23.50 2.60 1.75 4.00 2.00 149.00 7.50 68.00 20.40 6.00 2.00 32.62 3.47 12.00 15.00 18.75 64..00 10.10 76.62 15.81 16.49 38.00 171.60 40.00 8.00 61.30 161.15 27.37 19.08 7.50 47.50 6.00 18.00 23.00 44.25 78.00 4.40 i8.00 83.94 28.80 2.40 4.15 4.50 6.00 .75 15.60 512.40 30.00 26.45 3.00 447.26 1.10 93.50 410.31 Adams Co. Chapter AR.0 Transportation 9.50 Cannon T, N. Drugs 11.50 City Fuel & Feed Co Coal 4.00 Coats Cash Groc. Groc 20.73 Craig Mrs. Elia Services 18.00 Crosson Mrs. Wm. L. Services 20.00 Eckhardt Carl Chas Groc 4.29 Johnson & Gentert Groc 8.00 Jungerman Groc n 29.71 Jones James G " 19.00 Kelley E. L. " 20.00 Kenesaw Drug Co Drugs 4.55 Leonard L. G. Services 8.00 Leply Groc. Groc 22.57 Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Services 32.88 Matthiesen & Co Carl R Drugs 2.85 Mead's Groc Groc 12.84 Moon Lulu K Services 22.16 Oelachlager A. R. Groc 19.13 Penney & Co J. C. Supplies 10.43 Schaufelberger Frank Services 20.00 n n n 20.00 Schneider Edith M. " 100.00 Simpson & Joh Groc 37.74 Stein Bros. Co Supplies 1.64 Sumner, M.D. Ella P. Services 25.50 Sunnyside n 210.10 Sypherd Mrs D. N. If 17.14 Virgils Cash Store Groc 9.71 Whisinand C. n 38.57 SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND Marian H. E. S & S relief Com ROAD FUND, SUPERVISOR DIST I Shannon F. E. Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. II. Whitesel W. C. Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST III. Ruhter M. Fred Road work ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST. IV. Sinning Geo Road work 150.00 100.00 45.00 83.00 90.00 Motion by Cole, seconded by Ruhter, that the claim of A. G. Chapman for $21.50 be disallowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Whitesel, that the claim of Dean Stoddard for $25.00 be allowed at. $10.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Shannon, -that this board now adjourn to meet again on Nov. 5th, 1931 at on carried. Board adjourned. 9 o'clock A.M. M ty Clerk Deputy County C'rk. COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Thursady, November 5th, 1931. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of October 6th, 1931. Roll call, members present: Bauer, Cole, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon, and Whitesel. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Ruhter, that the State Bank of Juniata be permittedto withdraw the following securities, held in escrow by the First Trust Company of Lincoln, Nebraska, (trustee) to secure deposits of this County in said bank, to -wit: Lincoln School District 4 3/4% due November 1, 1931 #8 3/4 $2,000.00, and that the substitution of the following securities therefor be and the same hereby is approved, U. S. Fourth 4i% Liberty 1G-15-33/8 $2,000.00. Rollcall, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, District Court an Motion by Ruhter, Treasurer and the 1931 to Jan. lst, seconded by Whitesel, that t!e third quarterly reports of the County Judge, Clerk of d the Register of Deeds be placed on file. Motion carried. seconded by Bauer, that the board approve of the contracts entered into between the County Banks of AdamsCounty to pay a service charge of 1% on County Funds, commencing November 1st, 1933. Roll call, all votes aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Ruhter, that AdamsCounty will not furnish aid to anyone driving a car, operating a radio, smoking cigarettes or attending picture shows. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Marian, tb.t the County Treasurer be authorized to use any excess funds which may be on hand for the purchase of U, S. Certificates of Indebtedness which mature within one year from date of purchase, provided that these purchases be limited to $100,000.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, seconded by Marian, fiat the County Clerk be instructed to procure all bonds held in escrow in the First National Bank to secure County Deposits in the First State Bank at Holstein, and the County Clerk be authorized to sell said bonds whenever the proceeds of same will pay in full the deposits in said bank with interest to date of default, and sufficient of said proceeds to cancel said deposit with interest to be turned over to the County Treasurer, and the balance, if any, be paid to the liquidating agent of the said bank. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15, when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Cole, seconded by Marian, tit the order of the court in regard to Mother's Pensionfor Mrs. Fay Laubon and Mrs. Mary Wendt be complied with and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Whitesel, that the County Treasurer be instructed to transfer $15,000 from the Road Dragging Fund to the County Highway Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Cole, that the following miscellaneous receipts be made records. Motion carried. 3033 #3031+ 3035 # 3036 # 3037 # 303g # 3039 # 3040 # 3041 # 3042 # 3043 # 3014 # 3045 # 3046 # 3047 # 3048 # 3049 # 3050 # 3051 Crosson, Sheriff R. L. Shannon F E Auditor of Public Accounts Battan Bohlke, Co Judge Renner & Co Gartner Gartner , Jones, Co. Clerk Bohlke, Co. Judge CB&QRRCo Byers Lbr Co Dillenbach, 01 of Dist. Court Dillenbach, 01 of Dist Court Button, Reg of Deeds Gartner_ Land Bohlke, Co. Judge Bohlke, Co. Judge A. I. W. H. Percy P H P H T. W. W. Halsey Lucia Lucia LN._. P H CH W Halsey W. H a part of the Supervisors Credit Gen. Fund Bridge Fund rr Road Dragging Fund Gen. Fund Fines & Licenses Gen Fund Bridge Fund Road Dragging Fund Gen Fund Fines Bridge Fund Gen Fund Gen Fund Gen Fund Gen Fund Road Dragging Gen Fund Gen Fund Fines & Licenses rr Motion by Shannon, seconded by Marian, that the following claims be allowed Clerk instructed to, issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Bauer Binderup Hdw Co. Bohlke, Co Judge Brooke & Son Burroughs Adding Mch. Co Cannon Carper Central Power Co City Water & Light Dept. Clay Cooper Coal Co Cole Crosson, Sheriff GENERAL FUND. 232.21 2.50 4257.96 2.00 6.90 20.00 25.50 51+0.00 250.00 25.00 4.00 .6o 5.00 1231.54 525.35 660.0o 155.65 934.75 2.10 on their respective funds and the Motion carried. G. G. Supervisors services Supplies W. Halsey Court costs, postage Supplie s n T. N. r' - County Farm Dorothy Services Gas Water & Light Homer A Services Coal W. A. Supervisors services Raymond L Jail expense, office expense Lottie E Mileage, postage 72.80 7.23 54.65 1.60 1.25 2.00 36.00 1.23 191.52 7.40 44.97 65.20 252.51 44.33 Frankel Carbon &Ribbon Mfg. Co. Gartner Gartner Gartner Gaudreault Merc. Co. Hankins HastingsDaily Tribune Johnson Johnson K -B Printing Co k -B Printing Co K -B Printing Co K -B Printing Co Keith, et al. Land. Laurel. Book Co. Lawson Hdw Co Lincoln School Supply Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co Local Registers Macmillan Co Marian Matthiesen & Co Milburn & Scott Queen City Launiry Ruhter St. John Stewart Simms Shannon Serf Printing Co Schroeder Theobald, Co. Treas. Underwood TypewriterCo Underwood. Typewriter Co. University Pub. Co. University Pub. Co. Whitesel Widmaier Zinns' Zion Office Supply Co Ayr. Twp. Bell Blaine Twp. Denver Twp. Emil Fairbanks Hanover Twp Heartwell Hignland Twp The Hugh Co Juniata Twp Kenesaw Twp Lippincott Little Blue Twp Little Blue Twp Logan Twp Mack Mid. State Construction Co Nebr. Culvert & Mfg, Co 01Connell-Gill Tractor Co Oliver Lbr Co Roseland. Twp Silver Lake Twp. Verona Twp Wanda Twp West Blue Twp Zero Twp Adams & Co Asmus Baker, et al Carper Classen Detour Dieken Duncan Dycus Eighmy, et al Enevoldsen Essinger Gar & 011 Co Essinger RArmprIR Ur -Jinn nn -nn_ Gas & 011 Go Frieda P. H. P. H. A. J. Sylvia Lee W. Lee W. Dr. W. W. C. H. C. K. J. E. Carl R M Fred. E. A. Walter G. B. M. F. E. O. E. Herman G A. J. Supplies Services Salery Highway Commissioner Services on Board Supplies Services Printing Services Supplies 11 11 Witness, insanity hearing Care of inmates at Co. Farm Supplies Supplies Services- Farm Bureau - Court House ti Supplies Supervisors services Supplies fl Laundry Supervisor services Services Supplies 9 Supervisor services Supplies Postage, office expense Office expense Supplies W. C. Supervisor services Wrri. Baliff Supplies Oliver P Tom Lester C. A. M. M Earl JD F. R. Floyd. Floyd. Anton Fred W. F. C. S. W C. Wm Anders J. W. ROAD DRAGGING FUND.: Dragging Twp. roads Labor Dragging Twp roads 11 Labor 14 Dragging Twp roads Co. Surveyor Dragging Twp roads Repairs Dragging Twp roads If Gravel Dragging Twp roads 11 Gravel Repairs t1 Stakes Dragging Twp. rm ds ti 11 I1 COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND. Repairs Labor Team work Labor 14 Team work Labor Blacksmith work Gas & Oil Supplies Gas & Oil 2.50 71.22 82.20 72.20 234.58 30.80 24.50 48.00 10.00 3.14 9.06 8.41 3.10 17.00 110.85 5.04 6.00 150.32 10.55 63.15 49.50 2.30 65.00 .5o 18.63 4.74 51.4o 18.80 8.25 4.45 132.50 316.90 14.31 33.25 .20 .40 8.61 67.08 81.70 39.0o 2.00 10.65 103.61 3.50 96.28 83.12 84.00 10.50 111.25 21.10 99.63 115,00 118.36 84.99 1256.96 18.19 84.36 61.75 559.70 4166.32 11.24 149.82 .80 100.37 60.99 148.18 84.25 59.49 75.23 21.28 20.00 22.50 4.00 24.60 59.2o 19.20 6.15 39.16 80.80 30.25 263.50 36.00 39.00 „.; - - • •• • - • • • ,• -•• ,•• -- • • • , „ , , , , .•• •Y'L .r-"fj Hinricks Hoffman, et al Hollenbeck Hupf Huxteble Janssen Johnson Jones & Son Jones Keller Oil Co Klein, et al Kluver, et al Kort Lomax, et al Lutz McGrath Hdw Co McLeod, et al Moss, et al National Refining Co Osborn Oil Co Palmer, et al Patterson Pauline Oil Co Pavelka Peters Petels Oil Station Plautz, et al Prante, Pritchard, et al Rider Schuman Shannon Silvey Lbr Co Snyder Gar & Mch Shop Standard Oil Co Stompenhorst Syring Tante Utecht Zimmerman, et al R. K. Theo H. L. Joe Edgar Robert Henry G Lyle Carl Henry Ervin R. A. Ernest q. H. George W. H. Labor 11 Dragging Co roads Labor Supplies Labor Gas Dragging Co roads Labor Road work Team work Labor Supplies Dragging Co roads tf Oil Gas & Oil Wm. Labor James M Gas Wm. Blacksmith work Ed. Labor Gas & Oil Richard Team work Wm. Clyde Labor Norris Carl to Maurice J. A. Supplies Labor Theo Gas & Oil Team work Herbert Labor Fred Martin Herman Dragging Co roads BRIDGE FUND. kyr Lbr. Co Wire Clatte Russell Labor Gartner Herman Kistler Cecil Kistler Chester Koon John Myers Ervin has Palmeralmer McMahon Wm. Team work Pauline Grain Co Bridge Piling Rickerson Lee Labor StromerFrank Team work Wigert, et al Ben Woods, et al Lee Labor 57,00 27.15 4.00 11.25 20.25 20.25 4.00 16.27 59.20 46.25 63.0o 44.00 11.6o 16.00 11.00 6.52 84.75 log.67 30.80 204.20 18.80 52.00 120.75 40.45 31.05 28.11 104.40 7.00 1o4.80 66.00 s6.00 10.00 4.6o 13.25 8.70 66.00 13.20 12.15 16.2o 101.81 18.80 4.50 10.00 15.60 7.95 9.90 18.00 6,6o 9.60 19.25 2.40 6.75 37.70 20.00 COUNTY PAI FUND. Adams Co. Agriculture Society Permiums on exhlbits & pernament improvements 365.0 ROAD FUND OF SUPERVISOR DIST. No.2. Whitesel W. C. Road work 45.00 ROAD FUND OF SUPERVISOR DIST No.3. Ruhter M. Fred Road work 65.00 POOR AID FUND, Adams Co. Chapter American Red Cross Transportation 9.67 0 0 13.00 Adcock Newton1.50 Drayage Ayr Lor Co Coal 1.33 Beghtol Dr. J. V. Services 15.00 Cannon T. N. Drugs 13.50 City Fuel & Feed Co Coal 19.45 Cowton C08,1 CO 11 23.10 Cox Dr, Harold Services 38.00 Crosson Mrs. W. L. 0 20.00 Dickerson F. E. Drugs 1.60 EckhardtChas Groc. 5.86 Evans O. G. II 2.49 Feese J. P. Services 20.00 Guildner C. Wayne 11 fl n 13 11 l Hartwig Dr. C. H If 4.00 Jungerman Groc. Groc Juniata Grain & Live Stock Assn Coal Kenesaw Drug Co Drugs Kindig J. E. Groc Leonard L. J. Services Leply Groc Groc Mace John L Services Mace John L '" Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital If Meads Groc, Groc Moon Lulu K Service Needham, et al Mrs. E. L. " Oelschlager A. R. Groc Prosser Lbr Co Coal Schaufelberger Frank Services Schneider Mrs. Edith i' Silvey Lbr Co J. A. Coad. Sims B. M Drugs Simpson & Joh Groc Sumner, M.D. Ella Services Sunnyside " Sypherd Mrs. D.N. " Trausch John 11 Virgil's Cash Stora Groc Volland-Brand Funeral Home Services w'Fhi sinand Carl Groc 37.26 54.30 10.55 s. 69 8.00 34.83 18.00 10.00 2.25 13.20 22.16 62.00 3.93 13.05 10.00 112.00 17.25 1.85 47.26 17.00 199.00 17.72 38.63 12.54 75.00 57.94 Motion by Whitesel, .secondee by Baaer, that this board now adjourn to meet again on December 5th, 1931 at 9 o'clock A. ii, Motion carried. Board adjourned. County Clerk. Chairman. Deputy County Ole COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR, Saturday, December 5th, 1931. 9 o'clock A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of November 5th, 1931. Roll call, members present: Bauer, Cole, Gartner, Marian, Ruhter, Shannon and Whitesel. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Motion by nuhter, seconded by Whitesel, that the request of the Prosser State Bank to transfer bonds. in escrow from the First National bank to the Hastings National Bank be granted, and the request of the First State Bank Kenesaw to transfer bond in escrow from the First National Bank to the Nebraska National Bank be grant -,ed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by 'Whitesel, seconded by Ruhter, that the order of the court in regard to Mother's Pension for Vera Dean Sanford, Lucy Blunt and Emma Dell Young be complied with and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the board recessed until 1:15 when the board again resumed with all members present. The foli.owing bids were submitted on No. 1 Common Fir full sawn bridge plank: Wheeler Lumber Co., $29.70, per M., Hastings, J. A. Silvey Lumber Co., $29.75 per M., Hastings, Byers Lumber Co., $30.25 per M., Hastings. Motion by Ruhter, seconded by Cole, that the following names be submitted to the Clerk of District Court from which to draw the jury for the next term of District Court: Little Blue Twp. W. D. Baker Walter Gartner. Highland Twp. Frank Beach Charley Junker C. W. Rife. Silver Lake Twp. John Ricker Frank Placke John .Y . Worley Zero Twp. Fred Mohlman Vergil Bates Louie Meilheisen Denver Twp. W. H. Wolfe Harm Valentine Jr Henry F. Mohling Wanda Twp. Chas. Edmondson Clifford Hazelbarth Otto Gilliland Ayr. Twp. John Thompson John Woodworth Grover Brannigan Blaine Twp. F. R. Asmus Edgar Huxtable Albert A. Schroeder Kenesaw Twp. William Lambrecht H M Finnigsmier Edd Anderson Hanover Twp. Tilman Parks R A Lay Walter Stromer Cottonwood Twp. Paul Miller Otto C. Hansen Herman Huckfeldt Verona Twp. Chas. Welch Edward Kroll. West Blue Twp. L. E. Perkins Edward B. Morris Logan Twp. Hans Lang 0 W Peterson Juniata Twp. Oscar Hansen Ernst 0 Jacobitz Chas W. Crosier. City of Hastings. A. Barth, John Stroh, Henry Bexten, Geo. Harm, Henry Fette, Jacob Adler, Newton Adcock, John Hopp, Geo. Trupp, H. Zimmerman, J. W. Turner, Jacob Thiel Jr., W. W. Branagan, H. E. Bowman, John M. .Cole, L. E. Harley, Jacob Roelse, W. T. Anderton, Peter Goedert, Carl E. Norman, D. C. Hewitt, Geo. Bramble, Chas. E. McCaffery, Adam J. Sliger, Geo® Pratt, Frank Coon, Edgar Morgan, Chas. Rants, Bert Morledge, H. G. Kline, Glen Reams, P. 0. Strayer, A. L. Galer, A. A. Williamson, Everett Dykeman, Alvin Berck. Motion by Cole, seconded by Shannon, that the personal bond of Lucia Dillenbach, Clerk of District Court for dlO,OOO be approved. Motion carried, Motion by Cole, seconded by Shannon, thatthis board approve of $50,000 U.S. 4th Liberty Loan Bonds offered by the Nebraska National Lan'_ as'security for County Deposits. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Shannon, seconded by Marian, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried.. Battan Bauder Bauer Bind.erup Hdw Co Bohlke, Co Judge Burlington Lunch Room Cannon Carl Cafe Central Power Co City Electric Dept Clay Cole Crosson Cunningham, Co. Supt Cunningham Davis Deines Drug Co Dericks Bike Shop Dickerson Dillenbach,Clerk of Dist Court Fischer Gerrard Hankins Gartner Hastings Tribune Haynes Bros. Health & Co Heartwells Heartwells A. I. Mary K G G W. Halsey fi N Homer W A Raymond L Lottie E Lottie E Elliott R F E Lucia G. S. H. E. Sylvia P. H. D. C. Clarence W s GENERAL FUND. Supplies Services Supervisors services Supplies Court costs, office expense Jury meals Drugs Co Farm Jury meals Gas Light Service s Supervisors services Jail expense, office supplies Office expense Mileage s, Supplies Drugs Court costs, office expense Services fl tt Supervisors services Printing Supplies Services 11 .40 12.00 80.40 9.75 6.10 3.55 3.25 43.80 1.70 57.27 40.00 68.20 176.92 12.58 23.50 65.00 2.25 .50 2.00 491.05 3.40 6.00 80.00 73.60 251.68 7.65 2.14 1.40 .75 Keith, et al Kline Land Lincoln Telephone & Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co Marian Milburn & Scott Co Murphy Co National Gash. Register Co Nebr Institution of Feeble Minded Palmer Co Penny Co Queen City Laundry Remington Rand Inc. Renner & Co Renner & Co Ruhter School Dist. # 18 Schroeder Serf Shannon Simms St. John Stroh Templin Theobald, Go. Treas University Pub. Co ghitesel_ Widmaier Wolbach & Brach Noll Woodruff Printing Co. Telegraph Co Anderson Bohlke, et al Clifton, et al Detour Duncan Dycus Essinger Gar & Oil Co Essinger Farmers Union Co-op Gas & Oil Co Farmers Union State EXchange Fischer Ga r .gwi sh Gerloff Harpham Harpham Hastings Machine Sery Haws & Son Hoffman, et al Hubbard Huxtable, et al Jones Keller Oil Co Kluver Lawson Hdw Co Manske McGrath Hdw Co National Refining Co Newman O'Connell Gill Tractor Co Oliver.Lumber Co Palmer, et al Pete's Oil Station Peterson, et al Powers Service Station Pritchard, et al Schmidt Schuman Silvey Lbr Co Stompenhorst, et al Stromer Van Busch Van Wie Ayr Trap BlaineTwp Cottonwood Twp Cottonwood. Twp Denver Twp Eighmy Hageman Hdw Co Hanover Twp Dr W W J B C H J E R E A N J C Percy Percy M. Fred Herman G 0 E F E B M E A John W H A. J W. C. Wm Mrs. M. G. Leo Oscar Frank Fred C. S. W. C. J. W. Olen M. C. Simon Bert Joe Sr W. G. Theo Andy Edgar C. Lyle John C. K. Carl J. H. H. G. Wm Frank A Clyde E. R. Carl J. A. Theo Geo H Chas Norris rWm F C Witness, insanity hearing Supplies Board of inmates at County Farm Services - Farm Bureau Services - Court House Suporvisors services Supplies Services Supplies it Laundry Supplies rr n Supervisors services Rent Office expense Supplies Supervisors services Supplies Services n Supplies Office expense Supplies Supervisors services Services Suppli_ e s Services Supplies COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND. Labor Team work Patrolman Labor Wire Team work Gas & Oil Repairs Gas & Oil Supplies Patrolman S} Team work Blacksmith work Labor Blacksmith work Gas Dragging County Patrolman Dragging County roads Labor Gas & 011 Patrolman Supplies Team work Repairs Oil Patrolman Tractor parts Stakes Team work Oil Dragging County roads Gas Labor Patrolman Labor Lath Dragging county roads Repairs Team work Repairs roads ROAD DRAGGING FUND. Dragging Twp roads ,r n 11 Labor Supplies Dragging Twp. roads 17.00 1.15 107.25 9.68 73.20 65.00 9.18 2.00 .80 54.34 2.50 17.86 4.65 2.00 12.00 17.50 58.40 10.00 12.25 9.75 86.00 2.75 25.00 1.60 1.25 6.00 19.67 74.00 41.00 3.92 118.50 5.00 7.20 19.20 117.76 16.00 3.86 18.50 129.15 21.75 12.15 1.85 49.91 57.04 3.00 33.90 24.40 .75 37.00 15.00 85.56 16.87 20.80 63.00 49.68 15.62 6.00 5.66 34.30 49.91 21.96 27.80 56.80 1.02 51.00 4.90 32.85 94.76 37.60 1.00 31.50 4.75 13.20 1.50 22.75 30.62 6.00 39.37 38.12 24.40 27.81 23.50 Kenesaw Twp. Little Blue 2wp Log an Twp Mack Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co. Peterson Co Silver Lake Twp. Verona Twp. Wanda Twp. West Blue Twp. Zero Twp. Palmer, et al Adams Co. Chapter A.R.C. Adams Co. Chapter A.R.C. Adcock Bauer Beghtol Brown, M D Cannon City Fuel & Feed Co Coats Cowton Coal Co Crosson Eckhardt Eckhardt Flowers Goble Cuildner Hardt Drug Co Hastings Fuel Co Huckfeldt Johnson & Gentert Jones Jungerman Kelley n Kenesaw Drug Kenesaw Mill Kohlbry Leonard Leply Croc Mary Lanning Mary Lanning Lary Lanning Matthiesen & McNeil Meads Groc Moon Needham, et Pratt Mere. Schneider Sherman Silvey Lbr Simms Simpson & Sumner Sunnyside Swanson Sypherd Virgil's Cash Walker Whisinand Co & Elev Co Memorial Hosoital Memorial Hospital Memorial Hospital Co al Co Co. Joh Marian Ruhter 'tore Earl H. J. Nim. Dragging Twp roads 11 n Gravel Repairs Gravel Dragging Twp. roads 11 11 11 BRIDGE FUND. Labor POOR AID FUND. Services 11 Groc Services 11 Drugs Coal Groc Coal Services Groc 11 t, It Services Drugs Coal Services Groc t1 11 t1 Drugs Coal Groc Services Groc Services Drugs Services Groc Services Services Groc Services Supplies Coal Drugs Groc Services Services 11 I1 Groc TT n N D Dr James V J. W. T N B F Mrs W L C R H Jay C Wayne C. T. James G C E L E L H Mrs. L. G. Carl R Dr. L. S. Lulu K J. C. J. C. Edith M. Ben J. A. B. M. Dr. Ella P Leonard A Mrs D N Conrad C V SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF COMMISSION. Harry E Soldiers & Sailors relief ROAD FUND SUPERVISOR DIST 3. M. Fred Road work 44.87 6.25 43.75 39590 30.98 554.40 26.82 24.25 10.38 19.37 43.36 10.80 12.00 47.48 9.50 9.30 3.00 10.00 11.50 15.80 18.83 43.50 20.00 5.20 18.88 10.64 2.95 9.00 1.60 4.15 3.75 7.99 19.00 48.00 20.00 20.00 3.35 39.10 13.62 8.00 42.30 22.55 28.50 43.60 9.35 3.00 25.74 21.4.3 60.00 7.79 100.00. .98 6.40 7.20 47.12 16.00 208.50 39.34 17.11 10.01 3.37. 52.78 200.00 30.00 Motion by dhitesel, seconded by Marian, that this board now adjourn to meet again Jan. 5, 1932 at 9 o'clock A.M. Motion carried. Boar •� adjourned. County Clerk. ,moi Deputy County C - k.