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Supervisors Rec 11 1922
Are SUPERVISOR'S ROOM, COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, JUNE 12th 1922, 10 o'clock, A. M. Meeting called to order by T. G. Whiting, Chairman. Roll call, all Members as follows: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Keal, Ratcliff, Sorensen and Whiting, Committee appointed at the last meeting to investigate the application, for a blind pension of of Gleason Wait, recommend that the sum of $96.00 per year be allowed and upon motion by Sorensen, Second by Hargleroad the report of the committee was accepted and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants wuarterly for the same* Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Keal that the Official Bond of R. H. Struss, Road Overseer, District a, Verona Township be approved. Motion carried. F. P. Olmstead appeared before the Board and urged that electric lights be placed on the top of the Court House. The Land & Building Committee reported to the Beard that the Izard Decorating Company, who are decorating the Court House had offered to decorate certain parts of the basement of the Court House for $190.00. This is in addition to the specifications of the contract they are now working under, which upon motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens was accepted by the Board and the Land & Building Committee were instructed to have this work done. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock the Board recessed. At 1 P. M. the Board resumed. All Members present. Petition signed by Mrs F. E. Shannon and others asking that the Board do not employ a County Nurse was read before the Board and upon motion by Hargleroad, Second by Keal the prayer of said petitioner was granted. Road and Bridge Committee reports that they have investigated, petitions on file for new bridges and have inspected the locations mentioned in said petitions and recommend the Iolleiving: Petition of John Schifferns and others asking for a new Bridge between Section 29 & 30, Roseland Township. Repair old bridge at this place. Petition of Julius Koepke and others asking that the bridge located about 100 rods west of NE corner, Section 31-5.10 be built new or repaired. Disallow petition. Petition of Julius Koepke and others asking that a bridge be built about 100 roads west of the NE corner Section 33-5-10. Disallow petition. Petition of Ed Koepke and others asking that a new bridge be built about 115 roads from NWcorner Sec 30-5-10. Disallow petition. Petition of Andrew Stromer and others asking that a new bridge be built between Sec 17 and 20, Hanover Township. Disallow petition. Geo W Bivens Geo B Durkee W B Hargleroad ROAD & BRIDGE COMMITTEE Motion by Keal, Second by Sorensen that the report and recommendation of the Road and Bridge Committee be adopted and made the order of the Board. Roll call, ayes: Bivens, Hargleroad, Keal, Sorensen and Whiting. Nays: Durkee and Ratcliff. Motion carried. Motion by iiargleroad, Second by Bivens that we order built one concrete bridge 16ft waterway, 20ft 3 Road and Bridge Committee make the following report on Petitions on file for changes in roads and recommend petitions be allowed and disallowed as follows: Petition of Ed T. Stromer and others to widen corner where County Road No. 3 intersects with State and Federal Road No. 40 at corner of Section 17-7.9, aim petition. Petition of J. Frisch and others to widen a road from 18ft to 34ft commeneing at SE corner of NE4 of NWt of Section 8.7-9 and running north 80 rods. Disallow petition. Motion by Sorensen, Second by Keal that the report and recommendation of the Road & Bridge Committee be adopted and made the order of the Board. Roll call, all voted aye, and motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Durkee that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, July, 11, 1922 at 10 A. M. this date being a Statutory Meeting. Ahereupon the Board adjourned. 5 BOARD OF EaUALIZATION Supervisor's Room, Court House, Hastings, Nebraska, %Tuesday, June, 13th 1922, 9 A.M. Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization. Meeting, was called to order by T. G. biting, Chairman. There were present: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Keal, Ratcliff, Sorensen, ?biting, County Assessor, Clark and County Clerk, Cates. The entire forenoon was taken up in looking over the Real Estate and Personal valuations as returned by the Precinct Assessors. Some written complaints asking for reduction in valuations were filed with the Clerk of the Board. At 12 o'clock the Board recessed until 1 o'clock, P. M. At 1 P. M. the Board resumed. All Members present. The entire session was taken up with listening to complaints on Real At 5 o'clock the Board recessed untii Wednesday at 9 A. M. Estate and Personal valuations. Wednesday, June 14th 1922, 9 A. M. Board reassembled as per recess. All Members present including County Assessor and County Clerk. Various complaints were filed with the Clerk asking for reductions on Real Estate and Personal valuations. At 12 noon the Board recessed until 1:30 o'clock, P. M. At 1:30 P. M. the Board resumed. The entire afternoon session was taken up with the examination of complaints filed asking for reduction on valuations. No action of any kind on any of the complaints on file was had by the Board. At 5 Pn M. the Board recessed until Thursday at 9 A. M. Thursday, June, 15th 1922, 9 A. M. Board reassembled as per recess. All Members present including County Assessor and County Clerk. The entire fdrenoon session was taken up in listening to complaints filed on Real Estate and Personal valuations. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1 P. M. At 1 P. M. the Board resumed. The entire afternoon session was taken up going over complaints filed . The Chairman appointed a Committee consisting of Supervisors, Durkee, Sorensen, and Keal to $nvestigate all complaints on file on City Real Estate and Personal valuations. Committee to report their findings and recommendations to this Board on Tuesday, June 20th 1922, at 9 A. M. On all complaints asking for reductions on farm lands the Supervisor, from the district where the lands are located is to investigate and report to the Board their recommendation on the same. The chairman announced that this Board would recess until Tuesday June, 20th 1922 when it would again convene as a Board of Equalization. ihereupon the Board recessed. TUesday, June 20th 1922 , 9 AM. Board of Equalization resumed as per recess of June, 15, 1922. Roll call, all Members present as follows: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Keal, Ratcliff,corensen, ?biting, Clark and Cates. The entire forenoon session was taken up with the consideration of complaints that came in and of complaints 7 At 5 P. M. the Board recessed until Wednesday, June, 21, 1922 at 9 o'clock, A. M. Wednesday, June 21st 1922, 9 o'clock, A. M. At 9 A. M. the Board reassembled. A11 Members present. Harry Scott, Deputy State Tax Commissioner met with the Board and advised on certain matters that had come up for consideration. The entire forenoon session was taken up with problems in which the Deputy State Tax Commissioner fully advised the Board. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1 o'clOck, P. M. At 1 o'clock P. M. the Board resumed. All Members present. Motion by •Keal, Second by Durkee that the County Assessor be instructed to place a valuation, correspond- ing to adjoining property on the following described real estate in the city of Hastings, Block Two(2), Mumaw's Addition and Lots one to twenty-four (1-24) inclusive in Block One (1) E. H. Batty's Sub. Div. of Block Eleven (11) Mumaw's Addition and Lots Oneeto Twenty-four (1-24) Block Two (2), E. E. Batty's Sub Div. of Block Eleven (11) Mumaw's Addition, the same having heretofore been exempt. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The balance of the afternoon session in looking over the personal schedules and Real Estate valuations* At 5 o'clock P. M. the Board recessed until Thursday, June 22nd at 9 A. M. Thursday, June 22nd 1922, 9 o'clock, A. M. The Board resumed as per recess. Roll call, all Members present. The entire forenoon session was taken up in looking over the Personal and Rees' Estate Assessments. At 12 noon the Board recessed until 1 P. M. At 1 P. M. the Board resumed. The entire afternoon was taken up with the general discussion of the Personal and Real Estate Assessment for the year 1922. At 5 o'clock P. M. the Board recessed. urtil, Friday, June 23, 1922 at 9 A. M. Fridday, June, 23, 1922, 9 o'clock, A. M. The Board resumed as per recess. All Members present. The entire forenoon session was taken up in checking over personal Schedules of the different townships and wards with a view of equalizing personal property of the different items on the schedules. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1 o'clock, P. M. At 1 o'clock P. M. the Board resumed. All Members present. Motion by Durkee, Second by Bivens that the following reductions in valuations asked for on personal tax schedules of merchandise stocks in Adams County, Nebraska, assessment of 1922, be disallowed as follows, to -wit: L. D. Laird & Co., Holstein, reduction asked for $ 1300.00 Stein Bros, Co. , Hastings, 0 0 62565.00 H. G. Larsen, Kenesaw, a II ft 1700.00 Mikkelsen Drug Co, Kenesaw 0 3965.00 It Davis 8: Daughter, Kenesaw 11 6590.00 Roll call on the above motion, ayes: Bivens, Durkee, Keal, Ratcliff, Sorensen, Whiting, Clark and Cates. Nays: Hargleroad. Motion carried* Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Sorensen that the increase in valuations recommended by the County 9 Motion by Bivens, Second by Hargleroad that the following claims for reduction in valuation of Farm bands and improvements be not allowed as follows, to -wit: nt SW i Sec 3 66 6-9, Ei NW* Sec 36-6-9, 4 NE-} Sec . 36.6.9 $5,74 5.00 , SEi Sec . 12.5-11, 600.00,$Ei Nat 246 6-11 , $350.00 SE i 3-6-11 , $i335.00, Wi 18.6..12, 4640.00, SW & W SEt& & SW i NEi $1300.00 and EiWfr SI'f NE-- & W 15 A Ei si NEt 27-6-12, )250.00, NW1 29-8-12, $800.00. Roll call , all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Real that the following claims for reduction of valuation on Yam lands, and improvements be allowed as follows; to -wit: Ni NAk Sec 8-7-12, 31000.00. Si SRI Sec 8-7-12, 600 .00 , Ni SE- Sec 8-7-1 2 , $400 .00 , NE- 16-8-9, $480.00 , Si M, Sec 17612, *800.00, NW Sec 23-6-11 , *1400.00, Si SW f Sed 33-5-9, $550.00, SW- 7-5-10, *695.00, SR' Sec 28-5-10, *500.00 and Lots 42 & 43 , Kenesaw Village, *1000.00. Roll call , all voted a0, Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Ratcliff that the following increase in valuations on Farm Lands be made as follows: Ei SV Sec 14-8-9, increase, *480.00 and NW i Sec 2-0.9 increase *530.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Hargleroad that the following claims for reduction of valuation on Real Estate and Personal property in city of Hastings be not allowed as follows: Lot 1 & 2, Oliver's Sub., Oliver's East Add,, *2455.00, Lots 44.8.9, Blk 3,/Park Add. , no allowance, S 33ft SW- Lot 13, Blk, 1, Buswell's Add., *500.00, Lots 1 to 11 & 14 to 24, Kent's Add., *950.00, Personal property, C. K. Lawson Hdw. Co., no allowance* Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Clark that the following claims for reduction of valuation on Real Estate & improvements and Personal in City of Hastings be allowed as follows, to -wit: Blk 2, Kerr's Sub of Lots 12 and 13, Lewis Sub. on improvements *150.00. W Lot 2 and E 4 ft of Lot 3, Blk 6, Johnson's Add 50.00 -26 Imrpovements on Lots 23-24-25, Alexander's 2nd Add, 2,265.00 Improvements on N 50ft Lot 12, Blk . 3, Buswell's Add 75.00 Improvements on Lot 6, Bik. 1 , Madgett Bros. Add. 330.00 Improvements on 4 Lot 3, Blk 1 College Add. 100.00 On Lot E 'apt Lot, 9 Bik. 5, all Lot 10, n lk 5 Johnson' Add Add 125.00 Personal Sanitary Meat Market on flictures 2;300,00 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock, P. M. the Board recessed until recalled by the County Clerk. Monday, August 7th 1922, 10 o'cleok, A. M . The Adams County Board of Supervisors, sitting as a Board of Equalization reconvened on this date at the call of the County Clerk, for the purpose of finishing the work of equalization for the year 1922. There were present Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Kea', Ratcliff, Serensen, Whiting and County Clerk, Cates. Absent: County Assessor, Clark. The entire forenoon session was taken up in a discussion of the County levy. At 12 of clock noon the Board recessed until 1 P. M . At 1 P. M. the Board reconvened, all Members present except Clark. Motion by Kea1, Second by ! argieroad that the valuations as returned by the Precinct Assessors: and reveiwed and correctedby the County Assessor and as equalized by the County Board and finally accepted by the State Board be confirmed by this Board and that the County Clerk be instructed to enter these valuations on the tax books for the purposes of taxation. The motion prevailed. Motion by Bivens, Second by Hargleroad that the levy for County purposes be made a follows; to -wit: General Fund .95 M ills Bridge Fuf4d .58 " Poor Aid Fund .15 " Soldiers & Sailors R. Fund .02 II others Pension Fund .06 " County Fair Fund .04 " Total 1.0 Mills Roll call on the above motion, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Keel that the Following levies be made on the various Townships, Cities, Villages and School Districts of Adams County, Nebraska, as certified to this Board by the proper authorities and that the County Clerk be instructed to extend the taxes for the year 1928 oh the basis of these levies,to-wit Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Dist. ' No Gen. -Mills Bond -M ilia Total Mille Dist.No. Gen. Mills Bond -Mills Total Mills 1 . 7. 7. 49 4.3 4.3 2 1.6 1.6 50 2.8 2.8 3 7. 1. 8. 51 3.4 3.4 4 3.2 3.2 52 3.5 3.5 5 3.9 3.9 53 11.1 11.1 6 3. 3. 54 5. 5. 71 3.8 3.8 55 4. 4. 8 7. 7. 56 3.6 3.6 9 5.2 5.2 57 5.3 5.3 10 4.9 4.9 60 2.8 2.8 11 8.4 8.4 62. 4.9 4.9 12 3.2 3.2 62 6.5 6.5 13 3.7 3.7 63 5.7 5.7 14 3.8 3.8 64 4.2 4.2 15 2.8 2.8 65 10.3 10.3 16 2.4 2.4 66 4. 4. 17 4.6 4.6 67 18.1 18.1 18 11.6 1.9 13.5 68 3..6 3.6 19 6.4 6.4 69 2.2 2.2 20 4.6 4.6 70 4.3 4.3 21 4.1 4.1 71 4.5 4.5 22 5.2 5.2 72 2.>T' 2. 23 3.8 3.8 73 3.3 3.3 24 3.6 3.6 '74. 2.2 2.2 25 3.8 3.8 75 4.3 4.3 26 2.7 2.7 767. 7. 27 4.3 4.3 77 10. 10. 28 3.3 3.3 78 7. 7. 29 4.3 4.3 8o 4.8 4.8 30 3.1 3,1 81 11.6 11.6 31 4.6 4.6 32 4. 4. 33 5.4 5.4 TOWNSHIPS 34 3.8 3.8 35 3.8 3.8 Township Mills 36 3.2 3.2 Rest Blue .6 37 2.8 2.8 Highland 1. 38 6.2 6.2 Verona .8 39 2.5 2.5 Kenesaw .8 40 2.6 2.6 Wanda 1.4 41 2.3 2.3 suniata- 1 _ 13 Townships Villages Township Mills City d: Villages Mills Zero 1. Hastings 9.7 Little Blue .7 Juniata 12. Kenesaw 16.3 Ayr 3.3 Roseland 4.5 Prosser 3. Motion by Durkee, Second by Keel that this Board now adjourn sine die. Whereupon the Board adjourned. ib? COUNTY GLEN; 15 Supervisor's Room, Court House, Hastings, Nebraska, Tuesday, July llth 1922, 10 o'clock, A. M. Board met in regular session, it being a meeting provided for by Statute. T. G. Whiting, Chairman called the Board to order. Roll call, Members present as follows: ravens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Keal, Ratcliff, Sorensen and Zhiting. Communication from C. E. Wright, Division Engineer, regarding cutting down and trimming trees along D L D Highway was read. No action taken. The following petition from School District #33 was read: Hastings, Nebraskap June 23, 1922. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebr., Gentlemen: We the undersigned, being the official school Board of School District No, 33, Adams County, Nebraska, hereby regmest that your Honorable Body grant permission to levy a special building fund tax of 2 Mills a year, on the assessed valuation of said School District No. 33, for a period of five years, that we may raise by taxation the sum of for the purpose -of building a new school house. We hereby submit the following to show that we have complied with the school laws of the State of Nebraska made and provided for such purposes: First, that we secured a petition containing more than one fourth of the legal voters of said District No. 33 asking that this proposition be submitted to a vote of the electors of said district. Second, that due notice was given of said election, by posting notices thereof for twenty days. Third, that more, than a majority of the electors present of said district voted in favor thereof. We hereby certify that the above proceedings were had and done pursuant to law. State of Nebraska ) ) ss Adams County ADAMS COUNTY SEAL NEBRASKA SeS Rinker DIRECTOR M B Brown MODERATOR S. F Pigeon TREASURER OFFICIAL SEHOOL BOARD, DIST. No.33 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23rd day of June, A. D. 1922. J. A. Cates COUNTY CLERK,ADAUS COUNTY Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Durkee thatthe prayer of the Petition of the Official School Board of School District #33 be granted. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens that the order of the County Court in regard to Mother's Pensions for Iva Rose, Dora DeBord and Susan Thomas be complied with and the Clerk bio instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The following reports of County offices were read before the Board and ordered placed on file: County Clerk, Register of Deeds, County Superintendent, County Judge, County Treasurer, Clerk of the District Court, and County Sheriff. At 12 o'clock the Board recessed until 1 P. M. At 1 P. M. the Board reassembled. All Members present. The afternoon session was taken up with the auditing of claims on -file. Motion by Bivens, Second by Sorensen that the folloWing claims be allowed on their respective funds and 11 GENERAL FUND James E Addle Office expense and mileage ....ea ...... amarea....... .,•a.oeseeeoesee 7.40 Dorsey D. Baird .w Making tray.script...,... ossa...,. s....e"am'•ms 15.00 A. I. Batten _ Laundry & extra help, Court House ......................... 40.80 Binderup Hdw Co - Miscellaneaous supplies, Court House....•.a..e.m.se..m...v.►a•.m 29.90 Binderup Hdw Co ®Hardware, Court House..,.a•,....e,•► e. .e,.•......a.. 16.70 Geo. W. Bivens ,. Supervisor services & mileage ..... ... • ... a .. a • 82.00 H. E. Bohannon .. Work, Assessor's office..a..e..ee........em.e.......e...... .s.•se 74.0!0 Jessie Bohannon Work, Assessor's office ..•.e'o.samas.as,esaa•ee .w, sass.,. 127.50 E. A. Brandes .. Gas and repairs, County Car$.seams.eases,,,,,,a.,.•. sow* ........ L. N. Button, Reg. of Deeds _Three months postage.,..... ,. ,. ,,,. m.a.,• e ..... .e s•• L. N. Button, Reg. of Deeds - Recording deed ............... m.•.a.a...m,.aa►e..•.a. Byers Lumber Co _ Plaster etc., used at Court House,.,s.m.ma.m.es.m.a...a..e...... J. A. Cates,County Clerk,.Postage,freight,drayageoffice expense, six months.,.... 27 .14 14.00 1.00 59.00 56.53 Central City Chemical Co - Fumigators. smse.seseesDees. ssemsa•.aass,.......e.ses.so 151.20 63.00 2.00 25.00 24.50 10.00 63.98 101.60 7.27 107.20 James a . Crowley Cro yaey _ Witness fee, insanity GaSee.s, e..e.w.s+a. aw►se .e t.. a, see,. •.es 2.00 0 Kate CroP1e, s Work, Assessor's O f f i co . , s s . + e s s s • m .. ► . e s .... s s .. s s s . s . s s . , , , , .. s e s 45.00 g Elliott R. Davis _ Office expense, County Agent...e.as..eeeesam.as•eeese...seesso. 8.28 A]. freda Clark - Work, Assessor's offi ce•.,a.emea•a., ,•,.e.,..ess,e•m.-e•-. •.a.•,,sa A. Me Cl ar1k� - Witness fee, insanity hearing. sse.es. ..e..ee...ss....sse.ss A. M. Clark - Extra help.assaee.,se►sssss..•s•memaesae.,,.s.m.s.....a...s.......s. A. M. Clark .. Office expense and auto hire.ssesssee...s+•s.,• aessee......►.s,..... A. M. Clark - Auto hire, official trip....... *** a ► e . , ..... a ........... ... a W. A. Cole .. Office expense, mileage et miscellaneaous services W. A. Cole - Jail fees, laundry etc s•....sa.•.s.emss,••as „ •seem.,,,,,,sas, Consolidated Brush & Chemical Co - Brushes, Court House.......►...e.s,a.ee..•.s.•, County Treasurer.. Gas, light and telephones, Court;[!ouse••.ss.sss•s,s.s.ess..e.,s Elliott R. Davis - Mileage and expense to Lincoln, County Agent..►.......•►....,.. 90.00 Definer Drug Co _ Office supplies, County offices. „ ,.,,,,,,m.,•e.e,.....,emm..e.ss 6.80 Geo. A. Deoicks - Kye, Court House • ..•• 1.85 Lucia Dillenbach _ District Court fees, Election Board expense and postage.....,,., 254.95 Geo. B. Durkee - Supervisor services and mileage ......,,,.......m.e., 88.30 John W. Einspahr _ Assessing, Logan Township.... m,.. e• m.. ..... 180.400 J• W. & 0. Y. Essinger - Gas, County car •,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .,...,..,,,,,,.. 5.89 John Fisher - Repairing scale, County Farm..e..s►. .••.......s+aesesa.s.e.e..., 1.00 Elmer F. Gangwlsch _ B1acksmi thing, County Farm...,,,..,.,sass,,,ae.a.►.••.ee..ae. 21.90 W. B. Hargleroad - Supervisor services and mileagel 130.40 Hastings Daily Tribune - Publishing notice and tax' lista..,,...,,. 259.85 Isard Decorating Co _ Redecorating CourtHOuse...,...e..a•ma,.e•.••s,..,•.,,s•,.,m1990.00 K -B Printing Co _ Office supplies, County Clerk.,,,.a,.,,..a,a.•s.,.•m,ma•,•,a,a•, 3.11 William Keal .. Supervisor services & mileage. ...m•'*WS saeoem.....•..........,r e 115.00 Kee Lox Mfg. Co ., Carbon, County offices", me aeam,.a.aem•..•..,.aas,.m,9.50 W. W. Keith - Physician service, insanity hearing,. a, •.. a . • a a , •. a 8.00 W. W. Keith _ Physician service, insanity hearing......a••m.►,m.saa,aemsa.,,.,•,,. 8.00 Kenesaw Progress . Publishing legal notice.aaem•ss.ee.•s.eees,•a.•.e5.58 J. B. Kline _ Electrical supplies, court Housese..ae.ass......s.►ms...••.a.aee•.•• 2.30 George Lovell _ Cleaning material, Court House....m,,..,e,m,.,,,,,,,s.,......, 2.25 Manhattan Oil Co Gas and oil , County car,.,,,,....,emm..►•e..,a,s„e•e..s•....a. 30.45 V. M. Marcotte .. Labor, Court House..•.e.••.•.... most ....... •.•.a.m...eee,ee.., 5.00 Carl R. Matthlesen & Co Drugs, etc., County Farm•,.a..e.ma.,..,.m.m.•.•,..►e,.►. 3.35 McClelland -Dunn Motor Co - Reapirs and labor on County cars,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15.00 McGrath Hdw Co - Supplies, County Farm,..... .... 6 ....... 06.0.00 ..... *a...WSW 11.10 J. H. McGrath Ildw Co - Supplies, County Farm........ .......,,,.a,,..ma•...a,.a•. 13.75 J. H. McGrath Hdw Co - Supplies, County Clerk's office.e.,.,..,mm,a.,.a.e,,.,.,,•. .75 Oliver Lumber Co - Material, court HollSO...aees„r.•►•• s• asses eeaee.e•e.e.ese 5.15 Omaha Printing Co .. Election supplies, County Clori.•,a•msa...... a•,..,.,,,,,e•e,. 6.11 Osborn Oil Co .. Gas and oil, County cars,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .•.,.,...se 21,34 Pickers Bratton .. Dusters, Court HOUSesseee.s.,.,e,.....s•... .,a. R. M. Ratcliff 4 Supervisor services, and mileage Rippeteau W P & Paint Co .. Oil, County Farm... , ,, , J. F. Reader - Machinery repairs etc., County Farm..,,..... Renner & Serf .. Office supplies, County Clerk and District Mrs. Martha Schultz - Office expense, mileage and Institute Geo. E. Sheaff m Labor, Court House.. s................a... S. B. Sorensen:~:.. Supervisor services.... ..... •,,,,,.a.ee.s. Strohm & Jones .. Varnishing and cleaning, Court Room...,... Dr. Ella Sumner - Witness fee, Insanity hearing... s •...... • The Nat'l. Refining Co .. Gas for County car. ,.•......•.,..s 1.15 C. I. VanPatten Groceries, County Farn�..e. ►eaas.asse••►,.m.+sse..•ea,•*74.39 Wahlqulst Bros ,. Supplies, County Attorney and Primary Ballots,,,., ....... a,•.e.a, 51.50 Watkins -flute Printing Co - Primary ballots, Supervisor Proceeding, etc..,.,.,,.., 512.96 T. G. Whiting .. Supervisor services and mileages•.s..•......m...e..•e,,..a....0.,, 96.60 Mrs. Martha Wicker _ Fitness fee, Insanity hearing. .e...,..,s.....a...a...a.,•.,2.00 $009•006 ...... 00660.00•41.01100404 53075 Clerk's office...,. 11.50 .60 82.60 6.25 appropriation.,...,.,, 169.90 ea.....s..._•eee .s ae-s .♦ a........ 115.8„5 0* ....... ..e••.•e.se.•. 35.00 . as e.•,•e•,..........e. 86.10 •.acs••e•e. ••.ease•.. a• 2.00 Wm. Widmaier .. J. E. Willits . J. E. Willits Wolbade & Brach Edward Anderson Services..•s....s......... .sass.,,,. ... ,,,.•••.'.•,ese'ss.."aese s`sms. 12.00 . . a .. a s .. s e .. e . . . e . e . . • .... e a .. a s .. 39100 esa . a s s s• a as s es s e .. . e. .."s a ..se s . •. •- 3 . n 00 .. Merchandise, County Farm.e.s...seasss.............•. ., ....e.e.. 6.49 Attorney fee, insanity hearing. Attorney fee, insanity hearing. BRIDGE FUND ® Bridge work, Verona & Juniata Townships .sa.a,,,•►•.e..,....,a.•0 Ayr Lumber Co ,. Bridge lumber ..•.e.e•ewss,ss..ase,e•,.er. s. .... e.. ..• . a e•. i...•.. H. E. Baker Bridge work D. N. Bitner - Bridge work, West Blue Township Henry Bloomenkamp .. Bridge work, Ayr Township Gus Beckerman - Bridge work, Verona & Juniata. Townships........... MI; nnnn T tt,r, r (an 1:1,.4 .4,..^ 60•0060•4 • . .a••me.•.a•►.s.• 28.00 82.70 10.00 4.20 1.65 17.50 19 BRIDGE FUND Frank H. Kitts - Bridge work, Juniata Township Frank H. Kitts - Bridge, Wanda Township........ a o • s e ♦ s e s 00 sa e•• 0•s •.• •. • WOO .. • T . 4040 Prank H. Kitts - Bride work ..*•.®ss♦aa♦s•s♦♦a♦♦ a soaas♦s♦♦. se♦ 0,10oos•o H. N. Livingston - Bridge work, Little Blue Township..... .... J. F. Moore - Bridge work, Juniata and Verona Townships.... s • e 0 s s • • e Fred Ob erle ..Bridge work, County Road No. 3 Oliver Lumber Co - Bridge material................ ............... Fred Paris - Bridge work, Denver Township , Karl Reichart - Bridge :work, Cottonwood Township............. 4600000.01 Albert Schultz Bridge work, Ayr Township. ..........••.,,.. ...a .,• Thomas Snyder, Sr. - Bridge work, Zero & Little ?flue Townships John Stethem - Bridge work, County Rosds Nose 1-10 & 3.••♦•♦s,..,. ., Harold uhitesel - Bride work, Verona :..8 Juniata Townships W. C. Vrhitesel - Bridge work, Veraona & Juniata Townships•.s..,.,•00e Archie Woodworth - Bridge work, County Road No. 1J ...•♦ Ray Woodworth - Bridge work000.0•• 0 •. ••• e•s.s.o.000000••s.•s ROAD FUND John Bohlke - Assisting County Surveyors.saesessaeosaeeas ers.•e E. B. Crone - Assisting County Surveyor. ♦.0.0e.s.•e•0•e•t►0.0.0ss0000,1 Oscar Grothen - Use of right of way...,...., •..,a'..ses...ee......se.•e' J. B. Harrenstein, Town Clerk - Appropriation, Hanover Township....... C. A. Heartwell - Work on County roads..♦.•♦. H. H. Pope - Use of land for road, West Blue Township e e s s • ♦ ♦ s . ♦ s • • . m ♦ A. O. Sharp - Assisting County Surveyow •o. •••040••40.'•'.•. es 14,00 1400.00 1415.74 157.56 11.00/ 94.50 12.00 60.80 12.50 2.25 8.00 33.75 30.00 28.50 112.50 13.50/ 5.40 10.50 7.00 23.00 100.00 56.40 35.00 ROAD DRAGGING FUND E. Ray Anderson, Supt. - Road dragging, Little Blue Township.......... Fred Berg, Supt. - Road dragging, Verona Township.............. ...... Fred Berg, Supt - Road dragging, Verona Township D. N. Bitner - Road dragging, West Blue Township. Henry F. Bohlke - Road dragging, Logan Township•sa...•.e..ea••..•s.eee H. B. Burroughs - Road dragging, Silver Lake Township H . B. Burroughs, Supt. - Road dragging, Silver Lake Township......,,, O. M. Doty, Supt. - Road dragging, Highland Township W. C. Dycus, Supt. 40. Road dragging, Ayr Township.,.♦40.,,,,,...40♦...e W. C. Dycus, Supt - Road dragging, Ayr Township...,... ..♦ .40. . 4040. John Fisher - Road dragging, RQeland and Cottonwood Townships.... Christ Kort, Supt - Road dragging, Zero Township Nebraska Culvert & Mfg Co - F achinery parts., .eons•.,.... ,,40,40 W• • A. Newell ,Zupt - Road dragging, Juniata Township.... ..... ♦ .. e ..... R. M. Ratcliff - Cash paid for freight on road drags .......... .,..•.♦. Karl Reichart, Supt - Road dragging, Cottonwood Township., Fred G. Roeder, Supt - Road dragging, Wanda Township B. F. Schlegel, Supt - Road dragging, Kenesaw Township B. F. Schlegel Supt - Road dragging, Kenesaw Township. .esseoe,•..•ae Andy Smidt, Supt - Road dragging, Hanover Township....... ...... Roy K. Smith, Supt - Road dragging, Blaine Township.•••,....e,,... ,0„ POOR AID FUND A. C. Atwater - Servicee••s. 0se es•s. s. ne s. s .. s s.0s e• e.•.•. 4......'` James V. Beghtol - Servicesa.a•♦sos..s•es e•sa. 4,00•.•.•aa.e..sess B. F. Carl -Groceries .....,•., •e•♦00,•...•..400.00•..0••.0•.0.000.•.. 0• B. F. Carl - Groceries 000.00$00.4.000000 B. F. Carl - Groceries ss...r.••... •0, B. F. Carl. - Groceries 0•e)$s0000e. es0oeaa.001$00010005.,.se F. M. Hahn, M. D. - Services.. ...... ..... a ... .. . e • . 40 0.40.... .. F. M. Hahn, M. D. - Services 00s• 0 s♦s• 0.00 s.00n.n.0.•• ....0 . 0000 •0 Hardt's Drug Store - Perscriptions •..•e•.s•.. 0..• n0,e,e.o.•,e•es•a0 Henry Herbst - Groceries.. a♦a. ••. ..... •.••....• 000*0000.4.00 000000000 H • G. Larsen - Groceries • 0 . . a . ► • .. • • . . . • • • 0 . • • a 0 0 0 • 0 . 0 . e 0 0 0 0 . • • • 0 , • . , George Lovell .. Groceries 00000 •• .e•.•.•. Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital - Services..,1040•0.000000 Mary Lanning Membrial Hospital - Services ..•.se•e•e...0►.ee,e,0,00a0a• Mikkelsen Drug Co - Drugs 0e•sseeo.ea•s, ••e ea00••......•.s........ .... Mikkelsen Drug Co - Drugs 0 0 • 0 • • e • • . • • 0 • • • • e 0 • •' • . 0 • • e 0 e 0 . 4 e 0 $ .. • 0 • . Mikkelsen Drug Co - Drugsn0♦•e••....a.•t.0.s0•e00.0.0•.s•. Walter E. Nowers, M , F. J. Schaufelberger Schmits Drug Store B. M. Sirens - Drugs 0 0 0 0 D.. Professional services..em0000......000e.•.00.0 - Professional services.......s•.e..•.••• 0008000e Drug ,..•• 40. 0•.• 0.. 0. 0. 0•. 0•. 0e 0♦ 0 0 0. 0 0 4 000044 00 0. a • • , e • m . o . • e • m • e a m a e e • • * • • • • • .o a . m • • n . . . . . . • . . .4 s• Amy D. Stevens, Supt - Services Zunnyside - Services Dee.a.•..n••.••.00.s.0..••0•s'.•.e•0`•...0•,0,e•000 The American Red Cross - Services ....... •.s•e•a.es's..s0..t...•s•e0•.e. C. I. VanPatten - Groceriess••......s.... ..e.• ss•..•.•.• ....... ConraTdltW§'alker- Gnr/oceries.,....•ss•.•••.a••••••••n'.4•••...••••00.00.00 Yost Lumber Co - Coal ..... 000** •.40•* 0. 040•• 00 s 4...• ••• 0.40.'.•. 151.13 57.15 49.20 72.90 44.10 8.55 68.82 31.50 5.00 191.70 9.90 23.45 13.10 33.75 43.16 12.15 41.85 110.70 45.45 36.55 26.55 100.00 23.00 15.00 8.09 8.22 ....,.7.78 50.00 20.00 3.55 25.98 10.00 4.80 51.87 43.30 23.55 3.25 10.35 32.00 10.00 2.00 9.90 61.50 80.00 4.00 5.20 39.49 6.40 STATE HIGHWAY FUND 21 Adams County - Use of County Car.... *•.*******••00**o*** f.$ 50.00 S. G. Adams Stamp & Stationary Co - Automobile plates.. . . .... .... .78 Binderup Hdw Co - Hardware and small tools.. ....... . . .. ...... .... 5.72 Fred Bock - Blacksmithing.. . . .. ...... ............................ 1.75 E. A. Brandes - Repairs and storage on Nash Truck... ...... ....... 40.15 7.50 W. M. Druecker - Labor on State Road, Patrol #3.................. 12.00 Vm. Eggert . Labor on State Road No. 41 ....,.................... 3.00 Elmer F. Gangwisch - Blacksmithing and repair work" ......... .... 43.85 Elmer F. Gangwisch - Blaeksmithing, State Road machinery.. ..... .. 25.30 Hastings Battery & Electric Co - Small machinery parts..... ..... . 18.00 Hastings Sheet Metal Works - Sodering bearings ..... .............. 1.75 Anna Jeffers - Hardware & small tools 0***** 3.83 J. P. Johnson Oil Co - Gas and oiln. o**06 ... o ..... *woo*** ...... 18.37 Elmer Kreiling - Labor on State Roads Nos. 41 & 53 .............. 45.00 F. H. Kreiling - Labor on State Road ... ......... ................ 17.50 H. E. Kreiiing - Labor on State Road .01.•** 17.50 H. E. Kreiling - Mowing weeds on State Highway 35.00 Henry Kreiling - Team work, State Road No. 41 ..... . .. 19.00 Manhattan Oil Co - Gas and oil used on State Roads.,,.,,,, 190.21 B. F. Millard - Blacksmithing 29.25 R. E. Moorhouse R. E. Moorhouse - McGrath Hdw Co - Small tools 4,0440* ..... ****400O0$040rno**OS**** J. H. McGrath Hdw Co- Small tools and hardware .. ..... Nebr. Battery & Tire Co - Brake linging .................. . . MOO P. C. O'Brien - Labor, State Highway Oliver Lbr Co . Osborn Oil Co - Stewart & Smith Mathew Usrling - Mathew Uerling Ray Woodworth - Bridge lumber, State Highway O.POOOOOROOOOSo0 Gas and oil used on State Highway 24.00 17.50 3.25 15.74 3.00 15.00 1.00 104.96 . Repairing State Highway machinery ....... ...... 1.19 Blacksmithing ....... 1.10 Blacksmithing . 1.60 Road work, State Road No. 4 ..... e-so.$osme 5.00 COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Aug Anderson - Road dragging, County Road, Verona Township...." H. E. Baker - Grading on County Road No. 10 ...... ....... Fred Berg - Dragging County road, Juniata Township .... Binderup Hdw Co - Spikes D. N. Bitner, Supt - Dragging County Road, lest Blue Township Geo. W. Bivens - Superintending County Road work E. A. E. A. E. A. E. A. E. A. E. A. H. B. H. B. Brandes Tractor Co - Brandes Tractor Co - Brandes Tractor Co - Brandes Tractor Co - Brandes Tractor Co - Brandes Tractor Co - Burroughs - Dragging Burroughs - Dragging Hans Christensen - Dragging County Road #11, Logan Township J. E. Connely Blacksmithing ... . .. ....... . . . . Crisman & Brahm - Repairing State Road machinery Doty, Supt - Dragging County roads, Highland Township Dycus, Supt - Dragging County roads, Ayr Township 4.70 16.00 4.05 1.62 82.15 46.20 Tractor repairs and supplies 18.75 Machinery parts and repairs........,26.38 Road drags & repairs other machinery212.35 Repairs on tractor Tractor repairs Tractor repairs County Road, Silver Lake Town:ship County road, Silver Lake Township., O. M. W. C. J. W. Elmer Elmer Elmer Elmer & O. V. Essinger - Gas and grease, road machinery 24.17 156.26 53.25 4.50 14.40 11.25 6.80 39.15 13.50 41.40 210.98 F. Gangwisch Blacksmithing ........ ........ . . ... 24.25 F. Gangwisch - Blacksmithing ......... . ....... ............ 26.60 F. Gangwisch - Blacksmithing 45.90 F. Gangwisch - Blacksmithing 4.10 Herman Gerloff - Dragging County Roads, Zero Township.,.,,.,5.40 Peter Hansen . Operating maintainer .......... 42.35 va, B. Hargleroad . Superintending County Road work 4." ....... 75.00 Hastings Battery & Electric Co - Batteries ... ...... . ..... WOO* 7.50 HastLngs Sheet Metal Works - Labor and material .. .. . ...... .. "" 8.40 Edwin R. Kent - Dragging on County Road No. 7 ......... ...... ... 15.30 Dave Koch . Road dragging, Kenesaw Township................... 12.30 Elmer Kreiling - Team work, Highland Township ...... 32.50 F. H. Kreiling . Team work, Hanover Township . 27.50 5.85 H. N. Livingston - Labor on County Road No. 10 ...... ..... ... 29.50 Otto Lukow - Dragging, County Roads No. 9 and 23 ............ 3.60 Manhattan Oil Go .. Gas and oil, Gounty Machinery ......... ..... 350.13 A. F. Meyer Hdw Co . Hardware ... ...... .. ........ 0 .. ............ 10.06 Mikkelsen Drug Co . Motor ether .solieoiro,e .60 B. F. Millard . One washer ............ ...........; . . .. . .. ...... 1.00 .06 4601. Co K-. Lawson Hdw CO Hardware . . . . o*o o n* * ** Willard Mills - Dragging on County Road No. 22 ........... 6.30 R. E. Moorhouse - Team work, Hanover Township.................., 27.50 McClelland -Dunn Motor Co . Batteries .............. ........... 4.80 McHarry Bros - Machinery parts ......................... ....... 0 13.40 Nebraska Battery & Tire Co - Small tools 1.00 Nebraska Battery & Tire Co - Small repairs •.........:..•.71 W. A. Newell, Supt - Mowing and raking weeds, County Highway6.95 Osborn Oil Co - Gas and oil, County Highway machinery..." 421.63 34.15 Edward Powers - Dragging on County Road No. 23 ..... 15.75 Wm . Pavelka Blacksmithing 1.40•••604, ............. *00...$40000o• r n 0^,",.4" 'I A A 'A COUNTY HIGHWAY 'BUND (Cont' d) Roy_,K Smith, Supt - Dragging on County Road No. 3 * 25.65 Standard Oil Co - Gas .•..•..• WWII" •.e..e .....,e.>...•...•10.13 Standard /Oil Co - Gas & kerosenee•••ese..>e.ee.>,ee,,.,.,e.ae..e..•.... 11.31 Standard Oil Co er. Oil • s e > •die'• • .. 'e e s e a`s • a .... • s a 6.. 8.36p Standard Oil Co - Gas .. • e ... . . • s s ss . .. • s s .-. s . • ..e . • et e e e e s e .. ... 11.98 Standard Oil Co .. Kerosene e • .. • . • ... • ...... s e .... .. s'.. . . . .`e . 8.10 T. G. Whiting - Superintending work on County Righway . 9 ♦ 9 s > s r s. s. s.. s 36.00 Emmett Yohe - Operating tractor on County Highway 22.10 Minttes were read and approved. Motion by Tiargleroad, Second by Bivens that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, August 8th 1922 at 10 o'clock, A. M. Whereupon the Board adjourned. OU'NTY CLERK 25 mTIV*V =ftaftMW- Supervisor's Room, Court House, Hastings, Nebraska, Tuesday, August 8th 1922, 10 o'clock, A. M. Board met in regular session. T. G . Whiting, ahairman, presiding. Roll call, ail Members present as follows: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad Keal, Ratcliff, Sorensen and Whiting. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Keel that the County Treasurer be instructed to refund to J. A. Devore $147.30 on the Nat & Ei SE4- Sec. 8.512, Tax Receipt No. 8856 on account of double payment of tax having been made. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Sorensen that the Chairman and. County Clerk be instructed to sign the application of Wm. J. Collett for admission to the Soldiers 8: Sailors Home. Motion carried. Petition of Ed Hall, Guardian of Willard B. Evans an incompetent person, asking that the Board grant permission to sell certain Real Estate as described in said petition, was read before the Board and upon motion by Hargleroad the prayer of said petition was duly granted mild the Chairman and Clerk were instructed to certify to the Judge of the District Court the action of this Board. Petition now on file in the County Clerk's office. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Sorensen that the applications for Mother's Pensions of Blanche Goble, Hattie Brown and Maggie Brun tr be held over by this Board until the committee who were appointed to investigate and report on such applications, make their report. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Keel that the petition of L. E. Ellsworth and others asking that a road be opened on section line between 8 and 17, Silver Lake Township be regerred to the Road & Bridge Committee and the Highway Commissioner to be investigated at once and report to this Board at their next meeting as to the adviseability of granting this petition. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1 o'clock, P. M . At 1 o'clock P. M. the Board reconvened. All Members present. Motion by Bivens, Second by Ratcliff that the following names be submitted to the Clerk of the District Court from which to draw the Jury for the September Term: Motion carried. Dist. #1 Morton Dean Frank Allen John D. Boltjes W. H. Burke Dist. H. E. Post Albert Bostock Chris Burmaster Geo. Hornberger Wm, Banta F. A. Grubb Roy K. Smith Chas Tompkins Frank Hoagland #4 Wm. H. Ginrich Peter Pittz Geo. W. Reichstein D. G. Lapp E. M. Martin Dist. #2 Martin Heeren John Heye 3r J. B. Harrenstein Jacob Brunken Dist. #5 Ernest ButZirus Fred Brunningson Frank Asmus J. 0. Brower Dist. #7 Geo. Sheaff Ira Doty Wrn Alexander. Harvey Waldrum J.H. Derricks J. G. Ferguson Karl Sauerman Henry Phillips W. A. Newell David Bauer Thomas Berry Geo. G. Kerr M. C. Larkins W. C. Harrell Frank Addlaman W. I. Peabody C. E. Dinsmore Dist. #3 Charles Creason John C. Pratt S. L. Nichols Frank Harpham Dist. #6 A. K. Deffenbaugh J. C. Snyder G. E. Boggs Julian Bassett Fred Neitheuser James C. Petersen,. Geo. P. Petersen Peter Hanson RudOph Felzine D. B. Marti Alfred Mitchelmor J. P. Larsen E. P. Haynes Motion by Sorensen, Second by Keal that the County Treasurer be instructed to transfer $4,000.00 from the County Road Fund to the General Fund and to transfer $1975.00 from the Road Dragging Fund to the County Highway Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. M otion carried. Motion by Sorensen, Second by Bivens that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. All voted aye. Motion carried. 27 ,444i44,444.:.,444 GENERAL FUND Adams Co. Agr. Society - Appropriation made for water mains ...44.,..4.44-...,... • • ••• ...$ 700.00 Adams Co. Farm.Bureau ,.., SerumCounty Farm ..•404.....1.4444.....4.4...44.4......4,.. ' -57.50 Addressograph Co . Three ribbons ***** • *if • * 0 • • • • ill"COVVIIV411.14-eiraill 4114 -414 i 4 • ••44;i4t•-•ii;•'••• 2.60 A. I. Batten - Laundry,. County offices, and extra help ...I 5.22 Binderup H,dw. Co - Samll tools and supplies, Court House 4.4144#0.414.41.4110.041400441440.4141, 12.54 Geo.. W. Bitens-- Services on County Board and mileage' ...••••••••.•••4••••••447.80 Blue Hill Auto Co ... Gas, County Car ******* •••••44.4 * • lo • ••••••••.4.4.4•4.1"*S•ii.1441041•110 2.69 Borley Transfer Co - Delivering, setting up and taking down election booths 28.00 E. A. Brandes.. Rent of Polling PIace • *** • ** •••••••444•4.4....4.4.....,...... 10.00 E. A. Brandes . Repairs on County cars 4."*".,44"1"4 . • 10.47 A. T. B ratton,City Clerk - Posting Election notices ......... 10.00 Brinkema & Pope - Machinery repairs, for County Farm 4..• ****** 7.96 J. O. Brower .. Freight and drayage • ..... • .. • . ... .44 .. • .4.44 tit' • 44-44'4i • • it`trif •'' • ii • • '• -••'• •-* * '1 *75 Burroughs Adding Madhine Co - RePairing Burraughs machine .4. *** • * •........ * .• •••••• . 8.70 Z. A. Cates, County Clerk - Use of automobile, delivering Election supplies 40.00 W. A. Cole - Jail fees and matron fees ••••••••••-• • '• ;II I DIY • 4 • ••• 1$'4'i•-• • • 14'0 44'4'4" ie14-1 * • 4'4 -o- - 109.02 W. A. Cole.. ServiOeS arid mileage • . • .. • , .....44.• .4 • • • ...... • • • . • • .4 4.41*•••11 I II • I • • • • I 40.35 County TrgAsurer - Lights, water, gas and telephones, County offices 221.56 Kathryn CtOwleY . Servicee on tanvassing Board w41,41tW,10911114,1145-0.$10.4148.444 ******** 64441644441.41 15.00 Elliott R. Davis"- Auto mileage ., ***************** 4.00,0114411041.0.44,041444.60.44124.90 Geo. B. Durkee - Services on County Board and mileage .....• ***** we...11...w27.00 Earl Hotel - Rent of Polling place . ***** ...............,10;00 West Blue - Services, Election Board44.441**C040,W4IM41,14.4,-1.4-4-1..-.*O'.41.141441.4,0044 26.45 Highland . ft ft II •••-••••••••• ***** ••••••••••••••••44•-••••••••••••••• 27.20 Verona - o 0 If ••• •••••••••••••• • ********** albs* •••••••• 35.00 Kenesaw - ft ft 0 *0/0...siii ** ii, * 10•11,0441-004, * II ******* .00,4040110,6011114. 37.50 Wandaft ft 0 if ft " 3 • • 0 • • s 14• • iiif 0 • Is p• • ••••••••••••• 26.50 - Juniata -01/4/ •• *********** • I • • • • 4 • 4 • or 3 3 0-4' o• 1i'• 444 4 fr 4 4444 4i 4 3 6* • 36.20 to 1. ft If - Denver - .....,..,1.... ,..,..........,. **** . 31.10 Blaine ft If, 0 ft otos ** fi ** 611.11•1410041.41444,..10.01114.91,414100. ****** 29.50 Hanover •• 11 ft It ii• • ••••••••• * • •• *** ••••••• • • l•-••• 40'0* SO iiii• • •••ess 28.50 ... Ayr - o o o ... . • ******* • • .... • . • • • • • • • • • •-• • • ii li- irio • • fi 444i it it • *AV* • •• - 27.00 Roseland 2 o o o ••••••444*-tat'lltOlirif"ili'llirt-s.iiriliriielik'i ' 32.50 Cottonwood ft ft ft iittiiii•ii*4•44.0*.***4•••••••••••••••••••• 33.70 Logan - If ft If •••••it •• *me **Mt ••• •444•41•••••• •• 4 • •• 35.60 Silver Lake 0 tf 0 ivos**-1,4**4***••••••••****4****4 26.70 Zero - o 0 tt • • • •• ************ • IP ****** 4130 *4 • • • ir i• c• * • * 0-1 • • 114 • 0 29.75 Little Blue ti If 11 • s its 10 ii s • • 144-444 444 • iiiii'li-i*****'••••••••• 30.40 First Ward "A" 0 II 0 0........104041041.4414,011,110.00116.010.110 38. 0 35 0 fir 0 w _ ft • . • • • • • • • 6, • • • • • 6 0 i • • ii -it 4'41 *-•-•14"-i •"*"•- *44 •'iii • •• • 44 • . • • • • • 4 0 • 20 Second " "A" " m 34 . . ' . a* 04 • 0 0 11114 'Are* 4' iii iiii.144. o ii op a 39.30 Second 41 "B" 01o 0 ****** 343 03•011. • • 0 0,0303 *0* • • i • * • *treses•••• 0 ••••• ••• 0 47'10 Third " "A" o " ...... ********* ...4.0..43..4....,.....4...4.444..,. 36.00 Third " "B" " 0 ft••••••••••••••••••••"••••••••••••••••••••••••• 000 lie • 37.50 Frth 03"A" " 0, 0 44.4. 41 42 ou.00 Fourth " "B" " a. o ******** .....4.............. ********* .............. 44.10 Louella H. Erway - Services on Canvassing Board15.00 Gaston MuOt CO - Rent of tables and chairs, Primary Election 20.00 Chas. Hanson - Corn bought for County Farm ' .....,. 208.56 W. B.. Hargleroad - Supervisor services and mileage .04140011110111...040011.11 ***** OW00.4 1844 Hastings Daily Tribune -.Publishing Election Ballots, Tax Schedules etc 175.04 Haynes Bros. - Paint remover .........400.444 dr•-••••••••*•••••••••• .75 N. H. Jones - Witness fee, Insanity hearing ... **** . **** ..... ************** .......... 2.00 Juniata Lbr Co ,.., Material, County Farm 110....110.01111104,01,••041.11...4, 284.40 K -B Printing Co - Supplies, County Clerk ............... 4.11 K -B Printing Co - Office supplies, County Clerk ......••••••........ 3.60 K -B Printing Co - Supplies, County Clerk 18.91 35.50 Wm. Keal - Supervisor services ****** ••••••••••••••••••••••-•••••• 15.00 W W Keith - Physician fee,Inaanity ease ... ******** .......... ****** 0.4k0000,4A00 ***** 8.00 Klopp Printing Co - Primary Election supplies .004v0.4406.11,11414.041.0141140441.41.4.• 288.00 Latsch Bros - One box of stencil and postage, Farm Bureau 3.61 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co - Toll calls, Farm -Bureau . 3.65 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co - Toll calls?, Bounty offices * '. ********* 4,0104.41411,06.•00*041 ******* 14.95 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co . Toll calls, County offices ............4... ***** 00** 9.65 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co - Toll calls, Farm B ureau 4.45 Livingston Bros - Rent of Polling place .... • ******* ............4............ 10.00 Local Registrars - Reporting births and deaths, Adams County 52.50 , Manhattan Oil Co - Gas and oil used on County car . ••••••••••••. 28.16 Carl R. Matthiesen & Co . Supplies, County FarM ******** ....45.10 w. p. mead - Groceries, County Farm 4.................4........ 68.11 Frank Meddles •. Drayage ***** 4. *************** ....3...3..44.4.........i........4.4.. 1.50 McClelland -Dunn Motor Co - Repairs and labor, County car ************* s'04,44 7.80 Oliver Lbr Co . Material used at Court House 2.05 Omaha Printing Co - Auto cases, County Treasurer 105.50 Osborn Oil Co - Gasoline and kerosene ....41.444.4•404P 18.99 Pickens & Bratton - 5# Pins •*. ****** ••••• • ••• iiii • •• ••-• •• •••••••• • • • •••• 7.50 R. O. Porter - Rent of garage, County car ••••••••000$00••••• 3.00 R. M. Ratcliff - Supervisor services and mileage .. . 42.70 Renner & Serf - Supplies, County offices . 61.75 Roth Bros - Wire, etc., County Farm 2.00 M. A. Scholl - Gas, County car ******** ... ********** ..000.0.40...**0•S-4.4,00'••444100 2.12 School Dist. #18 - Rent of four Polling places, Primary Election 40.00 Martha H. Schultz . Postage and express, County Supt. ***** ............4.44...444.410.39 C. J. Sherman - Repairing clock, Clerk of District Court's office ...4. * , *** . **** 41.75 Dr. J. R. Shively,. Services, County Farm • •................................ 2.00 B. M. Simms - Pencils, County offices ************ .................4........4........ 3.00 S. B. Sorensen - Supervisor -services 111411,1104Th .4.... 20.00 • "`.ze.�a_X"'R'r`'�-'�"..,a�".�.#„„;'���i,�ns"„no-w�\`,„�':'.�a„4•'�€F'`seS,sw,Xiv a�h',:k�,w»;w=%. ..�.�e, .. Town Treasurer Town Treasurer Town Treasurer Town Treasurer Town Treasurer Town Treasurer Town Treasurer General Fund Cont'd 29 , Hanover Township - Rent of Polling place , Highland Township - Rent of Polling place- , Juniata Township, Rent of Polling place 10.00 , Kenesawr Township, Rent of Polling place 10.00 $ 10.00 10.00 , Little Blue Township, Rent of Polling place . , Logan Township, - Rent of Polling place , Roseland Township Rent of Polling place 10.00 10.00 .............. 10.00 Town Treasurer, Silver Lake Tovmship _ Rent of Polling place 10.00 Towyn Treasurer, Verona Township - Rent of Polling place 10.00 - Rent of Polling place , ..........10.00 Town Treesurer, Wanda TownshipP _ . Town Treasurer, West Blue Township - Rent of Polling place ................ 10.00 Town Treasurer. Zero Township Rent of Polling place 10.00 F. R. Vieregg - Professional services ..sss.......sss.s.ss s.s.. ...s....•... 8.50 Watkins �-R�Clete Printing Co - Treas. supplies, Supervisor's proceedings & ballots 148.64Q� T . G . kiting _ Supervisor servjces and mileage . s ............. • ..e... s ... .. • 58.00 m. Widmaier - Services on Committee ....•.. ................................. 6.50 J. E. Willits - Services, Attorney, insanity case ............ 3.00 D. Wilimes - Services, County Farm ........ s..•s.............. ......s......•. 15.00 W. A. Woodworth - Gas, County car •s`..•...•..•ais•s'e.•`•.'...e" 1.25 BRIDGE FUND Albert Bostock - Sand ..................i•:....•................•. 7.00 B. C. Clayton .. Bridge and culvert work, Juniea Township ..... ....... ......... 46.50 W. H. Gartner - R:epaiting bridge, Little Blue Township •04444 28.50 Juniata Lbr Co - Bridge material ... 112.60 Frank H. Kitts Balance on bridge,,Juniata Township ......,. ............i. 603.55 Frank H. Kitts Culvert, Juniata Township 4444 70.00 Frank H. Kitts _ Bridge, Zero Township . ...4..4......•.......:..1500.00 Paul Krueger - Culvert work, Zero Township .4044.........,••4..•...•.•• 6.25 J. E. Leslie - Bridge work, Little Blue, Silver Lake and Ayr Townships 15.00 Louis Mick _ Bridge work Zero Township ...........................i 20.30 Mid -State Construction Co - Concrete pipe a.........:. 74.40 Mid -State Conttruction'Co-;-Concrete pipe 4 4 4 4 ............ ... 240.24 Ray Preston - Grading bridge, Juniata Township 46.50 Roy Preston - Hauling bridge lumber ................ Roth Bros Bridge material ........................ Mathew Uerling - Spikes, etc •.s...••.........•... 0.....040044..0..4...4..00 s4...s..44...4..•4-•4...... • 4.00 ♦.. .........a'..'..•"4'4•'••'44. 3.05 2.85 ROAD FUND E. E. Grothen - Mowing weeds, Ayr Township C. A. Heartwell - Surveying County roads ...............4.•. Gordon Jones. Assisting County surveyor Fred Syring - Cutting weed•, Ayr Township .... .•.t...• ..... -•••••..a•4.. ••••••••••••••••••• • .. • • . • • • • $ •". • . • .. 4 ..'.: . e .. • •.. • a•••••••••• 404 . 3.00 22.20 3.50 3.00 ROAD DRAWING FUND Fred Berg, Supt - Road dragging, Verona ..Township 12.60 D. N. Bitner, Supt - Road dragging, West Blue Township 4.50 Henry F. Bohlke, Supt. - Road dragging, Logan Township 3.60 Henry F . • Bohlke , Supt. - Road dragging, Logan Township 21.60 W. A. Newell., Supt - Road dragging, Juniata Township ......... .........4....... 20.70 A. J. Nissen - Straying Township road, Roseland Township .....i ................ 12.80 R. M. Ratcliff Cash paid .,for...freight ........... ...........a.... 1.04 Karl Reichert, Supt - Road dragging, Cottonwood Township 12.15 Fred G. Roeder, Supt - Road dragging, Wanda Township 70.10 1. E. Shafer, Supt .. Road dragging, Denver Township 87.10 Roy K. Smith, Supt... Road dragging Blaine Township .. 11.70 SOLDIER'S & SAILOR'S RELIEF FUND _._. W. G. Saddler - Relief work 150.00 POOR AID FUND American Red Cross - Services $ 10,45 A. C. Atwater - Services .100 .00 B. F. Carl - Groceries •:••..k......... 6.64 B. F. Carl - Groceries 0004044000000015.01 B. F. Carl.: Groceries .••.....r.•......... .............-..eels... 7.80 Robt. Carter - One ticket furnished to Osborn, Kans. 5.32 0 B & Q RR Co - Ticket to Red Cloud, Nebr 0002044.00044.00440.411.49 Geo. B. Durkee -Ticket furnished to Grand Ielia.nd •me...•►.a..•e.$$ H. 0. Eckhardt .. Groceries......•..•.......•...i155.78 Hardt Drug Co - Drugs .•,. ...4..4........ •.•..•.......a..•,- 1.00 Juniata Lbr Co - Coal.....e.s.i.......,,,es.i................455.55 a_. Mary Lanning Hospital - Services ..........0..q.............4144. 111.00 B. M. Simms - Drugs ...... •. .............. ....*...*._.10.00 Sunnyside - Services . • • .. • 4................................ ._.80.00 VanPatten Grocery - Groceries ......,..i,.....••.a 10.16 Conrad Walleer - Groceries • • 4444:`. 4 .. 20.60 wM aw.... lig 3! STATE HIGHWAY FUND E. A. Grandes - Storage and repairs on Nash 0 23.50 1111.... R. E. Davis . Machine work .1••..,...... 0•111,.. 8.75 Mrs. Anna Jeffers - Small tools and hardware ............................ 2.05 Juniata Lbr Co . Bolts, etc .,. ...................**i 5.30 Manhattan Oil Co . Gas and oil, State Road riachinery .... .s..........,.. 272.13 Mid -State Construction Co - Concrete pipe ... .... • 6 170.10 Nebr. Battery &Tire Co .. Tractor repairs ..11..11..... .... .......... _ 3.42 Nebr. Battery & Tire Co . Hardware,etc.. .......... ................... 2.20 Nebr. Battery & Ilie Co _ Wire, tubing etc. ........ •... ............. . 5.46 Oliver Lumber Co .. Bridge lumber .••.• ................................... 3.95 Osborn Oil'Co . Gas, oil and kerosene s.,,,,.•.,►.s..........s............ 148.72 Clarence D. Sunday - Tea work, Road 7 53 .......................... .,.. 15.00 Clarence D. Sunda Team work Road Sunday 53......... ......................... 27.50 John Thornberry ..Team work, Road #53 ............................ 30.00 John Thornberry - Grading, Road #53 ............... ..................... 110.00 United Electric Service Co - Repairing magneto 1111.0. 81.90 COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND' D. N. Bitner, Supt . Road dragging, West Blue ......................... 5.40 Geo. W. Bivons - Superintending County Road work rr..........►- ►1111.•1111..► 17.50 Hans Christensen Dragging County Road No. 6 & 11 1111. ............... 7.20 ChasCreason, Services ..... ..•.s•••••..►..•.'..•.•..•.►•i•••••••••••..., 6.00 Ervin Fisher .. Repair work..••..•.••i•ss.....•s...s►•s.$.ys►s•..•rs.•• 5.45 Jim Gilpin Road work, Little Blue Township ............ 44.00 W. B. Hargleroad . Road work, Roads #1,4,7 & 12 1111.: ..........,.. 37.80 R. J. Hargleroad - Small tools, hardware and oil 25.86 Hastings Sheet Metal Wks - Strainer .stirs►s...sarvs's..r.s..smsas•s►•.s .35 Charley Kelso . Road work, Little Blue Township .,1111..... 10.50 Manhattan Oil Go .. Gas and oil .......sr000.r•.911606 •sr. ► .•sssi` 167.69 G. F. McHarry .. Maintainer and grader work •rr91111.srrrr166611666"s•.'•,6.•.," '50.05 W. H. Mc?Iarry - Assisting Grader operator .•ss..,..►.►..11.,,.066,rr..so.• 5.75 Nebr. Battery & Tire Co - Copper tubing 1111,„11.1111f,,..i11, •.. ,,,. ...., .68 R. M. Ratcliff ,. Bridge work, Little Blue Township .....,......►1111.,,.,., 64.10 Karl Rei ch art , Supt .. Dragging County Road r . , ... , .. , 0 s 11 , . r 1111. , , . ,1111`.. 4.95 GOO. Raynolds . Maintainer work .e.1111•.,,.,,.0.s..,".•...►.►..0'`,.s`'°sa°iii 42.35 W. E. Shafer, Supt .. Dragging on County Road ........rs•.s.s•r,sss.r.s• 18.00 Shaffer Oil & Refinging Co - Gas, Dist. #3 ..,,,.11 ....................... .151.34 Roy K. Smith . Dragging County Road #18 ..1111... r.,,.,.. 1111.... 3.60 Standard Oil Co - Gas ...................;'....... ,..:...`',...'.... , 7.25 Standard Oil Co ,. Gas and oil rssr..0.ssrr.• s. sss0►►0,.•........5.611.66 Standard Oil Co .. Oil 1111.; r.•....6. s.0sati' a ... 10.13 Standard Oil Co - Grease ...........................,.......,.11..0.,'. __8.53 T. G. Whiting _ County Road work 1111.. ............. ►...... .... 11.,. . ... 53.00 Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Durkee that we enter into a contract with. C. H. Land, Superintendent of the Adams County Poor Farm for .the year 1923 on the same terms and conditions as the contract for 1922. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Minutes were read and approved, Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Monday September 11th 1922 at 10 o'clock, Al M. Whereupon the Board adjourned. CHAIRMAN 33 4 SUPRVibOtt'b ROOM, COURT HOU6E, HAST1N(.4S, NEBR., Monday, September, llth 1922, 10 o'clock, A. M. Board met in regular session. T. G. Whiting, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all Members present, except Durkee. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Keal that the prayer .of the petition of L. E. Ellsworth and others asking that a road be opened according to law was granted. Road petitioned for is described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of Section 8, and the northeast corner of Section 17, Town 5, Range 11, running west one half mile to intersect with the other half of section line already open. Motion by Bivens, Second by Sorensen that the Cnairman and Clerk be instructed to sign the applications of Phillip Ziegler and wife for admission to the Soldiers and Sailors Home at Burkett, Nebraska. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Keal that the County Treasurer be instructed to transfer 3,000.00 from the County Road Fund to the Bridge Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Matters pertaining to improvements at the County Farm and of Roads and Bridge ooccupied the attention of the Board until noon. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed thtiIolro'clock, P. M. At 1 P. M. the Board reassembled. All Members present except Durkee. A delegation of farmers and business men from Kenesaw Township appeared before the Board in regard to claying one mile of road on County Road #4, which had been petitioned for some time ago. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Sorensen that the prayer of the petition of Al Osler and others asking that one mile of County Road #4 be clayed and otherwise improved, commencing at the hbrtheast corner of Section 3, Town 8, Range 12, thence running south one mile to the southeast corner of Section 3, Town 8, Range 12, be granted, at a cost not to exceed $1250.00 to Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Ratcliff, Second by Hargleroad that we appropriate $1000.00 from the Road dragging Fund for clayng County Road #6, between Sections 2 & 3 and Sections 10 & 11, Town 5 and Range 12. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 P. M. the Board recessed until Tuesday, at 9 A. M. Tuesday, September 12th 1922, 9 o'clock, A. M. The Board reassembled. All Members present except Durkee. The entire forenoon session was taken up with the auditing of claims on file. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1 P. M. At 1 P. M. the Board resumed. All Members present except Durkee. Motion by Bivens, Second by Hargleroad that the following resolution be adopted: WIWREAb, sign boards have been erected along the State & Federal and County Higiways and, 7diNhAb, these sign boards are unsightly and are dangerous to the Public and are a general nuieance, BE IT TnEREFU1-tE REioLvED, that it is the sense of this Board that these sign boards should be removed from the Public Highways and the Highway Commissioner is hereby instructed to have all sign boards removed that have not been placed in strict compliance of the law. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Sorensen that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to issu warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams County Farm Bureau - Adams County's exhibit at State Fair $ 200.00 Adams County Farm Bureau - For serum etc., furnished for County Farni 11.50 1,t A I • _ e. • 35 ( General Fund Cent' d. ) W. A. Cole - Jail fees for August ............ •.•••$ 136.45 County Treasurer - Gas, lights and `telephones,' County offices 114.29 Elliott R. Davis - Office supplies, Farm Bureau... 4.07 Elliott R. Davis - Auto mileage ... ...... ...e0..eee-...4.604..4. 68.10 Deines Drug Co - Supplies for County offices .. 14,10 Lucia Dillenbach - Office expense and. District. Court fees 82.05 Wt. Dutton & Sons Co - Two chair bottoms •.s.s.•.s.•.s•ess• 1.25 Edgerton & Hamilton- Two blocks salt, County 'arra 2.40 J. W. & 0. V. ',.singer - Repair for County Auto .-...... 10.90 Elmer F. Gangwisch - Windmill and machinery repair, County Farm 2.60 C. Grothens- Thrashing done at County Farm .---..... ----_,........a---,62.90 W. E. ball - Services ............ ..... ..... •'...•.•ss•ss.s•.••'•••••• 3.00 Hammond & Stephens Co - Supplies, County Superintendent 69.47 W. ,eHargleroad - Suporyisor services and mileage .....•...........-- 37.40 .Y Haynes Bros - Paint and brushes 2.60 H. F. Jacobson - Repairing Typewriters in County offices .........., 16.25 K -B Printing Co - Steel roller Shelves, Register of Deeds dffice,..,. 72.00 'vi� Urn. Keal - Supervisor services ............... ............•....... 20.00 Tr. W. Keith - Physician's services, Insanity case ......... 8.00 W. W. Keith - Physicisn's services, Insanity case ..... . ............. 8.00 J. B. Kline - Electrical supplies, Court House 1.65 L .D. Laird-& Co - Merchandise and groceries, County Farm 65.15 C. H. Land - Cash paid out for extra help at County Farm 14.00 Dr. E. J. Latta - ":'fitness fee in Insanity case 2.00 Lincoln School Supply Co - Supplies, County Superintendent's office62.99 Lincoln Tel & Telg. Co - Toll calls, Fara, Bureau 7.60 Lincoln Tel & Telg. Co - Toll calls, County offices 13.70 7m. M. Lowman & Co - Premium, Compensation insurance .. 425.44 Manhattan Oil uo - Gas and oil for County car F�- 37.00 Carl R. Matthissan & Co - Drugs, etc., County arm .. s.,ss....,.,, 18.20 Meyer Ild.w Co - Wire stretcher, County Farm ...•........,-...........-,4* 8.00 McClelland -Dunn °:' - Ltnkl tii0t0I' CO .. Repairs zrS for County cars •, ... e , • ... • e . • • . • 5.38 Osborn Oil Co - Gas for County car and County Farm •.......•24.99 R. O. Porter - Cash paid for Storage dn- County car for August 3.00 Proffitt & Jones - Premiums 'or -Incur :ncetPaiiic`ies 41.25 R. M. Ratcliff - Supervisors services and mileage e....s,,...... .,e-.• 35.20 Renner & Serf - Supplies for County offices s•s•.se.s.......... 6 .... . 64.75 C. W. Schmitz - Perscriptions for County Jail ......... ..,... ......., 2.00 Mrs. Mafrtna Schultz Postage, express and mileage 24.27 W. 0. Shane-FW.e.e'e)in State case +' ••eee•••••„•,.,.'.s•,.,`..•„'s-•".•,sfe.',•..'62.3q (1 John . Shaw, J. P. - Ju t.ii (pie lees •...........',..... e, -e..,. e • 6"., • •,'•". 40./20 S. B. Sorensen - Supervisors services ..................... 25.00 The Barion Pen Co - Two gross of pens for County offices •,.e.•..•••• 4.00 Joseph M. Turbyfill - Postage for July and August 4.75 "catkins-Clute Printing Co - One trial docket .iastriei.Coust 56.00 Watkins -Clete Printing Co - Publishing Supervisor's proceedings, etc94..25 T. G. WhitingSupervisors services and mileage - 54.20 William Widn aier - Bailiff, District. Court. e 6.00 Williams Printing House Office supplies., County Treasurer 14.75 J. E. Willits - Attorney fee, Insanity hearing .... 3.00 J. E. Willits - Attorney fee, Insanity hearing 3.00 olbach & Brach - merchandise Count- F 8.45 , ,� Farm y'!„s•.e.,,.es•ss s•e.. e. a-, Zion Institutions and Industries ... Two gross pens, County offices1.82 BRIDGE FUND Ayr Lumber Co - Bridge lumber and deliver same $ 193.20 Bladen Lumber Co - Bridge lumber 25.30 Byers Lumber Co - Bridge lumber .,....•............ ..... 56.00 B. C. Clayton - Bridge work, County Road r 21, Juniata 70.00 H. H. Eigneberg - Grading and.0 Jrepairing bridge, County Road /20 14.5 T. J.Hines - Labor on bridge /3.09, Cottonwood Township 3.50 T. J. Hines - Planking bridge, Cottonwood Township ..... • ..... e e • •., 2.50 Harm Johnson - Repairing Bridges x;176 and #327 6.50 Frank H. Kitts - rsI'iwge, hero Township e • s • • , • • • e • e ,:e e e e e e • • • e a e •. • s 808.66 Frank H. Kitts - Repairing bridge, Roseland Township 48.50 Frank H. Kitts - Repairing ;bridge, Wanda Township ... •. •.... • ..... 37.50 Frank H. Kitts - Repairing bridges, Hanover and Little Blue Townships 249.50 L. Kohl - Repairing and grading bridge, Ayr Township .. • • e .. e . e . • e e s 7.30 J. E. Leslie - Bridge and culvert work, S. Lake,Hanovor ,Zero & L. Buie 36.00 Wrn . Parsons - Repairing and gradin; bridge , Ayr Township . e . • . e • • e . , 1.20 Ray Preston Grading bridge, Road 7`21 , Juniata Township 70.00 John F. Reiss - Hauling bridge plank 22.60 J. C. Sahiing - Lineseed. oil, brushes etc 11.55 John Schiefolbein - Bridge work 15.40 Dick Smidt - Culvert work, Hanover Township 5.50 Fred W. Smidt - Culvert work,#k.. peer Township ,•...........e,. 6.65 George G. Smit, Jr -..Culvert , rianover Township' 4.75 John Smiat - culvert work ,Hanov r Township ....... 66466 4.75 John Stethem - Bridge and culver Cork, Little blue Township 20.00 The Chicago Lbr. Co - Bridge lumber , bolts, nails & small tools 905.17 Andrew Weber Bridge work 11.00 Ray Woodworth - Bridge work, .yr Township 5.50 3) (Road dragging Fund corat'd.) Christ Kort , Supt . - Road, dragging, Zero Township ... .. •.. • . • e e • .. ♦ 0* e . • r e e4d 32.85 Karl Reichert, Supt. - Road dragging, Cottonwood Township 1.80 Russell Grader Meg. Co - Four road drags .............. s a... 134.80 B. F. Schlegel 4upt , - Road dragging, Kenesaw Township ging ... .. • ... . . ... . ♦ ♦ . e 19.80 Andy Smidt - Road drag . 11,25 dragging, > Hanover Township ....... • e • . e . t .. • e • • � .. ♦ .. • . e POOR. AID FUND American Red Cross - Cash paid out for one Railroad ticket to Red Cloud, :o1 . 1.49 A. C. Atwater ,. Services •• ........................••...•....•.• ....... B. F. Carl - Groceries B. F. Carl - Groceries •4.... ..•.. •..♦. swi'es•i'e' B • i Carl - Groceries .. e • .. • e .sea • •'.. • ...•.e....•ee. • • ".°.. e • s• • 0 4 • '. B. & Q. R.R. Co - For one Railroad ticket to Lincoln r. a ... e.. • . a e e e . Currier -McCulloch Coal Co - Coal..e•.•a.a..aaaeeeaaeaa.ae.,..•..'s••e.'a'• Deines Drug Co - Drugs .. ..... .e.•.........'aaa.••e_.s.e.v' H. 0. Eckhardt - Groceries C. L. Egbert-- Professional services p•• ee. .t.e....•.. " `Et.<. B. Hamel - Professional services ee•.•.•e.eeaes•ae.m •.sr.'.-•.0".`.'•es'.-.. E. B. Harrel - Professional services ..... Wary Lanning Hospital- Services .•.e4..••ar.ar.e.o••ttooaies••e•'.s.see.' Nebraska Horse for Dependent Children - Services •.a•e.•...•..a....•..e.. B. M. Simms - Drugs ........... .•.•.tee•e...•••. e....•....a.......•..•r•. Conrad Walker - Groceries .,.tette.....e..••....•...•....a.•.•......•.". .... • 44000•. e.•. •.. •... STATE HIGHWAY FUND Adams County - Use of County car S. G. Adams Stamp & Stationary Co Ayr Lumber Co - Bridge material us Fred Bock - Blacksmithing, State H E. A. Brandes - Storage on Nash t Elmer F. Gangwisch - Blacksmithing K -B Printing Co Auto receipts, County Treasurer ....•e•......• ......... Geo. Kistdr & Sons - B.acksmithing Manhattan Oil Co - Gas and oil , used on Road #53 and 41 Osborn Oil Co - Gas, kerosene and oil • •. s.........• S. & G. Tire Shop - Tires for Federal Truck .,tt.....•.e.• StateDepartmentof Public Works - License containers Mathew Uerling - Blacksmithing e.••..•••. .......... - License plates, ed for bridges 'on ighway machinery , • , ruck and State Highway machinery repairs County Treasurer ... Stat Highway .e.•.•:•.•....... 4*•*•-• COUNTY HIGHWAY FUNL D. N. Bitner - Dragging County Road West Blue Township ................. Geo. W. givens - Superintending County Road work, Hi h and and Denver Twsps, W. M. Burr - Mowing and raking weeds on County Road eel C. T. Cooper - Mowing weeds on County Road hi C. G. Craven - Labor on County Road r 21 .,ee.,,,t*.e... •. Crisman & Brehm - Repair work .._. • . 0. M. Doty, Supt - Road work, County Road #3 Essinger Bros - Repairs and labor on State Highway machinery J. W. & O. V. Essinger - Gas, grease and small tools ........t.•.•....e.ar.* John Halbamier - Road work, County Road ee6 , Cottonwood Township Elmer F. Gangwisch - Blacksmithing 100.00 7.52 15.06 7.2(0 3.48 6.40 .2.60 23.38 75.00 9.00 7.00 58.35 30.00 . 10.00 27.43 50.00 63.80 30.25 21.10 148.90 30.75 40.19 6.50 170.66 67.10 219.05 18.75 2.05 5.40 31.2© 5.00 3.50 4.00 13.95 3.6o 11.00 77.77 34.00 15.55 Elmer F. Gangwisb1 - Blacksmithing0****** ....... . **0***.o*******0•0600oe**0 23.00 W. B. Hargleroad - Superintending County Road work, Verona and Cottonwood Twps 55.90 T. J. Hines - Slip work, Cottonwood Township ....at.•..et'e 4.50 J. P. Johnson Oil Co - O11..ee•"...s....+..... ee.....•.•....••••.•..•.-..as* ___ 3.50 Gus Katzberg - Dragging County Road, Verona Township 10.00 J. J. Kroll - Dragging County Road "6 , Cottonwood Township 12.60 C. K. Lawson How Co - Hardware and small tools ..............•..•.00...••23.55 Manhattan Oil Co -Gas and oil, August ..... • ........... • Fred Paris - Mowing weeds, County Road #2 Walter Plambeck - Road work, County Road P), Wanda Township E. D. Pratte -Road dragging, County Road iii ........... ♦ R. M. Ratcliff - Superintendinr, road rork,Zero,Hanover,Logar ce: Little Blue Karl Reichert - Road work, Ciottenrodd".To'i aphlp ...........•.......-.-...-.,- Shaffer Oil & Refining Co - Gas and grease Andy Smidt - Dragging County Road, Hanover Township - Standard Oil Co ,. ••••roe...a. e. •s•.. W. R.ea'.ley - Brid;work, Little Blue Township •..... .... T. G. Whiting - Superintending County Road work, District #2 .•. 203.60 9.50 3.50 • 3.60 • s 63.00 .. 55.50 . 62.69 16.30 •. 1.00 . . 20.00 49.40 COUNTY FAIR FUND Adams County Agricultural Society - Permanant improvements 165.00 Motion by Hargleroad , Second by Sorensen that the claim of John Lau be disallowed. Motion carried. on the Road Fund for {10.00 39 Supervisor's Room, Court House, Hastings, Nebr., Tuesday, October, 10th 1922, 10 o'clock, A. M. Board met in regular session, T. G. Whiting, Chairman, presiding. All Members present. Petition of Wesley A. Taylor, Guardian of Frances Rutt, an incompetent person, asking that the Board of Supervisors grant permission to sell certain real estate owned by the said Frances Rutt, an incompetent person described as follows: South half of the Northwest quarter of Section 15, in Township 5, North of Range 11, Zest of the 6th P. M. In Adams County, Nebraska, was read before the Board and upon motion by Bivens, Second by Durkee the pzayer of said petition was granted and the Chairman and Clerk were authorized to sign a certificate to that effect to the judges of the District Court of Adams County, Nebraska. The third quarterly report of County Judge, Joseph. M. Trubyfill and the third quarterly report of Lucia Dillenbach, Clerk of the District Court, was read and ordered placed on file. Report of C. D. Robinson, State Examiner of County Treasurer's accounts on the collections and disbursements in the office of the County Treasurer of Adams County, Nebraska, for the period commencing December 13th 1921, to September 13th 1922, inclusive was read and ordered placed on file. Motion by Durkee, Second by Ratcliff, that a leave of absence for ten days be granted to W. H. McDowell, Highway Commissioner. Motion carried. Application for admission to the Soldiers & Sailors Home at Burkett, Nebraska, of Lucy S. Bortis, was read and upon motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens, that the Chairman and County Clerk were instructed to sign the application for admission. At 12 o'clock, noon the Board recessed unto 1 o'clock, P. M. At 1 o'clock, P. M. the Board resumed. Al]. Members present. Petition of John Pittz and others asking that the Board open and maintain a public road on the section line between Sections Twenty-five and Thirty-six (25 & 36) in Cottonwood Township was read before the Board and was referred to W. B. Hargleroad, Supervisor to take up with Cottonwood Township. Committee on Mothers Pensions reported on five applications for Pensions after careful investigation, as follows: We recommend that the applications of Alice Block and Florence E. Lorentz be allowed. We recommend that the applications of Maggie Bruntz Blanche Goble and Hattie Brown be disallowed. Upon motion by Hargleroad, Second by Keal the report and recommendation of the Committee was accepted and the Clerk instructed issue warrants to Alice Block and Floreette E. Lorentz. Motion by Ratcliff, Second by Hargleroad, that on and after this date we allow Members of the Mothers Pension Committee, mileage at the rate of 100 per mile for each mile actually travelled while investigating applications for Mother's Pensions. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The balance of the afternoon session was taken up in examining claims. At 5 P. M. the Board recessed until Wednesday, October llth at 9 o'clock, A. M. Wednesday, October llth 1922, 9 o'clock, A. M. At 9 o'clock, A. M. the Board resumed. Roll call, all Members present except Hargleroad. The auditing of claims on file was again taken up. On motion of Sorensen, Second by Keal the following claims were allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. GENERAL FUND Mrs Cora Bartlett Witness fee, Insanity hearing A. I. Battan _ Laundry, County offices .....;0.00.0 ...•....,,.,..`� 4.56 Binderup Hardware Co - Hardware, Court House ................... 14.61 Geo. W. Bivens _ Supervisor services & mileage •''''.'...'................41.2O Bourg Bros - Tire, County car.040...,0000.•...0•...,... 11.25 E. A. Brander - Gas & repairs, County dar 0 6.....•.•................. 11.70 L. N. Button, Register of Deeds - Three months postage 14.00 W. A. Cole _ Jail fees .............. . ... ••••••••• 229.35 W. A. Cole Sheriff's fees 25.25 County Treasurer _ Gas,lights and telephones, County offices 101.66 James F. Crowley, Ji P. - Justice fees .......:.......1/040..•. 58.49 Elliott R. Davis _ Office expense 0000 ................. ......... 24.00 Elliott R. Davis - Auto mileage and car fare, etc ......................... 43.00 Davis & Son - Repairing harness, County Farm 11000000,606000000110-0 1.00 Defines Drug Co - Offices applies, Court House •0000. 06..0..00,0600.0..0; 5.90 Lucia Dillenbach e District Court fees & salary ...... ..6..6.6,..,271.00 Geo. B. Durkee _ Supervisor services ., 1100 .. ..............0046.:69.00 Minnie Gartner .. Office help, Farm Bureau.......*s...0.....•.....010.00 Germo Mfg. Co Five gallons, Garmo Insecticide 11.56 Germo Mfg. Co - Fifteen gallons, Germo Insecticide ...6..6.,..6.,.6666...0 31,78 Guarantee Elect. Co - Electrical supplies....................•..ss00ff0..r .96 Hamilton & Co Sweeping compound ................... 12.50 W. B. Hargleroad - Supervisor services & Mileage .....0................e..63.30 H. C. Haverly, Co. Treas. _ Officeexpense........i•............s....0..... 15.00 H. C. Haverty, Co. Treas - Cash paid out for Compiled Statutes 100.00 Juniata Lbr. Co _ Lumber, County Farm .. .:. ,..,.6,60,66..0,,00,195.50 K_B Printing Co .. Supplies, County Supt ...............y,,.,- 1.27 K -B Printing Co - Supplies, County Sheriff 18.12 K_B Printing Co - Supplies , County Supt ....* ...••.............•••••••••s• 20.22 K_B Printing Co - Supplies, County Supt .0000. 066,6,....•....-- 1©0.04 Wm. Keal - Supervisor services .s ............... ........i........` 38.40 Dr. W. W. Keith - Physician services, Insanity hearing 8.00 L. D. Laird & So - Groceries, County Farm 56.65 56.65 C. H. Land - Cash paid for corn County Farm .6...........04011000.00•s131.75 C. H. Land - Cash paid for corn, County Fare .............0.s..-85.90 C. H. Land - Cash paid for services, County Farm ............-4.50 Manhattan Oil Co ,. Gas & oil, County car i ..... , .. , 0....• .04 .i`.1,."..025.81 Carl R. Matthiesen & Co - Drugs, County Farm ................... 8.30 W. P. Mead - Groceries, County Farm..............r....-....s.•...•.0000•.. 71.25 Warren E. Minnix - Witness fee, Insanity case ....0......1, 2.00 B. F. Millard .. Blacksmlthing 1, .............•.7.........•.......•......•.,_. .75 Milburn & Scott Co _ Supplies, County Supt ., 0000 ................... 12.71 McElhinney Pharmacy Duster, Court House ............. .. ......•..`-.•:.. 1.25 J. H. McGrath Hdw Co - Supplies, County :Warm ........... ... "...._. .. , 9.73 J. H. McGrath Hdw Co - Supplies, County Farm' .................6... ....... 8.80 J. H. McGrath Hdw Co - Hardware, Court House . 2.35 Osborn Oil Co Gas, County car ....s. .....*....... .......•... .. 13.07 R. O. Porter - Cash paid out for storage on County car 3.00 R. M. Ratcliff - Supervisor services and mileage 41.60 J. F. Reader - Cream Separator, County Farm 0000.............•........ 80.00 Remington Typewriter Co Ribbon Coupons 18.00 Remington Typewriter Co - Typewriter, District Clerk's office 107.50 Re tner & Serf _ Supplies, County offices ... lo ........... 89.50 Dr. Amy Robinson ®Witness fee, Insanity hearing ..►.....,.......0a.0•..•2.00 Rutherford Bros .. Repairing and bronzing radiators, Court House 141.18 Mrs. Mattha H. Schultz - Mileage and postage, County Superintendent 29.40 Martha Schultz Wicker - Witness fee, Insanity hearing 2.00 S. B. Sorensen - Supervisor services........s.......•.........•.a.••52.10 W. H. Templeton ® Excelsior oil, Court House 001000•0000000000000001110000OS 1.25 Joseph M. Trubyfill,Qo. Judge -Expense,Verna Parks to Feeble Institute64.80 Underwood Typewriter Co - Adjusting typewrate^r4 County Supt . , office 1.25 Watkins -flute Printing Co .. Record book,Bar dockets & Supervisor proceedings168.80 T. G. Whiting - Supervisor services :and mileage 50.60 Williams Photo Co - Photographic work, Farm Bureau...• ..................• 35.30 J. E. Willits _ Attorney fee, Insanity hearing .....,....,,....1f..,.,,3.00 Wolbach & Brach - Merchandise, County Farm ... .. .. , . , .... 0 , . , . 2.50 McClelland -Dunn Motor Co .. Repairs on County cars . 7.60 2.00 BRIDGE FUND Ayr Lumber Co .. Bridge lumber •...................................... 12.95 Ayr Lumber Co _ Bridge lumber and paint...;.e..0...♦......t............ 255./05 Bladen Lumber Co Bridge lumber ............ 0000...........`0000...•....' 85.00 Byers Lumber Co - Bridge lumber .•...,,'....., c.....•....,...••., 39.80 Wm. Gerloff - Labor on bridge .-,.._ ,..,,, .. a 0..... 20.00 Juniata, Lumter Co - Bridge lumber .e..,....... •.,..•..41,64000"s..4444 196.80 Kenesaw Farmer's Lumber Co _ Bridge lumber .... ,.,...,0..,.,i.i...f,....0. 8.60 Harry N. Livingston - Bridge and culvert°!work ....... 12.50 Louis Mick - Labor on bridge .•T........ ...,,0....0.441004706.4..4.44 21.50 Mid_State Construction Co Concrete pipe *WSW 0..'...` • ...••.1,.1,. 19.02 Oliver Lumber Co _ Bridge lumber...............e.0...4..'..0.0.0..•.0.'..i. 62,00 Frank A; Peterson - Culvert work, Silver Lake'Town_ship 10.50 L. A. Reis - Bridge work �, M. ReisBridge work•••••.s.r•...0....s.ifi..s.."s•♦......4...-`4`"i i0"0`00'0 iii 20©.5f0� - _ 3 l .60 Ted Snyder Culver VYork, Logan Township .......,sea.... ... 14.40 ROAD DRAGGING FUND Fred Berg, Supt - Road dragging, Verona Township .....••.....a..•. 27.90 D. N. Bitner, Supt - Road dragging, Illeat Blue Township ...... ... • 2.25 Jhn Bohlke - Assisting County surveyor ... •.... 10.50 O. M. Doty, Supt Road dragging, Highland Township . . 3.60 Wm. 0. Dycus ,y�Supt - Superintending Road dragging, Ayr Township... 9.701 SamElmore • C eying Co:unty.Road. �4 ,tt • • • . • s .. e . t . • .. • • .. • 50.00 Harry Enrst - " Ervin Fisher John Fisher Scott Fisher Will Flora Lewis Garska Peter Hansen - Marion Hasler - C. A. Heartwell Sidney Keister Will Kistler Dave Koch Paul McFerren Wilber Morgan Al Osler Eugene W. Osler Vern Osler Claude Peck Albert Polenske Will Polenske Gene Pratt - John Ramsey Karl Rei chert L. R. Rickerson L. R. Rickerson L. R. Rickerson tt ft 11 ft ff tt tf fl tt ff ft ft It tt 1t ft tt ff ft ft 7, 1t ft ff tt ft. ft ft ft tf " ft It ft tt Of ft tt ft ft it tf It ft ft tt 1f fl ft " f1 If ft ft ft ff " ft tf tt " tt •.••.ae•,4••••••s... •....... •••.4" 10.00 ••••.. ••••••$•.•. 4. 1,.•e .-.:•. • e i. 26.00/ •••4•4•.•.4•l4••14444,4••• 44.444 65.00 ••••••••..•e'•'•.•e"•••*•r• 38.25 • s • • • • . e • • • • . • • • .. • * e .-.e_ 45.00 .. • • • e • . • .• • . • • 2.50 •.....e•. •..e •. _.....61.60 ...•to►.e'y..tate.edm`s• 4.50 • • s • • e. • e • •.• • e • • • • •••0-414-46-6-• 'e.ii • is. '75.95 •••.Y••..•"..`e".`.••••...•'.•.•.••e• 50.00 4• 5. 4l •.. ••«- • 4 4 s e.•. 4••• 4 4 4 4 ... • e 4 4. e.• 4 e•• 4 21.00 72.00 ••*e6••s-•-.• ••-• • 28.25 5.00 64.15 4• • i • .. • 4 • .. . • • • 4 4 4 4 4 . . • 4 . • •e .• •••.•s.•.t•••.. r••.....••••..••.•••-:. 80.50 li`.00 29.25 •.••.••e••..s..•.•.••-es..••s•••e' 30.00 • .. oil • 35.00' •••.•••••.••144*••••.••••.••.•..: 11..25 ..4**4*•s.4•••••••e•..•.••••.•• 30.00 • e • • • . 4 * • • • • 4 •,• • • • • • 4 • • • 0 '4 . . 4 .4 4444. 35.00 ••..•••...a 43.88 • . • • .. * e .. • . • • • 4 • • • . $ 4 . ♦ • .''• e s . e" a :. 41.12 20.00 Wanda Township • • • • 23.65 4 e• 35.00 ••e•..••e.•••••'••••••••e• 35.00 •e. .•.•*•s•*•e•••••• •'•..4,. 30 " .50 4 . • 4 •. 444• ..4,: Fred G. Roeder, Supt. - Road draggin Niles Simmons - Cloying County Road John Skeen - Clifford Wenner " tt ft ft of tt 4 .4 .4. POOR AID FUND James V Beghtol - Professional services B. J. Carl - Groceries B. Y. can - Groceries B. F. Carl - Groceries Deines Drug Co Geo. B. Durkee H. 0. Eckhardt Ci L. Egbert - Jim Halverso n Henry Herbst Chas E. Hughes Juniata Lbr Co • • $$101 r .. ee• 40.44es•4 • ••i • 4 4 1 4 4 4 9 .' 4 4 4 4."• 4 4.4 s• .• •. • ... 4 1 • •`• 4`4. • • •.' •• **! 4 .• Drugs ..0••• • • • 4 4 4 . 9 9 • 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .. 4 . 9 .. 44***** • 4 4. - Cash paid for railroad ticket to Eustis, Nebr..,,. Groceries 4.00 Professional services S e rvl c e s . • • . • • • • . a .. • ******* 0 4 • • • • • .. . • • . 4 . • . • ... • • .. • .• . 9 • . • • •-4 • 4.4 4. • 4 4 •4 4 1 •s-'. *4031 • 4 4 4 • • • • 4 . 4 • • .. 4 4• .. Goal •..•4•••49444.•4444.4'0044••4144490• •x'•`••4.44 Groceries •s•►••..•..►.. ..Services Mary Lanning Hospital - Services....,..a..s.a4.....•..ae.e••$esa* W. P. Mead - Groceries .94 coca. •• •-,• ,,.4s4a..'.49•4944494* Mikkelsen Drug Co - Drugs ••4•••••••••••••• *************** ••• • a. 0* Nebr. Home, Dependent Children bervices Dr. Walter E. Nowers + Services • s e • • s e . s' .1 B. M. Simms r Drugs•,•e4.4$♦s.4s•e4.•.•.4.4s4as4..aa,s'.•s.4ea.•es 10.00 Sunnyside - Services 144.00 uonrad ,alder .. Groceries ,a.......••••••O••.s... 20.45 17.00 6.84 15.25 8.30 2.85 3.41 35.53 50.00 5.44 7.67 15.00 16.30 59.50 2.68 23.75 30.40 16.00 STATE HIGHWAY -FUND Adams County - Use of County car ,..0•4 S. G. Adams Stamp & Stationary Co - Auto plates $ 50.00 8.14 34.55 7.50 .40 59.40 maintainer221.60 Ayr Lumber Co - Lumber •.•..4.4.• v.•••...9....•........ E. A. Brandes Storage on Nash Truck ...... ,,e F•..ee* E. A.Brandes Tractor Cc - Tractor repair ... • .... E. A. Brandes Tractor Co - Labor and repair on tractor E. A. Brandes Tractor Co - Labor and repair on tractor & Goehring-Racine Rubber Co - Repair work Goehring-Racine Rubber Co .. Repair work ..,....•e.4....• Hastings Service Shop - Labor on carburator`on truck •• •• ••• 1.50 .50 04,460 Mrs. Anna Jeffers . Small tools and hardware . 4.55 Manhattan Oil Co Gas and oil 79.48 Manhattan Oil Co Gas and oil J. H. McGrath Hdw Co Hardware .. . B. F. Millard'- Blacksmithing .es.6..s.0es•.•'s s'•.•.•••. 940644..4.. Nebr. Battery & Tire Co Tractor repairs ..........e.•s44.• •es`a Osborn Oil Co - Gas & kerosene Geo Rubolt ,. Labor on State Road # 41 ..........•••,..9.•4...49•• United Electric Service Co - Labor and one magneto • 53.71 1.66 8.25 2.35 41.73 2.00 84.40 44.4 :4 ' , • • c,ft.-7„-t- 45 COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Geo. W. Bivens - Superintending County road work 38.90 E. A. Brandes Tractor Co - Repairing tractor 20.85 E. A. Brandes Tractor Co - Repairing grader ... . .. 43.24 M. R. Burroughs - Dragging County Read, Little Blue Township 5.10 Wm. C. Dycus - Dragging County roads, Ayr Township 15.30 Elmer F. Gangwisch - Blacksmithing 1.50 Goehring-Racine Rubber Co - Repair work mosiosesiollsoiosso.••••••• 3.50 R. Ji Hargleroad - Hardware ...... 9110,0411,111,0,01,01.4.,soyeesssil .93 We B. Hargleroad, Jr - One Ford truck ...4".***41,10M*Sessfosiks 275.00 J. L. Hynes . Labor on County Road #11 . . .... 10.00 J. P. Johnson Oil Co - Oil Of00110•••••4100.4fooSseelee$4,1.004,64,sselo 4.20 Edwin R. Kent - Road dragging, County Road #7, Verona 3.60 Dave Koch - Road dragging, Kenesaw Township C. K. Lawson Hdw Co .. Hardware 7.95 Harry N. Livingston - Labor on County Road #3 .. . .. 15.90 Manhattan Oil Co - Oil and .gas .94 ********* 0111,604,01,0*,41010111010901, 17.70 Al Osier- Dragging County Road #4 eloossitetiosoossios•selsopoiressos 8.10 H. M. Ratcliff - Superintending County Road work ....... 65.40 Geo. Reynolds . Operating maintainer •11.55 Ross Roberts - Dragging County Road #7, Verona Township ..... 9.00 F. C. Robinson - Setting posts and maintainer w work34.65 Standard Oil Co - Oil ........ ...... 11.18 T. G. Whiting - Superintending County Road work 57.70 J. E. Wiltrout - Cleaning ditches & setting posts 23.10 O. S. Woods - Dragging County Road # 17, Little Blue 4.05 Minutes were read and approved. Motion by Bivens, Second by Durkee thattthis Board now adjourn to meet again on Friday , November 10th 1922 at 10 A. M. Whereupon the Board adjourned. ga logit4 OUNTY CLERK. CHAIRMAN 47 Supervisor's Room, Court House, Hastings, Nebr., Nov. 10th 1922, 10 o'clock, A. M. Board met in regular session. T. G. Whiting, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all Members present as follows: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Keal, Ratcliff, Sorensen and Whiting. Report of the State Department of Agriculture on Tuberculosis Eradication in cattle was read before the Board and ordered placed on file. Motion. by Hargleroad, Second by Keal that Mrs. McCoy be committed to the County Farm. All voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Keal, Second by Ratcliff that an investigation be made by the Mother's Pension Committee, in regard to a Mother's Pension for Mrs. Hardin Young of Kenesaw, Nebraska. All voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Sorensen that the recommendation fo the Pension Committee for the renewal of a Mother's Pension for Mrs. Nellie C. Conover for $30.00 per month be granted. Roll call, all voted aye,. Motion carried. At 12 O'cicok, noon the Board recessed until 1 o'clock, P. M. At 1 o'clock, P. M. the Board resumed. A11 Members present. Petition of G. G. Srnidt and others asking that one mile of the Public Highway commencing at the NW corner of Sec. 27, all in Town 6, Range 9, Adams County, Nebr., thence running north 1 mile to the section line be vacated for the reason that said road is not used on account of the land being very rough and that it would be impractical to put this road in condition to travel. A remonstrance against this petition signed by Claus Merkel and others was read before the Board. Both petitions were condidered by the Board and on Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Sorensen the prayer of the petitioners to vacate said road was denied by the Board. Roll call on the petition, ayes:: Durkee, Hargleroad, Keal, Ratcliff, Sorensen and Whiting. Nays: Bivesn. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Raticiff that the Official Bond of Wm. Reis for Road Overseer, District 2, Ayr Township be approved. Motion carried. Motion by Sorensen, Second by Durkee that the Chairman and Clerk be instructed to sign the application of Mary A. Klingaman for admission to the Soldiers & Sailors Home at Burkeet, Nebr. Motion carried. Reporter, of Elliott R Davis, County Agent, on Adams County's expense to the State Fair was read before the Board and was ordered placed on file. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Durkee that the motion in regard to committing Mrs. McCoy to the County Farm be struck from the records. Motion carried. Report of H. H. Antles, Secretary of the Department of Public Welfare on the Adams County Jail was read before the Board and placed on file. Motion by Durkee, Second by Hargleroadthat the County Board accept the proposition the C. B. & Q. R.R. Co., in regard to improving the crossing 1+ miles east of Holstein on County Road #9 for the amount for the amount of $500.00, to be paid by the Railroad to Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Sorensen that this Board recess until Monday at 10 o'clock, A. M. on account of Nov. llth, Armstice Day being a Legal Holiday. Itotion carried. Monday, Nov. 13th 1922:; 10 o'clock, A. M. Board met as per recess. Roll call, all Members present. .`: > The entire forenoon was taken up in auditing claims on file in the office of the County Clerk. on the Poor Aid Fund the Glasco Hospital for $25.00/be disallowed. Roll c.11, all voted aye. Motion Motion by Sorensen, Second by Hargleroad that the claim of Julius C. Fund be allowed at $210.00. Roll res1•i,;:$il v'dted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sorensen, Second by Bivens, that the claim of the Nebraska Sanitarium on the Poor Aid Fund for $75.95 be allowed at $58.25. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. carried. Koehler for $360. on the General Request of Joseph M. Turbyfill, County Judge risking that the Board allow him and additional $50.00 for extra stenographic help was read before the Board. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by 'Seal that the request of Joseph M. Turbyfill, County Judge for and additional *50.00 for extra stenographic help be not granted as the limit of the law has been complied with. All voted aye. Motion carried. Communication from Neils Mikkelsen of Keneeaw on County matters was read before the Board and same was ordered placed on file. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND James E. Addie - Attorney's fees and office expense dist.soilsoolioletioirileesdA 62.57 Ayr Township, Treasurer ,. Rent of Polling Place, General Election 20.00 A. I. Battan - Laundry, County offices ..•e•...•,..r...• 5.34 Geo. W. Bivens - Supervisor services and mileage.••••••.....s...........s..e..... 48.20 Blaine Township, Treas - Rent of Polling Place, General Election .. s. 10.00 Borley Storage & Transfer Co .. Hauling, putting up and taking Election booths .... 24. E. A. Brandes - Washing County car ...r• •••.••••••••••••••,....................„. 1.50 J. 0. Brower - Freight and drayage . ********** ......,•........................••• 3.50 Burroughs Additional Machine Co - Adding machine ribbene, County Clerk & Treas.office 2.00 J. A. Cates - Delivering Election booths and notices . e.•.•r..•e..e..►.....•0414• 40.00 Churchill Mtg. Co - Dusters and brushes, Court House 27.72 A. M. Clark .. Traveling expense, County Assessor••••.•e•.•••..••..s.••s►.►•... 10.00 W. A. Cole - Cash paid out, jail fees & mileage ..•.....•.....•,•123.47 W. A. Cole .. Mileage, Matron fees, etc .•.••.•e•.•..e..e••..•....• .'....'.'..`."•'.'.'i`."' 51.04 W. A. Cole - Jail fees ..... 1......a. •"...`...... ..-.. • .s.... • • r .... 271.50 Cottonwood Township, Treas. .. Rent of Polling Place, General Election. 10.00 County Treasurer .. Telephone, Gas, water and Light, County offices 334.28 Raymond L. Crosson - Witness fee, dipsomaniac case ........... 2.00 Davis & Son - Repa 'ring harness, County Farm..,.,...•..••..er'•se..ese•s•►.•.e.•s• 3.50 Elliott R. Davis Auto mileage, County Agent ..e.•.•► ........ ............. 52.00 Elliott R. Davis - Office expense, Farm Bureau 40.07 Denver Township, Treas. - Rent of Polling place, General Election ............... 10.00 Lucia Dillenbach .. District Court fees e.e.Ne*...... ,►..,.. ....; •,........, 216.00 Geo. B. Durkee - Supervisor services ..,..e, 42.70 W. M. Dutton & Sons Co _ Addressograph plates ......•,.e e . „ .e••••.••• l.....r 18.30 Earl Hotel - Rent of Polling place, General Elections ...sef0s..,...•,.••.•s... 10.00 Election Board, West Blue Township - Services, General Election •,.eo .,e,!a.r.►.r. 34.35 to t, Highland " Of ft fe .•esal.sese►ssssr• 28.30 ft tt Verona tt .. II It „ 38.90 n " Kenesaw II - tt If 0.................F 4f1.6 O 05 Wanda " n ft o0 ►e s.. s.s.•s•.ss.rs 38.5 If " Juniata "eta 0 t, tf f, or If 1° e► " " . Denver - • Blaine w to a Hanover of ,t Ayr _ fi •.•••e!•se.•.e•40.90 3744 0 ft 0 ! • 7.50 fe r. 0 it 11 fi 33.00 Roseland 44.10 it - fe 44.7,0 0 to 8 5 34. Silver Lake 0 If ft 0 0 0 .•.ree,!•.s..e..,. 3::-82g Zero- -ft tt et " to ,t „ ti ••...e.e•.!s••.!!r Little Blue - •s••ss.es.•s.s41.•33• "0 et 0 First Ward "A" - " 0 0 49.20 ♦sse...►•s•ssee,., it it First Ward '"B't - 0 of 0 4$.60 ,i 0 Second WardttAtt " ft ft 0 �' ttot..,,...•a.asets 45.90 e• sl.s.........ss, 56.70 rt n Third Ward "A" w e " 0 ,.•.•...,.s•a 46, it it Third Ward reB+t " oe re 43.80 0 0 Fourth Ward "Ar' or n to 50 • l C If It Fourth Ward "B" ..- " " ,e 6A Extension Service _ Office supplies, Farm Bureau 3.69. Dr. W. S. Fast - Witness fee, Insanity hearing ...................... 2.00 Dr. W. S. Fast Witness fee, Insanity hearing ..•. es..ss ss..s.,.......sea..e` 2.00 Goehring_ Racine Rubber Co Repair stove, County jail ....._...• 1.00 Dr. E. B. Hamel - Witness fee. dibsomaniac ansa _.. _____ Cottonwood 11 - ft tt 0 Logan e - 0 fe 0 O 0 tt ro tt Second Ward"B" n u f - , Aft 51 (General Fund Cont°d) Highland Township, Treasurer - Rent of Polling Place, General Election 10.00 Juniata Lbr Co - Plaster, nails, etc. County Farm 11.95 Juniata Township, Treasurer Rent of Polling Place, General Election 10.00 K -B Printing Co - Supplies, County Treasurer ..•......... ......... 6600 . K -B Printing Co - Auto receipts, County Treasurer ..•..................... 12.13 Wm. Keal - Supervisor services ...♦•.s...• .............................................. 39.40 W. W. Keith - Physician fee, dipsomaniac case 8 00 s, s • a ... . • ... • f • . s ..... . W. W. Keith - Physician fee, dipsomaniac case p W. W. Keith - Physician fee, insanity case •.•.,• ....................................... 8.00 W. W. Keith - Physician fee, insanity case•,••..•.•......r....•.s........•..•....*WOO 8.00 Kenesaw Township Treasurer - Rent of Poll:Lng Place, General Election 10.00 J. B: Kline - Electrical supplies, Court House 33.60 Klopp Printing Co - Office supplies, County Treasurer ,..... ..... ............... 270.00 Klopp Printing Co - Election supplies, County Clerk 168.12" Julius C. Koehler Detective services ................ is.•......;............. 210.00 C. H. Land - Cash paid out for grain and repairs at County Farm 35.73 Dr. E. J. Latta - Physician services, insanity hearing 2.00 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co - Toll calls, County offices OAS ... loll ...* ....:.............. 14.30 Little Blue Township, Treasurer - Rent of Polling Place, General Election 10.00. Livingston Bros • - Rent of Polling Place, General Election .... • .... e . • • •". , . ►i. . • ..`• • • 10.00 Logan Township, Treasurer - Rent of Polling Place, General Election 10.00 Manhattan Oil Co - Gas and oil, County car .s•a's•s.`,•i'•`•e"i.•.•'.'.•o0•.•••••.00... 12.82 Carl R. Matthiesen & Co - Supplies, County Farm 8.35 W. P. Mead - Groceries, County Farm ...... .,....... 69.39 J. H. McGrath Hdw Co - Supplies, County Farm 13.60 National RefiningCo - Grease and compound, County Farm 2.85 Osborn Oil Co - Gas and oil, County Car .,,. .,...,..; 32.48 R. O. Port er -. Cash paid out, storage on Cou n y car •.•...•,•••.•••....•.. „•....... ... 3.00 R. M. Ratcliff - Supervisor services and mileage ..,..,,••............••....... ..... 26.80 Renner & Serf - Office supplies, Clerk, Treas., & Clerk of District Court 87.50 Rsoeland Township, Treasurer - Rent of Polling Place, General Election .. .... 10.00 School District #18 - Rent of four Polling Places, General Election 40.00 Martha H. Schultz, Co Supt - Postage, express and mileage 44 2 3 Silver Lake Township, Treasurer - Rent of Polling Place, General Election 10.00 John Slaker - Mileage, Member of Mothers Pension Committee 1.20 S. B. Sorensen - Supervisor services and mileage .....,...•........ ...... 35.00 Stein Bros Co _ Merchandise, County Farmoweiteelwe 2.00 Ben Theisen - Corn, County Farm s.,.....•.•s....s'.•,.s..•.."••••••••..'••..•..•.234.30 The Nebr. School Supply House - Office supplies, County Supt 50.00 The Sigel Cafe -- Meals for Jury .. , , . ...... *.., .... .... . * . • , ... ...... •. 65.40 Joseph M. Turbyfill, Cou.ty Judge - Postage and County Court fees 107.23 Verona Township, Treas - Rent of Polling Place, General Election 10.00 pQ Wahlquist Bros- Ballots, General Election .a..•..•.••.•••,...,.•„ • ..,,••••••,..,•.•.i 80.75 Wanda Township, Treasurer - Rent of Polling Place, General Election & 10.00 Watkins-C1ute Printing Co_Election,ballots,notices,publish. Supervisor proceed. tax lists 284.81 West Blue Township, Treasurer - Rent of Polling Place, General Election 10.00 T. G. Whiting ..Supervisor services .and mileage 0110,941•1141041 . 48.50 William Widmaier _ Services, ?`Mothers Pension Committee ,.,..,•••„ ..•,.si•••,s..,••a'.,• 16.10 William Widmaier - Services, Baliff, District Court 114.00 J. E. Willits _ Attorney fee, dipsomaniac case...e....••....•..•..,v.•..•......•...... 3.00 J. E. Willits - Attorney fee, dipsomaniac case ................ 3.00 J. E. Willits - Attorney fee, insanity base 3.00 MO J. E. Willits - Attorney fee, insanity case 011,4104460 3.00 Zero Township, Treasurer - Rent of Polling Place, General Election .. 10.00 Zion Institutions & Industries - Office) supplies, County offices 41.52 BRIDGE FUND Ayr Lbr Co - Bridge lumber .........,.....•................••,.• 308.45 M. W. Baker - Bridge work, Little Blue Township ....................................... 2.00 F. 0. Bourne - Bridge work, Little Blue Township ....................................... 2.40 Hans Christensen - Culvert work, Road No. 11 •...,..,s..•.•.•..•.•.•••.••, 1835 Martin Crosson - Labor on Bridge No. 27, Little Blue Township 3.60 E. R. Easter - Bridge work, County Road No. 8 s „........s.•..•..•s.....,..••,...•.••••9.00 C. E. Edmondson - Bridge work •...',.•.•.,,••..,.,•..r••„•.,.,,•.is•a ,•s•..,•••\ 66.90 „ Independent Lumber Co - Bridge lumber ,.,,.,,,,.,•..►.• 94.90 Oscar Johnson .. Bridge work, Juni ata Township ......•.,•......,...•••..,..,. ..*. .. ••6.75 Juniata Lumber Co - Bridge lumber, Ayr and Hanover Townships .,,166.00 Emil Kalvoda - Bridge work, Little Blue Township •`,.••.,.........,,.........,...•.+.., 30.75 John Lau - Labor on Bridge No. 27, West Blue Township 3.00 J. W. Lau - Labor on Bridge No. 27, West Blue Township .,•.,.,,..,,.s.•.:•.` ...r ,1.80 Mid -State Construction Co - Concrete pipe, Highland Township 19./04 i - B - t.. g 7 ' g%....•,,i,••.,•••••••,.,•,.s,..r.•s.,,•••,Y••..•••, 7.00 Ben Mc Jhirter ride work Highland township , Fred Paris Brid.,e work Denver Township ,.., ,....,......,..•.,.•,26.00 Paul.Y Lbr Co - Bridge lumber o. .. _.•.,•.�.... o.,.. .;,.•....„ . .:.... ...26.00 Ed S. Peterson, Town Clerk Bridge work, Roseland Township 230.40 R. M. Ratcliff - Bridge work, Little Blue, Zero, Roseland, & Silver Lake Townships 80.00 John Riese - Bridge work, Juniata Township • .,..,,•,.s•,... .,.•.,.•,•.•.•......, 9.60 J. W. Rider - Bridge work ,Highland and Verona Township .... • .. 5.10 E. F. Rosenau - Bridge work, Bridge #27, West Blue Township 5.40 John Schifelbein - Bridge work, Juniata Township 10.00 The Chicago Lbr. Co Bridge lumber ,.....,........ 119.65 J. E. Vance - Bridge work, Blaine Township ..... .....................-.-.,_..,.....s....•_ 5.50 W. R. Weakly - Culvert work, Ayr Township ... .... ..,.-....,..•.,. •. 101,0440 06.00 Chas. Wheat - Bridge and culvert work .,..• ................•...,.e, 11,4104,11.00e•01,911100.0.10 158.25 Ray Woodworth - Bridge work, Hanover Township • • .."s .. • . , • . • • . s ... • • • • .... 3.50 5'3 F ROAD DRAGGING FUND E. Ray Anderson, Supt - Road dragging, Little Blue .161..2.•.,,. ......,a.•......•0 27.67 D. N. Bitner, Supt - Road dragging, West Blue 18.90 H. F. Bohlke, Supt - Road dragging, Logan Township299 _ 5 H. B. Burroughs, Supt - Road dragging,Silver Lake Township .,•...•.s•a..•e•...a..•, .40 O. M. Doty, Supt - Road dragging, Highland Township ................... ., 37.45 G. C. Hohlfeld - Road dragging, Cottonwood Township 3.95 Kenesaw Township - Grading and claying County Road No. 4, Kenesaw Township 33.45 Christ Kort - Road dragging, Zero Township ..... ........ 4141........ 4.50 C. E.Plurn - Road dragging, Highland Township ............................. 27.00 E. D. Pratt - Road dragging, County Road #1, Juniata Township .,.•...,..., eeeeee.,. 8.10 E. D. Pratt - Road dragging, County Road #1, Kenesaw Township .,e....,,,.,.....,...., -4.50 0. L. Preston - Road dragging, West Blue Township •,...... .,,e. ._.....•.•..••. 26.10 Karl Reich art, Supt - Road dragging, Cottonwood Township 4141 •e...•....... 9.00 W. E. Shafer - Road dragging, Denver Township...................................so. 31.50 .0.*•0•0:•.01,.••• 9.90 Bert Shay - Road dragging, Denver Township POOR AID FUND American Red Cross - Services ee..'.`...e•'"r.e•s`•a.•`..rae.�.••'es.• 1.80 A. C. Atwater - Services ..•.............•..a.............. 100.00 A. C. Atwater - Services ,...•.•,.....'. •..:...... .....,.....'.''.:....:;. 100.00 Brooke & Son - Supplies ....•e.. ....•..•...... .•............. .• 1.70 B. F. Carl - Groceries a•.•.►..•...'.a•..a;.;.•••': s•.. s ..r.er�..e.s•••asa• 7.11 B. F. Carl - Groceries ..•••..•.e•e.•*. w.••..,,..,,.•a.`•• s.•..•e•w.�.•a.•e.•.•.• 8.20[ B. F. Carl - Groceries . • • l. .•' •s. • . e e ••i• e • .... e • • . e e • . .. •• .. e e 8.00 B. F. Carl - Groceries ...41•..a• Cowrton Coal Co - • 4141 t . • •'.e .• . •".'-e a :•",''• • .^..""•'.i.'i. • •"r`�"".�• ..`.'.......... i s • 15.00 Coal „• ,•...•••.•.•e.•..•..`... 14.50 Ralph G. Cressman, M. D. - Professional services ... •. ••4141• e.•... `.•s.•••. 8.00 Currier -McCulloch Coal Co - Coal ...•►....•....... . ss..•....•..41.a..•.s•...:.e..•.• 26.75 Hastings Cemetery Ass n - Grave space ••••••..•410• ..••419.41•.e'.•'.`..'•'e•':41••.•••a•.41• 25.00 Hastings Fuel Co - Coal ..••'•.,•.•.••• .'..•...•••a•sa`►•••. ••••: Ernest White _ Road work, Highland Township T. G. Whiting - Superintending County Road work, Ayr Township.... 6.80 Minutes were read and approved. Motion by Durkee, Socon.d by Bivens, that this Board now adjourn until November 22nd 1922 at 10 o'clock, A. M. 71.00 Vubereupo i the Board adjourned. J' Supervisor's Room, Court House, Hastings, Nebraska, Wednesday, November, 22nd 1922, 10 o'clock, A. M. Bard met in regular session, T. G. Whiting, Charman presiding. Roll call, all Members present as follows: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Keal, Ratcliff, Sorensen and Whiting. W. C. Dycus and wife and Agricultural Agent, Davis, appeared before the Board asking for an appropriation of <a300.00 for the Adams County Poultry Association, which upon advic; of the County Attorney was not granted At 12 o'clock, noon the Board recessed until 1 o'clock, P. M. At 1 o'clock, P. M. the Board reassmebled, all Members present. Communication from George E. Johnson, State Engineer, regarding the letting of a contract on Project No. 169 was read. Upon Motion by Bivens theClerk was instructed'to inform Mr. Johnson that it the wish" of this Board to have this Contract let at once. Motion by Ratcliff, Second by Bivens, that the County Attorney be instructed to investigage the case of William Kelso, an inmate of Adams County Poor Farm and to communicate with his people in regard to their paying for his Board and care. Motion carried. Motion by Ratcliff, Second by Keal that the Road and Bridge Committee make a claim against the C. B. & Q. R.R. Co., for $50.00 on account of damage done to a bridge by fire on or about October 27th 1922. Said bridge is located between Section 5, Little Blue Township and Section 32, Hanover Township, Adams County, Nebraska, Motion carried. At 2 o'clock, P. M. this being the tithe set by the County Clerk of Adams County, Nebraska, as the time for hearing any aka all objedtions to the establishment and opening of a new road between sections 8 & 17, Silver Lake Township, Adams County, Nebraska. The following proceedings were had and done, to -wit: NOTICE OF PROPOSED NEW ROAD To Joseph A. Frazier: Roseland, Nebraska, You are hereby notified that on the 2nd day .of May 1922, a petition for a new road was filed in the office of the County Clerk of Adams County ,Nebraska, by L. E. Ellsworth and others asking that the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, open a road as described in said petition as follows, to -wit: Open road between section (8) eight and section (17) seventeen, Silver Lake Township, Adams County, Nebraska:r beginning at the southeast corner of section (8) eight and the Northeast corner of section X17} seventeen, Town five, Range, 11, running west one half mile to intersect with the other half of section line already open. That this petition came on for hearing by the Board of Supervisors on Monday, September 11th 1922, and that the Board of Supervisors having lormally viewed this proposed new road and finding it for the Public good that said new road be opened, the prayer of said petition was granted by the Board and it was ordered that we proceed to open this road according to law. That on September 13th 19?2, the County Clerk of Adams County, Nebraska, appointed the County Surveyor to view this proposed new road and instructed him to view the same and to report on the feasibility of opening the same and if it was for the good of the general public that this road be opened. That on September 15th 1922, the County Surveyor did view this proposed new road and made a report in writing that it was feasible to open this road and that it was for the good of the general public that said road be opened, damages on account of the establishment of this proposed new road must be filed 'on or before the date mentioned above. Witness my hand and the Seal of Adams County, Nebraska, this 19th day of September 1922. (SEAL) J. A. Cates COUNTY CLERK, ADAMS COUNTY, NEBR. A remonstrance petition signed by P. L. Munson and others against the opening of this proposed road was read and duly considered by the Board. J. A. Frazier owner of the land affected by the proposed opening of this new road filed a claim in writing for damages to the amount of $160.00 and in addition to this that said County of Adams construct a cattle way on said road for his convenience in getting cattle across the road. After considerable discussion of the petition for the road and the remonstrance said petition and the amount of damages asked for by. J. A. Frazier the following motion was made: Motion by Ratcliff, Second by Bivens that we allow J A. Frazier the sum of $160.00 for damages in full, occasioned by opening of the road as petitioned for. Roll call, ayes: Bivens, Durkee, Ratcliff, Sorensen and Whiting. Nays; Hargleroad and Keal. Motion carried. J. A. Frazier being present agreed to accept the amount of damages as offered by the Board in full for all damages sustained by him on account of opening said road. Motion by Sorensen, Second by Bivens, that we hereby formally declare the road petitioned for by L. E. Ellsworth and others between sections 8 & 17, Silver Lake Township, in Adams County, Nebraska, beginning at the SE corner of section 8 and"the northeast corner, Section 17, Town 5, Range 11, and running west one-half mile to intersect with the other half of section line already open, duly established and opened according to law and that the County Surveyor be instructed to survey this out at once. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens that we purchase of the Standard Bridge Company of Omaha, Nebraska, one 50ft steel bridge, Transverse joyce, 20ft-roadway, stebl piling, including wood backing, at an agreed price of $1500.00 to be placed on County Road No.2 between sections 32 & 33, Denier Township, across Thirty -Two Mile Creek. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Minutes were read and approved. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Durkee, that' -this Board now adjourn to meet again on Friday, December 1st 1922 at 9 o'clock, A. M. Whereupon the Board adjourned. COUNTY CLERK 61 Supervisor's Room, Court House, Hastings, Nebraska, Friday, Decnber 1st 1922, 9 o'clock, A. M. Board met as per adjournment of November 22nd, T. G. 1hiting, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all Members present as follows: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Keal, Ratcliff, Sorensen and Whiting. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Keel that the County Attorney be instructed to notify John A. Kelso of Franklin Count , Nebraska, the Guardian of Win. Kelso, an inmate of the Adams County Poor Farm to take charge of Wm. Kelso and take him away from the Adams County Poor Farm and reimburse Adams County for what expense the County has been taking care of the said Vm. Kelso. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Keel that the applications of Susan Thomas and Emma Dell Young for Mothers Pensions be granted by this Board, the same having been confirmed by the County Court and approved by the Mothers Pension Committee. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion_ carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens that the Official Bonds of Simon Gerloff, Town Clerk, Zero Township, Henry Fricke, Town Treasurer of Denver Township and H. E. VanBoening, Justice of the Peace, Hanover Township be approved by this Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock, noon the Board recessed until 1 o'clock, P. M. At 1 o'clock, P. M. the Board resumed. All Members present. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens that the Bond of Pearl B. Woodworth, County Treasurer elect of Adams County, for $100,000.00 written by the American Surety Company of New York, be accepted and approved by this Board. Roll call, ayes: Bivens, Hargleroad, Keal, Ratcliff, Sorensen and Whiting. Nays: Durkee. Motion carried. The balance of the afternoon was taken up in discussing questions pertaining to County affairs. At 5 o'clock, P. M. the Board recessed until,Sett eday,December 2nd 1922 at 9 o'clock, A. M. Saturday, December 2nd 1922, 9 o'clock, A. M. At 9 o'clock, A. M. the Board resumed, all Members present. Petition of Helen L. Babcock, Guardian of Frank C. Babcock, an incopetent person asking permission of the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, to sell and undivided one-half interest in Lot Two (2) Block, Eleven (11), Hillside Addition to the City of Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska, was read before the Board and upon motion by Sorensen, Second by Bivens the prayer of said petition was granted and the Chairman and Clerk were instructed to certify to the District Judges of Adams County,; Nebraska, the action of this Board relative to said petition. Motion by Sorensen, Second by Keal that we adopt a budget for the year 1923 on the County Highway Fund of $16,000.00 to be apportioned as follows $1000.00 toeach of the sixteen different Townships of Adams County. Same to be used exclusively on the 213 miles of the duly constituted County Road System of Adams County. This budget being intended to cover all the expenditures on the entire County Road System of 213 miles, with the exception of what money necessary to be expended for new road machinery. That the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and instructed to transfer at once $4,000.00 from the Road Dragging Fund of the $16,000.00 in this budget to the County Highway Fund. An amendment to the above motion by Ratcliff, Second by Durkee that all money expended for dragging on the County Road System be not included in this budget, but to be paid for from the regular Road Dragging Fund. Roll call on the amendment, ayes: Durkee, Hargleroad, Ratcliff and Whiting. Nays: Bivens, Keal and Sorensen. Amendment carried. Roll call on the original motion as amended, ayes: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Ratcliff and Whiting. Nays: Keel and Sorensen. Original motion as amended carried. motion by Sorensen, Second by Durkee that the County Treasurer be instructed to transfer $1500.00 frd:t the 63 At 1. o'clock, P. M. the Board resumed. All Members present. Motion by Iiargleroad, Second by Sorensen that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND A. I. Battan - Laundry, County offices ......•... •••••••.•••••,•,•••• 3.99 Geo. W. Bivens -. Supervisor services and mileage 0604000 46.80 E. A. Brandes _ Repairing County cars ........ ......... • .......:::.a:.aa" 11.61 A. T. Bratton-_ Posting Election notices, General Election ............. 8.20 Burroughs Adding Machine Co - Repairing Adding Machine ,Co . Clerk's office 9.30 L. N. Button - Copying index ......................... 126.75 B. F. Carl . Groceries, County Farm ..... ...............a......:,. 69.48 A. M. Clark . Postage, three months, County Assessor's office 3.00 W. A. Cole - Jail fees for November 1922 ........s...s:s.....:. . 291.78 W. A. Cole - Sheriff fees, mileage etc .....'.......................... 139.27 Raymond Crosson - Witness fee, dipsomaniac case ,. 2.00 James F. Crowley, Justice of Peace, Justice G`ourt fees ........... 17.85 James F. Crowley, Justice of Peace - Justice Court fees 77.40 Miss Kathryn Crowley - Services on Canvassing Board 12.00 County Treasurer - Postage, County Treasurer's office ...•............ 18.00 County Treasurer_ Lights, telephone and gas, County offices & Jail 109.00 Henry E. Davidson Repairing Line-a..time, Clerk of Dist. Court office.75 Elliott R. Davis.. Auto mileage, railroad fare & expenses to Lincoln123.36 Elliott R. Davis - Office supplies, Farm Bureau 3.21 Deines Drug Co - Office supplies, County offices 7.35 Lucia Dillenbach - District Court fees ....................... 214.05 Geo. B. Durkee - Mileage, Mothers Pension Committee .. 4.60 Geo. B. Durkee - Supervisor services and mileage .....* 21.80 Mrs,E. R. Erway - Services on Canvassing Board .,..... 12.00 J. A. Frazier - Damages, opening County Road .......•. 160.00 Gaston Music & Furniture Co - Rent of tables & chairs, general Election 20.00 Glenwood Telephone Co _ To11 calls .......-.............. 5.00 W. B. Hargleroad_Supervisor services and mileage .... 54.10 Hastings Daily Tribune - Publishing Delinquint Tax Lists 149.54 H astings Daily Tribune - Publishing Sample Ballots 84.00 Hastings Fuel Co - Coal, Court House ... ......... .... ....ik. 400.39 H. C. Haverly, Co. Treas - Five Compiled Statutes 50.00 J. P. Johnson Oil Co - Gas and oil, County Farm .00.0041100,-0004040 14.11 K -B Printing Co - Chattel mortgage indenm,County Clerk 72.50 Wm. Keal - Supervisor services ...... 4100000000004060600410000000 0,.4410 0.0,0,0,-26.60 W. W. Keith - Physician services, dipsomaniac case 8.00 W. W. Keith - Physician services, dipsomaniac case 0000 . 8.00 W. W. Keith - Physician services, insanity case ................s8.00 Will Kistler - Assisting County Surveyor......................os....i 3.50 Latsch-Bros. Inc - Dermax, County Supt. 004,4414,41004410004100 .57 Latscij Bros. Inc - Office supplies, Farm Bureau .....s................. 5.03 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co . Toll calls, County Agent's office 000000041041000 14.30 Local Registrars - Reporting births & deaths, Adams County 60.25 Manhattan Oil Co - Gas & oil, County cars fiesito*0...-,. .., 14.94 Osborn Oil Co - Gas, County car .............°........°.. 1.70 Osborn Oil Co - Gas, County Farm .............._ 11.48 J. C. Penney Co-- Merchandise, County Farm .... 9.51 R. M. Ratcliff - Supervisor services and mileage 36.10 Rippeteau W. P. & Paint Co Glass, County Farm 00641000,6•00041 4.60 Dr. Amy Robinson - Services, dipsomaniac case .....s*.................i 2.00 Mrs. Martha H. Schultz - Postage, express & mileage, County Supt 29.31 il. O. Sharp - Assisting County SurrLyoyor -:.::...... ..................i.: 3.50 John Slaker - Mileage, Mothers Pension Committee . ................-00063.40 SS. B.SorSorensen .upervisor services . 0000..* 41.60 JosephTurbyfill, County Judge - Postage & County Court fees 25.00 Union Cafe - Jurors meals ..........•. ...:....-..“. i..'.'iY as 30.70 University Publishing Co - Office supplies, County Supt. 50.00 V(tatkins_Clute Printing Co - Publishing Delinquint Tax Lists .. 213.10 Wekesser Co .. Printing briefs ........ .................s........r...srt: 53.30 T. G. Whiting - Supervisor services and mileage .... *.. warn.... 61.80 J. E. Willits - Attorney services, insanity case 3.00 J. E. Willits - Attorney services, dipsomaniac case 3.00 J. E. Willits - Attorney services, dipsomaniac case 3.00 .fir W. 5`. "Fast -Physician: services, dipsomaniac case ................., . 2.0O Wolbach & Brach - Merchandise, Court House & County Farm 39.60 BR DGE FUND E. S. Easter - Bridge work, Silver Lake, Zero, Roaeland & Little B1.ue..$ 26.70 Roseland Lumber Co - Bridge lumber 86 40 Wanda Township _ Bridge lumber 000... ...- 000:0 82.70 W. R,. Weakley - Bridge work, Roseland Township ........... 19.00 Matt Weber - Bridge work, County Road #21 4.00 ROAD DRAGGING FUND 65 Wm. C. Dycus .. Superintending road dragging, Ayr Township $ 2.50 Wm. C. Dycus Road dragging, Ayr Township 42.30 J. B. Fernow, Supt Road dragging, Roseland Township 58.60 John Junker - Road dragging, Highland Township ......•.. 9.90 Geo. Kistler - Strawing road, Silver Lake Township 1111, 4,00110.01/ $•0p Christ _Kort, Supt - Road dragging, Zero Township Ben Mc thirter - Road dragging, Highland Township .......,., 7.20 C. W. McTthirter - Road dragging, Highland Township 855 W. A. Newell, Supt - Road dragging, Juniata Township 86.40 Karl Reichart, Supt - Dragging and strawing roads, Cottonwood Township, 22.70 W. E. Shafer - Road dragging, Denver Township ............ 61.70 Fred . Taftt e - Road dragging , Verona Township . , .. . .. , ....., , , „ 4 , . • 6.30 97.00 POOR AID FtJND A. C. Atwater - Services ..,.1.... •••••••••• ** • * •••••••••"••$ 100.00 James V. Beghtol _ Professional services ..........•,1.,,,,.,,,,,.,__ 9.00 Byers Lumber Co - Coal 6.805 • B. F. Carl - Groceries •••••••.4.••.40••••••.•,•.••• 6.68 B. F. Carl - Groceries ...•..••..•..••.•.. ••.•• •••••••• .0110. 88.00 B. F. Carl - Groceries _ .•... ...•-. •.iii•'•i�i• .45 B. F. Carl - Groceries - ..•.•....4..,....$•..••••i.. • 15.00 Currier -McCulloch Coal Co Coal 4 ....• 16.95 Defines Drug Co - Drugs .....................,,,,....„,....4.4........ 8.70 Hastings Fuel Co - Coal .•-.•.-•....:•1140,..•a•*Ala ......a.11.90 Mary Lanning Mem. Hospital .4....,...•..`...•..•••• 51.90 C. 1. VanPatten - Groceries ....••••••••*••.. 6.45 C. V. Whisnand - Groceries ....•.....•..•........••...4.•.44.•••4•..1. 5.05 Conrad Walker - Groceries •••••••••••••••-••••-••44'114' 18.28 STATE HIGHWAY FUITD Adams County - Use of County car ..........,4,, .....,......•., 50.00 S. G. Adams Stamp & Stationary Co - Dealers plates . • . •. • ..4....... .30 Bourg Bros Spark plugs, etc ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2.75 E. A. Brandes - Storage and repair on Nash Truck 1111...4.: 8.25 Brandes Tractor Co -'Repairs for Maintainer .............,..,..•..••• 24.12 Brinkema & Pope ,- Mower sections ... .•... .96 Byers Lumber Co - Bridge lumber used on State Highway 12.00 Hastings. Sheet Metal Works . Galvonized iron .•.......... .90 J. P. DrOhnson 0a1 Co - Gas & oil .............. 6 9.94 Geo. Kister & Sons - Bolts, etc ....y•.•..••••..••..•.•. 7.45 Lawson Hdw. Co - Shovel handle .. • ... • 11 11...-•. r• • • 1111:.. ".. • .. .75 Magner & Eischen - Small tools and hardware ......................... 1.00 Manhattan Oil Co - Gas & oil ................4...•884.....*..•_•.4.,....... r..,--152.48 F. E. Nash - Extra labor ** * • • • *If .. .... r• -*.,..-.....r.... 3,00 John H. Parsons - Rent for garage 4.1111.:..-. • 4 *4 • 1111.,_*.:........ 40.00 H. K. Sanford Repair work............•••...•.......•ire .-..-•.. ,. ..,40:... - ....65 Stewart & Smith Pipes & cutting ....................• 1.77 COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Lawrence Bohlke- Labor on County Road #9, Cottonwood Township 53.20 E. A. Brandes - Repairs on Nash quad .......•.••••••••.••.• .,..•.••4 63.15 Brandes Tractor Co - Repair on tractor ,.,..•...•..•.••.4..4•...11..•• 98.53 Brandes Tractor Co - Repair on tractor ..........,.•••.,.•..••1•.s11• 21.35 Brandes Tractor Co - Repair on grader & tractor ...1........ 11.32 M. A. Carpenter - Tractor, truck repair & culvert work •....,. 57.40 Hans Christensen Dragging Road 6 and #11.11... • ...#4484140,000000660 10.80 Geo. W. Churchill Labor on County Road #9, Cottonwood Township .... 42.25 Bert Clayton - Maintaining County roads, Denver Township 15.02 John Coffey - Road dragging, Highland Township .040004••..441 9.90 W. M. Dutton & Sons Co - Truck repairs ,..1..... 12,58 Wm. C. Dycus - Dragging County Roads, Ayr Township .............. 5.40 J. B. Fernow, Supt - Road dragging, County Roads, Roseland Township.. 14.40 Ervin:>Fisher - Labor on County Road #9, Cottonwood Township 18.00 John Fisher - Labor on County Road #9, Cottonwood Township 39.20 John Gartner- Labor on County Road #9 Cottonwood Township. 3.15 Gust Granstrom - Labor an County Road #9, Cottonwood Township 5.95 Peter Hansen - Labor on County Road #9, Cottonwood Township 65.45 W. B. Ija:gleroad - Superintending work on County Road #9 50.20 Earhardt Hemberger - Labor on County Road #9, Cottonwood Township,.., 41.30 Clark Huckfeldt - Labor on County Road #9, Cottonwood Township 8.40 Clark Huckfeldt - Labor on County Road #9, Cottonwood Township 44.10 Joseph Huckfeldt - Labor on County Road #9, Cottonwood Township 1 40.95 Robert Huckfeldt - Labor on County Road #9, Cottonwood Township 43.25 J. P. Johnson Oil Co - Gas & oil .••..4/. ........••..... .•.4_ 33.15 Cleve Joynt - Labor on County Road #9, cottonwood Township 53.20 F. S. Joynt = Labor on County Road #9, Cottonwood Township 25.00 F. S. Joynt - Labor an County Road =9, Cottonwood Township 23.10 Lyn Joynt - Labor on County Road #9, Cottonwood Township 22.95 Orville Joynt - Labor on County Road %9, Cottonwood Township.. 56.70 Edwin R. Kent - Dragging on County Road No. 7..•.• 14.40 67 Wm. Pavelka - Blacksrnithing ..•............v...a.......... i•+ 16.45 E. R. Powers - Dragging, County Road Cottonwood Township 4.50 E. D. Pratt = Dragging, County Road 1, Kenesaw Township 10.80 Frank Quade - Culvert work, Road #1, Denver Township 1.50 R. M. Ratcliff - Superintending County Road Cork, Dist. #4 45.00 Geo. Reynolds - Tractor repair and maintaining County Roads 18.88 W. E. Shafer - Dragging County Road, Denver Township 5.40 Andy Syndergard - Labor on County Road #9, Cottonwood Township44.80 Fred Taute - Dragging County Road h12, Verona Township 10.11 United Electric Service Co - Repair for maintainer 8.00 T. G. Whiting - Superintending bridge work, County Roads $.20 Emmet Yohey ; Labor on County Road #9, Cottonwood Township 14.10 Emmet Yokel - Labor on County Road #9, Cottonwood Township 7.65 Wm. Yohey - Labor on County Road #9, Cottonwood Township 6.45 Minutes were read and approved. Motion by Durkee, Second by Bivens that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, January 2nd 1923, at 10 o1clock, A. M. Motion carried. Whereupon the Board adjourned. 0U1TY CLERK ......... . CHAIRMAN 69 SUPERVISOR'S ROOM, COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBR., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19th 1922, 1:30 o'clock, P. M. Board met in Special Session. Petition calling for said meeting was read before the Board. The Petition in full follows: To J. A. Cates, County Clerk, We the undersigned, Members of the Adams County Board of Supervisors, hereby respectfully petition you to call a Special Meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, December 19th 1922, at 1:30 o'clock, P. M., .far the purpose of eeleOting sixty names from said Adams County, Nebraska,/to from ':which to draw the Juryfor the January Term of th6 District submit to the Clerk of the District Court/in and for Adams County, Nebraska. th e This Special Meeting is being called at the request of William District Court in and for Adams County, Nebraska. Dated at Hastings, Nebraska this 15th day of December 1922. Signed: Due notice of said meeting was given Adams by publication in the A. Dilworth one of the Judges Geo. B. Durkee S. B. Sorensen William Keal T. G. WVhi ti ng County Board of Supervisors. Hastings Daily Tribune and by of giving written notice to the Members thereof. Roll call, Members present as follows: Bivens, Durkee, Hargieroad, Keal, Ratcliff, Sorensen and Whiting. Motion by Hargieroad, Second by Sorensen that the following list of sixty names be submitted to the Clerk of the District Court from which to draw the Jury for the January Term of the District Court for, the Tenth Judicial District in and for Adams County, Nebraska. Supervisor Dist. #1 Henry Nash Oscar Hansen Ora Ball John Garrison Roy K. Smith Wm. Land Walter Fisher Platte Stull Farmer Saddler Supervisor Dist. #2 E. L. Kent W. A. Newell Joe Weber F. E. Wintermute W. A. Woodworth Minutes. Henry Johnson J. B Harrenstein Fred D. Classen Arthur A. Shultz ere read and approved. Court Supervisor Dist. #3 Supervisor Dist. #5 Robert Hendrickson John Groff Theodore Cornelius Elmer Yost Christ Christensen Clifford Wenner' Henry Bohnet M. Stein F. S. Joynt Geo. Witt E. R. Brway H. C. Stromer Gust Bohlke ,.,,,..,._.. ,._ Walter Lamoreaux Jess Evans Herman J.Ger4es John Stiner Supervisor Dist. #4 John Reiber John Leighfield Charles Kort J. A. Frazier' Supervisor L..N. Goudy C. T. Buchanan I. R. Doty Edd Paris Geo. Hornberger Henry F. Bohlke C. H. Farman Leland Hall Dist. if? W. C. Harrell M. L. Evans S. A. Haynes Lee Haggard Supervisor Dist. #6 Geo. Kimball ,Sr Fred Binderup Walter Knicely J. K. Sherman C. L. Walters Alfred Mitchelmore W. M. Likely Robert Graham On motion by Durkee the Board adjourned to meet again on Tuesday, Jan 2 1923, being th date previously agreed upon. Whereupon the Board adjourned.