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Supervisors Rec 11 1926
4475 uoUrt HoUse, naestings, Nebraska Wednesday, January 6th, 1926, 9 o'clock A. M. Board met in regular session as per adjournment o f December 5th, 1925, e. B. Sorensen, ehairman, presiding; Roll call, all memeers were present as follows: rurry, uartn6r, nargleroad, reeal, Rainforth, oorensen and Unitesel. blinuteS 01. the last regular meeting were read and approved. K M, Ratcliff, o f Ayr, Nebr. , appeared before the board in regard to some old bridge lumber that had been made into a shed at Ar, Nebr. ;motion by Hargleroad, second by Villitesel that we sell this old bridge lumber to R. M. Ratoliff, , for g5.00.• poll call, all voted aye. action carried.' Annual report of ea.ddler, , eol diers a bailors Relief commissioner anc3 fourth quarterly report 0 f ueo. Harm, bheri f , and the fourth quarterly report of Joseph ia. Tur'oy fill , county udge was read be fore the eoard and upon motion by aeel, second by vurry, these reports were ordered placed on file. Ipplication o f A. I. Battan, for position o f Janitor o f the court House, grounds and buildings for the year 1926 at a salary of t3100.00 per month was read before the Board and upon notion by aurry, segond by Rainforth, A. I. iiattan was appointed J an i tor at a salary o f a00.00 per month, commencing J armory lst, 1926. Petition o f N. W. Gartner, and others asking that a concrete bridge he built between section 25, Roseland Township and Section 30, iyr Township was read and the sane was referred to the Road a; bridge uommittee; tice 0 f appointment by the Juniata lownship board of rred Augustin, Treasurer of Juniata. ':Uownship, on q.ccount o f the resignation 0 f w. J. Debanno was received, official eond of 'red Augustin for `'2000.00 was, upon mo tion by nargleroad, second by rurry, approved by the board. A letter from the Lions Club of nastings, Nebr. , and ease Resolution adopted by the Officers and board of Directors of said Lions Club was read before the board end the same Was referred to the County Attorney for a written opinion. board recessed at 12 o' clock Noon, until 1:1 P. M,,wben it again resumed with all members present, motion by real, second by rurry, that the following Hesolution be adopted : Whereas: the uounty clerk has made estimates for office supplies for the year 1926 as provided by law and has advertised for bids on office supplies as provided by law and 'Whereas; no bids having been received -from, any person on these supplies be it therefore resoluved, that the supply committee se and is hereby instructed to purchase office supplies, as they are needed, in the open marketat the best possible. priees. Roll call, all voted aye. Resolution was adopted. Lotion by nargleroad, second by rurry, that we adopt the plan for steel, wood and concrete bridges for.1926 that are now on file in the office of the uounty clerk. ehese'being plans and specifications put out by the btate board. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. metion by aargleroad, second by Neal, that, the county ulerk be instructed to advertise forbids for the con- • struction of steel , wooden • and concrete bridges for the year 1926. Roll' call , all voted aye. • Lotion carried. motion by tea.rgleroad, .second by Rainforth, that the county clerk be and is hereby instructed to issue salary warrants on the lst 0 f each month to ail County officers and Deputies and Assistant ul erks who are entitled to said warre.ts by law. Also, to County Road Employees, who -under agree -manta' with the County Board are entitl- ed to be paid on the first of each month. Roll call, all voted aye.. Lotion carried. 1•.o•tion by Rargleroad, second by rurry, that upon the. recommendation o f the entire eoard acting as an sauditing Committee, the fallowing claims be allowed' on their respective, funds, and tho Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same, Rbil call, all voted. aye. motion • carried, motion by riargleroad, second by Rainforth, that we confirm the sale o f a monarch 'ere.ctor, belonging to Adams Uounty, , .and described as mo del D- 6-.60 , by a committee of this .Doard , to the department of Public Works, at an agreed price of 45500.00 and that the clerk be instructe,d to make 'claims on the Department of Public Vilorks for 35500.00. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Adams County iarm bureau Automati ce vehicle Tag Co Beal E. O. Adding Machine U0 ..'•.dding machine eo L. No j. A. uounty clerk burroughs Durroughs jeutton uates urow urowl ey Davis Davis & bon a1ter t. James Elliott H. Democrat erinting co Dillenbach Lucia Dominy d bOn (j. M. tnevoidsen alders rurry d. n. cartner , N. H. uaudreault mercantile uo A. J. ulenwood lolephone 00 nargl er o ad. , narm ueo. nastings leachine service miginbotham u. E. ers J Keal mu. UO GENERAL FUND. Uffice supplies License tags • Uas • . maintenance 0 f iniachine maintenance of machine Recording Deed Office expense Office expense in sur anc e premium Mileage e rvic es supplies, court Reuse court costs Insurance Premium Blacksmithing supervisors services cc mileage bupervisors services a mileage oupplies, uourt House Telephone, uounty rare: eupervisors services et mileage Jail fees and Office expense biadkamitLaing Insurance premium Insurance premium bupervisors services f: mileaee 1.00 .72 2.94 7.75 7.75 1.00 55.59 2.00 33.60 65.00 2, 60 655.95 315.3o 40.20 4,00 37.40 5b.40 16.20 15.00 53.40 1,45.O0 25.50 40.32 27.57 57.4o 477 Laird ee Co L. D. feanle at t Oil ,o, elatthies en ecco Garl i1burn S co1t o. C ell and- Dunn eie tor eo lecDowell Nebr. nattery & Tiro eo Osborn uil 00 Paul ey Lumber eo. Queen City Laundry Co Rain forth Ranking J ohn Renner & oorf Rohrer . w Rork Lee ochultz Martha be.ctirity Envelope eo oren sen a. b, etandard uil Co. btewart waiter i. titrate pr. L. K. Univers ity Publishing Co, Bre thers Western Union Tel. Co. Whi te s el W. C. Widxnaier Vii;4;rma draa er Woods Oil CO. Baker w. D. County Tree.eur er Ei ch E in sp ahr Frahm Hensen Huck fel dt L amb o rn Joseph Albert H. Arthur ueo fford VIm Leigh field john Prosser Lumber Co Rei chart Shaw Si eb ke 31 ining Wood.owrth Karl ohn Leon henry Hay • Ayr Lumber uo Goudy Lloyd Buoy rt. H e man eus Rams e y Lee Powell L. D. Balk e R. Bar rows irurno Hudson uilchrist H. Gossard Ernest J ens s en ilenry Lawrence Hal ph Pigeon eo Prest on. u. L. Bitner D. N. Burr waiter M. Buskirk U. L. County Treasurer Daughe rt y P. Doty 0. M. Dy c us wm. 0. Farmers Union State Exchange Sricke john H. ' Hogg U. F. Katzberg curl Lenz E. W, ?roes er Lumber Go Rain fo rth ii. M. et al Reichert , Karl Silvey Lumber 00 J. A. Slining Henry Bmidt Andy. Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Yost Lumber Co J. H. uleeERAL FUND CONT, uppli es , eo, rearm uas Oil eupplies eo . Bann up pl eS Repairs iiileage to etate meeting at Omaha ouppli es lsas ec Oil -o Lamdry, , court 1-io use LJiip aryls ors services e: mileage eh o vl eing snow euppli es , court House Iii surance premium -edi cal service u ff ice expense Envelopes, court House supervisors services mileage Vas ec. Oil ie rvic es ..iedical services buppli es , Co. wept. buppl i es , Sheriff Telegram euperv:i so rs services & mileage cervices cervices uas & Oil BRIDGE FUND he pairing bridge .1.1 re ight on car lumber Unloading bridge lumber aul ing bridge plank .te auling bridge pina.k naulir,g, bridge plank aul ing bridge lumber Unloading bridge plank Repairing bridge ulvert Hauling bridge lumber Unloading bridge lumber Unloading bridge 1 umb e r Unloading bridge lumber pai ring bridge • ROAD DRAGGING FUND oteel posts eragging Uo. roads Dragging .0o. roads Dr ag ging uo. roads Dragging 'do, reads eragging roads oe rvi ces ragging co. rods Dragging roads Dragging roads Dragging roads 1./ r ag ging roads Dragging roads eraggin.g roads .ur egging Co. roads Services upt. Verona • Twp oupt. Juniata " Freight on Snow fence Putting up snow fence vupt. Hi Ldel are d Twp bupt. Ayr Twp oteel posts upt, Denver Twp eupt, aoneland Twp Putting up snow fence 'upt, ai ne Twp oteel posts . Team work eupt, cottonwood Twp eteel posts Unloading snow fonce Supt. lianoter Twp 00 now fence Lumber 14.30 47.94 1.30 12.21 .40 ti.10 3.95 16.60 8.60 7.02 73.20 1.50 57.25 40.32 25,00 58.10 144,34 62. JO 31.20 1.00 25.00 19.63 14.75 .90 33.40 17. 65 7.80 16, 25 5.40 669.50 4.00 8.45 25.38 3.50 6.00 9.60 • 6. 30 26,10 8.40 4.00 4.00 14.40 3.00 51.50 9.75 7.13 22.88 9.00 15.00 2.50 9.57 14.25 4.50 12.38 9.75 9.00 9.38 1e.75 2.50 62.61 18.25 148.58 28.80 19.36 26.50 97.31 8.50 61.35 34.60 52.01 58. 50 37.50 16.00 89.30 34,00 46.37 648.92 69.60 179 American Red Cross Byers Lumber Co Carl Currior-Park Coal Co Eckhardt h. O. Hastings iittel Go, Larsen n.G. Mace John L. mace John L. Nebr, Sanitarium Pratt J. a. Schlueter Lumber Co Sunnyside YanPatten U. I. Walker uonrad Wheeler ooal Co. Whisinand U. V. Wieck • waiter Yost Lumber uo J. H. Adams Co. Agriculture Socioty Saddler shick w. U. nenry Adams & Go J, Burr oughsh. B. Daugherty Dean Duncan u. S. Enevoldsen Anders Essinger j. urothaus narry Coffey • John Gilchrist J. H, McWhirter U. W. Jenssen Meyer will H. Furry J. H. Krull john Stromer Walter Trauernioht John Gartner P. H. Uilchrist J. H. Mennenga Haymon Hargleroad James C. Haws & Sons Hershey S. S. Jones & Sons_T. W. Kenesaw Implement Co. Kindig Art Laeborn pearl Mack Manhattan Oil Co Mikkelsen Drug Co McGrath hdw Co J. H. Pavelka Pratt WM Ramon W Reichart Robinson E. Robinson U. J. Bosoff Dick Slifc bewell Shaw. John Liebke Leon Stulken August Fire herbert United Electric Service Gangwish ra. C, Katzberg wm. Currier Ira McCall Bert Balke R. W. Anderson l'Lug Whitesel vv. C. Motion by Keal, second by at 9 o'clock A. M. f_ ounty Clerk. POOR AID FUND bervices coal uroceries Cool uroceries uoal uroceries services services services Groceries uoal services uroceries uroceries oo Groceries Gro-ceries ooal COUNTY FAIR .FUND Permanent improvements ?A premiums SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND Commission as Relief cornrnissioner Relief for 6014iers & siallors COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND supplies Dragging Co. roads rutting up snow fence supplies Labor 6: supplies Labor & supplies Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. raads Dragging Go, roads Dragging Co. raods Dragging uo, roads Dragging Co. roads superintending 6o, roads Dragging uo, roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co. roads supervising oo. roads Shoveling snow Shoveling snow Dalsor uas 1 Oil Blacksmithing Supplies supplies Team work Unloading Snow fence hauling snow fence Gas Ulass ire Labor & gas Putting up snow fence Putting up snow fence Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Operating tractor Labor Labor G upplies Dragging oo. roads Dragging oo. roads, Dragging oo. roads Dragging uo. roods Dragging uo. roads Dragging uo. roads Supervising op• roads hainforth that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday 6.45 18.30 15.00 31.50 105.85 32.40 20.39 3,00 47.33 217.90 6.05 10.10 72,50 24,19 14,35 66.50 37.92 47.56 9.00 539.40 12,40 100,00 1.09 8.25 6.40 .83 6.40 67.70 9.00 3.00 12,75 4.50 4.50 8.25 51.70 4.50 5.25 4.87 45.30 1.60 5,20 14.40 23.75 2.60 25.45 35.85 8,30 34,00 15.00 .95 .82 5.62 5.35 8.80 5.20 15.50 14.40 14,40 1.20 3.20 5.20 1.80 1.80 15.80 25.50 2.25 6.00 4.80 3.75 3.1.70 22.40 January 12th, 1926 I. 1 Court House Hastings Nebraska, Tuesday, January 12th, 1926, 9 o'clock A. M. Statutory meeting of the hoard. d. t3, Sorensen, chairman presided. troll call, All members were present as follows: curry, uartner, nargleroad, rival, Rain forth and aorens en, Absent, Whitesel, µiinutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. The annua3. report of the Adams County Farm bureau was upon motion by Keal, second by Uartner on file. ordered placed The annual report of ueo. T, Wheat, boldier 4t bailors Relief commissioner and the semi-annual report of Naartha. H. Schultz, county buperintendent, and the semi-annual report o f J. A, Cates, county Clerk was read and upon motion by Keal, second by Rainforth, these reports were ordered placed on file. Request o f Walter M. Crow, county Attorney for an allowance for necessary stenographic and clerk hire for the year 1926, for the county Attorney's office in a sum to be fixed by the Doard, was upon motion by hargleroad, second by zeal allowed at.a salary of 080.00 per month, toll call, all voted aye. ;motion carried, Martha H. Schultz, county Superintendent, filed a request with the board asking that provision be made for a fund of ;350.00 to be known as the Adams County School Exhibit rund. this request upon motion by teal, second by cart ne r , was laid over until the next meeting of the board, W. C. Whitesel, bupervisor;came in at this time. Motion by Gartner, second by furry, that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed -to issue warrants for same, toll call, all voted aye. nation carried, County Treasurer rngli sh , Mrs. E. A. uaudreault rerc, Co. Omaha Printing co County Treasurer Standard Bridge co Mikkelsen Drug Co Mowers, Dr. Walter E Jones, Dr. Sherman GENERAL FUND Tele, water & light bills, etc bervices office supplies uffice supplies BRIDGE FUND :Freight paid 2 car loads bridge lumber POOR AID FUND Drugs Prof. Services 44 a ;motion by Keel., second by nargleraod that the adjourned dine Die. 9/4,10/74,4 County Cl erk. Deputy County clerk. board now adjourn bine Die. Reorganization o f the Board No change in the personnel of the board, Rol]. call , 119,44 10,00 9.40 18.20 580.75 837.67 20,55 44,00 20, 00 ell voted aye. board The County clerk called the board to order and a temporary organization was made by the election of b, ts. Sorensen, as temporary chairman. m r. Sorensen, stated that the first business in order would be the election of a permanent chairman. motion by r'urry, second by rlargleroad, that we proceed to an informal ballot for the election of a chairman, lotion carried, An informal ballot was taken which resulted as follows: b. B. Sorensen, 6 r'. n, curry, 1 ,lotion by :urry, second by Rainforth, that the rules by suspended and that the informal ballot taken be made a formal ballot and that b. ts, Sorensen be declared elected permanent chairman of the board for the year 1926, motion carried, The Chairman announced that the board would now recess until 1:15 P. M. in order to give to chairman time to make up the standing committees for the year. board recessed. At 1:15 P. LT1. the board reassembled with all :T. -ambers present, standing committees were appointed by the chairman as follows: settlement Committee e. H. Gartner, chairman and all members of the beard, finance Committee T. R. Rain forth , chairman and ail members o f the board Complaints a bonds committee vv. 0, ti'Vhitesel, chairman, Wm. Keal and J. i1, curry Roads & Bridge committee w, x , Hargloroad, chairman and all members of the Doard Lands buildings committee cam. Keal, Chairman, T. R. Rainforth and b, D, Sorensen County sarin Committee fr. H. Furry, chairman, r,H, vartner, and w. C, VUhitesel supply Committee J. A. Cates, Chairman, Wm Keel, T. R. Rain forth 4S3 motion by hargleroad, second by tz artner, that the Superintendents of their respective Townships for The appointm.aits follow: West blue, D. N. Abler highland U. M. Doty varona waiter M, burr Kenesaw R, W. Balke Wanda ',red Oa Roeder J uni ata U. L. -uskirk Denver J.H. Fricke Blaine ha W. Lenz following named persons be appointed Road Dragging the year 1926, Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Hanover van• ht btromer Ayr Bert Derricks Roseland r, e, nogg Cottonwood Karl Reichert Logan Hans Christensen Dilver Lake n. iiurroughs Ler° Dimon Gerloff Little blue L. .Ray Anderson notion by Aeal , second by Rainforth that we appropriate 415,000,00 from the Road Dragging rund to the County uravel rund. Roll call, ayes, furry, uartner, Kea1, Rainforth.,\ oorensen and whitesol. ayes, Hatgleroad. motion ca.rriect. motion by Keal, second by Rainforth, that we authorize i. N. button, Regirster of Deeds to make the transfers on the Real Estate Assessment nooks for the year 1 926 at an agreed price lo f q50,00, Roll call , ell voted aye. o tion carried. At 5 o' clock m. the Doard recessed until Wednesday, January 13th, 1 926 at 9 o'clock A. M. Wednesday January 13th, 1 926 9 o'clock in, .ta. board re-assemoled as per adjourirnent of luesday, January 1 2th , 1926 with all members present. motion by hargleroad, second by rurry, that we appropriate 420,000.00 from tne tioad Dragging rund to the t:ounty highway fund, the same to constitute the Cr ounty highway nudget for the year 1926, this $20,000,00 to be divided equally between oupervisors Districts, numoers 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively, in the amount of 45000.00 to each named district. This buctget is adopted by the Doard and is expected to cover all costs of the construction, maintenance, machinery and all other expenses connected with the 217 miles of the uounty Highway ystem for the year 1926, Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. motion by hargleroad, second by real that the petition of :1,, U. Reisener and others, asking that the uounty Board designate the puolic highway, ail ready esta.blisned as a uounty highway and described as follows: Commencing on the Adams -Hall uounty line, between sections 4 and 5 in varona Township, thence running oouth 8 miles to connect with the Do L. D. Highway, be not granted, for the reason that the Uounty beard has all ready designated and established the full mileage o f uounty roads in Adams County that the law Will allow. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried, motion by Hargleroad, second by aeall that Adams County Road number 3, commencing at otats hoad It 7, at the north west corner, section 16, and northeast corner, section 17; town 7, range 9, thence running south 8 miles, thence east one hal f mile, thence south three and one hal f miles to the center of section 9, town 5, range 9, in the village of Pauline, be designated as Adams County Gravel Project ti 2, and that we gravel this project during the year 1926 under plans and specifications to be drawn at a later date. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Lotion by Gartner, second by hargleroad, that the following prices be paid for labor and team work on roads for the year 1926. Dingle men Team work, man and team Team WO rk, man and 2 teams Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried, 40¢ per hour 600 per hour 75st per hour At 12 o'clock noon the Doard recessed until 1:15 P. M, when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by hargleroad, second by ,eal, that we pay experienced tractor and grader men a salary of 4110,00 per month during the year 1926, Roll call, ayes, hargleroad, real, and oorensen. Nayes, Furry, taartner, Rainforth and Whitesel, motion lost. motion by tiargleroad, second by rurry, that we pay experienced tractor and grader men a salary of 4120.00 per month during the year 1926, Roll call, ayes , furry, Gartner, tiargleroad and whitesel. naps, zeal Rainforth and sorensen, motion carried. Motion by Keal , second by rurry, that this .E.Joard now adjourn to meet again "friday, rebruary 5th, 1926 at 9 o'clock A, M. -iLth- 1-111County Deputy County Clerk, lir eiggazgew„---.1 Chairman 4S5 court House nastings, Nebraska iriday eebruary 5th, 1926, 9 o'clock A. M. Board met in regular session as per adjournment of January 13th, 1926. s. B. Sorensen chairman, presiding. Roll. call, all members were present as follows: Furry, Cia.rtner, targleroad, &e81, Rainforth Sorensen and lehitesel, minutes of the 1 ast regul ar meeting of the Board were read and approved. Motion by Keel, second by Hargleroad that the renewal of eiothers Pension to Laura Marsh, ordered by the County Court be cenfirmed by this Board and the clerk instructed to issue warrants for said pension. Roll cell, all voted aye. motion carried. Petition of lIan. M. Lowman, as uuardian o f the person and estate 0 f Thomas B. Kerr an incompetent person asking permission to sell certain Real Estate as described in said petition, which is now on file in the Office of the county Clerk, was read before the board and upon motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth the prayer of said petition was granted and the chairmen o f the County Board was authorized to sign, end the 'County Clerk to attest the following recommendation of the Board to the Judges of the District court of Adams County, Nebraska, as follows to -wit; .10 THE JULGES OF THE DISTRICT COURT OF ADAMS COMM, NEBRASKA: WHEREAS, William m. Lowman, as guardian of the person and estate of Thomas E. Kerr, an incompetent person, has made application to the County board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, for their approval and approbation of the proposed sale of the following heal Estate, to -wit; Lots 1, 2 and 3, Esther's Addition to the city of Hastings, Nebraska., and Lot 6, Lyman's Subdivision of block 5 o f Moore's Addition to the City of Hastings, Nebr, owned by said incompetent person, for the reasons set forth in the petition or application in reference there- to now on file with this Board, that said proposed sale of said property has 'been duly 'considered by the board of said county at a meeting therof regularly called and held, and said proposed slae has been found to be expedient, proper and necessary, and the same has been by said board of Supervisors of Adams County, duly approved. NOW THEREFORE, said Board o f Supervisors o f Adams County, Nebraska, hereby certi fy that they have examined into the propiety, necessity and expediency of said proposed sale of said real estate, and find it necessary and for the best interest of said incompetent person, end for the benfit of his estate, that said premises be sold, and said board of supervisors do hereby fully approve the sale of said premises as proposed Adopted by the Adams County Board of supervisors eebruary 5th, 1926, supervisors record ff 11 at page 485 thereo f. Attest J. A. Cates County Clerk of Adams County S. B. Sorensen chairman f the county Board o f Supervisors, Adams County, Nebr. The fourth quarterly report f Lucia uillenbach, clerk o f the District Court and the annual report of L. Button, Register of Deeds was read and upon motion by &a1, second by uartner these reports were ordered placed onfile, motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel that upon a recommendation of the bond Committee the following Official bonds be approved by this board. motion carried. Bert Shay, Road Overseer, .uistrict if 3, Denver Township crank Quade, Road Overseer, District If 1 Denver, Township Henry Heuske, Road Overseer, DistriCt le 4, Highland rownship Herman Plaxitz, Road Overseer, District # 2, zero Township Harm Johnson, Road Overseer, District ff 3, Ayr Township Henry Blomenkamp, Road Overseer, District if 1, Ayr Township John crothaus, Road Overseer, District If 2, Ayr Township ben Wigest, Road Overseer, District # 4, Ayr Township em. Merkel, Road Overseer, District # 1, Little Dlue 'iovzriship J ohn alein, Road Overseer, District le 1, Silver Lake Township e. Traut, Road Overseer, District # 2, Denver Township Orvalblocher, Road Overseer, District # 1, West elue Township E. A. Fricke, Road Overseer, District # 2, West blue Township Dayton Curry, Road Overseer, District # 1, Highland Township N. W. Howat, head Overseer, District 4, Denver Township Appointment of Le, m. Hewitt as Deputy Register o f Deeds for the year 1926, by L. N. Button, Register of Deeds, was confirmed by the board and the Official bond 0 f M. Hewitt as Deputy Register of Deeds was approved by the board, motion by aeal, second by eurry, that the hastings Democrat be designated as the ufficial paper for the publication o f legal notices for the year 1926. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Application 0 f J ohn Q. Minnix, for a blind Pension for the year 1926, of'4250.00 per year, payable quarterly was granted by the board. Petition of J . -Pollock andothers asking that a 16 foot bridge be built on section line 2 miles south and about 100 rods west of Ayr, Nebr. , and the petition of U. M. Doty and others asking that a bridge be built between section 26 and section 27, town 8, range 10 were read before the noard and upon motion by Keal, second Report o f h. E. Crandall , State Examiner of County Treasurer's Offices, upon the examination of the accounts o f Pearl B. toodworte, County Treasurer o f Adarns County, was read before the board and upon motion by eal, second by hargleroad, the report was ordered placed onfile. The request .0 f ieartha h. bchul tz , county buperintendent asking that the board make provision for a fund of e;30.00, to be known as the Adams County school 'Sxhibit eund, which was read at the last meeting of the ioardof bupervisors and laid over until the next regular meeting of theboord, was taken up and consideted, Ifkotion by uartner, second by, Rain forth that the request be granted and allowed at i1250.00 instead of 050.o0 asked for. Roll call, on this motion, all voted aye. communication from E. O. Jones, section foreman on the Issouri Pacific R. R. in regard to a gravel pit located near superior was read and ordered placed on file. motion by Hargleroad, second by uartner, that we purchase 100 gallon bridge paint from the Arco Company of Cleveland, Ohio at an agreed price of 2.50;per gallon delivered in Adams . County , sebrask a. holl call , all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by seal, second by• hargleroad, that the County Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to transfer .120,000.00 from the Road Dragging Fund to the County Highway rand to complete the budget o f the County highway eund. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried, At 12 o'clock Noon the board recessed until 1:15 P. M, , when they motion by uartner, second by whitesel that the Lands and Building to cover the floor of the eobbeyand Rostrum of the District court carried. again resumed with all members present. committee be instructed to purchase Linoleum hOpm. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion motion by iseal, second by Hargleroad, that the following request be made to the state Department of Public Works: The Adams County eoard of bupervisors in regular adjourned session, held in Court Howe at Hastings, Nebr. Febroary 5th, 1926, hereby requests the Department o f Public Works to advertise for bids for surfacing the D. L. D. road across Adams County with an additional 2 inch gravel surface, Request is also made for the constructicn of a bridge across the blue River between nastings and Ayr Village on state.Highway # 2. It is also requested that the State construct a bridge on the D. L. D. road between sections 17 and 20, town 7, range 12 where Cottonwood Creek crosses the D. L. D. road and being approximately 17 miles west of Hastings. The above construction and gravel surfacing all to be paid for from Federal and State Funds. Roll call, allvoted aye, Motion carried, Motion by Keal, second by Rainforth that we confirm the informal action of a Majority of this Board had and done on January 23rd, 1926 in making an agreement with F. C. Rolls, District Engineer, for the sale of the Machine Shed located on West Second Street at an agreed price of S2250.00. Roll call, allvoted aye, motion carried. At 2 o'clock P. M. the time set for receiving bids for the construction o f steel and wooden bridges, on a yearly contract basis for the year 1 926 the following bids were received and read: Standard Bridge company of Omaha, Icrank h, Kitts , 0 f has tinge , Nebraska. The board went into executive session and considered the bids from every angle, after due consideration a motion by uartner, second by Rainforth that we reject any and all bids. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by thitesel, second by surry, that the County Clerk be instructed to return the certified checks received with the bids to the standard Bridge Co, , and Frank h. Kitts, Motion by Gartner, second by eurry that we extend the construction of steel and wooden bridges that agreement with the Standard Bridge Co. , made this Kitts for the building o f concrete bridges during call all voted aye. motion carried, the 1 925 contract with the Standard Bridge Co., of Omaha for may be ordered built by this board during the year 1 926 on an day, and that we also extend the 1 925 contract of 'rank H. the year 1 926 that may be ordered built by this Board. Roll At 5 o'clock P. Na the board recessed until Saturday, sebruary 6th, 1 926 at 9 O'clock A. M. baturday Feoruary 6th, 1 926 9 ot clock A. M. The board re-aseembled as per recess, Hall call, all memeers were present. aotion by Hargleroad, second by thitesel, that the following official Bonds be approved. Lotion carried. charley Wheat, Road Overseer, District te 55, Logan Township Wm, halomaier, toad Overseer, District if 56, Logan Township Frank Heinrich, Road Overseer, District el 57, Logan Township Frank Zubrod, Road Overseer, District 4' 58, Logan Township Motion by Keel, second by Hargleroad that upon the recommendation of the entire board acting as committee the following claimbe allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Claims follow: Adams County Yarm Bureau burroughs Adding Machine Co Cannon T. N. Crow Walter M, Davis Elliott R. Deines Drug Co Democrat Printing Co Dillenbach Lucia eischer Furry nee -Hasa 5„ J. H. P GENERAL FUND Office supplies Ribbon bupplies, uo. Farm uffice supplies d; expense mileage Supplies Office supplies Office & Court expense aileage for mothers Pension Committee bupervisors services & mileage an auditing issue warrants 1 4.41 1,00 8.60 15.04 65.0o 8.85 113.65 10347 3.40 29.20 41n " 9 " Johnston Lee W. K -B Printing Co Keel am. alopp Printing Co Land U. H. Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel, Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co Lindsay H. C. Local Registrars Milburn & Scott Co Murphy Typewriter uo R. E. Penney Co, J. 0, Queen City Laundry Co. Hainforth T. R. School District # 18 Schultz Earths H. Sorensen S. B. Stein Bros, Go. Wahlquist Bros, Wheeler Coal Co Whitesel W. C. Winston Co. John C aoodworth Jennie G. Daugherty Gangiwsh Johnson P. R. Earl L. ti arm Anderson E. Ray Ealke R. W. Eitner D. N. burr waiter M. Burroughs h. B. Buskirk C. L. Christensen Hans Dericks bert Doty O. M. Fricke John H. Gerloff Simon Hogg C. F. Lenz E. W. Reichert iaarl Roeder eyed G. Stromer in. E. American Red Cross Beghtol Beghtol Dr, J. V. Dr, James V. Cannon T. N. Carl B. F. Currier -Park Coal Co Eckhardt H. O. Hamel E. B. Hopkins D Larsen r. S. R, H. G. Mace John L. Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Matthiesen & Co Carl R. Nebraska Sanitarium Prosser Lumber a Coal Co T. R, Rainforth Stein Bros. Co. Sunnyside VanPatten U. I. Walker Conrad Wheeler Coal Co Nhisinand C. V. Whitaker & Deffenbaugh Wieck Walter Bassett Beal Duncan Fricke . Fricke VanMeter Bruntz Criswell ea 4" rr A, LO R. C. 5, E. A. J. H. ?Ted Al ex Arthur , a GENERAL FUND CONT. Transcribing bill of exceptions Supplies, Co. Supt, supervisors services & mileage supplies Doard for inmates at Co. Farm supplies, Co. Supt Tell calls, Yam Bureau Toll calls, Court house court costs Reporting briths ec deaths supplies Overhauling Typewriter supplies, Co. Farm Laundry, Court House supervisors services Use of Senior High Office expense oupervisors services mileage Supplies, Court House Supplies Coal, Court House supervisors services & mileage supplies Mileage for Mothers Pension Committee BRIDGE FUND Hepairing bridge Hauling bridge plank Bridge work ROAD DRAGGING FUND supt. Supt. slept. supt. supt. Supt. Supt, Supt, Supt. Supt. Supt. Supt.' Supt. Supt, supt. supt. Little Blue Township Kenesaw Township West Blue Township Verona Township Silver Lake Township Juniata Township Logan Township Ayr Township Highland Township Denver Township Zero Township Roseland Township Blairo Township Cottonwood Township Tianda Township Hanover TWID POOR AID FrND services Services Services Drugs Groceries (Joel Groceries Services Services Groceries services Services Drugs Services ooal Cash paid for transportation Clothing Services Groceries Groceries Coal Groceries Potatoes Groceries COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Team work Supplies Supplies Hauling snow fence Shoveling snow Shoveling snow Shoveling snow Dragging Co, roads o^ 65.00 60.38 40.00 25.00 132,84 2.70 5.20 12.40 35.70 55.50 19.70 13.25 4.98 5.46 45.00 10.00 56.84 79.40 2.65 5.25 485.06 46.00 6.37 2.40 4.00 1.80 3.60 58.59 14.50 27.24 50.44 29,52 38.89 18.43 31.32 29.13 37.75 47.73 20.50 47.01 17.89 41.88 38.39 4.50 111.00 4.00 18.05 15.00 4.50 103.45 10,00 50.00 19.29 8.00 87.35 2,10 100.00 6.65 1.80 7.80 58.00 17.58 16.20 243.70 54.05 .70 46.92 6.00 3.85 8.65 8.00 1.60 1.6o 1.60 5.25 Woodworth Eigenberg Weathe rwax Stromer Smidt Starner Gerloff Dycus Bargleroad Kistler Burroughs Schi ffler Routh Peterson Christensen Nissen Kin dig Fel zine Uranstrom Haws & Sons Herbert Blup f H. H. E. P. Wilter vi ck Anton Hannan 01 axence W. B, Chester ri, Be Abe J am es Frank Hans Christ Jim E. A; Ed u. S. J. M. Kammerlohr Drug Store Prosser Lumber & Coal Co Prosser lumber & Coal .Co Schlueter Lumber Co Shaw Siebke Wailes Whitesel Whitesel Babbitt Pratt Burling Whitesel Weber Baugh Zubrod John Leon '35550 E. R. ira 1h. 13, El ton L has K. W. C. '1', J. J. R. Jake Mc) ti°r, by Rain forth, 9 o'clock A. M. 144 un t y 1.erk, COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND CONT. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Cash paid fo Dragging Co, Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging uo. Dragging Co. Gas & Oil neater Supplies Ether bupplies Supplies Coal Services Operating tractor Services Team work Services Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Supervising Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragyage roads roads roads roads raods roads roads roads r freight tt express roads roads roads roads roads roads roads roads roads roads 491 N4-''.14'ii/PA3404M 4.50 3.00 12.00 6.75 3.75 4.50 4,50 4.50 7.43 5.25 6.75 9.38 6.00 3.75 12.00 3.75 4.50 6.00 4.50 48.35 12.00 20.00 3.40 18,40 111.20 28.64 6,00 6.40 52,40 4.80 43,20 9,00 7.50 5.25 10.80 3.00 6.00 .25 second by Keal that this Board now adjourn to meet again Friday, iviarch 5th, 1926 at iDeputy County clerk. ,,4.4rfia, a 493 court ,House mastings, Nebraska eriday march 5th, 1926. 9 o'clock A. M. Board met as per adjournment of February 6th, 1926. b. B. Sorensen, Chairman presiding. Roll call all members were present as follows: Furry, Gartner, Hargleroad, &eel, Rain forth oorensen and whitesel. 'ihe minutes of the last regul ar meeting were read- and approved, motion by lad tesel, second by 2urry that the following Official bond be approved. II/Lotion carried. aarl Reichert, •Road Overseer Districts 1, 2 and 3, Cottonwood Township, Frank Schneider, Road Overseer District 77 2, Wanda Township Charles earman, Road Overseer District if 4 Roseland, Township Arthur Frahm, Road Overseer District y? 4, Zero Township c. L. Hansen, Road Overseer District 1, Roseland Township Lewis Grounds, Road Overseer District, it 3, Highland Township Harm vanboening, Road Overseer District ife 4 Hanover Township W. D. baker, Road Overseer, District ht 3 Little blue Township uhris Trausch, Road Overseer, District 3, Roseland Township J ohn Leighfield, Road Overseer, .uistrict # 2, Little blue Township Ray Jones Road Overseer District ft 2, Silver Lake Township August Paulikat, Road Oversee,r tristrict 1 verona Township J . J. Parr, Road Overseer, District #. 2, Roseland Township Wm, Lamborn, Road Overseer District )-7- 4, Littleblue Township Herb beach Road Overseer, District 1, Juniata Township motion by Neal, second by Hargleroad, that the action of the County Court in allowing mothers Pensions to Agnes Voudroau, Rose A. Huls and Mrs. Jennie bass, be confirmed by this board and that the Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for these pensions. Roll es/l, all voted aye. motion carried. motion by Hargleroad, second by Gartner, that the confirmation of appointments for precinct assessors made by the Townships Of Zero and Juniata confirmed by the County Assessor to -wit; Martin Kort for Zero Township and bert N. Clayton for Juniata Township be approved by this board, motion carried, motion by eal, second by whitesel, that the annual report of Henry Shick, Soldiers and Sailors Relief Commission be approved by this board and ordered placed on file. Report of James 1?. Crowley, Justice of the ±-'eace was read and ordered placed on file. A Petition signed by Peter Schiffern and others asking that a bridge be built between section 2 Roseland Township, and section 35 .Juniata Township was read and upon motion by Furry, second by &ee1, the praeer of said petition was not granted; Petition of R. W. Plautz, and others asking the board to create a new County raod described as follows: commencing at the north-east corner 0 f section 26 and the north-west corner of section 25, town 6, range 11, Adams County Nebraska, and intersecting at the starting point of County Road If 9, thence running east 5 miles and connecting with State Road # 2, was read before the board and upon motion by Neal, second by Rainforth the prayer of said petition was not granted, motion by Hargleroad, second by Neal, that the following petitions for new bridges be :aot granted: J. M. Call and others asking for concrete bridge 12 foot waterway, 24 foot roadway between sections 25 and 36 bilver Lake Township and the petition of U. M. Doty and others, asking that a bridge ea built on section line between section 26 and section 27 Highland Township 'and the petition or J. I. Pollock and others asking for a 16 .foot bridge located on section lino 2 miles south and about 100 rods west of Ayr Village and the petition of n. W. Gartner and others asking for concrete oridge 16 foot waterway and 20, foot roadway between section 25 Roseland Township abd section 30 Ayr Township. Roll call, allvoted aye, motion carried. balance of the forenoon was taken up by the Road and bridge uommittee in making a report of an inspection trip of new bridges needed. At 12 o'clbck Noon tie Board recessed until 1:15 P. m. when they again resumed with all members present. Me Road and bridge cola:tattoo, consisting of the entire board, after viewing proposed new bridges in the county recommended that the following bridges be ordered built, which upon motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth were ordered built to -wit; One new wooden bridge between sections 27 and 34, west Blue Township, 16 foot roadway and 48 foot waterway. One new wooden' bridge, between sections 9 and 4, West Blue Township, on county Road 7, 20 foot roadway and 32- foot waterway. One new wooden bridge, between sections 20 and 21, Juniata Township, 1,6 foot roadway and 48 foot waterway. One new wooden bridge between sections 29 and 30 J uniata. Township, 16 foot roadway and 24 foot Ciotteerw.neei One new wooden bridge between section 7 Roseland Township and section 12, cottonwood Township, 16 foot roadway and 16 foot waterway. One new wooden bridge between sections land 12, cottonwood Township, an county Road it 8, 20foot roadwu and 16 waterway. One new wooden bridge between sections 17 and 18 hoseland Township, 16 foot roadway, and i6 foot waterway. One new wooden bridge between sections 23 and 24, cottonwood Township, across Cottonwood creek, 16 foot roadway, 64 foot waterway. One new wooden bridge between sections 1 and 2, Roseland Township, across 32 mile creek, 16 foot roadway and 48 foot waterway. One wooden bridge between sections 27 and. 28, Little blue Township, 16 foot roadway and 16 foot waterway. Two wooden bridges between sections 27 and 34 Little blue Township, each 16 foot roadway, and 20 foot waterway. One Wooden bridge between sections 28 and 29, Ayr Township, 16 foot roadway and 64 foot waterway. One wooden bridge between section 24, bilver Lake Township and section 19, Zero Tomeship, 16 foot roadway and 16 foot waterway. One wooden bridge between section 25 Roseland Township and section 30, Ayr Township, 16 foot roadway and 16 foot waterway. All the above bridges to be built under plans and specifications adopted by the board for the year 1926. notion by Rainforth, second by Hargleroad that Adams County discontinue furnishing tobacco to prisoners confined the Adams Countv Jail and that the counter Clerk be instructed te 'cc H fr +.h S3ir4 +' f Arl ,arr, 4- 4 495 Motion by hargleroad, second by Whitesel that upon the recommendation of the entire board acting as an auditing committee the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Adams County i'arm Bureau battan A. 1. Cannon T. N. County Treasurer urow Walter M. Davis Elliott R. Deines Drug Co Democrat Printing uo Dillenbach Lucia Dutton & Sons W. M. i4u rry J, H. Marry J. H. uartner P. H. uaudreault Mere. Co A. J. hargleroad Harm (leo. Haynes Brothers K -B Printing uo K -B Printing uo Ke al Kline Land vm U. H. Lincoln school bupply co Lincoln Tel /t Tele. Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co Omaha Printing Co Omaha Printing co Proffitt harry Queen City Laundry co Rainforth T. R. Renner a Serf Russell & Nelson Rutherford brothers Schultz martha H. oigel Cafe aims b. M. oorensen o. B. Turbyfill J. m. Underwood Typewriter uo University Publishing uo Wahlquist brothers whitesel u. 0. widand er WM. rd. dMaie r Woodworth Jennie County Treasurer Daugherty uartner P. H. hansen et ai u.L. Hargleroad V. B. Kitts rrank h• McCoy e. A. Shaw John siebke Leon carr J• J The Arco Co. 'vanBoening harm et al whitesel C. Anderson salke bitner bobzine nurr burroughs Buskirk buskirk Dericks:' Doty ricke• Geroff Hogg Lenz .0.4 Ray R. th4 D. N. :henry Walter M, H. B. U. L. u, L. • bert O. M. John H. Simon u.. F. E. W. Nebr, Culvert & Mfg* 00 Roeder ited G. Stromer vim. E. GENERAL 'FUND Office supplies and postage Use of Cleaner Supplies, county Yam Uffice supplies, *as, Tele, Light, etc Uffice supplies & mileage mileage Supplies Supplies, uourt House supplies & Court costs Supplies, Co. Assessor Supervisors services & mileage supervisors services supervisors services & mileage oupplies, court House supervisors services & mileage Office & Jail expense Ul as s supplies supplies supervisors services & mileage supplies board for uounty inmates supplies, uo. supt. Toll calls, Court House Toll calls, /arm bureau supplies Supplies, Register of Deeds supplies, & mileage Laundry, Court House supervisors services & mileage Supplies, uourt House Insurance ?remium Repairs Uffice supplies & mileage goals for Jurors ink supervisors services mileage office supplies a Court costs machine for Register od Deeds supplies, uo. oupt. supplies supervisors services & mileage services as bailiff services on mothers Pension committee mileage for mothers Pension meeting BRIDGE FUND. iireight paid on bridge paint Repairing bridge rreight paid on bridge paint /illing in oridge rreight paid on bridge paint nepairing bridges supplies hauling bridgelamber nauling bridge lumber Pilling in bridge Sridge paint Unloading bridge plank rreight paid onbridge paint ROAD DRAGGING FUND oupt. Little slue Twp Kenesaw Twp Vest blue Twp Land for road purposes supt. Verona Twp " Silver Lake Twp Oupt. juniata Twp supt. Juniata Twp oupt. Ayr Twp supt. Highland Twp Supt, Denver Twp Supt. zero Iwp Supt. Roseland Twp Supt, Blaine Twp Road drags Supt. Wanda Twp Supt, Hanover Twp 44 17.18 1. 50 2.90 382,80 23.43 65.00 2.90 67.85 126.96 66.00 59.80 13.50 91.70 6.25 91.20 265.75 8.15 20.69 5.12 72.40 12.21 145.68 27.25 29.85 6.50 18,69 102.00 24,40 6.24 72.60 102.25 220.80 265.00 61.62 21.45 1.25 82,40 148.95 72.25 19.70 18.25 69.20 48.00 10.00 2.40 6.31 3.20 5.81 6.40 5.81 457.59 13.20 45.60 51.60 1.00 113.38 5.70 6.01 54.38 21.62 65.92 45.00 43.49 30.25 17.63 40.75 105.81 64.76 46,66 94.75 22.87 36.99 116.00 55.37 66.22 Saddl er Shick 1,-"th eat BeghTtol Gannon Carl Eckhardt uo dding a Wessman uordon uro cery Hastings ilUel eo Heasley uro ce ry Larsen Sanitarium 4. 0. U. R. u. R, B. M. C. I. eon rad Co W. G. henry Geo. T. Dr. J. V. T. N. b. F. h. O. urocery store Nob r, Pratt Scott Scett ' Simms VanPatt en Walker th eel er Co al Whisinand Adams & Co Con sbruck Dun can Es s i nge r Fricke Huxtabl e McWhirter Meyer • uil christ Mehhirter Coffey Fricke Robinson Mathews • G. V. J. D. Jacob U. S. Otto V. john H. et al Edgar Be n Will H J. H. e, W. J ohn J. H. O. J. G. F. Pais L. A. Woodworth F. H. Krueger Paul Weatherwax E. P. Consbruck Jacob Drull John stamer Anton uerloff Herman Stromer Walter Eigenberg ft. V StromerGm. E. Gartner P. H. Gil en riot J J. H. Moore Roy Hansen U. L. et al Nissen ah rist S chi ffl er Abe Kistler uhes ter Peterson Frank feel z ine R. A. Hastings Mechanical Works' Haws W. G. Jones & Son T. W. Ki s ter & Sons Geo Krueger Paul et al McCauley James Et al McCoy W. A. Parsons W. H. Pavelka James Pavalka Van Prosser Lumber & Coal Co. Rigg Robert R. et Robinson O. J. et al Service Garage Stulken August et al Traut C. Wailes Jesse Whitesel Ira Whitesel W. Kent E. Maxfield McCall Bert Yinnigsmeir H. M. Burling uhas. K. Uangwish M, C. Weber T. J. SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIE F FUND bervices Soldiers & Sailors bervices bol di ers & bailors services boa, di ors & Sailors POOR AID FUND Services Drugs uro caries uro c eri ew uro caries groceries LO 51 Um caries uroce ries cervices uro ce ries ur ()caries uro caries Drugs uro ce ri es Gro cries Co al uro caries COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Re pairs Shoveling snow Repairs uas & Oil shoveling snow Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dwagging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Co. Uo . Co, Co. Co. Co. Go, Go. Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Co. roads Dragging Go, roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Supervising County roads k.ove1ing snow bh ova ing snow Shoveling snow Dragging Co, roads Dragging Go, roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Repairs uas & Oil Suppli es tslaeksmithing bhoveling snow she veling snow Labor & repairs shoveling snow he pairing tractor Repairs & Gas Supplies al Opening roads Opening roads Lab or Opening roads shoveling snow Labor Labor b up ervising 00, roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging uo. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Drap-vino. Go_ raprig roads roads roads roads roads roads rao ds roads roads roads roads roads roads roads re ads roads 497 $4,wg,Agouhp&e.404.w..040*444,,Wwi404-:***OW.,,,,w; Hsi is f commission 3,20 Relief uommi ssi on 18.13 Relief Commission 8.00 10.00 6,00 15.00 93.75 3.45 94,4 13,90 2.70 20, 51 100.00 15.05 12,65 5.00 5.10 20.88 14.15 113.40 56.40 11.23 4.80 2,95 3.53 18.00 9.75 9.00 2,25 12.75 13.50 3.00 7.50 6.75 3.00 1.50 9.00 10, 50 9.00 11.26 4.50 4.50 6.75 5,25 7.13 4.50 26.20 4, 60 1. 60 3.60 4.13 5.25 3.75 3.75 1.50 2.00 26.75 24. 60 21,30 14,40 12.80 3.86 3.60 32.00 20. 75 1.75 8.40 40.00 3.75 6,00 6.00 65.20 43. 60 5.80 15.75 9.38 3,60 18.75 12.20 3.00 o 499 motion by Whitesel, second by Gartner, that this ioard now adjourn to meet again on Thursday, April 8th, 1926 at 9 o'clock A. M. Motion carried and ward adjourned, Deputy County Clerk. 591 MINUTES OF JOINT idmilITING OF DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND ADAMS' COUNTY BOARD, PROJECT NO. 7. C ADAMS COUNTY Joint meeting of the County Bosrd of Supervisors of Adams County and the Department of Public Works of the State of Nebraska was held in the office o f the State Engineer, State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska, at 10:38 A. M. , February 25, 1926 - in pursuance to Notice to contractors published for three consecutive weeks in newspaper of general circulation in Adams County calling for bids on work to be constructed in Adams County on Project No. 7-C. Members present: P. H. Gartner Glenville T. R, .Rain forth Hastings J. H. Awry Hastings W...B. fiargleroad Holstein S. B. Sorenson Hastings WM, Keal Hastings representing the County f Adarns and R. L. Cochran. State Engineer, representing the State Department of Public Works. Moved by Mr. Cochran and seconded by Mr. Keal that Mr. Sorenson act as t.;:hairman of the Joint meeting. On roll call, all members voted inthe affirmative. Motion declared carried. Bids were opened, read and tabulated per tabulated sheet attached hereto. Moved by Mr. Keel and seconded by Mr. Cochran that the contract on 2ederal Aid Project 7-0, Adams County for 266,500 sq. yds. of 2" gravel sur facing be awarded to A. u. Lund of Kearney, Nebraska, as per his low bid of $.145 per sq. yd. - total $38 642.50. On roll call, all members voted in the affirmative. Motion declared carried. Moved by Mr. Cochran and seconded by Mr. Furry that the certified checks be returned to the unsuccessful bidders and receipts taken for same. On roll call, all members voted in the affkmative. lootion declared carried. meeting adjourned. Anna Bickert. 593 court House Hastings Nebraska Thursday April 8th, 1926, 9 o'clock A. M. Adams County Board of Supervisors met in regular session as per adjournment of March 5th, 1926. S. B. Sorensen chairman presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Furry, Gartner, Hargleroad, Keal, Rainforth,, Sorensen and Whitesel, • The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved, motion by Aeal, second by Rainforth that no change be made in the dimensions and specifications of any bridge ordered built by the Board unless approved by the Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Motion by Hargleroad, second by Furry, that the order of the County Court in granting Mothers Pensions to mattie Baugh, Ethel Mayhew, Allie Weaver and Iva Longnecker be confirmed by this Board and the clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, First quarterly report of L. N. Button, Register of Deeds and Geo. Harm, Sheriff and J. M. Turbyfill, County Judge were read before the Board and upon motion by Keal, second by Gartner, these reports were ordered placed on file. motion by Furry, second by Whitesel that the appointment Of J. E. Wiltrout, Township Assessor of Juniata Township by the County Assessor, be approved by this Board. motion carried. motion by Kea, second by Gartner, that the following Official Bonds be approved, motion carried.' Bert McCall, Road Overseer, District # 2 Elmer Young, Road Overseer, District # 2 Albert Gangwish, Road Overseer, District C. E. Krenzen, Road Overseer, District rred Taut°, Road Overseer, Distrcit # 4, John F. Riese, Road Overseer, District # Albert Einspahr, Hoad Overseer, District , Verona Township , Juniata Township 4, Juniata Township 2, Highland Township Verona Township 3, Juniata Township # 3, Wanda Township Harry Proffitt, County Assessor appointed Tom Rowe, and Ethel Leafdale, clerks in the office of the County Assessor at $4.00 per day. These appointments upon motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth were approved by the, Board. J. A. Cates, County Clerk appointed Lovina Woodworth assistant Clerk at a salary of $100.00 per month which appointment upon motion by Keal, second by Rainforth was approved by this Board . communication from the C. B. & Q. R. R. Co., in regard to road dragging and getting dirt on their crossing was read and placed on file. Motion by Gartner, second by furry that the county Treasurer be instructed to refund to C. T. Palmer $7.17 on account of Mr. Palmer being assessin in the wrong school district as shown by tax receipt #4700. Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried. Communication from ueo. Harm, County Sheriff in regard to sanitary conditions in the Adams County Jail was read. No action was taken by the Board, b. A. Westering, chairman, .John Itzen and rred Krell a committee from the Clay County Board of Supervisors, together with nallie Sheets, Highway Commissioner of Clay County met with the Adams County Baord and a con- ference was held regarding a proposed new State and Federal Road to be run across Adams and Clay County. Walter Livingston and Lloyd C. ThoMas also rnet with the Baord. Balance of the forenoon was taken up in a discussion of this proposed road. At 12 o'clock Noon the board recessed until 1:15 P. M. when it again resumed with all members present. Petition signed by iheo. w. Miller and others asking that a part of County Road # 11 be changed and re -located according to teres described in said petition, was read before the Board. motion by Aeal, second by Furry, that the matter of grnating the prayer of this petition be laid over until the next regular meeting of the Board and that the entire Board investigate the merits of this proposed re -location of County Road # 11 and report at the next regular meeting. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Petition of H. B. Hagemeyer, and others asking that he County Board change the route on Adams County Road 77 3 as described in said petition was read before the Board. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Gartner, thet the prayer of said petition be granted. Roll call, ayes, Furry, uartner, Hargleroad, Rainforth, Sorensen and Whitesel. Noyes, Keal. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Whitesel that the County Clerk be and is hereby instructed to advertise the re-routing of Adans County Raod # 3 and to sot a time for a hearing, hall call, ayes, Furry, Gartner, Hargleroad Sorensen, Rainforth and Whitesel, Noyes, Keel. Motion_carried, M. O. Monson, h. f, iavinger and J. J. Etzmiller of the Kearney County Board of Supervisors met with the Adams County Board and a conference was held relating to the proposed new State andFederal Road. Motion:by Harglaroad, secOndbyethiteeel that the following Resolution be adopted; BE IT RESOLVED, That we, the Adams County Board of Supervisors approve the adoption of the following road described as follows: Commencing at the south-east corner of section 36, thence running west between sections 36,35,34,33,32 and 31, town 6, range 9, west 6 P. M. and sections 1, 2, .3, 4, 5, and 6, town 5, range 9 and section 36,35, 34, 33, 32, and 31, town 6, range 10 and sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, town 5, range 10 and section 36, town 6, range 11 Motion by Hargleroad, second by curry that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and. the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ell voted aye. motion carried. .•. Adams A. A. Adams County Farm Bureau Brooke & Son Button L. N. Byers Lumber Go Crow, Walter M. Davis, slliott R. yeines Drug Co Democrat Printing Co villenbach, Lucia Fischer G. S. Frankel uarbon & Ribbon Mfg Furry, J. H. JO H. Furry, Gartner P. H. Uaston Music & Furniture Co uaudreault Mercantile ea Hammond & Stephens uo Hargleroad W. B. Harm Geo, Jacobson H. P. Jeffers tars, Anna Juniata Lumber Co Neal, Wm Keith W. W. et al Kline J. B. Klopp Printing uo elopp rrinting GO Land, C. H. Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln school Supply Go Lincoln lel. & Tel. Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co Matthiesen & Co Gari R. Milburn & Scott Co Milburn & Scott Co McGrath ndwn Co J. H. ?almer Co A. N, Pickens, R. A. Proffitt Harry iroffitt J. F. Queen City Laundry Co Rain forth T. R. Rainforth T. R. Remington Typewriter Go Remington Typewriter Co Renner & Serf Sanford H. Ke Schultz martha Sorensen Se B. Underwood Typewriter Co University Publishing Co wekessereBrinkman GO Whitesel W. C. Widmaier Wm Woodworth Jennie G Yong eelix Ayr Lumber Co_ tsrenneman John Brown Buettnack Elmer Buettnack Dewey Christensen Eno naugherty PeeR, Easter JOhn Essinger Garage & Oil Co Hargleroad. James C. Jeffers mrs. Anna Jones & Sons T. W. Kammerlohr Drug Co Katzberg, William Needham Bert Oliver Lumber uo Pavelka Pedersen Peterson Peterson Pittz Plantz Reichart Roeder James Lars Clarence Frank Joseph Herman Karl Daniel GENERAL FUND Repairs, uourt Rouse Office supplies Supplies Recording deed, postage Repairs, uourt house Office supplies mileage bupplies eupplies Court Costs & Office supplies Mileage for mothers Pension meeting Co Carbon paper Supervisors services & Supervisors services & Supervisors services a Linoleumfor Court Room Pencils Supplies supervisors services & mileage Jail costs & office supplies Overhauling machines Supplies Supplies, Uo. Farm oupevisors services a mileage Witnesses, insanity case Lights Schedules eepplies, eo. Assessor Board for inmates, County Farm eupplies, Co, Supt Supplies, uo. Supt Toll calls, Court House Toll calls, Farm bureau Drugs, Co. Farm Supplies Supplies supplies, Supplies, Insurance Postage Assessing mileage mileage mileage court mouse uo, oupt, on boiler use of car assessing Real Estate Laundry, Court House eupervisors services & mileage Assessing Real Estate Ribbons Typewriter Supplies, Court House Supplies office supplies, mileage Supervisors Boraces & mileage ealance on machine, Reg e of Deeds Supplies brief in Adams County case Supervisors services & mileage bervices on mothers Pension committee Mileage for mothers pension meeting Services BRIDGE FUND Supplies Labor on bridge Labor on bridge tilling in bridge tilling in bridge Filling in bridge hauling bridge plank Hauling bridge plank uas bridge Work Supplies Supplies Supplies Labor Tilling in bridge Supplies Hauling bridge lumber Bridge work Bridge work Tilling in bridge tilling in bridge Labor Filling in bridge Labor 55.00 36.93 140 63,96 8.70 2.49 6.00 34.95 331.00 225.85 3.40 8.75 46,20 60.70 98.10 622.64 2.88 7.14 170.60 328.80 34.50 8.26 25,75 62.30 31.20 1.90 6.08 154.80 178.56 43.92 3.18 19.40 7.50 3.60 3,18 3.75 5.32 6.19 20.90 6000 195.00 7.41 57.6o 105.00 18.00 87.08 319,00 3.75 51.32 72.30 7,00 19.71 9.85 108.30 6.80 2.40 7.10 34.70 16.00 4.80 41.25 41.25 37.50 14.60 34.00 59.20 73.60 2.75 21.35 13.15 600 19.80 5.55 26,00 50.80 22.00 61,00 37.50 27.4o 71.50 9.20 507 Wailes Jesse Whitesel Ira Wheat tree. T. Adams & GO Anderson Balke Bitner Burr hurroug Buskirk Christensen Dericks Doty Fricke rricke Gerloff heartwell Hogg Kistler Lenz Maunder J D, E. (ay R. W. D. N. alter M. h. B, u. L. Hans Bert O. M. J. H. John H. bimon C. A. C. F. Will W. E. R. Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Oliver Lumber co tit -to Pittz Hainforth Reichert Roeder State Journal Co Stromer wm E. L. E. John A. H. Karl Fred G Beghtol James V. Carl B. F. C. B. & Q. R. R. Co Eckhardt H, O. Feese Dt, J. P. Hardt Drug Co Hastings Fuel Co Juniata Lumber Go Kammerlohr Drug Store Larsen H. G. Larsen in, G. Matthiesen ec Co Mikkelsen Drug Co Nebr, Sanitarium Olson Grocery Prosser Lumber & Coal Co Schlueter Lumber Go Scott Ghas Scott Ghas Scott Chas R. Scott 'has R. Sunnysid0 VanPatten W. I. walker Gonrad Wheeler coal Co Whisinand Garl V Co Gar' R. Adams & GO Department Dickerson Duncan Easter Essinger rricke Mathews Stulken valentine Gayman Fricke Meyer Coffey McWhirter Grothaus Gartner Krueger Gerloff Reis j. D. of Public works r. E. U. S. John Garage & Oil Co E. A. G. F. August Fred G. E. J. H. Will H. John Ben Harry P: H. Paul herman L. A. BRIDGE FUND CONT. Painting bridges Painting bridges SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND Relief of soldiers & sailors ROAD DRAGGING FUND Supplies oupt, Little Blue Twp Supt, Kenesaw Twp Supt, West Blue Twp. Supt, Verona Twp Supt, Silver Lake Twp Supt. ouniata Twp Supt, Logan Twp Supt, Ayr Twp Supt, Highland Twp Supt, Denver Twp Supt, Denver Twp Supt. Zero Twp Surveying Supt, Roseland Twp Assisting Go, Surveyor Supt. Blaine Twp •Assisting Co. Surveyor Machinery Stakes Labor Dragging Township roads Work done on Adams -Hall County Line supt. Cottonwood Twp Supt. Wanda Twp License Gontainers Superintendent hanover Twp POOR AID FWD rrofessional services Groceries Gar fare Groceries Prof. services Drugs Goal Goal Drugs ureeeries Groceries Drugs Drugs Services Groceries Goal Coal Groceries uroceries Groceries Groceries Services Groceries Groceries Coal Urocories UOU47HIQHWAY FUND supplies Material Supplies Supplies Labor supplies Labor Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. uragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. bupervising Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Supplies roads roadi roads roads coad6 roads roads roads roads Co. roads roads roads roads 19.20 20.00 125.00 32.98 52.37 38.13 51.89 88.86 56.23 32.50 39.24 42.47 54.53 44.71 19.50 64.37 23.30 28.74 7.00 44.87 7.00 11.50 2.40 12.00 1,50 4.00 25.00 79.38 95.00 47.24 17.00 15.03 10.90 76,65 40.00 9.70 9.50 41.40 1.00 4.85 20.09 .60 25,12 100.00 70.34 9.40 22.60 12.00 7.00 10.00 7.00 130.50 4.50 36.25 90.40 25.16 15.95 25.87 3.10 5.40 6o.00 10.28 7.20 6,00 9.00 15.75 19.32 3.'75 5.25 1.50 3.00 15.00 35.40 5,25 4.50 1.50 Woodworth r. H. Strainer Walter Mose w. H. Krull John valentine Unna Hansen GOO. Christensen ians Burroughs H. B. Kistler L'hester Peterson ank Schiller Abe Klein Mat Felzine R. A, Trausch Lhrist Kindig Jim Hargleroad W. B. Hastings Battery & Elec. Cc Hastings Fuel Co. Hastings Mechanical Works Haws & Sons Gas & Oil Johnson Harm Kammerlohr Drug Store Kindig A. P. Kister & Sons Geo Pal:elk a James Pavelka wm Crosser Lumber & Coal Co Ronnekamp Raymond L. Sayler Wallace Schultz waiter C. Schlueter Lumber Co Slining Henry Smith Machinery Co Smith Machinery Co Smith Machiery Co Standard Oil Co ailes Jesse Weatherwax E. P. Whitesel Ira Williams K. R. Burling Chas K. Weber I. J. Kent 1dwin R Baugh J. R. VanEvery A. J. VanMeter J. J. COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND CONT.. Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Labor Dragging Co. roads Druging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads supervising Co. roads supplies noal Supplies Gas & Oil Labor supplies a.noveling snow 4-,lacksmithing Labor Repairs, Gas etc supplies work on tractor hauling snow fence services Lumber Filling in culvert supplies repairs Supplies & repairs Supplies & repairs Gas "abor Dragging Co. roads .eatral Highway iragging Co. Highway roads Dragging Co. Highway roads Dragging Co. Highway roads Dragging Co. Hiway rodds Draggin Co. roads services Labor 9.00 9.75 15,00 5.63 15.75 1.00 17,25 23.25 11,25 7.50 13.87 .55 6.75 7.50 6.00 19.40 3.00 .8o 29.15 47.50 2,50 9.90 5.10 1.00 66.00 38.60 5.75 74,00 1.50 4.50 5.74 3.00 39.45 55.61 49.30 10,00 24,40 3.00 8.00 7.50 2.52 3.00 4.50 6,00 1.50 11.00 Motion by Keal, second by Rainforth that this Board now adjourn to moot again on Wednesday, May 5th, 1926. Motion carried. Roll call, all voted aye. • County Clerk ,11110.1.1••••••••••••••• 5 Court Hou se, Hastings, Nebraska Wednesday May 5th, 9 o'clock AM. ®g2t, Adams County Board o f Supervisors ,net pursuant to adjournment of April 8th, 1926. S. B. Sorensen, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Furry, Gartner, Hargleroad, Keal, Rain tbrth, Sorensen and Whitesel. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Whitesel that upon complaint having been made to this Board of the condition of the. Public Highway on the Township line between Section 4, Ayr Townehip and Section 33, Denver Township „the County Clerk be instructed to notify the Ayr Township Board to proceed to put this mile o f road in passable shape. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 9:45 o'clock A. M. the Bo and adjourned until 10:45 o'clock A. M. on account of the G. A. R. Parade. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Furry that we accept a lease made by the C. B. Q Ry Co., on a piece of land near Pauline, Nebr. , described in said lease and is used by Adams County fore' a Public Highway and that the Chairman and entire Bo Tel sign this lease. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Resignation o f Edmund P. .Nuss, Substitute and Acting County Judge o f Adams County was read and upon motion by Keal, second by Hargleroad the resignation was accepted. Al communication from Joseph M Turbyfill, Judge o f the County Court suggesting the appointment o f I. E. Montgomery as Substitute County Judge to fillvacancy caused by the resignation of car. Muss, was read before the Board and upon motion by Hargleroad, second by curry, I., -E. Montgomery was duly appointed Substitute County Judge for the remainder o f the term o f Joseph M. Turby fill. First quarterly report of Lucia Dillenbach, ulerk o f the District Court was read and upon motion by Hargleroad, second by. Gartner was ordered placed on file. Petition 0 f D. G. Lapp and others asking the Board to re -locate a part o f Adams County Read # 2, as described in said petition was read and duly considered by the Board, motion by Keal, second by Rain forth that the prayer of this petition be not granted. Roll call, ayes Furry, Gartner, Keal, Rain forth, Sorensen and Vhitesel, Hayes, Hargleroad. Motion carried and the prayer o f petition denied. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M,', when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Whitesel, second by Uartner that we chenge the deminsions o f the briage ordered built between sections 1 and 2, Roseland Township from a 16 foot roadway, 48 foot waterway, to a 16 foot roadway anC 56 foot waterway. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, seccnd by Furry, that we change the deminsions of a bridge ordered built between sections 23 and 24, Cottonwood Township from a 16 foot roadway and 64 foot waterway to a 16 foot roadway and 72 foot waterway. Roll call, all voted aye. :Lotion carried. The hour o f 1:30 o'clock P. M. o f May 5th, 1926 being the time set for a hearing on the matter o f changing the routing of Adams County Ro ad t 3, having arrived the Board proceeded to consider a remonstrance petition filed in the office of the County ;1erk on May Sed, 1926, signed by John Eihusen and others. The remonstrance petition contained more names than the original petition and the Board after due consideration failed to reach any agreement with either the petitioners of the proposed change or with the remonstrators against the proposed change, motion by Keal, second by Hargleroad, that the :natter of changing the routing on Adams County Road 7r 3, as petitioned for and granted by the Board on April 7th, 1926, and which was remonstrated against by petition filed on Inay 3rd, 1926, that the same be referred to the Department o f Public Works at Lincoln, Nebr.. for a decision on the same and that the County Clerk be instructed to forward to the Department of Public Works certified copies of the original petition and also of the remonstrance petition and maps and plats o f the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. A petition signed by James A, Hildebrand and others asking the County tsoard to abandon and turn back to Kenesaw Township for maintenance, a part o f Adams County Road f 4 fully cescribed in said petition and to designate a new starting point for Adams County Road ff 4, as fully described in said petition was read before the Board and upon motion by Hargleroad, second by Whitesel the prayer of said petition was granted and the Clerk was instructed to proceed to advertise the same as provided by law and to set a time for a hearing. Roll call, all voted aye., . ::Motion carried. In the matter o f the petition o f Theodore `, Miller and others asking for the Board to abandon a p art o f Adams County Road # 11, which petition was read at the meeting on April 8th, 1926 and was referred to the entire Board for investigation, the Board investigated this proposition thoroughly.: motion by Hargleroad, second by Furry that the prayer of this petition be granted. Roll call, ayes Hargleroad. Hayes, Furry, Gartner, Keal, Rain forth, Sorensen and ithitesel, Kotion lost and the prayer of said petition was denied. A petition filed in the Office o f the County Clerk on May 5th, 1926 asking that the Board cause to be paid a bounty o f 1O¢ eacl' upon crows as provided for in House Rolls # 216, Chapter 35, Session Laws o f Nebraska for the year 1925, was read be fore the Board. Said petition asked for the payment 'o f this bounty from June 1st, 1926 until December 31st, 1926. Saidpetition was signed by Geo.. F, Whitesel and others. Motion by t artner, second by Keal, that the prayer of said petition be granted,. Roll call, ayes Furry, Gartner, Keal, Rain tbrth and Nayes, Hargleroad and Sorensen. Motion carried andpetiti on granted. Motion by fiargleroaaa,. second by Rainforth that the following Official Bonds be approved: Fred Classen, Road Overseer, Dis tri ct # 2 ,' Hano ver Township, 1. E , Montgomery, Substitute County Judge, Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried, Motion by Hargleroad, second by Keal that we change the order given for a new wooden bridge between sections 4 and 9, 'best Blue Township and order a steele bridge 20 foot roadway, 30 foot waterway transverse joist, to be completed at a cost not to exceed 42500.00, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion .by Keal, second by flurry, that we order a steele bridge built between sections 21 and 22, Cottonwood Township on County Road t 9, transverse j of st, 20 foot roadway, 20 foot waterway. Roll call., all voted aye. Motion carried. This bridge not to exceed the cost of $1700.00. Motion by Gartner, second by ithitesel that we order built one wooden bridge 16 foot roadway, 32 foot waterway Thursday, May 6th, 1926, 9 o'clock A. M. Board re -assembled as per recess with all members present, Motion by Gartner, second by Rainforth, that we appoint a Highway Commissioner from one of the members of the Board o f Supervisors and that we proceed to take an informal ballot. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. An informal ballot was take n which resulted: J. it, Furry 4, W. B. Hargleroad 3, Motion by Gartner, second by Ihhitesel that the informal ballot taken be declared formal and that Mr. J. H, Furry be duly appointed Highway Commissioner, Roll call, ayes Hurry, Gartner, Hargleroad,: ;Rain forth and Whitesel, Nayes,'`Keal and Sorensen, Motion carried and J. H. Furry was declared duly appointed highway' Commissioner. Motion by uartner, second by Rain forth that the claim of the. Der:ocrat Printing Co., on the General Firnd for $8,00 he dis..allowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Rain forth, second by a,artner, that the claim o f Geo.. Harm, Sheriff on the General Fund for U24,15 be allowed at $222,,35. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth, that upon the reccomeraiation o f the entire Bo and acting as an auditing committee the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same,. Roll call, all voted aye. Lotion carried, Claims follow: Acme Chemical Co Adams County Harm Bureau Baird ro rsey D. Binderup Hdw. Co Burroughs Adding Machine Co Byers Lumber Co Cannon T. N. Crow Walter Davis Elli6tt R. Lemo crit Printing Co Dillenbach Lucia Fischer -: Furry Gartner Gurley Hamel G. S. J. H. P. H. . & L. E. B. Hargleroad W. B. Hastings Daily Tribune Haynes Bro as K B Printing Co K..B Pr-nting Co K -B Printing Co' Keal L Kenesaw Progress Kistler Geo. S. Kline J. 13, Land C. H. Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln Tel, & Tel. Co Lincoln Tel, & Tel, Co Local Registrars Matthiesen &'Co Carl Pa Milburn & Scott Neilson Drawing Book Co Proffitt Harry Queen City Laundry Co Rain forth T. R. Renner & Serf School District 1 18 School District it 18 Schultz Martha H. et al Sh annon F. E. Sorensen S. B. Stainer inenry Stewart waiter G. Trimble V. B. VaiGilder & Bottenfield Wahlquis t Bros Whitosel W. C. Woodworth Jennie G, Gartner H agemann H awtho me Johnson Jones & Son Katzberg Lamborn May McCoy & Vance Paulikat Pedersen Petersen Plantz yen F. C. 0. C. et el H arm Wm et al Win Edgar August et al Lars Clarence Herman tTENERAL FLY D Ftuni gato rs office supplies Bill o f exceptions Supplies Service on snehcine Lumber Supplies, Co. Farre uffice supplies mi leage Supplies, Court House Court costs and office supplies Mileage on Mothers Pension Committee Supervisors' services & mileage Supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Co, Surveyor Services Supervisors services & mileage Public Notice Frames for maps Supplies, Co. Supt a N �6 Cardboard Supervisors services Notice Assessing Silver Lake Twp Lights Board for inmates at Co, Fe.rm Supplies, Co. Supt Toll calls Toll calls,:rrn Bureau Reporting Births & deaths Drugs, Co, Farm Supplies, Co, Supt Supplies, Co, Supt Office supplies & mileage Laundry, Court House Supervisors services Supplies, Court House Use o f Senior High Use o f Senior High Office o pence & correcting papers Assessing Highlanu Township Supervisors services & mileage Assessing Hanover Township Services eremium on Insurance Storage on Yager Car Post cards Supervisors services d: mileage Mileage for Mothers Pension Committee BRI DGE FUND killing in bridge Labor Filling in bridge Bridge work Supplies Labor on bri dge Filling in Co, bridge Filling in Co. bridge Supplies Hauling bridge plank Repairing bridge Repairing bridge Hauling bridge plank 186.75 36.30 46.50 6.10 2.77 1.80 7,00 3.77 65.00 256.50 160,05 3.40 26,70 52.20 350,00 17.00 52.40 5.40 9.45 7.64 12.00 38.65 35.50 5.30 100,00 6.26 194, 40• 25.35 28,30 7.40 55.25 5.55 8.07 5.40 23.15 6.00 35.20 69.30 10,00 20.00 112.46 140,57 55.50 146.10 14.10 231,51 29.00 5.25 63.50 2.40 5.40 22,20 2,70 28,60 6.40 4,00 6,00 3.00 35.58 33.50 4,00 4.00 2,40 515 Anderson Balke Bowles Burr Buskirk Chri stens en Dericks Doty Fricke Gerlo ff Heartwell Hogg Kisti er Lenz Maunder Oliver Lumber Stromer E. Ray R. W. Frank Walter M. C. L, Hann Bert 0. M. John H. Simon C. A. C. F. Will E. W. C. E. Co Wm. E. American Red Cross Cannon T. N. Carl B. F. Currier -Park Coal Co Hamel E. B, Juniata Gr. & Live Stock Ass' n Larsen i, B, Nebr, Sanitarium Olson Grocery Prosser Lumber & Coal Co Sunny si de VanPatten. C. Z, Walker Conrad Wheeler Coal Co Whininand Carl V Davis J Duncan U. S. Ellsworth Elmer Essinger Garage & Oil Co Essinger Garage & Oil Co Ford Motor Co Edward Anderson Norton Bobbitt Frerichs Fricke Furry Gartner We atlea rwax Stromer Smidt Baker Wo o dwo rth Stromer Harglero ad Halloran Haws Hoagland Hoagland Kister & Sons Krueger Livingston Lyons Mac k Manhattan Oil Murdock McCoy & Vance Paulikat McLeod Lambrecht Pavelka Peters Peterson Plautz Reiber Rei chart Ronnekamp Routh Slining Standard Oi Stine Valentine Whites.' Whitese1 Lippincott Kroll • H. E. W. 13. Gerd H. E. A. J. H. P. H, E. P. talter Dick Cli (ford F: H, Wm. E. W, B. vim W. . G. Frank Jesse Geo Paul John Ch arley Earl Co Archie J August George Arthur Ven Ed Chas Herman Louie Karl Raymond. James tie my Co Herbert Onno J.E. v. CO Orlie F Albert ROAD DRAGGING FUND Supt. Little Blue Twp Supt. K.enesawTWp Assi sting. Co. Surveyor Supt. Vey r ona Twp Supt. Juniata Twp Supt. Logan Twp Supt. Ayr Twp Supt. Highland Twp Supt. uenver Twp Sutp. Zero Twp Surveying Supt. Roseland Twp Assisting Co, Suri'eyor Supt. Blaine Twp Assisting Co, Surveyor Stakes Supt. Hanover Twp POOR AIDFUND Cash paid for R. R. fare to Lincoln Drugs Groceries Coal Services to al Groceries Services Groceries Co al Services Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Repairing tractor Supplies Services Gas Supplies Supplies & repairs Handling snow fence Grubbing trees Grubbing trees Labor Team work Supervising Co. roads & mileage Supervising Co. roads & mileage Dragging Co reals Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co, ro ads Dragging Co, roads Superintending Co roads & mileage Patrolman Dist, t' 1 Gas, Oil, Grease, etc Labor Labor Bslacksmithing Filling in Co, road Labor Labor Hauling posts Gas &Oil Dragging Co, roads Supplies Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co, ro acts Suppli es Labor on County roads Gas pipe Labor on County road Labor on County road Labor Patrolman Dist /1 1 Dragging Co, roads Team work Gas, Cil, etc Team work Dragging Co. roads Work on Co, roams Superintending Co, roods Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co, roads 72,02 19.37 14.00 34.00 32.12 8.31 27.27 32.07 16,37 23, 86 84.10 8.50 21.00 52.37 7.00 1,20 19.16 4.48 12, 00 15.05 12,00 2.00 51.10 32.53 100.00 32.27 7.15 58.00 13.41 33.85 61,90 16.80 7.50 9.55 8,00 150.00 15.20 3.10 8.00 8.00 2,00 15,00 33.60 127,30 128.32 6.00 5.25 3.75 5,25 9.00 6,38 117.20 83.16 168.11 8,00 15.00 11.70 7.50 12,75 8,00 20.00 152.43 11.25 5,72 11.25 11,25 6,00 38.57 14.55 1.75 59.55 7.50 13.20 83.16 3,00 28,80 350,58 12.00 4.13 41.58 84.80 16.75 8,25 Motion by Gartner, second by lhitesel, that the Land & Buildings Committee be instructed to erect a flap pole on the Court House grounds and purchase a suitable flag. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Motion by Rainforth, second by liVhitesel, that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Thursday, May 20th, 1926 at 10 o' clock A„ M. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. PM ounty Clerk. Deputy County Clerk® Ch airman 519 Court House Hastings, Nebraska Thursday May 20th, 1926 10 o'clock A. M. 13oard met in regular session as per adjournment o f May 6th, 1926. S. B. Sorensen, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Furry, Gartner, Hargleroad, Keal, Rainforth, Sorensen and nitesel. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved by the Board. The balance of the rforenoon session was taken up in a discussion of land values. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. , when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by tUrry, second by Rain forth, that„ the hour of 1:30 o' clock P. M. , May 20th, 1926 the time set for a hearing on the proposed change in Adams County Ro ad # 4,as petitioned for and granted by this Board on May 5th, 1926, having arrived and no remonstrance or objections o f any kind were filed in the office of the County Clerk against this proposed change in Adams County Road # 4, that this Board order this change made in comformity to the petition and that the County Ulerk be intructed to change the record on this County Ro ed as changed. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by uartner, second by Rain forth that this Board adjourn to meet again on Saturday, June 5th, 1926 at 9 clock A. M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. rounAefi.4 k,tty Clerk. 521 Court House Hastings, Nebraska Saturday June 5th, 1926, 9 o' clock A. M. 61:444e.104,44W4Aw'&,,,A%.,,,,,141 Board met in regular session as per adjournment of May 20th, 1926, Roll call, all members were present as follows; Furry, Gartner, Hargleroad,Keal, Rainforth, Sorensen and Whitesel. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved by the Board. The following miscellaneous receipts from the County Treasurers °Mee were read and upon motion by Rainforth second by Gartner were ordered mend part o f the Supervisors Record: # 1838 1839 # 18 40 # 18 41 # 1842 # 1843 # 1844 4 18 45 # 1846 # 1847 1849 # 18 50 # 1853 # 1854 # 18 55 # 1856 # 1857 ft 18 58 # 1859 # 1860 # 18 61 # 1862 . 18 64 # 18 65 18 66 # 1867 # 18 68 # 18 69 # 18 70 # 1871 # 1872 1873 # 1874 # 187 5 # 187 6 # 1877 # 1878 1879 # 188 0 1881 # 1882 # 1883.. # 1884 # 188 5 1886 # 1887 # 1888 # 1889 # 18 90 # 18 91 # 18 92 # 18 93 # 18 94 # 1895 it 1896 # 1897 # 1893 # 1899 # 1900 # 1901 # 1902 # 1903 # 1904 7, 1905 # 1906 # 1907 # 1908 # 1909 ft 1 910 # 1911 # 1912 1913 # 191 4 # 191 5 IF 1916 # 1917 # 1918 Village of Kenesaw Credit Farmers state Bank Ayr Nebraska National Bank Hastings First National Bank Hastings State Bank o f Ha.st in gs First State Bank Hayland Kenesaw State Bank Bank o f Commerce Has W. B. Hargleroad J. A. Cates , Co. Clerk Turbyfill, Co. Judge The Exchange National .6ank Lucia Nil lenbach L. N. Button, Reg. of Deeds First State Bank of Holstein State Bank of Juni ata Pauline State Bank alter M. Burr J. C. Lee R. R. Vance Department of Public Instruction J. A. Cates, Co, Clerk Credit Uounty Judge Roseland b tate Bank L. N. Button . A. Cates S. B. Sorensen County Judge Raymond L. Cr os son Lucia Dillenbach Geo, Harm W. J. Tuecht John H. curry iiirst State Bank Kenesaw ue o. U, Bauer A. 13. Fe rno w W. C. Maltese? G. E. Boggs Pearl B. Woodworth Peter Hansen W. B. Harglero ad W. B. Hargleroad I. H. Hi ckel V:ra. M. Lowman Chas,e at Rena Gartner W. A. Cole Ju dge Turbyfill J.H. Jensen, Tr. Kearney Co ft is J H. Jensen °' Bert 1,Serledge J. E. Bute Jr M. Fred Ruhter J. A. Cates Prosser State Bank Legatees Estate Harvey E Rose -Lucia Dillenbach Nebraska National Bank Lucia Dillenbach State Bank a f He.stin rirst National B a I* sired Ka ckrow rarmers State Bank County Judge CountyJu cge fi It ft Exchange National. Bank J. A. Cates, Co, Clerk Lucia Dillenbach Walter M. Crow Lucia Dillenbach J. A. Cates, Co. Clerk J.M. Turbyfill, Co. Judge A. H. Rain forth of J uniat a Peter Gartner Cont. & Corn. Trust & Say Bank 66 #1 14 11 ff 11 of ft 11 51 11 If 11 11 11 44 ft ft le if It ff 11 Ro ad Dragging Fund General Fund 44 it It ft It 11 Road Dragj.n General rUnd ft 14 if 11 tf ff 14 41 44 11 44 11 ff 11 Fund State Apportionment General Fund Act Fines & Licneses General Fund 41 44 ft Fines & licenses General Fund Fines & Licenses General Fund 48 14 ft 11 it If If 11 of ft 11 11 41 Road Dragging ft Bridge Fund General rUnd 44 41 ft 11 11 44 41 11 11 14 14 ft ft ff If ft ft 11 ff If 111 ft 14 11 Fund Fines & Licenses School A.st. 68 School Dist, 1/-• 70 General run d 11 14 Road Dragging Fund General leun d Inheritance Tax Fines & Licenses General Fund Fines & Licenses General Fund " M M Fines & Licenses u u u • 11 General Fund 11 tf. ff 14 Pines& Licenses General Rind Inheritance Tax Ro ad Dr egging Fun d Bond # 8 - Light Bond Bridge Fund Inheritance Tax $ 175.00 35.00 91.89 220,70 100.31 75.00 200,00 44.20 214.00 275.45 20.00 30.71 1715.78 1174.00 180,00 100.00 120.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 68 44. 27 1.10 300.00 195.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 100.00 5.00 31.50 5.00 160.00 5.00 5,00 65.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 37.50 30.00 5.00 1.10 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 18,19 68.55 5,00 10.00 5.00 28.32 50.00 196.05 6,00 133.31 5.00 167,, 65 131, 92 5,00 35.00 100.00 10.00 10.00 60,93 10,00 33.90 5.00 5.00 10, 00 305.13 4.00 802.40 1.00 1273.48 #1929 #193o W. B. Hargleroa.d Peter Gartner an, credit Bridge Fund tt tt 523 10.00 18.00 Motion by Keal, second by Whitesel that the Official Bon d of J. H. Furry, highway Commissioner be approved. Motion carried. Motion by uartner, second by Rain forth, that in the matter of a renewal of Mothers Pensions for Mrs. Alice Block and Mrs. LOema. Dell Young, which were ordered by the County Court, that this Bo ard approve the action of the Court and that the County clerk be instructed to issue warrants for these pensions. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 'Motion by Hargleroaci, second by Keal, that we appoint H. E. Boman o f Hastings to make an appraisement on certain sales of farm land made in Adams County during the years 1921 and 1922 and that he be authorized to use this as evidence in the trial now pending at Lincoln with the Railroad and that the County pay whatever expense Mr. Bowman incures in making this appraisement. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel, that the County Treasurer be instructed to refund to Frank H. Woodworth $26.75 taxes erroneously assessed for the years1924 and 1925 on improvements on part ofE}- NE i Section 4-5-10. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. when they again resumed with all members present. motion by Rainforth, second by Gartner that the County olerk be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for Adams County Gravel Projects Numbers 2 and 3 and to advertise for bids on the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Rainforth, second by Keal, that the County Clerk be instructed to invite the mownship Board o f Ayr, Roseland, Juniata, Denver and Cottonwood to meet with the County Board on Monday June 14h, 1926 at 9 o'clock A. M. , for the purpose of discussing road graveling. Motion carried, motion by Furry, second by Whitesel, that upon the recoesnendation of the entire Board acting as an auditing committee the following claims be allowed ontheir respective funds andthe Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll. call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Alexander Anderson Banta Battan Einderup fidw Co Bowers Breaks Bureau Burr Can Clark Crow Davis Deines Drug Co Democrat Printing Co Dieter • m. E. Dillenbach Lucia Durkee Geo Farm Bureau Charlotte M E. Ray J. W. A. 1. Reuben Jewelery Store of Forensic Ballistics Walter M. T. N. A. M. .alter M. Elliott Dutton & Sons Co W. M. Fischer (3,. S. Atherton SUrry J. H. Garrison John uartner P. H. Gaudreault merc Co A. J. Hargle.road W. B. Harm Geo. Harm ;ere. George Hartman Ernest Hasidne R.W. Has tings Daily Tribune Hoagland H. C. Huston KB Printing Co K -B Printing co KB Printing Go Keel Keith W. W. et al Kenesaw Progress Klopp Printing Co Kort Martin Land U. H. Lincoln School supply co Lincoln Tel fc.' Tel„-, Co. so Lincoln. Tel & Tel Co Matthiesen & Co Carl R. Maxwell John L Milburn & Scott Co Millard B. F. McGrath Haw Co J. H. GENERAL FUND Office supplies Assessing part Second Ward Assessing Little Blue Twp Assessing West Blue Twp Services Supplies Assessing part Fourth Ward Cleaning clock Examinations Assessing Verona Twp Supplies, Co, Farm Assessing in City o fHastings office expense 6. supplies mileage Supplies, Court House Supplies, Court House Assessing Roseland Twp 0 ffice expense & supplies Assessing part second ward Awnings Mileage, Mothers Pension Committee Supplies Supervisors services & mileage As seas ing Denver Twp Supervisors services et mileage Supplies, Court House Supervisors services ec mileage Jail expense Liatron fees Assessing first ward suppli e s aoti ces Assessing Blaine Twp Assessing Ayr Twp Assessors supplies supplies, Co. Supt It Supervisors services Vdtnesses insanity case NO ti ce Election pencils, etc. Aeseecins Zero Twp Bo ard for inmates at Co. Farm Supplies Toll calls, court House Toll calls, Farm Bureeu Supplies, Co. Farin Aseeesing cottonwood Twp Supplie s Blacksmithing Supplies, Court House 22.00 195.00 141.00 120,64 3.05 4.65 180.00 1,50 200.00 181, 51 8.40 200.00 21.77 65.00 50, 70 126,90 186.30 82.50 210.00 42.30 3.40 2.00 22,40 165.00 53.00 38.56 41.00 279.48 47.50 205.00 1,00 18.20 100.30 170.00 10.66 12.58 5.11 35.00 17.00 6.80 12.66 140.98 177.32 30.42 25,75 6.95 3,20 180, 60 2.70 2.25 9.60 525 Renner & Serf Rutherford Bros School District # 18 Schultz Martha H. Simms B. M. Sorensen S. B. Stein Brothers Stewart Walter G Templeton J. L. Templin W. H. Weialquis t Bros Wh e at Whitesel Wi dm al er Vii dm aie r i1son Wiltrout Chas W. C. Vn C. W. J. E. Wolbach8c Brach Woodworth -Jennie G. Woodworth Pee.ri B Woodworth . Pearl B. Ayr Lumber Co Einspahr Albert H Einspe,hr Arthur Daugherty P. R. Gartner waiter Jones & Sons T. W. Overy howard Pedersen Loie Plautz merman Prosser Lbr & Coal Co Rei chart Karl Roeder Fred G. Smidt Dick Anderson E. Ray Balke R. W. Bitner D. N. Bowles Frank Burr Walter M. Buskirk C. L. Christensen Hans De ri cks Bert Doty O. M. Fricke John H. Gerloff Simon Heartwell C. A. Hogg C. F. Kistler Will Lenz E. W. Oliver Lumber Co Reichert Roeder Stromer Young Beghtoi Cannon Carl Eckhardt Eckhardt Fe e se Jones Kenesaw Merc. Karl Fred G. Vim. E. biM011 Dr. J. V. T. If. B. F. H. 0. h* 0. J. P. Dr Dr. Sherman Co Kenesaw Merc Larsen H. G. Nebraska Sanitarium 01 son R. C. Pratt J. C. Uinta s B. M. Sunnyside talker Wheeler Coal Co Whi sin and C. V. Conrad An dr ews Ashby Be nge Brown Roy Wm L. O. Delmar GENERAL FUND CONT. bupplies, court eouse Services Use of Senior High Office expense & supplies Supplies Supervisors services Office equipment Supplies Assessing Kenesaw Twp Oil Supplies Assessing Logan Twp Supervisors Services & mileage Investigating Mothers Pensions Se rvices Assessing part Fourth Ward AS sossing Juniata Twp Decorati,g Sheriff Apts Mi 'cage for Mothers Pension Committee Light, Tel. Gas Office supplies, etc Express & freight DRIWE FUND Gulve rt Labor Labor on bridge Labor on bridge Filling in bridge Bridge supplies killing in bridge Labor on bridge Painting Bridge Culvert, etc Repairing Bridge hauling bridge lumber killing in bridge ROAD DRAGGING FUND Supt. Little Blue Twp " Kenesaw Twp " West Blue Twp Assisting Co. Surveyor Supt, Verona Twp Supt. Juniata Twp Supt. Logen Twp Supt, Ayr Twp Supt, Highland Twp Supt, Denver Twp Supt. Zero Twp 6urveyi ng Supt. Roseland Twp Assisting Co. Surveyor Supt, Blaine Twp Stoic es Supt. Cottonwood Twp Supt. Wanda Two 5upt. Hanover Twp Assisting Co. Surveyor POOR AID FUND Services Drugs Drugs Gro ceri es Groceries Services Services Groceries Groceries Groceries Services Groceri es Groceries Drugs Services uro aeries Co al Groceries COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Gas & Oil Dynamite Repairs Team work 81,25 11.05 20.00 81.12 8,40 50.00 94, 65 .30 222.00 2.00 7,50 165.25 42,40 14.90 5.00 190.00 205,00 40.00 2.40 454.55 7.71 152.60 45.40 4.80 19.00 6. 00 7.43 6,00 9.00 9.40 113.50 17.60 7.00 9.00 74.89 60.25 33.99 14.00 16. 50 62.51 24.24 74.49 37.88 40.37 84.42 59.20 10.75 7.00 33.63 3.40 16.94 45. 62 36.62 7.00 11.00 6.00 15.10 74.55 51.70 52.00 30.00 15,68 11.39 32.54 100.00 28.54 23.48 13.01 58.00 11.65 9.00 2.40 8.75 27.00 1.70 15.00 Meyer Will H Grofhaus J-iarry Luta Ernest Gilchrist J. H. Murry L. A. Gartner P. H. Reis L. A. Baker Ulifford Krull John Snidt Dick Con sbruck Jacob Starner Anton Moss m. Valentine unno Gerloff n e rm art Woodworth Str omer Walter Dy cus Edward We athe rwax E. P. Krueger Paul H argl e ro ad W. B. Sc frier Abe Kistler Chester Kindig Jim Ji'au'ch chri st Granstrorn id Felzine E. A. Hansen Geo, Hastings Machine Service Hastings Mechanical Works Haws & Sons Hershey S. S. Hollenbeck H. L. Katzbe rg Carl Ki star & Sons Geo Pauline Garage Lutz Ernest Mnnhattan Oil Co ivillard 13, F. McGrath Hdw Co J. H. McGrath Hdw Co J. H. Pedersen Loie Pratt Ramon Reiber Daniel Reiber Harry Reiber Loie Rei chart Karl Rider J Routh Art Saddler Harry Slini yg Henry Smith Machinery Co Smith Machinery Co Smith Machinery Go Smith Machinery Co Smith Machinery Co Standard Oil Co VanMeter J. J. Whi tesel W. C. Pratt Whitesel 13u rling Finnigsmier Pratt Pratt 113.1i ams Baugh Webs r Elton L. E. R„ chas, K. H. M. Ramon W. E. D. K. R. J R. Theo, J. Motion by White sel , second at 9 oc1ock A. xi, motion Or County clerk. Deputy 0ounty Ulerk, COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND CONT, Road dragging 11 Labor on Co. ro ads Superintending Go. ro ads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads .Uragging Co. roads Dr a,gging Co. To ads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads sups rintending Co. raods Dragging Co. roads ag ging Go, roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Go. roads Dr egging Go, ro ads Dragging Go. roads Labor Rep-nirs Labor & repairs uas & Oil nlacksmi thing Supplies Labor .61 a.cksmithing Repairs Labor Gas & Oil blacksmithing bolts, etc Dyn mite Labor Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Team work Team wo Team work Team work Team work Team work Team work Repairs & supplies Cable Supplies & repairs supplies & repairs Supplies & repairs Cas ee Oil Te am work Superintending Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads by Keal. , that this Board now adjourn to meet carried. Board adjourned, again on Monday 527 6.75 15.75 18,00 10.50 33.90 100.60 1.50 21.94 9.37 2,62 6.75 3.75 1 6.12 5,25 9,00 9,00 9.00 4,50 9.00 7.50 95.80 10.50 4,50 6.00 8,25 3.75 9.00 8.00 10.00 23.00 225, 66 74.25 20.50 8.00 13.75 3,25 26.50 196,93 2,00 1.75 20.00 8.00 16.00 30.00 15.00 37,50 30.60 3.00 4.85 8.00 63.00 159.89 3o. 25 39.31 139.87 79.18 334,76 8.00 99.20 6.00 3,)0 2.52 9.75 2,25 11.82 9.00 18.00 3,00 Juno 14th, 1926 529 -4.40;goik-gi,VaCO Court House He.stings, Nebraska Monday June 14th, 1926, 9 o'clock A. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment of June 5th, 1926. S. B. Sorensen, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members were present. Minutes o f the last regular meeting were read and approved. The Township Boards of Juniata, Cottonwood, Roseland) held in regard to graveling County Roads. The entire project's. The sentiment seemed to be not in favor of Roads. No action o f any kind was taken by the Board. Ayr and Denver met with the Board and a conference was forenoon session was taken up in a discussion of gravel the Townships helping in a financial way to gravel County At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Hargleroad, second by legal, that we order the steel bridge on county road # 4 between sections 10 and 11, Kenesaw Township, token out and to substitute therefore two 36 inch culverts. Roll call, ayes, Hargleroad, Keel, and Sorensen. Nayes, Gartner, Rainforth and Whitesel. Fury present but not voting. Motion lost. Petition of Wm. Huston and others asking that two bridges be built on the Township line between Ayr ec Denver Township was read before the Board and upon motion by Gartner, second by Hargleroad, the petition was referred to the Road & Bridge Committee. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Furry that we create Adams County Gravel Project # 4 also known as the Holstein,. RoselandeRastings Gravel Road, commencing on County Road # 9 at the northwest corner o f Section 27 and the south- west corner of section 22, town 6, range 12, thence running oast 7 miles to the northeast corner section 27 and th southeast corner section 22, town 6, range 11, thence running north 3 miles on County Ro ad # 2, thence running east 4 miles on County Road # 2, to the northeast corner section 8, and the southeast corner section 5, town b, range 10, thence running north 5 miles on County road # 2, to the northeast corner section 17 and southeast corner section 8, town 7, range 10 and connecting there at with State and Federal road # 2, also known as the D. L. D. road. Roll call, ell voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroe.d, second by Keal that we abandon and turn back to Roseland Township, for maintenance a part af Adams County Road # 2, being the first 2 miles of said road # 2 as now established and described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner section 28, and the northwest corner section 27, town 6, range 11, thence running north one mile, thence running east one mile and to substitute therefore as a, starting point for County Road # 2, the northeast corner section 27, and the northwest corner section 26, town 6, range 11, thence running north 1 mile and connecting thereat with County Road # 2 as now established, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Rarry, seccepby Whitesel, that we order Adams County Gravel Project # 4, graveled with a one inch surface of gra.ve1f*6-Th-it the County Clerk be instructed to prepare plans and. speci fications and to advertise for bids on this project. Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth that the County Farm Committee be instructed tocontract with the Rippeteau Paint & Wallpaper Company to paint the house and barn at the County enrra on their bid submitted to the committee. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Keal, second by Hargleroad, that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday July 6th, 1926. 9 o' clock A. M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. (/County Clerk. Deputy County elerk. 531 7 Court House, Hastings , Nebraska Tuesday June 15th, 1926, 9 O'clock A. M. The Adams County Board of Equalization met as provided by law. Present, S. B. Sorensen, Chairman, Supervisors, Ilirrry, Gartner, Hargleroad, Keel, Rainforth and Whitesel, County Assessor Proffitt and County Clerk Cates. Formal complaints were filed with the County Clerk on the following described properties; Land and Improvements NE4 Section 1-64.11 and swi Section 14-6-12 by Matt Tra.usch. Land anamprovements V- Section 24-8-11 by Walter Taute. Lend, Part NE Section 4-5-10 by F. H. Woodworth. Land and Improvements SW- Section 5..6-12 by L. D. Powers. Land end Improvements SE e4 Section 34-5-9 by Frank Hub Improvements, Lots 884-885 and Si 886, Juniata by E. S. Newell Lot 5 and W 31 ft Lot 6, Block 4, Wilkin's Addition by W. R. Snyder Lots 1-36 Palmer's Sub Di vision, Block 31, Prospect Park Addition by 0. R. Palmer. Lots 1 and 2, Heartwell's Sub o f Block 9, Haire' s Addition and Lot 1, Jones' Addition by Peter Tjaden. Al]. of Section 22 andNE* Section 24-8-12 by J. L. Templeton Asseesor. ;t 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M. At 1:30 o'clock P. er. the Board re -assembled with all members present. The following formal complaints were filed with the County Clerk: Lots 3 and 4, Block 32, St Joseph Addition by Adam Legler Lots land 2, Block 7, East Park Addition by O. W. White, Lot 2, Barrow's Sub Division by Geo. Hendricks, NW* Section 20-6-11 by John Klein Lots 10-11-12, Block 14, Johnson's Addition by erank Neylori Lot 5, Block 15, Ro senfield' s Sub by HermanLiebers. Motion by Rainforth, second by eeal, that we increase the assessed vatiation on the land Ni Section 15-6-12 from $1645.00 to $2045.00, also increase the assessed valuation on the land on Si SE- Section 15-6-12, from $1660.00 to $2060.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock P. M. the Board recessed until Wednesday June 16th, 1926 at 9 o'clock A. M. Wednesday June 16th, 192 6, 9 o'clock A. M. The Board re -assembled as per recess with all members present. Complaint was filed with the County Clerk on the assessed valuation as follows: N 50 ft, Lot 2, Benedict's Sub o f Block 2, Benedict's Addition by Gus Lenz. Motion by Ferry, second by Rain iertle that we reduce the assessed valuation on fr S 17-7-9 from $13680.00 to 013000.00. Roll call, ayes, Furry, Rainforth and Cates. Nayes, Gartner, Hargleroad, Keal, Sorensen, Whitesel and Pro ffitt, motion lost. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. At 1:15 o'clock P.M. the Board re -assembled with all members present. The following formal compl aints were filed with the County Clerk; Lot 27, Kerr's Addition by J. N. Parsons Lots 7-12, block 1, Daws and Foss's Addition by Iv. W. Turner SW- Section 19-7-12, by James Hoban Wi Section 14-5-11, by J. ki. Trausch Lot 12, Renfrew's Addition by Georgiana. W. Jones S 10 ft, Lot 2, All Lot 3 and N 3 ft Lot 4, Benedict's Sub o f Block 2 Benedict' s Addition by C. E. Hill. Lot 41, Block 12, Moore' s Addition by J. E. Whitesel. Complaint o f Roseland Township Assessor, M. E. Deiter in regard to comp aritive land value between Roseland, Cottonwood, Logan and Silver Lake Townships. At 5 o'clock P. M. the Board recessed until Thursday, June 17th, 1926 at 9 o'clock A. M. Thursday, June 17th, 1926 9 o'clock A. M. Board re -assembled as per recess with all members present. The following formal complaints were filed with the County Clerk; SW -i- Section 16-6-12 by P. C. Janssen 88k ft 3 o f N 90 ft Ei Block 8, St Joseph 2nd Addition by Henry Roeder. Lot 16, Block 10, St Joseph Addition by Henry Roeder . Lots 16 and 17, Block 16, Origin el Town by Eike J. Deiho ff Lots 1 and S 89 ft Lot 2, Scofields's Addition (Mary Lanning, Memorial Hospital) by J. W. James, Attorney. Petition filed bv J. W. RtifieS Attornev for Mary Lannine Hospital claiming exemption from taxation on account , 5 3 3 ''ann`.ei'„ee,eeteneeeaiCeeeellfaIdlefiiVaOAeitii FisCG.W4 Lotion by Furry, aecond by Gartner, that we decrease the assessed valuation on part gi INI" Section 4-5-10 (Ayr Village Extensions) from $2650.00 to 31500.00. Rol]. call, ayes, Flirry, Gartner, Hargleroad, Whitesel, Proffitt and Cates, Nayes, Keal and Sorensen. Absent Rainforth. Motion carried. Motion by Keal, second by Whitesel that we increase the assessed valuation on fr. Section 19-7-9 from 310,855.00 to 33.1,655.00. Roll call, ayes H arg 1 ero ad, Keal, Sorensen, Vihitosol and Proffitt, Nayes, Furry and Cates, Absetn Gartner and Rainforth. Lotion carried. The following formal complaints were filed with the County Clerk; Block 16, St Joseph 2nd Addition, by Mary A. Cunninghaa. esle Lot5, Block 5, Webster & Wemple' s Addition by Elizabeth E. Igoue Lots 6 and 7, Block 16, Original Town by Mrs, David Sinus. Lots 69 and 128-132 Kenesaw Vill ag,e, by R. T. Schlueter, At 5 o'clock P. M. the Board recessed until Friday June 25th, 1926 at 9 o'clock A. M. Friday June 25th, 1926, 9 o'clock A. M, Adams County Board o f Equalization re assembled as per recess. Roll ce.11e all members were present. Motion by Gartner, secon a by FIarry that upon the recommendation 0 f the t3 0 ard after viewing certain property complained of that the following orders of increases and decreases be made: Lot 69, Kenesaw Village decrease improvements from 3500.00 to 3300.00. Lots 126 to 132, Kenesaw Village decrease improvements from 31800,00 to 3560,00. On W 78 ft Lots 66-67-68 eenosaw Village increase improvements from 31400.00 to 02000.00. SW -4 Section 197-12, decrease from 311445,00 to 310800.00. NV it Section 20-6.-11, decrease ].and 31000.00. Also that no change be made on the following complaints: Section 14-5-11 • S• Section 16-6-12. SW* Section 5-6-12, E 120 ft Lot 6, Block 7, Holstein Village Lots 884-885, Si 886, Juniata Village, Also the Board recommended the following increases on land values, upon which no complaint had been made: SW Section 17-6-11, increase from 38900,00 to 39500.00. Part SW- Section 18-6-11, increase from 38755.00 to 39560.00. SE Section 18-6-11, increase frail 38735.00 to 39560.00 N Section 19-6..11, increase from $8660,00 to 39560,00. • * Section 16-6.12 increase from 34510.00 to 34925.00, NEels and Fib- SE -4- Section 8-5-12 increase from 39280.00 to 310475.00. T NE -4- Section 7-5-12 increase from 36570.00 to $7875.00. • SW'- Section 6-5-12 increase from $2810.00 to 34515.00. NVii Section 8-5..12, increase from 36155,00 to 37350.00. • SW -4- Section 8-5.12 increase frail ;:;3080.00 to 34200.00, 1\114 Section 14-.5-12 increase from 39485.01 to 310,500.00. SW ei: Section 197-3.2, increase from 8230,-00 to 39000.00 Rollcall on the above =lion, allvoted aye, Motion carried, Lotion by Kea], second by Gartner that we equalize the assessed valuation o f the lands in Logan Township as compared with the o ther 16 Tovinslips of Adams County as follows: That the assessed value of the lend in Logan Township for the year 1925 be used as a basis for taxation purposes for the year 1926 with the exception of certain specific changes recommended and made by the Board, said speci fie ch aages are made to equalize the 1 al d with adjoining property, Roll call, all voted aye. notion carried, notion by Harglero ad, second by Rainforth that the following increases and decreasos on the assessed vasLuation • f City of Hastings Real Estate be made: Lot 5, and W 31 ft Lot 6, Block 4, Wilkin' s Addition from 31700.00 to 32000.00. Lots 8 and 9, Block 14, Johnson's Addition from 0.350.00 to 31 500.00 Lots 7 to 12, Dawes' and Foss' Addition decrease from p1050.00 to 3750.00. Block 16, St Joseph 2nd Addition decrease lot to $400,00, nnprovements to 3600.00. 88-L- ft South o f North 90 ft Ei Block 8, St Joseph 2nd Addition decrease to 3800.00. Lot 27, Kerr' s Addition decrease improvements to 31000.00. Lots 1 and 2, tieartwell's Sub o f Part Block 9, naire's Sub irnrpovements decrease to $500.00, Lot 1, Jones' Addtiina decrease improvements to .600.00. Lot 7, 3unset Hill Sub Division decrease improvements to 31200.00. Also that no change be made on the assessed valuation on the following complaints: Lots 3. and 2, Block 7, East Park Addition, Lots 3 and 4, Block 32, St Joseph Addtion, Lot 5, Block 15, Rosen - field's Sub, Lots 1 .4) 36, Palmer's Sub Div, Block 31, Prospect Park Addition, Lot 5, Block 5, Webster & Wemple' s Addition, Lot 2, Barrow's Sub Div, N 50 ft, Lot 2, Benedict's Sub o f Block 2, Benodi et' s Addition, Lot 12, Renfrew's Addtion, Lots 14, Block 12, Moore's Addition, S 10 ft Lot 2, All Lot 3, and N 3 ft Lot 4, Benedict's Sub o f Block 2, Benedixt's Addition, Lots 1Q-11-12, Block 14, Johnson's Addition, Lots 16 and 17, Block, 16, Original Town, Roll call, on the above motion all voted aye. Motion carried. motion by Hargleroad, second by curry that the request o f the Women' s Club 0 fliastings Nebr„ for an exemption from taxation on Lot 6 and 7, Block 16, Original Town be granted. Roll call, ayes, Derry, Gartner, Hargleroad Keal, Sorensen, Whitesel and Cates, fives, Rainforth, Pro ffitt present but not voting, motion carried, At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:3_5 P. M. At 1:15 P. M. the Bo ard re -assembled with all members present. The following complaints were filed with the County Clerk; SW Lot 16, Block 1, Buswell' s Addition by Emma. Irwin. Pt SW-- SW i Section 12_7_10, by J, W. Morgan. Pt SW 1 Section 2-7-10 by n, Gaucireault 535 Motion by !teal, second by Hainforth that no changes be made in the assessed valuation on Pt SW- SV4-7 Section 12-7-10 owned by naggie norgan. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Complaint o f Chris Christensen on improvements on 5 12-fr ft Lot 5, all Lot 6 and 7 and Ni Lot 8, Block 17, Holstein Village was filed with the County Clerk. notion by Rain fbrth second by Harglero ad that we equalize the assessed -valuation of the land in section 31-6-10 and section 36.6-11 by increasing the valuation in section 31-6-10 $1000.00 per quarter and reducing the assessed valuation in section 36.6-11 $500.00 per quarter. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried Motion by Keal, second by Rainforth that the request o fi. E. Leiter, Assessor of Roseland Township for a blanket reduction on all the land in Roseland Township be not granted. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried, Motion by Keal, second by Rainforth that we reduce the assessed valuation on land See Section 32-8-9 Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. Io on y e art ne r , second by Furry that all Lot 6 and 7 and 14-} Lot 8, block 17, Gart ner .Harglero ad , Sorensen, VIhi te se 1 1000.00. we reduce the assessed valuation on improvements on 5 12* ft Lot 5, Hol stein Village from $6500.00 to $6000.00. Roll call, ayes , Furry, and Cates. Nayes, Keal and Rain forth an d Proffitt. motion carried. At 5 o'clock P. M. the Board recessed until Thursday July ist, 1926 at 9 o'clock A. M. Thursday July 1 st, 1926 9 o'clock Board re -assembled as per recess. Roll call, all members were present. James C. Daugherty appeared before the Board complaining of the 18-7-9. No action taken by the Bo xd. increase made by the Board on Fr Ni Section Thomas Trausch appeared and asked the Board to re -consider the increase made on the SWt- Section 17-6-11. No action ta.hen by the Board. J. W. James and Thomas Brehm appeared before the Board in the matter of a petition of the Mary Lanning Hospital Association asking that the Mary Lanning Hospital be exempted from taxation. The Board considered the petition but no action was taken. Jt 12 o'clock Noon the Board ?recessed until 1:15 P. M. At 1:15 P. M. the Board re -assembled. Roll call, all members present. Complaint o f Mrs. Lichtenberg on the assessed valuation improvements Lot 22, Block 3, Thorapson' s Addition was filed with the County Clerk, motion by Gartner, second by Keel, that the request of Mrs. Lichtenberg be not granted. Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried, The matter o f exempting the eary Lanning Hospital from taxation came up at this time. Motion by eargleroad, second by Whitesel that the petition filed by the Mary Lanning Hospital asking that the Hospital be exempted from taxation on the grounds that it is a charitable institution,be not granted,, and that the action of the County Assessor in placing a valuation on this property for taxation purposes be confirmed by this Board, Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried. :lotion by uartner, second by Furry that after considering all complaints filed with the clerk and no further business appearing it is the sense of this Board that any further complaints that might come in be not considered. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Keal, second by .Fain forth that the clerical errors that may be found in the tax Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. Motion by Rainforth, second by Whitesel that the assessed va, Assessors for the year 1926 and as corrected and approved by of Equalization, stand as a basis of valuations for taxation aye, motion carried. County Clerk be authorized by this Board to correct any evident schedules or in the Real Estate valuations for the year 1926. Juations as returned by the various Prec the County .Assessor and as equalized by purposes for the kear 1926. Roll ca3.1, inct this Board all voted At 4:30 P. M. the Chairman announced that lee Board would recess to the call o f the County Clerk. Whereupon the Bo -d recessed. Court House, Hastings, Nebraska, Wednesday, August 4th, 1926, 1:30 o'clock P. M. The following notice was read to the Adams County Board of Supervisors: TO THE ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: You and each of you are hereby notified that in accordance with the provisions of the last meeting of the Board of Equalization, held on the lst day of July, 1926, in which the Board recessed, subject to the call of the County Clerk, that the County Clerk has issued a call for aaid Board o f Equalization to meet again on August 4th, 1926, at 1:30 o'clock P. M. , for the purpose of making the various levies for the year 1926, J. A. Cates, County Clerk, Me Board met as per call o f the Clerk. Present, S. B. Sorensen, Chairman, Supervisors, Furry, Gartner, Hargleroad Keal, Rain forth and Whitesel, County Assessor, Harry Proffitt and County Clerk, J. A. Cates. Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that the following levy be made for County purposes for the year 1926, to -wit; 537 Motion by Keal, second by Rain ibrth that for the year 1926, upon the valuations o certificate filed with the County Clerk, and Villages, asking for money to be rai be made as follows, to -wit; the following levies. for Townships, School Districts, Cities and Villages f said Townships, School Districts, Cities and Villages, as shown by the by the proper authorities or said Townships, School Districts, Cities sed by taxation for said Townships, School Districts, Cities and Villages, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Levies follow; West Blue Highlarrl Verona Kenesaw Wanda Juniata Denver Blaine All purposes 11 t1 ti H TOWNSHIPS .7 11 1.4 1. .2 .6 Hanover Ayr Roseland Cottonwood Logan Silver Lake Zero Little Blue All purposes M 11 1t It ft za . 8 1. • 5 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 .8 Dist, No. 1 2 3 45 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 33 39 , 40 Gen, M. 7.8 1.1 4.9 6.4 2.4 .1 2.7 7.3 2.3 3,1 7. 2. 2.4 1. 2.5 .8 1,2 12.1 1.5 1,5 3.4 3.1 2,7 2.2 3.7 1.6 3.3 2.8 3.7 .9 3,1 1.2 2.1 2.4 3. 2.6 1, 4 2,9 3.5 2.6 Hastings All purposes Ayr N u Holstein Juni Ata Ken esaw Pro seer Ro seland Trumbull 11 11 N a t1 ft 0 11 11 If •e ft SCHOOL Bond F, FI, S. Total 7.8 1. 2.1 1.5 6.4 1. 7.4 1. 3.4 1. 1.1 1. 3.7 2.5 .5 10.3 1. 3.3 1. 4.1 7. 1. 3. 1. 3.4 1. 2. 1. 3.5. 1. 1.8 1, 2.2 2.9 15. 2,5 2.5 4,4 4,1 9.3 14. 12,9 14. 10. 3. 10. 7.6 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. .5 1, 1. 1, 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.j 1. 1, DI STR ICTS Dist, No, 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 bo 61 62 63 64 3.7 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 78 8o 8:1. 3.2 4.7 2.5 4.3 3.3 4.2 1.9 4.1 2.2 3.1 3.4 4. 3.6 2.4 3.9 4.5 3.6 CITIES & VILLAGES Gen, M. Bond F. H. S. None 1, 8. 2, 2 2. 1.5 1. 3.5 3.7 1.5 2.1 1.4 8. 5.6 2.1 1.8 3.1 2. 6.1 2.4 3.3 None 2, 2, None 3.8 2.5 2.1 2.6 1.3 3.9 1.5 3.2 3.8 5.3 4. 8. Levy made 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1, 1, 1. 1. 1. 1. 1, 1. 1. 1, 2• 1, 1. 1. 1. 1. 1, 1. 1. 1. 1, 1..,. 1. 1, 1. 1. 1, 1. .5 by Clay County, Total 1. 8. 3.2 3. 2.5 1. 2, 4.5 4,7 2,5 3.1 2,4 8. 6.6 3.1 2.3 4.1 3. 7.1 5.4 4.3 1. 3. 3. 1. 4,8 3.5 3.1 3.6 2,8 4.9 2.5 4.2 4.8 6.3 5. 8.5 9.5 Motion by Rainforth, second by riarr r that the County Clerk be instructed to spread the tax for the year 1926 upon the Assessed Valuation as shown by the schedules on file and by the Real Estate Assessment Books and as equalized by the Adams County 3oard o f Equalization and confirmed by the State Board o f Equalization and upon the lev. a as adopted by the hoard. Roll call, all voted aiio. motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth, that the Board of Equalization now adjourn Sine Die. Motion carried, Whereupon the Board adjourned. ty Clerk. eputy County Clerk. Chairman ?539 Court House Hastings, Nebraska Tuesday, July 6th, 1926 9 o'clock A. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment of June 14th, 1926, S. B. Sorensen, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members were present. leotion by Hargleroad, second by leurry that the second quarterly report o f the eheriff and the semi-annual report of the Register of Deeds and the semi-annual report of the County Clerk which were all read before the Board be orderedpl aced on file. Motion carried. At 10 o'clock A. M. this being the hour set by the county Clerk for hearing any remonstrance or protest on the changing of the routing of County Road # 2, and no remonstrance or protest of any kind having been filed it was upon motion by Keal, second by rurry ordered by the Board that this change be made in the descritpion of County Road ji 2 and that the County clerk be authorized and instructed to change the record on County Road it 2 as ordered by the Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by teurry, that on account of buying a right of way on the east side of the Missouri Pacific Railroad for highway purposes that we abandon and turn back to Hanover Township for maintenance, that part of County Road # 3 described as follows: Commencing at North o f Missouri Pacific Railroad at Sri NE -i- Section 20,, Town 7, Range 9, and SW a N4 Section 21, Town 7, Range 9, there running south about 160 rds to NE corner section 29, town 7, range 9, thence running east about 20 rds to Missouri Pacific Railway, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. F. C. Rolls, Division Engineer, representing the Department of Public Works, met with the Board and upon motion by Mr. Rolls, second by Gartner, the Board resolved themselves into a joint session with the State Board for the purpose of considering bids on a bridge advertised to be let at Lincoln. S. B. Sorensen was made Chairman o f the joint meeting. Bids for building a steel briteon Project 7-C Hastings West were read as follows: Diamond Engineering Company Standard Bridge Co Geo, S. Bunk $7314.17 46180.29 46893.54 Motion by Keal, second by eurry, that the Standard Bridge Co. , being the lowest and best bidders, that they be awarded the contract for building this bridge and that the Chairman be authorized to sign this contract for Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. Motioncarried. Motion by Keal, second by Rainforth that their being no further business for the joint Board to consider, that said Board now adjourn and that we resume as a regule Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Keal, second by Whitesel that we order the steel bridge removed between sections 10 and 11, Kenesaw Township and to substitute therefore two 36 inch culverts . Roll call, ell voted aye. motion carried. At 2 o'clock P. M the following bids were opened and read on Adams County Gravel Projects Numbers 2 and 3. Project # 2 Western Bridge & Construction Co 8.43 J. S. Rhinehart 16895.52 Young ec Hall 100 H. Gartner 10.97 H. P. Larson 12.89 Union Construction Co 16.5 A. C. Lund 11¢ Project 1 3 A, C. Lund Union Construction co Western Bridge • ec Con struction Co J. S. Rhinehart R. T. Schlueter Young & Hall 09.9 10.2 8,43 10324.80 7.8 11.82 The Board went into executive session and consiered the bids. it was found that the bid of the Western Birdge ec. Construction Company was the lowest on PrOject # 2 and that the bid of R. T. Schlueter was the lowest on Project # 3. Motion by Keel, second by rurry, that the County Clerk be instructed to return to the unsuccess- ful bidders their certified checks. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Keal, that the contract for Adams County Gravel Project # 2 be awarded to the Western Bridge & ConstructionCompany on their bid of 8.43 per square yard. Roll call, e.11 voted aye. Motion carried, Motion by Keel, second by Whitesel that a contract be awarded to R. T. Schlueter on Adams County Project # 3, on his bid of 7.8 per square yard. Roll call, ell voted aye, motion carried, motion by Hargleroad, second by Furry that the Chairman be authorized to sign the constructs in the name of the County with the Western Bridge & Construction Company on Adams County uravel Project # 2 and with R. T. Schlueter on Adams County Gravel Project 3, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock P. M. the Board recessed until Wednesday July 7th, 1926 at 9 o'clock A. M. 541 • '"'a -agai "tato4a4a0-41kaar f a" -a Viednesday! July 7th, 1926 9 ot clock A. M. Board re -assembled as per recess, Roll call, all members present. Motion by Gartner, second by Hargleroad that we authorized the County Treasurer to accept the principal on taxes for 1910 and prior years on lots 57-58 and 59 Campbell's Addition and to refund the interest on the seine , also the County Treasurer is authotized to accept the principal of taxes due on a p ert of Section 24-7-10 for 1910 an d prior years nad to re fund all interest on the same. Roll call , all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 oc1ock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. when they again resumed. Motion byelargl ero e.d, sec on d by Rain forth that the claim of the Mary Lanning memorial Hospital on the Poor Aid Maid for 35.30$be disallowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion cartie motion by Gartner, sec on d by /furry that upon the recommendation of the entire Board acting as an auditing committee the following claims be allowed on th eir respective funds and the Clerk instructed to draw ,aarrants for the same. Roll call. , all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow: Adams County Farm Bureau Bo van al, H. Burroughs Adding Machine Co Button L. N. Cannon T. N, Cate s J. A t alter M Elliott R Oro w Davis De ines Drug Co Democrat Printing co Furry Rtrey Gartner Gaudreault Hargleroad Hare' Hastings Daily Jacobs on K -B Printing Co K-13 Printing Co KB Printing Co Ke al Kenesaw Progress Kline J. B. Klapp Printing Co Land U. H. Lay A1bert Lan R. A. Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co Lincoln Te le & Tel, Co Lindsay ti. C. Matthiesen & Co Carl R. Milburn & Scott Co Murphy Typewriter Co R. E. McGrath Hdw Co J. H. Northwestern Mfg Co Penney Co. J. C. Penney Co J. C. Proffitt Harry Qyeen City Landry Co Rain tbr th T. R, Renner & Serf Rippeteau Wallpaper, & Pt Co School Di striat # 18 J, H. J. H. P. H. Merc Co A. J. 141 B, Ge o. Tribune H. F. Schultz Schultz Sorensen S. B. Stewart Walter G Trimble Burb y fill Underwood. Whitesel Wi dm aier wrn Wolbach& Brach Martha H. Martha H. V. B. Joseph M. Typewriter Co W. C. Baker Brown Byers Lumber Co Byers Lumber Co Hansen Hagernann Jay Da lin or u. F. C. Jim GENERAL FUND Office expense Expense to Lincoln as witness Repairing machine Uffice expense & reco rding deeds supplies Co. Pam Office expense Uffice exp en Li leage supplies Supplies, Court Hou se Supervisors services & mileage Services as Highway Commissioner & mi leage Supervisors services & mileage Supplies supervisors services & mileage Uffice & jail expense io tice Overhauling machine, etc Supplies, Co. Supt, supplies , Co. Supt, Supplies,Co. Supt Supervisors services & mi leage Noti ces Supplie s 3uppli es Co. Treasurer Board for inm ate s at Co. Farm Land for road purposes Land for road purposes Supplies , Co. Supt Toll calls, Court House Toll calls, farm Bu re au Court Costs Ringer case Supplies , Co. Farm zmppli es Uve tie al typ ewri ter supplies, Co. Farm suppli 08 Supplies , Co. Farm Supplies , Co. Farm ro stage & Mileage Laundry, Court Hou se Supervi sacs services & mileage 'suppli es , Court House supplies, Go, Farm Use of Se nio r Hi gh Office expense Institute appropriation 192 6 Supervisors services & mi leage Supplies Ins, Premium Court costs Oil Supervisors services & mileage services eg suppJ.ies Co. Farm BRIDGE FUND ream work Ailing in bridge Cul veru uu 1ve rts Te am work Culvert, etc Team vo rk 5.30 18.00 8.75 23.25 46,95 41.73 24.86 65.00 4.95 110.55 74.60 20. 60 96,25 11 05 98,40 228. 27 3.50 14,85 26.07 64,51 45.22 100.10 14,10 11. 46 28 .12 180.18 450.00 550. 00 26.82 24.05 3.60 286, 10 4,20 1.76 14, 50 1,40 14,43 14.91 4.99 30.20 8.28 53.10 119.75 10.20 10.00 24.89 150.00 82.60 1.25 262,25 145.97 1.05 83.80 4,60 17.95 6.00 11.25 20.10 27 .20 1.20 125.25 7.20 513 Ander son Bi tner Bowles Burroughs Burroughs Burrough s Buskirk Chri stensen Fric ke He artwell Hogg Oliver Lumber Co Roeder Stromer Young Saddler Shi ck Cannon Carl Ee khardt Larsen Mikkelsen Nowe rs Nebras ka 01 son Stump Sunny si de Whi sin and E. Ray D. N. Frank H. 13. M. B. B. C. L. man s John H. G. A. 0, F. tired G. Wm, E. C. W. B. Henry T. N. 13, F, E. O. H. G. Drug Co Walter E. Satarium R. C. G. VI, Carl V. Adams & Co J. Do Adams & Co J D. Adams & Co J, D, Blocher °rya]. Bohlen Joe Curtis De rr a Duncan 0, S. Essinge r Garage & Oil Co Essinger Garage & Oil Co rry J. H, Furry L. A. Gartner P. H. Herren Edward Baker Roy Woo &Tor th E.H, Stroller Vb, E. Stromer VaIter Geri° ff merman Smi dt txi.ck Gruenne r E. J. H argle ro ad W. B. Ki stl er Chester Burro u s Wen de 1]. Trausch Ch ri st Felzine R. A, Grans trom Ed Routh Jim H ar pham Bert Haws & Sons heard arold I saman & Co Lie o. E. Jones & Sons T. W. Kister & Sons Geo Klein John Lay Ra 1ph Manhattan0i]. Co McCulloch -Mei senbach Oil Co LcGrath Hdw Co J. H. Lo A. LOUi S Ni seen Pavelk Pedersen Peterson Re ibol dt Reich art Slining Standard Oil Co Tr aus ch Trays ch Trans ch White se 1 Urvil Louis ler a,nk 'ex s. Ell a Karl Henry Edward John eLike W. C. RQAD DRAGGING FUND supt. Little Blue Twp Supt, West Blue Twp Assisting Co. Surveyor Supt, Silver Lake Twp Supt, Silver Lake Twp Supt. Sil ler Lake Twp Supt, Juniata Twp Supt. Logan Twp Supt. Denver Twp iu rveying supt, Roseland Twp Stakes Supt, Wand a Twp supt. Hanover Twp Assi sting Co. Surveyor SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND Relief of Soldiers & sailors Relief of Soldiers & Sailors POOR AID FUND urugs Gro ce ries Gro ce ri es Gro caries Drugs Se rvices Services Gro caries Se rvi ces Services Groceries COUNT/ HIGHWAY 11.TND Suppli es Supplies Supplie s Te am work Team work Team irk Team work Suppli es Gas Repairs , etc Superintending Go. roads & Mileage Removing fence superintending Go. ro ads & mileage Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roada Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. ro ads Labor Sup erintendirg Go, ro ads & mileage Dragging Go, roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co: ro ads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. ro ads Blacks lei thing U as , Oil, etc Team work Suppli es supplies i31 aksmi thing Team work Team work Gas & Oil Gas & Oil Spark p lug s Grubbing trees supplies Labor Team work Use o f mac nine ry Tearn work Team work Gas 8: Oil Grubb i nb trees Grubbing trees Labor superintending Go. ro ads & mileage 14.88 34.18 17,50 25.02 28.62 4.50 19,74 22,75 71.09 67,70 61.38 4.40 13.13 22,74 17.50 100,00 100,00 6.05 15.02 59.55 32.36 24,05 60.80 210, 00 24,37 5,00 58.00 10,28 12,55 27. 52 15.95 10.80 18.00 7.00 2.00 8,95 237.38 18,59 83.00 2,00 82.20 6,00 4.88 4,50 2. 25 4.50 4. 50 7.12 2.80 103.10 4. 50 6.75 10, 50 6.75 3. 75 3.75 43,85 181.99 15,00 19,50 2,55 10, 50 27.10 22,50 206.10 30.00 2,60 12.00 61.95 4.00 69,75 3.00 86,40 9.00 332.91 6.80 4.00 19.00 87,50 f5 Motion by Kea", second by 4,hitesel that this Board now adjourn to meet again Tuesday, July 13, 1926 at 9 o' clock A. 1, c, ) (/ County Clerk, Deputy County Clerk. r 517 Court House Hastings, Nebraska Tuesday July 13th, 1926 9 o' clock A. M. Statutory meeting of the Board, S. B. Sorensen, Chairman Presiding. Roll call, all members were present. Motion by Keal, second by Hargleroad that the County Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to transfer $15,000.00 from the Road Dragging Fund to the County Gravel Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion. carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel that the County Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to transfer $20,000.00 from the Inheritance Tax Fined to the County Gravel. Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. reotion carried. At 12 o'clock Noah. the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. , when they again resumed with all. members present. At 2 o' clock P. M. , the time advertised for receiving bids on Adams County Gravel_ Project No. 4 the following bids were opened and read: R. T. Schlueter .071 Western Bridge & Construction 00.059 J. S. Rhinehart Young & Hall .093 A. C. Lund .0597 The Board went int o executive session and considered the bids arid found that the bid of J. 5. Rhinehart at 4-lg per square yard was the lowest and best bide Motion by Keal, second by Rain forth that we accept the bid o f J. S. Rhinehart at 4:-2-c per square yard and award him the contract on Adams County uravel Project No. 4. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by Furry that the County Clerk be instructed to return to the unsuccessful bidders their certi fled checks. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Furry, second by Rainforth that the Chairman be authorized to sign the contract with J. S. Rhinehart in the name of Adams County, Nebraska. Roll. call, all voted aye. notion carried. Motion by Rain forth, second by Whitesel that the County Treasurer be authorized to accept $101.04 as principal and to refund all interest for the year 1901 to 1925 inclusive on the- following described Real. Estate: Lots 981, 982 and 983, Juniata Village. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Keal, second by Gartner that the County Clerk be ordered to strike from the tax lists all taxes and interest for the year 1879 to 1900 inclusive on the following described Real Estate: Lots 981, 982 and 983, JuniataVillage. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Keal, second by Rainforth that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Thursday, August 5th, 1926 at 9 o' clock A. M. Motion carried. Bo and adj ourned. eedWaL/feelele-//7 County Clerk. Chairman / Deputy County Clerk. 548 FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASICA PEARL:""B. WOOD VO t'!'C ; 1`I .EA "i712 y .," �".q for the six months ending June 30th, 1926, showing collections, disbursements, transfers from one fund to another and balance on'hand. TOTAL COLLECTIONS Balance on Hand January lst, 1926 $274,031.55 1920 Taxes with prior years 465.77 1921 Taxes 424.47 1922 Taxes ........ .................. 425.75 1923 Taxes .................... 870.77 1924 Taxes ............ ...... 7,779.83 1925 Taxes..... 472,581.90 State School Lands .. 2,585.17 City of Hastings, (Special) ....,. 39,803.69 Motor Vehicles 64,220.52 Record Fees ........................,...,.., 16.75 Redemption of Tax Sales ............11,691.05 MISCELLANEOUS FOR County General ... .......... 7,865.72' Road Dragging.:::: .... .. :... :.....82 County Bige 497.00 Inheritance Taxes .. ......... 20,577.50 School Approtionment 6,844.27 Fines 1,014.55 Interest on County Deposits 2,409.56 School Dist. No. 68 , 18.19 School Dist. No. 70 .:......:.... .. • , .:.:68.55 Hail Insurance .............. 191.70 Ayr Village (on bond) 300.00 Juniata Village (on bond) ' 802.40 Roseland Village (on bond) ............ 250.00 TOTAL PAID OUT State Treasurer ...:`::... $102,759.95 County General .... ......... .. Co ... :.... , . 29,973.20 County Bridge ...... . ... 4,709.35 Soldiers & Sailors Relief .. ... ..... : 266.73 Poor Aid •4,299.97 Mother's Pension .. :.... ........... 1,260.00 County . 27 556349 Free Hih ir Tow ship aordersl .................... .... 24,615.2.4 .,; City & Village orders .... .......... 165,027.60 School Orders . ............... ....... 226,820.03 School Apportionment orders 7,726.22 School Bond 15,885.34 Redemption (tax sale) 12,508.54 County Highway ... ............ ........... 9,145.82 Road Dragging ....... ... 5,508.50 Auto Refunds .. ........ ....... 157.50 School Land Refund of Interest ...:. :..:: 13.38 Inheritance Fees 543.63 Fees of the Office ... .. 4,450.00 Balance on hand June 30th, 1926 272,021.08 TOTAL $915,795.48 TOTAL $915,795.48 VARIOUS FUNDS, SHOWING BALANCE BEFORE AND AFTER DISTRIBUTION ' OF COLLECTIONS, TRANSFERS AND DIS- BURSEMENTS. STATE FUNDS General Capitol Hail Insurance School lands .... Redemption Highway COUNTY FUNDS General 40,833.82 Bridge 9,917.66 Road 768.56 Soldiers & Sailors 314.42 Poor Aid 8,208.47 Townships 14,244.35 School General 86,473.06 School Bond 23,299.61 School Apportionment 1,858.59 School Free High 7,742.20 Road Dragging 5,362.92 Inheritance Tax 417.76 County Fair 813.76 Mother's Pensions .. ::1,279.74 County Highway, ......... 1,458.59 Gravel Fund .:..... 216.81 CITY & VILLAGES Hastings Kenesaw Juniata Roseland Holstein Ayr Prosser . , Trumbull Hayland Pauline .. ... . . SUNDRY FUNDS Redemption (tax sales) Interest on Taxes Advertising BALANCE COLLECTIONS Trans. to $ 13,099.41 $ 61,336.54 1,447.81 6,858.19 191.70 158.90 2,585.17 1,049.13 4,610.11 2.87 20,245.12 Fines Fees TOTALS STATE OF NEBRASKA, .ss. Adams County. 38,378.26 1,557.50 1,754.98 465.26 865.67 449.57 474.82 24.13 1.96 29.42 39,177.99 22,444.86 11.05 625.77 5,597.11 23,548.62 186,159.39 25,411.12 6,844.27 24,974.41 43,958.22 20,577.50 1,242.94 1,864.98 10,000.56 127,162.75 , 3,162.22 2,143.85 794.52 947.96 1,224.39 152.70 21.49 115.60 20,000.00 Disbursements Trans. from $ 70,229.63 $ 7,506.16 2,635.96 5,069.74 19,842.96 30,995.06 5,488.43 .50 289.23 4,499.37 25,454.36 229,942.75 16,321.17 7,726.22 27,941.37 5,533.41 543.63 583.61 1,325:59" 9,145.82 156,757.83 4,360.35 3,727.86 1,162.56 1,729.55 1,292.61 500.93 .46 20,000.00 Balance 4,20'6.32 799.84 191.70 108.11 589.50 405.03 59,017.31 26,874.09 779.11 650.96 9,306.21 12,338.61 42,689.70 32,389.56 1,092.24 4,775.24 23,787.73 24,251.63 1,473.09 1,819.13 12,312.77 216.81 8,783.18 359.37 170.97 97.22 84.08 381.35 126.59 45.16 1.96 29.42 1,670.03 11,691.05 12,508.54 852.54 ......... 5,310.66 2,031.69 7,342.35 Distributed .. . 73.00 1.30 1.58 72.72 ..:::.:. 115.60 1,014.55 115.60 1,014.55 92.25 14,285.59 4,450.00 9,927.84 (Excess) $274,031.55 $662,899.12 $30,116.16 $664,909.59 $30,116.16 $272;021.08 I, PEARL B. WOODWORTH, Treasurer of Adams correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. County, Nebraska, do hereby certify that the above report is true and PEARL B. WOODWORTH, County Treasurer Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me, this 13th day of July, 1926. J. A. CATES (SEAL) County Clerk • 597 Wailes Whitesel Wheat Jesse Ira L=e0. T. Adams & Uo J. D. Anderson E. $ay Balke R. tsitner D. N. Burr Walter M. Burroughs H. B. Buskirk U. L. Christensen Hans Dericks Bert Doty O. M. Fricke J. H. rricke John H. Gerloff simon heartwell e. A. Hogg C. F. Kistler Will Lenz E. W. Maunder E. R. Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co Oliver Lumber Co Otto L. E. Pittz John Hainforth A. H. Reichert earl Roeder Fred G State Journal Co Stromer wm E. Beghtol Jame* V. Carl F. C. B. & Q. R. R. eo Eckhardt H. O. Feese Dr. J. P. Hardt Drug Co Hastings. Fuel Co Juniata Lumber Co Kmmmerlohr Drug Store Larsen H, G. Larsen h. G. Matthieeen & Co Mikkelsen Drug Co Nebr, Sanitarium Olson Grocery Prosser Lumber & Coal Co Schlueter Lumber 00 Scott has Scott ohas Scott Ohas R. Scott villas R. .Sunnyside. VanPatten U. I. Walker Uonrad Wheeler t.,oal 00 whisinand Carl V earl e. Adams & Uo J, D. Department of Public works Dickerson F, E. Duncan 0. S. Easter John Essinger Garage & Oil Co rricke E. A. Mathews Stulken valentine Gayman Fricke Meyer Ocffey McWhirter Grothaus Gartner Krueger Gerloff G. F. August Fred G. E. J, H. Will H. John Ben Harry P H. Paul merman BRIDGE FUND 3ONT. Painting bridges Painting bridges SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND Relief of soldiers & sailors ROAD DRAGGING FUND Supplies oupt. Little Blue iwp Supt. Kenesaw Twp Supt, West Blue Twp. Supt. Verona Twp Supt, Silver Lake Twp Supt, Juniata Twp Supt, Logan Twp Supt, Ayr Twp Supt, Highland Twp supt. Denver Twp Supt, Denver Twp Supt. Zero Twp Surveying Supt. Roseland Twp Assisting Co. Surveyor Supt. 'Blaine Twp Assisting Co. Surveyor Machinery Stakes Labor Dragging Township roads Work done on Adams -Hall County Line slept, Cottonwood Twp Supt. Wanda Twp License oontainsrs Superintendent Hanover Twp POOR AID FUND. rrofessional services Groceries ear fare Groceries Prof, services Drugs Coal wool Drugs Groceries Groceries Drugs Drugs Services eroceries Coal Coal Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries Services Groceries Groceries Coal Groceries COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND supplies Material it Supplies Supplies Supplies Labor supplies Labor vragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. (toads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Supervising Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Draedno Co. roads 19.20 20.00 125.00 32.98 52.37 38.13 51.89 88.86 56.23 32.50 39.24 42.47 54.53 44.71 19.50 64.37 23.30 28.74 7.00 44.87 7.00 11.50 2.40 12.00 1.50 4.00 25.00 79.38 95.00 47,24 17.00 15.03 10.90 76,65 40.00 9.70 9.50 41,40 1.00 4.85 20.09 • .60 25.12 100.00 70.34 9.40 22.60 12.00 7.00 10.00 7,00 130.50 4.50 36.25 90.40 25.16 15.95 25.87 3.10 5.40 60.00 10.28 7.20 6,00 9,00 15.75 19.32 3.'75 5.25 1.50 3.00 15.00 35.40 5.25 4.50 511 Court Hou , Hastins, Nebraska Wednesday May 5th, 9 4::0 clock A el, /gee Adams County Board o f Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment of April 8th, 1926, S. B, Sorensen, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Furry, Gartner, Hargleroad, Keal, Rain ibrth, Sorensen and Inhitesel, Motion by Hargleroad, second by Whitesel that upon complaint having been made to this Board of the condition of the Public Highway on the Township line between Section 4, Ayr Township and Section 33, Denver Township „the County Clerk be instructed to notify the Ayr Township Board to proceed to put this mile 0 f road in passable shape. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, At 9:45 o'clock A. M. the 13o acrd adjourned until 10:45 o'clock A. M, on account of the G. A. R. Parade. Motion by Hargleroad, second by FUrry that we accept a lease made by the C. B. & Q Ry Co., on a piece of land near Pauline, Nebr, , described in said lease and is used by Adams County fora Public Highway and that the Chairman and entire Be Erd sign this lease. Roll call, all voted are, motion carried. Resignation o f Edmund P. Neis, Substitute and Acting County Judge 0 f Adams County was read and upon motion by Keal, second by Hargleroad •the regignation was accepted. A communication from Joseph M. Turby fill, Judge 0 f the County Court suggesting the appointment o f I. E. Montgomery as Substitute County Judge to fill vacancy caused by the resignation o f mr. Muss, was read before the Board and upon motion by Hargleroad, second by eurry, 1, E. Montgomery was duly -appointed Substitute County Judge for the remainder of the term of Joseph M. Turby fill. First quarterly report o f Lucia Dillenbach, clerk 0 f the District Court was read and upon motion by Hargleroad, second by Gartner was ordered placed on file. Petition o f n. G. Lapp and others asking the Board to re -locate a part of Adams County Ro.ad # 2, as described in said petition was read and duly considered by the Board, notion by Keal, second by Rain forth that the prayer of this petition be not granted. Roll call, ayes Furry, Gartner, Keel, Rain forth, Sorensen and Whitesel. Nayes, Hargleroad. Motion carried and the prayer o f petition denied. At 2.2 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P, M, when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Whitesel, second by uartner that we ch aege the deminsions 0 f the briege ordered built between sections 1 and 2, Roseland. Township from a 16 foot roadway, 48 foot waterway, to a 16 foot roadway and 56 foot waterway. Roll call, all voted aye. Metion carried. Motion by Gartner, sec cnd by Ttrry, that we change the deminsions of a bridge ordered built between sections 23 and 24, Cottonwood Township from a 16 foot roadway and 64 foot waterway to a 16 foot roadway and 72 foot waterway. Roll call, all voted aye. notion carried. The hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M, o f May 5th, 1926 being the time set for a hearing on the matter of changing the routing of Adams County Ro ad # 3, having arrived the Board proceeded to consider a remonstrance petition filed in the office of the County nlerk on May 3td, 1926, signed by John Eihusen and others. The remonstrance petition contained more napes than the original petition and the Board after due consideration, failed to reach any agreement with either the petitioners of the proposed change or with the remonstrators against the proposed change. Motion by Keal, second byHargleroad, that the matter of changeng the routing on Adams County Road f 3, as petitioned for and granted by the Board on April 7th, 1926, and which was remonstrated against by petition filed on May 3rd, 1926, that the same be referred to the Department o f Public Works at Lincoln, Nebr, , for a decision on the same and that the County Clerk be instructed to forward to the Department of Public Works certi fied copies of the original petition and also o f the remonstrance petition and maps and .plats 0 f the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. A petition signed by James A, Hildebrand and others asking the County Board to abandon and turn back to Kenesaw Township for maintenance, a part o f Adams County Road # 4 fully described in said petition and to designate a new starting point for Adams County Road # 4, as fully described in said petition was read before the Board and upon motion by Hargleroad, second by Whitesel the prayer of said petition was granted and the Clerk was instructed to proceed to advertise the same as provided by lot and to set a time for a hearing. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. In the matter of the petition o f Theodore W. Miller and others asking for the Board to abandon a p trt of Adams County Road # 11, which petition was read at the meeting on April 8th, 1926 and was referred to the entire Board for investigation, the Board investigated this proposition thoroughly. Motion by Hargleroad, second by FUrry that the prayer of this petition be granted. Roll call, ayes Hargleroad. Nayes, nirry, Gartner, Keal, Rain forth , Soren sen and Whitesel„ Lotion lost and the prayer of said petition was denied. A petition filed in the Office o f the County Clerk on May 5th, 1926 askine, that the Board cause to be paid a bounty of 100 each upon crows as provided for in House Rolls # 216, Chapter 35, Session Laws o f Nebraska for the year 1925, was read before the Board. Said petition asked for the payment o f this bounty from June 1 st, 1926 until December 31st, 1926. Sal dpetition was signed by ueo. Whitesel and others, Motion by uartner, second by Keal, that the prayer of said petition be granted, Roll call, ayes Furry, Gartner, Keel, Ra,inforth ane hhitesel. Nayes, Hargleroad and Sorensen., Motion carried andpetiti on granted. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth that the following Official Bonds be approved: Fred Giessen, Road Overseer, District # 2,"Hanover Township, 1, E. Montgomery, Substitute County Judge, Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Keal that we change the order .ven for a new wooden bridge between sections 4 and 9, 1,'est Blue Township and order a steel() bridge 20 foot roadway, 30 foot waterway transverse joist, to be completed at a cost not to exceed $2500.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Keal, second by eurry, that we order a steele bridge built between sections 21 and 22, Cottonwood Township on County Road # 9, transverse joist, 20 foot roadway, 20 foot waterway. Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried. This bridge not to exceed the cost of 4700.00. t• ....b. -4r" es 1,irr irtk 4 4' L. 0 GO 11171A tveriair his i 1 4.1 ()Ili.; won riA n bride 16 foot roadway. 32 foot waterway Thursday, May 6th, 1926, 9 o'clock A. M. Board re -assembled as per recess with all members present. Motion by Gartner, second by Rainforth, that we appoint a Highway Commissioner from one of Board o f Supervisors and that we proceed to take an informal ballot. Roll call, all voted en informal ballot was take n which resulted: T. h. Furry 4,. -W. B. Hargleroad 3. Lotion 1hitesel that the informal ballot taken be declared formal and that Irir. J. H. Furry be duly Commissioner. Roll call, ayes Furry, Gartner, Hargleroad, :Rain forth and White sel. Nayes, Motion carried and J,, H. Furry was declared duly appointed Highway Commissioner, Motion by partner, second by Rain forth that the claim of the Denocrat Printing Co,, on the General Bttn,d for $8,00 be dis..allowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Rain forth, second by Gartner, that the claim of Geo. Harm, Sheri ff on the General Fiend for 224.15 be allowed at $222.35. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried, the members o f the aye, Motion carried. by Gartner, second by appointed Highway 'Keel and Sorensen. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth, that upon the reccomer.dation o f the, entire Bo ard acting as committee the following claims be allowed on their respective fundal and the Clerk instructed to issue for the same.. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion , carried, Claims follow: Acme Chemical Co Adams County Farm Bureau Baird Ibrsey D. Binderup Hdw. Co Burroughs Adding Machine Co Byers Lumber Co Cannon T. N. Crow Walter I. Davis Ellitt R. nemocrat Printing Co_ Dilienbach Lucia Fischer - G, S. Furry J. H. Gartner P. H. Gurley 4a, & L. Hamel,. B. Hargleroad V. B. Hastings Daily Tribune Haynes Bros K -B Printing Co K.B Printing eo K -B Printing 00 Keal Kenesaw Kistler Kline Land Lincoln School. Lincoln Tel. & Lincoln Tel, & Local Registrars .tratthiesen & Co Carl Milburn & Scott eeiison Drawing Book Co Pro ffitt Harry Queen City Laundry Co Rain forth T. R. Renner & Serf School District School vis trict Schultz Shannon Sorensen Starner Stewart Trimble VanGilder Wrhlquis t `hitesel Woo dworth Wei Progress Geo. S. J. B, C. H. Supply Co Tel. Co Te 1. Co R. 1 18 ,t 18 Martha H. et al F. f E. 5. B. henry F. Walter G. V. B. & Bottenfield Bros W. C. Jennie G. Gartner H ageinann Hawthorne Johnson Jones & Son Katzbe rg Lamborn May McCoy & Vance Paulikat Pedersen Petersen Plantz Vain F. C. 0, C. et al H arm Wm et al Wm Edgar August et al Lars Clarence Heiman GENERAL FUND Fumigators U ffice supplies Bill of exceptions Supplies Service on rahcine Lumber Supplies, Co, Farm office supplies i lenge Supplies, Court House Court costs and office supplies Mileage on Mothers Pension Committee Supervisors services & mileage Supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Co. Surveyor Services Supervisors services & mileage Public Notice Frames for maps Supplies, Co. Supt e 0 if Cardboard Supervisors services notice Assessing Silver Lake Twp Lights Board for inmates at Co. Farm Supplies, Co, Supt Toll calls Toll calls, Farm Bureau Reporting Births & deaths Drugs, Co. Farm Supplies, Co. Supt Supplies, Co, Supt Office supplies & mileage Laundry, Court House Supervisors services Supplies, Court House Use o f Senior High Use o f Senior High Office expense & correcting papers Assessing' Highland Township Supervisors services & mileage • Assessing; Hanover Tome ship Services ereraium on Insurance Storage on Yager Car Post cards Supervisors services & mileage Mileage for Mothers Pension Committee BRI ME FUND Ailing in bridge Labor Filling in bridge Bridge work Supplies Labor on bri cage Filling in Co. bridge Filing in Co bridge Supplies Hauling bridge plank Repairing bridge Repairing bridge Hauling bridge plank $ 186.75 36.30 46.50 6.10 2.77 1.80 7,00 3.77 65.00 256.50 160.05 3.40 26,70 52.20 350,00 17.00 52.40 5.40 9.45 7.64 12,00 p 38.65 35.50 5.30 100.00 6.26 194.40 25.35 28.30 7,40 55.25 5.55 8.07 5.40 23.15 6.00 35,20 69.30 10,00 20.00 112,46 140.57 55.50 146.10 14.10 231.51 29.00 5.25 63.50 2.40 5.40 22.20 2.70 28.60 6.40 4.00 6.00 3.00 35.58 33.50 4.00 4.00 2, 40 an auditing warrants Anderson Balke Bowles Burr Buskirk Chri stensen Dericks Doty Fricke Gerlo ff Ho artwell Hogg Kistler Lenz Maunder Oliver Luber Stromer E. Ray R. W. Frank Walter M. C. L. Hans Bert 0. M. John H. Simon C. A. U. F. Will E. W. C. E. Co Win. E. American Red Cross Cannon . T. N. Carl B. F. Currier -Park Coal Co Hamel E. B. Juniata Gr. & Live Stock Assn Larsen H. B. Nebr. Sanitarium Olson Grocery Prosser Lumber & Coal Co Sunny si de VanPatten C. I. Walker t;onrad Wheeler Coal Co Whininand Carl V Davis J Duncan C. S. Ellsworth Elmer Essinger Garage & Oil Co Essinger Garage & Oil Co Ford Moto r Co Edward Anderson Norton H. E. Bobbitt W. B. Frerichs Gerd H. Fricke E. A. Rory J. H. Gartner P. H. Weathe rwax E. P. Stromer V,alter Smidt Dick Baker Clifford Woodworth r: H. Stromer am. E. H arg le ro ad W. B. Halloran arm Haws W. G. Hoagland Frank Hoagland Jesse Xister & Sons Geo Krueger Paul Livingston John Lyons Ch arley Mack Earl Manhattan Oil Co Murdock ArchieJ McCoy & Vance Paulikat August McLeod Lambrecnt Pavelka Peters Peterson Plautz Reiber Rei chart Ronnekamp Routh Slini ng Standard Oi Stine Valentine Whitese l 1Uhitesel Lippincott Kroll George Arthur Vin Ed Chas Berman Louie Karl Raymond J ame s henry Co Herbert o nno . E. • C, Orlie F Albert ROAD DRAGGING FUND Supt, Little Blue Twp Supt. Kenesaw Twp As si sting Co. Surveyor Supt. Verona Twp Supt, Juniata Twp Supt. Logan Twp Supt, Ayr Twp Supt, Highland Twp Supt, uenver Twp Sutp. Zero Twp Surveying Supt. Roseland h'p Assisting Co, Sur'teyror Supt. Blaine Twp Assisting Co, Surveyor Stakes Supt. Hanover Trap POOR AIDFUND Cash paid for P, R. fare to Lincoln Drugs Grocerise Coal Services i o al Groceries Services Groceries Coal Services Groceries Groceries Groceries Groceries COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Repairing tractor Supplies Services Gas Supplies Supplies & repairs Handling snow fence Grubbing trees Grubbing trees Labor Team work Supervising; Co. roads & mileage Supervising Co. roads & mileage Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co, roads Bragging Co, roads Bragging Co. roads Dragging Co, ro ads Dragging Co. roads Superintending Co roads & mileage Patrolman Dist. # 1 Gas, Oil, Grease, etc Labor Labor rslacksmithing Filling in Co, road Labor Labor Hauling posts Gas & Oil Dragging Co, roads Supplies Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co. ro ads Suppli es Labor on County roads Gas pipe Labor on County road Labor on County road Labor Patrolman Dist /t 1 Dragging Co, roads Team work Gas, Cil, etc Team work Dragging Co, roads Nyo rk on Co. ro rods Superintending Co. roads Dragging Co roads Dragging Co. roads 72.02 19.37 14,00 34,00 32.12 8.31 27,27 32.07 16,37 23.86 84.10 8.50 21.00 52.37 7.00 1.20 19.16 4.48 12, 00 15.05 12,00 2.00 51.10 32.53 100, 00 32.27 7.3.5 58.00 13.41 33.85 61,90 16.80 7.50 9.55 8.00 150.00 15,2© 3.10 8.00 8,00 2,00 15, 00 33,60 127,30 128.32 6,00 5,25 3.75 5.25 9.00 6.38 117,20 83.16 168, 3.1 8.00 15.00 11.70 7.50 12.75 8,00 20.00 152.43 11,25 5.72 11.25 11.25 6.03 38.57 14.55 1.75 59.55 7.50 13.20 83.16 3,00 28,80 350.58 12,00 4,13 41. p58 84.80 16.75 8.25 Motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel, that the Land & Buildings Committee be instructed to erect a flap pole on the Court House grounds and purchase a suitable flag. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Motion by Rain forth, second by SVhitesel, that. this Board now adjourn to meet again on Thursday, May 20th, 1926.at 10 o'clock . A. M. Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried, o pounty Clerk, Deputy County Clerk, 519 4,10,4:4101***104‘'ii0'.fwii4.':.',..4140a4444,*e.V*1.44:Wk, Court House Hastings, Nebraska Thursday May 20th, 1926 10 o'clock A. M. Board met in regular session as per adjournment o f may 6th, 1926. 6, B. Sorensen, Chairman presicing. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Furry, Gartner, Hargleroad, Keal, Rainforth, Sorensen and thitesel. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved by the Board. The balance of the rforenoon session was taken up in a discussion o f land values, At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. , when they again resumed with "ial members present. Motion by .1.1rry, second by Rainforth, that, the hour of, 1:30 o'clock P. M. May 20th, 1926 the time set for a hearing on the proposed change in Adams County Road # 4,as petitioned for and granted by this Board on May 5th, 1926, having arrived and no remonstrance or objections o f any kind were filed in the office of the County Clerk against this proposed change in Adams County hoad # 4, that this Board order this change made in comformity to the petition and that the County Clerk be instructed to change the record on this County Ro ad as changed. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Rain forth that this Board adjourn to meet again on Saturday, June 5th, 1926 at 9 o' clock A. M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. roahA aunty Clerk. Deputy County clerk. 5 1 Court House Hastings, Nebraska Saturday June 5th, 1926, 9 o' clock A. M. Board met in regular session as per adjournment of May 20th, 1926, Roll call, all members were present as follows; Furry, Gartner, Hargleroad,Kea1, Rain forth, Sorensen and VJhitesel. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved by the Board. The following miscellaneous receipts from the County Treasurers °five were read and upon motion by Rainforth second by Gartner were ordered mand part o f the Supervisors Record: 1838 1839 }t 18 40 fi 1841 # 1842 # 1843 it 1844 # 1845 r# 1846 1847 ;` 18 49 x 1850 if 1853 ## 18 54 18 55 j 1856 #f 1857 7? 1858 1859 1860 18 61 # 1862 18 64 t 1865 # 1866 # 1867 1868 ## 1869 #* 1870 1871 1 1872 it i873 1874 1875 r 1876 /iii; # 1877 jt 1678 # 1879 ## 188 0 1881 it 1882 1883._ if 1884 # 188 5 1886 18878 #• 1888 ft 1889 18' 18909 •h 15921 # 1893 n 1894 1895 1.i# 1896 1897 1898 1899 # 1900 # 1901 ## 1902 # 1903 # 1904 i# 1905 # 1906 f# 1907 r 1908 #t 1909 " 1910 i 1911 # 1912 # 1913 # 1914 r"t 1915 # 1916 1917 # 1918 1 1919 4, i 7 n Village of Kenesaw Credit i armers State Bank Ayr Nebraska National Bank Hastings 'f rirst National Bank Hastings " State Bank o f Hastings First State Bank Hayland Kenesaw State Bank Lank o f Commerce Hastings W. B. Hargleroad J. A. Cates , Co. Clerk J,M. Turby f 11, Co, Judge The Exchange National Bank Lucia Dillenbach L. N. Button, Reg, of Deeds N'irst State Bank o f Holstein State Bank o f Juni ata Pauline State Lank ';alter M. Burr J. C. Lee R. R. Vance vepartment of Public Instruction " J. A. Cates, Co, Clerk Credit County Judge tf Roseland State Bank L. N. Button J. A. Cates S. B. Sorensen County Judge Raymond L. Crosson Lucia Dillenbach Geo. Harm W. J. Tuecht John H. ru rry eirst State Bank Kenesaw Geo. Ci. Lauer A. B. Fernow W. C. VIhitesel G. E. Boggs Pearl B. Woodworth Peter Hansen W. B. Harglero °:gid W. B. Hargleroad I. H. Rickel m, M. Lowman Chas. Wheat Rena Gartner W. A. Cole Ju dge Turbyfill J.H. Jensen, Tr. Kearney Co J.H. Jensen ff ft Il Bert Mo rte dge J. E. Bute Jr u, Ped Rtuhter J. A. Cates Prosser State Bank Legatees Estate Harvey E Rose Lucia Dillenbach Nebraska National Bank Lucia Dillenbach State Bank o f Hastin rxrst National Bank tired Kockrow earmers State Lank County Judge CountyJu c'ge of rf ff ►1 ff ea /e ff a 19 It ff of Exchange National Bank J, A. Cates, Co, Clerk Lucia Dillenbach Walter M. Crow Lucia Dillenbach J. A. Cates, Co. Clerk J,M, Turby fill, Co. Judge A. H. Rain forth Village o f Juniata Peter Gartner Cont. & Com. Trust et, Say Bank J. M. Turbyfill, Co. Judge u .,.....,..,.. r c _ a 1$ 11 ft 11 N ft fa 1f ft 1/ f1 fl 1f 1, ff tf ft 11 tf +t 1f It tt t/ ft_. ft Road Dragging Fund General Fund 11 11 9 11 ff to Road Dragging Fund General land ft State Apportionment General Fund Act Fines & Licneses General Fun d to 11 ff 11 n 0 Fines it licenses General Fund Fines & Licenses General Fund li 1/ It Road Dragging Fund Bri dge -Fund General Bund Hanes & Licenses School Dist. # 68 School Dist. # 70 General Fund ft ff rr .f Road Dragging Fund General e'un d Inheritarc e Tax Fines & Licenses General Fund Fines & Licenses General Fund ff 1. 11 /1 ft 1. Fines & Li censes ff ft /t n H � General rznd If 1/ Fine s& Licenses General Fain_ d Inheritance Tax Road Dragging Fain d Bond # 8 - Light Bond Bridge Fund Inheritance Tax Fines & Licenses 175.00 35.00 91.8 9 220.70 100.31 75,00 200.00 44.20 214.00 27 5.45 20,00 30.71 1715.78 1174.00 180.00 100,00 120.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 6844.27 1.10 300.00 195.00 5.00 5.00 5,00 5.00 5.00 100.00 5.00 31.50 5.00 160.00 5.00 5.00 65.00 5,00 5,00 5.00 37.50 30.00 5.00 1.10 5.00 5,00 5.00 10,00 18,19 68.55 5.00 10.00 5.00 28.32 50.00 196.05 6.00 133.81 5.00 167. 65 ?31.92 5.00 35.00 100. CO 10.00 10.00 60.93 10.00 33.90 5.00 5.00 10, 00 305.13 4.00 802.40 1,00 1273.48 5.00 Gq O f2 523 • #1929 #1930 Peter Gartner W. B. Hargleroad credit Bridge Fund 119 10.00 18.00 Motion by Keal, second by Whitesel that the Official Bond of J. le. Furry, Highway Commissioner be approved. Motion carried. Motion by tea.rtner, second by Rain forth, that in the matter of a renewal of Mothers Pensions for Mrs. Alice Block and Mrs. Emma Dell Young, which were ordered by the County Court, that this Board approve the action of the Court and that the County clerk be instructed to issue warrants for these pensions. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Keal, that we appoint H. E. Bo vim a.n o f Hastings to make an appraisement on certain sales of farm land made in Adams County during the years 1921 and 1922 and that he be authorized to use this as evidence in the trial now pending at Lincoln with the Railroad and that the County pay whatever expense Mr. Bowman incures in making this appraisement. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. motion by Gartner, second by ehitesel, that the County Treasurer be instructed to refund to Frank H. Woodworth $26.75 taxes erroneously assessed for the yearsl924 and 1925 on improvements on part o f NE- Section 4-5-10. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. when they again resumed with all members present. notion by Rainforth, second by uartner that the County Clerk be instructed to prepare plans and speci fications for Adams County Gravel Projects Numbers 2 and 3 and to advertise for bids on the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Rainforth, second by Keal, that the County Clerk be instructed to invite the Township Board o f Ayr, Roseland, Juniata, Denver and Cottonwood to meet with the County Board on Monday June 14sh, 1926 at 9 o'clock A. M. , for the purpose o f discussing ro ad graveling. Motion carried, motion by eUrry, second by Whitesel, that committee the following claims be allowed for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Adams County •Alexander Anderson Banta Farm Bureau Charlotte E. Ray J. W. Batten A. I. Binderup Hdw Co Bowers Reuben Brecks Jewelery Store Bureau of Forensic Ballistics Burr Walter Cannon T. N. Cl ark A. M. Crow ealter M. Davis Elliott Lines Drug Co Democrat Printing Go Dieter M. E. Dillenbach Lucia Durkee Geo Dutton & Sons Co W. M. scher G, S. Atherton ettrry J. Garrison John EL uartner P. H. Gaudreault merc Co A. J Hargleroad W. B. Harm Geo. Harts isrs. George Hartman Ernest Haskin R.W. Hastings Daily Tribune Hoagland H. C. Huston K -B Printing Co K -B Printing co KB Printing Go Keal Via Keith li, W. et al Kenesaw Progress Klapp Printing Co Kort Martin Land U. H. Lincoln School supply co Lincoln Tel .& Tele, Co.. 70 Lincoln Tel & Tel Co Matthiesen & Co Carl. R. Maxwell John L Milburn & Scott Co vIi11ard B. F. McGrath HON Co J. Nienhueser Fred upon the recommendation of the entire Board acting as an auditing ontheir respective funds andthe Clerk instructed to draw warrants Motion cartied. GENERAL FUND Office supplies Assessing part Second Ward Assessing Little Blue '1Wp Assessing West Blue Twp Services Supplies Assessing part Fourth Ward Cleaning clock Examinations Assessing Verona Tvvp Supplies, Co. Farm Assessing in City o fHastings U ffi ce expense & supplies ieileage Supplies, Court House Supplies, Court House Assessing Roseland Twp Office expense & supplies Assessing part second ward Awnings mileage, Mothers Pension Commit tee Supplies Supervisors services & mileage ,kssessing Denver Twp Supervisors services a mileage Supplies, Court House Supervisors servi ces & mileage Jail expense Matron fees Assess ing buppli es ti ces As se s s ing Assessing first ward Blaine Twp Ayr Twp Assessors supplies Supplies, Co. Supt 0 i� t4 Supervisors services Vvitnesses insanity case 140 tice Election pencils, etc. Aeseeeine; Zero Twp uioerd for inmates at Co. Farm Supplies Toll calls, Court House Toll calls, Fon Bureau Supplies, Co. Farm As se ssing Cottonwood Twp Supplies B1 ac ksmi thing Supplies, Court House Assessing '47anci. a Twp 22,00 195,00 141.00 120.64 3.05 4,65 180.00 1.50 200. 00 181, 51 8.40 200,00 21,77 65.00 50, 70 126.90 186.30 82.50 210.00 42.30 3.40 2.00 22, 40 165.00 53.00 38.56 41.00 279.48 47.50 205.00 1.00 18.20 100.30 170.00 10.66 12.58 5.11 35.00 17.00 6.80 12,66 140.98 177,32 30.42 25.75 6.95 3,20 20, 60 2.70 2.25 9.60 135,50 525 eanner & Serf Rutherford Bros School District if 18 Schultz Martha H. Simms B. M. Sorensen S. B. Stein Brothers Stewart Walter G Templeton J. L. Templin W. H. Wahlquist Bros Wheat Ch as aitese3. W. C. Via drne.i er Widmaier Vrn Wilson C. W. Wiltrout J. E. Wolbach& Brach Woodworth Jennie G. Woodworth vearl 13 Woodworth , ?earl B. Ayr Lumber Co Einspahr Einspahr Daugherty. Gartner Jones & Sons Overy Pedersen Plautz Prosser Lbr Rei chart Roeder Bradt Albert H Art hur P. R. Walter T. W. 'Howard Loi e merman & Coal Co Karl Dick Anderson Balke Bitner Bowleb:. Burr Bus ki rk Christensen De ricks Doty Fri c ke Gerloff He artwell Hogg Kistler Lerz Oliver Lumber Reichert Roeder Stromer Young E. Ray R. W. D. N. Fronk Walter M. C. L. Hans Bert 0. M. John H. Simon C. A. C. F. Will E. W. Co Karl Fred G. Wm. E. Simon Beghtol Dr. 3. DrV. Cannon T. E. Carl 13, F. Ea 1th ardt H. 0. Eckhardt ti. 0. Feese D . Sherman Jones r Kenesaw Merc, Co Kenesaw Mere uo Larsen H. G. Nebraska Sanitarium Olson R. C. Pratt 3. C. Simms Sunnyside talker Conrad Wheeler Coal Co Whisinend C. V. Andrews Ashby Be ng,e Brown Bruer Roy Whi L. 0, Delmar Don GENERAL FUND CONT, bupp li es , tourt nou se Se rvi ces Use of Senior High Office expense & supplies Supplies Supervisors services 0 f fice equipment b'upplies Assessing Kenesaw Twp Oil Supplies Assessing Logan Twp Supervisors Services & mileage Investigating Mothers Pensions Se rvices Assessing part Fourth Ward A.ssessing Juniata Twp Decorati-g Sheriff Apts Mi le a.ge for 11.o the rs Pension Coxsxoittee Light, Tel, Gas, Office supplies, etc Express & freight BRILGE FUND uulve rt Labor Labor on bridge Labcr on bridge Ailing in bridge Bridge supplies killing in bridge Labor on bridge 'Jointing Bridge Culvert, etc Repairing Bridge Hauling bridge lumber itilling in bridge ROAD DRAGGING FUND Supt. 11 Little Blue Twp Kenesaw Twp West Blue Twp Assisting Co, Surveyor Supt, Verona Twp Supt. Juniata Twp Supt. Logan Twp Supt. Ayr Twp Supt, Highland Twp Supt. Denver Twp Supt. Zero Twp Surveying Supt. Ro eel an d Twp Assisting Go, Surveyor Supt. Blaine Twp Stak es Supt. Cottonwood Twp Supt. Wanda Two. bupt. Hanover Twp Assisting Co. Surveyor POOR AID FUND Services Drugs Druge Groceries Groceries Services Services Groceries Groceries groceries Services GT oc e ri es Groceries Drugs Services uro ceries Co al Groceries COUNIY HIGHVIIAY FUND • Gas & 01.3. Dynamite Repairs Team work Team work 81.25 11.05 20.00 81.12 8.40 50.00 94.65 .30 222.00 2.00 7.50 165.25 42.40 14.90 5.00 190.00 205.00 40.00 2.40 454.55 7.71 152.60 45.40 4.80 19,00 6.00 7.43 6,00 9.00 9.40 113,50 17.80 7.00 9.00 74.89 60,25 33.99 14.00 16.50 62,51 24, 24 74.49 37.88 40.37 84.42 59,20 10.75 7.00 33.63 3.40 16.94 45.62 36.62 7.00 11.00 6,00 15.10 74.55 51.70 52.00 30.00 15.68 11.39 32.54 100,00 28.54 23.48 13.01 58 .00 11.65 9.00 2.40 8.75 27.00 1.70 15.00 18.00 527 Meyer Grothau, s Lutz Gil shri s t 1?urry Gartner Reis Baker Krull Smi dt Con sbruck St amer Moss Valentine Gerloff Woodworth Stromer Dy cus 1;Te ath e rw a x Krueger Harglero ad Se hi. ffler Kistler Kindig au s ch G ran strom Felzine Hansen Wili H harry Ernest J. H. L. A. P. H, L. A. Uli f ford John Dick Jacob Anton 2. H. unno n e rm an Walter Edward E. P. Paul W. B. Abe Chester J im chri at ja A, Geo. Hastings machine Service Hastings Me ch ani cal Works Haws & Sons Hershey S. S. Holle nbeek R. L. Kat zbe rg Carl Ki st er & Bons Geo Pauline Garage Lutz Ernest Manhattan Oil Co i.Uard 13, F. McGrath Hdw Co J. H. McGrath Hdw Co J. H. Pedersen Loie Pratt Ramon Reiber Daniel Reiber Harry Reiber Loie Reichert Karl Rider J, W. Routh Art Saddler Harry Slin rg Henry Smith Machinery Co Smith Machinery Co Smith Machinery Co Smith Machinery Co Smith Machinery Co Standard Oil Co Vaxilleter Whitesel Pr att Whitesel Burling Einnigsmier Pratt Pratt Williams Baugh Web e r J. J. we C. Elton L. E. R. chas, K. H. M. Ramon W. E. D. K. R. J R. Theo. J. Motion by White sel , second at 9 o' clo ck A. M, motion 2a10 County ul ark, Deputy gounty Clerk. by Ke al , carried. COUNTY HIGMAY FUND CONT. Road dragging ft 11 11 11 11 11 Labor on Co. ro ads Superintending, Co. To ads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. ro ads agging Co. roe - Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Supe rintending Co. raods Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging co. roads Labor Regi r s Labor & rep r s as & Oil blacksmi thing Supplies Labor hi acksmithing Repairs Labor Gas & Oil 131 ack Brij:thing bolts, etc Dyn amite Labor Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co. roads Team work Team work Team work Team work Team work Team work Team work Repairs & supplies Cable Supplies & rep airs supplies & repairs Supplies & repairs Gas & Oil Te am work Superintending Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Go. roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. roads 6.75 15.75 18.00 10.50 33.90 ico.6o 1,50 21.94 9.37 2,62 6,75 3.75 16.12 5.25 9.co 9,00 9.00 4.50 9,00 7.50 95.80 10.50 4.50 6.00 8,25 3.75 9, 00 8.00 10,00 23.00 225, 66 74.25 20.50 8.00 13.75 3,25 26.50 196.93 2,00 1 .75 20.00 8.00 16.00 30.00 15.00 37.50 30. 60 3.00 4. 85 8,00 63.00 159.89 30.25 39.31 139.87 79.18 334.76 8.00 99.20 6.00 3,')O 2.52 9.75 2,25 11.82 9.00 18.00 3.00 that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Monday June 14th, 1926 so ard adjourned. Court House Hastings, Nebraska Monday June 14th, 1926, 9 o'clock A. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment of June 5th, 1926. S. B. Sorensen, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members were present. minutes o f the last regular meeting were read and. approved. The Township Boards of Juniata, Cottonwood, Roseland, held in regard to graveling County Roads, The entire projects. The sentiment seemed to be not in favor o f Roads. No action o f any kind was taken by the Board. Ayr and Denver met with the Board and a conference was forenoon session was taken up in a discussion of gravel the Townships helping in a financial way to gravel County At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Keal, that we order the steel bridge on county road # 4 between sections 10 and 11, Kenesaw Township, token out and to substitute therefore two 36 inch culverts. Roll call, ayes, Hargleroad, Keel, and Sorensen, Nayes, Gartner, Rainforth and Whitesel. Fury present but not voting. Motion lost. Petition of Wm. Huston and others asking that two bridges be built on the Township line between Ayr & Denver Township was read before the Board and upon motion by Gartner, second by Hargleroad, the petition was referred to the Road & Bridge Committee. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Furry that we create Adams County Gravel Project # 4 also known as the Holstein - Roseland -Hastings Gravel Road, commencing on County Road ! 9 at the northwest corner o f Section 27 and the south- west corner o f section 22, town 6, range 12, thence running east 7 miles to the northeast corner section 27 and t southeast corner section 22, town 6, range 11, thence running north 3 miles on County Ro ad # 2, thence running east 4 miles on County Road # 2, to the northeast corner section 8, and the southeast corner section 5, town b, range 10, thence running north 5 miles on County road # 2, to the northeast corner section 17 and southeast corner section 8, town 7, range 10 and connecting there at with State and Federal road # 2, also known as the D. L. D. road. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Motion by Hargleroad, second by Keal that we abandon and turn back to Roseland Township, for maintenance a part of Adams County Road # 2, being the first 2 miles o f said road # 2 as now established and described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner section 28, and the northwest corner section 27, town 6, range 11, thence running north one mile, thence running east one mile and to substitute therefore as a starting point for County Road # 2, the northeast corner section 27, and the northwest corner section 26, town 6, range 11, thence running north 1 mile and connecting thereat with County Road # 2 as now established. Roll call., all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Furry, second. by Whitesel, that we order Adams County Gravel Project # 4, graveled with a one inch surface Of grave144 d iat the County Clerk be instructed to prepare plans and specifications and to advertise for bids on this project, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth that the County Farm Committee be instructed tocontract with the Rippeteau Paint & Wallpaper Company to paint the house and barn at the County Farm on their bid submitted to the committee. Roll nail, all voted aye, Motion carried. Motion by Keal, second by Hargleroad, that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday July 6th, 1926. 9 o'clock A. M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. County Clerk, Chairman. 531 Court House, Hastings , Nebraska Tuesday June 15th, 1926. 9 O'clock A. M. The Adams County Board of Equalization met as provided by law. Present, S. B. Sorensen, Chairman, Supervisors, nary, Gartner, Hargleroad, Keal, Rainforth and Whitesel, County Assessor Proffitt and_County Clerk Cates. Yormal complaints were filed with the County Clerk on the following described properties; Land and Improvements NE* Section 1-6.11 and slat Section 14-6.12 by matt Trausch. Land andImprovements Section 24-8-11 by Walter Taute, Lend, Part NE + Section 4-5-10 by F. H. Woodworth. Land and Improvements SW + Section 5-6-12 by L. D. Powers. Land and Improvements SE Section 34-5-9 by Frank Hub 1. Improvements, Lots 884-885 and Si 886, Juniata by E. S. Newell Lot 5 and W 31 ft Lot 6, Block 4, Wilkins s Addition by W. R. Snyder Lots 1-36 Palmer's Sub Division, Block 31, Prospect Park Addition by 0, R. Palmer. Lots 1 and 2, eeartwell's Sub o f Block 9, Haire's Addition and Lot 1, Jones' Addition by Peter Tjaden. All of Section 22 and NE+ Section 24-8-12 by J. L. Templeton Assessor. et 12 o'clock Noon the 13oard recessed until 1:30 P. M. At 1:30 o'clobk P. M. the Board re -assembled with all members present. The following formal complaints were filed with the County Clerk: Lots 3 and 4, Block 32, St Joseph Addition by Adam Legler Lots land 2, Block 7, East Park Addition by O. W. White. Lot 2, Barrow's Sub Division by Geo. eendricks. NW+ Section 20-6.11 by John Klein Lots 10.11-12, Block 14, Johnson's Addition by iirank Neylon Lot 5, Block 15, Ro ssnfield' s Sub by eermanLiebers. Motion by Rainforth, second by Keel, that we increase the assessed collation on the land Ni NE + Section 15-6-12 from $1645.00 to $2045.00, also increase the assessed valuation on the land on Si SE+ Section 15.6-12, from $1660.00 to $2060.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock P. M. the Board recessed until Wednesday June 16th, 1926 at 9 o'clock Wednesday June 16th, 1926, 9 o' clock A. M. The Board re -assembled as per recess with all members present. Complaint was filed with the County Clerk on the assessed valuation as follows: N 50 ft, Lot 2, Benedict's Sub o f Block 2, Benedict's Addition by Gus Lenz. Motion by Furry, second by Rain ferth that we reduce the assessed valuation on fr sj 17-7-9 from $13680.00 to $13000.00. Roll call, ayes, Furry, Rainforth and Cates. Noyes, Gartner, Hargleroad, Keal, Sorensen, Whitesel and Pro ffitt, motion lost. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. At 1:15 o'clock P.M. the Board re -assembled with all members present. The following formal compl dints were filed with the County Clerk; Lot 27, Kerr's Addition by J. N. Parsons Lots 7-12, block 1, Daws and Foss's Addition by Y. W. Turner SW e Section 19-7-12, by James Hoban Wi Section 14-5-11, by J. Trausch Lot 12, Renfrew's Addition by Georgiana W. Jones S 10 ft, Lot 2, All Lot 3 and N 3 ft Lot 4, Benedict's Sub o fBlock 2, Benedict's Addition by 0, E. Hill. Lot 41, Block 12, Moore's Addition by J. E. Whitesel. Complaint o f Roseland Township Assessor, M. E. Deiter in regard to comp aritive land value between Roseland, Cottonwood, Logan and Silver Lake Townships. At 5 o'clock P. M. the Board recessed until Thursday, June 17th, 1926 at 9 o'clock A. M. Thursday, June 17th, 1926 9 o'clock A. M. Board re-aseembled as per recess with all tnereloors present. The following formal complaints were filed with the County Clerk; Si SW+ Section 16-6.12 by P. C. Janssen 88i ft S 0 f N 90 ft E:12- Block 8, St Joseph 2nd Addition by Henry Roeder. Lot 16, Block 10, St Joseph Addition by Henry Roeder , Lots 16 and 17, Block 16, Origin al Town by Eike J. Deiho ff Lots 1 and S 89+ ft Lot 2, Scofields's Addition (Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital) by J. W. James, Attorney. Petition filed by J. W. James, Attorney for Mary Lanning Hospital claiming exemption from taxation on account en. ...otos-en aes--ekeneen,-' 533 3.4 Motion by Furry, second by Gartner, that we decrease the assessed valuation on part B N] Section 4-5.10 (Ayr Village Extersions) from $2650.00 to $1500.00. Roll call, ayes, Furry, Gartner, Hargleroad, Valeitesel, Proffitt and Cates. Nayes, Keal and Sorensen. Absent Rainforth. Motion carried. motion by Keal, second by V'thitesel that we increase the assessed valuation on fr. Ni Section 19-7-9 from 40,855.00 to $11,655.00. Roll call, ayes, Hargleroad, Keal, Sorensen, Whitesel and Proffitt, Nayes, Furry and Cates. Absetn Gartner and Rainforth. Motion carried. The following formal complaints were filed with the County Clerk; Block 16, St Joseph 2nd Addition, by Mary A. Cunninghan. N -Ls Lot5, Block 5, Webster & Wemple' s Addition by Elizabeth E. Igon, Lots 6 and 7, Block 16, Original Town by Mrs. David Simms, Lots 69 and 128-132 Kenesaw Ville, by R. T. Schlueter. At 5 o' clock P. M, the Board recessed until Friday June 25th, 1926 at 9 o'clock A. M. Friday June 25th, 1926, 9 o'clock A. M. Adams County Board o f Equalization re -assembled as per recess. Roll call:, all members were present. Motion by Gartner, secone. by Furry that upon the reconmaendation o f the Board after viewing certain property complained of that the following orders of increases and decreases be made: Lot 69, Kenesaw Village decrease improveraents from $500.00 to $300.00. Lots 128 to 132, Kenesaw Village decrease improvements from $1800.00 to $560.00. On W 78 ft Lots 66-67-68 Kerosnw Vi11e incl. -ease improvements from $1400.00 to $2000.00. SW Section 19-7-12, decrease from $11445.00 to :40800.00. NV i Section 20-6-11, decrease land 4000.00. Also that no change be made on the following complaints: 1,q- Section 14-5.11 SW -i Section 16-6-12. SW -1- Section 5-6-12. E 120 ft Lot 6, Block 7, Holstein Village Lots 384-885, &L.- 886, Juniata Village. Also the Board recommended the following increases on land values, upon which no complaint had been made: SV i Section 17-6-11, increase from $8900.00 to $9500.00. Part Swk Section 18-6-11, increase. from $8755,00 to $9560.00. SE Section 18-6-11, increase from $8735.00 to $9560.00 Section 19-6-11, increase from $8660.00 to $9560.00. • Section 16-6-12 increase from $4510.00 to $4925.00. NE-- and 4- SE k Section 8-5-12 increase from $9280.00 to $10475.00. NEell- Section 7_5..12 increase from $6570.00 to $7875.00. • Fivi Section 6.5.12 increase frau $2810.00 to $4515.00. NW -t- Section 8-5.12, increase from $6155.00 to $7350.00. ▪ SV i Section 8-5-12 increase from ;'3080.00 to $4200.00. NWi Section 14-5-12 increase from $9485.00 to $10,500.00. SWei. Section 19-7-12, increase from i,.8230;..00 to $9000.00 Rollcall on the above notion, allvoted aye. Motion carried, Lotion by nal, second by Gartner that we equalize the assessed valuation o f the lands in Logan Township as compared with the o ther 16 Townships of Adams County as follows: That the assessed value of the land in Logan Township for the year 1925 be used as a basis for taxation purposes for the year 1926 with the exception o f certain specific changes recommended and made by the Board, said speci fic chages are made to equalize the laid with adjoining property. Roll call, all voted aye. n otion carried, motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth that the following increases and decreases on the assessed valuation o f City of Hastings Real Estate be made: Lot 5, and W 31 ft Lot 6, Block 4, Wilkin' s Addition from $1700.00 to $2000.00. Lots 8 and 9, Block 14, Johnson's Addition from $1350.00 to $1 500.00 Lots 7 to 12, Dawes' and Foss' Addition decrease from 1050.00 to $750.00. Block 16, St Joseph 2nd Addition decrease lot to $400.00. Improvements to $600.00. 88k ft South o f North 90 ft E -L-- Block 8, St Joseph 2nd Addition decrease to $800.00. Lot 27, Kerr' s Addition decrease improvements to ',1000.00. Lots 1 and 2 , neartwell' s Sub o f Part Block 9, riaire's Sub imrpovements decrease to $500.00. Lot 1, Jones' Addtin decrease improvements to $600.00. Lot 7, 3unset Hill Sub Division decrease improvements to $1200.00. Also that no change be made on the assessed valuation on the following complaints: Lots 1 and 2, Block 7, East Park Addition, Lots 3 and 4, Block 32, St Joseph Addtion, Lot 5, Block 15, Rosen,. field's Sub, Lots 1 to 36, Palraer' s Sub Div, Block 31, rrospect Park Addition, 4- Lot 5, Block 5, Webster 3: Wernple' s Addition, Lot 2, Barrow's Sub Div. , N 50 ft, Lot 2, Benedi et' s Sub o f Block 2, Benedi ct' s Addition, Lot 12, Renfrew's Addtion, Lots 14, Block 12, Moore's Addition, 5 10 ft Lot 2, All Lot 3, and N 3 ft Lot 4, Benedict's Sub o f Block 2, Benediet's Addition, Lots 10-11-12, Block 14, Johnson's Addition, Lots 16 and 17, Block, 16, Original Town. Roll call, on the above motion all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Harglero ad, second by starry that the request o f the Women' s Club o f 'Hastings Nebr., for an exemption from taxation on Lot 6 and 7, block 16, Original Town be granted. Roll call, ayes, Furry, , Gartner, Hargleroad Keal, Sorensen, Whitesel and Cates. Nayes, Rainforth, .Fro ffitt present but not voting. motion carried, At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. At 1:15 P. M. the Bo ard re -assembled with all members present. The following complaints were filed with the County Clerk; SW Lot 16, Block 1, Buswell's Addition by Emma Irwin. Pt SWe SW -41 Section 12-7-10, by J. W. Morgan. SW;1--, Section 2-7-10 by i. Gaudreault 535 = Motion by 'seal, second by Hainforth that no changes be made in the assessed valuation on Pt Slq- Section 12-7-10 owned by Maggie norgan. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Complaint o f Chris Christensen on improvements on 5 12i ft Lot 5, all Lot 6 and 7 andNti Lot 8, Bleak 17, Holstein Village was filed with the County Clerk. fdotion by Rain fbrth second by Harglero ad that we equalize the assessed valuation of the land in section 31-6-10 and section 36.6-11 by increasing the valuation in section 31-6-10 $1000.00 par quarter and reducing the aseessed valuatio a in section 36-6-11 0500.00 per quarter. Roll call, all. voted aye. Motion carried, Motion by Jeal, second by Rainforth that the request ofM. E. Baiter, Assessor of Roseland Township for a blanket reduction on all the land in Roseland Township be not granted. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Keal, second by Rainforth that we reduce the assessed valuation on land SW Section Section 32-8-9 $1000.00. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. motion by uartner, second by ieurry that we reduce the assessed valuation on improvements on 3 12.1-- ft Lot 5, all Lot 6 and 7 and Lot 8, block 17, Holstein Village from $6500.00 to 6000.00. Roll call, ayes, Furry, Gartner, , Hargieroad, Sorensen, Vhitese1 and Cates. Nayes Keal and Rain forth an d Proffitt. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock P. M. the Board recessed until Thursday July lst, 1926 at 9 o'clock A. M. Thursday July lst, 1926 9 o'clock A. M, Board re -assembled as per recess. Roll call, all members were present. James C. Daugherty appeared before the board complaining of the increase made by the Board on Fr Nfr Section 18-7-9. No action taken by the 13ord Thomas Trausch appeared and asked •the Board to re -consider the increase made on the SW Section 17-6-11. No ac tion ta ken by the Bo a.rd. J, W, James and Thomas erahm appeared before the 130 ard in the natter of a petition of the Mary Lanning Hospital Association asking that the Mary Lanning mospital be exempted from taxation. The Board considered the petition but no action was taken. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. At 1:15 P. M. the Board re -assembled. Roll call, all members present. Complaint o f Mrs. Lichtenberg on the assessed valuation improvements Lot 22, Block 3, Thornpson's Addition was filed with the County Clerk. motion by Gartner, second by Keal, that the request of Mrs. Lichtenberg be not granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The matter o f exempting the Lary Lanning Hospital from taxation came up at this time. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Whitesel that the petition filed by the Mary Lanning Hospital asking that the Hospital be exempted from taxation on the grounds that it is a charitable institution,be not granted, and that the action of the County Assessor in placing a valuation on this property for taxation purposes be confirmed by this Bo ard. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Lotion by teartner, second by Furry that after considering all complaints filed with the clerk and no further business appearing it is the sense of this Board that any further complaints that might come in be not considered. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Keal, second by .Rainforth that the County Clerk be clerical errors that may be found in the tax schedules or in Roll call, all voted aye. Liotion carried. Motion by Rain fo rt h, sec ond by Whi te s e 1 th at th e as s e s se d va Assessors for the year 1926 and as corrected and approved by of Equalization, stand as a basis of valuations for taxation aye, motion carried. authorized by this Board to correct any evident the Real Estate valuations for the year 1926, luations as returned by the various Prec the County Assessor and as equalized by purposes for the k ear 1926, Roll call, inct this Board all voted At 4:30 P. M. the Ch airman announced that the Board would recess to the call o f the CoLarty Cie rk, Whereupon the Board recessed. Court House, Hastings, Nebraska, Wednesday, August 4th, 1926. 1:30 o'clock P. M. The following notice was read to the Adams County Board of Supervisors: TO TFE ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: You and each of you are hereby notified that in accordance with the provisions of the last meeting of the Board of Equalization, held on the 1st day of July, 1926, in which the Board recessed, subject to the call of the County Clerk, that the County Clerk has issued a call for aaid k3oard of Equalization to meet again on August 4th, 1926, at 1:30 o'clock P. M. , for the purpose of making the various levies for the year 1926. J. A. Cates, County Clerk, The Board raet as per call o f the Clerk, Present, S. B, Sorensen, Chairman, Supervisors, Furry, Gartner, Hargieroad Keal, Rainforth and Whitesel, County Assessor, Harry Proffitt and County Clerk, J. 11/2. Cates. Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that the following levy be made for County purposes for the year 1726, to -wit; Motion by Keal, second by Rain Ibrth that the following levies for Townhips, School Districts, Cities and Villages for the year 1926, upon the valuations o f said Townships, school Districts. Cities and Villges, as shown by the certificate filed with the County Clerk, by the proper authorities or said Townships, School Districts, Cities and Villages, asking for money to be raised by taxatior, for said Townships, School Districts, Cities and Villages, be made as follows, to -wit; Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Levies follow; TOWNSHIPS West Blue Highland Verona Kenesaw Wanda Juniata Denver Blaine Di st. No, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Hastings Ayr Holstein Juniata Kenesaw Pro seer Ro sel and Trumbull All purposes IN II .7 .9 1.1 1.6 1.4 1. .2 .6 Hanover All purposes A ft Ayr Ro seland If ft 11 Cottonwood 11 tt Logan II Silver Lake It " Zero 41 It Little Blue 9 14 .5 1,2 1.2 1.3 1.3 .8 SCHOOL DISTRICTS Gen, M, Bond Y,U.S. Tetal Dist, No, Gen, M. Bond F. H. S. Total 7.8 A 7,8 41 None 1, 1. 1.1 1, 2.1 42 8. 8. 4.9 1.5 6.4 43 2.2 1. 3,2 6.4 1, 7,4 44 2. 1. 3, 2.4 1, 3,4 45 1.5 1. 2.5 .1 1. 1,1 46 1. 1. 2.7 1, 3.7 47 1. 1, 2, 7.3 2.5 .5 10.3 48 3.5 1. 4.5 2.3 1, 3.3 49 3.7 1. 4.7 3.1 1, 4,1 50 1.5 1. 2.5 7. 7, 51 2,1 1, 3.3. 2, 1, 3. 52 1.4 1„ 2.4 2.4 1. 3,4 53 8. 8. 1, 1, 2. 54 5.6 1. 6, 2.5 1. 3.5 55 2,1 1. 3.1 .8 1. 1.8 56 1.3 1, 2.3 1,2 1, 2,2 57 3.1 1, 4.1 12.1 2.9 15. 60 2, 1. 3. 1.5 1, 2.5 61 6.1 1, 7.1 1.5 1. 2.5 62 2.4 2, 1, 5.4 3.4 1, 4.4 63 3.3 3.. 4.3 3.1 1. 4,2. 64 None 1, 1, 2.7 1. 3.7 65 2, 1, 3, 2,2 1, 3.2 66 2, 1. 3, 3.7 1, 4.7 67 None 1, 1. 1,6 . 1. 2.3 68 3.8 1. 4.8 3.3 3, 1. 4.3 69 2.5 1. 3.5 2,8 1, 3.8 70 2,1 1. 3.1 3.7 .5 4,2 71 2.6 1, 3.6 .9 1. 1.9 72 1.3 1.- 2.8 3.1 3., 4.1 73 3.9 3.. 4-.9 1,2 1. 2.2 74 1.5 1, 2.5 2,1 1. 3.1 75 3.2 1, 4.2 2.4 1, 3.4 76 3.8 1, 4.8 3, 1. 4, 78 5.3 1, 6.3 2.6 1, 3.6 30 4. 1, 5, 1.4 1, 2,4 82, 8. .5 8.5 2.9 . 1. , 3.9 101 Levy made by Clay County. 9.5 3.5 1. 4.5 2.6 1. 3.6 All purposes 11 9.3 14, 12.9 14, 10, 3. 10, 7.6 CITIES & VILLAGES Lotion by Rainforth, second by rur* that the County Clerk be instructed to spread the tax for the year 1926 upon the Assessed Valuation as shown by the schedules on file and by the Real Estate Assessment Books and as equalized 'ay the Adams County Board o f Equalization and, confirmed by the State Board o f Equalization and upon the levas adopted by the Board. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth, that the Board of Equalization now adjourn Sine Dia. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. County Clerk. epu ay County Clerk, Chnl an Court House Hastings, Nebraska Tuesday, July 6th, 1926 9 o'clock A. M. Board met pursuant to adjourrmient of June 14th, 1926. S. B. Sorensen, Chairman presiding. Roll call, e..11 members wore present. Motion by Harglero a.d, second by harry that the second quarterly report o f the eheriff and the semmual report of the Register o Deeds and the semi-annual report of the County Clerk which were all read before the Board be orderedp1 aced on file. Motion carried. At 10 o'clock A. M. this being the hour set by the county Clerk for hearing any remonstrance or protest on the cheeting o f the routing of County Road # 2, and no remonstrance or protest of any kind having been filed it was upon motion by 'coal, second by Yurry ordered by the Board that this change be made in the aescritpion of County Road fe 2 and that the County elerk be authorized and instructed to change the record on County Road / 2 as ordered by the Board. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Whitesel, second by eurry, that on account of buying a right of way on the east side o f the Missouri Pacific Railroad for highway purposes that we abandon and turn back to Hanover Township for ieaintenance, that part of County Road f, 3 described as follows: Commencing at North o f Missouri Pacific Railroad at SFs NE* Section 20,, Town 7, Range 9, and sq. NVii Section 21, Town 7, Range 9, thence running south about 160 rds to NE corner section 29, town 7, range 9, thence running east about 20 rds to Missouri Pacific Railway. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. F. C. Rolls, Division Engineer, representing the vepartment of Public Works, met with the Board and upon motion by Mr. Rolls, second by Gartner, the Board resolved themselves into a joint session with the Estate Board for the purpose o f considering bids on a bridge advertised to be let at Lincoln. S. B. Sorensen was meele G'hairrean o f the joint meeting. Bids for blinding a steel briteon Project 7-C Hastings West were read as follows: Diamond Engineering Company Standard Bridge Co Geo. S. Bunk $7314.17 6180. 29 6893.54 Motion by Keal, second by eurry, that the standard bridge Co. being the lowest and best bidders, that they be awarded the contract for building this bridge and that the Chairman be authorized to sign this contract for Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye, Motioncarried. Motion by Keal, second by Rainforth that their being no further business for the joint Board to consider, that said Board now adjourn and that we resume as a reguer Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. when they again resumed with ail members present. Motion by Keal, second by Whitesel that we order the steeldbridge removed between sections 10 and 11, Kenesaw Township and to substitute therefore two 36 inch culverts . Roll ce.11, ell voted d ye. motion carried. At 2 o' clock P. M the following bids were opened and read on Adams County Gravel Projects Numbers 2 and 3. Project # 2 Western Bridge & Construction Co 8.43 J. S. Rhinehart 16895.52 Young & Hall 100 vv*,, H. Gartner 10.97 H. P. Larson 12.89 Union Construction Co 16.5 A. C. Lund 110 Project # 3 A. C. Lund Union Construction co Western Bridge•ec Construction Co J. S. Rhinehart R. T. Schlueter Young & Hall 09.9 10.2 8.43 10324.80 7.8 11.82 The Board went into executive session and consiered the bids. it was found that the bid of the Western Birdge & Construction Company was the lowest on PrOject # 2 and that the bid of R. T. Schlueter was the lowest on Project ft 3. Motion by Kea, second by furry, that the County Clerk be instructed to return to the unsuccess- ful bidders their certified checks. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Keal, that the contract for .A.dams County Gravel Project # 2 be awarded to the Western Bridge & ConstructionCompany on their bid of 8.43 per square yard. Roll call., all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Keal, second by Whitesel that a contract be awarded to R. T. Schlueter on Adams County Project if 3, on his bid of 7.8 per square yard. Roll call, al voted aye. motion carried. Motion by tiargleroad, second by curry that the Chairman be authorized to sign the constructs in the name of the County with the Westex•n bridge & Construction Company on Adams County Gravel Project eL 2 and with R. T. Schlueter on Adams County Gravel Project it 3. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock P. M. the Board recessed until Wednesday July 7th, 1926 at 9 o'clock A. E. • dnesday , July 7th, 1926 9 o'clock A. M. Board re- assembled as per re cess. Roll call, all members present. motion by Gartner second by HarglerOad that we authorized the County Treasurer to accept the principal on taxes for 1910 and prior years on lots 57-58 and 59 Campbe 11' s Addition and to re fun d the interest on the same , also the County Treasurer is authatized to accept the principal of taxes due on a p srt o f Section 24.7-10 for 1910 and prior years nad to re fund all interet on the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon the Bo erd recessed until 1:15 P. M. when they again resumed. Motion byriargiero ad, sec on d by Rain forth that the claim of the Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital on Fund for i35,30 be disallowed. Roll call, all voted aye. - Motion cari-ied. Iii0 ti on by Gartner , sec on d by curry tie at upon th e recommendation o f the enti re Board acting as an auditing committee the following claims be allowed on th eir respective funds and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll Call; all voted ye, Motion carried. Claims follow: the Poor Aid Adams County Farm Bureau eo win al H. E. Burroughs Adding Machine Co Button L. N. Cannon T. N, Cat e s J. A. Cro 'eater M Davis Elliott R De ines Drug Co Democrat Print in g Co Parry J H. Parry j. H. Gartner te, H. Ga.0 cireault Merc Co A. J. H arglero ad IN. B. Harm 00 0. H a.s tings Daily Tribune Jacobs on H. F. KB Printing Co KB Printing Co K -B Printing Co Ke Win Kenesaw Progress Kline J. B. Klopp Printing Co Land Lay Lan Lincoln School Lincoln Tel. & Lincoln Te 8: Lindsay Matthiesen & Co Carl R. Milburn & Scett Co Murphy Typewriter Co R. E. lecGrath Hdw Co 3. H. Northwestern re fg Co Penney Co. J. C. Penney Co J. C. Proffitt Harry Qyeen City Landry Co Rain ter th T. R. Renner & Serf Rippeteau WaLlp aper ec Pt Co School Di otriet 18 Martha H. Martha H. S. B. Walter G V. B. Joseph M. Typewri ter Co wm o. H. Albert R. A. Supply Co Tel. Go Tel,Co H. 0. Schultz Schultz Sorensen Stewart Trimble Burby fill Underwood Whitesel Wi dm oder Ilfolbach& Brach Baker Brown Byers Lumber co Byers Lumber Co Hansen Hageman e. Y. C. GENERAL FUND Uffice expense Expen se to Lincoln as witness Repairing machine office expense & reco rding deeds Supplies , Co. Pane Office expense Uffice exp en Mi leant e Supplies Supplies 0 Court House supervisors services & mileage 60 rvi ce s as Highway Commi.s sioner & mileage Supervisors services & mileage 6upplies supervisors services & mileage Uffice & j ail expense notice Overhauling machine, etc Supplies, Co. Supt. supplies, Co. Supt. Supplie s , Co. Supt Supervisors services & mi1ego Noti ces Supplies supplies , Co. Treasurer Board for i nal ate s at Go. Farm Land for road purposes Land for road purposes Supplies Co. Supt Toll calls uourt House Toll call s, farm Bureau Court Costs , Ringer case supplies , Co. Farm supplies ve rh al typewriter supplies, Co. Farm es supplies, Co. Farm Supplies , Co. Farm ro stage & Mileage Laundry, Court House Supervi se rs services & mileage -;uppli es , Court Hou supp lie so Co. Farm Use o f Se nio r High 0 ffice expens e Institute appropriation 192 6 Supervisors services & mileage Supplies Ins, Premium Court costs Oil Supervi so rs services & mileage Services ag supp e s Co. Farm BRIUE FUND 'ream work n bridge cul verts eu 1 ve rt s Team work Culvert 0 etc el rest, Irv% inlr 5.30 18.00 8.75 23.25 46.95 41.73 24.86 65.00 4.95 110.55 74.60 20.60 96,25 13.05 98. 40 228, 27 3.50 14.85 26.07 64.51 45,22 100,10 14.10 11,46 28.12 180.18 450.00 550.00 26.82 24.05 3.60 286, 10 4.20 1.76 14. 50 1.40 14.43 14.91 4.99 30,23 8.28 53.10 119.75 10.20 10.00 24.89 150.00 82.60 1.25 262.25 145,97 1.05 83.80 4.60 17.95 6.00 11.25 20.10 27 .20 1.20 125.25 7.20 Ander son Hi tner Bowles Burroughs Burroughs Burrough s Buskirk Chri stensen Fricke He artwell nogg Oliver Lumber Co Roeder Stromer Young Saddler Shi ck Cannon Carl E0 khardt Larsen e is e n Nowe rs Nebras ka Olson Stump Sunny si de Whi sin and E. Ray D. N. Frank H. B. H. 13. i. B. 0. L. n an s John H. u. A. C. F. ed G. wm. E. G. W. B. Henry T. N, B. F. H. 0, H. G. Drug Co Walter E. Sari tariuni R. C. U. W. Garl V. Adams ec Co J. D. Adams & Co J . D. Adams & Co i. D. Biocher urva. Bohlen J o e Curtis L. A. Derra Louis Duncan 0, S. Es singe r Gar age ec Oil Co Essinger Garage ec Oil Co Furry J. H. Furry L. A. Gartner P. H. Herren g dwar d Baker Boy Woo ctwor th F. H. Str °me r bi, E. Stroxner Vial ter Geri° ff Herman Smi dt txick ruenne r E. H arglero a.d W. 13. Ki stler Oh ester Burro u s Wen de 3a Tr aus ch Christ Fe lz in e R. A. Grans trom Ed Routh Jim H ar phhra Bert Haws & Sons Heard tiarold I sem an & Co eo, E. Jones & Sons T. W. Ki ster & Sons Geo Klein J oh n Lay Ralph Manhattan Oil Co McGulloch-Meisenbach Oil Co L.cGrath Hdw Co J. H. Ni ssen Pave lk a Pedersen Peterson Re ibol dt Reich art Slining Standard Oil Co Tr aus ch Trays eh Traus ch Urvil V6a1 Louis Frank ars, Elia Karl Henry Edward John ROAD DRAGGING FUND supt. Little Blue Twp Supt. West Blue Twp As si st ing Co. Surveyor Supt, Silver Lake Twp Supt, Silver Lake Twp Supt. Sil ver .Lak e Twp Supt, Jun±ata Twp Supt. Logan Twp Supt. Denver Twp bU ry e yi lag supt, Roseland Twp St akes Supt. Wanda Twp supt. Hanover Twp Assisting Co. Surveyor SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND Relief of Soldiers & sailors Relief of Soldiers & Sailors POOR AID FUND Drugs Gro ce ries Groce ries Gro co ri es Drugs Se rvices Services Gro ceries Se rvi ces Services Groceries COUNTY' HIGHWAY FIND supplies Supplies Supplie s Team work Team wrork Teanwo rk Team work Supplies Gas Repairs etc Superintending Co. roads & Mileage Removing fence superintending Co. ro ads & milea4e Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dr aggin g Co. ro ads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Go, ro ads Dragging Co. ro ads Labor Sup erintendirg Co. ro ads & mileage Dragging Go, roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Go. reads Blacks mi thi ng Gas, Oil , etc Team work Supplies Suppii es 131 aksn.thing Te am work Team work Gas & Oil Gas & Oil Spark plugs Grubbing trees Sup p li es Labor 'ream work Use o f mac bine ry Te am work Team work Gas 8: Cal Grubbinb trees , Grubbing trees Labor cZilYNA1.411+.41Vitii rtCP (1.0 rcids & mil eaEe 14.38 34.18 17.50 25.02 28.62 4.50 19.74 22.75 71.09 67.70 61.38 4.40 13.13 22.74 17.50 100.00 100.00 6.05 15,02 59.55 32.36 24.05 60.80 210.00 24,37 5,00 58.00 10,28 12,55 27. 52 15,95 10,80 18,00 7.00 2.00 8.95 237.38 18.59 83.00 2.00 82.20 6,00 4.88 4,50 2. 25 4,50 4,5) 7.12 2.30 103.10 4.50 6.75 10.50 6.75 3. 75 3.75 43,85 181.99 15,00 19.50 2,55 10.50 27,10 22,50 206,10 30,00 2,60 12.00 61.95 4,00 69, 75 3.00 86,40 9.00 332.91 6,80 4.00 19.00 87.50 Motion by Kea second by %Ili tesel that this Board now adjourn to meet again Tuesday, July 13 , 1926 at 9 o'clock A. M. County Clerk, De puty County Clerk rk 57f7 Court House Hastings, Nebraska Tuesday July 13th, 1926 9 o'clock A. M. Statutory meeting of the Board. S. 13. Sorensen, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all members were present. Motion by Keal, second by Hargleroad that the County Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to transfer $15,000.00 from the Road Dragging Fund to the County Gravel Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Yotion by Gartner, eecond by Whitesel that the County Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to transfer $20,000.00 from the Inheritance Tax Fund to the County Gravel Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon. the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M. , when they again resumed with all members present. At 2 o'clock P. M., the time advertised for receiving bids on Adams County Gravel Project No. 4 , the following bids were opened and read: R. T. Schlueter .Q71 Western Bridge & Construction Co.059 1/44 .093 .0597 J. S. Rhinehart Young. & Hall A. C. Lund The Board went into executive session and considered the bids all d found that 4i7g per square yard was the lowest and best bid. Motion by Keal, second by Rain forth that we accept the bid o f J. S. Rhinehert at hitc per squ.stre award hire the contract on Ads County kiravel Project No. 4. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Motion by Whitesel, second by Furry that the County Clerk be instructed to return to the unsuccessful bidders their certi fled checks. Roll call , all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Furry, second by Rainforth that the chairman be authorized to sign the contract with J. S. in the name of Adara.s County, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. motion darried, second by Whitesel that the County Treasurer be authorized to accept $3.01.04 as principal terest for the year 1901 to 1925 inclusive on the following described Real Estate: d 983, Juniata Village. aye. Motioll carried. the bid o f J. S. Rhin eh art at yard and carried. Motion by Rain forth, and to refund all in Lots 981, 982 en Roll call, all voted Rhinehart Motion by Keal, interest for th Lots 981, Motion by Keal, at 9 o'clock A. second by Gartner that the County Clerk be ordered to strike from the tax lists all taxes and e year 1879 to 1900 inclusive on the following described Real Estate: 982 and 983, JuniataVillage. Rol]call, ell voted aye. Motion carried. second by Rainforth that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Thureday, August 5th, 1926 M. Motion carried. k30 ard adj ourned. County Clerk. Deputy County Cie. evV.a/1-1.14-za7 Chairman Court House Hastings, Nebraska Thureday, August 5th , 1926 9 o'clock A, M. Board met as per adjournment o f July 13th, 1926. S. B. Sorensen, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all membere were present. Motion by Ha.rglero ad, second by Rainforth that the matter elf Mothers Pensions for Mattie Baugh and Margaret Corwin which wore ordered by the County Court be granted by tii Board and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ell voted aye, motion carried, The second quarterly report of Lucia Dillenbach, Clerk 0 f the District Court and of Joseph M. Trubyfill, County Judge were read and upon motion by Hargleroad, second by Keel, these reports were ordered placed on file. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Keal, that we order two car loads, approximately 240 rolls of 75 feet each, snow fence from the Wheeler Lumber Bridge & Supply Company. This fence to be 5/8 x painted, square top, Southern U. P., number 12 wire with double twist,' at an agreed price F. 0. B. Hastings and Kenesaw of $9.99 per hundred feed. Freight allowed, Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried. Motion by aeal, second by Gartner that we order concrete floor put on the two bridges across the Blue River, North o f Pauline„ on County Road # 3. Roll call, all voted we. Motion carried, at 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M., when they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Rain forth, second by Vilitesel, that we recommend that all o ffices in the Court House be closed during the afternoon o f Wednesday August llth, on account of it being Hastingo Day at the Adams County Fair. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Ke 31 that the following list of 60 names be subiitted to the Clark of the District Court from which to draw the Jury for the September term of court, Roll callall voted eee. „ao .on carried. Names follow: West Blue Township Edward Greener Berton Brown Kenesaw Township Chas. Cameron John Finningsmier C. C. Peck Roseland To wnsh ip Lawrence Beni fae Alfred Hansen J. E. Kindig Hanover Town ship L. J. Sherman Andrew Smidt E. V. Witt, Peter Allen, 936 So. 515 So. Colo., Clear, 318 So. Supervisors Di strict # 1 Highland Township Denver Township Arthur Criswell August Utecht M. R. DeMoulin John B. Cornelius M. W. Howat Supervisors District # 2 Wanda Towns hip C. E. Edmondson A. G. Harpham Juniata Town s.hi p E. S. Randall John Pritchard Supervisors District # 3 Cot t onwoo d Town chip R. A. Fe lzi ne Otto Hansen Logan Township A. V„ Blocker Peter Eischen Supervisors District # 4 Ayr Township Jacob Schmidt Harm John son John Woo dsorth Supervisors District # 5 zero Township Henry Valentin Albert Bostock Blaine Township Frank Hoagland John C. Stein Ve so naToan ship Wm. J. Coats J. S. Hurd Silver Lake Township H. B. Hurd Walter Jon es Little Blue Township W. H. Gartner Roy Black Denver Ave. , Edward Herbert, 321 So. St, Joe Aye., G. G. Kerr, 106 So, Elrn Ave., H. M. Wra. Kister, 525 So. Lex. , Fred Breuningson, Jr. , 728 So, Cramer, Geo, Hoff, 324 So, Burl., Chicago Ave. Supervisors District # 6 L. N. Huxtable, 828 N. Kansas, u. E. Isaman, 1104 N. Kansas, A. I. Rundall, 837 No, Kas. F; W. Turner, 417 N. Denver, C. W. Manahan, 1001 N. St, Joe Av. , R. K. Rathbun, 226 E. 4th St. , E. R. Erway, 505 N. Calif. , Chas. R. Ground, 751 E. 7th St. Supervisors District # 7 Arthur Anderson, 1129 N. Host, Harvey Galloway, 1718 W. 4th St., W. G. Baxley, 10th & Burl, Chas Rants, 2225 W 3rd St. A. A. Mitchelmore, 1125 N. Hast. Chas. Hall, 1732 W. 3rd St. , Edgar Bruce, 815 N. Bell., Wm, Davidson, 1808 W. 4th St. Motion by Gartmr, second by Rain forth that we order Hastings, Nebr., for delivery on or before September 20 feet, at an agreed price o f $35.00 per F. 0. carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Rainforth that we cancel the order for a car o f bridge lumber given to the Standard Btidge Company o f Omaha, on October 6th, 1925 and that the Clerk be instructed to notify the Company, that this order has been canceled, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The Financial statement of Pearl B. Woo cbvorth, County Treasurer for the period commencing January let, 1926 I'm d ending June 30th, 1926 inclusive was read aid upon motion by Keal, second by Furry, was ordered place on file, , and a copy of the same was ordered put in the Supervisors Record. Notion by Hargleroad, secfond by Rainforth thatthe following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the sme. Roll call., all voted aye. motion carried. one par Bri dge lumber from the Byers Lumber Go., of 10th, 1926, full sawn, 450.3 x 12, 16 feet and ,50-3 x 12, B. Kenesaw, Nebr. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Standard Bridge Austin YJm Batten A. I. Brooke & Son Burroughs Adding Machine Go. Cannon T. N. Cates J. A. Crow waiter M. Davis Elliott R. Deines Drug Co Democrat Printing Co Dillenbach Luci a. Fisher S. Furry J. H. Gartner P. H. xaudreslt Merc, Co. A. Harglero ad , W. B. Harm GeO, Hastings Daily Tribune K -B Printing Co B Printing Co K -B Printing Co Ke a 1 Wm. Kenesaw Progress Kline J. B. Klopp Printing Co Land C. H. Land u. H. Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln School Supply Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co, Lincoln Tel. & TeJ, Co; Lo cal Registrars Matthiesen & Co Carl R. Milburn & Scott Co Queen City Laundry Co Rin forth T. R. Rippeteau Wallpaper ec Pt Co Rippeteau ViaUpaper & Pt Co. Rutherford Bros, School District # 18 Schult iarthaH, Schultz Martha H. Sergeant M. D. Sorensen Z.5. B. Stein Bros Wahlquist Bros Webb Jay Whit esol 1 W. G. Woo dworth Jennie J. Ayr Lumber Co Blumenthal Albert Byers Lumber Co Cox Dau gh erty Howat Jones & Sons Katzberg Kort Krueger Krueger Krueger Schlueter Lbr Shay VanBoening 0. J. L. et al P. R. E. A, T. W. Herbert uh as Gus Walter Co Joe H An derson E. Ray Balke R. W. Bitner 1). N. Burr Walter M. Buskirk j. L. De ri cks Bert Fricke J ohn H. Gerlo f f simon Ho f fre an Anton Lenz E. W. Reichert Karl Roeder Iered G. St rom er Wm. E, Varfriout en C. J. GENERAL FON D Supplies Servic es Sup pli e s Ribbon Supplies, Co. rann Mileage, De li vering Elect ion notices Office expense & supplies Mi le ag e Supplies, Court House Supplies, Court House Office expense, Court' costs 13other e Pension hearirg , mileage Supervisors services & mileage Supervisors services & mileage oupplios , Co. Supt Supervisors Services & mileage Office & J ail expense Publish Fin an ci al St a tem ent Election Law book Supplies Supplies Supervisors services Part Election ballots Supplies Election Supplies Rep ai rs & Supplies 130 rd for inmates Supplies, Co. Supt, Supplies , Co. Supt. Supplies , Co. Supt; Toll calls, Court House Toll calls , Farm Bureau Recording births & deaths Supplies Supplies Latni dry for Court House Supervisors services Painting house & barn at Co. Farm sup plie s, Co. Farm Lig pole Use of Senior T4g11. Mileage & 0 ffi. ce expense Co, Fair Exhibit Plastering At Co. Farm supervisors services Supplies, Co. Farm Printing Primary notices Suppli es , Co. Tann Supervisors services & mileage Mothers Pension hearing BRIDGE FUND culverts & supplies Labor on Co, bkidge Culverts Work on Co,', bri dge Hauling bridge plenk Bridge work Nails Labor on bri dge Labor on bri dge Bridge w ork Bridge work Bridge work Culverts Labor on bridge Bridge work ROAD DRAGGING.c7JND Supt. Little Blue Twp Supt. Kenos aw Twp ' bupt. West Blue Twp Supt. Verona Two Supt, Juniata Twp supt. Ayr Twp Supt. Denver Twp Supt. Zero Twp Land for road. purposes Supt. Blaine Twp Supt. Cott onweo d Twp Supt. Wanda Twp Supt,ano ea r Tap Land for road purposes 2,25 40.00 .70 1.00 5.10 43.40 39.30 65,00 6,05 427,55 290.38 3. 40 35.60 69.90 4.47 32,60 200.90 29.40 • 85 3.86 7,63 35.00 78.00 . 50 390,00 105,00 204.22 65.17 2.67 6.20 12.90 1.65 63.50 1.00 131.20 4.14 30.00 398.50 3.01 176.49 10,00 30.71 250.00 4.50 50.00 16,20 24.00 11,85 64.00 2.40 56,06 18.b0 83.95 70.90 3.00 4.80 15.50 1.60 2.00 20 .00 30.20 19.60 311.20 1,60 16,95 26,50 33.63 40.74 21, 62 7.75 28.37 18,25 14,36 50.00 15.38 18.25 2,75 12,62 50.00 Carl B. F. Cannon T. N. Eckhardt H. O. Go dding U. S. Larson H. G. Led u B, Leeds G. B. Nebr. Sanitarian Olson R. C. Prosser Lbr & Co al Co Simms B. M. Strata L. K. Sunny side Walker Con rad Whi sin and C. V. Wolbach & Brach Adams & Co J. De Boontj er Orey Cole's Auto Supplis J a oolo C, S. ec Oil Co & Oil. Co J. H. J ohn J acob H. Roy Onno E. P. F. H. Dick Waiter n e man P. H. (o„ H. marry W. B. Hans Fr an] H. B. Consbruck Dun can Es singer Garage Es si nger Garage Furry Krull Stroller Consbruck Eigenberg Baker Valentine We ath arwax Woo dworth Smidt Strasser Gerlo ff Cart rer H ans s ell Hansen Hargl ero ad Christensen Peterson Burroughs 'Fels in e R. A. Schi ffle r Abe Hastings Machine ser vi ce Hastings Machine Service Haws & Son Hoffman Ant one Johnson Oil Co J. P, Ki star & Sons Geo, Klein John Kleier nem an Knudson Ted Lay R. A. Manhattan Oil Co Mc Cullo ch-Meisenb ac h Oil Co Osier Fisher Thomps cn Cox Mills Holl Roberts Peri s Pavelka Reichert Sc1ni dt Siren Slining Smith Machine ry Co Smith Machinery Co Smith Machinery Smith Machinery Standard Oil Co Stromer Stroller Heeren Talk s do r f Burling Maxfield 'anion $ Osler Baugh E. W. 0. H. J ohn J. L. T. J. lom Arthur Fred Wra Karl Jacob Al Henry Co Co wm. J. An drow Edward Frank Chas, K. V, F. K. R. E. W. j. R, POOR AID FUND Groceri es Drugs Groceries Groceries Groceries Servi ces Services se rvi ces traceries o al. Drugs Services Sery ices uro caries Groceries Clothing, Co. Farm COUNt.LY HIGHWAY MID Supplies Labor Repairs Labor Supplies b upp lies Gas Sup ervising Dragging Co. Dragging Co, Dragging Co, Dragging Co. Dragging Co, Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co, Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Dragging Co. Sup e rvi sing Supplies Repairs Supervising Co. roads & mileage Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co.rods Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co, ro ails Dragging Co, roads Repairs & Sup pli es Supplies Gas & Oil '!'earn work uas & Oil ±1 acksrnithing Labor & Services Labor Tea ra work Team wo rk uas & Oil Gas & Oil Dragging Co, ro ads & Labor Labor Labor Labor Hauling culverts & labor Labor Labor Labor Repairs & Supplies Labo r Labor Labor Team work supplies Supplies & repairs Supplies & repairs Supplies & repairs Gas & Oil Te am work Te am work Team work Team work Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co, ro ads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co, roads r5r cra vl ne_ roa119 County ro ads ro ads ro ads ro ads roads ro ads ro ads ro ads ro ads ro ads ro roads County ro ads & mileage 15.00 6.00 63,70 12.00 32.83 9.00 27.00 100.00 33.03 2.30 5.25 10.00 72,50 3.10 17.70 4,65 18,4-5 13, 80 1.26 51.00 10,97 14.39 269,06 66,50 10.50 4.50 6.75 21.38 14.63 6.75 4. c0 6,50 10.13 13.50 6,75 107.80 2.70 .35 128.30 3.00 3.7 5 5.25 3.00 5.25 52, 00 7.50 165.93 45, 00 106.40 11.50 1,50 17.55 12.00 70,60 195,97 25.30 36.75 36,75 37.40 19,60 48,00 8.00 52.00 7.80 24,35 40.95 3.00 45.00 6.00 4.10 39.13 50, 00 11.39 58.35 30.75 30,75 24, 60 18.75 2,52 4.49 6.00 3.00 24,00 7.50 1.1 COURT HOUSE, HASTINGS NEBRASKA, Tuesday, September 7th, The Adams County Bord of Supervisors met. At thei on September 6th, 1926. This being a Legal Holiday September 7th, 1926. Roll call, all members were p Fain forth , Sorensen and Whi tesel. The minutes o f the last regular meeting were read and approved, petition bearing the following heading was read before the Beard: To The Honorable Bo rd o f Supervisors of Adams County: 1926, 9 o'clock A. M. r meeting of August 5th, 1926 the Board ajourned to meet it was by Etgreement, decided to postpone the meeting until resent as follows: Furry, Gartner, Hargloroad, Keal, In accord with Chapter 1 of the Laws o f Nebraska, Session o f 1923, we herewith submit a petition consisting of pages, numbered consectively from 1 to 92, inc lusive, and containing 819 signatures. This petition was filed by the Adams County Farm Bureau on the 30th day of August, 1926 at 3:15 P. M. The Board duly considered this petition and examined the „signatures thereon and were satisfied that the petition was boni fide, in every respect and that the law governing such petitions had been complied with and upon motion by Keal, second by Hargleroad, the prayer o f said petition was granted and an appropriation of 403500,00 was made from the General Fund for the purpose o f carrying on the work of the Adams County Farm Bureau. Roll call, cn the above motion all voted aye. Lotion carried. The County Court ordered a renewal of Mothers Pension for Jennie Sass, Motion by Hargleroad, second by Keal, that the order o f the Court be confirreed and that the Cotnity Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for this pension. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o' clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:1 P. M. ,when they again resumed with all members present. Petition o f E. h. Powers enc.:others asking that County Road # 9, commencing one mile west o f Holstein thence running North one mile, thence running west 3 miles to the Adams -Kearney County line be graveled, was read before the Board. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Keel, that this petition be ordered placed on file. Motion carried. Motion by Keal, second by lennitesel that the following c3.aims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow: Adelseck Barton Pen Co Binderup Edw. Co. Borley Storage et Transfer Co Bratton A. T. Button e. N. Cannon T. N. Crow 'ealter M. Bavis Elliott R. Deines Drug Co lemocrat Printing Co Dericks Bike Shop a.ch Election Board Election Board Elootion Board Election Board Election Bord Election Board Elction Board Election Board Election Board Elect ion Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Board Election Bo ard Election Buard Fischer Furry Furry Gartner Urs Hattie E. Lucia. G. S. J. H. J. H. i. H. G audreault Mere Go A. J. Haeglero ad, we B. Harm Geo, Hastings Daily Tribune Hoe fer Gerhard KB Printing Co Keal la GENERAL FUND Services on canvassing Board Pens Supplies Putting up ec taking down Election booths Posting Notices o f Primary Election Recording deeds, copying book Drugs Office supplies & expense Mi leage Supplies, Court House Printing ballots, bar docket, etc Rep airs court costs, etc West Blue Twp Highland Twp Veron Twp is.enesaw Twp Wanda Twp Juni -sta Twp Denver Twp Blaine Twp Hanover TwP Ayr Twp Ro mien d Twp cottonwood Twp Logan Twp Silver Lake Twp Zero Twp Little Blue Twp 1 st Ward A let Viard B 2nd Ward A 2nd Ward B 3rd Ward A 3rd Ward B 4th Ward A 4th Ward B :,ileage, Mothers Pension Comm Supervisor's services & mileage Supervisors services & mileage L-upervisors sortices & mileage Supplies, Court House Supervisors services ec mileage Jail & Office expense Display, ballot Strip o f land for road purposes Supplies, Co. Judge Supervisors services & mileage TvIn.vt-t +17 11 Y1 Cr Pt 12.00 7.50 1.45 25.00 10.00 236.84 10.40 44.25 65.00 4.95 316.80 1.85 102.07 34.10 33.00 39.40 33.50 26.00 45.30 36.80 29, 40 23.50 34.55 36.70 36.45 32.00 27. 45 32.30 30.40 41.70 34.80 40.50 41.95 38.70 39.30 37, 47.10 3.40 46.30 8.20 50.40 3.10 79.80 337.25 176.40 50.00 4.11 48.50 56,60 GENERAL FUND CONT. McGrath Hdw Co. J. H. McGrath Hdw Co J. H. McGrath Hdw Co Queen City Laundry Co • Rainforth T. R. Renner & Serf Rent of Polling places Rippeteau 'Wallpaper & Pt. Rutherford Bros. Schultz Smith Sorensen Stewart Whaler Coal Co Whitesel Widrnaier Wilson Bosard Byers Lumber Co Duncan 1-4]vans Gartner Hansen Henson Hanson Heinrich Houser J ones Jones & Son Johnson Kitts Klein Land Irkei McCoy & Vance Parr aambeck Peichetein Schlueter Lr Co Schunerele Smi dt Traut Anderson .Anderson Balke Bowles Bohlke Burr Burroughs Buskirk ChriAtensen Daugherty Dericks Doty Fricke Fricke Gerlo ff Gerlo ff Heartwell Hogg Lay Lenz Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Olivert Lumber Co Reichert Roeder Stromer Wheeler Lumber Bridg liVoo dworth Shick Co Martha H. Dr. E. A. s. B. alter G. W. C. Mrs, C. W. Frank O. S. Henry n e man Al fred O. L. Wilbur_ et al Frank D. L. earl T. H arm Frank H. ohn Ed W. A. J. J. Walter Geo, Dan pick 0. Ray E. Ray F.. W. Frank W. Walter M. H. B. C. L. Hans • P. R. Bert 0, M. John H John C. G. Simon G. A. C. F. Albertus & S a r ah E. W. Co Karl Fred G. Wm. E. e & Supply Co Pearl B. Henry Adams Co. Agricultural Society 5pade Padlocks Wire, Co. Farm Laundry ,Court House supervisors services & mileege Suppliee, Court House Primary Elect -ion Services Supplies Office supplies Ser vi ces , Co, Farm Supervisors services & mileage e,epeirs, Court House (O al supervisors services & mileage Services services on canvassing board BRIDE FtYND Team work culverts Supp lie s Teamwork , repairing bridge Team work L abor Labor Labor Team work Labor on Co. bri cagb Team work Supplies Ailing in bridge Part payment on bridge Tew work Labor Team work Spikes Hauling planks Labor on bridge hauling bridge plank Culverts Team work Team work Team work ROAD DRAGGING 73ND Supt, Little Blue Twp Supt. Little Blue Twp Supt. Kenesaw Twp Assisting Co. Surveyor Assisting Co. Surveyor supt. Verona Twp aupt. Silver Lake Twp Supt. Juniata Twp Supt. Logan Twp Unloading snow fence Supt. Ayr 'Nip Supt. Highland Twp Supt. Denver Twp Supt, Denver Twp Assisting Co. Surveyor Supt. Zero Twp Surveying Supt, Roseland Twp Strip of land for road purposes Supt. Blaine Twp Supplies Stakes Supt. Cottonwood Twp Supt. Wanda Twp Supt, Hanover Twp bnow Fence Freight paid on 2 cars snow fence OLDIERS & S AI LoRp RELIEF FUN D Relief of soldiers & sailors ADAMS COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY FUND Permanent Improvements & Premiums pnrm ATT rreen 2.00 3.00 .75 7,23 53.70 164.00 230.00 2.25 2.50 13.00 10.00 72.90 .75 325.58 20.20 11,70 12.00 6.00 30.50 2.40 8.00 9.00 10.60 22.00 18.00 6.60 5.40 9.00 6.40 25.20 12.00 3,00 9,00 5,40 5.00 4.00 24.42. 4,50 62 ,95 6,00 17.60 5,00 99.84 16.12 24.63 3.50 10.50 43.74 47, 25 46, 74 70.52 2.40 53.02 61.01 57.61 3.00 7.00 96,98 32.80 48.00 50.00 30. 24 3.50 .80 37.75 97.00 30.57 693.82 358.03 100,00 1520.00 Lee ds Nebr. Olson Pratt S imras Sunny s i de alk er Wheeler Coal Co WhisiflXid S ani t arium Adorns & Co Basset Bo sard Brehm Machine Go Co ffey Criswell Dickerson Drue eker Dune an E e singer Garage Furry Stulken Criswell Fricke Co ffey Meyer Murdock Or oth ause Rarry McWhirter ath ew s Grothas Vale nt K rull G srtner Moss Reis Herren Strome r Bake r Woodworth Carlo ff Weatherwax Drueger Dycus Gartner Hansen Harglero ad Christensen Fe lzine • Burroughs Peterson Ki st ler Haws & Sons Hershey Joynt Katzberg Kile Kister & Sons Kister & Sons Kitts Kline Kranz en Lutz Manhattan Oil Co Meyers ard McCoy & Vance Nebr. Battery Osler Zi eb art h Schmitz Shannon Shay Si ren slining Smi dt Smith Smith Machinery Co Smith Machinery Co Sprankl e Standard Oil CO Stulken Talks do r Trausch VanMete r G. B. R. C. J. C. B. M. Conrad G. V. J. D. Bert Frank anima Arthur F. E. sill C. S. Oil Go L. A. Aug. Arthur J. H. John Will H. Archie J .,rry 3. H. C. W. G. F. Harry J. H. 0=0 J ohn v. H. H. L. A. Edward Walter Roy F. H. Herman E. P. Paul Edward P. H. G. H. W. B. ans R. A. H. B. F. A. Chester S. S. Orvile Carl Bert Geo U00. Frank H. Geo. 13. C. E. E. J. F. J. W. A. Tire Co E. W. Ed Ernest Walter Joe Al nonny pick L. A. U. H. August Frank uhrist ,Lerbert POOR AID PUND Services Services U roceries Groceri es Drugs Services Gr oceri es Coal Groceri ew CONT. COUNTY HIGHWAY POD Blades Team work Teem work Repairs Team work Team work Ether Repairs Supplie s Gas & Supplies Team work Dragging Co. roads Dragging co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads :ragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Supervising Co. roads & mileage Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Go, roads Dragging Co. roads Freight paid on car of snow fence Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. ro ads Dra.ggi rt Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Supervising Co. roads & mileage Team work Supervising Co. roads & mileage Dragging Go. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. roads Gas & Oil B1 tack smi t hi ng Team work Unloading snow fence Team work 131 e.cksmi thing Blackemithing Dynamiting trees Gas Te sm work Team work Gas & Oil Hauling snow fence ac smi thing Supplies supplies Team work Teamwork Team work Te nun work Labor Team work Team work Dragging Co. roads Team work Repairs & Supplies Re ptirs a supplies Supplie s Uas Team work Team work Team work Labor Tank 9.00 100.00 41.39 34.78 5.35 58.00 7.10 7.15 10.30 15.95 4.80 10.50 3.00 8.50 6.00 3.00 2.80 182.38 22,85 11.25 6.00 6.75 3.00 6.75 11.25 18.00 160.90 7.50 3.00 9.00 11.25 10.13 8.25 27,60 15.75 3.00 9.00 7.50 14.64 20.00 11, T.5 9.00 9.75 3.00 111.30 11.40 90.70 19.50 6.00 11.25 11.25 17.25 187.65 107.60 14.40 2.00 30.00 6.28 10.00 30.00 3.15 12.00 9.00 157.39 4.00 2.75 3.84 6.30 37.50 15.00 19.20 9.00 2000 14.25 13.30 7.50 8.25 63.46 2.35 1.25 187.88 4.80 14.25 37.50 4.00 29.55 561 r Max fi el d V. F. Pratt Ramon Balk e R. W. Weber J, Burling Chas. K. Kent Edwin R. White sel E. R. Laugh R. Parmenter R. A. Kroll Albert Or Al Burling Don Woods Oil Co Lester D VanMeeter ch aril° Zinn e rmaxi P. C. Zubrod Jake COUNT! HIGHWAY FIJND CONT. Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads iiragging Co. roads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. ro ads Draggi ng Co. r3ads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. ro a.ds t; as Team work Team work Draying • -" 4.11 7.50 11.25 11. 62 5.25 15.00 14.2,5, 21.00 6.00 6.00 3.60 5.75 32.50 15.00 7.80 .25 motion by ',alitese 1, second by Rain fb rth that the Board no adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, October 5th 1926 at 9 o'clock A. M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. eputy County Clerk. Court House, Hastings Nebraska Tuesday October 5th, 1926. 9 o'clock A. M. Board assembled as per adjournment of September 7th, 1926. S. B. Sorensen, Chairman presiding. Roll call, all merebers were present as follows: Firry, Gartner, Hargleroad,Keal, Rainforth, Sorensen and Whit esel. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. The 3rd quarterly report of Geo. Hann, Sheriff and the 3rd quarterly report of Joseph M. Turbyfill, County Judge was read and upon motion by Keal, second by Furry, these reports were ordered placed on file. In the matter of a renewal of Mothers Pension for Ethel Mayhew, Agnes Boudreau, Iva Longnecker, Rose Huls and Mrs. Laura Marsh which were ordered by the County Court, a motion by Hargleroad, second by Whitesel was made confirming the action of the County Court and instructing the County Clerk to issue warrants for these Mothers Fensions. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Joseph M. Turbyfill, Judge of the County Court filed a certificate showing the resignation of Mrs. Addie L. Francis, Clerk of the County Court and the appointment of Anna Coordt, as Clerk of the County Court. Motion by Keel, second by Rainforth that the appointment of Anna Coordt, Clerk of the County Court, be confirmed by this Board at a salary of $900.00 per year. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Keal, Inheritance Tax Motion by Keal, old County Road second by Hargleraad that the County Treasurer be instructed to transfer $4500.00 from the Fund to the Count yHighway Fund. Roll call, all voted a ye . Motion carried. second by Furry, that the County Treasurer be instructed to transfer $780.00 from the Fund to the County Highway Fund. Roll. call, all voted a ye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until 1:15 P. M., then they again resumed with all members present. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Whitesel, that thej5380.00 ordered transferred from the Inheritance Tax Fund and the old County Road Fund, be divided equally among Supervisors Districts Nos. 1-2-3 and 4 and the amount of x$1320.00 be credited to the County Highway Budget of each of the named Supervisors Districts. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Harglercad, second by Furry that upon the recommendation of the entire Board acting as an auditing committee that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and he Clerk instructed to issue warran s for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow Adams County Farm Battan Button Cannon Cotten prow Davis Deines Drug Co. Democrat Print ing Dillenbach Fischer Francis Furry Furry Gartner Buresu A. I. L. N. T. N F. N. p 4ia1t er M. Elli of t F. Co Lucia G. S. Addie L. J. H. J. H. P. H. Gaston Music & Furnit u? e Co Gaudreault Wercantion Co A. E. B. Co ie.. B. Geo. Hamel Hammond & Stephens Hargleroad Harm Haynes Bros. Keal Keith Kelle y Land Lincoln Lincoln Monforss Monfross 'eueen City Rainforth Remington Typewriter Co Renner & Serf Schult z Simms Sorensen shit esel Woodworth Tel. Tel. m. We'. W. et al Mary C C. H. & Tel. Co & `fel. Go John 111 John W. Laundry Co T. R. Baker Brown Martha H. B. M. S. B. 4.C. Pearl B. W. D. Clayton E GENERAL FUND Office expense Servic es Recording Deeds, Office expense Supplies , Co. Fann Supplie s, Dis tric t Court Postage Mileage Supplies, Court House ?roc eedings Court costs, of fice expense Mothers Pension. committee Table Services as Co. Highway Comm Supervisors services & mileage Supervisors services & mile age Rent on table s Supplies, Court House Professional services Supplie s Supervisors services & mileage Jail expense & office expense Supplies, Janitor Supervisors services Insanity hearing Judgment against Adams County Board for inmates `Holl calls, Court House Toll calls, Farm Bureau Analyzing hooch Analyzing hooch Laundry, Court House Supervisors services & mileage Dozen ribbons Supplies, Court House Office expense Pencils, Court House Supervisors services & mileage Supervisors services & mileage Tel. Light, Gas, Water, Box Rent, Court House BRIDGE FUND Team work Team work • 12.79 4. 20 20.50 7.40 4.50 2.50 65.00 3.45 22.60 534.30 3.40 1.00 14. 40 10.80 33.20 20.00 28.89 33.00 10.40 58.40 287.00 50.45 30.00 26.20 3180.80 193.05 20.60 2.05 20.00 5.00 6.24 27.80 18.00 127.25 37.20 1.00 54.80 33.40 554.36 3.60 6.00 117 IC 565 Kitts Klein Lamborn Lutz Mills Standard Bridge Co Standard Bridge Co Woodworth Anderson Balke Bitner Burr Burroughs Buskirk Christensen Dericks Fricke Gerloff Hogg Nissen Reichert Roeder Shaw Stromer Saddler American Red Cross Beghtol Carl Cannon Eckhardt Evans Godding Hamel Jones & Sons Larsen Nebr. Sanitarium Olson Grocery Osborn Oil Co 'rosser Lumber & Roseland Grain & Schlueter Lumber Sunnyside Whisinand Bohlen Bundy Bundy Christensen Coffey Consbruck Duncan Ess -ger Essin_er Garage Essinger Garage Valentine Furry Gartner Eigenberg Gerloff Kroll Valentine Woodworth Weathe rwax Moss Baker Grothelts Groth aus Hahn Kistler Christensen Felzin e Land Peterson Hargle road Hastings Mechanical works Haws & Sons Hee ren Hallenbeck Kleier Frank H John Wm Ernest Willard, et al Pearl B E. Ray R. W. D. N. Walter M. H. B. C. L. Hans Bert John H Simon C. F. A. J. Karl Fred G. Charles Wm. E. W. G. Dr. J. V. B. F. T. N. H. U. O. G. U. S. E. B. T. W. H. G. Coal Co' Supply Co Co C. V. Dan Fred Wm Lester Wm Jacob C. S. J. W. & Oil Co & Oil Co Fred J. H. P. H. H. H. Herman John Onno F. H. E P. W. h. Clifford Harry John George Chester Hans R. H. C. H. F. A. W. B. Edward Harry Herman BRIDGE FUND Cont. Concrete floor in bridge Labor On bridge Filling inbridge Team work Team work Estimate on new bridges Bridge lumber Freight paid ROAD DRAGGING FUND. Supt. Little Blue Twp Supt. Kenesaw Twp Supt. West Blue. Twp Supt.. Verona Twp Supt. Silver Lake Twp Supt. Juniata Twp Supt. Logan Twp Supt. Ayr Twp Supt. Hanover Twp Supt. Zero Twp Supt. Roseland Twp Team work Supt. Cottonwood Twp Supt. Wanda Twp Team work Supt. Hanover Twp OLDIERS & SAILORS RELIEF FUND Relief of soldiers & sailors POOR AID FUND Services Professional services Groceries Drugs Groceries Groceries Groceries Professional services Groceries Groceries Services Groceries Gas Coal Coal Coal Servides Groceries Team work Team work Team work Team work Team work Team work Supplies Supplies & repairs Supplies '& repairs Gas Dragging Co. roads Supervising County roads & mileage Supervising County roads & mileage Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Go. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Team wark Team work Team work Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Superintending County roads & mileage Repairs Gas & Oil Team work Repairs & labor Team work 1240.74 1.00 6.00 11.00 17.00 5000.00 379.70 946.04 81.82 36.26 25.75 38.50 30.84 32.50 21.24 57.36 46.75 75.24 27.25 30.00 25.00 23.87 3.75 32.30 100.00 19.94 4.00 15.00 6.00 96.70 46.83 12.03 6.00 10.94 32.72 100.00 15.77 1.20 6.30 6.95 5.60 72.50 8.00 6.00 15.00 21.75 22.50 8.00 99.00 3.50 28.70 10.92 177.21 9.00 132.30 144.90 10.76 7-50 6.75 4.87 9.00 12.00 17.25 14.62 45.15 4.80 21.00 7.50 6.00 6.00 2.25 7.50 62.20 14.00 199.00 7.50 5.00 22.50 567 1 r Mills McCleery McClelland -Dunn McGrath Hdw Co Nash Nebr. Battery & Osborn Oil Co Pavel ka Pratt Quade Reichart Ryan Schlueter Lumber Co SIMM Slining Smidt Smidt bmidt Standard OilCo Smith Machinery Co Smith Machinery Co SmithMachinery Co Smith Machinery Go Valentine VanMeter Gangwish Finnigsmeir Burling Baugh Weber Osler Kc.t z be rg Whit esel Zubrod T. J. et Jack Motor Co H. G. Tire Co Wm Ramon W. Frank Karl C. L. Cox Schlueter Silvey Lbr. Co B. M. Ilenry Dick Geo. John Fred Herbert M. C. H. M. Chas. K. 3. R. T. J. Al Wm W. C. L L. R. T. J. A. al COUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Cont. Team work Team work Repairs & labor Supplies Team work Repairs & supplies Gas & Oil Gas, Oil, Team work Team work Team work Team work Lath Ether Team work Team work Team work Team work Gas & Oil Supplies, Supplies, Supplies, Supplies, Team work Team work Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Dragging Co. made. Dragging Co. roads Superintending Co. Team work etc repairs repairs repairs repairs CO. Co. Co. Co. Co. roads roads roads roads roads COUNTY GRAVEL FUND -:-::MV4:01.0X4wmfiwoiaqtaak,i-ailAOZZAZglOginAti:A=4, roads & mileage • Checking gravel Estimate on gravel project Lumber, etc # 3 Motion by Harglere,d, second by Rainforth that the claim of John L. be alloyed at ,25.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Moticn carried. Motion by Hargleroad, second byKeal, that the Highway Commissioner be instructed to order to the property line, on County Roads Nos. 2=8 and 9, where said roads have been surveyed other County roads, that have been surveyed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 43.20 32.40 3.60 2.26 6.00 9.25 66.00 56.75 19.55 8.00 35.70 1.50 4.40 .50 35.40 24.90 17.40 7.50 89.10 139.57 8.05 15.50 76.13 2.40 5.00 6.00 16.12 2.62 18.00 3.00 6.37 12.75 111.6o 8.00 56.00 750.00 1.95 Mace on the Poor Aid Fund for 470.00 Motion by Gartner, second by Whitesel that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Friday at 9 o'clock A. M. Motion carried. Board adjourned. Clerk. Deputy County Clerk. all fences put back . Also, on any November 5th, 1926, Court House, Hastings, Nebr., Friday November 5th, 1926. 9 o'clock A. M. Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of October 5th, 1926. S. B. Sorensen, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members were present as follows: Furry, Gartner, Hargleroad, Keal, Whitesel. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Gartner, second by Furry that the following duplicate Miscellaneous Receipts which were read ordered made part of the official Teeprd. Motion carried, Receipts follow: Motion by the Board be Rai nforth, Sorensen ad • 1923 # 1931 # 1932 1933 # 1934 1935 # 1936 # 1937 " 1938 # 1939 # 1940 4 1941 1942 1943 # 1944 it 1945 1946 ;.i1947 1948 # 1949 # 1950 1951 # 1952 195 3 1954 1955 it 1956 # 1957 # 1958 1959 1960. 1961 1962 1963 # 1964 1965 J. 1966 1967 # 1968 1969 1970. 1971 # 1972 # 1973 1974 Lucia Dillonbach Charles K. Hart ix. Peter Gartner John h. Cunningham C. A. Heartwell Che rl es B. Due r Ex, Peter Gartner James E. Addle Roseland State Bank E. B. Brown John A. Paris Fred G. Johnson T. J. Hines Prosser State Bank H. F. Jacobson Martha H. Schultz Mrs. F. W. Turner Nntional Bank Goo. G. Pratt J. McH,rry Kenneth G. Bucklin Norval H. Smith V. E. Skipton Edwin A. Fricke First National Bank Credit Fines & License 11 11 ft 11 If Inheritance Tax Bridge Fund General Fund General Fund Inheritance Tax Bridge Fund General Fund Village of Roseland General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund GeneTE11 Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund " General Fund General Fund 11 General Fund General Fund General Fund 11 11 9 First State Bank Haylond" Hansen State Bank ft State Bank J. A. Cates Famers State Bank Ayr Department of Public Inst. Exchange National Bank " Francis V. Evans Ex. Department of Finance Louis Katzberg G. F. Evans Peter Gartner W. B. Hargleroad W. B. Hargleroad W. B. Hargleroad Hall County Treas Xudge Turbyfill Prosser State Bank First National Bank State Bank The balance of the forenoon General Fund. General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund School Apportionment Gepral Fund Inheritance Tax General Fund Inheritance Tax Inheritance Tax Bridge Fund County Highway Fund County Highway Fund County Bridge Fund School Fund Fines 0; Licenses General Fund General Fund General Fund session was taken up in discussion 5.00 479.87 2.40 5.00 5.00 474.56 7.00 5.00 250.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 50.00 35.00 10.00 5.00 177.42 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 399. 12 75.00 50.00 309.13 516.40 35.00 8550.35 159.44 403.19 7750.00 10.00 10.00 2.00 318.60 18.70 3.00 21.50 113.60 50.00 141.71 176.81 ounty buivness. . At 19 o'clock Noon the Board recessed until L:15 P. M., when they again resumed with all members F. C. Rolls, Division Engineer, representing the Department of Public Works, raet with the Board for the purpose of awarding gravel project # 169. Upon MOtiOK by Gartner, second by Rolls, the resolved themselves into a joint session with the State Department. Roll call, all voted aye. carried. Motion by Keal, second by Rolls, thattheWestern Bridge 8; Construction Company being the lowest bidders be awarded the gravel contract on Project # 169, and that he Chairman be authorized to original contract for Adams County and R. L. Cochran to sign contract for the State Department. all voted aye. Motion carried. Lotion by Gartner, second by Keal that there oeing no further business for the joint Board to consider, that said Board now adjourn and that we resume as a regular Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The third quarterly report of Lucia Dillenbach, Clerk of he District Court was read and upon motion by Keal second by Gartner this report was ordered placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 569 il.11.11,4446 before present. of Supervisors Board lotion 8: best sign the Roll call, Motion by Garnter, second by Hargleroad that the claim of W. M. Whelan on the General Fund for 050.00 be allowed at 4i25.00.. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Furry that upon the recommendation of the entire Board acting as an Auditing committee that the folicving claims be alloyed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follow: • 571 .„; • Adams County Farm Bureau Batton A. 1. Bratton A. T. , City Clerk Bur r ough S Adding Ma ch in e Co T. N. J. A. , County Clerk W. A. Cannon Cates Cole Cornelius ec Co Crow Walt er M. Davis Elliott R. :)eines Drug Co Democrat Pr inting Co Dill enba ch Lucia F. E. Clydo Djnmore & Co Edwards Election Board Election Board Ele cti on Board Election Bord Election Board Election Board Election Board Ele cti on Board Election Board Election Boa rd Election Board Ele cti on Board Ele ct ion Board Ele et i on Board E ect i on Board Election Board Election Board El e cti on Board Electi on Board Election Boa rd El ecti on Board Election Boa rd Ele -t ion Board Election Boa rd Fischer Fur ry Furry Ga rtn er Gaudreault Ha rgl eroad Harm G. S. J. H. J. H. P. H. Merc. Co A. J. W. B. Goo. Hastings Daily Tribune Ke al Wm Ke ith W. W. et al Kenesaw Progress Kline 3. B. Klopp Printing Co Klopp Printing Go Land C. H. Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Go Lo cal Registrars Matt hie s en & Co Carl R. Penney Co J. O. Que en C it y Laundry Co Rainf orth T. R. Renner & Serf Renner & Serf Schultz Martha E. Sigel Cafe Simms B. M. Sorensen S. B. Wheeler H. K. Widmaier William Armstrong Bohlke Byers Lumber Co County Treas. Daugherty Filges Co lgert Ha g emann Hohlf eld Hudson Johnson Jones J oynt Ju ran ek Kat zberg Ted Heinie R. George Gharle s F. C. G. C. Ed, tt al Will Ray Crvil Joe, Jr Carl GENERAL FUND '41,400400406160.6**Rai.7,1,:: Office supplies Supplies, Court House Posting Eleotion notices Ribbon Supplies, Co. Farm Delivering election notices & Old fees due Sheriff Insurance premium !reiegrams Mileage Supplies, Court House Election Supplies, etc. Court costs, office supplies Spray Labor, Court House West Blue Twp High lan d Twp Verona Twp Ken e saw Twp Wan d a Twp Juniata TWp Denver Twp Blaine Twp Hanover Twp Ayr Twp Ros eland Twp Cott onwood Twp Loan Twp Silver Lake Twp Zero Twp Little Blue Twp 1st Ward A lot Ward B 2nd Ward A 2nd Ward B ard w,rd A 3rd Ward B 4th Ward A 4th Ward B Mileage for Mothers Peni ons Comm. Highway Commissioner Sup ervi s or s services & mile age Supervisors services & mileage Supplies, Court House Supervisors services & Pl-T:Page Jail ex pen ss, office supplies Run tax list, proclomati on Supervisors services Witness insanity case Printing non-political ballots Supplie s, Court House Election supplies Election supplies Board for County inmates Toll calls , Court House Toll calls , Farm Bureau Reporting birbs deaths Supplies, Go. Farm Supplies, Go. Farm Laundry for Court House Supe ry is ors services Supplies, Farm Bureau Supplie s , Court House Office supplies Meals f or Jurors Supplie s, County Clerk Supe rvisor s services & mileage Se ry ices as interpreter Services as Bailiff 6.83 10.00 1.00 3.65 ba 11oL s 20.00 4.75 33.60 2.29 65.00 14.10 5.n .0 2 297.80 15.00 3.75 36 .40 32.60 40 .30 4 7.50 37.70 45.95 48.00 42.10 35,40 46.10 36.7 0 LIO .95 44.90 36.50 35.00 44.80 39.90 45.90 43.50 69.60 39.30 39.00 63.90 61.50 3.40 7.00 10.80 58.40 9.75 76.20 196.53 149.65 30.00 50.30 76.00 9.89 12 .57 234 .00 203.10 18.25 11.1e 55.25 2.80 35.00 6.6) 20.00 10.75 77.75 44.20 52.4 5 1.20 5040 15.00 129.00 BRIDGE Furp Team work Unloading bridge plank Gulverts, etc. Freight pa id on brid ge lumber Hauling bridge plank Lab or on bridge Team 1,',-ork Culvert , etc. Labor on County bridge Team wor k Filling in bridge Labor Filling in bridge Filling in bridge Labor on bird ge 16 .15 3.20 119.95 478.13 12. 60 7.20 22.80 148 .42 22.20 10.40 1.00 12.00 11.25 4.00 11.20 573 Pedersen Re i ch art Lars Karl Routh James Schlueter Lumber Co Standard Standard Standard. St ulken Syndegard Traut `,,ranMeter Whit e s el Woods Zubrod Bridge Bridge Bride Go CO Au gu st Andrew C. et a1 J. J. E. R. et Ray Jake al Adams Count y Agricultural Society Balke Bit ner Bowles Burr Christensen Dericks Fa ima n Finley Fricke Gartner Hea rtw ell Kistler Lapp Len z Maunder Oliver Lumber Roeder State Journal Strome r e R. W. D. N. Frank dalter Hans Bert Charles A. M. John H. Henry C. A. Dan E. W. C. E. Co Fred G. Co . i. Roy A. American Red Cross Beght ol Dr. J. Beto1 Dr. J. Cannon T. N. Carl B. F. C. B. & Q. Ry Go. Currier -Park Coal Co Go dding U. S. Ha:Lel E. B. Hastings Fuel Co Larson H. G. Livingston Brothers Milier & Martin Nebr. Sanitarium Olson Grocery Pratt Sigel Cafe .Yalker Baker Bohlke Bout je r Brehm Machine Co Chr is t en sen ev ol ds en Es si nge r Garage 13ssinger Garage Fa rm an Furry Meyer McWhirter Furry Garri e s St ame r Eigenberg Consbru ck Strainer Woodworth Stromer 3. C. Conrad V. . 0. . M. Orey A: R. nd er s & Oil Co. & Oil Go. Charles J. H. Will H. Ben L. A. John Ant. on 1-1. H. Jacob Wm. E. F. H. BRIDGE FUND Cant . Unloading bridge plank Filling in bridge Filling in bridge Foots Estimate on, new brj d ge C7Dr lumber Material, lumber, etc. Labro on County bridge Filling in County bridge Labor Labor on bridge Team -iork Team work Unloading Go. bridge plank COUNTY FAIR FUND Pe rm an ent lap. & Premiums ROAD DRAGGING FUND Supt . Nen e saw Twp Supt . West Blue Twp Assisting Count y Sur/ ey or Supt . Verona Twp Supt. Logan Twp Su. Ayr Twp L Assisting County Surveyor Supt. Denver Twp Labor Surveying LAasbsiorsting County Surveyor Supt. Els. i rA; TA7p Assisting County Surveyor Stakes Su_ t . Wanda Twp License Containers Supt . Hanover Twp Land for road purposes PO OR AID FUND Services Professional services Professional services Drugs Groceries Car Fare , Mr. Parker Coal Groceries Professional services Coal Gro c.,°e ries Services Gro series S e Tv lc es Gro ceries Groceries Meals, Henry St °ewer Gro series OUNTY HIGHWAY FUND Team work Team work Team work aupplies Team work Black smith ing Reairs Gas Team work Supervising County Roads e: Mileage Dragging Co . ros.ds Dragging Go. roads Team work Team work Dragging Go. roads Dragging Go. roads Dragging Go. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co . roa Dragging Go. roads rt, rr VI Cr (.1 _ AM el 3.20 9.00 2.80 2.10 2000.00 430.16 661.10 7.60 11.25 9.00 11 .60 8.40 18.00 4.80 190.42 62.50 17.12 10.50 18.37 10.00 26.50 56.25 7.00 29. 50 11.25 61.90 10.50 18.00 15.63 3.50 2.80 23.12 50.00 6.62 50.00 26. 80 10.00 12.00 8.50 14.90 11.90 18.00 12 .00 16.00 9.25 33.08 20.00 27.94 100.00 12.31 19.10 13.50 4.15 16 .50 10.50 18.00 4 .90 81.00 16.75 3.00 227.58 28.50 105.60 2.25 4.50 33.00 2.40 6.75 4.87 7.50 3.00 4.50 6.75 9.00 575 1-7 '1-11 • v Burroughs Christensen Hargleroad Haws & Sons Heraberger He inri ch Hermon. Hershey Hohlf e id H ohl f le d Huckf el dt Huck f eldt Jones & Sons Joynt Joynt Kat zberg Kindi .g Kister Kitts Kort Kral Lofquist Long Long Luk ow Lut z Man h at t an Merkel iii 1 ler Moor e Munroe Mc Cie ery McGrath lidw McGrath Hdw Wendell Hans 5, B. John Frank Gus S, 3. Fred Gust Joseph Robert TVI T. F. S. Orvi 1 Carl Jim Sons Ge o A. Herb. John Alf red Alf red Fred • Albert Ernest Oil Co: Claus Trod Ray Wayne Jack Co J. H. Co J. H. Paulikat McLeod 'Hurd Osler LIills Pratt Quad e Re i ch art Schukie Simms Smidt Smidt Smidt Snider Stan dard Oil Syndegard Jhit e s el Whit es el Maxfield Baugh Pratt 'Whit es el Williams on Woods Oil Co Cox Schlueter August Geo rge Ralph Eugene T. J. Ramon W. Frank Karl Walter B. M. Henry Dick Geo John . C Co Andy E. R. H. M. R. E. 3, R. E. D. . C. E. E. Oester J. L. R. T. woostistiA0tWre-4rafttltg. COUNTY HIGH 'd AY FUND 0 ONT Dragging Co . roads Dragging Co . roads Supervising Co. roads Gas, , Kerosene, etc. Team work Team work Team work Blacksmithing Team work Team work Team work Team work Supplies, Repairs Team work Team work Labo r Team work Blacksmiteing Labor Team work Team work Supplies Team work Team work Te am w crk Team work Gas & Oil Team work Team work Team work Team work Team work Supplies Supplies Hauling culverts Hauling culvert Tem work Team work Team W o rk Dragging Co. roads Team work Team work Teen work Ether Team work Team work Team work Team work Team work Gas & Oil Team work Team work Team work Dragging Co roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co . roads Supervising Co. reeds & mile age Labor Gas ec 0±1 COUNTY GRAVEL 7,0D Checking gravel Estimate en gravel project lotion by Gartner, second by Rai nforth that this Boa rd now adjourn 1926 at 9 o'clock A. M. Board adjourned. fount y Clerk, ii7753Dunty Clerk. 9.75 3.37 102.20 244.95 39.40 7.50 12 .00 48.70 37.50 37.50 70.00 80.25 50.18 18.00 99.75 19.20 11.25 2.75 12.00 5.25 18.20 7. 28 34.00 11.25 76.330 31.50 109.90 22.50 94.50 45.60 27.75 11.25 8.25 2.10 20.20 25.50 6.00 10.10 U• 80 11.83 4 .80 91 "- 2.00 .50 15.00 22.95 18.75 25.50 48.00 71.40 104.25 34.20 29.10 4.50 24.00 10.12 124.40 2.00 15.00 58.00 1250.00 to meet again on Monday December 6th, 577 Court House Hastings, Nebraska Monday December 6th, 1926 at 9 o" clock A. M. Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per adjournment of November 5th, 1926. S. B. borensen, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members were present as follows: Furry, Gartner, Absent Keal. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Rainforth that the action o f the County Court in granting the renewal o f kaothers Pension to Emma Dell Young be confirmed by this Boars and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, second by Furry tl:at the following Official. Bonds be approved by this Board. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Bonds follow: W. B. Bobbitt, Town Treasurer, Wanda Township, Theo. A. Trousch, ToUT. Clerk, Juniata Township, 0. F. Kort, Town Treasurer, Zero Township, John Bonitos, 'Town Treasurer, Roseland 'sovanship,- SamuelRanz, Town Treasurer, Blaine `t'ownship, Ernest Au fdenakmp, Town Clerk, Janda Township, Bert 't'Gielen, Town Clerk, Roseland Town s'riip, B ourne, Town Clerk, Little Blue Township, C. F. Hogg, Justice o f the Peace, Roseland Township, T. T. Jones, Justice of the reace, Little Blue Township, A. W. Kistler, Justice of the Peace, Silver Lake Township, James Vance, Justice of the Peace, Logan Township, August Judernan, Justice of the Peace, West Blue Township, Hans Christensen, 'Town Clerk, Logan Township, Herman Figenberg, Town Clerk, Ay Township, Jay Goble, Justice of the Peace, Ayr Township. Resignation of John W. Shaw, Justice of the Peace was read and upon motion by Rainforth, second by Furry the resignation was accepted by the Board. Application o f A. 1, Batton for position o f Janitor o f the Court House grounds and buildings, for the year commencing January lat, 1927 was granted by the Board, Upon election by Hargleroad, second by Furry and carried by unanimous vote,'. at a salary o f $100.00 per month. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Furry, second by Rainforth that the following list o f 60 names be submitted to the Clerk o f the District Court from which to draw the jury for the January term of the Adams County District Court. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion. carried, Names follow: Harglero red, Rain forth Sorensen and 4hitesel, West Blue Township Geo. Groenwold John Livingston Verona Township C. J. Ground Fred Witt Ro seland 'Township M. W. ±lankenbiller Leland Hall Hanover Township Emil Baehr Martin. Goldenstein Frank Asmus E. G. Bruno Clare C. Pope E. Brazelton Oscar W. Cropley Gordon Hahne At 12 o'clock Noon Keai. Supervisors vistrict 1t 1 Highalnd Township C. E. Krenzen Lloyd Fink Blaine Township Fred Asznus L. A. Curtis 'upervisors District it 2 Kenesaw township G. b. P`is cher 11, B. Ernst Wanda Township lb as. Roe der Frank Bohlke Supervisors District # 3 Cottonwood Township G. A. Herman J. P. Halbrnaier, Jr, Henry Peterson Logan Township A. V. Blocker Leo Hemberger Supervisors District # 4 Ayr Township W. H. Parsons Richard Plautz H. W. Borley Theo, Cornelius T. E. Prather Royal W. Walls I', 0, Strayer Harry E. Marian the Board recessed Supervisors °upervisors Supervisors until 1:15 P. M, Zero Township Albert Bostock Gus Kreuger Dtiis t ric t # 5 Arthur Ebert J. H. Gettmsn District # 6 ri.m. Havens Henry Hartman District # 7 Arthur Berck Ralph Hall when they again resumed. Denver Township Oscar Hanson Frank I+ri sch Wxn, Bunde Juniata Township A. E. Kindig J. R. Baugh John F. Riese bil ver Lake Township G. P. Banker H. S. Graham Little Blue Town ship James Heenan F. 0. Bourne John Brown David Bauer J. M. Hemple H. Vil, Asp e ren Chas, Grounds A. L. Burton M. 0. Winter with all members present except Motion by Hargleroad, second by Gartner that the semi-annual report of Martha H. Schultz, County Supt. be accept- ed and ordered placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Application for blind pension by mark Campbell of Hastings , Nebr. , was read and upon motion by Gartner, second by Furry the application wasnot granted for the reason that he has not been a continuous resident o f the State for the required time. ?Roll call; on motion all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Gartner, second by Hargleroad, that we employ the firm o f Greenburg and. Arnold o f Lincoln, Nebr. , to 579 et 5 o'clock P. M. the Board recessed until Tuesday, December 7th, 1926 at 9 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, December 7th, 1926. 9 o'clock A. M. board resassembled with all members present, except Keal. Motion by Whitesel, second by Gartner that we buy 2 cars of bridge lumber from the Standard Bridge Company of Omaha, Nebr., at an agreed price of $37.50 per M, F. 0. B. Pauline and Hastings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by i- argleroad, second by Rainforth that upon the recommendation of the entire 13oard acting as an auditing committee the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructedto issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Claims follows Adams A. A. Adams County Farm Bureau Adelseck Hattie E. Binderup Hdw, Co Borley Storage & Transfer Co Cannon T. N. C. B. & Q. R. R. Co. Crow Walter M. Davis Elliott R. Democrat Printing Co Dillenbach Lucia Fis cher G. S. Fisher W. H. Furry J. H. Gartner P. H. Gaston Mu si c & Furniture Co Gaston Music Furniture Co Gaudreault Ivlerc. Co A. J. Hammond & Stephens Le) Hargleroad W. B. Hann Hastings Daily Hawthorne Haynes Bros Juniata Lumber Co K®B Printing Co iC-B Printing Co Keith W. W. et al Kline J. B. Knapp Joseph K. Land c, H. Lepin Hotel Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co Lincoln 'lel, & Tel. Co. Maple Hotel Milburn & Scott Co Monroe Calculating Mach Co Murphy Typewriter Co R. E. ecCord-Brady co McGrath Hdw Co J. H. Nebr. Institution for Feeble Minded Omaha Printing Co O'Neil e, H. Queen City Laundry Co Rain forth T. R. Ratliff Funeral Home Renner „v Serf Hent of Polling Places Ruther ford :aro s. Schultz Martha H. Simms F3. M, Sorensen e. B. Turbyfill Joseph M. University Publiseling co 4Thelan ci. M. 4lhi to sel W. C. Widmaicr 44'm. Wilson myrtle E. Geo. Tribune 0. C. Baker Baker l5lurn Ebersole Einspahr Gartner Gingrich Hager Hanson Johnson Jones Jim W. D. Carl Barn Albert H P. H. Ira Chas. u. L. et al Hann Carl „vii n+., T., arn'h .n« fon GENERAL FUND Services at Court House Office supplies, postage, etc. Services on canvassing Board Supplies, Court House Putting up & taking down election booths Supplies, County Farm Storage yard at Ayr, Nebr. Postage Mileage Supplies , printing e etc., uozirt House Court costs Mileage for Mothers Pension Committee Cash paid for annual. dinner Supervisors services & mileage Supervisors services & mileage Rent of tables for general election Piano & Drayage Supplies, Court House Supplies, Co. Supt. bupervisorc services & mileage Jail costs, offics expense Election tables services supplies, Supplies, Supplies, Supplies , v/itnesses Supplies, cervices as constable at general election court House Co. Farm Co. At ty. court House insanity case court House at Courft House board for inmates at County Farm Rent o f polling place for 2nd Ward A Toll calls, ram Bureau Toll calls, Court House Rent o f polling place 1st Ward A Supplies, Court House Repairs on machine Linatime, District Clerk's Office Barrel salt `supplies Services Uapplies, Co. Treas. Jervices Laundry Court House Supervisors services & mileage. Rent o f ?oiling place 4th Ward A Supplies, court House ueneral E lection Rep air s uffice expense, mileage, etc. Pencils oupervisors services County Court coats Supplies, Co. Supt. . alance clue for services Supervisors services & mileage Services on Mothers Pension Uoxnxnittee Services on Canvassing .Board BRIDGE FIND `ream work 'ream work Filling in on bridgi Ailing in on bridge learn work Freight paid on bridge plank 'tilling in on bridge Team work 'T'eam wo rk Team work Unloading bri dge plank 53.05 7.66 12.50 4.25 25.00 5.40 5.00 2.00 65.00 477,65 806.85 3.40 14.77 23.20 83.25 20.00 8.00 4.47 3.62 66.80 150.52 3.75 3.60 4.10 52.05 10.64 15.17 13.10 2.58 1.65 211.64 10.00 8.05 16.35 10.00 24171 8.55 23.00 3.10 1.95 173.11 30.25 9.50 7.05 30.00 10.00 22.00 200.00 .25 51.31 1.00 50.00 173.78 19.65 25.00 33.70 15,10 12.50 19,50 21.75 12.00 15.00 2.70 453.00 15.00 31,20 9,60 140.85 6.00 nn Ln r Roeder ere d G. Shy Bert et Slining Henry Standard Bride to Standard Bridge Co Stumpenhor s t Ted Taut e Bred Trauernicht J ohn Wigest 13, G. Anderson Anderson Anderson Balk e Bit ns r Burr Burrou4ls Burroughs Buskirk uhri st °risen Clark De ri c ks Do ty Fanners Union Fricke Fricke Geri° f f Hershey Hogg Jones & Sons Juniata Lumber Lenz Prosser Lumber Reichert Roeder Silvey Lbr, Co Silvey Lbr. Co Striker Stromer et al BRIDGE FUND Cont. al e array ork Hauling bridge pl ank Unloading bridge plank Completed bridges Lumber Filling in bridge Team work .Alling in bridge Ailing in bri dge E. Ray E. Ray E. Ray R. W. D. N. Walter M. n. B. h. B. U. L. Hams J. A. Bert 0. M. State Exchange ohn H. john H. simon s. S. C. F. T. W. Go E. W. 8: Co al Co Karl e'red G. J. A. 3. A. Charles rim. E. American Red Cross Beghtol J, B. Cannon T. N. Carl 13, F. uurrier..Park Coal Co Eckhardt H. 0. Eckhardt H.. 0. dding U, 5, Hardt Drug Co, Hastings Fuel Co Juniata Grain & Live Stock Asen, Krull Kyle Larsen Larsen John Luoi na D. 11. G. H. Nebr, Sanitariurn Olson R. C. Prosser Lumber & Coal Co Riggs Drug Co Roseland Grain & Supply Co Simms B. M. Sunny s i de Walker Conrad Wanzer H. C. Whe e ler Co al Co Whi snand C. V, Bennet Brown Brun tz Gh ri st ens en Christensen Christensen ris ter, se:n Clark Co rnelius Daugherty Duncan Easter Es singe r Wilford -vernon Alex A. R. Hans Lester Roy J. A. J ohn B. P. R. C. S. John • WO ROAD DRAGGING FUND Sup t. Supt. bup t. Supt. sup t. sup t. Sup, sup t. Supt. Supt. Li tt le Blue Twp Little Blue Twp Little Blue Twp Keno saw Twp West Blue Twp Verona Twp Silver Lake Twp Silver Lake Twp Juniata Twp Logan Twp Supplies Supt. Ayr Twp supt. Highland Twp Steel Poste Supt, Denver Twp sup t. Denver Twp supt. Zero Twp B1 acksrei thing Supt. Roseland Twp suppli es steel posts Supt. Blain e Twp Steel posts sup to Co ttonwoo d Twp. Supt. Wanda Twp Cedar po sts supplies, lumber etc. Team work Supt. Hanover Twp POOR AID FUND supplies bought Services Drugs Gro aeries Go al. Groceries Groceries uro caries Drugs %Joel Goal Milk services uro ceries Groceries Serfices Oro cerise uo al Drugs uo al Drugs Services Groceries Groceries uo al Groceries COUN1Y HIGHWAY FTJN D Putting up guard rail rutting up snow fence rutting up and hauling snow fenc e Team work Team work Putting up guard rail & snow fence Putting up snow fence Chain 'ream work `ream work Supplies Labor on Co. Highway Repairs 16.75 6.20 9.00 3955.76 486.65 15.00 1.80 30.00 5.40 12,00 44, 51 7.50 16.00 28.37 33.74 30.99 4. 50 35,12 33.43 243.00 37.75 67.39 136.90 13,50 18. 25 59.50 39.56 18.49 130.91 19.50 25,98 141, 50 14. 25 53.12 264, '00 221.20 6.00 53.30 22,20 20.00 6,00 16.05 31.50 59.85 71.77 12,00 2.70 15.30 50.35 6.40 3.10 33,07 7.20 242.00 8.05 6.65 4.00 4,25 24.00 130.50 8.60 2,73 13,25 11.25 7.60 19,60 16.80 18,00 9.75 27.60 3.60 3.00 1, 20 11.60 11.31 77.74 20.10 5S3 Wthirter curry Furry Gangwi sh Gerlo ff Stromer Dy cux Gartner Stromer We athe rwax Baker Moss Starner Krueger Woodworth Valentine Con s'oruck Gaymon Halloran Harg lero ad H argle ro ad Peterson Schi ffler Routh Kistler re lz ine Burroughs Harpha: Haws & Sons Herman Hoaglan d Huxtable Joynt Katzberg Katzberg wpm. Kane saw Implement uo Kister. & Sons Geo, Kister & ions Geo t;. N. J. H. L. A. Albert Herman Vi. E. Edward P. H, Walter E. P. J , N. W. H. Ant on Paul F. H. Unno 'Jacob G. E. Wm James C W. B. .drank A. Abe James Chester p. A. `Wendell Bert Gus Charley Edgar Drvill Carl Kitts Kral Laux Lukow ack ¥anhattan Oil Li11er Mills Moore McCoy & Vance McGrath H dw Co Pavelk a Pave lks. Peters Reichert Shaw Shag Smi th Andy John Lloyd Albert .earl Co rred T. J. et al Roy J. H. James im, Ed earl Ch arias John Roy K. Smith Machinery Co Smith Machinery Co Smith Machinery (o Snider U. U. Standard Oil Co Valentine henry VanMeter Wailes Wtesel hit esel rsobbitt Max f i e ld Wi tt Gangwi eh Kent yoilli ams Burling weber Anderson vhitesel Baugh Gartner Schlueter motion by 435.00 be a. J. Jesse Ira W. C. W. B. R. E. George Albert 1:dwi n R. i:. R. Chas. K. iheo, Aug •". R. et al .►. R. Y, H. R. T. COUNTY HIGHWAY, FUND Cont, Dragging Co, roads Supervising Co. roads & mileage Hauling & putting up snow fence Team work Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. ro ads ou rvi sing uo. ro ads & mileage Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co.. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Go. roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co. roads Labor on County Highway Patrolman Labor Supervising County roads & mileage Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. roads 131 ack smi thing Gas & Oil Tears work Te amo work Labor Team work rutting up snow fen° e Hauling posts Supplies Repair s ul acksmi thing rutting up guard rail & snow fence Team work Labor Labor Hauling snow fence Lias & Oil Labor Putting up snow fence , etc. Putting up snow fence Supplies ai re, etc. Labor on Co. Highway Repairs & Supplies Labor on Co. Highway rutting up snow fence & guard rail Putting up snow fence &guard rail Labor Pat rolraan Supplies Repairs 8c supplies Supplies Labor uas&Oil Team work H=auling po sts Labor Labor Supervising road work & mileage Dragging Co, roads Dragging Co. ro ads Dragging Co. roads Dragging Go.. ods Dragging Co. roads Dragging Go. roads Dragging Go. ro ads Dragging Go. roads Dragging Go, roads Dragging Co, roads Dragging Go. ro ads COUNTY GRAVEL FUND Supervising gravel Balance due on gravel project 8.25 94.60 17.6o 37.55 2,25 3.00 5.25 59.10 6.00 6.00 4.88 12,00 3.75 5.25 4.50 2.63 7.50 4.80 57.50 8,60 66.70 3.75 2.63 1.50 7.50 4.50 6.75 35.00 68.75 22, 50 6.00 2.80 21.37 27.60 4.80 101.35 4.60 10.00 62.80 22,50 15.00 25.87 20.00 103. 54 21.37 75.10 4.80 3.87 9.26 64.40 37.57 7.30 63.20 50.80 103.96 50.60 7.80 64,87 9.00 21.75 4.05 6,00 9.6o 48.99 45.54 92.00 4.50 3.75 35.63 5.25 6.75 5.25 5.25 3.00 11. 23 2,25 9.00 32.00 479.46 Hain rth second by riargieroad, that to claim o..f Leonard A. Swanson, rM. D. , on the Poor Aid Fund for dis..allowed. Roll call, all voted aye. motion carried. Motion by Rain forth, second by uartner, that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, January 5th, 1927 at 9 o'clock A. M. motion carried. board adjourned,