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Supervisors Rec 10 1921
182 Monday, January, 3rd 1921, 10 o'clock, A. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment of December, 16t3 1920. Roll call, all Members present as follows: Sorensen, Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Hargleroad and Benedict. No business of any importance was taken up at the forenoon session and the Board recessed until 1 o'clock, P. M. At 1 o'clock, P. M. the Board resumed, all Members present. Moi -ion by Hargleroad, Second by Hynes that the resignation of Viola Uerling as Deputy Register of Deeds be amcepted. Motion carried. Application of County Jude -Elect, Joseph L. Turbyfill for the appointment of Mrs. Addie L. Francis as Clerk of the County Court nna Mrs. Clara C. Turbyfill as assistant in the office of the County Judge were read before the Board. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Hynes that the appointment of Mrs. Addle L. Francis by the County Judge -Elect as Clerk of the County Court and the appointment of Mrs. Clara C. Turbyfill as assistant in the offjce o' the County Judge be not confirmed. Motion carried. The appointment of Nancy E. Bottorff, Deputy County Clerk and the appointment of Clara M. Cates as extra Clerk in the office of the County Clerk and the appointment of Anna E. Gartner, Deputy Register of Deeds was upon motion by Hynes, Second by Bivens confirmed by the Board. Motion by. Hargleroad, Second by 131 -Yens that the request of D. D. Gibson for a refund of V2.50 on his personal tax for the year 1920 be disallowed, Tax Receipt #443'7. Motion carried. Motion by Fargleroad, Second by Whiting that the action of this Board had and done on the 15th of December, 1920 in disallowing the request of R. E. Murphy for a refund of T12.06 on his personal tax for the year 1920, on account of erroneous assessment, be reconsidered, and the request of R. E. Murphy be allowed. Also the request of Lewis Katzberg, Sr., for a refund of ‘%54.57 on his personal tax for 1920, on account of erroneous assessment, be llowed in full instead of partially allowed as the action of this Board did on December lbth 1920. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Whiting, Second by Hynes, that we comply with the order of the County Court in regard to a Mothers Pension for Mrs. Iva Rose, and that the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. This being the date set for a hearing on proposed County Road No. 19 and no one appearing before the Board with any objection to the proposed route of said Road, the same is hereby officially designated as County Road No. 19 and taken'over by the County for maintenance and County control. At 5 o'clock, P. Y. the Board recessed until 9 o'clock, J. M. January 4th 1921 Tuesday, January, 4th 1921, 9 o'clock, A. M. The Board reassembled. Roll call, all Members present. The entire forenoon session was taken up by the Board in auditing claims on file against the County. t 12 o'clock, noon the Board recessed until 1 o'clock, P. M. At 1 o'clock, P. M. the Board resumed. All Members present. Motion by Hargleroad, .Second by Sorensen that the following official bonds be approved. Motion carried. 183 Lucia R. Dillenbach, Clerk of the District Court, Joseph M. Turbyfill, County Judge, A. E. Gartner, Deputy Register of Deeds, Nancy E. Bottorff, Deputy County Clerk, D. P. Bitner, Justice of the Peace, West Blue, William Wintermute, Justice of the Peace, Ayr, E. F. Allen, Justice of the Peace, Little Blue, F. Burl Osborn, Justice of the Peace, Zero Township, F. A. Boyd, Justice of the Peace, Roseland, G. W. Bohlke, Justice of the Peace, Wanda, James F. Crowley, Justice of the Peace, City of Hastings, John W. Shaw, Justice of the Peace, City of Hastings, John Maxwell, Justice of the Peace, Cottonwood, J. W. McHarry, Justice of the Peace, Juniata, George T. Wheat, Justice of the Peace, Logan, F. W. Lanfear, Township Clerk,West Blue,g. R. Powers, Township Clerk, Cottonwood, Roy Smith, Township Clerk, Blaine, R. C. Schlueter, Township Clerk, Theo. A. Trousch, Township Clerk Juniata Kenesaw, Frank Quade, Township Clerk, Denver, Simbn Gerloff, Township Clerk, Zero, gd S. Peterson, Township Clerk, Roseland, J. B. Harrenstein, Township Clerk, Hanover, 0. W. Peterson, Township Clerk, Lognn, Charles K. Burling, Township Clerk, Wanda, L. W. Grabill, Tonnship Clerk, Silver Lake, Fred Augustin, Township Treasurer, Juniata, F. E. Wintermute, Township Treasurer, Ayr, D. Smith, Township Treasurer, Wanda, Samuel Ranz, Township Treasurer, Blaine, Fred Berg, Township Treasurer, Veronc, B. P. Schlegel, Township Treasurer, Kenesaw, Charles Smiley, Township Treasurer, Denver, Fred Stock, Township Treasurer, Highland, John Anderson, Township Treasurer, Hanover, G. F. Rort, Township Treasurer, Zero, C. L. Evans, Township Treasurer, Roseland, S. Rinker, Town- ship Treasurer, West Blup,WiTI'Johnson, Township Treasurer, Silver Lake, Fred Hohfeld, Township Treasurer, Cottonwood and Hans Christensen, Township Treasurer, Logan. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens that the contract made and entered into with C. H. Land as Superintendent of the Adams County Poor Parr' for the year 1921 be accented and that the bond of C. H. Land for $2,000.00 be approved. Motion carried. S. P. Howland appeared before the Board and made a nice talk and some good suggestions on Road work. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Hynes, that the request of J. E. Addie, County Attorney for $75.00 per month for stenographic assistant during the year 1921 be allowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock, P. M. the Board recessed until 9 o'clock, A. M. Wednesday, January, 5th 1921, 9 o'clock, A. M. The Board reassembled. Roll call, all Members present. Motion by Bivens, Second by Whiting that the -following claims be alloweVon their respective funds and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. all voted aye. Motion carried. The claims follow: Joseph M. Turbyfill James P. Crawley B. M. Simms B. F. Carl H. V. Favinger H. F. Favinger H. F. Favinger James E. Addie Lein Tibbets Hastings Daily Tribune K -B Printing Co Adams County DeMocrat J. A. Cates,County Clerk Wahiquist Brothers Renner & Serf 1. N. Button, Register of W. A. Cole $ 173.15 44.50 8.00 10.40 1.45 27.45 19.80 50.07 242.90 19.02 12.64 45.85 116.13 74.95 34.25 13.55 23.00 Roll call, Security Envelope Co $ 4.-84 Burroughs Adding Mach Company9.05 Lincoln Tel. & Telg.Company 5.70 Wilson Chemical Co 64.80 John C. Messick 40.32 Klopp Printing Co 28.75 A. H. Cramer 107.52 I B Printing Company 16.46 K B Printing Company 7.62 J. 1. Holcomb Mfg. Company 27.07 Omaha Printing Company 47.50 Nines Drug Company 46.55 County Treasurer 161.24 C. IL Higinbotham 40.32 W. B. Hargleroad 12.00 Geo. W. Bivens 9.80 A. T. Battan 4.60 be.e-YILI A 184 D. N. Bitner H. C. DeSanno H. C. DeSanno T. G. Whiting Geo. W. Bivens Dr. 0. S. Gray J. E. Willits W. W. Keith W. A. Cole Mrs Estelle Conley Presley Alexander George F. Work J. L. Hynes Kenesaw Progress 5.00 10.00 10.00 66.80 34.20 2.00 6.00 16.00 2.00 2.00 50.00 40.20 52.90 1.60 Roth Brothers W. H. McDonough Roseland Lumber Company W, H. Gartner Bladen Mbr. Company Frank H. Kitts Frank H. Kitts C. L. Hanson Juniata Lumber ComPsnYC. K. Lawson Hardware Co Juniata Lumber Company Louis Hoffman S. E. Grabill Bill Jackson T. G. Whiting B. O. Clayton Floyd Tooley Jacob Consbruck F. W. Manske SPECIAL J. E. Wiltrout Bert Shay Fred G. Roeder Fred G. Roeder J. B. Fernow Andy Smidt- J. A. Cates John H. Parsons Wm. C. Dycus G. E. Gaymon Andy Smidt W. C. Dycus Andy Smidt H. J. Wright A. M. Boner W. B. Hargleroad. W. C. Whitesel E. D. Pratt George Garron Ira SlOoy John Garron Joe --- _ -- Raeben Garron(' W. G. Saddler 4, BRIDGE 12.70 50.00 9.30 45.00 37.25 366.27 653.88 51.80 272.65 4.84 57.90 ROAD $ 1.50 7.15 19.20 14.00 7.20 8.00 3.00 33.00 FUND. FUND. Mary Dungan c't 7.41 J. H. McGrath Hdw.0o 26.15 RiPPeteau W. P. & Paint Co2.25 Juniata Lbr. Co 55.85 J. F. PiFeon 10.00 Hastings Basket System 55.15 Dr. E. N. Hall 13.50 Wm. Halloran 10.00 Wm. Halloran 10.00 J. A. Oates,County Clerk 9.80 W. A. Cole 112.40 S. B. Sorenson 55.00 Emma J. Kbh1 '75.00 Glenwood Telephone Company- 10.00 Byers Lumber Company 140.95 Bert ShaY. 85.00 2.50 F. A. Syring 12.70 Wm. J. Stromer 37.80 W. J. Meester 7.00 G. 0. Hohlfeldt 8.00 22.50 10.10 Nebraska Culvert . Co1265.68 Nebraska Culvert & Mfg. Co--. 158.40 Frank H. Kitts 747..00 George Eister & Sons Juniata Lumber Company Ayr Lumber Oornpany Amos Burkhard 11. N. Huxtable Dan ssinger H. M. Sanford S. S. Hershey Arthur Livingston C. A. Heartwell A. B. Fernow MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FUND. 7.50 13.50 6.00 65.25 18.30 23.90 18.50 28.90 87.30 14.00 7.95 .50 66.40 6.20 3.40 20.40 9.90 4.60 9.60 6.40 9.60 9.60 9.60 SOLDIER'S & 16.24 B. F. Carl - 9.95 MoElhinneY PharmaPY Mary Lanning Hospital 2t95Z Vincent M. Nolan 60.00 Juniata Lumber Company68.10 Carl R. Matthiesen Company 9.45 Hastings Basket System16.95 ?Jena Moffitt 50.00 B. F. Carl 9.75 Wolbach & Brach 6.80 Henry Herbst 4.75 Henry Herbst 13.70 A. D. Lay 10.70 H. O. Eckhardt 72.90 A. D. Lay 21.60 Ira Ball 4.00 8.00 65.05 35.70 54.90 7.20 1.75 8.25 C. E. Hi inbotham E. G. Schroeder W. J. Neester H. B. Burroughs E. Ray Anderson H. B. Burroughs D, N. Bitner 0. 11. Doty E. Ray Anderson Christ Eort WmSchroeder M. A. Erwin Erhard- HeMberger F. S. McDaniel L. F. Tisen C. E. Martin Henry Hellen J. C. Tisen John Wales Tom Mint George Hemple Otto Madsen Frank Livingston SAILORS RELIEF FUND Henry Shick POOR AID FUND. D 14.40 19.35 4.05 22.95 58.50 96.53 13.50 40.05 27.90 32.85 105.85 6.40 3.60 1.80 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 .3.60 3.60 3.60 23.60 0.60 3.60 100.00 Byers Lumber Company $ 16.00 Conrad Walker 14.95 Sunnyside 78.00 Hastings Ice & Coal Company 23.25 James V. Beghtol 20.00 L. E. Doty 12.50 W. E. /lowers 40.00 Proffitt & Lovell 7.25 Henry Albers 75.00 Currier -McCulloch Coal Co-- 10.15 Anderson Shoe Company 3.75 P. E. Brehm 30.00 J. G. Jones 12.60 John Gain 12.50 B. M. Simms 18.51 185 Special Motor Vehicle Registration Fund be allowed and the Clerk instructed to make claim on the Department of Public Works for reimbursement of Adams County for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. George Kieter & Sons Frank Monger Ed Borchers Don Wiese Fred G. Roeder N. Hollister Lyle Scudder Irving Scudder Walter Scudder Crisman & Brehm John Beardsley Rerbert Copeland Bill Jackson James Lovell C. E. Martin Arthur Livingston Frank Livingston Harry Boulton W. F. Finnigsmier Matt Huertz Ora Wiltrout 3.00 4.80 32.00 4.80 14.40 4.80 6.00 2.00 2.80 5.55 12.40 1.60 39.20 4.00 6.20 56.80 24.60 11.20 5.20 10.40 4.80 Henry Burgess $ 4.80 Dave Petro 45.00 A. M. Boner 3.60 'Fred Paris 33.60 H. J. Wright 6.20 M. N. Irwin 6.20 J. C. Tiesen 6.20 Joe Consbruck 4.80 Tom Mint 6.20 L. F. Tiesen 6.20 F. S. McDaniel 6.20 Fenry Heilen 6.20 George N. Whiting 9.60 Edward Whiting 4.80 Conrad Gietrz .80 F. B. Whiting .80 Earl V. Osgood 11.20 E. A. Needham 61.12 Will Kistler 51.75 Motion 'by Fargleroao, Second by Hynes that the claim of George Eister & Sons on the Road Fund for 8.00 be disallowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hynes, Second by Hargleroad that the appointment of D. L. Barlass as Constable by the County Judge -Elect and J. W. Shaw, Justice of the Peace and James F. CroWley, Justice of the Peace be confirmed. Motion carried. Lotion by Hynes, Second by Hargleroad that the Bond of D. L. Barlass, Constable be approved. Motion carried. Motion by Whiting, Second by Hargleroad that the County Attorney be instructed to get deeds for land according to the description and surveys on lands taken from Ira A. Philleo, Presley Allender, Emma J. Kohl and E. Buss. This being land taken and used for Road purposes by State and Federal Road No. 41. Motion carried. Minutes were read and approved. Motion by Whiting, Second by Bivens that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, January, lith 1921 at 10 o'clock, A. M. UNTY LET. ,e/narh;ei CHAIRMAN. flU Ft 186 Tuesday, January, llth 1921, 10 o'clock, Board met pursuant to adjournment of January, 5th 1921, Roll call, all Members present follows: Hynes, Bivens, Whiting, Sorenson, Hargleroad and Benedict. Motion by Hynes, Second by Sorenson that the following claims audited by the Board be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. General Pond Oliver Lumber Company $ 19.30 F. J. Benedict 75.00 Milburn & Scott Company--- 29.00 S. B. Sorenson 15.00 J. L. Hynes 12.00 William Dier 9.00 V. B. Hargleroad 130.00 Ole Iverson Samuelson Lumber Company-- 35.06 Road Fund P. E. Robinson $30.60 Central City Chemical Company $ 71.40 GuaranteetleCtriC Company 1.80 J. B. nine 8.75 K B Printing Company 37.50 Wahlquist Brothers 45.00 Y -B Printing Company 15.20 George McCoy 1.00 Bridge Fund $ 4.00 W. B. _argleroad, Admins. Special EotorrArehiOle W. F. Liston $ 5.00 E. Ray Anderson 18.90 Chas Kuehn 69.75 82.30 National Refining Company $47.92 Registration Fund. Poor Aid Fund. Pauley Lumber Company ----$32.85 J. H. Yost Lbr Company--- 15.50 Jacob Bauer- 7.14 Wm Oelschlager E. W. Blanch Currier -McCulloch C. V. Whisnand R. S. McIntire $152.10 34.80 Coal Company --$10.15 3.00 70.00 the as Motion by Bivens, Second by Whiting that the report of the Wiggins -Babcock Company' on the office of the Clerk of the Distract Court for the years 1904 to 1911 inelnaive be accepted by this Board and ordered made a part of the Supervisors Record. Motion carried. The report follows: Lincoln, Nebraska, December 17, 1920. Fon. Board of County Supervisors, Adams County, Nebraska. Gentlemen: Complying with your instructions we submit the following amended report of the audit and final settlement of the accounts of Chas E. Bruckman, ex -clerk of the District Court of Adarns County for the years 1904 to 1911 inclusive. The basis of settlement is an amicable compromise, there being several points upon which there was an honest difference of opinion, and considerable uncertainty as to the construction that should be given to several law points involved. Breifly stated the facts are as follows: The amount of fees collected by Mr. Brockman in his first term, 1904 to 1907 inclusive, was not sufficient to pay the full amount of the statutory salary of 1.600.00 per annum, while the fees collected in his second term, 1908 to 1911 inclusive, were considerable in excess of the statutory salary. However, included in the fees received and reported in the second term was a considerable amount which was earned in the first term and to that extent the board felt justified in allowing Mr. Bruckman's claim that the same be applied to make good the salary deficit of the first term. A further deduction was made of items of 32.90 in 1908 and -'40.05 in 1909, regarding which there was said to be sorne question of liability. As finally agreed the basis of settlement may be stated as follows: 187 Excess Fees Second Term per Exhibit !, attached: 1908 ( Corrected) 4> 136 .6 8 1909 ( Corrected) 309.90 1910 176.47 1911 1,073.51 Total Less Fees earned in First Term, included in above: Collected in 1908 Collected in 1909 Collected in 1910 446.63 F36.00 40.45 Total 573.08 Less paid County Treasurer, Jan. 5, 1912 963.68 ,696.56 1,536.76 Balance due 159.80 This balance will be paid by Mr. Bruckman to the County Treasurer. The trust funds amounting to e4538.41 in the hands of Mr. Bruckman at the close of his second term, were all turned over to Mr. Tibbets at the time of transfer, except three small items amounting to $10.46 which were 'overlooked at the time, but have since been paid over. Exhibit A. Respectfully submitted, WIC TrS-BAT3COOK COMPANY Public Accountants By P. S. Wiggins SM 'GARY OF FEES - CLERK. OF DISTRICT COURT Chas E. Bruckman Clerk Year 1908 Fees received as per reports filed 2,193.58 Deductions Clerk's Salary 1,600.00 Salary of Assistant 416.00 Fees for citizenship papers included in report 40.90 Total Deductions Excess Fees Year 1909 Fees received per reports filed Deductions Clerk's Salary Salary of Assistant Fees for citizenship papers inc. Total Dedueti ons Excess Fees Yeat 1910 Fees received per reports filed Fees received, not reported Deductions Clerk's Salary Salary of Assistants Fees refunded U. S. Rohrer n repor 1,600.00 500.00 51.00 2,383.47 48.50 1,600.00 650.00 5.50 2,056.90 136.68 2,460.90 2,151.00 309.90 ,431.97 Total Deductions 2,255.50 Excess Fees Year 1911 Fees received per reports filed 3,416.46 Fees received not reported 57.05 3,473.51 176.47 -‘21N LULA 188 L At 12 o'clock, noon the Board recessed until 1 o'clock, P. M. At 1 o'clock, the Board reassembled, all Members present. Motion by Sorenson, Second by Bivens that the claim of the State Journal Company on the General Fund for $83.50 be disallowed. Motion carried. Motion by Whiting, Second by Hynes that the Highway Commissioner be requested to make a report of his office at once to the Board of Supervisors and to give a list of all County property under his control and where it is located. Motion carried. Motion by Hynes, Second by Bivens taht this Board now adjourn Sine Die. Motion carried. 64 glITIEt 189 Tuesday, January, llth 1921, 2 o'clock, P. Y. The old Board having adjourned Sine Dae, the County Clerk called the new Board to order. There was present Zohner, Nelson, Ratcliff, Bivens, Whiting and Hargleroad. The Clerk of the County Court was called in and certified that the Bonds of aohner, Nelson, Ratcliff, and Whiting were on file and approved by the County Judge. The County Clerk started the reorganization of the new Board by declaring after a vote was taken, George W. Bivens, temporary Chairman of the new Board. The temporary Chairman announces that the election of a permanent Chairman would be in order. Motion by Hargleroaa and Secona by Zohner that Supervisor T. G. Whiting of District No. 2 be made permanant Chairman. Motion carried and the temporary Chairman declared Mr. Whiting duly elected permanant Chairman for the ensuing year. The Chairman was escorted to the Chair. The Chairman announced that the first thing in order would be the appointment of a Supervisor in District No. 7 to fill the unexpired term of A. F. Cramer, Ipplications of W. T. Johnson ano C. 1. VanPattea for appointment RS riaiervisor for District No. 7 were read before the Board. An informal ballot was next in order and taken which resulted as follows: Lancaster, 1, Johnson, 1, Anderson, 1, Durkee, 3. Proceeded to a formal ballot which resulted as follows: Johnson, 1, Anderson, 1, Durkee, 4. Whereupon the Chairman announced that George B. Durkee was duly appointed Supervisor District No. 7 to fill the unexpired term of A. H. Cramer. The Chairman next announced that a recess of one hour would be taken in order to give the Chairman time to make up his committees for the year. Recess was taken. At 3 o'clock, P. M. the Board resumed. The County Judge carne in at this time and certified that George B. Durkee had filed his bond as Supervisor of District No. 7 and that the same had been approved. The Clerk read the Membership of the new committees as appointed by the Chairman which are as. follows: Settlement Committee: Nelson, Chairman and all Members of the Board. Finance Committee: Ratcliff, Chairman a* all Members of the Board. Complaints and Bonds Committee. Durkee, Chairman, Zohner and Nelson. Roads and Bridge Committee: Bivens, Chairman, Rargleroad, Durkee and Member in whose District work is done. Lands and Buildings: Committee: Zohner, Nelson and Durkee. County Farm Committee: Hargleroad, Ratcliff an c Whiting. Supply Committee: J. A. Cates, County Clerk, Durkee and Nelson. Motion IT Bivens and Second T17 Nelson that the following resolution be adopted; VATMAS: there being more or less confusion in buying supplies for the County offices, on account of duplication of orders and in ordering supplies in small quantities and on account of there biting no one particularly responsible or authorized to buy these supplies and THE ---MIS: it is not always practical for one or more Members of the Board of Supervisors to be at the Court House to look after the matter of buying aunplies, be it THEREFORE II -SOLVED, that it is the sense of this Board that the County Clerk be autloriz d and desiematec, together with a committee of two Members of the Board be appointed by the 190 by the County Clerk and at least one Member CT this committee, before any claims for supplies shall be allowed by the County Board. We Beleive this he a better business arrangement in the matter of buying supplies that the plan that we have been working under. Motion carried. Motion by Yargleroad and Second hy Zohner that the plans and specifications for Bridges as adopted by the State Engineer in the year 1915, and which are now on file in the office of the County Clerk, be adopted hy this Board for the year 1921, and that the Clerk be instructed to advertise according to law for Bids on hoth Steel and Concrete Bridges. Motion carried. Motion by Zohner and Second by Ratcliff that the County Clerk is hereby instructed and authorized to draw warrants on the General Fund on the first day of each month for the amounts due the County Officers and employees on salaries allowed by law or on the agreements had between the County lmployees and the County Board. Motion carried. Application of Thomas Murphy, for Blind Pension was read before the Board and on motion of Hargleroad, Seconded by Nelson ho was granted a Blind Pension of 250.00 per year payable quarterly and the Clerk was instructed to draw warrants for the same. A roll call was ordered on the above motion on which all voted aye. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens that we allow the Clerk of the County Court a salary of $90.00 per month and an assistant in the office of the County Judge a salary of 60.00 per month. Roll call, ayes: Bivens, Nelson, Fargleroao. and Whiting. Nays: Zohner, Durkee and Ratcliff. Motion carried. Motion by Zohner, Second by Bivens that the County Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids on Tractor Oil and Gear Oil on a basis of fifty barrels or more per year. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock, P. Y. the Board recessed until Wednesday, Janmry, 12th 1921, 9 o'clock, A. M. Wednesday, January, 12th 1921, 9 o'clock, A. M. The Board reassmebled. All Members present as follows: Bivens, Durkee, Kargleroad, Nelson, Ratcliff, Whiting and Zohner. Motion hy Pargleroad, Second by Rivens that the appointment of Ellen R. Larsen as Deputy Clerk of the District Court be confirmed and that the Board fix her salary at 01,000.00 per year. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Fargleroad, Second by Ratcliff that the recommendation Cf the Bond Committee be made the order of the Board and that the following Official Bonds be approved. J. G. Fergu- son, Town Clerk, Ayr Township, Niels MiIkelsen, Justice of the Peace, renesaw, P. L. Munson, Justice of the Peace, Silver Lake, C. E. Hildenbrand, Justice of the Peace, Blrine, E. Ray Anderson, Township Treasureh, Little Blue and Ellen R. Larsen, Deputy Clerk of the District Court. Motion carried. Report of the foll6wing County offices were read before the Board and ordered placed on file: County Treasurer, County Clerk, Register of Deeds, Clerk of the District Court, County Superintendent and County Judge. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1 o'clock, P. M. At 1 o'clock the Board reassembled. All Members present. Motion by Bivens, Second by Hargleroad that the following estimates of Funds for 1921 be made; General Fund.... . .. 75,000.00 Bridge " ... .... 30,000.00 Road It 35,000.00 Poor Aid IT 10,000.00 Total 0 150,000.00 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 191 some future date. Motion carries. Motion -by Zohner, Second by Givens that the request of C. W. Wilson, Deputy Sheriff for a salary of >100.00 Per month be not granted. i6t ion carried. Minutes were read and approved.. Motion by Nelson, Second by Givens that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, February, 8th 1921 at 10 o'clock, A. M. Motion carried. Whereupon the Board adjourned Chairman LLJ 192 Tuesday, February, 8th 1921, 10 o clock, A. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment of January, 12th 1921. Roll call, all Members present as follows: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Nelson, Ratcliff, Whiting and Zohner. Bids on steel ane concrete bridges from the Standard Bridge Company of Omaha and of Frank H. Kitts of Folstein were opened and read before the Board. The Chairman appointed a committee consisting of W. B. Fargleroad, George B. Durkee and George W. Bivens to examine into these bids and report their findings to the Board. Report of Committee: We, your committre recommend the bid of the Standard Bridge Company be accepted for all steel bridges except the concrete work pertaining thereto, we further recommend that the bid of Frank H. Kitts, being the lowest bid submitted for concrete bridges and concrete work on abutments and such other work on steel or wooden bridges, be accepted. Motion by Nelson, Sec-nd by Zohner that the report of the committee on examination of bridge bids be accepted ane that the bids of the Standard Bridge Company be accepted on their contract except as to concrete work. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Nelson, Second by Ratcliff that the report of the committee on the examination of bridge bids as relating to concrete work be accepted and that the bid of Frank H. Kitts on the building of cement bridges and all other work except culverts be accepted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30 o'clock, P. M. At 1:30 o'clock, P. M. the Board resumed. All Members present. Motion by Ratcliff, Second by Fargleroad that the following resolution be adopted: WITER7J1S: a petition with affidavit attached; signed by J. A. Yennedy and others asking that a part of the public hiFhwaY iDe vacated as described in said petition as follows: Commencing at a point 270 feet from the one-half section corner known as the one-half section corner to sections Three (3) and Four (4), Township Five (5), Range Ten (10) West in Zero township, Adams County, Nebraska, to a point south on said road, where said road intersects the Right of Way of the Chicago Burlington & Quincy Railroad, said petition was granted by this Board and the County Clerk was authorized to instruct the County Surveyor to view this road and report on the same, and; 7F=AS: the County Surveyor did view this road and make his report on the same, and recommended that said road be vacated, and, 1771/7AS: the County Clerk did advertise this said road for more than sixty (60) days, as required by law and that no one having filed any objections to the vacating of this road, be it therefore, RP,SOL77D: that all of the lawful requirements having been complied with in regard to the vacation of this described road, the same is hereby declared legally vacated and will be no longer known or used as a public highway. Motion carried. Communication from Oliver Lumber Company quoting prices on bridge lumber was read and placed on file. Application of M. W. Ruf to operate one of Adams County Tractors for the year 1921 was read and placed on file. Motion by Bivens, Second by Zohner that the appointment of Deputy Ward Assessors by the County Assessor be confirmed as Allows: First Ward, City of Hastings, Ernest Hartman. 193 Fourth Ward, City of Hastings, R. Bowers and F. j. Benedict. Motion carried. Motion by Zohner, Second by Ratcliff that we allow for Clerks to the County Assessor 4.50 per day. Motion ant Clerk Roll call, all voted aye. Moti by Bivens, Second by Durkee tha in the office of the County Jud on carried. t the appointment of Matilda M7.,Hummer as assist- ge at the salary allowed by the County Board be confirmed. Motion carried. Bids for repairs on the Court House according to specifications were opened and read as follows: C. D. Richey, for all the work to be done under specifications except the clause " to repair all the remaining sheet metal,cornice and down spouts", $1981.00. John Hempel, removing the tower according to specifications, %1500.00. Repairing cornice 642.00, painting, 79R.00. Rippeteau 7allpaper and Paint Company, painting according to Joseph H. rnapp, sheet me'al work, slLte roof, cornice etc., specifications 0.039.50. as per specifications, '711.90 J. F. Still & Company, all repairs on Court House rocf and cornice according to specifi- cations, 0642.00. Henningson Engineering Company, all labor, material and ecuipment as called for in specifications, c-2100.00.' E. R. Owens, removing tower from Court house as Per specifications, 01550.00. J. F. Kealy, removing tower from Court House according tospecifications, 01072.00 Haynes Brothers, painting Court House as per specifications, 0798.00. The Chairman appointed Zohner, Durkee and Nelson as a committee to examine into bids for the Court House. The following bids were received and read before the Board on Tractor Oils: E. A. Brandes Tractor Company, Nebraska Battery & Tire Company, Osborn Oil Company, National Refining Company and Dan Essinger. The Chairman appointed as a committee to examine into these bids, Bivens, Hargleroad and Ratcliff. Applications for appointment as Highway Commissioner for Adams County, Nebraska were read from the following persons and placed on file : John J. Hoban, E. A. St John, John A. Weer and D. C. Tetter. Report of Geo. T. Treat, Justice of the Peace, John W. Shaw, Justice of the Peace, C. A. }Teartwell, Figh-my Commissioner and W. A. Cole, Sheriff were read before the Board and placed on file. At 5 o'clock, the Board recessed until Wednesday, February, 9th 1921 at 9,o'clock, A. M. Wednesday, February, 9th 1921, 9 o'clock, A. M. At 9 o'clock the Board reasseMbled. Roll call, all Members present. Report of Wiggins -Babcock Company on the Clerk of the District Court's Office for 1921 was read and placed on file. The committee anpointed to examine the bids on tractor oils, recommended that the matter of buying oils be deferred until the next meeting of the Board. The Committee appointed to examine into the bids for repairs that the bid of C. D. Richey be accepted by the Board, it being of the Committee of any submitted. 1ffr..4-4nyl ln.TT R4-trea%nc, T-Tnrm i7"r)47 Wn on the .Court House recommend the best bid in the opinion In+ n oron+7,Pn-F. n _ -1) Ri o Inalr Notion by Zohner, Second by Hargleroad that the names of all persons receiving aid from the County and the amount received shell ,e published with the proceedings of the Board from and after this date. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Fargleroad that the Petition of O. C. Hawthorne and others asking that County Road No. 16 be changed to conform to this Petition be disallowed for the reason that the- road is already established and seems to be satisfactory to a majority Of the people residing in this District. Motion carried. Motion by Fargleroad, Second by Zohner that the Official Bonds of John Krull, Town Clerk, Little Blue, J. W. Rider, Town Clerk, Fighland, O. C. Kent, Town Clerk, Verona, Louis Bauder, Justice of the Peace, Hanover and, John Hohlen, Justice of the Peace, Highland be approved. Motion carried. Motion by Turkee, Second by Nelson that we furnish the Court Reporter note books for use in the District Court of Adams County. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Nelson that the County Treasurer be instructed to refund to R. M. Ratcliff $2.43 on account of double assessment having been made on the valuation of the St Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Company in Zero Township, of which R. M. Ratcliff is agent. Tam Receipt No.2295. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Nelson that the following claims be allowed on their respective Funds and the Clark be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Motion carried. Roll call, all voted aye. Hastings Fuel Co -Cr Coal, Court House Clarence Boyd -Shoveling snow, Court House Guarantee Electric Company-Electtical supplies, Court House J. B. Kline -Electrical supplies, Court House Bineerun Ha2dware Company,-Sunolies, Janitor, Court House Wolbach & Brach - Linoleum, Court Rouse - Wm. Schroeder - Shoveling snow, and hauling rubbish, Court House L. N. Button, Reg. of Deeds, recording, Deeds, Adams County Hastings Daily Tribune - Supervisors proceedings, statements, etc Omaha Printing Company - One hundred Marriage Certificates Union Cafe, - heals for Jurors W. A. Cole, sheriff, - Toll calls and office expenses Mary Dungan - Postage, mileage, etc Omaha Printing Company - Supplies for Register of Deeds Williams Printing House - Supplies for Court House Offices Security Envelope Company - Mailing wrappers- - W. A. Cole - Jail Fees and suonlies Lincoln Telephcle & Telegraph Company - Toll calls for County Offices Local Reistrats - Reporting births and deaths, Adams County George F. Brungardt, CarPenter work and sunplies, Court House Milburn & Scott Company, -. Eighth Grade Question Books, County Supt K -B Printing Company, - Ribbon for dater, County Clerk Extension Service, Lincoln, - Binder & Books, Farm Bureau Elliott R. Davis, Agt - Trip to Holdrege, mileage and Postage K -B Printing Company - Terminal Tax Blanks Deines Drug Company - Surplies for offices of Court House Adams County Farm Bureay,-Typewriter, Expense County Agent to Lincoln, etc Lem Tibbetts, - One Line-aTime, Miss Dillonbach Nebraska Hospital for Tneand, Lincoln, - Maintenance Tille Harding Fred Stock T Rent of Polling place, Highland Township Omaha Printing Company - Road Dragging and Report files, County Clerk K -B Printing Company, Tax Lists 1921, County Clerk A. M. Clark, County Assessor, - Expenses to Lincoln, Assessors Meeting Osborn Oil Company, Gasoline & Kersone, County Farm D. L. Barlass - Services as Bailiff of District Court Wolbach & Brach, - Toweling, etc County Farm Mett Trausch - Shelling corn at County Farm Jay Webb - Repairs on well at County Farm Fred Augustin, - Repairs on shoes, harness etc, County Farm O. H. Sprankle,-liorseshoeing, County Farm J. F. McGrath Hardware Company - Supplies at County lam Proffitt & Lovell - Groceries at County Farm Watkins-Clute Printing Company, - Printing and supplies, County Offices Omaha Printing Company - Mortgage forms, Register of Deeds Omaha Printing Company - Record binders, Register of Deeds George W. Bivens, Services on County Board and mileage Renner & Serf, -Printing for various County offices Oliver Lumber Company, - Beaver Board, County Agent's Office $ 384.19 4.00 6.40 12.53 5.05 27.78 2.80 2.00 214.41 10.00 11.25 2%58 23.30 76.24 19.25 10.48 221.89 7.45 56.25 26.97 25.00 1.25 11.00 52.56 12.01 111.15 162.30 10.00 23.65 10.00 40..00 176.50 17.26 19.73 69.00 14.41 10.00 28.05 59.30 13.25 9.20 80.05 39.40 10.13 63.00 56.06 25.25 6.85 195 Robert Zohner, service on County Board BRIDGE FUND. H. B. Borley, Transfer Company - Hauling plank to County Bridge, six miles Frank H. Pitts - New Bridges and repairs Binde-r.uo Fardt dare"Company - Supplies for bridges Joan Lau - Labor on bridge, West Blue Oliver Lumber ,Company - lArror on Claim 4 36 and: cement Martin Crosson Labor and hauling lumber from Hastings, West Blue E. S. Roseman Labor on County Bridge, West Blue F. C. Hagaman - Repairing bridge, Cottonwood ROAD FUND. J. F. McGrath Hardware Company - Supplies, bolts etc B. M. Simms, - Ether for tractor Standard Oil Company - Gasoline National Refining Company, - Error on Claim # 57 T. G. Whiting; one day County Roads, Ayr and Juniata Township George W. Bivens, cleaning snow on County Roads Herman oadsHerman ' uckfeldt Labor and supplies on road SPECIAL MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FUND. O. M. Doty - Road Dragging, Highland Township Andy Smidt - Road Dragging, Hanover Township C. W. McWhirter - Road Dragging, Highland and `Jest Blue Township C. E. Higinbotham Road Dragging, East 7th Street Thomas Livingston - Road Dragging, West Blue Township - 0. H. Sprankle repairs for maintainer L. Thomas - Shoveling snow on County Road John Parsons - Running tractor -------------- ---------.:Fred Miller, Hauling straw for snow fence Vm. Oelschlag e -r - Road Dragging, Verona George Hemple , - Running Maintainer, Pauline Road Wm. C. Dycus - Supt. Road Dragging, A. yr Wm. C. Dycus - Road Dragging, Ayr D. N. Bitner - Road Dragging ';Jest Blue -------- --------- ---------- P. R. Daugherty - Road Dragging, Denver Township E. Ray .Anderson Road Dragging, Little Blue J. B. Fe -now - Road Dragging, Roseland Department of Public Works - Repairs on Quad Truck SOLDIER' `S' & SAILOR'S R aT IEF FUND. W. G. Saddler, - Relief to old Soldiers and Sailors W. G. Saddler, - Relief to old Soldiers and, Sailors - POOR AID FUND. Sunnyside - Care of Mrs. J. M. Ferguson 85.00 *; 2.00 722.84 2.15 7.00 4.00 29.00 4.25 1.80 9 10.10 .75 13.28 2.00 6.60 20.80 7.50 0 22.95 60.85 4.50 4.72 18.90 1.75 3.60 10.50 .8.00 29.45 7.50 2.50 65.25 94.72 13.50 29.70 18.45 17.91 100.00 100.00 30.00 Henry Albers - Care Leo Pyle ------------ ------ --------------------=------------ 150.00 v'cElhinney Pharmacy - Drugs for Ferguson -2.25 ---- ----- - - -- Hastings Fuel Co - Coal for Tyson, Thomas, Longtin, Batterson and Keser 67.75 County Treasurer Ticket for Mrs. I. Fuason to Fairbury, Nebr 2.42 Dora DeBord Allowance dor February 1921 30.00 4.84 2.40 Hastings Basket System, groceries, Mrs. Froschheuser and Mrs. Erdman 9.37 Pickens & Bratton, one blanket by Zohner 2.80 Currier i cCulloc'r Coal Co - Coal, W. I. Crawford, A. Baker and F. Townsell27.50 Jacob Bauer, - Groceries, Mrs Emily Rehn and Mrs Kate ',goods 14.34 Byers Lumber Company - Coal, Mrs. W. Burns and C. W. Anderson 27.00 Currier -McCulloch Coal Co Coal, V. Schroeder, J. C. Tyson, L'rs ErdmaErdman & T.Thomas46.75 F. C. Haverty, Co Treas - Two tickets to St Joe, :io . , D. Huffman E Wife 18.34 Currier -McCulloch Coal Co - Coal, Mrs Louise Smith- 13.50 Currier -McCulloch Coal Co - Coal, John Kindsvater 13.50 U. B. Wiseman - Merchandise, John Kindsvater 10.05 Currier -McCulloch Coal Co - Coal Mrs Kate Woods 13.50 B. M. Simms - trugs for Moffitt family 10.78 Zena. Moffitt - Monthly allowance 25.00 Hastings Basket System - Groceries for Moffitt family 16.75 A. D. Lay - Groceries to A. Baker, Mrs W. Bruntz and Mrs. John Froschheuser63.43 The Elite Grocery - Groceries, J. C. Tyson 12.55 ConradWalker - Groceries to Mrs Mary Erdman 4.20 Currier -McCulloch Coal Co - Coal, F.enry Fair 13.50 George Lovell -Groceries, Mrs Minter, G.A.Batterson, '1Irs Steffin & Roy Butt 29.07 Andersen Shoe Company - Shoes, Yrs Minter 10.50 Currier. -McCulloch Coal Company - Coal, Lee Hudson 3.50 C. V. Wbisnand - Groceries Mrs hinter & Lee T'udsor.. 4.86 Currier -McCulloch Coal Company - Coal, C. M. Burnham 5.70 County Treasurer - One ticket, Foldrege, Mrs.Roy Hayden,one to Saronville,Mrs Lille.'2.92 Perry Brehm, -caring for Mrs. Groth 40.00 Hastings Basket System - Groceries , hrs. J. A. Boyd Henry Bauer - Groceries, Mrs. John Froschheuser, .o..4*A,'4o-at&-avbAf.kaaxvo*:rowRg*4:;:',W.:40W:xf.ow;teigAgj,„',#P, 196 Department of Public Works for the same for reimbursement. motion Carried. Roll call, all voted aye and John Beardsley - Clearing weeds and snow on O.L.D. Road -$ 14.20 Matt Feurtz - Running grader and clearing snow from 0.L.D. Juniata Township 4.00 T. G. Whiting - Miscellaneous work on D.L.D. Road b.g0 Wm. H. Finnigsmier-Hauling straw to protect road from snow, & clearing 0.L.D. 20.60 George Y. Whiting - Cleaning snow from O.L.D. Juniata Township 6.40 Manhattan Oil Company - Gas and Oil, Truck No. 17 4.50 R. B. Smith - Work on D. L. D. Road, grading etc Blaine Township 16.00 Osborn 011 Company - Gas, kersone and oil for Adams County Tractors, etc 71.74 Oliver Lbr Company,- Lumber used on bridges -- - - - - --- ------------ - 11.90 John Parsons, running Tractor and cash for Ether-- -------- 20.40 Irving B. Scudder - Fauling straw for snow stop Road # 53 4.00 National Refiring Company - Gasoline for tractors, etc 51.37 E. A. Needham, - Running tractor and gas pipe for oilers 17.60 George Yemple, - Running Maintainer - - - - 18.75 William J. Wieck Hauling straw ------------------- 13.30 Osborn Oda Company - Gasoline and Oil for Highway Commissioner 6.93 Motion by Zohner, Second by Fargleroad that the claim of the Frahm Brothers for $450.00 on the General Fund be allowed. Roll call, ayes, Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Nelson, Whiting and Zohner. Nays: Ratcliff. Motion carried. The reports of W. G. Saddler, Henry Shick and George T. Wheat, Soldier's and Sailors Relief Commissioners was read before the Board and placed on file. Motion by Bivens, Second by Hargleroad that we allow for ractor and Grader operators for the year 1921 for 10 hours work ,q,125.00 per month and a bonus of,.:15.00 per month provided they remain with the County during the season and that an allowance of 015.00 per month be allowed for expense of transportation in going to and from their work. 2011 call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Durkee that the following prices be paid for Road Work during the year 1921; For single man, 40V per hour. For man and team, 70V per hour. For man anC two teams, ca.00 per hour. Motion carried. Motion by Nelson, Second by Durkee that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Wednesday, March 2nd 1921, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Motion carried. Minutes were read and approved. Whereupon the Board adjourned. (qatoattA OrNmY C14-31.7- ,nr • '"ZttzQi'gVga,ig'.,I,WZVQRAi4iia4jRTgVigef6:::YiP.PM Thursday, February, 17th 1921, 10 O'clock, A. M. The Board met in special session, on call of the County Clerk, upon written request of more than one third of the Members of the Board, for the purpose of reconsidering the proposition of removing the tower from the Court House. There were present, Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Nelson, Ratcliff and Whiting. Absent, Zohner. Three petitions, under the following heading, and numerously signed by the taxpayers of the city of Hastings and of Adams County were read before the Board. Text of petitions:• To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Hastings, Nebr. We, as taxpayers and citizens of Hastings Nebraska and Adams County do hereby petition and beg you to reconsider your motion to tear down the tower now on the Court House and instead to have same repaired and electric lights placed at the four sides and to have same lights lighted by the City at night. We wish you to aet at once on this matter as it is a shame to have our Court House disfigured in this manner and tear down an Old nand Mark that has been standing for the last thirty years. The following named persons appeared before the Board and spoke in favor of the petition and for repairing the tower: C. G. Lane, John W. Shaw, A. H. 0. W. Way, J. M. Davis and others. Several per having the tower removed. At 12 o'clock, the Chairman announced the Board would r,scess until 1:30 further consideration of these petitions would be resumed. At 1:20 P. M. the Board reassembleo, all Members present except Zohner. Further consideration of the above petitions wau had. Brooke, J. W. James, Henningson Engineering Company, F. H. Beels, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, sons, amongst them, F. P. Olmstead spoke in favor of P. M. when the Motion by Fargleroad, Second by Durkee that the prayer of the Petitioners asking the Board to reconsider their action in entering into a contract with C. L. Richey for the removal of the tower on the Court rouse, be not granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Minutes read and approved. Whereupon the Board adjourned. dito a,64 CLT JX 198 WRDNESPAY, MARCH, 2nd 1921, 10 o'clock, A. M. Board met pursuant to adjaurnmant of February, 9th 1921. Roll call, Members present as follows: Bivens, Durkee, Fargleroad, Nelson, Ratcliff, and Whiting. Absent: Zohner. Representatives of the Stroud Maintainer Company, Duplex Manufactoring Company and the Adams Grader Company appeared before the Board and agreed to put on a road maintaining demonstration of their machines, in Adams County, at a date that may be agreed upon later. Also, the Board decided to make this demonstration open to all makes of maintainers. Application of County Judge, Joseph M. Turbyfill asking that the Board reconsider the order made to the salaries paid to Mrs. Francis and Miss Kummer were read before the Board. Motion by Fargleroad, Second by Bivens that we allow Matilda Kummer $75.00 per month as clerk in the o:rfice of the County Judge. Amendment by Ratcliff, Second by Durkee that we allow *,'70.00 per month instead of t)7b.00. Roll call on the amendment, ayes: Durkee, Ratcliff and Nelson. Nays: Bivens, Hargleroad and Whiting. Amendment lost. Roll call on the origiml motion, ayes: Bivens, Fargleroad, Nelson and Whiting. Nays: Durkee and Ratcliff. Motion carried. Said increase in salary to be in e-fect March 1st 1921. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until. 1:0 o'clock, P. M. At 1:30 o'clock, P. M. the Board resumed. All Members present except 7ohner. F. P. Olmstead appeared before the Board and offered some suggestions as to lights on the Court Fouse, F. F. Beels, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, apneared before the Board asking that permission be granted to have the band stand placed on the Court House Grounds. The matter was held over for further consideration. R. O. Green, Division 7,ngineer, come before the Board and a Budget System was agreed upon for the expenditure of the State Highway Fund in Adams County for the year 1921 as follows: Three patrols crews - tractors patrols - six men, 8 months 0 0125.00 6000.00 Six men - 4 months 0 ,''125.00 1500.00 Three tractors - supplies and repairs - 8 months C 4'200.00 4800.00 Tt It TT " TT - 4 months C y100.00 1200.00 County Fighway Commissioner 40% of salry 720.00 Mileage or sane and use of County car '0 40.00 per month 480.00 Enuipment - one Maintainer 850.00 Rebuilding bridge, 11 miles west of Hastings, Road No. 53 2200.00 Other bridges and culverts, renewals and repairinF ..... .... 1800.00 Extra team work 2500.00 Snow removal and prevention 1500.00 Federal Aid l'o. '-)2 - Overrun on grading- 420.00 n " No. 7c ., " " Fastings, west 1468.20 TT TT 11 TT IT II culverts 1462.20 41;26900.51 Motion by Bivens, Second by Ratcliff that the Budget submitted by R. O. Green, Division Engineer -ror the expenditure of the State Fighway Fund in Adams County for 1921 , be accepted and aPnrovsd by this Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At b o'clock, P. M. the Board recessed until March, 3rd 1921 at 9 O'clock, A. M. mHURSDAY, MARCH 3rd 1921, 9 o'clock, A. M. Board reassembled. Roll call, all Members present except Zohner. Communication from the Civic Department of the Hastings Woman's Club in regard to the publication Of the naM'es of people receiving aid from the County was read before the Board and also a resolution that was passed by the League of Women Voters on the same subect was read and taken under consideration by the Board. After considerable time was LDA 199 ordering the publication of the names of people receiving aid from the County. Roll call on the motion, ayes: Bivens, Durkee, Nelson, Ratcliff and Whiting. Nays: Hargleroad. Zohner: absent. Motion carried. Motion by Fargleroad, Second by Ratcliff that the number of families receiving aid from the County shall be published with the proceedings of the Board showing the total amount received. .Also that the Clerk be instructed to add to this, that anyone interested in these claims can see the same on file in the office of the County Clerk. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Cumminieati on from the Kenesaw Y_ommunity Y.lub in regard to the extensions of Cotnty Road. No. 1 to the west side of Adams County, was read before the Board. Deferred for future consideration. Motion by Fargleroad, Second by Nelson that the following resolution be adopted: WHFRbS: There has never been an invoice of the Office property of the Adams County Offices " ERE,AS, in case of a fire it would be necessary to show a list of the Officeaken and, property covered by Insurance Policies for adjustment. BF IT TE7R' FORN ± ESOD" D, that the County Clerk is hereby instructed to notify all the County Officers to make a typewritten list of the furniture, fixtures, machines etc, of their Offiees, in duplicate keeping one copy for their own records and one copy to be filed with the County Clerk, and that the Committee on Buildings and Lands, put a valuation on each article returned by said County Officers, the same to be filed with the Insurance policies. Motion carried. Applications of J. D. Cu.ig, Eugene Fuller, P. J. Eishen, F. F. Nibbler, Ben F. Bremser, W. t. Bauer, E. R. Schmidt end Fred Magner to operste County Tractors and Graders were read and referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Order of committment from the County Judge of Adams County of Gilbert F. Snively a feeble-minded minor, to the Nebraska Institution for feeble-minded youth was read and ordered made a part of the record. Proposition of W. F. Swanson to sell .dams County a cash register was read and no action was taken by the Board. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens, that permission to place a band stand on the Court rouse grounds be not granted. Roll call, ayes: Bivens, HargleroaG ans 1Vhiting. Nays: Durkee, Nelson and Ratcliff. Motion lost. Notice of appointment by the Verona Township Board of J. C. Pratt, Justice of the Peace of Verona. Township and the Official Bond of J. C. Pratt was approved by this Board. Communication from Charles K. Burling, Town Clerk of Wanda Township was read before the Board in regard to the extension of County Road, No 1 to the west limit of Adams County. No action was taken by the Board. At 12 oclock, noon the Board recessed until 1:60 o'clock, P M. .At 1:30 o'clock, P. M. the Board resumed. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Motion carried. GENERAL Fun Mary Dungan Mileage and express 6.42 Guarantee Electric Company - one roll tape X35 W. A. Cole - feeding prisioners, 'mileage and "postage 149.83 leines Drug Company - supplies, Farm Bureau 1.40 w_ 'fid_ 71=1n1,1 — aa.rvi nae aP `;nmarvi cnr 55.75 200 Lincoln Telephone Company - Toll charges, County Offices 7.00 County Treasurer - Water and light, gas, and office telephones 140.10 L. E. Boyd - shoveling snow, Court House ................. 4.00 A. I. Battan - laundry, County Offices O...................... 6.30 D. L. Barlass - Baliff, District Court ............ 30.00 Underwood Typewriter Company - new machine, Register of Deeds Office 70.00 Pickens & Bratton - lineoleum, County Assessor's office 86.50 Omaha Printing Company - supplies, Register of Deeds 19.21 F. W. Fink - repairing two chairs ..... 5.50 J. O. Brower - freight and drayage ........ 1.29 K1opp Printing Company - supplies, County Clerk 21.25 County Treasurer - postage ... ........ 86.44 Lucia Dillenbach - District and County Court costs 523.18 Edward L. Silbey Mfg. Company - one box eyelets 3.25 James E. '' - 16.55 Addle Cornor inquest, William Smith. • L. N. Button, Register of Deeds - recording Deeds, Adams County 3.30 George W. Bivens - services, Supervisor and mileage 38.40 R. M. Ratcliff - services, Supervisor and mileage 55.30 T. G. Whiting - services, Supervisor and mileage 59.60 Extension Service - supplies, Farm Bureau ......... 14.73 Elliott R. Davis - mileage and express, Farm Bureau 84.66 Willard Service Station -.Addressograph and plates, Farm Bureau 75.00 G. G. Kerr - labor and material, Farm Bureau ......................... 0000.0.4100 50.65 K -B Printing Company - poem/lane file case, County Judge 135.00 W. B. Hargleroad - Services, Supervisor and mileage ,... 120.37 George B. Durkee - Services, Supervisor, mileage and cash paid 74.80 University Publishing Company, - supplies, County Superintendent 18.00 C. H. Land za cash paie extra help, County Farris 16.25 Milburn & Scott Company - supplies, County Superintendent 12.18 K -B Printing Company - Court Reporter's supplies... ...... 19.00 Joseph Y. Turbyfill, County Judge, County Court costs, fees and postage 70.25 McElhinney Pharmacy supplies, County Assessor and Clerk 3.50 Edd Bess - Deed, lane bought for State Road No. 41. . ... .............. 50.00 McGrath Hardware Company - su-oplies, County farm 5.08 Hastings Basket System, ( Juniata) - groceries, County Farm 58.13 Juniata Lumber Company - Coal, County Farm 71.05 Charles Crosier - Use of hog, County Farm 12.50 Carl R. Matthiesen & Company - drugs, County Farm 5.97 BRIDC-vR FUND. Frank H. Pitts - Repairs on Bridges etc OO OOOO 244.45 Juniata Dumber Company - Lumber B. Fredrickson .. 10.30 Juniata Lumber Company - Lumber and nails, M. Valentine 9.05 W. F. :Liston Repairing Bridge 7.15 T. W. Goodwin - Filling, County Bridge 81.00 Wm. J. Stromer Culverts, County Roads ...... ..... 44.00 E. E. Whetzell - Grading, new bridge .... 18.40 B. C. Clayton - Grading, new bridge WOW. 49.00 E. L. Kent"- Putting in culvert. 3.20 ROAD FUND 0. B. Heartwell - Assisting County Surveyor.... . $y 10.00 C. A. Reartwell - .Surveying County Roads and mileage ,, 16.60 E. A._Needham - Tractor Operator.......... • •..,.....,• ....,_ ... 6.00 Juniata Lumber Company Supplies to Jesse Wailes 12.25 Glen Fisher - Overhauling tractor 39.00 Jesse Wailes - Overhauling tractor and express ` 42.61 T. G. Whiting - Services and mileage, County Roads... 6.20 McHarry Brothers - Gasoline and repairs 17.90 SP„CIr,{L MOTOR 7, ;HICLE R'^rISTRTION 7UND. B. A. Fredrickson - Overhauling Minn. Tractor, phone calls, etc 27.53 Lynn Woods- Overhauling Minn. Tractor 15.75 Jesse Wailes Overhauling I; inn. Tractor 5.25 W. Y. Falbmaier - Road dragging, Logan Township 36.45 Andy Smidt - Supt. Road -dragging, Fanover Township 48.55 W. A. Newell Supt Road -dragging, Juniata Township 64.85 W. J. Meester - Road -dragging, Blaine Township 16.20 Wm. C. Dycus - Supt. Road -dragging, Ayr Township 23.20 D. N. Bitner Supt. Road -dragging, West Blue Township 53.24 E. A. Brandes Tractor Company Repairs, County Tractor ... 214.31 Department of Public Works - Repairs Quad Trucks 45.05 Charles Kuehn - Supt. Road -dragging , Kenesaw Township 45.90 Wm. Oelsch lager - Supt. Road -dragging, Verona Township 11.00 Fred Roeder - Supt. Road -dragging, Wanda Township 84.15 Emmett Yohey - Road -dragging County roads 17.95 Frank F. Kitts - Road -dragging, County roads 8.40 W. B. Hargleroad - Supt. Road -dragging Cottonwood Township 36.45 J. B. Fernow - Supt Road -dragging, Roseland Township 60.30 Peter Pittz Supt. Road -dragging, Logan Township 15.75 H. Gerloff - Road -dragging, Zero Township 12.60 O(1TTT;IDT0 9_ eATT/'\DT0 D'OTT-011 77171TT, 201 fl POOR AID FUND H. O. Eckhardt - Groceries .• • • ..S• • .. • • • .*..• 0152.18 Deines Drug Company - Drugs. . . . ** .........................•.... 2.08 P. E. Brehm - Services ....... **** . 40.00 Livingston Brothers - Casket and supplies 1 45.00 McElhinney Pharmacy - Drugs . ....••••".•.. • di • • 3.25 James V. Beghtol - Professional Services ....................... 24.00 Dr. F. D. Walters - Professional Services *** • • •• • • • • • • •• .• • 2.00 Yost Lumber Company - Coal ............... 53.00 C. V. Whisnand - Groceries .... ******** .. 13.05 B. F. Carl - Groceries • • • • • • • • • • olb • • • • • • • II • • • • • 18.60 Zena Moffitt - Monthly allowance .....• • • • • • • • • • • 25.00 Henry Albers - Services ***** ...... ****** ....................... 150.00 A. D. Lay -Groceries .1* 0 • • 0 0 • • • • • • 5•90 Juniata Lumber Company - Coal. * *** . • .. * a ********* 4 • • 00* • • • • • • • • 19.85 Anderson Shoe Company - Shoes 11.38 Hastings Fuel Company - Coal . • • • • • • .• .• • 55.50 Mary Lanning Fospital - Services 56.40 Jacob 'Bauer - Groceries .................... 7.40 A. D. Lay - Groceries ••••• ...1 • " • ..... • • "" . . •• 17.43 Pauley Lumber Company - Coal • . ****** . • • . • • 25• 25 Nye, Schneider, Fowler Company - Coal **** • • • • • • • io • • • • • • 6.25 Henry Bauer - Groceries • .• • 4> * • • • • ••••.41,..,•.. Farm Brothers - Meats * OOOOOOOOOO OOOOO ....... • .• • • • • • • • • • • • 71::: E. J. Newkirk- Groceries ....... 7.35 Brooke & Son - Drugs OOO . ******* . ********** • e•••••••• a •••• • it• es 1.30 Hastings Basket Sy6tem, (Juniata) - Groceries . 16.65 Lay Grocery Company - Groceries . 3.77 Byers Lumber Company - Coal ......... *** .-•••• • ***** • ... 19.75 Dora DeBord - Monthly allowfmcs .......... 30.00 B. M. Simms - Drugs .. 16.43 The total number of individuals and families receiving aid from the County as per claims allowed at this Meeting are thirty-six. The total amount o these claims is 849.15. Anyone interested fruther may see the claims on -file in the Office of the County Clerk. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Durkee that the following claims be allowed on the Special Motor Vehicle Registration Fund and the Clerk be instructed to make claim on the Department of Public Works for reimbursement. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Fred G. Roeder...Road-dragging, D.L.D. Wanda Township p 23.85 R. B. Smith - Grading, State Road #40 17.00 Barney Cornelius - Putting up snow fence 0.1 D 4.00 D. Cornelius - Straw, snow protection Road 52 16.00 Jesse WOverhauling, Welles - State Tractor #53. 13.50 Glen Fisher - Overhauling, State Tractor #53 .•... 19.50 B. A. Fredrickson - Work, State Tractor #53 13.50 Lynn Woods - Work, State Tractor 153 12.75 C. Baugh - Dragging, D. I. D. east of Juniata 5.40 McGrath Fardware Company - Bolts .20 Ed Borchers - Dragging State Road No. 53 _.......................... 16.20 W. A. Newell, Supt - Dragging State Road No. 53 41.85 Stewart & Smith - Gaskets, etc. 4.45 E. L. Needham - Running Grader on State Road 68.57 E. L. Needham - Running Grader on State Road 9.00 Manhattan Oil Company - Gas and oil, State Road 102.35 E. A. Needham - Running tractor on State Roads 49.12 McHarry Brothers - supplies and mileage . 9.50 Geo. W. Bivens - Services an mileage, State Road 10.00 E. A. Brandes Tractor Company - Labor and supplies on tractors 120.10 T. G. Whiting, Shpt - Services and mileage State Road #41 10.00 R. M. Ratcliff, Supt - Services and mileage, State Road #41 6.40 Chas. Pedersn - Shoveling snow, State Road #53 4.80 Emmett Yohey - Road -dragging State Road 73 3.20 Frank H. Mitts - Road -dragging State Road #53 11.20 John B. COrnellus - Putting up snow fence, D. L. D. 4.00 B. M. Simms - Ether for Tractor ••••••00 .75 J. E. Whitesel - Work with Maintainer, State Road #40 6.37 Motion by Bivens, Second by Hargleroad that the following named persons be designated as Superintendents of West Blue Highland Verona Menesaw Wanda Juniata Ednver dragging for the year 1921. Motion carried. - D. N. Bitner - 0. M. Doty - Wm. Oelschlager - B. F. Schlegel - Fred G. Roeder - W. A. Newell - C. T. Smiley Hanover - Ayr Roseland - Cottonwood. - Logan Silver Make Zero Andy Smid t W. C. Dycus J. B. Fernow W. B. Hargleroad F. F. Behlke - F. B. Burroughs - Christ Mort iu LDA 202 Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Ratcliff that we appropriate $500.00 to each of the sixteen townships of Adams County for dragging roads, same to be effective after January 5th 1921. Roll call, ayes Hargleroad and Ratcliff. Nays Bivens, Durkee, Nelson and Whiting. Motion lost. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Nelson that the claim of Joseph M. Turbyfill, County Judge on the General Fund for 10.00 be disallowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Durkee, Second by Nelson that the request of Laura M. Bouren for a reftind of taxes paid under protest on account of over valuation, Tax Receipt No.b327, and the reouest of the Watkins-Clute Company for a re-rund on acdount of over valuation, Tax receipt No.48b5 be disallowed, an account of the Board having no authority to reduce these valuations after the Board of Equalization has passed on them. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Nelson that B. A. Fredrickson be given authority to inspect tractors belonging to the County at any time when called upon by the Supervisors at no extra charge to the County. Also that Mr.Fredrickson be allowed to choose and instruct Engineers in charge of Tractors. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens, that we buy a Havelock Mainttin er for use on the State and Federal Roads. RO11 call, all Voted aye. Motion carried. Minutes were read and approved. Motion by Bivens, Second by Durkee that this Board now adjourn to meet again, March, 21st 1921, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Motion carried. Whdrdtp5h thd Board adjourned. r9Vil, I) -1\-- 283 1 Monday, March 21st 1921, 10 o'clock, A.M. Board met pursuant to adjoarnment March, 3rd 1921. Roll call, Members present as follows: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Ratcliff, Whiting and Nelson. Absent: Zohner. The Bond Committee recommended that the following bonds of Road Overseers be anproved and on motion of Fargleroad, Second by Ratcliff the same were approved. Will Reis Dist. #2 Ayr Charles Farman Dist. #4 Roseland John Winter Dist. #2 Roseland Wm. J. Stromer Dist 2 Hanover John Woodworth Dist. 44 Ayr Albert Lay List 43 Hanover Albert Schultz Dist. 43. Jyr John Eihusen Dist. 44 Hanover Farm Johnson Dist. 43 Ayr Frank Schneider Dist. Wanda L. Femberger Dist. #2 Juniata Geo. Roeder List. #4 Wanda Oscar Johnson Dist. #4 Juniata Chas. ndmondson Dist. #3 ‘Janda Chas. T. Hansen Dist. 41 Roseland F. W. Manske Dist. #2 Zero Henry Ruhter Dist. #3 Roseland ran Falloran Dist. #1 Blaine F. D. Rabbe Tist. l Hanover Albert Lay, Road Overseer of Hanover Township appeared before the Board and asked that a certain strip of land be bought for the use of improving a road in Hanover Township. Motion by Durkee, Second by Pargleroad that Albert Lay be instructed to see Yr. Henry Murray owner of said Ian( in regard to buying the same and to report to this Board at their next Meeting. L:otion carried. The appointment of William Widmaier, Constable by Joseph M. Turbyfill, Judge of the County Court, John W. Shaw, Justice of the -eace and James F. Crowley, Justice of the Peace was read before the Board. Official Bond of Willieth Widmaier, Constable was upon motion by Fargleroad, Second by Ratcliff approved. Petition of Charles A. Kohl was read before the Board as follows: To the Honorable the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska. Comes now Charles A. Kohl and shows unto your Honorable Body that he now is and for eleven years last past has 'keen the owner of the North , of the North Fast quarter of section 23, township 6 North, range 10 ',lest of the sixth principal meridian in Adams County, Nebraska. That said premises are well improved, Yon- petitioner having erected a dwelling house with all modern conveniences and 'hams and out buildings on said premises at large expense, and your petitioner resides upon said premises with his wife and family as a homestead. That the public highray running north and south between sections 23 and 24 on the east line of' your petitioner's said ,eighty acres has been designated as a federal highway and the same is being improved and graded along the east line of your petitioner's said eighty acres. That the engineer in charge of said work has an( is erecting a grade from three to four feet high in front of your petitioner's said premises, which said grade continues npRt panti- line o -r Rni6 premiseS. 62-IVIATA 204 j petitioner's premises runs across your petitioner's said eighty acres of land in a southeasterly direction and carries the waters in tines of freshets and melting snows from a large territory out onto and across the public highway same 10 to 15 rods north of the south line of your petitioner's premises. That the driveway leading from the petitioner's premises into the public highway connects with said public highway about 10 to 15 rods north of petitioner's south line, at which point the grade which is being constructed is three feet'five inches high. That said grade entirely cuts off petition s access to the public highway and prevents his ingress and egress to and from his said premises. Your petitioner further shows unto your Fonors that the ordinary course of the waters, coming down the aforesaid draw or surface drain, in times of heavy rains, freshets and melting snows is into, upon and across the public highway and then spreads out over an area of some two to three acres of ground immediately in front of the premises of the said petitioner and on the east side of said highway. Your petitioner farther shows that the said grade so constructed or about to be constructed on said public highway has no bridges, culverts or other means to enable the water to flow in its ordinary course, and that said grade without such bridges will cause Kl of tree water coming down said draw or surface drain to be cast back and upon petitioner's premises.to his.great damage and to the damage of the use and enjoyment of his dwelling, barn yard and orchard, W14777r0R111 your petitioner prays your Honorable Body to reouire a bridge to be placed in said grade north of petitioner's drive -way sufficient to permit the waters to flow through and across and Spread out an the east side of said road and to place a bridge in said grade south of the south line of the petitioner's premises of sufficient size to enable the waters so flowing through the bridge north of petitioner's drive -way to flow back and across the highway to the west siong the usual course of drainage thus and thereby relieving petitioner's premises from the additional burden of carrying all the waters coming down said draw or surface drainage which heretofore have never been cast upon your petitioner's Premises. Your petitioner further prays your Honorable Body to provide for and construct a bridge on the center line of petitioner's drive -way connecting with the highway from the west line oT the highway to the grade being constructed, to enable petitioner to have agress and ingress from and to his premises and to enable the waters in times of heavy rains, spring freshets and melting snows which naturally flow down on the west side of said highway and along petitioner's east line, to follow their usual and natural course and not to be cast back, held and compounded upon your petitioner's premises. Dated this 21 day of March, A. D. 1921 C. A. Kohl By Harry S. Dungan His Attorney. v. S. Dungan appeared before the Board on behalf of Chas. A. Kohl and explained Yr. Kohl's view of the situation. Also C. E. Wright of the State Engineering Department appeared and explained the situation from their view point. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Durkee that the County Board meet with the State 205 Kohl. Lotion carried. John Eihusen of Hanover Township appeared before the Board and aaked that the County help in building a grade in Hanover TownshiP. BOard agreed to View,On March 26th 1921. At 12 o'clock the Board recessed until 1:30 o'clock, P. M. At 1:30 o'clock, • M. the Board reassembled. A11 Members present except 7ohner. Motion by Fargleroad, Second by Bivens that the County ssessor be instructed to call in four Real Estate men and one Architect to assist in placing valuations on Hastings Real Estate. Motion carried. The entire afternoon session was taken up in consultation with the precinct assessors and with the County Assessor in regard to valuations for the year 1921. At 5 o'clock the Board recessed until 9 o'clock, March 22nd 1921. mU7SPAY, MIRCH 22nd 1921 9 O'clock, A. M. Board reassembled ft 9 o'clock, L. M. All Members present except 7ohner. The Board recessed until 1 o'clock, P. M. and went over to the Adams -Hall County line to meet with the Hall County Board and viewed some Bridges. At 1 o'clock, 7.?. M. the Board resumed, all Members present except Zohner. Motion by Ratcliff, Second by Bivens that the Official Bonds of Lucia R. Dillenbach, Clerk of the District Court and Ellen R. Larsen, Deputy Clerk he approved. Motion carried. These bonds are given in place of the ones given at the beginning of their term. Motion by Fargleroad, Second by Bivens that we buy four cement culverts from the Mid -State Construction Company for use on the County Roads in Zero and Ayr Townships at the price agreed upon with Mr. Blackstone. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Pelson that we comply with the order of the County Court in the matter of a renewal of a Mother's Pension for Mrs. Irma Dillow. MotiOn carried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Hargleroad that the Chairman and Clerk be instriicted to sign the application for admission to the Soldier's and Sailors Rome at Burkett, rebraska of John W. Cartichael. Motion carried. Motion by Rargleroad, Second by Pelson that the County Treasurer be authorized and instructed to transfer e4000...00 from the Inheritance Tax Fund to the County Road Fund. Motion carried. Motion by rargleroad, Second by Felson that we do not appoint a regular Highway Commissioner, but instead, appoint a Superintendent of County, State and Federal Roads with power to act in all capacities as a righway Commissioncr under the authority and direction 04 the County Board, at a salary of 0.50.00 per month. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Durkee that we proceed to an informal ballot for Superintendent. Informal ballot resulted as follows : C. A. Heartwell, one, W. H. McDowell, 'three, R. A. St. John, two. Proceeded to a formal ballot, which resulted as follows: W. N. McDowell, four, E. A. St John two. The Chairman announced that Mr. McDowell was duly arnointed Supe±intendent. Motion by Bivens, Second by Pelson that the County ,Treasurer be instructed to refund to Banker's Life Insurance Company, ;';"10.91 on account of clerical error, Tax Receipt Po3486, and to refund to F. G. Howland, 4.68 on account of erroneous r2-1 206 7 voted aye and motion carried. Yotion by Durkee, Second by Bivens, that the reouest of Katherine Rogers for a refund of taxes on account 0-r over valw:tion as sho—n by Tax Receipt lio.5500 be disallowed on account of the Board having no authority to do this. Motion carried. Minutes read and anproved. Motion by Ratcliff, Second by Durkee that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Wednesday, March 30th 1921 at lo o'clock, 4— M. Motion carried. Whereupon the Board adjourned. Gat4 :QJ ITN7Y CL7RK. 207 Wednesday, March 30th 1921, 10 o'clock, A. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment of March 22, 1921. Roll call, all Members present except Zohner. H. S. Dungan appeared before the Board in support of a TetitiOnn filed at the last meeting of the Board by Chas. A. Kohl. After considerable discussion of this Petition it was on motion by Bivens, Second by Nelson made a special order for Thursday, March 31st 1921 al 9 o'clock, A. M. when the entire Board together with the Assistant State Enginner will view the Roads described in this Petition and determine what is best to do in premises. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1 o'clock, P. M. At 1 o'clock P. M. the Board resumed. All Members present except Zohner. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens, that the following Official Road Overseer's Bonds be anproved: James Patterson Dist.#56 Logan Albert Morgan Dist.#57 Logan Art Grothen Dist.#3 Denver Bert Needham Dist.#58 Logan W. H. Gartner Dist.#1 Little Blue E. V. Osgood Dist .#1 Juniata John Stethem Dist.#2 Little Blue John F. Riese Dist.#3 Juniata Emil Kalvoda Dist #4 Little Blue T. J. Hines Dist.#2 Cottonwood John Wynn Dist /1'2 Highland Karl Reinhart Dist.#3 Cottonwood Earl Frink Dist #3 Highland W. E. Shafer Dist.#1 Denver Wm Gilmore Dist #4 Zero Fred Paris DisI.#2 Denver Frank Bohlke Dist #1 Wanda Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Durkee that we enter into a contract with the Patrolmen on the State and Federal Aid Road, to pay them $125.00 per month with an additional bonus of $15.00 per month provided they stay through the season. No allowance to be made for transportation to and from their work. Roll call, ayes: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Nelson and Ratcliff. Nays: Whiting. Motion carried. '!Ution by Nelson, Second by Bivens, that W. H. McDowell, Superintendent o State and Federal Roads be author- ized to sign the contracts with the Patrolmen in the name of the County and that the bonds of the Patrolmen be fixed at $500.00. Contracts to run from April lsL 1921 to December lst 1921. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Durkee, that the petition of the American Legion Post No. 11, asking that 25 Markers be bought for use in marking the graves of ex -service men in Adams County, be granted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Nelson, that we enter into a contract with John Y. Smith, agent for one Stroud "King fHiways" maintainer, at $800.00, for use on the State and Federal Roads. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. A. A. Lembach, President of the ChambereofCommurce, and P. W. McIntosh appeared before the Board in behalf of getting a Band Stand placed on the Court House Grounds Nn action Iva? taken by the Board. At 5 o'clock the Board recessed until 9 o'clock Thursday, arch 31st 1921. Thursday March, 31s1 1921 9 o'clock, A. M. The entire Board together with the Assistant State Engineer went out to the Chas. A. Kohl farm to view State and Federal Road No.41) In regard to the Petitio-1 of Chas. A. Kohl asking that three bridges be built at this points Inspection also was made on this Road of a proposed Spillway near the Ira Philleo Farm. The Board also inspected a road in Hanover Township for which County aid had been asked. At 1 o'clock, P. M. the entire Board went out to inspect a Bridge on State and Federal Road #53 at a point about seven miles west of Juniata. Recommendations on these inspections will be made by the Assistant State Engineer to the Federal authorities and reported bacK to Ills Board. 208 The matter of Contracts and Bonds with the County Road Employees was taken up and discussed. A form of contract was drawn up and each employee was required to sign it and also to make Bond to the County in the sum of $500400 for the faithful performance of their duties;_ Motion by Nelson, Second by. Harp;leroad that we enter intoa contract with the J. D. Adams Company for a 10 ft Grader for use on the Stte and Federal Roads at a price of X1320.00, set up and 'ready to work. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Minutes read and approved. Motion by Bivens, Seco;; ^.d by Nelson that. this Board now adjourn to meet again on Friday, April 8th 1921 at 10 o'clock, A. A. Whereupon the Board adjourned. COUNTY "CLERK: 209 Friday, April, 8th 1921, 10 o'clock, A. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment of March 31st 1921. Roll call, all 7embers present except Zohner. Motion by Bivens, Second by Nelson that the order of the County Court be complied with in regard to a Mother's Pension for Emma Dell Young and Ida McFerren for a period of six months and the Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The First Quarterly Report of County Judge, Turbyfill was read before the Board and placed on file. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Nelson that the request ofthe Stein Brothers Company for a refund of $30.48 on account of erroneous assessment on Lots 22-23-24, Block, 22, Johnson's Addition be granted, Tax Receipt No.5780. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Ratcliff that the following Official Bonds be approved: Jos. E. Vance Road Overseer District No.2 Blaine Township. Frank Hoagland Edward Rief $$ 11 4' tt No.3 Blaine Township No. 1 Highland Township Louis Mick No. 3 Zero Township O. S. Woods tO tf No.3 Little Blue Township F. E. Nash No. 4 Denver Township Motion carried. Motion by Nelson, Second by Durkee that the following resolution be adopted: that the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants on the first of each month to the State and County Patrolmen for the amounts due them as certified by the Superintendent of State and Federal Roads and the Board of Supervisors. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock the Board recessed until 1 o'clock, P. M. At 1 o'clock the Board resumed, all Members present except Zohner. . . Motion by Bivens, Second by Durkee that the followiii7 claithe-be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND R. M. Ratcliff, - Services and mileage on County Board 70.80 Haynes Brothers - Plate glass, Court House 51.41 Dr. E. B. Hamel - Fumigating, and quarantining ...... .. .. . ........... 82.25 J. H. McGrath Hardware Co - Supplies for County Farm 4.75 G. G. Kerr - Labor and material, Farm Bureau 9.35 Extension Service - Supplies for Farm Bureau .0060040 ... 00 6 0 6 • 6 . 11.41 Latsch Brothers Inc - Mimeograph machine, Farm Bureau.... .......... .... ................ 65.00 A. I. Battan - Laundry for Court House 006.600.0 6.45 H. F. Russel - Insurance on furniture and fixtures, Court House 220.0 Deines Drug Co - Office supplies, Farm Pureau 4.80 Geo. Lovell - One box Toilet Soap for Court House 9 University Publishing Company - Examination papers, County Supt 18.00 J. O. Brower - Freight on paint.,... .......... .0.614.0.0.0600 ......00006.0.00060000* 15:0 7°3 0400 K -B Printing Company - Supplies for County Clerk.................... .............. 3.12 0. H. Sprankle - Trimming horse's feet, County Farm .50 K -B Printing Company - County Superintendent's supplies 20.16 Rutherford Brothers - Labor and supplies, County Farm and Court House 40.05 .Tames F. Orowley - Justice fees........ ..•... 11.10 Lucia Dillenbach - Express, fees and salary 218.62 Mary Dungan - Express, postage and mileage 14.39 W. R. Ferguson - Labor at Court House 14.40 Carl R. Matthiesen & Co - Supplies for County Farm 5.66 C. C. Imler - Labor at Court Fouse........ ....... ..... ..... . ..... . .......... ....... . 3.50 J. C. Garron - Labor at Court Nouse 20.00 J. B. Kline - Light for Court House 1.20 ............. Lincoln Tel & Telg Co - Toll call, County offices 4.45 Lincoln Tel & Telg. Co - Toll calt, County Agent 6.55 James E. Addie - Postage, telegrams and phone call .... Geo W. Bivens - Services, oh"Couiaty-Bdard'nand mileage . 12 12 . 95.80 H. C. Haverly Co Traas - Water, lights and office telephones, Court House 117.20 W. A. Cole - "nail fees, postaee and mileage 134.40 Line -a4 -.time MfgCO - Two line -a -times, County Judge and Attorney's office 28.00 Deines Drug Company - Supplies County Of4aces. 13.00 K -B Printing Co. - Supplies County Clerk's Office 6.12 L. N. Button - Postage and express..Register of Deeds 13.73 Vilin++ R_ nnvim - Png+nrre. p,rnrpnn milAncrA +rin +n Tinnn1r, A1 '7A lJ Li D. L. Bariass - Services, Banff District Court $ 18.00 Omaha Printing Co - Assessor's supplies. 6.36 K -B Printing Co - Supplies, County Superintendent 75.00 Renner & Serf - Supplies for County offices 198.70 Stein Bros Company - rurntire, County Judge's Office 12.25 J. C. Tyson - Labor at CourteHouse....... ...... ........... . . .. .. .. e14.40 City of Hastings - Repairs on meter, Court House 4.20 W. B. Hargleroad - Services and Mileage, County Board 60.00 Central City Chemical Company - Fumigators E. A. Brandos - Storage and repairs for County car.... . 13.25 Watkins-Clute Printing Company - Printing and supplies for COunty.. 217.55 W. M. Nelson - Services on County Board 37.50 Pickens & Bratton Supplies and labor, Court House 9.00 K -B Printing Company - Assessor's supplies 12.62 K -B Printing Company - Assessor's supplies 249.00 K -B Printing Company - County Superintendent's supplies 122.50 Zion Institution & Industries ,.Supplies County office's 30.79 wth. M. Dutton & Sons eo - Repairing Assessor's Bags 7.00 A. M. Clark - Trip to Assessor's Meeting, Lincoln 10.25 Remington Typewriter Company - One typewriter, County Judge 103.50 Mary K. Bauder - Services preparing Assessor's RealEstate Books 49150 T. G. Whiting.:"Servioes.on County Board and mileage.'.. ...... ... ...... 93.50 C. E. Higinbotham - Assisting County Assessor 15.00 U. S. Rohrer - Assisting County Assessor and map.......- .............. 17.00 Wm Westering - Assisting County Aesessor 15.00 Wm M Lowman - Assisting County Assessor 15.00 Geo B Durkee - Services on County Board and Labor on Court House 91.10 K -B Printing Company - Assessment. Books 143.n0 Wm. Schroeder - Labor at Court House 2.80 Geo. A. Dericks -- Making keys for Court House...." ... . .......... 1.30 Jay Webb - Labor, removing pipe at Court House 4.00 K -B Printing Company - Diplomas, County Superintendent,.,..,., -, 9".-) le State Bank of Hastings - Account of 0. 1), Richey 280,00 Wolbach & Bracb - Supolies at County 'Farm.- ..... . .. . ..... . .... 7.45 Rippeteau W P & Paint Co - Supplies County Farm.............. ....... 13.00 Hastings Basket System - Groceries,County Farm ........ ......:72.87 University Publishing Company - SuPplies, County Superintendent.,.....,18.36 Frankel Carbon & Ribbon,Mg Co - Typewriter ribbons.......... 4.00 59.90 BRIDGE }'VD Wm. Reis - Hauling pland and repairing bridge, Ayr Township.-- t 24.90 Albert Lay - Hauling plank and labor on County bridges, Hanover Twsp12.50 A. B. Hagemeyer - Labor on County bridges, Hanover Township ........ 47.00 J. A. Silvey Lumber Company - Lumber for bridges................. 127.95 Roseland Lumber Company - Bridge lumber 27.40 J. G. Jones - Nails ........ ......... ...... .6.00..".o0t00.0600 .70 Roseland Lumber Company - Bridge lumber.................... ....... .. 114.00 Roseland Lumber Company - Bridge lumber . . • • • 18.70 Ayr -Lumber Company - Bridge Lumber......... .. ... . . ... . .. ........ 45. 5 Harvey, P. Jones - Repairing bridges in Little Blue Township 13.55 Bert Needham - Filling against bridge, Logan Township...," ...... 11.20 Roseland Iumber Company - Bridge lumber... ....... . .. . . .. .........43.20 Roy K. Smith - labor and cash paid for supplies, bridge Plaine Twsp15.10 W. H. Fisher - Labor on County Bridge, West Blue Township......... 20.80 Martin Crosson - Filling in culverts,verona Township 5.60 W. B. Hargleroad - Freight paid on oil and hardware 19.69 Ayr Lumber Company - Lumber for County bridges, Ayr and Zero Townships14.85 Byers Lumber Company - Bridge pland, Hanover Township ... 46.10 Mid -State Construction Company - Cutting steel....... . . ......... .... . 25.68 Mid -State Construction Company - Concrete culverts and pipes 441.08 Oliver Lumeer Company - Bridge Lumber.. .......... ......... ..... 47.85 Frank H. Kitts -Cement bridges and supplies for County......... ....... 554.23 Frank M. Kitts - Cement bridges and supplies for County528.13 Juniata Lumber Company - Bridge lumber ... . .... .............. ...... 53.45 Charles Crosier - Labor on County bridge, Juniata Townshin..4.40 Harry Poulton - Labor on County bridge, Juniata Township .......... 8.80 Clyde Preston - Labor on County bridge, Juniata Township .80 Juniata Lumber Company - Ltuter, posts and nails...-. ..... . ..... 75.95 Earl V. Osgood - Labor on County bridges, Juniata ...... . .. 15.40 Frank H. Kitts - Labor on County bridges, supplies mac lumner........... >03.31 ROAD FUND J. E. Allender - LaUor on COUntY ROadSOMeflte4...060.........44.0'seete; 38400 Ayr Auto Company - Gas, all, supplies and labor on County Tractor.... 56.05 Ayr Auto Company - Ilacksmithing on County macbinery........... 3.25 Earl Bayles - Operating County 30.00 deo. Bivens - Express paid on repairs.. tOteteets44,00044.0....0.004 28.40 Geo. M. Bivens - Freight paid on repairs.. 000e ..... 6.12 William Bovard - Labor on County Road,.. ••••• • • 18 POO Brooke & Son - Ether for tractor., . $41• •1“.•• •T•efte 1, • • If 10 61.4“ *Of beg• 1.60 O. H. Brown - Labor on County Road..-......... ...... ...... 16.00 B. C. Clayton - Labor on County Road.......................... ... . ... 123.00 C. G. Craven - Hauling County repairs for Aultman & Tayler Tractor... 1.00 R. P. Cumming - Steel cable for District ...... 7.50 Walter Derkert - Operating County ........ ......... 18.00 Geo. A. Dericks - Welding, machinery in District 1.25 Cleadon Fisher - Labor on County tractor •,,,,.,, ...-4 4 15.00 Clendon Fisher Overhauling County Tractor•., •,...,.,......,,... ,0000. 42.00 Clendon Fisher - Overhauling County Tractor........................ 40.50 B. A. Fredrickson Labor on County Tractors,exoenses to Lincoln.... 101.11 etc.....,..,...,,........;.... R J. Hargleroad - Bolts, nails W . W.Gates - Labor on CountyRoads ..0•04..100..,00,0601.0 .. .00 0000 •-. , 10.40 W. B. Hargleroad - Superintending; and labor on County Roads........... 67.80 W. B. Hargleroad - Superintending .and labor on County Roads"... . 19.80 Peter Hansen Operating Maintainer and Grader on County Roads......... 81.00 John Hendrick - Labor on County Road.....,.......... 0000 24.20 August Holstein - Repairing and operating. County Tractor....r-...>•:..s. 83.20 Juniata Lumber Company - Tools etc .•>....e.....•.,....: ... 9.65 Juniata Lumber Company - Bolts etc.....>.r.:-..•,.E... ..., 0:000.- 2.90 Juniata Lumber Company Padlocks. 0000.. . ...••:,...,..r.,.;r.r (4.50 Juniata Lumber Company - Bolts etc..............**""'"'''.......... 6 .00 H. N. Livingston - Labor on County Roads..;,..-. ,;....;,....,....r... 86.50 H. N. Livingston Labor on County;Roads.... .....,....... ....,_180.20 Fred Magner - Labor on County Tractor and Maintainer.................. 17.25 Manhattan Oil Company Gas and oil for Tractors..... 48.73 G. L. Marymee - Labor for repairing Tractor....... ................... 40.00 Gilbert Mathews - Road work .•...,,.•••... ••••.••,••••.•.... . 18.70 A. F. Meyer Hardware Company - Bolts, wrenches etc..• 8.82 E. L. Needham - Labor on Couity Engine . • ............• .... • , • • ►,• .: 23.25 Fred Oberle - County Road work..•...,.•e. _.r•, ••.s..,,,••.•..r:.. ••,... 98.00 F. S. Philleo - County road work. ....,.....•.... ,.. •.,.•,:: 31.85 Herman Plantz -..Grading County Roads ............ ••.►•.......• 166.10 Herman Plantz - Labor on County roads ... •, . • . ..... • . •... • . •., . r ...4 160.60 R. M. Ratcliff Superintending and labor on County Roads..,...........,. 75.70 Reader &. Son - Repair on County. Grader... , ,, .. ,,.....<.,,. a:•.... •:.:.. •.. , 9.37 L. R. Rickerson -. Drayage..,r......•. ..,......•. „.•,.i....•.... 1.50 Rutherford Brothers - Supplies for County machinery....,.,,...........-. 2.19 0., H. Sprankle - Supplies for County Tractors....................... 44.50 Stockland Road Machinery Corrpany.- Grader repairs...„.r'.•,.',..,,.,.... 82.52 Aultman &Taylor Company_- County Tractors repairs...........,.,...... 66.10 Aultman & Taylor Company Gaskets.,*ea *so . ,, r•..,... ,0000.. 4.50 Aultman & Taylor Company - Tractor repairs.,.,,0•;00,..-....,..,,,..-.,,,•. 189.45 The Galion Iron Works & Mfg. Company County Grader repairs."... 161.05 Jesse Wailes' Overhauling County Grader and Tractor..... „ .... ... 33.00 Jesse Wailes - Overhauling County Tractor............................ 37.50 E. P. Weatherwax - Labor on County Roads........-•,. 0000..• >.,..... '48.10 Ed Whetzell Labor on County Roads.Roads..,• .., .... , .....•....... • , 50.00 Oran Wh.te Labor on County, Roads...•.,..........,000:•;0.,•..,..,.•..;. 28.00 T. G. Whiting - Services on County Roads, Juniata Township....,....... 22.80 T. G. Whiting - Express _paid on Aultman & Taylor tractor repairs..,.. 23.02 T. G. Whiting - Express paid . on Aultman & Taylor tractor repairs.. ..• 7.27 B. G. Wigest- Labor on County Roads,.,:::Y,..•....r_,....:�,.•...r..,,.r•... 47.00 J. E. Wiltrout - Labor and mileage, County engine -and Grader......,.;... 23.25 Emmett Yohey - Labor and operating Tractor on County Road ............. 33.45 SPECIAL. MOTORVEHICLE' "RECTST 1`O'T ft;,. 0.H.Sprankle Repairing County Maintainer etc... ..... ... 15.30 And Smidt -,Road dragging, Hanover Township.•..,,..,..,.•.•...,•.-• 21.00 B. 1 .Schlegel - Superintendent Road dragging, .T enesaw T.r,ownship.. Township.... .... 58.95 Peter Pittz - respecting Road, Logan Township•..........-..,•,..•• .•>,•,, 2.50 Wm. Oelschlager - Su pt.Roaddragging Verona Township.....•.,......., 45.60 Christ Kort - Supt Road dragging Zero Township...0,.•:.-,,04.••••,.••,• 47.70 Highwya Maintainer Company - Repairs for Maintainer................... 14.75 Highway,Mai.ntainer Company - Parts for County Maintainer...,.......... 25.00 4V. B. Hargleroad - Supt Road dragging, Cottonwood Township."... 20.25 W. B. Hargleroad - Supt, Road dragging, Cottonwood To nship......•.•,, 5.85 Wm Dycus - Supt. Road dragging.). Ayr Township...., • . • . • •.. •:e 000. • 0000 2.50 Wm Dycus - Road dragging, Ayr Township..,• ••.,,,•, ...,.•••.•.•rr• 29.90 0. M. Doty - Supt Road dragging, Highland Township.................... 32.25 Pearl R. Daugherty - Road dragging, Denver Township...... .............. 11.70 H. B. Burroughs - Supt. Road dragging, Silver Lake Township,repair drag 37.55 H. F. Bohlke. - Supt Road dragging -Logan Township..................... 32.85 E. Ray Anderson - Supt Road dragging, Little Blue Township............ 51.10 POOR AID FUND Henry Albers - Services...,...., r. ,•,•,:;. r.•.0 •0•.•00 150.00 Anderson Shoe. Company.- Three pair shoes,,. r,0.......,......., 11.20 P. E• Brehm - Services ....r..,r.•-,-rrrr::•••r. r••. -...,..r, ...r 40.00 Coulter Grocery . Groceries.. Currier -McCulloch, Coal Company Currier.McCulloch Coal Company Dora DeBord .. Allowance......., IN, O. Eckhardt - Groceries ... • z,. • .c.. a :. a •:•-r . • • .', . ,• . ,v:, ..-, •:. • 18 .43 Coal.R..•. r0r r0....., ., •,.'.'.,... •.., 3.25 -. Coal..••rrt.r••..-..•_e. ••-.:r.s•tis-r'. 3.75 r ,:. ;r:, • • l. -"t .. • 'e ,:.. , ► , • .. ,. • • . • • • .:. . " 3 0 00' . .74i • 75.55 Hastings Basket System Groceries... •r...••, ...e.... •,. 8.77 Hastings Basket System Gro.ceries.r.e_.,rrrIwo r.••.,. -•,,'.:...•-, iv, .r. .16.65 Burial _fees ,.. • • . _.10.00 , s'•: •::•. sr- •r:.••. r•:, •-••• r. r, Av. :,r • •'•".:. 50 . • • • a- r..r r::rs::tia',r •" aka • • 11 • •art r' -r'. • ...- •••= rr. r;"11 •15 • • .. ► , .....- ,.,.:, . , , , : r' • • r I.*1-.1.* . t•-• . ,::., R R 25.65 Hastings .Cemetary Association Hastings Fuel. Company ..-Coal. Henry Herbst Groceries. -,..-c, Juniata Lumber Company - Coal A n L 212 B. M. Simms' - Sunnyside Conrad Walker Groceries• • • sr • • • • • Ar • • • • ft,* C. Whisnand GrOcOrieseavarccoowtorsesibrovvrn H. B. Wiseman - J. H. Yost Lumber Company - Coal The number of families and individuals receiving aid this 4114411.'416AVO$ 17.22 • lit 4.! • •-•! • • • • 2•52 • • • • • 1,11 • • 4.28 a • •-•-,•-• a 4.40 .. • • • • • • • • • 16.00 month are twenty..eight and the amount is $815.17 Motion by Bivens, Second by Nelson that the claims be allowed on the Road Dragging Fund and the Clerk be instructed to make a claim on the Department of Public Works for reimbursement. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried.. J. E. Allender - Labor on State Road #41.. 000 ..........................$1.60 Geo W. Bivens - Overseeing maintenance of D.L.D'andMilea7e......... ..1O r.0 Ed Druecker - Labor on State Road #41 • • 1 • * 12*g • •••••••• • .. 0 Clendon Fisher - Overhauling Tractor, Road #53 .........................18.00 B. A. Fredrikson - Maintianing State Road, Tractor work & express...34.07 W. A. Chlowdoers - Gas and oil, State and Federal Manhattan Oil Company - Gas and oil, State and Federal 4.71 E. L. Needham - Maintaining State Roads and overhauling enginer.....•83.62 F. S. Philleo - Labor on State and Federal Road 4.00 R. M. Ratcliff - Labor and mileage on State Road 7 6.00 O. H. Sprankle - Sharpening Maintainer 10.00 JessaWailes - Overhauling Tractor State Road 18.00 Lynn Woods Overhauling State Lynn Woods- Engineer. State Road 72.38 Motion by Nelson, Second by Durkee that the claim of Cedric,Potter on the General Fund for $25.00 be allowed at $10.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Minutes read and approved. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Nelson that this Board:now adjourn to meet again on Thursday, April 21st 1921 at 10 o'clock, A. M. Whereupon the Board Adjourned. trY CHAtRMAN. ' * 4 LLL 213 fl Thursday April 21, 1921, 10 A.M. Board met pursuant to adjournment of April 8, 1921. Roll cal) all members present except Zohner. H. S. Wiggins, of the Wiggins -Babcock Company of Lincoln, Nebraska, Expert Accountants, appeared before the Board with a report on the Office of the Clerk of the District Court for the two terms of ex -clerk Lem Tibbets, which occupied the attention of the Board all of the forenoon. At 12 noon the Board recessec until one P.M. At one P.M. the Board resumed, all members present except Zohner. The Wiggin's report was again taken up and Mr. Tiblets was called before the Board and an agreement was entered into extending the time of closing up the items of this report, and that a final report will be made to the Board at their next meeting. Motion by Hargleroad second by Bivens, that the following claims be allowed on the General Fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll cal) all voted aye. Motion carried. County Treasurer..........$100.00 C. D. Richey $250.00 Motion by Bivens second by Hargleroad, that the following Official Bonds be approved. Motion carried. Fred Taute, Road Overseer, Dist. #4, Verona. Richard amuse, Road Overseer, Dist. #3, Verona. Wm. Curtis, Road Overseer, Dist. #3, Blaine. Thole. Goodwin, Road Overseer, Dist. #4, Highland. Robert Warnke, Road Overseer, Distil, Zero. Matt Kummer, Road Overseer, Dist. 1 Silver Lake. Motion by Bivens second by Nelson, that the following names be submitted to the Clerk of the District Court from shich to draw the Jury for the May term: Supervisor Dist. #1. John H. Bierman J. W. Banta F. A. Grubb Frank Hoagland Milo Fink J. H. Daugherty Supervisor Robert A. Karr E. S. Randall J. W. McHarry Wm, M. Prante Wm. Hein Frank Beach O. M. Doty Platte Stull Fred Paris Edwin Heeren Dist. #2. Albert Schultz Wm. M. Reis Simon W. Van Boening Henry Murra Wm. E. Stromer Supervisor Dist W. J. Pottorf E. D. Pratt Ray Sumstine Christ Berndt Supervisor Dist Fred Boyd Gus Bourg J. W. Graves Chas Wheat J. B. Blankenbiller ▪ #3 F. S. Joynt Casper Gentert H. L. Hendrickson Frank Currier Gilbert Harpham . #4 J. W. Koons N. Burl Osborn Albert Bostock E. Ray Anderson M. R. Burroughs Supervisor Dist E. V. Allender Arthur Blake Harry Bohnet John Coordt Supervisor Dist G. E. Anderson W. S. Ashby C. W. Brown Geo. E. Collett E. B. Cook C. M. Dominy • #5 Geo. Hoff Elmer Snyder S. B. Sorensen Chester C. Campbell Wm. J. McCauley . #6 Dean W. Fay C. A. Hearrwell Peter Hemple H. W. Jones Wm. Likely A. O. Mead Supervisor Dist. #7 W. B. Brownell R. J. Peterson Oscar Asmus Donald McKay L. J. Sickman W. E. S. W. Chas. H. C. Merritt Bissell Doty Price Motion by Durkee, secbnd by Nelson, that the Clerk be instructed to order 100 grave markers for the Divil War Veterans. Motion carried. Minuted read and apProved. Motion by Nelson, second by Bivens that -this -Board now adjourn to meet again on Saturday April, 23rd at 9 A.I. Motion Parried. Whereupon the Board aditeurned. COUNTY CLERK CHAIRMAN OF BOARD/ IJA 214 Saturday April 23, 1921, 9 A.M. Board met as per adjournment of April 21, 1921, roll call all Clerk of the District Court for the year 1521, was read and order Petition of Lofiis Mick and others asking for the appointment proposition of cutting down a hill in Zero Township, as described appointed R. M. Ratcliff to examine into this petition. Petition di' Louis Mick and others asking for the appointment sition of constructing a bridge in Zero Township, as described in appointed R. M. Ratcliff to look into this petition. Petition of Geo. Vogt and others asking for the removal of ta block 2, East Park addition, was read and ordered placed on file. until one -thirty. At one -thirty the Board. resumed. All members present. The matter of the Aaggins-Babcock Co's report on the two term Lem Tibbets, came on for hearing. ,The report follows: members present. First quarterly report, ed placed on file. of a Commissioner to examine into the in said petition was read, and the Chairman Honorable Board of County Supervisors, Adams County, Nebraska. Gentlemen: of a Commissioner to examine into the propo- said petition, was read and the Chairman xes levied for the year 1920 of lot twelve, At 12 o'clock noon, the Board recessed s of the ex -clerk of the District Court, Lincoln, Nebraska, April 18, 1921. Complying with your instructions we have made as thorough investigation as possible Of the funds passing thru the hands of the Clerk of the District Court of Adams County from January 4, 1912 January 5, 1921, inclusive, a period of nine years. It has been found to be a most difficult task and the result of our labor as shown in the forming a part of this report is far from being satisfactory to us, and unavoidably contains a great of items regarding which there is Uncertainty. Many items of fees and costs payable to witnesses, litigants, lawyers or to the County or Supreme Court, are shown, without date, as, "Paid, Receipt On file" or "Check by mail". Many others as paid at a certain date, but no check can be found showing payment. Many items are shown as paid, we have reason to believe were not paid, but which bear the apparent signature of the payee. In if no cancelled check can be found, our position is difficult indeed. To illustrate the situation we will cite a few instances of fees repor4ed to have been Clerk of the District Court of Adams County to the Clerk of the Supreme Court of Nebraska. Date Ree'd by Reference Clerk D. C. Amount Title of Case, Notation .11.1M -36b 1/4/12 5.04 Application of Paul Schissler for Saloon - "Paid by Dft. License. This was paid 9/29/09 by W.P.McCreary J.L.T-399 3/5/12 11.90 City of Hastings vs. Geo. Brandt This was paid (3,05 by John Stevens, 7/18/11 (8.55 by MS.Yidelity & Surety Co. 2/6/12 trust to to the are shown which such cases schedules number paid by J.L.7-445 J.L.7-458 J.L.8-154 J.L.8-188 J.LA-215 J.L.8-221 3/10/13 9/28/12 10/20/13. 3/15/15 11/6/15 7/20/16 9/2/16 16.00 Schultz vs. r.o.o.. This is still unpaid 2.55 Jones vs.Knosp This is still unpaid 9.20 Emberson vs., Adams County This was paid 10/21/13 by Adams County 7.50 Howell vs North This was paid. 5/31/13 by N.A.Hartigan 3.55 Lawler vs.Amerloan'SuretK7Co. This was paid from deposit wit Supreme Court .20 Miller:vs. Hastings Cemetery Ass'n This is still unpaid 1.70 Dunlap vs. U.P.R.B. Check for this amount was having been paid. by J. W. J.148-233 12/27/16 4.50 Earles -Clary Lbr. Co This is still unpaid. J.L.8-268 5/14/17 to Miss "Paid by Check" "Paid, Rec. on file" "Dft. Rec, on file" "Paid 11/26/20" "Pd, Rec. returned by Clerk of Supreme Court, Samosa 1/20/18 . vs. Stanton Lbr. Co. 3.00 Legler vs. Legier This was paid by J. A. Gardner, 3/27/17 on file" $ ame "Paid n Rec. on file" entitled Here is a total of 4;65.14 which should have been refunded to the partieelto receive it or paid Dillenbadha One more illustration: Reference 3 .L.7-373 J.L.7-379 J.L.7-435 J.L.8- 8 J-04.8, 14 J .L .8- 28 J.L.8- 34 37 J .8, 52 Pavabla,to Adams County Adams County Adams County Adams County Adams County Adams County Adams County Adams County Adams County Amount 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Reported paid to Co. Treasurer !to Date No Date No Date No Date No Date No Date 12/15/13 No Date No Date Notation. "Paid by Check" "Check" "Treas. Rec. on file" "Treas. Rec. on file " "Treas. Rec. on file" "Treas. Rec. on file" "Treas. Rec. on file" "Treas. Rec. on file" "Treas. Rec. on file" the over V 215 Reported Paid to Reference. Payable to Amount Co. Treasure ,Notation J.L.8-1171 Adams County 5,00 No Date "Treas. Rec. on file" J.L.8-128 Adams County 5.00 No Date "Treas Rec.. on file" J.L.8-129 Adams County 5.00 No Date "Treas. Rec. on file" J.L.8-135 Adams County 5.00 1/4/15 "Paid, Rec. on file" J .L.8.-199 Adams County 15.05 No Fees Reported J.L.$-206 Adams County 5.00 1/4/18 "Paid,Rec. on file" J.L.8-221 Adams County 2.50 No Date "Paid,Rec. on file" J.L.8-232 Adams County 5.00. 1/8/17 "Check 1272" J .L.8•.235 Adams County 5.00 1/8/17 "Check_ 1272" J.L.8-254 Adams County 5.00 1/4/18 "Paid, Rec. on file J.L.8-255 Adams County 5.00 1 4/18 "Paid, Rec. on file"+ J.L.8-261 Adams County 6.00 1/4/18 "Paid, Rec. on file" J.L,-282'"' Adams County 5.00 1/4/18 "Paid, Rec. on file" J.L.8-264 Adams County 5.00 1/4/18 "Paid, Rec. on file" J.L.8-272 Adams County 6.00 1/4/18 "Paid, Rec. on file" J.L.8.2/6 Adams County 5.00 1/4/18 "Paid, Rec. on file" App. Dkt. 24 - Page 16 Adams County 6.00 1/4/18 "Paid, Rec. on file" App. Dkt. 24-16 Adams County 6.00 Overpayment bjr Co. It is possible that Mr. Tibbets can show payment of some of these items, but we have been unable to find evidence of payment. Below is a list of the items referred to as the Schedule with such quotations and remarks as space will allow. Asexplained in this report, some of the items are of a somewhat; tentative character and may be satisfactorily cleared up. On the other hand, there are quite likely to be additions brought to light by reason of persons making claims through the present clerk. Some instances of this kind have already oacured, some of which have been included in our schedule, while others have not because of the uncertainty of the case:. For example, after we had completed our list, Mr. Watkins of the Democrat handed ua a memorandum calling attention to the fact that he had not received payment of printers'fees in two cases where publication was had in 1919, namely: Appearance Docket 24- 85 -Cole v. Craig $15.25 Appearance Docket 24- 51-Huckfeldt v. Eisley 15•�5 In both these cases it would appear that the Clerk closed the cases without collecting printers' fees, altho same were listed as costs in the Appearance Docket. In one o.f these cases Mr. Tibbets was a party defendant. Page 54 Items of Trust Funds in Judgment Ledger 3, Not paid over by Lem Tibbets to Lucia Dillenbach It Mary Beatty 159 D. D. Spaid Judfernent Leder 3 t _,.:.. Remarks - Turned over Binderup to Brockman .10 - Still unpaid 471/21 Turned over Brockman to Tibbets - Turned over Binderap to Brockman .17 - Still unpaid 4/1/21 Turned over Brockman to Tibbets Total Judgment Ledger 3 .27 J d ement Led e 57 W. A. Dilworth Overpayment of Fees Turned over Binderup to Brockman Turned over Brockman to Tibbeta Not turned over Tibbets to Miss' Dillenbach 335 218 231 254 397 Simon Baker ) Peter Siler ) Turned over T3ruckman to Tibbets 1/4/12 - Purports to have been paid and receipted. for May 4, 1294.. Total Judgement Ledger 5 Item. Amos Strong - Surplus Surplus Emma E. 3.00 - Still unpaid 4/1/21 2.40 420,". $ 9.60 Items of Trust Funds in Judgment Ledgers & Appearance Dockets Not paid over by Lem Tibbets to Lucia Dillenbach Januar 6 1. 21.: Judgment Leder 6 Amount, .a Turned over Brockman to Tibbets, 1/4/12 1.20 Turned over Binderup to Brockman .50 Turned over Brockman to Tibbets Turned over Tibbets to Miss Dillenbach .50 short Turned over Brockman to Tibbets .62 Not turnedover to Miss Dillenbach Rollins - Turned over Brockman to Tibbets, 1/4/12 22.36 421 C. W. King - 18-181 .85 458 F. C. Babcock - Turned over Bruckman to Tibbets, 1/4/12 1.00 467 D. B. Doty - Turned over Brockman to Tibbets, 1/4/12 4.00 Not paid over Tibbets to. Miss. Dillenbach Remarks Unpaid Unpaid Unpaid Shows paid 12/28/14 Evidently originally written 12/28/04 Sig. Shows paid 6/5/15 Evidently originally written 66/5/2Sig. Shows paid 1/9/07 -sig. Unpaid ' a L 1) 216 Pam... 255 Ite_.. James Appearance Docket 7 Amount.,, Ayres - Turned over Binderup to Bruckman .55 Turned over Bruckman to Tibbets Appears ;ce Docket 10 59 Sheriff Lancaster Co. •., Turned over Binderup to .85 Bruckman, Turned over Bruckman to Tibbets Page Item. Items of Trust Funds in Judgment Ledger No. 7 Not paid over by Leta Tibbets to Lucia Dillenbtch Reported Paid 18 Sheriff Lancaster Co. 20 F. C. Babcock 23 Teloyd Lynn 27 i{". -C. Babcock 31 B'.0. Babcock 37 Ethel Holmes 37 37 37 37 Walter Storm Lester Gorham,Minor Etta Grace Gorham,. Minor Amy Lillian Gorham, :Minor 37 Ellen Gorham, Minor 37 Georgianna Gorham, Minor 46 F. C. Babcock 62 Ackinson Moore 85 Jacob Ertman 85 Geo. ?Raker 85 Peter Diehl 85 R. A. Boyd 100 Ella Brown 105 Frank D. Hollingsworth 115 Straight. 117 John Romcier 128 Gilbert E. Ferry 130 E. L. Redfern. 142 Emma A. Jones 146 C. W. Foote 146 H. V. Hoagland, Sheriff 148 Lancaster, County 148 James Beck 148 John Richmond 149 Hattie Depue 152 Frank E. Kelley 156 D; Roberts 165 Addie M. Crane 182 Maggie F. Johnson 201 W. Harris 201 W. E. McFhdden 202 Will Harms 202 Joseph Hershey 209 W. F. Sammons 209 W. F. Sammons 212 Harrt Bowers 212 E. Franklin 212 E. E. Damewood 218 Henry V. Brown 220. Joseph Journey 231 Thomas B. Kerr 231 Thomas B. Kerr 231 Thomas B. Kerr 231 J. B. Janssen 231 F. G. Babcock 231 Wm. Janes en 238 H.V.Hoagland,Sheriff, :Lancaster County 244 J. Edgar Jones 248 E. Hoeppner 248 C. Larsen 250 Edward Jones 251 252 271 280 Maria Garrett Geo. S. Shull Surplus Marian Doane Amount .40 1.00 .90 1.00 1.00 10.64 10.64 10.64 2.66 2 .67 2.67 2.67 1 .00 4.23 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.10 58.83 11.26 2.10 2.62 5.78 2.00 53.36 1.00 1.35 13.85 44.77 2.00 .80 .50 9.04 2.17 2.30 2.10 .50 1.60 1.60 3.50 3.60 3.60 2.67 8.00 2.50 4.?5_. 1.35 2.10 2:10 2.10 .95 4.45 2.00 2.00 4.10 8.31 53.45 .50 6.18 7/2/07 10/19/07 1/20/07 5/6/12 7/10/08 5/11/12 1/27/12 1/30/12 1/30/12 1/30/12 1/30/12 1/30/12 6/7/12 None 3/5/12 2/25/12 22/25/12 No Dade 9/28%18 2/2 9/08 1/2/08 1/9/12 3/9/12 5/12/14 4/20/09 3/26/09 7/8/12 9/9/12, 5/9/19'` 4/3/12 6/5/09 7/18/09 4/7/10 3/1/11 3/4/11 12/30/12 12/30/12 11/25/10 11/25/10 6/23 10 5/2/11 5/2/11 4/4/10 1/31/10 5/7/10 5/7/10 5/7/10 5/15/10 8/11/10 5/15/10 1411 7/21/10 No Date No date 4/29/14 9/8/10 7/15/10 6/7/11 Remarks Unpaid Remarks, Year changed -Turned over C.E.B. to L.T. ,1/4/12 Turned over. C.E.B. to L.T. 1/4/12 -Sig. Year changed -Turned overC.E.B to L.T.,1/4/12_Si Turned over C.Z.B. to L.T.I/4/12-Sig. Year changed -Turned, over C.E.B. to L.T. 1/4/12 - Year changed-Turndd over C.E.B.toL.T. 1/4/12_S Spelling of name. Turned over C.E.B to L.T.,1/4/12-Sig. Year changed -Turned over C.E'.B.toL.T. 1/4/12 - "Paid by Dft. 41845-Rec.ot file." Year changed -Turned over C.E.B. to L.T. 1/4/12 "Paid by Dft. 41845-Rec. on File." Year changed -Turned over C.E.B. to L.T. 1/4/12 "Paid by Dft. 41845-Rec. on 'Ile." Year changed -Turned over C.E.B to L.T. 3./4/12 "Paid by Dft. 41845-Rec. on File" Year changed -Turned over C.E.B. to L.T. 1/4/12 "Paid by Dft. 41845-Rec. on File." Year changed -Turned over C.E.B. To L.T.1/4/12_ Turned over C.E.B. to L.T. Sig. 1/4/12 Turned over C.E.I. to L.T. 1/4/12- Sig. 12 in pencil -Turned over C.E.B. to L.T. 1/4/12 Turned over C.E.B. to L.T. 1./4/12 -Sig. Turned over C.E.B. to L.T. 1/4/12 --Sig. Turned over C.E.B. to L.T. 1/4/12 - Sig. Turned over C.E.B. to L.T. 1/4/12./sig._ Dead many years. Turned over C.F.B. to L.T.1/4/12 - Sig. Year changed -Turned over C.E.B. to L.T.1/4/1--''ig. Year changed -Turned over C.E.B. to L.T.1/4/12-gig. Year changed -Turned over C.E.B. to L.T.1/4/12-'i_g. Year changed -Turned over C.E.B. to L.T.1/4/12 "Rec. on file, Ck. 70" Turned over C.E.E. to L.T. 1/02 -Sig. Year changed -Turned over C.E.B. to L.T.1/4/12- g. Sig g. Year changed -Turned over C Year changed -Turned over C Turned over C.E.B. to L.T. Turned over C.E.B. to L.T. Turned over C.E.B. to L.T. Turned over C.E.B. to L.T. Turned over C.E.B. to L.T. Turned over C.E.B. to L.T. Turned over C.E.B. to L.T. "Check by Mail" -Paid over "Check by Dail" -Paid over Turned over C.E.B. to L.T. Year changed -Turned over C Year changed -Turned over C Turned over C.E.B. to L.T. Year changed -Turned over C Year changedfiwices'Turned 1/4/121- Sig. Year changed -Paid to L.T. by C.E.B Year changed -Paid to L.T.by C.E.B. Year changed -Paid to L.T. by C.E.B Year changed -Paid to L.T. by C.E.B Year changed -Paid to L.T. by C.E.B Year changed -Paid to L.T. by C.E.B Paid to L.T. by C.E.B. 1/4/12 -Sig. .E.B. to L.T'.3/4/12- .E.B. to L.T.1/4/12- 1/4/12 - Sig. 1/4/12 - Sig. 1/4/12 - Sig. 1/4/12 Sig. 1/4/12 - Sig. 1/4/12 - Sig. 1/4/12 - Sig. to L.T. by C.E.B. 1/ to L.T. by C.E.B. 1/ 1/4/12/- Sig. .E.B. to L.T.1/4/12- .E.B. to L.T.1/4/12- 1/4/12 - Sig. .E.B. to L.T.1/4/12- over C.E.B. to L.T. .1/4/12 -No .S 1/4/12 -Sig. . 1/4/12 -Sig . 1/4/12 -Sig • 1./4/12 -Sig . 1/4/12 -Sig Paid to L.T. by C.E.B. 1/4/12 -Sig. Paid to L.T. by C.E.B. 1/4/12 -Sig. -Dead? "Check by Mail" "Check by Mail' Year changed from 4/29/10 -Paid to L.T. by 1/4/12Sig. Paid to L.T. by C.E.B. 1/4/12 -Sig. Date changed -Paid to L.T. by C.E.B. 1/4/12 -Sig Unpaid Vanr nhortcraA_P.x4A +r. T. T h.. r ri i1 C.E. /4 /19 Q _ ig. ig. ig. /12 /12 ig. ig. ig. •g. 16 '}r 299 311 317 325 325 325 328 328 328 329 36.3 366 368 369 369 370 370 370 371 373 377 379 383 383 383 387 388 39# 399 399 399 400 407 411 411 411 412 413 415 415 415 415 415 419 429 43 439 445 445 445 446 447 454 454 454 458 464 464 470 470 470 478 478 479 Item C. E. Boyce W. C. Anderson A. H. Eldridge Byron Benton Bank of Commerce -Adv. Fee C. E. Ross John Snider Gretje Harms Isaac Zeigler J. W. James Higgenbotham & Pickens Advance Costs Carl Wisner Clerk of Supreme Court M. R. Brooks Mrs. A.M. Morgan James McArthur Wm. Preacher C. M. Bailey L. B. Hoagland. Adams County W. B. Hargleroad Adams County R.R. Moreledge R. R. Moreledge W. R. Burton H. V. 110agland W. T. 3ohnson County Court Clerk Supreme Court City of Hastings H. V. Hoagland W. F. Button Goo. l ruel Mrs. Selby B. F. Wilson Henry Hueske W. H. Jones W. H. Jones Felix O'Hara Otto Parry Mont Parry John Brenison Ben Brenison F. J. McShane J. C. Kreger Adams County R. R. Moreledge Dr. Blair A. E. Stitt Supreme Court H. V. Hoagland City of Hastings W. Pulver Al Aftlerr John Meacham N. D. Kidder SOOreme Court Henry Koch Wm. Roberts C. O. Sanderson Joe Zdrazil Surplus A. E. Haines A. E. Haines W. H. Jones Total J.L.7 Item Judgment Led er Continued. 'Reported Amount Pa i 18.45 4.00 2.10 5.83 .74.27 5.00 .56 1.95_ 2.10 8.50 2.10 5.04 2.00 2 .00 2.00 2.0/0 2 .00 2.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 5.65 5.00 2.10 2.10 4.00/ 21.60 11.90 8.40 .85 2.10 2.10 g0�. 1.111 1.10 1,10 .95 .95 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2 .00 .85 2.10 5.00 4.95 6.1.0 27.65 16.00 5.30 '9.75 3.60 3.60 3.60 °210 2.55 6.30 2.10 8.20 8.20 37.15/ 2.10 1.10 1.00 721.41 4/23 11 4/7/11 8/11/11 2/15/12 3/21/12 5/22/11 5/22/11 9/15/11 or 9/15/14 11/8/11 12/31/11 Nol Date 12/29/12 12/2 9 12 12/8/11 12/8/11 12/8/14 1/3/121 No Date No Date No Date No Date No Date No Date 214/12 No Date 7/23/12 No Date No Datte 3/9/12 3/8/12 5/29/12 10 26/12 5/1/12 5/1/12 6/5/12 6/5/12 6/10/12 6/10/12 6/10/12 6/12/12 6/12/12 5/13/12 9/9/12 No Date 7/27 12 4/2/13 5/6/13 No Date 8/19/12 No Date No Date No Date No Date No Date 11/2.7/12 11/30/12 5/30/20 / 5 3a 20 4/10/20 No Date No Date 1/7/13 Remayks Year changed -Paid to L.T. by C.E.B. 1/4/12 -Sig. Year changed -Paid to L.T. by C.E.B. 1/4/12 -Sig. Year changed -Paid to L.T. by C.E.B. 1/4/12 -Sig. Spelling of name. "Pd. by Dft."-Paid Sig. Paid Paid Year Paid Paid to L.T. by C.E.B. 1/4/12 to L.T. by C.E.B. 1/4/12 -Sig. over to L.T. by C.E.B. 1/4/12 -Sig. changed -Paid to L.T. by C.E.E. 1/4/12/ -Sig. over to L.T. by C.E.B. 1/4/12 -Sig. over to L.T. by C.E.B. 1/4/12 -Unpaid Year changed -Paid to L.T. by C.E.B. 1/4/12 -Sig. "Paid by Dft."-Paid to L.T. by C.E.B.1/4/12- Appn. of Paul Schissler for Liquor License. Paid to L.T. by C.E.B. 1/4/12-tig. Paid to L.T. by C.E.B. 1/4/12 -Sig. Year changed -Paid to L.T. by C.E.B. 1/4/12.4i4. Year changed -Paid to L.T. by C.E.B. 1/4/12; -`Sig. Paid to L.T. by C.E.B. 1/4/12 -Sig. Paid to L.T. by C.E.B. 1/4/12 -Sig. "Paid Check"-Paidto L.T. by C.E.B.1/4/12 "Check by Tail".' "Check" "Paid by Check" "Paid jitY Defendant" -Changed to "Paid 144, Defendant Paid by Defendant -Unpaid Sig. "Check by Mail" Check 892, 10/15/15 "Paid Button" "Paid by Check" "Check to Ragan" Sig. "Rec. on File" Sig. Sig. "Rec. on File" "Rec. on File" Sig. Sig. Sig. Sig. Sig. Sig. Sig. "Paid by Draft" "Treas. Rec. on File" Sig. "Paid by Check" Sig. "Rec. on file"-Unpaid--H.C.L. "Rec. on file" Sig. "Police Judge" "Check by Mail" "Check by Mail" "Check by Mail" "Check by Mail" Ck.902, 10/15/15 (NoCheck found) Unpaid of Sig.. (Spelling/Name) Sig. "Check to Mrs. Sanderson" (NoCheck found) "Check by Mail" (NoCheck found) Unpaid & Unreported "Check by Mail" Ck. 910 10/15/15"(No ck. Found) "Check by Mail, Ck . 910, 10/15/15" (Neck .found ) "Check to bal." Items of Trust Funds in Judgment Ledger No. 8 Not paid over by Lem Tibbets to Lucia Dillenbach Jct. a 6 1 2 Reported Am __.pa 4 L. Tibbets 8 F. C. Babcock 8 Adams Minty 14 Adams County 25 Leonard Gray 28 Adams County 28 Dr. J. S. Holalen 29 5. E. Bamford 1.50 2.10 10a00- 5.00 3.77 10.00 2.10 _n.. 2/3/13 No Date No Date 5/10/13 No Date 5/16/13 ?T..' 11.9.2WIE Fees not Reported Sig. "Treas. Rec. on file" "Treas. Rec. on file" "Check by Mail" "Treas. Rec. on file" Sig. C... /1,1),A 221$ :Au Item 34 Fred Bock 34 Ralph Roberts 34 John Conley 3.4 Adams County 37 Adams Cbunty 37 Herman Wagner 41 C.-A.'Phil1ips 52 Adams County 54 W. W. Cullen 58 Roy .L. Wailer 59 Supreme Cort 70 Margaret Crowder 70 Mrs. Chas, Norris 72 Frank Conrad 76 County Court 77 County Court 77 L. P. Robert 84 R. J. Ashmore 84 H. S. Harris 84 Ruth Graybill 76 Artr,::,r4. Armstrong 101 104 104 104 11/ 117 124 124 124 127 127 127 128 129 132 135 152 154 1 64 164 1 64 168 169 171 184 184 186 187 187 188 188 188 188 193 195 198 199 200 206 208 210 215 215 215 219 220 221 221 232 232 232 233 233 235 240 241 244 254 255 258 H. B. Cornelius 260 W. C. Lyle 260 Rfdhard Gerring 261 B. F. Schlegel 261 Adams County 262 Adams County Loyd Daily H. W. Kellog J. T. Steel Edmund Stein Homer Perry Adams County Mrs, Geo, rown Mrs. Lelia MCLean Mrs. Emma Jessie Henry Rieber Peter RielIer L. P. Sorenson Adams County Adams County Geo. Mizen Adams County Surplus Supreme Court Mrs. Cora 0400y Mary Galligher Anna Howard Mary Luetkner Don FOUtO Mrs. Jennie Lock Edna Woodward R. M. Johnson E. G. or C. E. Haysmer Wm Cartney Peter Wegant Supreme Court D. A. Vermillion C. W. Way John Hemple Northwestern P.R. A. E. Haynes Peter Zimmer Adams County.No fees J. D. Stone Adams County H. F. Favinger W. T. Johnson G. H. Paden Carl Willer brief Supreme Court Harvard State Bank A. W. Hall Adams County Supreme Court John Biglin P. E. Boslongh Adams County Adam Breede Supreme Court Adams County Stinerqoslough A. Waterman (Sheriff) W. J. Bobbitt Adams County Adams County Jud C°ra----djxaul Reported Paid ,.. Amount_ 2.00' 4.00 2.10 5.00 5.00 5.80 2.10 5.00 4.20 2.10 9.20 2.00 2.00 2.00 17.00 26.25 3.10 4.70 4.70 4.70 2.00 • 4.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.10 2.10 2.00 5.00 5.00 2.10 5.00 43.10 7.50 y2.00 2.00 2.00 5.60 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.60 3.60 3.55 4110 2.10 2.10 1.25 2.10 2.00 reOitedi5.05 3.30 5.00 .50 .50 8.10 7.70 .20 1.00 2.00 2.50 1.70 2.00 2.00 5.00 2.00 4.50 5.00 2.05 3.90 2.00 5.00 5.00 • .50 2.00 2.00 5.50 6.00 1/16/20 1/16/20 1/16/20 12/15/13 No Date No Date 1/16/20 No Date 2/21/14 No Date No Date. 1/16/20 1/16/20 1/16/20 No Date 1/6/15 1/16/20 No date No Date No Date 1/16/20 10/106 1/16/20 No Date 1/16/20 1/16/20. No Dais 1/16/20 1/16/20 1/16/20 1/16/20 1/16/20 1/16/20 No Date Na date 1/16/20 1/4/15 Ittatata_ "Check by Mail Ck.1653) Check returned Unpaid. "Check by Mail"(Ck. 1654) Check returned Unpaid. "Check by Mail"((k. 1655))Check returned Unpaid. "Rec. on file" "Treas. Rec. on file " "Check by Mail" No Check found "Check by Mail" No Check found "Treas. Rec. "Rec. on File" " Check by Mail" Check returned unpaid. "Dft.-Rec. on file" "Check by Mail" Check returned Unpaid "Check by Mail" Check returned unpaid "Check by Mail" Check returned unpaid "Paid Button" "Rec. on file" "Check by Mail" Check returned unpaid "Check by Mail" Check returned unpaid. Sig. Check returned unpaid Sig. Sig. "eheck by Mail" No check found "Rec. on File" "Check by Mail" Check returned unpaid "Check by Mail" Check returned unpaid "Check bf Mail" check returned unpaid "Check by Mail" Check returned unpaid "Check by Mail" Check returned unpaid "Check by Mail" Check returned unpaid "Rec. on file" "Rec. on file" Sig. - Check returned unpaid "Pd. Rec. on file" Sig. erased Ck. 2379 -Check not in. Ck. 2384 -Check not in. Ck. 2410 -Check not in. 1/16/20 "Check by Mail" Check returned unpaid 8/17/15 • 1/16/20 "Check by Mail" Check returned unpaid 1/16/20 "Check by Mail" Checkreturned unpaid 1/16/20 "Check by Mail" Check returned unpaid 1/16/20 "Check by Mail" Checkreturned unpaid No Date "Check by' -Mail" Check returned unpaid No Date "Check by Mail" No Check found 11/26/20 "Pd. -Roc. on file" Not paid by L. Tibbets Ne Date Sig. -No Check found 7/5/20 Sig. -No Check found 5/15/20 Rig. -No Check found Vnpala 1/16/20 "Check by Mail" Check returned unpaid 1/16/20 "Check by Mail" Check Returned unpaid Balance of Costs unpaid 1/1G/20 "Chick by Mail," Check returned unpaid 1/4/18 "Rec. on file" 8/106 Sig. No Date Sig. 1/16/20 "Check by Mail" No Check found No Date Sig. "Check 1141" (Ck. 1141, Hulda Vodra) Unpaid Unpaid 1/16/20 "neck by Mail" No Check found No Date "Rec. on file" (Ba1.2.50 paid ck. 1272) No Date "Rec, on file" (Not paid by L. Tibbets) 4/5/20 Sig. -No check found 1/1620 "Check by Mail" No Check found 1/8/17 "Check 1272" (Not in check 1272) 7/31/20 Sig. -No check found No Date Unpaid 1/8/17 "Check 472" (Not in aheck 1272) 1/16/20 "Check 1912" No check foutid 3/11/17 "Check by Mail" No check found 06/20 "'neck by Mail" No check found 1/4/18 "Pd. Rec. on file" 1/4/18 "Pd. Rec. on file" No Date 1/16/20 1/16/20 1/4/18 1 Ai /1P "Paid by Check" -Not in check 1337 -see #236 "Check )y mail" Check returned unpaid "Check by mair Check returned.unpaid "Check by Mail" (Cheekrstiiried L.T.) "Rec. on file" fit7e ,.. \ IJ.i 1. 219 r P.:..e,... Item 270 Lizzie Dougherty 272 Adams County 276 Adams County 278 F. J. Benedict 278 H. B. Huckfeldt 280 Westering 282 J. A. Gardiner 284 W. C. Bohnet 284 Elgin M. Gilbrath, Surplus. 284 E. L. Gilbert 285 Eliza Hendrickson 290 H F. Favinger, Surplus Fees 296 J. L. Hoffman 301 Chas. Larsen 301 Martha J. Parks 301 Q J. Parks 301 Wm. Aulrich 302 J. H. Pope 302 Sunday 302 James & Danly (Cushing Groc. Cobrief) 303 Dr. Anthont 304 John Snyder 304 E. P. Nellie Total J.L.8 Elsa 16 16 29 36 36 5]. 51 51. 51 78 78 81 95 100 100 100. 100 103 106 111 113 113 113 113 128 135 135 136 136 176 180 180 180 187 188 204 204 204 204 205 205 21. 212 212 212 212 213 226 245 245 245 Judgment Amoun Ledger 8, Continu d Reported 2:00 No Date 6.00 1/4/18 5.00 1/4/18 .50 No Date .50 No Date 1.00 No Date 7.15 1/16/20 2.00 1/16/20 12.30 6.10 1/16/20 5.60 1/16/20 2.10 1-2:69 No Date 4.00 1016/20 2.00 1/16/20 5.95 1/16/20 4.00 1/16/20 2.20 1/16/20 2.10 1/16/20 2.10 9/4 19 2.60 12 320 2.00 6 16/20 7.50 1/18/20 522.72 "Check by Mail" Check returned unpaid "Rec. on file" "Rec. on file" "Check" Sig,_ "Check to bal." "Check by Mail" "Check by Mail" Unpaid "Check by Mail"Check returned unpaid Sig. -Check returned unpaid Unpaid Sig. "Check by Mail" No Check found "Check by Mail" Check returned unpaid "Check by Mail" Check returned unpaid Sig. Check returned unpaid Sig. -No check found Sig. -No Check foil#d Sig. -No check Bund Ck. 2282 -Check returned unpaid Sig. -No check found Sig. -No check found No Check found No check found (Amount fees 6.10-ck.1725 is for 4.i 0 Items of Trust Funds in Appeatance Docket 24 Not paid over by Lens Tibbets to Lucia Dllenbach January 6, 1921. Item Amount. Adams County 6.00 Ray Currier 9.60 Adams County, Overpayment 6.00 J. A. Lawlor, J.P. Costs, Ba1.26.95 John Ronnekamp 1.30 Dee Kyle 1.10 W. W. Maltman, Kenesaw 7.50 E.L..Clark ,Sheri f f ,Douglas Co. 4.75 Frank Huffer, Sheriff Webster County 3.65 A. H. Haskell,Sheriff, Dixon Co6.65 Frank Ashton .95 A. E. Adams 2.00 Anton hartinW.I.Swanson •see 2.00 Minden CcUrier 12.00 T. C. Lawler attom of page. 2.t0 D. B. Steenburg J. R. McIllice Wm Madgett Fred Kern F. P. Olmstead Alex Brehm W. P. McCreary Fred Olmstead M. A. Hartigan P. H. Fuller J. C. Miller, Sheriff York Chas. Larson Stiner & Boslough O. H. Hahn Dr. Begtol M. F. Clark (Omaha) County Court John Sahling Jacob Sahling J. G. Borlege Edna L. Frey C. W. Foote Lee Peavy A. J. VanEvery J. A. Gardner S. D. Andrews D. W. Harrington ?red >I eni etT J. W. Marvel J. 0. Williams Thomas Mullady J. C. Philbrick Stiner & Boslough W. A. Cole J. E. 'Addie ) T. E. Addie) Surplus -evidently 1.60 5.30 6.20 6.10 5.00 2.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Co. .95 .50 5.05 2.00 2.00 1.45 8.85 6.50 6.30 2.00 22.00 2.10 2.05 4.10 .01 36.67 20.49 2.00 2.00 2.00 2 .00 2 .00 2.15 '4.15 1.60 Reported P.i:. 1/4/18 "Rec. on file" No Date Sig. 1/16/20 1/16/20 12/5/18 9/5/17 12/10/17 12/15/17 or 5/20/19 6/4/20 8/15/18 7/12/18 12/20/20 2/13/18 RemgrJcs, Unpaid Sig. Check returned unpaid "Paid" -No check found "Sent Check" No Check Found. "Sent Check" No Check round. 19 "Check" -No check found "Check 1509" No Check 1509 reheck by Mail" No -Check fou*d `Signatur+�;«= ID) Check found "check by Mail" No such check Sig. -No check "Check #1266" Check for 4.80 Item 10.10-5.30 unpai Unpaid Unpaid 1/20/20 "Check by Nail" Check returned u0paid 9/24/19 "Paid" No Check found No Date Alex Brehm Sig. No Check found No Dae "Applied on account" "Applied on account" "Applied on account" Sig. No Check found "Dft. by Mail" No draft found Unpaid 1/20/20 "Check by Mail" No check found 3/24/19 Sig. -No check found 1/20/20 "Check by Mail" No Check found 1/20/20 "Check by Mail" No check found Unpaid 5/22/19 Sig. -No check found 5/22/19 Sig.=No check found 8/20/20 Sig..No check found 1/20/20 "Check by Mail" Check returned unpaid 7/20/20 "Check 2059" Amt. due 6.20 "paid 4.10 No Dae Amountatdue 4.10 -Amount Pd. 2.05 4/10/20 Sig. -No check found Unpaid 1/20/20 "Check by Mail" Check returned uups#.d 1/20/20 "Check by Mail" Check returned unpaid Unpaid Unpaid (Pencil notation Unpaid Unpaid) Paid by Draft." Unpaid) 1/20/20 "Check by Mail" No Check ford Unpaid 2 items, 11.60 & 12.55 Total 24.15-Ck.1560 is for 22.55 -Difference 1.60 6/20/20 2/26/19 II' 1,11A 220 - - • 261 Surplus -Overpayment 268 T. M. Dailey 277 Mrs Louise Blodgett 284 Recorder Total A. D. 24 APPEARANCE DOCKET 24, Continued -92 Unpaid 2.00 7/20/20 "Check 2056" -NO ck. found 2.10 1/20/20 "Check by Mail" check returned unpaid, .50 9,121/19 No check - Recorder cant find 270.94 Items of Trust Funds in Appearance Docket 25 Not paid over by Lem Tibbets to Lucia Dillenbach January 6, 1921 Pae, 1 ITEM W. A. Taylor 16 Recorder of Deeds 21 Tribune 36 Stiner & Boslough 40 Surplus, Adams Co 46 Sam Yeatman 50 C. E. Bruckman 58 Undistributed Surplus 60 Theo Stumpenhurst 60 Richard Crossley 60 John Snider 76 Wm. Calburn 93 C. A. Wilson -Sheriff Kearney Co 97 Surplus -F. P. Olmstead or Geo Pruitt 98 Stiner & Boslough 111 Geo Schlosser 114 Herman Harris 122 Conwell vs.Eggers Pd. Miss D. Should be Short 121 Conwell vs. Stone Pd. Miss D. 7.35 Should be 6.85 4.55 5.55 1.00 Over .50 Bal due .50 123 Geo. Vetter vs. Chas. Hill Surplus Costs paid 2.50 139 Wm. Westering 2.10 139 C. D. Nellie 2.10 140 Stiner & Boslough 5,50 143 Ira Miller -Sheriff Lancaoter Co 1.55 144 l'417A. Cole .70 151 John P. McGowan (Deceased) 256.05 151 Abstract 24.50 51 51 Mary S. Minrird - Adv. C. 25.00 151 Htag1:M.713111h0' 256.05 194 Stiner & Boslough 10.00 194 Tribune 9.00 194 Democrat 12.75 205 James & Danly-Bal Advance Costs 2.55 206 Balance Adv. Costs .10 Page Item Amount 2.10 12.50 5.00 1.30 2.10 3.10 1.05 3.90 1.00 4.20 2.00 5.05 .95 10.00 5.70 1.10 Reported Paid 5/29/20 1/12/20 5/29/20 5/28/20 7/10/20 6/29.20 6/16/20 7/29/20 7/14/20 7/30/20 5/28/2G Remarks "Check by Mail" No check found "Paid Cash" Unpaid "Check by Mail" No check found "Check to bal." No check found Unpaid Unpaid Sig "Paid Cash" -No Sig. Sig "Check 1981" No check found Sig. -No check found Unpaid Unpaid "Check 2007"_ No ck found "Check 1884" -No ck. found 8/2/20 Sig. -No check found 8/2/20 Sig. -No check found Unpaid 4/30/20 "Paid" -No check found Unpaid 9/27/20 Appearance Docket 25, Continued 215 Balance Adv. Costs 220 Balance Adv. Costs 236 County Court -Bal 237 Surplus -J. 5. Marvel 247 Surplus of Adv. Costs 248 Surplus of Adv. Costs 263 Advance Costs 224 225 Grace Rogers Alice Johnson Total A. B. 25 Amount 3.00 .05 7.72 1.82 .50 .50 1.75 6.10 6.10 700.04 Reported Paid Unpaid Unpaid 'Unpaid Unpaii Unpaid Unpaid "Check" Unpaid Remarks, Unpaid Unpaid Unpaid Unpaid Unpaid Unpaid Amount 6.75 -Paid Miss D. 5.00 1,75 Bal Not reported by L. T. 11/15/20 Sig 11/15/20 Sig. 11 LIJA 221 1915, quite but we Judgment Ledger 6 Appearance Docket 7 Appearance Docket 10 Judgment Ledger 7 Judgment Ledger 8 Appearance Docket 24 Appearance Docket 25 Total 30.53 .55 .85 721.41 522.72 270.94 700.04 $2,256.91 We have not yet audited the fee reports filed by Mr. Tibbets for the years 1912, 1913, 1914, 1916, 1917 and 1918, but have audited his reports for the years 1919 and 1920.; For the year 1919 we found the reports failry accurate, but for the year 1920 we found a number of ommissions, which we had him take up in final settlement. In the annual report for the year 1912, we notice that he reports excess fees of $44.87 cannot find that he ever paid this surplus to the County Treasurer. Respectfully submitted, WIGGINS-BABCOCKCOMPANY By H. S. Wiggins $.uonlementa y Report �wri. II ■ r Hastings, Nebraska, April 23, 1921. Honorable Board of County Supervisors, Adams County, Nebraska. Gentlemen: Since presenting our report of April 18, 7.921, regarding the trust funds of the office of Clerk of District Court, which were apparently not turned over by Ex -Clerk Lem Tibbets to his successor, Lucia Dillenbach, January 6, 1921, we have spent nearly two days going over the report in detail. with Mr. Tibbets, in order to allow him to produce, in the time available, evidence of payment of any of the items with which he stodd charged. In the course o f our examination a few small items have been found thatwill add to the amount charged, and a number have' been cleared, as will: appear in the following statement: Trust Funds Amount charged as per recapitulation on page 19 Of report of April 18, 1921 2,256.91 Amount added as per Exhibit #1 16.75 Total Amount deducted as per Exhibit #2 2,273.66 236.01 Balance 2,o37.65 In the matter of the printers fees of 130.50, due Mr. Watkins of the Democrat, reported on page 4 of our report of April 18, 1921, we have not charged these to Mr. Tibbets as we do not know whether he is legally responsible for his failure to collect these fees. This is a question which sould, we think, be referred to the County Attorney and handled as he may advise. Mr. Tibbets has not been able to show us, in the time at our disposal, where or how he has applied the amount paid in by Mr. U. S. Rohrer in December last, in cases where he says Mr. Rohrer owes him for unpaid costs. The amount is This should be added to, the balance shown above, unless Mr. Tibbets can explain same. Mr. Tibbets may be able to shorn some other items for which he should have credit as having been paid prior to the time he turned over the office to Miss Dillenbach, but we can not give him credit for items which he has paid or may continue to pay, subsequent to the time he relinquished the office; primarily for the reason`"• : that he can not and should not make any entries in the records after the close of his term, therefore all trust funds should pass through the hands of his successor. We have in one instance, and with the consent of Miss Dillenbach, given him credit for an item of trust funds paid out after the close of his term of office, namely: Appearance Docket 25 - 151 - $24.50, for Abstract which was paid to L. H. Blackledge, April 9, 1921, and for which Judge Blackledge receipted in the docket. Obviously it is not possible for Miss Dillenbach to keep clear records of trust funds paid out during her term of office by any one but herself, and any further payments made by Mr. Tibbets directly to payees will inevitably lead to confusion. Exhibit 1. J.L.8 - 52 - Aug. 11,1913 J. L.8- 72 - Jan. 7, 1914 - J.L.8 -107 - July 21, 1914 J.L.8 -211 - Aug. 8, 1916 - J.L.8 -231 - Jan. 1, 1917 - J. L.8 - 235 - Jan. 6, 1917 J.L.8 -284 - Jan. 16, 1920 - ADDITIONS - W. F. Buchanan M. R. Emberson - Dr. O'Hara C. E. Hig;ehbotham C. E. Higgenbotham - A. L. Clarke Harry Bohnet Exhibit #2. J.L.7-142 - Emma Jones DEDUCTIONS Respectfully submitted, WIGGINS-BABCOCK COMPANY By H. S Wiggins President. 2.10 2.25 2 .10 2 .10 2.00 2.10 4 .10 Total 16.75 53.36 222 J.L.7-388 - W. T. Johnson J.L.7-394 - County Court County Judge's Record shows paid 7/23/12 J.Lt-399 - City of Hastings J.L.,7-457 - N. D. Kidder J. L.8- 77 - County Court J.L.8-164 -Mrs. Cora Day J.L.8-232)_ J.L.8-240) P. H. Boslough J .L.8-244 - W. J. Babbitt ApplDkt. 24-212 - Distributed more than amount received Various Jury Fees paid in January 15, 1918, not credited App..D.kt.24-81- W. H. Swanson Check 2190 returned and credited in 24 - 124 App., Dkt. 24-180 Sohn F8 Jacob Sahling App. Dkt.25- 46 - Sam Yeatman App. Dkt.25-151- Abstract Paid to L. H. Blackledge April 9, 1921 Total 4.00 - Check 892 21.60 8.40 2.10 - Pd. Check 902 2/5/16 26.25 - Pd. Check 707 1/6/15 2.00 -Pd Check 2379 2.00 Dup. Check 2.05 1712-8/4/20 2.00 -Check 1767 1/20/20 4..50 47.00 15.35 12'.80 - Pd Check 1474 2.10 - Pd.Ck.1894 24.50 $2236.01 Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens that we accept the report of the Wiggins -Babcock Company as reported by them and that the amount called for in said report, *2037..65 be accepted as the amount due from Lem Tibbets, ex -clerk of the District Court, to Adams County and to the trust fund. Roll call, All voted aye. „Motion carried. The Chairman announced to Mr. Tibbets who was present, that the Board would grant time until Tuesday, April 26th 1921. at 9 o'clock, A. M. for him to settle on this matter. Minutes read and approved. Motion by Nelson, Second by Durkee that this Board now adjourn 10 o'clock A. M. Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. ;o meet again on Tuesday, May 3rd 1921 , at L 223 TUESDAY, MAY 3rd 1921, 10 o'clock, A. M Board met pursuant to adjournment of April 23rd 1921. Roll call, all Members present. An amended petition of Charles Kohl, filed by his attorney, Harry S. Dungan, in regard to the building of three bridges or the removal of the grade, near his farm, on State and Federal Road No. 41, was read before the Board. Motion by Nelson, Second by Hargleroad that this amended petition of Charles A. Kohl be not granted. Roll call ayes: Durkee, Pargleroad, Nelson, Ratcliff, Whiting and ZOhner. Nays: Bivens. Motion carried, The Petitioner, through- his attorney gave notice of an appeal from this decision, Potion by Bivens, Second by Nelson that the Official Bonds of Martin, Crosson, Road Overseer, District No.1, West Blue Township, L. R. Ludden, Road Overseer, District No.1, Cottonwood Township, C. N. Nash, Justice of the Peace, Denver Township, Wm Katzberg, Road Overseer, District No. 2, Verona Township and the Depository Bond of the Exchange National Bank be approved. Motion carried. Motion by Zohner, Second by Nelson tha+ the County Treasurer be instructed to refund to O. Redman, 17.50 on account of a double assessment of the and Ei NW, Sec. 31-8-11, as shdwa by Tax Receipt No.6979. Roll call, 411 voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Nelson that the County Treasurer be instructed to refund to G. A. Steward $10.16 on account of erroneous assessment on Lots 86 and 87 Railroad Addition, Tax Receipt No.6592 and to refund Henry Kaiser, $12.70 on account of clerical error on Lots 1 - 2 and Wi of 3, Siekman's Addition, Tax Receipt No.7647 and to refund to John W. Carmichael, $25.40, on account of clerical error • .on the S 75 ft of Lots 7 & 8, Original Town, Tax Receipt No.6315,‘ Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Durkee, Second by Bivens, that the request of John L. Helmes for refund of taxes on W 62 ft SEi Block 5, McIntyre's Addition on account of alleged overvaluation, Tax Receipt No.7512, and the request of Carl Dreiger for a refund of taxes on Lot 3, Block, 1, Horlocker's Addition on account of alleged overvaluation, Tax Receipt No.6371 and the request of Mrs. B. L. Alexander for a refund of taxes on Lot 5,6 and 7, Kerr's Addition on account of alleged overvaluation, Tax Receipt, No.6395 and the request of A. Batterman for a refund of taxes on Lots 1, 2 and e, Block 8, Thompson's Addition on account of alleged overvaluation, Tax Receipt No.6200 and the request of A. S. Granes for a refund of taxes on Lot 9, Abbot's Addition, on account of alleged overvaluation , Tax Receipt No.7248 and also the request of J 0. Riley for a refund of taxes on Block 2, Kerr's Sub of Lewis's Addition 04 adcount of alleged overvaluation, Tax Receipt No.7663 be not granted. The Board having at this time no authority to reduce valuations. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock, Noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M. At 1:30 P. M. the Board resumed. All Members present. The Road and Bridge Committee went out to view a bridge on the Adams -Hall County line. At 4 P. M. the Committee returned. a_ Motion by Bivens, Second by Ratcliff that the report of Geo. B. Durkee on the salvage of the Court House tpwer be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The balance of the afternoon session was taken up in auditing claims. At 5 P. M. the Board recessed until May 4th at 9 A. M. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4th 1921, 9 o'clock, A. M. Bodtdaresumed. All Members present. The examination and auditing f the claims was again taken up. Motion by Bivens, Second by Zohner that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The claims Tollow: GENERAL vUD James E. Addie - Courtfees and Postage - $ 25.33 Addressograph Co . Supplies for Addressograph, Farm Bureau- 6.26 W. A. Baker - Furniture Polish for Court House1.25 A. I. Battan - Laundry, County 6.55 v 1 .. Q1 rwl L \ r -a GENERAL FUND Central Nebr Millwork Company - BeVeled,eak, Treasurer's office -- -- W. A. Cole - Witness - 2.00 W. A. Cele - Witness fee W.A. Cole - Postage, mileage and services, Board of Health------------ 59.10 W. A. Cole - Jail 110.12 olk-40-aWasal 2.00 A. G. Chapman - One Li 14.00 County Treasurer - Gas, telephone & light bills, Court House -------------14.63 James F. Crowley - Justice 23.35 Elliott R. Davis - Express, pottage, supplies & mileag--------------------83.26 Deines Drug Co - Supplies, County Attorney- - - ---- - 3.60 Deines Drug Co - Supplies, Farm Bureau------ -- - -- ---------------- 2.00 Geo. A. Dericks - Repairingrake--------------------------------------------- .25 Diebold Safe & Lock Co - Overhauling Treas. Vault 20.00 Lucia Dillenbach - Court fees and supplies, District Clerk ------------------41.30 Mary Dungan - Express, stamps and supplies ------------------------------------12.81 Geo, B. Durkee - Services and mileage on County Board-- --------------- 90.56 W. M. Dutton & Sons Co - Supplies for Aadressograph, Farm Bureau------- 33.92 Peter C. Einsoahr - Land bought for State and Federal Road No.53-- -- 50.50 Luke Fox - Witness Fees ---------------------------------------------- 2.00 Frankel Carbon & Ribbon Co - Certificates, County Supt---------------- 25.0 Hammond & Stephens Co Certificates, County Supt 25.56 W. B. Hargleroad - Services and mileage, County Board60.20 Hastings Daily Tribune - Printing and supplies for Count50.39 Hastings "Fuel Co - Coal for Court House ----------------------------------------54.45 Juniata Lbr Co - Supplies, County Farm---------------------------- 1.15 W. W. Keith - Services, Insanity case------- --- 8.00 W. W. Keith - Services, Insanity 8.00 Join Klein - Witness fees and mileage------------------------------- 4.40 Klopp Printing Co - Supplies County offices 4.00 Geo J. Kral - Assessing, City of Hastings -----------------------------------70.00 Latsch Bros Inc - Two cans, :dime° ink, rarm Bureau------------------- 6.18 C. K. Lawson Hardware Co - Mdse for County Farm-- - -- - ----------------- 20.50 Lincoln Tel & Tele Co - Toll calls for April, Farm Bureau 2.20 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co - Toll calls, County offices------------.6.45 Geo. Lovell - Groceries, County Farm-=-----------------------..-------- 52.60 Carl R. Matthiesen & Co ----Drugs supplied, County Farm3.35 39.00 W. H. McDowell - Services, Supt State Roads - - 20.00 J. H. McGrath Hdw Co - Mdee Supplies for County Farm 13.00 W. M. Nelson - Services on County Board- -- - - - - 20.00 Osborn Oilrpo .0asoline, supplies for County Farm------- 6.81 Ferdinand pairing desk in District Clerk's office 4.50 Ferdinand Panzer - Labor and supplies, annex of Court Room 12.60 Pauley Lumber Co - Coal for Court House--------------------- - - - - - - - - - 22.90 J. L. Phillips - Witness fees and mileage - 4.40 Pickens & Bratton - Lineoleum for Court House and labor -----------------177.67 R. M. Ratcliff, Services on County Board------ ----- --- ------ -- ------ 52.50 Rippeteau W. P. Company - Glass, Court House-------------------------- .80 Fred Ruhter - Witness fees- ---- ------------ - - - ----------------- 4.40 Harry Sanford - Witness fee ---- ---- --------- 2.00 W. C. Spicknall - Witness fee--------------------------------------- 4.40 O. H. Sprankle - Sharpening plow lays, County Farm- -- - --- 2.00 Dr. J. T. Steele - Witness fees--- -- - --- --------------2.00 Stein Bros Co - Chairs, Court House----------------------------------- 42.00 Joseph M. Turbyfill, Co Judge - Court fees and postage- -- ------------- 64.74 Mary Uhrich - Cleaning vaults, County Offices-------- - - - -------------- 14.00 Mrs. Geo Uhrich - Cleaning vaults, County offices -- - - -,..-------------- 12.00 Frank Vieregg - Professional Services, County Farm - -- -- ----------- ---- 11.00 Williams Printing House - Supplies for County offices -- - ---- - - -------- 28.00 Williams Printing House - Supplies for County offices ------- ---------- 11.60 J. E. Willits - Lawyer fee in Insanity case------------------------- 3.00 J. E. Willits - Feee in Insanity case------ -- ------------ - ---- 3.00 T. G. Whiting - Services on County Board and mileage - --- 62.80 Wolbach & Brach - Mdse for County Farm -- - -- --- - --- ------------------- 2.90 T. S. Wynn - Assessing Highland Township:------- - - -- - -- -- --- - 155.00 J. W. Yost Lbr Co - Coal, Court House-- - - - -- - 22.50 Robert Zohner - Services on County Board 40.00 Geo. A. Munroe - Bailiff, District Court- -------- BRIME FUND t Ayr Lumber Company - Lumber,- Ayr Township---- 33.25 Ayr Lumber Company - Cement - 33.45 Frank H. Kitts - Constructing new County'Bridges 1000.00 Frank H. Kitts - Constructing new County bridges- 732.32 Frank H, Kitts - Constructing new 1421.15 Frank H. Kitts - Advance on car of steel------------ -- -------- ----- 200040 Nebraska Culvert & Mfg Co - Iron culverts and bands---------- ------- 914.40 Frank O. Robinson - Wrecking old 175.00 Robert Warnke - Repairing County Bridge, Zero Township-- 4.50 John Woodworth - Hauling plank and repairing bridge, Ayr Twsp10.15 ROAD FUND Ed Anderson -.Road work, Logan Township--- - , ---- ---„--- -- -- -- -----$ 20.00 Binderup Hdw Company - One spade-- -- -------------- --- 2.25 Geo. W. Bivens - Overseeing County Road work, West Blue & Highland35.40 E. A. Brandes, Tractor Co - Gaskete for Tractor- ,......- 3.80 E. A. Brandes Tractor . Supplies for County Tractors -,--1--.. 79.57 Jenlin ClAtIRAAn - CAtivrfu RnmA work VovnInm TrAtErie, 1A AA 15 L tit 225 - ROAD. FUND Dan Essinger - 'Tractor and Maintainer supplies 316.61 Dan Essinger - Tractor oil and gasB. as---__-__-. .-_------- B. A. Fredrickson - Labor on Tractor and express 14.45 Lou Garska - County Road work---------- - -- 17.00 Sam Gerdey - County Road work --- 14.00 R. J. Hargleroad - Supplies 4.75 W. B. Hargleroad, - County Road work and freight------ ----- 44.75 Haynes Bros .- Supplies --- .._-..- -__ --.. ..-- 5.45 E. J. Hollister - Road work, Highland Township---.-.... -- 71.80 Juniata Lumber Co -Supplies_ ----_�._:.-_�.-:..w-.•n a., 24.20 Juniata Lumber Co Culverts ------- -_._-_..-__-..5_ w....-r-�.�.„:.. 12.95 Gus Katzberg County Road. work--_- ,-.__ __..�, ,.�-. 10.00 Harry Kidder County Road work----------------------------- 157.50 David Koch County Road work-- - 128.75 C. K. Lawson Hdw. Co - Tractor supplies, Dist No.4 12.60 L. R. Ludden - County Road 9.80 Manhattan Oil Co - Gas & oil County Tractors194.21 Gilbert F. Mathews - County Road work -----r_--.-._..__- ___:.,... 7.00 McHa.rry Bros Tractor supplies ----------------------..-_-. 18.35 A. F. Meyer Hdw. Co - Tractor supplies, etc------- --61.05 Frank Moore - County Road:, work, Verona Township7.00 Nebraska Battery & Tire Co - Supplies , Dist. No. 2-__w®..-__,.. 9.02 Stephen Nicholls -. County Road work157.50 Osborn Oil Company - Gas & oil, Dist. No .4-----..... -- ----.. 207.63 Walter Plambeck - County Road 55.75 Eugene Pratt - County Road work31.20 R. M. Ratliff Overseeing County Road work_ 35.60 Karl Reichert -: County Road work------- -_------__---__- 66.05 Geo. Reynolds_- Oil c.an---------_--__-.. .._-..;,_--= - 1.00 Fred G. Roeder - Slip work and grading --------------------- 18.25 H. C. Saddler - County road work, Verona Township-------_-- 1.5.00 Frank Shaffer - County road work, Verona Township------- --- - 6.00 Chester Snyder - work on cement culverts -- .. 22.40 Thos. Snyder - Labor on two cement culverts--------- ----- 70.00 Thos Snyder, Jr - Labor on cement culverts------------------ 22.40 O. H. Sprankle. - . Labor on County Tractor------------------- - 38.00 Stewart & Smith - Tractor supplies ---------------------------------------------40 The Aultman & Taylor "Mach. Co - Manifold, Dist. No.2------ -- 21.60 Mathew Uerlirg - Supglies-_--- r_ -.-----_w_...,. _�_-- __- 5..50 United Electric Service Co Supplies------.,- -_..- _-____,. 19.40 E. P. Weatherwax - Sand and labor, County Roads ------------- . 82.20 Clifford Wenner - County Road work----- -- ---- 125.10 Ed Whetzell - County Road work --.--«--,.-_-_r-- ,._-:...__,,., 2.6.80 Ed Whetzell County Road work----------------------------- 8.00 Harold Whetesel - County Road work------------------------ 6.00 T. G. Whiting- County Road work-_--------------------------- , 51.20 T. G. Whiting Express on Tractor repairs ----r:- _---._: -,.-__ . 3.24 B. G. Wigert County Road work 20.30 SPECIAL MOTOR' VEHICTTR,, REGISTRATION FUND. W. J. Meester - Road dragging, Blaine Township ------------w- 8.10 Christ Kort - Road dragging, Zero Township------------------ -100.80 C. E. Figinbotham.. Road dragging, Blaine Township----------- 4.R5 G . H. Hasebbrook - Road dragging & road work, Logan Twsp 23.35 W. B. Hargleroad - Road dragging, Cottonwood Twsp75.95 J. B. Fernow _. Road dragging, Roseland Twsp75.15 Wrn. C. Dycus - Road . dragging, Ayr. .'wsp-----:.-.-------__.....117.25 0. M. Doty -.Road dragging, Highland Twsp 53.55 H. B. Burroughs - Road dragging, Silver Lake Twsp-----_-_--_ 77.70 Henry F. Bohlke - Road dragging, Logan Twsp 60.75 E . Ray Anderson - Road dragging, Little Blue Twsp- 134.86 W. A. Newell. - Road dragging, Juniata Twsp-- 137.75 Wm, 0elschlager - Road dragging, Verona Twsp--------- 24.30 Wm. Oelschalger - Road dragging, Verona Twsp140.15 Fred G. Roeder - Road dragging, Wanda Twsp-------,.____-___- 125.80 B . F. Schlegel -----Road dragging, Kenesaw Twsp------- •209.70 E. E. Shierrnan - Road dragging, Blaine Township------ 7.65 Andy Smidt - Road dragging, Hanover Twsp---- 4.50 Andy Smidt - Road dragging, Hanover Twsp-_- -®_-- 23.25 POOR AID FUND J. H. Yost Lumber Co -Goal---_-_----------------- ___ C. V, Vdhienand - Groceries ----.._--------------------------- Conrad -----_-_______- _-Conrad Walker - Groceries ---------------------------------- 6.90 -,._-------_-- ----_ --- 6.90 7.27 20.25 The Elite Grocery - Groceries ------ ----.___-d_____-�___.-..___ 11.29 J. C. Pratt - Groceries-------- - -- _ -._ --- 12.99 Pauley Lumber Co - Goal -------------------------- - 13.25 Nye, Schneider, Fowler Co Coal--------_--.---------------- ---_---...,.- 6.00 Zona Moffitt - B1 lowancer__--r_-...:..-_-__..,.__...__......__..-_. -_- 25.00 W. P. Mead - Mary Lanning Hospital - Services--------------------------- Mary ervices------------------- _-_----Mary Lanning Hospital - Services- - .._- GeoLovell - Groceries----------------------------- A. roceries--- ,--_-----___._--r..._-___- wA. D. Lay - Groceries------------- -----_-_______- Juniata Lumber Company - Coal Henry Herbst •Groceries= --._-- Hastings Fuel Co Coal 95.09 25.00 1.15 43.79 19.38 14.75 10...13 54.85 a26 POOR AID FUND Currier -McCulloch Coal Co - Coa 3.15 Coulter Grocery - GroCeries-------------- -- ---------- 17.89 B. F.Carl 15.56 P. E. Brehm - Services - - 40.00 James V. Beghtol - Services-- - - - 6.00 James V. Beghtol -Services--------------------------------6.00 Jacob Bayer - Groceries-- - --- ----------- - -------- 10.49 S. P. Barewin - Mdse--------------------------------- 11.60 Henry Albers - Services ------------------150.00 Motion by Ratcliff, Second by Durkee that the following claims be allowed on the Special Motor Vehicle Registration Fund and the Clerk be instructed to make claim on the County Treasurer for reimbursement for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. J. D. Adams - Repairs for 15.00 Henry Aufdenkamp - Hauling straw, D. L. D.----------- 2.45 E. A. Brandes Tract. Co - Maintainer & blades------ 800.00 E. A. Brandes Tract. Co - Repairs, State Tractor-- 151.95 F. H. Brandes - Repairs on tuck -------------------------------43.27 Crisman & Brehm - Repairs, truck and tractors-------- 17.15 Ed Druecker - Road work, Road No.41 ---- 47.60 P. J. Eischen - Expense to York-------------------- 7.54 Highway Maintainer Co - Maintainer and blades-- 670.59 JUAiata Lbr Co - Supplies, Road No. 53 --------------- 25.10 Geo. Kister & Sons - Maintainer lugs----------------- 5.00 Fred Magner - Expense to York-----------..----------- 6.79 Manhattan Oil Co - Oil and gas, State Tractors------- 118.58 Manhattan Oil Go --.411 and gas, State Tractors -------269.02 W. H. McDowell - Expense to York, and express-------- 9.19 J. H. McGrath Hdw Co - Repairs-- 2.70 A. F. Meyer Hdw Co - Repairs-- .71 E. A. Needham - Expense to York -------------------------------7.04 E. L. Needham - Expense to York---------------------- 6.92 Osborn Oil Co - Gas and oil --------------------------------53.81 John Parsons - Expense to York---------------- 6.79 Wm. Schroeder - Team work, Federal Road- ------- 30.80 O. H. Sprankle - Repairs on Maintainer--------------- 59.90 Standard Cil Co - Axle Grease-- ---- -- ----------- 10.18 3. E. Whiteeel - Expense to York- - 6.89 T. G. Whiting - Labor on bridges and mileage ------------24.60 United Electric Service Co - Repairs, labor,on Tract- 68.89 At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1 P. U. At 1 P. M. the Board resumed. All Members present. • Motion by Zohner, Second by Rargleread that_the County Attorney be instructed,by the Adams County Board of Supervisors to file such charges against Lem Tibbets, ex -Clerk of theDiStriCt Court of -Adams County, Nebraska as the result of the checking up ofthis office warrants. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Minutes were read and approved. Motion by Bivens, Second by Nelson that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Thursday, June 2nd 1921 at 10 o'clock, A. M. Whereupon the Board adjourned,: COUNTY CLERK :4 iA 1.1;1 THURSDAY, JUNE, 2nd 1921, 10 o'clock, A. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment of May 4th 1921. Roll call, all Members present Report of Anna M. Bengston, Expert Accountant, on the office of County Judge, James June 14th 1920 to January 5th 1921, was read before the Board and on motion of Nelson, report was accepted by the Board. Petition of O. S. Woods and others asking that the public highway between Sections Township, for one mile be vacated. Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Petition of Bert Derricks and others asking that the public highway now already established, commencing at the NW corner of Section 19, Town 6, Range 10, thence running 6 miles east to the east line of Town 6, be Range 10, designated as a County Road. Referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Ratcliff, that County Road No. 1 be extended three and one-half miles west on township line between Wanda and Kenesaw Townships to the west line of Adams County. Roll call, ayes: Durkee, Hargleroad, Nelson, Ratcliff and Whiting. Nays: Zohner. Absent: Bivens. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M. At 1:30 P. M. the Board resumed. All Members present except Bivens. except Bivens. F. Crowley from Second by Durkee this 26 and 33, Little Blue Motion by Nelson, Second by Hargleroad that the request of Geo. McCoy for a refund of taxes paid under protest on Lot 3, Block 1, West Loam Addition, Tax Receipt No.8866 and the request of John W. Shaw for a refund of taxes as shown by Tax Receipt No.7378, paid under protest and the request of G. W. Hill for a refund of taxes as shown by Tax Receipt No.8773, paid under protest and the request of the W. J. Stromer Estate for a refund of taxes as shoal': 17 Tax Receip' No.7327 paid under protest and also the request of the A. Pickens, Estate for a refund of taxes as shown by Tax Receipt No.8648, paid under pretest, be disallowed by this Board. All of the above requests for a refund are based on alleged overvaluation on assessment, and the Board having at ti -is Motion by Hargleroad, time no authority to reduce valuations. Motion carried. Second by Nelson that the County Treasurer be instructed to refund to Niels Mikkelsen 21.36$on account of erroneous assessment as shownby Tax Receipt No.8399 and to refund to F. C. Krueger %5.16 on account ofrerroneous assessment as shown by Tax Receipt No.8717 and refund to H. C. Ronnekarnp $21.35 on account of erroneous assessment as shown by Tax Receipt No.6026 and to refund to E. M. Parsons $2.85 on account of erroneous assessment as shown by Tax Receipt No.8778 and also to refund to the Western Brick and Supply Company $25.40 on account of erroneous assessment as shown by Tax Receipt No.8666. These parties being clearly entitled to a Motion Carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Durkee refund on account of erroneous assessment. Roll call, all voted aye. that the' following Budget of expenses fo the Adams County Farm Bureau be adopted by this Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. Hastings, Nebr. 1921 BUDGET FOR ADAMS COUNTY FOY BUREAU. To The Honorable Board of Supervisors of Adams County. Gentlemen: In accordance with the provisions contained in Section 2 of the Act authorizing the organization of County Farm Bureaus and the appropriation of public funds for the maintenance of the same page 902. Session Laws of Nebraska for 1919, we do respectfully submit this budget covering an estimate of the anticipated expense of the Adams County Farm Bureau for the year November 1, 1921 to November 1, 1922. Respectfully yours, (Signed) R. A. Fomenter President Adams Farm Bureau (Signed) -J. T. Biglin Secretary Adams Farm Bureau • Filed June 2 1921 J. A. Cates, Clerk. Agent Salary. 1800.00 Stenographer's Salary 900.00 Printing ........... ..............-...,.,,• 100.00 Postage, Telegraph , 'Telephone, Express200.00 Office supplies .. 100.00 Office equipment 200.00 Travel expense, auto, team & railroad 1350.00 Miscellaneous .............. 200.00 Total $ 4850.00 Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Zohner, that we have the personal tax assessment rolls for Adams County published for the year 1921. Roll call, ayes: Hargleroad and Zohner. Nays: Durkee, Nelson, Ratcliff and Whiting. Attsent: Bisons. Motion lost. Motion by Durkee, Second by Nelson that the County Treasurer be instructed to transfer 5000.00 from the County General Fund to the County Road Fund. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock, P. M. the Board recessed until 9 oclock, A . a. June 3rd 1921. Friday, June 3rd 1921 , 9 o'clock, A. M. Board reassmebled. A11 Members present except Givens. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Durkee that the Committee on the Adams County Farm be instructed to make such improvement at the County F:rm as in their judgement they see fit, in any sum not to exceed $1500.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The balance of the forenoon was taken up with auditing of claims on file. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1 o'clock, P. M. At 1 P. M. the Board resumed. Further consideration of claims against the County was resumed. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Nelson that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The claims fbilowt GENERAL FUND John W. Einspahr Assessing, Logan Townnsbip George M. Baird - !faking affidavit, District Court. C. D. Richey - Balance due on repairs on Court House Lucia Dillenbach Fees and stamp ,... Hammond & Stetthens Co - County Supt, supplies A. I. Battan - Cash paid for hauling rubbish W. W. Keith Fees in Insanity hearing Dr. E. B. Hamel Witness fees Dr. W. W. Keith - Services, Insanity case .440 J. E. Willits - Attorney, Insanity hearing J. E. Willits - Attorney, Insanity hearing Central City Chemical Co Fumigators J. F. Willits - Attorney, Insanity hearing Watkins-Clute Printing Company - Printing, Supervisors Proceedings J. E. Willits - Attorney, Insanity hearing..,. , . , ... . ♦ m ... .. ... . . . W. W. Keith Services, Insanity case Raymond L. Crosson - Witness fees..., Dr. J. V. Brown - Services, Insanity case'........ s s ...... s a • e r.. W. W. Keith Services, Insanity case.. ..... ........ T. A. Cole - Witness fee.... ........ a ... WOO ....... v .... . ... . Ltasch Bros Inc - Supplies, Farm Bureau.... ................. ....• \m. Dutton & Sons Company,- Supplies and Labor,Farm Bureau....... Watkins-Clute Printing Co - Supplies, Farm Bureau................. Watkins-Clute Printing Co - Printing & supplies, County Offices.. Pickens & Bratton - Shades & labor on same, Court House Deines Drug Co - Supplies, Farm Bureau Carl. R. Matthiesen & Co - Films & supplies, Farm Bureau.,., Extension Service - Mimeo paper, Farm Bureau Renner & Serf - Supplies and printing ......................�....,,_ Elliott R. Davis - Express, postage and traveling expenses...., W. A. Cole - Jail fees, supplies & quarinting A. I. Batten - Laundry, County of Fices.,.'...................... • W. A. Cole - Services, Insanity cases, quarinting, etc..., Juniata Lumber Co - Paris green, County Farm J. H. McGrath Hdw. Co - Supplies County Farm 221.32 50.00 1510.32 279.70 93.02 2.00 8.00 2.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 100.80 3.00 51.00 3.00 8.00 2.00 2.00 8.00 //2.00 6.8Q 8 4.64 6.50 120.10 18.74 4.85 6.13 5.48 4.60 119.49 100.67 7.60 15.35 3.90 10.09 C. H. Land - Cash paid for freight & miscellaneous expense, Co .Farm 9.10 C. H. Dand - Cash paid, for seed corn, County Farm.... ,,,..... 6.80 Z11 (GENERAL FUND 0017'D ) Matthiesen Drug Company - Drugs, County Treasurer- Lights, gas & telephones, County offices......117.79 Emma M. Bengston - Auditing Judge's office 20.00 Wm. M. Lowman & Co - Insurance premium ........ ........ 138.91 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co - Toll calls, Farm Bureau.... 3.30 L. N. Button, Reg of Deeds - Recording, County Deeds. .... ......, 2.00 Mrs. Harry E. Schultz, Asst Supt - Express & postage... 22.44 Dr, Ella Sumner - Witness fee 2.00 C. J. Sherman - Repairs, County offices 7.60 W. W. Keith - Services, Insanity hearing 8.00 Dr, E. B. Hamel - Witness fee.... ........ .. .... 2.00 J. E. mints - Attorney, Insanity hearing ....... . . .. .. 3.00 Wahlquist Bros - Printing and supplies, County offices.... 79.00 Renner & Serf - Supplies, County offices. ..... oiselow*****4.soss 82.00 Central City Chemical Co - Fumigators...................01...... 51.86 Renner & Serf - Supplies, County offices ..... .000eMbeeeffikeee, 162,60 K -B Printing Co - Supplies, County offices............... . ..... 95.25 Deines Drug Co - Supplies, County offices ..... 14.15 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co - Toll calls, County offices 3.35 K.B Printing Company - Assessor's supplies 12.12 Guarantee Electric Co - Light bulbs, County offices..,.,.,....,,6.75 James E. Addie- Expense to Lincoln and postage...,. .•. 8.52 H. C. Lindsay - Supreme Court costs..............0. ...... 60.60 Local Registrats - Reporting births and deaths, Adams County54.00 Geo. B. Durkee - Services, County Board and cash paid out.,33.65 Dr. E. B. Hamel - Fu#igating, quariniing and services387,25 W. B. Hargleroad - Services and mileage, County Board 62.20 Stewert & Smith - Labor & supplies, County offices ...... bee 11.55 Guarantee Electric Co - Labor and supplies, Dist. Clerk's office 10.77 Hastings Fuel Company - Coal for Court 22.85 Currier -McCulloch Coal Co - Coal for Court House ........ 23.10 Stein Bros Co - Flags and bunting, Court House ..... . ... 4044,0 4.01 W. M. Gilmore - Assessing, Zero Township. .408,0,0414.0,0 ..... 0006, 200.20 A. M. Clark - Postage and ........... . 6.65 Extension Service - Supplies, Farm Bureau... 5.76 The Trenton Emblem Co - 100 G. A. R. Grave Markers..... .. . .. 100.00 G. G. Kerr - Repairing door at Court House..... ........ 5.95 Wiggins -Babcock Co - Auditing District Clerk's office & expenses293.78 Wiggins -Babcock Co - Auditing District Clerk's office & expenses 535.97 Wolbach & Brach - Merchandise, County Farm. 010,10,11111.W.6...0.00 10.30 W. E. Latta - Assessing, Kenesaw Township ... ...... ...... 4840 262.00 Jessie L. Bigelow - Work on Assessor's Books.,,.. ...... 117.00 Mary K. Bauder - Work on Assessor's Bopks.... +WO* ........... a* 117.00 J H. pope - Assessing, West Blue Township. ...... 4060 195400 B. F. Rohrer . Assessing 2nd Ward, City of Hastings... 220.00 T. G. Whiting - Services and mileage, County Board., ....... 60.20 Robert Zohner - Services on County 45.00 Robert Aohner - Assessing, City of Hastings77.50 Jonas Proffitt - Assessing, 3rd Ward City of Hastings 305.00 Harry L. F. Proffitt - Assessor in City of Hastings 205.00 Ernest Hartman - Assessor, First Ward, City of Hastings300.00 Henry Stainer - Assessing, Hanover ..... 161.60 C. E. Painter - Assessor, Blaine Township... 190.25 Eckhard Roeder - Assessor, Wanda Township 216.05 Wm Huston . Assessor, Ayr Township... 205.25 Rueben Bowers - Assessor, 4th Ward, lity of Hastings255.00 R. A. Eaudee - Peal Estate Assessor, 4th Ward, City of Hastings235.00 J. W. McHarry - Assessor, Juniata Township 80.00 R. 0. Ruhter - Assessor, Verona Township 260.80 P. H. Gartner - Assessor, Little Blue Township 225.90 Harry Webster - Special Assessor, City of Hastings 30.00 Geo. S. Kistler - Assessor, Silver Lake Township... 160.00 Conrad Grothen - Assessor, Denver Township **wows. 135.00 Michael Hansen - Assessor, Cottonwood Township... ...... ... 212.18 J. B. Fernow - Assessor, Roseland Township..................... 225.80 Eugene Battan - Assessing in City of Hastings...e. ............ ..120.00 R. M. Ratcliff - Services on County Board and mileage 46.20 McClelland -Dunn Motor Company - Repair on County Car.,..,...,....50 BRIDGE FUND Bladen Lumber Co - Bridge Lumber $ 300.00 Ayr Lumber Company - Bridge Lumber 104.50 Louis Hoffman - Work on County Bridges, Roseland Township9.70 Alfred Hanson - Work on County Bridge, Roseland Township 16.70 C. L. Hanson - Work on County Bridges, Roseland Township 18.90 Paul Woodworth - Repairing bridge, Ayr Township.. ...... . .... 2.00 John Woodworth - Repairing bridge, Ayr Township-. ...... 2.00 . Harm Johnson - Repair440 Repai'r'ing bridge, Ayr, TownShip. ...... 0****04000 Harm Johnson - Repairing, Bridge, Ayr Township 7.70 F. E. Wintetmute - Repairing brides, Ayr Township... • 7.70 W. M. Wintermute -Repairing, bridge, Ayr Township 4.40 Frank H. Kitts - County bridges and material 1793 R. J. Hargleroad - Supplies, Nails etc 5:74 Frank H. Kitts - Bridge, Adams -Hall County line 500.00 Juniata Lumber Company - Bridge lumber, nails & wire 126.85 Ayr Lumber Company - Posts 84.15 F. W. Turner - Pride work, Juniata Township,. ...... 13.30 The Arco Company - Paint for County Bridges... .......... 357.00 ( BRIDGE FUND CONT'D) Thomas Snyder Sr - Labor on bridges, Zero Township............... 25.25 Lee Hemberger Grading County bridge, Juniata Township35.00 Frank H. Kitts - Balance due on bridges as per agreement 200.00 ROAD .FUND Louis .Mick - Labor on County Road, Zero Township 189.50 Carl Blum - Labor on County Read, Zero Township...-. . . 18.00 Albert Blumenthal - Labor. on County Road, Zero Township 37.00 Paul Krueger Road work, Zero Township........ .. ••82.00 Fred Kort - Road work, Zero Township. ...... ......... . .. 10.00 Hugo Krueger - Road work, Zero Township ,.,. 9.00 Charlie Meyer - Road work, Zero Township 38.00 Richard. Huse .. Road work, Zero Township 50.50 Herbert Kort - Road work, Zero Township 14.00 Russel W. Bosard - Road work, Zero Tavrnshlp..,..... s...e.e....r,55.40 United Electric Company - Electric supplies 7,25 Bert Needham - Road work, Logan Township .. 28.00 Bert Needham - Road work, Logan Township 47.65 R. M. Ratcliff Overseeing County Road No. 17, Zero Township.. 62.40 Eugene W. Osler - Road. work, Kenesaw Township...... 109.00 L. E. Clark & Co - Tractb•r oil .............. 1.10 Lyle Ramsey - Road work, Kenesaw Township 12.60 Al Osler - Road work, Kenesaw Townships...... 71.75 Ira Currier - Road work, Kenesaw Township..........".. . ..... 46.55 W. B. Hargleroad - Superintending Road work, Cottonwood Twsp. , , 53.80 Karl Reichart - Road work, Cottonwood Township 65.50 Karl Reichart - Road work, Cottonwood Township ................... 84.50 Earl Gangwixh - Road work, Cottonwood Township......... .... ...... 17.00 Jacob Zubrod Drayage..... ...................................... 1.55 Harry H. Hansen - Road vcrk , Cottonwood Township 60.50 Sam Nicholls - Road work, Kenesav Township..... .............. 124.25 Wm. Flury .. Road work, Kenesaw Township.....,..... ........ ..... s• r .00 Niles Simmons - Road work, Kenesaw Township....,,..........,,,.,, .00 Vern E. Osler - Road work, Kenesaw Township .00 Ayr Auto Company - Labor, repairs and gas'for County Tractor, 32.99 Osborn Oil Company - Gas and grease, truck and tractor..,..,.,..,. 288.92 Ed Peters - Road work ..-.. 336.10 Joseph H. Knapp - Repairs for County Tractor......-..,,.........., 1.50 T. G. Whiting - Express on tractor repairs and drayage 1.29 Nick Klein ., Road work, Ayr Township 9.80 Crisman & Brehm - Repairing County Tractor 15,25 W. M. Reis Road work, Ayr Township......... 16.30 The Aultnian_& Taylor Bach Company - Tractor repairs..... ....... .. .73 A. F. Meyer Hdw Company - Tractor supplies - Tractor supplies.... 17.59 James McCauley - Road work, Ayr Township 10.80 Harry Schmidt.- Road work, Ayr Township 9.80 McHarry Bros - Gas and supplies for County Tractor 14.80 Albert Schultz - Road work, Ayr Township 19.60 Juniata Lumber Company .. Oil and supplies ....... 32.75 Juniata Lumber Company .. Supplies ..................... ... 10.30 01 H. Sprankle - Tractor repairs....... ........................... 35.95 Rutherford Bros - Tractor supplies........s.es..................... .50 T. G. Whiting - Road work, Hanover, Juniata and Ayr Townships..... 60.00 United Electric Service Co - Labor and supplies,County machinery.. 102.85 The Aultman & Taylor Company Repairs, . 7.77 Stockland Road Machinery Co - Repairs........ ...... ..... .,.e.,.,- 18.78 Manhattan Oil Company Tractor gas and oil 441.50 Frank Reis - Road work, Ayr Township"... ........ SOSSOSSO11.20 The Minn Thresh Mach Co Tractor repairs.....,634.57 SPECIAL.MOTOR:VEHICLE REGISTRATION FUND E. E. Shierman = Road dragging, Blaine Township .................... 59.30 John Hupf Sr - Hauling straw, Cottonwood & Logan Townships....,.. 1.5.40 C. E. Higinbo+ham - Road. dragging, Blaine Township................. 4.05 W. A. Newell - Road dragging, Juniata. Township 199.85 T. E, Shafer - Road dragging, Denver Township 145.20 Highway Uaintainer Co Maintainer repairs 1.17 J. D. Fernow - Road dragging, Roseland Township 68.40 C. E. Higinbotharn - Road dragging, Blaine Township 3.60 O. M, Doty - Road dragging, Highland Township 95.85 Andy Smidt - Road dragging, Hanover Township..,..... 42.95 Wm Oelschlager - Road dragging, Verona Township...... 200.70 W. C. Dycus Road dragging, Ayr Township 42.85 Andy Smidt - Road dragging, Hanover Township. ....... •••00•041,000 35.65 E. Ray Anderson - Road dragging, Little Blue Township."158.41 0. M. Doty - Road dragging, Highland Township 20.70 D. N. Bitner - Road dragging, West Blue Township 66.25 D. N. Bitner - Road dragging, Nest Blue Township 66.16 E. E. Shierman - Road dragging, Blaine Township..,...,....,...." Holstein Drug Co many - Ether for tractor.. ................... Wm Oelschlager - Road dragging, Verona Township B. F. Schlegel - Road dragging, Kenesaw Township... 060 .... Road dragging, Zero Township Company Repairs on tractor..., Repairs on tractor Tractor o.ns . nil. cunni i Aa n ,d rcnai rQ ... 44.10 6.55 30.60 161.99 162.45 10.90 21 .40 KG2._ qn Christ Kort - Kenesaw Motor Dan Essinger - Dan Essina :r - •e......... .. 11 LIP% 231 POOR AID FUND Kauf & Rinderspacher - beat 4.00 Dora DeBord - Allowance, ........ 30.00 Sunnyside - Services 134.00 G. A. Volland-Funeral expenses, Casket etc75.00 Hastings Fuel Co - 5.00 ..... 5. C. V. Whisnand - Groceries 4.10 P. E. Brehm - Services 55.00 Jacob Pauer - Groceries.-- . 2 ..... ... Juniata Lumber Co - Coal 14.35 A. D. Lay - Groceries... ............ B. M. Simms . Perscription..... ........ 11:g Zena Moffitt - Allowance 25.00 Bo M. Simms - Drugs., ......... $6409•066e*IF 11.36 B. M. Simms - Drugs.,,..... 19.13 Anna Woodruff - Services 16.00 Henry Albers - Services....... ....... 150.00 Conrad Walker - Groceries.... ..... . .. 31.10 Byers Lumber Co - Coal Hastings Basket System - Groceries 12.89 C B & Q RR Co - Railroad ticket .. ... $.12 Hastings Basket System - Groceries22.15 J. W. Brown . Services 4.00 Wolbach & Brach - Merchandise.,,,,,,,,,.,,‚ 16.43 Barnes Clothing Company - Merchandise6.20 John Marshall - Services35.00 J. G. Jones - Merchandise 10.00 W. E. Mowers - Services 43.00 The number of indivuduals and families readying aid for the month of may are twenty -fu g and the amount $830.95. Motion by Nelson, Second by Zohner that the following claims be allowed on the Special Mo+or vehicle Registration Fund and the Clerk be instructed to make claim on the Department of Public Works for reimbursement. Roll call, all voted ayen_ Motion carried. Van Gilder & Bottenfield - Repairs, State truck......... . . . ... .80 R. W. Haskin- Fan belt, State truck 2.50 Nebraska Battery & Tire Co - Repairs, State truck 1.20 J. H. McGrath Hardware Company - Bolts and oil can 1.88 Wm. Schroeder - Road work, Federal Highway.... ... . .. . . 28.00 R. J. Ryan - Road work, Road No. 41 3.50 Crisman & Brehm - Repairs for State truck and tractor Frank Livingston .. Road work, Road No. 40 4 Ed Druecker-TeWm work, Road No.41 ;:gg 138.60 Art Livingston- Team work, Road No.40 ............... .... ........ 42.00 F. H. Brandes Co - Repairs for State truck.......... ..... ..... 36.17 Fred Dreibilbis - Team work, Road No. 41....... ........ .......... 87.50 Henry Kreiling - Tam work, Road No. 40, Patrol 1 35.00 Ira Plgilleo - Team work, Road No. 41 70.00 Dave Petro - Team work, Road No. 41....... ..... ... . ....... 6.00 H.M. Larkin - Labor and dynamite... ..... ....... ..... 8.75 Wm Lephey - Labor, Road No. 41 ................. 0."00esso.00404,1.• 10.00 Manhattan Oil Co - Gas and oil for County 30.42 John Parsons - Cash paid out for as, repairs and ether.. ....... 4.65 Oliver Lumber Company - Bridge pland 2.90 R. S. Yost - Garage service, State & Federal equipment. ....... 30.00 B. F. Millard - Grader and maintainer repairs.................... 18.25 Osborn Oil Company - Gas and kerosens 97,72 O. H. Sprankle - Repairs and supplies on Mraintainor ......... 28.25 Stromer Motor Sales Co - Repairs on Maintainer 7.00 Manhattan Oil Company - Gas and oil 32.32 Kister Garage - Roller pins.......... ..... ..... •••60104.•••••0000 1.85 Manhattan Oil Company - Gas and oil 343.51 Motion by Ratcliff, Second by Zohner that the claims of F. S. Philleo for $2.25 and the claim of Flor Bourg for $6.00 on the Road Fund and the claim of W. E. Nowers for $10.00 on the Poor Nid Fund and the claim of Henry Roeder for $3.00 on the General Fund be disallowed. Motion carried. Minutes were read and approved. Motion by Zohner, Second by Ratcliff that this Board now adjourn to met again on Wednesday, July 6th 1921 at 10 A. M. Whereupon the Board adjourned, ah cde-ei OUNTY CLERK LUk 232 Tuesday, June 14th 1921, 9 o'clock A M. Adams County Board of Equalization Roll call, Membersspresent as follows: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Ratcliff, Whiting, Zohner, County Assessor, Clark and County Clerk, Cates. Absent: Nelson. Formal complaint on assessment of Real Estate was made by John H. Parsons, Enno Uden, W. H. & Nellie Dillon, C. M. Prince, J. R. Hoban, L. A. Clark and I. E. Montgomery, same being placed on file. Also complaint on Personal Assessment was made by Lester Larkins for Hastings Ice & Coal Cospany and the same was placed on file. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1 o'clock, B. M. At 1 o clock the Board reassembled. All Members present except Nelson. Formal complaint on assessment of Real Estate was made by Father McDonald, George P. Hendricks, Arthur Blake, Fred Blake, S. B. Sorenson, B. W. Tinder, Hazel Westing and Walter Divan were filed with the Board. Various other parties appeared before the Board for the purpose of looking up their valuations. At 5 o'clock the Board recessed until June 15th 1921, 9 A M Wednesday, June 15th 1921, 9 o'clock, A. M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all Members present as follows: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Ratcliff, Whiting, Zohner, Clark and Cates. Absent: Nelson. Formal complaint on assessment of Real Estate was made by Geo. Traut, John Menne°, J. F. Frye, Agent, C. H. Detrich and Frank Hubl, and the same was placed on file*, 0. C. Zinn & Company filed a protest on their personal assessment. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1 P.M. 1 P. M. all Members present. Formal complaint on assessment of Real Estate was made by Dr W. G. Hawley, Mrs. J, H. Scudder, Otto Redman and Ray Jones. The same was placed on file. Balance of the afternoon session was taken up in theexamination of Personal property schedules. At 5 P. M. the Board recessed until June 16th 1921 at 9 o'clock, A. M. Thursday, June 16th 1921 9 A. M. The Board reassembled. Roll call, all Members present except Nelson. Formal complaint on assessment of Real Estate was made by Geo Mathers, 0,. B. Tyner, and Mrs Bessie Moline. Same were placed on file. Balance of forenoon was taken up in looking over the Personal Schedules; At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1 P. M. Afternoon Sessisn, 1 P. M. all Members present except Nelson. Formal complaint on assessment of Real Estate was made by Maggie Ruhter, J. B. Wallace, Polenske Bros Schellak & Company, Nick Heuertz and Mrs Hulda-Yddra. Same were placed on file. J. H. Pope, Precinct Assessor of West Blue Township and P. H. Gartner, Precinct Assessor of Little Blue Township were called before the Board in regard to assessments in these Townships. Motion by Durkee, Second by Bivens that this Board recess until Tuesday, June 21st 1921 at 9 A M. Motion carried. 233 Tuesday, June 21st 1921, 9 A M Board reassembled as per recess of June 16th 1921. Members present as follows: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Ratcliff, jhitin, Zohner, County Assessor Clark and County Clerk, Cates. Absent: Nelson. Formal protest on Real Estate Assessment gas made by John Kipp. Also formal protest was made on Personal Assessment by Fred Ihringer, and the same was placed on file. A general discussion was had or Personal Schedules of Banks. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Givens that the request of Fred Ihringer for a reduction of $2000.00 on his personal schedule for 1921 be disallowed. Roll call, all Members present voted aye. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1 P. M. At 1 P M the Board reassembled. All Members present except Nelson. The Chairman appointed a commettee consisting of Durkee, Zohner and Clark to examine into the protests on Real Estate assessment on file with the County Clerk, The entire afternoon was taken up by the Committee in viewing the property in question. Formal protest on the assessment. of the Vary Lanning Hospital was filed by James & Danly, Attorneys. This protest was subsequently withdrawn. At, 5 P. M. the Board recessed until Wednesday, June 22nd 1921, 9 A M. Wednesday, June 22nd 1921, 9 A. M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all Members present except Nelson. Committee appointed to examine into properties on which protests on the valuation had been filed concluded their examinations and made their report to the Board. A T Bratton and Fred Kuenneth were asked to appear before the Board in regard to assessment on lots in Block 10 & 11 Original Town. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Zohner that the valuation on improvements on Lots 12-20, Block 17,, Original Town belonging to C H Deitrich be reduced from $68,000.00 to $58,500.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Hargleroad that the valuation on lots 21-24, Block 10, Original Town be increased from $5000.00 to $7000.00. Poll call, ayes: Bivens, Hargleroad and Clark. Nays: Durkee, Ratcliff, Whiting, Zohner and. Cates. Absent: Nelson. Motion lost. Motion by Zohner, Second by Hargleroad that the valuation onLots 13..20, Block 10, Original Town be reduced from $14000.00 to $12000.00. Roll call, ayes: Bivens, Durkee, Whiting, Zohner, Clark and Cates. Nays: Harglaroad and Ratcliff. Absent: Nelson. Motion carried. Motion by Ratcliff, Second by Hargleroad that the valuations on lots 21-.24, Block 10, Original Town be increased from $5000.00 to $6000.00.. Roll call, ayes: Bivens, Hargleroad, Ratcliff, Clark and Cates. Nays: Durkee, Whiting and Zohner. Absent: Nelson. Potion carried, 'lotion by Durkee, Second by Givens that the valuation on Lots 6-7-8 & 9, Block 1, Original. Town be reduced from $9500.00 to $8000.00. Roll call, ayes: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Ratcliff, Whiting, Zohner and Cates. Nays: Clark. Absent: Nelson. Motion carried Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Durkee that the following claims for reduction of valuations on Real Estate filed under protest with the_Board of Equalization be allowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The claims and amounts follow: Polenske Bros Shel.lak & Company, South Park Addition, Blks 1-16 inclusive, $1500.00, Geo. P. Hendricks, City Extensions, First Ward $100.00, Fred Blake, Lots 4 & 5, Block 27, Original Town, $2200.00, 1. E. Montgomery ,Lot 6, Elk 1, Clark's Addition 11000.00, John Monica, 4-, Lot,; 2 , Bostwick's Addition, $300.00, Enno Uden, Lot 5, Alexander's Sub $50.00, L. A. Clark, S 50ft, Lot 11, Renfrew's Addition, $1000.00, Geo Withers, E 50ft , Lot 2, Plonk 13, Dawes & Foss, $500.00, Mrs. Bessie Moline, W 100ft of S 60ft of N 150ft , Lot",. Renfrew's Addition, $200.00, John Traut, Lots 13-18, Block 23, Johnson's Addition, $1500.00 2 234 The claims and amounts follow: Walter Divan, MWia Sec 2- 12 $1000.00, C. R. Tyner, i 157 ft S2 4 Block 8,. Alexander's 1st Addition, asked to -be exempt, S. B. Sorenson, Lot 13 & 14, Block 29, Original Town, $1000.00, John P. Madgett, Agent for Mrs A L Irwin, Lots 17-1F-19, Block 20, Original Town, $5000.00 , Arthur Blake, 17 40ft of E 164'of N 82, Lot 8, Mclntyre's Addition, $200.00, J. W. Kipp, E 150ft Block 7, Alexander's Addition, $2000.00, Rpy James, E 352ft of Lot 6 and 42ft of Lot 7, Blk 14, Dawes & Foss Addition, $200.00, Dr. W. G. Hawley, Lot 8-9-10, Block 10, $1500.00, Dr. W. G. Hawley, Lots 1-2-3, Original Town, $1500,00 C Y Peirce, Block 3, Haire' s Sub Division, $1000,00, Fars. J. H. Scudder, W , Lot 7, Block 5, Webster & Wemple's Addition, $200.00, J. B. Wallace, part of 11-7-10, $300.00, Nick Heuertz, Lots 1 & 2, Block 3, Cole's Addition $375.00, Mrs. J. A. Westing, Lot 4, Block 3, College Addition, $400.00, Mrs Hulda Vodra, Lot 7, Blk 7, Kays Sub Division, $200.00, Father McDonald, Lots 7 & 8, Block, 3, Johnson's $800.00. Motion by Durkee, Second by Clark that the request for a reduction in valuation on the Personal Schedule of 0. C. Zinn & Company for $1500.00 be allowed at $500.00. Roll call, all toted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Durkee, Second by Ratcliff that the request for a reduction of valuation on Personal schedule of the Postal Telegraph Company be not granted. Motion carried. Motion by Zohner, Second by Durkee that the request of J. R. Hoban for a reduction on Real Estate valuations on Si, Sec 7.7-12 for $7695.00 be allowed at $3150.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by livens, Second by Clark that the request of Otto Redman for a reduction of Real Estate valuation on various tracts of lands in Kenesaw Township be disallowed. Roll call, ayes: Bivens, Durkee, Ratcliff, Whiting, Zohner, Clark and Cates. Nays: Hargleroad. Absent: Nelson. Motion carried. At 5 P. M. the Board recessed until Thursday, June 23rd at 9 A M. Thursday, Jure 23rd 1921, 9 A M Board reassembled as per recess. Rollcall, all members present except Nelson. Motion by Bivens, Second by Hargleroad that after careful comparison of_ the Real Estate assessments returned by the Precinct Assessors on the farm lands and improvements of the sixteen different townships of Adams County, Nebraska, we -equalize the sante by the following percent of increases or decreases. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The list follows: West Blue Township) Increase 5% Highland " No change Verona .. . „. Kenesaw " Decrease 12% Wanda " Decrease 6 Juniata No change Denver Decrease 3% Blaine " No change. Hanover Township No change Ayr Decrease 9 Roseland " No change Cottonwood " Decrease 121 Logan " No change Silver Lake " Decrease 10% Zero " Decrease 12% Little Blue " No change. Motion by Clerk, Second by Bivens that we equalize the Real Estate assessment as returned by the Precinct Assessors on the lots and improvements in the City of Hastings, Nebraska, by decreasing the same 15% on the entire City Real Estate valuations. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P ;r. At 1:30 P. M. the Board reassembled. All Members present except Nelson. Motion by Ratcliff, Second by Hargleroad, that the valuations as returned by the Precinct and County Assessor of Adams County, Nebraska, and as equalized and corrected by the Board of Equalization be confirmed by, this Board and that the County Assessor be instructed to make an abstract of the valuations on this basis and report the same to the State Board of Equalization. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Minutes were read and approved. The Chairman announced thet the Board of Equalization would now recess and meet again oe the call of the County Clerk. tiN 235 Wednesday, July 6th 1921, 10 o'clock, A. M. Board assembled as per adjournment of June 3rd 1921. Members present as follows: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Nelson, Ratcliff, Whiting and Zohner. Motion by Bivens, Second by Hargleroad that the Mother's Pension orders of the County Court of Mrs Alice Block, Mrs Iva Rose, Mrs Susan Thomas, Mrs Hattie Curry and Mrs Blanche Goble be confirmed and the Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Durkee, Second by Zohner that the bond of Nancy E. Bottorff, Deputy County Clerk be accepted. Motion carried. Motion by Ratcliff, Second by Bivens the- the recommendation • of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and that the claim of Ralph E. Bryant for a refund of taxes paid under protest, Tax Receipt No 9131 and the claim of Ethel M. Strayer for a refund of taxes paid under protest, Tax Receipt No. 9164 be disallowed. Motion carried. Semi-annual report of the Register of Deeds, Sheriff and County Clerk were read before the Board and ordered placed on file. Motion by Zohner, Second by Nelson that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, our Representative, in the United State Congress, Honorable W. E. Andrews has introduced a Bill in to House of Representatives providing for a Cannon or Fieldpiece captured from the German Army for Adams County, Nebraska. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Adams County Board of Supervisors express their apprediation of this bill and suitable arrangements will be made to place the same on the Court House Ground and that the Clerk be instructed to notify Mr Andrews of our wishes that this bill may become a law. Motion carried. At 12 o'21ock the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M. At 1:30 P. M. the Board resumed. Roll call, all Members present. Motion by Bivens, Second by Durkee that the Chairman appoint a Committee of three to investigate the proposition of keeping Miss Moffitt of Juniata at the Nebraska Sanitarium and of investigating the conditions of the family at Juniata and report the same to this Board on next Tuesday. Motion carried. The Chairman appointed on this committee, Durkee, Nelson and Zohner. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens that we order a cement bridge between Sections 6 & 7, Denver Township, on County Road No. 1 with a 20 ft Roadway and 14 ft waterway and a cement bridge between Sections 3, Wanda and Section 32, Kenesaw on County Road No. 1, 20 ft Roadway and 12 ft waterway. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Auditing of claims on file occupied the attention of the Board. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Nelson thit the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The claims follow: GENERAL FUND Elliott R. Davis - Mileage, envelopes, painting board etc -- - ------- ------------------$ 133.55 Extension Service . Letterheads, envelopes & postage- - 7.46 Renner & Serf - Ribbon and printing -- — ---- ---------------------------------------- 4.75 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co - Toll calls, County offices 7.24 William F. Widmaier - Bailiff, District Court------------------------ - 15.00 J A Cates, County Clerk - Recording 19 Honorable Discharges © 750 14.25 J. A. Cates, County Clerk - Postage, express, etc for six months 65.30 Watkins-Clute Printing Co - Printing and record book - - -- ------------------------ 72.15 , Hastings Daily Tribune - Stamp for County Clerk---- -------- 3.00 H. F. Jacobson - Cleaning and repairing typewriters, County offices .- 10.25 Jessie L. Bigelow - Work on Assessor's Books - -- - ----------------------------------- 94.50 George A Munroe - One day, Bailiff, District Court- --- - -- - --- --n..----.------------- 3.00 K -B Printing Company - Suoplies, County Superintendent---- - -- - ----------------- 25.27 Binderup Hardware Co - Hose and screen for Court House -- - -- - 12.60 J. G. Jones - Groceries, County Farm ------- ---------- ____ ----- _ --- n --- ___.-------- 52.05 ,7 an '21' 236 (GENERAL FUND CONT'D) B. F. Carl - Groceries for County Farm - ---..... ----- ------ $ 59.97 B. F. Millard - Repairs on articles at Court House H. C.Haverly - Gas, lights and Telephones, County offices------------------- 115.06 Geo. B. Durkee - Services on County Board and mileage------------------------ 55.80 Lincoln Tel & Te1g Cc - Toll calls,Farm Bureau------------------------------- 3.95 Mary K. Bauder - Work on Assessor's Books------------------------------------ 166. 50 A. I. Batten - Laundry, County offices and extra help-------- --------- ----- 9-20 Miller & Rost - Repairs on County Car-------------.------.--------------------- 11.45 James E. Addie - Postage and mileage-------------------------------- -- . -- 9.50 Burroughs Adding Machine Co Care of machine, Treasurer's; office ----------- 9.05 Kenesaw Progress - Publishing notice of Equalization Meeting --------- ---- --- 3.45 Edgerton & Hamilton - Sweeping compound , Court House------------ - - ----- ------ 14.50 H. H. Cowton - Labor at Court House------------------------------------------ 13.37 Frank H. Kitts ,. Sand, County Farm 74.14 J. H. Pope - Services, Board of Equaliza}ion----- --------- - 5.40 Raymond Bauder- Work on Assessor's Books- - -------------._- --- 83..00 0. H. Sprankle - Repairing, implements, County Farm- 2.75 Carl R. Matthiesen & Co - Miscellaneous supplies, Farm Bureau 5.98 Carl R. Matthiesen & Co - Supplies, County Farm 2.10 Haynes Bros Labor, County offices ---------------------- -- 24.45 T. G. Whiting - Services on. County Board and mileage------------------------- 86.60 W. A. Cole - Jail fees, postage ete-----..>.-------------- -------------- --- -- 101.15 W. M. Nelson - Services on County Board ------- ------------------- ----------- 18.00 J. H. McGrath Hdw Co - Supplies, County Farm 5.55 Deines Drug Co --Supplies, County offices------------------- 9.10 W. W. Keith Fees, Insanity case------....-- ---- 8.00 J. E. Willits - Attorney, Insanity hearing3.00 C. W. Schmitz - Drugs, County Jail ----------------------- ,,5.75 Pickens & Bratton - Shades for Court House ------- ------ ------- 15.75 Joseph M. Turbyfill, Co Judge - Fees, Costs in State cases and postage 41,73 Stewart & Smith - Supplies and labor, Court House17.70 Renner & Serf - Supplies, County offices30.50 R. M. Ratcliff - Services on County Board and mileage -----a 93.70 R. D. Mann - Strip of land for Road purposes--------------------------- 78.00 P. H. Gartner - Services, Board of Equalization - 5.00 W. B. Hargleroad Services on County Board and mileage -- -_-_-- 92.80 Robert Zohner - Services on County Board and cash paid out------------------- 88.00 Wolbach & Brach Merchandise, County Farm---...... ---- - - -------------------- 5.50 Lucia Dillenbach, - District Court fees ------ ------ ------ ------- ------------- 251.65 Guarantee Electric Co Lights bulbs, Court House -------------------------- 2.40 K -B Printing Co - Supplies, County Superintendent----------------.------ 61.52 County Treasurer - Postage, P. O. Box rent and telegrams 22.97 James F. Crowley - Justice fees,-------.---- ---- ----- ----------- --- 130.97 George H. Brungardt - Repairs, Court House2.19 Williams Photo Company - Photographing evidence----=---- 50.00 G'eo W. Bivens ... Services on County Board and mileage-- 113.20 Wales Adding Machine Co Adding Machine Ribbon -------------------a------- 1.00 },ie National Refining Co - Oil, County Farm 15.06 The Hastings Dailing Tribune - Publishing----------------------------- -- 26.60 2.75 BRIDGE FUND Frank H. Kitts - Bridge, Hall -Adams County, & supplies------------ 339.15 Albert Lay - Labor'on bridge, Hanover Township---------------- -- 11.00 J. A. Silvey Lumber Co - Bridge material--- 20.50 John F. Riese - Repairing Bridge, Juniata Township 9.60 John F. Riese - Repairing bridge, Juniata Township-- 25.00 Harm Johnson Repairing County bridge, Ayr Township--------- - 8.00 Louis Hoffman- Bridg work---------------------------------- - - 3.50 C. L. Hanson - Bridge work, Roseland Township3.50 Frank H. Kitts - Bridge material and bridges1078.20 Frank H. Kitts - Bridges and material 1500.00 Harm Johnson - Repairing bridge, Ayr Township----------- 1.60 Frank H. Kitts - Hauling lumber 5.00 Warren Boyd - Team work, Roseland Township------------------------- 3.50 John Eihusen - Bridge work----------------- ------------------ -- 26.60 ROAD FUND Mathew Uerling - Suppli`As furnished------,----------------------- --$ 11.50 Osborn Oil Co Gas & oil---------- --- - -- 292.02 John A. Weber - Supplies and cash paid out----- ----------------- 2.00 Standard. Oil Co - Oil 183.38 Nebraska Battery & Tire Co - Paste------------------------- 1.25 B. A. Frederickson - Supplies for Tractor--------- ----- 18.35 J. H. McGrath Hdw Co - Supplies.---------------- --- - --- --- -,-- 3.55 Nebraska Battery & Tire Co - Supplies and labor, Dists. No. 1 & 2_ 1.67 Nebraska Battery & Tire Co - Supplies, Dist. No. 2..-------- --- 6.40 H. K. Sanford - Oil and spark plugs26.95 J. H. Robinson - Road work 14.65 Frank Rickerson Road work and labor on culverts------------------ 45.60 C. G. Craven - Mowing weeds along County Road 7.00 Geo. W. Bivens - Superintending County Road work----------------- 77.80 Louis Mick - Work on County Road No. 17 165.80 B. A. Frederickson - Tractor supplies 21.86 Crisman & Brehm - Labor on County Tractor and supplies-------- 45.35 McElhinney Pharmacy - Motor ether1.70 237 ( ROAD FUND CONT' D) W. B. Hargleroad - Overseeing Road work, Roads 1-5-6-7 & 12-------$ 118.50 R. J. Hargleroad - One wheel barrow --------7------- . - ... 11.30 John Sauernan - Road work, Verona ----- 14.00 B. F. Millard - Grader supplies . ------ 18.00 Ed Bhitezel - Road work, West Blue Township----- -- ------ 70.00 J. H. McGrath Hardware Go - Cable , oiler etc---------------------- 15.53 Dan Essinger .. Tractor supplies, oil and gas --- ------g --- 374.55 39.50 R. C. Firms - Road SPECIAL MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION FUND 0. H. Sprankle - Repairing Maintainer and 32.55 Andy Smidt - Road dragging, Hanover Township---------------- ---_ 35.65 Henry F. Bohlke - Road dragging, Logan Township --------- - 144.10 W. A. Newell Road dragging, Juniata Township------------------- 5,40 B. F. Schlegel - Kenesaw_ Township ----- ----------- ....,.•.. ._- 89.99 Wm Oelschlager - Road dragging, Verona 34.65 F. G. Roeder - Road dragging, Wanda Township----------------- --- 194.20 W. B. Hargleroad - Road dragging, Cottonwood Township----.------- 16.00 O. M. Doty, - Road dragging, Highland Township------ ---> ------ 45.00 E. Ray Anderson - Road dragging, Little Blue Township ------ 74.25 Christ Kort Road dragging, Zero Township. - 49.90 J. B. Fernow - Road dragging, Roseland Township------------------ 60.75 W. J. Meester Road dragging, Blaine Township ---•- > •--------- 5.40 D. N. Bitner-- Road dragging, West Blue Township----------------- 51.30 H. B. Burroughs - Strawing road in Silver Lake Township---------- 32.05 H. B. Burroughs - Strawing road, Silver Lake Township 82.20 SOLDIER'S & SAILOR'S RELEIF FOUND. H. C. Price- Trip to Grand Island and Ayr_-- -------- -_®--.-_-_.- POOR AID FUND 10.00 B. M. Simms- Drugs $ 33.90 J. G. Jones _Groceries - ---- ---- ---- _ 19.90 Prosser Lumber, Company - Coal------ --- ---- --------------------- 5.05 Dr James V. Beghtol Services------------------------ - 28.00 H. O. Eckhardt - Groceries--------------- -----------..----_-- 26.05 G. W. Beanblossom Board furnished.-- -- ---------------------- 6.00 Conrad Walker - Groceries-- ---- ------- ----- -------- ------___---__ 52.77 W. P1 Mead Groceries--------- --- ------- ----------- ----- 47.26 Mrs Butler - Services---------------------- _--,,._®_»--. - 24,00 A. D. Lay _Groceries-_°-_..r.----..-_---------•w--..-®®--__---_- 15.06 Moffitt Family - Allowance ---------- ----------------- 12.50 B. F. Carl - Groceries ---- ---- _--------------------------- - 14.60 Mary Lanning Hospital - Services----- --------- 34.27 John L. Mace - Services - 7.00 Hastings Basket System Groceries -a-»----------- 22.34 Mrs James Calabrese - Merchandise -- 13.55 J. H. Yost Lbr Co - Coal 11.50 Henry Albers -'Services __--150.00 H. O. Eckhardt - Groceries 29.53 Lula Beanblossom - Services 12.00 Kauf & Rinderspacher - Meat----------- ----- --..m_---- 2.00 C. B. & Q RR Co - Ticket to Lincoln -- ,>..._ _---m_ .--_ ._3.76 C. N. W. RR Co _.M. -Ticket to Pisgah, Ia------------- -_,-...•v-_- 7.20 Geo. Beanblossom - Board furnished - 14.00 Dora DeBord - Allowance------------_--_--- ---------------------- - 30.00 The number of families and individuals receiving aid for the month of June are nineteen and amount $622.34. Motion by Bivens, Second by Nelson that the following claims be allowed on the Special Motor Vehicle Registration Fund and the Clark be instructed to make claim on the Department of Public Works for reimbursement for the same.Roll call, all voted. aye. Motion carried. B. F. Millard - Repairs on Grader andMaintainer--- >--------- 21.00 Elmer Kreiling - Road work------------------------------------- 147.00 Crisman (I Brehm Repairs on truck----------------------------- .35 Standard Oil Co - Gas and oil->- > 54.11 Geo. Kister & Sons - Tractor repairs---.-.•-------- ------------- 1.25 Mid -State Construction Co - Concrete pipe 125.20 Jay Webb - Galvanized'pipe threads9.45 Highway Maintainer Co - Repairs ----->------------- -e3.15 C. H. Partridge - Road work--------- --- -------------------- 987.16 Oliver Lumber Co - Lath---------------- --------- .50 Binderup Hardware Co - Bolts, etc 2.25 J. D. Adams & Co - Grader- ----.----------------- --_------ 1320;00 LUP' 238 J. H. Gates - Road dragging, Ayr village ---------------- J. R. Rickerson Labor, Road No. 53 ------- ------------- B. C. Clayton - Team work, Road No. 53--- ---------- E. E. tbetzel Labor,,Road No, Mathew Uerling - Supplies ------ 0. H. Sprankle . Supplies for Road Machinery --------10.80 M.- 72 .00 -------- 28.80 27.35 ------- 31.60 Minutes were read and approved. Motion by Zohner, Second by Durkee that this Board now adjourn to meet again Motion carried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. Tuesday, July 12th 1921. 239 TUESDAY, JULY, 12th 1921, 10 A. M. Board assembled as per adjournment of July 6# 1921. This being a regular meeting of the Board as provided for by law. Roll call, all Members present except Zohner. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Nelsen that the Petition of C. S. Woods and others asking that the Public Highway now running between Sections 28 and 33 Little Blue Township, Adams County, Nebraska be vacated. A Petition for the same having been duly filed with the County Clerk on Lay 28th 192k. Motion carried. Motion by Ratcliff, Second by Bivens that we employ the Wiggins -Babcock Company, expert accountants, to check the fees of the office of the Clerk of the District Court for the years 1912-1918 inclusive and report the same to this Board. Roll call, eyes: Bivens, Durkee, Ratcliff and Whiting. Nays: Hargleroad and Nelson. Zohner: absent. Motion carried. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1:30 P. M. At 1:30 P. M. the Board reassembled. All Members present except Zohner. Motion by Durkee, Second by Nelson that we allow the Moffitt Family of Juniata, Nebraska, not to exceed 015.00 per month for groceries and not to exceed 010.00 per month for drugs and 012.50 per week for a Housekeeper and that in addition to this the Supervisor from that district be instructed to buy that Pool this family needs. Roll call, ayes: Durkee, Hargleroad, Nelson, Ratcliff and Whiting. Nays: Bivens. Zohner: absent. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Ratcliff that we designate County Roads, subject to County control and maintainance as follows: County Road No. 20, commancing at the NE corner of Section 7, Town 6, Range 10, Adams County, Nebraska, thence running south two miles, thence east four miles connecting with State and Federal Road No. 41, County Road No. 21 commencing at the center of Section 13, Town 7, Range 11, Adams County, Nebraska, thence running south five miles connecting with County Road No. 2. County Road No. 22, commencing at the NE corner, Section 33, Town 8, Range 12, Adams County, Nebraska, thence running test three miles to the Adams County line. County Road No. 23, commencing at the NE corner, Section 19, Town 7, Range 12, Adams County, Nebraska, thence running south five miles, thence east one mile, thence south one mile connecting with County Road No.9. Extension of County Road No. 3, commencing at the village of Pauline, Adams County, Nebraska, thence running south on half sectio r line, three miles connecting with County Road No. 17. Extension of County Road No. 17, commencing at the NE corner, Section 28, Town 5, Range 10, Adams County, Nebraska, thence running east five miles, connecting With -County Road No. 3 and that the County Clerk be instructed to advertise said roads according to law. Motion carried. Motion by Whiting, Second by Hargleroad that we buy a strip of land for road purposes off of the north side of the NW, Section 19, Town 6, Pange 10 and that the County Surveyor be instructed to survey the same and report to this Board the amount of acreage. Motion carried. Minutes were read and approved. Motion by Bivens, Second by Ratcliff that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, August 2nd 1921, at 10 A, W. Motion carried. thereupon the Board adjourned. • Dri•LITT Tuesday, August 2nd 1921,._ 10 o'clock, A. M. Board reassembled as per adjournment of July 12th 1921. Members present as follows: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Nelson, Ratcliff and Whiting. Absent:, Zohner. The report of C. A. Heartwell, County Surveyor on the road described in the petition between Section 28 and 33, Township 5,- Range 9, west , Little Blue Township, was read before the Board and recommended that the road be not closed. Also Ed Anderson and others appeared before the Board with a remonstrance asking that the above described road be not _vacated. Motion by Nelson, Second by Hargleroad that the Petition of 0. 6. Woods and others asking to vacate the Public Highway between Section 28 and 33, Little Blue Township be not granted. All voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ratcliff, Second by Nelson that thereport of the County Surveyor on the road between Sections 18 and 19, Ayr Township be accepted and the same referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Motion carried. cod Motion by Nelson, Second by Durkee that the petition of. Ed Petersen and others for a cement,t d be built between Sections 34 and 37, Roseland Township be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Motion carried. I. D. Evans and Niels Mikkelsen appeared before the Board as a committee from the Kenesaw Kumunity Klub in the interest of imrpoving the road on Parmenter hill, Kenesaw Township. The same was referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens that we build a cement bridge between Sectio0?36, Kenesaw Township and Section 1, Wanda Township and a steed bridge, steel formerly used , with wood floor and concrete abuttments, between Sections 30 and 31,Denver Township and a concrete bridge with 20 ft roadway and 22 ft waterway, Section 15 and 16, Roseland Township. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. A Committee from the Farm Bureau came before the Board asking that Adams County set aside $400.00 for an exhibit to represent the County at the Nebraska State Fair to be held at Lincoln, Nebraska, September 1921. Motion by Nelson, Second by Durkee that the request,. of the ,Adams County Farm Bureau be granted. Roll call, all Members present voted aye. Motion carried. Application of the County Judge asking that the County Board accept the appointment of James F. Crowley as substitute Judge between the dates of August 17 and September let inclusive 1921, was on Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens accepted.. All voted aye. Motion carried. Semi-annual reports of the Clerk of the District Court and the County Superintendent were read before the Board and on motion by Durkee, Second by Nelson were ordered placed on file. Motion carried. Applications of Anna Stull, S. M. Nieveen and Mrs. Harry E. Schultz for County Superintendent to fill vacancy caused by the death of Miss Mary Dungan was read before the Board. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Nelson that an informal ballot be taken which resulted unanimous in favor of Mrs. Schultz. Motion carried. The informal ballot was declared formal and the Chairman announced Mrs. Schultz duly appointed County Superintendent of Adams County, the same to take effect August lst 1921. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1 o'clock, P. M. At 1 P. M. the Board reassembled. All Members present except Zohner. W. A. Taylor, Mrs. A. H. Brooke and Chief Crosson came before the Board as a committee requesting the County Board to allow the city to place seats around the Court House lawn. Motion by Durkee, Second by Nelson that the city be allowed to place seats between the two walks on the north side of the Court House. Roll call, ayes: Durkk, Nelson and Ratcliff. Nays.: Bivens, Hargleroad and :Whiting. Motion lost. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Durkee that the salary of the Assistant County Superintendent be fixed at $90.00 per month the same to take effect August 1st 1921. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 241 At 5 o'clock P. M. the Board recessed until Wednesday, August 3rd 1921, 9 o'clock, A. M. Wednesday, August 3rd 1921, 9 o'clock, A. M. Board reassmebled as per recess. Roll call, Members present as follows: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Nelson and Whiting. Absent: Zohner and Ratcliff. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Durkee that the bond of Mrs. Harry E. Schultz, County Superintendent be approved. All voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Hargleroad that we reconsider the action taken. by the Board August 2nd 1921 in regard to allowing the city to place seats between the two walks on the north side of the Court House. All voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens thatwe allow the City to place seats between the two walks on the north side of the Court House under the supervision of the Committee of Lands. and Buildings. All voted aye. Motion berried. At 12 o'cldck noon the Board recessed until,1 o'clock, P. M. At 1 P. M. the Board resumed. All Members present except Zohner and Ratcliff. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens that the bond of James F. Crowley, acting substitute Judge be approved. All voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Durkee, Second by Hargleroad that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants _for ,_the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Fred Augustin - Repairing harness at. County Farm- $ 43.35 Dorsey D. Baird Transcript work--.- ---- 26.60 A. I. Batten - Laundry, Court House-•-----.._..---- -- _,.---- - 6.65 Geo. W. Bivens Services on County Board- ®--.--®_- -..a---..---.. 78.90 E. A. Brandes - Repairing County Car -------- ---- 59.15 E. A. Brandes - Repairs and storage on County car-•...._--.------ -- 25.55 Bernice Campbell - Office work, County Superintendent------------- 37.14 N. L. Childs - Repairs on machinery, County Farm•----------------- 3.00 W. A. Cole, - Jail fees, postage, mileage etc 164.72 County Treasurer - Lights,Water,gas.& telephones, Court House----- 182.37 Elliott R. Davis - Auto mileage 70.50 Deines Drug Co - Supplies, County Clerk & Superintendent 3.60 Geo. B. Durkee - Services, County Board-.--------- ----------- ... 41.70 Extension Service - Supplies, Farm Bureau 12.78 Guarantee Electric Co - Electrical snitches, Court House --- .75 Dr. E. B. Hamel - Fumigating and releasing from quarantine-------- 87.75 Hammond & Stephens Co - Supplies, County Superintendent----�------- 76.14 1.1% B. Hargleroada- Services on County Board 65.89 Hastings Mills - Flour, County Farm--------------- ------- ---_.._. _ 9.80 Geo. Isemen & Co - Lock, Court -House ------- 3.50 Juniata Lbr Co - Wicks, County Farm----- --- -:-- -------- ---------- - 1.40 u -B Printing Company - Supplies, County Clerk---------.--------- 25.26 Geo. W. Kimball, Jr - Recharging batter, County Car13.27 Latsch Bros Inc - Mimeo inky, Farm Bureau. --.---- __.----..---- - 6.10 C. K. Lawson Hdw. Co - Electric washer, . Co Farm, lock,Court House- 100.00 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co Toll call$ County offices------ 5.00 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co - Toll calls, County Farm Bureau- 10.30 Geo. Lovell - Groceries, County Farm- _----_- 61.85 Manhattan Oil Co - Gas and oil for County car29.96 Carl R. Matthiesen A Co .4. , County Farm- 8.71 Carl R. Matthiesen & Co - Pictures, films, etc, Farre Bureau 9.70 Omaha Printing Co Supplies, County Clerk 10.45 J. C. Penny & Co - Merchandise, County Fam-•----- ----- ------ ----- 1.63 R. M. Ratcliff - Services onCounty Board.----- 37.70 Mrs. Harry Schultz - Express & pottage, County Supt 11.47 Mrs. Harry Schultz - Institute appropriation 150.00 The Hastings Daily Tribune - Publishing notices 51.36 The Sigel Cafe - Meals for Jurymen ----------------------- --------°- 13.65 H. M. Tysseling - For one Nebraska map, Court House--...---. - --- 6.00 John H. Uerling - Two city maps, Court House..-- --- ---- ------- 5.00 University Publishing. Co - Records, County Supt 20.21 Wales Adding Machine Co - Adding Machine ribbon 1.00 Watkins -flute Printing Co - Publishing Supervisors proceedings119.10 Watkins-Clute Printing Co - Cards, Farm Bureay 5.75 T. G. Whiting - Services on County Board--- 48.80 Wolbach & Brach - Supplies County Farm 8.19 Robert Zohner - Sery ceson County Board 17.50 Hay nes Brothers Paint------------------------------------- 1.10 242 BRIDGE FUND Byers Lumber Company - Bridge material ----------- -------$ 194.30 Martin Crosson •- Bridge work 3.50 Independent Lbr, Co Bridge lumber 28.20 Juniata Lbr. Co - Bridge material 15.95 Frank H. Kitts Bridges and material-- - - 1248.68 Frank H. Kitts - Bridge material-- 800,00 Bridges and material Repairing and supplies, County bridges Hauling bridge lumber Hauling bridge lumber - Bridge lumber and cement.- ---- -- Repairing and hauling County bridge Frank H. Kitts - Frank H. Kitts - Fra#k H. Kitts - 'Frank H. Kitts - Roseland Lbr Co John Woodworth - 338.52 324.18 20.00 10.00 20.05 9.00 ROAD FUND Julian Bassett - Road work, West Blue and Blaine Townships- $ 13.00 Geo. W. Bivene - Road work, Denver and Blaine Townships-- 47.20 D. D. Bohlen - Work on culverts, Little Blue Township Borley Transfer Co - Trip to grader and tractor8.00 B. C. Clayton.- Road work, Blaine Township40.00 Crisman & Brehm- Repairs for County Road machinery.-- 27.25 Lloyd S. Dailey - Road work, Roseland Township7.20 Essinger Bros . Repairs and repairing County Road machinery 11.00 J W & 0 V Essinger . Gas, oil and supplies,County Road " 471.51 W. B. Hargleroad . Superintending Co roads ------------ 83.20 Frank Harpham Mowing & raking weeds ,Kenesaw Township- 5.00 Edd W. Harshfield - Mowing & raking weeds, Verona Township-- 9.00 C. A. Heartwell - Surveying Roads, Little Blue Township..- 11.60 C. A. Heartwell Surveying, County Road, Ayr Township-- 23.75 Geo. E. Isaman & Co - Spikes and 2.60 Fred Jackson - Road work, Ayr Township .. 56.40 F. S. Joynt 0. Cutting weeds, Roseland Township,C0 Road No.9- 13.85 Juniata Lbr Co-- Supplies, bolts etc---- - 42,60 Will Kistler Road work, assisting Co Surveyor------.------ 10.00 W. L. Mact - Hauling 10 barrels of oil ------------------ 15.20 ManhattaanOil Co 0. Gas and oil, County machinery------- - - --- 339.23 B. A. Frederickson - Supplies for eounty Tractor -- 11.70 1.75 8.85 .45 A. F. Meyer Hdw. Co - Rump oiler-------------------- -- A. F. Meyer Hdw. Co . Supplies for County machinery---- ---- - Nebr. Battery & Tire Co - Graphite packing-------------- Nebr. Battery & Tire Co - Asbestos Packing----------- 1.28 Nebr. Battery & Tire Co - Graphite packing --------------------2.10 Osborn Oil Co . Gas and oil, County Tractor 318.66 Al Osler - Mowing and raking weeds, Kenesaw Township8.50 R. M. Ratcliff - Superintending County Roads, Ayr Township37.40 L. R. Reed - Scraper work, Logan Township50.40 L. E. Rickerson - Road work, Ayr Township141.00 Robt. C. Schlachter - Mowing and raking weeds23.20 Chester Sherman - Assisting Co Surveyor, Road work.- 5.00 Harold Snyder - Work on culvert, Little Blue Township.. 2.00 Thomas Snyder - Labor on culverts, Little Blue .& Roseland 62.30 Thos. Snyder Jr - Lbor on culverts, Little Blue & Roseland20.80 Dale Steen - Assisting Co Surveyor, road work-------------- 5.00 .45 18.10 3.60 19.80 The Galion Iron Works & Mfg Co - Road machinery supplies31.65 The Minn Thresh Mach Co - Tractor supplies--------------- - - 1.60 The Minn Thresh Mach Co - Tractor repairs 6.18 Geo. J. Weber - Labor on Road, Roseland Township7.00 T. G. Whiting - Express paid out on Tractorr& Grader supplies 3.98 T. G. Whiting - Superintending County Road work78.20 Ed Whitzell - Road work, Blaine Township -- Williams Garage - Cable----------- - 12.40 Emery Woodworth - Dabor on culverts, Roseland Township.-- 9.20 Stewart & Smith - Tractor Fred Tanta - Road work The Aultman,& Taylor Co - Tractor The Aultman & Taylor Co - Tractor supplies ------------ 16.00 ROAD DRAGGING FUND E. Ray Anderson - Road dragging, Little Blue Township-------$ 73.36 D. N. Bitner - Road dragging, West Blue TownshiP------ -- - 29.25 H. B. Burroughs - Road dragging, Silver Lake Township-- 45.67 O. M. Doty - Road dragging, Highland Township-- - 31.95 J. B. Fernow - Road dragging, Roseland Township------------- 40.95 G. H. Hohfeldt - Road dragging, Cottonwood Township.-- 11.25 Christ Kort - Road dragging, Zero Township-------------- 70.20 W. J. Meester - Road dragging, Blaine Township----------- 16.20 Wm Oelschlager - Road dragging, Verona Township------------- 62.85 John P. Claussen - Road dragging, Verona Township---------- 24.30 B. F. Schlegel - Road dragging, Kenesaw Township----------- 31.50 W. E. Shafer - Road dragging, Denver Township------- ----- 95.40 Ji 243 POOR AID FUND Henry Albers - Services--......-- -...$ -®..-$ Jacob Bauer - Groceries-------.. ------- .-. James V.Beghtol - Services --------------w- Mrs 0. Butler - Services-----------------" 3.00 C B & Q RR Co --.-Railroad tickets 3.46 G B & Q RR Co - Railroad tickets4.33 Dora DeBord - Allowance------- ------ 30.00 Geo. B. Durkee - Cash raid ou- for aid5.50 F. C. Foote - Two pair of glasses 10.00 Hastings Basket System - Groceries----.- 15.00 J. G. Jones - Groceries -------------m- 10.00 Juniata Lbr Co - Coa1--,.----..---15.40 Kauf & Rinderspacher Meat --- 3.00 Clarence E. Kidder-=Servieee------------ 10.00 Mary Knox - Services38.30 E. J. Latta - Services----------.. 49.00 Geo. Lovell - Groceries----_----_- ----- 29,56 W. P. Mead - Groceries--_---- ------ - 13.28 Mikkelsen Drug Co Drugs--------- ----- 12.75 Mikkelsen Drug Co - Drugs46.53 Walter E. Nowers Services10.00 Walter E. Nowers Services -------i- 24.00 B. M. Simms - Drugs --------- 7.25 B. M. Simms Drugs------------------ ---- 9.95 Stein Bros Co - Merchandise 21.60 Sunnyside Services --.---------------a144.00 Conrad Wacker - Groceries 27.31 150.00 3.80 28.00 STATE HIGHWAY FUND Adams, County Use of County car $ 40.00 Byers Lumber Co - Bridge plank54.30 Crisman & Brehm - Labor on tractor 18.00 J. H. Furry - Repairing bride----® 2.50 Geo. E. Isanan & Co - Tools etc. 2.80 Elmer Kreiling - Labor on State Road---.. 35.00 C. E. Krinzen - Repairing bridge------_- 2.50 Manhattan Oil Co - Gas & oil . S & Fed Mach 184.25 G. L.Marymee Labor on State Tractor ----,15.00 Yid -State Construction Co Culverts 225.00 B. F. Millard Repairs on Maint. & Grader 41.00. Nebr. Battery & Tire Co - Truck repairs-- .85 Osborn Oil Co - Gas & 011,5 & Fed machinery73.78 Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Durkee that the following names be submitted to the Clerk of the District Court from which to, draw the Jury list for the September term of Court. Motion carried. Dist No. 1 J. W. Banta Edwin Fricke G. E. Gaymon Ira Ball A. L. Bassett Robert L. Cook Roy Wagner Fred Paris John Weeks Joseph Conroy Thos Deveny Thos Gordon Jr Dist No. 3 Geo Churchill Peter Hansen John Fisher Ernest Aufdenkamp Dist No. 5 Wm Harms Geo Hemple C Young Henry Herbst Na. H C Price Chas Doty Henry Hagaman 1: L Weaver J. G. Jones Frank Harpham Louie Katzberg W. R. Creasman Geo Brungardt M. Stein H. J. Gerdes H. O. Eckhardt DIST N0.7 W A Taylor H F Russell I R Doty 0 A Riley Minutes were read and approved. Motion by Durkee, Second by Hargleroad that this Board now adjourn to meet again Sept 1st 1921, 9 o'clock, A. M. Motion carried. Dist. No. W. H. Stevens R. A. Karr A. L. Bradley Wm Easter Dist No, 4 Ray Anderson. 0. S. Woods Charley Meyer J. A. Kennedy Geo Kistler Dist No. 6 W. S. Ashby Ragnold Anderson A. J. Binderup H. E. Bowman A. M. Brooking R. A. Bauder 3 H McGrath L A Bratton John Proctor Harm Evans Chas Scholtz John Hoye Henry Murra F. D. Rabbe Otto Miller Charley Wheat J. L. Hines William Liston Irwin Martin A. W. Borden Geo. E. Collett E. A. Carl J. B. Hillers W. A. Knicely J. L. Quig H. W. Snyder nrturnv ns W v 244 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPPITISORS Wednesday, August 10th 1921, 10 A. M. Upon written request of more than a majority of the Board of supervisors, the County Clerk. called a Special meeting of the Board for August 10th 1921, for the purpose of mdking the County levy and the levies on the various school districts, townships, cities and villages of Adams County, and for the transaction of any general county business that might come before the,Board. There were present, Bivens, Durkee, Hargloroad, Nelson, Batcli'f, Whiting, County Assessor Clark and County Clerk, Cates. Absent:Zohner. The entire forenoon was taken up in the discussion of the County levy. At 12 o'clock noon the Bo -rd recessed until 1 P. M. At 1 P. M. the Board resumed. All Members present except Zohner. Motion by Bivens, Second by Nelson that the levy for County Purposes be made as follows: General Bridge Road Poor Aid County Fair Mothers Pension Soldiers & Sailors c*;747;if1/100 Fund 94/100 Mills 55/100 " 55/100 16/100 4/100 5/100 TOTAL 0 2.30 Mille Roll call, on the above motion, all voted aye. Motion carrie-L ration by Ratcliff, Second by Hargleroad that the following levies be made villages and school and that the County on the various townships, cities districts of Adams County, Nebraska, as certified to this Board by the proper authorities Clerk be instructed to extend the taxes for the Year 1921 on the basis of these levies. Roll call, all voted aye. 1 7 2 1.9 3 7 4 4.3 5 4.5 6 2.4 7 4.6 8 6.9 9 6.3 10 4.8 11 9.5 12 3.6 13 3 14 4 15 4 16 2.3 17 3.5 18 12.8 19 7 20 3.6 21 4 22 5.7 73 4.2 24 3.2 25 4.7 26 3.1 27 4.1 28 3.1 29 4.1 30 7 31 4.4 32 3.7 33 3.4 34 5.7 25 4.1 36 3.2 37 3.3 38 6.7 39 4.8 40 2,5 Motion carried. The levies follow: 1.5 2 iciLut Mills Bond 41 2.3 42 11.5 2 43 5.‘ 44 2.8 45 2 46 2.3 47 2.2 48 5 49 4.$ 50 3.8 51 3.7 52 3.6 53 11.5 54 5.1 55 4.2 56 4.9 57 2.6 60 3 61 3.5 62 77 63 7 64 3.2 65 11 66 5 67 5.5 68 4.2 69 2.6 70 4.5 71 3.8 72 4.1 73 6.4 74 2.8 75 5.6 76 5.7 77 11.5 78 5.3 8o 6.8 81 10 .6 01a TOWNSHIP LEVIES FOR 1921 West Blue .3 Mills Highland 1.3 " Verona 2, Kenesaw 1.4 Wanda 2.3 Juniata 1.2 Denver .9 Blaine Hanover .6 Ayr 1.2 Roseland 1.6 Cottonwood 1.9 Logan 1.4 Silver Lake 1.8 Zero 1.5 Little Blue 1. 11 Of IS CITY & VILLAGE LEVIES FOR 1921 Hastings Juniata Kenesaw Ayr Roseland Holstein Trumbull 7.2 mills 9. 0 16.3 2.5 4.5 5- 9.4 245 Motion by Nelson, Second by Clark that this Board of Equalization now adjourn sine die. Motion carried. Whereupon the Board of Equalization adjourned and the regular Board of Supervisors went into session. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens that, the claim of J. A. Winter on the Road Fund for $60.60 be allowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Horg1eroad'that the, County Treasurer be instructed to transfer from the State Highway Fund $10128.02, as follows: To County Bridge Funk $2,000.00 To " Road fl 2,000.00 To " Road Dragging " 6,128.02 TOTAL $10128.02' This being ordered to reimburse these funds .for monies used on the State Highway Fund. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens that And after August 10th 1921 the following wages will be paid for labor on roads: Single man Man & teen Man & two teams 350 per hour 600 per hour 800 per hour All former prices are herby declared void. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens that County Roads Nos. 20..21-22 and 23 and the extensions of County Roads Nos. 3 and 17 as were advertised by the County Clerk are hereby officially designated as County Roads subject to County control and maintenance. Roton carriedw. No further business appearing the Board adjourned to meet again September, 1st 1921, this being the date agreed upon at the last, regular meeting of the Board, OCTnTTY CLERK. 246 Thursday, September let 1921, 10 o'clock, A. M. Board met as per adjournment of regular meeting of August 3rd 1921. Roll call, all Members present, as follows: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Nelson, Ratcliff, Ihhiting and Zohner. Communication from the County Superintendent asking thit the Board confirm the appointment of Bernice Campbell as Assistant in the office of the County Superintendent was read and on motion of Bivens, Second by nelson the appointment was confirmed. Motion by Durkee, Second by Bivens that the request of R. W. Wall for a refund of taxes as shown by Tax Receipt No 9761 paid under protest be disallowed. Motion carried. Motion by Zohner, Second by Bivens that the Chairman and Clerk be instructed to sign the application of Nathan H. Partlow and wife for admissionto the Soldier's & Sailors Home at Burkett, Nebraska. Motion carried. Motion by Bivensf-Second by Nelson that the Chairman_ and Clerk be instructed to sign a contract with C. H. Land as Superintendent of Adams. County Farm for the year 1922 on the same terms and conditions as the 1921 contract. Motion carried. The -balance of the forenoon was taken up in auditing the claims on file in the office of the County Clerk. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1,o'clock, P. M. Roll call, all Members present. Resignation of Robert Zohner, County Supervisor, District No 5, to take effect September 1st 192,1, was re -ad before the Board and, on motion ,of Hargleroad, Second by Givens the same was accepted by this Board. The following communication was received: Hastings, Nebr. Sept. 11'1921. TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF `SUPERVISORS, ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Gentlemen:. I hereby submit for your action the matter of determinging the compensation of Adams CoUnty.School Attendance Officer. Section 6925, Article XIX School Laws of Nebraska for 1921 makes it mandatory upon the County Superintendent of public instruction to appoint one or more school attendance officers who shall be vested with police powers and shall enforce the provisions of said act in districts other than metep3aolitan cities and cities of the ; first class, and provides that county attendance officers shall be compensated for their services in such sums as shall be determined by the County Board upon recommend- ation of the County Superintendent of schools to be paid out of the General Fund of the County. I therefore appoint Mr Wm Widmaier as shcool attendance officer for Adams County. beginning Sept. 5, 1921 until the end of the school termeend further I recommend that he be compensated by the day for mile_ige and actual time expended in performing the duties required by act under which this office is created. 1 very kindly and respectfully ask that this communication be incorporated in the proceedings of your Honorable body. Respectfully submitted, Mrs Harry E. Schultz County Supt. of Public Instruction. Motion by Bivens, Second by Nelson that the appointment of Vim Widmaier be confirmed and that he be paid at the rate of $4.00 per day and mileage at 1O¢ per mile for every day actually employed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Nelson, Second by Hargleroad that the following claims be allowed on theft respective funds and that the Clerk be instructedto draw rwaarrants far the same. Rol.]. call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 247 GENERAL FUND Adams County Farm,Bu ea:u - Hog serum and wheat inspection----, --_- _--,--$ 31.85 James E. Addie - printing breifs----- -•-.... rr-_._-_- _-..--__--- 22.75 James. E. Addie - Expenses for trip on Coroner investigation & stamps----- 6.00 Addressograph Company .. Cabinet, Farm Bureau --_-r..-------- --------------- 16.00 A. I. Batten - Laundry, County offices and hauling junk----_------------ 8.60 Geo. W. Bivens Services on County Board and mileage_--,.___- 56.20 Alice Brooke - Witness fee, Insanity hearing-------- --------------- '- 2.00 J 0., Brower - Freight, Court House------------------- 3.25 A. M. CI.ark Stamps=_� _. _-r-®-___a �____. _-_.. __ ___ ..__- _..-.._ . 3.00 A. M. Clark - Expense to. Lincoln, Assessor's special meeting 1. A. Cole Jail County Treasurer James. F. Crowley - Elliott R. Davis - Elliott R. Davis - Davis &Daughter - 14.52 fees, services and postage, .---r_r--w__,.__.. 145.35 Gas, lights and telephones, County offices------------ 107.56 16.75 95.79 200.00 Justice Postage, express, mileage and expense -dor meals -- One half appropriation made for County exhibit,S Fair - Two rugs, for County Farm----------------------------- 85.00 Deines Drug Co Office supplies Farm Bureau---------------------------- 2.95 Lucia. Dillenbach -. Services, Insanity ---------------- 6.00 Lucia Dillenbach Postage and Court_ Fees---------r-----_r_..__-----...- 74.00 Geo B Durkee Services on. County Board and mileage-_..r.r____._..--__r___;-_ 46.70 Guarantee. Electric Co Electrical ,..supplies. for tCourt 11.55 Guarantee Electric Co - Repairing light,. Court House--------------- - .75 Hammond & Stephens Co - Supplies, County Superintendent----------------- 43.50 W. B. Hargleroad -. Services on. County Board and :mileage-_----_------ 87.80 Hastings Daily Tribune - Advertising- 5.60 H. C. Haverly, County Treas - Postage, envelopes' & Add Machine ribbon.... 80.79 H. L. Huff - Extra Janitor for August--------------------- .- 40.00 Ka Printing Co - Supplies, County Superintendent---.._ 18.17 K..B Printing Co Motor vehicle Reg., c.ards---r_-_-----_.--- -------- 30.27 K -B Printing Co Auto Receipts,40.21 Dr. W. W. Keith - Services, Insanity comission-------_--r_.._-____-.- 8.00 Kenesaw Progress ,- Publishing Road notice- ---- ...r__r ..._.....,-r_r...___..__ 13.00 J. B. Kline - Electrical supplies, Court House----------------- 2.40 L. D. Laird & Co ,, Merchandise, County. %arm.--- -.._----_--- 57.51 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co - Toll calls, County offices10.80 Local. Registrars - Reporting births and deaths, Adams County- -n--_ --- 59.25 Erwin Martin, Treas - Phone service, County Farm----r---_w-_-_rr- 15.00 Carl R Matthiesen& Co - Films and pictures developed, Farm Bureau------ 4.36 Carl R. Matthiesen & Co Supplies, County Farm -------_r___,._-__-....- -----_ 9.14 Milburn & Scott Co Supplies, County Superintendent...-. 32.88 32.88 J. H. McGrath Hdw Co, - , Merchandise, County ,Farm--•--_-_.......___..-6.63 J. H. McGrath Hdw Co - Supplies, County Farm--------------- -- 5.25 W. M. Nelson - Cervices on County Board--------------.. --.__ ___-wr---_. 35.00 Oliver Lbr Co - Cement and sand, Court House------- 7.25 Osborn Oil Co - Gasoline, County Farm-- ....-----______--r__w-__-_-® __-.._r 6.53 R. M. Ratcliff Services, on County Board and mileage --- -- 52.60 J F. Reader - Repairs and twine, County Farm ---,----- --------_--------r- 103.40 Zetta Rowe - Extra work on Assessment books-- 12.00 Mrs Harry E. Schultz- Post cards postage and 22.50 B. M. Simms - Supplies, County Clerk-- 1.95 Matt Trausch .a» Shelling. corn, County 8.00 Dr Ver'w .ck - Services, County. --- _r_ -_r - 5.00 Watkins-Clute Printing Co - Supplies, County Superintendent,-------------- 57.95 District Court -------.r-_..-_----- Wm. F. �°aidmaier .. Services, Sal,i ff , _---- 12.00 J. E. Willits. - Services, Insanity hearing-_ -__,--___ _-_.-___:_.._..___.__ 3.00 T. G. Whiting -. Services on County Board and .i1.eage-_...-r.._-..____ - 57.60 T. G . Whiting - Express paid out on repairs for road machinery 3.25 Wolbaeh & Brach .. fierchandise, County Farm---_-- --_ -- 4.00 BRIDGE FUND Ayr Lumber Co Cement for bridges 3 165.90 Ayr Lumber Co - Bridge lumber delivered 6.45 Byers Lumber Co Bridge lumber------ ----- -------,.---..---__-.. _..-_ - 39.60 Chas. Farnam Labor on bridge, Ayr Township_____________ 24.00 W. H. Gartner_-. Labor on Blue River Bridge---- -- 30.50 Dave Gingrich Labor on culverts, Roseland 18.00 Alfred Hanson Slip work, Roseland Township3.50 Alfred Hanson - Labor. on County Farm Bridge---____-_-..-7.70 C. Hanson - Labor on County Farm 21.00 William Hanson - Putting in culvert, Roseland Township2.00 Louis Hoffman - Labor on County Farm 6.20 Kearney County - One half cost, stell bridge, County line ----------------.804.05 Frank H. Kitts - Material for bridge, Roseland Township----- ___--- --_-1000.00 Frank H. Kitts - Culvert extension, County Road------r_-_r-_-..r____ 148.55 Frank H1 ,Ritts - Bridge, Section 1, Wands and 36, Kenesaw---------- ---- 1263.57 Frank H. Kitts - Bridge, Denver Township1273.79 Frank H. Kitts - Bridge, 34 Kenesaw, 3 Wanda- :--------------.-_,w_...._.- 217.87 Mid -State Construction Co - Concrete culvert--.--- 801.00 Oliver Lbr Co - Bridge lumber ----------------r___.,.----__--_---_- 12.85 James Patterson Hauling lumber and labor on bridge 10.00 W. J. Stromer_- Bridge work, Hanover Township-- 25.40 3.20 Mathew Uerling - Spikes and wire - r__rr-------------r_-_- -_w 6.00 Mathew Uerling 8 ROAD FUND Ayr Auto Co Express: and expense to Hastings for steel Culver:°material-- ---$ 7.45 Goo. ". givens Supintending County Roads, Blaine and Denver. Townships- ---- 41.60 Raymond Bohlke - Road work, Kenesaw 80.00 _ 80.00 E. A. Brandes Tractor Co - Repass for County Tractors --13.10 E. A. Brander. Tractor Co - Repairs & supplies for County Tractor 40 x 80---- 787.32 E. A. Brandes Tractor Co - Repairs on County Tractor 18 x 36- --- -- -- --- 164.68 E. A. Brandes Tractor Co. - Repairs on ` County Tractor------------------ 8815 E A. Brandes, Tractor Co - Repairs onCounty Tractor------------------- ---- 101.67 B. C. Clayton Road; work, Denver Township ---------------------------------------219.00 Crisman & Brehm - Repairs on County Road machinery------------------ - - -- 57.20 J. W. & 0. v. Essinger, Gas, oil and repairs for County Road machinery- 335.52 Chas. H. Farnam - Road work, Roseland- Township3.50 B. A. Frederickson - Express, phone call and supplies for tractor-- - 10.68 H. H. Gartner - Road work, Cottonwood Township- -------•- -_--- ------ ----_ 86.00 W. B.}lHargleroad, - Superintending County roads and mileage----------- 81.00 Hynes Bros - Oil for road machinery------------------------------- 3.60 Highway Maintainer, Co •.Maintainer repairs----------...-- 18.41 Robert'Huckfeldt - Road work, Cottonwood Township-- 149.75 Fred Jackson„- Road work, Ayr and Hanover Townships-----.---------.- -- 70.30 Manhattan Oil Co Oil and gas, County Road machinery 387.13 A. F. Meyer Hdw Co - ------ 19.94 Chas McCall - Road work, Kenesaw 80.00 J. H. McGrath Hdw Co -mdse-------------------- --. ---6.93 Osborn Oil Co ,- Gas, kerosene and oil, County machinery-------- ---- 230.18 William Pavelke - Making clevis ---- --- 2.25 Frank Pritchard - Road work, Kenesaw Township------------ -----tee 60.00 R. M. Ratcliff - Superintending County road work and mileage--------------- 81.20 Reader & Sori;-. Supplies for County grader 3.07. L. R. Rickerson - Road _ work, Juniata. Township------- -------.----_-,..-- 110.80 Robt C. Schlachter - Mowing weed on 11.80 B. H. Shaw Mowing and raking weeds, Verona Township9.30 Thos Snyder Jr - Culvert work, Roseland 24.00 Thos Snyder, Sr Culvert work, Roseland Township100.98 Standard Oil Co - Oil and grease for County Road machinery ---------- 152.63 Standard Oil Co « Oil and grease for Road machinery------- Stewart & Smith a Supplies for Tractor ------- .ww------------.17 The Galion Iran 'Works - Repairs on Road machinery 11.49 The Minn Thresh Mach Co - Tractor 358.58 The Minn Thresh Mach Co - Road machinery repairs------- 18.20 J. A. Weber - Bolts for tractor-r--..w----r___>.._ _.-_----<_--------w__-_r 1.25 Ed Whetzell - Road work, Denver Township-----------.------ww-..w-_w®e--- 90.90 T. G. -Whiting - Superintdnding County road workand mileage----- 84.80 Archie Woodworth - Culvert work Roseland Township 20.00 0, N. Bitner - Road dragging, West Blue Township 57.60 ROAD DRAGGING FUND Henry F. Bohlke - Road dragging, Logan Township--- --------- ---------®@--$ 41.85 O. M. Doty - Road dragging, Highland Township ---------------------- 17.55 H. H. Eihusen &Road dragging, Hanover Township- 17.10 W. J.Weester - Road dragging, Blaine Township 5.40 Wm Oelschlager - Road dragging, Verona Township---•.-rr® - .,...._-w..-- --- ---- 5.00 Julius Peterson - Hauling; straw 5.00 C. L. Preston - Road dragging, West Blue Township 45.90 Karl Reichart - Road drggging--w----w-ww-.-rwwswwwwwrrwwar- w....- w., .......-.� 29.50 B. F. Schlegel, Supt. - oad dragging, Kenesaw Township -------..----ww-w-<34.20 E. E. Shierman ------Road dragging, Blaine Township 41.40 W. C. Whitesel Dragging County Road ..,.-----® ].7.10 SOLDIER rS . AND SAILORS RELEIF FUND Henry Shick.- Aiding. old Saldier's & --www-1----e100.00 POOR AID FUND Conrad Walker - Groceries-----------•®..ww---....---ww_ ww®.. w 32.91 B. M. Sinnns - Drugs ------r- r.. ww..- . ------_----_w- --. - .50 Drugs- a B . M • Simms - L3 S- - --. .�.-.www.. -- r � / •45 2.99 Red Cross - Meals ----------------------------------- ------ Pickens & Bratton - Merchandise----- - ---- .. w..®w- 3.00 Waunetta Kent - Services ------------------------ 18.50 4. G. Jones Groceries------------------------------------- 10.00 J. G. Jones - r_-rr_rr--w_w-«-. ww®---_w- 20.00 Hastings .Fuel Co -Coal_-- w._-..------ww...ww.._-wwww..w-ww 12.50 Hastings Basket System Groceries-------- 15.00 G. F. Falconberg - Services ---------------- 36.00 H. 0. Eckhardt - Groceries ----_---- ... ----. ,, 7.50 Mrs Dora DeBord Allowancew.-w-_-.-- .._-_ 30.00 S. P. Barewin - Shoes 6.70 Henry Albers - Services - 350.00 STATE HIGHWAY FUND Adams County - Use of Adams County car---------------....rw---4 40.00 S. G. Adams _Stamp & Stationary Co - Auto plates 695.35 E. D. Borchers work .on Road No 53 2.00 E. A. Brandes Tractor Co - Repairs for tractor---- -- NIP 23.22 E_ A. Br:linden Tactor Co Tractor repairs-•----------.---- 28.24 E2Vi LDA 249 4+. 1W.2. P173,3. (STATE HIGHWAY FUND CONT'D) John Loskill - Work, Road No 53 - - 2.00 W Magner Bridge work, Patrol No 3- - - - - - 8.00 Manhattan Oil Co - Grease for Patrols 1, 2, 3--- -17°41 N. J. Mouse' - Labor on Road No 53 - - -- ----------- 2.00 Nebr Battery & Tire Co - Fan belt etc - 3.10 Nebr. Battery & Tire Co - Fan belts .40 Oliver Lbr Co Lumber used on Road No 41-- - - 91.00 Oliver Lbr Co - Lath- - - -- 1.00 Osborn Oil Co - Gas, oil and kerosene 79.83 Ira Philleo - Mowing weeds, Road No. 41 -- 7.00 Standard Oil,C0 Greaseo Gas etc- - - -- --------- 11.65 Ed Tanner - Use of County grader ---- - 30.00 The Nat'l Refininf Co - Gasoline - - ----7--- 441 Herbert Uerling . Labor on Road No 8.00 G. N. Whiting . Labor on Road No 53 2.00 F. H. Woodworth . Bridge work, Road No 41 12.50 Ren Yost - Repairs on Federal truck , 6.00 The number of individuals and families receiving aid from the County for the month of August is nine the amount 4355.05. Motion by Zohner, Second by Bivens that the following claims on the Poor Aid Fund be disallowed: Mrs W. Scott, 434.00, Dr Geo L Wagner, 46.00 and Clarence Es Kidder,$28.00° Mcticla carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Durkee that we comply with the order of the County Court in regard to a Mother's Pension for Stella Carl and that the County Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. R011 call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The Chairman of the Road & Bridge Committee made the following recommendations: That a new cement bridge be built in Little Blue Township Between Section 25 & 36, 20 ft road way, 16ft waterway. That the Board appropriate, 4125.00 to improve the Road between Section 18 & 19, Ayr Township and to approp. riate 4250.00 to improve the road on the County line and west side of Section 19. Kenesaw Tosnhip Motion by Zohner, Second by Durkee that the above recOmmendatipn be accepted by +his Board and the work ordered done. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Minutes were read and approved. Motion by Nelson, Second by Bivens that this Board now adjourn to meet again on Tuesday, October, 4th 1921 at 10 o'clock, A. M. Motion carried. Whereupon the Board adjourned. ev: a-IAIPAN \kj 250 44, 444,4 TUESDAY, OCTOPER 4th 1921, 10 o'cloc%, A. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment of September 1st 1921. Roll call, all Members present as follows: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Nelson, Ratcliff and:Rhiting. Motion by Bivens, Second by Nelson that the order of the County Court in regard to the Mother's Pension of Emma Dell Young be complied with and the Clerk be instructed to drat warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Ratcliff, Sedond by Bivens that the Chairman and Clerk be instructed to sign the application of James Leslie of Ayr, Nebr., for admission to the Soldier's & Sailor's Home at Burkett, Nebraska. Motion carried Report of the Wiggins -Babcock Company, gxpert Accountants on the fees of the Clerk of the Distridt Court office for the years 1912 to 1918 inclusive was read before the Board and the same was referred to the County Attorney. Quarterly report of Lucia Dillenbach, Clerk of the District Court was read and ordered placed on file. C. E. Wright, Division Engineer appeared before the Board were discussed. At 12 o'clock the Board recessed. At 1 Pd M. the Board resumed, all Members present. Motion by Durkee, Second by Bivens that we order two bridges built on State Road and matters pertaining to the State Highways No. 41, according to plans and specifications on file in the office of the Division Engineer, One located at the brick yard and one just north of the Burlington Railroad, near the Carroll farm, same to be paid for from the State Highway Fund and to be reimbursed by Adams County during the year 1922 from the County Bridge Bivens, Durkee, Nelson, Ratcliff and Whiting. Nays: Hargleroad. Motion carried. Dr. Porter, Government Vetetinary, appeared before the Board with the request that transportation be furnished him while testing cattle in Adams County. After some discussion a motion by Hargleroad, Second by Durkee was made that the request be not granted. Roll call, ayes: Durkee, Hargleroad, Nelson, Ratcliff and Whiting. Nays: Bivens. Motion carried. Stephen Swigle and J. A. Gilchrist appeared before the Board asking that an appropriation of 050.00 be made from the General Fund to pay part of the expense of the Stock Judging Team in making the trip to Atlanta, Georgia, which upon motion by Durkee, Secdnd by Nelson was unanimously ordered by the Board. Motion by Durkee, Second by Nelson, that the County Treasurer be instructed to refund to Edith Lorentz $19.05 on account of erroneous assessment of improvements on 5 25 ft, Tot 10, Rik 2, Webster & Wemple's Addition, Tax Receipt No. 10173, and to refund to T. G. Whiting, $7.40 on account of assessing in the wrong school District, of SW+, Section 8, Toihr. 7, Range 71, max Receipt No.10025. Roll call, ayes: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Nelson and Ratcliff. Whiting present but not voting. Motion carried. Motion by Durkee, Second by Bivens that the request of Mrs. M. Garska for a refund of taxes on NEia Sec 6, Town 8,"Range 11, on account of alleged overvaluation be not granted. Tax Receipt No. 10198. Motion carried. The matter of appointing a Supervisor for District No. 5 on account of vacancy caused by the resignation of Robert Zohner, came on at this time. Application filed wi the County Clerk for appointment were as follows:A. D. Lay, Geo. G. Bauer, Wrn. H. Brown, ktolph Schmidt, Harry V. Borley, S. B. Sorenson, Henry Roeder and J. H. Eigsnberg. .0 S. Howard also made application, but the same was not considered on account of him living outside of this district. Motion by Ratcliff, Second by Durkee that the Board take an informal ballot for the appointment of the Fund. Roll call, ayes: Supervisor, The informal ballot resulted as follows: Bauer 1, Eigenberg 1, Roeder 1, Sorenson 1, Brown 1, and Lay 1. Proceeded to a 'formal ballot which resulted as follows: Schmidt 1, Eigneborg 2, Sorenson 3, No choice. Jl L 251 of Adams County. Motion by Divans, Second by Durkee that we accept the proposition now on file in the office of the County Clerk, of Cottonwood Township in regard to grading County Road No. 9 and hereby authorize W. B. Hargleroad, Supervisor to proceed with the grading of this road at a cost not exceeding x$1000.00 to Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. At 5 o'clock, P. M. the Board recessed until October 5th 1921, at 9 o'clock, A. M. WEDNESDAY, OC'T'OBER 5th 1921, 9 o'clock, A. M. Board reassmelbed. All Members present. It was decided that the entire Board visit the Adams County Farm and make an inspection of the building imporvments now under :construction. The entire forenoon was taken up with this inspection trip. 4t. 1 o'clock the Board reassembled. All. Members present. • Third quarterly report of County Judge, Joseph 11. Turbyfill was read and ordered placed on file. County. Judge, Joseph M. Turbyfill filed a request asking thit the Board appoint Phillip H. Fuller as substitute, County Judge for the period of time beginning October 10th 1921 and ending December -31st 1921, both dates inclusive, which upon motion by Hargleroad, Second by Nelson was granted by the Board. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Nelson that the Road and Bridge Committee be instructed to view a bridge near the Leighfield farm in Little Blue Township with power to act at once in making repairs on this bridge or to order a new bridge built at this location. Motion. carried. Petition of J. F. Sims and others asking that a change in the location of County Road No. 10 be made according to specifica':ion on said petition was read before the Board. Motion by Bivens, Second by Durkee thet the prayer of siad petition be granted. Roll call, ayes: Bivens, Durkee, Ratcliff and biting. rays: Hargleroad and Nelson. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad Second by Nelson ti' t the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Frank Leonard - Shades, Court House 17.45 E. B. Hamel Fumigating & quartining in County 56.00 Manhattan Oil Co - Gas & Oil. for County Carr----------------- .-----_- 33.09 w. .A. Cole - Jail fees, laundry, postage and mileage --.. ------- 98.90 Geo. Dericks - Making key, Court House--.---- ---------- ------ .50 1m. Widmaier Bailiff, District Court__..._ v....mA,-_m..-..�..�_....--.��r.- 42.00 A. I. Batten - Laundry, County offices -..r-------....«---_-.....- ---..------...-.. 7.00 Central City Chemical Company Fumigators---------------------------------- 34.20 J O. Brower - Freight, Court House--------------------- .. ---.-_..-..- ._--- 2.85 Frank Leonard - Mattresses, County Farm ----®F 27.00 Y. W. C. A. - Meals served to Jury ---.._...-_---------w ----------------- 21.89 Dr J. V. Beghtol - Witness fee on Insanity case---- 2.00 W. W. Keith. - Physician, Insanity case ----- ----------------------------- 8.00 J. E. Willits - Attorney fee, Insanity case---------------------------------- 3.00 John W. Shaw - Justice Court fees- ------------ --- ------------- 24.65 St'ewart & Smith - Plumbing repairs----- -------- ---- --- - -- 1.30 L. N. Button, Register of Deeds Office supplies----------------------- 14.00 Trrolbo,ch & Brach - Merchandise, County Farm-..------------ ---_.---- ---------.. 12.77 Pickens & Bratton 1.90 J. H. McGrath Hardware Co - Rent vaccum cleaner, Court Room '1.00 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co - Toll call, Farm Bureau, August------------- -- -- 3.90 Mrs Harry Schultz - Post i e and miles, County Superintendent44.60 Osborn Oil Co Gas for County Farm---------.--.6.53 J. H. McGrath Hardware Co - Supplies, County 6.35 • Barbara Hempel - Difference returned on 1918 tax -------=-6---------------- 33.60 J. H. McGrath ,th Hdw Co - Merchandise, County Farm- --=< 8.70 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co - Toll call, County offices------------------- - 8.30 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co - Toll calls, Farm Bureau, September--,--.------.---.5.35 Watkins-Cl.ute Printing Company - Supplies and printing, County offices 225.55 R. M. Ratcliff - Ser' ices, County Board & mileage 52.90 William. Printing House - Supplies, County Treasurer & Sheriff 21.25 Juniata Lbr Co - Supplies, County Farm- ----------- 194.40 Juniata Lbr Co - Lumber, sand, etc, County Farm------ --. - -. _. _-...-. - - -787.2.0 Lucia Dillenbach - Postage, Court fees, etc---..-- --..------- 237.65 Wm. Widmaier - Pav, attendance officer --------- - ----- 7_�� (GENERAL FUND CONT' D) Elliott R Davis, Agt - Form Bureau appropriation-----------_----...:-------- , 250.00 Elliott R. Davis, Agt - Adams County appropriation----- ---------------------- 250.00 County Treasurer Gas, light and telephones, County offices-- .-----_--- ----- 166.83 Elliott R. Davis, Agt - Balance of State Fair appropriation---------------------- 200.00 Elliott R. Davis, Agt - Office supplies, ;r,ilee;e & postage ------ -------- --- --_.-_- 87.20 W. Simms - Supplies, County offices---------------- ----- -�. ..�.. .-�� _-- 5.25 B . N Simms Geo.W. - S y ------------. ers Services on Count Board and mile��ge------_----....-_.. 45.20 William Photo Company - Supplies, Farm Bureau----------------------------------- 16.00 Geo. B. Durkee - Services on County Board ------------.. 37.50 Geo. B. Durkee - Mileage on Bridge inspection ---------------- 10.80 W. B. Hargleroad - Services & mileage, County Board----- ®------ .----- --- ------109.40 T. G. Whiting Services on County Board and mileage-------------------------- -- 54.60 Robert Zohner - Services on County, Board, one day ---------------------------------5.00 Western Motor Sales Company - Cleaning Adding machine, County Clerk': office----- 5.00 Hammond & Stephens Co 4. Supplies, County Superintendent-----------. ----- - ----- 26.33 K -B Printing Co Supplies, County Treasurer ------- 128.00 The Barion Pen Co - Supplies, County offices- ----,...------------------.------- 6.80 K -B Printing Co - Supplies, County Clerk's office 7.66 University Publishing Company - Supplies, County Superinter.dent------------- - 4.92 .`ilburn & Scott Company Supplies, County Superintendent------..------------------ 2.62 Geo. A. Dericks - Key, Court House---- --....-----,.. --- .65 Deines Drug Co - Supplies, County offices --------..--:-- ..w�---_. -- ----- _. 7.40 0. H. Sprankle - Machine repairs, County Farm------------------------------------ 72.40 Jay Webb Repairs, County Farm ------------------------ Lawson Hdw Co - S 70 Supplies, County Farir�-----_--®----�__---_....-,.--..- .4 ---- .40 Polenske Bros. Schellak & Co - Material, County Farm -- ----..---- ,,..-- 9.30 BRIDGE FUND Roseland Lumber Company - Cement & bridge lumber --------- 162.05 ' Samuel Taylor - Labor on bridge, Zero & Ayr Township 5.50, Ayr Lumber Company Cement & bridge lumber------------------- . _-- 79.65 Ernest Damkroger - Labor on bridge, Highland Township---- 20.00 Ward F. Weakley - Bridge work, Roseland Township 71.40 - F. S. Phillro - Labor on bridge, Ayr Town6hip 2.50 Frank H. Kitts - Bridge and bridge material, Roseland 'township1065.27' Frank H, Kitts - Bridge and material, Adams -Clay County line------------------- 1500.00' Frank H. Kitts Material & excavation, bridgq,Little Blue Township800.00. .Byers Lbr Co - Bridge lumber, Ayr Township --- ------ -----------.---.----124.05 - 1.24.05 Frank H. Kitts - Repairs on bridge, Zero Township-- 275.00 Mid -State Construction. Company - concrete culverts, Roseland Township592.40 _ Bladen Lbr Co - Bridge lumber and cement220.10 MM Kummer - Labor on bridge-------------- -- -- - -----------------------------; -.28.80 , Kenesaw Farmer's Lbr Co - Sand and bridge lumber- 55.35 John Valentine- Labor on bridge 5.20 2.00 L. W. Grabill - Labor on bridge-..-..----- ----- ----m�-.�-.;-.,�....-.---..f....-®.a---�..;....., Fred miles - Labor bridge----------------- -----..-<..--.. ..-.:- .-,-------.--- 1..60 Roy E versman - _Labor on bridge ------------------ 1.60 M m KummerH tulin sand and labor on bridge ------------------ 66.30 1 f - g Frank H. Kitts - ?repairing bridge, Little Blue Township------------------------- 307.00 ' Frank H. Kitts - Repairing bridge, Little Blue Township & material-------------- 137.50. Juniata Lbr Co - Bridge lumber etc--------------------------------------- 8.35- W. H. Fisher - Repairing County Bridge, rest Blue Township;16.5'0 Binderup Hardware Co - Spikes etc.-------------------------------------------- 2.08 Ira D. Philleo - Hauling bridge planh5.00 Albert Lay - Labor on County bridge, Hanover Township11.90 ROAD FUND United Electric Service Company - Repairing magneto-------------------- -.._--, ., k 182:90 Winnie Kendal Grading County Road No. 2, Roseland Township---------- --------- - 4.40 Wm Kindig - Hauling sand, Roseland Township- ----- ------- --- ------------ -------- 6.00 C. L. Hanson - Hauling sand & grading, Roseland Township ------------------------16.50 Marvin Bennett Road work, Roseland Township------------------- ---....- -- 5.33 Osborn Oil Company - Gas & oil, District No 3 -- ----- ' 284.04 E. A. Brandes Tractor Company - Repairs on County Tractor----------------------- 61.35 E. A. Brandes Tractor Company Repairs for County Tractor 37.30 Abe Schiffler - Fouling sand, Roseland Township----.------ --- -.------...--..-......8.83 Peter Klein - Road work, Roseland Township8.00 McClelland -Dunn Motor Company Tractor supplies----------- -------- 3.00 The ,Altman & Taylor mach Co - Repairs, Road machinery --- ----------- ------ 12.43 E. A. Brandes Tractor Cor.}pany - Repairs for County Tractor- ------- ----.,--- 59.20 W. H. Gartner - Road work, Little Blue Township 55.00 Kenesaw Township - Appropriation for road work, Kenesaw Township250.00 EdPeters - Road work------------------- ----- ---------->.�--. ,------..---.. 32.00 E. A. Brandes Tractor Company - Repairs, County Tractor3,55 Manhattan Oil Company - Oil & gas, County Maintainer, Districts 1 &`2 --- _.. 294.58 Crisman & Brehm Repairing Road machinery - ea s-- 271..58 E. A. Brandes Tractor Company - Repairing County Tractor---------- Frank A. Peterson - Read work, Silver Lake Township-- - .,-----------------. -- 35.20 C. F. Petersen - Road work, Silver Lake & Logan Townships 90.50 Simon D. Murra - Road work, Hanover Township------.--------------- .:.4.60 L. R. Rickerson - Road work------------------ --..- The Galion Iron Works Road machinery repairs - 12.00 J. H. McGrath Hdw Co - Tools--------------------------------- ---- a.-- .1.10 ( ROAD FUND CONT' D ) J. H. McGrath Hdw Co - Tools------- --- _-- ------$ 1.85 A. F. Meyer Hdw Co - Tools and rerairs---_. __-... ___:..«_. -____..e_. _- 21.75 Juniata Lbr'Co - Tools, paint etc 74.25 Melvin Newell - Road work Theodore Schneider - Road work, Cottonwood Township L. R. Rickerson - Road work, Juniata Township T. G. Whiting - Express paid on machinery repairs The Minn Thresh Mach Co - Repairs on Tractor Stromer Motor Sale";_: Co - Road machinery repairs Will Kistler - Assisting, County Surveyor C. A. Heartwell - Surveying County Road------------- The Galion Iron Works - Grader repairs Borley Transfer Co Delivering grader repairs---------- -- -----------..The Minn Thresh Mach Co - Road machinery repairs ---- -..------ ______ _______ Orvil Joynt - Road work, Roseland Township 34.65. ----__-_ 6.50 /06.30 Fred. Jackson - Road work, Hanover Township ------------------------------------ George May - Road work, Hanover Township Lee Moats - Road work, Silver Lake Township---------- Harry B. Jones - Road work, Silver lake Township- --- ------- -«_--...-_-:�_.,_,,:_. 6.40 B. C. Clayton - Road work, Jest Blue & Denver Townships---------------;-- --328.00 Ea M7etz ell Road work, Test Blue & Denver Townships----. -..--..-- ----- ------- 56.00 Geo. W. Bivens - Superintending County roads - _..-_�,:. _Te.a 45.20 Geo. W. Bivens - Express paid on Road machinery repairs 4.92 B. A. Frederickson - Express, phone calls & supplies----- ----- 9.87 W. B. Hargleroad - Superintending County Road work 40.20 T. G. Whiting - Superintending County Road work------- 88.50 W. B. Hargleroad - Express paid on tractor repairs, etc 2.22 34.00 18.25 5.00 9.50 28.20 -1.00 33.00 12.00 7.00 2.45 14.40 ..9 Bert Needham - Road work -- 4 - _ - - 24.00 J. W. Graves - Road work, Logan Township J. H. Winter Road work ;Roseland Tovdnship--_. __-_..__.._....._..--,�� 91.00 R. M. Ratcliff - Superintending Pond work - . 115.90 M. W. Berstler - Road work, Roseland Township ---- 17.10 Albert Bostock Roadwork, Little Blue Township---- -_--- _ -_ _ - 5.00 Frank R. Miles Rosd work, Silver Lake Township- - ------------ .._ 2,,45 Fred A. Miles - Road work, Silver Lake Township------------- _---- --- 1.40 ,Dick Bohlen - Road work, Ayr, Township Ayr Auto Co - Delivering frenso Standard Oil Co - Oil & gas, Road r:,achinery 41.73 Erwin Fisher Repairing tractor Thos. Snyder Jr - Road work, Logan, Silver Lake & Roseland Townships 81.20 Archie Woodworth - Road work, Logan, Silver Lake & Roseland Townships ----- 7 9.80 Thos Snyder Sr - Road work, Logan, Silver Lake & Roseland Townships 256.30 D. G. Ginrich - Road work, Logan, Silver Lake & Roseland Townships 75,60 Theo Smidt - Road work_®®_ -------- ------- ----------- ------ _--....: ,.12.40 Will Smidt - Road work ----- - to. ----------:..,-o---wow ------ -.-_ 33.95 John Smidt - Road work----_..---- 32.00 9.45 Dick Smidt - Road work 2 S. S. Hershey - Repairing bounty Road machinery - ---------------150.60 ------------------21.60 Herman Plantz - Road work O. H. Sprankle - Repairing County Rosd machinery 35.05 McClelland -Dunn ":rotor Co Batteries 15.00 Hastings Battery & Elect Co - Repairing magneto----------------- ..___. --- ... , . 1.20 ROAD DRAGGING FUND Wm C. Dycus, Supt - Road dra *ging, Ayr Township - W. A. Newell, Supt - Road Dragging, Juniata Township ------------------------ Otto -------- -Otto Lukow - Road dragging, Cottonwood Township E. Ray Anderson, Supt - Road dragging; Little Blue Township H. B. Burroughs, Supt - Road dragging, Silver Lake Township- E. Ray Anderson, Supt - Road dragging, Little Blue Township J. B. Fernow, Supt - Road dragging, Roseland Township B. F. Schlegel Road dragging, Kenesaw Township - Christ Kort, Supt - Road dragging, Zero Township - D. N. Bitner, Supt - Road dragging, West Blue Towns4ip Hans Christensen - Road dragging and raking weeds, Logan Township Andy Smidt 3 Supt - Road dragging, Hanover Township E. E. Shierman, Supt - Road dragging, Blaine Township W. J. Meester Road dfagging, , Blaine: Township Wm Oelschlager, Supt - Road dragging, Verona Township 91.60 89.15 4.20 54.00 J. B. Fernow, Supt - Road dragging, Roseland Township 45.00 42.60 55.35 33.75 115.75 25.20 18.00 7.85 34.85 9.45 5.40 24.30 SOLDIER'S & SAILOR'S RELIEF FUND W. G. Saddler - Relief work'amonl'old soldiers Geo. T. Vlhest Relief work among old soldiers POOR:AID FUND $ 100.00 100.00 Hastings Fuel Company - Coal 6.90 Mrs W. H. Scott - Services B. M. Simms - Drugs Hardt's Drug Store - Drugs Dora DeBord - Allowance Henry Herbst - Groceries 12.50 10.15 4.25 30;00 7.99 Z11 Mill POOR AID FUND CONT'D ) Pioneer Market - Meat g 13.10 Sunnyside - Services ------ 144.00 Dr. J. V. Beghtol Services 14.00 Henry Albers - Services 125.00 Juniata Lbr Co - Coal 58.85 Conrad Walker Groceries 27.02 Mrs. W. M. Sowers - Services 35.00 Anna Pearson - Services ------ -.._ 38.35 E. B. Hamel - Services ...... 2.00 STATE HIGH AY FUND` Manhattan Oil Co - Gas & oil for Patrols Nos. 1 & 2 United Elect Service Co - Repairs for truck--- -------- -- ..-e.-__- Goehring Racine Rubber Co - Repairs-.:----- -_ , The Parsons Garage - 'le pairs Osborn Oil Co - Gas & kerosene, Patrol No 3 Crisman & Brehm - Welding Mathew Uerling - Supplies Geo. Lovell - Groceries Reader & Son - Repair for maintainer_________________ E. A. Brandes Tractor Tractor repairs ------ _.._..----- -____-.._- Frank Wilder - Repairing grader and mairtainer LeRoy Dreibilbis - Team work, Federal road "o. 41 J. 1. VanMeter - Mowing weeds, Federal road Po. 41 M. E. Harrison - Labor on Federal roads Nos. 40 & 53 Crisman & Brehm - Labor on truck R. E. Davis - Labor and. supplies, Roads 40 8; 41----______-...._----� Miller & Rost - Tire on truck-- ---------------- __.,_, A. F. Meyer Hdw Co - Supplies Binderup Hdw Co - Supplies, tools etc 01 H. Sprankle - Repairs - Repairs on. maintainer E; A. Brandes Tractor Co - Tractor repairs & supplies Adams County - Use of County car ..-------------- E. A. Brandes Tractor Co - Repairs for State Tractor B. F. Millard - Maintainer repairs ---- ----- J. H. McGrath Hdw Co - Nails- ----------------- -------------- Ayr Lbr Co - Paint: oil, etc -------- ---- Juniata Lbr --- - ..Juniata.Lbr Co - Tools, paint, etc ..--------_- -a--- Mansfield Paint & Glass Co - Paint._ Mid -State Construction Co - Concrete culverts -_ 164.75 50.24 1.1.25 1.25 48.57 1.00 10.05 24.93 1.00 10.35 5.00 91.00 10.5o 235.20 9.45 13.28 / 6.0 8.10 25.02 25.50 42.40 40.00 3.00 39.50 1.40 29.75 115.05 92.25 394.80 Motion by Nelson, Second by Durkee that the claim of Walter E. growers on the Poor Aid for $25.00 be disallowed. Roll call, ayes: Bivens, Durkee, Nelson, Ratcliff and Whiting. Nays: Hargleroad. Motion carried. Motion by Raticiff, Second by Bivens that the claim of O. H. Hahn on the Poor Aid Fund for $200.00 be disallowed. All voted aye. Motion carried. The number of individuals and families receiving aid from the County are twenty-one and the amount x"696,78. Motion by Bivens, Second by Nelson that W. B. Hargleroad, Superintendent be instructed to go ahead and complete the improvements now started at the Adams County Farm. Motion carried. Minutes were read and approved. Motion by Bivens, Second by Nelson that the Board now adjourn to meet again Tuesday, November, 8th 1921 at 10 o'clock, A. M. Motion carried. Whereupon the Board adjourned. dinahA OUNTY CT.FRK tJTY CH AIRMAN �� -e* VT la 255 Tuesday, November 8th 1921, 10 o'clock, A. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment of October 5th 1921. Roll call, all Members present as follows: Bivens Durkee, Hargleroad, Nelson, Ratcliff, Whiting and Sorenson. County Judge J. M. Turbyfill appeared before the Board and announced that S. B. Sorenson had filed a bond as Supervisor of District No. 5 which had been duly approved. Motion by Durkee, Second by Nelson that the County Clerk be instructed to strike from the tax lists of 1919 all taxes assessed against Block 6, Cole's First Addition to the city of Hastings on account of same belonging to School District No. 18. Motion carried. Bond of Philip H. Fuller as Substitute County Judge was read before the Board and upon motion by Bivens, Second by Nelson the bond was duly approved. Motion by Bivens, Second by Durkee that we comply with the orders of the County Court in regard to a Mother's Pension for Emma Swanson, Ida McFerren and Emma Dell Young and that the Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The application of H. E. Needham for appointment as Road Commissioner for State & Federal Roads was read before the Board and no action was taken by the Beard. The Board recessed at 12 o'clock noon until 1 P. M. One o'clock, P. M. the Board reassembled, all Members present. Motion by Hargleroad, Sedond by Bivens that J. W. Graves of Logan Township, be authorized to take E. Welty to the Adams County Poor Farm. Motion carried. Petition of L. Dominy and the balance of the Board of Trustees of the Greenwood Cemetery Association petition- ing.the Board of Supervisors for the purchasing of three acres of land as described in said petition was read before the Board and upon motion by Hargleroad, Second by Durkee, said petition was duly granted and the Clerk was instructed to notify the owners of this three acres of land of the filing and granting of said petition. Chairman appointed a Committee consisting of Durkee, Sorenson and Bivens to confer with the Trustees of the Greenwood Cemetery Association, One -thirty P. M. Being the time set by the County Clerk for the hearing on the proposi3d changing of County Road No. 10 as asked for in a Petition of J. F. Sims and others and granted by the Board at their last regular meeting, the Chairman announced that any one having objections to the proposed changes would now be heard. Another petition signed by Harvey P. Jones and others asking that the Board do work on County Road No. 10 as it is now located, was read before the Board and also Mr. Albert Bostock appeared in behalf of said Petition. This petition and the arguments were against the proposed change in the location of County Read No. 10, and were construed by the Board as a remonstrance against said ehange. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Bivens that the Prayer of the Petition signed by Harvey P. Jones and others be granted and that no change be made in the location of County Road No. 10 be made. Roll call, ayes: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Nelson, Whiting and Sorenson. Nays: Ratcliff. Motion carried, The Adams County Stock Judging Team, with County Agent Davis who recently made a trip to Atlanta, Georgia appeared before the Board and expressed their appreciation of the action of the Board in making it possible to make the trip. Thet gave the Board an interesting account of their trip. Communication from the ahamber of Commerce, requesting the Board to appoint a Committee of three to represent the Board at a meeting to be held on November 14th to plan some program for the 50th Anniversary of Adams County was read. The Ghairman appointed Geo. B. Durkee, W. M. Nelson and W. B. Hargleroad. At 5 P. M. the Bodi.d recessed until 9 A. M. Wednesday, Noveffiber 9th 1921. Wednesday, November 9th 1921, 9'o'clock, A. L. Roll call, all Members present. The entire forenoon session was taken up with the examination and auditing of claims on file. At 12 Olcloek the Board recessed until 1 P. M. At 1 o'clock the Board resumed, all Members present. Motion by Hareleroad; Second by Nelson that the following claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The claims follow: GENERAL FUND A. I. Batton - Laundry, County offices - 7.48 Geo. W. Bivens - Services, County Board ---------- 40.90 E. A. Brandes - Repairs on County car -- - ----------- 56.30 E. A. Brandes - Repairs on County car and storage------------ - -.------ 33.65 J. O. Brower - Freight and drayage, supplies, Court House--------- - - --- - 9.48 Alex Bruntz - Damage to stack of hay---- ------- --- - 50.00 Burroughs Adding Machine Co - Part payment on rnachino ----..137.50 B. F. Carl - Groceries, County Farm--------- 133.03 A. M. Clark - Stamps, County Assessor ---- 2.00 W. A. Cole - Postage, mileage, Jail fees, 19.60 W. A. Cole Jail 140.90 Cornelius & Co - Irsurance on Court House 33.60 John B. Cornelius - Damage by fire to cane..-------.....----------- 24.00 H. C. Haverly, Co Treas - Telephones, Water and gas, Court House- 174.98 Henry E. Davidson - Repairs for Remington, County Clerk's office----------- 2.21 Elliott it. Davis - County Club Show ---------------- ----- -- ---- -------- 84.50 Elliott R. Davis - Mileage, postage & supplies, Farm Bureau -- -------------- 81.76 Deines Drug Co - Filing cabinet, Farm - -- --------------- 70.00 Deines Drug Co Supplies, County offices----------------- - 9.10 Fred Deweese - Expense to Lincoln 8.30 Lucia Dillenbach . District Court fees 203.00 Clerk of the District Court - Court foes - -- - -- - -- -------- 25.00 Geo. B. Durkee - Services on County Board .& mileaee-------- ------------ 69.20 Sam Feather - Two loads of cobs-------, ------ - ---- 2.00 F. C. Hagemann - Services at County Farm--------------- - 688.36 Hammond & Stephens Co - Supplies, County 52.63 James C. Hargleroad - Services, County Farm--------- ---- - - 35.00 R. J. Hargieroae _ Hardware, eueeliee, County Fame-- 197.05 W. B. Hargleroad., Services on County Board and mileage -- ----- --- 79.40 Hastings Daily Tribune - PUblications. 111.10 - - - - Industrial Laboratories - Fumigators 55.00 Juniata Lbr Co - Supplies, County Farm--------------- --- ------------------- .30 Juniata Lbr Co - Supplies, County Farm--- --------- - 212.00 KB Printing Co - Supplies, County 5.71 K -B Printing Oo'e. Supplies, County office e -- 1,62 K -B Printing Co - Supplies, County offices 8.15 K-13Printing Co - Supplies, County offices 40.00 K -B Printing Co - Tax binder ---------... ----- 36.44 Kenesaw Progress Publication 5.00 Geo, W. Kimball - Battery, County car- -- - ---- - - - 33.50 J. B. Kline - Electrical supplies, Court House -- -- - - 8.60 J. B. Kline - Labor and electrical supplies, Court House------------------- 6.30 Klopp Prising Co - 12.00 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co - Toll cane, County offices------------------ 2.65 Lincoln Tel & Telg Co - Toll calls, County offices - ------- - ---------- 18.20 Manhattan Oil Co - Gas & oil, County car 30.04 Carl R. Matthiesen & Co - Pictures, & films, Farm Bureau 6.28 Carl R. Matthieeen & Co - Supplies, County ----- 3.30 Milburn & Scott Co - Supplies, County Attorney 5.17 Miller & Martin - Groceries, County Farm - - - -- - 85.53 J. H. McGrath Hdw Co - Supplies, County Farm- ------- 9.82 National Refining Co - Oil, County Farm4.25 - W. M. Nel3on - Services on County Board------- --- - 20.00 Osborn Oil Co - Gas, County 8.70 Pickens & Bratton - Supplies and labor, Court House------ ---------- 37.93 Polenske Bros Schellak & Co - Building supplies, Co Farm- ----- - ----------- 6.75 R. M. Ratcliff - Services on County Board and mileage------ - -- --- ------- 83.80 Renner & Serf - Supplies, County 181.25 Renner & Serf - Supplies, County offices- ----------------------------- 122.90 Renner & Serf - Supplies, County Judge's office 284.60 Roseland Lbr Co - Sand, cement etc., County Farm 390.95 Mrs Harry Schultz - Postage & mileage, County Supt. 42.70 Theo Sims - Repair on office clock, District Clerk 1.50 Snyder Bros - Threshing, County Farni 175,00 Sam C. Stephenson - County Supt., supplies -----------20.00 Stewart & Smith - Labor, County Clerk's office ----- - 1.25 Joseph M. Turbyfill - Court fees and postage - ----- 140.13 Underwood Typewriter Co - Repairing typewriter, County Judge------ ---- - 9.00 Union Cafe - Meals for Jurors 36.40 University Publishing Co - Supplies, County Supt. ofeice e.. 18.43 717n+ le.; VIC-Cill+c, _ ! 7 Llitl ( General Fund Contd.) W. R. Weakly - Services... . ... ....... 5.00 T. G. Whiting- Services on County Board and mileage----------------- 96.40 Wm Widmaier Tithe, School Attendance officer----- ... ------- . 10.40 William Widmaier Daliff fees 27.00 Wiggins -Babcock Co - Services- .. ..... ---- -- -- Wolbanh & Brach - Merchandise, Cou#y Farm--- -- - ------------------- 29.90 Y W C A ;. Meals for Jury 14.83 Jacob Zubrod - Drayage 1.10 BRIDGE FUND Thos. Stumpenhorst - Hauling bridge lumber-------------------------$ 3.00 Thos. Snyder Jr - Labor on bridge, Silver Lake Twsp ------- -------. 14.00 Thos. Snyder Sr - Labor on bridge, Silver Lake Twsp 44.00 Albert Schultz - Labor on County bridge, Ayr Twsp 10.30 John F. Riese - Repairing bridge, Juniata Township 5.15 Roseland Lumber Co - Bridge lumber and cement ------ 57.80 F. S. Philleo - Labof on County Bridge, Zero Township ------- ------- 6.00 Oliver Lbr Co - Bridge lumber, West Blue Township 28.75 Albert Morgan - Labor on bridge, Logan Township----------- - 22.40 Louis Mick - Labor on bridge -..............- 54.00 Herman Manske - Labor on bridge, Zero Township 17.10 Albert Lay - Bridge work, Hanover Township ------..----.----e- 3.00 Albert Lay - Hauling bridge plank, Hanover Township 2.40 John Lau - Bridge work, West Blue Township... --------- 10.00 Frank H. Kitts - Sand for culverts---------- -- --------........-- 21.28 Frank H. Kitts - Piling for bridge ------- ---------....----- 34.00 Frank H. KiAs- Repairing bridge, Little Blue Township-- ------ -- 92.50 Frank H. Kitts - Bridge, Little Blue Township .... 986.01 Frank H. Kitts - Bridge, Adams -Clay County line.........---- ---- 1238.20 WinnieKendall - Slip work- --- - - ........,........*............r........4.ww,..t.4 3.00 Harm Johnson - Labor on bridge and cash paid out for suppli -es------ 8.60 Martin Crosson - Labor on bridge, West Blue Township 7.55 Chicago Lbr Co - Bridge material.-- ------- -........---------..- 653.50 Charlie Bigelow - Hauling cement, Silver Lake Township - .- --- .......... 5.00 Ayr Welber Co - Bridge _ material----------------.---.--... 67.95 ROAD FUND J. E. Allender - Road work, Zero Township----------- ----$ 2.10 August Anderson - Mowing weeds, County Road No. 1-------------------3.40 M. J. Ashmore - Mowing & raking weeds, County 11.60 R. Beal - Supplies 4.90 Geo, W. Bivens - Superintending County --- --------- 16.00 Rinert Bohlke - Labor on Road No. 1- - - - -- ------- 78.00 B. C. Clayton - Road work, West Blue Township• .114•1* 74,50 Crisman & Brehm - Labor on County Tractor 32.75 Essinger Bros - Supplies, County Road machinery-. -- 11.30 J. W. & O. V. Essinger - Gas & supplies, County Road machinery 235.67 Ervin Fisher - Repairing County Truck------- - -- 20.21 Dave Gingrich - Road work, Silver Lake Township-a...a...-. 14.00 C. L. Hanson - Slip work, Roseland Township------.----------. 12.00 Robt. J. Hargleroad - Labor & supplies, County truck -----------.'.11.23 W. B. Hargleroad - Road work, Cottonwood Township- ------- 128.00 Juniata Lbr Co - Supplies 56.90 Kenesaw Motor Co - Spark plugs •••• *ffi 0•1•1“.090.4100d0...000 4.50 C. K. Lawson Hdw Co - 4.05 W. L. Mack - Delivering barrells of oil --------------------------5.20 Manhattan Oil Co - Gas and oil, County Road machinery 224.91 A. F. Meyer Hdw Co - Supplies 8.38 E. F. Millard - Sharpening grader 5.00 Charles Mouse? - Road work, Roseland Township-.---------------- 24.00 Chas McCall - Road work, Wanda and Kenesaw Township ------ 82.50 McClelland -Dunn Motor Co . Spark plugs 3.00 Nebraska Battery & Tire Co - Copper tubing ----------------.52 rolvin Newell - Road work, Juniata Township)8.90 Joe Ormand - Road work, Denver 7.00 Osborn Oil Co - Gas, County Road 41.33 C. F. Peterson - Road work Silver Lake Township-, ------ 7.80 Herman Plantz - Road work, Ayr and Zero Township53.1.0 Frank Pritchard - Road work, Wanda and Kenesaw Township.... 73.40 R. M. Ratcliff - Superintending County Road work-------------.. 63.80 Frank Reis - Road work-- ----- )7.60 L. A. Reis - Road work, Ayr Township.---- ---- 23.40 W. M. Reis - Road work 23.70 L. R. Rickerson - Road work, Juniata Towhjp 43.20 Carl Ruhter - Road work, Roseland Township-- -----------29.60 Ed Schnase - Road work, Roseland Township------- ------- 34.20 Fred W. Wmidt - Road 32.80 Thomas Snyder Sr - Road work, Silver Lake & Zero Townships.-- 37.40 O. H. Sprankle - Repairing County Maintainer-------- --- - --_----- 15.50 Minneapolis Thresh Mach Co - Tractro 78.95 Henry Velder - Road work, Roseland Township---------------------- 24.00 Geo Weber - Road work, Roseland 1075 A AA Clifford Wenner - Road work. Kenessw TnwInp114/,. `ZINIAM 258 (Road Fund Cont'd ) L. Woods - Road work, Little Blue 19.55 ROAD DRAGGING FUND August Andersen - Road dragging, Verona Township..........4 8.30 E. Ray Anderson - Road dragging, Little Blue 34.00 Henry F. Bohlke - Road dragging, Logan Township- --- - - 7.20 H. B. Burroughs - Road dragging, Roseland Township-. ---- 33.10 O. Y. Boty - Road dragging- Highland 49.95 W. M. Dycue - Road dragging, Ayr Township. ---- John Fisher - Road dragging, Juniata Township-- -- - -- M. J. Kindig - Road dragging, Gerona Township.-- 31.70 W. J. Meester - Road dragging, Blaine Township-. -- - - 5.40 V. Oelschlager - "oad dragging, Verona Township --- ---- 16.20 Fred G. Roeder - Road dragging, Wanda Township-. 74.95 B. F. Schlegel - Road dragging, Kenesaw 44.55 E. E. Shierman - Road dragging, Blaine Township ---- ...------------- 12.25 Andy Smidt - Road dragging, Hanover Township ------ 33.40 POOR AID FUND Conrad Walker - Groceries -------- --------------....,_-_--..-_-__--$ 23.98 B. M. Simms - -9.10 Mrs. W. S. Scott -Services 28.25 - Pioneer Meat Market Meat ----- 32.25 Pickens & Bratton - Merchandise-. -- --- - 35.00 A. D. Lay - Groceries 13.47 Hastings Fuel Co - Coal 15.00 Dora DeBord 30.00 B. F. Carl - Groceries- ----- 8.35 B. T. Carl - 35.00 Henry Albers - Services-- 125.00 STATE HIGHWAY FUND Mathew Uerling - Hardware------------ # 3.50 Mathew Uerling - 4.10 O. H. Sprankle - Maintainer repairs --- - - 19.80 J. F. Reader - Mower 11.80 Osborn Oil Co - Gasoline, State & Federal machinery......... 8.70 S. M. North - Tractor repairs 4.00 J. H. McGrath Hdw Co - Lanterns-- - - 3.84 B. F. Millard - Maintainer repairs-. -- 22.50 Mid -State Construction Co - Culvert extension ------------------106.69 Mansfield Paint & Class Co - Paint ----........ 15.00 Manhattan Oil Co . Gas and Frank H. Kitts - Concrete bridge, Denver Township - ------3326.70 Frank H. Kitts - Concrete bridge, Ayr Township----------------- 1225.00 Leo Hemberger - Cleaning culvert ------------ - , 10,00 E. M. Harrison - Labor on State Road No. 53-------- ---- --...... 51.80 Goehring Racine Rubber Co - Facing rakes --------- 2.00 Crisman & Brehm - Services --- --- - 2.00 Borley Storage & Transfer Co - Pulling 3.00 Ayr Lumber Co - -- 50.75 Adams County - Use of County car ----------------------40.00 Motion by Durkee, Second by Sorenson that the request of Roy J. Feist for a refund of personal taxes for year 1920, paid under protest, Tax Receipt. No.10262 and the request of G. P. Hendrick o for a refund of Real Estate Tax for 1920 apdi under protest, an Pt Sec. 13-7-10, Tax Receipt No 10484 and als0 the request of John O. Theisen for a refund of Real Estate tax for 1920, paid under protest on the S4 Sec 33-7-9, Tax Receipt No.30294, be disallowed for the reason that at this time the Board has no authority for reduction of valuations. Motion carried. Motion by Nelson, Second by Hargleroad that on after this date we allp* the Moffitt Family of Juniata not to exceed e15,00 per month for groceries $10.00 per month for drugs and that T. G. Whiting, Supervisor - of District Ho. 2 be instructed to furnish What coal that io necessary for the use of this family and that nothing further shall be furnished by the County for this family. Motion carried. The minutes were read and approved. The Chairman announded that the Board would recess and meet at Lincoln, Nebraska with the Department of Public Works at 11 A. M. November 10th "411 I, Mk Lincoln, Nebr., Thursday November 10th 1921 11 A M MINUTES OF MEETING ' PROJECT 169 BRIDGES Joint meeting of the County Board of Adams County and the Department of Public Works at L1:30 A. M. November 10, 1921, at the office of the Department of Public Torks, Brownell Building, Members present: Geo. W. Bivens, T. G. 11.iting, Robt. M. Ratcliff, S. B. Sorenson and Geo. Durkee, County Supervisors of Adams County and J. A. Cates, County Clerk. and Geo E. Jenson, Secretary of the Department of Public Works, Mr. Whiting actedas chairman of the joint session. The following bids were opened, read and tabulated as follows: BRIDGE NO. 1 Koehler Lumber Company, Sterling, Nebraska. Item .1 1 66pa Yds 2 85 Cu Yds 8 65.5 Cu Yds 11 10.11Cu Yds 14 3852 Lbs 21 1 26 55 Item Dry Excavation Wet Excavation Mass Cone Class "A" Arch " " deformed Bars Steel Superstructure as shown on plans complete in place except floor and wearing surfaces, for lump sum of 831.0Q Sq. Yds, Cold Tar Concrete wearing surface 1.60 Unit Price Amt 1.35 6.75 30.00 40.00 .07 item J. F. ealy, Hastings, Nebraska 1 66.1 Cu Yds. Dry Excavation 2 85 Cu Yds. Wet Excavation 8 65.5 Cu Yds Mash Cone Class 11 10.11 Cu. Yds. Arch " if 14 3852 Lbs. Deformed Bars 21 1 Steel Superstructure as shown on plans complete in place except floor and wearing surfaces, for lump sum of 26 755 Sq. Yds. Cold Tar Concrete wearing surface "A" Item No. Item 1 66.1 Cu Yds. Dry Excavation 2 85 Cu. Yds.Wet Excavation 8 65.5 Cu Yds. Mass Conc, Class 11 10.11 Cu Yds. Arch " ., 14 3852 Lbs.lieformed Bars 21 ' 1 Steel:.Superstructure as shown on plans complete in place except floor and wearing surfaces, for lump sum of. 26 755 Sq Yds. Cold Tar Concrete wearing surface fie 89.10 573.75 1965.00 404.40 269.64 831.00 88.00 Unit Price Amt 1.25 82.50 4.50 382.50 24.50 1604.75 31.50 318.47 .59 227.27 664.57 1.75 664.57 96.25 interstate Concrete Company, Fairbury, Nebraska. Unit Price Amt .75 49.50 3.50 297.50 24.00 1572.00 26.00 262.86 .04 173.34 t o. antit Item 688.36 1.00 Mid State Concrete Company, Hastings, Nebraska, 1 28 11 14 21 26 . 66.15 Cu Yes Dry Excavation 85 Cu Yds Wet Excavation 65,5 Cu Yds Mass Conc. Class "A" 10.11 Cu Yds Arch " Ft it 3852 Lbs Deformed Bars 1 Steel Superstructure as shown plans complete in place except and wearing surfaces, for lump 55 Sq Yds. Cold Tar 'Concrete wearing surface 688.36 55.00 Unit ride Amt 1.25 1.50 19.00 23.00 .044 on floor sum of 670.00 82.50 127.50 1244.50 232.53 173.34 670,00 2.30 126.50 Standard Dridge Company, VT 1, /El 11 10.11 Cu Yds Arch Conc. Class "A" 14 3852 Lbs Deformed Bars 21 1 Steel Superstructure as shown on plans complete in place except floor and wearing surfaces, for lump sum of 26 55 Sq Yds. Cold Tar Concrete wearing surface' Ztem Jantiy Item 1 2 8 11 14 21 BRIDGE NO. 2 69.1 Cu Yds Dry Excavation 30 Cu Yds Wet Excavation 41.81 Cu Yds Wass Conc. Class "A" 10.9 Cu Yds. ArCh--" 2929 Lbs. Deformed Bars 1 Steel Superstructure as shown on plans complete in place except floor and wearing surfaces, forlump sum of 26 59.1 • Sq. Yds Cold Tar concrete Wearing Surface 27 1 Removal of Existing structure if necessary to be removed for Bump sum of *1.50 per Ft Item No. antit Item 17.00 .03 399.00 1.50 171.87 115.56 399.00. 82.50 Koehler Luber Co. Sterling, Nebraska. Unit Price Amt 1 . 69.1 Cu Yds. Dry Excavation 2 30 Cu Yds Wet Excavation 8 41.81 Cu Yds Mass Conc. Class "A" 11 , 10.9 Cu Yds. Arch " " 14 2929 Lbs. Deformed Bars 21 1 Steel Superstructure as shown on plans complete in place except floor and wearing surfaces, for lump sun of 26 59.1 Sq Yds. Cold Tar concrete wearing surface 27 1 Removal of Existing structure if necessary to be removed for lump sum of Item No. antit Item 1.35 6.75 30.00 40.00 .07 806,00 1.60 93.29 202.50 1254.30 436.00 205.03 806.00 94.56 42.00 J. F. Kealy, Hastings, Nebraska. Unit Price Amt. 1.25 86.38 4.50 135.00 24.50 1024.35 31.50 343.35 .59 172.81 754.00 754.00 1.75 103.43 1 69.1 Cu Yds. Dry Excavation 2 30 Cu Yds. Vet Excavation 8 41-.81 Cu Yds Mass Conc. Class "A" 11 10.9 Cu Yds. Arch " ti it 14 2929 Lbs Deformed Bars 21 1 Steel Superstructure as shown on •plant complete in place except floor and wearing surfaces, for lump sum. of 26 59.1 Sq Yds Cold Tar Concrete wearing surface 27 1 Removal of Existing Structure if. necessary to be removed for lump sum of 40.00 40.00 Interstate Concrete Company, Fairbury, Nebraska. Unit Price Amt $ .75 3.50 25.00 ,27.00 .04 1.00 100.00 51.83 105.00 1045.25 294.30 131.81 729.64 59.10 100.00 Mid -State Concrete Company) Hastings, Nebraska, Item No. antit, Item Unit Price 1 69.1 Cu Yds. Dry Excavation 2 , 30 Cu Yds. Wet Excavation 8 41.81 Cu Yds. Mass Conc. Class "A" 11 10.9 Cu Yds. Arch " to 14 • 2929 Lbs Deformed Bars 21 1 Steel Superstructure as shown on•plans complete in place except floor and wearing surfaces, for lump sum of $ 1.25 1.50 19.00 23.00 770.00 26 59.1 Sq Yds. Cold Tar C&ncrete Wearing Surface 2.30 27 1 Removal of Existing Structure if necessary to be removed for lump sum of 1 10.00 Item No. antit Item 1 69.1 2 30 8 41.81 11 10.9 14 2929 Cu Yds. Dry Excavation Cu Yds. Wet Excavation Cu Yds. Mass Conc. Class Cu Yds. Arch " Lbs Deformed Bars Amt 86.38 45.00 794.39 250.70 131.81 770.00 135.93 10.00 Standard Bridge Company, Omaha, Nebraska. Unit Price Amt .80 2.70 14.00 17.00 _nl 55.28 81.00 585.34 185.30 Pti Art 27 1 . Removal of Existing Structure if nexessary to be removed for lump sum of Item No. antitr BRIDGE N0. Koehler Lumber ComPany, Sterling, Nebraska. Item . 1 494 Cu Yds Dry Excavation 2 49;3 Cu Yds. Wet Excavation 8 41.81 Cu Yds, Mass Conc. Class "A" 11 10.9 Cu Yds. Arch 14 2929 Lbs. Deformed Bars 21 1 Steel Superstructure as shwon plans complete in place except and wearing surfaces for lump 26 59.1 • Sq Yds. Cold Tar Concrete • wearing surface 2 8 11 14 21 26 49.3 49.3 41.81 10..9 2929 # 1 59.1 tem on floor suto of • Cu Yds. Dry:Excavation Cu Yds. Wet Excavation Cu Yds. Mass Conc. Class "A" Cu Yds. Arch Deformed Bars Steel Superstructure as she= on plans complete in place except floor and wearing surfaces for lump sum of Sq Yds. Cold Tar Concrete wearing surface 00 Unit ?rice Amt • 1.35 • 6.75 30.00 40.00 .07 806.00 00 66.56 332.78 1254.30 436.00 205.03 806.00 1.60 94.56 3. F. Kealy, Hastings, Nebraska. Unit Price Amt .1.25 4.50 24.50 31.50 •.59 754. 61.63 .221.85 1024.35 343.35 172.81 754.00 1.75 103.43 .01001.Melle1Iff Interstate Concrete Company, Fairbury, Nebraska. Ite No antit Item Unit Price Amt 1 49.3 Cu Yds. Dry Excavation .75 36.98 2 49.3 Cu Yds. Wet Excavation 3.50 172.55 8 41.81 Cu Yds. Mass Conc. Class "A" 25.00 1045.25 11 10.9 Cu Yds. Arch " " " 27.00 294.30 14 2929 Lbs, Deformed Bars .044- 131.81 21 1 Steel Superstructure as shwon on plans complete in place except floor and wearing. surfaces for lump sum of 729.64 729.64 26 59.1 Sq Yds. Cold Tar Concrete wearing surface tem • antit Item 1.00 59.10 Mid -State Concrete Company, Hastings, Nebraska. 1. 49.3 Cu Yds. Dry Excavation 2 49.3 Cu Yds. Wet Excavation 8 41.81 Cu Yds. Mase Conc. Class 11 10.9 Cu Yds. Arch " I. 14 2929 Lbs DafOrmed Bars 21 1 Steel Superstructure as shown plans complete in place except wearing surfaces, for lump sum 26 59.1 Sq Yds. Cold Tar Concrete wearing surface u. Lipa_112.4.gapintit Item on floor and of Unit Price Amt 1.25 1.50 19.00 23.00 .04 770.00 1 49.3 Cu Yds, Dry Excavation 2 49.3 Cu Yds. Wet Excavation 8 41.81 Cu Yds. Mass Conc Class "A" 11 10.9 Cu Yds. Arch " • " " 14 2929 Lbs. Deformed Bars 21 1 Steel Superstructure as shown on . plans complete in place except floor and wearing surfaces, for lump sum of 427.00 26 59.1 Sq Yds. Cold Tar Concrete Wearing surface Mr. Bivens; I move you Mr. Chairman that the bid of the Standard Bridge Company on bridges Nos. 1, 2 and 3, said Company being the lowest bidder, be accepted and that contract be awarded to the Standard Bridge Company for all three bridges. f 2.30 61.63 73.95 794.39 250.70 131.81 770.00 135.93 Standard Bridge Company, Omaha, Nebraska. Unit Price .80 2.70 14.00 17.00 .03 Amt 39.44 133.11 585.34 185.30 87.87 427.00 • 1.50 88.65 1‘' ii% 262 affirmative, motion declared carried. Mr. Johnson: Mr. Chairman, I move you that the checks be returned to the unsuccessful bidders and receipts taken for same. Mr. Durkee: I second the motion. Chairman: It is moved and seconded that checks accompanying the bids be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. All in favor, signify by saying "Aye". Contrary, same sign. All voting "Aye", motion prevails. Ition by Bivens, Second by Durkee that the joint meeting now adjourn and that the Adams County Board of Supervisors to meet`in regular session at Hastings, Nebraska on Thursday, December 1st 1921 at 10 o'clock, A. M. Motion carried. OUNTY CLERK. ' Lhi TUESDAY, DECE:JBER let 1921, 10 o c ock, A. M. Adams County hoard of Supervisors met in regular session, pursuant to adjourtwent of Novenber 101,1 1921. Chairman T. G. Lhiting, ca110( the meeting to order. Roli call, all Members present as follows: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Nelson, Ratcliff, Sorenson and thiting, Motion by Bivens, Second by Ratcliff that the order cif the County Court in the matter of a renewal of Mother's Pensions for Mrs. Alice Block, Mrs. Susie Thomas and Ers. Hattie Curry be complied with and the Clerk be instructed to draw -warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted in favor thereof. Motidn carried. Official bond of Fred E. Mille, Constable, Kenesaw Township, on appointment of Niels Mikkelsen, Juctice of the Peace, was read and upon motion by Hargleroad, Second by Durkee the bond was approved. Motion by Bivens, Second by Ratcliff, that the request of 0. B. Frazier, for a refund of 1923 Personal tax, paid under protect, on account of alleged ovorvaluatidn, Tax Receipt, No .1478, and the request of 0. R. Palmer for a refund of 1921 Personal tax, paid under proteet or account of alleged overvaluatidn, Tax Receipt, r0.1041 and the request of The German Lutheran Church ef Wanda Township far an entire refund of 1920 Real Estate taxes assessed against the SW Nti, Section 36, Town -7, Range 12, paid under protest on account that said property should be oxemft for the reason that it is church property, Tax Receipt No.10421 be disallowed. The Board having at this time no authority to reduce valuetions, and the matter of the church property had been passed upon by the State Authorities and said assessment was declared to be legal. Motion carried. Application of A. I. Battan for Janitor of the Court House for 1922 at 100.00 per month was read before the Board and upon conferring with Mr. Battan the appointment was made at $90.00 per month, upon motion by Nelson, Second by Bivens. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1 P. M. At 1 o'clock, P. M. the Board resumed , all Members present. F. P. Olmstead appeared before the Board with a proposition of placing lights on the top f� the Court House , which was referred to the Lands & Buildings Committee* Wotion by Bivens, Second by Ratcliff that the action of the Adams County Board of Supervisors in a joint meeting held with Department of Public Works at Lincoln, Nebraska on November 10th 1921, in which the bid of the Standard Bridge Company, of Omaha, Nebraska, was acepted by the joint meeting and the contract was made with the Standard Bridge Company for the construction of the three bridges on State and Federal Road No. 41,,Project No. 169, he confirmed by this Board in their regular meeting held this day. Roll call, all voted aye, and motion carried. The following report submitted by committee consisting of oupervieor George B. Durkee and County Attorney, James E. Addle was read and upon motion by Hargleroad, Second by Nelson the report was adopted and ordered made a part of the Supervisor's Record. The report follows: OFFICE OF COUNTY ATTORNEY Fastings Nebraska Dec. 1, 1921 To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors: Gentleman:— Having been appointed by you as a committee to make final settlement with Lem Tibbets, Ex -Clerk of our District Court, we are pleased to be able to report that settlement has finally been made by Mr. Tibbets paying over for the County 0662.00 to cover the amount found due from him to the County after a careful examination of his fee books by Yr. Wiggins, Public Accountant. This settlement was completed on Nov. 15th. The total amount paid over by Yr. Tibbets as a result of an examination of all of his books has been $2699.65, he having paid $2037.65 to lass Lucia Dillenbach, our present Clerk of District Court, on April 26th lat. • 264 As to the crimina prosecution against Mr. Tibbets, he was arraingned in District Court on Nov. 15th and entered a straight and unqualified plea of "guiltyto a charge of Forgery, with intent to defraud, as, fully set out in the Fourth Count of the Information. No extenuation circumstances of any kind or nature were mentioned in fact nothing but a straight and unqualified plea of "guilty" as charged would have been accepted. Under the law the Court has a right, -either upon a plea of "guilty" or upon a conviction, to enter and order susponding further proceedings and to parole the defendant, in case he considers that the defendant will refrain from unlawful acts in the future, In this case the Court took into consideration the advance age of the defendant, the condition or his health, the fact that he has already suffered immeasureably because fo the filing of criminal complaint against him, and further was of the opinion that Mr. Tibbets will refrain from any unlawful acts in the future, so entered an order paroling him to Dean Charles Tyner for two years under he following terms and conditions: 1. The defendant is to pay all the costs of the prosecution. 2. The defendant is to refrain from any unlawful acts during the term of the probation. 3. The defendant is not to leave the jurisdiction of Court without permission. 4. The defendant is to report in Court at such times as the Court or the County Attorney may direct. This mention of the case is made here because of the fact that the articIetin'the Hastings Daily Tribune on Nov. 16th was, in some of its statements, very erroneous and misleading,. and'did not eorrectly state the facts. Both this Board and the public generally are entitled to know the truth regarding the disposition of this case the same as all other cases. Motion by Bivens Court from which to Respectfully submitted, Second by Durkee that the following liet James E. Addle. County Attorney. of names be submitted to the Clerk of the District draw the jury for the January term of the Adams County District Court, Supervisor District No. 1 West Blue F. D. Lanfear Wm. H. Preston Blaine Ed Gruener Geo Peters Denver Roy Magner Geo Neeman Highland B. B. Mills H. H. Mohling Thos. McGowan Supervisor District No. 5 Hastings Chris, Nielsen Vm. Bertram Chas. Wisker C. E. Coblentz Edward F. Claussen Geo H. Brungardt L. L. Dufford Geo. G. Bauer Supervisor District No. 2 Juniata. R. J. Baugh Ora Wiltrout W. J. Pederson Hanover S. W. VanBoening Fred W. Smidt Henry G. Stromer Ayr W. A. Carro31 Leroy Driebellis J. A. Gallagher Supervisor District No. 6 Hastings S. V. Byrne J. E. Dragoo R. R. Damerall Geo. Fisher C. E. Gordon Fred Jaden B. S. Koehler Earl Brock Supervisor District No. 7 Hastings Wm. _Kistler Supervisor District No. 3 Cottonwood Robt Huckfeldt Albert Christenson Ernest Smith Wanda Malcolm C. Shanks Dick Smith Kenesaw Frank H. Pritchard Eugene W. Osler • Verona Geo, Vitt John Gietz Supervisor District No.4 Little Blue Guy M. Kress Harry N. Livingston Zero Theodore Bachman Ben C. Wigert Silver Lake M. C. Johnson Frank A. Peterson Logan Bert Needam Roeeland J. H. Winter 1) t 265 Claims on file against Adams County were taken up at this time for consideration and auditing. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Nelson that the claire of Mrs. W. S. Scott on the Poor Aid Fund for $34.96 be disallowed. Roll call, ayes: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad and Nelson. Nays: Ratcliff, Vhiting, and Sorenson. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Nelson that the foliating claims be allowed on their respective funds and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye and notion carried. The claims follow: GENERAL FUND James E. Addie - Court expenses--.,----..-- $ 84.80 A. I. Battan - Laundry for County offices------------------------- 5.50 Geo. W. Bivens - Services on County Board----- 35.80 G. W. Eivens - Witness fee'.in insanity hearing-- .. ,._,-„,,.-.,„ 2.00 E. A. Brandes Storage and repairs on County car--_-------.....,-.-.-. 7.00 J. 0. Brower Drayage ...... -.... ...-...,.-__... .->:..;.d__ 4.38 J. H. Claybaugh _ Services-_-------_-..__�..�. - _ .. � : � .:. �.... 5.00 W. A. Cole - Mileage, postage and services----------------------- 47.48 W. A. Cole - Jell ,fees--_ . ,�. _.......---�..-.��-_..-__.... ------ ..., »...:.:-�y 171 eLL' Elliott R. Davis - Auto mile.eee and cash paid out-------------------- _ $6.00 Lucia Dillernbach - Court fees and postage -------..-__., -,.-,.-..m- 140.85 Geo. E. Durkee Services on County Bo rc� -.�. _ .» . �..___.._w. „ --- 22.50 Dr. W. S. Fast - Services on Insanity hearing ...... , . , _„._-_-_-.. 25.00 Rena Gartner - Servic°es to County Superintendent--..----_.,- ----------- ._ 5.00 H. N. Hall - Veterinary service, County Farm-- ... --- 13.00 Dr. E. B. Hamel - Services, quartining ere_ umie-kti ng- -----.--...,------ 193.00 W. B. Hargleroad - Fitness fees, insanity he_ring---------------._-- 2.00 W. B. Hargleroad Services on County Board and telephone call e-..-..-,. 60.50 Fred Harris - Labor at County °arm ----..-w...--_--»-.....:_....--» :.: 36.00 Hasting Array Store - Blankets "or County Farris-.---------------...,--_--- 24.55 Juniata Lumber Co . Coal, plaster etc., County Farm---_--.®---_;.-.. --- 30.10 Juniata 'Milling Co - Supplies, County 3.20 K B Printing Company - Tax Receipts-------- ------- ------- ---- -------- 300.00 Kee Lox Mfg Co - Carbon, County offices_----_-_-.-_-------------,---... 13.50 . W. Keith - Services on insanity hearing-- --- -----. �,.....-�_„.»; , . _ 8.00 W. W. Keith - Services on inoanity hearing -,._-...-----..r___------------ 8.00 V W Keith - Services on insanity hearl.r_g---- -------..-_--_ 8.00 J. B. Kline - Electrica.]. supplies, Court euee---.-----_-------------- 6.55 C. H. Land = Cash paid out for labor and supplies, County Farm------- 30.15 C. H. Land - Witness fees in insarity case-.,..�.».._..._..-...„_,...». _�- 2.00 Local Registrars - Reporting births and deaths , Adams County--------- 53.75 Geo. Lovell - Groceries, County Farm ..®.�.� ...,�. _.,.»„ ;»� _--- �;.--® - 90.29 'actin. M. Lowman & Co Tvrsuraree premium on Compensation policy ----- 745.99 Dr. John L. Mace - 'Fitness; fee in insanity hearing..---,--------------- 2.00 Manhattan Oil; Co - Gas and oil, County Highway Commissioner------_--- 28.62 Carl R. Matthiesen & Co Supplies, County Farm--------------------- 9.09 Miss Louverne McCulla - Witness fee in insanity 2.00 Homer McKelvie - Hogs and delivering .to County 210.00 J. H. McGrath Hdw: Co - Supplies, County 5.88 National Refining Company - Gas and oil, County Fara------------------ 17.87 Osborn Oil Company . Gasoline and kerosene, County Farm.------------ -16.1.8 R. M. Ratcliff .. Services on County Board and milea ;e-,------.------.--- A4.40 Berner &uS Wallpaper -Spplies, County offices------------- 22.00 RiP p pur &: Paint, Co - Supplies, County Farm--- ..,.._ _-_ - X60 T'rancis Robinson -. Labor at County 'e aka- » ;. ,.- .._w. �__ M 42.00 Mrs. Harry E. Schultz - Postage and rrilsa� e- _.. __-. r..... ,... Q 44.90 Snyder Bros. Threshing cane seed, Cottrty F,,,-_-..... -,.,. »��. _w.,..�,,... 4.00 S. B. Sorenson - Services on County Board-- ...»..-..-_-..__.r---tee., 50.00 Stewart & Smith - Labor and supplier, Sheriff's office- .75 The Hilliard Chemical Co - Supplies, Court I ouso--.-- _..__ __-_ -_w-- 99.9r5 Matt Traush - Shelling corn, County Farris...--------..--. -„- _- . _-....� �_ 11.00 T. Whiting Jn - Services on County �o_- -------.----.-82.70m. Widaie~_ Time, School attendance fficer8.20Wm. Wiamaier Bailiff, District Court --- _-.d_..---_ -----,---...-:-_-,1.2,00 J. E. Willits Attorney, insanity case---_..-��__._,.---,.---.,;.,,-��-„ „3.00 J. E. Willits - Attorney, insanity case----.-.�.�..---__.�-.... - �_� .ti. ;.».--, ,. 3.00 J. E, }.ill is ..e Attorrey, insanity case--__.�....-__..-e,mr-_«,.>, ....»«nr+r-+a_.a ...3.00 Wilson Chemical Company - Supplies, Court House -----e - -».. -_ __- 22.00 VJolbach & Brach r Supplies, County Farm-- ,. ee _-- » 5.50 I'olbach & Brach - Merchandise, County Farraa__-.».-�_-._.:-_-�.-_.,.-..„„25.15 BRIDGE rtJND Bladen Lumber Company - Bridge lumber ---- ---- -- --e.- --_.» _--- 169.25 Chicago Lbr Co - Labor and hardware--.---------- ----------- r------ 312.55 Ray Jones, Labor on bridge--------..----____-- 1.7.40 Juniata Lbr. Co - Bridge lumber, etc---------------------,----------- 33.85 Emil Kalvoda _ Labor on bridge -------- ------------------------- 44.55 Frank Kitts e Repairing bridge._----- ---- -...,.----_------„_-- .. 76.00 Frank Kitts - Repairing County Bridge, Roseland Township 53.00 Frank Kitts Repairing, County Bridge, Little Blue Township 1.27.20 Frank Kitts - Hauling bridge lumberlff nn 266 ROAD FUND Nels. Anderson - Road work, Logan Geo. Bird - Road 19.50 Albert Bostock - Road work- ...... 79.00 J. H. Connely Blacksmithing, District T -------------------- 60.00 Department of Public Vlorks - Maci-elrery ------------------21.60supplies Harding Repair Shop - Chain for tractor----- . . . 2.75 T. B. Hargleroad - Superintending.County Road work-------- ------- 50.60 Jud Klingman Road work, Little Blue Township - 21.00 Manhattan Oil Co - Gas and oil, District Uo.2- . - --- ------- 23.18 J. H. McGrath Hdw. Co - Hardware -------- 6.15 R. M. Ratcliff - Superintending, County road work---------------- 59.20 John Reiber, - Road work, Little Blue Township----------------- 42.00 Jos. Samek - Road work --------------------------- 10.00 T. G. - Road work, Henover and Juniata Townships-------- 24.20 ROAD DRAGGING FUND Truman Barrows - Road dragging, Vest Blue T9wnhip 5.63 F. W. Lanfeer - Road dragging, West Blue Township-----------___ 20.25 Um. Oelschlager - Road dragging, Verona Township-------------- 15.30 C. L. Preston - Road dragging, West Blue Township ----- ---------- 5.40 W. E, Shafer - Road draggtrg, Denver 52.20 Bert Shay - Road dragging, Denver Township---------- - - 15.30 D. N. Bitner . Road dra:sins Ihst Blue Township------------ 99.00 POOR AID FUND Henry Albers - 41.70 A. C. Atwater . 66.70 .N1114', V, Beght01 - 34.00 D, N. Bitnor One wheel chair---------------------..-.- 10.00 Dr, A. J. Boren - 5.00 B. F. Carl - 15.00 B• F. Carl - 8.00 Cowton Coal Company - Coal ------ 12.00 Currier -McCulloch Coal Co - 22.15 Dora DeBord 30.00 D. H. Hardt - 7.50 Sherman J. Jones 78.50 Juniata Lumber Co - 00e1___----- - - ------- 58.70 H. G. Laron . Groceries ....... 25,00 Geo. Lovell - Grocerme 18,30 Nary Lanning Memorial Hospital - Services------------ .. . 113.10 Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital - Services--------------------- 57.05 Niels Mikkelsen - Drugs- ..... 32.15 C. D. Neville - 4.30 Pioneer Market - 8.65 Mrs, G. HA' Pratt - C. U. Stump - berviees ........ 5.00 Conrad Walk r - Groceries 18,95 STATE HIGHWAY FUND Adams County - Use of County car ..... 40.00 Geo. W. Bivens - Attending meeting, Lincoln-- .. 25.00 E. A. Brandes - Radiator compound-- ... . . . 1.50 J. A. Cates, - Attending meeting, 19.20 Geo. B. Durkee - Attending meeting, Lincoln 24.20 E. M. Harrison - Labor on State .... 128.20 Manhattan Oil Company - Gas and oil, Road machinery302.59 Carl R. Matthiesen & Co - Ether for tractor ---- .75 Mid -State Censtruction Company - Extension of eulvert---------- 69.46 B. F. Millard - Maintainer repairs---- ------- --- 14.95 F. E. Nash - Labor on State 44.80 Nebraska Battery & Tiro Co - Tank-------- -- - 2.75 Oliver Lumber Co -. Lumber and cement ------- ()shorn Oil Company - G eascaine ---- R. M. Ratcliff - Attending meeting, Lincoln -------------------- S. B. Sorenson - Attending meeting, Linceln------------ United Electric Service Co - Repairs for truck------ - -- ----- Mathew Uorlins - Supplies --- 3.40 T. G. Zhiting - Attending meeting, Lincoln--------------- 25.00 11,80 29.07 25.00 24.20 95.80 The number of individuals and families receiving aid from the County for the month of Novembereare nineteen and the amount $.67.0.75. Motion by Hargleroad, 30th 1921 at 10 o'clock, Minutes were read and Whereupon the Board adjourned. Second by Bivens that this Board -now adjourn to meet again on Friday, December A. M. Motion carried . approved. F! L4 Z)I y 267 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30th 1921, 10 o'clock, A. M. Meeting called to order by T. G. ?Elting, Chairman. Roll call, all Members present as follows: Bivens, Durkee, Hargleroad, Nelson, Ratcliff, Whiting and Sorenson. Motion by Bivens, Second by Sorenson that the Chairman and Clerk be instructed to sign the application of S. P. Howland for admission to the Soldier's & Sailor's Home at Burkett, Nebraska. Motion carried. Balance of forenoon was taken up with various matters that came up for consideration. At 12 o'clock noon the Board recessed until 1 P. M. At 1 P. M. the Board resumed, all Members present. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Nelson that the Chairman and Clerk be instructed to sign the application for admission to the Soldiers & Sailors Home at Burkett aebras ka of Benjamin F. Evans and wife. Motion carried. The following report of a committee was read before the Board. Hastings, Nebraska. December, 30, 1921. TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA: We, the undersigned committee, appointed by the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors, and representing a majority of the Board of Supervisors, to confer with the Trustees of the Greenwood Cemetery Association of Adams County, Nebraska and to view the land asked for in a Petition now on file in the office fo the County Clerk of Adams County, praying that said Cemetery Association may be permitted to purchase three acres of land adjoining said Greenwood Cemetery on the east, for cemetery purposes, beg leave to report to this Board that we, on the day of December, 1921, actually viewed this land and conferred with the Trustees of said Cemetery Association in regard to the value of said land and in regard to the necessity of purchasing additional land for cemetery purposes. We, find, after a thorough investigation and inspection, that there is actual need for more land for cemetery purposes and the three acres of land asked for in said Petition seems to be suitable in every way. We find that one hundred twenty,five dollars ($125) an acre for said three acres of land as described in said Petition, would be a just and reasonableprice topay for said land, and we recommend to this Board that this be accepted and adopted and that said Cemetery Association be directed to pay to the Clerk of Adams County, Nebraska the sum of three hundred seventy-five ($375) for the owners of said land, as fully set out in said Petition before refer*' red to, on or before the 1st day of February, 1922. T. G. Whiitin Geo. B. Durkee ,B. Sorenson _ Geo. W. Bivens Motion by Hargleroad, Seconded by Nelson, that the report of the committee heretofore appointed by the Chairman of this Board, to view the three acres of land directly east of the Greenwood Cemetery in Adams County, Nebraska, and to report to this Beard the value of said three acres of land and as to whether or not it is a necessity and for the public good that said three acres of land be purchased by said Cemetery Association for cemetery purposes, said report be accepted and adopted by this Board, and the Trustees of said Greenwood Cemetery Association be directed to pay to the County Clerk of Adams County, the sum of three hundred seventy-five dollars ($375.00) for the owners of said three acres of land, on or before February 268 Board and. upon motion by Hargleroad, Seconded by Nelson the report was accepted and ordered placed on file. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Durkee that the Ordinance No. 810 as passed by the City Council of the City of Hastings, Nebraska dividing the Third Ward of said City into Election Precincts "A" and "B" be confirmed by this Board and that the same be declared legal Elections Precincts, and that the use of the Court House be tendered as the voting place of precinct "B" of the Third Ward. Motion carried. Motion by Hargle1oad, Second by Bivens that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids on Steel & Concrete Bridges, .§ridge lumber and for supplies used in the Court House for the year 1922. Motion carried. Motion by Hargleroad, Second by Nelson that the claim of Ed Schroeder of Doniphan, Nebraska for 300.35 for work done on the Adams -Hall County line be allowed on the Road Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Nelson, Seoond by Hargleroad that the request of Erick Johnson for a refund of *18.23 on account of erroneaous assessment, Tax Receipt No. 3836 and the request of Z. E. Smith for a refund of *12.12 personal tax on account of erroneaous assessment of village tax, Tax Receipt No. 4222 be allowed and the Treasurer instructed to refund the same. Motion carried. Motion by Nelson, Secald by Hargleroad that the request of Louis D. Kinney for a refund of 1921 personal tax paid under protest on account of alleged overvaluation, Tax Receipt No. 3925 and the re Nest of C. B. Kroutwick for a refund of 1921 personal tax, paid under protest on account of alleged overvaluation, Tax Receipt No. 3910 be disallowed, the Board having at this time no authority for reducing valuations. Motion carried. Motion by Bivens, Second by Durkee that the appeal of Frank McDermott for a refund of *3.00: paid for Paul McDermott as shown by Tax Receitp No. 39, be disallowed. The Receipt having been made out according to instructions to the Treasurer. Minutes were read and approved. Motion by Bivens, Second by Nelson that this Board. now adjourn to meet again on Mond:y,January, 9th 1922, at 10 o'clock, A. M. hereupon the Board adjourned. CHAIRMZ.