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Supervisors Rec 9 1913
00,00•00•0000040. 00.0•0,3,05. "00 CERT. 1/9/l3, THURSDAY - JANUARY 9th, 1913. Ten 0 clock, A.M. Board reassembled as per adjournment. Roll call, all members present. On motion of Kidder, seconded by Committee was made the order of the Boar and on Tax Receipt No. 4410, on account of double Benedict, the recommendation of the Cornplaint the Treasurer was instructed to refund ;7 1.31 asSesSMent,—Rell-Cli, all votedyed; On motion of Benedict, seconded by Hoye, the recommendation of the Bond Comm. was made the order of the Board and the following official bonds were approved:- C.M.Dominy,..... Re00771,rf01000.40.0 • * .9 • • 0.0.9 ........ Clark Hoagland 00.0•00.0•09,000. John Reader ................... I.E.MUnroe T.0.Siegner •0004046.00000040000,0 Joe Gilchrist D.J.Roberts ..•••••••••.••••••• L.Heye John Hynes GA.Kent Fred Reeder KlaaS Hinrichs Lauren Curtis ¶1T11 .Hohlen C,O.Rasmussen ................. Jacob Morgan .. . .. • .. ,......... G.H.SaiIer ***041.000,000000,10O000 Louis Mick E.Ray Anderson . .. • . • .. • • .99•99 Township Clerk,.... .... ......... west Blue. Ty Verona. ............ •••• Blaine. " lt TT Zero. Township Treasurer ............. West Blue. OOOOOO 0.0,000, Juniata. Justice of the Peace ........... Test Blue. " " 09,01,01194.00 Kenesaw. " " " " Blaine . m.•.0•0..•0 Constable 00.41•04.0 OOO 9.0.00009000.9 SilverLake. Road:Overseer, Dist. 3 ..... Verona. Ti A.......... Wanda. " " 1 Blaine. " 3 000,00,00,00, Blaine0 TT TT TT TT tt TT TT tt IT TT T? " 2 ..... . Hanover, " 4 ......... Hanover. " 57 ........ Logan Trp. " 2 ..... .....Silver Lake. " 3 Zero. " 1 Little Blue. On motion of Kidder, seconded by Benedict, as Deputy County Attorney was approved. On motion the recommendation of the Bond Committee was made the order of the Board and thefollog 7Anofficial bonds wereapproved:- 7.5 Walter M.Crow Deputy County Attorney ......... Adams County. L.C.Huckfeldt ..... Read, Overseer, Dist. 2 ......... Juniata Twp. he appointment of Walter M.Crow On motion the Board took a recess until 1:30 P.M. Ono Thirty P.M.- Thurs. - January 9th, 1913. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. On motion of Kidder, seconded by Bitner, the recommendation of the Finance 1 Committee was made the order of the Board and_the follewing claims allowed against the General Fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Hammond & Stephens Co...... Davidson & 'Kolb Stein Bros. C"...."""00. Hastings Daily Republican . Verona Irain & Lumber 00... Sorensen & Kernan ........... Hansen Lumber Co. ...... Klopp & Bartlett Co. 11) IL • • • • . • 55. A.J.Mace ....•..•. .. . .. 3.00. ..•..•_ .65. Bennett Cloyd ..... 99000000.•.' 5.50, ....... 3.65. T.T.Cornelison . . - 1.45. ......- 11.35. Kearns Bros ..... ............ 12.00.1 ......- 2.45. Geo. V.Helmann... .......... . 1.85! i „... 7.20. 00MikeSell 04.04,100.00,44.9000000 •,• 15.30. ^Ist .CA. O 099., 1601JUO Union ',eat Market 'W....". ' J3.90. - 11.00. Haynes Bros • .000.0.000400OPOO . 28,6. .... Hastings Fuel Co. Nye -Schneider -Fowler Co. ... or First National Bank Wolback & Brach Welbach & Brach ........... .. Rutherford Bros...----..... Underwood. Typewriter Co. .... John T. Rowan 0.0990.0•0"....° Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. Hastings -Independent Tel. Co. Lern Tibbets .... .. . . 24.76. ' C.V.Langevin - 23.05, . e..- 28.90. 11 11 .................. - 121.90. ..... 25.25. Telbach & Brach ............. . 10.00. 19.50. Wolbach & Brach .09690949.91.1,0 810269 ... 9.° 1..68. John Sigel .. . ....... ........- 25. 2. 13 ,40. L.S.Daily 0•0000.0000.0400,100" 2.00. * **O. 9....00090 ' 3360)"(50 NOAOCOle 4104.0.49.4,00 ., 151.70, Nidrnaier .................. J•E•711.111..tS • • • • 0 • • • 0. • • • • • • • • 4.90. earns Bros. • ..... •.•••••..- 30.90. 23.35.Lem Tibbets 9019•99•9••• • . 74 26. • ,-24.00, Lem Tibbets • ..• ....• .. • „ • • • • - 154.60• wm. • 54.95. Joe Budnek .. • 6.00. 2.00. • • • • • • • • • •0 0.•••••••,,,,• • On motion of Heiler, seconded by Hoye, the recommendation of the Finance Committee was made the order of the Board and the following claims wore allowed against the Bridge Fund and the Clerk instructed to araw warrants for the same. aell call, all voted yea. T.G.Steetzel 9... ... . . 12.80. Hansen Lumber Co. ...........-56.16. Holstein Lumber Co. 14.10. Treasurer of Ayr Twp. - 5.60. Hastings Foundry & Iron Works . 32.94. Oliver Lumber,Co._-48.54. and Kidde TUESDAY - 7'ANUAR' 4th, 1913. Nine 0clock A.m. Board met persuant to statute,call.ed to order by the Clerk. All members pre et; viz.,-Bitner, Heye, Schlegel, Hynes, Heiler, Benedict, Heiler nominatedand elected temporary chairman. Motion to ballot for chairman. Carried. Upon ballot, Heiler was elected: chairman. On motion Board' took- a recess until one o'clock P.M. One O'clock P.M. -Tues. -Jan. 14th, 1913. Boardreassembled as per`recos Roll call, all members . present. The chairman announced the folowing standing committees for the year 1913: - SV ' T4ME1 W COT.F TITTFE: - Kidder, chairman.; 3itner,Benediot , Hynes, Heiler, Schlegel ,& Heye. PINANCE COT,HI ITTE r:- Benedict, chairman. Bitner, "Kidder, Hynes, Heiler, Schlegel, & Heye. COlIr2LAINT CQ`: flTTE . - Hynes, chairman; Heye, Bitner. BOND COMTITTEE: - Hoye, chairman; Schlegel, Benedict. ROADS and, I32I7,GES : - Schlegel, chairman, Hynes, Kidder, and the member of the Board in the district where tie work is done LANDS, BUILDINGS and SU''PLIF :- .Benedict, chairman; 'bidder, Heiler. COUNTY FARM:- Bitner , chairman, 'Cidder, , Heye • made a roved by Kidder and seconded by Bitner that the Chairman of the Board be ber of all committees. Motion prevailed. Upon motion, Judge Button was instructed. to return one marriage liscense fee of $2.00 , issued to Seylor. 1913 Bids for furnishing supplies to the A were opened.' and read. ams County Court House for the year roved by Benedict and seconded by Bitner t?,at the contract for furnisbin supplies in Class A (blank books)be avcarded to the II".stinp;s Tribune. Ttilotion',prevail"ed...Bid: " To the Honorable Board; of Supervisors of Adams County: The Hastings Tribune hereby submits :for your approval or rejection the following bid upon Class A, .Books: -- Class A, Books.- All records to be mace of 70. 1, 36 pound Medium Linen ledger pa -Der, extra boon The Receipts for 1913 duplicate writh. carbon, per book. 2.65. 8 -quire Tedium Plain Record., each 10.50. 8 -quire Medium Printed 110 Record .. ........... 12.00. 8 -quire Medium Printed Page Record ........ .. ......... , 15.00. 2.95.canvas ,.....•.•.....•......••.O..••..•... ..e• ?atent Jack, each , . . . . . . . . . O . . . . ... . . . • . ... • . . . . + . . . 4 . • . . . • . . 2.95. Chattel Mortgage Piles, plain ..... •1V. T,i.thormrephed warrants, per TI 11.50. Bond on file as per request with the County Clerk. The Hastings Tribune, Adam Breede, Prop. TT Moved by Benedict and seconded by iieye that the contract for furnishing s pplies in Class Be' Printing, be awarded to Wahlquist Bros. Motion'prevailed. Following is the bid "To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, Adams County, Nebraska:- We submit the following bid for printing; for Adams County for 1913, a good. and uffi.clent bond accompanying the bid: - Letterheads, per 1000 • . ,� 1.75. Noteheads, per 1000 ...... ...... a••a•. 1.25. • nvelopes rr.. 76,1. , per 1000 • • . , • .. • • 4 . 1.40. Envelopes Y171 , per 1000 . • . a • • . ..... 2.00. Blanks- J'ul1 sheet , per 1000 ........ 5.25. Blanks- half sheet per 1000 . .... 4.75. Blanks- _ quarter sheets, per 1000 ..... 4.00. Blanks- Eighth sheets, per 1000 ..... 1.50. bttex'heads- Arcadia bond, per 1000 .. 2.00. Notcbeacis- Arcadia, bond, per 1000 ... 1.50. Envie .open, 61 Manila, per 1000 ....... 1.26. .envelopes, 10 Manila, per 1000 .. • .. . 1.75. Respectfully submitted, Tahlcuist Bros." Movedby Kidder and seconded by Heye that the contract for furnishing° i supplies iClass C be awarded .t®.."_,B•w:I.Simmms. Motion prevailed. Bid;- 1 Hastings, Neb., 12/31/1912. The Hon. Co. Board; Adams Co, , Neb. , Gentlemen, 7e will furnish delivered at Court house, supplies in Class C. All or not any. Ink, Arnolds, Staffords, Carters, ner quart .....••.. Pens- Ea °le , per gross ....... Pens- TJsterbrook, per gross .. Pens- Gi11ots, per gross •.,..•.....e Knives, tirhite ivory handle, .. ♦ ... * . Pencils. ITophisto, Hardmuth, per doz. Faber, per gross ...•.•....•. Pen Folders- Cork or Rubber,•per.dcz. Dubber Bands, Ass t, per pound ...... • • • • • • • • • • 090* • •• • 8 . • • • . • o • • • • • • • • . • • • . • • , • O • . . • • • • • • • , . . • , , • • . 000 • • . • • s • • s • • • • . . e , . • • • • • • . • . • • . ♦ • . • • • . • • • 0 000 • • • • ♦ . 400000 • . . • • • .57. .6r c . .63. 63. 8.00. .5Q. 4.50• .25. 2.50. B.M. Simms. iP y Moved by Kidder and seconded by Bitner, that Andy Mace be hired as Janitor for the year 1913 at a salary of 360.00 per month. Motion prevailed. Moved by Benedict andsecondee by Bitner that '"'.II•ruller be instructed to prepare bidding blanks to correspond with the plans and specifications now on file for building bridges 'for the year 1913. Motion prevailed. Moved by Hynes and seconded by T idder tl^at the supervisors' `proceedings be published in the Hastings Daily Republican and the Adams County Democrat for the year 1913, at one-half of the legal rate each. Motion prevailed. On motion of Benedict seconded by Heye, the request of L.P.'illis, County Superintendent, for 3200.00 for traveling expenses during the year 1913, was refused. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Heye that the Clerk be instructed to file t claim with the City Council. for $10.00, same boring a fine assessed against Neugent on iluzst 2, 1912, and by mistake paid to the City Treasurer by Police Judge Benson. ::notion prevailed. Upon motion by Bitner for the coming year was made: - General Expense ......••• •••.•.•• Bridges . . • • be . s • • e e • Election .......b•..... seconded by Kidder the following estimate of expense Supervisors ........ •. Books and Stationery Printing 44000000000009 • • • • • • . • •. • • • •. • • . • . • • •®. • • . . • o . • . • • . • • • • . •••• Making Assessment • •.•. • ...,,. Superintendent's Office • ... s e County Attorney , .. , .... , . • .. . Coroner • . . . . t . A . • . . • . • • . • • • • . ♦ •' • • District Court Expense .000 Ja 1 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Coal •,• •••••• ••• • • • e • 0 • • • • • 0 e •' • 0 poor Aid ••.,•........® . Medical Aid for the Poor County "Farm .. . • • • • • • • Lands & Buildings .. • • Tax Lists ...•..••.••••w Incidental •.•..•.,••.. Total •.,. instruct(' Peterson. • • • . . • . . O • • • . . • • . • • . • •. e • • • • • • , . • . ♦ . • • • ,. • . , . • • • • . . ♦ • • • • • . • • • x15000.00, 25000.00. 3000.00. 4000.00, 2000.00. 1000.00. 3000.00. 2000.00. 1500 00 500.00. • 5000.00. •••9 • 1000.00. 1000.00. 4000.00. 3000.00._ 2000,• 00. ,•..• 200'0.00. •.•.• 1000.00. . ,.a• 4000.00. D oves s s e e , . ♦ , ♦ , • • • • • O 0044 O 900 • • o • • • • . • • 0 O. • • 00 n motion the Bof rd. too • • . ..-80000 .00 a recess until 9 ednesd.ay Jan • 15, 1913 - 9 A.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roil call, all members present. Court Moved by Kidder and seconded by Bitnor that the Clerk of the District/be ;o distribute_ the cost in the insane proceedings of Dmmett George and Samuel motion: prevailed. Motion by Bitner seconded by` Benedict that the County Clerk be instructed to dray all salary warrants for county officials, clerks, and appointees entitled to the same at the end of each month, and such amount for the County Attorney as will make one-- third o his quarterly salary; and the Chairman and Clerk are authorized. to sin and deliver the same. Motion Prevailed. Upon motion b.j Kidder seconded by Heye the request of Judge Button for clerk hire was granted. Moved by Benedict and seconded,by Bitner that an action taken Tuesday, January 14th, in regard to warding the printing of the supervisors' proceedings be. reconsidered.. Roil call,- Yeas: Benedict , Bitner; Nays Kidder, Hynes, Reye, Heiler, and • Moved by Kidder and seconded by Hoye that L.R.Willis be allowed $40.00 per month for twelve months for extra clerk hire: and shall keep his office open. Motion prevailed. Motion by Benedict seconded by Kidder that the resignation of Walter M. Crow as Justice of the Peace, be accepted. Motion prevailed. Moved and seconded that when this Board adjourns it does so to meet again February 4th, 1913, at 10 o'clock A.M. Motion prevailed. On motion of Heye seconded by Benedict the recommendation of the Bond Committee was made the order of the Board and the official bond of L.A.Furry as Road. Overseer of District No. 3, Denver Township, was ap-)roved. On motion the Board took a recess until one o'clock P.M. One 0 clock P.M. - Wednesday - Jan. 15th. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. 'The Chairman appointed Kidder, Hynes and. Bitner as a committee to confer with Mlss Cantwell,in regard 6e, heIPing inthe-SUperintendent's- e office for the coming year. Moved by titner and seconded by Benedict that we reconsider our action taken in regard to the allowance- for clerk hire in the office of the County Superintendent. Motion prevailed. Moved by Bitner and seconded by Hynes that the County Superintendent be allowed .1)60.00 per month for twelve months for the purpose of hiring Miss Blanche Cantwell as clerk in his office. Motion prevailed. On motion of Bitner seconded by Heye the recommendation of the Finance Committee was made the order of the Board and the following claims were allowed against the General Fund and the, Clerk instructed to draw the warrants for the same. Roll call, - all voted yea® City of Hastings0 , " el2o.lo. W.H.T.ong 4.00. Cityof Hastings ... . .004. 0•001. 42.60. J.J.Gish 0411•00•400.0*.O7.05. Glenwood Rural Tel. Co 15.00. John Flick • • .• • • • . • .• 7.40. On motion of Kidder seconded by Schlegel the recommendation of the Bond Committee was made the order of the Board and the following official bonds were approved: - prod Sime Road. Overseer, Dist. 2 .......... Little Blue Township, B.G.T7eigert Road. Overseer, Dist. 1 ...... Zero Township. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Bitner to reconsider all action taken in regard to the awarding of the printing of the Supervisors' proceedings'. Roll call, - Yeas: Benedict, Bitner, Schlegel, Heiler; Nays: Kidder, Hynes, Heye. Motion prevailed. • • 'Toyed Benedict ana seconded by Bitner that the Adams County _Democrat, " - by the Hastings Daily -Republican and the Hastings Daily Tribune be awarded the printing of the Supervisors' proceedings at one-third of the legal rate each. Motion prevailed. • Minutes read, approved and signed. °otion to adjOurn. Carried .1" 41146 - • ,TUESDAY - FEBRUARY 4th, 1913, Ten O'clock, A.M. Board reassembled as per adjournment. Roll call, all members present except Hynes. Moved that the communication from T.A.Reynolds be referred to the Finance Committee. Motion prevailed. Move d by Kidder and seconded by Schlegel that the successful bidder for the bridge work for 1913, must not assign such contract •to a second party. Motion prevailed. Bids for the construction and repairing of bridges for the year 1913 were opened and read. The following named companies had presented bids: - The Omaha Structural Steel Works of Omaha. The Standard Bridge Cernpany of Omaha. Illinois Steel Bridge Company of Jacksonville, Ill. 7estern Bridge & OonstruOtural Co., Omaha, Nebr. The Midland Bridge Comapny of Kansas City, Mo. The Empire Bridge Company of Omaha, Nebr. Hastings Foundry & Iron 7orks. A motion was made by Kidder and seconded. by Schlegel that the chairman of the Board apPoint a committee of three to take the bids out and compare them and make a report to the Board. Motion lost. Upon motion the Board took a recess until 1:30 Tuesday - February 4th, 1913 - 1:30 P.M. Board reassembled -as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Bitner, seconded by Heye that the Board go into secret session as a committee of the whole to consider the bridge bids. Motion prevailed. Moved. by Benedict and seconded by Kidder to dissolve as a committee of the whole and proceed to do business. Motion prevailed. 1.7oved by Hynes and seconded by Benedict that the bid of the Omaha Structural Steel Company of Omaha, be accepted for the construction of bridges for the year 1913, this bid bein- the lowest presented. Roll call,- Yeas: Benedict F -nee- Nays- vidder, Bitner. Schlegel, Heiler4 Passed,- Heye. Moved by Bitner and seconded by Kidder that the Board reject all bids for the construction of bridges for the year 1913. Roll call: Yeas,- Kidder, Bitner, Heye, Schlegel, Heiler; Nays,- Benedict, Hynes. Upon motion the Board took a recess -until 9:30 A.M. Tednesday WedneOday - February 5th, 1913 - 9:30 A.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. MoVed by Bitner and seconded by Heye that the settlement between this county d Clay County for joint bridge work,be accepted. Motion prevailed. Upon motion by Hynes seconded by Hoye, the communication from the State Superintendent Was'laid on'the'tahle. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Heye that the brido-e petitions of Henry Starner, Eckhard Roeder, and Edd Ileeren be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Motion Prevailed. Also, the petition of John Zabel, etal. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Hynes that, on account of error in bond tax in District No. 14, Highland TGwnship, the Treasurer be instructed to refund the following amounts: 2,62 on Receipt No. 731; '.''31.28 on Receipt No. 3714; 4.75 on Receipt No. 104; 2,55 on Receipt No. 2670; ,,52.33 on Receipt No. 1346; :53.23 on Receipt No. 2813; 52.97 on Receipt No. 3653; 7:3.73 on Receipt No. 1053; :)5.04 on Receipt N0.1296; '$.4.25 on Receipt No. 536; .54 on Receipt No. 2844; '!,51.44 on Receipt No. 2856;2.07 on Receipt No, 2837. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Cert. 13. Cert. 2/5/T13. Cert. F's Upon motion by Kidder seconded by Heye, the recommendation of the Complaint ommittee was made the order of the Board and the COUnt7 Treasurer was instructed to spread the taxes on Receipt No. 4674 on a valuation of 20,0O instead of :",120.00. Roll call ail voted Yea - Upon motion of Benedict seconded by Kidder, the recommendation of the Complaint Committee was made the order 0TeLTLOB.c)=-.1,,X,',.(kad.......,h,..e 7eOuest of - Cert. 2%6'13. Cert. 2/6%'13. Cert. 2/6/'13. John W.McCleery 0•900.0000...• I.t.R.Coplin •...•9.•.•..•..•..• John Coyne .t..,..•.•••.••.•. AlOsier • • ♦ 9 ♦ • t 9 • • • • • • 9 9.0 Chris Anderson ••••••••• ..e•.. HenryPhillips ••.......••. Henry Placke John Winter .. Chas. 1'arnam • Township Clerk .......... . .. . . Treasurer .. ,......,....•.. Road Overseer, Dist. 0000 . 900.0 . * q9 2 ,♦..... 1T 11.... " 9 . . •. 9 9 0 9. 0 9 9> 9 9 9 1T. • • .• TT 1 IT 0000 11 *000 Anderson .. ,..:.11 _. .. 11. EdAnd.erson . • ♦ P' ," 11 3 . • • . TP 3 1 2 4 O 99••4• . • • • • • 0 9 • 0 0 0 • • • 0 9 • • • • Little Blue Township. Xenesaw Township. Highland Township. T(enesaw To ,nship. Wanda Township. Juniata Township. Ayr Township. Roseland. Township. Roseland Township. Little Blue Township. .Adam Breede, for furnishing supplies to the County., in Class 1Ty"T. "ahlauist Bros., for furnishing supplies to the County, in Class "BTP. B.?,T. ;irnms, for furnishing supplies to the Count,yT, in Class "0". Upon motion the Board took a recess until 1:30 P.M. Wednesday February 5th, 1913 - 1:30 P.M. Boardreassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Bitner and seconded. by Benedict that Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and the refund 1909-1910 taxes on part of the NE 7-7-9 (463' x 469 rent. Roll call,- all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Upon tiie recommendation of the Complaint Committee, a motion was made by Hoye and seconded by Bens -dict to instruct tine Treasurer to refund tie taxes for the year 1873 on the S2 ST 28-5-9, on account of sane being assessed previous to date of patent. Motion prevailed. Roll call: All voted yea. Moved by Benedict and seconded, by Bitner that the ed to spread school taxes on all of Veith's Park Aad to the Ci 6-7--8-9-10-11914-15-16 Block 15, in School District No. 60 sins= 18, for the year 1912. Motion prevailed. Moved by Bitner andseconded. by Benedict that the County Clerk _ be to spread school taxes on Pleasant View Add, Blocks 3,4,5,6,9,10,11,12,13,14, and Pleasant View Second. Add, Blocks 1 to 20 inclusive, in School District No, of School T)istrict No. 18, for the year 1912. Motion prevailed. Moved by Kidder and seconded. by Heye that when this Board adjourns it does gain on March 4th, 1913,at 10 o'clock A.M. Motion prevailed. Upon motion by Kidder seconded by Bitner, the recomnendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims were allowed against the General Fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. the recommendation of the Treasurer be instructed to on account of double assess instructed 15 and 16, 15 instead so to meet County Clerk bb instruct, y of Hastings, except Lots ea;d of School District No. J.. 0L. HBl ynGes . . • . . . • • . • • • . . 9 w . . .•• e• Jacob C l..{ e r • • . . • . . . . . . ♦ • • . . . • . J. kqa ce • . . . . • . .•. . . 000.. • • 9 9 11.0.'"ckhart . ......., Hastings Independent Tel. eo Schmitz & Deineq The Hastings Gas Co. • ... 0 . 0 0 . 0 Bennet Cloyo •.9.....•.. ...e... Bennett „locid .... . q 440 O. 0.. 40. Allyn cBissell ..........••0000. Conrad �(ipalkeyr�py y.�, ,/a�..M..w . . s .. " I 9 . 4 e 4 • 'Trout C o l C omN.Jan��� . . 4 . . . 0 00 0000... . . . P.3.�i'e��ster Co. ......... •.99.9s G�yy.Y*T. 4 rad Vt . O . . . 4 . . . • • • • . . . 4 . « . . . • B. P • Scllle `=,e1 . . • • . I 9 . ♦ . . . • . . . . • . . D. 1. Bitner ........ • . • • 0000 • St. Lukes' Hospital . J•F.Heiler ..1.....•. ....... T ,,,Weaver Lumber Co. , Ha.rry nein •.. WanlisaZ.est Bros. .. . . . • . Chris Hansen ... ....4. Wahlouist Bros. 00.00.. Lem Tiooets ......... +;Vahlquist Bros • 0 0 0 0 . . • • • 9 • 9 . . • . • • 9 , * . 16.70. Hastings Fuel Co.,..... ... 574.94. Union Meat Market .. 9 . . 2.75. Blake flake & )on • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • 36.65, 0. • . • w • . 24.00. • 18.90. 18.45. 4.''75. . 3.50. 41.50. X0.95• Trout Coal Coma,n • , • . . 218.25. .Dr . <J . W. Str aight • . . 13. 2o. PrTof:f.'Titt & Lovell ... 20.-09. ::. o ohn leyc . . • . . • . • . . . •r 23.80. 1�.D.'?idder •...W,., 23.20. J.L.Hynes . 30.00. ;?r. P.Mead . 49.00. H.C .Lindsay . 18.10. 7.H.Ful1er ... Co. 7.05. Trout Coal Co. •.. 33.60. Geo. E. Isaman J.�,.Beghtol 0000... Kauf & Rinderspacher •••••• • •.• Trout Coal Co. 404.40... e Henry Herbst . • . ....... . Verona Grain & Lumber Co.. • . 0 • . O. • • • • • 4 . • . . H.l).1ebster Co. ••..m•.•..•••.9 O 0.0.9 . • 9** 0 • . . • • • . • • • 9 4 0 . 4 . • • . 0 ♦ • 4 9 * . . • 9 . • • . . • • • • * • A • • • • • e • '4 • 0 0 . • . . . . • • . • 0 9 e 0 990.09.0.00 • • • • • • .9 •e. 9 . .. • . 4 . ., • • • 9 • • • • • • • • 21.00. 9.35. 31.85. 30.35. • e...• •,. • . . • Mrs. M.Hoagland . . A .Beale . . .. • 0 . . • ♦ • • • Adams Count m Le ocrat . � �.....,,. Nebr. State Board of Health ▪ 0 ♦ 37.65 3.95 2.30 17.35 12.00 8.85 27.50 4.05 8.15 6.05 16.50 55.00_ 55.30 17.00,.: 42.5+0^ 3.70V 26.00 .u. 16.85 24.75 22.45 10.00 8.00 49.50 ` Moved by Kidder and seconded. by Hynes that the recommendation of the Finance.,. Com=mittee be made the'order of the Board and the claim. of. C.N��eret. er for ,44.50, be -0000. a ..� .T, disallowed. Roll call, all voted. yea. IMlotion prey ailed. Upon motion by Heye seconded by Hynes, the recommendation of the Finance Committee was made to order of tire Board and the following claims allowed against the . Bridge Fund and the Clerk :-Lnstrlicted; to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted ea. Coon Lumber Co. .•......•.•9.9.0 35.40. C ..... 9999999,0..1 50.10. 0. Upon recomendation of the Finance Committee the following claims were allowed against the General, Fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. - L.R.41ri1.1_is e • * • 0 0 0 0 .. 9 . • ) 5.56. moon Lumber Co. . . • • • 9 e••••• 8159.20:.. 9 e, Cert. 2/6/'13. Davidson & Kolb ...•.• W Cornelison ....... The City of Hastings E•T`..Lilly ..••,•..4• David son & Kolb , ... , ........ . Juniata Grain & Lumber C o . 4 0 4 •.` 0 0 0 0 • . • .". .65. 13.24. 51.60. 10 "r r0 4• 16.35. P. J. Benedict 441 0 0. 4 0 0 The City of Hast Lng s B.T:2. Sims ......... HenryBinilerup[�Y HC�w. Co. HT<isteL P • . • • 4 e . • • • 4 • 4 • A Geo. Heimann . , .. • , ... , • . . • • 4 • • • . . 40.75. 54.10. 10.42. 4.75. 5.00. 2.85. Moved by Benedict and seconded. by Bitner that lie County Treasurer be instri ed. to spread the school tax of the W-1.- N Sec. 30, Town 7, Range 9, in School District Yo. 40 instead of No. 18 and refund the difference.... Roll call, all members voted yea. Motion prevailed • Moved. by Kidder and seconded by Bitner that the Board took a recess until Thursday morning, at 9:30 A.M. T,otion prevailed. c .0 Thursday - February 6th, 1913 9:30 A.M. Board reassembled as per reoess. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Benedict and seconded, by Kidder that O•Mikesell be appointed a Member of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Relief Commission. Motion prevailed. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Benedict that the bridge bids be made a part of the Supervisor Record. Poll call: Yeas,- Benedict. Hynes. Bitner, Schlegel; Nays,- 'Kidder ays,-- Kidder and Heiler; Passed,- Hoye. (See next page for bids) Upon motion by Kidder seconded by Benedict the request of Lem Tibbets for Deputy and clerk hire for the year 1913, was granted. Moved by Kidder and seconded. by Heye that the County Clerk be instructed to order blanks, as per request from the State Auditor. Motion prevailed. Moved by Benedict seconded by Bitner that the Deputy Sheriff, C.T.Tilson, Jr., be granted a salary of .)60.00 per month, for the year 1913. Roll call: all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Upon motion byidder seconded; bv Bitner the recommendation of the Finance Committee was made the ,order, of tire, Board.... and' the,, folio,�ring claims allowed agai.nst the Genf _or ._e same. Roll call: all -voted yea. Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. •.•.•s State �(e Journal Company . ..... Dan Essinger 4 . . . .. . . •• 0 • w 4 • • • 4 • • • • 4 4 22.25, 60 O0 14.50. 1.48. L.R. :'illis. s w s .A. • Clark . . • . . . . . . 4 e . . Hastings Furniture Co. On motion the Board took a recess until 1:30 P . Thursday - February 6th, 1913 - 1:30 P.M. Board reassembled as. per_rec ess . Roll call, all merabe s present. • • 4 4 4 0 • • 0 • e 0 • 4.05. 22.00. 73.00. Upon motion by Kidder seconded by Schlegel the recommendation of the Finance Committee was made the order of the Board and the following claims were allowed against the General fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for tr'e same. Roll call: All voted yea. Tribune Yy Bastin};s �4Ane • • • • • . • • • • 4 • Hastings 'gaily Republican 7C.41:0. 27.92. W•J.Bo'ybbitt}t .•.•..• i' 4•..,.4 olbach & Brach. . ® 9 . . •:...0 w •...4. 3.88• fir+ 30 Moved by Benedict and seconded. by Bitner that the request of the Hastings Daily Republcan be placed on file. Motion prevailed. Upon motion oy Heye seconc?ed by .Benedict the old bond of James Tailing as a member of the Soldiers' and Sailors' relief Commiss on was cancelled and the new bond was vvcs.,� accepted and approved. Minutes read, approved, and signed.. Motion to adjourn. Carried. fir/kr' r BIDS FOR BRIDGE TOR 1913. The undersigned. ♦.............•..••. hereby proposes to furnish all material required, and build and repair bridges at the different locations in Adams County, Nebraska, which shall bo designated by the Bridge Committee of the Board of Super- visoa s of sa-ui county, for the year 1913, in accordance with the plans and specifi- cations now on file in the office of the County Clerk of said County. Will remove andclear out of the way, old structures which are to be replaced, take out the nails, pile old lumber neat- ly, t cost Plus . + . . . • . • . . .. . . ... . . e. . • • Steel I :Beam. Bridges. For piles, will furnish and drive Bethle- hem 8 in. 32 lb. H beams, per lineal foot of pile 0040.4.00,4.41,40.4.•01.0.4000.00••4 For piles, will furnish and drive Bethle- hem 8 in. 18 lb. I beams, per lineal foot 0. pile ...... Sway braces, caps, and any extra metal .� Viler pound . . . . . + , . + 4 . . . + . . ♦ • . . ♦ . . . . . + , . . . For l6ft . width of roadway measuring from out to out of structure for spans of 161 per lineal foot of bridge .. . • ... • • .... 9.00 Sane for sp-ns of 20' per lineal Ft . *brd.: 10.75 T1 12.75 .00 1.51 1.00 1.45 .80 .95 1.38 1.52 .83 .82 TT TT 1T TT 25 T 1T TT 11 TT 11 TT 1T 11 TT 30' TT 35! 51 11 401 11 11 TT TT TT t1 11 11 11 T1 The lineal feet of bridge to be measured from anl:to end of stringers, or joists, andthe price per lineal foot to cover the hangrailing latticed, and total sup- erstructure. All the requiredlumber in floor, guard rails ani nailing strips. Any extra steel at, per Pound♦ , + . . Any extra lumber at per ani board. measure If the Committee should desire .to make the width of roadway of any of the bridges greater than 16 feet the _ cost of the bridge will be adjusted by the extra me tal- and extra lumber prices. Steel Truss Bridges. Prices for piling, sway braces, caps and any extra metal will be the same as stated under head of I Beam bridges. The prices stated below, per lineal foot of truss bridge will include the bearing dates and all above them in the super structure. The laterals, the floor beams, the joist, the stringers, hand rail. truss members and lumber, plank floor, ward rails, nailing. strips, and lattice on hand, rail. T rTeasu:rements to be made from end to lidof truss. or 40 ft. span center to center or pins Per lineal foot of 'bridge ...+.. •..... For 50 ft. span center to cuter of _pins of ba id e center to of bridge center to per lineal foot For 60 ft. span per lineal foot For 70 :f L . sxian per lineal foot For 80 ft. span per lineal foot For 90 z t . span center to center of pins . . . . • . + . • . . . . . center.o-i' pins center of pins of bride • . e • + • + m • o • + + • • center to center of Pini of bridge • + m • • e • . + . o + • e o. per lineal foot of. bridge • . m . • • .. . ♦ . If the said committee should desire to put in concrete floors in any of the bridges, instead of lumber, the charge for the bridge will be reduced by the amount the prober would corrre to at per M. board measure •.•.•..•..••.•. .. 3.10 1.67 1.60 .92 5 59 10.00 9.5; 9.00 18.949.50 9.75 10.49 11.55 10.7318.40 11.50 10.80 12.54 12.10 12.35 19.25 13.50 13.20 15.25 15.00 13.90 13.75 20.47 15.50 15.60 17.00 14.75 15.25 14.00 20.75 17.50 15.60 19.00 18.00 21.25 17.00 21.00 19.50 21.60 47/9?3: 3icIt 5V 5 31..50 30.00 32.00 25.00 32.00 39.00 50.00 21.50 22.25 41) 8.93 21.00 -'.05 23.00 18.20 17.03 24.09 21.00 20. 19.45 18.22 25.97 20.65 19.91 24.00 20.97 27.66 28.20 .50 27.00 26.20 24.59 30.94 29.25 28.05 28.05 25.50 56.47 22.00 23.50 r 2 5.00 28.00 30.00 42.00 23.501 25.90! 51.00! 36.00, 31.50 30.00 32 00 25 00 32.00 30.50 -- - Filed Ordered 3/6/'13. Cert. 3/4/1'15. Cert. 3/4/113. 6,§zkvri..:-w4ggkaitiy.r.,,'ac.*:gwwgoa*ttotatitafo,,vztt::v:r,t*kAii*:ak,±Ei*oaikfit.'ggMaAtgZqgiiiiigar44-',Vg.:ZW5.;giWZgg6.1g • TUESDAY - MARCH,4, 1913 - 10 O'CLOCK A.M. Board met as per adjournment. T?oll call, all members present.. Upon motion by Reye seconded by Bitner, the following bridge petitions were referred to the Road and Bridge Committee: - 1. Petition of Carl Schultz, etal, for bridge between Sec. 17 and 20. Ayr Township. 2. Petition of Henry Placke, otal, for bridge between Sec. 11 and 12, Avr Township. 3. Petition of William Burke, etal, for bridge between Sec. 20 and 21, Highland Twp. 4, Petition of James Patterson, etal, for bridge between Sec. 24 and 13, Logan Twp. 5. Petition of Jamos M -Dean, etal, for bridge on Sec. 4, Little Blue Township. Upon motion by Kidder, seconded by Schlegel, the recommendation of the Bond Committee was made the order of tho BearJ, and thefollowing official bonds were approved: Goo. Gossard Road overseer, ''.4est Blue Township. Clerk Highland Township. 7.E. alsh .• ea nee I a • .•600,41,61,..... a. 01.0. Thos."7.Theehy Justice, of the ?eace Highland 7ownsbto. 'John Kieffe Road Overseer Dist. 2 Highland Township. Sidney Bauder Treasurer Little Blue Township. 0.Nikesell .........,.. Commissioner of Soldiers' and Sailors' Relief. Moved by Benedict and secon(leq by Hoye, that the Clerk be instructed to file a claim with the School Beard of 2istrict N. 18, for the .1::,10.00 fine paid to A..P.Cramer, treasurer of the board, by mistake, the same 'being a fine assessed by Judge Benson against Nugent. Motion prevailed. Upon motion. by Benedict, seoond.ed. by Schlegel, the Cierk was instructed to order G.A.R. supplies as Per recuest. Moved by Benedict and seconded by, Heve. that the recommendation of the Oomplaint Committee be mode the order of the Bot,r6 and the. County Treasurer be instructed to refund :.t2.00 on tax receipt :,(1.17E5 and 3.10 on tax_reeeiPt -V,2293, - • . • anq that on tax receipt 15240, (real estate), no refund be allowed. Roll call.- all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Upon motion the Board took a recess untkl 1:30 P.M. TUESDAY - MARCH 4, 1913 - 1:30 P.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Benedict that the Road and. Bridge Committee te be authorized to investigate and secure prices on cement and lumber; also to find out what help can be secured to do.the_wark_on_bridges built over the form, and report at the next meeting. Motion Prevailed. upon motion by Benedict, seconded by Heys, the County Clerk was instructed to notify the County Treasurer to transfer the excess bond fund of School District No.1, to the general fund of said district. Upon motion by Bitner seconded by Heye, the recommendation of the Bridge Committee was made the order of the Board and the following cement bridges were ordered built over the Merilatt form:- one 12' x 20' between sections 1 and 12. Hanover Township, and one 12'x 20' between sections 3 and 10, Hanover Township. Moved by Kidder , and seconded by Benedict that the recommendation of the Bridge Committee be made the ordeT of the Board and the Petition for a bridge between sections 10 and 15, Ayr Township, be rejected. Motion prevailed. Upon motion by Bitner seconded by Schlegel, the recommendation of the Finance Committee was made the order of the Board anft t,le following claims were allowed against the general fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call,- all voted yea. H.F.Treleven 0.064........... . O O 0'-'' 33.50. J. C. Gilmore . . .... • . . • 01+000 '1, 3.00. The University Publishing Co. ... 12.50. City of Hastings .......... 42,4o. St.Luke's Hospital ......•....... 30.00. C.V.I,angevin •.........•..• 43.10. W.A.Cole ...•,.................. , 91.15, O.T.Tikesell*.0...60 4.50. = VePona Grain & Lumber Co. ...... 9.05. Proffitt & Lovell ......... 15.35. Nye-Schnoider -Fowler Co. ....... 49.50. Sorensen & Korman ......... 2,00. Jas.V.Beghtol 0000000000000,..10 4.00. Jas.V.Beghtol 0•OO,POo•000•R. 6,500 Traut Coal Co. ............."... 8.25. A.J.Mace•16.4144.8. 2.00. Hastings Gas Co. A•O•SO000O004006 16.50. James 7alling 0.040•000•000 3.00. Hastings Independent Tel.Co. .... 24.00. -11. 7). Traut ............f.... 11.25. Conrad 7allrer ................... 19.15. Henry Bauer ............•.. 8.85. H.D.Tebster Co. 4rood....geeopopoorpo•.) 10.53. Jacob Bauer 46.0,09.0.000.•O 34.15. Union Meat Market ,01...4...**.**0.P. 3.75. Blake & Son .000.4.00009.40. 6.55. CO U. Hudson 6.0041,0000.amte•04.,. 200.00. 11.T.T.SiMS •44.606....0....... 31,j4. Scilmitz & Reines .........9.10*** 12.45. 0.7.yreCleory ....0060666 o 0 o 21445. - Gregory Roth . .. 0 . •.. ... , . , . ...a.040 6.10. Thop .M.,Carter 406400.0..... 15.50. 23.00. - .J.Benedict .tero...e.m.....c..** 27.90. J.L.Rvnos woe...wows* E.P. Lilly .094 •O• * * 0 00. 19•18. Gud Bourg 00.0•400 .0 0 000 10;000 Zeigler Drug Store .4040.000.04.6. 25.35. T.J.Porter 5.50, W.J.Porter .4.0.006,.4..4.0.04..4 2.20 I.R.Willis . 7.10. Jn-nr ,1 In. 56.00. Montinental Komround Co. .. 6.75. 11 aif4 AOP, fl CERT. oF:T. 3/6/' 3. TUESDAY - MARCH 4, 1913 - cont. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Benedict that the application of Karl P. Beghtoi for appointment as Justice of the peace, be granted. Motion prevailed. Upon motion by HeYe, seconded by Hynes, the recommendation of the Finance Committee was made the order of the Board an a the following claims were allowed against the general fund and the Clerk instructed todrawwarrants for tie same. Roll call,- all voted yea. ., 2.00. J.E.Millits ........„...,..... 3.00. Mrs.A-1. .H.Brook° - 400 4# 0.00, .0*04 TO7OKOlth ,00,..""'"*"."*.'8.00. Dr.Amy Robinson ...........-- 2.00. Dr.Amy Robinson ............... '14.98. Harry Klein ....... 0.04.9114.4.0*.04.. 1.30. M.M.Abbott .................... 17.65. W.T.Cornelison ........... ... . .. . 31.41. Davidson & Kolb 4.00.00•44.00,60O9 2ann.00. Goo.V.nelm ................ ... 3.40. c, - Davidson & Kolb ........ . 8.15 Hansen Lumber Co .... . ...... 21.00. J.H.Yost Lumber Co, ..--,------ 29.25. Don C-Feaus .---...---------- 16.15. DanBitner .................... 14.50. Albert Lay ...................... N.P.Kida,er .................... 142\ 2.00. Hastings Transfer Co. ........... B.F.Schlogel 0**0.0000000044W 21.50. J.P47: .Heiler•0004.00 EOLOGatiVrean & COO ,OORO.*O.400 1.30. 1440-30llaMe1 4000.0“0 000449**0018 10.00. By order of the chairman, a recess was taken until Tednesday morning, at the call of the chairman. WEDNESDAY - MARCH 5, 1913 - ONE,O'CLOCK Board reassembled at the call of the Chairman. Roll call, all members Present. "It appearing to the County Board of Adams County, Nebraska, that there is a vacancy in the office of justice Of the peace in the city of Hastings, County of Adams, state of Nebraska, We, the said Board, therefore appoint Karl D.Beghtol. justice of the peace of said city to fill said vacancy. J.F.Heiler, Attest Chairman of County Board." C.H.Hu(son, County Clerk. Dated this 6th day of March, 191 oved. by Bitner and seconded by Kidder that the recommendation of the Bond Committee be made _tIle order of.the Board and the bona of Karl D.Beghtol as justice of the peace, be alSetheefi6IatbOnd-or4-HUCTIOlatasReaq Overseer of District No. 2, West Blue Township. Motion prevailed. Upon motion of,Heye seconded by Kidder,.the recommendation of the Complaint Committee was made the order of the Board and the County Treasurer was instructed to Cancel the poll tax against C.R.Daugherty, ems, .L.J.,....)chmioz, and 'aid Johns an, for the year 1912, and against C.F.Foy, in the.secondTard, for the years 1911 and 1912, on account of erroneous assessment. Roll call,- all voted d Moved by Kidder and seconded by Heye, that the following names form the list fromwhich to select the jurors for the next term of District Court. Motion prevailed. Test Blue, HIF,hland, Erwin Ramsey. J.C.Wisner. "!..F.BishoP. Juniata, Kenesaw, T.C.Siegner. W.J.Forter. Grant Ruby, 7.J.Coats. District No. 1. Blaine, Joseph Baugh. Leonard Huxtable. Denver, District No, 2, Ayr, Thomas Shattuck. Geo. Bivens, R.A.Karr. Henry Placke. J.C.Toodworth, John Gallagher. Hanover, J.G.Schmidt. D.W.Stromer. District No. 3. anda, D. J.Roberts. 7.H.Long. H.F.Rose. Cottonwood, Dan Wagner. John Burns. 0.0.Holzworth. Victor Truman. Verona, Prank Moore. John Kent, Jr. Roseland, T.7.?.Duncan, Dominick Tillmes, T'istrict No. Zero. Dan Krueger. Henry Traut, Walter Dieken, Fred. Blake , Sr. , A. J. Gaymon. Geo.A.'heeler. fir, T.Putt. H.C.Kerr. J.W. Carmichael. J.Drollinger. District No. 5. Ernest C. Butzirns. Fred LTeinin, er. Griffith 7vans. District No. Frantz A. Clark. VT.A.Pielstick.. John Slaker. . District No. 7. Geo.B.Knapp. Geo.McCoy. J.L.Blue. Henry Allsteaclt, Christian Paulic. A. K. Defa. enbaugh. Chas.7. Bro n. Lewis Quiggle. Wm.Rapp. ... Upon motion by Hynes seconded by Schlegel, the recommendation of the Finance Committee was -made the order of the Board and the following claims were allowed_ against the general fund and. the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call,-- all members voted yea. Eugene Battan .......®.......... 3 4.80. Hastings Fuel Co . ........• ........ 58.15. Moved by Kid:Ter and seconded by Schlegel, that the claim of the Hastings Foundry e.; Iron TTorl s for '1500.00, as partial payment for the bride on the half section line of :Sec. 4, Little Blue Township, be allowed against the bridge fund and the Clerk be instructed to drew a warrant for the same. Noll call,- Yeas,- Kidder, Bitner, Heye, Schlegel, and Heiler; Nays,- Benedict and Hynes. motion prevailed. Moved by Bitner and seconded#. by Kidder that when this Board adjourns it does so to meet again April, 2nd , 1913, at the hour of ten o'clock, A.M. Motion prevailed. Minutes read, approved and sined.. Motion to adjourn. Carried. / 7-/za Z-r/z/- -ti/u .A4 4/4u"91:^ A WEDNESDAY - APRIL 2, 1913 - 10 O'CLOCK .T;R. Board reassembled as Per. adjournment. Roll call, all members present, Moved by Heye and seconded by Hynes that we, as a Board of Supervisors, contribute personally to the relief of the Omaha cyclone sufferers and a list of the contributions be made. Motion prevailed. John Heye ...>. 35.00. D.N.Bitner .....,... 2.00. F.J. Benedict J.L.Hynes 5.00. B.F. Schlegel 5.00. J.F.Heiler 5.00. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Benedict that this County appropriate e500.00 of the general fund for the relief of the Omaha cyclone sufferers, and the Clerk be instructed to draw warrant for the same in favor of the Omaha 'Torld Herald, and that notice be given in the papers of this donation. vRoll call,- yeas: Benedict, Hynes, Heye, Bitner, Schlegel, and. Heiler; nays: Kidder. Motion prevailed. Upon motion the Boardtook a recess until 1:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY - APRIL 2nd, 1913 - 1.30 P.M. Boarsreassembled as per rece s. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Heye that the matter of a road between sections 17 and '20, Logan Township, be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee.. Motion prevailed. Upon motion by Hynes seconded by Schlegel, the report of the County Farm Committee was accepted and ordered placed on the minutes. " Hastings, Nebr., March 1, 1913. "To the Honorable Board of Cupervisors: Gentlemen: Your committee wish to respectfully submit the following report of the receipts and expenditures of the County Farm, with an itemized statement of the same for the year ending February 28th, 1913. Receipts: Wheat (old), Hogs, Cows, Buli s , Bull, 57 head. 7 head 4 yearlings Expenditures: For 1 bull, For threshin' and shredding For implements and tr7ne (Schultz) , For wagon repairs (Frew) , 'or harness repairs (Nixon), For blacksmithin.g (L.A.Boyer), For stock powder (Buchanan), For drugs (Zeigler), Por groceries ( .F,Lilly) , For extracts (Baker) , For meat (a. J. Porter). , For hardware (Gish), For coal (Coon Lumber Co.), For carpet ("'olback & Brach) , For plumbing repairs (Lemon), For professional medical services (Ackley) , For harvest help (A.M.Frank) , Salary Supt. Hall and family, For miscellaneous, 16.30. 1091.00. 376.65. 200.00. 95.00. 1:1778.95. 6 82.50. 134.99. 161.50. 2.50. 19.40. 14.20. 7.39. 32.85. 355.74. 5.15. 39.06. 46.55. 132.75. 33.37, 7.00. 4.00. 75.00. 1350.00. 134.60. Total, e2638.55. Por Permanent Improvements: For heating plant (P.F.i.cCoy) , For labor, cement, brick, etc., Total, Total expenditures, 4638.55. Total receipts, 1778.95. Balance, 859.60. 750.00. 74.20. 824.20. Cert. 314/ 13. Cert. 3/4/'13, Cert. 3/4/'13. Cert. 3/4/'13. WEDNESDAY APRIL 2, 1913 - 1;30 B.A. (cont) . Upon motion. by. Benedict, seconded by Bitner, the recommendation of the Complaint Committee was made the order of the Board and the Treasurer was instructed to refund 96 cents on tax receipt No.125 (1879), and 323.09 on tax receipt No. 118 (1878), for the reason that the tax was levied before the receiver's receipt was issued for this property. Roll call,- all voted yea., Upon motion by Reye seconded by Benedict the recommendation of the Complaint Committee was made the order of the Board and + the County Treasurer was instructed to refund '6.81 on tax receipt No. 690' and `,h3.65 on tax receipt No. 100W, on account of property being included in the C.B•: Q. right of way. Roll call,- all voted yea. Upon motion by Hoye seconded by Schlegel, the recommendation of. the Complaint Committee was made the order of the ,Board and- the County Treasurer was instructed to refund 37.61 on tax receipt No.5669, on account of double assessment. Roll calx_,- all voted yea. Upon motion by Bitner seconded by Benedict, the recommendation o.f. the Complaint Committee was made the order of the Board and no action was taken on tax receipt No.5824. Moved by Benedict and seconded. by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and the Treasurer be instruct- ed to refund 13.03 on taxi receipt 70.1774, 12.29 on tax receipt No.2573, 12.51 on tax receipt No.2817, and 31.79 on tax receipt No.40833, on account of error in assessment._ Roll call,- all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Upon motion b -j Hynes seconded by Schlegel, the recommendation of the Complaint Committee was made the order of the Board and the Treasurer was instructed to spread the school tax on receipt No.3996'in school district No.15 instead of school district No.18, andto refund the difference. Roll call,- all voted yea. Moved by Heye andseconded by ',Udder that the recommendation of the Bond Committee be made the order of the Board and the following official bonds approved. Motion prevailed. John Huff Road Overseer, dist. 56, Logan Township. E.M.Bominy ,, TT n 1, Highland Township. John Markley TT TT , TT 1, ........ Verona Township. August Kuehn ...... TT tT Tt 2 Kenesaw Moved by Reye andseconded. h 'Kidder that the following bridge petitions be referredto the Road and Bridge Committee. Motion prevailed. Ono between sections 4 and. 9, Logan Township. One betweensectionstions 13 and 14, Logan Township. One between section, 7 and 18, Hanover Township. Upon motion by Kidder seconded by Schlegel, the Bonrd took a recess 'anti] orning at nine o'clock. Friday , 1913 - 9 O'CLOCK A. M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Upon motion by Bitner seconded by Heye, the recommendation of the Road and Bridge Committee was made the order of ti -e Board and the following concrete bridges were ordered built.- Roll call,- all voted. yea. One 12 -foot bridge with 20 -foot roadway between sections 26 and 27, Wanda Township. One 12 -foot One 12 -foot bride with 20 -foot roae with 20 -foot dway between 4, Little Blur-. Township.? sections20 and 21, Highland Twp. One 12 -foot bridge with 20 -foot roadway between sections 13 and 24, Logan Township. One 12 -foot bridge with 20 -foot roadway between section.: 17 and 20, Ayr Township. One 12 -foot bridge with 20 -foot roadway between sections 17 and 20, Zero Township. One 12 -foot bridge with 20 -foot roadway between sections 7 and 18, Hanover Township. One 12 -foot bridge with 20 -foot roadway between sections 13 and. 14, Logan Township. One 8 -foot extension on bridge between sections 23 and 24, Roseland Township, (concrete abutement on south end.) Moved by Hynes and seconded by Bitner that the recommendation of theRoad and. Bridge Committee be made the order of the Board and '200.00 be appropriated from the Motorcycle Fund for benefit of the township line road between Silver Take and. Logan Town- ships That 3100.00 be appropriated from the same fund for the benefit of the half section line road on section 4, Little Blue Township; And that 4q00.00 be appropriated from the same fund for the benefit of the road commencing on the county line between sections 1 and 12, Hanover Township, and running five and one-half miles west. Roll call,- all voted yea. Moved by Heye and seconded by Hynes that the Road and. Bridge Committee be instructed to buy a suitable tent for the protection of cement at locations where cement bridges are erected. Motion prevailed. Upon motion the Board took Cert. 9%4/'13. FRIDAY - APRIL 4 1913 - ONE O'CLOCK P.M. (cont.) Upon motion by Schlegel seconded by HeYe, the recommendation of the Finance Committee was made the order of the Board and the following claims were allowed against the general fund and the Clerk instructed to rlraw warrants for the same. Roll call,- all voted yea. Jacob Bauer Nebraska Sanitarium . • . , ...... + Henry Bauer •+..,.,.......+.•... Dr•H.M.Baily •++•+........... • • • Blake & Son ...+.••........... Bennett Cloyd Hastings Independent D. N.Bitner A.M. C Lark James V.Beghtol C•H.TTudson +•.••+••.•••••••• Eugene Battan Twid.ale Shoe Co. ............. ?.D iss N.A.Davis •♦#•••+•••.•..• Banner Chemical Co• •••,.••..•.• Tel. • e • • Co. . • • • • • • • Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co •••••...• '. ,. .Nye -Schneider -Fo�rler Co. • .... • . cO-•7., actin sailY y Hastings 12.50. 'McIntosh ..•• astings Daily Tribune ..•.....,. Proffitt & Lovell .......••..... 36.55. Hastings Fuel Co. John G oldenstein ..+•,. 15.90. Lincoln Tel.& Tel Co 148.53. James V.Beghtol 29.20. 149. 55. 13.66• 27.00. 4.00. 4.16. 24.00. First National Bank ..+........ Henry Herbst •e•.•.......•.. nennett C1oyd. Chris Hansen ..•••+.+..e•••, Sorensen & Kernan G.W. Pratt ........;••.•••. • • • • ! • R • • • 3 F.?te11er 31. `.3U. onn !ley 18.15. Wahlgiiist Bros. .••............ 6.50. C•H•Ludeon ..... . ... ••.••.••••• 23.89. DavidsonjT& Kolb •.............. 4.45. ! i. ll. Ramsey • • • . . . . e . • . . . • • • . • • 1.25• John iRel 5.00.. H.D.Webster Co. 26.76. H.B.Borley 15.25. 3.70. 21.70- 33.25. 6.00. 32.50. 48.05. 37.30. 23.75. 200.00. 1.10. 2.75. 3.50. 13.50. 2.45. ......••.•..,.• 11.90. r]bune .••s•••• 7.83. ••.....•.•.•.•. 73.83. 36.85. 15.35. 22.25. 5.00. 7.70. 35.26• 23.20. 12.25. J Hansen Lumber Co.. .............. William F.Butto...`..,..•++'•+ J. L . Hyne s ... ....... F. J.Bened ict ........... • A. J.?,iace ........ Wahlquist Bros. .......'....,... Adams County Democrat . • . B.F.Schlegel ....... •...••.. • • • • • • e . 43.70. W.P •Yl.eacl 4 • • • • ♦ + • • . + • w + • • * • • • . . 57.10. William P.Button 040•••••04,**** . . ..meg...,.m,.++aw•,t�w#n', 2.00. Wahlquist Bros. •••.•..• 82.25. r'anlquist Bros. 30.73. "'ahlquist Bros. 46.00. Moved. by Benedict and seconded by Heye that the contract made by this Board and Mr.Titts be approved and a copy be placed on file with the Clerk. Motion revailed. Upon motion by Schlegel seconded by Kidder the recommendation of the Finance Committee was made the order of th.e, Board and the following clams were allowed. against the general fund and the Clerk . i:nstructed"' to draw Warrants for the same. Roll call,- all voted yea. N.D.Kidder i 7•T•Cornelison`,..:.. ••..:+.', The Electric Shop ......... Parrens & Neimeyer Nebr. Hospital -for Insane, Lincoln KearnsBros.. • . . . . • . . . , . .... , • Traut Coal co. •••.•.••••.e• Allyn & Bissell Nebr. Sanitarium . • ........... • Hastings Gas Co W..Keith ...•.......••...• Ita Castle J.T.Stee1. ...............404..0 L.A.Boyer ...•.....•.. Ohas.H.Howard .............•.., Kearns Bros. E.F.Lilly . • • . . . . . • Upon motion the Boar 1913, at 10 o'clock A.M. 51.80. 6.55 1.86.. 1.85. 4.50. 12.00. 24.75. 6'7.30• 25.20. 16.95. E.L.Gauvreau & Co. Davidson & Kolb .......... Rutherford Bros. .....,... Mate Journal Co L•R•Willis `r 2.00. •.••• 11.10. .•* 1.80. •..•` 1.54.80. 4.10. Underwood Typewriter Co. Stein Bros.Co. .....:••. T. J. Bobbitt . • W. T. Reith • . • • . • J.E.Willits . • • 16.00. Lem Iibbets ..• 166.20. 2.00. F. A. M Elhinney 3.90. 15.60. Conrad 7alker 25.25. 5.15._ ?C.0•Frew •••••••••..•. 4,0,0024.95. 28.55. Juniata Grain &. Live Stock Co208.25. 14.50. ✓' • •r•• • • • 51.'75. 2.50. 1.00. 10.00. 6.00. _,. 2,.05. J.A.Beard ....••.•.. .. 31.07. `ull.er & Lynn ook a recess until Wednesday morning, April 9th., WEDNESDAY - APRIL 9, 1913 - 10 O'CLOCK A.M. Board rea sembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Schlegel and seconded by Bitncr that the application of Jacob M. White for admission to the Nebraska Soldiers' and Sailors' Home be granted. :;Notion prevailed. a T Upon motion by Moder seconded by Bitner the recommendation of the Bond T official bond .w Overseer of District To.3, Verona Township, was approved. has Road Committee was made the order of the Board and the, of.�ic,�al of C.A. ��elc Moved by Heye and seconded by Kidder that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee bemadethe order of the Board and the County Treasurer be instructed to spreadthe tax on receipt No.5839 on a valuation of 1360 instead of e420, on account of error in assessment, and to refund the difference.' o11 call, -all voted yea. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Schlegel that when this Board adjourns to meet again May 6th, 1913, at 10 o'clock A.M. Motion prevailed. Upon motion the Board took a ,recess until 1:30 P.M. it does so WEDNESDAY - APRIL 9, 191:3 - 1:30 O'CLOCK P.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Upon motion by Bitner seconded by Heye, the recommendation of the Finance Committee was made the order of the Board and the following claims were allowed against the general fun and the Clerk instructedto draw warrants for the same. Roll call,- all voted area. Dan Beale ..•»..•»••.••»....•,... .50. W.A.Cauf roan 1 12:56:: 0 Klapp & Bartlett Co. •.,...•,.... 2.69. H.0.Eckhardt .............. 22 1'T.A.Cole ........................ 129.44• 0•B• '?.� • .Co. L.D.Jones Co. ......•....•••.•.. 34.50. Hastings Daily Republican ••.• 20.48. . Tract Coal C o . 35.85 Upon motion by Kidder seconded by Hynes, the recommendation of the Finance Committee was made the order of the Board and the following claims were allowed against the bridge fundand. the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call,- all voted yea. G. H. Sailor`' '7.'75. Albert Lay 5.00. :r Fred time 10.50. ✓ Moved by Kidder er andseconded by Bitner that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the claim of `fir. J. i". Straight be allowed against the general fund and the Clerk be instructed to draw a warrant for the sane. Roll call,- all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Bitner and seconded by Kidder that the claim of the Hastings 'oundry & Iron Works for x2870.71 be allowed against the bridge fund less 159.00 credit for old lumber bought by F,r.Wallace and less •!14.29, by error, and. the Clerk be instructed to draw a warrant for the same. Roll call,- yeas: Kidder, Bitner, Heye, Schlegel, Heiler; nays: Benedict and Hynes. Motion carried. Moved. by Benedict and seconded by Bitner that the Load and Bridge Committee be authorized to purchn.se x.11 material necessary for the construction of concrete bridges. Roll call,- yeas: Benedict, Kidder, , Bitner, Schlegel, Heiler; nays: Hynes; passed: Heye. Notion .otion prevailed. 'roved by Hynes and seconded by Benedict that in order to make a complete record, the minutes of this meeting shall be made to show that the petition of H.B.Eversman asking permission to build : a cattle pass between sections 2 and 3, Silver Lake Township, filed January 19, . 1912, and referred to the 'Road and Bride Committee, was grantedby the Board of Supervisors before the pass was built. Roll cell,- yeas,- Benedict, Kidder, Hynes, Bitner, Heye and Heiler; not voting,- Schlegel. :lotion prevailed. Minutes read, approved and signed. Motion to adjourn. Carried. Cert. 5/6/113. Cert. 5/6/'13. Cert. /7/113. Cert. 7/113. Cert. 5/7/113. Cert. 5/7/115. TUESDAY - TAY 6TH, 1913 - 10 01CDO0'TA.IT. Board reassembled as per adjournment. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Hynes and secondod by Heys that the report of the Settlement Committee e .erred to the County Attorney for his opinion. Motion prevailed. Moved by Benedict ans seconded byKidder that the petition of Fred Legler and others for permission to play base -ball on Sunday in Ayr Township, be laid on the table. Motion prevailed. Upon motion by Bitner seconaed bY Benedict, the recommendation of the Bond ,„; Commitee was made the order of the Board and the official bond of Herman -ner as Roe. Overseer of District ;-,1,1, Cottonwood Township, was apPreVed-. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Hynes that the Board take a recess until 1:30 P.M. Liotion prevailed. TUESDAY - MAY 6TH, 1913 Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. 1:30 P.M. Moved by Heye and seconded by Kialer that the recommenaation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and the Count7 Treasurer be in6tructe6 to refund ')2.16 on receipt 70.2690; '3.21 on receipt To, 2960; Y4.63 on receipt U0.624; and c,'2.59 on receipt No.3145, on account of error in bond tax in school district 14. Roll call, - all vote a yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by -Ddtner and secondel by Meye that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board an that the County Treasurer be instructed to spread the taxes on the E 105 ft. of lots 19-10-J1122, Yenesav Village, on a valuation of 600 instead of 800, and to refund the difference. Roll call,- all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Upon motion by Ilynes seconded by Bitner, the matter of repairing the road between sections 29 and 52, 'Hanover Township, was referred to the Road and. Bridge Committee. Upon metion the Board took a recess until 9:30 7ednesday morning. 7EDY7SDAY MAY 7th, 1913 - 9:30 A.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Kidder and seconded by 7oye that '!,:',300 bo granted to Supervisor District 70. 3, and.. to Sunervisor District No. 1, from the Motor Vehickle Fund, to be used on the roads between section s as follows: - In Supervisor District No.3, - Between sections 13 and 24, Verona Township, !:.50.00. Beteen sectTons 18 and 19, Verona Township, 50.00. Between Sections 25 and :56, 7enesaw Township, d50.00. Between sections 13 and 24, Kenesaw Township, 50.00. Between sections 6, Cottonwood. To -nship, and 31, Tande Township, ,100.00. In Supervisor District 'To. Betweenesection 1, Highland_ Township, A‘.dams OountLr, anel section 36, Mall County, Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. • Upon motion by Schlegel seconded by Hoye, the recommendation of the Complaint Committee was made the order of the Board and the Count-, Treasurer was instructed to spread the taxes on lots 1-4, M.J.Smith's Add to the City of Hastinc-s, on a valuation of 71 )86.00 instead of v150, each, and to refund the difference. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Heye and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the '90ard and the County Treasurer be instructed to spread the taxes on tile E 14511-, ft. of Lot 1, Scofield's Add to the City of Hastings, on a valu- ation of '1100 instead of ,1280, and to refund the difference. Roll call,- all votedyea. :lotion prevailed. Upon motion by Bitner seconded by Schlec-el, the recommendation of the Complaint Committee was made the order of the Boar: and the County Treasurer was instructed to spread the school taxes on the E 1-2 SE sec,. 9-8-11, the F., 1-2 S 9-8-11, and the 7 2-2 S7 9-8-11, in school district No. 45, insteaa of school district 7o. 81, on account of error in soh. dist., and to refund the difference. Roll call, all voted yea. Upon motion by Bitner seconded. bySchlegel, the recommendation of the Complaint Committee was made the order of the BoardanatheCeunty Treasurer was instructed to spread the taxes of receipt 110. 6566, On a Valuation Of ?,,603 instead of 803, and to refund the difference. all voted yea. c‘rInnInt1,- 11-77: gr',1,11,.:,e1 +Tin+ ±h c rnnnmryinrii +1In , - „-,,,,,,,;:;',7.,,z47,zzz-s.;;;;;,--,:=2,;;-:::::,„;;;,,L.A.•,,,--77,7:777,„:::,1 77 A recess until 1:30 P.M. was declared. .1,7EDNE.31V,Y T.TAY 7TH, 1913 - Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. iloved by Bitner and seconded by .Schlegel that the recommendation of the finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed anthe Clerk instructed to drar warrants against the genern1 fund for the rnmo. l011 c9.11 all voted yea. Notion prev9iled. T• .Cornelison & Co. 9.30. 7.T.Cauvreau & Co. 7.40. 1:30 OTCLOC7 Carl Nelson 000000.00009000.00**40•400 90.00. Lem Tibbets 04141000000.10000000 66.45. Susan Nephews ********* 6.10. C.B. & ....... ****** 3.04. B.1'..Schlegel 0400 ***** .00,400**0*** 31.45. T.D.Kidder 37 .15. J.F.Heilor ******* 45.25. D.N.Bitner 04001000.04000*****0 18.75. . J.enedict ******** ............ 41.9.. Don C.Pouts 0400.0004.4.01,00.0 7 John Lanx 00********00#40000040094 72.00. Unaerwoed Typewriuor Co 4.50. Stein Bros. Co. ****000000000000** 2.50. Livingston Bros. ******* 000*** 25.00. J.L.Hynes • • • • . • • • .• .. ********** • 41.80. Mary 7.27)auder ***** . * 54.00. 54.00. A.J.mace ******0041000400.000000441 3.50. „T.72',",'..2.4.1.-7,41.izo,en 0000 ********** 0000 Juniata Grain (''.3 Live Stocli.- Co • . 13. (..0 . , • • ..1C -L U14 .0 • •*** • • ••• • • 0 • 0. • • 11.00. c.p... "Tm.A.Tafferty . ****** ........... 24•50• C•E.Bruckman • . • , • ****** - • .. • • 6.00. J. T • Steele . • • . • . • . • . • . . • . • • •••• • 2.10. Gustave Sievers . 1.80. 7.J.Bobbitt 2.46. ?.. .-u er 41000,00000400000.00 1.00. 200 00 • Tohn,..ricir 04000000004•00'00000 3*000 , Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. 22.25. H.O.Eclehardt ..... ******* ..... 20.00. Conrad Talker 46.004,4440.0400..0.0 12.78. Hastings Tndependent Tel. Co. 24.00. 7.05. -.)orenscn & TCernan .. • 90•0•0*• • 18.25. The Hastings Gas Co. 0*********00 15040. nr*7007Oir 0 • , • • • • • • 40100•••• 6.00. Traut & Son 4100.0.0049*** e***** 8.25. Kauf & Rinaerspacher ****** ... 0.70. Thc Febras'a Sanitarium .......— 50.6l. flenry Barer 040400 ..... 000.0.0 20.00. ,.C.Lawson Hdw. ,o. 129.66. 'Tolbnch & Brach .............. 19.65. H.D.Tebster Co. 5.06. Jacob Bauer .................. 28.16. Miss U.A.Iavis .... ****** 0000**** 5.06. Viola Lerling 0000000000****04 4000* Benjamin Reynolds 1.10. L.S.Da-,r il . • .. • . • 1.10 C.L.Ale-Yander ******* **000******* 1.10. L.J.00re 0000**001,041000000000 1.10. '''''''' (-4. ,-,,-, a i n, Joseph Myers ,•.•.•...•••..•..... 1.10. . ..,....),,,,.......e .................. John "'.Shaw 00400000944404410.00000, 6.90. 7.....,.iloore .................... a . 16 ,,,, , e o FdLivingston 00000000•0000040000 1.10. John -.Houseman 0000********00 1*i0: }Coved by Hynes and Committee be made the order of general fund and the Clerk be voted yea. Motion prevailed. F.F.Tilly .00•904•4•I•• I ft J.J.Gish ...ow...* • 0011 • * * • J.J.Gish •••....••• • • * • • * • Zeigler Drug Store ...... Jas.V.Beghtol 00040,040,000** .. ....... ....• . Jas.V.Beghtol ........ A.Pickens1. Son Chris Hansen ..... 8.25.Fastino's Dpilir Tribune St.Anthony's Hospital The City of Hastings Nebr. State Boarl of J.H.Yost 'Lumber Co. Lem Tibbets seconded by Bitner that the recommendation of the Board and the following claims be allowed instructed to'draw warrn'4-- for the sarne. Boll tI 37.93. 7.Ackley 22.60. W.Ackley ..... • .... 20.4.ThOMa:s-a'SO Wynne 20.40. The University ?ublishing Co ...... 1.00. A.M.Clark O 0440. 10.12 John Sigel ........ ********040 27.50. J.I.Holcomb Mfg.Co. . 0. 00•••••0•••• * 0000*•00000•0011 O 0. • • . 9.00. l'avidson & Kolb ••.•.... ...... John Sigel ......... •00•04** 00* 125.00. Hastings Fuel Co • • . , • . . • . • . • 95.69. Hastings Furniture Co. ... . . Health 54.00. Art Hughes 41.75. L.R.tillis .......•........... ......•".*••• 87.75. C.B.& CI.R.R. Co. ...... ....... ..... ........ 3.50. Miss N.A.Davis ............... G.A.Volland & Co. .............. 5.50. Geo.Mnrry 400 6.10. 6.10. Ben Brown *0*****00.04**.000001.0 60100 - . 6.10. W.A.Cole 0000,0***040*****0****40 177.75. State Journal Co. ..... ..... 40 44.05. the T'inance against the call,- all 11.00. 8.00, 78.00. 12.50. 14.10. 14.75. 8.20. 8.40. 117.63. 8 00. 21.00. 6.10. 16.24. 1.94. 2.50.• • ..... . John Snyder ........ .... ........ Mrs.F.T.Ganvreau ..... . ********* 6.10. E.L.Gauvreau 00400* 0000* ..... Upon motion by Heye seconded by Schlegel, the recommendation of the Finance Committee was made the order of the Board and the following claims were allowed against the bridge fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. J.F.Haney & Co. 12.50. Remmer Itzen v 4.00. iionry Deiken ..... 01,0000****000 3.00. Herman Itzen 3.00. Harm Davis 40111,40,00***0***0004040 8.00,:TT.8.Van Boenin 4040040004•000 St0J00 33.00. C.B. & ........ 17.76. Henry 7esterman ... . .. . on17enr7 Starner .00.04000440000000 4.00. Berger -Gallagher Bros. 27.50. Chas.7heat ..•......... 0000000 20000. Upon motion by Heye seconded bY Bitner, the recommendation of the Finance Committee was male the order of the Board. and the claim of ...„ ,..,, ... . tr, , ,...3 7 - Thes for,',,36.00 was - allowed against the motor vehicle fund a d the Clerk instrue ea to draw a warrant :Cor ,,,,, , the same. Roll call,- all voted yea. !loved by Hynes and seconded by Kidf-Ir that the Board accept the offer of 7.H.Bissc1 to sell to Adams County certair'37-gi5nfIX—V5-e SE corner of section 8, Zero Township, according to plats ana isurvey, dia6 that the Clerk -be instructed to draw a general fund warrant for )1400 for the same, and the County Attorney to procure the aced and turn over the warrant • 'Roll call ,- yeas: Kidder, Hynes, Bitner, Keye, Schlegel, , and Heiler; nays,- Benedict. Motion prevailed. Moved by Kidder and seconraed. by Dynes that when this Board adjourns it does so to moot again on Mted.nesday, June 4th, at 10 o'clock A.M. Motion prevailed. Minutes read, approved and. signed. Motion to adjourn. Carried.. a ) Cert. 6/5/13. „ • r • •-,-• WEDNESDAY - JUNE 4T11, 1913 - 10 O'CLOCK A.M. Board reassembled,as per adjournment. Roll call, all members present., Forenoon taken up with discussion. Moved by Xidder and seconded by Benedict that a recess until 1:30 P.M. 1e taken. Motion prevailed. TEDNES7AY TUNE 4TH, 191 - 1;30 O'CLOCK P.It. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present., Moved...by 7idder-.and'eedOnded Heys that tho.application Jacob O.Yellinger . . . . . _ for acthiission to t;ko 3o1iers Home, begranted. Motion prevailed.... Movedby Hynes and aecenci..e....by kIaael; thatArchitect.M.,,N,Bairbe instructed to, prepare -a prelimenary edtimateofthecestofrePaitint- the Court. TIOuSe...reef.. vote yea. Motion prevailed.. •• . • Upon metionby Benediet SeCOnded .byHeyd,'the'Bride Committee was instructed to procure a settlementHaSting fromthe s-FoundryT & Iron Orks, for the iron bought by Mr. , . _ . . . . . _ A recess until Thursday morning at nine o'clock, was declared. T7T/SDAY - TUNE 5T7, 1913 Board eassemblel as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Xidder an a seconded bY Schlegel that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and the County Treasurer be instructed to spread the taxes on 'Zeceipt No 6505 on a valuation of ,d)4700 instead of 5700, and refund the difference; to spread the taxes on Receipt No. 8204 on a valuation of 5000 instead of n:,8400, and refund the difference; to refund :2.46 on „Zeceipt No.4123 on account of error in bond tax; to spread the taxes on leocipt No.7084 on a valuation of 5000 instead of P:7000 and refund tho difference', on account of c'rrenoeus assessment; and to spread the taxes on Receipt Ho.7696 on a valuation of ))2405 instead of 13405 and refund the difference, on account of erroneOus assessm.ent. Roll call, all voted Yoa. Motion prevailed. Moved by Benedict and seconde' ,by Bitner that the resipnation of J.C.(lilmore as Deputy County Clerk, be accepted. Notion prevailed. Moved by Benedict ani seconded by Kidder that the appointment of T.R.Hartigan as 'Deputy County Clerk be approved. (To take effect June 16, 1913). Motion prevailed. Upon motion by Bitner seconded by Hoye, tbe following bridge petitions were referrol to the ',clad and Bridre Committee: - One between sections 34 Blaine and 3 7anovor Townshio. Ono between sections 5 ani 8 Doran Township. One between sections 34 and 35 Cottonwood Township. One between sections 17 and 8 Little BlUe Townsilir. Movea by'Kidder an a seconded, by Hynes that the Bord take a recess until one 'clock, P.M. Motion prevailed. THUT-ZSDAY - JUNE 5Tt, 1913 - One O'CLOCK, D.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. :loved by Xidaer and seconded by Hynes that the recommendation of t'J'e Bond Committee be made the order of the Board and the official bond of H.T.Eip:onberg as Constable of "loselqnd Township, be approved. Motion prevailed. Upon motion by Bitner seconded by Neye, the recommendation of the Finance Committee was made the order of the Bosrd and the following claims were allowed against the general fund and tiDe Clerk instructed t9 draw warrants for the same; '2,p11 call, all voted yea. M.Reed ............................ Tarry 1.7,.7,".Proffitt The Tiane PrintinFr ............. Schmitz ?„,, Deines • • • • • • • • • • Schmitz & Deinos .............., Schmitz & Deines f0. • A • C f fman . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Verona Grainy& Lumber Co. .................... ••• 3•65. • •; 18.00. 7.50. de** 12400. E. • c.au_vr eau & 00. • • 4. • • • e • • • • • • • • 2.00• o • C • Spic7mall • • • . . • . • • ... 84.00. Iva .R.Mizen ........ . • • ar • Schmitz & Deinos G.7Pratt ........... Holstein Lumber Co. . 7 P Herbert • • . . , • - • • • • 1.00. 2.55. 1.85. 32.50. 18.70. 96.00. 2.00. 72.00. 75.00. }Iastines Gas Co T"'r • A • R eyn o 1 a s ... • ..... • • ;Tahlguist Bros. ,• •....• T.S.Hampton ... • . • . . J. 3.F'ernow ...... J. TT.?ope T.Lrs.Ida 1larkins . , . Georgie E. 3neaff • • • . w Grace '"oiler .. • • . , .i,I. TI .Abbot t J..'L,:'illis a •• A.,.• T.R.T'illis • • . • • ''..T.Cornelison & Co. C. J.Vanhouten will .AleN.ant er • • f ♦ . 4 • e . M . e • . A ".'L.Cole •...• Arlo Tlean Susan Ye'nhews r;T.A. Cole- . .. . • . . '?ote r Araen Oakley '0t;en J+�^ !.'�T. FA.. T''d��ei' «{ �I0:.1 . , . a . • . e • e . A Tames r.Benson .•....••.. :<.ug An6orson 7.1•.F..1. Fltca.rtiRan C .I?.17.alone . w .. • , T:=_nes Benson .. • ..... John Snyder 4 • e • • • • 0 • Joe Tic "Fenn• • • • • • • • , • 9 . Tee riicharc.. son • Carrie Sullivan • ••••• s • b • • • • • • • • • • •••• • • s• •. s • • , • . • 0 • • • . 4 • • • • e 11.84. 108.00. 54.20. 57.00. 132.0O. • 1.18.50.: • 17.00 • • • • • . •. • • • • • • . e • • • • . • • O 400 • . A . • w•.• • • w • • • . • • • • . • • . • • . •• J•.Lt, 1llits •.,••,..,••• • s a William 7atzberg • . • • • ♦ • • • • • so • a . . • . e • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • 75.00. 5.00. 9.80. 5.16. 15.07., 5.70. 2.10. 6.10. 2.20. 6.10. 2.10. 10.10. 6.10 6.10.. 6.10. 3r .20. 2.10. 2.10. 8.10. 8.10. 6.10. 2.10. 2.10. 10.40. 3 r� v�. 00 . T. � �. Kent F.T,T.Geore • • . William ti_stler J.E. Gilmore Tleo. k.Trousch • • •• : • • • . • • • • . ♦ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • II.W.Edmondson .......4.•••.•.•r JohnSchafer ..... 1.4 .01 4* ! » . . . A TT T y ,a000D.LOPM *0.400. "0.0040 J.L.Lu eT rs Hospital . • . .. • . . . ... IIastings rally Tribune ........ Y Hammond & Stephens Co. YHammond & Stephens Co. Aup;. Anderson . A. V of e . • , • . Delia Sorrels John Kanaler Vannas Richardson ,.... • ... S. A..H.i3 ooko John Campbell . • • ....... • .B.I.r.De vereau< .... •.. • • • .?i•J.avlor .•e• ,•N•....•f•. C. ;7'. Van],:outen • • • » • • .• . Y �.' i`: a . l a e: r • • e • • • • • • • •• TT.: • P:- bo.L'son, • e • • • s . . • s John Tlc7enna •.•.•••••. T),on,BI.O' n ..•.,••. • , Joe Buo,noz. .. • • .. • . Dennis T.kul1en e .. • • . • • . Final-701en,sTTe • .... 7111 Ueyand; er James Bensonson • . • , . • • e . b • • 0 ••• • • • • • • • • . ♦ • • • s •• ••..9•... .. 0.10. • ♦ • s . - . . . • 6.60. .... 4...••.••••• 8.10. 6.60. 10.10. .7;118.50. 84.00. 108.00. 72.00. 129.00. 132.00. 00.00. 108.70. 60.00. 6.61. 19.98. 37.10. 34.05, 2.10. 3.10. 2.00. / 8.10. 16.40. 8.10. 6.10. 6.10. 6.10. 2.10. 2.70. 6.20. 4.10. 0.10 2.00. Upon motion by Kidder seconded by Hynes the recommendation o�.: the Finance Com_litiee v e m'.dc' the o de^ of the Board <a,nt the followinc- claims wore allowed sainst the Fenexal fundand t:re Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Voll call, all voted yea. 37.13. N } �ti > '1 / It. 7.50. f. . i1.ly . • . • • . 4 • • e ! • b N . • ♦ • • . -; <�� 1 • 1. • !Ta J. L y ri.laiAZ • • . . . . . . • • • . . . . e . . �' y 'ckhard 'loec'er .... ...••..... 67.00. C.V.Tnngovin •••..•.•. ........ 46.50• Lincoln. Tel. & Tel. Co. • • • . 24.50. TI. T •�ry''�e�oster & Co. • . , 6 , • r . • • e . • .00. Barnes Clothing Co. •.•,e..„• x.00! H,ll.T.re�rbke .....•.,...,,,+:+ 1.rr0. First 7 tional Bank 20.25. 1''astin�'ro Gas Co • , • . , . • .. ♦ • , • • • 15.34, Union MeatMarket 5 40 . Tr ,ut �� ...•. 7on •.•.♦..,..••• .••.• 12.46. IIanry Bruer 7.60. T•IT.T'raut. & Son .••.•.•.....•.. 12.42. 27.50. 35.01. • • • ••• • • 4 0 • 6 w Union Meat Market 4.75. A1-Ly1 & Bissell Stein Bros. •.• 440.41 4.74. Jacob Bauer ,.•......... T .w.T'eith .......... , , • .. • .. • , 8.00.; ••. .• Upon motion by Kidder secondee;, by Bitner the r” LY Committee was m ,.ue the order o . este Boars -nct the following the genera] _ fund. ane. the Clerk instructed to draw Wc,n rents voted yea. 7.t1.Cole ••.•,.., R•F.Schie;el • N • • • • F.J.Benedict .•,..,..• John Hoye ..••. w.. •,... •.., Edna wicker • . • • • • .,)122.15. 16.30. X13.60. 100.90. 2.00. ecommendation of the 'Finance claims were allowed against or the same, Roll call, all D.U.Bitnerr 77). T�i.dder . , , w...• , :T..: •LI0iter .!•., FTastino-s" uel -100. , s . + . s r s e • • 14.50. • • • ••• • 4 • • • , • • 36•450.- " 6.r •., • •.,.. .. 40.60. •.........••. 11.75. 2.00. 38.45. Andrew Wicker ... . Lem `n'ibbets ..•.•,..••..••••••• Upon motion by Bitner seconded: _ by ;.eye, the recommendation of the Finance_ Committee was made the order Of the T30ar3 and the fol a of inc, claims were allowed a!„2-a;i.nst the Bridge Fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted. yea. Frank Ti is .. ..••.•9.•• p, .• 'Tri.Wenne(?cly • ..... ••••••. y R 0 0 Jim Johnson • . Prank St,'omer •,.••••••• 8 • �cJ,50. 43.75. 53 87 30.00. 2.00• 5.00. 4.00.2 rY l 50.. 5.00. 31 . 96 18.75. 2.00, qq 7 , .�1 , T'l0iil • • • • . • • • , • • • . w • , . . • • • Hastings Foundry & Iron r Tlar t ij1f: ; :r oun lrir & Iron works ITenry Hibo1.er »•..... •.. John Ile c wm • W_ennedy Henry Di ellen • . e , • w • • • 4404. 4 * • e • • • • • •_ 6 • • • • e• Berger -Gallagher Bros.Co. S•1.Yeatr;a1 ..••.•••.•••w T'rnest Kistler ..... ••• ••••••.0 Otto ?_smus ♦ , ... , , • , , . • • .4. J*E41 �OOCL`,rcF . 4 . . . , e , . • , , e . 4 Grant Ruhr ••.•••.•.., • • N • 0 • Roth Bros •e..••.••.•...••.,•.• l F. VC..nBo cnin, , • 0 . . , . • . . . , . . • . c4 II [e Yere�n {. .' . 0 . . . , , e . 4 4 . , • , Anrew� .'.%Ti 6 lJ 7 • 0 0 0. 4..: 0.. 0 0•+ 0 0 0 0 piY1.`!oCay . 0 , 0 . • • • . . • . s s 0 • . . • 27.50. 2.00. r 45.00. 2.00. 2lJ.0 8.00. 2.08. 10.00. 12.00. ^ '�5. 00. *00. Upon motion by Bitner seconded,by Heye the recommendation of the Finance Committee w n.. ,. o incr claims were allowed against made the order o�' the a30`�.rrl. �n � the �°ol 1 for �>� the Motor -vehicle .Fund ancl. the Clerl instructed to draw w 2r antra same. Aoll call, all voted yea. J„ reC Jame • . . . • . • . • • . . e , s • . • • s 41.0 . Crl; TTerm n .....•..••.,.,... 16.00. Lewis Ground •..,,»..+....«.. 49•75. 1(.2 •00. Al Osler ......... • 0 • , * * Alfred Reiko • . • • . . • • • John Finnis 1i_cr .... , . TTenr r .11 L1S U ane • • Will Bockermaxi_ . • ... • . • • • • • • • • • . 0.00. 26.00. 12.00. 12.00. 12.00. Moved. bar Xid.der end_'seconce 1 r ifuel that•hen thAs Board adjourns it does so to meet again June 13th, 1913, at• 9 o'clock, A.M. Ivtotion prevailecd. I.rcoved..by Bitner nrl seconders by Hues that... in accordance withthe order of the_ Tistrict Court in the case off' Deihl vs Ada s County, the County Treasurer be instructed to refund a 11 tzze taxcs sp eat. on r C � on tax recoi t vo.'18. Roll call, all voted yea. otion preValleC9.. Minutes reads , atorOVed and signed. Motion to adjourn. Carried. Vz /// CA BOARL 0 F EQUALIZA T 1 0 ir • TUESDAY - JUNE 10, 1913, The Board of Equalization met persuant to statute. - Roll call, -All members present, as follows: Benedict, -adder, TTynes, ITeye, llltner, Schlegel, Heiler, Bobbitt, and Hudson., Day taken up investigating' complaints. MotionbyEeyesecondedbvBitner that a recess until nine o'clock, Wednesday morning be taken.. Motion prevailed. WEDNESDAY - JUNE 11, 1913 - 9 O'CLOCK A.M. Board of Equalization met as Ver recess. R011 call, all members present. Forenoon occupied with investigation of complaints. Upon motion the Board, took a recess until ti,e o'clock P.M. 77DNF3DAY - JUTE 11 1913 - 2 O'CLOCK P.Y'. Boar(' of Ecualization met as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Moved bv Tidier and seconded by Hey° that the following named tay payers, viz., A..Thompson, and Trrs."%J.Ealk, be notified to a1 -ear before the Board of rqual- ization at 1:30 71.7., Juno 12, 1917, and shot cause why their Personal Assessments shoull not be raised for VI'm year 1913. Motion prevallel. Upon -lotion rre Boarq tOo".- a recess until nine O'ctOck Thursday, June 12th T7URSDAY - •TUNE 12 1913 - 0 0'C'LOC7 ?.M BO9r(7, 04.* Te,ualloation met as per recess. Holl c-1.1], all mombers present. Moved by lchlegel and secondee br 7idder thata, reduction 1x made on the horses in 7enes:17 Toirmship; a 10'7,) redaction be male on the c.;ttlo in Rosel2nd Township; that 3 10 raise , be made on thr, horses in Denver ToTnship; a raise of 10,, be made on the cattle in 7enver. and a, raise or5, on the horses in Logan Township. 'aoll call, all voted yea. Motion VrevPiled. -oveL )chleol an sccondel oy ,51u11...er thau r"), roc'uotion of .4'2000, actunl value, be male on tr(le valuation of part of lots 116 and 117 and all of lot 110, Kenesaw Village , assessed to J C Tones. 7:1011 call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. 'Faired by 8C1-legel and seconded b- Milder that the 77 11-8-12 be reduced 4000, actual value. aoll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Schlegel and seconded by Ne7e that tke assessment on the Iouth 10 A. Ir at -8-12 be reduced ','200, actual value. 7Zoll call ,- Yeas, $el21Eo1 ob it, nd--- Hudson; iaa1s, Beneuict, adder, Hynes, Litiior, Heye and Heiler. Motion lost. . Moved by ITcye and sc'condel bT 8chlep;e1 that a reduck,lon of „)0/0, actual value, be made on the g" 6-7-11, except the 7.7 42 A. of the North half. "oll call, all voted ye. 'Motion prevAllel. MoVed by Bitner and secondedby NYnes that the following reductions be n ! mac:- 5000, actual value, on the SE and the SE NE 11-8-9. ...,,,')00, actual value, on the S7 $E , . _. , ....,. . i r - ; . 1, and 7 1-2 SE SE 4-5-9; and '.h300,flactta1-vaiue',-On'..the NE NE 9-5-9. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion,prevailod. Union recomMendation of the County Assessor the Assessment on the 77 NE SE 23 -7 -10,20x40 rods of the SE LTD 23-7-10, and part of the NW NE .SE 2j-7-10, was reduced 1005, astessed Moved. by Hoye and secendedby Benedict thatthe recommendation of the Oounty Assessor be made the order of the Board and the actual value of the ND 29-6-10 Te reduced Motion prevAitod.„ - . . Lovea.by 3cnlep„;e1 and seconded by' Kidder that lot T and section 6, Kehesaw Township, owned by J.F.Lippincott, be assessed at :2575, actual value. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.; • . - Movel by Heye and'seeonded by Benediet that_the7cP110Wing reductiens,be made on assessed values-- E 1451-; ft. of lot 1, Scofield's Add, from ,.',1280 to '-....1,1100;'iots A H.J.Smith's Add, from 600 to ",-.,2480: lot 10, block 1, Moore's Add, from.„'..420 to and 44 ft. S of N 220 ft. M 1-2 Block 7, St.Joe Second Aaa, from 60O te 320,v Hallcall, all Voted yea. Motion PrOvAiled. part of lot 2 in -7),ord took a recess until 1:30 ,1„1. P U''. ry� - JUNE 12, 1 9Lti .. n O'CLOCK Boar of .Taalization reassembled � s c recess. Roll call, :1l members lire gent . i'"Ovocl 1 JT:ynes anc soconde )y T e. e 'e•th�1eat a actual vau0_i lots9 , •10 and 11, block 29, t.Joe Add,- 1:a re17,,c ? x200, ani the c_�u l v°_duE of N 9 acres of T 1-2 • SI ST 1-7-10 and. the S 0 O.cre 3 of`' ' 1-2 S ; •a _- r-10, 1,",e re,_17ce1 • "1 • 000. Roll call, all •Voted yea. emotion p evailen. iLove`1 by ( dZ,r•an1 seconded 1; Jacs t1iv .he recommendation o{the 'County Assessor be m`i h o •th•e• •or• _er• oi' t•he Board. nd , the actual Value of lots • 1 .n:% 3, eTni� a' s •Sub o 13illSidc•Ad be ro;lta:oPc3_ • 200 , «,n'.• the 'actual val_u.e of lots 4,0,6,'!, and 8, Teriple' Sul of 111ls:Ld0 Adc? , be reg ucec? oli Ca11 ,- yeas, Biti:ler, , Bobbitt, and Iiu.isen; nays, Benedict, 'Kidder., l ;neo , , ` c1 1P gel , and -Heiler'. _Motion lost.. lmOved b; Benecl.lct and seconded • -)7 •Sc'11ecel that the rocoTil:;ien .'tioL1. of -the O0rnt,r i >ses `Or be Made -the order 0:r• the Boar( r`.1.}1!. a f0i?17.0 ien O!' •,;150 on the actual v`i1_ue of lot 501 , �.J't7.niata v1.1.1.age , Lo ;ii"i1 e On o.Ccount r. o Orr oneo 7,.s `.'�. es men t . 7.611o,ll vo-i;ec? ;Tea.• Mot:i_Of Prevailed. Upon motion by Zidder secomlei on Tues a7, June 24, 1913, at 9:30 A.M. ii Bitne:r , the , Board act_ iourned toy meet again • Cert. 6/13/'13. FRIDAY - JUNE 13, 913 - 9 O'CLOCK A.M. Board mot a per adjournment. Roll call, all members present. roved b7 Benedict and seconded by Ditner that the brid.0.0 petitions of Ceo.T. 'heat, etd1, for a br100:e between sections 17 -and 18, Iorran To-inship, and of j1.7.Borrs, etal, for brid,ge between sections 27 an;',2, Loc -an TO1ship, be refer 'el to t' -e Road lnd Bridge Committee. "otion Prevailed. Movedby Hynesand beConded by•Xidder that the recommendation of the Bona Committee b0 made the orderof the Boara-ana•the official bond of Tilliam B.Hartigan as 7oputy Ceunty 11erk, he approved, Motion prevailed,. - • Moved 1-TKidder and seconded. by-;Bitnor that the recommendation of the Complaint Committeobe•made the Order Of• the Beardand. the CoUnty Treasurer be instructed to spread the taxeS on the 'NE29610,.receipt •No.5920, on a valuationof 1216 instead of '1256, on account of orronebu.s assessment, and refi2nd the diference; oso to'spread the taxes on th e• 11.1L. 2 1 -Add.7.rOCcilt."n:71, on. a valhatiOn of S265 inStead of N65,onaccount of orreneousassessmont, an refund thedifforence. Roll call, ail-memberS': voted yea, Motion prevailed. _ . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . • Moved by 7idder and seconded by Heye that the recommendation of,the 0o )1 CeMmittee be"Made-the erd.er"Of the'."Beard and the: Claini,ofPred Ii1 ler for refilnd Of tajT.s n the 0 10 acres OL 0C 8.17.4t.1.12,reeeiptHiTo;7503, no disallowed. Roll call, 011 voted. •• • _ . 701. Motion prevailed.. . . . Board took a. recess Until .1..30 P.M. . • 1:70. Board reassemblodas•••nor recess. 0 T C:TOCK P.1?. Roll call, all. merit present. . . . . . _ _ . . • . . . . . • • • • • • • : • • • . • , . • . . . . • • • . • • • • . . • • . • • • • . . • • . • . . . . • • • . . . . . . . . , . . . . . • • • • • • • • • •.:•••••• • bed bV-Xidder and :Seconded. byBitner that the •rocommonJation of the Finance CoMmittee.be 'made -the order of the..Beard•and:thefellowinP7 &laims be alleWed amJnsb the genoral7fund and. 1ri0 Clerk instructed to(4raw••••••warrants...for the. ovne. O1I call,- all voted yea. Motion preVailed-.•-•.- •••- Drs,..Riadile & Fecte, ••. • 0' : 0 0... . • 7 50 P.7 Pitner . .4 .; 17 n 2A.0o. M.T.T.Bair ....... ** ... • • • ... • • .... 40•00• IT •1-0, . Ki dcl er . . . ••• ...... 4•••••• • John Rev° .. •••••••• 9* 0 • 29 • 80 • J• 7 .11eiler 2 . J. Eerie a 1. c t •••••••• ..... 1•;0•••• • 20 • 00 • ' Trarr-y- 71 o in • . . — . • • . . . • • 4 Is • 0 • J o ir..1 • IT 'In 0 S • • ....... • •••••••• •••••• • ,..1 • •• ...... ••••• ., 20 00 ii P 9, 0 .R.Tsz no .00. RO703ChlePT1 0.4.414..t4.4 ...... 000.4 29.05. Hanson Lumber Co. • • meritz Tumber &)Grain.Co. 34.05. Iva R.Mizen ........... ........ 12.00. Carl :Nelson ..... • • • • R. • •• 3.75. Mary X.Bauder ..... ..... 18.00. Proffitt F..,•3 Lovell 65.00. Mop.°0 Bartlett Co. ...... 23.10. Don C.Pouts II4140.41e0 ..... 01..00.001 3.90.: E.I.Gauvreau Co. .... „.. Hastinp:s Independent Tel:COT. 401.-00- 24.00. 0allaP.7han Co. 37.50. Upon motion 1j Bitner seconded bj Hoye -lho recommendation ot the Finance Committee was made the oraer of the Board and the 'olldwinp; claims wore Rllowe,1 ,aainst the bridFe fun(' z,na to Clerlc. instructed to irPr warrqnts -.7or t0 e same. poll call , all voted :yea. ChLeP'o Ilumbe- Co. ........ 0.2..4 / 7.90. John Coldenstein• 1°° 95 „,...,. II. U. ravi 0 . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . • • . 2.00. rick Hoye .404/000 . • . • . ....40004.0 17.50. Albert lay . . . . . . ..... ••••• ..... 10.50. C..Xohl , • 9 9 0 9 • • 9.50. 7d ,Teeren 3.50. T.J.Stromer 42.25. Moved by Fvnes and seconded br 2d -ler thti the recommendation of the Pinance Committee be nale the orler of tLe Board and the cla1-.116 of 7.7.-Tillits be aiiowcd at P'75.00 and 9:,.50.00,, respectively, ana the Clerl: instructcl to Irlw warra.nts ap:ainst the genera,” fund for tl'e same. Roll c-11, all voted yea. Motion prov -110(1. ...:•.',..,.n.O.vedb„ -Itefleand-Seconded_by Xidder that the TO11Win rebOltien be :ma° the order of theBeard.: - . '....... . . .. .. .... : ... .. .. . ••• 1 -::••••:•.* "herons the Cetnt,,-Beard-Of Adats'Oeunty, Nebras7m,-has heretofore in accordance to law,-,aavertised for bias for the con- . .. ,.., .. .,,, ..„..1. . 1 ,...,. .,,...,-, _ .L. .,„, d.,,,,.." ,..„ ,,..,,„ ...,. ,, ,,, - .,,-, ,, ,., ...i, , • the ,..y - , el, _ ..,:i _ 0 Strretio. ofbld,6:.e6fbA,''''-'-'i,t4''-'tel.-cr--'''"er.""'-ert6I'"""'''''' f.,nd. aidreserve the right to reject an7 and:. all biTh, and.- did'On . . 0onsi(1orf7ition...of....said hias rpjeot all bias for that thebaid-Benrd. enbidered that it Was or ti T...t ihtereSts of the to payers ...of AdaM6 0b-Ont7 • ffebraskg • • tbat the 0orn.47u- its M',teri al in. the •••••••0--oen'mrket ---,1„70,41...mil,..1its< own bridges asproviaedb7 law. • • •-......•:::::::,.'.•:•••:•••'.,..:.:•.„•-•:::•Tberefee.,_be•.....it...r.esolved.that....:this:Beard, when the .Occasion ,..--rilay-reeiliAre thata brid0'6The 1)17ilt,•nroceedto bii:71)1 theopen ......taret 1,7 advertising.ferbid.S ter...such.Material...or otherwise all t%e.materialnr....,eded. ala..--15roOeee.1 to its own bridges asby .„.........„..,....„...,:::„...,....nrevided.-" , . .. lar ... .. RollcaII-,-L. yedS-7.1ader,-Ditner, Hoye., Sehleel-AndilleIler.;--na6.,--Behediet and Rykos. Eotion nreviled.. Moved 17; Benedict and seconded by Hynes that the Board purchase the required 1 booThs for TownShin Clerks and Justice of thePeabe from 710 -op Bartlett Co. theirs bein the_lowest anf3 boot bid. Rell-call, 17-eas, Benedict, Hynes and SchleRel; nays, ..71dAbr-,..Bitner,•ileve, and Heiler, Motion loot.. v', k i:roved rry Benoc iet arid seconded. o;r T?eye that the tax sale of 1910, N6.239., bo cancelled, and the 9u'use�auen.t tax Of 1910 and 1911 on t'.e s erne pxio ert;;r- (?t. NW SF 34-8-12) , e charged tox...; .fie fund..that it ''ip.. C�. £�.,l..itoc;.... to.. anC.• refund the tax to the holder Of t;he sale, on account of ..r. ou le assessment. Roll c .11 , a11. voted yea. Motion prevailed.. i. OVed. ;i rr BeneC�l..iet anc. c ecOndo:i oy '"' ,p,�, �itner that the claim of P.Itclntosh. !or4.83, l allows pT<:�.inst the general fund. and the Clerk in; t;ructe to draw _a. warrant for the same. 'cal ! Roll cal'1., all voted.. yea. Motion prevailed. ', i;flut es. react, approved and signed.. • Motion to adjourn.. Carried 4-(14) TUESDAY - JUNE 24, 1913 - Board of Equalization uet as per adjournment. 7.o11 call, all members present. :Toyed by Kidder and seconded by Benedict th,-t the recomriendation of tho Complaint Committee be made the orer of the, Peard andthat the fo11owin9; reductions be made: ,1a000, actual v.)lue, on the personal schedule of J..P.A.71acl.,-, for 1013 50Por lot, actual value, on all of Block 29 and lots 1 and 2, block 28, Johnson's Ad,1(1000, actual value, on lots 7 and 8, block 11, Ayr Village, (on improvements); 2000, actual value, be made on lots 8-9-10, block 17, Oric;inal Town, City of Hastings; P,)1000, actual value, on lots 15 and 16, bloom. 21, Johnson's Add to the Cir of ilactino's;i150, actual value, on the TT 75ft. of the 7. 75 ft. of lot 9, block 3 and ",150, actual value, on the 50 ft. S of the N '75 ft. o the B '75 ftof, lot 9, block 3, both in Buswell's Ilddlito the City of Hastings. Roll call,- all voted yea. Motion prevailed. TThon motionthe Boarr oc es- 1.3 TU7SDAY - JUNE 24, 1913 - 1:30 P.M. Boar(' reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present.' 7.oved by Bitner and seconded oy Heye that the recommendation of the Complaint Com-]ittee be made the order of tho Boardand a reduction of 1500, actual valuation, - be made on lot 9, block 25, 9t.joe Adi to the ntY 6,-_-Tfit6Tinc,s. Eoll call ,- all voted yea. 1 Moved by 7id1er an,1 seconded by Bitnor that the reco,=eadation of tie Complaint ^iommittee be 'nae the oroer of the Boar d and that a reduction of ',',300, actual valultion, be made on lot 20 ana the E -1,-- of lot 50, Heartweli & 7obstor's Addition to the City of Hasting.s (said reduction being on improvelaonts on said lots). Roll, call,- all voted yea. 'Potion prevailed. 'Toyed b7 7ove and seconded by Tichlegol that tho rocomel:ldtjo-O,n,9--E ti,..110,sossoc Coll -plaint Committee 'be m;,de the order of tLe,,Board anqthat reduction L 120, i v valuation, be rale on each of lots 82, 83, 8b, 86 and 87, ailroad '1't* - to the ,Lc ca- ion L, City of Hastings. Roll call,- all voto-1 yea. Motion prevailed. Loved by Hynes and seconded by Bobbitt th.,,),t the application of the Bank of Commerce for a reduction of .35238.23 on the valuation of its capital stock on account ef ' real estate mortgage tioldings, be denied, and that the valuation ;:and as originally , assessed,lat '',50,000. Roll call,- all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Heye and sobonded by 'Bitter that the recomMetaation of the Complaint 'Committee be made the order of the Board and that the previous action taken on lot 10, block 1, I:ooro's Ad to the City of Hastings, be reconsidered and the County Assessor be / directed to correct the assessment for 1913. Roll call,- all voted yea. 'lotion prevailed. Moved b.,7 Benedict and seconded by Hove that the 1.ocommendation of the (16MPlaint , committee be made tho order of the Boara and the County Assessor be instructed to raise the , ipersonal assessment of A.'3,ThomPsoil as fellows: on household effects, furniture and library ( from ,,200 to ''',500 actual valuation, and automobile, from ‘',2000 to ,',3000, actual valuation. ;all call,- all voted yea. Motion prevailed. loved by Heye -ud seconded by Bidder that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and that the c,ss,essor be instructed to raise the Personal assessment of the .J Palk 7state ',1000, actual valuation, on account of the omission of one automobile from its schedule. 2...011 aell, - all voted yea. Yotion prevailed. '..., -.• • ...:•'••.....MeVed:by Heye and seeended...bY •Bitner that the recoMmendation of the.Cemplaint • . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . _ de.r.nthitteebe made the ordere.f...theBeardand thata•red.uCtien of 1000, actual. valuation, •. be made on the 7.80 ft. of let 5 and, the -N. 80 ft. oflot 6, bleak 3,• Original Town, City ofHaStingS. 8011 oall,-..-...A11.Voted yea. .tOtiCn..PieVaired.-. .... - '.-.----? -- - ....H.......T40Ved,. by Kidder and. Seconded bY Schlegel that when this Beard adjourns, it does so to meet•again to make the levies,at'the call of the County Clerk. Motion prevailed. Minutes read, approved ant signed. Motion to adjourn. Carried. /Cert. 7/16/113, Cort. • 7/16/'13.. TUESDAY - July 15, 1915. Board assembled as per statute. Roll call, all members present. "floved by 'Kidder and seconded by Benedict that the petition o± Silas T.navis for a license to operate a pool hall nt Pauline, Little Blue TownshiP, be denied. Roll call,- all voted yea. Notion prevailed. 'roved by Bitner and seconded by SchleFel that the petition of F.L.Clark to play Sunday base -ball in 1Tost Blue Township, be denied; also that the petition of Fred ',ogler, et al, for permission to play Sunday base -ball in Ayr Township, be denied. Roll call,- all voted yea. Notion prevailed. Jove d by Neye and seconded by 'adder that Board purchase from the State Journal Co., the three books for each township, viz.,- township clerk's, township treas-. urer's, and justice of the peace' records. Roll call,- 7cas, adder, Bitner, Hoye, Heiler, and, Schlegel; nays, Benedict and llynes. Kotion prevailed. Upon motion Inc roard too::-. a recess until1:30 p.m. TUTSnAY - JULY 15, 1913 - 1:30 ?.M. Board reassembled as per recess, Roll call, all members present. Upon motion by "'adder scconcled by Ilynos the Board ar2:recd that 7, -,-hen it adjourns it uill do so to 7,neet again Tuesday, July 29th, 1915, at 9:30 a..m. Noved by ',adder and seconded by Bitner that the Clerk be instructed to notify th daily papers to the effect that the application of Judge Batton for a vacation and for the apointll.ont of Phillip ll.uller to act duriag his absence, as County Judge; also, te act in the administration of the estate 01 Chas.J.3uton until said estate is closed, is on file in the office of the County Clerk and that the hearing on the said application will be held at 10 o'clock a.m., 7canesday, July 16, 1013. Roll call,- all voted yea. Notion prevailc. Upon motion by Bitner second by Benedict the petition of Henry Tehncs, et al, for the con.struction of a oridge on the section iine between sections 13 ana 24 in %ere, Township, was referred to the Road anq Bridge Com.nittee; also the application of Tlenry Tchnes, et al, to straighten the road on the section line botwcen said sections 13 ana 24 Zero Township,was referred to the :ioad and 73ridge Committee. Roll call,- all voted yea. Upon motion by ladder seconded by 'Hynes the recommendation of the bond committee was made the order of the Board and the official bond of Chas.Noritz as township clerk of Verona Township, was approved. Moved bj Hoye an seconded by "Cidder that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be mado the order 01 the Board and that the Treasurer be instructed to spread the ta7.es on reccint -0890, lot 8, blocl:. 4, Add to the City of Hastings, on a valuation of ,„:113 instead of ,Aro, assessed valuation, on account of there being no improvements on said lot, as shown by the assessment, and to refund the difference.; that the Treac-orer be rastrucied to refund the tc,yes fOr tiro -oar 1802 on the 97 20-0-11, receipt No.100, on account of the property being assessed five yours previous to the issue of the receiver's receipt; that the Treasurcr be instructed to spread the taxes or.L1 the $E ana SE NI: of 11-8-9, receipt Wo. 7146, on a valuation of (p14150 instead of actual valuation, and to refund the difference, on account of erroneous assessment; that the Treasurer be instPucted to sia-cal the taI;cs on the N 1-2 of lot 20, Bus7oll's Add to the City of Hastings, receipt Jo OO, on a valuation of 600 instead. of ;,),40, assessed valuation, on account of erroneous assessment, aa a to refund the difference:and that the Treasurer bo ins1,211cted to spread the taxes on lot 20 and the F, 1-2 lot 30, T„eartwell Tebster's Add to the City oT Hastings, recciPt No.7216, on a valuation of ;130 instead of 1190, assessed valuation, 011 account of double assess- , " ment, and re:',u.nd the difference. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. T:oved by Bitner and seconded by Yeye that ,the recgmendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order 0-1' the Board and that the apnlic.ation for a refund of taxes .,02 1110 year 1873 on receipt No.22, and, of taxes ior urlo year 1875, receipt No./10, be denied. Roll call, all voted yea. ':.otien prevailed. • DV Hoye and seconded by Yielder that the recommendation of the Complaint Camitiee be made the orderof the Board and the Clorl be instructed to strike fret the tax list lots 7 and 8, bloci- 30, 81. Joseph A:la to the City of TTastings, on alefount Of said lots he:Inc; used for church purposes. Roll call, all voted yea. Lotion oved by 'Hoye and seconded by 3chlegol that the Board does l'of cqnsider it advisaBle to reconsider their former action in the allowance o± claims,of J.E.Tillits as attorney in the cases of J.M.Powler, Elmus 7oDert, Edward ..7urphy anEnory E.'3onney. Roll call,- all voted yea. Notion prevailed. Upon motion by Kidder seconded by Hoye the recommendation of the Finance ,„,ommittec was made thc order of the Board and the following clams were al owed aFrairst the general fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. -Roll call,- all vote.yea. H.Reed ..... ...... ... . . . Eunice Spillman .... .. .r,. 7 90 t 15 00 Tipqt-Tylvp, 7n;1v Tribune 39.08. Hastinps Gas Co. .......... ... . 14.o7. ••••••,••••••••••••••••,4*••,•••4••9•••ft••••••••••• ••••••.••••,•••••not•L••,•••6•,...,•keo ,••••••••••-x ' 4.444454404.04, Cert. 7/16/'13. H.H.Lembko ••••••'••••4•••••*".... ,3 2.15. .F.Fuller 2.90. 0.14. Keuffel & Esser Co. • • T.A.Cole 121.90. & 0 0.11.1 m -0aul.; oon ***** Harry T.F.Proffitt Sorensen & Kernan .... Hastings Fuel Co. ... . 0.E.& Austin Ryan The Adder Machine Co. Tem Tibbots ......... 00170Baker 0.00..4* J,- .J.J.Hynes .... .. . ... .... .. Union neat Market .. .... 22.25. Jacob Bauer ......... . . . . ...*** 0.000 4.25. Henry Bauer . .... ..... . 6.50.ebster Co. .. 00 , . * *W.." 11.75. F.A.Kearns 65.10. C H..Hudson , 21.70. H.O.Fokhardt .. 11.80. Lincoln Tel.& Tel. Co. 3.95. 68.90. 3.30. 37.95. 1.70. 5.00. 12.00. 200.00. cr,000 .. Upon motion by Hynes seconded by Schlegel the recommendation of the Finance Committee -.-, - made the order of the Board 'Inc'. the folio --"- - claims- • 11 ' -- ' ' .,.._ _ „,,......., _ ,_ - . __ n...,-, acre a aueu (.7.....,-Painsu . _ ,„....., the bridge funa and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call,- all vote yea. -, rP Bladon Lumber Co. „ • •• D.S.'Phelps & Son ....... .......... 7.75. George Classen **00.400W ..... *0000 2.00. Empire Lumber Co. 21.50. A recess was then taken until nine o1 clock a.m. , 7ednesday, July 16th, 1913. W.J:Stromer .............. 15.00. Albert Lay 11.00. TEDNETDAY - July 16, 1913 - 9 O'CLOCK A.Y. Board. reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. ...i .. ,,,,.... ...r..° 1, _ 4MoVed by Kidder and. seconded by Sonlegel thau the recommendabion ol tile I Complaint Commitee be made the order Of the Board andithat the Treasurer be instruoted to refund the taxes onLthe NE SE 1-7-10, receipt 1T0.8694, on account of double assess- ment. Roll call,- all voted yea. Motion prevailed. ••••••• ••••..Zioled by. Kidder and seconded- by, Heye that,the request of-W,F,BUtten.,'44,1"ie---,...., • • • • ofthe COUnty. Court, be allawed,--Rell all voted_yea. Motion...prevailed. ••• "TO the Honorable Board_of Supervisors, OfAdams County, Nebraska.., .4..4...Whereas 1aM4-deSireUs-2ftaking a vacation 'from the 25” of. July to the 10" ofAugust bethinclusive,. and:Whereas: by'.1aw I. am Prehibitea from •,aoting in the adMihiStration ef:theeState Of:Charles J,BUtton, he being. My father and -I being interested as an heir in,hisestate, 1 therefore ask this BoarS to apointaCt. during my'Vacation'tOwit • from the'25".of July, 1913, until the 10" day of•August,1913, both inclusiveandteactin. the matter Of the estatcofCharles J.Button until said estate is'closed, . . . • • ••••••••8ai -.7.71711er to g'.'iVe•aY.bond in the suM- of '.25,00.0.00 and. hiSaPpeintMent .n641-, 1;61f_'6.effeot until said. bpa is given and the prePer. Oathtaken before .theCOUnty Respectfully submitted.',' o±Judee the the County Court." Upon motion by Bitner seconded by Hynes the recommenc,ation ef the ifinance Committee was made the order of the Board and the follguing claims were allowed against the general ftnd and the Clerk instructed to draw warra. ants for the same. doll call, 11 voted yea. Motion prevailed. 7 • -04.0 • ................... 8.25. P.7.3itner .4.94 ....... 4.00000 •1,43 Underwood. Typewriter Co. 65.00- J.'..Jciler .—.••••••••••.••• 5o W.II.?arks . 23.65, 004.0 60b10 /00.1000.00044 .0 44,1 Nebraska Sanitarium 000.0...4* r 40*** ....... 0.00 James "\/.11-egn6o1 21.50. 7entinental 7::01-APoljd Co. J. V ..Be,criat 01 • • • • • • • • . • •••• 16400.. liam:lond ez! Slcphons 00 • ....0* 17 45 A.E;IivinFrston 25.00. The. 71ectric $hop 16.00. 6 • '( St.nuke's Hospital ..... Tebrasza :oanitarium .......... ... . ... • ••••••• 51.50. W.T.Cornelison & Co. ........ 17.05. 95.61. H.C.Gates • • • • • • • 11,4•40•••• J.E.Uerling ..... .0 ..... Stein Bros. .. . . .. • • Pro:flfitt & Tovell • • • • • Pon .,.Outs ........,.... A.J.Mace ..... F.F.Iilly ..... ......,... • • . . • T11)07'ter 0 000 . *0400 *00000 * 1/.."7 7eith .••••....•••.......• naol) & Bartlett Co. . • reoraskf,, sanl,barium ..... .75. C.H.Hudson .................. f„ /,4 ri 0 0 !9, iclaer **** .10.... .40.4.0 2.50. John Teye 06 ..... ...9.0. 45.20. 00,•••• . .... 09. . .ienedict . . • • . • 9•00•4 4*•• I,. lir.(„.B.Calbreath J.2orter 4100.40•940.0e0 ..... • 13.91. F.T.,.Gauvreau & Co. 't0 011Qt"; op.soloatoosm. 0200, ^ 41.50. 36.50. 53.30. 48.00. 12.00. 8.00. 2.90. 3.00. 46.00. Moved by adder and. seconded:by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Pinance ComMittee be made the or3er of the Beard and the following claims be allowed against the bridge iund and The Clork ins ruc Oa to d.rw 1,,air,ii.us foe the same. Roll ca11 ,- all voted yea. Motion prevailed. J.I.Hvnes ..... 7.50., Harry Cruse ... L.Essinger ..-...... ...... . . . 5.00. Andy Kitts . Western TIrick & Supply Co. ... 193.96. Ernest Kistler Jim Johnson ....wow,. 45.00. Wm.Coday ...... . • • • 14 40 • Frank Kitts 159.10. William 7ennedy 0.000.4. Joe dieter ..............,.... 12.50. Hans Finspahr S•Coolals •••••••m••••••••••••• '5° A11)ert JaQ 613.1-11; 77,7 7 • Weaver IuMber Co. ...... 65.20. Fred Routli ...... . • • 0 ..... 25.00. 55.00. • ...•.•45.00. *0 0 • • ••• *• 75.00. 122.00. 4.00. 36.00. 8.50. 7,-SDN7S7)AY - July 16, 1913 - Cont. Moved by Ileye and seconded by T2itner that t'pe recomnendation of the Finance Cowaittee be made the order o the 73oard and t'le followin0 claims be allowed against tile motor vehicle fund and the C1er instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call - all voted yea. Motion prevailed, Prod Sine 0.0110.000.90048•06044 L/. 50. 112e(1 ...Zouth **** ....... 47 00 A John SahlLnp: ****** 15.00, Ira Kidd ****** so.. 7.50. Claud Iceister 30.50. Moved bv Hynes and seconded by Kidder that the recommendation of the Finance , , , Committee bemade the 'order of the Board and; fhat the el,Lin o' ' TT '-'-' ''.-. _ - _ -- -,,,....-,, 1 A.,...1)200e -ro re2und Of taxes on N 9 acres 7,.'w ,.,..) ,'7.*,, 1 -'? -10 and the :,) 9 acres 17:,.-...-. bp, ,..7 1 -ii -10, be disallowed; also 1 ,, ,, that the claim of Mrs.C.A.COle_fr.W.c.' rofu1i,',.1, of,taxes en personal property, receipt Yo„3048, be disallowed. 7011 call,- all members voted yea. Metion prevailed. A recess was taken until 1:30 p.m. Cert. WEPNESDAY - JULY 16 110 1.50 >T. Board reassembled 49 ner•reccsS. Rell call, all members present.. Meved by Bitner and sedonded. by Benedict that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and'the Treasurer be instructed to refund the taxes on lot a, block 3, Heartwell's Park Add to the City of Hastings, receipt ::::7760, on account of this property being used for church purposes. Roll call, - all voted yea. Motion prevailed. . • • . . . • . • • . • • • • . • • • . • • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ Bitner And secOnded by Schlegel that the recomMendation of the . bond committee -be made,..-thoorder.....of.....the......Beard,andLtheDOnd,..„OfPhilip.H.rtllor as acting Judge oe approved. -oll - all voted yea.• notion prevailed, • . . ••• . •• • ••• ••••••.•• • ••••„...••••-••„„A„..:••••••_.„.......,.......„...„,.. ••. •.• •_._... • ••• • • ••.•• ,.•„•••, .": : • , •• •• •••• •••!•„•••••••••••••••••••••WHERTIAS,'Philip H.Fuller,•has.heretofbre given. bond. in the sum of Twenty lhousiid....17,611,,:ir,.(25,900.00), with geod,..and. sufficient sureties, which.has been a.pproVed. by this.. Board-, to the endthat.he might I& aPPOitted Judge of file Cethty Court during the vacation of the (uly elected,. 'qualified ani actin judge of the CoUnty Court, 7.7,,Button, frem the257....of•••„J:Uly .1913:to the10".......day of August both. inclusive, • and AISO tp aoL iil rd<9.1f.Q all neCeSsary• Orders'in the. matter o: the estate ofCharles J. •••••"Bttton, said. 4is4ua11fie1te ...act in saia.mattor_under the law otIDe State of 'eIDra1a. •••• • '••'''Phe-,-efoi-e it is 7,,,.0.0iit4707.1706-dli4. secended.by.Hyned that 7iliiam• F.Button • •••••be and hehereby is granted:a vacstion •frOMJUly 25" 191.3. to Au.dvst 10"19I3both . . inc usivo, and that•Thil1P-H,Ftlier iDe onO 1 o hereby lb. appointeato fill Said:vacancy. during Said:vacation from 'July 25" 1913. to August 10" 1913 both inclubiVe.,' and Also to Act.inail matters'in relation to the settleMent of the estate of Charles J.Button, "antil sai0 estate is settlocl. • .• „•••••••••••••• •••••,,,,,,•••••••••:•„•••••,,,,••,On motion all -voted yea. Said motion was declared eai•-riea andmade. the. OrderOf the 300 16,1913. • • • • „. .• • . •• • •••••••••„..„ . ••• ••• . . • • . . • , • . • . • • • . . . . . „ •• • . „ • . • . . , . . . • • .. • . . . , • • • . . . . • • „,- .. • • . . . • • • • . . - . . . • . . . . . . . • .. • • .„ • —,•,•••••••••••••••:•,...Moved My Benedict and seconded. .by Jiere that the report of the CoUnty Attorney oh there -Pert O-7the Settlement Committeebe:acceptea and placed 'on file, 'Motion•prevailed. . • •• • •••. •..• .• ..••• :.. • • • ..•• . , • .••••••• . • ••• • •••• . . „ • • ••.: • • . Moved by Hynes and seconaea bv 30111e3e1 that the Dear1 accept the report of the Settlement CeMMittee.for the -ea-0 1q12 aP, reported b7 t1 e mib-corittep$ and asSed. upon bY the County Attorney, dna-the-YSAMe PlaCed en re or. oton pretailed. Report of the Settlement Committee, HastinFs, Nebr., -.,:.arch 4,1013. Te, your committee, respectfull report that we have checked the records and find as follows: Soiiers and Sailors' Relief James Cash receivoa from County Treasurer for 1912 ..• Paid out as per cheCks...... **** ...... 350.00. Gregory Roth, Roselana January let, 1013. Cash received iron the:County Treasurer for 1912 50.00. Paid gut as per receipts : 30.00, Balance on hand ..... ,..)n nn 0.Mikese11, 7E:no-Saw, casn receivefrom County Treasurer for 1912 ... '7',215.00. 214.05. - % Balance on hrtn6-:- Janu,-1r-7 -1913 ..... .. . .. ., :95 Respectfully submitted, N.D.Xidder. F.J.Benedict. -o0o - Th the Office of the COuntY Treasurer: , 1 77e checked onis oITice and find all book,,- an -,7-1,rvgnt,' to r'P'rer, with the Treasurer' sworn stauement whichshows_recpipts and disbursements as follows: - Balance Jul,- 1st, 1912' ...............„......, '',Ii 68152.83. Collections, July 1st to DeO.31st, 177657.79. Total ....................... !•-',245810.62. rTi..-s4-,-,1A -I c-zi-crry. t•-•,-rn ror+,^4 ..Ti ii .,;',- 1 P"r: i:r3 T)prk.. f..72)-1 P.±: . 1 321 riF). 29. OIL 7EDNES AY - JTJLY 16, 1913 - 1:30 . ';_. - coni . In t1_e Office o1 t,10 County ;ltperintenc?errt 01 '.c1 ools: '?o cheche ` •the race pts an.: e penal urea of .the office er the year. 1912, .rote z1,,�. the sano to . ce o With his s1'', orn stat anent on �. Dec•3�i , 1911, �0 :7�,n1'�ar�r, 1`J13, and rl �• , l 11c i�l t��:.e of nice of `f;.nEa , alirltr,r Clerk. ?ece1rt Tay1, 1912, ,mnce .,.w • s • e • ♦", s . • , e •e •. '358.83. July 1, 1912 to Dec. 31, 1912 , fees rrecciv ed. ..... 201 .00, £1117 1.- 1912 to Dec.01 , 1912, rec' d of count; ... 50.00. -7 Tot51. receipts •re••ae• o•o•.••••seeee•, r.ss•e•+e...00 ,:)• ExpenaituTest .t'L1J r". 26-30, 1✓12, paid 01)t "[. o:C° County Institute .. 415.52. 52 Oc x.27; , 1912, paid out for Cornty Associa cion . • . 5.00. I'ota1. e hent 1turF s 420.52 • Balance, T,ec . >1 , 1912 • w • . • , • e . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • r * • . • . . . r • • • . -0C)0'- 193.31. Long and Hynes, Comm. In the Office of the Judge of the County Court: tr,,e checked the folJo i i^' records with tT1e Cash Loo; • T;Tarri_<`le 'ThCOfu No.15; l'ro�atE Fee Books los. 1,2 ,5 ,r and 5; Justice Dockets 1 0s. ! and 8; County v01ct D0Cc Gt S Nos. 5 and 6, and -rind the same to agree with the cash hoo and ZV1t!' his sworn `_:tateren1:; now on file in the Count, Cler T s o 'sflice. Collections for the year 1912: By 'salary, County Jud -Te n1650. Bysalary, Clerk e.... •. ..•. 1000. Txt_°<t Clerk420. . 3Ori0• 11 peS during aic year 1912 _ to the C01.nty Treasurer. c 1 a 751.00 , the same having been turned over Hynes, Comm. In he O:f : ice e f t" e• She it rc, chec.,hod the fol101ingiecorts"0-.wi��roCes;~ocket To.6 witYwhetif's l + ne Book T' o.1. an :[o11nC?_hoth to a ,reC.11,11 hl 3 wU"C'f ba•iseri ani, Lot"J On'file. in'the County Cler is Office, as foliows' 1.7irst f'uarte-L• ..... ..... • 0 . • . - 100.00. IY OCCO`�u�:Lrter ....... . ...... 165.75. 16 5 •. i5 . •...Third Quarter w....... •... 67•88. Hourth^i'tter 1T0.75. 1 In the Office of the Clerk of the `'0.istrl 'C; � 1rx`01 - ,c t: To checked the falle7inrr `OOO.,.s 71id Ment LeCI�;t�r o. r; Dpcaraa'i.cc 7oc.:;_et Hos.21 g .T_ -t: Nos. 6 and 7; an Execution t t No 10; and f:i_nui. ti'��, and 22; Judgment ^'�OGW�Ct.� T � ( .1 ?�.��.CC,Zl.�?oil OC:iO �` • c...:.i `L� t'<e agree "7 • t 1 t i P and his Sworn -statement YR' • •... .- ,. l' f sa�.�a < r:.EO 1,�1i.1_ t;1_e > ae .(-'�ao1'." c.,t1Cz �].:L>_� T101� on 1.11. 1_iil�ile 1:1E;.�. ��. s office. Net .tees collected a • • • • e . • .• • • •e • . • • • •-s y f7�1:4•c`3r7e purse nex is Clerk's salary ....... DeZm1 v be l<ary • a. •.• • • • . Albert T 1 b .1 o is • .. • . • . Ruth Ti.o ots `'r ar_1.l./'�To.c".'i,on • . • • °l -len ' C n.ra • • . • . . . . . •13• Ti{.)l)eis.7 . . • . Surplus • • .. . son•x!0. 21.00. 23.00. Fµ 7_. 0 .50. 0.00. 93.50. . • . w . • • 4 • • • . . • 41.4 ... • • • 90 -o0o 2600.00. 4a.87. bong and Hynes, Comm. In the Office of -the t . e 'chcc1 e9 t e folio ?intc' ` ee ::s *�i�th Foo 3aoi��_ � No.5.an orni them toagree,- "ene al,Tii1e: to 1`, oi't agc s, B>>oo c I6.15; general Index to 'food No,1-6; General Index to 'state'Book (es.r"1 Ln�eJt0Ti'C��nlc' S' 11C1 alscollany_oor Io•p ancoStatement g' 1'his 7� cZwvoOr®n1' St i, l i e�ieE3ni1tt^, 1e�o. � o}.inCiE'file 0 In • the Clerk's o'_,.zcc. .=3e; 4oxt pine. 4 1�D Tt_` ) 2,.'LT?Y - J1.1LY 16, 101 P4J.. cont. TT asv1J^,s, Nebr., Ts.n♦ 1 1J13 • try S ,. . r ro. f+ 'iS ....ry C i__. T ^.,...: -k, TO the Honorable �O�LrCi 0'i '.)1:�.�70iV_I_��O.t,.> 0� x,..�ar'1b 1.011i1�;T, ? 0 7'�^C?5.._<.�,: 2eporL Oji theec,..1S�Efe o D'eE?` S of Adams County, Nebraska, for year 1`1.12; 1012 10. February, n eb_Z..L<1.r , 191 2 . , • • ..• . • • .•••• e • • s s e • a • a l; O'"1 . .f�•. March, _ 1911( • • • • • • . e • • •••-•••••• .)G�'0. .5. a) i e G., a, Aril, 1912 ••se•e•e.,e4..•••••••• CP") � • s • e • • . 223.65. any, 1c12e•••• e• +•es. a •' + s . . + a • s • . s + • a e • +eaJune, 1012 ••ae•a.,..,.e•"6•• •. 1i4,10. Jul;;", 1912 • • • • s • . . . . . , • • . . . . . •"+ s e 1&2.40• August , 1912 • • • • . . • . • • e + • + s • e 04.••••••••••.. 160.20. J0-otember, , 1912 • • • • .. • .' • . a . . a . • . •1. . . ...s . 259 . +..... October, 1012 . . , . e . , • . .. . • , , . , * , . • • . . * , C .35. r oven1)er, 1012 • a a . . . . . e'e • . • • . • • • . • s r • • • 233. 10. ece1_1 jeL , 1912 + . • • • + • • • ♦ • e . • • • • •..+ 1 a + e . 182.0% Total 1 0r the year 1010 s e s • ♦ • + BalanB hand .. 1 1 C1`' ce on rT<�n+_ ,._- <,+ • • • .. • ♦ + ♦ • .. . Register of Deed malar .....;`;1500. re ty lieg. 6-1peec�s �alar.l e . 1200. Balance c.ue To the. ett1ement Corrriii.ttee: • • C en.t1 even ; We, your Sub o.:L111ttee , et loov(; to...report that we ave checked the re 0 0l . i_T c -f'-f .f ol_,_0�' C t E.1 �'. o c,; 0'O '.0001: C , x12751 Cl ,n � T 2ocorti , records.in the.Clerk's er_� ,.> o� -Lce gra -r � - 1, � ^ ry 'y n ) y+ T� 1. F L ... $ 11 . c o T 1 ..t c y Optometry �'41�t _LSts�J ...:1.�:�1i-")�e1 ,.Tl_1 L1 a...1Ai1�1 +�`J :.41 �1. _J L�e^r', :J�1� 0�.. 1.i4�1 t1 el.i V.G, �._, f�V Ji�_��('�il ....e`l0^\.t7 ;•cord, Ta isce11aneeus 'i 2ecor , `a'iQ toe 1:Jie1.1 oco1"t, c::,ii `il.l• othe1 records \v"'1'.E:Co foes are o1-' rod, with. t`ne 'gee boo'• `'o.•"1so Cheo e9 the..re,"'o:ct Witt1 the fee book and-`ind all. lees acCounted. for. ia.'1"1C'i. t1ro re -pert to oo Corre(1J. ( c?.1.50 ghee :eC'L ,1� ti?c rr nts 'a' :Lt�f1 the. warrant stubs andfind all Ewan,' ntc1 L10t :recelt)'(,e,, 0 `L 'I POsbe.eS _on o:r the C1 er1`:. T're .1so c1:1eokOd Ta' Te -or`; .'JOS+ 8 -971207.11-12 and. , „She L ;r. c "'>` ., %:.' j tt'e Oooni.y' Treasurer for the six• months •ends C1 Deo• )ef 31St , 101.2 and find -the Sanie t0 corr c o..T1ry. '4vlt11 the report of the County Treasurer'. surer 560.80. 760.00. )x320.00. 2700.00. ount:r, Jan.'s, 1913 •..ee•. --o0o- 620.00. ,os peotfally submitted, 0.11'. Uerl ink , Register of. Dee S. rT J...on9; and Hynes, Comm stinp:s, Nebr. Jan.7, 1113. F.,J. ene6.ict , 1.: ,i. trier Stub-Conrirn. Foos collecte`l r1urinc, the yea 1912 .. • • ”2475.50. 1 xpen ;tures: 7F. ru—GT,7 and Clerk 'lire 2186•00. T1oar.7. o -r Health + .. • .. + ... 50.00. 2236.00. Ba1aiac e on h nC . ♦ • .. • e • a • • •• + e . •••••••001, • » s ••• e + ncol..l.ec Lo 1 oos C;.uo the o1. ice 0e::zis on 397 )unbinC^ liceUE J a a e s+♦+ a 1`' certif iet.Les i1 0 ' elect Ori « e • ♦':. • • %)O )01J1 5 rec0r(:.e e • ♦ • • ♦ + + . • ♦ s • + • xs 91 bonds, with: certificate. and. seal .... .b _ s 0n 2055 claims •a•+•••••a••♦+sae•• Total •+•• • • • » • • e . • • • • • • 239.50. 99.',5. 36.00. 42.00. 01.00. 513.75. x02.00. -000- 1'iinijt sa 1 0 1� , apTroved and si. i1P.:1 e _ _ 0 ed ia1 d reso 1cd j 'J;nor tL �f ,{r no !-'7ec?rd a y j07:Cr r1.• 'Carried. a 77 9 9 r+ Cert. 29/'12. r vel."t. r/ rnC ♦'1.3. Cort •. rr h)9/11.3. 13. Cert. rr'ql' 13 TUE n .Y - JULY 29, 1913 - 9:-0 A.. _Board :yet as per ac?..j ournrient Roll call,- all n-iemb er ;present ercePt achlegel Moved by Bi trier and seconded by+', Tliti der that the recommendation o: the Complaint Co.zalittee be rade the order o:' the ''oars and that the Treasurer be instructed to , spread the taxes on all of Block 8, Riastwooars . is :it:i.on to the City of Hastings, t°, R c. 9h .. -r receipt ,, �rJl2, on a valuation of :;1900 in;:ateac� of 51000, actual valuation, ani.. to refund the difference. Roll call,- yeas, Benedict, 7idder, U,;rneo , Bitner, , Tt ' e ancd. Heiler; Schlegelabsent. Motion prevailed. Moveci. by Kidder and seconded. b,r .tIc,re, that'L1 o recommendation tioo' the Complaint int 1 Committee bo made the order of the Board, and tbo Treasurer instructed to spread the 't;a:':es 1r .00 instead Nd, of ':315, assessed valuation, o f account on receipt ,rt38. v3 on a valuation `tiQn Oi ti.�� of double assessment, and, to rf'fund. the difference. .:_,011 call,- yeas, Benedict, .l(1(1er, Hynes, B:itnor, Hefe-ndHeiler; chooSchlegel. cnlc^ol. M otlan prevailed. On motion ti t Board took n recess until 1: mT f" . 'ci?.. 1. JT. T '?" 2 191' 0 .1�.1% Board reassembled as per recess. .'401l call,- all mem ber6 present (cept Schl vge'1. ,� rl � t theComplaint .,:.ovF��� by ls::itrier and s0con.dc�l. yar,� H'�'�re that tr_e reco�.°�r�en,:�:�ulon o� ComM ttee l)P na:?c tT E Or! Oi' of tbc' ??ar r cl. cnd :'fie TreasUa er e instructedto refund. the •tea es an lots 6'76 anc'_ 6'7''7, Jtniata Village, tax receipt ;fL:a r'b80 for the;rear 1906; !,!-.9711 n _3 � for 1907; "9876 for 1908; ;°'9812 for 1909.; ',I,1.0028 far. 1910, on account of the property `3 Tien e(iet , T' , . �.Jnes , B:i_tner, , Hoye and. being P�e:�l�t from t~�.xatioxl. TZol1. c��il1,- ,reg,,,, ,.lc��-Hynes, �;�, TTei r:c, absent,' Ccb1oocl♦ Tlotion preirai1e Moved.. h; Heye and seconded' by B tncYr. thet the recommendation on o:{' the cm)laa..nt Committee k.e i":ee the or er oftiio Board :nd t'"10 Tre 0urer be iiast'rl."_c'i;o3 t0 rf dun('. the t�7�'_f"< i 1r r , oo �'�I'l tion '{ o the.. City 0 TTR's. ' s, rcCeipt 'r899FJ ...., ,a en.lots 0 U .a / c, x1 � v , 710 �.' Ti <.) 0 , � U • : ... � 0._ J ;,�,.::� t 1 i'1:�: �.> .� , Ona ccoi'Fnt 0 �f these lots - being l20ec, d'Or C''lllrcb ;,fur .ones. 'Q1]_ c21l._ ,- �? c , Benedict T�:LJCLer, , .HeVJ e , :? eller , Hynes, anti.. Bi t,ner ; a oscn', , >chlc mel. notion prev ` ilec1 . r0C0 n taken until 9: a.m., `o dno s lay , July 3 0., 1913. Eoard. r Basso lble 3.s per ad;journnent. Roll call , all members present. R �c itlon of 0.A. e1ch 7 T [y �. r Benedict ::�wn�.�. second() �y)^-� F,' -Gncr t1z€zt the -� ..��' _ �` �� r" ° , lula Lr [+1� � �. � and � � � f IY./ �. et al, for the construction of a bridge on the South one-half mile between sections 31 and. 32, Verona. ?ownshi0, be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Motion prevailed. T,Toved by itner and. seconded i.? r Hynes that the claim of M.H.77mberson of ?5.00 per 'nOnth for T?Tt.ar7•, February, I,ac Ch , 1(r 1 , May, June rnr 1013, be -allowed or clerical work and a,.slstance performed - her in the Count') Attcirnei's O_`'.t.'i.ce for said months, said clerical' work. and assistance found to 7e necessary for the purpose 0f en .b .in-^ 1. e Colznt�yr .Attorney to perform the duties of his ()Trice more effectually and thus better serve the county in prosecuting; criminal cases and.: perform the other duties. devolvingupon hire in his official capacity; an.c? the 'ler'.( was instructed to dr -,w a warrant a ;°:t:inot the general fund for the sane. Roll calf., t;cc: 0, Hynes, Bi..tner, Schlegel, 7eiler •, nays, Benedict, "adder .a.a' leye. Motion prevailed. 11. recess E"+rOS then taken until 1:50 p.m. Board rea TTES A" �' - l'ULY 30, 1913 - 1:-±f30 embler as ;der recess. ?old. call, all members sent. Upon rrotioa OyT Bitnei econ Coririitteo `,s r . rn de the. .Order o the ;ra r(, t'.e g;enernl fund and. the Cler"" instrrcied. all voted. yea. Thi; Cit;) or kTasting's . Tici.stin s BrC,v".ink; 00 2 auf t: Tei 2derspacher Proffitt Lovell :Livingston Bros. • • • 1r7i.Hill .•••.•..•♦•*•••9 ?hillip'ull.er ...... C•TT•H.udson ..•..•••...... T).'I. Sinirns ..... • • • • . • • • • • • • • ! • e Cudahy Packing J..s'.Hei ler ....... an. ,y the recommend -tion of the Finance lie 'following claims were allowed against to draw warrants for the same. 2011 call,- . . • . all, •..,.,•.•• 5.00 5.65. •.•••••••• 18.60. n 25.00. • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• .• 2.25. 5 te, 3.23. •••••.•••• 10.00. .....•.•.• 50(0.00. } 6•)0. • T • • 1 . ♦ • • • • • • . • • • •• • • 1 • . • • .- • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • I. • • n 36.50. J. J. Gish State Journal Co "t hlc;uist Bros. Stein Bros. Co. '3_.. 0.I eckh rt • • • • • • . . • • • L• •�'ill10 •••••••a..•••••• Yebr. State Board. of Health • ▪ S.47euu0r Co. 0041414104.000,0 .5. 'ebster Co. .......,... J`3r:Les CrotJlecr • • . • • . . . . .. n.N.:itner •••••.•...•.•..• 12,15. 51.20. 7.45. 1.50. 4.00. 48.75. 3.00. 7.50. 5.00. 9.00. '7r 15.95. WEDTTES LAY JULY C), 191Z - cans. i .6t,..0: by iirihes `3nC'. seconded b;• Bitter that the request of the sehbol. board school , ry„ ?'"°vim c granted 4 " _ �`1pproved. and made c`3. p ,'�rt of the o.�.. G11�..� F�r1Ct ,; ,T?0 rnran�tPtl. aznd. the pi OCef�CY.111�;5 record. 0f. t' e. Beard. o.s. �..auperVi.sar a, anc t.11.r`�.'t 1 0 1C'v,,r be made in a],000rCl.O,nce therewith. fall call, ;ill voted yea.. Motion prevailed, 1.?auline, Nebr. , July 28, 1913. "To the County Clerk__ Adams Cot'nty, State of Nebraska: The•Untl.0rsiFned School T (Strict T3oarc1 of e pool District I:To.8 of Adams Coia_nty, Nebraska, toes hereby certify that at a special school district meeting held. July- •25 a Majority. of the legal voters present voted in favor of•levying tide folloWin tax against tae property of bald district to raise "even Hundred. and" Fifty ro1.1<,-cs each year for . j er: of oi" ten yoars together with..sufficient tax to r r s ` ss c Prov:i.t?:e far• the interest on t'ne �v�,w� .c<�,n�G,� a.,�,�ttt:.d. <�,�;alnui said fund at the rate of • seven bier•centun per annum, andthe County Board is requested to levy such to: as • ill c e necessary to raise sn.ch anount M.T .Burroughs, • Moderator. Directar. ato l this 28 clay of July, 1913: T istory of the :Buil.ThLnz T'unc? . lh0 State of Ncbrask Adams County 7,T077.AIL MEN T31r TTIEID ??i:2Es TTn$ alerator, T10;.�.JOnes, fir ector, an�JSle� Sherman, Trea. _ uror,Of School District ITo . cO in Adams'. County, Nebraska, on oath decl l.re t i?.e f011 ow- 1nc;' to be. e. true and cerroCt .history of the. procedure in connection with voting the building fund •for the erection and furnishing 0ftI:e sc3 301 house in such district, to -wit: Treasurer. ::On the fifth rlayr of• July 1913, az pct:i_tion signer by at least one fourth of the qualified voters Of s«,i.rl - School District Was presenter' to the District Board, suggesting that a vote be taken for or `.-1 3.inSt the Creating of 0 b Lldinr fund and Which petition was in words and .f i gttret fOl.lO"4 in t0 'TO the Jistri.Ct Bo'rc� Of School '�± trio 70.8. in_AdaPP. County, Nebraska: •' C, the undersigned legal toter;" of Eichool 5I-f.i LCt above named do hereby .petition th^ District Boarrd : of ,.paid District, suggesting that a VOtO be 'take11 for Or gainst 'tile _I_f'V'y1nt?' a Sp OCic1.1 tax: sufficient to ralte t?_0 sum of oven T''l'Lncired•P ifty Dollars per •annum, said tax to take effect in the year 1913 anri.` continuo for a period' of ten (10) years. The object andpurpose of said i37: is to Create a sm'ci_`i1 fund for the • erection and furnishing a new -school building in said 'district, 'Witness our hands this fifth day of July 1913. T.:..rl�i2by. U . ala ler. Frank Pavelka. .i. ay. Harry Finnerty. H.H.Abbott, 0.N.I'Teriwether, ?.Anderson ... T.I\T.T'erry. II. r. rinc eat'. Elmer •Cover. . T"..Iarrtt. .Luther L. Cotoing. C.Bucler.. Frank •Bate s. J41;C:rovrn. Chs.R• Connely •_ I e1 s .T'Jofquist. 1'di..l't . Bu'rr aughS . A. J.?ur(iy n Cx.�.xucss�. • TT.A.Fran n. Gertrude Fu, 'ate. 0 ?ri'1 e JcCl`o'c^-r y. Fred gime. J• stethim. 0.O.Holden. J.W.Meleery. Jonas Cor? ing. C. ?.Ellsworth. C.',.Bauder. ..Den Sherman. V. Giber. • J.K. cher :fan. harry Allen. "incl thereupon, iisving asdertainer that the numbor of legal voters in in sai<i 'School "i_strict is 12 i and i;' at one iotar ;h at to ist o'' tie legal voters ,..o above Petition, -called; y gup �-``? 1 � t0_?"T7.t i�,n elP(' i:lOn �";'4`'„S Gc b;;,"' Posting •notices in three oi" t`te r2o ct prominent .places in said ristriet at .least twenty I rs prior to sale election, and which were in Trrortrs 'and f1r;u:es following,' to -wit: A. special meetin.,., of the legal voters of "c"retool, .District •r,Jo.8 or �}itt:�ns C.rollnty, TTObr ao1"`., Called On:the written _roqu.e.St Of at least Dile ,, :fourth trig legal voters, will be held. at the schoolhouse in sail district On July 25, 1913, at 0 P. M. for the uu.r pose'• of voting for or against the levying o:��: a speci:ll.l tax. sufficient to raise the sum o-€' So. -en Nunc.rec. Pift;r i ollar� Per annum, saki tax to t <-ect in tr.e year 1.913 and continue .0.17 a periol Of ten (10) years. The object anti purpose of said tax is to Cre :,te at special fund. ,'for the -erection. n,'t7 SChool house' :in•••taid L Strict". 'Dated this 5" clay of Jul , 191 T.''. Jones , Director." nd afterwards, to -wit, on the 23th c_.ti{j of Jul: A.D. 1913, .t 8 o'ClocTr '.T . the election i r the legal voters of said school district, as heretofore called, took place at the schoolhouse ` in said `'chool District, there being present and voting fifty-three legsl v otc"'t S of said District. The Judges of saidelection were John Clute, Luther Gioi?.in' , and.. J.T.Bai.r, and. Carl flcCleerey actsi: as Clerk thereof, "The question heretofore submitted to tale legal voters of swirl 'W 'NITS SAY -- JULY 30, 1913 - cont. A majority of the legal voters, present andvoting on the cuestion, having declared by their votes in favor of levying* the special tax in saicl School District, as described in the c estion heretofore submitted, the result of the vote T0Ta0 entered upon the records of: the Cchoo1 T'istrict, and declared duly adopted. "And we, the School District 0fficcars, do hereby certifythat the last complete assessment of tie District for county ani'. state purposes is 1''76873.00 and that there are no outstanding bonds against said School,I`istrict. "And being satisfied that all ,the proceedings in connection with the voting of the special tax by said District are in conformity to the laws o:" the state, we the s<.'.i.:i School District officers are .prepared to issue warrants nts accordingly. Amount t of each warrent Y;750.00. Warrants to run one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine years. The rate of interest by law will be seven per cent. "Ind TO do hereby further certify that said School '`'istrict Io.8 Adams County, TTohr wsiz' , comprises the following territory, to -wit: A11 of sections 4, 5, 3, 0, 1'7, S of Section 18, all of Section 16 except the 371 1 �� e� 25, �,� $ 1171. -F *r 1 Section _, I�1=� o... I,:,t section I?Irr_ Section 1�� and the ';� o_ iT? .,ecti.on 10 all in Tom 5, Range 9 in ::.dams County, Nebraska. I,fi.R.Burrougl,s, Moderator. m .Jones, Director. Treasurer. Sworn to before me and subscribed in 7 presence by i,'I._'`?.Iurroup hs, Moderator, T.rna • Jones, Director, ana James T. Sher'.n, Treasurer, whom I certify to be the lawful District officers of School ^i tric;t T o•8 in Adams County Nebraska. Tais 29 day (if July, 1913. Z•?.illic, Co. Supt." Move'. 'b ‘toy'and seooncled: h r Schlegel that the rec0nmendation of. tine Finance Comr:iittee be Ma o the Dreier of 0 .:0irii. and tiie fo11_oyi1* claims be allowecx against the general' fund. .And the -Clerk instt.''1ructs' to ;1rAw _r,rr tnts for the scams. Ro1l call,- all voted yea. J•M.?lyneas>5 05. "'hlcluist Bros..; 350.50. T : . ..OOOO '"_ 6 • 00 -• . .t�i%zrns Daily aily Tribune 9.�.1iJ 5J. F•J•Bene,iCz••. ••••a•••r•••• ?07tings,J`,11vREnuoliC4n ahleuia B ea• • •• • ••• •. • 61.05• 1}. chegel.32.-.27....(1: Trausch Bros. ...........,e.......•.. • •. 40.80• • J.H.IIane cc Co. 105.00...• Upon ,notion by Bitner seconded by ?IES; the recommendation of the Finance Committee fJ2..sa made the or�t.er Of filo Beard and the following claims were alto iTed against ,:. _ �. , .,C ti k -,instructed77 w a -4_ s ,� ... same. '? the �ur:ici��P _`'unci and the Clerk was .. to draw ���.r�.:�vn�a .�.or t�_e �.ol_ call_,_ all voted. yea. Albert Lay r 10.50. John Coldelistein • . • • • . • .. • • • 13.00. Chicago Lumber Co. 2 59.80. Joe Deiber John Hughes ... • ...... • 56.26. Harry Cruse Frank Kitts ••.•........•.••• 66.75• John Maxwell •. .... .•••••• 30.00. "m.Cod..y • • • • • .. • . • • • 30.00. 0-u:l U.Sailor 10.00. 46.50. ;Kennedy 58.00. . Prod. ,Sime •... .•........•...• 13.75• Henry Hibbler Hastings ;oundr,r 5.00. & Iron Works • • 40.44. . X0.00• 30.00. .• Logan Carper Uponmotion by "siddor and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Finance Committee :asmade the order of the Boar_ and the Claim' o:f ?^.sed Simi for `;'15.00 was allowed age inst'tho motor vehicle-; fund incl trze Clerk instructocl t0` a.rr ! rant 1.01 the same,. .poll. call,- all voted yea. Upon motion by leye seconded oy Schlegol th.e recommendation of the Finance Committee r s made the order of the Board aha the clamp of Harriet Brechnc*r J or was disallovTed. Ho red by vid for and 'seconded h -i Schlegel that when t'iis Board adjourns it o to meet again August 8th, 1913, at 10 o'clock a.m. 1 otion prevailed. Minutes approved and s i fined. ;0;44:*'. . < . z.,ac +' II7AY - A!? [J T 8 r Board reassembled as per a•:' journment. ?Jell call , all nie':1Jer^s prf sent. Forenoon G<:1,_en i p With discussion. recess uni;:Li 1;30 Boa r i, m€ •m• nIPAY- AUGU T8TTr, 1013 - 1:<0 per recess. Soil call all members present. MoveMovea adder aria seconded by ^chlegel that it is the decision of this Bo'x.rd. that no ?r_Lcl.pes of less than ten -91an"rs bo built at the expense o:' the County, nor bridges of less than ten D L an''s be replaced placed at t'_E'. County's expense. _201.1. call, -teas -adder and. Schlegel; n.4, -s, Benedict, 3:'fnes, 3itner, Ile, -f , and Heiler. `�'',otion lost.c 'roved bj Bit;rer and seconde by 77nos that the recommendation o'f t',e :'0a'', ancL Bridge Committee bo made the orderd of the "Board and �nn that a 12-fioot concrete bride . with a 20 -foot driveway ve a�,r be ordered erect built between sections 31 and 32, ,;, erona Tov'Thship. :Roll cal],- yeas, H ?nos , J3itner, , Hyo, 8chlo ,,e1 , and. Heiler; nays,- ,- Bened"1_ct; not vo �,inF,,- 'adder. Motion prevailed. I ''ovea by Beneclic t and seconde y }':.7 ._ic"{c er that the rccomriend;� tion of ti -is ' 2oa ancl. 3r� do:e C ommi t- eco made the order f° sr a nc� ti es bauthorised - ��:_ � _ � . a � _ 1�.�i.e _ � o . the _board c1 �.. .1at �r.TT-?�. e t to ropair the l)ri4 cs between sections 4 and. 9, Lon -,an To=ship, tie cost of such .repairs not to exceed the sum of "'50.00. ?o11 call, all voted. area. Upon motion by K d erseconded � a' when this B �n.l >>cco,�r E'i'a by 13en"• �.c,�-that oar adjourns ,uzg;u� 0th, 1915, 10 o' clo& a.m. 7_o ti.o 7 prevailed. 1 t does � 0 �� 0 meet `a,?'�? 1 n �,, c, v `�" at The remainder of the a=fternoon i': S t`l}7.c,,nwithc- c:��o�Tell of the Hall County Board, Count/ Clerk Neumann, anr' Supervisor Bryson, In re-ai3. to the construction o' a bridge on the Oount;y lino between section 5, South Platte Tovrn- sl ii...a , Hall CouY' L.,, , and section 2, 7i'kland.. Township, Adams Oounty. B 0 D. 0 P the school Dist. . ;L r t7• ;L 6 . _1. r, ll� r , r � rr C� 9 . ;11. r ,,t12 . rL 3 14. X15. r16. `'18 Pr19. lr 20. `' 21 _xA.�r .. e,3 s �rL e,r n. n {t, r r, .P 2 9 . rf.n(} 'l�«lr � T 19 , 191c . Board. of Ecivalization met Roll call, all members presen`. J ovo IST r, o :, e -and see oncled 'b7 ;�, e R/- �h ��-�e iollo�rr��� levic� be r���cle .:�o districts, `townships ant villages dor 191?. Roll call, ^all votes' yea. Mo` ion Crener . .1' ! unf.. 15 mills 4.6 mills 22.2 rlilis 11 mill s 12 mills .6 r11il..is 10. 3. mills 25.4 mills 13.7 mills 7.5 ,li is 22 mille 8 hills 9.1 mill s 7.2 mills 5 milts 7 bilis 4.5 mills 25.5 mills 12.2 mi l l s 10 mills 9.3 mills 9.5 mills 11, 2 _ milli 5 3 r s �.�) �nillr.a 14 5 Mills 8.4 i:ill s rr 5. 7 m i l l 6.6 Mills 7.3 mill s r; 8 . r mail s 7.7 mill s r 7.4 mill s 5.7 mill s 9 m i l l s 8.2 >ry�il l: 5 mill.. 17 .3 ::ill s 12..6 rmills 8.4 mills SCHQBL ry •` . S . i��Z�:n d . 9 mill .2 mills 1.8 m� i l l s . 2 mill • miil_ 2.3 mills 1.2 mills mills • mill . 3 mi _Ll 1. . rlwl�l S . 7 M i11 .) mill• 1 m it l 2. 5 zni.11s 1.1 1.4 F) r+ 2.4 .4 i')i st . `` X1:2 . r43. ;alt /`A�.frr��: . rr :46. .L 8 a 9 , r 50. _Ct. r .rat. J2. 'r r53 Yf a 54. fr r 'r j6. _ 58. tL s 0 fr:. 61. ti_ F1 f 64 . lL pn rr. 6 6 . ,} 6 , . a68 9 s ..`x'70 tr'rr1 . ILr r rrr(. -fir 7 4 . r 7 5 . Y .,.. 7 . ''78. 8�1 . ,eneral . 'und . 5.5 20 12 8.8 7 11.5 9.5 (.4}_ �.7 11.5 6.2 14.3 9.4 r. 9 . 3 12 8.3 11 r ^r 5.r 11 1 r 14.3 20. 8 6.2 19.4 9.8 11 13.3 9 . 1_ r 1.,.5 10.4 13 16 2 .9 19.7 7 10 13 11.2 7r r+ 3x3.3 dills mill_ s mills mill s mills mills dills mills m i l l s m ills rill s mills mills mills mill s mills ',71111 s mi 1l s mills mi 11 s mills mill s Iilil.! s m i l l s m i l l s mill, Mills mill s mills mills mills m i 11 s mill_ s mills m i l l s m111s m i 11 s Bills I:nill s milts . 5 m i l l 1.2 mills .5 mill .5 mill 2 mills 2 mills .4 mill .7 mill 4.3 mills 1.1 mills .7 mail 1.4 mills .8 :dills 2 mills 5.4y hills .9 dill 1_ mill . 6 mill . 6 mill r, . r mill . 6 m i l l 1.5 mills 1.1 mills '1.2 mills 1 8 . 1Fev'r. 8.8 mills 4.1 mills 3.1 mills 4.1 rm.ills '�ist. .,rL r+ � rr, �, e L: . r:'7 5 . ,fr' 81 . _L evy . 3 2 m i l l s 7.1 mills 4 mills 1.5 rli l l s .1.0r'-,TTT9r' I_t1!. 'est Bla.e , �. 'i hl and. Y er ona , r :denes-aw, 4rran7a, Juniata, D cn �Y e r , 31aine vy . F %. 6 mills 2.8 mills 4 dill s 2.1 mil i s 14 mills 4 mills 3 6 mill s 2 m i l l s .f iianover , Ayrr , Losel.n4, oi;tOn`t�vood, L o ^; n 3 1 _Lver Zero", I ittle T; 'ilte; Levy'. 4. milts 6 mails '10 mills 4 mill s 14 shills 8.6 mills 4.3 mills 3.8 mills Juni at E- `'encsa Ayr, '^o selanc3 , Holstein, Pr o s s e r, c eral .Ti' und. l0 mi11 s 10 m i. l 1_ s 10mlls 10 r_1i11 s 3 milli 8 mills Bond. . h:+:till 1' i;A1l bpocia 1. 5 m i l l s t:or i; s i'o110 y_ eneu 1c n s c co'n(�.e6 l 2chlec,r:�1. �� h �t a 10 mill lc y ce mace cot 7� �q, cox /t e -,7-e :c 1f5'13,. _.s. s ::�.:_ollors': 7 mills for g enor;:,1 fund, 2.9 mills -fo:r �runc. ani,. .1 mill : Or soldiers' ane_ sail ors' rol] oi. ' oll dull , °all vo't�e$ yea. ',rev€ai1e(.. v o °the r':'iovec 'orvr �lcneci ick.,, , So cond,ec 1J,' ynes ��"'t. 1. �:':E Bo€ 6 E.; en l_ (S 1 a' zit .S 7 {__ _ , o��_n��r �:aleri�;� al�;�_ h_�_s <�,��-#r%an�s i'or il�(�li� .�clx� in :�i;�'t�ri�.i�� Lhe 'ca1�r levies. )ort. 20/'1, Cert. 8,120/'1. l:vEDJ E DAY Boa riot as per as joi rI' merit . �..,W 013 10 A.1. Roll call, . _. members present. Jr ove _ t) it sd ci nd seconded 117y Heye ';h i; the- Board, upon the advise of the County Attorney, reconsider er.' its former ac' cion of July 30, 1915, in granting the c request of hie sc)aool. hoard of. School District I'vo.0 , an1117:.at; the request be denied for the reason •hat ittie a000sse i. �, alua on- of said scTh oo1 1 � S i;rict is not large -enough school district.' tomainta11t1eZeVy requestedb;• the; � ar.ofscii R011 all Vote c yea. .Motion -Prevailed. iOVf C'. i)`T i'ene i ct and. ~second o 4 i r '' , ,r that the petition of ''7a ltor C. C ult ana o er S or a bri I e etw n seoti.ono 25 and,_..36, township 8, range 12, bo fti efe7 ed. •to the 1'Oa(4 and Brid?'o 0OIi',T: 1ttoe. Motion p e•vaileC�i e ZTpon motion •i)7 Kidder seconded 1)y Bitner the Clerk was instructed to €� for On fUrniShing steam coal fora the Adams County. Court House : for the Winter of 1915-1: to 1)e deliver ,ou ,e �t,��rex t :I. z e � ,, . delivered c1 �� t:_.�`. Court kT0'i.'{:jC i� �i f�. .f''.���! 1 i�f,Z, Weighed over city . scales. All bids to be filed at the County C1er?F:'s o:Nice on or before 0 o'clock -1•'�f• Septomber 18 i I'1, 1 13 • ` :1 LC% biLt, to 1;)e opo.nefL a l; i:1'_e) :lertt meeting ,t 7w ic' ,iE?C t�r�- o:C" the Board, , h�t,n reserves -the e ri^'1 tq to reject any or all bill g s! Tho successful 'bidder being rear1AyC-,'.t3 to give. bondspa isfac Gol y to the r oar . 7 i.: �o Ui on prev ilefl . •�._ LtOveC' 1> T Hole „,,n(+ seconded. o.t. SChleRel t71a"i; the recommendation of the Committee be mice the order of rect1'o BoarCi, and the request of J.T?.Pope for a Roll c 11 taxtaxt''i,)� 4,9125,beC�E'.l'1'3C(l.e all Voted yea. Motion prevailed. Complaint refund of •ikon notion b�J' KiL' er secon'ed b T T:i(? ie t10 commendation 1011 0" t.'rC Complaint Coro iittee was m ae t"r_e or(4er of the Boa'rii ani, t;..(' Treasurer vas instructed to spread the taxeS on cit, e�.t;ension, 166x66 iia: 117 F, receipt. "9100, on a valuation of `"40.00 ' •instead. oft`:120.00, assessed valuation, on account of double assessment, and. to refund the r?iffer•e:nce and. the "lea iF_ wa; 12 :r,?ct't c 'to correct tne valuation for the year lel,. Roll call, all voted. yea. Motion prevailed. • :"ove!1 by :t:j 'r,Jer an . SecOn d 1;./ Bene lic`; t)al the recomaen4atio:n of the Bono Committee be made the •ort'.er of t1;.0 Boar( aial the Official 1)oni. of 0. E1.'Barrass, as. Township Clerk of 5oseland Township, 1)e f.1pprovor_i•. Motion prevailed. T7..7on r otion. by 13itnor 000011(109 i)y Kic"_9or. 't1e reCOMMendatiOn of the Finance Committco •was -made de t1c• orderofthe Bordan4 the foliowi•ng clai:s W ere allo4e .n:. . . . (y• ry • against the general fund..Any"he molerk instructed to. draw warn ns for the same. Lo ll call, ail voted..yea'. Not ion prevailed. A• _.Clar1c • • w 4 . Union 1: a it Market • • .. • • • . 4 • • w 4 Hastings Independent Tel.Co Lincoln Tel. & Tel.Co•w.•9w.•••• v e k)r<a s1a Sanitarium w . . w • . • s . • • • T.'V.i30g1'!(,oi •.s..s♦ A•4•. ••...• 4 • 0 • M • ? ra hn • • s o • w • • 4 s . • • • m • • • w . . • • a :a Tana is Ilaulteus SUCisi., anti s • s • 4 • • • • s • • 4 • • • a• • . Y!' s n�„ erY I;. e ti.1"" � 'S.1 i.t 1, _t . • « • • • . a . . ••• . • ♦ • • (7e0•HToi°fra1.1 ••4s•a••4••e•ssw•••• I,Irs•77enrr T7 p:ner ••••••• 7)1.617-n•••••• John Tev i S • • • • • 4 4 . a • • . • • 4 1.C1 • e17.f11Zl.L;.., • • w . . • « • 4 4 4 e 4 • e 4 rOrin r• )lO1», ..,«..4..,•••.•4. .aStin2s Fuel Co. a• •sws •••.. - « a • • • A • 4 . • • . • •• • %n.7. t:,t ton • • • • • 4 . . • • .I • " a • 1.ryI qtr 0n 4 • 4 . • • • • • • • • 4 4 4 4 • • l~ +t •T} .L% . J.'JT,, e l l i s ••• ..• •00 • • 00 . s 4 w 4 TSic1 Hoffman •,.• ... Frank TTe+ylon ••.4.•• es...•.• Lern Tib k.')ets • • s • • • . . . . • Exchange National Bank .. .T.Cornelison ..•.• .....•.• C• t) s ` 4 00 • • • • • • • • • • . s • ♦ • . • • 4 . w w 9 4 • • • • 4 • • • • • . • 4 • 7.1%7e)stor & Co. • • • • • • • • • • •s • • GOrtru o Cro:r ♦ • • • • • • • • • e • 41.•••• 4 • . • 4 Recoss until w • e • • • • • • * • • 4 * w • • . 1:50 'P•I;i• 27.25. 6.25. 24.00. 00. 22.25. 15.25. .25. 37.00. 1.10. 1.10. 1.10 1.10. 1.10. 1.10. 1.10.- 1.10. 1.10. 11.10. 8.25. 20.00. 160.00. 2A.00. 2.00. 2.00. 2.00. 30.55. M 45. 75. 9.84.4 47.00. 3.28. 28 1.00. "0.02. 1.50. Jacob Bauer H.H.TeMbko J.Y •Begi.vo_i_ <?.TT. Tr aU_t h Son Stein 3ros. CO. i.a •i •TRr _Ll.l. ii ss.•..• :9 • J_I_ Y n - ton Richard }Medals . 4 • • • .. JohnGetman • • . • • . . Henry Eckhart • ♦ « • ♦ . . s Henry 0r. TruaJp . • . • . . . • l T. 9. Saddler,.. 0. T acre± oaux Oha . Grobo Viola .Tie 1, n^' . . 4 .. • . 4 . • • 4 • a Remington Typewriter Co• • • • I! I.Reed • . , . • • . . . . . . s • • . • • 4 • w • . 4 • • • • •• • • • • • 4 • 4 • • • • • ♦ 4 • m « 4 • • • • • w w , • • 4 • e • • • • • « • • e . • . • • • w . w . • • • • 4 • • • • • . • • • 9.A. Vol lan9. tc Co HiastHastingsGas Co • .. • 4 .... w lion C.t'"ou s ••o..w••. j.E.7illits Tena Crouse .4...•.s•4.«m • 711aTG aves •.••.•....•...s• C. .7 11_.«•ws••••ss w•...4•• Fullei'W Cr6c )^ry}r .:. 0. :1. L . Ga?vr eau & Co. T'. Ta • Gauvre.`au EC C 0 . ,.r aT1•Corneli.son .4• • Geo.Ferpas • 4. • .. . T.II.I10,ne;r c CO. •.w. • •.• "'olt)<ac i L, Brach. « . ♦ ... . . • 4 . • • • • • 4 • • • • e i)Ir "i;T).ciY - AUGUST 20, 101'5 1: 3 0 2.M :Board. reassemhled Boll c per recess. , x,11 r2enl ers present. m 4 • 31.30. _.30 r n . 3.35. 2.00. 1.00. 2.r0. [� r 9.13 e. ....... 1.10. 1.10. 1.10. 1.10.n 1.11_! • 1.10. 1.10. 1.10. 6.50• 1.08. rr !. ,• 3.50r,. 10.88. 7.2e5• 9.00. 2.00. 2.00. n lt✓ • C)'i• 29.43. 3.60• n 8 5 K, • . 10.53. 1.50. 105.00. 2.40. Upon motion by Kidder Soconcled b„Jr Schlegel that; the recommendation of the Finance Committee be madethe or +er of ti:e 0ar9 an C the following claims were 11 allowed a a- nst -fthe general fund ani the Clerk instructed- to Cd.rc?w warrants for the 11 F. J.13ciledic V • 4 4. 4•• 4 4 J. [` •heil.er • ♦ 4 . • s 4 1,.N.Ditnrr ••..,A,4,.. J.T•T7;`?'-10c •........... Caf TT a iY • t all • . e • . • . . • 4 "e . 4 • • • • . • ,.4 • 4 • • • • • •e 4'a..d , • .-• • • • • . . ♦ 4 • 4 - .F_.t . J . a l v • ♦ ! • . ♦ A • • ♦ , 1 Thomas Jefferson t Tine a T1,- "1 c1ma.i er •• . • . • B•7•8c'll r L • :) . T ...L� V Ci - • 4 '.T.H.Fuller ••. 4 • • •• • . •'• • • . A • • • •- •.•,. • • 4...♦..« . 4 ♦• 4464*, . e 4 . • • . « • . 4 • 4 • * 4 4- •. * 4 . 4 -• • • w • -. 1TJnTr irk 20.00. 20.50. 47.25. 46,80. 50.00. 19.26• 3.0(.}. 44.5 5. 2• 155, 1'•5n. 1 �1 : 50 r. • M. - Cont. John H eyc • • • . ♦ • . . • • A a. • • • . • . • 7.11♦1clIl r • • • 4 . e . • • • a 4 • • • • 4 • • ' n J•C•Giddill; s •e.4s..••••••44 4 Stein _Eros.Co. . • •. TJiniversity )'u1:llishin:' Co. . • .. Zeigler 7/rug Store . . . . . . . . . . Ben Brown • w . • .. • . • 4 • . s • , . . , 4 • S L l e Journal Co. s! s•.• s Hammond ('v Stephens 00 . • 4 4 . 4 a Hammond. (,^��yM t o j:ih ens C o . • • • • • ! s WxA l•'+.�i111...1, •.•.•44..a 4.4.4•••. /10.00. 38.00. 15.00. n. 78.00. 16.85. 3.00. 25.00. 90.50. 76.30. 5.0n. Upon Z?lotioli L j :'1Ct'1cr sec0 .C1_R'E? 1)y Tiyrt0S C'le roco 't 1C11datiOn of..the i C Finance. Committee �v vS ytt1.4o• the_ o":• •••of 1]E' :Board and -the X011 0.'lrin claim's were allowed against the 13ric1J_c 1°il_nc. o,n;. the Clerlr ins Lructe 1 to draw warrants :ni s 1 or the sj.ia• Roll :oll cell , all Voted. yea. �`t T:,oi ion prevailed. r .'d f.J] oricn '.•a • • 4 4 4 4 • • 4 .. • • f • Albert a . . e • e 4 4 4 w 4 . A r n0 T ." r �,r '•,•,•••1)•00• • • -• 1.CnS . e 4.... 10.50. 0 •'a • G1e z _ er (:� • • .', • • 4 ."'• 11 �:0 .71adon Lumber Son. / ♦ M 4 4 A 4 • 4 s 4 ••L.08. (C tl`..:.;) ....�t:'v:1".�a1 r< . 4 . a • • . :_i �,`, an .A. l r! \..n1. }} ry+'I -i!'Priebe('�s (�s n Co., e . + a • s • • . a • . 6 :.12• �. n gu s t • . 4 d 4 . . 1 0 . � Q , 0 . T • a c h l e ,r�� o 1• • ♦ . • 4 4 . . 4 • • • • • . •.. • 43.55. it a e �. t7 ;:. a .' • • • • • A • • M • • • • • . 4' • • 1. . �.l0. • rTl_� • E}nn l '4 • 4 4 e . • 4 4 s ♦ e., 4 e • ..a d 4 .' 92.50.. I.John ,r Trie"t.E ..,•.•.• ,•A•••, . 14,00• fi:esf,ern Prick., SupplyCo. .•• 81.68. aSti�i�"£� Foundry & Iron Wks. a 18.66. .w extern 1iciol?' 6. ` i ppl CO, ... 5'.430. Ti T+r`a' 1� i 145..15.. "'�rasLern firic}r r� Supply Co 41 1 �fnr.. r .1�. [�Y ry)li � n.)'q� • 4 . 4 • • • s . • • e e a 4 4 • % r��-yy '7' � ry '� (y �j4 Supply " .:`)i_! 4 .I.e e lnlsVle .,4.4•. ..-.. ri.'50. J. ,Titne1, 4 n•••• -4D4• .•.. 2. 0, 1•ri11 • v act i V .... . • . . 4 • • • . • •• • • 4 • • • 47.50. John :'.imax oill • • • . • • . , 4 4 4 ,••4 . ; 4r.50. T7olStrin Tu;)11)er CO. • • . • • . • • 1.95. - SwellS•P0unl?.r-r u� Iron Wks... 150.00./ Albert Jaco )1 z ♦ • • , . , • 4 e 4 , , . 50.00. AT`vntlnr T1olini11..jr C?; Iron Works 58.00. "'osterny D-:7 .Lc'.. apply <l a 4 a • 2:).90 • Teas u1;�.«s 1 oundr, !".L�0 �,w7or ., s 59. 52 JC:i,r.i» `aCiil.?i. t,.`.i • e • 4 • • • •.... • . • • • .• 20.25. 1:'TeVed b J ': idler a+lu socon0.ed P+/ ire 'r'o i Ya ).t Judge `;'illic.n•t .Button.be anther ized to employ :Irs.i..o r;T• Bauder as C! e.� it in )l<LCP o:!' Carl Ca Panzer, reS1nne• • Motion prevai.Ied.. • • Moved J,r" 1:9 e 1PnG seconded- (J E,nedic tr that the recommendation �' of � y _ aloin a�.. i,he Rad cn. _vrid e 0Or_littee be Atatie ti:1E', o refer of the Board 1. r`.'.nd that a 1" -foot Concrete b -ridge with <1 20 -fee t r0" 1L 7 1 , " 7- i it v i;ietwee sections. 27 and.. 28,- Logan ",€). •0tien pre'Crai led ., 7,7oved by 13e.neU ice and seconded 1.)r Sc•hJ ec,el thyt Tan('' 4 cna1 Buildin. i.ns Oorr- it`t c1c: 1)0 instructed ana authorized t0 -on —C'h`e3,00 tJ10 reau'i ni to el PCt vO1 iers i'or lightinT the Court louse F''roni1C1 s and .7. rn "e with the Cit7 of J:TaStin Ts for i0 O install- -ta"f;i0n of the Sante. Zoll call, -yeas, Troller, ` Ch1 en'el, .lienor, .K.ilder and Benedict; nays, Hynes an°; 70'7 L o (;nan prevailed. TJ7on motion it was , ec17Le (�i ? �, when tJi.1._9 Board adjourns it does so to meet ,Sn bomber 13th, i9l3, a`ti. t 10 o'clock .a. _.to;z ionprevailed. >lcd, ...Moved r)rT• Sitner <).u1seconae•L by T-T„rnes t a,t the report of the Ceti;le�lent Corrimittec: �'or the first Si). riont'ns o:f' 1315 Tie tiaeoebte'i"_3nd made tart o'" the 5upery ooror •'?ecortl... Motion prevailed. PORTTOF 7 Ct"r , 7 TY T r n"Tl,-. s_C).:.1 � m-T.�t ,..,.�,T"!'�Ji1,T�;�:�.L �OT�,k��STa ��P, To uhe •Honoar➢.ble 78o rd of 01ioervisor Gen'i1e:1 e, 11: rr Tlle 4 �} iLncrs, 1.i)Y . , T7g.�., 1913. 1Y'fa, ;Tour Settlement CO^ir"ittco, 11aVe Cheeke:'L c11 the boors, papers, i oi2iCC a1 leave t o .stubs, vouchers cl_t �",<.._A����i,>> in �;Y f1' ('1.1.1,^""can. � �i c•..1C1 beg �"E3<.,.VE' t,0 ..�ll�_i'�1• l,� following repor1 of our findings -- the Office oa tr • We Cheak c'i the' :t:olio°viin,5 1)oo1-o in the Register of ee s' office General.... • Index t0 " ee(}.s kro,16,. General Index to J'.t.ori»' p.,rs o•l i ','Ti ed.. ,laous I2da 'o, 5, YT ,_ in3 I7 to Estates To1 _'f o J ._ec�,��,ni.c,�' T'il")i�n 7o.1,1 c_E?.� �' �' � T ... ^' se t.e^Et ole%tc1 to a-'rc^e ,-rtn Foe rooms T_'To.J wLiCh corroSpOnds with the report.. re)ort on file with the County Clark, CoVoLing t]e? periodfron .January 1, 1913 to July 1,1913. Teporta•of1lo's• • Tan11.ar�j receipt: • . • ..... 4 4 .. , . 4 , 4 4 , 188.10. February receipts A. 219.65. :march. ,y It �:'.1arch. receip'yi s ! • • , 9 • ♦ 4 • • # 4 • O 4 4 . 314.85. April receipts • •,04.•,• 0.4.0.«4• • 191.80. May receipts 4 . 4 • 4 • • 4 . • . • . . 4 a • • . 4 . • • 12.9..05. June receipts ♦ . . 4 4 . . . . • • 4 4 4 e • • • a 9 • )+� 185.25. •';'1298.60. Respectfully submitted, • J. Benedict , >u f) -C; omm. n t1: e1 0ffiee of 7e e COUNTY JUDGE-. coked (,',r*e County Tut o'.t 'office for the torsi from J nl?:,:cy 1st to WEDrT .T Ay - AU 2ecapitulat7_on of fees receives. January, • . • .. .. T ey� bruary .. • • • } J::Larc 11 . . n • , • • • • • ! • • • R .• } 4p l l • • e ! . • . 4 . May June •••••••••••••.•...• T„? cont. for the 'first s . months of 1913:- e”. • • • . • s If • • k •' 09 • tJ 5. t 1 rr\ } • ,". • } •"•' ': 281.40. rl Total 1'!6.90. 1266 •'0 • spectful_l_y submitted, .:J. Bene ic't; J.T..i1Tn.es, Sub -Comm. e In the 0f:rice of the C01]T1i", i-„-,AtT T- We , four sub-co_?rri ttoc , deg leave.to report t, i,l .t we. have checked all taxes col1.0 tPCi a1i1 .l L other Z ocei.p tS of the County Treasurer's office, together • ith the c,.i S1JU rSe;.ient the varieus.funds, r�. ” < :i,ifl � i�ln..� U11 F'r+l �: 0 3,,r.r'.e e With -the 12'0?'.rynrer' S sworn statement, for the .first S=LY months of the year 1913. • J.F'•Tloiler, John TIe7e, Sub -Comm. Balance January 1st, 1913 . • . • • e • . �� 87,635.35. •Collections Jan. 1st to July 1st ;211'_ 0 2.95. Total "°302,518.28. trotal (1,1.5inir s.,mi.- , Jan •1Si; to Jul7.r s r '>a_l_anc e on 1 n JiiL r. St, 1913. .. • '000- .24. the SoHlemen; Com "eni;1erien: 7e, Jour Sub -Committee, 71CC'r leave to report that s'e 1D 0 c1'1ec1:.ed. Ile records i'1 the Clerk's office as follows: s: C,tiattel 1:ori acre Record TIo.16, Physicians' i o3.�_s to , li On Zl ista' r m` S '�_.. 11 r.,nT ., rs;.0 ' 1. ! r ru r, �i rr.� C�_t:i 1 ,'� c:17i1C.. � .0 7.:_a t,r, �i_1. 0: e.)<`;,_.G' ..CCOrC , �' U`;, t,/' L,�l ;E'CO2"d, Stoc,- Lion l'ccor , Optometry 7Lecor4 , is i _ice lancous ,ecor,a. 'aHyl all :� ecords where foes are ch 12402:1., vl.l_t:o t=ho 'Pee : oo -. e also c'1CG1''fie-;-•oi t 1.1. h "t-i,o Fee -Rook and i all fees accounted Ter and tI e ` eoort to 7 e correct.7420 also checked all warrants with the warrant stul,, fins'T:warranwarrantsts not rece1L�tC;1 for in t,1:o ;oScyerSio:t'i of 't i':e C1ei' . +r,e also So c' ech.er. Tax: oCle"r1 I oS. r1-; - 9-10-11-12 and 13, S'10""i_n:�" tea collecte�7. " the (,`0111.1', Tr surer _ off° Che y ".1011t1 -,s enC7ina' June 30th, 1013, ), an f. find the same to corresond withno co ort (yr the Courtvr D.1 ..L'itnor , N,D.7ilder, S U_n , 1'eb:r., July 12, 1915. -ensurer. Teta. fees• coil eted SQL tawe Lot six lonC1 , 1913 .)-Comm. 742.9:5. In the office of the C_.ET I OP T11]I rISTRICT 00Th J : 7e, your sub -committee, loog leave to ma_,e tri.e iol] ouin,.; report of th.o office or the Clerhe of the 'District Court: "'e chec rel n0C'.'0ts Nos. 21 an'] 22, Jun:-..7'.^lent 1'OC1i'et5 6 and 7, Ju3ment L ECa'ef$ .Iros.' aril 8, an,? ,-,xec l?tion Toc7::et ^,z0 • . 10 rith the fee boob, oiirl finq them to CoY'ro anon:T, aloe- v=ital tiie report OA file with t'1e County 1.;21-, in every plrficula.c. Total amount of foes r e c , iii e t1 for r, , cont quarter (Jr, year 1913, 1776.22. spec uf-ally ` s nitte , F. J_ , Bencci_ct , J. 1,..FCrnes , In. the Of ice of the SILL<iRIFF: - 'v' C chec'Tet1. the .li''ee Book and the T':oocosc °''oc'"et in the Sheriff's office ant find them to a,J'ree with his sworn report on file with the County Clerk. -Receipts from January 1st to July l',t, as follows: District Court ••..•..•..•..•..•...•. :',253.97. ,2<) . 7. County Court . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . a • • • • a". 3t,). r!5. Ju. s t i c e Crotid e y . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . .. • 10.00. Total Sub -Comm. 300.72 Ii'. J.Bene dict , J. T,.11;rnes, Sub -Comm. _,... . ,....^.;._.w�^a'�aa,." a„.'d2�S" .,.ar'� .,...�y 4 ' �:: w.. "fi ._ DNES T?AY - _A't aUS 20, 1913 - the Office of - it .. COTTNTy S 7P„ TTTrj , T.:.. " checked. the County li.rpor intendant ' a :'C e o i'C ana find. the fees. er Li:f'ica`t:.e c,ara ......, Balance, Jan.', 1913 . . . . a ^ 193.31. pendicutes as shownreceiptsO. Balance July 1s.,1�1 .. . s a r ♦ s o .^e corcesponds with repot' i; ailed F. J. Benec_ict , J.3'.. i n:1es 5 Sul -Comm. I . 7} ..':i10.c'.or., Chairman, ''. J. Bened.ie t . J.L.}iynes. Ti.TT.Bitner. John Heyo. !-i .aB..F'..Dc,hle el. Oe illo onl; "o ?miff: too. Minutes eaC3. and. c pprovrc .. _rried. County Clerk. • Board. met in special session per petition of members ers .ane notice by the o11 call, all ,:ember present, TOVCt1 .by Bf'nc d ci and seconded by B].tner _ that the petition of Supervisors Schlegel, Benedict .and. ??elleY' "or a'special t.2e;etin,, on_September 2nd..at 1.0 o'clock a.m. to consider tile e o:.ts of the bridge.committee b; m f,_e a partthe of t._ record. Motion prevailed. 'lla ,tiP s, T£eh . , .1zz .rt3, 1913). Deer s: r E? , tale undersigned Members o1 t1_o Coi i1t•o .rd'L Nebraska, etit:i.on -jou to c ,11 a s ecii meeti t1^e Boar'. o " Supervisors to convene on 1ilesday, the 2n( (':ay o." `;ep terilber, 1013, cat 10 a.m. , :dor the purpose of con si erin.P. the report on the11ri(3.c'e 1r tweed septi on 13, Coir : o iwooC.. Torns 5 o , and section 18, '?ose- l l,n j CW 0v':n s _1_) s also, the 'brill. e bet": en ;ice ions ice , and 36, ..'Cnesaw Township, and :rOr the farther purpose o:' considering t1 e reouilding or any ot'_ er matter Ion :diFlt t collie •il_p in Ice °sr;; to these two brit -7e0. B.F. "ch Le o1. -T -7TT _TOv0d by i'_ci.er and. s€ con eci 'by. ='erie t'.., she Bearei acs jo irn at -the call of the'chairman _l_raan to Vie* the ri.ip'cs iinr"f'r cOnr]C or,tio71. :.To'tion prevailed, BE7 J213 - •... • Board >o`.; r? s S en' 11 F; CL ,: t t':'2l' Cali Of t 1 c chairman:, Y ol1 c 11 , al1 nerilboro proso.Y.1t •'IO'Vf;C1. by Kidder aYld seconded by TTS+11r,,a that the rec0'1t;1P21.+.1,'t,102 07' the B'rLe6.,ace C0muittoe 'C xi 10 the order of the Board and thou lol1..Ovfin9 bridges he ordered built: a 12 -food concrete 'bridge e Witco, a 20 -feet d:civ0",;ray between• sections 23 and. 36, r 0 neszn* Toyr:: s'ip aTrid a 12-'oor concrete. 1bridge .with lth a 00 -foot driveway'between se ction Cottonoo1fOVOI ,a Gn dfCt102v,R0sCaaPL {ryhl ). ? 1Yca11,- YEmss, _1;CCr, HYn s , F?itner , cm'1e e1 , rTc iter; na; 7 , . e-eedl' c' , '1eyc. "Otioxi )re'J a.ile . Y TTOVe:1 i t i...3i'^ and Cecen{1e!:Y... Penedict f1 z ; Bo �,,joi t .:".Y t� ,zr, C< Cried. Cert. 9/19/'15.. 9/19/T13. - ' 7•7472,1, . , THURSDAY - ST1?TF1:BER. 18, 1913 - 10 A.M. Board met as per adjournment. Roll call, all members Present except Supervisor adao_. Moved by Hynes and seconded b7 Heye that the Chairman appoint a committee of throe to investigate the request of the C.A.R.Tost of Hastings for tThe cancallation of the taxes for the year 1888 on their hall. Roll call,- all present voted yea. Motion prevailea. The chairman thorou2on ap-loin1od Tynes, Benedict and Schlegel as a corimittee to comply with the preceding motion. A recess was then taThen until 1:30 7)�T., T",,T,U13.81ThA7.7.- - SE?T1-71137,73. 18, 1013 - 1:30 Boarl met...aSljer reoes" Roll call, all members -oresent e7cept ,Ciacier. Ir_oved by Bitner an seconded by Schlegel that the recomienaation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the Boanl ana that the request for a refund on receipt 1,15759 for the year 1888, lots 573 -o/.„4 -0,, .0 Juniata Village be disallowed. 7.011 ,... r 1 call ,- all present voted yea. 1:otion prevailed. ...:oved by Benedict an seconded by Sch1ep;e1 tht the recommendation of the Complaint Committee 1e made tie order of the2oara an1eTreasurer be iAstruced to refund the ta-,-es on tax receipt i120 for the year 188 on the TTE-1 Sec.26 -5 -9, for the reason that the tax was levied before the receiver's receipt was issued.; that the Treas- . nrcr be instructed to s-oread tl_e taxes on receipt :1,04,95, lots 3-4-5, 8-9 Cam --)bell's Add to the City of Hastings, an a valuation of „0._)0.00 inst,eaY 0,J ,oD00.00, actual valuation, ,,,,t- • 4... w .f. r; r, r" on account of erroneous assesspent, and refund the difi'brence; that the Treasurer be instructed to refund the taxes an receipt (1-9814 for the yeal.. 1909 and on receipt ,tn-10037 for the -,mac 1910 on lots 573-574-575 Juniata Village, :for the reason that this property is exempt. tha the Treasurer be inst7-.ce(1te refund the taxes on receint r:-946 for the ,.. yer 1(!1..! 02-111:0,1:s7.192Ct),,ice,.:17hr1)...Tc,,,rr, ,..da14,6i07,,,,I ,t,'0,t1r_e_slty,LofHH.Stin-rs -for the reason that thic. - - t is -0,.. , .—_, e.... in Inc ,,„,.. ,,.,..: torinals;i;lat the Clerl',- be 16,.,11...!0Truc;..(;,,,terd„.,..49 stril:c from the tax list lots y,20-1, '-;:i. 2.), Johson's Addition to the ..0,,..., ,ings the reason that t1.1°2c ot aro iilcluclea in tne C.B.e,; n.R.R. term- inals; that the 11-010(21rsurer be instructed to refund the axes on receipt '!-9491 for the year 1012 on the 3.7.3-- lots 9-10-11-12, 1),1:-.20, Johnson's Addition to the City of Hastings, :;"01! the reason that this property is eempt. Roll call, all presen voted yea. irotion p revailed. "foved 1x- Bitner and seconded oy iIe-,e that tnc resignation of James -a11111F as trustee for the Soldiers' pnd Sailors' Relief "und, be accePted. 7:otion prevailed. T. 13-'r Feye and seconded by Schlegel thal -.G.Saddler be appointed a 7.1eml,er of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Relief Comittee. 1:otion Prevailed. Moved bj Bitner anJ seconded by Hynes that the ,)etition of R.H.Ferry et al for tIle construction or a bribee between sections 23 anc, 26, Town 5, Range 9, be referred to the Road and r-3ri6cre Comaittee. Motion -,revailed. -roved by Benedict and seconded by Bitner that does so to meet again October 8, 1913, at 9:30 A.M. read. when tbis Board adlotrns it _Dias for furnishing coal for heating the County Court House were opened and mote(7,_ by .11-mves and secondedv bBitner that the Board reject all bias for the - - • . furnishing of coal for tne County Court House 'heretofore Submitted. Roll call, all present voted yea. Motion prevailed. Upon motion by Benedict secondodbySch.leel TTr.Bitner and. r.I.Tynes were ,, _ , apnointed. a committee to view the roadsite....,forte proposea improvements between Adams and Hall Counties 771-riday rnornine September 19, 1915.7'..7„otion prevailed. 4. recess was tal,Jcn until 9:50 a.m. 7riday., September 19, 1915, 172,TDA.Y ST7171,17.3719, 1913 9:50 A.M. Board reassembled_aS_Per recess. Roll call, all members present except Kidder. Movea bY Bitner an seconded.by Heye that the recomendation Of the ,Finance,_. Committee be made theorderof the Board and the following claims be allowed against the... Bridge Fund and the 01 i- i.nstiacteql to draw w4rrants„fOr theSaMe.,,..FL0-1 Call,- yeas, Benedict, Hynes, Bitner, Heye, Schlegel, anrA x„otion prevailed. John Huff .00,4100404.004.0.40....,.,4o0.0,C.A.Heartwell .. . .... 27.95. Coon Lumber Co. 1000.0.0.00'.0.... 341.29. Mathew Lerlin 4041.0O4e,“ .. 10 ... 2.00. . 151.30. - TIirahm 0 Joe • -------------------20. F.. ,17 Jacob Erunkef C • ti- • T.r.Ohl a I le - S PT= B;i R 19, 1913 - ' ;30 A.M. - cont. • • • . a • • » •• • 0 • • • • s • • • . a • • 0 •. • • • • • • • • • • 0 • 4 004 000.044.4,1 • •• �11.• Cpday • • • • • • e • • • . • ♦ 00 L•L•TTeavAerer Lumbr Co. • E. R p e t_ C J.' • • • • • • • » • • ? ? • • • m • • • • • • 4 • • • • • Geo..L lsfer . • • • 9 • • • • 94 • • • • • • • • 0* • . < 0 • Cal 'Trl.itenel C.r' 0G-11e7e1 ".�'•.•..».»••••»•••....••. Stephen .�chu 4 1 • 9 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• .44 • • 0 • • e 0 • 0 • • 9..00 • 0 • 0 • •TI•.Z,. if.11 s • s 0 e • r • 0•• • • s s • • • e s•• John 0 i�Tta:+5.1(�'el.i • m 0 0 . • • e . 0 • • 0 • 9• 0 0 ♦ 0 e Frank Kl lits . . . . ♦ • • • » . • . Hastings FouncdryT .. Iron '','or..s Hastings Foundry • Tron T'orks ._ Moved yr Benedict and seconded yr ,c1 Qge i that the recommendation of the 'o spread • y� 1 ire .60? .; 1CJe..t^.,t.....1�� ••••.• 00e•. T ••••? 2�// r.5 -�r 1 Faison •...••• V.., "8.15. 2 • '7� J ♦ ♦ .7..'.7..4 'ry .. 8 • _L 5 • „� • f.1 . Fullor • • ;. • • ♦ m 67.00. 13el •1r ci, en • a • » • • • 0 • Albert J a c o b i t z ..00••••••• 011.stulst �1_„e , . • ... ? Ed Anderson e a • • • . • • Henry Shic .. ♦ . E,p2,e Lumber Co. C . 1."'elc'n 14.00. C .'. eck • • .. • .. . 1;;1-2.9!) 10• ` 0. Ch is .Ies^�sne 2 2• 0. �1 0 e� C., i s 011 •• 0» 4 0040141410.444. 152.50. Tote 'lstler • • . • » ...... 7.65. •Trec'tern Brick 6. Sr.p.,,.,1y Co.. 15.30. • •» • a • • • •' • 0' 0 • • • • • • • • P a 0 • • 0 13.00. 4.00. 16.50. 5.00. 11.00. 4.00. 7.00. 6.40. 45.65. 15.40. 23.50. 17.50. 17.50. 53.75. 25.00. COT1h:1i1Y1... C0':1'11 ';,h ee far made the order of t and anthe Clerk be instructed t •tt U. the taxes on lots 5,4,5,8 and 9, Car1lobellA.(.t viOYl t0 t.l1E nj.tX OP c�St;{11 S, or tie year 1JI3, ona valuation of �,4,350.00 instC1Q ,, )51u•C0, actual v'_Lua'lol• :Motion Moved by Heye and seconded Committee be glade the order of the Board General Tuna ana the Clerk instrUcted to Benedict, Hynes, Bitner, , Heyye, Sch e e1 , Allyn < Bissell Lincoln Tel. & Tcl •Co. .. » • » • • . » . » iil ke1. Qn 7Thug C o : . • • e . • .. 0 by Hyyne ' ti att „`t,ne_,,reco mendation o"" the,,. Finance and'the e follotj .,r' clv,1n s be G ll0wca s' i.n't the warrants �fort' dr .�1�� r r the same. 'Roll call,- veao, r-, . Heiler;z.1dde ai^,oeni,. ? Onion prevailed-. Twidale Shoe ry Co. ..•.• St.Joe c•,.` CYr•1.oli. i?•CQr •0•...9 .• B 0.Gauv eau 2. Co. . ,. Union Meat Market • Stein Bros.Co. ♦ • • • .. r L.Gauvrea1.7 & C0• ••.• Nye -Schneider --Fowler Proffitt &%oven « • • . Wilson Chemical Co. H.-)-}.Wei),tpr Co. 0.13 2. n•;1r :♦COs Xlo?p & Bartlett Hastings ruel Co 0 • 7.00. FR7 U 1. �.''w7 in Fr. 22.25. . TiVire-fo�. -o l.1s 9 4.960 ei1 • • . 9 • • • •. n • 3.50. 12.00. 46.00. ♦.?•.100.4 40.00. 2.0o• �e ..i .�',1�n o<7, 11 �, s . s » • • » e 1.00. ci 0. Yost ••• • • • • • e • • • • • e e . • 4.95. 75.00. 0.•• 4 0 3.65. .20. l .=:•1'Iowe-i,Si .<. ':5. Henry. Bator 5.` Jacob Sauer rat -it ? . • • m •d.. o 5 e >0 9 •••e••• 180L,'0• • e ?• . • • 11� .15... • • .. e • • "=.7^0. ... . • • . • • • 4.25. 24.0990. 16• rf /0)).... 0. i0. 60.00. /40.00 4 .:.. 4.01. • ♦ • • 0 • Ha st ins s Tnd,epend ent *OW* 0 .• • a • Ginn c Company . ♦ • • a • • . • a • 0 . ? • • • • 0 •_ Schmitz cFc Demes. �. • 0 • • r • m e . • • . 9 . St.Anthony' s `iospi 4al ♦ • a . , • . . 0 0 0 • • . Eunice Spillman ...•.40.0.40.•...40• J.d• '.Iilly . 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 • • . • • • • • • « » Recess until 1 oclock p.m. PRI812 T-711.7577, • 0 • • . • • • . • 0 • • • O 0 0 • 4 • T,Lanc ovin • • • • • • • • • • B trier Tace .. » .7ea,rns I ausch .Boner .11.Clark rk • . • • • • . • ♦ • . • • •.• • • •....• ♦ e•••♦ 10.00• . ♦A•.• 3q.18. •.•• 25.69• • • . •• 42.00.• e • •..• ....• • , • 5.00 • • • 2�.0 ,.s • • _ s ♦ . » < • 22.00. 89.75. 2 ) 0 . • • `1-1.30. 1. J. 3.W1111S • • 00 4 S• T•Loe17ha.rt J.T.StYeele • • • • 1913 - 1 P.M. • 4♦.. 0 • ..... e 11.70. ••..s•• • 1.90x. {.._ e ... • • • • • • • 11 • e'7 3 . ..... • • .. ♦ •. • 23.00. 0 • 0 • • 40 • • . • • s • 27.50. _. . .Boa., *er led ss.. -Roll call, X31.1 niembers•)resent•oXcept ,icl<'cr• 17ove d. byy He µ the o '� _ r i r [�, " .. nai 1 1 e rl n f 1. • Volland . 2...... G o.. � ,s. a. _ e,re and uoconc e � r ,�ch1e e1 `� r.�.� i:r_F' c1<�vi 1 0.. CT. � for tr?5�0 IJ e-, cu:i.101"JE'i.� a{�a1ni��ii tLie gencral _111i1C?. at .r50•�`CO anti_ the Clerk.instructed to draw a arrant Lor ti_at c?,no2'.r.t • ?o11. ball, - yea,` , - BeneEl.lct , .Hynes, ITQ,;,Te , Schlegel and Heiler n s , Bitn.er; bbent , Yidf)_er ♦ t. Qt1.On. �rE v 1.led . e _ . I iT Hynes that e publish of the I.'QVe«. �"� r �PliE' � 1v '(t �1,�1s. seconded E� , [,.� ne 3 c1.t t fav a �� 1.1i delinquent tax 1i >t Ie t�.L",are od to the A1As , !2or X11 ; Democratandtl._e ' N a�, to -s T 1 L1 yr Tribune at one-half the le7,a1 rate Tor each "Of10or. Noll call,- yeas, Penedict, Hynes, Ilitner, Schie'ol and Heiler and. , ITeyye, absent, 1idder. riot:ton prevailed. Upon motion by Iley�e seconded b,r SchleE2e1 the reco.:l.d;en'ation of° the Bond. COT7littee �,, w3 male1 C' or er'of* Inc o�3 ri and "Pre official bond of Tj(♦C,.9adcller as a rte.§ •s a, member o:C t"le Soldiers' and Sailors 7.e1ie� a. ,orrr�ii6Si.en t,ras approved. I.,otion prevailed. 1;:ovedby Hoye and :3'000nded by Hy'les that the Cler1,, 1,0 instructed to advec {ise for bias on i-u.rnlsrinr-; steam coal for the t a<�M:� _ T YTS e, 01..;0 for the ,. 01'til'�, , OZ i winter of 1913-14 to be delivered at the Court 1orse as c_esiroe , .�elp°he l over city scales. All birds to be �'"ilori at the 0ou•nt,,y C1er' 's o_""_f ice on or before 9 O'clocih A1.I,I. T?overnz)er 1,1913 Said bids to be e' enea at tl-:e next neetin, of the Do=7-rd thereafter, ca_t:ter, aaid Doarc ressrvinp" the rir'ht to reject any or all 1`'!S. 'hhc S77ccest`'111 bidder being required to give bonds f Isfactoc1 to the Bo:ird.._i'lo'Uion, Prevailed. !roved I')'? 7,d.tner and socohi1.eo i")7 TyTnes t the recO'ia lendatl.On 0`7 the s'inonce tComiait teC �.'e male the • or: er of the Boar(' and t3,e f o] lour 1 np c 1 cti is be a11oved 7t .. _ IL Clerk 4r c - a " r�i -s -- �. same. 'G atrn�Lin�ti�•� tl�e ��ener�.1-�l'Y1CI anry ane ,1er_�� �n>r�Itc'i~c,tec. "E,Q ra.�_r, nt� .I'o� ��e <0 1 , 7.1. r iT (� .}�(.L ':'� �f � 4J f O1..1 f T f To e+ i ��1{1h. • f • •. a , f • Peter ':TcIntOSh »»•••. Mrs • .z ran17. S ' i0art « • a a • , • • a • a • • • • • a • • • 10, t 1013 - 1:30 1'� . _. - con 6.00. r ..0a TfI;,pr1.)erU ass e3) . 0 0 !T ..I ar eh e 1 t; 7'- a f 2.`f)0• AfV•Co.e .••f t•.? • 20000 j0141.1* 4111tS • a f s• 2.00. 1T. ? • Ohore . • .... . t"r aoill O 00604090* [. A f 0 of re A • . , a • • • • •a • • • A A . , . • • . Lon Tib1)ets • • • f • , • . • • • • f f • . a • • '1?r_e 'University '-'ti1)list in, ;, J.�pL.Tly,!nes . . • . • • . . • . e • , • • • • a I ,.1. ,2)I l�ner • f • • . . . • a f ♦ • • • . a a earl D,1eghtol ...•••••••••••• J•.(" fITe11er000-00000 f • f f . f • • s ♦ 00 1V•��_. fZae1/1 004004.0 • . e • • • •• • • • . • . a a • . • . . a •. •. • • • • . . • • O f • •" Y • • • , • • • f • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • . • • • • • 63.05. u-,,m,erson • • • • • • • • ,, 4•00s FA A. Kearns .a».A• a• • • • 40 890. T. J ...?e„ne61et • • • • • • • 35 .05. ', ta �.J t/ i1i ,s f • • • 64.80. ,.rarl r `n,} - . n • . . . • . • . . . • • , • . 24.00 • �+0". .l�� l l G . ntonc • • . . . • . • • • ♦ • f a �F ' xist Bros. .... », • . f 13.00. s • .. • • s • . a • • . • s . 55.00. 1 C1ra STe, 3an_lt ,rimil . • • s • A • . 04.54. 9 2.00. 2.00. 2.00. 15.00. 2.00. 2.00. '- r 8.00. e• 39.20. 12.91. 28.25. 11.90. . 00.00. ,. A, teclrer . » .. • . 00 W affilquis u os. • . • Moved by T1eye ',11: seconded 1) Schlegel that the oco, 11�)enc�ation of the J l � the claim -� r��- � �� T� f-��,uzl er 1�e Finance �, 0 - made ' e order of the 130ar,� and the claim of �r a. ary ,r z-n�,�nc e ..v Commit 1 tJ, obbitt(�lor;Z�0o,t1_etaeni. Roll call, all prosent voted: ea. T?ation e_Cerre�. �,o 7. prevailed. ry , , T that the realest of J.T RVnes Tt±`0, eG1 i) )i >G rlleelf17 C Oi Ci C l J;aT i'One 1Ct t,i.(1 .. for ''100.00 t0 be used On 1oa�t.s betWeen sect:ra On2 and 11, 22 anti. 2 , .. ?OSc an( Township, a) 0 granted, the same to o car: Wn i'rom a'_c n o t.o ° vohicl ftan� . :o11 ca.11 , all Present voted yea..Motion prevailed. Moved by 9chleg,e1 and seconded by 'iened1C1 `tT1 a% 0 recommendation of the Road and. Brid6e Committee 1 e made the order Of the Beard and the 'water, course 1)e Or (1ereC t y ,. section '33, JOtlt i Platte F' " South i 0 the 0r 1 a.na1 C11`37111E?1 110 to 'T_ 0 �'4 xl.,ri'_rI� :7 , !Tall it ountl- , 1)„ cute in ? u.fll: oup- he road chaar7e, between section 2,1Tig11land Township, L:�nIr,S otl:fl �, `i]"1C, ete )rZ A e -iti). 20 -foot ii?an CO feet TT0St 0_',�' the section CCS flo , a:2 i C€Ol? t�1 e 4 - -00 COYIC x ._ o 1z...C11e1. ca11, �.,1 Present vote 'e .• i:.':0 ;10'i1 ��r.OValled • roadway be bunt l it over S,ict cl iovec?_ 1,y..1,;;mes and secended 1)7 eneC'_1ct tb2 t t1)o reg 1a�,1011 of `:T.13, Hartigan .fiS 7e u r Cotlnt r Cler1' to tate effect Septernl)eC 30, 1.91 0, �c { cc.e tee..• 1'o pion prevail o1, • OvG ; Benedict and s ecOnry E T_ieo that the a01�^o 1z1JL.r.0Cnt of TT(e -o '= C Tavorly as nepu y County , clerk to take ef_ eet on or 1)e�rore the =�'i rst clay of January, 1914, 1)e apPr oVecn. T_Otion revailed . zr-w- a. �.. v ,.. s �'+ the 'proposed. r. C3, j01� COt;1i11�tE'C, appoin,o tO v]Ctr 111e t0 t. a*tE O1 'a- o H.ig1=1and CToz,,,n hi p , Adams County, and Section )J , ` oubh. 1"1 L? 'OVef:10Y1tS between ��eC't10P � , _, Platte Township, Ball County, re o t that an , a 01ent ; wa ret�.ohc w t1'1 1L • c n€:z ' t1_(�t On the brow of the hill west o.,: the ;pro'p)osed. new 1,r, 1(.e, a cut of one and one-half feet below the pro Sent grade, 1.)e made. Cert. 10/8/'13, Cert. 10/8/'13 Cert. 10/9/ 13. Cert. 10/8/'13. WEDNESDAY - OCT. 8TH, 1913. - :30 A.M. Board reassembled as per adjournment. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Schlegel that the petition of T, rs.1Tary Mastro for admission to the Nebraska Soldiers` and Sailors' Nome at Burkett, Nebraska, be allowed. Roll call,- all voted yea Motion prevailed. Upon motion by Benedict seconded by Heye the following road petitions were referred to the Road and Bridge Committee: (1) one foraoroand cross8the.SPutieast quarter ter. of Sec.10-7-10, (2) one for opening a road between Sect Moved by bidder and seCOnded by Schlegel that the Board take a recess until one thirty p.m. Motion prevailed. WEDNESDAY - OCT. 8TH 1913 - 1:30 P.M. Board reassembled as per recess. 'Zoll call, all members present.' Report of committee appointed to investigate taxes on G.A.R. property: "We, your committee, report that we find that the Board of Supervisors in session June 19th, 1888, by motion.eyempted lot 5, bloc: 24, Original Town, City of Hastings, from taxation for the'year 1888, and recommendind a t'�at theare same e8be e,refgnded; Also 4� 1885, that lot 672, Juniata Village, be exempted from taxaproperty1of 84, G.A.R. ancd. 1900, and. the taxes refunded, for the reason that the same are and should be exempt. J.L.Hynes. F.J.Benedict. B.P.Schlegel,. Comm. Moved by .Adder and seconded by Heye that the report of the committee recommending a refund of taxes on lot 5, block 24, Original Town, City of Hastings, for the year 1888, and on lot 672, Juniata Village, for the years 1880, 1884, 1885 and 1900, be accepted and male the order of the Board. 7011 call,- all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Hoye that the bridge petition of Vanhouten et al, be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee, the same being for a bridge between sec. 1, Juniata Township, and. sec. 6, Denver Township. Motion prevailed. Moved by kidder and seconde.i. by Schlegel that the petition for a bridge between section 1, Juniata Township, and section 6, ")envier Township, be granted and the bridge be ' i- t_ 12 feet ...5ae 'with29 foo v.ns5ri,xaY-Lotion r prevailed. 11 u Moved by Bitner and seconded by Heye that the recommendation of the road and Bridge Committee be made_ the order of the Board and a 12 foot concrete bridge with 20 -foot road4tray be ordered built between section 3, 'Fanover ' ownsnip, ana section 34, Blaine Township. Motion prevailed. Moved by Schlegel and seconded by Heye that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board an the Treasurer be instructed to change the valuation and extend the tax on an:,NasseSS va1uatiryen of x"95 instead o '3245, and refund. the difference on account ofan error in assessing improvements on the E 20 feet of lot 9 and the 7 40 feet of S3.- lot �0, block 7, College Add, and that the taxes on reeeipt 59756, mortgage tax, be refunded on account of double assessment. Roll call,- all voted yea. Motion prevailed. :roved by Hoye and seconded by letblegel the request for a refund of taxes on receipt 59728 for the year 1912, on the N-100 ft. NE SE aI? 13-7-10, be disallowed. Roll call, all voted. yea. Motion. prevailed. Yawed by = udder and seconded by Benedict that the recommendation of the refund the taxes for the .ear 1890.' on6Ylots l and. 2,, tre- t�'s da to the City of Hastings, , Complaint Committee be made the order o the Board and the Treasurer be instructed to s, receipt ' 6692, account of�7n„hl double assessment. Roll gall,- _ a.11 voted yea. Motion predrailed . Moved. by ,bidder and seconded by Hyne that when this Board adjourns it does so to meet again on November 4th, 1913, at 9:30 o'clock a.m. Motion prevailed. s until Thursday morning at nine o'clock. Carried. THURSDAY - OCTOBER 9TH, 1913 - 9 A.M. - cont. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Benedict that the following names be accepted as a list from which to select jurors for the.next term of district court. Motion prevailed. Test Blue, Highland, Grant Halstead. Alonzo Livingston. W.H.Bishop. 7m.H.Burke. District No. 1. Denver, Blaine, Geo.Bivens. Thos. Shattuck. Chas.E.Hill. Julian Bassett. Hanover, Ajr, Xenesaw, "anda, Logan, Silver Lake, Roseland, District !'o. 2. D.".Stromer. Juniata, J. G. Schmidt. r.F.Cadwalader. Nick Seylor. E. ,Hubbard. J.J.7ummer. C.G.Schultz. Stephen 9wigle. Harm Johnson. M.P.roodworth, Cal Osler. Sam Nichols. John Balke. Jahn Hetzel. M.H.Berres. Charles 'heat. John Kline. Sidney Joynt. Rric Johnson. Henry Allsteadt. Christian Paulick. District • 3. Verona, Will Conroy. Cottonwood, H.L.7agner. F.H.Burling. District. No. 4. Zero, Louis Blumenthal. Logan Carper. Little Blue. Ed Anderson. Peter Gartner. District No. C.P.Matheny. Abe Hibbard. S.T.Lockhart. 17m.H.Bartram. ampbell. John We or. 'District No. 6. Tm.A.Pielstick. J.W.Plummer. Jacob H.Qmigl . Robert A.Pickens. Emerson Clover. Enos H.Reed. Charles D.,amsej al may. District No.7. T.H.Barks. Geo.McCoy. Tm.Yistler. Gale Lawson. J.g.rhitesel. Soloman Favinger. H.C.Kerr. A.D.Brigg . Moved by Kidder and secondeabY Schlegel that the recommendation of the 'Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed against the general fund and the Clerk instrueted to traw warrants for the same, Roll call,- all voted yea. A.J.Mace 2.0q. A.M.Clark ................... ^, 14.35. John Sigel 5.50. Allyn tc Bissell ........ .. . . . 1:"?,(5): D.N.Bitner • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • • . • .• • 2.00. H.H.Lembke 4100•000WAWOOOO9 Stanner & Greenfield 14.00. ToMple ,...a. e ***** . *** ........ 1.65. 3.40. 1 Hammond & Stephens Co. ... • • • . . • 7.95. H.G . Lindsay 29.70. The City of Hastings 34.85. C.A.Heartwell • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1.25. E.R.7illis ************ • • • • . • • • • 5.00. Karl D.Beghtol 51.00. R.F.Lilly ****** ......... 20.72. W.J.Porter ••••••••••,•...•••• 17•27• ".J.Porter ... ... . ... .. 7.00. 'ill T.Cornelison ........... 18.20. C.A.Heartwell ........ 7.00. TTidale Shoe Co. ............ 1.65. I.J.Moore . • . • • ••••••••••••••••• 2•0 • Hasiiis Fuel Co. ****** • • • • • 2.10 Verona Lumber Co. .............. 8.24. V.I.Gauvreau & Co. 0040 ***** . 4.85. Mrs. Mollie Early 25.00. Kalif &! Rinderspacher 4.80. Union Meat Market................ 5.30. Gold Cure Institute 37.50. Jacob Bauer ......... **** ....... 22.45. C.11.P.11.son . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • 24.66. 0.0.Zinn •........•••••••••••••• 1.50. Klopp & Bartlett Co. I:C()).. 1) on.C.Fouts ' 6 0 :13. Cal.breath ...... i. „ar • t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2.0 . . . J.t.771-1. lits Dr.James V.Reghtol 6.56. HastiAgs Ind. Tel.Co......... 24.00. 3.0. .v.1,r.eith ................. Lem Pibbets ************ 78.55. W.A.Cole .................... 144.26. B.M.Simms ................ 410,6114. 1:66% t:tMtherford Bros. OW000000•0 F.A.McElhihney 4.�...• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6.40. Hastings Daily Republican 6.00. Hastings Daily Tribune 32.69. Hastings Daily Repmblican ...... 20.42. Hastings Daily Republican 11.30. Traut Coal Co. 252.65. State Journal Co. 352.50. Nebraska Sanitarium ....sm.... 35.11. Nebra6ka Sanitarium 9.22. Eunice Spillman OIWO0110110004,041,0 20.00. J.F.Heiler . • . . . • • • . . . . . • . *OO 38.20. B.F.Schlegel ***** 37.45. Beped • • • • • • • • • • • • 30.00. John Heye ************ 4.00011004,00 14.25. J.E.Hynes fliO0011000004,04,Wo 48.00. 24.50. Men Tibbets • • • ********** • • • • 150.00. Hastings Daily Tribune ** * 91.28. Cert. 10/9/713. Frank Kitts J.1'.Hynes .•••••••.•.e•.•.••.•. R• R • Baugh . • • • • • •. • •e • • •_... • • f • • ► J,F.'oodard ........•••.••••e•• Empire Lumber Co. ••e••.e•••.•• F.: oed.er Holstein number Co. 111.20. 203.57. 6.74. 22.40. 12.28: 5.25. 9.35. 46.25. 46.25. 4.00. 29.51. 18.75. •••••••• Chris Hesse •.•••• •.• 4m.Ooday •..... • ••••• ': eter ''ei ;ant C.? .Tawson Hardware Co. Guy H.Sailor ........•..•..•. Hastings Foundry & Iron 'Torks Frank Moore •• H.L.Wagner ••••....•..•.•••••••• R.h.Car:nin P.E.Fal ey ..• Coon LuMber Co. 7m. Kenned7 Louie Peterson Clarence Kistler • 7'estern, Brick :Supply Co "'estern' Brick <e. Supply Co 4 Moved by Kidder and seconded. by Hynes that the recommendation Finance Committee be made the order of the Hoard and the following claims be the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same.against the motor vehicle call,- all voted yea. L.E. Sadµdler •.••• FredSime ...••••..•...••••..•• 24.00. 1113.40. 8.00. 44.00. 16.80. 6.00. 156.71. 95.75. 46.25. 46.25. 25.00. 25.00. of the allowed_ and. fund. Roll 50.00. ?,Roved by Kidder andseconded. by Bitner that the recommendation of the of the State of Nebraska Finance ,. - r - fo'1939 89 for the care of insane patients,A `�a� lowed and the Clerk ordered to draw Committee be made the order of the Board and the claim r ., a warrant against the general Fund for the same. Roll call,- all voted yea. one thirty p.m. Upon motion by Kidder seconded Schlegel the Board took a recess until THURSDAY - OCTOBER 9TH, 1013: - 1:30 P.JT. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present._ Moved by udder and seconded by Hynes that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and tl,e claim of P.,7.Bitnez for ; 8.70 be allowed against the general fian1 `anal the Clerk instructed to draw awarrant for the same. Roll call,- all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Upon motion by Heye seconded by Schlegel the recommendation of the Finance Committee wasmade the order of , the Board and the claim of ?m•Hohlen was allowed against the ,,. br�.d�e fund and the Clerk instri,ctedto drw a �uarrant '�'or� the same. call,- all voted yea. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of. the Board andthe claims of M R.Fmberson for t200 a?25, respectively, be allowed. against the general fund and the .Clerk instructed nstructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call,- yeas, Benedict, Hynes, Bitner, Heye, Schlegel and Heiler; nays, :Cinder. Motion prevailed. Moved by Bitner and seconded. by ',Udder 'that the recommendation, of the Finance Committee be :mate the order of the Board and .. e, claim of M.R.Fmberson for ' 300 be allowed against the general fund and the Clerk Instructed to draw a warrant for the same. Roll a11,- yeas,,. Benedict, "'Udder, Hynes, Bitner, Schlegel and lei or; nays, TTeye. Motion prevailed Moved by Heye and seconded by Benedict ,;that, the action on the bridge petition of John Zabel filed February 5, 1913 and rejected March 4, 1013, be reconsidered. Roll call,- yeas, Benedict, Heye; nays, Kidder, Hynes, Bitner, Schlegel and Heiler. Motion lost.- Moved. by Benedict and seconded by Reye that"the recommendation of the "Complaint Comm'.`` , be made the order of the Board and the taxes of r_ eceipt '`63 for the year 1881, paid under protest, be refunded on account of erroneous assessment. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved: by Heye and seconded by Schlegel that ten dollars, be appropriated for grading each cement bridge built during the year 1913, as far as considered necessary, to be ?laid out of the motor vehicle Fund. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Bitner and seconded 'by Hynes that_0.7.Hall be retained as manager of the County- farm from March 1st, 1914 to "February 28th, 1915, at 11350.00 per year, and that the County Attorney be instructed to draw up a contract in accordance with this motion and conditions of former_eontrscf. *Roll call, yeas, Benedict, Hynes, Bitner, Heye, Schlegel, r?eiler • note volin ick der . . Tot ion prevailed. ',proved. e5? C 4. ert. 4/11/'13 Cert. 4/11/'13, Cert. 4/11/'13. TUESDAY - NOV.7, 7R 4T11, 1913. Board assembled as per adjournment. Roll call, all members present. moved by Kidder and seconded by Heye that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board an g .hat the Treasurer instructed to refund the taxes on receipt 15437 for the year 1899 4' (1 lfor the year 1900; and -17554 for the year 1901, on the NT NT 3-5-10, onaccount,oi'b _assessment, the same being assessed in Zero Township and in Ayr Village. Roll call,- all voted yea; Motion prevailed. Upon motion by Hynes seconded by Heye the recommendation of the Road and Bridge Committee was made the order of the Board and the petitioners' request for the • opening of the road between sections 5 and 6; ''enesaw Township, was granted. Roll call, All voted yea. The following bids for furnishing coal for, the County Court House for the fall and winter of 1913-1914, were opened and read:- Chris 'Hansen Traut Coal co., J.H.Yost Lumber Co., Roc.k. Springs Slack21 „ . • Weir City Nut 4.64. Illinois LUmp or Egg 6.50. Hanna LumpEgg or Nut . 7.00. reir City Screens Rock Springs Steam 4.23. . 4 teir City Nut unscreened No.1 Teir City Nut Moved by Kidder and seconded by Schlegel tat Allyn & Bissell bo awarded the coal contract for the fall and winter of 1913-1014, as per preceding bid and that the County Attorney be instructed to procure 66ntra-6t-and liond according to advertisement, said contract to expire November lst, 1914. Roll call,- all voted Yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Bitner and seconded by Reye that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the Order of the Board_anA_the Treasurer instructed to refund ,,'1.70 on tax receipt 1590 for the year 1912, on account Of erxr in hond tax. R�li call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Upon motion by Bitner seconded by Schlegel'the recommendation of the Bond Committee was mado the order of the Board and the. Official bond of C.Grothen as Justice of the Peace of Y.enver Township, was approved. Motion prevailed. Moved by Cider and seconded by Bitner that the Board take a recess subject to the call of the chairman for the purpose of making a trip to the Hall County line to examine the road and bridge recently established and constructed. Motion prevailed. TU7SnAY NOVT=T2 4I'H, 1913 - T3 .N. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Moved by Benedict an. seconded by Kidder that the proposition of G.w.Munson to sell to Adams County a part of Section 17-5-11 for road purposes, be deferred for hearing until eleven o'clock a.m. November 5th. Motion prevailed. Moved by 7cidder and seconded by Heye that the petition of the G.A.R. for refund of taxes on lot 5, block 24, Original Town, in the City of Hastings, be laid upon the table. Motion prevailed. Upon motion by Kidder seconded by Schlegel the Board took a recess until nine o'clock a.m. "ednesdaY, Nov.5, 1913. TEDNESDAY - NOVEMBER 5TH, 1913- 9 A.M. Board reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. Upon motion by Kidder seconded by Bitner the Clerk was instructed to order the following list of bridge plans and sPecifications.,,from the state Engineer: - 6 sets Standard plans and specifications for county bridges. I beam spans 12' to 32'. Truss spans both pin connected and riveted, 35' to 100'. Substructure plans. 50 bidding blanks and tabulation Sheets. Moved by Bitner and seconded,by' Kidder that the proposition of F.R.Turney & Company to place metal weather strips on 50 windows and 7 doors of the.house at the County Farm for :!;148, be accepted and made the order 9f the Board.13011call,- yeas, Benedict, Kidder, Hynes, Bitner, Schlegel and Heiler; Heye not voting. Tito=6iOn prevailed. Upon motion the Board took a recess until one o'clock. WEDNESDAY - NOVEMBER 5TH, 1913 - 1 P.M. Board reassemblekeaA per recess. Holl call, all members present. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Heyo that the Committee be made the order of the Board and the following general fund and the Clerk instructed to dray ti-:arrants or yea. Motion prevailed. Tr. James V.Beghtol A. J.Macie • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • e • • • ♦ • • Proffitt & Lovell . • . ........... . • E.R. "illi• ♦.••••••.•.•.•...•...•••e. A.Pickens & Son ..4..•.•••.4......4..4... Karl T.Beghtol ........4....•4...4..4.•.•` •H.H•Laerbke •.•••.4..•01.0••••••0004!. 9 J•�• A • B ake r • • • • • • • • • • + • • • • • • • • • Underwood Typewriter recommendation of the Finance claims allowed against the the sane. Rolls call, all voted. 7.50. F.J.Benedict .•••.•••••••••••• ;'41.00. 3.50. T.N.Bitner 44.55. N. T. Kidder • . • ..... • . • • • • 39.85 8.18. Chris Harmsen .••.••• .•• 8.25.. 3.41.Geo.S.Hutchins •.•...•.•.••.•• 43.00. 49.00. Hastings Independent Tel.Co24.00. 10.06: Lincoln Tek. & Tel. Co. 22.25. 5.35. T.H.teue......... •_. ••••••.•• Qo.•..•••••••• 96.7 • Frank-Schaufelberger. ••• •••• 10.00. 7.00. !''•P.hlead •..••••... . . ..•••• Mrs .A•IIines ••••• •••••••••••••••••••• yolbach & Brach •.•• Verona Grain & Lumbe F.R.Daggett •••... F.R.Tagrett P•P•Daggett ..... •., J. '•Feiler •..••......•..•.•••.••.,.• 39.10 John Sigel ..••.••.•.••.............. '7.00. W.H.Fuller ......••••,••.••••••••• 22.00• C.I.Van Patten ....,....••............. 5.£�5. Fuller Grocery Co. .7........•••••••• 8.3. H.T.I"'ebster Co. ...••.•..•..........• 5.05. Hastings fuel Co. 10.95. ••.••••••• r•••••• 20.26• Mrs. Dick .•.. r•••••••.••.••.• r Co. ..• ••.•..• 7.88. Tloward tarsen Co. •••....•...• • ••••••..•••••.••. 10.320 G••P.Ca t ..4..4......4.4......... 4.72• G.TTT• Etat a• •• °. • °.•• • •. ••..•••..••.•.••. 5.29. Allyn & Bissell Jacob Bauer • • •4.••:104.•• •• ••••• Den e•'outs ••.••••••••.••.•,• C•A.Heartwell ♦•.r••o••••••••• F.T.Gauvreau Co. .:....4.4.:74. " .T•Gorre1zson ••••...4....••.. Iiasta.n.as Sanitary Pa ry r.T.Gauvreau & Co• ........... Fred: Paris •. • • .... • • •.• .... • .. • 2.40....�s f.ansen Lumber Co. .. • • • • . •. Traut Coal Co. ........... . • ••••••• 8.00• SteinBros•Co• •• ...........:.. G Nebraska State Board of Health .•7..• 4•50. Traut Coal Co. 4.4..4..7••.•••••• Hastings Gas Co .•..••• • •......... 13.72. H.C.Iinc.s.y .••• •.. ....••.•• St.Joe & G.T..2•R.Co. •......•.••. • ••• 46.72. James railing ......4...4....... Lincoln Tel.& Te1.0o........ 23.0. Chas.Sc 3 givens ••.•••...•.•••.. 2.25. Vastine Bros. ..•••.......•••.••.•..• 2.50,. Stein Bros•0o. ..•.. ••...••.• 2.50. � :vim Henry Bauer .......• • ..•. • ••. 2.95• .I;.�0.Hansen •••••.•••..•••••..• 8.25. Union Teat Market. , • . • . • ............ 4.30• J•B.In; ram •...•. • ...`.. • ...... 8.00. B.P.Schlegel 20.85. T.Homan..••••°••.•.•.•••..••. 5.00. 3•'70• x:0.00 12.00. 4'g• 00. 12.00. 17.00. 25.64. 2.40. 2.75. 4.25. 13.65. 2.00. 5.00. 14.50. 25.88. 8:00. 9.00. 15.00. J.B. 'illits •.••..••..........•.•...• 3.00. ?'.r.: eith ♦.••,••.••••••..•••• 8.00• Lem Tibbets.... ••••••••••••.••••.••. 10.20• ,•A.Co1e ... ..••••.••••••••••• 126.20 The City of Hastings.............. 199.30. L.R.wil .is 2.82. "`vahl quilt Bros. .. • . • • .. • • •. • • • 11.25• K1.opp & Bartlett Co. 1.68. Hastings Daily Tribune •....•..• 93.52. State Journal Co. e..••••••••• Hastings Daily Tri'cune ........ • .... • _ 185.90. Adams County remocrat Hastings Daily Tribune • ....... • • 85.25. Tahlqui t Bros. I�I. . berson •4.•••••••••••••••••••••• 25.00. Tahlquist Bros. ..N.Brooke .......•...,............. •3.20. Wahlquist Bros. ....••.••7.• The University Pub.Cos ••••.•••••...• 12.50. Hammond & Stephens Co 25.00. 104.29. 15.75. 18.50. • 93.40• 7.95. 49.10. 4.80. 4.90. 5.08• 6.00. 8.45. W.A.Decker .•••••...... •••••••••••••. 29.00• J•L.Hynes Jim Stafford. A.M.Clark 13.85. Lloyd Bruce ••..•••••••••• ••••••••••• LO L •_ 7.f.K•Williars 0••••••••••••••••••••••• 4.80• Prank Schaffer ...4....4...4..4.••.s• •. 1.60 VT.O.Cain ...........4......4...4....4.•. 25. Stephen Schultz ••••................. 51• O . PSI• S tai or'ct • Y. Dom ny J J. Gi s Moved. by Bitner and seconded by Hynes that the recommendation of .the Finance Committee be made the order of the Boars and the following claims allowed against the ?notoreveh.ie.le fund and the Clerk instructed to dray warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Jacob Morgan • 4. J.H.Harves r•..• . 7.F.Shaffer ..... Jim Stafford ...7.4.......4..4...'10.00. TTr.J.Hynes 10.00. (11 •••••.•••••••.•.••,• 66.00• C•T"T•Tilliams ,•••••.••.•••+••• .80. 14.40. ....•.•......... 28.80. 0.M.Stafford .••••••• • • • • • • • • • e • • .?.. • ♦ ._. •.... ._ • . • 20 • 4i) • 1 • A,I • Toxn1ny •, :08:0800: 0 ♦ l.'l.' • •••••••••••••••••••• 12.00. B.1'.Coan •..•••••••7••••••,••• 28.80♦ ,r a .,,.•/� • • • • • • •. • • • ♦ • s •.: • • . 9.60. T1oye1 Brice • • •.• • s ♦ s • • • • • • •_ • • 28.81.'. 16.00. Marian ,3rewer ••••••.•.. . ••• Max Cook • . , .. . Royl,Schaffer .... r.I.'^illiams • • • . J.C.Philbrick ... 2.50. O • prank )chaff er • . • . • . • • .. • .. 6.40 . Moved by 'Kidder and seconded by Ileye that the recommendation of_the Finance_.__. Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed against the bridge fund and the Clerk instructed yea. Motion prevailed. Geo•H.ICTiller •••••.•••••••.• Albert Lay ♦ . • • • • • • • • • + • • • • • • • • • • • • The Bladen Lumber 0 Hastings Foundry &n0. :Iron work, . • . ......s .. J.H.McGrath . . •. • ... • . . L•Burr••.•••••••••••••• Joe Harrod r••••.•••••• Henry Meester • . • • • • L.Mazel • • 0004 040.0•••••• •••4• • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • . • •. 0 •°. • • • • • •• John Coyne ..•........... L.C.Huckfel,dt ••••••••••• J.L.Hynes 4..4..4....4.•..... • • • • • • • • • • , e, • • • • • • • • •.. •. • , • •. • draw warrants for the same. Rola call,- all voted •('97.25. John Goldenstein .4..•4.•.4..4.•• 4.00. Chicago Iumber Co. •••.•.•.• 256.68. "'estern Brick & Supply Co. • • 40.35. Lee Arnett ...••............. 1.30• C.i.Genzrger ••••••••s,••••••.• 4.00 • Albert�� lay` 2.0i. Henry Bexton 9.00. R.A•Lay •••... .. ..••••4.••••• 4.00. Geo.T`r. Long 3.50. Chas.Scaman ..:.. • }s 46.25. 46.10. • 25.00. • 33.60. 4.007 6.00. t 44•••• 7.50. J.L.Hyles 14.00. C•I:leedham ..••..• Al S1 111 ow- • • • • • • • ••••••••••••4 ••• ••.••••••• 16.00. 27.00. 26.00.. 1.50. 109.40. 14.00. (#7 Cert. 11/6/'13. . . , TEMNFSAY - NOVEMBER 5TH, 1913 - cont. Geo.nevereaux ..... OOOOOOOO 12•00. F.F.Snannon ............ ***** 15.00. -,,,.._ Chas. Seaman 9.00. Cha .Barrows • • • .• • • • . • • • • • • • 1S.00. Oliver Stafford 15.00. E.M.Dominy 15.00. IG..Price *********** ................ 3.00. C.Harrel 3.00. Jim Staffora . ***** ..................3.00. 9.00. Roy Shaffer Jess Nyco 6.00. ram Mc'vhirter 3.00. B.W.Coon **************** ............ 6.00. G.1%Parson 6.00. Joe Mc7enna ************** ........... 6.00. ThoS.7ynn ... ......... ******* 9.00. 9.00. 42.50. hris resse 42.50. r7m.Kenpeny A , ,..„ 815 42.50. rank 'Kitts 107.75. Clarence 7istler ******* *000.000**,110.0 37.50. 4 Moved by Hynes and seconded by 'adder that the Clerk be instructed to file claim for ,7:,25.30 against rebster County for repairing bridge between Sec. 34-5-10 and Sec.3 -4-10, the same being one half the cost of such r.epairs. Motion prevailed. Moved by Bitner and seconded by Heye that the recommendation of the Complaint , Committee be made the order of the Board and the per.soal tax for 1913 of 306.23, receipt 165, assessed against the Nebraska Investme'nt Company, be refunded on account of double , . assessment, same being also assessed as real estate. 'Toll call,- all voted yea. Motion nrevailed. Moved by ',Udder and sr,conded by Heye that the proposal of G.T.Munson to sell to Adams County a strip of land in Sec.17 -5 -11 for road purposes, was left to arbitration an the County Attorney was instructed to raw up the form of arbitration, The County Board to select one appraisor, G.T.Yunson one, and those two to select a third, if necessary. The County Board selects as theirrepresentativeHarvey "7aldrum. Motion prevailed. upon motion by Bitner second-eq.by 'Udder the Board agreed that when they adjourn they do so to meet again Friday, December 5th, 1913, at nine o'clock a.m. Minutes read and approved. Motion to adjourn. Carried. 4 Cert. 12/5/15. Cert. 12/5/13. Cert. 12/5/13. Cert. 12/5/13.. ert. 12/5/13. FRIDAY - DECEMBER 5TH, 1913 9 A.M. Board met as per acl j ournment . Roll call, all members present Moved by Kidder and seconded by Hynes that the Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids on blank books, supplies, etc.,in one issue of 't`I^e' Hastings Daily Tribune. Motion prevailed, Moved by Bitner and seconded by Schlege that the petition of employees asking for a sanitary toilet, be referred to, the Committee on Lands and Buildings. Motion prevailed. Upon motion by Benedict, seconded by Bitner, instructed to spread thetaxes of the Bank of Commerce en a assessed value of their capital stool, as per decree o+he all voted yea. Motion prevailed. the County Treasurer was valuation of ;i7].7'7, the District: Court. ?oil call,= Moved by Hynes and seconded by Benedict. that the petitions for bridges between sections 30 and 31, Ayr Township, and between sections 5 and 6, T(enesaw Town- ship, be referred to the 'load and Bridge Committee. Motion prevailed. A recess was then taken unt, 1 30 p.m.' Roll c all , all members present. Moved by Kidder and seconded by Benedict that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board andthe Treasurer be instructed to refundthe personal tax on receipt !,,t3617 for the year 1913 on a real estate mortgage 'of 2500.00 actual value, on account of double assessment. Roll call,- all voted yea. i Motion prevailed. r Moved by Bitner and seconded by Heye that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be mage the order of the Board and the County Treasurer be instructed to refund the personal taxes on the following rocAeipts on account of double assessment Paxton & Gallagher Co., receipt ;"2877• Ralph Butler, receipt -'3000, Cornelia ',Jones, receipt 111356; TT.Tru? p, Jr., receipt 'l355; Michigan Commercial Insurance Co., receipt 11354, all for -the' year '1913, and F:-'s<velka, receipt '10126 for tT e year 1912. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved byTidder andseconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and; the County Treasurer be instructed to spread the personal tax of George Mitt for the year 1.913 on a valuation of < 606 .00 instead of 1686,Oa , on account of erroneous € assessment, nc� refund the; difference. Motion prevailed. . Moved by -Udder and seconded by Benedict that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and the County Treasurer be instructed to spread the personal taxes of receipt "3030, of the Farmers State Bank of Ayr, on a valuation of 52490 instead of )3090, and of receipt X3374, of R.T.,`'oods, on a valuation of ;,,752: instead of '1152, for the year 1913, both on account of double assessment, and refund the . difference. Motion prevailed. Moved. by '.idder and seconded by Benedict that the report of the appraisors appointed to appraise a strip of land across the corner of section 17. Town 5, Range 11, Adams County, Nebraska, for road purposes, be accepted and :Wade the order of the Hoard and the Clerk instructed._tordraw e arr nt against the General fund for the payment of same and also to have the deed recorded in the, records of _ An.ans County. Toll call,- yeas, Benedict, ' idd er , Hynes, Bitner, Schlegel and Heiler; nays,- Heye. Motion prevailed.. o' clod- a.m. roved- by "?:idler and seconded. by :Hynes that a recess be taken until nine Saturday, ''Tecember 6th. Motion prevailed.; SATURDAY - DECEMBER 6TH, 1915 - 9 A.TT. Board reassembled as per recess,. 'poll call, all members present. Moved by ':bidder and seconded. by Hynes that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims allowed against the general fund and the Clerk instructed to r3raw currants for the same. Roll call,- all voted yea. Motion prevailed. 3.L.TTyn:es ... • .. , ......... 21.00. '"'.3.Wi1l<ars .. . ............. .. t, 4.00. John Heye ..•........ 81.60. Scanner Greenfield. - 5.50. Nebr. Institute for Feeble Minded . 83.75. Te.TR7.'r'illis • • • • . • • • • . • .... • ..... o.85• A.J•l.race 3.'30• T.• .":til1 is :•••••.••.••••.•••••• 6.84. J.h.TTei7_er ........................ 50.70. Fas s in "Daily Tribune 47.70. Marl T.Beghtol ........••...•••. .. 57.40. Tff.Reed ..•..•..•..,.•.•. 14.00. Hastings Gas Co. e ••• •• ♦•••.••• i4 .uti• �.��•r�ZZCi A}(3YZ w. •.... •.•e•.••.w••♦ L wVvw Tead •••••••••••••••...♦..•...• 8.75• John Sigel 10...0. Union Meat Market 47 00 L >. SATURDAY - DECEMBER 6TH, 1913 - 9 A.A.- cont. St•Joe & G.I.R.R.•Co• .••••••••.•• l'12.80. J•3:T• Traut •... , • ........ • ." 8.'75. S•T.nocl:hart .•.•.••,,..•••••..•..• 12.50. James V.Beghtol ••..r,.•6.50. Jacob Bauer ...................... 22.60. 0.F.Kennedy P•Mclntosh 95.53. Lem Tibbets ......•....•.•••...... 82.85. :......: 15.2'?• Lem Tibbets .•...................• 3.00. john Sigel Nye -Schneider -Towler Co. . • • • • • . • • 31.00. .0ole ...... • ... • 143.80. 25.05.''.7 A.Cole .'•.•••.•...•..•.••.••••• 43.13. Coon number Co. ,Hastings Transfer Ers•I,.Rick . • . 3Temnle Cafe .....•..•••••••.••,•.•• Co. _ 40 1•�.ay. • s• • e • • •• • • •;:.• •"•"• 40.00. .iammond & 1 Allyn & Bissell 18.75. rrs•L.Dick 7.00. i"api"non.d & te�ahens ....: • . + • • •26.00. 2.10. i:�Trs•T:Tinnie Clinefelter .... `B.P. `3chlegel • • e • • • • . • . . • . , . • 195.22. 30.00. Stephens •..•••.'•.•.•••.• • L • ,� a v .. . _ 15.00 • Eunice Spilman • • • • • • . 48.00. F,A•searns 22.40. •.•. 12.00. Hansen Lumber Co. 24.75. H.C.?Terr .......•.................. 15.00. Joe.Budn.ok •..••..•.••..••••••••••• ` on.C.Fout ......,............. a. 25.00. X/ Stein $ros�,Cor ....•..,..... • • .,.r 10.30 'St Tee coo G.T•.•Co. 5.30. 9•d5. NaetinFs Furniture Co. • 72.00. 28.00. T:M.R•Emberson •••••♦••••.•••••.•• Sorensen & Kernan •••••..•••••••••e 5.50• Kauf & Rinderspacher Co. . .•...,. 5.05. 'Tienry Batter •..•••..•..••••••••••. • ,7. L. Gauvreau & Co. 'Hastings Fuel C©• . , .`, ...... • . 1Roseland Grain & Supply Co. F.".""eosterCo. •.►••••e••••••• '�.� •Saddler ....•..,•e•. Iiarvey =.raldriim .. • e • lNenry Gauvreau 1Mrs.L.A.Barron .•••••••••••••• IC.K•Hart .•..•••••••••••.••,•• . I -T• },.Tabour . • .. o • •• • • • ..,. • • •• • • • • Tu;hes Auto Co. .••••.•••,•••• The City of *castings Hastings Daily Republican .. • Hastings Daily Republican .. T?•'`i.Blankenbiller ........... • Horac e John Bourg Seth Tatum F. T.'Tenner 1.A.Cope .• Stella Mach. �.r�. 41.25. 23.25. Barnes Clothing Co. 6.00. 8.30. 'Hastings Sanitary wiry 3.00. 8.20, Twidale Shoe Co. ........•.•..•, 9.80. x.75• C•T.Van Patten .......*••.••••. 8.70• 6.30. Blake & Sons .••...•............ • • o • • µ� ZO YSV• 1 r.`1•�,/�J®SI C�.n • • e • • • • • o • • • • • • • • • 6e. • 5. 4.60. G•s"'.`2rat t ......... •.• • • • •• . 10.60 • ....• 4e00. G •Pratt ..•....••.•...•••••••• 17.6. ............... 13.45. ♦ • • • • �•�E..,• ...armor • • e • • • • • • • • • • • C.,VJ•G�,�w 45.50. F.J•t3enedt.ct ••.•••••••• 410.01,0• 48.00. .. 40.50• teeter tTerlin 2.00. ,..m 67.7T"ez Rr•?i.`C.Cohnan...............•2.00. ••••. 3.80• '?alph Sleyak ...........41.•.,5.20. 2.00 T'd hall • .............•....•... 3.80. • .. 3.80 . f yrs .John rias senberp er 3.80 • • :.•.......•.,•.....,... 3.80: Alfred Loore •••.••.•••••..••.•7.90. 10.00. F,H.Andrews .ee•••.••........•LL.• 10.00. ••.• 7.90. Frank Sv.i a •••. . ,.....•..,......... •. 0000..... 11.60... 00.0 ,0000 ..•............•........ 6.00• Fred Bore ••♦•♦••••••• •+♦4141••• 7.90• son 7• 60 GFrerichs •••.• • • •••.••• • 7.50. G.`'.Pratt ••••••,•••••••••••••••••• Ray Osgood...•.•.•..••••e ••r.• 2.10. Martha Bi,tzirus Niles Osgood •••••.••••.•••••••• ...•0000•,.,,.x. •..r6.10. Marry Cottrell ,.._�.,�.� �. .. ,000 '. A. C ole 4.00. tial Tdeimeyer Georce Harms 6.10. `'m.Brannipan V.r.A.Cole .••••..•.•:•••.••.•. .••.• 4.00. Charley Davey ..•••..•.•:..... A•H.Warrens •...•.............•. 6.10. &•Laffe ty Veils Nelson •••o••••,••••••e••e••• 6.50. C•1'. Bruekman • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. • 3.00• Dr • 7 . B • Harn C_e l • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • . . . • 2. .. George Saunders •.•.:041440••.•.•0•4 2.00. H.B.Francisco .••., ,0.0 James V. Be,ghtol T�Moved by Finance Committee be mad against the bridge fund call, a17 1 voted yea. Not C.A. oh1 e•• •••.••••es• ...••..•..• 2.00. 2.00.5` Butner and seconded e the order of the r3 and the Clerkinstru 7fl.Cards .McCleery • •`�'•elth . • • • . • • . • F.illzts •••••...•.•• •"ebster ... ...... ... S • V V • 2.10. 6.10. 6.10. 6.10. 2.10. 6.50. 6.50. 2.00. 24.00. 6.00. .00. ea .50. J•G.Stone ••••••••••••••••••,••• by iTynes hat the reeommen4iation o thea 0000 oard and the following claims were allowed cted to drm, .tiv warrants for the same. Roll. ion prevailed. 41.50. Carl Schultz Chas.Theat ........................ 15.00. John Gussenber>crer "eter Wein°ant 3.50. Fred gime • • • . "'m.Coday _ Frank Kitts ••••••••••••.•••.•••••• Hastings Foundry & Iron '"orks John Markley ••••••••••••.......... H•H•(en.neay •••••.•••••••.••••••.•• J.T.hieye OOOOOO • • • "'.T'. George Fred Routh .••••.•..•e•..•••••••••• 8.75. 4.50. ..••.•••.•••.•• 31.00. 58.75. Chris Hesse .. • ... • ... • • • .. • . • 58.75. r 2.50. r"m. 'en�led'r 112.25. 32.83 • James Aden edV 56.25. 128.63. Coon Lumber Co. •••••.•••••.•••• 36.85• 8,20. Coon Lumber Co. 35.30. 3.25 . Coon number Co. ••••..••••..••.• 56.00• ..;:: :. . ... . , ., . 5.00. Coon Lumber Co. •..... . . 363.35. 1.00. C.0.7.asnussen ..•. •••• 9.50. •0000.. �,........ �.,...._. 15.50. Hastings Foundry & Iron -Torks 10.96. Moved by Kidder and Finance Committee be made the order against the motor vehicle fund and Roll call, all voted yea. Motion pr C•A.Kohl •o•••••.••...•.....•...... J. '.""o odard. .. • • • • • •. • • e • • • • • • • e • V• J•Hynes ••e • • • • • • •• • e . • . • • • • • • •. seconded by Schlege . that the recommendation of the of the Board and the following claims allowed , � . ... u....,�....r.� �. �aabu the Clerk : nstructef to draw warrants for the same. evailed . 10.00. 7m.Hohlen ..••.............•••.. '10.00. 1\'0s0V• Fre SZ.r1e e•••••••o ••••••• •• • 3.00. 73.50. Lloya�3rtce • 4141• . ••,;• .4141• 4.80• Moved by Kidder and seconded_ ,by Hynes that the recommendation of the .Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims allowed against the general fund and the Clerk instructed to craw Warr nts for the same. Roll 00.00... _...� . _. _._ call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.. n x• ire .1. '$'1,7 AR SATURDAY - DECEMBER 6TH, 1913 - 9 F.M.Domin7 7eigler's Drug Store F • r'1.. r7,:earns .. • ... • • ...... aeo.A.'zlliams •••••••••.• Coon Lumber Co. •..' Cert. 12/6/13. • s i'i • - cont. 6.00. 19.70. A recess was then taken until one fifteen p.m. SATURDAY - L CEMBE3 6TH, 1913'- 1:1 Board reassembled as per. recess.` Roll call, all members present. Moved. by Hoye ana seconded ley Hynes that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Be against the general fund an the Clerk instru call,- all voted yea. Lincoln Tel.& Tel.Co. ....... 00.00. D.Y.Bitner ..•••..•••.•••.•••••..••••• and and the _fo11 ov ing claims be allowed cted to ds w warrants for the same. Roll 22 .60. Mrs.A.Hines • 7.80. 32.80. Traut Coal Co. d.00. • e ,'d �_.e that the recommendation of the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board . an the following claims be allowed Moved by �i � d er and seconcxed. by Hoye against the bridge fund and the Clerk instructed to draw waerants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Hansen. Lumber Co. 2.75. Coon Lumber Co. •••,• HastingsFoundry & Iron Forks .. • •. • 11.16. 0. M•Doty J•H•Yost Lumber Co. •••••••.......••.• 1.1.. Geo.Cossard •• A.r•Brovm •••••••.•••.•••••• ....••.. 3.50• Coon Luriber Co J.H.Yost Lumber Co. ...........••..•• 208.40• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . lt,13.75. 6.50. 2.00. .... 150.00. Moved by TTc'ye and seconded by ' i$derthat the Clerk be instructed to file a claire with the Clerk of Clay County for , 7.89, the same being one half of the expense for material and labor used in repairing a county line bridge between section 136, Hanover Townshlp, Adams County, and section '1., Clay County. Motion prevailed. Hovel by Schlegel and seconded by Heye that the Clerk be instructed to fLle a claim for '22.52 ad:ainst Fall County for repairing the county line bridge between sec. 1, Verona Township, Adams County, and. sec. 35-9-11, Hall County, the same being one half the cost of the material, and lab°T; '''c)11 call, all votel yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by 'Kidder and. seconded by Heye" that the County Treasurer be instructed to spread the personal tabes on receipt 7-3805, Braverman PY, noitel, on a valuation of ,160, assessed valuation, instead of .;269, on account of erroneous assessment, and refund the difference. • Voll ca<, lla.x, yeas, . Cidder, Hynes, Bitner, Heye, Schlegel, �n.Heiler; nays,- Benedict. Mo -tion prevailed. Upon motion the Boarddecided that ween they adjourn they will do so to meet again on M:Tonday, December 29th, 1913, at ten o'clock a.m. Moved by Benedict and seconded by Heye that the Clerk be instructed to file a claim with Hall County for one half the _costofthe bridge between section 2, Highland Township, Adams County, and section ,?5, South Platte Township, Hall County, also for one half the cost of grading the hill between section 1, Highland Township, Adams County, and. section 35, South Platte Townshir, , Hall County. Motion prevailed. (Total amount of same: grading, ',"223.85; bridge8,905.21, credit for old bridge,4'12.341 Minutes read and approved. Motion to adjourn. „." Bo 1. 12/31/13. • • • 4 . .••••••••• • ••••• MONBAY DECEYBER 29TH, 1913 - 10 A.M. 1 Board met as per adjournment. Roll call, all members present. Forenoon taken up with committee work. A recess until one thirty p.m. was declar• ed by the chair. MONDAY - Dr,0177B7), 29T11, 1913 - 1:30 r Board reassemblea as nor recess. 7011 call, all members Present. Moved by 'adder and seconded by Heye that this Board requires all county and township officers, including road overseers, now holding office, to file new bonds for the year 1914 on or before January 13, 1914, and the Clerk instructed to notify all such officials not having already complied, of this action. Motion Prevailed. Upon motion,by Kidder seconded by Schlegel the petition of the G.A.R. was taken from the table. 4 Moved by 'Xidder and seconded oy Schlegel that the petition of the local G.A.. for exemption from taxes on lot 5, block 24, Original Town, in the City of Hastings, be pranted. R611 call, all voted Yea. MotiOfl prevailed Moved by 'Udder ani seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be male the order d. of the Boaranper d as decree of the Bistrict Court rendered as shown on 3upervisor T;e0rd:-11-7, page 5894e County Clerk be ordered to deliver to the County Treasurer a copy ofga.L-ce..or(107171Te from the tax lists for the years 1893-4-5-6-7-8-9, 1900-1-2 an a 3, inclusive, the tax extended against block 18. hnson's Add to the City of Hosting. aoll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed. Moved by Bitner ana seconded by Hynes that the recommeneation of the Bond Committee be acceptel and made the order of the Board and. the following bonds be approved. Motion prevailed. H.C.Haverly 'Deputy Couhty Clerk. C.H.Huason County Clerk. 7m.F.Button County Judge. w.A.Cole .... Sheriff. County Surv• eyor. Jas.7.CrewleY Justice of the 'Mace, City of llastinp-s. B.G.7igert 7o9,d Overseer, 7.ist. 1, Zero Towns.. P. First National Bank of Hastings. German -ational Bank of 17a,sting's. recess until nine o'clock a.m. Tuesday, • was then taken. , . . . . . . TUESBAT - BEGF,HBER 30TH, 1913. - 9 A.U. Board_ reassembled as per recess. Roll call, all members present. ' Moved by ',Udder and seconded by Heye that the report of the Finance Comm. be made the oraer of the Board and the follbwing claims be allowed against the general fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call,- all voted yea. Motion prevailed. A A Stanner & Greenfield e 3.00. C.V.Iangovin •.............. -e 54.70. Stein Bros.Co. ••••••••••••• •••••• 2.50. G.A.Volland ••• ..... ...•••.• 2.35. J. 7. Traut . .0 • ...... • • • • • • 4 • • • • •**. 7.25. Easings Gas Co. ........... 13.12. . - J.H.Traut .•........•.............• 7.25. Bennett Cloyd 2.45. .,.... e • .;..‘„, ,.,..t.e.,13t1,,.... • • ••• • .4 • • • ee4,4•1 15.00. 3 ern Bros . ,,o. •• • • • • • • • • • • • • 1Trc, 1.nA pe.,,,,,,n-00. Kauf & Hinderspacher . ..... . . -.... 4.10. FratkSchaufelberger 22.00. Schmitz & -eines ......... 41440•0••• 14.00. Chrls Hansen 21.75. Jacob Bauer ... .• • 4'5.29. Vertrie Grain & Lumber Co. •9.95. Tr.R.7111is 4,04•0404•••••••••000.40• 3.02. HaSTirgs Fuel Co. •••••••0410 30.50. T"aheee-eu ..,44,.....44, 4•••••••••••••••••• 64.95. L.R.Tillis ....-...••......• 5.00. lnlIT-4-. Thrnq illiam F.Button 414,00•444.1004•••••0 76.00. Fas ings Daily Tribune 8.33. Adams County Bemocrat ..•••••....•. 21.90. 1-illiam F.Button 178.71. •••••••••••••••••••••••• 17.75. 7.F.Fuller 1.00. T.H.Fuller ....... •41•••••••• Fasting's Foundry & Iron Torks . 092.64. Gustave Sievers 3.25. , P.H.Turuly & Co. 142.00. N.D.Kiader •••••••••••• ••••• 32.00. Union Cafe . . ...... •••••••••••••••• 10.50. Lem Tibbets ••••.• .......... 103.00. Hansen Lumber Co. 00••••••••• e, C.,rir,01,,,* LOt.4.40.,_031., eum r uo. ••.•.-... 14.50. G & C 13.95.T-T.D Tebster & Co. •......... 14.80. m.floidale Shoe Co. ............•8.05. Clias.lhorp • .. ..•.......•... e.50. Stein Bros.Co. ••••••••••••••••• 0 00. ,.R.Alexanaer ....•-••••... 100.00. Geo.F.Overturf •••••••••••••••••••• 100.00. 7.0.llaver...lY ...... •—•...,•. 425.00. Mabel Croft ...040•4••••••••••••••• 127.50. d•i4•T1..„ • •••••••••••••••• . 4.00. 7rs.L.Dick ••••••004••••••••••••••• 0000. POS•Webster 000 0••••••••••• ''',4 0'... M.R.Emberson •••••••••••••••••••••• P5000. 0.e.7hitese1 ••••••••••••••• 5.70. A.T.Shattuck ••......-------- 5.70. Griffith Evans •.•-•••••... 5.70. I.A.Bo,r ..,er .. ..... •••••••••••••••••• 5.50. n. .tilly ..... ...•••••••••• . 21.40. Joe Budnek ........ .•••-•....••••• • • , 10. • ••••• ,17-,:g(0): '6 00 The University Bu Co inahlquist Bros. ••••••••••••00.040• 31.60. nrs.Funice Spiltan -Ic) nn TUESDAY - DE.CJ vIBER ?0TH, 1913 - 10 A.M. - cont . Moved by Kidder and secondOd by Schlegel that the recommendation of Pinance COMmittee be made the _order of the Board and the following claims be allowed drat .` against tete bridge fund and the Clerk be instructed to drawarrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. • ',152.0.5. Prank Kitts '- 13.63. Coot Lumber 77.5500, xm. rne ... ......... ...`.., r.50. Chris Hesse ,., . :... TMm.Kedy 21.00. Jam;s�ennedy •,.'' ..•...•.. Hastings Foundry Iron "orUs ,?r•69 John'Smith .,..• , .. e•••••s •e 74.00. Albert Lay ...•.,.,...•.,•••••••. ,umber Co............. 194.55. C.T. Genzmer 291.'50. Coon 4•'70. Dan I ssin -er . ....... • ... , • • . • 7';03.- HolsteCo.. • • ..l, 15:60• B.0•"'igert ..•.. ,.•.... 16.50. rt . ."'eaves dumber Co. ......... 154.50. Peter Heltenberg , . , .. ... 10.50. rd Arcterson ., ... • ®.. J P•'"'•Frahm .....•.•..... 23;90. John Kummer Jay r'rebb ..... • • , . . • 7 0. n•A.FUrry ••••••.••••••••••• 14.16. Moved by Heye and seconded._ by Bitter that the petition of Frans:. ?;earner' County, and Sec. 6-8-12, Adams Bernhard et al , for a road between Sec.1-8-13 + � Y I County, be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Motion prevailed. Upon motion by Bitter seconded by Kidder the recommendation of the of Peter McIntosh, County Bond Committee was made the order of the Board and th_ef bond Treasurer, was approved. Motion Prevailed. A recess until one thirty p.m. was! th.en declared by the chairman. for a road. across Motion prevailed. to notify the manager of the Nebraska Sanitarium to ap pear before the County � ��i inquiries inre�;ard to t TUESDAY - DECEMBER 30TH, 191 - 1:30 P.M. Board reassembled as per rece0s. Roll call, all members present. Moved by idler and seconded by Heye that the heorin on the petition ec.17-6-11 , he laid over until one o'clock p.m. January 14th, 1914. Moved by Hynes and seconded by Hoye that the County Clerk be instructed, -� r tT Board on �.m to rep tothe Frday,Janzi�.ry 2nd, 191, at ten o'clock. �•, I,rQtion prevailed. petition for release from taxation filed Dec.Zrd, 1913. 1,rovet by ?Udder and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and the County Treasurer be Cert. instructed to spread the personal taxes of 'T.F.Theeler for the year 1913 on a valuation '7, 3G �, .T t �' ���' �,0 instead. of �rl<a�a0, actual valuation, on acCou:nt of erroneous assessment, and t... %= 1%1= r. �_. refund the difference. Roll call, all votedyeo,.' ..dation prevailed. Moved by Kidder and seconded_�y Bitner that Wien it does so to meet again on Friday, January 2nd, l914, at ten o'clock, a.m. Motion prevailed. Minutes read and approved. Motion to adjourn. Carried. • : • • . • • • . • Chairman.