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FRIDAY - JANUARY 2N71, 1914 - 10 A.M.
Board_ met as per adjournment.
Roll call, all members present.
Upon motion by Benedict seconded. by Schlegel the following list of names
was Submitter' from which to choose the jurors for the next term of District Court.
_ District No. 1. --
gest Blue,
T.enesaw ,
Chas. roniny.
Jesse noty, Sr.
W.E. Cac3walader
Joe Ganwpwi sh .
John Smidts.
John J.'rUmmer.
Tistrict Trto. 2.-
Cott Fisher.
Bert Lockhart.
Gilbert Harpham.
John Steiner,
A yr ,
istrict I:1o. 3. --
John Laux.
Geo.VT. Long.
Thomas Sha ttuck.
Jacob G.Schmidt.
Henry Starner.
Albert Schultz.
H. -.Manske.
T''alter George.
John H.Grounds.
Godfrey Frickie.
Joseph Huckfeldt.
Nick Miller.
1 Roseland,
Silver Late ,
John. Roth.
Alfred Johnson,
Chas. "*heat.
John Cline.
Thomas Trousch.
istrict No.
Little Blue:
Albert Bostock.
Ed C .Koepke .
William Gartner.
Frank McCormick.
-- District No.
Jacob Bohnet • J.?.Dewitt.
Fred?ruenin sen. 9r . HenryAllsteail t.
Bennett d
Oloy. w.S.Tie.men.
r z
Au .,ust IT . Binderup .
Jacob 11.Quigle.
Willis A.'eynolc? s.
Gale Lawson.
- District No. 6 --
William H.Ground.
Ira J.Herring.
Ernest '^endling.
- District Ilo:. 7
Chas.T Terbert.
John wailer.
Eugene Battan.
Oliver R.BeT'nth.
The remainder of the forenoon was to en
petition of the „Tebr .skra Sanitarium.
A rece
up with the discussion of the
s until one t irty p.m. was then taken.
FRIDAY - JANUARY 2171') , 191 I. 30 "'.I,i.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Toll call, all member
Moved by Kidder and secondee. by Ileye that the recommendation of the
Complaint Committee be made t'r.e order oftI Board and the County Treasurer be. instructed
to -refund to r .F.Bu.tton •19.36 tax for 1900 and prior y ea,- yeas, : as shown on receipt -11, on
account of the same having been illegally a? portioned..• Lotion prevailed.
Upon motion by Bitner secondee 1 r Kip Ter the recon:.endation of the
Bond C omrrittee was rade the order of the Board and the official bona, of 'T. R. Ale.rander ,
Deputed .",ounty Treasurer, was accepted.,an4 approved. Motion. prevailed.
o"ore1 0TBenedict and seconTeaby lHynesfret the Alans and specific-
atins furnisnecby the tate Ervr,inEer the btinr of
bridges, a set of same being
in tire. {possession of the County Clerk,'be adopted. for the year 1914.
4ove by Hoye and secondee by Kidder :rat the. rmotion to adopt the plans
_and specifications of the•State Engineer for.the year •1914, be laid on the table, Roll
call, - yeas, ladder, Heye , Schlegel and Heiler; nays,- Benedict, Hynes Bitner not voting.
Motien carried , .$
:loved by Benedict and secondee. by Hynes that the Clerk be instructed to
advertise for bids for tie construction of bridges for the year 1914 according to the
plans and specifications now on file, zn the Bourns Clerk's off ice, said bids to be on
file v. iththe County Clerk on or before ten, o' clock '.n. , February 4th, 1914.
Moved, by T e Te and seconded by Kidder that the motion to L struc.t the
Clerk to advertise for bidsfor y; thconstruction of,bridges for the year 1914 according
MONDAY-- JANUARY 1.21'H, 1914 - 1:30 P.M. cont.
Nbved by Bitner and seconded by "adder that the recommendation of the
Finance Committeeiemade the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed
against the general fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. 7011
call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
C.F.7ennedy A
James V.Beghtol ..... ..... ......... 2.50. J.L.Vnes 30.00.
Addison 7ait, SecTY of State ...... 75.00. Geo.S.,Hutchins 000000 9.85.
State Journal Co.................... 8.06. Blake & Sons ........ 17.75.
J.H.McGrath Fdw.Co. ............... 10.00. G.7.Pratt 40.00.
Nenlv "Bauer 14i8:John liUgel 11.90.
.......... 410000000000.0
• 011. ine ........ ......... . • 0'
Nye -Schneider Fowler Co. 42.30. Pon C.Pouts
Allyn & Bissell ...........
Temple Cafe ....... ..... .200000.000 O
•0•• •09•
27.00. C.F.Fudson ......... ........ 28.34
\.B.Rellins ..... 0001000,0 5.
Lincoln Tel.& Te1.00. 23.60.
Bennett 010 yd .. ............. 6.55.
C.R. & ...... ... . ... 1.94.
C.T.Van Patten ..... . • ... #0,00.0410 10.30.
N.P.7adder 30.00.
Hastings Pally Tribune ..... 4.50.
.......... 0004000600000 32.00.
John Heye 52.00.
B.F.Schlegel .......... 04000O0 52.30.
Moved by Bitner and seconded by 7:idder that the recommendation of the
Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board ani the County Treasurer be instructed
refund the taxes paid on receipts et6 and 7 for the year 1900 and prior years, on account
of the same being oroperty of the United Evangelical Church. Roll call, all voted yea.
Motion prevailed.
Dr.77.Ackley 16.00.
John L.7aco 6.50.
F.J.Benedict ........ 34.00.
0.Mik;se11 ........... . 13.72.
D.N.Bitner 26.40.
F.J.Benedict 38.00.
James Crowley 3.05.
Haynes Bios. .......... 56.15.
Thereupon the chairm'In ordered a recess until nine o'clock a.m., Jan.15t1i.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
Moved by Hynes and secondedbY 7idder that:the petition of the Nebraska
Sanitarium filed with the County Clerk December 3rd,1913, and read to the Board on
December 5th, 1913, The refused. Roll call, -yeas, Benedict, :adder, Hynes, Heye, Schlegel
and Heiler; nays, Bitner. Motion prevailed.,
Minutes read and approved.
Motion to adjourn sine die. Carried.
000 ..... 0•0•• •••
TUESDAY - JANUARY 13TH, 1914 - 10 ?l. M.
:Board met persu.ant to statute called to order by the Clerk.
All members present, viz.,- BiUner, TTc,,re, Schlegel, Hynes, Heiler,
Benedict and ;ri l_;der,
Heiler nominated an<l elected temporary Tchairman.
'x'hereupn the County Judge aopeard before the Board and declared that the
bonds of Supervisors Ilene, Hynes and Benedict had been, filed and approved.
Upon ballot TTr. Heiler was elected chairman for the ensuing year.
The chairman then ordered a recess until one thirty p.m.
TUESDAY - January 13TH, 1913 - 1:30 F.N.
Board reassembled as per recess.
o11 call, all members present.
The chairman announced the follov in ' standing committees for the year 1914:
SETTLET,`EYT Schlegel, Chairman; Bitner, Benedict, Hynes, Hoye, Heiler and Kidder.
FINANCE Benedict Chairman; Bitnor, 'Udder, Hynes, Heiler, Schlegel and He jc .
COMPLAINTS - Hines, Chairman; Kidder and. Bitner.
BON'S Benedict, Chairman; Fynes and Bitner.
ROADS AND BRIrG,T'S Tleye , Chairman, Schlegel anr3 T ill er . and member of Board where rvwrork
.is (lone.
LAWS, BUILDINGS An SUllsPTITI 3 71dder, Chairman, Heiler and Benedict.
COUNTY FATT - Bitner, Chairman; Yynes and Schlegel.
Tioved by Tridder and seconded by Hoye that the chairman be made a member
of all committees. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Tridder and seconded by Heye that the Chairman be instructed to
appoint according to statute, a committee of three to appraise the land described in the
application of '•?.Marker, viz•, N'' sec. 16-8-12 (the same being school lands which Mr.
Parker desires to purchase)
,, ,- r Motion _ prevailed.
The chairman thereupon a pointed Hynes, ...eye and 7ic9 .cr as a committee
o comply with the last motion heretofore.
Moved by Hynes and seconded by Kidder that the contract on books Class
tAt- be awarded to Watlecns-Evans Printing Company as Per their bid, as follows: (Carried)
8 qr. plain records, mediurl`: •..••.'•• ••.•••• ••..., each 110.00.
8 T' ,arinten head records, medium .....•....•......• 12.00.
8 " printed page records medium •. " 14.00.
Canvas covers and patent backs ..•. f1 3.0.
All records to be made on TTo.1, 36 medium'
nen ledger, full bound extra.
Tax receipts for 1914, duplicate, with carbon,
200 to the book, per book
• .. • • • 2•750
chattel mortgage files •• •••• • •••••• foe.00 .f•.•♦ .•.•• each .75
Lithographedwarrants, per
1.1 • • • . • e • �• . . • • + e . . • it • . • • e • 12.00•
Bond attached.
Mowed by Kidder and seconded by Bitner that the bid of Renner & Serf on
e"al blanks Class "B"- be accepted. for the ensuln year, as follows: (Carried)
.., 'hole �^1 yy{ p blanks, (fit per M
hole sheet 4.,1f��1.i�ik7, �[• O • • 6 ♦ a O • • • • • • • • • • •'• • •• • • �, 4.50.
Tal sheet blanks per TT • • • • • • • • o • • • •. • •.•.• • • • e • • • • • 4.00.
Quarter sheet blanks, per M ...... • • . • • • • • • • • 3.2((5.
.e ighth sl eet blankrs , .per M • • • . • .. • • • • • • . . . .. . .. . . . 1.50.
Letter heads, riled,.peTr -M ....• •...•••.••••••••••• 1.60.(
Note heads, ruled, per T>T . e • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • s o • • • • • 1.00.
Envelopes, 6 1/2 rag - white, per i T . • • • • s • • s • • • . • • 1.25.
Fnvelopes, l0's rag - white, . per M 1.90.
? 1.15.
ELivelopes , 10' s ?Fan.i.1a , uer T`.T ....... + . • • • • • • . • • • • • 1.65.
Bond provided for.
Moved bar Benedict and seconded by 'Udder that Schmitz & ')eines be
awarded the contract for office supplies - Class "C"- for the ei1saing year. :lotion
prevailed. Bili as follows:
Ink - Carter's, Stafford's & Arnold , ,per qt.
Pons - Eagle, Esterbrook and r-illots, per gross •
Office Xnives, 2 blade, ,,per ,doz
Silver e1 Series Pens • • • • • . • • . • • • . tiler gross • . • • • •
:Letter heads, Arcadia bond, per M. • . • • . • • . • .
Tote heads, Arcadia bond, per M .......... , • • • •
Fnvelopes, 6 1/2 Manila, per H
Pencils, Me�jphyisL o, per doz
y 'agross
• �pV [off• • • • • • • • • • • o • • • f
bly's 1-4, per Bross •.•••••••••,.. !�.•.
Pen holders_, Bork or rubber., Per doz . • • • . • • . • . • •
Pubber bands, per pound .s .•o.••..•e,oe••..•o••.•...
recess until nine o'clock a•m• Te nesday , was then taken.
wEDNESDAY -- JATHJATY 14TH, 1914 -- 9 A.J.
Board reassembled a per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
Moved by 'bidder and seconded by Benedict that A. J.Irace be :.retained as
janitor of t Court Nouse for the year 1914 at the vs€gal salary. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Benedict and seconded by Bitner that the request of the County
and clerk hire for the year 1914, be granted. Motion prevailed..
Clerk for fees
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Kidder th',,t the County Clerk be instructed.
to draw all salary warrants for county officials, clerks and appointees entitledto the
same, at the end of each month, and such amount for the County Attorney as will make one
third of his quarterly salary, and the Clerk and Chairman be authorized to sign and
deliver the same. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Benedict and seconded ,07. Bitner that the appointment of John H.
.Furry as deputy county assessor for Denver Townszin, to fill vacancy, be approved.
"Notion prevailed.
Moved by Kidder and seconded ; by Hynes that ?"'. G. Sad.d.ler be appointed as a
member of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Relief Commission. Motion prevailed.
Moved by 'Kidder and seconded' by Mel e that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be male the order of the Board and the following estimate of expenses
for the year 1914 be made.:I lotion prevailed.
Books and stationery
General expenses .....
Bridges • .....
Election •..•........
Supervisors ••..•....
Printing .........
Assessment ....•.•..•
Superintendent ..••.
Coroner . . •....... ,
Jail . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • . O N • . • • • ,• . P 9
Coal .•.••••••.......••••..•••••.••
Poor Aid •..•••.••.•..•.•.•..•s...•
Medical Aid
County '.r a.I. m • .• • . • . • • • ♦ • • • • . ♦ • • • .
Court Expen7es . • • • • wow...—.
Incidentals .•..•....
Tax lists
••...•.s.•.•... ....•.
Lands and buildings .....,
• • • • .• • • •• • • • 2,000.00.
O 00000000000,
• • . • • • e ♦ • • • 0
O 000000.W*
O 000000000000
• • • • « e • • . . a e
.. 00044,000000
• • • • •
• • • • • •
. • •
• • •
Moved. by Mi.dd.er and seconded b7 Bitner that the report of the chairman
of the Bridge Committee be accepted and made a part of the recordRoll call,- yeas,
Benedict, Kidder, Bitner, Hoye, , Schlex el and Heiler, hays, Hynes. Motion prevailed.
To the
Total .•.•••••.•••
TTonora'ble Board of Supervisors,
CTentlemr'rn; -
`rhe follovrinr is an itemized. repo: t of the Toad and Bridge.
Committee an bridges .bu:+ It sand re fair. ed .iia -dams Corn rf dzzrinr the ,year 1913:-
Hastings, Hebr., Jan.9, 1914.
Tri' -yes constructed:
;One betv:c c'n sec .1 and 12,•Iianovcr Tov:Tnsh.in ,
12 ft. •,Rater vya-j, 20 1t. road way.. , , ........
•One betvreen sec . 3 and l0 , Hanover. Tov-nship ,
12 ft, tr,ate:r sva,f, 20 ft. road. way-„. . . ..
One between sec. 7 and 18, Hanover Township,
12 t. water xray, 20 ft. roar? way ..............
17 and 2 0, Ayr Township,
One betv4-een sec.
12 `t. water way, 20 ft road: way ., ........... .
One on section 4, Little Blue Township,
12 ft. water way, 20 ft. road way
�t Little Township .........
One on section _, �a.�ttl_e P�lue �o � . • ...... , •
Concrete backing; and tying, section 4, Little B ue Tewnslii
One between sec.13 and 24, Logan Tovnshi,
12 ft. water vra7, -20 ft. road wa<l' .,........"
One between sec. 13 and 14, Logan Township,
12 ft. water way, 20 ft. road way
One between sec. 27 and .28 , Logan Township,
12 ft. water way, 20 ft. road_ waye
• . • . .. 374.98.
ED TEST AY - JANUARY 14TH, 1 14 9 A.M. cornt.
One between sec. 17 and. 20, Zero Township,
12 ft. water way, 20 at. road wy
One between sec. 20 and 21, Highland_ TownshiP ,
12 ft. water way, 20 ft. road. way , ....... • . , . , .
Double brid
.etween sec . 2 , TT iahland Tor nsh;ip , and
sec. 35, So. 'latte Township, Hall Co.
(One half due from Fall Count=y, "45260) .
12 ft. water way each, 20 ft road way.
One between sec. 1, Juniata Township, and sec. 6,
Denver Township ..... "..'........ y . • . • ........ , • -
One between sec 21 and. 28, ?"and.a Township,
concrete abutement ...••...•...V....•.......•...
One between sec. 26 and 27, Vanda Township,
12 ft. water way, 20 ft. roan way
One between sec. 31 and 32, Verona Township,
12 ft. water way, 20 ft. road w4y
One between sec. 25 and 36, uones€%w Township,
' 12 ft. water way, 20 ft. road w .y
One between sec. 13, Cottonwood Township, and sec. 18,
Roseland Township, 12 ft. water way, 20 i't.
roar ,_ way .......... ...., . • ..... • • • .. • . • • • * 4 . ,
Repair work:
district No. 1,
Highland Township,
District No. 2, -
Total for constriction work
• * . . . • . . .. • * . .. . . , • ,' ♦ • . • • • •
Juniata Township . . 1092.64.
Hanover Township, ••••.•.... .....••.. • •.••••• 438.79•
(Due from Clay 3ounty, 37.89)
Ayr Townshi
• •
... 554.3
1 • • •
'District No, 2.and 3,
. . . . . . . • • • . . • • . .. . • • • • • •
Between sec. 6,
Juniata Township and 31,
Verona Township,......•........•
District No. 3, -
Cottonwood Townshi
eon sec 5 and 6 .... 23.98.
between sec. 8 am 9 .... 26.00.
between sec. 34 and 35 .. 24.45.
between sec. 25 and 369
between sec. 14 and 15 .. 15.60.
, sec. 33, 4.70.
Between sec. 4, Cottonwood, and 33, "•anda .... 36.71.
7anca Township, between sec. 28 and 5 35.57.
)etween sec. 23 and 26
, on =' sec line sec. 20,
Between sec. 1, Verona Township and Hall Co...
(One half due from Hal/ Co., `,22.52)
District No. 4,-
iFrrt; r>TT SDAy - JANUARY 14TH, 1914 -- 9 A.M. cont.
Logan Townshi n , between sec. 8 and 9
between sec. 4 and
Between sec. 34, Zero Township, and sec. 3-4-10 • .. .
(One half due from T"Te'ster Co. 12.75)
expense : -
11nRaid bills i rom 1912 e a . • a a • * . a , ♦ • • • • •
9 pieces 2x12x20, to ?auline
One half car of sand, sec. 18 and 19 .Juniata
Tater tank , ..e..•.•..,.,.•,.......•..•,
Total miscellaneous expense
Total amount expended during the year
Total amount due from other counties
16, 441.52.
Net expense of bridge work to the County, 1913
, 945.76.
.F. Schlegel ,
Chairman of
Road _ & Bridge Comm.
Moved by Benedict and seconded by Bitner that the reports of the County
Judge, County Clerk and County Treasurer be accepted and placed on file. Motion prevailed.
ordered a recess unt'l one o'clock p.m.
The chairman then
- 1 B.M.
Boardreassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all Members present.
Moved by 'adder andseconded y Schlegel that the .T?ayland road petition
laidover until the first meeting- in February, 1914. Motion prevailed.
Loved by 'adder and seconded by Heye that when this Board adjourns it
does so to meet again February 3rd, 1914, at ten o'clock, a.m. Kotion prevailed.
Trovec? by Kidder andseconded bw Schlegel th'tt the recommendation of the
Bond Committee be made the order of the Board and: the following bonds be approved.
"notion prevailed.
J.H•TTerling Register of Deeds.
'. °.Uerl ng Deputy Register of reeds.
Exchange National Bank, Depository Bond.
Lem Tibbets .... •.. e Clerk of the District Court.
J,A• Schmitz •. , .... • Clerk, Ayr Township.
Paul Grabill Clerk, Silver Lake Township.
T?enr r Bohlke • .. .. • Treasurer, "Vanda Township.
John `fieffe ... • Road Overseer, T`ist.2, Fiphland Township.
Ora Toty Road Overseer, 'dirt.4 , Highland Township,
C.A•'" elch , •.. •. • • ♦ Road: Overseer, Tist.3, Verona Township.
Chris Anderson . Road Overseer, , Dist.2, VandaTownship.
Raleigh Baugh • • e • • Road Overseer, rist. 3 , `"arida Township.
J.R.Baugh Road. Overseer, 7,-ist•1, Juniata Township.
Klaas Henrichs 'load Overseer, :nist.1, Blaine Township.
Charles Manske ... • Road Overseer, Tri^t•3, Ayr Township.
Chas."heat Road. Overseer, ri st.55, Logan Township.
Ray Jones 'Roar Overseer, .ri st.1 , Silver Lake Township.
Pred Routh • • . • • . • • Road Overseer, i`isi,.2 , Cottonwood Township.
Moved by Bitner and seconded,bj Hynes that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be accepted and made the order of the Board and the following claims
be allowed. and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants against the general fund for the
same. doll call, all voted yea, Motion prevailed.
J. J. Gish .. • . , • .. ♦ • ......... , 7.X2/0. Juniata Grain P aunnly C o . • ♦ . ',17.00.
S• T. T ockhart e • ♦ • e • . • • • . • . . • • • • 11.00. C • F• & •R •R• Co . . • • . . . . . • eo.
Lizzie Reese .......•••.....••. 5.00. TTastings Baily Republican •... 30.53.
Hastings Gas Co. .... , OOOOOOO .. -2.4 3:,
• • •
• • •
,.. T.,. ....... 1 ez 4-'.. 1 n1 A
THURSDAY - JANUARY 15TH, 1914 -- 9:30 A.L.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present
moved by Hynes and seconded,br Bitner:that 1 e report of the Settlement
Committee be accepted and entered upon the record. Moteion prevailed.
i Hastings, Nebr. , Jan.10, 1914.
o the Honorable Board of Supervisors,
We, your Settlement Committee, have checked all the books, papers
stubs, vouchers and warrants in the different offices:for the last six months ofr the
year 1913 and beg leave to submit the following repo ct of our findings:-
indinns -
In the Office of the Register of Deeds,-
I"e checked the followinr� records in tie e5ister of Deeds office: General
Index to Deeds No.16; General Index to r:Tort^'ages T?o.15; TIiscellaneous Index ITo.5;
Mechanics Lien Index TTo.1; and Index to Estates Tro1. These were found to agree with
Fee Book 70.5 which corresponds with the report on file in the County Clerk's office,
as follows:
July receipts "S 16:3.90.
August receipts .............. 165.35.
September receipts 164.5.
October receipts 19.95.
November receipts 175 .05.
"ece rber receipts 207.10.
1an.1st to 7th, 1914,...,.... 35.60.
Total, July 1 to JJan. 7th 5108.50.
Receipts 1st six months 1913 .,. 1298.60.
Total receipts of 1913: • 2407.10.
Balance on hand Jan.1, 1913 ... 620.80.
Disbursements for salaries:
Register 10
R 1�
®...,.. '00.00.
Deputy 7uty 1200.00.
Balance on hand Jan. 7 , 1914:
F ,
r,.J.Senecais ,
J. L.lynes ,
Sub -Comm.
In the office of the COUNTY CLE 1_i
1 e cheered the records in the Clerk's of 'ice as follows:- Chattel Hort age
Record, --'hysicians' RePi ster, "q?.ntists' Rep.ister, rnbalmers' Register, Bill of ;ale
Record, Notarial Record, Optometry Record, Stock Lien Record, Miscellaneous Record
and all other records where fees are charged, with the FeeBook. ?"Te also checked the
report with the Fee nook and find all fees accounted for and the report to be correct.
The warrants were checked with the warrant stubs acs all warrants not receipted for
were found in the possession of the Clerk.
Pees received during the year 1913, -
For the first six months .... • ............ s....
For the last six months ....• • • •...
Disbursement s ; -
Total • s • .. .
To deputy salary, 9? months ... . .......... 791.68.
To assistant and. extra clerk hire •......•:•.. 1059.00.
Balance on h
January 1, 1914 . ..... ........ .. .
Uncollected fees due the office from the; county, -
36 bonds recorded with seals.... ....... ...... ;1 36.00.
21 bonds recorded ........... ....yy
,,........... 15.75.
441 license seals ...•.'.......• •. .,••... 110.25.
1600 seals on claims ............... e....e..•• 400.00.
To balance on making tax lists ......••....... 600.80.
B.F. Schlep'el ,
Sub -Comm.
i'....-e-weuv.....e.etee A •xavr
THITTrAv JAYUARY 15TH, 1914 - 9 A.M. cont.
In the Office of the COUITTY TREASURER,
7e checked all taxes collected and all other receipts of the County
Treasurer's office, together with the disbursem,Pnts and balances on hand in the
various funds and fina them to agree with the Treasurer's sworn statement for
the last six months of the year 1913.
Balance July 1st, 1913 ......... .......... 82,777.24.
Collections July 1st to Jan. is 1520351.260
Total receipts ... ... . . . . ........... 3265,128050.
Total disbursemnts, July lst to Jan.lst.. 16,467086.
Balance on hand January 1st, 1914 ..... S 97,660.64.
1 J.F.Heiler,
John Heye,
Sub -Comm•
In the Office of the COUNTY jUnGE,-
We checked the County Judge's office rom July 1st, 1913 to January 1st,
1914, consisting of the following records: I:arriage License Record Yo.13, County
Court Dockets 7os. 5 and 6, Justice of the Peace Dockets Nos. 7 and 8, Probate
Fee Books Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Official BondRecord No, 2, Cash Books and
miscellaneous items and found same to agree with the report on file with the
County Clerk.
Recapitulation of fees received for the last six months of 1913, -
July .;151.10.
August •••••••••••••••• 278.20.
September 159.00.
October 310.35,
November 302.63.
Dee eMb er ....... • • • • e • • • • 681.30.
Total last six months !:11882.58.
Total lst six months 1266.20.
Total for the year ... )3148 78
, • .
Disbursements, -
By salary County Judge .......
By salary Clerk
By salary extra clerk
By deficiency 1912 .. ,
Total for the year ........ ' 3147.00.
on hand
Sul -Comm.
In the Office of the CLERIC. OP THE DI1.3TRICT CO ,
Tn the office of the Clerk of the 9istict Court we checked Appearance
Dockets Nos. 21 and 22, Judgment Ledger No.8, Judgment rockets Nos, 6 and 7 with
the Fee Book, and find them to correspond with each other and with the report
on file in the County Clerk's office.
Total amount fees collected in 1913 . 2800.02.
Clerk's salary 4'1600.000
Deputy's salary 800.00.
-2uth Tibbets, extra help 110.'5.
• A.B.Tibbets, extra help . 5/.00.
Ellen Larsen, extra help 5.'5. 2573.50.
Paid. Co.Treasurer, recpt t408 226.52.
Sub -Comm.
TUU RS7AY JANUARY 15TH, 1914 - 9:30 A.M. cont.
In the of ice of the COUNTY aU' E�.IT. a. , I.B�1.I'� � OF a HOOz:S , -
'e checked the receipts and isburserie pts of the office of the County
Superintendent ent and find them to be. as follows:
Receipts, -
Balance on hand July 1, 1913 ..••.•........... 318.36.
Fees received during last 6 'no. 1913 ....,..,. 219.00.
Received of county ............... , ,„... , • .. . 50.00.
Total receipts
xpenditures,-Aug. 25-29, 'aid out for institute . •$
•.•.••. 316.00.
Balance, January 1, 1914 ..
In the office of the 3H7RIF?,-
• • • • . • . . . . . • . . •'. • . • . • o • •
D. . Bi i,ner ,
B.T .lacAlle ;e1,
Sub -Comm.
In the office of the sheriff we checked the Process Docket with the
Fee Book and found them to correspond with each other and with the sheriff's
sworn statement on fide in the County Clerk's office. Receipts from July 1st
to January 1st, as follows
?I1`•ist�ricty' Court •..•,•..•.,•.•.•. ;� '"32.4 4
County Court • • . . . • .' 44 . . • . . . . • . . • . . .0�..+ .
Justice Court , (Crowley, ` 14. P5)
(Beglyto1 , , 3.50) 17.75.
Total receipts .., ., ... 1428.22.
V G.7ad d1_er -
Gregory Roth -
D. ri. Bitner ,
Sub -Comm.
sh received from mallin' and Co Treas ..... ' 212.73.
''aid out as per checks , . 102.45.
Balance on hand January 1, 1914 . " 110.28.
Cash on. hand or received during the year ....
ald out, as per receipts ...............
3a1 ance on hanJ January 1, 1914
Cash on hand or received_ Burin; the year ..... 215.95•
?'aid out as per receipts .. ............ 184.24.
Balance on hand January 1, 1914 .. 31.71.
D N.Bitner,
B F. Schle;ge1. ,
Sub -Comm.
J.L. Hynes.
John ueJTe.
J. '.Heiler.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Benedict that the report of the
°CountY Farm committee be made the order of the Board and the contract for installing
Plumbing at the County "'arm be awarded to H.II.Lembke , as per bid on file, his -being
considered the lowest and best bid, contractor to enter into contract and furnish
bond for the sane. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Benedict and seconded by Kidder that the request of Sheriff
Cole for approval of the appointment of C.'"1.%il son, J°. , as Deputy Sheriff at a salary
of '4'60.00 per month, be granted. Notion prevailed.
A recess
until one o'clock
p.rn. was ordered by the chairman.
Board reassembled as per rFcess.
Roll call, all members present.
Moved. by Benedict and seconded by Hoye that the proceedings of the
Board of Supervisors be published in the Hastings Daily Tribune and the Adams County
Democrat not more than eight days after each meeting,'at one fourth of the legal rate
each. Motion prevailed.
Bond Committee
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Heye that the recommendation of the
be made the order of the Board and they following official bonds be
John Reader Clerk, Zero 'Townshi n.
James Patterson Clerk, Logan Townsh p.
Board called to order by chairman as pard of Health.
It was moved. by Heye and seconded by Schlegel that the same members
and officers that served during the year 1913 be re-elected for the year 1914, viz.,-
Jas.V.Beghtol, Chairman; Bitner, Heye, Schlegel, Ilynes, Feller, Benedict, Kidder, and
C.TT..Hudson, Secretary. ';lotion prevailed.
?.Roved by .Benedict and seconded by Bitner that the reports of the Clerk
of the District Court, 'Register of Deeds, County Superintendent and Sheriff be approved
and ;laced: on file. Motion prevailed.
read and approved.
TUESDAY - PFBUARY 3I/D, 1914 - 10 A.M.
Beard assembled as per adjournment.
Roll call, all members present.
moved by Kidder and seconded by Hynes that the application of James
MAltimore for admission to the Nebraska Soldiers' and 'Sailors' Home be accepted. Motion
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Heye that the recommendation of the Bond
Committee be made the order of the Board and the following official bonds be approved.
Motion prevailed.
C.M.DOminy Clerk, Test Blue Township.
T.E.Munree .. . Treasurer, "rest Blue Tolinship,
P.E.Tintermute Treasurer, Ayr Township.
T.A.Toodworth Justice of the Peace, Ar Township.
George T. neat Justice of the Peace , ogan Township.
John Shnrriger, Jr. Constable, Kenesaw Township.
H.T.Figenberg Constable, Roseland Township.
0 • * • • 0 • • • 0 • •
John Coyne Road Overseer, Dist. 3, Highland Town (-hip
John Markley . .... Road Overseer, rist. 1, Verona Township,
John Harves Road Overseer, Dist. 1,'"anda Township.
Grant Ruby Road Overseer, rist. 2,'Juniata Township.
L.A.Purry Road Overseer, Dist. 3, Tlenver Township.
C.O.Rasmussen Road Overseer, Dist. 4,*Eanover Township.
C.A.Kohl .. ... Road Overseer, Dist. 4, Ayr Township.
Moved by Hynes and seconded by Heye that the recommendation of the Bond
Committee be made the order of the :Board and the effiii9,1 bond of John Gussenberger as
Road Overseer in District No.1, Roseland Township, be rejected for the reason that he
is not a resident of said district. Motion prevailed.*
The chairman then ordered a recess unt 1 one thirty p.m.
TUESDAY - TiTBRUARY 3RD, 1914 - 1:30 P.M.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members nresent.
Moved by Hynes and seconded by Hey° that the petition asking that a road
be established across sec. 17-8-11, from the east section line to the station of Hayland,
be refused. Roll call,- yeas Benedic÷ Hynes1 Bitner and Feye. nays, Kidder, Schlegel
and Heiler. Motion prevailed.
Moved br Xidder and seconded by Bitner that the recommendation of the
Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and the petition of the G.A.. for a
refund of 1913 taxes, receipt !!'4609, amount ',"97.21, be granted and the County Treasurer
be instructed to refund the same, on account of property of said organization being
exempt. 2011 call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Benedict and seconded by Bitner that the following bridge
petitions be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee, to -wit:
M.H.Berres, et al, for a bridge between sec. 16 and 21, Logan Township.
Gee-T.7heat, et al, for a bride between sec. 10 and 15, Logan Township.
Tilliam Hulsker, et al, for a bridge between sec: 2 and 11, Little Blue Township.
S.Bauder, et al, for a bridge between sec. 7 and 18, Little Blue Township.
7.7.7heingans, et al, for a bridge between sec. 21 and 16, Ayr Township.
Tilliam Gerloff, et al, for a bridE'e between sec 22 and 27, Zero Township.
Herman Gerleff, et al, for a bridge between sec. 23 and 24, Zero Township.
moved by Bitner and seconded by Benedict that on recommendation of the
Comnlaint Committee the tax receipt -17,9306 of John Creason be returned with no action
for refund, on account of same beinga legal assessmeAt in Adams County. Roll call, all
voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Benedict and seconded by Hynes that the request of the First
State Bank of Hayland be granted and said bank be made a county depository. Motion
prevailed. all members voting yea.
*Moved by,Heye and seconded by Hynes that the request of Lem Tibbets for
expenses be granted at ':!800.00 for deputy and :'100.00 for extra help, providing the fees
of the office cover said amounts. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
roved by Bitner and seconded by r3chlegel that the recommendation of the
Bond Committee be made the order of the Board and the official bond of T.T.altman as
Justice of the peace of 7,:enesaw Township, was approved. Motion prevailed.
The chairman ten ordered a recess until nine o'cloelK* a.m. 7ednesdalr.
WETTTES'AY - FEB:MARY 4TH, 1914 - 9 A.M.
Board reasserjbled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
440 ''.§4444444440..,44444,'44444,ag,44444444146e—VAQ443,4t4q44:40i4.4,044,4,40.q444*,A,
TEDNFIDAY - FEBRUARY 4TH, 1914 - 9 A.M. cont.
moved by Benedict and seconded by Bitner that the bridge petition of
T.7.Carter and others for a bridge between sections 21, and 28, Roseland Township, be
referred to the Read an Bridge Committee. Motion prevailed.
Paved by Heye and seconded by Schlegel that the Board rescind the
action taken January 15th, 1914, in awarding the publication of the supervisors'
proceedings. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Heye and seconded by Benedict that The 1--,astings "rally Tribune
and the Adams County Democrat be awarded the contractfor publishing the supervisors'
proceedings at one half of the legal rate each, as per statute, publication to be made
not later than eight days after the dajournment of each meeting. Motion prevailed.
Upon motion by Bitner seconded by Schlegel the report of the Finance
Committee was made the order of the Board and the following claims were allowed and the
Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion
Gauvrean & Co. +,................. ,13. 1.25. A.J.Mace
''' 2.80.
union Meat Market ............... 6,05. Jacob Bauer .•..•••••• * • • 1 • • • 46.70.
Chris Hansen 000000,000000.0•000000 21.75. Sorense & Kernan 3.00.
J.H.Traut & Son ................. 25.25. Tiastings Fuel co. 33.75.
Mrs.Funice Spillman 30.00. Leo Boutg 3.80.
Karl 7.Beghtol 14.40. Mrs.L.ABarron 5.00.
. ,N -n ,', m
Howard -Larsen Co. ............... 20.00. Ce.cc '..)..a.k.,00 1.94.
Standard Iupply Co. ..... . . .... 1.00. J.7.Ueriing 35.00.
Proffitt & Lovell •elree•• . •• .. *se 35.80. Joe Budnek eqrseeieogowed."041' • •
Hastings Ind • Tele Co. • ..., . • .. • 24.00. C,H.Thson.........o .. ... Ott 200.00.
J.F.Feiler p•mo ......... •1000004e 40.00. Mrs.C.,ha'S.LarSen •........•.•. 6.00.
Ethel Decker ...• .... • • . 4.00. 7,A.0o1 . . .•,.0•1•0••04.0••0 119.15.
Mrs • C . Tracy 0••0400•004•0•••••••• 30.00 • Itandar$ SuPPly Co. 2.00.
N.D.Kiader ...... ................ 30.00. John Heye ........ .......... 17.00.
D.N.Bitner 00.00,0000.00000000,000 32.30. State Journal 00. 104.30.
Allyn & Bissell .......... ... 55.70. 7,3xchange 'Tational Bank 9.85.
B.F.Schlegel .......... . . ........ 34.70. J.L.Hynes .... ..... . ...... 33.50.
F.7.Benedict ....... ... . ........ . 24.00. BinderuP Hd7.Co. .... ...... 10.85.
0.17.7-enned7 1.00. F.9.1'rebster Co
James Crowley 2.10. Remington Typewriter Co 5.00.
A.M.Clark .. • .• . . . ***** .••••••••• 18.10. Gus Bour'g 15.00.
L.7.7illis ***** .... ****** 00000100 4.52. L.R.Til is ........... ***** 10.60.
bit' 3.96. Mrs.Fre M
W.J.Robeininger 25.00.
Barnes clehia•ir•;•.•••••••• • • • • ...•
• • • • e • • • • • 1.00. Hastings Sanitary Dairy 2.00.
E.F.Lilly 04.0000000000000 ***** 000 27.00. Fuller Grocery Co. ***** efposo 15.55.
H.D.7ebster Co. ................. 26'20* J.F.Yest Lumber Co. 22.75.
C.I.Van Datten .................. 14.85. J. -B. -nine ...... ******** •6.13.
,.77.7reingart 00000000 ********* 1100 5.00. Blake & ;ens
Gauvreau & Co. .................. 9.75. YebraskA, State Bd. of Health 42.50.
Hastings Daily Republican ........ 4.01. 7.P.MeaA 11.90.
Cudahy acking Co. .. * ... * . *** ... 11.25. Lem Tibbets .. ***** . ...... 74.00.
Berger Concrete Construction Co.. 42.30. Hastings Furniture Co.
Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. ... . .. ... 22.25. 701bach& Brach 13.74.
35.00. M.R.Emberson 25.00.
Karl D.Beghtol ........... .......
Test Disinfecting Co. .. 5.25. Hasting'S Daily Tribune
Hastings Daily Tribune 27.75. 11.1T.Eem.,bke ••••••.• 412.53.
Moved by Heye and seconded by Bitner that the recommendation of the
Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board anc. the Treasurer be instructed to
cancel tax sale 1,t76 of 1913 and charge taxes back to the different funds, on account
of same being cemetery property. Roll call, all voted -yea. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Heye and seconded by Bitner that when this Board adjourns
it does so to meet again on March 3rd, 1914, at ten o'clock a.m. Motion prevailed.
A recess until one o'clock p.m. 7as4then taken.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
Moved by 'Udder and seconded by Benedict th-it the County Attorney's
office be allowed twenty dollars per month for clerical assistance for the balance of
1914 and to date from 'February 1, 1914. Roll call, -yeas, Benedict, Kidder, Hynes,
Bitner, Schlegel and Heiler; Heye absent. Motion prevailed.
Moved hy Hynes and seconded by Bitner that the Board defer action on
the bond of Jacob Morgan for road overseer in Road Dibtrict 170.57, Logan Township, and
the'Clerk be instructed to notify the signers of the Petition contesting the right of
Mr.Morgan to qualify and hold said office to prepare and present their grounds of
contest in the correct and legal manner on or before the next session of the County
Board, March 3r0, 1914, otherwise the bond 'of said JaCeb Morgan will be approved; also
notify Mr. Jacob Morgan. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Benedict and seconded by Kldder that the Chairman of the
County Board be instructed to sign up conditional contarct with the Lincoln Telephone
and- Telegraph Company, as offered to the Beard on February 3rd, 1914. Roll call,- yeas,
Benediet, 'Kidder, Bitner, ochle-el and Heiler° nays, tynee- Heye not voting. Motion
, , , 0,
TUESDAY - MARCH:3RD, 1914 10 A.Tif.
Board assembled as per adjournment.
Roll call, all members present.
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Schlegel that the petition of Stephen Faber,
et al, for a bridge between sections 28 and 29, Juniata Township, be referred to the Road
and Bridge Committee. Motion prevailed.
moved by Heye and seconded by Schlegel t:l.at the applications of Martha J.
Porter and J.B.Morris for admission to the 7?olliers' Sailors' Home at Burkett, rebraska,
be accented and made the order of the Board. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Hynes and seconded by -Kidaer t1 -at the recommendation of the Bona
Committee be made the order of the Board ana the following official bonds be approved.
Motion prevailed.
7.E.Talsh Clerk, Highland Township.
Joseph ''.::C7enna Treasurer, Highland Township.
L.N.Huxtable Treasurer, Blaine Township.
A.A-Graves Constable, Logan Township,
P.M.T'ominy 'Road. Overseer, Dist, 1, Highland Township,
R.E.KindiP Road Overseer, Dist. 1, Roseland Township,
Jacob Horgan Road Overseer, Dist.57, Logan Township.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Heye that the County Superintendent be
allowed forty five dollars per month for clerk hire fPr the balance of the year 1914.
Moved by Benedict and seconded, by Bitner that the original motion be
amended to pay -fifty dollars per month for nine month p of tlfle year 1914 instead of
forty five dollars per month for the balance of the year.
Roll call on the amendment: yeas, Benedict, Hynes, Bitner, Schlegel and
Heileri; nays,- Kidder and Heye. Motion prevailed.
Roll call on original motion as amended:,yeas,- Benedict, Hynes, Bitner,
Schlegel, Heiler; nays,-idder and Heye. Motion prevailed.
Motion to take a recess until one thirty p.m. Carried.
TUESDAY - MARCH 37, 1914 - 130 P.11,1.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
Moved by Benedict and seconded by Bitner that the bridge petitibn of P.C.
Larsen, et al, for bridges between sections 34 and 35and between sections 21 and 22,
Cottonwood Township, be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Kidder ani seconthat ded by Schlege the County Treasurer be
instructed to collect the tax on lots 858-S59, Juniata Village, at the amount of the
Prinoi"eal as shown on 1900 and prior year Delinquent fax Book, viz., Roll call:,
yeas'-„, --Kidder, Hynes, Bitner, Heye, Schlegel and Heiler!, nay,- Benedict. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Benedict and seconded by Bitner that the County Assessor's
aPpointmont of Jno.Hazel as deputy assessor for -est Blue Township and of 9.7.Yeatman
as deputy assessor for Hanover Township, for the year 1914, to fill vacancies, be
approved. Motion Prevailed.
Moved by Benedict and seconded by Heye that the recommendation of the
Complaint Committee be made the order of the Boarl ana the County Treasurer instructed
to refund ;:)9.24 school tax on receipt ,5219 for the year 1913, on account of error in
school district, the property having been assessed in -district ,f,167 instead of 548. Roll
Call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the
Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board an the request for a refund of taxes
on receipt T5090 for the year 1913, be •disallowed. Roll call, all voted yea. --
.rg 14.
. . 7,70tion Prevailed.
Moved by Benedict and seconded by Bitner that the fees in the Frank Triplett
insanity case from McPherson County, be turned into the County Treasury and the same be
distributed by the clerk of the insanity board. Motion prevailed.
Upon motion by Kidder seconded by Schlegel'the Board decided that when
it adjourns it does so to meet again April 1st, 1914, at ten o'clock a.m. Motion prevailed.
The chairman then ordered a recess until 7ednesday morning at nine o'clock.
WEDNESDAY - MARCH 4T7, 1914 - 9 A.M.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
rEDN SDA`.L7 - MARCH 4'TIT, 1914 - 9 A.M. cont.
Moved. by ' is der and seconded by Hynes that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed
against the general -fund and the Clerk instructed to c Paw warrants for the same. 7o11
call, all voted area. Motion prevailed.
Hastings Sanitary T�air: .. ,.. ' 3.00. Mrs. L.E. e11ey ....... ...... ....
C.I.Van Patten .,....,..,..o.,.,,.. 16,05.'rVank3ohaufelberger e..........•
Gauvreau `^'i Go. • ;00e* •••••••• e • ♦
J.'.CrowleV r♦••••.e•w.•.•••.e••.•• 51.00.
Addison "'alt, Sec' y of State ...... 50.00.
Renner & Serf •..♦••e••••.•.••••••. 93.50. TTrs• I'•F•''''.eller
Schmitz & :seines ♦
Verona Grain & Lumber.
John Sigel
J•T,Bussard .•a• ♦••♦.•••••••
i.T,'`ei)ster.Go, .••.•w..e•••••..••r• 19.75.
0,iikesell • • • e • • • . r • • • • e . • • • • 4.500
Tr.S. J•Stewart ♦•••••••e•••••••o•♦• 8.00.
0.P.Kenneay ... .... r,••♦••••••••••• 2.00.
Hrs. Eunice Spillman •.••,......••. 24.00.
LemTibbets . ... . .... . . ." 0 181.50.
St. :Joe &G. I.R.R. CO. ......... • . • 4.80.
Proffitt & Lovell ...... ......... .. 45.60.
Allyn EFS Bissell ................... 113.57.
Nye -Schneider -Fowler Co. .... •.. • 45.75.
James V.Beghtol 20.00.
Kalif & Vincierspacher ..4.10.
Jacob Bauer. ..............•....••42.64.
Henry Bauer ........ • • ...... • __ 17.80.
Nebraska Sanitarium ......... 68.15.:
Bennett Cle rti 7•..35.
Union Meat Market ...... • .... • .. • 5.00..
Chris Hansen ..... • •.. 11.00.
Gauvreau &_ o. .•• .• .•.••••.•• 27.50.
Wahlqu.ist Bros. ........ • ....... • . 16.50.
Hastings Daily Tribune 76.07.'
Wah1 uistt Bros. r....• ......r.••.• 41.70.
I:i.R..Trnberson 20.00.
Nye-Schneider-Powler Co.
J.N.Yost Lumber Co. ...,•.•w,....w. 36.75.,
John ITere ••••••••....•........•••• 18.700
J•?orter 0 ........ .••.••w•••••ww• 5.60.
J. F • 1i e i l e r _ • • • • • 000 .... 0 • • w • ♦ • s • . • • 36.00.
• e•• • • •...e • • •
Co . . • • •
Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co. .65.
Hastings Gas Co. 14.18.
.G•Saddler ••®•...••...r♦••.♦•,. 8.10.
The Adder Machine C o ., , ... 4.00.
C.11.fIudson .♦•....
.,.,•. 500.00.
""•�'.''Tead♦,• ••e.•e•.r•.••e, • •. 25.20.
The City 'of Hastings ... 118.74.
A.T.Bart],ett ..•••.••,♦••........ 36,25•
Mrs. Ireinin.ger ..•............... 20.00..
G.Reth •.<•.e•e..,.••..•..••• 8.85.
C. V.Langevin 00.0...•..•.... .•r 73.10.
Nebraska Sanitarium ...... • ..... 33.30.
James V.?eghtol 11.00.
(Henry Bauer 3.95.
A.E•Livingston 45.00.
F. J• Schatfelberger ..........•. • •
SteinBros.Co. •w.•...•.••...•
Hastings:Daily Tribune '..........
Henry Bauer
Blanche Cantwell
Hastings Daily Republican • . ♦ • • . •
Blake & 'on •.•••w.♦•.•••.••••••
.1r ,i . Li 1 1 y . • . . w w . • • • • • • ♦ • r • • • • • • ♦
Lincoln el. & Tel.Co. ....r..e
"ahlquis Bros.
A recess until one thirty p.m. was then taken.
V7EDNE S nAY _ MA7. 0 H 4TH, 191
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
1:30 B.M.
22.25. h2r
I.Ioved. by Heye and seconded by Schle. e that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed
against the general fund and the Clerk instructed to c raw macrants for the same. Roll
call, all voted. yea. ;:lotion prevailed.
Hastings Fuel Co. .....•.s••e •••s
0. T ♦ Van Patten • • • • • • • ♦ • • ♦ • • . • • • • •
Hammond & Stephens Co. ♦ • • . • • . • •
Hammond & 'Stephens ••• • ,•♦o♦♦•• •
.Lem Tibbets .•.•••.••. •• Of. ♦..•
Klopp & Bartlett Co. • ,••
SI • .�{..' •r 111 �. t s • • • • . w ♦ • • • • • w • • • • w ♦ . ♦ ♦
Frank Tibbets
Scnaufelierger .. ♦ .. .... ♦
Lem w • • • • • ♦ • • e • ♦ ♦ e • • o • • ♦ •
J•E.'rillits •.•••••••••• •••.••.e
F. J. Schaufelberger ••••••.••.••..•
T:rRe*1�11�ac e••..•.••♦.•••••••,e ••
D.N.Bitner ....... 0.0049•00•4.0404.
;531, 25.
Exchange National Bank
The University Publishing Co.
F. J, Benedict • .. , • , • • . .
• • . '20.00.
•.w• 32.00.
• • • ♦
Adams County Democrat ......... 67.15.
36.50. .. • . 3 6.50 .
Iu•T�s T'.T�Qlter • ,..• • • w
.t.ilecole :`♦.
, • • • . • • . • . . . ,
s . {
Tion C. !outs •••♦ •••.•••♦♦•. • ••..'••
J• ST• i ~TT%nes e • • , • • e • • • e • e • • • • • • ,
(Tar 1• Beghtol • . o , . s • r • . e • • •
$tanner &-�:re€nfield �bY,9°: T,)w
;tanner & 'Greenfi.el_d P ; Y'• ; 4 : ;u :: }
8.00. .00.
Loved by Bitner and seconded_ by Hynes -that the recommendation of the
Finance Go:Ev'r ttee be made the order of the Loarca and the following claims be allowed
against the bridge fund and the Clerk instructed to draw v�arrantsJfor the same. Roll
call, all voted yea. Motion:.: prevailed
John J.'aur_'mer 1.25• Bert Gonsbruck ..
roved by'Udder and_ seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of
the Finance Committee be made the order of the Board a,nd the claim of J• E •"'illits for
!'75.00 be allowed at `550,00 and the Clerk instructed to _craw a warrant against the
general fund for the same. Loll call, all voted. yea. Iti otion prevailed.
Moved by Benedict and seconded. by YKidc er that the recommendation of tie
Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board an the County Treasurer be instruct --
ed to spread the tax for the year 1913 on the 'Fest half of lot 20, block 1, Buswell's
Addition to the City of Hastings, on an actual valuation of :x.3000 instead of !4:3700, and
refun3 the difference, on account of error in assessment.
Roll call, all voted yea.
i.rotion prevailed.
annttes read and apTrovet♦
Motion to adjourn. Carried
WEDNESDAY - APRITS 1ST, 1914 - 10 A.M.
Board met as per adjournment.
Roll call, call, all members present.
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Benedict that the appointment of B.F. Swigart
as Deputy Assessor for the First Ward., City of Hastings, be approved and made the order of
the Board.. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Kidder that the request of Highland Township
for voting booths be granted and the County Clerk be instructed to procure the same.
Motion prevailed.
IToved by Benedict and seconded by Heye that in case a vacancy occurs in any
of the deputy assessor districts that the County Assessor be empowered to fill vacancy
and have his appointee enter at once upon his duties. l'totion prevailed.
Upon motion by Bitner seconded by Hynes the recommendation of the Bond
Committee was made the order of the Board and the following official bonds were approved.
Motion prevailed..
John G.Cole ............ Clerk, Roseland Township.
John winter .,•....... Road. Overseer Dist. 2, Roseland Township.
Karl peichart •• ... Road Overseer Dist. 3, Cottonwood Township.
'Harlan E. "with ......... Road Overseer Dist. 3, Blaine Township.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Bitner that the request of Fred Legler to
play base ball on Sunday on the farm of Adam Legler in Ayr Township, be refused. Roll
call,- yeas, Kidder, Hynes, Bitner, Schlegel, and Heiler: nays, Benedict and Heye.
Motion prevailed.
The chairman ordered a recess until one thirty p.m.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Doli call, all members present.
: 30 P.M.
Moved by 'bidder and seconded by Bitner that the .toad and Bridge Committee
be instructed to hire some one by the day to construct concrete work for the County for
the year 1914. 'Motion prevailed.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the
Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board ana the County Treasurer be instruct-
ed to extendthe taxes on lots 9-10, block 30, St.Joe Addition, receipt ;5506, on an
assessed valuation of 1120 instead of 1240, and refundthe difference, on account of
error in assessment. Roll call, all voted yea. Motionprevailed.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the
Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board anc that the County Treasurer be
instructed to spread the taxes on E 1/2 NW 2-7-10 except the R.R., receipt ;5464, on
an assessed value of `/,:',1060 instead of :11180 and refund the difference on account of
erroneous assessment. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Toned by Hynes and seconded bj Bitner tI'at the recommendation of the
be insAssessor beaccepted
instructed to spread the taxes for the year 1913 onBoard andthe CountTe
lot 10, block 4, Ty Treasurer
. and made the order of the ,
Addition, on arassessed valuation of .1315 instead of :415, and refund the difference,
on account of erroneous assessment. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Moved by J by Hynes and seconded yKidder that the following bridge petitions
be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Motion prevailed.
One for a bridge between secs. 25 and 26, "'anda Township.
One for a bridge between secs. 22 and 23, Hanover Township.
One for a bridge between secs. 25 and 36. ITanover Township.
One for a bridge between secs. 20 and 29, Ayr Township.
A recess until nine o'clock a.m. Thursday was then ordered.
THURSDAY - A'' IT 2Hr, 1914 _49 A.M.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
Moved by Kidder and seconded 'by Iteye that an agreement supposed to be
drawn up between T r.A.II.Parrens representing the Hastings Foundry & Iron Works ana.
i'Yir.J.L.Hynes concerning a certain bridge fund warrant, be presented to the County
Board and read.
Moved by Hynes and seconded by Bitner that the foregoing motion be
amended by adding the following: "said agreement of arbitration was not signed because
it did not contain conditions apreeci upon by the parties".
Vote on the amendment resulted, yeas: Benedict, Hynes; nays, Kidder, Heye,
Schlegel, Heiler; Bitner not voting. Motion for amendment. lost.
Vote on the original motion: yeas, Kidder, Bitner, He;;,re, Schlegel and
'Weiler; nays, Benedict and Hynes. Motion prevailed.
THURSDAY - A ?IL 2ND, 1914 - 9 A.M. cont.
Moved by 'bidder and seconded by Heye that the alleged agreement' as read
be spread upon the Supervisors' Record. Roll call; yeas, Kidder, Bitner, , Heye , Schlegel
and Heiler; nays, Benedict and Hynes. Motion carried.
"�? HERI�'A S , the claim of the Hastings Foundry & Iron '" orks for materials
and labor on bridge No.11, Adams County, Nebraska, as allowed by the County
Board, is disputed by J.L.Hynes as to the amount due said Hastings Foundry &
Iron "orks,
"NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreedby and between said Hastings Foundry &
Iron I*:'orks , party of the first part, and the said J. T:. Hynes , party of the
second part, that the question of the amount of such claim be allowed (to) be
submitted to a board of arbitration to be selected as follows: each party to
name one member of the said board and said members so chosen to select a
third member, or in c.sethy fail to'agreeon such selection, such third
member to be appointed by Hon.H.S.T�ungan. The state engineer and the county
engineer shall assist such board, such awardto be made by said board, or any
two of them, shall be binding and final and shat1 , in all respects, be well
and faithfully kept and observed by the parties' hereto, provided such
determination and award shall be made -in writing; under the hands of said
arbitrators or any two of them and delivered to.said. parties or such as may
be willing to receive them on or before arch 1st, 1914, or such subsequent
day to which said arbitrators or ..ny two o± them may extend the time in
"It is further agreed that the costs of.such arbitration may be taxed
to either or both parties in the discretion of said board.
"It is further agreed that this agreement shall not affect any pend-
ing action between the parties hereto, until made final by the Judgment of
the District Court of Adams County, Nebraska.
On this ay of February, 1914, before
ss, the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace,
duly elected; qualified, acting and..
residing in sais State and County, person-
ally appeared A.H.Farrens, president of
the Hastings Foundry _& Iron Torks, a corporation, and J.L.Hynes who are
personally to me known as the identical_ persons whose namesareaffixed to
the foregoing instrument and severally acknowledged the same to be the free
act and deed of themselves and said corporation.
TITNESI my hand this day of February, 1914.
My commission, expires the day of
Moved by Hynes and seconded by Benedict that the petition. for a.
bridge between sections 9 and 16, Hanover Township, be referred to the Road
and Bridge Committee. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Benedict and seconded by Heye that the following list of
names be submitted from which to chose the jurors for' the next term of District
Court. Motion prevailed'.
Test Blue,
David Mays.
Bert Mott.
Thomas Shattuck.
Blaine, J.C.Mullen.
Yenesaw, ,
Silver Make,
J.G. Thompson.
Nick Seylor.
John Consbruck.
J.C. Gilmore.
Fred. Witt.
ISI. A. Stoner .
Al Osler.
Jean biller.
Chris Loskill.
Peter Zubrod.
Chas. Thea -t.
John Kline.
'"anda ,
CTNo. 4.
Jacob G.Schmi_dt.
James M.Dean
Geo. Fisher.
Fred Hohlfeld.
John Hetzel.
Geo. Aufdenkamp.
August Dort.
Ernest May.
Matt Burroughs.
Henry Allsteadt.
H.O. Eckhardt,
August Binderup.
John Grabill.
THURSDAY - APRIL 2ND, 1914 - 9 A. <I. cont.
1:STRICT No. 5.
Conrad C.Schafer. Chas. Hohlfeld.
Henry J.Eigenberg. Ira Hickman.
ITerber Ales. lreinn;er.
Ernest endling.
John TI.Vastine, I.H.Pearson.
Gale -Lawson.
Thomas Goodwin.
Geo. Sheaff .
Charles W. Broom.
John D.I,IcKenna.
Moved by Kidder and seconded. by Benedict that the report of the County
Farm Committee as read be accepted and placed on record. Motion prevailed.
Has ings, Nebr. March 1, 1914.
'o the honorable Board of Supervisors:
Your committee wish to respectfully submit the following
report of the receipts and expenditures of the County Farm, with
statement of the same for the year ending February 28th, 1914.
5/14/13, 1415 bu. wheat C' 75( crop 1912
5/27/13, 2 steers
5/27/13 , 34 hogs
8/13/13, 5 yearling heifers
8/13/13. 5 calves
8/23/13, 38 shoats
2/26/14, 1500 bu. wheat 75 crop 1913
General merchandise (E.F.Lilly)
Hardware (J. J. rish)
Drugs (teirpler )rug Store)
number and coal (Coon Lumber Co.)
Repairs on wind mill (Chas.Howard)
Medical service (Dr.Ackley)
Twine and. repairs (S.Schultz)
!Teat (w. J.Porter)
Extracts and. lineament ( ;'. A. Baker
Wagon repairs (W. C. Frew)
Blacksmith (L.A.Boyer)
Clothing for dependents (hl?olbach & Brach)
Stock food and feeder (Gus Burg)
Veterinary service (Dr.Hall)
Book shelf and chairs (V•B.Rollins)
Threshing (Trausch Bros.)
Corn (Juniata Grain ° Live Stock Ass'n)
Harvest or hired. help (Ir.Prank)
Services (C. ''.IIa11 and family)
Permanent Improvements:
Door and window stops (Turney & Co.)
'ater system, bath and toilets (H.H.Lembke)
Total receipts
Total expenditures
Balance ...
• • • •
an itemized.
Total number of dependents for the year 8.
C. '.Hall, Manager.
County Farm Committee:
D.N.Bitner, Chairman.
J.L. lyres.
B. F. Schlegel.
A recess until one thirty D.M. was
hen taken.
THURSDAY - APRIL 2N), 1914 - 1:30 P.M.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Holl call, all members present.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Bitner that when this Board adjourns it
does so to meet again May 5th, 1914, at 10,o'clock a.m. Motion prevailed..
A recess until nine o'clock Friday morning, was then taken.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Holl call, all members present.
9 A.m.
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Hynes that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed
against the general fund and the Clerk instructed to c raw warrants for the same. Roll
call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
'1,7•A• Cole . • .. . . • . . • . . • • . . • . • • • • . • . .f 85.54.
Anderson & Fairman ............... 2.50. Mrs.C.Tracr
J.H.Yost_Lumber Co.
Hastings Fuel Co. 18.00• PST.' .Ymberson •••••••.•••••.••••
G. A.Vollnad & Co. 4.00. W.J.-unobb tt ••....•••.••..•...•
"8.50. Roseland Grain &. Supply Co. ...
James V.Beghtol ��
F.A.Kearns ........ 16.00. Junig.ta Grain & Supply Co. ....
3.7.2. '7 . P. Mead .. • ................... 34.0.E5
Allyn & Bissell ••192.;0. Louisa A Barron ............... 3.50.
G.W.Pratt ..•...............•45.20. F.A.McEltinney ......... ,...... 10.00.
M.Reed ............ ........ • 5.00.Proffitt
& Lovell .. , .......... 37.75.
R.L.Polk & Co. ...........••.•..•. 4.00., Hastings; Sanitary Dairy ... 3.00.
H.D.Webster Co. .•.......••,.•.•.. 17.20. T.H.Fu11er 25.00.
Mrs.Funice Spillman 24.00._ Hastings Daily Republican 24.00.
Oliver Lumber Co. ................ 11.50. Gauvreau`& Co. 20.70.
A. T.reeks ........................ 16.60. reetern Krick & Supply Co 12.64.
J.TT. Tennant ......... • ............ 26.55. P.E..?.�TcCoy 11.00.
A.F.Livingston 15.00., C.B. & Q.R.H. Co 7.20.
Dr. J. T.Steele 5.10. Bennett loyd. 2.55.
Mrs. ?.H.Burr .................... 9.'7 Stein Bros.Co. 20.00.
Henry Bauer' ....... ....'.......... 17.40. S. ?.Flank, ns 2.50.
Chris Hansen ....... ............. 29.05. C.F.Kemi dy 1.00.
Hastings Ind.Tel.Co. ............. 24.00.A. J.Tac0 ... ................ 2.00.
Hastings Ind.Tel.Co. ............. 24.00. B.M.Simm 13.65.
A.L.Bartlett ....................• 17.00., James V.3eghtol 14.00.
Farrens & Neimeyer 10.80.. F. Lil1.y 21.22.
A.M.Clark 18.50. F.A.TCear s ..................•. 44.80.
C,I.Van Patten ,.......••••••9.95. John Hey° 8.90.
N. D. Kidd er 35.00. B. P. Schl gel 28.50.
J.L.Hynes 20.50. J.F.Heiler 32.00.
F. J.?3enedict26.00. Union Meat Market 6.45.
D.N.Bitner 14.50. Renner & Serf 30.50.
Hastings Gas Co. 15.34.'' 'Hastings4Daily Republican 24.00.
0.H.Hudson ....................... 27.66., :J.P.''il11ts 3.00.
Lem Tibbets 158.95. ?7."'. Keit; 8.00.
H•H.Lembke ••..•••.•..••••.♦••..+•2.00.
Don C.Fouts ................... 3."r0.
?'m.A.Lafferty 14.00. Klonp & Bartlett Co. 16.00.
The City of Hastings 40.72. Jacob Bailer 38.05.
The City of Hastings 34.88. A.T Tace 4 30.00.
Nye -Schneider -Fowler Co. 33.50. Don C.Fouts 8.15.
L.R.rillis 20.37. Hastings Daily Tribune 30.00.
Hastings Daily Tribune 59.95. Karl D,Bghtol 63.35.
G.T.Johnson ...................... 6.50. Twidale ,hoe Co. 2.00.
rolbach & Brach 9.80. E.B.Ilame 25.00,
Moved by Hynes and seconded by Hoye that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the claim of J. {,.`jillits for
1100 be allowed. at 150 and the Clerk instructedto draw a warrant for the same against
the general fund. Holl call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
A recess was then taken subject to the call of the chair.
FRIDAY - APRIL 3T5,, 1914 -`
Board reassembled at the call of the c
oll call, all members present.
airman as per recess.
Moved by Benedict and seconded by Hynesthat the remonstrance of Andrew
Smidt, et al, be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee for investigation. Motion
5/5/' 14.
Board met as per adjournment.
Roll call, all members present.
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Heye that the recommendation of the
1 Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and the County Treasurer be instructed
to refund. the 1913 taxes as shown on receipt 1,t7416 to the Hastings ; Northwestern Railr
i road company and the 1913 taxes as 'show -noon receipt ;7 7138 on the Y. 9ft. lot 16, all lot
17, and the S 6ft. 4in. lot 18, block 23,4n the City of Hastings, to J."".Harris, both
on account of double assessment. Roll call, all voted yea.
Moved by Triider and seconded by Benedic that the petition of Fredrich
Buehrer 1'or admission to the Soldiers' and Sailors' Horne be accepted and made the order
of the Board. Motion Prevailed.
Moved by :bidder and seconded by Hynes {.eat the recommendation of the Bond
Committee be made the order of the Board and, the official bond of Rudolph Snyder as
road overseer of district a42, ,cenesaw Township, be accented and approved. Motion
Moved by Benedict and seconded by Hynes that the petition of the township
clerk of ?panda Township for an appropriation of `,700.00 for road work, be referred to
the Road and Bridge Committee. Motion prevailed.
road and
Moved by Benedict and seconded by Hynes that the/bridge petitions of Claas
Lay, L.F. Saddler and T. M.Trwd.usch, as follows, be referred to the Road and Bridge Comm-
ittee. Motion prevailed.
Between sections 33 and _ 34, Hanover Township. new bridge
Between sections 24 and 25, Verona Township, new '()ridge.
Between sections 17 and 18, Silver Lake; Township, 'nen bridge.
Between sections 1, Little Blue, and 36, Hanover 'ownships, to open road.
then taken until one thirty p.m.
A recess was
TUESDAY - MAY 5TH, 1914 - 130 P.M.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
Moved by ' idier and seconded by Hynes tint the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the,Dreier o,., the , 3roard and the fol lowing claims be
allowed against the general fund and the Clerk in etrute-l. to draw warrants for the
same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
The City of Hastings, 78.48. Lincoln. Tel.& Tel. Co.
M.R.Emberson ....•.s..•..••.••••.... 20.00. Lincoln Tel.& Tel. Co. ...•
Mrs. Eunice S�oillmain 24.00. Henry .oeder
C.B.& n,R.T.Co 1.94. Proffitt & Lovell
52.65. A.L.Bartlett
19.25. Anderson & Fairman
Allyn & Bissell
Earle M. Tompkins
Joe Budnek
Nebr. State Board of Health ........
007:.LawsonHdw.0o. .... ..
The Adder Machine Co. • • ...• ...•
Klein Cafe ..•••••••••e•s
"'.''.Keith •....•••..••.••
George Harm
Ton C.Fouts
J. L .Hynes
• • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • . •
...e . ...... .
Gertrude Croft ..•....•.e........e•.
Geo •TTcCoy . . . . . . • • • • . • . • a . • . • •
Twidale Shoe Co. .••..•...•e••
Byers Lumber Co.
Gauvreau & Co• ••••..••••.•••••••.
G.A.Volland. & Co.
Barnes Clothing Co.
Hastings Fuel Co.
John Z.Mace .,......•...........••.,
S.T. Lockhart
IRrs. A.H.Brooke
Henry Bauer ••••••0••...•
Jacob Bauer ••.....•........•.
Adams County democrat
Wahlquist Bros.
Henry T?ittmer
The University Pub. Co.
F J.13enedict
L.T . 'i11is
G.A.Volland & Co.
w • •
Chris Hansen ••.••••••••••••
Hastings Gas Co. ..... ♦ .... • ... • . .
J.F.Heiler •..••••••••••.•••••••••
Juniata Grain & Live Stock Ass'n .
JohnTai x • . • . . • . . . . . . • . . • • . • • • • . .
John Heye .•....•••.....••••.
• e • . •
• • • • e • . • •
l8.00• rf•' •,t-rtt ••••••••••••••••••
Blake Sons
2.00. Lem Titbets ....•..•••.••...
2.00. Will Brannigan
2.00. Iva R.Mizen .....
41.00. Mary K 13auder
2.25. N.D.T,irlder
4.00. Nr.D.'ti eider
5.25. C.B. &°.R.R.
29.90. A.F. Pude jer Hdw. C o .
7.95. JT.D.webster Co.
3.50 Gauvreau &Co,
2.75. Joseph Stijl
Mrs. ova Hughes
1.75. James .Beghtol
4.35. James ,.Beghtol_
10.35. H. 0. Ec hart
41.56. Wolbach & Brach
17.90. Hammon& & Stephens
30.00. Hammond & "tephens
.60. wahiciu st Bros.
12.50. State T'olrnal Co.
41.00. Hastin s Daily Republican
13.67. Union 'eat Market
11.25. H.O.Fctrhardt
42.60. E.F.TA11y
87.00. Thos.S.TJyn.n
36.15. B.N.Sclegel
'.A.Goe .....
. . . . • . . . . . . .•
• 0 • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • •
Yauf & Rinderspacher
?Hastings Daily Tribune
J.J.Gish ........
TUESDAY - MAY 5TH, 1914 - 1:3 P.M. cont.
Moved by Benedict an seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of
the Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and the County Treasurer be
instructed to spread the taxes on receipt 6300 for the Year 1913, on the SE 28-5-9,
on an assessed valuation of .''1145 instead. of 1285, and to refund the difference on
account of an erroneous assessment of improvements. 7o11 call, yeas, -Benedict, Hynes,
Neye , Schlegel, and Heiler: 'Kidder and Bitner, absent Motion prevailed.
!roved by Kidder and seconded by Bitner that when this Board adjourns
it does so to meet again on June 2nd, 1914, at 10 o'clock a.m. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Hoye that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board ani the following claims be allowed
against the bridge fund and the Clerk instructed toMtlraw warrants for the same. Roll
jcall, all voted yea. ,,.lotion prevailed.
.(. ....-..... :28.75 • "'m. C oda (7:N:750:
' 28.75
L.i'eterson ............ y
Wm.Kennedy 53.65. Jaynes Kennedy 22.50.
Andy 'Fitts 28.75. Frank Kitts .. ....... 60.10.
1 John Kummer 5.00. J.J.Gish • 7.50.
John Smidt .............•13.50. Matt Weber .••••..••.....••... 4.25.
C.a.Genzmer ................:112.00. n.F.Van' 1jrat r • 7.00.
Tony Consbruc' .....1.25. Albert Lay ..•.....•• •.... 3.50.
Michael Utecht o•...•••.•..e•.•• 12.25. N.w.Howat . ......, •....... 3.50.
Chas•Bunde • 12.25. Wrn.Fowat .. 7.00•
C• C .Take • • • • • • . • s • 7.00* Wm e Ka t Z b e r g . . •. • •
J.J.Van Meter ...........•...... 14.00. Hastings Foundry & Iron works. 48.27.
G.N.Sailor ......•..•••..•...•.. 9.00. ?.J.Hynes . .................. 28.50.
A recess was then taken subject to the call of the chair.
7E7T3FSDAY - MAY 6TH, 1914 - 1.0 A.M.
Board reassembled. at call of the chairman.
Roll call, all members present.
Moved by Hynes and seconded. by Benedict that the recommendation of the
Road and Bridge Committee be accepted and made_ the order of the Board and the following
petitions granted and bridges ordered built, to-wit,-
13etween sections 25 and 26, wander Township, (Amandus Finspahr) .
" 'T 21 " 22, Cottonwood Township, (P.C.Larsen) .
" 'T 34 " 35, Cottonwood Township, (1'.C.Larsen) .
TT " 10 T7 15, Logan Township, (Oeo.T• ?heat) .
" IT 17 'T 18, Silver lake Township, (T.M. Trausch)
" TT 23 TT 24, Zero Township, (Herman. Gerloff) .
T' t 22 1T 27, Zero Township, (Herman Gerloff) .
„ ' 7 It/ 18, Little Blue Township,' (S.13auder) .
tt It
23 26, Little Blue Township.' (F.1! .Ferry) .
TT TT 30 TT 31, Ayr Township, (William Gartner) .
Tr TT 20 " 29, Ayr Township, (Eilert., Janssen) .
If =T 16 TT 21, Ayr Township, (?Tr.II•Rheingans) .
FT 11TT 12, Ayr Township, (Henry PP(lacke) .
IIT' ns.. " 36, Hanover Township, (C.0.Rasmussen) . vV
TT T, 9 " 16, Hanover _.Township, (Geo. Classen)
►T TT 22 " 23, Hanover Township, (Andrew Smidt) .
Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prev4110d.
Moved by Kidder and seconded, by Bitner that the recommendation of the
Boni' Committee be mede the order of the Board and that the official bond of Al Osier as
Road Overseer, District : 1, ''enesaw Toi nship, he acceptedand approved. motion prevailed.
Moved by 'Udder and seconder' by Schlegel that the Clerk be instructedto
notify district roadoverseers to serve written notice to all parties having fences of
any kind connected or adjoined to any public highway bridge to remove the same from
bridge or road way within ten days after the service of the notice or the same will be
removed by the overseer of said district. ?Motion prevailed.
!loved by Kidder and seconded by Bitner that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed
against the general f1?n, _ and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll
call, all voted Tea. Motion prevailed. p" r�
T.T1.31tner ••.••••••.•••••.• "' U:; 48.40. Schmitz Be1nes .••... .' 51.13•
Anna Thompson 2.00. Fuller Grocery Co. 14.36.
A recess until ane thirty p.m. was then declared by the chairman.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
:30 1).1
WEDNESDAY - MAY 67, 1914 - :30 P.M. cont.
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Kidder that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee on claim of r x'
.Tanner fo113.46 be accepted and made the order of
the Board and the Clerk instrneted to draw a warrant gainst the general fund for the
same, said claim being payment in full for a parcel o land as shown by plat in the
County. Clerk's office. Plat dated August 2lst, 1913. Zoll call, all voted yea. Motion
Minutes read and approved.
Motion to adjourn. Carried.
TUESDAY - JUN 2ND, 1914 0 A.M.
Board assembled as per adjournment.
Roll call, all members present.
Forenoon occupied with the investigation of complaints.
The chairman ordered a recess until one "thirty P.m.
TUESDAY - JUNE arm, 1914 - 1: 30
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
The following petitions were read and upon motion were referred to the
Roed and Bridge Committee:
1. For a bridge between sections 24 and 25, Fest Blue Township. (Chas.11111)
2. For a bridge between sections 5 and 6, Silver take Township.
For a bridge between sections 19 and 20, Silver Lake Township. (John (lein)
3. For a bridge between sections 28 and 29, Logan Township. (Geo.T.Wheet)
4. For a bridge between sections 5 and 8, Logan Township. (Jas.Patterson)
5. or a bridge between sections 2 and 11, Silverltake Tovnship. (C.O.Johnson)
6. Against building a bridge between sections 33 and 34, Hanover Township (John Fihusen
7. For openlmg and grading road between sections and 4 and sections 9 amd 10, Little
Blue Township. (Herman Hibbeler - Thomas Hodgson)
For grading road between sections 9 and 16, Roseland Township. (Thos.F.Carter)
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Benedic that the recommendation of the
Complaint Committee he made the order of the Board and the County Treasurer be instructed
to spread. the 1913 tax on receipt -,It7708, Lot 9, block 4, Sewell's Add, on an assessed
valuation of (-,M) instead of 1220, on account of erroneous assessiant,and refund the
difference. R011 call, all members voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Benedict that the recommendation of the
Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and that the County Treasurer be
instructedto refund the taxes as shown on receipt -,107 for the year 1900 and all prior
years on the North half of lots 8-9-10-11 & 12, block20, Johnson's Add, to the Xnights
of Columbus, for the reason that said. property was used for church purposes. Roll call,
all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
moved by Benedict and seconded by Bitner that the recommendation of the
Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and the County Treasurer be instructed
to refund. the 1913 tax of 174.49 as shown on receipt t8006, on the north half of lots
8-9-10-11 & 12, block 20, Johnson's Add, to the Knights of Columbus, on account of the
property being used for fraternal and church purposes'and therefore exempt. Roll call,
all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Wednesday, June 3rd,
A recess until nine o'clock a.m./was ordered by the chairman.
WEDNESDAY - JUNE 3RD, 1914 - 9 A.M.
Board reassembled as per recess.
71011 call, all members present.
d 'by Schlege41 that the recommendation of the
e Board and the following claims be allowed
structed'to drew warrants for the same. Roll
St.Anthony's Hospital
J.T.Holcomb 9.90.
Moved by Kidder and second°
Finance Committee be made the order of th
against the general fund and the Clerk in
call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Dr.W.J.O'Hara /7.00.
Hastings Fuel Co. ..... 13.40.
West Side Cash Grocer 5.67.
A.W.Weeks . • • .. • 11••••0 •410• • • • • • • 22.00•
FdMead ... . .... 2.00.
H.D.Webster Co. 4.16.
A.J.Mace 4.00.
1.111.1EsTld Paint & 8.00.
P E.M coy .......
7.1r p 1.60.
rftnk gcbaufelberger 7.50.
Nat'l Metql 'Feather Strip Co. 285.00.
Henry Bauer . .. 1.50.
James V.Beghtol ....... ..... . . 6.50-
J.P.Heiler 42.25.
Mary K.Bauder 000000000 . 0 .. 000000 72.00.
W.J.Bobbitt 2.30.
T.F.Keith ...... ... . a.Ob.
Lem Tibbets ..... 14.95.
Hastings ....... 13.28.
Lem Tibbets ... . . 34.30.
C.H.Hudson 500.00.
G.A.Volland 2.50.
Barnes Clothing Co. 3.50.
Jas.E.Benson ....... ..... .40.
Underwood Typewriter Co. 56.75.
Cary Safe Co. 74.00.
W.H. Fuller .., . . . . . . 000000004 0000041 0 5.50.
61auvreau EC 16 0 0 2.15.
qa,uvr eau &to. 13.25.
C.I.Van Patten ......* 04.00 3.85.
A.Pickens 8c, Son .. .. . .... 4.30.
Stein Bros.00. ........
„ .• . 8.48.
Jacob Bauer .0000000004.0000004,0000 40.91.
John Heye 45.90.
Ben Stanner .. . • ... .3.00.
tva R.Mize; 72.00;
J.E.Willits 00,00000000000000000000 3.00.
Ars.relnice Spilman ..... 20.00.
Lincoln Te]..& Tel. Co. 1.20.
A.L.Bartlett ...3.50.
Hammond & Itephens 19.85.
M..9...Fmberson 20.00.
Don Q.FOuts ...................... 2.00.
4 ...4,4P0111.00
0 sh • • .... . . • - '24..19
7'ETNEsnAY - JUNE 3RD, 1914 - 9 A. M. cont.
!n.A•Cole ... • .. .. • •• . .. . . . ... • • ',179.10.
Hastings Daily Tribune 9.00.
L•R.Willis •..•.....•e 14.420
B.F.Schlegel 42.85.
Lincoln Tel.& Tel. Co. .. • .... • 26.00.
F. J. Bened i.ct 32.00.
James G.Jones ........• ... 20.00.
Margretta S.Dietrich 110.50.
H. J.Bloem 120.00.
J.O.Hazel .••...e.......•.....•.81.00.
el . Li • Furr %..... . . .. . ... . 000000060 84.00.
F. iT. George 90.00./
W• C. Sp Lcknall 96.00.
J.T.Gilmore 78.00.
J.H.Pope 120.00.
H.0 . Edmond son 132.60.
Theodore Trausch 141.00.
0041600 000,0
Frostings Daily Republican
Lem Tibbets
Proffitt itt &c Lovell .....
C.H.Huclsori e.•...•
!. '.Maltman • • ........
Keystone qupply Co.
J. B. Fernow
Eckhardt Roeder
Carl Nelson • • . . e . . • . • ... . . . • • • .. 99.00.
E.L.Kent 117.00.
m.Kzstler 114.00.
B.F.Swigert 120.00.
• • •
• 27.40.
▪ 3.65.-
The chairman ordered a recess until one thirty p.m.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
1:30 P.M.
Moved by Schlegel and seconded by Heye that the matter of trimming and
spraying the trees in the court house block be referred to the committee on lands and'
buildings, with power to act. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Hynes that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and 'the following claims be allowed.
against the general fund, and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll
call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
?. N. Bitner • .... • . • . • . • . • . • • .. 141.30. 1. J. Gish 131.30..
H.H.Lembke 5.53. A.M.C1ark 14.90.
P.F.Iilly . •.... •. o .. • • ........ • 30.55.
Moved by Schlegel and seconded by Ki der that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and'the following claims be allowed
against the bridge fund and. the Clerk instructed. to craw warrants for the same. Roll
call, all members voted yea. Motion prevailed.
G.H. Sailor ..................... 144.00. C.R. Ger$zm.er 189.00.
Clyde Kennedy .................. 4.80. Jno.Gr .ndsrom'.... 9.60.
E•L.Needham .................•.. 12.60. The Bladen"Lumber Co. 53.56.
J.H.McGrath ................... 16.45. C.Grothen 37.25.
.���. Crothau.7 . •......... •. • ... 25.50. F.L.Metzer .. 23.25.
L.A.Furry 21.25. J.A.Beard 26.25.
Chas. Bunell ................... 5.00• C,G.Schlegel 60.00.
Frank Kitts ..•.................. 126.00. wm.Coday55.00.
Elmer Reader .............. 55.00. Andy Kitts. 55.00.
Oscar Hansen .......... ..... 3.50. Frank Berger 35.25.
Oliver Lumber Co. 259.87. Fred Lnegr 3.50.
r;.M.Dominy 3.65. ;,,Martian Utecht 10.50.
Jacob Theesen 11.00. John. Garrison 5.75.
7m.Wright 6.25. Michael Utecht 17.25.
C.Bunde 17.50. w.H.Bierman .................•.. 1£3.00.
'"m.Nennedy 113.00. Louie Peterson 55.00.
Hastings Foundry & Iron works .. 4.38. Western Brick &Supply Co. 296.97.
Hastings 'Foundry & Iron works 55.77. _.
Moved by Benedict and seconded. by Schlegel that the recommendation of
the County Assessorbe made the order of the Board and the petition of I. G.Wallace for
a refund of 1913 taxes on lot 20, block 2, Buswell's .Add, receipt 47117, be refused.
Roll call, all voted yea. ;lotion prevailed ;
• * • • • • •. • • • • •
to refund
Add. Roll
Moved by Bitner and seconded, by Benedict that the recommendation of the
Committee be made the order of the Board and the County Treasurer be instructed
to Fred Toedter the taxes for 1900 and prior years, as shown on receipt 4110
to 11.90, on account of double assessment on the North 102 feet of Miller's
call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed..
.Moved by Benedict and seconded by Bitner that the recommendation of the
Complaint Committee be mode the order of the Board and. the County Treasurer be instructed
(1) . to spread the tax' "for the year 1913 on block 13, Dawes & Foss Add, receipt 47184.
on an assessed valuation of :280 instead of 1560, on account of erroneous assessment of
improvements, and to refund the difference, (2) to spread the tax for the year 1913 on
lot 32, Kerrts Add, receipt ;'15957, on an assessed valuation of 1174 instead of. 1314, on
account of erroneous assessment of improvements, and "refund the difference; (3) to
spread. the 1913 tax on the North 65ft. of lots 10_11=12, block 19, Johnson's Add,
receipt ,1,L7392, on an assessedvaluation of :1375 instead of 1415, on account of erroneous
assessment, and to refundthe difference; (4) to spread the 1913 tax on block 8,
'astwood Addition, on an assessed valuation of. 1120 instead ::1200, and, refund the.
'�James valuationdifference; (5) to spread the 1913 tax on ��, t 13 , Sub. on an assessed v
of 165 instead of 1130, in order to equalize it with surrounding lots, and to refund
the difference. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
TD s aDAY...-.JUNE 3RID , 1914
1:30 P.M. cont
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Bitner that when this Board adjourns it
does so to meet again at ten o'clock a.m. July 1st, 1914. Motion prevailed.
A recess until nine o'clock a.m. June 4t
, was then taken.
THURSDAY - IUNE 4TH , 1914 - A.M.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call all members present.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Heye that the petition for exemption from
taxation of the Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital be laid over for furure action, on the
advice of the County Attorney. Motion prevailed.
Moved by iTeye and seconded by Hynes that the request of the Nebraska
Sanitarium Association for a refund Of 1912, and 1913 axes„be not granted and the
prayer of the petitioners denied. toll call, -yeas, Benedict, Kidder, Hynes, Heye,
Schlegel, and Heiler; nays, Bitner. Motion prevailed.
M nutes read and approved.
Motion to adjourn. Carried.
...... Clerk.
...... Deputy.
OOz OOH':.... Chairman.
0' E:U A Z 1 Z"A T 1 0 N
Not ii ed
JUNE, 9th,
1914..., -s
Board assembled as a Board of Equalization,
Roll call, all members present, to -wit: -
Schlegel , Hynes, Kidder Bobbitt and Hudson
Forenoon occupied with the presentation of complaints.
according to statute.
Heiler, Benedict, Bitner, Hoye,
Chairman ordered a recess until one thin y p.m.
TUESDAY - JUNE 9th, 1914 --1:30 P.M
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
Afternoon occupied with the presentation
A recess until nine o'clock a.m. June 10
nd discussion of complaints.
h, was ordered by the chairman.
WEDNESDAY - JUNE 10th, 1914 - 9 A.M.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
_Forenoon taken up with the investigationand. discussion of complaints.
A recess until one thirty p.m. was ordered by the chairman.
"*EDNESDAY - JUNE 10th, 1914
1:30 RM.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
Afternoon occupied with investigation of complaints.
Chairman ordered a recess untilni.ne o
THURSDAY - JUNE llth, 1914
Board reassembled as per recess.
call, all member
ock a.m. June 1
9 A.M.
, 1914.
Moved by 'Cidder and seconded by Bobbitt hat the complaint of Michael Diehl
for reduction on the assessment of the South half of lot 5, Alexander's 2nd Add to the
City of Hastings, for the year 1914, be allowed at ?790, actual value. Roll call, all
voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Ileye that the assessment of P.Mclntosh on
the North halfof lot 12, Alexander's 2nd Add to the 9ity of Hastings, be raised 500,v
actual valuation. Roll call, all voted yea. Notion prevailed.
Moved by Kidder and secondee. by Heye that the assessment of C.B.Hutton on ,,
the South half of lot 12, Alexander's 2nd Add to the City of Hastings, be increased
e)200, actual valuation. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Heye and seconded by Hynes That the recommendation of the Complaint
Committee be made the order of the Board and that the; County Assessor be instructed to
add to the assessment of ?farm Davis, Jr.Hanover Township, 1500 actual value on live
stock, yards and buildings, on account of the same haying been omitted by the precinct
assessor. Roll call, all members voted .yea. Motion prevailed.
The chairman then ordered a recess until one thirty p.m.
THURSDAY JUNE llth, 1914 1:30
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members preseat.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Bitner tFiat the recommendation of County
Assessor Bobbitt be made the order of the Board and that the assessment of horses be
raised in Hanover Township 10, in Verona, 5`, in Zero, 5, and reduced in Kenesaw
Township 5) and in Blaine 5573; and that the assessment, of cattle be raised in Juniata
Township 20, in Verona 101, in Wanda 10%, in Denver 1Tr,, and reduced in West Blue
Township 20% and in Cottonwood 107%( Roll call, yeas,- Benedict, Kidder,, Hynes, Bitner,
Schlegel, Heiler, Bobbitt; nays,- Heye, Hudson. Motion prevailed.
recess until nine o' clock a.m., June 1
th, was then ordered by the
BOAT/:9__ 0_P
FRIDAY - JUNE 12th, 1914 - 9
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
A. M.
Moved by Bitner and seconded, by Benedict that the request of Henry P.Johnson
for a reduction of the assessment on the LI, 77-1.- Sec. 18-6-12, be not allowed, as the
assessment corresponds with adjoining property. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.s
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Bitner that the request of J.C.Wisner for
a reduction of the assessrnent on the NT sec. 16-8-9, be allowed at 01000, actual value.
Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Benedict and seconded, by Hynes hat the request of Jno.Pfeiffer
for a reduction of the assessment on the NF 22-8-9, be not allowed. Roll call, all voted
yea. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Benedict and seconded by Hynes that the complaint of S.E.Bamforcl
on the assessment of Lots 10-11, Block 29, Original Town, City of Hastings, be taken
into consideration and a reduction of ;)500, actual valuation, be allowed. Roll call,
all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Hynes and seconded b; Bobbitt that the request of Ezra Langevin
for a reduction of the assessment on Lot 3, Block 24, Original Town, City of Hastings,
be granted at 500, actual value, on account of the improvements being removed. Roll
call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Upon motion by Bitner seconded by Hynes he request of N.H. Jones for a
reduction of assessment on Lots 16-17 and 18, Block 12, Johnson's Add to the City of
Hastings,w .s refused. Roll call, all voted yea. 1, otiox. prevailed.
Moved by Hynes and seconded by Bitner that the request of J.H.Robinson
for a reduction of -� 1375 on Tots 8-9-10 and 11, Block 9, Ayr Village, be granted* ®n
account -df . improvements havingbeen removed. Roll cal , all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
The chairrnan then ordered a recess until
JUNE' 12th, 1914
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all metbers present.
Moved by Bobbitt and seconded by Kidder 'hat the request of Annie Thompson
for a reduction of .'600 on lot'18, Block 11, St.Joseph Addition to the City of Hastings,
be allowed at 1400, actual. value. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Hoye and seconded by Bitner tha the request
of J. H. Eisenberg for
a reduction of ?1O0 on the assessment of Lots 10 and 11, Randolph & Brower's Sub.Div.,
be granted. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed..
Moved by Schlegel and seconded by Kidder that the improvements on lots
140-141142-143 and 144, 'enesaw Village, be assessed#at '1500, actual value, the same
having been omitted by the precinct assessor. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Reye and seconded by Hynes that the request of C.J.Miles for a
reduction of :2000 on Lots 23-24-25 and 26, Alexander's 2nd. Add to the City of Hastings,
be not granted. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prev€iled.
one o 'dock p.m.
Moved by Hynes and seconded by Bitner that the request of 0.E.Wood for a
reduction of 11000, actual value, on the SE; 24-7-10, 'e not granted. Roll call, all
voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Hynes and.eseconded by Kidder that the request of John Pfeiffer
for a redaction on the assessment of SE 57 sec. 13-7-10, be not granted. Roll call, all
voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Moved. by Heye and seconded by Hynes that the petition of ^'m.Rapp for a
reduction of the assessment on :Lot 1, Penfield's Sub.Div., be not granted. Roll call,
all voted yoa. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Hynes and seconded by Heye that Bobbitt, Heiler, Benedict and
Kidder constitute a committee to investigate complaints now on file. Roll call, yeas, -
Benedict, Hynes, Bitner, Heye, Schlegel, Heiler Bobbitt, Hudson; .udder not voting.
Motion prevailed.
Moved by Schlegel and seconded by Bobbitt that the 1914 assessment on the
South half of Lot 79, TCenesaw Village, be reduced 1600, actual value, on account of
the house having been burned before the assessment waS made. Roll call, all voted yea.
Motion prevailed.
The chairman then ordered a recess untilten o'clock a.m., June 22, 1914.
MONDAY - JUNE 22ND, 1914 - 10 A.M.
Board reassembled as per recess -
Roll call, all members present.
Moved by Hynes an seconded by Bobbitt that the request of John Schleuning
for a reduction of the assessment on Lots 1-2-3 & 4, Block 1, M.J.Smith's Add to the
City of Hastings, be not granted. Roll ea 1, all vote, yea. Motion prevailed.
, I
Moved by Hynes and seconded by Benedict that the request of Miles & Hynes
for a reduction of the assessment on Lots 10 and 11, Block 10, Moore's Add to the City
of Hastings, be'Franted at :11500, actual value, the reduction being on improvements
only. Roll call, all voted. yea. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Hynes and seconded by Bitner that the assessment of Lot 111, Ghost's
Addition to the City of Hastings, be reduced 30O, actual value, on improvements, as per
the request of the owner, John Gettman. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Benedict and seconded, by Bobbitl that the assessment on Lots 1 & 2,
Block 2, Bellanges Add to the City of Hastings, owned,by the Hastings Canning Company, be
reduced ?!31000 on the actual value of improvements. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Hynes that the request of 7m.Dunn for a
reduction of the assessment of Blocks 1 and 2, Pauls 4da to the City of Hastings, be not
granted. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed®
The chairman ordered a recess until one thirty p.
MONDAY - JUNE 22ND, 1914 - 130 P.M.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
Moved by Bobbitt and seconded by Bitner that the request of J.Bauer for a
reduction of the assessment on the North half of Lot 127, Ghost's Addition to the City
of Hastings, be granted at 1250, actual value, on improvements. Roll call, all voted yea.
Motion prevailed.
Moved by Xidder and seconded by Ichlegel that the assessment on Lot 12,
Block 29, Original Town, City of Hastings, be raised t1000, actual value, on improvements.
Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Bobbitt and seconded by Hynes t at the 1914 personal assessment of
IP.Pulver, Tenesaw Township, be reduced from 11350 to 225, actual value, on account of
Said assessment covering property assessed and held in Tearney County. Roll call, all
voted yea. Motion Prevailed.
moved by Tidder and seconded by Hynes that the Board adjourn subject to
the call of the Clerk, to make the levies. Notion prevailed.
pet, * e * • • • 0 • • O' • 0 • • *
• e . • • ../
• * • • Deputy.
t1-70';iff--" Chairman.
. „ .
:a' oDNEC AY JITLY lst , 1914 - 10 A.M.
Board reassembled as per adjournment.
o11 call, all members present except T?eye.
Moved by Kitner and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the
Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and -the Treasurer be instructed to
spread the 1913 taxes on Lots 1 and 2, .john's Add to the City of Hastings, on an assessed
valuation of '600 instead of ,`1600, on account of erroneous assessment of improvements,
said lots beim; vacant except for a party wall on lot 2, and to refund the difference to
A.H.Jones. 7o11 call, all present voted yea. ITotion prevailed.
Moved by "ohlegel and seconded by Bitnel.: that the recommendation of the
Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and the 1913 personal taxes of. J.E.
Cunningham, receipt -178, be refunded by the County Treasurer, on account of double
assess-ment. Roll call, all present voted yea. Motion prevailed.
'roved by Schlegel and seconded by Bitner that the recommendation of the
Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and 'the County Treasurer be instructed
to refund the 1900 and prior years taxes on receipt x`121 to J.C.Snyder, on account of
property being owned by charitable Organization at that time. Roll call. all present
voted yea. Motion prevailed.
",-roved by Benedict and secon1ed by Kidder that the recommendation of the
Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and the County Treasurer he instructed
to spread the 1913 taxes on Tots 10 and 11, Block 10, i.00re's Add to the City of Hastings
on an assessed value of 7'900 ins'ead of =7'1200, on account oferroneous assessment, and
to refund the difference. Roll call, all present voted lea. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the
Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board. and _the claim of J. C. Wisner for a
refund of 1913 taxes on NW 16-8-9, be not allowed. Roll call, all present voted yea.
?lotion prevailed.
The chairman then ordered a recess until one thirty p.m.
".';TT8 AY -- JULY 1st, 1914 :30 ?..J_.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present except Heye.
:roved by Kidler and seconded by Schlegel that the r ecc rnnendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed
against the general fund ane' the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll
call, all present voted yea. Motion prevailed. 4
Blake& Sons ......0........00..0. .90. Masonic Templecra-t ......<.... 7'30.00.
I,:.Rickel ...... ...... .•.•.•e•.♦.• 2.60. Hastings '°aily Republican •..•. 35.40.
Anderson & Fairman 1.50. J.F.Heiler 46.00.
Nebraska Sanitarium 90.00. J.E.Til1its.. ¢. ... •.♦. 40.00.
Henry Roedrr 2.00. Hastings Baily Tribune.. .. 10.08.
'ars. E, nice Spillman 24.00. Karl D.Beghtol 7.10.
Bim.}F • ScT leygel .......... w • ...... • . • . 57.3n5. r..R. mberson • 20. (00.
Va .1+��l G/en .....0..... ..... .• ♦.•.•••.e..• 36.0`.:. rn. 1dTnaiel ..•..• ♦...•.. • •. .• .. 44.00
Hastings Cas Co. 14.06.T.r(v /'`t
.rav'�. 7_ngS Gas l.i o . • • • • w • . s • s • e • • 11.04.
Citi of Hastings29.92. Hastings rail Tribune ........ 12.62.
P:ary(tK.Bauder 36.00. C•Ti.Hudson 23.11.(
�7.A.Co1e ...•...•...e••••....•.•.• 5)
• /.P5. C•H.Huc3son .e... .••...... 100.00.
Lem Tibbets 224.25. Allyn &*Bissell 3.65.
D.N.Bitner 48.00. St. Joe E G.T.R.R.Co. .000.4.... 1.00.
Dr. J.T . Steele 7.85. C . B. Calibreath 3.50.
James V. ne;hto1 10.00. .Tacob Bauer 33.04.
A.J.Mace .............. ........... e 2.50. IT.I).kidder • 53.00.
'''. P .h%iead. 0.0...00.. • •. • ... • .0000.. 8.02. ,rye -Schneider -Fowler Co 27.25.
A.L.Bartlett 7.75. H.D.^'ebster 8.55.
Austin Ryan 77.00. �J(.E� .0/Tinnin °ham 1.58.
C.'m.8.1dles .••••••...•.•.•e•...•.•
5.00. 0.fi. o1i nd •O•...•♦•••.••..♦3.75.tanr�<r & Greenfield • . ♦ • ... • ... 2.00 eTJ. T31oom 64.00.
Schmitz & Teines ....•............. 1'7.70. Cauvreau, & Co. 12.50.
Hastings .Fuel Co. 5.65.(C.B.& lo,.R.1.Co. ............... 10./76.
Drs. iddile & Foote ..........0.•. 30.00. Geo.McCoy ......•........••a..e 12.00.
J.Id.Tenant .•.•w...♦.....•..•..•10.00. C.I.Van„fatten 9.50.
"est Side Cash Grocery .. • • .... • . 1.85. Union I,.:oat T;Tarket .. ♦ .. • ..... • 7.20.
Taft•''illzs 00 . . • . . . • . . • • • . . . . • . 00 . . 16.86. Klop & 'Dartlet t Co. 42.71.
14.27. Hammond Stephens Co. • 44.30.F.Yy.T{i 1y ...•..®.. . . ..•.... 36.28. F.T.Beieict ... ..•• ••♦•.•. ...
r''olbach & Brach • . • . .. • . • • ..... 30.51./ 1 . A. Boyer 7.20.
.A.T�owe ... 5.00. '1r.Arthu;r Reviles ow • • ... • • . • 5.00.
Proffitt & Lovell .............. .. 18.25. Twidale Shoe Co. 4.60.
A.F.r,?e -er Hdw.Co• 8.00. _,ernan S'hoe Co. 5.00.
P.M. cont .
Moved by Hynes and seconded by Kidder that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and.:he following claims be allowed
against the bridge fund and the Clerk instructed to dravx warrants for the same. Roll
call, all members present voted. yea. Motion prevailed.
Fred johler 20.00. C.K.La Ysori Hdw.Co. ...... • ..... • 7.41.
Hastings Foundry & Iron Works 2.07. Tom .Lynch ' 35.00.
Ilastings FoundryIron ''corks ... 2.07. Wm.TLennedy ..... • .............. • 41.00.
Hastings Foundry & Iron '''oris ... 57.44. 0. 1.Kohl 103.33.
Hastings Foundry & Iron Works ... 64.27. R. E. Kindig ..................... 35.'75.
Louie Peterson •................. 40.00. Elmer Rieder ................,.. 1E3.00.
i+;d . J. Hnckf eldt ............. 3.50. ...
r'.I`.Ingalsbe 11.25. Andy mitts 62.50.
Frank Kitts ............... ..... 118.70. ''m.'Lennedy 86.00.
Harry Cruse ........ . ... . ........ 27.50. I7astings Poimiry w Iron '?orks 39.80.
V.Gunderman..................... 25.00. Chas.Manske 7.95.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Hynes tha when this Board adjourns it
does do to meet again Jr1y 14, 1914, as per statute. :lotion nrevs.iled.
Minutes read and approved.
Motion to adjourn. Carried.
• • e .®. . ..... Chairman.
TUESDAY - JULY 14, 1914.
Board met as per statute.
Roll call, all members present.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Bitner that.. the following bridge petitions
be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Motion prevailed.
One for a bridge between sections 13 and14, Juniata Township. (?.J.Coats) .
" rr rr n t► sections 28 and 29, Cottonwood Township. (G.L.Fisher).
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Benedict that when this Board adjourns it
so to meet again August 3rd, 1914. Motion prevailed.
The chairman then ordered a recess until one thirty o'clock p.m.
TUESDAY - JULY 14, 1914 - 1:30
Board reassembled as,per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
taken up with investigation of complaints and committee work.
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Hoye that tie recommendation of the Complaint
Committee be ma3e the orler of the Board and the County Treasurer be instructed to
refund to G.T. Hall the taxes as shown on receipt ;rl28 for 1900 and prior Years on Lots
426-427-428-429-430, Juniata Village, on account of title to the same resting in Adams
County when purchased by O.'q.Palmer, from whom. Hall procured same. Roll call, all voted
yea. Motion prevailed.
Minutes react and approved.
Notion by Kidder seconded by Schlegel, to a.journ. Motion carried.
MONDAY AUCTUS T , 3RD , 1914 , 10 A.M.
Board reassembled as per adjournment.
Roll call, all members present.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Hynes that the report of the Settlement
Cor rittee be accepted and placed on record. Motion prevailed.
castings, Nebr., July 15, 1914.
o the Honorable Board of Supervisors,
.Gentlemen: -
Te, your Settlement Committee, have checked all the books, papers,
stubs, vouchers and warrants in the different offices 4or the first six months of the
year 1914 and beg leave to submit the following report of our findings; -
In the Office of the R.FGISTl'R OF DEET S,
we checked the following books in the Register of Deeds' office; General Index
to Peeds No.16, General Index to Mortgages No.15, Miscellaneous Index No.5, mechanics'
Lien Tndex No.1, and Index to Estates No -1. These were found to agree with. Fee Book No.5
which corresponds with the report on file in the CountP7 Clerk's office, as follows;
Febrtary receipts, ...•187.35.
March receipts, 272.05.
April receipts, 182.00.
May receipts, ..... ....... • 228.30.
June receipts, 179.80.
Total , el:201.60'.
January receipts, .
In the Office of the COUNTY CLE2K,-
Te checked the records in the County Clerk's office as follows:- Chattel
Mortgage Record, Physicians' Zegister, Dentists' Register, .Embalmers' Register, Bill
of Sale Record., Notarial Record, Stock Lien Record, Optometry Record, Miscellaneous
Record and all other records where fees are charged with the Fee Book. We also checked
the report with the Fee Book and find all fees accounted for and the report to be
correct. The warrants were checked with the warrant stubs and all warrants not receipted
for were found in the possession of the Clerk.
The total amount of fees collected_ for the first six months Of the year was
Kidder and Bitner,
Sub -comm.
Benedict & Hynes,
Sub -comm?.
n the Office of the COUNTY TREASURE:i,
7"e checked all taxes and all other receiptsof the County Treasurer's office
also the disbursements and balenc es on hind in the various funds and find there to agree
with the Treasurer's sworn statement for they first: six. months of the year 1914.
Balance on hnd Jan. 1, 1914 A ..... • . • 97660,64.
To collections, 231,091.98.
Total receipts • ..... 328 ,'752.62.
d sursements ..... 222,844.65.
July ls
Balance on hand 14 ...... '105,907.97.
Heiler, Schlegel,
Bitner and Benedict,
Sub -comm.
In the Office of the COUNTY JUDGE, -
"re checked the County Judge's office for the period from January 1st, 1914,
to July lst,1914, consisting of the following' records; Marriage License Recon? No.13,
County County Court Dockets Nos. 5 and 6, Justice of tle Peace Docket No. 8, Probate
Fee Books Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and. 5, Miscellaneous Items and Cash Books, and found same
to agree with the report on file with the County Clerk. Fees received for the first
six months of 1914 were as follows . -
January receipts ... ............ 226.60.
February receipts, ............... 163.10.
March receipts, 255.10.
April receipts, 200.15.x
Mayreceipts, 163.15.
June receipts, .• ••••.........6•e' 149.60.
Total • . • . •. .. .
Benedict and Hynes,
Sub -comm.
n the Office of the CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT,-
'"'e checked. Appearance lockets Nos 21 and 22 judgment led er No.8, Judgment
Dockets Nos. 6 and 7, and Execution Docket No. 10, with the Fee Book, and find them to
agree with each other and with the report on file in t) -,Ie County Clerk's office.
The totalmount of fees received during the first six months of the year
1914 amounted to x1776.75.
MONDAY =AUGUT3?`, 1914-m10 A cont.
In the Office of the COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT of 3Cli0CL5,
?"e have checked the receipts and expenditures of the office of the County
Superintendent of Public Instruction for the first six ;months of the year 1911, and
find that the same agrees with the Superintendent's sworn statement on file in the
office of the County Clerk.
Total receipts, :410.36.
Total expenditures, .•....•20.53.
Balance on hang' July 1st, 1914f39�.
Kidder and Bitner,
Sub -coma.
In the office of the SHER ,FF, -
"'echecked the process Docket with ttle Fee Book and found them to correspond
► n
with each other and with the sheriff s sworn statement"on file in the County Clerk's
The fees received for the first six months of the year 1914 amounted to
as follows, -
District Court,60
Court, a
County . . .. . . . • . . . . . • 0 • 30.00.
justice Court,Beghtol • 9.25.
Total . . . • . e . • . ♦ • • , • .7=7.
Kidder and Bitner,
Sub -comm.
Respectfully submitted,
B.I'. Sch.legel, Chairman.
Johnleye ,
P. J.13ened ict,
Settlement Committee.
iToved by Benedict and seconded by Kidder that the County Clerk be instructed
to advertise for bids on furnishing steam coal for the, Adams County Court House from
November 1st, 1914 to September 1st, 1915, to be delivered at the Court House as desired
and weighed over city scales. All bids to be filed at the County Clerk's office on or
before 9 o'clock a.m. September. 1st, 1914.said bids to be opened at the next meeting of
the Board, which reserves the right to reject any or all bids. The successful bidder
being requiredto furnish bond satisfactory to the Board. 'Motion prevailed.
The chairman then ordereda recess until one o'cicok p.m. August 3rd.
MONDAY - AUGUST 3RD , 1914 »- 1 P.M.
Board. reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Bitner that the recommendation of the Finance
Committee be made the order of the Board and the folloring claims be allowed against the
general fund and. the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Noll call, all voted
yea. Motion prevailed.
Berger Construction Co. ..........• 316.00.
Henry Bauer 4.50 •
NebraskaSanSanitarium. • • .. • ........
Kauif-s& Rinderspacher. • • . . . . . • • • • • P •
& Rind erspacher ........ 0.0. 0.
00..V..Lang,evin ....•.v..••• ...........
AdamsCounty Democrat . • ... ... ... ..
D.S,Phelps & Son • . . • . • . • • • • ... • . ..
Stanner & Greenfield ... .•... .•..••
Wahlquist Bros. ..•..•••......
Ja l'a. Wii its . • . a ♦ . • . s • • .. . • ♦ • • • • ♦ •
Sunnyside •..•... .•••••"....•...
Binderup Haw. Co. .................
Lee Haggard •P......... .....•e
Hastings Daily Republican • .... • .
Zeigler's Drug Store .... . .. . 000
A.M.Ciark ......... a ..............
N.H.Lembke •.e,...........•......
Hastings Daily Tribune ...........
H.D.Webster Co. ......
F. S."'ebster ..........
State Journal_ Co. ..•.•e�..ee.
'earl D.Beghtol ...............
F. J. Benedict ........ .
• • • • • • . • • . .• •
Temple Cafe .....••.
. . . a • . . . • . • . .
• . • . .
. • . .
A.J.Ptiace„ ...••••••••
'c7. L. Bros.
......... .
Stein ros . . • . • • • . •
Jacob Ba. ier .. • ....
Allyn & issel1
. . . . 9 . .
• • • • • • • • • •
Lincoln el.& Tel. Co.
Lincoln Tel. & Tel. Co.
Wahlquist Bros. ......•e
mrs. Chas.iI.Dietrich
�� (
e • .. • . 40.00.
1?ebraska' Sttate Board of Eea.lth 42.50.
M.Rced•`4.5'.'1..•..... 5.00.(
Gauvrgeau4& Co. ...........•▪ 5.05.
A.1`er,.L,'leye3. Haw. Co. • . . • • • • • • • • 2.50.
G.B.B xugherty 59.95•
E.1'. Lilly 50 97.
J. J. Gish_ . . . . . . • . . .• . . . . . . . • . . 10.70.
Mansfield Paint & Glass Co. .. 38.70.
.75. C.1.3.fic C". t•R. Co. . a..... . 2.64.
33.17. Joseph H. Still .... • ........ 5.65.
20.65.. Hammond Stephens ....... v... 5.90.
3.00. County Supt. Public Instriiction50.00.
5.00. The university Publishing Co.. 54.75.
25,40. Mrs. Eunice S}-liman • . . • • . . • • e 30.00•
52.00. John Sigel .•............•.... 6.50.
30.20. T:.R.17i.1_s 25.05.
MONDAY - AUGUST 3RD, 1914 - 1 P.M. cont.
Hughes Auto Co.
D.N.Bitner ....
B.F. chlegel ..
J.L.Hynes ••e•.
James V.Beghtol
• • • • • • . . 0 • . .
• • . . • • . • • • . .
• . . • 9 •� • . .. * •. •
• • * • o • . . • . • . .
• • •
• • • • . e
. • . . • .
• ... • • • • .•
James V•Beghtol ....•.
Hastings Taily Tribune ......
I.I.R• .Erberson • .
J.B.Kline ••.......••....•...
Dr.Frod Schaufellerger ......
George Harr .... • • .. .
7 .4'Nr.+a.eith . • • 4. • . • • • • • • •
i`redie Jesse •••.••..•...........
Proffitt & Lovell .•.•...••...•...
Union Meat Market .....
• • .".
• 4•*
. . . 91 .
* **•0
0•* . •
• ... .
• • • ••
• 0 • • • • 00 • •
• . • • . . • • • •
. • .
• • . • . •
9.00. Don C.Fout- ..•..••....•..•••.•..
22..1,.10.jJohn Heye
71.90.. .O. ood • .. • .. • . • • • • .. • . • • • • • • s •
78.00. N•D.K.idc?er •••••• •• •..•
21.50. J•F•Heiler ••..•.•.•••••.•..•••••
City of Hastings ... •..•...♦.••••
37.00. :Klapp & Bartlett ...........•....
22./25. Renner & erf ..•......•.•.•.•.•.
20.00. Worrell Mfg. Co. . • .•... e s .... .
4.1(/2. J. '.Lyman ;lectric Co. e • ... • • • ••
2.00. Mrs.D I.T.Laster .... •..• .••••••...
2.00. David M.Lister .. • . • ... • • . • . • ....
8.00. J.1.Willits .....................
2.00. Lem Tibbets .... • .... • • ....•. .
16.95. ',".A.Cole .••••••••••.••••••••.•••
2 .00.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by IIeye that the recommendation of the
?Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and t o following claims be allowed
against the `bri 1ge fin and the Clerks instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll
call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
''.J.Hynes .........•.....•.a...... 6.75. C.F.Giaaier & Son •.............. 1.75.
Clyde ,rlennedy ..... 0000 00.00000004 28.40. 0.G. chlegel ............. ••••*•. 5.00.
Holstein Lumber Co. •..000. ....... 496.73. C.G•Schlegel 65.75.
M.A.Hargleroad 000,0••.. •0000...• 14.45. Hastings Foundry & Iron '`'orks ... 33.11.
Berger -Gallagher Co. ... e• e. e• w+• a 50.00. Hastings Foundry & Iron works45.36.
Geo•I'ischer ... ......... .♦0.000♦04 18.00. Hastings Foundry & Iron Works ... 185.50.
C.C.Peck .. • ...0. • 0 • 0 0 0000.... ♦.. 14.00. Hastings Foundry & Iron ?`corks ... 69.07.
Ch ,s•Frnst.... .. • .• .. • • . • • • 0 0 0 0 •. 10.00. Hastings .foundry & Iron "corks ... 16.25.
C.G.Schlegel ..........•.......... 6.15. Kenesaw Farmers Lumber Co. .•.•. • 80.65.
Henry Chick 4.00. czeor9e Roe •.♦..•.•e. ..... .••..•e 64.50.
Tom Lynch ••..•..•.•....•...•..•.. x74.00• Harry Cruse ♦s••.•.♦•••♦♦e♦♦•..e. 7/60(50•
Frank Kitts •...•...••••.•••.•.... 132.10. Andy Kitts ..•......••••.•..•... 73':.00.
Wm.iennedy •..•♦.a♦••••••.•♦...... 45.00. Fred Johler. .•.......•e•.•••.••.• 74.00.
e.I:r. iI®m 1. a_ti% 0 0 0 0 ... • 0 .. 0 • • .. • . • . , .. 7.54. Hastings roan iry & Iron '"corks . 210.25.
43.50• C•a3..Kohl ••..•••.•...•.•.0•..••.0 52.60•
Ed Anderson (.'! • ... ♦ . • ......... 32.00. '"ester�i }?rack & Sa;i�y�ly C o . 49.64.
J.H. Han ey &. Co . . . . •. • • . ♦ . . • . .. • . • • .. 10000*
Polencke Bros. Co. ...•...........
Moved by Pitner and seconded. by X'id.der that the prayer of the petition of
Joint school districts No. 67, Adams County and No.65, Hall County, be granted and placed
on record. Roll call, all voted yea Motion prevailed,.
To the County Clerk of Adams Comity, State of Nebraska
The undersigned School District Board. of School District No. 65 & 67 of
Hall and Acams Counties, Nebraska, does hereby certify that at a special school district
meeting held on July 31 a majority of the legal voters, present voted in favor of levying
the following tax against the property of said district to raise Five Hundred Dollars
and Interest each year for a period of three years together with sufficient tax to pro-
vide for the interest on the warrants issued against said fund at the rate of seven per
cent per annum and the County Board is requested to.levy such tax as will be necessary
Hansen, Nebr. , August 3, 1914.
to raise such amount.
this 3rd day of August, 1914
History of the Minding Fund.
A.H•Baurnann, Moderator.
Jrs.Kate Appling, Director.
I:trs•M•E.White, Treasurer.
The State of Nebraska
That we, A.H.Baumann, 'Toler tor, itrs. ate Appling, Director, and Mrs.M.E.White.,. Treas-
urer, of School T)istr4ct Nos.65 & 67, Hall and Adams Counties, Nebraska, on oath declare
the following to be a true and correct history of the "procedure in connection with the
voting the Building Fund for the erection and furnishing of a school house in such
district to -wait;
On the seventh day of July, 1914 a petition signed by at least one fourth of
the qualified votersof said school district was presented to the District Board,
suggesting that a vote be taken for or against the creating of a building fund and
which petition was in swords and figures following, to -wit:
"To the District Bear, of c`ch-)ol ristrict Na. 65 & 67 Hall and Adams Counties, Nebraska;
"We, the undersigned legal voters of School I5istrict above named do hereby
petition the District Board of seid District suggesting that a vote be taken for or
against the levying of a special tax sufficient to rai,pe Five Hundred Dollard per
MONDAY -- AUGUST 3RD, 1914 1 Vii'. M. cont.
annum, sail tax to take effect in the year 1914 and continue for,
years. The object and purpose of said tax is to create a special
and furnishing a new school building in said district
?Fitness OUT hands this seventh clay of July,
Mrs. K. Appling.
J. J.Mohlman.
James I.Kelso.
Chas. Eisele.
Fenton M.Frink.
A. Ii. Baurna.nn .
H. H. +eller.
F. T.Arrnstrong.
C. G.Brig s.
Mrs.A. TT. Baumann.
Ed Harrell.
R. L. Boeiuze
L . Murphy.
Sid Appling.
Mrs.Elsie Armstrong.
Mrs . H. H. Kel l e r .
Mrs.J.B. elso.
T.T. J.Rinker
LTrs.W. O. Cain.
Mrs.Frank Quinn.
a period Of three ( )
fund for the erection
Ana thereupon, having ascertained that the,number of legal voters in said
School District is 47 and that one fourth at least of the legal voters have signed the
above petition, to -wit; An election was called by posting up notices in three of the
most public places in said District at least twenty days prior to said election, and
which notices were in words and figures following, to -wit;
A special meeting of the legal voters of School District TIo. 65 and 67, of
Eall and Adams Counties, Nebraska, called upon the written request of at least one
fourth of the legal voters, will be held at the School House in said Distrcit, on
Friday the 31st day of July, 1914, at nine o'clock n.t. for the purpose of voting
building fund of Fifteen Hundred T'ollars.
Irs.Kate Appling, Director.
And afterwards, to-w_Lt , on. the 31st day of July, A.T. 1914, at 9 o'clock
.M., the election by the legal voters of said School'ristrict as heretofore called,
took place at the Sell.00l House in said School District, there being present and voting
nine legal voters of said district. The judges of sai4 election vlas A.H.Baunann and Mrs.
Kate Appling acted as clerk thereof.
The question heretofore submitted to the legal voters of said School 'district
was then voted, upon by the legal voters present and 'Ole following votes were cast, to -
Pita .A.
For the proposition to levy the special tax, nine votes.
Against the proposition to levy special tax, no votes.
A majority of the legal voters prsent and voting on the question having
declared by their votes in favor of the levying the special tax in said School District,
as described in the question heretofore submitted, thy: result of the vote was entered up
on the records of the School ,"his trice and declared du.y adopted.
Ansiwe, the School ristr .ct officers, do hereby certify that the last com-
plete assessment of the District .forcounty and stato purposes is .'57053.00 and that
thrre are no outstanding bonds against said. _ School ristrict.
And being satisfied that all proceedings in connection with the voting of
the special tax by said District aro in conformity to the lass of the st=-ate, we the said
School, "istrict officers are prepared to issue warrants accordingly. The rate of
interest by lava will be seven per cent.
And we do further certify that 7chool T)ist ict Nos. 65 and 67, Hall and
Adams Counties, rebras1a, comprises the following territory, to -wit: -
'All of section 32 and' 5; o.) section 33, ' own - 9, Range 9, all in Hall
County, also all of section 1, Range 10, Tovn 8, E- of section 6 and N' of section 5,
Ranke 9, Ton 8, in Adams County, Nebraska.
A. H. Baumann , Moderator.
Irs.Kate Appling, ..Director.
J rs.M.E.White , Treasurer.
Sworn to before me and s-abscri`oed in my presence by A'.II.Baumann, Moderator, Lrs.Kate
Appling, Director, and Mrs.TT.E. Thite , Treasurer whtrrn: 1 certify to be lawful _District
officers of School District TTos. 65 and. 67 of Hall and Adams Counties, Nebraska.
This 3rd day of Augt .:t 1914.
Moved by T(i='der and seconded by Heye that when this Board adjourns it does
so to :meet again on Tuesday, Sentember 1st, 1914, at ten o'clock A.M. Roll call, all
voted yea. Motion pr•ev riled.
Moved by ileye and seconded by Schlegel that the County Board act in
conjunction with Kearney and Buffalo Countio in opening the North and "Louth road.
between section 6, Ariane County, anal. section 1, Buffalo County. Notion prevailed.
Moved by Schlegel and seconded by Kidder that the recommendation of the
Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and the County Treasurer be instructed
to refund to E. Jones <13.39 tax for 1900 and prior years on the 9E- of SW4 27-8-12, on
account of land not being deeded until June 9th, 1876. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Hoye that the recommendation of the
Complaint Committee be made the or:ler of the Board and the County Treasurer be instructed
to spread the 1913, ta-es on Lot 8, Block 4, Wilkins 4aa, on a valuation of 7',',;115 instead
of , 475, assessed value, on account of erroneous assessment of improvements. Roll call,
all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
MONDAY - AUGUST 3rd, 1.914 - 1 cont.
7Toved by Benedict and seconded by Schlegel that the recomulendation of the
Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and the County Treasurer be instructed
to refund the city tax as shown On receipt r,t10287 for 1912 and receipt IrL8610 for 1913,
to N.H.Jones, on account of said lots not being inside the city limits. Roll call, all
voted yea. Motion prevailed.
voved by Hyhes'and seconded by Heye that the refund requested by N.H.Jones
on Lots 16-17-18, Block 12, Johnson's Addition to HastinP-s, be not granted. Roll call,
all voted yea. Motion prevailed. °
Minutes read and approved.
Motion to adjourn. Carried.
• • •
07, • 14 97 4 r44C4'6'A*4)4**.•“ • • • •
0 • 7:• • 90 te/(47, 4 . 4
... Deputy.
• • 0
.. „ Chairman.
TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 1st, 191 - 10 A. r .
Board assembled as per adjournment.
Moved. by Benedict and seconded by Hynes that the petition for the
division of road district No. 3, Little Blue Township, be granted, and said district
be divided into two districts, Nos. 3 and 4, district No. 3 to be composed of sections
19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, .and 33, and district NO. 4 to be composed of sections
22, 23 24, 25, 26, 27, 34, 35, and 36. notion prevailed.
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Benedict that the request of L.R.?'illis .
County Superintendent, be granted and that the County defray the expenses of a
representative to the State Fair encampment at Lincoln., Nebraska, said expense to
include railroad fare, board and tuition. Roll call, yeas, Benedict, Bitner, Heiler,
Schlegel; nays, Hynes, Heye; Kidder not voting. Motion carried.
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Benedict that that the petition of
Gwen G.Evans, et al, for bridge between sections 26 and 27, Little Blue Township, be
referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Notion prevailed.
The following bids for furnishing coal for the county Court House for
the fall and winter of 1914-1915, were opened and read:-
J.I?.Yost Lumber Co-, 41 Domestic 'eir City Nut...... 4.66.
Hastings Fuel Co.,
Allyn & Bissell,
Weir City Nut Coal ......
Moved by bidder and seconded , b;
Bitner that the bid of Allyn & Bissell
be accepted and said firm b e awarded the coal contraCit for the fall and winter of
1914-1915, as per preceding bid, andthat the County Attorney be instructed to procure
contract and bond according to advertisement, said contract to take effect November 1st
SeR ted yea. Motion prevailed.
1914 and expire September 1st , 1915.. ,ell call, all vo
chairman then ordered a -recess until one thirty p.m.
TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 1st, 1914 - 1:30 P.M.
Board reassembled as per recti s.
Roll call, all members present.
Moved by Kidder and. seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee he madem the order of the board and the following claims be allowed
against the general fund and the Clerk be instructed o draw warrants for the same.
Roll call, all voted yea. Notion. prevailed.
First ,and election Clerk of City of Hasti.ngs........ . T ion Board .. N32.20.
Clerk of ?"'est Blue Toenship 5.00. Second Ward Election Board .... 82.20.
Highland Township 5.00. Third ""ard Election Board 82.20.
It IT Verona Township 5.00. - :Fourth v'"ard Election Board .... 82.20.
TKenesaw Township 5.00. 'Fest Blue Election Board 26.80.
Wanda Township ........ 5.00. Highland Election Board 22.35.
Juniata Township ........ 5.00. Verona ':lection. Board 26.85.
Denver Township •........ 5.00. .Kenesaw Election Board 39.70.
Blaine Township 5.00. Wanda Election Board .......... 35.80.
Hanover Township 5.00. Juniata Election Board ..... 400 38.70.
Ayr Toy;l.shi? 5.00. Denver Election Board ......... 23.20.
Rosdland. Township 5.00. Blaine Election Board 24.90.
Cottonwood Township ..... 5.00. HanoverElection Board 28.20.
Logan Township 5.00. Ayr Election Board 39.50:
" " Silver Lake Township 5.00. Roseland Election Board ....... 21.80.
T' 44 ,Zero Township ..,...5.00. Cottonwood Election Board ....�... ..31.30.
Tt Little Blue Tovvnship 5.00. Logan Election Board .......... 2.60.
p.A.Kearns ...••• •.•••.•••.•.•• 16.00. Silver Lake Election_ Board .... 29.20.
Iiiginbotham & Pickens •...•..•..•62.50. Zero Election Board. ........ 26.00.
C.B.& !•Z.R.Co. ...... ....'..... 3.04. Little 31ue Election Board ••.. 27.50.
Hastings Fuel Co. ...•••...•2.15. Blake & Sons .......•..•• ...• .. 2.85•
Tee ITagg°ard ................ • . • 8.20. G. B. Daugherty
C.I.Van Patten •....•••...•....••• 12.60.
C . T. Van t?at t en .... • ............. . 11.34.
Peter Bieber 34.75.
• . ,
T Dyi eman . . . . . 6 • • . . . • • • • • • • • . • •
Haynes Bros. •..•••.•••.•...•..•.. 25.05. F.A. Kearns •••.••••••..••••••.• 43.30.
C.'R'.Hall 57.00. IT.J.Porer ..•...•..e.••.•.•.•• 14.50.
Pete Trausch ...•••••.•••.••••.••83.45. '"'.J.tor er 8.05.
Dr."". Ackley ......... • .... • 12.50,. J. J. Gis 42.25.
Tr.w.Ack1ey ....... • . • ... • . • • • 12.00,. E. F.Li11 r 27.85.
James n 1,
.,,,ones T,_1?_W,11i•..........••.•••••• 11.71.
'.H.Fuller .•........•....•.... 2.15.
Ed, Hendricks 23.45.
Harry N 1son 54.95.
H.D.'"ebster Co. .••••••...•11.65.
•. • • • • • • • • . . . •• . . ... 3. �+• Vv,• 4GL1_SV L� p • .L'v mss
Ira 7.Herring; . • •........ •..... • . • • 12.60. T,T•R.Emberson
Don.C.Fouts ..........•.•.....•••• 3.00. M.Reed. .•.....................• 30.00.
";rs..unice Spilman .,.•••....••... 24.00. Remington Typewriter Co. 3.50.
State Journal Co. ............... 44.75. Klopp &"Bartlett Co. 29.58.
State journal Co. ............. 2.55. Klopp ''Tinting Co. 43.60.
Union Neat Market ...•..••.••.•.• 7.95. Henry Roeder 1.53.
7:7.17-7 -,7;7 • TT
TUESDAY SE?TEMB7R 1st, 1914 - 1:30 P.M.
H.O.Eckhardt ***** •••••••••••••••••• 41.30.
Xauf & Rinderspacher 2.35.
A.L.Bartlett • • . OOOOOOOOOO • • • • • • • 12.25.
F.J.Benedict OOOOOOOOOOO .• • • ...••••• 28.00.
'o1bacia & Brach 7!25.01.
A.J.Mace . • • .• • • • • OOOOOOOO • .• • .•
Jacob Bauer ..... • • .••• .. • .• • 39.01.
Lem Ti bets .. OOOOOOO ........ 57.00.
41.50. Hastings Gas Co. **400.040.00 11.65.
.,,aptins ,as Co. ..• .. • • q••• • 13.29.
Lincoln Tel & Tel.Co. ....... 26.00.
CitYet Hastings 0 OOOOOO ..... 25.20.
B.11. Simms • ••••••••••••••••• • 28.60.
22 00
Ben Stanner .....
„. . ".. •, e „........ . ,", . 4 .... • 74:71:
W.A.Coie .....•..••••••••••••
J.L.Hynes ,.O..e.•
John Heye
N.D.Kidder 0,04196,001•0* OOOO
J.F.Heiler ***0**000440000000000•OW 35.60.
Nye -Schneider -howler Co. 7.( •
C.H.Hudson**********00 500.00.
Lem Tibbets OOOOOOO ••••••••••••••••• 44•05.
R co . 1.94.
0414****041000•0•••••••••• 4.7b.
Blake 9- Son
7a8 Ines Dun
aily Tribe 293.10.
Hastin.s 'flaily Tribune 202.10.
A.B.Livingston • OO O 26.00.
Moved by Bitner and seconded by
Finance Committbe made the order the Board
against the bridge fund and t lerinstrupted
call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
John Huff!r.39.20.
Nye -Schneider -Fowler Co. ........... 1.70.
Peter Weigant OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .0,0 4.00.
Andy Kitts ........ OOOO ............. 56.25!
C.A.Kohl • 19.'16.
Ben Kennedy ••••••.— 26. 5. .eorge •••••••••.••••...
• •
Kidder that the recommendation of the
and the following claims be allowed
to dAw'warrants for the same. Roll
J.H.1cGrath Hdw.Co,
Edgar J.Tanner •70.00.
Albert' Lay 3.00.
Cha6.1anske .........-126.40.
27 50
lvm.Kenned9" OOOOOO .................
Harry Cruse. .....................
Frank Xitts ........................
Hastings Foundry & Iron 77"orks'.....'.
Hastings Foundry & Iron Works ......
PT`f:Id ••••••••••••••••• 45.00•
54. O. h .,......,.......... 57 050 •
119.20. Hasti4gs Foundry & Iron works 55.20.
126.90. Habtings Foundry & Iron works 34.29.
20.37. Hastings *Foundry & Iron "'arks 33.53.
, I
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Schlegel that when this Board adjourns
it does so to meet again October lst, 1914, at ten o'clock a.m. Motion prevailed.
= I
moved by Bitner and seconded by Kidder that the petition of Chas.Bunde.
et al, for a bridge between sections 23 and 24. Denver Township, be referred to the
3oad and Bridge Committee. Motion prevailed.
moved by Kidder and seconded by Bene ict that the Chairman be instructed
to file a claim for !!;1000.00 against the O'Conner Estate for back taxes which the assess-
or failed to list. Motion prevailed.
Minutes read and approved.
Motion to adjourn. Carried.
.... Clerk.
0,--••• *00 ••
, . .
W..DNE SD AY - SEP TE1 t,:l 2ND, 1914 - 10 A.M.
Board of Equalization met as per call of the Clerk.
Roll call, all members present.
Moved by Heye and seconded by Bitner tha the following levies be made for
the various school districts, townships and Vil1agesfor the year 1914. Roll call, all
voted yea. Motion . prevailed.
l .
19.6 mills
2. 5.9 mills
c3. 21 mills 9.1 mills
4. 11.9 mills
77.5. 13.3 mills
k6. .6 mills
A 14.6 mills
k8. 24.2 mills
9. 14 mills
10. 15 mills
All. 17 mill$ 4.1 mills
7.2 mills
413. 10.5 mills
'r14. 6.9 mills 2.5 mills
15. 6 mills
"k16. 5 mills
/17. 6.3 mills
18. 28.1 mills 3.5 mills
419. 14.8 mills
20. 12.3 mills
121. 10.3 mills
X22. 11.9 mills
-t,`23. 11.5 mills
' 24. 8.3 mills
/25. 15 mills
126. 8 mills
x27. 5.8 mills
128. 8.2 mills
29. 7.2 mills
/30. 9.2 mills
-31.8.7 mills
,i32. 9 mills
33. 5.8 mills
!Z4. '12.5 mills
4-35. 12 mills
14.3 gulls
6.3 mills
k38. 18.5 mills
39. 14.5 mills
940. 8.3 mills
Dist. General Bond. Bldg
Fund Fund_ Fund.
4.6 mills
20 mills
12.4 mills
7.2 mills
6.4 mills
11.5 mills
10.7 mills
8.6 mills
12 mills
6.4 mills
10.4 mills
7.7 mills
21.1 mills
13.8 mills
10.7 mills
13.7 mills
6.7 mills
15.7 mills
7.8 mills
8.3 mills
10 mills
15.7 mills
14.2 mills
6.7 mills
10 mills
10 mills
13 mills 11.5 rn
13.3 mills
10.8 mills 4.7 mills
7 mills
10 mills
14.1 mills
16 mills
8.6 mills
14.5 mills 3.8 mills
11.6 mills
9.6 mills
13.2 mills
10.5 mills
28.8 mills
148. 148.
5 9 .
,' 62.
'?est Blue
2.6 mills
3.2 mills
3.6 mills
4.2 Trills
10 mills
4 mills
4.7 mills
2 mills
Townships Levies
Hanover 5.7 mills
Ayr 6 mills
Roseland 4 mills
Cottonwood 6 mills
Logan " 14 mills
Silver Lake 10 mills
Zero 5.8 mills
Tittle_ Blue 3.8 mills
1 ene saw
the County
for bridge
General Special
Fund Funds
10 mills
10 mills
7.5 mills`
10 mills
3 mills
7.5 mills
6 mills
14 mills
23.2 mills
Moved by Xidc er and seconded by Ileye that a nine mill levy be made for
for the year 1914, as follows: seven mills for general fund and two mills
fund. Roll call, all voted yea• Motion prevailed.
Chairman then ordered a recess until done o'clock
WEDNESDAY - 5EPTEMB ';R 2ND, 1914 - 1: P.Ir.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roil call, all members present.
Minutes read and. approved.
Motion to adjourn. Carried.
. jhairman.
.. Deputy.
Board assembled as per adjournment.
'doll call, all members present.,
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Kidder that the petition of H,R.Tobiason,
et al, for a bridge between sections 6 and '7, Denver Township, be referred to the Road
and Bridge Committee. Motion prevailed.
Remainder of the fforenoonwith discussion and committee work.
�' takenup
1914 10 A.M.
The chairman then ordered a
recess until one thirty p.m.
, 1914 - 1:30 P.M.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
A petition for an appropriation
was read and discussed.
Roved by 7idder and second
Finance Committee be made the order of
allowed against the general funicand th
same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion
Mansfield Paint & Glass Ca: .....
J.H.Haney & Co. :r ................
Tharp, C.C. •...• •.....•......•..e
Twidale Shoe Co. ••....•••••...•••.
GA •Vo�land Ca• •••••••''•.• . .
Sunnyside ..•.
Warrens & Neimoyer
L. J. Smith
H.D.!'ebster Co. ..................
Renner & Serf .•..•.•.••.•••...•..,
roff itt & Lovell • • • .......... , ... 18.58 •
T.E.Hayward .....:.•........ ...... 1.80.
Fifteen Hundred Dollars for Sunnyside
ed by Hynes that the recommendation of the
the Board and that the following claims be
e Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the
3.50. Hastings Foundry & Iron ^"orks .4 3.64.
2.50. Hastings Fuel Co 10.25.
.50. C.I.Van Patten 5.75.
2.50. C.B. & !.R.R. Co.
2.25. Bennett Cloyd 6.70.
40.00. Oliver Lumber Co. .60.
46.00• A.Pickens & Son •............... 3.50.
4.; 0. C`.H.Hu .son„
5.35. Farrens r:Teirneyer .......•.•• 8.25.
17.80. Sunnyside ........... ... .•...... 32,00•
68.30. Mrs.: nice Spillman ..,...•••••• 30.00.
State ournal 00. 25.58.
Dr.C.VArtz 1.10.
7.35. James V.Beghtol 25.00.
25.00. James V.Beghtol 14.50.
3. 0. M.R.Emerson 20.00.
8.88. J. L.Hynes
19.90. A.J.Mace
Jas.Hansen. ......••••,•.•.•••.•.•.. n�ire .................
rr.P.Lriead •••••••.•••••.•••••••••••. 0.1 . G.4.Baird •.•••••••••••••••.•.••
Lee Haggard .......•...•• ••.....•:. 10.88. L.J.Sm th
;earl D.Beg
Dr.C.V.Artz ....................••.
Don C.?outs ..•.•••....,.'.
Merle Munroe ......•............•.
Lem Tibbets . .......•..•
Mrs.A•H•Brooke .... .............,.
J•E.Willts ......................
Margaret Kealy
Proffitt & Lovell .....,...........
City of Hastings ..............•.
Hastings Daily Tribune
2.00. M•W.Baxter •••.......•
6.00. 7•1'•.7eith ••••.••.••••
2.00. Adams 13 minty remocrat
11.98. L.R."7i is ...........
Lincoln Tel.&Tel.Co.
19.30. Hastings Gas Co.
Union le .t Market
J:F.Heiler 43.75. Jacob Bauer ...........'........
�1;aP11 153.51.
'"olbach & Braeh ..............•••••
James V•Beghtol ........•.......... 2.00.
• • • • • • • • • •
••••..,.., 19.92,
B.F. Schlegel
D.N.Bitner ....•,.,...,
Wahlquist Bros. .....•••.••••••••••
'Farrens & Neimeyer ...••••
Hammond & Stephens
L.TZ."''�llis •.•..•••.•.•••.•••.•••••
52:75 N.r.Kid' er
.•*..0. •• ••••s. 45.75.
40.75. "`.'.A.Cole 76.10,
rooke" ::..... :.. .. • ..... 3.20.
16.35. Drs.Foote & McPherson ...::.... 20.00.
32:55• ? •I�T•Btner • ....... • ...... • • •. 5.24.
53.05. The University Publishing Co. .. 2.16.
4.00. ?"nater S.Iieken •••••••••••.•••• 6.60.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Ileye that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board.. and -the following claims be allowed
against the bridge fund and he Clerk instructed t o tray, warrants for the same. Roll
call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
'*m. Kenne y
:134.00. Fred J.oh1er_ .... • ...............57.50.
Frank Kitts ••........ ••.••.•.••.• 136.45. „Louis Kruse ••••••.•..•.....•••• 16.25.
Harry Cruse 36. 5. ""i .'renriedy .. • ........ 80.50.
Ben .Kennedy 57.50 Andy Titt s 45.00.
J.H.McGrath Hdw.Co. .. • • •.......... 1.20. Tom Lynch 57.50.
Albert Lay
5.50. 77m.Hohlen .•.••.••.•.••••••••••• 84.20
Western Brick & Supply Co.
47.30. Coon Lumber Co. •.•••...........141.70.
Geo.Gossard ....................... 2.00. C.E.Painter ,••••••.•••••••••••. 2•00.
J.E.Vance ••.•••.•.••.............. 4.00. •Geo.L alters .... ... ...•..... . .
l0 �o
Frank Hoagland •.••.•.•....•..••••. 4.60. Chas. Hildebrand 6.00.
?nil Vollmer .•.................... 4.00. John „.Cornelius 2.00,
R.H.ralters .•••.•••.•.••.•••.•.•.• 2.00. Herman Eisenberg 10.00.
1"estern Brick & Supply Co. •..••... 36.20. Henry°Placke 69.75.
John Huff ................. *000.000 7.60. Peter Heltenberg 51.00.
G.H.nailor ..........•............• 43.50. Ciica o Lumber Co• .• •....... 467.34.
Claas §athoff •••.••
6.00. Trauscl� Bros . ................. 20.00.
THURSDAY - OCTOBER 1st, 1914 1:30 P.M. cont.
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Heye that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and that the four claims of the
Hastings Foundry & Iron '"orks for 12.31, 139.26, 1147.94, and 1.40, respectively,
be allowed against the bridge fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the
same. Roll call, yeas,- Benedict, Kidder, Bitner, Heye, Schlegel, Heiler; nays, -
Hynes. I,Ioti.on prevailed.
A recess until 9 o clock a.m. October ,was then ordered by the
Roll call, all members present.
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Heye that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and that the following claims be
allowed against the general fund. and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the
same. 3o11 call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Jaynes V.Beghtol ................. 1 2.00. Lem Tibbets
;tate Journal Co. 19,00. A. J.?�;ace„
29.00. A.M.Clark ............... 13.'75.
F. J.Benedict ........ _ � � ,�hT�..
Schmitz 6 Reines ................
48.03. y... ; cad....,3.55.
F.C.Van Veghten ...... 45.00. Schmitz R seines 12.15.
C.B. & 0.. �..R.Oo 1.94.,
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the
'inance Committee be made the order of the Board and that the following claims be
allowed against the bridge fund and the Clerk instruc' ed to draw warrants for the
same. '?e11 call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Coon Lumber Co. ................ 1476.05.
Coon Lumber Co. ..
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and that the claim of W.H. Puller
warrant for the same. Holl call: yeas, Benedict, Kidder Bitner. Schlegel, Heiler,
nays, Hynes, Heye not voting. Motion carried.
for 16.45 be allowed_ against t
r he general fund and tie Clerk: instructed to draw* a
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Hynes that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and that the claim of J.E.Bute for
:'35.00, be disallowed. Roll call, all voted yea. motion prevailed.
'roved by Bitner and seconded by Kidder that the recommendation of the
inance Committee be made the order of the Board and that the following claims be
allose . against arrants for
the general `fund�� and _
Roll call: yeas,- T idler , Bitner,' Sch ,eget, Heiler; nays,- Hynes,
Benedict. Notion carried.
Harry Nelson :............,.. 6.30. L. ,Dykenan 186.70.
Ed Hendricks 81.55. Peter Reiter 29.50.
lien Richardson ............... 28.95.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Heye that the recommendation of the
Road and Bridge Committee be accepted and made the order of the Board and that the
following repairs be ordered:
In Zero Township: Between sections 1 and. 2, not to exceed 1500.
Between sections 1 and. 12, not to exceed :1300.
Between sections 13 and 24, not to exceed 1500.
Denver Township: Between sections e and 7, not to exceed 1150.
Juniata Township: Between sections18 and 19, not to exceed 1150.
Between sections 5 and 8, not to exceed 125.
Between sections 24 and 25, not to exceed „`50.
For changing water course between sections 27 and
34, not to exceed 1100.
Benedict, Kidder, Bitner, Heye, Schlegel, Heiler, nays,- Hynes.
,Zoll call: ayes, -
Motion carried.
Moved by Kidder and seconded, rby Heye that the recommendation of the
Road and Bridge Committee be made the order LLof the Board and the following appro-
nriations be made from the motor vehicle fund. for road work as indicated. Roll call,
all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
?panda Township , ,between sections 13 and.. 14, and 23 and 24, 1150.
Hanover Township, between sections 1 and 12, 150.
Highland and Test Blue Townships, between section 7, "est Blue, and section 12
Highland, 1100.
Kenesaw Township, between section 6, Ttenesaw Township, and Buffalo
Counties. 1150.
Juniata Township, between sections 18._ and. 19 , t'50.
Hanover Township, between sections 9_ and 16 ,10.
II between sections 22 and �23, .25.
f' between sections 25 and 35
Ayr Township, between sections 11 and x12,, X15.
Tt rt , between sections 16 and 21, ,115.
between sections 20 and 29,15
" between sections 23 and 26, `e35.
Wanda Township, between sections 25, and 26, 115.
041.,-, r1,-. mn,.,,,c1iin _ sections 9 and 10, 1100.
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the
Bridge Committee be made the order ofwnshiB�andbetween
the aand
23 ando24ered Tenverbuilt
between sections 24 and 25, Verona Township,
Township; each with` 12 foot water way and 20 foot road way, and not to exceed 1,500
each. Roll call: Yeas,- Benedict, Tid.der, Bitner, Heye , Schlegel, Heiler; nays,-
Hynes.Motion carried.
Moved by
'bidder and seconded by Schlegel that when this board adjourns
it does so to meet again October 27th, 1914, at ten o'clock a.m. Motion prevailed.
The chairman then ordered a recess until one thirty p.m.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, All members present except Mr.Heye, who had been excused.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Schlegel that the Clerk be instructed
to advertise for bids for constructing the cement walk on the Court House grounds, as
per plans and specifications now on filein,the County Clerk's office, and for the
sale of the present stone walk now on said grounds. R011 call, yeas: Benedict, Kidder,
Hynes, Bitner, Schlegel and Heiler; Reye,absent.
minutes read and approved.
10 A.M.
Board assembled as per adjournment.
Roll call, all members present.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Schlegel hat the recommendation of the
iPinance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed
'against the general fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll
da. Motion prevailed.
call, all vote gl.11.
Allyn & Bissell 1.90.
York Blank Book Co.
Cauffman!s Store 20.00.
Ben Stanner ••••.".............. 22.00.
Nebr.State Board of Health 52.25...
Bates Mfg.Co.
P.S.Webster Co.
Lem Tbbets 163.12.
C. V.Langevin ...........•. ••....• 31.00.
F.A.McElhinney 4.05.
Blake &' Sons 40....40 4.00:
C.B.& Q.R.R.Co. 2• .;.• .2:
Geo.Isarnan •0
"salter. :T)ie.ien • :... • 2{7.
L.J.Moore .40 .....:.............40.. 2.20.
C.B.Palton ..........
The University Publishing Co. •• x'12.80.
Oliver Lumber Co. 4.60•
Mrs.Eunice Spilman
B.F.Schlegel 19.10.
..............: 20.00.
4.50. DonC.Fouts 4.04.
Verona Grain & Lumber Co. 2.00.
James V.`Beghtol 13.00.
.H.Ful er ...•••••.'75.
Nye-SchneiderFowler Co. 33.05.
G.M.Baird 15.00.
James V .Beghtol 19.50.
John Meyers ...'..... ...•••2.20.
L.S.Smith 2.20.
G.L.Star.xey 1.10.
Henry Gauvreau 1.10.
Ihnk Cornelius ........
John Co nelius ..... .....••••••
James V.Beghtol
James VBeghtol
20.00• J. L. Hyne
8.20. F.S.Webster Co.
2.47. M.H.LLEmhersor
George Wilson •••••••••••••••••••• 1.10.
F.E.Stone 1.10.
Walter Stokes .•••••••..•.....••1.10.
A.C.3anks •.•••.••••.••••••.. 1.10.
.L.Sucha •............•••••.••.•. 12.50.
?r.R.Emberson ..........•..•....••• 5.00.
W.M.Dutt on •. 1.10.
C.B.Bigelow •...•......•........
John "r. Shaw 8.85.
George .Loucks ••••••••....
Edward tgou ......:..•
• 1.10. J.P.A.B 4017
Harm Meester .•...................
Fred Norberg 1.10.
Prank Hughes 3.00•
Dr.C.K.Struble 1.10.
George Schreiner1.10.
Charles Malone ............. 1.10.
J.H.McElmoi1 .... ............. 1.18.
�... 4040
M.R.Ernberson ..................... 3.25....
0.Lamereaux •••.•.•..•••..•. 1.10.
George Loucks 1.10.
Tm.Branagan ..•..•..•....•.....••1.10.
Charles S.Hedge ...........•••..
2.20. John J.tanley
Amy Robinson
Dr.T.L.ucha 1.10.
Floyd Summers 1.10.
Dr.Mabel Dixon 1
r, .10.
George f.Toods ••••••.•••••.,..•• 1.10.
Robert Tooden 1.10.
.CT ar e'S Manahan ........:
Moved by Schlegel and seconded by Kidder that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and that the following claims be
allowed against the motor vehicle fund and tne'Clerk instructed to draw warrants for
the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
J.A.Hynes ••...•...••
Wm. Hohlen
Henry Aufdenkamp
David Roeder • ...:
'..,1, • . . A
.41 . ....„
4 _.. -,,,,, . ....,,.
t„.,.,,,,,,,J„..,„:„:„,,,.,,,,,,,,,72,,„,,,,„.,..,,..,,,,• ,,,.......„....,..::.,,.„.„.,.„:..,....:..„.,..,,,,,.,..,..,..,..„, :.:.:...;.',..H.,.....7.:7..;::: i..:,..,:.,,.:.:.,..,:..,.,,,..,.,;.....:...;:.'..;::.7..I.:;."...!7:::::'..:.t:":.::.!'..3..!'....,.:.'7..........::..,..r.:....:.:.,,:„.: :,:-.'.;:li'...:.',.:...7.....,,,:.....,1::<.,.....!,:...,..,',,,,,,?::7,,..,.....,.:,,,,A,!,.;::::,,,!,.,:.;',.. •..:.,,,,H
MONDAY -- NOVEMBER 16TH, 1914 - 10 A.M.
Board assembled as per adjournment.
Roll call, all members present.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Hynes that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed
against the general fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll
call, all voted yea: Motion prevailed.
Election Board, West Blue Twp. !,)32.90. Clerk West Blue Twp.
Election Board, Highland Twp. .... 33.10. Clerk Highland Twp,
Election Board, Verona Twp. 39.70. Clerk Verona Twp.
Election Board, .c.enesaw Twp. ..... 39.70. Clerk Keesaw Twp.
Election Board, wanda Twp. 39.60. Clerk Wanda Twp.
Election Board, Juniata Twp. 38.70. Clerk Juniata Twp.
Election Board, Denver Twp. 32.30. Clerk Denver Twp.
Election Board, Blaine Twp. ...... 32.40. Clerk Blaine Twp.
Election Board, Hanover Township . 39.00. Clerk Hanover Twp.
Election Board, Ayr Township ..... 39.20. Clerk Ayr Township
Election Board, Roseland Twp. .... 39.80. Clerk Roseland. Twp.
Election Board, Cottonwood Twp. .. 41.00. Clerk Oottonwood Twp.
Election Board, Logan Twp. 41.00. Clerk Logan Twp.
Election Board, Silver Lake Twp. . 40.50. Clerk Silver Lake Twp.
Election Board, Zero Twp. . . .. 33.60. Clerk Zero Twp.
Election Board, Little Blue Twp... 37.30. Clerk Little Blue Twp.
First ward, City of Hastings 82.10. Clerk City of Hastings
Second ward, City of Hastings .... 82.10. F.A.Kearns
Third ward, City of Hastings 82.10.
Fourth Ward, City of Hastings 82.10.
6.85. Nebraska Sanitarium
9.00- C.7.StumP
54.90. Nebrask‘,Sanitarium 00000 00 .... 0
narsen, & Co.
46.75. J.L.Hynes
8.00. Hastings Fuel Co.
F•A.Kearns . • • • ... • • ..
Union Meat market ....... .........
Stein Bros. Co. ........ .....
Jacob Bauer 00000•VVVVV,0 .. .. 000•0
Verona Grain & Lumber Co. ........
Underwood.Typewriter Co.
Anderson & Fairman ... . .
C,I.Van Patten
C.T.Van Patten .•... • • • • • • • • •
erhan Shoe Co.
Wolbach & Brach
Chris ITansen ....... ...
Nebraska Sanitarium . . • . •
City of Hastings
Ben Stanner
A.J.Mace ........ ..... ....... ... .
C.V.Whisnand • ••••••••••••••••••••
6.05. Blake & Sons .......... .......... .
St.Joe & G.I.R.R.Co.
6.25. H.n.Webster Co. ......
00 . .. .
16.90. Conrad T'4'alker
6.00. Nye Schneider -Fowler Co.
8.00. St.Joe & G.I.R.R.Co.
101.34. Karl D.B:eghtol
27.59. Hastings Gas Co.
105.75. Lincoln Tel.& Tel.Co.
22.00. Mrs.Eunrce Spilman
4.00. A.L.Bartilett
2.60, Allyn &*Bissell
2.05, Sunnyside
68 . 7.
A recess was then ordered until One thirty p.m.
MONDAY - NOVEMBER 16TH, 1914 - 1:30 P.M.
1 I
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Schlegel that the bridge petition of
F.S.Philleo et al for a bridge between sections 8 and 9, Zero Township, be referred
to the Road and Bridge Committee. Motion prevailed.
moved by Hynes and seconded by Benedict that the petition of A.B.Allyn,
et al, for a change in the asylum road be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee.
Motion prevailed.
Moved by schlegel and seconded by Bitner that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the following claims be allowed
against the general fund and the Clerk be instructed, to draw warrants for the same.
Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Wm.A.Tastler 3 8.00. L.R.Willis
N.D.Kidder 000000.000*"." 38.10. 7.A.Dec er V .... eVVVVVVVVeVV000,0 4.000
Gertrude Croft 4.00. Conrad Talker 3.26.
Wahlquist Bros. 92.75. Hastings Daily Tribune
Adams County Democrat 93.95. Hastings Daily Tribune 165.40.
John Heye 82.50. Hastings Daily Tribune
Union Meat Market ..--- WI". 00000 6.85. D.N.Bitner ........... .... . . . ... 34.10.
F.J.Benedict 28.06. B.P.Scftegel 27.20.
Anderson & Pairman .............. 8.00. WilliaMF.Button O000000000000000 251.20.
C.H.Hudson 00000000 ........... 0000 23.70. I.J.Herring 11.10.
11.10. C.V.Langevin 19.95.
Hastings Daily Republican ........ 175.25. E.F.Iillly 17.75.
26.35. L.A.Boyer 5.10.
........ . 6.60. « Pete Tiausch 75.45.
F.A.Kearns 0000000•00000.00000000 ' 34.00. Lec Haggard 6.24.
Ziegler'sTrug Store
• 0 • 0
Moved by Benedict and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation. of
Ithe Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the claim of F.A.Sullivan
be disallowed. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed,
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Heye that the recommendation of tho
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and the claim of J.N.Osborn be
disallowed. Roll call, yeas- Benedict, Kidder, Heye, Schlegel, Heiler; nays- Hjn
Bitner. :Notion carried.
.Nov .17 , 114
Moved by Bitner and seconded. by Heye that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and; that the following claims be
allowed against the bridge fund and the Clerk instructed to draw warrants for the
same • Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
C.B.Hildebrand 9.50. Henry Bieken .. .....e•••••••. $ 2.50•
John Cornelius ...••.••••••••••• 2.50. Western Brick & Supply Co. .... 81.92.
Oliver Lumber Co. ..........e..e .64. Henry Placke ...........••.•..•
E Ray Anderson 12.75• C.F•Glazier & Son'•.•..•..•.•••
Holstein Lumber Co.............. -80• Albert,Bostock •...••..........
Harry cruse ••.•.•••.......••••. 21.25.Glenn Pemry .•••••.•••••....
Louie Kruse •••••••••••••••••••• 35.00• Frank Hztts
Henry�Johnson •.• ••.••....•• 37.50. Ben Kennedy
Wm•Kennedy • . • • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • •
• • • o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
86.00. Geo.Goss and •........••.••..•..
Fred Sime 23.50• Chas. Manske .•.a••• ....••••`•.
Hastings Foundry & Iron Works .. 27.50 Hastings Foundry Iron Forks •
L.C.Huckfeldt •..........•...•.. 21.55.
;.loved by Kidder and seconded. by Bitner that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and that the following claims be
allowed against the motor vehicle fundand the Clerk instructed to draw warrants
for the same. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
X48.00. L.E•Saddler ...•..•....••..e..•• .` 50.00.
8.00. Frank Bernhard /8.00.
4.00. E.I1.Lominy •••.•• . •••• .• i0•00.
3 jou. Preston s • • • . • • e • • • • • • • • • • e 21.00.
'17.50. Earl Ho lister .••..••..•...e• 17.50.
3.50. Chas. Farman •..•..••.•...•.•100.00.
Fred Sime ..............
R.F.Snyder ......•.••
T.J.IvTil1s •.•.•..•....
Geo.Parson •.
James Knudson ••...•••
George North •••• • •••• ••••••• •
• • • • • • • • • •
• s • • • • • • • •
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Schlegel4that the recommendation of the
'Road and Bridge Committee be made the order of the Board and the following amounts
be appropriated from the motor vehicle fund for roadwork as indicated; Roll call,
all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Cottonwood Township, between sections 14 and 15, $100.
Roseland Township, South of section 34, 100.
Between section 36, Logan Township, and section 3., Silver Lake Township, $100.
Hanover Township, between sections 1 and 2, $50 additional.
Moved by Benedict and seconded by Heye t at the following list of names
be submitted from which to choose the jurors for tree "`December term of District Court.
Motion prevailed.
West Blue,
Kene saw ,
Mark Campbell.
William Madgett.
Samuel C.Dunlap.
V.H. Bishop.
Grant Ruby. Ayr,
Chas. Genzmer.
J. J. Gish.
Henry Hoffman Cottonwood?
Bert Harpham.
I.D•Evans• Verona,
Peter Pelzien
Eckhard Roeder.
W.F.I} mean•
W. J. Hyne s
A. B. Fernow.
Paul Grabill.
John Blankenbiller.
Little Blue,
Jacob Bauer. J.0.'Brower.
Elgin Gilbreath. Henry Bentert.
?Deter LaBrie. Conrad Theobald.
Henry Gauvreau. John Rowe.
M. J. Ryan.
W. J.Banta•
John Furry.
W.M. L i ke l y .
Ed George.
Chas. Kohl.
Herb Isabela.
J. G. Schmidt.
Andrew F.Stromer.
Michael Hansen.
Chris Christensen.
Aug. Anderson.
Theo. Bachman.
Ed Anderson.
Sidney Bauder.
Geo. Hempel.
McClelland Larkin.
Erick Johnson.
Geo.A. Sheeler.
A.R.Pearson. John Goudy.
L.R.Dykeman. - I.F.Moon. '
Edward Igou.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
Loved by Benedict and seconded by Schlegel that the recommendation of the
Complaint Committee be made the order of the Board and the County Treasurer be instructed
to refund 07.93 village tax shown on receipt -347 for 1914, to A.E.Leopold, on account
of an erroneous extension, said property being outsideCot village limits. Roll call, all
voted yea. notion prevailed®
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Heye that the recommendation of the
Complaint Committee be rade the order of the Board and that the County Treasurer be
instructed. to spread the tax on receipt -1075 for the ;Year 1914 on an assessed valuation
of308 instead of 0468, on account of erroneous assessment, and to refund the difference
to John Van Boening. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
vThe remainder of the forenoon was taken Up with committee work and
A recess until one o'clock was ordered b the chairman.
reassembled as her recess.
Holl call, all members present.
1 B.M.
Moved by Benedict and seconded by Kidder that when this Board adjourns it
does so to meet again on Thursday December 3rd, 1914, `at ten o'clock A.M. notion prevailed.
MovedSchlegel that the recommendation of the
b Benedict and seconded b r Sch e el
Complaint Committee be made the order of tree Board and t.re County Treasurer be instructed
to spread the taxes on receipt f1263 on an ass
sensed Iiluation of 0 477 instead of 41597,
and to refund the difference, for the reason that there was an erroneous assessment of
a real estate mortgage. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Benedict that the Burroughs adding machine
being offfered to the County Board this day be placed in the County Clerk's o:''fice on
trial, as per statement filed with County Clerk, Nov._'17th, 1914, and it is understood
call, yeas- as represented ii-yneys, hed agrees to purchase same. Roll
callt if asthBenedict,achine sKidderBitner, nays- Hynes,
BoEeye, Schlegel, Heiler. notion lost.
Moved by Heye and seconded by Hynes tha the following amounts be appro-
priated from the bridge fundfor repairs on bridges at the locations stated below. Roll
call, all voted. yea. Motion prevailed.
Ayr Township, South of section 28, 3200.
Verona Township, North of section 2, 3100.
Silver Lake Township, between sections 10 and 11,'9100.
DECEMBER 3rd, 1914 - 10 O'CLOC A.M.
Board met as per adjournment.
Roll call, all members present.
.loved by Heye and seconded by Kiddertha the Board appropriate 15.00
from the motor vehicle fund for grading the approach to the bridge between sections
30 and 31, Ayr Township. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Kidder and. _ seconded by by that the recommendation of the
Bond Committee be made the order of the Board and that the following official bonds
be approved: -
John Lawrence Township Clerk
Albert Schmitz Township Clerk ......
H.R.Coplin Township Treasurer
T.C.Siegner Township Treasurer ..
John Zabel Justice of the Peace
Thos.Carter Justice of the tease
west Blue Township.
• Ayr Township.
• Kenesaw Township.
, *Juniata Township.
• Ayr Township.
Roseland Township.
Justice of the: Peace 'Cottonwood Township.
Constable enesaw Township.
Constable enesaw Township.
Constable Wanda Township.
Constable......... Township;.
Road Overseer,pist.; 2 Highland' Township.
Road Overseer,Pist.#4 ... `Highland Township.
Road Overseer ,dist .#3 ... "Kenesaw Township.
road Overseer,Bist.#4 ... 'Kenesaw Township.
Road Overseer.rist.#4 ... Wand.a Township.
Road ,Dist.;3 ...'Denver Township.
Road. Overseer,Itist.4 ... Denver Township.
Road0verse0—etist.#4 ... Blaine Township.
Road Overseer, BTst.3 ...tHanover Township.
Road Overseer.Pist.#1 ... Ayr Township.
Road Overseer,?)ist.3 ... Ayr Township.
?oad. Overseer,nist.3 ....Roseland Township.
Road Overseer,Bist. 56 ...Logan Township.
Road Overseer,P'ist.-4 ...,Zero Township.
County Judge, Adams County.
John Shurriger
Albert Jacobitz
Fred Dunker
Newton Converse
John F innigsmier
Henry Aufdenkamp
John Grothaus ..........
Arthur Beard ...........
John M. Cornelius .
Jans Boontjer ..........
H.Grothaus .............
Chas -Manske ............
Theo. Be`"''itt ...........
John Halbmaier ......
Fred Frahm ......:...
William F. Button .......
A recess until one o'clock p.m. was then ordered by the chairman.
Board reassembled as per rece°ss
Moved by Benedict and secornded by Kidder that the petition of F.Krueger
and others for a bridge between sections 15 and 16, Zero Township, be referred to the
Road and Bridge Committee. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Heye and seconded by Kidder that the following appropriatians
from the bridge fund be made for use at the locations indicated; Roll call, all voted
yea. Motion prevailed.
Section 28, Ayr Township, south part, repair work, $300.
Between sections 11 and 12, Little Blue Township, $500.
Between sections 17 and 18, Zero Township, e)300.
Between sections 25 and 26,Ayr Township, ;,500.
gloved by Heye and seconded by Bitner that the clerk be instructed to
advertise for bids fore onstruction of bridges in Adams County, Nebraska, for the
year 1915, according to�la s nd specifications now on file in the clerk's office;
bids to be on file by 9 o'clock a.m. Thursday, January 14th, 1915, and opened by the
Board o± Supervisors at 10 o'clock a.m. of the same day. Lotion prevailed.
Moved by Bitner and seconded.by Reye to t the recommendation of the
Cert. Complaint Committee be made the order of the.Boardga d that the County Treasurer be
12 3/' 14. instructed to refund x;;6.40 on tax receipt 3252 'dn ` pcco int of erroneous school district
assessment; also to spreadthe tax on receipt -9595 n'an assessed valuation of $300
instead of )400, on account of erroneous_ assessment. oil call, yeas- Benedict, Hynes,
Kitner, Heye, Schlegel, Heiler; Kidder passed. Motion carried.
r.ioved by Kitner and seconded ,by Hynes that the petition of C.'.Frank et
a1 for a road between' sections._._ 14 and lb, Ayr Township, be referred to the Road and
Bridge Committee. Motion prevailed.'
Moved by Heye and seconded by Benedict that when this Board adjourns it
meet again on January 4th, 1915, at 10 o'clock a.m. Motion prevailed.
9o'clock a.m.
The chairman then ordered : ." „recess until Friday, December 4th, 1914, at
FRIDAY - DECEMBER 4th, 1914 - 9 A.M.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members present.
Moved by Heye and seconded by Schlegel that an appropriation not to exceed
11200 be made for bridge repair work between sections 21 and 28, Juniata Township. Motion
_ , •
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Kidder that the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and that the following claims be allowed
against the motor vehicle fund and the clerk instructe& to draw warrant d for the same.
Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
F.W.Frahm 0000••••••••••• ******* 040 $34.00. W.J.HyneS 100.00.
C.Manske ****** 0 * 08•004,040,00,04,00•00 45.00. Peter Heltenberg 39.00.
Ed. Tanner • • ••..•....•••••••... • 200.00. C.A.Kohl 35.00.
Moved by Heye and seconded by Schlegel t at the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and. the following claims be allowed
against the bridge fund and the clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same. Roll
call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
C.K.Lawson Hdw.Co. ..............An „,..,. .....-n. Fred Frahm.............. ** .. ** e 3.00.
BenKenfledy b.00.
C.Y.Lawson Hdw.Co• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 152.16. LOuie Kruse • • • • •• •• • •.• .• • .• • • 5.00.
Henry Johnson * .. ** ...........--- 5.°°461 Peter AePtenberg ****** 00000.414, 59.50.
The Bladen Lumber Co. .. • • • • • • • • ., 92.10. B„„ G•Weigetit ......... ** • • • • • • • • 24.00.
Ed Anderson ............""".". 35.5.,, Petereigant 2.00.
p • 7 • F 1411111 *********** • . • • • • . . . • • .' 36.00.--pi-gi±i..k !its • . • • ****** • • • . • • • • •
Glenn Pemry ..................... 5.00. tm.KennedY ******* .• • • • • . • . • • • • 18.00.
Geo.L.Walters 6.00. R.H.Walters • •..• • • • • • .• ******* 4.00.
C.A,lebh1 .........•..............59•05. 58.14.
J.I.Hi es 189.57,. Ita'StinkS- 6Undry & Iron Wbrks • 63.98.
J.R.Yost Lumber Co. ••••••••••••• 16.80.: Hastings Foundry & Iron Works . 5.20.
Arthur Beard **000.001000000•04.•••• 20.75. FrankBerger 129.33.
Western Brick & Supply Co. ...... 42.69., Berger, Gallagher Bros. & Co20.87.
Henry Phillips ******* ........... 7.50., 04,13,egenziner , 32.50.
Geo.Aufdenkamp 7.25. Kenesaijaimers Lumber to-. .... 49.35.
Fred G.Roeder W........."""*"20.50. S.C.Andeison 6.25.
Holstein Lumber Co. *** . * ........ 17.00.
moved by Xidder and seconded by Hynes tat the recommendation of the
Finance Committee be made the order of the Board and that the following claims be
allowed against the general fund and the clerk instructed to draw warrants for the same.
Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
C.W.Tharp Q tiitC
2.50. Hasngs Furnure o.
A $41.50.
Chris Hansen ................... 16.00. Glaris Hansen **WWI,* ******** • 7.50.
Kauf & Rinderspacher 6.00. ' Henry Hertst 16.64.
H.O.Eckhardt *•..••....•.•17•25. A•Ii• Bartlitt ••.•,,•...•...... 6.75.
Jacob Bauer *** .............. 23.16. Union Meat Market
Dr.T.AckleY 12.00. E.F.LillY
W.J.Porter 7.50. C.M.Dominy
7.J.Porter 11-85- rolbach & Brach .......... ****** 21.25.
Dr.H'N'Haj1"" * . * 2.00. 1 D•NeBitnqi..................... 26.50.
19.50. B.p.schlege, ...
Dr.W.Ackley 23.35.
The Cudahy Packing Co. 14.45. J.F.Heiler 52.00.
Pickens & Bratton ****** ........
13.88. P.J.Eened„1-ct ••••••••••••••••••• 30.00.2,6.
Prank Schaufelberger 12.50. N.D.Xidder
Byers Lumber Co. ............... 4.15. , C.H.Hudson 113.92.
H.D.webster Co. 13.15• w H• Fuller
111,104,•••• ************* 7.20.
. **** ** . *** 4.20. 4 A
Hastings Fuel Co . ** 10.25. T-.al-:ke1(3-11Br:& Co.
.12.at.• . • • .. • • • • • • • •
C.T.Van Patten • • •• •. ******* • •• • 7.44. Jas.V.Beghtol 12.75
1.75. F.L.Pade ....•••••_•••....••••••
43.25. Karl D.Be htol
5.75. P.Molntosli••• •• •.•• .• • •• •• •• .• •
20.00. James trotrleY
10.00. . Zion Offi,..Ce Supply
10.25. J.L.Hynes-
2.10. ' P.MPIntosh
27.00. John Heye
Temple Cafe
L.R.Willis ..•........•........
M.R.Emberson *********
Jas.V.Beghtol ...............
A.M.Clark .
W.A.Cole . ****** •••••• * **
*El/nice SPilMan *
!'W Keith
Hastings Daily Tribune
Don c.Fout?
13.12. Allyn
& Bissell
30.00. Nebr.Inst. for Feeble Minded. Youth 145.94.
10.25. E.F.Lilly ********* . ****
13.50. Jas.V.Beghtol
•• •
113.20. Hastings 'Daily Tribune **
26.00. Raymond Cfrosson ****
24.00. Wahlquist- Bros.
• • •
75.70. J.E.Tillfts
5.85. Hammond & Stephens 00.
Moved by Heye and seconded by Kidder teat the recommendation of the Road
and Bridge Committee be made the order of the Board and. that an appropriation of $20.00
be made from the motor vehicle fund. for the purpose of finishing grading between sections
1 and 12, Hanover Township; also l>50.00 from the sane fund to finish grading between
sections 21 and 30, Highland Township. Roll call, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
FRIDAY - DECEMBER 4th, 1914 - A.M. cont.
Moved by Heye and seconded by Bitner that the recommendation of the
1Compa1int Committee be made the order of the Board and that the request of Geo.E.
!Schreiner for a refund of taxes on Lot 10, Block 2, Rairer's Add, as shown by receipt
r3492 for 1914, be not allowed- Roll
oall, all voted yea. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Kidder and seconded by Heye tha-Cthe State Engineer's bridge plans
Iand specifications now on file in the County Clerk's office, be adopted for the year 1915.
Motion prevailed. , 4
Moved by Bitner and seconded by Heye that the recommendation of the Finance
Committee be made the order of the Board and that the claim of the Nebraska School Supply
House, be disallowed. Roll call, all voted. yea. Motion prevailed.
A recess until one thirty o'clock p.m. wab then ordered by the chairman.
FRIDAY - DECEMBER 4th, 1914 1:30 P.M.
Board reassembled as per recess.
Roll call, all members Present excePt Hynes who was excused-.
settlement for their share of the bridge
1913, for ,168.95. Motion 3V'
Moved by Bene -
dict and seconded:by Schleg41 tha
t the petition of A.E.Allen
Moved by Heye and seconded by Kidder that the Clerk be instructed to notify
the Board of Supervisors of Hall County to make settle
work on the county line between Adams and. Hall Counties, as per claims filed in December
and others filed in the county clerk's office on Nov. 16th, 1914, forthe laying out
and establishment of a new road as specifically set out in blue print thereto attached,
be granted and the County Attorney instructed to take the necessary legal steps to
perfect the requestS of said. Petition. Roll call, yea - Benedict, Kidder, Bitner, Heye,
Schlegel, Heiler; Hynes absent. Motion prevailed.
Moved by Benedict and seconded by Bitner that the Road and. Bridge Committee
be given the power to act on petition of C.W.Frank, et al, referred to said committee
,Dec. 3rd,.1914. Roll call, yeas- Benedict, Kidder, Bitner, Heye, Schlegel-rteiler;
Hynes absent. Motion carried.
Minutes read and approved.