HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupervisors Rec 25 2004SUPERVISORS ORD No. 25 ADAMS BOUNTY, NEBRASKA MIDWEST LIBRARY MUNSON SALES CONSUMERS SERVICE CO INC BAKER & TAYLOR INC ALLTEL ADAMS COUNTY LIBRARY NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD OMAHA LIFE INSURANCE SERVICE VIDEO KINGDOM NATL PEN CORP MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERV DELKEN PRESS COMPUTER CONSULTANTS BEYKE SIGNS MID RIVERS CHAPTER MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIES CON CHANNING-BETE COMPANY PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV ALLTEL NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS COMPUTER HARDWARE INC COMPUTER HARDWARE INC DAS COMMUNICATIONS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS INSTITUTIONS PATIENT CARE COUNTY LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY MISCELLANEOUS LIBRARY MISCELLANEOUS SALARIES RETIREMENT MATCH FICA MATCH HEALTH INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE COMMUNITY DEVELOP. BLK GRANT FUND GRANTS GRANTS GRANTS GRANTS GRANTS GRANTS GRANTS GRANTS GRANTS COURTHOUSE BUILDING MISC CAP OUTLAY ESCROW HOLDING FUND MISCELLANEOUS 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES EMERGENCY PHONE EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT INTENSIVE SUPERVISION PROBATION BUDGET SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES SUPPLIES 273 This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis Larry Wo County Clerk Chairman Beverly Johns Deputy 51.72 915.00 4.51 1,368.75 13.39 3,279.66 114.99 247.08 402.52 5.93 492.00 200.41 9,660.00 794.00 3,839.56 150.00 1,150.62 2,374.00 507.18 1,281.00 598.00 1,833.25 412.00 898.00 68.00 43.04 64.99 COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, December 16, 2003 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing motro vehicle exemption applications with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Also present were attorney Hamilton, Clerk Lewis and Jan Timm representing the Treasurer's office. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to approve motor vehicle exemptions for Good Samaritan Village, First United Methodist Church, Ministerios El Yo Soy and Mosaic. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Keheo, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 10:55 AM. This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis County Clerk Beverly Johns • Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday January 13, 2004 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Kehoe was absent Motion by Hynes, seconded by Neumann that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings 274 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe, absent. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as circulated. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Murman there being no further old business, declare this Board adjourned sine die and appoint the County Clerk as temporary Chairman. County Clerk Lewis called for a motion to nominate a Chairman for 2004. Motion by Larson, seconded by Neumann to appoint Woodman as Chairman for 2004. Roll call, ayes: Muroran, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe, absent. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Johnson to appoint Larson as Vice -Chairman. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Kehoe, absent and Larson not voting. Motion by Murman, seconded by Hynes to authorize the County Treasurer to deposit funds in the following local banks: up to $2,500,000.00 in Wells Fargo Bank; up to $1,000,000.00 in Heritage Bank; up to $1,350,000.00 in Hastings State Bank; up to $2,775,000.00 in Adams County Bank; up to $2,500,000.00 in Five Points Bank and up to $5,000,000.00 in Nebraska Public Investment Trust (NPAIT). Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Kehoe, absent. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Hynes to name the following as Adams County depositories: Wells Fargo Bank - $2,500,000.00; Heritage Bank - $1,000,000.00; Hastings State Bank - $1,350,000.00; Adams County Bank - $2,775,000.00; Five Points Bank - $2,500,000.00 and Nebraska Public Investment Trust (NPAIT) - $5,000,000.00. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman Nays, none. Kehoe, absent. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to give consent to the County Treasurer to deposit 100% of Capitol Stock and surplus in any of the depository banks named and said deposits to be protected by bonds and securities as required by law. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe, absent. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Larson to designate the Hastings Tribune as the legal newspaper for Adams County. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe, absent. Murman distributed budget information to the Board members stating that most departments were in pretty good shape with the exceptions of District Court mental health costs at 60%, Public Defender court appointed attorneys at 62%, County Attorney autopsy expenses being over budget, Jail medical expenses at $60,000.00 of $70,000.00 budgeted and Relief — Medical fund is at 55% for rent assistance. He also attended the HEDC annual meeting when six companies were highlighted for their accomplishments. Larson attended an Extension Board meeting and stated that they would be appointing new members to the Extension Board this morning. He also attended a Road Committee meeting and discussed the load restrictions on the bridge on Bladen Ave with Silver Lake Superintendent Gale McDonald. Neumann attended a Library Board meeting and they discussed staff training. He also attended a Combined Services Committee meeting and discussed the ambulance service and he attended the Planning & Zoning meeting last night. Hynes also attended the HEDC annual meeting and the Road Committee meeting. Johnson reported there is an ACCVB meeting tomorrow but it appears that the receipts fell behind last month. The Buildings and Grounds Committee met this morning but took no decisive actions. Woodman attended two meetings in Lincoln with Senator Jensen and Health and Human Services. They keep saying the same stuff (regarding the closing of HRC). They hope local hospitals will assign beds for the mentally ill. He also met with Governor Johanns last Wednesday and he only agreed to send some people out to study the number of people at the regional center. He stated that the only hope we have is with the legislature because there is no chance with the governor. Motion by Larson, seconded by Neumann to appoint the following members to the Adams County Extension Board for four year terms to expire in December 2007, Julie Ochsner, Janelle Trausch, Luwane Nelson and Ex Officio members Sue Frink, Adams County Extension Family Community Education Chairman and Carol Harrenstein as the 4-H Council Representative. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe, absent. Dawn Miller, Highway Superintendent, presented a Resolution for Federal Aid for bridge replacement. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Larson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04-01-13 for Federal Aid bridge replacement BRO 2040(6). Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe, absent. i C1.,k L ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA yiwi.GLSI.L.L.ull.ul w1U1 275 Motion by Larson, seconded by Neumann to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement with the Nebraska Dept of Roads for Handibus transportation services for year July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe, absent. County Clerk Lewis presented a township bond for Board approval. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Hynes to approve the Logan Township Treasurer bond for Vickie Locke. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe, absent. Lewis also presented information regarding the release of property from the County Industrial Park West. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Larson that according to Resolution 88-3-1 that Tract # 1, Servi-Tech Laboratories, be released from the County Industrial Area, a fifth 20% for a total of 100%. This property being described as a tract of land being part of Lot 2, Block 1 Hastings Industrial Park West Subdivision, located in the Southeast Quarter (SE') of Section 14, Township 7 North, Range 10 West of the 6th PM, Adams County, Nebraska and more particularly described as follows: the North 189.00 feet of Lot 2, Block 1, Hastings Industrial Park West Subdivision. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe, absent. Kathy Colburn, Planning & Zoning Administrator, presented subdivision case 04-01.1, Shaws Subdivision. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hynes to approve Planning & Zoning case 04-01.1, Shaws Subdivision, applicants Craig and Katie Shaw. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe, absent. At 10:00 AM the Board continued the public hearing on Planning & Zoning case 03-12.1, request for a Conditional Use Permit for a dog kennel, applicant Laura Zade. Prior to the public hearing Colburn made two corrections to previous information. The first correction was that the Zades kennel has been in existence since 1997 and the second correction was that the area is zoned as Agricultural and not Rural Residential. Woodman opened the hearing and asked those wishing to speak in favor of the permit to step forward. Attorney Brad Moncrief of 1239 N Burlington, Hastings NE spoke representing Laura & Jerold Zade. Laura Zade and Jerold Zade of 2375 N Osage Ave, Juniata NE also spoke in favor of the permit. Mr. Zade stated that they would meet the recommendation of Orval Stahr to put up a building to house the kennel. Robert Parker of 817 Sycamore, Hastings NE represented Todd Hoins and spoke against the issuing of a Conditional Use Permit for the Zades kennel. He also showed the Board a video tape of Hoins property and the barking that comes from the kennel. Todd Hoins of 2455 N Osage Ave, Juniata NE also spoke against the issuance of the petmuit. No one else appeared and the hearing was closed. Board members directed Zades and Hoins to work cooperatively to conduct a study of the noise level corning from the kennel now and find a plan for a building that would reduce that noise level to be acceptable to Mr. Hoins. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to table action on Laura Zades request for a Conditional Use Permit for a dog kennel, case 03-12.1 until February 17 at 10:30 AM if both parties can agree to construction of an indoor kennel. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe, absent. At 10:30 AM the Board held a public hearing for the formation of the Adams County Cemetery Association. Charles Hamilton, attorney, stated the purpose for the formation of the association. The public hearing was opened. No one appeared and the hearing was closed. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to approve the formation of the Adams County Cemetery Association and to modify the constitution to name the Chairman of the County Board as the Clerk of the Association. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe, absent. Motion by Murman, seconded by Hynes to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement with JEO to survey the True Dutch Reform Cemetery marking the existing graves and placement of names on those graves. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe, absent. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Neumann to move to meeting of the Adams County Cemetery Association. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe, absent. Entered cemetery association meeting at 10:50AM Donna Fegler Daiss, County Attorney, presented information and a contract to the Board regarding the hiring of a paralegal for SASA. 276 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA none. Kehoe, absent. Daiss also advised the Board regarding the use of Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital for mental health board hearings. She has received notification that Mary Lanning does not want the hearings held there any longer. Alan Bartels from Mary Lanning addressed the Board regarding their concerns and reasons for their decision. Judge Ide advised the Board of the increased need for the Board Room for court proceedings. After much discussion it was determined that the Board Room would be the first choice for location for the mental health board hearings if the County Board was not using the room. However, if the courts needed the room for hearings, they would have to re -locate, possibly to the conference room of the county court. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Johnson approve claims and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe, absent. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to accept Miscellaneous Receipts for the month of December in the amount of $291,123.09. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe, absent. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Murman to accept officers' reports for the month of December from the Sheriff, Register of Deeds and County Clerk. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe, absent. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hynes to move to Executive Session for litigation and contracts. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe, absent. Entered Executive Session at 11:40 AM. Also present were attorney Hamilton, Clerk Lewis and Sheriff Magee. Woodman left the meeting at 12:10 PM. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson and Neumann. Nays, none. Kehoe and Woodman, absent. Returned to regular session at 12:30 PM. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to approve the re -wording of the Addendum to the agreement with Rural Metro Ambulance Services. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson and Neumann. Nays, none. Kehoe and Woodman, absent. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Johnson that medical expenses paid by the County will be paid at Medicaid rates. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson and Neumann. Nays, none. Kehoe and Woodman, absent. NACO CHAS F NEUMANN NACO BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS CORPORATE EXPRESS FORBES MAGAZINE INC ALLTEL RED WILLOW COUNTY MARLEEN GARCIA BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC FRED PRYOR SEMINARS NE SUPREME COURT JANICE JOHNSON VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC MARY STUEHM RODNEY L POKORSKI NADA APPRAISAL GUIDES MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC JIM KUHN AARON HYDE FAKES OFFICE PLUS BIG G COMM HARDWARE BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS CO HWY DEPT ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC STATE OF NEBR IBM CORPORATION COMPUTER CONSULTANTS COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC CDW GOVERNMENT INC ALLTEL CORNHUSKER PRESS NEBR STATE BAR ASSOC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS CO CLK OF DIST CRT EAKES OFFICE PLUS COUNTY GENERAL DUES, SUB, REG, TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG, EQUIPMENT- RENTAL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL DUES, SUB, REG, PUBLISHING DUES, SUB, REG, STATIONERY MISCELLANEOUS TRAVEL EXPENSES MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT TRAVEL EXPENSES TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES CAR REPAIRS SUPPLIES CAR REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS DUES, SUB, REG, REPAIRS EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES SOFTWARE DUES, SUB, REG, SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES COURT COSTS SUPPLIES 195.00 111.60 100.00 3.92 125.73 19.99 267.45 3.95 15.00 302.69 460.00 39.00 21.20 50.00 284.19 10.00 131.58 25.00 130.00 17.20 32.68 20.69 97.60 66.44 52.90 97.27 42.17 991.05 899.90 334.79 138.83 53.44 140.07 58.00 84.22 2,985.73 691.70 HOLT COUNTY TREASURER SUPPLIES 54.48 UK c:Hr E. HOMETOWN LEASING EILEENS COLOSSAL COOKIES EAKES OFFICE PLUS CULLIGAN BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS DORIS B SCHUESSLER ROBERT SULLIVAN ARTHUR TOOGOOD PUB DEF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES ISABEL SMITH LANGVRDT & VALLE PC CONWAY, PAULEY & JOHNSON WHELAN & SCHERR WHELAN & SCHERR WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV OKEEFE ELEVATOR CO INC GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV K MART BIG G COMM HARDWARE DRUMMOND AMERICAN CORP WEST -LITE CORPORATION HASTINGS UTILITIES RON SEYMOUR RELIABLE OFFICE SUPPLY CONNIE NILES LUWANE NELSON DIANE MCLEOD SHERRI LYNN ADELINE JOHNSON JUSTIN BRADER REVOLVING FUND VISA NEBR HEALTH LABORATORY HASTINGS POLICE DEPT BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ALLTEL ALLTEL ALLTEL ALLTEL ALLTEL DAS COMMUNICATIONS PRESTO X COMP EXECUTIVE COPIER SYS INC CITICORP VENDOR FINANCE ADAMS CO HWY DEPT HC CLEANING CENTRAL COMMUNITY COLLEG BIG G COMM HARDWARE ALLTEL ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS HASTINGS UTILITIES CORNHUSKER PRESS MINDEN OFFICE SUPPLY NE TECH & TELE INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS KEARNEY CO TREASURER BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS CULLIGAN DARBIE MCMAHON ADAMS CO CLERK LANDEN PARKS ALLTEL JASON ACKLES STEVE CAMPBELL RICK FAHRENHOLTZ M GLENN KEMP JAMES KONEN III JOHN KRONTZ HEATH LEMKE KEVIN MAUCK MIKE POPLAU DOUGLAS RUHTER JOHN RUST MICHAEL SHADA NATHEN SMITH JOHN STEWART REAMS BROS WRECKER SERV JON BORNEMEIER RANDY BORRELL MERLIN BRUNA GARY HUESKE BRENDA CHRISE BRAD M CONSBRUCK SUE DEEPE DAN FURMAN DAVID RUTT CHAD SUMMERS JAMES SIDLO CUUR1LUSTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL COURT COSTS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES REIMBURSEMENT COURT COSTS COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES MISCELLANEOUS REPAIR MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES MILEAGE SUPPLIES TRAVEL EXPENSES TRAVEL EXPENSES TRAVEL EXPENSES TRAVEL EXPENSES MILEAGE TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES CORONER COSTS COURT COSTS BLOOD TESTS SUPPLIES CORONER COSTS TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES NET COM MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE TRAVEL EXPENSES MAINTENANCE TRAINING & CONFER SUPPLIES TELEPHONE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES" UTILITIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES SUPPLIES POSTAL SERVICES SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS ALCOHOLIC SAFETY SUPPLIES ALCOHOLIC SAFETY TELEPHONE SERVICES UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM ALLOWANCE ALLOWANCE ALLOWANCE ALLOWANCE ALLOWANCE ALLOWANCE ALLOWANCE ALLOWANCE ALLOWANCE 49.95 470.71 9.60 117.71 21.85 476.72 500.00 975.00 1,743.75 869.00 231.00 1,486.45 193.00 25.00 6,831.88 172.50 5,334.19 585.00 200.58 349.82 11.00 49.14 140.31 156.00 394.30 2,173.35 97.85 191.09 5.04 56.16 23.76 47.52 46.08 19.44 220.49 44.00 56.45 100.00 380.45 51.17 168.80 2,604.76 168.60 1,054.14 1,125.12 21.00 25.00 125.00 41.63 250.00 260.00 12.64 237.39 46.86 79.21 765.98 83.82 54.57 50.69 14.22 243.29 92.76 15.00 168.00 781.45 168.00 112.01 105.00 150.00 150.00 105.00 35.00 105.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 35.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 104.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 150.00 105.00 35.00 105.00 150.00 150.00 105.00 105.00 278 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA MARC WALTHER UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 105.00 BYRON MORROW KEITH WOODARD FARMERS UNION COOP GAS ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC ADAMS CO HWY DEPT OMB POLICE SUPPLY HOGANS SPORTINGS GOODS I GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV ELECTRONICS SERVICE (93) ASSEMBLED PRODUCTS CORP PHILLIPS 66 OLD MARKET FIREARMS MATTHEW BENDER & CO INC KUSTOM SIGNALS INC KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPL CORNHUSKER PRESS BLACK HILLS AMMUNITION ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV BADGER UNIFORMS BIG G COMM HARDWARE ALLTEL EAKES OFFICE PLUS GREGG MAGEE CO SHERIFF KERR CHEVROLET CO BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS VIDEO KINGDOM ADAMS COUNTY JAIL KENESAW MOTOR CO INC KENESAW MOTOR CO INC GALLS INC CASH WA CANDY COMPANY SIXTH STREET PHARMACY NADEN'S PHARMACY BERTS REXALL DRUGS AURORA APOTHECARY ER PROF SERVICES MLMH KIRK REICHARDT DDS FRANKLIN CO MEMORIAL HOS WILLIAMS EXTERMINATING I WESTERN VETERINARY SUPPL SUNMART PHARMACY SEARS ROEBUCK & CO HALL CNTY BD OF CORRECTI HAMILTON CO SHERIFF DEPT FRANKLIN COUNTY SHERIFF ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES PAUL SPADY OLDS BUICK ECHO GROUP INC HOBART DIAL HTG & AC COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC BUFFALO CO SHERIFF OFF ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV STATE OF NEBR DIAMOND VOGEL PAINT CENT KEITHS PHARMACIES UNIVERSITY OF NE -LINCOLN NE ASSOC OF CO ENG HWY S WELLS FARGO CARD SERV WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV VONTZ PAVING INC VAN DIEST SUPPLY CO 3 POINTS TIRE THOMSEN OIL CO STATE OF NEBR SQUARE DEAL LUMBER CO SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT SANITARY OUTDOOR SERV IN SAPP BROS., PETRO INC ROAD BLDG MACH & SUPPLY POWER PLAN PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA OVERHEAD DOOR NEBRASKA TRUCK CENTER NE MACHINERY CO ST OF NE DEPT OF REVENUE NAPA AUTO PARTS MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC MLMH CLINICAL LAB SERV LOGAN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY LINWELD KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPL KINDER MORGAN KENZ & LESLIE DIST CO KELLY SUPPLY CO ISLAND SUPPLY IDEAL ELECTRIC HASTINGS UTILITIES GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO FLEET PRIDE SAMUELSON EQUIP CO FARMERS UNION COOP GAS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE FUEL REIMBURSEMENT MED-HOSP PRISONERS FUEL LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE EQUIPMENT RADIO REPAIR CARS FUEL LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS PRINTING & PUBLISHING LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS -COUNTY SHERIF OFFICE EQ REPAIR PRINTING & PUBLISHING LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS REIMBURSEMENT UNIFORMS LAW ENF SUPP CONTRACT SERV SUPPLIES MILEAGE REPAIRS SUPPLIES LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS BOARD OF PRISONERS REPAIRS CARS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS LAUNDRY -PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MISCELLANEOUS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS OFFICE EQUIPMENT BOARD OF PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MISCELLANEOUS TRAVEL EXPENSES BUILDING REPAIR EQUIPMENT REPAIR MISCELLANEOUS COURTHOUSE REMODELING BOARD OF PRISONERS LAW ENF SUPP BOARD OF PRISONERS BUILDING REPAIR MED-HOSP PRISONERS DUES, SUB, REG, DUES, SUB, REG, SUPPLIES GARBAGE. GRAVEL CHEMICALS TIRES & REPAIRS FUEL FUEL REPAIRS ELECTRICITY SUPPLIES GREASE OIL REPAIRS REPAIRS EQUIPMENT REPAIR REPAIRS REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS EQUIPMENT RENTAL MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS BULK CHAINS REPAIRS HEATING FUELS FUEL REPAIRS BULK CHAINS REPAIRS ELECTRICITY TELEPHONE SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS FUEL 105.00 105.00 91.99 775.54 159.65 2,235.49 47.48 139.96 25.00 21.39 592.82 87.87 151.20 316.65 39.76 36.48 330.73 189.00 453.69 2,406.21 132.60 136.25 115.19 533.97 1,170.88 131.66 60.45 3,964.79 163.16 525.00 84.35 322.18 91.97 123.55 84.92 73.86 426.00 96.00 30.00 38.00 112.00 8.50 219.99 1,478.10 930.00 2,450.00 42.12 24.02 8.19 147.00 10.00 351.62 1,845.00 273.55 5,316.17 168.93 1,118.25 225.00 25.00 98.96 66.86 193.05 736.50 186.00 9,959.45 1,163.00 450.92 328.63 150.00 3,119.80 383.35 240.31 71.12 59.75 23.63 818.56 17.95 289.01 230.00 16.00 383.70 9.62 236.11 1,778.33 599.40 173.34 76.01 666.80 473.76 166.60 26.88 133.44 59.25 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NE$ RASKA 279 DIAMOND VOGEL PAINT CENT CROSS-IIILLON TIRE ORSCHELN FARM & HOME CONSUMERS SERVICE CO INC AUTO VALUE -HASTINGS ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ALLTEL ACE/EATON METALS RAY VELDER LAMBERT STRUSS ADAMS CO HWY DEPT ADAMS CO SENIOR SERV US POSTAL SERVICE PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC HOMETOWN VARIETY & CRAFT ADAMS CO SHERIFF FEE ACT HASTINGS TRIBUNE ALANA ANDERSON REGION III PROG ADM OFFI MCDERMOTT & MILLER P C SPOUSE ABUSE SEXUAL ASSA RSVP PAY FLEX SYSTEMS USA INC MID NEER INDIVIDUAL SERV MEALS ON WHEELS MIDLAND AREA AGENCY HASTINGS HEAD START HEAD START CHILD & FAMIL ALLTEL HASTINGS ECONOMIC DEV RICHARD J CHRISTENSEN ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT SEILER, PARKER P.C. JANELLE TRAUSCH SHELLY BODEN KRIEGER ELECTRIC CO LOREN UDEN PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA NACO 1'1R. S EQUIPMENT HEATING FUELS REPAIRS SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES CULVERTS RETIREMENT BENEFITS RETIREMENT BENEFITS FUEL HANDI-BUS POSTAL. SERVICES POSTAL SERVICES POSTAL SERVICES COURT COSTS COURT COSTS PUBLISHING COURT COSTS MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES AUDIT EXP DOMESTIC ABUSE LOCAL MATCH MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS MENTAL RETARDATION SERVICE LOCAL MATCH AREA AGENCY ON AGING HEAD START CASA COURT COSTS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT LEPC GRANTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS JURY PAYROLL ATTRNY FEES TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS SUPPLIES UNEMPLOYMENT FUND NEBRASKA U C FUND ROBERT SHELBURNE SR SMITTY'S ENTERPRISES INC SMITTY'S ENTERPRISES INC BRAND WILSON MORTUARY IN DIVERSE MEDIA INC JIM DELGADO HASTINGS PUBLIC LIBRARY ALLTEL MIDWEST LIBRARY SERVICE THE GALE GROUP CREATIVE CO BAKER & TAYLOR INC WEST GROUP ADAMS CO HISTORICAL SOC ALLTEL NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS MODERN METHODS INC DAS COMMUNICATIONS 889.56 399.92 39.60 258.98 113.43 253.07 195.73 228.00 144.00 23.19 13,089.30 200.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 24.91 5,210.05 280.58 755.17 3,616.76 2,500.00 131.00 333.34 76.32 2,595.92 666.67 1,018.00 125.00 2,000.00 103.11 1,666.67 645.00 41.50 41.50 124.50 373.50 166.00 963.50 580.50 51.84 6.11 256.00 206.06 1,710.00 10.00 UNEMPLOYMENT CONTRIBUTIONS RELIEF - MEDICAL RENT RENT RENT COUNTY BURIALS COUNTY LIBRARY LIBRARY` MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY INHERITANCE TAX LIBRARY` HISTORICAL SOC 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES EMERGENCY PHONE SIGNS INTENSIVE SUPERVISION PROBATION EQUIPMENT RENTAL TELEPHONE SERVICES This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis County Clerk Beverly Johnson Deputy Larry W odman Chairman 202.66 150.00 210.00 73.00 1,250.00 29.19 100.00 500.00 13.39 164.64 363.86 101.88 2,211.79 2,418.53 722.50 1,759.10 132.00 79.00 43.31 280 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 13, 2004 Minutes of the Formation of the Adams County Cemetery Association The Adams County Board of Supervisors conducted a public hearing at 10:30 AM on Tuesday, January 13, 2004 for the purpose of forming the Adams County Cemetery Association. Charles Hamilton, Attorney, stated the purpose for the formation. The Chairman of the Board opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak for or against the formation and the meeting was closed. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to approve the formation of the cemetery association and modify the constitution to make the Chairman of the Board the Clerk of the cemetery association. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe, absent. Motion by Murman, seconded by Hynes to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign an agreement with JEO to survey, locate and name the existing graves in the True Dutch Reform Cemetery. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe, absent. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Neumann to move to a meeting of the Adams County Cemetery Association. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe, absent. Entered Cemetery Association meeting at 10:50 AM. Motion by Larson, seconded by Murman to name Neumann, Hynes and Johnson as Trustees of the Adams County Cemetery Association. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays,. None. Kehoe, absent. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Murman to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe absent. Returned to regular session at 10:55 AM. This meeting is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman/Clerk. • Chrisella Lewis County Clerk Larry WBodman Chairman/Clerk Beverly Johnso Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday January 20, 2004 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Neumann that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as circulated. Kehoe reported that the Buildings and Grounds Committee met this morning. Johnson reported that the Buildings and Grounds Committee inspected the Emergency Protective Shelter last Tuesday. He also reported that ACCVB met last Wednesday and reported on the new Children's Museum. It is a work in progress and is off to a good start. He also stated that he is impressed with the activities at the fairgrounds. It is a busy place and booked year round. Sandy Himmelberg reported that they will bid for the high school rodeo again. He also shared the latest Nebraska Tourism magazine and brochure. Hynes read a letter from the director of the Region III board expressing her opinion on the closing of the regional centers at Hastings and Norfolk. Neumann attended a Senior Services meeting. Murman reported that the South Central Health District has given a $5000.00 grant to Healthy Beginnings. He also reported that the health department will be setting up a program whereby Medicaid clients can call SUPERVISORS 12��O�D No. ADAMSC57T"Y,TBRASKA a nurse f r inf rmati n regarding health qucsti ns. Woodman attended the Hall County Board meeting last Tuesday. They also passed a resolution opposing the closing of the Hastings Regional Center. Attorney Charles Hamilton presented a resolution to the Board that would release the right of way along the south side of East 7th St in the County Industrial Area. The City of Hastings wants to annex the Valentine property on the north side of East 7th St and would assume maintenance of 7th St along the annexed area. The Board asked City Attorney Bob Sullivan if the city would consider maintaining 7th St all the way east to the Bypass Rd in exchange for the release of the right of way. Sullivan stated that he felt they would. Motion by Larson, seconded by Neumann to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04-01- 20 as amended releasing the right of way along the south side of E. 7th St in the County Industrial Area to include the small portion of East 7th St east of the industrial park to the Bypass Rd. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Cindy Strasheim, Extension Educator from Clay County and administrator of the LB 640 grant for WeCAN Juvenile Services plan, presented a historical overview of the LB 640 planning Kierstin Hill has been hired to do the day to day work on the project and Yvonne Stevens, Webster County Transportation Director, is in charge of transporting juveniles to treatment. They currently have $41,000.00 to help 188 juveniles in the area who have been diagnosed as addicted to alcohol or drugs. They will be receiving additional grant money to use for prevention to addiction by juveniles in the four county area. She urged someone from the Board to attend a meeting at the ACOB on January 30`h. Woodman will attend. Susie Brown, Adams County Extension Agent, presented a check in the amount of $500.00 from the State of Nebraska for reimbursement for office space for the Building Nebraska Families program. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Murman to move to Board of Equalization for motor vehicle exemption applications. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Board of Equalization at 10:05 AM. Neumann reported that the Senior Services has a used van with a lift that is owned by Adams County. They have tried to take sealed bids to sell it but have had no success. He would like the Board to declare it as surplus property so a definite price can be set and place it for sale. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Kehoe to declare the used handibus van with a lift as surplus equipment and sold for any amount. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Larson, seconded by Neumann to authorize the Chairman to sign the annual weed reports. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Larson, seconded by Johnson to approve claims and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to accept officers' reports from the Treasurer and Register of Deeds for the month of December. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Kathy Colburn, Planning Administrator, asked the Board for approval to hire Orval Stahr to amend the county comprehensive plan regarding kennels in the county. The Board questioned why Stahr would charge additional for this amendment since we contract annually with him for consulting. Colburn stated that the contract covers only her daily calls to Stahr with questions regarding the comprehensive plan. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Neumann to approve hiring Orval Stahr to amend the county comprehensive plan regarding kennels not to exceed $1000.00 and to place a moratorium on any new kennels fro 60 days beginning January 20, 2004. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Hynes to move to Executive Session for contracts and litigation. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Executive Session at 10:30 AM. Motion by Murman, seconded by Kehoe to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 10:45 AM. There was a brief discussion of committee assignments for 2004 and it was decided that the Board would maintain the same committee assignments as 2003. COUNTY GENERAL LARRY WOODMAN TRAVEL EXPENSES NE ASSOC OF CO CLKS ELEC DUES, SUB, REG, PRO PRINTING & GRAPHICS SUPPLIES EAKES OFFICE PLUS SUPPLIES 97.50 45.00 19.95 55.28 282 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA JANICE JOHNSON HOLIDAY INN OPKEARNEY HASTINGS TRIBUNE KATHY COLBURN BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ALLTEL HASTINGS UTILITIES EAKES OFFICE PLUS MYRON CORP METEORLOGIX EAKES OFFICE PLUS CITY OF HASTINGS CASH WA CANDY COMPANY ALLTEL RURAL METRO MEDICAL SERV FAKES OFFICE PLUS CULLIGAN BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS PHELPS CO TREASURER NE TECH & TELE INC MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC JEO ALLTEL MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS FRANKLIN DENTAL CLINIC WALGREEN'S PHARMACY G A MICEK DDS PC DIAMOND VOGEL PAINT CENT DAWSON CO SHERIFF BEYKE SIGNS BUFFALO CO SHERIFF OFF ALAMAR UNIFORMS LINDA PARR NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS NEBR LTAP NE ASSOC OF CO ENG HWY S NEBRASKA CRANE NAPA AUTO PARTS LINWELD JULLEE JOHNSON HUSKER TOTAL POWER INC HATTEN ELECTRIC SERVICE GENE'S REPAIR & SALES MATT FRIEND TRUCK EQUIPM FAIRBANKS INTERNATIONAL BIG G COMM HARDWARE ALLTEL ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES EAKES OFFICE PLUS ELIZABETH OCHSNER ALLTEL SPOUSE ABUSE SEXUAL ASSA REGION III PROG ADM OFFI RSVP PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC MID NEBR INDIVIDUAL SERV MEALS ON WHEELS MIDLAND AREA AGENCY HASTINGS HEAD START HEAD START CHILD & FAMIL HASTINGS ECONOMIC DEV HASTINGSCHAMBER.COM FRONTIER CO SHERIFF PHYLLIS A BARTLETT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ISABEL SMITH NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD OMAHA LIFE INSURANCE ADAMS COUNTY BOARD ADAMS COUNTY CLERK ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER REGISTER OF DEEDS ADAMS COUNTY ASSESSOR PLANNING & ZONING DATA PROCESSING CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT COURT BAILIFF PUBLIC DEFENDER MAINTENANCE DEPT EXTENSION OFFICE MICROFILM DEPT. ADMAS COUNTY SHERIFF ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY CORRECTIONS & COMMUNICATIONS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ADAMS COUNTY SURVEYOR ADAMS COUNTY ROADS DEPT ADAMS COUNTY WEED DEPT VETEREANS SERVICE OFFICE TRAVEL EXPENSES PUBLISHING REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES TELEPHONE UTILITIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG, SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SUPPLIES TELEPHONE AMBULANCE COSTS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES POSTAL SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES EQUIPMENT RENTAL SURVEYOR CONTRACT SERV EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BUILDING REPAIR BOARD OF PRISONERS LAUNDRY -PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE CUSTODIAL SIGNS DUES, SUB, REG, DUES, SUB, REG, ROAD EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES REPAIRS CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES REPAIRS REPAIR REPAIRS REPAIRS REPAIR TELEPHONE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES RETIREMENT COURT COSTS DOMESTIC ABUSE MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES LOCAL MATCH POSTAL SERVICES MENTAL RETARDATION SERVICE LOCAL MATCH AREA AGENCY ON AGING HEAD START CASA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONTINGENCIES COURT COSTS RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS MATRON FEES RETIREMENT MATCH FICA MATCH HEALTH INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES 134.96 22.83 188.98 44.00 100.00 7,459.81 39.63 335.95 659.60 90.56 12.15 55.94 214.00 12,500.00 18.54 10.00 19.46 208.40 56.32 355.00 1,200.00 38.22 260.00 224.69 28.67 85.00 11.19 466.00 53.09 1,395.00 35.00 1,440.00 294.82 25.00 538.75 50.00 25.00 137.50 95.50 78.73 25.00 328.96 165.00 53.76 27.35 21.56 524.51 54.85 59.00 173.00 80.15 178.56 131.00 3,616.76 333.34 3,000.00 2,595.92 666.67 1,018.00 125.00 2,000.00 1,666.67 2,500.00 15.50 91.60 166.00 41.50 20.00 18,983.05 24,304.54 78,330.79 776.83 7,210.00 11,284.51 26,125.00 6,311.10 20,182.15 1,848.82 5,775.00 13,927.62 2,082.78 12,693.28 12,797.29 4,158.20 2,323.59 51,739.79 27,450.58 45,493.70 3,223.47 257.50 65,497.99 3,218.97 5,652.32 SUPERVISO ADAMS COU CARROT TOP INDUSTRIES VISA ECORD No 25 , NEBRASKA CC)TTNTY VT^TTnPSPRC)M TT 183 REPAIR 283 195.00 WORLDCOM ANN ROHAN H & H LAWN CARE HASTINGS UTILITIES EAKES OFFICE PLUS CITY OF HASTINGS ADAMS CO TELECOMMUNICATI NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN.c BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD OMAHA LIFE INSURANCE ADAMS COUNTY VISITORS BUR CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES MIDWEST LIBRARY SERVICE BAKER & TAYLOR INC NEBRASKA FOOD & GIFT ADAMS COUNTY LIBRARY NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD OMAHA LIFE INSURANCE CO ADAMS CO HISTORICAL SOC FAKES OFFICE PLUS ALLTEL QWEST POSTAL SSRVICES TELEPHONE REIMBURSEMENT REPAIR UTILITIES SUPPLIES` TELEPHONE TELEPHONE RETIREMENT MATCH FICA MATCH HEALTH INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE SALARIES RELIEF - MEDICAL RENT RENT INSTITUTIONS PATIENT CARE COUNTY LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY SALARIES RETIREMENT MATCH FICA MATCH HEALTH INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE INHERITANCE TAX HISTORICAL SOC ESCROW HOLDING FUND MISCELLANEOUS 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES EMERGENCY PHONE INTENSIVE SUPERVISION PROBATION BUDGET TELEPHONE SERVICES This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis County Clerk Beverly Johnson Deputy Larry Wo man Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 20, 2004 59.33 32.69 71.59 48.50 195.81 49.53 3.81 22.20 158.24 213.59 686.39 5.93 2,964.35 53.00 210.00 1,818.67 63.14 403.86 71.85 3,130.18 125.94 235.65 402.52 5.93 722.50 157.45 120.11 14.88 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing motor vehicle exemption applications with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Also present were County Clerk Lewis, Attorney Hamilton and Jan Timm representing the Treasurer. Motion by Murman, seconded by Hynes to approve the motor vehicle exemption applications as presented by Jan Timm as follows: annual renewal for Catholic Social Services for 3 vehicles, Bethpage for 5 vehicles, Martin Luther Homes for 6 vehicles, Tehama Shriners for 4 vehicles, Catholic Social Services for 1 new vehicle and Nebraska District Church of the Nazarene 1 new vehicle. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 10:10 AM This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella LewisLarr y Wo dman County Clerk Chairman hai Beverly Johnso Deputy 284 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA C URTH USE IIASTINc 372004 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Neumann that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as corrected. Kehoe reported that the Buildings and Grounds Committee met this morning to discuss the Emergency Protective Shelter. They will be meeting with the Fire Marshall and others regarding the furnaces there later. Johnson also attended the Buildings and Grounds committee meeting. Hynes attended the Region III meeting last Friday. There was nothing new to report. It seems that they will only listen to the objections of law enforcement regarding closing of the regional centers and don't know if that will have any impact. There was a brief discussion regarding the proposed closing of the regional centers amongst the Board members. Neumann attended a Midland Area Agency on Aging meeting last Thursday and on January 23`d and 30th he attended the NACO legislative meetings in Lincoln. Larson also attended the MAAA meeting. Murman attended a meeting of the South Central Economic Development Corporation last Tuesday. They are still in the organizational phase but at some point will probably have an assessment for members for operating expenses. Woodman attended a LEPC meeting last Tuesday. He stated that the state had a problem with the county LEOP regarding the HazMat section but Loren Uden has gotten them to accept the plan and review that section for possible changes. At 9:45 AM Dawn Miller, Highway Superintendent opened the bids for rent of county owned farm ground. There was one bidder, William Plock, who is the current renter. Motion by Murman, seconded by Hynes to accept the bid of $40.25 per acre on three parcels of ground for a total of 18 acres from William Plock. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Miller also presented the contract with the state for bridge project BRO 7001 (18), Ayr S.W. Motion by Larson, seconded by Hynes to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement with the NE Dept of Roads for new bridge construction project BRO 7001(18), Ayr, S.W. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Miller also presented the contract for project BRO 2040(6), Kenesaw S.W. Motion by Larson, seconded by Hynes to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the contracts for project BRO 2040(6), Kenesaw S.W. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Miller also presented an application for a flood plain permit for bridge work over the Little Blue River on Bladen Ave. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Johnson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the application for a flood plain development permit for the bridge over the Little Blue River on Bladen Ave known as Roseland S.W. C000101505. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Neumann to approve a list of computers as presented by the IT department as surplus to be sold. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to approve claims and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds except those claims submitted by the Emergency Management Director which are to be held until the Homeland Security Grant funds are received from the state. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMSONTY, NEBRASKA eller upend bids for grAvel. 285 Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hynes to award the gravel bids to the low bidder as presented. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Tamara Babcock, Hastings Director of Developmental Services, presented the Westbrook 7th Subdivision to the Board for their acceptance of dedication of easements and streets. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to accept dedication of streets and easements in Westbrook 7th Subdivision. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Miller made a preliminary presentation of the 1 and 6 year road plan which will have a public hearing before the Board on February 17`h. She stated that most of the projects were bridge replacements. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to move to Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing applications for real estate and personal property exemptions. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Board of Equalization at 10:30 AM. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hynes to move to Executive Session for discussion of personnel and contracts. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Executive Session at 10:40 AM. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hynes to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to Regular Session at 11:30 AM. CHAS F NEUMANN BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS WOMEN OFFICIALS IN NACO CHRISELLA LEWIS MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER ALLTEL BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS NE ASSOC OF CO TREASURER MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC HOMETOWN LEASING EAKES OFFICE PLUS BIG G COMM HARDWARE ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC VISA MARY STUEHM PTACNIK SERVICE INC RODNEY L POKORSKI MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC JIM KUHN DIANE HYNES HASTINGS TRIBUNE AARON HYDE PATRICIA C GIZINSKI EAKES OFFICE PLUS CDW GOVERNMENT INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ISSOLUTIONS INC ALLTEL CLK OF SUPREME COURT EAKES OFFICE PLUS MAXIMUS INC JEVON NACKE-CHAVIRA CINDY CHAVIRA MICHELLE HOCK MASON'S MARKET INC MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC THE PLAINSMAN STEAKHOUSE WALMART WEST GROUP US POSTAL SERVICE VALLEY CO TREASURER EAKES OFFICE PLUS DAY TIMER INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT ARTHUR TOOGOOD PUB DEF ISABEL SMITH LANGVRDT & VALLE PC SEILER, PARKER P.C. DORIS B SCHUESSLER CONWAY, PAULEY & JOHNSON BRADLEY WHITE & ASSOC PC KELLY SUPPLY CO HASTINGS UTILITIES MONTY MALOUF JR & ASSOC DRUMMOND AMERICAN CORP DUTTON LAINSON CO ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES OKEEFE ELEVATOR CO INC FOUNTAINE'5 MICROFILMING COUNTY GENERAL TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG, MILEAGE COPIER SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG, EQUIPMENT RENTAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES TRAVEL EXPENSES CAR REPAIRS TRAVEL EXPENSES EQUIPMENT TRAVEL EXPENSES TRAVEL EXPENSES DUES, SUB, REG, TRAVEL EXPENSES TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES DATA PROCESSING SUPPLIES DATA PROCESSING DUES, SUB, REG, COURT COSTS SUPPLIES CONSULTING FEES COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS JUROR FEES EQUIPMENT RENTAL MISCELLANEOUS COURT COSTS DUES, SUB, REG, POSTAL SERVICES COURT COSTS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES COURT COSTS REIMBURSEMENT COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES SUPPLIES CHEMICALS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS SUPPLIES 162.00 43.55 25.00 169.13 232.10 22.00 150.53 81.95 50.00 232.10 87.15 82.24 48.09 53.48 22.37 26.13 350.74 204.82 130.00 67.38 90.00 87.00 24.63 22.50 59.99 62.03 131.69 500.00 40.86 66.50 107.61 3,450.00 21.50 21.50 21.50 46.02 290.00 451.12 13.32 143.50 48.84 24.63 197.97 19.99 317.81 500.00 1,852.11 40.00 2,205.00 274.50 158.00 250.65 112.50 124.92 2,465.94 136.50 136.76 27.94 74.20 238.83 43.00 286 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA MICR FILM IMAGING ^•YC.TDM NEER HEALTH LABORATORY CUPPT,Tr..q_ 1 n3 14 COURT COSTS 58.18 MAR$ LANNING MEMORIAL HO COUR!COS1S WEST GROUP SOFTWARE UNLIMITED QUINLAN PUBLISHING CO IN JACKIE QUEEN NEBR STATE BAR ASSOC LEXISNEXIS HASTINGS POLICE DEPT HOMETOWN LEASING HASTINGS TRIBUNE EAKES OFFICE PLUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS CO SHERIFF LOREN UDEN PRESTO X COMP HC CLEANING CRESCENT ELECTRIC CITICORP VENDOR FINANCE BIG G COMM HARDWARE ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES HASTINGS LETTER SHOP NVLSP HASTINGS UTILITIES ALLTEL BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS CULLIGAN PHELPS CO TREASURER KEARNEY CO TREASURER EAKES OFFICE PLUS DAS COMMUNICATIONS ALLTEL ALLTEL ALLTEL ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC UNCLE NEAL'S COUNTRY CORNHUSKER PRESS EAKES OFFICE PLUS EAKES OFFICE PLUS ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC GREGG MAGEE CO SHERIFF ELECTRONICS SERVICE (93) VIDEO KINGDOM JOHN RUST PRIMEDIA WORKPLACE LEARN METEORLOGIX JAMES KONEN III KENESAW MOTOR CO INC KUSTOM SIGNALS INC GALLS INC ALAMAR UNIFORMS EAGEL DENTAL ASSOC LLC FCMH POOL MEDICAL CLINIC HALL CNTY BD OF CORRECTI MID NEBRASKA RESTAURANT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL KEARNEY CLINIC PC STATE OF NEBR WEBSTER CO SHERIFF WILLIAMS EXTERMINATING I SO CENT BEHAVIORAL SERV SUNMART PHARMACY KEN SVOBODA PLUMBING JERRY SPADY PONT CAD INC ROGERS INC KERR CHEVROLET CO JOHNSON CASHWAY LUMBR CO ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES KIM THAYER BRAD M CONSBRUCK NE ORTHOTIC & PROSTHETIC DIAMOND VOGEL PAINT CENT KEITHS PHARMACIES PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA MATTHEW BENDER RADIOSHACK CORP ADAMS COUNTY JAIL CASH WA CANDY COMPANY BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS NE ORTHOTIC & PROSTHETIC EAKES OFFICE PLUS BIG G COMM HARDWARE ALEXANDER HAMILTON INSTI ALLTEL CRUSHERS INC ALLTEL ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES AUTO VALUE -HASTINGS BIG G COMM HARDWARE BOB'S SHOP SUPPLIES CENTAUR ENTERPRISES INC CENTRAL FIRE & SAFETY IN LAW LIBRARY DATA PROCESSING LAW LIBRARY COURT COSTS COURT COSTS LAW LIBRARY BLOOD TESTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL JUVENILLE COSTS COURT COSTS SUPPLIES BLOOD TESTS MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES TELEPHONE SERVICES SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS TELEPHONE SERVICES EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES NET COM TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES LAW ENF SUPP EQUIPMENT PRINTING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS PRINTING MILEAGE RADIO REPAIR LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE DUES, SUB, REG, EQUIPMENT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE EQUIPMENT REPAIR LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS CARS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS LAW ENF SUPP MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MISCELLANEOUS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS REPAIR TRAVEL EXPENSES LAUNDRY TRAVEL EXPENSES BUILDING REPAIR LAW ENF SUPP MISCELLANEOUS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE MED-HOSP PRISONERS BUILDING REPAIR MED-HOSP PRISONERS RADIO REPAIR PRINTING LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS BOARD OF PRISONERS LAW ENF SUPP SUPPLIES MED-HOSP PRISONERS REPAIR EQUIPMENT PRINTING & PUBLISHING MERIT COMMISSION EXP MATERIALS TELEPHONE SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REPAIR SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS 48.00 440.75 200.00 86.97 141.50 186.18 35.20 200.00 562.90 151.92 540.11 503.39 90.00 79.05 21.00 200.00 38.24 125.00 50.76 12.66 26.00 149.95 1,001.17 111.34 110.79 10.00 60.49 76.00 23.98 660.59 2,525.15 115.10 734.55 374.48 20.00 250.65 128.68 267.39 306.12 174.05 332.10 21.39 9.95 35.00 576.00 246.00 35.00 209.32 170.16 336.54 730.17 291.00 164.00 640.51 109.00 67.00 65.00 5,970.60 200.00 40.00 100.00 407.80 117.65 29.16 776.00 24.44 31.39 100.14 42.12 35.00 35.00 1,353.12 143.69 843.11 921.92 655.25 104.17 2,443.45 245.17 447.36 208.43 331.93 1,153.75 64.75 183.29 11,980.25 48.23 55.16 365.82 138.43 189.00 48.89 239.25 DUANE'S WELDING SERVCICE RD EQ REP LABOR 1,306.09 LUlION LAINSUN CO FARMERS UNION COOP GAS SAMUELSON EQUIP CO FASTENAL COMPANY HATTEN ELECTRIC SERVICE ISLAND SUPPLY JULLEE JOHNSON KACO SUPPLIES KELLY SUPPLY CO KERR CHEVROLET CO KINDER MORGAN KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPL LAWSON PRODUCTS LCL TRUCK EQUIP INC LINWELD LOGAN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY MAINELLI WAG & ASSOC INC MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC MIDWEST SERVICE NAPA AUTO PARTS NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS LINDA PARR ROAD BLDG MACH & SUPPLY SAPP BROS., PETRO INC THOMSEN OIL CO VAN DIEST SUPPLY CO BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS PAY FLEX SYSTEMS USA INC G NEIL COMPANIES MCDERMOTT & MILLER P C ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT ELIA CALDERON ALAN WITTE CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES SHARON WOESTE CINDY GARTNER CONSUMERS SERVICE CO INC C & D PUBLISHING JIM DELGADO ALLTEL BAKER & TAYLOR INC UNIQUE BOOKS INC HASTINGS PUBLIC LIBRARY THE GALE GROUP WEST GROUP ALLTEL KACO SUPPLIES ADAMS CO HWY DEPT ALLTEL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REPAIRS SMALL TOOLS REPAIRS BULK CHAINS CUSTODIAL SIGNS SHOP TOOLS REPAIRS HEATING FUELS EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT GREASE OIL REPAIRS ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT RENTAL MATERIALS SUPPLIES SIGNS REG TIME SALARY REPAIRS MACH EQ GREASE OIL FUEL CHEMICALS MARRIAGE LIC. SUPPLIES AGREEMENTS MISCELLANEOUS AUDIT EXP COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS JURY PAYROLL DISTRICT COURT COSTS RELIEF - MEDICAL RENT RENT RENT RENT COUNTY LIBRARY MISCELLANEOUS LIBRARY MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS LIBRARY LIBRARY MISCELLANEOUS LIBRARY INHERITANCE TAX LIBRARY 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES EMERGENCY PHONE SIGNS SIGNS OFFICE EQ REPAIR This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis County Clerk Beverly Johnson Deputy Larry Woodman Chairman 84.02 257.40 60.00 163.36 56.50 50.15 25.00 231.05 33.24 233.39 227.18 486.78 203.82 88.30 59.49 195.35 15,469.94 230.00 12,220.68 499.44 832.50 25.00 171.74 2,189.99 7,756.29 331.20 110.97 76.32 25.72 1,000.00 41.50 41.50 166.00 2,554.25 21.50 210,00 210.00 210.00 150.00 4.85 150.00 100.00 13.33 1,303.10 2,218.88 500.00 38.92 2,613.29 55.35 245.00 452.50 300.00 COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 3, 2004 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing renewal applications for real estate and personal property exemptions with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Also present were Attorney Hamilton, Assessor Gizinski and Clerk Lewis. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to approve 244 renewal applications and 26 new applications for real estate and personal property exemptions and based on the recommendation of the Assessor to deny new applications for South Central Behavioral Services and Hastings Berean Bible Church. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Larson to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 10:40 AM. This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. 288 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA County Clerk. Beverly Johnson Deputy Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday February 17, 2004 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Kehoe, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Murman was attending an emergency meeting at City Hall regarding the Hastings Regional Center. Larson was absent Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Kehoe, Hynes, Johnsor, Neumann and Woodman Nays, none. Murman and Larson, absent. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as circulated. Kehoe reported that the Buildings and Grounds Committee met last week with the Fire Marshall regarding the Emergency Protective Shelter. He also reported that tonight there is a meeting in Clay Center on the Homeland Security grant funds for emergency managers and how to apply for the funds. Johnson also attended the Buildings and Grounds meeting last week and the ACCVB meeting last Wednesday. A representative from the state was there and said that communities need to sell packaged tours and he also expects the lodging tax receipts to be flat or down if the drought continues. Hastings and Adams County is printing a visitor's magazine. Hynes reported that last Monday he attended a meeting at the Roads Dept regarding the Trumbull Wetlands. He also attended the County Board workshop last Wednesday through Friday in Kearney. Neumann attended the County Board workshop also and a Senior Services meeting. Woodman also attended the meeting at the Roads Dept regarding the Trumbull Wetlands. Last Wednesday morning he attended a meeting at City Hall about recycle funds available through grants. He also attended the NIRMA annual meeting last Wednesday and the County Board workshop. The Board conducted a public hearing for the county one and six year road plan at 9:30 AM. Dawn Miller presented the plan to the Board. No one appeared to speak for or against and the hearing was closed. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Johnson that we approve and put on file the One and Six Year Road Plan as presented by Dawn Miller, Highway Superintendent. Roll call, ayes: Kehoe, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Murman and Larson, absent. At 10:00 AM the Board opened bids for contract 'bridge construction work. There was only one bid received from Anderson Construction of Arcadia. They bid $160.00 per ho,:r for all construction work. The county supplies the materials and excavation work. Miller recommended that the Board reject the bid and negotiate directly with Anderson Construction for the bridge project. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Hynes to reject the bid from Anderson Construction of Arcadia and negotiate with them for construction of project C-321 and as needed for projects throughout the county. Roll call, ayes: Kehoe, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Murman and Larson, absent. Miller also presented several agreements to the Board for approval. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Neumann to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign agreements with the Nebraska Dept of Roads and Mainelli Wagner and Associates for engineering of project BRO-2040(6), Kenesaw S.E. Roll call, ayes: Kehoe, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Murman and Larson, absent. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Hynes to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign agreements with Mainelli Wagner and Associates for engineering and design for two soft match projects, projects 321 and 298. Roll call, ayes: Kehoe, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Murman and Larson, absent. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Kehoe to authorize the Chairman to sign the cover sheet for BR 2147 (2), Roseland S.W. Roll call, ayes: Kehoe, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Murman and Larson, absent. Attorney Hamilton presented an Interlocal agreement with Garfield County for approval. SUPERVISO ADAMS .ORD No 2.5 aEB RASKA 289 14 s • 1 I • •I ' - S �� \ _ �� . �� ■ �� .� • !! ! ! •.._. • • _• a agreement with Garfield County for Cooperative Law Enforcement Services. Roll call, ayes: Kehoe, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Murman and Larson, absent. Johnson asked for approval to re -appoint Sandy Himmelberg the Adams County Convention and Visitors Bureau. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Neumann to re -appoint Sandy Himmelberg to the Adams County Convention and Visitors Bureau for a two year term to expire in January 2006. Roll call, ayes: Kehoe, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Murman and Larson, absent. Kehoe asked for permission to bid for needed changes to the Emergency Protective Shelter as required by the Fire Marshall. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Johnson to authorize the Buildings and Grounds Committee to seek informal bids for modifications to furnaces and water heaters at the Emergency Protective Shelter on South Kansas Ave. Roll call, ayes: Kehoe, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Murman and Larson, absent. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Kehoe to move to Board of Equalization for motor vehicle exemption applications. Roll call, ayes: Kehoe, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Murman and Larson, absent. Entered Board of Equalization at 10:20 AM. Murman entered the meeting at 10:27 AM. At 10:30 AM the Board continued the public hearing for the application of a Conditional Use Permit by Laura Zade, case 03-12.1. Brad Moncrief of 1239 N Burlington Ave, Hastings, attorney representing the Zades, told the Board that he had faxed a proposed building plan to Parker, Hoins, the Board members and Kathy Colburn. His clients have researched various kennels in surrounding counties and don't believe they need to do anything special as far as insulating for noise, only just enclose the kennel in a building. Todd Hoins of 2455 N Osage Ave, Juniata stated several complaints about kennels in the county have been filed. Bob Parker of 726 Eastside Blvd, Hastings, attorney representing Mr. Hoins, told the Board that information from C & C Consulting, experts in noise control, would be provided to them and that the proposed building by R & R Construction is not a suitable resolution. Dr. Dominique J. Che'enne of 3640 N Pine Rd, Chicago, Illinois told the Board that he has reviewed the R & R proposal and it will not meet the needs of 65 to 70 Db (decibels). It is possible to create an environment for noiseless dog kennel but the cost would be very high, around $200.00 per square foot. Moncrief asked the Board for 30, 60 or 90 days to get JEO to do a study of noise and propose a solution for abatement. There were questions and discussion from the Board members. The Chairman declared the hearing closed. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Hynes to allow 45 days for Zades to present a plan that could be found to be in the range of 45 Db level of noise at Mr. Hoins property line and to submit that plan to Mr. Hoins by April 12th for his review and to continue the public hearing until May 4th. Roll call, ayes: Hynes, Johnson, Woodman. Nays, Murman, Kehoe and Neumann. Larson, absent. Motion failed. Motion by Murman, seconded by Kehoe to deny the Conditional Use Peiniit for the Zade kennel, case 03- 12.1 based on the recommendation of the Planning Committee to deny. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Larson, absent. Colburn presented two applications for subdivisions to the Board. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Neumann to approve case 04-02.3, Willmes Subdivision, applicants Wayne & Monica Mousel. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Larson, absent. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Kehoe to approve case 04-02.4, Kostal Subdivision, applicant O.A. Jim Kostal. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Larson, absent. Murman gave a report about the meeting he attended this morning regarding the Hastings Regional Center. He told the Board that HHS has proposed a short term solution to not being able to admit patients to HRC. After a patient goes through the mental health board they will be transported by the state in the accompaniment of a deputy to the Norfolk Regional Center. Patients in NRC residential care will be transferred to HRC to make room for the acute and secure care patients from HRC. Murman brought forth the discussion of purchasing the property at 500 N Denver Ave. He provided an historical over view regarding the property explaining why the county had made the decision to sell the property and why they are currently considering buying the property back. Motion by Murman, seconded by Kehoe to purchase the property at 500 N Denver known as the Courthouse Annex, for a sum of $150,000.00 as specified in the purchase agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign the purchase agreement as written by the county attorney. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Larson, absent. 290 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA officials. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Larson, absent. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to make a down payment of $50,000.00 from the Inheritance Fund and to fmance the balance of the purchase price through a NACO lease purchase program for the purchase of the property at 500 N Denver. Ave. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Larson, absent. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Johnson to approve claims and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Larson, absent. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Neumann to approve Miscellaneous Receipts for the month of January in the amount of $436,465.17. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Larson, absent. Motion by Murman, seconded by Hynes to accept officer's reports for the month of January from the County Clerk, Register of Deeds and the Sheriff. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Larson, absent. BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS NE VITAL RECORDS VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC CHRISELLA LEWIS HASTINGS TRIBUNE HERITAGE BANK ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTW ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER HASTINGS TRIBUNE HOMETOWN LEASING NANCY HAUPTMAN BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS CENT DIST ASSESSORS ASSO REDFIELD & COMPANY INC HASTINGS TRIBUNE EAKES OFFICE PLUS RELIABLE ADAMS CO SENIOR SERV NEER PLANNING & ZONING A HASTINGS TRIBUNE KATHY COLBURN COAST COMPUTER PRODUCTS INTERNET NEBR COMPUTER CONSULTANTS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS CO SHERIFF ADAMS CO CLK OF DIST CRT THAYER COUNTY COURT VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC OK CAFE CULLIGAN HOMETOWN VARIETY & CRAFT HOMETOWN LEASING EAKES OFFICE PLUS ST OF NE BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ARTHUR TOOGOOD PUB DEF SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS SEILER, PARKER P.C. ROBERT SULLIVAN LANGVRDT & VALLE PC LANGVRDT & VALLE PC ISABEL SMITH _ SEILER, PARKER P.C. LANGVRDT & VALLE PC HASTINGS UTILITIES ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES THOMSEN OIL CO OKEEFE ELEVATOR CO INC MONTY MALOUF JR & ASSOC EAKES OFFICE PLUS BIG G COMM HARDWARE ANDY'S PLUMBING WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV BEYKE SIGNS EAKES OFFICE PLUS ANDREA S GRADER VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS DEB THOMPSON RON SEYMOUR JASON FRINK SUSAN BROWN JOYCE BRIDGER ADAMS COUNTY EXTENSION EAKES OFFICE PLUS LAKESIDE AUTO BODY INC COUNTY GENERAL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT PUBLISHING MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES PUBLISHING EQUIPMENT RENTAL TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG, SUPPLIES PUBLISHING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES HANDI-BUS DUES, SUB, REG, PUBLISHING MILEAGE SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG, DATA PROCESSING SUPPLIES MENTAL HEALTH BOARD DISTRICT COURT COSTS COURT COSTS SUPPLIES COURT COSTS COURT COSTS MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES UTILITIES MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS CHEMICALS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES MILEAGE SUPPLIES TRAVEL EXPENSES TRAVEL EXPENSES TRAVEL EXPENSES TRAVEL EXPENSES TRAVEL EXPENSES REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT 7.55 100.00 142.65 19.52 903.75 22.00 4,090.00 46.28 153.15 87.15 32.52 5.39 40.00 63.76 46.00 18.25 191.69 10,838.04 35.00 14.80 152.26 373.19 57.95 80.25 112.00 106.87 819.96 10.61 207.96 47.83 14.00 241.86 470.71 329.60 88.60 9.31 71.50 1,425.00 580.50 91.00 690.50 140.50 40.00 225.00 6,000.00 7,654.64 64.00 53.56 215.00 151.20 229.99 233.32 119.88 200.58 32.00 103.97 49.20 209.27 14.40 270.88 14.40 254.00 17.28 100.75 50.80 250.00 r. SUPERVISORS„ RECORD No. 25 ADAMS CO SHERTFFP REV ADAMS' COUNTY, NEBRASKA M T LFAC' R T & L TOWING LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS 389 50 95.00 291 IR HIE PHILLIPS 66 PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA OMB POLICE SUPPLY GREGG MAGEE CO SHERIFF MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY KENESAW MOTOR CO INC HOGANS SPORTINGS GOODS I HEARTLAND COOP GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV GREAT PLAINS CHRYS DODGE GUN LEATHER LTD FOUR RIVERS SPORTSMAN CL FRONTIER FORD LINC-MERC EAKES OFFICE PLUS CITY OF HASTINGS BIG G COMM HARDWARE BADGER UNIFORMS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV ACME PRINTING ALAMAR UNIFORMS CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY SCH HASTINGS PATH ASSOC PC ELITE COURT REPORTING DOUGLAS CO TREAS BUSINESS & LEGAL REPORTS ADAMS CO SHERIFF SOFTWARE UNLIMITED MARY LANNING MEMORIAL HO HOMETOWN LEASING HASTINGS TRIBUNE HASTINGS POLICE DEPT DAS COMMUNICATIONS ALLTEL 3814 KMART PHARMACY GREAT PLAINS RADIOLOGY HALL CNTY BD OF CORRECTI AURORA APOTHECARY KEITHS PHARMACIES FCMH POOL MEDICAL CLINIC G A MICEK DDS PC ANIMAL CLINIC BARMORE DRUG STORE NADEN'S PHARMACY BERTS REXALL DRUGS ROGERS INC PROTEX CENTRAL INC HAMILTON CO SHERIFF DEPT GUARANTEE ELEC CO INC FRANKLIN COUNTY SHERIFF DERBY INDUSTRIES COMPUTER HARDWARE INC CASH WA CANDY COMPANY ISABEL SMITH MARILYN EVANS ADAMS COUNTY JAIL HASTINGS ORTHOPAEDICS PC HASTINGS RADIOLOGY ASSOC HASTINGS FAMILY PRAC PC NE TECH & TELE INC CULLIGAN MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS QUINLAN PUBLISHING CO IN DARBIE MCMAHON LANDEN PARKS RURAL METRO MEDICAL SERV PEPSI COLA BOTTLING CO MOORE MEDICAL CORP METEORLOGIX PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA KLINGLER MONOGRAM & EMBR EXECUTIVE COPIER SYS INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ALLTEL ADAMS CO HWY DEPT ALLTEL ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES AUTO VALUE -HASTINGS BOSSELMAN INC BOUNDARY DISTRIBUTOR DAC SERV DEPT 177 DIAMOND VOGEL PAINT CENT FLEET PRIDE MATT FRIEND TRUCK EQUIPM GENE'S REPAIR & SALES GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV HASTINGS TRIBUNE LAW ENrURCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT - FUEL RADIO EQUIPMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS MILEAGE EQUIPMENT RENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE EQUIPMENT FUEL LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE DUES, SUB, REG, EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES CONTRACT SERV LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE SUPPLIES MED-HOSP PRISONERS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS PRINTING LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS LAW LIBRARY AUTOPSY COSTS COURT COSTS AUTOPSY COSTS LAW LIBRARY BLOOD TESTS DATA PROCESSING COURT COSTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL JUVENILLE COSTS BLOOD TESTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL TELEPHONE SERVICES MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS LAUNDRY -PRISONERS REPAIRS BOARD OF PRISONERS REPAIRS BOARD OF PRISONERS PROVISIONS & CLOTHING DATA PROCESSING LAW ENF SUPP MATRON FEES MATRON FEES BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS TELEPHONE SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS ALCOHOLIC SAFETY ACTION ALCOHOLIC SAFETY ACTION AMBULANCE COSTS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG, RADIO REPAIR UNIFORM ALLOWANCE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE TELEPHONE REIMBURSEMENT TELEPHONE SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES FUEL GREASE OIL MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES PARTS PARTS REPAIRS TELEPHONE SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENT 60.75 226.25 2,532.71 83.81 126.77 260.00 59.85 113.46 141.50 63.93 73.00 88.88 71.25 170.00 38.44 162.20 3,414.60 17.27 446.72 93.78 229.48 336.00 133.80 152.98 86.00 800.00 323.27 352.27 428.58 30.00 200.00 36.50 562.90 113.44 200.00 550.00 193.84 98.97 152.00 2,709.85 17.60 247.18 251.00 686.00 194.50 231.55 311.13 284.17 33.71 29.35 1,470.00 150.00 3,600.00 1,032.50 120.00 87.23 20.00 20.00 1,675.21 346.00 733.12 752.50 54.03 36.00 1,065.00 167.68 117.85 112.00 98.00 12,500.00 67.30 129.07 567.00 42.00 109.00 25.00 30.24 12`.66 23.35 133.49 260.45 55.16 249.93 5,412.25 87.90 89.70 18.20 231.99 1,524.90 83.98 166.66 9.00 60.15 292 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA HOFFMAN PETROLEUM EQUIP SUPPLIES 48.28 ISLAND SUPPLY JOHNSON CASHWAY LUMBR CO REPAIRS JULLEE JOHNSON CUSTODIAL KINDER MORGAN HEATING FUELS LCL TRUCK EQUIP INC PARTS LINWELD BULK CHAINS MLMH CLINICAL LAB SERV MISCELLANEOUS MICHAEL TODD GRADER BLADES NAPA AUTO PARTS SUPPLIES NE MACHINERY CO PARTS NEBRASKA TRUCK CENTER PARTS O'REILLY AUTO PARTS PARTS OVERHEAD DOOR REPAIRS NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS SIGNS PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA REPAIRS POWER PLAN PARTS RUTTS HEATING & AC REPAIRS SANITARY OUTDOOR SERV IN SUPPLIES SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT ELECTRICITY SQUARE DEAL LUMBER CO REPAIRS WICKS STERLING TRUCKS IN PARTS WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV GARBAGE CURLY'S RADIATOR SERV PARTS NE WEED CONTROL ASSN REG DUES, SUB, REG, BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS SUPPLIES ADAMS COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS ATTRNY FEES JEO MISCELLANEOUS ADAMS CO SHERIFF FEE ACT COURT COSTS COMPUTER HARDWARE INC COURT COSTS PATRICIA LEWIS COURT COSTS SPOUSE ABUSE SEXUAL ASSA DOMESTIC ABUSE REGION III PROG ADM OFFI MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES RSVP LOCAL MATCH PAY FLEX SYSTEMS USA INC MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC POSTAL SERVICES MID NEBR INDIVIDUAL SERV MENTAL RETARDATION SERVICE MEALS ON WHEELS LOCAL MATCH MIDLAND AREA AGENCY AREA AGENCY ON AGING HASTINGS TRIBUNE PUBLISHING HEAD START CHILD & FAMIL CASA HASTINGS ECONOMIC DEV ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT HASTINGS HEAD START HEAD START HASTINGS TRIBUNE COURT COSTS CENTRAL DIST CO OFFICIAL DUES, SUB, REG, SAMUELSON EQUIP CO PARTS KENZ & LESLIE DIST CO EQUIPMENT NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS RETIREMENT MATCH SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN FICA MATCH BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD HEALTH INSURANCE OMAHA LIFE INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE ADAMS COUNTY SUPERVISORS SALARIES ADAMS COUNTY CLERK SALARIES ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER SALARIES REGISTER OF DEEDS SALARIES ADAMS COUNTY ASSESSOR SALARIES PLANNING & ZONING SALARIES DATA PROCESSING SALARIES CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT SALAREIS DISTRICT COURT BAILIFF SALARIES PUBLIC DEFENDER SALARIES MAINTENANCE DEPT SALARIES EXTENSION OFFICE SALARIES MICROFILM DEPT. SALARIES ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF SALARIES ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY SALARIES CORRECTIONS & COMMUNICATIONS SALARIES EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SALARIES ADAMS COUNTY SURVEYOR SALARIES ADAMS COUNTY ROAD DEPT. SALARIES ADAMS COUNTY WEED DEPT SALARIES VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE SALARIES BULK CHAINS 250.73 5.99 25.00 2,114.93 6.00 9.62 60.00 911.87 432.16 3,337.31 697.13 3.49 55.00 2,531.00 39.75 78.07 249.08 150.00 461.79 160.77 81.08 66.86 172.00 15.00 13.02 166.00 1,215.00 350.00 7,972.87 75.00 68.50 131.00 3,616.76 333.34 12.72 3,000.00 2,595.92 666.67 1,018.00 446.63 2,000.00 1,666.67 125.00 85.08 204.00 144.76 599.40 19,071.79 24,506.17 78,412.28 782.76 7,210.00 11,119.50 25,919.21 7,366.80 19,478.71 1,848.82 5,921.50 14,292.24 2,082.78 12,693.28 11,270.49 3,231.56 2,022.92 54,925.46 27,072.14 46,282.00 3,307.47 257.50 66,678.20 3,412.94 5,652.32 COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS ADAMS COUNTY VISITORS BUREAU SALARIES 2,534.23 NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS RETIREMENT MATCH 158.24 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN FICA MATCH 180.09 BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD HEALTH INSURANCE 686.39 OMAHA LIFE INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE 5.93 CJ'S SALES REPAIR 52.50 EAKES OFFICE PLUS SUPPLIES 49.99 ANN ROHAN SUPPLIES 18.88 HASTINGS UTILITIES UTILITIES 202.21 CITY OF HASTINGS TELEPHONE SERVICES 1.45 VISA POSTAL SERVICES 98.60 ADAMS CO TELECOMMUNICATI TELEPHONE SERVICES 25.20 WORLDCOM TELEPHONE SERVICES 45.59 RELIEF - MEDICAL LIVINGSTON BUTLER- COUNTY BURIALS 1,250.00 MARIETTA ANSTINE RENT 210.00 HOME PROPERTIES RENT 220.00 ROBERT SHELBURNE SR RENT 150.00 EDWARD MUCKLOW RENT 162.00 SMITTY'S ENTERPRISES INC RENT 210.00 ALAN WITTE MACY KB;N1161.84 RENT 210.00 COUNTY LIBRARY RETIRMENT MATCH 114.99 FICA MATCH 227.87 HEALTH INSURANCE 402.52 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5.93 SALARIES 3,028.82 MISCELLANEOUS 2.91 LIBRARY 1,938.29 INHERITANCE TAX HISTORICAL SOC 722.50 MISC CAP OUTLAY 50,000.00 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES REPAIR 100.00 EMERGENCY PHONE 120.12 EMERGENCY PHONE 1,709.97 INTENSIVE SUPERVISION PROBATION BUDGET TELEPHONE SERVICES 42.99 SUPPLIES 219.13 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 79.00 NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN BLUE CROOS/BLUE SHIELD OMAHA LIFE INSURANCE ADAMS COUNTY LIBRARY CONSUMERS SERVICE CO INC BAKER & TAYLOR INC ADAMS CO HISTORICAL SOC DORAN D HAUSSLER ALLTEL ALLTEL ALLTEL DAS COMMUNICATIONS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS MODERN METHODS INC This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. \c Chrisella Lewis County Clerk Larry Woodman Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 17, 2003 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing motor vehicle exemption applications with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were'. Kehoe, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Also present were County Clerk Lewis, Attorney Hamilton and Jan Timm representing the Treasurer. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hynes to approve the motor vehicle exemption application for Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital for one additional vehicle. Roll call, ayes: Kehoe, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Murman and Larson, absent. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Kehoe, Hynes, Johnson, Neumann and woodman. Nays, none. Murman and Larson, absent. This Board is now adjourned subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis County Clerk Beverly Johnson Deputy Larry Woodman Chairman k.e-Ly, • COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday March 2, 2004 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as circulated. Kehoe reported that the Buildings and Grounds Committee met this morning and reviewed bids for plumbing and carpentry at the Emergency Protective Shelter. They also discussed refreshing the sign on the Courthouse Annex building. Johnson attended the hearing on LB 1083 in Lincoln and also the Buildings and Grounds meeting. 294 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Neumann attended the Drug Court graduation in Kearney on February 19th. There were 19 graduates from 3 or 4 counties. He also attended the hearing on LB 1083 and the Midland Area Agency on Aging meeting where they had election of officers. They will also be doing an orientation on March 16th for new employees. Murman attended the Chamber of Commerce meeting where they reviewed the annual meeting. He attended the hearing on LB 1083 and a Mid Nebraska Individual Services meeting. The new construction in Broken Bow is going well and the operations have moved to a temporary location as the owner of the building they were in raised the rent to $4500.00 a month. He also attended an HEDC meeting and a meeting of the South Central Economic Development District. There will be more discussion on SCEDD later in the meeting. He also attended the coffee with Senator Burling. Woodman attended the hearing on LB 1083 and an LEPC meeting. Woodman told the Board he had received a communication from Kathy Colburn regarding an appointment to the Planning Commission. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hynes to appoint William "Key" Monroe to serve as the representative from Roseland to the Planning Commission for a term of three years to expire March 2, 2007. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Murman told the Board that the South Central Economic Development District is discussing dues for the member counties. It has been decided that the dues will be based on population according to the last census, however it hasn't been determined how much per person will be assessed. The discussion has gone anywhere from 60 cents per person to 10 cents per person. He was asking for input from the Board members. He does not think it should be over 20 cents as some of the larger counties may not remain as members. Neumann stated he felt that somewhere between 10 and 20 cents would be appropriate. Johnson stated he was supportive of the district and thought 20 cents seems possible. Woodman felt 20 cents or less would be fine. Murman stated he was appreciative of their input. Johnson stated that the Adams County Convention & Visitors Bureau has received correspondence requesting funding for the Route 6 Nebraska Travel Association. The ACCVB was wondering if the county would fund the project. Johnson is of the opinion that the ACCVB should provide the funding if they want to be included in the Association. After a brief discussion, the rest of the Board members agreed with him. Woodman asked if the rest of the Board had seen the letter from the Extension Office commending the maintenance staff regarding the snow removal. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Murman to send a note to the maintenance staff regarding their good work of snow removal and to place copies of the letter from the Extension Office in their personnel files. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. At 10:00 AM the Board conducted a public hearing regarding amendments to the County Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Regulations about kennels. Kathy Colburn, Planning Administrator, presented some opening remarks as information. Woodman declared the hearing open and asked those wishing to speak to step forward. Brad Moncrief of 1239 N Burlington, Hastings, NE, stated that he did not wish to speak for or against the matter but had an interest in the issue since he represented Laura Zade, whose request for a Conditional Use Permit for a kennel had been denied by the Board. He asked if it was the intent of the Board to make the definitions regarding kennels so restrictive that there virtually could not be any kennels in Adams County. From the testimony regarding the Zade's request, it appears that the problem is the sound issue. He commented that four non livestock animals of any kind could produce significant noise. There was much discussion amongst the Board regarding the restriction of four cats requiring a kennel and areas of the county where kennels could be located. Woodman declared the hearing closed. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Johnson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04- 03-02.1 amending the Adams County Comprehensive Plan regarding kennels in the county and to change the number of cats from four to six. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Murman to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04- 03-02.2 amending the Adams County Zoning Regulations regarding kennels in the county and to change the number of cats from four to six. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to move to Board of Equalization for motor vehicle exemption applications. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Board of Equalization at 10:35 AM. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to approve claims and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. SUPERVISOR RECORD No. 25 ADAMS{ , NEBRASKA 295 and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to move to Executive Session for litigation. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Executive Session at 10:42 AM. Motion by Murman, seconded by Johnson to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 11:05 AM. Motion by Murman, seconded by Hynes to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the lease purchase agreement for the property at 500 N Denver Ave. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. The Board conducted their quarterly jail inspection prior to recessing. NE SUPREME COURT ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTW MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC LOCKWOOD COMPANY INC DUGAN BUSINESS FORMS R L POLK CO NATL PEN CORP MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC HOMETOWN LEASING BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ALLTEL GREENBRIER GRAPHICS LLC MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC EXECUTIVE COPIER SYS INC DAS COMMUNICATIONS EAKES OFFICE PLUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS MARY STUEHM RODNEY L POKORSKI MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC JIM KUHN AARON HYDE EAKES OFFICE PLUS ADAMS CO HWY DEPT ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC ISSOLUTIONS INC COMPUTER CONSULTANTS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS EAKES OFFICE PLUS CLK OF SUPREME COURT MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC LETITIA E WHITTEMORE FRANKLIN CO TREASURER FRANKLIN CO TREASURER PLATTE COUNTY COURT NE CO COURT ASSOCIATION WALMART ORTHMANN'S PHOTOGRAPHY NORTHEAST NEBR JUVENILE EAKES OFFICE PLUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT THAYER COUNTY COURT BRADLEY WHITE & ASSOC PC ARTHUR TOOGOOD PUB DEF ADAMS COUNTY COURT ISABEL SMITH CONWAY, PAULEY & JOHNSON SEILER, PARKER P.C. VISA GUARANTEE ELEC CO INC OKEEFE ELEVATOR CO INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS KELLY SUPPLY CO DAS COMMUNICATIONS DAS COMMUNICATIONS ALLTEL ALLTEL ALLTEL SCHMADER ELEC CO INC CITY OF HASTINGS LOREN UDEN HC CLEANING EXECUTIVE COPIER SYS INC CITICORP VENDOR FINANCE BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS PRESTO X COMP GALLS INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS CRESCENT ELECTRIC SHELLY BODEN ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES COUNTY GENERAL PRINTING PRINTING COPIER SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL DATA PROCESSING` EQUIPMENT RENTAL MISCELLANEOUS PRINTING SUPPLIES REPAIR TRAVEL EXPENSES TRAVEL EXPENSES OFFICE EQUIPMENT MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES CAR REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS DATA PROCESSING DATA PROCESSING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES COURT COSTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS DUES, SUB, REG, COURT COSTS MISCELLANEOUS JUVENILE CARE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES COURT COSTS COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES REIMBURSEMENT COURT COSTS COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES EQUIPMENT REPAIR REPAIRS SUPPLIES REPAIRS EQUIPMENT RENTAL NET COM TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS TELEPHONE TRAVEL EXPENSES MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE 56.75 3,798.24 232.10 386.46 494.73 56.00 143.19 232.10 87.15 530.46 108.52 200.00 230.00 208.70 5.00 66.45 1,008.00 21.16 79.25 130.00 10.00 10.00 53.28 60.77 24.71 500.00 211.25 647.67 206.99 61.00 290.00 203.50 13.14 12.32 10.20 25.00 15.46 112.50 962.50 15.77 103.82 750.00 12.25 210.00 1,638.65 332.75 60.00 285.15 565.00 320.00 236.58 299.26 37.88 124.92 550.00 649.36 2,498.32 129.70 808.18 375.00 21.16 125.25 200.00 25.00 125.00 25.00 21.00 38.47 15.99 12.36 36.41 12.66 2965 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ALLTEL TELEPHONE 214.00 VISA NEER HEALTH LABORATORY HASTINGS POLICE DEPT CHARITY HANSEN ADAMS CO SHERIFF CENTRAL NE DRUG COURT BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ASPEN PUBLISHERS INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS KEARNEY CO TREASURER MINDEN OFFICE SUPPLY EXECUTIVE COPIER SYS INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS K MART ADAMS CO CLERK ALLTEL PHELPS CO TREASURER JOHNSON'S WATER INC HASTINGS UTILITIES EAKES OFFICE PLUS LEVANDER AUTOMOTIVE SERV GREGG MAGEE CO SHERIFF ELECTRONICS SERVICE (93) ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV JOHN RUST PRIMEDIA WORKPLACE LEARN JAMES KONEN III G NEIL COMPANIES FARMERS UNION COOP GAS ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV WEST GROUP PAUL SPADY OLDS BUICK S&S AUTO REPAIR MONTY MCCORD LAW ENFORCEMENT ACCESSOR KERR CHEVROLET CO KUSTOM SIGNALS INC J & B MOBILE LOCK SERV CANDO ADAMS CO HWY DEPT PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA BADGER UNIFORMS RADIOSHACK CORP ALLTEL ALLTEL BIG G COMM HARDWARE BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS MEMORIAL HEATH CLINIC PLUM CREEK MEDICAL GROUP CENTRAL PLAINS LAB STATE OF NEBR KEITHS PHARMACIES BERT'S REXALL DRUGS ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ADAMS COUNTY JAIL ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV KIM THAYER SO CENT BEHAVIORAL SERV MODERN METHODS INC DAWSON CO SHERIFF BRAD M CONSBRUCK BIG G COMM HARDWARE WILLIAMS EXTERMINATING I CHAD SUMMERS KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPL KELLY SUPPLY CO HASTINGS FAMILY PRAC PC MARILYN EVANS COMPUTER HARDWARE INC CLAY CENTER JERRY SPADY PONT CAD INC OMB POLICE SUPPLY OMB POLICE SUPPLY ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC ALEXANDER HAMILTON INSTI CASH WA CANDY COMPANY MARY LANNING MEMORIAL HO SAMUELSON EQUIP CO STERLING L FASTENAU MID NEBRASKA LUBRICANTS WELLS FARGO CARD SERV STEWART PLUMBING & HEATI QUILL CORP POWER PLAN PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA LINDA PARR PACIFIC SAFETY SUPPLY IN NEBRASKA TRUCK CENTER NAPA AUTO PARTS MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC MAJOR OIL SALES MAINELLI WAG & ASSOC INC CORONER COS1S COURT COSTS BLOOD TESTS COURT COSTS BLOOD TESTS PHYSICAL EXAMS SUPPLIES LAW LIBRARY SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT MILEAGE RADIO REPAIR DUES, SUB, REG, UNIFORM ALLOWANCE CONTRACT SERV UNIFORM ALLOWANCE PRINTING EQUIPMENT REIMBUESEMENT DUES, SUB, REG, TRAVEL EXPENSES EQUIPMENT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS CONTRACT SERV FUEL RADIO REPAIR UNIFORM ALLOWANCE LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS BOARD OF PRISONERS MERIT COMMISSION EXP EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MISCELLANEOUS BOARD OF PRISONERS LAW ENF SUPP UNIFORM ALLOWANCE MED-HOSP PRISONERS OFFICE EQUIPMENT BOARD OF PRISONERS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE LAW ENF SUPP MISCELLANEOUS TRAVEL EXPENSES LAW ENF SUPP LAW ENF SUPP MED-HOSP PRISONERS MATRON FEES DATA PROCESSING MED-HOSP PRISONERS TRAVEL EXPENSES LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE MED-HOSP PRISONERS MERIT COMMISSION EXP SUPPLIES MED-HOSP PRISONERS RD EQ REP PARTS MISCELLANEOUS FUEL SUPPLIES REPAIRS SUPPLIES REPAIRS RADIO REPAIR CUSTODIAL SIGNS REPAIRS SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES SPECIAL FEES 112.94 132.03 300.00 20.48 60.00 5,000.00 399.06 190.31 81.49 76.00 24.18 46.00 48.23 324.02 48.44 85.56 111.25 125.81 20.00 963.32 429.31 250.00 417.15 21.39 927.80 35.00 576.00 35.00 74.11 73.75 558.00 175.00 24.02 112.95 457.00 90.50 594.84 252.81 100.00 7,000.00 2,916.06 217.62 523.27 112.62 52.87 23.15 153.22 109.02 56.00 49.00 48.30 9,181.07 548.83 37.63 42.12 2,566.57 145.45 35.00 400.00 1,574.00 2,520.00 35.00 21.98 40.00 72.90 11.83 81.12 130.00 30.00 26.38 175.00 24.56 32.97 74.99 172.07 55.70 137.39 4,145.58 215.50 55.00 3,328.00 46.74 70.55 133.06 698.00 109.05 25.00 340.46 182.05 530.42 230.00 431.75 382.50 • SUPERVISE ADAMS COU: :ORD No. 25 B RASKA 297 LCL TRUCK EQUIP INC & STEEL SUPPL SUPPLIES 311.98 1LEPAIRS KINDER MORGAN HEATING FUELS KELLY SUPPLY CO BULK CHAINS JULLEE JOHNSON CUSTODIAL ISLAND SUPPLY REPAIRS MATT FRIEND TRUCK EQUIPM REPAIRS FLEET PRIDE SUPPLIES DELKEN PRESS SUPPLIES ORSCHELN FARM & HOME SMALL TOOLS CONSUMERS SERVICE CO INC HEATING FUELS CENTAUR ENTERPRISES INC SUPPLIES BIG G COMM HARDWARE SUPPLIES AUTO VALUE -HASTINGS REPAIRS ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES SUPPLIES ALLTEL TELEPHONE SERVICES ADAMS CO HWY DEPT REIMBURSEMENT DELKEN PRESS SUPPLIES CENTRAL COMMUNITY COLLEG DUES, SUB, REG, ALLTEL COURT COSTS PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC POSTAL SERVICES ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV COURT COSTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS RELIEF MEDICAL ALAN WITTE RENT 210.00 NEBRASKALAND PARTNERS RENT 210.00 ROBERT SHELBURNE SR RENT 150.00 INSTITUTIONS HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES PATIENT CARE 2,206.55 COUNTY LIBRARY SCHOLASTIC LIBRARY LIBRARY 134.58 RECORDED BOOKS LIBRARY 954.20 QUALITY BOOKS INC LIBRARY 1,781.30 MIDWEST LIBRARY SERVICE LIBRARY 24.05 HASTINGS PUBLIC LIBRARY MISCELLANEOUS 500.00 THE GALE GROUP LIBRARY 47.70 JIM DELGADO MISCELLANEOUS 100.00 BAKER & TAYLOR INC LIBRARY 1,102.18 ALLTEL MISCELLANEOUS 13.33 COMMUNITY DEVELOP BLK GRANT FUND KENT GILBERT REIMBURSEMENT 40.66 SANDRY FIRE SUPPLY EQUIPMENT 7,425.00 ADAMS CO AG SOCIETY RENT 675.00 OSSI SUPPLIES 375.50 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY SUPPLIES 186.60 W S DARLEY & CO SUPPLIES 523.90 ELVIN SAFETY SUPPLY INC SUPPLIES 2,042.36 WOLFE CYCLE SPORTS EQUIPMENT 6,800.00 VIDEO KINGDOM EQUIPMENT 630.00 PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA EQUIPMENT 3,849.00 LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIP CO EQUIPMENT 1,890.00 HEIMAN FIRE EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT 3,854.97 DELL MARKETING LP COMPUTER 1,881.13 CITY OF HASTINGS EQUIPMENT 9,000.00 ACCESS DATA CORP EQUIPMENT 5,165.00 INHERITANCE TAX WEST GROUP LIBRARY 2,591.16 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES ALLTEL EMERGENCY PHONE 55.62 PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA REPAIRS 129.00 INTENSIVE SUPERVISION PROBATION BUDGET 153.19 231.47 49.92 25.00 362.20 354.88 32.97 432.00 29.98 49.50 134.84 36.32 302.59 55.16 48.30 63.31 18.00 160.00 165.56 3,000.00 1,644.44 166.00 207.50 41.50 COMPUTER HARDWARE INC MODERN METHODS INC DAS COMMUNICATIONS QWEST EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT RENTAL TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis County Clerk Beverly Johnson Deputy • odman 1,403.00 79.00 43.01 14.88 COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 2, 2004 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing motor vehicle exemption applications with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Also present were County Clerk Lewis, Deputy Attorney Hamilton and Jan Timm representing the County Treasurer. 298 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA P. Nays, none. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Larson to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis Larry Wlhodman County Clerk Chairman Beverly Johns Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday March 16, 2004 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Hynes & Larson were absent Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes and Larson, absent. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as circulated. Murman attended a South Central District Health meeting. They are considering budgeting for a grant writer as there are grants available from public and private foundations. They anticipate an expenditure of about $50,000.00. He stated that he would appreciate input from the Board members. Neumann attended a Library Board meeting on March 8t'. They are discussing transferring three county employees to the city payroll. He also attended a Senior Services meeting, Planning & Zoning meeting and a Combined Services Committee meeting. Johnson reported that there wasn't an Adams County Convention and Visitors Bureau meeting this month but he did attend a personnel committee meeting. Kehoe attended two CASA meetings but there was no quorum at either meeting so they will have to reschedule. He reported that the Combined Services Committee discussed the landfill and heard a report from the Emergency Management Director. Woodman also attended the Combined Services meeting and reported that Steve Kisner from the National Weather Service stated that Adams County has again been designated a Storm Ready county. Judy Hoch, WAGS chairman, presented information to the Board regarding the WAGS project and asked for funding for the project from the county and outlying communities. Penny Pratt, vice president in charge of education for WAGS, told the Board that she is a certified trainer for assistance dogs and the shelter has been supplying dogs for a program called Paws Up. They have placed seven animals from the shelter with people with special needs. Woodman asked if the county provides $5000.00 of funding to WAGS would it be on top of the $5000.00 we are currently paying to the city for sheltering of animals. Hoch stated that the amount of funding is negotiable but if they are to keep an animal for 7 to 10 days there would need to be some compensation. Police Chief Thoren reported that the city has probably picked up 5 to 10 per cent of the county animals brought to the shelter and that 90 to 95 per cent was for sheltering. The Board said they would have to take the request under consideration. At 10:00 AM the Board held a public hearing for amendments to the County Comprehensive Plan. Planning Administrator, Kathy Colburn, presented information regarding case 04-03.1, a request from Lillian Herman by Gaylen Rainforth to amend the comp plan for 12.7 acres from agricultural to residential. She presented information from Orval Stahr, the county's consultant, that this application does not meet the county comp plan. Tom Krueger, surveyor for JEO, told the Board that he had prepared the plat for Rainforth and the property is zoned agriculture but is residential in nature as housing already exists in the area. He asked the Board to consider the amendment. The Board had questions of Krueger regarding Pawnee Creek and access to the property. No one else appeared and the hearing was closed. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Johnson to deny the application of Lillian Herman by Gaylen Rainforth to amendment the County Comprehensive Plan, case 04-03.1 on the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the fact that this would be spot zoning. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes and Larson, absent. 299 ' - ' .....• - - - - - " __.._..,_• - _-..._ • ... . ... - 1 . .__�... - . - by Gaylen Rainforth. No one appeared to speak for or against and the hearing was closed. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Kehoe to deny the application to change the zoning map, case 04-03.2, applicant Lillian Herman by Gaylen Rainforth. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes and Larson, absent. Colburn presented case 04-03.3, amendment to the County Comprehensive Plan regarding billboard regulations. The public hearing was opened. Johnson asked if there were changes in the regulations other than the placement of billboards and setbacks. Tam Babcock, Hastings Planning and Developmental Director, explained the new restrictions. Woodman asked if the city and county's regulations would now dovetail. Babcock responded that they would almost verbatim. No one else appeared and the hearing was closed. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Neumann to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04-03- 16.1 amending the County Comprehensive Plan regarding billboard regulations, case 04-03-3. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes and Larson, absent. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04- 03-16.2 changing the county zoning map regarding billboard regulations, case 04-03.4. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes and Larson, absent. Motion by Murman, seconded by Kehoe to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04-03- 16.3, repealing the Billboard Moratorium. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes and Larson, absent. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Murman to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the administrative plat for the Pavelka-Marshall subdivision. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes and Larson, absent. Mike Wassinger of McDermott and Miller presented the 2002-2003 county audit to the Board. He stated that financial statements presented fairly. He noted one exception and that being that we do not report any fixed assets. Our audit is a cash in - cash out basis which is acceptable. He noted that next year the GASB 34 requirements will change some things. Ted Schroeder of Borley Tri -City Shredding presented information to the Board about shredding services that are available to the County by his company. It was decided that the information should be shared with other county officials before making a decision. Dawn Miller, Highway Superintendent, told the Board she has received a request from AGP to transfer a portion of 7th street from Blaine Ave. west to the BNSF right of way. Mark Sandeen and Mark Ditsworth of AGP told the Board they were interested in trying to relieve the congestion of trucks on 7th Street by widening the street for a staging area for trucks to allow two way traffic to continue to flow. The Board asked how Werner's would continue to access their property along 7th Street. Sandeen told the Board that he has spoken with Phil Werner and they would be satisfied with granting of an easement to continue to use the road. Murman stated that from a safety stand point it is a worthwhile request to consider. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Murman to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04-03- 16.4 authorizing a study of 7th Street from Blaine Ave west to the BNSF right of way for consideration of abandonment. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes and Larson, absent. The Board recessed for 5 minutes at 11:30 AM. Dawn Miller presented a flood plain permit for approval for bridge project C1-321. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Johnson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the flood plain permit for bridge construction project C1-321. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes and Larson, absent. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to approve claims and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes and Larson, absent. Motion by Murman, seconded by Kehoe to approve Miscellaneous Receipts for February in the amount of $507,595.36. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes and Larson, absent. Motion by Murman, seconded by Johnson to accept officer's reports from the Register of Deeds and the County Clerk for the month of February. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes and Larson, absent. 300 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes and Larson, absent. Entered Executive Session at 11:40 AM. Motion by Neumann , seconded by Johnson to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes and Larson, absent. Returned to regular session at 12:40 PM. VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC ADAMS CO REG OF DEEDS CHRISELLA LEWIS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS MORRIS PRESS HASTINGS TRIBUNE BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ISSOLUTIONS INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC KERR CHEVROLET CO ADAMS CO HWY DEPT KATHY COLBURN HASTINGS TRIBUNE STATE OF NEBR COMPUTER CONSULTANTS ALLTEL CLK OF SUPREME COURT KORTINI E OTT AMANDA M CARMEN EAKES OFFICE PLUS ADAMS CO CLK OF DIST CRT EAKES OFFICE PLUS NATL AUDIO COMPANY INC LIBERTY CLEANERS JOHNSON'S WATER INC EILEENS COLOSSAL COOKIES HOMETOWN LEASING BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT FRANKLIN CO TREASURER SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS ADAMS COUNTY COURT LANGVRDT & VALLE PC RURAL METRO MEDICAL SERV WEST -LITE CORPORATION WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV HASTINGS UTILITIES OKEEFE ELEVATOR CO INC MONTY MALOUF JR & ASSOC DUTTON LAINSON CO UNIVERSITY OF NE SEREC WALMART UNIVERSITY OF NE -LINCOLN VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS RON SEYMOUR RELIABLE ADELINE JOHNSON EXECUTIVE COPIER SYS INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS SUSAN BROWN VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC ALLTEL ALLTEL COMPUTER HARDWARE INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS WEST GROUP VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC SOFTWARE UNLIMITED NE SUPREME COURT HASTINGS POLICE DEPT HOMETOWN LEASING HASTINGS TRIBUNE EAKES OFFICE PLUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS CO ATTORNEYS OFFIC ADAMS CO SHERIFF NE TECH & TELE INC NOTARY PUBLIC UNDERWRITE VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC LANDEN PARKS DARBIE MCMAHON MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC MINDEN OFFICE SUPPLY EAKES OFFICE PLUS K MART BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS JOHNSON'S WATER INC JEFF DIXON PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA PHILLIPS 66 COUNTY GENERAL SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PUBLISHING REPAIRS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT REPAIRS REPAIRS MILEAGE PUBLISHING DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT DUES, SUB, REG, COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS SUPPLIES COURT COSTS COURT COSTS SUPPLIES COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES COURT COSTS COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES AMBULANCE COSTS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES REPAIRS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES MILEAGE REPAIRS SUPPLIES - OFFICE TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES LAW LIBRARY SUPPLIES DATA PROCESSING COURT COSTS BLOOD TESTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL JUVENILLE COSTS COURT COSTS SUPPLIES COURT COSTS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS BLOOD TESTS TELEPHONE SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES ALCOHOLIC SAFETY ALCOHOLIC SAFETY EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS MILEAGE RADIO REPAIR LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS 198.52 15.50 42.76 13.23 258.46 2,420.12 111.53 2,028.00 8.86 56.50 130.00 183.59 62.69 243.39 43.85 41.20 931.50 174.16 61.00 57.00 57.00 169.48 3,766.52 256.01 142.65 21.64 24.00 8.25 470.71 37.59 500.00 25.36 1,492.50 1,928.25 11.00 9,660.08 12,500.00 662.40 200.58 2,581.37 1,995.00 490.14 102.10 2,275.00 44.93 57.50 109.30 112.75 178.98 12.75 88.50 385.36 53.38 55.01 54.97 195.32 922.00 12.99 15.00 418.87 200.00 242.89 200.00 562.90 340.31 211.93 36.19 112.75 3,000.00 30.00 51.76 77.50 108.70 98.00 98.00 355.00 13.18 24.95 107.64 129.06 19.00 24.30 225.71 208.77 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 PPTMF]")TA WORKPTJ rT T.,ADM ADAMS .COUNTS?, NEBRASKA OLD MARKET FIREARMS DUES, qUn, BFc', LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS 576. 301 29.00 GRN;GG MAGN;E CU SHERIN'N MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY LAW ENFORCEMENT ACCESSOR IN THE LINE OF DUTY INC GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV FARMERS UNION COOP GAS DAY TIMERS INC COMPUTER HARDWARE INC ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV BLACK HILLS AMMUNITION ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC ADAMS CO HWY DEPT ADAMS CO SHERIFF ALLTEL PHELPS COUNTY SHERIFF NADEN'S PHARMACY MIKE'S MEDI-SAVE PHARMAC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL G A MICEK DDS PC JUSTEX SYSTEMS INC FRANKLIN COUNTY SHERIFF MARILYN EVANS CORNHUSKER STATE IND BUFFALO CO SHERIFF OFF BIG G COMM HARDWARE JERRY SPADY PONT CAD INC RINDER PRINTING CO ADAMS COUNTY JAIL JEFFERSON CO SHERIFF BARMORE DRUG STORE AURORA APOTHECARY ACME PRINTING SUNMART PHARMACY VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC KERR CHEVROLET CO KENESAW MOTOR CO INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS KEITHS PHARMACIES CASH WA CANDY COMPANY RHOMAR INDUSTRIES INC JULLEE JOHNSON ZEE MEDICAL SERV WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV TRI CITY OVERHEAD DOOR SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA NE SALT & GRAIN CO NE MACHINERY CO NAPA AUTO PARTS MID NEBRASKA LUBRICANTS MICHAEL TODD & LINWELD KINDER MORGAN KERR CHEVROLET CO KENZ & LESLIE DIST CO KENESAW MOTOR CO INC KELLY SUPPLY CO ISLAND SUPPLY HASTINGS UTILITIES HASTINGS TRIBUNE GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO FASTENAL COMPANY FARMERS UNION COOP GAS FAIRBANKS INTERNATIONAL DIAMOND VOGEL PAINT CENT DELKEN PRESS CONSUMERS SERVICE CO INC CENTAUR ENTERPRISES INC BOSSELMAN INC AUTO VALUE -HASTINGS ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ALLTEL ADAMS CO SHERIFF FEE ACT ALLTEL ADAMS CO SENIOR SERV MARVIN HARTMAN PAY FLEX SYSTEMS USA INC HASTINGS TRIBUNE REGION III PROG ADM OFFI BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS HASTINGS ECONOMIC DEV HEAD START CHILD & FAMIL HASTINGS HEAD START MIDLAND AREA AGENCY SPOUSE ABUSE SEXUAL ASSA RSVP MID NEBR INDIVIDUAL SERV MEALS ON WHEELS ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT MILEAGE EQUIPMENT RENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS FUEL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS MED-HOSP PRISONERS FUEL DUES CONTRACT SERV BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS DUES, SUB, REG, BOARD OF PRISONERS MATRON FEES PROVISIONS & CLOTHING BOARD OF PRISONERS LAW ENF SUPP TRAVEL EXPENSES PRINTING & PUBLISHING BOARD OF PRISONERS - FOOD BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS PRINTING MED-HOSP PRISONERS PRINTING EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES MED-HOSP PRISONERS LAUNDRY -PRISONERS MISCELLANEOUS CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES GARBAGE REPAIRS ELECTRICITY RADIO REPAIR MISCELLANEOUS REPAIR PARTS SUPPLIES FUEL GRADER BLADES BULK CHAINS HEATING FUELS REPAIRS PARTS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS PARTS REPAIR PARTS BULK CHAINS ELECTRICITY ADVERITSEMENT TELEPHONE SERVICES EQUIPMENT FUEL REPAIR PARTS REPAIRS SUPPLIES HEATING FUELS SUPPLIES FUEL REPAIR PARTS JANITORIAL SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES COURT COSTS COURT COSTS HANDI-BUS RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONS MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS PUBLISHING MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES SUPPLIES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CASA HEAD START AREA AGENCY ON AGING DOMESTIC ABUSE LOCAL MATCH MENTAL RETARDATION SERVICE LOCAL MATCH COUNTY COURT COSTS COUNTY COURT COSTS COUNTY COURT COSTS COUNTY COURT COSTS 174.96 260.00 212.45 70.50 95.00 7.50 108.85 25.98 59.90 591.41 209.50 97.08 2,575.31 2,000.00 37.46 2,025.00 533.21 24.88 205.50 143.00 129.00 2,950.00 20.00 279.00 4,005.00 28.47 20.01 93.47 2,409.74 1,000.00 173.30 64.21 125.75 72.54 118.59 118.83 374.18 143.13 704.75 148.01 1,471.03 50.00 39.00 66.86 375.00 467.75 64.50 1,217.24 2,022.91 706.90 6,822.00 911.66 9.08 2,517.63 60.28 599.40 42.81 22.80 111.43 630.55 115.62 166.86 663.06 94.15 217.13 10.42 75.00 89.10 104.85 5,730.00 963.02 55.16 212.54 6,853.67 164.04 8,910.64 23.08 76.32 252.26 3,616.76 939.60 1,666.67 2,000.00 125.00 1,018.00 131.00 333.34 2,595.92 666.67 332.00 41.50 41.50 41.50 302 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA OVERHEAD DOOR KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPL WORLDCOM HASTINGS UTILITIES RELIABLE QUILL CORP MODERN METHODS INC CITY OF HASTINGS CJ'S SALES ADAMS CO TELECOMMUNICATI KEITHS PHARMACIES RADER REAL ESTATE SMITTY'S ENTERPRISES INC CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES MARIETTA ANSTINE KATHY NASH HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES REGIONAL BOOKS RECORDED BOOKS THE GALE GROUP BAKER & TAYLOR INC ADAMS CO HISTORICAL SOC USDA, APHIS, WILDLIFE SE EDWARD J SCHLACHTER/ ZIEMBA ROOFING INC ALLTEL DICTAPHONE CORPORATION BUILDING REPAIR EQUIPMENT 116.89 COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS TELEPHONE SERVICES UTILITIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL TELEPHONE SERVICES REPAIR TELEPHONE SERVICES RELIEF - MEDICAL RENT RENT RENT RENT RENT RENT INSTITUTIONS PATIENT COUNTY LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY INHERITANCE FUND HISTORICAL SOC CONTRACT PAYMENT COURTHOUSE BUILDING MISC CAP OUTLAY ESCROW HOLDING FUND MISCELLANEOUS 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES EMERGENCY PHONE REPAIRS This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis County Clerk Beverly Johnsdh Deputy Larry odman Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday April 6, 2004 32.00 27.51 220.76 56.04 75.96 225.00 89.41 140.00 26.50 10.40 250.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 1,030.53 307.83 1,081.35 228.33 541.84 722.50 1,809.50 99,882.00 26,703.00 1,848.91 1,675.00 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Motion by Larson, seconded by Hynes that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as circulated. Kehoe reported that the Buildings and Grounds Committee has met a couple times about the use of the Annex Building but no final decisions have been made yet. They will probably have a recommendation at the next Board meeting. He attended the Emergency Management training session at the Holiday Inn. Last Thursday he attended the state Planning and Zoning meeting where he received an award. Johnson also attended the Buildings and Grounds committee meetings. Hynes attended a Region III meeting in Grand Island on March 26th. Neumann attended a NACO meeting in Kearney on the 18th, a Midland Area Agency on the Aging meeting last Thursday and the Planning and Zoning meeting last night. Larson also attended the MAAA meeting. Murman attended a Chamber of Commerce meeting. The new building is going up and the target date for completion is June 1st. He also attended an HEDC meeting and the Buildings and Grounds meetings. Woodman attended a meeting regarding the regional center a week ago last Thursday. Last Friday he inspected a facility at the NAD regarding economic development funds and he also attended a DARE graduation. SUPERVISORS RECO RD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 303 stated that they currently have the funding to help 188 juveniles who have been documented as needing services from WeCAN but they are currently having difficulty cutting through the red tape and getting cooperation amongst the various agencies that are needed to help these juveniles. Motion by Murman, seconded by Johnson to move to Executive Session for contract updates and personnel matters. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Executive Session at 9:50 AM. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Neumann to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 10:55AM. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to move to Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing real estate exemption applications. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Board of Equalization at 10:55 AM. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Kehoe to re -appoint Jim Kostal to the Planning Commission. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Murman read a resolution supporting Grand Island and Kearney airports efforts in getting federal essential air service funds. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04- 04-06.1 supporting Essential Air Service funding efforts by Grand Island and Kearney airports. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Complete resolution on file in the County Clerk's office. Ardella Rold, Senior Services Director, asked the Board to approve an agreement with the Nebraska Dept of Roads for the purchase of a new handibus. The new vehicle will cost $18,039.00 and Adams County portion of that cost is $3608.00, less than the amount that had been budgeted for. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Johnson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract with the Nebraska Dept of Roads for the purchase of a new handibus. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Rold also presented the Application for Transportation Assistance for budget year 2004-2005. It shows a 23% increase in Adams County's funding. Motion by Murman, seconded by Kehoe that the Adams County portion of the Application for Transportation Assistance for 2004-2005 should not increase over 10% of the county's contribution in 2003-2004. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Larson, seconded by Neumann to approve Resolution 04-04-06.2 authorizing the County Clerk to submit the application for federal transportation funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Complete resolution on file in the County Clerk's office. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Neumann to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the renewal of the contract for administration of handibus services with Adams County Senior Services. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Kehoe to approve submission of an application for replacement of a vehicle for Senior Services in the 2004-2005 budget year with 20% to be funded by Adams County. Roll call, ayes: Roll call, ayes: Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, Murman. Dawn Miller, Highway Superintendent, presented a study on the abandonment of 7th St from Blaine Ave west to the Union Pacific right of way. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to approve Resolution 04-04-06.3 calling for a public hearing on May 4, 2004 at 10:00 AM for abandonment of East 7th St west of Blaine Ave to the Union Pacific Right of way. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Complete resolution on file in the County Clerk's office. Kehoe told the Board that a radio at the Communications Center is broken and needs to be replaced. The cost of replacement is $900.00. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Larson to allow up to $1200.00 for replacement of a radio at the Communications Center to paid from 911 funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to approve claims and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. 304 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Murman, scronded by Larson to accept Miscellancous Receipts for the month ofMaiLn mu amount of $604,569.74. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kchoc, Hynes, Lars n, Johnson, Neumann -'gid Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to approve officer's reports for the month of March from the Register of Deeds and Sheriff. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to enter Executive Session for personnel matters. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Executive session at 11:55 AM. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Johnson to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 12:04 PM. CHAS F NEUMANN HASTINGS TRIBUNE VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC CHRISELLA LEWIS MICHELAN PARR MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC JULIA MOELLER BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS HOMETOWN LEASING BEVERLY DAVIS ASSOC OF PUBLIC TREAS ALLTEL NE SUPREME COURT JANICE JOHNSON MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC CR BUREAU OF HASTINGS ADAMS CO HWY DEPT ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC ISSOLUTIONS INC COAST COMPUTER PRODUCTS COMPUTER CONSULTANTS ALLTEL ANGELA SCOTT RENEE MARDIAN CHERYL CRANE' SANDRA HALE KROEKER, ACS SUSAN CZAPLEWSKI RUSS'S IGA MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC EILEENS COLOSSAL COOKIES EAKES OFFICE PLUS NEBR DIST CRT CLKS ASSOC CORNHUSKER PRESS RUNZA RESTAURANT` BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS THAYER COUNTY COURT ISABEL SMITH MID PLAINS CTR BEHAVORIA HOMETOWN VARIETY & CRAFT EAKES OFFICE PLUS CHILD DEVELP COUNCIL BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT FRANKLIN CO TREASURER SAM ZELESKI WHELAN & SCHERR BRADLEY WHITE & ASSOC PC ARTHUR TOOGOOD PUB DEF ADAMS COUNTY COURT SEILER, PARKER P.C. PENNY BIRKY LETITIA E WHITTEMORE CONWAY, PAULEY & JOHNSON SIMPLEXGRINNELL HOWARD'S GLASS CAREY'S PEST CONTROL INC CITY OF HASTINGS BIG G COMM HARDWARE BORLEY TRI CITY SHRED G & R REPAIR DUTTON LAINSON CO ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES HASTINGS UTILITIES COMP TECH WALMART VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS RON SEYMOUR RELIABLE OFFICE SUPPLY QUILL CORP MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC ADELINE JOHNSON SUSAN BROWN COUNTY GENERAL TRAVEL EXPENSES PRINTING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES COPIER MILEAGE MILEAGE EQUIPMENT RENTAL TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL DUES, SUB, REG, DUES,. SUB, REG, EQUIPMENT RENTAL PRINTING MILEAGE EQUIPMENT RENTAL OFFICE EQUIPMENT DUES, SUB, REG, CAR REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS DATA PROCESSING SUPPLIES DATA PROCESSING DUES, SUB, REG, COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS MILEAGE JUROR FEES EQUIPMENT RENTAL MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG, SUPPLIES JUROR FEES SUPPLIES COURT COSTS COURT COSTS JUVENILE CARE MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES JUVENILE CARE SUPPLIES COURT COSTS COURT COST MILEAGE ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES REIMBURSEMENT COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES COURT COSTS COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES REPAIRS REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL TRAVEL EXPENSES TRAVEL EXPENSES 38.25 1,296.54 921.17 11.98 232.10 36.38 37.50 232.10 2,099.98 334.21 87.15 38.00 162.00 108.52 83.85 37.50 690.00 130.00 81.00 87.39 23.21 500.00 70.57 183.75 50.39 43.00 45.00 21.50 53.75 37.50 61.18 290.00 5.90 855.30 50.00 73.26 54.38 1,985.44 11.50 60.00 800.00 207.57 407.60 322.50 189.59 4,392.50 25.18 45.00 495.00 427.50 4,329.50 99.00 586.95 40.00 753.50 152.10 550.00 130.00 66.00 10.50 75.41 58.08 37.50 96.72 64.00 10,056.67 85.66 47.90 806.91 82.75 207.83 52.99 4,452.00 105.77 211.21 SUPERVISORSRECORD li ADAMSCUUl\1Ty; E-BRASKA C RNHUSKER PRESS SUPPL-IES ANDREA S BRADER MILEAGE • 102.75 REVOLVING FUND UNIVERSITY OF NE SEREC UNIVERSITY OF NE COOP EX FIRST NATL INFORMATION LEXISNEXIS HOMETOWN LEASING ER PROF SERVICES MLMH EAKES OFFICE PLUS ADAMS CO SHERIFF SANDRA HALE KROEKER, ACS MARY LANNING MEMORIAL HO DAS COMMUNICATIONS ALLTEL ALLTEL LANDEN PARKS DARBIE MCMAHON KEARNEY CO TREASURER COMPUTER HARDWARE INC MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC CORNHUSKER PRESS PHELPS CO TREASURER ADAMS CO CLERK BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS EAKES OFFICE PLUS JOHNSON'S WATER INC ALLTEL SCOTTS COMPUTER ELEC HC CLEANING EAKES OFFICE PLUS VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS SO CENTRAL HTG & AIR CON PRESTO X COMP NEBR ASSOC OF EMG MGMT KLINGLER MONOGRAM & EMBR EXECUTIVE COPIER SYS INC CITICORP VENDOR FINANCE CITY OF HASTINGS CASH WA CANDY COMPANY SHELLY BODEN ALLTEL ADAMS CO HWY DEPT ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS BEYKE SIGNS NVLSP CENTEC CAST METAL PRODUC CVSOAN TREASURER BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ANDY'S PLUMBING HASTINGS UTILITIES JEFF DIXON JAMES KONEN III RICK FAHRENHOLTZ STEVE CAMPBELL JASON ACKLES JOHN STEWART NATHEN SMITH MICHAEL SHADA JOHN RUST DOUGLAS RUHTER MIKE POPLAU KEVIN MAUCK HEATH LEMKE M GLENN KEMP JOHN KRONTZ ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV CORNHUSKER PRESS CABELAS CATALOG INC VIDEO KINGDOM GREGG MAGEE CO SHERIFF GATEWAY COMPANIES INC ELECTRONICS SERVICE (93) EXECUTIVE COPIER SYS INC CABELA'S RETAIL ADAMS CO HWY DEPT UNCLE NEAL'S COUNTRY KEN SVOBODA PLUMBING AMSTERDAM PRINTING & LIT BLACK HILLS AMMUNITION CHRIS'S CAR WASH COMPUTER HARDWARE INC DRIVER LICENSE GUIDE CO GREAT PLAINS, CHRYS DODGE KULLY PIPE& STEEL SUPPL PUBLIC SAFETY WAREHOUSE PROTEX CENTRAL INC RADIOSHACK CORP ADAMS COUNTY JAIL ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES MIDWEST SPECIAL SERV INC JEFFERSON CO SHERIFF JEFFERSON CO SHERIFF DUES, SUB, REG, OTHER SALARY SUPPLIES SUPPLIES LAW LIBRARY EQUIPMENT RENTAL COURT COSTS COURT COSTS BLOOD TESTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS NET COM TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES ALCOHOLIC SAFETY ALCOHOLIC SAFETY EQUIPMENT RENTAL OFFICE EQ REPAIR EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES POSTAL SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS TELEPHONE SERVICES REPAIRS MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REPAIRS MAINTENANCE TRAINING & CONFER UNIFORM ALLOWANCE MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE TELEPHONE SUPPLIES MILEAGE TELEPHONE MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES UNIFORM ALLOWANCE LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS MILEAGE DATA PROCESSING RADIO REPAIR SUPPLIES UNIFORM ALLOWANCE FUEL FUEL LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS MERIT COMMISSION EXP LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS DATA PROCESSING COSTS DUES, SUB, REG, EQUIPMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS REPAIRS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS BOARD OF PRISONERS MISCELLANEOUS TRAVEL EXPENSES BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS 55.00 6,897.00 1009.00 132.52 207.55 562.90 65.00 717.74 30.00 400.00 1390.80 1,175.83 2,806.43 1,102.16 126.00 126.00 76.00 199.00 355.00 83.82 68.70 767.47 125.26 9.21 19.00 109.88 75.00 200.00 19.62 63.47 214.10 21.00 460.00 73.85 25.00 125.00 12.48 35.84 121.88 297.35 80.65 37.98 5.06 59.00 130.00 268.91 25.00 80.04 1,348.41 927.51 105.00 35.00 150.00 150.00 105.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 35.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 105.00 105.00 822.37 789.51 69.87 369.84 375.00 575.91 299.00 21.39 81.00 89.70 2,889.74 14.00 465.00 127.78 189.00 25.95 44.00 26.95 24.28 17.96 220.21 178.10 30.55 2,292.56 42.12 162.35 2,000.00 37.85 306 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA HALL COUNTY SHERIFF BOARD OF PRISONERS 1-2f 1 .6U 2,611.31 HAMILTON CO SHERIFF DEPT DAWSON CO SHERIFF CUSTER COUNTY SHERIFF COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC BERTS REXALL DRUGS MEMORIAL HEATH CLINIC MOSCATI HEALTH CENTER HASTINGS FAMILY PRAC PC ALLENS DISCOUNT PHARMACY NADEN'S PHARMACY FCMH POOL MEDICAL CLINIC GLOBE REXALL PHARMACY VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC PAUL SPADY OLDS BUICK NEBR OFFICE OF HWY SAFET G A MICEK DDS PC BARMORE DRUG STORE ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV ADAMS COUNTY JAIL HASTINGS ORTHOPAEDICS PC WEST -LITE CORPORATION WILLIAMS EXTERMINATING SO CENT BEHAVIORAL SERV STATE OF NEBR BRYANLGH MED CTR EAST GARY HUESKE DAN FURMAN SUE DEEPE BRAD M CONSBRUCK BRENDA CHRISE MERLIN BRUNA RANDY BORRELL JON BORNEMEIER BYRON MORROW DAVID RUTT KEITH WOODARD MARC WALTHER KIM THAYER JAMES SIDLO CHAD SUMMERS ` BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS BIG G COMM HARDWARE JERRY SPADY PONT CAD INC CASH WA CANDY COMPANY CASH WA CANDY COMPANY CORNHUSKER PRESS KEITHS PHARMACIES ISABEL SMITH EAKES OFFICE PLUS ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY MARY LANNING MEMORIAL HO ALLTEL ADAMS CO HWY DEPT LAWSON PRODUCTS PAINT N PRODUCTS INC WEICHMAN SAND BLASTING STATE OF NEBR WELLS FARGO CARD SERV VONTZ PAVING INC SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT SANITARY OUTDOOR SERV IN SKILLPATH SEMINARS RELIABLE QUILL CORP POWER PLAN PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA NORTHERN SAFETY CO INC NEW PIG CORPORATION NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS NE ASSOC OF CO ENG HWY S NEBR DEPT OF ROADS NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC MID CITY AUTO SUPPLY MICHAEL TODD & MAJOR OIL SALES LOGAN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY LINWELD LCL TRUCK EQUIP INC KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPL KINDER MORGAN KELLY SUPPLY CO JULLEE JOHNSON ISLAND SUPPLY IDEAL ELECTRIC HUSKER TOTAL POWER INC HATTEN ELECTRIC SERVICE HASTINGS UTILITIES HASTINGS CANVAS MFG CO GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO BOARD OF PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS REPAIRS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS PRINTING TRAVEL EXPENSES LAW ENF SUPP MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS LAW ENF SUPP MISCELLANEOUS MED-HOSP PRISONERS REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE SUPPLIES LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES LAW ENF SUPP PRINTING MED-HOSP PRISONERS MATRON FEES SUPPLIES MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MERIT COMMISSION EXP REIMBURSEMENT PARTS PARTS REPAIRS FUEL CHEMICALS GRAVEL ELECTRICITY SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG, SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PARTS RADIO REPAIR MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS SIGNS DUES,SUB, REG, BRIDGES SMALL TOOLS REPAIR EQUIPMENT RENTAL RD EQ REP PARTS PARTS GREASE & OIL ASPHALT REPAIRS SUPPLIES REPAIRS HEATING FUELS PARTS CUSTODIAL SHOP TOOLS BUILDING REPAIR PARTS PARTS ELECTRICITY REPAIR TELEPHONE SERVICES 870.00 405.00 600.00 45.00 231.12 34.83 34.83 175.00 29.35 243.09 84.00 10.98 983.71 24.02 80.00 409.00 205.19 134.60 11.65 222.00 184.78 40.00 150.00 9,611.37 3,512.00 150.00 150.00 105.00 35.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 150.00 105.00 105.00 35.00' 105.00 105.00 223.26 112.76 166.71 111.75 126.71 330.62 1,576.98 40.00 343.37 243.76 145.42 72.85 1,205.94 164.48 81.45 43.54 340.46 410.00 1,386.00 119.28 128.70 392.29 150.00 99.00 108.44 186.62 261.54 49.50 43.45 402.45 896.00 70.00 155.92 479.76 385.57 230.00 45.00 1,237.76 265.65 8,416.44 339.41 241.53 2,333.76 1,812.72 103.66 50.00 252.28 4;071.40 2,676.56 106.50 406.57 25.00 167.50 SUPERVISORS RE'ORD No. 25 ADAMS COUP! TY,,NEB RASKA CRNR' fi PPPATR , 4AT,T111 RFPP,TP 1 68 397 FRONTIER FORD LINC-MERC PARTS 203.88 rRlhSJ N C'HEV 1N(. PAR'I'S 75.40 FLEET PRIDE PARTS 245.70 SAMUELSON EQUIP CO EQUIPMENT 534.14 FARMERS UNION COOP GAS EQUIPMENT 70.38 FAIRBANKS INTERNATIONAL PARTS 59.95 EAKES OFFICE PLUS SUPPLIES 73.43 ORSCHELN FARM & HOME EQUIPMENT 288.05 CITY OF HASTINGS SIGNS 357.16 CHEMSEARCH SUPPLIES 132.75 CENTRAL FIRE & SAFETY IN MISCELLANEOUS 73.50 CENTRAL AG & SHOP SUPPLY SUPPLIES 511.83 CENTAUR ENTERPRISES INC SUPPLIES 26.91. BOSSELMAN INC FUEL 8,293.62 BOB'S SHOP SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 124.00 BIG G COMM HARDWARE SMALL TOOLS 21.92 AUTO VALUE -HASTINGS SMALL TOOLS 659.13 AUTO VALUE -HASTINGS PARTS 779.13 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES SUPPLIES 55.16 ALLTEL TELEPHONE SERVICES 103.94 ADAMS CO SHERIFF FEE ACT COURT COSTS 6,760.24 HASTINGS TRIBUNE PUBLISHING 512.88 CR BUREAU OF HASTINGS COURT COSTS 81.00 CORNHUSKER PRESS COURT COSTS 158.47 MARY LAMMING MEMORIAL HO VITAL STATISTICS 503.00 ADAMS COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS 124.50 ADAMS COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS 332.00 ADAMS COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS 41.50 PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC POSTAL SERVICES 3,000.00 ADAMS COUNTY COURT COUNTY COURT COSTS 83.00 PAY FLEX SYSTEMS USA INC MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 76.32 MCDERMOTT & MILLER P C AUDIT EXP 500.00 ADAMS COUNTY DISTRICT COURT JURY PAYROLL 3,660.75 NE REITREMENT SYSTEMS RETIREMENT MATCH 19,473.48 SOCIAL. SECURITY ADMIN FICA MATCH 24,848.01 BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD HEALTH INSURANCE 79,217.32 OMAHA LIFE INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE 794.62 ADAMS COUNTY BOARD SALARIES 7,210.00 ADAMS COUNTY CLERK SALARIES 11,052.47 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER SALAREIS 26,066.93 REGISTER OF DEEDS SALARIES 8,482.57 ADAMS COUNTY ASSESSOR SALARIES 20,522.60 PLANNING & ZONING SALARIES 2,040.82 DATA PROCESSING SALARIES 5,701.75 CLERK OF DISTRICT SALARIES 15,431.43 DISTRICT COURT BAILIFF SALARIES 2,082.78 PUBLIC DEFENDER SALARIES 12,693.28 MAINTENANCE SALARIES 11,501.36 EXTENSION OFFICE SALARIES 3,536.05 MICROFILM DEPT. SALARIES 1,560.74 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF SALARIES 54,123.30 ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY SALARIES 27,203.39 CORRECTIONS & COMMUNICATIONS SALARIES 46,443.33 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SALARIES 3,343.47 ADAMS COUNTY SURVEYOR SALARIES 257.50 ADAMS COUNTY ROADS SALARIES 68,240.65 ADAMS COUNTY WEED DEPT SALARIES 3,305.97 VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE SALARIES 5,652.32 VISITORS PROMOTION FUND ADAMS COUNTY VISITORS BUREAU SALARIES 2,416.04 NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS RETIREMENT MATCH 158.24 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN FICA MATCH 171.05 BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD HEALTH INSURANCE 686.39 OMAHA LIFE INSURANC DISABILITY INSURANCE 5.93 RELIEF- MEDICAL KEN RHODUS RENT 210.00 ROBERT SHELBURNE SR RENT 150.00 MARTIN MEYER RENT 210.00 COUNTY LIBRARY ADAMS COUNTY LIBRARY SALARIES 3,428.83 NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS RETIREMENT MATCH 114.99 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN FICA MATCH 258.50 BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD HEALTH INSURANCE 402.58 OMAHA LIFE INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE 5.93 CONGRESSIONAL QTR INC LIBRARY 363.00 THE COUNCIL OF STATE GVT LIBRARY 49.26 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS LIBRARY 240.00 NEBRASKA LIBRARY COMM LIBRARY 820.00 UNIQUE BOOKS INC LIBRARY 136.26 SCHOLASTIC LIBRARY LIBRARY 949.00 RECORDED BOOKS LIBRARY 367.30 PERMA BOUND LIBRARY 738.53 HASTINGS PUBLIC LIBRARY MISCELLANEOUS 600.00 THE GALE GROUP LIBRARY 200.64 FACTS ON FILE INC LIBRARY 546.50 JIM DELGADO MISCELLANEOUS 100.00 BAKER & TAYLOR INC LIBRARY 5,034.60 BOOK ON TAPE LIBRARY 921.60 BRILLIANCE AUDIO "INC LIBRARY 130.56 INHERITANCE TAX LIBRARY 2,591.16 ESCROW HOLDING FUND GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV MISCELLANEOUS 590.00 WEST GROUP 308 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ALLTEL 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES EMERGENCY PHONE 55.62 MODERN METHODS INC DAS COMMUNICATIONS T SHIRT ENGINEERS COMPUTER HARDWARE INC QWEST BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS This Board is law recessed C' `ups ` "-/(7\ •_!Lo Chrisella Lewis County Clerk Beverly Johne Deputy INTENSIVE SUPERVISION PROBATION BUDGET EQUIPMENT RENTAL TELEPHONE SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES SUPPLIES subject to the call of the Chairman. G"Z�tJ" y` 4 Larry Woo an Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 6, 2004 79.00 42.68 147.25 71.00 14.08 81.99 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing real estate exemption applications with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Also present were Attorney Hamilton, Assessor Gizinski and County Clerk Lewis. Motion by Larson, seconded by Kehoe to approve the real estate exemption application for Crossroads property known as Sunnyside. Roll all, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Hynes to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Hynes, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 11:00 AM This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis County Clerk Beverly Jo Deputy Larry W$odman Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday April 20, 2004 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Neumann that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as circulated. Murman reported that Buildings and Grounds Committee met several times about the Annex. He also handed out information regarding the budget reporting that 75% of the budget year is completed and most depailtnents are within range in their budgets. Larson attended a Road Committee meeting. Neumann attended a Senior Services meeting on the 14th. They discussed the budget and raising fares but Adams County is currently the highest fare in the area so they are maintaining the current fares for now. He also attended a meeting of Senior Services and the United Way regarding their budget allocation for the upcoming year. Yesterday he attended a library board meeting. Hynes also attended a Road Committee meeting. Kehoe reported that the Buildings and Grounds Committee has met several times regarding the utilization of the Annex but that will be discussed later in the meeting. Woodman reported that on the morning of the 8th he attended a meeting of the Youth Leadership Hastings and gave a presentation about county government. In the afternoon he attended an Ag Land Valuation SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ar�n�eet�rtg �n rlaieh-ege. Adams County is right on the line fur-ag values at 74/0. Ile �epatteic Board did make a 5% adjustment in grass land values. Chan Komerak with the Nebraska Dept of Agriculture reported on Adams County's Weed Program evaluation for 2003. He stated that this year's report was a very good report as Adams County received 3399 points of a possible 3400. He stated that 3400 is the score that the state sees as perfect but it might not necessarily be what the county sees as a perfect score. Murman stated to Dawn Miller that the Board would like to express that they feel the weed superintendent is doing a good job. Miller told the Board that Dick Loskill, Weed Superintendent, has received a questionnaire regarding the classification of Salt Cedar as a noxious weed and would like to know the Board's thoughts regarding this plant. 309 Motion by Neumann, seconded by Larson that the county wishes to recognize the Salt Cedar plant as a noxious weed. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Miller presented a resolution regarding a contract and awarding of a bid for STPE — 2185(7), an overlay project on Prosser Ave. Motion by Larson, seconded by Hynes to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04-04- 20.1 to award the contract to Vontz Paving for STPE — 2185(7) in the amount of $653,083.04 Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Complete Resolution on file in the County Clerk's office. Miller also explained that bids for materials for two bridge projects would be opened and reviewed on April 28, 2004 with a recommendation for award of the bids coming back to the Board at their May 4, 2004 meeting. Charles Hamilton of the County Attorney's office suggested that the Board should designate a purchasing agent for opening of these bids. Motion by Larson, seconded by Murman to assign Dawn Miller, Highway Superintendent, as purchasing agent for purchase of Road Dept materials. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Miller presented a resolution to the Board calling for a study of streets and alleys in Hansen village. Motion by Larson, seconded by Johnson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04-04- 06.2 directing the Highway Superintendent to do a study of the streets and alleys in Hansen village. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Complete Resolution on file in the County Clerk's office. At 10:00 AM the Board held public hearing for Planning & Zoning cases. Kathy Colburn, Administrator, presented the information on a request from Teresa and Neal Hoagland to amend the County Comprehensive Plan on a piece of property from Heavy Industrial to Ag. Woodman declared the hearing open and those wishing to speak to step forward. Teresa and Neal Hoagland of 1985 S Technical Blvd. Hastings, NE appeared to speak in favor of the amendment. They would like to place a house on this piece of property. Murman asked if a house could be placed on the property if the comp plan was not changed. Colburn indicated that it could not. The hearing was closed. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Kehoe to approve case 04-04.1, applicants Teresa and Neal Hoagland to amend the County Comprehensive Plan from Heavy Industrial to AG. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. The Board held a public hearing to amend the zoning map. No one appeared and the hearing was closed. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Murman to approve case 04-04.2, applicants Teresa and Neal Hoagland to amend the county zoning map. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Colburn presented information on case 04-03.4, applicants Patricia and James Pratt request for a Conditional Use Permit for a dog kennel. Attorney Hamilton requested that this case be continued for further information. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Kehoe to continue the public hearing on case 04-03.4, Patricia and James Pratt's request for a Conditional Use Permit for a dog kennel until May 18, 2004. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Colburn reviewed some changes to the Interlocal Agreements with the County and the Villages for Planning & Zoning. She stated that she has reviewed all the changes with the villages and they have all signed the amended agreements. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to approve the amendments to the Interlocal Agreements with the County and Villages for Planning & Zoning services. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. 310 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Executive Session at 10:20 AM. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Hynes to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 10:50 AM. Kehoe presented the proposal from the Buildings and Grounds Committee for use of the Annex to the full Board. There was much discussion regarding the proposal from the Board members and elected officials. Motion by Murman, seconded by Johnson to accept the Buildings and Grounds Committee proposal to move the Register of Deeds office to the first floor of the Annex and remove reference to the Mental Health Board Hearing Room. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, Larson and Hynes. Murman told the Board that they need to reconsider the amount of county levy that the Board allocates to political subdivisions that fall under the county levy such as townships, fire districts and ag society. He will work with the County Clerk and bring a recommendation to the next meeting. Julia Moeller, Treasurer, presented information to the Board regarding a software program that would bring the county into compliance regarding GASB requirements for auditing purposes. She has negotiated the cost to three systems using the software for approximately $4200.00. This also includes one year of maintenance. Motion by Murman, seconded by Johnson not to consider the software program for the next budget year for inventory and auditing of county assets. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Larson, seconded by Hynes to move to Board of Equalization for motor vehicle exemption applications. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Board of Equalization at 11:40 AM. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to enter Executive Session for possible litigation. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann , Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Executive Session at 11:44 AM. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 12:03 PM. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Johnson to approve a request from Adams County Convention and Visitors Bureau to transfer an old fax machine to the Adams County Historical Society. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Hynes to approve claims and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Hynes to approve Tax List Corrections numbers 12986 through 12962. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to approve Officers reports for the month of March from the Sheriff, Treasurer, Register of Deeds and County Clerk. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. MONTY KEHOE FAKES OFFICE PLUS CHRISELLA LEWIS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS MONEY HANDLING MACHINES LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR OMAHA WORLD HERALD BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS EAKES OFFICE PLUS NETWORK SOLUTIONS MARY STUEHM JIM KUHN EXECUTIVE COPIER SYS INC BRENT PARKER KATHY COLBURN JIM KOSTAL HASTINGS TRIBUNE HOLIDAY INN OF KEARNEY IBM CORPORATION ISSOLUTIONS INC COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS MR GOODCENTS RUSS'S IGA JASON HAASE COUNTY GENERAL TRAVEL EXPENSES REPAIR REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG, DUES, SUB, REG, SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REPAIR TRAVEL EXPENSES MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT RENTAL MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT MILEAGE PRINTING LODGING REPAIR DATA PROCESSING REPAIR SUPPLIES JUROR FEES JUROR FEES COURT COSTS 75.00 76.50 85.10 20.42 32.95 20.50 65.00 32.40 104.46 309.25 28.75 10.00 220.00 18.75 371.97 61.88 52.36 313.00 991.05 500.00 415.00 112.00 57.11 51.17 21.50 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA RAKRS OFFTCR PT,TTS ^,TTPPT TF.S ADAMS CO SHERIFF MENTAL HEALTH BOARD G2D SC 96.01 311 ADAMS LU ULA Ur' DIS1(AL1 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS JACKIE QUEEN LANGVRDT & VALLE PC WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV ORSCHELN FARM & HOME OKEEFE ELEVATOR CO INC MONTY MALOUF JR & ASSOC LUCKYS WELDING JOHNSON CASHWAY LUMBR CO HASTINGS UTILITIES GUARANTEE ELEC CO INC COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC GUARANTEE ELEC CO INC MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM ALLTEL ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES NATL"PEN CORP ALLTEL ADAMS CO HWY DEPT PRESTO X COMP HC CLEANING MIDLAND TELECOM INC MINDEN OFFICE SUPPLY MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC JOHNSON'S WATER INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS PHELPS CO TREASURER NE TECH & TELE INC US POSTAL SERVICE HASTINGS UTILITIES JEFF DIXON UNCLE NEAL'S COUNTRY SIRCHIE PRIMEDIA WORKPLACE LEARN NEBR CRIME COMMISSION METEORLOGIX MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC GREGG MAGEE CO SHERIFF GATEWAY COMPANIES INC CITY OF HASTINGS STEVE CAMPBELL ALLTEL ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV RADIOSHACK CORP KENESAW MOTOR CO INC KERR CHEVROLET CO GUN LEATHER LTD EAKES OFFICE PLUS CHRIS'S CAR WASH ANIMAL CLINIC ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC CORNHUSKER PRESS PLAID PEAR INT & DESIGN JERRY SEILER MD PC SO CENT BEHAVIORAL SERV PHELPS COUNTY SHERIFF MIKE'S MEDI-SAVE PHARMAC KEARNEY CO SHERIFF KEITHS PHARMACIES HAMILTON CO SHERIFF DEPT WEST -LITE CORPORATION FRANKLIN COUNTY SHERIFF ER PROF SERVICES MLMH SALINE COUNTY SHERIFF ADAMS COUNTY JAIL BOB BARKER COMPANY BIG G COMM HARDWARE MARY LANNING MEMORIAL HO CASH WA CANDY COMPANY ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC COMPUTER HARDWARE INC PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA SANITARY OUTDOOR SERV IN CORNHUSKER CLEANING SYST BLAZE CONE COMPANY INC RAMADA LIMITED SOUTH ACE/EATON METALS ACME PRINTING ALLTEL ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ARROW SEED COMPANY INC AUTO VALUE -HASTINGS BIG G COMM HARDWARE CONSUMERS SERVICE CO INC DAC SERV DEPT 177 FLEET PRIDE HASTINGS UTILITIES COUR1' COS'1'S SUPPLIES ATTRNY FEES COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES MISCELLANEOUS SHOP TOOLS REPAIRS SUPPLIES REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES TELEPHONE MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES POSTAL SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES POSTAL SERVICES UTILITIES MILEAGE FUEL LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS DUES, SUB, REG, LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT RENTAL MILEAGE DATA PROCESSING CONTRACT SERV UNIFORM ALLOWANCE CONTRACT SERV LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS CONTRACT SERV DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS TRAVEL EXPENSES DATA PROCESSING PRINTING BUILDING REPAIR MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS REPAIRS BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS LAW ENF SUPP EQUIPMENT MED-HOSP PRISONERS LAW ENF SUPP LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS DATA PROCESSING RADIO REPAIR SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES LODGING MATERIALS SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES SUPPLIES MATERIALS PARTS SUPPLIES PARTS MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES ELECTRICITY 1,245.61 163.98 120.00 398.75 6,000.00 210.58 116.02 349.82 3,437.15 22.50 43.04 7,080.80 67.74 45.00 250.00 298.70 477.50 12.66 90.40 242.50 79.48 21.00 50.00 1,250.00 8.63 355.00 15.00 4.69 261.52 157.86 55.96 37.00 575.00 24.30 17.00 47.77 576.00 12.00 261.00 260.00 381.92 3,494.00 4,253.04 250.00 41.94 125.00 831.50 67.98 80.85 70.34 17.57 276.30 27.95 1,088.65 809.43 1,644.80 110.03 70.19 1,693.00 69.66 100.00 1,035.00 24.88 100.00 137.91 210.00 98.90 3,150.00 84.92 1,320.00 2,388.89 194.31 202.94 1,765.59 243.14 277.20 648.00 1,715.88 150.00 322.53 323.12 440.00 2,271.43 67.50 260.37 55.16 1,281.60 201.11 372.60 194.95 209.30 104.09 4.14 312 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA JULLEE JOHNSON. CUSTODIAL 25.00 KELLY SUPPLY CO KENZ & LESLIE DIST CO KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPL LINWELD MAINELLI WAG & ASSOC INC MAJOR OIL SALES MLMH CLINICAL LAB SERV MID RIVERS CHAPTER MIDWEST HYDRAULIC SERV MIDWEST SERVICE NAPA AUTO PARTS NE MACHINERY CO NEBRASKA TRUCK CENTER NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS US POSTAL SERVICE POWER PLAN THOMSEN OIL CO 3 POINTS TIRE NEBR LTAP WELLS FARGO CARD SERV WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV ADAMS CO HWY DEPT RURAL METRO MEDICAL SERV ADAMS CO SENIOR SERV US POSTAL SERVICE ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT RINDER PRINTING CO ALLTEL PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC HASTINGSCHAMBER.COM ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT REGION III PROG ADM OFFI SPOUSE ABUSE SEXUAL ASSA RSVP MID NEBR INDIVIDUAL SERV MEALS ON WHEELS MIDLAND AREA AGENCY HASTINGS HEAD START HEAD START CHILD & FAMIL HASTINGS ECONOMIC DEV CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT BRIAN S BECKER ADAMS COUNTY BOARD' ADAMS COUNTY CLERK ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER REGISTER OF DEEDS ADAMS COUNTY ASSESSOR PLANNING & ZONING DATA PROCESSING CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT COURT BAILIFF PUBLIC DEFENDER MAINTENANCE DEPT EXTENSION OFFICE MICROFILM DEPT ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY CORRECTIONS & COMMUNICATIONS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ADAMS COUNTY SURVEYOR ADAMS COUNTY ROADS DEPT ADAMS COUNTY WEED DEPT VETERAN SERVICE OFFICE NEBRASKA RETIREMENT SYSTEMS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD FT DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE ANSTINE FIRE EQUIP WORLDCOM VISA VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS ANN ROHAN RELIABLE RUSS'S IGA HASTINGS UTILITIES CITY OF HASTINGS BIG G COMM HARDWARE ADAMS COUNTY VISITORS BUREAU NEBRASKA RETIREMENT SYSTEMS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD FT DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE NEBRASKA U C FUND KINGSWOOD PLAZA LLC BRETA BRUNKEN KATHY NASH FRANK MUELLER SMITTY'S ENTERPRISES INC PARTS EQUIPMENT MATERIALS SUPPLIES SPECIAL FEES GREASE OIL MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS PARTS GRADER BLADES SMALL TOOLS PARTS PARTS, SIGNS DUES, SUB, REG, PARTS FUEL TIRES & REPAIR DUES, SUB, REG, MEALS GARBAGE EQUIPMENT AMBULANCE COSTS HANDI-BUS POSTAL SERVICES COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS POSTAL SERVICES DUES, SUB, REG, COURT COSTS COURT COSTS MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DOMESTIC ABUSE LOCAL MATCH MENTAL RETARDATION SERVICE LOCAL MATCH AREA AGENCY ON AGING HEAD START CASA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT JURY PAYROLL LAW ENFORCEMENT SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES RETIREMENT MATCH FICA` MATCH HEALTH INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS REPAIR TELEPHONE SERVICES POSTAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES SUPPLIES UTILITIES TELEPHONE SERVICES SUPPLIES SALARIES RETIREMENT MATCH FICA MATCH HEALTH INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ACT UNEMPLOYMENT CONTRIBUTIONS RELIEF - MEDICAL RENT RENT RENT RENT RENT 22.80 305.70 78.23 33.24 7,260.00 287.65 176.00 540.00 1,509.06 1,487.64 589.82 7,162.71 3.22 1,025.00 126.00 55.19 6,453.10 453.00 350.00 52.14 66.86 30.14 12,500.00 9,943.00 625.00 41.50 166.00 161.77 169.26 3,000.00 572.00 41.50 41.50 3,616.36 131.00 333.34 2,595.92 666.67 1,018.00 125.00 2,000.00 1,666.67 2,558.88 COSTS -COUNTY SHERIF 5,350.21 7,210.00 11,366.37 26,080.78 8,482.57 20,309.04 1,848.82 5,840.25 14,053.39 2,082.78 12,693.28 11,431.60 3,995.17 1,875.15 55,745.88 27,227.81 49,029.20 3,131.47 257.50 68,563.36 3,214.69 5,652.32 20,336.73 25,126.27 79,501.19 794.62 10.00 54.91 220.00 190.79 30.81 56.04 24.15 151.90 87.05 23.09 2,817.10 158.24 201.73 686.39 5.93 7,492.83 420.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. ADAMS CCM RASKA 313 R W ENTERPRISES RENT 170.00 HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES BRILLIANCE AUDIO INC BOOK ON TAPE BAKER & TAYLOR INC RECORDED BOOKS REGIONAL BOOKS UNIQUE BOOKS INC THOMAS T BEELER ADAMS COUNTY LIBRARY NEBRASKA RETIREMENT SYSTEMS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD FT DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE RICHARD J CHRISTENSEN ELVIN SAFETY SUPPLY INC SO HEARTLAND DIST HEALTH ADAMS CO HISTORICAL SOC ALLTEL NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS QWEST INSTITUTIONS PATIENT CARE COUNTY LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY LIBRARY SALARIES RETIREMENT MATCH FICA MATCH HEALTH INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE COMMUNITY DEVELOP. BLK GRANT FUND GRANTS GRANTS GRANTS INHERITANCE TAX MONTHLY CONTRIBUTION 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES EMERGENCY PHONE SIGNS INTENSIVE SUPERVISION PROBATION BUDGET TELEPHONE SERVICES This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis Larry Woodman County Clerk Chairman Beverly J Deputy 1,417.15 207.74 188.00 1,356.12 23.85 14.30 15.70 112.00 3,517.09 125.94 265.24 402.52 5.93 516.00 1,439.91 1,599.99 722.50 1,829.06 1,468.00 14.41 COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 20, 2004 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing motor vehicle exemption applications with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Also present were Attorney Hamilton, County Clerk Lewis and Jan Timm representing the County Treasurer. Motion by Larson, seconded by Neumann to approve the motor vehicle exemption application for Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital for one vehicle. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann , Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 11:43 AM. This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis Larry County Clerk Chairman Beverly Johnson Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday May 4, 2004 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes, and Woodman. Nays, none. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as circulated. 314 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA •• A • • • . 1 1 II a1-- TS 1 as d ,a ___.._a:d ,_ .0 aL C' ,1 r....,.a- 1 T: ....._.. __-- ____ __ _-— Development District and they have determined that the dues will not be based on county census but will be $5000.00 per member county per year. He attended an HEDC meeting and they discussed George Anderson's project and he also attended the Central Community College advisory committee meeting. - Larson attended a Midland Area Agency on Aging executive meeting and board meeting. He reported that there might be a change in the cost of assessment based on county population over 60 years of age. Neumann attended a Senior Services Appreciation dinner, MAAA meeting and the Planning & Zoning meeting last evening. He reported that the law suit with MAAA had been settled. Hynes reported that he will attend a Region III meeting tomorrow and he had also attended a meeting at Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital. Kehoe attended the funeral of James Meisenbach, former Kearney County Supervisor. He also reported that the Buildings and Grounds committee had met several times regarding the Annex and the Child Protective Shelter. The work at the Shelter is down to the installing of the doors. Woodman attended meetings on the 15th and 22nd for the Economic Recycle Fund. He also attended a retirement party for Marlene Janssen of the Hastings Housing Development Authority and the LEPC annual public meeting. Pat Gizinski, Assessor and Rod Pokorski, Appraiser told the Board that they have been ordered to Lincoln by the TERC for a show cause hearing. The TERC wants a 5.93% increase to the rural residential properties in Adams County. That increase will take that class of property from 90% to 96%. Dawn Miller, Highway Superintendent, handed out tab sheets regarding bids received for construction materials for bridges 2410 & 2625. She recommended that the bid be awarded to Oden Enterprises. Motion by Larson, seconded by Hynes to award bids for materials for bridge structures 2410 in the amount of $50,167.31 and structure 2625 in the amount of $73,561.72 to Oden Enterprises. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nay, none. Miller also presented an Interlocal Agreement with Clay County for road maintenance to the Board. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Hynes to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Interlocal Agreement with Clay County. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Miller presented her findings regarding the study of streets and alleys in Hansen village. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Larson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04-05-04 setting the public hearing for vacation of certain streets and alleys in Hansen village at 10:00 AM on June 8, 2004. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Complete Resolution on file in the County Clerk's office. At 10:00 AM the Board conducted a public hearing regarding the closing of a portion of E 7th St from Blaine Ave west to the Union Pacific Railroad right of way. The Chairman opened the hearing and asked those wishing to speak to step forward. Tamara Babcock, Hastings Developmental Services Director, told the Board that she did not have a problem with closing a portion of 7th Street but would like the county to maintain ownership for future development purposes. Marvin Schultes, Hastings Utilities manager, referred to a letter regarding the closing from Ron Sekora asking that the entire width of the right of way be retained as an easement. Mike Sullivan, attorney representing Werner Enterprises, stated that Werner's do not oppose the closing however they want a perpetual easement recorded with the Register of Deeds for access to their property. John Campbell from AGP stated that they have discussed the closing of this portion of 7th St with Miller and have been in contact with Werner's about access and AGP is willing to grant them access but they need to have ownership in order to accomplish their plan. They would go along with any easements or any deed encumbrances to get ownership. They are in the process of doing some additional investments on an additional 18 acres they recently purchased but not transferring ownership of this road would inhibit the development of the area. There also was discussion regarding the issue of maintaining accessibility by emergency services. Sullivan suggested that the County Attorney make the determination whether emergency services are provided for in any agreements forth corning. The Chairman closed the hearing. Motion by Murman, seconded by Johnson to approve closing east 7th Street from Blaine Ave west to the Union Pacific Railroad right of way contingent on agreements and signatures of AGP, Werner's Enterprises, Hastings Utilities, the City of Hastings and the Adams County Attorney. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Sue Brown, Extension Agent, presented a $500.00 check from the State of Nebraska for the Building Nebraska Families program. She also asked the Board for permission to close her office in the afternoons during fair week so both her secretaries could be on site at the fairgrounds. SUPERVISORS R AD. CORD No. RASKA 315 regarding a state project at the intersection of Highway 6 & Blaine Ave, y VV V111 Motion by Johnson, seconded by Larson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement with the Nebraska Dept of Roads for survey work at the intersection of Highway 6 & Blaine Ave. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Rod Strong of Bullseye Sports Bar & Grill appeared before the Board regarding a special designated liquor license for a wedding reception near Assumption on May 15, 2004. Motion by Murman, seconded by Hynes to approve the special designated liquor license for Bullseye Sports Bar & Grill for catering of a wedding located near Assumption on May 15, 2004. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Mike Atchity, developer and president of Southern Hills Estates association, appeared before the Board seeking advice regarding a private road in the subdivision. The property owners in Southern Hills Estates subdivision pay dues to the association for upkeep of a road on the north end. The property owners in another subdivision on the south end of the road are not in the association however they use the road as well and the road deteriorates with the additional traffic.Larson suggested that the two subdivisions become one association and all property owners pay for the upkeep of the road. Atchity also asked the Board to consider paving 1/8th of a mile of road between Southern Hills Drive and Smokey Hills Road. Attorney Charles Hamilton presented the grant application for the Victim Witness program to the Board for their approval. Motion by Larson, seconded by Neumann to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the grant application for the Victim Witness program. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Larson, seconded by Neumann to appoint Dean Rolls to the Planning Commission for a three year term. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Murman handed out information regarding the county allowances for levies for townships, fire districts, county library and ag society. He proposed changing the total allocations from .132000 to .115000. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to approve the change of county allocated levies as proposed effective with the 2004-2005 budget year as follows: Ag Society, .03000; County Library, .01500; Townships, .02500; Fire Districts, .04500; Interlocal Agreements .03000. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, and Woodman. Nays, Hynes. Murman told the Board that due to budget hearings in the month of June, he would ask the Board if they would want to change their meeting dates to June 8th and 22" d rather than June 1st and 15th: Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to change the June County Board meeting dates from the regular schedule to June 8th and 22t'd. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Murman to reappoint Julia Moeller to the Sheriff's Merit Commission for a three year term. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nay, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to enter Executive Session for contract discussions. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Executive Session at 11:30 AM Motion by Murman, seconded by Johnson to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 12:06 PM. Motion by Murman, seconded by Kehoe to approve claims and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. RINDER PRINTING CO VISA MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC CHRISELLA LEWIS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS MATTHEW BENDER & CO INC MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC HOMETOWN LEASING ALLTEL BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS EAKES OFFICE PLUS NACO LAWRENCE RAGEN COMM INC MARY STUEHM COUNTY GENERAL SUPPLIES TRAVEL EXPENSES COPIER MILEAGE SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG, EQUIPMENT RENTAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG, DUES, SUB, REG, MISCELLANEOUS 383.86 170.00 232.10 463.35 58.14 84.80 '232.10 87.15 108.52 19.96 56.57 65.00 28.88 10.00 316 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA JIM KUHN MISCELLANEOUS 10.00 AARON HYDE DIANE HYNES VIDEO KINGDOM NE DEPT OF PROPERTY ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC ALLTEL EAKES OFFICE PLUS MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS HOMETOWN LEASING WALMART MID PLAINS CTR BEHAVORIA JOHNSON'S WATER INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS EILEENS COLOSSAL COOKIES BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT FRANKLIN CO TREASURER SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS LETITIA E WHITTEMORE BRADLEY WHITE & ASSOC PC LANGVRDT & VALLE PC WHELAN & SCHERR SEILER, PARKER P.C. CONWAY, PAULEY & JOHNSON ARTHUR TOOGOOD PUB DEF ADAMS COUNTY COURT WEST -LITE CORPORATION NATL PAPER & SANITARY KT HEATING & AC INC JOHNSON CONTROLS INC GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV DUTTON LAINSON CO CAREY'S PEST CONTROL INC COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC BIG G COMM HARDWARE ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES EAKES OFFICE PLUS ALLTEL ALLTEL DAS COMMUNICATIONS ALLTEL ALLTEL VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC ADAMS CO SHERIFF SOFTWARE UNLIMITED MID AMERICA FIRST CALL MARY LANNING MEMORIAL J W JONES MD HASTINGS TRIBUNE HASTINGS POLICEDEPT HASTINGS PATH ASSOC PC EAKES OFFICE PLUS CREIGHTON MEDICAL LAB BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ALLTEL ISABEL SMITH JOHNSON'S WATER INC CORNHUSKER PRESS EAKES OFFICE PLUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ALLTEL BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ANDY'S PLUMBING ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV JOHN RUST GREGG MAGEE CO SHERIFF JAMES KONEN III COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC OMB POLICE SUPPLY BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS FARMERS UNION COOP GAS GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV RADIOSHACK CORP MOORE WALLACE N AMER INC FRONTIER FORD LINC-MERC ALAMAR UNIFORMS BIG G COMM HARDWARE ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES JASON NIEMOTH ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV NEBRASKA HEART INSTITUTE BUFFALO CO SHERIFF OFF BERTS REXALL DRUGS ADAMS COUNTY JAIL ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV HALL CNTY BD OF CORRECTI KEITHS PHARMACIES STATE OF NEBR STATE OF NEBR CHAD SUMMERS MISCELLANEOUS TRAVEL EXPENSES CAR REPAIRS DUES, SUB, REG, MISCELLANEOUS DUES, SUB, REG, SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL COURT COSTS JUVENILE CARE COSTS COURT COSTS SUPPLIES - OFFICE COURT COSTS SUPPLIES COURT COSTS COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES REIMBURSEMENT COURT COSTS BUILDING REPAIR CHEMICALS REPAIRS EQUIPMENT MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS REPAIR SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES TELEPHONE TELEPHONE NET'COM TELEPHONE TELEPHONE SUPPLIES BLOOD TESTS DATA PROCESSING CORONER COSTS COURT COSTS AUTOPSY COSTS JUVENILLE COSTS BLOOD TESTS AUTOPSY COSTS COURT COSTS AUTOPSY COSTS EQUIPMENT CORONER COSTS COURT COSTS MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE MILEAGE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE DATA PROCESSING UNIFORM` ALLOWANCE SUPPLIES FUEL'' LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS PRINTING EQUIPMENT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE LAW ENF SUPP MISCELLANEOUS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS DUES, SUB, REG, MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS LAW ENF SUPP BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS DUES, SUB, REG, 20.00 32.25 119.95 500.00 80.60 48.23 234.31 290.00 475.00 946.42 6.59 200.00 16.85 82.98 9.60 675.85 1,000.00 95.90 1,470.00 2,325.00 222.75 562.50 3,430.41 941.35 217.50 94.50 2,316.04 327.25 279.40 254.07 451.92 670.00 107.06 87.65 141.00 265.25 364.62 80.00 18.86 2,521.00 144.10 1,297.35 897.99 191.25 244.72 150.00 200.00 295.00 52.56 1,000.00 177.13 500.00 600.00 15.50 100.00 669.00 11.62 35.00 10.00 68.89 13.08 48.46 110.48 304.25 45.00 691.88 845.01 35.00 309.02 35.00 180.00 1,413.49 56.61 75.68 15.00 92.01 64.96 188.38 61.63 282.70 42.12 920.00 283.50 32.00 3,645.00 404.61 2,657.99 170.69 6,897.80 39.55 1,409.36 5,858.07 218.70 PLAID PEAR INT & DESIGN ADAMSyCOUNT ', RASKA R.E P7\T R R PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA RADIO REPAIR 674.50 1Al"1S EXTERN1NA M1SC:RLLANWUUS TEXT & DATA TECH INCORP MISCELLANEOUS BIG G COMM HARDWARE LAW ENF SUPP KIM THAYER UNIFORM ALLOWANCE KEN SVOBODA PLUMBING REPAIRS PUBLIC SAFETY WAREHOUSE LAW ENF SUPP NEBR LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAVEL EXPENSES MONTY MALOUF JR & ASSOC SUPPLIES HASTINGS FAMILY PRAC PC MED-HOSP PRISONERS BRAD M CONSBRUCK UNIFORM ALLOWANCE BRIAN S BECKER LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC MED-HOSP PRISONERS EAKES OFFICE PLUS SUPPLIES ALLTEL MISCELLANEOUS ALLTEL MERIT COMMISSION RED THE UNIFORM UNIFORM ALLOWANCE JERRY SPADY PONT CAD INC EQUIPMENT MID NEBR AGGREGATE INC GRAVEL DENNIS ZAREK MISCELLANEOUS WELLS FARGO CARD SERV MEALS VAN DIEST SUPPLY CO CHEMICALS SQUARE DEAL LUMBER CO SUPPLIES RAMADA•LIMITED SOUTH LODGING QUAD CITY TESTING LAB REPAIRS POWER PLAN PARTS LINDA PARR CUSTODIAL O'REILLY AUTO PARTS SMALL TOOLS NEBR DEPT OF ROADS BITUMINOUS SURFACINT FLEET PRIDE PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS SUPPLIES MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC EQUIPMENT RENTAL KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPL PARTS KERR CHEVROLET CO PARTS KINDER MORGAN HEATING FUELS KENZ & LESLIE DIST CO EQUIPMENT KELLY SUPPLY CO PARTS JEO FEES SURVEYOR GARY JACOBITZ MISCELLANEOUS ISLAND SUPPLY BULK CHAINS HATTEN ELECTRIC SERVICE PARTS EAKES OFFICE PLUS SUPPLIES ORSCHELN FARM & HOME PARTS CITY OF HASTINGS GARBAGE CHEMSEARCH SUPPLIES CENTRAL NEBR EQUIPMENT REPAIRS CENTAUR ENTERPRISES INC SUPPLIES CASH WA CANDY COMPANY SUPPLIES BRUNERS SAND'& GRAVEL IN GRAVEL BOSSELMAN INC FUEL AUTO VALUE -HASTINGS SUPPLIES AUTO GLASS CENTER INC REPAIRS ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES SUPPLIES ALLTEL TELEPHONE ADAMS CO HWY DEPT REIMBURSEMENT HUSKER TOTAL POWER INC PARTS ADAMS CO AG SOCIETY LEPC GRANTS PAY FLEX SYSTEMS USA INC MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS COMPUTER HARDWARE INC COURT COSTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS SUPPLIES ADAMS COUNTY COURT JURY PAYROLL REDFIELD & COMPANY INC SUPPLIES MCDERMOTT & MILLER P C AUDIT CASH WA CANDY COMPANY LAUNDRY -PRISONERS CASH WA CANDY COMPANY LAW ENF SUPP RELIEF - MEDICAL LIVINGSTON BUTLER- COUNTY BURIALS 1,250.00 ALL FAITHS FUNERAL HOME COUNTY BURIALS 1,250.00 WALGREEN'S PHARMACY MEDICAL 204.08 BERTS REXALL DRUGS MEDICAL 207.55 BRETA BRUNKEN RENT 210.00 COUNTY LIBRARY REGIONAL BOOKS LIBRARY 17.30 MIDWEST LIBRARY SERVICE LIBRARY 13.59 HASTINGS PUBLIC LIBRARY MISCELLANEOUS 500.00 THE GALE GROUP LIBRARY 169.18 JIM DELGADO MISCELLANEOUS 100.00 BAKER & TAYLOR INC LIBRARY 790.16 BOOK ON TAPE LIBRARY 36.00 ALLTEL MISCELLANEOUS 26.81 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES ALLTEL EMERGENCY PHONE 54.98 INTENSIVE SUPERVISION PROBATION BUDGET MODERN METHODS INC EQUIPMENT RENTAL 79.00 DAS COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE SERVICES 42.84 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS EQUIPMENT 97.98 40.00 1,500.00 18.23 35.00 40.00 153.90 250.00 24.50 240.00 35.00 6,923.00 420.81 193.87 54.96 23.50 534.10 44.37 711.85 10.00 132.72 467.20 5.76 440.00 199.00 635.39 25.00 16.99 1,072.87 141.88 124.58 230.00 98.89 1,909.35 126.46 611.40 38.60 750.00 55.00 98.21 296.00 55.94 596.86 31.62 300.01 244.42 38.16 37.40 2,079.00 6,939.00 111.41 192.60 55.16 51.19 77.04 3.90 210.00 76.32 91.00 41.50 124.50 110.97. 1,064.50 579.00 200.00 96.75 45.37 r� 318 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Chrisella Lewis Larry Wdman County Clerk Chairman to Beverly Johnson Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday May 18, 2004 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Neumann that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as circulated. Kehoe attended a CASA meeting on June 14th. They are planning a fund raiser for Adams and Clay Counties. He also reported that the sheet rock work at the Child Development Shelter was finished and half of the doors are installed. Johnson reported that he attended an Adams County Convention & Visitors Bureau meeting on the 12th The last two months receipts are comparable to last year. Buildings and Grounds has met several times but still have a few decisions to make. Hynes attended a Region III planning meeting. Neumann attended a City/County Combined Services meeting on May 10th and there was a discussion regarding the ambulance service. They also heard a presentation from Linda Rea, Library Director, regarding library employees. They will ask Judy Hoch of WAGS to come to their next meeting to discuss the sheltering of animals after October 1, 2004. On May 12th he attended a Senior Services meeting and also announced that on May 21St there will be an open house at the Golden Friendship Center and on May 27th there will be a retirement reception at the City Library for Marjorie Prettyman. Larson attended an Extension Board meeting. Murman attended a meeting of the South Heartland District Health Dept. and reported that in the District's budget next year they are including funding for a grant writer. Woodman attended the Combined Services Committee meeting. Linda Rea will present information to the Board regarding the library employees later in the meeting. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Murman to move to Board of Equalization for over and under valued property and motor vehicle and personal property exemption applications. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Board of Equalization at 9:45 AM. Kathy Colburn, Planning & Zoning Administrator, presented resolutions for the Neal Hoagland applications. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04-05- 18.1 amending the County Comprehensive plan from Heavy Industrial to Agricultural. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Complete Resolution on file in the County Clerk's office. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04-05- 18.2 to amend the County Zoning Map from Heavy Industrial to Agricultural. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Complete Resolution on file in the County Clerk's office. Colburn presented information on subdivision applications. Motion by Larson, seconded by Neumann to approve case 04-05.9, Powderhorn Subdivision, applicants Karen and Larry Eckhardt. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ►.4 • as • ►.- O.. • •.• • • sg 11 14-1 1 1 u _ • _ 319 Motion by Neumann, seconded by Larson to approve case 04-05.12, Mousel Ranch Subdivision, applicants Donald and Eileen Mousel. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Colburn told the Board that Planning and Zoning had continued case 04-05.2, applicants Daniel and Debra Waters request for a Conditional Use Permit for a kennel since there was not a quorum available. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hynes to continue the public hearing for a Conditional Use Permit for a kennel for Daniel and Debra Waters, case 05-05.2 until 10:00 AM on June 22, 2004. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. The Board continued the public hearing on the Pratt application for a Conditional Use Permit for a kennel. The Chairman opened the hearing and asked those wishing to speak to step forward. Patricia Pratt of 6355 W DLD Rd read a letter in favor of the permit into the record. No one else appeared and the hearing was closed. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to approve the Conditional Use Permit for a kennel for James and Patricia Pratt case 04-04.1 with the three conditions recommended by the Planning Commission: Maximum of 7 dogs, must re apply for a Conditional Use Permit if there is any expansion and they must get signed impact easements from all neighbors within one half mile. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Linda Rea, Library Director, presented information to the Board regarding the employees of the library. She requested that the employees all become city employees including those on the bookmobile who are currently county employees. She said it would be much easier to manage and then all library employees could take turns working the bookmobile. There were questions regarding insurance issues and Board members felt that maintaining the same employees on the bookmobile would provide familiarity to the users of the bookmobile. Murman stated that rather than transfer county employees operating the bookmobile to the city, he would rather see an Interlocal Agreement between the city and county for operation of the bookmobile falling to the city. The Board took no action but directed Attorney Charles Hamilton to work with the City Attorney to develop an Interlocal Agreement regarding the bookmobile and bring it to the Board meeting on June 8, 2004. Dawn Miller, Highway Superintendent, presented agreements to the Board for engineering services from Mainelli Wagner and the Nebraska Dept of Roads and Interlocal Agreements from the townships or road maintenance. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Larson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign an agreement for engineering services for the Prosser project STPE 2185(7) with Maninelli Wagner and the Nebraska Dept of Roads. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Interlocal agreements for fiscal year 2004-2005 with the townships for road maintenance. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Johnson to move to Executive Session for litigation. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Executive Session at 10:50 AM. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 11:30 AM. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to approve claims and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to approve Miscellaneous Receipts for the month of April in the amount of $644,667.26. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Murman to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Tax List Corrections numbers 12963 through 12984. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to accept officer's reports for the month of April from the Register of Deeds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. NPZA ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTW COUNTY GENERAL DUES, SUB, REG, PRINTING 140.00 38.76 320 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA OA L(1 FOUNTAINE'S MICROFILMING OFFICE EQUIPMENT 395.00 MIUWES1 LEASING; SERV 1NC EAKES OFFICE PLUS VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC HASTINGS TRIBUNE CHRISELLA LEWIS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS HOMETOWN LEASING COAST COMPUTER PRODUCTS HASTINGS TRIBUNE MONEY HANDLING MACHINES LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS STAHR & ASSOCIATES RELIABLE NPZA NEER DEPT OF ECONOMIC DE BONNIE KROEKER HASTINGS TRIBUNE EXECUTIVE COPIER SYS INC THE STATIONARY HOUSE KATHY COLBURN CDW GOVERNMENT INC SHONSEY & ASSOC ISSOLUTIONS INC INTERNET NEBR BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS VISA EAKES OFFICE PLUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS CO CLK OF DIST CRT MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC ANGELA SCOTT RUSS'S IGA RENEE MARDIAN CHERYL CRANE OK CAFE ADAMS COUNTY COURT WEST GROUP EAKES OFFICE PLUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS LIBERTY CLEANERS EILEENS COLOSSAL COOKIES JOHNSON'S WATER INC FRANKLIN CO TREASURER SUSAN K ALEXANDER C J ROBERTS SEILER, PARKER P.C. ISABEL SMITH WHELAN & SCHERR ADAMS COUNTY COURT DORIS B SCHUESSLER LANGVRDT & VALLE PC HASTINGS UTILITIES RON SEYMOUR RADIOSHACK CORP ADELINE JOHNSON EAKES OFFICE PLUS COMP TECH ADAMS CO REG OF DEEDS REVOLVING FUND SUSAN BROWN ANDREA S BRADER VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC SOFTWARE UNLIMITED HASTINGS PATH ASSOC PC JACKI RAINS MARY LANNING MEMORIAL HO SANDRA HALE KROEKER, ACS MARLO IBARRA HASTINGS POLICE DEPT HOMETOWN LEASING ALLTEL ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS CO ATTORNEYS OFFIC BOB WILLIAMS PRESTO X COMP BEYKE SIGNS ACCU WEATHER ADAMS CO HWY DEPT SAFETY & SUPPLY CO METEORLOGIX HC CLEANING EXECUTIVE COPIER SYS INC CITICORP VENDOR FINANCE BIG G COMM HARDWARE ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC NE TECH & TELE INC VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC PHELPS CO TREASURER LANDEN PARKS DARBIE MCMAHON COP1ER SUPPLIES PRINTING PUBLISHING TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES PUBLISHING MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES CONTRACT LABOR SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG, DUES, SUB, REG, PT TIME CLERICAL PUBLISHING EQUIPMENT RENTAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING REIMBURSEMENT EQUIPMENT DUES, SUB, REG, EQUIPMENT DUES, SUB, REG, SUPPLIES DATA PROCESSING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES COURT COSTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL COURT COSTS JUROR FEES COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS DUES, SUB, REG, SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS COURT COSTS DUES, SUB, REG, COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES MILEAGE ATTRNY FEES COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES COURT COSTS COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES UTILITIES TRAVEL EXPENSES EQUIPMENT MILEAGE EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT DUES, SUB, REG, REIMBURSEMENT MILEAGE MILEAGE SUPPLIES DATA PROCESSING AUTOPSY COSTS GRANTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS AUTOPSY COSTS BLOOD TESTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL CORONER COSTS COURT COSTS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE MISCELLANEOUS DUES, SUB, REG, TRAVEL EXPENSES UNIFORM ALLOWANCE DUES, SUB, REG, MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT RENTAL TELEPHONE SERVICES SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES ALCOHOLIC SAFETY ALCOHOLIC SAFETY 2.i2.IU 178.98 6,681.98 1,048.57 72.18 72.02 87.15 251.43 66.00 12.98 20.50 232.10 152.49 3,000.00 106.65 420.00 130.00 36.50 85.09 220.00 46.50 122.93 31.59 300.00 500.00 57.95 44.08 101.56 112.00 44.00 3,031.26 290.00 21.50 29.86 29.00 21.50 47.80 500.00 116.25 17.28 110.00 13.62 8.10 29.00 45.74 411.90 37.50 432.97 20.00 889.51 599.50 129.25 6,856.95 8,046.23 699.56 74.88 49.50 159.00 13.95 20.00 406.48 57.00 33.38 164.10 699.20 700.00 81.38 79.45 330.00 25.00 100.00 562.90 20.27 35.75 2,000.00 150.00 21.00 26.50 135.66 43.13 102.66 567.00 200.00 25.00 125.00 9.72 25.32 355.00 49.31 139.13 78.03 112.00 112.00 SUPERVISO ADAMS COUNT, GupPiiEs MINDEN OFFICF SUPPLY ORD No. 25 RASKA 15.40 321 KEARNEY CO TREASURER EQUIPMENT RENTAL 76.00 EAKES OFFICE PLUS ADAMS CO CLERK AMER PROBATION & PAROLE BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS NVO INFORMATION SYSTEMS CR BUREAU OF HASTINGS UNCLE NEAL'S COUNTRY VIDEO KINGDOM S&S AUTO REPAIR GREGG MAGEE CO SHERIFF MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC JANSSEN AUTO BODY ALLTEL VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV REAMS BROS WRECKER SERV PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA KENESAW MOTOR CO INC KENESAW MOTOR CO INC GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV HASTINGS TRIBUNE ADAMS CO HWY DEPT ELECTRONICS SERVICE (93) BRYANLGH MED CTR EAST FREDERICK D HATHAWAY MD THE FAIRBURY CLINIC PC MEMORIAL HEATH CLINIC KEARNEY CLINIC PC SALINE COUNTY SHERIFF RED THE UNIFORM HAMILTON CO SHERIFF DEPT FRANKLIN COUNTY SHERIFF ER PROF SERVICES MLMH BUFFALO CO SHERIFF OFF ADAMS COUNTY JAIL ANIMAL CLINIC WEBSTER CO SHERIFF WALGREEN DRUG STORE ISABEL SMITH OMB POLICE SUPPLY MARY LANNING MEMORIAL HO MATTHEW BENDER & CO INC IACP NET/LOGIN KERR CHEVROLET CO BARMORE DRUG STORE BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS CASH WA CANDY COMPANY BIG G COMM HARDWARE ALLENS ALLENS EAKES OFFICE PLUS COMPUTER HARDWARE INC STATZ CUSTOM FENCING PATCHMASTER CENTRAL INC NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS ADAMS CO HWY DEPT WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV WELLS FARGO CARD SERV SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT 3 POINTS TIRE SANITARY OUTDOOR SERV IN LINDA PARR NEW PIG CORPORATION NE MACHINERY CO NAPA AUTO PARTS MID NEBRASKA LUBRICANTS MID NEER AGGREGATE INC MAJOR OIL SALES LOGAN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY LINWELD LILLEY'S SAND & GRAVEL KINDER MORGAN KENESAW MOTOR CO INC JULLEE JOHNSON ISLAND SUPPLY HASTINGS UTILITIES HASTINGS TRIBUNE GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO GEMPLERS INC MATT FRIEND TRUCK EQUIPM SAMUELSON EQUIP CO FARMERS UNION COOP GAS FAIRBANKS INTERNATIONAL ENNIS PAINT INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS DAC SERV DEPT 177 CORNHUSKER CLEANING SYST CONSOLIDATED CONCRETE CO CITY OF HASTINGS CENTRAL VALLEY RENTALS CENTAUR ENTERPRISES INC SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS MERIT COMMISSION EXP FUEL LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT MILEAGE EQUIPMENT RENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS CONTRACT SERV PRINTING REIMBURSEMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS RADIO REPAIR TRAVEL EXPENSES CARS REPAIR PUBLISHING FUEL REPAIR MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE BOARD OF PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MATRON FEES UNIFORM ALLOWANCE MED-HOSP PRISONERS PUBLISHING DUES, SUB, REG, TRAVEL EXPENSES MED-HOSP PRISONERS EQUIPMENT LAW ENF SUPP EQUIPMENT MED-HOSP PRISONERS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT LAND ASPHALT SIGNS REIMBURSEMENT GARBAGE REPAIRS ELECTRICITY TIRES SUPPLIES CUSTODIAL MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS REPAIRS FUEL GRAVEL GREASE OIL REPAIRS SUPPLIES GRAVEL HEATING FUELS REAIRS CUSTODIAL BULK CHAINS ELECTRICITY ADVERTISEMENT REPAIR TELEPHONE SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES REPAIRS EQUIPMENT REPAIR SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS CONCRETE GARBAGE EQUIPMENT RENTAL CULVERTS 14.00 29.40 85.56 50.00 207.76 449.00 33.00 20.00 189.62 112.95 442.66 260.00 57.50 65.71 137.20 872.00 78.00 33.00 392.00 21,408.84 30.00 22.51 2,720.76 21.39 5,736.60 4,050.00 50.00 82.00 123.00 360.00 139.53 30.00 3,050.00 297.19 2,880.00 2,051.49 225.50 500.00 79.78 20.00 713.50 29.00 96.80 500.00 24.44 179.52 746.00 249.42 463.82 151.40 479.36 168.50 1,444.45 3,960.00 2,088.74 1,085.50 102.38 66.86 888.27, 242.96 401.50 150.00 25.00 362.28 10,997.24 450.15 4,659.18 120.75 284.35 178.00 86.80 242.00 701.60 246.27 25.00 54.00 449.37 54.02 83.50 162.89 335.90 267.14 209.58 100.32 121.72 23,056.75 40.24 29.90 99.95 1,128.50 96.41 35.00 105.92 322 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA cc, An BOSSELMAN INC EQUIPMENT 9,698.63 AUTO VALUE -HASTINGS AUTO GLASS CENTER INC ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ALLTEL NAPA AUTO PARTS KERR CHEVROLET CO HUSKER TOTAL POWER INC HASTINGS TRIBUNE CURLY'S RADIATOR SERV ADAMS CO HWY DEPT HASTINGS TRIBUNE RURAL METRO MEDICAL SERV MARY LANNING MEMORIAL HO LYON ENTERPRISES ADAMS CO SENIOR SERV SO CENT BEHAVIORAL SERV ALLTEL SPOUSE ABUSE SEXUAL ASSA RSVP PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC MARY JANE MCDOWELL MID NEBR INDIVIDUAL SERV MEALS ON WHEELS MIDLAND AREA AGENCY HASTINGS HEAD START HEAD START CHILD & FAMIL HASTINGS ECONOMIC DEV COMPUTER HARDWARE INC ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT REGION III PROG ADM OFFI ADAMS CO SHERIFF FEE ACT ADAMS COUNTY COURT HASTINGS COLLEGE VFW CLUB GSV SENIOR CENTER FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHU FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH FIRST ST PAULS LUTHERAN YWCA MARS JANITORIAL SERVICE PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH OK CAFE ADAMS COUNTY CLERK CLWERK OF DISTRICT COURT NACO NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD FT DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE ADAMS COUNTY BOARD ADAMS COUNTY CLERK ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER REGISTER OF DEEDS ADAMS COUNTY ASSESSOR PLANNING & ZONING DATA PROCESSING CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT COURT BAILIFF PUBLIC DEFENDER MAINTENANCE DEPT EXTENSION OFFICE MICROFILM DEPT ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY CORRECTIONS & COMMUNICATIONS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ADAMS COUNTY SURVEYOR ADAMS COUNTY ROADS DEPT ADAMS COUNTY WEED DEPT VETERANS SERVICE OFFICER WORLDCOM VISA ANN ROHAN RUSS'S IGA QUILL CORP HASTINGS UTILITIES H & H LAWN CARE CITY OF HASTINGS COMPUTER HARDWARE INC ADAMS CO TELECOMMUNICATI ADAMS COUNTY CONVENTION BUREAU NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD FT DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE PLIES SMALL TOOLS REPAIRS SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES REPAIRS REPAIRS REPAIRS PUBLISHING REPAIRS FUEL PUBLISHING AMBULANCE COSTS VITAL STATISTICS LEPC GRANTS HANDI-BUS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS DOMESTIC ABUSE LOCAL MATCH POSTAL SERVICES POSTAL SERVICES RETIREMENT MENTAL RETARDATION SERVICE LOCAL MATCH AREA AGENCY ON AGING COSTS HEAD START CASA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES COURT COSTS JURY PAYROLL VOTING'POLLS RENT VOTING POLLS RENT VOTING POLLS RENT VOTING POLLS RENT VOTING POLLS RENT VOTING POLLS RENT VOTING POLLS RENT VOTING POLLS RENT VOTING POLLS RENT VOTING POLLS RENT ELECTION WORKERS PAYROLL JURY PAYROLL DUES, SUB, REG, RETIREMENT MATCH FICA MATCH HEALTH INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS TELEPHONE SERVICES SUPPLIES - OFFICE REIMBURSEMENT CHAMBER SUPPORT SERV SUPPLIES UTILITIES REPAIR ' TELEPHONE SERVICES REPAIRS TELEPHONE SERVICES SALARIES RETIREMENT MATCH FICA MATCH HEALTH INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE 164.VV 145.91 725.29 55.16 260.38 656.43 44.69 24.92 136.68 172.00 113.23 298.58 12,500.00 4,024.00 326.28 12,087.20 200.00 166.19 131.00 333.34 3,000.00 3,000.00 11.54 2,595.92 666.67 1,018.00 125.00 2,000.00 1,666.67 430.00 41.50 41.50 456.50 207.50 249.00 3,616.76 7,277.40 1,066.75 30.00 30.00 30.00 50.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 15.00 30.00 30.00 11,459.94 2,614.50 65.00 20,308.59 24,667.76 80,671.59 794.62 7,210.00 13,190.59 26,078.85 8,482.57 20,795.64 1,848.82 5,844.75 14,552.65 2,082.78 12,693.28 10,733.62 3,736.92 1,628.01 57,091.72 28,195.54 42,061.84 3,107.47 257.50 65,704.54 3,146.23 5,652.32 56.29 242.25 99.95 14.55 55.12 122.58 463.12 90.60 158.50 53.10 2,540.04 158.24 180.54 686.39 5.93 323 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTYBRASKA ADAMS COUNTY LIBRARY SALARIES 3,431.01 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD FT DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE RADER REAL ESTATE SMITTY'S ENTERPRISES INC ' ALAN WITTE HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES ADAMS CO HISTORICAL SOC WEST GROUP WELLS FARGO BANK NA FOUNTAINE'S MICROFILMING NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS INTENSIVE SUPERVISION COMPUTER HARDWARE INC K MART BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCT QWEST MODERN METHODS INC IT MAT FICA MATCH HEALTH INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE RELIEF - MEDICAL RENT RENT RENT INSTITUTIONS PATIENT CARE INHERITANCE TAX HISTORICAL SOC LIBRARY COURTHOUSE BOND FUND INTEREST PAYMENT ESCROW HOLDING FUND MISCELLANEOUS 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES SIGNS PROBATION BUDGET EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES S SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES EQUIPMENT RENTAL This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis Larry Woodman County Clerk _ Chairman Beverly Johnso Deputy 114.99 258.65 402.52 5.93 420.00 210.00 210.00 2,647.91 722.50 2,601.16 14,495.00 3,500.00 52.00 1,478.00 296.79 61.80 14.41 79.00 COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 18, 2004 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of allowing omitted and over and under valued property and motor vehicle and personal property exemption applications with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Also present were Attorney Hamilton, County Clark. Lewis, Assessor Gizinski, Appraiser Pokorski and Janice Timm, representing the Treasurer. Gizinski presented an application for personal property exemption from the Children's Museum. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Larson to approve the application for personal property exemption for the Children's Museum. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Appraiser Rod Pokorski presented a list of omitted and over and under valued properties for the Board's approval. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hynes to allow the omitted and over and under valued properties as follows: ID # Old Value New Value 284-14632 82,170 84,630 284-1618 50,155 52,375 284-1474.55 6,625 6,625 500-1474.55 73,260 73,915 163-70 238,995 249,385 40-40.16 11,760 18,760 40-40.18 11,760 18,760 284-8186 0 71,235 34-50020 13,650 0 267-10 266,780 242,335 70-1242 4,880 84,010 284-15802.4 126,345 140,670 236-64 152,650 179,845 10-0094 295 12,250 32-0094 3,155 18,505 32-0096 950 15,355 32-0098 635 14,030 78-832.12 67,525 80,525 78-832.11 5,995 18,995 184-50002 0 18,760 324 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Jan Timm of the Treasurer's office presented information on a motor vehicle exemption application. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to approve the motor vehicle exemption for North Shore Assembly of God Church for a 2003 Chevrolet van. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 9:50 AM. This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis Larry Woodman County Clerk Chairman Beverly Johnson Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday June 8, 2004 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Larson that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as circulated. Loren Uden, Emergency Management Director, reported to the Board regarding the tornado damage in the Pauline area. He stated that the county qualifies for $40,000.00 for debris removal in FEMA funds. The Highway Dept has been doing a good job of working with FEMA. There was about $4 -5 million of damage in a thirty mile area, one severally damaged home and 4 with moderate damage. The Chairman signed a local emergency declaration this morning. Uden also reported on Homeland Security grant funds. The county has received funds totaling $685,077.00 which includes things for GIS systems, radios, training and a microwave communication system. Ardella Rold, Senior Services Director asked the Board to approve a supplemental agreement for funding for the handibus transportation. She told the Board that the federal government had approved additional funding in the amount of $7000.00 for fiscal year 2003-2004. Rold also reported that the federal funding amount for budget year 2004-2005 has also been increased by $7000.00. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Larson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the supplemental agreement with the Nebraska Dept of Roads for additional funding in the amount of $7000.00 for handibus operations for 2003-2004. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Dawn Miller, Highway Superintendent, reported on bids received for armor coat projects in the county. Bids were received and opened on Thursday, June 3, 2004. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Larson to award bids for armor coating for projects in the county as follows: TopKote, $18,851.05; Koch, $45,992.55; Consolidated Concrete, $2,156.40. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Miller also presented an agreement with Southern Power District for relocation of overhead power lines for BR — 2147(2), Roseland Southwest. Motion by Murman, seconded by Kehoe to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement with Southern Power District for relocation of overhead power lines for project BR -2147(2), Roseland Southwest. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. At 10:00 AM the Board conducted a public hearing regarding the closing of certain streets and alleys in Hansen village. The Chairman opened the hearing and asked those wishing to speak to step forward. Sherry Drake of 820 E Clark, Hastings, NE spoke against the closing of the alley in block 4 as that is her only access to her garage. Tom Brewer of 865 E Oliver, Hastings, NE, owns lots 16 — 24 in block 4 and the alley is his access as well. All the property owners want the alley to remain open. Henry Turner of 790 E Clark, Hastings NE asked the Board to close the alley in block 9 as there is no access to the alley and his SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COU NTY, 1EB RASKA of Grand Street and one block of Birch Ave to remain open so she 325 development. He asked the Board to delay any action until their litigation is determined by the court. Robert Borchers of 10220 N Aspen, Hastings NE, stated that he currently has 2 buildings encroaching on the county right of way and he is in favor of closing Grand St. from Aspen to the railroad right of way. LynuBarrows and Andrew Barrows told the Board that the land in the proposed closings of blocks 3, 10 & 11 have historically been used for agriculture and Grand St has never been used as a street. They are in favor of closing all of Grand and a portion of Birch Ave. The Chairman closed the hearing. Attorney Hamilton told the Board that he would need to draw up a resolution and he would work with the Highway Superintendent and have one ready for the Board to act on at the meeting on June 22, 2004. LynnBarrows asked if she could make additional comments as she had forgotten to mention some things. The Chairman re -opened the hearing and LynnBarrows added additional comments. Beckstrom asked what were normal procedures taken by the county if someone was building without first obtaining a permit. The attorney replied that it starts with Planning & Zoning to examine the situation. The hearing was closed. Spencer Nelson, Wildlife Specialist with the USDA, presented his annual report of the services provided to the Board. He stated that it has been a busy year for Adams County and he has worked 16 projects in the county. Judy Priess, SASA director, presented her funding request for 2004-2005 to the Board. She asked for a $1200.00 increase over last year to cover the $100.00 monthly increase in the rent of office space. Kathy Colburn, Planning Administrator, asked the Board to appoint Lila Gamble to the Board of Adjustments. She also asked the Board to approve a Certificate of Service Award. Motion by Larson, seconded by Neumann to appoint Lila Gamble as alternate to the Board of Adjustment for a 3 year term to expire on June 8, 2007. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hynes to approve a Certificate of Service Award to Johnny Reiners for 10 years of service on the Board of Adjustments. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Miller told the Board that there needed to be some changes to the flood plain permitting process so that any agricultural building sites were examined to determine whether or not they lay in a flood plain. She suggested that it be done through the zoning permit. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to direct the Planning Administrator to alter the County Comprehensive Plan to add the needed flood plain permitting requirements for agricultural buildings with no fees required from Planning & Zoning. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, Johnson. Woodman brought forth a discussion regarding correspondence from McDermott & Miller for payment of fees for services provided during the 2002-2003 audit that were outside of the contract amount. It was felt that since McDermott & Miller had not asked the Board if they wanted the auditing firm to proceed with the extra service they provided, the Board was not obligated to pay any more than the contract amount. Motion by Murman, seconded by Kehoe not to pay the request from McDermott & Miller for additional services provided outside the contract amount. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Attorney Hamilton was directed to send a letter to McDermott & Miller explaining the Board's position. Julia Moeller, Treasurer, told the Board that she has been receiving numerous calls regarding whether or not the courthouse will be closed Friday, June 11, 2004 for the National Day of Mourning for former president Reagan. Motion by Murman, seconded by Johnson that the county offices remain open on Friday, June 11, 2004. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, and Hynes. Nays, Larson, Neumann and Woodman. Pat Gizinski, Assessor, and Rod Pokorski, Appraiser, met with the Board to determine when the Board would meet as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing property valuation protests. The Board decided to begin the hearings at 9:00 AM on Wednesday, June 23, 2004 with later dates being determined by the number of protests being filed. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Neumann to move to Executive Session for personnel matters and litigation. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Executive Session at 11:25 AM. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Larson to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 12:30 PM. 326 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA nnn nnn, iiTnnr1man Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Johnson to approve claims and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to accept officers reports for the month of April and May from the County Clerk and Sheriff. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to accept Miscellaneous Receipts for the month of May in the amount of $595,051.99. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Murman reported that he attended a Chamber of Commerce meeting. They plan to move to their new building on June 21st Larson attended a Midland Area on Aging meeting, an Extension Board meeting and the Personnel committee meeting. Neumann attended the MAAA meeting and the 30th anniversary open house of the Golden Age Center. Kehoe reported that Harold Johnson has told him that some of the sidewalks around the courthouse need repairing and Karr Tuckpointing has given prices on repairs to the granite walls of the courthouse. Johnson reported on attending several meetings of the Building and Grounds committee. Hynes attended the Personnel Committee meeting and two Region III meetings. Woodman attended the 30th anniversary open house of the Golden Age Center. BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ELECTION ADM REPORTS HOLIDAY INN OF KEARNEY HASTINGS TRIBUNE HERITAGE BANK LORENE BUSCHER EXECUTIVE COPIER SYS INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS FAKES OFFICE PLUS VISA NACO ALLTEL ISSOLUTIONS INC NAFE JANICE JOHNSON HOLIDAY INN OF KEARNEY VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC MOBILE BINDERS EAKES OFFICE PLUS DELL MARKETING LP HEWLETT PACKARD COMPANY DELL MARKETING LP VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC KENNETH ANDREWS VISA MARY STUEHM JIM KUHN AARON HYDE EAKES OFFICE PLUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS PATRICIA C GIZINSKI RODNEY L POKORSKI JIM KUHN AARON HYDE ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC ADAMS CO HWY DEPT COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ALLTEL CDW GOVERNMENT INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS GEORGE WASSON ED SCHURMAN TONY A RADMAKER MONA COCHRANE ADAMS CO SHERIFF CORNHUSKER PRESS CLK OF SUPREME COURT MAXIMUS INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS WALMART PRINCE OF THE ROAD OK CAFE COUNTY GENERAL SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG, TRAVEL EXPENSES PUBLISHING MISCELLANEOUS SALARY EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES REPAIRS DUES, SUB, REG DUES, SUB, REG EQUIPMENT RENTAL EQUIPMENT DUES, SUB, REG REIMBURSEMENT TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT ENVELOPES MILEAGE EQUIPMENT MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT MILEAGE MISCELLANEOUS MILEAGE MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS CAR REPAIRS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS MENTAL HEALTH COSTS SUPPLIES COURT COSTS CONSULTING FEES SUPPLIES COURT COSTS JUVENILE CARE COSTS COURT COSTS 47.90 197.00 59.95 1,852.20 22.00 30.00 275.09 85.81 106.67 771.58 195.00 108.97 7,400.00 39.00 51.54 59.95 507.02 3,375.00 162.51 4,385.15 4,442.00 9,748.62 387.75 14.63 238.42 20.00 10.00 10.00 101.39 99.99 23.25 10.00 221.13 10.00 25.49 57.37 423.10 500.68 48.34 43.03 338.78 21.50 38.75 38.75 21.50 32.50 73.26 66.50 3,450.00 92.07 20.36 146.00 41.90 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA TJBjPTTTT. ' CARE DTOPTHF,ST NEB' JUVFNTT.P 701..5 327 JOHNSON'S WATER INC COUNTY COURT COSTS 14.00 HOMETOWN LEASING FRANKLIN CO TREASURER EAKES OFFICE PLUS SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS CONWAY, PAULEY & JOHNSON ADAMS COUNTY COURT ARTHUR TOOGOOD PUB DEF ISABEL SMITH JACKIE QUEEN BRADLEY WHITE & ASSOC PC SEILER, PARKER P.C. LANGVRDT & VALLE PC KARR TUCKPOINTING WAYNE MOUSEL MAVERICK INDUSTIRES LARRY SETLIK CUST CARPET WEST -LITE CORPORATION JOHNSON CASHWAY LUMBR CO HASTINGS UTILITIES DRUMMOND AMERICAN CORP CAREY'S PEST CONTROL INC HOWARD'S GLASS WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV RUTTS HEATING & AC NATL PAPER & SANITARY MONTY MALOUF JR & ASSOC KENS REFRIGERATION CITY OF HASTINGS COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES WILBERT H ACKERMAN JOHNSON CONTROLS INC SCHWARZ PAPER COMPANY BIG G COMM HARDWARE BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS CAROL HARRENSTEIN JESSIKA UDEN DORIS ZUELLNER RON SEYMOUR VISA VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS JANELLE TRAUSCH RELIABLE JULIE OCHSNER LUWANE NELSON NEBR ASSOC OF COUNTY SHERRI LYNN ADELINE JOHNSON JASON FRINK EAKES OFFICE PLUS COMPUTER HARDWARE INC COMP TECH SUSAN BROWN JUSTIN GRADER ANDREA S BRADER REVOLVING FUND UNIVERSITY OF NE SEREC A & D TECHNICAL SUPPLY C FAKES OFFICE PLUS FORENSIC DENTISTRY ISABEL SMITH VISA SOFTWARE UNLIMITED CHARLES HAMILTON HASTINGS POLICE DEPT HASTINGS TRIBUNE EAKES OFFICE PLUS DOUGLAS CO TREAS DONNA S FEGLER-DAISS ADAMS CO SHERIFF DAS COMMUNICATIONS ALLTEL ALLTEL ALLTEL AUTO VALUE SPEC. SALES SOUTH CENTRAL BOBCAT ALLTEL US POSTAL SERVICE PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA GX CONCEPTS HC CLEANING ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ARF COMPUTER CITICORP VENDOR FINANCE EXECUTIVE COPIER SYS INC US POSTAL SERVICE KEARNEY CO TREASURER COMPUTER HARDWARE INC COMPUTER CONSULTANTS PHELPS CO TREASURER EQUIPMENT RENTAL COURT COSTS SUPPLIES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES COURT COSTS REIMBURSEMENT COURT COSTS COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES EQUIPMENT DUES, SUB, REG MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES CHEMICALS MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS CHEMICALS SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT MILEAGE MILEAGE MILEAGE TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MILEAGE SUPPLIES MILEAGE MILEAGE MILEAGE MILEAGE MILEAGE MILEAGE SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT TRAVEL EXPENSES TRAVEL EXPENSES MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT CLERICAL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES AUTOPSY COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS DATA PROCESSING COSTS FORECLOSURE COSTS BLOOD TESTS JUVENILLE COSTS COURT COSTS AUTOPSY COSTS MILEAGE FORECLOSURE COSTS NET COM TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE TELEPHONE SUPPLIES RADIO REPAIR SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE REPAIRS MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE POSTAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT RENTAL REPAIRS EQUIPMENT TELEPHONE SERVICES 19.09 266.10 247.50 840.00 1,586.25 375.60 225.50 2,363.53 20.00 239.25 570.00 1,107.97 9,441.37 5,725.00 164.00 1,918.00 250.25 219.61 54.10 2,374.61 298.49 72.50 45.38 200.58 93.00 40.56 2,193.00 151.00 9.61 55.00 15.68 64.00 110.00 2,210.50 264.75 1,221.48 599.98 30.00 4.50 39.00 148.98 395.53 191.60 67.50 407.78 52.50 39.00 100.00 49.52 51.75 15.00 123.95 100.00 31.90 50.07 30.39 76.88 1,422.67 1,150.00 3,454.80 477.48 1,200.00 10.00 77.75 200.00 59.23 100.00 99.03 379.89 325.87 124.79 171.99 1,233.07 2,637.19 112.70 949.31 33.36 850.00 221.64 74.00 334.55 35.00 200.00 12.66 250.00 125.00 25.00 37.00 76.00 50.00 3,180.00 75.72 328 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA CIVIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE. EUPPLTES =0-6 95 CORNHUSKER PRESS SUPPLIES 73.06 EUSIN1 C16 SUPPLIES ALLTEL TELEPHONE SERVICES JOHNSON'S WATER INC MISCELLANEOUS WESTLAND BLDG CO INC REPAIRS HAROLD JOHNSON REPAIRS HASTINGS UTILITIES UTILITIES HASTINGS FAMILY PRAC PC MED-HOSP PRISONERS BERTS REXALL DRUGS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BERTS REXALL DRUGS MED-HOSP PRISONERS ED.ROEHR SAFETY PROD EQUIPMENT DVM RESOURCES HASTINGS N MED-HOSP PRISONERS CHIEF INDUSTRIES INC COURTHOUSE REMODELING MYERS REFRIGERATION CO REPAIRS JERRY SPADY PONT CAD INC TRAVEL EXPENSES WILLIAMS EXTERMINATING I MISCELLANEOUS STATE OF NEBR BOARD OF PRISONERS KEN SVOBODA PLUMBING REPAIRS ROGERS INC REPAIRS PRIMEDIA WORKPLACE LEARN DUES, SUB, REG PHELPS COUNTY SHERIFF BOARD OF PRISONERS MODERN METHODS INC MISCELLANEOUS LESLEE SCOTT, INC PROVISIONS THE INTERIOR GALLERY REPAIRS HALL CNTY BD OF CORRECTI BOARD OF PRISONERS GUARANTEE ELEC CO INC REPAIRS FRANKLIN COUNTY SHERIFF BOARD OF PRISONERS BEMANS APPLIANCE SERV IN REPAIRS BARMORE DRUG STORE MED-HOSP PRISONERS ANIMAL CLINIC MED-HOSP PRISONERS ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS ADAMS COUNTY JAIL BOARD OF PRISONERS ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV SUPPLIES ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC MED-HOSP PRISONERS KIM THAYER UNIFORM ALLOWANCE OMB POLICE SUPPLY UNIFORM ALLOWANCE GUN LEATHER LTD UNIFORM ALLOWANCE BRAD M CONSBRUCK UNIFORM ALLOWANCE VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC PRINTING RAYNOR GARAGE DOORS OF C MERIT COMMISSION EXP PHILLIPS 66 FUEL NEBR LAW ENFORCEMENT MILEAGE NEBR CRIME COMMISSION PUBLISHING MATTHEW BENDER & CO INC PUBLISHING GREGG MAGEE CO SHERIFF MILEAGE KENESAW MOTOR CO INC EQUIPMENT KARNES AUTO REPAIR EQUIPMENT GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV REPAIRS FRANKS PAINT & BODY SHOP LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS FARMERS UNION COOP GAS FUEL ELECTRONICS SERVICE (93) RADIO REPAIR EAKES OFFICE PLUS SUPPLIES CITY OF HASTINGS CONTRACT SERV BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS SUPPLIES ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV REIMBURSEMENT ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV REIMBURSEMENT ALEXANDER HAMILTON INSTI MERIT COMMISSION EXP ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV REIMBURSEMENT JOHN RUST UNIFORM ALLOWANCE CABELAS CATALOG INC UNIFORM ALLOWANCE KERR CHEVROLET CO EQUIPMENT BIG G COMM HARDWARE LAW ENF SUPP PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA RADIO REPAIR CASH WA CANDY COMPANY SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC REPAIRS GREAT PLAINS CHRYS DODGE EQUIPMENT G A MICEK DDS PC MED-HOSP PRISONERS ALLTEL BOARD OF PRISONERS ALLTEL MERIT COMMISSION EXP STEVE HESMAN MISCELLANEOUS GENE'S REPAIR & SALES REPAIRS FLEX 0 LITE INC PAVEMENT MARKING FLEET PRIDE PARTS SAMUELSON EQUIP CO PARTS FARMERS UNION COOP GAS FUEL FAIRBANKS INTERNATIONAL PARTS EZ -LINER INDUSTRIES PARTS DELKEN PRESS SUPPLIES COMPUTER HARDWARE INC EQUIPMENT COMPULINK LTD DATA PROCESSING CENTRAL NEBR EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT RENTAL BIG G COMM HARDWARE REPAIRS BAUER BUILT INC TIRES BERCKS MUFFLER SHOP PARTS AUTO VALUE -HASTINGS SUPPLIES APPLIED CONTROLS PARTS ALLTEL TELEPHONE GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO TELEPHONE IDEAL ELECTRIC SIGNALS IDEAL ELECTRIC REPAIRS ISLAND SUPPLY BULK CHAINS JULLEE JOHNSON CUSTODIAL KACO SUPPLIES FLARES FLAGS BARRICADES KERR CHEVROLET CO PARTS 2 /.61 110.48 15.00 8,620.00 1,197.50 607.04 130.00 232.02 1,024.52 1,873.48 112.00 5,717.00 238.30 20.01 46.00 4,157.34 75.00 223.80 576.00 135.00 99.00 239.31 151.60 6,158.75 59.50 5,550.00 89.70 72.60 263.25 42.12 2,301.34 324.19 211.04 35.00 293.92 274.19 35.00 255.50 330.00 299.55 100.00 84.00 21.60 465.35 1,108.00 11.65 30.00 135.00 197.19 21.39 248.10 2,821.01 220.10 1,180.09 129.16 38.25 716.79 35.00 65.00 262.78 183.19 2,775.67 240.49 5,177.00 1,004.17 535.00 112.19 23.50 55.00 51.92 7,909.20 132.54 584.70 64.50 219.99 1,632.86 70.00 79.00 600.00 590.00 4.26 900.00 124.58 365.85 68.98 47.64 165.80 82.11 30.00 135.97 25.00 37.26 246.36 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 KTNT)FP MC]RCAN ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA HPATTNC_ PTTFT 329 KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPL MATERIALS 310.76 MAINELLI WAG & ASSOC INC MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC MIDWEST SERVICE MLMH CLINICAL LAB SERV NAPA AUTO PARTS NEBRASKA CRANE PARAMOUNT LINEN & UNIFOR ODEN ENTERPRISES INC POWER PLAN SAPP BROS., PETRO INC SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT SQUARE DEAL LUMBER CO VAN DIEST SUPPLY CO VONTZ PAVING INC WELLS FARGO CARD SERV ADAMS CO HWY DEPT ADAMS CO HWY DEPT VAN DIEST SUPPLY CO BRENDA PORTENIER CHELSEA YILK EXPRESSJET INC NACO HASTINGS TRIBUNE ADAMS CO SHERIFF FEE ACT ADAMS CO SENIOR SERV PAY FLEX SYSTEMS USA INC ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC FRANKLIN CO TREASURER CITY OF HASTINGS GWEN RODOCKER VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS JAMES KONEN III SMITTY'S ENTERPRISES INC KATHY NASH ELVIN SAFETY ELVIN SAFETY WEST GROUP USDA, APHIS, SUPPLY INC SUPPLY INC WILDLIFE SE EARL MAY SEED & NURSERY KARR TUCKPOINTING ALLTEL PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA COMPUTER HARDWARE INC VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC MODERN METHODS INC DAS COMMUNICATIONS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS US POSTAL SERVICE K MART ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT RENTAL CULVERTS MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES CULVERTS PARTS GREASE OIL ELECTRICITY CHEMICALS CHEMICALS GRAVEL EQUIPMENT PT TIME CLERICAL FUEL CHEMICALS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS AIRLINE TAX REFUND DUES, SUB, REG, TRAINING, FEES PRINTING & PUBLISHING COURT COSTS HANDI-BUS AGREEMENTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS POSTAL SERVICES COURT COSTS ELECTIONS SALARY MILEAGE SUPPLIES UNIFORM ALLOWANCE RELIEF - MEDICAL RENT RENT COMMUNITY DEVELOP. BLK GRANT FUND GRANTS GRANTS INHERITANCE TAX LIBRARY CONTRACT SERVICE COURTHOUSE BUILDING MISC CAP OUTLAY ESCROW HOLDING FUND MISCELLANEOUS 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES EMERGENCY PHONE MISCELLANEOUS INTENSIVE SUPERVISION PROBATION BUDGET OFFICE EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL TELEPHONE SERVICES SUPPLIES POSTAL SERVICES SUPPLIES This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis County Clerk Beverly Johns Deputy Larry Woodman Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday June 22, 2004 9,500.00 230.00 21,060.12 44.00 661.25 31.36 439.60 5,306.57 707.06 2,919.10 168.15 8.20 726.40 9,581.00 770.18 2,488.07 375.42 299.63 68.50 68.50 2,870.00 1,348.00 324.90 4,768.21 10,798.04 76.32 166.00 249.00 3,000.00 23.10 50.00 13.50 45.40 35.00 210.00 420.00 36.56 2,690.10 2,642.58 1,809.50 91.84 2,507.00 1,914.92 30,436.55 248.00 111.95 79.00 54.61 90.19 74.00 69.27 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Motion by Larson, seconded by Kehoe that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerks office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were corrected to change the name from Gwen Barrows to Lynn Barrows on page 324 last paragraph. 330 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Kehoe reported that work is still progressing on the Annex and there have been a few Emergency Management operations that have taken place. Johnson reported that the Buildings and Grounds committee still continues to meet. Hynes attended a Personal Committee meeting on June 14th Neumann attended an Adams County Senior Services meeting, Planning & Zoning meeting and a Library Board meeting. Larson attended a Personnel meeting. on June 9th, a Veterans Service Committee meeting on the 10th and a Road Committee meeting on the le. Murman attended a Chamber of Commerce meeting and their move is almost complete. He also handed out information about budget results for the year. Woodman attended a Road Committee meeting last week. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Neumann to re appoint Becky Sullivan to the Adams County Convention and Visitors Bureau for a three year term to expire in June 2007. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to cancel duplicate, voided and outstanding checks from June 11, 2002 to March 2, 2004 written on the County Imprest Fund with the stipulation that claims may be submitted for payment upon request of any of the vendors. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. There was a discussion regarding the Interlocal Agreement with the City to provide bookmobile services for the County. There were some questions regarding the bookmobile sinking fund and a few revisions were discussed. It was decided that the City/County Combined Services Committee would hold a special meeting to discuss the agreement and it would be placed on the Board agenda on July 6, 2004 for a decision. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to move to Board of Equalization to allow omitted properties and motor vehicle exemption applications. Entered Board of Equalization at 9:50 AM. The Board continued a public hearing for a Conditional Use Permit for a dog kennel for Debra Waters, case 04-05.2. The Chairman declared the hearing opened and asked those wishing to speak to step forward. Debra Waters of 3165 N Pawnee Ave, Hastings NE and Harriet McFeeley spoke in favor of issuing the permit. Johnson asked about USDA requirements. Waters replied that USDA regulations apply to kennels who sell dogs to brokers. Dan Waters also spoke in favor of the Conditional Use Permit stating that the kennel business is Debbie Waters only source of income. Scott Altman of 3860 W Idlewilde Road, Hastings, NE stated that he felt the numbers required to get permits for kennels should be re -visited as his sons have four dogs and he did not know that they needed a conditional use permit. Woodman told him that he did not feel his comments were relevant to this hearing. Pearl Davison spoke against issuing the permit. No one else appeared to speak and the Chairman closed the hearing. Kathy Colburn, Planning & Zoning Administrator told the Board that the Planning Commission has recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit with 6 conditions. Motion by Murman, seconded by Kehoe to approve the request of Debra Waters for a Conditional use Permit for a dog kennel, case 04-05.2 with the conditions set out by the Planning Commission. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Neumann abstained. Colburn presented information on two requests for subdivisions. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Kehoe to approve the Steve Parr Acres Subdivision, applicant Steve Parr, case 04-06.3. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Hynes to approve the Milligan Second Subdivision, applicants Harry & Dorothy Milligan, case 04-06.4. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Larson, seconded by Johnson to move to Executive Session for personnel, contracts and litigation. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Executive Session at 10:50 AM. SUPERVISORS' RECORD N ADAMS COUNTY, -NEBRASKA o. 25 331 Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to return to regular session. Roll call ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 11:35 AM, RuAnn Root, CASA Director, presented her 2004-2005 budget request. Orval Stahr, zoning consultant, presented information about livestock zoning ordinances for the Board to review. He told the Board that the Dept of Agriculture has developed some new standards for livestock zoning since the legislature recently passed the livestock friendly county bill; however these standards have not yet been approved by the Attorney General. Jim Bendorff of Midland Area Agency on Aging presented their budget request for 2004-2005. Gary Streeks, Blue Cross/Blue Shield representative, spoke to the Board regarding changes in the health insurance plan and the recent increases in premium. Dawn Miller, Highway Superintendent, reviewed the bids received for 2 miles of overlay on Adams Central Rd. She reported there was only one bid received from Werner Construction and it was over the estimated amount. She has negotiated a price from Werner's for $308,443.24 and recommends that the Board throw out the bid and approve the negotiated price. Motion by Larson, seconded by Hynes to approve the negotiated cost of $308,443.24 from Werner Construction for overlay on Adams Central Road from 12th St to Highway 6. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Miller also told the Board that she has received a letter from AGP and they have withdrawn their request to close a portion of E 7th St from Blaine Ave to the Union Pacific Railroad right of way. Miller presented a resolution to the Board calling for the closing of certain streets and alleys in Hansen village. Motion by Larson, seconded by Neumann to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04-06- 22.1 vacating certain streets and alleys in Hansen village. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Complete Resolution on file in the County Clerks office. Miller presented an Interlocal Agreement from Verona Township for gravel purchases. Motion by Larson, seconded by Hynes to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign an Interlocal Agreement with Verona Township for gravel purchases. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. There was a discussion of the flood plain permitting process. Orval Stahr told the Board that it was against state statute to require permits for farm buildings and charge a fee. The Board told Stahr that they did not intend to charge for the permits but to only require that the land owner acquire a permit for setback and flood plain purposes. Stahr said that he had understood that the Board intended to amend the county comprehensive plan to require fees for permits. The resolution was tabled until the meeting on July 6, 2004. Murman reported to the Board regarding the 2003-2004county budget. There were a few budgets that have gone over the budgeted expenditures and would need funds transferred to off set the expenditures. Those budgets are Public Defender, Jail and Daycare (Emergency Protective Shelter). He also reported there were three funds that needed to be amended to include unanticipated revenues. Those funds are Community Development Block Grant, Courthouse Building and General. It will be necessary to call a special meeting and hold a public hearing to amend those funds. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to call a special meeting of the Board to hold a public hearing to amend the 2003-2004 county budget at 9:30 AM on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 in the County Boardroom. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Johnson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04-06- 22.2 to transfer funds to the following budgets: Public Defender, Jail and Daycare. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Complete Resolution on file in the County Clerk's office. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to move Planning & Zoning to the Highway Dept and to place the Planning & Zoning administrator under the supervision of the Highway Superintendent beginning July 1, 2004. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Murman to approve claims and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. 332 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to accept officer reports from the Register of Deeds for the month of May. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. EAKES OFFICE PLUS MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ALLTEL VISA DELL MARKETING LP WINGATE INN US POSTAL SERVICE MICHELAN PARR MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC JULIA MOELLER BEVERLY DAVIS GIS WORKSHOP EAKES OFFICE PLUS DELL MARKETING LP RODNEY L POKORSKI DUGAN BUSINESS FORMS ISSOLUTIONS INC WILLIAM MONROE HOLIDAY INN KATHY COLBURN COLETTE PARR GLEN KROEKER BOB KOBER JIM KOSTAL HASTINGS TRIBUNE PEARL DAVISON DONALD CORDES BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS CDW GOVERNMENT INC ISSOLUTIONS INC COMPUTER CONSULTANTS COMPUTER CONSULTANTS ESCROW FUND CORNHUSKER PRESS US POSTAL SERVICE MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS ADAMS CO CLK OF DIST CRT BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ARTHUR TOOGOOD PUB DEF ADAMS COUNTY COURT MID PLAINS CTR BEHAVORIA COMPUTER CONSULTANTS PLATTE COUNTY COURT FRANKLIN CO TREASURER EILEENS COLOSSAL COOKIES EAKES OFFICE PLUS ADAMS COUNTY COURT WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV ORSCHELN FARM & HOME NAPA AUTO PARTS MONTY MALOUF JR & ASSOC MATT FRIEND TRUCK EQUIPM HUSKER TOTAL POWER INC ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES HASTINGS UTILITIES DUTTON LAINSON CO BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS SUE FRINK ELOISE WARREN DIANE MCLEOD CONNIE NILES EAKES OFFICE PLUS COOKING LIGHT REVOLVING FUND BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM DELL MARKETING LP DELL MARKETING LP DELL MARKETING LP DELL MARKETING LP WALMART SOFTWARE UNLIMITED COMPUTER CONSULTANTS COMPUTER CONSULTANTS COMPUTER CONSULTANTS COMPUTER CONSULTANTS CORNHUSKER PRESS K MART BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS EAKES OFFICE PLUS GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC COUNTY GENERAL SUPPLIES COPIER SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS DUES, SUB, REG, POSTAL SERVICES MILEAGE EQUIPMENT RENTAL MILEAGE MILEAGE SOFTWARE SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT MISCELLANEOUS FORM PRINTING MISCELLANEOUS MILEAGE DUES, SUB, REG, REIMBURSEMENT MILEAGE MILEAGE MILEAGE MILEAGE PUBLISHING MILEAGE MILEAGE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES DATA PROCESSING DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT STATIONERY POSTAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES COURT COSTS SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT COURT COSTS JUVENILE CARE COSTS OFFICE EQUIPMENT COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS SUPPLIES COURT COSTS MISCELLANEOUS SHOP TOOLS MISCELLANEOUS CHEMICALS SHOP TOOLS CHILLER/BOILER MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES REPAIRS SUPPLIES TRAVEL EXPENSES TRAVEL EXPENSES TRAVEL EXPENSES TRAVEL EXPENSES OFFICE EQUIPMENT DUES, SUB, REG, EQUIPMENT FURNITURE SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS DAY CARE COSTS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES FURNITURE SUPPLIES REPAIRS SUPPLIES 10.59 232.10 658.65 108.97 650.00 1,625.50 639.70 126.00 44.94 232.10 37.50 37.50 1,375.00 31.32 2,196.02 10.00 91.98 4,165.00 60.00 55.00 19.00 123.75 81.00 75.00 90.00 10.80 97.50 60.00 43.95 14.64 500.00 32.50 3,500.00 600.00 110.71 126.00 290.00 4,300.00 1,520.57 679.00 1,685.82 57.75 200.00 4,891.00 14.61 12.55 8.85 25.28 750.00 235.58 101.93 205.98 2,486.20 78.00 517.12 64.00 5,776.33 171.12 29.51 27.00 200.00 33.00 4.52 150.00 21.97 431.80 5,177.08 1,600.16 1,982.94 423.00 263.94 1,400.06 437.78 200.00 3,975.00 340.25 252.00 795.00 142.70 176.75 369.99 109.99 624.97 152.48 340.95 240.76 333 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY BRASKA RADIOSHACK CORP NE TECH & TELE INC MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC HAZELDEN EDUCATIONAL MAT COMPUTER HARDWARE INC ADAMS CO CLERK ALLTEL PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA FAKES OFFICE PLUS ALLTEL LAB SAFETY SUPPLY DAVID J KEMPF TYSON COBLE CLARITUS JAMES HINRICHS COLE WICKS WEATHER TAP INTERNET SER LOREN UDEN VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS STANLEY R THAYER SAFETY & SUPPLY CO SCHMADER ELEC CO INC LOIS SHURTER SO CENTRAL HTG & AIR CON RICHARD ROWBAL PRESTO X COMP KEITH NAPIER RONALD MANGERS MELODIE MANGERS ETHAN W MOORHEAD WILLIAM R LOUTZENHEISER JAMES KLATT KEITH KINNEY KLINGLER MONOGRAM & EMBR DANIEL GLOMSKI TRACEY GLOMSKI CITY OF HASTINGS RUSSELL DUNN SARAH CROON RICK COLLINS VANCE CROON CRESCENT ELECTRIC SHELLY BODEN PAUL BANKSON MIKE BIERE BARB BUTLER BIG G COMM HARDWARE ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES CENTEC CAST METAL PRODUC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS CASH WA CANDY COMPANY CASH WA CANDY COMPANY ER PROF SERVICES MLMH KEITHS PHARMACIES BIG G COMM HARDWARE ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV SUE JEFFREY YORK GENERAL HOSPITAL EYE SURGICAL ASSOCIATES ADAMS COUNTY JAIL LINCOLN RADIOLOGY GROUP PAUL SPADY OLDS BUICK PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA NADEN'S PHARMACY MODERN METHODS INC LANNING CENTER KENESAW MOTOR CO INC HALL CNTY BD OF CORRECTI HASTINGS RADIOLOGY ASSOC COMPUTER HARDWARE INC BUFFALO CO SHERIFF OFF ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS EAKES OFFICE PLUS EAKES OFFICE PLUS RED THE UNIFORM SHAFFER TACTICAL GEAR QUALIFICATION TARGETS JOE HOCKENSMITH PHILLIPS 66 PRIMEDIA WORKPLACE LEARN PRIMEDIA WORKPLACE LEARN PRIMEDIA WORKPLACE LEARN GREGG MAGEE CO SHERIFF HELLO DIRECT INC ESCROW FUND ESCROW FUND EQUIPMENT TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT RENTAL MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS POSTAL SERVICES TELEPHONE REPAIRS EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS DUES, SUB, REG MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE MAINTENANCE MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS TELEPHONE MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES LAUNDRY -PRISONERS LAW ENF SUPP MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS TRAVEL EXPENSES MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS TRAVEL EXPENSES RADIO EQUIPMENT MED-HOSP PRISONERS REPAIRS MED-HOSP PRISONERS TRAVEL EXPENSES BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS DATA PROCESSING BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS DATA PROCESSING COSTS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE SUPPLIES OFFICE EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT DUES, SUB, REG, DUES, SUB, REG, CONTRACT SERV MILEAGE DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT 115.98 51.64 355.00 98.10 8.95 712.94 907.50 584.89 812.00 168.71 211.33 251.46 75.00 25.00 2,720.00 15.00 25.00 351.59 20.00 167.85 35.00 500.63 5,175.00 25.00 95.00 25.00 21.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 35.00 25.00 15.00 38.90 15.00 15.00 152.35 15.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 13.50 35.00 25.00 35.00 25.00 32.96 13.30 582.84 88.45 13.56 77.40 197.16 162.42 297.24 624.76 100.00 123.00 165.00 1,735.94 666.00 24.02 1,565.00 72.59 276.00 144.82 26.85 1,330.29 86.57 2,946.00 1,395.00 56.69 100.42 329.94 679.00 325.00 16.20 599.00 27.00 718.12 315.00 68.88 120.00 289.91 194.00 194.00 188.00 219.51 228.64 1,224.00 666.00 334 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA BUSINESS & LEGAL REPORTS ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV VIDEO KINGDOM UNCLE NEAL'S COUNTRY OMB POLICE SUPPLY JASON NIEMOTH MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC ED.ROEHR SAFETY PROD COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC ALEXANDER HAMILTON INSTI ANIMAL CLINIC ANIMAL CLINIC ADAMS CO HWY DEPT ADAMS CO HWY DEPT ASSEMBLED PRODUCTS CORP ESCROW FUND WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV VONTZ PAVING INC SQUARE DEAL LUMBER CO SANITARY OUTDOOR SERV IN ROAD BLDG MACH & SUPPLY ROAD BLDG MACH & SUPPLY PATCHMASTER CENTRAL INC LINDA PARR NEW PIG CORPORATION NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS NE MACHINERY CO MID NEBRASKA LUBRICANTS MLMH CLINICAL LAB SERV LINWELD KERR CHEVROLET CO KERR CHEVROLET CO KENESAW MOTOR CO INC JULLEE JOHNSON HASTINGS TRIBUNE HASTINGS UTILITIES HASTINGS UTILITIES H & M EQUIPMENT FLEET PRIDE FAIRBANKS INTERNATIONAL EAKES OFFICE PLUS DAC SERV DEPT 177 CONSUMERS SERVICE CO INC B'S ENTERPRISES INC BRUNERS SAND & GRAVEL IN BOSSELMAN INC BIG G COMM HARDWARE BIG G COMM HARDWARE ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ALLTEL ADAMS COUNTY WEED CONTRO ADAMS COUNTY WEED CONTRO BIG G COMM HARDWARE VAN DIEST SUPPLY CO KERR CHEVROLET CO ADAMS CO HWY DEPT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT SPOUSE ABUSE SEXUAL ASSA RSVP REGION III PROG ADM OFFI REGION III PROG ADM OFFI PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC MIDLAND AREA AGENCY MEALS ON WHEELS MID NEBR INDIVIDUAL SERV HEAD START CHILD & FAMIL HASTINGS HEAD START HASTINGS ECONOMIC DEV RURAL METRO MEDICAL SERV ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS CO HWY DEPT UDEN PLBG & HTG CO INC NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD FORT DEARBORN INSURANCE ADAMS COUNTY BOARD ADAMS COUNTY CLERK ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER REGISTER OF DEEDS ADAMS COUNTY ASSESSOR PLANNING & ZONING DATA PROCESSING CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT COURT BAILIFF PUBLIC DEFENDER REG CLERICAL LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS MILEAGE TRAVEL EXPENSES LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS FUEL EQUIPMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT REPAIRS MERIT COMMISSION EXP MED-HOSP PRISONERS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS FUEL TRAVEL EXPENSES EQUIPMENT ARMOR COATING GARBAGE GRAVEL CULVERTS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES EXPRESS & FREIGHT ASPHALT CUSTODIAL MISCELLANEOUS SIGNS PARTS GREASE OIL MISCELLANEOUS SMALL TOOLS, ETC. RD EQ REP PARTS PICKUPS & BODIES GREASE OIL CUSTODIAL ADVERTISING ELECTRICITY WATER EQUIPMENT RENTAL PARTS PARTS SUPPLIES - OFFICE MISCELLANEOUS FUEL GUIDE POSTS GRAVEL FUEL PARTS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TELEPHONE REG TIME SALARY PICKUPS PARTS CHEMICALS PARTS REIMBURSEMENT COURT COSTS COURT COSTS DOMESTIC ABUSE LOCAL MATCH MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES EMERGENCY SERVICES POSTAL SERVICES POSTAL SERVICES POSTAL SERVICES AREA AGENCY ON AGING LOCAL MATCH MENTAL RETARDATION SERVICE CASA HEAD START ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AMBULANCE COSTS JURY PAYROLL CAR REPAIRS REPAIR RETIREMENT MATCH FICA MATCH HEALTH INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES 541.08 446.25 948.80 35.00 19.50 20.00 2,761.95 2,480.00 260.00 1,873.48 2,998.00 180.00 29.95 100.00 81.00 2,614.66 594.72 295.00 383,369.00 66.86 7,979.40 20.90 150.00 314.06 7.50 1,050.00 25.00 88.00 300.00 5,738.28 449.10 44.00 239.37 872.88 8,500.00 6.58 25.00 39.28 426.94 64.25 75.00 34.12 45.26 33.56 59.80 18.00 950.00 6,403.32 6,693.00 .33 11.01 55.16 265.63 2,944.23 1,200.00 3.22 5,680.00 267.94 932.44 41.50 41.50 131.00 333.26 3,032.63 584.01 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,018.00 666.63 2,595.88 2,000.00 125.00 1,666.63 12,500.00 1,039.37 19.36 45.00 20,834.30 25,787.08 81,074.11 800.55 7,210.00 11,372.47 26,090.37 8,482.57 24,262.29 2,192.82 5,889.13 15,466.86 2,082.78 12,693.28 SUPERVISORS RE ADAMS COUNT ORD No. 25 BRASKA 335 MAINTENANCE DEPT EXTENSION OFFICE MICROFILM DEPT ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY CORRECTIONS & COMMUNICATIONS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COUNTY SURVEYOR ADAMS COUNTY ROAD DEPT ADAMS COUNTY WEED DEPT VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE JESSICA JUNGCK GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV WORLDCOM VISA VISA VISA ANN ROHAN ANN ROHAN MODERN METHODS INC COMPUTER HARDWARE INC CITY OF HASTINGS CASH WA CANDY COMPANY ADAMS CO TELECOMMUNICATI HASTINGS UTILITIES BIG G COMM HARDWARE NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD FT DEARBORN INSURANCE ADAMS COUNTY VISITORS BUREAU HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES REGIONAL BOOKS HASTINGS PUBLIC LIBRARY THE GALE GROUP JIM DELGADO BAKER & TAYLOR INC ALLTEL NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD FT DEARBORN INSURANCE ADAMS COUNTY LIBRARY SANDRY FIRE SUPPLY HEIMAN FIRE EQUIPMENT SO HEARTLAND DIST HEALTH PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA ADAMS CO HISTORICAL SOC EARL MAY HASTINGS MARY LANNING HOSP TRUST WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV RICHARD SPADY K MART ADAMS COUNTY EXTENSION ESCROW FUND ALLTEL BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS K MART SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS REPAIR REPAIR TELEPHONE REPAIR POSTAL SERVICES SUPPLIES POSTAL SERVICES MILEAGE EQUIPMENT RENTAL REPAIR TELEPHONE REPAIR TELEPHONE UTILITIES REPAIR RETIREMENT MATCH. FICA MATCH HEALTH INSURANCE DIASABILITY INSURANCE SALARIES INSTITUTIONS PATIENT CARE COUNTY LIBRARY LIBRARY MISCELLANEOUS LIBRARY MISCELLANEOUS LIBRARY MISCELLANEOUS RETIREMENT MATCH FICA MATCH HEALTH INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE SALARIES COMMUNITY DEVELOP. BLK GRANT FUND GRANTS GRANTS GRANTS GRANTS INHERITANCE TAX HISTORICAL SOC COURTHOUSE BUILDING MISC CAP OUTLAY MISC CAP OUTLAY MISC CAP OUTLAY MISC CAP OUTLAY MISC CAP OUTLAY MISC CAP OUTLAY MISC CAP OUTLAY 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES EMERGENCY PHONE INTENSIVE SUPERVISION PROBATION BUDGET SUPPLIES SUPPLIES This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. J Chrisella Lewis County Clerk Beverly Johnson Deputy Larry W6odman Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, June 22, 2004 11,020.05 4,059.42 2,106.11 58,401.81 27,595.11 44,759.39 3,227.47 257.50 72,553.83 3,337.35 5,652.32 31.76 40.00 64.30 79.51 52.04 59.13 21.95 15.38 225.00 74.50 91.37 17.93 30.30 159.74 18.59 158.24 261.47 686.39 5.93 3,597.91 2,059.88 31.70 500.00 122.08 100.00 665.36 13.48 400.63 630.05 402.52 5.93 8,285.87 478.46 15,717.65 533.33 4,532.78 722.50 815.77 994.75 35.00 70.46 696.22 47.52 30,000.00 1,8.61.53 497.74 66.29 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of allowing omitted property and motor vehicle exemption applications with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes, and Woodman. Also present were Clerk Lewis, Attorney Hamilton, Assessor Gizinski, Appraiser, Pokorski and Jan Timm, representing the Treasurer. 336 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Jan Timm of the Treasurer's office presented two applications for motor vehicle exemptions, one from Gingerbread Preschool and one from Church of the Nazarene. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hynes to approve the motor vehicle exemption applications for Gingerbread Preschool and Church of the Nazarene. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Gizinski told the Board that there were a few properties whose values were not correct at this time and the Board would need to make the corrections. Some of the values that were not correct were due to computer glitches. She presented the properties to the Board and asked for their approval to correct them. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to approve the corrections to the values of the following properties as recommended by the Assessor: Tax ID # Old Value Corrected Value 8-412.00 2690 2630 149-50.12 92,865 98,375 128-560 0 1100 52-200 0 10,920 48-592 0 2110 60-90.1 0 9470 122-10.16 0 4555 122-670 0 1075 128-210 0 1075 284-8278 7525 80,930 Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 10:10 AM. This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. 1 Larry odman Chrisella Lewis y W County Clerk Chairman Beverly Johnson Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday June 29, 2004 A special meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. The purpose of the meeting was to hold a public hearing to amend the 2003-2004 county budget. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Larson that this meeting is a special meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as circulated. Murman gave an explanation regarding the purpose for amending the budget. He told the Board members that unanticipated revenues had been received in various county funds and there was a way to transfer money among the funds but it is a lot cleaner to open the budget and amend it. The Chairman opened the hearing and asked those wishing to speak to step forward. No one appeared and the hearing was closed. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04- 06-29 amending the 2003-2004 county budget. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Complete Resolution on file in the County Clerk's office. This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis Larry Voodmaan County Clerk Chairman Beverly Joh s Deputy SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 3377 1 : .•A k. .a :e. , . Tuesday July 6, 2004 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Neumann that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Minutes of the previous special meeting were approved as circulated. Kehoe reported that Buildings and Grounds committee met this morning and the Annex is coming along good and actually turning out better than thought. Johnson attended an Adams County Convention & Visitors Bureau meeting on the 21st and they had a planning session. Neumann attended a Midland Area Agency on Aging meeting on the 24th and a City/County Combined Services meeting on the 28th and they discussed the library agreement, ambulance, animal control and the 911 center. He also reported that Planning & Zoning would be moved to the Roads Dept by August 2, 2004. He also will be meeting with Judy Hoch regarding funding for animal control services. Larson also attended the MAAA meeting on the 24th. Woodman also attended the Combined Services meeting. Dawn Miller asked the Board to name her as the designated representative for the county for the purpose of obtaining Federal and State financial assistance under the President's Disaster Relief fund. Motion by Larson, seconded by Kehoe to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04-07- 06.1 naming Dawn Miller as the county's representative for the purpose of obtaining Federal and State financial assistance under the President's Disaster Relief fund. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes abstained. Complete resolution on file in the County Clerk's office. Gene Bonar of the Hastings Police Dept presented information regarding RFPs that had been submitted for new equipment at the E911 Center. They were seeking bids for new digital logging machine. They received 5 responses and eliminated 3 because they did not meet the specifications of the RFP. They are asking the Board for approval of a bid received from Voice Print Inc in the amount of $33,824.00 Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Neumann to approve a bid of $33,824.00 for a digital logging machine from Voice Print Inc for the E911 Center to be paid from 911 funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes abstained. Linda Rea presented the Interlocal Agreement for library services to the Board, however the changes that were discussed at the Combined Services meeting were not incorporated into a new agreement and the Board tabled any action on it until the next Board meeting on July 20, 2004. Joe Ballweg, Veterans Service Officer, presented information to the Board regarding the recent Attorney General's opinion regarding general discharges that became effective July 1, 2004. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Larson to move to Board of Equalization for real estate exemption applications. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes abstained. Entered Board of Equalization at 10:15 AM. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Kehoe to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04-07- 06.2 authorizing the County Treasurer to write Tax Sale Certificates. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes abstained. Complete resolution on file in the County Clerk's office. Kehoe told the Board that the question regarding a policy on allowing animals in the courthouse was raised last week by the maintenance supervisor. Currently the county does not have any policy regarding pets in the courthouse. It was decided that service animals should be allowed, however people's pets should not be allowed in the courthouse. Harold Johnson, maintenance supervisor, is to write a resolution to that effect and present it to the Board for action. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Larson to move to Executive Session for litigation. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes abstained. Entered Executive Session at 10:25 AM. 338 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA U11151111 t.. iw„. , vu.., U j w. J fl ti LiW.i, iw♦♦sJv, PC a,1Cta„lPri RM -i ,rind to renl,l ar ePCC,nn ai 10:40 AM. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to approve Miscellaneous Receipts for the month of June in the amount of $963,784.94. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes abstained. Motion by Larson, seconded by Murman to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Tax List Corrections number 12985 through 12992. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes abstained. The Board continued the meeting with budget presentations from the Extension Office, Register of Deeds, Microfilm Dept, Communications, Veterans Service Office, Buildings and Grounds, County Board, County Court, County Clerk, IT Dept., Intensive Supervision Probation, Emergency Management and Clerk of District Court. This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. r Chrisella Lewis County Clerk Beverly Johnso Deputy Larry Woodman Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 6, 2004 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing real estate exemption applications with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Also present were Attorney Hamilton, Clerk Lewis and Assessor Gizinski. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Larson to approve the real estate exemption for Westbrook Village Park. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes, abstained. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Kehoe to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes abstained. Returned to regular session at 10:20 AM. This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis Larry W odman County Clerk Chairman Beverly Johnson Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday July 20, 2004 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, and Woodman. District Three seat vacant. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Johnson that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, and Woodthan. Nays, none. District Three seat vacant. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as circulated. Murman attended a meeting of the South Heartland Health Board. They approved the budget and mosquito prevention grants. He also attended a meeting of the South Central Economic Development Corp. They are near to being official with some paperwork needing to be filed. Hopefully that will be done by August and they can begin applying for grants for economic development. He also reported that he and Larson represented Adams County in Clay Center at the golf tournament. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ars n attended a persuiuicl meeting to discuss the move of Pla.annig & Zoning and also atlendcd a Road C 339 Neumann attended a Combined Services committee meeting on the 12th. They discussed the library agreement, animal services and ambulance. He also attended an Ad Hoc Planning & Zoning committee meeting. Johnson attended the Adams County Convention & Visitors Bureau Board meeting at the Aquacourt Water Park and the personnel committee meeting. Kehoe attended the Combined Services committee meeting. Many of the items discussed will be addressed later on the agenda. The Buildings and Grounds committee has met also about the changes to the Annex. The boring company will drill a tunnel for fiber cable from the courthouse to the Annex and also from the courthouse to the city offices for GIS. He also attended a CASA board meeting. They recently held a golf tournament and netted over $3000.00. Woodman also attended the Combined Services meeting and the personnel meeting. Jack Newlun, City Solid Waste Management Director, presented information to the Board regarding an upcoming Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day to be held August 21, 2004 at the fairgrounds. He has been working with Grand Island Clean Community Services for grant funding for this project. He asked the Board to approve funding in the amount of $3750.00 and the City of Hastings also funding in the same amount. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to approve one half funding of the cost of the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day at $3750.00 with the rest of the costs funded by the City of Hastings and Dept of Environmental Quality. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. District Three seat vacant. Attorney Charles Hamilton presented the Resolution for flood plain permitting. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Larson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04-07- 20 regarding flood plain permitting. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. District Three seat vacant. Complete Resolution on file in the County Clerk's office. Hamilton also presented the revised Interlocal Agreement with the City of Hastings for library services through the bookmobile. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Hastings for library services through the bookmobile. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. District Three seat vacant. Dawn Miller, Highway Superintendent, told the Board that she has reviewed LB 754, known as the Livestock Friendly bill, and the packet of information that the county's planning consultant, Orval Stahr, had provided to the Board members. She told the Board that with the county's current regulations, they would be considered livestock friendly. She does have a concern about continuing to approve residential subdivisions in certain areas of the county where livestock confinement operations already exist. She told the Board that Kathy Colburn, Planning administrator, suggests that the County Board meet with the Planning Commission in a work session on August 2, 2004 to discuss possible changes to the county zoning regulations and comprehensive plan. Miller then updated the Board on road projects in the area. She handed out copies of a report from the state showing the traffic count on county collector roads. The largest areas of traffic were west of Hastings on 12th St and the southeast part of the county on Showboat Blvd. She reported that the Prosser project will begin July 28th and the Adams Central Road will be finished this week. The state project at Blaine Avenue & Highway 6 starts construction on August 18th Judy Hoch, Chairman of the WAGS project, discussed a contract with the County and WAGS for animal services. She told the Board that they are looking at a contract of $3000.00 for the care of about 40 animals. The WAGS animal shelter will also provide an opportunity for county residents to bring in unwanted animals for a fee. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to approve funding in the amount of $3000.00 for WAGS for animal services based on a proposed contract to be submitted later. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. District Three seat vacant. Kehoe reported to the Board regarding the Combined Services committee discussion about the GPS/GIS project. It needs to be determined what things will be accessible through the internet from the county records, possibly such things as the Assessor's and Register of Deeds records. The City has an interest in what the County will make accessible to internet use. Donna Fegler Daiss told the Board that she was not aware of any policy regarding employees and the keeping of time cards. She said the first time she was made aware of this was when there was a memo attached to her salary requisition from the County Clerk's office. She said her deputy attorneys are salaried 340 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA • .. - - 11 • . -. . 1 • hat nc %..m -u3 it lis hpen r oa r i.., 1.o_..,,,i4fC 1 -1,r1+_+1,.•1 -1,r1+_+1,.• +:,....o o �mmo ra cards should be placed on deposit in the County Clerk's office. Sheriff Magee presented a contract with Hastings Regional Center to the Board for their approval to provide a sheriffs department employee for security escort for patients to be transported to mental health facilities. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Kehoe to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the patient transport agreement with Hastings Regional Center to provide an employee for security escort for patients being transported to mental health facilities. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. District Three seat vacant. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to move to Board of Equalization for over valued property and motor vehicle exemptions. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. District Three seat vacant. Entered Board of Equalization at 10:40 AM. Neumann reported to the Board that the Ad Hoc Planning & Zoning committee has received a quote from Orval Stahr of $85.00 per hour with a maximum of $25,000 to develop a zoning plan for the Highway 281 corridor. The city wants to do in kind help and provide no money. The County only has 1 '/2 miles left of Highway 281 that is county responsibility. He feels that the Planning Commission can formulate their own ideas for development of the corridor. The Board agreed that the Ad Hoc committee should work through this as the county doesn't have much jurisdiction left on Highway 281. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Johnson to approve claims and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds. This includes payment of a claim from Rural Metro Ambulance in the amount of $4166.67 if the claim is received from Rural Metro. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. District Three seat vacant. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to approve officers reports from the County Clerk, Register of Deeds and Sheriff. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. District Three seat vacant. Woodman told the Board that he is concerned about all the budgets that are being presented with large increases in travel expenditures. He feels that the Board needs to take a position and develop a resolution stating that out of state travel will not be allowed unless approval is received from the Board prior to the expenditures for travel. Murman said that he thinks it may be a little late for this year but he has no problem with the policy. Johnson and Larson both said they would support such a policy. Attorney Hamilton was directed to draft the resolution and it will be on the next Board agenda. ADAMS COUNTY COURT EAKES OFFICE PLUS HARRIS COUNTY MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC PRO PRINTING & GRAPHICS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTW NE SUPREME COURT MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC HOMETOWN LEASING COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC HERITAGE BANK US POSTAL SERVICE EAKES OFFICE PLUS REDFIELD & COMPANY INC VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC HASTINGS TRIBUNE ADAMS CO HWY DEPT NE DEPT OF PROPERTY ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC K MART BIG G COMM HARDWARE BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS FAKES OFFICE PLUS KATHY COLBURN RELIABLE DIAMOND VOGEL PAINT CENT HASTINGS TRIBUNE EAKES OFFICE PLUS JOHN NOEL IBM CORPORATION RON KUCERA COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ALLTEL COMPUTER CONSULTANTS MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS ADAMS CO CLK OF DIST CRT ADAMS CO SHERIFF COUNTY GENERAL JURY PAYROLL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES COPIER SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG, EQUIPMENT RENTAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL REPAIR CONTRACT LABOR SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL MISCELLANEOUS POSTAL SERVICES SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS ENVELOPES PUBLISHING CAR REPAIRS DUES, SUB, REG, MISCELLANEOUS CAR REPAIRS CAR REPAIRS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS PUBLISHING REPAIR SUPPLIES REPAIR TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG, EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES COURT COSTS MENTAL HEALTH BOARD 930.25 16.88 125.00 232.10 19.95 98.87 7,100.28 83.85 232.10 87.15 195.75 110.00 64.50 234.59 30.00 68.00 435.34 444.64 86.99 13.74 75.84 250.00 61.82 3.19 254.18 99.75 148.83 121.94 173.49 20.95 16.69 94.50 10.62 991.05 260.90 264.65 799.75 48.34 1203.45 290.00 308.44 1,050.57 77.40 SUPERVIS ADAMS COU TPAVFT. RXPP.NSFS RTJSAN CZAPT PW 'KT ORD No. 25 EBRASKA HOLIDAY INN TRAVEL EXPENSES 26 _D 124.88 341 SHAUN PECK CORNHUSKER PRESS CLK OF SUPREME COURT VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC MID PLAINS CTR BEHAVORIA JOHNSON'S WATER INC TOM HAWES HOMETOWN LEASING EILEENS COLOSSAL COOKIES EAKES OFFICE PLUS COMPUTER CONSULTANTS CHILD DEVELP COUNCIL BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ST OF NE FRANKLIN CO TREASURER LETITIA E WHITTEMORE ADAMS COUNTY COURT ISABEL SMITH PENNY BIRKY JACKIE QUEEN SAM ZELESKI SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS CONWAY, PAULEY & JOHNSON LANGVRDT & VALLE PC BRADLEY WHITE & ASSOC PC SEILER, PARKER P.C. DUTTON LAINSON CO WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV WEST -LITE CORPORATION OKEEFE ELEVATOR CO INC LUCKYS WELDING HATTEN ELECTRIC SERVICE BIG G COMM HARDWARE BORLEY TRI CITY SHRED BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS NAPA AUTO PARTS MONTY MALOUF JR & ASSOC HOWARD'S GLASS GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV BRUCE L FULLERTON ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS INC KEN SVOBODA PLUMBING HASTINGS UTILITIES JESSICA HIRD JESSIKA UDEN RON SEYMOUR FIRST NATL INFORMATION ANDREA S BRADER HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES NEER HEALTH LABORATORY SOFTWARE UNLIMITED NEER CRIME COMMISSION NE CO ATTORNEYS ASSOC NE SUPREME COURT LEXISNEXIS CHARLES HAMILTON HOMETOWN LEASING HASTINGS POLICE DEPT EAKES OFFICE PLUS JACKI RAINS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ASPEN PUBLISHERS INC ADAMS CO SHERIFF ADAMS CO BAR ASSOC ALLTEL PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA ALLTEL ALLTEL ALLTEL DAS COMMUNICATIONS ALLTEL PHELPS CO TREASURER LANDEN PARKS MINDEN OFFICE SUPPLY DARBIE MCMAHON JOHNSON'S WATER INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS KEARNEY CO TREASURER KEARNEY CO TREASURER ALLTEL ALLTEL DELKEN PRESS CITY OF HASTINGS BAMFORD INC HC CLEANING CITICORP VENDOR FINANCE EXECUTIVE COPIER SYS INC FAKES OFFICE PLUS BIG G COMM HARDWARE LOREN UDEN HALLORAN BATTERY & ELEC COURT COSTS ENVELOPES COURT COSTS SUPPLIES JUVENILE CARE SUPPLIES COURT COSTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL COURT COSTS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES JUVENILE CARE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS MILEAGE ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES REPAIR MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES REPAIRS REPAIR MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS CHEMICALS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS REPAIR UTILITIES MILEAGE MILEAGE TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES MILEAGE COURT COSTS COURT COSTS DATA PROCESSING COURT COSTS DUES, SUB, REG, COUNTY LAW LIBRARY COUNTY LAW LIBRARY MILEAGE EQUIPMENT RENTAL BLOOD TESTS SUPPLIES GRANTS SUPPLIES LAW LIBRARY BLOOD TESTS DUES, SUB, REG, CORONER COSTS TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES NET COM TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES ALCOHOLIC SAFETY PROGRAM SUPPLIES ALCOHOLIC SAFETY PROGRAM MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES POSTAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT RENTAL TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SUPPLIES TELEPHONE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT MISCELLANEOUS 21.50 130.18 133.00 211.86 700.00 21.85 123.50 475.71 9.60 192.61 65.00 645.00 110.98 176.01 56.68 176.00 27.50 20.00 40.00 295.75 132.00 425.84 1,897.00 1,882.50 882.75 6,118.18 533.15 1,555.82 150.55 165.58 1,485.98 383.04 1,516.38 60.00 135.75 368.64 3.59 80.89 201.60 26.00 18.25 148.83 206.00 364.97 10,260.93 70.88 277.13 21.50 156.02 40.88 1,207.00 172.13 200.00 84.00 2,029.30 350.00 682.70 42.00 562.90 50.00 12.45 81.38 502.11 255.56 150.00 250.00 40.55 14.99 2,648.97 129.00 106.25 1184.23 962.00 43.27 98.00 18.69 84.00 29.00 14.11 161.70 76.00 110.48 226.66 98.00 18.98 125.00 200.00 250.00 25.00 28.35 55.79 136.60 147.64 342 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA PRESTO X COMP MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 42.00 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ADAMS CO HWY DEPT JEO STEVE'S LAWN SERV HASTINGS UTILITIES JEFF DIXON STEVE CAMPBELL RICK FAHRENHOLTZ M GLENN KEMP HEATH LEMKE JAMES KONEN III JOHN KRONTZ KEVIN MAUCK JASON NIEMOTH MIKE POPLAU NATHEN SMITH MICHAEL SHADA JOHN RUST DOUGLAS RUHTER JASON ACKLES KEITH WOODARD JOHN STEWART ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV ADAMS COUNTY JAIL ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV STANLEY HALBMAIER BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS BIG G COMM HARDWARE CORNHUSKER PRESS COMPUTER HARDWARE INC ELECTRONICS SERVICE (93) FARMERS UNION COOP GAS FRONTIER FORD LINC-MERC GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV GREAT PLAINS CHRYS DODGE EAKES OFFICE PLUS HELLO DIRECT INC JACKS UNIFORMS & EQUIP KENESAW MOTOR CO INC KERR CHEVROLET CO LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY MISTER G'S AUTO SPEC MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC METEORLOGIX GREGG MAGEE CO SHERIFF NAPA AUTO PARTS OLD MARKET FIREARMS PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA PRIMEDIA WORKPLACE LEARN RED THE UNIFORM RADIOSHACK CORP SOUTH CENTRAL GLASS UNCLE NEAL'S COUNTRY YAHOO PUBLIC SAFETY WAREHOUSE JERRY SPADY PONT CAD INC MARC WALTHER KIM THAYER CHAD SUMMERS JAMES SIDLO DAVID RUTT BYRON MORROW GARY HUESKE DAN FURMAN SUE DEEPE BRAD M CONSBRUCK BRENDA CHRISE MERLIN BRUNA RANDY BORRELL JON BORNEMEIER DAN HEUERTZ ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV AMERICAN JAIL ASSOCIATIO ANIMAL CLINIC BERTS REXALL DRUGS BERTS REXALL DRUGS BUFFALO CO SHERIFF OFF COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER - STATE OF NEBR DAWSON CO SHERIFF FRANKLIN COUNTY SHERIFF FRONTIER CO SHERIFF ER PROF SERVICES MLMH HASTINGS INTERNAL LANNING CENTER MARY LANNING MEMORIAL HO G A MICEK DDS PC OBSTETRICIANS & GYN PC PHELPS COUNTY SHERIFF ADAMS COUNTY JAIL ARAMARK UNIFORM' SERVICES ADAMS CO HWY DEPT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS MISCELLANEOUS SP FEES SURVEYOR MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT MILEAGE SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES DATA PROCESSING REPAIR FUEL 'EQUIPMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES DATA PROCESSING LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT RENTAL EQUIPMENT MILEAGE EQUIPMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS RADIO REPAIR DUES, SUB, REG, UNIFORM ALLOWANCE LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT TRAVEL EXPENSES LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE LAW ENF SUPP DUES, SUB, REG, MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MISCELLANEOUS FUEL 34.24 220.25 100.00 560.00 1,226.87 105.00 150.00 150.00 105.00 150.00 35.00 105.00 150.00 2,400.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 35.00 150.00 105.00 105.00 150.00 495.68 874.01 12.00 356.64 43.74 57.51 249.93 69.87 427.38 21.39 199.50 50.98 64.50 24.28 520.78 228.64 201.55 752.91 1131.63 186.00 175.98 260.00 261.00 533.80 5.99 28.50 99.00 576.00 769.78 43.69 18.00 15.00 20.37 614.95 641.80 105.00 35.00 105.00 105.00 150.00 35.00 150.00 150.00 105.00 35.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 35.00 151.49 36.00 17.20 1,028.59 73.46 2,700.00 36.09 6712.39 4,635.00 3,500.00 315.00 46.98 248.00 184.50 1,231.27 269.00 273.64 1,260.00 5,255.89 81.34 3129.76 ALT TrT SUPERVISORS] CORD No. 25 ADAMS COC'F' NEBRASKA MFRTT COMMTfBTON RXP ALLTEL BOARD OF PRISONERS 23 343 359.54 HU'1'U ULASS C EN'1'NK INC ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC BOB BARKER COMPANY COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC CASH WA CANDY COMPANY CASH WA CANDY COMPANY CASH WA CANDY COMPANY HOMETOWN VARIETY & CRAFT HASTINGS FAMILY PRAC PC MODERN METHODS INC PROTEX CENTRAL INC ROGERS INC ISABEL SMITH VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC UDEN PLBG & HTG CO INC WILLIAMS EXTERMINATING I MSC IND SUPPLY CO INC CONTECH CONST PRODUCTS PRESCO SALES & SERV ADAMS CO HWY DEPT ADAMS CO REG OF DEEDS ALLTEL AUTO GLASS CENTER INC AUTO VALUE -HASTINGS BIG G COMM HARDWARE BOSSELMAN INC BOUNDARY DISTRIBUTOR ORSCHELN FARM & HOME CROSS-DILLON TIRE DIAMOND VOGEL PAINT CENT EAKES OFFICE PLUS EX -LINER INDUSTRIES FAIRBANKS INTERNATIONAL FARMERS UNION COOP GAS SAMUELSON EQUIP CO FLEET PRIDE GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO HASTINGS TRIBUNE HASTINGS UTILITIES HATTEN ELECTRIC SERVICE HEARTLAND COOP HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS ISLAND SUPPLY ECHO GROUP INC J I L ASPHALT PAVING CO JOHNSON CASHWAY LUMBR CO JULLEE JOHNSON KELLY SUPPLY CO KENZ & LESLIE DIST CO KINDER MORGAN KOCH MATERIALS COMPANY KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPL LILLEY'S SAND & GRAVEL LINWELD MAINELLI WAG & ASSOC INC MAJOR OIL SALES MLMH CLINICAL LAB SERV MID NEBR AGGREGATE INC MID NEBRASKA LUBRICANTS MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC MIDWEST SERVICE NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NEBRASKA CRANE NE MACHINERY CO NEBR DEPT OF ROADS ODEN ENTERPRISES INC PARAMOUNT LINEN & UNIFOR LINDA PARR JIM PAVELKA PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA POWER PLAN QUILL CORP SANITARY OUTDOOR SERV IN SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT SQUARE DEAL LUMBER CO STATE OF NEBR THOMSEN OIL CO 3 POINTS TIRE TOPKOTE INC VONTZ PAVING INC WELLS FARGO CARD SERV WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV ZEE MEDICAL SERV VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS ADAMS CO HWY DEPT CONSUMERS SERVICE CO INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS FAIRBANKS INTERNATIONAL GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV KERR CHEVROLET CO NAPA AUTO PARTS 1'KAVr;L SXPENSES MED-HOSP PRISONERS LAW ENF SUPP REPAIR SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES LAW ENF SUPP MED-HOSP PRISONERS PRINTING REPAIR REPAIR MATRON FEES PRINTING REPAIR MISCELLANEOUS SMALL TOOLS, ETC. SUPPLIES GRADER BLADES REIMBURSEMENT LAND - EASEMENT & OTHERS TELEPHONE REPAIRS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES FUEL GREASE OIL PARTS TIRES PAVEMENT MARKING SUPPLIES PARTS PARTS FUEL PARTS PARTS TELEPHONE ADVERTISING UTILITIES PARTS TIRES LODGING BULK CHAINS SUPPLIES ASPHALT SUPPLIES CUSTODIAL PARTS FUEL FUELS ARMOR COATING EQUIPMENT GRAVEL SUPPLIES ENGINEERING SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS GRAVEL FUEL EQUIPMENT RENTAL SIGN POSTS PARTS PARTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL PARTS TRAFFIC SERVICES BRIDGES SUPPLIES CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES RADIO EQUIPMENT PARTS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES ELECTRICITY SUPPLIES FUEL TAX FUEL TIRES ARMOR COATING GRAVEL FUEL GARBAGE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SIGNS REIMBURSEMENT PARTS SUPPLIES PARTS MISCELLANEOUS PARTS PARTS 38.9b 392.24 93.71 127.50 188.83 83.38 70.41 24.97 964.00 99.00 22.80 53.87 90.00 175.80 287.85 46.00 158.18 16,324.17 738.69 137.63 31.50 319.45 127.61 544.75 115.98 9,004.50 359.60 42.05 342.00 9.37 6.26 163.45 57.29 10.00 394.54 177.91 167.94 57.54 491.56 190.00 111.48 252.45 74.70 18.44 837.62 161.22 50.00 21.20 305.70 92.46 43,616.43 76.35 9,538.80 170.47. 14,632.70 539.00 44.00 5,835.10 6,133.68 230.00 2,198.00 88.32 957.08 76.16 827.88 3,625.08 23,786.55 73.60 25.00 43.13 417.05 40.90 119.38 150.00 173.85 4.80 1,023.00 4,909.98 765.50 18,740.76 17,372.30 31.03 66.86 6.90 61.24 450.00 460.62 38.01 26.32 3.84 3.00 19.68 101.77 344 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA NEER DEPT OF ROADS HANDI-BUS 3,608.00 AUAMS CU SENIOR SERV HANU1-8US ALLTEL COURT COSTS PAY FLEX SYSTEMS USA INC MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC POSTAL SERVICES MCDERMOTT & MILLER P C AMBULANCE COSTS NIRMA INSURANCE PREMIUMS L L MORRIS RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIONS FIVE POINTS BANK FLEX PLAN ADAMS CO SHERIFF FEE ACT COURT COSTS HASTINGS TRIBUNE PUBLISHING BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS PAPER ADAMS COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS BRUNERS SAND & GRAVEL IN GRAVEL WOOD OPTIONS SUPPLIES RURAL METRO MEDICAL SERV AMBULANCE COSTS NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS RETIREMENT MATCH SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN FICA MATCH BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD HEALTH INSURANCE FT DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE ADAMS COUNTY BOARD SALARIES ADAMS COUNTY CLERK SALARIES ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER SALARIES REGISTER OF DEEDS SALARIES ADAMS COUNTY ASSESSOR SALARIES PLANNING & ZONING SALARIES DATA PROCESSING DEPT SALARIES CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT SALARIES DISTRICT COURT BAILIFF SALARIES PUBLIC DEFENDER SALARIES MAINTENANCE DEPT SALARIES EXTENSION OFFICE SALARIES MICROFILM DEPT SALARIES ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF SALARIES ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY SALARIES CORRECTIONS & COMMUNICATIONS SALARIES EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SALARIES ADAMS COUNTY SURVEYOR SALARIES ADAMS COUNTY ROAD DEPT SALARIES ADAMS COUNTY WEED DEPT SALARIES VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE SALARIES COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS ADAMS CO TELECOMMUNICATI TELEPHONE 24.30 CITY OF HASTINGS TELEPHONE 96.90 H & H LAWN CARE REPAIR 463.12 HASTINGS UTILITIES UTILITIES 204.38 ANN ROHAN REIMBURSEMENT 153.59 RUSS'S IGA CHAMBER SUPPORT 11.03 VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 38.36 WORLD CHAMBER OF COMMERC PUBLISHING 35.00 WORLDCOM TELEPHONE 52.59 NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS RETIREMENT MATCH 158.24 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN FICA MATCH 277.03 BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD HEALTH INSURANCE 741.30 FT DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE 5.93 ADAMS COUNTY VISITORS BUREAU SALARIES 3787.79 COUNTY LIBRARY FUND SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN FICA MATCH 410.16 BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD HEALTH INSURANCE 829.31 FT DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE 5.93 ADAMS COUNTY LIBRARY SALARIES 5361.56s EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ACT NEBRASKA U C FUND UNEMPLOYMENT CONTRIBUTIONS 6,842.88 RELIEF - MEDICAL HASTINGS UTILITIES UTILITIES 59.31 ALAN WITTE RENT 420.00 BRETA BRUNKEN RENT 210.00 NEBRASKALAND PARTNERS RENT 210.00 RADER REAL ESTATE RENT 210.00 INSTITUTIONS HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES PATIENT CARE 2817.74 COMMUNITY DEVELOP. BLK GRANT FUND SOUTH CENTRAL BOBCAT GRANTS 6,250.00 ED M FELD EQUIPMENT CO GRANTS 8,780.00 ELVIN SAFETY SUPPLY INC GRANTS 8,431.60 CLARITUS GRANTS 6,860.00 LCL TRUCK EQUIP INC GRANTS 875.00 SO HEARTLAND DIST HEALTH GRANTS 1,066.68 INHERITANCE TAX USDA, APHIS, WILDLIFE SE ANIMAL CONTROL 1,809.50 WEST GROUP LIBRARY 2,604.41 COURTHOUSE BUILDING COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC MISC CAP OUTLAY 7,803.50 COMPUTER CONSULTANTS MISC CAP OUTLAY 579.90 K MART MISC CAP OUTLAY 11.94 ESCROW HOLDING FUND IOWA TANKLINERS INC MISCELLANEOUS 352.00 13,062.82 164.90 93.28 3,000.00 200.00 239,966.00 103.86 56,477.40 6,991.24 507.48 6,120.00 41.50 415.00 41.50 373.50 415.00 124.50 207.50 41.50 5,456.00 1,306.00 12,500.00 20,546.85 25,183.19 87,607.73 794.62 6417.65 11,482.29 26,298.26 8564.38 22,000.39 2320.95 5866.38 16,569.21 2145.26 12,982.24 11,677.04 5702.35 2222.44 56,878.81 27,317.32 45,258.72 3299.58 257.80 66,745.68 3249.76 5822.08 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ODEN ENTERPRTSES INC NEER DEPT OF ROADS. MTSCRT,T.ANFOUS MISCELLANEOUS 14,)A4 S2 148,902.93 345 h M r.;QUliMENl' ALLTEL NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS QWEST MODERN METHODS INC DAS COMMUNICATIONS MISCELLANEOUS 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES EMERGENCY PHONE 1,895.96 SIGNS 576.00 INTENSIVE SUPERVISION PROBATION BUDGET TELEPHONE 28.82 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 79.00 TELEPHONE 46.05 4,203.56 This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis Larry Wdodman County Clerk Chairman Beverly Johnson Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 20, 2004 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of setting values on over property and motor vehicle exemption applications with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Also present were County Clerk Lewis, Attorney Hamilton, Assessor Gizinski, Appraiser Pokorski and Jan Timm representing the Treasurer's office. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Larson to approve the agreement with Jaden Manufacturing and Midland Corp to set the following values for real property based on negotiations and appraisals: ID Number 283-760 283-762 283-764 283-766 284-17510.10 Old Value 44,625 150,000 87,500 465,500 689,030 New Value 25,620 60,000 40,935 298,350 604,490 Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Third District seat vacant. Motion by Larson, seconded by Neumann to approve motor vehicle exemption for the YMCA, Mid NE Individual Services and South Central Behavioral Services. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Third District seat vacant. Motion by Murman, seconded by Johnson to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, alrson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Third District seat vacant. Returned to regular session at 11:10 AM. This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. 12) Chrisella Lewis Larry Wodman County Clerk Chairman Beverly Johnson TIRePAms County Board of Supervisors met on June 23rd, July 2nd, 8th 13th, 16th 21st and 23rd of 2004 for the purpose of hearing protests to property valuations in Adams County and to render decisions regarding those valuations of property based on the testimony heard and information received. COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Friday, July 23, 2004 On June 23, 2004 Supervisors Murman and Neumann heard protests beginning at 9:10 AM until 5:00 PM, recessing at noon and reconvening at 1:00 PM. They heard protests 2004-01 through 2004-47, with protest 2004-44 scheduled later. On July 2, 2004 Supervisors Johnson and Kehoe heard protests beginning at 9:10 AM until 5:00 PM, recessing at Noon and reconvening at 1:00 PM. They heard protests 2004-48 through 2004-97 plus numbers 2004-161, 2005-150, 2004-262 and 2004-263. On July 8, 2004 Supervisors Larson and Woodman heard protests beginning at 9:10 AM until 5:00 PM, recessing at Noon and reconvening at 1:00 PM. They heard protests 2004-98 through 2004-160, including numbers 2004-22, 2004-23, and 2004-167. 346 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA n July 13, 2 4 Supervisors Murman and Ncumann hcard protcsts beginning at 9 0 Am t hrougn Lou - PM, r cec^;pg et N ^rad roc-m°en:ng at 1.00 PI ley h ra pretreA 2-"Qg "0" a_ including 2004-79. On July 16, 2004 Supervisors Johnson and Kehoe heard protests beginning at 9:10 AM until 5:00 PM, recessing at Noon and reconvening at 1:00 PM. They heard protest 2004-237 through 2004-302, including 2004-90, 2004-91, 2004-43 and 2004-44. On July 21, 2004 Supervisors Larson and Woodman heard protests beginning at 9:10 AM until 5:00 PM, recessing at Noon and reconvening at 1:00 PM> They heard protests 2004-303 through 2004-314, including 2004-173, 2004, 174, 2004-226, 2004-227 and 2004-137. Also present at these hearings were County Clerk Lewis, Assessor Gizinski and Appraiser Pokorski. On July 23, 2004 the County Board met at 1:30 PM with Chairman Woodman presiding to render final values to the protests filed based on recommendations from the Supervisors who heard the specific protests. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. District Three seat is vacant. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe that this meeting is an open public meeting as advertised in the Hastings Tribune and an agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept current and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. District Three seat vacant. Motion by Larson, seconded by Kehoe to approve the values as recommended by the Supervisors and set by the Board of Equalization for 2004 as follows: Protest number 2004-01 2004-02 2004-03 2004-04 2004-05 2004-06 2004-07 2004-08 2004-09 2004-10 2004-11 2004-12 2004-13 2004-14 2004-15 2004-16 2004-17 2004-18 2004-19 2004-20 2004-2 1 2004-22 2004-23 2004-24 2004-25 2004-26 2004-27 2004-28 2004-29 2004-30 2004-31 2004-32 2004-33 2004-34 2004-35 2004-36 2004-37 2004-38 2004-39 2004-40 2004-41 2004-42 2004-43 2004-44 2004-45 2004-46 2004-47 ID Number 284-1494 284-3222.1 50-50000 284-11184 250-870 284-2210 284-15804.60 290-00348 284-2778 284-12400 284-9022 284-2048 284-7596 284-11582 242-464 298-20 284-01458 284-10454 226-30 284-2274 195-350 284-9226 284-9228 40-728 284-8462 128-830 32-104.16 32-98 284-18930 284-9132 284-5378 284-8490 284-12322 284-14080 284-9048 284-17070 190-1122 284-50530.03 290-366 284-9430 284-5510 284-11188 284-6456 284-7444 129-50 290-346 129-420 Old Value New Value 39,485 26,000 278,485 250,000 4700 0 86,965 52,000 40,075 28,900 46,395 22,500 217,250 208,240 105,600 95,040 39,700 22,000 64,625 64,625 70,875 77,875 53,115 39,000 55,080 55,080 65,175 55,000 63,560 55,000 716,850 350,000 109,460 55,000 87,450 55,000 84,430 84,430 27,970 22,300 32,630 26,490 66,340 42,200 67,485 41,000 164,045 164,045 2320 2320 108,265 108,265 103,180 97,400 14,030 11,000 144,765 144,765 49,325 32,875 61,300 59,030 45,435 36,650 60,430 50,400 47,700 47,700 54,725 7,205 168,595 156,050 125,265 125,265 20,550 15,000 118,275 115,465 65,805 65,805 43,630 34,850 136,265 100,000 65,585 62,500 121,125 108,000 167,500 160,000 115,740 105,000 148,120 131,500 I 4 4: SUPERTISOR ADAMS COLT 347 2004-49 284-13628 2004-50 2004-51 2004-52 2004-53 2004-54 2004-55 2004-56 2004-57 2004-58 2004-59 2004-60 2004-61 2004-62 2004-63 2004-64 2004-65 2004-66 2004-67 2004-68 2004-69 2004-70 2004-71 2004-72 2004-73 2004-74 2004-75 2004-76 2004-77 2004-78 2004-79 2004-80 2004-81 2004-82 2004-83 2004-84 2004-85 2004-86 2004-87 2004-88 2004-89 2004-90 2004-91 2004-92 2004-93 2004-94 2004-95 2004-96 2004-97 2004-98 2004-99 2004-100 2004-101 2004-102 2004-103 2004-104 2004-105 2004-106 2004-107 2004-108 2004-109 2004-110 2004-111 2004-112 2004-113 2004-114 2004-115 2004-116 2004-117 2004-118 2004-119 2004-120 2004-121 2004-122 32-50.15 293-94 284-5472 224-232 284-12786 284-15758.1 40-2004.10 284-4288.10 284-5654 284-5122 284-4470 284-5370 263-10 128-1104 306-24 284-12882 236-652 38-50015 284-12040 64-2210 40-628.1 284-11000 182-330 284-19764 284-20100 190-1500 32-94 284-6118 134-670.13 128-400 284-12864 190-1710 284-9248 284-7758 284-12064 284-9218 284-13318 284-15802.3 290-442 60-604 284-12960 284-12966 284-17600 44-112.15 284-18240.1 40-810 284-10352 284-12328 290-18 284-12050 284-15802.3 284-13398 284-1520.13 284-1520.14 284-10780.1 284-5484.11 284-9380 284-9478 284-14824 284-16162 120-16 120-158 120-162 120-162 120-164 120-166 120-194 120-174 120-176 120-172 120-168 120-124 120-142 85,030 82 815 96,920 105,995 36,490 8000 73,635 108,475 459,620 35,160 61,515 127,070 87,215 79,845 499,605 103,360 WITHDRAWN 39,280 178,850 40,525 82,290 14,695 222,395 57,340 49,235 96,690 414,000 215,865 18,505 51,145 98,775 102,125 50,305 382,370 30,755 44,925 96,530 34,415 56,495 143,040 73,950 18,840 60,625 58,500 74,505 173,980 746,265 157,505 84,880 44,525 137,185 85,225 136,090 75,170 79,690 56,995 223,025 73,965 56,515 137,570 95,525 97,685 10,920 10,920 10,920 10,920 10,920 10,920 10,920 10,920 10,920 10,920 10,920 10,920 10,920 96,920 105,995 36,490 6430 40,000 105.000 325,000 35,160 59,200 124,155 76,000 61,250 499,605 103,360 35,000 168,840 30,000 80,025 10,000 206,000 50,000 36,530 90,270 376,000 215,865 13,500 51,145 98,775 62,000 49,900 382,370 30,755 44,925 42,600 34,415 56,495 141,100 35,000 18,840 60,625 43,000 74,505 155,000 640,700 157,505 60,000 44,525 136,185 66,800 136,090 60,000 72,500 44,100 221,110 70,000 55,000 133,820 90,905 95,000 10,920 10,920 10,920 10,920 10,920 10,920 10,920 10,920 10,920 10,920 10,920 10,920 10,920 348 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 2004-123 306-28 2004 124 3!- ,970 15,970 2004-125 120-108 10,920 10,920 2004-126 306-22 5485 5485 2004-127 306-20 5485 5485 2004-128 306-18 5485 5485 2004-129 306-16 5485 5485 2004-130 306-14 5485 5485 2004-131 306-12 5485 5485 2004-132 306-10 5485 5485 2004-133 284-14256 82,950 80,680 2004-134 40-2080 42,635 40,380 2004-135 160-240 93,285 90,000 2004-136 62-30 35,120 35,120 2004-137 128-790 148,760 148,760 2004-138 162-540 228,250 228,250 2004-139 64-850 37,350 10,000 2004-140 40-166 122.945 116,065 2004-141 60-1840.11 83,850 83,850 2004-142 284-4280 279,405 240,000 2004-143 14-310 62,240 276,625 2004-144 290-284 157,275 157,275 2004-145 284-388 78,500 45,150 2004-146 284-382 43,200 24,850 2004-147 118-190.1 83,270 70,000 2004-148 296-1000 2,673,920 751,000 2004-149 284-4132 79,235 40,000 2004-150 182-100 31,140 31,140 2004-151 128-1130 WITHDRAWN 2004-152 40-40.17 377,280 294,755 2004-153 284-53980 20,495 14,000 2004-154 40-220 181,175 172,955 2004-155 284-3486 55,375 36,000 2004-156 284-12850 36,215 27,720 2004-157 284-16142 104,235 104,235 2004-158 284-1951 126,595 93,000 2004-159 40-1084 163,030 163,030 2004-160 284-16220 116,125 113,280 2004-161 134-670.17 137,200 129,000 2004-162 258-70 88,695 88,695 2004-163 284-8336 117,960 117,960 2004-164 262-10.10 228,275 227,875 2004-165 258-290 67,810 67,810 2004-166 250-550 39,725 39,725 2004-167 284-13292 52,130 50,000 2004-168 284-5962 67,915 64,910 2004-169 284-8028 78,660 76.500 2004-170 284-8476 46,620 42,600 2004-171 166-133 131,385 131,385 2004-172 236-64 190,510 174,195 2004-173 136-510.1 524,645 524,375 2004-174 284-10586.1 975,205 975,205 2004-175 284-7570 72,390 72,390 2004-176 40-560 380,555 380,555 2004-177 8-180.1 82,435 68,500 2004-178 284-15972 1,389,180 1,389,180 2004-179 284-15974.10 892,225 892,225 2004-180 274-200 27,445 27,445 2004-181 290-404.11 1,113,000 1,113,000 2004-182 284-2030 43,620 43,620 2004-183 284-5920 95,360 95,360 2004-184 284-14906 89,135 81,705 2004-185 284-9500 58,315 58,315 2004-186 284-5314 35,560 35,485 2004-187 284-7574 89,240 89,240 2004-188 236-430.1 39,320 39,320 2004-189 40-2054.21 260,885 249,510 2004-190 284-16454.1 1,155,000 695,000 2004-191 284-18230 295,000 225,000 2004-192 134-270 18,520 3555 2004-193 284-11938 48,920 37,000 2004-194 284-8700 62,000 50,400 2004-195 290-276 136,180 132,790 2004-196 40-290 170,225 150,000 2004-197 284-15002 84,870 84,870 SUPERVISORS .RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUN'Y,'NEBRASKA 349 2004-199 284-14096 73,355 73,355 2004-200 284-20160 11,170 11,170 2004-201 284-20162 11,170 11,170 2004-202 284-20158 11,170 11,170 2004-203 284-20211 11,170 11,170 2004-204 284-20189 11,170 11,170 2004-205 284-20216 11,170 11,170 2004-206 284-20218 11,170 11,170 2004-207 284-20220 11,170 11,170 2004-208 284-20222 11,170 11,170 2004-209 284-20224 11,170 11,170 2004-210 284-20226 11,170 11,170 2004-211 284-20228 11,170 11,170 2004-212 284-20204 11,170 11,170 2004-213 284-20206 11,170 11,170 2004-214 284-20230 11,170 11,170 2004-215 284-20232 11,170 11,170 2004-216 284-11314 57,550 57,550 2004-217 40-40.15 18,760 18,760 2004-218 40-40.16 18,760 18,760 2004-219 40-40.18 18,760 18,760 2004-220 40-40.19 18,760 18,760 2004-221 40-40.20 18,760 18,760 2004-222 40-40.23 18,760 18,760 2004-223 40-40.27 18,760 18,760 2004-224 40-40.28 18,760 18,760 2004-225 284-13430 58,695 40,300 2004-226 284-10797.8 198,260 183,290 2004-227 284-10797.7 212,855 201,985 2004-228 284-11550 WITHDRAWN 2004-229 136-760 17,770 4310 2004-230 40-40.39 18,760 18,760 2004-231 40-40.41 18,760 18,760 2004-232 40-40.42 18,760 18,760 2004-233 40-40.48 18,760 18,760 2004-234 284-290 29,500 20,000 2004-235 284-890.1 29,500 20,000 2004-236 284-13528 31,080 31,080 2004-237 128-1080,609 200,880 189,640 2004-238 284-5512 31,970 31,970 2004-239 284-10298 81,070 66,060 2004-240 284-10296 56,950 49,835 2004-241 284-10290 68,920 54,415 2004-242 284-10272 12,300 5740 2004-243 284-10248 55,335 44,975 2004-244 284-10294 42,030 34,480 2004-245 284-10292 48,635 33,735 2004-246 284-10280 29,730 19,780 2004-247 284-10278 39,020 36,570 2004-248 284-10276 34,550 23,605 2004-249 284-10274 49,730 38,850 2004-250 284-10266 28,545 28,065 2004-251 284-10270 40,615 32,305 2004-252 284-10254 21,695 23,645 2004-253 284-10258 32,155 23,615 2004-254 284-10252 46,500 36,415 2004-255 284-10250 23,360 11,800 2004-256 284-10246 22,625 19,835 2004-257 284-10244 33,095 20,450 2004-258 284-4358 32,305 17,000 2004-259 284-10734 106,550 106,550 2004-260 284-12964 80,285 78,150 2004-261 232-90 363,560 358,500 2004-262 284-5626 341,470 341,470 2004-263 284-5662 53,795 51,000 2004-264 284-3970 79,245 74,690 2004-264 284-4067 18,810 18,810 2004-265 248-82 90,165 90,165 2004-266 12.130.11 226,130 222,635 2004-267 236-62.10 90,245 73,670 2004-268 10-450 66,935 66,935 2004-269 500-1798.11 1,062,340 1,091,615 2004-270 312-22 105,400 105,400 2004-271 284-14084 79,270 85,000 350 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 2004-272 284-10350 107,535 95,580 2004-273 12S 1220 10 11 1,39-0 2004-274 128-1680 107,100 101,825 2004-275 273-104.10 190,285 190,285 2004-276 284-5210 67,365 65,380 2004-277 228-90 329,065 329,065 2004-278 8-272 494,520 446,595 2004-279 166-182 230,615 195,270 2004-280 40-480 415,275 415,275 2004-281 78-832.11 18,995 15,195 2004-282 500-1474.47 95,535 99,700 2004-283 500-1474.48 85,365 102,185 2004-284 500-20510 106,660 107,610 2004-285 500-20508 104,405 101,810 2004-286 500-20504 90,905 100,100 2004-287 500-1472.40 82,840 99,980 2004-288 500-1472.55 96,835 105,070 2004-289 500-1474.58 87,035 96,570 2004-290 500-1474.41 85,145 99,560 2004-291 500-20506 92,260 103,670 2004-292 284-12838 64,990 64,990 2004-293 284-16438 123,380 119,965 2004-294 284-16438.20 123,380 119,965 2004-295 284-4598 87,095 55,200 2004-296 290-254 139,835 129,900 2004-297 118-110.67 172,000 148,500 2004-298 190-1700 76,485 72,200 2004-299 40-694 167,680 139,100 2004-300 284-6738 29,925 17,500 2004-301 312-00014 120,655 113,900 2004-302 284-9784 85,785 79,950 2004-303 284-15802.5 214,120 219,500 2004-304 40-01096.1 WITHDRAWN 2004-305 32-96 15,355 12,285 2004-306 283-644 57,950 39,000 2004-307 167-50 188,950 188,950 2004-308 163-300 27,840 27,840 2004-309 500-18529.11 WITHDRAWN 2004-310 500-18601 2,050,680 2,050,680 2004-311 284-18601 85,310 85,310 2004-312 284-1787 WITHDRAWN 2004-313 284-18529.11 WITHDRAWN 2004-314 203-170 299,520 326,775 Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. District Three seat vacant. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Larson to adjourn the 2004 Adams County Board of Equalization sine die. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. District Three seat vacant. This Board is now adjourned. Chrisella Lewis Larry Woodman County Clerk Chairman Beverly Johnson Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Monday July 26, 2004 A special meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. The Third District seat is vacant. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann that this meeting is a special meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors for the purpose of hearing budget requests from county officials and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 351 office. Rull call, ayes: Muiuiari, Krlioe, Laison, Juluison, Neumann oodrnan. N ys, none. Thu District seat vacant. Budget requests were presented by the Assessor, Probation Office, Historical Society, Visitors Promotion, Road Dept., Weed Dept., County Attorney, Planning & Zoning, County Treasurer, E911 Communications, Public Defender, Sheriff Dept., Corrections & Communications, and District Judge. All other budget requests had been made during the July 6, 2004 meeting. This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis County Clerk Beverly Johnso Deputy Larry Wbodman Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Monday, August 2, 2004 The Adams County Board of Supervisors held a joint work session with Adams County Planning Commission in City Council Chambers to discuss LB 754 known as the Livestock Friendly Bill and possible changes to Adams County Comprehensive Plan regarding livestock ordinances. Roll call members present were: Kehoe, Larson, Neumann and Woodman. Murman, Johnson and Hynes were absent. It was noted that public notice of this work session was given and published in the Hastings Tribune. Planning Commission Chairman, Jim Kostal, conducted the meeting. Orval Stahr, county planning consultant, handed out proposed changes to the current county comprehensive plan. Russell Smith, Bob Hansen and Ken Stein of the Hastings Rural Fire District discussed some issues they have regarding the City's decision to no longer issue fire flow waivers within their two mile jurisdiction. It was pointed out that this body did not have the authority to address those issues. It was decided that the proposed changes would be discussed in further work sessions. The work session was ended at 8:20 PM. Chrisella Lewis County Clerk Beverly Johns Deputy Larry Woodman Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 3, 2004 The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Motion by Larson, seconded by Kehoe that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as circulated. Murman attended a Chamber of Commerce meeting. Different entities have moved into the new building and it will be called the Development Center. He also attended an HEDC meeting and they will be doing a feasibility study for a race track at the airport. He also reported that the Orscheln (former Gibson) building has been sold. He also reported that he attended the Mid NE Individual Services awards program last night and also participated in the teleconference regarding the new Dept of Labor white collar exemption laws. Larson attended the Planning & Zoning meeting last night and also a Road Committee meeting. Neumann attended a Livestock Disease Emergency Response meeting in Kearney and the Planning & Zoning meeting. 352 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA seat. Woodman attended the Road Committee meeting and the Planning & Zoning meeting. He reported that he, Neumann and Hynes would be assisting Dawn Miller with the changes to the county comprehensive plan regarding livestock ordinances. Dawn Miller, Highway Superintendent, presented an Interlocal Agreement with Roseland Township for gravel purchases for approval. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Neumann to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Interlocal Agreement with Roseland Township for gravel purchases. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Miller also requested a budget adjustment to the Planning & Zoning budget to include a recording secretary for the Board of Adjustments. She told the Board that when the Board of Adjustments meets they will be hearing appeals to decisions that she or Kathy Colburn has made, therefore they should not be the ones keeping the minutes of those meetings. Currently one of the members of the Board is acting as recording secretary but it is difficult for her to take notes and comprehend all the information being given. Miller stated that $1424.00 had been expended for that purpose in the previous budget and would request that this year's budget include the same amount. Attorney Hamilton addressed the proposed resolution for out of state travel on the agenda. He did further research on the issue of restricting out of state travel late Monday afternoon and has determined that the Board cannot require officials to request permission from the Board prior to traveling out of state. Officials have authority over their budgets once the County Board has set them. The only control that the County Board has over an official's budget is the total amount budgeted. The Board cannot deny payment of any claims unless the claim or expenditure can be considered unreasonable, capricious or arbitrary. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to move to Board of Equalization for personal property exemption applications. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Board of Equalization at 10:03 AM. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hynes to move to Executive Session for county burial. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Executive Session at 10:10 AM. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Neumann to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 10:25 AM. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to deny the request for general assistance for county burial based on the financial information provided. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Ardella Rold, Senior Services Director, presented an agreement for additional funding from the state and federal governments for public transportation in the amount of $3758.25. Motion by Larson, seconded by Neumann to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement to accept additional funding from the state and federal governments for public transportation in the amount of $3758.25. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Kehoe to approve claims and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Johnson to accept Miscellaneous Receipts for the month of July in the amount of $576,192.36. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to approve officer's reports for the month of July from the Register of Deeds and Sheriff. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. The Board continued the meeting in budget workshop recessing at noon and reconvening at 1:00 PM and continuing 5:00 PM. COUNTY GENERAL SECRETARY OF STATE DUES, SUB, REG 45.00 EAKES OFFICE PLUS SUPPLIES 9.48 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 43.60 ALLTEL EQUIPMENT RENTAL 109.03 MICHELAN PARR TRAVEL EXPENSES 27.46 JANE LINDEMAN TRAVEL EXPENSES 7.26 PRIA DUES, SUB, REG 50.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 353 MTT)WF°T TRA2TNC °P,RV TNC ADAMS CO FSA OFFICE MARY STUEHM PATRICIA C GIZINSKI RODNEY L POKORSKI MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC JIM KUHN BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS NCSEA CHRYSTINE SETLIK EAKES OFFICE PLUS CLK OF SUPREME COURT NORTHEAST NEBR JUVENILE DELUXE BUSINESS FORMS & ADAMS COUNTY COURT CARMICHAEL BUS SYSTEMS HOMETOWN LEASING EAKES OFFICE PLUS OK CAFE LETITIA E WHITTEMORE WALMART WHELAN & SCHERR CONWAY, PAULEY & JOHNSON SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS ARTHUR TOOGOOD PUB DEF DORIS B SCHUESSLER SEILER, PARKER P.C. RUTTS HEATING & AC NEBR DEPT OF LABOR OKEEFE ELEVATOR CO INC HASTINGS UTILITIES K MART BIG G COMM HARDWARE ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM FOUNTAINE'S MICROFILMING HOMETOWN LEASING ELITE COURT REPORTING DELL MARKETING LP JACKI RAINS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ALLTEL DAS COMMUNICATIONS ALLTEL PHELPS CO TREASURER NE TECH & TELE INC MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC JOHNSON'S WATER INC COMPUTER CONSULTANTS ADAMS .CO CLERK BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS 4IMPRINT INC W S DARLEY & CO KLINGLER MONOGRAM & EMBR EXECUTIVE COPIER SYS INC ED M FELD EQUIPMENT CO CLARITUS BIG G COMM HARDWARE JOHN UDEN LINDA'S STITCHES & CREAT HC CLEANING CITY OF HASTINGS CITICORP VENDOR FINANCE CRESCENT ELECTRIC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ARF COMPUTER GALLS INC JOSEPH E BALLWEG DIGITAL RIVER INC GREGG MAGEE CO SHERIFF ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV JERRY SPADY PONT CAD INC SIRCHIE JOHN RUST RED THE UNIFORM PUBLIC SAFETY WAREHOUSE PTACNIK SERVICE INC PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY JAMES KONEN III GUN LEATHER LTD FARMERS UNION COOP GAS CORNHUSKER PRESS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS ALLTEL ADAMS COUNTY JAIL CENT NEBR NEUROLOGY P C OAKSTONE WELLNESS ALAN L WITTE SALES & SER FQTTT PMPNT ,. R FNTRT� DATA PROCESSING TRAVEL EXPENSES TRAVEL EXPENSES MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES COURT COSTS JUVENILE CARE SUPPLIES COURT COSTS SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES REIMBURSEMENT COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS UTILITIES MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL COURT COSTS EQUIPMENT GRANTS SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES NET COM TELEPHONE SERVICES POSTAL SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES EQUIPMENT RENTAL MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PRINTING SUPPLIES UNIFORM ALLOWANCE MAINTENANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE PRINTING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES UNIFORM ALLOWANCE MAINTENANCE TELEPHONE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES UNIFORM ALLOWANCE TRAVEL EXPENSES MISCELLANEOUS MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT EQUIPMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT RADIO REPAIR LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE FUEL MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTIONS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS SUPPLIES MERIT COMMISSION EXP BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS REPAIRS 734 '9 50.00 44.50 23.25 42.88 130.00 32.13 45.22 60.00 33.30 182.14 66.50 2,231.25 61.69 600.00 416.00 470.71 198.96 40.30 121.00 23.98 285.00 135.15 495.00 2,427.59 247.50 471.00 232.00 60.00 1,645.00 3,129.86 32.98 509.55 128.00 410.66 43.00 562.90 91.40 2,118.04 41.94 374.96 2,942.37 1,193.59 626.38 107.22 48.63 355.00 19.00 130.00 85.56 221.13 586.34 130.17 167.70 25.00 105.00 59.00 55.79 61.50 26.05 250.00 14.85 125.00 66.15 20.54 17.12 56.50 260.34 202.38 130.80 239.36 129.76 257.50 84.65 35.00 118.53 99.75 158.69 156.69 39.90 35.00 66.77 161.09 166.09 33.97 30.50 346.79 221.94 83.17 1,792.95 85.00 309.15 10.50 354 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA WIT,LTAMS rYTERMTNATTATG I PAT-CELLANISOUS 4G 4 UDEN PLBG & HTG CO INC REPAIRS 135.00 KIM THAYER UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 35.00 STATE OF NEBR MED-HOSP PRISONERS 2,382.98 STATE OF NEBR BOARD OF PRISONERS 3,779.40 PAUL SPADY OLDS BUICK TRAVEL EXPENSES 32.87 ROBINSON TEXTILES PROVISIONS & CLOTHING 351.25 PROTEX CENTRAL INC REPAIRS 27.02 NE PERSONEL CONSULT LLC DEPUTIES' SALARY 350.00 BYRON MORROW UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 35.00 MONTY MCCORD UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 494.32 KEITHS PHARMACIES MED-HOSP PRISONERS 59.20 DAN HEUERTZ UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 35.00 HAMILTON CO SHERIFF DEPT BOARD OF PRISONERS 30.00 GLAXOSMITHLINE FINA MED-HOSP PRISONERS 242.50 MARILYN EVANS MATRON FEES 20.00 DAWSON CO SHERIFF BOARD OF PRISONERS 360.00 BRAD M CONSBRUCK UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 35.00 CASH WA CANDY COMPANY LAW ENF SUPP 60.12 BOB BARKER COMPANY LAW ENF SUPP 43.70 ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV LAW ENF SUPP 262.19 VONTZ PAVING INC GRAVEL 22,825.60 SERVI TECH INC SP FEES CONSULTANT 51.81 SANITARY OUTDOOR SERV IN SUPPLIES 150.00 ROAD BLDG MACH & SUPPLY RD EQ REP PARTS 1,103.24 PRESCO SALES & SERV GRADER BLADES 944.00 PARAMOUNT LINEN & UNIFOR SUPPLIES 104.40 NEBRASKA TRUCK CENTER PARTS 139.17 NE SALT & GRAIN CO MISCELLANEOUS 587.81 NEBR DEPT OF ROADS BRIDGES 893.95 NEBRASKA CRANE EQUIPMENT RENTAL 128.80 NAPA AUTO PARTS SUPPLIES 413.59 MIDWEST SERVICE SIGN POSTS 2,565.00 MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC EQUIPMENT RENTAL 230.00 MID NEBR AGGREGATE INC GRAVEL 4,498.21 MAINELLI WAGNER & ASSOC ENGINEERING 1,402.40 LILLEY'S SAND & GRAVEL GRAVEL 4,931.00 KINDER MORGAN HEATING FUELS 39.29 KERR CHEVROLET CO PARTS 56.60 JOHNSON CASHWAY LUMBR CO MATERIALS 9.79 ISLAND SUPPLY BULK CHAINS 56.33 H & M EQUIPMENT ARMOR COATING 3,614.75 GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO TELEPHONE SERVICES 169.40 FLEET PRIDE PARTS 329.39 SAMUELSON EQUIP CO PARTS 14.85 FAIRBANKS INTERNATIONAL PARTS 12.80 EX -LINER INDUSTRIES PARTS 957.90 CROSS-DILLON TIRE TIRES 553.81 ORSCHELN FARM & HOME EQUIPMENT 57.98 CHEMSEARCH SUPPLIES 146.75 B'S ENTERPRISES INC GRADER BLADES 12,831.00 BIG G COMM HARDWARE SMALL TOOLS 36.72 AUTO VALUE -HASTINGS SUPPLIES 143.41 AUTO GLASS CENTER INC REPAIRS 183.40 ALLTEL TELEPHONE 51.17 KELLY SUPPLY CO PARTS ' 175.21 EAKES OFFICE PLUS SUPPLIES 15.34 ADAMS COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS 124.50 ADAMS COUNTY COURT COURT COSTS 207.50 PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC POSTAL SERVICES 3,000.00 ED LIGHTNER RETIREMENT 228.00 LINWELD LEPC GRANTS 44.10 ADAMS CO SHERIFFS MI COURT COSTS 49.25 PHYLLIS NEWELL RETIREMENT 46.16 MARY LANNING MEMORIAL HO EPC SERVICES 503.00 RELIEF - MEDICAL KATHY NASH RENT 210.00 RADER REAL ESTATE RENT 210.00 HOLLY MAY RENT 210.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOP. BLK GRANT FUND W S DARLEY & CO GRANTS 2,279.04 INHERITANCE TAX EDWARD ANDERSON CEMETERY MOWING 150.00 COURTHOUSE BUILDING WOODY'S HANDYMAN SERVICE MISC CAP OUTLAY 212.00 ESCROW HOLDING FUND BRAMBLES AUTO SALES MISCELLANEOUS 17,500.00 DELL MARKETING LP MISCELLANEOUS 600.00 H & M EQUIPMENT MISCELLANEOUS 5,638.44 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES ALLTEL EMERGENCY PHONE 56.51 INTENSIVE SUPERVISION PROBATION BUDGET TELEPHONE 44.97 DAC SERV DEPT 177 This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis Larry Woodman County Clerk Chairman Beverly Johnso Deputy SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 355 COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 3, 2004 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing personal property exemption applications with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Also present were County Clerk Lewis, Attorney Hamilton and Assessor Gizinski. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Larson based on the recommendation of the Assessor to deny the application of Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital's for exemption of personal property. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Johnson to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 10:07 AM. This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis Larry W odman County Clerk Chairman Beverly Johnso Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday August 17, 2004 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Kehoe that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as circulated. Murman attended the South Platte Chamber meeting that was held in Hastings. Representative Tom Osborne spoke about rural economic development. Larson attended two2 Road Committee meetings and an Extension Board meeting. Neumann attended the Adams County Senior Services meeting last Wednesday. They have a new handibus. Hynes also attended two Road Committee meetings. Johnson attended an Adams County Convention & Visitors Bureau meeting. They have been discussing a problem regarding some lodging owners who feel that they should get wealthy when there are scheduled events in Hastings and it has caused some ill will among the guests. Some softball tournaments are scheduling elsewhere because of the problem. The ACCVB board thinks that the solution to the problem would be to get lodging quotes at the time that bids are sent out for tournaments. The evaluations that the ACCVB has received from people visiting the City have been great except for the lodging. Kehoe attended a special CASA budget meeting and a training session on bioterrorism put on by the Dept. of Agriculture. He reported that diaper changing stations have been installed in the 2"d floor restrooms of the ACOB at the request of Health & Human Services. He reported that the air conditioner in the communications room at the 911 Center quit working and was wondering whose responsible for repairs to it. He will talk to the City Administrator. He also reported that the Annex is virtually finished except for motion detectors and carpeting in the basement area for mental health hearings. Woodman also attended two Road Committee meetings. Charles Hamilton, Attorney, presented a resolution to ratify actions of the County Board. He told the Board this was necessary since there were some irregularities with Hynes sitting on the Board from October 2003 to June 2004. 356 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA olloll by KG11Ue, seconded by Johnson to approve -acid �.uthoiize llre Cnaiiutun to --sign nes;,,µ«., . v4-33---- 17 to ratify actions taken by the Board from October 7, 2003 to June 22, 2004. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Complete Resolution on file in the County Clerk's office. Sue Brown, Extension Agent, presented a $500.00 check to the Board for reimbursement from the state for the Building Nebraska Families program. She also reported that this will be the last check that Adams County will receive as there is a new program director and she is based in Hall County. Dawn Miller, Highway Superintendent, presented an Interlocal Agreement with Wanda Township for gravel for approval. Motion by Larson, seconded by Hynes to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Interlocal Agreement with Wanda Township for gravel purchases. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Woodman presented an Addendum to the Contract with Health & Human Services for Child Support Services. The contract has an option to renew every two years. Health & Human Services has exercised their option to renew. The Board needs to give approval to renew also. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Addendum to renew the contract with Health & Human Services for child support services. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to move to Board of Equalization for motor vehicle exemption applications. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Board of Equalization at 9:52 AM. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Neumann to appoint Lila Gamble to full time status on the Board of Adjustments for a three year term effective August 17, 2004. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. At 10:00 AM the Board reviewed and discussed bids received for a new motorgrader which were opened on August 12, 2004. Bids were received from Nebraska Machinery, Murphy Tractor and Fairbanks of Grand Island. Dawn Miller, Highway Superintendent, told the Board that she had reviewed the bids and was recommending the purchase of the Caterpillar 140H Plus. She also stated that the New Holland grader that Fairbanks was quoting did not meet the bid specification of variable horsepower. Johnson stated that with the present situation of the county budget he feels that there needs to be consideration made in a bid of $100,000.00 for the New Holland machine and $157,000.00 for the Caterpillar. He stated that the New Holland will probably perform as well as the Caterpillar with a good operator. Woodman stated that repairs for the Caterpillar are more readily available than for the New Holland or the John Deere and there is less down time on the machine. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Neumann to approve the recommendation of Dawn Miller, Highway Superintendent and award the bid for a new motorgrader to Nebraska Machinery Co for the Caterpillar 140 H Plus for $157,320.00. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, Johnson. Dee Haussler, HEDC director, appeared before the Board with a request for designation of a county industrial area by AGP. He told the Board that AGP had acquired additional land near their location east of town for future development and would like it to be included in a county industrial area and asked the Board to schedule a public hearing for such designation. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to authorize the County Attorney to give notice to the City of Hastings of the intent to create a county industrial area and set a public hearing for creation of a county industrial area on September 21, 2004 at 10:30 AM. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Kathy Colburn, Planning Administrator, presented information on two subdivisions. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hynes to approve Lutkemeier Subdivision, case 04-08.4, applicants Lloyd and Verleen Lutkemeier. Roll call, ayes: 1VIurman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Kehoe to approve the administrative plat for Westfork North Second Subdivision, Bob Wallace applicant. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Ken Stein, Hastings Rural Fire Dept Chief, was present to answer questions regarding the rural fire department and the City's new position regarding fire flow waivers. He told the Board that he did not see a problem supplying water to a house fire in the city's two mile jurisdiction. Woodman stated he thinks the City is in error to expect people to have these fire flow restrictions. It will only force people to go outside SUPERVISORS RE ADA ORD No. 25 RASKA 357 the two nnle area to build and he is against what the City is doing. Neumann stated that the County Boara supports the rural fire departments and are against fire flow restrictions in the 2 mile jurisdiction. Kehoe left at 10:50 AM. LaMoine Einspahr of Hastings reported to the Board regarding the appearance of Jim Mitera at the City Planning & Zoning meeting. He plans to appear at the City Council meeting. Einspahr also addressed some of the new restrictions being proposed by the City Planning & Zoning within their two mile jurisdiction. Eugene Krabel, living west of Hastings on Highway 6, spoke regarding the City's proposed restrictions in the two mile jurisdiction. He said that Hastings is trying to gain control over rural Adams County. Woodman and Neumann offered to appear at the next Hastings City Council meeting to tell them that the County is opposed to their proposed new restrictions within their two mile jurisdiction. Jan Johnson, Register of Deeds, appeared before the Board to tell them that she would like to change the vendor who supplies the County Plat Maps. Farm & Home Publishers had been providing them with the promise to keep them updated annually; however they have failed to do so. She would like to switch back to R C Booth publishers who will provide current plat maps as well as including a TAM map in the same booklet. The maps are paid for out of the Inheritance fund; however the receipts from the sale of the books go back to the Inheritance Fund. Murman told the Board that he had asked Johnson to inform the Board since there are some new members that may not understand how these maps are funded. The Board thanked her for the update and stated they did not feel they needed to take formal action on this however she could proceed as discussed. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Neumann to approve claims and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe absent. Motion by Murman, seconded by Hynes to accept officers' reports for the month of July from the County Clerk and Register of Deeds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe absent. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Larson to move to Executive Session for litigation. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe absent. Entered Executive Session at 11:05 AM. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Kehoe absent. Returned to regular session at 11:20 AM. The Board continued the rest of the meeting in budget workshop until 5:00 PM. This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC CENT TRANS SYSTEMS INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS HOMETOWN LEASING HASTINGS TRIBUNE BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM EAKES OFFICE PLUS LILA GAMBLE RELIABLE OFFICE SUPPLY HASTINGS TRIBUNE KATHY COLBURN COAST COMPUTER PRODUCTS COMPUTER CONSULTANTS CDW GOVERNMENT INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ALLTEL FAKES OFFICE PLUS WEBSTER CO SHERIFF ADAMS CO CLK OF DIST CRT ADAMS CO SHERIFF LANGVRDT & VALLE PC SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS ISABEL SMITH BEYKE SIGNS WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV VAN DIEST SUPPLY CO NATL PAPER & SANITARY HAROLD JOHNSON HOWARD'S GLASS HASTINGS UTILITIES COUNTY GENERAL COPIER CONTRACT LABOR SUPPLIES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL PUBLISHING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL REPAIRS SUPPLIES MILEAGE EQUIPMENT PUBLISHING REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES DATA PROCESSING SUPPLIES SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG, SUPPLIES MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COURT COSTS MENTAL HEALTH BOARD ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES COURT COSTS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS CHEMICALS SUPPLIES SHOP TOOLS MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES 232.10 1,016.50 34.05 102.70 87.15 153.15 43.76 74.72 234.59 1,210.00 127.85 29.26 219.88 16.69 117.64 254.46 106.20 45.71 80.43 48.36 93.33 6.00 1,709.37 5.00 6,000.00 247.50 50.00 78.00 200.58 31.50 218.00 70.91 43.60 7,749.70 358 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA DUTTON LAINSON CO CAREY'S PEST CONTROL INC DRUMMOND AMERICAN CORP ANDY'S PLUMBING MEGAN MEYER DORIS ZUELLNER JESSIKA UDEN UNIVERSITY OF NE SEREC RON SEYMOUR RELIABLE OFFICE SUPPLY GWEN RODOCKER JESSICA HIRD CARRIE HOAGLAND SUSAN BROWN ANDREA S GRADER SOFTWARE UNLIMITED NEBR HEALTH LABORATORY HOMETOWN LEASING HASTINGS TRIBUNE HASTINGS POLICE DEPT DONNA S FEGLER-DAISS DELUXE BUSINESS FORMS & ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS CO SHERIFF BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ALLTEL ALLTEL VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC KEARNEY CO TREASURER JOHNSON'S WATER INC COMPUTER HARDWARE INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ALLTEL NAPA AUTO PARTS METEORLOGIX KENESAW MOTOR CO INC ADAMS CO HWY DEPT ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES PRESTO X COMP KLINGLER MONOGRAM & EMBR EAKES OFFICE PLUS CITY OF HASTINGS PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA ALLTEL LOREN UDEN NTOA PRIMEDIA WORKPLACE LEARN ADAMS CO SHERIFF BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV PHILLIPS 66 KENESAW MOTOR CO INC UNCLE NEAL'S COUNTRY GUARANTEE ELEC CO INC ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC PTACNIK SERVICE INC LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY OMB POLICE SUPPLY GREGG MAGEE CO SHERIFF MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC MATTHEW BENDER & CO INC LAW ENFORCEMENT ACCESSOR KENESAW MOTOR CO INC GALLS INC ELECTRONICS SERVICE (93) AUTO GLASS CENTER INC ADAMS CO HWY DEPT ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV ALEXANDER HAMILTON INSTI HOLDREGE PHARMACY KEITHS PHARMACIES SUNMART PHARMACY PHELPS COUNTY SHERIFF PHELPS MEMORIAL HEALTH C MOSCATI HEALTH CENTER G A MICEK DDS PC BYRON MORROW MARY LANNING MEMORIAL HO HALL CNTY BD OF CORRECTI FRANKLIN COUNTY SHERIFF FAMILY MEDICAL CENTER FAMILY MEDICAL SPECIALTI CLAY COUNTY SHERIFF COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER- BERTS REXALL DRUGS BUFFALO CO SHERIFF OFF ANIMAL CLINIC CASH WA CANDY COMPANY RINDER PRINTING CO ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ROGERS INC DIAMOND VOGEL PAINT CENT MISCELLANEOUS CHEMICALS CHEMICALS MISCELLANEOUS MILEAGE MILEAGE MILEAGE EQUIPMENT TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES MILEAGE MILEAGE MILEAGE MILEAGE MILEAGE DATA PROCESSING COURT COSTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL MISCELLANEOUS BLOOD TESTS MILEAGE SUPPLIES COURT COSTS BLOOD TESTS SUPPLIES TELEPHONE TELEPHONE SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS EQUIPMENT TELEPHONE TRAVEL EXPENSES DUES, SUB, REG, TRAVEL EXPENSES TRAVEL EXPENSES MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE SUPPLIES TELEPHONE REPAIRS TELEPHONE REIMBURSEMENT DUES, SUB, REG, DUES, SUB, REG, CONTRACT SERV SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT TRAVEL EXPENSES CARS FUEL REPAIRS MED-HOSP PRISONERS EQUIPMENT FUEL LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS MILEAGE EQUIPMENT RENTAL DUES; SUB, REG, UNIFORM ALLOWANCE FUEL UNIFORM ALLOWANCE REPAIRS EQUIPMENT FUEL REIMBURSEMENT DUES, SUB, REG, MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS TRAVEL EXPENSES MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS SUPPLIES PRINTING MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS REPAIRS 44.60 145.00 257.70 50.00 6.00 18.00 203.25 250.00 371.60 42.68 18.00 145.50 232.13 47.63 65.00 200.00 153.67 562.90 132.55 650.00 25.20 108.36 132.00 90.00 56.00 495.43 318.01 120.38 76.00 19.00 112.50 239.95 111.97 162.45 567.00 45.75 49.08 17.12 21.00 103.00 14.63 9.50 15.00 239.27 175.83 150.00 576.00 482.50 28.86 1,419.23 166.05 42,817.68 15.00 76.69 53.39 486.99 46.25 322.89 287.95 260.00 21.60 160.70 81.06 59.33 21.39 38.95 2,968.68 1,369.14 68.90 108.07 18.03 24.52 1,395.00 221.00 36.09 190.00 172.13 18.93 2,512.77 3,700.00 358.00 166.00 11,115.00 136.88 1,028.86 1,935.00 80.96 251.08 250.75 39.22 268.00 5.54 SUPERVISORS RECORD RECORD NO. 25 ADAMS COUN'RASKA 359 ALLTEL CONTRACT SERV 37.73 EAKES OFFICE PLUS SUPPLIES 403.16 ADAMS COUNTY JAIL BOARD OF PRISONERS 1,998.80 RED THE UNIFORM UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 249.18 ISABEL SMITH MATRON FEES 40.00 BIG G COMM HARDWARE EQUIPMENT 631.24 MID-AMER PUMP & SUPPLY REPAIRS 326.00 G & G PIPE REPAIR PARTS 346.85 PRESCO SALES & SERV GRADER BLADES 1,742.00 LAWSON PRODUCTS SMALL TOOLS, ETC. 36.11 ODEN ENTERPRISES INC BRIDGES 14,141.40 MID NEBR AGGREGATE INC GRAVE 12,965.00 WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV GARBAGE 66.86 VONTZ PAVING INC GRAVEL 520.30 VAN DIEST SUPPLY CO CHEMICALS 306.60 T -L IRRIGATION CO PARTS 255.00 MID NEBRASKA LUBRICANTS GREASE OIL 4,189.27 THOMSEN OIL CO FUEL 5,565.60 SQUARE DEAL LUMBER CO LUMBER 30.00 SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT ELECTRICITY 348.97 ROAD BLDG MACH & SUPPLY PARTS 146.10 PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA EQUIPMENT 483.55 LINDA PARR CUSTODIAL 50.00 PARAMOUNT LINEN & UNIFOR SUPPLIES36.80 NE MACHINERY CO REPAIRS 4,896.76 NAPA AUTO PARTS PARTS 308.64 MIDWEST SERVICE GRADER BLADES 1,274.00 LINWELD BULK CHAINS 10.37 LILLEY'S SAND & GRAVEL GRAVEL 12,028.80 KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPL PARTS 17.58 KINDER MORGAN HEATING FUELS 34.09 KERR CHEVROLET CO PARTS 175.00 KELLY SUPPLY CO SMALL TOOLS 228.79 JULLEE JOHNSON CUSTODIAL 50.00 ECHO GROUP INC SUPPLIES 24.96 ISLAND SUPPLY BULK CHAINS 95.88 HEARTLAND COOP TIRES 146.98 HASTINGS UTILITIES ELECTRICITY 481.57 HALL CO HIWAY DEPT PAVEMENT MARKING 944.11 SAMUELSON EQUIP CO PARTS 21.11 FAIRBANKS INTERNATIONAL PARTS 72.16 EX -LINER INDUSTRIES PARTS 67.89 ROBERT EINSPAHR MISCELLANEOUS 55.00 DAC SERV DEPT 177 MISCELLANEOUS 59.80 CENTAUR ENTERPRISES INC SUPPLIES 48.53 BRUNERS SAND & GRAVEL IN GRAVEL 9,303.04 BOSSELMAN INC FUEL 7,227.00 BIG G COMM HARDWARE SUPPLIES 102.64 AUTO VALUE SPEC. SALES SUPPLIES 2,354.88 ALLTEL TELEPHONE 260.84 ADAMS CO HWY DEPT FUEL 241.21 PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC POSTAL SERVICES 3,000.00 MIPS/CO SOLUTIONS LLC BUDGET COSTS 332.04_ EAKES OFFICE PLUS COURT COSTS 188.45 ADAMS CO SHERIFF FEE ACT COURT COSTS 7,667.41 SHERIFF OF SARPY CO COURT COSTS 6.00 PAY FLEX SYSTEMS USA INC MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 93.28 MCDERMOTT & MILLER P C AUDIT EXP 4,500.00 ADAMS CO SENIOR SERV HANDI-BUS 10,627.19 ADAMS CO SENIOR SERV HANDI-BUS ' 15.00 HASTINGS TRIBUNE PUBLISHING 333.64 HASTINGS TRIBUNE COURT COSTS 35.61 ADAMS COUNTY BOARD SALARIES 7,210.00 ADAMS COUNTY CLERK SALARIES 14,118.55 ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER SALARIES 26.465.60'' REGISTER OF DEEDS SALARIES 8,564.38 ADAMS COUNTY ASSESSOR SALARIES 21,034.28 PLANNING & ZONING SALARIES 2,320.95 DATA PROCESSING SALARIES 5,824.25 CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT SALARIES 16,743.52 DISTRICT COURT BAULIFF SALARIES 2,145.26 PUBLIC DEFENDER SALARIES 12,982.24 MAINTENANCE DEPT. SALARIES 11,639.16 EXTENSION OFFICE SALARIES 5,810.05 MICROFILM DEPT SALARIES 1,585.92 ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF SALARIES 56,429.06 ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY SALARIES 27,153.80 CORRECTIONS & COMMUNICATIONS SALARIES 45,385.63 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SALARIES 4,181.58 ADAMS COUNTY SURVEYOR SALARIES 257.50 ADAMS COUNTY ROAD DEPT SALARIES 70,092.88 ADAMS COUNTY WEED DEPT SALARIES 3,363.33 VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE SALARIES 5,822.08 NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS RETIREMENT MATCH 20,786.45 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN FICA MATCH 25,625.39 BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD HEALTH INSURANCE 87,607.73 FORT DEARBORN INSURANCE DISABILITYM INSURANCE 794.62 COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS HASTINGS UTILITIES UTILITIES 212.55 WORLDCOM TELEPHONE 66.34 VISA SUPPLIES 39.99 ANN ROHAN REIMBURSEMENT 116.09 360 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA HAST ni,nrnuem ADAMS CO TELECOMMUNICATI TELEPHONE 25.40 ADAMS COUNTY VISITORS BUREAU SALARIES 3,431.60 NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS RETIREMENT MATCH 158.24 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN FICA MATCH 249.02 BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD HEALTH INSURANCE 741.30 FORT DEARBORN INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE 5.93 RELIEF - MEDICAL KATHY NASH RENT 210.00 RADER REAL ESTATE RENT 210.00 BLUE RIBBON HOMES RENT 150.00 COMMUNITY DEVELOP. BLK GRANT FUND BEYKE SIGNS GRANTS 180.00 ELVIN SAFETY SUPPLY INC GRANTS 7,457.30 EILEENS COLOSSAL COOKIES GRANTS 49.75 CLARITUS GRANTS 30.00 INHERITANCE TAX CHARLIE GENTERT CEMETERY MAINTANANCE 250.00 COURTHOUSE BUILDING WESTLAND BLDG CO INC MISC CAP OUTLAY 2,493.00 WESTLAND BLDG CO INC MISC CAP OUTLAY 9,234.50 ESCROW HOLDING FUND EAKES OFFICE PLUS MISCELLANEOUS 3,497.55 COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC MISCELLANEOUS 7,255.00 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES ALLTEL EMERGENCY PHONE 1,868.15 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS SIGNS 655.50 INTENSIVE SUPERVISION PROBATION BUDGET MODERN METHODS INC EQUIPMENT RENTAL 79.00 This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis Larry Woodman County Clerk Chairman Beverly Johnson Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 17, 2004 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing motor vehicle exemption applications with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson , Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Also present were County Clerk Lewis, County Attorney Hamilton and Jan Timm, representing the Treasurer's office. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Murman to approve motor vehicle exemptions for 2 new vehicles for Hastings Catholic Schools and one new vehicle for Head Start. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 9:55 AM. This Board is now adjourned subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis Larry Woodman County Clerk Chairman Beverly Johnson Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Thursday, August 26, 2004 A special meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Larson that this meeting is a special meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, N, e EB.RASKA 361 ►e Board wuikecl on budget amendments as on mfvruialion pieseiiled by Juha Moeller. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to present the budget request for 2004-2005 as amended in this meeting at a public hearing at 10:00 AM on Tuesday, September 7, 2004. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. This Board is recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis County Clerk Larry W odman COURTHOKSEifilailTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday September 7, 2004 l8►exg*alo g bjthe Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with IThiaittryian, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Johnson was absent. Motion by Murman , seconded by Neumann that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Johnson absent. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as circulated. Murman attended a South Central Economic Development District meeting in Aurora. They are writing a grant with the help of Buffalo County's grant writer for a study of businesses in small towns with elderly owners and possibly transferring ownership to younger people in the towns. The study will also look at how to start businesses in small towns. The district does not have any corporation papers as yet but they should be coming soon. Larson attended a Midland Area Agency on Aging meeting, an Extension Board meeting and a Road Committee meeting. Neumann also attended the MAAA meeting and a meeting with the "Livestock Friendly" people on August 26th Hynes also attended the "Livestock Friendly" meeting and the Road Committee meeting. Kehoe reported that the Register of Deeds has moved successfully and they are getting ready for the Mental Health Board hearing room. They are putting up a temporary wall as they could not find enough pieces of the panel system that fit together. They are meeting tomorrow with the District Supervisor for Dept of Motor Vehicles to discuss the changes they will want in the former Register of Deeds office. He also announced that the Emergency Services Committee meets next week. Woodman attended an LEPC meeting and the Road Committee meeting last week. Donna Fegler Daiss presented a new Interlocal Agreement with the City of Hastings for Emergency Medical Services. She stated that the only change to the previous agreement was a paragraph that automatically renews the agreement each year unless notice is given by either party. Motion by Murman, seconded by Kehoe to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Hastings for Emergency Medical Services. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Johnson, absent. Woodman told the Board that Senior Services has received a Letter of Agreement from Dept of Roads for Public Transportation Assistance funding that needed approval from the Board. The federal funding is $78,077.00 and state funding is $29,220.00 Motion by Neumann, seconded by Larson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Letter of Agreement with the Nebraska Dept of Roads for Public Transportation Assistance funding. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Johnson, absent. Julia Moeller, Treasurer, told the Board that Friday she received notification from the state tax administrator of a refund due to Level 3 Communications, LLC on centrally assessed property values. Level 3 Communications had appealed their valuation for 2003 and it lowered their property value in Adams County by $812,320.00, or $2911.00 in taxes. She asked if this would also be the 2004 value for Level 3 Communications and the state tax administrator said she would have to check and Moeller had not heard from her as of this morning. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to move to Board of Equalization for motor vehicle exemption applications. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Johnson, absent. Entered Board of Equalization at 9:50 AM. 362 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Woodman asked the Board if they would like to approve Hastings College's request to use the ACOB parking lot for Melody Roundup on October 2, 2004. The Board gave their approval and directed the County Clerk to notify the employees at the ACOB. Woodman also reported that he had received a letter from an attorney inquiring if the County would be interested in buying the property on W. 4th St., adjacent to the ACOB parking lots. He reported that he called the attorney and told him that the Board had discussed this matter previously and the County is not interested in the property. At 10:00 AM the Board held a public hearing for the presentation of the 2004-2005 County budget. Murman prefaced the hearing with some remarks about the amount of cuts to department budgets and the amount of increase to various funds within the budget. Woodman opened the public hearing. Julia Moeller presented the budget and stated that the increase was within the 2.5% allowed under the law. No one else appeared to speak for or against the budget and the hearing was closed. Murman stated that this budget reflects a lower levy than had been anticipated by the Board in some of their previous workshops. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to approve the County budget for 2004-2005 as published in the Hastings Tribune and on file in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Johnson, absent. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to approve claims and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Johnson, absent. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to accept Miscellaneous Receipts for the month of August in the amount of $731,880.64. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Johnson, absent. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hynes to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Tax List Corrections numbers 12993 through 13007. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Johnson, absent. BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS CHRISELLA LEWIS VISA VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS BEVERLY JOHNSON JUDY TAYLOR BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS JULIA MOELLER MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC DUGAN BUSINESS FORMS BEVERLY DAVIS ALLTEL FAKES OFFICE PLUS BIG G COMM HARDWARE BIG G COMM HARDWARE NEBR CO ASSESSORS ASSOC MID -WEST APPRAISERS ASSO MARY STUEHM RODNEY L POKORSKI NE DEPT OF PROPERTY MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC JIM KUHN PATRICIA C GIZINSKI GIS WORKSHOP EAKES OFFICE PLUS ADAMS CO HWY DEPT ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC RON KUCERA QUEST SOFTWARE INTERNET NEBRASKA ALLTEL SUSAN CZAPLEWSKI EAKES OFFICE PLUS EXECUTIVE COPIER SYS INC WEBSTER CO SHERIFF MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC JACKIE QUEEN BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS MIDWEST SPECIAL SERV INC TOM HAWES FRANKLIN CO COURT CHILD DEVELP COUNCIL BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS PLATTE COUNTY COURT OK CAFE HOMETOWN LEASING LIBERTY CLEANERS COUNTY GENERAL SUPPLIES TRAVEL EXPENSES TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MILEAGE TRAVEL EXPENSES OFFICE EQUIPMENT TRAVEL EXPENSES EQUIPMENT RENTAL PRINTING SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS CAR REPAIRS DUES, SUB, REG, DUES, SUB, REG, MISCELLANEOUS TRAVEL EXPENSES DUES, SUB, REG, EQUIPMENT TRAVEL EXPENSES MISCELLANEOUS DATA PROCESSING SUPPLIES CAR REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS TRAVEL EXPENSES DATA PROCESSING DUES, SUB, REG, DUES, SUB, REG. MILEAGE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MENTAL HEALTH BOARD EQUIPMENT RENTAL MENTAL HEALTH BOARD MISCELLANEOUS JUVENILE CARE POSTAL SERVICES SUPPLIES JUVENILE CARE SUPPLIES COUNTY COURT COSTS COUNTY COURT COSTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL MISCELLANEOUS 149.99 229.13 253.38 153.80 5.94 87.38 130.31 390.57 2,222.80 232.10 1,190.47 27.36 109.03 142.22 27.00 188.33 230.00 295.00 10.00 39.25 1,570.00 130.00 51.63 35.83 1,350.00 61.08 111.07 27.00 928.39 4245.00 57.95 48.36 75.00 661.11 81.00 14.67 290.00 176.00 47.99 68.00 11.65 14.51 215.00 671.34 27.18 95.90 470.71 11.14 SUPERVI ADA MS CO] RD No. 25 RASKA 363 .TOT1 (W' S WATT -12 TMC VALENTINO'S ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT EILEENS COLOSSAL COOKIES EAKES OFFICE PLUS ARTHUR TOOGOOD PUB DEF SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS SAM ZELESKI LETITIA E WHITTEMORE ISABEL SMITH SEILER, PARKER P.C. BRADLEY WHITE & ASSOC PC LANGVRDT & VALLE PC WHELAN & SCHERR JOHNSON CONTROLS INC W G PAULEY LUMBER CO KEN SVOBODA PLUMBING SCHWARZ PAPER COMPANY SIMPLEXGRINNELL OASIS SPRINKLERS & LANDS MONTY MALOUF JR & ASSOC KT HEATING & AC INC GUARANTEE ELEC CO INC DUTTON LAINSON CO BIG G COMM HARDWARE A ONE CONC & FENCE INC HASTINGS UTILITIES MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM EASTMAN KODAK CO NEBR HEALTH LABORATORY HOMETOWN LEASING EAKES OFFICE PLUS ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS CO SHERIFF ALLTEL BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS DAS COMMUNICATIONS DAS COMMUNICATIONS ALLTEL ALLTEL ALLTEL ALLTEL PHELPS CO TREASURER NE TECH & TELE INC MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC JOHNSON'S WATER INC GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO EAKES OFFICE PLUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS AMER PROBATION & PAROLE VETERANS INFORMATION SER HASTINGS UTILITIES RAD INC FARMERS UNION COOP GAS JASON NIEMOTH GREGG MAGEE CO SHERIFF JAMES KONEN III JOHN RUST RADIOSHACK CORP PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA PTACNIK SERVICE INC KERR CHEVROLET CO KARNES AUTO REPAIR GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV GREAT PLAINS CHRYS DODGE CABELA'S RETAIL ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV ALEXANDER HAMILTON INSTI CITY OF HASTINGS OLD MARKET FIREARMS ALLTEL ALLTEL ALLTEL ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS BIG G COMM HARDWARE CASH WA CANDY COMPANY KEN SVOBODA PLUMBING STANLEY HALBMAIER DAN HEUERTZ KIM THAYER BYRON MORROW MARILYN EVANS BRAD M CONSBRUCK ADAMS COUNTY JAIL CREDIT SERVICE ASSOC STATE OF NEBR MIDWEST EAR NOSE & THROA HAMILTON CO SHERIFF DEPT CORNHUSKER PRESS SUPPLIT'S COUNTY COURT COSTS SUPPLIES COURT COSTS COUNTY COURT COSTS SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES MILEAGE COURT COSTS COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS CHEMICALS REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT UTILITIES SUPPLIES REPAIRS COURT COSTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL COURT COSTS JUVENILLE COSTS BLOOD TESTS CORONER COSTS OFFICE EQUIPMENT NET COM EQUIPMENT RENTAL TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES EQUIPMENT RENTAL MISCELLANEOUS TELEPHONE SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES REPAIRS FUEL LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS MILEAGE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS RADIO REPAIR FUEL EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS REIMBURSEMENT MERIT COMMISSION EXP CONTRACT SERV LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS MERIT COMMISSION EXP CONTRACT SERV BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS LAUNDRY -PRISONERS REPAIRS TRAVEL EXPENSES UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE MATRON FEES UNIFORM ALLOWANCE BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS PRINTING 2-8--0-0 67.48 1,000.00 514.25 43.50 493.64 1,864.10 2,197.50 367.50 45.00 272.25 20.00 873.35 645.00 2,023.62 1,290.00 3,889.60 54.89 415.10 343.20 1,187.00 69.50 490.14 212.21 124.64 26.76 67.85 2,575.80 3,022.73 298.70 4,474.00 105.69 562.90 193.54 38.50 60.00 20.28 468.76 661.28 560.48 112.69 2,691.96 138.10 867.14 82.37 49.63 355.00 15.00 149.87 40.70 6.33 50.00 45.00 750.15. 125.98 127.50 2,720.00 376.65 35.00 35.00 48.01 327.00 12.60 58.46 24.80 18.00 44.08 159.96 992.08 26.75 4,155.47 135.34 23.52 79.33 54.98 130.46 439.34 50.08, 612.92 69.71 100.00 121.50 35.00 35.00 35.00 30.00 35.00 2,971.65 92.90 6,424.98 107.93 315.00 246.31 364 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA WILLIAMS EXTERMINATING I SUNMART JERRY SPADY PONT CAD INC KENESAW MOTOR CO INC HALL CNTY BD OF CORRECTI HASTINGS FAMILY PRAC PC GUARANTEE ELEC CO INC BOB BARKER COMPANY ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION THE BN & SF RR CO MICHAEL HUFFAKER WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV 3 POINTS TIRE THOMSEN OIL CO SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA W G PAULEY LUMBER CO W G PAULEY LUMBER CO LINDA PARR PARAMOUNT LINEN & UNIFOR OVERHEAD DOOR ODEN ENTERPRISES INC NEBRASKA TRUCK CENTER NEBR PETERBILT FORD INC NE MACHINERY CO NAPA AUTO PARTS NAPA AUTO PARTS MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC MID NEBR AGGREGATE INC MICHAEL TODD & MAJOR OIL SALES MAINELLI WAGNER & ASSOC LILLEY'S SAND & GRAVEL KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPL KLEIN SURVEY SYSTEM INC KINDER MORGAN JULLEE JOHNSON KENZ & LESLIE DIST CO JOHNSON CASHWAY LUMBR CO J I L ASPHALT PAVING CO ISLAND SUPPLY HASTINGS UTILITIES HASTINGS UTILITIES HALL COUNTY GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO GENE'S REPAIR & SALES FLEET PRIDE FAIRBANKS INTERNATIONAL EAKES OFFICE PLUS ORSCHELN FARM & HOME CENTRAL AG & SHOP SUPPLY CENTAUR ENTERPRISES INC BRUNERS SAND & GRAVEL IN BOSSELMAN INC BOB'S SHOP SUPPLIES AUTO VALUE -HASTINGS LARRY ARNOLD ALLTEL ADAMS CO HWY DEPT WERNER CONSTRUCTION NAPA AUTO PARTS KERR CHEVROLET CO HASTINGS TRIBUNE AUTO VALUE -HASTINGS ADAMS CO HWY DEPT CHERYL STABENOW CITY OF HASTINGS ADAMS CO SHERIFF FEE ACT SHERIFF OF SARPY CO PAY FLEX SYSTEMS USA INC MARY LANNING MEMORIAL HO BUFFALO CO SHERIFF OFF SHARON K MAULER STEPHEN LOWE JEFFERY BROWN GRAND ISLAND AREA CLEAN CORNHUSKER PRESS ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT NACO CENT DST ASSOC ADAMS COUNTY COURT U 5 POSTMASTER LIVINGSTON BUTLER - HASTINGS UTILITIES HOLLY MAY MISCELLANEOUS MED-HOSP PRISONERS TRAVEL EXPENSES TRAVEL EXPENSES BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS REPAIRS LAW ENF SUPP LAW ENF SUPP BRIDGES SP FEES CONSULTANT DATA PROCESSING COSTS GARBAGE TIRES FUEL ELECTRICITY RADIO REPAIR SUPPLIES REPAIRS CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES REPAIRS BRIDGES REPAIRS REPAIRS REPAIRS REPAIRS REPAIRS EQUIPMENT RENTAL GRAVEL MISCELLANEOUS GREASE & OIL ENGINEERING GRAVEL MATERIALS CHEMICALS HEATING FUELS CUSTODIAL FUEL MATERIALS MATERIALS BULK CHAINS WATER ELECTRICITY INSURANCE TELEPHONE SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES - ELECTRICAL REPAIRS SUPPLIES REPAIRS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES GRAVEL EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS TELEPHONE SERVICES REIMBURSEMENT BITUMINOUS SURFACINT REPAIRS REPAIRS PUBLISHING REPAIRS FUEL MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES HUMANE SOC EXP COURT COSTS COURT COSTS MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS VITAL STATISTICS MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES CONTINGENCIES COURT COSTS COUNTY COURT COSTS COUNTY COURT COSTS COUNTY COURT COSTS COUNTY COURT COSTS COUNTY COURT COSTS COUNTY COURT COSTS COUNTY COURT COSTS DUES, SUB, REG JURY PAYROLL POSTAL SERVICES RELIEF - MEDICAL COUNTY BURIALS RENT; RENT ACT ACT ACT ACT 4-9 46.00 119.33 63.16 49.47 1,970.80 156.00 113.75 173.36 98.37 30,000.00 568.57 100.00 66.86 305.00 6,592.86 2.15 123.95 92.26 95.49 80.00 73.60 241.82 39,839.68 69.12 250.00 280.83 40.76 417.99 230.00 5,567.25 48.30 284.90 1,213.92 3,032.40 211.54 189.50 51.98 80.00 356.65 264.84 981.96 88.30 43.70 477.59 345.84 167.46 112.26 340.56 147.79 54.34 21.20 449.17 43.90 7,623.32 9,136.48 124.00 217.16 55.00 47.96 94.92 143,301.73 205.53 156.69 136.68 19.23 402.65 120.00 1,250.00 6,366.12 3.00 93.28 503.00 84.72 150.00 150.00 150.00 3,750.00 166.39 166.00 41.50 373.50 41.50 83.00 166.00 83.00 255.00 4,987.87 68.00 1,250.00 89.63 210.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 365 RADFR RRAT, FFTATE R FPST HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES HASTINGS PUBLIC LIBRARY ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION WERNER CONSTRUCTION ALLTEL DAS COMMUNICATIONS QWEST MODERN METHODS INC INSTITUTIONS PATIENT CARE COUNTY LIBRARY LIBRARY ESCROW HOLDING FUND MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES EMERGENCY PHONE INTENSIVE SUPERVISION PROBATION BUDGET TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES EQUIPMENT RENTAL This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. NAA. Chrisella Lewis Beverly Johns° Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday September 2, 2004 Larry Woodman 210 0' 1,694.00 20,147.82 24,985.00 167,453.08 54.66 47.48 14.41 79.00 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing motor vehicle exemption applications with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Johnson was absent. Also present were County Clerk Lewis, County Attorney Daiss, and Janice Timm representing the Treasurer. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Kehoe to approve the Treasurer's recommendation to grant motor vehicle exemptions Headstart, Salvation Army and Hastings College. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Johnson, absent. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Johnson, absent. Returned to regular session at 9:55 AM. This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman, Chrisella Lewis Larry Woodman County Clerk Chairman BeverlyJohne Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 21, 2004 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding, Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Larson was absent. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Johnson that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Larson, absent. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as circulated. Murman attended a South Heartland District Health board meeting. He reported that the Adams County representative to the health board, Judy Reimer, has completed her first term on the board and is willing to be re -appointed. The Board concurred that she should be re -appointed. He also attended a Chamber of Commerce meeting. Neumann attended an Adams County Senior Services meeting on the 8th, a Combined City/County Services meeting and a library board meeting. Hynes attended the NACO Central District meeting and has a Region III meeting on Friday. 366 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Johnson attended the Drug Court graduation on the 14th and an Adams County Convention and Visitors Bureau meeting on the 15th as well as the NACO Central District meeting. Kehoe attended the Combined Services committee meeting and reported that Emergency Management has purchased a trailer with grant money. He also attended a CASA meeting, the Drug Court graduation and the NACO Central District meeting. He reported that Buildings and Grounds has several projects in the works and that the Drivers Examiners will move upstairs to the former Register of Deeds office soon. Only minor changes will be necessary for their move. Woodman attended the Combined Services meeting and the NACO Central District meeting. Dawn Miller, Planning Administrator, presented information on two subdivisions. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to approve case 04-09.2, J Bar T Cattle Subdivision, applicants, Tim and Jeanette Uden. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Larson, absent. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Neumann to approve case 04-09.1, Frink Land & Cattle Subdivision, applicants Joseph F. Frink by Jim Frink. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Larson, absent. Miller, Highway Superintendent, presented the annual year end road report for submittal to the Nebraska Board of Classifications and Standards and asked the Board for their approval. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Johnson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign forms 1F and 6 for the Nebraska Board of Classifications and Standards report for submittal to the state Dept of Roads. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Larson, absent. Miller also asked the Board to approve a resolution to amend the county 1 year road plan to include a bridge on Blue Hill Road west of Conestoga Ave. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Johnson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04- 09-21 amending the county one year road plan to include project C-1-343, replacing bridge #14610 on Blue Hill Road west of Conestoga Ave. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Larson, absent. Johnson told the Board that he has received the inventories from all county departments and the County Clerk has told him that all inventories have been received. He asked for a motion to accept the county inventories for 2004. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to accept all county inventories for 2004 and to authorize signing by the County Board. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Larson, absent. County Attorney Fegler-Daiss presented documents for the Victim Witness grant and asked for approval & authorization for the Chairman to sign. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Hynes to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the grant documents for the Victim Witness program. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Larson, absent. Sandy Himmelberg, Adams County Fair Manager, presented the Ag Society budget for 2004-2005 to the Board for their information. She reported that the dollar request has increased by $9000.00; however their levy will actually go down. Kehoe told the Board that a CASA children cut out will be displayed in the courthouse lobby for three weeks. These cut outs tell the stories of the children in the CASA program. He also told the Board that many counties have pictures of the President and Governor on display in their board rooms and thought it would be good for Adams County to display them in the Board Room. It was decided that contacts to obtain pictures will be made after the upcoming election and it will be decided after the pictures have been received where they will be displayed in the Board Room. Dee Haussler, HEDC director, told the Board that the City of Hastings has passed a resolution approving the designation of an additional 27.2 acres as a county industrial area for AGP and Planning & Zoning has rezoned the property from agricultural to heavy industrial. He asked the Board to set a date and time for a public hearing to proceed with the designation by the county board. Motion by Murman, seconded by Hynes to set October 12, 2004 at 10:00 AM as the date for a public hearing for the designation of a county industrial area for approximately 27.23 acres located in the North Half of the Southeast quarter (N '/2 SE '/4) Section 9-T7N-R9W. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Larson, absent. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY NEBRASKA 367 Thtat was discussion of the mct,ting da for ctobcr and Novcmbcr. With the first Tucsday being n day of the general election, it was decided to meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays in October and November. Cindy Strasheim updated the Board on the County Juvenile Services Aid Program known as WeCAN, Webster, Clay, Adams and Nuckolls counties. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Murman to authorize the Chairman to sign 2004-2005 budget documents approved at the Board meeting on September 7, 2004. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Larson, absent. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Neumann to move to Board of Equalization for motor vehicle exemption applications and appeals of personal property penalty and homestead rejection. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Larson, absent. Entered Board of Equalization at 10:45 AM. Larson entered the meeting at 10:50 AM. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to approve claims and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Hynes, seconded by Neumann to accept officers reports for the month of August from the County Clerk, Register of Deeds and Sheriff. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Kehoe to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Tax List Corrections numbers 13003-13004 and 13008-13009. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Marcus Tooze, president of GIS Workshop, presented a proposal of his product for GIS software to the County Board. He stated that the bulk of the work would be in the first 6 months but would take 24 months to put the system together. He recommended training two people in the Assessor's office on the software. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to table the matter for further consideration at the Board meeting on October 12, 2004. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Larson to move to Executive Session for personnel matters and litigation. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Executive Session at 11:50 AM. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Johnson to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at ,12:33 PM. VISA CHRISELLA LEWIS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS KLINGLER MONOGRAM & EMBR EAKES OFFICE PLUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS HASTINGSCHAMBER.COM EAKES OFFICE PLUS VICKY STRUSS US POSTAL SERVICE GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO KATHY COLBURN NACO PLANNING & ZONING RELIABLE FARM HOME PUBLISHERS PEARL DAVISON VISA RON KUCERA INTERNET NEBR CDW GOVERNMENT INC VISA FAKES OFFICE PLUS SUSAN CZAPLEWSKI BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS LINDA M HEMBERGER CLK OF SUPREME COURT ADAMS CO CLK OF DIST CRT HASTINGSCHAMBER.COM WALMART NE CO COURT ASSOCIATION KATHY CLAPP ST OF NE EAKES OFFICE PLUS COMPUTER CONSULTANTS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS COUNTY GENERAL TRAVEL EXPENSES MILEAGE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS DUES, SUB, REG, SUPPLIES PT TIME CLERICAL POSTAL SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES MILEAGE DUES, SUB, REG, SUPPLIES SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG, SUPPLIES TRAVEL EXPENSES DUES, SUB, REG, SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MILEAGE SUPPLIES JUROR FEES COURT COSTS COURT COSTS DUES, SUB, REG, COURT COSTS DUES, SUB, REG, COURT COSTS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REPAIRS SUPPLIES 27.78 36.75 118.46 179.70 8.94 94.95 45.00 120.49 269.44 37.00 60.00 80.09 100.00 29.68 32.50 25.00 8.97 155.93 58.95 273.94 72.24 75.04 37.50 229.99 40.04 66.50 775.80 45.00 8.36 25.00 115.55 118.77 527.24 65.00 5.29 368 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ADAMS COUNTY COURT FRANKLIN CO TREASURER BRAD MONCRIEF LLC HORIZON RECOVERY CENTER SHANNON J SAMUELSON LANGVRDT & VALLE PC DOBOUL DENG MONTY MALOUF JR & ASSOC HASTINGS UTILITIES WEST -LITE CORPORATION WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV RON SEYMOUR QUILL CORP EAKES OFFICE PLUS ANDREA S BRADER SUSAN BROWN VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC VISA SOFTWARE UNLIMITED NEBR HEALTH LABORATORY HASTINGS POLICE DEPT CR BUREAU OF HASTINGS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ALLTEL ALLTEL EXECUTVE COPIER SYSTEMS SHELLY SODEN PRESTO X COMP LINDA'S STITCHES & CREAT DAVID J KEMPF BOB WILLIAMS LOREN UDEN KEITH NAPIER HC CLEANING BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ALLTEL PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA DELKEN PRESS EXECUTIVE COPIER SYS INC CITY OF HASTINGS CASH WA CANDY COMPANY ADAMS CO CLERK THE UNIVER. OF OKLAHOMA AMY SWAYZE KEARNEY CO TREASURER GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO FIFTH ST PRINTING BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS NE TECH & TELE INC PHELPS CO TREASURER MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC ALLTEL CORNHUSKER PRESS EAKES OFFICE PLUS COMPUTER CONSULTANTS JOHNSON'S WATER INC STAPLES CREDIT PLAN BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS HASTINGS UTILITIES STEVE'S LAWN SERV ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTW ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV PRIMEDIA WORKPLACE LEARN PHILLIPS 66 JASON NIEMOTH MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC GREGG MAGEE CO SHERIFF MONTY MCCORD LCL TRUCK EQUIP INC ISLAND TOWING HASTINGS TRIBUNE HELLO DIRECT INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS JEFF DIXON EXECUTIVE COPIER SYS INC COMPUTER HARDWARE INC ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV WEST GROUP KENESAW MOTOR CO INC GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV GREAT PLAINS CHRYS DODGE FRONTIER FORD LINC-MERC ELECTRONICS SERVICE (93) CHRIS'S CAR WASH BLACK HILLS AMMUNITION ADAMS COUNTY JAIL SUNMART PHARMACY PUBLIC SAFETY WAREHOUSE PROTEX CENTRAL INC LANNING CENTER KERR CHEVROLET CO COURT COSTS COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES COURT COSTS JANITORIAL EQUIP UTILITIES SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MILEAGE MILEAGE SUPPLIES REPAIRS DATA PROCESSING COURT COSTS BLOOD TESTS COURT COSTS SUPPLIES CORONER COSTS TELEPHONE SERVICES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS REIMBURSEMENT MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE PRINTING & PUBLISHING MAINTENANCE TELEPHONE RADIO REPAIR SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES ALCOHOLIC SAFETY ACTION MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT RENTAL TELEPHONE SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES EQUIPMENT RENTAL TELEPHONE SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES UTILITIES MISCELLANEOUS DATA PROCESSING REIMBURSEMENT DUES, SUB, REG, FUEL LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL MILEAGE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS PUBLISHING REPAIRS SUPPLIES MILEAGE SUPPLIES DATA PROCESSING REIMBURSEMENT DUES, SUB, REG, FUEL LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT RADIO REPAIR FUEL LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE REPAIRS MED-HOSP PRISONERS TRAVEL EXPENSES 148.50 24.77 172.80 150.00 1,887.50 6,832.00 40.00 111.75 7,724.20 557.80 200.58 219.88 138.18 20.28 21.00 177.00 659.52 272.41 200.00 524.26 100.00 162.00 322.14 20.28 85.00 300.00 49.27 21.00 26.05 200.00 80.84 1,890.33 200.00 200.00 41.08 51.36 1,116.73 11,968.53 220.00 72.54 34.51 140.43 85.56 45.95 12.50 76.00 59.95 76.50 346.60 46.43 81.07 355.00 111.97 156.32 101.31 102.50 29.00 1,319.97 73.97 634.22 280.00 3.95 652.68 576.00 148.20 2,480.00 260.00 389.61 38.50 10.50 50.00 52.22 61.98 86.97 72.90 81.00 59.95 908.81 257.00 394.31 30.00 24.28 80.38 21.39 27.95 189.00 1,955.53 89.36 229.95 13.49 114.75 24.59 369 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COURASKA HASTINGS FAMILY PRAC PC FAMILY MEDICAL SPECIALTI FCMH POOL MEDICAL CLINIC DAWSON CO SHERIFF BERCKS MUFFLER SHOP ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES S&S AUTO REPAIR RED THE UNIFORM PHELPS COUNTY SHERIFF G A MICEK DDS PC FRANKLIN COUNTY SHERIFF ANIMAL CLINIC CASH WA CANDY COMPANY OLD MARKET FIREARMS PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA ALLTEL ALLTEL ISABEL SMITH GEOTECHNICAL SERV INC KINDER MORGAN NCS EQUIPMENT INC SOUTHWEST IMPLEMENT INC ACE/EATON METALS ALLTEL AUTO GLASS CENTER INC AUTO VALUE -HASTINGS CENTRAL VALLEY RENTALS DAC SERV DEPT 177 HEARTLAND COOP IDEAL ELECTRIC ISLAND SUPPLY KACO SUPPLIES LINWELD MLMH CLINICAL LAB SERV MID NEBR AGGREGATE INC NAPA AUTO PARTS NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS POWER PLAN SANITARY OUTDOOR SERV IN WELLS FARGO CARD SERV ZEE MEDICAL SERV CENTRAL COMMUNITY COLLEG GALLS INC HASTINGS FIRE DEPT HASTINGS CYCLE & ATV ID VILLE ELVIN SAFETY SUPPLY INC ADAMS COUNTY COURT PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS CO SENIOR SERV ADAMS COUNTY EXTENSION MCDERMOTT & MILLER P C HASTINGS TRIBUNE ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT FAKES OFFICE PLUS EILEENS COLOSSAL COOKIES WHELAN & SCHERR ELITE COURT REPORTING HASTINGS TRIBUNE ADAMS COUNTY BOARD ADAMS COUNTY CLERK ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER REGISTER OF DEEDS ADAMS COUNTY ASSESSOR PLANNING & ZONING DATA PROCESSING DEPT CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT COURT BAILIFF PUBLIC DEFENDER MAINTENANCE DEPT. EXTENSION OFFICE MICROFILM DEPT. ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY CORRECTIONS & COMMUNICATIONS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ADAMS COUNTY SURVEYOR ADAMS COUNTY ROAD DEPT ADAMS COUNTY WEED DEPT VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD FT DEARBORN INS CO WORLDCOM MODERN METHODS INC VISA MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS TRAVEL EXPENSES MED-HOSP PRISONERS MISCELLANEOUS TRAVEL EXPENSES UNIFORM ALLOWANCE BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS LAUNDRY -PRISONERS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS RADIO REPAIR COURT COSTS CONTRACT SERV MATRON FEES ENGINEER TESTING HEATING FUELS ROAD EQUIPMENT RENTAL PARTS PIPES,CULV.,ETC. TELEPHONE SERVICES REPAIRS SMALL TOOLS EQUIPMENT RENTAL MISCELLANEOUS TIRES REPAIRS BULK CHAINS FLARES FLAGS BARRICADES BULK CHAINS MISCELLANEOUS GRAVEL SUPPLIES SIGNS REPAIRS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG, HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT COURT COSTS POSTAL SERVICES COURT COSTS HANDI-BUS LEPC GRANTS AUDIT EXP PUBLISHING JURY PAYROLL JURY PAYROLL JURY PAYROLL SUPPLIES COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES COURT COSTS ADVERTISEMENT SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES RETIREMENT MATCH FICA MATCH HEALTH INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS TELEPHONE SERVICES EQUIPMENT RENTAL POSTAL SERVICES 3�0 160.00 603.00 119.00 135.00 34.50 120.87 41.21 113.92 248.39 1,390.00 104.00 4,200.00 108.67 311.69 65.99 242.09 164.90 103.32 40.00 3,660.00 6.15 108.64 1,683.35 16,176.60 260.12 320.00 159.75 28.00 29.90 787.46 48.00 86.01 599.00 149.83 66.00 7,825.52 159.45 1,603.50 243.26 150.00 41.16 36.55 160.00 455.85 165.00 14,321.00 367.48 22,028.43 332.00 3,000.00 83.00 16,184.86 65.00 3,000.00 548.07 587.00 596.75 311.50 79.90 8.85 1,402.50 169.15 30.69 7,210.00 11,473.15 26,376.49 8,564.38 22,052.44 4,772.18 5,925.25 15,839.31 2,145.26 12,982.24 11,544.39 4,070.56 2,159.14 55,401.88 27,275.73 44,148.12 4,181.58 257.50 69,816.66 3,363.33 5,822.08 20,817.99 25,345.54 87,607.73 794.62 82.94 225.00 231.21 370 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ANN ROHAN QUILL CORP H & H LAWN CARE HASTINGS UTILITIES HOMETOWN VARIETY & CRAFT CITY OF HASTINGS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS CO TELECOMMUNICATI ADAMS COUNTY VISITORS BUR NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD FT DEARBORN LIFE INS CO KATHY NASH BERTS REXALL DRUGS HASTINGS UTILITIES LIVINGSTON BUTLER - HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE EDWARD ANDERSON USDA, APHIS, WILDLIFE SE BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS PAINT & PAPER PALACE GUARANTEE ELEC CO INC EASTMAN KODAK CO BORLEY STORAGE & TRANSFE COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC BLACK BOX CORP NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA ALLTEL MOTOROLA BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS K MART CHAMBER SUPPORT 10.49 SUPPLIES 90.62 REPAIR 322.53 UTILITIES 232.95 SUPPLIES 5.08 TELEPHONE SERVICES 68.17 SUPPLIES 9.51 TELEPHONE SERVICES 23.10 SALARIES 3,177.58 RETIREMENT MATCH 164.66 FICA MATCH 230.36 HEALTH INSURANCE 741.30 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5.93 RELIEF - MEDICAL RENT 210.00 MEDICAL & HOSPITAL 99.11 UTILITIES 60.03 COUNTY BURIALS 1,400.00 INSTITUTIONS PATIENT CARE 3,145.98 VETERANS AID PROVISIONS & CLOTHING 3,465.00 INHERITANCE TAX CEMETERY MAINTANANCE 200.00 ANIMAL CONTROL 1,809.50 COURTHOUSE BUILDING MISC. CAP OUTLAY MISC CAP OUTLAY MISC CAP OUTLAY MISC CAP OUTLAY MISC CAP OUTLAY MISC CAP OUTLAY 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES COMMUNICATION EQUIP 76.74 SIGNS 842.00 EQUIPMENT 584.00 EMERGENCY PHONE 1,850.13 REPAIRS 4,103.16 INTENSIVE SUPERVISION PROBATION BUDGET SUPPLIES 27.99 SUPPLIES 96.44 440.00 916.78 8,850.00 900.00 2,716.00 797.00 This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Cluisella Lewis Larry Wd`bdman County Clerk Chairman Beverly Johnso Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 21, 2004 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing motor vehicle exemption applications and appeals of personal property penalty and homestead exemption rejection with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Also present were County Clerk Lewis, County Attorney Donna Fegler Daiss, Assessor Gizinski and Jan Timm representing the Treasurer's office. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to approve motor vehicle exemptions for Hastings College, Hastings Headstart, Grace United Methodist Church and South Central Behavioral Services. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Larson absent. Larson entered the meeting at 10:50 AM. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to reduce the penalty for late filing of personal property for Merlin Bachman from 25% to 10% of value. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to deny the appeal of Betty Hanzel for late filing of homestead exemption application based on statutory restrictions. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Joihnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 10:55 AM. SUPERVISORS R CORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 371 HS Bouid is iiuw ieeessed to the call of LLChairman. Chrisella Lewis County Clerk 11 Beverly Johnson Deputy Larry Woodman Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 12, 2004 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Larson that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as circulated. Kehoe attended a Combined Services committee meeting. Johnson attended a Nebraska Power Association meeting in Hastings which has nothing to do with his duties on the County Board but there were a couple of items that he felt were of interest to the county. There was a panel discussion on computer security that was very eye opening. He visited with Ron Kucera, IT Director, about the matter and Kucera is very aware of the security issues to the county computer system. There was also a panel discussion about term limits which will have a significant impact on the legislature because of the experience level that will be lost. Hynes attended a Region III meeting and the candidate debate. Neumann attended the ribbon cutting ceremony of the new WAGS shelter on the 24th, A Midland Area Agency on Aging meeting on the 28th, visited with Mike Kearney of Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital regarding funding of emergency medical services, the Combined Services committee on the 4th, Planning & Zoning meeting, Ayr village board meeting and a library board meeting. Larson attended the MAAA meeting. Woodman attended the Combined Services committee meeting, the dedication of the WAGS shelter and the Kenesaw village board meeting regarding planning & zoning matters. Dawn Miller, Planning & Zoning administrator, presented information on the Classen Acres Subdivision, case 04-10.1. The Planning & Zoning Committee recommends approval. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Neumann to approve the Classen Acres Subdivision, case 04-10.1, applicants, Wayne and Elizabeth Classen. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Miller also presented a review of the Conditional Use Permit issued to Deb Waters at Fantasy Forest for a dog kennel. The Planning Commission has requested that Ms Waters appear at the November 1, 2004 meeting to give an update on the construction process. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to move to Board of Equalization to set levies for 2004, hear motor vehicle exemption applications and discuss procedures for review of property protests. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Board of Equalization at 9:45 AM. At 10:30 the Board held public hearing for the formation of a county industrial area at the request of AGP. Dee Haussler, director of HEDC, presented information to the Board. He stated that the City of Hastings has passed a Resolution approving the formation of the industrial area , Planning & Zoning approved the rezone from agricultural to I2 and the Hastings City Council approved the rezone at their meeting last night. The Chairman asked for those wishing to speak for or against the formation of the county industrial area to step forward and identify themselves. No one appeared and the hearing was closed. 372 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ,1 . . , . Ira, : 1 1 , . , , , • • . . 1 - , , 1 1 12.1 and to also approve and authorize signing of the order to designate the following described area as a county industrial area, Approximately twenty seven and twenty three one hundredth's (27.23) acres located in the North Half of the Southeast quarter, NV, SE 1/4, Section 9-T7N-R9W of the 6th P.M., Adams County, Nebraska. This land is bound on the east by Blaine Ave, on the north by Seventh St and on the south and west by the east leg of the BNSF railroad. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Complete Resolution on file in the County Clerk's office. County Clerk Lewis reported to the Board that the Cost Allocation Plan for reimbursement from the state and federal governments for child support expenses had been received from Maximus and our reimbursement amount is $71,345.00. Maximus is requesting the chairman to sign a certification of Cost Allocation Plan. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Certification of Cost Allocation Plan. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Attorney Hamilton told the Board that he has written a resolution at the request of the maintenance supervisor that would only allow service animals and law enforcement dogs in county buildings. Motion by Larson, seconded by Johnson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04-10- 12.2 that allows only service animals and law enforcement dogs in county buildings. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Complete resolution on file in the County clerk's office. The Board continued the discussion of the contract with GIS Workshop for implementation of GIS software for the county. The County Attorney offered a couple of items that she felt should be included in the contract and the Board wanted to be able to make payments as services were implemented by GIS Workshop with no interest to the total amount of the contract. Motion by Murman, seconded by Johnson to approve the contract with GIS Workshop with payments made upon services received and extended from November 2004 to December 2005 with these amendments to the contract, (1) the contractor will appear before the Board when any questions arise and, (2) the contractor shall be held to professional standards. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Neumann to approve claims and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to accept Miscellaneous Receipts for the month of September in the amount of $376,160.40. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Tax List Corrections 13010 through 13017. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to accept officer's reports for the month of September from the County Clerk and Sheriff. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hynes to move to Executive Session for litigation, contracts and personnel. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Executive Session at 11:10 AM. Motion by Murman, seconded by Hynes to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 12:30 P_M. Motion by Murman, seconded by Kehoe to take no action on the tort claim filed on September 29, 2004 pending investigation by NIRMA. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. COUNTY GENERAL MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC COPIER 232.10 POLK DIRECTORIES SUPPLIES 843.00 EAKES OFFICE PLUS SUPPLIES 84.93 BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 64.60 JACK LEWIS CONTRACT LABOR 50.00 HASTINGS TRIBUNE PRINTING 1,730.85 CLARITUS SUPPLIES 609.00 COAST COMPUTER PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 508.60 NACO DUES, SUB, REG 110.00 NACTFO DUES, SUB, REG 60.00 WELLS FARGO BANK DUES, SUB, REG 25.00 NE SUPREME COURT DUES, SUB, REG 48.00 SUPERVIS ADAMS,pDBRASKA D No. 25 373 MTT)jJF^.T I FB,CCTNG CT= INC LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR EAKES OFFICE PLUS BEVERLY DAVIS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ALLTEL HASTINGS TRIBUNE HOMETOWN LEASING G NEIL COMPANIES BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC JANICE JOHNSON BIG G COMM HARDWARE EAKES OFFICE PLUS VISA ANDREA S BRADER JIM KUHN MARY STUEHM JERRY SPADY PONT CAD INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC THE BRANCH OFFICE REDFIELD & COMPANY INC RODNEY L POKORSKI RODNEY L POKORSKI HASTINGS TRIBUNE EAKES OFFICE PLUS CR BUREAU OF HASTINGS CENTRAL COMMUNITY COLLEG ACME PRINTING ADAMS CO HWY DEPT TERRA SCAN INC SCOTT FINK ADAMS CO HWY DEPT HASTINGS TRIBUNE JULLEE JOHNSON ISSOLUTIONS INC ALLTEL NACO KADE COBLE LUKE HALL CHISTOPHER W BURKS MASON'S MARKET INC JANE WEILER MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC HALL COUNTY SHERIFF SHAUN PECK SUSAN CZAPLEWSKI BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS PLATTE COUNTY COURT POLK DIRECTORIES OK CAFE NATL AUDIO COMPANY INC MODERN METHODS INC MID PLAINS CTR BEHAVORIA JOHNSON'S WATER INC HOMETOWN LEASING EILEENS COLOSSAL COOKIES EAKES OFFICE PLUS FRANKLIN CO TREASURER SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS DOBOUL DENG CONWAY, PAULEY & JOHNSON PENNY BIRKY SEILER, PARKER P.C. ADAMS COUNTY COURT LANGVRDT & VALLE PC BRADLEY WHITE & ASSOC PC WHELAN & SCHERR HATTEN ELECTRIC SERVICE WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV SHERWIN WILLIAMS LUCKYS WELDING MYERS REFRIGERATION CO HOWARD'S GLASS G & R REPAIR CAREY'S PEST CONTROL INC JOHNSON CONTROLS INC TRI CITY OVERHEAD DOOR NATL PAPER & SANITARY JOHNSON CASHWAY LUMBR CO HASTINGS UTILITIES HUSKER TOTAL POWER"INC GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV FOUR SEASONS OUTDOOR EQU BIG G COMM HARDWARE BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES EAKES OFFICE PLUS MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM PQUIPMLNT RENTAL 23) 10 DUES, SUB, REG SUPPLIES TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL PUBLISHING EQUIPMENT RENTAL MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT RENTAL MILEAGE MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS CAR REPAIRS SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS FORM PRINTING TRAVEL EXPENSES MISCELLANEOUS PUBLISHING SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG DUES, SUB, REG FORM PRINTING CAR REPAIRS SOFTWARE MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES PUBLISHING PT TIME CLERICAL SOFTWARE DUES, SUB, REG DUES, SUB, REG COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS JUROR FEES COURT COSTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL MENTAL HEALTH BOARD COURT COSTS REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES COURT COSTS DUES, SUB, REG COURT COSTS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES JUVENILE CARE COURT COSTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL COURT COSTS SUPPLIES COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS CHILLER BOILER REPAIRS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS UTILITIES MISCELLANEOUS CHILLER BOILER REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 20.50 30.56 37.50 33.28 109.03 135.00 261.45 82.69 55.00 234.59 19.50 23.38 176.50 68.98 10.00 10.00 10.00 236.51 74.67 130.00 37.57 14.50 101.97 141.53 10.00 28.00 115.07 81.00 130.00 150.55 259.03 9,685.70 10.00 14.88 65.88 20.00 1,000.00 48.36 110.00 21.50 21.50 65.50 75.87 21.50 290.00 15.50 21.50 70.86 548.06 11.57 264.00 230.20 142.16 105.00 200.00 21.85 470.71 8.85 81.99 41.76 1,222.50 3,198.75 97.50 20.00 30.15 20.00 403.50 200.75 7,692.47 397.50 2,115.00 104.37 200.58 28.61 193.30 1,245.00 366.64 43.49 72.50 1,873.48 295.00 103.02 10.32 3,481.94 18.07 1,163.00 23.55 242.26 3.59 80.00 205.46 156.57 374 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA li mLG rI roDL Ul<uut1NL NACC NE SUPREME COURT MATTHEW BENDER & CO INC HOMETOWN LEASING EAKES OFFICE PLUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS CO SHERIFF DAS COMMUNICATIONS ALLTEL ALLTEL ALLTEL ALLTEL NAPA AUTO PARTS KEITH NAPIER DAVID J KEMPF HC CLEANING SHELLY SODEN BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ARF COMPUTER GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV EXECUTIVE COPIER SYS INC PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ALLTEL HALLORAN BATTERY & ELEC EAKES OFFICE PLUS ADAMS CO HWY DEPT KEARNEY CO TREASURER JOHNSON'S WATER INC PHELPS CO TREASURER ABBY HUBER GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO LANDEN PARKS AMER CORRECTIONAL ASSOC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS EAKES OFFICE PLUS ALLTEL COMPUTER CONSULTANTS NACO ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV KEITH WOODARD MICHAEL SHADA NATHEN SMITH JOHN STEWART JOHN RUST DOUGLAS RUHTER MIKE POPLAU KEVIN MAUCK HEATH LEMKE M GLENN KEMP JOHN KRONTZ JAMES KONEN III RICK FAHRENHOLTZ JEFF DIXON STEVE CAMPBELL JASON ACKLES ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV NAPA AUTO PARTS JERRY SPADY PONT CAD INC UNCLE NEAL'S COUNTRY AUTO GLASS CENTER INC CR BUREAU OF HASTINGS ELECTRONICS SERVICE (93) GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV KARNES CITY WIDE RENTALS KENESAW MOTOR CO INC JASON NIEMOTH HUSKER WINDSHIELD REPAIR BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ACCESS DATA CORP AMERICAN TAPE DIST INC PAUL SPADY OLDS BUICK POLICE OFFICERS LAKESIDE AUTO BODY INC MARC WALTHER KIM THAYER JAMES SIDLO CHAD SUMMERS DAVID RUTT BYRON MORROW GARY HUESKE DAN HEUERTZ DAN FURMAN SUE DEEPE BRENDA CHRISE BRAD M CONSBRUCK MERLIN BRUNA RANDY BORRELL JON BORNEMEIER BERTS PHARMACY W L11iHH1<Y DUES, SUB, REG LAW LIBRARY LAW LIBRARY EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES COURT COSTS BLOOD TESTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES REPAIRS SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE RADIO REPAIR MAINTENANCE TELEPHONE MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES TRAVEL EXPENSES EQUIPMENT RENTAL MISCELLANEOUS POSTAL SERVICES ALCOHOLIC SAFETY ACTION TELEPHONE SERVICES ALCOHOLIC SAFETY ACTION MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES REPAIRS TRAVEL EXPENSES REIMBURSEMENT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS RADIO REPAIR LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES REPAIRS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE UNIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM UNIFORM ALLOWANCE ALLOWANCE ALLOWANCE ALLOWANCE ALLOWANCE ALLOWANCE ALLOWANCE ALLOWANCE ALLOWANCE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE MED-HOSP PRISONERS 75.00 52.00 158.80 562.90 25.31 392.98 30.25 90.00 1,209.54 179.04 2,777.41 63.30 284.22 10.12 100.00 100.00 250.00 20.25 70.00 311.50 4.75 47.54 2,087.00 17.12 23.52 27.83 58.12 128.68 76.00 15.00 128.73 84.00 39.95 84.00 182.00 147.11 40.44 115.07 58.88 110.00 856.70 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 50.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 50.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 1,087.16 1,152.90 42.10 293.27 20.00 211.00 81.00 21.39 30.00 20.00 124.69 2,539.00 50.00 43.79 1,375.00 82.50 24.02 431.25 250.00 150.00 50.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 50.00 150.00 50.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 50.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 1,247.53 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COU.NT', EBRASKA PT,ASTOC N TNC FRANKLIN COUNTY SHERIFF FARMERS UNION COOP GAS HALL CNTY BD OF CORRECTI HALL CNTY BD OF CORRECTI HAMILTON CO SHERIFF DEPT MODERN METHODS INC GREGG MAGEE CO SHERIFF UDEN PLBG & HTG CO INC STATE OF NEBR STATE OF NEBR RED THE UNIFORM ISABEL SMITH NADEN'S PHARMACY G A MICEK DDS PC DR JOHN A COOVER ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV WILLIAMS EXTERMINATING I MIDWEST SPECIAL SERV INC LUCKYS WELDING LANNING CENTER GUARANTEE ELEC CO INC ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC CASH WA CANDY COMPANY KEITHS PHARMACIES EAKES OFFICE PLUS COMPUTER HARDWARE INC ADAMS CO HWY DEPT ADAMS CO HWY DEPT BIG G COMM HARDWARE ADAMS COUNTY JAIL ALLTEL FIVE POINTS BANK WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV WELLS FARGO CARD SERV REBECCA TOCKEY 3 POINTS TIRE THOMSEN OIL CO STATE OF NEBR SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT SANITARY OUTDOOR SERV IN ROAD BLDG MACH & SUPPLY PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA PARAMOUNT LINEN & UNIFOR LINDA PARR ODEN ENTERPRISES INC NE MACHINERY CO NCS EQUIPMENT INC NAPA AUTO PARTS MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC MID CITY AUTO SUPPLY MAINELLI WAGNER & ASSOC LINWELD LILLEY'S SAND & GRAVEL LIBERTY FLAG & SPEC CO LCL TRUCK EQUIP INC KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPL KINDER MORGAN KELLY SUPPLY CO KACO SUPPLIES JULLEE JOHNSON ECHO GROUP INC J I L ASPHALT PAVING CO ISLAND SUPPLY HATTEN ELECTRIC SERVICE HASTINGS UTILITIES HASTINGS UTILITIES GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO GENE'S REPAIR &SALES FLEET PRIDE SAMUELSON EQUIP CO FAIRBANKS INTERNATIONAL EAKES OFFICE PLUS DAC SERV DEPT 177 CENTAUR ENTERPRISES INC CASH WA CANDY COMPANY BOSSELMAN INC BAUER BUILT INC AUTO VALUE -HASTINGS AUTO GLASS CENTER INC ALLTEL ADAMS CO REG OF DEEDS ADAMS CO REG OF DEEDS ADAMS CO HWY DEPT AUTO VALUE -HASTINGS RICHARD LOSKILL HASTINGS TRIBUNE HASTINGS TRIBUNE ADAMS COUNTY COURT HEARTLAND PET CONNECTION PAY FLEX SYSTEMS USA INC DELUXE BUSINESS FORMS & RICHARD J CHRISTENSEN T,AW PNP ".UPP BOARD OF PRISONERS EQUIPMENT - FUEL BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS PRINTING MILEAGE REPAIRS BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE MATRON FEES MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS LAW ENF SUPP MISCELLANEOUS TRAVEL EXPENSES REPAIRS MED-HOSP PRISONERS REPAIRS MED-HOSP PRISONERS LAW ENF SUPP MED-HOSP PRISONERS SUPPLIES DATA PROCESSING COSTS FUEL FUEL EQUIPMENT BOARD OF PRISONERS MERIT COMMISSION EXP LOADERS GARBAGE EQUIPMENT DATA PROCESSING COSTS TIRE REPAIR FUEL FUEL TAX ELECTRICITY SUPPLIES REPAIRS RADIO REPAIR SUPPLIES CUSTODIAL BRIDGES REPAIRS EQUIPMENT RENTAL REPAIRS EQUIPMENT RENTAL REPAIRS ENGINEERING REPAIRS GRAVEL MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS MATERIALS HEATING FUELS EXPRESS & FREIGHT SUPPLIES CUSTODIAL REPAIRS MATERIALS BULK CHAINS REPAIRS ELECTRICITY WATER TELEPHONE SERVICES REPAIRS REPAIRS REPAIRS REPAIRS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES FUEL TIRES REPAIRS REPAIRS TELEPHONE SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES FUEL REPAIRS TRAVEL EXPENSES COURT COSTS PUBLISHING COURT COSTS HUMANE SOC EXP MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS COURT COSTS LEPC GRANTS 42 98 3,800.00 45.00 886.86 597.26 720.00 99.00 577.53 994.60 7,495.81 1,445.67 160.90 20.00 353.15 96.00 520.00 146.69 46.00 90.10 40.50 168.00 275.26 114.87 262.45 612.56 149.64 910.00 2,942.12 2,679.87 737.95 2,101.59 175.24 55,686.90 66.86 467.11 80.00 832.00 7,128.63 997.00 181.02 150.00 3,343.99 25.00 76.60 30.00 30,160.47 1,763.81 119.84 509.45 230.00 50.00 14,111.56 9.29 335.40 459.00 471.64 542.59 37.47 7.50 189.72 30.00 279.61 1,349.92 179.64 242.03 452.17 60.00 179.87 92.74 77.05 30.20 133.43 45.73 89.70 167.25 111.80 7,911.00 8,366.64 325.58 647.61 253.38 20.00 40.00 329.12 161.79 39.75 47.48 759.29 41.50 333.33 93.28 100.50 89.00 376 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA REGION III PROG ADM OFFI REGION III PROG ADM OFFI RSVP MEALS ON WHEELS HEAD START CHILD & FAMIL HASTINGS HEAD START SPOUSE ABUSE SEXUAL ASSA HASTINGS ECONOMIC DEV MID NEBR INDIVIDUAL SERV ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT NACO CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT MYERS REFRIGERATION CO NEBRASKA U C FUND JAMES COHEN ALBERDING-WILSON FUNERAL BRAND WILSON MORTUARY IN HASTINGS PUBLIC LIBRARY INHERITANCE TAX R C BOOTH ENTERPRISES ADAMS CO HISTORICAL SOC ALLTEL BEYKE SIGNS KARR TUCKPOINTING KEN SVOBODA PLUMBING COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC LEWIS GREENSCAPE ALLTEL DAS COMMUNICATIONS QWEST MODERN METHODS INC AR MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES ACT EMERGENCY SERVICES LOCAL MATCH LOCAL MATCH CASA HEAD START DOMESTIC ABUSE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MENTAL RETARDATION SERVICE COURT COSTS COURT COSTS DUES, SUB, REG JURY PAYROLL REMODELING EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ACT UNEMPLOYMENT CONTRIBUTIONS RELIEF - MEDICAL RENT & FUEL - CLIENT SERVICES COUNTY BURIALS COUNTY BURIALS COUNTY LIBRARY LIBRARY MISC CAP OUTLAY HISTORICAL SOC COURTHOUSE BUILDING MISC CAP OUTLAY MISC CAP OUTLAY MISC CAP OUTLAY MISC CAP OUTLAY MISC CAP OUTLAY MISC CAP OUTLAY 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES EMERGENCY PHONE INTENSIVE SUPERVISION PROBATION BUDGET TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES EQUIPMENT RENTAL This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Lib Chrisella Lewis County Clerk Beverly Johnson Deputy Larry W odman Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 12, 2004 12,130.68 2,336.36 1,666.68 2,666.68 8,333.32 500.00 524.00 6,666.68 10,383.68 124.50 290.50 616.00 3,388.75 1,245.00 2,644.00 125.00 1,250.00 5,000.00 10,073.91 2,425.00 2,890.00 2,988.89 609.00 31,407.10 679.45 118.25 305.13 1,772.37 46.64 14.43 79.00 The Adams County Board met as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of setting tax levies for 2004, hearing motor vehicle exemption applications and a discussion on protest hearing procedures with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Also present were County Clerk Lewis, Attorney Hamilton and Jan Timm representing the Treasurer's office. County Clerk Lewis told the Board that the tax request for Roseland Fire District would set their levy as .047 cents per 100 dollars of valuation even though the Board had set the levy for fire districts at .045 cents per 100 dollars of valuation in May of this year. In conversations with the Roseland Fire District, Lewis told the Board that they did not hold a townhall meeting to exceed their levy limit and their budget request does not indicate any sinking fund for capital expenditures. Motion by Murman, seconded by Johnson to set the Roseland Fire District tax levy for 2004 at .045 cents per 100 dollars of valuation thereby changing their tax request to $40,818.44. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to set the following tax levies for 2004: COUNTY RATE ADAMS COUNTY GENERAL FUND RELIEF MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS FUND LIBRARY FUND BOND FUND TOTAL .34880794 .00207576 .00152358 .01488992 .01607623 .38337343 SUPERVISORS : RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNT Y,.< NEBRASKA 377 MS COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY GENERAL FUND CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION FUND .01925856 .00986826 EDUCATIONAL SERVICE UNITS RATE EDUCATIONAL SERVICE UNIT #9 GENERAL FUND .01540634 CITY/VILLAGES RATE HASTINGS GENERAL FUND .42040098 MUSEUM FUND 0 BOND FUND .10738574 HASTINGS COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY GENERAL FUND .01323882 BOND FUND .01144007 JUNIATA GENERAL FUND KENE SAW GENERAL FUND AYR GENERAL FUND .47469245 .3257178 .03000000 ROSELAND GENERAL FUND .26520639 BOND FUND .12807439 HOLSTEIN GENERAL FUND PROSSER GENERAL FUND SCHOOL DISTRICTS .27455706 .49863349 RATE HASTINGS 18 (01-0018) GENERAL FUND 1.15598982 SPECIAL BUILDING FUND .14000004 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL FUND 0 KENESAW 3 (01-0003) GENERAL FUND 1.06580929 SPECIAL BUILDING FUND .0 BOND FUND .08380437 ADAMS CENTRAL 90 (01-0090) {CLASS 6} GENERAL FUND 1.00078752 SPECIAL BUILDING FUND .0 BOND FUND .02484664 JUNIATA 1 (01-0001/01-0090) DISTRICT 15 (01-0015/01-0090) RISING STAR 29 (01-0029/01-0090) TRI -VIEW 33 (01-0033/01-0090) AYR 53 (01-0053/01-0090) WALLACE 60 (01-0060/01-0090) INLAND 72 (18-0072/01-0090) HANOVER 75 (01-0075/01-0090) HOLSTEIN 11 (01-0011/01-0090) SILVER LAKE 123 (01-0123/01-0123) GENERAL FUND (AFFILIATED) .94602168 BOND FUND (NON-AFFILIATED) .0460138 j SPECIAL BUILDING FUND .03994055 378 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA GENERAL FUND (AFFILIATED) SILVER LAKE 123/HOLSTEIN 11 - AFFILIATED BOND BOND FUND (AFFILIATED) TOWNSHIPS WEST BLUE TWP GENERAL FUND HIGHLAND TWP GENERAL FUND VERONA TWP GENERAL FUND KENESAW TWP GENERAL FUND WANDA TWP GENERAL FUND JUNIATA TWP GENERAL FUND DENVER TWP GENERAL FUND BLAINE TWP GENERAL FUND HANOVER TWP GENERAL FUND AYR TWP GENERAL FUND ROSELAND TWP GENERAL FUND COTTONWOOD TWP GENERAL FUND LOGAN TWP GENERAL FUND SILVER LAKE TWP GENERAL FUND ZERO TWP GENERAL FUND LITTLE BLUE TWP GENERAL FUND .94602168 .04634557 RATE .0 .02134697 .01169342 .01763970 .02991474 .01805377 .00539674 .0046011 .02410271 .01869359 .01470172 .0 .0288487 .02991787 .01796357 .02497999 FIRE DISTRICTS RATE GLENVIL RFD GENERAL FUND SINKING FUND HASTINGS RFD GENERAL FUND SINKING FUND .0147289 .01700756 .03228127 .00694221 HOLSTEIN RFD GENERAL FUND .02480095 SINKING FUND .01811336 JUNIATA RFD GENERAL FUND .03592719 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 379 KENESAW RFD GENERAL FUND SINKING FUND .01062259 .00840976 ROSELAND RFD GENERAL FUND .04500000 SINKING FUND .0 MISCELLANEOUS SUBDIVISIONS N.R.D. #2 (LITTLE BLUE) GENERAL FUND S.I.D. #2 (IDLEWILDE) GENERAL FUND CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND RATE .02911001 .13329900 .11049786 Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Jan Timm, representing the Treasurer, presented information on a motor vehicle exemption application. Motion by Kehoe , seconded by Hynes to approve motor vehicle exemption application for Hastings College for one vehicle. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Hynes to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 10:15 AM. This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. NL) Chrisella Lewis Larry W odman County Clerk Chairman Beverly Johns Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 26, 2004, 2004 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, and Woodman. Hynes was absent. Motion by Larson, seconded by Murman that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murrnan, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes, absent. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as circulated. Murman recognized Board member Johnson for the nice article in the Hastings Tribune regarding his No Till Farming practices. He attended a Chamber meeting and half day workshop to set goals. He also attended a meeting of Mid Nebraska Individual Services reporting that they had a very good year with their self funded health insurance and the agency was $750,000.00 in the black. They used that to pay down on their new building in Broken Bow. Neumann attended a Senior Services meeting on the 13th and the Juniata Village Board meeting for Planning and Zoning matters on the 14th and the Roseland Village Board meeting for Planning and Zoning matters on the 19th Johnson attended the Adams County Convention and Visitors Bureau meeting on the 13th and reported that the Visitors Bureau would have a booth at the NACO convention in December. They also discussed the quarter horse racing event that took place in Adams County and also discussed how the gambling issues on the ballot at the upcoming election would affect local keno and horse racing. 380 Kehoe attended two meetings for Homeland Security. They currently are planning a major exercise in { March which will be paid for by grant funds. The old Register of Deeds office will be ready for the drivers examiners after it is painted and the mental health board hearing room is waiting for installation of the sound system. Woodman also attended the Juniata and Roseland Village board meetings and stated that the villages plan to stay with the county for planning matters at least until next spring. Woodman also announced that the quarterly jail inspection had been added to the agenda. During the public comment portion of the agenda, Joanne Shottenkirk informed the Board regarding changes to the Hastings/Adams County Immunization Clinic. Previously the clinic has been run by volunteers, but those volunteers recently received letters from Headstart that in the future only employees of Headstart will operate the clinic. This leaves out school nurses and others who had volunteered their time previously. Jan Hoffmeister also addressed the Board regarding the issue. She had been hired as coordinator of the clinic but her employment was recently terminated. The clinic was open to the public one day per month and serviced about 1200 people a year. She did not believe it could be a matter of a liability issue as registered nurses carry their own liability insurance. Woodman reported that he had tried to speak to Deb Ross about the matter but she did not return his call. Motion by Murman. seconded by Johnson to approve claims and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes, absent. Motion by Murman, seconded by Kehoe to accept the report of the distress warrants from the County Treasurer. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes, absent. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to accept officers reports for the month of September from the Register of Deeds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes, absent. Charles Hamilton, attorney, presented an Interlocal Agreement from Furnas County for mental health board services for approval. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Neumann to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Interlocal Agreement with Furnas County for mental health board services. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes, absent. Dawn Miller, Zoning Director, introduced Melissa Eckhardt as the new zoning assistant. Miller also told the Board that the Road Dept. has received a You Show Me Award from the state for a dumpster design engineered by employee Marty Feldman. At 10:00 AM the Board conducted a public hearing for a Conditional Use permit, case 04-10.2, applicant, Fairfield Non stop Co op for a chemical/fertilizer storage facility at the corner of Highway 281 and Blue Hill Road. Miller handed out a copy of a report from the Sheriff' office regarding security issues with the proposed facility. She also told the Board that the Planning Commission has recommended approval with 6 conditions. Those conditions are: (1) Letters from DEQ, EPA and State Fire Marshall with their approval on file in the Zoning Director's office. (2) Lighting for all 4 sides of the main building lighting the yard area. (3) Fence around the anhydrous nurse tanks. (4) Sheriff review of the location for security measures. (5) Check of Dark Sky lighting requirements. And (6) Subdivision Plat of site required and approved. The Chairman opened the hearing and Lee Sherman, manager of the Fairfield Co op presented a site plan to the Board and answered their questions. He stated there would be 2 and maybe 3 security cameras. No one else appeared and the hearing was closed. Murman asked if there was notification to the residents in the area. Miller answered that notification had been given to residents within 1/4 mile and 1/2 mile, even though the plan only requires notification to those within 300 ft of the proposed facility. She had received one phone call regarding the matter and no one appeared at the public hearing held by the planning commission." Kehoe asked if there would be a wind sock at the facility and Sherman replied there would be. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to approve the Conditional Use Permit application for Fairfield Nonstop Co op, case 04-10.2, for a chemical/fertilizer storage facility. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes, absent. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to move to Executive Session for contract matters. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes, absent. Also present were Sherri Bonifas of McDermott and Miller and Chuck Shoemaker. Entered Executive Session at 10:15 AM. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS NEBRASKA 381 Larson, Johnson, Neumann and Woodman. Nays, none. Hynes, absent. Returned to regular session at 10:50 AM. The Board conducted their quarterly jail inspection prior to recessing. CHRISELLA LEWIS HALL CO ELECTION COMM NACO MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC LOCKWOOD COMPANY INC ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTW DOUGLAS MFG CORP BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER POLK DIRECTORIES MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS CO REG OF DEEDS ALLTEL NACO MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC VISA ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC US POSTAL SERVICE NACO MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS CLK OF SUPREME COURT BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS CO CLK OF DIST CRT ARTHUR TOOGOOD PUB DEF DOBOUL DENG EAKES OFFICE PLUS COMP TECH SUSAN BROWN REVOLVING FUND ADAMS COUNTY EXTENSION REVOLVING FUND EAKES OFFICE PLUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS WEST GROUP VISA NEBR HEALTH LABORATORY LINCOLN JOURNAL STAR LEXISNEXIS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ALLTEL LANNING CENTER DONNA S FEGLER-DAISS ALLTEL PHELPS CO TREASURER NE TECH & TELE INC K MART ADAMS CO CLERK MINDEN OFFICE SUPPLY MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS RURAL METRO MEDICAL SERV ALLTEL BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS PRESTO X COMP CITY OF HASTINGS ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES JOSEPH E BALLWEG BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS HASTINGS UTILITIES EAKES OFFICE PLUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS RED THE UNIFORM OMB POLICE SUPPLY GREGG MAGEE CO SHERIFF KERR CHEVROLET CO GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV GREAT PLAINS CHRYS DODGE CITY OF HASTINGS ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV ALLTEL UNCLE NEAL'S COUNTRY PRIMEDIA WORKPLACE LEARN PHILLIPS 66 METEORLOGIX MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC DAY TIMER INC CIVIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE CABELAS CATALOG INC RAYMOND A HANSEN, MD CASH WA CANDY COMPANY ISABEL SMITH MOSCATI HEALTH CENTER COUNTY GENERAL REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG, COPIER SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES DUES, SUB, REG, EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL DUES, SUB, REG, EQUIPMENT RENTAL OFFICE EQUIPMENT MISCELLANEOUS POSTAL SERVICES DUES, SUB, REG, EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES COURT COSTS SUPPLIES COURT COSTS REIMBURSEMENT COURT COSTS SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT MILEAGE EQUIPMENT DUES, SUB, REG, DUES, SUB, REG, SUPPLIES SOFTWARE LAW LIBRARY SUPPLIES COURT COSTS MISCELLANEOUS LAW LIBRARY SUPPLIES CORONER COSTS JUVENILLE COSTS MILEAGE TELEPHONE SERVICES POSTAL SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS POSTAL SERVICES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES AMBULANCE COSTS TELEPHONE SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE TELEPHONE MAINTENANCE TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES UTILITIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES UNIFORM ALLOWANCE LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS MILEAGE EQUIPMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT CONTRACT SERV LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS CONTRACT SERV FUEL DUES, SUB, REG, FUEL EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTIONS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE MED-HOSP PRISONERS LAW ENF SUPP MATRON FEES MED-HOSP PRISONERS 73.34 64.00 110.00 232.10 72.01 981.00 766.96 109.39 120.74 264.00 232.10 121.32 40.00 109.03 117.00 234.59 379.84 61.33 38.00 220.00 290.00 14.99 66.50 29.49 1,175.48 2,038.78 20.00 6.98 49.95 106.50 1,175.34 90.97 166.71 83.57 568.20 138.50 10.64 473.45 521'.64 53 .45 113.09 20.28 495.00 18.24 718.80 161.03 45.00 30.74 749.07 10.14 355.00 234.83 452.20 12,500.00 214.00 178.98 21.00 10.50 17.12 122.50 55.44 427.37 105.14 88.23 424.94 57.40 783.27 24.59 12.00 39.87 3,457.89 355.92 24.39 10.00 576.00 101.28 261.00 260.00 32.97 199.50 125.70 35.00 194.93 20.00 112.00 382 LANNING CENTER HASTINGS FAMILY PRAC PC STANLEY HALBMAIER BIG G COMM HARDWARE ADAMS COUNTY JAIL ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC US INDENTIFICATION MANUA UDEN PLBG & HTG CO INC PHELPS COUNTY SHERIFF OVERHEAD DOOR KEARNEY CLINIC PC BRYANLGH MED CTR EAST ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ALAMAR UNIFORMS EAKES OFFICE PLUS KEITHS PHARMACIES WERNER CONSTRUCTION VONTZ PAVING INC VONTZ PAVING INC VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS THOMSEN OIL CO SCHERBARTH INC QUILL CORP LINDA PARR PARAMOUNT LINEN & UNIFOR ORSCHELN FARM & HOME NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS NEBRASKA TRUCK CENTER NAPA AUTO PARTS NACO MID NEER AGGREGATE INC MID CITY AUTO SUPPLY MLMH CLINICAL LAB SERV LINWELD LCL TRUCK EQUIP INC KINDER MORGAN KERR CHEVROLET CO KENESAW MOTOR CO INC JULLEE JOHNSON J I L ASPHALT PAVING CO ISLAND SUPPLY ISLAND SUPPLY HASTINGS UTILITIES IDEAL ELECTRIC H & M EQUIPMENT FLEET PRIDE FAIRBANKS INTERNATIONAL DEWEESE SAND & GRAVEL DELKEN PRESS BIG G COMM HARDWARE B'S ENTERPRISES INC AUTO VALUE -HASTINGS ALLTEL ADAMS CO HWY DEPT VAN DIEST SUPPLY CO DAWSON CO WEED CONTROL ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC ALLTEL ADAMS CO SENIOR SERV ADAMS CO SHERIFF FEE ACT BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS WHOLENESS HEALING CENTER JOHNSON'S WATER INC FAMILY MEDICAL SPECIALTI MID NEBRASKA LUBRICANTS CROSS-DILLON TIRE NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD FT DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE ADAMS COUNTY SUPERVISORS ADAMS COUNTY CLERK ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER REGISTER OF DEEDS ADAMS COUNTY ASSESSOR PLANNING & ZONING DATA PROCESSING CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT COURT BAILIFF PUBLIC DEFENDER MAINTENANCE DEPT EXTENSION OFFICE MICROFILM DEPT ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY CORRECTIONS & COMMUNICATIONS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ADAMS COUNTY SURVEYOR ADAMS COUNTY ROADS DEPT MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS TRAVEL EXPENSES LAW ENF SUPP BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS DUES, SUB, REG, EQUIPMENT REPAIR BOARD OF PRISONERS EQUIPMENT REPAIR MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MISCELLANEOUS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE SUPPLIES MED-HOSP PRISONERS ASPHALT GRAVEL ASPHALT SUPPLIES FUEL SUPPLIES REPAIRS CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT SIGNS PARTS PARTS DUES, SUB, REG, GRAVEL PARTS MISCELLANEOUS BULK CHAINS PARTS HEATING FUELS PARTS PARTS CUSTODIAL ASPHALT RD EQ REP PARTS BULK CHAINS WATER SIGNALS GRAVEL SUPPLIES PARTS GRAVEL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES GUIDE POSTS PARTS TELEPHONE SERVICES REIMBURSEMENT CHEMICALS CHEMICALS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS POSTAL SERVICES POSTAL SERVICES COURT COSTS HANDI-BUS COURT COSTS MISCELLANEOUS JUVENILLE COSTS MISCELLANEOUS MED-HOSP PRISONERS GREASE & OIL TIRES RETIREMENT MATCH FICA MATCH HEALTH INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES 55.10 676.50 72.90 211.18 2,767.56 165.03 82.50 135.00 180.00 72.60 266.00 383.00 49.67 71.15 430.29 53.79 1,044.14 14,486.46 18,210.75 322.93 1,000.00 24.14 52.99 50.00 39.80 174.57 1,061.53 116.96 366.36 110.00 15,855.05 20.00 44.00 67.49 8.16 19.40 200.62 6.48 50.00 2,741.27 70.81 66.42 131.65 266.75 1,764.51 519.28 188.63 475.53 39.00 388.55 1,050.00 60.85 55.18 112.26 52.50 280.00 124.50 41.50 124.50 3,000.00 3,000.00 162.38 9,879.32 6,417.73 104.50 518.00 19.00 69.00 898.98 1,120.00 21,230.99 24,914.43 88,130.46 800.55 7,210.00 11,746.06 26,298.26 8,564.38 22,302.15 1,195.00 5,975.38 15,080.43 2,145.26 12,982.24 11,297.36 3,573.17 1,379.74 55,208.92 32,167.05 44,852.57 4,181.58 257.50 63,922.58 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COuN'T`Y, NEBRASKA 383 AW VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE WORLDCOM ANN ROHAN HASTINGS UTILITIES EAKES OFFICE PLUS CITY OF HASTINGS ADAMS CO TELECOMMUNICATI NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN BLUE CROSS/BLUESHIELD ADAMS COUNTY VISITORS BUREAU FT DEARBORN INSURANCE PROPERTY MGMT GRP OF HAS KATHY NASH HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES DICK BEETLEY COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC ADAMS CO BLDG FUND ALLTEL PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA ALLTEL INTE QWEST SALARIES COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS TELEPHONE SERVICES REIMBURSEMENT UTILITIES SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES RETIREMENT MATCH FICA MATCH HEALTH INSURANCE 5,822.08 66.59 68.09 244.20 17.64 69.05 23.80 164.66 217.61 741.30 SALARIES 3,010.96 DISABILITY INSURANCE 5.93 RELIEF - MEDICAL RENT RENT INSTITUTIONS PATIENT CARE INHERITANCE TAX CEMETERY MAINTANANCE COURTHOUSE BUILDING MISC CAP OUTLAY ESCROW HOLDING FUND MISCELLANEOUS 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES EMERGENCY PHONE REPAIRS REPAIRS NSIVE SUPERVISION PROBATION BUDGET TELEPHONE SERVICES This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis County Clerk Larry Woodman Chairman 210.00 210.00 2,018.91 735.00 340.08 22,745.00 125.95 460.46 125.00 14.42 Beverly Johnso Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday November 23, 2004 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Larson that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as circulated. Kehoe attended a CASA meeting and a meeting in Lawrence regarding emergency management of water systems. He also attended a meeting in Kearney of the 10 area counties group for radio communications and a two day statewide emergency management meeting also in Kearney. He reported that our emergency manager is popular with the other managers as they are constantly asking him questions. He is doing a good job. Kehoe also reported that the Drivers License Examiners will be moving to the first floor on December 3rd and the mental health hearing facility is working well. Johnson attended an Adams County Convention and Visitors Bureau meeting last Thursday. There will be a change of membership on the Board as Tom Lauvetz's term will expire and he will not serve another term. The lodging revenue has increased this year compared to last year. He also received a letter from AGP thanking the Board in being instrumental in getting the intersection at Blaine Ave and Highway 6 changed. The lighting is good. Dawn Miller will write a thank you to the District Highway Engineer and the Chairman will sign it. Hynes attended the Road Committee meeting and the Region III meeting was cancelled this month. Neumann attended an Adams County Senior Services meeting. Larson attended the Road Committee meeting. 384 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA rimer atrendad a Chant,. of Commen,e mxt.etmg. DuLJ arm gom.6 Up 5% uCxt also Lupo' mil that HEDC sees potential for the airport project. He handed out an annual report of the South Heartland District Health Dept to each Board member and reported that their office will be moving from 3rd and Baltimore to 4th and Lexington, former location of South Central Counseling. Woodman attended a table talk exercise at the police station two weeks ago. It was a full scale exercise of a train and truck accident at Marion Road with anhydrous ammonia involved. After the exercise there was a discussion of what should have been done and how it should have been done. Charles Hamilton, attorney, presented addendums to the Interlocal Agreement for Law Enforcement Services from Custer, Garfield, Harlan, Kearney, Nuckolls and Phelps counties changing the hourly rate charged for mental health hearings from $60.00 to $75.00. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Johnson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Addendums to the Interlocal Agreements for Law Enforcement Services with Custer, Garfield, Harlan, Kearney , Nuckolls and Phelps counties changing the hourly rate for mental health board hearings from $60.00 to $75.00. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. At 10:00 AM the Board conducted a public hearing for a Community Development Block grant application on behalf of BJN Manufacturing. Dee Haussler, director of Hastings Economic Development Corporation presented background information regarding the application. Haussler told the Board that a grant administrator would have to be assigned once the grant is approved since Kathy Colburn has left her position with the County and Tamara Babcock's workload prevents her from being an administrator for the County. They are working with a certified administrator for the environmental assessment portion of the grant at this time but will need to fmd a certified individual within the county to run the program. The Chairman opened the hearing and asked those wishing to speak to step forward. Matt Neppl of Grand Island addressed the Board about their production facility which will manufacture livestock semi trailers. They will employee 10 people in the first year and hopefully will increase that to 30 employees. The entire project will cost about $609,000.00. Stew Jobes with the Nebraska Department of Economic Development was available to answer questions from the Board. No one else appeared to speak and the Chairman declared the hearing closed. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to approve Resolution 04-11-23 authorizing the Chairman to sign the application for a Community Development Block grant on behalf of BJN Manufacturing. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Complete resolution on file in the County Clerk's office. Tamara Babcock, Developmental Director for the City of Hastins, presented two plats for the Board to approve and accept easements for AGP Subdivision and AGP 2nd Subdivision. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Johnson to approve and accept easements for AGP Subdivision and AGP 2nd Subdivision. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Hynes to move to Board of Equalization for motor vehicle exemption applications. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Board of Equalization at 10:25 AM. Chris Junker with the United Way program presented information to the Board regarding the 211 communications system to provide information to callers requesting information about community based organizations and government agencies. She also requested funding from the County in the amount $5,565.10 for Adams County's portion. The Board stated they thought that it was a worthy project but the budget for this year has already been fixed and they would like to see how the system works in other counties. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Larson to approve claims and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to accept officer's reports for the month of October from the County Clerk and Register of Deeds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Neumann to enter Executive Session for contracts. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Executive Session at 10:55 AM. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Hynes to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 11:05 AM. MONTY KEHOE ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTW COUNTY GENERAL MILEAGE 58.50 DATA PROCESSING 3,709.90 SUPERVIS ADAMS C D No. 25 SEB RASKA 385 EAKES OFFICE PLUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ALLTEL EAKES OFFICE PLUS HOMETOWN LEASING MATTHEW BENDER JULIA MOELLER JULIA MOELLER ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER VISA TERRA SCAN INC ADAMS CO HWY DEPT RELIABLE JIM KOSTAL HASTINGS TRIBUNE LILA GAMBLE EAKES OFFICE PLUS CORNHUSKER PRESS JACKIE QUEEN MASON'S MARKET INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS CLK OF SUPREME COURT ADAMS CO CLK OF DIST CRT MATTHEW BENDER & CO INC FRANKLIN CO TREASURER EAKES OFFICE PLUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT ARTHUR TOOGOOD PUB DEF ROBERT SULLIVAN ADAMS COUNTY COURT VISA SHERWIN WILLIAMS K MART ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS INC CAREY'S PEST CONTROL INC VISA QUINLAN PUBLISHING CO IN OMAHA WORLD HERALD NE FORENSIC MED SERV PC MARY LANNING MEMORIAL HO MARY LANNING MEMORIAL HO MATTHEW BENDER HOMETOWN LEASING HASTINGS POLICE DEPT MIKE GILMOUR ELITE COURT REPORTING MICHAEL COLABELLO BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS CO SHERIFF ALLTEL ADAMS CO ATTORNEYS OFFIC ADAMS COUNTY COURT ALLTEL ALLTEL PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA US POSTAL SERVICE PRESTO X COMP KEITH NAPIER NACO DAVID J KEMPF HC CLEANING EAKES OFFICE PLUS CRESCENT ELECTRIC CITY OF HASTINGS BRAMBLES AUTO SALES ADAMS CO HWY DEPT ALLTEL LANDEN PARKS PHELPS CO TREASURER NE TECH & TELE INC MINDEN OFFICE SUPPLY JOHNSON'S WATER INC ABBY HUBER EAKES OFFICE PLUS CORNHUSKER PRESS ADAMS CO CLERK BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS HASTINGS UTILITIES STEVE'S LAWN SERV WEST GROUP SIRCHIE PRIMEDIA WORKPLACE LEARN PHILLIPS 66 MATTHEW BENDER & CO INC MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC GREGG MAGEE CO SHERIFF KERR CHEVROLET CO KENESAW MOTOR CO INC HEARTLAND COOP GREAT PLAINS CHRYS DODGE GALLS INC SUPPLIES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL DUES, SUB, REG, MILEAGE LODGING DUES, SUB, REG, EQUIPMENT SOFTWARE REPAIRS SUPPLIES MILEAGE PUBLISHING MILEAGE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MENTAL HEALTH BOARD SUPPLIES SUPPLIES COURT COSTS COURT COSTS DUES, SUB, REG, SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES COURT COSTS REIMBURSEMENT ATTRNY FEES COURT COSTS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS DUES, SUB, REG, LAW LIBRARY MISCELLANEOUS AUTOPSY COSTS JUVENILLE COSTS JUVENILLE COSTS LAW LIBRARY EQUIPMENT RENTAL BLOOD TESTS MILEAGE COURT COSTS MILEAGE SUPPLIES BLOOD TESTS CORONER COSTS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS COURT COSTS TELEPHONE SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES RADIO REPAIR POSTAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE MISCELLANEOUS TRAINING MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES POSTAL SERVICES TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT MISCELLANEOUS TELEPHONE ALCOHOLIC SAFETY ACTION POSTAL SERVICES TELEPHONE SERVICES SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS ALCOHOLIC SAFETY ACTION SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES UTILITIES MISCELLANEOUS DUES, SUB, REG, LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS DUES, SUB, REG, FUEL LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL MILEAGE EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS 5.90 30.33 109.14 150.10 87.15 88.15 280.24 201.49 398.25 659.31 9,685.70 143.77 41.32 30.00 15.39 16.50 39.48 147.82 110.00 48.53 9.69 66.50 1,524.32 45.42 13.15 430.80 418.17 500.00 2,673.97 420.00 82.50 266.00 19.81 19.17 130.00 72.50 1,318.28 134.97 911.44 1,700.00 493.07 424.20 295.93 562.90 200.00 120.75 236.75 120.75 198.44 75.00 20.28 2,000.00 77.00 52.85 629.80 152.00 74.00 21.00 100.00 125.00 100.00 200.00 32.36 9.55 16.93 4,000.00 50.41 214.00 70.00 50.01 44.51 34.11 19.00 70.00 15.56 68.89 85.56 173.12 643.02 280.00 281.00 77.42 576.00 99.39 621.45 260.00 539.46 223.57 225.15 14.00 6.51 64.97 386 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA DAY TIMERS INC JEFF DIXON COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA ALLTEL DVM RESOURCES IMPERIAL FASTENER CO INC HASTINGS FAMILY PRAC PC WALGREENS WILLIAMS EXTERMINATING I UNCLE NEAL'S COUNTRY JERRY SPADY PONT CAD INC STATE OF NEBR RUTTS HEATING & AC MARY LANNING MEMORIAL HO LANNING CENTER KEITHS PHARMACIES GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL FRANKLIN CO MEMORIAL HOS FRANKLIN DENTAL CLINIC FCMH POOL MEDICAL CLINIC CASH WA CANDY COMPANY BUFFALO CO SHERIFF OFF BIG G COMM HARDWARE ADAMS COUNTY JAIL ALAMAR UNIFORMS AURORA APOTHECARY ALEXANDER HAMILTON INSTI DELKEN PRESS NAPA AUTO PARTS WATSON WELL DRILLING INC DONN JORDENING ALLTEL AUTO VALUE -HASTINGS BAUER BUILT INC BIG G COMM HARDWARE BOB'S SHOP SUPPLIES BOSSELMAN INC CENTAUR ENTERPRISES INC DEB'S UPHOLSTERY CONTECH CONST PRODUCTS DAC SERV DEPT 177 EAKES OFFICE PLUS FAIRBANKS INTERNATIONAL SAMUELSON EQUIP CO HEARTLAND COOP ISLAND SUPPLY J I L ASPHALT PAVING CO JULLEE JOHNSON KERR CHEVROLET CO KINDER MORGAN LINWELD LOGAN CONTRACTORS SUPPLY MLMH CLINICAL LAB SERV MID NEBRASKA LUBRICANTS NAPA AUTO PARTS NCS EQUIPMENT INC NE MACHINERY CO NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS OMAHA SLINGS INC PARAMOUNT LINEN & UNIFOR LINDA PARR SUNSET LAWNS & LANDSCAPI SOUTHWEST IMPLEMENT INC SQUARE DEAL LUMBER CO WELLS FARGO CARD SERV ADAMS COUNTY COURT MCDERMOTT & MILLER P C ALLTEL POLK DIRECTORIES MARY LANNING MEMORIAL HO SSI SAFETY SERVICES INC THE NAME TAG SO HEARTLAND DIST HEALTH PROTEX CENTRAL INC MOORE MEDICAL CORP HASTINGS FIRE DEPT BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS EAKES OFFICE PLUS LOREN UDEN PAY FLEX SYSTEMS USA INC ADAMS COUNTY CLERK ADAMS COUNTY CLERK BIG G COMM HARDWARE NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD FT DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE CO. ADAMS COUNTY BOARD ADAMS COUNTY CLERK ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER SUPPLIES MILEAGE DATA PROCESSING REIMBURSEMENT REPAIRS CONTRACT SERV MED-HOSP PRISONERS LAW ENF SUPP MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MISCELLANEOUS FUEL TRAVEL EXPENSES BOARD OF PRISONERS COURTHOUSE REMODELING MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS SUPPLIES BOARD OF PRISONERS REPAIRS BOARD OF PRISONERS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE MED-HOSP PRISONERS DUES, SUB, REG, PRINTING PARTS REPAIRS LAND EASEMENT TELEPHONE SERVICES PARTS TIRES SMALL TOOLS SUPPLIES FUEL SUPPLIES REPAIRS BRIDGES MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES PARTS PARTS TIRES BULK CHAINS ASPHALT CUSTODIAL PARTS HEATING FUELS BULK CHAINS ASPHALT MISCELLANEOUS FUEL PARTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL SIGNS PARTS SUPPLIES CUSTODIAL MISCELLANEOUS PARTS SUPPLIES SOFTWARE COURT COSTS AMBULANCE COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS VITAL STATISTICS HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT HOMELAND HOMELAND HOMELAND HOMELAND HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT SECURITY GRANT SECURITY GRANT SECURITY GRANT SECURITY GRANT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS ELECTION WORKERS ELECTION WORKERS REPAIRS RETIREMENT MATCH FICA MATCH HEALTH INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES 85.97 97.20 90.00 693.90 133.00 95.23 16.80 100.00 110.00 276.07 46.00 10.00 24.38 7,672.51 800.00 138.84 55.10 367.33 1,448.86 98.70 214.00 164.00 174.35 2,250.00 32.73 2,749.62 136.50 26.49 29.95 72.00 21.29 170.40 2,197.86 110.81 14.70 219.32 13.92 130.00 8,910.00 46.70 15.00 1,673.80 59.80 57.16 218.61 178.87 39.00 77.77 708.15 30.00 179.98 71.38 11.37 7,908.44 66.00 5,080.08 24.07 71.68 7,153.03 1,691.00 1,287.40 39.80 30.00 25.00 102.27 44.30 83.00 166.00 400.00 159.82 264.00 503.00 3,216.68 184.14 240.50 167.20 398.02 165.00 222.96 401.36 422.08 93.28 2,030.90 323.41 2.87 21,604.78 25,447.95 88,130.46 800.55 7,210.00 14,363.88 26,124.09 SUPERVISORD Na 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 387 RfGT7TDR r nrrnc SALARIES ADAMS COUNTY ASSESSOR SALARIES PLANNING & ZONING SALARIES DATA PROCESSING SALARIES CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT SALRAIES DISTRICT COURT BAILIFF SALARIES PUBLIC DEFENDER SALARIES MAINTENANCE DEPT SALARIES EXTENSION OFFICE SALARIES MICROFILM DEPT SALARIES ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF SALARIES ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY SALARIES CORRECTIONS & COMMUNICATIONS SALARIES EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SALARIES ADAMS COUNTY SURVEYOR SALARIES ADAMS COUNTY ROAD DEPT. SALARIES ADAMS COUNTY WEED DEPT SALARIES VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE SALARIES COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS MCI TELEPHONE SERVICES TOTAL TURF & TREE CARE REPAIR' HASTINGS UTILITIES UTILITIES HASTINGS TRIBUNE SUBSCRIPTIONS EAKES OFFICE PLUS SUPPLIES CITY OF HASTINGS TELEPHONE SERVICES ADAMS. CO TELECOMMUNICATI TELEPHONE SERVICES NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS RETIREMENT MATCH SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN FICA MATCH BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD HEALTH INSURANCE FT DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE ADAMS COUNTY VISITORS BUR SALARIES EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ACT NEBRASKA U C FUND UNEMPLOYMENT CONTRIBUTIONS RELIEF - MEDICAL KATHY NASH RENT SMITTY'S ENTERPRISES INC RENT ROBERT SHELBURNE SR RENT INSTITUTIONS HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES PATIENT CARE INHERITANCE TAX MICHELLE GENTERT CEMETERY MAINTANANCE 250.00 COURTHOUSE BOND FUND WELLS FARGO BANK NA PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 269,495.00 COURTHOUSE BUILDING WESTLAND BLDG CO INC MISC CAP OUTLAY 2,871.00 EARL MAY HASTINGS MISC CAP OUTLAY 34.99 COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC MISC CAP OUTLAY 360.00 BILL RIES MISC CAP OUTLAY 2,000.00 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES ALLTEL EMERGENCY PHONE 1,932.95 ALLTEL REPAIRS 1,039.73 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS SIGNS 496.00 COMPUTER HARDWARE INC SUPPLIES 147.59 INTENSIVE SUPERVISION PROBATION BUDGET QWEST TELEPHONE SERVICES 14.42 22,894.58 1,726.25 5,950.38 14,681.32 2,145.26 12,277.68 11,544.39 3,188.67 2,061.07 59,010.26 23,846.95 47,974.99 4,181.58 257.50 69,441.86 3,316.13 5,822.08 35.87 414.00 177.13 93.00 11.52 69.03 23.80 164.66 225.46 741.30 5.93 3,113.64 583.58 420.00 150.00 150.00 2,664.00 This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. 41.)e Chrisella Lewis Larry W odman County Clerk Chairman Beverly Johnso Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, November 23, 2004 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing motor vehicle exemption applications with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Also present were Charles Hamilton, attorney, Bev Johnson, Deputy County Clerk and Jan Timm representing the Treasurer's office. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Larson to accept the Treasurer's recommendation and approve a motor vehicle exemption application for Hastings Catholic Schools for one vehicle. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Kehoe to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 10:30 AM. 388 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ils 1Soalcl is ilOW lecceci to Lli 1 1C . Chrisella Lewis Larry WBodman County Clerk Chairman Beverly Johnson Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, December 7, 2004 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Larson that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as circulated. Murman attended a Chamber meeting and they reviewed potential legislative issues this session with Senator Burling. He also attended several meetings with Mid NE Individual Services. Larson attended the Midland Area Agency on Aging meeting on Thursday. Neumann attended a Planning & Zoning meeting and the MAAA meeting. Hynes attended a Road Committee meeting and the Planning & Zoning meeting. Johnson had no meetings however the Buildings and Grounds Committee has met several times. He did inform the Board about a very good article in the Lincoln Journal Star regarding the drug courts. Kehoe reported that the Drivers Examiners have moved to the first floor and the license plate shelving may not be needed for the Treasurer however they may move it to the Sheriff's storage area. The pictures of the new President and Governor will be hung in the Board room as soon as it is determined who the Governor will be. He also reported that he received a phone call from a Hansen resident about how pleased they were with the recent removal of snow by the county in their area. Woodman attended an LEPC meeting last Tuesday and inspected the dog kennel in Fantasy Forest last Thursday and reported that he was pleased with the progress and it looks like it may be completed on schedule. There were no public comments. Charles Hamilton, attorney, presented a contract with DeWitt Funeral and Cremation Services for county burials for the Boards approval. Scott DeWitt was present to answer any questions. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a contract for county burials with DeWitt Funeral and Cremation Services. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Loren Uden, Emergency Manager, asked the Board for approval to use the courthouse for a full scale emergency exercise on February 26, 2005. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Larson to grant approval to Loren Uden for use of the courthouse for a full scale exercise simulating a terrorist attack on February 26, 2005. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Uden also presented a proposed interlocal agreement for radio communications for the Board to review. It will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting for approval. Donna Daiss, County Attorney, told the Board that the drug court governing board can have up to three members from each county in the agreement. Currently she and Bob Horton serve on the governing board. She told the Board it would be nice to have a county board member serve on the governing board. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Kehoe to have the Chairman of the Board appoint a board member to represent Adams County on the drug court governing board for a one year term beginning January 31, 2005 SUPERVISOR` ADAMS„CQt,T 389 and two yt,ar term thereaftcr. Roll call, aycs: Murman, Kchoe, Larson, Johnson, Ncumann, IIyricb and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Kehoe to re -appoint Donna Daiss and Bob Horton to the drug court governing board and Bob Johnson as the county board member to the governing board with the terms beginning January 31, 2005. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to move to Board of Equalization for motor vehicle exemption applications. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Hynes to approve claims and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Kehoe to approve Miscellaneous Receipts for the month of November in the amount of $390,500.84. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Tax List Correction number 13018. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Murman to accept officer's reports for the month of November from County Clerk and Treasurer. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Hynes to move to Executive Session for contracts and personnel matters. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Executive Session at 10:18 AM. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 10:45 AM. Melissa Eckhardt, Planning Assistant, presented subdivision cases to the Board for their approval. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to approve Shumacher Subdivision, case 04-12.3, applicants Lynn and Michelle Chrisp. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Larson, seconded by Hynes to approve Emmanuel Estates 2°d Subdivision, case 04-12.2, applicants Lynn and Michelle Chrisp. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Johnson to approve Nelsen Acres Subdivision, case 04-12.1, applicants Eldon and Patricia Nelsen. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. LOCKWOOD COMPANY INC LORETTA KING EAKES OFFICE PLUS CITY OF HASTINGS KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPL MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC CHRISELLA LEWIS VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC HOMETOWN LEASING DUGAN BUSINESS FORMS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS NE SUPREME COURT MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS AUTOMATED SYSTEMS INC HASTINGS STATE BANK ALLTEL IBM CORPORATION COMPUTER CONSULTANTS ISSOLUTIONS INC WALMART VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC OK CAFE LIBERTY CLEANERS JOHNSON'S WATER INC HOMETOWN LEASING FRANKLIN CO TREASURER EILEENS COLOSSAL COOKIES EAKES OFFICE PLUS COUNTY GENERAL SUPPLIES SALARY, ELECTIONS SUPPLIES - OFFICE SALARY, ELECTIONS SUPPLIES COPIER SUPPLIES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL FORMS SUPPLIES PUBLISHING EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES DATA PROCESSING DATA PROCESSING DUES, SUB, REG, REPAIRS DATA PROCESSING SOFTWARE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES COURT COSTS MISCELLANEOUS COURT COSTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL COURT COSTS COURT COSTS SUPPLIES 208.01 38.63 27.93 300.00 33.61 232.10 7.70 150.50 232.10 87.15 194.85 218.03 52.15 234.59 40.51 1,380.00 135.00 60.76 660.70 1,310.50 2,285.00 25.88 215.46 49.30 19.11 19.00 470.71 23.44 9.00 157.36 390 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA CHILD DEVELP COUNCIL BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS ADAMS COUNTY COURT JACKIE QUEEN ISABEL SMITH WHELAN & SCHERR SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS SEILER, PARKER P.C. LANGVRDT & VALLE PC BRADLEY WHITE & ASSOC PC DON'S PLUMBING BIG G COMM HARDWARE WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV NATL PAPER & SANITARY CAREY'S PEST CONTROL INC MONTY MALOUF JR & ASSOC HASTINGS UTILITIES DUTTON LAINSON CO BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEM MLMH ISABEL SMITH NEBR HEALTH LABORATORY NEBR STATE BAR ASSOC HASTINGS POLICE DEPT EAKES OFFICE PLUS DONNA S FEGLER-DAISS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS DAS COMMUNICATIONS ALLTEL VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC LANDEN PARKS MINDEN OFFICE SUPPLY MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC KEARNEY CO TREASURER JOHNSON'S WATER INC ABBY HUBER GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS CORNHUSKER PRESS EAKES OFFICE PLUS ALLTEL ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV EAKES OFFICE PLUS BIG G COMM HARDWARE BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ALLTEL PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA US POSTAL SERVICE JOSEPH E BALLWEG BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS BIG SKY RACKS INC VIDEO KINGDOM VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC RED THE UNIFORM OMB POLICE SUPPLY MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC KENESAW MOTOR CO INC GUN LEATHER LTD GALLS INC ELECTRONICS SERVICE (93) CITY OF HASTINGS ADAMSON INDUSTRIES CORP ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV ADAMS CO HWY DEPT ARROWHEAD SCIENTIFIC INC JOHN RUST LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY NAPA AUTO PARTS GREGG MAGEE CO SHERIFF JAMES KONEN III FARMERS UNION COOP GAS C AND 0 CORNHUSKER PRESS ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV ALEXANDER HAMILTON INSTI ALLTEL ALLTEL EAKES OFFICE PLUS PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC KEARNEY UROLOGY CENTER ISABEL SMITH RESOURCEONE G A MICEK DDS PC ER PROF SERVICES MLMH CORNHUSKER CLEANING SYST CENTRAL PLAINS LAB nnt'r rC JUVENILE CARE COURT COSTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL SUPPLIES ATTRNY FEES COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES ATTRNY FEES REPAIRS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES UTILITIES MISCELLANEOUS DATA PROCESSING SUPPLIES JUVENILLE COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS DUES, SUB, REG, BLOOD TESTS SUPPLIES MILEAGE EQUIPMENT NET COM TELEPHONE SERVICES SUPPLIES ALCOHOLIC SAFETY ACTION SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT RENTAL EQUIPMENT RENTAL MISCELLANEOUS ALCOHOLIC SAFETY ACTION TELEPHONE SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TELEPHONE REPAIRS SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT REPAIRS PRINTING UNIFORM ALLOWANCE EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT RENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE EQUIPMENT REPAIRS CONTRACT SERV OFFICE EQUIPMENT MILEAGE FUEL LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT MILEAGE UNIFORM ALLOWANCE FUEL CONTRACT SERV PUBLISHING LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS MERIT COMMISSION EXP MERIT COMMISSION EXP BOARD OF PRISONERS SUPPLIES REPAIRS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MATRON FEES PUBLISHING MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS JANITORIAL SUPPLIES MED-HOSP PRISONERS 107.50 83.94 290.00 97.82 1,800.00 140.50 156.75 40.00 727.50 600.00 489.50 8,137.00 442.50 1,147.67 121.96 200.00 20.94 72.50 1,016.58 2,081.15 24.70 500.00 119.50 451.70 30.00 239.31 1,245.00 300.00 257.76 43.50 484.48 1,199.30 2,811.63 126.38 98.00 33.12 355.00 76.00 19.00 98.00 59.95 128.91 76.02 83.45 112.04 17.12 2.50 179.00 103.93 39.00 30.03 541.00 37.00 30.00 207.12 734.90 169.95 137.20 426.71 3,056.95 260.00 53.70 210.22 108.74 21.39 3,860.86 539.85 790.00 2,847.33 140.00 50.00 79.80 18.58 455.22 50.00 22.50 7,000.00 58.22 1,004.47 38.25 23.52 61.82 429.41 56.52 101.78 160.00 20.00 32.90 233.00 109.62 29.06 105.55 SUPERVISOR` ADAMS COU RECORD No. 25 -EBRASKA 391 BIG G COMM HARDWARE ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES ANIMAL CLINIC ADAMS CO SHERIFFS REV KIM THAYER MID NEBRASKA RESTAURANT DAN HEUERTZ HALL CNTY BD OF CORRECTI COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC DVM RESOURCES BRAD M CONSBRUCK ADAMS COUNTY JAIL CASH WA CANDY COMPANY INLAND TRUCK PARTS & SER ROGER WENGLER GRAHAM TIRE COMPANY WOODWARDS DISPOSAL SERV 3 POINTS TIRE T -L IRRIGATION CO STATE OF NE SOUTHERN POWER DISTRICT W G PAULEY LUMBER CO PARAMOUNT LINEN & UNIFOR NEBRASKA TRUCK CENTER NAPA AUTO PARTS MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC MID NEBR AGGREGATE INC LINWELD KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPL KINDER MORGAN KENZ & LESLIE DIST CO KELLY SUPPLY CO JOHNSON CASHWAY LUMBR CO J I L ASPHALT PAVING CO ISLAND SUPPLY GLENWOOD TELEPHONE CO FRONTIER FORD LINC-MERC FLEET PRIDE FARMERS UNION COOP GAS FAIRBANKS INTERNATIONAL DIAMOND VOGEL PAINT CENT ORSCHELN FARM & HOME CONSUMERS SERVICE CO INC CONSOLIDATED CONCRETE CO CENTRAL AG & SHOP SUPPLY BRUNERS SAND & GRAVEL IN BIG G COMM HARDWARE AUTO VALUE -HASTINGS AUTO GLASS CENTER INC ALLTEL ADAMS CO HWY DEPT RURAL METRO MEDICAL SERV MID NEBR INDIVIDUAL SERV MEALS ON WHEELS MIDLAND AREA AGENCY RSVP REGION III PROG ADM OFFI REGION III PROG ADM OFFI HEARTLAND PET CONNECTION HASTINGS ECONOMIC DEV HASTINGS HEAD START HEAD START CHILD & FAMIL SPOUSE ABUSE SEXUAL ASSA HASTINGS TRIBUNE BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC ANITA HAWES GX CONCEPTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT DORIS B SCHUESSLER PAUL SPADY OLDS BUICK GREG SINNER LEE VANDERWERFF PROPERTY MGMT GRP OF HAS HASTINGS PUBLIC LIBRARY ADAMS CO HISTORICAL SOC R C BOOTH ENTERPRISES COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS ALLTEL MODERN METHODS INC JANITORIAL SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS MED-HOSP PRISONERS LAW ENF SUPP UNIFORM ALLOWANCE LAW ENF SUPP UNIFORM ALLOWANCE BOARD OF PRISONERS REMODELING MED-HOSP PRISONERS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE BOARD OF PRISONERS SUPPLIES RD EQ REP PARTS MISCELLANEOUS TIRES GARBAGE TIRES REPAIRS DUES, SUB, REG, ELECTRICITY MATERIALS SUPPLIES REPAIRS PARTS EQUIPMENT RENTAL MATERIALS BULK CHAINS SUPPLIES HEATING FUELS EQUIPMENT PARTS MATERIALS ASPHALT BULK CHAINS TELEPHONE SERVICES GREASE & OIL PARTS MISCELLANEOUS PARTS MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS HEATING FUELS MATERIALS SIGNS MATERIALS REPAIRS SUPPLIES REPAIRS TELEPHONE SERVICES FUEL AMBULANCE COSTS MENTAL RETARDATION SERVICE LOCAL MATCH AREA AGENCY ON AGING LOCAL MATCH MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES EMERGENCY SERVICES HUMANE SOC EXP ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT HEAD START CASA DOMESTIC ABUSE PUBLISHING SUPPLIES POSTAL SERVICES POSTAL SERVICES RETIREMENT LEPC GRANTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS JURY PAYROLL JURY PAYROLL COURT COSTS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS RELIEF - MEDICAL RENT RENT RENT COUNTY LIBRARY LIBRARY INHERITANCE TAX HISTORICAL SOC MISC CAP OUTLAY COURTHOUSE BUILDING MISC CAP OUTLAY MISC CAP OUTLAY 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES SIGNS EMERGENCY PHONE INTENSIVE SUPERVISION PROBATION BUDGET EQUIPMENT RENTAL ,348.82 16.18 49.67 51.50 244.05 50.00 22.16 50.00 2,512.77 2,981.15 56.00 50.00 1,078.09 227.22 2,036.07 55.00 440.13 66.86 448.50 495.00 150.00 178.26 7.90 39.80 40.00 377.84 230.00 2,820.72 11.10 45.59 558.65 80.70 4.94 7.90 215.02 91.85 175.78 39.15 35.74 138.33 727.61 836.15 113.34 231.88 627.36 396.91 378.84 82.28 127.14 187.84 48.59 39.53 10,416.67 2,595.92 666.67 1,043.42 416.67 3,032.67 584.09 333.33 1,666.67 125.00 2,083.33 131.00 336.70 110.97 3,000.00 3,000.00 92.32 155.00 332.00 622.50 573.75 605.75 1,149.50 319.24 210.00 420.00 210.00 10,073.91 722.50 67.50 2,410.25 1,221.95 4.75 55.40 79.00 392 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA DA b COMritiNICATI NS '1LLL111VNL GLRVICL� This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. t Chrisella Lewis _ ` Larry County Clerk Chairman Beverly Johnson Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, December 7, 2004 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of hearing motor vehicle exemption applications with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Also present were Attorney Hamilton, Clerk Lewis and Jan Timm representing the Treasurer. Motion by Murman, seconded by Johnson to approve the Treasurer's recommendation to grant motor vehicle exemption for the year 2004 to Hastings College for one vehicle and Hastings Headstart for three vehicles. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Hynes to approve motor vehicle exemption renewal applications for year 2005 for 197 units for the following applicants: Adams County Ag Society, Child Development, Church of Christ, Church of the Nazarene, Evangelical Free Church, Faith Lutheran Church, First Baptist Church, First Christian Church, First St Paul Lutheran Church, First United Methodist Church, Gingerbread Pre School, Good Samaritan Village, Grace United Methodist Church, Hastings Catholic Schools, Headstart, Keystone Baptist Church, Martin Luther Homes, Mary Lanning Hospital, Mid NE Individual Services, Mid Rivers Chapter Red Cross, North Shore Assembly of God Church, Salvation Army, South Central Behavioral Services, Tehama Shrine, United Pentecostal Church, YMCA, Zion Lutheran Church, Midland Area Agency on Aging, NE District Nazarene Church, and Goodwill Industries. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 10:15 AM. This Board is now adjourned subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis County Clerk Beverly Johnson Deputy Larry Woodman Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, December 21, 2004 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Neumann that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as circulated. Johnson attended an Adams County Convention & Visitors Bureau meeting on the 8th. They had a reception for Tom Lauvetz whose term is ending on the Board. He also attended a Hastings Utilities luncheon where information about the sewer increase was presented and also about the addition to the Whelan Energy Center. Hynes attended the NACO State conference and the Roads Committee meeting. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, "'NEBRASKA Neumann attended the NACO conference and was disappointed with the overall venue presented but did get a clarification regarding who can present information at protest hearings. Larson attended an Extension meeting, a Midland Area Agency on Aging meeting and a Roads Committee meeting. Murman reported that David Bass has resigned as CEO of Mid NE Individual Services and Diane Campbell has been named interim CEO for 6 months. He also attended the NACO conference and was also disappointed in some of the sessions. South Central Economic Development Corp has submitted its application to be recognized as a district to the federal offices in Washington DC. It has already been approved by the regional office in Denver. They are also in the process of writing a grant to do a survey of the communities in the district to see if there are any businesses whose owners are ready to retire and have no successors to take over the business. They will also be looking at entrepreneurship in those communities. Woodman reported that he and Dawn Miller met with the Mayor, Dave Wacker and Dee Haussler about the 42"d street project. There were no public comments before the Board. Tamara Babcock, City Developmental Director, presented the L & M Subdivision to the Board for their acceptance of public easements. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Murman to accept public easements for the L & M Subdivision, applicants Lee and Marion Saathoff and to authorize the Chairman to sign the plat. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. County Clerk Lewis presented an Addendum to Lease received from Dept of Health and Human Services for the additional storage space they will be leasing from the county. Motion by Murman, seconded by Kehoe to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Addendum to Lease for Dept of Health and Human Services for additional storage space. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Hynes to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04-12- 21.1 authorizing membership in the Interlocal Agreement for Cooperative Public Safety Services with Buffalo, Dawson, Frontier, Furnas, Gosper, Hall, Hamilton, Harlan, Kearney, Phelps and Red Willow Counties and the cities and villages within those counties. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Johnson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Resolution 04-12- 21.2 regarding the computer area. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Hynes to move to Executive Session for contract and litigation discussion. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Executive Session at 10:01 AM. Motion by Murman, seconded by Neumann to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 11:10 AM. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to move to Board of Equalization for motor vehicle exemption applications. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Entered Board of Equalization at 11:15 AM. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Hynes to approve claims and authorize the County Clerk to pay the same from their respective funds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes, and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Kehoe to approve officers reports for the month of November from the Sheriff and Register of Deeds. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Larson, seconded by Neumann to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Tax List Corrections numbers 13019 through 13024. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. COUNTY GENERAL ELMER MURMAN MILEAGE 81.00 EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL LODGING 728.00 CHAS F NEUMANN MILEAGE 120.13 CORPORATE EXPRESS SUPPLIES 106.91 CHRISELLA LEWIS MILEAGE 162.00 DUGAN BUSINESS FORMS SUPPLIES 223.42 EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL LODGING 327.94 US POSTAL SERVICE SUPPLIES 220.00 394 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA JULIA MOELLER MONEY HANDLING MACHINES EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS SUSAN CZAPLEWSKI KATHY COLBURN JANICE JOHNSON EAKES OFFICE PLUS EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL CORNHUSKER PRESS NADA APPRAISAL GUIDES MARY STUEHM RODNEY L POKORSKI MIDWEST LEASING SERV INC JIM KUHN SCOTT FINK DESMOINES STAMP MFG CO EAKES OFFICE PLUS ANDREA S GRADER BIG G COMM HARDWARE BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS CO HWY DEPT ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC EAKES OFFICE PLUS MELISSA ECKHARDT HASTINGS TRIBUNE EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL ISSOLUTIONS INC COMPUTER CONSULTANTS RAQUEL MAAR MONA COCHRANE JENNIFER RINE MARK STEPP DAVID THOME JENNIFER DRAPEL MICHELLE BROWN CLARENCE MOORE CANDI KREJCI TARA O'SHEA MR GOODCENTS MASON'S MARKET INC EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL SUSAN CZAPLEWSKI CLAY COUNTY SHERIFF CLK OF SUPREME COURT BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS CO CLK OF DIST CRT ADAMS CO SHERIFF JANE WEILER EAKES OFFICE PLUS RUSS'S IGA WEST GROUP OK CAFE MATTHEW BENDER & CO INC DESMOINES STAMP MFG CO EAKES OFFICE PLUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT EILEENS COLOSSAL COOKIES FRANKLIN CO TREASURER SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS CONWAY, PAULEY & JOHNSON WHELAN & SCHERR SHOEMAKER, WITT & BURNS MONTY MALOUF JR & ASSOC HASTINGS UTILITIES ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES RON SEYMOUR NATL DIST ATTORNEYS ASSO JACKI RAINS VAUGHANS PRINTERS INC SOFTWARE UNLIMITED ALLTEL LEXISNEXIS HASTINGS TRIBUNE HOMETOWN LEASING BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS ADAMS COUNTY COURT PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA TRANSPORTATION EQUIP STATE OF NEBRASKA PRESTO X COMP CITY OF HASTINGS HC CLEANING GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV EMBASSY SUITES HOTEL CASH WA CANDY COMPANY CENTRAL COMMUNITY COLLEG BIG G COMM HARDWARE ALLTEL ADAMS CO HWY DEPT ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES MILEAGE 103.25 REPAIRS 182.65 LODGING 228.80 SUPPLIES 107.19 MILEAGE 37.50 MILEAGE 37.50 POSTAGE 8.84 SUPPLIES 162.28 LODGING 312.00 SUPPLIES 132.32 MISCELLANEOUS 25.00 MISCELLANEOUS 10.00 REIMBURSEMENT 92.30 EQUIPMENT 130.00 MISCELLANEOUS 10.00 REIMBURSEMENT 21.25 SUPPLIES 13.85 SUPPLIES 33.48 MISCELLANEOUS 10.00 MISCELLANEOUS 285.21 SUPPLIES 56.09 REPAIRS 143.77 MISCELLANEOUS 184.19 SUPPLIES 19.71 MILEAGE 79.13 PUBLISHING 14.74 LODGING 208.00 SOFTWARE 500.00 DATA PROCESSING 552.50 COURT COSTS 43.00 COURT COSTS 282.50 COURT COSTS 21.50 COURT COSTS 21.50 COURT COSTS 21.50 COURT COSTS 21.50 COURT COSTS 21.50 COURT COSTS 21.50 COURT COSTS 21.50 COURT COSTS 21.50 JUROR FEES 97.17 JUROR FEES 16.59 LODGING 208.00 MILEAGE 74.75 MENTAL HEALTH BOARD 18.21 COURT COSTS 66.50 SUPPLIES 269.10 COURT COSTS 566.27 MENTAL HEALTH BOARD 15.00 COURT COSTS 43.00 REPAIRS 150.48 JUROR FEES 52.28 DUES, SUB, REG, 28.50 COURT COSTS 100.20 DUES, SUB, REG, 45.42 SUPPLIES 30.75 SUPPLIES 199.06 SUPPLIES 70.64 COURT COSTS 700.00 COURT COSTS 27.00 COURT COSTS 33.89 ATTRNY FEES 900.00 ATTRNY FEES 15.00 ATTRNY FEES 4,245.43 ATTRNY FEES 907.50 SUPPLIES 311.52 UTILITIES 7,780.44 MISCELLANEOUS 128.00 MILEAGE 100.13 DUES, SUB, REG, 155.00 GRANTS 81.38 SUPPLIES 256.95 DATA PROCESSING 600.00 CORONER COSTS 20.28 LAW LIBRARY 35.45 MISCELLANEOUS 77.55 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 562.90 EQUIPMENT 966.56 COURT COSTS 22.00 REPAIRS 243.00 MISCELLANEOUS 183.84 MAINTENANCE 120.00 MAINTENANCE 21.00 TELEPHONE 10.50 MAINTENANCE 200.00 SUPPLIES 6.00 LODGING 312.00 SUPPLIES 70.52 TRAINING 130.00 SUPPLIES 8.43 TELEPHONE 237.52 FUEL 58.46 MAINTENANCE 17.12 S.JPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 395 K MART JOSEPH E BALLWEG HASTINGS UTILITIES GARRETT TIRES & TREADS UNCLE NEAL'S COUNTRY SIRCHIE RED THE UNIFORM RAD INC DOUGLAS RUHTER PHILLIPS 66 PRIMEDIA WORKPLACE LEARN JASON NIEMOTH KENESAW MOTOR CO INC GUN LEATHER LTD ALLTEL HASTINGS TRIBUNE HEARTLAND COOP ED.ROEHR SAFETY PROD EAKES OFFICE PLUS BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS AUTO TRIM DESIGN ALLENS OF HASTINGS INC WALGREENS SUNMART STATE OF NEBR ISABEL SMITH PHELPS COUNTY SHERIFF ALAMAR UNIFORMS NADEN'S PHARMACY NEBRASKA HEART INSTITUTE G A MICEK DDS PC KERR CHEVROLET CO KEITHS PHARMACIES HASTINGS FAMILY PRAC PC HAMILTON CO SHERIFF DEPT FRANKLIN CO MEMORIAL HOS FRANKLIN COUNTY SHERIFF CENTRAL COMMUNITY COLLEG COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC CLAY COUNTY SHERIFF BUFFALO CO SHERIFF OFF ADAMS COUNTY JAIL OMB POLICE SUPPLY LYNN PEAVEY COMPANY RADIOSHACK CORP BIG G COMM HARDWARE CASH WA CANDY COMPANY LAWSON PRODUCTS USIS COMMERCIAL SERV INC KEN AND AL'S SERV LLC STATE OF NEBRASKA WELLS FARGO CARD SERV VISA BUSINESS WORLD PRODUCTS NE MACHINERY CO GENE'S REPAIR & SALES EXECUTVE COPIER SYSTEMS ADAMS CO REG OF DEEDS ZEE MEDICAL SERV VONTZ PAVING INC VAN DIEST SUPPLY CO SANITARY OUTDOOR SERV IN POWER PLAN PLATTE VALLEY COMM OF HA LINDA PARR PARAMOUNT LINEN & UNIFOR NAPA AUTO PARTS MID NEBRASKA LUBRICANTS MID NEER AGGREGATE INC LINWELD LILLEY'S SAND & GRAVEL KULLY PIPE & STEEL SUPPL KINDER MORGAN KENZ & LESLIE DIST CO KACO SUPPLIES JULLEE JOHNSON ISLAND SUPPLY THE ISLAND SUPPLY CO HOFFMAN PETROLEUM EQUIP HEARTLAND COOP HATTEN ELECTRIC SERVICE HASTINGS UTILITIES GRACES LOCKSMITH SERV FLEET PRIDE FAIRBANKS INTERNATIONAL CONSOLIDATED CONCRETE CO COMPUTER CONSULTANTS CENTRAL NEBR EQUIPMENT CENTRAL COMMUNITY COLLEG CENTAUR ENTERPRISES INC BOB'S SHOP SUPPLIES BIG G COMM HARDWARE MISCELLANEOUS TRAVEL EXPENSES UTILITIES EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS FUEL FUEL DUES, SUB, REG, LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS EQUIPMENT UNIFORM ALLOWANCE CONTRACT SERV PUBLISHING FUEL LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MATRON FEES BOARD OF PRISONERS UNIFORM ALLOWANCE MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS TRAVEL EXPENSES MED-HOSP PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS MED-HOSP PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS TRAVEL EXPENSES REPAIRS BOARD OF PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS BOARD OF PRISONERS SAFETY EQUIPMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS LAW ENFORCEMENT COSTS LAW ENF SUPP LAW ENF SUPP SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS FUEL MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT TRAVEL EXPENSES SUPPLIES PARTS REPAIRS EQUIPMENT RENTAL DUES, SUB, REG, SUPPLIES GRAVEL CHEMICALS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES SUPPLIES FUEL GRAVEL SUPPLIES GRAVEL SUPPLIES HEATING FUELS FUEL FLARES FLAGS CUSTODIAL BULK CHAINS PARTS REPAIRS TIRES PARTS ELECTRICITY MISCELLANEOUS PARTS PARTS CONCRETE EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT RENTAL DUES, SUB, REG, PARTS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 23.98 147.29 973.72 315.60 5.00 115.25 404.40 15.17 34.99 26.40 576.00 2,125.00 85.41 200.83 39.84 42.73 14.00 960.06 144.00 9.34 80.00 173.04 228.06 30.11 3,362.96 20.00 225.00 137.50 107.97 20.02 58.00 24.73 44.40 110.00 1,080.00 188.65 3,400.00 30.00 55.00 1,260.00 2,385.00 2,565.29 1,439.98 366.45 60.45 31.15 123.61 94.62 29.90 32.00 240.00 357.05 26.87 27.85 152,586.43 326.47 230.00 178.50 60.90 1,555.40 597.20 255.00 52.10 440.40 50.00 39.80 459.44 4,895.91 284.74 130.70 121.00 302.87 143.66 299.70 283.20 50.00 111.26 97.24 110.50 83.50 51.75 401.45 26.80 434.53 47.00 1,360.00 269.95 250.00 130.00 2.45 130.00 112.57 396 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ALLTEL NAPA AUTO PARTS NEBR WEED CONTROL ASSN PREFERRED MAIL SERV INC PAY FLEX SYSTEMS USA INC NACO COMPUTER HARDWARE INC ADAMS CO SENIOR SERV ADAMS CO SHERIFF FEE ACT ADAMS CO SHERIFF FEE ACT ALLTEL ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT ADAMS COUNTY COURT CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD FT DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE ADAMS COUNTY BOARD ADAMS COUNTY CLERK ADAMS COUNTY TREASURER REGISTER OF DEEDS ADAMS COUNTY ASSESSOR PLANNING & ZONING DATA PROCESSING CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT COURT BAILIFF PUBLIC DEFENDER MAINTENANCE DEPT EXTENSION OFFICE MICROFILM DEPT ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF ADAMS COUNTY ATTORNEY CORRECTIONS & COMMUNICATIONS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ADAMS COUNTY SURVEYOR ADAMS COUNTY ROAD DEPT ADAMS COUNTY WEED DEPT VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE MODERN METHODS INC H & H LAWN CARE HASTINGS UTILITIES EAKES OFFICE PLUS CITY OF HASTINGS BIG G COMM HARDWARE ADAMS CO TELECOMMUNICATI RUSS'S IGA ANN ROHAN MCI NE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS SOCIAL SECURITY ADMIN BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD FT DEARBORN LIFE INSURANCE ADAMS COUNTY VISITORS BUR BRAND WILSON MORTUARY IN SMITTY'S ENTERPRISES INC HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES ZACH JACOBITZ WEST GROUP COMMUNICATIONS ENG INC GUARANTEE ELEC CO INC FIRST STATE BANK ALLTEL ALLTEL QWEST TELEPHONE SERVICES PARTS DUES, SUB, REG, POSTAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE DUES, SUB, REG, COURT COSTS HANDI-BUS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS COURT COSTS JURY PAYROLL JURY PAYROLL JURY PAYROLL JURY PAYROLL JURY PAYROLL RETIREMENT MATCH FICA MATCH HEALTH INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS EQUIPMENT RENTAL REPAIR UTILITIES SUPPLIES TELEPHONE SERVICES REPAIR TELEPHONE SERVICES REPAIR REIMBURSEMENT TELEPHONE SERVICES RETIREMENT MATCH FICA MATCH HEALTH INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE SALARIES RELIEF - MEDICAL COUNTY BURIALS RENT INSTITUTIONS PATIENT CARE INHERITANCE TAX CEMETERY MOWING LIBRARY COURTHOUSE BUILDING MISC CAP OUTLAY MISC CAP OUTLAY MISC CAP OUTLAY 911 EMERGENCY SERVICES REPAIRS EMERGENCY PHONE INTENSIVE SUPERVISION PROBATION BUDGET TELEPHONE SERVICES This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis County Clerk Beverly Johnso Deputy Larry W dman Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, December 21, 2004 261.55 27.38 100.00 3,000.00 93.28 1,348.00 63.95 10,579.69 28.75 4,518.16 160.59 626.75 339.00 596.00 345.75 4,772.13 21,612.57 25,575.24 88,565.18 806.48 7,210.00 11,980.52 26,489.94 8,564.38 23,567.44 1,698.63 6,004.69 15,018.38 2,145.26 12,982.24 11,924.07 3,603.67 1,535.75 56,471.09 27,819.07 45,724.22 4,181.58 257.50 71,757.68 3,410.53 5,822.08 225.00 48.50 126.49 24.00 73.45 36.12 22.50 20.21 25.07 35.36 164.66 214.79 741.30 5.93 2,974.15 1,250.00 210.00 2,122.97 200.00 10,855.75 487.70 230.09 52,156.52 293.70 1,908.19 14.42 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 25 ADAMS COUNTY," NEBRASKA CO1RTHday, December$21,9004 •i' t :•. • • ii t.•:. • . i.. • o '•ua 397 za ion • r c p . • - • vehicle exemption applications with Chairman, Larry Woodman presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Also present were County Clerk Lewis, Attorney Hamilton and Jan Timm representing the Treasurer's office. Motion by Neumann, seconded by Kehoe to approve annual renewals for motor vehicle exemptions for four vehicles for Catholic Social Services. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Motion by Murman, seconded by Johnson to return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Returned to regular session at 11:20 AM. This Board is now recessed subject to the call of the Chairman. Chrisella Lewis County Clerk \ `� Beverly Johnson Deputy Larry Woodman Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 4, 2005 A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Chairman, Larry Woodman, presiding. Roll call members present were: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Motion by Larson, seconded by Neumann that this meeting is a regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as circulated. Murman attended an HEDC meeting and received updates on various projects. The HEDC annual meeting is January 14th. He also reported that the South Central Economic District continues to work on the grant they plan to submit in mid January. Larson attended a Road Committee meeting. Hynes attended a Road Committee meeting. Johnson attended a Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting. Kehoe reported that the Buildings and Grounds Committee met and there are no earth shaking problems. The Treasurer will get the former Drivers Examiners space and they will be installing new lights in the Election Commissioner's area of the vault. Woodman attended a Road Committee meeting. Dee Haussler, HEDC director, appeared before the Board and asked if they would provide a letter of intent to make improvements on 42nd St as he has a possible client looking at purchasing land for a business in the area of 4211St east of Highway 281. Motion by Murman, seconded by Larson to confirm a letter of intent regarding improvements to 42nd St to be sent to HEDC client. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Charles Hamilton, attorney, presented addendums to Interlocal Agreements for Cooperative Law Enforcement Services from Franklin and Webster Counties for approval. Motion by Johnson, seconded by Kehoe to approve the Addendums to the Interlocal Agreements for Law Enforcement Services from Franklin and Webster Counties. Roll call, ayes: Murman, Kehoe, Larson, Johnson, Neumann, Hynes and Woodman. Nays, none. Dawn Miller, highway Superintendent, presented a Resolution calling for a public hearing for closing of E. 7th St from the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad line to the Union Pacific Railroad line. She stated that the adjacent property owner, Werners, Inc., had requested the closure which is about 950 feet. Motion by Kehoe, seconded by Hynes to approve Resolution 05-01-04 setting January 18, 2005 at 10:00 AM as the time for a public hearing for the closing of E. 7th St from the Burlington Northern Santa Fe