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Supervisors Rec 20 1985
SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 191 1 COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, December 18, 1984 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Sharon Bennett, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Kailey, Sole, White, Gartner, Ellerbee and Bennett. Burr, absent. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk,, Anita Hawes. Motion by Gartner, seconded by Ellerbee that the value on Property 224-00380 be as set by the County Assessor. Roll call, ayes: Kailey, Sole, White, Gartner, Ellerbee and Bennett. Nays: none. Burr, absent. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. County Clerk 6 Deputy 0 NT c'' yds -4W..1.4WQ��� COURT ► : ....,_- HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, December 27, 1984 9:30 A.M. Chairman The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Sharon L Bennett, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Kailey, Sole, White, Gartner, Ellerbee and Bennett. Burr, absent. Motion by White, seconded by Gartner that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Kailey, Sole, White, Gartner, Ellerbee and Bennett. Burr, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Burr entered meeting at 9:45 A.M. Motion by White, seconded by Kailey that the Chairman be authorized to sign the contract for Software with DSCS. Roll call, ayes: Kailey, Sole, Burr, White, Gartner, Ellerbee and Bennett. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by White that Paul Powers be appointed to the South Central Mental Health Board. Roll call, ayes: Kailey, Sole, Burr, White, Gartner, Ellerbee and Bennett. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Sole that we appoint Sandra Plambeck to replace Ron Saylor on the Board of Adjustments for Adams County. Roll call, ayes: Kailey, Sole, Burr, White, Gartner, Ellerbee and Bennett. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Gartner, seconded by Kailey that we appoint Eddie Anderson to replace Joe DeMuth on the Board of Adjustments for Adams County. Roll call, ayes: Kailey, Sole, Burr, White, Gartner, Ellerbee and Bennett. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Burr that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Kailey, Sole, Burr, White, Gartner, Ellerbee and Bennett. Nays: none. Motion carried. 192 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Berts Rexall Drug Merten Butler Mortuary Snyder, Richard City of Hastings Mitzelfelt, Ervin NCR Corporation Anita Hawes RELIEF -MEDICAL Prescription Funeral Expenses Rent INHERITANCE Paving ROAD Prior Service GENERAL Maintenance Agree Reimbursement This meeting will now recess subject to the call Adams County Board of Supervisors CLfP County Clerk Dep y 5.97 1,410.00 25.00 3,590.49 92.32 29,688.40 42.56 of the Chairman of the Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 8, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Sharon L Bennett, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Kailey, Sole, Burr, White, Gartner, Ellerbee and Bennett. Motion by Burr, seconded by White that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Kailey, Sole, Burr, White, Gartner, Ellerbee and Bennett. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by White that there is no unfinished business and this Board adjourn SINE DIE. Roll call, ayes: Kailey, Sole, Burr, White, Gartner, Ellerbee and Bennett Nays: none. Motion carried. ADJOURNED SINE DIE STATUTORY REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD New members Struss, Teller and Malouf were seated. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Gartner that Bennett be appointed Temporary Chairman. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Gartner, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, secondedby Sole that an informal ballot be taken for Chairman of the Board for 1985 with Teller and Struss as tellers. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Gartner, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller and Malouf. An informz ballot was ordered with the following results: For Chairman; Bennett -Two; Gartner -Five. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that Dale Gartner of the Adams County Board of Supervisors for 1985. Roll Gartner, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, and Malouf. carried. be named Chairman call, ayes: Sole, Nays: none. Motion SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 193 Motion by Sole, seconded by Malouf that Morris Ellerbee be named Vic -Chairman for 1985. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Struss that the Hastings TRIBUNE be named and designated as the official newspaper f or'1985. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Chairman Gartner announced that the Committee appointments would be made at the next meeting. Before naming the depository banks discussion was held with the County Treasure as to the Statutory requirements and the regulations regarding pledges of security for County deposits. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that the following named banks be named as County Depositories: Norwest Bank, Hastings; City National Bank & Trust, Hastings; HastingsState Bank of Hastings; Adams County Bank of Kenesaw; and Roseland State Bank of Roseland. We also approve the securities pledged by the following banks as security for deposits; Adams County Bank, Kenesaw Hastings State Bank, Hastings Norwest Bank of Hastings City National Bank & Trust, hastings Roseland State Bank of Roseland 1,620,000. 455,000. 2,020,000. 2,090,000. 455,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Ellerbee that we consent to the County Treasurer depositing up to 100% of the Capitol stock and Surplus in any of the depository banks named said deposits to be protected by bonds as required by law. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Garnter. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that this Board hold executive session concerning a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:12 A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Malouf that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss., Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Regular session resumed at 10:30 A.M. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this meeting recess to allow the Supervisors to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. The Pillsbury IDA bond was reissued and signed by the Chairman and County Clerk as authorized in previous action. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that the Chairman is hereby authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 8424 thru 8427. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Bennett, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that the officers' reports be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller and Gartner. Malouf out and not voting. Motion carried. 194 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that we approve the release of Joint Custody Receipt 964692 0 to First National Bank in the amount of $65,000; the release of Custody Receipt 03917-9631413019 to Hastings State Bank of Hastings in the amount of $15,000; and the release of Receipt 665084 to Norwest Bank Hastings NA in the amount of $1,000,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Ellerbee, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that this Board hold executive session for a Relief -Medical claim. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss` Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:40 A.M.. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none,. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:50 A.M..' Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that the following miscellaneous receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors' Proceedings. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. 7571 Olie's Place 100.00 7572 Adams County Clerk 114.43 7573 Elizabeth McAleese 10.00 7574 Adams Co. Historical Society 32.50 7575 State of Nebraska 291.23 7576 State of Nebraska 126.69 7577 Norwest Bank Hastings 2,458.77 7578 City National Bank 898.54 7579 Clerk of The District Court 201.56 7580 Clerk of The District Court 725.00 7581 Ambulance Service 6.90 7582 Void 7583 Void 7584 City Treasurer 216,956.25 7585 Village of Juniata 7,388.09 7586 State of Nebraska 73.85 7587 Lincoln Telephone Co. 33.25 7588 Clerk of the District Court 90.00 7589 Clerk of the District Court 126.70 7590 Adams County Court 212.49 7591 Adams County Court 40.00 7592 Adams County Court 8,649.03 7593 Adams County Court 24.40 7594 Adams County Court 375.00 7595 Void 7596 Marian Fluckey Kline Estate 457.98 7597 Village of Holstein 2,000.00 7598 Union Pacific R.R. Co. 290.73 7599 Launa Rutt 10.00 7600 Estate of Gus Bockerman 1,804.50 7601 Adams Co. Weed Control 643.13 7602 Void 7603 Adams Co. Bank 1,417.83 7604 NCR 170.10 7605 State of Nebr. 50,114.51 7606 Midland Area Agency on Aging 210.00 7607 Thayer County 24.19 7608 Register of Deeds 5.00 7609 City National Bank 898.54 7610 Norwest Bank of Hastings 3159.25 7611 Webster Co. Treasurer 648.42 7612 Adams Co. Court 26.00 7613 Adams Co. Court 40.00 7614 Adams Co. Court 13.22 7615 Adams Co. Court 10.00 7616 Adams Co. Bank 4,062.50 7617 Dr. Earl Dean, MD 28.00 7618 Dept. of Social Services 48.98 7619 Jeanette R. Wry;, PR 2187.06 7620 Adams Co. Court 75.00 7621 Adams Co. Court 50.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 195 7622 7623 7624 7625 7626 7627 7628 7629 7630 7631 7632 7633 7634 7635 7636 7637 7638 7639 7640 7641 7642 7643 7644 7645 7646 7647 7648 7649 7650 7651 7652 7653 7654 7655 7656 7657 7658 7659 7660 7661 7662 7663 7664 PR. Rachel Rolfes Est Adams County Court Adams Co. Court Register of Deeds Village of Roseland Village of Roseland Village of Juniata Roseland State Bank Village of Roseland. Adams County Bank Register of Deeds Adams County Clerk Adams County Clerk Adams Co. Sheriff Dept. Adams Co. Sheriff Dept. City National Bank Adams County Court State of Nebr. Hall County Treasurer City Treasurer Adams Co. Road Dept. Adams Co. Road Dept. State of Nebraska Adams Adams Adams Adams Clerk County Court County Court County Court County Court of Dist Court Adams County Court State of Ne. State of Ne. Roseland State Bank State of Ne. Adams County Court Ne. Savings & Loan Rothschild Firstier Mortgage Co. Hastings Regional Center Highland Operating Co. City National Bank Adams Co. Court Elmer Glen Kate Janssen 54 82 50.00 311.00 609.54 318.00 346.50 720.00 215.75 112.50 5210.00 3312.60 2567.75 581.00 512.43 887.50 850.91 375.00 3,453.27 9,940.00 82,465.00 575.00 1,125.00 112.50 150.00 25.00 500.00 130.15 93.46 25.00 1729.00 102.00 3,549.14 7,255.41 75.00 26.25 1.05 5.25 10.00 10.00 942.63 325.00 1067.06 2608.95 Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams County Adams County Jail Food Acct Adams County Senior Services Adams Co. Sheriff's Fee Acct Adams County Sheriff's Fee Acct Adams County Sheriff Revolving Adams Co. Treasurer Advanced Tape Products Ag. Communications Aircraft Bluebook Corp. Apex Plumbing & Heating Apex Plumbing & Heating Inc. Babcock, David D Badger Uniforms Bancroft -Whitney Co. Bancroft -Whitney Co. Big G Barker, Bob Company Bender, Matthew & Co Big G Booth, R..0 Enterprises Bramman, David Copier Paper Jail Food Account Handi-Bus Program Law Enforcement Costs Fees & Mileage Reimbursment Christmas Decorations & Supplies Supplies Supplies Hot Water Heater Service Travel & Mileage Expense Uniforms Supplies Supplies Law Library Co. Vehicle Maintenance Prov & Clothing Book Supplies Supplies Maps & Books Mileage 300.95 824.25 3172.70 123.56 733.42 174.20 Calendars 36.13 114.00 82.50 60.00 2134.00 40.75 67.20 337.82 41.35 184.40 70.93 314.13 167.50 87.71 944.23 14.39 196 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Bramman, David Brown, Susan Brown, Susan Buffalo County Sheriff's Dept. Burroughs Corp. Business Supply Co. Business World Products Callaghan & Co. Carroll's Derby Cash-Wa Candy Co. Chris's Car Wash City of Hastings Clay Center Pharmacy Clay County Sheriff's Dept. Clerk of District Court Commercial Electronics Inc. Commercial Chemical Mfg. Co. Cornhusker Press Cotter Charge Card Credit Bureau of Hastings CRS Inc./Detention Reporter D.A.S. Material Division Data Software & Consulting Dirks, John Drivers License Guide Co. Dudek, Norman Dugan Business Forms Egan Supply Co. Eakes Office Equipment Co. Eakes Office Equipment Co. Eakes Office Products Center Ellerbrock Norris Insurance Faber Gas & Appliance Fairbanks, Charles F Fischer, Dick Gibson Products Co. Gingrich, Wil HEDC Harrenstein, Joyce Hastings Family Practice Hastings Paint & Decorating Hastings Paint & Decorating Hastings Pathology Assoc. P.C. Hastings Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Holiday Inn Omaha Hoselton, Jeanne Haverly, Harry C. IBM Independent Insurance Agents Jacobitz, Frances Jahnke's Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Johnson Pharmacy Johnson, Burdett Keith's Pharmacy Kemp, M. Glenn Kemp, M. Glenn King, Ron Langvardt, Arthur R. Laird Motors Inc. Law Enforcement Equipent Co. Law Enforcement Systems Inc. Lawpress Corporation Levis, Sharon Liberty Uniform Linen Rental Liberty Uniform Linen Rental Lincoln Tele & Teleg Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Clothing Maintenance Mileage & Expenses Reimbursement Boarding of Prisoners Maintenance Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas & Oil Supplies Service & Maintenance Civil Defense Expenses Prescription Board of Prisoners State Cases Radio Repair Jail Supplies Supplies Jail Supplies Verbal Reports & Membership Subscription Supplies Supplies Clothing Maintenance Supplies Clothing Maintenance Supplies Supplies Copier Rental Supplies Supplies Bond Rep air Housing of Prisoners Postage Supplies Clothing Maintenance County Contribution Board Member Mileage Professional Service Supplies Supplies Autopsy Advertising Supplies Utilities Utilities Convention Expense Board Member Mileage Supplies Maintenance Agreement Additional Insurance Prem. Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Board Member Mileage Medical Hospital Clothing Maintenance Mileage Board Member Mileage Professional Service Maintenance Freight Law Enforcement Costs Publication Convention Expense Mop & Mat Service Mop & Mat Service Telephone Service Hot Line Telephone Service 35.00 141.66 7.00 825.00 328.32 478.37 47.46 75.60 693.29 50.10 96.35 783.02 140.83 875.00 1087.00 184.60 24.50 213.81 39.99 82.00 35.00 27.80 87.00 35.00 103.50 35.00 2183.55 312.00 949.29 1768.55 82.59 107.00 78.45 72.00 20.75 283.14 35.00 1666.66 5.84 40.00 139.93 58.79 50.00 2195.18 127.25 7051.40 14.82 76.00 2.31 7.00 324.00 193.00 12.56 43.86 151.88 3.90 11.72 74.25 35.00 385.46 6.89 540.00 59.13 3.75 10.65 67.50 107.66 33.60 33.60 132.92 39.10 2071 .00 197 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA n r rol McCord, Monty Magee, Gregg. Magee, Gregg Magee, Gregg Marathon Systems Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Meals on Wheels Merl's Burners Service Inc. Micek, Dr. G.A. DDS PC Midland Area Agency on Aging Midland Area Agency on Aging Mid -Ne. Mental Retardation Minnegasco Mobley, Beverley D. Modern Methods Inc. Modern/Uniservice Moeller, Julia Moeller, Julia Monroe Mulliner, Robert Natl Judicial College Nebr. Assoc. of Co. Officials Ne. Crime Commission Ne. Crime Commission Ne. Pest Control Ne. Reporters Service Nelson, Luwane Nelson, Luwane Norwest Bank Office of Public Defender O'Keefe Elevator Co. Inc. Pavelka, Michael Pavelka, Michael Peterson, Larry C. Peterson, Larry C. Pettengill, Donald D. Pettengill, Donald D. Postmaster Postmaster Protex Systems Inc. Protex Systems Inc. Protex Systems Inc. Quihlan Publishing Co. RSVP Radio Shack Redfield & Co. Region III Rennick, Larry D. Rennick, Larry D. Rogers Inc. Rust, John Rust, John Rutt's Pharmacy Schakat, John Schroeder, Leonard Shada, Michael Shada, Michael Shepard's/McGraw-Hill Shoemaker & Witt Sidlo, Gordon Sidlo, Gordon Sidlo, James Simmons, Billy C. Simmons, Billy C. Software Clearing House, Inc. Supplies Reimbursement Reimbursement Travel Expense Supplies Service Service County Contribution Repair Professional Service Use of Copying Machine County Contribution County Contribution Gas Service Mileage Supplies & Copier Paper Mop & Mat Service Mileage Convention Expense Maintenance Mileage Supplies Annual Assessment (second Supplies Supplies Pest Control Professional Service Supplies Mileage & Expenses Printing of Checks Office Expense Elevator Maintenance Mileage Clothing Maintenance Clothing Maintenance Travel Expense Mileage Clothing Maintenance Postage Postage Inspection Service Call Insp e -tion Bulletin County Contribution Supplies Supplies County Contribution Clothin Maintenance Mileage Equipment Mileage Clothing Maintenance Medicine Clothing Maintenance Board Member Mileage Mileage Clothing Maintenance Supplies Professional Service Clothing Maintenance Mileage Clothing Maintenance Clothing Maintenance Mileage Maintenance 38.50 9.00 7.25 248.64 170.24 5.00 22.80 323 .83 79.82 30.00 55.80 1000.00 1813.83 75.57 24.88 180.00 73.80 7.14 130.22 92.00 123.27 25.00 Half) 860.00 3.00 9.00 12.50 100.00 20.61 8.82 129.2.0 640.46 81.62 4.12 35.00 35.00 263.02 248.18 35.00 2500.00 2500.00 40.00 50.00 36.00 35.90 125.00 69.89 544.31 2360.71 35.00 70.38 170.97 411.81 35.00 10.30 35.00 11.30 314.16 35.00 101.00 707.50 35.00 23.34 35.00 35.00 216.08 547.50 198 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Spelt -Bailey, Inc. State of Ne. State of Ne. Stromer, Marilyn Struss, Harold Swanson, Paul Toogood,and McGath Vaughans Printers Inc. Warren, Gorham & Lamont Inc. West Publishing Co. West Publishing Co. Winkler, Maxine Woodwards Disposal Service Youth Development Center Revolving Fund Supplies Telecommunications NetCom Board Member Mileage Reimbursement for Bond Mileage Mental Health & Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Mileage & Expenses Disposal Service Safekeeping Extension Reimbursement RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Fischer, Nancy Fitgibbons, Dr. Robert J. Jr. Great Plains Radiology & Nuclear Hanson, Faye Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Meyer, Garnet Ne. Dept. of Social Services Radiology Consultants, Inc. Snyder, Richard University of Ne. Medical Center Witte, Robert Rent Catastrophic Illness Medicine Catastrophic Illness Mileage Professional Service Revolving Fund Vendor Payments Catastrophic Illness Rent Meals & Room Rent REVENUE SHARING FUND Business Supply Co. Data Master Data Software & Consulting Sery Hastings Plumbing & Heating Revenue Sharing Advisory Sery Baker & Taylor Co. Boyle, Helen D. Children Press Hastings Public Library Reading Resources, Inc. Rourke Publishing Group Einspahr, Lamoine Fitzke, Gary FRicke, Merwin Gangwish, Glen Glenwood.Telephone Comm. Halts' Oil Inc. Hastings Greenhouse K N Energy Inc. Klusman,Merlin Rucker, Morland Southern Power Dist Village of Roseland Equipment Professional Service Software Repair, Equipment Bulletin COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Books Book Books Bookmobile Services Supplies Books WEED CONTROL FUND Mileage Mileage Mileage Mileage Telephone Service Gasoline Flowers Gas Service Mileage Mileage Electric Service Water 420.00 534.07 916.78 7.94 102.00 44.35 102.52 884.48 36.20 61.36 860.75 10.71 87.70 250.00 1405.37 200.00 1733.30 105.00 15.75 141.00 91.51 16,793.66 338.00 125.00 240.04 195.00 625.95 423.68 3000.00 705.68 48.00 36.04 168.00 78.31 621.50 14.35 161.10 1.47 5.25 6.72 7.56 9.95 15.02 25.88 79.92 17.64 .63 .08 27.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 199 Adams County Clerk Adams County Highway Deparmtnet All Roads Supply Co. American Express Ayers, Ken Sharp -All Big G Auto Service Clarke Oil Company Commercial Electronics Inc. Consumers Service Co. Cooperative Grain & Supply Cotter Charge Card D -A Lubricant Data Software & Consulting Sery Delken Press Dutton-Lainson Co. Eakes Office Products Fairbanks implement Co. Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Firestone Stores Foote, Judy Friends Motors Supply General Glass Of Hasitngs Glenwood Telephone Grace's Locksmith H & M Equipment H & NMobil Hastings Utilities Houck, Arnold Independent Bolt & Nut Co. Jahnke's Agri Home Center Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. K N Energy Kerr Chevrolet Co. Kerr Cochran King Industrial Radiator Co. Larsen, Dan Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Welding Co. Midwest Service & Sales Modern/Uniservie Nebraska Dept of Revenue Nebraska Public Power Olsen's MiniMart Olsen, L.L. Oil Co. Pauley, W.G. Lumber Co. Phoenix Contracting Corp Booth, R.C. Enterprises Sidles Co.. , Sophir Morris Southern Power Dist Stromer's Repair 3 Points Tire Service Vontz, L.J. Construction Co. Z & Z Equip Zee Medical Service ROAD FUND Copier Paper Pety Cash & Postage Supplies Memebership Fee Services Service Gasoline & Oil Radio Repair Propane Gasoline Supplies Repairs Professional Supplies Supplies Supplies Repairs Gasoline Equipment Mileage Repairs & Supplies Glass Repair Telephone Servbice Keys Gravel Gasoline Utilities Repairs Supplies Repairs Supplies Gas Service Supplies Bldg Rental Repair Mileage Repairs & Supplies Telephone Service Oxygen Repairs Shop Towel Service Fuels Tax Elecgric Service Gasoline Gasoline Supplies ASPHALT Map Supplies Supplies Elecgric Service Supplies Repairs Gravel Repairs First Aid Suplies 31.40 41.87 2751.60 35.00 121.52 633.39 1946.98 25.00 82.90 862.95 19.19 520.30 SErvice & Supp. 180.75 27.95 123.09 4.07 83.17 318.88 115.50 5.04 339.03 482.78 84.47 17.17 138.00 13.40 515.12 5.38 78.31 7.95 98.43 60.31 82.78 160.00 885.00 31.50 2207.96 232.20 79.93 698.56 26.90 211.03 26.15 81.45 5373.15 1737.64 54,400.07 36.35 1017.95 5.95 202.51 994.09 215.50 3443.55 488.0`7 36.95 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairmai of the Board Chairman 200 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 8, 1985 10:30 A.M. The Adams County Board of Sueprvisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk Anita Hawes. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Sole that due to lack of evidence of religious or chairitable use the request for exemption ofa 1985 Chevrolet Van Title 14G27046 for Holy Spirit Association Unity of World Christianity be denied. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we grant exemption to Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital for a 165 Fleetside Chev.; a 1967 Chevrolet; a 1971 Ford Custom. Sedan and a 1977 for PU Ranger. Roll call,ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller,Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that ommitted property be placed on the rolls for 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984 and 1985 for Parcel 178 00890. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Sole that ommitted property be placed on the tax rolls for Tax Lot 9 Section 9-7-9 Blaine Twp. Parcel number 132 00350 for 1978-79-80-81-82-83-84 and 85. Roll call; ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject (/) of the Board of Sup rvisors County Clerk Dep y Chaff to the call of the Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday January 15, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the ADams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that this meeteing is a regularly scheduled meeting of the Adams county Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings DaILY Tribune and by posting. Anagenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none Motion carried. Henry Hawes, Adult Probation Officer appeared requesting drapes for the Probation office. He was instructed to get bids and report back to the Building and Grounds committee. Roger Perks, Highway Superintendent, gave a report on the progress of road work in the County, He indicated that the recent snow had not created any major problems. He indentified some of the reports and inventories that were in the process of being placed on the computer. Motion by Teller, seconded by Sole that this meeting recess to allow the Supervisors to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Garnter. Nays:none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller and Gartner. Malouf out not voting. Nays:none. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 201 Motion by Malouf, seconded by Bennett that withapproval of the Computer Comittee we allow a private concern to copy disc to magnetic tape on the County system. Roll call, 'ayes: Sole, Bennett, 'Ellerbee, STruss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this Board hold executive session for a discussion involving personnel. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:32 A.M. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:00 A.M. -Paul Swanson requested extra electrical outlets in the Extension office. He was authorized to make arrangements for their installation. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that the Chairman is hereby authorized to sign tax list corrections 8431-8433. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss. seconded by Teller that we authorize the Chairman or Vice - Chairman and County clerk or Deputy County Clerk to sign checks and warrants for Adams County. All_-ghecks requiring two signatures. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, -sTruss, Teller Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. The Board made an inspection tour of the jail. The following Committees were appointed for 1935. BUILDING, GROUNDS & EQUIPMENT, Sole Chairman; Ellerbee and Teller. ROAD, BRIDGE, & WEED CONTROL, Ellerbee Chairman; Struss and Malouf. EMERGENCY SERVICES & COMMUNICATIONS: Bennett Chairman; Sole and Struss 1985 Liaison Representatives Region III & Midland ARea AGency on Aging: Bennett Mid -Nebraska Mental Retardation: Ellerbee PlaNNING & Zoning: Malouf Chamber of Commerce & Hastings Economic Development Corp: Teller Adams County Senior Services: Sole Visitor's Committee: Sole Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that the Claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes,: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. ROAD FUND Sales Tax Nebraska Dept of Revenue Butterfield, Maureen City of Friend City Clerk Minnesgasco Talley, Don Gerritsen, Marilyn Hohnstein, Gladys GENERAL FUND Reporting Utilities Reporting Utilities Rent 18.43 Vital Statistics 89.69 79.50 Vital Statistics 22.77 127.28 150.00 RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Rent Rent 135.00 175.00 he Chairman of the Board. 202 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Courthouse HASTINGS,NEBRASKA Tuesday. January 15, 1985 10:10A.M. The'Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Chairman, Dale Gartner, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County. Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller that exemption be granted to,Crosier< Fathers for the followingsvehicles: 1984 Ford .1FABP22R2EK115 -�31 1975 Chev 1N6905J183968 1981 Mercury 1MEBP6523BW661621_, 1982 Mercury 1MERP644XCR611074 1982 Ford Escort 2FABP066CX213558 1976 Ford 6P63H139962 1977 Ford Maverick 7K9221j0671 1979 Ford 9W82L145052 1974 Chev El Camino PU 1D8OR$Z423188 1984 Ford 1FABP22RXEK166765 1985 Ford 1FABP3939F 165005 Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that we grant exemption to a 1974 Bus, Title 14E21017 to Zion Lutheran Church. Roll call ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we grant exemption, on a 1969 Ford Van, Title 14F43490; a 1978 Dodge Van. Title 14F18794; a 1966 Bus, Title 14F00939 for First Assembly of God Church. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett., Ellerbee, STruss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller that we grant exemption to the Church of Christ for a 1968 Chev. Bus Title 14E33526. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that we grant exemtpion to the Church of the Nazarene for a 1962 Chev. Bus 25622N125690 and a 1966 Chev Bus 56226A171644. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. This meeting will now recess subj,<.. to Adams County Board sof Supervis.- QTY c4. County Clerk the call of the Chairman of the 771 COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday January 22, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams county Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, memebers present: 'Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Ellerbee that this meeting is a_::regiilarly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller Malouf and Gartner. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 203 Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a`report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He indicated that the new truck and snow plow had been delivered. Residents and property owners in Little Blue Township appeared to present a petition to the Board requesting the opening of the road running North and South on the East side of Section 8 in Little Blue Township. The road has been closed because the bridge is out. Discussion was held as to possible -solutions. Mr. Parks informed the Board that the old bridge could not be repaired to meet minimum standards and that cost of a new bridge would be prohibitive. Consideration was given to a low water crossing as a possible solution. The Board will do more investigation before making a decision, Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this Board hold Executive Session regarding pending litigation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:10 A.M. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that this Board_ resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Garnter. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:40 A.M Fred Hansen, Kenesaw Village Board Memeber and Kim Ehly, Kenesaw Fire CHief appeared representing a group requesting that the County participate in purchasing a new ambulance for Kenesaw area residents. Discussion was helc and the matter referred to the Ambulance Committee for study. Dale Timperley appeared to request funding in the amount of $2,,50, for the Summer Red Cross Swim Program. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that we state the County's intent to fund the Red Cross Swim Program at $2,500. Roll' call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Garnter. Nays: Ellerbee. Motion carried Motion by Malouf, seconded by Sole that we approve application 85-101 of the Trailblazer Pipeline Co. on behalf of Ronald R, and Gary D. Fitzke for a 6.11 acre subdivision plat located in the NW corner of the NW.4 of Section 11, T6N, R11W, Hanover Township, Adams County, Ne. Roll call, aye;: Sole Bennett, Ellerbee, STruss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that,as recommended by the Planning Commission we approve application 85-104 for a mobile home to be used as an Accessory Living. Facilfty - in the S?' of Section 20, T8N, R9W of the 6th P.M. in Adams County,Nebraska with the following conditions: 1. That the use of the mobile home be restricted to use by Mr. & Mrs. Boyles. 2. That the mobile home be removed from theproperty within 6 months following the time the applicants no longer reside on the property. Role call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, STruss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. ''Motion by Teller, seconded by Struss that this meeting recess for the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, STruss, Teller, Malouf and Garnter. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller that this. Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, STruss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays.: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that we approve the purchase of two IBM Typwriters from the Revenue Sharing Budget for the County Assessor's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, STruss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays;none. Motion carried. Discussion was held concerning a new agreement with the City concerning Planning and Zoning. The matter will be placed on the agenda again in two weeks. 204 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Sole, seconded by Bennett that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax listed corrections No. 8434 thru 8444: Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried-. Motion by Struss, seconded by Bennett that we approve 1/3 funding by the County for the Kenesaw ambulance. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Teller, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that the claims be approved on.:. their respective funds and the County clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried: GENERAL FUND Blue Cross & Blue Shield Busboom, Melvin Burchard, Minnie Cosgrove, Madelyn County Superintendent Duthie, Eva Eakes Office Products Center Eastern Nebraska Ambulance Gartner, Rena Hastings Utilities Hastings Typewrtier Co. Hayen, Rachel Keenan, Joyce Kennan, Joyce Kidd, C.H. Lightner, Ed Lincoln Telephone Co Midland Area Agency on Aging Nebraska State Library Reutlinger, Lila Schneider Kay Story, Roscoe County Clerk's office County Board County Treasurer's.Office Register of Deeds Office County Assessor's Office County Superintendent Planning & Zoning Clerk of Dist Court & Mental Public Defender Office Courthouse Janitor: County Extension Office County Sheriff's Office± County Attorney's Office Communications Adams County Jail Veterans Service Office Surveyor Retirement Matching Social Security Sherman Service Center Inc. Road Department social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield Cornelius, Albert Hr..rpham, Gilbert Heuertz, Harold Koch, David Mousel, Virgil Nebraska Dept of Roads Petersen, W.Marion Poore, Delbert Insurance Coverage Prior Service Prior SErvice Prior SERvice Postage Prior SErvice Supplies Contract Prior SErvice Utilities • Supplies Prior SErvice Supplies Mileage Prior SErvice Prior Service Telephone Service Use of Copier Supplies Prior Service Supplies for Jury Prior SErvice Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Health Board --Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Salaries Salaries Salary Matching Fund Matching Fund ROAD FUND Equipment Salaries Matching Funds Matching Funds Insurance Coverage Prior Service Prior SErvice Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Supplies Prior SErvice prior SErvice 8193.76 34.62 14.00 14.00 8.19 14.00 17.09 7917.00 25.00 905.38 3.24 25.00 8.72 5.46 16.00 19.00 58.35 38.20 56.75 14.00 11.94 15.00 7695.70 4375.00 9366.96 3570.75 8134.93 1615.50 2678.05 4832.50 3255.40 3532.23 4755.08 18,690.97 9547.33 709.50 8656.23 3283.70 50.00 366.8.25 6584.62 14,283.00 33,726.19 2377.67 1283.02 2827.09 92.32 14.00 13.00 25.00 12.00 16.50 34.62 25.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 205 Stromer Paul Struss, Lambert Velder,Ray Prior SErvice Prior SErvice Prior Service 13.00 12.00 19.00 RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Good Samaritan Hospital Catastrophic Illness 3353.24 Pittman, Russ Rent 50.00 INHERITANCE FUND Adams County Historical Society County Share Beatrice State Development Hastings REgional Center Lincoln Regional Center Norfolk Regional Center County Library Blue Cross & Blue Social Security REtirement INSTITUTIONS FUNDS Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Salaries Insurance Coverage Matching Fund Matching Fund Shield WEED WEed Control Social Security REtirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield This Board will now recess Board. CONTROL FUND Salaries Matching Funds Matching Fund Insurance Coverage subject to the call of the Chairman 566.67 186.00 3023.00 435,00 87.00 1570.64 87.60 110.74 34.89 1570.64 110.74 34.89 289.97 of the COURTHOUSE HASTINGS,NEBRASKA 11:20 AM. Tuesday January 22, 1985 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W Gartner, Chairmanjpresiding. Roll call, members present: Sole Bennett,'Ellerbee, Struss, Telier, Malouf and Gartner. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and Anita Hawes-, County Clerk.: Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that we approve exemption for a 1963 Ford PU, Ident No. E105H420218 for Hastings College. Roll CAll, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, STruss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. _ Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we approve exemppion for First Baptist Church for a 1980 Dodge Van., T1t1,o. 14F29i21. Roll call,. ayes:, Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, STruss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Sole that we approve exemption for Evangelical LUtheran Good Samaritan Society for the following vehicles. 1950 Chev. Ident. No, 5TWF5158 1 2 wheel trailer 1974 Dodge Ident No.: B22AE4V023552 1965 School Bus Ident No. S6225N129896 1971 1/2 T Pickup, Ident No. CS141Z623120 1974 Chev. Ident No. CCY334J10022 1975 Dodge Ident No. W17BE5S054500 1977 Dodge Ident No. B26BF7X151848 1978 Dodge B36BF8X147091 1965 Ford Ident No. PUF25DK697170 206 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 1971.Chev. Nova Ident No. 113691W198490 Roll Call, Ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday January 29, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams county Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Absent:. Teller. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Teller, absent. Nays; none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Supt. gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He informed the Board that Clay County was requesting Adams County to place a project on the Six Year Plan to resurface a 2 mile section of road going south from the State Spur to Trumbull on the County Line. It would be a joint county project. The Board will take the matter under consideration. Ron Kalvoda who farms near Pauline appeared to indicate that he felt it was not economically feasible to replace the bridge near Pauline that has been closed. The Board and Highway Superintenden made plans to tour the area. The matter of insurance on the new truck was turned over to the Road Committee. Discussion was held concerning possible methods of controlling dust near feed yards. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that the County participate and fund one-third of the cost of the new ambulance and radio for Kenesaw in the total amount of $10,169.67. Roll call, ayes: sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Teller, absent and not voting. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Bennett that we leave the old ambulance unit with Kenesaw and transfer title to them. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, STruss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Teller, absent and not voting. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Bennett that this Board hold executive session concerning pending litigation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett. Ellerbee, struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Teller, absent. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:23 A.M. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that this Board resume regular. session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Teller, absent. Motion carried. Regeular session resumed at 11:12 A.M. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 207 Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this meeting recess to allow the members to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Ellerbee, out and not voting. Teller, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session,. Roll Call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Ellerbee, out and not voting._ Teller, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Mrs. Bennett gave a report concerning the Region IIIleeting,.and inform- ation concerning the proposed closing of the Detoxification Center at the Regional Center. Motion by Struss, seconded by Sole that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No.8446 thru 8448 and 8450 thru 8453. Roll call, ayes: sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Teller, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we approve the release of Joint Custody REceipt No. 49590665, CUSIPNo.P303016412 in the amount of $115,000. to City National Bank and Trust co. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Teller, absent: Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Teller, absent. Motion carried. ROAD FUND State of Ne. Social RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Mrs. Edith Dewey INHERITANCE FUND Village of Kenesaw GENERAL FUND Nebraska Assoc. of Co. American Express Co. ROAD FUND American Express Co. Security Social Security Match Rent 1/3 Ambulance & Radio Officials Registration Travel Expenses Travel Expenses This meeting will now recess subject to the call Adams County Board of Su ervisors. County Clerk Deputy 30.75 125.00 10,169.67 225.00 187.47 40.39 of the Chairman of the COURTHOUSE HASTINGS,NEBRASKA Tuesday January 29, 1985 10:30 A.M. The Adams County Baord of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W Gartner Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Teller, Absent. Also present were Beverley Mobley County Assessor and Anita Hawes, County Clerk. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we approve exemption for the Y.M.C.A. for a 1964 Dodge Bus, Title 14F38471. Rol call,ayes: Sole, Bennett Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Teller,absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that we approve exemtpion for First Assembly of God Church for a 1979 Dodge 12 Passenger Van Title No. 14G28196. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Teller, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we authorize the Chairman to 208 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA sign the Annual Appraisal Maintenance and Updating Report for the Department of Revenue. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Ellerbee, out and not voting. Teller Absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams county ins,.< d of Supervisors. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 5, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Motion :by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Bennett that this meeting recess to allow the members to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett;— Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent, appeared to give a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that this Board hold executive session concerning policy and possible litigation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller., Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 9:40 A.M. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that this Board return to regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:20 A.M.. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we table the matter of a new Interlocal Agreement with the City. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbe Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: None. Motion carried. Mrs. Jean Miles appeared regarding the purchase of tickets for taxi rides. She felt that not enough tickets were made available. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this Board hold executive session to discuss an emergency Assistance claim. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:43 A.M.. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:00 A.M. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that we deny the claim of Midlands Community Hospital in the amount of $585.60. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett 2( SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that we accept the reports of Jail Food Account (2) Car Titles, County Clerk, Register of Deeds(2) County Library, Conty Permits, Clerk of District Court, County Sheriff (2) and Planning & Zoning and place them on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 8454-8455. Roll call, ayes; Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that this Board hold executive session regarding a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:15 A.M. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:34 A.M. Bids for a Highway Safety Vehicle were received and reviewed. Bids were received from Steinkes Great Plains $11,250; Laird Motors, $11,500.; and Geis Motors $12,583. Discussion was held concerning horse power of the vehicles, size, size of the engines etc. The County Sheriff was requested to secure some more information concerning the bids. ' Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that the miscellaneous receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors Proceedings. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion Carried. 7665 Olie's Place 100.00 7666 J & K Highway 6 Service 10.00 7667 Adams Co. Superintendent 23.52 7668 State of Nebraska 1,728.90 7669 Register of Deeds 184.74 7670 State of Nebraska 30,949.52 7671 Hastings State Bank 7,898.30 7672 Adams Co. Clerk 43.01 7673 City National Bank 866.91 7674 County Clerks Office .04 7675 Clerk of the District Court 292.45 7676 Clerk of the District Court 860.00 7677 State of Ne. 305.66 7678 Adams Co. Bank 2,046.64 7679 Adams County Court 19.50 7680 Clerk of the District Court 315.00 7681 Adams County Court 293.68 7682 Adams County Court 9,648.65 7683 Adams County Court 190.00 7684 Ella Luft 5.00 7685 Clerk of District Court 147.90 7686 State of Nebraska 4,238.97 7687 United States Treasurer 51,524.00 7688 Adams Co. Noxious Weed 767.75 7689 National Bank of Commerce 2.45 7690 Elmer Pudge 5.00 7691 County School Supt. 64.60 7692 Register of Deeds 523.74 7693 Juniata Trailer Court 5.00 7694 Norwest Bank of Hastings 7,867.38 7695 Adams County Court 450.00 7696 Duncan, Duncan & Julkin 516.51 7697 City National Bank 983.12 7698 Clerk of the District Court 200.00 7699 Clerk of the District Court 91.50 7700 Norwest Bank of Hastings 925.36 7701 Adams County Court 130.82 210 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 7702 Midland Area Agency on Aging 210.00 7703 Adams Co. Bank 3,444.44 7704 State of Ne. 52,497.90 7705 State of Ne. 6,089.41 7706 Home Federal Savings & Loan Assn 2.80 7707 Helen Edmondson 5.00 7708 Kingswood Plaza 5.00 7709 Hastings Pork 5.00 7710 Adams Co. Sheriff 1,207.50 7711 Cornhusker Casualty Co. 140.00 7712 Kully Iron & Metal 19.45 7713 Roseland State Bank 215.75 7714 Smitty's Enterprises, Inc. 5.00 7715 Adams Co. Court 186.53 7716 Adams Co. Court 68.66 7717 Adams Co. Court 71.00 7718 County Treasurer 117.00 7719 Pierce Alexander Co. Rd. Dept. 2.05 7720 Village of Holstein 45.00 7721 Adams Co. Sheriff 3.32 7722 Adams Co. Register of Deeds 2,563.00 7723 Adams Co. Bank 210.00 7724 City National 1,258.78 7725 Lincoln County 150.00 7726 City Treasurer (Hastings) 5,292.32 7727 Adams County Court 150.00 7728 Douglas Co. 108.40 7729 Adams Co. Clerk 2,159.00 7730 Adams Co. Clerk 828.00 7731 Adams Co. Clerk 3.00 7732 State of Ne. 95,819.00 7733 Upper Big Blue NRD 188.03 7734 State of Ne. 2,960.25 7735 Linda Wintermute 10.00 7736 Adams Co. Sheriff 3,930.00 7737 East Gate Plaza & Bonnavilla Plaza 10.00 7738 Martha Farhnbruch Est 402.48 7739 Adams Co. Noxious Weed Control 1,090.00 7740 City National Bank 1,050.18 7741 Transamerica 22.75 7742 Sharol Mousel 10.00 7743 Hall Co. Treasurer 1,790.00 7744 American General Companies 2.80 7745 Chirstoph L Warnke 1,096.00 7746 State of Ne. 292,159.88 7747 State of Ne. 7.50 7748 Adams Co. Ambulance Service 6.00 7749 Catherland Reclamation Dist 147.72 7750 Lisa J. Novak 10.00 7751 McGraw Hill Book Co. 195.65 7752 Adams County Court 225.00 7753 Adams County Court 200.00 7754 Adams County Court 125.00 7755 Countryside Parks Investments 10.00 7756 Ticor Realty Tax Service 34.65 7757 Roseland State Bank 3,409.81 7758 Adams County Sheriff 836.70 7759 Village of Kenesaw 1,092.00 7760 City National Bank 975.38 7761 IBM 284.00 7762 State of Ne. 102.00 7763 Little Blue Natural Resources Dist. 188.03 7764 American General Mortgage Co. 1.05 7765 Prudential Ins. 1.40 7766 Marion Whitney Estate 70.90 Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we award the bid for furnishing a new Patrol car for the Sheriff's Dept. to Laird Motors for their bid price of $11,500. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 211 Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. LIBRARY FUND American Ecno-Clad Services Baker & Taylor Co. Bound to Stay Bound Books Children's Press Creative Publishing Co. Hastings Public Library Wilson, H.W. Co. Lerner Publications Co. VISITORS Adams Co. Visitors Committee Supplies 607.25 Supplies 756.09 Supplies 47.82 Supplies 61.50 Supplies 71.80 Bookmobile Services 621.50 Supplies 80.00 Supplies 27.70 PROMOTION FUND Expenses REVENUE SHARING FUND Data Master Data Software & Consulting Eakes Office Products & Center Inc Montgomery Ward Professional Professional Equipment Equipment WEED CONTROL FUND Big G Commercial Electronic Inc. Glenwood Telephone Com K N Energy Softley, Dale Southern Power Dist Services Services Supplies Radio Repair Telephone Service Gas Service Service Fees Electric Service RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Adams, Robert H. Bert's Rexall Drug Catlett, Dr. F.D. Clay County Clay County Country Fare IGA Dewey, Mrs. Edith Douglas County Office of General Fischer, Nancy Saylards, Phyllis M.D. Hastings Radiology Assoc. Townshouses,Lee Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Meyer, Garnet Ne. Dept of Social Services Ne. Dept. of Social Services Finance & Accounting Redondo. Motel So. Central Comm. Mental Health Tonniges, Dr. Tom F. Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Rent Prescription Professional Service Reimbursement Reimbursement Food Rent Assist. Reimbursement Rent Professional Service Professional Service Rent Professional Services Revolving Fund Vendor Payments Under or Overpayments 6343.85 416.63 13,215.00 1,322.00 319.99 12.99 7.10 44.16 155.67 50.00 32.06 155.00 72.78 15.00 30.00 103.00 9.74 125.00 118.00 200.00 18.70 28.50 37.00 94.75 134.26 21,183.84 13,925.24 Admin. cost for the quarter 400.00 Lodging 170.52 Services 37.50 Professional Service 58.00 GENERAL FUND. County Court County Jail Food Acct. County Sheriff's Fee County Sheriff's Mileage County Sheriff's Fee Acct Co. Sheriff's Fee Acct. Co. Sheriff's Fee Acct. Court Costs Revolving Food Account Subscription Service Charge Postage Check Blanks Fees & Mileage 772.02 1785.24 20.75 7.50 8.27 21.63 954.56 12 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Adams Co. Sheriff Revolving Ag. Communications American Data Products Apex Plumbing & Heating Inc. Buffalo,County Sheriff's Off. Bancroft -Whitney Co. Big G Bob's Electric Supply Co. Bramman, David L Brown, Susan Brown, Susan Business Products Center Inc Business Supply Co. Business World Products Carroll's Derby Cash Wa Candy Co. Chris's Car Wash City of Hastings Clay County Sheriff's Dept. Commercial Chem Mfg. Inc. Commercial Electronics Inc. Cook, Jenifer Cornhusker Press Cotter Charge Card Country Fare I.G.A. Credit Bureau of Hastings D.A.S. Materiel Div. Directory Service Co. Dirks, John Dudek, Norman D. Dugan Business Forms Dutton-Lainson Co. Eakes Office Products Center Inc. Eakes Office Equipment Co. Egan Supply Co. Extension Office Fischer, Dick Fischer, Dick Foto Fast Gibson Products Co. Gingrich, Wil E. Gray, Valerie Grothen, Eldon Hansen, Dean N. Hastings Paint & Decorating Hastings Pathology Association Hastings Plumbing & Heating Hammond & Stephens Hastings Family Ptractice Hastings Tribune Hastings Typewriter Hastings Utilities HED C Hewa Co. Hugh Custom Iron Works International Ass'n of Assessing IBM IBM IBM Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Johnson Pharmacy Johnson, Burdett Johnson, Burdett Keith's Pharmacies Kelso Kemp, M. Glenn Kemp, M. Glenn King, Ron King, Ron Reimbursement Supplies Supplies. Repair Board of Prisoners Supplies Supplies Supplies Clothing Maintenance Mileage & Expenses Miseel laneous-Expense s Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas & Oil Supplies Maintenance Civil Defense Expense Board of Prisoners Supplies Radio Repair Postal Supplies Law Enforcement Costs Laundry Supplies Verbal Reports Supplies Service Clothing Maintenance Clothing Maintenance Supplies Supplies Supplies Rental Janitorial Supplies Revolving Fund Postage Postage Foto Finishing Law Enforcement Costs Clothing Maintenance Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Professional Service Supples Autopsy Repair Supplies Medical Expenses Advertising & Supplies Supplies Utilities County Contribution Law Enforcement Supplies Repair Reneawl Supplies Maintenance Maintenance Supplies Supplies Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Medicine Janitorial Supplies Book Mileage Clothing Maintenance Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage 147.30 10.50 159.20 117.76 100.00 112.70 235 .11 51.66 35.00 95.66 76.46 46.04 215.71 54.34 799.24 156.15 25.95 788.29 1700.00 327.98 155.30 2.30 357.89 187.73 15.54 6.00 29.42 192.00 35.00 35.00 2364.71 31.05 990.89 286.33 99.30 42.57 42.48 18.50 20.80 284.49 35.00 5.42 9.41 35.00 71.34 650.00 58.50 81.65 68.00 2007.40 120.51 15.64 1666.66 46.80 28.50 75.00 86.40 831.00 421.00 198.80 3.47 11.72 11.72 98.87 419.00 191.28 35.00 6.89 6.89 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 213 Laird Motors Inc. Maintenance of Vehicles 54.05 L.E. Net Vehicle Inspection 600.00 Liberty Rnetal Services Mop & Mat Service 179.25 Lincoln Telephone Co. Telephone Service 57.00 Lincoln TelephoneService Telephone Service 2048.70 Lincoln Telephone Co. Supplies for Telephone 11.11 Lincoln Telephone Co. Service 114.02 Lincoln Telephone Co. Hot Line 64.10 McCord, Monty Uniforms 49.42 McCord, Monty Maintenance 4.50 McGath, David B. Mileage Mental Health 50.40 M.P.H. Industries Inc. Repair 63.00 Magee, Gregg A. Service Charge 2.45 Magee, Gregg Mileage 253.68 Marathon System Janitorial Supplies 211.54 Meals on Wheels Monthly Contribution 323.83 Midland Area Agency on Aging County Contribution 1000.00 Mid -Nebraska Mental Ret. Serv. County Contribution 1813.83 Mobley, Beverley Mileage & Meals 48.28 Modern Office Services Supplies 16.00 Modern/Uniservice Supplies 36.90 Laird Motors Mileage 51.66 Ne. Assoc. of Co. Clks & Reg. of Deeds Dues 10.00 Ne. Assoc. of Co. Clks & Reg of Deeds Dues 10.00 Ne. Correctional Ind. Supplies 43:'.20 Ne. State Library Supplies 44.80 NPPD Rental 500.00 Natl College of Dist Attorney Supplies 365.00 Ne. Assoc. of Co. Treasurer Dues 20.00 Ne. Pest Control Pest Control 12.50 Ne. Reporters Service Professional Service 222.50 Ne. Reporters Service Professional Service 75.15 Nelson, Luwane Mileage 21.21 Nelson, Luwane Supplies 23.04 Office of Public Defender Office Expense 799.48 Ohlsen Jewelers Engraving 10.50 O'Keefe Elevator Co. Elevator Repair 65.97 O'Keefe Elevator Co. Service Call 291.99 Olie's Place Lunch for Jurors 45.88 Overhead Door Co. Repairs 15.00 Pavelka Michael R. Clothing Maintenance 35.00 Peterson, Larry C. Clothing Maintenance 35.00 Peterson, Larry C Book Mileage 250.37 Pettengill, Donald D Clothing Maintenance 35.00 Pettengill, Donald D. ' B.bok Mileage 253.36 Piteny Bowes Postage Machine Supplies 34.80 Plambeck, Sandy Board Member Mileage 14.24 Powell Tower Maintenance Tower Rent 480.00 RSVP County Contribution 125.00 Radio Shack Equipment 39.95 Region III County Contributuion 2360.71 Rennick, Larry D Clothing Maintenance 35.00 Rust, John Book Mileage 172.58 Rust, John Clothing Maintenance 35.00 Schakat, John Clothing Maintenance 35.00 Schakat, John Book Mileage 8.40 Schneider, Reuben & Kay Jury Supplies 17.72 Schroeder, Leonard Board Member Mileage 11.30 7 Schroeder, Leonard Board Member Mileage 11.30 Shada, Michael Book Mileage 207.86 Shada, Mike Clothing Maintenance 35.00 Shoemaker & Witt Court Appointed Counsel 112.50 Sidlo, Gordon Clothing Maintenance 35.00 Sidlo, James W. Clothing Maintenance 35.00 Siemers Printing Printing 285.40 Simmons, Billy C. Clothing Maintenance 35.00 Simmons, Billy C. Mileage '322.61 Simon & Schuster Communications Film Rental 280.00 Smeal Fire Equipment Co. Supplies 121.06 Smith, James D Court Appointed Counsel 390.00 214 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Smith, James D. Smith, James D. State of Ne. State of Ne. Sullivan, Michael Sullivan, Michael E. Swanson, Paul Talley, Don Toogood, Arthur C. Vaughans Printers Inc. Whelan Foote & Scherr P.C. Woodward Disposal Youth Development Center Xerox Corp. ROAD FUND Ace Irrigation Co. Adams Co. Highway Dept. Avers, Ken Sharp -All Shop Benjamin & Associates Inc. Benjamin & Associates Inc. Benjamin & Associates Inc. Big G City Iron & Metal Co. Consumers Service Inc. Cooperative Grain & Supply Data Masters Data Software & Consulting Sery Delmore Distributor Dutton-Lainson Eakes Office Products Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Foote, Judy Friends Motor Supply General Glass Glenwood Telephone Membership Grace's Locksmith Service H & M Equipment H & N Mobil Service Hastings Plumbing & Heating Hastings Utilities Herb's Sinclair Holt Truck & Trailer Co. Independent Bolt & Nut Co. IBM Island Supply Jahnke's Agri Home Center Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. KN Energy Inca Kaco Supplies Kerr Cochran Kully Iron & Metal LCL Truck Equip Co. Inc. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Modern/Uniservice National Association of Co. Eng Ne. Assoc. of Eng. Ne. Public Power Odorite Co. Olsen's Mini Mart Olsen, L.L. Oil Co. Pickering, Virgil Porter -Ripa Engineering Professional Surveyor Assoc. of Ne Sherman Service Center Sidles/Mr. Automotive Southern Power District Standard Blue 3 -Points Tire Service Wright, Lloyd Z & Z Equipment Court Appointed Counsel Court Appointed Counsel Net Com Telecommunications Chgs Court Appointed Counsel Court Appointed Counsel Mileage & Expenses Rent Mileage Mental Health Printing Court Appointed Counsel Disposal Service Safekeeping Repairs Supplies Petty Cash & Postage Repairs Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Supplies Supplies Propane Gasoline Computer Software Equipment Repairs Supplies Supplies Gasoline & Oil Mileage Repairs & Supplies Glass Telephone Service Keys Crushed Rock Gasoline Repair Utilities Gasoline Repairs Supplies Equipment Equipment Supplies Supplies Gas Service Supplies Rent Supplies Supplies Equipment & Supplies Telephone Service Supplies Membership Membership Dues Electric Service Deodorizer Service Gasoline Gasoline Repairs Engineering Services Membership Dues Supplies Repairs Electric Service Repairs Repairs Crop Damage 60.00 439.00 843 .17 534.07 80.00 125.12 20.53 145.00 52.71 188.07 1269.43 87.70 600.00 40.50 2868.19 80.75 8.00 525.00 465.00 448.92 35.69 16.20 51 .21 34.83 450.00 236.25 119.00 165.69 208.52 312.33 12.83 680.61 2.64 52.22 2.42 102.15 58.46 92.69 662.03 51.14 46.29 98.01 33.00 7340.00 15.48 10.58 56.26 8324.00 160.00 27.51 157.46 14,342.84 89.84 40.45 50.00 10.00 65.19 10.00 137.08 5102.15 141.35 3977.00 30.00 367.80 702.43 349 .11 121.36 250.00 300.00 Oil 328.37 SUPERVISORS. neORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 215 This Board will now recess sub t to the call of the Chairman. Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA .� Tuesday, February 5, 1985 10:30 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and Anita Hawes, County Clerk. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we exempt the following vehicles for Hastings Catholic Schools: 1 1966 International Bus 416360H630108 1962 Blue Bird Bus 14F 36422 1974 IH Cab/Ch 14E19611 1974 Ford PU F26YLX31168 1975 Plymouth Van 14G001411 1980 Chev Sed. 1269KAJ216443 1980 2 Wheel Trlr 1272 1975 Homemade Trlr 14-1855NEBR Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Mbtion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of -the Chairman of the Adams County ard of Supervisors. Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA -111114 Chai"rma l Tuesday, February 12, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Gannett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. Discussion was held concerning requesting the relaxation of standards on the road near Pauline which is presently closed because of a broken pony turss bridge to allow for a low water crossing. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that we authorize the Chairman to sign the Certificiation regarding the relaxation of standards on this minimum maintenance road near Pauline. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. 216 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Ken Catlin and Jerry Aldrich, Juniata Village Board Members appeared to request assistance from the County in obtaining funds for the resurfacing of Juniata Avenue. They indicated that traffic count on the road was heavy because of thru traffic and cattle trucks. Discussion was held concerning the present committment of the county's allocation of Federal funds. The matter was referred to the Road Committee and to Mr. Parks to see if any source of funding was available. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Bennett that this meeting be recessed to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes; k, Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Ellerbee that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Don Smith, City Councilman appeared to notify the Board that the City Council has postponed action concerningt the Planning and Zoning Commission until the Council meeting on March llth. Arrangements were made for a joint workshop for Supervisors and Council members to be held on February 28th, at 9:30 A.M. in the Public Library. Motion by Teller, seconded by Malouf that we authorize the Chairman to cooperate with the mayor to set up a joint workshop for the Mayor and City Council to meet with the County Board said meeting to be held prior to March 1, 1985. The purpose of said workshop being the discussion of terms for a new interlocal agreement for the Planning and Zoning Commission. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that this Board hold a special meeting on Friday, February 15, 1985 at 4:30 P.M. for the purpose of naming members to serve as County Representatives on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that the Chairman is hereby authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 8456-8457. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried Motion by Struss, Custody Receipt 49 and Trust Co. and amount of $200,000 Sole, Bennett, Ell Motion carried. seconded by Sole,that we approve the release of Joint 759862 in the amount of 20,000. to City National Bank the pledging of Receipt with CUSIP No. 313388LC2 in the . by City National Bank and Trust Co. Roll call, ayes: erbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Mel Reineke gave a report concerning the progress of programming work for the County. Discussion followed. The Board requested that he give them cost estimates for work remaining. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS WHEREAS and certain then receive WHEREAS General Fund RESOLUTION 85-2-12 , Adams County has applied for a Highway Safety Grant, Adams County will be paying claims for personal services, capitol outlays during the remainder of this fiscal year and reimbursement for these expenditures, there are sufficient unused approriated moneys in the County and it is essential to the government of Adams County that the appropriation for the Highway Safety grant be made, WHEREAS the total General Fund expenditures should not exceed the total appropriation for the 84-85 Fiscal Budget, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Adams County that there is hereby appropriated and allocated within the General Fund the amount of $32,307. for the Highway Safety Grant. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 217 r Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Garnter Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that the followingresolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 85-2-12.1 WHEREAS, the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services, through the Federal Surplus Property Assistance Section, by authority of the Federal 1 Property and Administratvie Services Act of 1949, (4oUSC484),as amended, makes available federal surplus personal property to public agencies for public purposes and to nonprofit tax-exempt health and educational institutions, and WHEREAS, Adams County Sheriff's Dept. hereafter referred to as the Applicant, is desirous of utilizing the services and resources of this agency, and WHEREAS, the Applicant certifies that it is a public agency or a nonprofit educational or health insitution exempt from taxation under Section 501 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1954, and WHEREAS, the Applicant further certifies that property is needed and will be used by the recipient for carrying out or promoting for the residents of a given political area one or more public purposes and for no other purposes, or WHEREAS, the Applicant further certifies that property is needed for and will be used by the recipient for educational or public health purposes including research and for no othere purposes, and WHEREAS, the Applicant agrees that all items of property shall be placec in use for the purposes fbr which acquired within one year of the receipt and shall be continued in use for such purposes for one year from the date the property was placed in use, and in the event the property is not so placed in use, or continued in use, the donee shall immediately notify the State Agency, and return said property to the State Agency as directed, and WHEREAS, the Applicant further agrees to abide by all additional periodE of restriction placed on property by the State Agency; that is, 30 months on all passenger motor vehicles and other items of property with a unit acquisitior cost of $3,000 or more, except for such items of major equipment on which the State Agency designates a further period of restriction as indicated on the distribution document, and WHEREAS, the Applicant further agrees that during the period of restric- tion, it will not sell, trade, lease, lend, bail, encumber, or otherwise dispose of such property without prior approval of the General Services Administration or the State Agency, and in the event property is so disposed of without prior approval of the General Services Administration or the State Agency, the Applicant will be liable for the fair market value or the fair rental value of such property as determined by the General Services Administration or the State Agency, and WHEREAS, the Applicant certifies that it will file assurance of compliance with GSA regulations under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 605 of Title VI of the Federal Property and Administrative Service Act of 1949, as amended and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and WHEREAS, the Applicant further agrees to remit promptly to the State Agency for all service and handling fees on property acquired, and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Applicant requests that eligibility be established to participate in the State Federal Property Assistance Program, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Gregg A Magee, Sheriff be authorized to act on behalf of the governing body of the Applicant in acquiring federal surplus ,property and so obligate said governing body to the aforementioned certifications and agreements, and that such person be authorized, at hits discretion, to further delegate authority to any agent of the Applicant organiza tion for the purpose of acquiring surplus property for use by the Applicant Organization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Discussion was held concerning Direct -in -Dial capabilities of the telephone system and the savings that could be realized with that feature. Necessary changes to implement this feature was also discussed. The Board will take the matter under advisement. 218 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to :. issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. RELIEF -MEDICAL Lambrecht, W.H. Rader Real Estate Brouillette, Larry Hohnstein, Mrs. Gladys Livingston Butler Volland Pitney Bowes. Rent Rent Rent Rent Funeral Home Burial GENERAL FUND Maintenance 100.00 150.00 165.00 330.00 171 .96 678.00 This meeting will now recess k,_•.'ect to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors County Clerk D epu t COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 12, 1985. 10:00 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Members Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita H as a Board of Equalization with Dale present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, present were Beverley Mobley, awes. Motion by Teller, seconded by Struss that we grant exemption to Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society for a 1974 Chev. Pickup, Cargo IdentNo. CCU144F470368. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Ellerbee that we grant exemption to Hastings College for a 1981 Equipment Trlr RIUS 2146; and a 1977 Pontiac 40Dr. Sta wgn Ident.No. 2N352X139500. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization w of the Adams County Board recess subject to the ors. County Clerk 411P / D eput/ call of the Chairman loormorkommoom COURTHOUSE, HASTIiNGS , NEBRASKA Friday, February 15, 1985. 4:30 P.M. _ The Adams County Board of Supervisors met at a special meeting called for the purpose of appointing two County members to the Planning and Zoning Commission, Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Ellerbee that this special meeting was called by motion of the County Board passed on February 12th, 1985. Noticeof the meetin€ was given by posting in the County Clerk's and by notification of news media present at the February 12th meeting. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, EllerbeE Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that Alan Plantz and Ryal Reis be appointed to 3 year terms on the Planning and Zoning Commission. Roll call, ay( SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 2. Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, Nays: Gartner. Motion carrie Motion by Bennett, seconded by Sole that this special meeting be adjourned. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Carfrser. Nays: none. Motion carrie. Meeting adjourned. GG L--e-c�L COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 19, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams public notice given with Dale W. members present: Sole, Bennett, Gartner. County Board of Supervisors was held as per Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that we purchase a 1985 GMC Z Ton Pickup through the State Bid price of $7,549.62. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that we authorize the County Highway Superintendent to sign the Right of Way Certificatefor Project BRS2197(2). Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussion possible litigation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 9:50 A.M.. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nay:. none.ycMotion 'carried. Regular session resumed at 10:02 A.M. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Bennett that the tort claim of Montgomery Trucking, Inc. be,denied. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Discussion was held concerning work to be done and culverts to be installed on a township road where a problem had been created by land leveling. Melvin Judy protested the use of County money for one of the culverts and for work to be done in the area. Mr. Parks discussed a tentative agreement between --.the County, the land owner and the firm doing the leveling work. Mr. Parks reported on the progress of other road work in the County. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that we delay a decision on the Trailblazer Pipe Line matter until 11:00 A.M. on February 26, 1985 and instruct the County Assessor to notify all affected sub -division of the time of this hearing and possible decision. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Bennett, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that this Board hold executive session 220 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA for the purpose of discussing a personnel matter. Roll Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner, Ellerbee Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that this Board re Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Tell Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed Motion by Teller, seconded by Struss that this meeting Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ay Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Struss that Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. The Public Hearing Concerning the proposed One and Six Year Road Plan for Adams County for 1985-1991 was held at 11:00 A.M. as per public notice given. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent, identified each project on the map and gave information concerning the project. Steve Shute and Norman Sidel, representing residents of Idlewilde appeared to request that the Board consider in the Six Year Plan for the County the surfac ing of the road on the north side of Idlewilde, They described the traffic in the area and the condition of the road. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Bennett that we amend the Six Year Plan and and add the resurfacing of the East-West road on the north side of Idlewilde Sub -Division with an estimated cost of $100,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. call, ayes: Sole, , out and not voting. at 10:42 A.M. sume regular session. er, Malouf and Gartner. at 10:55 A.M. recess to allow the es: Sole, Bennett, none. Motion this Board resume regular session. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that we approve the One and Six Year plan as proposed and amended. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this Board hold executive session for discussion of a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 1:32 P.M. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Nays; none. Motion carried. Regular ses Motion by Sole, seconded by Ellerbee that tax list correction No. 8458. Roll call, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays this Board resume regular session. Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. sion resumed at 2:15 P.M. the Chairman be authorized to sign ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, . none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that we approve the release of Joint Custody Receipt 501781 to the Adams County Bank in the amount of $5.0,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. The proposals for draperies for the Adult Probation Office were referred to the Buildings and Grounds committee. Motion by Teller, seconded by Bennett that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 85-2-19 WHEREAS, the proposed closing of the detoxification facilities at the Hastings Regional Center would pose a severe hardship on Adams County as well as other local agencies which use the said detoxification facility at the Hastings Regional Center through additional manpower and added budget requests to maintain additional services, SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 221 WHEREAS, the present center is currently serving the needs of the area effectively, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Adams County Board of Supervisors opposes the closing of the detoxification facility at the Hastings Regional Center. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, andF Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk is authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. NACO Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Bennett, Sharon Travel Specialists Adams Co. Sheriff's GENERAL FUND Book Utilities Utilities Travel Expense: Air Fare Revolving Fd Reimbursement' RELIEF -MEDICAL Brand Wilson Mortuary This meeting will now Adams County Board of County Clerk Burial recess subject to the call 25.00 8,516.21 1,070.88 42.00 255.00 400.00 506.00 of the Chairman of the COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 19, 1985 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and Anita Hawes, County Clerk. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we grant exemption to Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society for a 1978 Ford 8P74S172785. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams Coun y Board of Supervisors. 222 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 26, 1985. 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that this meeting is a regularly scheduled, public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Tribune and by post- ing. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently. amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that we authorize the Chairman to sign the contract with NCR for the exchange of three 6441 printers for three 6442 printers with no charge to the County except freight. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. Discussion was held concerning the availability of Federal funds and the projects already programmed. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that this Board hold for the purpose of discussion of an Emergency Relief Claim. Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:22 A.M. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:38 A.M. executive session Roll call, ayes: . Nays: none. Motion by Malouf, Board to act as a Ellerbee, Struss, seconded by Struss that this Board of Equalization. Roll Teller, Malouf and Gartner. meeting recess to allow the call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Nays: none. Motion carried • Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller, that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Ellerbee that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections 8459 thru 8464. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Midland Are Agency on Aging NCR Corporati Reutlinger, Lila` Story, Roscoe Stromer, Marilyn Bassett Rentals Bert's Rexall Drugs Dack, Dale Rader Real Estate Duane Viglicky Realty GENERAL Copier Service Supplies Prior Service Prior Servi Mileage Beatrice State Deve Center Hastings Regiona enter RELIEF MED.' AL FUND Rent Prescription nt Ren Rent INSTITUTIONS Patient Care Patient Care 44.65 571.37 14.00 15.00 7.94 45.08 72.74 250.00 150.00 241.00 186.00 4,077.25 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 223 St. Joseph Hospital Adams Co. Historical Society Library Social Security Matching Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield Weed Control Social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield Road Social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield Harpham, Gilbert Heuertz, Harold Koch, David Mousel, Virgil Poore, Delbert Stromer, Paul Struss, Lambert Velder, Ray Social Security Matching Retirement Matching School Retirement County Board County Clerk's Office County Treasurer's Office Register of Deeds County Assessor's Office County Superintendent Planning & Zoning Office Clk of Dist Court & Mental Hea Public Defender's Office Courthouse Janitors County Extension Office County Sheriff's Office County Attorney's Office Communications Jail Veterans Service Office Surveyor American Planning Association Bankers Life Ne. Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield Buhr, Dan Burchard, Minnie Business Supply Co. Cosgrove, Madelyn County Superintendent City National Bank Duthie, Eva Gartner, Rena Eakes Office Center RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Catastrophic Illness INHERITANCE FUND County Contribution COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Salaries Matching Funds Matching Funds Insurance Coverage WEED CONTROL FUND Salaries Matching Funds Matching Funds Insurance Coverage ROAD FUND Salaries Matching Fund Matching Fund Insurance Coverage Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior SErvice Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service GENERAL FUND Matching Fund Matching Fund Matching Fund Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries lth Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Salaries Salaries Salary Service Fee Retirement Withheld Insurance Coverage Board Member Mileage Prior Service Supplies Prior Service Postage Rental Prior Service Prior Service Repair 5027.99 566.67 1811.27 127.. 70 36.48 87.60 2473.63 174.40 118.74 289.97 29762.34 2098.22 1172.38 2941.86 14.00 13.00 25.00 12.00 25.00 13.00 12.00 19.00 6720.87 3657.75 39.00 4375.00 7632.70 8326.87 3538.25 8243.71 1615.50 2577.25 5072.50 3255.40 3556.16 ,.6292.61 19967.90 9547.33 709.50 8638.40 3282.70 50.00 300.00 22.50 8598.50 10.67 14.00 5.20 14.00 42.21 15.00 14.00 25.00 29.95 224 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Eastern Nebraska Ambulance Service Hayen, Rachel Jacobitz, Frances Kidd, C.H. Lightner, Ed Lincoln Telephone Co. Midland Area Agency on Aging NCR Corp. Reutlinger, Lila Story, Roscoe Stromer, Marilyn Bassett Rentals Bert's Rexall Drugs Dack, Dale Rader Real Estate Duane Viglicky Realty Beatrice State Devel Center Hastings Regional Center Norfolk Regional Center Bennett, Sharon L. Gartner, Dale Malouf, D.W. NACO Ne. Assoc. of Co. Officials This Board will of Supervisors. RELIEF Contract 7917.00 Prior Service 25.00 Board Member Mileage 12.56 Prior Service 16.00 Prior Service 19.00 Telephone Service 58.35 Copier Service Supplies Prior Services1 Prior Service Board Member Mileage MEDICAL FUND Rent Prescriptions Rent Rent Ren t INSTITUTIONS Patient Patient Patient GENERAL FUND now recess subject Care Care Care Mileage & Expenses Mileage Mileage Supervisors Handbook Directories to the call of the Chairman 144.65 571.37 14.00 15.00 7.94 45.08 72.74 250.00 150.00 241.00 186.00 4077.25 93.00 94.99 32.97 41.58 25.00 67.00 of the Board COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 26, 1985 11:00 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we grant exemption to Hastings College for a 1976 Pickup Indent. No. CCD146J144072. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. A Public Hearing was held concerning a proposed settlement with Trailblazer Pipeline Co. The opportunity to be heard was given to anyone representing a sub -division that would be affected by the settlement. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Sole that we table this matter until we hold an emergency meeting on Thursday, February 28, 1985 at 1:30 P.M.. Roll call, SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 225 ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, and Gartner. Nays: Malouf Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chair- man of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, February 28, 1985. 1:30 P.M. A special meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with M.B. Ellerbee, Vice -Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller and Malouf. Gartner, absent. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that this is a special meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors for the purpose of consideration and decision concerning a proposed settlement with Trailblazer Pipeline Co. held as per public notice given. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, Nays: none. Gartner, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Bennett that this meeting recess to allow the Supervisors to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 85-2-28 WHEREAS; the Board of County Supervisors did on this date meet as the County Board of Equalization for the purposes of reviewing the lue of personal property reported by Trailblazer Pipeline Company (Trailblazer)vs for 1983 and 1984 and the attached Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof be and is adopted and approved by this County Board of Equalization this 28th day of February, 1985. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Struss, Teller, and Malouf. Nays: Sole and Ellerbee. Gartner, absent. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board of Supervis•prs. 4/4--h firman 226 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday March 5, 1985. 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present;, Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. MOtion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that this meeteing is a regularly °`— scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller , ..Malouf and ,Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. The road report was given by Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent. He informed the Board that in 1984 welhad eceived 650,704.27 in Hiway Allocation, Make - Up Funds and Incentive PaymenL.''In 1985 we are scheduled to receive 574,949.33 Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we authorize'Social SErvice to make decisions concerning Utility and Rent payments under the Emergency Relief Program if the client meets all qualifications. Other items are tocome before the Board'of Supervisors. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Rich Morse made a presentation to the Board concerning the uses of a B25 Burroughs modular business computer. Motion by Teller, seconded by'Stjuss-What this Board hold executive session for the purpose of hearing a Relief -Medical claim. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Sole, out and not voting. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:21 A.M. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:30 A.M. Motion by Struss, seconded by Sole that this meeting recess to allow the Supervisors to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, i russ, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, Ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that we grant approval for the move of Planning and Zoning offices to the City Annex. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. MOtion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Structs that this Board hold executiYe session for purpose of discussion of a personnel matter. Roll call ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:50 A.M. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller, that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, STruss, Teller Malouf and Gartner. Nays:none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:30 A.m. Motion by Struss, seconded by Bennett that we accept the low bid of Protex Systems, Inc. ford =j an automatic system for the range hood in the Jail kitchen for $964.00 and the low bid of Controls Unlimited for installation of a new smoke detector with heat sensor in the new laundry area of the jail for $154.00. Roll call ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried.' SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 227 Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 85-3-5 WHEREAS, L.B.712 has been submitted to the First Session of the Eighty --Ninth Legislature, `WHEREAS, the bill proposes that the first fifteen thousand dollars of the actual value of a homestead be exempt, WHEREAS the Adams County Board of Supervisors endorses the concept of property tax relief, WHEREAS, itis possible that the revenues for funding this exemption could be collected by implementation of a 1% salestax, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Adams County Board of Supervisors go on record as being in favor of L.B. 712 and encourage the Senators to vote for its passage. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Sole that we approve the release of Joint Custody Receipt 8663 to Adams County Bank in the amount of $20,000. Roll cal ayes: sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller,Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Bennett that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 8465, 8466 and 8468. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by ,Teller that the reports of Jail and Jail food Account. Sheriff, Planning & Zoning, Register of Deeds,(3), Library, County Clerk, and Car,Titles be accepted and placed on file.. Roll call, ayes Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays:none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Bennett that the Leave of absence request for Amy Herringer be approved. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that the following miscellaneous receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisor's proceedings. call, ayes: Sole, BEnnett, Ellerbee, Struss Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion carried. Hall County City Treasurer Olie's Place none 7767 7768 7769 7770 771 7772 7773 7774 7775 7776 7777 7778 7779 7780 7781 7782 State of Nebraska Gentert Trailer Court State of Nebraska Adams Co. Bank Norwest Bank of Hastings State of Nebr. Clerk of District Court Clerk of District Court AdamsCounty8 Court Adams County Court Adams County Court Adams County Court State of Nebraska 326.73 1436.97 100.00 30,949.52 5.00 1728.90 1165.28 1910.96 472.31 542.60 2045.00 205.00 9058.79 8.80 267.80 231.83 7783 Central Nebraska PPD 300.00 7784 Clerk of District Court 102.52 7785 City National Bank 967..71 7786 Adams Co. Clerk 36.50 7787 Clerk of District Court 148.44 7788 Adams co. Imp 8.19 7789 Adams CO,. Highway Dept 78.55 7790 Adams Co. Clerk St. of Nebraska2719.77 7791 Paine Webber 895.18 7792 Village of Juniata 720.00 7793 VOID 7794 Transamerica 7795 State Treasurer 7796 John C. Osborne PR 7797 Adams county Court 6.00 47,207.71 1565.61 100.00 7798 7799 7800 7801 7802 7803 7804 7805 7806 7807 7808 7809 7810 7811 7812 7813 7814 7815 7816 7817 7818 7819 7820 7821 7822 7823 7824 7825 7826 7827 7828 Midland Area Ag Adams Co. Clerk Adams Co. Court Elmer Reiber Est Roll Nays: 210.00 332.35 67.50 327.93 School Dist #18 778.43 Adams. Co. Bank 4125.00 City Natl Bank ': 967.71 Register. of Deeds 853.44 School Dist #3 Ken 621.87 Village of Prosser 420.00 Village of Holstein 346.50 Village of Roseland 318.00 Roseland St Bank 215.75 Central Comm. Coll. 233.84 Register of Deed 2741.40 Adams Co. Bank 3654.44 Adams Co. Amb Sery 22.50 Village of Holstein 45.00 Shirley Jacobitz 10.00 Superior Mtg Inc. 2.10 City Natl Bank :n 831.79 State of Nebraska 2152.40 State of Nebr. 14,157.38 Adams Co. Clerk 2288.75 Educational Unit #9 115.89 Nancy Fischer 153.51 Auto Body Central 10.00 Lucy M Camp Est 654.69 Adams Co. Clerk 897.25 Adams Co. Sheriff 257.70 State of Neb. 95,819.00 228 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 7829 Adams County Court 7830 Adams County Court 7831 Adams county Court 7832 Adams Co. Histroical Society 7833 George Ganow 7834 Weed Control 7835 Hall Co. Treasurer 7836 Theresa Witrhlik Estate 7837 Adams County- Court 7838 Adams county Court 7839 State of Nebraska 7840 Roseland State Bank 7841 Virgie A.McCune 7842 City National Bank 7843 State of Nebraska 150.00 150.00 200.00 11.55 9.00 1585.00 4275.00 180.00 150.00 100.00 248.78 2435.54 3656.53 740.67 220.00 Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams GENERAL FUND Law Enforcement Cost Food Account Handi-Bus Operation Reimbursement Mileage & Feews Reimbursement Supplies Travel Expenses Supplies Mileage Repairs Supplies Uniforms Law Library Supplies Supplies Provisions & Postage Supplies Clothing Maintenance Mileage & Expenses Supplies Supplies Maintenance Supplies Supplies Repairs Supplies Utilities CivilDefense Medicine Witness Fees Witness Fees Witness Fees Janitoral Supplies Repairs Welding Propane Supplies Supplies Equipment Supplies Bulletin Membership Clothing Maintenance Clothing Maintenance Supplies Co. Attorney's Spec Fund Co. Jail Food Acct County Senior Services County Sheriff's Fee Acct County Sheriff's Fee Acct co. Sheriff Revolving Fund Ag. Communications Anderberg, Gary C. Anderson Publishing Co. Anderson, John Apex Plumbing & heating Inc. B.W.P Badger Uniforms Bancroft -Whitney Co. Big G Big G Bob Barker Company Blum, Helen Bob's Electric Supply Inc Bramman, David L. Brown, Susan Business Supply Co. Business World Products Carroll's Derby Cash-Wa Candy Company CAsh-Wa Candy Co. Chris' Car Wash Chris's Car Wash City of Friend City of Hastings Clay Cetner Pharmacy Inc Clerk of Distrcit Court Clerk of District Court Clerk of District Court Commercial Chemical Co. Commerical Electronics Inc. Conklin, Douglas Consumers Servioce Co. Inc. Cop Shop Cornhusker Press Cotter Charge Card Credit Bureau of Hastings Dirks John Dudek,Norman D. Dutton-Lainson Co. iNc. Clothing Expense 1500.00 ,123627 3382.69 9.35 464.20 333.05 21.10 120.93 29.77 1.05 29.30 7.80 51.42 81.45 7.99 45.52 314.56 22.00 169.20 35.00 64.29 634.38 348.16 723.38 12.60 33.95 38.00 32.45 33.72 793.24 22.33 136.28 61.68 81.68 83.25 75.80 50.00 4.80 207.20 523.55 101.17 60.00 35.00 35.00 811.99 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 229 Eakes Office Products Center Eakes Office Equipment Co. Eakes Office Products Center Educational Service Unit #9 Ellerbrock-Norris Insurance Faber Gas & Appliance Service Fischer, Dick Foto Fast Foto Fast Franklins,Ben Gewecke, Wilbur R. Gibson Products Co. Gingrich, Wil Glenwood Telephone Membership Corp. Grothen, Eldon Guarantee Electric Co. Guarantee Electric Co. Hewa Co. Halloran Battery & Elect. Harrenstein, Joyce Hastings Family Practice Hastings Paint & Decorating Hastings Paint & Decorating Hastings Plumbing & Heating Hastings Radiology Associates, PC Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hawes, Anita Hilton Hotel Information Management Resources Jacobitz, Frances Jahnke's Johnson Cashway Keith's Pharmacies Kelso, Kemp, M. Glenn Kemp, M. Glenn King, Ron Langvardt, Arthur R. Law Enforcement Equipment Co. Levis, Sharon Liberty Rental Services Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. MPH Industries Inc. Magee, Gregg Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Micek, G.A. MD Micek, G.A. MD Mid Con Systems, Inc. Minnegasco Mobley,Beverley D. Modern Methods, Inc. Modern/Unis'ervice Moeller, Julia Moeller, Julia Montgomery Ward Mouser, Wayne Mullen, Kay, Probation Officer Mulliner, Robert NCR Corp. National Police Chiefs & Sheriffs Ne. County Attorneys Ass'n Ne. County Attorneys Ass'n Ne. Natural Resources Comm. Ne. Pest Control Ne. Tax Research Council Nelson, Luwane Supplies Rental Supplies Library Service Bond Repair Postage Service Service Supplies Stamps Supplies Clothing Maintenance Telephone Service Mileage & Per Diem Elec. Supplies Elec. Supplies Supplies for Sheriff Repair Mileage & Per Diem Prof. Services Supplies Supplies Service Prof. Service Supplies Utilities Mileage Room Supplies Mileage & PerDiem Supplies for Sheriff Supplies Supplies for Sheriff Supplies Clothing Maint Mileage Mileage & Per Diem Prof. Services Supplies Mileage & Meals Supplies Telephone Service Telephone Service Telephone Service Service Mileage Services Autopsy Prof. Service Prof. Service Supplies Gas for Probation Office Mileage, Reg. & Postage Supplies Supplies Mileage Mileage Supplies Mileage & Per Diem Postage Mileage Supplies Inform Bureau Supplies Manual Registration fees Supplies Service Dues &Subscription Mileage & Expenses 1406.81 446 .55 4.50 690.00 214.00 25.00 23.00 2.35 4.19 4.50 68.00 21.24 35.00 15.00 9.41 231.09 270.65 28.35 75.57 5.84 87.50 32.37 55.05 198.49 37.00 422.92 14.64 33.18 34.00 493.78 12.56 27.38 33.00 87.71 200.65 35.00 270.96 6.89 65.00 104.25 50.76 170.85 39.10 57.00 1802.56 24.85 243.36 111.00 70.00 12.OD 34.00 137.85 120.15 41.60 86.00 36.90 106.89 43 .47 17.98 11.30 20.00 40.95 601.46 34.85 33 .00 160.00 2.42 12.50 150.00 97.13 230 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Norwest Bank Hastings Office of Public Defender Pavelka, Michael Peterson, Larry C Peterson, Larry C. Pettengill, Donald D. Phelps County Treasurer Pitney Bowes Plambeck, Sandy Platte Valley Communications Inc. Radio Shack Reaman, Kimberly Redfield & Co. Inc. Rennick, Larry D. Revolving Fund -Extension Office Rinder Printing Co. Rust, John Rust, John Schakat, John Schroeder, Leonard Schroeder, Leonard Shada, Michael Shada, Michael Schakat, John Sears Roebuck & Co. Shoemaker & Witt Sidlo, Gordon Sidlo, James W. Siemers Printing Simmons, Billy C. Simmons, Billy C. Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories Smith, James D. St. of Ne. Dept. of Adm. Services St. of Ne. Dept of Adm. Services St. of Ne. Dept. of Revenue Stephenson School Supply Stephens, Walter F1.,Jr. Inc. Swanson, Paul Talley, Don Talley, Don Toogood & McGath UNL Conservation & Survey Div. bTNL Dept. of Conferences & Institutes UNL Dept. of Conferences & Institutes Vaughans Printers Video Kingdom Whelan, Foote & Scherr PC Wiens, Glen Winkler, Maxine Woodwards Disposal Youth Development Center -Kearney Chagnon, Arlene Hanson, Faye Hohnstein, Gladys Ne. Dept. of Social Services Rader Realty Tonniges, Tom F MD Supplies Reimburse Expenses Clothing Maint. Mileage & Meals Clothing Maint. Mileage & Meals Telephone For Probation Supplies Mileage, & Per Diem Service Supplies Mileage & Expenses Supplies Clothing Maint. Reimburse for expenses Supplies Mileage Clothing Maint. Mileage Mileage & Per Diem Mileage & Per Diem Mileage Clothing Maint. Clothing Maint. Supplies Prof. Services Clothing Maint. Clothing Maint. Supplies Mileage Clothing Maint. Supplies Prof. Services Tele -Com charges Net Com -Ne Services for Assessor Supplies Jail Supplies Mileage & Expenses ,u March Rent April Rent Prof Services Service Expenses for Conference Expenses for Coxh.ference Supplies Camera Rental & Supplies Prof. Services Mileage & Per Diem Mileage & Expenses Service Court Safekeeping RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Mileage Mileage Rent Vendor Payments Rent Prof Services LIBRARY FUND American Econo-Clad Services The Baker & Taylor Co. Hammond & Stephens Co. Hastings Public Library Reading Resources Inc. Ulverscroft Large Print Books Inc. Upstart Co. Books Books Supplies Bookmobile Services Books Books Supplies 84.86 611.31 35.00 367.67 35.00 156.43 369.11 105.00 14.24 68.50 126.82 59.49 86.90 35.00 60.00 59.41 88.14 35.00 3.60 51.45 11.30 189.36 35.00 35.00 16.49 100.00 35.00 35.00 52.15 123.84 35.00 200.46 35.00 534.07 1125.89 1771.56 36.72 244.04 133.00 145.00 145.00 272.96 8.00 3.50 398.55 459.75 89.95 338.05 8.36 9.14 87.70 150.00 35.28 15.12 157.00 24,427.05 150.00 58.00 48.43 263.43 602.65 621.50 14.47 162.50 71.06 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 231 WEED CONTROL Business Supply Co. City Iron& Metal Co. Inc. Delken Press Friends Motor Supply Gessford Machine Shop Inc. Glenwood Telephone Co KN Energy Inc. Kerr Chev. Co. King Industrial Radiator Co. Klusman, Merlin Laird Motors Inc. Mid City Auto Supply Shermans Services Center Inc. Sidles/Mr. Automotive Sophir Morris Co. Southern Power District Town & Country Seat Cover & Mfg. Supplies 34.11 Supplies 45.34 Supplies 39.33 Parts 70.46 Service 54.95 Telephone Service 41.37 Gas Service 210.04 Parts 6.53 Service 28.50 Mileage, Meals, Room & Reg.198.69 Parts 206.41 Parts 97.50 Parts 71.10 Parts & Services 1145.16 Supplies 28.75 Elec. Service 15.10 Service 80.00 REVENUE SHARING Business Supply Co. Data Software & Consulting Service IBM COrp. Montgomery Ward ROAD Adams County Clerk Adams County Hwy Dept. All Roads Supply Co. Ken Avers Sharp All Shop Big G Clarke Oil Co. Commercial Electronics Inc. Cooperatvie Grain & Supply Consumers Service Co. Inc. Cotter Charge Card UNL Dept. of Conferences & Institutes Delken Press Dutton-Lainson Eakes Office Products Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Co. Fehrs Tractor & Equip Co. Foote, Judy Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Membership H & M Equipment Co. H & N Mobil Service Hastings Motor Truck Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. KN Energy Inc. Kerr Cochran Inc. LCL Truck Equipment Inc. Laird Motors Inc. Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Welding Midwest Service & Sales Modern/Uniservice Mr. Transit Ne. Public Power Dist. Odorite Co. Office of Register of Deeds Olsen's Mini Mart Equipment Service Equipment Equipment FUND 110.00 12,000.00 632.00 329 .99 Supplies Petty Cash & Postage Equipment Service Supplies Oil & Grease Supplies & Service Gas Propane Supplies Registrations Supplies Supplies Supplies Fuel Parts Mileage Parts Telephone ,Service Gravel Gas Parts & Labor Printing Utilities Supplies Gas Service Rent Parts Parts Gravel Parts & Labor Telephone Service Oxygen & Welding Supplies Repairs Shop Towel Service Repairs Electric Service Deodorizer Service QCD Gasoline 25.90 40.41 334.00 79.28 982.56 970.70 281.25 194.99 45.52 3.33 112.50 40.00 95.74 216.41 351.11 128.86 9.35 321.61 52.16 49.80 30.10 187.66 3.29 912.92 5.87 80.12 160.00 166.95 37144 2187.90 2202.40 391.25 156.24 250.12 13.44 1038.23 68.20 5.00 11.00 97.00 232 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Olsen Oil Co. Pauley, W.G. Lumber Co. St. Regis Corp. Sidles Co./Mr. Automotive Southern Power District Spady, Jerry Pontiac Cadillac, Inc. Stromer ,Rep air. Union Pacific Railroad Westland Building Co. Zee Midical Service This Board will now rec County Clerk ©UNT Gasoline 2556.31 Supplies 25.90 Supplies 1528.50 Repairs & Supplies 843.28 Electric Service 368.43 Repairs 81.52 Repairs 1398.74 Co. Share Prof No.RRP2050(1) 1910.90 Review of Bridge Plans 300.00 First Aid Supplies 23.05 o the call of tChaivman of the Board. 7) D r airman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 5, 1985 10:30 A.M. The Adams County Baord met Chariman, presiding. Roll Struss, Teller, Malouf and County Assessor and County as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Gartner. Also present were Beverley Mobley, Clerk Anita Hawes. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Ellerbee that we grant exemption for the following applications on earth moving equipment. Stromer Land Leveling, Werner Construction, Wildrose Equipment Co., Holstein Construction and Lewis & Ralph Trausch. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. MOtion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the A..g1 ,r `=irm Chairman of the Aylama County Board of Supervisors. County Clerk Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 12, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairm.an,Presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Bennett that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 8469-8477. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner, Nays: none. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 233 Discussion was held concerning the Direct -In -Dial tdlephone system. Sharon Levis presented the Board more information and answered questions from the Board. The matter will be studied. Motion Bennett, seconded by Malouf that the Board hold executive session for the purpose of hearing a Relief -Medical claim. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller,Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 9:50 A.M. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 9:52 A.M. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that this Board hold exectuive session for the purpose of discussion on Litigation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Benentt, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 9:53 A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Bennett that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: None. Regular session resumed at 10:OOA.M. Motion by Malouf seconded by Struss that we approve payment of registration one night's loding and mileage for County members to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting in Kearney on March 22 and 23 and to allow 2 nights loding plus registration and mileage for the district representatives. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: Ellerbee. Motion carried. Motion Sole, seconded by Struss that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller: that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole andEllerbE out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that we rescind our action to pay expenses for the Planning meeting and place the matter on the next agenda. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. The Chairman appointed Ellerbee, Malouf and Bennett to serve as a Committee to study the matter of establishing an Election Commissioner for Adams County and requested that they report back to the Board. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed and authorized to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. HEDC Midland Area Agency 1 Region III Mid Nebr Mental GENERAL FUND County Contribution on Aging Co. Contribution County Contribution Retardation Sery RSVP Meals on Wheels Bennett, Sharon L. Hastings Utilities Zinuaer Printing Co. Eakes Office Products Redfield & Company Co. Contribution County Contribution County Contribution Mileage Courthouse & Annex Utilities Supplies Supplies Supplies RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Radar Realty Parkside Living Residence Rent Room & Board 1666.66 1000.00 2360.71 1813.33 125.00 323.83 21.00 7645.73 32.43 46.07 16.33 150.00 366.42 234 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Radar Realty Meyer, Garnet Eakes Office Products Data Master Rent 185.09 Revolving Fund Reim. 201.98 REVENUE SHARING FUND Equipment Hours & Mileage This Board will now recess sub ct to the call of the Chairman of the 1390.00 392.16 Board. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS,NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 12, 1985 10:45 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and Anita Hawes, County Clerk. Motion by Teller, seconded St. Paul's Lutheran Church call, ayes: Sole, Bennett Nays: none. Motion carni by Struss that we grant exemption to 1st for a 1973 Chev. bus title No. 14G06230. Roll , Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. ed. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors Chairm COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 19, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Teller, seconded by Ellerbee that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 235 Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent reported that a Tri -Party Agreement has been signed between Adams County, Albertus Lay and Stromer Land Leveling to take care of a problem in Little Blue Township. He reported concerning the progress of road work in the County. Public Hearing was held concerning the amending of Section 5-103(A) of the Adams County Subdivision Regulations by increasing the maximum size of ‘a small tracts subdivision. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Bennett that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 85-3-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE ADMAS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AMENDING SECTION 5-103(A) OF THE ADAMS COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS BY INCREASING THE MAXIMUM SIZE OF A SMALL TRACTS SUBDIVISION. WHEREAS, the Adams County Board of Supervisors finds that many small tracts subdivison plat applications indicate an area larger than the five (5) acre maximum plat size presently provided, and; WHEREAS, the Adams County Board of admustment and the Area Planning and Zoning Commission have recommended that the maximum plat area size be increased form five (5) to ten (10) acres. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA THAT: SECTION 1. Article 5, section 5-103(A) of the Adams County Subdivision Regulations is hereby amended by deletion of the words "five (5) acres" and substituted with the words "ten(10) acres". This section would then read as follows: "(A) The proposed plat of subdivision shall include not more than ten (10) acres." Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Public hearing was held concerning application 85-108. Applitation of Mr. Burton Barnett on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bortis for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a dog kennel. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Sole that we give approval to application 85-108 for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a dog kennel and that the permit should be renewed every year without charge. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that we grant approval for application 85-111. Application of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bruntz for a final subdivision plat for Bruntz Acres located in the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 2, T8N, R1OW, of the 6th P.M., Adams County, NE. Roll call ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Garnter. Nays, none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Ellerbee that we grant approval for application 85-112. Application for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Snoberger for a preliminary/ final subdivison plat approvel of Snoberger Subdivison located in the south- east quarter of Section 15, T8N, R9W, of the 6th P.M., Adams County, NE. Roll calls, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller that we grant approval for application 85-112. Application of Mr. Richard Asmus for a final subdivision plat approval of Murman Acres located in the east half of thenorthwestquarter of Section 16, T6N, R9W, of the 6th P.M., Adams County, NE. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. 00 236 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Struss, seconded by Ellerbee that the Chairman is hereby authorized to sign tax list corrections no. 8478 thru 8481. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Gravel Motion to the H & M Lilley bids were opened and referred to the Road Committee. by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that the gravel bids be rewarded respective low bidder in each township. Highland Township 4.73 Per cubic yard Denver Township 4.50 per cubic yard Sand and Gravel Verona Township 4.90 per cubic yard Juniata Township 4.32 per cubic yard West Blue Town- ship 4.98 per cubic yard Blaine Township 4.99 per cubic yard Roseland Township 4.80 per cubic yard Silver Lake Township 5.74 per cubic yard L. J. Vontz Ayr Township Hanover Township Zero Township Little Blue Township Bruners Sand & Gravel Kenesaw Township Wanda Township Cottonwood Township Logan Township Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. 5.00 per cubic 5.00 per cubic 5.75 per cubic 5.65 per cubic 4.83 per cubic 4.87 per cubic 4.87 per cubic 5.48 per cubic Struss, Teller, yard yard yard yard yard yard yard yard Malouf Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that the claims be allowd on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes; Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Hohnstein, Gladys Livingston Butler Volland Livingston Butler Volland Duane Viglicky Realty RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Rent Funeral Expenses Funeral Expenses Rent INHERITANCE FUND Adams Co. Historical Society City Nat'l Bank Payroll Blue Cross & Blue Shield City Nat'l Bank Payroll Blue Cross & Blue Shield City Nat'l Bank Payroll Gilbert Harpham Harold Heuertz David Koch Virgil Mousel P aymen t LIBRARY FUND Salaries 1706.24 Insurance 87.60 WEED CONTROL Salaries 2502.08 Insurance 229.54 566.67 358.02 150.00 146.47 566.67 ROAD Salaries Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Delbert Poore Prior Service 33919..87 14%00 13.00 25.00 12.00 25.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY; NEBRASKA 237 Paul Stromer Lambert Struss Ray Velder Blue Cross & Blue Shield Supervisors Co. Clerk Co. Treasurer Reg. of Deeds Superintendent Planning & Zoning Mental Heatlh Board & Clerk of the Dist. Court Public Defender Custodial Co. Extension Sheriff Co. Attorney Communications Jail Veterans Service Social Security Matching Retirement School Retirement Adams Co. Sheriff Revolving Minnie M Burchard Business Supply Co., Inc. Madelyn Cosgrove County Superintendent Eva Duthie Eakes Office Products Rena Gartner Hastings Utilities Rachel Hayen Joyce Keenen Joyce Keenen C. H. Kidd George Kuzma Ed Lightner Lincoln Tele. & Tele. Lincoln Tele. & Tele. Midlands Area Agency on Aging Harry B. Milligan Harry B. Milligan Harry B. Milligan Lila Reutlinger Roscoe Story Blue Cross & Blue Shield Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Insurance GENERAL Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Salaries Salaries Match Matching Matching Fund Reimbursement Prior Service Supplies Prior Service Postage Prior Service Supplies Prior Service Utilities Prior Service Supplies Mileage Prior Service Supplies Prior Service Service Service Copies Mieage & Misc. Travel Expense Supplies Prior Service Prior Service Insurance Center, Inc This Board will now recess subject to the call of County Board of Super'=cors the 13.00 12.00 19.00 3029.46 4375.00 7612.42 8326.87 8243.71 1615.50 2610.85 5120.50 3255.40 3484.38 6396.01 19227.57 9269.99 695.47 8591.61 3283.70 6687.o3 3714.71 39.00 582.68 14.00 41.60 14.00 19.73 14.00 61.15 25.00 639.79 25.00 10.86 9.45 16.00 924.95 19-._00 144.50 58.35 88.70 61.82 106.96 3.98 14.00 15.00 8713.27 Chairman of the Adams 238 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 26, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chariman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Struss, absent. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in theHastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Struss, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Hjghway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He reported that they had torn down two bridges in Little Blue Township, added stringers and replaced planks. The North Baltimore project is ready and the Road Dept. had been hauling concrete to the Albertus Lay site. Merlin Klusman gave a report concerning Weed Control projects planned. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that we request the County ATtorney to draft a resolution to create the office of Election Commissioner for Adams County. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennet„ Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that this meeting be recessed to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motiom by Sole, seconded by Struss that we approve the lease for tower space with N.P.P.D. and authorize the Chariman to sign the lease. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that we approve the appointment of John Dirks and Michael Pavelka to the Adams County Law Enforcement Reserve Force. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that the Chariman is hereby authorized to sign tax list corrections. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that we approve the release of Joint Custody Receipt No. 501140 to Adams County Bank in the amount of $500,000.; the release of JC03920 to Hastings State Bank in the amount of $20,000; and the release of JC03921 to Hastings State Bank in the amount of $20,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that this Board hold exectuive session for an Emergency Assistance claim. Roll call, ayes: Sole, — Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:00 A.M. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll Calls, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartw Nays: none. Regular session was resumed at 11:20 A.M. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that the following resolution be adopted: SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 239 RESOLUTION No. 85-3-6 "RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AND DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ADAMS, NEBRASKA TO PROCEED WITH THE ISSUANCE OF NOT TO EXCEED THREE MILLION DOLLARS ($3,000,000.00) IN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF COUNTY OF ADAMS, NEBRASKA, INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING COSTS AND EXPENSES INCIDENT TO THE ACQUISITION OF A PROJECT, UNDER AND PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONSOF SECTIONS 18-1614 THROUGH 18-1623, REISSUE REVISED STATUTUES OF NEBRASKA, 1943, AS AMENDED, INCLUDING THE ACQUISITION OF THE LAND, BUILDINGS, AND IMPROVEMENTS LOCATED AT HASTINGS INDUSTRIAL PARK EAST, ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA, PRESENTLY OWNED BY KERRCO, INC. AND KERR REALTY, INC. TOGETHER WITH ALL REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTIES DEEMED NECESSARY IN CONNECTION THEREWITH, AND THE REHABILITATION THEREOF, SO THAT SUCH LAND, BUILDING, IMPROVEMENTS AND REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTIES DEEMED NECESSARY IN CONNECTION THEREWITH SHALL BE USED AS A MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL FACILITY ENGAGING IN THE USE AND APPLICATION OF ROTATIONAL MOLDING, ENERGY CONGENERATION AND OTHER RELATED PROCESSES AND TO PAY ALL COSTS OF ISSUING AND SELLING SUCH BONDS; ESTABLISHING THE DATE OF A PUBLIC HEARING UPON THE PROPOSAL TO ISSUE SUCH BONDS AND DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION OF A NOTICE WITH RESPECT TO THE PUBLIC HEARING AND THE INTENTION TO ISSUE SUCH BONDS: AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WITH RESPECT TO SUCH BONDS: AND FOR LEASING THE LAND, BUILDINGS, EQUIPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL FACI'LITY7 TO PENNTOWER CORPORATION." BE IT RESOLVED by the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF Adams, Nebraska: Section 1. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Adams Finds and determines': A. That the County of Adams, Nebraska (hereinafter referred to as the "County") is authorized by Section 2 Articles XIII ofthe Constitution of the State of Nebraska and by Sections 18-1614 through 18-1623, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 1943, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") to acquire land, buildings, equipment and improvements deemed necessary in connection therewith and to construct addi- tional facilities and/or rehabilitate existing facilities and to issue revenue bonds for the purposes of defraying the cost of financing such projects and paying the costs of the issuance of such bonds, which bonds are payable solely out of the revenue derived from the leasing of such property. B. That the County has made preliminary arrangements with Penntower Corporation, a Missouri corporation (hereinafter referre to as the "Company"), under which the County has agreed to acquire land, buildings, equipment and other improvements deemed necessary in connection therewith and to construct additional facilities and/or rehabilitate facilities existing thereon in Industrial Park East, Adams County, Nebraska, formerly owned and operated by Kerrco, Inc. and/or Kerr Realty, Inc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Project"), and to issue revenue bonds under the authority of the Act for the purpose of paying the cost of acquiring the land, buildings, equipment improvements and equipment deemed necessary in connection therewith and to construct additional facilities and/or rehabilitate existing facilities thereon in connection with the industrial and manu- facturing facility, and to lease the Project to the Company at a rental sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds as the same fall due and the Company as agreed to such arrangement. C. That this Board of Supervisors has investigated and determined that the Company is a manufacturing and industrial enterprise and that a public benefit will result from the location of the Company's industrial facility in the County of Adams, Nebraska, including, but not limited to, creation of construction 240 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA work at a time when activity in the building industry is slow, resulting in the employment of additional residents of the County in such construction activity, the increase in capital expenditures in the county resulting in the increase in taxable real and personalproperty within the county, and retaining of an industrial concern Within the county, resulting in the retaining of employment of residents of the county and an attendant alleviation of unemployment, and increasing the ppotential for additional employment and capital expenditures within the county with an attendant increase in general economic activity within the county. D. That this Board of Supervisors has investigated and determined that the acquisition of land, buildings, equipment and improvements deemed necessary in connection therewith may, but will not necessarily be accomplished through the acquisition of the capital stock of an existing Nebraska corporation pursuant to a plan whereby such acquired corporation would be liquidated and the assets utilized by Company. At the time of this resolution, the precise manner of acquisition of the assets involved herein is not known but will entail to the acquisition of assets and/or corporate stock. E. That the amount necesrsary to defer the cost of acquiring the project, including necessary expenses incidental thereto, will require the issuance by the County of not to exceed Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000.00) in aggregate principal amount of industrial development revenue bonds of the County (hereinafter referred to as the "Bonds"), pursuant to the provisions of the Act. Section 2. The County of Adams, Nebraska, acting by and through its Board of Supervisors, does hereby declare its intent to authorize an issue of industrial development revenue bonds of the County of Adams, Nebraska, qualifying under the applicable provisions of Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, for thepurpose of acquiring and rehabilitating the Project and to pay the expenses of the issuance and sale of the Bonds upon such terms and conditions as may then be agreed upon by the County of Adams, the Company and the purchasers of the Bonds. Section 3. That in accordance with the provisions of Section 103 (k) (2)(i) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, this Board of Supervisors shall hold a public hearing on the proposalto issue the Bonds and the purpose thereof on April 16, 1985 at 10:00 A.M. in the County Board Room, Adams County Courthouse, 4th & Denver, Hastings, Adams County, Nebraska. At such public hearing, all interested individuals who appear shall be given an opportunity to express their views, both orally and in writing, for or against the proposalto issue the Bonds and the location and nature of the proposal facility; and at said hearing or on adjournment thereof this Board of Supervisors shall adopt a resolution determining whether or not to proceed with the issuance of the Bonds. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to arrange the publication of the notice of intent to issue the Bonds, specifying the proposed amount and purpose thereof, and the time and place of hearing in the Hastings Tribune, published in the City of Hastings, Nebraska, as soon as practicable but not less than 14 days prior to the date of said public hearing. Such notice shall be substantially in the form attached hereto asttachment 1. Section 4. The Company is authorized to use interim or construction financing until the Bonds are issued and to use the Project prior to the issuance of the Bonds. Section 5. This Resolution is hereby declared to constitute official action of the County to evidence its intent to issue industrial development revenue bonds qualifying under the applicable provisions of Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954,as amended. SUPERVI ORS RECORD No. 20 ADAM COUNTY, NEBRASKA 241 Section 6. A Memorandum, of Agreement, substantially in the form and of the content set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, shall be entered into with the Company and Chairman of this Board of Supervisors and the County Clerk or Deptuy County Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver said Memorandum of Agree- ment for and on behalf of the County of Adams. Section 7. In order tha,t the Project with not be unduly delayed, Company is hereby authorized to make such commitments, expenditures, and advanoes toward payment of the cost of the Project as it considers 'appropriate, subject to reimbursement from the proceeds of thel.Bonds when and if delivered, but otherwise without liabi) ity on the part of the County. Section 8. That the Bonds, when and if issued, and the interest thereon, shall be payable solely out of the revenues derived from the'financing of t le Project and shall never constitute an indebtedness of the county within the meaning of any state constitutional provisions or statutory limitation, and shall not constitute nor give rise to a pecuniary liability of the County or a charge against its general credit or taxing powers. Section 9. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. Roll Call, ayes: Sole, ,Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nas: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seco ded by Struss that we accept the proposal of Steve's Lawn Care fo lawn care at the former Nursing Home. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Na s; none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, secon ed by Teller that the claims be allowed on their respective fun s and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issu warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. 'Motion carried. RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Funeral Services Rent Livingston Butler Volland Mohrlang, John Beatrice State Develop Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Norfolk Regional Center Social Security Bureau INSTITUTIONS Eastern Nebr. Ambulance Serv., This Board will now rd:ess of Supervisors. Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care ROAD Disability Payment GENERAL Inc. Payment o the call of the Chairman of the Board 393.77 210.00 150.00 7,536.45 162.00 84.00 21.14 7,917.00 /s/ County Clerk 242 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 26, 1985 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present was Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Teller, seconded by Sole that we grant exemption to a Knights of Columbus Scout Troop #125 for a camping trailer. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that exemption be granted to the U.M.C.A. for a Ford Pu Title b14G15620. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that we reject the application for Homestead exemption for property 284 04986 as the owner did not live there on January 1. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Maloi and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. Luiz -u=�l� /s/ County Clerk COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 2, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of contract negotiations. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried Executive session began at 9:37 A.M. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:12 A.M. Bids were received for the house owned by the County on West 5th St. No bid received for the house on St. Joseph Ave. Bids referred to the Building Committee for their study and recommendation. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 243 A presentation was made by Dale Sall concerning matter will be taken under consideration. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that the be adopted: cadastral maps. The following resolution RESOLUTION 85-4-2 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Adams County Board of Supervisors to create the position of Election Commissioner pursuant to Section 32-2-2- R.R.S., 1943 (Reissue 1984). Roll call, ayes: Sole, Benentt, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that we authorize the purchase of one Ballot Tab from Hall County for $4500. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Bennett that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussion of an Emergency Assistance claim. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Garnter. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:52 A.M. Motion by Struss, seconded by Bennett that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session was resumed at 11:14 A.M. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that the offers to purchase the house on 5th street be rejected and the Building Committee be authoirzed to negotiate a sale. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 8482 thru 8484. Roll call, ayes; Sole Bennett, Ellerhee,Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that this Board hold executive session for a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:27 A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Struss that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennet, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion carried. Regular Session. Motion by Teller, seconded by Sole that this meeting be recessed to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Bennett that this Board resume regular session Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that we authoize the Chairman to sign a subdivision waiver for Larry D Dye and Joyce Dye for the following property: The South One Hundred (S100) Feet of the following described Tract to wit: Commencing at a point, the Northwest Corner of the South- west Quarter (SA) of the Section Eighteen (18), Township Seven (7) North, Range Ten (10) west of the 6th P.M., Adams County, Nebraska; thence Easton the North Line of said Quarter a distance of Two Hundred 244 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Seventy (270) Feet; thence South parallel to the West Line of Said Southwest Quarter (SW4) a distance of Five Hundred Fifty-one and Thirty Nine One Hundreths (551.39) Feet; thence West Two Hundred Seventy (270) Feet to the West Line of said Southwest Quarter (SA); and thence North Five Hundred Fifty-one and Thirty Nine One Hundreths (551.39) Feet to the point of commencement. Such conveyances are of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Adams County, Nebraska; haveing been filed on March 22, 1972 and recorded in Book 192 at Page 335, and the other having been filed on September 27, 1973 and recorded in Book 307 at Pag 462. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we authorize the purchase of equipment: for the Highway Safety Grant in the amount Of $2,943.74 for 2 GE Mobile units and a portable Motorola Walkie Talkie. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that we approve the Bond of Michael Vaughn Peterson, Deptuy County Sheriff in the amount of $10,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Sole that the following miscellaneous receipts be accepted and made a partof this Supervisors' proceedings. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried., 7844 State of Nebr. 102.00 7845 Adams Co. Supervisors 42.21 7846 Vance Harpham 10.00 7847 VOID VOID 7848 O1ie's Place 100.00 7849 Adams County Sheriff 4.29 7850 Village of Kenesaw 3,500.00 7851 State of Nebraska 30,949.52 7852 State of Nebr 3,353.52 7853 City Treasurer 1,692.79 7854 Maxine Hecht 20.62 7855 State of Nebr. 519.88 7856 State of Nebr. 7,728.89 7858 Adams Co. Clerk 38.70 7859 Duane R. Viglicky Re.lty 1.55 7860 Adams Co. Court 50.00 7861 Adams County Court 25.00 7862 Adams Co. Court 31.35 7863 Adams County Court 8,366.25 7864 Adams County Court 110.00 7865 Adams County Court 411.41 7866 Clerk of District Court 918.65 7867 Clerk of District Court 1,095.00 7868 Adams County Court 69.58 7869 Adams County Court 1,686.45 7870 Adams County Court 1,348.63 7871 Adams County Court 275.00 7872 City Treasurer 67,560.00 7873 Norwest Bank, Hastings 2,306.69 7874 Adams Co. Historical Society 525.00 7875 City National Bank 740.67 7876 Adams Co. Noxious Weed 22.75 7877 Adams Co. Court 1,173.14 7878 Hastings State Bank 4,049.53 7879 Adams County Court 305.00 7880 B. W. Pauley, Estate 2,124.24 7881 State of Nebr. 102,163.28 7882 Adams Co. Bank 627.93 7883 Norwest Bank of Hastings 2,496.58 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 245 7884 Thayer County 7885 Adams Co. Clerk 7886 - Bill Deane 7887 Midland Area Agency on Aging 7888 Albert H Junker, Estate 7889 Bankers Life Nebr. 7890 Adams Co. Sheriff 7891 Nebr. Assoc. of Co. Officials 7892 Clerk of District Court 7893 VOID 7894 Webster Co. Treasurer 7895 City National Bank 7896 Adams Co. Register of Deeds 7897 Orville Duden 7898 Village of Holstein 7899 Adams Co. Bank 7900 Adams Co. Clerk 7901 Adams County Court 7902 Roseland State Bank 7903 Gilbert Grausch 7904 Roger S. Parks 7905 Adams County Court 7906 Adams County 7907 Adams County Court 7908 State of Nebraska 7909 Norwest of Hastings 7910 State of Nebr. 7911 City National Bank 7912 -Phelps Co. Court 7913 ADams Co. Court 7914 Adams Co. Court 7915 Deborah Sadd 7916 State of Nebr. 7917 Kenesaw Village Bond 7918 Albertus Lay 7919 Albertus Lay 7920 Sheriff's Office 7921 Clerk of Dist. Court 7922 Clerk of Dist. Court 7923 Adams Co. Attorney 7924 State of Nebr. 7925 Roseland State Bank 7926 Adams Co. Sheriff's Dept. 7927 Adams County Sheriff's Dept. 7928 Clerk of District Court 7929 Hall Co. Treasurer 7930 Adams County Court 7931 City National Bank 7932 Randall Klein 7933 Donald Haws 7934 ADams Co. Court 7935 Emma Schukei Estate 7936 Adams Co. Court 262.97 2,347.25 171.96 210.00 1,260.99 9,212.27 238.02 50.48 760.50 VOID 18.63 740.67 2,087.30 294.42 67.50 3,543.33 666.50 20.00 215.75 55.00 3.85 25.00 3,171.74 1,954.94 2.147.40 992.06 3,241.41 895.42 9.75 20.00 20.00 25.00 95,819.00 6,805.00 126.09 1,336.10 4.62 194.30 160.16 10.50 3,128.45 2,047.68 907.50 902.00 78.00 395.00 75.00 898.79 20.00 30.00 642.94 990.72 1,368.00 Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Spouse Abuse Shelter Ray Wolfe RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Utilities Utilities Pro Services Rent 251.95 162.96 180.00 150.00 This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. 246 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA u�G /s/ C COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 2, 1985 11:10 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and Anita Hawes, County Clerk. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we grant exemption to Good Samaritan Village for a 1977 AMC Hornet and a 1975 Dodge Van. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner, Nays: none. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the Call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. County Clerk COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 9, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway, Supt. gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that we authorize the to sign a letter requesting the Corp. of Engineers to look at erosion control on three bridges in Adams County. Roll call, Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. none. Motion carried. Chairman ayes: Nays: The Road Committee made the following recommendations to the Board. 1. That the County Hiway Superintendent be authorized to negotiate a contract for gravel for four townships. 2. We return the initial bid deposit because of a unilateral error on the part of the bidder and that the bid was made in good faith. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that we approve and adopt the two recommendations of the Road Committee. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 247 Motion by Teller, seconded by Struss that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Bennett that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that this Board hold exectuvie session for the purpose of hearing a Relief -Medical claim. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Exectuive session began at 10:20 A.M. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:28 A.M. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 8485-8490. Roll Call, ayes: Sole Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that we approve the release of Joint Custody Receipt No. 8662 to Adams County Bank in the amount of $20,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that the following Officer's reports be accepted and placed on file; Jail, County Fair, Car Titles, County Clerk,Clerk of District Court (2) County Library, Sheriff (3) Register of Deeds (2) and Planning and Zoning. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller and Gartner. Malouf, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams GENERAL County Clerk's Office County Jail Food Acct. County Senior Serv., Inc. Co. Sheriff's Fee Acct Co. Sheriff's Fee Acct Co. Sheriff's Revolving Fund Co. Sheriff Revolving Fund Advanced Tape Products Inc. Anderson, John Anstine Fire Equipment Apex Plumbing & Heating Audio Visual Repair Service Badger Uniforms Bancroft -Whitney Co. Bender, Matthew & Company Inc Big G Brownian, David L Bramman, David L Brown, Susan Brown, Susan Buffalo Co. Sheriff's Office Buhr, Dan Business Supply Business World Products Butzirus, Patricia Callaghan & Company Shuford Camby Carroll's Derby FUND Postage Revolving Food Acct. Handi-Bus Operation Mileage & Fees Service Charge Reimbusement Reimbusement Supplies Mileage & Expenses Supplies Repair Equipment Repair Attache Case Supplies Supplies Supplies & Repairs Clothing & Maint. Misc. Expense Supplies Mileage & Expenses Boarding of Prisoners Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Mileage & Meals Supplies Janitorial Service Gasoline 2.11 1194.39 2769.45 448.24 5.00 420.71 5.00 113.48 102.30 155.00 25.00 37.40 52.01 74.50 75.00 208.14 35.00 12.43 42.36 140.30 150.00 10.67 205.83 128.34 22.74 28.05 30.00 791.96 248 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Cash-Wa Candy Co. Cash-Wa Candy Co. Central Valley Rentals Central Valley Rentals Chris's Car Wash City of Hastings City of Friend Clark Hord Printing Inc. Clay County Sheriff's Dept. Clay County Sheriff's Dept. Clerk of District Court Couunercial Electronics Commerce Clearing House Controls Unlimited Coop Grain & Supply Co. Cop Shop Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Cotter Charge Card County Attorney's Special Fund Data Software & Services Dept. of Corrections Des Moines Stamp Mfg Co Diebold, Inc. Dirks, John Dirks, John Dudek, Norman D Duro Test Corporation Dutton Lainson Company Egan Supply Co Eakes Office Products Center Eakes Office Products Center Eakes office Products Center Eakes Office Products Eastman Kodak Company Fairbanks, Charles F Fischer, Dick Foto Fast Frost Appraisal & Consulting Sery Gibsons Gingrich, Wil E Gingrich, Wil Gulf States Distributors Guarantee Electric Co. Guarangee Electric Co. HEDC Hall County Hannon's Hansen, Hartman' Hartman, Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hawes, Anita I.B.M. Johnson Cashway Co. Johnson Pharmacy Moeller, Julia I.B.M. Independent Business Machine Independent Business Machines Refuse Service Gordon L s TV Service Jerry L /Adams Co. Civil Defense Canvas & Mfg. Co. Family Practice Paint & Decorating Paint & Decorating Pathology Assoc., PC Plumbing & Heating Radiology Assoc. Candy Bars Supplies Rental Rental Gas & Maint. Civil Defense Utilities Forms Board of Prisoners Housing of Prisoners State Cases Radio Repair Report Equipment Repair Repairs Supplies Supplies Pringing Supplies Supplies Reimbursement Supplies Travel Expenses Stamp Maintenance Travel Expense Clothing Maintenance Clothing Maintenance Supplies Supplies Supplies Warranty Supplies Supplies Copies Rental Maint. Agreement Housing/Prisoners Postage Supplies Appraisal Supplies Travel Expense Clothing Maint. Supplies Remodeling Repair Co. Contribution Purchase of Ballot 66.25 31.50 6.00 50.00 34.95 Expense 1165.70 32.26 82.38 75.00 1175.00 1862.62 274.70 215.00 115.00 35.35 48.00 276.05 55.68 4.22 320.00 54.00 148.80 29.90 190.00 76.56 35.00 35.00 251.82 343.12 184.80 160.00 29.15 1040.67 825.07 95.00 396.00 22.00 30.01 &00.00 97.76 77.76 35.00 47.85 229.72 229.72 1666.66 Tab Com 4500.00 5.00 39.27 20.00 474.00 6160.66 400.00 70.00 24.81 8.82 400.00 201.66 21.00 1173.44 6273.67 14.44 28.74 187.00 4.80 7.66 22.70 89.40 65.00 65.00 Supplies Mileage Repair Bond 2nd Quarter Billing Mattresses Med & Hospital Supplies Supplies Autopsy Repairs Medicine & Hospital Advertising Utilities Utilities Mileage Maintenance Supplies Supplies Reg. & Mileage Supplies Supplies Repair SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 249 Industrial Chemical Labs Industrial Chemical Labs Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Keith's Pharmacies Kelso Kemp. M. Glenn Kemp, M. Glenn King. Ron Korgan, Herman Kuhlman Repair Laird Motors Inc. Lamski, Dale F Langvard, Arthur R Law Enforcement Equip Co. Levis, Sharon Lincoln Tele. Co. Lincoln Tele. Co. Lincoln Tele. Co. McCord, Monty Magee, Gregg Marathon System Martin Miller Travel Martin Flag Co. Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Meals on Wheels Micke , G. A. D.D.S. Mid -Con Systems Inc. Midland Area Agency on Aging Midland Area Agency on Aging Mid Nebraska Retardation Serv. Milligan, Harry B Minnegasco Mobley, Beverley Modern/Uniservide Monroe Mousel, Wayne Mulliner, Robert N.P.Z.A. Nebr. State Bar Assoc Nebr. Correctional Industries Nebr. Crime Commission Nebr. Juvenile Justice Assoc. Nebr. Pest Control Nelson, Luwane Nelson, Luwane Office of Public Defender Ohlsen Jewelry O'Keefe Elevator Company., Inc. O'Keefe Elevator Co. Pavelka, Michael Peterson, Larry C Peterson, Larry C Pettengill,Donald D Pettengill, Donald D Plantz, Alan Postmaster Postmaster Pratt Audio Visual & Video Corp Pro Flight Pro -Flight Protex Systems Protex Systems RSVP Radio Shack Reaman, Kimberly Redfield & Company Region III Revolving Fund Reis, Ryal Rennick, Larry D Supplies Supplies Supplies Medicine Supplies Clothing Maint. Mileage Board Member Mileage Hauling Grass Repairs & Storage Gasoline Court Appointed Counsel Court Appointed Counsel Supplies Reg. & Mileage Hot Line Tele. Service Tele. Serv. Supplies Mileage Janitorial Supplies Travel Expense Flags Hospital Charges Monthly Contribution Medical Hospital Supplies Co. Contribution Copies Co. Contribution Travel Expense Utility Reg. Misc. Maint. Board Member Mileage Mileage Reg. Copies Supplies Supplies Reg. Pest Control Mileage & Expenses Supplies Reim. Medals Maint. Repair Clothing Maint Mileage Clothing Maint Clothing Maint Mileage Mileage Postage Postage Supplies Travel Expense Travel Expense Inspections Inspections Co. Contributions Repairs Mileage Supplies Co. Contribution Reim. Mileage & Loding Clohin Maint. 94.15 50.16 58.81 111.85 232.80 35.00 274.80 6.89 25.00 39.00 39.83 150.00 370.00 165.01 27.50 39.10 57.00 1843.78 12.42 200.16 238.41 138.00 59.18 138.50 323.83 26.00 170.93 1000.00 72.10 1813.83 85.00 123.24 8.00 36.90 87.00 11.30 33.87 105.00 20.00 137.00 9.00 25.00 12.50 56.91 27.69 1246.84 58.25 81.62 137.50 35.00 534.00 35.00 35.00 435.73 16.80 17.00 2500.00 255.00 42.50 895.00 86.00 36.00 125.00 4.38 22.32 215.95 2360.71 27.00 57.63 35.00 250 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Rinder Printing Company Rose, Sharon Rust, John Rus t , John Rutt's Pharmacy Sargent Sowell, Inc. Schakat, John Shada, Michael Shada, Michael Shepard's McGraw-Hill Shepard's McGraw Hill Shoemaker & Witt Sidlo, Gordon Sidlo, James W. Simmons, Billy C Simmons, Billy C Spelts Bailey, Inc. Sporting Goods Inc. State of Nebraska State of Nebraska Swanson, Paul Talley, Don 3-D. Investment Vaughans Printers Inc. Weaver Glass Inc. Western Surety Company Whelan, Foote & Shcerr P.C. Wiens, Glen Will, Gordon Performance Auto Woodwards Disposal Xerox Corporation Youth Development Center -Kearney Yough Development Center -Geneva Baker & Taylor Company Boyle, Helen D Crestwood House Hastings Public Library Supplies Reg. & Meals Clothing & Maint. Mileage Medicine Uniforms Clothing Maint. Clothing Maint. Mileage Supplies Supplies Prof. Services Clothing Maint. Clothing Maint. Clothing Maint. Mileage Supplies Supplies NetComm Telecommunications Mileage & Expenses Rent Supplies Supplies Repair Bond Prof. Service Board Member Mileage Repairs Disposal Service Maint. Court Safekeeping Safekeeping LIBRARY FUND Supplies Supplies Supplies Bookmobile Services REVENUE SHARING FUND Bee Line Motor Freight Data Software & Consulting Serv. Nebr, Dept. of Soc. Serv. Nebr. Dept. of Social Serv. Data Software & Consulting Serv. 331.46 11.88 35.00 338.24 19.90 100.97 35.00 35.00 304.69 156.00 114.50 557.50 35.00 35.00 35.00 409.66 100.54 17.40 914.23 541.44 119.23 145.00 144.00 939.95 112.95 30.00 116.94 8.78 5.00 87.70 27.00 1400.00 25.00 1471.25 162.50 67.14 621.50 Freight 40.36 Payroll System Software 4000.00 Vendor Payments 10,000.00 Vendor Payments 18,105.20 Software 12,345.00 WEED CONTROL FUND Adams Co. Highway Dept. Adams Co. Noxious Weed Control Automotic Equip Mfg Co City Iron & Metal Co. , Inc. City Iron & Metal Co., Inc. Cooperative Grain & Supply Eakes Office Products Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Tlepehone Co. Hastings Battery & Electric Independent Insurance Co. King Industrial Klusman, Merlin Kully Iron & Metal Co. K N Energy Inc. Mid City Auto Supply Inc. Sidles/Mr. Automotive Gasoline Postage Repair Repair Repairs Gasoline Supplies Supplies Tele. Sery Repairs Insurance Coverage Repair Gasoline Meals Repairs Gas Service Supplies Repairs & Supplies 104.26 1.44 162.48 4.74 45.34 52.04 5.80 211.15 41.93 52.80 100.00 138.50 13.92 7.30 76.02 5.00 547.60 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 251 Southern Power Dist. U.A.P. Village of Roseland Big G Electric Service Chemical Water Fund Supplies RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Bert's Pharmacy Bert's Rexall Drug Boudreau, Allen Century 21 Rental Trust Chagnon, Arleen Clay County Countryfare IGA Douglas Harold Emergency Protective Service Emergency Protective Service Good Samaritan Village Rental Off Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities The Locaters Lowe, Steven Mary Lanning Hospital Meyer, Garnet Nebr. Dept. of Social Services Radar Realty Salyards, Dr. Phyllis Stairs, Randall & Gloria Prescription & Supplies Prescription Rent Rent Mileage Reimbursement Supplies Rent Day Care Day Care Rent Utilities Utilities Rent Rent Prof Service Revolving Fund, Vendor Payments Rent Prof. Service Foster Care ROAD FUND Adams County Highway Dept. Alamo Group All Roads Supply Co. American Express Avers, Ken Sharp -A11 Shop Big G City Iron & Metal Co., Inc. Clarke Oil Company Date Software & Consulting Serv. Eakes Office Products Center, Inc. Fairbanks Implement Co. Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Co. Fehrs Tractor & Equipment Co. Freinds Motor Supply Foote, Judy Garvey Elevators Glenwood Telephone Co. Halloran Battery & Electric Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Heinzman Engr Inc. Independent Bolt & Nut Co. IBM Corporation Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. K N Energy, Inc. Kerr Chevrolet Co. Kerr Cochran Laird Motors Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Tele. Co. Mid City Auto Supply Co. Modern Linen/Uniservice Nebr. Correctional Inc. Nebr. Dept. of Revenue Nebr. Public Power Olsen Mini Mart 14.68 941.88 27.00 17.96 84.30 14.96 300.00 121.00 70.14 109.00 9.74 210.00 110.00 340.00 38.00 40.55 98.04 250.00 125.00 102.50 145.92 10,507.70 210.00 57.90 210.00 80.47 196.90 3903.00 138.99 29.12 125.05 98.72 4013.08 19.95 97.60 169.50 329.34 297.79 721.81 9.14 6.81 42.39 174.23 91.98 588.47 62.51 37.34 342.00 28.24 91.64 20.39 160.00 439.83 539.00 3948.67 233.04 20.00 40.65 80.90 221.85 7.59 184.32 Postage & Petty Cash Repairs Supplies Travel Expenses Repairs Supplies Supplies Gasoline & Oil Equipment Supplies Equipment Gasoline Repairs Repairs Mileage Supplies Tele. Serv. Repairs Mail -Box & Advertising Utilities Parts & Sery Call Supplies Equipment Supplies Gas Service Repair Rent Repairs Gravel Repairs Tele. Service Repairs Shop Towel Service Supplies Fuels Tax Electric Service Gasoline 252 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Olsen., L. L. Oil Co Pauley, W. G. Lumber Co. Sidles/Mr. Automotive Siemers Printing Southern Power Dist Spady, Jerry Pont Cad Square Deal Lumber Stromer's Repair Shop 3 -Points Tire Service Wild Rose Equipment Inc. Zee Medical Service Co. Data Masters This Board will now recess subject Board. Gaso line Supplies Supplies & Repairs Supplies Electric Service Repairs Supplies Repairs Repairs Kotel Supplies Data Processing Serv. 4627.39 9.48 971.89 471.15 130.15 21.40 4.85 332.05 174.00 3719.81 22.85 840.14 to the call of the Chairman of the COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 9, 1985 1:30 P.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Struss, seconded by Bennett that we grant exemption to Ginger Bread Play School for a 1975 Plymouth Van used to transport children to school. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that we grant exemption to the Church of Christ for a 1968 School Bus. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING was held concerning the proposed exemption_ of Churches, Cemeteries and Parsonages. No one appeared in opposition to the proposed exemtion.s. Individual applications for exemption in these three catagories were heard, to enable the Board to determine the dominant use of the proper- ties. Decisions to be made at a later date. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. air . SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 253 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 16, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report of the progress of road work in the County. He indicated that they were rebuilding the bridge near Hanover Church and that project C1-11 should be finished during the week. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussion of a matter that could damage reputations. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 9:35 A.M. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Ellerbee that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session was resumed at 10:00 A.M. After hearing the recommendations of the Highway Superintendent the following motion was made. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that we approve the recommendations and authorize the Chairman to sign agreements awarding the contract to Lilley Sand and Gravel for delivering gravel to Ayr Township for 5.63 per cubic yard and to H & M for delivering gravel to Hanover town- ship for 6.05 per cubic yard; to Zero Township for 6.10 per cubic yard and to Little Blue township for 6.10 per cubic yard. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss and Malouf. Nays: Teller and Gartner. Motion carried. As per public notice given in the Hastings Tribune on March 29, 1985 a public hearing was held concerning the intention of Adams County, Nebraska to issue not more than Three Million Dollars ($3,000,00.00) in aggregate principal amount of industrial development revenue bonds for the purpose of acquiring land, buildings, equipment and other personal property incidental thereto (the Project") ^and teasing;._ such project to Penntower Corporation, a Missouri Corporation, (the "Company'-'). No one spoke in opposition to the proposed issuance of the bonds. Public hearing was closed. Motion by Teller, seconded by Malouf, that the Adams County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes and approves the sale, pursuant to the terms of a Sale and Option Agreement between Hastings Economic Development Corporation, a Nebraska corporation, and Brastock Corpora- tion, A Nebraska Corporation, of the following described property, located in the County of Adams, State of Nebraska, to wit: Lot one (1), Block three (3), all in Hastings Industrial Park West, Adams County, Nebraska, owned by the County of Adams, a body corporate and politic, GRANTOR, to Brastock Corporation, a corporation, GRANTEE. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. 254 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Malouf, seconded by Sole that the Adams County Board of Supervisors hereby authoize the release of the County of Adams, a body corporate and politic, LESSOR, and Hastings Economic Development Corporation a Nebraska Corporation, LESSEE, from the Lease, as evidenced by the Notice of Lease, filed Oxtober 26, 1976, in Book 322, Page 337, of said Reocrds, covering the following described property located in the County of Adams, State of Nebraska, to -wit: Lot One (1), Block Three (3), all in Hastings Industrial Park West, Adams County, Nebraska. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that the Adams County Board of supervisors hereby authoizes its chairman to execute a Corporation Quitclaim Deed and all other documents necessary for the transfer of title for the following described property located in the County of Adams, State of Nebraska, to -wit: Lot one (1), Block Three (3), all in Hastings Industrial Park West, Adams County, Nebraska. from the County of Adams, Nebraska, a body corporate and politic, GRANTOR, to Hastings Economic Development Corporation, GRANTEE. All in accordance with the Sale Agreement dated the llth day of April 1985, copy of which is attached. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller that we approve Plan I for Direct -In -Dial and go on time and material basis. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Malouf. Nays: Bennett, Ellerbee and Gartner. Struss, Abstaining. Motion failed. Gordon Hansen notified the Board that he would be retiring May 29, 1985. Motion by Sole, seconded by Malouf that we accept the -resignation of Gordon Hansen and express out thanks for his past service. Roll call, ayes; Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of hearing a Relief Medical claim. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:55 A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartnter. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we approve application 85-116. Request of Tom and Susan Riggs on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Grothen for preliminary/Final subdivision plat approval of "R Place" Subdivision located in the SWC of Section 26, T8N, R9W, of the 6th P.M. Adams County, Nebraska, and to allow one year from the completion of the new residence for the removal of the skirted trailer house. Roll call,ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS: WHEREAS: RESOLUTION 85-4-16 There are Federal Funds available under section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 and for Nebraska Public Transportation Act Funds, and Adams County desires to apply for said funds to be used to provide transportation for the elderly, handicapped and general public of Adams County. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 255 Ji 0 a) •ri •Ord 0 O 4-) 0 v NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Adams County Board of crias Supervisors hereby instruct the Adams County Clerk to •rl - • apply for the above mentioned funds. Said funds are to o o be used for fiscal ear 1985-86. a•r4 ,-+ 0 y QIn o0 03 • `f) Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and v Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. s�c.)0 W,c�'d Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that we approve the proposed N..0 o z rate scale for the Handi-Bus budget. Roll call, ayes: Sole, O - Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. a) a ;—+ • pi Motion carried. Uo ctiU dt o ) Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we approve the waiver • Cd of the prospective defect in the conveyance of the W' of the SW4 ° CDof Sec. 14, Twp 6 North, Rge 9W of the 6th P.M., Adams County, • 773 Nebraska for Max Mohler, Jr. Claimant with the requirement that the r+a� •m applicant submit a subdivision plat for the property to the Planning ,o and ZoningCommission within Sixty H+�,� � (60) days, and that the applicant ›-x o o post of bond in favor of Adams County in the amount of two -thousand o+J 004,4 ($2,000.00) dollars to be used by the County to plat the property •°Z in the event the applicant fails to do so as set forth above. Said • a bond to be returned or the un -used portion as the case may be upon - 01‘, u approval and recording of the subject subdivision plat. Roll call, ° �.,� ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. w (NI Nays: none. Motion carried. r-1 an H Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that as requested by the Glenvil v,o Rural Fire Protection District, with the bonds of the district having • cn been paid, the County Treasurer is instructed to transfer ant monies p remaining and the Bond Fund of said District any collections designated for said Bond Fund to the General Fund of Glenvil Rural Fire Protec- ""'"" �3 tion District. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, v v • O oniTeller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. O Cp •rl •r21 w P Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that the Chairman be authorized w woto sign tax list corrections No. 8491-8493. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. CU w as c7 cn Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that we approve the release of Joint Custody Receipt No. 308294 to the Norwest Bank Hastings NA in the amount of $1,000,000.; the release of Joint Custody Receipt No. 502095 to Adams County Bank, Kenesaw, Nebr., in the amount of $200,000. and the pledging of Joint Custody Receipt 502777 by Adams County Bank, Kenesaw, Nebr. in the amount of $400,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Sole that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Bennett that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that the Building and Grounds Committee proceed as follows: 1. To prepare a contract with G. Williams for the sale of the house at 510 W. 5th for $5,000. with removal to be on or before 6-30-85. 2. To prepare a contract with Floyd Leisure to demolish and remove the house on St. Joseph (all non -masonry materials) in exchange for the non -masonry materials. 256 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 3. To prepare a contract with Newell Landscaping for removal of 5 Trees by May for $500.00. and to authorize the Chairman to sign the three contracts. Roll call ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Nebr. Dept. of Revenue Westland Building Co., Inc. Rader Realty ROAD FUND Sales Tax Paper RELIEF MEDICAL Rent GENERAL FUND Commercial Chemical Mfg. Co., Inc Eakes Office Products Center Inc. Ellerbee, M. B. Hawes, Anita M. Moeller, Julia Supplies Supplies Mileage Mileage Mileage This Board will now recess subject to the the Adams County Board visors. 18.51 62.50 88.00 76.25 44.89 20.50 58.65 47.34 call of the Chairman of COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 16, 1985 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss Also present were Beverley Mobley, Cpunty Anita Hawes. 11:30 A.M. as a Board of Equalization Roll call, members , Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Assessor and County Clerk, Application for exemption for a Jeep for Tehema Temple was tabled until the Board had more information. At 1:30 P.M. a PUBLIC HEARING was held conerning the proposed exemption of Building sites, parking lots and schools and educational properties. No one appeared in opposition to these proposed exemp- tions. The Board held individual hearings on the applications to de- termine whether the properties met the qualifications for exemption. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams.,; County Board of Supervisors. iff ati /s/ Co. Cler / Dputy ,'���• .1 /s/ Cha an SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 257 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 23, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that this meeting is a regular- ly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that Leave of Absence for Vance Harpham be approved. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Sole that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner nays none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, Seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that we approve the release of Joint Custody Receipt 501253 to Roseland State Bank in the amount of $150,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Sole that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections no. 8494 thru 8499. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Tellerthat this Board hold executive session for the purpose of hearing a Relief Medical Claim. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:00 A.M. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:20 A.M. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 85-4-23 "RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING AND APPROVING AND PROCEEDING WITH THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF NOT TO EXCEED $3,000,000.00 IN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELO- MENT REVENUE BONDS (PENNTOWER CORPORATION PROJECT) OF THE COUNTY OF ADAMS, NEBRASKA." WHEREAS, The County of Adams, Nebraska, a county duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the constitution and laws of the State of Nebraska (the "County"), is authorized by Nebr. Rev. Stat. 18 1614 et. seq. (Reissue 1983), as amended, (the "Act"), to issue revenue bonds for the purpose of financing the acqusition, construction, rehabilitation or purchase of land, buildings, and improvements located in Adams County, Nebraska, and 258 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA all real and personal property necessary in connection therewith, whether or not now in existence, which shall be suitable for use as a manufacturing and industrial facility, and to issue revenue bonds for the purpose of deferring the cost of the acquisition and leasing of such Project and paying the cost of issuance of such bonds, which bonds are payable solely out of the revenue derived from the leasing of such perperty; and WHEREAS, County has proposed to issue bonds under the Act for the purpose of acquiring land, buildings and improvements located in Hastings Industrial Park East, Adams Caunty, Nebraska, together with all real and personal property deemed necessary in connection therewith and rehabilitating such property so that when taken together with such land, buildings, improvements and real and personal properties deemed necessary in connection therewith shall be used for the manufacturing and industrial facility engaged in the use and application of rotational of molding, energy cogeneration and other related processes. Such Project shall be owned by the County of Adams, Nebraska, and leased to Penntower Corporation for the aforesaid purposes; and WHEREAS, such Project will result in a public benefit, which public benefit shall include, but not be limited to the creation of construction work resulting in the employment of additional residents of the County in such construction activity, the increase in capital expenditures within such County, the increase of taxable real and personal property within such County, the increase in personal jobs in Adams County, Nebraska, with an attendant increase in general economic activity within the County; and Whereas, a notice of hearing on the proposal to issue not to exeeed $3,000000.00 in aggregate principal amount of industrial develop ment revenue bonds (Penntower Corporation Project), Series 1985 (the "Bonds"), of the County as published as required by law; and A public hearing was held on April 16, 1985 at 10:00 A.M. as specified in such notice and any and all objections or other coluunents, relating to such Bonds have been heard and is deemed to be in the best interest of the County; that such Bonds be issued as proposed BE IT REOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ADAMS, NEBRASKA: Section 1. That it is hereby determined that it is necessary and advisable that the County proceed with the issuance of its Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (Penntower Corporation Project), Series 1985, in an amount not to exceed $3,000,000.00 as authorized and permitted by the Act, and to use theproceeds of the Bonds to acquire the Project, all upon the terms and conditions mutually satisfactory to the County and the Company. Section 2. That at the public hearing conducted by this Board of Supervisors, pursuant to published notice, all persons who appeared were given an opportunity to express their views for or against the proposal to issue said Bonds and it is hereby determined that any and all objections to the issuance of said Bonds, are hereby overruled. Section 3. That this Board of Supervisors shall proceed with the necessary proceedings relating to the issuance of said Bonds upon preparation of the required documentation by Bond Counsel, which documentation will have been approved by all parties. Section 4. That said Bonds,if issued, and the interest thereon, will—be payable solely out of the revenues derived from the leasing of said Project and shall never constitute an indebtedness of the County, within the meaning of any state con- stitutional provision, or statutory limitation, and shall not constitute nor -give rise to a pecuniary liability of said County, or a charge against its general credit or taxing powers. Section 5. All resolutions and orders or parts therof in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed and this resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its adoption. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 259 Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbeethat the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes. Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Rader Realty RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Rent Commercial Chemical Mfg Co. Eakes Office Products Center M. B. Ellerbee Anita Hawes Julia Moeller City of Hastings GENERAL FUND Supplies Supplies Mileage Travel Expense Travel Expense ROAD $88.00 76.25 44.89 20.50 58.65 47.34 Share of Road 40,000.00 Construction Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equilization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. This meeting will now recess the Adams County Board of Su s/ Co. Clerk subject to the ervisors, call of f%61/ .(1 /s airman the Chairman of COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, Tuesday,' April 23, 1985 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor 'and NEBRASKA 10:30 A.M. as a Board of. Equalization Members present: Sole, and Gartner. Also present County Clerk,Anita Hawes. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we approve exemption for a Jeep, Ident. No. 8705F1610939 for Tehema Shrine. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Public hearing was held concerning exempt applications for Charitable, Organizations. Lodges and Fraternal Organizations. Individual hearings were conducted for all the applications. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to Chairman of the. Adams()County Board of Supervisors. Y C the call of the /s/ Co. Clerk Chairmali, 71) UN 260 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 30, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, pre- siding. Roll call, members present:Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the membersF:and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: None. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He discussed spraying that was being done. A proposed settlement was presented to the Board concerning Trailblazer Pipeline. The matter will be studied with action to be taken at a later date. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of hearing an emergency assistance claim. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:20 A.M. Motoin by Malouf, seconded by Struss that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:30 A.M. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we attach a monitor to the phone system, allow for programming and install cable and have a phone line to the City Annex for Planning and Zoning. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 8500-8510. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that this Board hold executive session to hear a Relief -Medical claim. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 3:20 P.M. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that this Board resume Regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 3:25 P.M. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed;:_ to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Library COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Salaries & Benefits INHERITANCE FUND Adams Co. Historical Society Payment 1800.13 566.67 - -L SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 261 Weed Control WEED CONTROL FUND Salaries & Benefits INSTITUTIONS FUND Beatrice State Develop Center Patient Care Hastings Regional Center Patient Care Lincoln Regional Center Patient Care Norfolk Regional Center Patient Care County Supervisors County Clerk Office County Treasurers Office Register of Deeds Office County Assessors Office County Supt. Office Planning & Zoning Office Clk Dist Ct & Mental Health Public Defender Office Janitors Extension Office Sheriff's Office Co. Attorneys Office Communications Jail Vet. Service Office Co. Offices School Retirement Scocial Security Burchard, Minnie Business Supply Co. Cosgrove, Madelyn County Supt. Duthie, Eva Eastern Nebr. Ambulance Gartner, Rena Hastings Utilities Hayen, Rachel Intoximeters, Inc. Kidd, C. H. Keenan, Joyce Lightner, Ed Lincoln Telephone Co. Midlands Area Agency on Agin Reutlinger, Lila Story, Roscoe Road Harpham, Gilbert Heuertz, Harold Koch, David Mousel, Virgil Poore, Delbert Struss, Lambert Stromer, Paul Ve l der , Ray GENERAL FUND Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Retirement Match County Supt. Match Prior Service Supplies Prior Service Postage Prior Service Payment Prior Service Utilities Prior Service Supplies Prior Service Mileage Prior Service Service g Copies Prior Service Prior Service ROAD FUND Salaries Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service This Board will now recess subject to the call Adams County Board of SperycoNT c, �� r $2577.11 186.00 7217.00 279.00 87.00 4375.00 7895.92 8326.87 3506.25 11061.01 1615.50 2644.45 4940.50 3255.40 3508.31 6330.08 20291.52 9581.98 743.00 8765.07 5137.19 3849.16 39.00 7097.75 14.00 42.55 14.00 29.22 14.00 7917.00 25.00 563.49 25.00 393.38 16.00 9.45 19.00 53.35 125.40 14.00 15.00 34338.86 14.00 13.00 25.00 12.00 25.00 12.00 13.00 19.00 of the Chairman of the 262 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 7, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, Presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public_meeti gof the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk`s office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion. by Struss, seconded by Ellerbee that we authorize the purchase of two Eagle air -conditioners for heavy equipment for $3,000. each. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that we authorize the Highway Supt. to purchase 1 radio for the new Pickup and 1 portable radio. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Discussion was held concerning the purchase of a used printer. The matter was referred to the Building and Grounds Committee for their study and recommendation. Bids were opened from five firms for materials on Project C1-123 Lochland East. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that based on the condition that the math calculations are correct we award the bids to the low bidders as follows.: Group 1 Prestressed concrete double tee beam items to Wilson Concrete, Grand Island, Nebr. for $9756. Group 11 Structural Steel items to Island Supply, Grand Island, NE for $13,840.49 Group III Guardrail and Bridge Rail Items to Island Supply, Grand Island, NE fat $2,033.20 Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION 85-5-7 RESOLUTION CREATING JOINT CITY -COUNTY CIVIL DEFENSE ORGANIZATION WHEREAS, Nebraska State Statutues authorize and direct each county, and each city which is desirous, within the State of Nebraska to establish a local organization for civil defense, and to do certain other acts in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, such action is not only required by law, but appears to be in the best interests of the City of Hastings, Nebraska, and Adam - County, Nebraska, and of the citizens thereof to participate in the benefits and responsibilities of such legislation; and WHEREAS, the Hastings City Council and the Adams County Board of Supervisors adopted a joint city -county resolution on June 7 and 8, 1976, establishing a joint city -county civil defense organization; and WHEREAS, the said civil defense organization should be reorganized. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 263 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HASTINGS CITY COUNCIL AND THE ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, that the joint resolution of the said bodies adopted in June, 1976 be amended to read as follows: 1. That there is hereby established within the city and county a joint organization for civil defense to be operated in conformity with Nebraska statutes, which organization will be known as the Hastings/Adams County Civil Defense Agency. 2. That the Emergency Services Committee's appointment of the person who, from time to time, holds the, position of Fire Chief for the City of Hastings, to the position of Civil Preparedness Coordinator, is hereby approved; and that the Emergency Services Committee's appointment of the person who, from time to time, holds the position of Director I in Hastings City Government, to the position of Director of Civil Defense, is hereby approved. Tenure in the foregoing positions shall continue at the pleasure of the City and the County, it being understood that either body may terminate this resolution unila- terally at any time. 3. It shall be the responsibility of the Director of Civil Defense to conduct the administration and operation of all civil defense activities and affairs within the City of Hastings and the County of Adams, subject to the direct control and supervision of the Civil Preparedness Coordinator. 4. That the Hastings City Clerk will be responsible for the receipt and disbursement of all civil defense funds, where funds are provided for civil defense purposes. 5. It is the intention of the respective bodies that this joint resolution supersede the joint resolution of the parties enacted in June, 1976. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Mrs. Mobley requested that the Board give consideration to purchasing a new map showing all subdivisions. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that this Board meeting recess to allow the members to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that the Chairman is hereby authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 8511-8514. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that the Officers' reports be accepted and placed on file: County Superintendent; Car Titles, County Clerk, Jail Food Account (2). Jail; Register of Deeds (2), Sheriff (2) County Library. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that the Miscellaneous receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors' proceedings. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. 7937 State of Nebraska 3,382.99 7938 Olie's Place 100.00 7939 Adams County Court 25.00 7940 Adams Co. Sheriff 1,227.00 7941 State of Nebr. 8.037.87 7942 County Superintendent 19.73 7943 State of Nebraska 102.00 7944 State of Nebraska 1,729.05 7945 State of Nebraska 30,949.52 7946 Ray Bonifas 26.00 7947 Hall County Clerk 46.69 7948 State of Nebr. 303.71 264 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 7949 Adams Co. Ambulance Serv. 17.40 7950 Tom Deveny 32.00 7951 Clerk of District Court 139.54 7952 Clerk of District Court 1,200.00 7953 Adams Co. Court 25.00 7954 Adams County Court 100.00 7955 Adams Co. Court 75.00 7956 Adams County Court 75.00 7957 Adams County Court 29.50 7958 Adams Co. Court 368.58 7959 Adams Co.,Clerk 51.13 7960 Adams Co. Court 110.00 7961 Adams Co. Court 9,690.48 7962 City National Bank 891.89 7963 Adams Co. Bank 342.73 7964 Norwest Bank Hastings 1,787.67 7965 Register of Deeds 699.47 7966 Hastings State Bank 1,906.85 7967 Clerk of Dist. Court 129.44 7968 Kearney County Clerk 3.00 7969 Adams Co. Court 24.00 7970 Adams Co. Court 75.00 7971 Adams Co. Court 25.00 7972 Adams Co. Court 25.00 7973 Adams Co. Court 139.28 7974 U. S. Treasury 51,524.00 7975 Norwest Bank Hastings 7,770.74 7976 Register of Deeds 3,513.55 7977 Richard Hollister 99.00 7978 Village of Ayr 46.00 7979 Adams Co. Court 50.00 7980 Adams Co. Court 1' 184.00 7981, Adams Co. Court 50.00 7982 County Supt. 178.63 7983 Michall Kennedy 48.62 7984 City National Bank 901.77 7985 State of Nebr. 31,291.57 7986 State of Nebr. 35,237.01 7987 Adams Co. Court 25.00 7988 Adams Co. Court 25.00 7989 Adams Co. Court 50.00 7990 Adams Co. Court 50.00 7991 James R. Houton 1.40 7992 Midland Area Agency on Aging 210.00 7993 Adams Co. Historical Society 32.50 7994 Tom Deveny 66.45 7995 Larry Peters 14.50 7996 Roger Parks t 9.32 7997 Alan B. Jorgensen 10.00 7998 City National Bank 961.06 7999 Roseland State Bank 230.14 8000 Adams County Bank 3,333.33 8001 Adams County Sheriff 833.75 8002 Roy Schmidt 45.63 8003 Adams Co. Clerk 3,139.50 8004 Adams Co. Clerk 843.00 8005 Adams Co. Bank 224.00 8006 Adams Co. Sheriff 57.50 8007 Wilbred Nienhueser 279.89 8008., Adams Co. Court 200.00 8009 Adams Co. Court 250.00 8010 Verna Frank Estate 1,460.59 8011 Adams Co. Weed Control 104.26 8012 Harry Klein 4.50 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 265 8013 George W. Hartman Estate 8014 State of Nebraska 8015 City Nat'l Bank 8016 Hall County. Treasurer 8017 State of Nebraska 8018 Robert Bender & Ryal Reis 8019 Highland Operating Co. 8020 Clerk of Dist. Court 8021 Kam Raceways, Inc. 8022 State of Nebr. 8023 Road Dept. 8024 Clerk of Dist. Court 8025 Clerk of .Dist. Court 8026 Clerk of Dist. Court 8027 Clerk of Dist. Court 8028 Register of Deeds Office 392.69 95,819.00 965.87 780.00 2,006.77 277.80 360.97 110.44 136.27 90.00 15.00 349.00 121.94 99.30 92.00 5.00 Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County clerk be instructed and authorized to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams County Jail Food Acct. Adams County Senior Sery Inc Adams County Sheriff's Mileage Adams Co. Sherriff's Fee Acct Adams Co. Attorney's Special Fd Advanced Tape Products Inc. Ag. Communications Anderson, John Apex Plumbing & Heating Inc Badger Uniforms Big G Brammam, David L Brown, Susan Buhr, Dan Business Supply Co. Business World Products Carrolls Derby Brown, Susan Cash-Wa Candy Co. Central Valley Rentals Chris's Car Wash Clark Boardman Co. Clay Co. Sheriff's Dept. Commercial Electronics Inc. Commercial Electronics Inc. Consumers Service Co., Inc. Controls Unlimited Cornhusker Press Cotter Charge Card Cotter Charge Card Credit Bureau of Hastings .Inc. D.A.S. Material Div. Dehner Co. Dept. of Correctional Serv. Dept. of Revenue Dirks, John Dudek, Norman Dudek, Norman D Dutton-Lainson Company Eakes Office Products Center Eakes Office Equipment Co. Eakes Office Products Center Fairbanks, Charles Firestone Stores Fischer, Dick Fischer, Richard Reimbursement 1,858.10 Handi-Bus 3,966.37 AcctService Charge 1.50 Mileage 408.98 Law Enforcement Costs1,315.00 Supp lies Supplies Mileage & Repairs Uniform Supplies Supplies Clothing Maint. Milegage & Expenses Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Gasoline & Oil Supplies Supplies Rental Serv. Maint. Supplies Board of Prisoners Radio Repair Radio Repair Propane Repair Printing Supplies Supplies Bulletin Membership Supplies Supplies Supplies Appraisal Cost Clothing Maint. Mileage Clothing Maint. Supplies Supplies & Repair Copies Rental Supplies Housing/Prionsers Maintenance Postage Postage 114.48 15.75 Expenses 52.07 79.75 865.90 260.20 35.00 21.82 10.67 518.41 139.90 904.00 22.29 114.90 50.00 35.85 31.34 375.00 116.60 292.80 17.30 20.00 28.75 21.54 48.32 9.00 _76.41 258.75 77.18 1,776.55; 35.00 98.44 35.00 138.36 1,903.55 662.96 48.79 1,008.00 110.21 22.00 17.00 265 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Gibson Products Company Gibson Products Co. Gingrich, Wil E. Guarantee Electric Guarantee Electric HEDC Hansen, Hartman, Hartman, Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings IBM I.G.A. Imperial Pools Inc. Industrial Chemical Lab J & B Mobile Lock Service JJE. Jacobitz, Frances Keith's Pharmacies Kemp, M. Glenn Kemp, M. Glenn King, Ron Kohl Adam's Insurance Laird Motors Adams Co. Sheriff Adams Co. Sheriff Largent,Dorothy Largent, Paul J. Law Enforcement Equipment Co. Law Enforcement Equipment Co. Lincoln Tele. Co. Lincoln Tele. Co. Lincoln Tele. Co. Lundeen Sprinklers M.P.H. Industries Magee, Gregg Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Meals on Wheels Meister Publishing Co Micke, G. A. DDS Microlab, Jorm Inc. Midland Area Agency on Aging Mid Nebr. Retardation Serv. Minnegasco Mobley, Beverley Modern Methods, Inc. Modern Methods Inc. Modern/Uniservice Mulliner, Robert NCR Corporation NCR Corporation Nebr. Advance Sheets Publications Nebr. Co. Attorneys Assoc. Nebr. Law Enforcement Nebr. Office of Highway Safety Nebr. Pest Control Nebr. Reporters Services Nebr. Reporters Services Nelson, Luwane Nlson, Luwane Office of Public Defender PDR Gordon Connie Marvin C Daily Tribune Family Practice P.C. Paint & Decorating Plumbing & Heating Radiology Associates Tribune Utilities Supplies Supplies Clothing Maint. Sery & Labor Sery & Labor Co. Contribution Mileage Vital Statistics Repairs Advertising Prof. Service Supplies Repair Autopsy Advertising Utilities CNEMS Supplies Supplies Shower Repair Supplies Repair Supplies Board Member Mileage Medical Supplies Clothing Maint. Mileage Board Member Mileage Bond Gas & Maintenance Revolving Revolving Mileage Materials Supplies Supplies Tele. Serv. Tele. Serv. Courthouse Tele. Service Supplies Mileage Test Autopsy Medical Medical Monthly Supplies Prof. Service Supplies Co. Contribution Co. Contribution Utilities Mileage Supplies Supplies Misc. Mileage Date Processing Data Processing Subscription Reg. Fees Uniforms Equipment Pest Control Prof. Serv. Prof. Service Mileage & Expenses Misc. Expenses Reim. Supplies 92.84 34.73 35.00 597.50 191.92 1,666.66 9.87 120.50 4.50 396.49 60.00 432.45 24.00 90.00 28.29 15.23 31.46 21.77 367.50 44.20 56.60 75.72 12.56 86.59 35.00 333.71 6.89 95.00 27.17 Fund 555.73 Fund 275.00 42.00 & Labor 35.00 793.75 63.60 167.81 57.00 Serv. 1,781.47 33.00 1,043.50 301.68 5.00 177.50 Expense 57.50 Expense 113.75 Contribution 323.83 19.00 62.00 191.92 1,000.00 1,813.83 61.00 41.57 16.00 90.00 36.90 15.79 134.22 736.00 100.00 240.00 100.85 6.10 12.50 700.00 610.20 33.60 34.26 839.77 25.95 266 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Pavelka, Michael Peterson, Larry C Peterson, Larry C Peterson, Michael V Peterson, Michael V Pettengill, Donald D Pettengill, Donald D Pitney Bowes Plambeck, Sandy Professional Surveyors Assoc. RSVP Reaman, Kimberly Redfield &Company, Inc. Redfield & Company Inc. Region III Rennick Larry D Revolving Fund Revolving Fund Rogers Inc Rotex Company Rust, John Rust, John Rutt's Pharmacy Schakat, John Schleife, Jean M Shada, Michael Shada, Michael Shoemaker & Witt Smith, James D Smith, James D Sidlo, Gordon Sidlo, James W Simmons, Billy C Simmons, Billy C Sporting Goods, Inc. Sporting Goods, Inc. State of Nebr. State of Nebr. Steffens, William V Stephens, Walter F Jr. Steven's Lawn Service Swanson, Paul T & B Upholstery Talley, Jean K Toogood & McGath Vaughans Printers Wetzel, Arthur S Whelan Foote & Scherr, P.C. Wieland, Jack Woodwards Disposal Youth Development Center Youth Development Center COUNTY Baker & Taylor Company Center for Family Business Hastings Public Library Nebr. Library Commission Silver Burdett Company Ulverscroft Large Print Books Clothing Maint. Clothing Maint. Mileage Clothing Maint. Mileage Clothing Maint. Mileage Postage Meter & Maint Board Member Mileage Books Co. Contribution Mileage & Expenses Supplies Supplies Co. Contribution Clothing Maint. Reimbursement Supplies Equipment Repairs Clothing Maint. Mileage Medicine Clothing Maint. Prof. Service Clothing Maint. Mileage Prof. Service Prof. Service Prof. Service Clothing Maint. Clothing Maint. Clothing Maint. Mileage Supplies Supplies Tele. Charges NetCom Rental Mileage Supplies Lawn Service Mileage Repair Rent Mental Health Hearings Printing Mileage Prof. Service Repair & Materials Disposal Service Safekeeping Safekeeping LIBRARY FUND Supplies Supplies Bookmobile Services Supplies Supplies Supplies REVENUE SHARING FUND Control Unlimited Data Software & Consulting Serv. Nebr. Dept. of Social Services Equipment Programming Vendor Payments 35.00 35.00 370.50 35.00 21.84 35.00 436.08 438.00 14.24 30.00 125.00 199.83 58.47 187.32 2,360.71 35.00 28.00 13.97 478.00 5.39 35.00 268.11 19.90 35.00 28.90 35.00 311.04 470.00 60.00 200.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 270.05 310.00 72.44 541.44 1,039.69 23.10 30.48 45.00 19.53 29.00 145.00 259.31 28.95 23.10 1,406.44 48.00 87.70 550.00 375.00 466.50 57.13 621.50 106.60 82.02 175.00 154.00 10,087.50 23,080.23 267 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Ace Irrigation Mfg. Co. Adams Co. Highway Dept. Barco Municipal Products Big G Auto Service Center Bruner's Sand & Gravel Business Supply Co., Inc. Business Supply Co. City Iron & Metal Co., Inc. Clarke Oil Company Cooperative Grain & Supply Cornbelt Chemical Co. Cotter Charge Card Data Masters Dutton Lainson Co. Eakes Office Products Inc. Fehrs Tractor & Equipment Co. Foote, Judy Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Co. Grace's Locksmith Service H & M Equipment Co. Hastings Utilities Heinzman Engr Inc. Independent Bolt & Nut Co. Independent Insurance Agents of Hastings Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. KN Energy Inc. Kerr Chevrolet Co. Kerr Cochran Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone Coy. Linweld Modern/Uniservice Nebr. Assoc. of Co. Engineer Nebr. Correctional Ind. Nebr. Public Power Dist. Odorite Co. Olsen Oil Company Olsen Oil Co. Pauley, W. G. Lumber Co. Prairie Ford Truck Sales Inc. RIII Enterprises Sidles Co/Mr. Automotive Southern Power Dist. Spady, Jerry Pont Cad Standard Blue St. Regis 3 Points Tire Service Town & Country Seat Cover UAP Special Products ROAD FUND Repairs Petty Cash & Postage Supplies Supplies Gravel Supplies Supplies Repairs Gasoline Gasoline & Oil Chemical Supplies Prof. Service Supplies Supplies Repairs & Labor Mileage Repairs Tele. Service Service Call & Keys Gravel Utilities Part, Labor & Service Repairs Insurance Coverage Supplies Gas Service Supplies Rent Gravel Supplies & Repairs Telephone Service Repairs Shop Towel Service Registration Supplies Utilities Deodorizer Service Gasoline & Oi1 Gasoline Supplies Repairs Supplies Supplies Electric Service Repairs Supplies Supplies Repairs Repair Chemical RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Chagnon, Arlene Emergency Protective Service Emergency Protective Service Goodwill Industries;. Hanson, Faye Hastings Utilities HastingsUtilities Hastings Utilities Hoffmeister, Mastin Miller Drs. Meyer, Garnet Finance & Accounting Yeagley, Marmion Mileage Foster Care Foster Care Emergency Assistance Mileage Utilities Hoopup Utilities Jtilities Prof. Service Revolving Fund Adm Cost for Quarter Emergency Assistance 3.137.91 66.87 264.56 184.63 9.549.10 11.51 6.96 32.26 3,703.52 109.05 1,271.25 136.91 251.46 125.84 138.76 1,898.73 13.34 242.36 42.62 317.10 6,803.50 404.37 Call 134.38 79.56 89.00 89.44 89.97 6.50 160.00 16,957.10 560.49 243.40 55.62 27.10 42.50 670.40 9.36 10.00 110.95. 4,076.19 235.10 120.40 1,350.00 792.33 74,57 14.96 361.65 1,767.50 170.00 68.00 4,048.93 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman. 61.53 35.00 770.00 20.00 12.60 35.00 50.00 140.94 40.00 121.32 336.72 79.00 268 , •, /ti *my emmumilmmm.— /s/ Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 7, 1985 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and 11:00 A.M. as a Board of Equalization Members present: Sole, and Gartner. Also present County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that we authorize exemption for the Literary Society of St. Catharine of Sienna for a Chev. Impala 4 Dr. Title No. 14G07657. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Sole that we set the valuation on ommitted property for Property 284 10092 at total of $43,375. and on property 284 10090 at total of $42,550. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Hearings were held for individual applications for exemption for Day Care Centers. Hearings were held for the following protests to the Board of Equalization 85-1 Ray Frentz Property I.D. 284 13644. Mr. Frentz appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 1 1-334. 85-2 Orville J. Kothe Personal Property. No appearance. 85-3 E. P. Grose. Property I. D. 284 01790. No appearance. 85-4 James C Naufel & Jewel Y Naufel. Property I. D. 290-00146. James Haufel appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 1 335-447/ 85-5 Kenton E and Marlene A Heuertz; Property I. D. 284-276260 Kenton & Marlene Heuertz appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 1 477-645. 85-6 Hastings Development Company a Missouri partnership and Double E Partnership, a Nebraska Partnership. Property I. D. 283 00400. James D. Smith, attorney; Perry Rankin, Realty, and Taylor Brown appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape lA 645 -end and Tape 1B1-316. 85-7 David D & Debora A Singh. Property I. D. 284 2764. Debora Singh appeared. Testimony recorded Tape 1B 317-409. 85-8 Hastings Mfg. Inc. d/b/a Hastings Equity Grain Bin Mfg. Property I.D, 284 00884. Attorney, Les Seiler appeared with Bill Langford. Testimony recorded on Tape 1B 409-673. Decisions to be made at a later date. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisor SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 269 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 14, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Teller, seconded by Malouf that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbeo, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks gave a report concerning the progress of Road work in the County. Motion by Teller, seconded by Malouf that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Sole, out and not voting. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Struss that the following resolution be adoptee RESOLUTION 85-5-14.1 WHEREAS, the Adams County Board of Supervisors recognizes the need for Central Nebraska to have suitable coumiercial air service in order for this area to experience future growth and economic development; and, recognizing that adequate flight schedules; good airlineconnections and competitive fares play an important role in our efforts to attract and retain job creating businesses; and, WHEREAS, the effects of the federal government deregulation on airlines, along with the recent changes in the airline industry, combined withchanges in the economic climate of Central Nebraska have prompted local government leaders to explore cooperative methods that will assure us of having essential air service in the future; and, WHEREAS it is most difficult in Central Nebraska for any one area to offer the number of air travelers necessary to support the kind of commercial air service needed and recognizing that our proximity to one another makes it advantageous to work together to meet our common needs; and WHEREAS, the Adams County Board of Supervisors recognizes that one airport serving the entire Central Nebraska travel market is required in order to provide the number of passengers necessary to attract and support good commercial airline service. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the body of the County of Adams to go on record in support of a cooperative bonafide effort to study the development of a new centrally located regional airport. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by the governing body of the County of Adams to propose and encourage that the City Councils, County Boards and Airport Aurthorities and Corporations in Adams, Buffalo and Hall County formally request from the FAA and the Nebraska Aeronautics Commission that a planning study grant for the development of a new airport be obtained and that they jointly provide local funding required. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Elderbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Sole that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections no. 8515-8521. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. 270 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Malouf, seconded by Bennett that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed and authorized to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. State, of Babcock, Laird Mo Bennett, Ellerbee Nebr. VS Robert E David D tors Sharon L M. B. J. C. Penney Company Bert's Rexall Drugs Bert's Pharmacy Bert's Pharmacy Brouillette, Larry Countryfare IGA Countryfare IGA Countryfare IGA Dewey, Mrs. Edith Dutcher, Edna Mae Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hohnstein, Gladys KN Energy, Inc. Rader Realty Rader Realty Rader Realty Rader Realty Rader Realty Salyards, Dr. Phyllis Southern Power Dist Stitt Apartments GENERAL FUND Shaw Jury Fees 1,631.73 Mileage & Travel Expenses 471.41 Vehicle Purchase 11,500.00 Mileage 41 00 Mileage 20 50 REVENUE SHARING FUND Blinds RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND This Board will now recess subject Medicine Prescriptions Prescriptions Rent Supplies Groceries Groceries Rent Rent Utilities Utilities Rent Utilities Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent Professional Service Utilities Rent to the call of the Chairman. 831.00 70.39 99.75 29.68 135.60 13.46 9.38 100.00 140.00 140.00 56.27 95.27 210.00 30.25 155.22 74.05 150.00 103.00 210.00 59.40 18.23 80.00 /s/ C COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA May 14, 1985 10:30 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Ga±tner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays; none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that we accept the proposed agreement of Trailblazer Pipeline Company and that the following resolutio be adopted: RESOLUTION 85-5-14 WHEREAS, the Board of County Supervisors did on this date meet as the County Board of Equalization for purposes of reviewing the value of PERSONAL PROPERTY REPORTED BY Trailblazer Pipeline Company (Trailblazer) for 1983 and 1984 and the attached Agreement, 271 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Agreement attached hereto and made a part hereof be and is adopted and approved by this County Board of Equalization this 14th day of May, 1985. Roll Call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Bennett that we grant exemption to the Salvation Army for a 1982 Van, title 14G07012, Roll call, ayes; Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Hearings on individual protests were continued. Protests 85-9 and 85-10 were withdrawn. 85-11 Valdean W. Kershner; Property I. D. 284-11220. Mr. Kershner appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 2-B 101 -End. 85-12 Valdean W and E. Elaine Kershner. Property I. D. 284-00838 Mr. Kershner appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 3A 1-111. 85-13 Valdean W. KERSHNER, ETUX; Property I. D. ,284-6354. Mr. Kershner appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 3A 111-232. 85-14 LeRoy A. Ochsner. Property I. D. 284-03712. Testimony recorded on 3A 233-374. Mr. Ochsner appeared. 85-15 Panel Realty Co. Property I. D. 283-00184. Mr. Max Prostok appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 3A 374-468. 85-16 Douglas P. Soucie. Property I. D. 284-016404. No appearance. 85-17 Protest withdrawn. 85-19 Grace C. VanBoening. Property I. D. 284-2534. LaVila VanBoening appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 3A 469-630. 85-20 Jeffrey Olson, Property I.D. 284-14946. Jeffrey Testimony recorded on Tape 3A 632 to end. 85-21 Margaret Peterson. Property I. D. 284-02266. Margaret Peterson appeared. Testimony Recorded on Tape 85-22. Margaret Peterson. Property I. D. 284-02144. appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 3B 116-237. 85-24 Don and Jeanne M. Theis. Property I. D. 40-2030. Don and Jeanne Theis appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 3B 333-481. 85-25 John Beiriger. Property I. D. 166-00340. John Beiriger Testimony recorded on Tape 3B 483-525. 85-26 John Beiriger. Property I. D. 166-00520. John Beiriger Testimony recorded on Tape 3B 525-573. 85-27 Withdrawn 85-28 Withdrawn 85-30 Thomas J Lauvetz. Property I. D. 283-08412. Tom Lauvetz appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 4A 1-153. 85-29 Jack F. Steiner. Property I. D. 284-00228. Jack Steiner appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 3B 574 -to end. 85-31 Alvin L Sassman, Property I.D. 284-02632. Alvin Sassman appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 4A 405-430. 85-32 Alvin L Sassman. Property I. D. 284-2520. Alvin Sassman appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 4A 431-500. Olson appeared. 3B 12-115. Margaret Peterson appeared. appeared. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 272 85-36 Wm. Detlor Stitt. Properties 283-00164; 283-00154; 283-00740; and 284-05594. Mr. Stitt appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 4A 157-404. This Board of Equalization will +ta recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of .•.-rrck4sors . COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 21, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner. Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried.. The County Attorney gave information to the Board concerning filling the vacancy created by the resignation of. Gordon Hansen as County Superintendent. A meeting was called for Tuesday 28th at 8:00 P.M. for the purpose of hearing input from the rural school districts. Motion by Malouf seconded by Struss that approval be given to application No. 85-121 for an Accessory living facility permit to place a mobile home on the EZ of the SE4 of Section 17, T8N, R10W of the 6th P.M. Adams County, NE with the condition that use be restricted to employees working in the Burr's farm operation and that the mobile home is subject to annaul renewal beginning in May 1986. Roll call, Ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we grant approval for application 85-122 for a final subdivision plat located in the NW4 of Section 16, T6N, RlOW, of the 6th P.M., Adams County, NE for Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rutt. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Sole that we grant approval for application 84-125. for a final subdivision plat located in the SW4 of Section 14, T6N, of the 6th P.M. Adams County, NE for Mr. and Mrs. Max Mohler, Jr. Check to be returned assoon as plat is filed. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that we grant approval to application 85-126 for a final plat of Mohlman Acres Subdivision located in the NE4 of Section 35, T8N, R9W, of the 6th P.M. Adams County, NE for John L Mohlman. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller that we grant approval to applica- tion 85-127 for a final plat approval of Pleasant Acres Subdivision located in the NW corner of Section 9, T6N, R11W of the 6th P.M., Adams County, NE for David Parr. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. 273 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this Board hold executive session for hearing a Relif-Medicalm claims. Roll call, ayes; Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Sole, out and not voting. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:40 A.M. Motion Bennett, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Struss, out and not voting. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:45 A.M. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Ellerbee that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, St•russ, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Co. Supervisors Co. Clerk's Office Co. Treasurer's Office Register of Deeds Office Co. Assessor's Office Co. Superintendent's Office Planning & Zoning Clerk of Dist. Court & Mental Health Bd. Public Defenders Office Courthouse Janitors Co. Extnesion Office Co. Sheriff's Office Co. Attorney's Office Communications Co. Jail Veterans Service Office Bennett, Sharon L Burchard, Minn i e Business Supply Col, Inc. City of Hastings Cornhusker Press Cosgrove, Madelyn Co. Superintendent Central Purchaseing Duthie, Eva Eakes Office Products Center, Eastern Nebr. Ambulance Serv. Gartner, Rena Hastings Utilities Hohlfeld, Gust Jones, Peggy S Keenan, Joyce Kinney, Richard W Lightner, Ed Lincoln Telephone Co. Midland Area Agency on Aging Milligan, Harry B Minnegasco Olie's Place Kids, C. H. NACO NACO GENE RAL Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Mileage Prior Service Office Supplies Share of Civil Def Office Supplies Prior Service Postage Office Supplies Prior Service Inc.Supplies Inc Payment of Contract Prior Service Utilities Prior Service Mileage'. Mileage Uniform Prior Service Tele. Sery Copies Mileage Gas Service Meals Prior Service Pre -Registration Pre -Registration 4375.00 7961.62 8326.87 3506.25 8382.85 1615.50 2678.05 4718.50 3255.40 3532.23 6330.08 20,123.80 9581.98 804.98 8602.05 3154.90 41.00 14.00 59.77 Salaries 787.79 164.97 14.00 21.33 4.70 14.00 19.60 7917.00 25.00 362.28 47.70 18.90 9.45 19.32 1.4.00 58.35 58.15 51.44 47.15 114.18 16.00 40.00 40.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 274 Reutlinger, Lila Kay & Reuben Schneider Systems Plus Story, Roscoe Social Security Matching Retirement Matching Road Harpham, Gilbert Heuertz, Harold Koch, David Mousel, Virgil Stromer, Paul Struss, Lambert Velder, Ray Social Security Matching Retirement Matching Library Social Security_ Matching . Retirement Matching Weed Control Social Security Matching Retirement Matching Prior Service Supplies Supplies Prior Service Matching Fund Matching Fund ROAD Salaries Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Servide Prior Service Matching Fund Matching Fund LIBRARY Salaries Matching; Fund Matching Fund WEED CONTROL Salaries. Matching Fund Matching Fund INSTITUTIONS Beatrice State Develop Center Hastings Reg. Center Lincoln Regional Center Norfolk Regional Center Hastings. Utilities Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care REVENUE SHARING Utilities VISITORS. PROMOTION Adams Co. Visitors Committee Expenses INHERITANCE Adams Co. Historical Society 1/12 of Contract 14.00 21.65 38.00 15.00 6740.79 3723.83 35368.03 14.00 13.00 25.00 12.00 13.00 12.00 19.00 2493.43 1407.71 1784.97 125.84 34.89 2204.07 162.44 110.60 180.00 4108.25 270.00 84.00 8324.62 6318.88 566.67 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 21, 1985 11:50 A.M. The Adams -Co. Boardof Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller,`Malouf and Gartner. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. 275 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that we grant exemption to Child Development Council for a 1974 Chev. Sta Wgn. Title 14G31027. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Ellerbee that we grant exemption to Tehema Temple for the following parade units, 1 2 Wheel Utility Trlr 1 1958 Ranchero 1 1971 Cadillac Jl 4Whl Tandem Trlr 1 2 Whl Trlr „1 Flat Bed Trlr 1 2 Wheel Utility Trlr 1 4 Whl Tandem Trlr Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we send notice to Roseland State Bank for omitted property to be valued at Land 3,095. Building 13,820. Total 16,915. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that exemption be denied for application 853E. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by 85E13 and listed in Ellerbee, carried. Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that we deny a portion of application declare the residence taxable with the balance of the property the application to be exempt. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion Motion by Sole, seconded by Bennett that we grant exemption to Churches applications 85E1, 85E2, 85E4 thru 85E12; 85E14; 85E17, 85E19 thru 85E45; 85E47, 85E48, 85E49, 85E50, 85E51, 85E57 and 85E106. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Ellerbee that we grant exmption to cemeteries applications 85E88 thru 85E105. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that we grant exemption to the basement of the building in application 85E58 but deny exemption for the living quarters upstairs. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Nays: Malouf and Gartner. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by, Ellerbee that we deny exemption for application 85E64. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Malouf that we grant exemption for parsonages in applications 85E16, 85E18, 85E46; 85E59; 85E61 thru 85E63; 85E65 thru 85E87; 85E57 and 85E106. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that we deny exemption for application 85E107. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Bennett that we grant exemption for applications 85E108; 85E109; 85E112; 85E113; 85E114; 85E119; 85E121; 85E122; 85E123; 85E124; 85E125; 85E126; 85E127; 85E128; 85E129; 85E130; 85E131; and 85E132. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that we deny exemption for application 85E111. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, 276 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that we grant exemption for applications 85E115, 85E116, 85E117; 85E118; and 85E120 with the exception of the portion which is farmed, the farmed portion being taxable. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that we grant exemption for applications 85E137 thru 85E146, and 85E148 thru 85E151. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller that we deny exemption on applications 85E182 thur 85E190: Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: Bennett, Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Bennett that we grant exemption for applications 85E152, 85E153 85E154, 85E155; 85E156, 85E158, 85E159; 85E160; 85E161 (second story ) 85E162; 85E163 (50%); 85E165; 85E166; 85E167, 85E172, 85E173, 85E174, 85E175, 85E176, 85E177 85E180. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Ellerbee that we deny exemption for application No. 85E157. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: Bennett, Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Bennett that we rescind action on Day Care Centers personal peoperty. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Ellerbee that we accept the figures supplied by the Fraternal and Veteran's organizations for the percentage of their buildings used for sale and consumption of liquor and apply the same percentage to the parking area. Elks 25%, DAV. 33%, American Legion, Hastings 25%; Hastings Columbian Holding Co. 24%; Eagles 24% and V.F.W. 33%. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf. Nays: Gartner. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. ff 41( / s / Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday May 28, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller, that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the 277 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks gave a report concerning the progress of roadwork in the County. Gary Carlson appeared to explain and discuss the activities of the South Central Development District and to invite the Board to pass a resolution to join the organization. He is to meet with Supervisor Teller to give further information and the matter will be considered later. Gerald Ryan appeared to present the request for funding for Midland Area Agency on Aging. They requetsted $12,000. for the fiscal year, the same amount requested in the previous and current fiscal years. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that this Board to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that this Board send a letter of intent to Ted Trambley for Region III stating our intent to fund the Region III, alcohol and drug programs at the same level as last year and any increases would be scrutinized carefully. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays; none. Ellerbee out and not voting. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none Motion carried. meeting recess Roll call, and Gartner. Bert's Pharmacy Bert's Rexall Drugs Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Rader Realty Redondo Motel Blue Cross & Blue Shield Blue Cross & Blue Shield Blue Cross & Blue Shield Blue Cross & Blue Shield This Board will now rece Board. /s/ Co. Clerk RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Medicine Medicine Utilities Utilities Utilities Ren t Lodging WEED CONTROL FUND Insurance Coverage COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Insurance Coverage ROAD FUND Insurance Coverage GENERAL FUND Insurance Coverage ect to the call of the Dep, ty 15.14 16.55 98.66 58.65 81.58 151.00 20.95 229.54 87.60 2914.69 8829.87 • Chairman of the SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA w 278 U N cd us aL • c) a) O ,moo c p ,—i •r1 wu CU cn 0 3 'd Z .,.; cidheA4ams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner-, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, 4-1 r -Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present o .uaicrwere Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 28, 1985 10:25 A.M. .Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller that we rescind action previously >taken and grant exemption for application 85E58 because of more complete nformation given. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. otion by Tellerseconded by Ellerbee that we correct VFW to 237o.acceptin • igures on addition not formerly considered. Roll call, ayes Sole, 4JBennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, and Gartner. ,M• otion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that we rescind our previous action and continue to give tax exemption to applicaiton 85E157. `Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. w7iNays : Sole. Motion carried. O otion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that we grant exemption to Zapplications 85E182, 85E183, and 85E184. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Bennett that we grant exemption for E'applications 85E185, 85E186. and 85E187. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we grant exemption for applications 85E188. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Ellerbee that we deny exemption to applications 85E189 and 85E190 as they do not qualify with private ownership. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that we grant exemption to Grace United Method4 Church for a 15 passenger van, Title No. 14G07878. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. The following are the individual decisions concerning protests to the Board of Equalization & weremade on motion and roll call vote. 85-1 Property I. D. 284 13644. The valuation for 1985 shall be Land 2,945. Improvements 28,400. Total 31,345. Present assessment equitable. 85-2 A grain bin located in PL SE4 27-7.11. The valuation shall be 1200. Valuation out of line with comparable properties. 85-3 Property I D 284-01790. Valuation to be: Land 20,570. Improvements 58,860. Total 72,430. Valuation out of line with market value. 85-4 Property I. D. 290-00146. The Valuation shall be Land 11,245. Improvements 66,035. Total 77,280. Value was adjusted by appraiser, Classification change. 85-5 Property I.D. 284-2762.60. The valuation to be Land 3,715. Improvements 57,660. Total 61,375. Present assessment equitable. 279 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 85-6 Property I. D. 283-00400. The valuation of Real Estate to be: Land 44,055: Improvements 197,580. Total 241,635. Valuation out of line with comparable properties and out of line with market value. 85-7 Property I. D. 284-2764. The valuation '` to be Land 2,800. Improvements 63,930. Total 66,730. Present assessment equitable. 85-8 Property I. D. 284-00884. The valuation to be: Land 86,815. Improvements 179,165. Total 265,980. on Real Estate. Out -of line with market value. 85-9 Withdrawn 85-10 Withdrawn 85-11 Property I. D. 284-11220. The valuation to be: Land 4,915._ Improvements 21,910. Total 26,825. Functional obsolescence. 85-12 Property I. D. 284-00838. The valuation Improvements37,430. Total 58,000. Out of lire to be: Land 20,570. with market value. 85-13 Property I. D. 284-6354. The valuation to b adjust for plumbing and heating changes . 85-14 Property I. D. Improvements 33,470 85-15 Property I. D. Improvements 54,645.' valuation. Leave as is except 284-03712. The valuation to be: Land 4,055, Total 37,525. 283-00184. The valuation to be:_,Land _34,055. Total 88,700. Valuation out of line with market 85-16 Property I. D. 284-16404. The valuation to be Land 3,635. Improvements 49,140, Total 52,775. Home is a Bi -Level and valuation was adjusted by appraisers. 85-17 Withdrawn. 85-18 Property I. D. Improvements 17,775.. 85-19 Property I. . D. Improvements 21,175. for depreciation. 284-03510. Valuation to be: Land 3,370. Total 21,145. Present assessment equitable. 284-2534. Valuation to be: Land 2,400. Total 23,575. Valuation was adjusted by appraisers 85-20. Property I. D. 284-14946. Valuation to be: Land 7,6.70. Improvements 47,950. Total 55,620. Valuation adjusted by appraisers for depreciation. Review next January. 85-21 Property I. D. 284-02266 Valuation to be Land 1,455. Valuation out of line with market value. 85-22 Property I. D. 284-02144. Valuation to be: Land 2,400 13,090. Total 15,490. Present assessment equitable. 85-23 Property I. D. 194-00780 Valuation to be: Land 970. 25,695. Total 26,665. Functional obsolescence. . Improvements Improvements 85-24 Property I. D. 40-0230 Valuation to be: 14,420. Land Improvements 208,815. Total 223,235. Omitted or undervalued property. 85-25 Property I. D. 166-00340. Valuation to be: Improvements 3,135. Land 29,265. Total 32,400. Out of line with Market valuation. 85-26 Property I. D. 166-00520. Valuation to be Land 66,850. Improvements 17,700. Total 84,550. Present assessment -equitable. 85-27 Protest Withdrawn 85-28 Protest Withdrawn 85-29 Property I. D. 283-00228. Valuation to be: Land 28,355., Improvements 26,910 Total 55,265. Out of line 4:U21 -market iahmarket valuation. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 85-30 Property I. D. Improvements 31,110. 85-31 Property I. D. Improvements 11,690. 85-32 Property I. D. Improvements 21,990. 85-33 Property I. D. Improvements 72,175. 85-34 Withdrawn 283-08412. Valuation to be: Land 17,020. Total 48,130. Present assessment equitable. 284 02632. Valuation to be: Land 1,785. Tota 13,475. Present assessment equitable. 284-2520. Valuation to be_:': Land 2,400. Total 24,390. Present assessment equitable. 284-14898. Valuation to be: Land 8,680. Total 80,855. Presentassessment equitable. 85-35 Property 284-08654. Valuation to be: Land 4,200 Improvements 9,800. Total 14,000. Out of line with market value. 85-36 Property I. D. 283-00164. Land 28,355. Improvements 66,485. Total 94,840. No income statement provided. Property I.D. 283-00154. Land 28,520. Improvements 208,475. Total 236,995. No income statement provided. Property I. D. 283-00740. Valuation to be: Land 11,500. Improvements 28,655. Total 40,155. No income statement provided. Property I. D. 284-05594. Valuation to be: Land 4,520. .Improvements 45,480. Total 50,000. Valuation out of line with Market value. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we authorize the Assessor to impose penalties as follows: Those that would be 50% reduce to 10%; those that would be 10 reduce to 0 on the first offense. No reduction in penalty to be given on subsequent late filings. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Ellerbee, out and not voting. Motion carried. This is the final meeting of the Board of Equalization dealing with Exempt property applications and protests to the Board of Equalization. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. is/ Co. Clerk /s/ Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, June 4, 1985 10:45 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present were Beverley D. Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion Church ayes: Nays: by Malouf, seconded by Teller that we grant exemption. to the of the Nazarene for a 1976 Dodge Van, Title 14F22467. Roll call, Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. none. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess Chairman of the Ad Coufity Board of Supervisor k subject /s/ Co. Clerk to the call of the /s/ Chairman 281 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, June 4, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 85-6-4 WHEREAS: Certain roads and streets in said County have been designated as being eligible for Federal funds by; the Federal Highway Administration in compliance with Federal Laws pertaining thereto, and, WHEREAS: Said County desires to improve a certain portion of the County Road System in said County, more fully described hereinafter, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Department of Roads is hereby requested to act for said County and to program for construction that portion of County Road described as approximately 1/4 mile west of the NE corner of Section 20, Township 7 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M. Adams County, Nebraska and which construction includes: Railroad Crossing Protection (gates). The ESTIMATED cost of such improvement Railroad Crossing Gates $110,000.00. ESTIMATED Total for Project $110,000.00. Surveys and Plans will be made by State of Nebraska Dept. of Roads. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Chairman of the County Board is hereby authorized to sign this resolution on behalf of said Board and that the County Board hereby approves the above contemplated construction prior to first submitting of said project to the Federal Highway Administration. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That sufficient funds of said County are now, or will be, available and are hereby pledged to the Department of Roads in the amount and at the required time for the purpose of matching Federal Funds available for the contemplated construction, said amount to be 57 of the project. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that we award the contract for purchase of grader blades to Island Supply for the low bid of $15,696. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and GaFtner. Nays: none. Motion carried. The County Attorney instructed the Board concerning laws concerning the appointment of someone to fill the vacancy in the office of the County Superintendent. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussion of applications and to protect individuals. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Nalouf and Gartner. , Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:30 A.M. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 282 Motion by Struss, seconded by Ellerbee that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:00 A.M. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that the reports of County Fair, Jail Food, Jail, County Clerk,County Library, Planning & Zoning, County Sheriff, Register of Deeds, Clerk of District Court, and Car Titles be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays; none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 8523 thru 8533. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Elelrbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Ellerbee that this meeting be recessed to allow the supervisors to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Garnter. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that the miscellaneous receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors proceedings. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays; none. Motion carried. 8029 Noxious Weed Control 277.13 8030 Olie's Place 100.00 8031 Adams Co. Sheriff's Dept 737.50 8032 First Interstate Bank 2,970.77 8033 Brock, Seiler & Smith 5.70 8034 Adams Co. Superintendent 29.32 8035 State of Nebraska 1,728.92 8036 State of Nebraska 102.00 8037 County Road 10.00 8038 State of Nebr. 30,949.50 8039 Roseland State Bank 2,474.55 8040 City Nat'l Bank 1,041.12 8041 Adams Co. Clerk 76.58 8042 Tim Pearson 10.00 8043 Adams Co. Clerk 25.90 8044 Lawrence Konen 24.38 8045 Gilbert Trausch 90.00 8046 Wilson Concrete 5.00 8047 Adams County Court 1,752.00 8048 Estate of MargaretC. Smidt 864.30 8049 Estate of Mary E. Showalter 1,176.00 8050 Adams County Bank 287.55 8051 Norwest Bank 893.84 8052 Register of Deeds 540.10 8053 Village of Kenesaw 1,092.00 8054 State of Nebraska 432.00 8055 Jack W Kistler 122.40 8056 Gregg Brothers Inc 156.00 8057 County Road Dept. 10.00 8058 Kealy Construction Co. 156.90 8059 Adams County Court 58.80 8060 Adams County Court 10,627.19 8061 Adams Co. Court 85.00 8062 Adams Co. Court 171.24 8063 Adams Co. Court 100.00 8064 Flo B Stem Estate 3,081.36 8065 Ron's Golf Shop 510.37 8066 American Legion Post #11 25.00 8067 Jill Johnson 10.00 283 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 8068 Roger Buss 8069 State of Nebr. 8070 City National Bank 8071 Canc. 30.00 2,415.58 1,236.27 8072 State of Nebr. 277,975.51 8073 Clerk of Dist. Court 1,760.00 8074 Clerk of The Dist. Court 143.79 8075 Clavin McCutchen 2.42 8076 Clerk of Dist. Court 164.56 8077 Village of Juniata 720.00 8078 Clerk of Dist. Court 206.79 8079 Reuben L. Alberding Estate 1,527.22 8080 State of Nebr. 49,233.88 8081 Webster Co. Treasurer 958.34 8082 Register of Deeds 3,234.35 8083 Edith E Dimler Estate 1,763.05 8084 VOID 8085 Paul Ficken 10.00 8086 Chester E. Anderson 962.56 8087 Burr Land Contracting, Inc 129.00 8088 Eugene C. Parr 41.00 8089 Adams County Sheriff 16.72 8090 Midland Area Agency on Aging 210.00 8091 Lochland Const. Bd SID #1 87,400.00 8092 City Nat'l Bank 1,792.44 8093 Cancelled 8094 Village of Holstein 346.50 8095 County Clerk 3,090.00 8096 Adams Co. Ambulance Serv. 14.48 8097 Roseland State Bank 175.89 8098 Co. Clerk's Office 694.50 8099 Village of Roseland 318.00 8100 Kyle D. Huffaker 10.00 8101 State of Nebr. 2,726.92 8102 Adams Co. Bank 172.29 8103 State of Nebr. 95,819.00 8104 Bill Ground 109.00 8105 Bruce L. Uden 34.50 8106 Clerk of Dist. Court 151.00 8107 Co. Road Dept. 7.66 8108 John J Crowley Estate 165.69 8109 State of Nebraska 3,358.74 8110 State of Nebraska 126.69 8111 City Nat'l Bank 1,827.44 8112 Hall Co. Treasurer 4,720.00 8113 State of Nebr. 102.00 8114 Cancelled 8115 Roseland State Bank 1,944.43 8116 City Nat'l Bank 1,772.99 8117 Adams Co. Court 125.00 8118 Adams Co. Court 75.00 8119 Denver Township 1,150.00 8120 David Fredricks 15.50 8121 Adams Co. Ag Society 50.00 8122 Richard Johnson 187.25 8123 Adams Co. Sheriff 1,564.20 8124 Adams Co. Court 1,121.00 8125 Wanda Township 1,837.50 8126 David Morrow 25.88 8127 County Supt. 21.33 Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 284 GENERAL FUND Adams County Jail Food Acct. Adams Co. Senior Services Adams Co. Sheriff's Fee Acct. Adams Co. Sheriff's Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriff's Mileage Adams Co. Sheriff Adams ;Co. Treasurer Anderson, John Badger Uniforms Badger Uniforms Bancroft Whitney Co Bob Barker Company Big G Big G Big G Auto Service Booth, R. C. Enterprises Bramman, David L Bramman, David L Brown, Susan Brown, Susan Business Supply Co. Business World Products Butzirus, Patricia J Callaghan & Company Carrolls Derby Cash WayCandy Co. Chris's Car Wash City of Hastings Commercial Chem Mfg. Co. Commercial Electronics Inc. Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Cotter Charge Card Data Software & Consulting Serv. Dept. of Ag. Communications Dirks, John Dirks, John Dudek, Norman D Dudek, Norman Eakes Office Products Center Inc. Eakes Office Equipment Co. Eakes Office Products Center Eastman Kodak Company Egan Supply Co. Elna Sewing Center Executive Copier Systems Fangmeier, Dale Firestone Fischer, Dick Foto Fast Franklin's, Ben Gewecke, Wilbur R Gibson Products Co. Gingrich, Wil E Grace's Locksmith Service Gray, Valerie Great Western Supply Grothen, Eldon Hastings/Adams Co. Civil Defense Hastings, Charles W Hastings Family Practice Hastings Greenhouse Hastings Paint & Decorating Inc. Hastings Paint & Decorating Inc. Hastings Pathology Associates Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilites HEDC Industrial Chemical Lab Revolving Food Act. Handi-Bus Fees Mileage Postal Services Service Charge Revolving Fund Registration Mileage & Expenses Uniforms Uniforms Supplies Provision & Clothing Supplies Supplies Maint. Tam Books. Clothing Maint. Maintenance Misc. Mileage & Expenses Supplies Supplies Mileage & Meals Supplies Gasoline & Maint. Supplies Maint. Civil Defnese Expense Supplies Radio Repair Supplies Supplies Law Enforcement Supplies Supplies Clothing Maint. Court Service Fee Clothing Maint. Mileage Supplies Copier Rental Copier Rental Micro Film Supplies Supplies Supplies Copier & Supplies Supplies Maintenance Postage Supplies Supplies Postage Supplies Clothing Maint. Keys Board Member Mileage Supplies Board Member Mileage 3rd Qtr Billing Professional Service Medical & Hospital Flowers Supplies Supplies Autopsy Advertising & Supplies CNEMS Utilities County Contribution Janitorial Supplies 1239.78 3267.07 707.37 8.45 2.50 763.55 120.00 158.27 164.37 86.01 145.85 158.65 19.96 82.50 108.98 418.00 35.00 5.25 55.66 116.45 177.99 303.79 39.43 30.00 904.40 34.80 27.50 790.73 159.05 354.10 41.52 87.35 42.99 349.40 314.60 35.00 45.00 35.00 4.60 471.94 1047.23 65.51 196.50 171.15 31.57 1793.00 5.16 94.12 17.00 20.42 14.16 78.00 197.85 35.00 15.15 5.42 66.53 9.41 3184.68 195.00 98.00 71.28 3.49 26.26 400.00 824.23 14.44 1666.74 25.41 285 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Information Systems Inc Jacobitz, Frances Keith's Pharmacies Kemp, M. Glenn Kemp, M. Glenn Kohl, Adam Insurance King, Ron Laird Motors, Inc. Langvard, Arthur R Largent, Dorothy Law Enforcement Equipment Co, Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Col Magee, Gregg Magee, Gregg Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital McCord, Monty McGath, David B Meals on Wheels Micek, G. A. DDS Midland Area Agency on Aging Mid Nebraska Retardation Serv. Mid State Distributing Co. Mid State Distributing Co. Martin Miller Travel Modern Methods Inc. Motorola Inc. Mousel, Wayne Mulliner, Robert My Place Restaurant Nebraska Correctional Ind. Nebr. Co. Attorneys Nebr. Crime Couuuission Nebr. Farm Bureau Federation Nebraska Pest Control Nebr, Reporters Service Nebr. Reporters Service Nelson, Luwane Nelson, Luwane Northwestern Bell Office of Public Defender;;,; Overhead Door Pavelka, Michael Pegler Sysco Food Service Center Peterson, Larry C Peterson, Larry Peterson, Michael V Pettengill, Don Pettengill, Donald Pettengill, Donald D Phelps County Treasurer Plambeck, Sandy Platte Valley Communications Inc. Postmaster Quinlan Publishing Co. Quinlan Publishing Co. Radio Shack Radio Shack Reaman, Kimberly Redfield & Company Inc. Region III Rennick, Larry D Revolving Fund Revolving Fund Revolving Fund Revolving Fund Revolving Fund Revolving Fund Supplies Board Member Mileage Supplies Clothing Maintenance Travel Expenses Bonds Reserve Deputies Board Member Mileage Maintenance Professional Service Supplies Law Enforcement Supplies Telephone Service Hot Line Date Processing Telephone Serv. Mileage Court Service Fees Medical &Hospital Medical Expenses Supplies Mileage & Registration Monthly Contribution Professional Service County Contribution County Contribution Supplies Freight Travel Expenses Supplies Supplies Board Member Mileage Mileage Meals Supplies Association Dues Supplies Equipment Pest Control Professional Services Professional Services Mileage & Expenses Miscellaneous Telephone Service Reim. Office Expense Service Call Clothing Maint. Jail Supplies Clothing Maint. Mileage Clothing Maint. Law Enforcement Clothing Maint. Mileage Telephone Service Board Member Mileage Radio Repair Postage Subscription Subscritpion Radio Repairs Radio Repairs Mileage & Expenses Supplies Co. Contribution Clothing Maint. Postage Reimbursement Reimbursement Reimbursement Reimbursement Work Study Program 10.00 12.56 63.05 35.00 385.48 180.00 6.89 233.23 640.00 6.65 12.70 153.13 117.30 57.00 Courthouse 1978.84 295.44 6.50 17.50 98.50 152.00 178.86 323.87 30.00 1000.00 1813.87 199.95 2.14 750.00 196.55 716.00 11.30 28.43 56.25 37.35 875.00 24.00 43.00 12.50 200.00 142.85 74.97 37.74 63.18 739.52 30.00 35.00 111.78 35.00 326.88 35.00 Supplies 147.23 35.00 378.00 327.97 14.24 96.25 2500.00 36.00 38.90 39.95 26.95 10.08 69.82 2360.73 35.00 2000.00 316.04 251.10 470.70 40.00 631.13 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 286 Revolving Fund Rogers, Inc. RSVP Rust, John Rust, John Rutt's Pharmacy Schakat, John Schroeder, Leonard Shada, Michael Shada, Michael Shepard's McGraw-Hill Shoemaker & Witt Sidlo, Gordon Sidlo, Gordon Sidlo, James W Siemers Printing Simmons, Billy C Simmons, Billy C Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories Smith, James D South Central Community Mental Health Center So. Central Couununity Mental Health Center State of Nebraska State of Nebraska Steve's Lawn Service Stromer, Marilyn Swanson, Paul Toogood, Arthur C Toogood & McGath Toogood & McGath Uniservice UNL Ag Communications Supplies Vaughans Printers Weaver Glass Company Whelan, Foote & Scherr P.C. Wiens, Glen Winkler, Maxine Woodwards Disposal Service Xerox Corporation Y.D.C. Geneva Adams County Visitors Reimbursement Equipment Contribution Clothing Maint. Mileage Medicine Clothing Maint. Board Member Mileage Mileage Clothing Maint. Law Library Professional Service Clothing Maint. Mileage Clothing Maint. Supplies Mileage Clothing & Maint Supplies Professional Service Counseling Therapy NetCom Telecommunications Lawn Service Board Member Mileage Mileage & Expenses Mileage Mileage & Tele. Expenses Attorney Fee Mop & Mat Service Supplies Supplies Supplies Professional Service Board Member Mileage Mileage & Expenses Disoposal Service Equipment Safekeeping VISITORS PROMOTION Expenses INHERITANCE FUND Removal of Trees COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Newell's Landscapes Unlimited Baker & Taylor Company Hastings Public Library Vaughans Printers Inc. REVENUE Data Software & Consulting Service Date Software & Consulting Serv. Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Center NCR Protex Systems Inc. WEED Adams County Hwy. Dept. Adams Co. Hwy. Dept. Supplies Bookmobile Services Supplies SHARING FUND Programming Supplies Equipment Equipment Supplies Equipment CONTROL FUND Gasoline & Oil Plstage 53.20 1610.00 125.00 35.00 487.55 60.85 35.00 11.30 273.30 35.00 114.50 80.00 35.00 85.26 35.00 29.30 249.30 35.00 140.65, 814.00 24.00 24.00 1004.69 541.44 180.00 7.94 95.05 94.71 106.54 102.52 36.90 18.45 92.05 5.85 498.46 8.57 10.71 87.70 549.00 275.00 2710.43 500.00 236.56 621.50 138.20 9855.00 109180 274.00 611.00 693.00 964.00 356.60 25.54 287 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Booth, R. C. Enterprises Cooperative Grain & Supply Cornbelt Chemical Co. Glenwood Telephone Co. Hastings Tribune Jahnke's Agri Home Center Kelly Supply Co. Laird Motors Inc. Sidles/Mr. Automotive Southern Power Dist. Tam Books Gasoline Chemical Tele. Service Advertising Supplies Chemical Supplies Repairs Electric Power RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Dennis & Janet Echternach Emergency. Protective Service Emergency Protective Service Grace Children's Home Hastings Utilities Keith's Pharmacies K N Energy, Inc. Livingston Butler Volland Funeral Livingston Butler Volland Funeral Livingston Butler Volland Funeral Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Nebr. Public Power Dist. Scalf, Eldon Sheffield, Dr. Bruce Tonniges, Tom F MC Adams Co. Hwy. Dept. Adams Co. Clerk American Expenses Travel Related Avers Ken Sharp -A11 Shop Big G Booth, R. C. Enterprises Bruners Sand & Gravel Business Supply Co., Inc. Contractors Supply Inc. Coop Grain & Supply Cornbelt Chemical Co. D -A Lubricant Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Eakes Office Products Center Foote, Judy Friends Motor Supply Garvey Elevators Glenwood Telephone Griffith, Gene H & M Equipment Co., Inc. Hastings Motor Truck Co. Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Hi -Line Motors Johnson Cashway Lumber Independent Bolt & Nut Kaco Supplies KN Energey, Inc. Kully Iron & Metal Co. Laird Motors Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincon Telephone Co. Linweld Mid City Auto Supply Midwest Service & Sales Co. Nebraska Correctional Inc. Nebr. Public Power Dist. Odorite Co. Foster Care Foster Care Foster Care Child Care Utilities Medicine Utilities Funeral Expenses Funeral Expenses Funeral Expenses Services Utilities Rent Services Services ROAD FUND Petty Cash & Plstage Paper Travel Expenses Repair Equipment Plat Books Gravel Supplies Repairs Gasoline Chemical Maintenance Supplies Supplies Mileage Supplies & Repairs Gasoline Telephone Service Equipment Gravel Repair Advertising Utilities Repairs Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas Service Repairs Repairs Gravel Repairs.,. Telephone Service Supplies Repairs Supplies Supplies Electric Service Deodorizer Service 53.41 32.11 147.50 9.28 112.50 6.98 45.86 13.20 6.97 29.34 27.08 10.00 30.00 12.17 63.61 33.34 58.41 1032.04 1540.00 1285.00 5.40 90.13 210.00 60.00 15.00 45.98 14.80 130.34 12.00 360.37 53.41 11009.90 6.96 836.00 48.31 353.30 1040.60 171.68 44.66 8.19 655.01 12.32 38.11 100.00 8826.84 500.00 136.59 164.94 4.96 75.37 137.64 6459.16 27.70 40.47 384.06 23,051.62 7730.04 255.65 46.15 25.00 1680.00 185.00 8.23 5.00 288 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Olsen, L. L. Oil Co. 0lsen`s Mini Mart Sidles/Mr. Automotive Southern Power District 3 -Points Tire Service Town & Country Seat Cover Un.iservice Inc. Westland Building Co.., Inc. Westland Building Co. Wheelers Farm Store Z & Z Equipment This Board will now Recess Board. /s/ Co. Clerk (3(1(4-1 h -e."16(- /s/ Dep y Gasoline Gasoline Repairs Electric Service Repairs Repairs Shop Towel Service Bridge Plans Engineering Services Supplies Supplies subject to the call of the 4418.51 186.97 1107.76 75.78 154.50 68.00 27.10 18.75 500.00 87.89 29.76 Chairman of the 289 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, June 11, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, absent. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Bennett that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerree, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. LaMoine Utecht appeared before the Board to discuss a drainage problem in the NE4 of the Sec. 12-7-10. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent indicated that the Road Dept. would study the problem to see what could be done to reach a solution. Mr. Parks gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He indicated that the steel was being delivered for the Lochland East bridge and that work would commence on that project... immediately if weather permitted. Discussion was held concerning a bridge over Pawnee Creek in Hanover township that had been closed because of a broken stringer. The matter will be studied and brought back to the Board next week. Joseph Helmann, Attorney, appeared to present the budget request for the County Law Library. They are requesting $4,600. which is the same amount requested the last two years. Lois Brink appeared to present the budget requests for two agencies: Meals on Wheels requesting $3,886. in County funding and R.S.V.P. requesting $1,500. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that this Board rescind Resolution No. 84-10-9. Roll Call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Ellerbee that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 85-6-11 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AND DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE COUNTY OF ADAMS, NEBRASKA TO PROCEED WITH THE ISSUANCE OF $10,000,000 IN PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ITS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS FOR THE PRUPOSE OF PAYING COSTS AND EXPENSES INCIDENT TO ACQUISITION BY THE COUNTY OF A PROJECT. WHICH MAY CONSIST OF ANY OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: (A) A TRACT OF LAND EITHER BY LEASE OR BY PURCHASE LOCATED IN ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA: (B) CERTAIN BUILDINGS, ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO BUILDINGS, AND (C) MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT AND OTHER ITEMS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY (COLLECTIVELY REFERRED TO AS THE "PROJECT"), AND TO PAY CERTAIN EXPENSES OF SUCH BOND ISSUE, WHICH COSTS AND EXPENSES ARE PRESENTLY ESTIMATED TO APPROXIMATE THE SUM OF $10,000,000, AND WHICH PROJECT WILL BE UTILIZED IN THE TRACE OR BUSINESS OF CADO I, A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP SUCH BONDS AND THE INTEREST THEREON TO BE PAYABLE SOLELY FROM THE REVENUES DERIVED BY THE COUNTY FROM SAID PROJECT. 290 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA WHEREAS, the County of Adams, Nebraska (the "County") is a body politic and corporate duly organized and existing as a county under the laws of the State of Nebraska and is authorized and empowered by the provisions of Section 2 of Article XIII of the Nebraska Constitution and Sections 18-1614 to 18-1623, R.R.S. Neb., 1943, as amended (the "Act"), to acquire one or more "prbjects", as that term is defined in the Act, and to issue revenue bonds for the purpose of paying the cost of acquiring the same; and WHEREAS, the County has been asked by CADO-I, A Limited partnership (the "Principal User"), to issue and sell its industrial development revenue bonds pursuant to the provisions of the Act in an amount sufficient to assure the payment of all costs and expenses incident. to the acquisition of any or all of the following: (a) a tract �r tracts of real estate either by lease or by purchase located within Adams County, Nebraska, (b) a building or buildings and/or an addition or additions to buildings (c) fixtures, machinery, equipment and other items of personal property, and (d) other related improvements (together, the "Project"), all of which will constitute a project as that term is defined in the Act; and WHEREAS, it is presently estimated that costs and expenses incident to acquisition of the Project will be approximately $10,000,000; and WHEREAS, it is intended that the Project will be utilized in the trade or business of the Principal User and/or a parent, subsidiary or affiliate thereof, and that the lessee therof from the County will be either the Prin- dipal User or an individual, corporation or partnership in some manner affiliated with the Principal User (the "Lessee") to be hereafter determined upon; and WHEREAS, the Principal User has agreed to indemnify the County for any claims against the County and for any costs incurred by it in connection with the proposed bond issuance; and WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and advisable that the County take such action as may be required under the Act to authorize and issue its revenue bonds for such purpose in order to promote, develop and advance the general prosperity and economic welfare of the people of. Nebraska; and WHEREAS, a Memorandum of Agreement has been prepared setting forth the respective agreements and undertakings of the County and the Principal User with respect to the issuance by the County of its revenue bonds for the purpose of acquiring the Project; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County wishes to declare its intention to authorize an issue of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds of the County qualifying under Section 103 (b) (4) or (6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, for the purpose of paying the cost of acquiring the Project, when so requested by the Principal User, upon such terms and conditions as may then be agreed upon by the County, the Principal User, the Lessee (if other than the Principal User) and the purchasers of the bonds., fi: o NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE COUNTY OF ADAMS, NEBRASKA: Section 1. The County does hereby declare its intention to authorize the issuance of its Industrial Development Revenue Bonds in one or more additional series under and in accordance with the applicable statutes of the State of Nebraska, and particularly the Act, in such amounts and upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by the County, the Principal User, the Lessee (if other than the Principal User) and the purchaser or purchasers of the bonds, for the purpose of paying all costs and expenses incident to acquisition of the Project which will be located in Adams County, Nebraska and leased to the Lessee, the issuance of the bonds to be authorized by the Board of Supervisors of the County at a meeting to be held for such purpose and to be subject t� (a) the receipt by the County of an agreement on the part of the Principal User to indemnify the County for any claims against the County in connection with the proposed bond issue, (b) the approval of the County, upon advice of the County Attorney, of the final documentation, and (c) receipt at the closing with respect to the sale of such bonds of an approving legal opinion of Section 2. The Principal User and the Leseee (if other than the Principal User) are authorized to use "interim" or "construction" financing until the bonds are issued and to use the Project prior to the issuance of the bonds. 291 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ao Section 3. This Resolution is hereby declared to constitute official action of the County to evidence its intent to issue Industrial Develop- ment Revenue Bonds qualifying under Section 103 (b) (4) or (6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. Section 4. A Memorandum of Agreement, substantially in the form and of the content set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto, be entered into with the Principal User. Section 5. The Bonds, when issued, and the interest theron, will be payable solely out of the revenues derived from the leasing of the Project and shall never constitute an indebtedness of the County within the meaning of any State constitutional provision or statutory limitation, and shall not constitute nor give rise to a pecuniary liability of the County or a charge against its general credit or taxing powers. Section 6. This Resolution shall be in full force andeffect from and after its passage as provided for by law. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that the Chariman be authorized to sign the Memorandum of Agreement with CADO I,.A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss;'Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Ellerbee that the Chariman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 8534 thru 8537. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner.. Sole, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that session for discussion of a personnel matter Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner Motion carried. Executive session began at this Board hold'executive . Roll call, ayes: Bennett, . Sole, absent. Nays: none. 1:30 P.M. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Ellerbee that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried.. Regular session resumed at 2:40 P.M. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that we appoint Glen Larsen to fill the remainder of the unexpired term of County Superintendent, said term to expire January 8, 1987. Roil call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Sole, absent. Motion carried. Officers and Department Heads met with the Board and Mel Reineke from Data Software and Consulting Services to discuss the status of the programming for the computer system. The Board requested estimates of costs for the budget preparation. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Cataphote Division Island Supply Island Supply Park Place GMC Sharon L Bennett Floyd Anstine Bert's Rexall ROAD FUND Pavement Beads Grader Blades Steel & Guardrail Pickup GENERAL FUND Mileage RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Rent Prescriptions 4881.06 15696.00 14873.69 7734.62 41.00 165.00 64.41 292 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Hastings Utilites Bert's Rexall Bert's Rexall Drugs Bert's Rexall Drugs Larry Brouillette Countryfare IGA Mrs. Edna Dutcher Eastern Ambulance Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Hastings Family Practice Hastings General Surgery Hastings Radiology Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Alton Jackson Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mobile Home Ranch Dr. Dale Nitzel Rader Relaty Rader Realty Rader Realty Rader Realty Rader Realty University House Ray Wolfe Utilities Prescriptions Prescriptions Prescriptions Rent Sundries Rent Ambulance Gas Office Call Professional Service Professional Service Utilities Utilities Rent Hospitalization Rent Professional Service Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent Loding Rent This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. 35.97 126.31 26.02. 58.70 175.00 20.00 140.00 42.80 130.41 13.90 222.50 138.90 113.61 14.77 235.00 1672.74 142.50 42.85 125.00 276.70 154.20 185.00 210.00 16.00 115.00 Chairman of the COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, June 11, 1985 10:45 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Bennett Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, absent. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk,Anita Hawes. Motion by Malouf seconded by Struss that we grant exemption to the Nebraska District Church of the Nazarene for a 1985 Oldsmobile I.D. # 1G3BY69Y2F9072769. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. /s/ 293 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, June 18, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chariman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Discussion was held concerning the replacement of the bridge that is closed in Hanover Township. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that we declare an emergency and move Project C1-88 from the VI year Plan to the I Year Plan and replace the bridge that is closed because it is unsafe for travel with a steel and concrete bridge. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Attorney Anderberg explained the claim for discovery costs in the Loschen case and indicated that the costs were shared by four counties. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Sole that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION No. 85-6-18 WHEREAS, due to unanticipated requirements essential to the administration of justice, the perservation of public health, welfare and safety there exists an emergency in the budget appropriations of miscellaneous funds within the General Fund; there is no sufficient money appropriated to complete business for the balance of the fiscal year, and WHEREAS, there are sufficient unused appropriated moneys in the General Fund and the total General Fund expenditures have not exceeded the budget appropriated, and it is essential to the government of Adams County and the welfare of the people of Adams County that certain offices and Miscellaneous funds be increased by emergency appropriation, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLiED that there is hereby appropriated and allocated to the offices and departments as follows: OFFICE OR DEPARTMENT INCREASE IN APPROPRIATION TOTAL APPROPRIATIOP Public Defender 4,950.00 80,525.21 County Sheriff 1,700.00 362,198.00 Data Processing 300.00 38,450.00 Communications 1,950.00 51,342.20 Jail 350.00 181,819.00 Veterans Service Office 850.00 48,562.00 Office Equipment Repair-Misc.. 175.00. 1,035.00 Copier/Micro Film-Misc. 1,600.00 21,600.00 Planning/Zoning 300.00 42,215.47 Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Ellerbee that the bond of Mina Jane Snell as Juniata Township Clerk be approved. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that the bonds of the Reserve Deputy Sheriffs in the amount of $6,000 each be approved: DeWayne L. Curtis; Daniel J Soterin; James V. Connely; George A. Wasson Jr.; Christine A. Kemp; Marvin C. Hartman. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Larry Bauer appeared to demonstrate to the Board aerial photos that could be used for assessment purposes. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 294 Motion by Sole, seconded by Struss that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 8538-8549. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Struss that this Board hold executive session to hear a Relief -Medical claim. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:50 A.M. Motion by Bennett, seconded session. Roll call, ayes: Malouf and Gartner. Nays: resumed at 11:00 A.M. by Struss that this Board resume regular Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, none. Motion carried. Regular session Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that this Board hold executive session for discussion of a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:10 A.M. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:25 A.M. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that the County help fund the new Communication Center to be located in the new fire station with payments of $27,000 in July of 1985 and $27,000 in July of 1986. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: Sole and Struss. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller that we approve the plat of Subdivision. Application 85-134, for a 6.939 acre tract of land in the NZ of Section 16, T7N, R11W, of the 6th P.M. Adams County Dr. James M. Walter, applicant. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carrie Walter located , NE. , Ellerbee, d. Discussion was held concerning the failure of the Legislature to provide funding for required County Audits. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. INSTITUTIONS FUND Norfolk Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Beatrice State Develop Center Hastings Regional Center Adams Co. Historical Society Hartman, Marvin Hastings Utilities NCR Corporation Weed Control Road Patient Care -May Patient Care -May Patient Care -May Patient Care -May INHERITANCE FUND 93.00 279.00 186.00 3,488.68 Payment 566.67 REVENUE SHARING FUND Reimbursement Service Maintenance Agree WEED CONTROL FUND Salaries ROAD FUND Salaries 80.73 9,404.89 667.26 2,452.06 38,984.07 295 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Harpham, Gilbert Stromer, Paul Mousel, Virgil Struss, Lambert Heuertz, Harold Adams County Hwy Dept Velder, Ray Koch, David County Library Baker & Taylor Co. Helen D. Boye, Ulverscroft Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Misc. Prior Prior Service Service Service Service Service Expenses Service Service LIBRARY FUND Salaries Books Books GENERAL FUND County Supervisors County Clerks Office County Treasurers Office Register of Deeds Office County Assessors Office County Supt. Office Planning & Zoning Clk of Dist Crt. & Mental Health Public Defender's Office Janitors Extension Office Sheriff's Office Co. Attorneys Office Communications Jail Veterans Service Office Adams County Clerk Adams County Court Armstrong, Sandra Blum, Helen Burchard, Minnie M. Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. BWP World Products BWP World Products BWP World Products Buhr, Dan Central Purchasing City of Friend City of Hastings Civil Defense Office Clerk of Dist. Court Clerk of the Supreme Ct. Cornhusker Press Cosgrove, Madelyn County Supt. Duthie, Eva Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Equipment Co. Eakes Office Products Eakes Office kroducts Eakes Office Products Eastern Nebr. Ambulance Serv. Educational Service Unit #9 M B Ellerbee Executive Copier Systems Fischer, Dick Flesner, Anne Gray, Valerie Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Paper Jury Mileage & Meals Supplies Prior Service Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Mileage Supplies Utilities Paper Copies Copies Court Fees Docket Fee State Cards Prior Service Postage Prior Service Supplies Supplies Supplies Payment Maintenance Agreement Maint. Agreement Capitol Outlay Payment Film Library Serv. Mileage Paper Postage Prior Service Mileage 14.00 13.00 12.00 12.00 13.00 23.62 19.00 25.00 1,730.64 373.19 162.50 4,375.00 8,350.42 8,745.37 3,456.19 8,087.59 803.00 2,577.25 4,832.50 3,255.40 3,556.16 6,330.08 19,221.09 9,581.98 695.47 8,724.68 3,154.90 156.60 417.25 46.33 12.24 14.00 59.38 56.19 85.35 52.65 340.00 1.96 23.90 12.85 10.67 19.20 100.37 40.80 124.30 945.11 50.00 34.93 14.00 30.28 14.00 46.33 9.48 26.15 160.22 120.00 60.00 403.20 7,917.00 690.00 20.50 449.80 22.00 57.70 5.42 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 296 Grothen, Eldon Mileage 9.41 Hartman, Marvin Expenses 10.18 Hastings Daily Tribune Subscription 57.20 Hastings Utilities Utilities 313.66 Hawes, Anita M Reimbursement 93.02 Hayne, Rachel Prior Service 50.00 Hoagland, Orville Prior Service 34.62 Holiday Inn Lodging 132.00 Independent Business Machine Sery Maintenance Agreement 150.00 Jacobitz, Frances Mileage 12.56 Johnsons Pharmacy Supplies '1.03 Kearney County Atty Office Keenan, Joyce Kidd, C. H. King, Ron Lightner, Ed Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone. Co, Meister Publishing Co. Milligan, Harry B Minnegasco Moeller, Julia Mousel, Wayne Olies Place Plambeck, Sandy Postmaster Postmaster Reutlinger, Lila Schroeder, Leonard Siemers Print Story, Roscoe Stromer, Marilyn Shaw, Shirley Systems, Plus Talley, Jean Talley, Jean Theobold, A. J. Postoffice Postoffice Wiens, Glen This Board will now recess subject Board of Super isors /s/ Co. Clerk Discovery Costs Mileage Prior Service Mileage Prior Service Service Service Subscription Supplies Service Mileage & Expenses Mileage JurorsMeals Mileage Box Rent Box Rent Prior Service Mileage Supplies Prior Service Mileage Mileage Supplies Rent Rent Prior Service Box Rent Box Rent Mileage to the call of the Chairman 2,481.24 16.80 16.00 6.89 24.00 122.77 42.55 24.00 4.90 10.27 56.48 11.30 21.16 14.24 53.00 53.00 14.00 11.30 31.66 15.00 7.94 14.49 9.95 145.00 145.00 92.32 42.00 53.00 8.57 of the COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NE Tuesday, June 18, 1985 10:15 A.M. The AdamsCounty Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk,Anita Hawes. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that we grant exemption to Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society for a 1983 Dodge RAM title No. 14F43937. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Ellerbee that we grant exemption to United Methodist Church for a 1967 School Bus Title No. 14F33596. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the 297 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Adams County Board of Supervisors COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, June 25, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the as per public notice given Roll call, members present Gartner. Ellerbee, absent Adams County Board of Supervisors was held with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 8550-8560. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Ellerbee, absent. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Supterintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. Budgets presentations were made for County Library, County Visitors' Promotion and the Adult Probation Office. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of contract negotiations. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Elerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:25 A.M. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Ellerbee, absent. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 12:00 noon. Joe Ballweg appeared concerning the bonding of the Veteran's Service Committee. Decision will be made as soon as new law is effective in September. Budget presentations were made for Historical Society, Institutions, Employment Security and Relief -Medical Funds. Carl Sanderson representing the Independent Insurance Agents of Hastings appeared to inform the Board of an anticipated 60% increase in the cost of insurance to the County. Motion by Teller, seconded by Struss that the transfers of funds to Escrow be as follows: SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 298 From General to Escrow From Revenue Sharing to Escrow From Road to Escrow 3,265.18 1,633.53 38,757.75 Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Teller, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Bennett that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Ellerbee, absent. Motion carried. Berts Rexall Drugs Douglas, Harold Hastings. Internal Medicine Hohnstein, Gladys Hohnstein, Gladys Rader Realty Rader Realty Stitt, Albert Blue Cross & Blue Shield Business World Products Dats Software & Consulting Redfield & Co. Blue Cross & Blue Shield RELIEF MEDICAL Prescriptions Rent Payment Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent GENERAL FUND Insurance Equipment Sery Services Supplies ROAD FUND 48.13 150.00 53.10 71.50 66.00 52.00 98.70 50.00 8,839.87 910.00 63.38 315.95 Insurance 3,029.46 LIBRARY FUND Blue Cross & Blue Shield Insurance WEED CONTROL FUND Insurance This Board will now recess subject to the call of theCh.irman of. the Board of Supervisors. Blue Cross & Blue Shield 87.60 229.54 ( /s/ County Clerk /s/ Depu y COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, Tuesday, June 25, 1985 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Anita Hawes. NEBRASKA 10:30 A.M. as a Board of Equalization Roll call, members present: Gartner. Ellerbee, absent. Assessor and County Clerk, Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that we grant exemption to Gingerbread Play School, Inc. for a 1970 Ford Van Title No. 14F44483. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. 299 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Struss, seconded by Bennett that we send notice property on parcel number 129 00850.1 current value $510. ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. /s/ Co. Clerk /s Dep ty of ommitted Roll call, Ellerbee, call of the COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 2, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the AdamsCounty Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. City Nat'l Bank & Trust Co. State Sociel Security Bureau State Social Security Bureau Adams Co. Treas. KN Energy, Inc. Hastings Utilities GENERAL FUND Safety Box Deposit 15.00 Social Security Match 23.42 ROAD FUND Social Security Match 2.27 RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Emergency Assistance Utilities Utilities 147.62 55.52 50.30 Representative of the Central Nebraska Council on Alcoholism appeared to requesting funding in the coming fiscal year in the amount of $7,500. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we approve the contract with the State Auditor's office and authorize the Chairman to sign the same providing for that office to audit Adams County. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Bennett that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. E561 thru 8572. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, and Gartner. Nays: none. Malouf, out and not voting. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Bennett that we accept the listing of delinquent taxes and special assessments provided by the County Treasurer and authorize the Treasurer to write tax sale certificates on all parcels on which taxes are due two years last past. Roll call, ayes: Sole, SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 300 Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that we accept the Return Report concerning the collection of Distress Warrants from the Sheriff's office and place the same on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that we approve the bond of Glen L. Larsen as County Superintendent in the amount of $1,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays, none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that we approve the appointment of Wilbur Katzberg, RFD 1, Juniata, to fill the remainder of theunexpired term of Ryal Reis on the Planning Commission. Roll call,ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Teller, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that we rescind our previous action and disallow the claims of Mary Lanning Hospital in the amount of $1,572.74; Hastings Pathology in the amount of $42.10;. Hastings Anesthesiologists in the amount of $122.00; and Dr. Mastin in the amount of $556.50 as the client is not eligible. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Struss that this Board hold executive session for discussion of a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Benentt, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 2:25 P.M. Motion by Malouf, seconded session. Roll call, ayes: Malouf and Gartner. Nays: resumed at 3:02 P.M. by Teller that this Board resume regular Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, none. Motion carried. Regular session The Chairman appointed the County Attorney, County. Sheriff and Supervisor Ellerbee to act as a negotiation Committee to bargain with the F.O.P. This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. 301 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 9, 1985. 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams public notice given with Dale W. members present: Sole, Bennett, Gartner. County Board of Supervisors was held as per Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss scheduled public meeting of the Adams notice of this meeting has been given Tribune and by posting. An agenda wa was kept currently amended and posted call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Nays: none. Motion carried. that this meeting is a regularly County Board of Supervisors and public by publication in the Hastings Daily s available to the members and an agenda in the County Clerk's office. Roll Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Roger Parks gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County and then made budget presentations for the Road Fund, Weed Control Fund and County Surveyor. Requests were made for helping fund the Communication Center in the New Fire Station. County Treasurer, Julia Moeller presented the budget request for the Treasurer's Office. Dr. Tom Tonniges and a group representing the Child Development Council requested county participation of $12,000. in addition to the facilities to help with Abused and Neglected Children. They indicated the increase in use of the facilities and the increase in number of sexually abused children being helped and expressed a need for counseling ; for these children. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, and Gartner. Malouf, out and not voting. Nays: none. Mdtion carried. Budget presentations were made by the County Clerk, Clerk of the District Court, Buildings & Grounds, County Assessor, Veterans Service Officer and Veteran's Aid Fund, County Attorney, Data Processing, County Superintendent Micro -Film & Copier Budget and a request was made by Mid -Nebraska Mental Retardation Service. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that this Board hold executive session for discussion of a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes; Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, and Gartner. Malouf, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 4:15 P.M.. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that this Board resume:_ regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 4:35 P.M. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Telfer that we approve the release of JC0015 OMVS9 covering CUSIP No.(313388LC2) in the amount of $200,000. to City Nationa Bank and Trust Co. Hastings, and the release of 0037 OMVS9 covering CUSIP No. (313388HE3) in the amount of $200,000. to City National Bank & Trust Co. Hastings. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. MOtion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Sole that the reports of Register of Deeds Car Titles (2), County Fair (2), Clerk of District Court (2), Sheriff, County Library, Planning & Zoning and County Clerk, Jail and Jail Food Account be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Sole, seconded by Ellerbee that the Chairman is hereby authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 8573 thru 8575. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 302 Motion by Struss, seconded by Ellerbee that the Miscellaneous receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors' Proceedings. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner Nays: none. Motion carried. 8128 Estate of Hazel DeWitt 8129 Hazel DeWitt Estate -, 8130 John W. Schuiin.acher 8131 Treasurer of City of Hastings 8132 Olie's Place 8133 State of Ne. 8134 CANCELLED 8135 Gregg Brothers Inc. 8136 Hastings Utilities 8137 State of Nebr. 8138 State of Nebr. 8139 State of Nebr. 8140 Adams Co. Court 8141 Cancelled 8142 Cancelled 8143 Adams Co. Court 8144 Adams Co. Court 8145 Adams Co. Court 8146 Adams Co. Court 8147 Estate of Anna A Mohling 8148 Estate of Anna A Mohling 8149 Adams Co. Court 8150 Adams Co. Clerk 8151 Estate of Paul C Larsen 8152 Adams Co. Ambulance Service 8153 Hastings City Treasurer 8154 City Nat'l Bank 8155 Register of Deeds 8156 Clerk of the Dist. Court 8157 Clay County Clerk 8158 Loyd Kirkover 8159 Adams Co. Bank 8160 Hastings State Bank 8161 Clerk of the Dist. Court 8162 Clerk of the Dist. COurt 8163 Clerk of the DIst. Court 8164 Webster Co. Clerk 8165 Silver Lake Township 8166 Harold Konen 8167 Pat Danehey 8168 Orin Anderson 8169 Lloyd Wright 8170 Clerk of the District Court 8171 Village of Juniata 8172 Register of Deeds 8173 State of Ne. 8174 J & J Powell Farms Inc. 8175 Weeks Farms 8176 Harmon Conner 8177 Adams Co. Noxious Weed 8178 Adams Co. Highway Dept. 8179 Sheriffs Dept. 8180 Adams Co. Court 8181 City National Bank 8182 Midland Area Agency on Aging 8183 Adams Co. Court 8184 Weed Control 8185 Loyd Kirkover 8186 Adams Co. Sup. 8187 Clerk of the District Court 8188 Department of Social Services 8189 Adams Co. Noxious Weed 8190 Logan Township 8191. -%,.Ambulance Serv. 855.04 65.84 2,441.70 5,380.38 100.00 1,728.92 68.00 172.38 30,949.52 432.12 458.24 20.20 9,674.85 300.00 292.18 1,262.74 2,298.11 735.18 78.53 26.64 2,160.00 36.00 88,083.75 1,657.46 937.34 110.00 52.52 10.00 2,486.15 3,957.48 134.01 201 .00 1,162.30 893.00 2,050.00 102.29 87.00 102.25 695.00 106.54 9,625.00 3,161.85 54,379.44 149.04 77.25 250.00 763.63 356.60 4.18 20.00 1,669.70 210.00 397.58 168.26 10.00 103.17 144.00 177.20 744.00 1,830.00 24.00 303 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 8192 Irene Buss 8193 Adams Co. Clerk 8194 Estate of Vera Plum 8195 Adams Co. Noxious Weed 8196 Alton Bittfield 8197 Artie Kemper Estate 8198 Gloria Norman 8199 Roseland State Bank 8200 Adams Co. Bank 8201 City of Hastings 8202 Adams Co. Sheriff 8203 Adams Co. Clerk 8204 Mike Peterson 8205 Clerk of the District Court 8206 Weed Control 8207 City National Bank 8208 State of Ne. 8209 Kearney Co. Treasurer 8210 Adams Co. Bank 8211 State of Ne. 8212 Estate of Evelyn R. Miller 8213 Adams Co. Court 8214 Adams Co. Court 8215 Adams co. Court 8216 Hall Co. Treasurer 8217 State of Ne. 8218 City Treasurer 8219 Adams Co. Sheriff 8220 Ne. Assoc. of Co. Officials 8221 Phelps Co. Imprest 8222 Co. Sheriff's Office 8223 Erwin G. Plambeck Estate 8224 City National Bank 8225 VOID 8226 Noxious Weed Control 8227 West Blue Township 8228 Ayr Township 8229 Adams Co. Court 8230 Adams Co. Court 8231 Estate of Oliver Gaudreault 8232 Estate of Ogla Peterson 8233 Probation Officer, Adult 8234 Roseland State Bank 8235 County Clerk 8236 Olie's Place 8237 Rader Real Estate 110.00 3,134.50 500.00 900.38 102.75 1,300.00 10.00 175.89 7,276.46 277.45 8.00 1,029.50 240.00 90.87 141.50 1,436.59 2,814.50 739.00 37.35 97,500.32 32.82 20.00 20.00 19.00 9,410.00 1,001.78 177,465.00 4,580.25.. 40.001) 1,489.00 903.50 545.54 1,022.97 177.99 1,625.00 1,225.00 75.00 100.00 159.39 60.00 86.40 1,979.05 171.40 100.00 112.00 Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams GENERAL County Court Co. Jail Food Acct Co. Senior Services Co. Sheriff Fee Account Co. Sheriff Fee Account Co. Sheriff Revolving Fund Co. Vol. Ambulance Corp. Ali -ABA Com on Cont Badger Uniforms Badger Uniforms Matthew Bender & Co. Big G Blum, Helen M. Bramman, David Business Supply Co. Business World Products Carroll's Derby Court Costs Reimbursement Handi-Bus Operation Miscellaneous Mileage & Fees Reimbursement Gasoline Legal Publications Uniforms Uniforms Supplies Supplies P.O. Box Rental Clothing Supplies Supplies Maintenance Maintenance 454.00 1756.09 4902.55 35.00 451.12 153.00 117.15 41.25 82.50 329.91 86.50 198.52 29.00 35.00 184.28 54.00 899.60 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 304 Cash-Wa Candy Co. Cash-Wa Candy Co. Central Valley Rentals Chris's Car Wash City of Hastings Clark Boardman Co. Clay County Sheriff's Dept. a^-! Clerk of Supreme Court Commercial Electronics Inc. Commercial Electronics Inc. Conklin, Doug Contact Center Inc. Cop Shop Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Cotter Charge Card Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Data Software:, & Consulting Dehner Co. Inc. Dirks, John Dirks, John Dudek, Norman Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Eakes Office Products of Kearney Eakes Office Equipment Co. Eakes Office Equipment Co. Eakes Office Equipmetn CO. Eakes Office Products Center Inc. of Eastman Kodak Co. Faber Gas Appliance Service Farm Bureau Insurance Fischer, Dick Probation Officer Foto Fast „ Fourtaines Microfilming General Electric Gewecke, Wilbur R. Gibson Products Co. Gibson Products Co. Gibson Products Co. Gingrich, Wil E. Grace's Locksmith Service Grace's Locksmith Service Hackler & Kruml Hammond & Stephens Hartman, Connie Hartman, Marvin Hastings Canvas & Mfg. Co. Hastings Family Practice Hastings Paint & Decorating Hastings Pathology Assoc. P.C. Hastings Radiology Assoc. Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Haverly, Harry C. IBM IBM Industrial Chemical Lab Information Systems Inc. Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Keith's Pharmacy Kelso Kemp, M. Glenn Kemp, M. Glenn Kully Iron & Metal Co. Inc. Laird Motors Inc. Lamski, Dale F. Supplies Supplies Rental Maintenance Civil Defense Expenses Supplies Housing of Prisoners Docket Fees Radio Repair Radio Repair & Installation Equipment Repair Subscrip tion Supplies Printing Printing Suppl ies Bulletin Membership & Back-up Service Supplies Court Service Fees Clothing Maintenace Clothing Maintenace Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Copier Rental Copier Rental Kearney Supplies Equip Maintenance Repair Bond Postage Supplies Supplies Suppl ies Supplies Supplies Maintenance Suppl ies Clothing Maintenance Keys Key s Maintenance County Fair Supplies Reporting Vital Statistics Reimbursement Equipment Professional Service Supplies Professional Service Professional Service Printing & Publishing Utilities Utilities Supplies Maintenance Agreement Maintenance Agreement Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Medicine Suppl ies Clothing Maintenance Mileage Equipment Repair Maintenance Court Appointed Counsel 64.50 44.75 6.00 66.40 783.35 30.32 1450.00 100.00 28.10 299.30 84.50 48.00 239.18 28.78 28.70 155.77 Reports 72.00 141.38 342.90 47.00 35.00 35.00 62.62 69.68 15.00 951.40 65.51 707.45 10.10 218.63 84.50 51.00 39.00 18.19 19.25 2327.25 120.90 124.85 19.99 27.24 35.00 5.10 10.89 111.97 8.16 122.00 7.00 90.00 115.00 23.40 150.00 19.50 767.72 15.03 8569.22 3.19 108.00 684.00 50.16 42.44 15.37 29.15 43 .68 256.45 35.00 319.70 64.08 250.66 50.00 305 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Lamski, Dale F. Liberty Cleaners Liberty Rental Service Liberty Rental Service Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. McCord, Monty Magee, Gregg Midland Area Agency on Aging Mobley, Beverley D Modern Methods Inc. Modern Methods Inc. Modern Methods Inc. Modern Methods Inc. NCR NCR National Sheriff's Assoc. Ne. Assoc. of Co. Officials Ne. Crime Commission Ne. Pest Control Newsweek Office of Public Defender O'Keefe Elevator Co. Parker & Son Pavelka, Michael R. Peterson, Larry Peterson, Larry C. Peterson, Michael V Pettengill, Donald D. Pettengill, Donald D Pettit Towing Service Postmaster Radio Shack Redfield & Co. Redfield & Co. Rennick, Larry D Rose, Sharon K. Rust, John Rust, John Schakat, John Shada, Michael Shada, Michael Shoemaker .& Witt Sidlo, Gordon Sidlo, James W. Siemers Printing Simmons Billy C. Simmons, Billy C. State of Ne. State of Ne. Stephens, Walter F Jr. Steve's Lawn Service Syndistar, Inc. T & B Upholstery Toogood & McGath Uniservice Inc. Weaver Glass Supply Inc. Vaughans Printers Inc. Warren, Gorham & Lamont Inc. Wetzel, Arthur S. Whelan, Foote, & Scherr, P.C. Woodwards Disposal Service Xerox Corp. Youth Development Center Newell Landscape Unlimited Big G Court Appointed Counsel Cleaning Mop & Mat Service Mop & Mat Service Telephone Service Telephone Service Uniform Supplies Mileage Use of Copying Machine Workshop Reg. & Mileage Supplies Supplies Copier Paper Maintenance Supplies Supplies Supplies Dues Rentals Pest Control Susbcription Office Expense Maintenance Publications Clothing Maintenance Mileage Clothing Maintenance Clothing Maintenance Clothing Maintenance Mileage Towing Charges Postage Radio Repair Supplies Supplies Clothing Maintenance Registration & Mileage Clothing Maintenance Mileage Clothing Maintenance Clothing Maintenance Mileage Professional Service:_ Clothing Maintenance Clothing Maintenance Printing Clothing Maintenance Mileage Telecommunication Charges NetCom Supplies Lawn Service Supplies Repair Fees & Mileage Mop & Mat Service Repair Supplies Library Expense Mileage Professional Service Disposal[ Service Repair Safekeeping 50.00 6.25 33.60 63.45 57.00 1822.23 24.00 368.71 53.10 99.00 74.00 106.00 90.00 72.00 613.05 246.40 232.00 860.00 21.00 12.50 20.75 Reimbursement 755.46 81.62 17.94 35.00 216.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 120-48 25.00 2500.00 94.34 17.92 77.51 35.00 22.82 35.00 140.66 35.00 35.00 265.44 327.50 35.00 35.00 38.81 35.00 298.56 541.44 1074.70 21.70 225.00 150.00 39.75 123.07 36.90 93.45 260.80 36.40 36.96 783.03 87.70 27.00 100.00 INHERITANCE FUND Maintenance REVENUE SHARING FUND Repairs 295.00 55.83 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 306 n Data Software & Consulting Service Eakes Office Products Center Revenue Sharing Advisory Service Adams Co. Weed Control Big G I City Iron & Metal Cooperative. Grain & Supply Cornbelt Chemical Farmers Union Coop Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Hastings Battery & Electric Jahnke's Agri Home Center KN Energy Southern Power Dist 3 -Points Tire U AP Special Products Wheelers Farm Store WEED Computer Software Equipment Handbook CONTROL FUND Postage Supplies Supplies Gasoline Chemical Gasoline Repairs Telephone Service Repairs Supplies Gas Service Electric Service Repair Chemical Repairs RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Catlett, Dr. F.D. Children & Adolescent Clinic Emergency Protective Service Emergency Protective Services Emergency Protective Service Hall County Livingston -Butler Volland Funeral Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Meyer, Garnet Ne. Dept. of Social Services Rader Realty Stitt, Albert University of Ne. Medic.1:L Center Commercial Electronics Ne. Tractor Equip Co. Sears Adams County Visitors Adams Co. Clerk Adams Co. Hwy Dept. American Express Avers, Ken Sharp All Berck's Muffler ,Shop Big G Auto Service Bruners Sand & Gravel Centaur Enterprises Inc. City Iron & Metal Co. Inc. Clarke Oil Co. Commercial Electronics Cooperative Grain & Supply Cornbelt Chemical Co. Data Masters Delkan Press Dutton-Lainson Eakes Office Prod. Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Foote, Judy Friends Motor Supply Professional Service Professional Service Day Care Service Day Care Service Day Care Service Reimbursement Funeral Expenses Professional Service Reimbursement Rev. Fund Vendor Payments Rent Rent Meals ESCROW FUND Radios Equipment Equipment VISITORS PROMOTION FUND Promotion Advance ROAD FUND Copying Paper Postage & Petty Cash Expenses & Late Charges Repairs Repairs Repairs Gravel Repairs Equipment Oil Repair Gasoline Chemical Services Repairs Supplies Supplies & Repair Co. Gasoline & Oil Mileage Repairs 9735.00 250.00 85.00 35.52 2L65 31.30 304.97 2404.40 16.25 18.40 20.78 40.56 91.68 82.95 14.97 11.00 1691.25 360.50 24.00 38.00 30.00 140.00 10.00 183.00 835.00 330.05 482.49 22,708.39 185.00 80.00 21.58 1228.50 6000.00 885.18 2850.00 9.20 39.27 17.25 31.20 35.56 55.52 7750.05 6.04 47.92 207.00 38.90 120.06 2619.00 350.28 42.00 21.01 319.94 3166.75 12.50 295.00 307 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Glenwood Telephone Co. H & M Equip Co. Inc. H & N Mobil Halloran Battery & Electric:: Hastings Motor. Truck Hastings Utilities Heinzman Engr Inc. Hicklin GM Power Co. Independent Bolt & Nut Island Supply Co. Johnson Cashway Lumber KN Energy KACO Supplies Kar Products Inc. Kerrco Inc. Kully Iron & Metal Co LCL Truck Equip Inc. Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Linweld Supply Co. Mid -City Auto Supply Midwest Service & Sales Ne. Public Power Ne. Tractor & Equip Co. Odorite Co. Olsen's Mini Mart Olsen, LL Oil Co. Porter -Ripe Engineering Rockwell -Beer Engineering Shafer Implement Co. Sherman's Service Center Sidles Mr. Automotive Sophir Morris Southern Power Dist 3 -Points Tire Service Uniservice Z&Z Equipment Co. Zee Medical Service Co. Telephone Service Gravel Gasoline Repairs Repairs Utilities Repairs Repairs Co. Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas Service Supplies Repairs Supplies & Repairs Repairs Repairs Gravel Repairs Telephone Service Supplies Supplies Co. Repairs Electric Service Repairs Deodorizer Service Gasoline Gasoline Project & Surveying Engineering Services Repair Supplies Repairs & Supplies Paint Electric. Service Repairs Shop Towel Service Supplies Supplies . Inc. This Board wil now, recess subject 42.97 13,463.10 73.27 90.83 79.96 148.28 35.00 8.76 62.19 1062.84 222.91 20.68 81 .08 34.54 400.00 30.84 502.50 14,467.59 643.36 262.20 277.73 85.00 2070.70 9.78 56.07 10.00 152.39 8409.31 3845.00 2278.00 62.70 12.72 513.28 890.37 74.67 476.85 27.10 96.92 64.00 11 of he Ch .Ii r an of the Board. County CLerk Deputy airman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NE. Tuesday, July 9, 1985 11:15A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present®were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that we grant exemption to Mid - Nebraska Mental Retardation for a 1984 LTD Station Wagon title Number 14G23469. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we grant exemption to Peace Lutheran Church for real estate parcel 284-11190. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Mdtion carried. This Board of Equalization will now rsubject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Superv. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 308 COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 16, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Struss seconded by Sole that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication and in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Dale Gartner made the statement that he was rescinding his appointments of Ellerbee, Sole and Gary Anderberg to be on the negotiating committee with Gregg Magee for FOP negotiations. Due to the absence of Roger Parks there was no road report. Motion by Teller, seconded by Struss that this Board hoid executive session for the purpose of contract negotiations discussion. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began 9:45 A.M. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed. Budget presentations was made by Gregg Magee, County Sheriff, for both the County Sheriff and Jail Funds. The District Judge's budget was also reviewed. Motion by Teller, seconded by Struss that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 8576 thru 8577. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Sole out and not voting. Motion by Struss, seconded by Bennett that we approve the addition of Joint Custody receipt #012223 in the amount of 1,000,000.00 pledged by City National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Sole, out and not voting. Motion carried. Bill and Kathleen Johnson from the Salvation Army and Linda Meyer from the Crossroad Center appeared before the board asking for County help for reimbursement for people using the Crossroad Center. Salvation Army had been helping but was running out of funds. Motion by Teller, seconded by Bennett, that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular Session resumed. 309 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. ROAD FUND Nebr. Dept. of Revenue Sales Tax Nebr. Dept of Revenue Special Fuels Tax Rennick, Larry Lambrecht, Dale Rennick, Larry Svoboda, John ESCROW FUND Labor & Repair REVENUE SHARING FUND Contract Contract Contract RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Livingston Butler Volland Foote & Beck Otolaryngology Bert's Rexall Drugs Hohnstein, Gladys Young, Dr. Wm. B. Hastings Family Practice Mobile Home Ranch Bert's Rexall Drugs Hastings Family Practice Walgreen Drug Store Hastings Utilities Countryside Mobile Homes Hastings Utilities Wolfe, Ray Funeral Expenses P.C. Professional Service Drugs Rent Professional Service Professional Service Rent Medicine Professional Service Prescription Utilities Rent Utilities Rent GENERAL FUND Adams County Veterans Service Off American Planning Assoc Business Supply Civil Defense County Superintendent Keenan, Joyce League of Nebr. Municipalities U.S. Postoffice This Board will now recess subject g,L,„ /s/ County Clerk /s -Dep ty Office Expense Dues Supplies Copies Postage Supplies & Postage Dues Box Rent he call of the Chairman. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA $10.87 386.90 200.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 644.16 11.00 34.58 165.00 7.00 54.90 142.50 30.45 105.40 29.02 24.72 225.00 63.89 60.00 500.00 82.00 10.61 66.05 17.55 23.43 10.00 29.00 Tuesday, July 16, 1985 1:30 P.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a`Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present, Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present were, Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and Phyllis Newell, Deputy Co. Clerk. 1 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 310 Father Bourek, appeared to appeal the valuation set on the Convent of the Assumption Blessed Virgin Mary Church, (Parcel 178-00070), when it was put on the tax rolls of Adams County.. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole, the valuation of this property be reduced by 50%. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 23, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Teller, seconded by Struss that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting, An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks gave a road report of the road work being done in Adams Co. Then they discussed a bridge that is 1/2 mile south of Hiway 6 on the Kearney and Adams County line. Kearney County does the administration of this bridge but Adams County pays their share of the repair. This bridge is now in need of repair and Kearney County will be doing this and he was asking the Boardsapproval for our share of this project. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss, that Adams County is willing to participate in bridge replacement with Kearney County. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Ellerbee that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 8578 thru 8583. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Sole, out and not voting. Motion by Teller, seconded by Malouf that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller, that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. 311 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Mike Dodge appeared before the Board and toldthem of new service that was going to be available to the people of Adams County, August 1, 1985. Eastern Ambulance will be giving people a chance to subscribe to Ambulance Service for $50.00 per year per family. This will give them transportation to any hospital in the State of Nebraska, and any other service that is needed would be given at half the mileage rate. The benefits of this program would be more affordable ambulance service and better cash flow for Eastern Ambulance. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. INSTITUTIONS FUND Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Beatrice State Development Norfolk Regional Center Nilson Concrete Hastings Utilities Berts Rexall Drugs Uden, Jan Hastings Utilities KN Energy Hastings Utilities Placke, Bob Heuertz, Harold Velder, Ray Koch, David Struss, Lambert Mousel, Virgil Stromer, Paul Harpham, Gilbert Road Dept. Social Security Retirement Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care ESCROW FUND Bridge RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Bennett, Sharon Data Software & Consulting Eastern Ambulance Serv., Inc Burchard, Minnie Hayen, Rachel Kidd, C. H. Duthie, Eva Reutlinger, Lila Story, Roscoe Cosgrove, Madelyn Lightner, Ed Hastings Utilities Adams Co. Red Cross Learn to Co. Supervisors Co. Clerk Co. Treasurer Reg. of Deeds Co. Assessor Utilities Prescription Rent Utilities Gas Service Utilities Rent ROAD DEPT Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Salaries Match Match GENERAL FUND Mileage Back -Up Contract Payment Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Utilities Swim Budget Amount Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries 1644.70 270.00 180.00 90.00 9756.00 48.00 19.37 130.00 47.99 21.01 70.00 229.00 13.00 19.00 25.00 12.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 34704.80 2799.19 469.26 41.00-...:- 66.63 7917.00 14.00 25.00 16.00 14.00 14.00 15.00 14.00 19.00 383.66 2500.00 4375.00 8253.42 8326.87 3516.30 8087.59 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 312 Co. Superintendent Salaries Planning & Zoning Salaries Clk of Dist. Crt/Mental Health Bd Salaries Public Defender Salaries Janitors Salaries Extension Office Salaries Co. Sheriff Salaries Co. Attorney Salaries Communications Salary Co. Jail Salaries Veterans Service Salaries Social Security Match Retirement Match School Retirement Match LIBRARY Library Salaries Social Security Match Retirement Match WEED CDNTROL Weed Control Social Security Retirement Salaries Match Match 1615.50` 2678.05 4400.50 3255.40 4407.46 6330.08 19984.95 9581.98 709.50 8513.21 3154.90 6760.26 3750.51 42.12 1510.64 106.50 33.30 1103.56 166.38 113.28 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 23, 1985 10:00 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale. W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and Phyllis Newell, Deputy County Clerk. Beverley Mobley presented 7 vehicles that Hastings College was asking for exempt status on. Motion by Malouf seconded by Ellerbee that the Board approve the exemption of the 7 vehicles used by Hastings College which are the following: 1978 Chev 4 Dr., Title 14F15784, 1977 Chev 4 Dr., title /14F04803, 1978 Chev., 4 Dr., title #14F15783, 1978 Chev 4 Dr., Title #14F14770, 1957 Ford Trk, title #14G32565, 1957 Intl Ttk, title #14G000853, and 1982 Dodge Van, title #14G24379. Roll call, Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervise All „di Chair 17 313 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA July 26, 1985 9:30 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met in a workshop to prepare the proposed Adams County Budget for the fiscal year 85-86. Dale Gartner, Chairman, presided. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. The day was spent in making tentative plans for the proposed budget for Adams County for the period 7-1-85 thru 6-30-86. This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chariman of the Adams County Board or Supervisors. /s/ ANITA HAWES C� County Clerk /s/ PHYLLIS NEWELL 67 Deputy Awl ,,%/ /�. / s / DALE W GARTNER Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 30, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss, that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays, none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that subject to approval of the agreement format, we authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement between Kearney County and Adams County to construct a bridge on our common boundary line at a point approximately 3,460 feet South of Highway 6 & 34 on the roadway which joins Adams County and Kearney County and has Section 24, Township 7, Range 13 West, of Kearney County, Nebraska as the west adjoining property. Total cost of the bridge construction is $30,900. and each County shall pay one-half of contract price. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. 'Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, secotded for the prupose of hearing Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Sole, out and not voting. 9:50 A.M. Motion by Malouf, seconded session. Roll call, ayes: and Gartner. Nays: none. Regular session resumed at by Malouf that this Board hold executive session a Relief -Medical claim. Roll call, ayes: Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at by Ellerbee that this Board resume regular Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf Sole, out and not voting. Motion carried. 9:55 A.M. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 314 Beverley Mobley, County Assessor appeared to take exception to some reports concerning appraisals and travel necessary to make appraisals. Motion by Sole, seconded by Malouf that we approve the release of JC8661 to Adams. County Bank in the amount of 20,000.; the release of JC8660 to Adams County Bank in the amount o•f 5,000.; the release of JC8659 to Adams County Bank in the amount of 5,000.; the release of JC8658 to Adams County Bank in the amount of 5,000.; the release. of JC6780 to Adams County Bank in the amount of 50,000.; the release to Adams County Bank of JC501785 in the amount of 50,000.; the release of JC501782 to Adams County Bank in the amount of 50,000.; the release of JC501786 to Adams County Bank in the amount of 50,000. the release of JC501780 to Adams County Bank in`the amount -of -,50,000. the the release of JC501783 to Adams County Bank in the amount of 45,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Bennett that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections No. 8584 thru 8589. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Ellerbee that we authorize the County Treasurer to invest up to 3,000,000. in Norwest Bank of Hastings; up to 2,000,000. in City National Bank & Trust; up to 2,000,000. in Adams County Bank of Kenesaw; up to 1,000,000. in Roseland State Bank of Roseland, Nebraska; up to 1,000,000. in Hastings State Bank of Hastings; all investments to be covered by pledged securities as required by law, security market values being equal to or in excess of said investments. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that we authorize and instruct the County Attorney tostart foreclosure proceedings on all properties that meet the criteria for foreclosure. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that due to an Emergency, we authorize the Road Superintendent to move project C1-137 from the 6 Year Road Plan to the 1 Year Plan. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that our proposed budget be as evidenced by the budget document and Public,Hearing be advertised and set for Tuesday, August 13, 1985 at 10:00 A.M. in the Boardroom at the Adams County Courthouse. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that the claims be allowed to their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. 315 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Bert's Rexall Drugs Brand Wilson Mortuary Vernita Beal Hastings Family Practice Gladys Hohnstein Rader Realty Rader Realty Rader Realty Blue Cross & Blue Shield Blue Cross & Blue Shield Blue Cross & Blue Shield Blue Cross & Blue Shield Hastings Pathology Ass. PC RELIEF MEDICAL Prescriptions Co. Burial Rent Services Rent Rent Rent Rent ROAD Ins. Coverage COUNTY LIBRARY Ins. Coverage WEED CONTROL Ins. Coverage GENE RAL Ins. Coverage Autopsy This Board will now recess subject to the call Adams County Board of Supervisors. /s/ ANITA HAWES County Clerk /s/ PHYLLIS NEWELL Deputy of the $86.57 1340.00 56.50 65.30 165.00 76.00 60.00 47.00 2941.86. 87.60 229.54 8839.87 650.00 Chairman of the / DALE W. ♦ P. Chai an eat COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 6, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report of the progress of road work in the County. He reported that the recent flooding had caused the loss of two bridges; one on a minimum maintenance road and the other on a mail route road carrying less than fifty cars per day. The northeast wing on the concrete bridge known as the Pimple bridge was lost. Motion by Struss, seconded by Ellerbee that this Board declare an Emergency and authorize the Highway Superintendent to order the steel to repair the bridge between Sections 31 and 32 in Hanover Township that crosses the Little Blue River. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 316 Motion by Teller, seconded by Struss for discussion of pending litigation. Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. session began at 10:05 A.M. Motion by Struss Roll call, ayes: 'Gartner. Nays: 10:50 A.M. that this Board hold exectuive session Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive , seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and none. Motion carried. Regular session was resumed at Motion by Ellerbee, sign the contract wi handibus. Roll call Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Bennett, s the Board to act as Bennett, Ellerbee, S carried_ seconded by Struss that we authorize the chairman to th Adams County Senior Services for operation of the , ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Nays: none. Motion carried. econded by Malouf that this meeting recess to allow a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, truss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion Motion by Teller, seconded by Bennett that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, and Malouf. Gartner, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that we deny the calim of Edna Dutcher for rent in the amount of $140.00. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Struss that we approve the bond of David H. Gartner, Highland Township Clerk,in the amount of Two Hundred Fifty dollars. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that we approve the cancellation of bonds of Service Committee and Officer by United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company; Veteran's Service Officer to file a new bond. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Struss that the reports of County Library, Jail Food Account, Car Titles, County Clerk,Register of Deeds (2), Treasurer's distress warrant report, Plat book report, Adams County Permits (2), Sheriff (3), Clerk of the District Court be accepted and placed on file, Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Bennett that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections No. 8590 thru 8592. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that the Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of this Supervisors Proceedings. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. 8238 8239 8240 8241 8242 8243 8244 8245 8246 8247 8248 8249 8250 8251 Charles Miranda State of Nebr. Anita Hawes Estate of Lillian A Rice Adams Co. Supt. State of Nebr. Adams Co. Weed Control Roseland Township Adams Ce. Road Maint. Adams. Co. Road Adams Co. Road Adams Co. Road Adams Co. Road State of Nebr. 10.00 30,949.52 4.03 18,273.00 330.28 1,914.87 900.75 2,050.00 1,750.00 1,700.00 1,125.00 15.00 48.90 544.18 317 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 8252 Adams Co. Court 32.20 8253 Adams Co. Court 228.47 8254 Adams Co. Court 444.00 8255 Adams Co. Court 9,596.08 8256 Adams Co. Court 225.00 8257 Adams Co. Court 75.00 8258 Adams Co. Bank 2,540.69 8259 City National Bank 996.72 8260 County Clerk's Office 25.06 8261 Adams County Weed 188.38 8262 Little Blue Township 1,950.00 8263 Clay County 2,065.91 8264 Clerk of the Dist. Court 228.32 8265 Clerk of the Dist. Court 1,040.30 8266 Clerk of the Dist. Court 104.32 8267 Adams County Court 75.00 8268 Adams County Clerk 2,723.25 8269 Norwest Bank Hastings 933.15 8270 Gary Williams 5,000.00 8271 Kearney Co. Nebr. 1,154.00 8272 Nuckolls Co. 972.00 8273 Norwest Bank Hastings 1,815.41 8274 Hastings State Bank 1,780.16 8275 Norwest Bank Hastings 25,278.36 8276 Estate of John Roth 2,545.30 8277 Mary Kennedy 10.00 8278 Register of Deeds 372.90 8279 State of Nebr. 82,122.16 8280 Estate of Fauvette G Rutherford 486.00 8281 County Clerk 564.00 8282 Register of Deeds 2,211.60 8283 Hastings Utilities 57.20 8284 Flora D. Hayter Estate 131.70 8285 Harlan County 1,076.00 8256 City National Bank 1,052.88 8287 Adams Co. Sheriff 15,139.75 8288 Adams Co. Sheriff 3,820.00 $289 Adams Co. Sheriff 41.00 8290 Adams Co. Court 75.00 8291 Adams Co. Court 1,145.00 8292 Adams Co. Noxious Weed 1,531.50 8293 Adams Co. Road Dept. 69.21 8294 Register of Deeds 556.29 8295 Estate of Mabel K. Ries 1,151.45 8296 Adams Co. Road Dept. 1.55 8297 Noxious Weed Control 245.50 8298 Roseland State Bank 175.89 8299 Area Planning & Zoning City & Ao. 15.80 8300 Darwin Hlavacek 10.00 8301 Adams Co. Bank 172.29 8302 City National Bank 1,081.81 8303 State of Nebr. 2,722.07 8304 Adams Co. Clerk 233.20 8305 Adams Co. Clerk 245.40 8306 Arthur Toogood 75.00 8307 Arthur Toogood 65.90 8308 Clerk of the Dist. Court 91.96 8309 Clerk of the Dist. Court 110.40 8310 Clerk of the Dist. Court 164.94 8311 U. S. Treasury 50,355.00 8312 State of Nebr. 2,646.55 8313 Transamerica 6.30 8314 Adams Co. Weed Dept. 797.75 8315 Duane Plambeck 4.66 8316 Cottonwood Township 575.00 8317 Clay County Treasurer 25.46 8318 Clay County Treasurer 159.22 8319 Clay County Treasurer 273.96 8320 Clay County Treasurer 33.80 8321 Clay County Treasurer 22.75 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 318 a_ 8322 Clay County Treasurer 8323 Clay County Treasurer 8324 Clay County Treasurer 8325 Larry C Peterson 8326 Estate : of Ernest Zabloudil 8327 Adams Co. Weed Control 8328 State of Nebr. 7 8329 City National Bank 8330 County Supt. 8331 Hall Co. Treasurer 8332 Estate of Artie Kemper 8333 Adams Co. Court 8334 Adams Co. Court 8335 Sheriff's Office 8336 Sheriff's Office 8337 Roseland State Bank 8338 Hazel M. Martin 8339 Village of Kenesaw 8340 Adams Co. Weed Control 8341 Adams Co. Road 8342 Adams Co. Road 8343 City National Bank 393.43 509.89 245.05 8.00 495.54 73.25 8.00 696.06 17.55 34.38 150.21 25.00 75.00 579.00 2,599.80 1,787.37 991.22 5,121.88 290.75 28.98 1,225.00 707.00 Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrnats for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams County Senior Services Inc. Handi-Bus 3077.32 Adams County Veterans Sery Off Office Expense 1763.21 Adams Co. Veterans Service Off Veterans Aid 4938.00 Advanced Tape Products Inc. Supplies 114.48 Alcoholism, Natl Magazine Subscription 18.75 Bancroft -Whitney Co. Library Expense 41.55 Bancroft -Whitney Co. Library Expense 40.10 Ben Franklin's Supplies 2.94 Bender, Matthew & Company, Inc. Law Library Expense 249.50 Big G Supplies 101.13 Big G Supplies 2.97 Bob's Electric Supply Supplies 268.90 Business World Products Supplies 12.12 Business World Products Repair 61.58 Butzirus, Pat Reg., Mileage & Meals 61.93 Cambridge, Judge W. G. Reim. for Supplies 25.13 Chadron State College Juv. Justice Institute 110.00 City Engineering Dept. Zoning Administration 216.40 City Engineering Dept. Zoning Administration 147.20 City of Friend, Nebraska Utilities 34.05 City of Hastings Civil Defense Administration 786 30 Clerk of Dist Court Witness Fees 144.20 Clerk of Dist Court State Cases 2299.14 Clerk of Dist. Court Overpayment 56.00 C1k of Supreme Court Docket Fee 50.00 Conway,. Connolly & Pauley, P.C. Prof. Service 67.47 Cornhusker Hotel Lodging 36.70 Cornhusker Press Supplies 39.05 Cornhusker Press Supplies 50.30 CZaplewski, Susie Mileage 25.20 D.A.S. Material Division Supplies 46.36 D.S.C.S. Back -Up Services 75.27 Data Software & Consutling Serv. Back -Up Services 132.21 Dunning, Tom Reimbursement 110.40 Duro-Test Corporation Supplies 103.99 Dutton Lainson Co. Supplies 242.55 Eakes Office Equipment Co. Copier Rental 597.45 Eakes Office Products Center, Inc. Supplies 193.43 Eakes Office Supply of Kearney Supplies 25.23 Fitzgerald, Brown & Dunmire Professional Service 40.00 Gray, Valerie Board Member Mileage 5.42 Grothen, Eldon Board Member Mileage 9.41 Grothen, Eldon Board Member Mileage 9.41 319 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings, Charles W Hastings Paint & Decorating Hastings Plumbing & Heating Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Independent Business Machine Sery Information System Inc. Jacobitz, Frances Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Johnson's Pharmacy Kelso King, Ron Langvardt, Arthur R Langvardt, Athur R Larsen, Glen L Levis, Linda P Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Co, Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Marathon Systems Mid Con Systems Inc Minnesgasco Mobley, Beverley D Modern Office Services Modern Methods Inc. Modern Methods, Inc. Moeller, Julia Moeller, Julia Morris, L. L. Mousel, Wayne Mullen, Kay Mulliner, Robert Myers Refrigeration Nebr. Assoc. of County Official Nebr. Assoc. of Co. Ext. Boards Nebraska Reporters Service Office of Public Defender O'Keefe Elevator Co., Inc. O'Keefe Elevator Co., Inc. Postmaster Protex System Inc. Quinlan Publishing Co., Inc. Ramada Inn Redfield & Company Schroeder, Leonard S chreo der , Leonard Shoemaker & Witt Siemers Printing Smith,'James D Soybean Digest Steve's Lawn Service Stromer, Marilyn Toogood, McGath Walgreen Drug Store West Publishing Co. West Publishing Co. Whelan, Foote & Scherr, P.C. Wiens, Glen Wiens, Glen Woodwards Disposal Service Inc. Youth Development Center -Kearney Advertising Advertising Court Appointed Counsel Supplies Repair & Labor Advertising UtilitiesCNEMS Repair Supplies Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Janitorial Supplies Board Member Mileage Professional Service Prof. Service Fair Premium Expense Meals Hot Line Courthouse & Sheriff Tele. Sery Tele. Serv. Supplies Supplies Gas Service Workshop Expenses Supplies Supplies Maintenance Agreement Reg. & Mileage Mileage & Meals Annual Prior Service Board Member Mileage Postage Mileage Repair Pre Registration. Dues Prof. Service Reim/Office Expense Repair & Service Call Repair & Service Call Postage Fire Alarm Inspection Subscription Lodging Supplies Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Prof. Service Supplies Court Appointed Counsel Subscription Lawn Service Board Member Mileage Prof. Service Tapes Supplies Supplies Prof. Service Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Disposal Service Court Safekeeping 591.71 7.18 330.00 40.89 89.58 117.81 15.23 40.00 30.66 12.56 111.33 6.58 85.36 6.89 40.00 90.00 600.00 51.00 49.10 Te1e1762.19 140.38 57.00 70.81 117.96 9.18 43.17 17.50 90.00 215.00 35.12 49.10 103.86 11.30 22.00 77.90 12.50 50.00 50.00 212.60 617.49 222.00 239.50 2500.00 40.00 39.03 30.89 56.62 11.30 11.30 197.50 133.02 45.00 15.00 90.00 7.94 157.18 17.96 105.75 15.53 724.88 8.57 8.57 87.80 150.00 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY FUND Nebraska U.C. Fund Unemployment Ins. Benefit 293.33 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 320 ROAD FUND Adams Co. Hwy Dept. Big G Bruner's Sand & Gravel City Iron & Metal Co. Clarke Oil Company Clements Welding Commercial Electronics Cooperative Grain & Supply CornbeltChemical Co. Cotter Charge Card Dave's Wrecker Service Dutton Lainson Company E -Z Kleen Eakes Office Products Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Co. Foote, Judy Friends Motor Supply Garvey Elevators Inc. General Glass Glenwood Telephone Membership Corp H & M Equipment Co., Inc. Hansen Bldg. Specialities Hastings Utilities Heinzman Engr. Inc. Hollister, Richard Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. KN Energy Kelly Co. Laird Motors Inc Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Linweld Olsen's Mini Mart Nebr. Correctional Ind. Nebr. Tractor & Equipment Co. Odorite Company Olsen, L. L. Oil Co. Shafer Implement Co. Sidles/Mr. Automotive Sophir Morris Steinke's Paul Great Plains CPD Southern Power Dist. Stromer's-Repair 3 -Points Tire Service Uniservice, Inc. Westland Building Co., Inc. Youngson Supply Petty Cash & Postage Supplies Gravel Supplies Gasoline & O1 Repair Radio Repair Gasoline Chemical Supplies Supplies Supplies. Supplies Supplies & Repairs Diesel Mileage Repairs & Supplies Gasoline Supplies & Installation Telephone Service Gravel Repairs Utilities Parts & Labor & Sery Pipe Supplies Gas Service Supplies Repairs Gravel Equipment & Repair Telephone Serv. Repairs & Supplies Gasoline Supplies Repair Supplies Deodorizer Service Gasoline Supplies Supplies Supplies Repair & Labor Electric Service Repair Repair Shop Room Service Bridge Proj Eng Sery Supplies RELIEF MEDICAL FUND DeCamp, David, Madison Co. Clerk Emergency Protective Serv. Finance & Accounting Gordon Freese Hanson, George & Faye Hanson, M. Faye Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Kugler 0il Co. Townhouses Lee Meyer, Garnet Mobile Home Ranch Nebr. Dept. of Social Services Rader Realty Admn. Costs Foster Care Administration Rent Foster Care Mileage Utilities Utilities Gasoline & Oil Rent Revolving Fund Rent - Vendor Payments Rent 71.15 36.61 1091.64 180.94 637.80 7.50 230.00 67.12 3075.05 23.05 2.00 14.86 62.00 108.59 18.88 6.72 959.91 144.11 262.36 42.67 9135.50 118.80 137.69 Call 501.76 65.52 16.69 12.89 125.12 9.00 2119.20 2766.08 254.13 231.17 209.95 6069.60 53.61 5.00 6099.22 28.84 1022.05 826.75 140.77 72.81 310.93 243.00 40.65 200.00 200.00 14.00 500.00 482.00 250.00 41.08 5.67 47.92 91.38 14.56 100.00 269.45 142.50 20,248.62 185.00 321 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA WEED CONTROL FUND Adams Co. Hwy. Dept. Big G Cooperative Grain & Supply Cornbelt Chemical Co. Eakes Office Products Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Co. H & N Mobile Hastings Battery Hastings Tribune KN Energy K -T Heating & Air Laird Motors Sidles/Mr. Automotive Stein Mfg. Inc. 3 -Points Tire Service Village of Roseland & Electric Conditioning Data Software & Consulting Guarantee Electric NCR Corporation Baker & Taylor Company Boyle Helen D. Hastings Public Library Hastings Public Library Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Co. Fee Acct. Jail Food Sheriff's Sheriff's Sheriff's Sheriff's Postage Tire Gasoline Chemical Supplies Repairs Telephone Serv. Gasoline Repairs Advertising Gas Service Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs Tire Service Water Usage REVENUE SHARING FUND Sery 4.84 44.52 397.79 698.59 15.50 108.13 20.26 63.55 80.04 27.00 8.89 5.78 44.93 1.10 62.00 10.00 38.50 Software & Modification 9405.00 Labor & Supplies 268.08 Moving Cables 130.00 LIBRARY FUND Supplies Supplies Bookmobile Services Bookmobile Sery GENERAL FUND Acct. Mileage Acct. Fee Acct. Fee Acct Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriff's Mileage Acct. Adams Co. Sheriff Revolving Fund Adams Co. Sheriff Revolving Fund Apex Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Badger Uniforms Badger Uniforms Badger Uniforms Badger Uniforms Big G' Big G Auto Service Center David L Bramman David L Bramman Business Supply Co., Inc. Business World Products Carroll's Derby Cash-Wa Candy Company Central Dental Group P.C. Chris's .Car Wash Clark Boardman Company, Ltd Clay County Sheriff's Dept. Commercial Chemical Mfg. Commercial. Electronics, Inc. The Cop Shop Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Cotter Charge Card Credit Bureau of Hastings Dactel International, Inc. John Dirks 223.43 175.00 658.75 621.50 Vehicle Inspection 32.00 Reim/Revolving Fund 2341.44 Service Chg 3.00 Fees/Mileage State Papers 798.56 Misc. 14.91 Postage 5.12 Sery Chg/Checks 2.00 Reim/Revolving Fund 42.75 Reim/Revolving Fund 265.00 Service Call 25.00 Uniform 182.53 Uniform 182.53 Uniforms 252.88 Uniforms/Jail 61.88 Supplies 13.39 Vehicle Maint. 16.76 Car Wash 2.00 Clothing Maint. 35.00 Supplies 59.71 Supplies 5.88 Gas/Misc 793.68 Supplies 30.00 Services 6.00 Car Wash 28.50 Handbook 40.07 Boarding/Prisoners 250.00 Supplies 132.10 Services 93.25 Supplies 14.99 Supplies 267.77 Supplies 26.38 Supplies 10.12 Reports 13.00 Supplies 319.15 Clothing Maint. 35.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 322 4111000.1 John Dirks Norman Dudek Norman Dudek Eakes/Grand Island Eakes/Hastings Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products EAkes Office Products Center, Inc. Center, Inc. Center, Inc. Eastman Kodak Company Charles F Fairbanks Firestone Gibson Product Co. Gibson Products Co. Wil E. Gingrich Hastings Family Practice Hastings Plumbing & Heating Hugo Heyn Co. Johnson Cash Way Lumber Co M., Glenn Kemp M. Glenn Kemp Kenesaw Motor Co. Keith's Pharmacies Laird Motors Laird Motors, Inc. Milton J Langan, Co Clk Platte Co Law Enforcement Equipment Co. Sharon Levis Gregg Magee Gregg Magee Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Moore Business Forms Nebraska Crime Commission Nebraska Pest Control Michael Pavelka Michael Pavelka Larry C Peterson Larry C Peterson Michael V Peterson Donald D Pettengill Donald D Pettengill Physicians Desk Reference Protex System Radio Shadk Larry D Rennick John Rust John Rust John A Schakat Michael Shada Michael Shada Gordon Sidlo James W Sidlo Billy C Simmons Billy C Simmons State of Nebr. Dept. State of Nebr. Dept. State of Nebr. Dept. Uniservice, Inc. of Admn of Admn of Correction This Board will now recess subject Civil Papers Book Mileage Clothing Maint. Supplies Labor Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Housing/Prisoners Repair/Tire Supplies Supplies Clothing Maint. Services Service Call Supplies (Transcriber) Supplies Mileage Clothing Maint. Supplies Rx/Jail Service Service Phone Search Supplies Seminar Mileage Postage Services Supplies Rentals Service Mileage Clothing Maint. Clothing Maint. Mileage Clothing Maint. Mileage Clothing Maint. Supplies Fire Alarm System Supplies Clothing Maint. Mileage Clothing Maint. Clothing Maint. Clothing Maint. Mileage Clothing Maint. Clothing Maint. Clothing Maint. Mileage Telecommunications NetCom Sery/Trans Chg Supplies 27.00 5.10 35.00 65.51 25.00 150.00 62.62 75.86 95.00 72.00 5.00 100.74 16.01 35.00 85.00 24.30 799.00 55.14 253.20 35.00 24.21 103.48 53.38 35.03 1.00 185.70 40.00 284 40 3.99 98.25 76.87 6.00 12.50 4.32 35.00 35.00 319.19 35.00 221.73 35.00 17.95 36.00 299.95 35.00 248.05 35.00 35.00 35.00 142.08 35.00 35.00 35.00 240.72 Chg 541.44 981.64 109.50 36.90 to the call of the Chairman. /s/ County Clerk / Deputy t Chairman 323 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, Aug. 6, 1985 11:10 A.M. The Adams County Baord of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Beverley Mobley, County Assessor, and Anita Hawes, County Clerk were also present. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that we approve exemption for a 1975 Ford station wagon, identification No. 5W81L134457 for the"Bridge." Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: Ellerbee. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams, County Board of Supervisors. f /s/ thairma COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 13, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole absent. Motion by Teller, seconded by Struss that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Sole, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that this Board session for consideration of Relief -Medical claims. Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, Gartner. absent. Motion carried. Executive session began at hold executive Roll call, ayes: Nays: none. Sole, 9:37 A.M. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Sole, absent. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 9:42 A.M. A report of the progress of Road work was given by Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent. He reported problems at the Juniata Feed yard with heavy loaders being driven on the black top. Scale people had been notified. He commented that the spraying of roadsides on bridge areas appeared to be successful. Mobion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that the Highway Superintendent be authorized to proceed .with applying for assistance with bank stabiliza- tion for a bridge located over the Little Blue Rimer 1 1/2 miles E. of Pauline and 1 1/4 Miles S. of Highway 74. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Sole, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that we accept the Tax Certificate Report from the County Treasurer. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Sole, absent. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 324 Sole Entered meeting. A Public Hearing was held as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune. Ryal Reis acted as spokesman for a group of taxpayers predominantly from the agricultural community. He compared present farm prices to those recieved a year ago. Ouestions were asked about concerna.n the proposed budget. Suggestions were made the Agricultural Extension Service budget. The Board indicated that about the only other alternative for lowering the budget would be to cut services and asked the groupwhat services they would want to see cut. Discussion followed. Public hearing closed. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that these changes be made in the proposed budget: Increase Page B7, line 5 by $1,227.32 and Page B7 line 12 by 85.00; Lower Pg B-22-1 line 15 to zero; increase Misc. Revenue Page B-1-6 by 312.32 resulting in the same tax requirement as proposed in publication and adopt the following resolution. RESOLUTION 85-8-13 COUNTY BUDGET DOCUMENT RESOLUTION OF ADOPTION AND APPROPRIATIONS WHEREAS, a propsed County Budget for the Fiscal Year July 1, 1985 to June 30, 1986 prepared by the Budget Making Authority, was transmitted to the County Board on the 30th day of July, 1985. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of SUPERVISORS of Adams County, Nebraska as follows: Section 1. That the Budget for the Fiscal Year July 1, 1985 to June 30, 1986 as categorically evidenced by the Budget Document be, and the same hereby is, adopted as the Budget for Adams County for said fiscal year. Section 2. That the offices, department, activities and institutions herein named are hereby authorized to expend the amounts herein appropriated to them during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1985, and ending June 30, 1986. Section 3. That the income necessary to finance the appropriations made and expenditures authorized shall be provided out of the unencumbered cash balance in each fund, and tax levy requirements for each fund. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Garnter. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Sole that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and instructed:. to make the following transfers as evidenced in the Budget Document. Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer Transfer $20,000. from Inheritance Fund to Institutions Fund. $393.64 from Inheritance Fund to Employment Security Fund. $50,000.00 from Inheritance Fund to Road Fund. $50,000.00 from Inheritance Fund to General Fund. $4,599,81 from Inheritance Fund to Veteran's Aid Fund. $30,000. from Road Fund to Capitol Projects Fund. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Douglas Adler, Personnel Manager for CC College presented the budget for that entity. Public Hearing was held for the County Library Budget. No one appeared. Motion Bennett, seconded by Sole that we approve the County Library Budget. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, and Gartner. Malouf, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. 325 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Sole, seconded by Struss that this meeting be recessed to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Bennett that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Ellerbee that this Board hold executive session for consideration of Relief -Medical claims. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:30 A.M. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:40 A.M. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that we deny the following claims: Hastings Utilities in the amount of $49.46; William B. Young, M. D. in the amount of $28.00; Mary Lanning Hospitalin the amount of $108.83. Hastings Utilities in the amount of $64.69; and Everett Goebel in the amount of $175.00 Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that we approve the claims on their respective funds and authorize and instruct the County Clerk to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Berts Rexall Drugs Sharon Bennett Dale Gartner RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Medicine $95.42 GENERAL FUND Registration $50.00 Registration $50.00 Supervisors Ellerbee, Malouf, Bennett and County Clerk, Anita Hawes were appointed as a Committee to screen applications for the position of Election Commissioner. This meeting will now Adams County Board of /s/ County lerk /s/ D uty recess subject Super to the call of the Chairman of the COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 13, 1985 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller, that Crosier Fathers for a 1985 LTD, Ident. No. call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Teller, Malouf Ellerbee and Struss. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess 10:30 A.M. as a Board' of Equalization Members present: Sole, and Gartner. Also present County Clerk, Anita Hawes. we grant exemption to the 1FABP3932FG212567. Roll and Gartner. Nays: subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. 326 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA /s/ County Cler COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRRASKA Tuesday, August 20, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He discussed the problem of a bridge taken out by high waters in Little Blue Township and estimated a replacement cost of approximately $37,850. The Board agreed to look as the bridge together on Monday, August 26th. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller that this meeting recess to allow the Supervisors to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list correction No. 8593. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Ellerbee that we approve the pledging of Joint Custody Receipt No. 16822 by Hastings State Bank, Hastings, Nebr. in the amount of $300,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Bennett that we authorize the Sheriff to sell a 1981 Chevrolet I. D. No. 1G1AL69JXBJ205194 on the police auction. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Benentt, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that as per the recommendation of the Planning Commission we approve the final plat of Weber's Corner, application 85-144, located in the NW4 of Section 36, T7N, RlOW of the 6th P.M., Adams County, Nebraska. Edna Weber Applicant. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of interviewing applicants for the position of Election Commissioner. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf. Gartner, out and not voting. Motion carried. Executive session began at 1:00 P.M. 327 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that we authorize the County Clerk to cancel outstanding checks on the Imprest Fund which have been audited and outstanding over two years. #621 #1548 #3083 #1373 #1597 #1836 #2394 #1627 #3256 #2214 11-07-80 3-03-81 10-14-81 11-10-81 11-30-81 1-05-82 11-09-82 3-03-83 12-07-82 Roll Call, ayes: Gartner. Nays: Nebr. Planning & Zoning Assoc. Quinlan Publishing Co. Barbara G. Dillin Elizabeth A. Murphy Chris Car Wash Ann E. Throckmorton Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Karen Eckhardt Timothy J Boyd Lamoine Einspahr Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, none. Motion carried. General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund General Fund Wood Control 15.00 32.50 20.40 20.40 18.50 20.40 5.00 .50 20.84 13.03 Struss, Teller, Malouf and Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. County Supervisors County Clerk's Office County Treasurer's Office Register of Deeds Office County Superintendents Office Planning & Zoning Office Clerk of Dist. Court & Mental Health Bd. Public Defenders Office Courthouse Janitors Extension Office Sheriff's Office County Attorneys Office Communications Jailors Veterans Service Office Social Security Anstine Roofing Co. Blue Cross & Blue Shield Burchard, Minnie Business World Products City Hall Civil Preparedness Cosgrove, Madelyn County Superintendent Office Eakes Office Products Center Eastern Nebr. Ambulance Sery Duthie, Eva Fulcher Business Forms Gartner, Rena Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hayen, Rachel Keenan, Joyce Kidd, C. H. Liberty Rental Services Lightner, Ed Milligan, Harry G NACO Convention NACO Reutlinger, Lila GENERAL Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Salaries Salaries Matching Service Ins. Coverage Prior Service Supplies Copies Copies Prior Service Postage Inc Office Supplies Inc Payment Prior Service Supplies Prior Service Service Service Prior Service Mileage & Misc. Prior Service Mop Service Prior Service Mileage Pre -Registration Pre -Registration Prior Service 4375.00 8416.25 9071.89 3528.68 1635.58 2788.13 4493.29 3305.54 3461.66 6330.08 21376.64 9802.37 727.24 9056.95 3233.77 6950.75 250.00 8747.50 14.00 102.80 51.00 106.20 14.00 9180 39.95 7917.00 14.00 173.84 75.00 11621.83 442.55 25.00 13.84 16.00 133.50 19.00 27.72 50.00 50.00 14.00 328 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Story, Roscoe Vaughans Printers Road Social Security Blue Cross & Blue Shield Data Masters Heuertz, Harold Harpham, Gilbert Koch, David Mousel, Virgil Stromer, Paul Struss, Lambert Velder, Ray County Library Social Security Blue Cross & Blue Shield Weed Control Social Security Blue Cross & Blue Shield Prior Service 15.00 Supplies 252.55 ROAD Salaries 37104.30 Matching 2598.20 Ins. Coverage 2941.86 Software Services 222.14 Prior Service 13.00 Prior Service 14.00 Prior Service 25..00 Prior Service 12.00 Prior Service 13.00 Prior Service 12.00 Prior Service 19.00 COUNTY LIBRARY Salaries Matching Ins. Coverage WEED CONTROL City of Hastings Hastings Utilities Rader Realty This Board will now recess Adams County Board. Salaries Matching Ins. Coverage INHERITANCE Payment RELIEF -MEDICAL 1673.30 117.96 87.60 2178.12 167.66 229.54 Utilities Rent 27,000.00 45.34 190.00 subject to the call of the Chairman of the /s/ COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 20, 1985 11:15 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that we grant exemption to Hastings College for the following vehicles: 1981 Ford STD 1FABP38F3BU129589 1965 Ford Pu FlOJP660160 1980 Chev 2 Dr Clb Cpe 1X115A6306016 Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: Ellerbee. Motion carried. 329 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller that we grant exemption to Good Samaritan Village for a 1984 Chev Van Cutaway Title 14G25136. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: Ellerbee. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 27, 1985. 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that this Board put off a decision concerning the bridge between Sections 25 & 36 in Little Blue Township and give a week for the Chairman and Road Superintendent to arrange a meeting with the land owners to see if a solution can be reached or a recommendation can be made. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Charles Hastings, Attorney and Steve Shute representing S.I.D. II"Idlewilde" appeared before the Boardito present a plan for fire protection in the S.I.D. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this meeting be recessed to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Mbtion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. MOtion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this Board hold Executive session to hear Relief -Medical claims. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:35 A.M.. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:20 A.M. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that this Board hold Executive session regarding a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:22 A.M. 330 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Regular session resumed at 11:35 A.M. Discussion was held concerning the County's insurance coverage. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that we rescind the action denying claims to Everett Goebel in the amount of $175.00; Hastings Utilities in the amount of $64.69; Mary Lanning Hospital in the amount of $108.83 and William B. Young, M.D. in the amount of $28.00. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk by authorized and instructed to issue a warrant for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Independent Insurance Agents State of Ne. Social Security HEDC HEDC Midland Area Agency on Aging Midland Area Agency on Aging Mid-Nebr. Mental Ret. Serv. Mid-Nebr. Mental Ret. Serv. Region III Governing Board Region III Governing Board r-, Independent Insurance Agents Beatrice State Development Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Norfolk Regional Center Independent Insurance Agents -ROAD FUND Insurance Coverage GENERAL FUND Social County County County County County County County County Contribution Insurance Coverage Security Matching Contribution Contribution Contribtuion Contribution Contribution Contribution Contribution INSTITUTIONS FUND Rader Realty William B Young M.C. Mary Lanning Hospital Hastings Utilities Goebel, Everett Wolfe, Raymond DeCamp, David Madison Co.Clk Rader Realty Rader Realty Lofing, Catherine Young, Vernon Wolfe, Ray This Board will now recess County Clerk G7 Deput Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care WEED CONTROL FUND Insurance Coverage RELIEF -MEDICAL Rent Professional Service Medical Payments Utilities Rent Rent Reimbursement Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent the call of .e Ch.'r' 40 AO& .." "'�'Chai"man 54,748.70 7.55 1,666.67 1,666.67 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,813.83 1,813.83 2,360.74 2,360.74 41,644.07 186.00 3,835.67 279.00 87.00 2,213.57 200.00 28.00 108.83 64.66 175.00 242.80 223.00 165.00 246.60 100.00 39.00 62.50 an of the Board. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NE. Tuesday, August 27, 1985 10:30 A.M. 331 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Bennett,Ellerbee Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and Anita Hawes, County Clerk. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that we grant exemption to Gingerbread Inc. for a 1975 Dodge Bus I.D. No. B36BF5X096271. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: Ellerbee. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we deny the application for exemption of:'International Relief Friendship Foundation for a 1985 Chev. Van I.D. No. 1GBG7D1F3FV104129. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Patrick Tombelle appeared late for the appointed time of hearing and after the motion of denial had been made. Discussion followed. No further action taken. This Board of Equalization will now recess of the Adams County Board of. `,°<..�,, sors . CZE-. subject to the call of the Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 3, 1985 9:30`A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman,opresiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progess of road work in the County. Some residents appeared to inquire about closing a road in Hanover Township. They were referred to the County Attorney for ways to proceed with petitioning that the road be closed. Discussion was held concerning the bridge that is out in Little Blue Township. The County had received correspondence from the adjoining landowners attorney requesting that the County delay at least thirty days before making any decision concerning replacing the bridge or rechanneling the river. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to strike from the tax rolls taxes involved in 1982 Distress Warrants which the Sheriff is unable to collect, because persons have moved out of state, are out of business or bankruptcy filings had been made. Total striken, $2,385.98. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 8594 thru 8596. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller that the following resolution be adopted: 332 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA RESOLUTION 85-9-3 WHEREAS, Adams County Nebraska is located in an agricultural community, where the production of corn, wheat and other grain is one of our main industri WHEREAS, agricultural products are used in the production of ethanol; and it would be in the best interests of the citizens of Adams County to have the production of ethanol continued in our County, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Adams County Board of Supervisors go on record urging U.S. Treasury Secretary James Baker to not delay, but to act immediately to impose the tariff on imported Brazilian ethanol. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each member of the Nebraska Congressional Delegation be presented with a copy of this resolution. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that the inventories for the following offices and departments be accepted and placed on file: Sheriff's Dept.; Jail; County Treasurer; Adult Probation Office; County Court; Veterans Service Officer; District Court; County Assessor; -Public Defender; County Superintender Weed Control; County Clerk; Election Supplies; County Library; Clerk of District Court. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellebee, seconded by Malouf that thereports of Jail, Sheriff, Register of Deeds, County Clerk, Planning & Zoning, County Library, Documentary Stamp Tax, and County Superintendent be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that the following resolution be adopted., RESOLUTION 85-9-3.1 WHEREAS, Adams. County has been advised that the U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision in Garcia V. San Antonio Metropolitan Transit Authority mandates the application of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to local governmental entities in all aspects regardless of function or service provided The application of this decision directing compliance with the requirements of the FLSA will have disastrous effects on the budgets of local governments in light of the many cutbacks experienced by local political subdivisions at both the State and Federal levels. In many instances, local governments are th only provider of the services which will now fall under the guidelines of the FLSA and yet these services are not comparable to anyyservices wholly provided in the private sector (i.e. law enforcement, fire protection, emergency medical services, public works services such as highway and drainage projects and sanitary landfill maintenance, etc.). And further, inasmuch as local governments have provided these services on as needed basis, which in many cases exists on a twenty-four hours -a -day emergency time frame contradicti the original purposes of the FLSA which was to act as a fair labor measure covering private enterprises engaged in competitive manufacturing or production of goods for sale to the public. Requiring local governments to comply with this Act will service as a deterrent to the efficient and economical operations of the local public sector which is made up by the people and operates solely to serve the people, and WHEREAS, the application of this Act specifically in Adams County will cause further expenditures which funding will be accomplished through revenues based mainly on taxes collected fromL.the citizens of Adams County with no additional services provided as a result of this increased cost and quite possibly a curtailment of services which could be provided. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Adams County Board strongly urges that our Nebraska Congressional Delegates work to enact S. 1570 and similar legislation in the House which would reverse the Garcia decision and make the FLSA inapplicable to local governmental entities which provide these needed services without any increase in services provided, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, if this request cannot be acted upon favorabl such legislation may be enacted to exempt from FLSA coverage those employees 333 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA who perform necessary and required services which occur on a non -routine basis *hick are unique to local governmental entities such as police protection, emergency medical and rescue services, water and sewer services, public works and fire protection, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each member of'the Nebraska Congressional Delegation be presented with a copy of this resolution and urged to work to correct this manifest injustice placed on the taxpayers who fund local govern- ment services statewide and nationally. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. MOtion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Bennett that we appoint Chief Dean as Civil Defense coordinator and Terry Marshall as Director II for Adams County. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Ellerbee that this Board hold Executive session for two personnel matters, the proposed Election Commissioner and for the Clerk of the District Court's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:22 A.M. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular resumed at 12:22 P.M. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that we disallofft ifLfaeim of Fred R. Brown in the amount of $236.43 and the claim of Hastings in tile amount of $150.5 Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, and Gartner. Malouf, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by funds and the same. Ellerbee. Struss, seconded by Sole that we allow the claims on their respective._. the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller and Gartner. Nays; Malouf, out and not voting. Motion carried. Adams, Dr. George Bert's Rexall Bert's Rexall Drugs Bert's Rexall Drugs Chingren, Dr. Gary Chingren, Dr. Gary Douglas, Harold Hastings Anesthesiology Hastings Anesthesiology Hastings Anesthesiology Hastings Anesthesiology Hastings Family Practice Hastings General Surgery Hastings Pathology Assoc. Hastings Utilities Adams Co. Historical Society Adams Co. Historical Society Adams Co. Historical Society Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Bennett, Sharon RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Professional Service Medicine Medicine Medicine Professional Service Professional Service Rent Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Utilities INHERITANCE FUND County Contribution County Contribution County Contribution ESCROW FUND Cabinet Material GENERAL FUND Cabinet Material Telephone Calls 477.10 17.89 78.66 146.65 15.00 798.20 300.00 189.00 113.40 133.90 75.60 140.00 385.20 21.00 37.44 566.67 566.67 566.67 360.53 13.83 17.63 334 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Mary Lanning Hospital Mary Lanning Hospital Mary Lanning Hospital Mary Lanning Hospital Rader Realty Redfield Pharmacy Near., Dr. Wm. Scribner, Marvin Sole, Carol This Board will now recess RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Rent Crutch Rental 'Professional Service Rent Rent the call of the County Clerk Deputy h rman 557.58 835.50 278.79 373.82 370.00 6.38 810.00 155.00 91 .0 0 the Board. Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 10, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chariman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Ellerbee that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda has kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: None. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report of the progress of road work in the County. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that we add project C1-139 to the One Year Plan for Adams County, Ne. The proposed project to install Two 60" round equivalent x 50' corrugated metal pipes in Sand Creek, between Sections 20 and 29, T6N, R12 W, Adams County, Nebraska. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion carried." Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that this meeting recess to allow the Supervisors to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that a Friday 13, 1985 at 11:00 A.M. for the purpose call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that this Board hold regarding selection of an Election Commissioner. Roll call Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Ellerbee, out Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10 Special Meeting be called on of setting tax levies. Roll Teller,.Malouf and Gartner. executive session , ayes: Sole, and not voting. :05 A.M. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:45 A.M. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that this Board hold executive session 335 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA regarding pending Litigation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:52 A.M. Motion by Malouf, Roll call, ayes: Gartner. Nays: Motion by Malouf, for discussion of Ellerbee, Struss, Executive session Motion by Roll call Gartner. Motion by adopted: seconded by Struss that this Board resume regular session. Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:59A.M. seconded by Teller that this Board hold executive session a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. began at 11:00 A.M. Teller, seconded by S , ayes: Sole, Bennett Nays: none. Motion Ellerbee, seconded by truss that this Board resume regular session. , Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and carried. Regular session resumed at 11:28 A.M. Malouf that the following resolution be RESOLUTION 85-9-10 WHEREAS, Section 32-202 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Nebraska provides that the office of election commissioner may be created for each county having a population of not less than twenty thousand nor more than fifty thousand inhabitants and further provides that the creation may be by resolution of the county board and the appointment of the election commissioner shall be by the county board, WHEREAS, the Adams County Board of Supervisors desires to create the office of Election Commissioner in order to expedite the responsibilities of the County for voters of said County, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS that the office of Election Commissioner be established for Adams County Nebraska as of October 1, 1985. The term of office shall be for four years from the date of appointment. As provided in Section 32-202 R.R.S., 1943 the election commissioner shall be subject to removal by the county board at any time for incompetency or for conduct prejudicial to the public interest. The job description marked Exhibit "A" and attached hereto is made a part of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Chrissela Lewis is appointed to be Election Commissioner for Adams County, Nebraska effective October 1, 1985. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none Mbtion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that the Miscellaneous Receipts and made a part of thiq Supervisors' proceedings. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. carried. 8344 Adams Co. Court 75.00 8345 Neola Maurer/Olies' Place 100.00 8346 Adams Co. Clerk 45.73 8347 Adams Co. Weed Control 20.75 8348 Adams Co. Road Dept. 1700.00 8349 City of Hastings 3617.51 8350 Adams Co. Historical Society 32.50 8351 Clay County Co. Clerk 1324.00 8352 State of Ne. 284.43 8353 Adams Co. Bank 3077.62 8354 Village of Kenesaw 1092.00 8355 Adams Co. Court 272.50 8356 Adams Cb. Court 213.00 8357 Adams Co. Court 8493.26 8358 Adams Co. Court 19.20 8359 Prudential 1.40 8360 Norwest Bank 813.70 8361 Adams Co. Weed 649.50 8362 Randy Simmon 10.00 8363 Clerk of the District Court 135.16 8364 Clerk of the District Court 115.37 8365 Clerk of the District Court 1575.40 8366 Adams County Clerk 2862.75 8367 Adams Co. Court 20.00 be accepte Sole, Motion 336 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 8368 Estate of Elizabeth Pierson 8369 State of Ne. 8370 City National Bank 8371 Cancelled 8372 Adams Co. Court 8373 Estate of Anna Krueger 8374 Village of Juniata 8375 State of Ne. 8376 Franklin County 8377 Village of Ayr 8378 Adams Co. Noxious Weed Control 8379 Midland Area Agency on Aging 8380 Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph 8381 Register of Deeds 8382 Stephen Edney 8383 Adams Co. Court 8384 Adams Co. Court 8385 Adams Co. Sheriff 8386 State of Ne. 8387 City National 8388 Register of Deeds 8389 Nebraskaland Distributors 8390 Estate of Ray M Thomas 8391 Estate of Walter Fergus 8392 Adams Co. Superintendent 8393 Estate of Dorothy Gangwish 8394 Roseland State Bank 8395 Weed Control 8396 Weed Control 8397 Adams Co. Road Dept. 8398 Adams Co. District Ct. 8399 Clerk of the Dist. Court 8400 Adams Co. Sheriff's Dept. 8401 Village of Roseland 8402 Fillmore County 8403 John Tedron & Deborah Reise 8404 Hastings State Bank 8405 Village of Kenesaw 8406 Saline County 8407 Clerk of _Dist. Court 8408 County Clerk 8409 Village' of Holstein 8410 Adams Co. Bank 8411 Clerk of the Dist. Court 8412 Adams Co. Weed Control 8413 Adams Co. Road Dept. 8414 State of Ne. 8415 Estate of Clara Nelsen 8416 Cancelled 8417 Hall County Treasurer 8418 City Nat'l Bank 8419 Adams Co. Weed 8420 Adams Co. Weed 8421 Estate of Roy F. Juranek 8422 Estate of Ross J Yocum 8423 Adams Co. Court 8424 Adams Co. Court 8425 Cancelled 8426 Adams Co. Weed 8427 Adams Co. Treasurer 8428 IBM 8429 Estate of Bruce W Scholtz 8430 Roseland State Bank 8431 Gayle A Crockett 8432 Edna Lindeburg 8433 Noxious Weed Control 8434 Adams Co. Sheriff 8435 Roger or Gail Buss 8436 Adams Co. Sheriff 8437 Clerk of District Court 1163.43 3736.25 679.64 430.44 225.15 720.00 52353.05 972.00 7.80 1332.30 420.00 42.55 647.21 10.00 300.00 443.61 55.00 25961.10 723.41 2984.85 500.00 9092.80 10667.44 87.06 2540.47 175.89 199.00 149.00 24.84 51.26 105.92 .47 318.00 993.00 10.00 1793.75 3243.75 1830.00 47.50 769.00 346.50 172.29 26.00 596.00 209.34 3064.95 1809.33 531.87 619.18 197.00 157.00 2558.56 368.53 1000.00 100,0.00 99.00 74.00 311.95 18509.00 1803.05 37.40 5.00 544.00 24.19 1350.00 7280.97 101.00 337 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 8438 8439 8440 8441 8442 City National Bank Adams Co. Clerk Noxious Weed Control Adams Co. Sheriff Clerk of Dist. Court 658.32 9.20 996.80 546.50 347.60 Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Ellerbee, out and not voting. Motion carried. Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams GENERAL FUND County Fee Account County Jail Food Acct Co. Sheriff's Fee Acct Co. Sheriff's Fee Acct Co. Sheriff's Fee Acct Co. Sheriff's Mileage Acct Co. Sheriff Rev. Fund Adams Co. Senior Services Inc. Ag Communications Ag Engineering Plan Service Anderson, John Bancroft -Whitney Co. Bender, Matthew & Co. Berck's Muffler Shop Beyke Signs Big G Big G Auto Service Center Bramman, David L Brown, Susan Business Supply Co. Business World Products Carroll's Derby Cash-Wa Candy Co. Child Development Council of Adams Child Development Council of Adams Child Development Council of Adams Chris's Car Wash City of Friend City of Hastings City Treasurer Commercial Chemical Mfg. Co. Commercial Chemical Mfg. Inc. Commercial Electronics Inc. Consolidated Concrete Co. Controls Unlimited Cop Shop Cop Shop Cornhusker Press Cotter Charge Co. Attorney's Special Fund Credit Bureau of Hastings D.A.S. Material Division D.S.C.S. Data Software & Consulting Sery Dirks, John Dirks, John Dudek, Norman Dugan Business Forms Dutton-Lainson Co. Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Center Eakes Office Products Center Eastern Ne Ambulance Serv. Eastman Kodak Co. Executive Copier Systems Postage Food Account Mileage Checks Fees & Mileage Service Charge Reimbursement Handi-Bus Supplies Supplies Mileage & Expenses Supplies Library Expense Maintenance Cut out Supplies Maintenance Clothing Maintenance Mileage & Expenses Supplies Supplies Gas & S.T.P. Supplies County Contribution County Contribution County Contribution Service Utilities Civil Defense Paving Taxes Supplies Supplies Radio Repairs Concrete Equipment Repair Equipment Uniform Supplies Supplies Supplies Registration Fee Membership Supplies System Back -Up System Back -Up Clothing Maintenance Court Service Fees Clothing Maintenance Supplies Supplies Supplies Rental Rental &Repair Supplies Ambulance Service Maintenance Copier Supplies 2.15 1512.53 7.50 16.30 455.12 3.00 622.46 4088.28 34.75 50.40 33.39 344.95 49.50 22.50 30.00 60.66 5.50 35.00 16.59 542.32 126.44 786.73 77.95 500.00 500.00 500.00 60.45 33.72 Expense 1189:36 1201.16 78.92 ;62.10 311.48 67.50 50.00 108.45 184.13 372.01 112.58 90.00 60.00 50.05 73.13 73.13 35.00 48.00 35.00 1792.85 129.14 116.35 65.51 1387-:40- 915.11 132.65 455.00 2619 .50 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 338 Finnerty, R.W. Firestone Fischer, Dick Foto Fast Friends Motor Supply Friend Sentinel Gewecke, Wilbur R. Gibson Products Gibson Products Gingrich, Wil E. Grace's Locksmith Service Grothen, Eldson HEDC H & N Mobil Hartman, Marvin C. Hammond & Stephens. Co. Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. Hastings Family Practice P.C. Hastings Paint & Decorating Hastings Paint & Decorating Hastings Radiology Assoc. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hugo Heyen Co. IBM IBM Independent Business Machine Industrial Chemical Laboratories Information Management Resources International Business Machines J & B Mobile Lock Service Jack's Mens Wear & Uniform Jacobitz, Frances Johnson Controls Inc. Kelso Keith's Pharmacies Kemp, M. Glenn Kemp, Glenn Kenesaw Motor Co. King, Ron Klopp Printing Laird Motors Inc. Largent, Dorothy Law Enforcement Equip Co. Law Enforcement Equip Co. Liberty Cleaners Liberty Rental Services Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Magee, Gregg Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Meals on Wheels Meals on Wheels Meals on Wheels Micek, Gregory A. Mid -Con Systems Inc. Midland Area Agency on Aging Mid Ne Mental Ret. Service Minnesgasco Minnesgasco Modern Methods Inc. Monroe Systems for Business Mousel, Wayne Mulliner, Robert Myers Refrigeration Inc. NACO NACO NACO Natl College of Dist Attorneys Ne. Correctional Ind. Mileage , rMeals I & Reg. Maintenance Postage Foto Finishing Maintenance Supplies Postage Supplies Camera & Supplies Clothing Maintenance Keys Board Member Mileage County Contribution Gasoline Repair Supplies Maintenance Professional Service Supplies Supplies Medical Expenses Advertising & Supplies Utilities Courthouse & Annex Repairs Supplies Supplies Repair Supplies Supplies Maintenance Repair Supplies Board Member Mileage Repair Service Supplies Medical Clothing Maintenance Mileage Maintenance Board Member Mileage Supplies Repairs Mileage Supplies Supplies Cleaning & Mending Supplies & Mop & Mat Telephone Service Telephone Service Telephone Service Hot Line Mileage Medical Service County Contribution County Contribution County Contribution Medical Expense Supplies County Contribution County Contribution Gas Service Gas Service Copier Maintenance & Maintenance Board Member Mileage Mileage Repair Registration Registration Registration Registration Supplies 308.20 53.95 22.00 7.00 70.31 39.70 39.00 157.09 296.37 35.00 21.39 9.41 1666.67 223.68 6.00 1099.26 111.14 68.00 10.24 5.85 102.00 1003.57 15.02 9407.37 45.24 81.00 57.60 48.00 50.16 133.66 71.02 38.00 48.59 12.56 196.35 251.56 155.22 35.00 141.12 17.08 6.89 48.00 16.31 10.92 154.75 110.95 7.05 Serv. 125.10 117.75 57.00 1942.60 45.10 349.92 564.50 323.83 323.83 323.83 45.00 232.34 1000.00 1813.83 20.51 9.72 Supplies 377.50 84.00 11.30 39.77 15.50 50.00 50.00 50.00 405.00 25.35 339 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Ne. Dept of Revenue M & S Computer Program 1766.16 re. Pest Control Pest Control 12.50 Ne. Reporters Service Professional Service 126.50 Ne. State Bar Association Supplies 10.00 Ne. State Library Supplies 16.75 Nelson, Luwane Reimbursement 25.93 Nelson, Luwane Mileage 159.60 Norwest Bank Hastings, NA Printing Checks 94.60_ Office of Public Defender Supplies & Office Exp 988.51 O'Keefe Elevator Co. Equipment Repair 94.94 Pavelka Bros Repairs 21.82 Pavelka, Michael R. Clothing Maintenance 35.00 Peterson, Larry C. Clothing Maintenance 35.00 Peterson, Larry C. Mileage 172.08 Peterson, Michael V. Clothing Maintenance 35.00 Peterson, Michael Mileage 125.52 Pettengill, Donald D. Clothing Maintenance 35.00 Pettengill, Don Mileage 206.40 Phelps Co. Treasurer Telephone Service 392.35 Physicians Desk Reference Supplies 43.90 Polk, R.L. & Co. Update Service 22.00 Portable Lights, Inc. Equipment 52.58 Pro Flight Travel Expense 76.70 Protex System Inspection & Service Call 67.95 RSVP County Contribution 100.00 RSVP County Contribution 100.00 RSVP COunty Contribution 100.00 Radio Shack Radio Repair 8.17 Radio Shack Radio Repair 23.69 Reaman, Kimberly Supplies 4.28 Reaman, Kimberly Mileage 63.40 Redfield & Co. Supplies 126.15 Redfield & Co. Supplies 30.40 - Rennick, Larry D Clothing Maintenance 35.00 Region III Governing Board County Contribution 2360.74 Reporters Paper & Mfg. Co. Supplies 59.27 - Revolving Fund Supplies 8.96 Rose, Sharon Registration Fee 30.00 ROTO Rooter Service 35.00 Rotter & Jordan & Assoc Up Date Cadastrals 1715.00 Rust, John Clothing Maintenance 35.00 Rust, John Mileage 139.44 Rutt's Pharmacy Medicine 32.28 Schakat, John Clothing Maintenance 35.00 Schukei, Cory Mileage 7.77 Shada, Michael Clothing Maintenance 35.00 Shada, Michael Mileage 236.24 Shoemaker & Witt Professional Services 212.50 Shoemaker & Witt Professional Service 322.50 Sidlo, Cordon Clothing & Maintenance 35.00 Sidlo, James W. Clothing & Maintenance 35.00 Siemers Printing Supplies 73.21 Simmons, Billy C Clothing Maintenance 35.00 Simmons, Billy Mileage 228.48 South Central Community Metal Health Center Counseling 48.00 Southern Steel Co. Equipment Repair 177.17 State of Ne. Net Com Rental 1001.08 State of Ne. Telecommunications Charges 541.44 Steve's Lawn Service Lawn Service 180.00 Stromer, Marilyn Board Member Mileage 7.94 Sullivan, Michael E Professional Service 66.77 Swanson, Paul Mileage 117.77 3M BFV9720 Repairs 163.98 Talley, Jean K Rent 145.00 Talley, Jean K. Rent 145.00 Universervice Mop & Mat Service 36.90 Vaughans Printers Inc. Supplies & Printing 1340.61 Weaver Glass Inc. Repair 155.00 Weber's Studio Supplies 42.20 West Publishing Co. Supplies 105.75 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 340 Whelan Foote & Scherr, P.C. Woodward's Disposal Service Xerox Corporation Hansen Bldg. Spec. Business Supply Co. Data Software & Consulting Eakes Office Products Modern Methods Inc. Penneys, J.C. Adams Co. Highway Dept. Big G Brown, Ray Cornbelt Chemical Co. Central Community College Cooperative Grain & Supply Eakes Office Products H & N Mobil Hastings Tribune Jahnke's Agri Home Center K N Energy Laird Motors Southern Power Dist Wheelers Stores Professional Service Disposal Service Supplies ESCROW Counter Door REVENUE SHARING FUND Desk Modification of Computer SW Chair Copier & Stand Blinds WEED CONTROL FUND Boyle, Helen D. Hastings Public Library Cavendish, Marshall Brand -Wilson Mortuary Countryfare IGA Countryfare IGA Gibson Pharmacy Hastings Family Practice Hastings Utilities Meyer, Garnet Meyer, Garnet Meyer, Garnet Mobile Home Ranch Murray, Don.E MD Ne. Dept of Social Services Ne. Dept of Social Services Olson, C.L. Rader Realty Rader Realty Rollins, Steven Szafrajda, Cheri Walgreens Wolfe, Ray Young, Dr. Wm Postage Repairs Replacement of Trees Chemical Registration Gasoline Supplies Gasoline Advertising Repairs Gas Service Equipment Electric Service Equipment Repair LIBRARY FUND Supplies Bookmobile Services Supplies 699.84 87.70 98.40 1073.00 475.34 9870.00 101.00 3480.00 666.00 20.3.7. 61.36 103.90 1135.64 15.00 121.94 5.80 8.35 67.50 32.95 4.00 9.38 29.65 23.99 300.00 696.00 339.95 461.00 155.28 37.68 16.41 10.53 51.64 469.16 250.00 16.31 142.50 270.00 21204.84 21346.12 300.00 160.40 210.00 6.00 150.00 46.55 300.00 16.10 RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND County Burial Groceries Sundries Prescription Professional Service Utilities Revolving Fund Revolving Fund Revolving Fund Rent Professional Service Vendor Payments Vendor Payments Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent Medical Ren t Services 341 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ROAD FUND Ace Irrigation Mfg. Co. Adams Co. Highway Dept Airborne Express American Express Avers Ken Sharp All Shop Big G Bruners Sand & Gravel Champion International Corp. City Iron & Metal Co. Clarke Oil CO. Commercial Electronics Cotter Charge Card Cooperative Grain & Supply Data. Master Dutton-Lainson Eakes Office Products Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Co. Figgins & Lewis Foote, Judy Friends Motor Supply Garvey Elevators General Glass Gilbert Central Corp. Glenwood Telephone Membership H & N Mobil Halloran Battery & Electric Hastings Utilities Island Supply Co. Jahnke's Agri Home Center Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. KN Energy Kerr Chev Co. Kully Iron & Metal Co. Inc. Laird Motors Inc. Latus Development Corp Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Linweld Ne. Public Power Odorite Co. Olsen's Mini Mart Olsen, L.L. Oil Co. Pauley Lumber Co. Sidles/Mr. Automotive Siemers Printing Southern Power Dist Spitz Foundry Inc. Stromers Repair Sury-Kap 3 -Points Tire Service Town Country Seat Covers Uniservice Inc. Westland Building Co. This Board will now recess subj Board. County Clerk Deput# Supplies Petty Cash & Postage Postage Travel Expense Repair Supplies Gravel Repairs Supplies SUpplies Radio Repair Supplies Gasoline Computer Service Supplies Supplies Gasoline & Diesel Rd Work shared with Mileage Repairs Gasoline Repairs & Labor Ashphalt Telephone Service Gasoline Repairs Utilities Repairs Repairs & Tools Supplies Gas Service Repairs Repairs Repairs Computer Software Update Gravel Supplies Telephone Service Repairs Electric Service Deodorizer Service Gasoline Gasoline Supplies Repairs Supplies Electric Service Repairs Repairs Supplies Repairs Repairs Shop Towel Service Supplies 6359.71 47.74 14.00 8.93 41.40 291.78 1567.28 3276.30 8.90 3817.52 52.00 22.00 336.88 262.14 174.62 24.72 4372.57 Webster Co, 2581.50 10.61 484.58 25.62 38.16 5099.60 24,661.50 5.50 12.5' 148.08 17,172.39 33.33 89.59 11.27 13.35 49.16 43.46 75,1a_ 4004.32 695 .89 258.64 150.40 18.54 5.00 232.39 2281.67 137.10 772.24 102.43 74.75 850.00 85.95 197.10 124.50 148.00 27.10 9.00 the call of the Chairman of the COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 10, 1985 10:40 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Chairman, Dale W. Gartner. presiding. Members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present were Beverley 342 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we grant exemption to Gingerbread for a 1979 Ford Club Wgn., title 14G25197 and for a 1978 Ford Club Wagon Title 14G25196. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: Ellerbee. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Bennett that we grant exemption to Midland Area Agency on Aging for a 1984 Ford 4D., Title 14G25938. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: Ellerbee. Motion carried. This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. County Clerk COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday 13, 1985. 11:00 A.M. A special meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Struss, seconded by Sole that this is a special meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors, called to sit as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of setting tax rates for Adams County. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that the following are the tax rates for Adams County as set by this Board and as set by other levying boards and as certified by other counties for sub -divisions that cross county lines. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. 1985 Tax Rates COUNTY General .1797 Road .1158 Co. Visitor's -0- Employment Security -0- Relief-Medical .0233 Institutions .0069 Veteran's Aid -0- Weed Control .0008 Capitol Projects -0- Revenue Sharing -0- Inheritance Fund -0- Escrow -0- TOTAL COUNTY .3265 CITIES & VILLAGES 343 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA CITIES & VILLAGES GENERAL BOND Hastings .5433 .1734 Airport Authority .0210 Juniata .3881 Kenesaw .4177 -0- Ayr .2560 Roseland .1462 .1405 Holstein .1447 .1254 Prosser .0521 Trumbull .0727 TOWNSHIPS West Blue .0077 Highland .0176 Verona .0165 Kenesaw .0110 Wanda .0295 Juniata No Levy Denver .0133 Blaine No Levy Hanover .0153 Ayr .0022 Roseland .0201 Cottonwood .0169 Logan .0380 Silver Lake .0332 Zero .0273 Little Blue .0363 SCHOOL DISTS GENERAL BOND BLDG SINK Juniata 1 .4721 .0480 Kenesaw 3R .9625 .0341 Pauline 8 .6976 Holstein 11R .6259 15 .1361 Hastings 18 1.3144 .0425 .0692 29 .0922 33 .1965 Roseland 42 1.2734 53 .3844 60 .3056 .0299 .0106 65-67 .2875 75 .1803 Adams Central 9A .3838 .0180 .0073 LEVY FROM OTHER CO'S OTHER COUNTY SCHOOL 344 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA LEVY '.FROM OTHER CO'S OTHER COUNTY SCHOOL Franklin 13 Doniphan 26 Webster 31 Buffalo 19 Webster 74 Trumbull 101 Clay 1-C Nuckolls 71 Kearney R3 Minden GENERAL BOND 1.2486_ 1.2506 1.1971 1.3531 1.3373 1.3708 1.2439 1.5005 . 9438 .4534 .1174 .0737 .0923 SINK .0294 .0406 .0394 .0336 FIRE DISTRICTS Roseland RFD Holstein RFD Juniata RFD Hastings RFD Kenesaw RFD Glenvil RFD Trumbull RFD Lawrence RFD Blue Hill RFD GENERAL .0169 .0200 . 0299 . 0510 . 0086 . 0174 . 0088 .0242 . 0172 SINKING . 0245 . 0082 . 0080 . 0076 .0102 . 0215 . 0101 CCC GENERAL .0700 CAP.INP. .0179 NRD 1 (Upper Big Blud) NRD 2 (Little Blue) FREE HIGH GENERAL . 0257 . 0236 GROUND WATER CONT .0035 . 0048 .5867 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY GENERAL .0098 CAP.CONST. .0171 ESU #9 ESU#10 ESU#11 .0347 .0278 .0219 SID ##1 SID #2 GENERAL .1815 GENERAL .2328 BOND .1087 BOND .3943 OFF STREET PARKING DIST. ##1 .0894 COUNTY LIBRARY Motion by Ellerebbe, sec adjorn sine die. Roll c Teller, Malouf, and Gar COUNTY CLERK GENERAL .0100 SINK .0008 ler that this Board of Equalization ole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, none. Motion -..rier, 111 �.N t 345 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 17, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that this meeting is a regularly schedule public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, jayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Wm. Connolly, Attorney, representing Juniata Feedyards requested a special permit to cross and East-West County between Sections 25 ,& 36 in Verona Township. Discussion was held as to terms to be included in an agreement between Juniata Feedyards and the County. Motion by Ellerbee that we authorize a temporary 14 day permit and further authorize Gary Anderberg and Roger Parks to negotiate a written contract with Juniata Feedyards. Motion died for lack of a second. Motion by Teller, seconded by Bennett that we authorize the County Attorney and the County Highway Superintendent to meet with Representatives of Juniata Feedyard to prepare an agreement and return to this Board in two weeks. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Bennett that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Struss that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections No. 8597 and 8599. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that we deny the claims of Hastings Utilities in the amount of $42.18 and Harold Douglas in the amount of $150.00. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Malouf that the claims be allowed on respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Business Supply Business World Products City Hall Civil Preparedness County Assessors' Assoc. GENERAL FUND Supplies 13.55 Supplies 47.85 Copier Use 28.95 Copier Use 50.90 Guides & Book 159.03 their to issue Struss, SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 346 Custom Craft Engraving Eakes Office Products Keenan, Joyce NACO Mobley, Bev Weber Studio Chromosta, Karen Gilbert, Vern Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Catherine. Lofing Wm. Metzger Sign Maintenance Agreement Mileage Registration School Expense Film RELIEF -MEDICAL This Board will now recess subject County Board of Super-is©ts. Rent Rent Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Rent Rent to the call of County Clerk Deputy the Chairman of 7.10 110.00 9.45 50.00 246.25 142.80 200.00 175.00 79.89 43.87 30.38 49.03 100.00 216.67 the Adams COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 17, 1985 10:30A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee. Struss, Teller, Malouf. and Gartner. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that we grant exemption to Berean Fundamental Church of Hastings for Property I.D. 284-01062 and 284-08386 (Name change). Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Sole that we approve exemption for Headstart Gingerbread Pre -School for a 1984 Dodge Van and a 1983 Dodge Van. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: Ellerbee. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairmai of the Adams County -Board of ,`'v rir sors . County Clerk COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 24, 1985 9:30A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Charirman presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. 4110.10.1 Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner Nays: none. Motion carried. 347 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that we authorize the Chairman to sign the Certifications for the Year End Reports to the Board of Classifications and Standards. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that we authorize the Chairman to sign the Supplemental agreements for Projects RS2020(3) and RS2185(6). Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Malouf that subject to the approval of the County Attorney, we authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement with the U.S. Corp of Engineers for a bank stabilization project on the Little Blue River between Section 11 and 12 twp 5N, Range 8 West. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that we authorize the Chairman to sign the application for the end year of the Highway SafetyyGrant. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: Ellerbee. Motion carried. The Register of Deeds, Sharon Levis, appeared to discuss a problem with the microfilm processor. She is currently driving to Grand Island a couple of times each week to microfilm the instruments. It was agreed to investigate the possibility of repairing the present machine before making a decision to purchase a new one. Discussion was held concerning an offer of a special purchase price on a copy machine. No action taken. John Anderson appeared to make arrangements for a Pumpkin contest with the displays to be made in the Courthouse. Motion by Sole, seconded by Struss that this meeting recess to allow the Board of Supervisors to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that this Board resumeregular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that we deny the claim of DorAn Motel in the amount of $300.00. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Malouf that we authorize the Chairman to sign the amended transportation budget, agreement and statement of assurances. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Bennett that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections 8598 and 8600. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Malouf that we approve the bonds of the Veteran's Service(Office employees and Chris Lewis, Adams County Election Commissioner,— Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that we approve the release of Joint Custody receipt CUSIP313586GE3 to City National Bank and Trust Co. in the amount of $100,000. and the pledging of Receipt No. 503250 by Adams County Bank, Kenesaw in the amount of 350,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. 348 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Bennett, Seconded by Struss that this Board hold executive session tc consider pending litigation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Strus: Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: None. Executive session began at 11:25 A.M. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Ellerbee, out and not voting. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:35 A.M. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Ellerbee,out and not voting. Motion carried. Library Blue Cross & Blue Shield Social Security Retirement Road Employees Social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield Harpham, Gilbert Heuertz, Harold Koch, David Mousel, Virgil NACO Stromer, Paul :Struss, Lambert Velder, Ray Westland Bldg. Co. Supplemental Payroll Weed Control Employees Social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield Curt's Fleetway Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hoevet, Mrs. Norman Rader Realty Jackson, Alton Sole, Carol Wolfe, Ray COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Salaries Insurance Coverage Matching Matching ROAD FUND Salaries Matching Matching Insurance Coverage Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Pre -Registration Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Project C1-88 Salaries WEED CONTROL FUND Salaries Matching Matching Insurance Coverage RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Gasoline Utilities Utilities Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent INSTITUTIONS FUND Beatrice State Development Center ""' Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Norfolk Regional Center Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care REVENUE SHARING FUND A One Clean Care Cleaning Drapes Reimbursement Sidlo, Jim 1796.00 87.60 126.62 36.61 32199.50 2270.03 1399.46 2941.86 14.00 13 .00 25.00 12.00 50.00 13 .00 12.00 19.00 38.00 141.87 2464.40 173.74 118.30 229.54 10.00 30.06 79.67 222.02 120.n00 35.00 186.00 3129.73 279.00 93.00 232.80 285.00 349 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Social Security Retirement School Retirement Adams County Clerk Adams County Sheriff Revolving Fd Auditor of Public Accts. Bennett, Sharon L Blue Cross & Blue Shield Burchard, Minnie M Cosgrove, Madelyn Data Software & Consulting Serv. Duthie, Eva Eastern Nebr Ambulance Serv. Gartner, Dale Gartner, Rena Hastings Utilities Hawes, Anita Hayen, Rachel Kidd, C H Lightner,Ed Malouf, D.W. Reutlinger, Lila Rose, Sharon Story, Roscoe E Teller, Fred This Board will now recess /s/ Anita Hawes County Clcrk /s/ Phyllis r Deputy tM GENERAL FUND Matching Matching Matching Box Rent Funds Funds Funds Election 6756.41 3985.14 42.12 Commissioner 29.00 507.96 8970.00 8.00 8774.67 14.00 14.00 56.94 14.00 7917.00 17.62 25.00 465.45 26.66 25.00 16.00 19.00 18.25 14.00 37.15 15.00 8.00 Reimbursement Auditing Registration Insurance Coverage Prior Service Prior Service Back -Up Fees Prior Service Contract Mileage Prior Service Utilities Mileage & Registrations Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Registration & Mileage Prior Service Mileage & Meals Prior Service Registration n of the Board. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS,NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 24, 1985 10:00A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Bennett,Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Struss, seconded by Sole that we grant exemption to for a vehicle used for the college, title No.14G001928. Roll Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: Ellerbee, This Board of Equalization wil of the Adams County Board. /s/ Anita Hawes County Clerk /s/ Phyllis Newell ? Deputy Hastings College Call, ayes, Sole, Motion carried. -� ecess subject to the call •f the Chairman CLFCL:)' �.,4 /s/ DaleGartner Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 1, 1985. 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. 350 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this Board hold executive session concerning possible litigation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, truss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive '^lession began at 9:50 A.M. 'Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:25 A.M. Motion by Struss, seconded by Solethat this meeting recess to allow the supervisors to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we approve the bond of James E. Stutesman as Jailer/Dispatcher in the amount of $10,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett,Eilerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Sole that the inventories of Marvin C. Hartman, Custodian; Sharon Levis, Register of Deeds; Gary C. Anderberg, County Attorney; Emergency Protective Shelter and Pooh Corner and Weed Control be accepted and placed on file. Roll call,ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, r.,Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett., seconded by Malouf that we deny the claims of Vernita Beal in the amount of $175.00; the claims of Rader Realty in the amount of $185.00; and the claim of Harold Kudrna in the amount of $125.00. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that we approve the remainder of the claims on their respective funds and authorize and instruct the County Clerk to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: Ellerbee. Motion carried. RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Berts Rexall Drugs Hastings Utiltiies Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Jeff Volkmer Ray Wolfe Marvin Scribner This Board will now recess subject County Board of Supe visors. /s/ _ „J?�- County Clerk Medicine Utilities Utilities Utilities Rent Rent Ren t to the $42.59 28.20 80.80 41.39 185.00 175.00 155.00 the Adams 351 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 1, 1985 10:00 A.M. The Adams County Baord of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Teller, seconded by Malouf that we approve exemption for Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society for a 1975 Plymouth Station Wgn, Iden No. SNH245D8F265684 and a 1976 Sta Wgn, Ident. No. 8Q45T6X147581, said exemptions to be reviewed in January. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: Ellerbee. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman. County Clerk /s/ airman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 8, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that we authorize the Highway Super- intendent to hire a consultant to do a study on Oak Creek. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that we authorize the Chairman to sign a Supplemental Agreement on Project BRS-2197(2) Hastings Southwest. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays:none. Motion carried. Discussion was held with John Paden concerning the deferred compensation plan. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller that this meeting recess to allow the Supervisors to act as a iBoard of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays:none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Struss that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays:none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that we approve the release of Joint Custody receipt 501844 to Roseland State Bank in the amount of $100,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Sole that we approve the bonds of Steven E Shute, Chairman -Sanitary & Improvement Dist #2 in the amount of $5,000. and Wilbur W Kutz, Clerk of Sanitary & Improvement Dist #2 in tha amount of $20,000. 352 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays:none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list correction No.8601. Rollcall, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Discussion was held concerning the condition of the micro -film processor. Motion by Sole, seconded by Bennett that the reports of Jail; Register of Deeds(3); Jail Food Account(2), Planning/Zoning; County Library, Car Titles(2); County Clerk; Clerk of District Court(2); Sheriff(2) be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner, Nays: none, Motion carried. Public hearing held concerning application 85-149. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Sole that as per the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission we approve application 85-149 for an acces- sory living facility permit to place a mobile home on the NW corner of the NWk of Section 2, T8N, R1OW, Adams County, NE with two stipulations: 1. That use of the mobile home is restricted to employees working on the farm. 2. The permit is to be renewed annually beginning in October 1986. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that this Board hold executive session to hear an appeal on a Relief -Medical claim. Roll call, ayes: Sole,Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays:none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:15 A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Bennett that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Ellerbee out and not voting. Motion carried. Regular session resume at 11:30 A.M. Motion by Bennett, Seconded by Malouf that we rescind our denial of the claim to Rader Realty in the amount of $185.00 and instruct the County Clerk to issue a warrant for the same. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole and Ellerbee, out and not voting. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Sole that the Miscellaneous receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors'. Proceedings. Roll call, Ayes: Sole Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. 8443 Adams Co. Supervisors 8444 Noxious Weed Control 8445 Olie's Place 8446 Register of Deeds 8447 State of Nebraska 8448 Norwest Bank of Hastings 8449 Adams county Bank 8450 City National Bank 8451 Adams Co. Court 8452 Adams Co. Sheriff 8453 Adams Co. Court 8454 Adams Co. Court 8455 County Clerk 8456 Clay County 8457 Hastings State Bank 8458 Adams Co. Weed Control 8459 Custer Count 8460 Lancaster County 8461 Adams co. Clerk 8462 Clerk of Dist Court 8463 Clerk of District Court 8464 Cancelled 8465 Clerk of Dist Court 8466 City Treasurer 8467 Adams Co. Court 8468 Adams Co. Cornt 8469 Estate of Arnold Livgren 9.80 339.00 100.00 839.44 460.45 887,67 2,814.91 1,558.10 6.00 1,226.00 278.00 9,383.65 32.00 300.00 1,801.64 1,167.95 74.05 16.02 3,036.50 214.33 83.73 2,095.00 11,363.75 300.00 3,877.79 1,192.19 353 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 8470 Webster Co Treas 8471 Adams Co. Weed Control 8472 State of Nebr 8473 State of Nebraska 8474 Estate of Marie E Blessing 8475 Adams Co. Court 8476 City National Bank 8477 Thayer County 8478 Clerk of District Court 8479 Clerk of the District Court 8480 Clerk of the District Court 8481 Thayer County 8482 Adams County Court 8483 Adams C o. Weed Control 8484 Adams Co. Court 8485 Roseland State Bank 8486 Adams Co. Bank 8487 Adams Co. HiWay Dept 8488 Adams County Weed Control 8489 Adams co. Weed Control 8490 City National Bank 8491 Adams County Sheriff 8492 Register of Deeds 8493 Adams Co. Weed Control 8494 Adams Co Weed Control 8495 Chip Hofbauer 8496 Cancelled F. 8497 Clay Co. Treas 8498 Clay County Treas 8499 Clay County Treas 8500 Clerk of District Court 8501 State of Nebr 8502 Adams co. Clerk 8503 Sheriffs Dept 8504 Daniel Schnuerle Estate 8505 Buffalo County 8506 Estate of Charles G Consbruck 8507 Cancelled 8508 Hall Co. Treasurer 8509 Adams Co. Weed Control 8510 City National Bank 8511 Conway Connolly & Pauley 8512 Roseland State Bank 8513 State of Nebr 8514 Adams Co. Road Dept 8515 Adams Co. Weed Control 964.12 788.10 50,120.25 126.69 277.20 50.00 2,761.08 316.30 92.00 87.00 87.50 993.00 328.00 832.33 75.00 175.89 172.29 1,500.00 378.00 240.55 2,395.79 8.18 3,438.85 524.00 434.00 10.00 322.53 278.19 73.75 41.00 3,033.14 616.50 975.46 1,436.85 9.20 21,292.04 4,020.47 496.63 2,187.76 260.43 2,039.17 620.27 20.70 160.00 Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. ASCS Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams County Court County Jail Food Acct County Senior Services County Sheriff's Fee Acct Co. Sheriff's Fee Acct GENERAL FUND Adams Co. Sheriff's Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriff's Mileage Acct. American Correctional Assoc. Anderson, John Apex Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Badger Uniforms Bancroft -Whitney Company Bancroft -Whitney Company Big G Bramman, David L Bramman, David L Brown, Susan Aerial Slides Court Costs Reim Food Account Handi-Bus Operation Fees & Mileage Miscellaneous Postage Service Charge Supplies Mileage & Expenses Equipment Repair Uniforms Library Expense Library Expense Supplies Gas & Maintenance Clothing Maintenance Expenses $281.00 346.00 1510.71 3798.92 623.04 83.20 6.80 3.00 37.44 95.25 32.50 524.53 103.50 244.90 125.74 15.97 35.00 17.18 354 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Business Supply Co. Business World Products Callaghan & Company Carroll's Derby Cash-Wa Candy Company Child Development Council of Adams Chris' Car Wash City of Friend City of Friend City of Hastings Clerk of Supreme Court Cornhusker Press Cotter Charge Card County Clerk Commercial Chemical Mfg. Co. Computer Election Systems Inc. Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc. Commercial Electronics Inc. DSCS D.A.S. Material Div. Data Software & Consulting Dirks, John Dudek, Norman Dudek, Norman Dugan Business Forms Dutton Lainson Co. Dutton Lainson Co. Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Eakes Office Equipment Co. Eakes Office Products Center Educational Service Unit #9 'Fischer, Richard Foto Fast Franklin, Ben of Hastings Inc Friends Motor Supply Friends Motor Supply Friend Sentinel Gibson Products Company Gibson Products Company Gingrich, Wil E Grace's Locksmith Service Gray, Valerie Great Western Supply Grothen, Eldon HEDC H & N Mobil Hammond & Stephens Co. Hansen Bldg. Specialties Hastings Family Practice Hastings Letter Shop Hastings Paint & Decorating Inc. Hastings Paint & Decorating Inc Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Highsmith Co. IBM Industrial Chemical Information Systems Inc. JJE the Office Tech Jacobitz, Frances Janssen Auto Body Johnson's Pharmacy Johnson's Pharmacy Keenan, Joyce Keith's Pharmacies Kemp, M. Glenn Supplies Supplies Library Expense Gasoline Supplies Co Co. Contribution Maintenance Utilities Utilities Civil Defense Expense Docket Fee Supplies Supplies Postage Supplies Maint. Agreement Verbal Reports Radio Repair Back -Up Service Supplies Back -Up. Services Clothing Maint. Clothing Maint. Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Maint. Agreement Copier Rental Rental of Copier Supplies Inservice Postage Supplies Fan Gas & Maintenance Gas & Maint Advertising Supplies Supplies Clothing Maint. Keys Board Member Mileage Supplies Board Member Mileage County Contribution Gas & Maint. Supplies Supplies Prof Service Printing Supplies Supplies Advertising Advertising Utilities CNEMS Utilities Supplies Repair Supplies Supplies Supplies Board Member Mileage Gas & Maint. Supplies Supplies Supplies & Mileage Medical Supplies Mileage 236.71 526.97 61.05 606.66 117.05 500.00 44.45 50.19 59.54 839.97 50.00 105.91 42.81 3.03 84.78 3067.00 24.00 57.52 140.80 19.60 89.90 35.00 35.00 24.72 '.1073.19 27.81 59.39 31.02 675.00 65.51 597.45 2161.04 273.00 39.00 3.50 46.73 39.86 72.07 2.50 36.15 478.52 35.00 4.84 5.42 123.80 9.41 1666.67 245.70 118.48 65.80 213.50 57.50 7.50 36.13 432.12 9.00 9231.68 15.01 17.82 96.15 207.87 97.08 75.72 12.56 30.00 3.80 3.80 13.90 65.60 192.48 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Kemp, M. Glenn Kenesaw Motor Co. Kenesaw Motor Co. King, Ron Koch, Julia A Korgan, Herman Laird Motors Inc. Langvardt, Arthur R Law Enforcement Equipment Co. Levin, Sharon Lewis, Chris Liberty Rental Services Lincoln Tele. Co. Lincoln Tele. Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Col Magee, Gregg Magee, Gregg Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Meals on Wheels Mer1's Burner Service Inc Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Micek, G. A. D.D.S. Midland Area Agency on Aging Midland Area Agency on Aging Mid Nebraska Mental Retardation Mobley, Beverley D Modern Methods Inc. Moeller, Julia Monroe Systems Mousel, Wayne Myers Refrigeration Inc. Mulliner, Robert Nebr. Correctional Ind. Nebr. Crime Commission Nebr. Crime Commission Nelson, Luwane Norwest Bank Hastings NA Norwest Bank Hastings Office of Public Defender O'Keefe Elevator Company Pavelka, Michael R Peterson, Larry C Peterson, Larry C Peterson, Michael V Pettengill, Donald D Pettengill, Donald D Platte Valley Communications Polk, R. L. Co. Polk, R. L. Co. Pooh Corner #4 Postmaster Protex System Protex System RSVP Ramada Inn Reaman, Kimberly Redfield & Company Redfield & Company Region III Governing Board Rennick, Larry D Rinder Printing Company Roger's Inc. Rogers Inc. Roseland Insurance Agency Rust, John Rust, John Rutt's Pharmacy Schakat, John Schroeder, Leonard Clothing Maint. Gas & Maint Gas & Maint. Board Member Mileage Uniform Hauling Gas & Maint. Professional Service Supplies Reg. & Mileage Mileage Supplies Hot Line Tele. Service Telephone Service Telephone Service Equipment Repair Mileage Prof. Service County Contribution Boiler Repair Laboratory Costs Prof. Service Copies Co. Contribution Co. Contribution Mileage & Registration Equipment & Supplies Registration & Mileage Maintenance Board Member Mileage Repair Mileage Supplies Miscellaneous Supplies Mileage & Expenses Check Printing Box Rent Office Expense Reim. Maint. Clothing Maint. Clothing Maint. Mileage Clothing Maint. Mileage Clothing Maint. Radio Repair Update Manual Update Manual Hood Inspection Postage Service Call Serive Call County Contribution Lodging Mileage & Expenses Supplies Supplies County Contribution Clothing Maint. Supplies Supplies Repairs Bond Mileage Clothing Maint. Medical Clothing Maint. Board Member Mileage 35.00 19.22 227.04 6.89 2.50 25.00 158.52 105.00 44.25 18.67 18.86 125.10 45.10 115.76 57.00 1850.08 14.48 320.63 702.00 323.83 104.92 17.50 52.00 83.50 1000.00 1813.83 51.76 731.00 18.25 732.00 11.30 34.35 34.65 37.90 15.00 3.00 133.54 35.79 10.00 826.55 81.62 35.00 35.00 290.57 35.00 216.34 35.00 180.94 27.50 32.12 40.00 2500.00 37.42 25.00 100.00 30.89 170.57 59.20 177.23 2360.74 35.00 233.07 12.95 25.10 50.00 243.46 35.00 40.45 35.00 11.30 356 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Shada, Michael Shada, Michael Shepard's McGraw Hill Shepard's McGraw Hill Shepard's McGraw Hill Shoemaker & Witt Sidlo, Gordon Sidlo, James W Simmons, Billy C Simmons, Billy C Stan's Radiator & Service Stephens, Walter F. Jr. State of Nebraska State of Nebraska Steve's Lawn Care Stutesman, James Swanson, Paul Talley, Jean K U.S. Identification Manual U.S. Postoffice Uniservice Inc. University of Nebr. Vaughans Printers Inc. Vaughans Printers Inc. West Publishing Co. Whelan Foote & Scherr P.C. William Exterminating Com. Wilson Case Inc. Winkler, Maxine Woodwards Disposal Service Zerox Corporation Zoning Bulletin Biweekly NCR Corporation Adams Co. Hwy Dept. Ace Irrigation Big G Stores Bd. of Examiners for Co. Hwy Booth, R. C. Enterprises City Iron & Metal Co., Inc. Clarke Oil Co. Clemens Welding Consumers Wervice Co. Cooperative Grain &Supply Cotter Charge Card Date Master Eakes Office Products Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Fehrs Tractor & Equipment Co. Foote, Judy Friends Motor Supply Garvey Elevators Inc. General Glass Glenwood Telephone Co. Grace's Locksmith Serv. H & M Equipment H & N Mobil Halloran Battery & Electric Hastings Utilities Heinzman Engineering Herb's Sinclair Hi -Line Motors Independent Bolt & Nut Co. Island Supply Mileage Clothing & Maint. Supplies Supplies Supplies Professional Service Clothing Maint. Clothing Maint. Mileage Clothing Maint. Maint. Supplies Telecommunications NetCom Lawn Care Clothing Maint. Mileage & Expenses Rent Supplies Stamps Mop & Mat Service Pre -Registration Supplies Supplies Supplies Prof. Service Pest Control Supplies Mileage Disposal Service Maint. Supplies ESCROW FUND Equipment ROAD FUND Petty Cash Supplies Supplies License Renewal Maps Supplies Gasoline Repair Propane Gasoline Supplies Computer Supplies Co. Gasoline Repairs Mileage Supplies Gasoline Repairs Tele. Service Key Gravel Gasoline Repairs Utilities Repairs Gasoline Repairs Repairs Project C1-88 & Postage & Oil Consulting Sery 235.72 35.00 424.00 201.00 215.50 252.50 35.00 35.00 262.32 35.00 92.85 310.49 541.44 1211.17 90.00 35.00 160.21 145.00 41.00 22.00 36.90 150.00 104.20 124.57 568.00 663.45 12.50 244.00 10.71 87.70 27.00 43.70 2410.00 54.64 4884.00 141.75 20.00 162.50 186.88 5968.72 17.50 35.69 366.54 19.99 382.14 62.13 38.68 11.04 10.15 137.23 377.45 98.24 44.50 1.21 6838.50 13.30 63.75 163.17 8.75 17.70 3.44 141.23 15,576.00 357 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA K N Energy Inc. Kaco Supplies Kully Iron & Metal Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Mr. Transit Nebraska Correctional Ind. Nebraska Dept. of Revenue Nebr. Dept. of Roads Nebraska Public Power Odorite Company Olsen Oil Co. Olsen's Mini Mart Omaha Ford Tractor Inc. Shafer Implement Sidles Mr. Automotive Southern Power District Stromer's Repair Three -Point Tire Service Uniservice Westland Building Co., Inc. Zee Medical Service Co. Boyle, Helen D Hastings Public Library Hastings Tribune Vaughans Printers Inc. Data Software & Consulting Eakes Office Products Federal Program Advisory Rev. Sharing Ad. Serv. Smeal Fire Equipment Adams Co. Highway Dept. Anderson's Welding Big G Stores Farmers Union Coop Friends Motor Supply Hastings Tribune K N Energy Laird Motors Inc. Southern Power Emergency Protective Serv. Hall County Meyer, Garnet Rader Realty Tonniges, Tom F. Wolfe, Ray Gas Service Repairs Repairs Gr ave l Repairs Parts Telephone Service Repairs Equipment Special Fuels Tax Tapes & Project Electric Service Deodorizer Service Gasoline Gasoline Repairs Repairs Repairs Electric Service Repairs Repairs Shop Towel Service Engineering Services Supplies COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Supplies Bookmobile Services Advertising Supplies REVENUE SHARING FUND Sery Professional Service Equipment Handbook Bulletin Equipment WEED CONTROL FUND Postage Repairs Repairs Gasoline Equipment Repairs Advertising Electric Service Repairs Electric Service RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Child Care Reimbursement Revolving Fund Rent Professional Service Rent VISITORS PROMOTION FUND Adams Co. Visitors Committee This Board will now /w/ puty 11.28 864.00 105.65 6374.60 634.30 266.26 224.40 488.50 639.53 1097.12 291.26 5.00 1048.68 132.15 34.24 77.66 1674.98 77.40 127.90 251.50 71.10 500.00 41.60 162.50 658.75 69.50 156.25 14,175.00 755.00 92.00 56.00 1021.87 8.88 5.18 10.00 2.50 13.91 18.85 4.00 72.24 15.76 15.00 280.03 414.29 185.00 35.00 150.00 Promotion & Advertising 8729.22 t to the call of the Chairman of the Board. /s/ SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 358 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Tuesday, Octoeber 8, 1985 10:15 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Sole that we grant exemption to Hastings College for a 1981 Ford Escort title No. 14G26011. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: Ellerbee. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller that we grant exemption to Living Faith Center for a 1979 Plymouth 4 Dr., Ident. No. ML44A9D166397. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: Ellerbee. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County.9:a, d of Supervisors. cNNITy c‘ COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 15, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Curtner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Struss, seconded by Bennett that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hast- ings Daily Tribune and by posting. An Agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes, Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller,Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that we approve the bank stabiliza- tion project for the bridge between Sections 31 & 32, T6N;, R9W subject to the approval of the County Attorney and all parties are hereby authorized to sign the project documents for the county. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss,Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Attorney Gary Anderberg presented an update on the Juvenile Diversion Pro- gram and indicated that it appeared to be successful during the two year period that it had been functioning in Adams County. Motion by Bennett, Seconded by Malouf that we send a letter to Senators Exon and Zorinsky objecting to the proposed cut in Revenue Sharing Funds. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: Sole, Ellerbee and Teller. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussing litigation. Roll call, ayes: Sole,Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:00 A.M. 359 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that this Board resume regular session. Roll Call, Ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: None. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:25A.M. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that the claims be allowed on their re- spective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Rall call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss,Teller",Malouf and Gartner. Nays: Ellerbee. Motion carried. Sup Proc 10-15-85 Ellerbee, M. C. Hawes, Anita Catherine Lofing Rader Realty Rader Realty GENERAL FUND Mileage Mileage RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Rent Rent Rent This Board will now ecess sub County Clerk 41.00 17.47 $100.00 77.44 210.00 the call of theC man of the Board. /s/ GI airman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, October 21, 1985. 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held on Monday rather than Tuesday to allow County Officials to attend the annual meeting. Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, absent. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and post- ed in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, absent and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Mike Stuhr representing Eastern Ambulance appeared to request a rate increase. Discussion followed. The matter will be placed on the next agenda. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that we approve the agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement with Juniata Feed Yards for the use of a minimum maintenance road by certain heavy equipment and require that a certi- ficate of insurance and a performance bond are to be attached. The road is to be posted and the agreement renewed annually. Roll Call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Sole, absent and not voting. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that we approve the release of J.0 741712 in the amount of $100,000. toAdams County Bank, Kenesaw; the release of J.C. 502777 in the amount of $400,000 to Adams County Bank, Kenesaw; and the pledging of JC 503767 in the amount of $500,000. by Adams County Bank,Kenesaw. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss,Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Sole, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that the Chairman is hereby authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 8603 thru 8604. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Sole, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that the claims be allowed on their re- spective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Sole, absent. Motion carried. 360 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA GENERAL FUND County Supervisors County Clerk's Office County Treasurer's office Register of Deeds County Assessor's Office County Superintendent Office Election Commissioner Office Planning & Zoning Clerk of Dist Court & mental Health Public Defender Office Courthouse Janitors County Extension Office County Sheriff's Office County Attorney Office Communications Jailors Veterans Service Office Social Security Bankers Life Nebraska State of Nebraska Retirement Burchard, Minnie Busboom, Melvin Cosgrove, Madelyn Duthie, Eva Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Salaries Board Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries & Overtime Salaries Salaries Salaries & Overtime Salaries Matching Fund Retirement Matching Retirement Matching Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Eastern Nebr. Ambulance Serv.Cont.Payment Prior Service Utilities Prior Service Prior Service Bond Insurance Coverage Prior Service Book Mileage Prior Service Prior Service Gartner, Rena Hastings Utilities Hayen, Rachel Kidd, C. H. Kohl, Adam Insurance Blue Cross & Blue Shield Lightner, Ed Pavelka, Michel Reutlinger, Lila Story, Roscoe INHERITANCE FUND Adams Co. Historical Society County Contribution Road Department Social Security Bankers Life Nebraska Harpham, Gilbert Heuertz, Harold Koch, David Mousel, Virgil Stromer, Paul Struss, Lambert Velder, Ray Blue Cross & Blue Shield ROAD FUND Salaries Matching Fund Retirement Matching Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Insurance Coverage INSTITUTIONS FUND Beatrice State Development Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Norfolk Regional Center County Library Blue Cross & Blue Shield Weed Control Social Security Bankers Life Nebraska Blue Cross & Blue Shield Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care LIBRARY FUND Salaries Insurance Coverage WEED CONTROL FUND Salaries Matching Fund Retirement Matching Insurance Coverage School 4375.00 7749.35 8636.14 35561. 66 g8 1635.58 1080.00 2826.53 6002.29 3338.30 3415.98 6330.08 19,573.53 9802.37 1418.89 9052.03 3233.77 6982.59 4278.03 42.12 14.00 34.62 14.00 14.00 7750.00 25.00 433.11 25.00 16.00 93.00 9043.21 19.00 9.36 14.00 15.00 566.67 35,683.39 2515.68 1565.07 14.00 13.00 25.00 12.00 13.00 12.00 19.00 2854.26 180.00 3656.70 270.00 84.00 1990.93 87.60 2494.81 175.88 119.76 229.54 361 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ROAD FUND Nebraska Department of Revenue Wilson Concrete This Board will' /s/ County Clerk /s/ Deputy Sales Tax Supplies 6.52 14,714.23 w recess suhje `-Eo the call of the C►• rman. /s/ airman COURTHOUSE, HASTIN GS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 29, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman,presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss,Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report of the progress of road work in the County. He reported that they were hauling fill, mowing and working on a road in Highland Township. He notified the Board that the State had approved the project west of Holstein. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that we authorize and instruct the County Treasrrer to trahsfer 2,004.46 from Escrow to Road Fund. Baltimore Paint and Chemical was not able to deliver the amount of paint originally agreed upon. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Joseph Heimann, Attorney and Dee Haussler, representing HEDC appeared to discuss with the Board a request for issuing IDA bonds. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION No. 85-10-29 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AND DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE COUNTY OF ADAMS, NEBRASKA TO PROCEED WITH THE ISSUANCE OF $1,000,000 IN PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ITS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING COSTS AND EXPENSES INCIDENT TO ACQUISITION BY THE COUNTY OF A PROJECT, WHICH MAY CON- SIST OF ANY OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: (A) A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA: (B) CERTAIN BUILDINGS, ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO BUILD- ING8 AND (C) MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT AND OTHER ITEMS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY (COLLECTIVELY REFERRED TO AS THE "PROJECT"), AND TO PAY CERTAIN EXPENSES OF SUCH BOND ISSUE, WHICH COSTS AND EXPENSES ARE PRESENTLY ESTIMATED TO APPROXI -i MATE THE SUM OF $1,000,000, AND WHICH PROJECT WILL BE UTILIZED IN THE TRADE OR BUSINESS OF AG -COM VI, PROGRAMS, A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, SUCH BONDS AND THE INTEREST THEREON TO BE PAYABLE SOLELY FROM THE REVENUES DERIVED BY THE COUNTY FROM SAID PROJECT. WHEREAS, the County of Adams, Nebraska (the "County") is a body politic and corporate duly organized and existing as a county under the laws of the State of Nebraska and is authorized and empowered by the provisions of Sec- tion 2 of Article XIII of the Nebraska Constitution and Sections 18-1614 to 18-1623, R.R.S. Neb., 1943, as amended (the "Act"), to acquire one or more "projects," as that term is defined in the Act, and to issue revenue bonds for the purpose of paying the cost of acquiring the same; and 362 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA WHEREAS, the County has been asked by AG -COM VI, PROGRAMS, A Limited Part- nership (the "Principal User"), to issue and sell its industrial develop- ment revenue bonds pursuant to the provisions of the Act in an amount suffi- cient to assure the payment of all costs and expenses incident to the acqui- sition of any or all of the following: (a) a tract or tracts of real estate located within Adams County, Nebraska; (b) a building or buildings and/or an addition or additions to buildings; (c) fixtures, machinery, equipment and other items of personal property; and (d) other related improvements (to- gether, the "Project"), all of which will constitute a project as that term is defined in the Act; and WHEREAS, it is presently estimated that costs and expenses incident to acquisition of the Project will be approximately $1,000,000; and WHEREAS, it is intended that the Project will be utilized in the trade or business of the Principal User and/or a parent, subsidiary or affiliate thereof, and that the lessee thereof from the County will be either the Prin- cipal User. or an individual, corporation or partnership in some manner affi- liated with the Principal User (the "Lessee") to be hereafter determined up- on; and WHEREAS, the Principal User has agreed to idemnify the County for any claims against the County and for any costs incurred by it in connection with the proposed bond issuance; and WHEREAS, it deemed necessary and advisable that the County take such action as may be required under the Act to authorize and issue its revenue bonds for such purpose in order to promote, develop and advance the general prosperity and economic welfare of the people of Nebraska; and WHEREAS, a Memorandum of Agreement has been prepared setting forth the respective agreements and undertakings of the County and the Principal User with respect to the issuance by the County of its revenue bords for the pur- pose of acquiring the Project; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County wishes to declare its in- tention to authorize an issue of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds of the County qualifying under Section 103(b) (4) or (6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, for the purpose of paying the cost of acquiring the Project, when so requested by the Principal User, upon such terms and conditions as may then be agreed upon by the County, the Principal User, the Lessee (if other than the Principal User) and the purchasers of the bonds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE COUNTY OF ADAMS, NEBRASKA: Section 1. The County does hereby declare its intention to authorize the issuance of its Industrial Development Revenue Bonds in one or more additional series under and in accordance with the applicable statutes of the State of Nebraska, and particularly the Act, in such amounts and upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by the County, the Principal User, the Lessee (if other than the Principal User) and the purchaser or purchasers of the bonds, for the purpose of paying all costs and expenses incident to acquisition of the Project which will be located in Adams County, Nebraska and leased to the Lessee, the issuance of the bonds to be authori2ed by the Board of Supervisors of the County at a meeting to be held for such purpose and to be subject to (a) the receipt by the County of an agreement on the part of the Principal User to indemnify the County for any claims against the County in connection with the proposed bond issue; (b) the approval of the County, upon advice of the County Attorney, of the final documentation; and (c) receipt at the closing with respect to the sale of such bonds of an approving legal opinion of Section 2. pal User) are the bonds are Section 3. action of the The Principal User and the Lessee (if other than the Princi- authorized to use "interim" or "construction" financing until issued and to use the Project prior to the issuance of the bond This Resolution is hereby declared to constitute official County to evidence its intent to issue Industrial Development Revenue Bonds qualifying under Section 103(b) (4) or Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. Section 4. AMemorandum of Agreement, substantially the content set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, the Principal User. Section 5. The bonds, when issued, and payable solely out of the revenues derived and shall never constitute an indebtedness 6) of the Internal in the form and of be entered into with the interest thereon, will be from the leasing of the Project of the County within the meaning 363 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA of any State constitutional provision of statutory limitation, and shall not constitute nor give rise to a pecuniary liability of the County or a charge against its general credit or taxing powers. Section 6. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage as provided for by law. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that we approve the release of Custody Receipt for CUSIP 805712BK1 in the amount of 215,000. to City Nat- ional Bank and Trust Co. and the pledging of Receipt No. 012905 in the a- mount of 1,000,000. by City National Bank. Roll call, ayes: Sole,Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that we accept the inventory of the Extension Service and the same shall be placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that the request of a 27% across the board increase in ambulance rates be denied but allow the increase accord- ing to the contract provision of 5.9%. Roll call, ayes: Sole,Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Harry Milligan appeared to notify the Board that the Planning/Zoning office has moved to the basement of the City Building at 2nd and Hastings Ave. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that we deny the claim of Southern Nebraska Public Power Dist. in the amount of $31.00 Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller and Gartner. Malouf, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller and Gartner. Malouf, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Bert's Rexall Bert's Rexall Dru gs Hastinge Utilities Hastings Utilities Finance & Accounting Lincoln Townhouses Rader Realty Ruhter, Maury Salyards, Dr. Phyllis Spitz, Mrs. Louis Wolfe, Ray Adams County Clerk Barrett, L. W. Bennett, Sharon L Big G Gartner, Dale Hawes, Anita Lewis, Chris Teller, Fred Baltimore Paint & Chemical This Board will not recess GENERAL FUND ESCROW FUND Co. subject to the Medicine Medicine Utilities Utilities Administrative Rent Rent Rent Professional Rent Rent 194.30 16.49 87.47 57.04 Cost 556.00 69.00 192.00 85.00 Service 164.30 45.00 250.00 Postage Supplies Mileage Equipment Mileage & Meals Milea cp, Lodging Mileage & Lodging Mileage & Meals Paint 4.73 1785.25 71.75 56.95 103.19 & Mea1s222.20 232.73 97..75 19,868.79 call of t.e Chairman of the /s/ Chairman 364 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, November 5, 1985. 9:30 A. M. The regular meeting of the Adams. County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Absent: Teller. Motion by Struss, seconded by Sole that this meeting is a regularly sched- uled public meeting of the Adams County Board o f Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Teller, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that we authorize the Highway Sup- ertintendent to proceed with purchasing a 3/4 T GMC Pickup at the State Bid price of $10,320.38. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Teller, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Ellerbee that under the provisions of Sec. 39-1408 we authorize the Highway Superintendent to negotiate for patching material for emergency asphalt patching. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Qrtner. Nays: none. Teller, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we do not sell the 4 wheel drive emergency ambulance. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Teller, absent. Motion carried. Sharon Levis, Register of Deeds appeared to discuss with the Board problems with the microfilm processor. Motion by Sole, seconded by Bennett that we authorize the Register of Deeds to proceed with acquiring a new Film Processor and sensitometer. Roll call: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Teller, absent, Notion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this Board hold executive session to hear an appeal of a`denied Relief -Medical claim. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Teller, absent. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:45 A.M. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Teller, absent. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:20A.M. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Bennett that after hearing of appeal, we rescin our prior action and pay the claim of Southern Nebraska Public Power Dist in the amount of $31.00. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: None. Teller, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of reviewing Relief -Medical claims. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Teller, absent. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:22 A.M. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that this board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Teller, absent. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:45 A.M. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Bennett that we deny the claims of Duane Viglicky in the amount of $185.00; the claims of Mrs. Norman Hoevet in the amount of $185.00; and the claim of Jerry Spady in the amount of $223.50. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Teller absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. 365 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Bennett. seconded by Sole that we approve the release of Rec 501531 in the amount of $100,000. to Roseland State Bank and the pledging of Rec 503449 in the amount of $100,000. by Roseland State Bank. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Teller, Absent. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that we hereby authorize the Chairman to sign tax list correction No. 8550. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Teller, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that the reports of County Library, Jail Food Account, Register of Deeds, County Clerk, Jail, County Fair and Extension Service be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: None. Teller, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that the Miscellaneous receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors' Proceedings. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Teller, absent. Motion carried. 8516 Olie's Place 100.00 8517 Villacp of Kenesaw 7,061.25 8518 Linda Ginn 100.00 8519 Register of Deeds 663.17 8520 United States Treas. 105.00 8521 City National Bank 2,207.98 8522 State of Nebr. 246.55 8523 Adams Co Court 9,862.05 8524 Adams Co. Court 18.10 8525 Adams Co. Court 140.00 8526 Adams Co. Court 292.72 8527 Adams Co Court 53.00 8528 Clerk of Dist. Court 105.50 8529 Clerk of Dist. Court 1,170.00 8530 Clerk of Dist Court 167.54 8531 Pepsi Cola Bottling Co. 68.01 8532 Adams Co.Weed 164.00 8533 County Clerk 35.85 8534 Mary Rosenback 5,483.53 8535 Adams Co. Bank 2,924.88 8536 Hastings State Bank 1,709.59 8537 Norwest Bank 801.37 8538 Est. of Lucy Krueger 13,948.68 8539 Adams Co. Clerk 2,694.25 8540 United States Treas. 50,355.00 8541 Clerk of Dist. Court 112.65 8542 County Court 2,243.00 8543 Adams Co. Court 14.50 8544 Adams Co. Court 150.00 8545 State of Nebr. 20,297.55 8546 Thayer County 343.30 8547 Norwest Bank 16,910.70 8548 Norwest Bank 982.19 8549 Norwest Bank 1,619.64 8550 City National Bank 2,211.36 8551 Adams County Court 413.65 8552 State of Nebr. 49,751.12 8553 State of Nebr. 5,270.87 8554 Midland Area Agency on Aging 420.00 8555 Otoe County 17.16 8556 Adams County Bank 2,396.53 8557 Roseland State Bank 187.62 8558 Register of Deeds 2,958.05 8559 Adams County Weed Co. 184.25 8560 Adams Co. Weed 1,011.01 8561 City of Hastings,Trea. 5,498.19 8562 Adams Co. Clerk 544.00 8563 Adams Co. Court 6.00 8564 Estate of Myron Harris 298.28 8565 Lanoaster County 155.00 366 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 8566 Adams County Bank 8567 State of Nebr. 8568 Adams County Sheriff 8569 City National Bank 8570 Adams County Weed 8571 Todd Kline 8572 Weed Control 8573 Buffalo County 8574 State of Neb. 8575 Adams Co. Court 8576 State of Nebr. 8577 State of Nebr. 8578 City National Bank 8579 Noxious Weed Control 8580 Adams Co. Court 8581 State of Neb. 8582 Don Slauter 8583 Hall County Treas. 8584 Reta E King, Estate 8585 Roseland State Bank 8586 City National Bank 8587 Fred Hinrichs 8588 Adams Co. Weed 8589 Dept of Soc. Serv. 8590 Clerk of Dist. Court 8591 Clerk of Dist. Court 183.78 1,830.75 30.00 1,796.31 941.13 6.00 123.89 200.00 3,575.20 50.00 565.04 126.69 1,295.08 99.00 150.00 5,970.59 163.77 6,650.14 432.00 1,875.26 1,021.45 1.75 106.81 289.80 475.00 102.00 Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: None. Teller, absent. Motion carried. GENERAL Adams County Jail Food Account Adams County Senior Services Inc. Adams County Sheriff's Fee Account Adams County Sheriff's Fee Account Adams County Sheriff's Fee Account Adams County Sheriff, Revolving Fund Advanced Tape Products, Inc. Ag Communications UNL Anderson, John Badger Uniforms Bancroft -Whitney Co. Bancroft -Whitney Co. Big G Brown, Susan Business Supply Co. Business World Products Butzirus, Patricia J Callaghan & Co. Carroll's Derby Cash-Wa Candy Co Child Development Council of Adams Co Chris's Car Wash City Iron & Metal Co. Inca Clay County Sheriff's Dept. Commercial Chemical Mfg. Co., Inc. Commercial Electronics Inc. Computer_ Election Systems,Inc. Cornhusker Press Cotter Charge Card D.A.S. Materiel Div Data So (ware & Consulting Service Data Software & Consulting Service Data Documents Dirks, John Dudek, Norman Dutton Lainson Co Egan Supply Co. Eakes Office Equipment Co. Reimbursement Operating Expenses Fees for Service Fees & Mileage Zip Code Masters Reimbursement Supplies Supplies Mileage & Expenses Uniforms Supplements Law Library Supplies Mileage & Expenses Office Supplies Office Supplies Convention Expenses Supplement Gas & Oil Supplies County Contribution Car Wash Supplies Housing of Prisoners Supplies Radio Repair Election Supplies Supplies Drug Supplies Supplies System Back -Up System Back -Up Forms Clothing Maintenance Clothing Maintenance Supplies Supplies Machine Rental 1964.33 4112.60 3.00 579.64 35.00 333.30 114.48 24.24 20.16 713.49 141.65 160.30 283.36 65.66 699.71 112.89 210.26 220.44 698.95 88.25 500.00 48.95 2.84 225.00 85.00 187.90 44.65 141.18 11.98 73.01 62.86 81.77 629.02 35.00 35.00 49.55 195.50 65.51 367 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Eakes Office Equipment Co. Eakes Office Equipment Co. Eastman Kodak Co. Executive Copier Systems Firestone Stores Fischer, Dick Fischer, Dick Foto Fast Gewecke, Wilber R Gibson Products Co. Gibson Products Co. Gingrich, Wil E. Grace's Locksmith Service Gray, Valerie Grothe n, Eldon HEDC Hartman, Connie Hastings Family Practice Hastings Paint & Decorating Hastings Utilities Hammond Stephens Holiday Inn Central Identi-Kit Co., Inc. Independent Business Machine Service Independent Business Machine Service Industrial Chemical Laboratories Inc. International Business Machines Corp. Information Systems Inc. Jacobitz, Frances Keith's Pharmacies Kelso Kemp, Glen Kemp, M. Glenn Kenesaw Motor Co. King, Ron Korgan, Mr. Herman Kully Iron & Metal Laird Motors Inc Langvardt, Arthur R Levis, Sharon Levis, Sharon Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Law Enforcement Equipment Co. Magee, Gregg Marathon Systems Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Minnegasco Moeller, Julia McCord, Monty Meals on Wheels Mid Con Systems,Inc. Mid Con Systems,Inc. Midland Area Agency on Aging Mid -Ne Mental Retardation Service Mobley, Beverley D Modern Methods Inc Modern Methods,Inc. Mousel, Wayne Mulliner, Robert National District Attnys Assn National Sheriff's Assn Ne. County Attnys Assn. Ne. Continuing Legal Education Inc Ne. State Library Nelson, Luwane Oak Creek Inn Office of Public Defender O'Keefe Elevator Co. Inc Machine Rental Office Supplies Service Copier Stand Repairs Postage Postage Service Stamps Supplies Supplies Clothing Maintenance Keys Mileage Mileage 1/12 Co. Contribution Vital Statistics Professional Service Supplies Utilities Supplies NACO Conv. Rental Repairs Repairs & Service Supplies Maintenance Agreement Films Mileage Drug Supplies Supplies Book Mileage Clothing Maintenance Repairs Mileage Hauling Service Supplies Service Professional Service NACO Convention Mileage & Meals Telephone Service Telephone Service Telephone Service Telephone Service Supplies Book Mileage Supplies Professional Service Gas Service NACO Expense Supplies County Contribution Supplies Supplies County Contribution County Contribution Mileage & Convention Ribbons Supplies Mileage Mileage Renewal Film Registration Fee Manuals Ne. Statutes Mileage & Expenses NACO Conv. 320.44 278.16 508.00 125.00 140.96 24.93 17.00 30.32 61.00 172.41 37.10 35.00. 12.51 5.42 9.41 1666.67 129.00 20.00 10.72 15.21 140.44 56.00 408.00 24.00 172.35 15.68 1159.80 152.52 12.56 41.60 279.00 376.80 35.00 34.04 6.89 25.00 68.07 377.83 30.00 13.00 178.92 57.00 137.28 45.10 1748.41 226.44 330.00 256.44 88.00 21.85 87.09 108.00 323.83 85.52 105.80 1000.00 1813.83 Exp244.03 28.50 90.00 11.30 92.87 205.00 80.00 80.00 75.46 151.05 31.55 74.00 Reimbursement & Expenses971.54 Service Call & Supplies344.84 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 368 Orv's United AG Store Pavelka, Michael R Peterson, Larry Peterson, Larry C Peterson, Michael V Pettengill, Donald D Pettengill, Donald D Plambeck, Sandy Portable Lights, Inc Postmaster Postmaster Postmaster Protex Systems,Inc. Psychological Corp. RSVP Region III Governing Board Reaman, Kim Rennick, Larry D. Redfield & Co. Inc.. Redfield & Co. Inc. Revolving Fund (Extension Office) Revolving Fund (Extension Office) Rinder Printing Co. Riverside Publishing Co. Rogers Inc. Rust, John Rust, John Rutt's. Pharmacy Sadd, Diane M. Schakat, John Schakat, John A Schreiner, Retha K. Shada, Michael Shoemaker & Witt Sidlo, Gordon Sidlo, James W. Siemers Printing Simmons, Billy C Simmons, Billy C State of Ne. Smith, James D. Atty State of Ne. State of Ne. State of Ne. Stephens, Walter F Jr. Inc. Steffens, William V., Atty Steffens, William V., Atty Steve's Lawn Service Stromer, Marilyn Stutesman, Jim Swanson, Paul Talley, Jean K. Toogood & McGath Toogood & McGath Toogood, Arthur C. Hastings Tribune Uniservice, Inc. Vaughans Printers, Inc. Warren, Gorham & Lamont, Inca West Publishing Co. Whelan, Foote & Scherr Wiens, Glen Williams Exterminating Co. Woodward's Disposal Service Youth Development Center Zimmer Printing Co. ROAD Adams Co. Hwy Dept. Avers, Ken Sharp All Shop Supplies Clothing Maintenance Book Mileage Clothing Maintenance Clothing Maintenance Book Mileage Clothing Maintenance Mileage Supplies Postage Postage Postage Inspection Supplies County Contribution County Contribution Mileage & Expenses Clothing Maintenance Supplies Supplies Reimbursement Reimbursement Supplies Supplies Service Book Mileage Clothing Maintenance Drug Supplies Mileage Book Mileage CLothing Maintenance Supplies Clothing Maintenance Professional Services Clothing Maintenance Clothing Maintenance Supplies Book Mileage Clothing Maintenance Renewal Professional Service Net Com Telecommunications Charges Elevator Inspection Supplies Mileage & Expenses Lodging & Transportation Mowing Mileage Clothing Maintenance Mileage & Expenses Rent Professional Service Professional Service Mileage & Misc. Advertising Mop Service Supplies Cum Supplement Law Library Professional Service Mileage Pest Control Disposal Service Professional Service Supplies 7.28 35.00 536.87 35.00 35.00 352.54 35.00 14.24 52.15 2500.00 2500.00 2500.00 36.00 634.49. 100.00 2360.00 124.93 35.00 355.95 377.06 23.74 25.00 68.86 195.72 16.50 197.76 35.00 10.23 8.61 40.32 35.00 50.00 35.00 312.50 35.00 84.92 250.08 250.08 35.00 50.00 60.00 1288.27 541.44 60.00 203.97 39.06 357.48 135.00 7.94 35.00 29.27 145.00 123.77 104.93 139.59 3544.92 36.90 201.58 36.40 514.75 60.00 8.57 12.50 87.70 700.00 26.16 Postage & Petty Cash 69.54 Repairs 11.00 369 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Big G Bruners Sand & Gravel City Iron & Metal Co. Inc. Coop Grain & Supply Cornbelt Chemical Co. D.A. Lubricant Co. Inc. Delken Press Dutton-Lainson Co. Eakes Office Products Foote, Judy Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Co. H & M Equipment Co. H & N Mobil Halloran Battery & Electric Hansen Bldg. Specialties Hastings Utilities Heinzman Engr Inc Independent Bolt & Nut Co. Island Supply Co. Island Supply Welding Co. Johnson Cashway Co. K N Energy Inc. Llncoln Equipment Co. Lilly Sand & Gravel Lincoln Telephone Co. Linweld Midwest Service & Sales Co. Ne. Public Power Dist. Ne. Tractor & Equipment Co. Odorite Co. Olsen, L.L. Oil CO. Olsen's Mini Mart Shafer Implement Co. Sidles/Mr. Automotive Sophir Morris Co. Southern Power Dist Square Deal Lumber 3 -Points Tire Service Uniservice Westland Bldg. Co. Z & Z Equipment Co. Baker & Taylor Co Boyle, Helen D Chelsea House Hastings Public Library Sunshine Prebound Books, Inc Upstart Co. Adams Co. Hwy Dept. Cornbelt Chemical Co. Eakes Office Products Hastings Tribune Independent Ins. Agents of K N Energy, Inc Lincoln Telephone Co. Sidles/Mr. Automotive Village of Roseland Supplies Gravel Supplies Gas Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies & Service Mileage Supplies Service Gravel Gas Repairs Supplies Utilities Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas Service Repairs Gravel Telephone Service Supplies Supplies Electricity Service Equipment Deodorizer Fuel Fuel Repairs Repairs Supplies Electric Service Supplies Repairs Laundry Service Plan Sheets Repairs COUNTY LIBRARY Books Books Books Bookmobile Services Books Supplies WEED CONTROL Postage Supplies Office Supplies Advertising Hastings Insurance Gas Service Telephone Service Repairs Utilities REVENUE SHARING Data Software & Consultin g Services Professional Service Eakes Office Products Office Chair 2238.56 4925.03 174.77 34.50 193.50 780.45 20.70 94.87 169.64 9.23 174.07 41.63 10954.47 24.25 37.87 89.10 285.85 175.59 94.25 69.18 82.54 16.13 12.60 2114.93 11029.81 267.84 54.90 980.00 11.02 649.52 5.00 1880.01 212.75 3.60 - 717.84 44.02 74.76 5.01 243.00 27.10 17.50 65.00 24.14 300.00 34.13 658.75 207.47 56.65 5.01 1797.00 13.30 48.83 113.00 4.00 21.00 7.57 28.00 16775.00 79.95 370 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Countryfare IGA Dunmire, Lawrence Emergency Protective Service Greyhound Bus Lines Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Meyer, Garnet Ne. Dept. of Social Services Rader Realty Southern Public Power Newells Landscapes Ne. N. C. Fund RELIEF -MEDICAL Sundries Rent Foster Care Ticket Utilities Utilities Revolving Fund Vendor Payments Rent Utilities INHERITANCE Maintenance Agreement EMPLOYMENT SECURITY Benefit Charges This Board will now recess su /s/ County Clerk /s/ De�y to the call of th 44.31 24.00 440.00 28.40 58.19 23.35 117.11 10784.84 150.00 31.00 300.00 660.00 air a of the Board. Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, November 12, 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this meeting is a regularly schedulE public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that we add Project C1-140 to Adams County I Year Road Program. .Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that the Chairman is hereby authorized to sign tax list correction No. 8606. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Malouf that the Adams County Board of Supervisors approve the application of Michael David Barr as manager of ,Highland Operating Company in connection with Non -Profit Corporation License #H3644. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of hearing an appeal of a Relief -Medical claim. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:00 A.M. Motion by Sole, seconded by Bennett that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller and Gartner. Struss and Malouf, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:45 A.M. 371 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Bennett, seconded by Sole that we rescind our prior action and deny the claim of Thelma Drannen in the amount of $150.00. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we rescind prior action and pay the claim of Mrs. Hoevet in the amount of $185.00. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion — carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we cancel the warrant to Southern Public Power in the amount of $31.00 as the claim is incorrectly written and approve the payment of the claim to Nebraska Public Power in the amount of $82.00. Ro111 call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: Ellerbee and Struss. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Sole that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of hearing Relief -Medical claims. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Exectuive session began at 10:55 A.M. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:07 A.M. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that we deny the claim of David Schmidt in the amount of $200.00 and the claim of Lenn Woods in the amount of$165.00. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennet, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: None. Motion carried. Bert's Rexall Bert's Rexall Hoevet, Mrs. Norman Nebr. Public Power Adams County Clerk H & N Mobil Hastings Utilities Shada, Michael U S Postmaster This Board will now recess,° Board of Superisors . County Clerk RELIEF MEDICAL Prescriptions Prescriptions Rent Utilities GENERAL FUND Reimbursement Gas Utilities Mileage Stamps 31.74 155.81 185.00 82.00 4.52 310.70 7,255.63 411.86 22.00 the Chairman of the / s /� De' uty SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 372 COURTHOUSE, HASTIN GS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, No‘ember 19, 1985. 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He informed the Board that the State letting for contracts of interest to Adams County would be December 5, at 10:00AM in the State Department of Roads auditorium. Motion by Struss, seconded by Sole that we approve the bond of Keith Alan Houfek, Jailer/Dispatcher in the amount of $10,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections 8608-8609. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Ellerbee that the Chairman be authorized to sign the Statement ofAssurances for Revenue Sharing monies. Roll call, ayes Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf, and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we rescind the letters of authori. zation for Social Services to allow General Assistance and emergency Relief claims under $300.00 and request that they appear at the Board meeting with cases that appear to qualify for assistance. Roll call, ayes: Sole,Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Malouf that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Bennett, out and not votin, Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner Nays: none Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this Board hold executive session for discussion of a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:20 A. M. Motion by Struss, seconded by Ellerbee that this Board resume regular sess- ion. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, M alouf ard Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:07 AM. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Sole that we authorize the Chairman to sign the amended application for acquiring a new handi-bus with the portion from the local Government to remain at 20%. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Mike Stuhr gave a report to the Board concerning steps that had been taken to work within their budget since the Board had not allowed their full re- quest for increased fees. 373 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that we deny the claim of Rader Realty in the amount of $210.00; the claim of Ray Wolfe in the amount of $175.00; the claim of LeRoy Hahn in the amount of $66,00; and the claim of Mrs. Harry Dewey in the amount of $125.00. Roll call, ayes: Sole,Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. COURTHOUSE, HASTINCE, NEBRASKA Tuesday, November 19, 1985. 10:15 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present was Anita Hawes, County Clerk. Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller that we grant exemption to Hastings College for a 1980 Mazda, Identification No. FA4US636012. Roll call,ayes: Sole, Bennett, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: Ellerbee. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject man of the Adams County BSupervisors. . • ^� County Clerk /s/(�(�i Dep ;'ty RELIEF -MEDICAL Bert's Rexall Gibson/s Pharmacy Hasting Pathology Assoc. Hastings Utilities Lancaster County Treasurer Metz car, Sm Motorola Inc American Express Travel Data Masters Vontz, L. J. Const Co Vontz, L. J. Const Co Road Social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield Harpham, Gilbert Koch, David Heuertz, Harold Mitzelfeld, Ervin Mousel, Virgil Stromer, Paul Struss, Lambert Velder, Ray Prescription Prescription Professional Service Utilities Reimbursement Rent REVENUE SHARING Radio Equipment ROAD Related Service Inc Lodging Sign & Bridge Inventory Asphalt Asphalt Salaries Matching Matching Ins. Coverage Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Inc Inc Library Social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Weed Control Social Security Retirement to the call of the Chair - /s/ LIBRARY Salaries Matching Matching Shield Ins.Coverage WEED CONTROL Salaries Matching Matchin g 27.93 26.06 16.00 28.77 200.00 485.00 1562.00 128.58 142.14 4842.01 2610.97 33173.92 2321.14 1438.96 2854.26 14.00 25.00 13.00 92.32 12.00 13.00 12.00 19.00 2136.10 150.59 40.10 87.60 2190.46 168.53 114.75 374 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Blue Cross & Blue Shield Ins. Coverage GENERAL American Express Travel Related Lodging Adams County Sheriff/s Fee Acct Postage & Manual Adams County Sheriff Revolving Fund Reg, Dues, & Meals rte' American Planning Association Subscription Blue Cross & Blue Shield Ins. Coverage Burchard, Minnie M Prior Service Business World Products Office Supplies Cornhusker Hotel Lodging Cosgrove, Madelyn Prior Service County Superintendent Postage Duthie, Eva Prior Service Eastern Ne Ambulance Servicelnc Payment as per contract Executive Copier Systems Copies Gartner, Rena Prior Service 7 Hastings Utilities Hayen, Rachel Keenan, Joyce Kidd, C.H. Lightner, Ed Micro Professionals Milligan, Harry B Moeller, Julia Moeller Julia NCR Corp NCR Corp Ne. Planning & Zoning Assn Reutlinger, Lila Story, Roscoe E County Supervisors County Clerk's Office County Treasurer's Office Register of Deeds Office County Superintendents Office Election Commissioner Planning & Zoning Clerk of the District Ct Office & Mental Health Board Public Defenders Office Courthouse Janitors County Extension Office County Sheriff's Department County Attorney's Office Communications County Jail Veterans Service Office Social Security Retirement School Retirement This Board will now recess /s/ County Clerk Utilities Prior Service Supplies & Mileage Prior Service Prior Service Micro -Computer Class Reimbursement & Mileage Reimbursement Mileage Maintenance Agreement Supplies Membership Renewal Prior Service Prior Service Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries. Salary Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Matching Matching Matching ect to the call of the ai /s/ 229.54 530.73 54.72 230.00 55.00 9043.21 14.00 19.95 36.00 14.00 31.20 14.00 7750.00 29.70 25.00 538.17 25.00 24.06 16.00 19.00 35.00 377.30 49.79 56.75 32865.85 86.57 40.00 14.00 15.00 4375.00 7786.25 8490.89 3561.68 1635.58 1090.00 2749.73 4773.10 3305.54 3355.08 6330.08 19880.81 9802.37 1088.29 11556.76 3233.77 7052.49 4366.18 42.12 an of the Board. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS,NEBRASKA Tuesday, November 26, 1985. 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. 375 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hast - in gs Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the mem- bers and an acp-nda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. Ron Bottorf and Jerry Hein, representatives of Johnson Erikson O'Brien from Wahoo, Nebraska who are consultants for the Oak Creek project in Section 25 of Little Blue Township. They presented maps and alternate proposals to the Board that could be used to solve the problems with bridges in that area. The matter will be studied and Mr. Parks will contact the Attorney representing the land owner in the area involved and give them the information gathered by the consultant. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Bennett that this meeting recess to allow the Supervisors to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee seconded by Teller that this Board call for a Public Hearing to be held on December 10, 1985 at 10:00A.M. in the Boardroom for the purpose of discussing the possible discontinuance of the office of County Superintendent according to the provisions of Sec. 79-320.01 R.R.S. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of hearing Relief -Medical claims. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:55 A.M. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: None. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:40 A. M. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller that we rescind our prior action of denial and pay the claim to David Schmidt in the amount of $200.00 after hearing on appeal and a finding by the State Department of Social Services that the claim should be paid. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carries. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Sole that we deny the claim of Nebraskaland Trailer Court in the amount of $150.00 Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we reviewed the case of a Douglas'County resident and found no claim to a specific vendor and find we cannot approve anything. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that we deny the claim of Rader Realty in the amount of $135.00 Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Ellerbee that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list correction No. 8612 thru 8613. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 37 Motion by Teller, seconded by Sole that the claims be allowed on their re- spective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Mys: None. Motion carried. GENE RAL Anita Hawes, Co. Clerk UPS Charges $10.45 Data Software & Consulting Sery Service 77.48 Mrs. Harry Dewey Mrs. Norman Hoevet David Schmidt Jerry Spady Ray Wolfe RELIEF MEDICAL Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent 125.00 185.00 200.00 223.50 125.00 This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. /s/ County Clerk /s/ Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, November 26, 1985 10:15 A. M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assdssor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss that we add the building to property I.D. 122 00812 that were omitted. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization wil. nor recess subject to the ca 1 of the Chair- L.—.... man of the Adams •ounty Bo:0)!... .ervisors . • / s / L'L22-t.KC t < 'L...__ C,, r T ,, / s / y ,,,, L �irtti F COUfi'(.� County Cler /s/ Deputy Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, December 3, 1985. 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Bennett and Teller, absent. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that this meeting is a regularly sched- uled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public not- ice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tri- bune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none.Bennett and Teller, absent. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Supt. gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. 377 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that we authorize the Chairman to sign Leave of Absence for Willard Bunde. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Bennett and Teller, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that we allow Mr. Parks to purchase a Richo FT4065 copying machine for $2,595. from Executive Copiers. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Bennett and Teller, absent. Motion carried. Mr. Parks reported that he had contacted the attorney for the Agnes Haba family concerning the proposals made the prior week and that after time to review the plans another meeting with the consultants and road Supt. would be set. Motion by Struss, seconded by Sole that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of hearing Relief -Medical claims and appeal of same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Bennett and Teller absent. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:05 A.M. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Bennett and Teller, absent. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:40 A. M. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Sole that we rescind our prior action and after appeal allow the claim of Nebraskaland Trlr Court in the amount of $150.00 Roll call, ayes; Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Bennett and Teller, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that we deny the claims of Rader Realty in the amount of $135.00; Rader Realty in the amount of $185.00; Eldon Scalf in the amount of $260.00: Hastings Utilities in the amount of $87.81; and American Charter in the amount of $237.55. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Bennett and Teller, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Sole that we approve the claim of Bert's Drug in the amount of $42.59. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Bennett and Teller, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Malouf that in the matter of the appeal of the claim of LeRoy Hahn in the amount of $66.00 our prior action to deny shall stand as the client did not appear for the appeal hearing. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Bennett and Teller, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Ellerbee that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections No. 8607, 8610-8611; 8614 thru 8617. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Bennett and Teller, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Struss that the Hastings TRIBUNE be designated as the official newspaper for Adams County for 1986. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Bennett and Teller, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Malouf that Roger S Parks has served as Highway Superintendent during 1985 and the Chairman be authorized to sign the certi- fication of this fact for determining incentive payment by the Nebraska De- partment of Roads. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Bennett and Teller, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Sole that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Bennett and Teller, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Bennett and Teller, absent. Motion carried. 378 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Struss, seconded by Ellerbee that this Board hold executive session for a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session be- gan at 11:05 A.M. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Struss that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Bennett and Teller, absent. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:20 A. M. This meeting will now recess Board of Supervisors.• ubject to the Chairman of the Adams County /s/ COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, December 3, 1985 9:30 A. M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Absent: Bennett and Teller. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that we grant exemption to South Street Church of Christ for a bus, Title No. 14F07520. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: Ellerbee. Bennett and Teller, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Struss that we add the value of a building to the personal property tax rolls of 82-84 and to the real Estate for 1985 for parcel 64-02842. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Struss, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Bennett and Teller, absent. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the \ Ada s_.Coun ;:.• of Supervisors. /s/ Chairm.'n COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NE Tuesday, December 10, 1985. 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Absent: Struss. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that this meeting is a regularly schedu- led public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk'.s office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Struss, absent. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report to the Board concerning the progress of road work in the County. He notified the Board that Werner Con- struction Co. had been the low bidder at the State letting for the two overlay projects. A contract will be sent for the Board's approval. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 8618-8620. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, out and not voting. Struss, absent. Nays; none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that the reports of officers be accept- ed and placed on file: Jail; Clerk of District Court; Planning and Zoning; Car Titles (2); Register of Deeds (3); Sheriff; County Library; County Clerk; County Superintendent; Jail Food Account. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Eller - bee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole, out and not voting. Struss, absent. Motion carried. Public Hearing was held to consider discontinuing the County Superintendent as an Elective office. Persons wishing to speak for or against the matter were heard. Public Hearing closed. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that the following resolution be a- dopted: RESOLUTION No. 85-12-10 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Adams County Board of Supervisors, this 10th day of December, 1985, to exercise its option and authority pursuant to Sec- tion 79-320.01 R.R.S., 1943 (Reissue 1981) to discontinue the office of County Superintendent as an elected office, upon the expiration of the term of the present incumbent. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee,Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Struss, absent. Motion carried. A presentation was made by Mike Stuhr concerning the request of Eastern Am- bulance for an additional 6% increase. He indicated that the increase was necessary if the paramedic program was to continue. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that we approve the 6% user fee rate increase. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Struss, absent. Motion carried. Susie Brown, Home Extension Agent appeared to inform the Board of a grant that had been received to use for education concerning the use of seat belt restraints. SHe outlined the programs that were being implemented. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that the Miscellaneous receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors' proceedings. 8592 Olie's Place 8593 Ticor Realty Tax Serv. 8594 County Road 8595 Clerk of District Court 8596 Clerk of District Court 8597 Adams Co. Bank 8598 State of Nebr. 8599 Road Dept 8600 Clay County 8601 Clerk of District Court 8602 Clerk of District Court 8603 Norwest Bank 8604 Hastings State Bank 8605 Norwest Bank 8606 Adams County Court 8607 71Kdams County Court 8608 Adams County Court 8609 Adams County Court 8610 Minnie Parlich 8611 County Clerk 8612 Recister of Deeds 8613 Robin May 8614 Clerk of District Court 8615 State of Nebraska 8616 County Superintendent 8617 Estate of Alma E Hengstenberg 8618 City National Bank 8619 Clay Co. Road Dept 8620 State of Nebraska 8621 Adams Co. Clerk 8622 Adams Co. Court 100.00 4.20 887.41 92.50 250.00 2,941.65 399.83 341.55 62.50 1,225.00 141.26 27.34 1,766.58 854.79 12,686.81 175.00 175.00 23.00 400.28 24.10 858.91 10.00 104.04 1,904.99 104.09 5,375.00 1,068.99 4,933.82 3,165.37 2,405.25 950.00 380 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 8623 Treasurer 8624 Co. Historical Society 8625 of Dist. Court. 8626 of Dist. Court 8627 Nikkila 8628 Adams Co. Weed Control 8629 State of Nebraska 8630 City National Bank 8631 Mrs. Lloyd Sueverkruebbe 8632 Midland Area Agency on Aging 8633 Road Dept 8634 Adams County Court 8635 Pat Burzirus 8636 Clerk of Dist Court 8637 Lavern Muhleisen P. 8638 Irene J Powell, PR 8639 Roseland State Bank 8640 Adams County Bank 8641 Adams Co. Court 8642 Estate of Leila E 8643 Weed Control. 8644 Fanny Eigenberg 8645 Clarita Pickhinke 8646 Register of. Deeds 8647 Kearney County Treasurer 8648 Adams Co. Clerk 9649 Kenesaw Adams Co. 8650 Weed Control 8651 City National Bank 8652 Platte County Court 8653 William Steffens 8654 Adams Co. Court 8655 State of Nebraska 8656 Adams Co.Treasurer 8657 Estate of Henry Ju cert 8658 Adams Co. Court 8659 Adams Co. Court 8660 Adams Co. Court 8661 Hall Co. Treasurer 8662 Harold Kort 8663 void 8664 Adams Co. Court 8665 Adams Co. Court 8.66 Roseland State Bank 8667 Adams County Court 8668 City Natior.al Bank State Adams Clerk Clerk Donna R. Pinkerton Bank 48,109.97 32.50 2,500.00 127.50 10.00 476.65 2,073.36 1,045.99 188.29 210.00 14.49 75.00 13.95 79.70 700.74 3,409.68 152.05 158.33 146.71 661.50 647.70 630.00 10.00 3,122.1.0 370.00 660.50 2,537.50 19.00 1,009.20 47.90 2.41 91.64 2,868.05 16.12 5,034.00 325.00 150.00 75.00 3,542.47 243.00 500.00 391.27 1 768.91 1,226.76 1,032.79 Motion by Malouf, seconded by. Teller that this Board hold Executive session for hearing a Relief -Medical appeal. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Eller - bee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Struss, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:40 A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Malouf that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Struss, absent. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:55 A.M. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Teller, that we rescind our prior action and approve the claim to Rader in the amount of $135. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Struss, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that this Board hold executive session for hearing a Relief -Medical claim. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Struss, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 1:15 P.M . Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Bennett that this Board resume regular session Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett,Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Struss absent. Nays: none. Regular session resumed. 381 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Bennett, seconded by Ellerbee that we deny the claim of Paul Yetman in the amount of $120.00. Roll call, ayes: Ellerbee. Nays: Sole, Bennett, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Struss, absent. Motion failed. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Sole that we approve the claim of Paul Yetman in the amount of $120.00 Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Struss, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Sole that we approve the claims on their re- spective funds and instruct and authorize the County Clerk to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes; Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller,Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Struss, absent. Motion carried. Baker & Taylor Co. John Botsford Book Co Hastings Public Library Marquis Who's Who Inc Quality Books Inc Sunshine Prebound books Inc Adams Co. Visitors Com. H & M Equipment Co., Inc. Fry, Ervin V LIBRARY FUND Books Inv. Bookmobile Serv. Inv Books Books VISITORS PROMOTION Promotion INHERITANCE FUND Crushed Rock Mowin q Cemeteries RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Jackson -Wilson Funeral Hone Kearney County Kearney County Madison County Garnet Meyer Dr. Don Murray Nebr. Dept of Social Services Nebraska Dept of Social Services Emergency Protective Services Adams County Hiway Dept Eakes Office Products Center Inc KN Energy Inc. Ne br. Weed Control Assoc. Southern Power District Bobs' Electric Supply Inc Business World Products Data Software & Consulting Serv. Dutton Lainson Co Eakes Office Products General Electric Guarantee Electric Co Guarantee Electric Co Guarantee Electric Guarantee Electric Motorola Ace Irrigation Co Adams Co Hwy Dept American Express Trl KPn ANTers Sharp All WEED Burial 298.61 262.88 658.75 241.50 1143.77 12.36 6400.00 2002.05 180.00 1080.00 9 Reimbursement 184.26 Admin. Costs 218.00 Revolving Fund 261.13 Professional Service 10.00 Vendor Payment 9821.31 Vendor Payment 9357.41 Day Care Service 55.00 CONTROL FUND Postage File Gas Service Dues Utilities REVENUE SHARING FUND Supplies Equipment Services Supplies Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Service Service Equipment ROAD FUND 11.96 13.45 8.00 50.00 30.75 111.34 387.00 11812.10 37.16 804.00 3214.75 1721.46 152.29 36.26 107.56 1562.00 Equipment 3552.67 Postage & Repair 65.21 Membership Pee 45.00 Sharpening 49-76 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Big G Bruners Sand and Gravel Business Supply Co. Inc. Clarke Oil Co. Commercial Electronics Consumers Service Co.Inc. Cooperative Grain & Supply Cornbelt Chemical Co. Cotter Charge Card D -A Lubricant Co. Inc. Dutton-Lainson Co. Eakes Office Products Center Inc Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Foote, Judy Friends Motor Supply General Glass of Hastings, Inc Glenwood Telephone Gilbert Central Corp Grace's Locksmith Service H & M Equipment Co Inc H & N Mobil Halloran Battery & Electric Hastings Canvas & Mfg Co Hastings Utilities Heinzman Engr Inc Island Supply Welding Island Supply Co Johnson Cashway Lbr Co Johnson Erickson O'Brien Kar Products Inc Kerr Chev Co KN Energy Inc Kully Iron & metal Co Laird Motors Inc LCL Truck Equipment Inc Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Co Lincoln Telephone Co Linweld Michelin Tire Corp Nebraska Public Power Odorite Co. Olsen L. L. Oil Co. Olsens Mini Mart Rockwell -Beer Engineering & Sur. Siemers Printing Shafer Implement Co Sherman Service Center Inc Sidles Mr Automotive Sophir Morris Paint Southern Power District Stromer Land Leveling Stromers Repair Shop Trumbull Coop Assoc. Uniservice Inc Zee Medical Service Co Adams County Court Adams County Attorney Adams County Jail food Account Adams County Senior Services Inc Adams County Sheriff's Fee Acct. Adams Co. Sheriff's Fee Acct Adams County Sheriff's Fee Acct Adams County Sheriff's Mileage Adams County Sheriff's Revolving Alexander Battery Co. Inc Alexander Battery Co. Inc American Judicature society Anderson, John Supplies Gravel Supplies Gas Service Propane Gas Chemical Equipment Oil Equipment Equipment Fuel Mileage Supplies Glass Telephone Hot Mix Padlock Gravel Gas Labor Supplies Utilities Supplies Supplies Supplies Equipment Professional Equipment Equipment Gas Supplies Supplies Equipment Gravel Supplies Telephone Repair Tires Utilities Equipment Gas Gas Services Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Paint Utilities Culvert Service Tires Service Supplies 198.16 3642.54 8.32 414.00 22.00 & Tank rent 55.34 308.94 387.00 59.83 1579.60 114.57 157.72 80.58 12.73 694.05 245.46 Service 45.26 1433.20 17.50 272.06 61.20 33.38 18.75 381.57 83.74 2.19 82.00 7.57 Service2500.00 67.26 12.90 31.07 39.11 34.40 266.00 5044.44 7340.66 265.88 38.95 237.05 12.33 5.00 9988.48 132.70 1170.30 63.95 174.43 42.28 661.21 23.95 86.23 153.84 85.61 1938.00 27.10 41.85 GENERAL FUND Jury Fees Supplies Revolving. Food Transportation Papers Served Service & Mileage Postage & Supplies Service Charge Meals 581.11 296.89 Acct 1920.79 Assist3053.13 7.87 339.66 62.53 2.00 186.42 79.63 79.63 45.00 81.75 Lodging & Supplies Supplies Dues. Mileage 383 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Anderson, Robert L. M. D. Apex Plumbing & Heating Inc Apex Plumbing & Heating Irc B & J Stump Removal Badger Uniforms Bancroft -Whitney Co Bancroft -Whitney Co The Bargain Corner Bee Printing & Office Supply Beirow, Robert Big G Bramman, David L Brown, Susan Brown, Susan Buhr, Dan Burroughs Corp Business Supply Co Inc Business World Products Carroll's Derby Cash Wa Candy Co Cash Wa Candy Co Central Valley Rentals Child Deve Council of Adams Co Chris's Car Wash City of Friend City of Hastings City of Hastin gs Commercial Electronics Inc The Cop Shop Cornhusker Press Cornucopia Project Cornhusker Supply Cotter Charge Card Cotter Charge Card Data Masters Data Software & Consulting Data Software & Consulting Dave's Wrecker Service Dirks, John Dudek, Norman Dutton Lainson Co Dutton Lainson Co Clay County Sheriff's Office Eakes Office Equip Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Center Earl May Seed Co Eastern Nebr Ambulance Sery Executive Copier Service Fischer, Dick Fischer, Richard Filter Specialists Inc Firestone Foto Fast Foote & Beck Otolaryngology Franklin, Ben of Hastings Friends Motor Supply Fulcher Business Forms Gibson Products Co Gibson Products Co Gingrich, Wil E HEDC H & N Mobil Hastings Adams Co Civil Def Hastings, Charles W Hastings Family Practice Hastings Paint & Decoration Professional Ser Services Services Services Supplies Supplies Supplies Equipment Supplies Equipment Supplies Clothing Maint. Mileage Supplies Mileage Equipment Supplies Supplies Gas Supplies Supplies Rental County Contribution Services Utilities Civil Defense Expense Civil Defense Expense Services Equipment Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Services Services Services Clothing Maint Clothing Maint Supplies Supplies Housing. Supplies Supplies Supplies Machine Rental & Maint Supplies Equipment Services Services Postage Postage Service Supplies Services Prof.Service Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Clothing Maint. Contribution Gas 4th Quarter Billing Professional Service Medical Supplies 260.00 47.00 356.09 132.00 742.13 216.85 104.70 280.00 24.17 300.00 886.30 35.00 88.40 86.49 10.67 331.20 79.88 408.12 728.68 23.60 88.00 9.00 500.00 3.50 34.06 863.39 975.96 178.00 129.43 592.87 5.00 32.18 15.37 48.60 55.00 47.06 158.22 25.00 35.00 35.00 82.56 27.17 75.00 65.51 16.23 36.32 1229.56 877.73 129.99 103.10 828.00 31.29 24.40 1199.16 168.36 16.88 30.00 3.60 26.88 509.94 18.94 29.06 35.00 1666.67 318.95 2172.16 215.00 75.00 86.17 384 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Hastings Paint & Decorating Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hewa Company Holiday Inn Houfek, Keith IBM IBM Industrial Chemical Lab J & B Mobile Lock Service Johnsons Pharmacy Juvenile Justice Assoc. Keith's Drive In Drug Keith's Pharmacy Kenesaw Mtr Co Maint. Kemp, M. Glenn Kemp, Glenn Ketch All Company Kin gRon Kohl, Adam Ins Korgan, Herman Laird Motors Inc Lar cent, Dorothy Larson, Glen Lemmer, Sharon Levis, Linda P Liberty Rental Service Liberty Rental Service Life -Lite Police Equip Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Co Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Linweld McIntyre & Lehman Magee, Gregg Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Meals on Wheels Midland Area Agency on Aging Mid-Nebr Mental Ret.Sery Mid Nebraska Restaurant Supp. Missouri Valley Orthotic Minnesgasco Minnesgasco Mobley,Beverly D Monroe Mousel, Wayne Mictocomputer Support Group Mr. Automotive Mulliner, Robert My Place Restaurant Mr. Automotive Nebraska Correctional Industries Nebr. Correctional Industries Nebr. Crime Commission Neb. Dept of Revenue F..", Nebr. Reporters Service Nelson, Luwane Norwest Bank Hastings NA Office of Public Defender Office of Public Defender 011ie's Place Overhead Door Pavelka, Michael R Peterson, Larry Peterson, Larry C Peterson, Michael V Pettengill, Donald D Pettengill, Don Phelps County Treasurer Pitney Bowes Supplies Printing & Utilities Utilities Printing Lodging Clothing Maint Supplies Maintenance Supplies Equip Repair Supplies Registration Supplies Medical Maintenance Clothing Maint Mileage Supplies Board Member,Mileage Bonds Trash Hauled Maintenance Lunch Mileage Mileage Motel Expense & Meals Mop & Mat Service Mop & mat Service Equipment Hot Line Telephone Service Telephone Service Telephone Service Supplies Deposition Mileage Professional Service County Contribution County Contribution County Contribution Supplies Supplies Gas Service Gas Service Mileage Meals Maintenance Board Member Labels Battery Mileage Meals Repair Supplies Supplies Films Supplies Services Mileage Checks Supplies, Rental Services Jury Meals Service Clothing Maintenance Mileage Clothing Maint Clothing Maint Clothing Maint Mileage Telephone 10.03 Publishing 431.43 8028.80 14.81 36.84 113.80 35.00 114.60 113.63 50.16 43.10 3.68 25.00 3.51 59.88 25.02 35.00 66.48 130.83 6.89 85.00 15.00 19.67 3.50 31.50 41.00 62.04 42.00 33.60 154.90 45.10 161.53 57.00 1937.20 11.25 77.10 278.40 188.00 323.83 1000.00 1813.00 59.07 218.00 33.02 87.81 & Dues 123.05 93.00 Mileage 11.30 30.00 42.17 71.14 31.00 13.10 99.10 154.36 18.00 2049.37 405.75 29.33 94.60 Utilities926.35 367.00 44.15 30.00 35.00 421.48 35.00 35.00 35.00 123.36 385.57 Maint.Agree 722.00 385 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Plambeck, Sandy Postmaster Protex Systems Inc RSVP Reaman, Kimberly Redfield & Co Inc Redfield & Co Inc Region III Governing Board Rennick, Larry D Revolving Fund Rinder Printing Co. Rinder Printing Co. Ro cprs Inc Rust, John Rust, John Sadd,Diane Scarlett, Jean Sears, Roebuck & Co. Shada, Michael Shada, Michael Shoemaker & Witt Sidlo, Gordon Sidlo, James Sidlo, James Siemers Printing Siemers Printing Simmons, Billy C Simmons, Billy C Sporting Goods Inc Si -at A of meb.rasva State of Nebraska State of Nebraska Stephens, Walter F Jr Inc Stutesman,James 3-D Investment Inc Swanson, Paul Swanson, Paul Talley, Jean K Uniservice Inc Vaughans Printers Inc Warren,Gorham, & Lamont Inc Warren, Gorham & Lamont Inc Weaver Glass Co. West Publishing Co Whelan Foote & Scherr P.C. Wiens, Glen Williams Exterminating Co Winkler, Maxine Youth Development Center Murray, Dr. Don Midstate Development Inc Berts Rexall Drugs Yetman, Paul Yetman, Paul This Board will now recess /s/ Mileage Permit Service Co. Contribution Mileage Supplies Supplies Co. Contribution Clothing Maint Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Mileage Clothing Mileage Overpayment Supplies Mileage Clothing Maint Professional Serv. Clothing Maint Mileage Clothing Maint Supplies Supplies Mileage Clothing Maint Sunpli es NPt C^m RAntal Tel eccmmunicttions Trans Charge Equipment Clothing Maintenance Supplies Mileage Supplies Rent Service Supplies Supplies Supplies Service Supplies Professional Mileage Service Mileage Court Safekeeping 14.24 50.00 25.00 100.00 28.58 11.17 404.42 2360.74 35.00 19.20 151.10 144.99 10.50 133.70 Maintenance 35.00 8.41 23.00 14.76 156.00 35.00 282.50 35.00 45.60 35.00 71.80 430.88 268.85 35.00 10.96 1316-21 Ch 541.44 27.25 5.22 35.00 138.70 177.86 4.99 145.00 73.80 370.10 37.90 68.00 87.40 635.25 Service 760.00 8.57 12.50 19.74 150.00 RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Proffessional Service Rent Medicine Rent Rent subject to the call of .firman. 20.00 54.00 122.22 56.27 120.00 Chair an SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, December17, 1985. 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Struss, absent. Motion by Teller, seconded by Bennett that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and pub- lic notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastin gs Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf add Gartner. Nays: none. Struss, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 85-12-17 WHEREAS, there has been signed by Adams County on the 26th Day of Sept. & 3rd day of October, 1978, and the State on the 5th day of October & 16th , Day of Oct., 1978, an agreement providing for the construction of a Federal Aid Sec- ondary Road Project RS -2020(3): beginning at the Southwest Corner of Section. 4, Township 6 North, Range 9 West extending 3.0 Miles east terminating at the Southeast Corner of Section 2, Township 6 North, Range 9 West, RS -2185 (6): beginning at the Southeast Corner of Section 4, Township 6 North, Range 11 West, extending 4.0 Miles north terminating at the Northeast Corner of Section 21, Township 7 Nort4,Range 11West and WHEREAS, in the above agreement the County has pledged sufficient funds to finance its share of the cost of the construction of this project identi- fied as No.RS-2020(3) & RS -2185(6) and, WHEREAS, the above mentioned agreement provided that the County would pay all of the non -Federal costs of this project, and WHEREAS, the State received bids for the construction of this project on December 5, 1985 at which time 4 bids were received for the construction of the proposed work, and WHEREAS the following contractor for the items of work listed have been selected as the low bidder to whom a contract should be awarded: Werner Construction Co. Hastings, Nebraska; Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course; $446,492.78 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above facts, the Board of Super- visors of Adams County, by this resolution, takes the following official action: 1. If for any reason the Federal Highway Administration recinds, limits its obligations, or defers payment of the Federal share of the cost of this project, the County hereby agrees to provide the necessary funds to pay for all costs incurred until and in the event such federal funds are allowed and paid. 2. The Board hereby concurs in the selection of the above mentioned con- tractor for the items of work listed, to whom a contract should be awarded. 3.. The Board hereby authorizes the Chairman to sick, a contract with the above mentioned contractor or for the above mentioned work. 4. The Board does not desire to perform any of the work with its own forces in lieu of performing the work by the contract method. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Struss, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Sole that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 8621-8624. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Struss, Absent. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Malouf that we approve the release of Joint Custody Receipt 49577196 in the amount of $200,000. to City National Bank and Trust Company. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner, Nays : none. Struss, absent. Motion carried. 387 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Malouf, seconded by Teller that the following resolution be adopt- ed: RESOLUTION 85-12-17.1 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the salaries, adjustments and benefits for the Elected Officials of Adams County for the term beginning in 1987 be as follows: 1. That the salaries be as follows: 1987 1988 1989 1990 County Clerk 23,000 23,000 23,500 24,000 County Treas 23,000 23,000 23,500 24,000 County Assessor23,000 23,000 23,500 24,000 Register of Deeds22,000 22,000 22,500 23,000 Cl of Dist Court 22,000 22,000 22,500 23,000 Sheriff 25,000 25,000 25,500 26,000 Attorney 25,000 25,000 25,500 26,000 2. That in addition to the above salary, each officer shall receive and be a member of the same health and medical group plan as offered to all county employees. 3. All elected officials shall be enrolled in and shall receive the bene- fits of the County Employee's Retirement System as set forth by Neb. Rev. Stat. 23-2301 Roll call, ayes: Sole,Bennett,Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: Ellerbee. Struss, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Malouf that the following resolution be adopt- ed: RESOLUTION 85-12-17.2 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the salaries and benefits for the Board of Sup- ervisors be as follows: 1. The Salary for the Board of Supervisors be left at the present level of $7,500. No increases. 2. That in addition to the above salary, each Supervisor shall receive and. be a member of the same health and medical group plan as offered to all county employees. 3. All elected officials shall be enrolled in and shall receive the bene- fits of the County Employee's Retirement System as set forth by Neb. Rev. Stat. 23-2301. Roll call, ayes: Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: Sole and Bennett. Struss, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Bennett that the following resolution be adopted: 85-21-17.3 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT THE salary and benefits for the County Surveyor be as follows: 1. The salary for the County Surveyor be left at $600. annually. 2. That in addition to the above salary, the County Surveyor shall receive and be a member of the same health and medical group plan as offered to all county employees. 3. All elected officials shall be enrolled in and shall receive the benefits of the County Employee's Retirement System as set forth by Nb. Rev. Stat. 23-2301. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Struss, absent. Motion carried. 388 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Teller, seconded by Sole that this Board hold Executive Session to hear Relief -Medical Claims and appeals. Roll call, ayes: Sole,Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Struss, absent. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:28. A.M. Motion by Sole, seconded by Malouf that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett,Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none Absent: Struss. Regular session resumed at 12:00 Noon. The Board made a tour to inspect the jail. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Sole that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller an< Gartner. Malouf, out and not voting. Struss, absent. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Blue Cross & Blue Shield Burchard, Minnie M Clerk of Dist Ct Clerk of Dist Ct Cosgrove, Madelyn Duthie, Eva Easter Nebr Amb. Service Inc Gartner, Rena Hastings Utilities Hayen, Rachel Kidd, C H Li <ji.tner, Ed Nebr. Reporters Service Physicians Building Reutlinger, Lila Story, Roscoe E County Supervisors County Clerks Office County Treasurers Office Register of Deeds County Asseessor County Supt. Election Commissioner Planning & Zoning Office Clk Dist Ct & Mental Health Public Defender Office Janitors Extension Office Sheriff's Office Co. Attorneys Office Communications Jail Dispatchers Veterans Service Office Surveyor Social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield Burchard, Minnie M Clerk of District Court Clerk of District Court Cosgrove, Madelyn Duthie, Eva Eastern Nebr Ambulance Gartner, Rena Hastings Utilities Hayen,Rachel Kidd, C H Li ghtner, Ed Nebr. Reporters Service Physicians Building Reutlinger, Lila Story, Roscoe E Insurance Prior Service Jury Costs Jury Costs Prior Service Prior Service Payment Prior Service Utilities Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Pro Services Pro Services Prior Service Prior Service Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Salaries Salaries S alaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Matching Matchin g Insurance Coverage Prior Service 8,977.04 14.00 1,889.76 2,102.50 14.00 14.00 7,750.00 25.00 995.71 25.00 16.00 19.00 350.00 46.00 14.00 15.00 4,375.00 7,784.71 8,799.03 3,561.68 8,320.98 1,635.58 1,085.00 2,788.13 4,887.77 3,305.54 3,400.76 6,330.08 18,609.18 9,802 37 1,016.52 8,983.70 3,233.77 50.00 6,898.38 4,235.25 8,977.04 14.00 State Cases 1,889.76 State Cases 2,102.50 Prior Service 14.00 Prior Service 14.00 Contract 7,750.00 Prior Service 25.00 Utilities EmergProtShelter995.7: Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Professional Services Physical Prior Service Prior Service 25.00 16.00 19.00 350.00 46.00 14.00 15.00 389 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ROAD FUND Road Department Social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield Harpham, Gilbert Heuertz, Harold Koch, David Mousel, Virgil Stromer, Paul Struss, Lambert Velder, Ray LIBRARY FUND Library Department Social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield WEED CONTROL FUND Weed Control Social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield Salaries 33,656.80 Matching 2,372.80 Matching 1,464.16 Insurance Coverage 2,196.60 Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Salaries Matching Matching Insurance Coverage Salaries Matching Matching Insurance Coverage INHERITANCE FUND Adams County Historical Society County Contribution This Board will now recess Board. /s/ 14.00 13.00 25.00 12.00 13.00 12.00 19.00 1,722.12 121.41 34.87 87.60 2,436.30 171.76 116.95 229.54 566.67 subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Clerk 390 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday December 3 1985 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call members present: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Telfer, Malouf and Gartner. Motion by Malouf seconded by Bennett that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of the road work in the county. He informed the Board that Juniata Feed Yards had met the terms of their agreement and he had issued their permit. Motion by Struss and seconded by Malouf that we authorize the chairman of the Board to sign an agreement between the United States of America and Adams County, Nebraska after the Adams County Attorney has gone over the agreement and given his approval. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Telfer, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Struss, seconded by Teller, that we approve the Township Bond for Orville D. Joynt, Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Telfer, Malouf and Gartner. Sole out and not voting. Nays none. Motion carried, Motion by Teller, seconded by Struss that we approve the release of Joint Custody Receipt Numbers 501800, 503449, 501?70, and 501769 in the amount of 400;000.00 to Roseland State Bank. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf that we approve subscribing to the service that is being offered by the Data Processing department at the State for accessing legislative bills and etc. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennet Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss, that we approve the appointment of James Stutesman to the Adams County Law Enforcement Reserve Force. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Gregg Magee presented bids to the Board from several different firms On copiers for his office. A discussion was held and it was decided to wait until next week to addept a bid. The Board decided that the final decision should come from the office holder. Gregg Magee, Adams County Sheriff told the County Board the the F.O,1 . Lodge #12 had donated 4 12" Emerson TV's and 4 AM -FM General Electric Portable Radios to the Adams County Jail Department for inmates use. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss, that this Board hold Executive session f8r hearing Relief -Medical claim and a Relief -Medical Appeal. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried.' 391 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 20 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by M i of that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Struss, that we approve the claims on their respective funds and instruct and authorize the County Clerk to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Bennett, Ellerbee, Struss, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Motion carried. U.S. Postoffice Bert's Rexall Cleveland, Stephanie Hastings Anesthesiology Assoc. Hastings General Surgery P.C. Hastings Radiology Assoc. Hastings Pathology Assoc. Hoevet, Mrs. Norman Kingsley & Kingsley Drs. Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Murray, Dr. Don Rader Realty Rader Realty Rader Realty Rader Realty Ruhter, Maury Rutt, Janene Vigiicky Realty GENERAL F Box Rent 84.00 RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Medicine Rent Professional Service Professional Service -Professional Service Professional Service Rent Professional Service Services Services Professional Service Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent This Board Will now Vecess subject to /s/ Anita Hawes County Clerk Post 48.56 87.o 166.4o 137.67. 153.60 21.00 185.00 856.00 47.00 2017.65 4o.00 91.70 300.00 220.82 175.00 145.00 58.37 185.00 the call of the Chairman of the Board. COURTHOUSE, HASTIN 6, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 7, 1986. 9:30. A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Dale W. Gartner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Sole and Struss, absent. Motion by Bennett, seconded by Malouf thatthis. meeting is a regularly schedul- ed public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept current- ly amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner.. Nays: none. Sole and Struss, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Malouf, seconded by Ellerbee that weschedulethe Public Hearing for the I and VI year Road Plan for February 18th at,`.10:30A.M. Roll call, ayes,: Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf 'and Gartner.' Nays.: none. .Sole and Struss, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Bennett that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Bennett, Ellerbee, Teller, Malouf and Gartner. Nays: none. Sole and Struss, absent. Motion carried.