HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupervisors Rec 21 1988�121 ADAMS CO NTY NEBRASKA Keiths Pharmacies R & R Rentals Rader Real Estate Russ Pittman LIBRARY FUND Blue Cross & Blue Shield REVENUE SHARING FUND Connecting Point NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL FUND Blue Cross & Blue Shield GENERAL FUND County Supervisors County Clerk's Office Co. Treasurers Office Register of Deeds County Assessors Office Election Commissioner Clk of Dist Ct & Mental Public Defenders Office Janitors Extension Office Sheriff's Office County Attorneys Office Jail Veterans Service Office Social Security Planning & Zoning Retirement Surveyor ROAD FUND Road Social Security Retirement WEED CONTROL FUND Weed control Social Security Retirement LIBRARY FUND Library Social Security Retirement Medical Emergency Relief Rent Rent Health -Accident Ins Capitol Outlay Health -Accident Ins Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary HealthBdSalaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Matching Salary Matching Salary This Board will now recess Board of Supervis s. /s/ County Clerk Salaries Matching Matching Salaries Matching Matching Salaries Matching Matching 25.28 230.00 112.95 27.00 94.44 3,368.00 243.22 4,375.00 8,421.10 9,477.99 4,820.30 9,217.04 1,184.82 5,174.36 3,498.41 3,564.11 6,711.41 23,529.69 10,089.33 9,430.50 3,165.61 7,254.00 179.38 4,267.85 50.00 38,262.17 2,735.76 1,715.30 2,667.27 190.71 128.02 1,817.55 129.96 40.04 o the call of the Chairman of the 4,?:7t2KLer/ Chairman 102 KP]ZIIISORS R;C)'D ADAS �� 1T1', YBRASKA 11 Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that the reports of Jail; Car Titles, Election Commissioner (2); Co. Library; County Clerk; Register of Deeds; Jail Food Account; and Sheriff's Quarterly report of fees be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Sole and Ellerbee, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Plambeck that the following miscellaneous receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors proceedings. Roll call, ayes: Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Sole and Ellerbee, absent. Motion carried. 1531 Adams County Clerk 1532 Midland Area Agency on Aging 1533 Adams County Clerk 1534 Register of Deeds 1535 Jolene's 1536 City National Bank 1537 Clerk of District Court 1538 Clerk of the District Court 1539 Adams Co. Court 1540 Adams Co. Court 1541 Adams County Court 1542 Adams Co. Court 1543 Adams Co. Road Dept 1544 Area Planning & Zoning 1545 Adams Co. Weed 1546 Adams Co. Register of Deeds 1547 Adams County Assessor 1548 Village of Juniata 1549 City Treasurer 1550 Adams Co. Clerk 1551 Adams Co. Attorney 1552 Adams Co. Bank 1553 Hastings State Bank 1554 Adams Co. Bank 1555 Clerk of Dist Court 1556 Hiway Department 1557 Hiway Department 1558 Adams Co. Election Comm. 1559 Adams Co. Election Comm. 1560 Estate of Lester T Davidson 1561 State of Nebraska 1562 National Bank of Commerce 1563 Estate of Eva R Greenlee 1564 Century 21 1565 Modern Methods 1566 Register of Deeds 1567 Nat. Bk of Commerce 1568 Clerk of District Court_: 1569 Clerk of the District Court 1570 Occidental Nebraska 1571 Larry Woodman .03 210.00 8.93 805.46 100.00 155.66 1,115.00 301.11 229.22 110.00 8,513.50 7.00 90.00 60.00 1,084.00 946.41 3.00 5,225.75 229,255.00 2,468.75 560.00 11,287.50 7,479.46 1,793.86 157.33 220.00 181.76 104.43 272.54 336.43 66,361.72 1.05 681.14 150.00 23.00 3,164.85 1,095,000.00 138.00 270.60 26.25 7c nn SUPERVISORS RECORD No 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Keiths Pharmacies R & R Rentals Rader Real Estate Russ Pittman LIBRARY FUND Blue Cross & Blue Shield REVENUE SHARING FUND Connecting Point NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL FUND Blue Cross & Blue Shield GENERAL FUND County Supervisors County Clerk's Office Co. Treasurers Office Register of Deeds County Assessors Office Election Commissioner Clk of Dist Ct & Mental Public Defenders Office Janitors Extension Office Sheriff's Office County Attorneys Office Jail Veterans Service Office Social Security Planning & Zoning Retirement Surveyor ROAD FUND Road Social Security Retirement WEED CONTROL FUND Weed control Social Security Retirement LIBRARY FUND Library Social Security Retirement Medical Emergency Relief Rent Rent Health --Accident Ins Capitol Outlay Health -Accident Ins Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary HealthBdSalaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Matching Salary Matching Salary This Board will now, recess Board of Supervis s. /s/ County Clerk /s/ Salaries Matching Matching Salaries Matching Matching Salaries Matching Matching 25.28 230.00 112.95 27.00 94.44 3,368.00 243.22 4,375.00 8,421.10 9,477.99 4,820.30 9,217.04 1,184.82 5,174.36 3,498.41 3,564.11 6,711.41 23,529.69 10,089.33 9,430.50 3,165.61 7,254.00 179.38 4,267.85 50.00 38,262.17 2,735.76 1,715.30 2,667.27 190.71 128.02 1,817.55 129.96 40.04 the call of the Chairman of the COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 5, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams Cunty Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D.W Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Absent: Sole and Ellerbee. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and pub- lic notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Sole, and Ellerbee absent. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that the reports of Jail; Car Titles, Election Commissioner (2); Co. Library; County Clerk; Register of Deeds; Jail Food Account; and Sheriff's Quarterly report of fees be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Sole and Ellerbee, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Plambeck that the following miscellaneous receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors proceedings. Roll call, ayes: Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Sole and Ellerbee, absent. Motion carried. 1531 Adams County Clerk 1532 Midland Area Agency on Aging 1533 Adams County Clerk 1534 Register of Deeds 1535 Jolene's 1536 City National Bank 1537 Clerk of District Court 1538 Clerk of the District Court 1539 Adams Co. Court 1540 Adams Co. Court 1541 Adams County Court 1542 Adams Co. Court 1543 Adams Co. Road Dept 1544 Area Planning & Zoning 1545 Adams Co. Weed 1546 Adams Co. Register of Deeds 1547 Adams County Assessor 1548 Village of Juniata 1549 City Treasurer 1550 Adams Co. Clerk 1551 Adams Co. Attorney 1552 Adams Co. Bank 1553 Hastings State Bank 1554 Adams Co. Bank 1555 Clerk of Dist Court 1556 Hiway Department 1557 Hiway Department 1558 Adams Co. Election Comm. 1559 Adams Co. Election Comm. 1560 Estate of Lester T Davidson 1561 State of Nebraska 1562 National Bank of Commerce 1563 Estate of Eva R Greenlee 1564 Century 21 1565 Modern Methods 1566 Register of Deeds 1567 Nat. Bk of Commerce 1568 Clerk of District Court:: 1569 Clerk of the District Court 1570 Occidental Nebraska 1571 Larry Woodman 1572 Midland Area Agency on Aging 1573 Dermont W. Malouf 1574 Road Department 1575 Estate of Tena G. Kemper 1576 Adams ounty Clerk 1577 Adams Co. Bank 1578 City National Bank 1579 Hastings State Bank 1580 Adams Co. Bank 1581 State of Nebraska 1582 State of Nebraska 1583 State of Nebraska 1584 Frederic A Drummond 1585 Estate of Godfrey A.Steiner 1586 Est of Lloyd Bohlke 1587 Norwest Bank Minn. 1588 Webster Co. Treas. 1589 State of Nebraska 1590 Hall Co. Treasurer 1591 Fred Teller 1592 Richard Nuernberger .03 210.00 8.93 805.46 100.00 155.66 1,115.00 301.11 229.22 110.00 8,513.50 7.00 90.00 60.00 1,084.00 946.41 3.00 5,225.75 229,255.00 2,468.75 560.00 11,287.50 7,479.46 1,793.86 157.33 220.00 181.76 104.43 272.54 336.43 66,361.72 1.05 681.14 150.00 23.00 3,164.85 1,095,000.00 138.00 270.60 26.25 75.00 210.00 75.00 220.00 985.56 828.00 148.97 311.32 357.28 1,812.33 2,591.90 2,489.41 3,274.88 75.00 2,027.05 554.19 12,256.25 50.49 500.00 569.27 75.00 830.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA 1593 Equitable Agri Business Inc. 1594 Clerk of the Dist. Court 1595 Clerk of the Dist. Court 1596 City National Bank 1597 Nortwest Bank 1598 Timothy Jon Walz 1599 City National' Bank 1600 Adams Co. Road 1601 Adams Co. Road 1602 Adams Co. Weed Dept. 18.20 80.00 3,882.04 153.41 4.55 10.00 152.51 1.83 36.40 1,117.00 Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the pro- gress of road work in the County. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Teller that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County C}erk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Sole and Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL Adams Co Adams Co Adams Co Adams Co Adams Co Adams Co Adams Co Attorney Clerk Senior Sery Sheriff Fee Act Sheriff Fee Act Sheriff Fee Act Sheriffs Rev Adams County Court Adams County Jail Allens Discount Pharmacy Badger Uniforms Big G Auto Service Big G Comm Hardware Billy Simmons Billy Simmons Bob Barker Company Brock, Seiler & Smith Brock, Seiler & Smith Bureau of Natl Affairs Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Business World Products Business World Products Cash Wa Candy Company Central Comm College Central Ne Oral Surgery Child Develp Council Chris's Car Wash Clay County Sheriff Clerk of Dist Court Clerk of Dist Court Commerce Clearing House Commercial Chem Mfg Inc Commercial Chem Mfg Inc Commercial Electronics Conrad Grothen Continental Textile Corp Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Cornhusker State Ind Cotter Charge Card Craig McMahon Das Material Division Data Sftware Consult Ser David D Babcock Dept of Agri Comm Derby Gas & Deli Don Pettengill Don Pettengill County Law Library Postal Services Handi Bus Court Costs Court Costs Postal Services Law Enforcement Costs County Court Costs Board of Prisoners -Food Med-Hosp Prisoners Uniform Allowance Equipment -Fuel Miscellaneous Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Supplies -Jail Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Law Enforcement Costs Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Laundry -Prisoners Voting Polls Rent Med-Hosp Prisoners Day Care Costs Equipment Fuel Board of Prisoners -Food District Court Costs District Court Costs Dues, Sub. Reg. Training Janitorial Supplies Janitorial Supplies Radio Repair Travel Expenses -Board Provisions & Clothing Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Stationery/Envelopes Printing & Publishing Supplies -Jail Law Enforcement Costs Travel Expenses -Board Law Enforcement Costs Supplies -Data Processing Mileage Allowance Supplies-Officd Equipment -Fuel Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance 56.10 84.00 4,187.78 11.46 1,652.22 34.40 221.57 258.98 1,941.61 56.22 104.19 25.99 21.45 305.45 35.00 56.17 445.00 40.00 173.43 4.00 117.84 8.10 99.50 102.37 30.00 34.00 500.00 14.00 700.00 2,790.01 1,759.10 20.90 193.34 10.50 94.50 7.94 227.16 61.61 37.85 45.55 183.55 37.94 23.94 11.30 71.59 170.40 43.05 1.50 530.66 132.24 35.00 104 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Dugan Business Forms Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Election Supplies Ltmd Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Faber Gas Appliance Sery Financial Prod Corp Firestone Foto Fast Gary Hueske Gibson Products Inc Glen Wiens Gordon Sidlo Gregg Magee Co Sheriff Hastings Economic Dev Hastings Family Practice Hastings Family Practice Hastings Plumbing & Htg Hastings Plumbing & Htg Hastings Utilities Hastings/Adams Co CI Def Hastings/Adams Co Ci Def ICL Information Systems Inc Information Systems Inc J & B Mobile Lock Sery James Sidlo Jim Stutesman John C Anderson John Dirks John Dirks John Krontz John Rust John Rust Johnie Pittman Jorm Microlab Jorm Microlab Keiths Pharmacies Kelso Kenesaw Motor Co Kimberly Reaman Kimberly Reaman Koci Engineering Larry Peterson Lee Hemberger Lincoln Co Sheriff Dept Lincoln Telephone Co Lincoln Telephone Co Lincoln Telephone Co Lintel Systems Luwane Nelson M Glenn Kemp Marilyn Schmidt Mary Lanning Hospital Meals on Wheels Michael Peterson Michael Shada Michael Shada Mid Nebraska Mental Mid Nebraska Restaurant Midland Area Agency Midland Area Agency Monte McCord Monte McCord Nactfo NCR Nebr Crime Commission Nebr State Library Nebr Tax Resfarch Supplies -Office 2 Supplies -Office.` Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Voting Microfilming/Copier Microfilming/Copier Microfilming/Copier Equipment Rental -Office Building Repair Office Eq Repair Equipment -Fuel Law Enforcement Costs Uniform Allowance Law Enforcement Costs Travel Expenses -Board Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Economic Development 1 Miscellaneous Med-Hosp Prisoners Building Repair Other Equipment Repair Utilities Civil Defense Civil Defense Janitorial Supplies Microfilming/Copier Microfilming/Copier Miscellaneous Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Miscellaneous Microfilming/Copier Microfilming/Copier Med-Hosp Prisoners Laundry -Prisoners Equipment -Fuel Mileage Allowance Mileage Allowance Office Eq Repair Uniform Allowance Travel Expenses -Board Board of Prisoners -Food Telephone Services 1 Telephone Services Telephone Services Telephone Services Supplies Mileage Allowance Travel Expenses -Board Med-Hosp Prisoners Local Match RSVP Meals Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Mental Retardation Serl Supplies -Jail Area Agency on Aging Co Miscellaneous Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Dues,Sub,Reg.Training Office Eq Repair 6 Law Enforcement Costs Supplies -Office Dues, Sub,Reg,Training ,135.82 37.24 56.30 378.56 25.15 120 .00 240.23 163.00 190.00 88.50 994.00 252.53 7.77 35.00 117.15 9.57 35.00 346.46 ,466.67 48.00 318.50 30.24 182.04 15.38 251.11 318.87 89.17 38.19 111.49 21.00 35.00 35.00 22.47 130.82 35.00 35.00 109.24 35.00 65.00 39.51 13.40 163.87 37.88 101.62 60.00 9.03 35.00 35.00 12.14 35.00 ,399.40 34.10 166.94 68.50 40.73 234.00 5.42 157.13 350.00 35.00 185.68 35.00 ,813.83 41.84 st1,000 00 78.90 6.80 11.20 25.00 .310.05 3.00 18.70 150.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA Norman Dudek Okeefe Elevator Co Inc Paul Swanson Powell Tower Professional Surveyors A Protex Systems Inc R L Polk Co Redfield & Company Inc Redfield & Company Inc Redfield & Company Inc Region III Governing Bd Richard Uden Rodney Wilkerson RSVP Rutts Pharmacy Sandra Stockall Sandy Plambeck Scottie McMillan Sears Roebuck & Co 7221 Sharon Rose Sharon Stonecipher Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt Sirchie Finger Print Lab Spouse Abuse/SA State of Ne State of Ne Sue Mousel Susan Brown Thauts Cleanup Service The Cop Shop The Dehner Co Inc Toogood & McGath Uniservice Inc Unisys Corp University of Ne Lincoln Wilbur Gingrich Woodwards Disposal Sery Youth Development Center ROAD -BRIDGE Adams Co Hwy Dept Aman Well Drilling American Express Barco Big G Comm Hardware Bruners Sand & Gravel Burr Rock & Tie Case Power & Equip Co City Iron & Metal Co Commercial Electronics Consumers Sery Co Inc Coop Grain & Supply D A Lubricant Co Inc Eakes Office Products Federal Property Assit Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Co H & M Equipment H & N Mobil Hall Co Hiway Dept Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hatten Electric Service Hornbostel Foundry Ideal Electric Island Supply Uniform Allowance Other Equip Repair Mileage Allowance Radio Repair Dues, Sub. Reg. Training Building Repair Sheriff -Motor Vehicle Supplies -Voting Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Intergovernmental Payment Travel Expenses -Board M Uniform Allowance Local Match RSVP Meals On Med-Hosp Prisoners 35.00 90.00 52.71 480.00 40.00 33.00 65.00 9.53 396.00 96.94 2,360.72 7.52 35.00 125.00 10.19 Mileage Allowance,SuppliesOff.32.70 Travel Expenses -Board 14.24 Travel Expenses -Board 5.21 Other Equipment Repair 43.59 Mileage Allowance 10.66 Supplies -Office 9.41 Attorney Fees -Court App 70.00 Attorney Fees -Court App 170.00 Law Enforcement Costs -C 150.18 Domestic Abuse 100.00 Net Com 1,000.21 Equipment Rental -Office 350.00 Travel Expenses -Board M 10.04 Mileage Allowance 29.62 Equipment -Fuel 75.00 Supplies-Jail,Provisions& 68.23 clothing Uniform Allowance 260.75 Buildings Rental,Utilities 798.44 Court Costs,Telephone Services Supplies.-0-fice,Postal Services Miscellaneous 32.90 Office Eq Repair 388.80 Travel Expenses 539.00 Uniform Allowance 35.00 Miscellaneous 90.80 County Court Costs 250.00 Postal Services,Misc. 68.07 Co Shop Cap Out,Bldg.Repair 131.00 Miscellaneous 45.00 Bulk Chains 440.00 Supplies-Shop,Shop Tools,Rd 56.34 Eq Rep Parts,Materials,Steel Product,Small Tools etc Materials -Gravel & Borr 720.72 Materials -Gravel & Borr 1,077.56 Rd Eq Rep Parts 116.53 Materials -Steel Product 53.60 Radio Repair 185.30 Heating Fuels 40.70 Equipment -Fuel 42.85 Mach Eq Grease Oil 1,518.00 Supplies -Office 17.48 Express,Freight,Sup.Misc. 105.00 Rd Eq Rep Labor 207.29 Telephone Services 56.90 Materials -Gravel & Borr 582.80 Equipment -Fuel 14.25 Mach Eq Grease Oil 68.25 Electricity 7.55 Electricity 12.69 Water,Heating Fuels,Sewer 900.99 Electricity Supplies -Shop Express & Freight,Misc. Co Shop Cap Out Supplies ,Shop 10.90 284.01 2,000.00 877.70 106 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Island Supply Johnson Cashway Lumber Judy Foote Ken Avers Sharp Shop King Radiator Co Krieger Electric Co Kully Iron & Metal Corp L L Olsen Oil Co L L Olsen Oil Co LCL Truck Equip Inc Lincoln Telephone Co Mid City Auto Supply Ne Machinery Co Ne Machinery Co Nebr Dept of Roads Nebr Public Power Dist Odorite Co Olsens Mini Mart Olsens Mini Mart Professional Surveyors R C Booth Enterprises Rodeo Road Equip Inc S & C Motors Inc Sidles/Mr Automotive Southern Power District Stein Mfg Inc Stromers Repair Town & Country Seatcover Trumbull Coop Assoc Uniservice Inc Wilson Concrete Co Yant Equip Co Inc RELIEF -MEDICAL Berts Rexall Drugs Christian Brothers & Co Dale Spilinek Dennis Erickson Dennis Roth Emergency Protective Ser Hastings Orthopaedics PC Madison County Clerk Morland Rucker Pat Butzirus Sandra Robare LIBRARY Baker & Taylor Co Hastings Public Library J G Ferguson Publishing Publishers Central Bureau Ulverscroft Lg Print Bks INHERITANCE TAX Historical Society West Publishing Co CAPITAL PROJECT Chief Construction NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL Coop Grain & Supply Jahnkes Kerr Chevrolet Co Laird Motors Inc Sidles/Mr Automotive 4 48 Supplies,Shop, Shop Tools 59.30 Com Transportation 6.05 Other Equipment Repair 208.40 Rd Eq Rep Parts 65.50 Rd Eq Rep Parts 234.60 Materials -Steel Product 39.96 Equipment -Fuel 1,016.47 Equipment-Fuel,Mach Eq GreaseOil4,584.54 Rd Eq Rep Parts,Express,Freight 178.27 Telephone Services 146.40 Rd Eq Rep Parts,Express,Freight 498.00 937.94 1,974.00 85.00 72.01 5.00 171.07 166.00 90.00 222.41 333.94 317.59 Rd Eq Rep Parts,Supplies,Shop Rd Eq Rep -Labor-Parts Signs Electricity Janitorial Supplies Equipment -Fuel Equipment -Fuel Lodging Misc.,Express & Freight Rd Eq Rep Labor Supplies -Miscellaneous Rd Eq Rep Parts,Supplies-Shop Shop Tools,Mach Eq Grease Oil 647.43 Electricity 207.37 Rd Eq Rep Labor 30.00 Other Equipment Repair 22.00 Rd Eq Rep Parts 30.00 Mach Eq Tires & Rep 175.25 Janitorial Supplies 27.10 Materials -Culverts 425.25 Express & Freight,Co Shop Cap Out9,336.23 Medical & Hospital Rent,Fuel-Client Sery Rent,Fuel-Client Sery Rent,Fuel-Client Sery Rent,Fuel-Client Sery Day Care Costs Medical & Hospital -Client Provisions & Clothing Emergency Relief Emergency Relief Emergency Relief Library Miscellaneous Library Library Library 38.71 210 .00 145.00 195.00 150.00 110.00 30.10 167.44 450.00 200.00 275.00 95.66 711.00 94.45 116.26 147.90 Historical Soc 566.67 Library 832.25 Bldgs 19,385.00 Mach Eq Tires & Rep,Equip,Fuel Supplies -Shop Eq Rep Pts Eq Rep Pts Supplies,Shop,Eq Rep Pts This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman Adams County Board fpervisors. / s / /4T1Y4644 Chairman 146.53 40.54 8.96 19.43 18.69 of the SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 107 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 12, 1988. 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman, absent. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Mosier that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by pbblication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting; An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole,'Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none; Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that as there is no further old bus- iness this Board adjourn sine die and the County Clerk be appointed as temporary chairman. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Board adjourned sine die. STATUTORY REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD Motion by Teller, seconded by Plambeck that Monte Malouf be nominated for Chairman of the Adams County Board for 1988. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that nominations cease and Malouf be elected Chairman for 1988. Roll call, ayes: Stlle,Ellerbee, Teller, Plambeck, Mosier, Malouf, abstaining. Woodman, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Plambeck that Teller be nominated as Vice - Chairman for 1988. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Teller, pass. Woodman, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that nominations cease and Teller be elected Vice -Chairman for 1988. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Teller, pass. Woodman, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller that the following named banks be named as County Depositories: Norwest Bank, Hastings; City National Bank and Trust, Hastings; Hastings State Bank of Hastings; Adams County Bank of Kenesaw; and Roseland Bank, Branch of Hastings State Bank,Roseland. We also approve the securities pledged by the following banks as security for County Deposits: Norwest Hastings Nebraska NA $3,470,000. City National Bank & Trust 2,450,000. Hastings State Bank 1,135,000. Adams County Bank, Kenesaw 1,300,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that we consent to the County Treasurer depositing up to 100% of the Capitol stock and Surplus in any of the depository banks named, said deposits to be protected by bonds and securities as required by law. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that we authorize the County Treasurer to invest up to 5,000,000. in Norwest Nebraska, N.A. up to 2,000,000. in City National Bank & Trust; up to 2,000,000 in Adams County Bank,Kenesaw up to 1,000,000. in Hastings State Bank; up to 1,000,000 in Roseland Bank, Branch of Hast:inas State Bank; all investments to be covered by pledged securities as required by law, security market values being equal to or in excess of said investments. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. 108 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Teller, seconded by Plambeck that the Hastings Tribune be named legal newspaper for Adams County for the year. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Chairman Malouf appointed the following standing_ committees for 1988. BUILDING, GROUNDS, EQUIPMENT AND INSURANCE Fred Teller, Chairman, Bill Sole, LaVern Mosier ROADS, BRIDGES AND WEED CONTROL Larry Woodman, Chairman, Buck Ellerbee, Sandy Plambeck EMERGENCY SERVICES AND COMMUNICATIONS Buck Ellerbee, Chairman, Bill Sole, Larry Woodman REGION III REPRESENTATIVE Sandy Plambeck MIDLAND AREA AGENCY ON AGING LaVern Mosier and Larry Woodman MID -NEBRASKA MENTAL RETARDATION Buck Ellerbee PLANNING AND ZONING Monte Malouf CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND HEDC Fred Teller SENIOR SERVICES Bill Sole COUNTY VISITORS COMMITTEE Bill Sole Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. Basically the crews were doing maintenance on the roads and on equipment. Fritz Appraisal Company of Lincoln had representatives appear before the Board to describe what their firm does in a re -appraisal, their background and to give references of work they hadperformed for other counties in Nebraska. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Mosier that we uphold the Planning Commiss- ion's recommendation and deny the application 87-122 made by Paul Heifner, and allow 90 days for enforcement. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Sole that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Woodman, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Plambeck that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Plambeck that Ellerbee be authorized to sign a claim for parts for the Grade -All. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, pass. Woodman, absent. Nays:none. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 109 GENERAL FUND Adams Co. Sheriff Adams Co. Sheriff's REV Fd Adams Co. Jail Bee Printing of Holdrege Business Supply Co Business Supply Co Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Business World Products City of Hastings DAS Material Div Data Sftware Consult Ser Data Sftware Consult Sery Data Sftware Consult Ser Data Sftware Consult Ser Eakes Office Equip Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Exec. Copier System Exec. Copier System Guarantee Electric Co. Guarantee Electric Co. Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Helen Blum Information Systems Keith A. Houfek Liberty Cleaners Lincoln Telephone Co M Glenn Kemp Modern Methods Inc. Modern Methods Inc. NLSIS Phelps Co. Treas. Redfield & Company Inc Phelps Co. Treas Mulliner, Robert Rod Davison Shoemaker &.Witt U S Postal Service Vaughans Printers Inc Vaughans Printers Vaughans Printers Vaughans Printers Inc. Vaughans Printers Inc. Weber Studio ROAD FUND Nebraska Dept of Revenue EMPLOYMENT SECURITY FUND Nebr. UC Fund RELIEF -MEDICAL Allen Boudreau Brian Willcock Charlene Goldenstein Countryside Mobil Home Dale Spilinek Fred Thaut Greg Sinner Keiths Pharmacies Mary Lanning Hospital Nebr. Clinicians Group Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate Red Cloud Concrete Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Off. Supplies Off. Supplies Off. Supplies Off. Supplies Off.Eq Rep and Misc. Civil Defense Off. Supplies Pt time Clerical Software Data Process Supp Data Process Supp Office Supplies Office Supplies Mtr Veh Ins Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Microfilm/Copier Rental Services Misc. Printing & Printing & Utilities Postage Microfilm/Copier Uniform Maint Misc. Office Eq Repair Uniform Maintenance Office Supplies Office Eq Repair Data Process Costs Postage Office Supplies Telephone Sery Travel Exp Reappraisal Costs Attorney Fees Postal Services Office Supplies Office Supplies Stationery/Envelopes Office Supplies Printing & Publishing Office Supplies 3.15 10.00 14.70 9.27 56 .55 158.88 29.93 Off.Suppliesl80.32 46.80 1,965.94 98.97 45.00 3,615.00 58.13 15.50 25.94 359.82 375.00 97.23 152.71 65.85 49.74 69.90 165.00 25.50 55.04 Publishing 44.10 Publishing 704.04 7,761.59 22.00 56.67 35.00 42.00 38.50 35.00 23.00 57.01 40.00 54.62 3.31 519.58 35.26 15.00 417.50 2,500.00 52.80 329.32 123.80 110.13 25.10 4.12 Misc. 477.99 Unemployment Contribution 246.o0 Rent 100.00 Rent 104.00 Emergency Relief 375.00 Emergency Relief 150.00 Rent 175.00 Rent 165.00 Rent 195.00 Medical 24.77 Medical 15.65 Medical 265.50 Rent 130.00 Rent 185.00 Rent 165.00 110 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA University of NE REVENUE SHARING FUND Data Sftware Consult Ser This meeting Adams County will now Boarof /S/ County Clerk Medical Misc. Cap Outlay 126.78 90.00 recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Supervis NY GSL}.... • z And a 9 dVTY, N CII' HOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Chair Tuesday, January 12, 1988 11:15 A.M. The Adams Cunty Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee. Teller, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman, absent. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Mosier that we approve all motor vehicle exemptions presented and recommended by the County Assessor and authorize the Chairman to sign the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf Woodman, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Teller that this Board of Equalization hold executive session for discussion of possible litigation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:35 A.M. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:45 A.M. This Board of Equalizationwill now recess subject to the call of the Chair- man of the Adams Count,->�oard of Supervisors. /s/ /s/ County Cler /s/ COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 19, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, and Malouf. Mosier, absent. Motion by Teller, seconded by Plambeck that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Mosier, absent. Nays; none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Woodman that as: per the recommendation of the Planning/Zoning Commission we approve application 88-101 made by Keith and Joan Classen applicants for Valley View Sub -Division. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Mosier, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 111 Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent reported on the progress of road work in the county and on the progress of work on the new shop building. Gary Anderberg, County Attorney, explained to the Board the details of a proposed diversion program for first offense cases for writing a bad check. Motion by Teller, seconded by Ellerbee that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 88-1-19 WHEREAS, it has been proposed by the Adams County Attorney's office that a pre-trial Adult D version Program for First Offense Issuing Insufficient Fund Checks established and utilized in Adams County, and WHEREAS, the proposal presented by the Adams County Attorneys Office dol meet the requirements as set out in the Revised Statutes of Nebraska, Section 29-3603 for the establishment of such a program. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT,RESOLVED by the Adams County Board of Supervi- sors that the Adams County Board of Supervisors concurs that a pre-trial Adu: Diversion Program for First Offense Issuing Insufficient -Fund checks be established and utilized in Adams County, Nebraska. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Mosier, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that this Board hold executive session for discussion of a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Nays: none. Mosier, absent. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:20 A.M. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Mosier, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:27 A.M. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Sole that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 9109 thru 9114. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Mosier, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Woodman that we approve the appointment of Howard Hanson to the South Central Community Mental Health Board. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Mosier absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussing litigation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Teller, out and not voting. Mosier, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:30 A.M. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman and Malouf. Plambeck out and not voting. Mosier absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:52 A.M. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck that we authorize the Chairman of the Insurance Committee to act in the matter of securing Workmen's Compensation Coverage for the County. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Mosier absent. Nays: none.' Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed,to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole,, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf.: Mosier, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. 112 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Adams Central Jr Sr High Adams Co. Hwy Dept Big G Comm Hardware Chrisella Lewis Elec Comm Commercial Electronics Cornhusker Press Eakes Office Products Gary Anderberg H & N Mobil Jacks Uniforms & Equip Lincoln Tele Co Ne Assoc of Co Clks Nebr. Sheriff Assoc Power Up Rinder Printing Co Sporting Goods Inc Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Albert Cornelius Harold Heuertz Lambert Struss Paul Stromer Ray Velder Virgil Mousel Christian Bros. & Co Jeanette Kngith Jeanne Petr Maury Ruhter Rader Real Estate Wesley R Mohlman Bancroft Whitney C Contract Sery $2,100.00 Printing & Publishing 16.00 Other Equip Repair 7.81 Postal Services 5.26 Tele. Secv. 12.00 Supplies -Office 129.00 Supplies -Office 18.12 Attorney Fees 350.00 Equipment -Fuel 228.90 Equipment -Fuel 177.47 Te? e.Serv. 57.00 hies, Sub, Re. Training 25.00 Dues, Sub, Reg. Training 200.00 Supplies=Office 33.95 Pr;inti'ng & Publishing 88.96 Law E.-iforcement Costs 676.22 Attorney Fees Court Appt. 90.00 Attorney Fees-Crt Appt. 240.00 Attorney' Fees - Crt Appt. 170.32 ROAD FUND RELI Retirement Retirement Retirement Retire'iner t Retirement Retireme"i t 92.32 13.00 12.00 13.00 19.00 12.00 210.00 125.00 210.00 145.00 135.00 REVENUE SHARING Misc. Cap Outlay 546.00 INHERITANCE TAX Library 557.45 This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. County Clerk a(011). *a4;le Chairman SUPERV I S ADAMS °�UN�,:' NEBRASKA ECORD No. 21 113 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 26, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adafn3 County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion' by Woodman, seconded by Sole that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the CountyAC:lerk$ office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Purace,, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that we approve the re-aepointment o: Wilbur Katzberg for a three year term on the Planning -Zoning Board and the a.ppointrnent of Mike Weeks for a three year term on the Planning/Zoning Board, term 'beginning February 1, 1.988. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that we authorize the Chairman to Send a letter of appreciation to Paul Powers for serving on the South Central Mental Health Board and to Alan Pl,antz for serving on the Planning and Zoning Board for Adams County. Roll call, ayes: Sole, E.11erbee`, Telfer, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Sole that we appoint Anita Hawes as the key County Control person for the Insurance program. Roll call; ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck,'Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. ` Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that this meeting be recessed to allow the Board of Supervisors to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: -Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. The records management committee gave a report on the progress of preparation of a disaster plan. It was reported that inspection of the records had revealed a problem in the basement record room with a mold or fungus on many of the records and it was determined that immediate action needed to be taken to identify the problem and to take corrective action. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that a letter of support for LB i091 be directed to Senator Jacklyn Smith with copies to NACO. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Teller that a letter of opposition to LB 466 be directed to Senator Jacklyn Smith with copies to NACO. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed and authorized to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 114 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA GENERAL FUND Arthur J Gallagher & Co. C. H. Kidd Clement Communications Connecting Point Crimeye Data Software Consult Sery David McGath Ed Lightner Eva Duthie Fast Print Hastings Utilities Hastings/Adams Co Civil Def Independent Business Machines Lila Reutlinger Madelyn Cosgrove Mary Lanning Hospital Minnie Burchard Monroe Natl Rifle Assoc. NCR Cr Corp Ne Assoc of Co. Clerks Rachel Hayen Redfield & Co. Rinder Printing Roscoe Story Shoemaker & Witt Software Clearing House Weaver Glass Inc Beatrice State HOme Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Norfolk Regional Center County Supervisors County Clerks Office Co. Treasurers Office Register of Deeds County Assessor Office Election Commissioners Mental Health Board Public Defenders Janitors Extension Office Sheriffs Office County Attorneys Office Jail Veterans Service Office Planning & Zoning Surveyor Social Security Retirement Insurance Prior Service Law Enforcement Costs Supplies Radio Equip. Pt Time Clerical Mileage Prior Sery Prior Serv. Office Supplies Utilities Civil Defense Office Equip Repair Prior Service Prior Service Day Care Costs Prior Service Office Equip Repair Tuition Equip Dues Prior Service Supplies Supplies Prior Service Attorney Fees Data Process Costs Building Repair INSTITUTIONS FUND Offic & Clk Di Office Road Dept Social Security Retirement Library Social Security Retirement Patient Care Patient Care Patient. Care Patient Care GENERAL FUND Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries e Salaries st Crt Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Salary Match Match ROAD FUND Salaries Match Match LIBRARY t`'UND Salaries Match Match $1,650.00 16.00 249.90 43.85 551.00 58.13 14._30 19.00 14.00 58.10 969.28 213.14 526.00 14.00 14.00 50.00 14.00 95.00 300.00 6,331.24 25.00 25.00 58.04 70.35 15.00 17.50 547.50 22.50 644.00 2,114.45 372.00 90.00 4,375.00 8,440.45 9,661.74 4,861.81 8,959.04 1,270.92 5,072.86 6,307.71 3,532.89 6,711.41 23,669.73 12,801.16 10,116.19 3,134.83 179.38 50.00 8,088.26 4,571.54 37,103.94 2,755.43 1,634.15 1,942.66 145.89 44.59 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY.,NEBRASKA 115 Weed Control Social Security Retirement Bram Wilson Mortuary Eastern Ambulance Serv. .Hastings Anesthology Assoc. Maury Rueter Nebr. Clinicians Group Rader Real Estate Ray Tonkinson Raymond Wolfe Richard Troudt WEED CONTROL Salaries Match Match RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Co. Burial Medical -Hospital medical -Hospital Rent Medical -Hospital Rent Emergency Relief Rent Ren 2,441.47 198.02 127.03 84.00 688.50 150.00 42.20 330.00 350.00 270..00 160.00 This meeting will now recess subject to the call o Adams County Board of Supervisors. the Chairman of the Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, N,i3r ASKA• Tuesday, January 26, 1988 1030 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding . Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Also present ,were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that we grant exemption to Te,zerna Temple for 1973 International pickup Vino No. 3H20CHB77201.. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. :,.ty ,Ha /�?'(.� Cou C�erk Chairman - Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 2, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Ch.ai:man; presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and ME:louf Ellerbee, absent. Motion by Sole, seconded by Plambeck that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams county Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hatings Dai1, T ibunend b ost•n A_a end was available to the members, and an atenccia was Kept by rnamenaea ano postea in the County C�crk s office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman; Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. 116 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the county. Gary Novotny and Ed Ziemba appeared representing Idlewilde. They expressed concern about the road on the north side of Idlewilde. The narrowness of the roadway where two culverts are located coupled with the absence of guard rails in that area present a problem and they were concerned about the safety-Lpersons traveling that road. They felt that the road should also be hard surfaced to allow -for good access to the eastern part of the sub -division. They requested that it be placed on the 1 Year Plan for Adams County Roads and in& *.ed their willingness to participate( in the project in some way. The Board requested that Mr. Parks review the arteenatcodiaan eo ime eaad tr.eport back with some possible Patrick McGuirk, representing Cole-Layer-Trutnble Co., appeared before the Board to discuss his company's qualifications for conducting appraisals. He expressed interest in preparing a proposal for Adams county when the specifications for re -appraisal are finished. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Plambeck that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussing litigation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and_Maiouf. Ellerbee, absent. Nays; none. Motion carried.:. Executive session began at 10:40 A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that this Board :resume2regularsession. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Elierbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:05 A.M. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll Gall, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none.- Motion carried. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Teller that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax,listcorrections No. 9115 and 9116. Roll call, ayes; Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent., Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Sole that the Miscellaneous receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors proceedings. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. 1603 Jolene's 1604 Donald R or Geneva Lewis 1605 State of Nebr. 1606 Adams Co. Weed Control 1607 Adams Co. Clerk 1608 Adams Co. 1609 VOID 1610 Hastings State Bank 1611 Adams CCo. Bank 1612 Henry Wilson 1613 Kingswood Plaza 1614 Countryside of Hastings 1615 Mrs, Elmer Pudge 1616 Clk of the Dist. Court 1617 Estate of Frances E. Harves 1618 Kenesaw Village Clerk 1619 City Natl Bank 1620 Christian Brothers & Co 1621 Adams County Court 1622 Adams County court 1623 Adams County Court 1624 Adams County court 1625 Estate of Rodney H Nuss 100.00 765.00 38,990.00 264.20 18.96 .11 2,013.70 1,237.43 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 230.00 1,012.90 20,709.64 152.51 125.00 311.75 130.00 8,843.00 34.00 48.12 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS .COUNTY, NEBRASKA • 117 1626 Adams Co. Attorney 1627 Gerald Mousel (Chuck Wagon) 1328 Hastings Regional Center 1629 Smitty's Enterprises 1630 Hastings Port 1631 Helen Edmondson 1632 Clerk of the District court 1633 Clerk of the District Court ,1634 United FederalSavings of Iowa 1635 Elsa Luft 1636 Adams Co. Hiway Dept 1637 Adams Co. Weed Control 1638 State of Nebr. 1639 Co. Clerk 1640 Norwest 1641 Norwest 1642 Adams Co, Weed control 1643 Adams Co. Planning & Zoning 1644 State of Nebraska 1645 Arthur C Toogood 1646 Adams CO. Historical Soc. 1647 Estate, Of -Carl L. Mefford 1648 State of Nebraska 1649 Clerk of the District Court 1650 State of Nebraska 1651 AdaMs Co. Bank 1652 City Nati Bank 1653 Bonnavilla Plaza Corporation 1634 Arthur Toogood Publ. Defender 1655 Register of Deeds 1636 Estate of George Ransom 1657 Weed Control 1658 Village of Roseland 1659 Clerk of Dist Court 1660 Clerk of Dist Court 1661. Clerk of Dist Court 1662 Clerk of Dist Court 1663 Clerk of Dist Court 1664 Village of Juniata 1665 Village of Holstein 1666 Clerk of Dist Court 1667 Clerk of Dist Court 1668 Clerk of Dist Court 1669 Clerk of Dist Court 1670 Clerk of Dist Court 1671 clerk of Dist Court 1672 Clerk of Dist Court 1673 Clerk of Dist court 1674 Clerk of Dist Court 1675 Clerk of Dist Court 1676 C1erJ of Dist Court 1677 Clerk of Dist Court 1678 Clerk of Dist Court 1679 Clerk of Dist Court 1680 Clerk of Dist Court 1681 Clerk of Dist Court 1682 Clerk of Dist Court 1683 Adams Co. Bank 1684 Estate of Eda M Hensman 1685 Clerk of Dist Court 1686 Clerk of Dist Court 1687 Clerk of Dist Court 1688 Clerk of Dist Court 1689 Clerk of Dist Court 1690 Clerk of Dist court 1691 Clerk of Dist Court 1692 Clerk of Dist Court 1693. Clerk of Dist court 1694 Clerk of Dist Court 1695 Clerk of Dist Court 1,410.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 325.33 1,020.00 2.45 5.00 850.00 377.86 2,649.39 2,315.50 26,081.51 700.82 273.24 25.00 57,501.28 172.00 24.00 546.70 1,126.88 192.96 1.2,883.22 148.97 350.13 5.00 200,00 1,546.35 565,08 821..30 954.00 100.00 525.00 117.88 250.00 100.00 2,160,00 1,039.50 85.00 40.00 1,200.00 10-00 75.00 300.00 116.70 70.00 70,00 35.00 94,00 91.00 133.68 74.00 1,10.1..00 266.00 150.00 1,812.33 143.91 87.00 60.00 126.96 112.44 99.00 138.70 83.46 85.00 83.50 101.00 89.00 118 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 1696 Clerk of Dist Court 1697 Clerk of Dist Court 1698 Clerk of Dist Court 1699 Clerk of Dist Court 1700 Clerk of Dist court 1701 Clerk of Dist Court 1702 Clerk of Dist Court 1703 Clerk of Dist Court 1704 Clerk of Dist Court 1705 Clerk of Dist Court 1706 Clerk of Dist court 1707 Clerk of Dist Court 1708 Register of Deeds 1709 City Natl Bank 1710 County Sheriff 1711 Clerk of Dist court 1712 Hall County Treasurer 1713 Hastings Correctional Center 1714 Clerk of Dist Court 1715 Clerk of Dist Court 1716 Adams Co. Court 1717 Adams Co. Court 1718 Kearney Co. Treas. 1719 Pepsi Cola Bottling 1720 State of Nebr. 1721 State of Nebr. 1722 State of Nebr. 1723 Adams Co. Road 1724 Adams Co. Weed Control 1725 Adams County Clerk 1726 Estate of Olga A Norton 1727 Hastings State Bank 1728 Transamerica 1729 Ticor Realty Tax Service 1730 East Gate Plaza 1731 City National Bank 1732 State of Nebraska 152.46 68.00 103.00 98.14 49.99 99.50 36:88 546.50 100.00 212.20 12.00 3,337.50 382.35 13,861.26 26.00 10,391.87 10.00 115.00 230.00 225.00 1.00 2,208.34 22.99 2,273.62 124, 950.00 7,062.96 16.00 104.31 1,003.50 2,852.00 346.90 63.00 31.15 5.00 277.77 600.25 Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that we approve the bond of David B. McGath as Special Deputy County Attorney in the amount of $1,000.00. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee,. absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussion of a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:30 A.M. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Woodman that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:45 A.M. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that the claims be allowed, on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, Absent. nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Julia Moeller Data Processing Costs Mariott Hotels Omaha Date Processing Costs Nirma Insurance Premiums ROAD FUND 244.60 599.43 27,568.40 Nirma Ins. Premiums 39,974.18 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 119 Christian Brothers & Co. Don Murray Fred Thaut Jessie Garska Kevin Oxner Nebraskaland Partners Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate Rick Rader Nirma RELIEF MEDICAL Rent Medical/Hospital Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent WEED CONTROL Ins. Premiums to the call of the This Board will now recess subject County Board of Supervisors. 195.00 30.00 165.00 90.00 36.00 320.00 135.00 224.00 187.00 1,378.42 Chairman of the Adams ia4V1/V4keig Chairman i COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, Feb. 2, 1988 10:30 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of-EcilialA.zation with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Elierbee, absent. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that we approve exemption for Crosier Fathers for a 1988 Ford title 14H012500. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller; Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Olerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Plambeck that we authorize the Chairman to sign the statement concerning the annual update report. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. County Clerk 67 hez.,"-er Deput 1644,1/144if Chairman 120 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 9, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams county Baord of Supervisors and., public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An aqenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He was preparing estimates for grading and structures onthe road north of Idiewlde. He gave a report on the progress of work on the new shop building. Niles P Curry representing the "Property Valuation Group" presented information about the appraisal firm which provides appraisals:; cadastrai mapping and computer services. Their firm will be interested in bidding on the appraisal contract when specifications are ready. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Teller that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Vioodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. A,r,eport was given by Sharon. Stonecipher concerning the progress .made to protect and restore records in the basement. Public hearing was held. as per the notice in the Hastings Tribune concerning the issuance of a Class "H,"- Liquor License for ,Southern Hills Country Club. ,No one appeared„ in, opposition. Art Johns appeared to describe the proposed operation and to request favorable action on the. application. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Sole that we recommend the issuance of a Class "H" license to Southern Hills Country Club; RR 1 , Hastings, Nebr. with Ron Kothe as manager. We further instruct the County Clerk to advertise for automatic renewal. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf.. Teller, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Joe Ballweg, Veterans' Service Officer, appeared to discuss the need for a copy machine or the agreement to use one in the annex. Matter taken under consideration. Gravel Bids were opened and read. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that we accept the gravel bids and award the contract to the low bidder in each township. Roil call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. SUPERV I SORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 121 BRUNER'S SAND AND GRAVEL: Kenesaw Twp. $4.18 'Per Cubic Yard; Wanda Twp. $4 per cubic yard; and Cottonwood Twp. $5.24 per cubic yard. H & M EQUIPMENT: Logan Twp. $5.09 Per cubic yard. LILLEY SAND AND GRAVEL: Verona Twp $3.49 per cubic yard; Juniata Twp. $4.25 per cubic yard; Highland Twp. $3.54 per cubic yard; West Blue Twp. $4.05 per cubic yard; Denver Twp Project 7A $4.43 per cubic yard; Denver Twp Project 7B $7.4.5 per cubic yard; Blaine Twp. $4.96 per cubic yard; Roseland Twp. $4.88 'per cbic yard; Silver.LakeJTw e $4.94 per cubic yard; Ayr Twp. p. $5.28 per cubic yard; Hanover Tw per cubic yard; Zero Twp. $5.56 per cubic yard; and Little Blue Twp. $5.67 per cubic yard. Wes; Masco and Randall Handley appeared"`r'epresenting David M Griffith Co. to explain how their firm could prepare a plan for seeking reimbursement for indirect costs from the Federal Government. They described the results in other Nebraska counties that they were working for. The matter of a possible contract will be place5on the next agenda. Microfilming needs of the County Court were discussed with Judge Harry C. Haverly and Randell Eckhoff, Clerk Magistrate. More information will be obtained and the matter taken under consideration. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Teller that we deny payment of the following claims on Relief Medical Fund as they are not a proper expenditure from that fund: 'Children & Adolescent Clinic Hastings Radiology Assoc. Mary Lanning Hospital l'i The bills will however be turned over to the Sheriff' -41consideration of payment on General Fund. 155.00 67.00 249.88 Department for Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by woodman, seconded by,MoSier that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, aYes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL Acme Printing PRINTING & Publishing 122.75 Adams Co Attorney Spec FLaw Enforcement Costs 1,500.00 Adams Co Senior Sery Handi-Bus 2,575.04 Adams Co Sheriff Fee ActMiscellaneous 34.70 Adams Co Sheriff Fee ActCourt Costs 11.00 Adams Co Sherriff Fee Act Court Costs 1,273.14 Adams Co Sheriff Fee ActPostal Services 68.86 Adams Co Sheriff Mi Miscellaneous 15.00 Adams Co Sheriffs Rev Law Enforcement Costs 376.99 Adams County Jail Board of Prisoners 2.255.86 Advanced Tape Productln Supplies -Office 114.53 Ag Communucations Supplies -Office 27.05 Alexander Battery Co IncLaw Enforcement Costs 169.46 Allens Discount PharmacyMed-Hosp-Prisoners 10.04 Anita Hawes Miscellaneous,Travel Expenses 16.26 Arthur_Toogood Pub Def Tel Ser,Bldq rental,Court costs,Sup.Util 780.42 Badger Uniforms Uniform Allowance' 656.01 Bancroft Whitney Co Co Law Library 81.80 Bancroft Whitney Co County Law Library 157.70 Bemans Appliance Sery Other Eq. repair± 33.50 Ben Franklin of HastingsSupplies-Office 3.96 Beverley D Mobley Dues,Sub.Reg.Training,Travel Expense 21.15 Big G Equipment -Fuel 16.45 Big G E i ment-Fuel 422 6g Big G Comm Hardware Other Equipment Repair 36:30 ERC Election Sery Supplies -Voting 879.46 122 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Brenda McCrady Brenda McCrady Brenda McCrady Brenda McCrady Buffalo Co Sheriff Off Business Supply Co Business Supply Co Business Supply Co Business Supply Co Business World Products Business World Products Business World Products Business World Products Business World Products Camera Shop Cash Wa Candy Co Child Develp Council Chris's Car Wash Chrisella Lewis City National Bank Clark Boardman C� LTD Clay Center Med Center Clay Center Pharmacy Commercial Chem Mfg Inc Commercial Chem Mfg Inc Commercial Electronics Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Cotter Charge Card Craig McMahon Data Sftware Consult Ser Data Sftware Consult Ser Data Sftware Consult Ser Dept of Water Resources Derby Gas & Deli Digital Controls Don Pettengill Don Pettengill Eakes Office Equip Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Electronics Plus Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Foote Ophthalmolgy Clin Friends Motor Supply G A Micek DDS PC G A Micek DDS PC G A Micek DDS PC Gail R Stokes Gary Hueske Gibson Products Gibson Products Inc Glen Wiens Gordon Sidlo Graces Locksmith Sery Gregg Magee Co Sheriff GTA Inc Guarantee Electric Co Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees ± Attorney Fees Board of Prisoners Supplies -Office Office Eq Repair Stpplies-Off ice Supplies -Office Supplies- Office Office Eq Repair Supplies -Office Supplies -Voting Supplies -Office Law Enforcement Costs Laundry-Prisoners,Supplies-Jail Day Care Costs Equipment -Fuel Mileage Allowance Miscellaneous Dues,Sub,Reg.Training Med-Hosp Prisoners Med-Hosp Prisoners Janitorial Supplies Janitorial Supplies Radio Repair Printing & Publishing Supplies=Voting Supplies -Office Supplies -Jail Travel Expenses -Board M Pt Time Clerical Data Processing Software Pt Time Clerical Miscellaneous Equipment -Fuel Office Equipment Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Voting, Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Office Eq Repair,Supplies-Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Radio Equipment Microfilming/Copier Microfilming/Copier Equipment Rental -Office Microfilming/Copier Supplies -Office Mea-Hosp Prisoners Equipment -Fuel Med-Hosp Prisoners Med-Hosp Prisoners ± Med-Hosp Prisoners Court Costs Uniform Allowance Law Enforcement Costs -C Supplies -Office Travel Expenses -Board M Uniform Allowance Law Enforcement Costs -C Mileage Allowance Law Enforcement Costs -C Building Repair 40.52 5.00 25.00 50 .22 375.00 8.15 136.44 83.65 55.24 66.80 47.00 79.38 21.19 36.80 20.36 89.99 500.00 11.00 15.48 17.00 44.34 55.91 6.55 356.00 65.00 118.00 34.05 138.62 4.98 93.22 11.30 58.13 5,377.50 61.88 1.00 418.88 375.59 2o5.72 35.00 42.70 62.74 111.74 600.56 5.83 59.97 53.75 28.27 168.47 67.85 50.,8 16.83 548.00 163.00 160.23 190.00 120.00 165.00 64.00 61.68 36.00 96.00 28.00 1,71o.13 35.00 387.88 17.21 8.57 35.00 10.73 311.21 74.25 32,100 SUPERV I SORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 123 H & N Mobil Hastings Economic Dev Hastings Family Practice Hastings Plumbing & Htg Hastings Plumbing & Htg Hastings Radiology. Assoc Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hogans Sporting Goods In IAAO Independent Bus Machines Information Systems Inc James Sidlo Jim Stutesman JJE JJE John C Anderson John Dirks John Dirks John Krontz John Nelson John Rust John Rust Judge Harry C Haverly Julia Moeller Julia Moeller Keith Houfek Keiths Pharmacies Keiths Pharmacies Kelso Kelso Kenesaw Motor Co Kimberly Reaman Laird Motors Inc Larry Peterson Law Enforcement Equip Co Law Enforcement Systems Liberty Rental Services Lincoln Telephone Co Lincoln Telephone Co Lincoln Telephone Co Luwane Nelson M Glenn Kemp M Glenn Kemp M P H Industries Inc Marilyn Schmidt Mary Lanning Hospital Matthew Bender & Co Inc Maxine Winkler Meals on Wheels Michael Peterson Michael Shada Michael Shada Equipment -Fuel Economic Development Med-Hosp Prisoners Other Equipment Repair Other Equipment Repair ted -Host Prisoners Printing & Publishing Printing & Publishing Miscellaneous Printing & Publishing Printing &.Publishing Utilities Utilities Uniform Allowance Dues, Sub Reg.Training Miscellaneous Microfilming/Copier Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Microfilming/Copier Microfilming/Copier Mileage Allowance Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Travel Expenses -Board Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Miscellaneous Mileage Allowance Mileage Allowance, Meals Uniform Allowance Med-Hosp Prisoners Supplies -Office Laundry -Prisoners Janitorial Supplies Equipment -Fuel Mileage Allowance Equipment -Fuel Uniform Allowance Law Enforcement Costs -C Law Enforcement Costs -C Janitorial Supplies Telephone Services Telephone Services Telephone Services Mileage Allowance Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Equipment -Fuel Travel Expenses -Board M Med-Hosp Prisoners Dues, Sub,Reg,Training Mileage Allowance Local Match RSVP Meals Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Mid Ne Mental Retardation Mental. Retardation Service Midland Area Agency Area Agency on Aging Cost Modern Methods Inc Supplies -Office Nationwide Advertising Miscellaneous NCR Corporation Supplies -Data Processing Ne Assoc of Co Clks Dues,Sub,Reg.Training Nebr Crime Commission Law Enforcement Costs Nebr Reporters Service Court Costs Nebr Reporters Service Mental Health Board Costs Newsweek Miscellaneous Norman Dudek Uniform Allowance Norwest Bank Miscellaneous NPPD Ambulance Service-Volun Paul Swanson Mileage Allowance 186,00 1,666.67 192.50 26.45 27.47 43.00 303.73 184.30 65.00 113.10 23.18 14.98 9,531.88 697.00 85.00 3.90 148.16 35.00 35.00 159.70 73.40 93.29 132.96 35.00 35.00 5.42 107.28 35.00 10.00 10.25 10.67 35.00 81.18 30.28 37.88 54.00 19.67 83430 314.94 35.00 16.80 27.10 125.10 162.99 34.10 1,317.71 44.73 163.20 35.00 57.10 5.42 66.56 55.50 17.85 350.00 35.00 35.00 238.60 1,813.83 1,000.00 7.50 24.44 440.17 25.00. 3.00 666.80 360.00 41.10 35.00 10.00 500.00 141.58 124 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Pioneer Publishing Co In Power Up Quinlan Publishing Co In Radio Shack Radio Shack Redfield & Company Inc Redfield & Company Inc Redfield & Company Inc Region III Governing Bd Revolving Fund Richard Uden Robert Mulliner Rodney Wilkerson Rogers Inc RSVP Rutts Pharmacy S & S Diesel Sears Roebuck Co Inc Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt Smeal Fire Equipment Co So Central Community Sporting Goods Inc Spouse Abuse/SA St of Ne St of Ne State of Ne Susan Brown The Cop Shop Uniservice Inc Vaughans Printers Inc Vauahans Printers Inc Vauahans Printers Inc Weber Studio West Publishing Co Wilbur Gingrich Williams Pest Control Woodwards Disposal Sery Xerox Corporation ROAD -BRIDGE 3 Points Tire Adams Co Hwy Dept Big G Auto Service Big G Comm Hardware Bosselman Inc Burr Rock & Tie Business Supply Co Case Power & Equip Co City Iron & Metal Co Clarklift of Nebraska Commercial Electronics Consolidated Concrete Co Consumers Sery Co Inc Coop Grain & Supply Cornhusker State Ind Drummond American Corp Eakes Office Products Farmers Union Coop Gas Fehrs Tractor Friends Motor Supply Gen Glass of Hastings Glenwood Telephone Co Graces Locksmith Sery H & N Mobil H & M Equipment Halloran Battery & Elec_= Hastings Battery & Elec± Hastinas Canvas Mfa Co Hastings Motor Truck Hastings Utilities Dues, Sub Reg,Training Supplies -Data Processing Dues, Sub, Reg. Training Law Enforcement Costs Miscellaneous Supplies -Office Supplies -Voting Supplies -Office Intergovernmental Payment,Mental Health Services,Alcoholism Services2Act Dues,Sub,Req,Training,Miscellaneous 77.40 7.52 205.33 35.00 24.00 On 125.00 72.87 45.00 43.44 100.00 75.00 74.80 50.00 Costs 94.74 100.00 10.00 350.00 1,176.57 56.24 139.15 32.90 181.30 325.05 43.80 44.63 58.14 35.00 28.00 90.80 63.50 45.91 6.50 39.75 39.95 35.90 51.25 11.33 2,3�i133:99 Travel Expenses -Board Travel Expenses Uniform Allowance Other Equipment Repair Local Match RSVP Meals Fed-Hosp Prisoners Law Enforcement Costs Other Equipment Repair Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Equipment Fuel Hosp Prisoners Law Enforcement Domestic Abuse Other Equipment Repair Equip Re-tal-Office Net Com Mileaae Allowance Law Enforcement Costs Miscellaneous Supplies -Office Printing & Publishing Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Printing & Publishing Uniform Allowance Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Office Eq Repair Mach Eq Tires & Rep Misc, Postal Services Rd Eq Rep Labor,Mach Eq Tires & Rd Eq Rep Parts Supplies -Shop Equipment -Fuel Materials -Gravel & Borr Supplies -Office Rd Eq Rep Parts Supplies -Shop Road Equipment Rental Radio Repair Materials -Gravel & Borr Heating Fuels Equipment -Fuel Signs Supplies -Miscellaneous Supplies -Office Equipment -Fuel Rd Eq Rep Parts Supplies -Shop Rd Eq Rep Labor,Parts Telephone Services Miscellaneous Supplies-Shop,Equipment-Fuel Materials -Gravel Rd Eq Rep Parts,Labor Shop Tools Miscellaneous Rd Eq Rep Parts Sewer,Heatina Fuels,Water,Elect 193.76 79.79 Rep 160.63 53.92 2,271.60 472.80 9.76 16.42 4.34 346.00 62.50 43.50 28.98 28.55 2,731.75 1,059.62 75.38 4,829.79 1,248.13 289.86 540.28 47.68 62.80 73.50 2,619.50 103.69 23.91 95.00 120.99 . 1,147.29 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA 125 Holt Truck & Trailer Co Indpent Bolt & Nut Co Island Supply Island Supply Jerry Spady Pont Cad Inc Johnson Cashway Lumber K N Energy Ken Avers Sharp Shop Kully Iron & Metal Corp L L Olsen Oil Co Lacal Equipment Co Laird Motors Inc Lincoln Telephone Co Ne Machinery Co Nebr Public Power Dist Olsens Mini Mart R III Enterprises Rodeo Road Equip Inc-` Samuelson Equipment Co Sidles/Mr Automotive Sidles/Mr Automotive Sophir Morris Corp Southern Power District State of Ne Stein Mfg Inc Stromers Repair Svoboda Plumbing & Pum Uniservice Inc W G Pauley Lumber Co Yant Equip Co Inc± RELIEF -MEDICAL Berts Rexall Drugs Brian Willcock Christian Brothers & Co Christian Brothers & Co Emergency Protective Ser Finance & Accounting Fred Thaut Hastings Anesthology ASS Hastings Utilities Livingston Butler Nebraska Clincicians Gro Revolving Fund Sandra Robare University of Ne LIBRARY American Directory Library Baker & Taylor Co Library Education & Communication Library Harper & Row Publishers Library Karal Video Library Hastings Public Library Miscellaneous Ulverscroft Lg Print Bks Library Upstart Library Promo Library Revenue Sharing Data Sftware Consult Ser Misc Cap Outlay INHERITANCE TAX Historical Society West Publishing Co CAPITAL PROJECT Chief Construction NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL Adams Co Hwy Dept Rd Eq Rep Parts,Labor 778.35 Supplies -Shop 54.33 Supplies -Shop 57.23 Rd Eq Rep Parts 399.16 Rd Eq Rep parts 23.91 Supplies -Shop 115.27 Heating Fuels 61.78 Other Equip Repair 8.00 Materials -Steel Product 156.09 Equip -Fuel 1,639.13 Rd Eq Rep Parts 756.75 Rd Eq Rep Parts 121.51 Telephone Services 148.11 Rd Eq Rep Parts 4,316.00 Express & Freight Electricity 80.79 Equipment -Fuel 170.66 Materials -Lumber 250.00 Rd Eq Rep Parts 632.71 Supplies -Shop 6.70 Shop tools,Rd Eq Rep Parts,Mach Grease 0i1 Mach Eq Grease Oil,Shop Tools Shop, Rd Eq Rep Parts Supplies,Shop, Misc. Heating Fuels Supplies -Miscellaneous Rd Eq Rep Labor Other Equipment. Repair Co Shop Cap Out Janitorial Supplies Materials Other Equip Repair,Supplies-Shop Eq, 446.24 ,Supplies - 599.45 829.68 353.90 628.00 40.00 184.60 1,590;92 27.10 559.67 278.45 Medical & Hospital Rent Rent Rent Day Care Costs Contract -Welfare Adminis Rent Medical & Hospital Rent County Burials Medical & Hospital Client Sery Rent Medical & Hospital Cornbelt Chemical Co Friends Motor Supply Hastings Battery & Elec K N Energy Merlin Klusman 6.98 155.00 210.00 210.00 10.00 656.12 265.00 5.90 88.49 1,540.71 7.50 85.65 275.00 11.20 73.00 191.33 27.95 80.82 42.95 711.00 172.55 42.25 1,275.00 Historical Soc 566.67 Library 736.50 Bldgs 67,263.00 Equip-Fuel,Supplies-Shop,Mach Eq 943.58 Grease Oil Tech Res. Chemicals 499,/.20 Rd Eq Rep Parts 2.90 Rd Eq Rep Parts,Labor 367.91 Electricity 80.10 Meals 10.00 126 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Southern Power District Village of Roseland Electricity 31.46 27.00 Water This meeting will now re- bject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Boad .f S /s/ Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS. NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 16, 1988 9:30 A.M The regular meeting of the Adams County Bard of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Telier Vice- Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Mosier, Absent: Malouf. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Sole that this meeting is a regularly sched- uled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier. Malouf, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that this Board meet as a Board of Equal- ization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, and Mosier. Malouf, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, and Mosier. Malouf, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Mosier that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION No. 88-2-16 BE IT RESOLVED WHEREAS, Adams County can benefit financially by having a County -wide indirect cost allocation plan completed. WHEREAS, David M. Griffith and Associates is a firm specializing in the areas of developing and presenting an indirect cost allocation plan. WHEREAS, David M. Griffith and Associates have completed numerous in- direct cost allocation plans for Nebraska Counties and those counties have utilized these plans in recovering federal and state monies. WHEREAS;,. David M. Griffith and Associates have agreed to complete a County -Wide Indirect Cost Allocation Plan based on actual costs for the fiscal year ending in 1987 for an amount not to exceed $6,900. and, in addition, have agreed to reduce such fee to one-half of the recovered a- mount if the County actually recovers less than $13,800 in Federal and state reimbursements due to the cost Alllcation Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THIS BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS, ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA, THAT this County Board hereby directs the Chairman of the Board to enter into an agreement on behalf of Adams County with David M. Griffith and Associates for said company to develop and present Indirect Cost Allocation Plans for the fiscal year ending 1987, and that David M. Griffith and Associates be paid one-half of the recoveries not to exceed a total payment of $6,900. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier. Nays: none. Malouf, absent. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING WAS HELD concerning the I and VI Year Road Plan for Adams County, Nebraska. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that after public hearing in which each project was explained and discussed we approve the I and VI Year Road Plan for Adams County as prepared and presented. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, and Mosier. Malouf, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 127 Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Woodman that the reports of Jail Food Account, Election Commissioner. Car Titles, Clerk of District Court,(2); County Clerk, Sheriff's Dept.(3); Register of Deeds (3); Jail record; and County Libary be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Mosier. Sole, out and not voting. Malouf , absent. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that we contribute $550. to NACO to join in the Railroad Lawsuit Defense Fund. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier. Malouf, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Plambeck that this Board hold Executive Session for discussion of a Relief -Medical claim. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier. Malouf, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:40 A. M. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman and Mosier. Plambeck, out and not voting. Malouf, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 1:55 P.M. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that we authorize the purchase of a camera heady from Revenue Sharing funds to assist with the microfilming of County Court records. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman and Mosier. Plambeck, out and not voting. Malouf, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that this Board hold Executive session for the purpose of discussing Litigation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman and Mosier. Plambeck, out and not voting. Malouf, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 2:25 P.M. Motion by Sole, seconded by Ellerbee that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman and Mosier. Plambeck, out and not voting. Malouf, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 3:15 P. M. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, andcMosier. Plambeck, out and not voting. Malouf, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL Billy Simmons Ink Inc Jacks Uniforms & Equip Journal Star Printing Co Michael Peterson Monte McCord Nebr Law Enforcement RELIEF -MEDICAL Berts Rexall Drucs Everett Goebel Everett Goebel Foote & Beck Keiths Pharmacies Maury Ruhter Rader Real Estate INHERITANCE TAX Naco This meeting will now Adams County Boardfof /s/ ---,/ /s/ County Cler Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Law Enforcement Costs Miscellaneous Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Law Enforcement Costs Rent Emergency Relief Emergency Relief Rent Medical & Hospital Rent Rent Miscellaneous recess subject to the call of the pervisors. 181.44 183.00 532.83 92.00 39.36 53.90 11.50 6.98 260.00 150.00 13.90 24.77 145.00 128.25 550.00 Chairman of the 128 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 16, 1988 9:30 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Fred Teller, Vice -Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Mosier. Malouf, absent. Hearings were held concerning property for the following Exempt Applica- tions. Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital, Child Care Center Hope Training School Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society Sunnyside, Inc. Decisions will be made at a later meeting. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that we grant exemption to Mid -Nebr- aska Mental Retardation for a 1988 Ford Econoline Club Wagon. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier. Malouf, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. This meeting will now Adams County Board .f ors. recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the /s/ COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 9, 1988 10:30 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Also present were Beverley Mobley and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck we grant exemption to Roseland Cemetery Association for a trailer used for maintenance work. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board . Super,To s. /s/ r /s/ 0424):WaLi Chairman /s/ uty ft, COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 23, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Telfer, seconded by Malouf that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent crave a report concerning the process of road work in the County. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 129 Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 88-2-23 WHEREAS, the Adams County Board, in behalf of the citizens of Adams County wishes to recognize Druella Hohnstein for her dedicated service as Switchboard Operator and Microfilm Clerk, November 1979 to February 1988; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Adams County Board of Supervisors, representing the citizens of Adams County, that we express sincere apprecia- tion for her work and devotion to duty. We extend our best wishes for future success and happiness. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Teller that we accept the offer of Smith Anderson and Company to purchase the old computer system.:.and the 6441 printer for $4,000. Their firm to pay all shipping costs. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman,-Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that we accept the low bid of Paper Calmenson & Company to furnish grader blades for $23,352.00. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections No. 9117 thru 9123. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Ellerbee that we approve the release of Joint Custody receipt for Clerk of the District Court to Norwest Bank Nebraska Cupsip No. 912827UE0 in the amount of $50,000. and the pledging of Joint Custody Receipt Cusip No P30303542 in the amount of $70,000. by Norwest Bank. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Plambeck that this meeting recess to allow the Supervisors to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Gary Anderberg, County Attorney, announced his resignation from the office effective April 1, 1988. He indicated that he would be taking a position with the Federal Trade Commission. The Board of Supervisors thanked him for his service to Adams County and wished him well. The Board will fill the vacancy in office by appointment to fill the remainder of the term which will end January 3, 1991. Dee Haussler appeared to request that a portion of the Industrial Park West be released from the designation of an Industrial Area as per the agreement between the City, HEDC and the County which was made in 1987. The matter will be placed on the agenda for next meeting. Joe Ballweg, Veterans' Service Officer, representing Service Organizations in Adams County, appeared to request that as per Legislative Resolution 262, Adams County fly the POW, MIA flag at the Courthouse. DAV,VFW and American Legion organizations offered to provide the first flag. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that we grant permission to fly the POW MIA flag at the Courthouse as per Mr. Ballweg's request. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that we approve payment of $1,500 to Nebraska Department of Roads as the County Share of a new Handi-bus. This amount is less than originally anticipated because of funds raised by the Senior Services for this project. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Teller, seconded by Plambeck that we authorize Senior Services to advertise and sell the old station wagon. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck that this Board hold executive session for discussion of a Relief -Medical claim. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:10 A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:20 A.M. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that we authorize the County Attorney to proceed with action to recover funds that were overpaid to a recipient of General Assistance who had unreported income. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Plambeck, Mosier and GENERAL FUND Adams Central Jr Sr AG Communications Amsterdam Printing Anita Hawes Ben Franklin of Hastings Blue Hill Leader Brenda McCrady Brenda McCrady Business World Business World Business World C. H. Kidd Clerk of Dist Court Commercial Chem Mfg Conrad Grothen Cornhusker Hotel Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Craig McMahon Dale F. Lamski Data Sftware Consult Dial Htg & AC Donna Zimmerman Eakes Office Products Ed Liahtner Ellerbrock Norris Inc Eva Duthie Executive Copier System Graphic Arts Shop Hastings Plumbing & Htg Hastings Utilities Hastings /Adams Co Civil Intl Business Machines Jack Hynes John C Anderson Julia Moeller Ken Bonifas Kimberly Reaman Lee Hemberger Lee Hogan Lila Reutlinger Lincoln Telephone Lincoln Telephone Loveless Machines Luwane Nelson High Products Products Products Inc Ser Co. Co. Defense Contract Office Supplies Printing Travel Expense Office Supplies Spec. Election Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Retirement Contributions Dist Court Costs Janitorial Supplies Travel Exp. Board Lodging Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Travel Exp. Board Attorney Pt Time Clerical Equip Repair Misc. Office Supplies Prior Service Employee Bonds Prior Service Office Supplies Office Supplies Building Repair Utilities Civil Defense Office Supplies Travel Exp -Board Mileage Mileage Travel. Exp Board Mileage Travel Exp Board Travel Exp. Board Prior Service Telephone Serv. Telephone Serv. Office Equip; Repair Mileage 2,100.00 316.52 54.90 48.57 10.80 12.76 77.50 92.20 26.10 13.74 54.02 16.00 816.00 252.20 7.94 44.00 282.69 75.22 10.76 11o1.p3o0 358:13 60.35 10.00 11.60 19.00 135.00 14.00 68.40 26.50 325.99 977 .17 488.29 89.10 15.08 18.27 42.02 11.30 31.82 12.14 7.94 14.00 34.10 57.00 20.37 23.21 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA 131 Madelyn Cosgrove Marathon Systems Midland Area Agency Minnie Burchard Modern Methods Inc. Modern Methods Inc. NACO NCR Nebr Dept of Roads Norwest Bank Paul Swanson Postmaster Rachel Hayen Redfield & Company Inc. Revolving Fund Robert E. Bowen MD PC Rocella Stromer Roscoe Story Sandra Stockall So. Central Community Mental Susan Brown Susan Brown Vaughans Printers Inc. Weber Studio Whelan Foote & Scherr Whelan Foote & Scherr Whelan Foote & Scherr Whelan Foote & Scherr Youth Development Center ROAD FUND Harold Heuertz Lambert Struss Paul Stromer Ray Velder Virgil Mousel COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTION Adams Cp. Visitor Committee RELIEF -MEDICAL Allen Boudreau Hall Co. John Petr Mary Lannincr Hospital Norwood Apartments Rader Real Estate Red Cloud Concrete INSTITUTIONS FUND Beatrice State Home Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center REVENUE SHARING NCR INHERITANCE TAX FUND Bancroft Whitney Co. Weed Control Social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield Library Social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield Prior Service Janitorial Supplies Miscellaneous Prior Service Office Supplies Office Supplies Dues, Registrations Equip. Repair Handi-Bus Misc. Mileage Postal Serv. Prior Serv. Spec. Election Office Supplies Autopsy Travel Exp. Board Prior Service Mileage Health Day Care Costs Office Supplies Mileage Stationery/Envelopes Office Supplies Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Juvenile Care Costs Prior Serv. Prior Serv. Prior Serv. Prior Serv. Prior Serv. Visitor's Promotion Rent Rent -Adams Co.Res. Rent Medical Rent Rent Rent Client Serv. Patient Care Patient Care Misc. Cap. Outlay Law Library Exp WEED CONTROL FUND Salaries Match Match Insurance LIBRARY FUND Salaries Match Match Insurance 14.00 125.66 49.90 14.00 28.62 39.00 250.00 838.00 1,500.00 10.00 77.83 2,500.00 25.00 58.73 6.57 150.00 5.63 15.00 31.66 40.00 10.31 16.08 135.15 87.00 8.78 15.00 30.00 35.00 150.00 13.00 12.00 13.00 19.00 12.00 10,000.00 100.00 214.75 210.00 1,505.48 210.00 185.00 165.00 384;00 3,695.55 312.00 1,800.00 222.25 2,564.87 191.89 123.11 243.22 1,762.86 132.39 38.22 94.44 132 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ROAD FUND Road Salaries 35,463.00 Social Security Match 2,664.82 Retirement Match 1,552.67 Blue Cross & Blue Shield Insurance 2,997.53 GENERAL FUND County Supervisors County Clerks Office Co. Treasurers Office Register of Deeds Co. Assessors Office Election Commissioners Office Clerk of District Court Office Public Defender's Office Janitors Co. Extension Office Sheriffs Office Sheriffs Office Co. Attorney's Office Jail Veterans Service Office Planning & Zoning County Surveyor Social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Shield Salaries 4,375.00 Salaries 8,468.15 Salaries 9,322.37 Salaries 5,424.45 Salaries 11,188.69 Salaries 1,467.62 Salaries 4,560.86 Salaries 3,540.08 Salaries 3,593.10 Salaries 6,711.41 Salaries 21,996.14 Grant 1,536.27 Salaries 7,089.33 Salaries 11,054.36 Salaries 3,106.85 Salary 179.38 Salary 50.00 Match. 7,678.28 Match 4,301.03 Insurance 8,772.57 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisor /s/ /s/ 0 /71 Chairman RTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 23, 1988 10:30 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Mosier that we grant exemption to the Sal- vation Army for a 1987 Dodge Ram Van, Title number 14H012874 and a 1986 Pontiac, Title number 14H012875. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Supervisors. /s/ • G'��4 / S / /s/ Adams County Board of THOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 1, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and ?c. Malouf. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 133 Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and pub- lic notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent, gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. A request from the Kearney County Supervisors was read in which they were requesting a resolution from Adams County stating that their plan for re-classification of certain roads in Kearney County was not objectionable to Adams County. The resolution will be pre- pared re-pared and the matter placed on the agenda for the next meeting. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that we authorize the Highway Supt. to proceed with purchasing a spray head for use by Weed Control operations. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. A letter from the City of Hastings requested that the County Board review the Industrial Area located immediately East of the City's corporate boundary as provided in Section 19-2511. The Chairman indicated that the Supervisors would review the area and would leave the Boardroom at 1:30 P.M. on Tuesday, March 8, 1988 to make physical inspection of the area. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS, certain parts of tracts of real estate consisting of more than twenty (20) acres of contiguous real estate situated in Adams County, Nebraska, no part of which is within the boundaries of any incorporated city or village, in which real estate has been designated as a County In- dustrial Area, is eligible for exclusion from County Industrial Area as provided in the terms and conditions set out in the Application for Desig- nation of County Industrial Area previously submitted and approved by this Board and the City of Hastings on or about July 7; 1987, and WHEREAS, the real estate described has been previously designated as a County Industrial Area, and WHEREAS, it has been ten (10) years since the date Dana Corporation and Great Plain s Packaging Co., Inc. began operation, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Exhibit "A" and specifically paragraph 3(b) thereof, the City of Hastings is now eligible to annex over a period of five (5) years in equal installments the total value of Dana Corporation's and Great Plains Packaging Co., Inc.'s real property, and WHEREAS, a consequence of this eligibility for annexation, HEDC has notified and petitioned this Board to initiate the release of twenty (20%) percent per year of each tract of Dana Corporation and Great Plains Pack- aging Co., Inc's real property as detailed in Exhibit "A", and WHEREAS, a consequence of any annexation in Industrial Park West all the streets, a retention cell located in Lot One (1) Block two (2) except the West fifty feet and the Southeast corner retention cell shall be eligi- ble for annexation therefore requiring the total exclusion of these pro- perties from the County Industrial Area; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, THAT 1. Parcels "A" through "E" of Dana Corporation shown in Exhibit "B" and parcels "A" through "E" of Great Plains Packaging Co., Inc. shown in Exhibit "C" each parcel representing twenty (20%) percent of their respec- tive properties shall be released from the County Industrial Area in con- secutive years from 1988 through 1992 as follows: In 1988 parcel "A", 1989 parcel "B", 1990 parcel "C", 1991 parcel "D" and 1992 parcel "E". 2. The streets in Industrial Park West and the retention cell located in Lot One (1) Block two (2) except the West fifty (50) feet and the Southeast corner retention cell shall be released from the County Industrial Area in 1988. RESOLUTION No. 88-3-1 3. HEDC, as developers of Industrial Park West, shall notify the County Board of Supervisors as each of the occupants properties in Industrial Park West complete ten (10) years of operations. A twenty (20%) percent per year 134 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Y)larcin, I )) 1 V Y release of their respective properties from the County Industrial Area shall be initiated by the Board Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Woodman that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 88-3-1.2 WHEREAS, THE ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF, BUFFALO COUNTY SHERIFF, PHELPS COUNTY SHERIFF, KEARNEY COUNTY SHERIFF, HALL COUNTY SHERIFF, HASTINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT, KEARNEY POLICE DEPARTMENT, GRAND ISLAND POLICE DEPART- MENT, HOLDREGE POLICE DEPARTMENT, AND MINDEN POLICE DEPARTMENT DESIRE TO ENTER INTO A COOPERATIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT EFFORT: AND WHEREAS, THE ABOVE AGENCIES HAVE SUBMITTED A GRANT REQUEST KNOWN AS THE COMPACT FOR APPREHENSION OF NARCOTICS DEALERS AND OFFENDERS (C.A.N.D.O.)' WHEREAS, THE C.A.N.D.O. PROJECT HAS BEEN FUNDED BY THE NEBRASKA CRIME COMMISSION: AND WHEREAS, THE VARIOUS AGENCIES DESIRE TO MAKE THE MOST EFFICIENT USE OF THEIR POWER BY ENABLING THEM TO COOPERATE WITH OTHER LOCALITIES ON A BASIS OF MUTUAL ADVANTAGE AND THEREBY TO PROVIDE SERVICES AND FACILITIES IN A MANNER PURSUANT TO FORMS OF GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION THAT WILL ACCORD BEST WITH GEOGRAPHIC, ECONOMIC, POPULATION, AND OTHER FACTORS: AND WHEREAS, THE AGENCIES DESIRE TO ENTER INTO A WRITTEN INTERLOCAL; AGREEMENT FOR THE PURPOSES OF CARRYING OUT THE C.A.N.D.O. OBJECTIVES AND GRAND REQUIREMENTS OF THE NEBRASKA CRIME COMMISSION. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: THE ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HEREBY AUTHORIZES THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO ENTER INTO AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH ONE ANOTHER FOR JOINT AND COOPERATIVE ACTION PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 23-2201 THROUGH 23-2207. THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT SHALL BE FOR THE STRICT ADMINIS- TRATION OF THE C A.N.D.O. PROJECT AND ALL FUNDS ALLOCATED BY THE NEBRASKA CRIME COMMISSION. FURTHER, THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT SHALL NOT ESTABLISH A SEPARATE LEGAL ENTITY, RATHER AS A JOINT AND COOPERATIVE UNDERTAKING BE- TWEEN THE PUBLIC AGENCIES KNOWN AS: THE ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF, BUFFALO COUNTY SHERIFF, PHELPS COUNTY SHERIFF, KEARNEY COUNTY SHERIFF, HALL COUNTY SHERIFF, HASTINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT, KEARNEY POLICE DEPARTMENT, GRAND ISLAND POLICE DEPARTMENT, HOLDREGE POLICE DEPARTMENT, AND MINDEN POLICE DEPARTMENT. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Teller that this Board hold executive session for a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Execu- tive session began at 10:37A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:'55 A.M. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Sole that the reports of Sheriff; Register of Deeds; Library; County Clerk; and Jail be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Ellerbee that the miscellaneous receipts be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 1733 Adams Co. Clerk 1734 Midland Area Agency on Aging 1735 State of Nebraska 1736 Jolene's Coffee Shop 1737 Estate of Herman Hansen 1738 Public Defender 1739 Public Defender 1740 Public Def ender .07 210.00 38,990.00 100.00 1,640.13 75.00 75.00 75.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 1741 Public Defender 1742 Public Defender 1743 Public Defender 1744 Public Defender 1745 Public Defender 1746 Public Defender 1747 Adams Co. Clerk 1748 Estate of Henry Hohnstein 1749 Transamerica 1750 Firstier Bank 1751 St of Neb. 1752 City National Bank 1753 Estate of Earl Mack 1754 Clerk. of District Court 1755 Clerk Of District Court 1756 Estate of Lydia Essinger 1757 Estate of Gladys Saylor 1758 Adams County Court 1759 Adams County Court 1760 Adams County Court 1761 Adams County Court 1762 Adams County Court 1763 Hastings State Bank 1764 Adams County Bank 1765 Village of Kenesaw 1766 County Clerk 1767 Lochland Country Club 1768 Adams Co. Weed 1769 Weed Control 1770 Dave McGath 1771 County Court 1772 Estate of Orah Best 1773 Clerk of Dist Court 1774 State of Neb. 1775 Clerk of Dist Court 1776 Election Commissioner 1777 Election Commissioner 1778 Co .Superintendent 1779 Co.Sheriff 1780 Co. Sheriff 1781 City National Bank 1782 Douglas County 1783 Adams County Clerk 1784 Jacklyn Smith 1785 Highway Dept/ 1786 Highway Dept 1787 State Treasurer 1788 Register of Deeds 1789 Adams Co. Bank 1790 Midland Area Agency on Aging 1791 Adams County Court 1792 State of Nebraska 1793 Adams Co. Weed Control 1794 Juniata Trailer Court 1795 State of Nebraska 1796 Norwest Bank NE 1797 Clara J Rynearson 1798 Emma Gentert 1799 Adams Co. Sheriff 1800 Adams Co. Attorney 1801 Michael McKnight 1802 City National Bank 1803 Weed Control 1804 Road Dept 1805 Highway Dept 1806 Hiahway Dept 1807 Hastings State Bank 1808 State of Nebraska 1809 Gary Wendt 1810 Clay Co.Treasurer 1811 Clay Co.Treasurer 1812 Clay Co.Treasurer 1813 Clay Co. Treasurer 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 4.29 14,822.36 9.45 100.00 3,424.59 284.24 2,752.05 3,240.00 281.65 6,049.36 1,257.65 75.00 9,120.00 2,065.50 195.00 28.70 7,134.25 2,464.78 3,276.00 2,305.50 10.00 304.63 760.89 2.00 25.00 2,646.20 148.15 47.92 101.00 136.54 205.49 7,830.79 173.86 142.56 284.24 175.00 420.00 48.00 1,700.00 75.73 56,798.94 843.04 1,961.30 105.00 1,708.08 5,250.00 98.33 5.00 83.04 1.75 388.60 5.00 1.50 1,170.00 10.00 172.06 243.19 2.450.00 1,150.00 943.58 396.44 1,895.81 10.00 187.99 125.26 282.55 92.57 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 1814 Clay Co. Treasurer 1815 Clay Co. Treasurer 1816 Clay Co. Treasurer 1817 Clay Co. Treasurer 1818 VOID 1819 Hall Co. Treasurer 1820 Webster Co. Treasurer 1821 Adams Co. Clerk 1822 VOID 1823 Estate of Blanche Spielman 1824 Reg. of Deeds 1825 State of Nebraska 1826 Estate of Wayne Reed 1827 Russell K. Copple 1828 Rita Hamburger 1829 Estate of Mattie Peters 1830 Adams County Court 1831 City National Bank 1832 County Sheriff 1833 Estate of Mildred M. Schleiger 1834 Creative Financing Inc. 1835 Clerk of the Dist Court 1836 State of Nebraska 1837 Adams Co. Weed 1838 Co. Planning Dept 1839 County Clerk Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that we authorize the Chairman to sian tax list corrections 9124 thru 9129. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 1.84 1,560.94 1,845.92 506.16 3,248.64 22.83 801.50 1,125.84 2,717.50 124,950.00 5,038.00 75.00 10.00 477.24 229.00 170.75 6,430.00 56.45 6.30 109.00 900.00 284.13 75.00 .09 Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that this Board hold Executive session for the purpose of discussion of a Relief -Medical claim. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:30 A.M. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:45 A.M. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Mosier that the claims be allowed ontheir respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND A. J. Theobald Adams County Court Adams County Court Business World Products Business World Products Business World Products City Engineering Dept Conway Connolly & Pauley Dorothy Kosmacek Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Information Systems Inc Janice McMahon Julie A Zimmerman Lincoln Telephone Co. Lloyd Post Matthew Bender & Co. Inc Modern Methods Inc. Patricia Ann Overy Patricia Ann Overy Redfield & Company Inc. Redfield & Company Inc. Prior Service Court Costs Court Costs Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Voting Supplies Attorney Fees Special Election Office Supplies Microfilm/Copier Microfilm/Copier Special Election Special Election Telephone Services Special Election Law Library Office Supplies Special Election Special Election Office Supplies County Law Library 92.32 138.75 304.00 14.78 17.78 9.13 9.00 59.75 31.83 165.00 163.00 93.89 31.83 36.83 1,308.91 31.83 165.50 15.00 47.05 6.30 17.50 70.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA 137 Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt Warran Gorham Lamont Inc. Woodwards Disposal Serv. ROAD FUND City National Bank RELIEF -MEDICAL Christian Brothers & Co Everett Goebel Fred Thaut Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Jack Wieland Marmion Yeagley Richard Troudt University of NE Hosp LIBRARY Financial Video Resource Hastings Public Library Information Access Co. Publishers Central Bureau Raintree Publishers Standard & Poor's Corp Sydney B. Vernon INHERITANCE TAX FUND West Publishing Co. Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Law Library Misc. Social Security Rent Rent Rent Utilities Utilities Rent Rent Rent Medical, Hospital Library Misc. Library Library Library Library Library Library The Supervisors made a tour of the Jail Facilities. This meeting will now recess 242.50 535.00 10.90 90 .80 17.70 195.00 100.00 200.00 42.93 50.00 200.00 200.00 160.00 11.20 63.40 711.00 2,482.00 21.16 11.95 693.33 24.45 674.60 subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Boar• of Supervisors. SE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesda , "'arch 1, 1988 10:20 A. M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Hearing was held in the matter of appeal of tax situs for a 1987 Ford Wagon, Identification No. 1FMEU15N1HLA25273 owned by Hugh Theisen. Mr. Theisen testified that he did not live at 3105 Paradise Drive, but lived at Rt 1 Box 51, Juniata, Ne and that the vehicle was principally kept at the Rural address. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that we grant the appeal of Mr. Theisen and determine the tax situs for the 1987 Ford Wgn 1FMEU15N1HLA 25273 be Rt 1, Box 51, Juniata, Ne. Roll call, ayes: Sole,Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. This Board of Equalizat“AAT Chairman of the Ads ow recess subject to the call of the 4`r of Supervisors. /s/ Al '/s/ County Clerk vVV Chairman 138 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 8, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller that this meeting is a regularly sched- uled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. n agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that we authorize the Chairman to sign an agreement with Juniata Feed Yards,. a joint venture consisting of Gottsch Feeding Corporation, a Nebraska corporation, and Morrison -Quirk Grain Corporation, a Nebraska corporation concerning use and maintenance of a road. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION No. 88-3-8. WHEREAS WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Kearney County is holding a public hearing to determine the designation of Minimum Maintenance Roads in Kearney County and WHEREAS the location of such roads join roads within Adams County or are located on the Adams County/Kearney County line and WHEREAS it is necessary that the Adams County Board of Supervisors con- cur with the designating of such roads that join roads within Adams County or are located on the Adams County line as Minimum Maintenance Roads THEREFORE BE IT NOW RESOLVED that the Adams County Board of Supervisors do hereby concur with the Kearney County Board of Supervisors as to the de- signating of those roads heretofore mentioned in this resolution as Minimum Maintenance Roads. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf Nays: none. Motion carried. Correspondence was received from Mrs. Doyle Onken pointing out a problem with the Burlington Northern Railroad crossings near the Morrison Quirk Elevator. Mr. Parks, Highway Superintendent, indicated that he would con- tact the railroads again to ask their co-operation. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Plambeck that this Board hold Executive session for the purpose of discussing a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 9:55 A.M. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Teller, that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:00 A.M. Bids were received and opened for Project C1-40. Werner Construction Co. bid was 82,874.50. Kniaht Bros. bid was 90,962.00. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that we accept the low bid of Werner Construction Co. and authorize the Chairman to sign a contract for Proj. C1-40 in the amount of $82,874.50. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Plambeck that this Board hold Executive session for the purpose of discussion of a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:20 A.M. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller,Woodman, Plambeck,Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:45A.M. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that this Board hold Executive Session for a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf-. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:46 A.M. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Plambeck that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Regular session resumed at 11:10A.M. Motion by Sole, seconded by Plambeck that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Judge Harry Haverly and Deputy County Attorney Hatheway appeared to discuss a problem with the Board concerning Juveniles referred to the Department of Social Services and waiting 30 days for a plan for place- ment. They indicated that a study needed to be made and possible leg- islation to take care of the matter. . . . Motion by Teller, seconded by Ellerbee that we authorize the Chairman to sign a sale agreement with Smith -Andersen covering the old computer equipment. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instruct- ed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole,Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL Adams CoSenior Sery Adams Co Sheriff Fee Act Adams Co Sheriff Fee Act Adams Co Sheriff Fee Act Adams Co Sheriffs Rev Adams Co Sheriffs Rev Adams County Court Adams County Court Adams County Jail Adams County Treasurer Arthur Tooaood Pub Def Badger Uniforms Ben Franklin of Hastings Big G Big G Auto Service Billy Simmons BJ's Wash House Bobs Electric Supply Inc Business Supply Co Business World Products Business World Products Camera Shop Cash Wa Candy Company Cash Wa Candy Company Central Dist Co Off Asso Child Develp Council Chris's Car Wash City Engineering Dept Clay County Sheriff Clement Communications I Commercial Chem Mfg Inc Commercial Electronics Commercial Electronics Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Handibus Court Costs Court Costs Law Enforcement Costs Law Enforcement Costs Law Enforcement Costs Juvenile Care Costs Court Costs Board of Prisoners Supplies -Office Telephone Services Uniform Allowance Miscellaneous Supplies -Jail Other Equipment Repair Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Janitorial Supplies Supplies -Office Office Eq Repair Uniform Allowance Law Enforcement Costs -C Janitorial Supplies Janitorial Supplies Dues,Sub.Reg.Training Day Care Costs Equipment-Fue l Survey Board of Prisoners -Food Law Enforcement Costs -C Janitorial Supplies Radio Repair Telephone Services Supplies -Office Printing & Publishing 3,522.76 2,863.17 12.40 54.40 215.00 93.48 336.54 90.80 1,956.65 22.00 719.30 256.73 18.27 20.72 12.00 193.92 6.75 55.92 46.81 40.00 3.65 6.05 94.50 95.75 120.00 500.00 12.50 7.50 1,050.00 249.42 41.00 242.70 12.00 66.99 207.54 140 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Cornhusker State Ind Cotter Charge Card Cr Bureau of Hastings Data Sftware Consult Ser Derby cGas & Deli Dermont Malouf Don Pettengill Don Pettengill Eakes Office Equip Eakes Office Products "Fakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Farris Construction Co Foto Fast Four Rivers Sportsman CL G A Micek DDS PC G A Micek DDS PC G A Micek DDS PC Gary Hueske Gary Hueske Gene C Foote II General Electric Corp Gibson Products Inc Gordon Sidlo Hastings Economic Dev Hastings Family Pract-ce Hastings Paint Hastings Pathology Assoc Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hewa Company Industrial Chemical Labs Industrial Chemical Labs J & B Mobile Lock Sery James Sidlo Janssen Auto Body Jim Stutesman John Dirks John Krontz John Rust John Rust Julia Moeller Keith A Houfek Keiths Pharmacies Kelso Kenesaw Motor Co Laird Motors Ind Larry Peterson Larry Peterson Larry Smidt Larry Woodman Lavern Mosier Law Enforcement Equip Co Liberty Rental Services Lincoln Telephone Co M Glenn Kemp M Glenn Kemp Mary Lanning Hospital Meals on Wheels Michael Peterson Michael Shada Supplies -Jail Law Enforcement Costs -C Printing & Publishing Pt Time Clerical Equipment -Fuel Travel Expenses Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Jail Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Microfilming/Copier Equipment Rental -Office Miscellaneous Law Enforcement Costs -C Law Enforcement Costs -C Med-Hosp Prisoners Med-Hosp Prisoners Med-Hosp Prisoners Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Attorney Fees -Court App Radio Equipment Law Enforcement Costs -C Uniform Allowance Economic Development Med-Hosp Prisoners Miscellaneous Autopsy Costs Printing & Publishing Printing & Publishing Printing & Publishing Printing & Publishing± Utilities Utilities Printincr & Publishing Supplies -Jail Janitorial Supplies Office Eq Repair Uniform Allowance Law Enforcement Costs -C Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Meals Uniform Allowance Med-Hosp Prisoners Laundry -Prisoners Equipment -Fuel Equipment -Fuel Uniform Allowance. Mileage Allowance Special Election Salaries Travel Expenses Travel Expenses Equipment -Fuel Miscellaneous Telephone Services Uniform Allowance; Mileage Allowance Med-Hosp Prisoners Local Match RSVP Meals On Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance 44.20 112.89 60.00 45.00 351.40 18.86 35.00 141.60 54.67. 17.56 275.00 9.30 90.01 35.91 23.54 193.99 176.73 120.00 190.00 75.00 16.00 125.00 30.00 50.00 14.00 35.00 25.28 179.51 1,901.40 110.67 35.00 1,666.67 138.50 16.06 500.00 283.80 1,495.01 122.33 393.44 14.98 7,959.41 80.42 8.28 41.69 63.50 35.00 30.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 194.19 47.56 35.00 132.52 56.82 18.17 22.71 35.00 202.08 30.00 20.50 19.68 26.50 33.60 47.53 35.00 232.83 75.06 350.00 35.00 35.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Mid Nebr Mental Retardation Midland Area Agency MOnte McCord NCR NCR Credit Corp Nebr Law Enforcement Norman Dudek Platte Valley Sales & Sery Protex Systems Inc Radio Shack Redfield & Co Inc Redfield & Co Inc Region III Governing Bd Richard Janitorial Robert Mulliner Rodney Wilkerson Rogers Inc RSVP Sandy Plambeck Shaae Brumbaugh Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt Spouse Abuse/SA St of Ne Dept of Revenue State of Ne State of Ne Sue Kissinger Ju Pro Off Uniservice Inc Vaughans Printers Inc Vaughans Printers Inc Vaughans Printers Inc W Marion Peterson Estate Weber Studio Weber Studio Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Wilbur Gingrich Williams & Wilkins Williams Extermlr:atin Co 3 Points Tire Adams Co. Hwy Dept Bercks Muffler Shop Big G Auto Service Lig Comm Hardware Bobs Electric Supply Inc Bosselman Inc Bruners Sand & Gravel Central Dist Co Off Asso Consolidated Concrete Co Consumers Sery Co Inc CoopGraina& Supply Delen ess Drummond American Corp Eakes Office Products Executive Copier System Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Co Graces Locksmith Sery H & M Equipment Hall Co Hiway Dept Hastings Battery & Elec Hastings Motor Truck Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Mental Retard Sery Area Agency on Aging Cost Uniform Allowance Office Equip Repair Date Processing Equip Law Enforcement Costs Uniform Allowance Supplies=Jail Other Equip Repair Law Enforcement Costs Co Law Library Law Enforcement Costs Intergovernmental Payment Janitorial Supplies Travel Expenses Uniform Allowance Other Equipment Repair Local Match RSVP Meals on Travel Expenses Miscellaneous Attorney Fees (Court App) Attorney Fees (Court App) Domestic Abuse Supplies -Office Equip -Mental -Office NetCom Postal Services Miscellaneous Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Printing & Publishing Safety Equipment Supplies -Office Microfilming/Copier Attorney Fees -Court App Attorney Fees -Court App Attorney Fees-CourtApp Attorney Fees -Court App Attorney Fees -Court App Uniform Maint Law Enforcement Costs Misc. ROAD & FRIDGE Mach Equip Tires & Rep Postal Service Rd Eq Rep Parts Mach Eq Tires & Rep Supplies -Shop Co Shop Cap Out Supplies-Misc. Materials -Gravel & Borr Dues, Sub, Reg. Training Materials -Concrete, Etc. Heating Fuels Equipment -Fuel ce Supplies-Misc. Supplies -Office Office Eq Repair Shop Tools Telephone Sery Misc. Materials -Gravel & Borr Express & Freight Other Equip. Repair Rd Eq Rep Parts Special fees -Adv Electricty Electricty $1,813.33 1,000.00 188.65 9,350.39 12,662.48 7.00 35.00 89.95 41.00 8.99 70.00 17.50 2,360.72 209.00 77.90 35.00 30.95 125.00 31.16 15.00 217.50 537.50 100.00 446.50 350.00 1,295.52 '.40 32.90 342.00 89.80 57.50 400.00 23.89 10.20 25.00 50.00 30.00 15.00 55.00 35.00 67.24 14.00 374.50 42.27 15.50 315.58 33.48 105.00 386.50 1,320.00 8.00 168.00 24.84 1,059.62 57.68 56.00 491.15 46.84 6.00 4,069.08 67.87 60.35 2.22 169.65 100.30 902.67 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Hatten Electric Service Ideal Electric Island Supply Johnson Cashway Lumber K N Energy Ken Avers Sharp Shop King Industrial Radiator Kully Iron & Metal Corp L L Olsen Oil Co Laird Motors Inc Lilley Sand & Gravel Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Telephone Co Mariyn A Bates Mid City Auto Supply 'idwest Service Ne Machinery Co Ne Salt & Grain Co Nebr Public Power Dist Odorite Company Oisens Mini Mart Omaha Tractor Inc Rodeo Road Equip Inc Samuelson Equip Co Sidles/Mr Automotive Sidles/Mr Automotive Sophir Morris Corp Southern Ne Rural Pub Stromers Repair Uniservice Inc Wilson Concrete Co Yant Ecuip_Co Inc Zee Mecica,L Service Co Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate Red Cloud Concrete Historical Sodiety Central:=Dist-Co Off Asso Hastings Battery & Elec Jahnkes Kerrco Inc Laird Motors Inc Sidles/Mr Automotive Southern Power District Other Equip Repair Co Shop Cap Out Supplies -Shop Supplies -Shop Heating Fuels Other Equip. Repair Rd Eq Rep Parts Materials -Steel Prod Equip -Fuel Rd Eq Rep Parts Materials -Gravel & Borr Materials -Gravel & Borr Telephone Sery Com Transportation Rd Eq Rep Parts Supplies -Shop Rd Eq Rep Parts Supplies-Misc. Electricity Janitorial Supplies Equipment -Fuel Rd Eq Rep Parts Rd Eq Rep Labor Rd Eq Rep parts Rd Eq Rep Parts Rd Eq Rep Parts Supplies -Shop Electricity Other Equip Repair Janitorial Supplies Materials Concrete, Etc Co Shop Cap Out Supplies -Medical RELIEF -MEDICAL Rent & fuel -Client Emergency Relief Rent & fuel-Cleirit Rent &fuel-cleint Emergency Relief Rent & Fuel -Client Sery Sery Sery Sery INHERI`T'ANCE TAX Historical:Soc NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL Dues, Sub. Reg. Training Eq Rep Pts Eq Rep Pts Eq Rep Pts Eq Rep Pts Eq Rep Pts Electricty 12.60 1,418.00 66.08 73.27 81.57 38.20 196.73 343.96 2,530.68 7.78 654.40 4, 327.20 148.35 55.76 41.50 151.34 41.50 1,255.96 77.92 10.00 114.15 22.05 156.83 156.84 339.06 447.03 52.68 283.79 321.70 27.10 906.25 1,128.47 66.20 This meting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supevisors. County Clerk 06°It'W Chairman 165.00 370.00 135.00 150.00 300.00 165.00 566.47 8.00 3.60 84.43 26.35 32.63 99.17 15.37 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 143 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 15, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular tooting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as`per public notice given with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call,` members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plamback, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Teller that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board'of Supervisors and public notice of this meet- ing has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the'County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Rgger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He reported that -they had been re -decking bridges and working : on the new building with good progress. Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller that the meeting recess to allow the Board to' act as a Board of Equalization., Roll call., ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller; Woodman,'Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Notion by Woodman, seconded by Sole that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections No. 9130 thru 9132. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussing possible litigation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf.' Nays: none. Notion carried. Executive 'session began at 10:22 A.M. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:40 A.M. Notion by Plambeck, seconded by Teller that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussing a personnel matter. ,Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Nosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:05 A.M. Motion by Sole, seconded by Plambeck that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, TEller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and MaloOf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:25 A.M. The County Clerk was instructed to place the matter of a hearing concerning_ the Indus- trial Area immediately East of the City on the agenda for April 5th. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Plambeck that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller., Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 1:30 P.M. Notion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf". Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 2:15 P.M. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL AC Publications ;Supplies -Office 19.75 Adams Co Sheriff Fcc Act Court Costs" 65.82 Bee Printing of Holdrege Supplies -Office 9.27 Business Supply Co '.Supplies=Office 24.35 Business Supply Co Supplies -Office 74.41 Business Supply Co Supplies -Office 6.40 Business Supply Co Supplies -Office 40.88 Business World Products Supplies -Office 15.75 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Data Sftware Consult Ser Eakes Office Equip Eakes Office Products Gregg Magee Co Sheriff H & N Mobil Hall County Sheriff John Krantz Johnson Controls Inc KT Heating & AC L W Barrett Co Inc Lewis Upholstery Lincoln Telephone Co Lincoln Telephone Co Michael Shada NCR Credit Corporation Phelps Co Treasurer Protex Systems Inc Safelite Auto Glass Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt ROAD -BRIDGE American Express RELIEF -MEDICAL Allen Boudreau Berts Rexall Drugs Christian Brothers & Co Foote & Beck Fred Drummond Gayle Fandry Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Keiths Pharmacies Kingswood Plaza Livingston Butler Mrs. Vera Laughlin Paul Heifner Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate This meeting will Pt Time Clerical Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Mileage Allowance Equ pment Fuel Board of Prisoners Food Mileage Allowance Other Equipment Repair Other Equipment Repair Law Enforcement Costs -C Office Eq Repa-r Telephone Services Telephone Services Mileage Allowance Data Processing Equipment Telephone Services Miscellaneous Equipment -Fuel Attorney Fees -Court App Attorney Fees -Court App 65.73 87.92 128.08 308.09 225.35 756.00 100.80 447.95 210.70 593.08 130.85 57.00 264.30 147.12 6,331.24 470.56 40.00 141.07 127.50 52.50 Lodging 134.52 Rent & Fuel 100.00 Medical & Hospital-Clie 37.84 Rent & Fuel 210.00 Rent & Fuel 13.90 Rent & Fuel 222.00 Rent & Fuel 180.00 Rent & Fuel 127.21 Rent & Fuel 133.19 Rent & Fuel 26.75 Rent & Fuel 115.00 County Burials 1,700.00 E rnergency Relief 285.00 Rent & Fuel 210.00 Emergency Relief 210.00 Rent & Fuel 175.00 now recess subject to the call of the Chair. of the Adams Co Bd of Sup. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 15, 1988 10:00 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Mrs. Don Hoff appeared to appeal a rejection of homestead denial. The application had not been filed by the April 1, 1987 deadline and the appeal had not been filed with the time period given on the notice of rejection therefore the Board did not have stat- utory authority to change the rulings. Notion by Sole, seconded by Teller that we approve the exemptions on earth moving equipment as recommended by the County Assessor. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Notion carried. This meeting will now ecess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. /s/ County Clerk s /s//P-49'644A1 Chairman SUPERV I SORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 22, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that this mee.ting'is,la regularly scheduled public mooting- of the Adams County Board ofgupervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Ckerk's office. Roll call, Ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent, gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the county. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that we purchase a pickup on State bid from Park Place GMC in Lincoln; a 1988 4 wheel drive, club cab with AC and Automatic trans- mission for $14,124.59. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that we purchase valuable papers insurance from Ellerbrock-Norris for $100. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Teller that the meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller ,Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that we have received a notice and affidavit concerning the following described property and grant a sub -division waiver and authorize the Chairman to sign such waiver. NOTICE To: The County Board of Adams County, Nebraska: You are hereby notified as follows: 1. The undersigned claims an interest in a conveyance of the following described real property in Adams County, Nebraska: A part of the Southwest Quarter (SW4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW4) of Section 23, Township 8. Range 10 West of the 6th P.M., Adams County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said SW4; thence easterly along the South line of said SW4 a distance of 1162.0 feet; thence northerly parallel with the West line of said SW1 a distance of 375.0 feet; thence westerly parallel with the said South line a distance of 1162.0 feet, more or less, to a point on the West line of said SW4, thence Southerly along the said West line a distance of 375.0 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, EXCEPT that portion of said tract contained in Gerald Quinn Subdivision, and subject to public roads on the South and west thereof; . Such conveyance is of record in the office of the Register of Dccds of Adams County, Nebraska; having been filed on March 8, 1988; as Instrument No. 880684; • Such conveyance subdivides or may subdivide real property; add . Such conveyance or the recording thereof has or may have failed to comply with one or more of the requirements relating to sub- division approval of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. WAIVER The Adams County Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, hereby acknowledges receipt of the above Notice of defect in a conveyance or recording thereof, with regard to the property described therein, which conveyance or record- ing thereof failed or may have failed to comply with one or more of the requirements relating to subdivision approval, and the undersigned, beingLthe governmental auth- ority having such subdivision approval jurisdiction over the real property involved, hereby waives said defect, as well as the statutory 120 -day objection period as to SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA said conveyance resulting in a subdivision, and said conveyance and subdivision is now hereby fully validated. Roll call, ayes: Sole, EllerbPe, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman., seconded by Mosier that we approve the Sub -Division Plat for Englewood 2nd Addition. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller that we approve and authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections 9133-9140. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Nosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that we approve the bond of Douglas P. Ruhter as Deputy County Sheriff said bond in the amount of $10,000. Roll call, Ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Plambeck, that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussion -concerning personnel. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Nbsier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:00 A.M. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:18 Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that James L. Hatheway be appointed Adams County Attorney effective April 1, 1988, to fill the unexpired term of Gary Anderberg who has resigned. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Discussion was held regarding the property North of the Annex. It was determined that the County had no interest in the property at this time. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried., GENERAL Adams Co Hwy Dept Beverly Davis Big G Comm Hardware Bobs Electric Supply Inc Burdette Johnson Charles W Hastings Charles W Hastings Charles W Hastings Charles W Hastings Charles W Hastings Chrisella Lewis Ele Conuu City of Hastings Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Dale F Lamski Data Sftware Consult Ser Eakes Office Products Edward Anderson Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Executive Copier System G A Micek DDS PC G A Micek DDS PC Gary Anderberg Gayle Hupf Hastings Plumbing & Htg Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities ICL Information Systems Inc Jacks Uniforms & Equip Julia Moeller Printing & Publishing Mileage Allowance Janitorial Supplies Other Equipment Repair Mileage Allowance Attorney Foos Attorney Fees Attorney Fccs Attorney Fogs Attorney Fess Postal Services Planning Costs -County Printing & Publishing Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Attorney Fees -Court Pip Data Processing Costs Supplies -Office Mileage Allowance Microfilming/Copier Microfilming/Copier Microfilming/Copier Med-Hosp Prisoners Ned-Hosp Prisoners Mileage Allowance Mileage Allowance Other Equiprrent Repair Printing & Publishing Utilities Janitorial Supplies Microfilming/Copier Law Enforcement Costs43C Mileage Allowance 36.08 10.66 25.93 62.40 6.15 25.00 40.00 20.00 55.00 25.00 14.90 87.30 268.30 48.72 48.84 325.00 4,575.00 10.50 7.59 120.00 160.23 163.00 63.00 38.00 17.22 7.79 43.15 30.53 735.51 300.92 54.36 177.47 10.66 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 147 Law Enforcement Equip Co Mary Lannina Hospital NCR NEBR Crime Commission Protex Systems Inc Raymond Grothen Sharon Rose Shoemaker & Witt So Central Community Sporting Goods Inc Standard Register Co The Cop Shop Vaughans Printers Inc Williams Exterminating C ROAD -BRIDGE Harold Heuertz Lambert Struss Ray Velder Virgil Mousel RELIEF -LAICAL Darylene Zubrod Hastings Utilities Joyce Edwards Merle Anderson Realty In Nebraskaland Partners INSTITUTIONS Beatrice State Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center This meeting will now reces Board ofupervisors. /s/ Law Enforcement Costs -C Med-Hosp Prisoners Data Processing Costs Law Enforcement Costs -C Miscellaneous Mileage Allowance Mileage Allowance Attorney Fees Med-Hosp Prisoners Law Enforcement Costs. Office Eq Repair Safety Equipment Supplies -Office Miscellaneous Equal Retirement Equal Retirement Equal Retirement Equal Retirement Rent & Fuel Rent & Fuel Rent & Fuel Rent & Fuel Rent & Fuel Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Beatrice State Home Hastings Regional Center LincolnRegional Center subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Clerk /s/ / <dy&45(/ Chairman SE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 22, 1988 9:30 A.M. 82.50 201.15 88.00 6.00 69.20 1.64 10.66 42.50 200.00 8.95 194.64 400.90 120.35 14.00 13.00 12.00 19.00 12.00 250.00 51.42 165.00 210.00 160.00 999.00 3,051.97 225.00 Adams County The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodmam. Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Also presemt were Beverley Mobley. County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Applications for tax exemption were reviewed. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that exemptions for applications 88-1 thru 88-29 be granted because of educational use. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodmen, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Mosier that application for exemption No 88-35 and 88-36 be held for further investigation because use has apparently changed and partial ex- emption should possibly be allowed on a different percentage. TYQe Assessors office is requested to check. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee,Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that the application for exemption No. 30 to 34 and 37 to 71 be granted with 37 thru 42 being partial exemptions based on charitable use. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Sole that churches, parsonages, cemeteries, etc. listed on Application 72-187 be granted exemption. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Plambeck that Crosier Fathers be granted exemption for a 1986 Ford Escort, Title No. 14H13753. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Nosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Prosier that earth moving equipment for Stromer Land 148 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Leveling Co. be granted exemption as per the recommendation of the Co. Assessor. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Notion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that omitted property be valued as follows: Pro- perty I.D. 040 01022 be Land $10,420. Improvements 74,130. Total 84,550. Lot 19, Blk 3, Lochland Ctry Club Add #4. Roll call, ayes: Sole, EllerbPe, Teller,Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. This meeting will now recess s T , to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. County Clerk COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 29, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Mosier and Malouf. Absent: Woodman and Plambeck. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Teller that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Nosier and Malouf. Woodman and Plambeck, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning_ the progress of road work in the County. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Mosier that we authorize Roger Parks to contract with H -W Concrete to provide labor and steel and forms for two 90' x 30' approaches 8" thick West and East of the new building for $3,780. with the County furnishing the concrete. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Nosier and Malouf. Woodmana.nd Plambeck, absent. Nays: none. Notion carried. Notion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that we rescind our action of 3-22-88 to purchase a pickup on State bid. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman and Plambeck, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Notion by Ellerbee, seconded by Mosier that we advertise for sPa led bids for a new Pickup for the Road department with the bids to be opened on April 12, 1988; specifica- tions to be the same as the State bid and to provide for Alternate bids. Poll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman and Plambeck, absent. Nays: none. Notion carried. Joseph Kyle appeared in behalf of the Adams County Historical Society to request that the County Board pay $310 for engraving on a stone that marks the old Inland cemetery. He presented petitions bearing 59 signatures. Motion by Nosier, seconded by Ellerbee that we authorize the expenditure ut $310. from the general fund for a historical marker for an abondoned cemetery as sed in Sec.12-809, 12-810 and 12=911. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Nosier and Malouf. Woodman and Plambeck, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Notion by Sole, seconded by Teller that the County Treasurer and County Attorney be ordered to stay further action for collection of tax from Sunnyside until there is a final order of the Court in the matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman and Plambeck, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that we authorize the Chairman to sign the lease with Nebraska Department of Social Services for space in the basement of the annex. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Fllerbee, Teller, Nosier and Malouf. Woodman and Plambeck, absent. Nays: none. Notion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 1"1 Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Mosier that we approve the release of Joint Custody Motion by Mosier, seconded by Ellerbee that we approve the bond of -Vernon Tweedie, Deputy County Attorney in the amount of $1,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman and Plambeck, absent. Nays:none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections No. 9141 thru 9145. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman and Plambeck, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Receipt 656773 in the amount of $1,400,000. the releaee of Joint Custody Receipt 656775 in the amount of $300,000.; the release of Joint Custody Receipt 656776 in the amount of $1,000.000.; the pledge of Joint Custody Receipt 129710 in the amount of $2,700,000. by Norwest Bank Nebraska NA. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman and Plambeck, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Ellerbee that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman and Plambeck, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbce, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman and Plambeck, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman and Plambeck, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL Adams Co Sheriff Fee Act Ben Franklin of Hastings Bert Rostvet Business World Products Cornhusker Press Craig McMahon Custom Cassetts Custom Eakes Office Products Executive Copier System Firestone Independent Bus Machines John C Anderson John C Anderson Johnson Cashway Lumber Ray Kuhlman Ken Bonifas Kimberly Reaman Lee Hemberger Lightner Outlet Lincoln Telephone Co Lincoln Telephone Co Lincoln Telephone Co Luwane Nelson Luwane Nelson Marilyn Sachtelben Nationwide NE Assoc of Co Treas NE Planning & Zoning ASC Paul Swanson Postmaster Revolving Fund Richard Uden Rogers Inc Sandra Stockall Sandra Stockall Sharon Stonecipher Speidell Monuments Inc State of Ne State of Ne Susan Brown Susan Brown U S Postmaster Court Costs Supplies -Office Travel Expenses -Board Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Travel Expenses -Board Law Enforcement Costs Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Equipment -Fuel Office Eq Repair Mileage Allowance Supplies -Office Supplies -Jail Travel Expenses -Board TravelExpenses-Board Mileage Allowance Travel Expenses -Board Supplies -Jail Telephone Services Telephone Services Telephone Services Supplies -Office Mileage Allowances Travel Expenses -Board Law Enforcement Costs Dues, Sub.Reg. Training Dues, Sub. Reg. Training Mileage Allowance Postal Services Mileage Allowance Travel Expenses -Board Office Eq Repair Mileage Allowance Supplies -Office Mileage Allowance Abandoned Cemetery Maint Equipment Rental -Office Net Cam Mileage Allowance Mileage Allowance Postal Services 15.28 17.63 10.88 24.03 7.05 11.30 234.00 41.40 30.95 121.80 30.00 165.51 14.35 162.48 8.15 11.30 31.29 12.14 102.00 34.10 217.95 1,311.04 44.00 97.44 5.84 340.00 25.00 40.00 137.98 25.00 134.50 7.52 35.00 35.70 31.42 12.30 310.00 350.00 1,240.66 17.33 15.50 2,500.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA RELIEF -MEDICAL Budd Edginton Everett Goebel Hastings Utilities Larry Fielder Rader Real Estate LIBRARY Library Salaries Social Security Matching Retirement Matching Blue Cross -Blue Shield WEED CONTROL Weed Control Salaries Social Security Matching Retirement Matching Blue Cross -Blue Shield ROAD FUND Road Salaries Social Security Matching_ Retirement Matching Blue Cross -Blue Shield GENERAL County Supervisors County Clerks Office County Treasurers Office Register of Dccds County Assessors Office Election Commissioner Clerk of District Court Board of Mental Health Public Defender Courthouse Janitors County Extension Office County Sheriff County Attorney County Jail Veterans Service Office Planning & Zoning County urveyor Social Security Matching Retirement Matching Burchard, Minnie Cosgrove, Madelyn Duthie, Eva Hayen, Rachel Kidd, C H Lightner, Ed Reutlinger, Lila'. Story, Roscoe E This Board will now rece Rent Rent Utilities Rent Rent Salaries Social Security Retirement Insurance Salaries Social Security Retirement Insurance Salaries Social Security Retirement Insurance Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Social Security Retirement Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service 125.00 400.00 70.30 125.00 185.00 1807.56 135.75 38.22 94.44 22667.27 200.32 128.02 243.22 37080.03 2784.84 1622.31 2997.53 4375.00 8410.10 9222.99 5532.51 8802.30 1623.87 4460.86 630.00 3540.08 3564.11 6711.41 22460.46 8243.18 9865.36 3132.04 199.38 50.00 7463.92 8867.01 14.00 14.00 14.00 25.00 16.00 19.00 14.00 15.00 .ject to the call of the Chairman of the Board of Super - /s/ 42iJ. %7,/ Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday March 29, 1988 9:30 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman and Plambeck, absent. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Sole that we extend the time for reviews into April. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee; Teller, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman and Plambeck, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that we hold executive session concerning lit- igation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman and Plambeck, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:30A.M. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman and Plambeck, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization willinow recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of S rvisors. County Clerk /s/ Dep / s / . Chairman CO►` 'y *`� HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April , 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular mooting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present': Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Teller, seconded by Malouf that this mooting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Poll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays:none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He reported that they were finishing the floor in the new building and would soon begin the framing inside. The North Baltimore project was discussed and plans made to keep as much of the road open to the public as possible during the project. Chris Lewis, Election Commissioner contacted the Board for use of the assembly room for the canvassing board during'the election. Permission granted. Adams County has received a request from the City of Hastings, dated February 9, 1988 under the provisions of Nebraska State Statutes, Sections 19-2501 through 19-2511 in- clusive, for the County to review the Adams County Industrial Area located immediately East of the City's corporate boundary. Generally bounded by East 7th Street on'the North and East South Street (U.S. Highway 6) on the South. On March 8, 1988 the Board made a physical inspection of the area. On March 25, 1988 notice of a public hearing was published in the Hastings Daily Tribune. Hearing was held to determine if the following tract of land is no longer suitable for industrial purposes, or is being used for nonindustrial purposes. Kingswood Plaza A tract of land in the NW a SE h Sec. 8-7-9 ex the W 303' of E360' of W690' & ex road & portion awned by Adams Co. & CB&QRR, property also known as Blks 5-6 & 9-16 of Pleasant View Addition to Blaine Twp, Adams County, Nebraska. The land is currently designated as an Industrial Area. Several interested persons appeared with Jerrold Kerr representing Kingswood Plaza. They indicated that they did not want the property annexed. Chairman Malouf explained that this was not an annexation hearing, but rather a hearing to determine if the pro- perty was used for non -industrial purposes. County Attorney, Jim Hatheway, read the Nebraska Statutes to the Board and indicated it was not permissive language, but that the Board was directed by the Statutes to remove the land from the Industrial Area if it was being used for non -industrial purposes. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that we do not change the designation of this property. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Plambeck and Mosier. Nays: Teller, Wb(im and Malouf. Motion carried. Dale Tinperley appeared for the Red Cross to request funding the 88-89 Budget. The Board requested that he present his request later when budgets were being considered for all departments. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that the bond rider for Jim Hatheway's bond changing his title to County Attorney be approved. Roll call, ayes: Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Sole, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Mosier, seconded by Teller that this Board hold Executive session for the purpose of discussing litigation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Planbeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:52 A.M. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Planbeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. MDtion carried. Reg}lar session resumed at 11:14 A.M. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that the following miscellaneous approved and made a part of this Supervisors' proceedings. Roll call, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. 1840 Est of I. Wiechelman 1841 Willis L. Kailey 1842 Cancelled 1843 Adams Co. Clerk 1844 Southern Hills 1845 Auto -Owners Insurance 1846 State of Nebraska 1847 State of Nebraska 1848 State of Nebraska 1849 Clerk of the Dist. Court 1850 Adams Co. Attorney 1851 Est of Fred J C Tjaden 1852 Jolene's Coffer Shop 1853 Est. of Margaret Bohlke 1854 Adams Co. Bank 1855 Hastings State Bahk 1856 City National Bank 1857 Clerk ofDistrict Court 1858 Clerk ofDistric Court 1859 Est. of Lawrence Mangers 1860 Register of Dccds 1861 Adams County Court 1862 Adams County Court 1863 Adams County Court 1864 Adams County Court 1865 Adams Co. Highway Dept. 1866 Adams Co. Highway Dept. 1867 Adams Co Highway Dept 1868 Adams Co. Highway Dept 1869 City Treasurer 1870 Adams Co. Clerk 1871 Smith Anderson Corp 1872 Clerk of Dist. Court 1873 Adams Co. Road Dept 1874 Hiway Dept 1875 Hiway Dept 1876 Adams County Court 1877 Adams County Court 1878 Robert M. Allen 1879 Adams Co. Planning & Zoning 1880 Adams Co. Planning & Zoning 1881 City National Bank 1882 State of Nebraska 1883 Est of Sarah I Losee 1884 Register of Dccds 1885 Register of Deeds 1886 Clerk of Dist Court 1887 State of Nebraska 1888 State of Nebraska 1889 Est. of Genevieve Blanchard 1890 Adams Co. Bank 1891 Hastings State Bank 1892 Est. of Helen A Te-pel 1893 American Charter 1894 Adams Co. Bank 1895 City National Bank 1896 Kenesaw Public Schools 1897 State of Nebraska 1898 Est. of Bessie E Peters 1899 Clerk of Dist Court 1900 State of Nebraska receipts be ayes: Sole, 732.00 75.00 22.17 507.38 58.32 38,990.00 1,138.00 16,557.37 153.00 1,200.00 26.64 100.00 3,903.66. 1,998.36 2,038.36 170.53 198.51 1,415.00 3,972.60 2.00 439.90 235.00 10,885.00 29.00 21.43 348.60 15.00 15.00 68,687.50 2,504.50 2,000.00 100.00 480.00 200.00 5.00 319.29 303.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 170.53 71,690.76 12,961.00 761.92 2,616.28 146.24. 162:'05 18,737.72 118.11 148.97 374.24 1,138.00 399.35 1,812.33 174.60 35.35 2,220.51 1,220.76 96.50 1,774.58 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,. NEBRASKA 153 1901 Adams County Clerk 1902 City Engineering & Insp 1903 Hall Co. Treasurer 1904 Adams Co. Clerk 1905 Liberty Mutual 1906 Planning & Zoning 1907 Adams Co. Weed 1908 Adams Co. Hiway 1909 Est. of Myra ChickBecker 1910 Est of Charlet R. Mooberry 1911 State of Nebraska 1912 City National Bank 1913 Register of Deeds 1914 Lancaster County 1915 Est. of Catherine Llewellyn 1916 Rex B. Freeburg 1917 State of Nebraska 1918 Adams Co. Hiway 1919 Clerk of Dist. Court 1920 Est. of Helen P Etterich 1921 Village of Kenesaw 1922 City National Bank 1923 Village of Kenesaw 1924 Webster Co.Treasurer 1925 State of Neb. 1926 Noxious Weed 1927 Noxious Weed 1928 Adams Co. ROAD Dept. 26.75 173.46 507.92 746.00 2,633.00 35.00 60.00 975.00 1,540.00 898.00 205.00 17.5.28 17.52 145.00 7,212.00 10.00 870.00 36.08 92.22 411.52 1,756.25 175.28 1,100.00 888.75 2,642.07 . 70.00 65.00 150.00 Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that the Officers' Reports be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. County Permits ; County Clerk; County Library; Register of Dceds (2); Jail Food Account; Car Titles Clerk of District Court; and Jail Record. Nbtion by Teller, seconded by Nosier that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL Adams Kohl Insurance Adams Central Jr Sr High Adams Co Red Cross Adams Co Senior Sery Adams Co Sheriff Fcc Act Adams Co Sheriff Fee Act Adams Co Sheriff Fee Act Adams County Jail Arthur R Langvardt Arthur Toogood Pub Def Badger Uniforms Badger Uniforms Bancroft Whitney Co Berts Rexall Drugs Big G Big G Big G Auto Service Big G Comm Hardware Big G Comm Hardware Billy Simmons Bob Barker Company BRC lection Sery Business Supply Co Business World Products Business World Products Business World Products Business World Products Business World Products Business World Products Business World Products Camera Shop Cash Wa Candy Company Official Bonds Contract Sery Red Cross Swimming Handi-Bus Court Costs Court Costs Postal Services Board of -Prisoners Attorney Fccs Building Rental Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance County Law Library Med=Hosp Prisoners .Supplies -Tail Supplies -Office Equipment -Fuel Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Mileage Allowance Provisions & Clothing Printing & Publishing Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Office Eq Repair Law Enforcement Costs Supplies -Jail 250.o0 2,100.00 1,500.00 3,440,84 25.04 1,875.80 5.35 2,045.94 40.00 774.95 87.69 21.54 47.75 10.79 268.25 9.99 42.44 29.64 37.21 334.08 139.55 3,943.06 12.35 5.88 1.24 5.00 6.98 25.81 19.86 67.60 8.90 90.97 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ChildDevelp Council Children & Adolescent Cl Chris's Car Wash City Engineering Dept Clement Communications I Commerce Clciring House Commercial Chem Mfg Inc Commercial Chem Mfg Inc Commercial Electronics Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Cotter Charge Card Cr Bureau of Hastings Data Sftware Consult Ser Data Sftware Consult Ser Data Sftware Consult Ser Don Pettengill Don Pettengill Douglas Ruhter Douglas Ruhter Fakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Electronic Systems Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Foto Fast Frost Appraisal G A Micek DDS PC Gary Hueske Gibson Products Inc Gregg Magee Co Sheriff Hastings Area Chamber Hastings Economic Dev Hastings Paint Hastings Radiology Assoc Hastings Radiology Assoc Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Industrial Chem Lab Inc James Sidlo Jim Stutesman John Dirks John Dirks John Krontz John Krontz John Rust John Rust Johnson Cashway Lumber Keith A Houfek Keiths Pharmacies Kenesaw Motor Co Laird Motors Inc Larry Peterson Larry Peterson Liberty Rental Services M Glenn Kemp M Glenn Kemp Mary Lanning Hospital Mary Lanning Hospital Meals on Wheels Michael Peterson Michael Shada Michael Shada Mid Nebraska Mental Midland Area Agency Myers Refrigeration Co Day Care Costs Law Enforcement Costs Equipment --Fuel Printing & Publishing Law Enforcement Costs Supplies -Office Janitorial Supplies Janitorial Supplies Radio Repair Supplies -Voting Supplies -Office Supplies -Jail Law Enforcement Costs Supplies -Voting Supplies -Office Pt Time Clerical Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Supplies -Office Supplies Voting Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Other Equipment Repair Supplies -Office Equipment Rental -Office Law Enforcement Costs Reappraisal Costs Med-Hosp Prisoners Uniform Allowance Law Enforcement Costs Mileage Allowance Dues,' Sub. Reg. Training Economic Development Miscellaneous Law Enforcement Costs Med-Hopp Prisoners Printing & Publishing Printing & Publishing Printirg & Publishing Utilities Janitorial Supplies Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Building Repair Uniform Allowance Med-Hosp Prisoners Equipment -Fuel Equipment -Fuel Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Miscellaneous Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Law Enforcement Costs Med-Hosp Prisoners Local Match RSVP Meals On Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Mental Retardation Service Area Agency on Aging Cost Other Equipment Repair 500.00 155.00 7.00 3.50 129.30 245.00 85.50 32.64 117.05 42.58 138.84 202.66 111.50 63.20 1,920.00 58.13 35.00 280.55 56.16 35.00 39.74 15.98 53.10 1,060.65 2.57 168.85 164.94 25.00 165.00 190.00 19.00 500.00 12.00 35.00 44.19 319.18 75.00 1,666.67 35.73 67.00 22.00 1,131.10 624.66 184.30 13.59 56.11 35.00 35.80 35.00 240.26 21.60 35.00 35.00 194.16 179.64 35.00 180.80 58.29 324.60 35.00 31.92 42.00 35.00 238.56 249.88 75.95 350.00 35.00 264.96 35.00 1,813.83 1,000.00 15.50 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,.. NEBRASKA 155 Nebr Law Enforcement Nebr Reporters Service Norman Dudek OKeefe Elevator Co Inc OKeefe Elevator Co Inc Protex Systems Inc Protex Systems Inc Redfield & Company Inc Redfield & , Conpany Inc Redfield & Company Inc Region III Governing Bd Reporter Paper & Mfg Co Robert Mulliner Rodney Wilkerson Rodney Wilkerson RSVP Rutts Pharmacy Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt Sporting Goods Inc± Spouse Abuse/SA The Cop Shop U S Postmaster Uniservice Inc Weber Studio Wilbur Gingrich Woodwards Disposal Sery ROAD -BRIDGE Adams Co Hwy Dept Big G Auto Service Big G Conan Hardware Bosselman Inc Bosselman Ind Business Supply Co City Iron & Metal Co Coop Grain & Supply Don Zeckser Drummond American Corp Eakes Office Products Farmers Union Coop Gas Federal Maint Supply Inc Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Co H & N Mobil Hall Co Hiway Dept Halloran. Battery & Elec Hansen Bldg Spec Inc Hastings Battery & Elec Hxastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Inperial Jewelers Imperial Jewelers Island Supply Island Supply Johnson Cashway Lumber K N Energy K N Energy Karnes City Wide Rentals King Industrial Radiator King Industrial Radiator L L Olsen Oil Co Laird Motors Inc Larry Novak Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Telephone Co Lotus Development Corp Mid City Auto Supply Ne Machinery Co Ne Machinery Co Miscellaneous± Court Costs Uniform Allowance Other Equipment Repair Other Equipment Repair Miscellaneous Other Equipment Repair Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Mental Health Services Supplies -Office Travel Expenses Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Local Match RSVP Meals Med-Hosp Prisonerw Attorney Foos Attorney Fccs Law Enforcement Costs Domestic Abuse Law Enforcement Costs Postal Services Miscellaneous Supplies -Office Uniform Allowance Miscellaneous 162.00 97.85 35.00 90.00 471.51 89.40 36.00 425.96 309.66 55.58 AC 2,360.72 86.74 67.45 236.16 35.00 On 125.00 144.34 95.00 70.00 35.50 100.00 25.45 18.00 32.90 20.73 35.00 90.80 Postal Services Mach Eq Tires & Rep Small Tools, Etc. Equipnent+-Fuel Equipment -Fuel Supplies -Office Materials -Steel Product Equipment -Fuel Co Shop Cap Out Chemicals Un Res Supplies -Office Supplies -Shop Supplies,Express & Freight Supplies -Shop Telephone Services Equipment -Fuel Rd Eq Rep Parts,Express Rd Eq Rep Parts,Labor Supplies -Shop Supplies -Shop Special Fees -Newspaper Special Fees -Advertisement Electricity Utilities Miscel lanea0 Materials Supplies -Shop Materials -Grader Blades,Steel Materials -Stool Product Heating Fuels Heating Fuels Road Equip Rental Rd Eq Rep Parts Rd Eq Rep Parts Equipment Fuel Rd all Rep Parts Can Transportation Materials -Gravel & Borr Telephone Services Data Processing Software Rd Eq Rep Parts Rd Eq Rep Parts Supplies -Shop 44.86 651.24 25.44 2,856.33 625.87 14.81 1,023.06 37.90 309.50 679.18 104.30 34.00 257.38 203.70 47.73 16.95 & Freight294.98 212.00 364.48 59.81 8.69 81.46 45.42 693.18 96.00 205.82 193.13 4,819.46 306.25 37.74 84.72 18.00 397.78 317.18 457.71 37.76 13.33 1,063.20 154.51 95.00 12.50 8,473.74 495.21 SUPERV I SORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Ne Salt & Grain Co Ne Salt & Grain Co Nebr Dept of Revenue Nebr Public Power Dist Odbri.te Co i..i Olsens Mini Mart Olsens Mini Mart Rodeo Road Equip Inc Sherman Service Sidles/Mr Automotive Sophir Morris Corp Southern Power District St of Ne Dept of Roads Trumbull Coop Assoc Uniservice Inc W G Pauley Lumber Co Westland Bldg Co Wheelers Farm Store Yant Equip Co Inc RELIEF -MEDICAL Christian Brothers & Co Emergency Protective Ser Emergency Protective Ser Hastings Utilities Joan Pittman Mary An Park LIBRARY A M Best Co Baker & Taylor Co Hastings Public Library Sirs Ulverscroft Lg Print Bks INHERITANCE TAX Historical Society CAPITAL PROJECT Chief Construction NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL Cornbelt Chemical Co Jahnkes K N Energy Laird Motors Inc Richard Loskill Village of Roseland This Meeting will now re Board of Supervisors N Y.C( Materials --Gravel & Borr Materials -Gravel & Borr Miscellaneous Heating Fuels janitorrial Supplies Equipment -Fuel Equipment-Fi e1 Rd Eq Rep Parts Rd Fq Rep Parts Rd Eq Rep Parts Supplies -Shop Electricity Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Janitorial Supplies Matrials-Steel Product Special Foes -Engineer Miscellaneous Other Equipment Repair Rent Day Care Costs Day Care Costs Fuel Rent Rent Library Library Miscellaneous Library Library 994.12 999.09 589.91 54.51 5.00 44.60 157.75 2,375.88 2.14 322.43 79.47 157.56 11.55 24.23 27.10 57.65 1,100.00 150.02 49.35 210.00 37o.00 335.00 68.90 80.00 275.00 780.00 486.14 711 .00 420.00 165.20 Historical Soc 566.67 Bldgs 75,336.00 Chemicals Eq Rep Pts Heating Fuels Eq Rep Pts Dues, Sub. Reg Training Water 2,993.42 74.06 8.83 18.00 30.05 27.00 subject to the call of the Chain of the Adams County s County Clerk *Mt •= IE PeL(A.e0• c 1'47 Depot•,, ,, SUN / s / /s/ 6-/ee -'f-' r-w1� Chairman fJ COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 12, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Teller that this meting is a regularly scheduled pub- lic meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He re- ported that they had started the grading on the North Baltimore Project. Bids were opened for a new pick-up for the Road Department. Three bidders did not sub- SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 157 mit bid bonds or certified or cashiers' checks as specified in the instructions to bidders. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that we accept the bid of,'Jerry Spady for a GMC pick-up for $14,499.00. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Mel Reineke from D;:S.C.S. reported back to the Board concerning billings. He re- ported that the problem with a Voter list program had been taken care of. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 9146 thru 9158. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbcc, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Joe Ballweg, Veteran's Service officer reported to the Board that it was necessary to have more hours of work by part-time clerical and that he anticipated that his budget would go over by approximately 50 hours or roughly $250. The Board thanked him fortthe report and indicated that appropriated funds would be allowed in June. Motion by Teller, seconded by Ellerbee that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Telfer, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Nosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Notion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that this Board hold Executive session for the purpose of discussing litigation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:30 A/M. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Te•ler, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:40 A..M.' Motion by Woodman, seconded b y Sole that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole,Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Nosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Notion by Sole, seconded by Plambeck that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee out and not voting. Nays: none. Notion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that the claims be allowed except the one filed under the provisions of 23-2404, and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole,Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Nosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL Adams Co Attorney County Law Library 81.60 Adams Co Sheriffs Rev Miscellaneous 392.65 Adams County Court Court Costs 24.38 Alan L Halsey Juror Fees 20.84 Barbara A Dinkier Juror Fccs 27.14 Barbara J Bohlen Juror Fccs 24.20 Berl D Ridgway Juror Foos r20.84 Beverly A Wagner Juror Fops 27.14 Bob Barker Company Supplies -Jail 121.68 Business Supply Co Supplies -Office 4.31 Business Supply Co Supplies -Office 123.79 Carla A Hlavaty Juror Fees 20.84 Carla Hunt Juror Fess 20.84 Carol D Campbell Juror Fees 20.84 Carol J Zeadow Juror Foes 20.84 Carol L Borrell Juror Fccs 20.84 City of Hastings Civil Defense 2,277.7. Coleen M Dygert Juror Fees 21.10 Colleen I Thaut Juror Fccs 20.84 Commercial Electronics Radio Repair 117.05 Cornhusker Press Supplies-Offic 33.88 158 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Cornhusker State Ind Daniel A Ware Dannie A Hess Data Sftware Consult Ser Data Sftware Consult Ser Data Sftware Consult Ser Data Sftware Consult Ser Data Sftware Consult Ser Denise A Snag Derby Gas & Deli Deyona L Poppe Donald A Johnson Donald W Jarosik Donna G Goedert Donna M McCoy Dorothy E Heath Eakes Office Equip Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Edward W Johnson Jr Eldon E Mitzelfeldt Fllerbrock Norris Inc Foots & Beck Fred J Vaupel Friends Motor Supply G A Micek DDS PC GA Micek DDS PC Gary L Stark George E Glover Gladys E Krikac Gordon Sidlo Greg S Burke H & NMobil Hastings Paint Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Hastings/Adams Co CI Def Helen Blum Homer E Brawn Hope C Johnson Information Systems Inc Irene L Wendell Ivan D Valentin Janet L Kuhlhanek Janine C Stahl Jennifer L Hurd Joe E Kosmacek John J Masek John W Winfrey Jolenes Coffee Shop Joyce A Medley Judy D Davis Karen K Beal Kathy S Wathen Law Enforcement Equip Co Lawpress Corp Legal Classics Library Liberty Rental Services Lincoln Telephone Co Linda S Kothe Lisa L BP irow Little J Schmidt Mack A Richardson Marilyn K Wicks Marjorie A Ahlman Marsha K Nelson Marvin K Pool Mary E Boedin g Mary F Soulis Mary Lanning Hospital Michael E Haberer Milton E Venter Nancy K Schafer Janitorial Supplies Juror Fccs Juror Foos Data Processing Software Part Time Salary -Employ Data Processing Costs Supplies Data Processing Data Processing Costs Juror Fees Equipment -Fuel Juror Fees Juror Fccs Juror Fccs Juror Fccs Juror Foos Juror Fees Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Juror Fees Juror Fees Employee Bonds-Erors Med-Hosp Prisoners Juror Foos Equipment -Fuel Med-Hosp Prisoners Med-Hosp Prisoners Juror Fees Juror Fccs Juror Fccs Uniform Allowance Juror Fccs Equipment -Fuel Equipment Repair Printing & Publishing Utilities Civil Defense Postal Services Juror Foos juror Fees Microfilming/Copier Juror Fees Juror Fccs Juror Fees Juror Fccs Juror Fees Juror Fees Juror Fccs Juror Fccs Juror Fees Juror Fccs Juror Fees Juror Fees Juror Fees Equipment -Fuel County Law Library County Law Library Miscellaneous Telephone Services Juror Fees Juror Fccs Juror Fees Juror Fees Juror Fees Juror Fees Juror Fccs Juror Fccs Juror Fees Juror Fees Med-Hosp Prisoners Juror Foes Juror Fees Juror Fess 28.60 20.84 22.94 15.00 56.25 870.00 320.00 15.00 20.84 298.06 62.52 20.84 62.52 20.84 20.84 20.84 42.30 19.47 106.21 67.56 62.52 135.00 44.00 20.84 14.09 30.00 32.00 21.68 20.84 20.84 35.00 20.84 188.20 63.65 14.81 7,241.80 316.55 25.00 20.84 20.84 242.31 67.56 21.20 22.94 20.84 20.84 27.56 20.84 20.84 97.50 20.84 20.84 78.90 62.52 40.70 68.50 47.95 91.50 25.36 26.30 20.84 20.84 62.52 20.84 20.84 20.84 62.52 20.84 20.84 43.46 20.84 20.84 20.84 159 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Norma J Bostock Patricia A Fredrickson Peggy M Sutton Phelps Co Treasurer Pitney Bowes RW Finnerty Randall D Jones Richard J Mousel Richard J Woodard Roger L Ockinga Ronald L Parr Sharon A Blum Sharon Rose Stephen M Wray Tarrrnie L Nowka Thomas M Wilhelms Vaughans Printers Inc Vaughans Printers Inc Vaughans Printers Inc Whelan Foote & Scherr Whelan Foote & Scherr Whelan Foote & Scherr William E McKay William R Mitchell Winona L Peters Xerox Corporation REAPPRAISAL FUND Horizon Aerial Photos EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ACT St of Ne Dept of Labor RELIEF MEDICAL Christian Brothers & Co Hastings Utilities Jack Wieland Lincoln Federal Savings Paul Heifner Rader Real Estate Racier Real Estate Rader Real Estate Richard Troudt The Townhouses REVENUE SHARING Data Sftware Consult Ser This meeting will now recess Board of Superv'sors. Juror Fees Juror Fees Juror Foos Postal Services Postal Services Day Care Costs Juror Juror Juror Juror Juror Juror Juror Juror Juror Juror Fccs Fees Fees Fccs Fees Fees Fees Fees Fccs Foos Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Voting Attorney Fees -Court Attorney Fees --Court Attorney Fees -Court Juror Fees Juror Fccs Juror Fees Supplies -Office App APP App Reappraisal Costs Unemployment Contribution Rent & Fuel -Client Sery EMergency Relief Rent & Fuel -Client Sery Emergency Relief Rent & Fuel -Client Sery Rent & Fuel -Client Sery Rent & Ftl-Client Sery Rent & Fuel -Client Sery Rent & Fuel -Client Sery Emergency Relief Misc Cap Outlay 25.88 20.84 20.84 86.81 123.00 26.40 62.52 25.04 20.84 67.56 20.84 20.84 5.82 20.84 20.84 20.84 50.20 111.30 152.40 130.00 34.80 25.00 20.84 62.52 20.84 51.60 8,500.00 320.70 210.00 125.65 200.00 350.00 210.00 185.00 175.00 135.00 160.00 152.00 2,805.00 subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County /s/ County Clerk /s/ HASTINGS, NEBRASKA 12, 1988 11:30 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Telfer that we grant exemption to Sunnyside for 1988. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that we declare applications 35 and 36 for the K. C. Club 15% taxable and the remainder exempt. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Sole that the personal property of Hope Training School be exempt, and the school be exempt from Real Estate Tax, but the aparliients be de- clared taxable. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellethee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 160 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that we grant exemption to the Gingerbread Day Care Mary Lanning Center. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier, and Malouf. Ellerbee, out and not voting. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Woodman that we grant exemption to Good Samaritan Village for 1988. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, out and not voting. Nays: none. Notion carried. This meeting will now recess Ward of Supervisors. / s / County Clerk /s/ �' '��.�. Nuti,/,f sub, - the call of the Chairman of the Adams County COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 19, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Notion by Nbsier, seconded by Woodman;, that this meeting is a regularly scheduled pub- lic meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Chris Lewis appeared to explain the need for maintenance on the Ballot Tab. Repair estimate $1730. Alternatives were discussed and it appeared to be best to proceed with the repairs. Motion by Sole, seconded by Plambeck that we adopt the following resolution: Resolution 88-4-19 WHEREAS, There are federal funds available under Section 18 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, and for Nebraska Public Transportation Act Funds, and WHEREAS, Adams County desires to apply for said funds to be used to provide trans- portation in Adams County with special emphasis on meeting the needs of the elderly and handicapped of Adams County. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the Adams County Board of Supervisors hereby instruct the Adams County Clerk to apply for the above mentioned funds. Said funds are to be used for Fiscal Year 1988-1989. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee,Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Notion by Sole, seconded by Nosier that the Chairman be authorized to sign a contract with Senior Services for operation of the Handi-Bus. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Linda Rea appeared to discuss with the Board the support of the County Library and that she recommended an increase in the level of support from the rural county. She told them that the proposed budget for the next fiscal year would indicate a request for in- creased support. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Sole that this meeting recess to allow the Board of Supervisors to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that we grant the request of Mrs. Fleharty for the use of the assembly room on April 20th. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Notion by Plambeck, seconded by Teller that this Board hold Executive session for the purpose of discussing litigation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Nosier and Malouf. Nays:none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:07 A. M. Notion by Sole, seconded by Plambeck that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: So1e,Ellerbee,Teller,Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays:none. Motion SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 161 carried. Regular session resumed at 11:22 A.M. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that the claims be allowed on their respective` funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbcc, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. GENERAL Amer Freight S -stem Inc BJ's Wash House Bobs Electric Supply Inc Business Supply Co Cash Mdht Assoc/Midlands Chamber of Commerce Chrisella Lewis Chrisella Lewis Ele Gomm Commercial Chem Mfg Inc Coop Grain & Supply Cornhusker Press Data Sftware Consult Ser Data Sftware Consult Ser Diebold Inc Eakes Office Products Eaton Cunningham Co Executive Copier System G A Micek DDS PC Gordon Sidlo Hansen Building Spec Inc Hastings Paint Hastings Plumbing & Htg Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Janssen Auto Body Judy Foote Kelso Lincoln Telephone Co NCR NCR NCR NCR NCR Credit Corporation Redfield & Company Inc Spars Comm Credit Centra Rieder Printing Sharon Stonecipher So Central Community Sporting Goods Inc Vaughans Printers Inc Vaughans Printers Inc West Publishing Co Wheelers Farm Store Williams Exterminating Xerox Corporation ROAD -BRIDGE U S Postal Service RELIEF -MEDICAL Allen Boudreau Del Abels Emergency Protective Ser E[rrgency Protective Ser Longshore Paul Rader Real Estate Red Cloud Concre This meeting will Board of Supervisors. County Clerk Miscellaneous Uniform Allowance Other Equipment Repair Supplies -Office Dues, Sub, Reg.Training Dues, Sub. Reg. Training Supplies -Voting Postal Services Janitorial Supplies Equipment-Fue1 Supplies -Office Data Processing Software Data Processing Costs Office Eq Repair Supplies -Office Law Efforcement Costs Supplies -Office Med-Hosp Prisoners Mileage Allowance Building Repair Building Repair Other Equipment Repair Printing & Publishing Utilities Law Enforcement Costs -C Meals Janitorial Supplies Telephone Services Supplies -Office. Data Processing Costs Office Eq Repair Office Eq Repair Data Processing Equipment Supplies -Office Other Equipment Repair Printing & Publishing Supplies -Office Med-Hosp Prisoners Law Enforcement Costs Printing & Publishing Stationery/Envelopes Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Office Eq,Repair 48.72 8.00 16.02 25.55 85.00 75.00 11.50 11.67 95.00 40.03 43.40 4,215.00 75.00 190.00 30.02 50.00 130.00 16.00 69.12 350.00 204.00 20.34 51.26 665.02 30.00 36.34 64.00 57.00 242.20 34.93 88.00 119.19 6,331.24 33.18 47.95 145.75 6.78 75.00 15.70 156.20 58.25 82/50 35.82 14.00 63.50 Miscellaneous 53.00 Rent & Fuel --Client Sery Emergency Relief Day Care Costs Day Care Costs Emergency Relief Emergency Relief Rent & Fuel -Client Sery Misc Cap Outlay ject to the call of the Chairman of /s/ Oi tT1,.C4A-at P 200.00 88.40 155.00 140.00 260.00 215.00 165.00 1,560.10 the Adams County 162 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 19, 1988. 10:30 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors net as a Board of Equalization with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Te11er, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Also present were Beverly Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that we grant exemption to Mary Lanning Hospital for a 1979 Ford Van, title No. 14J000257. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Notion carried. This Board of Equalization w4I:.,rw recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Bo d of Supef •0°C V- 76-ter-ez( tay County Clerk eat Chairman /sa 7/6W.W Deput COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA -Tuesday, April 26, 1988 9:30 A; M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public not- ice given with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Teller, seconded by Plambeck that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board ofSupervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given;by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of --roadwork in the County. He reported that they were working on the North Baltimore project; repair- ing broken stringers in some bridges and also that work was progressing satisfactorily on the bridge by Roseland. Plans are now finished for the one 22 miles Fast of Lochland. Notion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION No. 88-4-26 A RESOLUTION OF THE ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AMENDING THE ZONING REGULATIONS TO ALLOW MILEAGE TO BE PAID TO COMMISSION MEMBERS ATIENDING SCHEDULED MEETINGS. WHEREAS, the Adams County Board of Supervisors amend the zoning regulations of the Area Planning and Zoning Commission to allow mileage to be paid to Commission members attending scheduled meetings at the current rate as set by State Statute. WHEREAS, this amendment to the Adams County Zoning Regulations has been reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Adams County Board of Supervisors that the zoning regulations be amended to add the following ARTICLE 9, SUBSECTION 9-103. MILEAGE. Commission members attending scheduled meetings may collect mileage at a rate for each mile traveled to and from the mooting as set by State Statute. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman., Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Notion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Plambeck that as recommended by the Planning Commission, we approve application 88-107 by Darrell Hohlfeld for an Accessory Living Facility Per- mit for farm employment in the NZ of Section 12, T6N, R12W. The property is located in the AO -1 zoned area, with the stipulations that the mobile home have smoke detectors in- stalled and be skirted. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that as recommended by the Planning Commission we approve application 88-108 by Blue River Cabins, Inc. to rezone part of the SZ of the SW4 of Section 26, T6N, RlOW, Ayr Township,Adams County,Nebraska from AO -1 to AG -1. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Plambeck, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 163 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck that as recommended by the Planning Com- mission we approve application 88-109 made by Kenneth Rystrom for a conditional Use Permit for a mobile home park for one mobile home on 20 acres located in the EZ of the NA of Section 25, T8N, R9W, West Blue Township, Adams County, Ne. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 88-4-26.1 WHEREAS, LB 398 passed by the 1987 Nebraska Legislature created the Intergovern- mental Risk Management Act; and Wim, Adams County, Nebraska believes it is in the best interest of its citizens to join with other Nebraska counties in establishing a Worker's Compensation Risk Management Pool; and WHEREAS, the Nebraska Intergovernmental Risk Management Association II is es- tablished by counties for the benefit of county citizens; and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Adams County Board hereby: 1. Approves the document entitled"Agreement", and 2. Enters into theagrccment for the formation of and participation in the Nebr- aska Intergovernmental Risk Management.Association II; and 3. The Chairman of the County board is hereby authorized to execute the Agro - ment with the Pool on behalf of the county. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Plambeck that this Board hold executive session for pur- pose of discussion of A Social Services matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:35 A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole,Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays:none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:00 A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woocknan that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Nbtion carried. Library± Blue Cross and Blue Shield Social Security Retirement Beatrice State Devel Center Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Arrow and Black Hills Stage Merle Anderson Realty Bud Rentals Caldwell Bankers Dor An Hotel Hastings Utilities Rader Real Estate Wieland, Jack COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Salaries Insurance Match Match INSTITUTIONS FUND Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care RELT P MEDICAL FUND Lines Bus Ticket Rent Rent Rent Rent Utilities Rent Rent 1698.78 94.44 127.58 38.22 465.00 2186.40 186.00 250.00 210.00 175.00 150.00 210.00 70.88 185.00 200.00 Wood Control Social Security Retirement Road Social Security Retirement Salaries Match Match Salaries Match Match 2564.87 191.89 123.11 37343.87 2806.09 1460.46 164 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Blue Cross & Blue Shield Insurance 2903.09 Heuertz, Harold Prior Service 13.00 Lilleys Sand & Gravel Gravel 20428.00 Mousel, Virgil Prior Service 12.00 Struss, Lambert Prior Service 12.00 Velder, Ray Prior Service 19.00 County Supervisors Co. Clerks Office Co. Treasurers Offices Register of Deeds Office Co. Assessors Office Election Commissioners Office Clk Dist Ct & Mental Health Bd Public Defenders Office Janitors Extension Office Sheriffs Office Sheriffs Office Co. Attorneys Office Jail Veterans Service Office Planning & Zoning Surveyor Social Security Retirement Adams Central Jr Sr High School Blue Cross & Blue Shield Cosgrove, Madelyn Burchard, Minnie Duthie, Eva ± W H Harris & Associates Hayen, Rachel Kidd, C H Lightner, Ed Malouf, D W Reutlinger, Lila Story, Roscoe E GENERAL FUND Salaries 4375.00 Salaries 8564.90 Salaries 8739.77 Salaries 4616.75 Salaries 8775.52 Salaries 1793.67 Salaries 5416.86 Salaries 3540.08 Salaries 3517.28 Salaries 6711.41 Salaries 24673.09 Grant 1372.61 Salaries 7089.66 Salaries 10054.80 Salaries 3119.44 Salaries 179.38 Salaries 50.00 Match 7595.97 Match 4278.85 Contract 2100.00 Insurance 9054.79 Prior Service 14.00 Prior Service 14.00 Prior Service 14.00 Tuition 450.00 Prior Service 25.00 Prior Service 16.00 Prior Service 19.00 Mileage- 19.68 Prior Service 14.00 Prior Service 15.00 This Board will now recess- pc t to the call of the Chairman of the Board of Super- visors . ''�N ` s^ /s/ /s/., Co Clerk puty .164)./2-1//a-ZeLiel Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 3, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier, and Malouf. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller,Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Notion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He reported that the grading was finished on Project C1-40 and was rc<)dy for asphalt. He reported that plans for 88-89 include 3 bridges: one on the road known as the Bill Kidd road; one located 1 mile East of the Pauline Elevator; and one 1 mile so of Pauline. 165 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller that we approve the exchange of the following Joint Custody Receipts: Pledging of Rec. 021657 by City National Bank in the amount of 1,000.000.; the pledging of Rec 3220 by Adams County Bank in the amount of 500,000.; release of 015395 to City National Bank in the amount of 1,000.000.; the pledging of Rec 04986078 by Norwest Bank Nebraska NA in the amount of 115000.; pledging of 04986066 in the amount of 200,000. by Norwest Bank Nebraska NA; pledging of Rec 49722051 by Norwest Bank, Nebraska NA; pledging of Rec 04985414 by Norwest Bank Nebraska NA; and the pledging of Rec 04984827 by Norwest Bank Nebraska NA. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbcc, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that we authorize the chairman to sign tax list corrections No. 9159 thru 9165 and 9168. Roll call ,ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck that this Board hold Executive session for the purpose of hearing a Social Services matter. Roll ll, ayes,; Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none.M eutl eig8Ssion began at 10:10A.M. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman., Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:32 A.M. Gerald Whelan and Richard Brink appeared before the Board to suggest that the Board commence upon a plan to erect a monument to the spirit of this County,. They suggested that the Board might consider something on the Courthouse lawn such as a sculpture per- haps by George Lundeen or Herb Mignery, both artists having studied and worked here. Both men offered to serve on an advisory committee if the Board should pursue the idea. The Board will study the matter further. Motion by Teller, seconded by Sole that the reports of Sheriff's fees, Clerk of the District Court, Sheriff's Dept (3), Jail Food Account, County Library, Election Commi- ssioner (2), Register of Deeds (2), County Clerk, Car Titles, be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Notion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck, that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL Adams Co Sheriff Fce Act Adams Co Sheriffs Rev Adams Co Sheriffs Rev Adams County Court Adams County Jail Ag Communications Amsterdam Printing Arthur Toogood Pub Def Badger Uniforms Ben Franklin of Hastings Big G Cantu Hardware BigG Comm Hardware Bobs Electric Supply Inc Brown Co Sheriffs Dept Business World Products Business World Products Business World Products Cash-Wa Candy Company Chamber of Commerce Child Develp Council Chris's Car Wash City Engineering Dept Commercial Chem Mfg Inc Commercial Electronics Conrad Grothen Cornhusker Press Craig McMahon Data Documents Data Sftware Consult Ser Deanna K Thaut Don Pettengill Postal Services Mileage Allowance Miscellaneous Juror Fees Board of Prisoners -Food Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Building Rental Uniform Allowance Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Court Costs Postal Services Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Janitorial Supplies Miscellaneous Day Care Costs Equipment -Fuel Supplies -Voting Janitorial Supplies Radio Repair Travel Expenses -Board Supplies -Office Travel Expenses -Board Supplies -Data Processing Pt T -me Clerical Juror Fees Uniform Allowance 12.22 331.88 281.67 554.70 2212.95 517.36 23.90 873.32 540.17 13.97, 5.18 177.96 77.52 19.20 39.56 53.74 10.10 98.40 150.00 500.00 3.50 9.00 343.80 66.00 7.94 17.62 11.30 761.87 71.25 21.62 35.00 166 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Douglas Ruhter Douglas Ruhter Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Electronics Plus Ellerbrock Norris Inc Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Foto Fast G A Thompson Co Gary Hueske Gary Hueske Gordon Sidlo Guarantee Electric Co Basting s Economic Dev Hastings Plumbing &.:Heating Hastings Utilities Hord Printing & Forms Independent Bus Machines Jack Hynes James Sidlo Jim Stutesman John C Anderson John Krantz John Rust Johnnie Pittman Keith A Houfek Ken Bonifas Kimberly Reaman Larry Peterson Law Enforcement Equip Co Law Enforcement Equip Co Lea Hogan Liberty Rental Services Lincoln Telephone Co Lincoln Telephone Co Luwane Nelson M Glenn Kemp Marathon Systems Marilyn Schmidt Mary La-ning Hospital Meals on Wheels Michael Peterson Michael Shada Microccanputer Support Gp Midland rea Agency My Place Restauranr Naco Naco Naco Naco Nebr Office of Highway Nebr State Bar Assoc Norman Dudek Paul Swanson Redfield & Company Inc Region III Governing Bd Revolving Fund Richard Uden Rodney Wilkerson RSVP Sharon Rose Shoemaker & Witt Spouse Abuse/SA State of Ne State of Ne Stoelting Co Sue Kissinger Ju Pro Off Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Radio Repair Insurance -Multi Peril Microfilming/Copier Equipment Rental -Office Microfilming/Copier Supplies -Office Law Enforcement Costs Law Enforcement Costs Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Other Equipment Repair Economic Development Other Equipment Repair Utilities Supp Mar Lic Supplies -Office Travel Expenses -Board M Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Miscellaneous Uniform Allowance Travel Expenses -Board M Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Equipment -Fuel Equipment -Fuel Travel Expenses -Board Miscellaneous Telephone Services Telephone Services Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Janitorial Supplies Travel Expenses -Board M Med-Hosp Prisoners Local Match RSVP Mrnls On Uniform Allowance Hiform Allowance Supplies-Officd Area Agency on Aging Cost Juror Foes Reg Reg Reg Office Supplies Law Enforcement Costs Dues,Sub,Reg.Training Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Supplies,:Voting Mental Health Services Miscellaneous Travel Expenses -Board Uniform Allowance Local Match Mileage Allowance Attorney Fccs-Court App Domestic Abuse Equipment Rental -Office Net Com Law Enforcement Costs Postal Services 35.00 61.44 196.47 19.30 405.62 15.88 868.60 549.00 120.00 190.00 160.23 25.75 17.00 75.54 35.00 91.44 35.00 178.08 1666.67 24.00 15.18 43.50 35.75 15.08 35.00 35.00 147.74 35.00 35.00 50.00 35.00 11.30 97.48 35.00 60.15 172.55 7.94 33.60 1387.65 34.10 60.37 35.00 123.37 5.42 389.81 350.00 35.00 35.00 43.00 1000 .:00 27.06 80.90 40.00 40.00 50.00 11.80 33.60 35.00 191.40 872.32 2360.72 4.69 7.52 35.00 125.00 10.66 77.50 100.00 350.00 1330.03 18.11 6.19 167 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Susan Brown U S Postmaster Wilbur Gingrich Woodwards Disposal Sery COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS Adams Co Visitor Comm RELIEF -MEDICAL Bassett Rentals Del Abels Everett Goebel Johnie Pittman Madison County Clerk Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate Raymond Wolfe State of Nebraska LIBRARY Baker & Taylor Co Educational Directories Hastings Public Library Quality Books R R Bowker The H W Wilson Co Walsworth Diffs INHERITANCE TAX Bancroft Whitney Co Historical Society This meeting will new rece Board of Supervisor /s/ a County Clerk Clerk /s/ t.d Deputy Mileage Allowance 180.68 Postal Services 2500.00 Uniform Allowance 35.00 Miscellaneous 90.80 7500.00 County Visitors Prorrntio Rent Emergency Relief Rent Rent Medical & Hospital Rent Rent Rent Contact -Welfare Adminis Library Library Miscellaneous Library Library Library Library Library Historical Soc 185.00 245.00 100.00 80.00 35.00 210.00 185.00 190.00 715.66 337.59 61.50 711 DO 99.00 129.62 204.00 36.00 115.00 566.67 s subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County COURTHOl , HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 10, 1988 9:30 A. M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee,Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Nosier and Malouf. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that this mooting is a regularly scheduled pub- lic meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He indicated that they should start with the concrete surfacing of Pro- ject C-1 40 about June 1. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that the bonds of Donna S.Fegler and Meredith L. Oakes, as Deputy County Attorneys be approved. Roll call, ayes: Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Sole, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Sole that this rreeting recess to allow the Board of Sup- ervisors to act as a Board of Equaliz tion. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session re- sumed. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that the following Miscellaneous receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors Proceedings. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, out and not voting. Motion carried. 168 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 1929 Platte County 260.00 1930 Jolene's 100.00 1931 Hastings State Bank 2,054.79 1932 State of Nebraska 38,990.00 1933 State of Nebraska 124,950.00 1934 Custer County 185.00 1935 Planning Department 50.00 1936 Adams County Bank 1,620.94 1937 dams Co. Clerk 15.66 1938 State of Nebraska 1,084.66 1939 Adams Co. Sheriff's Dept 23,077.35 1940 Adams Co. Court 50.90 1941 Adams Co. Sheriff's Office 626.37 1942 Adams Co. Court 320.00 1943 Adams County Court 11,156.88 1944 Hastings State Bank 5,222.60 1945 City National Bank 175.28 1946 Clerk of the Dist. Court 1,330.00 1947 Clerk of the District Court 326.10 1948 Planning Department 50.00 1949 Wood Control Dept/ 123.60 1950 City Clerks 131.66 1951 Clerk of Dist Court 155.14 1952 Adams County Court 26.34 1953 Clerk of the Dist Court 230.00 1954 Joyce Gubigs 10.00 1955 Clerk of District Court 345.00 1956 Norwest Hastings 29,738.93 1957 Smith/Anderson Corp 2,000.00 1958 Pepsi 13.68 1959 State of Nebraska 46,506.25 1960 City National Bahk 175.28 1961 Planning Department 50.00 1962 Road Department 1.88 1963 Wood Control 84.50 1964 Register of Deeds 1,279.87 1965 State of Nebraska 32,929,77 1966 Adams Co. Election Commissioner 149.97 1967 Adams Co. election Commissioner 390.57 1968 Adams Co. Sheriff 17.36 1969 Adams County Clerk 3,003.75 1970 Adams Cunty Court 100.00 1971 Estate of Edmond W. Johnson 3,099.99 1972 Farmers State Bank 10.50 1973 Register of Deeds 3,711.20 1974 Adams County Bank 2,092.05 1975 Hastings State Bank 339.57 1976 Estate of Gladys V Rutt 3,394.19 1977 Adams County Attorney 1,000.00 1978 Adams County Clerk 1,075.50 1979 Road Dept 2,250.00 1980 Noxious Weed Control 76.00 1981 Est of Julius Raymond McBride .25 1982 City National Bank 175.12 1983 Estate of Mayme Matejka 13,391.73 1984 Estate of Virginia Hupf 488.00 1985 Adams Co.Sheriff 398.00 1986 Shirley Johansen 10.00 1987 State of Nebraska 6,583.71 1988 State of Nebraska 3,090.21 1989 State of Nebraska 1,920.30 1990 Hall County Treasurer 1,118.05 1991 Cindy Verbeck 10.00 1992 Adams Co. Wccd Control 44.50 1993 Lochland Country Club 360.97 1994 State of Nebraska 2,679.91 1995 Southern Hills Country Club 210.97 1996 Adams County Court 50.00 1997 Register of Dccds 5.00 1998 Scott's Bluff County 150-.00 169 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 1999 City National Bank 2000 Ellerbrock-Norris Ins Correspondence was received from the Jail Standards Board indicating that they had visited and evaluated the Adams County Jail on February 18, 1988 and determined the facility to be in full compliance. 175.82 25,439.00 Motion by Sole, seconded by Woodman that we County Bank in the amount of 300,000. Roll Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, out carried. approve the release of JC504026 to Adams call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, and not voting. Na7s: none. Motion Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that we deny the claim of Hastings Utilities in the amount of $57.24 as the bill has already been paid. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Ellerbee, out and not voting. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that We deny the claim of Hastings Utilities in the amount of $208.45. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman,Plambeck, Mosier. Nays: none. Malouf, out and not voting. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman,Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams Co.Senior Services Handi-Bus 4,535.46 Adams Co Sheriff Fcc Act Court Costs 1,487.96 Adams Co. Sheriffs Mileage Misc. 9..00 Adams Co. Sheriffs Revolving Mileage Allowance 616.87 Adams County Court Juvenile Care Costs 604.20 Adams County Court County Court Costs 392.00 Aliens Discount Pharmacy Med-Hosp 4.68 Beverley D Mobley Misc. 26.17 Big G Comm Hardware Misc. 48.68 Billy Simmons Mileage 322.56 BJ's Wash House Uniform Allay 17.75 Bob Barker Co. Jail Supplies 35.97 Bob Barker Company Jail Supplies 23.05 Brock, Seiler & Smith Attorney Fees 35.00 Business Supply Co. Office Supplies 1.75 Business Supply Co. Office Supplies 49.60 Business Supply co. Voting Supplies 6.75 Business Supply Co. Office Supplies 107.35 Business World Products Office Supplies 6.03 City Enginccring Dept Planning Costs 65.95 Clay Co. Sheriff Board of Prispners 315.00 Clemens Welding Equipment -Fuel 60.00 Coop Grain & Supply Equipment -Fuel 177.14 Cornhusker Press Misc. 273.12 Cornhusker Press Printing & Pub1 51.12 Cotter Charge Card Med-Hosp Prisoners 70.61 Jail Supplies Pt Time Clerical Office Supplies Equipment -Fuel Mileage Allowance Office Supplies Office Supplied Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Equip*ent Office Supplies Radio Repair Misc. Voting Supplies Printing & Publ. Equipment -Fuel Supplies -Office Med-Hosp Prisoners Law Enforcement Costs Mileage Data Software Consult Serv. Data SoftwareConsult Serv. Derby Gas & Deli Don Pettengill Eakes Office Equip Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Electronics Plus Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Fast Print Firestone Foto Fast GA Micek DDS PC Gibson Products Inc Gregg Magee Co Sheriff 103.13 174.00 440.97 241.20 19.95 39.86 272.70 11.75 504.04 70.18 112.00 165.00 2.80 41.10 164.67 41.06 32.00 626.21 393.84 170 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA H & N Mobil Hastings Family Practice Hastings Internal Med Hastings Paint Hastings Radiology Assoc Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Intl Business Machines Joan Pittman John Rust Johnson Cashway Lumber Keiths Pharmacies Keiths Pharmacies Laird Motors Larry Peterson Lincoln Telephone Co M Glenn Kemp MPH Industries Inc Mary Lanning Hospital Michael Peterson Michael Shada Mid NE Mental Retardation Modern Methods Inc Monte McCord NACO Nationw-de Nati College of Dist Nebr Crime Commission Nebr Law Enforcement Nebr. State Bar Assoc Radio Shack Rapidforms Inc Richard L Alexander Robert Mulliner Rutts Pharmacy Sharon Stonecipher Sievers Printing Co. Uniservice Inc Vaughans Printers Vaughans Printers Vaughans Printers Weber Studio Wheelers Farm Store Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC ROAD FUND 3 Points Tire ABC Engineered Trusses Adams Co. Hwy Dept Big G Conon Hardware Bosselman Inc Bruners Sand & Gravel Business Supply Co City Engineering Dept City Iron & Metal Co Consumers Serv. Co Inc Coop Grain & Supply Cotter Charge Card D A Lubricant Co. Inc. Delken Press Drummond American Corp Eakes Office Products Farmers Union Coop Gas Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Co Graces Locksmith Serv. Equipment -Fuel Med.-Hosp Prisoners Med-Hosp Prisoners:. Building Repair Med-Hosp Prisoners Printing & Publ Printing & Publ Printirg & Publ Utilities Off Eq Repair Misc. Mileage Jail Supplies Med-Hosp Prisoners Med-Hosp Prisoners Equipment -Fuel Mileage Telephone Sery Mileage Law Enforcement Costs Autopsy Costs Mileage Allowance Mileage Mental Retardation Serv. Office Supplies Uniform Allowance Dues, Reg Law Enforcement Costs Reg. Law Enforcement Costs Law Enforcement Costs Law Enforcerrent Costs Law Enforcement Costs Office Supplies Attorney Foes Tray. Exp Med-Hosp Prisoners Mileage Office Supplies Misc. Printing & Publ Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Eq Repair Attorney Fccs Attorney Fccs Attorney Fees Mach Eq Tires & Rep Materials -Lumber Misc. Rd Eq Rep Parts,Supplies anO. Shop Tools Mach Eq Grease Oil Materials -Gravel Office Supplies Misc. Steel Prod. Heating Fuels Equip -Fuel Small Tools Mach Eq Grease,Oil Office Supplies Exp & Freight Supp Office Supplies Supplies, Misc. Shop Supplies, Parts Telephone Serv. Misc. 143.68 567.50 22.00 97.43 40.00 440.65 29.40 721.93 6,820.09 335.00 80.00 164.70 66.96 299.63 86.47 158.49 57.36 108.09 268.76 150.10 92.00 111.12 201.39 1,813.83 35.13 33.20 40.00 25.45 1,352.00 3.00 7.00 10.90 13.90 330.01 179.16 66.42 59.29 12.30 108.50 32.90 5,970.47 107.65 32.40 32.14 69.87 5.00 10.00 13.78 316.30 1,263.05 75.64 562.94 156.00 4,910.62 34.48 68.50 472.12 28.98 120.38 8.99 506.00 28.00 1,897.65 66.70 35.00 618.66 49.74 24.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA H & M Equipment H & N Mobil Hansen Bldg Spec Inc Hastings Battery & Elec Hastings Utilities Independent Bolt & Nut Co Island Supply Island Supply Johnson Cashway Lumber Johnson Cashway Lumber Kully Iron & Mbtal L L Olsen Oil Co. Laird Motors Inc Lilley Sand & Gravel Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Telephone Co. NE Assoc. of Co. Officials NE Machinery Co. Nebr Public Power Dist Odorite Co. Olsens Mini Mart Olsens Mini Mart Paper Calmenson & Co Porter Ripa Engineering R. W. Hawkins Jewelers Samuelson Equip Co Sidles/Mr. Automotive Sidles/Mr. Automotive Sophir Morris Corp Southern Power Dist Strainers Repair Svoboda Plumbing & Pump Uniservice Inc W.G. Pauley Lumber Co. Werner'Construction Yant Equip Co. Inc Zee Medical Serv. RELIEF -MEDICAL Allen Boudreau Bob Spady Budd Edgington Chris Burns Christian Brothers & Co. Curts Fleetway Service Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Ina Wendt Larry Fielder Rader Real Estate k DERAL GRANTS FUND City of Hastings NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL 3 Points Tire Coop Grain & Supply Cornbelt Chemical •7ahnkes K -N Energy Sidles/Mr. Automotive Siemers Printing Co. Southern NE Rural Public This Meeting will now ,reces Board of Supervisors.,: subject tb Materials Equipment -Fuel Co Shap, Cap Outlay Rd Eq Parts Utilities Shop Supplies Shop Supplies Misc. Shop Supplies Shop Tools,Supplies & Lumber Steel Products Equipment -Fuel Rd Eq Rep Parts Materials,Concrete Gravel Telephone Serv. Reg. Rd Eq Rep Pts & Labor Electricity Janitorial Supplies Equip -Fuel Equipment -Fuel Grader Blades Spec. Foes -Eng. Misc. Rd Eq ep Parts Rd Eq Rep Parts, Labor & Supplies Rd Eq Rep Parts,ShopTools Co Shop,Cap Outlay Electricity Eq Repair Co.Shop.Cap Outlay Janitorial Supplies Lumber Asphaltic Material Com Trans Shop Supplies Rent Rent Rent Emergency Relief Rent Fuel Utilities Utilities Emergency Relief Rent Pent Administration Mach Eq Tires & Rep Mach Eq Tires & Rep Equip Fuel Chemicals Eq Rep Prs Heating Fuels Eq Rep Pts Office Supplies Electricity call of the Chairman of the County C1. Depu y Chairman 3,756.42 94.90 575.26 7.07 487.37 62.16 304.63 304.36 19.70 912.55 45.48 45.48 20.69 2,945.25 8,338.00 148.41 45.00 6,314.81 20.23 5.50 35.90 143.04 7,297.50 493.00 106.25 5.90 1,824.75 114.42 2,523.91 58.95 386.89 2,200.00 27.10 249.12 1,128.01 129.28 6.95 200.00 165.00 125.00 300.00 210.00 20.00 64.56 89.95 200.00 125.00 135.00 316.00 31.20 81.41 3,288.00 55.00 29.98 3.90 55.18 30.97 Adams County 172 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 10, 1988. 10:00 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors metas a Board of Equalization with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. A request for exemption for a 1987 uick for Church of the Nazarene was presented. Motion by Teller, seconded by Plambeck that we request the Assessor to contact Rev. Bland for more information before acting upon the request. Roll call, ayes; Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Maloof. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that we do not chane procedures for the Board of Equalization and do not request the witness to be under oath. Roll call, ayes: Ellerbee, Teller and Mosier. Nays: Sole, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Sole that persons giving testimony before the Board of Equalization be sworn. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Woodman, Plambeck, and Malouf. Nays: Ellerbee, TEller and Mosier. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Sole that we grant exemption to Church of the Nazarene for a 1987 Buick, Title No. 14J000951. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. At 1:15 the Board heard testimony regarding the following protest to the Board of Equali- zation. Malouf. absent. Teller,Vice-Chairman, presiding. 88-3 Property I.D. 283 400 Monte Rasmussen and Attorney Jim Smith appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 1 Side 1, 1-288. 88-2 WITHDRAWN 88-4 I ITHDRAWN 88-5 Property I.D. 194-390 Christie Marick appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 1 side 1 289 to 429. 88-6 Property I.D. 040-00810 Robert H. Adams and Kathryn Adams appeared. Testimony re- corded on Tape 1, side 1 429-682. 88-7 Property I.D. 284-11200. Marie Greinke appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 1 side 1 682-728. 88-8 Property I.D. 284-10796.2 Dolores Emmerich appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 1 Side 2 1-161. 88-9. Property I.D. 284-8950. No appearance. 88-10 Property I.D. 284-0018866. Juan and Dixie Still appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 1 side 2 161-278. 88-11 WITHDRAWN 88-12 Property I.D. 284-00084. No appearance. 88-13 WITHDRAWN 88-14 Property I.D. 284-9398. No appearance. 88-15 WITHDRAWN 88-16 WITHDRAWN 88-17 Property I.D. 160-132. Jo Ann Benda and Terry Anderson appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 1 side 2 508-699. 88-18 Property I.D. 284-9158. Galen L. Maurer appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 2 side A 1-100. 88-20 WITHDRAWN 88-21 WITHDRAWN 173 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 88-22 Property I.D. 64-1220. Tape 2A 101-268. 88-23 Property I.D. 284-15803. Tape 2 Side A 2790745. Phillip E.Torrison appeared. 1 Arthur SainEn appeared. 88-24 WITHDRAWN 88-25 WITHDRAWN 88-26 WITHDRAWN 88-27 Property I.D. 116-001640.00 No appearance 88-42 Property I.D. 284-03372. Charlene Hruby appeared. 1 Side 2 286-501. Testimony recorded on Testimony recorded on Testimony recorded on Tape 88-43 Property T. D. 284-03370. Charlene Hruby appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 1 Side 2 286-501. This Board of Equalization will now ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF SUP.`RVISORS. /s/ �= County Clerk /s/ l? Deputy recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the /s/ ii0A)/72644e/ Chairman 'COURTHi SE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 17, 198'"'v 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. Arr!.agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays:None. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that we authorize Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent to advertise for bids and let contract in this fiscal year for asphaltic concrete overlays projects. Roll call, Ayes:Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Mr. Parks,discussed an accident on the intersection of the Showboat and KICS road. Traffic from the east did not stop but proceeded through the inter- section. Discussion was held that possibly rumble strips should be placed prior to the stop signs. There are presently stop ahead signs and a 48" stop sign in place. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that we approve application 88-111 by Phillip Fast for a subdivision to be known as Fast Subdivision in the NW4 of Section 34, T7N, RlOW (Denver Twp) as setback requirements are shown and in compliance with the regulations. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays:None. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Teller that we authorize the Chairman to sign a letter to departments notifying them of the planned ceremonies in connect- ion with the flying of the POW -MIA flag and allowing staff to attend, if practical. Roll''call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays:None. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections 9166, 9167, 9169, 9176 thru 9181 and 9186. Roll call, ayes:Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. 174 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion byTeller, seconded by Mosier that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 88-5-17 WHEREAS, the Adams County Board, in behalf of the citizens of Adams County, wishes to recognize Mary Jane McDowell for her dedicated Service in the County Clerk's office, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Adams County Board of Supervisors, representing the citizens of Adams County, that we express sincere app- reciation for her work and devotion to duty. We extend our best wishes for future success and happiness. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that we approve the pledge of Joint Custody Receipt 0011 OMVS9 by Norwest Bank in the amount of 1,000,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Malouf that this meeting recess to allow the Supervisors to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier,and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Sole that this Board hold executive session for discussion of a County Burial claim. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. -- Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays:None. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. GENE RAL Adams Co. Hwy Dept. Advanced Tape Products Ben Franklin of Hastings Cash Wa Candy Co. Chrisella Lewis Elec Com DAS Material Division Data Software Consult.Serv. Data Software Consult.Serv. Data Software Consult.Serv. Data Software Consult.Serv. Data Software Consult.Serv. Frerichs, Gerald Guarantee Electric Co Hank Edmondson Hastings Tribune Hastings/Adams Co Civ Def Hastings/Adams Co Div Def Heritage Title Inc. Information Systems Inc Jerome Conklin Lamoine Utecht Lincoln Telephone Co. Michael Daniels Nursery Mike Weeks NCR Credit Corp. Ray Gangwish Rinder Equipment Wilbur Katzberg FUND Printing & Publishing 60.70 Office Supplies 229.04 Office Supplies 14.99 Jail Supplies, Laundry 129.45 Postal Service 14.65 Office Supplies 57.31 Data Processing Costs 180.00 Data Processing Costs 30.00 Data Processing Costs 945.00 Data Processing Costs 75.00 Pt.Time Clerical 60.00 Mileage Allowance 1.44 Other Eq. Repair 283.20 Mileage Allowance 6.97 Printing & Publishing 22.24 Civil Defense 647.53 Civil Defense 279.74 Office Supplies 6.47 Microfilming/Copier 146.89 Mileage Allowance 2.46 Mileage Allowance 1.44 Telephone Services 57.00 Misc. 41.97 Mileage Allowance 2.67 Data Processing Eq. 6,331.24 Mileage Allowance 5.33 Office Supplies 119.09 Mileage Allowance 4.39 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS . COUNTY,. NEBRASKA 175. rif RELIEF -MEDICAL Children & Adolescent Clinic Lze-gcnc.y Protective Serv. Everett Goebel G.W. Barth, MD, PC Hastings Internal Medicine Jerry Seiler, MD,PC Mary Lanning Hospital Mary Lanning Hospital Option Care Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate Randall G Sullivan MS,MD The Townhouses The Townhouses VHA of the Midlands FUND Medical Day Care Costs Rent Medical Medical Medical Hospital Hospital Medical Emergency Relief Emergency Relief Medical Rent Rent Medical REVENUE SHARING Data Software Consult. Serv. Cap.Outlay 60.00 5.00 100.00 1,873.24 500.00 2,742.98 37.56 12,887.15 394.75 310.09 147.00 45.00 27.00 22.00 251.55 1,425.00 This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. ` ��lTY � vw•Ji/J /s/'. +Q <��a i !i"' Anita Hawes, County Clerk o �jy D. W. Malouf, C erman /s/ Phyllis N -well, Deputy'. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 17, 1988 9:30 A.M. The Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Hearings were held for the following protests to the Board of Equalization. 88-28 Property I.D. 129910 No appearance. 88-29 Property I.D. 284-9696. Craig Fidler on Tape 3A 232 to 455. 88-30 Property I.D. 284-16810. Curtis Smith on Tape 3A 1 to 232. appeared. appeared. Testimony recorded Testimony recorded 88-31 Withdrawn. 88-1 Property I.D. 284-2522. No appearance. 88-32, 88-33, 88-34. Property I.D. 284-04418; Property I.D. 004572; and Property I.D. 284 002752. Rev. Van Steedum appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 3A 454-576. 88-35 Property I.D. 284-03016.1 recorded on Tape 3A 576-665. 88-36 Property I.D. 284-1290. on Tape 3A 672-697. 88-37 Property I.D. 284-17050. on Tape 3A 697- to end. 88-38 Property I.D. 163-00182. Scott Anderson and Merle Anderson appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 3B 1 to 250. 88-39 Property I.D. 58-140. Faye Kral appeared representing Jerry Kral. Testimony recorded on Tape 3B 255-402. Lorayne L Hoffart appeared. Testimony Ron Foelgner appeared. Ron Foelgner appeared. Testimony recorded Testmony recorded 176. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 88-40 Property I.D. 58-00210. Faye B Kral appeared. on Tape 3B 413-466. 88-41 Property I.D. 64-4000. on Tape 3B 470-536. 88-44. Property I.D. 284-04778.. 88-45. Property I.D. 295-00010.. 88-46. Property I.D. 284-010224. recorded on Tape 3B 536 to end. 88-47. Withdrawn. Testimony recorded Robert Beal appeared. Testimony recorded 88-48. Property I.D. 0000580. recorded on Tape 4A 1 to 149. 88-49. Property I.D. 284-6496. recorded on Tape 4A 149 to 340. No appearance. No appearance. Donald Lunstra appeared. Testimony Donald and Ethel Mohlman appeared. Harrell and Jackie Waits appeared. 88-51. Property I.D. 284-002936. No appearance. 88-52. Property I.D. 284-1886. on Tape 4A 340-480. Bruce McVicker appeared. Testimony Testimony Testimony recorded 88-53. Property I.D. 284-11584. Dr. Kingsley Jr. appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 4A 481 to 547. 88-54. Property I.D. 284-3084. Grace Powers, agent appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 4A 553-613. 88-56. Property I.D. 290-216. John Bishoff appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 4A 614 to end and Tape 4B 1 to 143. 88-57. Property I.D. 284-2484. No appearance. A special meeting was called for May 18 for the purpose of completion of hearings concerning protests to the Board of Equalization. This meeting will no recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Boars, of S rs . ounty Clerk /s PhyllisNewell, Deputy /s/ f/'.°142Ga,4 D. W. Malouf, Cha man COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, May 18, 1988 9:30 A.M. A special meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Teller, seconded by Sole that this is a special meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors called for the purpose of completion of hearings for the protests filed with the Board of Equalization. Notice of this meeting was given by posting, and notifying the news media. An agenda for this special meeting was kept amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Hearings were held concerning the protests filed withthe Board of Equal- ization. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS C`OUNTY,NEBRASKA 177. 88-55 Property I.D. 284-015982. Thomas Lauvetz appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 4B 170 to end; 5A 1 to end; and 5B 1 to 160. Exhibit I presented by Lauvetz. Exhibit II and III presented by County Attorney for County Assessor. 88-58 Property I.D. 284-12840. No appearance. 88-59 Property I.D. 284-10556. Catherine Pershing appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 5B 335-401. 88-60 Property I.D. 116 02220. Ted Hermann appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 5B 404-424. 88-61 Property I.D. Lots Six through eleven, Westridge Addition, Block One, City of Hastings. Douglas Pauley appeared. Testimony recorded on 5B 425-675. Pictures presented to Board. 88-62 Property I.D. Lots Thirteen through Twenty -One, Indian Acres Replat of Blocks 3, 4, & 5, City of Hastings. Douglas Pauley appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 5B 425-675. 88-63 Withdrawn. 88-64 Withdrawn. 88-65 Property I.D. 284-00916. Bruce Vap appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 6A 285-387. 88-19 Property I D 40-1022. Stanley Borrell appeared. on Tape 5B 675 to end and Tape 6A 1 to 282. 88-50 Property I.D. 116-330. Stanley Dudley appeared. on Tape 6A 387-735. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that we approve exemption for 1st Assembly of God Church for a 50 passenger Ford bus, Title No. 14J001220. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None.. Motion carried. Testimony recorded Testimony recorded This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. /s/ Anita Hawes, County Clerk Phyllis ewell, Deputy /s/ ‘0,044 2 D. W. Malouf, Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 24, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting'of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Mosier that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays:None, Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He reported that 16 stop signs had been vandalized and that the road department crews were working to replace them. 178. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to transfer the total of $27.66 to the County General Fund, money for outstanding checks which are 1 year old or older, and have been audited. City National Bank #14355 Ivan Grueter Hastings State Bank #8039 B. T.Chism Norwest Bank #16048 Gloria Richey 9/3/86 7/7/86 8/12/86 $12.48 10.54 4.64 Total $27.66 Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Teller that we authorize the Election Comm- issioner to sell surplus election booths to Buffalo County. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays, None. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Plambeck that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussion of a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Executive session began at 9:55 A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Regular session resumed at 10:20 A.M. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections No. 9170 thru 9175, 9182 thru 9185, 9187 thru 9189. Roll call ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays:None. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Adams Co. Bank Ag Communications Big G Comm. Hardware Big G Comm Hardware Bob's Electric Supply Brodkey's Business World Products Clerk of District Court Conway, Connolly & Pauley Cornhusker Press Data Software Consult.Serv. Data Software Consult.Serv. Data Software Consult.Serv. Data Software Consult.Serv. Debra Fielder Eakes Office Products Educational Serv. Unit #9 Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Gibson Products Inc. Great Western Supply Div. Gust Hohlfeld Hansen Building Spec.Inc. Hastings College Hastings Utilities Helen LaPorte John C Anderson Julia Moeller Kathleen Fastenau Lincoln Telephone Co. Luwane Nelson Martin Flag Co. Maxine Winkler Modern Methods Inc. GENERAL FUND Voter Registrations Office Supplies Eq. repair Eq. Repair Misc. Misc. Eq. Repair Dist. Ct. Costs Att'y fees Office Supplies Data Process Software Data Processing Costs Data Processing Supplies Data Processing Supplies Mileage Office Supplies Office Equip Repair Microfilm/Copier Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Prior Service Equip. Repair Misc. Utilities Pt.Time Voter Reg. Mileage Mileage & Meals Pt Time Voter Reg. Telephone Services Office Supplies Misc. Mileage Office Supplies 9.00 140.50 16.22 17.88 64.12 100.00 19.53 1,496.53 321.58 36.80 3,435.00 15.00 180.00 42.30 63.04 6.80 21.25 236.95 45.00 8.27 98.52 57.70 143.88 25.00 437.65 16.00 32.34 76.61 3.00 34.10 67.41 61.14 15.75 39.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 179. Modern Methods Nancy Packard Nancy Packard NCR NCR Paul Swanson Pitney Bowes Revolving Fund Roseland State Bank Sandra Stockall Sandra Stockall Sharon Stonecipher Susan Brown Tufts University US Postmaster US Postmaster Wesley R Mohlman Zimmer Printing Co. Office Supplies Mileage Mileage Data Processing Costs Office Eq. Repair Mileage Allowance Postal Serv. TIAA/CREF Pt Time Voter Reg. Office Supplies Mileage` Office Supplies Mileage Subscription Box Rent Postal Services Other Eq. Repair Office Supplies ROAD FUND H & W Concrete Contracting Concrete RELIEF Allens Discount Pharmacy Charles Bucknell Dick Hysell Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Kenneth H Aulner Jr. Kenneth H Aulner,-Jr. Larry Fielder Merle Anderson Realty Rader Real Estate MEDICAL FUND Medical Rent Emergency Emergency Utilities Emergency Emergency Rent Rent Rent Relief Relief Relief Relief INSTITUTIONS Beatrice State Home Patient Care Hastings Regional Center Patient Care Lincoln Regional Center Patient Care Eastman Kodak Co. REVENUE SHARING Capitol Outlay GENERAL FUND Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Co. Supervisors Co. Clerks Office Co. Treasurer's Office Register of Deeds Office Assessors Office Election Commissioner Clerk of District Court & Board of Mental Health Public Defender Courthouse Janitors Extension Office Sheriff's Office Co. Attorneys Office Jail Veterans Service Office Social Security Matching Retirement Matching Blue Cross -Blue Shield Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Social Security Retirement Insurance ROAD FUND Salaries Social Security Retirement Insurance Road Department Social Security Matching Retirement Matching Blue Corss-Blue Shield LIBRARY FUND Salaries Social Security Retirement Insurance Library Social Security Matching Retirement Matching Blue Cross -Blue Shield 13.75 5.63 5.63 88.00 65.61 109.05 387.00 1,172.18 6.00 6.44 51.63 20.70 25.62 15.00 72.00 73.00 185.00 359.36 4,007.50 52.57 175.00 195.00 56.88 39.03 245.00 275.00 125.00 210.00 330.00 438.00 3,764.95 495.00 1,375.00 4,375.00 9,187.04 8,774.03 4,848.29 8,639.38 6,840.65 6,080.86 3,610.64 3,637.70 8,356.93 21,119.51 10,118.98 10,002.58 3,104.05 8,071.77 4,130.28 8,894.18 41,545.16 3,121.60 1,501.74 3,051.87 1,678.38 126.05 36.40 94.44 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Weed Department Social Security Matching Retirement Matching Blue Cross -Blue Shield COUNTY WEED Salaries Social Security Retirement Insurance This meeting will now recess subject to the call Adams County Board of Supervisors. /s/a)z--r.� Anita Hawes, County Cly /s 1, Phylli-' Newe 1, Deputy 2,684.87 200.90 128.87 243.22 of the Chairman of the /s/ /14.11.4eAlui D. W. Malouf, Chair an COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 24, 1988 1:00 P.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D. W. Malouf, Chairman presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Also present were Beverley Mobley, Adams County Assessor and Anita Hawes, County Clerk. The Board spent the afternoon reviewing protests to the Board of Equalization. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Sole that a Special Meeting of the Adams County Board of Equalization be called for Wednesday, May 25, 1988 at 10:00 A.M. to continue reviews of the protests and to make decisions concerning the protests to the Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and I1ouf. Notice of the special meeting was posted and the news media was notified. This meeting will now recess until 10:00 A.M. on May 25, 1988. `'NTY C Anita Hawes, Adams Counya Clerk •` 6tA, AU/f/\( Phylli 0Newell, Deputy UN1Ye �� ,61,44), ',44.44f/ D. W. Malouf, Cnairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, May 25, 1988 10:00 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D. W. Malouf, Chairman presiding at a special meeting called for the purpose of making decisions concerning protests to the Board of Equalization. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that public notice of this meeting was given to the public by posting and by notification of the news -media. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Mosier out and not voting. Nays:None. Motion carried. 88-1 Property I.D. 284-2522. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck that the valuation be Land 2,400. Improvements 21,530. Total 23,930. Present assessment equitable. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays:None. Motion carried. 88-2 Property I.D. 284-5670. Protest Withdrawn. Valuation is Land 4,245. Improvements 17,565. Total 21,810. 88-3 Property I.D. 283-400. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Sole that the valuation be Land 44,055. Improvements 197,580. Total 241,635. Valuation out of line with comparable property. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA 181 88-4 Property I. D. 284 16016. Protest Withdrawn. Valuation is Land 6,715. Improvements 32,503. Total 39,245. 88-5 Property I. D. 194 390. Motion by Sole, seconded that the valuation be Land 1,755. Improvements 14,900. 16,655. Functional obsolescence, Incurable. Roll call, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Sole. Motion carried. by. Mosier Total ayes: Nays: 88-6 Property I, D. 40 00810. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Teller that the valuation be Land 9,915. Improvements 75,085. Total 85,000. Valuation out of line with comparable property. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: woodman. Motion carried. 88-7 Property I. D. 284 11200 Motion by Teller, Seconded by Woodman that the valuation be Land 4,245. Improvements 29,385. Total 33,630. Functional Obsolescence. Roll call, ayes; Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays; none. Motion carried. 88-8 Property I. D. 284 10796.2 Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that the valuation be; Land 20,000. Improvements -- Total 20,000. Valuation out of line with comparable property. Roll call,ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-9 Property I. D. 284 8950. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck that the valuation be Land 3,820. Improvements 36,210. Total 40,030. Valuation out of line with comparable property. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller,Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none'. Motion carried. 88-10 Property I. D. 284 0018866. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Sole that the valuation be: Land 6,710. Improvements 61,375. Total 68,085. Present assessment equitable. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-11 Property I. D. 284 10190. Protest Withdrawn. Valuation is: Land 3,985. Improvements 16,000. Total 19,985. 88-12 Property I. D. 284 00084. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that the valuation be Land, 3,700. Improvemnets 16,090. Total 19,790. Valuation adjusted by appraiser. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-13 Property I. D. 172 260. Protest Withdrawn. Valuation is: Land 1,800. Improvements ----Total 1,800. 88-14 Property I. D. 284 9398. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Teller that the valuation be: Land 3,985. Improvements 23,055. Total 27,040. Present assessment equitable. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf, Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-15 Property I. D. 284 12890 Land 4,715. Improvements 22,325 88-16 Property I. D. 284 2846. is: Land 4,155, Improvements: • Protest withdrawn. • Total 27,040. 10. Protest withdrawn 12,435. Total 16,590 Valuation is: Valuation 182 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 88-17 Property I. D. 160 132. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that the valuation be Land 8,350. Improvements 41,535. Total 49,885. Present assessment equitable. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-18 Property I. D. 284 9158. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that the valuation be Land: 3,210. Improvements 10,000. Total 13,210. Functional Obsolescence, incurable. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-19 Property I. D. 40 1022 Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck that the valuation be: Land 10,420. Improvements 71,630. Total 82,050. Valuation out of line with comparable property. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-20 Property I. D. 284 6508. Protest withdrawn. •Valuation is: Land 3,985. Improvements 12,035. Total 16,020. 88-21 Property I. D. 284 906. Protest withdrawn. Valuation is: Land 3,245. Improvements 26,540. Total 29,785. 88-22 Property I. D. 64 1220. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Sole that the valuation be: Land 1,700. Improvements 7,010. Total 8,710. Valuation adjusted by appraiser. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-23 Property I. D. 284 13803.1 Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that the valuation be Land 9,740. Improvements 118,100. Total 127,840. Valuation out of line with comparable properties. Roll call, ayes: Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: Sole. Motion carried. 88-24 Property I. D. 284 4642. Land 2,055. Improvements 22,915. 88-25 Property I. D. 284 9236. Land 4,245. Improvements 27,575. Protest withdrawn. Total 24,970. Protest withdrawn. Total 31,820. Valuation is: Valuation is: 88-26 Property I. D. 116 00020 Protest withdrawn. Valuation is: Land 2,270. Improvements 14,365. Total 16,635. 88-27 Property I. D. 116 001640 Motion by Mosier, seconded by Teller that the valuation be: Land 2,015. Improvements 20,505:_ Total 22,520. Valuation adjusted by appriasers. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-28 Property I. D. 129910. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that the valuation be: Land 6,000. Improvements --- Total 6,000. Present assessment equitable. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays; none. Motion carried. 88-29 Property I. D. 284 9696. Motion by woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that the valuation be: Land 12,915. Improvements 44,550. Total 57,465. Valuation adjusted by appraiser. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 183 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 88-30 Property I. D. 284 16810. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck that the valuation be Land 18,650. Improvements --- Total 18,650. Valuation out of line with comparable properties. Roll call, ayes: Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: Sole. Motion carried. 88-31 Property I. D. 284 15262 Protest withdrawn. Valuation is: Land 6,455. Improvements 54,740. Total 61,195. 88-32 Property I. D. 284 04418. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Sole that the valuation be: Land 2,545. Improvements: 13,745. Total 16,290. Valuation adjusted by appraiser. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-33 Property I. D. 284 004572. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that the valuation be: Land 2,055. Improvements 11,420. Total 13,475. Valuation adjusted by appraisers. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-34 Property I. D. 284 002752. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Teller that the valuation be: Land 5,480. Improvements 11,130. Total 16, 610. Valuation adjusted by appraiser. Roll call,ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-35 Property I. D. 284 03016.1 Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that the valuation be: Land 38,365. Improvements 121,640. Total 160,005. Present assessment equitable. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Woodman, Plambeck, and Malouf. Nays: Ellerbee,Teller, and Mosier. Motion carried. 88-36 Property I. D. 284 1290. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that the valuation be: Land 223,535. Improvements --- Total 223,535. Valuation adjusted by appraiser. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-37 Property I. D. 284 17050. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck, that the valuation be: Land 123,380. Improvements --- Total 123,380. Valuation adjusted by appraiser. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-38 Property I. D. 163 00182. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Sole that the valuation be: Land 4,955. Improvements 59,575. Total 64,530. Valuation out of line with comparable properties. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-39 Property I. D. 58 140 Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that the valuation be: Land 2,065. Imp. ---- Total 2,065. Adjusted by appraisers. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-40 Property I. D. 58 00210. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Teller that the valuation be: Land 1,445. Imp. 48,130. Total 49,575. Valuation adjusted by appraiser. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: Woodman. Motion carried. 88-41 Property I. D. 64 4000. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that the valuation be: Land 4,015. Imp. 32,845. Total 36,860. Valuation adjusted by appraiser. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays; none. Motion carried. 184 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 34,235. 88-42 Property I. D. 284 03372. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that the valuation be: Land 2,620. Imp. 20,345. Total 23,055. Adjusted to appraiser. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-43 Property I. D. 284 03370. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck, that the valuation be: Land 3,100. Imp. 5,860. Total 8,960. Adjusted by appraiser. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-44 Property I. D. 284 04778, Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Sole, that the valuation be: Land 3,200. Imp. 18,170. Total 21,370. Present assessment equitable. Ayos:. Sole,Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-45 Property I. D. 295 00010. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that the valuation be: Land 13,370. Improvements 130,750. Total 144,120. Present assessment equitable. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-46 Property I. D. 284 10224. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Teller that the valuation be: Land 5,385. Imp. 74,335. Total 79,720. Present assessment equitable. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-47 Property I. D. 284 3195. Protest withdrawn. Valuation is: Land 3,945. Improvements 24,770. Total: 28,715. 88-48 Property I. D. Lots 1 thru 6, Block 2 Pauline Village. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that the valuation be: Land 650. Imp --- Total 650. Valuation adjusted by appraiser. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-49 Property I. D. 284 6469. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that the valuation be: Land 3,420. Imp. 25,485. Total 28,905 Valuation out of line with comparable properties. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-50 Property I. D. 116 330. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck, that the valuation be: Land: 1,700. Imp. 32,535.Tota1 Present assessment equitable. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 88-51 Property I.D. 293-0006 Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Sole that the valuation be: Lamed: 7,200. Imp 57,705. Total 64,905. Valuation adjusted by appraiser. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays:None. Motion carried. 83-52 Property I.D. 284-1886 Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that the valuation be: Land 22,645. Imp. 3,000. Total 25,645. Functional obsolescence incurable. Roll call, ayes: Sole,Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. 88-53 Property I/D. 284-11584. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Teller that the valuation be: Land 3,620. Imp. 19,125. Total 22,745. Present assessment equitable. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays:None. Motion carried. 185. SUPERVISORS RECORD ` No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 88-54 Property I.D. 284-3084 the valuation be: Land 2,465. ed by appraisers. Roll call, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. . Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that Imp 18,065. Total 20,530. Valuation adjust - ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Nays: None. Motion carried. 88-55 Property I.D. Parcels A & B, Block 9, Imperial Village Addition 015982.00. Motion by Woddman, seconded by Ellerbee that the valuation be: Land 253,985. Imp. 5,994,000. Total 6,247,985. Present assessment equit- able. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. 88-56 Property I.D. 290-216. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck, that the valuation be: Land 7,895. Impreovements 71,675. Total 79,570. Present assessment equitable. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays; None. Motion carried. 88-57 Property I.D, 284-2484. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Sole that the valuation be Land 2,630. Imp 40,370. Total 43,000. Present assess- ment equitable. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. 88-58 Property I.D. 284-12840. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that the valuation be: Land 4,715. Imp. 17,605. Total 22,320. Present assess- ment equitable. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. 88-59 Property I.D. 284-10556. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Teller that the valuation be: Land 7,670. Imp. 118,020. Total 125,690. Valuation adjusted by appraiser. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. 88-60 Property I.D. 116-02220. Motion be Teller, seconded by Woodman that the valuation be: Land 2,945. Imp ---, Total 2,945. Present assessment equitable. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. 88-61 Property I.D. Lots Six through Eleven, Westridge Addition, Block One City of Hastings. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that the valuatil be: Land 21,100. Imp---, Total 21,100. Present assessment equitable. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. 88-62 Property I.D. Lots Thirteen through Twenty -One, Indian Acres Replat of Blocks 3, 4 & 5, City of Hastings. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plam beck, that the valuation be: Land 34,495. Imp---, Total 34,495. Valuation out of line with comparable property. Roll call ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. 88-63 Property I.D. 284 -13182. Protest withdrawn. Valuation is: Land 4,470. Imp 21,770. Total 26,240. 88-64 Property I.D. 142-70. Protest withdrawn. Valuation is: Land 6,125. Imp 110,925. Total 117,050. 88-65 Property I.D. 284-00916. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Sole that the valuation be: Land 4,700. Imp 9,815. Total 14,515. Valuation adjust- ed by appraisers. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plam- beck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. Anita Hawes, County C Phyllis well, Deputy /s//6/ 4a D. W. Malouf, C irman 186. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 31, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams COunty Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Teller, absent. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams COunty Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Teller, absent. Nays: None. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He reported that the number of stop signs that had been removed or broken was now in excess of thirty. Crews were replacing them as quickly as they were discovered to try to eliminate cause of serious accident. Motion by Sole, seconded by Woodman that we authorize the Chairman to sign the application for Errors and Ommissions insurance. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier, and Malouf. Teller, absent. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that we approve application 88-110 for a Conditional Use permit for James Peterson to install a mobile home for an office and occassional residence until retirement and they move their present home into Kenesaw, with the conditions recommended by the Planning Commission that the mobile home be skirted, smoke detectors installed and the the mobile home be removed when Mr. Peterson .retires. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Teller, absent. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Woodman that this Board hold executive session forpurpose of discussion of a Relief -Medical claim. Roll call, ayes: Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Teller, absent. Sole, out and not voting. Nays: None. Motion Carried. Executive session began at 10:15 A.M. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Teller, absent. Nays: None. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:25 A.M. A letter was read from the State Department of Revenue approving the specification: for bidders for a property re -appraisal. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that subject to the approval of the County Attorney, we approve the form, notice and contract to proceed with seeking bids for conducting a re -appraisal. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier, and Malouf.. Teller, absent. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Mosier that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk by authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Teller, absent. Nays: None. Motion carried. GENERAL Adams Co Sheriff Fee Acct Adams Co Fair Board ADPACS Inc. Albert Granstrom Alberta Alice D Alice D Alice J Alice J Alice J Alice L Alice L Sittner Galitz Galitz Barnes Barnes Marvel Krueger Krueger Court Costs Voting Polls Rent Microfilming/Copier Salary Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical 16.00 30.00 101.25 5.00 10.00 45.23 10.00 45.23 10.00 46.90 45.23 10.00 SUPERV ISORS •RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 187 American Charter Anita Pettit Annabelle Gangwish Annabelle Gangwish Antoinette Billesbach Archie Ridge Arleen B Booe Arleen B Booe Arlene Kort Arlene Kort Arletta Towns Audrey E McKoewn Audrey E McKoewn Audrey Schukei Audrey Schukei Ayr Fire Hall Badger Uniforms Barbara Kerr Barbara Aman Barbara Aman Barbara J Bohlen Barbara J Bohlen Barbara S Fisher Berniece W Catsinas Beth Ann Gamble Beth Ann Gamble Bettie J Knapp Betty J Meyer Betty J Meyer Betty L Bittfield Betty L Bittfield Betty Magee Bevan M Gill Bevan M Gill Beverly A Hall Beverly Granstrom Beverly Granstrom Beverly J Herndon Beverly J Herndon Beverly Johnson Beverly R Coats Beverly R Coats Bonita S Pittz Bonita S Pittz Burdetta A Fricke Burdetta A Fricke Business Supply Co Business World Products Carla B Hunt Carla B Hunt Carol Bauder Carol Bauder Carol J McVicker Carol J McVicker Catherine M Petersen Catherine M Petersen Ch of the Good Shepherd Charlene Nowka Charlene Nowka Chris Eigenberg Church of the Nazarene City of Hastings Commercial Electronics Connie Anderson Connie L Schukei Connie L Schukei Connie Zubrod Connie Zubrod Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Voting Polls Rent Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Voting Polls Rent, Uniform Allowance Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Mileage Allowance Part Time Reg CLerical Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Supplies -Office Miscellaneous Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Voting Polls Rent Reg Clerical Mileage Allowance Part Time Voting Polls Rent Part Time Telephone Services Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Supplies -Office Printing & Publishing 30.00 10.00 46.90 10.00 10.00 5.00 46.90 10.00 46.90 10.00 7.54 44.39 10.00 46.90 10.00 30.00 113.18 46.90 45.23 10.00 46.90 10.00 45.23 45.23 43.55 10.00 10.00 45.23 10.00 46.90 10.00 10.00 46.90 10.00 45.23 10.00 18.86 45.23 10.00 23.31 45.23 10.00 46.90 10.00 46.90 10.00 3.00 29.95 46.90 10.00 46.06 10.00 44.39 10.00 46.90 10.00 30.00 10.00 4.51 5.00 30.00 63.75 260.00 45.23 46.90 10.00 10.00 10.00 48.84 60.55 188 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Crosier Renewal Center Crossroads Center Dale F Lamske Dee Anna Ridge Delia A Petrik Delia A Petrik Dolores I Jacobi Dolores I Jacobie Don Knapp Don Knapp Donna Bassett Donna Bassett Donna G Goedert Donna G Goedert Donna L Anderson Donna L Anderson Donna Lehne Doraldine Gangwish Doris Watson Dorothy A Fluckey Dorothy E Largent Dorothy E Largent Dorothy F Einsel Dorothy G Nejezchleb Dorothy Kosmacek Dorothy Kosmacek Dorothy M Milligan Dorothy M Milligan E Elaine Kershner E Elaine Kershner Eastern Ambulance Service Edwin J Klancecky Edwin J Klancecky Elaine Reiners Ellen M Ehly Elmer Heeren Elsaleah D Magnuson Elsie L Kimminau Elsie L Kimminau Ethel Brouillette Evelyn Berg Evelyn R Till Evelyn Viglicky Executive Copier System Faith Lutheran Church Fara J Carpenter Fara J Carpenter First Congregational Church Florence Meinke Florence Meinke Frieda G Ocker Frieda G Ocker Friends Motor Supply Gail Jean Fitzke Georgia Osler Georgia Osler Georgia W Fast Georgia W Fast Gerald T Whelan Jr. Gloria M Christian Gloria M Christian Goldie Adams GSV Senior Center Hastings Airport Authority Hastings Colllege Hastings General Surgery Helen B Gates Helen B Gates Holiday Inn Restaurant Voting Polls Rent Voting Polls Rent Attorney Feees Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Mileage Allowance Reg Clerical Mileage Allowance Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Pant Time Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Med-Hosp Prisoners Part Time Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Part Time Part Time Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Microfilming/Copier Voting Polls Rent Part Time Reg Clerical Voting Polls Rent Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Equipment -Fuel Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Voting Polls Rent Voting Polls Rent Voting Polls Rent Mid-Hosp Prisoners Part Time Reg Clerical Voting Polls Rent 30.00 30.00 215.00 10.00 46.06 10.00 46.90 10.00 45.23 7.18 10.00 3.28 43.55 10.00 45.23 10.00 25.43 10.00 7.54 46.90 46.90 10.00 45.23 45.23 46.90 10.00 45.23 10.00 45.23 10.00 593.00 46.90 10.00 10.00 46.90 5.00 46.90 46.06 10.00 10.00 10.00 46.90 10.00 120.00 30.00 46.90 10.00 30.00 46.06 10.00 46.90 10.00 83.20 8.38 46.90 10.00 45.23 10.00 45.23 46.90 10.00 33.50 30.00 30.00 30.00 157.00 46.90 10.00 30.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 189 Holstein Fire Hall Industrial Chemical Labs Ingeburg Kraftzik Irene P Halbmaier Irene P Halbmaier Irma Eigenberg Irma Eigenberg Irmise Heeren Jacob Sittner James Kimminau James Krebsbach Jane Giddings Janet R Burr Janice H Heuertz Janice H Heuertz Janice Lampher Janice McMahon Janice McMahon Jean Powell Jean Powell Jeanette Klein Jeanette R Adrian Jeanette R Adrian Joan E Koons Joan E Koons JoAnn K Seiler JoAnne Weber John Billesbach Jolene Koepke Jolene M Buescher Jolene M Buescher Joyce C Webb Joyce C Webb Joyce E Patterson Joyce E Patterson Joyce Steffen Judith Bronson Judy Taylor Julia A Schutte Julie Moore Karen Beal Karen L Adams Karen L Adams Kathryn H Riese Kathryn H Riese Kathryn Murray Kathryn Murray Kay Marie Mangers Kaylene Kuhlman Knights of Columbus LaDonna L Binfield LaMoine Beal Laura L Harlow Laura L Harlow Lee Saathoff Lela M Mulder LeNore Koch Lenore Koch Leola L Lay Leola L Lay Leola Wiens Leola Wiens Lillian E Schroer Lillian E Schroer Lincoln Correctional Center Lincoln Telephone Co Linda L Shaw Linda L Shaw Linda Mangers Linda Myers Voting Polls Rent Janitorial Supplies Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Mileage Allowance Reg Clerical Part Time Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Part TIme Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Mileage Allowance Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Part Time Voting Polls Rent Part Time Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Voting Polls Rent Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Board of Prisoners Telephone Services Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical 30.00 61.00 10.00 46.90 10.00 10.00 8.61 10.00 5.00 7.54 7.54 10.00 45.23 45.23 10.00 10.05 46.90 10.00 46.90 10.00 22.54 45.23 10.00 45.23 10.00 46.90 10.00 5.00 10.00 46.90 10.00 46.90 10.00 43.55 10.00 10.00 10.00 21.04 45.23 10.00 13.12 44.39 10.00 46.90 10.00 46.06 10.00 11.73 46.90 30.00 46.90 5.00 45.23 10.00 30.00 45.23 45.23 10.00 46.90 10.00 45.23 10.00 46.90 10.00 152.00 1715.63 46.90 10.00 45.23 10.00 190 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Linda Mangers Linda Myers Little Blue Township Lloyd Post Lois A Johnson Lois A Johnson Lois Witt Lois Witt Lonnie Myers Loretta M Boumann Loretta M Boumann Lucille M Lundquist Lucille M Lundquist Lynn Lisius M Faye Hanson Mabel J Kinley Mabel J Kinley Maintenance Eng LTD Marcella L Vontz Margaret Neeman Margaret Neeman Marilyn Bergman Marilyn L Schmidt Marilyn L Schmidt Marilyn Marr Marilyn Marr Marilyn Stromer Marilyn Stromer Marlene M Lang Mary B Goff Mary J Petr Mary Jane McDowell Mary Lanning Hospital Mary Lanning Hospital Mary Lanning Hospital Mary Sue Dilly Maureen A MOhlman Maureen A Mohlman Milda H Crabtree Milda H Crabtree Mildred C Kohl Mildred C Kohl Mildred E Shurigar Mildred E Shurigar Mona D Kent Mona D Kent Nancy J Brown Nancy J Brown Nancy J Fischer Naoma M Burke Natl Police Chiefs NCR NCR NCR Ne Crime Commission Norma B Exstrum Ora M Adler Ora M Adler Patricia Ann Overy Patricia Ann Overy Patricia Early Patricia Early Paul Largent Paul Largent Phylis Kort Phylis Kort Phyllis J Hawes Phyllis Newell Phyllis R Vacek Prentice Hall Prosser FIre Hall f J. Part Time Reg Clerical Voting Polls Rent Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Mileage Allowance Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Other Equipment Repair Part Time Reg Clerical Mileage Allowance Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Mileage Allowance Part TIme Part Time Part Time Part Time Med-Hosp Prisoners Med Hosp Prisoners Med Hosp Prisoners Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Part Time Law Enforcement COsts Printing & Publishing Printing & Publishing Office Eq Repair Law Enforcement Costs Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Mileage Allowance Part Time Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Mileage Allowance Reg Clerical Mileage Allowance Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Printing & Publishing Voting Polls Rent 45.23 10.00 30.00 46.90 44.39 10.00 10.00 6.15 5.00 46.06 10.00 45.23 10.00 5.00 10.00 45.23 10.00 145.74 46.90 10.00 3.49 10.00 45.23 10.00 46.90 10.00 10.00 5.74 46.90 45.23 10.05 19.65 75.06 37.56 216.81 46.06 43.55 10.00 45.23 10.00 45.23 10.00 46.90 10.00 45.23 10.00 45.23 10.00 46.90 46.90 40.70 750.61 376.21 456.57 18.00 10.00 46.90 10.00 10.00 13.94 46.06 10.00 10.00 18.04 10.00 8.20 10.05 35.55 10.00 57.54 30.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,: NEBRASKA 191 r Richard F Koepke Richard J Viglicky Richard W Wisner Rick Sadd Robert C Frank Robert C Frank Robert Neeman Rod Bergman Rogene Aulner Rosalea Pfeiffer Rosalea Pfeiffer Rose Mary Langdon Rosemarie Farris Ruby J Walker Ruth Kelly Ruth V McKelvie Sharon A Hamik Sharon A Hamik Sherrill F Nielsen Shirley C Harms Shirley C Harms State of Ne Susan Blincow The Dehner Co Inc. Uniservice Inc. Vaughndel Abels Velma Bienhoff Velma Bienhoff Velma Lisius Velma Lisius VFW Club Village of Juniata Village of Kenesaw "Village of Roseland Viola R Scott Viola R Scott Vivian A Thomas Vivian A Thomas Waunda L Meyerhoeffer Waunda L Meyerhoeffer Wheelers Farm Store Wheelers Farm Store Williams Exterminating Co Wilma R Uden Wilma R Uden WinifredW Barrows Winifred W Barrows Woodwards Disposal Sery Yvonne Mangers Yvonne Mangers YWCA Zelma Fobben ROAD BRIDGE Trumbull Coop Assoc RELIEF -MEDICAL Christian Brothers & Co Hastings Utilties Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate Rader Real Esate Terry Erickson The Townhouses NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL Automatic Equipment CO Part Time Part TIme Part Time Miscellaneous Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Part Time Part Time Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Part Time Reg Clerical Net Com Part Time Uniform Allowance Miscellaneous Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Mileage Allowance Voting Polls Rent Voting Polls Rent Voting Polls Rent Voting Polls Rent Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Part Time Reg Clerical Part Time Reg Clerical Miscellaneous Part Time Reg Clerical Voting Polls Rent Reg Clerical Mach Eq. Titres & Rep Rent Fuel Emergency Rent Emergency Emergency Emergency Emergency Eq Rep Pts Relief Relief Relief Relief Relief 5.00 5.00 5.00 105.00 45.23 10.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 45.23 10.00 10.00 10.00 46.06 7.54 46.06 46.90 10.00 45.23 45.23 10.00 1066.02 46.06 120.00 32.90 10.00 46.90 10.00 10.00 11.48 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 46.06 10.00 46 .06 10.00 46.90 10.00 11.99 306.66 14.00 46.06 10.00 45.23 10.00 90.80 46.06 10.00 30.00 10.00 46.60 210.00 25.31 310.00 135.00 225.00 275.00 228.00 34.00 278.54 192 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams Cou ty Bgard of Supervisors. County CLer G61411-;VZ415( Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, June 7, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Motion by Teller, seconded by Sole that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Ellerbee entered meeting at 9:40 A.M. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He reported that the asphalt would be laid on the North Baltimore project next week. Films were shown about equipment that could be used for cleaning ditches. Sue Thomas, Max Callun and Jane Johnson appeared with a proposed amount for foster care for the next budget. They presendted a contract for consideration by the County. The contract will be forwarded to the County Attorney's office for review and further action. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that the Board Chairman be designated as the Liaison between Adams COunty and the Bureau of Censes. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that the reports of Extension Service, Jail, County Library, Jail Food Account, Car Titles, Register of Deeds; County Permits; Clerk of Dist. Court; Documentary Stamp Tax be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier, and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by44osier, seconded by Teller that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 9190 thru 9197. Roll call, ayes: Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Sole, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that the following miscellaneous receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors' Proceedings. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Mosier, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. 2001 County Clerk -St of Neb. Ret 2002 Dorothy J. Dieken 2003 Jolene's Coffee Shop 2004 State of Nebraska 2005 State of Nebraska 2006 Grace's Locksmith 2007 Dept of Social Services 2008 Clerk of the District Court 4,278.85 430.74 100.00 124,950.00 38,990.00 332.50 750.00 1,090.00 I SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,. NEBRASKA 2009 Clerk of the District Court 2010 Estate of Raymond Grabill 2011 Adams COunty CLerk 2012 County Clerk 2013 State of Nebraska 2014 City National Bank 2015 Hastings State Bank 2016 Adams County Bank 2017 KAM Raceway Inc. 2018 State of Nebraska 2019 State of Nebraska 2020 Road Dept 2021 Road Dept. 2022 Road Dept. 2023 Planning Zoning 2024 Highway Dept 2025 Clerk of the District Court 2026 Adams Co. Court 2027 County Court 2028 County Court 2029 County Court 2030 Estate of Ada Hageman 2031 Central Mortgage Corp 2032 Register of Deeds 2033 Adams County 2034 Estate of Alta Swen Gillard 2035 State of Nebraska 2036 State of Nebraska 2037 State of Nebraska 2038 City National Bank 2039 Clerk of Dist Court 2040 Doug Osler 2041 Weed Control fm" ,[ 2042 Register of Deeds 2043 Sheriff's Dept 2044 Estate of Ernest Wieck 2045 Clerk of the Dist Court 2046 State of Nebraska 2047 Adams Co. Planning & Zoning 2048 Ellerbrock Norris Ins. 2049 VOID 2050 Ellerbrock Norris Ins. 2051 Adams County Clerk 2052 .State of Nebraska 2053 Hastings State Bank 2054 Adams County Bank 2055 Weed Control 2056 Planning Dept 2057 Weed Control 2058 Clerk of Dist Court 2059 Adams Co Bank 2060 City National Bank 2061 Adams County Court 2062 Adams COunty Court 2063 Adams Co. Court 2064 Estate of Marie Curnes 2065 Estate of Hazel E Curry 2066 Estate of Christoph S Warnke 2067 Clerk of Dist Court 2068 Clerk of Dist Court 2069 Clerk of Dist Court 2070 Clerk of Dist Court 2071 Hall County Treasurer 2072 Adams Co. Weed Control 2073 County CLerk 2074 State of Nebraska 2075 Estate of Raymond Asmus 2076 Estate of Marvin L Heltenberg 2077 Co. Attorney's Office 2078 Highway Dept. 2079 Weed Control 126.02 34,466.00 .09 22.81 640.00 175.44 2,013.70 1,536.00 35.97 2,352.00 4,166.10 1,150.00 585.00 1,830.00 50.00 11.55 230.00 9,906.06 5.00 65.00 474.77 1,650.00 17.50 1,307.37 108.50 77.35 316.00 525.00 58,116.84 1,015.53 159.50 10.00 94.50 3,564.15 28.40 10,946.07 203.00 1,046.65 25.00 452.00 37,219.00 3,158.25 33,797.36 389.69 131.51 16.75 50.88 60.25 100.00 1,565.75 623.47 325.00 175.00 100.00 2,962.04 1,412.78 32.00 35.00 30.00 250.00 70.00 6,581.93 42.25 835.00 2,387.04 195.00 17.36 610.00 60.70 444.98 194 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 194 2080 State of Nebraska 2081 Adams Co. Court 2082 Planning & Zoning 2083 City National Bank 2084 Estate of Dena Weber 2085 County Court 2086 County Court 2087 Estate Abraham Thaut 2088 Ann M Joyce Estate 2089 Adams Co. Assessor 2090 Weed Control 2091 R. L. Foote, PR 733.02 75.00 25.00 537.17 75.00 100.00 125.00 162.90 12,150.56 270.00 43.50 1,789.83 Motion by Woodman, seconded by Sole that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County CLerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, and Malouf. Mosier, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Adams Central Jr Sr High Adams Co. Senior Serv. Adams Co. Senior Serv. Adams Co. Sheriff Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriff Rev. Adams County Court Adams County Jail Arthur Toogood Pub Def Badger Uniforms Ben Franklin of Hastings Beverley D Mobley Big G Auto Service Billy Simmons BJ'S Wash House Brock, Seiler, & Smith Business Supply Co. Business World Products Business World Products C H iKidd i. Cash Wa Candy Co Charles D Bauer & Co Child Development Council Chris's Car Wash Clerk of Dist Court Commercial Electronics Commercial Electronics Communications Eng Coop Grain & Supply Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Costal Derby Cotter Charge Card Data Software Consult Sery Data Software Consult Sery Data Software Consult Sery D. Malouf Dial Htg & AC Don Pettengill Don Pettengill Douglas Ruhter Eakes Office Eakes Office Eakes Office Eakes Office Eakes Office Eakes Office Eakes Office Products Products Products Products Products Products Products GENERAL Contract Handi-Bus Misc. Court Costs Post Serv. Court Costs Mileage Law Enforcement Costs Juvenile CareCosts 286.88 Board of Prisoners 1677.59 Office Supplies, Reg 884.29 Uniforms 60.24 Misc. 14.79 Travel Exp 232.74 Equipment Fuel 13.00 Mileage 307.98 Uniforms 3.50 Attorney Fees 40.00 Office Supplies 111.04 Office Supplies 8.06 Office Supplies 7.44 Prior Sery 16.00 Jail Supplies 125.05 Mid-Hosp Prisoners 535.00 Day Care Costs 500.00 Fuel 34.45 Misc 125.00 Radio Repair 74.00 Telephone Sery 26.85 Eq Repair 89.60 Fuel 176.41 Office Supplies 120.40 Printing 110.36 Fuel 334.47 Law Enforcement COsts 107.30 Office Eq Supplies 767.08 61.88 4,200.00 4,577.21 6.00 2,451.10 2.05 16.92 541.29 Pt Time Clerical Pt Time Clerical Travel Exp Eq Repair Mileage Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Eq Repair Supplies Eq, Supplies Supplies Supplies Office Equip Eq Rep, Supplies Supplies 37.50 73.39 15.50 243.12 35.00 35.00 602.38 888.48 4.49 100.31 4,095.00 248.60 4.50 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 195 Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Ed Lightner Eva Duthie Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Foto Fast Foto Fast Fountaine's Microfilming G A Micek, DDS PC G A Micek,/DDS PC Gary Hueske Gary Hueske Gibson Products Inc. Gordon Sidlo Gregg Magg Hastings Economic Develop Hastings Family Practice Hastings Orthopaedics PC Hastings Paint Hastings Plumbing & Htg Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities ICL Independent Bus Machines Industrial Chemical Labs James Sidlo Jim Stutesman John Krontz John Rust JOhn Rust Johnson Cashway Lumber Keith A Houfek Keiths Pharmacies Keiths Pharmacies Kelso Kenesaw Motor Co. Laird Motors Inc. Larry Peterson Larrr Peterson Law Enforcement Equip Co Liberty Rental Services Lila Reutlinger Lincoln Telephone Co. Lintel Systems Linweld M. Glenn Kemp M. Glenn Kemp Madelyn Cosgrove Maintenance Eng LTD Mary Lanning Hosp Meals on Wheels Michael Daniels Nursery Michael Peterson Michael Shada Michael Shada Mid Ne Mental Retardation Midland Area Agency Midwest Appraisal Co. Myers Refrigeration Co. National Sheriffs Assoc Ne Assoc. of Co. Officials Ne Law Enforcement Ne Dept of Revenue Nebr Reporters Serv. Norman Dudek Oak Creek Inn Rachel Hayen -Radio _ Shack Office Supplies Supplies Prior Sery Prior Sery Misc. Eq Rental Law Enforcement Costs Office Supplies Office Supplies Med-Prisoners Med-Prisoners Mileage Uniform Allowance Supplies, Fuel, Law Uniform Allowance Mileage Economic Development Med-Hosp Prisoners Mid-Hosp Prisoners Bldg. Repair Eq Repair Printing Office Supplies Printing & Publ Utilities Utilities Janitorial Supplies Office Supplies Janitorial Supplies Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Mileage Uniform Allowance Misc. Uniform Allowance Med-Hosp Prisoners Med-Hosp Prisoners Laundry -Prisoners Fuel Eq -Fuel Mileage Uniform Allowance Equip Misc Prior Sery Telephone Services Telephone Services Supplies Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Prior Serv. Eq Repair Med-Hosp Prisoners Local Match Misc. Uniform Allowance Mileage Uniform Allowance Mental Retard. Sery Area Agency on Aging Reappraisal Costs Eq Repair Printing Dues Misc. Reappriasal Costs Mental Health Board Uniform Allowance Lodging Prior Sery Law Enforcement Costs 180.45 96.50 19.00 14.00 165.00 190.00 34.00 9.12 328.45 22.00 14.00 86.40 35.00 Enf 333.87 35.00 550.50 1666.63 158.00 25.00 27.70 327.41 65.00 17.00 311.61 15.58 7,637.57 240.15 47.00 5.17 35.00 35.00 35.00 134.88 35.00 53.90 35.00 198.84 22.47 56.82 101.91 625.76 47.28 35.00 118.50 42.00 14.00 78.05 42.00 12.23 355.42 35.00 14.00 69.90 282.45 350.00 99.00 35.00 230.16 35.00 1813.87 1000.00 1200.00 35,50 10.00 946.00 162.00 3,704.08 Costs 880.00 35.00 74.00 25.00 13.90 196 SUPERV I SORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Redfield & Co. Region III GoverniniTBd Richard L Alexander Robert Mulliner Rodney Wilkerson Roscoe Story RSVP Rutts Pharmacy Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt Spouse Abuse/SA State of Ne State of Ne The Cop Shop Tuff Tie Vaughans Printers Inc. Vaughans Printers Inc. Weathercraft Co. Weaver Glass Weber Studio Wheelers Farm Store Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Wilbur Gingrich Winkler Foot Clinic ROAD FUND Adams Co. Hwy Dept Anstine Fire Equip Co Art Craft Drywall Co. Big G Comm Hardware Business Supply Co. Chief Construction Chrisella Lewis Elect Com City Iron & Metal Commercial Electronics Consolidated Concrete Co. Consumers Sery Co. Coop Grain & Supply Cornhusker State Inc. Delken Press Drummond American Corp Dutton Lainson Co Eakes Office Products Executive Copier Systems Farmers Union Coop Gas Farmers Union Coop Gas Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Co. H & N Mobil Hansen Bldg Spec Inc. Hastings Battery & Elect Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Island Supply Island Supply Jacobi's Carpet Co Johnson Cashway Lumber Judy Foote K N Energy Ken Avers Sharp Shop King Industrial Radiator Kully Iron & Metal Corp L L Olsen Oil Co Lincoln Telephone Co. Ne Dept of Roads Ne Public Power Dist Olsens Mini Mart Samuelson Eq Co. Sidles/Mr. Automotive Office Supplies Mental Health Attorney Fees Travel Exp Uniform Allowance Prior Serv. Local Match Med-Hosp Prisoners Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Domestic Abuse Jail Supplies Eq Rental Law Enforcement Costs Law Enforcement Costs Printing Stationery Bldg. Repair Misc Office Supplies Eq Repair Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Uniform Med-Hosp Prisoners Misc. Misc Co Shop, Cal Outlay Shop SUpplies Office Supplies Co Shop, Cap Outlay Postage Steel Prod Radio Repair Concrete Heating Fuels Fuel Signs Office Supplies Co Shop, Cap Outlay Co Shop, Cap Outlay Office Equipment Eq Repair Fuel Chemicals Supplies, Parts Off Eq Repair Fuel Supplies Shop Supplies Elect Utilities Steel Supplies Co. Shop, Cap Outlay Co Shop, Cap Outlay Mileage Heating Fuels Eq Repair Rep Parts Steel Fuel Telephone Serv. Traffic Sery Electricity Fuel Parts ShosSupplies 9.79 2,360.62 1,153.35 63.76 35.00 15.00 125.00 43.94 147.50 77.50 100.00 28.20 350.00 47.50 32.00 77.45 71.25 59.35 132.56 26.32 17.22 85.00 195.00 15.44 40.00 35.00 15.00 62.62 140.50 1,450.00 113.83 77.82 4,098.20 1.70 220.57 264.60 2,735.25 16.20 48.21 47.15 32.24 1,132.99 1,862.95 86.75 51.50 1,953.31 134.97 2,356.48 44.74 20.60 277.25 16.58 4.37 290.23 5,613.00 160.85 902.10 1,601.66 11.89 31.77 32.55 1,070.32 379.57 757.22 150.62 86.34 19.32 174.50 628.58 233.23 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS .COUNTY,: NEBRASKA 197 Sidles/Mr. Automotive Sophir Morris Corp Southern Ne Rural Public Power Svoboda Plumbing Uniservice Inc. W.G. Pauley Lumber Co. Werner Construction Westland Bldg. Co. Bassett Rentals Budd Edgington Everett Goebel Hastings Utilities Keiths Pharmacies Merten Butler Funeral Home Randolph Rentals Baker & Taylor Co. Frontie Press Co. Hastings Public Library Ne Library Commission Thomas Publishing Co. Vaughans Printers Westlake House Bancroft Whitney Historical Society Parts Co. Shop, Cap Outlay Electricity Co Shop, Cap Outlay Janitorial Supplies Co. Shop, Cap Outlay Asphaltic Serv. Engineering RELEIF-MEDICAL 357.69 1,402.19 58.48 164.72 41.40 1,815.61 279.75 250.00 Rent Rent Rent Utilities Medical County Burial Emergency Relieft LIBRARY FUND Lib Exp Lib Exp Misc. Library Exp Lib. Exp Printing Library Exp INHERITANCE FUND Law Library Hist. Soc Chief Construction This meeting will now recess County Board of Superv'sors. CAPITAL PROJECT Co. SHOP Building 185.00 125.00 200.00 32.75 17.94 1,588.00 330.00 1,616.54 407.45 711.00 82.80 195.00 103.10 206.55 93.25 566.63 63,638.83 subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adam County CLerk ej Deputy gat COUNIN COURTHOUSE Tuesday June 14, 1988 ,47.1,/,*4425( Chairman HASTINGS, NEBRASKA 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D.W. Malouf, Chairman presiding. Roll call, membersmpresen.t: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and publi notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. MOtion carried. Roger Parks Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of 198 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA road work in County and said everything was going according to schedule, bridge projects are also on schedule and about to be completed. Motion by Woodman,seconded by Plambeck that we purchase a Ditcher for the purchase price of $37,377.05 and a cutter head for $7878.65 and also authorize the advertising of bids for a Tractor to pull this equipment. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman,seconded by Ellerbee that we trade our 1987 950 B Loader for a 1988 905E Loader for the purchase price of $6500.00. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. A discussion was held concerning storage buildings at the new shop site. Roger was instructed to contact Moving firms to see what the cost of moving several buildings from the old shop site, he will bring these figures back to the Board next week. Linda Rhea from COunty Library presented her budget request for the year 1988-1989. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that this meeting recess to allow the Supervisors to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, Ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller, that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, Ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Bill Thornburg of Midwest Appraisal Company and Curtis L Brown from Computer Network Ltd. appeared before the board to discuss the re -appraisal of Adams County. Bill Thornburg indicated they would be submitting two proposals for the re -appraisal one with the data processing and one without. Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller that we delete from our General Assistance/Medical Assistance Program the requirement that all clients must return to Job Service every 30 days. This in no way relieves the client from the obligation of actively seeking employment. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Mr. Malouf read a letter from the State Revenue Department stating that the State Tax Commissioner reversed a previous ruling denying the exemption of Sunnyside Home. He also read another letter from Mr. Whelan on behalf of Dick Brink regarding a memorial for the courthouse. A copy will be given to all Board members and this will be considered at a later date. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL Adams Co. Attorney Spec Fund Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Ag Communications Bert Rostvet Big G Comm Hardware Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Business World Products Business World Products Business World Products City Engineering Dept City Nat'l Bank Conrad Grothen Law Enforcement Costs Court Costs Supplies -Office Travel Expenses Other Equipment Repair Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Office Eq Repair Planning Costs Miscellaneous Travel Expenses 1500.00 32.00 251.50 10.88 34.80 7.60 30.27 94.17 18.68 82.56 26.90 17.00 7.94 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA 199 Consumer: Reports Craig McMahon Data Software Consult Ser Data Software Consult Sery Data Software Consult Sery Data Software Consult Sery Douglas Ruhter Dugan Business Forms Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Gibson Products Inc. H & N Mob i l Hastings Tribune Indsutrial Chem Lab Inc. Jack Hynes John C Anderson Kay Kuhlman Ken Bonifas Kimberly Reaman Lee Hemberger Lee Hogan Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Luwane Nelson Luwane Nelson Marilyn Schmidt Microcomputer Support GP Modern Methods Inc. NACO Nancy Packard NCR Credit COrp. Paul Swanson Phelps Co. Treasurer Revolving Fund Richard L Alexander Richard Uden Rocella Stromer Sandra Stockall Sharon Stonecipher Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt Susan Brown U S Postmaster Vaughans Printers Inc. Youth Development Center Youth Development Center ROAD 3 Points Tire Adams Co. CLerk Anstine Fire Equip Co Big G Big G Auto Service Central Valley Rentals Consolidated Concrete Co. D A Lubricant Co Inc. Farmers Union Coop Gas H & M Equipment Harold Heuertz HastingsBattery & Elec Hastings Motor Truck Holt Truck & Trailer Co. Ideal Electric Island Supply Jerry Spady Pont Cad Inc. Lambert Struss Lilley Redi Mix Dues, Sub, Reg, Travel Expenses Data Processing Data Processing Data Processing Data Processing Mileage Allowance Supplies -Office Microfilming/Copier Equipment Rental -Office Supplies -Office Equipment -Fuel Dues, Sub, Reg Training Other Equipment Repair Travel Exp Mileage Allowance Travel Expenses Travel Expenses Mileage Allowance Travel Expenses Travel Expenses Telephone Services Telephone Services Telephone Services Telephone Services Mileage Allowance Mileage Allowance Travel Expenses Offiice Equipment Supplies Office Miscellaneous Travel Expenses Data Processing Eq. Mileage Allowance Telephone Services Retirement-TIAA/CREF Attorney Fees Travel Expenses Travel Expenses Mileage Allowance Postal Servies Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Mileage Allowance Miscellaneous Supplies Office Juvenile Care Costs Juvenile Care Costs Training. 18.00 11.30 Sofware 607.50 Software 285.00 Costs 1095.00 Costs 15.00 199.44 1105.72 160.23 1995.00 15.47 188.44 65.00 106.65 15.08 48.51 8.15 11.30 32.94 12.14 7.94 57.00 34.10 128.29 226.50 19.53 89.04 5.42 3200.00 71.00 50.00 5.63 6331.24 123.06 440.42 304.71 2770.78 7.52 5.63 2.31 9.63 100.00 47.50 99.00 50.53 800.00 665.97 50.00 100.00 Mach Eq Tires & Rep Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Supplies Shop Mach Eq Tires & Rep Road Equipment Rental Materials -Concrete Etc Mach Eq Grease Oil Fuel Materials Gravel Prior Service Supplies -Shop Supplies Shop Rd Eq Rep Labor Co Shop Cap Out Rd Eq Rep Parts Truck Equal Retirement Benefits Materials Concrete Etc 174.50 6.00 543.50 77.97 118.26 12.00 477.00 962.40 3370.65 868.90 13.00 353.73 9.60 2350.18 3203.10 110.40 14,499.00 12.00 2849.01 200 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Lilley Sand & Gravel Martin Flag Co Ne Machinery Co. Ne Machinery Co. Potter Industries Inc. Ray Velder Sidles/Mr. Automotive Sophir Morris Corp. Virgil Mousel Werner Construction Gravel Miscellaneous Rd Eq Rep Labor Other Equipment Pavement Marking Prior Service Supplies -Shop Co Shop Ca Out Prior Service Asphaltic RELIEF -MEDICAL Bruce Vap Carolyn Spady Hastings Utilities Jerry Spady Pont Cad Inc. Kevin Oxner Lancaster County Rader Real Estate Rick Rader Rent Emergency Relief Fuel Rent Rent Provisions & Clothing Rent Rent REVENUE SHARING Big G Data Software Consult Sery NOXIOUS Adams Co. Hwy Dept Chrisella Lewis, Elect Comm Coop Grain & Supply Cornbelt Chemical Co. Delken Press DIT 4 Weed Control Supt Friends Motor Supply Jahnkes K N Energy Sidles/Mr. Automotive Southern Power District Total Power Inc. Village of Roseland Misc Cap Outlay Misc Cap Outlay WEED CONTROL Postal Services Postal Services Equipment -Fuel Tech Res Chemicals Supplies -Office Dues Sub Reg Training Eq Re Pts Other Equip Repair Heating Fuel Eq Re Prts Electricity Eq Re Prts Sewer 11,731.60 38.97 2,949.74 1,566.31 3,136.00 19.00 649.61 212.58 12.00 594.40 39.00 250.00 24.93 205.00 165.00 93.33 185.00 140.00 259.00 1,627.50 8.00 3.25 176.12 451.20 32.24 10.00 16.46 11.07 34.14 116.48 15.66 9.82 36.00 This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board ofuper County Cle k eputy Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday June 14, 1988 10:58A.M. The Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D. W. Malouf Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malauf. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and Deputy County Clerk, Phyllis Newell. Motion by Teller, seconded by Plambeck that we accept the application for Exemption for 1988 taxes for Lot 4 Bik 5 Johnson addition City of Hastings ID#284494 purchased by St Michaels & St Cecilia's School. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. SUPERV I SORS ` RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,.. NEBRASKA 201 Motion by Woodman seconded by Mosier that we adopt the policy for filing of personal property schedules as follows: First time involuntary filing reduces the penalty from 50% to 10% and first time voluntary filing waives penalty from 10% to zero. If the individual has had a penalty since 1985 the penalty stays as set by the Assessor. This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Su•ervisors. County Clerk COURTHOUSE WEDNESDAY June 15, 1988. ad244'!!Wate/ Chairman HASTINGS, NEBRASKA 1 o'clock P.M. A meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D.W. Malouf, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Absent Ellerbee. Motion by Teller, seconded by Plambeck that this meeting was a scheduled public meeting of the Adams COunty Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Absent Ellerbee. Mr. Paul Ritz our District Manager for Blue Cross and Blue Shield met with the Board to explain the raise in Blue Cross and Blue Shield payments He also explained several different plans with different amounts for the deductible. A discussion was held,but no decision was made. The Board will try to make a decision by the end of June. This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board o Supervisors. County Clerk z4) Chairman Deputy 202 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE HASTINGS,NEBARSKA Tuesday, June 21, 1988 9:30A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier, and Malouf. Motion by Plambeck, ^econded by Woodman that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the Imemebers and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He reported that the North Baltimore contract was com- pleted except for shouldering of the road. He also reported that the bridge East of Lochland should be finished in the next day or two. Mowers were in operation and a crew was patching asphalt. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that the road committee gets specs ready and take bids for various alternatives for a storage building at the new shop site. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Bids for asphalt contracts were opened. Only bid received was from WErner Construction. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that the bid be referred to the Road Committee for recommendation next week. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Teller that we approve application 88-113 for a conditional Use permit for Terry Parr to install a double -wide mobile home as a permanent principal re4idence'for an agricultural family, in SE4 of Section 18, T6N R11W(Roseland 2-vv.;Ship) as recommended by the Planning Commission. Roll call, ayes: 'Sole, `Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLTUION 88-6-21 WHEREAS, due to unanticipated requirements essential to the administration of justice, the preservation of public health, welfare and safety, there exists an emergency in the budget appropriation of certain funds within the General Fund; there is. not sufficient money appropriated to complete business for the balance of the fiscal year, and WHEREAS, there are sufficient unused appropriated moneys in the General Fund and the total General fund expenditures have not exceeded the budget appropriated, and it is essential to the government of Adams County and the welfare of the people of Adams County that certain offices or Miscellaneous funds be increased by emergency appropriation, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT there is hereby appropriated and allocated to the offices and departments as follows: OFFICE OF DEPARTMENT INCREASE IN APPRORIATION TOTAL APPROPRIATION Public Defender 5,950.00 94,587.28 Jail 5,175.00 217,021.27 Veterans Service Office 535.00 48,262.11 GENERAL MIS. Workmen's Comp 8,400.00 Equal Ben Retirement 960.00 Insurance 29,200.00 Abandoned Cemetery Maint 310.00 20,900.00 1,910.00 61, 180.00 310.00 Roll Call, ayes: Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Sole, out and not voting. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 203 Motion by sole, seconded by Ellerbee that we authorize the Chairman to sign the Handi-bus supplemental contract. Roll call, ayes: sole, Ellerbee, Teller Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that we authorize the Chairman to sign the contract with Child Development Council. Roll call, ayes: Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Sole, out and not voting. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 9196; thru 9205; 9214 thru 9215. Roll call,ayes: Ellerbee, Teller,' Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Sole, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that resolutions 88-6-21.1 and Resolution 6-21.2 be adopated: RESOLUTION 88--6-21.1 WHEREAS, the Adams County Board in behalf of the eitizerasof Adams County wishes to recognize the HONORABLE WILLIAM G CAMBRIDGE for his dedicated service to the Tenth Judicial District NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Adams County Board of Supervisors representing the citizens of Adams County, that we express sincere appreciation for his work and devotion to duty. We extend our best wishes for future succes and happiness. RESOLUTION 38-6-21.2 WHEREAS, The Adams County Board in behalf of the Citzens of Adams County wishes to recognize C.LUWANE NELSON for his dedicated service in the Adams County Extension Office, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Adams County Board of Supervisors representing the citizens of Adams County, that we express sincere appreciation for his work and devotion to duty. We extend our best wishes for future succes and happiness. Roll call, ayes: Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck Mosier and Malouf. Sole, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman seconded by Plambeck that this Board hold executive session for discussion of a County Burial claim. Roll call, ayes: Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, MOsier and Malouf. Sole, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:40 A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. MOtion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:00 A.M. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Woodman that we approve the transfer of funds to Escrow for the following claims: Great Plains Chrysler Plymouth, 12,945.91; Paper Calmeson 16,054.50;Ennis Paint 16, 029.00; Linear Dynamic 10,803.16; Linear Dynamics 702.19; Jacobi's Decorating 522.30; Chief Construction 38,921.: Nebraska Machinery 6,500.; Imperial Int. Corp 45,255.70. .Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Bids for conducting a re -appraisal were opened and read. Bids were received from Great Lakes unable to complete in time frame; Midwest Appraisal Co. from Topeka, Ks; Cole, Layer, Trumble, Dayton, Ohio; Property Valuation Group, Tulsa, Oklahoma and Landmark Appraisal Co. who also said they could not complet by 1990. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that the bids be referred to the County Assessor and to the County Attorney for analysis and recommendation. Roll cal] ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: nonE Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Teller that this meeting recess to allow the BoE of Supervisors to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll cal]:, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ajes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf Nays: none. Motion carried. 204 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA SASA made a budget request for $1200. for the next fiscal year. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Ellerbee that we correct Paragraph (5) the contract with Adams Central to read 9-1-88 to Jan 1, 1991. Roll Sole, Fllerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: Motion carried. in call, none. ayes: Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Mosier that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and-Malouf. Sole, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams Co Hwy Dept Anita Hawes Big G Comm Hardware Business Supply Co. C.H. Kidd Central Chemical Service Inc Chrisella Lewis Chrisella Lewis Elec. Comm CMI Inc Commerical Chem Mfg Inc. Conway Connolly & Pauley Conway Connolly & Pauley Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Data Software Consult Sery Data Software Consult Sery Dugan Business Forms Eakes Office Equip Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Ed Lightner Eva Duthie Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Gary Anderberg Gayle Hupf Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Holiday Inn Industrial Chemical Labs Information Systems Inc Jerome Conklin Judy Foote Julia Moeller Lamoine Utecht Lila Reutlinger Lintel:. Systems Madelyn Cosgrove Marathon Systems Meredith L. Oakes Mike Weeks Minnie Burchard Nebr Co. Attorney's Assoc Northwestern University Phyllis Sheley Quinlan Publishing Co. Ray Gangwish Redfield & Co. Roscoe Story Sharon Rose Sharon Stonecipher Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt Printing Postage Travel Expense Misc. Office Supplies prior SErvice Janitorial Supplies Misc. Postal Serv. Eng & Data Proc. Equip Janitorial Supplies Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Microfilm/Copier Misc. Office Supplies Data Processing Software Data Process. Supplies Eq Repair Office Equip Supplies Office Equip Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies prior Service Prior Service Copier Eq Repair Print & Publishing Office Equipment Mileage Print & PUblishing Print & Publishing Utilities Meals, Lodging Janitorial Supplies Micro/Copier Mileage Mileage Meals, Mileage Mileage Prior Service Telephone Sery Prior Sery Janitorial Supplies Mileage Mileage Prior SErvice Dues, Sub. REg Dues, Sub Reg Mileage Law Library Mileage OfficeSupplies Prior SErvice Telephone Sery Travel Exp Attorney Fees Attorney Fees 52.45 140.21 32.39 521.90 16.00 139.80 87.21 20.85 5117.91 94.50 13.27 12.50 39.40 136.65 164.50 15.00 1742.30 120.00 1888.20 776.00 395.11 111.70 684.03 19.00 14.00 326.00 1015.00 166.75 300.00 7.79 1716.75 19.85 396.22 200.51 30.24 57.95 3.08 7.38 80.54 1.44 14.00 42.00 14.00 201.64 12.30 2.87 14.00 963.00 495.00 57.40 85.55 5.33 164.86 15.00 3.72 141.67 20.00 32.50 SUPERV r SORB RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA 205 r7 U S Postal Sery Warren Gorham Lamont Inc Wilbur Katzberg ROAD FUND EZ Kitchens Harold Heuterz Jacobi's Carpet One K N Energy Lambert STruss Ray Velder Sears Roebuck & Co. Virgil Mousel RELIEF -MEDICAL Children & Adolescent Clinic Dave Clancey Don Uhrmacher G L and C E Hahn Hastings Utilities Hastings -Utilities Merle Anderson Realty Inc Nebr Public Power Dist Rader Real Estate Rader REal Estate Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate Rader REal Estate INSTITUTIONS Beatrice State Home Hastings Regional Center Lincoln REgional Center NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL Coop Grain & Supply Cornbelt Chemical Co. Hastings Tribune GENERAL Escrow ROAD Escrow Postal Sery Law Library Mileage Co Shop -Cap Outlay Prior SErvice Co Shop -Cap Outlay Co Shop Cap Outlay Prior SERvice Prior SErvice Shop Tools Prior Service Medical Emergency Rent Emergency Utilities Utilities Rent Emergency Rent Emergency Emergency Rent Emergency Relief Relief Relief Relief Relief Relief Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Fuel Chemicals Express & Freight Car Grader Blades Co.Shop-Cap Outlay Pavement Marking Loader Expres & Freight COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Salaries Matching Matching Insurance Library Social Security Matching Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield Weed Control Social Security REtirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield Road Social Security REtirement WEED CONTROL FUND Slaries Matching Matching Insurance County Supervisors County Clerk's Office County Treasurer's Office REgister of Deeds Co. Assessors Office Election Commissioner's Office Mental Health Board & Clk Dist Public Defender's Office Janitors Extension Office Sheriff's Office Co. Attorney's Office ROAD FUND Salaries Matching Matching GENERAL FUND Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Ct Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries 72.00 48.50 4.72 220.00 13.00 3456.00 109.45 12.00 19.00 206.98 12.00 120.00 95.00 200.00 225.00 56.61 59.86 210.00 90.99 91.00 280.00 100.00 160.00 105.00 465.00 4177.11. 459.00 177.24 4374.00 39.60 12,945.91 134,788.24 1970.82 148.01 41.86 94.44 2684.87 200.90 128.87 243.22 47,384.48 3,560.12 1,479.84 4,375.00 10,998.77 9,264.05 4,427.70 8,710.80 1,311.92 4,460.86 3,645.92 3,548.50 4,898.33 22,783.04 11, 015.18 206 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Jail Veterans SErvice Office Planning & Zoning Surveyor Social Security REtiorement Blue Cross & Blue Shield Salaries Salaries Salary Salary Matching Matching Insurance 10,297.36 3,304.12 179.38 50.00 7,745.81 4,041.38 8,961.45 This Board will now recess s t to the call of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, June 28, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Teller that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Representative from NCR Corporation appeared before the board to tell about some new software available, to extend the offer for discount price on CRT's for the next year and to discuss operation of the present system. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that we accept the bids of Werner Construction Co. for the following projects: Bladen Road, Project C1-171 in the amount of $84,112.; Roseland Road, Project C1-172 in the amount of 70,112.50; Juniata Road, Project C1-173 in the amount of 68,532. Roll call, ayes: sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Sole that we approve the transfer of the following claims to the Escrow Fund: ROAD FUND Werners Construction Werners Construction Werners Construction Werners Construction Lincoln Telephone Co. Commercial Electronics WEED CONTROL Cornbelt Chemical Co. Cornbelt Chemical Cornbelt Chemical 84,112.00 70,112.50 68,532.00 82,874.50 2,985.00 550.50 3,500.00 82.94 289.35 Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. MOtion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, `NEBRASKA 207 Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that the Chairman is hereby authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 9216 thru 9220. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Teller that we approve the pledging of Joint Custody receipt 002316 by Adams County Bank in the amount of 500,000. and the release of receipt 504784 in the amount of 300,000. to Adams County Bank and the release of receipt 503811 in the amount of 200,000. to Adams County Bank. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Paul Swanson, County Extension Agent appeared before the Board to request a different method of payment of unused sick leave for extension office employees Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that the amount due Nelson be appropria in the Extension Office budget for 1988-89 and that an appropriate contributio be made to the General Fund from the Extension budget and future claims for unused sick leave for employees of the Extension Office be made from Miscellane General. At the present time $1,500. appears to be an appropriate amount, howe this should be reviewed in about three years. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: Ellerbee. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 88-6-28 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ADAMS, STATE OF NEBRASKA, AS FOLLOWS: 1. The County Board of Supervisors hereby finds and determines that: a. The County of Adams adopted county zoning regulations on or about April 1, 1975, and such county zoning regulations, as amended, remain in full force and effect. b. The present drought as created a serious danger of fire which immediately threatens the lives, earning capacities, crops, and property of the citizens of the County. c. Regulations temporarily restricting the use and discharge of fire- works permissible under other circumstances are necesary and expedient to promote the public health, safety, and welfare and to prevent, abate, and remove litter and noise nuisances. 2. The following definitions apply to the following terms respectively, as the same are used in this resolution. a. Discharge shall mean to ignite, strike, throw, drop, release, set off, detonate, or otherwise cause to explode any firework by chemical, mechani- cal, electrical or any othe-r means. b. Firework shall mean any device or combination of devices capable of being intentionally discharged or detonated by a person with a resultant explosing following either immediately or at some time thereafter which produce any spark, flame, or fire regardless of whether or not permissible under any other law regulating fireworks. 3. No person shall detonate or discharge any firework or attempt to deton or discharge any firework with the County of Adams. 4. In any prosecution for the violation of provisions of this resolution each of the following shall be an affirmative defense: a. The accused was conducting a display of fireworks in connection with a fair of public celebration when such display was licensed or permitted is advance by the State of Nebraska or an agency or political subdivision thereof and all terms and conditions of the applicable license or permit were complied with. b. The accused was acting exclusively within the territorial limits of an incorporated city or village. c. The accused did not understand the nature of his or her act in discharging the firework. d. The firework discharged by the accused did no contain more than twenty-five hundredths of a grain of explosive material. 5. Any person who shall violate the provisions of this resolution shall be guilty of an infraction and shall, upon conviction, be punished by a find of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. 6. a. This resolution shall take effect immediately, in view of the present emergency, and shall continue in effect through November 30, 1988, unless sooner repealed. 208 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA b. On and after December 1, 1988, this resolution shall be without effect the same as if it had been repealed, saving only prosecutions for viola- tions committed prior to December 1, 1988, which shall proceed to disposition. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Ellerbee that this Board hold for discussing a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion session began at 11:32 A.M. executive session Ellerbee, Teller, carried. Executive Motion by Mosier seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:55 A.M.. The contract with D.S.C.S. was reviewed. It will be studied further before signing. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 88-6-28.1 WHEREAS, due to unanticipated requirements essential to the administration of justice, the preservation of public health, welfare and safety there exists an emergency in the budget appropriations of miscellaneious funds within the General Fund; there is not sufficient money appropriated to complete business for the balance of the fiscal year, and WHEREAS, there are sufficient unused appropriated moneys in the General Fund and the total General Fund expenditures have not exceeded the budget appropriated, and it is essential to the government of Adams County and the welfare of the people of Adams County that certain offfices and miscellaneous funds be increased by emergency appropriation, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that there is hereby appropriated and allocates to the offices and departments as follows: OFFICE OR DEPARTMENT INCREASE IN APPROPRIATION TOTAL APPROPRIATIOI;,_ Jail Veterans Serv. Office Misc. General 350.00 250.00 950.00 217,371.27 48,512.11 15,950.00 Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. The Blue Cross plan was reviewed. Motion by Sole, seconded by woodman that we remain on our present plan with the same method of payment. The County will pay for the employee coverage for both health and life and will pay 27.17 toward dependent coverage and the present amount toward dependent coverage in the Sheriff's office and Jail. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Budget requests were presented by Planning/Zoning; RSVP; Meals on Wheels; HEDC; Day Care; County Board; Relief -Medical; Employment Security; Institutions. Motion by Teller, seconed by Plambeck that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier, and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Bancroft Whitney Co. Big G Comm Hardware Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Business World Products Clark Boardman Co. LTC Cornhusker Press Craig McMahon Data Sftware Consult Sery Data Sftware Consult Ser Law Library Exp 220.40 Other Equip Rep 29.81 Office Supplies 35.68 Office Eq Supplies 1,014.00 Office Supplies 12.06 Office Supplies 370.00 Law Library 44.34 Micro Film/Copier 39.40 Travel Exp 11.30 Data Processing Software 945.00 Office Eq Repair 857.20 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 209 Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Friends Motor Supply Hastings Paint Johnson Cashway Lumber Kay Kuhlman Kay Kuhlman Lee Hemberger Lee Hogan Marilyn Schmidt Nancy Parkard Ne Supreme Court Ne State Library NLSIS Omaha World Herald Redfield & Co Richard Uden Rick Sadd Rocella Stromer Wheelers Farm Store ROAD FUND Escrow Fund COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS Adams Co. VIsitor Committee RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Christian Brothers Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Jim Deveny Livingston Butler Maury Ruhter Mrs. Emma Gentert Rader Real Estate Rick Rader NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL FUND Escrow Fund Office Supplies Furniture Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Other Eq Repair Misc. Misc, Travel Exp Travel Exp Travel Exp Travel Exp Travel Exp Travel Exp Office Supplies Office Supplies Data Processing Costs Reappraisal Costs Form Printing Travel Exp Misc. Travel Exp Other Eq Rep Capitol Outlay Trsfrs Chamber Support Serv. Rent Utilities Utilities Rent Co. Burial Rent Rent Rent Emergency Relief Chemical Trsfrs 542.00 741.00 6,475.35 165.00 110.00 10.62 96.38 1,018.62 8.15 8.15 12.14 7.94 5.42 50.00 27.90 250.90 60.00 201.72 196.25 7.52 35.00 5.63 20.94 309,166.50 5,000.00 210.00 22.37 25.15 150.00 520.00 132.00 87.00 221.02 150.00 3,872.29 This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. County CLerk 424?1 4i G% Le' Chairman SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 5, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Mosier seconded by Sole that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that because of heat problems in the tower building for communications, we authorize the purchase of an air - conditioner for 216.00 and use Revenue Sharing money for the purchase. Roll call, ayes:Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Woodman that this Board hold Executive session for the purpose of discussing a County Burial claim. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Teller, out and not voting. Motion carried. Executive session began at 9:40 A.M. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Teller, that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, Ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 9:50 A.M. Budgets were presented for consideration by County Court, MAAAging, Agricultura Ext. Serv., Historical Society, Juvenile Probation, Communications, County Clerk, Election Commissioner, Clerk of District Court, Data Processing, County Attorney, Veterans Service Office, Public Defender, Law Library, Region III, District Court, Lodging Tax and Veterans Aid. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that the reports of Jail Food Account; Sheriff's fees, Library, Election Commissioner, Sheriff's Mileage Acct, Register of Deeds (2) Building Permit, Clerk of Dist Court, be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier, and Malouf. Nays: none. Ellerbee, out and not voting. Motion carried. A Budget Workshop is planned for Thursday July 14th. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that the following Miscellaneous receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors' proceedings. Roll call, Ayee: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 2092 Dick Hysell 2093 State of Nebraska 2094 State of Nebraska 2095 City National Bank 2096 Adams County Court 2097 Adams County Court 2098 Adams County Treasurer 2099 Adams County Clerk 2100 Adams County Clerk 2101 Jolene's 2102 Adams COunty Bank 2103 Adams County Bank 2104 Hastings State Bank 2105 Adams County Bank 2106 Clerk of the Dist. Court 2107 Clerk of the Dist Court 2108 City Treasurer 2109 Philip G Fast 2110 Planning Department 2111 Weed Department 195.00 124,950.00 38,990.00 524.84 315.44 115.00 7,791.00 .20 7.27 100.00 11,343.84 3,450.25 7,076.71 872.60 109.76 1,720.00 26,522.50 70.86 50.00 606.25 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 211 2112 Hiway Department 1,625.00 2113 Register of Deeds 19.14 2114 Adams County Register of Deeds 15.00 2115 Howard Hogan 25.00 2116 City Nat'l Bank 524.85 2117 Adams County Court 350.00 2118 Clerk of the District Court 151.78 2119 Norwest Bank 1,371.87 2120 Village of Kenesaw 1,092.00 2121 Village of Juniata 1,440.00 2122 Register of Deeds 975.90 2123 Adams County Clerk 4,130.28 2124 Adams County Clerk 3,630.75 2125 State of Nebraska 66,612.64 2126 Estate of Orval Augustin 104.43 2127 Estate of Morris J Patterson 284.00 2128 Hastings State Bank 367.06 2129 Adams County Bank 131.51 2130 Hi -Way Dept 15.00 2131 Weed Control 77.00 2132 Adams COunty Register of Deeds 3,620.20 2133 Adams County Sheriff Dept. 2.00 2134 Adams County Sheriff 91.06 2135 City Nat'l Bank 507.59 2136 Adams County Court 127.00 2137 Village of Holstein 346.50 2138 Village of Roseland 318.00 2139 State of Nebraska 210.00 2140 Marie Taylor (Transamerica) 12.60 2141 School Dist #R-11 Holstein Public School 45.00 2142 Adams County Bank 1,565.75 2143 State of Nebraska 1,505.43 r" 2144 State of Nebraska 3,605.29 2145 Clerk of the Dist Court 230.00 2146 County Road Dept. 2,050.00 2147 County Road Dept. 15.00 2148 Weed Control 394.00 2149 State of Nebraska 1,486.49 2150 Adams COunty Clerk 914.50 2151 James Pickrinke 10.00 2152 Hall County Treasurer 13,251.86 2153 Clerk of District Court 230.00 2154 Estate of Donald A Proett 75.00 2155 Adams County Election Comm 116.90 2156 Adams County Election Comm. 204.03 2157 Adams COunty Election Comm. 4,325.39 2158 Void 2159 City National Bank 401.82 2160 Blue Valley Lutheran Homes Soc. 745.69 2161 Kearney County Treasurer 396.59 2162 Kearney County Treasurer 210.60 2163 Kearney County Treasurer 383.93 2164 County General Fund 12,945.91 2165 Adams County Road Dept. 134,788.24 2166 Marvin Hartman 5.00 2167 Hastings Tribune 65.00 2168 Mary Lanning Hospital 92.00 ri, 2169 Business World Products 46.48 2170 City National Bank 316.31 2171 Noxious Weed Control 3,872.29 2172 Adams County Road 309,166.50 2173 State of Nebraska 210.00 2174 Mid City Auto Supply 12.50 2175 Hastings State Bank 2,136.99 Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 212 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA GENERAL Adams Co. Clerk Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriffs Mi Adams Co. Jail Langvardt, Arthur R Langvardt, Arthur R Arthur Toogood, Pub Def Badger Uniforms Barbara McKemmey Ben Franklin of Hastings Big G Comm Hardware Billy Simmons Bobs Electric Supply Inc Brock, Seiler, & Smith Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Cash Wa Candy Co. Charles D Bauer Chris Car Wash Clark Boardman Co LTD Commercial Chem Mfg Inc. Commercial Electronics Cotter Charge Card Data Software Consult Sery Data Software Consult Sery Don Pettengill Don Pettengill Douglas Ruhter Eakes Office Products Eugene M Alexander Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Foto Fast Friends Motor Supply Fulcher Business Forms Gary Hueske Gary Hueske Gateway Eye Clinic Gibson Products Inc. Gordon Sidlo Gregg Magee Co Sheriff Hastings Family Practice Hastings Plumbing & Htg Hastings Radiology Assoc Hastings Utilities Helen Blum Hewa Co. Holiday Inn Industrial Chemical Labs Industrial Chemical Labs J & B Mobile Lock Sery J & B Mobile Lock Sery James Sidlo Janssen Auto Body Janssen AUto Body Jim Stutesman John Krontz John Rust John Rust Keith A Houfek Keiths Pharmacies Larry Peterson Larry Peterson Law Enforcement Equip Co Lincoln Correctional Ctr Lincoln Telephone Co Miscellaneous Law Enforcement Costs Court Costs Court Costs Court Costs Court Costs Miscellaneous Bd of Prisoners Attny Fees Attny Fees Utilities Uniform Allowance Supplies -Office Miscellaneous Equipment Mileage Allowance Law Enforcement Costs Attorney Fees Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Supplies Med Hosp Prisoners Equipment -Fuel Dues, Sub Reg Training Janitorial Supplies Radio Repair Lawn Enforcement Costs Pt Time Clerical Pt Time Salary -Employ Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Supplies -Office Attny Fees Microfilming/Copier Equipment Rental Law Enforcement Costs Uniform Allowance Sheriff -Motor Vehicle Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Med-Hosp Prisoners Law Enforcement Costs Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Med-Hosp Prisoners Equip Repair Med Hosp Prisoners Utilities Postal Services Printing & Publishing Miscellaneous Janitorial Supplies Janitorial Supplies Other Equipment Repair Law Enforcement Costs Uniform Allowance Sheriff -Motor Vehicle Equipment -Fuel Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Med-Hosp Prisoners Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Equipment -Fuel Board of Prisoners -Food Telephone Services 10.00 3.00 25.08 1667.70 35.76 36.62 6.00 1829.44 105.00 150.00 1179.48 211.72 27.42 27.86 35.79 246.48 22.40 115.00 96.00 2.45 64.56 75.00 17.50 47.75 42.00 36.00 160.80 58.13 56.25 35.00 232.63 35.00 355.83 250.00 120.00 190.00 36.80 98.67 428.73 35.00 67.68 50.00 247.97 35.00 251.04 185.00 38.28 22.00 14.39 39.00 66.76 115.92 58.82 79.35 59.85 9.00 35.00 20.00 45.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 173.28 35.00 217.70 35.00 253.92 322.60 736.20 1,575.17 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, ` NEBRASKA 213 M Glenn Kemp M Glenn Kemp Mary Lanning Hospital Michael Peterson Michael Shada Michael Shada Ne Crime Commission O'Keefe Elevator Co Inc. O'Keefe Elevator Co Inc. Quinlan Publishing Co Inc Redfield & Co Inc. Redfield & Co Inc. Rinder Printing Co. Robert Mulliner Rodney Wilkerson Rutts Pharmacy Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt State of Ne State of Ne Susan K Alexander The Cop Shop The Cop Shop U S Postmaster Uniservice Weaver Glass Inc Weber Studio Wheelers Farm Store Wilbur Gingrich Wilbur Gingrich Williams Exterminating Co Woodwards Disposal Sery Youth Development Center ROAD BRIDGE Lilley Sand Gravel RELIEF -MEDICAL Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Med-Hosp Prisoners Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Law Enforcement COsts Equipment Repair Equipment Repair Dues Sub Reg Training Supplies Voting Supplies -Office Printing & Publishing Travel Expenses Uniform Allowance Med-Hosp Prisoners Attny Fees Attny Fees Equipment Rental Net Com Atty Fees Uniform Allowance Provisions &Clothing Postal Services Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Supplies -Office Miscellaneous Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Juvenile Care Costs 164.88 35.00 367.06 35.00 35.00 134.40 9.00 90.00 112.51 45.97 31.16 14.16 79.23 46.54 35.00 127.38 105.00 47.50 350.00 1284.05 500.00 51.45 42.48 2,500.00 34.80 30.61 23.64 44.46 36.24 35.00 14.00 90.80 200.00 Brand Wilson Mortuary Charles Bucknell Everett Goebel Laura Davis Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate Richard Heil Richard Heishman Rick Rader Tammy Heil LIBRARY Gravel County Burials Rent Rent Emergency Relief Rent Emergency Relief Emergency Relief Emergency Relief Emergency Relief Emergency Relief Rent Rent Emergency Relief 11,931.20 1,650.00 175.00 200.00 125.00 135.00 185.00 295.00 185.00 250.00 275.00 77.00 140.00 250.00 Baker & Taylor Co Congressional Quarterly Hastings Public Library ESCROW Werner Construction Library Library Miscellaneous Asphalt 392.85 54.95 833.33 82,874.50 This meeting will now recess Adams County Board of sj bjec,p to the call of the Chairman of the rs ."�, 4- County CLerk Deputg 414' ()'"-/ej( y p6)V.9)1eZ1 Chairman 214 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 12, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Sole that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Plambeck that this Board hold an executive session regarding personnel. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Executive session began at 9:40 A.M. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman„ Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Teller, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He reported that they were operating out of the new building now. Werner Construction was scheduled to start milling the surface of roads to be overlaid and they hoped to have the contracts finished before school starts. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that this Board hold Executive session for discussion of a Relief -Medical claims. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:25 A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:35 A.M. Budget requests were presented for Road, Weed Control and Surveyor. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that this meeting recess to allow the members to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Notion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that the Chairman be authorized to sign Tax 'List Corrections 9221 thru 9223. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none., Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck that this Board resume regular session. r Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that we approve the release of Joint Custody receipt CBI 104000058 in the amount of 1,000,000. to Norwest Bank Nebraska NA the replacement of receipt number 129710 for 656773; 656775, and 656776 in the amount of 2,700,000. by Norwest Bank Nebraska NA. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodmar.--- Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Plambeck that we accept the Treasurer's report concerning distress warrants and the return from the Sheriff's Office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Budget requests were presented for: County Treasurer, District Judge, County Assessor; County Sheriff and Jail; Register of Deeds, Buildings and Grounds; Data Processing; Mid-Nebr. Mental Retardation; and Civil Defense. A budget workshop was scheduled for Thursday July 14 at 9:00 A.M. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that this Board hold an executive session concerning personnel. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 3:10 P.M. 215 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 215 Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 3:55 P.M. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Sole that the claims bP allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams Co. Senior Services Adams County Court Adams COunty Court Arthur R Langvardt Big G Comm Hardware BJ's Wash House Camera Shop City of Hastings Clk of Dist Court Assoc. Commercial Chem Mfg Inc. Commercial Chem Mfg Inc. Cornhusker Press Data Sftware Data Sftware Data Sftware Data Sftware Data Sftware Eakes Office Eakes Office Eakes Office Consult Consult Consult Consult Consult Equip Equip Products Sery Sery Sery Sery Sery Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Friends Motor Supply Hastings Paint Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities ICL Information Systems Inc. Information Systems Inc. Intl Business Machines James L Hatheway JJE Julia Moeller Lavern Mosier Liberty Rental Services Lincoln Telephone Co. Myers Refrigeration Co. Norman Dudek Phelps Co. Treas Robert E Bowen MD PC So. Central Community Vaughans Vaughans Veterans Whelan & Whelan & Whelan & Whelan & Whelan & Whelan & Printers Inc. Printers Inc. Service Office Scherr PC Scherr PC Scherr PC Scherr PC Scherr PC Scherr PC REAPPRAISAL FUND Horizon Aerial Photos Handi-Bus COurt Costs Juvenile Care Costs Cout App Attny Equip Repair Uniform Main Law Enforcement Costs Civil Defense Dues Janitorial Supplies Janitorial Supplies Microfilming Data Processing Data Processing Data Processing Data Processing Data Processing Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies & Equip Office Supplies Office Supplies Equip Reapir Misc Printing & Publishing Printing & Publishing Utilities Janitorial Supplies Microfilming/Copier Microfilming/Copier Equip Repair Mileage, Tr Exp Microfilming/Copier Mileage Travel Exp Misc. Telephone Sery Eq Repair Uniform Allowance Postal Serv. Autopsy Costs Med-Hosp Prisoners Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Court App. Attny Court App. Attny Court App. Attny Court App. Attny Court App. Attny Court App. Attorney Reappraisal Costs 3,535.81 650.40 158.64 170.00 58.16 9.00 8.21 1,971.99 35.00 180.50 43.20 39.40 1,050.00 45.00 90.00 330.00 60.00 25.26 34.47 6.25 378.87 74.64 32.19 10.62 34.66 828.52 26.98 11,452.42 29.95 258.51 41.47 540.00 203.00 85.53 6.97 19.68 33.60 263.95 252.18 35.00 73.99 198.00 25.00 136.85 235.95 500.00 50.00 5.00 155.00 94.65 165.00 31.36 8,412.25 216 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA RELIEF -MEDICAL Bassett Rentals Emergency Protective Services Floyd Leiser Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Jerry Spady Pont Cad Inc. Keiths Pharmacies Nebraskaland Partners Rader Real Estate Richard Troudt This meeting will now recess County Board of upervisors. County CLerk Depty Rent Day Care Costs Emergency Relief Utilities Utilities Utilities Emergency Relief Utilities Emergency Relief Medical Rent Emergency Relief Rent 185.00 15.00 275.00 24.00 15.37 25.47 91.26 28.63 110.00 16.64 125.00 185.00 160.00 subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams 41-V-4(aZti Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 12, 1988 11:00 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodmar Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. -- After hearing on the matter, Motion by Mosier, seconded by Teller that the tax status on property 284 06566 be determined as taxable. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. MOtion carried. After hearing on the matter, Motion by Woodman, seconded by Sole that the tax status on lots 23-32, Block 8 Hansen Village be determinded as taxable. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Teller, seconded by Plambeck that the penalty for ESU 9 be reduced to 10%. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the AdamsCou'y Board of Su•ervisors. County CLer Deputy COUR OUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 19, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Teller that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication and in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 217 414 Roll call, ayes: Sole', Ellerbee, Teller, woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Senator Dan Lynch appeared at the meeting and discussed briefly some of the problems the legislature was trying to solve. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent appeared and gave a report concerning the progress of work in the county. He discussed an agreement that was being worked out concerning a Railroad crossing in the old N.A.D. He reported that milling of the surface was being done on projects for resurfacing.. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that we approve application 88-115 by Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Shaw for a Farm Homestead Exception final short plat for property located in the NE4 of Section 26, T5N, Ril W in Silver Lake Township which is in the AO -1 zoned area as recommended by the Planning Commission. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Teller, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Woodman that the Chairman be authorized to sign the agreement as amended with the City of Hastings Utilities concerning a railroad crossing in Blaine Township. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 9224 thru 9230. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Sole that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. The Board reviewed bids that had been received for conducting a re -appraisal in Adams County. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller the and start over. Roll Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Teller, respective funds warrants for the Plambeck, Mosier GENERAL that the County reject all bidg for call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Nays: none. Motion carried. seconded by Woodman that the claims be allowed on their and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue same. Roll call, Ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Adams Central Jr Sr High Adams Co Hwy Dept Badger Uniforms Barbara McKemmey Big G Comm Hardware Brenda McCrady Business World Products Business World Products Chrisella Lews Elec.Comm. City Engineering Dept Clay Center Medical Center County Attorney Spec. Fund Coop Grain & Supply Cornhusker Press Coastal Derby Douglas Co.Attorneys Eakes Office Products Electronics Plus Firestone H & N Mobil Contract Sery 2,100.00 Print & Publ 33.50 Uniform Allowance 115.19 Supplies/Office 17.97 Other Equip.Repair 32.78 Mileage Allowance 169.49 Supplies/Office 18.90 Supplies/Office 57.72 Postal Services 12.50 Planning Costs 27.30 Med/Hosp Prisoners 37.00 Mileage Allowance 178.86 Equipment -Fuel 145.05 Stationery/Envelopes 21.94 Equipment -Fuel 368.37 Dues,Sub,Reg,Training 149.00 Office Eq. Repair 117.15 Radio Repair 93.80 Equipment Fuel 95.24 Equipment Fuel 201.30 218. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Hastings Letter Shop Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Hastings/Adams Co. Civ Defense Hastings/Adams Co. Civ Defense ICL Johnie Pittman Johnson Cashway Lumber Judy Foote Julia Moeller Lincoln Telephone Co. Mail Mart Mary Jane McDowell Mary Lanning Hospital Mighty Muffler Montie McCord NCR NCR Credit Corporation Nebr. Crime Commission NIRMA Robert C Smith MD,PC Shoemaker & Witt St of Nebr Dept of Labor Sue Kissinger Ju Pro Off U S Periscope U S Postmaster U S Postmaster U S Postmaster Uniservice, Inc. Walter F Stephens Jr Inc Weaver Glass Inc Williams Pest Control Xerox Corporation Nebr. Dept of Revenue NIRMA Budd Edgington Curts Fleetway Service Mrs. Emma Gentert Nebraska Clinicians Gro. Rader Real Estate Beatrice State Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center NIRMA Printing & Publishing Merit Commission Expense Printing & Publishing Utilities Civil Defense Civil Defense Janitorial Supplies Miscellaneous Law Enforcement Costs Mileage Allowance Meals & Mileage Telephone Services Miscellaneous Retirement Contributions Med/Hosp. Prisoners Equipment Fuel Uniform Allowance Data Processing Data Processing Equip. Law Enforcement Costs Workmen's Compensation Med/Hosp Prisoners Attorney Fees/Court Appt. Other Equipment Repair Postal Services Law Enforcement Costs Postal Services Postal Services Postal Services Miscellaneous Supplies/Jail Office Equip Repair Miscellaneous Office Eq. Repair ROAD -BRIDGE Miscellaneous Workmen's Compensation RELIEF -MEDICAL Rent Fuel Rent Medical & Hospital Rent INSTITUTIONS Beatrice State Home Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL Workmen's Compensation GENERAL FUND County Supervisors County Clerks Office County Treasurer's Office Register of Deeds Office County Assessor's Office Election Commissioners Office Mental Health Board Clerk Dist Court Office Public Defenders Office Janitor's Extension Office Sheriff's Office County Attorneys Office Jail Veteran's Service Office Surveyor Social Security Retirement Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Matching Matching 57.50 51.24 9.78 600.00 1650.25 406.97 135.74 85.00 9.22 5.23 47.63 57.00 4.90 11.54 95.99 155.80 204.78 176.00 6331.24 18.00 11784.78 22.00 55.00 20.00 10.09 40.00 28.00 39.00 2500.00 34.80 72.93 213.65 14.00 63.50 112.19 15432.45 125.00 10.00 150.00 455.80 175.00 438.00 2160.30 180.00 841.77 4375.00 8074.15 9373.99 4458.91 8879.66 1258.62 360.00 4460.86 3540.08 3517.28 9855.63 22385.50 10172.98 10003.34 3057.88 50.00 7711.84 3992.61 SUPERV ISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,... NEBRASKA 219. 4, I. Blue Cross/Blue Shield Road. Social Security Retirement Blue Cross/Blue Shield Library Social Security Retirement Blue Cross/Blue Shield Weed Control Social Security Retirement Blue Cross/Blue Shield This Board will of Supervisors. /s/ ROAD FUND LIBRARY FUND Insurance Salaries Matching Matching Insurance Salaries Match Match Insurance WEED CONTROL FUND Salaries Matching Matching Insurance to the call of the 10696.47 40603.60 3045.78 1329.49 3624.46 1669.71 1834.69 39.59 115.86 2636.00 176.27 112.66 286.06 Chairman of the Board Anita Hawes, County Clerk. Phyllis Newell,Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 19, 1988 10:45 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met asa Board of Equalization with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk Anita Hawes. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that tax rolls and taxed from the year that the 60-1610 88 Value increased by 18,930; 60 60-870 be increased by 30,925.; 60-220 be omitted property be placed on the improvements were completed. -700 be increased by 6,005. increased by 8,350. This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. /s/ County Clerk /s/ DEPUTY /s/ Ge4v./9/(5,z14Q1/ Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 26, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Teller that this meeting is a regularly schedule meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meet ing has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays:None. Motion carried. 220. SUPERV ISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that we award Werner Construction the contract for a 1" type C Overlay beginning at 12th Street and extending one mile north on the Adams Central Road as this is an emergency project under the provisions of Sec. 39-1408. The cost will be approximately 18,000. Roll call. ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent, gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He indicated that they were hoping to start on the Bladen Road in just a few days and that they would start the Idle- wilde project right away. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Mosier that we approve the amounts requested by Region III and notify the administrator. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier,and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller that the chairman be authorized to sign the agreement for the NPTAP Handibus Project. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that notification has been given con- cerning the release of gas and oil rights as had been recommended by the Plannispg Commission therefore we approve the final plat for Blue River Sub- division, Application 88-118. This property is located in the sZ_ of the SW4 of Section 26, T6N, RlOW (Ayr Township). The property is zoned AG -1; Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Ellerbee that the budget prepared using a 5% increase in personal services be proposed and Public hearing scheduled for 10:00 A.M. on August 9, 1988. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays:None. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections 9231 thru 9235. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays:None. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Ellerbee that this meeting recess to allow the Board to meet as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier, and Malouf. Nays; None. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:25 A.M. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that we authorize the County Attorney to contact D.S.C.S. and negotiate the terms for a new contract. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that the proposed budget for the County Library have personal services increased by 5% and an additional $5,000 for books, with the remainder of the budget the same as the previous year. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck, that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and in- structed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriffs Revolving Adams Co. Treasurer Ag Communications Anne Flesner Bert Rostvet Court Costs 5.50 Laundry -Prisoners 389.17 Mileage 6.97 Supplies -Office 12.00 Prior Service 57.50 Travel Expenses 10.88 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS. COUNTY, NEBRASKA 221 Berts Rexall Drugs Bobs Electric Supply Inc. Business World Products Charles W Hastings Clay County Sheriff Conrad Grothen Cornhusker Press Craig McMahon Data Sftware Consult Sery Data Sftware Consult Ser Eakes Office Equip Eakes Office Products Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Graces Locksmith Sery Hastings Plumbing & Htg Herman Korgan Holiday Inn of G I Jack Hynes Janssen Auto Body John C Anderson Ken Bonifas Kimberly Reaman Law Enforcement Equip Co Lee Hemberger Lincoln Telephone Co. Marilyn Schmidt Mary Lanning Hospital Microcomputer Support GP Modern Methods Inc. Nancy Packard Paul Swanson Roger Parks Sharon Rose Sporting Goods Inc. Susan Brown Susan Czaplewski University of Missouri Vaughans Printers Inc. ROAD -BRIDGE Ace/Eaton Metals Adams Co. Hwy Dept American Express Art Craft Drywall Co Big G Big G Auto Service Big G Comm Hardware Bosselman Inc. Business Supply Co. Central Valley Rentals Chief Construction City Iron & Metal Co Clemens Welding Commercial Electronics Consolidated Concrete Co. Coop Grain & Supply Eakes Office Products Farmers Union Coop Gas Farmers Union Coop Gas Fehrs Tractor Friends Motor Supply Gerloff Custom Cabinets Gilbert Central COrp Glenwood Telephone Co Hastings Utilities Independent Bolt & Nut Co Med-Hosp Prisoners Misc Supplies -Office Attorney Fees Bd of Prisoners Travel Expenses Supplies -Office Travel Expenses Data Processing Software Part time Salary Supplies=Office Supplies Office Microfilming/Copier Microfilming/Copier Microfilming/Copier Supplies -Office Law Enforcement COsts Equipment Repair Misc. Travel Expenses Travel Expenses Law Enforcement Costs Mileage Allowance Travel Exp Travel Exp Law Enforcement Costs Travel Exp Telephone Services Travel Exp Med Hosp Prisoners Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Travel Exp Mileage Allowance Dues, Sub, Reg, Training Travel Exp Law Enforcement Costs Mileage Allowance Mileage Allowance Dues, Sub Reg Form Printing Materials Postal Services Meals Co Shop Cap Outlay Supplies Shop Mach Eq Tires & Rep Misc Equip Fuel Supplies -Office Road Equipment Rental Co SHop Cap Outlay Co Shop Cap Outlay Rd Eq Rep Labor Radio Repair Co Shop Cap Outlay Equipment -Fuel Data Processing Costs Supplies -Shop Chemicals Un Res Rd Eq Rep Parts Rd Eq Rep Parts Co Shop Cap Outlay Materials -Asphaltic Postal Services Utilities Supplies 21.86 228.00 20.93 1,690.00 1,155.00 7.94 38.80 11.30 30.00 45.00 35.54 52.16 78.00 332.00 120.00 156.00 3.85 29.44 50.00 36.08 15.08 37.00 91.56 11.30 61.73 105.40 12.14 34.10 5.42 43.86 33.00 57.34 5.63 68.04 45.00 19.90 184.80 169.33 14.39 10.00 139.05 87.22 83.98 5.88 35.00 26.02 135.57 298.84 8,571.20 78.11 48.00 680.00 394.34 4.00 532.02 1,170.50 137.31 494.72 1,444.90 364.58 23.50 368.22 10.00 9,016.43 46.46 357.37 48.23 222 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Industrial Chemical Labs Jahnkes Johnson Concrete Product King Industrial Radiator Lincoln Telephone Co. Lintel Systems Ne Assn of County Ne Public Power Dist Olsens Mini Mart Olsens Mini Mart Rockwell -Beer Rockwell -Beer Southern Ne Rural Public Trumbull Coop Assoc Uniservice Inc. Werner Construction RELIEF -MEDICAL Bassett Rentals Charles Bucknell Christian Brothers & Emergency Protective Emergency Protective Foote & Beck Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Merle Anderson Realty Redondo Motel REVENUE SHARING Dutton-Lainson Co ESCROW Lintel Systems Co Sery Sery This meeting will now recess subject Adams County B9ard of Supervis County Clerk Janitorial Supplies Supplies Materials -Concrete, Etc Rd Eq Rep Labor Postal Services Co Shop Cap Outlay Dues, Sub, Reg, Training Electricity Equipment -Fuel Equipment=Fuel Special Fees Special Fees Electricity Mach Eq Tires & Rep Janitorial Supplies Bituminous Surfacing Rent Rent Rent Day Care Costs Day Care Costs Medical Emergency Relief Utilities Utilities Utilities Rent Emergency Relief Misc Cap Outlay Misc to the call of 52.50 66.35 189.00 87.55 255.71 277.00 80.00 15.94 159.20 191.50 946.00 84.00 63.01 470.85 42.90 6,392.24 185.00 175.00 210.00 35.00 10.00 13.90 74.45 30.60 29.60 25.00 210.00 200.00 216.00 2,985.00 the Chairman of the 04'412 Y-1(a4L-le' Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 26, 1988 10:00 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier, and Malouf. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and Anita Hawes, County Clerk. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Mosier that we grant exemption to Hastings College for the following vehicles for college maintenance use. 1971 Ford PU, title 14J002957; 1963 Ford 1 T Truck, Title 14J002956 and 1963 Chev Trk, title 14J002954. Roll call, Ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that the following omitted property be added to the tax rolls. Parcel 60-220 prior value 65,860 changed to 75,210. for 1987 Parcel 60-870 prior value 74,775 changed to 101,205 for 1983 Parcel 60-870 prior value 74,775 changed to 108,135 for 1984 and 1985 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 223 Parcel 60-870 prior value Parcel 60-870 prior value Parcel 60-700 prior value Parcel 60-700 prior value Parcel 60-700 prior value Parcel 60-1610 prior value Parcel 60-1610 prior value Parcel 60-1610 prior value 71,170 changed to 104,530 for 1986 70,780 changed to 104,140 for 1987 96,630 changed to 102,635 for 1987 114,550 changed to 120,555 for 1985 102,335 changed to 108,340 for 1986 262,150 changed to 280,180 for 1983, 1984, and 19E 232,950 changed to 250,980 for 1986 216,340 changed to 234,370 for 1987 Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier, Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. and This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the ChairmE of the Adams County B ard of Supervisors. e7A,r6t,/ County Clerk COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA pedAl4K4i‘ Chairman Tuesday, August 2, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He reported that the projects were going according to schedule and that they were .planning an open house at the new shop building on August 26th. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Mosier that we approve application 88-117 for a Conditional use permit with the provision that the mobile home be skirted and have smoke detectors. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ockinga, applicants. Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller that the Chairman be authorized to sign the form to cancel the policy for Workman's Compensation Insurance with Liberty Mutual. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that we approve the release of Joint Custody receipt 49779359 in the amount of 100,000. to City National Bank; receipt No. 49768235 in the amount of 200,000. to City National Bank and release of receipt 49727687 in the amount of 100,000. to City National and the release of receipt 49717587 in the amount of 50,000. to City National Bank. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 224 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that the Chairman be authorized to sign the certificate to accompany the plan for indirect cost reimburse- ment. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Beverioy Mobley notified the Board that she was resigning as County Assessor effective September 1, 1988 and would be leaving on vacation. Her last day in the office would be August 12th. The Board told her that they accepted her resignation with regret. The Clerk and the Deputy County Attorney, Tweedy were requested to proceed with advertising for the position with a request for applications to be filed by August 19th. Jeff Strong, representing Honeywell was authorized to make a study of the heating and air-conditioning systems in the building and report back to the Board. Gene Arnold, Clay County Supervisor and a group of citizens from the northeastern part of Adams County appeared concerning a road on the west side of Trumbull Village. They indicated that the road needed to be hard -surfaced and indicated the willingness of the Village of Trumbull and the Clay County Board to participate with 1/3 of the cost each if Adams County was willing to participate in the project with 1/3 of the cost. Adams County had the project in their six Year Road Plan and indicated that they would hold hearing and place the project up in the One year plan for 1988-89. United Way approached the Board about flying a flag for United Way at the Courthouse. It was deemed not to be an appropriate expenditure of tax money, but would consider it as a private project of the Board if it was found to be permissible to fly it with the other flags. Trudy from United Way agreed to get more information. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussion of a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays; none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:10 A.M. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole,Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:15 A.M. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that the Officers' reports be accepted and placed on file. County Sheriff (2), County Library, Register of Deeds (2); County Clerk, Clerk of Dist. Court; Jail (2), Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier, that the Miscellaneous be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors' Proceedings. ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. out and not voting. Motion carried. Teller, 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 James Aulrich State of Nebraska State of Nebraska State of Nebraska Jim Deveny Adams County Norwest Clerk of Dist Court Clerk of Dist Court Clerk of Dist Court County Sheriff Adams Co. Bank Adams Co. Bank Adams Adams Adams Adams Clerk Clerk County Court County Court County Court County Court of Dist Court of Dist Court Receipts Roll call, Nays: none. $ 10.00 3,449.74 124,948.55 28,990.00 150.00 .13 877.65 230.00 230.00 299.00 10,422.00 2,197.24 2,155.14 553.78 110.00 8,743.44 43.00 86.13 1,410.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 225 2195 Adams Co. Clerk 2196 City National Bank 2197 Jolene's Coffee Shop 2198 Estate of Helen M Kucera 2199 Estate of Mildred B Clarke 2200 Estate of Mabel Adams 2201 Co. Treas. 2202 Adams Co. Clerk 2203 Clerk of Dist Court 2204 Area Planning & Zoning 2205 Area Planning & Zoning 2206 Adams Co. Weed 2207 Adams Co. Road 2208 Adams Co. Road 2209 Road Department 2210 State of Nebraska 2211 State of Nebraska 2212 Bruce Price 2213 State of Nebraska 2214 State of Nebraska 2215 Deb Johnson 2216 Webster County 2217 Kearney County 2218 Nuckolls County 2219 State of Nebraska 2220 City NationalBank 2221 Adams County Court 2222 Adams County Attorney 2223 Douglas Taylor 2224 County Attorney Trust Fund 2225 County Clerk 2226 Norwest Bank 2227 Ken Pittz 2228 Harlan County 2229 Adams Co. Bank 2230 Register of Deeds 2231 Hiway Department 2232 Weed Control 2233 Weed Control 2234 Pepsi-Cola Bottling '2235 Hastings State Bank 2236 Wendell E Johnson 2237 Adams Co. Sheriff 2238 Est. of Thelma R Crowder 2239 Est. of Sarah C Horton 2240 County Clerk 2241 Franklin County 2242 City National Bank 2243 Cancelled 2244 Clay County Treasurer 2245 Clay County Treasurer 2246 Clay County Treasurer 2247 Clay County Treasurer 2248 Clay County Treasurer 2249 Clay County Treasurer 2250 Clay County Treasurer 2251 Clay County Treasurer 2252 State of Nebr. 2253 County Clerk 2254 Hall Co. Treasurer 2255 Neal D Katzberg 2256 VOID 2257 Register of Deeds 2258 Adams Co. Sheriff 2259 Nebraska Land Partners 2260 Weed Control 5.00 275.01 100.00 5,287.87 30.12 3,571.00 27.66 2,414.13 126.49 99.00 50.00 172.00 2,050.00 355.52 45.70 2,708.00 2,777.41 28.00 64,044.34 15,853.94 13.00 948.75 1,328.25 1,138.50 3,833.62 275.01 150.00 1,520.00 4.20 420100 3,187.25 43,276.40 7.50 1,138.50 1,749.46 1,396.86 281.60 78.50 25.00 20.12 356.40 10.00 20.20 136.32 1,092.89 1,087.00 1,138.50 188.59 . 21 82.32 200.11 17.24 1.78 439.89 893.95 544.30 2,778.98 . 50 1,863.94 10.00 3,745.90 6,860.00 125.00 1,042.41 226 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 2261 Weed Control 2262 Road Dept 2263 State of Nebraska 2264 County Court 2265 Phelps County 2266 Estate of Fern Swanson Lancaster 2267 City National Bank 2268 Ronald R Saylor 2269 State of Nebraska 2270 Estate of Donald H Bucknell 197.25 33.50 813.00 450.00 1,707.75 1,072.39 125.47 10.00 2,794.70 131.51 Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams County Sheriff Fee Acct. A. Toogood, Public Defender Beverley D Mobley Big G Auto Service Bill Mapes Business World Products Business World Products C. H. Kidd Clerk of the Dist Court Clerk of the Dist Court Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Cornhusker State Ind. Corrections Compendium Data Software Consult Sery Data Software Consult Sery Ed Lightner Eva Duthie Executive Copier System Hastings Family Practice Hastings Plumbing & Htg Hastings Utilities Herman Korgan Johnson Cashway Lumber Koci Engineering Laird Motors Inc Lila Reutlinger Lincoln Correctional Ctr Lincoln Correctional Ctr Madelyn Cosgrove Mary Lanning Hospital Minnie Burchard Nebr Law Enforcement Public Safety Supply Quinlan Publishing Co. Robert Mulliner Roscoe Story Woodwards Disposal Sery Youth Development Center ROAD FUND Harold Heuertz Lambert Struss Ray Velder:) Virgil Mousel RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Devon Chartier Finance & Acct. St of Ne Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Court Costs Office Exp Travel Exp Misc. Day Care Costs Offie Supplies Elec. Supplies Prior Service Court Costs Court Costs Printing & Publishing Office Supplies Janitorial Supplies Sub Clerical Supplies Prior Sery Prior Sery Eq Rental Med-Hosp Prisoners Eq. Repair Utilities Misc. Misc. Office Eq Rep Equip Fuel Prior Service Med-Hosp Prisoners Board of Prisoners Prior Service Med-Hosp Prisoners Prior Sery Law Enforcement Costs Eqip-Fuel Sub Travel Exp Prior Service Misc. Juvenile Care Costs Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Emergency Relief Welfare Admin. Utilities Utilities 15.50 971.09 59.12 8.36 213.12 259.79 3.83 16.00 599.50 2,704.57 49.60 49.92 57.20 48.00 56.25 25.00 19.00 14.00 190.00 197.50 98.86 14.98 50.00 107.50 76.66 92.19 14.00 166.60 836.00 14.00 75.06 28.00 10.50 114.83 43.92 41.00 15.00 90.80 600.00 13.00 12.00 19.00 12.00 150.00 722.15 102.75 \ 45.38 SUPERVISORS RECORD Na 21 ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA 227 Nelson Funderal Home Inc Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate Rick Rader Robert L Anderson, M.D. LIBRARY FUND Baker & Taylor Co. Hastings Public Library ESCROW Commercial Electronics Jacobi's Carpet Onc This meeting will now recess subject Adams County Supervisors County Burial Rent Emergency Relief Emergency Relief Rent Medical Hospital Library Exp Bookmobile Misc. Misc. Misc. 1,275.00 175.00 97.00 185.00 140.00 Client 296.60 to the callof the Chairman 153.25 588.67 505.50 522.30 of the Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 2, 1988 The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Also present were Beverley Mobley, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that we grant exemption to Hastings College for a 16' tandem flatbed trailer used for college maintenance. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambecki Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. i Motion by Woodman seconded by Mosier that omitted property be added to parcel 60-450 with value as follows: 1983 and 1984; Land 5040. Impr. 28940. and total 33,980. and 60-450.1 1985 Land 104,520. Impe 35,870 for a total of 140,390. 1986 Land 85,805; Impe 35,870. Total 121,675. and 1987 & 1988 Land 77,635. Imp 35,870. Total 113,505. Roll call ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 10:15 A.M. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Sole that ommitted property be added to parcel 60-672 and the value be for 1983, 1984 and 1985 Land 3,485. Impr 51,050. for a total of 54,535. and for parcel 69-672 for 1986, 1987 and 1988 the value be Land 5,945. Imp 51,050 for a total of 56,995. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams Cunty Board of Supervisors.',61-41 Co. Clerk Chairman 228 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 9, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. Discussion was held as to the number of hours a part-time clerical position at the road department would require and it was determined that Mr. Parks should make the determination. Surplus property auction tentatively set for Sept. 10th. At 10:00 A.M. A Public Hearing was held for the County Budget. A question about salaries was raised by the 2nd Deputy in the Clerk of the District Court's office. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that Resolution 88-8-9 be adopted. RESOLUTION OF ADOPTION AND APPROPRIATION 88-8-9 COUNTY BUDGET DOCUMENT WHEREAS, a proposed County Budget for the Fiscal Year July 1, 1988 to June 30, 1989 prepared by the Budget Making Authority, was transmitted to the County Board on the 26th day of July 1988. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Adams County Nebraska as follows: SECTION 1, That the Budget for the Fiscal Year July 1, 1988 to June 30, 1989 as categorically evidenced by the Budget Document be, and the same hereby is, adopted as the Budget for Adams County for said fiscal year. SECTION 2. That the offices, departments, actizities and institu- tions herein named are hereby authorized to expend the amount herein appropriated to them curing the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1988, and ending June 30, 1989. SECTION 3. That the income necessary to finance the appropria- tions made and expenditures authorized shall be provided out of the unencumbered cash balance in each fund, revenues other than taxation to be collected during the fiscal year in each fund, and tax levy requirements for each fund. Roll Call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier, and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that Resolution 88-8-9.1 be adopted: RESOLUTION 88-8-9.1 WHEREAS, in the Nebraska Department of Roads hearing which was held in Hastings, Nebraska, on June 16, 1988, a portion of the hearing was devoted to a corridor selection for a north/south expressway across Nebraska, and WHEREAS, any decision on the selection of a proposed expressway corridor in central Nebraska is critical to the citizens of Adams County, and their neighbors in central Nebraska, and WHEREAS, a transportation corridor developed for the central Nebraska area which affects the three first class cities of Hastings, Grand Island and Kearney, is of vital economic concern to these cities and the counties that surround these cities, and SUPERVISORS RECORD No 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 229 WHEREAS, part of the interest of the State in the selection of such a corridor will be the increased economic activity that will result from the contributions to the economy of the State from Hastings, Grand Island, and Kearney, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE County Board of Supervisors of the County of Adams that the development of U.S. Highway 281 expressway corridor is necessary to the economic development of this region and the State of Nebraska, and the Board recommends the project to the Department of Roads for approval. Roll Call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf.. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Ellerbee that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussing litigation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:30 A.M. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:09 A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of contract negotiations. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:10 A.M. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:25 A.M. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that we accept the amended report on distress warrants. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Plambeck that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 88-8-9.2 WHEREAS, the Adams County Board, in behalf of the citizens of Adams County, wishes to recognize Beverley Mobley for her dedicated service as the Adams County Assessor. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Adams County Board of Super- visors, representing the citizens of Adams County, that we express sincere appreciation for her work and devotion to duty. We extend our best wishes for future success and happiness. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays; none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller that we approve the County Library budget as prepared and advertised for public hearing. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections 9236; 9242 thru 9244; 9246 and 9252 thru 9258. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman their respective funds and the County to issue warrants for the same. Roll Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and GENERAL FUND Adams Central Jr Sr High Adams Co. Senior Services Adams Co. Sheriff that the claims be allowed on Clerk be authorized and instructed call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carr: Contract Sery Handi-Bus Misc. 2,100.00 3,927.28 5.35 230 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 4dams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct. Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct. Adams Co. Sheriff Mileage Adams Co. Jail Big G Auto Service Big G Auto Service Big G Comm Hardware BJ'S Wash House Business Supply Co. Camera Shop Cash Wa Candy Company Chris's Car Wash Clark Boardman Co. LTD Clay Center Pharmacy Commercial Electronics Coop Grain & Supply Cotter Charge Card Date Software Consult Sery Don Pettengill Don Pettengill Douglas Ruhter Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Foto Fast Gary Hueske Gibson Products Gordon Sidlo Graces Locksmith Sery Graces Locksmith Sery Gregg Magee Co. Sheriff H & N Mobil Hastings Paint Hastings Plumbing & Htg Hastings Plumbing & Htg Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Information Systems Inc Jacks Uniforms & Eq James Sidlo Jim Stutesman JohnKrontz John Rust John Rust Julia Moeller Keith A Houfek Keiths Pharmacies Kenesaw Motor Co Klopp Printing Laird Motors Inc Larry Peterson Larry Peterson Liberty Rental Serv. Lincoln Tele. Co Lincoln Tele. Co. Lincoln Tele. Co. Lincoln Tele. Co. M Glenn Kemp M Glenn Kemp MPH Industries Inc Michael Peterson Michael Shada Michael Shada Modern Methods Inc Court Costs Court Costs Postal Serv. Misc Board of Prisoners Equip Fuel Law Enf Costs Equip Rep Uniforms Supplies Law Enf Costs Laundry Prisoners Jail Supplies Equip Office Supplies Med-Hosp Prisoners Radio Repair Equi -Fuel Law Enforcement Costs Off & Jail Supplies Software Mileage Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Law Enforcement Costs Uniform Allowance Law Enforcement Costs Uniform Allowance Law Enforcement Costs Misc. Mileage Fuel Buidling Repair Misc. Service Printing & Publishing Printing & Publishing Utilities Microfilming Law Enforcement Costs Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Mileage Uniform Allowance Mileage,Meals Uniform Allowance Med-Hosp Prisoners Fuel Printing Equip. Uniform Allowance Mileage Misc. Tele. Serv. Tele. Serv. Tele. Serv. Tele. Serv. Uniform Allowance Mileage Equip Uniform Allowance Mileage Uniform Allowance Office Supplies 1,164.46 16.50 5.35 3.00 2,181.34 6.99 12.23 30.41 6.75 142.40 9.02 52.85 13.501 138.22 11.74 114.50 125.28 187.40 100.00 230.42 35.00 35.00 23.21 222.13 95.96 29.21 39.95 10.00 35.00 90.06 35.00 15.00 8.10 523.77 40.20 25.72 5.32 2,642.50 879.35 113.10 11,166.42 96.42 160.05 35.00 35.00 35.00 184.56 35.00 15.39 35.00 211.05 154.73 48.00 240.41 35.00 141.84 33.60 1,556.93 243.30 42.00 306.14 35.00 258.96 33.85 35.00 204.72 35.00 29.00 231 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Myers Refrigeration Co. Norman Dudek Paymaster System Rodney Wilkerson Rogers Inc Rutts Pharmacy Sharon Stonecipher Sowers Automotive Repair State of NE State of NE Tricky Dicks Wrecker Sery Uerlings Uniservice Inc University of Nebr. Vaughans Printers Inc Walgreen Co Weber Studio Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Winkler Foot Clinic ROAD FUND 3 -Points Tire Bosselman Inc Bruners Sand & Gravel Business Supply Co Chrisella Lewis Elec Comm Commercial Electronics Drummond American Corp Eakes Office Products Executive Copier System F W. Woolworth Friends Motor Supply General Glass of Hastings Glenwood Telephone Co. Graces Locksmith Sery H W Concrete Contracting Hall Co Hiway Dept Halloran Battery & Elec Hansen Building Spec Inc Hastings Concrete Products Hastings Motor Truck Hastings Utilities Hersh's Diggin Sery Holt Truck & Trailer Co Independent Bolt & Nut Co Jacobi's Carpet One Johnson Cashway Lumber Johnson Cashway Lumber KN Energy Kully Iron & Metal LCL Truck Eq Lincoln Telephone Co Lotus Mail Mart NE Tractor & Eq Olsens Mini Mart Olsens Mini Mart Rodeo Road Equip Sherwin Williams Sidles/Mr Automotive Sidles/Mr Automotive Sidles/Mr Automotive Sidles/Mr Automotive State of NE Westland Bldg Co Misc. Uniform Allowance Office Equip Repair Uniform Allowance Equip Repair Med-Hosp Prisoners Office Supplies Equip Eq Rental NetCom Equip Eq Repair Misc. Dues,Reg, Train Office Supplies Med-Hosp Prisoners Office Supplies Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Med-Hops Prisoners Tires Mach Eq Grease & Oil Gravel Office Supplies Postal Sery Radio Repair Chemicals, Shop Supplies Office Supplies Office Eq Repair Misc. Shop Supplies Eq Repair Telephone Sery Misc. Engineering, Misc Engineering Eq Repair Shop, Supplies, Misc Concrete Parts Utilities Bldg Rep Parts Shop Supplies Bldg Repair Lumber, Supplies Lumber Heating Fuels Materials Eq Tele. Serv. Data Processing Costs Mise Eq Repair Fuel Fuel Eq Repair Misc Shop Supplies, Shop Supplies, Shop Supplies Shop Supplies, Shop Supplies, Engineering Parts Parts Parts Eq 22.50 35.00 194.50 35.00 32.35 39.40 2.99 85.83 350.00 1,258.90 60.00 76.68 34.80 400.00 45.80 10.98 4.12 20.00 80.00 31.64 35.00 28.00 634.80 1,885.05 1,612.60 41.35 9.15 127.40 1,417.12 325.25 344.85 18.69 715.02 367.35 92.42 55.80 80100 1,602.50 20.00 395.80 552.58 14.56 475.25 355.00 18.00 78.22 501.55 610.70 319.64 141.59 851.93 494.00 38.83 18.00 26.90 1,891.84 157.65 39.50 530.25 165.22 618.71 379.54 492.49 324.08 470.00 2,200.00 232 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA RELIEF MEDICAL Dennis Mauch Donita Pettit Rader Real Estate Richard Troudt ESCROW FUND Chief Construction Rent Emergency Relief Rent Rent Misc This meeting will now recess subject to the Adams County Board of Supervisors. lyilk, County Cler Depu 250.00 250.00 135.00 160.00 38,921.39 call of the Chairman 21/4ve;A4/ Chairman of the COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 16, 1980 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plarnbeck, Mosier, Malouf. Teller, absent. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Ellerbee that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Sunervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kent currently amended and hosted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Teller, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Woodman that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION No. 88-8-16 WHEREAS, Adams County, Buffalo County, and Hall County desire to enter into a cooperative agreement concerning the detention of juveniles; and WHEREAS, the above counties may submit grant annlications with the Nebraska Commission of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice of the State of Nebraska; and WHEREAS, the various counties desire to make the most efficient use of their resources with the possibility of cooperating with other counties to provide the service of housing juveniles in a detention facility; and WHEREAS, an interlocal agreement, consistent with the Nebraska Revised Statutes 23-2201 through 23-2207, would be in the best interest of all participating counties; and WHEREAS, the counties desire to enter into a written interlocal agree- ment for the above mentioned nurnoses, including, but not limited to, sharing their economic resources, and submitting grant annlications to facilitate such purposses. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The Adams County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes Adams County to enter into an interlocal agreement for the joint and cooperative action pursuant to the provisions of Section 23-2201 through 23-2207. The interlocal agreement shall be for the strict nurnose of investigating the feasibility of a joint detention facility by and among the above counties and counties in the surrounding area and securing funds to study the feas- ibility of the above mentioned facility and its oneration. Further, this interlocal agreement shall not establish a separate legal entity, but rather SUPERVISORS RECORD N o . 21 ADAMS COUNTY,.. NEBRASKA 233 a joint and cooperative undertaking among the counties known as Adams County Buffalo County, and Hall COunty. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier, and Malouf. Nays: none. Teller, absent. Motion carried Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the county. He reported that the crews were working on the project on the North side of Idlewilde subdivision. He also reported that the date should be changed for Sept 21 in the evening for the surplus property auction. Public Hearing was held to revise the I and VI Year Road Plan for the County Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee, that after public hearing, the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 88-8-16.1 WHEREAS, Project C1-136 has been on the six year program for three years, and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of Adams County to move this projel forward for construction, 'THEREFORE, BE IT NOW RESOLVED, by the Adams County Board of Supervisors to mobe project C1-136 from the 1988-89 6 year plan to the 1988-89 One Year Plan. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Teller, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Plambeck that we sell a 1982 Chev. Ident.No. 1G1AW35HZCB151524 to Mid -City Auto as they were high bidder for this surplus property. Proceeds from the sale to be retained by Adams County Senior Services for the capital projects fund. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Teller, absent. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 9237 thru 9241; 9247 thru-9251 and 9259 thru 9270. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Teller, absent._ Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that we approve the bonds of Marvin C. Hartman, Reserve Deputy Sheriff; John E Dirks, Reserve Deputy Sheriff; and George a Wasson, Jr. Reserve Deputy Sheriff, each bond in the amount of 6,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Teller, absent. Motion carried. Bids were received and opened for a tractor for the Road Department. Bids were received and opened for a storage building for the Road Department Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that bids for the storage building be taken underadvisement and the Road Committee will have Mr. Parks report back to the Board next week. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, ,Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays none. Teller, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Mosier that this Board hold executive sessioi for the purpose of discussing pending litigation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Teller, absen. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:35 A.M. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that this Board resume regular session Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Teller, absent. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:55 A.M. Dr. Joseph Scalzo, Superintendent for Hastings School Dist 18, and their attorney, Charles Hastings appeared to discuss the matter of tax list corrections submitted after annexation and an Attorney's General opinion that had been given in the matter. James Gessford, an attorney representing Adams Central School Dist. also appeared to discuss the same matter. The Adams County Board took no action on the tax list corrections at this time. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that the hourly rate of $50.00 be inserted in ti:e contract language and the Chairman be authorized to sign the contract with Data Software and Consulting Service. Roll call, ayes: 234 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Teller, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that we accent the bid of Total Power in the amount of $29,511. for a tractor for the Road Dent. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Teller, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed and authorized to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Teller, absent. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams Kohl Insurance Adams Co. Hway Dept. Billy Simmons Chrisella Lewis Elec Comm Clerk of Supreme Court Co Attorney Spec Fund Co Attorney Spec Fund Conrad Grothen Cornhusker Press Craig McMahon DAS Material Division Data Sftware Consult Sery Bata Sftware Consult Sery Data Sftware Consult Sery Data Sftware Consult Sery Data Sftware Consult Sery Eakes Office Equip Eakes Office Equip Ellerbrock Norris Inc. Executive Copier System Hastings Tribune Jack Hynes James L Hatheway Judy Foote Lee Hemberger Lee Hogan Lincoln Telephone Co Marilyn Schmidt Mid Ne Mental Retardation Mid Ne Mental Retardation Nancy Packard NCR Credit Corp NE Supreme Court NE Supreme Court Prairie Books and Gifts Richard L Alexander Richard Uden Rocella Stromer Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt Smart Corp Spouse Abuse/SA Travel Specialists U.S. Postal Service ROAD -BRIDGE NE Technology St. of Ne Petroleum RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Budd Edgington Christian Brothers & Co. Everett Goebel Hastings Utilities Official Bonds Printing & Publishing Mileage Allowance Postal Service District Court Costs Law Enforcement Costs Dues, Sub. Rea. Training Travel Exn Office Sunnlies Travel Exn Office Sunnlies. Data Processing Costs Data Processing Costs Supplies and Software Data Processing Software Data Processing Costs Office SUnplies Office Sunnlies Ins. Office Eq. Repair Printing & Publishing Travel Exp Mileage Mileage Travel Expenses Travel Expenses Telephone Services Travel Expenses Client Services Client Services Travel Expenses Data Processing Eq Office Supplies Publishing Office Supplies Attorney Fees Travel Expenses Travel Expenses Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Office Supplies Contribution Court Costs Postal Services Registration Misc. Rent Rent Rent Utilities 200.00 6.80 334.32 4.55 150.00 1,500.00 155.52 7.94 77.23 11.30 106.45 300.00 3,500.00 399.95 1,150.00 250.00 52.30 121.30 7,663.35 200.00 9.43 15.05 133.25 7.07 12.14 7.94 57.00 5.42 1,916.00 1,916.00 5.63 6,331.24 53.65 40.40 5.95 383.28 7.52 5.63 95.00 70.00 34.78 1,200.00 504.00 2,500.00 30.00 30.00 125.00 140.00 200.00 16.43 235 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COL,INTY, NEBRASKA 235 K N Energy Keiths Pharmacies Russ Pittman ESCROW FUND Cornbelt Chemical Co. This meeting will now recess subject Adams County .Board ofj Supervisors. Emergency Relief Medical Emergency Relief Misc. 195.13 6.63 132.00 289.35 to the call of the Chairman of the COUNTY CLERK COU'R'THOUSE HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 16, 1988 10:00 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Teller, absent. Also present were Phyllis Bartlett, Deputy County Assessor and Anita Hawes, County Clerk. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Sole, that the value on Lots 23-32, Block 8, Hansen Village be as set by the County Assessor: Land 4,840; Improvement 12,225. for a total of 17,065. Present assessment equitable. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Nays: Ellerbee and Mosier. Teller, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that we grant exemption to Light of the World Ministries for parcel 248 02060. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Teller, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Jehovah's statement Plambeck, Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that we do not allow exemption to Witnesses Congregation for parcel 284 02718.11 as no information has been filed. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Teller, absent. Motion carried This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Boa d of Supervisors. Chairman 236 SUPERV I SORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 23, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Sole that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the county. He reported that the asphalt projects were pretty well finished except for shouldering. He indicated that they had arranged for Ruhter Auction to conduct the surplus property auction and the date had been changed to Sept. 21st. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that we accept the bid of Stoetzel to furnish and erect a storage building for 40,321. This does not include footings or doors. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Sole that this meeting recess to allow the Board of Supervisors to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Andy Shaver from Roseland appeared before the Board to explain the goals of Great Silver Lake Development Assoc. and to request a resolution of support and financial assistance in the amount of $500. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Woodman that we grant the request of Greater Silver Lake Development Association for $500. contribution from Adams County for local match for the proposed grant and adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION 88-8-23 BE IT RESOLVED that the Adams County Board of Supervisors are aware of the existence of the reat.er Silver Lake Development Association. Be it also resolved that the Board of Supervisors supports the "Mission" of the Greatilver Lake Development Association. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Teller that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussing pending litigation. Roll call, ayes: Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Sole, out and not voting. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:44 A.M. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:20 A.M. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussion of a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:40 A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that this board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 12:00 Noon. Motion by Teller, seconded by Sole that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk by authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier- and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 237 GENERAL Adams Co Sheriff Fee Acct Adams CO. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams Co Sheriff Rev Adams Co Treasurer Ag Communications Alexander Battery Co Ben Franklin of Hastings Beverly Davis Big G Comm Hardware Bobs Electric Supply Inc Buffalo Co Sheriff Office Business World Products C H Kidd Child Develp Council Child Develp Council Clark Boardman Co LTD Conrad Grothen Cornhusker Press Craig McMahon Data Sftware Consult Ser Data Sftware Consult Ser Data Sftware Consult Ser Debra Fielder Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eastman Kodak Co Ed Lightner Electronics Plus ESD Central Region Eva Duthie Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Friends Motor Supply Guarantee Electric Co Hastings Economic Dev Hastings Economic Dev Hastings Utilities ICL Intoximeters Inc. Jack Hynes John C Anderson Kimberly Reaman Law Enforcement Equip Co Lee Hemberger Lee Hogan Lila Reutlinger Lincoln Telephone Co. Madelyn Cosgrove Marilyn Schmidt. Marvin Hartman Minnie Burchard Nancy Parkard North Side 66 Service Paul Swanson Public Employees Ret Region III Governing Bd. Rocella Stromer Roscoe Story Susan Brown Travel Specialists Veterans Service Office Webster Co Sheriff Western Sports Wheelers Farm Store Law Enforcement Costs Court Costs Laundry -Prisoners Mileage Allowance Supplies Radio Repair Supplies Mileage Allowance Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Court Costs Supplies Retirement Contrib. Day Care Costs Day Care Costs Law Enfrocement Costs Travel Expenses Supplies Travel Expenses Part Time Salary Supplies Data Processing Software Mileage Allowance Supplies Supplies Microfilming/Copier Retirement Contributions Radio Repair Office Eq Repair Retirement Contributions Microfilming/Copier Microfilming/Copier Equipment Rental Equipment -Fuel Miscellaneous Economic Development Economic Development Utilities Janitorial Supplies Safety Equipment Travel Exp Mileage Allowance Mileage Allowance Law Enforcement Costs Travel Expenses Travel Expenses Retirement Contrib Telephone Services Retirement Contrib Travel Expenses Miscellaneous Retirement Constributions Travel Expenses Sheriff -Motor Vehicle Mileage Allowance Equal Retirement Benefits Mental Health Services Travel Expenses Retirement Contrib Mileage Allowance Court Costs Supplies Court Costs Law Enforcement Costs Other Equipment Repair 40.40 30.50 41.58 37.66 89.50 84.36 1.97 20.91 15.38 166.96 16.00 96.95 16.00 500.00 500.00 63.10 7.94 118.15 11.30 56.25 18.00 250.00 10.08 120.35 141.10 749.00 19.00 59.95 3,680.00 14.00 326.00 120.00 1,980.00 82.56 130.00 1,666.66 1,666.66 535.03 195.70 445.00 15.08 78.54 32.14 99.90 12.14 7.94 14.00 34.10 14.00 5.42 12.50 14.00 5.63 5.00 49.56 25.00 2,478.74 5.63 15.00 21.42 600.00 2,848.81 16.50 23.94 24.43 238 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ROAD Aman Well Drilling Big G Comm Hardware City Iron & Metal Co. Consoliated Concrete Co. Coop Grain & Supply Cornhusker State Ind F W Woolworth Farmers Union Coop Gas Great Plains Industrial H & M Equipment Harold Heuertz Island Supply K N Energy Kaco Supplies Kully Iron & Metal Corp Lambert Struss Lilley Sand & Gravel Midwest Service Myers Refrigeration Co Ne Machinery Co Ne Machinery Co Ne Public Power Dist Ray Velder. Rodeo Road Equip Inc. Sargent Sowell Inc. Sidles/Mr Automotive Sophir Morris Corp Southern Power District Stromers Repair Svoboda Plumbing Total Power Inc. Trumbull Coop Assoc Uniservice Inc. Virgil Mousel Werner Construction Wheelers Farm Store Yant Equip Co Inc. Youngson Supplies Zee Medical Service Co COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTIONS Adams Co. Visitor Comm RELIEF -MEDICAL Children & Adolescent Cl Christian Brothers & Co Everett Goebel Hastings Utilities INSTITUTIONS Beatrice State Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Norfolk Regional Center VETERAN'S AID Veterans Service Office INHERITANCE TAX Bancroft Whitney Co County General Fund Employment Security Fund Veterans Aid FUnd West Publishing Co. Maint Work Supplies Materials -Steel Product Materials -Concrete Equipment -Fuel Signs Janitorial Supplies Equipment -Fuel Express & Freight Materials Prior Service Supplies Fuel Materials -Concrete Materials -Steel Product Prior Service Gravel Sign Posts Rd Eq Rep Parts Supplies Express & Freight Electricity Retirement Rd Eq Rep Parts Miscellaneous Rd Eq Rep Parts Supplies Electricity Equipment Repair Building Repair Rd Eq Rep Parts Mach Eq Tires & Rep Janitorial Supplies Prior Service Materials -Asphaltic Shop Tools Other Equip Repair Other Equip Supplies -Medical County Visitors Prom Medical & Hospital Rent Rent Emergency Relief Beatrice State Home Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Patient Care Provisions & Clothing Library Inter --Fund Transfers Inter -Fund Transfers Inter -Fund Transfers Library 40.00 96.35 2.60 361.00 17.55 4,548.60 5.00 2,309.15 281.66 1,873.38 13.00 130.57 11.82 6,287.50 61.38 12.00 14,158.60 3,053.00 24.19 875.53 629.75 32.37 19.00 37.54 122.29 188.13 500.41 126.52 232.16 288.03 39.00 5.00 29.00 12.00 19,610.75 49.94 151.21 170.00 26.35 5,000.00 77.00 140.00 200.00 305.12 456.00 2,263.33 171.00 105.00 -- 4,723.39 4,723.39 304.10 150,000.00 1,646.70 4,923.79 614.75 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 239 r NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL Adams Co Hwy Dept Big John Mfg Co Inc Chrisella Lewis Elec Comm Coop Grain & Supply Coop Grain & SUpply Coop Grain & Supply Friends Motor Supply Hastings Battery & Elec Hastings Tribune K N Energy Laird Motors Inc. Merlin Klusman Sidles/Mr Automotive Southern Power District Village of Roseland Weed Control Social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Library Social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield ROAD Road Social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Blue SHield GENERAL County Supervisors County Clerks Office County Treasurer's Office Register of Deeds Office County Assessors Office Election Commissioners Office Clerk of Dis Court Mental Health Board Public Defender's Office Janitors Extension Office Sheriff's Office County Attorney's Office Jail Veterans Service Office County Surveyor Social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield This Board will now recess Supervisors. Postal Services Eq Rep Pts Postal Services Equipment -Fuel Equipment -Fuel Equipment Fuel Eq Rep Pts Eq Rep Pts Printing & Publishing Heating Fuels Eq Rep Pts Dues, Sub Reg Eq Rep Pts Electricity Sewer Salaries Matching Matching Insurance Salaries Matching Matching Insurance Salaries Matching Matching Insurance Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Matching Matching Insurance 4.00 38.25 11.75 145.31 76.51 154.10 11.50 34.06 39.60 20.85 11.90 58.13 32.13 33.90 41.00 2,673.20 200.75 128.32 115.86 1,741.26 130.77 40.08 115.86 49,517.30 3,718.89 1,747.98 3,624.46 4,375.00 8,489.70 10,036.27 5,996.10 9,186.98 1,865.70 4,678.74 720.00 3,658.62 3,724.35 4,673.38 22,210.22 10,578.33 12,540.81 3,276.91 50.00 7,879.79 4,342.54 10,553.44 subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board o� County Cler (1-4L )7eti Deputy ,d41(?)>Z2444e/ CHairman 240 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 23, 1988 10:00 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Also present were Phyllis Bartlett, Deputy County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that we grant exemption to Hastings College for a 1972 Chev. Pickup, Title 14J003771, which is used for college maintenance. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that we rescind our action of 8-16-88 concerning Lots 9 & 10, Blk 2, Dildine's Addition and declare the property exempt. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Teller, abstaining. Motion carried. Hearing was held on appeal of value for property 284-06566. Attorney Shoemaker appeared in behalf of Busboom and Deist. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that the value of property I.D. 284-06566 be: Land, 8,190; Improvements 21,310; for a total of 29,500. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. %atY C/...4- County (� County CLerk 9414A.) h?.(,(7114f eputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 30, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D..W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that this meeting is a regularly schedule public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier, and Malouf. Nays: none. Teller, out and not voting. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He reported that crews were shouldering the Bladen road and then would move to the Juniata road. Another crew was working on the Lochland Road. He reported that some bridge stringers had been broken and were being replaced. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that we authorize the Chairman to sign the certification to the Board of Roads, Classifications and Standards concerning the annual report .for the Adams County Road Department. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that we authorize the Chairman to sign a contract with the State of Nebraska Transportation Division to allow purchase of a new handi-bus. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier, and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that we authorize purchase of 3 CRT's not to exceed $505 each. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that this Board hold Executive Session 241 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA for the purpose of contract negotiations. Roll call ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 9:55 A.M. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:20 A.M. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that the Chairman be authorized to sign .tax list corrections No. 9271 thru 9274 and 9276 thru 9278. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that we approve the following pledges an releases of Joint Custody receipts: PLEDGES Rec.005292 by Adams County Bank, Kenesaw Rec 04985976 by Norwest Bank Nebraska NA Rec 49539477 by Norwest Bank Nebraska NA Rec 49676615,by.Norwest Bank Nebraska NA Rec 49660388 by Norwest Bank Nebraska NA Rec 49652231 by Norwest Bank Nebraska NA Rec 04986075 by Norwest Bank Nebraska NA Rec 04986085 by Norwest Bank Nebraska NA Rec 04986088 by NOrwest Bank Nebraska NA Rec 04986095 by Norwest Bank Nebraska NA Rec 04986099 by Norwest Bank Nebraska NA RELEASES in in in in in in in in in in in the the the the the the the the the the the amount amount amount amount amount amount amount amount amount amount amount of 100,000. of 90,000. of 100,000. of 65,000. of 100,0.00. of 100,000. of 100,000. of 200,000. of 155,000. of 130,000. of 100,000. Rec 200012 to Norwest Bank Nebraska in the amount of 2,700,000. Rec 9647039 to First National Bank Hastings in the amount of 100,000. Rec 975266 5 to First National Bank Hastings in the amount of 200,000. Rec 04986078 to Norwest Bank Nebraska NA in the amount of 115,000. Rec 04986066 to Norwest Bank Nebraska NA in the amount of 200,000. Rec 49722051 to Norwest Bank Nebraska NA in the amount of 250,000. Rec 04984827 to Norwest Bank Nebreask NA in the amount of 200,000. Rec 970413 4 to First National Bank in the amount of 100,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none". Motion carried. Representative from Honey -Well Corporation appeared to make a proposal for operation and maintenance of heating and air-conditioning equipment in the Courthouse. Further report will be made to the Board on September 20th. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Woodman that the inventories of County Superintendent, Public Defender, Election Commissioner, Emergency Protective Shelter, County Assessor, Veterans Service Officer, Adult Probation Office, County Clerk, County Court, County Attorney, Planning and Zoning, Weed Control, Road Dept, Titled Vehicles, Road Dept., Real Estate owned by County be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Plambeck, that we disallow the claim of Robert Placke in the amount of $250.00. Ril call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Sole that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams County Clerk Adams Co. Sheriff's Revolving Bancroft Whitney Co. Central Community College Commercial Chem.Mfg Inc. Postage Mileage County Law Library Voting Polls Rent Janitorial Supplies 30.74 40.53 86.70 30.00 89.00 242 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Cornhusker Press Data Documents Data Maxx USA Corp Days Inns Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Gregg Magee Co Sheriff ICL J C Penney Co. Judy Gaona Lincoln Telephone Co. Meals on Wheels Meals on Wheels Midland Area Agency Midland Area Agency NLSIS Omaha World Herald Prairie Link RSVP RSVP Shoemaker & Witt State of Ne Walgreen Co. Woodwards Disposal Sery ROAD Werner Construction RELIEF -MEDICAL Countryside Mbl Home Hastings. Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Howard Renschler Merle Anderson Realty Orville Meyer Rader Real Estate Raymond Wolfe Richard Heil Ron Foelgner Vern Gilbert Wilbur Plautz LIBRARY American Directory Baker & Taylor Co. Hastings Public Library INHERITANCE TAX FUND Bancroft Whitney Co. Great Silver Lake Dev. Assoc Historical Society Historical Society ESCROW Werner Construction Werner COnstruction Werner Construction Office Supplies Data Processing Law Enforcement Reg Office Supplies Office Equip. Mileage Janitorial Supplies Day Care Costs Court Costs Telephone Service Local Match July Local Match Aug Agency on Aging Cost Agency on Aging Cost Data Processing Costs Printing & Publishing Data Processing Costs Local Match -July Local Match -Aug Attorney Fees Net Com Misc. Misc. 72.04 Supplies 2,741.55 Costs 265.92 299.90 72.19 399.00 47.00 260.08 115.95 145.00 1,598.24 366.67 366.67 1,000.00 1,000.00 250.23 56.16 22.50 125.00 125.00 22.50 1,085.06 35.98 90.80 Bituminous Surfacing Rent Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Emergency Relief Rent Emergency Emergency Rent Rent Rent Emergency Emergency Relief Relief Relief Relief Library Library Bookmobile Misc Library Exp Local Match Historical Soc.-July Historical Soc.-Aug Asphalt Asphalt Asphalt 163,459.38 125.00 71.85 24.14 158.66 35.42 175.00 210.00 265.00 225.00 75.00 250.00 150.00 220.00 200.00 74.00 73.76 711.00. 349.75 500.00 566.67 566.67 70,112.50 84,112.00 68,532.00 Motion by Woodman, seconded by Teller that this Board hold Executive Session for a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier, and Malouf. Nays: none. Ellerbee, out and not voting. Motion carried. Executive session began at 1:15 P.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Plambeck that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, Ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Ellerbee, out and not voting. Motion carried. Regular session resumed SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS. COUNTY, NEBRASKA 243 r" at 3:41 P.M.. The Board issued a statement that more time was needed for reviewing informat and that the appointment of a County Assessor would be made at the meeting of the Supervisors on Wednesday, September 7, 1988. This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervi ors. Ci Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Teller that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerks office. Roll call, ayes Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the county and indicated that everything seemed to be going according to plans. Motion by Teller, seconded by Sole that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Plambeck that this Board hold executive session for discussion of a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 9:45 A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Plambeck that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:15 A.M. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Plambeck that Phyllis Bartlett be appointed to fill the remainder of the unexpired term of County Assessor. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Term ends 1-31-91. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that this Board hold Executive session for the purpose of contract negotiations. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:22 A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellebee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf, Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:45 A.M. 244 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections 9279 and 9280. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that this Board hold Executive session for the purpose of negotiations. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:46 A.M. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:02 A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that the reports of County Jail, Election Commissioner (2), Register of Deeds (2), County Clerk, Jail Food Account (2) Car Titles, Clerk of District Court be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plam- beck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Plambeck that the inventories of Building and Grounds, County Treasurer, County Library, Clerk of District Court, Register of Deeds, District Court, Sheriff's Office Equipment, Sheriff Equipment andJail be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Mosier that we approve the bond of Eileen Watson, transcriptionist/secretary in the amount of $10,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Teller that the Miscellaneous receipts be made a part of this Supervisors Proceedings. 2271 Catherine Lofing Estate 2,213.72 2272 S. C. Kindig 10.00 2273 Estate of Estelle McCaffrey 72.00 2274 Estate of Lavina M Anderson 5,306.37 2275 Hastings State Bank 2,186.30 2276 Adams County Clerk .14 2277 Planning Department 50.00 2278 Weed Control 745.15 2279 Adams County Clerk 6.33 2280 Adams Co. Court 60.00 2281 Estate of Mabel ADams 117.66 2282 Philip A Miller 48.56 2283 VOID ---- 2284 Adams Co. Bank 1,161.23 2285 County Clerk 61.00 2286 Jolene's Coffee Shop 100.00 2287 City Natl Bank 124.85 2288 Adams County Court 170.25 2289 Adams County Court 75.50 2290 Adams County Court 369.85 2291 Adams County Court 11,293.00 2292 Estate of Corona McGrath 1,393.80 2293 Clerk of the District Court 595.00 2294 Clerk of District Court 116.73 2295 Art Toodgood, County Attorney 50.00 2296 Adams County Court 20.00 2297 Adams County Clerk 2,922.25 2298 Kenesaw County Bank 2,155.14 2299 Hastings State Bank 5,465.75 2300 Clerk of District Court 230.00 2301 Clerk of the District Court 131.12 2302 State of Nebraska 210.00 2303 Estate of Beulah M Mohnike 1,264.60 2304 Adam D Kohl III 10.00 2305 Adams County Weed 588.50 2306 VOID SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 245 2307 Adams County Attorney 2308 Register of Deees 2309 Clerk of District Court 2310 Estate of Margaret D North 2311 State of Nebraska 2312 City Natl Bank 2313 Estate of Ann R Ground 2314 Estate of Edward Hemberger 2315 Adams Co. Register of Deeds 2316 Adams County Court 2317 Estate of Dena G Larsen 2318 Election Commissioner 2319 Election Commissioner 2320 Clerk of District Court 2321 Estate of Hilda K Lentz 2322 Hastings State Bank 2323 Adams Co. Bank 2324 County Road Dept 2325 Weed Control 2326 State of Nebraska 2327 Adams County County Court 2328 Adams Co. Treasurer 2329 Kenesaw Co. Bank 2330 City National Bank 2331 Rothschild Financial Corp 2332 Adams County Clerk==Ne Dept Rds 2333 Adams Co. Weed 2334 ADams Co. Road 2335 Adams Co. Weed 2336 Hiway Dept 2337 Estate of Lena M Bennett 2338 Adams Co. Hiway 2339 State of Nebraska 2340 Adams County Sheriff 2341 Hall County Treasurer 2342 Adams County Court 2343 State of Nebraska 2344 Webster Co. 2345 Adams Co. Hiway 2356 Adams Co. Hiway 2348 VOID 2349 City Natl Bank 2350 State of Nebr 2351 Estate of Floyd Weber 2352 State of Nebraska 2353 Buffalo Co. 2354 Clay County 2355 Adams Co. Bank 2356 Adams County Court 2357 Inheritance Tax 2358 Inheritance Tax 2359 Inheritance Tax 720.00 1,009.40 87.50 447.72 70,886.25 124.85 289.66 137.14 3,217.10 75.00 882.00 118.96 595.59 58.00 2,747.50 406.84 131.51 1,134.00 1,734.21 12,466.34 780.62 753.00 1,763.01 124.85 6.30 1,359.75 360.76 114.39 133.75 2,450.00 227.14 1,500.00 1,201.05 73.14 2,456.40 83.00 1,250.35 3.18 975.00 6.80 124.85 3,491.39 27.10 2,875.04 24.00 1,518.00 2,301.37 75.00 150,000.00 1,646.70 4,923.79 Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that we approve the pledging of Joint Custody Receipt 213982 by Adams County Bank in the amount of 400,000. and the pledging of Joint Custody Receipt 0086 OMVS9 by Norwest Bank Nebraska in the amount of 2,700,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 246 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA GENERAL FUND Adams Co. Senior Serv. Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams County Jail Amsterdam Printing Arthur R Langvardt Arthur R Langvardt Arthur R Langvardt Arthur R Langvardt Arthur Toodgood Pub Def Badger Uniforms Badger Uniforms Ben Franklin of Hastings Berts Rexall Drugs Big G Auto Service Bill Mapes Billy Simmons Bob Barker Co. Business Supply Co. Cash Wa Candy Co. Central Dist Co Off Assoc Child Development Council City of Hastings Commercial Chem Mfg Inc Commercial Electronics Cornhusker Press Cotter Charge Card CRS Inc Data Software Consult Sery Data Software Consult Sery Data Software Consult Sery Data Software Consult Sery DayTimers Inc Don Pettengill Don Pettengill Douglas Ruhter Eakes Office Products Executive Copier System Firestone Foto Fast Friends Motor Supply Friends Motor Supply Gary Hueske Gibson Products Ins Gordon Sidlo Graces Locksmith Serv. Gregg Magee Co. Sheriff Hastings Economic Devl. Hastings Paint Hastings Plumbing & Htg Hastings Podiatry Clinic Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Hastings/Adams Co Civil Defense Infomation Systems Inc James Sidlo Jim Stutesman John Krontz John Rust John Rust Johnson Cashway Lumber Judge Harry Haverly Keiths Pharmacies Kenesaw Motor Co KOci Engineering L E Net Inc Laird Motors Inc Handi-Bus 4,666.59 Court Costs 30.96 Board of Prisoners 2,003.66 Merit Commission Exp 33.10 Attorney Fees 145.00 Attorney Fees 275.00 Attorney Fees 30.00 Attorney Fees 220.00 Office Supplies, Court Utilities, Tele. Rent Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Misc Med Hosp Prisoners Equip Day Care Costs Mileage Allowance Jail Supplies Office Supplies Jail Supplies, Laundry Reg Day Care Costs Misc. Jail Supplies Radio Repair Office Supplies Office Supplies Printing & Publ Data Proc Costs Data Proc Costs Data Proc Costs Data Process Costs Office Supplies Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Office Supplies, Equip Eq Rental Equip Fuel Law Enforcement Costs Equip Rep Equip Fuel Uniform Allowance Jail Supplies Uniform Allowance Law Enforcement Costs Mileage Allowance Economic Development Misc. Eq Repair Med-Hosp Prisoners Print & Publ Print & Publ Merit Com Exp Utilities Civil Defense Microfilming Exp Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Law Enforcement Costs Misc Med-Hosp Prisoners Equip Fuel Off Equip Repair Law Enforcement Costs Equip Fuel Costs 1,172.52 46.44 244.59 15.92 21.86 588.88 275.00 331.44 55.83 120.56 69.13 100.00 500.00 1,025.00 24.50 325.40 33.94 14.25 40.00 56.25 100.00 50.00 450.00 110.52 253.68 35.00 35.00 809.44 190.00 109.74 46.54 25.55 49.86 35.00 512.97 35.00 2.40 317.97 1,666.66 3.83 26.38 57.00 49.00 772.64 204.96 15.38 293.69 146.89 35.00 35.00 35.00 140.16 35.00 5.36 10.00 150.57 18.00 45.00 695.00 173.76 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS .COUNTY,. NEBRASKA Larry Peterson Larry Peterson Lincoln Tele. Co. 1'4E Maintenance Eng M Glenn Kemp M Glenn Kemp Marilyn Schmidt Mary Lanning Hospital Mary Lanning Hospital Meals on Wheels Michael Peterson Michael Shada Michael Shada Mid Nebraska Mental Midland Area Agency Myers Refrigeration NCR Data Processing Nebr Crime Commission NLSIS Data Processing Norman Dudek Protex Systems Inc Quinlan Publishing Radio Shack Region III Governing Bd Ltd Retardation on Aging Co. Costs Co. Costs Rodney Wilkerson RSVP Rutts Pharmacy State of NE The Cop Shop The Cop Shop Walter F Stephens Jr Inc West Publishing Co. Williams Exterminating ROAD FUND 3 Points Tire A. J. Wright All State Transmissions Big G Big G Auto Serv. Big G Comm Hardware Bosselman Inc Bruners Sand & Gravel Business Supply Co. Case Power & Equip Co Central Dist Co Officials Assoc Chrisella Lewis Commercial Electronics Cornbelt Chemical Co. Delken Press Eakes Office Products Eileens Colossal Cookies Farmers Union Coop Gas Friends Motor Supply Graces Locksmith Sery H & N Mobil Hastings Motor Truck Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Ideal Electric Island Supply J I L Asphalt Paving Co. Johnson Cashway Lumber Johnson Cashway Lumber K N Energy K N Energy Kerr Chevrolet Co Koch Materials Co. L L Olsen Oil Co. Uniform Allowance Mileage Tele. Co. Bldg Repair Mileage Uniform Allowance Travel Exp Med-Hosp Prisoners Med-Hosp Prisoners Local Match RSVP Meals Uniform Allowance Mileage Uniform Allowance Mental Retardation Area Agency on Aging Cost Equip Repair Data Processing Costs Law Enforcement Costs Data Processing Costs Uniform Allowance Eq Repair Subs Law Enforcement Costs Mental Health Sery Gov Bd Alcohol Sery 2,478.74 Uniform. Allowance 35.00 Local Match 125.00 Med-Hosp Prisoners 243.76 Eq Rental 385.00 Law Enforcement Costs 28.40 Uniforms 85.00 Jail Supplies 61.26 Misc. 127.25 Misc. 14.00 35.00 155.76 134.47 131.69 152.64 35.00 5.42 92.56 213.13 366.67 35.00 312.48 35.00 1,916.00 1,000.00 17.50 88.00 24.00 20.24 35.00 35.00 46.82 86.23 Tires & Rep Misc. Repair, Parts Misc. Tires & Rep Shop, Supplies, Parts Fuel Gravel Office Supplies Rep Parts Reg. Postal Services Radio Repair Unrestricted Chem Office Supplies Office Supplies Misc. Fuel Rep, Parts, Supplies Misc. Fuel Rep Parts Spec. Fees Electricity Electricity, Water, Gas Supplies Shop Supplies Asphaltic Materials Steel, Shop Supplies Steel, Lumber, Shop Supplies460.94 Gas 5.93 Gas 11.88 Rep Parts 4.66 Asphaltic Material 1,310.40 Eq, Grease & Oil 100.44 118.00 36.70 68.50 56.44 22.50 45.11 1,102.00 6,587.24 32.58 238.65 10.00 27.50 66.00 1,503.15 62.40 190.44 48.00 2,044.97 376.34 16.80 15.30 60.66 19.60 376.52 53.31 33.48 34.20 11,197.62 87.55 248 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Lincoln Telephone Co. Michael Daniels Nursery Mid City Auto Supply Midwest Service Samuelson Equipment Co. Sargent Sowell Inc Sherman Service Sidles/Mr Automotive Sophir Morris Corp Standard Blue Stein Mfg Inc Trumbull Coop Assoc. Uniservice Inc. W G Pauley Lumber Co Zee Medical Service Co RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Berts Pharmacy Charles Bucknell Emergency Protective Emergency Protective Emergency Protective Emergency Protective Emergency Protective Hastings Utilities Val Kershner INHERITANCE FUND Historical Society NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL Sery Sery Sery Serv. Serv. Central Dist. Co. Off Assoc Coop Grain & Supply Cornbelt Chemical Co. K N Energy Kerr Chevrolet Co Sidles/Mr Automotive Southern Power District Total Power Inc Tele. Serv. 146.86 Erosion Control 250.23 Rep Parts 134.05 Lumber, Supplies 5,964.00 Rep Parts 202.59 Misc. 43.29 Office Eq Repair 21.02 Shop Supplies, Parts 361.19 Supplies 153.24 Office Supplies 35.19 Rep, Labor 37.18 Tires & Rep 122.85 Janitorial Supplies 29.00 Lumber, Supplies 118.48 Medical Supplies 77.65 Medical & Hospital 27.36 Rent 175.00 Day Care Costs 110.00 Day Care Costs 2,090.00 Day Care Costs 35.00 Day Care Costs 190.00 Day Care Costs 20.00 Utilities 31.06 Emergency Relief 255.00 Historical Society Reg. Fuel UnRestricted Chem. Gas Eq Rep Pts Eq Rep Pts Electricity Eq Rep Pts 566.67 10.00 116.74 481.20 5.94 47.26 345.71 15.25 28.65 This meeting will now recess subject to the cal of the Chairman of the Adams County Board,of Sup vrszrs. 041' y i rtY /s/®V 4 ? 1( Chairman /s/(7 4, R,0'.V^r Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, September 7, 1988 10:00 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Also present were Phyllis Bartlett, County Assessor and Anita Hawes, Co. Clerk. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 249 Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that we grant exemption to the Crosier Fathers for a 1988 Ford 4 Dr. to be used in religious and parish work. Title No. 14J 004058. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chair- man of the Adams County Boar :Of -Supervisors. /s/ /-At'2A6444.4e/ Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 13, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Teller that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the mem- bers and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 88-9-13 WHEREAS the State of Nebraska Department of Roads has determined that the Railroad crossing on the Union Pacific Railroad on Marian Road in Adams County just north of Hastings be equipped with flashing lights and gates as a result of new traffic counts taken in December 1987, and WHEREAS the State of Nebraska is recommending that this project be funded in their 1989 fiscal program, and WHEREAS the State of Nebraska and Federal Government would pay 95% of the estimated cost of $80,000, with the Union Pacific Railroad doing the labor to install said crossing, resulting in a County obligation of 5% of the estimated cost of $80,000.00, WHEREFORE BE IT NOW RESOLVED BY THE ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS to obligate Adams County, Nebraska to pay 5% of the estimated cost of $80,000.00 for the installation of flashing lights and gates at the above mentioned crossing. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays' none. Ellerbee, absent. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He reported a bridge on the Adams -Webster County line had been damaged. The crews had worked on culverts and should be back to the shouldering work this week. The crews had started digging footings fot the storage building. Motion by Sole, seconded by Woodman that this meeting recess to allow the Supervisors to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none, Motion carried. 250 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Jack Crowley and Doug Oakeson appeared to explain plans for promoting Highway 281 as a North-South corridor through Nebraska. They requested that Adams County participate in the funding. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that Adams County participate by contributing $2,000. to the Committee for promotion of 281 as a North- South corridor, said funds to come from Inheritance Fund. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Woodman and Plambeck, abstaining. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by for the purpose of discussion ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, out and not voting. at 10:30 A.M. Sole that this Board hold Executive session of a Relief -Medical claim. Roll call, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Motion carried. Executive session began Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman, that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:00 A.M. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that as recommended by the County Attorney, and as the taxes have alEe2�y been paid, we deny tax list corrections 9206; 9207; 9208; 920'; 211; 9212; and 9213; and will not authorize the Chairman to sign them. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Nays; none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Woodman that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list correction No. 9281. Roll call, ayes:, Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Mosier that we approve the bonds of Phyllis Bartlett, County Assessor in the amount of $3,000. and Elizabeth Ochsner, Deputy County Assessor in the amount of $1,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that we hold executive session for the discussion of a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Exec'c:tive session began at 11:15 A.M. Motion by Woodman, seconded session. Roll call, ayes: Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. resumed at 11:30 A.M. by Teller that this Board resume regular Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams Co. Clerk Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriffs Revolving BJ's Wash House Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Business World Products Cash Wa Candy Company Chris's Car Wash Commercial Chem Frog Inc Titles Court Costs Dues, Sub. Reg Uniforms Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Jail Supplies Fuel `ttni €prial Supplies 30.00 1,778.36 257.71 6.75 18.00 150.83 56.55 11.60 36.00 7.00 300.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA 251 Connecting Point Coop Grain &Supply Cornhusker Press Credit Bureau of Hastings Data Software Consult Sery Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Fast Print Foto Fast H & N Mobil Hastings Paint Hastings Radiology Assoc. Hastings Utilities Keith Pharmacies Liberty Rental Services Lincoln Tele. Co. Lintel Systems Moore Business Forms NCR Credit Corporation NIRMA Paymaster System Phyllis A Bartlett Rinder Printing Co. Robert Mulliner Sharon Stonecipher Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt Svoboda Plumbing & Pump The Cop Shop The Michie Co. Uniservice Inc Weber Studio Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC ROAD FUND LilleyRedi Mix Ne Job Service RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Bassett Rentals Hastings Utilities Nebr Clinicians Group Rader Real Estate Training Fuel Printing Sub. Equip & Software Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Fuel Bldg. Repair Med-Hosp Prisoners Utilities Med-Hosp Prisoners Janitorial Supplies Tele. Serv. Tele. Serv. Printing Data Processing Equip Insurance Office Equip Repair Travel Exp Office Supplies Travel Exp. Reg. Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Misc. Law Enforcement Costs Printing Misc Office Supplies Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Gravel Reg Rent Utilities Medical & Rent INHERITANCE TAX FUND 281 N -S Expressway Committee Misc 95.00 31.97 76.46 60.00 3,011.25 72.20 57.14 43.25 134.45 7.07 79.50 4.80 119.80 25.05 87.50 10,068.69 17.16 130.10 57.00 215.00 89.21 6,331.24 45.00 194.50 24.61 147.96 66.42 12.00 140.00 217.0 55.00 42.75 57.85 34.80 28.15 10.00 15.00 25.00 40.87 5.00 95.00 9,706.00 12.00 185.00 14.85 Hospital -Clients 56.00 135.00 2,000.00 This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Su•ervisors. /s/ Co. Clerk /s/ o 64G f./ Chairman /s./ oit7a,„ fl, Deputy P y 252 SUPERVISORS RECORD No . 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 13, 1988 10:00 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors convened as a Board of Equalization with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Also present was Anita Hawes, Adams County Clerk. An objection made by Darrell Herman, Terry R. Lovett, Joyce Ann Lovett, and John Steven Halloran was marked Exhibit "A" and read before the Board of Supervisors. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that the levies be set as the levies for Adams County for 1988; and we accept the levies certified by other Counties and leving boards, and further authorize the County Clerk to correct any patent errors. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. ADAMS COUNTY TAX RATES 1988 (Tax Rates per $100 of actual valuation) COUNTY General .1485 Road .0988 Co. Visitors Promotion -0- Re-Appraisal .0150 Emp. Security -0- Relief Medical .0046 Institutions .0045 Veterans Aid -0- Federal Grants -0- Revenue Sharing -0- Inheritance Tax -0- Capital Project -0- Noxious Weed control .0073 Escrow -0- .2787 CITIES & VILLAGES GENERAL Hastings .8779* Airport Authority .0093 Juniata .4947 Kenesaw .3352 Ayr .0639 Roseland .1118 Holstein .0663 Prosser .0517 Trumbull (from Clay Co.) .1244 CITY OF HASTINGS General .5709 Museum .0690 Firemen Pension .0368 Policemens Pension .0164 Debt Service .1745 Community Re -Development .0103 TOTAL .8779 BOND .1796 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 253 TOWNSHIPS West Blue Highland Verona Kenesaw Wanda Juniata Denver Blaine Hanover Ayr Roseland. Cottonwood Logan Silver Lake Zero Little Blue SCHOOL DISTRICTS 1 Juniata 3R Kenesaw 11R Holstein 15 18 Hastings 29 33 53 60 75 123 Silver Lake 9A Adams Central LEVIES CERTIFIED BY OTHER COUNTIES FOR SCHOOLS R-3 Minden 13 Franklin 26 Doniphan 19 Buffalo 74 Webster 101 Trumbull 1-C Sandy Creek 71 Nuckolls MISC LEVIES Airport Authority SID #1 SID #2. Off Street Parking CC College ESU #9 ESU #10 ESU #11 Agricultural Society Co. Library NRD #1 (Upper Big Blue) NRD #2 (Little Blue) Free High RURAL FIRE DISTRICTS Roseland RFD . 0125 . 0240 . 0110 . 0104 . 0195 .0041 . 0071 -0- . 0078 . 0026 . 0310 .0456 . 0555 .0515 • 0129. .0479 GENERAL . 8205 1.2651 . 7142 .2069 1.5945 . 1128 . 3807 .5109 . 4771 . 2864 1.1828 . 4449 GENERAL 1.1213 1.4546 1.6302 1.6852 1.7438 0062-- 1.7917 1,8878 GENERAL .0093 .0317 . 4741 .0821 .0762 . 0350 .0303 . 0327 . 0092 . 0127 .0289 . 0361 . 7737 GENERAL . 0217 BOND . 0432 . 0428 BOND . 4530 .1362 BOND .4024 . 3381 SINKING . 0435 .0981 .0127 SINKING .0133 Cap Imp . 0660 . 0439 . 0430 . 0475 Spec . 0446 . 0343 Cap Const . 0009 Sink . 0029 GWC SINKING . 0369 254 SUPERVISORS RECORD No . 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Holstein RFD Juniata RFD Hastings RFD Kenesaw RFD Glenvil RFD Trumbull RFD Blue Hill RFD Lawrence RFD . 0209 . 0376 . 0229 . 0066 . 0098 . 0110 . 0255 . 0694 This Board of Equalization will now adjourn SINE DIE. /s/C422 County Clerk 1 Chairman . 0274 . 0090 . 0057 .0159 NONE . 0133 . 0225 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 20, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Mosier that this meeting is a regularly-- scheduled egularlyscheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily -:Tribune and by posting. An Agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that we authorize the Chairman of the Road Committee to decide limits of acceptance on bids on certain items on the surplus property sale. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Woodman, abstain. Nays: none. Motion carried. A representative from Honeywell appeared to give references and to explain the services being offered by the company. Motion by Woodman, seconded a copy of their proposal to and make a recommendation, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf by Mosier that we request Honeywell submit the Building and Grounds committee to review Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, . Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that we appoint John Krontz as a Reserve Law Enforcement Officer. Roll call, ayes: Sole Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections 9282 thru 9285. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 255 Richard Snyder from Snyder Engineering Co. Inc. appeared with representatives from the Village of Juniata to request that the County work with the Village to" make application for a Federal -Aid project from 7th St. to llth St. on Juniata Ave. in the Village of Juniata. Motion by Committee Ellerbee, carried. Teller, seconded by Mosier that we refer the matter to the Road for investigation and recommendation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that we hold executive session for discussion of possible litigation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:35 A.M. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck, that this Board resume regular session Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:12 A.M. Motion by allow the Ellerbee, carried. Plambeck, seconded by Woodman that this meeting be recessed to Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion Motion by Teller, Roll call, ayes: Motion by Ellerbee seconded by Woodman that this Board resume regular session. Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. seconded by Sole that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 88-9-20 WHEREAS, Adams County has acquired title to two abandoned motor vehicles, specifically described as follows: One 1975 Yamaha Enduro 400 motorcycle, Vehicle Identification Number 400011688 One 1974 Yamaha 125 Motorcycle, vehicle Identification Number NEBR 006582; by virtue of Nebraska Revised Statutes Sections 60-191 Et. Seq. R.R.S. 1943, and WHEREAS, the Sheriff of Adams County has been ordered to sell or cause to be sold certain other motor vehicles pursuant to judicial orders or decrees: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Adams County, Nebraska, that Roger S Parks, County Highway Superintendent, is hereby designated and authorized to sign and convey titles to motor vehicles presently titled in the name of Adams County, Nebraska, including but not limited to the two motor vehicles described above, when such vehicles are sold as provided by law for the benefit of Adams County, Nebraska. This designation and authority shall continue in force until September 30, 1988, unless sooner revoked by resolution of this Board. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Plambeck that we hold Executive session for the purpose of discussion of a Relief -Medical client claim. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:25 A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee,Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:40 A.M. 256 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Mosier that we deny the claim of Fran Lindstrom in the amount of $235. as the house has been sold. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Telfer, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Teller that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Sole, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND DSCS Ellerbee, M B Nebr. Assn Co Assessor Duthie, Eva Story, Roscoe Reutlinger, Lila Cosgrove, Madelyn Lightner, Ed Burchard, Minnie Maint. Eng., LTD Vaughans-Printer, Inc. Matthew Bender Co Inc R L Polk Co IBM Shoemaker & Witt Cornhusker Press Information Systems Inc Adams Central High School Hastings Utilities Whelan, Scherr, PC Shoemaker & Witt Protex Central Inc NCR Corporation Woodman, Larry Vaughans Printers Inc Plambeck, Sandy U.S. Postmaster DSCS Moeller, Julia Eakes Office Products Election Commissioner Business World Products Eakes Office Products Blue Cross & Blue Shield Teller, Fred Co. Supervisors Co. Clerks Office Co. Treas. Office Reg of Deeds Office Co. Assessors Office Election Commissioners Office Clerk of Dist. Crt Office Mental Health Board Public Defenders Office Janitors Extension Office Sheriffs Office Co. Attorneys Office Jail Veterans Service Office Surveyor Social Security Retirement Pro Sery Mileage Books Prior Service Prior Service Prior Svervice Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Supplies Supplies Supplies Subscription Maintenance Pro Services Supplies Supplies Aug. Supt. Services Utilities Pro Services Pro Services Inspection Maint. & Supplies Mileage Supplies Mileage Box Rent Pro Services Mileage Supplies Postage Supplies Supplies Insurance Mileage Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Matching Matching 775.00 20.00 129.35 14.00 15.00 14.00 14.00 19.00 14.00 149.70 150.36 279.00 65.00 136.17 60.00 165.06 122.62 2,100.00 440.63 60.00 207.50 56.00 208.00 12.30 90.40 16.40 39.00 50.00 31.57 56.03 9.25 19.70 170.45 10,151.52 10.25 4,375.00 8,468.73 10,070.40 4,257.40 13,858.85 1,525.35 4,678.74 499.44 3,658.62 3,797.94 5,541.68 23,527.54 10,578.33 10,150.01 3,359.56 50.00 8,051.55 4,335.07 SUPERV I SCR RECORD No. 21 ADAMS :A COUNTY, NEBRASKA 257 INSTITUTIONS FUND Hastings Regional Center Norfolk Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Beatrice State Develop Center WEED CONTROL FUND Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care 3,045.35 348.00 186.00 465.00 Blue Cross & Blue Shield Weed Control Social Security Retirement Insurance Salaries Matching Matching LIBRARY FUND Blue Cross & Blue Shield Insurance Library Salaries Social Security Matching Retirement Matching ROAD FUND 286.06 2,549.48 191.46 122.38 115.86 2,242.97 168.44 43.90 Mousel, Virgil Prior Service 12.00 Blue Cross & Blue Shield Insurance 3,624.46 Struss, Lambert Prior Service 12.00 Heuertz, Harold Prior Service 13.00 Velder, Ray Prior Service 19.00 Road Salaries 38,284,80 Social Security Matching 2,875.37 Retirement Matching 1,455.36 RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Nebr Public Power Dist Service 67.53 Bert's Pharmacy Prescription 9.82 Adams County Bank Rent 100.00 K -N Energy Utilities 30.35 Hastings Pathology Assoc. Pro Services 60.00 Smith, Robert C MD PC Pro Services 116.00 Hastings Anesth. Assoc Pro Services 958.50 Skoch, Michael G MD Pro Services 722.20 Eastern Ambulance Pro Services 80.00 Hastings Radiology Assoc. Pro Services 515.25 Seiler, Jerry, MD PC Pro Services 526.60 Bowen, Robert E MD PC Pro Services 32.00 Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Pro Services 7,853.48 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. /s/ County Clerk /s/ ,,<O142/ra-4--/ Chairman 258 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 20, 1988 11:15 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D. W. Malouf, chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Also present were Phyllis Bartlett, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Sole that the values on omitted property be as set by the County Assessor: Parcel 52-40 Total Value $141,370; Parcel 48-650 Total Value $165,105; Parcel 48-730 Total Value $172,375; Parcel 52-200 Total Value $53,585: Parcel 50-38 Total Value $197,390; Parcel 48-360.1 Total Value $66,410; Parcel 52-530 Total value $37,120; Parcel 48-170 Total value $175,900; Parcel 48-564 Total value $39,210; Parcel 48-300 Total value $189,785; Parcel 3-150 Total Value $47,250; Parcel 52-670 Total Value $37,010; and Parcel 36-210.1 Total Value $160,460. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. This Board of gqualization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Boarervisors. /s/ County Clerk /s/ 441? Wa-fit Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 27, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present, Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier, and Malouf, Ellerbee, absent. Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He also reported the progress on the storage building at the Road Department. Sheriff Greg Magee and Roger Parks requested the need for an Impoundment Area. There is an area at the Road Department that can be used for such a purpose. Cost not to exceed $1300.00. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Nosier that Roger Parks be authorized to go ahead and build the Impound- ment Area. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 259 Roger Parks reported that the County Surplus Auction went very well. Buildings will be moved within 90 days. Bill Sole reported that the Visitors Committee met with Queen City Downs representatives, and allowed $2500. to help with advertising and costs. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Sole that we approve the bond of Patricia C. Arandus, Second Deputy (Assessor Office) in the amount of $1000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Jerry Berggren and Fred Thompson from Berggren & Woll, Architects in Lincoln, Nebraska appeared. They proposed to do an energy audit or study of the Courthouse building for energy improvements. The study will provide recommendations for energy saving. Fee for Study would not exceed $2500. It should take 6 weeks to 2 months to present. The Building and Grounds Committee will meet with them and Marvin Hartman and bring the recommendation to the Board. Eugene Nienhauser and Delton Shaw from Holstein Rural Fire Board appeared to discuss the purchase of a 1983 Ambulance for their District or repair the 1969 Ambulance they now have. They are to meet with the Holstein Rural Fire Board to make a decision and meet with the Board of Supervisors to let them know of their decision. Bruce E Bean appeared to demonstrate a radiant barrier that can reduce heating and cooling bills. The Board thanked him for his presentation of Eagle Shield, the energy saver. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that the report of the Sheriff's paper mileage be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Teller that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, absent. Nays: none. Motion carried. RELIEF MIEDICAL FUND Merle Anderson Realty Bassett Rentals Bucknall, Charles Fleetway Service Foote & Beck Otolaryngology Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Lindstrom, Fran Red Bud Rentals VISITORS PROMOTION FUND Adams Co. Visitors Committee INHERITANCE FUND Bancroft Whitney Co. West Publishing Co. GENERAL FUND Adams Co. Sheriffs Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriffs Revolving Fund Adams Co. Treasurer Ag Communications Alexander Battery Co. Anderson, John Alexander, Richard L Rent Rent Rent Gasoline Pro Services Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Utilities Rent Rent Expenses Supplies Supplies Served Papers Expenses Mileage & Paper Supplies Mileage & Expenses Expenses Pro Services 210.00 185.00 175.00 30.00 13.90 18.23 33.23 70.76 70.93 31.44 260.68 175.00 5,000.00 273.60 586.75 15.50 50.00 206.18 120.00 120.59 249.43 125.00 260 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Ben Franklin's of Hastings Bonifas, Ken Brown, Susan Busboom, Melvin Business World Products Clemson University Clerk of the Supreme Court Conway, Connolly & Pauley, PC Co. Attys Special Fund Data Software & Consulting Executive Copier System Eakes Office Products Executive Copier Systems Executive Copier Systems Executive Copier Systems Executive Copier Systems Executive Copier Systems Grothen, Conrad Hemberger, Lee Independent Business Machine Sery Kissinger, Sue Lamski, Dale F Lincoln Tele. Co. Lincoln Tele. Co. Marathon Systems McKenney, Barbara McMillin, Scottie Modern Methods Modern Methods Phelps County Treasurer Public Safety Supply Co Inc Schmidt, Marilyn Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt Stromer, Rocella Swanson, Paul Uden, Richard UNL Microcomputer Support Group U S Postmaster This Board will now recess subject County Board of Supero .,4 Supplies Mileage Mileage & Expenses Prior Service Chairs Storage Sampler Court Costs Pro Services Subscription Pro Services Supplies Supplies Rental Rental Rental Payment Paper Mileage Mileage Pro Services Postage Pro Services Ag Hotline Services Supplies Supplies Mileage & Expenses Supplies Supplies Tele. Serv. Supplies Mileage Pro Services Pro Services Mileage Mileage & Expenses Mileage Capital Outlay Postage to the call of the 3.98 11.30 216.32 34.62 258.00 20.00 50.00 52.14 144.00 45.00 67.90 12.23 120.00 757.49 246.00 161.00 20.00 7.94 12.14 59.80 15.00 137.50 34.10 1,725.45 303.47 46.35 298.53 14.50 45.00 400.94 65.39 5.42 45.00 150.00 5.63 132.21 7.52 2,563.50 2,500.00 Chairman of the Adams /s/4 W Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 4, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Mobion by Mosier, seconded by Sole that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. SUPERVISOR RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 261 Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He reported that proceeds from the surplus property sale were $2,781.77 for General Fund and $18,535.65 for Road Fund. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that we authorize the Chairman to sign a letter to Jack Mills, Executive Director of NAlrlc.arding the County Purchasing Act. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee;P Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Emergency bridge repairs were necessary to a damaged bridge, in the amount of $11,764.40. Lightning protection for the county shop building was discussed. action taken at this time. Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller that we accept the Treasurer's report concerning Distress Warrants. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Mosier and Malouf.. Plambeck, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller, that this Board hold Executive Session concerning a request for County Burial. Roll call, ayes; Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Mosier and Malouf. Plambeck, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive Session began at 9:50 A.M. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Mosier and Malouf. Plambeck, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:00 A.M. Motion by Teller. seconded by Mosier that the Board authorize the Chairman to accept the proposal of Berggren & Woll for an Energy Conservation Study not to exceed $2,500. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee, that we approve the bond rider for John Krontz to add Reserve Deputy Sheriff. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Plambeck that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Dee Haussler appeared before the Board to discuss briefly the consideration of changing the airport to a County Airport. No action taken. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections 9286 thru 9295 and 9301 thru 9329. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays; none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that the following miscellaneous receipts be accepted and made a part of. this Supervisors' proceedings. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 2360 City National Bank 124.85 2361 Adams Co. Clerk 9.37 2362 Hall County 150.00 2363 Clerk of District Court 122.50 2364 Clerk of District Court 92.00 2365 State of Nebraska 210.00 2366 Adams Co. Bank 1,355.10 2367 Thomas or Peggy Dill 10.00 2368 State of Nebraska 3,103.89 262 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 2369 Jolene's Coffee Shop 100.00 2370 County Attorney 910.00 2371 Adams County Court l- 12,592.57 2372 Adams County Court 170.00 2373 Adams County Court 1,861.13 2374 Adams County Court 41.25 2375 Weed Control 1,366.95 2376 City National Bank 124.85 2377 Adams County Bank 2,155.14 2378 Clerk of District Court 52.50 2379 Clerk of District Court 88.94 2380 Sandra McConnell 10.00 2381 City Treasurer 7,217.50 2382 Clerk of District Court 2,315.00 2383 Clerk of Dist. Court 227.45 2384 Jolene's 1.75 2385 Adams Co. Hiway Dept. 60.84 2386 Adams Co. Highway Dept 624.72 2387 Adams Co. Planning & Zoning 75.00 2388 Adams Co. Weed 573.25. 2389 Clerk of District Court 155.84 2390 City National Bank 5.98 2391 State of Nebraska 67,578.29 2392 Clerk of District Court 87.00 2393 Estate of Ada Hagman 32,854.00 2394 Estate -of Clarence W Kemper 626.82 2395 Estate of Fred Asmus 248.08 2396 Adams County Clerk 3,471.25 2397 Estate of Lucy Boe 185.88 2398 Adams Co. Bank 131.51 2399 City National Bank 23.71 2400 Hastings State Bank 398.72 2401 State of Nebraska 125,024.00 2402 Register of Deeds 1,388.86 2403 State of Nebraska 15,489.20 2404 Becky Struss 10.00 2405 Estate of Bertha W Oelschlager 179.00 2406 Adams County Court 75.00 2407 Register of Deeds 3,997.75 2408 Weed Control 742.50 2409 ADams County Clerk 12.00 2410 Village of Kenesaw 6,756.25 2411 Adams Co. Bank 1,763.01 2412 Adams Co. Clerk's Office 915.50 2413 County Clerk 10.00 2414 Assessor's Office 90.00 2415 Robert A Hughes 10.00 2416 Hall Co. Treasurer 5,929.81 2417 VOID 2418 State of Nebraska 3,349.99 2419 Adams County Clerk 49.48 2420 Adams Co. Court 5,171.30 2421 Clerk of District Court 96.92 2422 VOID 2423 Jeff Langemeier 10.00 2424 Adams Co. Sheriff 123.54 2425 Adams Co. Road 1,750.00 2426 Adams Co. Road 220.00 2427 Adams Co. Weed 256.75 2428 Adams Co. Weed 45.25 2429 Estate of Ileen C Reichstein 230.60 2430 Adams Co. Bank 1,232.88 2431 Villate of Kenesaw 11,100.00 2432 City National Bank 3,882.82 2433 State of Nebraska 1,278.95 2434 Estate of Grace E Dane 475.28 Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that the reports of County Library, Jail Food Account, Register of Deeds (2), County clerk, Clerk of District Court, and Car Titles be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS. COUNTY NEBRASKA 263 Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Woodman that we deny the request for County Burial as presented October 4, 1988. Roll call, Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried, Discussion was held concerning a Tax Study Report. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adam Kohl Insurance Adam Kohl Insurance Adam Kohl Insurance Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams County Court Adams County Jail Amsterdam Printing Arthur Toogood, Pub. Def. Badger Uniforms Big G Big G Bill Mapes Cash WaCandy Co Chris's Car Wash, Chrisella Lewis Clerk of Dist Court Commercial Electronics Cornhusker Press Cornhusker State Ind. Data Software Consult Sery Don Pettengill Dugan Business Forms Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Executive Copier System Foto Fast Gibson Products Inc Hastings Greenhouse Hastings Internal Medicine Hastings Plumbing & Heating Hastings Radiology Assoc. Hastings Radiology Assoc. Hastings Utilities Independent Business Machines Industrial Chem Lab Inc Intl Business Machines John Dirks John Rust Johnie Pittman Johnson Cashway Lumber Krieger Electric Co. Law Enforcement Equip Co MPH Industries Mary Lanning Hospital Mary Lanning Hospital Mary Lanning Hospital Michael Shada Monroe NACO NACO NACO NCR NCR Nebr Crime Commission Bond Bond Bond Postal Services Court Costs Court Costs Court Costs Co. Court Costs Board of Prisoners Merit Comm. Exp Rent, Util, Post. Supplies 270.00 210.00 730.00 5.35 31.00 15.72 6.44 104.00 2,221.10 66.53 749.56 Uniform Allowance 210.58 Equip 12.48 Law Enforcement Costs 87.34 Day Care Costs 266.40 Jail Supplies, Laundry 100.95 Equip. 7.00 Mileage Allowance 10.25 Dist. Court Costs 1,192.68 Radio Repair 178.10 Printing & Publishing 170.44 Jail Supplies 28.20 Data Processing Equip 495.00 Mileage Allowance 231.93 Data Processing Supplies1,497.45 Office Supplies 107.89 Office Supplies 44.51 Equip Rental 190.00 Law Enforcement Costs 77.20 Law Enforcement Costs 150.00 Misc. 10.92 Med-Hosp Prisoners 44.00 Other Equip Rep 24.00 Med-Hosp Prisoners 20.50 Med-Hosp Prisoners 50.00 Utilities 14.59 Supplies -Office 114.00 Jail Supplies 56.11 Office Supplies 67.20 Office Equip 550.00 Mileage Allowance 126.00 Other Equip Repair 80.00 Law Enforcement Costs 8.25 Building Repair 46.00 Equip 449.30 Eng & Technical 662.50 Med-Hosp Prisoners 51.26 Med-Hosp Prisoners 294.50 Med Hosp Prisoners Mileage Allowance Office Eq Repair Dues, Sub, Reg. Dues, Sub, Reg. Dues, Sub, Reg. Date Processing Exp Office Eq Repair Law Enforcement Costs 1,307.56 290.88 100.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 1,200.00 238.28 6.00 264 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Norwest Bank Oak Creek Inn Protex Systems Inc R. L. Polk Co. Radio Shack Rinder Printing Co Robinson Textiles Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt Southern Steel Company Sporting Goods Inc State of NE State of NE Stoffel Seals Corp The Cop Shop The Cop Shop US News Uniservice Inc. Video Kingdom Williams Exterminating Co Woodwards Disposal Sery RELIEF MEDICAL Lee VanDerWerff Park Avenue Real Estate Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate LIBRARY FUND Baker Taylor Co. Congressional Quarterly Gateway Press Inc Hastings Public Library Hastings Tribune Ingram Books R. R. Bowker St. Martins Press Inc ESCROW FUND Linear Dynamics Inc Office Supplies 11.23 Data Processing Software1,200.00 Eq Repair 62.25 Supplies 32.50 Law Enforcement Costs 29.90 Printing & Publishing 92.52 Provisions & Clothing 138.09 Attorney Fees 135.00 Attorney Fees 82.50 Attorney Fees 185.00 Building Repair 204.00 Law Enforcement Costs 13.00 Equip Rental 385.00 Equip Rental 1,240.40 Law Enforcement Costs 133.02 Law Enforcement Costs 42.48 Law Enforcement Costs 148.85 Misc. 34.00 Misc. 34.80 Law Enforcement Costs 89.95 Misc 14.00 Dis. Sery 90.80 Emergency Relief Rent Rent Rent 200.00 65.00 135.00 150.00 Library Exp 14.98 Library Exp 435.00 Library Exp 47.99 Misc. 711.00 Printing & Publishing 76.25 Library Exp 1,756.38 Library Exp 164.53 Library Exp 50.06 Misc. This meeting will now recess subject Adams County Board of Supervisors. �NTY /s/ Co. Clerk /s/ i/--puty to the call of the 11,505.35 Chairman of the • M)-14/011 /s/ Chairman SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 265 COURTHOUSE, Tuesday, October 4, 1988 HASTINGS, NEBRASKA 10:05 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Also present were Phyllis Bartlett, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck, that as the information was voluntarily filed and provided, the penalty be removed from the late filing of Brei's personal property schedule. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that this Board of Equalization hold executive session regarding possible litigation concerning some personal property. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:30 A.M. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. 0494Li"31Z(fili4e/ /s/ County Clerk U' /s/ Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 11, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He reported another bridge had been damaged. Discussion was held concerning impoundment area for vehicles. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that this meeting recess to allow the Supervisors to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, secrinded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. 266. SUPERVISORS RECORD No . 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Mosier, seconded by Plambeck that this Board hold executive session for purpose of discussion of a request for County Burial. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Executive session began at 9:56 A.M. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:00 AM. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that this Board hold Executive session for the purpose of discussing litigation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:01 A.M. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee and Teller out and not voting. Nays: None. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:32 A.M. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Sole that we approve the release of Joint Custody Receipt 64688 to Hastings State Bank in the amount of $500,000.; the release of Joint Custody Receipt 002316 to Adams County Bank in the amount of $ 500,000.; the release of Joint Custody Receipt No 504098 to Adams County Bank in the amount of $500,000.; the pledging of Receipt No. 069623 by Hastings State Bank in the amount of $500,000.; the pledging of Receipt No. 1955 by Adams County Bank in the amount of $ 500,000.; and the pledging of Receipt No 1956 in the amount of $500,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee out and not voting. Nays: None. Motion carried. The matter of customer parking around the Courthouse was discussed. The Building and Grounds Committee will do some checking. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Acme Printing Adams Kohl Ins. Adams Central Jr Sr High Adams Co Senior Services Adams Co Sheriff Fee Act Adams Co Sheriffs Rev. Adams County Court Arthur R Langvardt Arthur R Langvardt Arthur R Langvardt Badger Uniforms Bancroft Whitney Co. Billy Simmons Business Supply Co. Cash Wa Candy Company Child Development Council City of Hastings Coop Grain & Supply Cornhusker Press Coastal Derby Data Software Consult Serv. Data Software Consult Serv. Data Software Consult Serv. Data Software Consult Serv. Data Software Consult Serv. Data Software Consult Serv. Data Software Consult Serv. Data Software Consult Serv. Dawson Co. Sheriff Don Pettengill Douglas Ruhter Eakes Office Products GENERAL FUND Office Supplies Bonds Contract Serv. Handi-Bus Court Costs Laundry, Law Enf Costs, Mileage County Court Costs Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Uniform Allowance Co. Law Library Mileage Allowance Office Supplies Janitorial Supplies Day Care Costs Civil Defense Eq. Fuel Office Supplies Equipment Fuel Clerical --Back Ups Data Processing Data Processing Data Processing Data Processing Data Processing Data Processing Data Processing Court Costs Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Office Supplies Costs Equip Costs Costs Costs Equipment Costs 61.10 270.00 2,100.00 6,240.47 1,674.79 251.57 254.50 310.00 230.00 305.00 330.42 81.40 316.56 27.50 309.07 500.00 2,375.95 24.23 34.68 378.76 56.25 500.00 495.00 300.00 650.00 150.00 298.95 150.00 31.60 35.00 35.00 162.92 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS. COUNTY,NEBRASKA 267. Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Emmett C Arnett Executive Copier Systems Executive Copier Systems Friends Motor Supply Gary Hueske Gordon Sidlo Gregg Magee, Co. Sheriff H & N Mobil Hansen Building Spec Inc Hastings Economic Dev. Hastings. Family Practice Hastings Family Practice Hastings Internal Hastings Podiatry Clinic Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities ICL Independent Bus Machines Industrial Chemical Labs James Sidlo Jim Stutesman John Krontz John Rust Keiths Pharmacies Kelso Kenesaw Motor Co Laird Motors Inc, Larry Peterson Liberty Rental Services Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. M Glenn Kemp M Glenn Kemp Mary Lanning Hospital Meals on Wheels Michael Peterson Michael Shada Mid Nebraska Mental Retardation Midland Area Agency On Aging Myers Regrigeration Co. NACO Norman Dudek O'Keefe Elevator Co. Phelps County Treasurer Phyllis A Bartlett Phyllis A Bartlett Protex Systems Inc. Region III Gov. Bd. Robert Mulliner Rodney Wilkerson RSVP Rutt's Pharmacy Svoboda Plumbing & Todd P Jones US Identification Vaughans Printers Vaughans Printers Weber Studio Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Pumping Manual Inc. Inc. Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Board of Prisoners Office Supplies Office Eq. Repair Equip. Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Mileage Allowance Fuel Bldg. Repair Economic Development Med-Hosp Prisoners Med-Hosp Prisoners Med-Hosp Prisoners Med-Hosp Prisoners Printing & Publishin Printing & Publishin Utilities Janitorial Supplies Office Eq Repair Janitorial Supplies Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Med-Hosp Prisoners Janitorial Supplies Equip. Equip Uniform Allowance Janitorial Supplies Telephone Services Telephone Services Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Med-Hosp Prisoners Local Match Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Services Area Agency on Aging Other Eq. Repair Registration Uniform Allowance Building Repair Postal Services Travel Expense Travel Expense Misc. Alcoholism Serv.,Mental Health Serv.,Int. Adm. Travel Expense Uniform Allowance Local Match Med-Hosp Prisoners Misc. Uniform Allowance Sub Office Supplies Printing & Publishing Office Supplies Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees 269.67 282.62 58.01 540.00 132.50 276.50 32.08 35.00 35.00 379.94 83.50 27.44 1,666.66 622.25 109.00 94.00 185.00 g 1,133.92 g 26.00 8,471.26 58.02 30.00 3.88 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 261.72 78.00 25.84 543.47 35.00 121.70 128.84 73.00 181.94 35.00 219.39 366.67 35.00 35.00 1,916.00 Costs 1,000.00 80.05 60.00 35.00 90.00 65.66 83.19 6.56 40.00 2,478.74 112.96 35.00 125.00 170.13 45.00 35.00 49.50 30.84 145.00 28.15 370.00 70.00 55.00 50.00 55.00 30.00 268. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ACE/Eaton Metals Adams Co. Hwy Dept American Express Automated Systems Inc. Big G Comm. Hardware Bosselman Inc. Bruners Sand & Gravel Case Power & Equipment Co. Central Valley Rentals Chrisella Lewis City Iron & Metal Co. Consolidated Concrete Co. Consumers Serv. Co Inc. Coop Grain & Supply Dan Larson Delken Press Eakes Office Equip Eakes Office Equip. F. W. Woolworth Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Co. Graces Locksmith Serv. H & N Mobil Hansen Building Spec Inc. Hastings Motor Truck Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Holt Truck & Trailer Co. Independent Bolt & Nut Co. Island Supply Jahnkes Johnson Cashway Lumber Johnson Cashway Lumber Johnson Erickson Judy Foote Kerr Chev. Co. King Radiator Co. Kully Iron & Metal Corp. L L Olsen Oil Co. Laird Mtoors Inc. Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Telephone Co. M & S Construction Co. NE Machinery Co. NE Tractor & Equip Co Nehr. Dept of Revenue Nebr. Public Power Dist. Odorite Co. Olsens Mini Mart Rodeo Road Equip Inc. Sherman Service Sidles/Mr. Automotive Sidles/Mr. Automotive Smittys Electric Sophir Morris Corp Southern Power Dist. Standard Blue State of Ne. Stromers Repair Trumbull Coop Assoc. Uniservice Inc. Werner Construction Wilson Concrete Co. Zee Medical Service Co Allen Boudreau G. W. Barth, MC,PC ROAD -BRIDGE FUND Culverts Misc. ,Postal Serv. Meals Data Processing Costs Shop Supplies, Tools Grease, Oil, Fuel Gravel Red Eq Rep Parts Road Eq Rental Postal Services Steel Prod. Concrete Heating Fuels Mach Tires & Repair Com Transportation Office Supplies Office Equip Supplies Flares, Flags Shop Supplies, Parts Telephone Serv. Misc. Fuel Supplies Shop Supplies Spec Fees Utilities Grease, Oil Shop Supplies Shop Supplies Small Tools Lumber, Steel Prod. Lumber, Steel Spec Fees Com Transportation Parts Part, Labor Steel Prod. Mach Eq Grease, Oil Rd. Eq. Repair Parts Gravel Telephone Serv. Misc. Rd Eq Re Parts, Supp. Rd Eq Rep Oarts, Freight Misc. Electricity Janitorial Supplies Fuel Rd Eq Rep Parts Rd Eq Rep Parts Red Eq Rep Part, Shop Supplies Misc. Shop Supplies Utilities Office Supplies Other Equipment Other Equipment Mach Eq Tires Janitorial Supplies Asphalt Concrete Med. Supplies 889.52 68.80 86.55 150.00 175.31 3,798.40 1,984.18 163.10 48.00 5.40 8.50 221.00 41.40 24.00 55.55 67.60 259.00 329.55 37.59 443.10 43.44 7.20 33.10 43.50 60.66 41.20 322.84 97.81 166.50 40.31 15.18 556.82 211.24 356.50 21.32 14.86 84.50 1,088.87 264.00 65.84 5,988.60 147.13 75.00 5,361.05 1,462.22 300.58 18.96 5.50 52.85 9.45 24.85 Supplies 368.19 277.88 393.00 35.59 63.10 19.61 280.00 310.39 54.00 38.00 19,847.32 1,057.50 33.00 RELIEF-D7.EDICAL FUND Emergency Relief 300.00 Medical 439.41 SUPERV I SOR RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 269. Hastings Internal Jerry Seiler, MD PC Raymond Wolfe Richard Troudt Robert L Anderson MD PC Historical Society Adams Co Hwy Dept Adams Co Hwy Dept Ag Chem Equip Co. Eakes Office Products Hastings Tribune K N Energy Sidles/Mr. Automotive Southern NE Rural Public Village of Roseland NE Machinery Co. Medical Medical Rent Rent Medical INHERITANCE TAX FUND Historical Society NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL FUND Postal Services Fuel, Supplies, Oil Eq Rep Parts Office Supplies Printing & Publishing Heating Fuels Eq Rep Parts Power Utilities Water ESCROW FUND Misc. Paper Calmenson & Co. ME -Sc. This meeting will now Board of Supervisors. 228.00 643.42 75.00 160.00 74.15 566.67 28.00 449.79 27.64 15.95 41.20 5.94 2.20 17.96 27.00 6,500.00 16,504.50 Pj°ect to the call of the Chairman of the COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 11, 1988 9:50 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Also present were Phyllis Bartlett, County Assessor and Anita Hawes, County Clerk. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that this Board of Equalization hold executive session for the purpose of discussing possible litigation and negotiations. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Executive session began at 9:50 A.M. Motion by Sole, seconded by Plambeck that this Board resume regular session for the Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Board of Equalization resumed at 9:55 A.M. Motion carried. Discussions was held concerning exempt properties. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that this Board recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Ot-liWal4f Anita Hawes, County Clerk J° Chairman Phyllis SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 18, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members :present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Mosier absent. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Sole that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerhee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Nays: None. Mosier absent. Motion carried. Roger Parks gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He reported that the contractor was working on the storage building. Crews were working on two shoulder- ing projects and they were still repairing bridges. Motion by Teller, seconded by Sole that we accept the proposal of Berggren and Wo11 Architects Inc. and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Mosier absent. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that this meeting recess to allow the Board to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Nays: None. Mosier absent. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Woodman that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Nays: None. Mosier absent. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 9330 and 9332. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Nays: None. Mosier absent. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Woodman that we approve the pledging of Joint Custody Receipt No. 1969 by Adams Co. Bank in the amount of $500,000.; the pledging of Joint Custody Receipt No. 1968 by Adams County Bank in the amount of $500,000.; the release of Joint Custody Receipt No. 003220 to Adams County Bank in the amount of $500,000.; the release of Joint Custody Receipt No. 005292 to Adams County Bank in the amount of $100,000.; the release of Joint Custody Receipt 213982 to Adams County Bank in the amount of $400,000.; the release of Joint Custody Receipt 049`414 to Norwest Bank Nebraska NA in the amount of $240,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, and Malouf. Mosier absent. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck that the inventory of Adams County Extension Service be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Nays: None. Mosier absent. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Sole that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 88-10-18 WHEREAS, the Adams County Board, in behalf of the citizens of Adams County, wishes to recognize Phyllis J. Krull for her dedicated service in the County Assessor's Office, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Adams County Board of Supervisors, representing the citizens of Adams County, that we express sincere appreciation for her work and devotion to duty. We extend our best wishes for future success and happiness. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Nays: None. Mosier absent. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Plambeck that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Nays: None. Mosier absent. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams Co. Sheriff Business Supply Co. Chrisella Lewis, Elec.Comm. City Engineering Dept. Commercial Chem Mfg. Inc. Cornhusker Press Data Software Consult.Serv. Misc. 15.50 Office Eq. Repair 57.00 Postal Service 8.60 Planning Costs 44.85 Janitorial Supplies 101.00 Office Supplies 43.85 Data Processing Supplies 320.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD " No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA 271. Data Software Consult.Serv. Eakes Office Products Grace's Locksmith Serv. Hastings Area Chamber Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Hastings/Adams Co Civ Def. Industrial Chem Lab Inc Lincoln Telephone Co. NCR NCR Credit Corporation NEBR. Reporters Service Sandra L Freeman St of NE Div of Safety Big G Auto Service Board of Examiners Harold Heuertz JIL Asphalt Paving Co. Lambert Struss Ray Velder Samuelson Equipment Co. Virgil Nbusel Berts Rexall Drugs Dale Spilinek Emergency Protective Emergency Protective Emergency Protective Emergency Protective Emergency Protective Emergency Protective Emergency Protective Everett Goebel Hall County NE Hastings Utilities Lee Townhouses Rader Real Estate Vern Gilbert Bancroft Whitney Co. Ervin V Fry ROAD FUND Pt. Time Sal. Office Eq. Repair Misc. Dues, Sub. Misc. Utilities Civil Defense Other Eq. Repair Telephone Services Data. Processing Costs Data Processing Equip. Mental Health Board Costs Misc. Other Equip.Repair Mach Eq Tires & Repair Dues, Sub. Retirement Benefits Asphalt Retirement Benefits Retirement Benefits Red Eq Repairs, Parts Retirement Benefits RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Medical Rent Day Care Costs Day Care Costs Day Care Costs Day Care Costs Day Care Costs Day Care Costs Day Care Costs Rent Rent Utilities Emergency Emergency Rent Service Service Service Service Service Service Service INHERITANCE TAX This meeting will now recess s Board of Supervisors. Relief Relief Law Library Mowing Abandoned Cemetery 58.13 75.89 4.80 37.50 30.60 423.71 243.66 159.81 57.00 88.00 6,331.24 920.00 150.00 60.00 9,030.24 20.00 13.00 441.61 12.00 19.00 34.78 12.00 26.67 200.00 95.00 10.00 85.00 15.00 280.00 15.00 15.00 185.00 129.75 17.89 146.00 175.00 110.00 203.15 180.00 `the call of the Chairman of the Adams County /.0/41.? 4261`-"-Z Anita Hawes, County Clerk Chairman Deputy Phyllis , y well COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 18, 1988 The AdamsCounty Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Mosier absent. Also present were Phyllis Bartlett, County Assessor and County Clerk Anita Hawes. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that we grant Exemption to Hastings College for a 1982 Dodge Maxi -Wagon, Title 14J005112. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Mosier absent. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that we grant exemption to Ginger - Bread Pre -School for a 1981 Dodge Van, Title 14J005040. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Mosier absent. Nays: None. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Discussion was held concerning a case in Buffalo County regarding the Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Woodman that: 1. We Authorize the Assessor to proceed with inclusion on the tax rolls the properties at Good Samaritan Village whose principal purpose is not charitable. 2. We Authorize her to hire an independent appraiser to establish a value for these properties. 3. We request the County Assessor to inform Good Samaritan Village of our intent. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Mosier absent. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Teller that this Board of Equalization hold executive session concerning litigation. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Mosier absent. Nays:None. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:32 A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Plambeck that this Board resume Board;: of Equal- .ti.on. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck and Malouf. Mosier absent. Nays: None. Motion carried.Boa,rr of tqualiation resumed at 10:41 A.M. This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. /60 iaiN Anita Hawes, County Cl ek Vf Chairman Phyl is Newell, Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 25, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Mosier, seconded byTeller, that this meeting is a regularly sched- uled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None.. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent reported that the joint project with Clay County will start 10-26-88. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that we authorize the Chairman to sign a request for an insurance quote. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Dale Brock appeared to protest the planned re -plat of Blue River Cabin Sub-— Division as he felt that some surveyor pins had been moved or set incorrectly. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that we table the matter until Mr. Krueger and the Attorneys can be present. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. Dee Haussler read a letter regarding the situation if the airport were to become a County airport. The Board indicated that they were open and willing to listen to a proposal. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections No 9331 and 9333 thru 9335. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck,Mosier and Malouf. Nays: None. Motion carried. 273. SUPERVISORSRECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Paul Swanson appeared before the Board to explain that anew employee in the Extension Office would be paid by the University and the County would be billed quarterly for our share of Salary, Social Security Match and Retirement Match. Adams County Will pay the group insurance every month. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Mosier that this meeting recess to allow the Supervisors to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays; none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that the claims be allowed on their espective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Rall call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. ESCROW FUND Great Plains CPD GENERAL FUND Adams Co. Sheriff Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams County Court Adams Co. Treasurer Adult Education Anstine Fire Equip Co. Bancroft Whitney Co. Ben Franklin of Hastings Big G Comm Hardware B J's Wash House BRC Election Serv. Buffalo Co. Sheriff Office Business Supply Co. Business World Products Business World Products Business World Products C H Kidd Conrad Grothen Conrad Grothen Conway, Connolly & Pauley Craig. McMahon Dale F Lamski Data Software Consult. Serv. David M Griffith & Assoc. Dept. of Agri Comm. Dugan Business Forms Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eastman Kodak Co. Ed Lightner Educational Service Unit #9 Electronics Plus Eva. Duthie Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Hastings Plumbing & Htg Hastings Radiology Assoc Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings/Adams Co. Civil Defense Industrial Chemical Labs Jack Hynes Jack R Ott Car 12,945.91 Court Costs Post. Services Juror Fees Form Printing Reg. Training Building Repair County Law Library Office Supplies Misc. Uniform Allowance Voting Supplies Board of Prisoners Office Supplies Data Processing Supplies Data Processing Supplies Office Supplies Prior Service Travel Expenses Travel Expenses Attorney Fees Travel Expenses Attorney Fees Data Processing Software Consulting Fees Office Supplies Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Microfilming Prior Service Office Supplies Radio Equipment Prior Service Rental Rental Copier Supplies Rental Equipment Repair Med-Hospital Printing & Publishing Misc. Civil Defense Janitorial Supplies Travel Expense Office Supplies 1,588.96 25.00 766.88 82.08 85.00 100.00 213.40 1.69 11.63 4.50 2,262.68 200.00 13.00 172.52 3.76 8.99 16.00 7.94 7.94 213.64 11.30 302.50 50.00 ,900.00 3.93 219.70 3.93 2.28 44.09 805.23 19.00 19.00 525.00 14.00 120.00 163.00 45.00 161.00 15.81 39.88 816.30 30.64 1,529.38 275.18 15.08 3.70 274. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Jerry M Jones MD PC John C Anderson Jolene's Doffee Shop Julia Moeller Justice System Training Ken Bonifas Lee Hemberger Lee Hemberger Lee Hogan Lila Reutlinger Llncoln Correctional Ctr Lincoln Telephone Co Madelyn Cosgrove Mahnaz Corp .Marathon Systems Marilyn Schmidt Marilyn Schmidt Maxine Winkler Minnie Burchard Modern Methods Inc My Place Restaurant Nancy Packard Nancy Packard Nebr Assoc of Co. Officials NLSIS Paul Swanson Quill Corp R W Finnerty Redfield & Co Inc Redfield & Company Inc Revolving Fund Richard Uden Richard Uden Rinder Printing Co. Rocella Stromer Rocella Stromer Roscoe Story Roseland Ins. Agency Scottie McMillan Sharon Stonecipher Sharon Stonecipher Shoemaker & Witt Sioux Sales Co. Susan Brown Un of NE Video Kingdom ROAD FUND Lilley Sand & gravel RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Charles Bucknell Clara Metzger Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hasting Utilities Livingston -Butler Park Avenue Real Estate Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate INSTITUTIONS Beatrice, State Home Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Autopsy' Costs Mileage Juror Exp Reg. Training Law Enforcement Costs Travel Exp Travel Exp Travel Exp Travel Exp Prior Service Board of Prisoners Telephone Services Prior Service Office Eq Repair Janitorial Supplies Travel Exp Travel Exp Mileage Prior Service Office Eq Repair Juror Exp Travel Expenses Travel Expenses Travel Expenses Data Processing Costs Mileage Allowance Office Supplies Day Care Costs Voting Supplies Office Supplies Mileage Travel Exp Travel Exp Misc. Travel Exp Travel Exp Prior Service Official Bonds Mileage Misc. Mileage Attorney Fees Fuel Mi leage Office Equipment Law Enforcement Costs Gravel Rent Rent Utilities Utilities Utilities County Burial Ren t Rent Rent Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care 400.00 17.22 30.70 17.35 30.00 11.30 12.14 12.14 7.94 14.00 639.47 34.10 14.00 65.50 204.24 5.42 5.42 17.85 14.00 7.50 29.51 5.63 5.63 50.00 20.10 118.86 14.89 29.00 159.61 9.04 25.65 7.52 7.52 837.93 5.63 5.63 15.00 50.00 167.31 36.00 24.60 810.00 404.10 7.77 85.00 47.88 4,444.80 175.00 100.00 11.80 70.72 28.04 1,290.00 210.00 220.00 150.00 423.00 2,701.72 180.00 Air SUPERV I SOBS RECORD N . 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 275 INHERITANCE TAX FUND West Publishing Co Library Expense 803.25 ROAD FUND Road Salaries 39,022.31 Social Security Match 2,930.75 Retirement Match 1,477.96 Blue Cross & Blue Shield Insurance 3,740.32 WEED CONTROL FUND Weed Control Salaries 2,519.87 Social Security Match 189.24 Retirement Match 120.96 Blue Cross & Blue Shield Insurance 286.06 COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Library Salaries 1,857.23 Social Security Match 139.48 Retirement Match 40.08 Blue Cross & Blue Shield Insurance 115.86 GENERAL FUND County Supervisors Salaries 4,375.00 County Clerk's Office Salaries 8,573.01 County Treasurer's Office Salaries 9,221.21 Register of Deeds Office Salaries 4,816.62 County Assessor's Office Salaries 8,207.63 Election Commissioners Office Salaries 2,969.31 Clerk of Dist Court and Mental Health Board Salaries ,6,027.74 Public Defender's Office Salaries 3,835.02 Janitors Salaries 3,775.64 Extension Office Salaries 5,249.73 Sheriff's Office Salaries 23,915.62 County Attorneys Office Salaries 10,578.33 Jail Salaries 10,669.06 Veterans Service Office Salaries 3,343.03 Social Security Match 7,845.63 Retirement Match 4,232.21 Blue Cross & Blue Shield Insurance 10,267.38 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervi Gr:. k;•, -Vv c. Deputy 4•4d Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 25, 1988 10:30 A.M. The Adams County Baord of Supervisors met a a Board of Equalization with D.W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Also present were Phyllis Bartlett, County Assessor and Anita Hawes, County Clerk. Phyllis Bartlett, County Assessor brought information to the Board concerning the case of Good Samaritan Society in Buffalo County. She read a letter from Jim Smith, Attorney for Good Samaritan Village in Hastings requesting that notices and information for the Village be 276 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA directed to him. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, November 1, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D W Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that this meeting is a regularly sche- duled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays:none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the county. He reported that they were finishing several projects and would be moving down to the County Line bridge project in a few days. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that we approve the pledging of Joint Custody Receipt 04985414A in the amount of $225,000. by Norwest Bank Nebraska NA. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays:none. Motion carried. Vernon Tweedie, Deputy County Attorney gave a report concerning the Good Samaritan Village case at Kearney. He indicated that they had requested a re -hearing. He suggested that the Board of Supervisors wait about six weeks to learn the outcome of that case. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Sole that due to the annexation of property which will be effective November 8, 1988, we approve an emergency polling place, designating it precinct f31 for this election only and creating a separate polling place which will be Bellevue House. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays:none. Motion carried. Rick Sheehy, representing Eastern Ambulance Co. appeared to notify the Board of the new rates for ambulance service. Motion by Teller, seconded by Sole that the reports of Jail, Register of Deeds (2), Car Titles, Sheriff, County Clerk, Clerk of District Court, Jail Food Account, Sheriff's Quarterly Fee Report be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays:none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Mosier that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays:none. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams Co. Sheriffs Revolving Adams County Jail Ben Franklin of Hasting Brenda McCrady Cash Wa Candy Company Mileage Board of Prisoners Misc. Day Care Costs Janitorial Supplies 336.00 1,992.51 8.03 19.00 330.93 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA Clerk of District Court Data Software Consult Ser Data Software Consult Ser Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Hastings Plumbing & Htg Hastings Utilities Henningsen Durham Information Systems Inc Lincoln Telephone Co. Merles Burner Service Mert Hammond Modern Methods Inc Nebr. Reporters Service Norwest Bank Shoemaker & Witt State of Ne State of NE U S Postmaster University of NE Woodward's Disposal Serv. Youth Development Center ROAD FUND Stoetzel Sales Stoetzel Sales RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Allen Boudreau Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities LIBRARY FUND City National Bank Hastings Public Library Ingram Books Marquis Who's Who Inc R R Bowker The Oceana Group CAPITAL PROJECTS Stoetzel Sales ESCROW FUND Ennis Paint RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Rader Real Estate INSTITUTIONS FUND Beatrice State Home Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center INHERITANCE TAX FUND West Publishing Co. This meeting will now recess subjeg;- Adams County Board of Superviso Mental Health Board Costs 96.60 Data Processing Equip 495.00 Pt Time Clerical and Supplies 326.20 2,820.00 140.84 88.27 14.78 205.90 223.52 1,466.30 159.03 397.50 18.50 353.75 12.00 130.00 5.05 385.00 2,500.00 254.00 90.80 700.00 Data Process. Equip Office Supplies Equipment Repair Utilities Misc. Microfilming Telephone Services Equip Repair Office Eq Repair Office Supplies Court Costs Office Eq Repair Attorney Fees Form Printing Requip Rental Postal Services Travel Expenses Misc. Juvenile Care Costs Buildings Buildings County Clerk 2R-4beb,=, P1?4,4-44.a Dep ty Emergency Relief Utilities Utilities Utilities Social Security Match Misc. Library Exp Library Exp Library Exp Library Exp Building Misc. Rent Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care 18,773.89 9,250.00 300.00 80.77 32.27 41.43 22.11 711.00 2,389.45 277.00 265.28 11.50 12,297.11 13,040.09 150.00 423.00 2,701.72 180.00 Library Expense 803.25 o the call of the Chairman of the 278 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE HASTINGS NE Tuesday November 8, 1988 9:30 A.M. The Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Sole, seconded by Woodman, that this meeting is a regularly sche- duled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays:none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent, gave work in the County. He reported that the finished; crews were working on the north striping. It is hoped that the bridge on would be started soon. a report on the progress of road South Co. Line project was County line and they were finishing the Clay Co. line near Highway 74 Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that we accept the quote of Guarantee Electric in the amount of $3,557. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays;none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that we approve application 88-123 for the replat of Blue River Cabins. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays:none. Motion carried. Joe Ballweg appeared to discuss problems with a typewriter. It was suggested he try to find a firm that could repair it. Sharon Stonecipher appeared to discuss new communication line charges. Net Comm will be accessed from the 402 area code in the near future. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Plambeck that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 9336 and 9337. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays;none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructedto issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays;none. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams Central Jr Sr High Adams Co. Senior Serv. Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriffs Rev. Arthur C Langvardt Arthur R Langvardt Arthur R Langvardt Arthur R Langvardt Arthur Toogood, Pub Def Auditor of Public Accounts Badger Uniforms Badger Uniforms Bens Drug Store Big G Big G Comm Hardware Big G Comm Hardware Bill Mapes Billy Simmons Bob Barker Co. Brock, Seiler & Smith Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Contract Sery Handi Bus Law Enforcement Costs Court Costs Mileage Allowance Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Rent Costs, Telephone, Postage, Supplies, Utilities Audit Exp Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Medical Janitorial Supplies Equip Eq Repair Day Care Costs Mileage Clothing Attorney Fees Office Supplies Office Supplies 2,100.00 3,805.87 79.46 1,639.62 378.62 30.00 70.00 506.06 93.73 973.31 6,445.00 44.00 665.67 10.49 9.02 44.95 21.02 193.88 367.58 122.84 300.50 28.09 54.80 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,_ NEBRASKA 279 Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Child Development Council Chris's Car Wash Commercial Chem Mfg Inc Cornhsuker Press Cotter Charge Card Credit Bureau of Hastings Dale F. Lamski Data Software Consult Sery Data Software Consult Sery Eakes Office Equip Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Executive Copier System Foote Ophthalmology Clinic Foto Fast Fredric E Teller G. A. Micek DDS PC G. A. Micek DDS PC General Electric Corp Gibson Pharmacy Co. Gibson Products Inc Gordon Sidlo Gregg Magee Co Sheriff Hall Co Sheriff Harold Hurst Hastings Economic Development Hastings Family Practice Hastings Radiology Assoc. Hastings Tribune Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Indenti-Kit Co Inc Industrial Chem Lab Inc J & B Mobile Lock Serv. Jacks Uniforms & Equip Jim Stutesman John Rust Keiths Pharmacies Keiths Pharmacies Ken Beckstrom Kenesaw Motor Co Laird Motors Inc Larry Peterson LaVern Mosier Liberty Rental Sery Lincoln Telephone Co M Glenn Kemp Mary Lanning Hospital Mary Lanning Hospital Mary Lanning Hospital Meals on Wheels Michael Shada Mid Nebraska Mental Ret. Serv. Midland Area Agency NACO Natl College of Dist Nebr Co Attorneys Assoc Nebr Crime Commission Radio Shack Redfield & Co. Redfield & Co. Office Supplies Office Supplies Day Care Costs Fuel Jail Supplies Printing Jail Supplies Law Enf. Costs Attorney Fees Pt Time Clerical, Supplies Pt Time Salary Off. Equip Rep Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Equip Repair Office Supplies Office Supplies Equip Rental Medical Law Enforcement Costs Travel Exp Medical Medical Radio Equip Medical Law Enf. Costs Law Enforcement Costs Mileage Board of Prisoners Mileage Allowance Economic Development Medical Medical Publishing Printing & Publishing Utilities Law Enforcement Costs Other Equip Repair Law Enf Costs Equip Uniform Allowance Mileage Medical Medical Travel Exp Equip Equip Mileage Travel Exp Misc Telephone Sery Mileage Med-Hosp Med-Hosp Med-Hosp Local Match Mileage Mental Ret. Serv. Area Agency on Aging Cost Registrations Training Dues Law Enforcement Costs Law Enforcement Costs Office Supplies Office Supplies 88.35 15.50 500.00 37.45 49.60 69.50 235.11 132.25 75.00 73.93 58.13 100.55 39.91 49.51 255.69 613.17 51.94 89.91 190.00 70.00 7.40 17.50 42.00 34.00 1,132.12 .76 209.52 62.28 300.46 1,152.00 13.68 1,666.66 401.50 58.50 22.75 322.53 6,494.29 408.00 102.40 1.50 177.47 14.00 195.60 232.51 61.44 95.00 55.11 242.26 201.60 17.25 33.60 125.46 198.21 615.32 311.42 125.04 366.67 275.28 1,916.00 1,000.00 180.00 430.00 107.58 3.00 79.95 84.93 20.64 280 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Region III Gov. Bd Richard L Alexander Robert Mulliner RSVP Rutts Pharmacy Sharon Rose Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt Sidles/Mr Automotive So Central Community State of NE Stein Mfg Inc The Cop Shop Uniservice Inc VaughansPrinters Inc Vaughans Printers Inc Walter F Stephens Jr Inc Weber Studio Weber Studio Whelan &Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Williams Exterminating Co. Xerox Corp York Co. Sheriff RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Countryside Mobile HOme Finance & Accounting Park Ave Real Estate Rader Real Estate Richard Troudt Vern Gilbert INHERITANCE TAX FUND Historical Society Johnson Cashway Lumber EXCROW FUND Adams County Hwy Dept This meeting will now recess°'.bje.ct to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of �uperviso��� Mental Health Serv. Attorney Feed Travel Exp Local Match Medical Misc. Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Eq Repair Hosp. NetCom Equip Repair Law Enforcement Costs 1Iisc Office Supplies Printing Jail Supplies Office Supplies Microfilming Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees isc. Office Eq Repair Court Costs Emergency Relief Contract, Admin Rent Rent Rent Rent Historical Soc. Exp Misc. Misc. 2,478.74 116.76 49.82 125.00 132.83 12.51 290.00 75.00 13.46 150.00 1,140.55 10.00 44.89 34.80 12.22 121.90 50.71 12.49 20.40 60.80 2,063.19 9.31 55.00 30.00 14.00 63.50 5.00 150.00 593.94 135.00 135.00 160.00 30.00 566.67 1,069.95 2,988.91 /s/ County Clerk /s/ g Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, November 15, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA 281 Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller that we advertise for sealed proposals for conducting the next audit for Adams County, said proposals to be opened on January 10, 1989. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Ellerbee that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections No. 9338 and 9339. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. The survey made by the building committee concerning parking around the courthouse was discussed. Discussion was held concerning costs of hiring a contractor using County Employees to do the work. Discussion was held concerning the differences of parking on the south side or on the east side. The building Committee concluded that they did not feel there was a problem with the parking situation at the present time. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that we approve the release of Joint Custody receipt No. 017872 to City National Bank for the Imprest Fund in the amount of 500,000. and the pledging of Receipt No. 028884 by City National Bank in the amount of 500,000. for the Imprest Fund. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Sole that the Miscellaneous Receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors'preceedings. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays; none. Motion carried.". 2435 Lavern M Bauer 10.00 2436 U. S. Treasury 108.00 2437 County Attorney 920.00 2438 Hastings State Bank 5,753.42 2439 State of Nebraska 210.00 2440 City National Bank 117.17 2441 Thomas Dill 10.00 2442 Adams County Clerk 16.11 2443 Est. of Wm McKinley Davidson 819.55 2444 Est. of Anthony P. Mousel 551.86 2445 Est. of Victor K. Lutkemeier 796.04 2446 Jolene's 100.00 2447 Adams Co. Bank 1,123.67 2448 Ruhter Auction & Realty Inc 2,017.87 2449 Ruhters Auction & Realty Inc 18,535.65 2450 State of Nebr. 3,727.22 2451 Adams County Court 734.49 2452 Adams County Court 111.00 2453 Adams County Court 12,062.00 2454 Adams County Court 14.75 2455 Adams County Court 125.00 2456 Weed Control 636.48 2457 Weed Control 989.50 2458 Clerk of Dist. Court 156.25 2459 Road Dept c, 2.60 2460 Planning & Zoning Book 8.00 2461 Clerk of Dist Court 820.00 2462 Norwest Bank 27,059.76 2463 Norwest Bank 838.69 2464 Clerk of Dist Court 230.00 2465 Est. of Bernice M Rutt 1,743.00 2466 Est. of Mabel M Krulish 634.74 2467 Norwest Bank 616.53 282 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 2468 Sheriff's Dept 2469 Adams Co. Bank 2470 Norwest 2471 Norwest Bank 2472 Transamerica Real Estate Tax Sery 2473 Adams County Clerk 2474 Est of Albert Ellermeier 2475 State of NE 2476 Clerk of Dist Court 2477 Clerk of Dist Court 2478 City of Hastings 2479 Adams Co. Clerks Office 2480 Estate of Mattie Riese 2481 Est of Leonard A Sinfrey 2482 Pepsi Bottling Co 2483 Adams Co. Bank 2484 Hastings State Bank 2485 State of Nebraska 2486 Ticsi Realty Tax Sery 2487 Hastings Motor Truck Co 2488 Register of Deeds 2489 Register of Deeds 2490 Adams County Court 2491 Weed Control 2492 Adams Co. Hyway Dept 2493 Clerk of Dist Court 2494 Est. of Laura 0 Meininger 2495 Est, of Elizabeth Pittz 2496 Clerk of Dist Court 2497 State of Nebr 2498 Adams County Court 2499 Webster Co. Treasurer 2500 Tammy Labato 2501 Cancelled 2502 Hall Co. Treasurer 2503 State of Nebraska 2504 Weed Control 2505 Est. of Hilda Lentz 2506 Road Dept 2507 Est. of Hazel L Nesselroad 2508 State of Nebraska 2509 Adams Co. Bank 2510 Est. of Carolyn T Bist 2511 Hastings State Bank 2512 ADams Co. Bank 2513 City National Bank 2514 Est. of Yale Kully 2515 Adams Co. Weed Control Motion by Mosier, seconded by Plambeck that the claims be approved on respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. 7,779.10 2,155.14 144.47 4,124.06 8.05 2,793.25 705.40 66,127.79 161.49 299.00 45.50 655.50 511.78 2,035.90 33.35 1,821.78 400.62 11,102.82 3.85 60.66 1,080.23 3,571.80 175.00 1,492.75 449.79 230.00 1,240.08 1,559.46 81.90 3,527.17 150.00 854.91 10.00 - 7,779.03 380.72 548.75 172.96 1,978.86 7,465.65 5,124.63 140.27 54.23 3,501.37 6,794.52 3,492.06 2,100.00 382.50 their Adams Co. Court Big G Comm Hardware Board of Examiners Clerk of Supreme Court Co. Atty Spec Fund Eornhusker Press Ccrnhusker Press Dale F Lamski Data Software Consult Sery Data Software Consult Sery Data Software Consult Sery Data Software Consult Sery Don Pettengill Eakes Office Products Fast Print Hastings Plumbing & Htg Court Costs Misc Reg Co. Court Costs Law Enf, Costs Office Supplies Office Supplies Attorney Fees Data Processing Data Processing Data Processing Data Processing Mileage Office Supplies Office Supplies Eq Repair Costs Costs Costs Costs 306.08 54.20 100.00 50.00 1,000.00 34.68 328.63 185.00 150.00 250.00 50.00 875.00 342.48 15.03 214.20 84.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA 283 Helen Blum JJE Lincoln Telephone Co Marathon Systems Monte McCord Myers Refrigeration NCR Data Processing Costs NCR Credit Corp NIRMA. Protex Central Inc Randall G Sullivan MS MD Redfield & Company Inc Share Corporation ROAD FUND 3 Points Tire ADams Co Hiway Dept All State Transmissions Anstine Fire Equip Co Big G Comm Hardware Bobs Electric Supply Inc Bosselman Inc Central Valley Rentals City Iron & Metal Co Commercial Electronics Consolidated Concrete Co Coop Grain & Supply Cornbelt Chemical Co. Dee Haussler Drummoimd American Corp Eakes Office Products Elmer Uhrmacher Farmers Union Coop Gas Friends Motor Supply Garvey Elevators Gen Glass of Hastings Glenwood Telephone Co. Graces Locksmith Sery H & M Equip H & N Mobil Hastings Battery & Elec Hastings Concrete Products Hastings Utilities Hatten Elec Sery Holt Trk & Trir Co Independent Bold & Nut Co Island Supply Johnson Cashway Lumber Judy Foote Ken Avers Sharp Shop Kenway Engineering Klein Survey System Kuliy Pipe & Steel Co L. L. Olsen Oil Co Laird Motors Inc Lilley Sand & Gravel Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Telephone Co Midwest Service NE Machinery Co NE Machinery Co. NE Tractor & Equip Co Nebr. Public Power Dist Olsens Mini Mart Roger D Peters Samuelson Equipment Co. Sargent Sowell Inc Sidles/Mr Automotive Southern Ne Rural Public The Kelly Supply Co. Post Serv. Microfilming Tele. Serv. Janitorial Supplies Misc. Misc. Data Processing Costs Equip Ins. Mult Peril Bld Rep Mental Health Bd Costs Office Supplies Janitorial Supplies Tires & Rep Misc Rd Equip Rep Parts Misc Materials, Steel Products Bldgs. Accural Fuel Road Equip Rental Shop Supplies Radio Repair Concrete Fuel Chemicals Un Res Buildings Supplies office Supplies Misc. Equip Repair Shop Supplies, Parts Fuel Rd Equip Rep Labor, Parts Tele. Services Misc Gravel Tries & Rep Grease & Oil Concrete Utilities Eq Repair Labor & Parts Shop Supplies Shop Supplies MMaterials, Steel Prod Mileage Equip. Repair Rd Eq Rep Parts Small Tools, Misc. Rep Supplies, Mateiiais Fuel Rd Eq Rep Parts Gravel Gravel Telephone Sery Lumber, Parts, Labor, Shop Supplies Shop Supplies, Parts Parts Electricity Fuel Misc. Rd Eq Rep Parts Misc. Shop Supplies, Parts Electricity Steel Products 25.00 90.90 57.00 27.00 207.60 29.50 88.00 6,331.24 22.00 35.00 120.00 37.29 224.76 762.60 33.35 2,297.50 25.50 29.88 96.00 2,228.03 66.50 69.12 145.00 3,306.00 23.75 232.50 400.00 1,153.82 470.68 680.05 41.95 415 .70 72.80 105.43 46.19 6.00 916.20 29.40 98.54 19.60 236.50 21.25 747.17 78.34 84.10 145.47 9.84 91.10 35.27 410.33 1,016.40 4,446.40 13.52 210.00 1,502.20 146.63 11,766.40 526.11 1,222.25 179.04 23.75 1.85 289.48 32.10 17.99 441.17 63.94 3.12 284 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Trumbull Coop Assoc Uniservice Inc W. G. Pauley Lumber Co Wheelers Farm Store Yant Equip Co Zee Medical Service Co RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Angie Harwick Arrow & Black Hills Rader Real Estate NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL FUND 3 Points Tire Adams Co. Hwy Dept Coop Grain & Supply Cornbelt Chem Co Friends Motor Supply Jahnkes Laird Motors Merlin Klusman Mid City Auto Supply NACO Nebr. Weed Control Sidles/Mr Automotive Southern Ne Rural Public ESCROW FUND County General Fund Tires & Rep Janitorial Supplies Steel Eq Repair Eq Repair Medical Supplies Emergency Relief Prov. Emergency Relief Tires & Rep Post Sery Fuel Res. Chemicals Eq Rep Pts Shop Supplies Eq Rep Pts Re g Eq Rep Pts Reg. Dues Eq Rep Pts Electricity Misc. 58.95 38.00 20.97 10.49 51.45 99.00 335.00 69.00 129.50 15.00 19.25 72.86 1,982.10 71.18 16.95 17.44 41.50 98.45 60.00 50.00 56.70 16.74 303.51 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, November 22, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Teller that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He reported that crews were patching asphalt. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Mosier that we approve application 88-124 made by Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Groenewold for approval of a Farm Homestead Exception Subdivision to be known as Gronewold Subdivision; a tract of land located in the NW Corner of the NM of Sec. 34, T8N, R9W Adams County, Nebraska. The property is located in the AO -1 Agricultural Open space zoned area. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded. by Woodman that this Board hold executive session for a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 285 Executive session began at 9:55 A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:01 A.M Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that the Chairman be authorized to sign i the title and necessary transfer documents to transfer the disaster van to the Adams County Red Cross. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 9340, 9341, 9344, 9345, 9346, 9347, 9348, 9349 and 9350. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Plambeck, seconded by Mosier that this Board hold Executive session for a. personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:08 A.M. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Teller that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:25 A.M. Today is County Government Day and student representatives from 5 schools joined the Board for the remainder of the session. Discussion was held concerning the advisability of creating more parking on the south or east side of the Courthouse. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Mosier that we authorize the Buidling and Sites Committee to determine the feasability of increasing parking near the Courthouse. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: Teller, Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Ellerbee that we deny the claim of Randall Fandry in the amount of $185.00 as the clients did not move in. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Plambeck that we approve the balance of the claims and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL Adams Co. Hwy Dept Adams Co. Fair Board Alberta Sittner Alice Barnes Alice Barnes Alice D Galitz Alice D Galitz Alice J Marvel Alice L Krueger Alice L Krueger American Charter Anita Pettit Annabelle Gangwish Annabelle Gangwish Arleen B Booe Arleen B Booe Arlene Kort Arlene Kort Arletta Towns Audrey E P•cKoewn Audrey Schukei Audrey E McKoewn Audrey Schukei Printing & Publishing Voting Poll Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Salary Reg Clerical Salary Voting Poll Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Salary Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Salary Salary 32.40 30.00 10.00 10.00 46.90 10.00 45.23 46.90 10.00 45.23 30.00 10.00 10.00 46.90 10.00 46.90 10.00 46.90 9.22 10.00 10.00 45.23 46.90 286 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Ayr Fire Hall B Elaine Hatten B Elaine Hatten Barbara Kerr Barbara Kerr Barbara Aman Barbara Aman Barbara J Bohlen Barbara J Bohlen Barbara S Fisher Berniece W Catsinas Berniece W Catsinas Beth Ann Gamble Bettie J Knapp Betty J Meyer Betty J Meyer Betty L Bittfield Betty L Sheehy Betty Magee Bevan M Gill Bevan M Gill Beverly A Hall Beverly A Hall Beverly Granstrom Beverly Granstrom Beverly J Herndon Beverly Johnson Beverly K Riese Beverly R Coats Beverly R Coats BJ's Wash House Bonita S Pittz BRC Election Sery Brenda Koepke Burdetta A Fricke Burdetta A Fricke Business World Products C H Kidd Carla B Hunt Carla B Hunt Carol Bauder Carol Bauder Catherine M Petersen Catherine M Petersen Ch of the Good Shepherd Charlene Nowka Charlene Nowka Chris Eigenberg Chrisella Lewis Elec Comm Church of the Nazarene City of Hastings Connie Anderson Connie L Schukei Connie L Schukei Connie Zubrod Coral J McVicker Coral J McVicker Crosier Renewal Center Crossroads Center Cynthia Langenberg Cynthia Langenberg Dan Furman Data Software Consult Sery Data Software Consult Sery Delia A Petrik Delia A Petrik Voting Poll Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Salary Reg Clerical Salary Salary Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Salary Salary Salary Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Mileage Salary Salary Salary Reg Clerical Salary Uniform Allowance Salary Printing & Publishing Salary Reg Clerical Salary Supplies -Office Prior Service Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Voting Poll Reg Clerical Mileage Salary Postal Services Voting Poll Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Salary Voting Poll Voting Poll Reg Clerical Mileage Uniform Allowance Data Processing Software Part Time Salary Reg Clerical Salary 30.00 10.00 46.90 10.00 46.90 10.00 45.23 10.00 46.90 45.23 10.00 45.23 46.90 10.00 10.00 45.23 46.90 45.23 10.00 10.00 46.90 10.00 45.23 10.00 6.15 45.23 28.08 46.90 10.00 45.23 9.00 46.90 8.13 5.00 10.00 46.90 22.06 16.00 10.00 46.90 10.00 44.39 10.00 45.23 30.00 10.00 4.51 5.00 6.35 30.00 63.75 45.23 10.00 45.23 10.00 10.00 45.23 30.00 30.00 10.00 13.12 35.00 500.00 109.50 10.00 44.39 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 287 Diebold Inc Dolores J Jacobi Dolores I Jacobi Dolores T Schutte Don Knapp. Don Knapp Don Pettengill Donna Bassett Donna Bassett Donna G Goedert Donna G Goedert Donna L Anderson Donna L Anderson Donna Lehne Doraldine Gangwish Dorothy A Fluckey Dorothy A Fluckey Dorothy E Largent Dorothy E Largent Dorothy F Einsel Dorothy G Nejezchleb Dorothy Kosmacek Dorothy Kosmacek Dorothy M Milligan Dorothy Steepleton Dorothy Steepleton Dorothy Theisen Dorothy Theisen Dorothy Wormuth Douglas Co. Hospital Douglas Ruhter E Elaine Kershner E Elaine Kershner Eakes Office Products Eakes Office Products Ed Lightner Edith M Eckblade Edwin J Klanecky Edwin J Klanecky Elaine Reiners Electronics Plus Ellen M Ehly Elmer Heeren Elsaleah D Magnuson Elsaleah D Magnuson Elsie L Kimminau Elsie L Kimminau Ethel Brouillette Eva Duthie Evelyn Berg Evelyn Viglicky Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Faith Lutheran Church Fara J Carpenter Fara J Carpenter First Congregational Church Frieda G Ocker Frieda G Ocker Gail Jean Fitzke Gary Hueske Georgia Osler Georgia Osler Georgia W Fast Georgia W Fast Gladys Hupf Gloria M Christian Gloria M Christian Goldie Adams Office Eq Repair Reg Clerical Salary Salary Mileage Salary Uniform Allowance Reg Clerical Mileage Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Salary Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Salary Salary Reg Clerical Salary Salary Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Autopsy Costs Uniform Allowance Reg Clerical Salary Supplies -Office Supplies -Office Prior Service Salary Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Radio Equipment Salary Salary Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Prior Serv. Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Copier Copier Supplies -Office Copier Voting Poll Reg Clerical Salary Voting Poll Reg Clerical Salary Salary Uniform Alowance Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Salary Reg Clerical Salary Salary 84.00 10.00 46.90 25.13 9.64 38.52 35.00 10.00 3.28 10.00 46.90 10.00 45.23 28.56 10.00 10.00 46.90 10.00 46.90 45.23 46.90 10.00 45.23 45.23 10.00 46.90 10.00 45.23 10.00 171.00 35.00 10.00 45.23 62.49 63.23 19.00 45.23 10.00 46.90 10.00 824.95 46.90 5.00 10.00 46.90 10.00 46.90 10.00 14.00 10.00 10.00 163.00 120.00 33.95 2,109.95 30.00 10.00 46.90 30.00 10.00 46.90 9.22 35.00 10.00 46.90 10.00 45.23 10.75 10.00 46.90 33.50 288 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Gordon Sidlo GSV Senior Center Harold Hurst Hastings Airport authority Hastings College Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Helen B Gates Helen B Gates Helen M Rothfuss Helmann & sullivan Attny Holiday Inn Restaurant Holstein Fire Hall Ia Childrens & Family Se ICL Ingeburg Kraftzik Irene P Halbmaier Irene P Halbmaier Irma Eigenberg Irma Eigenberg Irmise Heeren Jacob Sittner James Kimminau James Sidlo Janice H Heuertz Janice Lampher Janice McMahon Janice McMahon Jean Powell Jean Powell Jeanette Klein Jeanette R Adrian Jeanette R Adrian Jim Stutesman JJE Joan E Koons Joan E Koons JoAnn Finley JoAnn Finley JoAnn K Seiler John Billesbach John Granstrom John Krontz John Rust Joyce C Webb JOyce C Webb Joyce Steffen Judith Bronson Judy Taylor Julia A Schutte Julia A Schutte Julie Moore Karen Beal Karen Beal Karen L Adams Kathryn H Riese Kathryn H Riese Kathryn Murray Kathryn Murray Kaylene Kuhlman Knights of Columbus LaDonna L Binfield Lamoine Beal Larry Peterson Laura L Harlow Laura L Harlow Leah Ann Johnson Lee Saathoff Lela M Mulder Lela M Mulder Lenore Koch Lenore Koch Uniform Allowance Voting Poll Uniform Alowance Voting Poll Voting Poll Printing & Publishing Utilities Reg Clerical Salary Salary Attorney Fees Voting Poll Voting Poll Juvenile Care Costs Janitorial Supplies Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Mileage Reg Clerical Salary Salary Uniform Allowance Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Salary Reg Clerical Salary Uniform Allowance Microfilming Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Salary Salary Salary Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Mileage Salary Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Salary Voting Poll Reg Clerical Salary Uniform Allowance Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Voting Poll Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary 35.00 30.00 35.00 30.00 30.00 564.69 528.72 10.00 46.90 40.65 607.06 30.00 30.00 397.50 210.00 10.00 10.00 45.23 10.00 4.92 10.00 5.00 9.22 35.00 10.00 13.40 10.00 45.23 10.00 46.90 26.08 10.00 45.23- 35.00 39.04 10.00 45.23 10.00 46.90 46.90 5.00 5.00 35.00 35.00 10.00 46.90 10.00 10.00 26.08 10.00 45.23 10.00 10.00 13.94 45.23 10.00 45.23-- 10.00 45.23 46.90 30.00 10.00 5.00 35.00 10.00 45.23 10.00 30.00 10.00 46.90 10.00 46.90 2 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Leola L Lay Leola L Lay Leola Wiens Leola Wiens Lila Reutlinger Linda L Shaw Linda L Shaw Linda Mangers Linda Myers Linda Norris Little Blue Townhsip Lloyd Post Lois A Johnson Lois A Johnson Lois Demuth Lois Demuth Lois Witt Lois Witt Loretta M Boumann Loretta M Boumann Lucille M Lundquist Lucille M Lundquist Lyle V Myers M Faye Hanson M Glenn Kemp Mabel J Kinley Madelyn Cosgrove Marcella L Vontz Margaret Neeman Marilyn Marr Marilyn Bergman Marilyn Marr Marilyn Stromer Marlin. Schenk Mary B Goff Mary Beck Mary J Petr Mary Rose Maureen A Mohlman Maureen A Mohlman Michael Peterson Michael Shada Milda H Crabtree Milda H Crabtree Mildred C Kohl Mildred C Kohl Mildred E Shurigar Minnie Burchard Mona D Kent Nancy Brown Nancy Brown Nancy J Fischer NCR NCR Norma B Exstrum Norman Dudek Office Equip Sery & Sale Ora M Adler Pat Snoberger Patricia Ann ()very Patricia Ann Overy Paul Largent Paul Largent Phylis Kort Phylis Kort Phyllis J Hawes Phyllis Newell Phyllis R Vacek Prosser Fire Hall R L Polk & Company Redfield & Co Inc Richard J Viglicky Richard W Wisner Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Prior Service Reg Clerical Salary Salary Reg Clerical Salary Voting Poll Salary Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Mileage Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Salary Reg Clerical Uniform Allowance Salary Prior Service Salary Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Salary Mileage Salary Salary Reg Clerical Salary Salary Reg Clerical Salary Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Salary Prior Service Salary Reg Clerical Salary Salary Data Processing Costs Supplies Office Reg Clerical Uniform Allowance Office Eq Repair Salary Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Mileage Allowance Reg Clerical Mileage Reg Clerical Mileage Salary Salary Reg Clerical Voting Poll Misc. Supplies -voting Salary Salary 10.00 45.23 10.00 45.23 14.00 10.00 45.23 46.90 10.00 8.37 30.00 45.23 10.00 45.23 10.00 45.23 10.00 3.08 10.00 45.23 10.00 45.23 5.00 10.00 35.00 46.90 14.00 46.90 10.00 10.00 10.00 46.90 5.74 5.00 45.23 10.00 8.37 8.37 10.00 46.90 35.00 35.00 10.00 46.90 10.00 45.23 46.90 14.00 45.23 10.00 46.90 46.90 16,884.00 100.88 10.00 35.00 32.50 46.90 10.00 10.00 13.94 10.00 13.53 10.00 8.20 9.22 39.48 10.00 30.00 71.00 668.34 5.00 5.00 290 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Rinder Printing Co Robert C Frank Robert C Frank Rod Bergman Rodney Wilkerson Rogene Aulner Rosalea Pfeiffer Rosalea Pfeiffer Roscoe Story Rose Peary Langdon Ruby J Walker Ruby J Walker Ruth Kelly Sharon A Hamik Sharon A Hamik Sharon R Christofferson Sherrill F Nielsen Shirley C Harms Shirley C Harms Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt Susan Blincow Teresa Johannes Teresa M Gill Todd P Jones U S Postmaster Vaughans Printers Inc Vaughndel Abels Velma Bienhoff Velma Lisius Velma Lisius VFW Club Village of Juniata Village of Kenesaw Village of Roseland Viola R Scott Viola R Scott Vivian A Thomas 1. Vivian A Thomas Vyrl Moore Wanda Gregory Wanda Gregory Waunda L Meyerhoeffer Waunda L Meyerhoeffer Wauneta Beiriger Wilma R Uden Winifred W Barrows Winifred W Barrows Yvonne Mangers Yvonne Mangers YWCA Velma Fobben ROAD -BRIDGE Harold Heuertz Lambert Struss NIRJ A Ray Velder Virgil Mousel COUNTY VISITORS, PROMOTIONS Adams Co. Visitor Comm. RELIEF MEDICAL Clara Metzger Larry Harpham Northrop Enterprises Park Avenue Real Estate Raymond Wolfe Supplies Voting Reg Clerical Salary Salary Uniform Allowance Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Salary Prior Service Reg Clerical Reg Clerical Salary Salary Reg Clerical Salary Salary Salary Reg Clerical Salary Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Reg Clerical Salary Salary Uniform Allowance Postal Services Printing Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Voting Polls Voting Polls Voting Polls Voting Polls Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Salary Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Salary Salary Reg Clerical Salary Reg Clerical Salary Voting Polls Reg Clerical Prior Service Prior Service Insurance Prior Service Prior Service Co. Visitor's Promotion Rent Emergency Relief Emergency Relief Rent Rent 10.00 10.00 46.90 5.00 35.00 10.00 10.00 45.23 15.00 10.00 10.00 46.90 9.22 10.00 46.90 46.90 45.23 10.00 45.23 25.00 250.00 15:58 35.52 35.00 2,500.00 3,813.41 10.00 46.90 10.00 45.23 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 10.00 44.39 10.00 44.39 5.00 10.00 46.90 10.00 46.90 10.05 46.90 10.00 45.23 10.00 45.23 30.00 10.00 13.00 12.00 231.37 19.00 12.00 7,000.00 100.00 275.00 275.00 210.00 270.00 SUPERVISORS :RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 291 Red Cloud Concrete INSTITUTIONS Beatrice State Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center I GENERAL FUND County Supervisors County Clerk's Office County Treasurer's Office Register of Deed's Office Co. Assessor's Office Election Commissioner's & Election Workers Salaries Clerk of Dist Court & Board of Mental Health Salaries Public Defender's Office Salaries County Extension Office Salaries Sheriff's Office Salaries County Attorney's Office Salaries Jail Salaries Veterans Service Office Salaries County Surveyor Salaries Social Security Match Retirement Match Blue Cross & Blue Shield Insurance Rent Pt Care Pt Care Pt Care Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries 165.00 372.00 2,693.40 180.00 4,375.00 8,548.31 9,559.21 4,605.35 10,409.57 7,719.24 5,367.54 3,658.62 5,249.73 26,750.93 10,578.33 14,178.99 3,210.79 50.00 8,767.47 4,440.48 10,796.99 LIBRARY FUND Library Salaries 1,734.88 Blue Cross & Blue Shield Insurance 115.96 Social Security Match 130.29 Retirement Match 41.99 WEED CONTROL FUND Weed Control Salaries 2,596.53 Social Security Match 195.00 Retirement Match 124.64 Blue Cross & Blue Shield Insurance 286.06 ROAD FUND Road Social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield. Salaries Match Match Insurance 39,791.10 2,988.49 1,515.90 3,856.18 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of Supervisors. /s/ Co. Clerk / s /g4464.)XA—W, Deputy /s/ 4A/ Chairman 292 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, November 29, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Malouf. was held as per Roll call, Mosier and Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that this meeting is a regularly sche- duled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, gllerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none.. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. He reported that there were six bridges in Adams County that may qualify for designation as a Historic pridge. The County Assessor notified the Board that new land values were now available if they wished to review them. She also notified the Board that Bill Thornberg would be interested in appraising property at Good Samaritan Village if it was decided to proceed in that direction. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that we approve the bond of Dan Furman, Deputy County Sheriff in the amount of 10,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 9342, 9343, 9351 and 9352. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller, that we authorize Larry Woodman to cast the ballots for Adams County and attend as Adams County's representative at the NIRMA annual meeting. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that we approve the claim of Rader Realty in the amount of $455.upon the condition that any deposit that might be refunded be returned to Adams County and not to the client. Roll call, ayes: Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: Sole, Ellerbee. Motion carried. There will be no meeting on December 6th, 1988. Next meeting for the Supervisors will be held on December 13, 1988. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Teller that we deny the claim of George L Landgren in the amount of $185.00 as the clients did not move in. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Mosier that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams Co. Sheriffs Rev. Fund Ag Communications Alan L Halsey American Phytophatologic Mileage Office Supplies Juror Fees Dues 472.24 8.00 62.52 20.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA 293 Barbara A Dinkler Barbara J Bohlen Bert Rostvet Business World Products Carla Hathaway Carla Hunt Carol J Zeadow Cash Wa Candy Co City National Bank Clerk of Dist Court Conrad Grothen Cornhusker Press Craig McMahon Daniel A Ware Dannie A Hess Debra Fielder Denise A Snow Donna G Goedert Dorothy E Heath Eakes Office Products Executive Copier System Fred J Vaupel Gary Hahne Gary L Stark George E Glover Gibson Products Gladys E Krikac Greg S Burke Information Systems Inc Jack Hynes Janet L Kuhlhanek Janine C Stahl Jennifer L Hurd John C Anderson John W Winfrey Jolene Coffee Shop Judy D Davis Ken Bonifas Lee Hemberger Lee Hogan Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Linda S Kothe Lisa L Beirow Marilyn Schmidt Marshal Nelson Mert Hammond Michael E Haberer Milton E Venter Nancy K Schafer. Nancy Packard Norma J Bostock Patricia A Fredrickson Paul Swanson Paul Swanson Peggy Tharp Revolving Fund Richard J Mousel Richard J Woodard Richard Uden Rocella Stromer Ronald L Parr Scottie McMillan Scottie McMillan Sharon Rose Sharon Rose Juror Fees Juror Fees Board Member Mileage Office Supplies Juror Fees Juror Fees Juror Fees Supplies Soc Security Match Dist Court Costs Board Member Mileage Office Supplies Board Member Mileage Juror Fees Juror Fees Mileage Juror Fees Juror Fees Juror Fees Office Supplies Copier Exp Juror Fees Juror Fees Juror Fees Juror Fees Office Supplies Juror. Fees Juror Fees Microfilming Board Member Mileage Juror Fees Juror Fees Juror Fees Board Member Mileage Juror Fees Juror Meals Juror Fees Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Telephone Serv. Telephone Serv. Juror Fees Juror Fees Board Member Mileage Juror Fees Office Eq Repair Juror Fees Juror Fees Juror Fees Board Member Mileage Juror Fees Juror Fees Mileage Mileage Muror Fees Mileage, Reg. Supplies Juror Fees Juror Fees Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Juror Fees Mileage Mileage Juror Fees Misc. 81.42 21.68 10.88 17.49 62.52 20.84 20.84 9.95 9.30 1,404.22 7.94 17.63 11.30 62.52 68.82 7.52 20.84 20.84 20.84 57.28 161.00 20.84 62.52 21.26 62.52 7.41 20.85 20.84 245.91 15.08 22.94 20.84 20.84 18.90 20.84 83.15 62.52 11.30 12.14 7.94 1,505.77 34.10 27.14 20.84 5.42 62.52 60.00 20.84 20.84 20.84 5.63 26.72 62.52 110.00 64.39 21.26 59.73 25.88 20.84 7.52 5.63 20.84 115.00 77.41 5.96 10.53 294 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt State of NE State of NE Susan Brown Susan Brown Susan Brown Susan Schoen Susan Schoen Susan Steinbarger Tammie L Nowka William E McKay WinonaL Peters RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Alvin Sassman Charles Bucknell Dale Spilinek Nebraska Developers Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate Richard Douglas Smittys Trlr Crt ESCROW FUND Cornbelt Chemicals Co Attorney Fees Attorney Fees NetCom Eq Rental Mileage Office Supplies Mileage Mileage Mileage Juror Fees Juror Fees Juror Fees Juror Fees Emergency Rent Rent Emergency Rent Emergency Rent Emergency Misc. Relief Relief Relief 155.00 182.50 1,188.90 385.00 128.21 27.36 27.43 111.67 24.53 62.52 20.84 62.52 20.84 97.00 185.00 135.00 220.00 150.00 445.00 125.00 250.00 This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. /s/ .c,c.ez Deputy /s/a. %)( Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA 82.94 Tuesday, December 13, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Sole that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays, none. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that we authorize Roger Parks to advertise for bids for bridge lumber. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller,Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that we authorize the Highway Superintendent to prepare resolutions for Federal Aid Projects for: 1. First four miles south on the Showboat Road. 2. From Highway 6 South to Holstein, (seven miles). Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Teller that the following resolution be adopted: SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA 295 RESOLUTION 88-12-13 WHEREAS, the Adams County Agricultural Society which operates Queen City Downs, a parimutuel race track since 1981 and WHEREAS, the continued operation and expansion of this race track is of vital importance to the economic climate of Hastings, Adams County, and the surrounding area by providing employment and economic opportunity by the sale of agricultural products and WHEREAS the said operation of this race track affords the opportunity of Nebraska owned and bred horses to race at this facility and WHEREAS, horse owners from surrounding states have used the facility to run their horses which has enhanced economically the racing industry in Nebraska THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, that they hereby support the request of the Adams County Agricultural Society for the race track dates starting May 6, 1989, and running through July 9, 1989, and the request for the expansion of racing to include thorough bred horses, and respectfully request the State Race Commission to give favorable approval of their application. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Mr. Korgan appeared inquiring about a contract for disposal in heavily populated areas of the County. It was pointed out that villages have their own governing boards as well as S.I.D.'s. Motion -by Teller, seconded by Mosier that Barbara STeinke be appointed to a three year term on the South Central Community Mental Health Center Board. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Mosier that Jim Ruberson be reappointed to another three year term on the Board of Directors for South Central Community Mental Health Center. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Plambeck that this meeting recess to allow the Supervisors to act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections No. 9353; 9354; 9357; 9358; 9359; 9360; 9361; 9356; 9355 and 9362. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Plambeck that the reports of Clerk of Dist. Cour- (2) Register of Deeds (2), Car Titles (2), Election Commissioner (2), County Clerk, Sheriff, County Library, (2) Jail Food Account be accepted and placed .on file. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that we approve the release of Custody Receipt 04986085 to Norwest Bank Nebraska NA in the amount of 200,000. and t release of Custody Receipt 04986088 to Norwest Bank Nebraska NA in the amoun of 155,000. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that we agree to the proposal of GAB to settle for 10,000. for damage to the 1988 Pontiac handi-bus and request that Adams County be allowed to retain the aerial and seat covers. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck Mosier and Malouf. 296 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that the Miscellaneous Receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors proceedings. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none Motion carried. 2517 Co. Clerk's Office 7.17 2518 State of Nebr. 210.00 2519 Liberty Mutual 14,069.00 2520 CANCELLED 2521 Adams Co. Attorney 810.00 2522 ADams Co. Bank 930.71 2523 Est. of Alberta M Stewart 1,703.09 2524 Cuming County 9.82 2525 Village of Kenesaw 2,184.00 2526 Clerk of District Court 2,200.00 2527 Clerk of District Court 139.43 2528 Adams County Court 609.94 2529 Adams County Court 210.00 2530 Adams County Court 21.55 2531 Adams County Court 10,312.43 2532 Jolene's 100.00 2533 Register of Deeds 950.90 2534 Michael Duffy 10.00 2535 Norwest Bank 10.00 2536 State of Nebraska 4,875.86 2537 Clerk of District Court 162.04 2538 K N Energy 5.93 2539 Adams Co. Bank 3,811.30 2540 Adams Co. Clerk 2,953.25 2541 Clerk of the District Court 5.50 2542 STate of Nebraska 67,285.46 2543 ADams Co. Clerk 694.50 2544 Village of Juniata 720.00 2545 Village of Roseland 636.00 2546 Adams Co. Bank 156.16 2547 Adams Co. Planning & Zoning 25.00 2548 Adams Co. Weed 190.00 2549 Est. of James T Hansen 5,160.00 2550 Register of Deeds 3,478.15 2551 Est. P. Burtress Ross 257.64 2552 Dawson County 346.00 2553 Adams County Sheriff 185.02 2554 Road Escrow 2,988.91 2555 Road Dept 453.00 2556 Hall Co. Treas. 848.29 2557 Hastings State Bank 584.31 2558 Rader Real Estate 129.50 2559 Est. of Albert L Kohl 4,528.93 2560 Est. of Verigial E Corning 848.68 2561 Est. of Gertrude M Lambie 1,455.09 2562 Adams Co. Imprest Fund 303.51 2563 State of Nebraska 3,132.94 2564 Village of Holstein 693.00 2565 Adams County Court 21.00 2566 Hastings Concrete Products 19.60 2567 Clerk of Dist. Court 230.00 2568 Clerk of Dist Court 43.65 2569 Violet Canday 5,458.48 2570 State of Nebraska 410.50 2571 City National Bank 1,947.00 2572 Norwest 1,401.37 2573 Planning Dept 50.00 2574 Seed Cleaning 55.00 2575 Weed Control 345.70 2576 Adams County .11 2577 Buffalo County 330.00 Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole, that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 297 warrants for the same.. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND 3 D Ammunition Inc Adams Kohl Ins. Adams Central Jr Sr High Adams Co. Hwy Dept ADams Co. Senior Sery ADams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams County Jail American Judicare Co. Cor Amsterdam Printing Andersen Fire Equip. Co. Arthur Toogood, Pub Def. Arthur Toogood Pub Def Badger Uniforms Badger Uniforms Badger Uniforms Badger Uniforms Badger Uniforms Big G Big G Auto Service Big G Comm Hardware Bill Mapes Billy Simmons BJ's Wash House BJ's Wash House Bob Barker Co Bobs Electric Supply Inc 'Brenda McCrady Business World Products Business World Products Cash Wa Candy Company Chamber of Commerce Child Development Council Chris's Car Wash Chrisella Lewis Clay Center Clay Co. Sheriff Clay Co. Sheriff Commercial Electronics Commercial Electronics Coop Grain & Supply Coop Grain & Supply Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Cotter Charge Card County City Public Credit Bureau of Hastings CTL Magentics ral Dan Furman DAS Material Division Data Software Const. Serv. Data Software Const. Serv. Data Software Consult Data Software Consult Serv. Data Software Consult Sery Data Software Consult Sery Don Pettengill Don Pettengill Douglas Ruhter Duro Test Corp Eakes Office Equip Eakes Office Equip Eakes Office Products Law Enforcement Costs Employee Bonds Contract Sery Fuel Handi-Bus Court Costs Court Costs Training Postal Serv. Board of Prisoners Misc. Printing Equip. Supplies, Tele, Rent, Util Telephone, Mileage Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Jail Supplies Equip Janitorial Supplies Day Care Costs Mileage Uniforms Prisoners Laundry Jail Supplies Misc. Telephone, Mileage Office Supplies Office Supplies Laundry Prod. Office Supplies Day Care Costs Equip Mileage Med-Hosp Prisoners Board of Prisoners Board of Prisoners Radio Repair Radio Repair Fuel Fuel Mr Veh Insp Printing Orrice Supplies Fuel, Supplies, Law Enf Costs Board of Prisoners Law Enforcement Costs Law Enforcement Costs Uniform Allowance Office Supplies Data Processing Software Pt Time Salary Data Processing Software Data Processing Software Data Processing Costs Data Processing Software Mileage Allowance Uniform Allowance Uniform Allowance Misc. Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies 276.00 270.00 2,100.00 1,366.62 3,545.50 1,811.40 80.74 17.45 5.09 2,176.66 45.00 33.10 99.36 948.47 119.07 277.20 135.03 409.09 151.38 71.59 35.10 362.22 133.98 53.00 393.70 10.00 33.40 130.61 131.40 70.16 119.95 17.94 44.85 10.00 500.00 3.50 101.28 50.00 105.00 1,330.00 49.50 68.50 126.50 139.94 49.12 96.03 144.22 445.04 864.00 33.00 49.70 35.00 67.37 950.00 46.88 591.99 250.00 400.00 2,613.30 208.56 35.00 35.00 174.24 4.50 35.54 26.68 298 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Eakes Office Eakes Office Eakes Office Eakes Office Eakes Office Eakes Office Products Products Products Products Products Products Motor Vehicle Insp Office Supplies Office Equip. Eq Repair Office Supplies Furniture Eakes Office Products Office Supplies Eakes Office Products Office Supplies Eakes Office Products Office Supplies Electronics Plus Equip Electronics Plus Radio Repair Electronics Serv. Radio Repair Executive Copier System Office Supplies Executive Copier System Equip Rental Firestone Equip Foote Ophthalmology Clinic Med-Hosp Prisoners Foto Fast Law Enformcement Costs Friends Motor Supply Equip G A Micek DDS PC Med Prisoners Gary Hueske Unfiroam Allowance Gibson Products Inc Law Enforcement Costs Graces Locksmith Sery Law Enforcement Costs Gregg Magee Co Sheriff Mileage H & N Mobil Fuel Harold Hurst Uniform Allowance Harold Hurst Mileage Hastings Economic Development Economic Development Hastings Family Practice Med-Hosp Prisoners Hastings General Surgery Med-Hosp Prisoners Hastings Internal Med Med-Hosp Prisoners Hastings medical Clinic Med-Hosp Prisoners Hastings Plumbing & Htg Eq Repair Hastings Police Dept Law Enforcement Costs Hastings Radiology Assoc. Med-Hosp Prisoners Hastings Tribune Printing & Publishing Hastings Tribune Publishing Hastings Tribune Publishing Hastings Utilities Utilities Hastings/Adams Co Civil Def Civil Defense J & B Mobile Lock Sery Law Enforcement Costs James Sidlo Uniform Allowance Jim Stutesman Uniform Allowance Jim Stutesman Uniform Allowance John Krontz Uniform Allowance John Rust Mileage Allowance John Rust Uniform Allowance Johnson Cashway Lumber Eq Repair Judy Gaona Dist Ct Costs Judy Gaona Misc Judy Gaona Co Court Costs Julia Moeller Mileage Julia Moeller Mileage,Meals Keiths Pharmacies Med-Prisoners Ken Catlin Uniform Allowance Kenesaw Motor Co Equip Laird Motors Inc Equip Larry Peterson Mileage Allowance Larry Peterson Uniform Allowance Larry Woodman Travel Exp Lavern Mosier Travel Exp Law Enforcement Equip Co Law Enforcement Costs Law Enforcement Equip Co Law Enforcement Costs Liberty Rental Services Misc. Lincoln Correctional Center Med-Hops, Lincoln Telephone Co Telephone Lincoln Telephone Telephone M Glenn Kemp Mileage M Glenn Kemp Uniform Allowance Mary Lanning Hospital Med-Hosp Prisoners Mary Lanning Hospital Med-Hosp Prisoners Mary Lanning Hospital Med-Hosp Prisoners Bd of Prisoners Services Services 499100 244.43 284.84 502.53 33.44 369.00 65.08 21.43 3.37 38.80 345.00 20.00 148.07 190.00 101.12 25.00 19.40 46.64 134.00 35.00 365.81 1.20 348.24 14.00 35.00 7.04 1,666.66 33.00 17.00 44.00 36.00 57.12 29.74 242.12 1,628.55 213.11 16.46 7,562.13 199.07 43.50 35.00 35.00 25.00 35.00 154.08 35.00 26.76 40.00 70.00 90.00 6.56 100.65 215.36 35.00 327.94 66.22 66.72 35.00 65.60 65.00 296.85 72.95 136.30 1,238.45 320.30 57.00 208.28 35.00 398.10 285.12 131.16 SUPERVISORS RECORD No . 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 299 Mary Lanning Hospital Mary Lanning Hospital Meals on Wheels Michael Peterson Michael Shada Michael Shada Mid Nebraska Mental Retard Sery Midland Area Agency on Aging Mighty Muffler Monte McCord Myers Refrigeration Co Nat'l Institute of Justice NCR Credit Corp NE Center Hotel Div of NE Continuing Legal NE Legislative Shared Inf. Nebr Law Enforcement NLSIS Norman Dudek Office Equip Sery & Sale Pegler Sysco Food Sery Pettit Towing Sery Pettit Towing Sery Phyllis A Bartlett Phyllis Newell Physicians Bldg Pitney Powes Prairie Link R. L. polk & Co R. L. Polk & Co R. L. Polk & Co r-++ R. L. Polk R. L. Polk R. L. Polk & Co R. L. Polk & Co R. L. Polk & Co R. L. Polk & Co R. L. Polk & Co Radio Shack Redfield & Co., Inc. Redfield & Co., Inc. Redfield & Co., Inc. Region III Governing Bd Richard Kruse Rinder Printing Co. Robert Mulliner Rodney Wilkerson RSVP Rutts Pharmacy Sharon Rose Sharon Stonecipher Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt Sioux Sales Co South Central Community Sowers Automotive Repair Sporting Goods Inc Sporting Goods Inc Svoboda Plumbing& Pump The Cop Shop The Dehner Co Inc Todd P Jones Tuxall Uniform & Equi U. S. Postmaster U. S. Postmaster U. S. Postmaster Med-Hose Prisoners Med-Hosp Prisoners Local Match Uniform Allowance Mileage Uniform Allowance Mental Retardation Serv. Area Agency on Aging Costs Equip Uniform Allowance Misc Law Enforcement Costs Data Processing Equip Travel Exp Office Supplies Data Processing Costs Law Enforcement Costs Date Processing Costs Uniform Allowance Eq Repair Jail Supplies Law Enforcement Costs Equip Travel Exp Travel Exp Med-Hosp Prisoners Postal Sery Data Processing Costs Office Supplies office Supplies Law Lirbrary Publishing Office Supplies office Supplies Misc. Office Supplies Office Supplies Sub. Law Enf. Costs Office Supplies Office Supplies Office Supplies Alcoholism Sery Intergov Pmt Mental Health Sery Court Costs Voting Supplies Travel Exp Uniform Allowance Local Match Med-Prisoners Travel Exp Travel Exp Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Safety Equip Day Care Costs Equip Law Enforcement Costs Law Enforcement Costs Jail Supplies Misc. Law Enforcement Costs Uniforms Uniform Allowance Law Enforcement Costs Postal Services Postal Services Postal SErvices 100.64 1,587.54 366.67 35.00 267.84 35.00 1,916.00 1,000.00 75.86 36.00 4.00 166.95 6,331.24 28.65 51.95 10.00 39.00 10.00 35.00 32.50 148.10 20.00 35.00 68.12 211.65 55.00 1,040.00 1.60 71.00 71.00 71.00 71.00 71.00 71.00 71.00 71.00 71.00 71.00 5.58 23.03 91.60 94.41 2,478.74 15.50 33.20 79.89 35.00 12.50 69.15 43.89 262.78 133.12 42.50 67.50 352.50 316.25 135.00 50.00 181.55 7.15 95.47 120.00 69.20 146.23 35.00 106.45 120.00 60.00 2,500.00 300 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Uniservice Inc U S Postal Service Vaughans Printers Vaughans Printers Inc Vaughans Printers Vaughans Printers Inc Vaughans Printers Inc Walgreen Co Weber Studio Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Shelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Whelan & Scherr PC Williams Exterminating Williams Exterminating Woodwards Disposal Sery Zerox Corporation ROAD FUND 3 Points Tire Adams Co. Hwy Dept All Roads Supply Co Anstine Fire Equip Co Anstine Fire Equip Co Barco Big G Comm Hardware Bobs Electric Supply Inc Bosselman Inc Bruners Sand & Gravel Business Supply Co Case Power& Equip City Iron & Metal Co Commercial Electronics Consolidated Concrete Co Consumers Sery Co Coop Grain & Supply Delken Press Drummond American Corp Eakes Office Products Executive Copier System Friends Motor Supply Graces Locksmith Sery H & M Equipment H & N Mobil Hall Co. Highway Dept Halloran Battery & Electric Hastings Motor Truck Hastings Utilities Hatten Electric Sery Ideal Electric Independent Bolt & Nut Co Island Supply Johnson Cashway Lumber Judy Foote K N Energy Kerr Chevrolet Co Klein Survey System Kully Pipe & Steel Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Linweld Michael Daniels Nursery NE Machinery Co. NE Machinery Co. NE Tractor & Equip Co. Nebr Public Power Dist Olsens Mini Mart Overhead Door Parks Heating & Sheet Metal Samuelson Equipment Co. Sargent Sowell Inc Misc. Postal Services Office Supplies Office Supplies Envelopes Office Supplies Office Supplies Med-Hosp Prisoners Office Supplies Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Attorney Fees Misc. Misc. Misc. Office Supplies Tires Postal Sery Signs Misc. Misc. Exp. Freight, Signs Eq Repair,Supplies,Tools Shop Supplies Fuel Gravel Office Supplies Parts Steel Radio Repair Concrete Heating Fuels Fuel office Supplies Misc. Office Supplies Office Equip Repair Supplies, Parts Misc Gravel Fuel Parts Parts Parts Sewer, Elec Water Rd Eq Rap Parts Bldg. Repair Shop Supplies Shop Supplies Shop Supplies,Lumber Comm Transportation Heating Fuels Rd Eq Rap Parts Small Tools Steel Tele. Serv. Shop Supplies Erosion Control Parts Parts, Labor Parts Electricity Fuel Buildings Bldg Repair Eq Rep Parts Misc. 34.80 50.00 171.05 337.65 138.55 74.10 160.47 9.99 11.97 15.00 80.00 46.40 1,776.13 10.16 14.00 14.00 90.80 88.40 151.00 26.40 156.00 16.50 16.50 463.23 395.24 48.00 2,656.35 115.28 13.16 23.39 120.80 38.85 91.88 44.84 81.31 70.72 93.73 181.88 39.00 563.57 30.00 1,557.72 28.00 75.22 183.00 120.44 255.12 34.96 140.06 21.68 349.38 202.14 9.02 71.18 19.68 39.85 1,132.87 147.00 117.18 725.00 1,500.00 1,886.64 745.81 28.19 3.47 5,400.00 187.50 2.40 8.21 301 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Sidles/Mr. Automotive Sidles/Mr Automotive Sophir Morris Corp Southern Ne Rural Public St. of Ne Petroleum Stromers Repair Svoboda Plumbing & Pump Uniservice Inc W. G. Pauley Werner Construction Wheelers Farm Store Whitesel Repair Shop Supplies Shop Supplies, Parts Shop Supplies Power Electricity Misc. Eq Repair. Bldg. Repair Janitorial Supplies Snow Fence Asphalt Steel Products Equip. Repair RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Bassett Rentals Berts Pharmacy Children & Adolescent Clinic Emergency Protective Service Fleetway Service Greg Sinner Harold Douglas Northrop Enterprises Park Avenue Real Estate Rader Real Estate Richard Heisman Wheelers Farm Store LIBRARY FUND Garland Publishing Inc Hastings Public Library MacMillan Publishing Co. R. R. Bowker The Children's Book The Oceana Group INHERITANCE TAX FUND Bancroft Whitney Co. Historical Society West Publishing Co. NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL FUND Ag Chem Equipment Inc Coop Grain & Supply Friends Motor Supply K N Energy Sidles/Mr. Automotive Southern Power District ESCROW FUND Cornbelt Chemical Co. This meeting will now recess County Board of Supervisors. Rent Medical Medical Day Care Costs Fuel Rent Emergency Relief Emergency Relief Rent Rent Emergency Relief Clothing Library Exp Misc. Library Exp Library Library Exp Library Law Library Historical Society Library Exp Repair Spray Eq Fuel Eq Rep Parts Heating Fuel Eq Rep Pts Electricity Misc. 163.68 347.79 6.65 63.54 22.50 77.10 68.75 38.00 1,051.05 1,306.68 844.99 20.20 273.00 35.91 190.00 190.00 30.00 195.00 120.00 275.00 210.00 13.50 194.00 29.99 28.08 711.00 78.00 279.25 34.21 11.50 235.15 566.67 662.00 107.52 186.39 15.75 51.84 77.86 16.77 1,424.80 subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams .4‘).r 41477-1ktl' /s/ Chairman 302 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, December 13, 1983 10:30 A.P.Z. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Also present were Phyllis Bartlett, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that we grant exemption to Adams County Red Cross for a 1979 Chev., Title No. 14J006364. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Notion by Mosier, seconded by Bole that We grant exemption to Hastings College for a 1981 Ford Eldorado %_otor Rome, title No. 14J006412. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. /s/ Co. Clerk /s/ Chairman /s/ Dc.uty COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, December 20, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Malouf that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that we authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement with the Village of Trumbull and Clay County concerning Adams County project C1-136; Trumbull project M-591 and Clay project C-18-1 with each party to provide one-third of the funding. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Ellerbee, out and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. Roger Parks gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. -- Discussion was held concerning replacement of the county owned vehicle used as a handi-bus that had been damaged in an accident. Motion by Sole, seconded by Plambeck that we approve the intent of Adams County Senior Services Board to replace the totaled station wagon with a new full size sedan. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 303 Motion by Mosier, seconded by Woodman that we renew our contract with TCI Cablevision for a one year period plus one. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that we grant approval for applica- tion 88-128 by Richard Brooks for an Accessory Living Facility with the stipulation and condition that if Rod leaves the farm the mobile home is to be removed. The mobile home is to be skirted, anchored and smoke detectors are to be installed. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Mosier that we delay action on applica- tion 88-127 by Shafer until Dec. 27, 1988. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Sole that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 9363 thru 9368. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Ellerbee that we name the Hastings Daily Tribune as the legal newspaper for Adams County. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Woodman, that we authorize the Chairman to sign ,the certification that Roger S Parks has served as the Highway Superintendent for Adams County from Jan. 1, 1988.thru December 1988. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, write to Antelope with NIRNA. Roll Mosier and Malouf seconded by Ellerbee that we authorize the Chairman to and Holt counties concerning our premiums and service call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, . Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Teller that we hold the claims of St. Francis Medical Center for investigation and vejification. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that we disallow the claim of Allen Fry in the amount of 203.00 as the property was not rented by this cleint. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Sole that the balance of the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and Instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams Co. Hwy Dept Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Adams Co. Sheriff Fee Acct Allens of Hastings Bancroft Whitney Co. Bobs Electric Supply Inc Buffalo Co. Sheriff Office Business World Products Business World Products C. H. Kidd Carol L Laux Chrisella Lewis Elec Comm City of Hastings. City of Hastings Co. Attorney Spec Fund Costal Derby Data Software Consult Sery Data Software Consult Sery Printing & Publishing Postal Serv. Postal Sery Medical Law Library Eq Repair Board of Prisoners, Office Supplies Office Supplies Prior Service Jail Sgpplies Postal Sery Printing Planning Costs Mileage Fuel Data Processing Costs Data Processing Costs 38.50 39.00 10.11 4.85 48.25 20.64 475.00 47.70 7.79 16.00 200.00 12.40 9.25 53.11 298.00 46.66 400.00 75.00 304 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Donna S Fegler Douglas Ruhter Eakes Office Products Ed Lightner Eva Duthie Executive Copier System Gayle Hupf Hastings Plumbing Hastings Tribune Hastings Utilities Helmann & Sullivan Attorneys Holiday Inn Corp ICL Industrial Chemical Labs Jahnkes Johnson Controls In Julia Moeller Koci Engineering Lila Reutlinger Madelyn Cosgrove Minnie Burchard Monte McCord Nebr Dept of Revenue Overhead Door Radio Shack Ramada Inn Ramada Inn Roscoe Story Sidles/Mr. Automotive Tailor Shop Video Kingdom ROAD FUND Ervin Mitzelfelt Harold Heuertz K N Energy Lambert Struss Lilley Sand & Gravel Lilley Sand & Gravel Potter Industries Inc Ray Velder Virgil Mousel RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Dale Spilinek Daniel Neuhalsen Emergency Protective Emergency Protective Emergency Protective Emergency Protective Emergency Protective Everett Goebel Foote & Beck Gibson Pharmacy Co. Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate INSTITUTIONS FUND Sery Sery Sery Sery Services Beatrice State Home Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Reg. Training Bldg. Repair Office Supplies Prior Serv. Prior Sery Office Supplies Mileage Allowance Equip. Repair Printing & Publishing Utilities Attorney Fees Loding Janitorial Supplies Jail Supplies Misc Bldg. Repair Mileage Allowance Office Eq Repair Prior Sery Prior Sery Prior Sery Uniform Allowance Reappraisal Costs Misc Radio Repair Travel Exp Travel Exp Prior Sery Equip Uniforms Allowance Eng. & Technical Eq Prior Sery Prior Sery Heating Fuels Prior Sery Gravel Gravel Pavement Marking Prior Service Prior Service Rent Emergency Relief Day Care Day Care Day Care Day Care Day Care Rent Medical Medical Rent Rent Costs Costs Costs Costs Costs Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care 339.00 110.00 23.88 19.00 14.00 67.90 15.58 44.08 41.00 746.84 60.00 196.23 72.40 56.80 50.38 550.80 49.73 45.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 464.15 1,254.20 60.00 132.90 149.29 159.43 15.00 101.57 42.00 599.95 92.32 13.00 387.94 12.00 105.00 694.00 1,005.75 19.00 12.00 200.00 280.00 165.00 80.00 60.00 35.00 190.00 175.00 13.90 50.44 65.00 55.00 384.00 2,419.40 186.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS :COUNTY,. NEBRASKA 305 NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL FUND Business Supply Co Weed Control Social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield LIBRARY FUND Library Social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield ROAD FUND Road Social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield GENERAL FUND County Supervisors County Clerk's Office County Treasurers Office Register of Deeds County Assessor's Office Election Commissioners Office Clerk of Dist. Crt & Mental Health Board Office of Public Defender Janitors Extension Office Sheriff's Office Co. Attorneys Office Jail Co. Veterans Office County Surveyor Social Security Retirement Blue Cross & Blue Shield Office Supplies Salaries Matching Matching Insurance Salaries Matching Matching Insurance Salaries Matching Matching Insurance Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Matching Matching Insurance 27.64 2,575.62 193.43 123.63 286.06 2,121.49 145.26 41.49 115.86 38,529.12 2,893.70 1,454.98 3,856.18 4,375.00 8,543.88 9,714.21 4,614.42 8,546.32 1,427.60 5,950.74 3,658.62 3,708.74 5,249.73 25,381.64 10,578.33 23,152.91 3,243.85 50.00 7,965.06 4,265.15 11,161.05 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. Peth7/2{4ZA/ /s/ Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, December 27, 1988 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. 306 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Discussion was held concerning request by several officials for a paper shredder. No decision reached. More information to be studied. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Woodman that after public hearing on application 88-126 by Maurice and Clayton Shafer we approve rezoning from AO -1 Agricultural open space to AG -1 Agricultural on the West 425 feet of the NZ of Fractional Section 7, T8N, R9W Adams County, Nebraska, except the north 925 feet thereof, andexcept the south 705.84 feet thereof, and except that portion deed to the State of Nebraska for highway purposes, said tract containing 8.14+ Acres. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Ellerbee, seconded by Mosier that we approve application 88-127 as recommended by the Planning/Zoning Commission for Shafer Acres Replat. This parcel is located on the west 425 feet of the NZ of fractional section &,T8N, R9W Adams County, Nebraska except the north 925 feet thereof, and except the south 705.8 feet thereof, and except that portion deeded to the State of Nebraska for highway purposes, said tract containing 8.14+ acres. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Teller that we approve the release of JC04985970 to Norwest Bank in the amount of 90,000.00. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Kay Johansen appeared to give a report to the Board concerning the County Visitor's Bureau and to report that she was resigning to take another position. She strongly recommended that the position of director of the County Visitor's Bureau be made a full time position. Motion by Mosier, seconded session. Roll call, ayes: Malouf. Ellerbee, out and Regular session resumed at by Woomdan that this Board resume regular Sole, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck,Mosier and not voting. Nays: none. Motion carried. 10:55 A.M. Motion by Teller, seconded by Woodman that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND ADams County Court Bert Rostvet Bill Mapes Business World Products \\\\\\ Commercial Chemical Mfg Conrad Grothen Conway, Connolly & Pauley Eakes Office Products Executuve Copier System Executive Copier System Executive Copier System Hank Edmondson Hansen Bldg. Spec Inc Hastings/Adams Co. Civil nc Filing Bonds Board Member Mileage Day Care Costs Office Supplies Janitorial Supplies Board Member Mileage Attorney Fees Office Supplies Microfilming/Copier Copier Exp Copier Exp Mileage Allowance Misc. Defense Civil Defense 15.00 10.88 53.00 71.66 300.00 7.94 62.20 10.03 161.00 163.00 120.00 41.82 18.00 2,259.50 Motion by Mosier, seconded by Plambeck that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussion of a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:32 A.M. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA 307 ICL Jack Hynes Jerome Conklin John C Anderson Lamoine Utecht Lincoln Telephone Co.. Marilyn Schmidt Mike Weeks Nancy Packard O'Keefe Elevator Co. Inc. Paul Swanson Ray Gangwish. Richard Uden Rocella Stromer Rogers Inc Saint Francis Medical Center Scottie McMillan Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt Shoemaker & Witt State of NE Sue Kissinger Susan Brown Susan Brown Susan BSchoen Svoboda Plumbing & Pump Thomas R Childers Wilbur Katzberg ROAD FUND City National Bank COUNTY VISITORS PROMOTION Adams County Visitors Committee Chamber Support Sery Janitorial Supplies Board Member Mileage Mileage Mileage Mileage Telephone Services Board Member Mileage Mileage Board Member Equip Repair Mileage Mileage Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Office Supplies Hosp .Exp Mileage Attorney Attorney Attorney Attorney NetCom Office Supplies Mileage Office Supplies Mileage Misc Misc. Mileage Mileage Fees Fees Fees Fees Social Security Match RELIEF MEDICAL Bonnavilla Plaza Inc Charles Bucknell Park Avenue Real Estate Park Avenue Real Estate Rader Real Estate Rader Real Estate Rent Rent Rent Rent Emergency Relief Rent INHERITANCE TAX FUND Bancroft Whitney Co. Law Library West Publishing Co. Law Library This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. 13.38 15.08 18.45 18.90 7.18 34.10 5.42 13.33 5.63 704.70 61.74 21.32 7.52 5.63 57.50 2,859.72 175.74 107.50 310.00 310100 80.00 1,069.63 15.00 96.04 15.29 48.09 55.00 25.00 18.86 226.21 2,500.00 160.00 185.00 210.00 210.00 150.00 150.00 132.50 833.25 308 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 21 ADAMS COUNTY,NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 3, 1989 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with D. W. Malouf, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Motion by Mosier, seconded by Teller that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Baord of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Ellerbee that we authorize Roger Parks to advertise for gravel bids. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Motion by Woodman, seconded by Plambeck that we authorize Mr. Parks to advertise for bids for purchase of steel and concrete for three bridges in the One Year Road program. Roll call, ayes: Sole, Ellerbee, Teller, Woodman, Plambeck, Mosier and Malouf. Nays: none. Motion carried. Dee Haussler appeared before the Board to notify them that Tract 1 and Tract 2 in the Industrial Park West had reached the point for another 20% release from the County Industrial Area. Motion by Teller, seconded by Mosier that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 89-1-3 WHEREAS, ACCORDING TO THE TERMS IN RESOLUTION 88-3-1 passed and approved by the Adams County Board of Supervisors on March 1, 1988, HEDC has notified the County Board of Supervisors that Tract 1 -- Great Plains Packaging Co. and Tract 2 --Dana Corporation have reached the point agreed upon for another20%release from the County Industrial Area, THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS that Parcel "B" of Tract 1 --Great Plains Packaging Co. A strip of land being 100 feet wide, running across and through lots 8 and 9, Block 3, Hastings Industrial Park West Sub- division, located in the Southeast Quarter (SE4) of Section 14, Township 7 North, Range 10 West of the 6th P.M., Adams County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: Referring to the Southeast (SE) corner of Lot 9, Block 3, Hastings Industrial Park WEst Subdivision; Thence Westerly along the South line of said Lot 9 a distance of 269.76 feet more or less to the actual point of beginning, said point also being the Southwest (SW) corner of a tract of land described and annexed in Ordinance #3068 as passed and approved on May 9th 1988;' thence continuing westerly along the South line of said Lot 9 a distance of 100.27 feet more or less to a point; Thence deflecting right 94 degrees 11' 21" and running Northeasterly along a line parallel with and 100.0 feet from the westerly line of said tract of land in said Ordinance #3068 a distance of 769.28 feet more or less to a point on the North line of said Lot 8, Block 3, said point being 489.41 feet more or less from the Northeast (NE) corner of said Lot 8; Thence Southeasterly along the North line of said Lot 8 a distance of 104.69 feet more or less to a point being the Northwest (NW) corner of said tract of land in said Ordiance #3068; Thence deflecting right 72 degrees