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Supervisor Rec 18 1978
SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Goble, seconded by Tripp that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 6750 through 6776. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Tripp that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. WEED CONTROL FUND WEED CONTROL FUND Coop Grain Supply of Roseland Mangers, Alvin County Library Welfare Dept Duthie, Eva Road Dept Anderson, Roy Austin, Weslie Mousel, Virgil Parks, Roger Poore, Delbert Stromer, Paul Witt, Lloydl Adams Co. Care Home Salaries Gas Convention Expense COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Salaries STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Salaries Prior Service ROAD FUND NURSING Employees GENERAL Extension Office Ambulance Dept Clerk of Dist Court Assessor's Office Data Processing Attorney's Office County Board County Clerk's Office Sheriff's Dept County Superintendent's Off. County Treasurers Office Courthouse Janitors Juvenile Probation Register of Deeds Office Veterans Service Office Planning & Zoning Public Defender's Office Adams County Clerk's Office Gartner, Rena Goble, Gaylord Hayen,Rachel Hastings Utilities Kidd, C. H. Nebraska State Library Nelson, Harding, Yeutter, Leonard & Tate Office of Public Defender Office of Public Defender Reutlinger, Lila Vaughans-Printers Salaries Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Supplies Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service HOME FUND Sick Leave, Vacation Termination FUND Office Expense Dept Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense Salaries Salary Office Expense Office Expense Office Expense 0ffide Expense Box Rent Prior Service Mileage Prior Service Utilities Prior Service Nebr. Statutes 2,087.08 9.30 150.00 1,193.46 11,371.94 14.00 24,707.44 .25.00 25.00 12.00 90.39 25.00 13.00 22.00 9,309.12 4,076.40 6,510.50 2,126.60 4,430.35 1,325.00 4,925.00 3,150.00 3,657.76 12,892.00 1,358.00 4,197.58 1,727.88 ,737A6 2,413.88 1,877.00 2,114.16 1,585.00 15.00 25.00 34.24 25.00 348.50 16.00 21.50 Lagal Services, Exp. 1,208.74 Legal Services 750.00 Rent, Telephone, Exp. 246.33 Prior Service 14.00 Envelopes 22.20 200 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Federal Grant Fund L & W Service Center, Inc. Golden Triangle Lumber Co. Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Hansen Building Specialties, Knapp Sheet Metal Works Miller's Gem Tops, Joe Payless Building Center, Inc Payless Building Center, Inc PPG Industries, Inc. Payless Building Center, Sears & Roebuck Co. This Board will now recess FEDERAL GRANT FUND Salaries 3,014.61 Dishwasher & Oven 725.10 Cabinet Materials 1,000.31 Cabinet Materials 271.76 Inc Cabinet Materials 80.16 Cabinet Material 8.55 Cabinet Material 493.10 . Kitchen Equipment 604.62 . Ceiling Materials 295.00 Cabinet Materials 63.00 Carpet, Pad, Installation 1,396.68 Appliance Install. 61.12 subject to the call of the Chairman Adams County Board of Supervisors. of the COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 3, 1978 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Batrd of Supervisors met as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll Call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner, Absent: Kailey. Motion by Haogland, seconded by Tripp that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Burr that the Chairman be authorized to sign the agreement on Project 7001 (1). Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion byHoagland, seconded by Tripp that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussion of personnel problems. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Executive session began at 9:47 A.M. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:10 A.M. Bert Allen appeared to present the Board with a resolution signed by approximately 200 persons citing the need for a bus system in Hastings. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Goble that approval be given to the newly elected board members and officers of the Adams County Fair Association. Board members for a three year term: Don Butler, Russ Golgert and Wendell Starr. Officers for 1978: President, Merle Anderson; Vice -'resident, A.D. Wiens; Treasurer, Jim Haggart; Legal Advisor, Lester Seiler; Secretary, Roy Crocker. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Motion by Tripp, seconded by Sole that the annual salaries for the Elected Officials for the term beginning in 1979 be as follows: County Clerk $15,000. County Assessor 15,000. County Treasurer 15,000. Register of Deeds 14,000.x!' Clerk of Dist. Court 14,000. County Sheriff 14,000. County Superintendent 14,000. County Attorney 17,500. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, of Supervisors ayes: Hoagland, Kailey, absent. seconded by Tripp that the salaries for the County Board for the term beginning in 1979 be $6,000. Roll call, Tripp, Sole, Burr. Nays, Goble and Lightner. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Burr that $500.. per year be added for the cost of Living for all elected officials after the first year of the term. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Tripp, Sole and Burr. Nays: Goble and Lightner. Kai1ty, absent. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 10, 1978 9:30AM Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll Call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Abeent: Kaley. Motion by Sole, seconded by Burr that this meeting is apublic meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Sole that all old business has been concluded and this Board shall adjourn sine die. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. STATUTORY MEETING Motion by Temporary REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that Lightner be appointed Chairman. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that we proceed to take an fornaY informal ballot for the appointment of a permanent Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors for the year 1978. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. An informal ballot was ordered and the temporary Chairman appointed Goble and Haogland as tellers with the following results listed on SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA the informal ballots. For permanent Chairman for 1978: Tripp --One; Lightner --Four; Hoagland --One. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that we suspend the rules and by unanimous voted Lightner be declared duly appointed Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors for the Year 1978. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Goble, Tripp, Sole Burr. Nays: Lightner. Kailey; absent. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that we proceed to take an informal ballot for the appointment of .a vice-chairman for the year 1978. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. An informal ballot was ordered by the Chairman and Hoagland and Goble were appointed as tellers with the following results listed on the informal ballots. For Vice-chairman for 1978; Hoagland --Four; Tripp --One; Sole --One. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Goble that we suspend the rules and by unanimous vote, Hoagland be declared Vice -Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors for 1978. Roll call, ayes: Goble, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Nays: Hoagland. Kailey: absent. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Hoagland that the Hastings Daily Tribune be designated as the official newspaper for 1978. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Sole that we approve the following named banks as County depositories; First National Bank of Hastings; City National Bank of Hastings; Hastings State Bank of Hastings; Adams County Banat of Kenesaw and Roseland State Bank of Roseland, Nebraska. Also we approve the securities pledged by the following banks as security for funds. Hastings State Bank, Hastings NEB $710,000. pledged City National Bank, Hastings, NES,- 1,400.000. pledged First National Bank Hastings, NEB" 3,025,000. pledged Adams County Bank, Kenesaw, NEB 425,000. pledged Roseland State Bank, Roseland, NEB 245,000. pledged Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried., Motion by Tripp, seconded by Goble that we consent to the County Treasurer to deposit up to 100% of the Capitol stock and Surplus in any of the Depository Banks named, said deposits to be protected by bonds as required by law. Ro11 call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Chairman Lightner appointed the following committees to serve for the year 1978 STANDING COMMITTEES 1978 FINANCE INVESTMENT AND INSURANCE COMMITTEE Willis Kailey, Chairman Dennis Burr C. Robert Tripp ROAD & BRIDGE COMMITTEE Dennis Burr, Chairman Gaylord Goble, Orville Hoagland, C. Robert Tripp COURTHOUSE BUILDING & SUPPLIES C. Robert Tripp, Chairman Gaylord Goble Orville Hoagland SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA MID -NEBRASKA HUMAN SERVICES --INCLUDES MENTALLY RETARDED, MENTAL HEALTH, AREA AGENCY ON AGING, AND HEALTH PLANNING William Sole, Chairman Dennis, Burr, C. Robert Tripp , Willis Kailey. AMBULANCE AND CIVIL DEFENSE COMMITTEE Orville Hoagland, Chairman William Sole Willis Kailey PLANNING -ZONING & LANDFILL Gaylord Goble, Chairman William Sole Dennis Burr RAILROAD RELOCATION C. Robert Tripp Orville Hoagland Ed Lightner LIAISON & PUBLIC RELATION COMMITTEE William Sole, Chairman Gaylord Goble Willis Kailey CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, H.E.D.C. and INTERGOVERNMENTAL REPRESENTATIVE C. Robert Tripp COUNTY GOVERNMENT DAY REPRESENTATIVE Gaylord Goble Mr. Finnigsmier, representing Johnson Imperial Homes requested a culvert be placed under 12th St South of the airport. The matter was -referred to the Road Committee for review. Richard Wenske gave a report on activities of the ambulance department. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that we approve the appointment of C. Robert Tripp to the Region III Governing Board. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Goble, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Tripp, abstain. Kailey, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Tripp that this Board hold an executive session for the purpose of discussing with legal counsel matters concerning the Employees Union case. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:05 A.M. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that this Board resume regular session at 12:00 Noon. Roll call, all vdted aye. Motion carried. Regular session resumed. Motion by Sole, seconded by Burr that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 78-1-10 WHEREAS, the Nebraska Department of Roads, through the Federal Property Assistance Section, by authority of the Federal Property and Administrative S rvices Act of 1949, (40 USC 484) as amended, makes available federal surplus personal property to public agencies ffor public purposes and to nonprofit tax-exempt health and educational institutions, and WHEREAS, Adams County, Nebraska hereafter referred to as the Applicant is desirous of utilizing the services and resources of this agency, and WHEREAS,the Applicant certifies that it is a public agency or a nonprofit educational or health institution exempt from taxation under Section 501, of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1954, and WHEREAS, the Alskplivanli. further certifies that property is needed for and will be used by the recipient for carrying out or promoting SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA for the residents of a given political area one or more public purposes and for no other purposes, or WHEREAS,the Applicant further certifies that property is needed for and will be used by the recipient for educational or public health purposes including research and for no other purposes, and WHEREAS, the Applicant agreesthat all. items of property shall ba placed in .use for the -purposes for whi r aequired within one year of receipt and shall be continued in use for such purposes for one year from the date the property was placed in use, and in the event the property is not so placed in use, or continued in use, the donee shall immediately notify the State Agency, and return said property to the State A ency as directed, and WHEREAS, the applicant further agrees to abide by all additional periods of restriction placed on property by the State A,ency; that is, 30 months on all passenger motor vehicles and other items of property with a unit acquisition cost of $3,000 or more, except for such items of major equipment on which the State Agency designates a further period of restrictions as indicated on the distribution document, and WHEREAS, the applicant further agrees that during the period of restriction, it will not sell, trade, lease, lend, bail, encumber, or ;:..,•:; otherwise dispose of such property without prior approval of the General Services Administration or the State Agency, and in the event property is so disposed of without prior approval of the General Services Administration or the State Agency,°the Applicant will be liable for the fair market value or the fair rental value of such property as determined by the General Services Administration or the State Agency, and WHEREAS, the Applicant certifies that it. will file assurance of compliance with GSA regulations under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 605 of Title VI of the Federal Property and Administrative Service Act of 1949, as amended and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and WHEREAS, The Applicant further agrees to remit promptly to the State Agency for all service and handling fees on property 'acquired, and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Applicant requests that eligibility be established to participate in the State Federal Property Assistance Program,and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Terry L°Marshall, be authorized to act on behalf of the governing body of the Applicant in acquiring federal surplus property and so obligate said governing body to the aformentioned certifications and agreements, and that such person be authorized, at his descretion, to further delegate authority to any agent of the Applicant organization for the purpose of acquiring surplus property for use by the Applicant Organization. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. This regular session will recess until 1:00 P.M. A delegation from Holstein appeared to speak in behalf of Darrell Hohlfeld asking the Board to give him another opportunity to work for the Road Department. The Board took the matter under advisement and will make a decision at the next meeting. A group of mobile home owners appeared complaining of the new method of taxation of mobile homes. They stated problems concerned with paying the taxes all at one time instead of in two paymenta as is possible with real estate taxes. Others asked what could be done about those mobile home owners failing to pay the taxes. It was pointed out that tax laws were involved and seeking a change through the legislature would appear to be the appropriate place to look for a change. Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland that the Inventories of Ambulance Dept., Veteran's service Office, County Treasurer, Register of Deeds, District Judge, County Library, County Clerk, Weed Control, County Attorney, SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. 'NEBIASKA County Superintendent, Real Estate owned by County, Chief Probation Officer, Welfare Director be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that we approve the posting of J. C. 7419 U.S. Treas. Bills J115580123 in the amount of $40,000. by Adams County Bank, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Goble that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections No. 6777 through 6780. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by be made a 4437 4438 4439 4440 4441 4442 4443 4444 4445 4446 4447 4448 4449 4450 4451 4452 4453 4454 4455 4456 4457 4458 4459 4460 4461 4462 4463 4464 4465 4466 4467 4468 4469 4470 4471 4472 4473 4474 4475 4476 4477 4478 4479 4480 4481 4482 4483 4484 4485 Tripp, seconded by Burr that the Miscellaneous Receipts part of this Supervisors Proceedings. City Treasurer Village of Holstein County Clerk's Office County Court County Court Ambulance Service Juniata Village Little Blue NRD City of Hastings Village of Holstein Register of Deeds Register of Deeds State of Nebr. Kenesaw Township Wanda Township Walter Hoefer Dale E .Schmidt Juniata Village Adams Co Nursing Home Village of Juniata Amublance Serv. Co. Sheriff Campus House, Inc. Ann's Coffee Shop Adams Co. Bank Noxious Weed Register of Deeds Ambulance Service First National Bank First National Bank First National Bank First National Bank Ambulance Service General Casualty Co. of Wisc. State of Nebr, Mary E Roberts, Est. County Court County Court Ambulance Serv. County Court Clerk of Dist Court Ambulance Service Register of Deeds Clerk of Dist. Court Noxious Weed Dist. Hall Co Treas. Hall Co Treas Hall Co Treas. Hall Co Treas. 269,295.00 2,000.00 36.10 404.13 4,385.98 466.50 3,200.00 1,274.66 142.35 100.00 30.50 16.55 38,346.62 500.00 500.00 39.71 89.87 100.00 6,642.35 720.00 455.00 910.54 1,086.57 25.00 6,750.00 165.50 504.35 434.00 106.16 1,027.40 1,541.10 1,479.45 143.00 209.90 15,000.00 7,337.40 4,154.00 4,321.50 165.00 295.51 1,070.00 379.10 1,431.55 240.82 850.56 1,100.00 140.00 34.00 100.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 4486 4487 4488 4489 4490 4491 4492 4493 4494 4495 4496 4497 4498 4499 4500 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4507 4508 4509 4510 4511 4512 4513 4514 4515 4516 4517 4518 4519 4520 4521 4522 4523 4524 4525 4526 4527 4528 4529 4530 4531 4532 4533 4534 4535 4536 Roll call, Hall Co Treas. Hall Co Treas. Hall Co Treas Village of Kenesaw Denver Township Ambulance Serv. First National Bank Ambulance Service Gary Tuller City National Bank Midland Nutrition MAA A Midland Nutrition MAAA A.B.C.S. Office Noxious Weed St of Neb. Hastings State Bank City of Hastings Village of Ayr Village of Roseland Cottonwood Township Ayr Township Ambulance Service County Clerk County Clerk Slate of Neb. Campus House, Inc. Campus House, Inc. Ambulance Sery State of Neb Nursing Home Joe Hageman Juniata Trlr Court Adams County Bank Cancelled Cancelled 25.00 30.00 12.00 100.00 500.00 137.50 246.58 393.50 3.00 1,402.05 57.24 85.86 73.00 137.00 5.00 294.45 45.23 1,356.16 20.00 100.00 100.00 500.00 500.00 257.50 466.75 1,576.00 4,750.00 1,960.00 250.00 215.00 11,471.95 3,717.52 600.00 5.00 1,750.00 Ambulance 132.50 County Court 442.32 State of Neb. 191,163.00 State of NHb. 11,625.32 State of Neb. 6,684.56 Verona Twp 500.00 Zero Township 500.00 Highway Dept 3.92 Mrs. Reynold McGinnis 3.00 Ambulance Serv. 345.79 State of NEb. 284.76 Ambulance Sery 175.00 Hastings State Bank 1,386.30 Ambulance Serv. 142.50 all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Sole that the reports of Register of Deeds (3), Clerk of District Court, (2) Extension Service, County Clerk, Sheriff, Fair Association, Nursing Home, Car Titles, Ambulance (2) Library, be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Goble that the bond of Ray Eisele as Assistant Assessor in the amount of $500. be approved. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Tripp that the claims be approved on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to SUPERVISORS RECORD No; 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA tiresik7 issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Beck, Sylvester Beck, Sylvester Bennett, Kathie Bert's Rexall Drug Brand -Wilson Mortuary Campus House, Inc. Campus House Inc Childrens Village Davis, Gretchen or Dave Hastings Utilities Hoffmeister, Dr. George F McKenzie, Miss Jacque Morris, L. L. Muller, Bev & Gordon Nebraska Boys Ranch Nebr. Dept of Public Welfare Nebr. Dept of Public Welfare Russell, Henry Safeway Stores Walgreen Co. STATE Adams County Clerk Borrell, Peggy Burroughs Corporation Credit Bureau of Hastings Damico, Dr. Charles Hastings Sate Bank Hastings Typewriter Co. Hinrichs, Margaret Kuehn, Dr. Gerald A Kuehn, Dr. Gerald A Lincoln Telephone Co. Lurz, Donna Meyer, Garnet Modern Methods Inc. Morris, L. L. Morris, L. L. Newquies, Penny Nitzel, Dr. Dale L Osman, Patricia Polk, R. L. & Co Republic National Life Ins Salyards, Dr. Harry Schmidt, Marlys Soterin, Beverly Thompson, Mary Williamson, Sheila Foster Care Foster Care Foster Care Medicine Burial Foster Care Foster Care Foster Care Foster Care Utilities Professional Service Foster Care Revolving Fund Foster Care Foster Care Vendor Payments Vendor Payments Foster Care Groceries Supplies ADMINISTRATION FUND Construction costs Mileage Supplies Bulletin Service Professional Service Storage Supplies Mileage Professional Service Professional Service Telephone & Toll Mileage Mileage Supplies Postage Convention Expense Mileage Professional Service Mileage City Directory Insurance Professional Service Mileage Mileage Mileage Mileage WEED Cornbelt Chemical Company Glenwood Telephone Corp K1oke Conoco Service Mangers, Alvin J Nebr. Weed Control Ass'n Republic National Life Ins. Roseland Sundries Stens Radiator Service Southern Nebr. Power District CONTROL FUND Chemicals Telephone Service Gasoline Miscellaneous & Postage Membership Dues Insurance Supplies Repairs Electric Service 145.00 252.00 22.64 8.95 390.00 500.00 450.00 65.00 135.00 27.57 10.00 159.49 9.80 150.00 389.50 17,127.46 18,304.51 112.32 5.00 4.52 2,454.41 10.88 85.80 5.00 7.50 12.80 56.20 7.36 10.00 10.00 202.55 14.24 11.04 570.00 165.00 174.09 5.12 10.00 50.24 41.00 413.12 54.50 9.28 25.28 3.20 8.64 1,200.00 35.41 19.70 20.68 35.00 92.08 7.50 337.00 8.19 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA REVENUE SHARING FUND Monroe Div. Litton Bus Sys Inc. Machine Snowblower & Chains Shafer Implement Co. Beatrice State Develop Center Landgraf, Charles W. Jr Landgraf, Dr. C. W. Jr Lincoln Regional Center STATE INSTITUTIONS Patient Care Professional Service Professional Service Patient Care NURSING HOME FUND Paul Fidler Plumbing & Heating Repair & Labor Advertising P.C. Professional Service Utilities Professional Service Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Family Practice Hastings Utilities Kostal, 0.A., M.D. COUNTY LIBRARY FUND American Econo-Clad Services Books Hastings Public Library Rental PPG Industries Inc. Supplies Republic National Life Ins Insurance Adams County Ambulance Service Peterson Bros Enterprises Adams County Highway Dept Allen's American Fire Control Mr. Automotive Beale Tire Co. Big General Supply C.R.Lumber Co. Commercial Electronics Clarke Oil Company Clarke Oil Company Consumers Service Co. Curtis Nell Corp. Dutton-Lainson Co. Syna Systems Inc. Fairs Repair Shop Firestone Stores Friends Motor Supply Garvey Elevators Inc Glenwood Telephone Corp Glenwood Telephone Corp. H & N Mobile 4n - Hastings -,Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Hunt's Garage Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Kansas-Nebr Natural Gas Kenesaw Oil Co. Kenesaw Oil & Supply Kully Iron & Metal Co. Laird Motors Inc. Lemke Sharpening Service Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. ROAD FUND. Generator Stripping & Paint Petty Cash Miscellaneous Supplies Supplies Repairs Supplies Supplies Radio Repair Gas & Oil Gas & Oil Fuel Supplies Supplies Repairs Equipment Supplies Supplies Gasoline Telephone & Toll Telephone & Toll (Moline Inc Equipment Advertising Supplies Utilities Utilities Supplies Supplies Supplies Gas Service Diesel Diesel Repair Equipment Repair Repair & Sharpening Supplies & Equipment Repairs Repair & Equipment 366.44 410.35 1,260.00 25.00 87.00 360.00 31.50 76.00 19.00 319.33 20.00 28.35 433.33 38.94 28.62 100.00 10,610.00 19.87 26.27 27.51 402.67 24.75 1,140.61 1.95 64.60 193.93 721.31 35.66 58.98 36.07 33.48 3.00 101.30 125.51 64.23 14.42 13.79 106.90 82.78 38.88 5.03 153.39 67.20 58.25 42.20 57.50 14.04 305.30 392.16 99.80 137.65 226.06 365.60 14.69 42.29 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Do9 Lincoln Telephone Co. Telephone & Toll 119.61 Modern Linen Co. Linen Supplies 18.65 Nebraska Correctional Industries School Signs 171.00 Nebra. Public Power District Electric Service 14.41 Nikkila Bros Const. Bridge Project 6,885.00 Nikkila Bros Const. Bridge 2,128.45 Olsen, L. L. Oil Company Gasoline 858.79 Republic National Life Ins. Insurance Coverage 827.91 Rockmount Research Inc. Welding Rod 69.48 Shaw's Service Gasoline & Repair 715.91 Shawls, Service Gasoline 248.56 Southern Power Dist Electric Service 46.43 Vontz L. J. Const Co. Gravel 120.45 Vontz Construction Gravel 2,723.30 Werner Construction, Inc. Final Payment 3,125.49 Wheeler -St Regis Paper Co. Equipment & Repair 7,943.72 GENERAL FUND A & D Technical Supply Co. Supplies 42.13 Adams County Atlases 100.00 Adams County Hastings Cent. Comm. Payment 186.88 Adams County Clerk Supplies 2.37 Adams County Senior Handi-Bus Reimbursement 791.16 Adams County Treasurer Postage 1,403.22 Agricultural Communications Supplies 81.71 Allen's Supplies 3.58 Allen's of Hastings Supplies 28.27 American Fire Control Supplies 75.81 American Fire Control Supplies 36.72 American Fire Control E4uipment 323.98 Anderson, Robert G Mileage 1,657.54 Anderson, Robert G Food for Prisoners & Matron Fee 1,547.50 Augustin & Company Supplies 118.33 Augustin & Company Supplies 133.34 BankCard Service Center Gasoline 136.19 Bank Card Service Center Gasoline 155.93 Beck, Sid Board Member Mileage 21.28 Beyke Signs Signs 120.00 Big G x Supplies 121.23 Brown, Susan Mileage 36.39 Burroughs Corp Supplies & Maintenance 2,263.23 Burroughs Corp. Lease 299.00 Burroughs Corp Lease Equipment 299.00 Business Supply Co. Supplies 121.76 Clerk of District Court State Cases 1,663.26 Coats, Mrs. W. C. Board Member Mileage 20.32 Commercial Electronics, Inc. Repair 12.50 Commercial Electronics Inc Repair 12.00 Coop Service Assoc. Gasoline 545.84 Cornhusker Press Historical News 167.67 Cornhusker Press Historical News 210.11 Cornhusker Press Supplies 94.39 Credit. Bureau of Hastings Bulleting Service 10.00 Credit Bureau of Hastings Bulleting Service 64.00 Deluxe. Cleaning Cleaning Service 8.00 Deluxe Cleaning Services Laundry Service 143.00 Dieken, Mrs. Karen Board Member Mileage 12.44 Dutton Lainson Co. Supplies 18.04 Eakes Office Equip Rental 276.42 Eastman Kodak Company Supplies 102.06 Ed's Pharmacy Medicine 64.53 Educational Service Unit #9 Film Library Service 242.00 Extension Service Revolving Fund Supplies 11.75 Ritzke, Ronald`R Court App inted Counsel 156.18 -10 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Fox, Marilyn Friends Motor Supply G & L Conoco Gant Publishing Co. Gimton Auto Supply Gollehon, Schemmer & Assoc. Guarantee Electric Company Hansen, Gordon L Hartman, Gerald Hastings Advertising Hastings Daily Tribune Advertising Hastings Electronics Radio Shack Rental Hastings Diesel Service Repair Hastings Diesel Service Repair Hastings JanitorialSery Les Supplies Hastings Janitorial Services Supplies. Hastings Museum Rental Hastings Skyways Inc. Rental Hastings Typewriter Co. Supplies'. Hastings Utilities Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Oxygen Hastings Welding Supply Oxygen Hoffman, Mrs. Larry Board Member Mileage Hoyt, Errol Foster Care International Business Machines Supplies & Maintenance Mileage Supplies Gasoline Subscription Supplies Maps Repairs Mileage Board Member Mileage Supplies Jahnke Supply Co. Johnson, Burdett K -Mart K: -Mart Kindig Printing Service Kindig Printing Service Kleppenger, Dr. Michael V Klopp Printing Co. Kwik Chek Co. Largent, Dorothy Laird Motors Inc Lamski, Dale F Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Lincoln Telephone Company Lueking, Harold Mid State Enterprises Inc. Mobley, Irwin L Modern Linen S rvice Morse Data Processing Toaster Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Professional Service Supplies Supplies Mileage Repairs School Expense Telephone & Toll Telephone & Toll Foster Care Car Wash Mileage Linen8ervice Program National Association of Counties Membership Nebr. Assoc. of Co Officials Fist Half Dues Nelson, Luwane Supplies Nelson, Luwane Mileage Norris, Cathy Mileage Office of Public Defender Reimbursement O'Keefe Elevator Company Maintenance PPG Industries Supplies Pavelka Brothers Repairs Pfizer, Laurence R Desk Portenier, Mrs. Kenneth Board Member Muleage Postmaster Postage Professional Fees Office Professional Service Redfield & Company Election Supplies Redfield & Company Supplies Registrar of Deeds Postage Republic National Life Ins. Insurance Coverage Samuelson, LeRoy Board Member Mileage 18.52 2.21 24.99 72.00 9.98 37.50 187.18 37.24 25.76 3.60 380.12 8.00 427.64 15.68 321.54 8.40 874.00 25.20 169.13 4,584.18 33.60 87.95 21.28 140.00 308.32 25.85 22.56 7.92 A. 7.89 213.85 151.75 18.00 20.00 13.00 12.44 99.33 118.30 1,775.97 55.47 84.76 2.00 57.76 254.65 350.00 392.00 478.00 10.52 12.44 49.40 76.10 37.50 3.86 25.00 120.00 17.76 2,000.00 300.00 6.32 11.03 22.18 2,479.91 19.20 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 211 Schafer Printing Co. Schafer Printing Co. Schafer Printing Sherman's,Ben Sherman Service Center Smeal Fire Equipment Co. South Central Community Mental Sporting Goods, Inc. Swanson, Paul Thomsen Oil Co. Thomsen Oil Co. Vaughans Printers Inc. The Thompson Company Wenske, Richard Wenske, Richard WRstPublishing Company Wheelers Williams Exterminating Co Woodward's Disposal Service Woodman, Larry Xerox Corporation Supplies Supplies Supplies Uniforms Repair 26.95 51.60 72.25 111.86 71.63 Repair 15.25 Transfer of Funds 8,203.29 17.83 50.00 235.65 166.52 13.90 83.97 8.00 2.00 16.45 10.91 14.00 49.52 24.48 160.00 Supplies Mileage Gasoline Gasoline Supplies Supplies Postage Supplies Supplies Antifreeze Pest Control Disposal Service Board Member Mileage Rental This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board . COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 17, 1978 9:30 A.M The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that this meeting id a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks gave a road report and the Public Hearing for the I & VI Year Road Plan for Adams County is scheduled for 10:00 A.M. on February 7, 1978. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that we authorize the Chairman to sign a certificate of substantial completion on project 104975-3 Werner Construction Inc. for street paving at Hastings Industrial Park West. Roll call, Ayes: Hoagland, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Nays: Goble. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Burr that as recommended by the Planning Commission we approve an Assessory Living Facility for Lester Pittz. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Public Hearing was Held concerning the application of William Roth for a Conditional Use Permit in EWA, Sec. 12, T5N, R9W Adams County Nebraska. Motion by Goble, seconded by Burr that as recommended by the Planning Commission we approve a conditional use permit for the following tract of land, to -wit: SW4i Section 12, T5N, R9W, Adams County, Nebraska, APPLICANT: William Roth. The property is presently zoned Agricultural Open Space (AO -1) and permission is granted to relocate an existing mobile home one-half mile west of the present location for recreation purposes only and not as a permanent residence. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp seconded by Kailey that the following resolution be adopted. THE COUNTY OF ADAMS IN THE STATE OF NEBRASKA RESOLUTION NO. 78-1-17 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDING OF THE LEASE AND AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ADAMS, AS LESSOR, AND GREAT PLAINS CONTAINER CO., AS LESSEE, DATED AS OF MARCH 1, 1977; PROVIDING FOR THE SUPPLEMENTING OF THE MORTGAGE AND TRUST INDENTURE BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ADAMS AND COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY, GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, AS TRUSTEE, DATED AS OF MARCH 1, 1977; PROVIDING FOR THE AUTHORIZATION AND EXECUTION OF THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PERFORMANCE OF PURCHASE AGREEMENT AND AGREEMENT TO CONVEY PROPERTY, THE DIRECTION FOR PAYMENT UNDER PURCHASE AGREEMENT, AND THE CONTRACT RELATING TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW PLANT; PROVIDING THAT THE INVALIDITY OF ANY PART OF THIS RESOLUTION SHALL NOT AFFECT THE REMAINDER; AUTHORIZING EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF RELATED DOCUMENTS: REPEALING ALL RESOLUTIONS AND PARTS OF RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND:= PROVIDING FOR THE DATE OF EFFECT OF THIS RESOLUTION. "BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Adams: "Section 1. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Adams hereby finds and determines: "(a) That in furtherance of the purposes and pur- suant to the provisions of Sections 18-1614 to 18-1623, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 1943 (the "Act"), the County of Adams, Nebraska has previously adopted a resolution providing for the issuance of $1,500,000 of its Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Great Plains Container Project, Series A, dated March 1, 1977 for the purpose of acquiring a certain project in Adams County, Nebraska for lease by the County to Great Plains Container Co., a Nebraska Corporation, pursuant to a Lease and Agreement between the County, as Lessor, and Great Plains Container Co., as Lessee, dated as of March 1, 1977 (The "Lease"), which project was mortgaged pursuant to a Mortgage and Trust Indenture between the County and Commercial National Bank & Trust Company, Grand Island, Nebraska, as Trustee, dated as of March 1, 1977 (the "Mortgage"); SUPERVISORS RECORD RD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. 1 EBRASvKA f* "(b) That Article XIX of the Lease permits amend- ments, changes and modifications of the Lease in accordance with the procedures provided in the Mortgage: and that Section 2 of Article XII of the Mortgage per- mits amendments, changes and modifications of the Lease provided (1) that the Trustee has mailed notice of the proposed amendment to holders of said bonds and has received the written consent of the holders of not less than two-thirds in aggregate principal amount of said bonds, as are outstanding at such time, and (2) that the Trustee has consented to the proposed amendment; "(c) That Article X1 of the Mortgage permits the execution of supplemental indentures that modify, alter, amend, add to or rescind terms of the Mortgage providdd that notice of the proposed supplemental indenture has been mailed by the Trustee to holders of said bonds and said proposed supplemental indenture has received the written consent of the holders of not less than two-thirds in aggregate principal amount of said bonds, as are out- standing at such time; "(d) That there has been placed on file with the Couity the following documents: 1. Trustee's Certification of Service of Notice and Receipt of Two -Thirds Consent (ExhibitA) 2. Consent of Trustee (Exhibit B) "(e) That all conditions required by law to exist precedent to the amendment of the Lease and the Supple- menting of the Mortgage, as proposed in the Amendment to Lease and Agreement and the Supplement to Mortgage and Trust Indenture, respectively, hereinafter referred to, have been satisfied. "Section 2. The Amendment to Lease and Agreement between the County, as Lessor, and Great Plains Container, Co., as Lessee, in the form and content hereto attached as Exhibit C, be and the same is hereby, in all respects, authorized, approved and the confirmed and the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the County Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Amend- ment to Lease and Agreement, including necessary counter- parts for and on behalf of the County, in substantially the form and content as shown in Exhibit C attached hereto, but with such changes, modifications, additions and dele- tions therein as shall to them seem necessary, desirable. or appropriate. "Section 3. The Supplement to Mortgage and Trust Inden- ture between the County and Commercial National Bank & Trust Company, Grand Island, Nebraska, as Trustee, in the form and content hereto attached and marked Exhibit D, be and the same is hereby, in all respects, authorized, approved and confirmed and the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the County Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Supplement to Mortgage and Trust Indenture, including necessary counterparts for and on behalf of the County, in substantially the form and content as shown in Exhibit D attached hereto, but with such changes, modifications, additions and deletions therein as shall to them seem necessary, desirable or appropriate. "Section 4. The Acknowledgement of performance of Purchase Agreement and Agreement to Convey Property between the County and Dana Corporation, in the form and contents hereto attached and marked Exhibit E, be and the same is hereby, in all respects, approved and confirmed and the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the County Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Acknowledgement of Performance of Purchase Agreement and Agreement to Convey Property, including necessary counterparts for and on behalf of the County, in substantially the form and content as shown in Exhibit E attached hereto, but with such changes, modifications, additions and deletions therein as shall to them seem necessary, desirable or appropriate. The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the County Clerk are further hereby authorized and directed, without further action by the Board of Supervisors to execute and deliver the Special Warranty Deed referred to in the said Acknowledge- ment of the Performance of Purchase Agreement and Agreement to Convey Property, subject only to approval as to the form of such deed by the County Attorney or Deputy County Attorney. "Section 5. The Direction for Payment under Purchase Agreement by the County and Great Plains Container Coh, as Sellers, in the form and content hereto attached and marked Exhibit F, be and the same is hereby, in all respects, authorized, approved and confirmed and the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the County Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Direction for Payment under Purchase Agreement, including necessary counterparts for and on behalf of the County, in substantially the form and content as shown in Exhibit F.attached hereto, but with such changes, modifications, additions and deletions therein as shall to them seem necessary, desirable or appropriate. "Section 6. The Contract between the County and Great Plains Container Co. pertaining to the construction of the new Plant, in the form and content hereto attached and marked Exhibit G, be and the same is hereby, in all respects, authorized, approved and confirmed and the Chairman of the Boaud of Supervisors and the County Clerk be and they hereby are authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Contract, including necessary counterparts for and on behalf of the County, in substantially the form and content as shown in Exhibit G attached hereto, but with such changes, modifications, additions and deletions therein as shall to them seem necessary, desirable or appropriate. SUPERVISORS RECORD leo. 18, ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA a "Section 7. The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the County Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute and deliver for and on behalf of the County any and all certificates, documents and papers and to perform all other acts, as they may deem necessary or appropriate in order to implement and carry out the matters herein authorized. "Section 8. If any section, paragraph, clause of provision of this Resolution, including the documents referred to herein, shall be held invalid, the invalidity of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the other provisions of this Resolution or the said documents. "Section 9. All resolutions or order or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this Resolution to the extent of such conflict are hereby repealed. "Section 10. This resolution shall be in force and effect after its passage as provided by law. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Sole that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION 78-1-17.1 WHEREAS, anticipated revenues for the Nursing Home Fund have not been collected on the time schedule as anticipated, WHEREAS, expenditures have been made but do not exceed the budget appropriation and there are still some anticipated expenditures NOW THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to transfer $5000.00 from the Inheritance Tax Fund to the Nursing Home Fund. After the anticipated revenues have been received an order will be made to return the funds to the Inheritance Tax Fund. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. A demonstration of voting equipment was made by Computer Election Systems. The Board will study the matter of a new system for voting and review findings at the February 14th meeting. Motion by Goble that we retain Darrell Hohlfeld. Motion seconded by Sole and amended. The amendment to the motion: that action be reconsidered and Darrell Hdilfeid be placed back on the payroll on a probationary status for a six month period with due notice that this matter will be brought up and reviewed again. Roll call on the amendment to the motion: ayes: Goble, Sole and Lightner. nays: Hoagland, Kailey, Tripp, and Burr. Roll call on original motion: ayes: Goble, Sole and Lightner. nays: Hoagland, Kailey, Tripp and Sole. Motion failed. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Henry Hawes, Chief Probation Officer appeared concerning the purchase of a copy machine. The matter was referred to the Buildings and Grounds Committee. Discussion was held with Assessor, Treasurer and Sheriff to see what could be done to make sure that some mobile home owners were not avoiding securing proper permits. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. /s/ County Clerk /4, Au, eputy COURTHEHASTINGS, NEBRASKA original minutes on file in County Clerk's office Tuesday, January 24, 1978 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Motion by Burr, seconded by Tripp that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Jim Taylor appeared to request matching funds for Alcohol Services under L.B. 204. Motion by Sole, that Adams County Board approve matching funds for alcohol services in this region as provided by L.B, 204 in the amount of $1,696.80. Motion dies for lack of a second. Jim DeMuth and Dr. Kennedy gave a report concerning the South Central Community Mental Health Center. Tom Deveny appeared concerning costs on a bridge on Scott Creek. The matter was referred to the Road Committee. Motion by Kailey, seconded Custody Receipt 04884 U.S. for 01616 Fed. Int. Credit Hastings State Bank. Roll carried. by Tripp that we approve the exchange of Treas. Notes, in the amount of $100,000.00 Banks in the amount of $100,000.00 by call, all present voted aye. Motion Motion by Kailey, seconded by Hoagland that the Adams County Board of Supervisors go on record as supporting L.S. 793, and instruct the County Clerk to notify the members of the Education Committee of the Legislature of their concern, and further request the support of the committee members for L.B. 793. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Paul Johnson gave a report concerning health planning for the region. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION 78-1-24 WHEREAS, the City of Hastings, Nebraska, the County of Adams, State of Nebraska and Railroad Transportation Safety District No. 1 have, over the past several years, spent consid- erable money and efforts towards finding a solution to the problem of safety at railroad crossings in Hastings, Nebraska, created by the congestion of increased railroad traffic through the center of Hastings, Nebraska, and, WHEREAS, from time to time the Union Pacific Railroad Company has indicated that it may be receptive to relocating its tracks which pass through Hastings, Nebraska in order to make travel more safe, but to date no positive statement has been made and, WHEREAS, the said City, County and the Transportation Safety District need a definite and exact policy statement from Union Pacific to define exactly what it will or will not do about relocating its tracks. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PARTIES THAT: Section 1. The City of Hastings, Nebraska, the County of Adams, State of Nebraska and the Railroad Transportation Safety District No. 1 make a strong request in the form of a demand for an exact policy statement from the Union Pacific Railroad Company concerning specifically what it will or will not do about relocating its tracks and the dollar commitment which will be contributed by Union Pacific Railroad Company for track relocation, if such track relocation is agreed upon. Section 2. This resolution shall be sent to the Union Pacific Railroad Company with the understanding that if a reply is not received by February 20, 1978 the said City, County and Safety District will take such appropriate actions as may be deemed necessary to abate the problem, including, but not limited to, the construction of grade separation crossings and possible implementation of the safety regulations provided for in Nebraska Statute 16-212. Roll call, ayes; Hoagland, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Nays: Goble, Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Tripp that the County of Adams sign an Inter -local agreement with the City of Hastings to provide financial support and run a local transit system for a trial period of one year. If at the end of the trial period, the citizens are not utilizing the transit system, it will be discontinued. Roll call, ayes: Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole and Lightner. Nays: Hoagland and Burr. Motion carried. 2 8 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Tripp, seconded by Goble that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections No. 6781 through 6786. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Burr that the Claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Road Struss, Lambert R Mousel, Virgil Poore, Delbert Witt, Lloyd Anderson, Roy Austin, Weslie Stromer, Paul Cornleius, Albert Nebr. Dept. of Revenue County Library Nursing Home Federal Grant Sherer, Marcy M. Weed Control State Administration ROAD FUND Salaries $18,618.74 Prior Service 12.00 Prior Service 12.00 Prior Service 25.00 Prior Service 22.00 Prior Service 25.00 Prior Service 25.00 Prior Service 13.00 Prior Service 92.32 Nebr. Sales Tax 5.23 COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Salaries NURSING HOME FUND Salaries FEDERAL GRANT FUND Salaries Mileage WEED CONTROL FUND Salaries STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Salaries GENERAL FUND 827.77 55.44 833.00 105.00 1,877.42 11,102.84 Clarence Hotaling vs Keller Ladders Inc. A Corp, Dutton-Lainson Co. & Marvin. Nelson d/b/a Nelson Electric Co. Jury Fees 1,986.50 County Extension Office Salaries 4,076.40 Ambulance Salaries 6,686.00 Clerk of District Court Salaries 2,236.92 Co. Assessor's Office Salaries 4,438.33 Co. Assessor's Office Pt. Time Salaries 482.34 Data Processing Salaries 1,325.00 Co. Attorney's Office Salaries 4,515.82 County Supervisors Salaries 3,150.00 County Clerk's Office Salaries 3,830.19 County Sheriff's Offices Salaries 12,868.05 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 2_: County Superintendent's Offi County Treasurer's Office County Treasurer's Office County Janitor's Office Juv. Probation Office Reg. of Deeds Office Veteran's Service Office Planning & Zoning Office Public Defender Office Paul Stromer paul Stromer Cornhusker press A & D Technical Supply Hoeft, Merle W. Zoning Bulleting A & D Technical Supply Andersen Fire Equipment Co. Baldwin Cooke Company Beyke Signs City of Aurora City of Hastings Clifford, Nancy Rena Gartner Goble, Gaylord Home Decorating Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hayen, Rachel I.B.M. Kidd, C.H. Lincoln Telephone Co. Mid -City Auto Supply Office of Public Defender Platte Valley Communications Register of Deeds Reutlinger, Lila Thaut's Body Shop This Board will the Board. /s/ /s/ ce 9&laries Salaries Pt. Time Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Supplies Supplies Supplies Subscription Equipment Siren Unit Supplies Lettering Police Scanner 4 Share of Civil Def. Exp. Supplies prior Service Mileage Supplies Supplies prior Service Service Agreement Prior Service Telephone & Toll Wheels Office Expense Installation & Rewiring Postage Prior Servicd Repair 1,358.00 4,705.29 1,194.87 1,905.84 737.16 2,413.88 1,877.00 2,114.16 2,335.00 86.42 107.28 900.25 123.29 6.07 25.00 123.28 253.87 11.14 40.00 100.00 1,673.18 1.31 25.00 37.76 2.80 42.13 25.00 65.00 16.00 56.29 25.00 416.50 119.15 28.97 14.00 272.65 now recess subject to the call of the Charman of County Clerk puty COURTHOUSE HSTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 31, 1978 9:30 A.M. original minutes on file in the County Clerk's office The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole and Lightner. Burr, absent. '220 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams CountyBoard of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office.. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks gave a report on the progress of work scheduled for the Road department. Motion by Goble, seconded by Sole that we approve the appointment of Gene Krabel and Clayton Lukow for three year terms as County members of the Planning Commission. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that we approve the application of Robert E. Hall as Manager of Lochland Country Club. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Public hearing was held concerning a request for a conditional use permit for a mobile home for security purposes on Lot #4, Blaine Township in the Naval Ammunition Depot. Motion by Goble, seconded by Tripp that we authorize the Chairman to sign the conditional use permit for a mobile home for security purposes to be located on Lot #4, Blaine Township, applicant Marvin Aulner, Aulner Manufacturing Company. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. A delegation from the Holstein area appeared to speak in behalf of Darrell Hohlfeld, stating their support and requesting that he be given another chance to work for the County. Motion by Sole, seconded by Goble that Mr. Hohlfeld be re -instated for a five month period with the case to be reviewed the first part of June with the people of the Holstein area asked to come for that review, with the understanding that any flagrant violations would be grounds for immediate termination. Roll call, ayes: Goble, Sole and Lightner. Nays: Hoagland, Kailey, Tripp. Burr absent. Tie vote. Question to be placed before Board at next meeting. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that the Board go into executive session for discussion of a personnel matters. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Exec. Session began at 11:00 A.M. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Regular Session resumed at 11:15 A.M. Proposals for making a Traffic Safety Study were received from Hoskins, Western Sonderegger and Assoc.; Kirkam, Michael and Assoc. and .Johnson, Brickell, Mulcahy & Assoc. They were referred to the Road Committee for Study and recommendation. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussion of a personnel problem. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Executive session began at 1:50 P.M. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Regular session began at 2:20 P.M. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Motion by Kailey, seconded by Sole that we authorize the Chairman to sign Amendment No. 1 to the Interlocal Agreement with MNMRS. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of thE Board of Supervisors. .. ,y COURTHOUSt STINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 7, 1978 9:30 A.M. original minutes on file in County Clerk's office, The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Burr and Lightner. Sole, absent. Motion by Burr, seconded by Tripp that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Sole entered meeting. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that we recommend the accep- tance of the proposal of Hoskins-Western-Sonderegger, Inc. to per- form a traffic safety study in Adams County, Nebraska for an estimated cost of $15,745. Roll call, all present and voting aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Hoagland that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION 78-2-7 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Adam I„ County.; Ndb aske xx Section 1. This Board does hereby approve the request of Mid -Rivers Grain Co., Inc. for the issuance by the County of industrial development revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $325,000, to provide financing for the expansion of Mid -Rivers Grain Co., Inc.'s grain hand- ling facilities, including equipment relating thereto, to be leased by the County to Mid -Rivers GrainCo., Inc. Section 2. The said bonds in a total amount not exceeding $325,000. as determined by the Company, shall be issued in one or more series from time to time when the documents relatingthereto have been submitted to and approved by the County Attorney and this County Board of Supervisors. Section 3. Issuance of the bonds shall be pursuant to Sections 18-1614 to 18-1623, R.R.S. Neb. 1943, as amended, and neither the ppass.ge of ` this Resolution nor the issuance of said bonds shall obligate Adams County for any pecuniary liability or constitute a charge upon the general credit or taxing powers of Adams County, Nebraska, and said bonds, when issued, shall be payable solely from the moneys paid by or on behalf of the Company. Roll call all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA The I and VI Year Plan was presented at Public Hearing by Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Goble that we approve the I & VI year plans as presented subject to the availability of funds and emergency situations. Roll call, all voUed aye. Motion carried. Totion by Sole, seconded by Goble that Darrell Hohlfeld be placed on probation for a period of 5 months with review to be held the first part of June, and the people from the Holstein area be invited back at that time for the review with the understanding that any severe infraction of rules be grounds for immediate dis- charge. Roll Call ayes: Goble, Sole and Lightner. Nays: Hoagland, Kailey, Tripp and Burr. Motion failed. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Goble that we authorize the Chairman to sign Tax List Corrections No. 6787 through 6790. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr seconded by Tripp that the reports of Register of Deeds (2) Library, Car Title, County Clerk, Greater Nebraska Health Systems Agency, County Sheriff, and Clerk of District Court (2) be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Sole that the Inventories of Extension Office, Custodian, County Court and County Assessor be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that we approve the bond of Thomas J. Mullen, Deputy Public Defender in the amount of $1,000.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Notion by Sole, seconded by Goble that we authorize the Chairman to sign a letter thanking Eugene Mahoney, Director of State Parks and Recreation and Senator Marvel for their cooperation in exempt- ing Crystal Lake State Park from user fees. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Sole that the following Miscellaneous Pgceiptds be made apart of.this Supervisors proceedings. Roll call -voted aye. Motion carried. 4537 Adams County Court $607.60 4538 Adams Co. Ambulance Serv. 175.00 4539 Sheriff's Office 410.75 4540 Charlene Arndt 3.00 4541 T & B's Mini Mart 10.00 4542 Clerk of Dist. Court 149.50 4543 Hastings Reg. Center 10.00 4544 Highland Operating Co. 10.00 4545 Kloke Conoco Serv. 10.00 4546 Highway Safety Proj. R -Step 913.42 4547 Ambulance Serv. 293.00 4548 First National Bank 371.59 4549 Clay Co. Treas. 243.00 4550 Clay Co. Treas. 1,057.00 4551 Clay Co. Treas. 1,041.00 4552 Co. Clerk 56.10 4553 Reg. of Deeds 22.91 4554 Noxious Weed 1,142.11 4555 Logan Township . : 500.00 4556 Highland Twp. 500.00 4557 West Blue Township 500.00 4558 Hanover Township 500.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 4559 Silver Lake Township 500.00 4,569 Noxious Weed 107.10 4561 Harold Larsen 35.00 4562 Ann's CoffeeShop 25.00 4563 First National Bank 128.42 4564 First National Bank 513.70 4565 Evergreen Place 600.00 4566 Ambulance 481.00 4567 Ambulance Serv. 278.00 4568 Arthur Toogood 175.00 4569 Dunmire for Richard Janssen Est. 1,650.63 4570 Webster Co. Treas. ff37.87 4571 Register of Ddeds Y54.87 4572 County Court 1,919.96 4573 Ambulance Serv. 287.50 4574 County Clerk .48 4575 Gordon Hansen 140.00 4576 County Court 3,811.50 4577 County Court 5,424.00 4578 County Court 43.50 4579 Ambulance Serv. 376.50 4580 Clerk of Dist. Court 1,060.50 4581 Beverly Mobley 150.00 4582 Gus Schroeder, Personal Rep. 7,541.19 4583 Wm. G. Cambridge 2,598.84 4584 C. G. Yost 150.00 4585 County Court 218.63 4586 First National Bank 2,568.49 4587 Ambulance Serv. 225.00 4588 St. of Nebr. 7,650.29 4589 State of Nebr. 1,764.{38 4590 Elmer Pudge 5.00 4591 John W. Smidt 5.00 4592 U.S. Treas. 43,390.00 4593 Ambulance Serv. 332.50 4594 Helen Bunde 3.00 4595 Anita Hawes 150.00 4596 State of Nebr. 88,112.99 4597 State of Nebr. 23,301.29 4598 County Sheriff 24.15 4599 Ambulance Serv. 340.50 4600 Ambulance Serv. 248.75 4601 First National Bank 123.29 4602 State of Nebr. 2,000.00 4603 John Klein 479.48 4604 Bill Sole 60.00 4605 City National Bank 4,789.04 4606 County Court 486.62 4607 Mrs. Roy Andrews 287.51 4608 Steven Hippie 5.00 4609 Emma Gentert 5.00 4610 Joel Keuten 5.00 4611 County Clerk 1,408.00 4612 County Clerk 405.50 4613 Ambulance Serv. 192.50 4614 Reg. of Deeds 1,887.20 4615 Midland Area on Aging 137.00 4616 Midland Nutrition Proj. for Elderly 73.00 4617 Ambulance Serv. 462.25 4618 Jerry Spady, Pres. 5.00 4619 Hall Co. Treas. 90.00 4620 Hall Co. Treas. 5,400.00 4621 Hall Co. Treas. 500.00 4622 Hall Co. Treas. 400.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 4623 Hall Co. Treas. 4624 Hall Co. Treas. 4625 Hastings Airport Authority 4626 W. G. Pauley, Jr. 4627 Ambulance Serv. 4628 Steve Simmons 4629 L. John Meredith 4630 Road Dept. 4631 Campus House Inc. 4632 Ambulance Serv. 4633 Reg. of Deeds 4634 State of Nebr. 4635 State of Nebr. 4636 State of Nebr. 4637 County Court 4638 State of Nebr. 4639 Neal Jones, Ins. 4640 Roseland State Bank 4641 Clerk of District Court 4642 Clerk of Dist. Court 4643 Clerk of Dist. Court 4644 Clerk of Dist. Court 4645 Ambulance Serv. 4646 Helen Edmondson 4647 Adams County Court 4648 Adams County Court 4649 Ambulance Serv. 4650 County Court 4651 County Court 4652 Fed. Grt. Proj. 4653 Co. Clerk (State) 4654 Co.Clerk 4655 Village of Holstein 4656 State of Nebr. 4657 Road Dept. 4658 County Court 4659 Orville Hoagland 4660 Ambulance Serv. 4661 Hiway Dept. 4662 Ambulance Serv. 4663, Register of Deeds 4664 Ambulance Serv. 75.00 125.00 375.00 5.00 2217.40 3.00 140.00 100.00 965.00 592.50 22.18 6,684.56 11,625.32 191,163.00 2,771.32 72,030.00 300.00 2,750.00 110.80 344.60 322.80 480.59 305.00 5,,00 85.54 1,443.18 352.00 2,882.00 50.45 25.74 2,454.41 100.00 346.50 15,462.60 100.00 326.56 60.00 809.10 14.31 341.00 28.97 142.50 Motion by Kailey, seconded by Burr that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the. County Clerk be authorized and instruct- ed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Acme Printing Adams Co. Court Adams Co. Senior Handi-Bus Adams Co. Treasurer Adams Co. Treasurer Addressograph Multigraph Ag Communications Allen's of Hastings, Inc. Anderson, Robert G Anderson, Robert, Sheriff Anderson, Robe t, Sheriff The Augustine Co. Badger Uniforms Bancroft -Whitney Co. BankCard Service Center GENERAL FUND Supplies Court Cases Reimburspat Postage Postage Supplies Supplies Supplies Mileage Postage Food/Prisoners/Matron Supplies Uniforms Supplies Gasoline 118.50 267.50 909.46 1,614.08 1,061.06 23.84 173.98 57.42 1,916.32 27.49 Fees1,430.50 21.73 330.07 122.85 54.34 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA BankCard Service Center Beck, Sid Bender, Matthew & Co. Big G Big G Brown, Susan Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corporation Business Supply Co. Butterfield, Maurine Campus House, Inc. Campus House, Inc. Cash -NA Candy Company Central Dist. Assoc. City of Hastings City Wide Rentals Clerk of the Dist. Court Commercial Electronics, Inc.Radio Repair Co -Operative Service Assoc. Gasoline Cornhusker Press Historical News County Clerk Supplies Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc. rhal Reports Daylight Donuts Communications School Deluxe Cleaning Services Cleaning DeMuth, Joseph Mileage Dieken, Mrs. Karen Board Member Mileage Donelson, Nr. LarryD. Library Expense Dutton-Lainson Co. Supplies Dutton-Lainson Co. Supplies Eakes Equipment Partial Payment Eakes Office Equipment Rental & Supplies Eastman Kodak Company Supplies Ed's Pharmacy Prescriptions Ellerbrock-Norris Bond Educational Service Unit #9 Supplies Extension Service Petty Cash Miscellaneous First National Bank Fischer, Richard Fischer, Richard Fox, Marilyn Fredricks, Dave Grace's Bike & Key Shop Grace's Bike & Key Shop Grothen, . Raymond Halloran Battery & Electric Halloran, Jack Hammond & Stephens Co. Hartman, Gerald Haselbarth, Clifford Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Diesel Service Hastings Family Practice Hastings Janitorial ° Supplies;"'Suppties Hastings Plumbing & Heating Repair Hastings Police Dept. Test Hastings Typewriter Co. Supplies Hastings Utilities Utilities Hawes, Anita Registration Herman, Mrs. Darrell Board Member Hastings Plumbing & Heating Repair Hastings Welding Supply Co. Oxygen Hotel Clarke Dinner for Jury Errol Hoyt Foster Care Gasoline Board Member Mileage Library Expense Supplies Supplies Mileage Lease Maintenance Agreement Supplies Reporting Vital Statistics Foster Care Foster Care Supplies Dues Supplies Appliance Cart State Cases & Mental Healthi,087.46 12.00 527.36 184.73 4.21 13.00 27.36 91.40 3.94 9.00 5.80 7.68 55.00 100.00 479.18 102.00 72.75 54.00 8.50 15.99 47.87 15.20 53.17 9.45 7.40 5.10 5.20 1.60 19.55 1.60 179.50 13.32 35.00 675.58 7.50 Service 49.50 96.51 84.16 10.00 281.50 5,303.46 & Mileage 31.22 Mileage 5.96 121.04 30.55 108.77 140.00 139.94 8.84 15.00 25.11 26.79 5.26 299.00 492.72 301.95 112.00 500.00 450.00 2.20 7.00 9.00 8.00 Check Imprinting Postage Telephone Mileage Mileage Keys Keys Mileage Labor & Repair Mileage Supplies Board Member Mileage Mowing Cemetery Advertising & Supplies Repair Professional 2 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA International Association of Assessing Officers Membership Dues 45.00 Intertec Publishing Corp. Supplies 18.20 International Business Machines Service Agreement 130.00 International Business Machines Supplies 18.88 International Business Machines Supplies 41.60 Johnson Cash -Way Lumber Co. Supplies 405.15 Johnson, Burdett Board Member Mileage 10.12 Junker, Mrs. Howard Board Member Mileage 7.72 Kindig Printing Service Supplies 24.90 Kindig Printing Service Supplies 108.98 Drs. Kleager & Glenn Professional Service 15.00 Laird Motors, Inc. Repairs & Misc. 168.61 Law Enforcement Equip. Co. Supplies 641.85 Lincoln Tele. & Tele. Telephone & Toll 1,823.50 Luekings, Harold Foster Care 50.00 Mary Lanning Hospital Emergency Room 24.20 Merle's Burner Service Repair & Misc. 107.06 Modern Linen Service Mop & Mat Service 16.70 Modern Linen Service Linen Service 96.96 Modern Linen Service Mop Service 17.40 Mobley, Irwin L. Mileage 24.96 Modern Nethods Inc. Supplies 38.70 Monroe Calculator Co. Supplies 30.00 Murthy, P.S.S. M.D. Professional Service 250.00 Nebr. Safety Council Defensive Driving Course 48.00 Nebr. Tax Research Council Dues & Subscriptions 55.00 Nelson, Luwane Mileage 86.91 Norris, Cathy Mileage 58.66 Nelson, Luwane Supplies & Misc. 28.01 Modern Methods, Inc. Supplies 170.13 Osborne, G.L. M.D. Professional Service 170.00 Osler, Leonard Mileage 7.68 Overhead Door Repair 56.00 Pitney Bowes Rental 163.00 Pittman, Johnie Repair 200.00 Platte Valley Communications Repair 134.00 Portenier, Mrs. Kenneth Board Member Mileage 5.32 Powell Tower Maintenance Inc.Rental 105.00 Redfield & Co. Supplies 49.99 Redfield & Co. Supplies 153.30 Redfield & Co. Supplies 462.20 Republic National Life Ins. Insurance Coverage 2,543.37 Rocky Mountain Software, Inc. Programming Charges 460.00 Safeway Inc. Supplies 5.63 Safeway Stores Inc. Supplies 7.63 Samuelson, LeRoy Board Member Mileage 6.76 Saylor, Ron Mileage 9.60 Schafer Printing Co. Supplies 11.00 Schafer Printing Co. Supplies 23.80 Schafer Printing Co. Supplies 18.84 Schafer Printing Co. Supplies 18.50 Schneider, Kay Supplies for Jury 21.05 Seiler, Les Professional Service 964.50 Sempek, Edward Foster Care 84.06 Sheriff's Office Fees 722.10 Spady Pontiac -Cadillac, Jerry Repair 76.27 Stewart Plumbing Co. Repair 48.80 Story, Roscoe Register & Mileage 62.36 Swanson, Paul Mileage 16.12 Thomsen, Oil Co. Gako1ine 213.91 3-41 Business Products Sales Inc. Maintenance Agree. 270.00 Trupp, Julie Board Member Mileage 5.32 Uden, Ruth Repair of Judge's Robe 17.00 SUPERVISORS , RECORD No 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 2�" United Laboratories University of Nebr. Vaughans Printers Inc. Waits, Jackie Weber Studio Williams Exterminating Co. Woocwaro ' s Disposal Service Xerox Corporation Youth Development Center Supplies Watts Line Supplies Supplies Supplies Pest Control Inc. Disposal Service Supplies Foster Care WEED CONTROL FUND Glenwood Telephone Co. Hastings TypewriterCo. Jahnke Supply Co. Kansas -Nebraska Gas Co. K1oke Conoco Kuhlman Repairs Mangers, Alvin J. Republic Nat'l Life Ins. Southern Nebr. Public Power Trausch, Albert Telephone & Toll Supplies Supplies Gas Service Gasoline Repair Misc. Ins. Coverage Electric Service Repair 76.01 34.44 112.15 22.01 24.00 7.00 51.52 160.00 60.00 32.91 585.48 442.02 27.57 16.30 126.95 28.36 92.08 8.59 20.00 FEDERAL GRANT FUND Sherer, Marcy M Mileage 71.10 REVENUE SHARING FUND Eakes Office Equip. Coping Machine 250.00 Guarantee Electric Co. Repair Equipment 125.73 Hastings Economic Development Corp. Second Half Funding 10,000.00 1,300.00 300.00 Hastings Typewriter Co. Files Nebr. Correctional Industries Furniture STATE INSTITUTIONS FUND Beatrice State Develop Center -Patient Care Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Bert's Rexall Drugs Queen City Rental Ulry Talbert Co. Out Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Outpatient Care Patient Care NURSING HOME FUND Medicine Laundry Suppl ies COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Hastings Public Library Service Rental Republic Nat',1 Life Ins. Insurance Coverage Adams Co. Highway Dept. Mr. Automotive Barco Municipal Beale Tire Co. Big G General Tire ROAD FUND Misc. Supplies Equipment Supplies Supplies 1,293.00 540.00 4,167.00 9,261.00 686.00 33.00 444.00 6.11 5.20 86.30 433.33 28.62 15.80 x:34.91 116.36 700.05 99.98 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Clarke Oil Co. Gasoline & Oil Commercial Electronics Inc. Repair Consumers Service Co. Gasoline Coop Grain & Supply Gasoline Dutton-Lainson Co. Supplies Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Co. Diesel Friends Motor Supply Supplies Glenwood Telephone Co. Telephone & Toll Hall County Hwy. Dept. Box Culvert Hastings DailyTribune Advertising Hastings Motor Truck Co. Repair Hastings Typewriter Co. Supplies Hastings Utilities Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Oxygen & Supplies Jahnke Supply Co. Supplies Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Supplies Kansas -Nebraska Natural Gas Gas Service Kelly Supply Co. Supplies Kully Iron & Metal Co. Supplies Laird Motors Inc. Supplies Lemke Sharpening Service Chainsaw with Trade Lincoln Equipment Co. Supplies Lincoln Equipment Co. Supplies Lincoln Telephone Co. Telephone & Toll Modern Linen Service Shop Towel Service Nebr. Public Power Dist. Electric Service Olsen, L.L. Oil Co. Gasoline & Grease Paulsen's Repair Shop Repair & Sharpen Republic Nat'l Life Ins. Insurance Coverage Shaw's Service Gasoline & Repair Southern Power Dist. Electric Service Spitz & Blauvelt 3 M Minnesota Mining Werner Construction, Wheeler -St. Regis Wilson Concrete Co. Youngston Supplies Z & Z Equipment This Board will the Board. County C Repair & Mfg. Co. Repair Inc. Hot Mix Supplies Project #C1-45 Supplies Supplies 269.83 121.15 38.41 6.15 10.88 258.40 5.25 14.43 2,853.09 6.90 13.94 59.75 206.99 50.51 2.05 23.33 56.74 67.28 73.46 3.75 195.00 252.12 358.53 130.76 11.65 23.55 567.10 53.44 780.48 237.23 48.12 4.50 212.00 1,559.92 50.25 6,762.00 251.50 15.00 COURTROUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 14, 1978 9:30 A.M. Original Minutes on file in County Clerk's office. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public Notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole and Lightner. Burr, absent. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that the following resolu- tion be adopted. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA RESOLUTION 78-2-14 WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the 7th day of February.,. 1978 for the purpose of determining the 1978-1983 One and Six Year Road Program for Adams County, Nebraska, and WHEREAS, no changes or revisions were recommended, THEREFORE, BE IT NOW RESOLVED, by the Adams County Board of Supervisors to adopt the 1978-1983 One and Six Year Road Program, Adams County, Nebraska, as presented. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Goble that the Chairman be and is hereby authorized to sign an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Hastings for a Transit System. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that we approve the appoint- ment of Sole & Goble as County members on the Executive Board for the Hastings, AdamsCounty Transit Commission.. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that we appoint Gloria Parks as a Deputy in the Clerk of the District Court's office with salary at the rate for the other deputy in the office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. A group appeared requesting the Board to pass a resolution endorsing the efforts of the American Agriculture Movement. The Board agreed to study the resolution and paper stating their position and place the matter on the agenda for the next meet- ing. Richard Wenske gave a report concerning ambulance service in the County. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Sole that we approve the bond of Richard Wenske as head of Ambulance Department in the amount of $10,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Hoagland that we approve the with- drawal of Joint Custody Receipt 01617 U.S. Treas. Notes in the amount of $100,000. by Hastings State Bank; and the release of 7721440006 Treas. Notes A 1983 in the amount of $200,000. by City National Bank. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County B h; {- .Supervisors. COUR Joust, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 21, 1978 9:30 A.M. original, minutes on file in County Clerk's office The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Absent: Tripp. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that this meeting is a regu- larly seheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Super- visors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publi- cation in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Kailey that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION 78-2-21 WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the County of Adams, the City of Hastings, Big Blue Natural Re- sources District and Little Blue Natural Resources District to increase the width of the roadway over the Hastings Northwest Flood Control structure from Thirty- two feet to Sixty-four feet; WHEREAS the engineer's estimate of the increased cost for the wider roadway is $24,000. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, that Adams County participate with providing 25% of the increased costs with a maximum amount of Adams County participation in the increased costs to be $6,000. for providing the wider roadway. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Sole, Lightner, Nays, Burr. Motion carried. Motion by Burr seconded by Goble that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION 78-2-21.1 WHEREAS agriculture is the prime economic factor in Adams County. WHEREAS, agricultural production is facing a cost price squeeze, resulting in the sale of commodities at below production cost. WHEREAS, the Adams County Supervisors have consistently addressed themselves to doing everything within their power to improve the economic climate of Adams County. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we the County Board of supervis of Adams County, do hr:reby endorse the goals and efforts of the American Agriculture Movement in their efforts to improve the ecobonthcwei -being of Agriculture. Roll Call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland that we adopt the Job descrip- tion and qualifications as presented for the ambulance department. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Terry Marshall, Civil Defense Director notified the Board that the Hastings, Adams County Civil Preparedness office has obtained a four-wheel drive ambulance from the Excess Property program. The Vehicle will be utilized for heavy duty rescue. It will be supplied medical equipment from the Packaged Disaster Hospital which was recently turned over to local government from the State of Nebraska. Motion by Sole, seconded by Kailey that the following resolution be adopted. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY; NEBRASKA RESOLUTION 78-2-21.2 LITTLE BLUE WATER RESOURCES PROJECT WHEREAS, the Little Blue Natural Resources District proposes to appropriate approximately 125,000 acre feet of water annually for the purpose of irrigating approx- imately 66,500 acres of land in Kearney, Adams, Clay, Franklin, Webster and Nuckolls Counties, and WHEREAS, these lands are of high quality and with irrigation potential, but are now used for dry land pro- duction because of a leak of groundwater aquifers in much of the areaand WHEREAS, the district proposes to divert the needed water during fall and early winter months from the waste way below the Johnson No. 2 power generating facility owned and operated by the Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District and WHEREAS, the Central Nebrask Public Power and Irrigation District has agreed to allow conveyance of approximagely 124,000 acre feet through its existing Phelps County Canal and WHEREAS, in the absence of the proposed diversion, the water from the wasteway enters the Platte River ultr mately flowing out of the State of Nebraska unused and WHEREAS, the water is not needed by downstream users and will not have a dettumental effect on downstream groundwater recharge and WHEREAS the Constitution of the State of Nebraska states that 'the use of the water of every natural stream within the State of Nebraska is dedicated to the people of the state NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Adams County Board of Supervisors at its meeting on February 21, 1978 hereby petitions the Director of the Department of Water Resources to act favorably on the requested appropriation by tale Little Blue Natural Resources District for the Little Blue Water Resources Project. Roll call, all present voted aye. Notion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Goble that the bids received from Kealy Construction Co., Hahn& Hupf Construction, and Carmichael Construction to remodel the County Attorney's office be rejected and the matter referred to the Building and Grounds Committee for recommendation. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Presentation of a system of ballot counting computer was presented by Data Mark System. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Burr that the their respective funds and the County Clerk instructed to issue warrants for the same. aye. Motion carried. Ambulance Clerk of the District Court County Assessor's Office Data Processing County Attorney Office County Supervisors County Clerk's Office Sheriff's Office GENERAL Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries using a scanner and claims be approved on be authorized and Roll call, all voted 6,722.00 2,444.70 4,428.93 1,325.00 3,969.40 3,150.00 3,657.27 12,856.08 (- SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA County Superintendent County Treasurer Custodian's Office Probation Office Register of Deeds Veterans Service Office Area Planning & Zoning Office of Public Defender Historical Society Bailiffs' Landfill Extension Service Gartner, Rena Goble, Gaylord Hayen, Rachel Kidd, C.H. Office of Public Reutlinger, Lila Defender Road Anderson, Roy Austin, Weslie Dalton's Cafe Jack & Jill Stores Mousel, Virgil Poore, Delbert W Stromer, Paul G Struss, Lambert R Witt, Lloyd Federal 'Grant County Library Weed Control State Administration Duthie, Eva B The Board will recess Board of Supervisors. Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Salary Salary Salaries Prior Service Mileage Prior Service Prior Service 0fficeExpense Prior. Service ROAD FUND Salaries Prior Service Prior Service Expense Expense Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service FEDERAL GRANT Salary COUNTY Salaries LIBRARY WEED CONTROL Salaries STATE ADMINISTRATION Salaries Prior Service subject to. 1,358.00 4,759.08 1,889.52 737.16 2,375.80 1,877.00 2,231.54 2,335.00 1,333.33 280.00 107.28 4,076.40 25.00 30.72 25.00 16.00 500.05 14.00 19,839.96 25.00 25.00 21.84 35.28 12.00 25.00 13.00 12.00 22.00 833.00 1,181.30 2,002.84 14,182.80 14.00 he call of the Chairman of the SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 28, 1978 9:30 A.M. original minutes on file in the County Clerk's Office. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of thes meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and amagenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland that we authorize the County Clerk to advertise for gravel bids and for bids for a scraper. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Mershonne Brown presented the budget request for the Red Cross Swim Program for 1978. The Board will take the matter into consider- ation when preparing the fiscal budget for the Coumty. Supervisor Sole gave reporte concerning Crystal Lake and the proposed Transit System. This Board will now recess subject tc7the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of 8upervisors. County Clerk COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 7, 1978 9:30 A.M. Original minutes on file in County Clerk's office The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with Ed Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Ttibune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and andagenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Sole that a letter be sent to Jake Thiel commending him for long and faithful service to Adams County. We feel that he has been a loyal public yervant. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. : SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Motion by Burr, seconded by Sole that the bond of Billy Simmons, Deputy Sheriff in the amount of $10,000. be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that as per the recommendation of the Clerk of the District Court, the claim for fees and mental health hearings be paid, and the County Attorney be asked to collect from the other counties involved for mental health costs for residents from othercounties. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that we pay the claim for entire fiscal year funding for South Central Mental Health. Roll call, ayes: Kailey, Tripp, Sole and Burr. Nays: Hoagland, Goble and Lightner Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that we deny the claim of the Region III Regional Alcoholism Advisory Council in the amount of $1696.80. Roll call: Ayes: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp and Burr. Nays: Sole. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Hoagland that we deny the claim of Harold A. Weaver for digging out and replacing buried pipe in the amount of $75.00 because the damages have been paid by Adams County's insurance company. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Tripp that the County Board of Supervisors sell to Eugene Persinger for the sum of $1,100.00, the following described property: Lots 9 & 10, Block 1, Dildine's Addition to the City of Hastings and ask the County Attorney to prepare a quit claim deed; and that the chairman of the County Board be hereby authorized to execute and deliver a quit claim deed to said purchaser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Tripp that we trade in two village patrol cars and accept the low bid of $9570.00 from Kenesaw Motor Company for two 1978 LTD fordor Fords fully equipped with police package. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Judy Kirstine appeared with a report from the Nursing Home. Motion by Burr, Seconded by Kailey that the following resolutibn be adopted. RESOLUTION 7? -3-7 WHEREAS, there are several dormant accounts in the County Treasurer's Office for which there have been no entries for the past several years, WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the Auditors after audit of these accounts that the balance of funds in these inactive accounts be transferred to the County General Fund, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Adams County Board of Supervisors that the County Treasurer is directed and authorized to transfer the amounts as set forth in this resolution to the County General Fund. FUND Erection and Repair Social Security Redemptions Penalty Roll call, all voted aye. BALANCE 273.67 26.61 56.67 4,801.16 Motion carried. LAST ENTRY June, 1973 January, 1974 May, 1970 November, 1966 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 235 Mfftion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that the following resolution b6 adopted: RESOLUTION 78-3-7.1 WHEREAS, due to unanticipated requirements essential to the administration of justice, the preservation of public health, welfare and safety there exists an emergency ., in the budget appropriations of miscellaneous funds within the General Fund; there is not sufficient money appro- priated to complete business for the balance of the fiscal year and WHEREAS, there are sufficient unused appropriated moneys in the General fund and the total General fund expenditures have not exceeded the budget appropriated, and it is essential to the government of Adams County and the Vel - fare of the people of Adams County that certain miscell- aneous funds be increased by emergency appropriation, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that there is hereby appro- priated and allocated the amounts as follows: Department Increase A.S.A.P. 1,030.00 Misc. Equip. Repair 10.00 Law Camp Out 10.00 Office Supplies 200100 Remodeling 300.00 Interfund Transfer 5900.00 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Burr that the reports of Ambulance dept. (2) Car Titles, Register of Deeds (2) County Clerk, Sheriff, be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Tripp that the Chairman be authotized to sign tax list corrections No. 6791 through 6799. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Sole that we deny the claim of Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital for the hospitalization of Andrew Patsios on April 25, 1977 and August 19, 1977. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that we accept the bid of Jerry Cossart for the remodeling work in the County Attorneys office for the low bid of $1,890.00. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that the following mis- cellaneous receipts he accepted and made a part of this Supervisors Proceedings. 4665 County Sheriff $1,129.17 4666 Register of Deeds 18.32 4667 County Clerk 59.05 4668 Ambulance Serv. 387.50 4669 County Care Home .21 4670 Little Blue Natural Resources Dist. 585.00 4671 Ambulance Service 82.60 4672 First National Bank 102.74 2 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 4673 Register of Deeds 1,704.58 4674 Johanna Krueger Estate 333.63 4675 Ambulance Serv. 803.00 4676 Clerk of District Court 1,102.00 4677 Eastman Kodak 185.00 4678 State of Nebr. 44,106.17 4679 County Sheriff 913.42 4680 County Court 4,151.00 4681 County Court 4,487.40 4682 Ambulance Serv. 451.50 4683 County Court 977.10 4684 County Court 2,117.42 4685 Ann's Coffee Shop 25.00 4686 County Court 259.84 4687 Ambulance Service 280.00 4688 Boyd Paulson 60.00 4689 Clerk of District Court 435.71 4690 Countryside of Hastings 5.00 4691 Village of Kenesaw 1,092.00 4692 First National Bank 102.74 4693 St. of Nebraska 13,000.00 4694 State of Nebraska 43.97 4695 Ambulance Service 165.00 4696 Cancel 4697 Hall Co. Treas. 80.00 4698 Hall Co. Treas: 950.00 4699 Hall Co. Treas. 400.00 4700 Hall Co. Treas. 100.00 4701 Hall Co. Treas. 50.00 4702 Hall Co. Treas. 40.00 4703 Hall Co. Treas. 25.00 4704 County Court 233.27 4705 County Court 177.76 4706 County Court 682.42 4707 Midland Nutrition Project 73.00 4708 Midland Area Afiency on Aging 137.00 4709 Ambulance Serv. 365.50 4710 First National Bank 127.40 4711 Evergreen Place 600.00 4712 County Court 1,132.56 4713 Skyview Development 89.40 4714 Roseland Township 500.00 4715 Little Blue Township 500.00 4716 County Clerk 469.75 4717 County Clerk 1,834.00 4718 Register of Deeds 2,034.00 4719 Ambulance Service 326.50 4720 Paul Struss 3.00 4721 Marvin Hartman 140.00 4722 Jerry Whelan 400.00 4723 Carla L. Palm 140.00 4724 Hastings State Bank 986.30 4725 Ambulance Service 611.50 4726 County Court 20.37 4727 State of Nebr. 11,725.32 4728 State of Nebr. 6,684.56 4729 State of Nebr. 72,030.00 4730 Don Shasteen 575.00 4731 Ambulance Serv. 315.00 4732 Clerk of Dist. Court 44.50 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 2 4733 4734 4735 4736 4737 4738 4739 4740 4741 4742 4743 4744 4745 4746 4747 4748 4749 4750 4751 Village of Roseland County Sheriff Paul Struss State of Nebr. Ambulance Serv. Ambulance Serv. Arthur J. Semotan, Jr. Ambulance Service Janet J. Primm Curtis G. Callahan State of Nebr. State of Nebr. County Court County Court County Court Ambulance Serv. Ed Lightner Robert Anderson LaMoine Utecht 318.00 1,880.52 3.00 191,163.00 242.50 291.00 140.00 738.50 140.00 140.00 1,162.50 24.16 209.35 3,061.49 212.32 60.00 60.00 140.00 60.00 Motion by Kailey, seconded by Goble that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed and authorized to issue warrants fot the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL RELIEF FUND Anderberry, Mr. or Mrs. Beck, Sylvester Campus House Inc. Davis, Dave Campus House Inc. Hoffmeister, George M.D. Jack & Jill #13 Krohn, Dr. David C. McKenzie, Jacque Morris, L.L. Muller, Gordon & Bev Nebr.Boys Ranch Watson, Dennis or Pat Phillip Foster Care Foster Care Foster Care Foster Care Foster Foster Care Groceries Prof. Serv. Foster Care Revolving Fund Foster Care Foster Care Foster Care STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Allen's of Hastings Borrell, Peggy Business SupplyCo. Catlett, Dr. Fred Credit Bureau of Hastings Dean, Dr. E.J. Forsman, Dr. Richard Harsh, A. David Hastings State Bank Hinrichs, Margaret Jeri's Uniform Shoppe Lincoln Tele. & Tele. Co. Lurz, Donna Meyer, Garnet 75.00 145.00 450.00 150.00 500.00 14.00 80.00 34.00 185.00 16.75 150.00 215.00 120.00 Supplies 15.44 Mileage 3.84 Supplies 16.00 Professional service 67.00 Bulletin Service 5.00 Prof. Serv. 22.00 Prof. Serv. 3.00 Mileage 7.52 Service 12.10 Mileage 22.00 Uniforms 60.04 Tele, Serv. 211.34 Mileage 4.80 Mileage 92.01 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Morris, L.L. Osman, Patricia Peck, Dr. Eugene W. Republic Nat'1 Life Ins. Schmidt, Marlys Soterin, Beverly Thompson, Mary Williamson, Sheila WEED Gangwish, Glenn Glenwood Tele. Co. Kansas-Nebr. Gas Co. Klein & Manske Ins. Agency Kloke Conoco Mangers, Alvin J. Republic Nat'l Life Ins, Co. Roseland Coop Grain & Supply Southern Nebr. Public Power Consolidated Motor Freight Postage Mileage Professional Service Insurance Coverage Mileage Mileage Mileage Mileage CONTROL FUND Convention Expense Tele. & Toll Gas Service Insurance Gasoline Convention Expense Insurance Coverage Supplies Utilities Freight FEDERAL GRANT FUND Nat'l Dist. Attorney's Assoc. Registration Fee FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND Hastings Typewriter Co. Desk STATE INSTITUTIONS FUND Beatrice State Develop Center Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center South Central Community Mental Health Century Soft Water Co. Patient Care Patient Care Outpatient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Professional Service Patient Care Care -Evaluation NURSING HOME FUND Repair Heater COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Hastings Public Library Republic Nat'l Life Ins. Co. Library Service Insurance Coverage ROAD FUND Adams Co. Hwy Dept. Beale Tire Co. Central Tractor Farm Center Clarke Oil Co. Commercial Electronics Consumers Service Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Farmers Union Co-op Gas & Oil Co Friends Motor Supply Garvey Elevators Gimton Auto Supply Petty Cash Fund Supplies Equipment Gasoline Repair Propane Supplies Diesel Repairs Gasoline Repairs 200.00 9.60 7.50 403.31 6.08 15.52 29.50 14.40 35.75 23.98 82.29 100.00 39.54 154.82 92.08 13.70 8.09 20.60 180.00 517.50 1,302.00 2,152.00 42.00 4,774.60 3,618.83 516.00 1,176.00 465.00 45.00 251.34 433.33 28.62 9.62 30.26 196.25 245.66 70.35 21.54 27.40 273.05 614.56 35.35 21_00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 2(j9 Glenwood Telephone Corp. Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Utilities Johnson-Cashway Lumber Co. Kansas -Nebraska. Natural Gas Kenesaw Oil & Supply Kully Iron & Metal Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McClelland Farm Equipment Modern Linen Service Er. Automotive Nebr. Public Power Dist. Nikkila Bros. Const. Odorite Co. Olsen, L.L. Oil Co. Republic Nat'l Life Ins. Sherman Service Center Southern Power Dist. State of Nebr. Wheeler -St. Regis Telephone Service Supplies Utilities Supp lies Gas Service Diesel Repairs Supplies Supplies Supplies Equipment Telephone Service Equipment Shop Service Repairs Electric Service Kothe Bridge Services Gasoline Ins. Coverage Repairs Electric Service Maps Supplies GENERAL FUND Acme Printing Adams Co. Clerk Adams Co. Court Adams Co. Senior Handi-Bus Adams Co. Treasurer Allens of Hastings American Fire Control Anderson, Robert G. Anderson, Robert G. Anderson, Robert G., Sheriff Augustine Company Augustine Co. Bank Americard Service Center Bank Americard Service Center Beck, Sid Bender, Matthew & Co., Inc. Berg, Mrs. Glenn Big G B ooth, R. C. Enterprises Brown, Susan Burroughs Corp. Burroughs Corp. Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Callaghan & Co. Car Parts, Inc. City National Bank & Trust City -Wide Rentals Co. Supplies Supplies State Cases Reimbursement Postage Supplies Repairs Mileage Food for Prisoners MatronFees & Mileage fromIDist. Supplies Supplies Gasoline Gasoline Board Member Mileage Library Expense Mileage Supplies Plat Books Mileage Lease Payment Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Library Expense Supplies Services Rental 17.83 16.96 235.54 103,81 35.72 120.40 145.29 111.69 33.39 471.63 53,643.00 126.66 154.00 12.57 210.63 26.95 15,430.99 3.75 2,062.80 682.18 13.56 47445 14.20 248.00 48.50 2.14 138.76 544.07 136.11 303.61 69.68 1,473.59 1,456.00 29.06 78.72 48.75 192.98 101.11 8.84 57.50 7.08 15.46 701.32 20.57 299.00 470.71 6.51 19.58 123.00 4.85 14.94 35.00 305.20 63.44 4.00 20 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Clerk of Dist. Court Coats, Mrs. W.C. Commercial Electronics Inc. Connolly, William Consumer Reports Coop Service Assoc. Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Credit Bureau of Hastings Credit Bureau Deluxe Cleaning Deluxe Cleaning Deluxe Cleaning Des Moines Stamp Mfg. Dieken, Mrs. Karen Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Eakes Equipment Eakes Equipment Eastman Kodak Co. Ed's Pharmacy Extension Service Fox, Marilyn Gateway Realty of Hastings, Grace's Bike & Key Shop Guarantee Electric Co. Hammond & Stephens Hammond & Stephens Hansen, Gordon L. Service's Inc. Services Inc. Services Hartman, Hartman, Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Inc. Gerald Marvin Battery & Electric Inc. Daily Tribune Daily Tribune Daily Tribune Diesel Service, Inc. Electronics Service Center. Hastings Janitorial Supplies Hastings Motor Sales Inc. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Haverly, Harry C. Hawes, Anita M. Hoffman, Mrs. Larry Hoffineister & Mastin, Drs. Hollinger, Corp. Hotel Clarke Hoyt, Errol IBM International Business Machines Interstate Printing Co. Johnson, Burdett Johnson Cash -Way Lumber Co. Junker, Mrs. Belva K -Mart Kindig Printing Service Kindig Printing Service Kindig Printing Service Kohl Adam Insurance State Cases & Mental Health Board Member Mileage Repair Professional Fees Supplies Gasoline Printing Supplies Verbal Reports Weekly Bulletin Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning Supplies Mileage & Salary Supplies Supplies Payment on Copier Supplies Supplies Medicine Petty Cash Mileage Appraisal Keys Repairs School Dist. Supplies School Dist. Supplies Mileage & Meals Board Member Mileage Misc. Repair Advertising Supplies Supplies Repairs Repairs Supplies Supplies Supplies Utilities Cleaning Robe Mileage Board Member Mileage Professional Service Storage Materials & Shipping Dinner for Jury Foster Care Supplies Supplies Supplies Board Member Mileage Materials Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Repairs 4,586.41 7.88 12.50 326.65 11.00 360.47 518.86 268.42 5.00 10.00 6.25 197.90 10.50 77.70 9.00 36.91 12.24 100.00 628.52 102.00 54.09 14.20 20.64 50.00 7.00 25.85 49.29 94.22 61.23 13.32 22.83 107.24 626.18 20425 42.30 45.90 26.30 357.60 2.95 242.64 5,681.34 3.50 18.24 8.84 28.00 339.04 49.30 140.00 18.88 8.97 517.56 10.12 38.07 7.72 41.64 49.85 83.35 121.29 18.80 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Larry Refrigeration Repairs 280.49 Law Enforcement Equipment Supplies 142.10 Lawrence Locomotive Printing Supplies 28.55 Lincoln Tele. Co. Tele. Service 53.45 Lincoln Tele. Co. Tele. Service 1,801.03 Mary Lanning Hospital Emergency Room Care 19.25 Mary Lanning Hospital Autopsy 90.00 Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Test 5.00 Mid -City Auto Supply Supplies 6.50 Mobley, Iwrin L. Mileage 26.08 Modern Linen Service Laundry 16.70 Modern Linen Service Laundry 92.41 Modern Linen Service Mop & Map 17.40 Mowers, Richard L. Professional Service 110.25 Nat'l Council of Juv. & Family Membership Dues 50.00 Nebr. Comm. on Law Enforcement Refund 210.99 Nelson, Luwane Miscellaneous 33.91 Nelson, Luwane Mileage 37.28 Nelson, Harding, Yeutter, Leonard & Tate Professional Service 769.35 Nelson, Harding, Yeutter, Leonard & Tate Professional Service 795.56 Newell, Phyllis Supplies 4.00 Norris, Cathy Mileage 30.12 Office of Public Defender payment 40.00 Ohlsen, Jewelry Medals 35.75 PPG Industries, Inc. Supplies 2.77 PPG Industries, Inc. Supplies 17.60 phychological Corp. Harcourt Brace Supplies 238.92 Radio Shack Batteries 4.98 Redfield & Co. Supplies 361.98 Redfield & Co. Supplies 44.14 Redfield & Co. Supplies 44.06 Redfield & Co;. Supplies 11.36 Redfield & Co. Supplies 52.50 Mental Health Regional Boarrdning Funding Agreement 18,024.50 Register of Deeds Plat Book 4.00 Register of Deeds Postage 23.70 Republic National Life Ins. Insurance Coverage 2,511.64 Ritchey Mfg. Co. Supplies 56.06 Roseland High School Advertising 35.00 Samuelson, LeRoy Board Member Mileage 6.76 Schafer Printing Co. Supplies 59.55 Sempek, Edward Foster Care 140.00 Shepard's Citations Inc. Library Expense 45.00 Sidlo, Gordon Towing Charges 10.00 Smith, Hal C Insurance Agency Bond 20.00 Spearman Newspapers Supplies 60.00 Stewart Plumbing Co., Inc. Repair 49.30 Story, Roscoe Misc. 42.70 Sullivan, Michael E Court Appointed Counsel 240.00 Swanson, Paul Mileage 51.10 Taubenheim, Dean Tests 25.00 Theobald, A.J. Prior Service 92.32 Thompson Co. Supplies 41.93 Thomsen Oil Co. Gasoline Oil 8.10 Thomsen Oil Co. Gasoline 183.49 242 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Town & Country Realty of Hastings Appraisal Traffic Institute, Northwestern Univ. Supplies Trupp, Julie United Laboratories United Office Supply Wellensiek, Don Wenske, Richard Williams, Art Industrial Chemical Lab. Supplies Williams Exterminating Pest Control Woodward's Disposal Service Disposal Service Zee Medical Service Co. of Nebr. Supplies Xerox 50.00 22.10 Board Member Mileage 5.32 Supplies 294.35 First Aid Kits 305.70 Mileage 17.60 Supervisory Management Course 30.00 Xerox Corp. Xerox Corp. Rental Supplies Supplies 76.00 7.00 49.46 17.00 160.00 125.00 16.49 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the. Board. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday March 14, 1978 9:30 A.M. The Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Tripp, absent: Motion by Burr, seconded by IIoagland that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks explained the conditions of a re-imbursable safety study grant application. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Goble that the Chairman be authorized to sign the safety study grant application and the engineering agree- ment with Hoskins -Western Sonderegger. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland seconded by Burr that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussion of a personnel problem. Roll call all voted aye. Motion carried. Executive session began at 9:40 A.M. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:20 A.M. Public Hearing was held concerning the application for conditional use permit for a dog kennel; applicant, Virginia White. Motion by Burr, seconded by Goble that as recommended by the Planning Commission we approve the conditional use permit of the following tract of land, to wit: SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 243 Pt. of the alt of the SES, Section 28, T7N, R1OW, Denver Township, Adams County, Nebraska. Applicant: Virginia White. n r The property is presently zone l Agr. �a.�x_r ic:;�AG .e -1 and a Cor,d itio).a z_ Use Permit is grafted to construct and operate a dog Kennel for the breeding and sale of AKC registered dogs. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Sole that we approve an increase in coverage in our hospitalization insurance policy from $72.00 per day coverage to $82.00 per day coverage effective April 1, 1978. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Members from the Adams County Historical Society appeared to request assurance of continued support and local funds to match a federal grant. The matter was tabled and will be placed on the agenda March 28th. Notion by Kailey, seconded by Burr that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussion of a personnel problem. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:00 A.M. Notion by Kailey seconded by Goble that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Resume regular session at 11:46 A.N. Bob Henry, Depity Sheriff appeared to request hiring an additional staff member. The matter was taken under consideration and will be placed on the agenda for March 21. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. /s/ /s COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 21, 1978 9:30 A.M. The Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with Ed Light- ner, Chairman, presiding, Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll Call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Hoagland that we waive the requirement for a conditional use permit for gravel extraction and allow Werner Construction Co. to pump gravel in the NW? of the S2 of Secion 30-T6N R9W in Hanover Township, Adams County Nebraska and submit an amendment to the Zoning Commission deleting the requirement for a conditional use permit for the excavation of gravel on A0-1 or AG -1 land. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motionby Tripp, seconded by Burr that we approve the short plat for Idlewilde Third Addition as recommended by the Planning Commission. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 244 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Goble that we approve the short plat submitted by Lonnie Papenhagen as recommended by the Planning Commission. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, Seconded by 'Malley that Johnson Imperial Homes be allowed to fill the road ditch south of Twelfth Street and west of the Air Port raod east of Highland road according to grade established by the County Engineer. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Sole that we accept the Agreement between Johnson Imperial Homes, Blake Mankin, Hastings Airport Authority and Adams County and authorize the Chairman to sign said agreement. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Gerald Ryan and a group of interested citizens appeared with a plan for a Handiman/Chore service for elderly persons in Adams County. Mr. O'Rourke indicated he felt it was understaffed and under budgeted. After questioning and consideration the Board requested that the plan be reworked and presented to the Board at a later Date Motion by Sole, seconded by Goble that we table a decision concerning the Handiman service until such time as the Agency appears with a new project. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Goble that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION 78-3-21 THE COUNTY OF ADAMS STATE OF NEBRASKA A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ACQUIRING OF AN INDUSTRIAL PLANT AND THE LEASING OF THE SAME TO 'MID -RIVERS GRAIN CO., INC.: AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($300,000) PRINCIPAL AMOUNT Or INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS (MID -RIVERS GRAIN PROJECT), SERIES A, DATED MARCH 15, 1978, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 18-1614 through 18-1623 INCLUSIVE, REISSUE REVISED STATUTES OF NEBRASKA, 1943, AS AMENDED: APPROVING AND AUTHOR- IZING THE LEASE AND AGREEMENT WITH MID -RIVERS GRAIN CO., INC.; APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE MORTGAGE AND TRUST INDENTURE WITH NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION: APPROVING THE EXECUTION OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT BETWEEN THE COUNTY AND Mill -.RIVERS GRAIN CO., INC., AND i DETERMINING THAT THE BONDS SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE NOR GIVE RISE TO ANY PECUNIARY LIABILITY OF THE COUNTY OR CHARGE AGAINST ITS GENERAL CREDIT OR TAXING POWERS BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Adams, Nebraska: Section 1. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Adams, Nebraska, hereby finds and determines: (a) Mid -Rivers Grain Co., Inc., desires to acquire or construct an addition to its grain handling and storage facilities in Adams County, Nebraska, and The County of Adams is desirous of having such an addition in Adams County and is willing to assist by acquiring and constructing the addition for such purpose and leasing the same to Mid -Rivers Grain Co., Inc, as far as it is permitted to do so under the SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 245 provisions of Section 18-1614 through 18-1623, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 1943, as amended. (b) Considering the nature of the land, the buildings, the other improvements and all real and personal properties necessary in connection therewith, the said addition to be acquired and constructed by The County of Adams is suitable for use for manufacturing or industrial enterprises. (c) The documents necessary to acquire and construct said addition and issue Bonds to pay the cost thereof and to lease the Project to Mid -Rivers Crain Co., Inc., have been prepared and submitted to the County and said documents should be formally approved and their execution authorized. (d) The amount necessary to pay the prLncipal of and interest on the Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (Mid -Rivers Grain Project) ' Series A, in the principal amount of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000) is the same as the basic rents provided to be paid by Mid -Rivers Grain Co., Inc., under the Lease and Agreement; that no reserve fund in connection with the retirement of the Bonds or Main- tenance of the Project need be established other than such reserves as are provided in the Lease and Agreement; and that the Lease and Agreement provides that the Lessee shall maintain the Project and carry all proper insurance with respect thereto and that L-ssee shall pay all taxes with respect to the Project. Section 2. The fbIlowing instruments should be and hereby are approved: (a) Lease and Agreement between The County of Adams and Mid -Rivers Grain Co., Inc., dated as of March 15, 1978, a copy of which has been presented to this meeting. (b) Mortgage and Trust Indenture between The County of Adams and National Bank of Commerce Trust and Savings Association, dated as of March 15, 1978, a copy of which has been presented to this meeting. (e) Construction Contract between The County of Adams and Mid -Rivers Grain Co., Inc., pertaining to the construction of the addition, a copy of which Contract has been presented to this meeting. Section 3. The Chairman or the Vice Chairman and the County Clerk or Deputy County Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver said Lease and Agreement, Mort- gage and Trust Indenture, and Construction Contract, including neces- sary counterparts, in substantially the form and content as exhibited to this meeting, but with such changes, modifications, additions and deletions therein as ?shall to them seem necessary desirable or appropriate for and on behalf of The County of Adams and affix the seal of the County thereto, and said Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Board of County Supervisors and said Clerk or Deputy Clerk of Adagt5 County are further authorized and directed to execute and deliver any other documents or certificates, and do all other things necessary or appropriate to fully consummate the transaction and carry out said agreements. 246 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Section 4. The County of Adams shall issue its Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (Mid -Rivers Grain Project), Series A, in the principal amount of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000) as provided in said Mortgage and Trust Indenture, and the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the County Clerk of Adams County, Nebraska, be and herby are authorized and directed to execute said Bonds and to affix the seal of the County thereto as provided in the said Mortgage and Trust Indenture and to execute and deliver such other instruments and certificates and do all other things necessary or proper for the execution and delivery of said Bonds. Section 5. The said Series A Bonds, when executed and registered as provided and required by law, and the said Mortgage and Trust Indenture shall be delivered to National Bank of Commerce Trust and Savings Association as trustee under the Mortgage and Trust Indenture, and then shall be delivered by said Trustee to City National Bank & Trust Co., Hastings,'Nebraska, as purchasers of the Bonds, upon payment for said Bonds as provided in the Mortgage and Trust Indenture. Section 6. The Bonds and interest thereon shall not constitute nor give rise to any pecuniary liability of The County of Adams or charge against its general credit or taxing powers, but said Bonds and interest thereon shall be payable solely from the revenues of the Project or other security given for said Bonds, including, but not limited to, the Guaranty Agreement executed by Mid -Rivers Grain Co., Inc., to the Trustee, and the Shareholders' Guaranty Agreement executed by certain shareholders of Mid -Rivers Grain Co., Inc., to the Trustee, and the Trustee is authorized to receive such Guaranty Agreements on behalf of the holders of the Series A Bonds. Section 7. if any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Resolution or any of the documents referred to herein shall be held invalid, ...,the invalidity of such section, paragraph, clause, or provision shall not affect any of the other provisions of this Resolution or of said documents. Section 8. This Resolution does hereby incorporate by reference the provisions of Sections 18-1614 through 18-1623, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 1943 as amended, as fully as if the same were set out herein. Section 9. All Resolutions or Orders, or parts thereof, in conflict with the provisions of this Resolution are to the extent of such conflicts hereby repealed. Section 10. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. Roll call: All voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that hhis Board hold an executive session for the purpose of discussion of a personnel problem. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:35 A.M. Motion by Burr, seconded by Tripp that this Board resume regular session Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 12:05 A.M. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 247 Motion by Burr, seconded by Kailey that we approve adding one man from April 1 to October 1, 1978 to the Sheriff's Department staff. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Tripp that the claims be approved on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. County Library Weed Control Marcy M. Sherer Duthie, Eva 3 State Administration. Republic Nat'l Life Road Fund Anderson, Roy Austin, Weslle Mousel, Virgil Poore, Delbert Stromer, Paul Struss, Lambert R Witt, Lloyd Ins. COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Salaries 1,028.80 WEED CONTROL FUND Salaries 1,939.40 FEDERAL GRANT FUND Mileage 105.00 STATE ADMINISTRATION Prior Service 16.00 Salaries 12,616.32 ROAD FUND Extension Office Ambulance Service Clerk of the Dist. Court County Assecsor's Office Data Processing County Attorney's Office County Supervisors County Clerk's Office Sherifs Office County Superintendent County Treasurer's Office County Treasurer's Office Courthouse Janitors Juvenile Probation Register of Deeds Veterans Service Office Plannin; & Zoning OEfice Office of Public Defender Historical Society Insurance Salaries Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service GENERAL FUND Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries 31.73 24,977.42 25.00 25.00 12.00 25,00 13.00 12.00 22.00 4,076.60 6,391.00 1,984.70 4,382.18 1,325,00 4,925.00 3,150.00 4,056.86 15,150.87 1,358.00 4,785.73 459.85 1,948.00 737.16 2,632.2 1,877.00 2,135.16 2,335.00 1,333.33 4.8 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Stromer, Paul Election Expense Coble, Gaylord Kidd, C. H. Office of Public Defender Reutlinger, Lila Gartner, Rena Mayen, Rachel Salaries Salaries Mileage Prior Service Office Expenses Prior, Service Prior Service Prior Service 113.24 63.26 39.68 16.00 610./12 '4.00 25.00 29.00 The Board will row recess subject to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEB Tuesday March 28, 1978 9:30 A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given in the Hastings Deily Tribune with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll Call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks, County Highway Superintendent gave a road report. Motion by Goble, seconded by Tripp that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 78-3-28 FOR NATIONAL FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION AND COUNTY FEDERAL AID SECONDARY ROUTE REVISION WHEREAS, e system of functionally classified routes have been established in Adams County, and WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors of Adams County desires to revise the existing system of functionally classified routes in order to meet the following changing traffic conditions. Arterial traffic conditions as a result of an industrial park and the construction of a new power plant in the area, as well as connecting up an existing FAS Route in Adams County to a proposed route in Clay County, WHEREAS, it is the desire of the County Board of Supervisors of Adams County that the following revision to 1980 National Functional Classification and County System of Federal Aid Secondary Routes he submitted concurrently to the Federal Highway Administration for approval: SUPERVISORS RECORD N. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA The Addition of a four mile stretch, beginning at the Southwest Corner of Section Sixteen, Township Seven North, Range Nine West, and running thence East to the Southeast Corner of Section Thirteen Township Seven North, Range Nine West on the Adams -Clay County Line. The Addition runs from an existing FAS Route to the Adams County Line. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of these facts the County Board takes the following official action: BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The Nebraska Department of Roads is hereby requested to prepare the necessary documents and take all neces- sary steps required in order to obtain the approval of the above described revisions to the 1980 National Functional Classification and Federal Aid Secondary Routes of Adams County. Roll Call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that we approve the appoint- ment of Margaret Irons to fill the remainder of the unexpired term for Clerk of the District Court, said appointment to be effective March 29, 1978. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that we approve the bond of Margaret Irons as Clerk of District Court in the amount of $10,000. Roll call,all present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Tripp that we pass a motion of intent to fund the Adams County Historical Society for fiscal 1978-79 for a maximum amount of $13,000. and a minimum amount of $10,000.; arriving at a final decision as to the amount at budget preparation time. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Kailey that Resolution 78-3-28.1 be adopted. RESOLUTION 78-3-28.1 WHEREAS, there are some outstanding uncollected accounts on the ambulance fund which have been outstanding more than four years, WHEREAS, these accounts have been audited and it is the recommendation of the auditors that the accounts outstanding for more than four years which cannot be collected be removed and cancelled, NON THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by this Board of Supervi- sors that after determination that due effort has been made to collect these outstanding accounts, the un - collectable accounts outstanding more than four years totaling $3,611.40 be cancelled. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Auditors from the Department of Public Welfare gave a report concerning the Audit of the Adams County Care Home. This Board will now recess s t to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of s. County C erk 2 :3 0 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, April 3, 1978 9:30 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per the requirements of Sec. 77-1502 with Ed Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Kailey, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Absent: Goble and Tripp. The Board considered problems of equalization considering the recently approved appraisal and valuations in neighboring counties. This Board will1now recess until April 4, 1978. / / s / County Clerk r Depu y /s/ COURTHOUSE 17ASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April b., 1973 9:30 A.M. Regulrr meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams Co. Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerks office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Coble that we approve the bonds of Gloria Park, Deputy Clerk of District Court in the amount of $2,500.00; James M. Houck, Deputy Sheriff in the amount of $10,000. and Glen J. Kramer, Deputy County Attorney in the amount of $1,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Sole that we approve the release of JC 6593 in the amount of $20,000. by Adams County Bank. Posting of 7804640285 Treas. Notes A 1983 in the amount of $200,000. pledged to the Imprest Payroll by the City National Bank; posting of 969121 8 Crand Island Electric Revenue Bonds in the amount of $200,000. pledged to the Imprest Vendor Account by First National Bank; exchange of 0L:38 U.S. Treas. Notes in the amount of $100,000. for 01616 Fed. Int. Credit Bks in the amount of $100,000. by Hastings State Bank. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that the reports of County Library, Titles, County Clerk, Clerk of District Court, Register of Deeds, County Sheriff be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Coble that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 6800 thru 6808. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors proceedings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 4752 Adams County Court 4753 Adams County Court 4754 Adams Co. Clerk 4755 Bankers Life Nebraska 4756 Gary Tuller' 4757 County Court 4758 State of Nebraska 4759 Jan Ackles 4760 State of Nebraska 4761 Ambulance 4762 Register of Deeds 4763 Adams County Court 4764 County Court 4765 Marvin W. Shaw 4766 Register of Deeds 4767 Jake Thiel 4768 First National 4769 Dorothy Weyer Criegh 4770 State of Nebraska 4771 Adams Co. Bank 4772 Ambulance Serv. 4773 Harold Shaw 4774 Co. Road 4775 Ryal Reis 4776 Clerk of Dist. Court 4777 State of Nebraska 4778 Ambulance Serv. 4779 Ann's Coffee Shop 4780 County Court 4781 Ambulance Serv. 4782 City of Hastings 4783 Cam Cox 4784 Kearney Co. Treas. 4785 John E. Halloran 4786 Ambulance 4787 County Court 4788 Clerk of Dist. Court 4789 Adams County Court 4790 Erwin D. Riese 4791 Pauline Plantz 4792 Ambulance Service 4793 Hall Co. Treas. 4794 Hall Co. Treas. 4795 Hall Co. Treas. 4796 Hall Co. Treas. 4797 Hall Co. Treas. 4798 Hall Co. Treas. 4799 Sid White 4800 Reg. of Deeds 75.00 925.53 69.92 7,259.32 6.00 3,881.25 915.04 140.00 954.50 368.00 14.92 7,042.00 1,625.00 60.00 616.82 140.00 102.74 25.00 59,999.29 7,250.00 366.50 1,500.00 58.04 60.00 97.54 169,642.25 250.00 25.00 237.92 590.00 16,512.00 140.00 1,200.00 60.00 152.50 3,244.92 760.50 10.00 60.00 140.00 424.50 1,400.00 50.00 250.00 125.00 40.00 30.00 140.00 1,391.65 2 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 1 Robert Krueger 60.00 2 Gene Hasenkamp 3.00 3 Gaylord Goble 60.00 4 Dale W. Gartner 60.00 5 First National Bank 106.16 6 Evergreen Place 7 State of Nebraska 1,930.2.6 8 Hastings Assoc. of Ind.. Ins. Agts. 669.00 9 David Arndt 3.00 10 County Clerk 262.50 11 County Clerk 1,686.50 12 First National Bank 123.29 13 Ambulance Serv. 387.50 14 County Court 19,068.24 15 County Court 333.82 16 County Court 51, 884.12 17 Mary Grace Thompson 10.95 18 Donna Lurz 10.95 19 ,Ambulance Serv. 200.50 20 Richard Karre 3.00 21 Midland Nutrition Proj. 73.00 22 Midland Area Agency 137,00 23 State of Nebr. 19,000.00 24 Raoma Beavers, City Treas. 56,4 12.50 25 Gene's Upholstery 3.00 26 Adams Co. Court 250.00 27 Adams County Court 300.00 28 State of Nebr. 6,684.56 29 Ambulance Serv. 503.50 30 C. G. Yost 222.95 31 City Nat'l Bank & Trust 1,161.64 32 First National Bank 1,139.73 33 State of Nebr. 191,163.00 34 State of Nebr. 72,030.00 35 Adams County Court 25.58 36 Adams County Court 2,028.99 37 Co. Sheriff 373.01 38 County Court 125.00 39 State of Nebr. 11,625.32 40 Register of Deeds 23.70 41 Ambulance Serv, 2.77.00 42 Adams County Bank 1,687.50 43 State of Nebr. 63.62 44 Albert J. Kohl 61.80 45 Campus House Inc. 988.40 46 Ambulance 521,11 47 County Court 96.13 48 Hastings State Bank 1,479.45 49 Mark Gentert 3.00 50 Adams Go. Court 100.00 51 Adams County Court 25.00 52 Adams County Court 75.00 53 Adams Co. Court 100.00 54 Donna L. Johnson 3.00 55 Clerk of District Court 141.64 56 Ambulance Serv. 243.00 57 Eugene Persinger 1,100.00 58 Ambulance Serv. 287.50 59 Ambulance Serv. 190.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 60 Adams County Court 134.57 61 Adams County Court 442.79 Motion by Kelley, seconded by Burr that the claims he allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Beck, Sylvester Brand Wilson Mortuary Davis, Dave & Gretchen Davis, Fred Hastings Utilities Hoffmeister, George F. Jack & Jill Stores Morris, L.L. Director Muller, Bev & Gordon Nebr. Boys Ranch Safeway Stones RELIEF -MEDICAL Foster Care Burial Expenses Foster Care Foster Care Utilities M.D. Professional Service Groceries Revolving Fund Foster Care Foster Care Groceries STATE ADMINISTRATION Republic Nat'l Life Ins. Adams Co. Clerk's Office Borrell, Peggy Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Harsh, David Hinrichs, Margaret Kleager, Dr. C. L. Lincoln Telephone Co. Luzz, Donna Meyer, Carnet Morris, L. L. Director Morris. L. L. Newquist, Penny Osman, Patricia Schmidt, larlys Soterin, Beverly Thompson, Nary Williamson, Sheila Republic Nat'l Life ins. Automatic Equip. Meg. Co. Cripp,en Mfg. Co., Inc. Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Co. Pastings HOTIS Safety Hastings Welding Supp'y Co. Jahnke Supply Inc. Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Co. Klein & Manski Ins. Mangers, Alvin J. Ins. Coverage Construction Costs Mileage Office Supplies Bulletin Mileage & Reg. Fee Mileage & Meals ProE, Service Service Mileage Mileage & Meal 17ostage Mileage & Reg. Fee Mileage & Meals Mileage Mileage Mileage Mileage & Meals Mileage WEED CONTROL Ins. Coverage Repairs. Screens Repairs Service Supplies Supplies Repairs Service Band Reg, & Meal 14.04 480.00 23.88 145.00 71.87 10.00 10.00 2.05 150.00 215.00 9.51 A31.93 2,336.17 15.04 70.69 5.00 12.34 21.96 10.00 215.64 3.52 56.69 200.00 14.90 34.80 39.3A 5.76 6.83 7.0Lt 8,15 92.08 9.17 76.80 56.86 37.78 10.50 22.18 460.72 78.52 36.00 42.88 5 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Roseland Cooperative Grain & Supply Tires Southern Nebr, Public Power Utilities Westheffer Co. Sprayer FrIDERAL REVENUE SPARING 3M Business Products Sales,.Inc. Equipment FEDERAL GRANT Anderson -Divan -Cottrell Ins. Inc. Premium STATE INSTITUTIONS Beatrice State Develop Center Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Alderson, Ernie Borchers, Henry Bresci, Sarah Herberg, Winifred Kunselman, Margaret Lawler, Edith Republic Nat'l Life Ins. American Publishers Co. Library Book Selection Hastings Public Library Baker & Taylor Companies Patient Care Out Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care NURSING HOME Overpayment Overpayment Overpayment Overpayment Overpayment Overpayment COUNTY LIBRARY Ins. Coverage Books Books Bookmobile Service Books ROAD & BRIDGE Adams Co. Hwy. Dept. Sidles 00./Mri Automotive Beale Tire Co. Big G AutoService Certanium Alloys & Research Clarke Oil Co. Consumers Service Co., Inc. Coop -Grain & Supply Dutton-Lainson Co. Eimicke, V. V. Assoc, Inc. Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Freinds Motor Supply Garvey Elevators Grace'sBike & Key Shop Grand Island Testing Lab Great Plains Petroleum Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Welding Supply Co. Petty Cash Fund Supplies Repairs Supplies Supplies Gas & Oil Propane Repairs Supplies Supplies Diesel & Oil Supplies Gas & Supplies Keys & Padlock Supplies Diesel Fuel Advertising Supplies Supplies 200.00 8.61 73.61 315.50 25.00 1,176.00 42.00 4,722.00 1,032.00 420.00 66.48 83.41 50.10 63.07 72.94 47.84 28.62 169.60 229.49 433.33 60.06 21.21 204.78 135.42 1,038.76 106.47 665.95 22.14 7.00 75.28 71.81 264.50 422.32 38.65 13.09 18.50 915.01 38.00 39.25 49.85 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Kenesaw Oil & Supply Island Supply Co. Jahnke Supply Inc. Jensen's Hardware Kansas-Nebr. Natural Gas Kully Iron & Metal Co. Laird Motors Inc. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipm?_nt Co. Lincoln Equipment Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. McClelland Farm Equipment Modern Linen Service Nebr. Correctional Ind. Nebr. Public Power Dist. Nikkila Bros. Const. Odorite Co. Olsen, L. L. Oil Co. PPG Industries, Inc. Penney, J. C. Co., Inc. Republic Nat'l Life Ins. Shaw's Service Smith, S. 7. & Sons Speciality Paint & Trim Wheeler -St. Regis Adams County Court Adams Co. Senior Handi-Bus Adams Co. Treas. Adams Co. Treas, Alber, Henry Alber, Henry Allen's of Hastings, Inc. American Fire Control Anderson, Robert G. Sheriff Anderson, Robert G., Sheriff Anderson, Robert G., Sheriff Augustine Company Augustine Company Augustine Company Badger Uniform Co. Beck, Sid Berg, Mrs. Glenn Big G Ace Hardware Booth, R. C. Enterprises Brown, Susan Brown, Susan Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corporation Campus House, Inc. Cash-Wa Candy Co. Chicago Lumber Co. Clerk of Dist. Court Gas & Diesel Repairs Supplies Supplies Gas Service Supplies Repairs Supplies Supplies Repairs Repairs Telephone Serv. Equipment Service Supplies Electric Service Kothe Bridge Sanitation Service Gas Supplies Material Ins. Coverage Diesel & Misc. Supplies Seat Recovered Supplies GENERAL Court Cost Reimbursement Meal Postage Crystal Lake Project Labor Supplies Supplies Food/Prisoner Mileage Fees Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Board Member Board Member Supplies Wall Map Supplies Mileage Lease Supplies Foster Care Supplies Crystal Lake Project State Cases & Mental 576.63 42.50 61.63 13.81 31.76 98.31 32.04 254.40 772.92 1,860.52 1,324.85 126.07 77.00 15.50 299.00 12.82 18,624.82 3.75 580.38 34.83 74.50 682.18 456.21 3.20 25.00 1,229.38 134.38 1,014.80 4.50 136.37 3,124.98 50.00 10.60 308.67 Matron Fees1276.00 2,033.37 24.84 228.08 17.47 38.47 503.78 Mileage 8.84 Mileage 7.08 58.21 32.50 18.55 44.80 299.00 91.20 500.00 44.80 2,711.99 Health 1,585.38 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Coats, Mrs. W. C. Commercial Electronics, Inc. Cooperative Service Assoc. Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Dangberg & Assoc. Dangberg 6: Assoc. Daylight Donuts Coffee Shop Deluxe Cleaning Services Des Moines Stamp Mfg. Co. Dickman G. & Son Donelson, Mr. Larry D. Dunmire & Blessing Duro-Test Corporation Dutton-Lainson Co. Fakes Office Equipment Eakes Office Equipment Eastman Kodak Eastman Kodak Ed's Pharmacy Education S-2rvice Unit i/h9 Extension Service Petty Cash Firehouse Magazine Fischer, Richard Fox, Marilyn Franklin County Court G & L Conoco Gant Publishing Co. Gewecke, Wilbur Dept. Hansen, Gordon L. Hastings Hastings Hastings Has Hastings Hastings Hastings Haverly, Harry C. Hoeft, Merle W. Hoffman, Mrs. Lawrence Hoyt, Errol IBM Corporation International Business International Business Jelken, Erma L. Johnson, Burdett Johnson Cash -Way Lumber Junker, Mr. Howard Kindi Printing Service Kelso Koch, Edward Kohl, Adam Inc. Laird Motors, Inc. Largent, Mrs. Mike Law Enforcement Equip. Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Little Blue Township Meister Publishing Co. Prob. Board Member Mileage Radio Repair Gasoline Newsletter Supplies Cadastral Update Cadastral Map Update Supplies for Meetings Laundry Supplies Repairs Library Expense Attorney Fees Supplies Supplies Payment Supplies & Rental Supplies Supplies Medicine Supplies' FundMisc. Subscription Telephone Mileage Certified Copy Gasoline Professional Service Stamps Mileage & Meals Blanket Bond Supplies &Adv. Supplies Supplies Repairs Supplies Oxygen Books Misc, Supplies Board Member Mileage Foster Care Service Agreement Supplies Lease Photocopy Board Member Mileage Supplies Board Member Mileage Supplies Crystal Lake Project Hall Rental for Assessing Bond Repair & Service Misc. Supplies Tele. Service Tele. Service Rental for Assessing Handbo ek off. Assoc. of Ins. Agents Daily Tribune Janitorial Supplies Janitorial Supplies Plumbing & Heating Typewriter Co. Welding Supply Co. Suppliers Machines Co. 7.88 185.00 527.88 161.71 76.40 104.10 1,991.70 9.24 170.35 5.50 15.00 5.80 1,150.00 53.31 190.11 100.00 354.24 44.30 159.76 28.14 7.50 20.87 9.60 52.76 31.91 1.50 5.93 68.10 39.00 92.56 334.00 1,284.80 207.57 9.97 4.96 279.66 40.10 15.00 6.51 8.84 140.00 231.68 291.54 86.40 1.75 10.12 137.05 7.72 588.33 67.56 25.00 43.00 113.66 5.50 62.25 1,934.01 47.38 45.00 21.50' SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Kok) rid-Nebr. Mental Retardation Serv. Services 7,638.25 Miller, Max Camerae Inc. Photographic Supplies 227.29 Mobley, Irwin L. Mileage 83.22 Modern Liner Service Mop & Mat Services 16.70 Modern Linen Service Mop Service 17.40 Modern Methods, Inc. Supplies 182.87 Nebr. Assoc. Co. OEficial Tax Litigation Cases 549.57 Nelson, LueTane Suppliee _ 24.84 Nelson, •Lwane Mileage 40.43 O'Yee'e Elevator Co. Maintenance 37.50 Overhead Door Repair & Service Caii 71,20 PPC Industries, Inc. Supplies 229.77 Redfield & Company Supplies 175.36 Register of Deeds Postage Charges 25.92 Republic Nat'l Life Ins. Insurance Coverage 2,479.91 Rocky Mountain Software Inc. Programming 700.00 Rogers, Inc. Repair E6.49 San -nelson, LeRoy Board Nernber Nileage 6.76 Sempek, Edward Foster Care 140.00 Schafer Printing Co. Supplies 49.45 Sears Roebuck Service Dept. Repair & Service 43.83 Shepard's Ind. Library Expense 48.00 Smith, Pal C. Irsurance Bond &Woman's Comp Policy 170.00 Sullivan, Michael E Professional Serv, 231.00 Swanson, Paul Mileage 41.28 Tital Industries, Inc. Crystal Lake Project 271.24 Tribune Craphic Arts Election Ballots 135.65 Trupp, Julie Board Member Mileage 5.32 village of Keno .w Rental for Assessing 20.00 Wellensiek, Don Board Member Mileage 3.60 Werner Construction Reimbursement 35.00 Williams Exterminating Pest Control 7.00 Woodward's Disposal Service Inc. Disposal Service 49.50 Xerox Corporation Supplies 91.95 Xerox Corporation Rental. 160.00 Youth Development Center Safekeeping 585.00 Motion by Sole, seconded by Burr that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussion of a personnel problem. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:00 A.M. Motion by Sole, seconded by Burr that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Regular session resumed -t 11:00 A.M. Mr. Ryan appeared to discuss briefly the proposed Handiman-Chore service and indicated that a different proposal would be presented at the April llth meeting. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. County Clerk Deputy / / SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 4, 1978 11:30 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per the requirements of Sec. 77-1502 with Ed Lightner, chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. The Board reviewed Homestead Exemption Applications. This Board will now recess unt e Aril 5, 1978. s l�L/ Wp COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, April 5, 1978. 9:30 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization as per the requirements of Sec. 77-1402 with Ed Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Burr and Lightner. Sole, absent. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 78-3-5 WHEREAS, the Adams County Board, meeting as a Board of Equalization has determined that a reduction of the values of real property in Adams County, Nebraska, as determined by the re -appraisal recently adopted; is necessary to equalize the values of real property in Adams County with adjoining counties, and WHEREAS, the Adams County Board meeting as the Board of Equalization determined that 557 of the values of Adams County real property, as determined by the re -appraisal recently adopted, would equalize the value of Adams County real properties with adjoining counties for the year 1978, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the values of all real property in Adams County be reduced to 55% of the values as determined by the re -appraisal of Adams County recently approved and adopted for the year 1978. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board. /s/ County Clerk /s/ SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 =` ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 11, 1978 9:03A.M. (Resume of original minutes on file in County Clerk's office) The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Motion by Burr, seconded by Tripp that this meeting is a regularly schedule public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Terry Marshall gave a Civil Defense report concerning the recent storm. Gerald Ryan, Director of Midland Area Agency on Aging appeared to inform the Board that the Handi-man-Chore Service would be handled as a pilot project with Good Samaritan Village acting as recipient of the grant. Target date for the new project is July 1, 1978. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections No. 6809 thru 6818. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to write tax certificates on all Real Estate on which taxes are unpaid for two years last past. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Tripp that we send a letter of intent to the Adams County Red Cross stating our intent to fund the Red Cross Swim Program in Adams County up to $3,500.00 for 1978. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Gravel bids were received from H & M Equipment Co., Lilley Sand and Gravel Company and Vontz Construction Co. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that the gravel bids be awarded to the firms as follows: LILLEY SAND AND GRAVEL, Kenesaw Twp., $3.21; Verona Twp. $2.80; Wanda Twp. $3.87; Juniata Twp. $3.47; H & H EQUIP. CO. Highland Twp. $3.14; West Blue Twp. $3.36; Denver Twp. $3.70; Blaine Twp. $3.92; VONTZ CONSTRUCTION CO. $4.25; Roseland Twp. $3.7 Logan Twp. $4.60; Silver Lake Twp. $4.15; Ayr Twp. $3.45; Hanover Twp. $3.45; Zero Twp. $3.75; Little Blue Twp. $3.90. --all prices per cubic yar Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Proposals were received for a Scraper. Firms submitting proposals were Buffalo Machinery, Heinzman Engineering, Nebraska Tractor and Lincoln Equipment Co. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that we refer the proposals to the Road Committee and request a report and recommendation to the Board by the 25th day of April, 1978. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Sole that a letter be directed to Senator Marvel, with Copies to be mailed to Dworak and Carstens stating that this Board is totally opposed to L.B. 170 in its present form. We suggest and amendment be considered providing that any County which has data processing equipment that has the capability of furnishing the State Tax Commissioner or the Department of Revenue essential information shall not be required to be on the State data processing system. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board. County Clerk /s/ Depkty per - 2.9P °( `A) Tuesday, COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA April 25, 1978 9:30 A.M. (Resume of Original minuted on file in County Clerk's office.) The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per public notice given with Ed Ligthner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present. Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that as per the recommendation of the Road Committee we purchase one 613B Caterpillar scraper with the trade of 2 619's and the price of $54,648. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion. carried. Sheriff Anderson and Deputy Bob Henry appeared concerning the report of mobile homes that had not paid taxes. They reported that of the list of 75 originally given to them only 16 distress warrants were written. They indicated that it was the duty of the mobile home park owner to report each month and that it was necessary to make sure these reports were filed or refuse the license to the park owner. The Sheriff also reported to the Board concerning the location of his motor home, stating that it is now in Kansas. Motion by Goble, seconded by Sole that we approve the refund claim for validation No. 4072 paid 12-13-77. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Attorney Toogood reported to the Board that there were two methods to fund SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA the historical society and that the manner of funding that had been used was acceptable. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Tripp that we allow a claim on the Nursing Home fund in the amount of $78.48 to Judy Kirstine, and authorize and instruct the County Clerk to issue a warrant for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. / /s/ County Clerk /s/ Deput COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 2, 1978 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole and Burr. Motion by Burr, seconded by Tripp that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams county Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Burr that as recommended by the Planning Commission a Conditional Permit be granted of the follming tract of land,to wit: Lots 11 through 17, Block 7, Section 9, T5N, R9W, Little Blue Township, Adams County, Nebraska. APPLICANT: Eldon Jackson. The property is presently zoned Residential R-1 and a Conditional Use Permit is granted to install a mobile home for residence purposes. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Hoagland that as recommended by the Planning Commission the following tract of land be rezoned. The West 1263.2 ft. more or less of the W1/2, Section 25, T7N, R9W, Adams County Nebraska. APPLICANT: Leroy Thom. 7 The property is presently zoned 1-2 Industrial District and is hereby rezoned to AO- 1 Agricultural Open Space. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The County Attorney made a request for an additional deputy. He cited the increased work load since trafficc.cases and D.W.I. cases have shifted from the City to County Court. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that permission be given to the County_ SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Attorney to hire an additional deputy at a starting salary of $11,500.00 per year. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Bids were received from Sherman Service Center, McClelland Ford and Nebraska Tractor for a mower and tractor. Bids were referred to the Road Committee. Harold Jr. Larsen appeared to reaffirm that he had permission to move the polygraph equipment to his place of business with permission to use it while there. The Board repeated that they had passed a motion giving permission for the equipment to be moved and had intended that it could be used, and returned to the Courthouse when a suitable place was available. The equipment was returned to the Courthouse. Motion by Sole, seconded bytailey that we ask the Midland Area Agency on Aging to proceed with the pilot project on Handiman/Chore Service and report to the Board at the six and nine month level. At the nine month level the Board will consider the county's support for the continuation of the program. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kailey that Lois Brink and Stephen Scherr be appointed as alternate members to the South Central Community Mental Centel Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Goble that we approve the bond of James Sidlo, Deputy Sheriff in the amount of $10.,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland that we accept the proposal of Nebraska Tractor Co. to furnish an industrial tractor and mower (IHC 2500 C) for $18,250. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that the reports of Sheriff, County Clerk, Car Titles, Register of Deeds (2) Ambulance, (2) Clerk of District Court, County Permits, and County Library be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that we authorize the ambulance department to do remodeling not to exceed x..954.45 with the funds to used from Revenue Sharing funds. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Sole that the Miscellaneous receipts be made a part of this Supervisors Proceedings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. No. 62 No. 63 No. 64 No. 65 No. 66 No. 67 No. 68 No. 69 No. 70 No. 71 No. 72 No. 73 No. 74 No. 75 Clay Co. Treasurer Clay Co. Treasurer Clay Co. Treasurer Catherine Thaden (Estate) Adams Co. Ambulance Service Adams County Noxious Weed Dist. Anita Hewes, County Clerk Adams County Court First National Bank Clerk of District Court Adams County Court Adams County Court Adams County Court First National Bank 332.00 1240.00 1215.00 1695,37 426.00 611.04 202.60 136.07 1695.21 107.50 1006.00 10,612.97 25.00 102.74 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA No. 76 Adams County Ambulance Service 357.50 No. 77 Clerk of the District Court 1300.80 No. 78 State of Nebraska 42,856.85 No. 79 Adams Co. Highway Dept. 60.00 No. 80 Adams County Clerk .53 No. 81 Register of Deeds 13.36 No. 82 Central Tech. Comm. College 10.00 No. 83 Clerk of District Court 70.56 No. 84 John Meredith, Reg. of Deeds 863.77 No. 85 Adams Co. Ambulance Service 524.50 No. 86 State of Nebr. 19,000.00 No. 87 State of Nebr. 32,501.66 No. 88 U.S. Treasurery 43,390.00 No. 89 Clerk of Dist. Court 146.45 No. 90 Adams County Ambulance Service 412.50 No. 91 John Meredith, Reg. of Deeds 2;294.50 No. 92 Hall Co. Treas. 1,400.00 No. 93 Hall Co. Treas. 150.00 No. 94 Hall Co. Treas. 35.00 No. 95 Hall Co. Treas. 450.00 No. 96 Hall Co. Treas. 35.00 No. 97 Hall Co. Treas. 10.00 No. 98 Hall Co. 150.00 No. 99 Helen Morgan by Duncan & Duncan 59.76 No. 100 Dunmire & Blessing Void No. 101 Register of Deeds 480.00 No. 102 First National Bank 102.74 No. 103 City Engineering Dept. 107.00 No. 104 Adams Co. Ambulance Service 367,50 No. 105 Highland Operating Co. Lochland 358.50 No. 186 City of Hastings 7,879.10 No. 107 Evergreen Place 600.00 No. 108 Evergreen Place 509.66 No. 109 Adams County Court 3.00 No. 110 Adams Co. Court by Doris Watson 68.83 No. 111 First National Bank 123.29 No. 112 Ann's Coffee Shop 25.00 No. 113 Southern Hills Country Club 358.50 No. 114 Adams Co. Ambulance Service 325.00 No. 115 Herman C. Kloke 33.50 No. 116 Adams County Court 389.70 No. 117 Adams Co. Noxious Weed Dist. 206.25 No. 118 Adams Co. Clerk (Terrence Hoffman) 33.50 No. 119 Clerk of District Court 84.50 No. 120 Adams County Clerk 469.25 No. 121 Adams County Clerk 2,204.50 No. 122 Midland Nutrition Project 73.00 No. 123 Midland Area Agency on Aging 137.00 No. 124 First National Bank 1,068.49 No. 125 City National Bank 1,068.49 No. 126 Roseland State Bank 2,750.00 No. 127 Adams Co. Ambulance Service 651.40 No. 128 State of Nebraska 6,684.56 No. 129 Sta.Ve of Nebraska 11,625.32 No. 130 State of Nebraska 72,030.00 No. 131 State of Nebr. 191,163.00 No. 132 Adams Co. Ambulance Service 544.00 No. 133 Mike Shurter 3.00 No. 134 Evergreen Plaza (Inez Wilson) 78.30 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA No. 135 No. 136 No. 137 No. 138 No. 139 No. 140 No. 141 No. 142 No. 143 No. 144 No. 145 No. 146 No. 147 Adams County Court Adkins County Court Patrick Petersen Adams Co. Sheriff Hastings Airport Authority State of Nebraska Adams County Court State of Nebr. State of Nebraska Clerk of the District Court Rhonda Saddler Holstein Village Adams Co. Ambulance Service 801.12 180.92 3.00 745.81 375.00 915.04 44.61 7,564.00 638.08 80.80 3.00 4,700.00 525.85 Motion by Kailey, seconded by Goble that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Acme Printing Adams County Clerk's Office Adams Co. Treasurer Adams Co. Treasurer Kohl Adams Ins. Allens of Hastings Allens of Hastings Anderson, Robert G. Anderson, Robert G. Sheriff Anderson, Robert G. Sheriff Augustine Co. Badger Uniforms Bancroft -Whitney Co. Bank Card Center Beck, Sid Berg, Mrs. Glenn Big G Ace Hardware Big G Big G Auto Service Center Blue Hill Leader Blum, Helen Brown, Susan Burroughs Corp. Burroughs Corp. Business Supply Co. Butterfield, Maurine Campus House Inc. Catlin, Ken Campus Account City of Hastings City of Hastings Clarke Oil Co. Clerk of District Court Coats, Mrs, W.C. Commercial Electronics Inc Cooperative Service Assoc. Cornhusker Press Credit Bureau of Hastings Deluxe Cleaning Service GENERAL FUND Supplies Car Title Postage Postage Bond Supplies Supplies Fees Food for Prisoners & Matron Fees Mileage Supplies Supplies Library Expense Gasoline Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies & Equipment Repair Advertising Miscellaneous Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Reporting Vital Statistics Foster Care Supplies Cabinet Material 2nd Quarter Share Zoning Permit Administration Gasoline State Cases & Mental Health Board Member Mileage Repair & Installation Gasoline Printing News Verbal Report Cleaning 96.75 3.00 1661.79 129.09 27.00 115.00 45.84 4.80 1570.40 2531.86 92.53 85.73 44.60 184.14 8.84 7.08 71.52 26.60 13.50 29.75 2.64 56.06 1550.53 125.92 604.04 126.50 600.00 9.50 63.55 1673.18 80.16 9.70 572.00 7.88 332.10 475.90 161.71 14.00 198.55 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Diebold Inc. Service Fee Dieken, Mrs. Karen Board Member Mileage Hume, Don Leather Goods Inc. Supplies Dunmire & Blessing Professional Service Dunmire & Blessing, Attysr Professional Service Dutton-Lainson Co. Supplies Dutton-Lainson Co. Supplies Eakes Office Equipment Rental Eakes Office Equipment Rental & Supplies Ed's Pharmacy Prescriptions Educational Service Unit 9 Library ESU #9 Supplies Federal Grant Fund Local Match Extension Service Petty Cash Miscellaneous Firehouse Matazine Subscription Friends Motor Supply Supplies Friends Motor Supply Supplies Fox, Marilyn Mileage G & L Conoco Gasoline Grace's Bike & Key Shop Keys Grace's Bike & Key Shop Supplies Halbmaier, Stanley Miscellaneous Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. Repair Hastings Typewriter Co. Supplies Hastings Utilities Installation & Removal Hastings Welding Supply Co. Oxygen Hoffmeister, George Jr. Miscellaneous Holstein Rural Fire District Rental Hoyt, Errol Foster Care IBM Service Agreement IBM Supplies Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Supplies Johnson Controls Repair Johnson, Burdett Board Member Mileage Junker, Mrs. Howard Board Member Mileage K -Mart Repair Kerr Chev. Co. Repair Kindig Printing Service Supplies Kleppinger, Dr. Michael V Professional Service Kleppinger, Dr. Michael Professional Service Laird Motors Inc. Repair & Service Library Bureau Equipment Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Telephone Services Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Autopsy Midland Area Agency on Aging Local Match Mobley, Irwin L Mileage Modern Linen Service Linen Service Modern Linen Service Linen Service Modern Linen Service Mop & Mat Service Modern Linen Service Mop Service Modern Methods Inc. Paper Modern Methods Inc. Paper Moeller, Julia Mileage & Meals Moore, Business Forms Inc. Supplies National Council of Juvenile Membership Dues Nelson, Luwane Court JuagesMiscellaneous Nelson, Luwane Mileage Norris, Cathy Mileage & Expenses 103.00 9.00 75.65 230.50 464.00 8.64 68.93 100.00 601.58 29.99 242.00 7.50 123.30 11.78 9.60 3.83 6.63 41.28 8.93 13.77 20.15 15.00 129.12 177.02 166.50 30.15 27.00 60.00 140.00 40.77 190.58 30.00 119.38 10.12 7.72 4.66 6.05 2571.81 23.00 34.00 158.37 485.00 2234.83 92.00 6656.42 15.52 93.39 69.62 16.70 17.40 154.00 81.93 20.78 1498.70 50.00 32.38 66.54 182.04 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Platte Valley Communications Postmaster Powell Tower Maintenance PPG Industries Inc. Radio Shack Redfield & Co. Republic National Life Ritchey Mfg. Co. Safeway Stores Samuelson, LeRoy Sempek, Edward Stewart Plumbing Co. Swanson, Paul Thomsen Oil Co. Tribune Graphic Arts University Extension Div. University of Nebr.-Lincoln Village of Ayr Walker Tire Inc. West Publishing Co. Western Appraisal Surveys Wheeler, Dee E & Assoc. Whitaker, Janet Williams Exterminating Co. Williams Art Industrial Chemical Lab Woodward's Disposal Service Inc. Xerox Corp. Safety Poster Winners Adams County Extension Service Adams Co. Hwy Dept, Allen's Beale Tire Co. Benjamin, Kasl & Associates Big G Ace Hardware Business Supply Co., Clarke Oil Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil C Friends Motor Supply Gravey Elevators Glenwood Telephone Grace's Bike & Key Hastings Battery Electric Great Plains Petroleum Inc. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Welding Supply Island Supply Co. Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Kenesaw Oil & Supply Laird Motors Inc. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Olsen, L.L. Oil Co. McClelland Farm Equip. Repairs Postage Tower Rent Supplies Supplies Supplies Insurance Supplies Election Supplies Board Member Mileage Foster Care Repair Mileage Gasoline Election Ballots Rent Watts Line Rental Tires Library Expense Reappraisal Contract Paper Dishes Pest Control Supplies Disposal Service Rental & Supplies ROAD FUND Prizes Booth Miscellaneous Supplies Tires & Repair Project Expense Supplies Supplies Gasoline Supplies Diesel & Gasoline Supplies Gasoline Telephone Service Keys Repairs Diesel Advertising Supplies Supplies Repairs Supplies Diesel Repairs Supplies Supplies Supplies Telephone & Toll Gasoline Equipment 25.00 2000.00 105.00 139.75 22.98 1578.71 2416.45 29.14 8.91 6.76 140.00 69.80 36.58 199.28 242.50 4.50 52.50 125.00 98.50 33.50 9037.14 70.00 23.80 •'7.00 76.00 4946 251.65 150.00 5.00 16.98 25.62 230.69 4367.91 9.35 38.40 1135.53 129.21 543.97 576.37 43.88 16.66 9.18 127.85 419.50 73.38 61.48 58.00 555.13 180.01 405.49 85.34 1029.45 1010.71 224.68 134.01 626.56 154.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Midwest Service Sales Modern Linen Service Mr. Automotive Nebr. Correctional Industries Nebr. Public Power District Nebr. Tractor & Equip. Co. Odorite Co. Peterson Bros. Enterprises Peterson, Marion Republic National Life Ins. Saxton, Bill Shaws Service Shaws Service Southern Power Dist. Specialty Paint & Trim Standard Blue Print Dept. of Roads State of Nebr. 3-M Co. Werner Construction Werner Construction Wheeler -St. Regis Borrell, Peggy Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Glenn, Dr. Elmer E Hinrichs, Margaret Kamm, Dr. Frank Kingsley, Dr. D.W. Lincoln Telephone & Telegragh Lurz, Donna Mauch, Margaret Meyer, Garnet Morris, L.L. Director Nitzel, Dr. D.L. Osman, Pat Peck, Dr. Eugene W. Republic National Life Ins. Schmidt, Marlys Soterin, Beverly Thompson, Mary Welch, Dr. George Williamson, Sheila Centra Chemical Services Inc. Hastings Typewriter Co. Home Decorating Supply Jahnke Supply Kansas Nebr. Gas Co. Kioke Conoco Station Mangers, Alvin J. Republic National Life Ins. Roseland Coop & Grain Southern Nebr. Public Power Schafer Printing Co. Supplies Shop Washroom Service Miscellaneous Supplies Signs Electric Service Equipment Supplies Striping Fuel & Mileage Ins. Supplies Safety Fair Diesel & Supplies Gas & Diesel Electric Service Supplies Supplies Books Micro -film copies Supplies Kotal Hotmix & Kotal Supplies STATE ADMINISTRATION WEED Mileage Supplies Bulletin Service Professional Service Mileage Professional Service Professional Service Telephone Service Mileage Mileage Mileage Postage Professional Service Mileage Professional Service Insurance Coverage Mileage Mileage Mileage Professional Service Mileage CONTROL FUND Chemicals Supplies Supplies Repairs & Gloves Gas Service Gasoline Bulletin Board Ins. Coverage Gasoline Electric Service Supplies & Printing 116.40 13.69 398.26 583.90 6.26 449.67 3.75 1209.50 35.68 634.75 5.01 311.58 457.36 42.41 46.17 205.18 11.50 32.00 185.60 103.15 8334.79 4938.66 6.24 64.83 5.00 93.00 28.64 8.00 15.00 203.76 21.97 1.92 25.96 200.00 10.00 43.20 7.50 492.28 17.76 37.44 22.67 10.00 119.52 616.50 30172 23.48 16.27 46.39 79.83 3.00 92.08 247.04 8.60 43.05 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Finnerty, R.W. Norris, Cathy Sherer, Marcy M FEDERAL GRANT FUND Conference Expense Conference Expense Mileage Revenue Sharing Fund Nispel, Donald L Architechts IBM Cossaart, Jerry Business Supply Co. Beatrice State Development Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Hastirg s Public Library Republic National Life Westexn Publishing Co. Western Publishing Co. Professional Service Equipment Remolding Equipment STATE INSTITUTIONS FUND Center Patient Care Patient Care Outpatient Care Patient Care Patient Care COUNTY LIBRARY FUND This Board will recess subject Bookmobile Service Insurance Coverage Supplies Supplies to the call of the Chairman County Clerk COURTHOUSE MONDAY, MAY 17, 1978 761.68 478.00 42.99 200.00 155.77 1910.00 87.00 1302.00 588.00 23.00 5155.00 459.00 433.33 28.62 35.70 105.75 of the Board. HASTINGS,NEBRASKA 9:10A.M, The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Ed Lightner, Chaitmmn;presiding. Roll Call, members present: Hoggland, Goble Kailey, Tripp and Lightner. Absent: Sole ----in at 9:40 A.M. and Burr. Roscoe Story and Irwin Mobley from the County Assessor's Office and Anita Hawes, County Clerk were also present. Hearings were held for the following protests. Decisions to be made later. Puotest #78 -1 -George R Murraj. described as Lot 1 & 2 & N 14' of E 50' of Lot 6 & N 29' of 3 & N 29' of E 10' Lot 4 also known as 1021, 1023, 1025 & 1027 W 2nd St.; Taylor's Sub. of Moore's Add. Hastings, Nebraska. Protested Downtown property is a drag on the market, buildings are old & repairs & maintenance & insurance go up all the time. We can not increase rents & keep tenants. A vicious circle with our income dwindling. No appearance. Protest #78-2--D.W. Malouf described as Lot 5-8 Block 3 Eastside Addition also known as Vacant lots on Park St. Protested: These lots were just recently purchased from the Hastings Corporation on Feb. 1, 1978 for $3,100; which I feel is current market value. D.W. Malouf appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 1 side 1--10 to 312. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Protest #78 -4 --Emma J. Lienhart described as Little Blue Precinct - 25-5 -9 NZ NW4 Ex Tax Lot 1. Protested: There is only 38 acres tillable and income for 1977 was $385.44. No appearance. Protest #78 -5 --Abbott's Dair Inc. described as Lot 17 thru 22 Johnson Addition also known as 318-24 West 1st street; Hastings, Ne. Protested: the revised appraisal as market values were to have a major role in determinii appraised values...buildings are approximately 70 years old and were built to serve the needs of a butter plant and a wholesale grocery, neither industr! is now represented in Hastings...no other business could use these buildings without a great deal of temodeling...over half of our square footage (the Dav: Building) was bougtx:for $12,000.00 less than 15 years ago...We believe the old appraised figure of $48,140.00 was above the market value of these pro- perties. M.B. Ellerbee appeared.,Testimony recorded on Tape 1 side 1--324 to 430. Protest #78 -6 --Raymond C Loskill described as SW4 & SE4 of Section 9 Twp 8 Range 12. Protested: All buildings were made out of Used Lumber, indluding the house. The soil is mostly sandy soil. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Loskill appearE Testimony recorded on Tape 1 side 1--432 to 578. Protest #78 -7 --Vern Gilbert described as Lot 6 Block 26 Original Town also known as 623 W. 1st Hastings, Nebraska. Protested: Sold two similar build- ings and got less than the value placed on this building. I feel the land is also assessed out of line. Vern Gilbert appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 1 side 1-580 to 635. Protest #78-8--Davond Chartier described as Nz NE4 ex strip for Road Sec. 33-5 9 Little Blue. Protested: We feel they are assessed out of line with other properties. Davond & Linda Chartier appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 1 side 1-925 to end and Tape 1 side 2-0 to 327. Protest #78-9--Davond Chartier described as SE4 ex strip for Road Sec. 28-5-9 Little Blue. Protested: We feel they are assessed out of line with other properties. Davond & Linda Chartier appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 1 side 1-925 to end and Tape 1 side 2-0 to 327. Protest #78 -10 --Emma D Hunter described as N 89 ft. of S 100 ft. of W2 Lot 5 Grosse's Add. also known as 742 N. Briggs Ave. Protested: Is not in line with comparable properties. I am charged with a driveway which 3 out of 5 are not. I am charged with porch carpeting, others are not. I am charged for a finished attic -which is really not a complete bedroom and I am charged with excessive air conditioning. My basement is 32 x 21 which I doubt adds up to 23,360 sq. ft. ect, ect. Emma Hunter appeared.- Testimony recorded on Tape 1 side 1-634 to 918. Protest #78 -11 --Arthur Buss described as NW4 Sec. 36-7-10. Protested: Assessed to high in comparison with market value. These are small build- ings, old in age. Arthur Buss appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 1 side 2-327 to 487. Protest #78 -13 --Alan Woods described as Little Blue Sec. 33-5-9. Protested: Forty acres unproductive. Crooked creek runs thru farm.. Mostly native grass- land & Out Buildings constructed in 1944 in pour region and pole shed made from remains of a barn built in 1901. Tax Lot 1 now part of total farm;;, cross fences taken out.. .Boundary fences on South $t East in very poor conditio Hilly & gullies unproductive...two broken dams and Terraces nearly silted full. Alan Woods appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 1 side 2-487 to 639. — SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Protest #78 -14 --Blauvelt, Lyle W. ET UR, described as Lot 47-48 & Vac Alley On E, Lowery & McNaul's Sub Bik 18 Mumaw's Add. Protested: Out of line with other property around. Lyle W. Blauvelt appeared. Testimony recorded'on Tape 1, Side 2, 639-750. Protest #78 -15 --David A Powers,described as Lot 20, & West 20 Ft. of Lot 21, Powers Addition. Protested: Two Major floods 9-11-77 & 4-5-78 has reduced resale value of said property to the salvage value only of the materials contained within to approximately 207 of assessed valuation. Lonnie Johnson, Neighbor appeared for David A. Powers. Testimony recorded on Tape 1, Side 2, 750-810. Protest #78-16--Lonne C. and Susan M. Johnson, described as Lot 21 except the West 20 feet thereof, Power's addition. Protested: Real estate valuation and re -sale value of this property has been drastically reduced due to the flood of September 11, 1977 and April 5, 1978. Lonnie Johnson appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 1, Side 2, 810-965. Protest #78 -18 --Virginia L Frey, described as W2 NE4 & NW4 & N2 N2 SW4 7-6-12. Protested: Buildings are unfit to live in. Roman Hines, sister appeared. Testimony recorddd on Tape 1, Side 2, 966 -end and Tape 2, Side 1, 0-94. Protest #78 -19 --Thelma Huls Sole, described as SW4 SW4 NE4 NW4 Sec. 8-7-9 City Extension (Tax Lot 19). Protested: Unplatted land and should not be treated as separate building lots. Bill Sole appeared representing Thelma Sole. Testimony recorded on Tape 2, Side 1, 95-199. Protest #78 -20 --Raymond H Frentz Et Ux, described as Lot 16, Block 11, Dietz Addition. Protested: Square footage of basement is in error. Not sure of measurements of other. Out of line with market value. Ray Frentz appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 2, Side 1, 199-496. Protest #78 -21 --Edgar T. Kort Et Ux, described as SW4 31 5 10. Protested: I have 10 acres of government shelter belt that I feel should not be assessed the same as adjacent land. The irrigated land is watered by a 6 inch well wit 350 gallon capacity (48 acres). Edgar Kort appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 2, Side 1, 496-696. Protest #78 -22 --WITHDRAWN Protest #78 -23 --WITHDRAWN Protest #78 -24 --Adam Trupp and Viola P. Trupp, described as Lot 9 & 10 N 45' Block 12, prospect Park Addition. Protested: It was assessed at $270.00 in 1976, I feel over 3 times as much is exorbitan. This is a vacant lot off 1st street on Barnes Ave. It has a dirt road both in front and south of it. It previously had a quonset bldg. on it but it was torn down several years ago. The taxes were $23.35 in 1973, $28.97 in 1975, $30.74 in 1976 & $93.68 in 1977. Viola Trupp and Adam Trupprappeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 2, Side 1, 696-818. Protest #78 -25 --Freddie D. Howsden, described as Lots 11-12, Block 10 Coles 1st Addition. Protested: Between 1976-1977 my property was increased 200% and 1977 & 1978 another 200%. Between 1976 & 1978 the valuation increased over 5007. This should not be for unimproved lots. Richard Koepke appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 2, Side 1, 907-963. SUPERVISORS RECORDNo. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 4.01 Protest #78 -26 --Richard L. Koepke, described as Lot 1 & 2, Block 13, Steven's Sub Div of Cole's 1st Addition. Protested: From 1976 to 1977 my assessed va jumped from $120.00 to 895.00 over 700%. From 77 to 78 assessed value went to $1834. After comparing with other lots in this area, I found both to be assessed at $325.00 for "78". I do file contest that the reappraisal to b, excessive and out of proportion on values. Richard Koepke appeared.. Testimony recorded on Tape 2, Side 1, 964 -end, Tape 2, Side 2, 0-44. Protest 78 -27 --James H. Price & Wihlma J. Price, described as lot 17, Block - Powers Addition. Protested: Due to flood damage the value of the home is greatly depreciated. Wihlma J. Price appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 2, Side 1, 818-907. Protest #78 -28 --Hastings Motor Truck, described as Pt NWk NEk Tax Lot 17, City Extensions Sec 24-7-10. Protested: Land is appraised too high in com- parison with other properties along the highway in same general area. Depreciation that Western Appraisal took is not accurate and realistic. Jame; Hawes & Ralph Blackburn appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 2, Side 2, 44-240. Protest #78 -29 --Mrs. Basil L. Williams --described as lot 2, Block 5, Bellange( Second Addition. Protested: The property was purchased in 1969 (Warranty Deed copy enclosed) for a total price of $3000.00. It was purchased for my husband's mother to live in, after the death of her husband. The two of them (my husband's mother and father) previously rented the house. (2) The land is a narrow lot with the Burlington Rail Road tracks along the back lot boundry. The 1978 "actual valuations" amount is $2815.00 for this lot. This is almost as much as both the land and the house sold for, when we purchased. (3) The house consists n' 2 $mall bedrooms, with only one containing a closel A bathroom consisting of a sink, stool and metal shower cabinet. A kitchen with a sink. There are not any built-ins, whatsoever, Only cupbroads are free standing ones purchased. A dining room containing the standing gas heat( which heats the entire house, (there is not central heat). A small living room. There is not a basement, nor a second story, (only attic). Except for painting, the house has not been improved or added to in bhe past 9 years. No one appeared. Protest #78 -30 --Harold P. Knaub, described as Lot 3 & E 25 Ft. Lot 4, Block 7, Bateman Addition, Protested: I believe 1977 valuation should have been game as 1978 valuation. Harold P. Knaub appeared. Testimony recorded on. Tape 2, Side 2, 250-465. Protest #78 -37 --Strand Amusement Co., described as Pt SE,-, SE- Tax Lot 3 City Ext. Sec. 13-7-10. Protested: Sale of the balance of the quarter recently in an arm's length transaction of about 28 plus acres, a marketable house and numerous out buildings would show the value of the Drive -In property to be less than assessed. Fred Teller and. Dennis Morlan appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 2, Side 2, 465-663. Protest #78 -38 --Strand Amusement Co. & Stevens Realty Co. described as Lot 13-14 Block 20, Original town addition. Protested: The building assessment is not in line with other buildings in the same block, with as good or better locations. The highway truck traffic,no parking on the east side of Burlingt� & limited parking on 2nd street has hurt the corner. Fred Teller and Dennis Morlan appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 2, Side 2, 465-663. Protest #78 -32 ---Philip W. Smidt, described as Ni SWL & Protested: Wells are not very good. One 200 Gal. one as No. 1 irrigated. Be better if abandoned because of Smidt appeared. Testimony appeared on Tape 2, Side 2, NWL SEL, 29-5-9. 100. Can't be classed cost. Philip W. 663-876. Protest #78 -33 --Philip W. Smidt, described as SEL -10-5-9. Protested: The land is all cut up in patches. Not profitable for irrigation with today cost. Better than 20 acres of unproductive sand bar & river plus creeks. Philip W. Smidt appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 2, Side 2, 663-876. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Protest #78 -34 --Philip W. Smidt, described as NW* NE* -29-5-9. Protested: Mals on this property are marginal at best. Without rainfall, they don't do too good. We can't product with No. 1 irrigated land. Philip W. Smidt appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 2, Side 2, 663-876. This Board of E ualization will now recess until Mer /s/ ep COURTHOUSE Tuesday, May 16, 1978 1 '8 ak.1161401 Al 9 airman HASTIN NEBRASKA 9:10A.M. 1•••••••• The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Ligthner. Roscoe Story and Irwin Mobley from the County Assessor's Office and Anita Hawes, County Clerk were also present. Hearings were held for the following protests. Decisions to be made later. Protest #78-35—Flo S. Kostal, described as Lots 125-6-7, Country Club Additio Protest: After considerable study & comparing real estate values of other properties the condition of the roof; plumbing; heating; air-conditioning; electrical system; carpetings are all forty years old and currently require repair or replacement. Also, one, fireplace is completely inoperable Sc second story porches have deteriorated because of age. Because of the above & the age of the house 1 feel that 1 should be allowed a depreciation rate of 25% instead of the allowed 18%. C. Robert Tripp, appeared for Flo S. Kostal Testimony recorded on Tape 3, Side 1, 10-410. Protest #78-36-0.A. Kostal, described as SE* 25-6-10. Protested: The land is classified incorrectly, at least 130 acres is wasteland & remaining 30 acres is not farmed, it is non-farmable-natural grass land, which should be classified 4R or 3R. The 30 acres are sandy & hilly & contain two natural waterways -tillage is prevented due to natural erosion. This * section is strictly a non -farmed wild life conservation area. Also, since the cabin & the i section are owned by same individual, can see no reason to split off cabin from the land into a home site -as all should be under the same class- ification. The cabin is strictly for recreational purposes & was not designed or built for a residence, because of size and construction -it has never been occupied as a home/residence. Robert Tripp appeared for 0.A. Kostal. Test- imony recorded on Tape 3, Side 1, 10-410. Protest 78 -39 --Richard L Bourg Et Ux, described as Lot 8 through 10, Block 2, M.J. Smith's Addition. Protested: •Is assessed too high compared to other comparable residences. Mrs. Richard Bourg appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 3, Side 1, 410-551. Protest /778-41—Mary C. Hofmann Et Al, described as Lots 1-20, Block 13, Steve Sub. of Blk 13, Colgrilst Addition. Protested: The land is over -valued for what vacant land has been valued, or priced at. Max Hofman and'Mary C. Hofman appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 3, Side 1, 554-661. Protest #78 -42 --max E. Hofmann Et Ux., described as Lot 4, Block- Lochland C.C. Sub Div, 44. Protested: Assesses out of line with construction costs and taking into account the inflation in the last several years. Max Hofmann and Mary C. Hofmann appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 3, Side 1, 554-661. Protest #78-43—Richard H Smidt Et Ux, described as Sec. 28 Twp. 7, Range 11, TR NE SE* Tax Lot 2, Protested: It was assessed as having a finished basemen which it does not. They put down that the garage had a cement floor, which it does not. Richard Smidt appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 3, Side 1, 661-807. Protest /778-44—Lloyd L Krull, described as Com. at a pt. 875' S of NE cor SE* So. 306.10' W 342.141 N306.10' E 342.14' to beg. Sec. 24-7-10. Protested story measured 828 finished sq. ft. and is figured at 1132 Sp. Ft. Not enough depression on lean to. Lloyd L Krull appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 3, Side 1, 807-889. SUPERVISORS. RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA fr.-J0 Protest #78 -45 --Mrs. R.W. Stromer, described as 321 So. Boston. Protested: ......Last year the taxes on Lot 61, went up by about $60.00, as the tax for 1977 will be $286.58, and that to us seems Like a lot of tax, on such an old property, in such poor condition. We definately are protesting your new reappraisal figure. It is not possible for us to meet with you personally, but we feel the new figure is unfair." By correspondence. Testimony recorded on Tape 3, Side 1 & 2, 89-908. Protest #78 -46 --Raymond J Velder Et Ux, described as Pt SW, SW,i. Tax Lot 1. Protested: I am not protesting the valuation of the buildings but believe the land is not assessed equal because the valuation is based on average land when it is below average land because water from irrigation backs up onto thi; land. Mrs. Ray Velder appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 3, Side 2, 87-200. Protest #78 -47 --Nash Finch Co., described as Lot S 20' Lots 8 & 9 & all lots 10-thru 11 West Heights Add. of P.P. Add. of Add Bis 1 & 20-23, Block 2. Protested: The above real estate is assessed at ,521,340 or s1.39 per square foot which is an unjust appraisal compared to Johnson Cashway 2 Lots #5 & on 2nd St. which are appraisedat 3.41 per square ft. Furthermore the real estate where Johnson Cashway Lumber Companyais located is assessed at S.41 square ft. Merle Gitten representing Nash Finch Co. for Alvin Fron. Testimony recorded on Tape 3, Side 2, 0-87. Protest #78 -48 --Tom Deveny Jr., described as T.4, 20-6-10. Protested: Checkec with soil scientist according to way state valuation are set and land is $16,( too high without including creek & trees & waste ground. Building compared to recent farm sales, $10,000 above value. Tom Deveny appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 3, side2, 200-47G. Protest #78 -49 --Tom Deveny Jr. Adm. Est., described as 111-- SWi, 19-8-10. Protested: Bldg. appraised by estate appraiser no value; land would be worth more without them. Tom Deveny appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 3, Side 2, 470-570. Protest #78 -50 --Lydia Nissen,described as Lot So. 75', Block 4, St. Joes Addition. Protested: "I protest this raise on my property. Rec'd notice from the County Assessor of my taxes increasing in Hastings. You raised the taxes last year and now this year. I think that is much too often. This massive increased in the amount of property tax is going to have to STOP...... No appearance. Testimony recorded on Tape 3, Side 2, 640-665. Protest #78-69--Valdean W. Kirschner described as Lot 13, Block 8, West Lawn Addition. Protested: I feel this property is out of line because the recent purchase price. Mr. Kirschner appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 3, Side 2, 57g-640. This Board of E ual'zation will /s/ /s/ er COURTHOUSE Tuesday, May 16, 1978. 9:30 A.M. (Resume of original minutes on file in the County Clerk's office.) P " The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with Ed Lightner, Chairman, pre- siding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Burr and Lightner. Sole, absent. Motion by Kailey seconded by Burr that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. cess until May 17,978 HASTINGS, NEBRAS Sole entered meeting at 9:40 A.M. 2) e SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report on the road work being completed and a report on the bridges throughout the County. Discussion was held concerning the use of County Equipment for survey work that Mr. Parks wished to do evenings and weekends. Motion by Sole that the County Board ask for the resignation of Mr. Parks. Motion died for lack of a second. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that permission be granted to Roger Parks to do surveying on his own time with no report of time or money. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, and Burr. Nays: Sole and Lightner. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that guidelines be determined by the Road and Bridge Committee to determine what his activities should be regarding his private surveying and these guidelines be brought back to the Board for their approval. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp and Burr. Nays: Sole and Lightner. Motion carried. Motion by Sole that no County equipment be used on this private surveying. Motion died for lack of a second. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussion of a personnel problem. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Burr and Lightner. Nays: Sole. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:05A.M. Motion by burr, seconded by Kailey that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Regular session was resumed at 11:00 A.M. Motion by Sole, seconded by Kailey that we authorize the Chairman to sign the application for funding the Handi-bus for the next fiscal year and also to -- sign the contract for operation with Senior Services. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The County Attorney gave a report concerning steps to be taken if the Board wished to sell or lease the Nursing Home. Pastor Schwab and Dale Lamski appeared in behalf of the Child Development Council and asked for funds from the County to operate' a bus during the summer months totransport the children being served at the Pooh Day Care Cente: They also stated an interest in the use of the former Nursing Home facility. Action was tabled until they make further investigation and report at the May 30th meeting. Motion by Burr, seconded by Sole that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 78-5-16 WHEREAS it is necessary to increase charges to organizations for ambulanc' attendance for such events as football, stock car races and other activites. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED to charge Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) for the ambulance plus Three Dollars (83.00) per hour for each attendant that staffs the unit. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Tripp that we approve the exchange of 01616 Federal Intermediate Credit Banks in the Amount of $100,000. for U.S. Treas. Notes due 8=15-1986 by Hastings State Bank; the release of U.S. Treas. Notes 01619 in the amount of $150,000. to Hastings State Bank and the release of 953262 3 Dodge Co. NE Com. Hosp. Bds in the amount of S50,000. to First Nation Bank. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman County Board of S pervisors. /s/ County Clerk /s/ /s Chairman SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 2"1 COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, May 17, 1978 9.1OA,M, The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, nombers present: LiglItner, Hoagland, Goble and Kailey. Sole and Burr entered the meeting at 9:20 A.M. Tripp entered the meeting at 9:40 A.M. Hoagland left the meeting at 10:00A.M. and re-entered at 11:00 A.M. Kailey was absent in the afternoon. Roscoe Story and Irwin Mobley from the County Assessor's Office and Anita Hawes, County Clerk were also present. Hearings were held for the following protests. Decisions to be made later. Protest #78 -62 --Kerr Chevrolet Co., described as Improvements on Leased Land, 900-28422, Protested: Condition of building, age of building, does not warrant this value. It is depreciated out on books we are not carrying any value. Probable that bldg. will be torn down. Jim Kerr appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 4, Side 1, 3-163. Protest #78 -63 --Newton D. Adcock deceased, represented by personal renresent- ative, Eugene Persinger, described as Lot 9-13, Block 1, E.K. Wemples Addition Protested: There is no sewer line into the house. The building is unfit to live in. Eugene Persinger appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 6, Side 2, 592-658. Protest #78 -64 --Jimmie L Adler,described as N75 S150 14 Ex E7', St. Joseph's 2nd Add. Protested: I feel this property is valued out of line because of the purchase price. Jimmie L. Adler appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 4, Side 1, 207-353. Protest #78 -65 --Genevieve A. Bartlett, described as Lot wi 3, Block 2, College Addition. Protested: My property has deteriated since the last appraisal therefore decreased in value.,Adjoining properties with more sq. ft., new furn & air -remodeling, 2 or 3 more bedrooms, better garages and other improvements, have assessed values that make their new taxes lower than formerly, while mine is 3110.62 higher. Genevieve A Bartlett appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 4, Side 1, 360-525. Protest #78 -66 --East Gate Plaza Inc., described as Lot 1-6, Block 10, Berlin' Addition, 17-7-9. Protested: Should be assessed with item #294 170 40. Stephen Hipple appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 4, Sidel, 526. Protest #/67 --East Gate Plaza, Inc., described as Sec. 17 Twp. 7 Range 9, Sub Lot 1 Tax Lot g. Protested: The actual value is more thanthe purchase price of land & the cost of construction & improvements. Assessed value should include Block 10 Lot 1-6, Berlin's Addition. Steven Hipple appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 4, Side 1, 526-825. Protest #78 -68 --William H Koepke, described as Lot 19-20, Block 3, Steven's Sub, Cole's 1st Addition. Protested: possible mistake in appraisal of footage, excessive increase in valuation, adjacent land valuation much lower. William Koepke appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 4, Side 1, 830-892. Protest #78 -17 --Paul H. Powers, described as Lot 8, North Shore Sub Addition. Protested: House and lot is in flood plain. Flooddd 9-11-77 and came within 20' of flooding 4-5-78. Danger of flooding reduces value of property. Paul Powers appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 4, Side 1, 892-976, Protest 78-70 thru 78 -100 -HEN., 12400253; 12400254; 12400242; 12400251; 12400310; 12200990; 12400300; 12200980; 12200970; 12400290; 12400280; 12400270; 12400260; 12400250; 12200960; 12400240; 12400230; 12200950; 122009)40; 12200930; 12200920; 12200900; 12200890; 12200880; 12200870; 12200860; 12200850; 12200840; 12200830; 12200830; 12200820; 12200910, Gerald Gehrt appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 4, Side 2, 1-615. Protest #78 -103 --Gerald Gehrt, described as N59' Lots 25 & 26, Heartwell & Webster Sub Addition. Protested: Value too high relative to camparable property. Gerald Gehrt appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 4, Side 2, 615-6S SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Protest #78 -101 --Morrison Quirk Grain Corp., described as Tax Lot 16, Pt SW: SW l'T 9-7-9. Protested: (1) The assessment is excessive being in excess of actual value and (2) Taxpayer's property is not assessed equally with similar property in Adams County. Richard Hunter appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 4, Side 2, 699-852. Protest #78-102--MorrisonQuirk described as Tax Lot 1, Part NW k NW? 16-7-9. Protested: (1) The assessment is excessive being in excess of actual value and (2) Taxpayer's property is not assessed equally with similar property in Adams County, Richard Hunter appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 4, Side 2, 699-852. Protest #78 -106 --Mrs. Jean Long, described as Pt SEk beg at a pt 40' S of SW cor Bik 12 Pross thence E on S line of Florence St 200' to land owned by Pac RR thence S150' W200' N150' beg. Protested: The property is in extreme deteriorated condition........ Jean Long appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 4, Side 2, 852-944. • Protest #78 -31 --The Lincoln Telephojelers_n, described as 1978 Personal Property. Protested: Stated in Supplement, with Exhibits 1 and 5, incorporated herein by reference thereto. Donald R. Swanson, Asst, Treas.; Richard W. Smith, Attorney; Paula Mohlman, Secretary appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 5, Side 1, 25-835. Protest #78-107--Hohlfeld & Goldenstein described as Pt SW Sec 26, Twp. 6 Rng. 10. Protested: Protest of Additional Assessment. Louis Goldenstein, appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 5, Side 1, 840-902. Protest #78 -40 --Alvin G & Elizabeth H. Evans_l_ described as Lot 7 & Ek of Lot 8, Oliver's Addition. Alvin Evans and Doris Holt, daughter appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 5, Side 1, 909 -End and Tape 5, Side 2, 0-784. This Board of /s/ apt; zation will now recess until May 23 /s/ COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASXT Tuesday,Apri118, 1978 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with Orville Hoagland, Vice -Chairman, presiding. Roll, call, members present: Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Hoagland. Absent: Lightner. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble seconded by Burr that as recommended by the Planning Commission we give approval for an accessory living accomodation on the following described tract of land, to wit: SWk, Section 23, T5N, R12W, Logan Township, Adams County, Nebraska APPLICANT: Mrs. Larry Christensen. The property is presently zoned Agricultural Open Space A0-; and permission is hereby granted to install a mobile home for farm employment. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 27 r - r" Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Tripp that we authorize a building permit to be issued to LeRoy Thom. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Goble that as recommended by the Planning Commission we approve an acessory living facility on the following described tract of land, to wit: VI of the NW k of the NEk, Section 34, T7N, RlOW, Denver Township, Adams County, Nebraska APPLICANT: William Fast The property is presently zoned AG-; Agriculture and an acessory living facility is hereby granted to install a mobile home for farm employment. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Goble that the Chairman is hereby authorized to sign tax list correction 6819 thru 6856. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Burr that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussion of personnel. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Executive session began at 1110 A.M. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:20 A.M. The Road committee made a unamious decision to recommend to the Board that they purchase a Caterpillar 613B for the low trade price of $54,648. • F• 0 B• Hastings. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Sole that the Claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. STATE ADMINISTRATION State Administration Salaries Duthie, Eva B Prior Service Weed Control Marcy M. Sherer Library Road -Bridge Anderson, Roy' Austin, Weslie Hastings Utilities Kansas-Nebr. Gas Co. Mousel, Virgil Poore, Delbert Southern Power Dist. Stromer, Paul G. Struss, Lambert Witt, Lloyd WEED CONTROL Salaries FEDERAL GRANT Salary COUNTY LIBRARY Salaries ROAD -BRIDGE Salaries Prior Service Prior Service Utilities Service_ Prior Service Prior Service Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service 12,657.40 14.00 1,913.80 235.69 1,306.55 19,260.20 25.00 25.00 172.67 17.04 12.00 25.00 54.34 13.00 12.00 22.00 278 Q SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA County Extension Office County Ambulance Department Clerk of the District Court County Assessor's Office Data Processing Department County Attorney's Office County Supervisors, County Clerk's Office County Sheriff's Department County Superintendent's Office County Treasurer's Office Courthouse Janitors Norris, Cathy Register of Deeds Office Veterans Service Office Planning & Zoning Office Public Defender's Office Township Assessors American Society of Business Supply Clifford, Nancy Cornhusker Press Gartner, Rena Goble, G«ylord Hastings Typewriter Hastings Utilities Hayen, Rachel Kidd, C. H. Lincoln Telephone Co. Office of Public Defender Register of Deeds Reutlinger, Lila Vaughans Printers, Inc. Planning C Kirstine, Judy GENERAL Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Officials -Membership Supplies Mileage Map Reductions Prior Service Mileage Supplies Utilities Prior Service Prior Service Service Misc. Postage Prior Service Zoning Signs NURSING HONE Salary 4,076.40 6,058.00 2,617.06 4,319.75 1,325.00 4,925.00 3,150.00 4,126.85 16,117.90 1,358.29 4,643.78 1,780.72 737.16 2,375.80 1,877.00 2,114.16 2,335.00 2,212.80 175.00 29.92 4.88 7.50 25.00 35.04 72.73 5,657.89 25.00 16.00 71.96 429.08 22.09 14.00 65.70 74.00 This Board will recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board. /s/,.. y---- C al man eputy May 3, 1978 OT RT IOUS8 HASTINGS, NEBRASKA 9:30 A.M. F .. The Adams County Board of -Supervisor met as a Beard of JEquaIization 'withEd Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Sole -and Lightner. Absent: Tripp and Burr. County Assessor, Roscoe Story; -Appraiser, Ervin Mobley; County Clerk, Anita Hawes were also present. Tripp and Sole entered at 9:40 A.M. The following protest were heard with decisions to be made at a later date. Protest 78-108 Amanda Ellis F_arms, Inc. Peter Ellis Farms,Inc. Lura Lou Ellis, Complainant. William Connolly Attorney and Lura Lou Ellis appeared. Testimony recorded Tape 6 side 1 10-47)4. Protest 78-51, Roy Love et al (Gibson's) Joe Heimann, Attorney and John Anderson, Store Mgr. appeared. Testimony recorded Tape 6, side 1 474-708. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 27c Protests 78-10)4 and 78-105, Nielsen Bros. Art Langvart, Attorney and George Nielsen appeared. Testimony recorded Tape 6 side 1 708 to end. Tape 6 side 2 ,..1-216. This Board of Equalization will now recess until May 2)4, 1978. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 23, 1978 10:15 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Goble that Adams County deviate from policy and allow Lincoln Telephone Company to bury cable in the traveled roadway according to specifications with the provision that any damages to culverts or pipes caused from burying this cable be taken care of by Lincoln Telephone Company. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Bids for providing alphaltic concrete for overlay projects were received from Werner Construction Co. and L. J. Vontz Construction Co. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that the bids be referred to the Road Committee with a report and recommendation to be made to the Board at the meeting next week. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that we authorize the Chairman to sign the storage and .flood easement for the Hastings Northwest Flood Control Structure. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Goble,Kailey, Tripp, Sole and Lightner. Nays: Burr. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Kailey that we authorize the Chairman to sighn grant applications for a Document Course with Greg Magee as th participating officer and for Trial Practice Institute with Tom Mullen attending. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that this Board hold an executive session for the purpose of discussing a personnel problem. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Executive session began at 1:23 P.M. Motion by Burr, seconded by Tripp that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Regular session was resumed at 3:00 P.M. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that we authorize the County Clerk to correspond with comparable counties concerning a wage survey to aid us in budget deliberations and to work with the law firm of Nelson and Harding in conjunction with the survey. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried., 2, SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that refund claims on validation No. 5669 and 3855 P. Property, No. 3111 and No. 12322 be allowed. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Burr that tax list corrections No. 6857 through 6860 be allowed and the Chairman be authorized to sign the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Sole that the bond of Alvin Mangers, Superintendent of Adams County Weed Control be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey seconded by Tripp that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 78-5-23 WHEREAS, due to unanticipated requirements essential to the administration of justice, the preservation of public health, welfare and safety there exists an emergency in the budget appropriations of the Clerk of the District Court within the General Fund; there is not sufficient money appropriated to complete business for the balance of the fiscal year, and WHEREAS, there are sufficient unused appropriated moneys in the General fund and the total General fund expenditures have not exceeded the budget appropriated, and it is essential to the government of Adams County and the welfare of the people of Adams County that certain funds be increased by emergency appropriation, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that there is hereby appropriated and allocated the amount as follows: Clerk of Dist.Court Original Budget Increase Total appropriation 57,615.00 10,425.00 68,040.00 Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Bids for 1978 Real Estate Tax Forms and supplies were received from Control Data, Redfield, Burroughs, Moore Business Forms, Inc. Bids were referred to the County Assessor for analysis and recommendation. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Goble that because of emergency conditions gravel haulers be allowed to sub -let their contract. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that as per the recommendation of the County Assessor we accept the low bid of Moore Business Forms, Inc. for furnishing 19,000 Personal & Real Estate forms with no mailer at $880.65; 2,500 78 R.E. Tax list sheets @ $170.70 ; 5,000 R.E. Assessment Book sheets @ $339.30 for a total price of $1,390.65. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Burr that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Extension Service Ambulance Service Clerk of the Dist. Court County Assessor's Office Township Assessor's Data Processing County Attorney's Office County Supervisors County Clerk's Office Sheriff's Department County Superintendent Office County Treasurer's Office GENERAL FUND Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries 4,076.40 6,058.00 2,617.06 4,319.75 2,293.80 1,325.00 4,925.00 3,150.00 4,094.36 15,297.90 1,358.29 4,643.78 SUPERVISORS RECO D No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA General Cont: Courthouse Janitors Juvenile Probation Register of Deeds Office Veterans Service Office Planning & Zoning Office Public Defender's Office Stromer, Paul American Society of Planning Business Supply Clifford, Nancy Cornhusker Press Gartner, Rena Goble, Gaylord Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hayen, Rachel Kidd, C. H. Lincoln Telephone Co. Office of Public Defender Register of Deeds Reutlinger, Lila Vaughans Printers Inc. County Library Weed Control State Administration Duthie, Eva B Marcy M Sherer Road Anderson, Roy] Austin, Weslie Hastings Utilities Kansas-Nebr. Gas Co. Mousel, Virgil Poore, Delbert Southern Power Dist. Stromer, Paul G Struss, Lambert R Witt, Lloyd Salaries Salary Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Officials- Membership' Supplies Mileage Expense Prior Service Mileage Office Supplies Utilities Prior Service Prior Service Service & Toll Charges Office Expenses Postage Prior Service Signs COUNTY LIBRARY 1,780.72 737.16 2,375.80 1,877.00 2,114.16 2,335.00 107.28 1/5.00 29.92 4.88 7.50 25.00 35.04 72.73 5,657.89 25.00 16.00 71.96 424.08 22.09 14.00 65.70 Salaries 1,385.59 WEED CONTROL Salaries STATE ADMINISTRATION 1,913.80 Salaries 12,657.40 Prior Service 14.00 FEDERAL GRANT Salary ROAD FUND Salaries Prior Service Prior Service Utilities Utilities Prior Service Prior Service Utilities Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service 235.69 18,720.20 25.00 25.00 172.67 17.04 12.00 25.00 54.34 13.00 12.00 22.00 The Board will recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. /s/ 2P4) SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA May 24, 1978 9:30 A.M. The Board of Supervisors met as a Board. of EqualBzation with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members Present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole and Burr. The following protests were heard with decisions to be made at a later date. Protests 78-52 through 78-61 Smitt j s Enterprises Inc. John Smidt appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 6 side 2 220-592 Protest 78-63 Newton Adcock Dec. Eu_ene Persiner a..eared. Testimony recorded tape 6 side 2 592-658. Charles Allen Wells appeared concerning notice of raise. Testimony recorded tape 6, side 2 680-798. Delbert Bender and Robert Bender appeared concerning notice of raise. Testimony recorded tape 6, side 2-- 798-890. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that values on individual properties be as indicated on special notice of assessment sent by the County Assessor and the Chairman be authorized to sign applications for con- tinued exemption and also be authorized to sign the homestead exemption applications. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess until May 30, 1978. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, May 24, 1978 4:00 P.M. A special meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as called by the Chairman, Ed Lightner for the purpose of discussion of the problems created when a portion of a County road was annexed by the City when annexing the airport. Members and news media had been given notice of the special meeting. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Kailey, absent. Members from the City Council, Dennis Mullen, Faye Mullen, Jack Hibbs; City Engineer, Gary Poore and County Highway Superintendent, Roger parks appeared to discuss the problems created when the City annexed a portion of a County road adjacent to the airport. The matter will be presented to the City Council at their next meeting in June. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. /s/ County Clerk ,' /s/ I �. eputy SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 2E3/3 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 30, 1978 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Motion by Burr, seconded by Sole that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that the low bids be accepted and contracts awarded to L. J. Vontz Construction for Overlay Projects C1-66(1); C1-66(4) and C1-66(5) and to Werner Construction Co. for Overlay projects C1-66(2); and C1-66(3). Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will recess for Equalization session and resume regular session later this date. Board resumed regular session at 10:45 A.M. Carl Sanderson and Vern Magnuson representing Hastings Association of Insurance Agents appeared to review the County insurance package. The matter was referred to the insurance committee and will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting for a decision concerning the policy. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that Adams County allow the Child Development Council to use the old Nursing Home building for the months of June, July and August 1978. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Burr and Lightner. Nays: Sole. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that Adams County authorize payment of $500.00 to Child Development Council for mileage and busing expense for the children at Pooh Day Care Center. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Nays: Sole. Motion carried. Joe Hageman appeared to make final settlement for supplies and rent of the Nursing Home through May, 1978. He vacated the facility and returned keys to premises. Phil Bonifas appeared to request the Board to participate in removal of a bridge and replacement with two culverts. The matter was studied but the Board decided not to participate because inventory of bridges indicated others had higher priority for replacement. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams. County Board of Supervisors. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 30, 1978 10:00 A.M. The Adams County Board of Equalization met as a Board of Equalization with Ed Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present; Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner; County Attorney, Arthur Toogood; County Assessor, Roscoe Story; Appraiser, Ervin Mobley; County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Protest: Lincoln Tele hone & Telera•h'Co. Richard Smith, Charles Lowe and D. R. Swanson for the firm. Testimony recorded Tape 8 side Tape 8 side 1 704-766. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that this Board of Equalization set the assessed value for 1978 for Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Personal Property at $1,068,988 with the understanding that their firm will dismiss pending cases against Adams County in District Court pertaining to the 1976 and 1977 personal property. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will recess until after the regular meeting and resume Equalization session later this date. Board recessed. Personal Property. with secretary appeared 1 105-575. and Board resumed equalization session at 1:30 P.M. Roll call members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner; County Assessor, Roscoe Story; Appraiser, Ervin Mobley; County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Tripp that the values for individual properties be as listed on the individual protest as determined by this Board of Equalization. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland, that this County Board of Equalization direct the County Assessor to notify the County Sheriff, Robert Anderson, that his motor home will be taxed in school district 18 instead of school district 15 as the tax situs for 1977. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Kailey, Tripp, Sole and Burr. Nays: Goble and Lightner. Motion carried. Values for individual properties as determined by the Board of Equalization are as follows: 78-1 284 08554 George R. Murray. no change. Present assessment equitable. 28408556 no change. Present assessment equitable. 78-2 284 04126 D. W. Malouf Land $4,250. 'Actual Value 100% 55% Assessed Value $820. 78-3 Withdrawn 78-4 274 00090 Emma J. Lienhart. Reclassification of land. Actual value $19,980. 55% Assessed 3845. 78-5 284-00788 Abbott's Dairy, Inc. Improvements Deteriorated. Actual value $57,500. 557 Assessed 11,070. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 78-6 60 00340 Raymond C. Loskill. Reclassification of land. Actual value $120,220. 55% Assessed $23,140 78-7 284 00332 Vern Gilbert. Readjusted by appraisers. Actual value $13,440. 55% Assessed $2,585. 78-8 258-00410 Davond Chartier. Reclassification of land. Actual Value $17,555. 55% $3,380. 78-9 258 00230 Davond Chartier. Improvements deteriorated and reclassification of land. Actual Value $54,255. 55% Assessed $10,445. 78r-10 284-04682 Emma D. Hunter. Improvement valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood. Actual value $28,835. 55% Assessed $5,550. 78-11 900 12802 Arthur Buss. Improvements deteriorated. Actual value $1,400. 557 Assessed $270 78-12 protest withdrawn 78-13 258-00460 Actual Value $27,000. 55% Assessed 5,195. 258 00480 Actual Value $27,710. 55% Assessed $5,335. 258 00470 Actual $11,840. 55% Assessed $2,280. Alan Woods. 78-14 284 11112 Lyle W. Blauvelt, et ux. Assessed valuation too high in relation to comparable property. Actual value $24,885. 55% Assessed $4,790. 78-15 284 14894 David A. Powers. Flood Damage for 1978 only. Actual value $41,555. 557 Assessed 7,995. 78-16 284 14896 Lonney C. and Susan M Johnson. Flood Damage for 1978 only. Actual value $35,450. 55% Assessed $6,825. 78-17 290-00026 Paul H. Powers, Present assessment equitable. Leave as is. 78-18 190-00250 Virginia L. Fry. Improvements deteriorated. Actual value $101,315. 55% Assessed $19,500. 78-19 284-16520 Thelma Huls Sole. Reclassification of land. Actual Value $13,430. 55% Assessed $2,585. 78-20- 284 13644 Raymond H. Frentz et ux. Readjusted by appraisers. Actual value $19,695. 55% Assessed 3,790. 78-21 236-00600 Edgar T Kort et ux. Reclassification of land. Actual value $71,820. 55% Assessed $13,825. 78-22 152 01380 Lamoine Richard Smidt et ux. Present assessment equitable. 78-23 150 00470 Lamoine Richard Smidt et ux. Present assessment equitable. 78-24 284 07268 Adam Trupp and Viola P. Trupp. Reclassification of land. Actual value $2,610. 55% Assessed $500. 78-25 284 01614 Freddie D. Howsden. Present assessment equitable. No change. rioQC.1 plu;C:4fi SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 78-26 ,g84 0002. Richard L. Koepke. Reclassification of land. xnual value. $2,325. 55% Assessed $450. 78-27 284 14888 James H price & Wihlma J Price. Present assessment equitable. No change. 78-28 294 00160 Hastings Motor Truck. Assessed valuation too high in relation to comparable property, and improvement valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood. Actual value $95,425. 55% Assessed 18,365. 78-29 284 00912 Mrs. Basil L. Williams. Improvements greatly deteriorated. Actual value $7,820. 55% Assessed 1,500. 78-30 284 09496 Harold P. Knaub. Present assessment equitable. No change. 78-31 The Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Company. 1978 Personal Property Return. Assessed Value$1,068,988. 78-32 N1/2 SWk & NW k SEk 29-5-9 Protest 78-32 Philip W. Smidt. Reclassification of land. Actual value $56,325. 557 Assessed $10,840. 78-33 264 00010 Philip W. Smidt. Reclassification of land and improvements deteriorated. Actual value $61,530. 55% Assessed $11,845. 78-34 258 00260 Philip W. Smidt. Reclassification of land. Actual value $24,505. 55% Assessed 4,715. 78-35 284 11544 Flo S. Kostal Assessed valuation too high in relation to comparable property. Actual value $87.000. 5570 Assessed $16,750. 78-36 162-00380 0. A. Kostal. Reclassification of land. Actual value $27,245. 55% Assessed $5,245. 78-37 284 18529 Strand Amusement Company. Present assessment equitable. No change. 78-38 284 00228 Strand Amusement Company & Stevens Realty Co. Too high in relation to market valuation. Actual value $61,980. 55% Assessed $11,930. 78-39 284-1720 Richard L. Bourg et ux. Improvement valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood. Actual value $12,065. 557 Assessed $2,325'. 78-40 284 00398 Alvin G. Evans.. Assessed valuation too high in relation to comparable property, and too high in relation to market valuation. Actual value $45,100. 557 Assessed $8,680. 78-41 284 01660 Mary C. Hofmann et al. Present assessment equitable. No change. 78-42 40 00420 Max E. Hofmann et ux. Present assessment equitable. No change. 78-43 112 00240 Richard H. Smidt et ux. Present assessment equitable. No change. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 78-44 128 00750 Lloyd L. Krull. Improvements deteriorated. Actual value $19,575. 55% Assessed $3,770. 78-45 284 03528 Mrs. R. W. Stromer. Improvements greatly deteriorated. Actual value $11,450. 55% Assessed $2,205. 78-46 market 78-47 Actual 78-48 Actual 78-49 Actual 78-50 Actual 178 00050 valuation. 284-07468 Value $6 Raymond J. Velder et ux. Too high in relation to Actual value $6,710. 55% Assessed $1,290. Nash Finch Company. Reclassification of land. ,295. 557 Assessed $1,210. 160 00070 Tom Deveny Jr, Reclassification of land. value $136,250. 55% Assessed $26,225. 34 00380 Tom Deveny Jr. Admin. Improvements deteriorated. value $40,235. 55% Assessed 7,745. 284 02326 Lydia Nissen. Improvements greatly deteriorated. value $7,000. 5570 Assessed $1,350. 78-51 284 18340 Roy R. Love, et al, Trustee, GIBSONS. Assessed Valuation too high in relation to comparable property. Actual value $294,050. 55% Assessed 56,605. 78-52 284-01858 Smitty's Equitable. No Change. 78-53 284 01854 Smitty's Equitable. No change. 78-54 284-1850 Smitty's equitable. No change. 78-55 284 01846 Smitty's equitable. No Change. 78-56 284-01838 Smitty's equitable. No change. 78-57 284 01836 Smitty's equitable. No change. 78-58 284-01832 Smitty's equitable. No change. 78-59 284 equitable. 78-60 284 equitable. 01860 Smitty's No Change. 01470 Smitty's No change. Enterprises, Inc. Enterprises, Inc. Enterprises, Inc. Enterprises, Inc. Enterprises, Inc. Enterprises, Inc. Enterprises, Inc. Enterprises, Inc. Enterprises, Inc. Present Assessment Present Assessment Present Assessment Present Assessment Present Assessment present Assessment present present present Assessment assessment assessment 78-61 284 14278 Smitty's Enterprises,Inc. Present assessment equitable. No change. 78-62 900 28422 Kerr Chevrolet Co. Improvements on Leased Land too high in relation to market valuation. Actual value $7,500. 557 assessed $1,445. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 78-63 284 02724 Newton D. Adcock, by Eugene Persinger, personal representative. Improvements greatly deteriorated. Actual value $5,420. 55% Assessed $1,040. 78-64 Jimmie L. Adler 284-02458. Reclassification of land. Actual value $17,815. 557 Assessed $3,430. 78-65 Genevieve A. Bartlett 284 11784. Improvements deteriorated. Actual value $23,560. 55% Assessed $4,535. 78-66 284 01416 East Equitable. No change. Gate Plaza,Inc.. Present Assessment 78-67 284 17040 East Gate Plaza, Inc. equitable. No change. Present assessment 78-68 284 01668 William H Koepke. Too high in relation to market valuation. Actual value $7865. 557 Assessed $1,515. 78-69 market 78-70 Actual 284 09558 Valdean W. Kershner. Too high in relation to valuation. Actual value $12,580. 55% Assessed $2,420. 124 00253 HEDC Reclassification of land. value $2,030. 55% Assessed $390. 78-71 12400254 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $2,170. 55% Assessed $415. 78-72 124 00252 HEDC. Reclassification of land Actual value $2,030. 55% Assessed $390. 78-73 124 00251 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $1,665. 55% Assessed $320. 78-74 124 00310 HEDC. Reclassification of land. Actual value $15. 55% assessed #5. 78-75 122 00990 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $4,025. 55% Assessed $775. 78-76 124 00300 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $475. 55% Assessed $90. 78-77 122 00980 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $4,075. 55% Assessed $785. 78-78 122 00970 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $860. 55% assessed $165. 78-79 124 00290 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value. $3,715. 557 Assessed $715. 78-80 124 00280 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $1,850. 55% Assessed #355. 78-81 124 00270 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $2,645. 55% assessed $510. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY NEBRASKA 78-82 124 00260 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $2,205. 55% Assessed $425. 78-83 124 00250 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $1,825. 55% assessed $350. 78-84 122 00960 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $2,650. 55% Assessed $510. 78-85 124 00240 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $1,405. 55% Assessed $270. 78-86 124 00230 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $1,220. 55% Assessed $235. 78-87 122 00950 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $2,800. 55% Assessed $540. 78-88 122 00940 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $2,390. 55% Assessed $460. 78-89 122 00930 HEDC Reclassification Actual value $1,540. 55% Assessed $295. 78-90 122 00920 HEDC Reclassification Actual value $1,755. 55% Assessed $340. 78-91 122 00900 HEDC Reclassification Actual value $1,765. 35% Assessed $340. of land of land. of land. 78-92 122 00890 HEDC Reclassification of land Actual value $1,765. 55% Assessed $340. 78-93 122 00880 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $1710. 557 Assessed $330. 78-94 122 00870 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $1745. 557 assessedr$335. 78-95 122 00860 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $1,720. 55% Assessed $330. 7&-96 122 00850 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $1,745. 55% Assessed $335. 78-97 122 00840 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $1,745. 557 Assessed $335. 78-98 122 00830 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $1,745. 55% Assessed $335. 78-99 122 00820 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $1,850. 55% Assessed $335. 78-100 122 00910 HEDC Reclassification of land. Actual value $1,765. 55% Assessed $340. 78-101 32 00470Y. MHE ison-Quirk Grain Corp. Reclassification of land. Actual value $21,560. 557 Assessed $4,150. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 78-102 34-00310 Morrison -Quirk Grain Corp. Reclassification of land, Actual value $4,325. 55% Assessed $835. 78-103 284 05594 G.R. Gehrt. Improvement valuation out of line with equivalent properties in neighborhood. Actual value $37,340. 55% Assessed $7,185. 78-104 24-00020 Nielsen Brothers. Reclassification of land. Actual value $78,660. 55% Assessed $15,145. 78-105 Assessor denied special assessment application. Uphold assessor's decision. 78-106 58-00830 Jean Long for Mary E. Mason. Improvements greatly deteriorated. Actual value $4,000. 55% Assessed $770. 78-107 pt SW4 Sec 26-6-10 Hohlfeld & Goldenstein Improvements deteriorated. Actual value: $4,000. 55% Assessed $770. 78-108 E120A SW 4 Except Hiway & NE 4 SE 4 & S zSE3/4 Ex Rd in SE3/4 & Ex Tr Db 140 P38 & DB 184 P 413 &:.,Ex Tr Cont 5.31 A more or less for KleMart AMANDA ELLIS FARMS, INC. PETER ELLIS FARMS, INC. Lura Lou Ellis, President. Reclassification of land. Actual value $169,530. 55% Assessed, $32,635. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. County Clerk COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, June 6, 1978 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Sole that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and posting.. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Public hearing was held concerning a Supplemental Budget for State Administration Funds. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Sole that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION 78-6-6 WHEREAS, APROPOSED SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGET WAS PREPARED AND PRESENTED TO THE ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS and, WHEREAS a summary of such proposed supplementary budget, together with a notice of public hearing to be held on the 6th day of May, 1978 was published in the Hastings Daily Tribune on the 26th day of May, 1978 and SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA STATE ADMINISTRATION FUNDS will be available as the source of revenue for funding such supplementary budget, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Adams County Board of Supervisors of Adams County Nebraska as Follows: Sec. 1 That the supplementary budget for State Administration Funds for the Fiscal year 7-1-77 to 6-30-78 is hearby adopted. Sec. 2 That the income necessary to finance the appropriations shall be provided from State Administrative Funds. STATE ADMINISTRATION Original Budget $166,819.20 Supplemental appropriation 10,350.0 Total Budget now authorized $177,169.20 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. David Tolson, representing Computer Election Systems reported on results of the Primary Election in the five new Nebraska counties using the system for the first time this year. He agreed to prepare and present a proposal to the Board for their consideration at budget time. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Burr that we concur with the $1,000. deductible for Adams County insurance program. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that we liability unbrella in the total insurance ayes: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp and Lightner.. Motion carried. include $1,000,000. package. Roll call, Burr. Nays: Sole and Motion by Burr, seconded by Goble that the reports of Register of Deeds.(4),County Library, (3) Ambulance (4) Sheriff, County Clerk, Car Titles, Clerk of District Court, and County Permits be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Kailey that we approve the bond of Marvin R. Steinke, Deputy County Attorney in the amount of $1,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Tripp that we approve the substitution of J C 7765 Federal Intermediate Credit Banks in the amount of $100,000. for J C 7419 U. S. Treas. Bills $40,000. and J C 5775 U.S. Treas in the amount of $50,000. by Adams County Bank and the exchange of 04428 Federal Ntl Mtg. Assn. in the amount of $100,000. for 01614 Federal Home Loan Banks in the amount of $100,000. by Hastings State Bank. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 78-6-6.1 WHEREAS, due to unanticipated requirements essential to the administration of justice, the preservation of public health, welfare and safety there exists an emergency in the budget appropriations of miscellaneous funds within the General Fund; there is not sufficient money appropriated to complete business for the balance of the fiscal year, and WHEREAS, there are sufficient unused appropriated moneys in the General fund and the total General fund expenditures have not exceeded the budget appropriated, and it is essential to the government of Adams County and the welfare of the people of Adams County that certain offices and Misc. funds be increased by emergency appropriation, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that there is hereby appropriated and allocated to the offices and departments as follows: SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Office or Department Increase Ambulance 7,780.00 Data Processing 775.00 Public Defender 4,800.00 County Treasurer 1,650.00 Telephone 1,300.00 Juvenile Probation 1,350.00 County Jail 24,600.00 Misc. General Civil Defense 650.00 Office Supplies 500.00 Ins. E & 0 3,500.00 Microfilm 750.00 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland that the Miscellaneous Receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors proceedings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 148 Register of Deeds 25.92 149 Register of Deeds 22.09 150 Noxious Weed Dist. 38.00 151 National Bank of Commerce 928.99 152 County Clerk 109.69 153 Register of Deeds 1,138.97 154 County Court 9,797.00 155 County Court 800.00 156 County Court 25.00 157 Clerk of District Court 1,082.00 158 State of Neb. 40,609.19 159 State of Neb. 1,162.50 160 Ambulance Serv. 450.76 161 County Court 25.00 162 First National Bank 102.74 163 National Peace Officers Press 12.50 164 Register of Deeds 23.22 165 State of Neb. 19,000.00 166 First National Bank 11,602.74 167 James Harper -Attorney 20.35 168 Ambulance Serv. 393.00 169 County Court 75.00 170 Coors of Hastings 250.00 171 State of Neb. 158.00 172 Adam Kohl Insurance 46.00 173 Hall Co. Treas. 2500.00 174 Hall Co. Treas. 1,900.00 175 Hall Co. Treas. 400.00 176 Hall Co. Treas. 260.00 177 Hall Co. Treas. 355.00 178 Hall Co. Treas. 90.00 179 Hall Co. Treas. 60.00 180 Adams County Court 108.00 181 County Court 98.36 182 Clerk of District Court 122.10 183 Vicki Savage 3.00 184 First National Bank 143.84 185 City Engineering Dept. 145.25 186 State of Neb. 520.92 187 Register of Deeds 1,859.85 188 Ambulance 1,000.00 189 Ambulance Service 893.74 190' First National Bank 102.74. 191 Midland Nutrition Project for Elderly 73.00 192 M.A.A. 137.00 193 First National Bank 127.40 194 Ann's Coffee Shop t. 25.00 195 County Court 75.00 196 County Court 35.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA '197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 State of Neb. Sheriff's Dept. County Court Hastings State Bank Ambulance Sery Raoma Beavers County Court County Clerk County Clerk Mark Bauman County Court State of Neb. State of Neb. State of Neb. State of Neb. Noxious Weed Ambulance City Treas. Sheriff's Office Kearney Co. Treas. Kearney Co. Treas. County Court Ambulance Ambulance Sheriff's Dept. State of Neb. Ambulance Serv. Evergreen Place Motion by Kailey, seconded their respective funds and structed to issue warrants Motion carried. 171,370.55 35.00 25.00 1,633.56 648.96 25,904.88 3.43 463.50 2,321.50 3.00 3,861.25 6,684.56 11,625.32 72,030.00 191,163.00 1,152.78 463.00 24,975.00 516.48 14,000.00 136.00 228.80 510.50 463.20 1,789.94 1,162.50 526.30 1,619.30 by Tripp that the claims be allowed on the County Clerk be authorized and in - for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Medicine Foster Care Foster Care Foster Care Professional Professional Supplies Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Miscellaneous Vendor Payments Medicine Bost Pharmacy Campus House Inc. Campus House Inc. Fay's Drive -In Drug 1 Glenn, Dr. Elmer E Good Samaritan Hospital Hastings Typewriter Company Kearney Clinic Kearney Eye Associates P.C. Kearney Eye Associates P.C. Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Morris, L. L. (Revolving Fund) Nebraska Dept. of Public Welfare Walgreen Drug Store STATE Adams County Clerk's Office American Public Welfare Assoc Borrell, Peggy Butler, Dr. Robert Catlett, Dr. F.D. Cosgrove, Madelyn Credit Bureau of Hastings Glenn, Dr. Elmer E Harsh, A. David Hastings State Bank Hastings Typewriter Co. Hinrichs, Margaret Kostal, Dr.O.A. Kuehn, Dr. Gerald Lincoln Telephone Co. Lurz, Donna Mauch, Margaret Meyer, Garnet Modern Methods Service Service ADMINISTRATION FUND Construction Costs Membership Dues Mileage Professional Service Professional Service Mileage Bulletin Service Professional Service Mileage Cashier Check Charges Supplies Mileage Professional Service Professional Service Telephone Service Mileage Mileage Mileage Supplies 6.05 429.13 600.00 2.11 18.00 521.53 89.00 121.00 5.00 5.00 6.50 19.70 10,000.00 4.92 2445.47 55.00 5.28 71.00 15.00 10.60 5.00 30.00 7.04 36.60 61.00 13.28 10.00 15.00 230.96 34.52 12.44 197.83 57.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Modern Methods Morris, L. L. Morris, L. L. Director Newquist, Penny Nitzel, Dr. Dale L. Osman, Pat Republic National Life Inc. Schmidt, Marlys Soterin, Beverly Thompson, Mary Welch, Dr. George L Williamson, Sheila WEED Baker, Garland Commercial Electronics,Inc. Cornbelt Chemical Company Farmers Coop Gas & Oil Fricke, Merwin Gangwish, Glenn Glenwood Telephone Hastings Typewriter Co. Jahnke Supply Co. Klein Manske Insurance Agency Kloke Conoco Kohl, Lionel W Kuhlman Repair Mangers, Alvin J Parr, Norbert Republic National Life Roseland Cooperative Grain Southern Power Dist FEDERAL All -State Transmission Carpet Man Guarantee Electric Co. Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Typewriter Company Hoffmeister, George F. Jr. IBM Lincoln Equipment Company McCoy, Gene Electric PPG Industries, Inc. Top Hat Furniture Maintenance Agreement Mileage Postage Mileage Professional Service Mileage Insurance Coverage Mileage Mileage Mileage Professional Service Mileage CONTROL FUND Mileage Rental & repair Chemical Gasoline Mileage Mileage Telephone Service Supplies Supplies & Repairs Insurance Coverage Gasoline. Mileage Repairs Mileage Mileage Insurance. Coverage Tires, Gas & Oil Utilities REVENUE SHARING FUND Transmission Carpet Installation Repair & Parts Office Furniture Cabinets Equipment Equipment Rewiring Remolding Supplies Furniture 250.00 59.42 250.00 16.64 10.00 54.24 508.59 9.22 38.89 11.04 10.00 29.32 .64 209.95 106.20 28.20 9.60 38.40 43.49 31.20 306.97 1913.00 34.90 1.28 97.70 19.20 29.60 94.45 485.23 8.60 502.00 281.97 39.81 501.90 514.00 100.00 711.00 54,648.00 132.00 11.11 350.00 STATE INSTITUTIONS Beatrice State Development Patient Care 1260.00 Hastings Regional Center Patient Care 3802.00 Hastings Regional Center Patient Care 1372.00 Lincoln Regional Center Patient Care 537.00 South Central Community Mental Health --Psychological Counseling 93.00 COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Children's Library Supplies. Republic National Life Ins. Insurance Coverage 44.55 29.41 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA ROAD Adams Co. Hwy Dept. Beale Tire Co. Big GI Business Supply Co. Ease Power & Equip. Clarke Oil Company Clarke Oil Company Commercial Electronics Co-op Grain & Supply Dutton-Lainson Co. Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Friends Motor Company H & S Garage General Electric Co. Gessford Machine Shop Ginter, Robert Glenwood Telephone Grace's Bike & Key Great Plains Petroleum Inc. H & M Equipment Co. H &N Mobil H & N Mobil H & N Mobil Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Welding Jahnke's Supply Johnson Cashway Lumber Kansas -Nebraska Gas Kenesaw, Oil & Supply Kohl, Adam Insurance Kully Iron & Metal Co. Laird Motors Inc. Lemke Sharpening Service Lilly Sand & Gravel Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. McClelland Farm Equip Modern Linen Service Mr. Automotive Nebr. Public Power Olsen, L. L. Oil Company Overhead Door Parks, Roger Pauley, W. G. Lumber Co. PPG Industrues Peterson Bros Enterprises Inc Register of Deeds Republic National Life Ins. Southern Power Dist Werner Const. Co. Wheelers Farm Shop Wheeler St. Regis Williams H. R. Jr. & Assoc. Viglicky, Evelyn R. Acme Printing Adams County Bank Adams County Clerk's Adams County Court Adams County Treasurer Addressograph Multigraph Ag. Communications Allen of Hastings Allen's American Fire Control FUND Miscellaneous Supplies Supplies Supplies Repairs Gas & Oil Gas & Oil Radio Repair Gasoline Supplies Gasoline Supplies Supplies Equipment Repairs Mileage Telephone Charges Keys Diesel Gravel Gasoline & Miscellaneous Gasoline & Miscellaneous Gasoline & Miscellaneous Supplies Repairs Repair Supplies Utilities Diesel Bond Repairs Supplies Services Gravel Repairs & Supplies Repairs Repairs Telephone Service Equipment Shop Towel Service Repairs Utilities Gasoline Door Conference Registration Supplies Supplies . Highway Striping Deeds Insurance Utilities Hot Mix Equip. Supplies Professional Service GENERAL FUND Election Supplies Registration Title State Cases Postage Service Contracts Supplies Supplies Supplies Equipment office 24.99 21.00 .87 34.56 10.22 732.33 719.92 18.00 28.78 74.56 253.45 708.88 2.00 1273.00 264.50 24.80 16.32 .85 506.24 2654.40 17.81 156.31 7.42 82.73 6.60 20y14 85.07 8.40 189.20 20.00 41.55 46.30 160.30 165.36 351.93 56225 1380.37 158.82 25.50 14.05 448.89 5.25 1961.56 637.50 35.00 390.95 111.20 1313.50 13.00 654.22 46.58 5777.92 49.95 3174.81 550.00 5.00 96.75 15.40 3.00 501.76 161.40 758.00 190.60 115.00 45.48 54.50 G SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Bank Card Beck, Sid Berg, Mrs. Glenn_ Beyke Signs Big G Big G Big G Hardware Brown, Susan Bryan Jensen Clothing Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corporation. Burroughs Corporation BusineO;Stipply Co.-) Carroll's Derby Certified Labs Child Development Council Christian, Dorothy Citizen Printing Company City of Hastings Commercial Electronics Commercial Electronics Community Living Cooperative Service Assoc. Credit Bureau of Hastings Deluxe Cleaning Services Deluxe Cleaning Service's Inc. Dieken, Mrs. Karen Donelson, Larry D Dutton-Lainson Co. Eakes Office Equipment Eakes Office Equipment Eckhardt, Karen Ed's Pharmacy ESU#9 Extension Service Revolving Fischer, Richard Fox, Marilyn Friends Motors Friend's Motors Hansen, Gordon L. Hartman, Gerald Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Association of Ins. Hastings Janitorial Supplies Hastings Plumbing & Heating Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Welding Supply Hawes, Anita Hoagland, Orville Hoff Cleaners Hoffman, Mrs. Judy Hoyt, Errol IBM Corporation IBM International Business Supply Johnson, Burdett Johnson Cashway Lumber Johnson Cashway Lumber Junker, Mrs. Howard Kenesaw Motor Co. Kindig Printing Service Kirstine Judy Kleager & Glenn Robert G Robert G Robert G Sheriff Robert Robert Sheriff Service Food for prisoners/Matron Fees Mileage Mileage & Fees Gasoline Miscellaneous Gasoline Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Services Supplies Supplies Supplies Mileage Uniforms Rental Maintenance Agreement Rental Supplies Supplies Supplies Gasoline -Supplies Fees for Day Care Registration Library Expense Zoning Permit Administration Installation of Equipment Installation of Equipment Foster Care Payments Gasoline Bulletin Membership Laundry Cleaning Board Member Mileage Library Expense Supplies Payment Rental & Supplies Registration. Medicine Lamps Miscellaneous Telephone Charges Mileage Supplies). Supplies Mileage Board Member Mileage Supplies & Publication Insurance Supplies Repairs Supplies Oxygen Mileage & Meal Mileage Cleaning Board Member Mileage Foster Care Supplies & Maintenance Supplies Supplies Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Board Member Mileage Two Vehicles Supplies Registration Professional Service 1381.00 2898.48 20.50 10.10 15.18 50.74 8.84 7.08 144.00 1.57 29.76 32.11 28.16 672.00 299.00 2730.00 299.00 1550.53 1733.10 240.62 25.00 272.00 500.00 1.05 52.45 147.04 85.00 110.85 1195.00 620.62 10.00 165.10 6.00 9.00 176.15 279.83 100.00 602.36 8.40 31.75 21.00 45.00 27.07 65.98 6.27 18.48 103.83 13.32 1501.34 3492.80 224.88 11.98 930.53 64.00 19.84 13.92 5.00 8.84 140.00 102.06 41.60 295.53 10.12 44.27 69.68 7.72 9570.00 1088.44 4.90 25.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA r740 Kohl, Adam Insurance Kramer, Glen J. I. Laird Motors Inc. Lamski, Dale F. Lamski, Dale F. Law Enforcement Equip.Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Mary Lanning Hospital Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Mason, Norma E Meister Publishing Co. Mobley, Irwin L. Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Modern Methods Muller, Bev & Gordon Bonds Mileage & Coroner's Calls Repairs & Supplies Registration Fee & Exp. Mileage & Coroner's Call Supplies Telephone Service Professional Service Professional Service Registrations Manual Mileage Mop & Mat Service Linen Service Mop Service Maintinence Agreement Foster Care National College of Probate Judges --Membership Dues Nebr. Assoc. Co. Clerks & Reg.of Deeds --Dues Nebr. Assoc. of Co. Extension Boards --Dues Nebraska Co. Attorney's Assoc. Nebr. Dept. of Roads Nebr. Dist Co. Judges Assoc Nelson, Luwane Nelson, Luwane Nelson Harding Yeutter Norris, Cathy Osborne, G.L. M.D. Petty Cash Pittman, Johnie Pitney Bowes. PPG Industries PPG Industries Redfield & Company Reis, Franklin Republic National Life Ins. Rogers Inc. Rogers Inc. Roseland State Bank Russell Lawn Systems Samuelson, LeRoy Schafer Printing Company Schafer Printing Co. Schutte, Calvin Sempek, Edward Sidles Co. Smeal Fire Equipment Co. Stephenson School Supply Swanson, Paul Thompson Co. Thomsen Oil Co. Thomsen Oil Co. Toogood, Arthur C. Toogood, Arthur C. Trupp, Julie University of Nebr. University of Wisconsin- Vaughans Printers Inc. Waits, Jackie Weber, Dr. West Publishing Co. Westman, Ruby Whats News Woodward's Disposal Service Xerox Xerox Corporation Registration Fees & Supp. Raincoats Dues Mileage Miscellaneous Professional Services Mileage Professional Services Miscellaneous Repairs Postage Supplies Supplies Supplies Registrations Insurance Equipment Repairs Registrations Repair Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Bond Foster Care Repairs Supplies Supplies Mileage Supplies Repairs Gasoline Association Dues & Misc. Mileage & Coroner's Calls Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Miscellaneous Professional Services Supplies Registrations & Postage Subscription, 1. Disposal Service Rental Supplies 35.00 39.52 127.72 154.36 91.04 219.40 2055.18 140.00 57.40 .35 7.20 95.66 16.70 96.14 20.30 180.00 150.00 25.00 10.00 50.00 104.34 15.00 25.00 164.64 15.43 879.45 76.44 155.50 15.41 615.00 283.92 2.12 76.15 212.43 2.45 2569.50 360.00 2.20 5.25 92.00 6.76 22.25 25.90 100.00 140.00 20.23 206.40 10.66 48.40 31.64 3.50 194.23 870.00 38.72 5.32 4.50 12.74 68.80 5.32 52.00 33.50 15.04 18.00 51.46 160.00 117.03 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Youth Development Center Youth Development Center Anderson, Robert -G Safekeeping Safekeeping Mileage 90.00 60.00 1412.59 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, June 13, 1978 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Motion by Burr, seconded by Tripp that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks gave a report of the work presently scheduled for the Road Department. L. Trausch appeared concerning tax situs of an airplane. Matter referred to County Attorney for request of opinion of Statutes. Paul Johnson appeared to present the request for Greater Nebraska Health Systems Budget --Adams County hare $1,550. The request will be considered with other budget requests. Bobbie Henry, Deputy Sheriff appeared to answer questions concerning methods and rates charged other counties for housing of prisoners. The matter was referred to Building and Grounds Committee for recommendation. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that this Board hold executive session because of a personnel discussion. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Burr and Lightner. Nays: Sole. 11:05 A. M. Sole questioned need for executive session. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Burr and Lightner. Sole, abstaining. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:12 A.M. Members from the South Central Mental Health Board appeared to discuss matters that would be coming before their Board. Midland Area Agency Budget was presented for study prior to adoption. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. /� /S/ County Clerk rl �` n i, n /s/��\%�1+ i 1 °� n,J�.lk Deputy Chairman SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday June 20, 1978 9:30 A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with Ed Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams Co. Board of Supervisors and Public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An Agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerks office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks appeared before the Board and gave a report on the work bein€ done in the County on several roads and the work expected to be done in the near future. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that all Road Department personnel excluding administrative personnel be paid on an hourly basis rather than a monthly salary begining July 1, 1978. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Nays: Goble. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Tripp that we support the County Assessor'E decision to tax the aircraft of R. Trausch & L. Trausch at the Hastings Airport site. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Kailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Nays: Goble. Motion carried. Lois Brink presented the budget for Meals on Wheels and for RSVP for study prior to adoption. Motion by Burr, Seconded by Hoagland that Adams County withdraw their participation from the inter -local agreement with the City of Hastings, due to the action taken the City of Hastings regarding the bus system. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Kailey, Tripp, Burr, Goble, and Lightner. NayE Sole. Motion carried. Harold Fleharty appeared before the Board concerning the interference our radio systems have been having with the State of Kansas because our systems are operating on the same frequencies, he offered several al- ternatives and this was turned over to.:the Road Committee to discuss and make recommendation at a later date. Motion by Burr, seconded by Kailey that we approve the Final plat of the Ponderosa Subdivision as recommended by the Planning Commission. Roll call, ayes: Kailey, Sole, Burr & Lightner. Nays: Hoagland, Goble, and Tripp. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland, that we approve the Final Plat of the Cruse Subdivision. Roll call, Ayes: Hoagland, Kailey, Tripp, Sole Burr and Lightner. Nays: Goble. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Tripp that we accept the amendment to the County Sub -division resolution concerning access roads and width thereof. Frontage Roads Chapter 6 and definition of Frontage Road Chapter 10. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Merle Hoeft presented the budget for Planning & Zoning for study prior to adoption. Motion by Burr seconded by Hoagland that we approve the Leave of Absence Request for Priscilla Schlachter. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 3 00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Hoagland seconded by Tripp that we adopt the following Preliminary resolution presented by Bill March for Chemical Enterprises Inc. THE COUNTY OF ADAMS, NEBRASKA RESOLUTION 78-6-20-1 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE COUNTY OF ADAMS TO ISSUE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF ADAMS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($700,000) FOR THE ACQUISITION, DEVELOPMENT, AND IMPROVEMENT OF CERTAIN MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES TO BE LEASED TO CHEMICAL ENTERPRISES, INC. WHEREAS, The County of Adams, State of Nebraska (the "County"), is a body politic and corporate duly organized and exis- ting as a county under the Constitutican and laws of the State of Nebraska and is authorized and empowered by the provisions of the Nebraska Industrial Development Act, Chapter 18, Section 16, Nebraska Revised Statutes, as amended (the "Act"), to acquire, whether by construction, purchase, devise, gift or lease, or any one or more of such methods, one or more "projects", as that term is defined in the Act, and to issue revenue bonds for the purpose of paying the cost of acquiring or improvinga project; and WHEREAS, the County has been requested to issue and sell its industrial development bonds pursuant to the provisions of the Act for the purpose of paying the cost of a project which is described in Exhibit A attached hereto and constitutes a "project" as defined in the Act (the "Project"), to be leased to Chemical Enterprises, Inc. (the "Corporation"); and WHEREAS, the Corporation has agreed to indemnify the County for any claims against the County in connection with the proposed bond issuance; and WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and advisable that, the County take such action as may be required under the Act to authorize and issue its revenue bonds in order to promote, develop and advance the general prosperity and economic welfare of the people of Nebraska; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County wishes to declare its intention to authorize an issue of industrial develop- ment revenue bonds of the County qualifying under Section 103 (c) (6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, for the purpose of paying the cost of acquiring or improving the Project, when so requested by the Corporation, upon such terms and conditions as may then be agreed by the County, the Corporation and the purchasers of the bonds; and WHEREAS, a Memorandum of Agreement attached as Exhibit B has been prepared setting forth the respective agreement and under- takings of the County and the Corporation with respect to the issuance by the County of its revenue bonds and the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPER- VOSORS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA; 1. That the County Does hereby declare its intention to authorize the issuance of industrial development revenue bonds of the County under and in accordance with the applicable statutes of the State of Nebraska, and particularly the Act, in such amounts, but not to exceed $700,000, and upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by the County, the Corporation and the purchasers of the bonds, for the purpose of paying the costs of the Project to be located within the County and leased to the Corporation. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 3C. 2. That the issuance of such bonds shall be authorized by resolution of the Board of Supervisors at a meeting to be held for such purpose, subject to (i) the receipt of an agreement on thi part of the Corporation to indemnify the County for any claims against the County in connection with the proposed bond issue, (ii) the approval of the County Attorney, and (iii) the receipt at the closing on such bonds of an approving legal opinion of Richard N. Thompson, Esq. of Lincoln, Nebraska. 3. That a Memorandum of Agreement, substantially in the form and with the content set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto be entered into with the Corporation. 4. That the Resolution and the Memorandum of Agreement is hereby declared to constitute official action of the County to evidence its intent to issue industrial revenue bonds qualifying under Section 103 (C) (6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. 5. That the issuance of the bonds shall be pursuant to the Act, and neither the passage of this Resolution nor the issuance of said bonds shall obligate the City for an3#f pecuniary liability or constitute a charge upon the general credit or taxing powers of the County. Roll call, all voted ayes' Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all present voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL Extension Office Ambulance Service Clerk of the District Court County Assessor's Office Data Processing County Attorney's Office County Supervisors County Clerk's Office Sheriff's Office County Superintendent's Office County Treasurer's Office Courthouse Janitors Juvenile Probation Register of Deeds Office Veterans Service Office Planning & Zoning Office Public Defender's Office Paul Stromer BPI Business Publishers, Inc. City Engineering Dep't Clerk of the District Court Clerk of the District Court Cornhusker Press Rena Gartner Gaylord Goble Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Rachel Hayen Orville Hoagland K -Mart C. H. Kidd Lincoln Telephone Co. Office of Public Defender Postmaster Register of Deeds FUND Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Supplies Supplies Box Rent Court Costs Supplies Prior Service Mileage Service & Supplies Utilities Prior Service Convention Registra Supplies Prior Service Service & Toll Office Expenses Box Rent Postage $6,344.50 2,297.00 4,292.93 1,325.00 5,762.64 3,150.00 4,174.28 12,729.00 1,358.29 4,668.33 2,005.12 737.16 2,413.88 1,877.00 2,219.20 2,335.00 107.28 90.00 8.50 30.00 1,195.64 4.00 25.00 29.12 83.80 2,996.30 25.00 tion 95.00 43.44 16.00 72.91 378.25 24.00 29.18 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Register of Deeds Lila Reutlinger Eva B. Duthie State Administration Road Department Roy Anderson Weslie Austin Gilbert Harpham Virgil Mousel Delbert Poore Paul Stromer Lambert R. Struss Lloyd Witt Library Postage 26.60 Prior Service 14.00 STATE ADMINISTRATIVE Prior Service 14.00 Salaries 13,195.47 ROAD Salaries Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service, Prior Service 27,896.88 25.00 25.00 14.00 12.00 25.00 13.00 12.00 22.00 COUNTY LIBRARY Salaries 1,151.35 WEED CONTROL Weed District Salaries Central Chemical Services, Inc. Supplies Kansas Nebraska Gas Co. Gas Sherman's Service Center, Inc. Repairs Alvin J. Mangers Postage 2,331.95 6,188.30 6.21 25.79 15.00 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday June 27, 1978 9:30 A.M. Tire regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, all members present. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that Cowwercial Electronics be given the approval to change the radio frequencies on the Road Department radio at a cost of $1867.90. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Alan Woods appeared before the Board to discuss some of the road problems in his neighborhood. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Motion by Burr, seconded by Tripp that the followin resolutions be adopted: Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. RESOLUTION 78-6-27 WHEREAS, there has been signed by Adams County on the 28th & 21st day of September, 1976, and the State on the 13th & 8th day of October, 1976, an agreement providing for the construction of a Federal Aid Secondary Road beginning at a point 50' north of the northeast corner of Section 10 T5N, R12W, and running thence south approx. 5,380' to a point located 50' south of the southeast corner of said Section 10, T5N, R12W on Project No. RS -2145 (1); at a point located 50' south of the southeast corner of Section 27, T6N, R12W and running thence north to approx. 0.85 mile to the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks on Project No. RS -2145(2); at a point located 100' north of the northeast corner of Section 9, T6N, R11W, and running thence south approx. 8,020' of the southeast corner of the northeast of Section 16, UN, R11W, on Project No. RS -2185(2), and WHEREAS, in the above agreement, the County has pledged sufficient funds to finance its share of the cost of the construction of this project identified as No.RS-2145(1) and RS -2145(2) and RS -2185(2) and WHEREAS, the above mentioned agreement provided that the County would pay all of the non -Federal costs of this project, and WHEREAS, the State received bids for the construction of this project on June 15, 1978 at which time 3 bids were received for the construction of the proposed work, and WHEREAS, the following contractors for the items of work _E - listed have been selected as the low bidders to whom a contract should be awarded: L.J. Vontz Construction Co.,Inc., Hastings, Nebraska. Asph. Concrete Surface Course; $109,291.65 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above facts, the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, by this resolution, takes the following official action: 1. If for any reason the Federal Highway Administration recinds, limits its obligations, or defers payment of the Federal share of the cost of this project, the County hereby agrees to provide the necessary funds to pay for all costs incurred until and in the event such federal funds are allowed and paid. 2. The Board hereby concurs in the selection of the above mentioned contractors for the items of work listed, to whom a contract should be awarded. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 3. The Board hereby authorizes the Chairman to sign a contract with the above mentioned contractor for the above mentioned work. 4. The Board does not desire to perform any of the work with its own forces in lieu of performing the work by the contract method. DATED THIS 27th DAY OF June A.D., 19 78 BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ATTT: - 1�� C unty Clerk Deputy COUNTY. Board Member Burr moved the adLption of said resolution on. ROLL CALL: all yea, none nay. Resolution adopted,signed and billed as adopted. RESOLUTION 78-6-27.1 WHEREAS, th re h been signed by Adams County on thegt 21st,12thday of EigEwter , 1976, and the State on the 28th day of October , 1976, an agreement providing for the .construction of a Federal Aid Secondary Road beginning at a point located approximately 300 feet east of the Northwest Corner of Section 9, Township 7 North, Range 10 West, and running thence east approximately 1:6 miles to a point approximately 800 feet east of the Northwest Corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 7 North, Range 10 West on Project No. RS -2040(2); beginning at the Northeast Corner of a Section 8, Township 7 North, Range 10 West, and running thence South approximately 2 miles to intersect with US 6 & 34 at the Southeast Corner of Section 17, Township 7 North, Range 10 West on Project No. RS -2197(1), and WHEREAS, in the above agreement, the County has pledged sufficient funds to finance its share of the cost of the construction of this project identified as No. RS -2040(2) and RS -2197(1) and WHEREAS, the etre mentioned agreement provided that the County would pay all of the non -Federal costs of this project, and WHEREAS, the State received bids for the construction of this project on June 15, 1978 at which time 3 bids were received for the construction of the proposed work, and WHEREAS, the following contractors for the items of work listed have been selected as the low bidders to whom a contract should be awarded: L. J. Vontz Construction Co. Inc. Hastings Nebraska. Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course; $112,406.30. NOW THEREFORE, ih consideration of the above facts, the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, by this resolution, takes the following official action: SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 1. If for any reason the Federal Highway Administration recinds, limits its obligations, or defers payment of the Federal share of the cost of this project, the County hereby agrees to provide the necessary funds to pay for all costs incurred until and in the event such federal funds are allowed and paid. 2. The Board hereby concurs in the selection of the above mentioned contractors for the items of work listed, to whom a contract should be awarded. 3. The Board hereby authorizes the Chairman to sign a contract with the above mentioned contractor for the above mentioned work. 4. The Board does not desire to perform any of the work with its own forces in lieu of performing the work by the contract method. DATED THIS 27th DAY OF June A.D., 1978 BOARD OF COUNTY Supervisors OF Adams 4 COUNTY. a44) irman Board Member Burr Moved the adoption of said resolution on. Roll call: all yea, none nay. Resolution adopted,signed and billed as adopted. RESOLUTION 78-6-27.2 r orEREAS, there has been signed by Adams County on the 12th day of October, 1976, and the State on the 28th day of October, 1976, an agreement providing for the construction of a Federal Aid Secondary Road beginning 50 feet west of the Southwest Corner of Section 1, Township 6 North, Range 9 West, and running thence east approximately 5,380 feet to a point located 50 feet east of the Southeast Corner of said Section 1, Township 6 North, Range 9 West on Project RS -2020(1) and beginning approximately 50 feet north of the Northwest Corner of Section 4, Township 6 North, Range 9 West, and running thence south along the West Line of said Section 4, approximately 5,380 feet to a point 50 feet south of the Southwest Corner of said Section 4, Township 6 north, Range 9 West on Project RS -2175(1) and, WHEREAS, In flid Abate agreement, the County has pledged sufficient funds to finance its share of the cost of the construction of this project identified as No. RS -2024(1) and RS -2175(1) and WHEREAS, the above mentioned agreement provided that the County would pay all of the non -Federal costs of this project, and WHEREAS, the State received bids for the construction of this project on June 15, 1978 at which time 3 bids were received for the construction of the proposed work and SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA WHEREAS, the following contractors for the items of work listed have been selected as the low bidders to whom a contract should be awarded: L. J. Vontz Construction Co., Inc., Hastings, Nebraska; Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course; $64,556.40 NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above facts, the Board of Supervisors of Adams County, by this resolution, takes the following official action: 1. If for any reason the Federal Highway Administration recinds, limits its obligations, or defers payment of the Federal share of the cost of this project, the County hereby agrees to provide the necessary funds to pay for all costs incurred until and in the event such federal funds are allowed and paid. 2. The Board hereby concurs in the selection of the above mentioned contractors for the items of work listed , to whom a contract should be awarded. 3. The Board hereby authorizes the Chairman to sign a contract with the above mentioned contractor for the above mentioned work. 4. The Board does not desire to perform any of the work with its own forces in lieu of performing the work by the contract method. DATED THIS 27th DAY OF June A.D., 19 78 ATTEST: unty Clerk Deputy BOARD OF COUNTY Adams Supervisors OF COUNTY Board Member Burr moved the adoption of said resolution on Roll Call: all yea, None nay. Resolution adopted,signed and billed as adopted. Dale Katzberg from Mid Nebraska Retardation Services gave a report and also presented his budget request for consideration. Curtis Reiter; from the 3-M Business products presented a proposal to the Board 'on putting a 3-M Machine and copier in the Register of Deeds office on a lease basis. This will be taken under consideration by the Courthouse Building and Grounds committee and be taken up at a later date. SUPERVISORS- RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA kit Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that Airport security at the Hastings Airport beAiscontinued by Adams County as of July 1, 1978. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland, effective July 1, 1978 charges for Board of non -Adams. County prisoners will be as follows: City of Hastings 3.50 per day plus medical costs Other Counties 15.00 per day plus medical costs Federal 25.00 per day plus medical costs Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that we authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign deed to transfer Lot 7 Bik 3 Hastings Industrial Park West to the City of Hastings according to agreement dated December, 1977. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Burr, that the County Board Supports Terry Marshall Civil Defende Director in his action during the recent tornado warnings and we oppose the action of Mayor Robert Allen of Hastings and are highly critical of his interference in a joint City -County operation. He does not have the authority to hire or fire the Civil Defense Director. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, July 5, 1978 9:30 A.M. Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman presiding. Roll call, Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp, Sole Burr and Lightner were present. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report of the road work being done. Midland Area Agency on Aging representatives appeared to request $13,900 in matching funds from Adams County for the 1978 budget. The request was taken under consideration with other budget requests. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Burr that we direct the County Treasurer to transfer tie remaining funds in the Nursing Home Fund and any collections designated for that fund to the General Fund of Adams County.and prepare the budget for Nursing Home expenditures as a category within the General Fund hereafter. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Motion by Burr, seconded by Tripp care costs for emergency services Adams County and $20.00 for other aye. Motion carried. that the charge per diem for day at pooh Corner V be $15.00 for counties. Roll call, all voted Motion by Burr, seconded by Goble that the reports of County Sheriff, County Permits, Car Titles, County Clerk, Clerk of District Court, County Library, Register of Deeds, are hereby accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Sole that we authorize the Chairman to sign the exemption application for a 7.755 acre tract in the Northeast Quarter of Section 1, T6N, R11W as described in Deed Book 78, Page 2179-2180. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that the following miscellaneous receipts be made a part of this Supervisors proceedings. 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 Register of Deeds City of Hastings Ellerbrock Norris Agency Adams County Clerk Adams County Court Ann's Coffee Shop Adams County Court Adams County Ambulance Service Register of Deeds Adams County Bank Adams County Bank Juniata Township Roger Eigenberg Register of Deeds First National Bank Clerk of District Court Adams County Noxious Weed Control Webster County Treasurer Webster County Treasurer Adams County Court Adams County Court State of Nebraska Register of Deeds Adams County Ambulance Service Ambulance Service Adams County Court City National Bahk & Trust Co. First National Bank First "ational Bank Hall County Treasurer Hall County Treasurer Hall County'Treasurer Hall County Treasurer Hall County Treasurer Hall County Treasurer State of Nebraska Clerk of District Court State of Nebraska Register of Deeds City Engineer City Engineer Anita Hawes, County Clerk Anita Hawes, County Clerk Adams County Court $ 25.63 250.00 25.00 35.58 77.77 25.00 1.74 612.34 100.00 3500.00 3500.00 500.00 10.00 1260.60 3267.12 170.80 258.60 468.80 346.15 496.00 8083.63 43924.95 17.14 665.00 321.50 1230.10 1161.64 143.84 1183.56 3200.00 250.00 50.00 200.00 20.00 50.00 57.00 1194.00 472.88 2323.25 28.00 33.00 390.00 2353.00 173.85 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 269 Adams County Aiabulance Service 270 Midland Area Agency on Aging 271 Midland Nutrition Project for the Elderly 272 State Administration 273. First National Bank 274 Adams County Road Department 275 Roseland School Dist 42 276 Village of Kenesaw 277 Village of Kenesaw 278 State of Nebraska 279 Clerk of the District Court 280 Franklin County Court 281 Anita Hawes, County Clerk 282 Adams County Ambulance Service 283 Hastings Airport Authority 284 State of Nebraska 285 State of Nebraska 286 Adams County Court 287 Adams County 288 State of Nebraska 289 Village of Roseland 290 Village of Roseland 291 Village of Prosser 292 Wesley W. Mohling 293 Robert E. Schweser Company, Inc. 294 Robert E. Schweser Company, Inc. 295 Adams County Noxious Weed 296 Adams County Ambulance Service 297 State of Nebraska 298 Adams County Court 299 Adams County Court 300 State of Nebraska 301 State of Nebraska 302 Aliens of Hastings 303 Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. 304 Adams County Ambulance Service 305 Adams County Sheriff 306 Adams County Sheriff's Dept. 307 Hastings State Bank 308 City of Hastings 309 Ambulance Department 310 Adams County Court 311 Village of Holstein 312 Village of Holstein 313 Adams County Court 314 Adams County Ambulance Service 315 Saline County Treasurer 316 Register of Deeds 317 Register of Deeds 318 Adams County Highway Dept. 319 Adams County Highway 320 Adams County Highway Moved by Kailey, seconded by Goble that respective funds and the County Clerk be issue warrants for the same. Roll call, the Claims be allowed authorized and instr all voted aye. Motion 467.50 137.00 73.00 2386.17 123.29 107.06 160.74 154.88 1092.00 1862.77 137.48 298.98 147.04 167.50 375.00 13000.00 45.06 642.43 123.30 72034.86 318.00 99.52 96.96 214.24 72000.00 23759.86 22200 753.00 19164.80 100.00 118.48 6684.55 11625.34 115.00 30.00 528.20 715.08 916.03 1495;89 2966.06 457.10 661.27 346.50 102.68 539.20 76.00 956.74 26.60 29.18 2400.00 500.00 36.05 on their acted to carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Adams County Court GENERAL Adams County Senior Handi-Bus Adams County Senior Handi-Bus Adams County Court Adams County Red Cross Swim Proj. Adams County Treasurer Ag. Communications Allen's of Hastings, Inc. American Five Control Andersoii Mary E. Anderson, Robert G.,Sheriff Anderson, Robert G.,Sheriff Anderson, Robert G. BankAmericard Service Center Bartlett, Phyllis Beck, Sid Matthew Bender & company Berg, Mrs. Glenn Big G Big G Big G Brown, Susan Business Supply Co. Campus House, Inc. Central Graphics Certified Labs City of Hastings Clerk District Court Clerk of District Court Cobbs Mfg. Co. Commercial Electronics Inc. Commercial Electronics, Inc. Community Living of Nebraska Community Living Coats, Mrs. W. C. Cooperative Service Assoc. Credit Bureau of Hastings,Inc Dangberg & Associates Deluxe Cleaning Services, Inc. Dietz & Company LTD Deluxe Cleaning Services Dieken, Mrs. Karen Dutton-Lainson Co. Eakes Office Equipment Eakes Office Equipment Co. Eastman Kodak Co. Echelon Corporation Educational Service Unit #9 Ellerbrock-Norris Agency Everybody Magazine Extension Service Revolving Fund Fox, Marilyn Fuller, Diep G & L Conoco Gewecke, Wilbur R. Great Plains Chrysler Plymouth: Guarantee Electric Co. Hammond & Stephens Co. Hammond & Stephens Co. Hansen, Gordon L Hartman, Marvin C. Hastings Business Systems Inc. Sate Cases County Contribution June Expense s Postage Expenses & Salaries postage Supplies Supplies Repair & Supplies Misc. & Postage May Fees Earned Mileage Food for Prisoners Gasoline Mileage & Meals Board Member & Mileage Library Expense Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies & Repair Mileage Supplies Foster Care Supplies Supplies Zoning Permit Administration Copy Copies Registration Holders Repaira & Installations Repairs & Installations Foster Care Foster Care Board Member Mileage Gasoline Verbal Reports Cadastrals Update Cleaning Repairs Cleaning Board Member Mileage Supplies Payment Rental Supplies Supplies Repairs Bond Subscription PO Box Rent Mileage Walettineter Gasoline Postage Repair Lamps School District Supplies School District Supplies Mileage Supplies Supplies $ 75.62 3000.00 161.14 11.96 2100.00 145.05 43.91 49.06 137.92 22.00 12.44 2278.62 & Matron Fee 1436.00 73.93 35.45 8.84 218.50 7.08 39.12 37.02 5.47 103.68 36.32 300.00 42.17 295.24 40.80 2.20 4.00 1410.00 378.29 178.60 690.00 185.00 7.88 496.46 12.00 595.55 6.00 33.40 196.80 9.00 20.49 100.00 495.14 57.76 259.85 23.00 20.00 15.00 30.00 13.16 10.08 15.78 54.06 14.00 133.05 135.36 36.24 186.21 16.95 9.50 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Janitorial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Company Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Hawes, Anita Hoffman, Mrs. Lawrence Hoyt, Errol IBM IBM IBM Jensen, Bryan Clothing Johnson, Burdett Junker, Mrs. Howard Kohl Adam Insurance`, Laird Motors Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McLane Jewelry Store Mary Lanning Hospital Meredith, L. John Mobley, Irwin Modern Linen Supply Modern Linen Supply Modern Linen £ervice Modern Methods Inc. Moore Business Forms Inc. Moore Business Forms Inc. Mowers, Richard L Murthy P.S.S. M.D. Nebr. Assoc. of Co. Officials Nebr. Assoc. Co. Treas. Nebr. Co. Attorney Assoc. Nelson, Luwane Nelson, Luwane Nelson, Harding Yeutter & Leonard Nelson Johnson Norris, Cathy O'Keefe Elevator Co. Orthmann's Old Market Studio Redfield & Company Redfield & Company Register of Deeds Republic National Life Ins. Co. Ringer Printing Co. Rider Printing Co. Roeder, Howard Samuelson, LeRoy Share Corp. Schafer Printing Co. Seiler, Les Seiler, Les Sempek, Edward Spearman Publishing & Printing Stan's Radiator Service Stewart Plumbing Co. Swanson, Paul Repairs Supplies Advertising Supplies Supplies Utilities Diefies Election Utilities Oxygen Mileage & Registration Board Member Mileage Foster Care Service Agreement Leased Supplies Clothing Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Bond Repairs Telephone & Toll Installation Repair Service County Officials Meeting Mileage Linen Service Linen Service Linen Service Maintenance Agreement 1. Supplies Supplies Professional Service Professional Service Dues Assoc. Dues Dues Mileage Miscellaneous Professional Fees Professional Fees Mileage Maintenance Supplies Supplies Supplies P.O.Box Rent Insurance Supplies Supplies Services Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Professional Service Professional Service Foster Care Advertising Repair Repairs Mileage 12.00 5.40 ;..54,62 102.35 136.04 37.02 3640.40 201.28 44.00 21.00 8.84 140.00 137.50 90.72 48.97 36.00 10.12 7.72 8..00 29.25 2041.36 101.37 4.00 57.00 21.00 174.84 93.74 16.70 23.20 55.00 23,89 70.76 13.50 250.00 478.00 25.00 25.00 13.44 17.00 880.20 95.00 156.87 45.50 15.00 83.74 27.93 22.00 2550.61 189.02 32.84 400.00 6.76 212110 38.19 294.75 486.20 140.00 12.60 116.50 648.56 72.28 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA The Dale Timms Repair & Auto Parts Tribune United Laboratories Inc. University of Nebraska U.S. Postoffice Weber & Osborne Wellensiek, Don Williams Exterminating Co. Woodwards Disposal Service Xerox Corporation Yost, C. G. Yost, C. G. Yost, C. G. Services Repair on Radio Subscription Supplies Watts Line Box Rental & Postage Professional Service Board Member Mileage Pest Control Disposal Service Rental Luncheon Postage Rent Registration & Mileage RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Beck, Sylvester Davis, Dave & 'Gtchen Loftus, Elmer Morris, L. L. Nebraska Boys Ranch Nebr. Dept of Public Welfare Rader Real Estate Rutt's Pharmacy State Administrative Fund Tonniges, Dr. Tom F. • STATE Foster Care Foster Care Rent Revolving Fund Foster Care Vendor Payments Rental Foster Care Transfer of Funds Professional Service ADMINISTRATIVE FUNDS Mileage Supplies professional Service Bulletin Service Professiora1 Service Professional Service Mileage Insurance Food Stamp Program Mileage Professional Service professional service Telephone Service Mileage Mileage Postage Membership Dues & Meetings Mileage Mileage Professional Service Insurance Mileage Professional Service Mileage Mileage Mileage Borrell, Peggy Business Supply Co. Catlett, Dr. F. D. Credit Bureau of Hastings Dean, Dr. E. J. Glenn, Dr. Elmer E. Harsh, A. David Hastings Assoc. of Ins.Agents Hastings State Bank Hinrichs, Margaret Kingsley, Dr. D. W., Sr. Kleager, Dr. C. L. Lincoln Telephone Co. Lurz, Donna Mauch, Margaret Morris. L. L. Morris. L. L. Newquist, Penny Osman, Pat Peck, Dr. Eugene W. Republic National Life Insurance Schmidt, Marlys Smith, Dr. Robert Spterin, Beverly Thompson, Mary Williamson, Sheila 4.50 90.00 36.40 844.57 69.30 37.00 20.00 10.60 14.00 _.49.46 160.00 5.00 30.00 247.02 88.00 107.50 60.00 34.00 430.00 45,000.00 38.75 7.90 6,500.00 40.00 4.21 78.68 15.00 5.00 20.00 10.00 5.76 197.00 11.40 24.06 10.00 25.00 199.14 35.12 13.28 300.00 29.00 38.08 51.84 7.50 514.81 7.36 3.00 9.52 13.85 22.23 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Glenwood Telephone Co. Hastings Daily Trite ne Jahnke Supply Co. Kloke Conoco Republic National Life Ins, Roseland Co-op. Southern Nebr. Public power WEED CONTROL FUSD Telephone Service Advertising Repairs Gasoline In suranc e Gasoline Electric Service FEDERAL GRANT FUND Hardin, Lauri B. Mileage FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING Supplies Formica Machine Equipment Desk Supplies Supplies Supplies Big G Cut -Rite Millword Inc. Hastings Business Systems Hastings Electronics Distributing Hastings Typewriter Co. Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Morris Ind. PPG Industries Inc. STATE INSTITUTIONS Beatrice State Development Center Patient Care Hastings Regional Center patient Care Hastings Regional Center Patient Care Hastings Regional Center patient Care Lincoln Regional Center Patient Care COUNTY Baker & Taylor Companies Children's Press Hastings Public library Library Book Selection Service Olympia Book Co. Republic National Life Ins. LIBRARY FUND Books Books Bookmobile Service Books Books Insurance ROAD -BRIDGE FUND Miscellaneous Supplies Supplies Repairs Gasoline Radio Gasoline Supplies Supplies & Oil Diesel Supplies Supplies Gravel Supplies Utilities Equipment Supplies. Gas Service Gravel Supplies Supplies Supplies & Equipment Adams County Road Department A1lens Beale Tire Co. Case Power & Equipment Clarke Oil Co. Commercial Electronics Co-op Grain & Supply Delken Press Dutton-Lainson Company Farmers Union Co-op Gas Friends Motors Supply Garvey Elevators H & M Equipment Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities f iitn gnSenUa9°Lumber Co. Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. 52.32 18.74 78.72 85.74 94.45 299.76 8.43 105.00 51.22 59.45 157.81 87.90 376.00 939.06 140.14 37.23 1302.00 121.60 1421.00 3415.38 930.00 134.51 19.80 866.66 221.40 572.39 29.41 17.59 6.24 164.80 13.13 181.04 128.10 23.33 142.66 34.29 342.50 89.93 14.91 8534.40 43.75 72.73 93.200 11.18 8726.76 633.72 2.33 3771.07 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Tele. Co. Modern Linen Service Mr. Automotive Mr. Transit Nebraska public Power Nebraska Tractor Odorite Co. Olsen, L. L. Oil Co. Parks, Roger S. paulsen's Repair Shop Peterson, Marion Republic National Life Shaw's Service Sherman's Service Center State of Nebr.-State Surveyor Southern Power Dist. 3-M Company Vontz, L. J. Const. Co. Werner Const. Co, Wheeler St. Regis Z. & Z. Equip. Co. This Board will now recess subject Supplies & Equipment Telephone Service Linen Service Repairs & Equipment Supplies Electric Service Supplies Supplies Gasoline Miscellaneous Repair Mileage Insurance Diesel & Gasoline_ Repairs Copies Electric Service Supplies Contracts Hot Mix Supplies & Repairs Repairs to the call of the Chairman 410.00 130.62 14.18 514.98 466.78 5.25 473.25 7.50 571.01 21.60 34.90 21.28 713.04 918.34 307.64 6.75 41.16 1063.00 30950.80 3317.99 14619.58 10.15 of the Board. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Monday, July 17, 1978 9:30 A.M. A special meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune for the purpose of working on the County B.idget Document. Ed. Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Trinp and Lightner. Absent, Kelley, Sole and Burr. Notion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that this is a snecial'meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors called to work on the County Budget Document. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Officers and department heads were interviewed concerning their budget requests for the nest fiscal year. This Board w.i_11 now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA -315 n COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday July 18, 1978 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune, Ed Lightner Chai-man, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp and Burr. Sole absent. Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr seconded by Hoagland that the following seven resolu- tilns be adopted: 316 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Two copies for Lincoln Office Count Project No. Y (To be assigned later) WHEREAS:: Certain roads and streets in said County have been designated as being eligible for Federal funds by the Federal Highway Administration in cornpliance with" `Federal' Lams pertaining thereto, and, WHEREAS: Said County desires to improve a certain portion of the County Road System in said 'County, more fully described hereinafter, now therefore, • BE IT RESOLVED: That the Department of Roads is hereby requested to act for said County and to program for construction that portion of County Road described as BEG INNING AT THE SOUTHWEST (Use legal subdivisions for termini.) • CORNER OF SECTION 6-T7N-RIOW ADAMS COUNTY, NEBR. AND RUNNING THENCE NORTH A DISTANCE OF 7 MILES TO THE NOR'fHWES.' CORNER OF SECTION 6- T8N-R1OW, ADAMS CO. ,_ • and which construction includes: (Check each one) Grading ( ), Culverts ( ), Bridges ( ), Surfacing (X ), or other improvement to wit: 22" MINIMUM x 22'ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SURFACING (OVERLAY) TYPE B The ESTIMATED cost of such improvement Grading and Culverts Miles New Bridges: Length Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft (SEE REVERSE SIDE OF FORM) Low Type Surfacing, Depth 7" MIN Width 22 Miles 7. 0 $ L51,11.011....0 Q And Surveys and Plans (If Federal Aid not requested - indicate NONE) NONE Right of Way (If Federal Aid not requested - indicate NONE) NONE ESTIMATED Total for Project Surveys and Plans will be made by ADAMS CO. HIGHWAY DEPT. $ $ 159,000.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Chairman of the County Boasid is authorized to sign this resolution on behalf of said Board and that the County Board hereby approves the above contemplated construction prior to first submitting of said project to the Federal Highway Administration. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That sufficient funds of said County are now, or will be, available and are hereby pledged to the Department of Roads in the amount and at the required time for the purpose of matching Federal Funds available for the contemplated construction. erk COLN OFFICE USE ect No. Route No. Name of Road ;1978 ,at THE BOARD OF COUNTYRS ADAMS / e OF UNTY Chairman BOARD MEMBER moved the adoption of said resolution Rolf Call:.��'.�'.—yea, `l2 t - nay Resolution adopted, signed, and billed as adopted (OVER) 318 Sample of 13ridge Information Required Location Between Sec. 1 and 2, t.8N., R.1W. 41-41414,`i,v77-.):33 Length & Type 1-70' span pony truss and 2-20' I-beam approach spans Clear Roadway, (To be measured between inside of curbs), 18' - 4" Condition of Bridge Timber floor and backwalls - poor Proposed Treatment: Is the Bridge to be used in place No Or is New Bridge to be built Yes Estimated Length of new bridge 150' (Show estimated cost of each new bridge on front of form) Location Bridge No. 1 Length & Type Clear toadway Condition Proposed Treatment (check one) Use in Place New Bridge Estimated Length of new bridge Bridge No. 2 Location Length & 'Type Clear Roadway Condition Proposed 'Treatment (check one) Use in Place New Bridge Estimated Length of new bridge Bridge No. 3 Location Length & Type Clear Roadway Condition a Proposed Treatment (check one) Use in Place Estimated Length of new bridge New Bridge Railroad Crossing Information. Name of Railroad UNION PACIFIC 1 CROSSING How many railroad crossings How many tracks 1 SET • •-,••;; • -.3 4.4.``Y -J13 Two copies for Lincoln Office WHEREAS Certain roads and streets in said County have been designated as being eligible for Federal funds by the Federal Highway Administration in compliance with Federal Laws pertaining thereto, and, WHEREAS: Said County desires to improve a certain portion of the County Road System in said County, more fully described hereinafter, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Department of Roads is hereby requested to act for said County and to program for construction that portion of County Road described as BEGINNING AT TI IE NORTHWEST, (Use legal subdivisions for termini.) CORNER OF SECTION 22, T7N-R11W AND RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 4.0 MILES TO TIIE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 3, 16N-R11W, ADAMS COUNTY, E. and which construction includes: (Check each one) Grading ( ), Culverts ( ), Bridges ( ), Surfacing (,)(), or other improvement to wit: 211" MINIMUM x 22' ASPHALTIC CONCRETE (OVERLAY) TYPE B The ESTIMATED cost of such improvement Grading and Culverts Miles New Bridges: Length Ft Ft. Ft. ` Ft (SEE REVERSE SIDE OF FORM) Low Type Surfacing, Depth 2 " MIN ,Width 22 ' Miles 4.0 $ 96,000.00 And $ Surveys and Plans (If Federal Aid not requested indicate NONE) Right of Way (If Federal Aid not requested - indicate NONE) NONE NONE ESTIMATED Total for Project $ 96,000.0 SurveysandPlans will be made by ADAMS CO . HWY DEPT . ,,.BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Chairman of the County Board is authorized to sign this resolution on behalf of said Board and that the County Board hereby approves the above contemplated 'tting of said project to the Federal Highway Administration. • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That sufficient funds of said County are now, or wil be, available and are hereby pledged to the Department of Roads in the amount and at the required time for the purpose of matching Federal Funds available for the contemplated construction. .` • ted this 18th day of , JULY _s 1 GS , Nebraska. 19 78 • ,at THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS" OF ADAMS Chairman OFFICE USE BOARD MEMBER moved thead,91tijon of said resolution Route No. Roll Call: ' C W yea, 77 - - nay Name of Road . Resolution adopted, signed, and billed as adopted (OVER) Sample of 'Bridge Information Required+ns$a'• Location Between Sec. 1 and 2, t.8N., R.1W. Length & Type 1-70' span pony truss and 2-20' I-beam approach spans Clear Roadway, (To be measured between inside of curbs), 18' - 4" Condition of Bridge Timber floor and backwalls poor Proposed Treatment: Is the Bridge to be used in place No Or is New Bridge to be built Yes Estimated Length of new bridge 150' (Show estimated cost of each new bridge on front of form) Bridge No. 1 • Location Length & Type Clear Roadway Condition Proposed Treatment (check one) Use in Place New Bridge Estimated Length of new bridge Bridge No. 2 Location Length & Type Clear Roadway Condition Proposed Treatment (check one) Use in Place moorsoosalm New Bridge Estimated Length of new bridge Bridge No. 3 Location Length & Type Clear Roadway Condition Proposed Treatment (check one) Use in Place New Bridge Estimated Length of new bridge Railroad Crossing Information .. Name of Railroad How many railroad crossings How many tracks Two copies for Lincoln Office RESOLUTION (Program) 78-F-18.2 ADAMS Project No. (To be assigned later) Coun WHEREAS: Certain roads and streets in said County have been designated as being eligible for Federal rfi funds by the Federal Highway Administration in with Federal -Laws pertaining thereto, and WHEREAS: Said County desires to improve a certain portion of the County Road System in said County, �* more fully described hereinafter, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Department of Roads is hereby requested to act for said County and to program for construction that portion of County Road described as BEG INNING AT THE SOUTHWEST.`.': (Use legal subdivisions for termini.) CORNER OF SECTION 2, T5N-R12W AND RUNNING THENCE NORTH 2.0 MILES TO TIN ORTIWEST CORNER 0F SECTION 35, T6N R12W, ADAMS COUNTY, NEBR. and which construction includes: (Check each one) Grading ( ), Culverts ( ), Bridges ( ), Surfacing (�( ), or other improvement to wit: 2" MINIMUM x 22' ASPHALTIC CONCRETE (OVERLAY) TYPE B The ESTIMATED cost of such improvement Grading and Culverts Miles New Bridges: Length Ft Ft. Ft. (SEE REVERSE SIDE OF FORM- -- ... Low Type Surfacing, Depth 21/2" MIN •Width 22 ' Miles 2.0 $ 4 8, 0 0 0. Q And Surveys and Plans (If Federal Aid not requested - indicate NONE) Right of Way (If Federal Aid not requested - indicate NONE) ESTIMATED Total for Project Surveys -and Plans will be made by ADAMS COUNTY II I GI WAY DEPT :. BE IT FURTIEt; RESOLVED That the Chairman of the County Board is authorized to sign this resolution on behalf of said Board and that the County Board hereby approves proves the above contemplated construction prior to first submitting of said project to the Federal Highway Administration, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That sufficient funds of said County are now, or will be, available and are hereby pledged to the Department of Roads in the amount and at the required time for the purpose of matching Federal Funds available for the contemplated construction. NONE NONE 8,000: AdoBAST INted this GS 18th y of JULY -- ..w. i Nebraska. FICE USE Pt Route Name of Road ;19 , at THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISOI OF ADAMS UN 4 Chairman BOARD MEMBER`" moved the ad ption of said resolution Roll Call: yea, na3 Resolution adopted, signed, and billed as adopted (OVER) Sample of Bridge Information Required Location Between Sec. 1 and 2, t.8N., R.1W. Length & Type 1-70' span pony truss and 2-20' I-beam approach spans Clear Roadway, (To be measured between inside of curbs), 18' - 4" Condition of Bridge Timber floor and backwalls - poor Proposed Treatment: Ia the Bridge to be used in place No Or is New Bridge to be built Yes Estimated Length of new bridge 150' (Show estimated cost of each new bridge on front of form Bridge No. 1 Location Length & Type Clear Roadway Condition . Proposed Treatment (check one) Use in Place - New Bridge Estimated Length of new bridge Bridge No. 2 Location Length & Type Clear Roadway Condition Proposed Treatment (check one) Use in Place New Bridge. Estimated Length of new bridge Bridge No. 3 Location Length & Type Clear Roadway Condition Proposed Treatment (check one) Use in Place New Bridge Estimated Length of new bridge Railroad Crossing Information RESOLUTION (Program) Two copies for Lincoln Office 78-7-18.3 ADAMS Coun Project No. (To be assigned later) WHEREAS: Certain roads and streets in said County have been designated as being eligible for Federal funds by the Federal Highway Administration in compliance with Federal Laws pertaining thereto, and, WHEREAS: Said County desires to improve a certain portion of the County Road System in said Count more fully described hereinafter, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Department of Roads is hereby requested to act for said'County and to program for construction that portion of County Road described as BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWE5 (else legal subdivisions for termini.) CORNER OF SECTION 33, T8N-R11W AND RUNNING THENCE NORTH .5.2 MILES TO. < 3 STATE SPUR ROAD IN SECTION 4, T8N-R11W, ADAMS CO., NEBRASKA. • THIS PROJECT WOULD REPLACE PREVIOUSLY PROGRAMMED PROJECTS R and which construction includes: (Check each orie) RS -2185(3 Grading ( ), Culverts ( ), Bridges ( ), Surfacing ()c ), or other improvement to wit 21" MINIMUM x 22' ASPHALTIC CONCRETE (OVERLAY), TYPE B The ESTIMATED cost of such improvement Grading and Culverts Miles $ New Bridges: Length Ft. Ft. Ft Ft. Ft , (SEE REVERSE SIDE OF FORM) Low Type Surfacing, Depth 211" MIN. Width 22 ' Miles 5.2 $ 120 , 000. And Surveys and Plans (If Federal Aid not requested - indicate NONE) Right of Way (If Federal Aid not requested indicate NONE) urveys'and Plans will be made by NONE' NON ESTIMATED Total for Project $ 12° /0°0' ADAMS COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Chairman of the County Board is authorized to sign this resolution on behalf of said Board and that the County Board hereby approves the above contemplated construction prior to first submitting of said project to the Federal Highway Administration. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That sufficient funds of said County are now, or will be, available and are hereby pledged to the Department of Roads in the amount and at the required time for the purposeof matching Federal Funds available for the contemplated construction. Adopted this 18th HASTINGS day of JULY , Nebraska. :19 78. , at THE BOARD OF COUNTY SU P E RV I S'Q AD: S OF w_ Chairman FICE USE BOARD MEMBER o� �+/ Pr, 4, , ► e ' ,, moved the Gadon of said resolution Route Roll Call: yea, - 7 - nay Name of Road°', Resolution adopted, signed,"and billed as adopted (OVER) 4 r• Sample of Sridie-Information Required Location Between Sec. 1 and 2 t.8N. R.1W. Length & Type 1-70' span pony truss and 2-20' I-beam approach spans Clear Roadway, (To be measured between inside of curbs), 18' - 4" Condition of Bridge Timber floor and backwalls - poor Proposed Treatment: Is the Bridge to be used in place No Or is New Bridge to be built Yes Estimated Length of new bridge 150' (Show estimated cost of each new bridge on front of form) • Location Length & Type Clear Roadway Condition Bridge No. 1 • Proposed Treatment (check one) Estimated Length of new bridge Location Length & Type Clear Roadway Condition Proposed Treatment (check one) Estimated Length of new bridge Location Length & Type Clear Roadway Condition • • Proposed 'Treatment (check one) Use in Place New Bridge Estimated Length of new bridge Railroad Crossing Information'. Name of Railroad UNION PACIFIC How many railroad crossings ONE How many tracks ONE SET RESOLUTION (Program) Two copies for Lincoln Office 78-7-18.4 ADAMS Project No, (To be assigned later) County WHEREAS: Certain roads and streets in said County have been designated as being eligible for Federal funds by the Federal Highway Administration in compliance with Federal Laws pertaining thereto, and, WHEREAS: Said County desires to improve a certain portion of the County Road System in said County, more fully described hereinafter, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Department of Roads is hereby requested to act for said County and to program forconstruction that portion ofCounty- Road described as BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST (Use legal subdivisions for termini.) • CORNER OF SECTION 4, T6N-R9W AND RUNNING THENCE EAST 3.0' MILES TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 2, T6N-R9W, ADAMS COUNTY' NEBRASI(A and which construction includes: (Check each one) Grading ( ), Culverts ( ), Bridges ( ), Surfacing ( ), or other improvement to wit: 2%," MINIMUM x 22ASPHALTIC CONCRETE (OVERLAY) , TYPE B The ESTIMATED cost of such improvement Grading and Culverts Miles New Bridges: Length Ft Ft. Ft. Ft (SEE REVERSE SIDE OF FORM) Low Type Surfacing, Depth 21" Min . Width 22 ' Miles 3.0 And Surveys and Plans (If Federal Aid not requested- indicate NONE) Right of Way (If Federal Aid not requested indicate NONE) Surveys. and Plans will be made by $ 70,000.00 ESTIMATED Total for Project $ ADAMS COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT. NONE NONE 0,000.0 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Chairman of the County Board is authorized to sign this resolution on behalf of said Board and that the County Board hereby approves the above contemplated construction prior to first submitting of said project to the Federal Highway Administration. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That sufficient funds of said County are now, or will be, available and are hereby pledged to the Department of Roads in the amount and at the required time for the purpose of matching Federal Funds available for ,the contemplated construction. Adopted this 18th day of JULY , Nebraska. HASTINGS ATTE.. Name V LSV. • FICE' USE • ;19 78 ,at S b' VISOR THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISOR' OF DAM= OUNTY Chairman BOARD MEMBER moved the a� of said resolution Roll Call: yea, 77 -r -67-. nay Resolution adopted, signed, and billed as adopted (OVER 3 --. Sample of_Bridge Information Required Location Between Sec. 1 and 2 t.8N. R.1W. Length & Type 1-70' span pony truss and 2-20' I-beam approach spans Clear Roadway, (To be measured between inside of curbs), 18' - 4" Condition of Bridge Timber floor and backwalls - poor Proposed Treatment: 'Is the Bridge to be used in place No Or is New Bridge to be built Yes Estimated Length of new bridge 150' (Show estimated cost of each new bridge on front of form) Bridge No. 1 Location Length & Type Clear Roadway Condition Proposed Treatment (check one) Use in Place Estimated Length of new bridge New Bridge Bridge No. 2 Location Length & Type Clear Roadway i Condition Proposed Treatment (check one) Use in Place New Bridge Estimated Length of new bridge Bridge No. 3 Location Length & Type Clear Roadway Condition Proposed Treatment (check one) Use in Place New Bridge Estimated Length of new bridge Railroad Crossing Information . Name of Railroad How many railroad crossings How many tracks Two copies for Lincoln Office t. RESOLUTION (Program) 78-7-18.5'" ADAMS County Project No. (To be assigned later) WHEREAS: Certain roads and streets in said County have been designated as being eligible for Federal funds by the Federal Highway Administration in compliance with Federal Laws pertaining thereto,` and, WHEREAS: Said County desires to improve a certain portion of the County Road System in said County more fully described hereinafter, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Department of Roads is hereby requested to act for said County and to program for construction that portion of County Road described as BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST (Use legal subdivisions for termini.) • CORNER OF SECTION 33. T7N-R9W AND RUNNING THENCE NORTH 4.0 MILES TO INTERSECT WITH HIWAY #6 AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION I6, ". Y' T7N-R9W ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA and which construction includes: (Check each orie) Grading ( ), Culverts ( ), Bridges ( ), Surfacing (x ), or other improvement to wit: 21/2" MINIMUM x 22' ASPHALTIC CONCRETE (OVERLAY), TYPE B The ESTIMATED cost of such improvement , Grading and Culverts Miles New Bridges: Length Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft (SEE REVERSE SIDE OF FORM) y, Low Type Surfacing, Depth 21/2" MIN . Width 22 ° Miles 4.0 . $ 96,000.0 And Surveys and Plans (If Federal Aid not requested - indicate NONE) Right of Way (If Federal Aid not requested - indicate NONE) ESTIMATED Total for Project NONE NON Surveys"and Plans will be made by ADAMS COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT.' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Chairman of the County Board is authorized to sign this resolution on behalf of said Board and that the County Board hereby approves the above contemplated construction prior to first submitting of said project to the Federal Highway Administration. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That sufficient funds of said County are now, or will be, available and are hereby pledged to the Department of Roads in the amount and at the required time for `the purpose of matching Federal Funds available for the contemplated construction. Adopted this HASTINGS ATTEST: 18th` day of . ULY , Nebraska. ne FICE USE 7zt ;19 78'',at THE BOARD OF COUNTY 'SUPERVTSOit ADAMS OF , COUNTY sv_ Chairman BOARD MEMBER moved the ado tion of said resolution Roll Call: yea, Resolution adopted, signed,` p and bled as . adopted (OVER) Sample of Pod "Information Required Location Between Sec. 1 and 2, t.8N., R.1W. Length & Type 1-70' span pony truss and 2-20' I-beam approach spans Clear Roadway, (To be measured between inside of curbs), 18' - 4" Condition of Bridge Timber floor and backwalls - poor Proposed Treatment: Is the Bridge to be used in place Or is New Bridge to be built Yes Estimated Length of new bridge 150' (Show estimated cost of each new bridge on front of form Bridge No. 1 Location Length & Type Clear Roadway Condition Proposed Treatment ` (check one) Use in Place New Bridge Bridge No. 2 Location Length & Type Clear Roadway Condition Proposed Treatment (check one) Use in Place New Bridge Estimated Length of new bridge Bridge No. 3 LocationLength & Type Clear Roadway Condition Proposed Treatment (check one) Use in Place New Bridge Estimated Length of new bridge Railroad Crossing Information UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Name of Railroad RESOLUTION (Program) Two copies for Lincoln Office 7.8-.7-18.6 ADAMS Project No. (To be assigned eater) un WHEREAS: Certain roads and streets in said County have been designated as being eligible for Federal funds by the Federal Highway Administration in compliance with Federal Laws pertaining thereto, and, ti. WHEREAS: Said County desires to improve a certain portion of the County Road System in said County, more fully described hereinafter, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Department of Roads is hereby reques d to act for said County and to BGINNING AT THE,SOUTHWES' program for construction that portion of County Road described as (tlse legal subdivisions for termini.) { • CORNER OF SECTION 19, T8N-R12W AND RUNNING THENCE NORTH 3.5 MILES TO THE SOUTH CHANNEL OF THE PLATTE RIVER IN SECTION 6, T8N-R12W; ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA and which construction includes: (Check each one) Grading ( ), Culverts ( ), Bridges ( ), Surfacing ()(), or other improvement to wit: 2k MINIMUM x 22' ASPHALTIC CONCRETE (OVERLAY), TYPE B The ESTIMATED cost of such improvement Grading and Culverts Miles New Bridges: Length Ft. Ft. Ft. Ft (SEE REVERSE SIDE OF FORM) Low Type Surfacing, Depth 24" M I N , Width 22 ' Miles 3.5 4 $ 80,000.0 And Surveys and Plans (If Federal Aid not requested - indicate NONE) Right of Way (If Federal Aid not requested - indicate NONE) $ ESTIMATED Total for Project Surveys and Plans will be made by ADAMS COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT. NONE NONE' SO.non. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Chairman of the County Board is authorized to sign this resolution on behalf of said Board and that the County Board hereby approves the above contemplated construction prior to first submitting of said project to the Federal Highway Administration. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That sufficient funds of said County are now, or will be, available, and are hereby pledged to the Department of Roads in the amount and at the required time for the purpose of matching Federal Funds available for the contemplated construction. Adopted this 18th day of JULY S . Nebraska. ;19 78 ,at ^xslJ THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS ADAMS ,' &.4.--....----4/-4---, � OF r C • UNTY r- unty Cler ��; Chairman .�' . ; �- OFFICE USE BOARD MEMBER if� - J .aii Pro ' = : moved the ad ptilon of said resolution Route No Roll Call: _ ' .yea, 22.�-x'"-'' aay ' Name of Road Resolution adopted, signed, and billed as adopted (OVER). Sample of Bridgejnformation Required Location Between Sec. 1 and 2 t.8N. R.1W. Length & Type 1-70' span pony truss and 2-20' I-beam approach spans Clear Roadway, (To be measured between inside of curbs), 18' - 4" Condition of Bridge Timber floor and backwalls - poor Proposed Treatment: Is the Bridge to be used in place No Or is New Bridge to be built Yes Estimated Length of new bridge 150' (Show estimated cost of each new bridge on front of form) Bridge No. 1 Location Length & Type Clear Roadway Condition Proposed Treatment (check one) Use in Place New Bridge Estimated Length of new bridge._._.._ Bridge No. 2 Location Length & Type Clear Roadway Condition Proposed Treatment (check one) Use in Place New Bridge Estimated Length of new bridge Bridge No. 3 Location Length & Type Clear Roadway Condition Proposed Treatment (check one) Use in Place New Bridge Estimated Length of new bridge Name of Railroad Railroad Crossing Information How many railroad crossings xx How many tracks - SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 331 Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that we authorize the chairman to sign the letter of request to accompany the seven resolutions. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Jim DeMuth and members from the South Central Board of Directors aPeered to request funding for the next fiscal budget. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Burr that we accept the resignation of Sheriff Robert Anderson effective July 31, 1978 and thank him for sixteen years of service to Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Tripp that we table for one week any deci- sion concerning naming anyone as sheriff for the remainder of the unexpired term. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that we request an audit of the Sheriff's office in Adams County, Nebraska as of July 31, 1978. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Tripp that we approve the arplication of Victor Bruckman to constrict a principal residence facility under the provisions of Sec 5-102 of the Zoning ordinance on the following described tract of land, to wit: W 213 ft of the S410 ft. of the N 1260 ft of the W1/2 of the SW3/4, Section 2, T5N, R9W, Little Blue Township, Adams County, Nebraska, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Sole that we instrict the County Attorney to appeal the Roberta Wolfe Case to District Court under the provisions of Sec. 84-917. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Public hearing was held for the purpose of hearing suggestions and requests for the expenditures of Revenue Sharing money for Adams County. No persons appeared for the hearing. The Board will plan for the expenditures with the remainder of budget planning for the County. Steven Scherr appeared to make a request that the Board consider using the former Adams County Nursing Home as a Boys Group Home. He will return at a later date with a more detailed proposal. Motion by Tr'np, seconded by Kailey that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussion of salaries and personnel. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Executive session began at 2:00 P.M. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Sole that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 3:10 P.M. 3, 2 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Work continued on budget document. Motion by Burr, seconded by Kailey that this Board hold Executive Session for the nurrose of discussion of personnel. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Executive session began at 4:00 P.M. Motion by Sole, seconded by Tripp that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 4:45 P.M. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that we accept and place on file the inventory as prepared by Campus House. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that the Chairman be authorized to sign the application for tax exemption for Lots 4, Lot 5, (Ex. West 5' thereof), and all of Lots 7, 8, and 9, Block 5, Berlin's Addition to the City of Hastings, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that we accept the resignation of Don Rabbe with regret and thank him for his years of loyalty and dedicated service. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Goble that the Claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. REVENUE SHARING FUND Nebraska Tractor Capitol Outlay $18,250.00 'WEED CONTROL FUND Weed Control Salaries 2,280.60 FEDERAL GRANT FUND Laurie Beth Hardin Salary 733.53 STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND State Administration Office Salaries 14,028.00 United States Postmaster Postage 300.00 Duthie, Eva B. Prior Service 14.00 County Library Road Anderson, Roy COUNTY LIBRARY Salaries ROAD FUND Salaries Prior Service 1,026.81 22,852.70 25.00 • SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 311,-)3 Austin, Weslie Harpham, Gilbert Mousel, Virgil Nebr. Dept, of Roads Poore, Delbert Stromer, Paul Struss, Lambert R. L.J. Vontz Construction Co., Witt, Lloyd County Extnesion Office Adams Co. Ambulance Service Clerk of the District Court County Assessors Office Data Processing County Attorney's Office County Supervisors County Clerk's Office County Sheriffs Office Jail Dept. County Superintendent County Treasurer Courthouse Janitors Juvenile Probation County Register of Deeds Veterans Service Office Planning & Zoning Office Public Defender Office County Landfill Burchard, Minnie M Gartner, Rena Hastings Typewriter Co. Hayen, Rachel Lincoln Telephone Co. Office of Public Defender Register of Deeds Reutlinger, Lila Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Road Projects Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Inc Gravel Prior Service GENERAL FUND Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Prtor Service Prior Service Service Prior Service Service & Toll Charges Office Expenses Postage Prior Service 25.00 14.00 12.00 94,463.94 25.00 13.00 12.00 463.10 22..00 4,466.77 7,007.00 2,343.25 4,503.30 1,325.00 6,532.23 3,150.00 4,042.83 10,696.18 4,363.00 1,358.00 4,617.22 1,934.40 737.16 2,691.64 1,877.00 2,205.46 2,335.00 128.14 14.00 25.00 10.61 25.00 71.09 647.53 5.60 14.00 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board. /8/ County Clerk SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday July 25, 1978 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Tripp, absent. Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Tripp entered meeting at 10:00 A.M. Motion by Burr, seconded by Kailey that we approve the appointment of Greg Magee to fill the unexpired term for Sheriff, said appointment to be effective August 1, 1978. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. LuWane Nelson appeared to discuss the budget request for Highway Safety funds within the Road budget. The Board indicated arproval of the $210. request and will plan for that amount in the budget document. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Goble that we approve the appointment of Max Prostok to the South Central Community Mental Health Board of Directors. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripn, Burr and Lightner. Nays: Sole. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that the budget for Adams County be as prepared by the budget making authority and instruct the County Clerk to advertise the public hearing for August 15, 1978 at 10:00 A.M. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. , ...... /s/ County Clerk Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 1, 1978 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Sole, Burr and Lightner, Tripp, absent. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Motion by Kailey, seconded by Burr that this Meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An Agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Sole that we approve the bond of Greg Magee as Adams County Sheriff in the amount of $10,000. Roll call all voted aye. Motion carried. Gregg Magee was sworn in as Sheriff for the remainder of the term by Anita Hawes, County Clerk. Hazel Oches appeared to speak in behalf of continuing funding the South Central Community Mental Health Center. Roger Parks gave a report of the progress of road work in the county. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that we authorize the purchase of one Ingersol Rand air compressor from Lincoln Equipment for $8,998. Roll Call all voted aye. Motion carried. Mrs. Quirk presented the CTCC budget for the coming fiscal year. Motion by Burr, seconded by Kailey that we of Bill Sole to the Advisory Board to CTCC Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Burr and Lightner abstaining. Motion carried. approve the appointment . Roll call, ayes: . Tripp, absent. Sole, Dona Krueger appeared to voice her concern with the Board's decision not to fund the Community mental health center. She questioned the Board at length about,the reasons for their decision. Motion by Kailey seconded by Hoagland that we authorize the Chairman to sign the purchase agreement with CES Votomatic Systems for equipment to be delivered for use for the coming General Election. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 8, 1978 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Cailey, Tripp, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Motion by Burr, seconded by Tripp that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that we approve the agreement with Werner Construction Co. to crown the median at Industrial Park West for a cost of $1.10 per square foot for an area of approx. 2056 Sq.ft. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Jim DeMuth appeared in behalf of South Central Community Mental Health Center to request $17,672.28 in funding for the next fiscal year. Much discussion followed the request. Motion by Sole that we fund South Central Community Mental Center at the amount requested, $17,672.28. Motion died for lack of a second. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that we table any decision on reconsideration of funding until such time as contact can be made with' the Regional Governing Board as to their decision concerning a separate program administrator. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Tripp. Nays: Sole, Burr and Lightner. Motion carried. Dona Krueger appeared asking many questions concerning the reasons Adams County was reluctant to fund South Central Community Mental Center. Motion by Burr, seconded by Kailey that we approve the purchase of one ambulance from Dietz Co., in Wichita, Kansas for a purchase price of $13,500 to 14,000. with trade, ambulance to be mounted on Chev. Chassis Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Sole that the reports of Ambulance (4) County Clerk, Car Titles, Register of Deeds (3) Clerk of District Court, VDistress Warrants, Library, Sheriff be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Burr that we authorize the Chairman to sign the Statement of Assurances for Revenue Sharing Funds for Entitlement Period 10. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Tripp that we approve the release of Custody receipt 963891 2 in the amount of $50,000. by First National Bank. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Tripp that we approve the bond of Peggy Sader as Deputy Sheriff in the amount of $10,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded Anderson in the amount of by the board. Roll call, Motion by Tripp, seconded part of this Supervisors' Motion carried. Receipt#321 #322 #323 #3 24 #325 #326 by Burr that we reject the claim of Mary E $217.45 as these purchases were not approved all voted aye. Motion carried. by Goble that the Misc. receipts be made a Proceedings. Roll call, all voted aye. City of Hastings Co. Sheriff Blue Hill Livestock Kearney Livestock Commission Adams County Bank Co. Clerk $1049.08 9.46 174.30 372.85 1849.00 66.04 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA #327 #328 #329 #330 0331 0332 #333 0334 #335 0336 0337 0338 #339 0340 #341 0342 0343 #344 0345 #346 #347 0348 0349 #350 0351 #352 0353 0354 #355 0356 0357 0358 #359 #360 #361 #362 0363 0364 0365 0366 0367 0368 0369 #370 0371 #372 #373 0374 0375 #376 #377 0378 0379 0380 #381 #382 0383 #384 #385 0386 0387 0388 0389 #390 #391 First National Bank County Court County Court County Court County Clerk County Court County Court State of Nebr. State of Nebr. Reg. of Deeds Village of Juniata Adams Co Ambulance Service Adams Co Ambulance Service County Court City National Bank First National Bank First National Bank Hall County Treasurer Hall County Treasurer Hall County Treasurer Hall County Treasurer Hall County Treasurer Hall County Treasurer Hall County Treasurer Cornhusker Casualty Co. School Dist.018 Juniata School Dist.#1 County Hiway Dept County Court Clay Co. Treasurer Clay Co. Treasurer Clay Co. Treasurer Clay Co. Treasurer Clay Co. Treasurer Nuckolls Co. Treasurer Thayer Co. Treasurer Adams Co. Ambulance Service Clay County Treas. Webster County Treas. Webster County Treas. Webster County Treas. Campus House Inc. Relief -Medical Adams Co. Court First National Bank First Natl Bank Harlan County Midland Area Agency on Aging Midland Nutrition Project for Clerk of District Court County Clerk County Clerk Jacqueline Salazar Webster Co. Treasurer Burlington Northern Jutta M Kirkover U.S. Treasury Webster Co. Treas. Fillmore Co. Treas. Holstein School Dist. 011R Adams Co. Noxious Weed Village of Ayr Adams Co. Ambulance City of Hastings First Natl Bank $1664.38 735.00 7813.50 6061.92 .35 25.00 347.65 16000.00 44313.43 1367.30 197.84 770.60 428.10 430.00 2335.62 2335.62 148.63 2423.98 417.78 89.28 225.18 65.72 86.18 20.75 89.34 4868.42 160.38 122.69 25.00 191.00 144.00 424.00 1909.00 186840. 652.14 717433 479.30 587.17 2.73 78.00 75.93 235.00 6500.00 1740.45 123.29 1227.40 782.58 137.00 Elderly 73.00 1110.50 416.00 2210.50 3.00 12.81 2206.66 3.00 43390.00 799.99 652.14 163.30 359.00 112.56 399.50 250.00 6904.11 3e..^3. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA #392 Clerk of Dist Court #393 Ann's Coffee Shop #394 Roseland State BAnk #395 Register of Deeds #396 State of Nebr. #397 Adams Co. Ambulance Service #398 State of Nebraska #399 State of Nebr. #400 Wm. G. Cambridge (Adams Co. #401 Co. Sheriff #402 Adams County Court #403 Marcia Hoppens #404 Aldean Moore P.R. #405 Clerk of Dist. Court #406 State of Nebr. #407 Adams Co. Ambulance Service #408 County Court #409 Ralph V Phelps #410 Adams Co. Hiway Dept #411 Adams County Court #412 Register of Deeds #413 Adams Co. Hiway Dept #414 Ralph Reichstein (Adams Co Court) #415 Register of Deeds #416 Adams Co Ambulance S =rvice #417 Adams Co. Court Court) 185.50 25.00 2750.00 2891.35 11310.75 766.00 6962.00 12109.00 1747.90 673.08 150.00 3.00 830.94 131.50 2482.00 594.00 747.53 10.00 2.00 36.90 7.50 201.98 874.14 5.60 579.50 360.00 Motion by Kailey seconded by Burr that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. MEDICAL RELIEF FUND Douglas County Sheriff Dave & Gretchen Davis L. L. Morris(Revolving fund) Nebr. Dept of Pub. Welfare Pooh Corner #V Pooh Corner #V Rutt's Pharmacy Rutt's Pharmacy Paul Struss PaulStruss Dr. Tom F Tonniges Platte County Sheriff Service Foster Care Expenses Payment Services Services Supplies Supplies Foster Care Foster Care Foster Care Service STATE ADMINISTRATIVE FUND Acme Printing Co. Peggy Borrell Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Dr. E. J. Dean .-1 Dr. Elmer E Glenn Hastings State B_.;nk Margaret Hinrichs Dr. D. W. Kingsley, Sr Lincoln Telephone Co. Donna Lurz Garnet Meyer National Automobile Dealers Penny Newquist Dr. Dale L Nitzel Pat Osman Republic National Life Ins. marlys Schmidt 10.00 102.50 207.80 44,611.84 60.00 30.00 4.25 3.95 290.00 190.00 57.00 10.00 Office Supplies Mileage Office Supplies Bulletin Professional Services Professional Services Services Mileage Professional Services 200.50 6.72 407.01 5.00 20.00 10.00 9.30 4.00 30.00 Services & Toll Charges169.38 Mileage 51.39 Mileage & Meals 19.15 Subscription 16.00 Mileage 19.52 Professional Services 10.00 Mileage 55.36 Insurance 514.81 Mileage 13.92 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Dr. Robert Smith Beverly J Soterin United States Postmaster Sheila Williamson Laurie B Hardin Anstine Roofing Co. Carl S Becker Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. IBM Professional Mileage Postage Mileage FEDERAL GRANT FUND Mileage REVENUE SHARING Services Repairs Services Supplies Capitol Outlay STATE INSTITUTIONS Beatrice State Develop Clanter Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care WEED CONTROL FUND Centra Chemical Services Glenwood Telephone Co. Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas Co. Klein &Manske Insurance Agency Jai nkes Supply K1oke Conoco Kuhlman Repair Republic National Life Insurance Roseland Coop Roseland Sundries Southern Nebraska Public Power Albert Trausch Baker & Taylor Companies Childrens Press Hastings Public Library Republic Natl Life Ins Services Services Service Insurance Supplies Supplies Repairs Co Insurance Supplies Supplies Service Repairs COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Supplies Supplies Services Insurance ROAD FUND ADams Co. Hwy Dept Barco Municipal Products Beal Tire Co. Big G Ace Hardware Buffalo Motel Case Power & Equipment Clarke Oil Company Commercial Electronics Coop Grain & Supply Delken Press Dutton Lainson Co. Farmers Union Coop Gas & 011 Firestone Stores Friends Motor Garvey Elevators Girnton Auto Supply Glenwood Telephone Misc. Supplies Supplies Supplies & Services Misc. Supplies Supplies S 2rvice & Repair Supplies Supplies Supplies Co. Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Services &: Toll Charges 11.00 24.80 300.00 7.68 • 28.97 880.00 1,177.75 188.10 711.00 1,260.00 4,647.34 2,502.00 99.20 615.00 69%70 4145 3.24 564.41 43.15 39.70 498.51 94.45 121.35 5.06 8.47 27.00 50.06 59.40 491.08 29.41 20.89 82.12 58.00 631.18 27.04 5.90 1,334.38 76.05 8.00 15.45 90.32 803.88 708.05 207.70 68.05 2.00 28.38 4.) SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA T COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA sday, August 1, 1978. 9:30A.m. (Resume of ori 'nal Minutes on file in the County Clerk's Offi .) The regular meeting o the Adams County Board of Sup xvisors was held as per public notice giv with Ed Lightner,Chair n, presiding. Roll call, members present: oagland,Goble, aley,Sole,Burr and Lightner. Tripp, absent. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Bchau his meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of t. Adams Coun Board of Supervisors and public notice of this eeting has been gi -4 by publication in the Hastings Daily Tr" ne and by posting. An ag--4a was available to the members and agenda was kept currently amended d posted in the County Clerk Office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion arried. Mot i y Hoagland, seconded by Sole that we approve the bond o g Magee as AdamsCounty (Above Grace's Bike & Key Shop H & M Equipment Co. H & N Mobile Service Hastings Assoc. Ins Agents Hastings Assoc. Inc. Agents Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Diesel Service Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Harold Heuertz Hoskins Western Sonderegger Hunts Garage Jahnkes Agri -home Center Johnson CashWay Lumber Laird. Motors Inc. Lambrecht Petroleum Inc. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Mr. Automotive Modern Linen Service National Assoc. of Co Engineers Nebraska Correctional Ind. Nebraska Public Power Nebraska Tractor & Equip. Nikkila Bros. Const. Odorite Co. L. L. Olsen Oil Co. P P G Industries Republica National Life Ins. Rockmount Research 86 Alloys Inc. S.E.Smith & Sons Shaws Service Shermans Service Center Southern Power Dist. Mr Transit L. J. Vontz Const.Co Inc L J. Vontz Const.Co Inc L. J. Vontz Const.Co Inc. Werner Const.Co Inc Werner Construction Inc Wheelers Wheeler St Regis Paper Co • Z Equipment Co. Acme Printing Co. AdamsCounty Clerk Adams CountyCourt Adams County Extension Office Adams County Senior Handi-Bus AdamsCounty Treasurer Allen's of Hastings Inc. American Fire Control had been listed previously) il Service & Supply Supplies Supplies Insurance Insurance Service & Repair Service & Repair Supplies Service Service Mileage Engineering Servicew Repair Supplies Supplies Service Supplies Supplies Service & Toll Chgs. Supplies Service Supplies Supplies Service Services Expenses Services Supplies Supplies Insurance Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Service Supplies Expense & Expense & Expense & Contract Hot Mix Supplies Supplies Supplies Service Service Service GENERAL FUND Supplies Expense Service Expenses Expense Postage Supplies Equipment & Supplies 1)1.25 1,048.43 22.65 2,893.96 10 470.20 63.05 318.07 23.60 95.94 24.35 13.76 3663.95 5.00 63.55 6.00 12.38 663.81 538.24 119.15 342.19 18.13 25.00 521.40 5.14 195.50 12,663.74 3.75 3,106.07 83.82 795.05 140.30 17.18 266.02 417.66 40.71 35.22 6,240,30 48,308.79 4,295.34 21,266.28 2,618.66 14.92 8,338.81 17.74 15.50 3.00 363.02 11.60 1,224.05 154.65 308.98 394.53 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA American. Marketing International Supplies Robert G.Anderson,Sheriff Matron Fees & Food for Robert G Anderson,Sheriff Art Williams Ind. Chem. Lab Art Williams Ind. Chem. Lab Bancroft -Whitney Co. Bank Card Service Center Benjamin & Associates, Inc. Mrs.Glenn Berg The Big G Ace Hardware Big G Ace Hardware Susan Br0wn Bryan Jensen Clothing Burroughs Corp. Burroughs Corp. Business Supply Co.,Inc. Maurine Butterfield Campus House Inc. Carey's Pest Control,Inc. Cash -Ya Candy Co Central Glass Co. Certified Labs City of Hastings Clay County News Clerk of the District Court Commercial Electronics,Inc. Community Living of NE INC Conway & Connolly, Attys Cooperative Service Asso. Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Credit Burezu of Hastings Inc Crowley's Deluxe Cleaning Service Dept of Public Welfare Mrs. Karen Dieken Dunmire & Blessing Eakes Office Equipment Co. Eastman Kodak Co. Ed's Pharmacy Ed's Pharmacy Extension Service Petty Cash Richard Fischer Marilyn Fox Friends Motor Supply Friends Motor Supply General Electric Co Grace's Bike & Key Shop Green Body & EquipmentCo. Gordon L Hansen Gordon I, Hansen Gerald Hartman Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Expenses Services Mileage Supplies Supplies Mileage & Expenses Supplies Lease Payment Supplies Supplies Services Care Service Supplies Supplies Supplies Expenses Subscription Court Cases Service Foster Care ProfessionalServices Supplies Printing Printing Bulletin Supplies Service Overpayment Mileage Attorney fees Supplies Service Supp lies Supplies Supplies Telephone Service Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Service & Repair Mileage Fair Expenses Mileage MarvinC Hartman Expenses Hastings Assoc. of Ins Agents Ins. Hastings Assoc of Ins Agents Ins. Hastings Associates of Ins.Agentslns. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Janitorial Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding SupplyCo. Anita Hawes,Co.Clerk Anita Hawes, Co.Clerk Orville Hoagland Mrs. Lawrence Hoffman The Hotel Clarke Errol Hoyt IBM Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Burdett Johnson Expenses Supplies Supplies Utilities Utilities Utilities Expense Expense Expense Expense Mileage Expenses FosterCare Service & Supplies Supplies Mileage 90.91 Prisoners 1,526.50 2,239.00 176.70 122.50 27.25 320.89 5,548.80 7.21 4.29 6.53 33.40 6o.00 299.00 1,648.08 377.98 119.79 565.32 32.50 43.55 139.34 325.50 1,673.18 7.50- 6,369.61 101.20 200.34 262.50 559.13 198.89 18963 10.00 46.00 188.25 150.56 9.25 418.85 1,568.49 66.20 16.25 2.00 19.47 81.21 67.35 5.84 5.47 896.00 7.95 73.00 4o.00 600.00 13.84 21.45 1,843.04 33,323.12 1,279.68 419.20 76.86 198.47 200.19 3,640.41 5,327.01 22.00 6.25 4.00 357.34 9.08 40.53 140.00 1,037.27 10.35 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Mrs. Howard Junker Kindig Printing Service Thordis Kleager Laird Motors Inc. Laird Motors Inc Lincoln Telephone Co. Little Falls Paper Co. Martin Flag Co Michael V Kleppinger, D.S.S. Laird MotorsInc. Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Max Miller Cameras Meister Publishing Co Beverly Mobley Irwin L Mobley Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Modern Methods, Inc. Modern Methods, Inc. Modern Methods, Inc. Monroe Calculator Co. Moore Business Forms Inc. Moore Business Forms Inc Moore Business Forms Inc. Bev & Gordon Muller Bev & Gordon Muller P.S.S. Murthy, M.D. P.S.S. Murthy,M.D. P.S.S. Murthy, M.D. Myers,Refrigeration Inc. NEC America Inc Nelson Harding Yeutter & Leonard Luwane Nelson Luwane Nelson Cathy Norris Pettit Towing Service Platte Valley Communications Platte Valley Communications Police Chiefs & Sheriffs Info Postmaster Powell Tower Maintenance,Inc. P P G Industrials Inc. Receiving Messengers Redfield & Co. Redfield & Co RepublicaNatl Life Ins LeRoy Samuelson Schafer Printing Co Schafer Printing Co Schafer Printing Co Schafer Printing Co Kay Schneider Les Seiler Edward Sempet Ben Sherman's Stewart Plumbing Co. PaulSwanson Judy Taylor Thompson Co Inc Thomsen Oil Co Julie Trupp University of Missouri University Publishing Co. Jackie Waits Don Wellensiek Willsie Cap & Gpwn Co Williams Exterminating Co Winkelbauer Studio Maxine Winkler Woodward's Disposal Service World Chemical Products Inc Xerox Corp. Xerox Corp. Mileage Supplies Foster Care Supplies Supplies Service & Toll Charges Supplies Supplies Service Services Servicew Supplies Subscription Mileage & Meals Mileage & Meals Service Service Service Supplies Service Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Foster Care Foster Care ProfessionalService Professional Service Professional Service Repairs Repair Services & Expenses Expenses Mileage Expenses, Mileage & Meals Service Supplies & Repairs Supplies & Repairs Supplies Postage Rental Supplies Survey Supplies Supplies Ins. Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Jury Supplies Fee Foster Care Uniforms Repairs Mileage Mileage Supplies Supplies Mileage Renewal Supplies Expense Mileage Supplies Service Supplies Mileage Service & Rental Supplies MachineRental Service 7.89 504.07 125.00 10.50 18.58 1,961.25 157.41 45.65 32.00 25.75 90.00 82.15 6,00 22.77 112.56 16,70 88.35 23.20 154.00 55.00 182.87 58.00 185.48 564.45 144.53 150.0o 169,70 250.00 250.00 250.00 22.50 20.79 74.00 17.32 126.55 278.91 25.00 602.30 36.12 22.50 2,000.00 105.00 14.50 140.00 77.88 106.26 2.604.17 6.87 23.75 21.98 3.25 13.41 7.52 100.00 140.00 223.97 51.38 69.94 8.48 36.55 150.24 5.34 6.00 159.71 11.00 10.95 100.27 7.00 11.00 5.76 51.46 127.54 120.00 160.00 RESOLUTION 7g-8— WHEREAS, there has been signed by Adataz County on the 28th day of,_ ,t,e , 19 76 , and the State on the._I3th_day of Ocher 19 76 , an agreement providing for the construction of a Federal Aid Secondary Road beginning at a .point .ai.Hrvxiraately _L.,C00 feat north-of.t2.ie.Szutheast Corner of Section 9� Township 5 North, PanRe 11 West t And runnins north across the Little 111ue River a distance of approafmately 7 00() feet , and WHEREAS, in the above agreement, the County has pledged sufficient funds to finance its share of the cost of the construction of this project identified as No. SOS -7001(3) and WHEREAS, the above mentioned agreement provided that the County would pay all of the non -Federal costs of this project, and WHEREAS, the State received bids for the construction of this project on pi,pnat 1, 1978 at which time 5 bids were (xis) received for the construction of the proposed work, and WHEREAS, the following contractork for the items of work listed have been selected as the low bidders to whom a contract (unittagkli should be awarded: Capital Brid4T Company, Lincoln, Nebraska; Grading,, Apprepates—Cravel, Bridpe. Guard Fail; 5144,731.05, NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above facts, the Board of Supervisors of Adarls County, by this resolution, takes the following official action: 1. If for any reason the Federal Highway Administration recinds, limits its obligations, or defers payment of the Federal share of the cost of this project, the County hereby agrees to provide the necessary funds to pay for all costs incurred until and in the event such federal funds are allowed and paid. 2. The Board hereby concurs in the selection of the above mentioned contractors for the items of work listed, to whom a contract should be awarded. 3. The Board hereby authorizes the Chairman to sign a contract Qsrs with the above mentioned contractor cexactatrelktalbtrxxtithot#0btabott for the above mentioned work. 4. The Board does not desire to perform any of the work with its own forces in lieu of performing the work by the contract method. DATED THIS l� ZZ) DAY OF /e, A D., 197. BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVI ,QRs OF APA?S : COUNTY. Ch Board Member moved the adoption of said resolution on. Roll Call• lt7 yea, nay. Resolution adopted, signed and billed as adopted. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA TheBoard will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. /s/ Anita Hawesa- /s/ County Clete /s/ Donna Hansen Deputy COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 15, 197u. 9:30 A.M. (Resume of original minutes on file in the County Clerk's Office) Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll Call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey,Tripp,Burn and Lightner, Absent, Sole. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried. Police Chief Ruberson appeared with the Sheriff to discuss briefly the charge for board for prisoners for those arrested by the City. The departments were requested to research the statutes and see what agreements could be worked out. Sole entered meeting at 9:40 A.M. Motion by Burr,Seconded by Goble that we authorized the Chairman to sign the Contracts with L. J. Vontz Construction Co. for project RS -2020(1) and RS2175(1); Project RS2040(2) and RS2197(1) and RS 2145(1), RS -2145(2), and RS -2104(2). Motion by Goble seconded by Tripp that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 78-8-15 C5-ee n rt) A resolution concurring in the selection of Capital Bridge Company as low bidder for the construction Doi' a bridge identified as Project SOS -7001 (3). Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Goble that the Chairman be authorized to sign Supplemental Agreement to extend Project RS -2185(11) and RS -2185(3), Prosser South. Roll Call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Tripp that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION 78-8-15.1 RESOLUTION OF ADOPTION AND APPROPRIATION COUNTY BUDGET WHEREAS, a proposed County Budget for the Fiscal year 7-1-78 to 6-O-79, prepared by the Budget Making Authority, was transmitted to the County Board on the 28th day of July, 1978, and WHEREAS, a summary of such proposed Budget, together with a Notice of Public Hearing to be held on the 15th day of August, 1978, was published in the Hastings Daily Tribune, legal newspaper, on the 4th day of August 197 and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held, pursuant to said published notice, on the 15th day of August, 1978 and WHEREAS,as action of the State Board of Equalization has been had and certified to the County Clerk. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of CountySupervisors of AdamsCounty, Nebraska, as follows: Section 1, That the Budget for the Fiscal Year, 7-1-78 to 6-30-79 as categorically evidenced by the Budget Document be, and the same hereby is, adopted as the Budget for AdamsCounty for said fiscal year. Section 2. That the office, departments, activites and institutions SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA herein before named are hereby authorized to expend the amounts herein before appropriated to them during the fiscal year beginning July 1,1978, and ending June 30, 1979. Section 3. That the income necessary to finance the appropriations made and expenditures authorized shall be provided out of the unencumbered cash balance in each fund, revenues other than taxation to be collected during the fiscal year in each fund, and tax levy requirements for each fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion. carried. by Motion by Kailey, seconded/Tripp that we include as part of the Budget message approval for a Revolving Fund in theWelfare Department in the amount of $250.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion. carried. Motion. by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 6852 through 6859. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion. carried. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that we accept with regret the resignation. of Howard Hansen as an alternate member for AdamsCounty on the South Central Community Mental Health Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion. by Goble, seconded by Burr that we authorize the Treasurer to pay from the Estray fund the claim of Wayne Mousel in the amount of 897.30 and to pay Walter Eckhardt $174.30. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Burr that any employee complete a six month probation period before being eligible for annual wage increases. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Boarc. of Supervisors. Anita Hawes County Clerk 4 . -- Donna. Hansen Deputy Y c, ,t;4 „ r r••a :•zr • IT Cs - OUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 22, 1978. 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call members present : Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Absent: Tripp. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that this meeting is a regularly scheduled meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Charles Hastings appeared to file a claim in behalf of Pauley Lumber Company for materials supplies to Cossart for remodeling the County Attorney's office. The matter was referred to the County Attorney's office. Motion by Goble, seconded by Burr that John Halloran and Joseph DeMuth be appointed to the Board of Adjustments. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kailey that this Board has no objection to add the entire golf course to the licensed premises for Highland Operating Co., Lic. #H03644. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Goble that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and instructed to transfer $100,000 from Inheritance Fund to General Fund; and to Transfer S60,723.)49 from Inheritance Fund to Road Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Gregg Magee, Sheriff appeared to discuss charges for Board of Prisoners. Need of a committee was also discussed and it was recommended for the present time that the matters concerning sheriff's office and jail be referred to Buildings and Grounds Committee. Motion by Sole, seconded by Burr that we acde pt the low bid of General Electric Co. for 6 radios and sirens at $1,708. each. Roli call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The Board indicated approval of overtime for Sheriff's department after 4O hours at $5.00 per hour. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Sole that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Nebraska Tractor Weed Control Laurie Beth Hardin. REVENUE SHARING FUND Capitol Outlay WEED CONTROL FUND Salaries FEDERAL GRANT FUND Salary STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND State Administration Office United States Postmaster Duthie, Eva B County Library Road Anderson, Roy Austin,Weslie Harpham, Gilbert Mousel, Virgil Nebraska Dept. of Roads Poore, Delbert Stromer, Paul Struss, Lambert R L. J. Vontz Construction. Witt, Lloyd Salaries Postage Prior Service COUNTY LIBRARY Salaries ROAD FUND Salaries Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Road Projects prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Colnc Gravel Prior Service GENERAL FUND County Extension Office Salaries Adams County Ambulance Service Clerk of the District Court County Assessors Office Data Processing County Attorney's Office County Supervisors County Clerk's Office County Sheriffs Office Jail Dept. County Superintendent County Treasurer Courthouse Janitors Juvenile Probation County Register of Deeds Veterans Service Office Planning & Zoning Office Public Defender Office Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries 18,250.00 2,280.60 733.53 14,028.00 300.00 14.00 1,026.81 22,852.70 25.00 25.00 14.00 12.00 94,463.94 25.00 13.00 12.00 463.10 22.00 4,466.77 7,007,00 2,343.25 4 503.30 1,325.00 6,532.23 3,150.00 4,042.83 10,696.18 4,363.00 1,358.00 4,617.22 1,934.40 737.16 2,691.64 1,877.00 2,20546 2,335.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA County Landfill Burchard, Minnie M Gartner, Rena Hastings Typewriter Co. Hayen, Rachel Lincoln Telephone Co. Office of Public Defender Register of Deeds Reutlinger, Lila This Board will now recess Board. CountyCoUnty Clerk Salary Prior Service Prior Service Service Prior Service Service 84 Toll Charges Office Expenses Postage Prior Service subject to the call of the 128.14 14.00 25.00 10.61 25.00 71.09 647.58 5.60 14.00 Chairman of the COURTHOUSE, Hastings, Nebraska Tuesday, August 29, 1978. 9:30A.M. (Resume of original minutes on file in the County Clerk's Office.) The regular meeting of the Adams CountyBoard of Supervisors was held as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present; Hoagland,Goble, Kailey, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Tripp, absent. Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland this meeting is a. regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in. the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks gave a report of the progress of road work. The Board authorized Mr. Parks to rent an air compressor until arrival of the recently purchased machine. Motion :1 by Kailey, seconded by Hoagland that we approve the posting of Joint Custody receipt 7865 in the amount of ,'50,000 by Adams County Bank. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Goble that we approve the inventory for Jail, Sheriff's Office and Uniforms as submitted by Gregg Magee. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Sheriff Magee,Capt.Schamp from the Highway Patrol and representatives from Northwestern Bell and LincolnTelephone Co. appeared concerning a newer model teletype equipment. TheBoard will table a decision until further study can be made. Mr. Wenske appOared requesting a current policy concerning ambulance coverage at sports events. The Board approved the present policy of a charge of $25.00 for the unit and $5.00 per hour per person attending the unit. Motion by Sole, seconded by Kailey that as recommended by the Register of Deeds we authorize acquiring a 3M reader printer on a lease plan for $72.83 per month and a Minolta copier for a $90. monthly rental fee for use in the Register of Deeds office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to,,- e call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors G%;%pgx-ir.I) County Clerk 4-)\ f Chairman SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 29, 1978. 11:15A.M, The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of setting the levies for the various governmental sub-divisons, Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present; Noagland,Goble, Kailey,Sole,Burr and Lightner. Tripp absent. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Burr that we authorize the Chairman to sign the application for tax exemption for Y.M.C.A. for Blocks Nineteen (19) and Twenty (20) except the West Forty (40 feet thereon in Lowmanis North side Addition to the City of Hastings. Motion !by Tripp, seconded by Kailey that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 78-8-29 WHEREAS, Governmental subdivisions have adopted budgets for their respective subdivisions for the current fiscal year, and WHEREAS, these budgets have been forwarded to this levying board for the purpose of establishing a levy for property tax. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following are levies for fiscal 1978-79. SUBDIVISION LEVY IN MILLS ADAMS COUNTY General 5.18 Road 2.93 Relief Medical 2.35 Institutions .56 Court House Bond L19 Noxious Weed Control .33 Employment Security None Welfare Administration None Soldiers %. Sailors Relief None Federal Grants None Revenue Sharing None Inheritance None Nursing Home None MAAA None TOTAL COUNTY LEVY 11.54 Cities & Villages Hastings 21.22 Airport Authority .75 Juniata 19.13 .38 Bond Kenesaw 20.23 Ayr 10.25 Roseland 15.16 Holstein 21.67 _1.51 Ed Prosser .82 TOWNSHIPS West Blue Highland Verona Kenesaw Wanda Juniata Denver Blaine Hanover Ayr Roseland Cottonwood Logan Silver Lake Zero Little Blue SCHOOL DISTRICTS .93 .83 55 None .84 .28 .53 .31 .83 .54 .53 .)J4 1.09 3.05 .81 .86 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 1 (Juniata) 24.92 1.99 Old Bond 3.32 New Bond 8 Pauline 10.31 15 5.49 18 Hastings 54.13 3.29 Spec.Bldg. 1.17 New Bond 2.93 Old Bond 29 2.72 33 5.70 .43 Spec.Bldg. 42 (Roseland) 50.93 1.36 Old Bond 3.30 New Bond 53 (Ayr) 15.69 60 20.2h 1.69Bond 67-65 20.20 75 9.17 81 8.78 9A (Adams Central) 15.44 .h0 Spec. Bldg. 2.86 Bond FIRE DISTRICTS Roseland R.F.D. Holstein R.F.D. Juniata R.F.D. Hastings R.F.D. Glenvil R.F.D. .39 .79Sinking 1.06 1.03 Sinking 1.28 .68 Sinking .26 1.42 Sinking . 72 MISCELLANEOUS LEVIES Free High 15.58 Agricultural Society County Library Railroad Safety Transportation District SANITARY IMPROVEMENT Dist.#1 SANITARY IMPROVEMENT Dist. -,-//2 .23 .92 Capitol Projects .36 .O4 Sinking None 4.89 12.35 Bond 8.41 Levies were not set for School District 3R Kenesaw, 11R Holstein, and Kenesaw Rural Fire 'District because valuatiors 'Aare not available from Kearney County Levies will be set for these sub -divisions as soon as valuations from the other county are available. Levies are hereby accepted for other sub -divisions as certified by their levying boards. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. County Clerk - Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NFBRASKA Tuesday,September 5, 1978. 9:30 A.M. (Resume of original minutes on file in the CountyClerk's Office) The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per public notice given in the Hastings Daily Tribune, with Ed Lightner Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Kailey, Tripp,Sole, Burr and Lightner. Goble, absent. Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Goble entered meeting at 9:35 A.M. Bids were opened for a motor grader. Firms bidding were Construction Service Co.; Fehrs Tractor; Lincoln. EquipmentCo; and Nebraska Tractor. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Goble that we accept the low bid on. Option. 3 from. Lincoln Equipment for a 140G Caterpillar for $34,095. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Bids were received for furnishing two Trucks. Bids were referred to the Road Committee for study to determine low bid. Motion by Goble, seconded by Tripp that we authorize the chairman to sign the contract with Capital Bridge Co. for Project S)S-7001(3) in the amount of $144,731.05. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Motion by Tripp, seconded by Hoagland that we accept the proposal of Johnson Cash -Way Lumber Co. for drapery along the South side of the County Court rooms in the amount of $860. plus installation. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion bySole, seconded by Burr that resolution 78-9-5 be adopted. RESOLUTION 78-9-5. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Adams County Board of Supervisors designate the members of its Emergency Services Committee as the administrative arm of theCivil Defense office for the County. 1 It is requested that the Hastings City Council designate the city members of the Emergency Service Committee as the administrative arm of the Civil Defense office for the City of Hastings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Sole that the reports of Red Cross Swim Program,Clerk of District Court, (2), County Clerk, Car Titles, County Sheriff, Distress Warrants„Register of Deeds, Library,County Permits be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Tripp that the following miscellaneous receipts be made a part of this Supervisors proceedings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 418 County Clerk 37.97 419 Village of Kenesaw 3,310.75 420 Jim Rhodes 3.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 421 Adams Co.Court 50.00 422 Adams Co.Court 797.29 423 Adams County Hwy Dept 99.75 424 Adams CountyCourt 7,105.11 425 Adams CountyCourt 364.00 426 Adams Co.Senior ServicesInc368.00 427 State Administration 2,445.47 428 Register of Deeds 746.21 429 Register of Deeds 100.00 430 Adams Co.Ambulance Service 1772.00 431 Register of Deeds 6.65 432 State of Nebraska 45,410.36 433 Campus House,Inc. 265.00 434 Adams County Noxious Weed Control 5,006.20 435 First National Bank 8,821.92 436 Richard D Karre 3.00 437 Karen Schroer 3.00 438 First Natl.Bank 143.84 439 First Natl Bank 1,191.78 440 Adams CountyCourt 800.91 441 HallCo.Treasurer 89.61 442 HallCo.Treasurer 863.35 443 Hall Co.Treasurer 426.22 444 HallCo. Treasurer 69.47 445 HallCo Treasurer 49.79 446 HallCo Treasurer 22.53 447 HaliCo Treasurer 13.05 448 AdamsCo.Sheriff 1,688.11 449 City Natl.Bank & Trust Co 1,191.78 450 Adams Co.Ambulance Service 787.50 451 State of NEBR 19,000.00 452 Board of Education 6o„000.00 453 Midland Nutrition Project 73.00 454 Midland .AAA 137.00 455 Adams CountyClerk 332.72 456 AdamsCo. Hwy Dept 157.66 457 Marvin Hartman 9.19 458 First Natl Bank 127.40 459 First Natl.Bank 1,271.23 460 Register of Deeds 1,599.75 461 Jerry Archer 3.00 462 Adams County Ambulance 542.50 463 Adams Co.Sheriff 144.53 464 AdamsCounty Sheriff 91.6.03 465 Franklin CountyClerk 765.16 466 Hastings State Bank 1,633.56 467 Greg Magee, Co.Sheriff 21.42 468: Adams CountySheriff 444.50 469 Clerk of District Court 1,070.00 470 Clerk of DistrictCourt 323.82 471 Anita Hawes CountyClerk 2,335.00 472 Anita Hawes CountyClerk 603.25 473 State of Nebr. 6,962.00 474 State of Nebr. 12,109.00 475 First Natl Bank 2,383.56 476 Campus House Inc. 884.00 477 Adams CountyCourt 25.00 478 Adams CountyCourt 50.00 479 AdamsCounty Ambulance 731.12 480 Richard Karre 3.00 481 Adams County Court 1,025.52 482 AdamsCountyCourt 983.07 483 Sheriffs Office Misc.Acct 1.70 484 Platte County Sheriff 8.50 485 AdamsCounty Noxious Weecl 2,023.85 486 Hastings State Bank 3.29 487 Adams Co.Ambulance Services 335.00 488 Bobbie D Henry 140.00 489 City Engineering Dept 85.75 490 Adams CountyCourt 75.00 491 Adams CountyCourt 125.00 492 Annis Coffee Shop 25.00 493 Evelyn A Johnson Est 7,968.40 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 494 Adams Co.Court 495 Donald Plum 496 Adams County Court 497 Dutton Lainson Co. 498 Adams Co.Court 499 AdamsCounty Bank 500 Adams Kohl Insurance 501 Victor Weber Estate 934.16 33.48 50.00 100.00 20.34 3,625.00 93.00 599.95 Motion ;by Kailey seconded by Sole that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SOLDIERS & SAILORS RELTEF Veteran's Service Office Vet's Funds Dave & Gretchen Davis Dave & Gretchen Davis Fay's Drive -In Drugs Paul & Audrey Heifner Paul & Audrey Heifner Jack & Jill Stores Livingston-Butler-Volland Dr. Robert H McIntire Megrue-Price Funeral Home L.L. Morris (Revolving Fund) Nebraska Boys Ranch Nebr. Dept.Public Welfare Pooh Corner #V Redwood Motel So.Central Com. Mental Health Center Paul Struss Dr. Tom F Tonniges WalgreenDrug Store RELIEF MEDICAL Foster Care Foster Care Medicine Foster Care Foster Care Groceries Funeral Home Burial Professional Service Burial Gasoline Foster Care Vendor Payments Care Rent Adams Co.Clerk's Office Aliens of Hastings Peggy Borrell Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Dr. E. J. Dean Mary Fraser A David Harsh Margaret Hinrichs Dr. George Hoffmeister Deb Jacobsen Dr. David Krohn Lincoln Telephone Co. Donna Lurz Margaret Mauch Garnet Meyer Penny Newquist Pat Osman Republic National Life Dr.F. J. Rutt Marlys Schmidt Beverly Soterin Mary Thompson United States Postmaster Sheila Williamson Dr. John G. Yost Ins Glenwood Telephone Co. Kansas Nebraska Gas Co Kloke Conoco Kohtz Sales Company Lincoln Telephone Co. Republic National Life Ins.Co Insurance Southern Nebraska Public PowerUtilities Services Foster Care Professional Service Medicine STATE ADMINISTRATION Construction costs Supplies Mileage Supplies Bulletin Professional Service Mileage Milaage Mileage Profes sionalService Mileage ProfessionalService Service Mileage & Meals Mileage Mileage & Meal Mileage & Meals Mileage .Co Insurance Professional Service Mileage Mileage & Meal Mileage & Meals Postage Mileage & Meals Professional Service WEED CONTROL Service Gas Gasoline Repair Advertising 1,050.00 72.54 190.00 13.95 147.12 16.12 50.00 875.00 60.00 615.22 114.50 160.60 18,960.50 20.00 95.00 37.98 190.00 10.00 6.41 2,465.78 12.09 7.40 53.15 5.00 7.50 4.93 17.65 18.19 35.00 10.54 3/4.00 198.03 38.40 9.12 12.46 27.56 51.17 514.81 15.00 6.63 14.01 18.12 250.00 28.36 7.50 38.95 3.08 83.65 72.00 12.84 94.45 8.50 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING Equipment Service Materials Equipment Supplies Supplies Burroughs Corp. Guarantee Electric Co Morris Paint Rocky Mountain Software,Inc. Rocky Mountain Software,Inc. TheSophir Co. DBA Morris Paint tl STATE INSTITUTIONS FUND Beatrice State Develop Center Hastings RegionalCenter Hastings RegionalCenter Lincoln RegionalCenter Baker & TaylorCompanies Doubleday & Company Republic National Life Adams County Highway Department Allens Barco Municipal Beale Tire Company Big -G Deb Carriker City Hide & Metal Clarke OilCompany Commercial Rlectronics Consolidated Concrete Co -Op Grain & Supply Dutton- ainson Co. Farmers Union Co -Op Gas & Oil Firestone Stores Friend's Motor Supply Garvey Elevators Gessford MachineShop Ginter, Robert Glenwood Telephone H & N Mobil Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Welding Supply Hoskins-Western-Sondergger Island Supply Co. Jahnke's Agri -Home Johnson Cashway Kansas-Nebr Farm Equip Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas Kerr Chevrolet Co Klughartt Thornhill Laird Motors Inc. Lambrecht Petroleum Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone Co Modern LinenService Mr. Automotive NebraskaPublic Power Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Odorite Company Olsen,L. L. Oil Co. Parks, Roger S Paulsen's Repair Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Supplies Supplies Insurance Coverage ROAD FUND Miscellaneous Supplies Supplies Repair & Supplies Supplies Mileage I -Beam Gasoline & Oil Radio Repairs Concrete Gasoline Supplies Gasoline Repairs & Tires Repair • Gasoline Repair Mileage Telephone Service Gasoline Repair & Battery Supplies Supplies Professional Service Equipment Supplies Supplies Repairs Gas Service Supplies Repair Repair & Inspection Diesel Gravel Parts Supplies Supplies Telephone Service ShopTowel Service Repair & Supplies Electric Service Repair Service Gasoline Travel Expense Repair 895.50 83.31 102.08 7500.00 1500.00 177.09 1245.00 2301.60 4718.00 750.00 88.87 535.96 29.41 16.32 32.14 135.73 54.51 14.71 8.73 171.70 759.80 1)461.65 348.39 29.55 32.72 265.19 1178.21 8.27 3.36 54.00 18.56 16.06 5.13 99.34 3.40 41.66 3598.73 535.80 66.98 12.36 57.50 11.71 15.45 15.40 3.75 352.57 7455.40 1351.64 426.62 591.46 255.05 12.07 300.47 6.38 201.55 3.75 2696.04 66.09 18.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Republic National Life Insurance Peterson, Marion Schuster Implement Smith, S.E. & Sons Sherman's Service Center Southern Power Dist Spitz & Blauvelt Vontz, L. J. Construction Co. Werner Construction Co. Werner Const Co. Wheeler St. Regis Wilson Concrete Youngson Supplies Abbotts Dairy Adams County Court Adams County Senior Handi-Bus AdamsCo Treasurer Adamson, J.R M.D. Albert, Henry Allens of Hastings Aliens of Hastings American Fire Control American Fire Control Anderson,Robert G Sheriff Bachman Foods BadgerUniforms BankCard Service Center Bank Card Service Center Beck, Sid Berg,Mrs. Glenn Big G Big G Ace Hardware Big G Ace Hardware Brown, Susan Burroughs Corporation Business SupplyCo. Campus House, Inc. Cashway Candy Co Cashway Caridy Co Cash-Wa Candy Co City Engineering Dept Clifford, Nancy Commercial Electronics Inc Commercial Electronics Rommercial Electronics Cooperative Service Assn. Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Crisler John & Doris Curtis Oil Co Curtis OilCo Custom Pack Inc. Deluxe Cleaners Dept of Ag Communications Dieken, Mrs. Karen Eakes Office Equip Eakes Office Equipment Ed. Service Unit #9 Extension Office First NationalBank Fischer, Richard Marilyn Fox Fox, Marilyn Fricke Precast Friends Motor Supply Co. Ins.Coverage Mileage Repair Supplies Parts & Repair Electric Service Repair Gravel Asphalt Hot Mix & Lagor Supplies Joint Cement Supplies GENERAL FUND Campout Expense Court Costs Reimbursement Postage Professional Servicd Cyrstal Lake Project Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Court Fees & Mileagd Supplies Uniforms Gasoline Gasoline Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Repair Repair & Supplies Supplies Mileage Supplies Supplies Foster Care Supplies Supplies Supplies Zoning Permit Adm. Mileage Battery Radio Repair Repair Gasoline Printing Printing Foster Care Repair State Inspection & Ga Meat Cleaning Service Supplies Mileage Rental Maint. & Suppl Equipment Supplies Petty Cash Check Imprinting Postage Mileage Supplies Crystal Lake Project Supplies 765.64 19.40 13.36 5.90 221.33 43.17 5.00 5463.70 1795.20 50,451.66 3718.18 2039.00 169.50 152.06 434.33 1459.26 107.85 250.00 1166.04 27.86 36.90 4.00 54.50 57.00 23.40 1581.43 163.37 75.73 9.08 7.21 13.50 40.33 7.12 324.51 19.21 53.53 3924136: 1 26.2o 9.60 78.08 6.26 33.00 n.:(0)g 199.34 299.80 14.00 150.00 77.50 soline 648.47 301.75 9.00 9.04 9.25 ies 686.o5 1495.00 84.87 24.06 66.91 15.00 13.43 48.00 765.00 18.95 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Gant Publishing Co. G & L Conoco Grace's Bike & Key Shop Grace's Bike & Key Shop H & M Equipment Co Halloran Battery & Electric Hammond & Stephens Co Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Econ Dev. Corp Hastings Janitoral Supplies Hastings Typewriter Co Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Henry Bobbie D Hoeft, Merle W Hoeft, Merl W Hoffman, Mrs. Lawrence Hoyt, Errol IBM IBM IBM Janke Agri -Home Center Johnson Cashway .Lumber Johnson Cashway Lumber Co Johnson,Burdett Junker, Mrs. Howard K -Mart K -Mart Kerr Chevrolet Co Kindig PrintingService Kindig Printing Service Kleppinger, Dr.D.D.S. Laird Motors Inc. Laird Motors Laird Motors Law Emforcement Equip Lincoln Telephone Co. LincolnTelephone LincolnTelephone Co Magee, Gregg A.Sheriff Magee, Gregg Sheriff Magee, Gregg Sheriff Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Metz Bakery Mobley, Irwin L Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Modern Methods Inc Monroe Calculator Co Muller, Bev & Gordon Myers Refrigeration Nelson, Luwane Norris, Cathy Pepsi Cola Bottling Co Platte ValleyCommunications Polk, R.L. & Co Postmaster PPG Industries Radio Shack Redfield & Co Red & White Market Register of Deeds Republic National Life Rinder Printing Co Sader, Peggy Safeway Samuelson, LeRoy Subscription Gasoline Keys & Service Calls Keys & Recording Crystal Lake Project Repairs Supplies Supplies One -Half Funding Supplies Supplies Utilities Utilities Law Enforcement Costs Travel Expense Miscellaneous Board Member Mileage Foster Care Supplies Supplies Supplies Equipment Supplies Cement Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Repairs Supplies Supplies ProfessionalService Repair Repairs Oil Equipment Telephone & Toll Hotline Telephone & Toll Food for Prisoners & Matron Fee Fee & Mileage Mileage Medicine Bakery Products Mileage Linen Service Linen Service Linen Service Maintenance Agreement Maintenance Foster Care Repair Mileage Mileage Supplies Repair City Directory Postage Supplies Supplies Supplies Food Postage Insurance Coverage Supplies Uniform Supplies Board Member Mileage 79.00 9.57 79.80 141.30 1357.50 5.50 88.60 214.90 11,000.00 4.65 277.59 266.33 1423.10 500.00 30.34 4.00 9.08 140.00 41.60 60.48 8.82 30.40 37.68 135.00 10.44 7.89 149.00 97.58 .86 44.75 26.50 32.00 18.58 22.88 20.40 554.76 63.91 32.19 2162,49 1593.00 43.30 2517.92 5.40 33.93 48.28 96.04 23.65 23.60 165.00 116.00 150.00 329.11 52.28 224.98 164.60 27.50 45.00 2000.00 98.16 24.49 139.61 61.46 26.65 2542.24 6.76 15.92 137.52 6.87 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Schlachter, Gloria Schweser's Sempek,Edward Sheehy, Richard J Steinke, Marvin Stutesman, James SuIz, Lefa County Clerk Swanson, Paul Thomsen Oil Co 3-D Co Veters Service Office Wellensiek,Don West Publishing Co Woodward's Disposal Service Xerox Corporation Xerox Youth Development Center This Board will now recess Board. Mileage Ties Foster Care Supplies Mileage & Travel Expense Labor Dues Mileage Gasoline Ammunition Office Expenses Board Member Mileage Supplies Disposal Service Machine Rental Machine Rental Safekeeper subject to the call of the T Y • County c3t 317i.fra 4 8.50 22.50 140.00 15.00 125.30 10.00 10.00 51.61 186.25 180.00 1332.30 10.95 61.00 49.46 130,00 167.50 105.00 Chairman of the COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 12, 1978. 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of theAdams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland,Goble, Kailey,Sole and Burr. The Board of Supervisors paid silent tribute in memory of C.Robert Tripp. Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting ,.t,as been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Goble that we accept the bid of Laird Motors to furnish two trucks with trade for $71,550. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The Board asked Mr. Parks to get proposals for snow plows to be mounted on the two new trucks. They will be opened October 3rd. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Sole that we authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement for seeding the Right of Way on Secondary roads. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion bySole, seconded by Goble that we table any decision concerning a new teletype for the Sheriff's office and review the matter at a later date. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion by Sole, seconded by Goble that we endorse the plan for a County -wide rural numbering system which is planned by the Home Extension Service with no cost to AdamsCounty. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Kailey that we approve the bond of Eldon Grothen, Ayr Township Clerk in the amount of S250. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, Seconded by Hoagland that we authorize the Chairman to sign a grant application for Trial Practice Institute II. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA This Board will now recess subject call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of County Clerk --(5) . 41D -p uty1 ,e-6( COUTHOUSE1HASTINGS Tuesday, September 12, 1978. 11:00A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors convened as a Board of Equalization with Ed Lightner, Chairman presiding for the purpose of setting a tax levy for School and Fire Districts which had valuations which had not been certi- fied when other levies were set. Members present: Hoagland,Goble, Kailey, Sole,Burr and Lightner. Motion by Burr, seconded by Kailey that levies be Kenesaw School 3 R 36.82 General Holstein School 11R 21.56 General Kenesaw Rural Fire Dist. .30 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. set as follows: .79 Spec. Bldg. .55 Sinking'Tund This Board of Equalization will now adjourn sine die. 2.63 Bond COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday September 19, )1978. 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland,Goble, Kailey,Sole,Burr and Lightner. Motion by Burr, seconded by Kailey that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion. by Kailey, seconded by Burr receipts for securities pledged by JC7967 U.S. Treas.Bills $200,000.; 3100,000.; JC7968 U.S.Treas. Notes aye. Motion carried. that we approve the Joint Custody Adams County Bank as follows: JC7966 Federal Land Banks $200,000. Roll call, all voted The Board stated that they would accept resumes from applicants for the position of Supervisor of the Sixth District until October 3rd, allow a week for study and place the appointment of a Supervisor for the Sixth District on the agenda ;for the October 10th meeting. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervis CountyClerk &44/6.%Y epuy COURTHOUSE, r INGS, NEBRASKA September 19, 1978. 11:00 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization under the providions of Section 77-1502 for the purpose of reviewing undervalued property and hearing appeals on decisions concerning applications for qualified homestead exemptions. Ed Lightner,Chairman, presided. Members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey,Sole,Burr and Lightner, Roscoe Story, County Assessor and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Burr, seconded by Kailey that the value of the following property, be as set by the County Assessor. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Owner, Jerry Spady,Described: Lots 6 and 7 of Snook's Addition; also, Lots 12 and 13 of Kent's Addition, ; also, The South 50 feet of Lots 10 and 11, Block 1, and the South 50 feet of Lots 10 and 11, Block 2, all in Keller's Addition, also, The South 50 feet of the Southeast Quarter, of theSouth- west Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, and the South 50 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, all in Section 13, Township 7 North,Range 10 West; also, Lots 12, and 13, Block 1, Oberlin Land Company's Addition; also, TheSouth 50 feet of Lots 11 and 12, Block 6, and the South 50 feet of Lotsll and 12, Block 7, and the South 50 feet of Lots 11 and 12, Block 172 all in Sewell's Addition, and all ofLot 6, in Block 18, of W. L. Johnson's Sub- division of Sewell's Addition to the City of Hastings; also, A strip of land 100 feet in width, located in the North- east Quarter of Section 14, Township 7 North, Range 10 West, described as beginning at the Southeast corner of the West -Half of said Northeast Quarter; ;thence North, along the East line of said West -Half of said Northeast Qarter, a distance of 100 feet; thence West, parallel with the South line of said Northeast Quarter, to a -point in the Easterly right of way line of the Republican Valley Railroad, or its successor in interest; thence Southwestwardly, along said Easterly right of way line, to a point in the South line of said Northeast Quarter of said Section 14; thence East, along the South line of said Northeast Quarter of said Section 114 a distance of 318 feet, to the point of beginning. The above described tracts or parcels of land contain, in the aggregate, 4.36 acres, more or less. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Hearing on appeal of Homestead exemption denial. Mrs. Hannah E.Banta 410 E. 5th St., Hastings,Nebr. Mrs. Banta appeared. She agreed to waive her right to privacy and let her adjusted gross income be known for 1977 so the Board could study it. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Burr that Mrs.Banta be granted a continuance of her hearing subject to her filing an amended federal and state' income tax return for 1977. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Burr that Alma Christensen appearl concerning Homestead exemption for N 60' of Lot 6 College Addition be denied. By not appearing she waived her right for exemption. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board of Equalization will now of the Chairnaan% of the Adams oard of Supervisors recess subject to the call County Clerk SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 26, 1978 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll Call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kelley, Sole and Lightner. Absent: Burr. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kailey that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting, An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carr!ed. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Goble that we authorize the Chairman to sign the certification to the Board of Classifications concerning our annual report. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Kailey that we authorize the chairman to sign the agreements on RS -2175(3) and RS -2020(3). Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The Board instructed the Highway Superintendent to advertise for grader blade bids and lumber bids to be opened on October 24th. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Goble that the claims be approved on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Road Department Gilbert Harpham Paul Stromer Virgil Mousel Delbert Poore Roy Anderson Lloyd Witt Weslie Austin Lambert Strussi State Administrative Eva B Duthie Weed Control Employees County Library Employees Extension Service Ambulance Service Clerk of Dist. Court County Assessor's Office Date Processing ROAD FUND Salaries Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Salaries Prior Service WEED CONTROL FUND Salaries ADAMS COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Salaries GENERAL FUND Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries 22,414.88 14.00 13.00 12.00 25.00 25.00 22.00 25.00 12.00 14,133.00 14.00 2219.20 1356.02 4503.87 8383.00 2310.26 4931.02 1534.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA County Attorney County Supervisors County Clerk's Office Election Help County Sheriff's Office County Jail Employees County Superintendent County Treasurer's Office Courthouse Janitros Juv. Probation Register of Deeds Office Communications Veterans Service Office Planning & Zoning Public Defender Paul Stromer Burchard, Minnie M Gartner, Rena] Hayen, Rachel Goble, Gaylord Government Printing Office C. H. Kidd Office of Public Defender Lila Reutlinger Arthur Toogood Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaried Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Landfill Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Mileage Supplies Prior Service Office Expenses Prior Service Narcotics Criminal 6345.14 2843.15 4447.93 266.70 9880.00 5195.00 1463.00 5130.45 1975.00 826.35 2392.77 508.00 1978.00 2166.66 2618.00 107.28 14.00 25.00 25.00 33.66 83.80 48.00 568.96 14.00 Investigation 3600.00 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman or the Board. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 3, 1978 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Motion by Burr, seconded by Kailey that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Goble that we purchase two Frink snow plows from Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Co. for the bid price of $14,015.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Goble that we authorize the Chairman to sign the agreements for F .52225(1); RS2185(6); RS2145(3) and RS2025(4). Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Motion by Goble, seconded by Hoagland that we extend the contract on the Bladen road for an additional 2 miles. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kailey that we authorize the Chairman to sign the rental agreement for the Savin Copier in the County Clerk's -- office and the Minolta copier in the Register of Deeds office. Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried. Gregg Magee appeared to give the Board information concerning a paging system in the Sheriff's office. Action was tabled until more information was available from Motorola concerning the apparent low bid. Motion by Goble, seconded by Kailey that refund claim No. 78-1 be allowed in the amount of $63.08. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carriec The names of those asking to be considered for appointment to fill the vacancy for Sixth District Supervisor were read; Sid White, Lawrence Roosmann; Ray Schmitz; Jon Bohlke; William Gettmann, and Herbert Hodge. Appointment will be made at the October 10th meeting. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. G%'e-1-7,-Lred County Clerk (-)()1 Depu y /s/ a Irman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 10, 1978 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per publice notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Motion by Burr, seconded by Kailey that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda as keit currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Mr. O'Rourke gave a report concerning the recent audit with respect to the Nebraska Public Transportation Assistance Program. Phyllis Lainson appeared to report for the Child Development Council concerning the use of the former Adams County Nursing Home. Motion by Goble, seconded by Hoagland that we approve the appointments made by the Adams County Agricultural Society: Mrs. Leola Weins appointed to serve the remainder of the term of the late A.D. Wiens on the Adams County Fair Board and Mr. Sherm Peirson to serve the remainder of the term of Donovan Butler until the annual meeting and election to be held in December 1978. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Goble, seconded by Burr that we instruct the County Treasurer that at the request of the Board of Directors to transfer the funds presently in the 32 -Mile Creek fund plus an0. future collections designated for that fund to the general fund of the Little Blue NRD. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Burr that we allow refund claim 77-2 in the amount of $86.17. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Sole that the officers reports be accepted and placed on file: County Library, Register of Deeds, (4) Ambulance (2), Clerk of District Court, Car Titles, County Clerk. Roll call, all voted aye,. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Burr that tax list corrections No. 6870 through 6873 be allowed and the Chairman be authorized to sign them. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Kailey that this board enter into executive session for the purpose of discussion of applicants for filling vacancy in office. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Burr and Lightner. Abstain: Sole. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:50 A.M. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that this board resume regular session. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 1:20 P.M. Motion by Burr, seconded by Kailey that Sid White be appointed to fill the rumalin.det of the unexpired term of Supervisor in the Sixth District, said appointment to .be effective October 17, 1978. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Goble that the following miscellaneous receipts be made a part of this Supervisors record. Roll call, all voted aye, motion carried. Receipti'- 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 Adams County 4mbulance Service Adams County Bank Adams County Sheriff State of Nebraska County Clerk Adams County Court Adams County Noxious Weed Control John Meredith, Register of Deeds Robert G. Knight Adams County Court Adams County Court State of Nebraska First National Bank Adams County Court Adams County Ambulance Service Adams County Court Adams County Court Adams County Court Adams County Highway Department Adams County Highway Department Void Void State of Nebraska Adams County Court (Robert E. Vogler) Adams County Clerk of the District Court Clerk of the District Cau rt Cornhusker Casualty Co. $ 1,021.60 3,625.00 916.03 58.53 81.00 419.08 1,774.00 838.06 39.91 6,633.50 429.00 45,956.63 143.84 645.71 949.80 10.00 10.00 366.80 1.03 1,707.21 Void Void 17,000.00 40.00 491.09 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 529 Hall County Treasurer 530 Hall County Treasurer 531 Hall County Treasurers 532 Hall County Treasurer 533 Hall County Treasurer 534 Hall County Treasurer 535 First National Bank 536 First National Bank 537 City Treasurer 538 Adams County Court 539 Adams County Ambulance. Service 540 Associate County Judge - Franklin County 541 State of Nebraska 542 Anita Hawes, County Clerk 543 Anita Hawes, County Clerk 544 Midland Nutrition 545 Midland Area Agency on Aging 546 Clerk of District Court 547 Adams County Court - Wm, Cambridge 548 Sam West 549 Mrs. R. L. Savage 550 Register of Deeds 551 Adams County Ambulance 552 Adams County Noxious Weed District 553 Adams County Ambulance Service 554 Adams County Court 555 State of Nebraska 556 State of Nebraska 557 State of Nebraska 558 Jutta M. Kirkover 559 Adams County Ambulance 560 County Clerk's Office 561 Hastings Pediatrics (Welfare Department) 562 Adams County Court 563 LaVern Stumpenhorst (Adams County Court) 564 John Meredith, Register of Deeds 565 Adams County Noxious Weed 566 Adams County Ambulance Service 567 Ann's Coffee Shop 568 Adams County Highway 569 Clerk of District Court 570 Adams County Ambulance Service Motion by Kelley, seconded by Burr that the claims respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted COUNTY Adams County Senior 1-landi-Bus Adams County Treasurer Allen's Of Hastings Allens American Bankers Association American Fire Control American Fire Control, Inc. Badger Uniforms Badger Uniforms Bancroft -Whitney Company Bancroft -Whitney Company Bank Card Service Center Bank Card Service Center Bank Card Service Center Sid Beck Matthew Bender & Company Mrs. Glenn Berg Beyke Signs Beyke Signs Beyke Signs GENERAL 50.00 650.00 130.00 5.00 90.00 20.00 123.29 1,191.78 18,462.25 154.11 712.90 1,288.38 10,442.84 2,345.00 579.75 73.00 137.00 55.90 2,347.86 3.00 3.00 26.65 292.50 2,877.48 331.00 75.00 12,109.00 6,962.00 63.63 3.00 432.50 2,465.78 60.00 738.31 652.01 2,126.70 945.00 639.28 25.00 138.78 131.88 362.00 be allowed on their and instructed to aye. Motion carried. Reimbursement Postage Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Eq u ipmen t Uniform Uniform Supplies Library Expense Ambulance Gas Ambulance Gas Supplies & Service Mileage & Per Diem Library E p en s e Mileage & Per Diem Service Service Service 849.76 109.80 114.60 22.14 12.00 10.00 148.79 69.52 90.28 267.90 28.10 73.87 77.10 10.00 9.08 42.50 7.21 26.00 60.00 6.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Big G Big G Big G Big G Big G Bobib Body Shop Susan Brown Burrough Corp, Business Supply Co Maurine Butterfield Callaghan & Company Campus House, Inc. City of Hastings Engineering Dept. Clerk of District Court Clifford, Mancy Coe, Michael D Commercial Electronics, Inc. Commercial Electronics, Inc. Community Living of Nebraska Connolly, William M. Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Co. Assessor's Assoc. Co. Extension Office Credit Bureau of Hastings Crisler, John Curtis Oil Co. Curtis Oil Co. Curits Oil Co. Daylight Donuts Coffee Shop Deluxe Cleaning Deluxe Cleaning Services Deluxe Cleaning DeMuth, Jerry DeMuth, Joseph Dickman, G. & Son Donelson, Larry D. Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Eakes Office Equipment Eakes Office Equipment Eakes Office Eakes Office Equipment Eastern Emblem Mfg. Corp. Eastman Kodak Co. Eastman Kodak Company Emergency Vehicles Sales & Service Fox, Marilyn Friends Motor Supply Friends Motor Supply G & L Conoco Gewecke, Wilbur R. Gibson's Grace's Bike & Key Shop Grace's Bike & Key Shop Grace's Bike & Key Shop Great Plains Chrysler Plymouth Grothen, Raymond Guarantee Electric Co. Halloran, Jack Hammond & Stephens Co. Hammond & Stephens Co. Hansen, Gordon L. Hansen, Gordon L. H & M Equipment Co. H & W Concrete Contracting Hastings Assoc. Of Ins. Agents Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies & Equipment Service Mileage Supplies Supplies Reports Supplies Foster Care Maps State Cases & Mental Mileage Entrance Fees Radio Repair Rental Foster Care Refund Report Funds Newsletter New Registration Fee Supplies Bulletins Foster Care Repair Gasoline Oil & Repair Donuts Cleaning Services Cleaning Services Cleaning Services Custom Discing Mileage Repairs Library Expense Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Rental Supplies Supplies Uniform Patches Supplies Supplies Supplies Mileage Supplies Supplies Gasoline Postage Stamp Supplies Keys Keys Keys Repairs Mileage Service Mileage Supplies Supplies Mileage & Dues Mileage & Supplies Crystal Lake Project Crystal Lake Project Insurance 7.12 8.01 33.74 127.66 21.70 165.00 143.36 151.00 1004.81 109.00 55.00 600.00 17.50 Health 5042.20 7.57 54.00 69.10 168.00 775.00 35.00 11.90 161.71 161.71 30.00 12.62 10.00 150.00 80.75 579.44 191.92 29.70 214.3.5 6.00 179.20 30.00 3.84 20.00 6.25 19.36 17.40 17.26 46.50 485.00 3.13 109.13 402.50 48.40 172.80 445.50 116.66 12.51 18.95 6.25 30.00 41.52 2.70 6.74 3.90 376.86 1.60 54.55 1.60 879.25 195.79 128.00 110.17 1507.50 2565.00 439.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Family Practice Hastings Janitorial Supplies Hastings Janitorial Supplies Hastings Janitorial Supplies Hastings Letter Shop Hastings Orthopaedics Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Hastings Welding Supply Co. Hawes, Anita County Clerk Heil Marine Center, Inc. Heil Roofing Inc. Hoagland, Orville Hoffman, Mrs. Larry Hogans Sporting Goods Holmes -Great Plains The Hotel Clarke Hoyt, Errol IBM IBM Interstate Business Products Interstate Business Products - Intertec Publishing Corp. Johnson Cashway Johnson, Burdett Junker, Mrs. Howard Kindig Printing Service Kindig Printing Service Kindig Printing Service Kindig Printing Service Kindig Printing Service K -Mart K -Mart K -Mart Laird Motors Laird Motors Largent, Dorothy Law Enforcement Equipment Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Lucky's Welding Lucky's Welding Magee, Gregg Magee, Gregg Sheriff Magee, Gregg Sheriff Magee, Gregg Sheriff McDonalds McGraw Hill Publication Mobley, Beverly Mobley, Irwin L. Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Modern Methods Inc. Modern Methods Inc. Modern Methods Inc. Modern Methods Inc. Monroe Calculator Co. Monroe Calculator Co. Muller, Bev & Gordon Murthy, P.S.S. M.D. Nebr. Correctional Industries Nebr. Co. Attorneys Assoc. Nebr. Dept. of Roads Nebraska State Bar Assoc. Advertising & Supplies Professional Services Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Professional Service Supplies Utilities Utilitits Nursing Home Oxygen Oxygen Supplies Supplies Crystal Lake Project Mileage Mileage Supplies Freight Meals for Jury Foster Care Service Agreement Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Merchandise Supplies Supplies Repair Repair Mileage Badges Telephone Service Telephone Service Hot Line Repair Repair Bank Service Charge Postage Food for prisoners & matron fee Mileage Blankets Subscription Meeting & Mileage Mileage Linen Service Mop & Mat Service Mop Service Stencils Supplies Maintenance Agreement Supplies Maintenance Agreement Supplies Foster Care Witness Fee Supplies Crystal Lake Registration Fee Supplies Library Expense 1305.90 51.00 155.14 32.90 240.88 22.50 20.00 448.77 4501.85 308.03 49.25 22.00 21.65 10.75 900.00 7.99 9.08 14.95 4.76 48.90 80.00 48.78 48.36 96.63 208.00 18.51 37.68 10.44 7.89 42.50 86.63 115.10 45.08 44.30 22.72 14.66 7.38 10.50 63.00 6.80 47.40 63.95 2149.63 32.19 200.00 54.30 11.88 7.50 1255.50 1891.63 23.98 32.00 54.82 60.13 96.14 23.70 24.00 39.10 115.70 250.00 182.87 53.00 35.00 40.00 75.00 1870.20 25.00 28.80 61.20 na- SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Nebraska State Library Nelson, Luwane Nelson, Luwane Nelson,Harding,Yeutter & Leonard Nelson,Harding,Yeutter & Leonard Norris, Cathy O'Keefe Elevator Company Inc. Old Market Studio Osborne, G.L. Osier, Leonard PPG Industries Inc. PPG Industries Inc. Pace Products Inc. Pauley, W.G. Lumber Co. Paymaster Corp. Paymaster Corp. Petty Cash Pitney Bowes Polk, R.L. Co. Postmaster Public Defenders Office Quinlan Publishing Co. Radio Shack -Hastings Electronics Reams Bros. Wrecker Service Redfield & Company Register of Deeds Republic National Lite Insurance Rinder Printing Co. Rinder Printing Co. Saylor, Ron Schneider, Kay Sherman County Court Sherman's, Ben Siemers Schafer Printing Co. Siemers-Schafer Printing Co. Siemers-Schafer Printing Co. Siemers=Schafer Printing Co. Swanson, Paul Thomsen Oil Co. Thomsen Oil Co. Thomsen Oil Co. 3 -Point Tire Service 3 -Point Tire Service United Bank Services Company United Laboratories Urban Land Institute Vaughans Printers Inc. Vontz Construction Weber & Osborne, Dr. Wellensiek, Don Wenske, Richard West Publishing Co. West Publishing Co. West Publishing Co. West Publishing Co. West Publishing Co. Western Appraisals & Service Wheelers Williams Exterminating Williams, Art Ind. Woodward's Disposal Service Woolworth Woolworth Xerox Corporation Xerox Corporation Xerox Corporation Yost, C.C., Adams Co. Treasurer Supplies Mileage Mileage Services & Expenses Services & Expenses Mileage Elevator Service Photos Professional Service Mileage Supplies & Repair Supplies Supplies Supplie-s Renewal Renewal Supplies Supplies Correction Service Postage Film Ribbons Subscription Repair Wrecker Service Supplies Postage Insurance Supplies Supplies Mileage Supplies Tapes Uniform Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Mileage Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Tires cc Balancing Tires Supplies Supplies Subscription Supplies Crystal Lake Project Professional Service Board Member Mileage Mailings Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Contract Ambulance Service Supplies Disposal Supplies Supplies Rental Supplies Rental Meeting Expenses Supplies Service 21.50 203.21 9.48 988.99 1035.17 110.11 104.85 20.00 17.50 7.68 79.50 23.26 206.93 132.64 149.50 149.50 23.06 13.36 14.00 2000.00 4.67 27.50 2.59 91.00 192.39 29.27 2610.39 103.22 66.94 9.60 17.06 19.47 42.50 27.35 93.65 16.38 60.90 73.88 108.35 128.44 32.50 351.38 129.00 164.58 416.70 35.00 85.95 396.00 20.00 10.95 3.14 559.50 292.00 374.50 454.50 61.00 2116.76 13.86 7.00 48/.00 49.46 206.95 55.9/ 130.00 99.00 167.50 5.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA RELIEF-TEDICAL FUND Davis, Dave & Gretchen Good Samaritan Hospital Hastings Utilities Kearney Eye Assoc. P.C. Livingston-Butler-Volland Funeral Norris, L.L. Nebr. Dept. of Public Welfare Orthman's Old Market Studio Rutt's Pharmacy Struss, Paul Borrell, Peggy Business Supply Co. Cosgrove, Madelyn Credit. Bureau of Hasting Fraser, Mary Harsh, A. David Hastings Typewriter Co. Hinrichs, Margaret Lincoln Telephone Co. Lurz, Donna Mauch, Margaret Meyer, Garnet Modern Methods Morris, L.L. Osman, Pat Republic National Life Pearson, Naomi Schmidt, Marlys Soterin, Beverly Thompson, Mary U.S. Postmaster Williamson, Sheila Glenwood Telephone Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co. Kansas -Nebraska Gas Co. Kloke Conoco Mangers, Alvin J. Republic National Life Ins. Roseland Cooperative Grain Roseland Sundries Sherman Service Center Southern Nebr. Public Power Trausch, Albert Big G City Hide & Metal Co. Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Morris Paint Morris Paint PPG Industries, INC. Revenue Sharing Advisory Beatrice Hastings Hastings Hastings State Development Regional Center Regional Center Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Foster Care Foster Care Utilities Foster Care Burial Revolving Fund Vendor Payments Foster Care Medicine Foster Care STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Mileage Supplies Mileage Bulletin Mileage Mileage Supplies Mileage Telephone & Toll Mileage Mileage Mileage Supplies Mileage Mileage Insurance Prior Service Mileage Mileage Mileage Postage Mileage WEED CONTROL FUND Telephone & Toll Advertising Supplies Gas Service Gasoline Mileage Insurance Coverage Gas & Oil Supplies Repairs Utilities Supplies REVENUE SHARING FUND Supplies .Pipe Supplies Supplies Supplies Paint Supplies Supplies Bulletin STATE INSTITUTIONS FUND Center Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care 102.50 714.34 89.23 475.00 545.00 36.75 25,005.31 15.00 4.25 190.00 4.08 58.48 22.36 5.00 15.98 2.72 24.85 18.36 238.47 13.77 10.03 37.39 600.00 8.66 51.34 514.81 69.24 4.59 16.83 14.96 200.00 11.39 44.53 12.98 5.00 3.71 36.31 118.25 94.45 145.27 16.25 37.02 8.38 54.00 62.37 1.02 3.30 3.30 4.62 322.42 33.40 25.00 1209.00 188.00 3893.14 47.80 282.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Baker & Taylor Co. Hastings Public Library Republic National Life Insurance Adams County Highway Department Allen's Of Hastings Beale's Tire Co. Big G Case Power & Equip. Clarke Oil Company Commercial Electronics Department of Roads Dutton-Lainson Company Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Firestone Stores 6aRNA 1 -A -Rine Shop Supplies Bookmobile Service Insurance ROAD FUND Glenwood Telephone H&M Equipment H&N Mobil Harpham, Gilbert Hastings Battery Electric Inc. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Motor Truck Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supplies Hattens Electric Service Hi -Line Motor Hoskins Wester Sanderegger Hunt's Garage Jahnke's Agri -home Center Jensen -Wagoner Johnson Cashway Juniata Farmers Coop Assoc Kansas -Nebraska Kerr Chevrolet Co. Laird Motors Co. Lambrecht Petroleum Inc. Lambrecht Petroleum, Inc. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Modern Linen Service Wodern Methods Mr. -Automotive National Assoc. of Co. Eng. Nebraska Public Power Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Odorite Company Olsen, L.L. PPG Industries Parks, Roger Peterson Bros. Enterprises Republic National Insurance Schuster Implement Co. Shaw's Service Sherman Service Center Smith, S.E. & Sons Southern Power District Miscellaneous Supplies Repair Supplies & repairs Repairs Gas & Oil Radio Repair Highway Project Supplies Diesel Repairs & Tires PRR4E Telephone & Toll Sand Gasoline & Repairs Equipment Repairs Supplies Inspection Utilities Oxygen & Supplies Service Call Supplies Proffessional Service Repairs Repairs & Supplies Supplies Supplies Equipment Gas Service Repairs Repairs Gasoline Gasoline Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs & Equipment Telephone & Toll Towel Service Supplies Repairs Membership Dues Electric Service Repairs Supplies Gasoline Supplies Equipment Striping Insurance Repairs Gasoline Repairs Supplies Electric & Supplies Service 23.40 491.08 29.41 20.15 1.49 41.00 162.23 95.00 1206.37 22.00 47,761.25 53.04 276.23 400.26 14/:0© 14.68 196.80 172.32 10.00 9.64 11.09 3.75 112.55 15.95 64.25 10.81 3967.23 59.66 31.78 ,!3.72 20.78 38.70 6.17 43.25 1042.87 698.50 330.00 386.12 500.41 1288.04 983.18 944.26 2907.20 191.74 11.63 264.00 455.26 25.00 5.58 31.71 3.75 1807.14 114.95 17.00 2713.50 736.23 114.24 785.37 106.67_ 8.46 44.21 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA ROAD FUND (cont.) Wilson Concrete 3 -Points Tire Service Vontz, L.J. Construction Vontz, L.J. Construction Wahoo Concrete Wahoo Concrete Wheelers libeller St. Regis Werner Construction Werner Construction Z & Z Equipment This Board will now recess Joint Compound Repairs Gravel Asphalt Freight Box Culverts Supplies Supplies Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Supplies subject to the call of the Chairman. 90.00 3.00 1729.75 2369.4.0 700.00 10,800.00 71.32 14,831.26 265.30 22,783.35 60.30 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 17, 1978 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Sole, Burr and Lightner. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Sid White was sworn in as the new Supervisor for the Sixth District to fill the remainder of the unexpired term. Motion by Burr, seconded by Goble to authorize the Chairman to sign the Highway Safety Program application. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried Motion by Burr:;seconded by Hoagland that we authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement RRP-2175(2) and RRP-2185(.) for railroad crossing signals on the Union Pacific Railroad Crossings 2k Miles E and 12 Miles South of the intersection of 6 and 281 and 1k Miles South of Prosser. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by 'Hoagland, that upon the recommendation of the County Assessor and the County Attorney, the catim of Western Appraisal and Surveys, Lewiston, Idaho in the amount of $1,250.00 be denied. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Sheriff Magee and Mr. Svoboda representing Motorola Company appeared to present information about a paging system. Action to purchase or lease was tabled until later in the year. Motion by Sole, seconded by Burr for full funding by Adams County of the South Central Mental Health Center in the amount of $17,672.28 for the fiscal year with the warning attached,to work with the administration to cut SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA down on expenses. Roll call, ayes: Kailey, Sole, Burr, White and Lightner. Nays: Hoagland and Goble, Motion carried. Isabel Harmon appeared to discuss funding given South Central Mental Health. Roscoe Story and Al Blessing appeared concerning tax lot numbers used to describe real estate at the former Naval Ammunition Depot. The Assessor was asked to do more research on the matter and ask the Attorney to prepare a resolution for the Board's consideration at the next meeting. This meeting will now recess Board. /s/�L./! /s/ subject,rvtotthe call of the Chairman of the County Clerk COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 24, 1978 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Burr, White and Lightner. Absent: Sole. Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Sole entered meeting at 9:40 A.M. Rogers Parks gave a report on the progress of road work. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Goble that the low bid of Wheeler Division of St. Regis to provide 395 single bevel grader blades and 45 double bevel grader blades for $8,847,83 be accepted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Goble that the low bid of Wheeler Division of St Regis to provide lumber according to specifications for $25,616.07 F. 0. B. County Shop West 2nd St be accepted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by White that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 78-10-24 RESOLUTION VACATING TAX LOT NUMBERS ASSIGNED FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES FOR ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION IN THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS OR PARTS OF SECTIONS: All of Sections 13, 14, 15 Part of Section 16 and 21 All of Sections 22, 23, 24, 25 Part of Section 26, 27, 35, 36 ALL IN TOWNSHIP SEVEN (7) NORTH, RANGE NINE (9) WEST IN ADAMS COUNTY, -NEBRASKA. Said sections are all located in what is commonly known as the old N.A.B. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA area and is also known as Hastings Industrial Park. WHEREAS, said sections located inthe old Federal military installation known as the Navy Ammunition Depot area was made subject to sale and sold by the General Services Administration of the Federal Government; AND WHEREAS, when said property located in the sections or parts of sections shown above became subject to assessemnt and taxation when it was transferred to private entities and was no longer owned by the Federal Government, which was and is a political entity not subject to assessment and taxation; AND WHEREAS, when said real property came under the ownership of private entitites, it became necessary to reestablish all section corners and all section lines in said area, which corners and section lines had been obliterated when the Federal Government was the owner and user of said property for military purposes; AND WHEREAS, the Adams County Board of Supervisors entered into a contract with the firm of Benjamin, Peterson & Kasl for the purposes of surveying and re -surveying staid area to reestablish section corners and section lines in said area for the purposes of assessment and taxation; AND WHEREAS, a certain parcels of land located in said area were assigned identifying tax lot numbers by the surveying and engineering firm of Benjamin, Peterson & Kasl; AND WHEREAS, at a subsequent time Adams County, as provided by law, was required to have current cadastral maps for all parcels of real estate in Adams County prior to the County entering into a contract for reappraisal of all real estate in Adams County; AND WHEREAS, Adams County by the Adams County Board entered into a cadastral mapping contract with the firm of Dangberg & Associates, Surveyors -Engineers; AND WHEREAS, at the time of entering into the contract with the firm o Dangberg & Associates, Francis L Rotter, also known as F. L. Rotter, a duly licensed surveyor under the Nebraska Statutes under License .c. No. L. S. 253 of Nebraska, was duly designated the Acting County Surveyor for Adams County, Nebraska; AND WHEREAS, it became necessary for said Francis L Rotter to assign tax lot numbers, in many instances different for certain parcels of land and in many instances many different tax lot numbers for different parcels of land, to meet the requirements of the State Revenue Department to have a current cadastral mapping record up-to-date at the time Adams County entered into a reappraisal contract with the firm of Western Appraisals & Surveys; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that those tax lot numbers assigned to certain parcels of real estate in the area previously described in this instrument by Benjamin, Peterson & Kasl now be vacated, set aside, and be declared null and void from this date on and thereafter. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the tax lot numbers last assigned to certain parcels of real estate within the area described above in this document, assigned for identification purposes by the firm of Dangberg & Associates with Frances L Rotter having been designated as Acting County Surveyor, shall on and after this date constitute the tax lot numbers for identifying irregular parcels described by metes and bounds, all located in the sections or parts of sections as described in this resolution4 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Haogland, seconded by Burr that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION 78-10-24.1 Resolution of Support Industrial Revenue Bond Expansion Proposal Amendment #2 WHEREAS, expansion and diversification of the economic base, new jobs, improved property tax base, and increased personal income are goals for Nebraska, and SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA WHEREAS, manufacturing, agriculture, warehousing and distribution are all important economic activities to achieving the above goals, and WHEREAS, SINCE the passage of the Industrial Revenue Bond Act in 1961, this financing mechanism has successfully encouraged the expansion of the manufacturing sector in the amount of over $250,000,000. providing over 14,000 jobs, and WHEREAS, constitutional Amendment #2 on the November, 1978, ballot will allow the expansion of the use of Industrial Revenue Bonds for other business or commercial enterprises not engaged primarily in direct sales to the public. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Adams County Board of Supervisors endorses the concept of expanding the use of Industrial Revenue Bonds for financing other projects in addition to manufacturing to expand the economic base of Nebraska, and that we encourage all voters to vote "yes" on Constitutional Amendment #2. Roll call all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Hoagland that the claims be approved on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Cdurit; Library Salaries 1,322.96 Federal Grant Weed Control FEDERAL GRANT FUND Salary 577.20 WEED CONTROL FUND Salaries 2,049.20 STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND State Administration Salaries Eva B Duthie Prior Service Road Agriculture Extension Service Ambulance Service Clerk of the Dist Court County Assessors Office Data Processing County Attorneys Office County Supervisors County Clerks Office Election Expense Sheriff's Department Jail County Supt. Office County Treasurer Office Courthouse Janitors Juvenile Probation Register of Deeds Communications Veterans Service Office Planning & Zoning Public Defender Office Stromer, Paul Bailiffs Historical Society ROAD FUND Salaries GENERAL FUND Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Salaries Salar ies Salaries Salary Salaries Salaries 14,133.00 14.00 23,400.85 4,584.01 8,573.50 2,334.92 4,896.01 1,534.00 6,314.00 2,924.95 4,623.01 1,066.10 9,610.77 5,349.16 1,463.00 5,165.84 2,287.00 826.35 2,166.00 508.00 1,978.00 2,260.41 2,618.00 128.14 160.00 1,791.67 L) SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Kidd, C. H. Hayen, Rachel Reutlinger, Lila Gartner, Rena Office of Public Defender Burchard, Minnie M H & M Equipment Co. Goble, Gaylord Krull, Claus This Board will now the Board. recess Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Misc. Expense, Rent and etc. Prior Service Crystal Lake Project Mileage Expense 16.00 25.00 14.00 25.00 587.14 14.00 150.00 26.40 50.00 subject to the call of the Chairman of /s/ /s / County Clerk Deputy / COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 31, 1978 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors met as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Burr, White and Lightner. Sole, absent. Motion by Burr, seconded by Kailey that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Sole entered meeting at 9:35 A.M. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report of the progress of road work being done in the County. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that we accept the low bid of Three Point Tires for tires at a price of $196.43 for new tires and $119. for re -caps. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Sole that we gravel the mail box turn -outs on black top and gravel roads in the County. Ayes: Goble, Sole and Lightner. Nays" Hoagland, Kailey, Burr and White. Motion failed. Motion by White, seconded by Sole that we authorize the Chairman to execute the contract pertaining to Capital Grant Project No.NE-03-0012 the grant application for handibuses for Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The representatives from Republic National Life Insurance Company appeared to indicate there would be a premium increase effective December, 1, 1978. Motion by Sole, seconded by Burr that we approve the insurance coverage and accept a premium increase of $6.36 on employees and $27.09 on total family coverage. Roll call, ayes: Goble, Kailey, Sole and Burr. Nays: Hoagland, White and Lightner. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Goble that we approve tax exempt application and authorize the Chairman to sign the same. Roll call all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County,rBoard of Supervisors. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday, November 8, 1978 9: A.M. The regular meeting of the as per public notice given Roll call, members present Lightner, Absent: Kailey. Adams County Board of Supervisors was held with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. : Hoagland, Goble, Sole, Burr, White and Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Sole that this Meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. The Board instructed Mr Parks to proceed with application for 80/20 funding for bridge inspection and rating. Kailey entered meeting at 9:25 A.M. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Bank Adams County Court Adams County Senior Handi-Bus Adams County Treasurer Ag Communications Allen's Aman, Stan Badger Uniforms Beck, Sid Berg, Mrs. Glenn Big G Big G Big G Brown, Susan Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corp Burroughs Corp. Bush, R. J. Appliance Business Supply Co. Campus House Inc. C.E.S. C.E.S. Certified Labs GENERAL FUND Voter Registrations Court Costs Reimbursement Postage Supplies Supplies Crystal Lake Expense Uniforms Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Mileage Supplies Maintenence Agreement Supplies Repair Supplies Foster Care Election Supplies Election Supplies 9.10 558.15 925.00 97.65 54.28 49.87 1,775.57 342.85 9.08 7.21 21.64 7.00 89.14 26.55 167.16 1,101.78 101.42 15.00 427.58 650.00 48.50 175.20 404.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Check Imprinting Cost Chris's Car Wash Christian, Dorothy City of Hastings City of Has Ings Clerk of District Court Commercial Electronics, Inc. Commercial Electronics, Inc. Commercial Electronics Commercial Electronics Commercial Electronics Community Living of Nebr. Conway & Connolly Conway & Connolly Coop Grain & Supply Credit Bureau Crisler, John or Doris Curtis Oil Co Dairy Council of Central States Supplies Deluxe Cleaning Service's Inc Deluxe Cleaning Service Des Moines Stamp Mfg. Co. Dieken, Mrs. Karen Donelson, Larry D Dunmire & Blessing Duro-Test Corp. Dutton-Lainson Co. Eakes Office Equipment Co. Eakes Office Equipment Co. Eckhardt, Karen Ed's Pharmacy Educational Service Unit #9 Firestone Store Fischer, Richard Fischer, Richard Foote & Beck Fox, Marilyn Friend's Motor Supply Fry, Erwin V G & L Conoco Gant Publishing Co. Great Plains Great Plains Chrysler Check Imprinting Wash & Wax Car Voter Registration Zoning Permit Administration Zoning Permit Administration State Cases & Mental Health Repair & Labor Antenna Installation Repair & Labor Repair Antenna Installation Foster Care Professional Service Professional Service Tire Reporting Service Foster Care Gasoline Hansen, Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Hastings Welding Heimann & Sullivan Hoeft, Merle Hugo Heyn Co. IBM IBM IBM Cleaning Cleaning Supplies Board Member Mileage Library Expense Foster C re Expense Supplies Supplies Supplies Rental & Supplies Voter Reg. Expense Medicine Supplies Supplies Postage Telephone Hospital Expense Mileage Supplies Mowing of Holland Cemetery Gasoline Library Expense Repairs Plymouth Repair Gordon L. Daily Tribune Daily Tribune Electronics Dist Family Praicti.ce Janitorial Plumbing & Plumbing & Typewriter Utilities Utilities Supply Supplies Heating Heating Co. Co. Meals & Mileage Advertising & Supplies Advertising Supplies Professional Care Supplies Repairs Repair- Supplies Utilities for Nursing Home Courthouse Utilities Oxygen Legal Service Travel Expense Supplies Supplies Service Agreement Repair 152.53 3.00 3.15 124.00 42.08 1,343.44 145.00 29.87 59.20 76.00 35.20 739.00 50.00 400.00 282.72 6.00 150.00 227.00 165.00 77.00 125.75 41.70 9.25 65.25 227.50 91.96 101.58 153.86 732.92 1.40 11.51 13.00 86.31 15.17 81.21 17.00 11.56 22.97 40.00 3.10 79.00 154.07 18.90 83.13 915.10 1052.80 38.70 33.00 132.87 148.54 2.78 253.21 178.58 3001.57 22.00 533.00 41,49 148.38 17.64 203.50 26.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA %neral Cont: Image Inc. International Bausiness Johnson, Burdett Junker, Mrs. Howard K -Mart Kansas Denver Associates Kindig Printing Service Kingsley & Kingsley, Dr.s Knight, Robert G Kirstine, Judy Knight, Robert G Kohl, Adams Inc. Laird Motors Lamb, Mr & Mrs. Roger Law Enforcement Equip. Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Company Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Luverne Fire Apparatus Co. Magee, Gregg Sheriff Magee, Gregg Magee, Gregg Sheriff Magee, Gregg Sheriff Magee, Gregg Mary Lanning Memorial Hosp. Mary Lanning Memorial Hosp. Mary Lanning Memorial Hosp. Mason, Norma E Meals on Wheels Mobley, Irwin L Modern Linen Service Modern Methods Inc. Monroe The Calculator Co, Monroe Mosby Co. Motorola Automotive Division Muller, Bev & Gordon Murthy, P.S.S. M.D. Nebr. Dept. of Labor Nebr. State Bar Association NEC America Inc. Nelson, Luwane Nelson, Luwane Nelson Harding Norris, Cathy Orthmann's Old PPG Industries PPG Industries Platte Valley Communications Powell Tower Maintenance Inc. Psychological Corp. Radio Shack Redfield & Company Inc. Register of Deeds Reis, Franklin D Republic National Life Ins. Retired Senior Volunteer Prog. Rogers Inc. Roseland State Bank Samuelson, LeRoy Schellpeper, Valerie T -Shirts Machines Supplies Mileage Mileage Shelves Profession Services Supplies Hospital Call Reporting Voters Reg. Reporting Bond Repairs Foster Care Repairs Telephone Telephone & Toll Hot Line Repair Postage Food for Prisoners & Matron Fee Mileage Fees District Dourt Fees & Mileage Tests Test Tests Voter Registrations Budget request Mileage Linen Service Supplies Maintenance Maintenance Supplies Radio Foster Care Professional Service. Elevatoe Inspection Supplies Repair Mileage Supplies Yeutter & Leonard Services & Mileage & Meals Market Studio Photos Expenses Supplies Supplies Repairs Tower Rental School Dist. Supplies Repairs Supplies Postage Voter Reg. Insurance Coverage Budget Request Repairs Voter Reg. Mileage Mileage 453.60 18.41 10.44 7.89 32.31 5275.00 485.29' 25.00 65.00 5.60 185.25 54.00 217.34 90.00 388.61 64.37 2244.19 32.19 19.75 17.18 1007.50 1891.24 36.00 126.50 35.00 5.00 15.00 1.04 2000.00 213.36 183.95 13.50 53.00 69.00 355.52 90.14 150.00 250.00 23.50 61.20 11.54 122.58 6.87 577.13 180.18 25.00 67.00 47.60 25.00 105.00 216.50 14.54 979.74 26.52 1.40 2610.39 1000.00 7.50 4.90 6.87 21.45 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Search & Seizure Bulletin Sempek, Edward Sempek, Edward Shaw's Service Sheets, Stan Siemers Printing Co. Siemers' Schafer Printing Siemers Printing Co. Sirchie Laboratories Story, Roscoe E. Swanson, Paul Thomsen Oil Co. 3-M Business Products Vaughans-Printers Inc. Vaughans Printers West, Ruby Williams Exterminating Woodward's Disposal Service Woodward's Disposal Service Xerox Xerox Corporation Xerox Adams County Highway Dept. Allen's of Hastings Mr. Automotive Big G Case Power & Equipment Clarke Oil Company Commercial Electronics Subscription Foster Care Foster Care Tires Deposit Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Mileage Mileage Gas Supplies Supplies Supplies Voter Reg. Pest Control Law Enforcement Campout Disposal Service Rental Cancellation Rental ROAD -BRIDGE FUND Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Equipment repair Gas & Oil Repair Cooperative Service Association Gasoline Grease & Oil Permits Supplies Co. Gasoline Repair Supplies Supplies Telephone Gravel Equipment Repair Supplies Utilities Supplies Engineering Supplies Supplies Gas Service Supplies Inspection Diesel Telephone Gravel Supplies Supplies Supplies Repair Well Shop Towels D -Lubricant Company Delken Press Dutton-Lainson Co. Farmers Union Coop Gas Firestone Stores Friends Motor Supply Garvey Elevators Glenwood Telephone H & M Equipment Hastings Battery & Elec. Hastings Motor Truck Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Hoskin -Western Sonderegger Jahnke's Agri -home Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Kansas -Nebraska Nat. Gas Kully Iron & Metal Laird Motors Lambrecht Petroleum Lincoln Telephone Co. Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Mack & Beal Drilling Modern Linen Service Oil Service Service Service and Washroom Serv. 27.50 140.00 140.00 170.00 25.00 86.40 62.70 56.15 194.64 35.36 121.29 79.84 25.41 24.85 5.90 9.80 7.00 32.00 51.46 167.50 1.05 130.00 21.96 35.22 691.92 163.10 36.00 611.17 74.35 5.60 144.10 43.50 85.06 693.26 194.90 377.24 3.68 15.62 1548.54 7.00 58.00 5.95 65.87 67.25 2661.21 13.37 167.50 5.85 441.52 7.50 19.13 192.27 3096.80 158.76 5.00 322.88 66.40 21.02 Road Cont. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Nebr. Public Power Nebr. Tractor & Equip Odorite Co. Olsen, L. L. Oil Co. Parks, Roger S. Peterson Bros Enterprises Precision Laboratories Republic National Life Shaw's Service Southern Power Dist. Spitz & Blauvelt Stan's Radiator Service 3-M Minnesota Mining Co. Werner Construction Werner Construction Wheeler St. Regis Baker & Taylor Companies Hastings Public Library Republic National Life Ins. Electric Serviae Supplies Odorite Supplies Reg.& Mileage & Meals Striping Supplies Insurance Coverage Gasoline & Diesel Electric Service Equip.Repair & Supplies Repair Supplies Hot Mix & Oil Hot Mix Supplies & Repairs COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Supplies Services Insurance Coverage INHERITANCE TAX FUND Region III Catchment IV Area Funding Davis, Daveot Gretchen Gibson Pharmacy Ken Lindstrom Malone, Joyce Morris, L.L. Nebr. Dept. of Public Eader Brothers Rutt's Pharmacy Struss, Paul MEDICAL -RELIEF FUND Foster Care Prescription Rent Foster Care Revolving Fund Welfare Vendor Payments Rent Foster Care Medicine Foster Care Sorrell, Peggy Business Supply Co. Catlett, Dr. F.D. Cosgrove, Madelyn Credit Bureau of Hastings Fraser ,Mary Hinrichs ,Margaret International Business Lincoln Telephone Co. Lurz, Donna Mauch, Margaret Meyer, Garnet Morris, L. L. Nitzel, Dr. Dale Osman, Pat Peck, Dr. Eugene Republic National Life Saylards, Dr. Harry Schmidt, Marlys Soterin, Beverly STATE.. ADMINISTRATIVE FUND Mileage Supplies Professional Services Travel Expense Bulletin Service Mileage Mileage Machines Service Agreement Telephone Service Mileage Mileage Mileage Travel Expense L. Professional Fees Travel Expense Professional Fees Insurance Insurance Coverage Professional Fees Mileage Mileage 6.48 207.62 3.75 152.93 49.67 2782.00 789.01 791.94 890.00 47.00 92.20 12.50 369.50 101,274.66 1239.01 9872.25 48.34 491.08 29.41 8836.14 102.50 31.85 85.00 116.47 38.40 23,011.34 66.60 4.25 73.56 6.12 130.92 34.00 37.15 5.00 110.59 83.60 66.00 223.53 6.63 10.20 48.53 45.96 20.00 40.63 12.00 514.81 20.00 3.06 20.40 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Thompson, Mary United States Postmaster Williamson, Sheila Commercial Electronics Glenwood Telephone Company Kansas Nebraska Gas Co. Klein & Manske Insurance Kihlman Repair Republic National Life Ins. Roseland Cooperative Southern Nebraska Public Power Anderson Divan Cottrel Molhoan, Cathy J Vargas, Marianna Mileage Postage Mileage Radio Rental Telephone Service Gas Service Insurance Repairs Insurance Coverage Gas & Oil Electric Service FEDERAL GRANT FUND Ins- Insurance Mileage Mileage STATE INSTITUIONS FUND Beatrice State Develop Center Patient Care Hastings Regional Center Patient Care Hastings Regional Center Patient Care Hastings Regional Center Patient Care Lincoln Regional Center Patient Care REVENUE SHARING FUND Voting Supplies Pa ymen t Freight Installation Voting Supplies File Machine Equipment Supplies CES CES Consolidated Motor Freight Burrough Corporation CES Hastings Typewriter IBM Lincoln Equipment Co. Morris Ind. This Board will now recess subject to the call County Clerk Os/ Depu y / 56.53 200.00 20.06 180.00 32.22 3.55 272.00 193.05 94.45 188.63 8.38 11.31 153.00 180.00 1170.00 18.00 2818.00 4453.00 528.00 543.78 43,810.69 10.98 145.00 969.33 230.00 1163.55 8322.00 43.25 of the Chairman., Ai 14fi 7 Ch an COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, November 14, 1978 9:30 A.K. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kelley, Sole, Burr White and Lightner. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Burr, seconded by White that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of SuperviBors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available;.too the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion-.eartied. Ryal Reis complained to the Board that there were no pencils or pens in the new punch card election booths. Information was given to him that pens were sent to all precincts for voters to use for write-ins. Roger Parks gave a Report concerning the progress of road work in the County. The Baord instructed him to bill the townships for one-half year maintenance fees with a decision to be made at al:later date about billing the remainder after talking with tazwnship officials about the matter. Jake Thiel, Sheriff -elect appeared to explain his decision to relieve three people in the department from their duties. He also indicated that Greg Magee would be willing to resign effective December 1 and thiel could be appointed. The Board said they would place the matter on,the agenda for the next week cif Magee resigned. Motion by Burr, seconded by Kelley that the reports of Clerk of District Court, (3) Ambulance (4) County Clerk, Car Titles, Register of Deeds (2) Sheriff (2) County Permits, and County Library be accepted and placed on file.. Roll call, all vote], aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Hoagland that tax list correction No.6874 be allowed and the Chairman be authorized to sign the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Hoagland that the following Miscellaneous receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors' Proceedings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 571 U.S. Treasury 108.00 572 Noxious ;Weed 65.00 573 First National Bank 1869.86 574 Adams County Clerk 67.32 575 Adams County Court 20.00 576 Adams County C6urt 5.3458 577 Register of Deeds 638.27 578 Ambulance 387.50 579 County Court 5881.00 580 County Court 578.00 581 Register of Deeds 120.00 582 Adam Kohl Insurance 30.00 583 County Clerk ,667 584 Register of Deeds 28.70 585 Highway Dept. 126.22 586 Cancelled 564.61 587 County 'ourt 743.40 588 Wm. G. Cambridge, Attorney 3309.16 589 State of Nebr. 3472.44 590 State of Nebr. 46789.97 591 Ambulance Service 415.00 592 Sheriff's Office 14.96 593 Pepsi-Cola Company 40.20 594 Adams Co. Noxious Weed 175.00 595 U.S. Treasury 43393.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 596 First National Bank 597 Adams County Court 598 Road Dept. 599 Co. Sheriff 600 County Court 601 County Court 602 Clerk of Dist. Court 603 Clerk of ist. Court 604 Clerk of list. Court 605 Co. Ambulance Service 606 County Court 607 Anns Coffee Shop 608 Clerk of Dist. Court 609 Clerk of Dist. Court 610 Co. Highway Dept. 611 State of Nebr. 612 State of Nebr. 613 L. J. Hallas Estate 614 State of Neb. 615 Village of Kenesaw 616 Village of Rodeland 617 County Court 618 County Court 619 First National Bank 620 First National Bank 621 Ambulance Service 622 Campus House 623 Ambulance Service 624 Highway Dept. 625 Register of Deeds 626 County Clerk 627 County Clerk 628 County Clerk 629 Ambulance Dept. 630 Clerk of Dist. Court 631 Clerk of Dist. Court 632 State of Nebr. 633 Village of Prosser 634 Adams County Sheriff 635 Buffalo County Court 636 Gertrude Coon Estate 637 Noxious Weed 638 Midland Area Agency 639 Midlands Nutrition Project 640 Ambulance Service 641 Highway Department 642 State of Nebr. 643 State of Nebr. 644 Adams County Court 645 Ambulance Service 646 Campus House 647 Ambulance Servd:ce 648 Ambulance Service 649 Aounty Court 650 County Court 651 County Court 148.63 150.00 4.44 2494.03 75.00 22.21 855.00 80.50 122.86 342.70 150.00 25.00 80.00 129.29 128.32 15000.00 2482.00 512.93 13716.29 2184.00 636.00 405.32 401.39 123.29 1273.97 411.00 510.00 174.50 25.00 1724.20 48.50 748.00 1789.50 86.00 110.00 123.16 1238.06 420.00 8.30 19.72 83.96 527.50 137.00 73.00 743.50 2.00 6962.00 12109.00 225.00 249.00 345.00 298.30 157.50 443.58 47.85 792.48 .This meeting will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. County er /s/ Depu SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, November 21, 1978 Hastings , The regular meeting of the as per public notice given Roll call, members present Lightner. Sole, absent. NE. Adams County Board of Supervisors was held with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. . Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Burr, White and Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An Agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Burr that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION No. 78-11-21 WHEREAS, an allocation of Federal -Aid Secondary Highway funds is made available to the counties of Nebraska at Yearly intervals, and designated as fiscal year funds, and WHEREAS, this allocation is made available to each county for a period of not less than eighteen (18) months, and WHEREAS, the County of Adams has used or obligated all Federal - aid allotted them including the most recent fiscal year allocation, and, WHEREAS, the present policy of the Department of Roads permits counties to request additdnnal Federal -Aid Secondary funds from a 'pool' of unused Federal -Aid Secondary Funds. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That Adams County requests that the Department of Roads transfer to the credit of Adams County unused funds from the Federal -Aid Secondary funds in the amount of $86,843.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Sole entered meeting at 9:45 A.M. Motion by Goble seconded by Hoagland that as recommended by the Planning Commission Harold Steiner be granted permission for an accessory living facility on the 7AC tract i:'h Sec 16-6-12 where Harold's Home is Located. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, Commission Paul living facility 30, T8N, R11W. all voted aye. seconded by Goble that as recommended by the Planning Struss be granted permission for an accessory for farm employment on the NE4, Section Vernoa Township, Adams County, Nebraska. Roll call, Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Hoagland that we accept the bid of Redfield and Co. of Omaha, to furnish 1979 personal tax assessment forms for $236.40. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kailey that we grant tax fefund claim in the amount of $52.33. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Allen Halfar, Sub -area 8o -ordinator for Greater Nebraska Health System Agency appeared to return to Adams County $1,658.71 in local funds which had been originally designated for the Central Nebraska ea.l.th Planning Agency. When that agency was ended in 1976 funds on hand at that time were given back to the counties participating according to the ratio of participation. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Motion by White seconded by Sole that we extend the time for recieiving handibus bids until 11:00 A.M. Nov. 28, 1978. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Burr that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed and authorized to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Weed Control County Library_ State Administration Duthie, Eva B. Road Dept. Anderson, Roy, Austin, Weslie Harpham, Gilbert L Mousel, Virgil Poore, Delbert Stromer, Paul Struss, Lambert R. Witt, Lloyd WEED CONTROL Salaries $2,209.20 LIBRARY FUND Salaries 1,105.60 STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Salaries 14,243.00 Prior Service 14.00 ROAD FUND Salaries Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Servicel Prior Service Prior Service GENERAL FUND County Extension Office Ambulance Department Clerk of the District Court County Assessor's Office Data Processing County Attorney's Office County Supervisors Office County Clerk's Office Canvassing Boaad Election Expense Sheriff's Department Sheriff's Department(Jail) County Supt. Office Treasurers Office Courthouse Janitors Juvenile Probation Register of Deeds Office Communications Veterans Service Office Planning & Zoning Office Public Defender's Office Historical Society Stromer, Paul Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Salaries Salary Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Landfill 23,877.89 25.00 25.00 14.00 12.00 25.00 13.00 12.00 22.00 4,485.32 8,011.00 2,412.80 4,946.83 1,534.00 6,314.00 3,150.00 4,646.05 283.49 796.46 10,043.67 5,033.44 1,463.00 5,130.79 2,327.63 826.35 2,166.00 508.00 1,978.00 2,372.15 2,618.00 1,791.67 113.24 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Hayen, Rachel Burchard, Minnie M Reutlinger, Lila Gartner, Rena Knapp, Donald Cornhgisker Press Office of Public Defender Kidd, C.H. Urban Land Institute Lincoln Telephone Co. Hoeft, Merle Hastings Typewriter Co A & D Technical Supply Clifford, Nancy B Hastings Tour & Travel Gaylord Goble Election Payroll Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Mileage Supplies & Service Office Expenses Prior Service Membership Dues Service & Charges Supplies Supplies Co.Inc Supplies Mileage Expenses Mileage Judges and Clerks of Election 25.00 14.00 14.00 25.00 13.94 37.20 462.62 16.00 150.00 71.21 6.68 12.96 37.42 2.56 404.00 27.52 8,324.29 The Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, November 28, 1978 9:30A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Burr, White and Lightner. Sole, Absent. Motion by Burr, seconded by Kailey that this Meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board ofSupervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks indicated that it would take approximately 200 cubic yards1 of gravel to repair the mail box turn outs. After discussion of the problem and indication of the areas where the worst problems exist he was instructed to start repairing the worst turn outs, where the mail boxes were properly placed. The Board authorized purchase of 1 new radio to tie in with the rest of the emergency system and one used radio from the Mini- buses. They also authorized the purchase of 7 flashing lights for road equipment. Sole entered meeting at 9:50 A.M. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Goble that tax list corrections No 6875 through 6880 be allowed and the Chairman be authorized to sign the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Mobion by Sole, seconded by Burr that we accept Chrysler Plymouth Inc. as the only and best bid delivered to Hastings for $24,045,10 less, trade $3,727.10. Net Bid $20,318.00. Roll call, all carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call the Adams County Board of Supervisors. r V, i • 0 /s/ County Clerk rei LX) -1 110 A JVJA Deputy the bid of Great Plains for furnishing 2 vans in of 1 Van allowance voted aye. Motion of the Chairman of COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, December 5, 1978 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams CountyBoard as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, call, members present: Goble, Kailey, Sole, Absent: Hoagland. of Supervisors was held Chafxman, presiding. Roll Burr, White end Lightner. Motion by Burr, seconded by Sole that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Deily Tribune and by posting. An Agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks reported that it would be advantageousto'lhe Road Dept. to purchase both of the radios that would be removed from the Senior Handibuses. The Board gave approval. Mr. Fleharty appeared to give information concerning tower rental fees for the handibus operation and was asked to get more information concerningtheteletype terminal for the Sheriff's office and report back to the Baord. Motion by Sole, seconded by Goble that we approve the following bonds: Chester G. Yost, County Treasurer $10,000. Gloria Park, Deputy Clerk of Dist. Court 2,500. Carla L. Palm, Clerk of Dist. Court 5,000. Eldon R. Grothen, Ayr Township Clerk250. Glenn T. Frink, Highland Township Chairman 250. Roll Call, all voted Aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble,seconded by Burr that as recomuended by the Planning Commission, and after hearing we approve the rez#ning of the following tract of land to wit: A tract of land 417 feet by 208 feet located in the NE k of the NEk, fractional Section 6, T6N, R9W Hanover Township, Adams County, Nebraska. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Applicant: Steve Cropley The property -is presently zoned Agricultural Open Space (A0-1) and is hereby rezoned t� Agriculture AG -1. ` Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Sole that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections 6881 through 6887. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Burr that we approve the following exchange of Joint Custody Receipts by Adams County Bank of Kenesaw,Nebraska. Release J.C. 7967 U.S.Treas. Bills in the amount of $200,000.; Pledge J.C. 8118 Fed. Land Banks J 80691 0018 in the amount of S100,000; release J.C. 3088 City of Norfolk V.P. Bonds for Paving Dist. in the amount of $20,000.; and pledge J.C. 6538 U.S. Treas Notes in the amount of $100,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Goble that the reports of Car Titles, County Clerk, ambulance (2), Register of Deeds (2), Library, be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Sheriff Magee appeared with information concerning the teletype terminal and line charges. Roth informed the Board of the amount of time the present equipment had been out of operation recently. Mr.Fleharty agreed to co-operate with them to get more up to date information Luwane Nelson, 4-H Aide placed on display before the Board the Christmas ornament designed and fashioned by the Adams County Junior Leaders. The ornament will be hung on the Christmas tree in the State Capitol rotunda along with those from other counties. in Nebraska. Hearing was held concerning an application for tax exemption. Motion by Burr, seconded by Goble that the Board would consider approval of the application for tax exemption on a 1979 Mini Mobile Traveler, Serial No. 28777 propiding the vehicle be titled in the name of a religious Non-profit organization. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by White that the following Miscellaneous receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors Proceedings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 652 Register of Deeds 29.27 653 Welfare Office 20.00 654 K. P. Club 161.67 655 Eagles #592- 381.65 656 - Adams County Court 147.15 657 Adams CountyClerk 123.30 658 Adams County Court 7064.00 659 Adams County Court 431.00 660 Ambulance Service 508.30 661 Register of Deeds 1084.32 662 American Legion 186.08 663- Columbia Holding Co. - 216.08 664 - Little Blue NRD 1160.31 665 Adams CountyCourt 150.00 666 Register of Deeds 30.25 667 Conway & Connolly Lawyers 573.30 1'""", 668 County Sheriff 773.56 669 State of Nebr. 18,000.00 670 State of Nebr. 42,912.33 671 First National 600.00 672 State of Nebr 58,397.69 673 Ambulance Service 280.00 674 First National Bank 9,505.14 675 St. Michael's Bingo Account 266.58 676 State of Nebr. 2,616.91 6?7 County Court 173.16 678 County Court 1,034.08 679 County Clerk 158.50 680 Annts Coffee Shop 25.00 r riA:_.ia) SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 681 City Treas. 682 Clerk of Dist.Court 683 Clerk of Dist.Court 684 Hall Co.Treasurer 685 Hall County Treasurer 686 HallCo.Treasurer 687 Hall Co.Treasurer 688 HallCo.Treasurer 689 Hall Co.Treasurer 690 Hall Co.Treasurer 691 First National Bank 692 Ambulance Service 693 Adams County Bank 694 Adams County Bank 695 Veterans of Foreign Wars- 696 First National Bank 697 Cancel 698 Ambulance Service 699 County Attorney 700 Adams County Bank 701 Adams County Bank 702 Adams County Court 703 Adams County Court 704 AdamsCountyCourt 705 Adams County Bank 706 Hastings State Bank 707 Nt. Guard 708 County Clerk 709 County Clerk 710 Clerk of Dist.Court 711 Clerk of Dist.Court 712 Clerk of Dist Court 713 City of Hastings 714 Ambulance Service 715 Highway Dept. 716 First National Bank 717 CountyCourt 718 Register of Deeds 719 Kearney Co.Treas. 720- Kearney Co.Treas 721 Ambulance Serv. 722 County Sheriff 723 Midland Area Agency on Aging 724 Midland Nutrition Project for 725 Railroad Trans Safety Dist. 726 Adams CountyCourt 727 Raoma Beavers City Treas. 728 Ambulance Serv. 729 Cent. Neb. Com. Health Planning 730 State of Neb. 731 Void 732 State of Nebr. 733 Ambulance Service 734 Clerk of Dist. Court 735 Register of Deeds 736 - Jerry Davidson 737 Village of Holstein 738 Ambulance Service 739 Adams County 740 Adams Co.Court 1,560.00 1,224.50 677.14 3,400.00 300.00 50.00 250.00 50.00 80.00 10.00 143.84 305.00 2,062.50 1,375.00 203.10 127.40 200.20 3.39 1,191.78 1,849.31 3,136.34 5,879.89 460.00 41.09 1,849.32 33.55 390.00 1,960.00 87.10 386.12 266.50 5,202.75 375.0o 14.00 7,643.84 68.40 1,993.40 150.00 21,000.00 607.50 36.10 137.00 Elderly 73.00 10.85 1,167.01 274,975.00 185.00 1,658.71 6,962.00 12,109.00 782.6o 58.50 26.52 141.78 1,400.00 315.00 .68 3,280.62 Motion by Kailey,Seconded by Sole that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed and authorized ;to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Adams County Court Adams Co. Senior Handi-Bus Adams Co.Treasurer American Fire Control American Fire Control Badger Uniforms General Fund Court Costs Re -imbursement Postage Supplies Supplies Uniforms 494.90 945.59 90.15 97.10 9.45 182.33 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Badger Uniforms Sid Beck Carl S. Becker Company Matthew Bender & Company Inc. Big G Auto Service Big G Auto Service Big G Ace Hardware Susan Brown Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corporation Business Supply Co., Inc. Computer Election Systems, Inc. Campus House, Inc. Campus House, Inc. Cash Wa Candy Company City of Hastings Clerk of DistrictCourt Mrs.W.C.Coats Commercial Electronics, Inc. Commercial Electronics, Inc. Co -Op Grain & Supply Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Credit Bureau of Hastings, Inc. John or Doris Crisler Community Living of Nebraska, Inc. Curtis Oil Co. Deluxe Cleaning Services, Inc. Deluxe Cleaning Directory Service Company Directory ServiceCompany Directory Service ComOany Larry Donelson,State Librarian Larry Donelson,State Librarian Dunmire & Blessing Dutton-LainsonCo. Eakes Office Equipment Co, Eakes Office Equipment Co. Eakes Office Equip Co, Ed's Pharmacy Extension Office, Petty Cash Fay's Drive -In Drug Fay's Drive -In Drug Dr. M, H. Fitch, Optometrist Marilyn Fox Friend's Meytor Supply Friend's Motor Supply Grace's Bike & Key Greater Neb. Health Systems Agency General Electric Co. Wilbur R.Gewecke Gordon L. Hansen Great Plains Chrysler Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Family Practice, P.C. Hastings Janitorial Supplies Hastings Janitorial Supplies Hastings Pediatric Clinic Hastings Typelgriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Hastings Welding Supply Mrs. Lawrence Hoffman Home Decorating Supplies IBM Corporation Uniforms Mileage & per diem Professional Services Supplies Service Supplies Supplies Mileage Maintenance Agreement Supplies Supplies Maint. Agreement Maint. Agreement Supplies Supplies Supplies Care Care Supplies Sale of Voting Booths Court Costs Mileage & Per Diem Repair Service Service & Supplies Supplies Service Service Supplies Credit Bulletin. Foster Care Foster Care Gasoline Service Service Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Professional Service Supplies Supplies Machine Rental Supplies Supplies for Jail Misc. Supplies Prescription Prescription Professional Services Mileage Supplies Supplies Service & Supplies Local Funds Equipment for Ambulance Postage Mileage & Meals Tow Charge Advertising Professional Service Supplies Supplies Professional Service Supplies Utilities Utilities Supplies Supplies Mileage & Per Diem Supplies Service Agreement 134.14 9.08 185.00 27.50 24.00 28.63 5.30 36.02 92.28 67.50 283.95 41.46 2,730.00 59.10 56.90 58.50 692.74 65o.00 45.80 123.00 1,094.17 8.06 1.85 63.4o 282.72 350.20 40.89 43.83 10.00 150.00 739.00 595.47 121.90 159.30 10.30 103.00 30.90 6.25 21.75 20.00 55.27 88.63 565.32 9.22 2.81 17.33 5.00 10.50 79.0o 79.26 4.86 8.64 11.40 1,550.00 2,154.00 43.00 79.14 26.00 1,241.80 75.00 71.49 4.65 75.00 95.69 187.77 4,290.01 7.00 32.75 9.08 4.4o 203.50 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA IBM Corporation Image, Inc. Burdett Johnson Mrs. Howard Junker Kansas -Denver Associates MichaelKhanh Kindig Printing Service - Robert G. Knight Robert G. Knight Robert G. Knight Arthur R. Langvardt Law Enforcement EquipCo Lawrence Locomotive Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Lincoln Telephone & Teleg Luverne Fire Apparatus Co. Magee, Gregg Sheriff Magee, Gregg Sheriff Magee, Gregg Sheriff Mobley, Irwin. L Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Modern Methods Inc. Montgomery Wards Morris Paint Muller, Bev or Gordon Nelson, Luwane Nelson, Luwane Norris,Cathy PPG Industries PPG Industries Inc. Page, Christopher Pauley, W.G. Lumber Co. Police Services and Supply Postmaster Polk, R. L. & Company Polk, R. L. & Company Quintan Publishing Co.,Inc. Radio Shack Recknor, John F Redfield & Company Redfield & Company Raider Printing Co Republic National Life Insurance Ritchey, Mfg Company Samuelson, LeRoy Schafer Printing Company Sempek, Edward She rman t s Ben Smith, Hal Ins Agency Sneller,Robert C - Stewart Plumbing Co. Swanson, Paul Thomsen Oil Co. 3-M Business Products Sales Inc. 3-M Business Products Sales Inc. 3 -Point Tire Service Toogood, Arthur C United Laboratories Inc. United Laboratories Inc. University of Nebr. Visia Williams, Art Ind. Woodward's Disposal Service Yost, C.G. Adams Co. Treas. Zimmer Printing Co. Service Agreement & Supplies 179.10 Supplies 76.00 Mileage & Per Diem 10.44 Mileage & Per Diem 7.89 Service 743.00 Expert Witness Fee & Expenses1005.60 Printing Service & Supplies Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Ewuipment Advertising Hort Line Telephone & Toll Patches Food for Prisoners & Matron Mileage Mileage Mileage & Travel Exp. Linen Service Linen Service Linen Service Paper Bedspreads Paint Foster Care Supplies Mileage Mileage Door Closer Paint Fee Election expense Equipment Postage Directories Directories Subscription Telephone Pickup Seminar Fee & Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Insurance Coverage Supplies Board Member Mileage Printing Foster Care Uniforms Bonds Office Visit Repair Mileage Gasoline Supplies Supplies Wheels & Mounting Travel Expense Supplies Supplies Wats Line Gasoline Supplies Disposal Service Box Rent Supplies 5082.93 165.50 205.00 175.00 707.00 56.05 34.75 32.19 2025.52 40.85 Fee810.50 1438.33 42.50 98.58 77.26 8.4o 78.94 154.00 25.98 11.145 230.00 18.95 39.44 59.40 141.10 4.86 20.00 2.28 405.00 2500.00 414.00 47.35 27.50 6.95 235.70 13.39 3.42 7.18 2604.17 14.49 6.87 155.04 140.00 158.10 340.00 15.00 270.18 60.1 100.46 25.41 71.33 206.25 68.68 410.41 265.20 42.42 28.00 176.70 49.46 5.50 34.12 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Davis, Dave & Gretchen Glenn, Dr 4 E. E. Hastings Utilities Lockwood, Edward H. D.D.S. Malone, Joyce Morris, L. L. Nebr.Dept. of Public Welfare Professional Fees Office Safeway Stores Stitt, W. D. Walgreen Drug Store STATE Borrell, Peggy Cosgrove, Madelyn Credit Bureau of Hastings Fraser, Mary Hinrichs, Margaret Hoffmeister, Dr. George Kingsley, Dr. D.W. Sr. Krohn, Dr. David Kuehn, Dr. Gerald A Lincoln Telephone Company Lurz, Donna Mauch, Margaret Morris, L. L. Osman, Pat Peck, Dr. Eugene Po14, R. L. & Company Republic National Life Schmidt, Marlys J. Siemers-Schafer Printing Co. Soterin, Beverly United States Postmaster Williams, Sheila Foster Eare Professional Service Utilities Foster Care Foster Care Revolving Fund Vendor Payments Catastrophis Illness Groceries Rent Foster Care ADMINISTRATIVE FUND Mileage Mileage Bulletin Service Mileage Mil Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Telephone & Toll Mileage Mileage Milage & Meals Mileage Professional Service Directory Insurance Coverage Mileage Printing Mileage Postage Mileage WEED CONTROL FUND Gasoline Telephone & Toll Utilities Gasoline Insurance Coverage Electric Service Coop Grain Supply Glenwood Telephone Co. Kansas Nebraska Gas Co. Kloke Conoco Service Republic National Life Southern Nebraska Power Dist STATE Beatrice State Develop Center Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center INSTITUTIONS Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care 190.00 27.50 14,81 2(4.00 190.00 5.00 27,876.55 548.20 14.00 120.00 11.94 2.72 2.56 5.00 34.51 7.82 3.00 5.00 20.00 20.00 164.77 3.74 10.03 33.63 39.27 7.50 46.00 514.81 8.84 83.74 44.42 200.00 5.61 17.98 38.89 5.24 31.20 94.45 7.91 1209.00 46.80 1738.00 4473.52 519.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND International Business Machines Corp. Typewriter Lightner, Ed Auction & Realty Co. Files Lincoln Equipment Co. Morse Data Processing Nebr. Dept. of Roads Baker & Taylor Company Butterick Publishing Sources Caterpillar Payroll Programming Shelving COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Library Expense Supplies Supplies ROAD FUND Misc. Renewal of License Gasoline Mileage Gasoline & Oil Gasoline & Oil Radio Repair Gasoline Repair Gasoline & Diesel Diesel Repair & Supplies Supplies Chains Recover Seats Mileage Telephone & Toll Keys Sampling & Testing Gravel Motor Stand Repair Tires Repair Supplies Utilities Supplies Mail Box Supplies Tools Gas Service Repair Repair Repair Diesel Repairs & Service Expense Gravel Expenses Rerairs Repairs Adams Co. Highway Dept. Board of Public Roads Consumers Service Carriker, Deb Clarke Oil Co. Clarke Oil Co. Commercial Electronics Coop Grain & Supply Fairs Repair Shop Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Friends Motor Supply Firestone Stores The Big G Gene's Upholstery Ginter, Bob Glenwood Telephone Grace's Bike & Key Shop Grand Island Testing Laboratories H & M Equipment Harpham, Gilbert Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings OK Tire Co. Hastings Plumbing & Heating Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Jahnke's Agri Home Center Johnson Cashway Co. Juniata Farmers Coop Kansas Nebr. Nat. Gas Kerr Chevrolet Kully Iron & Metal Laird Motors Inc. Lambrecht Petroleum, Inc. Lemke Sharpening Service Ed Lightner Auction & Realty Co. Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. 774.00 217.00 34,095.00 450.00 21.00 18.55 4.96 4.00 21.88 20.00 56.91 13.94 390.15 564.90 615.00 55.30 2.00 138.83 217.88 329.30 24.48 55.81 29.00 28.05 62.30 2.55 98.80 2,195.92 40.00 132.84 68.34 333.04 14.76 127.88 192.99 5.39 38.49 3.70 6.41 24.19 11.70 40.81 385.91 140.81 32.00 3,586.96 938.10 304.11 358.34 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Lincoln Telephone Co. McClelland Farm Equipment Modern Linen Service Mr. Automotive Nebr. Public Power Olsen, L.L. Oil Co. Precision Laboratories Shaw's Service Smith, S.E. & Sons Southern Power Dist. Stork, Clarence 3 -Points Tire Service Vontz, L. J. Construction Vontz, L. J. Construction Vontz, L. J. Construction Vontz, L. J. Construction Vontz, L. J. Construction Werner Construction Wheeler St. Regis Republic National Life Ins. University Hospital Dr. Tom Tonnigas Dc. Tom Tonnigas Mary Lanning Hospital Mary Lanning Hospital Dr. George Hoffmeister Hastings Skyways Adams Co. Ambulance Telephone & Toll Repairs Linen Service Repairs Electric Service Gasoline Supplies Gasoline & Repairs Supplies Electric Service Manuals Tires Gravel Gravel Gravel Gravel Gravel Hot Mix Repairs & Supplies Slnsurance Coverage RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Catastrophic Illness Professio;a1 Service Professional Service Catastrophic Illness Catastrophic Illness Professional Service Service Service This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of 72 _et County Clerk /s/ 241.81 84.36 13.85 484.35 9.09 2,451.27 197.50 960.89 15.01 44.67 69.00 4,759.52 4,911:50 5,480.20 2,555.30 14,468.85 1,320.00 4,103.54 7,802.39 791.94 1,884.94 1,062.00 240.00 8,697.67 896.66 85.00 150.00 70.00 he Board. an COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, December 12, 1973 9:30 A.M. The regularimeeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members [resent: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Burr, White and Lightner. Absent: Sole. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kelt currently amended and roosted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. trt e' 7, 6 ) (.2) °--• SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Sole entered meeting at 9:35 A.M. Ed Bourg appeared in behalf of his father concerning a gas line that had been damaged and presented a claim to the Board. The Board took the matter under advisement. The Board instructed Glen Kramer, Deputy County Attorney to pursue the matter concerning damage to a bridge occuring when Paden Co. was installing telephone cable for Lincoln Telephone Company. The Board instructed Kramer to file suit if necessary to collect for the damages. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Goble that permission be denied for Lincoln Telephone Co. to bury cable in the roadway until settlement is made concerning bridge damage to a structure located in the SE? of Sec. 31-7-9, Adams County, Nebraska; at which time we would reconsider. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Sole and Lightner. Nays: Burr and White, Motion carried. Snow removal within Sanitary Improvement Districts was discussed and two Attorney General Opinions were read by Mr. Parks, Road Superintendent Motion by Goble, seconded by Burr that we pay the Claim to Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Company in the amount of $29.65 for repair of damages to a gas line at the A. G. Bourg farm. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Mr. Fleharty appeared with Sheriff Magee to inform the Board that after investigation of several options, the offer of the Telephone company for lease of the basic terminal and line charge appeared to be the most economical approach for Adams County. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kailey that we authorize installation of new equipment in the Sheriff's office and authorize an agreement with North Western Bell and Lincoln Telephone Co. for rental of a 40/3 CRT with line service and maintenance for $458. per month and a one time installation charge of $300. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Kailey, Sole, Burr, White and Lightner. Nays: Goble. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Burr that the following bonds be approved: Clarence Osler, Verona Township Chairman in the amount of $250. Herman Tenhoff, Zero Township Treasurer in the amount of $2,000. Robert Neemav Assistant Assessor in the amount of $500. Robert Neeman, Denver Township Treasurer in the amount of $2,000. Julia Moeller, Deputy County Treasurer in the amount of $10,000. Beverley Mobley, County Assessor in the amount of $3,000. Gloria Schlachter, Deputy Register of Deeds in the amount of $2,000. Arthur Toogood County Attorney in the amount of $1,000. Robert Pfeiffer, West Blue Township Treasurer in the amount of $2,000. Gordon L. Hansen, County Superintendent in the amount of $1,000, Marvin Hartman, Deputy County Sheriff in the amount of $10,000. L. John Meredith, Register of Deeds in the amount of $5,000. Maureen Wells, Deputy County Sheriff in the amount of $10,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Motion by Kailey, seconded by Hoagland that we alprove the release of Joint Custody Receipt No. 5537 in the amount of $20,000. and Joint Custody Receipt No. 5716 in the amount of $25,000. to the Roseland State Bank. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. County Clerk Deputy Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, December 19, 1978 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adarns County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Sole, Burr, White and Lightner. Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the memb ers and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Hoagland that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTI O N 78-12-19 WHEREAS, there remain outstanding warrants drawn on the various County funds, which warrants have been outstanding for more than two year, WHEREAS, under the provisions of Sec. 77-2205, Revised Statutes of Nebraska, the County Treasurer shall not pay any warrant, unless registered, which is presented for payment more than two years after the date of its issuance, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following warrants shall be cancelled: GENERAL FUND Amount May 31, 1974 #1418 $20.00 June 10, 1974 1918 19.00 Nov. 30, 1974 797 20.00 June 20, 1975 2170 22.88 Dec. 10, 1975 Feb. 18, 1976 May 29, 1976 May 29, 1976 MIDLAND AREA AGENCY Feb. 13, 1976 ON AGING 745 23.00 1187 1817 1843 131 35.01 31.05 37.78 1.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA FEDERAL GRANT April 15, 1975 March 11, 1976 May 13, 1976 263 218 281 $ 1.55 25.90 24.00 and the County Clerk is hereby instructed to make proper notation of such cancellation on the Warrant Register. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by White that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 6888 thru 6893. Roll cail, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded approved: Walter Ahrens Joan Asmus Harold Weaver Ray Heinrich Larry D. Smidt Ervin Berg Marie R. Kennedy Joseph Barnason Raymond Eckhardt Duane Lambrecht George Hesman Richard Wenske Phyllis A. Bartlett Glen J. I, Kramer Jake Thiel Marvin R. Steinke Dale F. Lamski by Goble that the following bonds be Assistant Assessor Hanover Township Treasurer Verona Township Treasurer Roseland. Township Clerk Little Blue Township Treasurer Kenesaw Township Chairman Juniata Township Clerk Ayr Township Chairman Logan Township Treasurer Wanda Township Clerk Assistant Assessor Ambulance Dept, Director Deputy County Assessor Deputy County Attorney County Sheriff Deputy County Attorney Deputy County Attorney Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. $500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 250.00 2,000.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 2,000.00 250.00 500.00 10,000.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Sole that the inventories of Data Processing, Clerk of Dist. Court, Veteran's Service Office, County Attorney, County Assessor, District Judge, County Treasurer, be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Kailey that we cause to be made a compre- hensive Civil Defense and Basic Disaster plan for the County and request that it be brought back to the Board at a later date for adoption. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Goble, seconded by Burr that we approve the foil/wing appoint- ments to the Adams County Fair Board; Roy Crocker, Don Snoberger, , Merle Anderson for three year terms and Leola Wiens for a two year term. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Mo.l?ion by Kailey, seconded by Hoagland that refund claim in the amount of $156.68 be allowed. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Kailey, seconded by Goble that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Children's Memorial Hospital Tonniges, Dr, Tom Mary Lanning Hospital Professional Fees Office Hastings Family Practice County Library State Administration Duthie, Eva B. Weed Control Road Department Harpham, Gilbert L. Stromer, Paul Mousel, Virgil Poore, Delbert Koch, David Anderson, Roy Witt, Lloyd Austin, Weslie Struss, Lambert Parks, Roger S. RELIET-MEDICAL Catastrophic Catastrophic Catastrophic Catastrophic Catastrophic COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Salaries STATE ADMINISTRATIVE FUND Salaries Prior Service WEED CONTROL FUND Salaries County Extension Office Ambulance Department Clerk of District Court County Assessor's Office Data Processing County Attorney's Office County Board County Clerk's Office County Sheriff's Office County Jail County Superintendent's Office County Treasurer's Office Courthouse Janitors Juv. Probation Office Register of Deeds Office Communications Veterans Service Office Planning & Zoning Planning & Zoning Public Defender Stromer, Paul Historical Society County Sheriff's Office Burchard, Minnie M. DeMuth, Joseph Gartner, Rena Grothen, Raymond Goble, Gaylord ROAD FUND Salaries Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Illness Illness Illness Illness Illness Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Prior Service Convention Expense GENERAL FUND Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Salaries Office Expense Salaries Salaries Salary Salaries Office Expense Prior Service Mileage Prior Service Mileage Mileage 85.37 311.00 68.78 275.00 42.00 1,392.25 14,150.65 14.00 2,035.60 24,418.65 14.00 13.00 12.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 22.00 25.00 12.00 150.00 4,462.80 8.311.00 2,810.16 4,946.85 1,534.00 6,314.00 3,150.00 4,306.37 10,656.98 4,938.36 1,463.00 4,970.04 2,293.52 826.35 2,166.00 508.00 1,978.00 809.47 2,181.83 2,018.00 128.14 1,791.67 2,259.76 14.00 4.08 25.00 1.70 41.60 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Hawes, Anita Hayen, Rachel Hoagland, Orville Kidd, C. H. Moeller, Julia Office of Public Defender Osler, Leonard Reutlinger, Lila L. Saylor, Ron U. S. Postoffice White, Sid This Board will now recess Convention Expense Prior Service Convention Expense Prior Service Convention Expense Office Expense Mileage Prior Service Mileage Box Rental Convention Expense subject to the call off the County Clerk /s/ 142.46 25.00 150.00 16.00 150.00 433.47 8.16 14.00 10.20 24.00 150.00 Chairman of the Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, December 26, 1978 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Goble, Kailey, Sole, Burr, White and Lightner. Motion by Burr, seconded by White that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, Seconded by White that we accept with regret the resignation of Bobbie Henry, Chief Deputy Sheriff, Effective January 1, 1979 as he has been a dedicated and loyal employee of Adams County. Roll cail, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Kailey that we appoint Roger Parks as County Surveyor for 1979 with a salary of $1.00 per year. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The Board discussed the repairs needed on the Courthouse roof and the problems that occurred three to five years after construction of the building, with the roof leaking. Glen Kramer, Deputy County Attorney was asked to look into the matter of recovery of damages from the •bonding company. Motion by Goble, seconded by Burr that the following bonds be approved: Frank Haba Donald C Snoberger Don Snoberger Elwin N. Turner Frank Haba Little Blue Township Chairman West Blue Township Chairman Assistant Assessor Assistant Assessor Assistant Assessor $250.00 250.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Robert Struss Max Mohler, Jr. Russell K. Copple Delton Shaw Leo Hoffman Ray Eisele Virgil Kemper Paul J. F.Uden Roll call, all voted aye. Verona Township Clerk Blaine Township Chairman Assistant Assessor Silver Lake Township Chairman Juniata Township Treasurer Assistant Assessor Assiscant Assessor Township Clerk Motion carried. $250.00 250.00 500.00 250.00 2,000.00 500.00 500.00 250.00 Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that we sell to Gloria Park a used IBM typewriter for $150.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Gaylord Goble was honored for his years of service on the Board. This Board of Supervisors will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman, County Clerk COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, January 4, 1979 9:30 A.M. Adams County Elected Officials gathered in the Courtroom to take their oath of office which was administered by Judge Harry C. Haverly. A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of SuFervisors was held as rer public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Kailey, Sole, White, Halloran and Lightner. Absent, Burr. Motion by White, seconded by Sole that this meeting is a regularly sch- eduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kert currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kailey that the following bonds be Donald D. Robinson James Petersen Johnny G. Reiners Orval Augustin LaMoine Utecht Roger Etzelmiller Gregg Magee Craig Richardson James M Houck Donald D. Pettengill Dennis Roth Maureen Wells Zero Township Chairman Wanda Township Chairman Highland Township Treasurer Juniata Township Chairman West Blue Township Clerk Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sherift Deputy County Sheriff arproved: $250.00 250.00 2,000.00 250.00 250.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Stanley J. McMahon Richard Mangers Daniel James Soterin Billy C. Simmons Sharon Bierman Gayle Hupf Russel Golgert Dale W. Gartner Alton Bittfield Albert Granstrom Ron Thaut Stephen Meinecke Dewayne L. Curtis James W. Sidlo Gordon Sidlo Robert A. Malesker Sharon Bierman Little Blue Township Clerk Roseland Township Chairman Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Cottonwood Township Treasurer Blaine Township Clerk Aye Township Treasurer Wanda Township Treasurer Cottonwood Township Chairman Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 250.00 250.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 250.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 250.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Superf1i-6-0,. /5/ County Clerk Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 9, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Kailey, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Lightner. Motion by Burr, seconded by White that this meeting is a regularly schedulec public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication inthe Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Sole that we acceLt with regret the re&ignation of John E. Halloran from the Area Planning & Zoning Commission and the Board of Adjustments and express our appreciation for his service. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Kailey, Sole, Burr, White, and Lightner. Halloran, pass. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Sole that all old business has been concluded and this Board shall adjourn sine die. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. STATUTORY MEETING REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD Motion by Halloran, seconded by Burr that Hoagland be appointed as Temporary Chairman. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried.