HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupervisors 18 1979SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA fr.'s 4,— ) Robert Struss Max Mohler, Jr. Russell K. Copp le Delton Shaw Leo Hoffman Ray Eisele Virgil Kemper Paul J. F.Uden Roll call, all voted aye. Verona Township Clerk Blaine Township Chairman Assistant Assessor Silver Lake Township Chairman Juniata Township Treasurer Assistant Assessor Assistant Assessor Township Clerk Motion carried. $250.00 250.00 500.00 250.00 2,000.00 500.00 500.00 250.00 Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that we sell to Gloria Park a used IBM typewriter for $150.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Gaylord Goble was honored for his years of service on the Board. This Board of Supervisors will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Thursday, January 4, 1979 9:30 A.M. Adams County Elected Officials gathered in the Courtroom to take their oath of office which was administered by Judge Harry C. Haverly. A regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Suyervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Kailey, Sole, White, Halloran and Lightner. Absent, Burr. Motion by White, seconded by Sole that this meeting is a regularly sch- eduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Kailey that the following bonds be Donald D. Robinson James Petersen Johnny G. Reiners Orval Augustin LaMoine Utecht Roger Etzelmiller Gregg Magee Craig Richardson James M Houck Donald D. Fettengill Dennis Roth Maureen Wells Zero Township Chairman Wanda Township Chairman Highland Township Treasurer Juniata Township Chairman West Blue Township Clerk Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sherift Deputy County Sheriff approved: $250.00 250.00 2,000.00 250.00 250.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Stanley J. McMahon Richard Mangers Daniel James Soterin Billy C. Simmons Sharon Bierman Gayle Hupf Russel Golgert Dale W. Gartner Alton Bittfield Albert Granstrom Ron Thaut Stephen Meinecke Dewayne L. Curtis James W. Sidlo Gordon Sidlo Robert A. Malesker Sharon Bierman Little Blue Township Clerk Roseland Township Chairman Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Cottonwood Township Treasurer Blaine Township Clerk Aye Township Treasurer Wanda Township Treasurer Cottonwood Township Chairman Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 250.00 250.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 250.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 250.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman Adams County Board of Supergi / County Clerk Deputy of the COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 9, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Kailey, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Lightner. Motion by Burr, seconded by White that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication inthe Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Sole that we accent with regret the resignation of John E. Halloran from the Area Planning & Zoning Commission and the Board of Adjustments and express our appreciation for his service. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Kailey, Sole, Burr, White, and Lightner. Halloran, pass. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Sole that all old business has been concluded and this Board shall adjourn sine die. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. STATUTORY MEETING REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD Motion by Halloran, seconded by Burr that Hoagland be appointed as Temporary Chairman. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Motion - Motion by White, seconded by Sole that we proceed to take an informal ballot for the appointment of a permanent Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors for the year 1979. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. An informal ballot was ordered and the temporary Chairman appointed White and Halloran as tellers with the following results listed on the informal ballots --seven for Kailey for Chairman. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Sole that we suspend the rules and declare Kailey elected Chairman for 1979 by unanimous vote. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Halloran that we proceed to take an informal ballot for the appointment of a Vice -Chairman for 1979. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. An informal ballot was ordered by the Chairman and Halloran and White were appointed as tellers with the following results listed on the informal ballots: five for Lightner; two for Sole, for Vice -Chairman. Motion by Hoagland, secondqay Halloran that we suspend the rules and declare Lightner elected Chairman for 1979 by Unanimous Vote. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The following standing committees were appointed for 1979. STANDING COMMITTEES FOR 1979 FINANCE AND INSURANCE Burr Lightner White, Chairman ROAD AND BRIDGE Halloran Burr Lightner, Chairman COURTHOUSE --BUILDING AND GROUNDS White Halloran Hoagland, Chairman HUMAN SERVICES White Hoagland Sole,Chairman CIVIL DEFENSE--AMBULANCE--SHERIFF Sole Lightner Burr, Chairman PLANNING & ZONING & LANDFILL Hoagland Burr Halloran, Chairman PUBLIC RELATIONS Sole INTERGOVERNMENTAL REPRESENTATIVE Kailey 4e1 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Hoagland COUNTY GOVERNMENT DAY Halloran RAILROAD RELOCATION AND SAFETY Halloran Lightner, Chairman Discussion was held concerning taping the Supervisors' meetings. Opinions varied as to best type to use --cassette, or reel to reel and expense involved. Matter was referred to the Building Committee for investiga- tion. Motion by Sole, seconded by Lightner that th6 Hastings Daily Tribune be designated as the official newspaper for 1979. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that we approve the following named banks as County depositories; First National Bank of Hastings; City Na- tional Bank of Hastings; Hastings State Bank of Hastings; Adams County Bank of Kenesaw and Roseland State Bank of Roseland, Nebraska. Also we approve the securities pledged by the following banks as security for funds. Hastings State Bank, Hastings, Nebraska City National Bank, Hastings, Nebr. First National Bank, Hastings, Nebraska Adams County Bank, Kenesaw, Nebraska Roseland State Bank, Roseland, Nebraska Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. $ 410,000. 1,200,000. 2,925,000. 845,000. 245,000. pledged pledged pledged pledged pledged Motion by Burr, seconded by Halloran that we consent to the County Treasurer to deposit up to 1007 of the Capitol Stock and surplus in any of the Depository banks named, said deposits to be protected by bonds as required by law. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by White that this Board go on record tanking Margaret Irons for serving as Clerk of the District Court during this interim period and express our appreciation for a job well done. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that. we refuse the offer of Cornhusker Casualty Inc. to pay $1,600. for damages to a bridge by Paden Co. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Halloran that this Board send a letter to Gregg Magee thanking him for serving as Sheriff during this interim period and express our appreciation for a job well done. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTI ON79-1-9 WHEREAS:Certain roads and streets in said County have been designated as being eligible for Federal tunds by the Federal Highway Administration in compliance with Federal Laws pertaining thereto, and, SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 104' WHEREAS: Said County desires to improve a certain portion of the County Road 4stem in said County, more fully described hereinafter, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Department of Roads is hereby requested to act for said County and to program for construction that portion of County Road described as in depth inspection of Off -System Bridges including complete Inventory, Appraisal and Coding of approximagely 190 bridges in accordance with Nebraska Department of Roads requirements and which construction includes: Inspection of Off -System Bridges, (HasAverage $115 per bridge) $ Surveys and Plans (If Federal Aid not requested -indicate NONE) $21,850.00 Right of Way (If Federal Aid not requested -indicate NONE) $---- ----- ESTIMATED Total for Project $21,850.00 Surveys and Plans will be made by Cook, Flatt & Strobel Engineers, P.A. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Chairman of the County Board is authorized to sign this resolution on behalf of said Board and that the County Board hereby approves the above cohtemplated construction prior to first submitting of said project to the Federal Highway Administration. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That sufficient funds of said County are now, or will be, available and are hereby pledged to the Department of Roads in the amount and at the required time for the purrose of matching Federal Funds available for the contemplated construction. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Halloran that we approve a Leave of Absence for Melvin Brannagan and authorize the Chairman to sign the leave approval forms. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Lightner that we approve the appoint- ment of Alan Plantz and Edgar Schmidt to three year terms on the Area Planning & Zoning Commission. Roll call, all voted ayel Motion carried. Merle Hoett appeared to discuss the application for a 701 Planning Grant. Beverley Mobley, County Assessor, appeared to discuss valuations in Adams County. The matter will be discussed further at the January 23rd meeting. Motion by Lightner, Seconded by Halloran that this Board go on record as opposing any legislation thatallows the State to establish a central- ized computerized assessment system. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by White that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussion of a personnel matter. Roll call, ayes: Lightner, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Sole, Abstain. Hoagland, out of room and not voting. Motion carried. Executive session began at 12:02 P.M. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Halloran, seconded by Burr that this Board resume regular session. Roll call, ayes: Lightner, Hoagland, Burr, White, Halloran, and Kailey. Sole, abstain. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 12:13 P.M. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Sole that overpayments of postage made to the County Treasurer for license renewal up to $2.00 be paid over to the County General Fund. Amounts exceeding $2.00 shall be refunded to the sender. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. It was determined that bids for roof repairs will be opened on January 30, 1979 at 10:30 A.M. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Lightner that the following Fledging of Joint Custody Receipts be approved. J. C. 8155 Federal Land Banks in the amount of $20,000. J. C. 8156 Federal Land Banks in the amount of 25,000. pledged by Roseland State Bank. Release J C 7765 Fed. Intermediate Cr.$100,000. to Adams County Bank. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that as per the recommendation of the Auditors we transfer the partial payment accounts over 5 years old to the County General Fund in the total amount of $7,418.91. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Discussion was held concerning township roads. Particular attention "centered on a half -mile segment in Denver township. The matter was referred to the Road Committee to study. Motion by Burr, seconded by Sole that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections 6894 thru 6895. Roll_call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Burr that the inventories of County Sheriff, Jail, Sheriff Uniform & Clothing, Office Equipment, County Library, County Clerk, Ambulance, County Court, Chief Probation Officer, Welfare Director, Register of Deeds, Real Estate owned by County, and Expension Office be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, approved: Vel Reiman Darrell H. Lau Melvin J. Buss Robert Jones Richard Hinrichs Roger Wright Lowell Busboom Roll call, all voted seconded by Lightner that the following bonds be Kenesaw Township Clerk Blaine Township Treasurer Denver Township Clerk Silver Lake Township Clerk Hanover Township Clerk Denver Township Chairman Zero Township Clerk aye. Motion carried. $250.00 2,000.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 Motion by BI.:r, seconded by Sole that the reports of County Library, Fred Irons, District Judge, Car Titles, County Clerk,Sheriff, (2) Ambulance (2) Register of Deeds (2) and Clerk of District Court be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 407 Motion by White, seconded by Hoagland that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of this Supervisors Proceedings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 734 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Co. Bank Co. Bank Co. Highway Dept. Co. Clerk Co. Court Co. Court Co. Ambulance Service Ann Hafer Buffalo County Adams Co. Noxious Reg. of Deeds Adams Co. Court Adams Co. Court Rose Hopkins Eugene Alexander Adams Co. Ambulance Service State of Nebr. Adams County Court Adams Co. Court Reg. of Deeds Tom McIntire Clerk of District Court Juniata Village State of Nebr. First National Bank Adams Co. Sheriff Merle M. Redman Adams Co. Ambulance Sdrvice Hal Smith Agency State of Nebr. Register of Deeds Foster Homes -Buffalo County Adams Co. Highway Dept. First National Bank Midland Area on Agency Midland Nutrition Project for Elderly Modern Methods Hall Co. Treas, Hall Co. Treas. Hall Co. Treas. VOID VOID Hall Co. Treas., Hall Co. Treas. Hall Co. Treas. Adams County Court Adams County Ambulance Service Hastings State Bank Clerk of District Court Clerk of District CouLt Co. Clerk County Clerk Adams Co. Hiway Dept. Great Plains Container Co. Adams Co. Court Weed Control $3,918.06 3,961.11 1,250.00 90.07 810 16 165.39 220.00 25.00 246.00 57.82 833.66 7,335.00 217.00 3.00 61,695.69 359.50 43,595.54 425.00 306.94 16.05 3.00 911,00 2,400.00 13,000.00 153.42 709.18 1,145.53 527.50 34.00 968.37 1,802.80 574.48 623.94 123.29 137.00 73.00 116.50 1,000.00 125.00 35.00 COO M. IMP Ote 4610 75.00 20.00 30.00 177.74 434.50 760.27 135.49 139.99 383.25 1,775.50 50.00 10.00 42.00 404 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 796 First National Bank 797 Adams Co. Ambulance Service 798 Adams Co. Noxious Weed 799 Adams Co. Highway Dept. 800 Adams Co. Highway Dept. 801 Adams Co. Sheriff 802 14 C Bonham 803 Dale Finnigsmier 804 Herman Kloke 805 Adams County Sheriff 806 State of Nebr. 807 State of Nebr. 808 State of Nebr. 809 Adams Co. Ambulance Service 810 Lochland Country Club 811 Michael Sullivan 812 State of Nebr. 813 T & B Mini Mart 814 Colin Wiseman Juniata Tr. Court 815 State of Nebr. 816 State Federal Savings & Loan 817 State of Nebr. 818 Hastings Regional Center 819 Adams Co. Ambulance Service 820 Adams County Court 821 Adams County Court 822 Sheriff of Adams Co. 1,621.92 458.40 82.00 250.00 19.57 23.40 1,082.94 2,899.79 10.00 604.38 12,109.00 6,962.00 184,716.00 360.00 10.00 435.00 57.41 10.00 5.00 9,814.71 100.00 1,845.21 10.00 671.00 674.77 210.81 3.00 Motion by White, seconded by Burr that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND. Acme Printing Adams County Treasurer Adams County Treasurer Ag Communications U of Nebr. American Fire Control Inc. Allen of Hastings Aliens of Hastings Badger Uniforms Badger Uniforms Bancroft Whitney Co. Bank Card Service Center Bank Card Service Center Beck, Sid Big G Big G Brown, Susan Burroughs Corp oration Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corporation Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Callaghan & Company Campus House, Inc. Supplies Postage Postage Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Uniforms Uniforms Library Expense Gasoline Gasoline _Bperd Member Mileage Supplies Supplies & Repairs Mileage Maintenance Agreement Maintenance Agreement Records Supplies Maintenance Agreement Supplies Supplies Library Cost Foster Care $ 16.00 ,40.00 1,488.75 99.56 78.08 194.86 40.27 150.52 141.15 190.40 53.88 44.32 9.08 4.40 10.55 116.81 529.66 190.80 183.73 59.10 2,356.62 13.02 97.17 20.00 650.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Campus House, Inc Foster Care 650.00 Certified Labs Supplies 573.00 City of Hastings,Civil Defense Expense 3103.31 Clerk of District ourt Clerk of Dist Court 283.68 Commercial Electronics Repair 81.80 Community Living of NE Inc Foster Care 739.00 Cornhusker Press Supplies 24.20 Cornhusker Press Printing 233.45 Credit Bureau of Hastings Bulletin Membership 60.00 Credit Bureau of Hastings Bulletin Membership 10.00 Crisler, John or Doris Foster Care 150.00 Cuttis Oil Co. Gasoline 489.84 Curtis Oil Co. Gasoline & Repairs 655.45 Curtis Oil Co. Gasoline 563.14 Dairy Council of Central States Supplies 15.00 Daylight Donuts Donuts 19.80 Deluxe Cleaning Services Inc Cleaning 83.80 Deluxe Cleaning Services Cleaning 112.90 Dutton Lainson Co. Supplies 95.12 Dutton Lainson Co. Supplies 34.22 Commercial Electronics, Inc. Repairs 28.00 Dieken, Mrs Karen Board Member Mileage 5.34 Eakes Office Equipment Supplies & Rental 1189.71 Educational Service Unit #9 Library Service 370.50 Ellerbrock-Norris Agency, Inc Bond 71.00 Ellerbrock Norris Agency Inc Bond Premium 213.00 Fischer, Richard Postage 15.23 Fox, Marilyn Mileage 13.09 Firestone Stores Tires 182.80 Friends Motor Supply Repairs 40.85 General Reporting Service Inc Professional Service 43.50 Gimton Auto Supply Inc Supplies 9.22 Grace's Bike & Key Supplies 124.00 Grace's Bike & Key Repairs 27.00 Grace's Bike I.& Key Keys 28.50 Gurantee Electric Co. Repairs 356.90 Guarantee Electric Co. Repairs 37.15 Guarantee Electric Co. Repairs 20.25 Hastings Battery & Electric Inc. Repair 495.74 Hastings Daily Tribune Advertising 7.20 Hastins Daily Tribune Advertising 450.00 Hastings Daily Tribune Advertising 7.65 Hastings D ily Tribune Advertising S5.80 Hastings Electronics Radio Repairs 15.48 Hastings Electronics Radio Repairs .99 Hastings Family Practice Office Call 17.00 Hastings Family Practice Professional Service 20.00 Hastings Janitorial Supplies Rental 6.50 Hastings Janitorial Supplies Supplies 43.39 Hastings Seed & Supply Crystal Lake Project 1737.25 Hastings Typewriter Company Supplies 131.25 Hastings Utilities Utilities for Nursing Home 490.57 Anita Hawes Supplies 9.07 Helmann & Sullivan, Attys Professional Service 76.20 Helmann & Sullivan Attys Professional Service 136.80 Hoeft, Merle Supplies 8.85 Hoffman, Mrs Lawrence Board Member Mileage 9.08 HoughtonMifflin Co. Supplies 94.25 IBM Service Agreement 143.00 IBM Supplies 22.72 IBM Supplies 51.85 IBM Service Agreement 71.50 40G SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Johnson Control Johncon, Burdett Kansas -Denver Associates Kindig Printing Service Kindig Printing Service' Kindig Printing Service Klopp Printing Co. Kohl,Adam Insurance Kohl, Adam Insurance Inc Kolam Laird Motors Law enforcement Equip Co. Law Enforcement Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Magee, Gregg Magee, Gregg Magee, Gregg, Sheriff Magee, Gregg Martin Flag Co. Mobley, Beverly Mobley, Irwin L Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Mpdern Linen Service Monroe Mosby Times Mirror Muller, Bev or Gordon National Judicial College Nebr Assoc of Co Officials Repairs Board Member Mileage Professional Service Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Bonds Bonds Supplies Repairs Supplies Supplies Telephone & Toll Hot Line Telephone & Toll Mileage Food for Prisoners Matron Postage Mileage Flag Postage Travel Expense Linen Service Linen Service Mop & Mat Service Mop Service Mop Service Maintenance Guarantee Supplies Foster Care Supplies Dues Nebraska Assoc of Co Treasurer Dues Nebraska Tax Research Council Inc Dues & Subscription Nelson, Harding Yeutter & Leonard Services & Expenses Nelson, Luwane Mileage Nelson, Luwane Miscellaneous Norris, Cathy Mileage O'Keefe Elevator Company Inc Maintenance & Repair PPG Industries Inc Supplies Platte Valley Communications Radio Repair Polk, R. L. & Company City Directory Postmaster Postage Redfield & Company Supplies Redfield & Company Supplies Redfield & Company Supplies Redfield & Company Supplies Region III Catchment IV Area Funding Agreement Register of Deeds Postage Samuelson, LeRoy Board Member Mileage Sears Roebuck & Co. Repairs Sempek, Edward Foster Care Siemers-Schafer Printing Co. Supplies Siemers-Shafer Printing Co. Supplies Spearman Publishing & Printing Advertising Sporting Goods Inc Ammunition State Farm Insurance Co. Bonds Story, Roscoe E Story, Roscoe E Swanson, Paul 3M B.P.S.I. 3M B.P.S.I. Thomsen Oil Go. United Bank Services Postage Reimbursement Automatic Mileage Supplies Supplies Gasoline Co Supplies 115.36 10.44 765.00 66.10 589.65 363.06 25.00 2741.00 2823.00 20.25 42.12 14.00 391.90 1978.39 32.19 73.99 34.50 Fees 819.50 15.26 1645.46 26.40 15.00 350.95 83.99 16.80 22.20 58.00 '34.55 190.00 4(00 550.00 10.00 55.00 1700.00 23.97 16.58 81.57 334.35 9.14 45.00 46.00 2500.00 7.10 15.05 103.86 236.40 4418.07 24.71 6.87 259.14 140.00 38.19 180.21 8.16 30.65 56.00 11.26 Door Open. 22.00 7.62 39.91 71.33 92.01 61.54 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Vaughans Printers Vaughans Printers Inc Vaughans Printers Inc Vaughans Printers Inc Velmore Marketing Waits, Jackie Wellensiek, Don Williams Exterminating Co. Williams Exterminating Co. Williams, Art Industrial Chemical Supplies Woodward's Disposal Service Inc Disposal Service Clerk of the District Court Reimbursement Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Fire Extinguishers & Equipment Miscellaneous Board Member Mileage Pest Control Pest Control ROAD FUND Adams County Highway Department Mischellaneous Barco Municipal Prod. Big G Ace Hardware Certaniu, Alloys Research City Hide & Metal Co. Clarke Oil Co Commercial Electronics Consumers Service Co. Coop Grain & Supply D.A. Lubricant Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Friends Motors Supplies Firestone Stores Garvey Elevators Gene's Upholstery Glenwood Telephone H & M Equipment Co. H &N Mobil Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Gasoline & Oil Radio & Repair Propane Gasoline Lubricant Supplies Supplies Supplies & Repairs Gasoline Repair Telephone & Toll Sand & Gravel G^soline Hastings Battery & Electric a Repairs Hastings Typewriter Supplies Hastings Utilities Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Repairs Industrial -Irrigation Services Repairs Jahnke's Agri -Home Mail Box Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Supplies Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas Gas Service Kerr Chevrolet Co. Supplies Laird Motors Repairs Lambrecht Petroleum Diesel Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Ldricd1 Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Telephone TAIL phone Company Company Company Co. Co. Co. Co. Mid City Auto Mr Automotive Modern Linen S ‘rvice Nebraska Public Power Nebraska Correctional Ind Newnan Signs Inc Olsen, L.L. Olsen Co. Peterson, Marion Pauley, W. G Shaws Service Southern Power Dist Repairs Repairs & Supplies Rental Supplies Repairs Kenesaw Shed Telephone & Toll Repair Supplies & Repairs Linen Service Electric Service Signs Signs Gasoline Mileage Supplies Diesel & Gasoline Electric Service 32.10 15.27 32.10 57.20 85.62 29.50 10.95 7.00 7.00 101.70 43.46 300„ C0 22.18 820.04 217.42 95.85 1.65 684.76 � 1273./ (0 16.00 15.08 164.15 148.07 186.63 61.48 5.55 33.00 31.91 681.50 43.80 141.78 29.07 313.06 52.83 38.88 5.x39 109.13 15.86 92.43 44.69 282'417 118.00 286.13 125.00 435.81 19.28 22.25_. 231.95 50.00 449.20 13.91 24.13 1310.50 608.70 2046.18 23.63 5.95 435.15 61.78 468 SUPERVISORS RECORD No, 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Sp;tz & Blauvelt Inc 3M Company 3 Points Tire Service Vontz, L.J. Construction WErner Construction Wheeler St Regis Youngston Supplies Commercial Electronics Glenwood Telephone Co. Jahnke's Kansas Nebraska Gas Co WEED Inc. Repair Supplies Repairs Gravel Hot Mix Supplies Supplies. CONTROL FUND Removal Radio Telephone & Toll Supplies Gas Service Nebraska Weed Control Association Membership Roseland Coop Grain & Supply Gasoline Southern Nebraska Public Power Dist Electric REVENUE SHARING FUND Equipment Furniture Chairs Repair Remodeling Remodeling STATE INSTITUTIONS FUND Patient Care Eakes Office Equipment Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Lucky's Welding Sophir Co. Stinn.tte, W. K. Hastings Regional Center Baker Taylor Companies Editor & Publisher This Board will now reces COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Supplies Supplies 14.86 589.50 45.00 1q84,95 673.01 9764.46 87.00 Service to the call of the Chairman. 12.00 27.22 11.59 19.89 35.00 62.29 8.49 297.00 960.30 372.00 540.49 27.94 75.00 470.00 9.61 33.00 Deputy Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 16, 1979 9:30AM The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Vice -Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran, and Lightner. Kailey, absent. Motion by Burr, seconded by White that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland that we authorize the Vice Chairman to sign the Agreement for project S0S7001 (2) for construction of a bridge. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Jake Thiel, Sheriff, appeared before the Board to discuss several items: request for three more jailer -dispatchers; a storeroom for personal belongings; insurance coverage questions; request for the County to pay for bonding 20 volunteer deputies to be used in emergency situations; questions concerning the attendance at schools by the law enforcement personnel; equipment for the jail; replace- ment of radios; repair and maintenance in the jail. Gerald Ryan, Director of Midland Area Agency on Aging and Dixie Conners appeared to give a six. --month report on a pile t project, Handi-Man and Chore Services for the Elderly. A ninf-month report will be given to the Board for their evaluation to determine whether or not the project should be continued with the County participation. Purchase of diswasher for Sheriff's quarters and jail was referred to Building and Grounds committee. Motion by Hoagland that the Adams County Board of Supervisors hereby authorize the release of the County of Adams, a body corporate and politic, LESSOR, and Hastings Economic Development Corporation, a Nebraska Corporation, LESSEE, from the Lease, as evidenced by the Notice of Lease, filed October 26, 1976 in Book 322, page 337 of said records, covering the following described property located in the County of Adams, State of Nebraska, to -wit;: Lot Three (3), and the Westerly Twenty-four feet (24') of Lot Two (2), Hastings Industrial. Park West, a Sub- division of part of the Southeast Quarter (SE 4) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Seven (7) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Adams County, Nebraska according to the recorded plat thereof. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by White that the Adams County Board of Supervisors hereby authorize and approve the sale of the following described property, located in the. County of Adams, State of Nebraska, to -wit: Lot Three (3), and the Westerly Twenty-four (24') of Lot Two (2), Hastings Industrial Park West, a Subdivision of part of the Southeast Quarter (SE4) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Seven (7) North, Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P.M., Adams County, Nebraska according to the recorded plat thereof; owned by the County of Adams, a body corporate and politic, GRANTOR, to Hale Industrial Developers, a Nebraska partnership, GRANTEES. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Halloran that the Adams County Board of Supervisors hereby authorize its chairman to execute a Corporate Warranty Deed and all other documents necessary for the transfer of title for the following described property located in the County of Adams, State of Nebraska, to -wit. Lot Three (3), and the Westerly Twenty-four feet (24') of Lot Two (2), Hastings Industrial Park West, a Subdivision of part of the Southeast Quarter (SE k) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Seven (7) North, Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P.M., Adams County, Nebraska, according to the recorded plat thereof, from the County of Adams, Nebraska, a body corporate and politic, GRANTOR, to Hale Industrial Developers, a Nebraska partnership, GRANTEE. All in accordance with the Sale and Option Agreement dated 410 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA October 27, 1978, copy of which is attached hereto. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the, call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supex`v;:`_ors. /s/���: County Clerk COURTHOUSE, HASTINGSt; NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 23, 1979. 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Vice -Chairman presiding. Roll call, members prdsent: Hoagland; Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Lightner. Kailey, absent. Motion by Brr, seconded by Hoagland that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and pasted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Discussion of Adams County Valuations Adams County Assessor. uiscussion to Wayne Himmelberg and Ken Froschheuser information about a roofing product. Motion by Burr, seconded by Sole that the Adams County Board of Supervisors recognize Frank Shurigar for his achievements and dedication to emergency planning in the Village of Kenesaw and Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that we approve the appointment of Gene Krabel to the Board of Adjustments/ Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. for Adams County. Motion by White, seconded by Hoagland that we approve the claims, as corrected, on their respective funds and the County Clerk by authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. was held°with Beverley Mobley, continue at January 30th meeting. appeared and gave the Board COUNTY LIBRARY County Library Sslaries 1234.77 Hastings public Library Bookmobile Service 491.08 Hastings Public Library Bookmobile Service 491.08 STATE ADMINISTRATION State Administration Salaries 14424.74 Eva B. Duthie Prior Service 14.00 WEED CONTROL Weed Control Salaries 2062.80 411 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. County Road Nebr. Dep't. of Revenue Gilbert L. Harpham Paul Stromer Virgil Mousel Delbert Poore Roy Anderson Lloyd Witt Weslie Austin Lambert R. Struss Dave Koch Albert Cornelius Agricultural Ext.Service Ambulance Service Clerk of the Dist.Court Clerk of the Dist.Court County Assessor's Office Data Processing County Attorney's Office County Supervisors County Clerk's Bffice Sheriff's Office Jail Superintendent's Office County Treasurer's Office Courthouse Janitors Juvenile Probation Register of Deeds Office Communications Veteran's Service Office Planning & Zoning Office Office of Public Defender Stromer, Paul Flesner, Anne Nelson, Harding, Yeutter & Leonard Register of Deeds Register of Deeds Office of Public Defender Westland Modulars, Inc. Reutlinger, Lila L. Lincoln Telephone Co. IBM LAAO Hoeft, Merle W. ayen, Rachel Hastings Utilities Gartner, Rena Hastings Typewriter Co. Cornhusker press Business Supply Co.,Inc. Burchard, Minnie M. A & D Technical Supply;. EINIllq A & D technical Supp Kidd, C. H. *I This Board will now ec:ess' Board. ROAD FUND Salaries Soles Tax Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service prior Service prior Service prior Service Prior Service prior Service GENERAL FUND Salaries Salaries Salaries Board of Mental Health Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Vacation & Sick Salaries Salary Salaries Salaries Salaries Landfill Annual Prior Service 25,396.19 7.16 14.00 13.00 12.00 25.00 25.00 22.00 25.00 12.00 25.00 92.32 5,237.49 7,701.00 2,299.46 500.00 4,590.50 1,534.00 6,647.33 3,500.00 4,642.83 13,860.17 4,748.56 1,754.67 6,387.93 2,173.25 Leave Pay 1,802.88 2,458.00 508.00 2,184.67 2,169.83 2,618.00 113.24 57.70 Services & Expenses Postage Postage Office Expenses & Rent Refund Documentary Stamp prior Service Service & Toll Charges Service Agreement Membership Dues Misc. Supplies prior Service Service Prior Service Supplies Printing Supplies prior Service \pplies ° a.lies Primer Service jec'j to the call Deputy 1,670.91 26.32 23.57 635.79 Tax 572.00 14.00 60.80 71.50 45.00 2.88 25.00 5,459.11 25.00 29.36 8.70 15.,59 14.00 42.54 22.03 16.00 d the Chairman of the i2 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 30, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Sole,White, Halloran and Kailey. Absent: Lightner and Burr. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Halloran that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by ublicatioavailable to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report of road work being done. Motion by Halloran, sOconded by HoaglandB tg owe authorize the Chairman to sign the Countywide Off-SystempInspection Agreement, project No. OS-BRS-NBIS (7). Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Halloran that we approve the appointment of Francis Rotter as Deputy County Surveyor with a Salary of $1.00 per year. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Discussion was held concerning the valuations ifi Adams County. The matter was dropped as an issue for the Board to determine at this time. At 10:30 bids were opened for Courthouse roof repairs. Bids were received from Ziemba roofing and from Wayne Himmelberg. The bids were referred to the Building and Grounds Committee asking them to review the bids and come back to the Board with a recommendation. Bids were received for providing drapes in the Sheriff's apartment and the custodian's apartment in the Courthouse, from Johnson Cashway, Retta Hachtel and Pittsburgh Paint. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Hoagland that the low bid of Johnson Cashway to provide draperies in the Sheriff's and custodian's apartments for $2,101.10 be accepted. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that we authorize the Chairman to sign the protective covenants for Industrial Park West. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Halloran that we with appreciation for his years of service, Alvin Mangers as Weed Control Superintendent and appreciate his indication of _willingness Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by White, Michael A Shada Donna Steiner Darrell Schukei Melvin J Buss Wayne Fischer accept with regret, and the resignation of effective Feb. 28, 1979; to serve as consultant seconded by Sole that the bonds Deputy County Sheriff Deputy County Sheriff Cottonwood Township Clerk Denver Township Treasurer Kenesaw Township Treasurer be approved as follows: $10,000. 10,000. 250. 2,000. 2,000. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 413 Edward Koch Silver Lake Township Treasurer 2,000. Roll:Call, All voted aye. Motion carried Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Halloran that the inventories of County Superintendent, Custodian and Weed Control Superintendent be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 6, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Vice -Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Sole, White, Halloran and Lightner. Absent: Burr and Kailey. Motion by White, seconded by Sole that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Bc+rd of Supervisors and public notice of the meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks gave a report on the progress of road work in the County. Public hearing was held concerning the I and VI Year Road Plan for Adams County for 1979. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Halloran that a;; public hearing was held on the 6th day of February, 1979 for the purpose of determining the 1979-1984 One and Six Year Road Program for Adams County, Nbraska, No changes or revisions were recommended. Therefore, be it now resolved by the Adams County Board of Supervisors to adopt the 1979-1984 One and Six Year Road Program,Adams County, Nebraska, as presented. Roll call, a11 voted aye. Motion carried. Don Brock, Attorney appearred in behalf of S.&.I. D. #1 concerning maintenance and repair of reads. Discussion followed with the Board requesting the County Attorney to search for more information concerning the matter and report to the Board on February 20, 1979. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that we deny the claim of Safeway in the amount of $5.73.37 as it is not an obligation of Adams County. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that we accept the low bid of Hastings Glass and Aluminum to install double doors in the Courthouse Annex for $989.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 414 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Halloran that the reports of County Library, (2) Car Titles, County permits, Clerk of District Court, 4-H Livestock Arena, County Clerk, Register of Deeds (2) Sheriff -fees, Ambulance (2) be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by White that refund claim in the amount of $83.46 be allowed and the Treasurer be authorized to pay the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Sole that the Vice -Chairman be Authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 6896 through 6909. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Sole that we approve the appointment of Sid White to the South Central Community Metatal Health Board of Directors. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Sole, Halloran and Lightner. White, abstain. Kelley and Burr, absent. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Sole that the Miscellangous receipts be accepted and made a part of thes Supervisors Proceedings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 823 Highway Dept $750.00 824 County Court 54.00 825 Co. Clerk 40.10 826 K.P. Club 300.00 827 County Court 20.00 82&_,:: County Court 10.00 829 County Court 1328.58 830 Gloria Park 150.00 831 Adams County Court 143.00 832 Adams County Court 5770.50 833 Webster Co. Treas. 603.12 834 Webster Co Treas. 774.58 835 Webster Co Treas. 16.43 836 Register of Deeds 92.00 837 ,Register of Deeds 1222.62 838 Ambulance Service 422.50 839 Register of Deeds 14.21 840 Equitable Life Assurance Soc. 11.20 841 Noxious Weed Dist. 1027.10 842 Ambulance Service 357.50 843 County Court 807.15 844 American Legion 321.71 845 Adams County Payroll 1.02 846 Raoma Beavers 15,000.00 847 State of Nebraska 42,236.67 848 State of Nebraska 5,958.30 849 Ambulance Service 217.50 850 Adams Co. Bank 4,625.00 851 Adams Co. Bank 3,083.33 852 Clerk of District Court 555.50 853 First National Bank 143.84 854 City Engineers Dept 75.25 855 Marvin Hartman 6.76 856, Hall Co. Treas. 4,300.00 857 Hall Co. Treas. 600.00 858 Hall Co. Treas. 130.00 859 Hall Co. Treas. 300.00 860 Hall Co. Treas. 100.00 861 Hall Co. Treas, 100.00 862 Hall Co. Treas. 15.00 863 City National Bank 967.50 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 864 State of Nebraska 865 William Cambridge, Atty 866 Ambulance Service 867 State of Nebr. 868 State of Nebr. 869 U. S. Treasury 870 C.T.C.C. 871 First National Bank 872 City National Bank & Trust Co. 873 First National Bank 874 First National Bank 875 Adams Co. Clerk 876 Adams Co. Clerk 877 Ann's Coffee Shop 878 Adams Co. Court 879 St. Michael's Church 880 Adams County Court 881 Midland Area Agency on Aging 882 Midland Nutrition Project 883 Ambulance Service 884 Road Dept 885 County Court 886 Emma. Gentert 887 John W. Smidt 888 Register of Deeds 889 Helen Edmondson 890 Ronald Foelgner 891 Ronald Foelgner 892 State of Nebr. 893 State of Nebr. 894 State of Nebr. 895 State of Nebr. 896 State of Nebr. 897 Register of Deeds 898 Pam Wilcoxson 899 Ambulance Service 900 County Sheriff 901 Clerk of District Court 902 Clerk of District Court 903 County Road Dept 904 N.C.O. Club 905 Ambulance Service 906 Joel R Keuten 907 Steve Hipple 908 State of Nebraska 909 County Clerk 910 Veterans Foreign Wars 911 Register of Deeds 912 Register of Deeds 913 Ambulance Service Motion by White, seconded by Halloran their respective funds and the County to issue warrants for the same. Roll Motion carried. 10,106.92 1,741.44 397.50 18,000.00 21,019.09 45,368.00 10.00 3,653.73 4,020.00 123.29 3,082.19 435.25 1,464.50 25.00 7,742.01 230.23 236.63 137.00 73.00 697.00 4.64 406.21 5.00 5.00 24.71 5.00 5.00 5.00 2,482.00 12,109.00 6,962.00 184,716.00 81,399.00 1,832.50 3.00 405.00 744.20 218.10 78.50 15.13 179.80 375.00 5.00 5.00 968.37 459.80 260.80 23.57 26.32 316.50 that the claims be allowed on Clerk be authorized and instructed call, all voted aye. MEDICAL -RELIEF FUND Campus House Inc. Campus House Inc. Crisler, John or Doris Community Living of Nebraska Inc Foster Care Foster Care Foster Care Foster Care 650.00 650.00 150.00 166.88 416 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Continental Trailways Davis, Dave & Gretchen Foote, Dr. D. B. Jr Home Health Services Malone, Joyce McIntire, Dr. Robert H Morris., L. L. (Revolving Fu Muller, Bev or Gordon Nebraska Boys Ranch Nebr. Dept of Public Welfare Rutt's Pharmacy Sempek, Edward Jerry Spady Pontiac Tonniges, Dr. Tom Bus Fare Foster Care • Medical Services Services Foster Care Medical Services nd) Revolving Fund Foster Care Foster Care Vendor Payments Foster Care Foster Care Rental Foster Care Services INHERITANCE FUND Apex Plumbing & Heating Repair Fire Main Borrell, Peggy Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Fraser, Mary Harsh, Dave Hinrichs, Margaret Lincoln Telephone & Telegr Lurz, Donna Mastin, Dr. Robert L Meyer, Garnet Osman, Pat Peck, Dr. Eugene Republic Nati Life Ins. Schmidt, Marlys Smith, Dr. Robert Soterin, Beverly U. S. Postmaster Williamson, Sheila Wycoff, Dr. Kevin STATE ADMINISTRATIVE FUND Mileage Supplies Bulletin Mileage Meetings Mileage Telephone Mileage Professional Mileage Mileage Professional Service Insurance Coverage Mileage Professional Mileage Postage Mileage Professional aph Co WEED Commercial Electronics Inc. Fricke, Merwin Gangwish, Glen Glenwood Telephone Co. Hastings Typewriter Co. Kansas Nebraska Gas Co. Kerr Chevrolet Co. Klein Manske Insurance Co. KVein Manske Insurance Co. Kloke Conoco Kohl, Lionel W Mangers, Alvin J Parr, Norbert Republic Natl Life Insurance Roseland Coop Rucker, Morland Southern Power District Business Supply Co. Computer Election System General Electric Company Servic3 & Toll Service Service Service CONTROL FUND Radion Installation Mileage Mileage Telephone & Toll Supplies Gas Service Chevrolet Radio Insurance Bond Gasoline Mileage Miscellaneous Mileage insurance Coverage Gasoline Mileage. Electric Service REVENUE SHARING FUND Files* Election Equipment Equipment 18.60 126.60 17.00 250.00 190.00 40.00 20.39 200.00 64.50 21,287.73 4.25 140.00 173.00 81.00 479.50 6.12 92.49 5.00 78.58 6.90 7.99 195.03 10.15 3.00 10.02 46.62 7.50 642.23 53.58 5.00 46.93 200.00 12.77 38.00 15.00 7.20 15.36 22.81 2.10 77.14 3876.00 100.00 71.00 40.05 1.92 49.30 17.76 110.53 13.47 .64 8.39 420.00 913.25 10,393.28 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Guarantee Electric Coipany Hastings Plumbing & Heating Hastings Typewriter Co. Intenational Business Machine Morse Data Processing PPG Industires Apex Plumbing & Heating STATE Beatrice State Development Cen Hastiggs Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Miscellaneous Work Eepairs Chairs Corp Typewriter Payroll Programing Repair & Remodeling Materials & Labor INSTITUTIONS FUND ter Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient C. -ire Patient Care COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Baker & Taylor Companies Books Hastings Public Library Bookmobile Services ROAD Adams County Highway Dept Big G Clarke Oil Company Coop Grain & Supply Delken Press Dutton-Lainson Co. Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Firestone Stores Friends Motors Garvey Elevators Gessford Machine Shop Ginter, Robert Glenwood Telephone Grace's Bike & Key Shop Halbmaier, Ervin J Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Motor Truck Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Island Supply Co. Johnson Cashway Company Kansas -Nebraska Nat. Gas Kerr Chevrolet Co. Laird Motors Lambrecht, Petroleum Inc Lemke Sharpening Service Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone Mid City Auto Supply Modern Linen Service Mr Automotive National Assoc of Co. Eng. Nebr. Correctional Industries Nebr. Public Power Odorite Company Olsen, L. L. Parks, Rogers S FUND Petty Cash Fund Repairs Gasoline Supplies Printing Supplies Gasoline Repairs & Supplies `Supplies Supplies Repairs Mileage Telephone & Toll Keys Mileage Repairs Advertising Supplies & Repairs Supplies Utilities Oxygen Supplies Supplies Gas Service Supplies Repairs Diesel Serviees Suprl ies Supplies Telephone & Toll Repairs Shop Towel Service Repairs Membership Signs Electric Service Supplies Gasoline Mileage 751.77 468.66 108.00 733.50 650.00 183.80 208.49 1167.00 2946.00 3017.00 1330.00 38.00 780.00 450.00 47.50 491.08 24.15 51.25 494.10 4.64 170.00 49.71 141.14 11.00 183.83 27.53 169.00 16.66 29.78 17.45 46.24 59.22 4.20 95.58 25.96 382.71 7.25 228.40 298.19 41.23 10.68 361.46 316.72 135.91 329.56 131.83 185.98 5.00 13.82 422.05 30.00 839.00 39.12 3.75 196.63 199.07 418 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Pauley, W. G. Lumber Co. Postmaster Republic Nati Life Ins Rose Heating & Air Cond. Shaws Service Smith, S. #. & Sons Southern Power District Arlo Stark 3 Points Tire Service Wheeler St Regis Z & Z E' ju ipmen t Co. Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Treasurer Supplies Stamps Insurance Coverage Repair Gasoline Supplies Electric Service Repairs Repairs Supplies Equipment GENERAL FUND Gasoline Court Costs Supplies Reimbursement Reimbursement Postage Supplies Supplies Repair Crystal Lake Project Supplies Roof Repair Supplies Supplies Repair Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Mileage Supplies Supplies Reporting Vital Tuition Zoning Permits Admin. Civil Defense Expenses Printed Check Charges Supplies State Cases & Mental Court Reporter Fees Radio Repair Radio Repair Radio Repair Radio Repair Printing Printing Reports Oil, Dilter & Inspection Gasoline Gasoline Cleaning Services Cleaning Services Cleaning Services Supplies County Ambulance County Court County Extension Office County Senior Handi-Bus County Senior Handi-Bus Co. Allen's Allen's Allen's Stan Aman Pump Service American Fire Control Inc. Anstine Roofing Co. Williams,Art Ind. Williams, Art. Ind. Audio -Visual Repair Service Badger Uniforms Badger Uniforms Badger Uniforms Badger Uniforms Beck, Sid Berg, Mrs. Glen Big G Big G Brown, Susan Burroughs Corporation Business Supply Company Butterfield, Maurine C a t l i_n , Ken City of Hastings City of Hastings City National Bank & Trust City of Omaha Clerk of the District Court Clerk of the District Court Commercial Electronics, Inc. Commercial Electronics, Inc. Commercial Electonics, Inc. Commercial Electronics Inc Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc Curtis Oil Co. Curtis Oil Co. Curtis Oil Co. D & D Carpet Cleaning Deluxe Cleaning Service's Deluxe Cleaning Services Inc Department of Agricultural Comu 5.95 30.00 1002.37 108.91 322`.54 3.77 84.11 34.00 63.50 2948.10 375.00 168.45 213.73 15.62 1364.28 1138.24 980.40 126.13 7.70 29.50 800.00 53.94 20.00 320.00 27.00 15.50 161.47 57.93 152.05 142.95 31.74 7.21 4.79 101.03 62.16 212.67 350.75 Statistics 117.00 18.00 63.20 2077.00 69.42 25.00 Health 818.28 1155.00 294.90 177.50 53.40 70.00 46.35 175.10 5.00 20.85 709.67 7.69 87.54 77.35 216.75 6.25 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 419 Dept of Agricultural Comm. Des Moines Stamp Mfg. Co. Dieken, Karen Hime, Don Leathergoods, Inc Dutton-Lainson Co. Eakes Office Equipment Co. Eakes Office Equipment Co. Extension Office Fox, Marilyn Gant Publishing Company General Reporting Service ITC Grace's Bike & Key Shop Gewecke, Wilbur R Grace's Bike & Key Shop Great Plains Chrysler Plymouth Harrenstein, Jim Hartman, Gerald Hastings Canvas Mfg. Co. Hastings Dailey Tribune Hastings Electronics Hastings Electronics Service Hastings Janitorial Supplies Hastings Janitorial Supplies Hastings Letter Shop Hastings Orthopaedics P.C. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Hattens Electric HEDC Hoffman, Mrs Judy Hoselton, Jeanne IBM IBM IBM Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Johnson, Burdett Junker, Mrs. Howard K -Mart Kindig Printing Service Kohl, Adam Insurance Laird Motors Lamski, Dale F Largent, Dorothy Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Martindale -Hubbell, Inc. Matthew Bender & Company Inc. Matthew Bender & Company Inc. McCoy, Gene Electric Meister Publishing Company Midland Area Agency on Aging Mobley, Beverly Mobley, Irwin L Modern Linen Service Modern Method Inc. Monroe Morris Paint & Wlallcoverings Mr. Automotive National Association of Counties Nebr. Co. Attorneys Assoc Nebr. Dept of Labor Supplies Stamps Board Members Supplies Supplies Supplies Rental Petty Cash Mileage Subscription Miscellaneous Keys Postage Keys & Repairs Repair Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Canvas Repair Advertising & Repairs Repairs Supplies Supplies Printing Office Call Supplies Utilities Oxygen Repair 2nd Half of Funding Board Member Mileage Mileage Service Agreement Service Agreement Service Agreement Supplies Supplies Board Member Board Member Supplies Supplies Bonds Repairs Mileage Mileage & Meals Telephone & Toll Library Expense Library Expense Library Expense Service Supplies Half Local Match Mileage & Meals Mileage Cleaning Services Supplies Supplies Remodeling Supplies Membership Fee Registration Fee Elevator Inspection 119.66 88.50 Dinner 13.58 42.95 31.28 20.05 565.00 24.24 15.62 89.00 43.50 .95 43.00 188.95 34.28 5.68 13.84 26.00 Sypplies 658.07 26.40 4.88 102.15 56.96 12.50 12.00 96.43 for Nursing Home 594.36 23.00 12.30 11,000.00 31.74 6.59 198.00 143.00 143.00 -.14729.29 34.66 Mileage 34.46 Mileage 15.78 40.44 338.25 399.00 56.86 18.70 14.94 2,161.99 110.00 22.50 42.50 31.90 23.00 Due 6,336.29 36.50 33.83 176.16 182.87 7.00 Supplies 267.32 25.25 392.00 45.00 23.50 420 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Nelson, Harding Yeutter & Leonard Nelson, Luwane Nelson, Luwane PPG Industries Palm, Carla L Parks, Roger S Pitney Bowes Powell Tower Maintenance Radio Shack Redfield & Company Republic National Life Insurance Republic National Life Insurance Rinder Printing Company Rinder Printing Co. Roger Inc. LeRoy Samuelson Siemers Printing Co. Siemers Printing Siemers-Schafer Printing Co. Spearman Publishing & Printing Steinke, Marvin R Steinke's,Paul Great Plains Swanson, Paul Thiel, Jake Sheriff Thiel, Jake Sheriff Thiel, Jake Sheriff 3MB.P.S.I. 3M Business Products Sales University of Nebraska University of Nevado -Reno Visa Bank Card Service Visa Wellensiek, Don Winkelbauer Studio of McLanes Woodwavd;s Disposal Service Services & Expenses 1321.55 Supplies 24.73 Mileage 75.98 Repair 96.80 Workshop Expense 42.71 Mileage & Registration 80.38 Maintenance Service 173.00 Rental Fee 105.00 Tapes 15.20 Supplies 634.03 Payment 37.10 Insurance Coverage 3076.65 Supplies 405.36 Voter Reg Supplies 37.90 Supplies 4.80 Board Member Mileage 27.32 Supplies 17.85 Supplies 26.80 Supplies 11.00 Advertfftm.pg 8.16 Registration Fee 45.00 Repair 61.17 Mileage 56.61 Food for Prisoners & Matron Fee 583.50 Mileage 1951.27 Uncollected Paper Mileage 58.00 L'iase 71.33 Maintenance Agreement 270.00 Watts Line 37.80 Membership Dues 50.00 Gasoline 89.64 Gasoline 57.82 Board Member Mileage 24.90 Photo Copies 12.00 Disposal Service 57.46 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board. Vice -Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday February 20, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by Burr, seconded by Sole that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Beard of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning roads in the County. The Board was informed that current culvert prices were available and the Road Committee was instructed to review prices SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA to enable the start of several culvert replacement projects. County Attorney Toogood appeared and informed the Board that his opionion concerning the repair and maintenance of roads with Sanitaary and Improvement Districts had not changed after additional research, and his conclusion was that a Sanitary and Improvement District was a separate entity with the duty to maintain roads within its Jurisdiction. Discussion followed. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Sole that upon recommendation of the County Attorney we continue to charge Sanitary and Improvement District#1 for road maintenance and snow removal. Roll call, ayes: Lightner, Hoagland, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Nays: Sole. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that we approve the release of Joint Custody Receipt 963887 3 in the amount of $50,000. to the First National Bank and Joint Custody Receipt JC6204 intthe amount of $5,000. to the Adams County Bank. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded Sole that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections 6910 through 6915. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Lightner that we approve the bonds of Morland Rucker, Weed Control Board Member in the amou tt of $1,000.00 and Robert Neeman, Denver Township Clerk in the amount of $250. Roll call all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Halloran that Tax refund claim in the amount of $35.66 be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Joe DeMuth, former Weed Control Board member appeared to discuss operation of the Weed Control Authority. Correspondence was received from the Department of Agriculture concerning the County Board's responsibility for hiring a Weed Control Superintendent. Jake Thiel, County Sheriff appeared and discussion was held concerning the purchase of uniforms for prisoners in the County jail. Motion by White, seconded by Sole that we purchase 50 uniforms for prisoners in the County jail and give the Committee power to act. Roll call, ell voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Sole that we approve a membership to Four -Rivers Sportsman Club for the Sheriff and authorize the Sheriff to purchase ammunition necessary for training law enforcement employees. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Terry Marshall, Civil Defense Director appeared to give the Board a report concerning activities of the Civil Defense Department during the emergency after the gas explosion and fire: in Hastings. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Sole that we approve the appointment of Merle Hoeft as Liasion to the Chairman of the County Board for the 1980 Census. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Halloran that the claims be approved on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 422 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA GENERAL FUND County Board of Supervisors County Clerk's Office County Treasurer's Office Register of Deeds Office Communications County Assessor's Office County Superintendent's Office Planning & Zoning Office Data Processing Clerk of the District Court Mental Health Board Public Defender Courthouse Janitors County Extension Coufifiy Sheriff's Office County Attorney's Office County Jail, i, County Ambui4nce Veterans Service Office Paul Stromer Baldwin Cooke Company Burchard, Minnie M Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Eakes Office Equipment Co. Gartner, Rena Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hayen, Rachel Hoeft, Merle W Interstate Printing Co. Lincoln Telephone Company National Ocean Survey Office of Adams Co. Public Def. Register of Deeds Lila Reutlinger Roscoe Story Roscoe Story Theobald, A. J. Zoning Bulletin ROAD Road Department Harpham, Gilbert Stromer, Paul Mousel, Virgil Poore, Delbert Anderson, Roy Witt, Lloyd Austin, Weslie Struss, Lambert R Koch, David Salaries Salaries Salaries. Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Professional Service Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salavies Land Fill Supplies Prior Service Printing Printing Book & Binding Supplies Prior Service Supplies Utilities Prior Service Supplies Maps Telephone & Toll Maps Rental & Miscellaneous Postage Charges Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Subscription FUND Salaries Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service COUNTY LIBRARY FUND County Library Salaries Borrell, Peggy Lurz, Donna Mauch, Margaret Schmidt, Marlys J RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Reimbursement Reimbursement Reimbursement Reimbursement 3500.00 4681.16 6424.14 2458.00 508.00 4590.50 1754.67 2209.58 2129.10 1880.41 250.00 2618.00 2262.63 5060.90 11,589.67 6955.65 5030.26 8428.50 2184.67 107.28 11.24 14.00 12.90 48.00 162.75 7.60 25.00 47.76 6011.09 25.00 9.79 459.16 60.00 81.00 618.64 33.65 14.00 15.00 15.00 92.32 2L50 23,126.86 14.00 13.00 12.00 25.00 25.00 22.00 25.00 12.00 25.00 1,396.99 40.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 ift.orls SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Soterin, Beverly Hastings Utilities Weed Control Reimbursement Utilities WEED CONTROL_ FUND Salaries 30.00 84.03 2,222.80 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, February 27, 1979 9:30A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Absent: Hoagland. Motiln by White, seconded by Lightner, that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Representatives of Lincoln Equipment Company gave a presentation of Service and Technical Analysis inspections on heavy equipment. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr that we hire Lincoln Equipment for Technical Analysis inspection on heavy equipment at $50. each on a once a year basis. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Discussion was held concerning the sale of 8upplus property by the County. The Highway Superintendent, Roger Parks, presented a proposed list of Charges for Maintenance, grading, snow removal and culvert work for Townships, Villages and S&IDs if applicab&e. Motion by Burr, seconded by Halloran that we accept the proposed list of charges for Townships, Villages and S&IDs if applicable for maintenance, grading, snow removal, and culvert work, with an effective date of July 1, 1979. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The Board received proposals for preliminary engineering and design for Goble bridge and the JacQbitz bridge from Hoskins-Western-Sonderegger; Associated Engineers; and Cook, Flatt and Strobel, Motion by Lightner, seconded by Halloran that we enter into a contract with Cook, Flatt & Strobel, Belleville, Kansas for the preliminary -survey and preliminary -design work for the Goble bridge for a fee of $3,100. and for the entire design work for the Jacobitz bridge for $4,600. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Carla Palm informed the Board of her intent to name Sharon Rose as Deputy. Gloria Parks, Deputy was resigning at the end of February and 424 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Miss Palm requested a salary of $6.51 for her as part-time clerical help as she was the only one in the office familiar with some areas of the office work. Request denied by the Board but theyauthorized payment of $4.93 per hour for her part-time services, the same rate that she is presently earning as deputy. Motion by White, seconded by Burr that we approve the claim of Hastings Utilities on Relief -Medical in the amount of $84.03 and authorize and instruct the County Clerk to issue a warrant for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Members of the Adams County Weed Control Board appeared for discussion of appointment of a new Weed Control Superintendent, salareis, and operation of the Weed Control Authority. They were asked to return on March 13th with some recommendations. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Sole that we approve the appointment of Sid White to the Midland Area Agency'on Aging Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Litner, seconded by White that the Adams County Board go on record in opposition to L.B.219. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Halloran that we approve in the amount of $206.06 and $114.30. All voted aye. This Board will now recess Subject to the call of the Adams County Board of S`Gervrs. refund claims Motion carried. Chairman of the Chairma COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 6, 1979 9 : 3 0AM The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kailey, Chaitman ,presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was. kept cu rrently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent, gave a report concerning progress of road work in the County. Motion by White, seconded by Hoagland that we give the Road Committee power toact concerning large culvert purchases. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Discussion was held concerning bids for gravel and bids for plank and grader Blades. The Board instructed Mr. Parks to proceed with adver- tising for bids. Motion by Halloran, seconded by j�Thite that we notify Republic National Life Insurance Co. To update our policy to include bendfits to bring 4 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA our group in compliance with Public Law 95-555 regarding pregnancy of employees. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Bob Fricke appeared and requested definition or statement of a policy for roads in industrial parks. Discussion and questioning followed. The Chairman indicated that time would be needed to study the matter and consult with legal counsel and the Board would answer at the meeting in two weeks. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that we convene as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. No appearances concerning notices given. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Sole that we resume regular session Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Regular session resumed. Motion by Sole, seconded by Halloran that the bond of Sharon K Rose, Deputy Clerk of the District Coutt in the amount of $2,500. be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Hoagland that we allow refund claim in the amount of $103.04. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Sole that we approve the appointment of Carl Evans as Roseland Township Treasurer. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Burr that we approve tax list corrections No.6916 through 6925, and authorize the Chairman to sign them. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr that the reports of Clerk of District Court, (2) County Clerk, Car Titles, Register of Deeds, Sheriff, Ambulance (2) and County Library be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried. Motion by White, Seconded by Sole that the following Miscellaneous receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors Proceedings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 914 Adams County Judge $663.53 915 Adams County Court 8651.89 916 Village of Kenesaw 1659.33 917 Lockland Sani. Sewer#1 150.00 918 Adams County Clerk 79.80 919 Shady Lane Trailer Court 5.00 920 State of Nebraska 997.77 921 Adams County Ambulance 372.52 922 `" ;Little Blue Natural Resot.arces 677.54 923 Register of Deeds 1036.48 924 Register of Deeds 429.00 925 Brenda Onken 3.00 926 Clerk of District Court 499.32 927 Adams County Court217.00 928 Adams County Court 6707.00 929 Kingswood Plaza 5.00 930 Adams County Clerk 2432.07 931 Adams County Court 45.00 932 Adams County Court 31.57 933 State of Nebraska 16,000.00 934 Columbus Holding Co. 261.08 426 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18. ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 935 K. P. Club 182.13 936 Adams County Court 45.00 937 Adams County Court 100.00 938 Adams County Court 4838.05 939 Clerk of District Court 1245.00 940 State of Nebraska 39,198.87 941 Hall County Treasurer 3200.00 942 Hall County Treasurer 150.00 943 Hall County Treasurer 50.00 944 Hall County Treasurer 290.00 945 Hall County Treasurer 75.00 946 Anns Coffee Shop 25.00 947 Hall County Treasurer 35.00 948 State of Nebraska 3500,00 949 Adams County Ambulance Services 562.48 950 Jacqueline Salazar 3.00 951 Adams County Court 45.00 952 Adams County Court 247.40 953 First National Bank 123.29 954 First National Bank 143.84 955 Ambulance Service 420.00 956 Register of Deeds 13.54 957 State of Nebraska 57.95 958 Adams County Court 589.47 959 Anita Hawes, County Clerk 498.00 960 Anita Hawes, County Clerk 1908.00 961 Michael Small 3.00 962 First National Bank 14.3.84. 963 Bonnavilla Plaza Corp 5.Q0 964 Adams County Court 601.68 965 Midland Area Agency on Aging 137.00 966 Midland Nutrition Project for Elderly 73.00 967 Clay County Treasurer 175.00 968 Clay County Treasurer 115.00 969 Clay County Treasurer 987.00 970 Clay County TEeasurer 194,00 971 Clay County Treasurer 259.00 972 Adams County Highway Dept 637.38 973 Adams County Ambulance Service 325.50 974 John Meredith, Register of Deeds 1414.30 975 City of Hastings 4570.19 976 Adams County Court 80.54 977 Laura A Castelberry 3.00 978 State of Nebraska 6962.00 979 State of Nebraska 12,109.00 980 State of Nebraska 81,399.00 981 State of Nebraska 184,716.00 982 Adams County Court 45.00 983 Marjorie J Bunde 3.00 984 Adams County Sheriff 492.05 985 State of Nebraska 6097.88 986 Adams County Ambulance Service 542.50 987 Adams County Court 8338.73 988 Clerk of District Court 70.50 989 Adams County Ambulance 394.50 990 Cornhusker Casualty Co. 1269.13 991 Register of Deeds 33.65 992 Adams County Ambulance Service 75.00 993 State of Nebraska 8338.00 Motion by White, Seconded by Burr that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed and authorized to SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA issue warrant Campus House, Campus House, Crisler, John Davis, Dave & Davis, Dave & Foote, Dr. D. Geitz, Roger Henrikus, Delbert Home Health Services Kearney Clinic Livingston-Butler-Volland Malone, Joyce McIntire, Dr. Robert McIntire, Dr. Robert H Morris, L. L. Nebraska Dept of Public Welfare Noble, John & Linda Pooh Corner Pooh Corner Pooh Corner Tonniges, Dr. Walgreen Drug s for the Inc. Inc. or Doris Gretchen Gretchen B. Jr same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Group Home Treatment Group Home Treatment Foster Care Foster. Care Foster Came Professional Care Foster Care Foster Care S rvices Professional Care Burial Expenses Foster Care Foster Care Foster Care Revolving Fund Vendor Payments Foster Care Foster Care Foster Care Foster Care Professional C^re Foster Care Expense STATE ADMINISTRATIVE FUNDS Adams County Clerk's Office Allen's of Hastings Inc Borrell, Peggy Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Fraser, Mary Glenn, Dr. Elmer E Hinrichs, Margaret Kamm, Dr. Frank Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Meyer, Garnet Osman, Pat Peck, Dr. Eugene Republic National Life Ins Salyards, Dr. Harry Schmidt, Marlys Soterin, Beverly United States Postmaster Weston, Dr. Wayne Willismaon, Sheila Wycoff, Dr. Bevin D WEED Glenwood Telephone Co. Kansas Nebr Gas Co. Kansas Nebr Gas Co. Klein & Manske Ins. K1oke Conoco Mangers, Alvin J Republic Natl Life Insurance Riese, Dwayne Roseland Cooperative Southern Power District Rental Supplies Mileage Supplies Bulletin Service Mileage Professional Service Mileage Professional Service Telephone & Toll Mileage Mileage Professional Service Insurance Coverage Professional Service Mileage Mileage Postage Professional Service Mileage Professional Service 650.00 650.00 150.00 88.56 67.43 11.00 108.64 108.64 81.00 15.00 213.76 190.00 12.00 20.00 32.14 24,053.29 99.63 5.00 20.00 20.00 12.00 3.86 CONTROL FUND Telephone & Toll Gas Service Gas Service Insurance Gasoline Mileage Registration & Misc. Insurance Coverage Registeration & Mileage Gasoline Electric Service 2428.41 8..12 5.78 29.10 5.00 59.87 66.00 5.44 8.00 189.31 46.11 44.02 15.00 639.12 62.00 6.12 26.86 200.00 31.00 6.97 35.00 16.25 51.54 140.42 42.00 38.05 76.77 110.53 74.95 20.75 9.85 428 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Adams Co. Highway Dept Allen's of Hastings Big G Beoth,R. C Enterprises Car Parts Clarke Oil Company Commercial Electronics Consumer Service , Farmers Union Coop Gas & Farmers Union Coop Gas & Friends Motors Garvey Elevators Gene's Upholstery Gessford Machine Shop Glenwood Telephone Great Plains Petroleum Inc H & M Equipment Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Hawes, Anita County Clerk Jahnke's Agri -Home Johnson Cashway Kansas Nebraska Natural Gas Kansas Nebr Natural Gas Co. Laird Motors Lambrecht Petroleum Inc Lambrecht Petroleum Inc Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Major Oil Company Mid City Auto Supply Modern Linen Service Mr. Automotive Nebraska Public Power Lincoln Equipment Co. Odotite Co. Olsen OD. Company Peterson, Marion Republic National Life Ins Shaws Service Southern Public Power The Shwayder Company 3 -Points Tire Service Werner Construction Wheeler St Regis Oil Oil Campus House Inc Campus House Nebraska Crime Commission ROAD FUND Miscellaneous Petty Cash Supplies Supplies Maps Supplies Gasoline & Oil Radio Repairs Propane Co. Gasoline Diesel Repairs Gasoline Repair Repairs Telephone & Toll Gasoline Sand Utilities Supplies & Oxygen Stop Payment fees Supplies Supplies Gas Service Gas Service Repairs Diesel Diesel Supplies & Repairs Supplies & Repairs Supplies & Repairs Telephone & Toll Oil Repairs Shop Service Repairs & Supplies Electric Service Supplies & Repairs Supplies Gasoline Mileage Insurance Coverage Gasoline Diesel & Repairs Electric Service Repairs Gasoline & Repairs Kota1 Bridge Planks FEDERAL GRANTS FUND Refund Refund to Close Grant Refund to Close Grant FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND Dishwasher Calculator Files & Table Hall Trees Big G Business Supply Co. Business Supply Co. Eakes Office Equipment Co. 15.22 22.98 127.17 137.00 17.20 1918.31 44.40 58.20 181.00 103.13 285.52 16.85 37.00 622.47 36.94 11.90 145.50 465.80 70.73 5.00 21.14 25.11 18.23 43.36 6.30 353.39 288.23 254.27 4414.32 6826.93 239.32 477.00 22.50 15.80 414.19 12.68 490.46 3.75 1080.71 36.21 964.49 314.10 83.42 271.87 28.00 56.45 10,482.55 14.10 51.72 50.27 450.00 358.00 187.00 98.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Hastings Tyepwriter Co. Morse Data Processing Woolworth, F. W. Co. Files Programming Shelving STATE INSTITUTIONS FUND Beatrice State Development Center Patient Care Beatrice State Develop Center Patient Care Hastings Regional ienter Patient Care Hastings Regional Center Patient Care Hastings Regional Center Outpatient Care COUNTY LIBRARY FUND American Publishers Company Baker & Taylor Companies The Book Shop Childrens Press Hastings Public Library SupplW, Supplies Supplies Supplies Bookmobile Services GENERAL FUND Acme Printing Adams County Court Adams County Treasurer Blessing, Alfred Allen's American Fire Control Badger, Uniforms Bank Card Service Center Bank Card Service Center Beck, Sid Bender, Matthew & Company Inc Berg, Mrs. Glenn Beyke Signs Big G The Book Shop Brown, Susan Burroughs Corporation Business Supply Co. Clerk of District Court Coats, Mrs. W. C. Commercial Electronics Inc CES County Extension Office Credit Bureau of HastinEp Curtis Oil Co. Dangberg & Associates Deluxe Cleaning Service DeLuxe Cleaning Service Dieken, Mrs Karen Duto-Test Corporation Dutton Lainson Co. Dutton Lainson Co. Eakes Office Equipnent Co. Ed's Pharmacy Fischer, Richard Four Rivers Sportman's Club Inc Fredricks, David General Aircraft Price Guide Grace's Bike & Key Shop Hammons & Stephens Hansen, Gordon L Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc Hastings Daily Tribune Supplies Court Cases Postage Attorney Fees Supplies Recharge of Fire Ext. Uniforms Gasoline Gaethline Board Member Mileage Library Expense Board Member Mileage Sign Miscellaneous Books Mileage Supplies Supplies State Cases & Mental Health Mileage Radio Repair Election Supplies Supp Bulletin Membership Gasoline Updating Cadastral Maps Cleaning Cleanin.g, Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Medicine Telephone Expense Membership Board Member Mileage Supplies Keys Supplies Mileage Supplies Supplies & Advertising 1521.50 100.00 12.49 1179.00 1170.00 14.50 3971.00 3238.00 364.70 8.04 19.46 59.40 982.16 328.54 190.13 199.80 100.00 120.80 11.80 84.78 69.19 59.94 9.08 62.50 6.68 15.00 18.49 38.85 2.06 82.80 115.02 1221.58 8.06 135.04 1664.00 24.27 10.00 664.30 2255.35 119.55 153.45 5.c8 59.53 9.80 8.58 809.99 30.50 80.46 85.00 10.10 10.00 8.55 29.50 48.45 48.60 946.88 430 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Hastings Electronics Hastings Family Practice Hastings Janitoral Supplies Hastin2s Plumbing & Heating Inc Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Hupf, Gayle Industrial Chemical Lakes Inc International Business Machines Johnson Controls ,Johnson Drive-In Drug Kindig Printing Service Knight, Robert G Kohl, Adams insurance Kohl, Adams Insurance Lamski, Dale Langvardt, Arthur R Life -Lite Ed Lightner Lincoln Tel & Tel Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Microfilm Supply Inc Mid-Nebr Mental Ret Mobley, Beverly Mobley, Irwin L Modern Linen Service Moore Business Forms Morris Paint & Wallcoverings Muller, Bev or Gordon Multigraphics Division Nebr Police Chiefs & Sheriffs Nebraska State Library Nelson, Luwane Nelson, Luwane Office of Public Defender Ohlsen Jewelers Petty Cash Extension Office Johnnie Pittman Reaiis Wrecker Service R df ield & Company Inc Rinder Printing Co. Republic National Life Schafer Printing Co. Siemers Printing Co. Searsh and Seizure Bulletin Sherman, Ben Inc Smith Lightning & Consultants Sempek, Edward Swanson, Paul TRW Customer Service Thiel, Jake Thiel, Jake Sheriff Thiel, Jake, Sheriff Thiel, Jake, Sheriff Thomsen Oil Co. 3-M Business Products Sales United Bank Services Co. University of Illinois University of Nebraska University of Nevada Supplies Professional Service Supplies Repairs Supplies Utilities Oxygen Board Member Mileage Ice Remover Corp Service Agreement Repairs Medicine Supplies Professional Service Bond Bond Seminar & Mileage Ettorneys Fees Supplies Convention Expense Hot Line Telephone Service Lamps Services Supplies Mileage Linen Service Supplies Paint Foster Care Supplies Directories Nebr Statutes Mileage Miscellaneous Professional Service Medals Supplies Repaird Service Supplies Supplies Insurance Coverage Supplies Printing Supplies Briefcases Supplies Foster Care Mileage Service Directory Mileage Food for Prisoners & Mileage Gasoline Lease Payment Supplies Supplies Supplies Books 14.44 29.00 13.48 3.20 798.26 547.62 45.25 11.80 160.00 59.75 68.55 12.75 358.74 45.00 356.00 17.00 37.40 180.00 32.14 150.00 32.19 2137.86 12.87 15,276.50 5.25 62.73 156.45 152.36 161.37 200.00 25.32 45.00 52.00 15.81 17.40 40.00 38.50 23.56 95.00 40.00 32.72 259.71 2972.34 70.55 75.45 38.00 72.25 75.85 140.00 62.69 75.34 6.95 1827.84 MatronFee 891.30 48.50 123.06 71.33 163..3.9,; 14.00 134.04 7.50 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 431 Vaughans Printers Inc Supplies 131.30 Weber, Mrs. Janice Board Member Mileage 12.14 Wellensiek, Don Board Member Mileage 10.95 Western Paper Co. Supplies 56.88 Williams, Art Industrial Supplies 311.55 14.00 49.46 Williams Exterminating Co. Pest Control Woodward's Disposal Service Inc Disposal Service This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman. 2L Deputy County Clerk NT' COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 13, 1979 9:30A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole,White, Halloran - and Kailey. Absent: Burr. Motion by L4ghtner, seconded by Hoagland that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors a nd public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by LIghtner, seconded by Halloran that we authorize the Chaimman to sign an agreement with cook, Flatt and Strobel for tree preliminary engineering for project 057001(1) and the preliminary engineering and final design for the project 0S7001(2). Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Mr Chester Anderson appeared to voice concern about drainage from a culvert near his farm. Mr. Parks, Highway Superintendent presented a possible solution and agreed to meet with Mr. Anderson and representa- tives from Little Blue N.R.D. Mr. Carl M?fford appeared 'xpressing concern that if the bridge near him would be closed that he would lose access to the west. The Board indicated that they did not intend to close the bridge unless forced to do so after the federal mandated bridge inspection. A report concerning the Safety Study conducted by Hoskins-Western- Sonderegger was given to the Board. Discussion followed concerning :the safety study. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that we approve a part time bookeeper for the Clerk of the District Court a a salary of $3.25 per hour. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Hoagland that upon the recommendation of the Weed Control Board we appoint Duane Riese as the Adams County Weed Superintendent et a salary of $12,000. per year. Roll call, ayes: Lightner, Hoagland, White and Kailey. Nays: Sole and Halloran. Burr, Absent. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Discussion was held concerning the tele -communication system in Adams County. The matter of purchasing two radio units for the Sheriff's office was referred to the Buildings and Grounds Committee. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Hoagland that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 79-3-13 WHEREAS, the reimbursements for State Administration Fund have not been received to balance the amount expended from the State Administration Fund, WHEREAS, there are sufficient monies on hand in the Inheritance tax fund, Now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Treasurer be ordered to transfer $6,000. from the Inheritance Tax Fund to the State Adminis- tion Fund with the understanding that this amount will be returned to the Inheritance Tax Fund when sufficient reimbursement has been received from the State. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Sole that we approve refund claim in the amount of $108.64. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that we approve the bonds of Ervin Gartner, Chairman of Hanover Township in the amount of $250. and Carl M Evans, Township Treasurer for Roseland Township in the amount of $2,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board. %., COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 20, 1979. 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis J., Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, memebers present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by Burr, seconded by White that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. And agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Li4htner, seconded by Halloran that we authorize the purchase of an IBM Selectric typewriter for the Road Department. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by limagland that we authorize the purchase of three 24V Strob lights at $125. each and two 12V Strob lights at $99. each. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Ualloranthat we authorize purchase of a culvert from HighWay Products Division of Big R, Kaiser Aluminum Pipe for $7,326.72. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Marvin Steinke, Deputy County Attorney informed the Board that it was not their responsibility to build and maintain roads in a private development; however, if the Board would make a determination that it would be in the public interest, they could do so. The Highway Superintendent read the resolution passed by the Board July 25, 1977 adopting minimum standards of design. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Sole that because of lack of funds the Adams County Board deny the request of Bob Fricke for the County to build and maintain roads in Pawnee Industrial Park. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Hoagland that we approve the short Plat for Fast Subdivision and include as per the PlarninE Commission's re- commendation the contingency that a $500. deposit be deposited with the County Clerk. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Duane Riese, Weed Control Superintendent appeared to discuss matters concerning employees for the Weed District. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Sole that we accept the low bid f6rim General Electric to provide two low hand radios for the Sheriff's department at $652. each. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections No.6926 through 6946. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Burr that the claims be approved on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Lutheran Memorial Hospital Professional Service Mary Lanning Hospital Professional Service Surgical Associates of Grand Island, PC Professional Service Dr. Tom Tonniges Professional Services Road Fund Anderson, Roy Austin, Weslie Harpham, Gilbert Koch, Dave Mousel, Virgil Parks, Roger S Poore, Delbert Stromer, Paul Struss, Lambert R Witt, Lloyd Weed Control County Library State Administrative Duthie, Eva B $569.10 1067.44. 172.00 237.00 ROAD FUND Salaries 24,590.07 Prior Service 25.00 Prior Service '25.00 Prior Service 14.00 Prior Service 25.00 Prior Service 12.00 Expenses 45.87 Prior Service 25.00 Prior Service 13.00 Prior Service 12.00 Prior Service 22.00 WEED CONTROL FUND Salaries LIBRARY FUND Salaries 1,573.60 1,198.54 STATE ADMINISTRATIVE FUND Salaries 14,557.90 Prior Service 14.00 i Ti SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA GENERAL FUND County Supervisors Salaries 3500.00 County Clerks Office Salaries 4623.28 County Treasurers Office Salaries 5825.50 Register of Deeds Salaries 2458.00 Communications Salary 508.00 County Assessor Salaries 4590.50 Assessor's For County Salaries 1963.80 County Superintendent Office Salaries 1754.67 Planning & Zoning Office Salaries 2202,83 Data Processing Salaries 2851.51 Clerk of the District Court Salaries 2491.62 Board of Mental Health Salaries 850.00 Public Defender Salaries 2618.00 Courthouse Janitors Salaries 2166.75 County Extension Office Salaries 4261.27 Sheriffs Department Salaries /2,507.17 County Attorney Salaries 5589.33 Sheriffs Department -Jail Salaries 4405.00 Ambulance Service Salaries 7906.00 Veterans Service Office Salaries 2184.67 Stromer, Paul Landfill 107.28 Bailiff's a E Salaries 40.00 Story, Roscoe E Prior Service 15.00 Office of Public Expenses, Rent and etc 605.84 Hayen, Rachel Prior Service 25.00 Reutlinger, Lila Prior Service 14.00 Gartner, Rena Prior Service 25.00 Hastngs Utilities Utilities 6347.76 Burchard, Minnie M Prior Service 14.00 Kidd, C. H. Prior Service 16.00 PPG Industries Inc Supplies 52.88 City of Hastings Reimbursement 3900.00 Hastngs Typewriter Co. Supplies 31.60 Engineering Department Prints 8.10 Register of Deeds Postage Charges 19.87 Lincoln Telephone Company Service & Charges 70.89 Eakes Office Equipment Co. Supplies 4.48 International Business Machines Corp. Supplies 41.60 State of Nebr vs Robert E Rivers Jury Duty 871.20 This Board will now recp ect to the call of the Chairman. N C qu n t y CLS Peptity COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 27, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L. Kailey, Charman, presiding. Roll call, membbrs present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Lightner that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting Isas been given by publication in the Hastings Deily Tribune and by Posting. Ai agenda was available to the elembers and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 435 the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning progress of road work in the County. Motion by LiSbtner, seconded by Halloran that we authorize the Chairnan to sign the agreement for Bridge inspection with Cook-Flatt & Strobel. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Norman'Dudek appeared questioning the method for checking gravel delivered to the County._—Matter feferred to Highway Superintendent and Road Committee. Public Hearing was held as per notice published in the Hastings Daily Tribune on March 16, 1979, No one appeared to protest issuance of the license being requested by Rodney James Heuertz dba The County Market. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr that this Board recommend that a Retail Beer -Off Sale Outside license be granted to Rodney James Heuertz dba The Country Market, Assumption via Juniata, NEbraska Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Mr. Ed Boswell, Asst. Manager of Security and Special Services on Secondary Road for Union Pacific Railroad and Dan Soterin from the Sheriff's office presented a survey on accidents at railroad crossings. It was suggested that an on-site survey be made of the crossings in Adams County with the Sheriff's office and highway Superintendent accompanying the railroad's representative and then a report be made back to the Board. Motion by White, seconded by Sole that we accept the resignation of Dwayne Riese as Weed Control Superintendent eff&etive April 5, 1979. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Halloran that we authorize the Chairman to sign a petition against Paden Construction Co. and Lincoln Telephone Co. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Halloran that we appoint Lloyd Lutkemeier, Chairman of the Board and Gerhardt Meyer, Clerk for Logan Township. Roll call, all voted aye. Mthtion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Halloran that we approve the release of JC03926 in the amount of.$25,000. to Hastings State Bank. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that we authorize the Chairman to sign the contract with Doug's Sign Co. for painting at the Courthouse Annex for the sum of $1816.24. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Halloran that we approve the Claims on their respective funds and authorize and instruct the County Clerk to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Adams County Ambulance Service Catastrophic Illness Center Bank Emergency Assistance Hastings Family Practice Catastrophic Illness 25.00 150.06 221.00 1'1'7 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Hastngs Skyways Kansas-Nebr Natural Gas Co. Dr. Clyde Kleager Mary Lanning Hospital Professional Fees Roseland State Bank Southern Power Dist. Dr. Tom Tonniges Village Clerk, Roseland University Hospital Zubrod, Connie Jack & Jill Hillcrest Adams County Senior Handi-Bus Catastrophic Illness Emergency Assistance Catastrophic Illness Catastrophic Illness Catastrophic Illness Emergency Assistance Emergency Assistance Catastrophic Illness Emergency Assistance Catastrophic Illness Emergency Assistance Emergency Assistance GENERAL FUND Reimbursement for Feb 130.20 106.82 212,50 859.97 568.10 429.50 90.42 84,00 6.18 2,181.87 280.00 400.00 775.45 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Sup: .4; Deputy COURTI4OUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 3, 1979 9:30 A.M. The Regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, Presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Burr, white Halloran and Kailey. Sole, absent. Motion by White, seconded by Hoagland that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Sole entered meeting. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Halloran that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 7T74173 WHEREAS, Adams County now pays the State of Nebraska 20% of Welfare Medical Charges, and WHEREAS, LB -138 on passage, would reduce Adams County's share of Welfare Medical Charges to 10% over a 4 year period at the rate of 2.1-A per year, and WHEREAS, Governor Thone has publicly stated he will support LB -138, and WHEREAS, LB -138 would be a direct relief to property taxes in Adams County (taxes that have had to absorb an increase of 20% in Welfare Medical Charges each year when tied to a 7% spending lid), NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Adams County Board of Supervisors that they unanimously endorse passage of LB -138 and urge the Legislature of the State of Nebraska to take the appropriate action to pass the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried, SUPERVISORS RECORDNo 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Rogerf-earks, Highway Superintendent gave a report on the progress of road work in the county, The Board gave approval for the immediate demolition of Two Bridges that have been closed near :he Deveny property and advertisement for bids to replace with a different type structure. Motion by Burr, seconded by White that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 6947 thru 6949. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Halloran that the bond of David L BraMman, Deputy Sheriff, in the amount of $10,000. be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Notion carried. Motion by Lightner , seconded by Heegland that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION 79-4-3.1 WHEREAS, Adams County Nebraska desires to obtain financial accomodations from First National Bank & Trust Company of Lincoln ("Bank"), pursuant to the use of Benk's Credit cards by certain officers, employees, representatives or agents of the above named governmental subdivision; and WHEREAS, is governmental subdivision intends to authorize certain of its officers employees, representatives or agents to use such credit cards for and in connection with its business, and WHEREAS, Bank will not extend such accomodations by issuing such credit cards unless this governmental subdivision agrees to assume sole responsibility for the use of such credit cards or any of them, and to pay Bank for all indebtedness incurred by use of such credit cards or any of them Whether such use or indebtedness was authorized by this governmental subdivision. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that this governmental subdivision apply to Bank for the issuance of a sufficient number of credit cards as, in the judgment of the officer, employee, representative, or agent (whether one or tore) hereinafter authorized, this governmental subdi- vision may require. BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, that Jake Thiel be authorized, directed and empowered, in the name of this governmental subdivision to apply to Bank for the issuance of such credit cards and to execute such application forms and agreements as may be incidental to the payment of all indebted- ness incurred by use of such credit cards whether authorized or unauthorize as Bank may require. Roll call, all%voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that we authorize the County Treasurer to write tax certificates on Real Estate on which taxes are unpaid for two years last past. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. A group of approximately twenty persons appeared concerning the condition of a bridge located between Sec. 30 & 31 of Hanover Township. Stan Aman acted as spokesman for the group and presented a petition to the Chairman containing over three hundred signatures of citizens in the area request- ing the Board of Supervisors to keep said road open and maintain and repair the bridge on s&id road. Discussion followed wi bridge on the next da \tihTeY B ..... • indicating they would examine the This Board will now ,-cks,1 lebl.*to the call cf the Chairman of the Board , ‘ 4q1;,,A y *1: ----4----.=<:,--- CUUnty C 3;114 ::,- Ch Deputy 438 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA The regular held as per presiding. Burr, White COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday April 10, 1979 9:30 A.M. meeting of the Adams County BPard. of Supervisors was public notice given with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, Roll Call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, , Halloran and Kailey. Motion by Burr, seconded by White that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available t o the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Henry Hawes, Adult Probation officer appeared to inform the Board of intent to open an office in Friend, Nebraska.. He indicated that rent would be $125. per month and utilities approximately $50 per month. Funding would be divided between Saline, Thayer and Nuckolls and Fillmore counties. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr that we hire Merlin Klusman as County Weed Superintendent at $900. per month, upon the recommendation of the Weed Control Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr that we waive the four month waiting period for Merlin Klusman and request coverage immediately, on the group insurance, as this has been our policy concerning elected officials and department heads. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that we authorize purchase of two Monroe calculators, Model 2830 for $748.18. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Mike Torske and Renee Ehly appeared to tell the Board of their experiences at Youth County, Where they had taken the role of Supervisors. Don Nispel appeared to discuss specifications for the Courthouse roof. Bids for drapes for two rooms in the Courthouse were opened and referred to the Building Committee with authorization to act. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Halloran that the reports of Clerk of District Court, (2) Library, Sheriff, Car Titles, County Clerk Fees, Register of Deeds (3) Ambulance (2) be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all noted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Hoagland that we approve the bonds of Roger Parks, Co. Highway Superintendent & County Surveyor, in the amount of $5,000.; Lloyd L Lutkemeier, Logan Township Chairman of the Board in the amount of $250. and Gerhart D. Meyer, Logan Twwnship Clerk in the amount of $250. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by.:Halloran, seconded by White that the Miscellaneous Receipts be accepted and made a part of the Supervisor's proceedings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 Adams Co. Noxious Weed County Clerk Adams County Bank Adams County Bank County Court County Court County Court 81.52 47.60 4,625.00 4,625.00 150.00 7,325.80 414.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 432 1001 County Court 1002 Ambulance Service 1003 County Court 1004 County Court 1005 County Court 1006 Road Dept 1007 Register of Deeds 1008 Dale Weseman 1009 Marvin Hartman 1010 State of Nebr. 1011 Ambulance Sery 1012 National Bank of Commerce 1013 State of Nebraska 1014 County Court 1015 Ambulance Service 1016 Lincoln Equipment Co. 1017 Register of Deeds 1018 Clerk of Dist- court 1019 " Hall County ;Treasurer 1020 Hall County Treasurer 1021 Hall County Treasurer 1022 Hall County Treasurer 1023 Hall County Treasurer 1024 Hall County Treasurer 1025 Hall County Treasurer 1026 Adams County Bank 1027 Adams County Bank 1028 First National Bank 1029 County Clerk 1030 County Clerk 1031 Nancy Glantz 1032 City Treasurer 1033 Ambulance Service 1034 Alicia Petersen 1035 Adams County Noxious Weed 1036 Bankers Life Ins of NEb 1037 County Court 1038 County Court 1039 Kenesaw School Dist 3R 1040 First National Bank 1041 County Sheriff 1042 Hastings State Bank 1043 Ann's Coffee Shop 1044 State of Nebr. 1045 State of Nebr. 1046 Midland Area Agency on Aging 1047 Midland Nutrition Project for Elderly 1048 Cancelled 1049 County Court 1050 City of Hastings 1051 Village of Roseland 1052 Village of Holstein 1053 Ambulance Service 1054 County Court 1055 Lloyd J Kroll Estate 1056 Cancelled 1057 First National Bank 1058 First National Bank 1059 Register of Deeds 1060 State of Nebraska 1061 State of Nebr. 4,804.00 613.50 100.00 100.00 175.00 735.73 822.38 3.00 10.33 59,905.69 461.00 838.72 152,046.20 170.28 734.76 750.00 19.85 86.50 2,200.00 250.00 75.00 150.00 50.00 50.00 15.00 3,250.00 4,875.00 148.63 1,722.50 395.25 3.00 79,462.25 655.00 3.00 11.00 17,437.31 967.16 688.20 232.42 123.29 2,281.74 2042.47 25.00 1,238.06 18,000.00 137.00 73.00 5,062.08 894.52 318.00 1,039.50 541.28 3,609.66 259.16 153.42 4,684.93 1,417.05 12,109.00 6,962.00 440 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 1062 State of Nebr 81,399.00 1063 State of Nebr. 184,716.00 1064 Doug Pawloski 3.00 1065 County Court 1,138.60 1066 State of Nebraska 2,395.09 1067 Ambulance Service 728.76 1068 County Court 2,126.54 1069 County Court 1,888.24 1070 County Sheriff 577.64 1071 County Court 147.18 1072 County Welfare 40.50 1073 Ambulance Dept 557.50 1074 Road Dept 48.17 Motion by White, seconded by Halloran that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be -authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Acme Printing Co. Supplies 34.60 Adams County Court Court Costs 269.30 Adams Co. Senior Handl-Bus Re -Imbursement 808.39 Adams Co. Treasurer Supplies & Feeight 10.15 Adams Co. Treasurer Meal 6.00 Adams Co. Treasurer Postage 1,968.90 Adams Co. Treasurer Postage 204.60 Ahrens, Walter Postcards 4.00 Allen's Supplies 12.57 Allen's Supplies & Service 64.03 American Fire Control Inc Service 17.22 Anderson, Gene Supplies & Service 2,655.85 Apex -plumbing & Heating Service 230.26 Badger Uniforms Uniforms 66.10 Badger Uniforms Uniforms 155.23 Bank Card Service Center Gas 53.10 Beck, Sid Mileage & Per Diem 9.08 Berg, Mrs Glenn Mileage & Per Diem 7.21 Beyke Signs Service 50.00 Big G Ace Hardware Supplies 12.33 Big G Ace Hardware Equipment & Supplies 123.35 Brown, Susan Mileage 13.29 Brown, Susan Supplies 29.88 Business Supply Co. Service & Supplies 341.22 Callaghan & Company Library Expense 38.50 Cash Wa Candy Co. Supplies 14.90 Cash Wa Dandy Co. Supplies 33.60 Central Ass'n of Co Officials Dues 7.00 Central Tech. Comm College Supplies 19.78 Chris' Car Wash Service 2.50 Clerk of District Court Costs 2,301.66 Coats, Mrs. W. C. Mileage & Per Diem 8.06 Commercial Electronics, Inc Service 64.00 Control Data Corporation Supplies 151.00 Co-operative Grain & Supply Supplies 4.40 Cornhusker Press Service 175.10 Credit Bureau of Hastings INC Service 5.00 Crisler, John or Doris Foster Care 150.00 Deluxe Cleaning Services Inc Service 75.30 Deluxe Cleaning Services Inc Service 123.00 Des Moines Stamp Mfg. Co. Supplies 39.60 Diebold Incorporated Equipment Maintenance 121.00 Dieken, Mrs Karen Mileage & Per Diem 5.68 Donelson, Larry D.St.Librarian Supplies 6.25 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Dunmire & Blessing Dunmire & Blessing Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Court Appointed Counsel Court Appointed Counsel Equipment Equipment Eakes Office Equipment Inc Machine Rental Eakes Office Equipment Eisele, Ray Emal-Strine Printing Fay's Drive -In Drug Federal Grants Fund Fischer, Richard Fischer, Richard Service Fredericks, David Per Diem Friens Motor Supply General Electric Inc Supplies Post cards Supplies Supplies Grant Postage Telephone Mileage & Supplies Equipment Gewecke, Wilbur R Dep.Prob.Off. Postage Grace's Bike & Key Shop Supplies Grace's Bike & Key Shop Service Grace's Bike & Key Sop Supplies Great Plains Parts & Service Great Plains ChryPlym Dodge Service Hammond & Stephens Co. Supplies Hanzel Appliance Sales & Sery Service Hansen Building Specialties, Inc Supplies Hartig, Darlene J Mileage Hastings Daily Tribune Advertising Hastings Electronics Supplies Hastings Janitorial Supplies Supplies Hastings Museum Space Rental Hastings Typewriter Co. Supplies Hastings Utilities Utilities Haverly, Harry C Co. Judge Dues Hawes, Anita Mileage & Registration Henry's Service & Repair Gasoline Hesman, George Post Cards Hostein Rural Fire Dist Rental Hoselton, Jeanne Hupf, Gayle IBM Intl Business Machines Johnson Cashway Lumber Co Johnson Cash -Way Lumber Co. Juniata Elementary School K -Mart Kemper, Virgil Kindig Printing Service Kleppinger, Michael V. DDS Kleager & Glenn, Drs. Kohl, Adam, Insurance Laird Motors Inc Laird Motors Inc Lincoln Tel & Tel Lincoln Telephone Co Little Blue Township J. M. McDonalds �._ Mid-Nebraska Dist Co Inc Mobley, Beverley D Mobley, Irwin L Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Modern Methods Inc. Mileage Mileage & Per Diem Supplies Supplies Materials Materials Workshop Expense Supplies Use of House Supplies Professional Service Professional Service Dep. Sheriff Bond Parts & Labor Parts & Labor Ser/ice Service Building Rental UTn if orms Gas & Service Service Mileage Linen Service Linen Service Mop Service Maintenance Agreement 225.00 352.50 52.60 22.29 570.16 79177 8.00 5.95 .89 180.30 16.04 53.64 10.10 2.63 441.76 43.00 18.80 34.50 17.33 30.04 30.00 20.86 18.50 47.88 5.95 569.96 2.99 4.75 1,136.20 264.37 447.52 25.00 58.19 26.44 7.20 60.00 119.19 11.80 18.88 32.16 8.64 134.04 31.72 51.00 50.00 1,135.27 20.00 10.00 175.00 74.16 1,598.13 31.25 2,062.89 45.00 155.88 96.05 83.60 87.89 107.01 45.30 24.00 180.00 442 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Moore Business Forms Supplies Morris Paint, & Wall Coverings Paint Nati Police Chiefs & Sheriffs Supplies Nebr. Continuing Legal Education Registration Fee Nebr Correctional Industries Supplies Nelson & Harding Services & Expenses Nelson & Harding Services & Expenses Nelson, Luwane Supplies Nelson, Luwane Mileage Nienhueser, Doug Board Member Mileage o"Keefe Elevator Overhead Door Postmaster Potter, Harry Redfield & Company Republic National Life Rinder Printing Co. Roger's Inc Smith, Hal C, Swanson, Paul The Book Shop Thiel, Jake, Sheriff Thiel, Jake, Sheriff Thiel, Jake Sheriff Thomsen, Oil Co. Thomsen Oil Co. 3-M Business Products Tonniges, Tom E,M.D. University of NE Vaughans Printers Inc Vaughans Printer Inc Vaughans Printer Inc Village of Kenesaw 2,011.54 216.73 22.50 50.00 1,090.00 86.51 1,314.43 16.29 39.69 10.44 Company Inc Elevator Repair & Maintenance 131.00 Repair 18.00 Postage 37x„0 Jury Supplies 7.97 Supplies 149.57 Insurance 2,868.03 Supplies 142.40 Supplies 2.40 Bond 5.00 Mileage 26.76 Books 24.45 Food for Prisoners Matron Fee 1,114.50 Mileage 2,070.15 Mileage 74.60 Gasoline 192.82 Oil 16.35 Lease 71.33 Witness fee 75.00 Supplies 1.50 Supplies 74.57 Supplies 25.55 Supplies 6.55 Rental 20.00 Visa Gasoline & Travel 543.95 Walt's Conoco Service Station Gasoline 533.95 Weber, Mrs Janice Wellensiek, Don Wenske, Richard Western Paper Company Williams Exterminating Williams, Art Ind. Woodward's Disposal Service Adams Co. Highway Dept Adams Co. Highway Dept Allen's of Hastings Bates, Delton Big G Hardware Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Postage Supplies Pest Control Supplies Inc. Disposal Service ROAD FUND Postage Miscellaneous Supplies Mileage Repairs Big R Hiway Products Division Alum Pipe Arch Blue Diamond Carriker, Deb Case Power & Equipment Clarke Oil Company Commercial Electronics Construction S rvice Co. D -A Lubricant Company Dutton-Lainson Company Eimicke, V.W.Assoc. Inc Farmers Coop Propane Co. Firestone Stores Friends Motor Concrete Mileage Repairs & Supplies Gasoline & Oil Radio Repair Repairs Supplies Supplies Supplies Repairs Repairs Repairs 12.14 10.95 2.89 101.70 7.00 15.02 49.46 30.00 23.38 59.62 8.16 164.26 7,326.72 133.62 8.59 21.05 610.92 18.00 370.25 27.70 343.86 34.98 4.35 94.50 299.38 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 443 Gessford Machine Shop Glenwood Telephone Co H & M Equipment Co. H & M Equipment Co. Halbmaier, Ervin J Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings 'Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Hunts Garage Imler, Rockey Island Supply Co Jahnke's Agri -Home Kansas Nebr Natural Gas Kim -Ko Inc Kohl, Adam Insurance Kully Iron & Metal Laird Motors Lemke Sharpening Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Mid City Auto Supply Modern Linen Service Mr Automotive Nebraska Law Library Nebraska Public Power Olsen LL Supplies Telephone Service Gravel Gravel Mileage Advertising Supplies Utilities Repa irs Repa irs Mileage Steel Sheet Piling Supplies Gas Service Window Cleaner Bond Repairs & Supplies Repairs Repair Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Telephone & Toll Supplies Washroom Service Repairs Supplies Electric Service Gasoline Nebraska Tractor & Equipment Equipment Parks, Roger S Postage Powell Tower Maintenance Inc Insurance Republic National Life Ins Shaws Service Smith, Clarence F.E. Standard Blue Stewart Plumbing & Heating Southern Power District 3 -Point Tire Service Vontz, L. J. Construction Werner Construction Wheelers Co. Wheeler St Regis Witt& Decker Insurance Gasoline & Diesel Professional Seriice Supplies Repairs Electric Service Repa irs Inc Gravel Hot Mix Supplies Supplies Repairs 6.50 29.49 995.04 42.75 40.53 8.03 13.39 278.36 70.14 7.50 199.92 1,520.00 23.28 53.58 32.08 20.00 116.84 26.93 5.00 798.95 598.54 546.19 841.59 233.30 2.00 16.40 365.76 25.90 21.06 2,075.20 78.71 16.85 964.90 964.90 219.25 50.00 122.48 12.72 47.23 104.50 2,200.00 652.85 34.68 746.26 40.19 INHERITANCE FUND Region III Catchment IV Area Funding Agreement 4,418.07 COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Baker & Taylor Companies Supplies Garrard Publishing Company Supplies Hastings Public Library Rental Republic National Life Ins Insurance Coverage STATE INSTITUTIONS FUND Beatrice State Develop Center Patient Care Hastings Regional Center Patient Care Hasting Regional Center Patient Care Hastings Regional Center Patient Care Lincoln Regional Center Patient Care Lincoln Regional Center Patient Care 57.78 954.14 491.08 34.77 1,092.00 3;284.76 84.00 252.90 648.00 462.00 44-4 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Computer Elections Systems Eakes Office Equipment Eakes Office Equipment Hastings Glass & Aluminum IBM Nebraska Tractor Nikkila, James Rocky Mountain Software Inc Dietz Company Beres Rexall Drugs Carter Hotel Geitz, Roger Henrikus, Delbert Henrikus, Delbert Kleager, Dr. Clyde Malone, Joyce Campus House Campus House Home Health Services Patient Care Lamb, Janet Foster Care Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Emergency Care Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Laboratory Morris, L. L. Revolving Fund Nebr. Dept of Public Welfare Vendor Payments Sempek, Edward Foster Care Walgreen Drug Foster Care REVENUE SHARING FUND Inc. Election Supplies Equipment Equipment Doors Equipment Snow Plows Construction Costs Program Changes Ambulance RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Medicine Rental Foster Care Foster Care Foster Care Foster Care Foster Care Faster Care Foster Care WEED CONTROL FUND Glenwood Telephone Co. Telephone & Toll Kansas Nebraska Gas Co Gas Service Klein & Manske Insurance Bonds Republic National Life Insurance Coverage Roseland Coop Gasoline Southern Nebraska Public Power Electric Service Timm's Repair Shop Repairs This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Board. Deputy 490.40 479.00 116.50 989.00 810.00 14,015.00 1,896.00 300.00 14,100.00 9.90 40.50 190.00 13.58 190.00 107.36 190.00 650.00 650.00 135.00 44.31 34.70 7.50 13.54 22,548.75 140.00 12.22 21.39 64.13 162.00 75.76 53.26 8.66 118.01 the Chairman of COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NE Tuesday April 2, 1979 ha The Adams County Board convened as a Board of Equalization with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, Hoagland, Sole White and Kailey, werepresent. Absent: Lightner, Burr and Halloran. , - Discussion was held as toth s1,1e for equalization hearings. This Board will now eecdiS'until Tuet ay April 3, 1979. County Clerk • ( 4_ - SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS NE. Tuesday,April 3, 1979 The Adams County Board convened as a Board of Equalization with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Sole, Burr, Halloran and Kailey. Absent: Hoagland and White. Discussion was held concerning the exempt status of Hanover Presbyterian parsonage. This Board will now rec s'suntil ;Wednesday, April 4, 1979. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NE Wednesday, April 4, 1979 The Adams County Board convened as a Board of Equalization with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole and Kailey. Absent: Burr, Halloran and White. This Board will now Be Tuesday May 1, 1979. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NE Tuesday April 17, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by Sole, geconded by White that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public :notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Road report was given by Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent. Discussion was held concerning charges for township maintenance. Consideration was given to a charge of $25. per mile for maintenance only 5 times per year. Contact will be made with the Township Boards and maintenance will be given upon wtitten agreement. The Board refused a request from Lincoln Telephone Co. for a permit to bury telephone cable in the roadway. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Burr that after checking with City codes to verify that a fuel tank can be properly installed, 44 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA we authorize purchase of a 10,000 gal. above ground tank with electric pump and meter. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Bill Jarvis, president of the Hastings Area Chamber of Commerce appeared to present a plan for the first day of the Adams County Fair. A parade, games and contests between government officials are among the things being planned. Perry Rankin, president of Hastings Economic Development Corporation appeared to present the budget request. Request for County funds is $22,000. the same as in the previous budget year. Several persons appeared to voice their opposition. Supervisor Lightner voiced his continued approval of trying to foster industrial development in the community, but asked that thought be given to combining the post of Director of Industrial Development with the Chamber manager position. Hearing was held concerning issuance of a permit under Sec. 5-102 of the County Zoning Ordinance. Motion by Burr, seconded by Halloran that as recommended by the Plan- ning Commission, we grant the request of Elvin Witt for an assessory living accomodation on the Wk. NW34 of Sec. 29 in Highland Township Under Sec.5-102 of the County Zoning Ordinance. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Gravel Bids were opened from H & M Equipment Co, Inc; Lilley Sand and Gravel and L. J. Vontz Construction Co. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr that we accept the gravel bids aapresented and authorize the Chairman to sign contracts with H & M Equipment Co. for Highland Twp, $3.60; West Blue $4.02; Denver $4.24; and Blaine $4.66 per cubic yard ---Lilley Sand & Gravel Kenesaw $3.60; Verona $3.14; Wanda $4.32; Juniata $3.89 Cottonwood $4.98 per cubic yard---L.J. Vontz Construction Co. Roseland $4.50; Logan $5.52; Ayr $4.14 Hanover $4.14; Zero $4.50; Little Blue $4.68 & Silver Lake $4.98 per cubic yard. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Jake Thiel, County Sheriff appealed to present problems for the Board's consideration regarding Mileage rates, cost of food for prisoners and salaries. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr that we approve the appointment of Richard Thornberry to fill the vacancy on the Adams County Fair Board created by the resignation of Roy Crocker. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to..ghe call of the Chairman of the Board. County Clerk Chairma Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 24, 1979 9:30 A. M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Suprevisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent reported on the progress of road work in the county. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Burr that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION 79-4-24 WHEREAS, a notable increase in the number and weight of vehicles has been determined to be present on the Adams Central Road between Highway #6 and Highway #74 as a result of the Closing of Highway #281, AND WHEREAS, if certain precautions are not taken, said increase in traffic will result in the probable destruction of the Adams Central Road, THEREFORE BE IT NOW RESOLVED, by the Adams County Board of Supervisors that effective April 24, 1979, said described road be closed to all but local traffic and the Adams County Highway Department be instructed to place weight limit signs on said road restricting weight limit to 14,000 lbs per single axle. Roll call, all voted aye. M:'otion carried. It was determined that persons living along said road could get a permit for a heavier load at the Adams County Highway Department. Fred Sebesta appeared to discuss solid waste disposal with members of the County Board and representatives from the City Council and City Health department. The matter of location, method and finance were discussed. The Chairman asked the County Landfill committee_. to set up a meeting with representatives from the City to further discuss thesituation and the feasibility of a joint landfill. Calls concerning the run-off from the Juniata Feed Yard were referred to the State Department of Health. George Kulhanek appeared to voice a complaint of the rules and administration of Planning and Zoning. Don Nispel appeared to discuss specifications for roof repair with the Board. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that we Himmelberg and Ziemba received in January and new specifications, said bids to be opened on 10:00 A.M. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion reject the bids of ask for new bids with May 8, 1979 at carried. The Board discussed planned capitol improvements with the Fair Board representatives. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Hoagland that we ask the Fair Board to consider delaying construction of a building until next year and make 44.8 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA further study of the feasibility of such a building; also that we request no funds for Capitol Improvements be levied in the next fiscal year. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Merlin Klusman, Adams County Weed Superintendent made a visit to the Board to report on his plans as the newly appointed superintendent. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Halloran that we approve a leave of absence for Nancy Harding. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Discussion was held concerning salaries for Jailor/Dispatchers. Motion by White, seconded by Hoagland that we approve the claims on their respective funds and authorize and instruct the County Clerk to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. County Supervisors County Clerk's Office County Treasures Office Register of Deeds Communications County Assessor's Office County Superintendent Office Planning & Zoning Office Data Processing Clerk of the District Court Mental Health Board Office of Public Defender Courthouse Janitors County Ag Extension Office Sheriff's Department County Attorneys Salaries Sheriff's Department (Jail) Ambulance Service Veterans Service Office Land fill A & D Technical Supply Co Inc A & D Technical Supply Co Inc Allen's Shopping Center Burchard, Minnie M Business Supply Co Inc City of Friend Gartner, Rena Hastings Typewriter Co. Hayen, Rachel Hoeft, Merle W Kidd, C. H. Lincoln Telephone Co. Nebraska Correctional Industries Office of Public Defender Reutlinger, Lila Schemmer Associates Inc Story, Roscoe Tally, Don Sheriffs Dept (Jail) WEED GENERAL FUND Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Supplies Supplies Supplies Prior Service Supplies Deposit Prior Service Supplies Prior Service Supplies & Postage Prior Service Service & Toll Charges Supplies Rent, Telephone and ETC. Prior Service Services Prior Service Office Rent Salary CONTROL FUND $ 3,500.00 4,891.18 5,567.50 2,458.00 508.00 4,590.50 1,754.67 2,222.58 1,436.82 2,210.67 1,500.00 2,618.00 2,278.88 4,256.92 11,892.86 5,589.33 4,656..44 8,171.53 2,184.67 128.14 7.91 24.10 19.80 14.00 4.45 50.00 25.00 16.78 25.00 8.38 16.00 71.77 -, 5.70 807.30 14.00 25.00 15.00 125.00 .786.42 Weed Control Salaries 966.42 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Library COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Salaries STATE ADMINISTRATIVE FUND State Administrative Salaries 14,623.18 Duthie, Eva Prior Service 14.00 1,332.41 ROAD FUND Road Salaries 24,139.91 Anderson, Roy Prior Service 25.00 Austin, Weslie Prior Service 25.00 Harpham, Gilbert Prior Service 14.00 Koch, Dave Prior Service 25.00 Mousel, Virgil Prior Service 12.00 Nebr Dept of Revenue Sales Tax Due 6.32 Poore, Delbert Prior Service 25.00 Stromer, Paul Prior Service 13.00 Struss, Lambert R Prior Service 12.00 Witt, Lloyd Prior Service 22.00 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board. Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 1, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kaily, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Carried. Roger Parks, Highway Supt. gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. The Board authorized asking for sealed proposals for a new pickup, painting one piece of heavy equipment under a pilot program and purchasing oil sample bottles in the amount of $550. Motion by Sole, seconded by Lightner that this Board recess regular session to sit as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 10:50 A.M. Members of the Child Development Council appeared to request an extension of one year or longer, to use the former Adams County Nursing Home .5O SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA for a Pooh Day Care Center. The Board asked if the Council dould pay for the utilities and Mrs Lainson said that they would not be able to at this time, however rates would be up for review in August. The Board will take the matter under advisement. Bids were received for a 12 x12 twin box culvert from Maury Corporation, Jim Nikkila, L. J. Webb and Missouri Valley Construction Company. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Burr that we accept the low bid of Jim Nikkila to construct a twin Box culvert (Project C1-52) for $49,614.10 and authorize the Chairman to sign a contract for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. DeMuth, Wiens and Snoberger, representing the Adams County Fair Board appeared to deliver a copy of a resolution passed by the Fair Board concerning construction of a building at the fair grounds. Discussion followed. The Fair Board was asked if they had considered putting the Extension office in the new building or if they had considered leasing space to the Soil Conservation Service. Discussion was held concerning rental of the present buildings and duties of the manager. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman. County Clerl C:4). `.(:`. ' DePti Ch rman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 1, 1979 10:00 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Willis L Kailey, presiding. Members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey; County Assessor Beverley Mobley, County Appraiser, Irvin Mobley and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Hearingswere held for the following protests. Protest 79-1 290 00102 Nancy Hahne, in comparison with properties at 400 N S Drive, 414 N S Drive, 601 N S Drive we feel the taxes are too high. Gary Hahne appeared. Testimony recorded Tap 1 side 1 130-340. Protest 79-2 284 15302 Harold R Hughes , The poor drainage in area causes water damage to basement and foundation. Compared to similar homes on street, I feel the evaluation should be lowered. Mr Hughes appeared. Testimony recorded on tape 1 side 1 351-405. Protest 79-3 284 10984 Anthony J Yilk, assessed too high in comparison with other property in the same block, No appearance. Protest 79-4 284 15182 William H & Dorothea Werkmeister that as long as the possibility of flooding exists in the northwest section of Hastings, the value of our property could not have risen to the extent that the new valuation indicates. William & Dorothea Wrkmeister appeared. Testimony recorded tape 1 side 1 418-650. Protest 79-5 284 01332 Tony Dobesh, protested that poor location so no one wants to build a new home next to the railroad tracks. I feel the lots are assessed too high. No appearance. Protest 79-7 284 01328 Tony Dobesh, protested that out home is located in a very poor location next to a Burlington railroad track and it is assessed far too high. No appearance. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Protest 79-6 194 00540 Victor Einspahr, assessed out of line with property directly north of our property. Mr & Mrs Victor Einspahr appeared. Testimony recorded tape 1 side 1 672-810. Protest 79-8 232 00132 Donald D Robinson or Vonda Lee Robinson, purhcased this tract for $800. in Sept. of 1977. The building on the property is owned by another taxpayer and assessed as personal property for taxation. There is no way that we could recieve $2014. on the sale of the lot, under these circumstances. It has no sewer,Xwater or electrical service to it. The price that the owner of adjacent pro- perty paid for his land should not be used as a fair market value for this lot. He paid a premium price because of his business and adjacent location to that business. It would not have the aame value to anyone else. Mr. Don Robinson appeared. Testimony recorded tape 1 side 1 818-908. Protest 79-9 276 0020 Albert Davis, brick machine shed valued 5773. Cost 1,000. Shed assessed 613 should be only 200. Mr Albert Davis appeared. Testimony recorded tape 1 side 1 931 to end. Protest 79-10 276 0070 Albert Davisl?lock shop assessed at more than cost. I only have 1,000 in the building. Shed assessed at 217. worth about 100. House assessed at 5,059 is at least 3,000 too high. Can't even heat part of it. Mr Albert Davis appeared. Testimony recorded tape 1, side 1 931 to end. Protest 79-11 great jump in Protest 79-12 014 00290 Edwin E Cook and Lillian G Cook, protest this assessed valuation without a lower mill levy. No appearance. Requested another time for hearing. Protest 79-13 284.13172 Harry A &Emma Lou Borley , (1) "D" classification is not consistent with other comparable homes in. Neighborhood (old, frame siding, no central air & Original converted furnace) (2) should only be assessed for 1/6 of easement -not 1/4, (3) $1,705 appears excessive eval- uation for old, single car garage without paved drive (4) Land value calculation was erronously extended. Mrs Borley appeared. Testimony recorded tape 1 side 2 55-278. Protest 79-14 68 00090 Edwin J Kleier, Mr. Kleier appeared. Protested that ijs was assessed out of line because of purchase price and because of purchase price and because it has a waste land on it. Testimony recorded tape 1 side 2 310-424. Decisions concerning above properties to be made at a later date. This Board of Equal now recess until May 8, 1979. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 8, 1979 1:20 P.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors metas a Board of Equalization with Willis L Kailey, Chairman presiding. Roll call, members peresent: Lightner, Hoagland, Burr, White, Sole and Kailey. Halloran, absent. r: SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA County Assessor, Beverley Mobley; County Appraiser, Irvin Mobley;and 4ngtalawes, County Clerk were also present. Hearings were held for the following protests; Protest 79-15 124 00040 124 00030 and 84-10778 Fred S ad Motors INC. compared with properties in the same area,' stating that none of the land has ever been used for anything but agriculture. Paul Spady appeared. Testimony recorded Tape 1 Side 2 831-935. Protest 79-16 78 00070 Robert E Simmeri protested that the increase of 42.9% was way above any economic guidelines as well as the rate of inflation. No appearance. Protest 79-17 180 00210 Robert E Simmerii protested that the rate of increase is way above any economic guidelines or even the rate of inflation. No appearance. Protest 79-18 8 100030 Ted H Ochsner river area. It is a permanent flood appeared. Testimony recorded Tape 1 protested that floods out (in) area classes 1 A. Mr. Ochsner side 2 430-560. Protest 79-19 224 00310 Douglas M Kort protested that`: this is mostly pasture land and one of the roughest places in Adams County. If you will check the soil maps this is classified as IV class soil. No appearance. Protest 79-20 284 14894 David A Powers protested that property is situated in established flood area. Flooded in Sept 77 and April 78. No improvements have been made to correct condition. Flood threat still exists. Property in said area is virtually valuless at this time. Mr. Lonney Johnson appeared representing Mr Powers. Letter filed with Board. Testimony recorded Tape 1 Side 2 569-666. Protest 79-22 284 14896 Lonney C or Susan,M Johnson protested that real estate valuation and re -sale value of this property was drastically reduced due to the floods of September 11, 1977 and April 5, 1978 (and again March 1979) Corrective measurer by the City of Hastings have not been taken. Mr Johnson appeared. Testimony recorded Tape 1 Side 2 666-690, Protest 79-23 284 00472 Maude E McCauley Weston protested that the property was assessed out of line with the income from this property was assessed out of line with the. income from thie property. Maude Weston and Judy Greene appeared. Testimony recorded Tape 1 Side 2 697-824. Protest 79-24 284 08622 Maude E McCauley Weston., protested that this house is in need of much repair and utilities run so high that because of the valuation the house is out of line. Maude Weston and Judy Greene appeared. Testimony recorded Tap 1 Side 2 697-824. Protest 79-25 284 04364 Maude E Weston McCauley protested assessed out of line because of the age of the property. and Judy Greene appeared. Testimony recomded Tape 1 side that this is Mrs Weston 2 697-824. Protest 79-26 284 13102 Maude E Weston protested that this is assessed much too high because of the location of the property and the fact that it is a modular. Maude WEston and. Judy Greene appeared. Testimony recorded on tape 1 side 2 697-824. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Protest 79-27 290 00026 Paul H Powers et ux protested that flood water entered the house during storm that we had 9-12-77. Paul Powers appeared. Testimony recorded tape 2 side 1 1-122. Protest 79-28 284 14888 Mrs Wihlma J Price protested that due to no action by government entities the possible flood condition has not been relieved and has since flooded again. Wihlma J Price appeared. Testimony recorded tape 1 side 1 130-217. Decisions on the above protest will be made at a later date. This Board will now recess until May 9th at which time the Board will view properties. On May 15th they will reconvene for hearings. 0 1JNE`l. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday May 8, 1979 9:30AM. C airman The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, Members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Sole, absent. Motion by White, seconded by Burr that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Sole entered meeting at 9:32 A.M. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent reported that the rain had washed out the backwall on several bridges and steps were being taken to make repairs. Bids were received from Jerry Spady Pontiac, Kenesaw Motors, Laird Motors and Great Plains Chrysler -Plymouth -Dodge for a new pickup for the Road Department. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Halloran that we accept the low bid of Jerry Spady Pontiac Cadillac GMC for a new pickup for $6,245. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Ed Boswell, representing Union Pacific Rail Road appeared to report on the inspection tour made in cooperation with the Department of Roads and the County Sheriff's Department and the County Highway Superintendent. As a result of the inspection, signs were placed to protect oblique cross- ing, most of them on East West roads. The inspection tour also revealed three areas where there are two crossings close to each other, and it would be in the interest of safety to citizens to try to consolidate the two crossings into one. Federal funds are available for this type project. The Board requested the UP Railroad to proceed with engineering and make estimates as to the cost of this project. Bids were received for roof repair to the Courthouse from Krause Roofing and Sheet Metal and from Ziemba Roofing Co. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that we'accept the low bid of Krause Roofing and Sheet Metal for courthouse roof repair. Roll call all voted aye. Motion carried. The County Attorney indicated approval of transfer of a car, obtained through a grant for Campus House, to the dealer when the vehicle is traded for a new one. Midland Area Agency on Aging administration budget, and Adams County Senior Services, Inc Budget for Botique and Crafts and Chore/Handiman Service were presented. The Board will study the budget requests. Dr. Schalock, Chairman for the Committee to Study Chemical Dependency gave a report to the Board concerning goals and objectives of the committee and some of the findings. He asked for further direction and guidance concerning continuation of the committee. Motion by Burr, seconded by Sole that we approve the bond of John S Rust as Deputy Sheriff in the amount of $10,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Halloran that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No 6950 through 6963. Roll call, all voeed aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by White that the reports of Car Titles, County Library, Ambulance (2) County Sheriff, Clerk of District Court, Register of Deeds (2) and County Clerk be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Lightner that the Miscellaneous Receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors Proceedings. 1075 Road Dept 1076 County Court 1077 County Clerk 1078 County Court 1079 County Court 1080 Clerk of Dist. Court 1081 Clerk of Dist. Court 1082 State of Nebr 1083 County Court 1084 Register of Deeds 1085 Register of Deeds 1086 Register of Deeds 1087 County Court 1088 Adams County 1089 Planning & Zoning 1090 State Administration 1091 Robert Luft 1092 Road Dept 1093 Village of Kenesaw 1094 Ambulance Sery 1095 State of Nebraska 1096 Ruth Apking Est 1097 Joyce K Hesman 1098 State of Nebr. 1099 Clay Co. Treasurer 1100 Clay Co. Treasurer 1101 County Court 1102 County Treasurer 1103 U. S. Treasurer 1104 County Court 1105 Noxious Weed 418.66 632.92 98.52 474.00 6,146.00 982.50 1'$ 277.00 128.52 367.92 19.87 1,211.23 60.00 68.99 .41 3;900.00 2,428.41 5.00 260.30 1,092.00 702.62 44,489.32 1,$23.20 3.00 42,568.44 1,271.00 4,382.00 323.46 262.45 45,368.00 93.70 51.16 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 1106 County Clerk 1107 N. C. 0. Bingo Fund 1108 - Harry Gay Estate 1109 ' St. Michaels Church 1110 7:FirttNatiiimiiplAank 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118- 1119 118-1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 City National Bank Ambulance Midland Area Agency on Aging Midland Nutrition Project State of Neb. State of NEB. Hall County Treas. Hall County Treas. Hall County Treas. Hall County Treas. Hall County Treas. Hall Co. Treas. Ann Hafer American Legion Bingo Fund First National Bank Southern Hills Country Club Inc Herman C Kloke Highland Operating Co. First National Bank County Clerk County Clerk Ambulance Serv. Juniata Twp Highway Dept Ambulance Serv. Register of Deeds State of Nebr. State of Nebr. State of Nebr. State of Nebr. Veteran of Foreign Wars Fraternal Order of Eagles County Road Dept Sheriff County Court County Court Rodney Heuertz Ambulance Service State of Nebr 250.42 136.15 4,601.52 238.05 4,684.93 2,454.55 720.18 137.00 73.00 17`,900.00 2,482.00 50.00 800.00 100.00 400.00 15.00 100.00 25.00 277.31 4,736.99 359.78 34.78 360.42 760.27 2,421.50 365.50 924.64 500.00 72.90 334.50 1,651.90 6,962.00 12,109.00 184,716.00 81,399.00 218.55 445.70 347.50 751.40 17.50 596.62 43.96 662.24 5,843.37 Wenske, Ambulance Director appeared to notify the Board of Job Classi- fication change of one employee. He requested starting salary be the same as Jailor/Dispatchers. The Board indicated they would consider this at budget time. Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland, their respective funds and the County to issue warrants for the same. Roll Motion carried. that the claims be allowed on Clerk be authorized and instructed call, all voted aye. GENERAL FUND Adams County Senior Handi Bus Adams County Clerk's Office Adams -County Court Adams County Sheriffs Dept Adams Co. Treasurers City of Hastings Engineering Reimbursement Title Court Cases Fees Postage Prints 1,081.41 3.00 103.00 2.70 201.15 100.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Allen's of Hastings Allen's of Hastings Allen's Audio -Repair Service Badger Uniforms Bancroft -Whitney Co. Bank Card Service Center Beck, Sid Berg, Mrs. Glenn Bergman, Rod Beyke Signs Big G Big G Brown, Susan Business Supply Butterfield, Maurine City of Hastings Classen, Mrs. Claire Clerk of Dist. Court Coats', Mrs. W. D. Code Three Police Services & Commercial Electronics Commercial Electronics Communications Engineering Conway & Connolly Conway & Connolly Cornhusker Press Credit Bureau of Hastings Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc Deluxe Cleaning Services Inc Dickman, G & Son Dick's Hobby Craft Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Eakes Office Equip Co. Eakes Office Equip Co. Educational Service Unit #9 Fischer, Richard Fredericks, David Gimton Auto Supply Grace's Bike & Key Shop Grace's Bike & Key Shop Grand Island Independent Great Plains Chrysler Plymouth Great Plains Chrysler Inc Hammond & Stephens Hansen, Gordon L Hartig, Darlene J Hastings Canvas & Mfg Co. Hastings Daily Tribune Hasthgs Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Electronics Hastings Family Practice Hastings Janitorial Supplies Hastings Skyways Inc Hastings Typewriter Co, Hastings Urologic Assoc Sup Supplies Supplies Film & Processing Repairs Uniforms Supplies Gasoline Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Repair Lettering Supplies Supplies Mileage Supplies Reporting Vital Statistics Civil Defense Expenses Board Member Mileage Court Cases &Mental Board Member Mileage . Supplies Radio Repair Radio Repair Radio Repair Professional Fee Professional Fee Printing Reporting Bulletin Service Laundry Service Service Plaster Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Rental Library Service Supplies Board Member Mileage Repairs Keys Keys & Service Call Advertising Repair Repair Supplies Mileage Registeration Canvas Advertising Advertising Advertising Advertising Advertising Advertising Supplies Professional Service Supplies Rental Supplies Professioaal Service 12.80 32.00 118.38 13.00 996.67 111.60 14.00 9.08 7.21 143.25 80.00 57.39 103.33 38.59 323.24 107.00 2,07%00 8.74 Health,.., 665.81 8.06 139.50 323.00 388.98 42.88 75.00 242.91 373.17 5.00 10.00 169.90 220.00 20.00 16.52 15.17 15.41 707.62 565.80 370.50 29.56 10.10 73.41 6.20 16.90 47.18 132.95 63.72 420.49 78.37 10.00 12.60 3.60 572.62 13.08 19.62 90.09 17.10 22.30 .51.00 160.70 41.60 127.54 24.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Utliities Hastings Welding Supply Heiman, Inc Herndon, Jerry D R T Hoselton, Jeanne Hupf, Gayle International Business Machines Kearney Daily Hub Kindig Printing Service Kindig Printing Service Kleppinger, Michael V Lamski, Dale F Lincoln Tele & Telegraph Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph McDonald's, J.M Mac's Building Supplies Martin Flag Co. Mary Lannipg Memorial Hospital Michigan State University ;l Midland Area Agency on Aging Mid-Nebr Restautaant Supply Mobley, Beverly Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Modern Methods Inc Monroe Calculator Co Monroe Calculator Co. Morris Paint & Wallcoverings Murthy, P.S.S.M.D Murthy, P.S.S.M.D. Murthy, P.S.S.M.D. Nebraska Co. Attorneys Assoc Nebraska State Library Nelson, Luwane Nelson, Luwane Newell, Phyllis Nienhueser, Doug Overhead Door Petit Towing & Road Service Petty Cash Powell Tower Maintenance Inc Psychological Corp Reach Electronics Inc Redfield & Company Republic National Life Ins, Schafer Printing Co. Seiler, Les Spearman Publishing & Printing Spearman Publishing & Printing Sporting Goods Stevens, Virgil Swanson, Paul T -L Irrigation Co. Talley, Don Thiel, Jake, Sheriff Thiel, Jake Sheriff Thiel, Jake Thiel, Jake Thiel, Jake, Sheriff Courthouse Utilties Courthouse Utilities Nursing Home Oxygen Supplies Professional Service Mileage Board Member Mileage Corp Supplies Advertising Supplies Supplies Professional S,rvice Registeration & Mileage Hot Line Telephone & Toll Supplies Supplies Flags Professional Service e"supplies Local Match Supplies Registeration & Mileage Laundry Supplies Laundry Supplies Laundry Service Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Autopsy Autopsy Autopsy Registration Supplies Miscellaneous & Supplies Mileage Registration Fee Board Member Mileage Service Call Towing Service Miscellaneous Tower Rental Supplies Repair Supplies Insurance Coverage Supplies Court Appointed Counsel Advertising Supplies Supplies Mileage Mileage Supplies Rental Mileage Registration Miscellaneous Postage Mileage 4,253.10 5,346.31 448.68 147.00 11.39 30.00 59.06 11.80 17.28 23.64 251.14 46.60 60.00 44.48 31.25 2,235.86 54.50 12.27 51.82 1,009.90 10.00 6,336.29 151.19 28.70 31.80 24.00 102.68 187.87 20.95 30.00 170.35 250.00 250.00 350.00 55.00 159.00 35.96 89.17 10.00 10.44 20.00 20.00 19.58 105.00 198.50 43.95 270.75 2,899.69 39.70 558.35 34.02 87.00 166.50 62.08 80.46 8.75 125.00 42.00 20.00 19.09 32.50 2,053.87 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Thiel, Jake Food for Prisoners &:Ma ran Fees 3-D Investment Inc 3-M Business Products 3 Point Tire Service Thomsen Oil Co. Town Country Seat Cover & Mfg. University of Nebr Ag Comm Amunition Inc Lease Gasoline Gasoline Chair Recovering Supplies University of Nebr Telecommunications Center Watts Vaughans Printers Inc Waits, Jackie Walt's Conoco Service Station Weber, Mrs. Janice Wellensiek, Don Woodward Disposal Service Yost, C. G. Co Treas. Yost, C. G. Co Treasurer ROAD Dalton's Cafe Beavers, Moms+ .::. Republic National Life Ins. Mohlman, Don Nebr. Dept of Roads Shaws Service Precision Laboratories Inc Nikkila, Jim Hastings Utilities Peterson, Marion Hastings Daily Tribune IBM Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Firestone Stores Friends Motor Supply Big G General Elec. Company Gene Upholstery Gessford Machine Shop Glenwood Telephone Co. Nicholarsen, Debra L Adams Co. Hwy Dept Aliens of Hastings Anderson Equipment Co. Booth, R.C. Enterprises City of Hastings Engineering Clarke Oil Co. Commercial Electronics Consumer Service Coop Grain & Supply Dutton-Lainson Co. H & M Equip Co Hastngs Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Henry's Service & Repair Island Supply Co. Industrial Irrigation Jahnke's Agri -Home Johnson Cashway Kenesaw Oil & Supply Line Supplies Seminar Fee & Miscellaneous Gasoline Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Disposal Service Supplies Court Costs FUND Meals SerVieds Insurance 'overage Mileage Co. Share of Project Gasoline & Repair Supplies Services Utilties Mileage Advertising Typewriter Diesel & Supplies Diesel & Supplies Supplies & Repairs Supplies Supplies Radio Raeover Tractor Seats Repair & Labor Telephone & Toll Service Petty Cash Supplies Repairs Maps Prints Fuel Radio Repair Gasoline Gasoline Supplies Gravel Supplies Utilities Oxygen Repair Supplies Repairs Tarp Supplies Diesel 989.50 94.00 71.33 44.50 178.24 54.00 212'494 45.36 117.13 18.00 716.41 12.14 10.95 51.46 15.73 56.00 12.21 6e51 894.95 8.84 4,807.00 592.01 269.21 1,000.00 3.00 40.29 81.92 810.00 150.10 -238.35 1,668.68 472.26 57.50 1,398.00 105.00 319.75 29.35 160.13 17.59 70.43 149.96 187.00 24.00 1,418.42 78.00 24.00 11.15 4.17 1,043.70 10.78 196.69 32..27 67.50 1,980.00 8.88 32.29 489.65 407.36 r SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Kully Iron & Metal Laird Motors Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Kully Iron & Metal Mr Automotive Mid City Auto Midwest Service & Sales Co. Modern Linen Service Nebraska Public Power Nebraska Tractor Olsen, L. L. Olsen, L. L. Sherman Service Center Southern Public Power Spitz & Blauvelt State of Nebr Dept of Roads Stewart Plumbing & Heating Superintendent of Documents Vontz, L. J. Construction Co. Vontz, L. J. Construction Co. Werner Construction Wheeler St Regis Supplies Equipment repair Repair & Parts Supplies Supplies Repair & Supplies Supplies Repair & Supplies Gas Tank Supplies Shop Twwel Service Electric Service Service Charge Gasoline Gasoline Repairs Electric Service Labor Refund Supplies Supplies Gravel Gravel Asphalt Supplies RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Borrell, Peggy Campus House Inc Campus House Inc Crisler, John or Doris Davis, Dave & Gretchen Foote & Beck Otolargngology,P Geitz, Roger Henrikus, Delbert Home Health Services Klingenberger, Mrs Minnie Livingston-Butler-Volland Lurz, Donna McIntire, Robert H.M.D. McIntire, Robert H McIntire, Robert H McIntire, Robert H M.D. Malone, Joyce Morris. L. L. Nebr Dept of Public Welfare Pooh Corner V E.P.S. Ray, Leone Butts Pharmacy Rutts Pharmacy Sempek, Edward Tonniges, Tom F M.D. Walgreen Drug Store Walgreen Drug Store Walgreen Drug Store Business Supply Co. Channing, L. Bete Co. Reimbursemant Foster Care Foster Care Foster Care Foster Care .C. Professional Service Foster Care Foster Care Professional Service Bus Tickets Burial Reimbursemant Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Foster Care Revolving Fund Vendor Payments Foster Care Rental Medicine Medicine Foster Care Professional Service Med is in e Medicine Medicine STATE ADMINISTRATIVE FUND Supplies Supplies 407.36 20.68 R6B x.19 Pat 105.56 168.64 1,766.66 21.96 346.54 37.50 318.42 13.40 7.55 34.88 38.90 1,834.09 4.56 44.18 20.00 58,397.69 2.04 17.50 5,743.10 3,269.30 427.50 24,145.15 30.00 650.00 650.00 150.00 158.25 31.00 190.00 190.00 108.00 30.15 545.00 20.00 18.00 95.00 27.00 25..00 31.65 34.20 19,461.13 145.00 25.00 5.40 10.90 140.00 40.00 5.08 4.97 4.13 59.00 26.93 j SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Borrell, Peggy Credit Bureau of Hastings Fraser, Mary Harsh, A. David Hinrichs, Margaret Kuehn, Dr. Gerald Lincoln Telephone Co. Lurz, Donna Mason, Dr. Robert Meyer, Garnet Morris, L. L. Nitzel, Dr. Dale Osman, Pat Republic National Life Schmidt, Marlys Soterin, Beverly Thompson, Mary United States Postmaster Williamson, Sheila Commercial Electronics Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Co. Hastings Typewriter Co Jahnke Supply Klein & Manske Insurance Klusman, Merlin Republic Nati Life Ins. Roseland Coop Southern Nebr Public Power Superintendent of Documents Fred Green Tile Co. IBM Johnson Cashway Lumber K Mart Monroe Calculator Co. Morse Data Processing PPG Industries Inc WEED Mileage Bulletin Service Mileage Mileage Mileage Professional Service Telephone * Toll Mileage Professional Service Mileage Mileage Professional Mileage Insurance Coverage Mileage Mileage Mileage Postage Mileage CONTROL FUND Rental Repairs & Equipment Telephone & Toll Supplies Supplies Bonds Mileage & Miscellaneous Insurance Coverage Gas & Oil Electric Service Supplies REVENUE SHARING FUND Remodeling Typewriter Co. Remoddl.iHg Storage Shelves Calculator Payroll Programming Supplies STATE Beatrice State Develop Center Lewiston W Birkmann M.D. Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional center COUNTY Baker & Taylor Companies Children Press Children's Press Hastings Public Library MacMillan Co. Republic, National Life Ins Western Publishing Co. INSTITUTIONS FUND Patient Consultation Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care LIBRARY FUND Supplies Supplies Supplies Bookmobile Service4 Supplies Insurance Coverage Supplies 8.33 5.00 2.89 2.38 15.13 20.00 200.45 21.08 11.00 20.91 9.01 20.00 54.06 636.01 10.88 41.31 11.22 200.00 5.78 180.00 69.75 23.58 38.68 44.11 35.00 72.42 113.64 90.33 8.51 6.50 100.00 810.00 94.40 43.80 748.18 200.00 5.45 1,209.00 50.00 5,249.00 88.31 432.00 2.79 156.39 8.98 491.08 202,00 34.77 660.66 461 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY; NEBRASKA This Board will now recess subject to the Call of the Chairman of the Board. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 15, 1979. 9:40 A.M. The regular meeting of the as per public notice given Roll call, members present Kelley. Absent: Lightner. Chairman Adams County Board of Supervisors was held with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding. : Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Motion by Sole, seconded by White that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the AdamsCounty Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting.An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Haogland that the chairmen be authorized to sign an engineering agreement on Project OS 7001 (1) with Cook, Flatt and Strobel. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks Highway Superintendent reported on bridges that were out of service and culverts that had been damaged by the recent rains. He reported that most of them would be open to traffic by the end of the week. Soterin and Htzemiller, Sheriff's Dept., explained the grant application for Underwater Search and Recovery, Training and Ecuipment. Adams County share of cost would be $899.02. Before signing the grant application, theChairman indicated that he needed more information and requested the Sheriff's Dept. arrange a meeting with divers in the community to explore the feasibility of a volunteer team. A report is requested for the nest meeting. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Halloran that regular session be recessed and this Board sit as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, all voted aye. Session recessed. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that regular session be resumed. Roll call, all voted aye. Mstion carried. Gene Foote appeared concerning access to a client's property. The matter was referred to the Road Committee for investigation. This Board will now reces_ssubject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of. upervisors. 1/te:fLe Chairman 6 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 15, 1979 9:30 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey; County Assessor Beverley Mobley; County Appraiser, Irvin Mobley; and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Absent: Lightner. The Hearing were held for the following protests. 79-58 284-10632 University of Chicane. Protested that insufficient physical depreciation has been given; 60% to 657 is more realistic. Economic and Functional Obsolence has not been considered; station is now a self -serve. Tom E sex, Tax Agent appeared. Testimony recorded Tape 2 side 1, 222-467. 79-29 284 15983 Hastings Building Co. Protested the value was incorrect. James T Brown appeared. Testimony recorded Tape 2 side 1 480-815. 79-30 284 15982 Hastings Building Co.'Protested the valuation was too high. James Brown appeared. Testimony recorded tape 2 side 1 480-815. 79-31 284 02506 Ben F Brown. Protested that compared with homes in area in far better shape than theirs, their home was assessed too high. Mr and Mrs Ben Brown appeared. Testimony recorded Tape 2 side 1 876 to 984. 79-32 284 01052 Ronald L Hatch et ux Protested that it was assessed out of line because of location of property. Ron Hatch appeared. Testimony recorded tape 2 side 1 984 to end. Tape 2 side 2 1-130. 79-33 284 03202 Robert G & Carol Eckhardt Protested that property was over -valued. Nothing done to it for 10years. Mr Eckhardt's brother appeared. Stated that his mother lives there for the rest of her life rent free as part of the contract. 79-34 290-00044 Douglas W Clarke Protested that the estimated completion of construction only 30-40% on Jan. 1, 1979 not 70% as stated in the assessment statement. Douglas Clarke appeared. Testimony recorded tape 2 side 2 130-177. 79-35 54-00210 Gilbert Katzberg Protested that the land is too much and 1 house is too high. Gilbert Katzberg appeared. Testimony record- ed tape 2 side 2 180-256. 79-36 116 02228 Nels L & Joan Anderson Protested their property was higher than comparable property with the same square footage. Mr & Mrs Anderson appeared. Testimony recorded tape 2 side 2 335-514. 79-37 284 13428 Robert F Ruxton Protested his was assessed higher than comparable properties. Mr Ruxton appeared. Testimony recorded Tape 2 side 2 260-327. 79-38 Lucas Lyle Djernes 284 02032 Protested that his property was out of line with comparable properties. Rachel Djernes appeared. Testimony recorded Tape 2 side 2 523-635. 79-39 284 03228 Darlene Bunde Mills Protested valuation change. No appearance. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA VIM 4 ar< 79-40 284 01444 Irma Hansen Protested that said parcel of land is ......... ... vacant and has no earning capacity and is grossly over -valued in comparison with other properties of known or recognized value and with market value in the ordinary course of trade. John Marvel Attorney appeared. Testimony recorded Tape 2 side 2 655 to 810. 79-41 284 18340 Roy R Love, et al, Trustees. Protest withdrawn. Jess Nielsen, attorney called. 79-42 40-00490 Robert and Mar'orie Hardin Protested that their house is 9 years old and frame; the neighbors house is brick and 2 years old and taxes are almost identical. No appearance. 79-45 284 10996 Ernest P & Ruth L Reiner Protested that houses behind this property with same floor plan and square footage with a garage in addition, show little more assessment than this property wlnthh has no garage. Ruth Reiner appeared. Testimony recorded Tape 3 side 1 1-15. 79-44 284-00294 Christ Kallos Protested that (1) the 7 factors determining actual value cannot be applied as required by law. (2) Land improperly classidied. (3) The business located on this real estate was destroyed by explosion on February 10, 1979. (4) Land assessment incorrect. James Conway & Christ Kallos appeared. Testimony recorded Tape 3 side 1 45-335. 79-47 284-00290 284-00292 284 00296 Ben Sherman's Inc. Protested (1) the 7 factors determining actual value cannot be applied by law. (2) Land improperly classified. (3) Land assessment incorrect. '(4) Business located on this real estate was destroyed by explosion February 10, 1979. James Conway, Ben Sherman, Greg Burke and Bob Burke appeared. Testimony recorded tape 3 side 1 45-335. 79-46 284 08534 284 08754 284 08786 KEB Inc and Allen's of Hastin.s Protested that said real estate does not properly reflect the following factors relativelocation and comparison with other parties of known or recognized value. John Marvel appeared. Testimony recorded tape 2 side 2 812 to end. 79-48 162 00310 Irvin F Blomenkamp Protested that it is all pastureland and none is used for agricultural use. Ervin Blomenkamp appeared. Testimony recorded tape 3 side 1 255-364. 79-49 284 13078 Marvin E Nelson Protested that his property has decreased in value considerably due to the surrounding properties. Marvin Nelson appeared. Testimony recorded tape 3 side 1 380-435. 79-50 284 03012 Hastings Western Mall Protested that said value when converted to actual value, exceeds the actual value of the subject property. Forrest Rose and Bruce -Crary appeared. Testimony recorded on tape 3 side 1 448-655. 79-51 290-00016 John W & Yvonne M Stitt protested that the current appraised value does not take into consideration the fact that the subject property does currently flood and is situated in a "designated flood zone" which does have an effect on market and appraisal values for assessment purposes. John Stitt appeared. Testimony recorded on tape 3 side 1 650 to end and Tape 3 side 2 1-89 79-52 284 01774 Tasha Mandela protested that property was assessed in comparison to other properties in same area. Norma Sucky appeared. Testimony recorded on tape 3 side 2 100-307. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 79-53 284 04076 Kenneth Volkmer Protested that when you assessed it, you over -evaluated it. Mr Vollmer appeared. Testimony recorded on Tape 3 side 2, 320-364. 79-54 284 14892 Doris Decker Cook Protested that the property has been flooded twice due to urban run -off --approximately 1,000 square foot basement is useless for storage or living space. No drainage. Improvements have been undertaken by City Government to alleviate flood potential or damage to property. Property value has defalted and home could not be sold for it's true valueon today's Market. No appearance. 79-55 284 02058 Bonita Sue Stephens Protested that valuation is higher than next door neighbors; also at the time of appraisal the purchase price was $21,500. Bonita Stephens appeared. Testimony recorded on tape 3 side 2 370-458. 79-69 284 07466 Nash Finch Co. Protested the real estate was purchased by Johnson Imperial Home Co three years ago for $100,000; therefor the actual value should be $35,000. Alvin Gross appeared. Testimony recorded on tape 3 side 2 465-507. This Board will now rece COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Wednesday May 16, 1979 9:20.A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalizatin with Willis L Kailey, presiding. Members present: Hoagland, White, Sole and Kailey; County Assessor, Beverley Mobley; County Appraiser, Irvin Mobley and County Clerk, Anita Hawes.° Absent: Lightner, Sole and Burr. 79-56 93-00116 Matthew C Friend & Elise G Friend Protested that the valuation is too high compared to properties in the same area. This property has no fireplace and only a partial unfinish basement. Elise Friend appeared. Testimony recorded Tape 3 side 2 516-623. 79-57 James F Seari 284-09884 Protested that we are in a flood plain area which has experienced two floods in the last year and a half, for which no work has yet been done to correct the situation. To try to sell the property for any more than salvage value would be useless. Until proper flood controls are put into effect our property is practically valueless. Mr and Mrs Searl appeared. Testimony recorded on tape 3 side 2, 632-685. 79-21 284 08650 Carol A Shepherd Protested that (1) Such property is assessed higher than properties of comparable value. (2) Such property is erroneoutl:y assessed in relation to its locatilon. (3) Such property is erroneously assessed as to its desirability and historical use and because of a nuisance permitted across the street. (4) Such property is assessed at a greater percentage than properties of higher value. (5) That the now assessed valuation given in the Notice of Valuation SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA change for the year 1978 and now appearing in the notice of valuation Change for the year 1979 as the old assessed valuation was increased without notice pursuant to law and an opportunity of hearing. William Connolly, Attorney and C rol Shepherd appeared. Presented photos to display the character of the neighborhood Testimony recorded on tape 4 side 1 1-367. 79-43 284 04310 Naoma Burke Protested that (1) the 7 factors determining actual value were not applied as requiped by law. (2) Land assessment incorrect. Noted that the last year or two substantial repairs are needed. Testimony recorded on tape 4 side 1 368-417. 79-59 284-02486 Christ J Kalios Protested that the purchase price in 1978 was less than value shown now. Christ Kallos appeared. Testimony recorded on tape 4 Side 1 467-505. 79-60 284 17390 Victor M Atchi_y Jr Protested that he felt through study of the valuation of comparable homes in square foot and resale prices it is not just and fair in accordance with such comparisons. Mr. Atchity appeared. Testimony recorded on tape 4 side 1 510-628. 79-61 284 01054 Michael E Valentine et ux Protested that he felt it is valued too high compared to neighboring properties. It is located in a',light industrial zoning area. No appearance. 79-62 284 01058 Michael E Valentine et ux Protested that he felt this is valued too high because it is across the street from an area zoned light industrial. No appearance, 79-63 284 02226 Herman Janssen Protested that according to my neighbors, property and house it assessed too high. Herman Janssen appeared. Testimony,recorded Tape 4 Side 1 630-765. 79-64 102 00160 Orval Augustin Protested that termites have gotten into the building --it is rotting out. Feel it is assessed too high. Orval Augustin appeared. Tape 4 side 2 1-880. 79-66 70-01260 George G Fischer Protested the change in valuation. No appearance. By Telephone Dr Fischer stated he was out-of-state and would not be able to attend hearing. 79-67 154-00010 James Hagemeyer et ux Protested that a 40'x43'x80' barn was destroyed by high winds or cyclone. Land is not that productive and is too rolling. James Hagemeyer appeared. Testimony recorded tape 5 side 1 1-295. 79-68 154-00020 James Hagemeyer Protested that the pasture is mostly weeds and fallen trees and brush. One part floods of that is farm land and rest is rough and eroded. James Hagemeyer appeared. Testimony recorded tape 5 side 1 295-530 79-70 290-00046 William E. or Jean C. Cambrid:e protested that the actual value of said property for taxation for said year is $50,000.00 and the actual and assessed values placed upon said property for taxation are not fairly and impartially equalized in relation to and proportion- ately with other property , are excessive, are not the, true, actual and assessed values of said property, are abitrary and unreasonable and are in violation of and contrary to the laws of the State of Nebraska and the Constitutions of the United States and State of Nebraska. dilliam Cambridg( appeared. Testimony recorded on tape 5 side 1, 535-740. 1,11 L SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 79-71 284-16940 Valentine Land Corooration protested that the valuatiBE-Irrob—drebssive. es el er appeared. Testimony recorded on tape 4 side 1 415-458. This Board of Equalizationww recess until May 22, 1979. Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 224 1979 9:00 A.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as a Board of Equalization with Willis L. Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present; Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, %bite, Halloran and Kailey; County Assessor, Beverley Mobley; County Appraiser, Irvin Mobley; and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. The Board reviewed property on which complaints had been filed. At 2:00 P.M. hearings were held concerning the following protest. 79-65, 284 01530 Ro E. Amack- 'protested that the property was assessed too high because of the purchase price. Mr. Roy Amack appeared.. Testimony recoreded on tape 5Lside 2 1-156. The remainder of the afternoon was spent reviewing testimony given at the hearings. This Board will now recessunt1 May 29, 1979. : .sz County Clerk Deputy COURTHOUSE,HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 22, 1979, 11:00 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L. Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by Burr, seconded by Sole that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Bids were received for grader blades from Lincoln Equipment, St. Regis, and Island Supply. Bids were referred to the Road Committee for their consideration and recommendation. Jan Steeple, one of the professional divers from Hall Co. appeared with members from the Sheriff's Office to discuss scuba diving for recovery of bodies or other items from water. The Board asked for a little time to study the matters presented. 467 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Sole, seconded by Lightner that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION 79-5-22 BE IT RESOLVED BY ADAMS COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: 1. That the Chairman of te Board is authorized to execute and file an application o n behalf of Adams County to the Nebraska Depart- ment of Roads and to the U. S. Department of Transportation, to aid in the financing of the proposed operating budget for Fiscal Year 1979-1980 for the Adams County Senior Handi-Bus. 2. That the contract for financial assistance will impose an obligation on Adams County Board of Supervisors to provide the local share of the proposed budget which amounts to $8,555. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Jake Thiel appeared to request increased mileage allowance, and an increase of the amount allowed for feeding prisoners. He also explained the need for schooling for one of the men in criminal investigation hypnosis. The County Attorney was aked to research statutes concerning the mileage and food for prisoners allowance, Motion by Lightner, seconded by Halloran that because of funds we deny the request of the County Sheriff's office participate in the scuba diving program. Roll call, all Motion carried. lack of to vented aye. Mocionby Halloran, seconded by White that the chairman be authorized to sign the contract for roofing with Krause Roofing Co. Roll call, all voted ayes Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Burr that we approve the posting of J.C. Receipts 972122 7 Oregon Vets Welfare Bond in the amount of $100,000. 970413 4 Oregon Vets Welfare Bond in the amount of $100,000; 969291 6 Oregon Vets Welfare Bond in the amount of $100,000.; and 969194 6 Douglas Co. Ne. SD 17 Bld Bond in the amount of $150,000. by First National Bank of Hastings, Ne. We also approve the release of J C953233 5 in the amount of $125,000. and JC964691 7 Kearney, NE VP Bonds in the amount of $50,000. to First National Bank. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Hoagland that the their respective funds and the County Clerk be to issue warrants forthe sane. Roll call, all carried. GENERAL FUND County Supervisors County Clerk's Office County Treasurer's Office Register of Deeds Communications County Assessor's Office County Superintendent's Office Planning & Zoning Office Data Processing Clerk of the District Court Mental Health Board Office of public Defender Courthouse Janitors County Extension Office Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries claims be allowed on authorized and instructed voted aye. Motion 3,500.00 4,787.84 5,567.50 2,458.00 508.00 4,590.50 1,754.67 2,133.33 1,115.70 2,194.42 800.00 2,618.00 2,404.00 4,281.57 4_68 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Sheriff's Department County Attorney's Office Jailers/Dispatchers Ambulance Service Veteran's Service Office paul Stromer Minnie M. Burchard County Board DeWayne Curtis Rena Gartner Anita M. Hawes Rachel Hayen Gust Hohlfeld Lile L. Reutlinger Roscoe Story Office of public Defender Weed Control Road Roy Anderson Weslie Austin Gilbert Harpham Dave Koch Virgil Mousel Delbert Poore paul Stromer Lambert R. Struss Lloyd Witt State Administrative Eva B. Duthie Library STATE Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Landfill Prior Service Meals & Mileage Pre -registration Fee Prior Service Registration Fee Prior Service Prior Service 11,502.67 5,589.33 7,186.98 8,311.00 2,184.67 113.24 14.00 27.42 275.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 57.70 Prior Service 14.00 Prior Service 15.00 Rent, Office Expense,etc 1,179.37 WEED CONTROL Salaries ROAD FUND Salaries Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service ADMINISTRATION Salaries Prior Service COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Salaries 1,619.60 28,472.64 25.00 25.00 14.00 25.00 12.00 25.00 13.00 12.00 22.00 14,623.18 14.00 1,311.11 This Board will now recet's subc16 t to the call of the Chairman. County Clerk COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, may 29, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L. Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by White, Seconded by Hoagland that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County clerk's Office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report on the progress of road work in the County, He Had received communication from the Weed Control Superintendent concerning the spraying of roads in the County. It was determined by the Board not to spray, as it would be too late for practical purposes by the time it could be started by the Weed Control mist. Ed Klein appeared to voice a complaint about the odors and water pollution from the feed yards near Juniata. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Burr that this Board write to the Department of Environmental Control concerning the problems near the Juniata Feed Yard. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Hoagland that we accept the Water Resources Map as presented. Roll call, all voted ayr. Motion carried. Taylor Dreher, Attorney; Charles Conners, Facilities Engineering Director and Dwight Splitt representing Lincoln Telephone Company appeared to request permits to bury cable in the roadway. Discussion followed. Motion by Hoagland seconded by Sole that we deny the request of Lincoln Telephone Company to lay cable in the road or public road rights-of-way until damages to a bridge are paid, at which time we would reconsider their request. Discussion. Motion by Sole, seconded by Haogland that we call for the question. Roll call, ayes; Lightner, Hoagland, Sole. Nays'; Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion failed. Motion by White, seconded by Burr that we table the motion and ask the County Engineer and Lincoln Telephone Co. to meet and make a recommendation to the Board. Roll call, ayes: Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Nays: Lithtner, Hoagland, and Sole. Motion carried. Motion tabled. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that we request Don Nispel to proceed with asking for proposals for constructing a ramp on the east side of the Courthouse for an estimated cost of $6,000. Roll call, ayes: Lightner, Hoagland, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Nays: Sole. Motion carried. Mr. Sole indicated his vote was not in disagreement with the ramp, but with its location. The matter of a curb cut and signs for handicapped parking was referred to the Buildings and Grounds committee. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that the following Resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION 79-5-29 WHEREAS, Adams County has budgeted for certain expenditures in the current fiscal year and appropriated money for these expenditures, WHEREAS, contracts or agreements have been signed for providing such services or equipment, WHEREAS it would be in the best interest of the County to transfer these appropriated monies to an escrow account, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Treasurer is hereby ordered and directed to transfer monies as follows: $1816. from Revenue Sharing Fund to the Escrow Fund; $1431. from General Fund to Escrow Fund: 470 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA $38,220. from Inheritance Fund to Escrow Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Burr that this Board act as a Board of Equalization. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Equalization session held. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that this board resume regular session. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Discussion was held concerning resurfacing project. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White to bring the motion tabled earlier before the Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White to amend the original motion as follows: that we deny the request of Lincoln Telephone Company to lay cable in the road or public road rights-of-way until damages to a bridge are paid, at which time we could reconsider their request; however, we will allow Lincoln Telephone Company to cross the road, Where necessity is shown, to provide sertaces which cannot be initiated in another manner, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried as amended. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Lightner that we pay Vontz Construction Co. 40% on that area which does not meet State specification on Project RS -2020 (1) and allow said pavement to remain in place. Roll call, ayes; Lightner, Sole, Burr, Halloran and Kailey. Nays: Hoagland and White. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to -the call of the Chairman of the Board. County Clerk Deputy COURTHOUSE, HA I O , ,NEBRASKA Tuesday May 29, 1979 1:30 P.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors met as,a Board of Equalization with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran, and Kailey: County Assessor, Beverley Mobley: County Appraiser, Irvin Mobley; and County Clerk, Anita Hawes. Motion by Lightner, seconded by White that the values for property on which protests were filed be as set by the Board of Equalization. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Descriptions and valuation 79-1 290 00102 Nancy Hahne Land 7,310. Bldgs. 46,970. listed below. Actual value to be as presently assessed. Total 54,280. Present assessment equitable. 79-2 284 15302 Harold R Hu hes Actual Value to be as presently assess- ed. Land 5,580. Bldgs 29,590. Total 35,170. Present assessment equitable. 79-3 284 10984 Anthony J Yilk Actual value to be: Land 5,500. Bldgs 14,810. Total 20,310. Present assessment ae+nitable. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA el 71 79-4 284 15182 William H & Dorothea Werkmeister Actual value to be Land 6,900. Bldgs 38,450. Total 45,350. Present assessment equitable. 79-5 284 01332 Tony Dobesh Actual value to be:Land 2,480. Present assessment equitable. 79-6 194 00540 Land 700. Bldgs 79-7 284 01328 Bldgs 26,620. 79-8 232 00132 Actual Value to Victor H Eins•ahr et uxActual value to be: 25,650. Total 26,350. Present assessement equitable. Tony Dobesh Actual value to be: Land 1,530. Total 28,150. Present assessment equitable. Donald D Robinson or Vonda Lee Robinson. be: Land 1,000. Too high in relation to market valuati on. 79-9 276-00020 Albert Davis Actual value to be: Land 21,720. Bldge 26,765. Total 48,485. Present assessemnt equitable. 79-10 276-00070 Albert Davis Actual value to be: Land 27,570. Bldg 12,290. Total 39,860. Improvements deteriorated. 79-11 014-00290 Edwin E Cook and Lillian G Cook Actual value to be: Land 108,170. Bldgs 15,990. Total 124,160. 79-12 182 01160 Gerald R Brophy Actual value: Land 3,960. Bldgs 5,000. Total 8,960. Improvements deteriorated. 18201230 Gerald R Brophy Actual value: Land 1900 Present assessment equitable. 182-01240 Gerald R Brophy_ Land 1900. Present assessment equitable. 79-13 284-13172 Harry A & fimma Lou Borley Actual value to be: Land 5,390. Bldgs 32,215. Total 37,605. Improvements deteriorated. 79-14 68-00090 Edwin J Kleier Actual value to be: Land 48,370. Bldg 4,670. Total 53,040. Present assessment equitable. 79-15 284-10778 Fred Spady Motors INC Actual value to be: Land 4,310. Assessed too high in relation to comparable property. 124-00030 Fred Spady Motors Inc Actual Value to be: Land 7,520. Bldg 74. Total 8,260. Present assessment equitable. 124-00040 Fred Spady Motors Inc. Actual value to be Land 24,380. Present assessment equitable. 79-16 78 00070 Robert E Simmering. Actual value to be 67,020. Present assessement equitable. 79-17 180 00210 Robert E Simmering Actual value to be Land 60,190. Bldgs 940. Total 61,130. Present assessment equitable. 79-18 81 00030 Ted H, Ochsner Actual value to be: Land 81,775. Percentage decrease for flood problem. 79-19 224 00310 Douglas M Kort Actual value to be: Land 26,210. Present assessment equitable. 79-20 284 14894 David A Powers & E. Grace Powers Actual value to be: Land 6,2-0. Bldgs 38,305. 44,525.which reflects 25% discount. The 25% discount is equitable until flood control structure is completed. 79-21 284 08650 Carol A Shepherd Actual value to be: Land 2,490. Bldg 27,455. Total 29,945. Wrong classification on house. 79-22 284 14896 Lonney C &.or Susan M Johnson Actual Value to be Land 5,515. Bldg. 32,470. Total 37,985 which reflects 257 Discount. 4 2 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA The 25% discount is equitable until flood control structure is completed. 79-23 284 00472 Maude E McCauley" Actual value to be: Land 2,870. Bldg 12,130. Total 15,000. Present assessment equitable. 79-24 284 08622 Maude E McCauley Actual value to be Land 3,110. Bldgs 24,200. Total 27,310. Present assessment equitable. 79-25 284 04364 Maude E Weston McCauley et al; Actual value to be: Land 4,800. Bldg. 38,480. Total 43,280. Present assessment equitable. 79-26 284 13102 Maude E Weston Actual value to be: Land 3,180. Bldg. 26,390. Total 29,570. Present assessment equitable. 79-27 290 00026 Paul H Powers et ux. Actual value to be: Land 8,450. Bldg. 55,680. Total 64,130. Improvements deteriorated. 10% Discount until flood situation is corrected, on improvements. 79-28 284 14888 Wihlma J Price Actual value to be: Land 6,940. Bldg. 40,810 Total 47,750. which reflects 25% discount. The 2510 discount is equitable until flood control structure is completed. 79-29 284 15983 Hastings Building Co. Actual value to be: Land 46,080. Present assessment equitable. 79-30 284 15982 Hastiness Building Co. Actual value to be Land 795,360. Bldgs 3,920,000. Total 4,715,360. Present equitable. assessor<:nt 79-31 284 02506 Ben F Brown Actual value to be: Land 1,850. Bldg. 12,940. Total 14,790. Present assessment equitable 79-32 284 01052 Ronald L Hatch et us Actual value to be: Land 3,390. Bldg. 23,200. Total 26,590. Present assessment equitable. 79-33 284 03202 Robert G & Carol Eckhardt Actual value to be: Land 3,700. Bldg 11,175. Total 14,875. Present assessment equitable. 79-34 290-00044 Douglas W Clarke Actual value to be 40% complete on Jan 1, 1979. On evidence of appraiser. 79-35 54-00210 Gilbert Katzberg Actual value to be: Land 48,390 Bldg. 44840. Total 93,230. Present assessment equitable. 79-36 116 02228 Nels L & Joan Anderson Actual value to be: Land 1,320. Bldgs. 41,800. Total 43,120. Present assessment equitable. 79-37 284 13428 Robert F Ruxton Actual value to be : Land 4,490. Bldg. 35,940. Total 40,430. Present assessment equitable. 79-38 284 02032 Lucas Lyle Djernes Actual value to be: Land 2,790. Bldgs 15,560. Total 18,350. Improvements deteriorated. 79-39 284 03228 Darlene Bunde Mills Actual value to be: Land 1170. Bldg. 14,480. Total 15,650. Present assessment equitable. 79-40 284 01444 Irma Hansen Actual value to be Land 20,260. Present assessment equitable. 79-41 284-18340 Ro R Love et. al. Trustees Actual value to be: Land 94,050. Bldgs 200,000. Total 294,050. Leave as presently assessed. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 79-42 40-00490 Robert and Mar'orie Hardin Actual value to be; Land 11,790. Bldgs 49,030. Total 60,810. Present assessment equitable. 79-43 284 04310 Naoma Burke Actual value to be: Land 23,290. Bldg. 75,650. Total 98,940. Present assessment equitable. 79-44 284 00294 Christ Kalios Actual value to be: Land 11280. Bldgs 24,000. Total 35,280. Leave as is until January 1, 1980. 79-45 284 10996 Ernest P & Ruth L Reiner Actual value to be: Land 2,870. Bldgs. 18,650 Total 21,520. Present assessment equitable. 79-46 284 08534 KEB Inc and Allen's of Hastin:s Actual value to be: 284 08534 Land 52,020. Bldgs 1365215 Total 1417235. plus added card as per correction notice for a total of 1,436,415. 284-08754 Land 21,430. 284-08786 Land 16,760. Present assessment equitable. 79-47 284-00290 Ben Sherman's Inc. Land 4910. Bldgs 30,000. Total 34,910. 28400292 4g Sherman s Inc Land 4600. Bldgs 30,000. Total 34,600. 284-00296 Ben Sherman.s Inc Land 14,190. Bldgs 3,850. Total 18,040. Actual values are to be left as presently assessed and listed above until Jan. 1, 1980. 79-48 162 00310 Irvin F Blomenkam. Actual value to be: Land 25,435. Reclassification of Ladd, 79-49 284 13078 Marvin E Nelson Actual value to be; Land 4790. Bldg. 49,580. Total 54,370. Present assessment equitable. 79-50 284-03012 Hastings Western Mall a partnership, Actual value to be: Land 179,895. Bldg. 720,000. Total 899,895. Present assessment equitable. 79-51 290-0016 John W & Yvonne M Stitt Actual value to be: Land 9,670. Bldg 88,020. Total 97,690. Present assessment equitable. 79-52 284-01774 Tasha Mandala Actual Value to be: Land 3,220. Bldg 15,715. Total 18,935. Present assessment equitable. 79-53 284-04076 Kenneth Volkmer Actual value to be: Land 41,120. Bldg. 37,620. Total 78,740 Improvements greatly deteriorated. 79-54 284-14892 Doris Decker Cook Actual value to be: Total 37,585. reflecting 257 discount. The 25% discount is equitable until flood control structure is completed. 79-55 284-02058 Bonita Sue Ste hens Actual value to be: Land 1,650. Bldgs 12,570. Total 14,220. Improvements deteriorated. 79-56 93-00116 Matthew C Friend & Elise G Friend Actual value to be: Land 5,390. Bldg. 35,770 Total 41,160. Present assessment equitable. 79-57 284-09884 James F Searl Actual value to be: Total 38,015 which reflects 25% discount. The 25% discount is equitable until flood control structure is completed. 79-58 284-10632 Universi of Chicago Actual value to be: Land 14,810. Bldgs 20,000. Total 34,810. Present assessment equitable. f . SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 79-59 284-02486 Christ J Kallos Actual V'lue to be: Land 36,160. Bldg 20,000. Total 56,160. Too high in relation to market value. 79-60 284-17390 Victor M Atchit Jr. Actual value to be: Land 46,970. Bldgs 114,044. Total 161,015. Improvements deteriorated on big house and wrong classification on guest house. 79-62 284-81058 Michael E Valentine Actual value to be: Land 3,210. Present assessment equitable. 79-61 284 01054 Michael E. Valentine Actualvalue to be Land 1630 Bldgs 22,t .. Tota 0. present 79-63273-4-02226 Herman Janssen Actual value to be: Land 2400. assessment Bldgs 19,720. Total 22,120. Present assessment equitable. equitable. 79-64 102-00160 Orval Augustin Actual value to be: Land 88,710. Bldgs 7,340. Total 96,050. Present Assessment equitable. 79-65 284-01530 Roy E Arrack Actual value to be Land 1,480. Bldgs 11,175. Total 12,655. Improvements deteriorated. 79-66 George G Fischer 70-01260 Actual value to be: Land 85,570. Present assessment equitable. 79-67 154-00010 James Hagemeyer Actual value to be: Land 73,300. Bldgs 11,910. Total 85,210. Readjusted by appraisers. 79-68 154-00020 James Hagemeyer Actual Value to be: Land 50,520. Present assessment equitable. 79-69 284-07466 Nash Finch Co. Actual value to be: Land 56,630. Bldgs 75,000. Total 131,630. Present assessment equitable. 79-70 290 00046 William E Cambride or Jean C Cambrid:e: Actual value to be Land 10,870. Bldgs 72,780. Total 83,650. Readjusted by appraisers. 79-71 284 16940 Valentine Land Corp. Actual value to be: Land 670. Present assessment equitable. This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, June 5, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by Burr, seconded by Sole that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 475 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Lois Brink appeared to present the budget request for R.S.V.P. with the County Share requested in the amount of $1,000. to be used for transportation and meal for the volunteers. Lois Brink and LaMont Kehoe presented the budget request for Meals on Wheels with the County share to be $2,300. This project is totally community supported with over 100 meals per day being delivered. Motion by Burr, seconded by Halloran that we accept the bid of Lincoln Equipment Co. to provide hardened grader blades for $15,200. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Discussion was held concerning salaries of the Board. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Hoagland that as recommended by the Planning Commission, we approve the request of Paul Kreinhedr to have an accessory living facility on the following described tract of land, to wit: The North one -Half (N2) of the Northeast Quatter (NE3) Section 7, T7N R9W, Blaine Township. as allowed in the provisions of Section 5-102 of the County Zoning Ordinance. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Discussion followed suggesting that there should possibly be an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance regarding renewal of applications made under Sec 5-102 of the ordinance. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr that the Adams County Board send a letter of intent to fund the Red Cross Swim Program in Adams County to the amount of $3,500. to Mershonne Brown, Director. Jack Giddings, representing Eakes Office E cpipment, appeared regarding renewal of the contract on the copy machine in the County Attorney's office. Matter taken under advisement. Motion by Burr, seconded by Halloran that we approve the pledging of J. C. 8480, Federal Intermediate Credit Banks in the amount of $100,000. by Adams County Bank, Kenesaw, NE and the pledging of JC8528. Federal Intermediate Credit Banks in the amount of $60,000. by Adams County Bank, Kenesaw, NE. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Hoagland that we authorize the Chairman.. to sign tax list corrections n0.6964 thru 6968. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that the reports of County Sheriff, Register of Deeds, County Library, County Permits, CountyQlerk, Car Titles, be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Burr that the bond of Gary C Anderberg, Deputy County Attorney in the amount of $1,000. be approved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Halloran that we approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a maintenance agreement for the Ballot Tab. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION79-6-5 WHEREAS, due to unanticipated requirements essential to the administration of justice, the preservation of public health, welfare and safety there exists an emergency in the budget appropriations of miscellaneous funds within the General Fund; there is not sufficient money appropriated to complete business for the balance of the fiscal year, and WHEREAS, there are sufficient unused appropriated monies in the General fund and the total General fund expenditures have not exceeded the budget appropriated, and is is essential to the government of Adams County and the welfare of the people of Adams County that certain offices and Misc. funds be increased by emergency appropriation, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that there is hereby appropriated and allocated to the offices and departments as follows: Additional Total Budget Appropriation Appropriation County Judges Office 1400.00 11,980.00 Buildings and Grounds 2250.00 126,831.40 County Attorney's Office 2000.00 115,599.00 Communications 575.00 30,392.00 Office Equipment Repairs 105.00 980.00 Handi-Bus 132.57 13,732.57 Micro-Film/Copier 1,975.00 11,975.00 Civil Defense 650.00 8,980.00 Ko11 call, ayes: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, and Kailey. Nays: Halloran. Motion carried. Correspondence from HEOC; South Central Mental Health, and Greater Nebraska Health Systems was presented to the Board regarding budget requests. Motion: by Halloran, seconded by White that the claim of Johnny Don Clancy in the amount of $500.00 be denied. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland that the following Miscellaneous Receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors; proceedings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 1150 Ambulance Service 1151 Master Key Antitrust Litigation 1152 Knights of Pythias 1153 Adams Co Clerk 1154 City Treasurer 1155 Adams Co. Surplus Sale 1156 Holstein Village 1157 Wolbert Lindeburg 1158 Knights of Columbus 1159 L. L. Morris, Director 1160 Clerk of District Court 1161 Clerk of District Court 1162 County Court 1163 County Court 1164 County Court 1165 Register of Deeds 1166 County Court 1167 Register of Deeds 1168 Nebr Liquor Control Commission - 215.00 103.38 143.80 121.99 26,560.00 6,756.70 2,800.00 5.00 339.35 1.98 980.20 60.39 18,320.00 8,766.00 356.00 717.20 8,496.24 17.73 9.46 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 1169 Ambulance 1170 Noxious Weed 1171 State of Neb. 1172 First National Bank 1173 City National Bank 1174 Ann's Coffee Shop 1175 First National Bank 1176 Adams County 1177 Adams County Court 1178 Becky Minkler 1179 State of Nebr 1180 Adams Co Sheriff 1181 State of Nebr. 1182 C±baa Engineering•Dept 1183 Ambulance Service 1184 County Clerk 1185 County Clerk 1186 Hastings State Bank 1187 County Court 118.8 County Court 1189 Hall County Treas. 1190 Hall County Treas 1191 Hall County Treas. 1192 Hall County 1193 Hall Co. 1194 Hall Co. 1195 Hall Co. 1196 Coors of Hastings 1197 State of Nebr. 1198 Midland Area Agency on Aging 1199 Midland Nutrition. Project 1200 Adam Kohl Insurance 1201 Adams Co Hwy Dept 1202 Register of Deeds 1203 First National Bank 1204 First National Bank 1205 State of Neb. 1206 State of NEb. 1207 State of Neb. 1208 State of Neb. 1209 County Sheriff 1210 County Court 1211 Ambulance Service 1212 Kearney County Court 1213 County Court 1214 County Court 1215 Ambulance Service 1216 Beverly Martin 121.7 City Treasurer 1218 State of Nebr 1219 First National Bank 1220 Ambulance 1221 First National Bank 420.00 24.56 1,238.06 1,816.36 2,615.45 25.00 102.74 180.30 35.00 3.00 43,567.25 2,196.49 188,159.26 164.75 997.02 419.00 2,469.50 1,545.89 24.50 144.31 4,400.00 1,750.00 300.00 300.00 320.00 100.00 50.00 250.00 14,500.00 137.00 73.00 166.00 131.53 1,587.90 3,041.10 780.82 6,962.00 12,109.00 184,716.00 81,399.00 2,022.61 4,143.91 946.00 54.94 66.50 411.95 507.50 1,350.42 20,350.00 57.64 1,561.64 618.50 780.82 Motion by White, seconded by Sole that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Adams County Ambulance Service Services Adams County Court State Cases Adams County Treasurer Postage 42.50 354.53 201.15 478 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Allens Allen's American Planning Assoc Apex Plumbing & Heating Badger Uniforms Badger Uniforms Bank Card Service Center Beck, Sid Berg, Mrs Glenn BigG Blue Hill Leader Bonsall Pool Company Book Shop Borley Storage & Transfer Co. Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Corporation Business Supply Company Business World Products Calliope Cash-Wa Candy Company Cengas Central Graphics Chris' Car Wash Christensen, Joe Inc City of Hastings Classel Mrs Claire Clerk of District Court Commercial Electronics Inc Commercial Electronics Inc Cornhusker Press County Extension Office County Extension Office Crisler, John or Doris Deluxe Cleaning Deluxe Cleaning Services Inc DeMuth, Joseph Dept of Agricultural Comm Dietz Co. Duro-Test Corporation Dutton-Lainson Company Eakes Office Equipment Co Eakes Office Equipment Co. Eastman Kodak Company Ebco Safety Service Co. Fay's Drive -In Drug Fischer, Richard Fredericks, David Gimton Auto Supply Grace's Bike & Key Shop Gene's Upholstery Grothen, Raymond Halloran, John E Harry's Conoco Service Haselbarth, Clifford Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Electronics Radio Shack Hastings Electronics Service Hastings Family Practice Guarantee Electric Co. Henry's Service & Repair Supplies Supplies Service Repair Uniforms Uniforms Travel Expense Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Supplies Advertising Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Equipment Supplies Supplies Gas Service Supplies Service Professional Seriice Planning Expense Board Member Mileage State Cases & Mental Repair Repair Services Supplies Supplies Foster C +re Cleaning Services Cleaning Services Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Rental Micro -Film Supplies Equipment Medicine Telephone Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies & Services Repair Mileage Mileage Gasoline & Repair Mowing of Cemetery Supplies Advertising Supplies & Equipment Repair Professional Service Supplies Gasoline 19.35 97.69 175.00 85.00 359;87 252.36 244,77 51.08 7.21 65.79 30.00 33.00 3.95 50.60 3,061.44 28.80 243.39 183.20 30.00 132.15 29.69 30.06 5.00 319.20 120.48 8,74 Health828.85 18.00 48.45 36.35 8.00 44.48 150.00 115.45 444.45 4.08 73.00 49.75 101.28 121.54 466.29 542.46 42.00 7.42 1.80 26.82 10.10 8.40 5.00 16.00 1.70 20.91 9.50 40.00 11.40 451.50 625.14 12.50 32.00 236.18 4.25 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 479 Bank Card Service Center Hastings Typewriter Co Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Hoselton, Jeanne Hupf, Gayle IBM IBM IBM Corporation Interstate Business Prod Johnson Cashway Johnson Cashway Johnson Cashway Kelso Kerr Chevrolet Co Kindig Printing Service Kindig Printing Service Kindig Printing Service Kohl, Adam Insurance Lincoln Telephone Co Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Lincoln Telephone Company Lincoln Telephone & Telpphone Lopers Bake Shoppe McDonald, J. M. Co. MPH Industries Inc Mac's Building Supplies Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Meyer, Carla Mid -Nebraska Distributing Co Mobley, Irwin L Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Morris Paint & Wallcoverings Moore Business Forms Inc Myers Refrigeration NAS CO National College of Probate Judges Nebraska Assoc. of Ext. Boards Nebr. Assoc of Co Clerks Dues Nelson & Harding Nelson, Luwane Nelson, Luwane Osler, Leonard PPG Industries Inc PPG Industries Inc Pettingill, Donald Petty Cash Extension Office Pitney Bowes Postmaster Republic Natonal Life Ins Redfield & Company Inc Register of Deeds Register of Deeds Rinder Printing Co. Saylor, Ron Rutt's Pharmacy Schlachter, Gloria Sempek, Edward Simmons, Billy Sporting Goods Inc Gasoline Supplies Utilities Nursing Home Oxygen Mileage Board Member Mileage Supplies Service Agreement Typewriter Equipment Supplies Supplies Supplies Crystal Lake Supplies Repair Supplies Supplies Supplies Bond Service Connection Telephone & Toll Telephone & Toll Hot Line Rolls Uniforms Supplies Supplies Professional Service School & Mileage Repairs Mileage Linen Service Linen Service Mop Service Supplies Supplies Repair Supplies Membership Dues Dues Dues Professional Services Mileage Supplies Mileage Supplies Supplies Repair Supplies Rental Postage Insurance Coverage Supplies Postage Postage Supplies Mileage Supplies Mileage Foster Care Service Supplies 200.45 365.43 233.05 34.00 1.36 11.80 18.88 46.23 733.50 3,538.18 49.26 172.80 792.00 124.69 3.00 50.85 57.76 150.40 170.00 146.94 2,032.57 71.48 31.25 11.18 134.43 532.00 46.38 730.21 12.98 167.75 33.28 104.67 24.60 24.00 38.60 604.83 18.75 24.43 35.00 50.00 10.00 2,112.99 43.50 10.79 8.16 29.97 11.56 11.54 17.49 276.00 2,500.00 3,004.00 33.78 15.34 27.50 39.99 10.20 42.71 8.50 140.00 2.00 10.00 4SO SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA State of Nebr/ Div of Communications Stephenson School Supply Swanson, Paul 3M B.P.S.I. 3M B.P.S.I. Thiel, Jake Thiel, Jake Thiel, Jake Thiel, Jake Thomsen Oil Co. Toogood, Arthur C University IANR Finance Office United Bank S rvices Co United Laboratories, Inc University Products Inc Vaughans Printers Inc Vaughans Printers Inc Weber, Firs Janice Wafts Conoco Service Western Paper Company Williams, Art. Ind Williams Exterminating Co. Woods Disposal Service Inc Xerox Corporation Adams County Highway Dept Adams County Highway Dept Kohl, Adam Insurance Blue Diamond Concrete City Hide & Metal Clarke Oil Company Commercial Electronics Delken Press Dutton-Lainson Co Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Firestone Stores Forestry Suppliers Friends Motors Supply Garvey Elevators Gessfords Machine Gibsons Discount Center Glenwood Telephone H & M Equipment Co H&NMobil Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Motor Truck Hasting OK Tire Store Hastings Typewriter Co Hastings Utilities HastLngs Welding Supply Harry's Service Island Supply Jahnke's Agri -Home Johnson Cashway Kansas -Nebraska Nat Gas Kerr Chevrolet Kully Iron & Metal Laird Motors Rental Supplies Mileage Supplies Lease Service Charge Mileage Mileage Food for Prisoners & Matron Fee Gasoline Dues Retirement Plan Supplies Micro Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Board Member Gasoline Supplies Supplies Pest Control Disposal Service Monthly Charge & 2,708.00 7.06 18.97 78.68 71.33 1.35 61.34 2,749.66 1,365.50 171.59 870.00 263.72 Film 128.01 207.83 70.85 98.69 97.37 Mileage 12.14 568.24 92.64 118480, 14.00 49.46 Removal 124.00 ROAD FUND Postage Petty Cash Bond Sandblaster Supplies Gasoline Equipment Supplies Supplies Diesel Repair Supplies Supplies Gasoline Labor & Parts Supplies Telephone & Toll Gravel Gasoline Repairs Repair Repairs Supplies Utilties Oxygen & Supplies Repairs Repairs to Supplies Supplies Gas Service Repairs Supplies Repairs 30.00 24.34 20.00 25.00 15.12 1,524.36 18.00 23.50 66.29 159.00 6.00 188.68 650.44 215.20 712.98 5.97 32.05 5,153.24 11.25 95.48 2.57 81.50 23.64 102.02 98.67 75.00 Bridge 6,820.00 44.85 177.90 26.52 5.89 226.05 198.41 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 481 Laird Motors Inc Lambrecht Petroleum Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. McClelland Farm Equipment Co. Mac's Building Supplies Mid -City Auto Missouri Valley Construction Mr. Automotive Modern Linen Service Modern Methods Nikkila Bros Nebraska Public Power Olsen, L. L. Olsen, L. L. Company Olsen Oil Company Pauley, W. G. Lumber Co. Petersen Brothers Republic National Life Ins Southern Power District 3 Point Tire Service Vontz, L. J. Construction Co. Vontz, L. J. Construction Co Vontz, L. J. Construction Co. Wheeler St Regis Big John Mfg Co Inc Centra Chemical Services Glenwood Telephone Corp Friends Motor Supply Hastings Daily Tribune Jahnkes Kansas Nebraska Natural Klein Manske Inc Klusman, Merlin Republic NationalLife Ins Schafer Printing Co. Southern Power District Timms Repair Trucks Diesel Supplies Supplies Telephone & Toll Supplies Repairs Rental Repairs Asphalt Repairs & Labor Shop Service Supplies Bridge Electric Service Gasoline Diesel & Gasoline Gasoline Supplies Road Stripping Insurance Coverage Electric Service Rapairs & Supplies Gravel Gravel Gravel Supplies WEED CONTROL FUND Equipment Chemicals Telephone & Toll Supplies Advertising Supplies Gas Sf,rvice Insurance Supplies & Mileage Insurance Supplies Electric Supplies Repair FEDERAL Allen's Eastman Kodak Company Golden Triangle Lumber Co Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Laird Motors Inc Morse Data Processing Fakes Office Equipment Co. STATE Beatrice State Develop Center Hastngs Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center REVENUE SHARING Supplies Equipment Remodeling Supplies Remodeling Supplies Trucks Programming File INSTITUTIONS FUND Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care 56,242.00 1,098.03 13,534.71 625.49 184.85 470.28 48.53 3.00 112.54 235.25 1,184.62 24.16 210.60 2,260.00 6.32 2,400.58 292.80 18.45 67.55 8,330.06 891.84 43.12 78.00 6,189.48 17,950.74 5,073.98 695.63 4,041.66 13,324.95 50.90 55.32 58.58 56.59 49.66 1,955.00 86.23 75.76 144.07 10.97 108.95 34.46 712.95 290.96 2,208.65 15,422.00 300.00 499.00 1,170.00 2,752.00 282.00 3,144.50 12.00 60.00 570.00 82 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Baker & Taylor Companies Demo Hastings Public Library Peterson's Guides Republic National Life Ins Schiller's Books Schiller's Books Campus House, Inc Campus House, Inc Hastings Pediatric Clinic Henrikus, Delbert Home Health Services Morris, L. L. Pooh Corner Rader Real Estate Schalock, Robert L Struss, Paul Walgreens Drug Store Walgreens Drug Store Acme Printing Aliens of Hastings American PUblic Welfare Assoc Borrell, Peggy Buhting, Hr. L. G. Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Fraser, Mary Hinrichs, Margaret Lincoln Telephone Company Lurz, Donna Modern Methods Inc Morris, L. L. Osman, Pat Peck, Dr. Eugene Republic National Life Insuran Rutt, Dr. F. J. Salywards, Dr. Harry Schmidt, Marlys Soterin, Beverly Williamson, Sheila United States Postmaster Welch, Dr. George L State of Nebr Dept of Labor Books Books Bookmobile Service Books Insurance Coverage Books Books 607.28 751.22 491.08 2.12 34.77 83.12 65.21 REL IEF -MEDICAL FUND Foster Care 650.00 Foster Care 650.00 Foster Care Medical 42.00 Foster Care 190.00 Foster Care Medical 54.00 Revolving Fund 21.26 Foster Care 75.00 Rental 32.50 Professional Service 50.00 Foster Care 25.32 Foster Care Medical 3.86 Foster Care Medical 2.98 STATE ADMINISTRATIVE FUND Supplies Supplies Membership Mileage Professional Service Supplies Bulletin Service Mileage Mileage Telephone & Toll Mileage Maintenance & Supplies Mileage Mileage Professional Service ce Insurance Coverage Professional Service Professional Service Mileage Mileage Mileage Postage Professional Service EMPLOYMENT SECURITY FUND Benefit Charges 189.90 17.08 80.00 8.50 25.00 125.71 5.00 6.97 8.84 144.50 7.99 706.00 24.04 55.08 7.50 636.01 50.00 10.00 6.46 4.93 8.33 200.00 10.00 90.00 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, June 12,1979 9:30 A.M. The Itegular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by White, seconded by Lightner that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings D^ily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in -the County Clerks office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. A report of the progress of road work in the County was given by Roger Parks.. Phil Vrana appeared regarding the need for a culvert at the intersection near the northwest corner of 31-5-10. The matter was referred to the Road Committee and to Mr. Parks for further study. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr that we authorize purchase of a l2 ton Eager Beaver Roller and trailer from Big Bear Equipment Co. of Omaha for $5,380. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Burr that the amount due the State of Nebraska Department of Roads be deducted from reimbursement requests for FY -79 for operation of the Handi-Bus. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Discussion was held concerning present operation of the Handi-Bus. Motion by Sole, seconded by White that we request a transfer of the Handi-Bus Program to the Area Agency on Aging. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Board convened as a Board of Equalization per notice. Bill Tringe, Attorney, appeared representing Dr. Frank Brewster, regarding appeal on assessment of a computer. Evidence was presented to the Board. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr that on appeal 79-72, we set the value of the computer at $10,000. with penalty for late filing. Roll call, ayes: Lightner, Hoagland, Burr and Kailey. Nays: Sole, White and Halloran. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by White that we rescind the motion concern- ing appeal 79-72. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Sole, White, Halloran and Kailey. Nays: Lightner and Burr Motion rescinded. TIe matter of appeal 79-72 to be given further study. Regular session resumed. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr that we approve the grant request for a Youth Law Camp -out based on the City of Hastings approval of one-half of the local match. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 481 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Elet Wagner'.,' Herb Spears and Alan Halfar appeared to present the Budget request for Greater Nebraska Healt4 Systems Agency. The Request for Adams County was $1,528. The Board ingtructed the County Clerk to send a memo to Office Holders and Department Heads requesting them to try to hold their budget requests to a six to seven percent increase., This Board will now recess subject -to the call of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. %4 < Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, June 19, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kailey, Chairman,presidi,ng. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Sole Burr, White, Halloran, and Kailey. Absent: Lightner. Motion by Haogland, seconded by White that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roil call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger, Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning progress of road work in the County. discussion was held concerning preparation of a preliminary road budget for the next fiscal year. Motion by Haogland, seconded by Halloran that we authorize the Chairman to sign a renewal of the contract on the copy machine in the County Attorney's office with Eakes Office Equipment, said agreement to be for one year. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Proposals were received and opened from Carmichael Construction Co.; Kealy Construction Co. and Hahn & Hupf for construction of a ramp on the east side of the Courthouse. Motion by White, seconded by Hoagland that we accept the low bid of Carmichael of $5,615. to construct a ramp on the east side of the Courthouse. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Nays: Sole. Motion carried. Mr. Sole commented that he was opposed because of the location. Motion by White, seconded by Halloran that the following resolution be adopted. WHEREAS, Adams County in the current fiscal year expenditures. WHEREAS, contracts or such services or equipment RESOLUTION 79-6-19 has budgeted for certain expenditures and appropriated money for these agreements have been signed for providing SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY NEBRASKA 1 "1 f-7 WHEREAS, it would be in the best interest of the County t transfer these appropriated monies to an escrow account, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Treasurer is hereby ordered and directed to transfer monies as follows: $5,615. from Inheritance tax fund to Escrow Fund 6,245.00 for Pickup 15,200.00 for grader blades 49,614.10 for Project C1-52 2,953.09 for fuel tank Total of 74,012.19 from Road to Escrow Fund Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Nays: Sole. Motion carried. Regular session recessed. Board of Equalization as per notiee given. Motion by Sole, seconded by White that the value of the computer on appeal 79-72 be left as set by the County Assessor and per the Assessor's notice given. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Regular session resumed. PUBLIC HEARING was held for the purpose of receiving comments or suggestions for the use of Revenue Sharing monies. No one appeared. Larry Hale, Juniata Village Board member, appeared to request that an inter -local agreement be drawn up specifying the law enforcement services to be received by the villages. Discussion followed with the Baord requesting the County Attorney to prepare such inter -local agreements. Motion by Burr, Seconded by White that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION 79-6-19.1 WHEREAS, due to unanticipated requirements essential to the administration of justice, the preservation of public health, welfare and safety there exists an emergency in the budget appropriations of miscellaneous funds within the General Fund; there is not sufficient money appropriated to complete business for the balance of the fiscal year, and WHEREAS, there are sufficient unused appropriated monies in the General Fund and the total General fund expenditures have not exceeded the budget appropriated, and it is essential to the government of Adams County and the welfare of the people of Adams County that certain offices and Misc. funds be increased by emergency appropriation NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that there is hereby appropriated and allocated to the offices and departments as follows: Additional Appropriation Total budget Buildings and Grounds 6,150.00 132,981.40 Jail 2,300.00 93,089.00 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Discussion was held concerning the sale of the Nursing Home property Discussion was held concerning Draft 208 "Water Quality Management Plan." Discussion was held concerning problems with acquiring a landfill. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by White, seconded by Hoagland that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Library Fund COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Salaries 1,373.36 STATE ADMINISTRATIVE FUND State Administration Salaries 14,623.18 Duthie, Eva B Prior Service 14.00 Weed Control Fund Parr, Norbert Rucker, Morland Gangwish, Glenn Kohl, Lionel W Road Department Harpham, Gilbert Stromer, Paul Mousel, Virgil. Poore, Delbert Anderson, Roy Witt, Lloyd Augtin, Weslie Struss, Lambert R Koch, Dave WEED CONTROL FUND Salaries Mileage Mileage Mileage Mileage ROAD FUND Salaries Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service GENERAL FUND County Supervisors County Clerk's Office County Treasurer's Office Register of Deeds Communications County Assessor's Office County Superintendent's Office CountyPlanning Office Data Processing Office Clerk of District Court Salaries Adams County Board of Mental Health Salaries Office of Public Defender Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Courthouse Janitors Extension Service Office Adams County Sheriff's Office Adams County Attorneys Office Adams County Jail Adams County Ambulance Dept Veterans Service Office Stromer, Paul Allen's Burchard, Minnie M Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press Eakes Office Equipment Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Supplies Prior Service Printing Maps Supp,ies Supplies & Overtime & Overtime & Overtime 2,503.76 6.29 .68 4.08 .51 23,470.87 14.00 13.00 12.00 25.00 25.00 22.00 25.00 12.00 25.00 3,500.00 5,706.53 5,510.31 2,458.00 508.00 4,590.50 1,754.67 2,163.96 1,590.20 2,204.17 1,200.00 2,618.00 2,246.38 4,401.92 10,567.32 6,589.33 6,502.24 7,926.00 2,184.67 107.28 6.39 14.00 5.70 39.30 24.00 45.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Gartner, Rena Prior Service 25.00 Hastings Daily Tribune Supplies 35.75 Hastings Typewriter Co. Supplies & Printing 7.70 Hastings Utilities Utilities Courthouse & Annex 6428.16 Hayen, Rachel Prior Service 25.00 Hoeft, Merle W Supplies & Postage 5.66 IBM Service Contract 71.50 IBM Service Contract 71.:50 International Business Machines Supplies 41.60 Lincoln Telephone Company Local & Long Distance Serv. 57.46 Mobley, Beverly Workshop & Mileage 165.18 Modern Methods Inc Supplies 34.65 Office of Public Defender Office Expense 728.65 Meredith, L. John Register of Deeds Dues 10.00 Meredith, L. John Register of Deeds Post Office Box Rent 22.00 Redfield & Company Supplies 78.09 Register of Deeds Postage 33.48 Reporters Paper & Mfg. Co. Supplies 26.25 Reutlinger, Lila Prior Service 14.00 Story, Roscoe E Prior Service 15.00 U.S. Postoffice Box Rental 48.00 Yost, C. G. Adams Co Treasurer Box Rent 30.00 This Board will recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Boerd,. COURT \ ix'-' HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday June 26,1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Beard of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Burr that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Beard of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has bene given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks gave a report of the progress of read work in the County. He presented a preliminary Road Budget to the Beard. The Board agreed to meet with representatives concerning the drainage problem at Pauline. Motion by Burr, seconded by Halloran that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 79-6-26.1 WHEREAS, there has been signed by Adams County on the 12th day of October 1976, and the State on the 28th day of October, 1976, an agreement providing for the construction of a Federal Aid Secondary Road beginning at the southeast corner of Section 33, Township 7 North, Range 11 West, and running thence north approximately 5,330 feet to a point located 50 feet north of the Northeast Corner of said Section 33, 483 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Township 7 North, Range 11 West, and WHEREAS, in the above agreement, the County has pledged sufficient funds to finance its share of the cost of the construction of this project identified as No.RS-2185(1) and WHEREAS, the above mentioned agreement provided that the County would pay all of the non -Federal costs of this project, and WHEREAS, THE State received bids for the construction of this project on June 14, 1979 at which time 4 bids were received for the construction of the proposed work, and WHEREAS, the following contractor for the items of work listed have been selected as the low bidder to whom a contract should be awarded: Werner Construction, Inc 'lasting Nebraska. Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course: $196,082.40 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above facts , the Board of Commissioners of Adams County, by this resolution, takes the following official action: 1. If for any reason the Federal Highway Administration recinds, limits its obligations, or defers payment of the Federal share of the costs of this project, the County hereby agrees to provide the necessary funds to pay for all costs incurred until and in the event such federal funds are allowed and paid. 2. The Board hereby concurs in the selection of the above mentioned contractor for the items of work listed, to whom a contract should be awarded. 3. The Board hereby authorizes the Chairman to sign a contract with the above mentioned contractor for the above mentioned work. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Hoagland that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 79-6-26.2 WHEREAS, it was necessary to transfer money from Inheritance Tax to State Administration Fund to maintain a balanced cash flow, WHEREAS, it was stipulated in the resolution of transfer that the money was to be returned to the Inheritance Tax Fund, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby ordered and directed to transfer $6,000. from State Administration Fund back to the Inheritance Tax Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Mr. Coulter presented the budget request for South Central Community Mental Health. A ?equest was based on 65.85 cents per capita. The Board took the request under consideration. Merlin Klusman and Morland Rucker presented the budget request for Weed Control. William Belz presented the budget request for the Adams Colanty Historical Society. Dale Katzberg presented the budget request of Mid -Nebraska Mental Retardation. Motion by Lightner, seconded Hoagland that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 79-6-26 "RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A FIRST SUPPLEMENT TO MORTGAGE AND INDENTURE OF TRUST BETWEEN THE COUNTY AND NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, DATED AS OF FEBRUARY 15, 1970, SO AS TO .PROVIDE FOR RELEASE OF THE MORTGAGE LIEN AND SECURITY INTEREST CREATED THEREBY IN THE WESTERN PLASTICS CORPORATION PROJECT OF THE COUNTY UPON PREPAYMENT BY WESTERN PLASTICS CORPORATION OF ALL SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA PRESENTLY REMAINING UNPAID BASIC RENTALS PROVIDED FOR UNDER AND PURSUANT TO THE LEASE AND AGREEMENT BETWEEN "THE COUNTY AND SAID WESTERN PLASTICS CORPORATION DATED AS OF FEBRUARY 15,1970, AS AMENDED AND SUPPLEMENTED: PRO- VIDING RO-VIDING FOR THE INVESTMENT AND DISPOSITION OF FUNDS AND SECURITIES HELD THEREUNDER: AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A TERMINATION OF SAID LEASE AND AGREEMENT, AN APPROPRIATE RELEASE OF MORTGAGE, AN APPROPRIATE RELEASE OF SECURITY INTEREST AND AN APPRO- PRIATE QUITCLAIM DEED: AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF RELATED DOCUMENTS: PROVIDING THAT THE INVALIDITY OF ANY PART OF THIS RESOLUTION SHALL NOT AFFECT THE REMAINDER: REPEALING ALL RESOLUTIONS AND PARTS OF RESOLUTIONS IN CON- FLICT HEREWITH: AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND DATE OF EFFECT OF THIS RESOLUTIOLL " WHEREAS, the County, in furtherance of the purposes and pursuant to the provisions of Section 16 of Article XV of the Nebraska Constitution (now Section 2 of Article XIII of the Nebraska Constitution) and Sections 18-1614 to 18-1623, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 1943, as amended, and in order to provide for the acquisition, purchase, construction, improvement, betterment and extension of industrial development in Nebraska, has heretofore, pursuant to a Lease and Agree- ment entered into between the County, as lessor, and Western Plastics Corporation, a Nebraska corporation ("Western"), dated as of February 15, 1970, as amended and supplemented by a First Supplement thereto between said parties also dated as of February 15, 1970 (hereinafter collectively referred to together as the "Lease") and a related Mortgage and Indenture of Trust, dated as of February 15,1970, between the County and National Bank of Commerce Trust and Savings Association (the "Trustee"), as Trustee (the "Mortgage") issued $400,000 in principal amount of its Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Series A (Western Plastics Corporation Project) of which $190,000 remain outstanding and unpaid (the "Outstanding Bonds") for the purpose of acquiring certain real estate, a manufacturing. -- and industrial plant facility and related improvements located thereon and certain machinery and equipment for use in connection therewith :t (the "Project"), the same having been leased by the County to Western under the Lease; and WHEREAS, Western has agreed to prepay to the Trustee (but for account of the County) all of the presently remaining unpaid basic rentals provided for under and pursuant to the Lease in order to obtain termination of the Lease and release the mortgage lien and security interest in the Project under the Mortgage; and WHEREAS, the Trustee has received written consents to the execution and delivery of a First Supplement to Mortgage and Indenture of Trust (the "First Supplement of Mortgage") between the County and the Trustee and a Termination of Lease between the County and Western, duly executed by the registered owners of 66-2/37 in aggregate principal amount of the Outstanding Bonds, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ADAMS: Section 1. The First Supplement to Mortgage (of the form and con- tent hereto attached as Exhibit "A"), be and the same is hereby in all respects authorized, approved and confirmed and the Chairman or the Vice Chairman and the County Clerk off' the Deputy County Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver such First Supplement to Mortgage, including necessary counterparts ( in substantially the form and content as said Exhibit "A" hereto attached but with such changes, modifications, additions and deletions therein as shall SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA to them seem necessary, desirable or appropriate) for and on behalf of the County, to the Trustee for the security of the Outstanding Bonds and the interest thereon Section 2. The Termination of Lease and Agreement (of the form and content hereto attached as Exhibit "B"), be and the same is hereby in all respects authorized, approved and confirmed, and the Chairman or the Vice Chairman and the County Clerk or the Deputy County Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver such Termination to Lease and Agreement (in substantially the form and content as said Exhibit "B" hereto attached, but with such changes, modifications, additions and deletions therein as shall to them seem necessary, desirable or appropriate) for and on behalf of the County. Section 3. The Chairman or the Vice Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the County Clerk of the Deputy County Clerk are hereby. authorized to execute and deliver all deeds, bills of sale, general assignments, other instruments of conveyance and additional certificates, documents, opinions or other papers and to perform all other acts as they may deem neceaary or appropriate in order to implement and carry out the matters herein authorized. Section 4. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Resolution (including the Exhibits hereto attached which are made a part hereof and incorporated herein by reference) shall be held invalid, the invalidity of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the other provisions of this Resolution or of the said Exhibits. Section 5. All resolutions or orders, or parts thereof, in conflict with the provisions of this Resolution, are to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section 6. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication as provided by law. PASSED AND APPROV, is 26th day of June, 1979. . ATTEST: o -t ;;;ti iv la / s / ANITA HAWES �"U-')-ZL" County Cler by PHYLLIS NEWELL Deputy THE COUNTY OF ADAMS, NEBRASKA by /s/ WILLIS L KAILEY Chairman of the Boa of Supervisors Roll call, all voted aye. Motion Carried. d Motion by Sole, seconded by Burr that we approve the exchange of Joint Custody Receipts by Hastings State Bank as follows: Release #03927 in the amount of $50,000. and the pledging of #06816 in the amount of $50,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion by White, seconded by Hoagland that we approve the claim of Porta King Building Systems in the amount of $1,453.00 to be paid on Revenue Sharing Fund and hereby instruct and authorize the County Clerk to issue a warrant for the same. Roll call, all voted Aye. Motion carried. The remainder of the meeting was Officials and Department Heads. This meeting will now recess s spent hearing budget requests from e call of the Chairman. hair OM Duty SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday July 3, 1979 9:30A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by White, seconded by Solethat this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings DailyTribune and by pasting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks gave a report on the progress of road work in the County. A report was given concerning the meeting with residents in the Pauline area concerning a{drainage problem. Contact was to be made with the land owners and another meeting will be held later. Concern was expressed about trucks traveling at excessive speeds on the Adams Central Road. The Board determined that a request should be made of the drivers to hold the speed down to 50 m.p.h. or the road would be closed to prevent further damage. A budget request was presented for Region III Alcohol Services in the amount of $2.39. or 76 per capita. Representatives of the Hastings Association of Insurance Agents appeared to review the County insurance coverage with the Board. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that we increase by 107 the Coverage on the buildings. Roll call, ayes: Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Nays: Lightner, Hoagland, and Sole. Motion carried. Hearing was held concerning a Conditional Use permit requested by Adams Co. Pig, Inc. - Motion by Halloran, seconded by Burr that as recommended by the Planning Commission we approve a Conditional Use Permit for the following tract of Land, to wit: The North one-half(N2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW4), Section 30, T6N, R1OW, Ayr Township. APPLICANT: ADAMS COUNTY PIG, INC. The property is presently zoned Agricultural Open Space (A-0) and a Conditional Use Permit is granted to install a mobile home for employment purposes. Roll call, ayes: Lightner, Hoagland, Burr White, Halloran and Kailey. Nays: Sole. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Lightner that the1Chairman be authorized to sign an agreement with the State Department of Welfare whereby the County would receive reimbursement for the County Attorney's office performing certain duties in child support cases. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Burr that we authorize the Chairman to sign contracts with Midland Area on Aging, Adams County Senior Services, and the State of Nebraska, Department of Roads, All concerning operation and funding of the Senior Handi-Bus. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Hoagland seconded by White that we authorize purchase of one Kodak film unit at $712.95, to be paid from Revenue Sharing Funds, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by White that we authorize the Chairman to sign an amendment to project 31-00403, Crystal Lake. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Etzelmiller appeared to question the payment of comp time. The Board agreed to seek the advice of the County Attorney and answer him by the next meeting. Motion by Burr, seconded by Halloran that the reports of County Clerk, County Library, Register of Deeds, Car Titles, Sheriff, Clerk of the District Court 2, Documentary Stamps, Ambulance, (2) Retirement System be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Hoagland that the Miscellaneous receipts be made a part of this Supervisors' Proceedings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 1222 Adams County Bank $10,125.00 1223 Adams County Clerk 76.95 1224 Road Dept 107.12 1225 First National Bank 274.25 122.6 First National Bank 1,613.70 1227 Adams County Court 9,196.50 122.8 Adams County Court 196.00 1.229 Adams County Court 25.00 1230 Hastings State Bank 1,573.15 1231 Adams County Court 225.00 1232 Register of Deeds 1,103.71 1233 Register of Deeds 9.46 1234 Adams County Court 14.00 1235 Clerk of District Court 1,019.20 1236 Michael V Kleppinger DDS 20.00 1237 Clerk of District Court 446.76 1238 First National Bank 3,123.28 1239 Marvin Hartman 7.22 1240 State of Nebraska 42,998.06 1241 Adams County Ambulance Service 720.00 1242 Village of Kenesaw 1,092.00 1243 First National Bank'!- 102.74 1244 Anns Coffee Shop 25.00 1245 Adams County Bank 791.67 1246 Adams County Court 54.00 1247 Adams County Court 11.12 1248 Adams County Court 75.00 1249 Adams County Court 24.50 1250 Adams County Court 1,853.94 1251 Adams County Bank 4,875.00 1252 Midland Nurt. Project for the Elderly 73.00 1253 Midland Area Agency on Aging 137.00 1254 Marvin Lovell 837.42 1255 State of Nebr 1,238.06 1256 Village of Holstein 2,200.00 1257 Village of Holstein 346.50 1258 Village of Roseland 318.00 1259 Karen Schroer 3.00 1260 Register of Deeds 27.50 1261 Register of Deeds 15.34 1262 Hall Co. Treasurer 3,790:.00 19.3 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 1263 City of Hastings 1264 Hall CO. Treasurer 1265 Hall Co. Treasurer 1266 Hall Co. Treasurer 1267 Hall Co Treasurer 1268 Hall Co. Treasurer 1269 Hall Co. Treasurer 1270 Adams Co. Ambulance Service 1271 Adams County Court 1272 Adams Co. Court 1273 Adams Co. Highway 1274 Adams County Court 1275 State of Nebraska 1276 Michael W Dixon 1277 Larry Simons 1278 Ken Southworth 1279 Adams County Court 1280 Adams County Court 1281 First National Bank 1282 Register of Deeds 1283 Adams County Clerk 1284 Adams County Clerk 1285 Adams County Sheriffs Dept 1286 Adams County Court 1287 State of Nebraska 1288 State of Nebraska 1289 Kearney Co Treasurer 1290 Kearney Co. Treasurer 1291 Kearney Co. Treasurer 1292 City National Bank 1293 Noxious Weed Control 1294 Adams Co. Ambulance Service 1295 State of Nebraska 1296 Void 1297 State of Nebraska 1298 First National Bank of Lincoln 1299 Adams County Court 1300 Adams County Court 1301 Adams County Ambulance Service 1302 Adams Co. Court 1303 Adams County Court 1304 Adams County Court 1305 Adams Co. Noxious Weed 1306 Adams County Sheriff 1307 State of Nebraska 1308 Adams County Ambulance 5,366.09 700.00 150.00 250.00 100.00 75.00 15.00 586.50 17.50 225.00 250.00 75.00 22,000.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 25.20 546.66 810.96 2,020.35 2,159.50 419.50 438.10 175.00 184,713.00 81,400.95 19,000.00 1,000.00 300.00 1,847.52 529.62 1,023.44 12,115.62 6,973.91 870.68 17.50 75.00 741.06 75.00 50.00 325.00 515.11 1,054.58 934.54 240.50 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board. County Clerk lite Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS ,NEBRASKA Tuesday July 10, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS ; COUNTY, NEBRASKA presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, White, Halloran and Kailey. Absent: Sole, and Burr. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Hoagland that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning road work in the County. Information had been received concerning the bridge inspection that three bridges were to be posted for weight limits. Paul Hohnstein appeared questioning future plans for the extension of Baltimore Avenue to the Lochland Road. It is the Six Year plan for the County. Sole entered meeting at 9:45 A.M. Motion by White, seconded by Sole that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections No.6969 thru 6972. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Budget requests were reviewed for several offices and departments. Motion by White, seconded by Halloran that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. STATE Booth, R. C. Enterprises Adams Co. Clerk's Office Sorrell, Peggy Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Dean, Dr. E. G. Doering, Dr. W.A. Hervert, Dr. James Hinrichs, Margaret Kuehn, Dr. Gerald Lincoln Telephone Company Lurz, Donna Morris, L. L. Nitzel, Dr. Dale Osman, Pat Republic National Life Ins. Schmidt, Marlys Soterin, Beverly United States Postmaster Williamson, Sheila Dickerson, Richard Hastings Pediatric Clinic Henrikus, Delbert Home Health Services Jack & Jill Stores Morris, L. L. Nebr. Dept of Public Welfare Pooh Corner V Emergency Schalock, Robert Ph.D Struss, Paul ADMINISTRATION FUND Tam Book Construction Costs Mileage Supplies Bulletin Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Mileage Professional Service Telephone & Toll Mileage Mileage & Registration Fee Professional Service Mileage Insurance Coverage Mileage Mileage Postage Mileage 25.16 2,428.41 12.07 2.50 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.37 10.00 150.11 11.90 14.84 10.00 45.56 636.01 4.25 14.96 200.00 5.61 RELIEF MEDICAL FUND Foster Care 66.64 Foster Care 18.00 Foster Care 190.00 Professional Service 108.00 Supplies 25.00 Revolving Fund 63.05 20% Vendor Payments 47,581.57 Babysitting 140.00 Professional Service 360.00 Foster Care 98.08 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Commercial Electronics Inc Friend's Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Corp Hastings Battery & Electric Jahnke's Kansas-Nebr Natural Gas Co Klusman, Merlin Mid -Rivers Grain Co. Republic National Life Ins. Roseland Coop Roseland Sundries Schafer Printing Go. Shaws Service WEED CONTROL FUND Radio Repair Supplies Telephone & Toll Inc Repair Supplies Gas Service Postage & Miscellaneous Water Insurance Coverage Gasoline Supplies Supplies Repair & Miscellaneous Computer Election Systems Inc Levander's Rocky Mountain Software Inc FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING Balance Due Chairs re -upholstered Programming STATE INSTITUTIONS Beatrice State Development Center Patient Care Hastings Regional Center Patient Care Lincoln Regional Center Patient Care Baker & Taylor Companies Hastings Public Library Main Book Company Peterson's Guides Nispel, Donald L Nispel, Donald L Keuten, Joel R and Rotha & City National Bank Lincoln Equipment Spady, Jerry Pontiac Cad. COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Books Bookmobile Service Books Books 29.95 21.52 37.57 19.04 100.12 5.43 17.95 114.00 37.88 289.44 4.90 15.50 11.00 43,906.44 60.00 445.00 1,209.00 4,918.00 582.00 539.51 491.08 1,230.79 157.95 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING Handicapped Ramp 219.05 Re -roofing Courthouse 1,681.60 A Keuten Earnest payment on Shop Site 2,000.00 Adams County Highway Dept Big G Clarke Oil Company Commercial Electronics Coop Grain & Supply Dutton-Lainson Co. Friends Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Farmers Union Coop Gas & Garvey Elevator Grace's Bike & Keys H & M Equipment Co. Halbmaier, Ervin Hastings Bettery Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Motor Truck Hastings Typewriter Co. HastinT Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Henry's Service & Repair ESCROW FUND Grader Blades Pickup ROAD FUND Petty Cash Fund Supplies Gasoline & Diesel Repairs Gasoline Supplies Supplies Telephone & Toll Oil Gasoline & Supplies Gasoline Keys Gravel Mileage Repair Advertising Repairs Supplies Utilities Oxygen & Supplies Repairs 15,200.00 6,245.00 15.16 5.78 1,329.58 201.75 14.85 87,21 235.09 29.71 440.86 60.85 11.00 6,865.86 35.53 14.50 8.03 16.00 26.36 59.92 41.04 47.50 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Island Supply Jahnke's Agri -Home Johnson Cashway Kansas Nebraska Nat Gas Kerr Chevrolet Co. Dully Iron & Metal Laird Motors Lemke Sharpening Service Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Missouri Valley Modern Linen Service Mr Automotive Nebraska Public Power Nebraska Tractor Odorite Company Olsen, L. L. Oil Company Olsen, L. L. Parks, Roger S Pauley, W. G. Lumber Company Republic National Life Insurance Shaws Service Sherman's Service Center Standard Blue Supt of Documents 3 Points Tire Service Vontz, L. J. Construction Co. Vontz, L. J. Construction Co. Werner Construction Wheeler St Regis Wheelers Z & Z Equipment Co. ABC Electric Adam.; Dr. George M.D. Adams Co. Ambulance Service Adams Co. Ambulance Service Adams County Court Ada®s County Court Petty Cash Ext. Office Petty Cash Ext Office County Ext Office Adams County Treasurer Allen's Allen's American Fire Control American Fire Control, Inc Audio Intelligence Devices Badger Uniforms Bank Card Service Center Bank Card Service Center Beck, Sid Berg, Mrs Glenn Big G Big G The Book Shop Booth, R. C. Enterprises Booth, R. C. Enterprises Booth, R. C. Enterprises Supplies Supplies Paint & Brushes Gas Service Supplies Supplies Repairs & Supplies Sharpening Service Supplies Supplies & Repairs Telephone & Toll Asphalt Towel Service Repairs & Supplies Electric Service Supplies Deodorizer Gasoline & Diesel Gasoline Registration Fee & Supplies Insurance Coverage Gasoline & Diesel Supplies Supplies Booklets Repairs & Tires Asphalt Asphalt Hot Mix Supplies Repairs Repairs 44.35' 32.73 50.60 34.45 216.00 19.90 1,679.73 63.81 480.24 255.35 210.83 452.28 19.14 378.12 4.35 188.75 4.00 3,906.20 45.24 Lodging 84.62 5.34 850.85 953.95 179.62 42.20 2.50 1,532.68 35,770.58 12,123.57 38.90 1,261.36 68.33 73.60 GENERAL FUND Repairs Professional Service Ambulance Call Ambulance Service Filing Fee Court Costs Magazine Miscellaneous Box Rent Postage Supplies Supplies Supplies Medical Equip E uipment Uniforms Travel Expense Gasoline Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Book County Tams County Tams County Tam 2.97 5.00 35.00 25.00 11.00 109.07 11.00 12.16 30.00 220.65 36.58 166.36 12.30 61.36 2,249.00 5.69 36.62 49.46 9.08 7.21 80.66 90.34 8.95 150.82 50.18 25.16 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 47 Burroughs Corporation Business Supply Company Butterfield, Maurine Campus House Inc Campus House Inc Cengas Citiz&n Printing Company City of Hastings Clerk of District Court Cobbs Manufacturing Co. Coats, Mrs W.C. Com«iercial Electronics Inc Coinuiercial Electronics Inc Credit Bureau of Hastings Crisler, John or Doris Dangberg & Associates DeLuxe Cleaning Services Deluxe Cleaning Services Inc Dept of Ag Communications Dieken, Mrs Karen Dietz Company Dutton-Lainson Company Eakes Office Equipment Eakes Office Equipment Eakes Office Equipment Eastman Kodak Company Egan Supply Co. Elley's Conoco & Auto Sales Fischer, Richard Fredericks, David Friens's Motor Supply Gene's Upholstery Gewecke, Wilbur Gimton Auto Supply Grace's Bike & Key Shop Great Plains H & M Equipment Hansen, Gordon L Hansen, Gordon L Hastings Battery & Electric Inc Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Electronics Hastings Skyways, Inc Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Hawes, Anita Henry's Service Repair Hoagland, Orville Hoselton, Jeanne Hupf, Gayle International Business Machines Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Keith's Drive In Drug Kelso Kelso Kindig Printing Service Kkager, Mrs Thordis Kohl, Adam Inc Supplies Supplies Reporting Vital Statistics Foster Care Foster Care Gas Service Supplies Zoning Permit Administration State Cases '& Mental Health Supplies Board Member Mileage Radio Repair Radio Repair & Check Weekly Bulletin Foster Care Cadastral Map Update Cleaning Services Cleaning Services Supplies Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Rental Supplies Supplies Service Charges Supplies Repairs & Labor Postage Board Member Mileage Supplies New Cushion Postage Supplies Keys Repairs Crystal Lake Project Mileage & Meals Mileage & Registeration Repairs Advertising Advertising Supplies Rental Supplies Utilities Utilities Oxygen Workshop & School Gasoline Mileage Mileage Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Medicine Supplies Supplies Supplies Foster Care Bonc 28.80 173.63 130.50 619.73 650.00 4.14 18.50 103.20 1,140.55 825.00 8.06 18.00 295.20 10.00 150.00 311.30 346.60 162.95 9.00 5.68 86.60 31.47 601.37 214.99 24.03 166.50 428.00 53.54 15.00 10.10 15.59 61.50 43.00 3.68 14.70 210.70 239.00 95.87 24.70 221.36 5.40 441.59 11.04 67.60 201.45 238.25 5,484.29 63.50 79.04 8.30 18.07 94.19 11.80 38.68 29.16 3.20 4.55 63.26 115.56 348.15 115.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Krieger Electric Laux, Larry Laird Motors Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Little Falls Paper Co. Mary Lanning Hospital Mary Lanning Hospital Matthew Bender & Company Inc Meredith, L. John Midland Area Agency on Aging Mid -Nebraska Distributing Co. Mobley, Beverly Modern Linen Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Modern Methods Inc Moore Business Forms Modern Methods Inc Nelson & Harding Nelson, Luwane Nelson, Luwane O'Keefe Elevator Co Inc O'Keefe Elevator Co Inc Palm, Carla L PPG Industries PPG Industries Platte V11ey Communications Reach Electronics Inc Redfield & Company Redfield & Company Republic National Life Ins Republic National Life Ins McIntire & McKinnis Drs Rinder Printing Co Ross, Mick or Anita Rutt's Pharmacy Schafer Printing Co Stephenson School Supply Co Stewart Plumbing Co. Swanson, Paul Talley, Don Talley, Don Thiel, Jake, Sheriff Thiel, Jake Thiel, Jake Thiel, Jake Thiel, Jake, Sheriff Thomsen Oil Co. 3-M Brand 3M Business Prod 3-M Brand Business Prod Tribune Vaughans Printers Inc United Bank Services Co Waits, Jackie Wafts Conoco Service Weber, Mrs Janice Wenske, Richard Western Paper Co. Williams Exterminating Co. Crystal Lake Prdiject Supplies Repairs Telephone & Toll Local Service Supplies Professional Professional Supplies Registration Fee Hand ibus Repairs Registration Mop Service Linen Service Mop Service Supply of Paper Supplies Maintenance Agreement Services & Expenses Mileage Miseellaneous Elevator Maintenance Service Call Post Office Box rent Supplies Supplies Radio Repair Supplies Supplies Supplies Insurance Coverage Insurance Coverage Professional Service Supplies Foster Care Medicine Supplies Supplies Repairs Mileage Ren t Rent Matron Fee Mileage Miscellaneous Food for Prisoners Mileage Gasoline Supplies Lease Agreement Subscription Supplies Supplies PO Box Rental Gasoline Board Member Mileage Shipping Charges Supplies Pest Control 705.61 10.56 94.32 2,034.42 38.00 161.32 Service 39.75 Service 122.55 127.50 6.00 3,000.00 35.20. & Mileage ,Misc. 33.85. 42.90 99.38 24.00 154.00 2,401.88 55.00 4.10 13.38 9.31 57.00 93.00 30.00 55.70 231.22 86.90 34.63 112.06 34.37 658.44 2,966.12 61.00 86.85 285.00 19.95 22.45 7.06 93.00 35.02 125.00 125.00 90.00 92.10 12.35 & Matron Fees 1178.50 2,467.64 135.96 8.63 71.33 36.50 16.76 65.64 22.00 559.04 12.14 4.98 104.70 7.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 4S Winkler, Maxine Woodwards Dispoaal Service Wycoff, Kevin M.D. Yost, C. G. Co. Treas. Yost, C. G. Co. Treas This Board will now recess Board. Mileage Disposal Service Professional Service Registration Fee Workshop Regis. & Lodg. I Mileage subject to the call of the Chairman County Clerk Deputy 1.53 49.46 20.00 6.00 242.52 of the COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday July 17,1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Absent: Hoagland. Motion by Burr, seconded by White that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available; -to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks gave a report of road work in the County. Terms of an agreement for purchase of a new shop site were discussed. Motion by Burr, seconded by Lightner that we authorize the Chairman to sign a purchase agreement with Mr and Mrs Joel Kueten for 40 acres more or less described as part of the E2 of the SES of Section 8, Township 7, Range 10, lying North of the Burlington Northern Right of Way, Adams County, Nebraska. Roll call, ayes: Lightner, Burr, White, Halloran and Ka.iley. Nays: Sole. Absent: Hoagland. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Halloran that we authorize the Chairman to sign a grant application for Highway safety. Grant to be funded on a 50-50 basis with the County share to be $6,515.10, Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that at the request of the Board of Education of Adams Central School, the County Treasurer be directed to transfer $500.00 from the General Fund to the Special Building Fund to correct an error on warrant number 460, dated December 11, 1978 and paid on December 13, 1978. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Burr that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTTE -' 79-7-17 WHEREAS, the reimbursements for State Administration Fund have not been received to balance the amount expended from the State Administration Fund, SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA WHEREAS, there are sufficient monies on hand in the Inheritance tax fund, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the county Treasurer be ordered to transfer $6,000. from the Inheritance Tax Fund to the State Adminis- tration Fund with the understanding that this amount will be returned to the Inheritance Tax Fund when sufficient reimbursement has been received from the State. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Halloran that we approve the release of J. C. 6208 in the amount of $100,000. to the Roseland State Bank. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr that we approve the bond of Wilbur E Gingrich, Dispatcher, in the amount of $10,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Lightner, that the County Treasurer be ordered and directed to transfer the amount of Personal Property Tax Relief designated for the Railroad Transportation District to the County General Fund as they have not levied tax for the past fiscal years. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by White that we approve the claim of Joel R and Rotha A Kueten in the amount of $2,000. on the Revenue Sharing Fund. Roll call, all voted aye.' Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Halloran that as recommended by the Planning Commission we approve the exemption of AO space under section 5-102 of the Zoning Resolution to Ron Katzberg for 6.4AC in the NEk of the NES. of Section 3, Juniata Township, Adams County, Nebraska. Roll call, allvoted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr that we hold executive session for the purpose of labor negotiations. Roll call, ayes: Lightner, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Nays: Sole, Absent: Hoagland. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:10 A.M. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr to resume regular session. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. `Regular session resumed at 12:15 P.M. The afternoon session was spent as a budget work session, reviewing budget requests. This meeting will now recti the Adams County Board ap_ ea' ect to the call of the Chairman of ors. Cha __r COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 24, 1979 9:30A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by White, seconded by Burr that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Judge Haverly; Richard Finnerty, Juvenile Probation Officer; and Stephen Scherr, Public Defender appeared to discuss application for grant funds for a Boy's Group Home. It was indicated that the County share of $3,600. was available from the funds appropriated in the Juvenile Probation Budget for Foster Care, The Board took the matter under consideration. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Halloran that the following resolution be adopted. RESOLUTION 79-7-24 (A resolution applying for Federal Funds for engineering Design of a bridge between sections 26 & 27, T6N, R1OW, estimated total length of bridge 300 L.F.--Complete text of resolution on file in the County Clerk's office) See text below: WHEREAS, Certain roads and streets in said County have been designated as being elitlible for Federal funds by the Federal Highway Administration in compliance with Federal Laws pertaining thereto, and, WHEREAS, Said County desires to improve a certain portion of the County Road System in said County, more fully described hereinafter, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Department of Roads is hereby requested to act for said County and to program for construction that portion of County Road described as Engineering Design of Bridge (Crossing the Little Blue River) Between Sections 26 & 27, T6N, RIOW (Estimated Total Length of Bridge 300 L.F.) The Estimated cost of such improvement : Surveys and Plans ESTIMATED Total for Project $14,990.00 Surveys and Plans will be made by Cook, Flatt & Strobel Engineers, P.A. 224 E. 13th St Crete, Nebraska 68333. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Chairman of the County Board is authorized to sign this resolution on behalf of said Board and that the County Board hereby approves the above contemplated construction prior to first submitting of said project to the Federal Highway Administration. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That sufficient funds of said County are no or will be, available and are hereby pledged to the Department of Roads in the amount and at the required time for the purpose of matching Federal Funds available for the contemplated construction. Adopted this 24th day of July, 1979 at Hastings , NEbraska. Motion by Lightner Roll call All voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Hoagland that we advertise for bids for asphalt overlay on the road starting at Hiway 6 and the Maxon gate at the former N.A.D. and going south one mile. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. It was agreed to use the scarifier on the road east to the National — Guard area and to shorten the radius on the intersection. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Tax Situs of an automobile was referred to the County Attorney. Motion by White, seconded by Hoagland that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed and author.. ized to write warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND County Supervisors Salaries County Clerk's Office Salaries County Treasurer's Office Salaries Rigister of Deeds Office Salaries Switchboard Operator Salary County Assessor's Office Salaries County Superintendent's Office Salaries Planning & Zoning Office Salaries Data Processing 0L_fi_ce Salaries Clerk of the District Court Office Salaries Adams County Board of Mental. Health Salaries Public Defender Office Salaries Courthouse Janitors Salaries County Extension Office Salaries County Sheriffs Office Salaries County Attorney's Office Salaries County Sheriff's Office (Jailers) Salaries Ambulance Department Veterans Service Office Stromer, Paul Burchard, Minnie M Cornhusker Press Gartner, Rena Hastings Typewriter Co. Hayen, Rachel Kidd, C. H. Lincoln Telephone Co. Office of Public Defender Reutlinger, Lila Story, Roscoe Road Department Anderson, Roy Austin, Weslie Harpham, Gilbert Koch, Dave Mousel, Virgil Nebr Dept of Rev. Poore, Delbert Stromer, Paul Struss, Lambert R Witte, Lloyd County Library Fund Weed Control State Duthie, Eva B Salaries Salaries Salary Prior Service Supplies Prior Service Misc. & Printing Prior Service Prior Services Service Office Expense Prior Service Prior Service 3500.00 4841.85 6404.00 2458.00 508.00 4442_.66 1754.67 2133.33 1436.82 2226,.92 750.00 2618.00 2365.00 4596.84 10,667.67 6589.33 6861.18 7886.00 2184.67 128.14 14.00 21.30 25.00 9.71 25.00 48.00 66.30 711.01 14.00 15.00 ROAD FUND Salaries 24,840.46 Prior Service 25.00 Prior Service 25.00 Prior Service 14.00 Prior Service 25.00 Prior Service 12.00 Sales Tax 5.70 Prior Service 25.00 Prior Service 13.00 Prior Service 12.00 Prior Service 22.00 COUNTY LIBRARY Salaries 1083.57 WEED CONTROL FUND Salaries 1929.60 STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Salaries Prior Service 16,597.79 14.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA RELIEF -MEDICAL Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Catastrophic Illness Dr. Tom Toniges Catastrophic Illness Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Catastrophic Illness 935.72 370.00 240.00 This Board will recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, July 31, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board ofS.Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks gave a report of the progress of road work in the County. He indicated increased costs in gasoline, gravel, patching asphalt, bid asphalt and lumber and said he could forsee no improving of the situation. Discussion was held concerning mowing along the toads, with coLnL1ent that it was the land owners responsibility. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Halloran that we allow five Road Dept. employees 1 step and the 7% increase in wages when due with the book's keeper allowed a 7% increase. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Harper appeared for Mid -Nebraska Mental Retardation to request the°BPard to reconsider their budget request. A group appeared representing South Central Mental Health Assoc. to ask the Board to reconsider their budget request. Richard Wenske, Ambulance Director, asked the Board to reconsider request concerning merit raises for ambulance employees. The Board took all of these requests into consideration and will make the determination when finishing budget preparation. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Lightner that we authorize the Chairman to sign a quit claim deed and a General Assignment and Bill of Sale concerning Western Plastics IDA Bond. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by White that we approve the release of JC7865, JC7966, JC8188 to the Adams County Bank and approve the pledging of JC8664, $20,000.; JC8663, $20,000; JC8662, $20,000.; JC8661, $20,000; JC8660, $5,000.; JC8659, $5,000.; JC8658, $5,000.; 04. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA and JC8657, $5,000. by the Adams County Bank. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr that we authorize the Chairman to sign the grant application for a Boy's Group Home. Roll call, ayes: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White and Kailey. Nays: Halloran. Motion carried. Burr left meeting. Terry Marshall Civil Defense Director asked the Board to reconsider the budget request for Civil Defense. He also asked the Board to adopt a County Civil Defense Plan. The matter will be studied. Wm Belz, representing the Historical Society appeared to present a plan for disbursement of funds if the Centennial Commission, were to be dis-banded. Motion by White, seconded by Lightner, that we approve the tentative County Budget as prepared in Version #3 as amended. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Hoagland that we approve the claims on Relief -Medical Fund and authorize the County Clerk to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. (see Relief Medical Fund listed on July 24,1979 meeting) This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of S ors. (.5012- *: i '` eal�r s ��p�IIY.���� COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 7, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, Halloran and Kailey, Absent: White. Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland, that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was availbble to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger parks, Highway Superintendent Have a report of the road work in the county. He reported a bridge over the Little Blue River, closed for repairs and replacement of stringers, but said it should be open for traffic in another day. The Road Committee determined that the Board should ask for proposals for a motor grader. The Building & Grounds Committee reported that an extra drain in the roof had been ordered while making repairs to the roof. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA A group representing Hastiags Economic Development Corporation appeared to request the Board to reconsider the appropriation for HEDC in the budget. They gave testimony to show that money given in support of HEDC should be considered an investment and not as expense, citing taxes realized by the County from businesses locating in the Industrial Park West. The Board indicated that they felt they just did not have funds to increase the appropriation in the fiscal budget. Representatives from HEDC strongly urged the Board to give consideration to funding a larger amount next year. At 10:00 A.M Public Hearing was held concerning the County Budget for 1979-80. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 79-8-7 WHEREAS, a proposed County budget for the Fiscal Year 7-1-79 to 6-30-80. prepared by the Budget Making Authority, was transmitted to the County Board on the .31st day of July, 1979, and WHEREAS, a summary of such proposed Budget, together with a Notice of Public Hearing to be held on the 7th day of August, 1979, was published in the Hastings Daily Tribune, legal newspaper, on the 2nd day of August, 1979, and WHEREAS, A Public Hearing was held, pursuant to said published notice, on the 7th day of August, 1979, and WHEREAS, as action of the State Board of Equalization has been had and certified to the County Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of County Super- visors of Adams County, Nebraska, as follows: Section 1. That the Budget for the Fiscal Year, 7-1-79 to 6-30-80, as categorically evidenced by the Budget Document be, and the same hereby is, adopted as the Budget for Adams County for said fiscal year. Section 2. That the office, departments, activities and institutions herein before named and hereby authorized to expend the amounts herein before appropriated to them during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1979 and ending June 30, 1980. Section 3. That the income necessary to finance the appropriations made and expenditures authorized shall be provided obit of the unencum- bered cash balance in each fund, revenues other than taxation bo be collected during the fiscal year in each fund, and tax levy requirements for each fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Hoagland that as adopted in the Budget Document the County Treasurer be ordered to transfer funds as follows: $85,000. from Inheritance Fund to Road Fund. $100,000. from Inheritance Fund to General Fund. The balance remaining in the Courthouse Bond Fund after all coupons and bonds have been paid, and any future collections designated for said fund to the County General Fund. Roll call,.all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that it would be in the best interest of the County to observe the following changes in the schedule of County Board meetings. No meeting on August 28, 1979. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA A Meeting to be held on Friday, August 31, 19/9 for setting tax levies. No meeting on September 4, 1979. Meeting to allow.claims to be held on September 11, 1979. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. White entered meeting at 10:45 A.M. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Hoagland that we approve the following exchange of custody receipts. Release JC4790 in the amount of $30,000. Pledging of JC8671 in the amount of $100,000. and JC8672 in the amount of $100,000. by Adams County Bank, Kenesaw. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list correction No.6973. Roll call., all voted aye. ' Motion carried. Jack Gidding appeared to present a proposal to the Board for exchanging the rental machine in the Register of Deeds office. The matter was referred to the Buildings and Grounds Committee with power to act. Motion by Lightner, seconded by White that the reports of Ambulance(4) Clerk of District Court, Building Permits, Register of Deeds, Sheriff, Library, County Clerk and Car Titles be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by White that we proceed with the request of the Adams County Hastings Centennial Co mmission aaideclare said agency to be dissolved. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Sheriff Thiel appeared to inquire about insurance coverage for liability. The matter was referred to the Insurance Committee to check and report back to the Board. He also asked for the locks on the jail to be inspected. Another area of inquiry was matron fees. The Board agreed to check with the County Attorney and study the matter. Councilman Powers requested that a joint meeting be set with members of the City Council and County Board concerning the landfill. A date to be selected later. At.representative from the Webster and Nuckolls County Boards appeared to request Adams County participation for hard -surfacing four miles on the Pauline -South road extending into Webster County. Adams County delayed any action until consultation with the County Attorney con- cerning participation on another County's project. Motion by Burr, seconded by Sole that the Miscellaneous receipts be accepted and made a part.of this Supervisor's proceedings. Roll call, all voted. aye. Motion carried. 1309 Adams County Court 17.50 1310 State of Neb. 2,244.41 1311 Register of Deeds 33.48 1312 Adams County Clerk 57.00 1313 County Court 6,842.20 1314 County Court 372.00 1315 Rthgister of Deeds 13.62 1316 Clerk of District Court 1,475.50 1317 Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Co. 319.66 1318 Adams County Court 1,052.09 1319 Dale Schultz 325.30 1320 LaVern Muhleisen-Agent 394.40 1321 County Clerk .25 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 1322 Webster Co. Treas. 198.50 1323 Webster Co. Treas. 243.47 1324 Webster Co. Treas. 749.86 1325 Webster Co. Treas. 640.40 1326 Ambulance Service 768.38 1327 L. J. Meredith 10.00 1328 City of Hastings 124.75 1329 Register of Deeds 1,434.67 1330 Adams County Bank 791.67 1331 County Court 14.00 1332 County Court 956.88 1333 Ann's Coffee Shop 25.00 1334 State of Nebr. 43,443.09 1335 First National Bank 4,684.93 1336 St. Michael's Church 288.10 1337 Webster Co. 843.50 1338 Village of Juniata 3,600.00 1339 City National Bank & Trust 2,380.96 1340 Nuckolls County 723.00 1341 County Court 2,027.17 1342 City National Bank & Trust 550.00 1343 U. S. Treasury 45,378.00 1344 County Clerk 395.75 1345 County Clerk 2,121.50 1346 State of Neb 12,460.08 1347 Saline Co. Clerk 1,325.50 1348 Co. Clerk 243.49 1349 Harlan County 843.50 1350 Ambulance Service 784.22 1151 Noxious Weed Dist 1,949.27 1152 Henry Mangers Estata 3,889.44 1153 First National B-nk 3,123.29 1154 Kathy Nielsen 3.00 1355 William Canten 3.00 1356 Village of Holstein 100.00 1357 Fillmore Co. 723.00 1358 Kearney County 843.50 1359 Franklin Co. 843.50 1360 Adams County Court 21.00 1361 Hall County Treasurer 846.43 1362 Hall County Treasurer 226.43 1363 Hall County Treasurer 100.58 1364 Hall County Treasurer 126.57 1365 Hall County Treasurer 68.72 1366 Hall Co. Treasurer 11.36 1367 Hall Co. Treas. 40.68 1368 First National Bank 760.27 1369 Midland Nutrition for Elderly 73.00 1370 Midland Area Agency on Aging 137.00 1371 Phelps Co. Clerk 1,084.50 1372 Jefferson Co. Judge 44.00 1373 State of Nebr. 7,437.00 1374 State of Nebr 12,934.00 1375 Ambulance Dept 450.80 1376 Register of Deeds 72.00 1377 Register of Deeds 2,108.25 1378 Adams Co. Court 150.00 1379 Adams Co. Court 25.00 1380 Adams Co. Court 165.00 1381 Adams County Court 25.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 1382 State of Nebraska 1383 Adams County Highway Dept 1384 Adams County Sheriffs Office 1385 County Court 1386 County Court 1387 County Court 1388 County Court 1389 First National Bank 1390 Noxious Weed 1391 County Court 1392 Ambulance 1393 State of Nebraska 1394 Senior Services 1395 County Court 1396 County Court 1397 County Judge of Jefferson Co. 1398 State of NEb 1399 County Court 1400 County Court 1401 Register of Deeds 1402 Village of Kenesaw 1403 County Court 1404 Ambulance 2,992.55 122.48 1,021.16 449.01 25.00 275.00 1,260.55 821.57 882.86 100.00 681.50 16,000.00 1,069.07 350.00 35.00 40.00 845.25 150.00 100.00 17.84 6,659,42 589.69 327.50 Motion by White, seconded by Lightner that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed and authorized to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. F. D. Catlett, M.D Richard Dickerson Hastings Pediatric Clinic Hastings Utilities Home Health Services Gary Lespreance Gary Lespreance D. H. Lockwood DDS Mary Lanning Memorial Hospit Gary Medinger Gary Medinger L. L. Morris Revolving Fund Nebr. Dept Public Welfare Pooh Corner V Rred J Thaut Walgreen Drug Store Walgreen Drug Store Peggy Borrell Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Mary Fraser Dr. Elmer Glenn Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Co. Margaret Hinrichs Dr. George Hoffmeister Dr. David Krohn Lincoln Telephone Company Garnet Meyer L. L. Morris RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Professional Service 34.00 Foster Care 230.20 Professional Service 32.00 Utilities for W. Mitchum 41.81 Services for Rose Wood 54.00 Foster Care 190.00 Foster Care 190,00 Professional Service 127.00 al Professional Service 35.00 Foster Care 83.30 Foster Care 230.20 Revolving Fund 30.45 Vendor Payments 25,701.22 Day Care 5.00 Rent for W Mitchum 225.00 Medicine for Donald Willy 5.52 Medicine for Gary Jewett 5.68 STATE ADMINISTRATIVE FUND Mileage Supplies Bulletin Mileage Professional .service Advertising Supplies Mileage Professional Service Professional Service Telephone Mileage Welfare Ass'n, Dues 5.44 104.83 5.00 13.60 10.00 12.63 10.00 20.91 3.00 17.00 219.13 51.51 24,00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Natl Automobile Dealers Pat Osman Marlys Schmidt Dr. Robert Smith Beverly Soterin Mary Thompson U.S. Postmaster Dr. George L Welch Sheila Williamson Dr. Devin Wycoff Republic National Ins Co. WEED Centra Chemical Services Inc Farmers Union Co-op Gas & Oil Frien's Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Co. Hastings Daily Tribune Jahnke's Klein & Manske Agency Knapp Sheet Metal Works Kulhman Repair Southern Power District Timm's Service Republic National Life Jim Nikkila Hastings Typewriter Co. Beatrice State Develop Center Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Baker & Taylor Companies Children's Press Doubleday & Co. Inc Hastings Public Library Subscription Mileage Mileage Professional Service Mileage Mileage Postage Professional Service Mileage Professional Service Insurance CONTROL Supplies Gas & Supplies Parts Telephone Legal Advertising tarts Insurance Repair Parts & Repair Lights Parts & Service Insurance ESCROW FUND Project #C1-52 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING Desk for County Judge STATE INSTITUTIONS Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care COUNTY LIBRARY Books Books Supplies Bookmobile Service ca Adams Co. Highway Dept Adams Co. Highway Dept Allen's of Hastings Baum Iron Company Big G Case Power K Equipment Clarke Oil Company Commercial Electronics Construction Service Equipment Co-op Grain & Supply Delken Press Larry Donelson State Librarian Dutton-Lainson Company Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Firestone Stores Friends Motor Supply Garvey Elevators Glenwood Telephone Ur ;TY ROAD Petty Cash Postage Supplies Parts Supplies Parts Diesel fuel & Oil Radio Repair Parts Parts Office Supplies Supplies Supplies Diesel Tire Repairs Supplies Gasoline Telephone 19.00 77.86 3.74 3.00 22.10 8.16 200.00 10.00 8.84 3.00 700.09 202.70 11.75 3.87 20.70 20.66 3.40 823.40 12.20 105.10 16.27 13.00 41.44 14,323.56 595.00 1,170.00 108.80 3,157.00 63.00 582.00 25.99 ©59.99 84 7.7 2_ 525.50 22.25 29.98 29.98 277.45 219.05 162.56 1,015.43 98.50 18 ., 96 2 20.00 34.65 96.38 170.04 22.98 262.65 15.77 31.83 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Green's H & M Equipment Hastings Ass'n of Ins. Agents Hastings Battery & Elec. Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Typewriter Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Island Supply Jahnke's Agri -Home Johnson Cashway Co. Kenesaw Oil & Supply Kerr Chevrolet Laird Mtors Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Equipment Company Lincoln Telephone Co. McClelland Farm Eq. Major Oil Company Major Oil Company Midwest Service & Sales Modern Linen Service Mr. Automotive Nebraska Correctional Inds. Nebraska Dept. of Roads Nebraska Public Power Nebraska Tractor L. L. Olson Sinclair L. L. Olson Oil Co. Peterson Bros. Marion Peterson Republic National Life Shafer Implement Co. Shaws Service Southern Power District Southern Power District Standard Blue Stewart Plumbing & Heating 3M General Offices 3 Points Tire Service L. J. Vontz Construction Co. Inc. L. J. Vontz Construction Co. Inc. Werner Construction Wheeler's Farm Store Wheeler St./ Regis Adams County Court Adams Co. Red Cross Adams Co. Treas. Allen's American Data Products Bancroft -Whitney Co. Bank Card Service Center Beck, Sid Bee Printing & Office Supptie Berg, Mrs. Glenn Big G Big G Booth, R. C. Enterprises Parts & Labor Gravel Insurance Parts & Labor Advertising Supplies Utilities Supplies Parts Supplies Supplies Diesel Parts Parts Gravel Parts Parts Parts 1. Telephone Parts Oil Oil Parts Supplies Parts Supplies Project #RS2185 (1) Utilities Parts Gasoline Gasoline & Diesel Supplies Mileage Insurance Supplies Gasoline, Diesel, Relocate Poles Electricity Supplies Parts Supplies Tire Repair Gravel & Asphalt Project #C1-66 (1) Hot Mix Tool Box Supplies COUNTY GENERAL Court Cases Swim Program Postage Supplies Supplies Supplies 1. Gasoline Board Member Mileage s Supplies Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies 259.98 10,964.40 16,048.32 29.68 8.03 6.58 64.84 10.00 124.08 25.03 585.91 539.00 11.89 21.75 11,720.12 4,784.54 526.25 319.32 242.36 9.93 118.80 163.80 157.00 12.20 508.66 1,686.00 53,922.66 1.46 79.68 123.18 2,425.68 4,739.52 29.75 977.73 25.62 Misc. 752.26 801.00 81.15 1.3.80 22.28 62.56 32.75 15,084.93 63,066.54 2,786.59 84.95 2,736.91.. 164.38 2000.00 184.35 7.91. 96.21 39.60 11.55 9.08 11.28 7.21. 63.22 17.03 46.51 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Brown, Susan Burroughs Corporation Campus House Inc. Cengas/Minnesota Gas Co. City of Hastings City of Friend City of Hastings City Wide Rentals Clerk of District Court Coats, Mrs. W. C. Classen, Mrs. Claire Commercial Electronics Inc. Commercial Electronics Inc. Computer Election Systems Co. Exte. Office Crisler, John or Dori Deluxe Cleaning Services Deluxe Cleaning Services Deluxe Cleaning Services Dieken, Mrs. Karen Dietz, Company Division of Communications Donelson, Larry D State Lib. Dunmire & Blessing Dutton-Lainson Co. Dyer, Robert E Credit Bureau of Hastings Eakes Office Equipment Eakes Office Equipment Exon, J.J. Co. Golden Triangle Lumber Co. Halloran Battery & Electric Serv. Hansen, Gordon L. Hastings Assoc. of Ins. Agents Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Family Practice Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Haverly, Harry C. Co. Judge Hearne Brothers Henry's Service & Repair Herndon, Jerry R.T. Hoagland, Orville Hoselton, Jeanne Hoselton, Jeanne Hugo Heyen Co. Hugo Heyen Co. IBM IBM Kelso Kindig Printing Service Klopp Printing Co. Kohl, Adam Ins. Levander's Lincoln Tele & Tele Lincoln Telephone Co. Mileage Supplies Foster Care Gas Service 23.46 146.40 650.00 4.16 Zgning Permit Administration 69 ,60 Electric Service 34.4 Civil Defense Expense 2077.00 Rental 6.00 State Cases & Mental Health 595.38 Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Radio Repair Radio Repair Warranty Supplies Foster Care Cleaning Service Cleaning Service Cleaning Service Board Member Mileage Supplies Communications Rental Library Expense Professional Service Supplies Cyrstal Lake Project Bulletin Service Supplies Rental Supplies Supplie s Repairs Travel Expenses Insurance Coverage Repairs Advertising Advertising Professional Service Supplies Utilities Utilities Oxygen Supplies Maps Gasoline X -Rays Transportation Mileage Retirement Supp. Repairs Supplies Supplies & Maintenance Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Bond Repair Hot Line Telephone & Toll 8.06 8.74 22.00 169.55 890.00 7.50 150.00 98.95 4.25 331.55 5.68 25.50 456.35 110.20 227.50 25.77 310.00 6.00 654.61 559.27 69.64 11.73 92.02 157.89 35,347.68 321.38 461.38 116.54 117.00 129.39 509.05 6237.12 40.70 1.33 152.50 8.76 50.00 74.00 56.16 25.00 47.00 144.00 731.50 215.62 39.00 436.82 42.50 115.00 32.85 62.50 73.32 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Lincoln Telephone Co. McDonalds McIntyre W. Don Mary Lanning Memorial Hosp. Mary Lanning Memorial Hosp. Michie Co. Midland Area Agency on Aging Mid -Nebraska Distributing Co. Midstate Enterprises Inc. Mobley, Irwin L Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Monroe Calculator Co. NACO Conference Reg. Center NEC America Inc. NA SCO Narcoticis Law Bulletin National Microfilm Supply Nebr. State Library Nebr. Typewriter Co. Nelson Harding Nelson, Luwane Nienhueser, Doug O'Keefe Elevator Co. PPG Industries PPG Industries PPG Industries Petty Cash Pooh Corner Infant & Child Care Powell Tower Maint Reach Electronics Inc. Redfield & Co. Redfield & Co. Regional III Mental Health Register of Deeds RNI Robare's Fixit Shop Rockfort Ind. Sears Roebuck Co. Sempek, Edward Share Corp. Simmons, Captian Billy C. Spearman Publishing & Printing Sporting Goods Inc. Sporting Goods Inc. Stephens, Walter F. Jr. Swanson, Paul Talley, Don The Ink Spot Thiel, Jake Thiel, Jake Thiel, Jake Thomsen Oil Co. 3M Business Products Sales Inc. 3M Business Products Sales United Bank Services Co. University of Nebr. University of Nebr. Walt's Conoco Service Weber, Mrs. Janice Wenske, Richard Western Paper Co. Williams, Art, Ind. Woodwards Disposal Service Youth Development Center Telephone & Toll Uniforms Office Supplies Professional Service Professional Service Supplies Handi-Bus Repairs Service Mileage Linen Service Mop Service Maintenance Reg. Fee Repairs Supplies Supplie s Supplies Supplies Supplies Professional Service Mileage Board Member Mileage Repair Repair Supplies Supplies Supplies Foster Care Tower Rental Supplies & Repair Supplies Supplies Funding Postage Insurance Coverage Repairs Supplies Repairs Foster Care Supplies Conference Supplies Supplies Supplies Badges Mileage Rental Supplies Food for risones & matron Fee Mileage Mileage Gasoline Supplies Lease Supplies Wats Line Supplies Gasoline Board Member Mileage Seminar Tutition Supplies Supplies Disposal Service Foster Care 2144.93 15.50 455.00 51.90 5.00 15.91 2480.93 33.50 10.50 112.71 95.21 24.00 116.00 95.00 32.86 3.47 27.50 12.87 34.65 18.41 5.13 60.96 10.44 52.81 121.29 46.51 119.20 12.44 420.00 105.00 63.64 351.25 116.06 4000.00 128.37 3341.37 6.50 295.85 12.35 140.00 407.28 120.00 45.50 13.27 32.00 19.45 61.05 125.00 53.10 1300.50 2202.64 75.62 125.77 106.77 71.33 99.45 57.12 63.10 653.64 12.14 60.00 105.72 118.80 68.46 210.00 Af(46 7:7,71 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA r: 4 Youth Development Center Sempek, Edward This Board will now recess Foster Care Foster Care 180.00 140.00 subject to the call of the Chairman. County Clerk hairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, August 14, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kailey, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Absent: Sole. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that this meeting is a regularly__ scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Sole entered meeting at 9:25 A.M. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report of the progress of road work in the County. He reported that the roller had been delivered with an 8 H.P. engine instead of the 10HP engine as ordered. The Board instructed him to ask for $1,000. deduction from the purchase price or reject the machine and request a 10 H.P. As ordered. Motion by Burr, seconded by Lightner that we authorize the Chairman to sign the final estimate for reimbursement for the Traffic Safety Study. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Sole that the claim of Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District for Adams County Share on the Hastings Northwest Flood Control Structure for purchase of Right-of-way be approved in the amount of $30,000. on the Inheritance Fund and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue a warrant for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Public hearing was held concerning a revision to the County Zoning Ordinance. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that after public hearing we approve the revision to the County Zoning Ordinance Sec. 5-102(D) and Sec. 5-102(E) concerning a renewal procedure for mobile home accessory facility and mobile home used as a principal residence. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Halloran that we authorize the Civil Defense Director to return the grant for an E.O.C. Center to the proper authorities. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. A County Civil Defense Plan was presented to the Board for review and discussion. While the Board approved the basic concept of the plan they did not adopt it and requested the Civil Defense Director to write simple directives for the different agencies and bring them back to SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA the Board. Steve Scherr appeared concerning salaries for personnel in his office. Bids were received for asphalt surfacing on the road from the Maxim Gate at the N.A.D. extending south for one mile. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Halloran that we accept the low bid of L. J. Vontz Construction Co. for project CL -73(1) at $35,840. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Eakes Office Equipment presented a proposal for a new filing system in the Clerk of the District Court's office. The matter was referred to the Building and Grounds Committee for further study. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that at the request of the Kenesaw School Board, the County Treasurer be authorized and instructed to transfer any monies remaining in the Bond fund after all bonds and coupons are paid, and any future collections designated therefor, to, the School 3 R General Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Sole that we approve the Bond of Larry Peterson as Deputy Sheriff, bond in the amount of $10,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland seconded by Sole that we authorize the Chairman to transfer the title to the van used by Campus House to Speake Motor Co. in Kearney. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors. 'COURTHOUSE, Tuesday, August 21, 1979 Chairman HASTINGS, NEBRASKA 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report of the progress of road work in the County. Motion by Lightner, seconded by White that the Chairman be authorized bo sign the contract with L. J. Vontz Construction Co. for Project C1-73(1). Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The County Attorney checked and approved the documents in reference to purchase of land from Joel and Rotha Keuten. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland that upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission, we approve a permit for a mobile home to be used for a principal residence on SZ SWC Sec, 26, Verona Township. Gary and Sharon Coats, Applicants. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that we authorize purchase of a dual pitch IBM typewriter. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Lightner that whereas past history shows that Legislative action concerning tax reform has resulted in an increase of the tax burden to the people in the State of Nebraska, therefor this Board go on record opposing a Special Session of the Legislature. Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Burr that the claims be approved on their respective funds and the County Clerk by authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye, Motion carried. County Supervisors County Clerk's Office County Treasurer's Office Register of Deeds Communications County Assessor's Office County Superintendent Office Planning & Zoning Office Data Processing Clerk of the Dist. Court Mental Health Board Office of Public Defender Courthouse Janitors Agri Extension Office Sheriff's Office County Attorney's Office Sheriff's Office (Jail) Ambulance Service Veterans Service Office Land Fill Burchard, Minnie M. Gartner, Rena Hansen, Gordon L Hayen, Rachel Gockerman, Betty Utecht, Patricia A. Sorensen, Ella Kidd, C.H. Office of Public Defender Reutlinger, Lila Story, Roscoe E. State Administrative Duthie, Eva B. Weed Control GENERAL FUND Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Prior Service Prior Service Fair Premiums Prior Service Special Election Special Election Special Election Prior Service Rent, Expenses & Misc. Prior Service Prior Service STATE ADMINISTRATIVE FUND Salaries Prior Service WEED CONTROL FUND Salaries 3,500.00 5,202.84 5,537.83 2,548.08 544.00 4,840.38 1,796.67 2,272.00 1,490.08 2,249.96 1,000.00 2,738.00 2,501.76 4,794.94 12,617.32 6,955.33 5,336.00 9,615.63 2,254.67 121.22 14.00 25.00 600.00 25.00 25.30 33.39 33.39 32.00 728.64 14.00 15.00 15,556.31 14.00 2,014.78 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA County Library Road Anderson, Roy <u tin, Weslie Harpham, Gilbert L. Koch, Dave Mousel, Virgil Poore, Delbert Stromer, Paul Struss, Lambert R. Witt, Lloyd State of Neb. Dept. of Labor LIBRARY FUND Salaries ROAD FUND Salaries Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service EMPLOYMENT SECURITY FUND Unemployment Benefits 1,135.11 2.6 ,409.43_ 25.00 25.00 14.00 25.00 12.00 25.00 13.00 12.00 22.00 258.00 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board. . .q COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, August 31, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that this meeting is a scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, All voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by White that we approve the release of Joint Custody receipt JC8480 in the amount of $100,000. and J.C.8528 in the amount of $60,000. to the Adams County Bank, Kenesaw, NE. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Sole that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No.6973 through 6975. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. A demonstration of copying equipment was given by Modern Methods. Discussion was held concerning a different location for the new ramp,. It was determined that the ramp should be located on the South side of the building and a change order authorized. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA A pres -Atation was made concerning copying equipment by Eakes Office Equipment Co. Dixie Conner appeared to discuss several matters concerning operation of the Senior Handibuses. Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland that we accept the proposal and authorize the Chairman to sign a contract with Rowell Correctional Corporation to repair the locking device in the County Jail for $025.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Halloran that this Board act as a Board of Equalization as per notice given. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Motion by Halloran, seconded by Burr that the following resolution be adopted. WHEREAS, action taken by the State Board of Equalization has been certified to the County of Adams. WHEREAS, valuations are being action taken by the State Board of WHEREAS, budget requests have within Adams County, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Adams County Board of Equalization acting as a levying board, hereby sets levies for the following sub -divisions, based on estimated valuations, SAID LEVIES TO BE CORRECTED PRIOR TO THE PREPARATION OF THE TAX ROLLS, after valuations have been certified. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. computed in compliance Equalization, been received from the with the Sub -divisions S UBD IV IS ION COUNTY TAX General fund Road Relief Medical Soldiers & Sailors Courthouse Bond Weed Control Institutions Federal Grants Revenue Sharing Welfare Administration Inheritance Tax Employment Security GENERAL LEVIES 2.63 2.57 1.84 Relief .01 None .15 .31 None Non e Non e Non e Non e CITIES AND VILLAGE TAXES Hastings Hastings Airport Authority Juniata Kenesaw Ayr Roseland Holstein Prosser Trumbull TOWNSHIP TAX West Blue Highland Verona Kenesaw 17.26 .61 11.63 16.92 9.18 4.90 18.88 .61 Clay County .59 .52 .34 Non e Levy BOND SINKING SPEC.BLDG c.".ceit° \I Pk 41') oto' 60 itt .23 None Won e 6.17 3.41 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA SUBDIVISION Wanda Juniata Denver Blaine Hanover Ayr Roseland Cottonwood Logan Silver Lake Zero Little Blue SCHOOL DISTRICTS 1 Juniata 3R Kenesaw 8 Pauline 11R Holstein 15 18 Hastings 29 33 42 Roseland 53 Ayr 60 65-67 75 81 9a Adams Central 13R Franklin 26 Hall 31R Webster 19 Buffalo 74 Webster 101 Trumbull 1-C Clay 71 Nuckolls 3R Minden RURAL FIRE DISTRICTS Roseland Rural Fire Dist. Holstein Rural Fire Dist Juniata Rural Fire Dist. Hastings Rural Fire Dist. Kenesaw Rural Fire Dist. Glenvil Rural Fire Dist. Trumbull Rural Fire Dist. Lawrence Rural Fire Dist Blue Hill Rural Fire Dist MISCELLANEOUS LEVIES County Fair (Agric. Soc.) Central Tech. Comm College Educ. Service Unit #9 Educ. Service Unit #10 Educ. Service Unit #11 Free High Tuition County Library GENERAL .74 . 03 .51 .20 .14 .34 .56 .28 . 70 1.07 .57 .55 14,95 24,33 16.73 13.12 3.56 36.95 1.69 5.39 30.82 6.92 11.21 13.60 5.40 4.43 10.13 1.53 To be certified BOND SINKING SPEC,BLDG tcc 40 1401- u V4 1.71 2.13 old .29 new .82 old 1.39 new 1.20 To be To be To be To be To be To be To be To be .32 .78 .31 .27 .13 .46 To be To be To be .06 To be To be To be To be 10.29 .24 Certified certified certified certified certified certified certified Certified certified certified certified certified certified certified certified .61 .55 .41 .31 .41 .29 .02 .56 2.37 1.17 .23 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA SUBDIVISION Sanitary Improv.Dist #1 Sanitary Improv. Dist #2 NRD #1 Upper Big Blue NRD #2 Little Blue R R Safety Trans. Dist #1 GENERAL 3.51 4.56 To be To be None BOND 9.49 None certified certified This Board will now recess subject to the call Adams County Baord of Supervisors. SINKING SPEC.BLDG of the Chairman of the County Clerk COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 11, 1979 9:30AM The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by Burr, seconded by White that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by Posting. An agenda was available to the members end an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report on the progress of road work in the County. Robert Neeman appeared to discuss with the Board the need for shouldering on the Adams Central Road to prevent further accidents. Mr. Parks predicted that the road crews would be working on the project in another week. Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland that we authorize a permit for construction of a basement only on the following described land, to wit: Beginning 200 feet North of the South line of the NW, Section 5, then 1324.5 feet east and parallel to the South line, then 1010.59 ft north and parallel to the West line of Section 5, then west 1324.5 feet and parallel to the South line of the NW3/4, then south 1010.59 feet to the point of beginning, a total of 30.7 acres in NWk, Section 5, Denver Townghip--Adams County, flabraaka. Applicant: Craig Weseman. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Halloran that we authorize the Chairman to sign the Statement of Assurances for Revenue Sharing Entitlement Period 11. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTI 0 N 79-9-11 A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE COUNTY OF ADAMS TO ISSUE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF ADAMS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED ONE MILLION ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA THE ACQUISITION OF AN INDUSTRIAL PROJECT CONSISTING OF A GRAIN PROCESSING AND STORAGE FACILITY TO BE LEASED TO TRUMBULL COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, The County of Adams , State of Nebraska (the "County") is duly organized and existing as a County under the Constitution and laws of the State of Nebraska and is authorized and empowered by the provisions of the Nebraska Industrial Development Act, Chapter 18, Section 16, Nebraska Revised Statutes, as amended (the '!Act"), to acquire, whether by construction, purchase, devise, gift or lease, or any one or more of such methods, one or more ''projects", as that term is defined in the Act, and to issue revenue bonds for the purpose of paying the cost of Acquiring or improving a project; and WHEREAS, the County has been requested to issue and sell its industrial development bonds pursuant to the provisions of the Act for the purpose of paying the cost of a project which is described in Exhibit A attached hereon and constitutes a "project" as.`; defined in the Act (the "Project:", to be leased to Trumbull Coopera- tive Association ( the "Corporation"); and WHEREAS, the Corporation has agreed to indemnify the County for any claims against the County in connection with the proposed bond issuance; and WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and advisable that the County take such action as may be required under the Act to Authorize and issue its revenue bonds in order to promote, develop and advance the general prosperity and economic welfare of the people of Nebraska; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County wishes to declare its intention to authorize an issue of industrial development revenue bonds of the County qualifying under Section 103(b)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, for the purpose of paying the cost of acquiring or improving the Project, when so requested by the Corporation, upon such terms and conditions as may then be agreed by the County, the Corporation and the purchasers of the bonds; and WHEREAS, a Memorandum of Agreement attached as EXhibit B has been prepared setting forth the respective agreement and undertakings of the County and the Corporation with respect to the issuance by the County of its revenue bonds and the Project: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA; 1. That the County does hereby declare its intention to authorize the issuance of industrial development revenue bonds of the County under and in accordance with the applicable statutes of the State of 1,100,00, and such terms and particularly the Act, in such amounts, but` not to exceed $ and conditions as may be agreed upon by the County, the Corporation and the purchasers of the bonds, for the purpose of paying the costs of the Project to be located within the County and elsewhere within the State of Nebraska (as permitted by the Act) and leased to the Corporation. 2. That the issuance of such bonds shall be authorized by resolution of the Board of Supervisors at a meeting to be held for such purpose, subject to (i) the receipt of an agreement on the part of the Corporation SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA to indemnify the County for any claims against the County in connection with the proposed bond issue, (ii) the approval of the County Attorney, and (iii) the receipt at the closing on such bonds of an approving legal opinion of Richard N Thompson, Esq, of counsel to Messrs. Nelson & Harding of Lincoln, Nebraska. 3. Thatt a Memorandum of Agreement, substantially in the form and with the content set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto, be entered into with the Corporation. 4. That the Resolution and the Memorandum of Agreement is hereby declared to constitute official action of the County to evidence its intent to issue industrial revenue bonds qualifying under Section 103(b) (6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. 5. That the issuance of the Bonds shall be pursuant to the Act, and neither the passage of this Resolution nor the issuance of said bonds shall obligate the County for any pecuniary liability or constitute a charge upon the general credit or taxing powers of the County. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Supervisor Burr, and upon vote being taken thereon the fol- lowing voted in favor thereof: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White and Kailey and the following voted against the same: Halloran abeent from room and not voting. More than a majority of the Board of Supervisors having voted in favor of the passage and adoption of the Resolution, said motion carried and said Resolution was passed and adopted. EXHIBIT A Trumbull Cooperative Association DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Project consists of (i) the acquisition of certain real property in Adams County, Nebraska; and (ii) the acquisition, improvement and construction of grain handling, cleaning, drying and processing and shipping facilities located thereon. The proposed acquisition, construction and improvements are summarized as follows: (1) Grain Handling Facilities (2) Grain Cleaning Facilities (3) Grain Drying Facilities (4) Grain Processing Facilities (5) Grain Shipping Facilities (6) Miscellaneous Equipment EXHIBIT B Memorandum of Agreement This Memorandum of Agreement is between the County of Adams, State of Nebraska (hereinafter referred to as the "County"), and Trumbull Cooperative Association (hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation"), a Nebraska corporation: 1. EEllaj151LTam.L. Among the matters of mutual inducement which have resulted in the execution of this Agreement are the following: (a) The County is a body politic and corporate, duly organized and existing as a County within the State of Nebraska SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA (the "State") under the Constitution and laws of the State and is authorized and empowered by the provisions of Section 2 of Article XIII of the Nebraska Constitution and by the provisions of Chapter 18, Section 16, Nebraska Revised Statutes, as amended (together the "Act11) to acquire, whether by construction, purchase, devise, gift or lease, or any one or more of such methods, one or more "projects", as that term is defined in the Act, to lease any such project to others and to issue its revenue bonds for the purpose of paying the cost of acquire ing or improving any such project; (b) The Corporation has requested the County to issue and sell, through Robert E Schweser Company Incorporated as its agent its revenue bonds pursuant to'". provisions of the Act for the purpose of paying the costs of acquiring and improving certain facilities (the "Project"), as generally described in Exhibit A. (c) The Project will constitute a "project", as defined in Section 18-1614 (2) of the Act; and (d) The County finds that the Project and its development under the Act will be economically advantageous to the State and the general public welfare and will contribute to the economic growth of the Sate and that the Corporation is financially responsible. 2. Undertakin,s on the Part of the Count . In order to effectuate the purpose of the Act, and to promote, develop and advance the the general prosperity and economic welfare of the people of the State, the County hereby determines: (a) (i) That it will authorize, issue and sell one or more series of its revenue bonds pursuant to, the Act in a principal amount sufficient to pay the cost of acquisition, by construction, purchase, lease or otherwise, of the Project and of improving the Project, including re- imbursement or repayment of the Corporation of any moneys expended by the Corporation for planning and engineering, interest to be paid during construction, underwriting expenses, attorney and bond counsel fees, and other costs incident to the authorization, issuance and sale of such bonds, the aggregate cost thereof being presently estimated to be no more than $1,100,000. and will enter into a lease (the "Least") with the Corporation with respect to the Project, whereby the payments to be apid by the Corporation shall be sufficient to pay the revenue bonds and the interest thereon, and when the same will become due and payable; (ii) that it will adopt such resolutions and authorize the execution and delivery of such instruments and the taking of such actions as may be necessary or advisable for the Authori- zation, issuance and sale of the revenue bonds and acquiring and improving the Project, and for the execution of the Lease with respect to the Project; (iii) that it will take or cause to be taken such other actions as may be required to implement the aforesaid, as it may deem appropriate in pursuance thereof, provided that all of the foregoing shall be as authorized by law and as mutually acceptable to the County and the Corporation; and (b) The County authorizes the Corporation to incur 1°interim" or 1°constr_uction" financing prior to the issuance of the bonds and to use the Project facilities if available prior to the issuance of such bonds. (c) Prior to the issuance of such bonds, the County shall make an election as required by Section 103 (b) (6) (D) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, and in the manner as prescribed by the Federal Income Tax Regulations. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 3. Undertakings on the Part of the Cor oration. Subject to the conditions above stated, the Corporation agrees as follows: (a) That it will enter into a contract or contracts for the acquisition, construction and improvement of the Project; (b) That contemporaneously with the delivery of the revenue bonds it will enter into the Lease with the County under the terms of whicj---' a3( the Corporation will obligate itself to pay to the'principal ot and interest interest and redemption premium, if any, on the revenue bonds as and ; rp, when the same shall become due and payable, such Lease to contain such x provisions required by law and other provisions as shall be mutually m acceptable to the County and the Corporation; (c) That it will take such further action and adopt such further proceedings as may be required to implement its aforsaid undertakings or as it may deem appropriate in pursuance thereof. 4. General Provisions. (a) All commitments of the County under paragraph 2 hereof and of the Corporation under paragraph 3 -hereof are subject to the conditions that on or before 360 days from the date hereof (or such other date as shall be mutually satisfactory to the County and the Corposation), the County and the Corporation shall have agreed to mutually acceptable terms for the revenue bonds and for the sale and delivery thereof, and mutually acceptable terms and conditions with respect to the documents and proceedings referred to in paragraph 2 and 3 hereof; and (b) If the events set forth in (a) of this paragraph do not take place within the time set forth or any extension thereof and the revenue bonds are not sold within such time, neither party shall have any obligation to the other except that the Corporation agrees that it will reimburse the Countyrba\y incur,arising from the eRYcution of t is Agreement and the performance by the County of its obligations hereun- der, and this Agreement shall thereupon terminate. IN:WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto heve entered into this Agreement by their officers thereunto dyly authorized as of the llth day of September,1979. SEAL Attest: /s/ ANITA HAWES County Clerk THE COUNTY OF ADAMS STATE OF NEBRASKA BY/5T WILLIS L KAILEY Chairman, Board of Super- visors TRUMBULL COOPERATIVE AS by President Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland,seconded by Burr that we authorize the purchase of 300 plat books, updated as of January 1980 for $735. and 5 large maps at $30, each from R C. Booth Enterprises. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Proposals were received for purchase of a new motor grader from Nebraska Tractor Co; Lincoln Equipment Co. and Heinzman Engineering, Inc. The proposals were referred to the Road Committee for study. Mr. Dick Newlun presented an insurance plan proposal for Blue Cross and Blue Shield. The Board will take the proposal under consideration for study and comparison. Motion by Burr, seconded by Halloran that we accept the proposal of Heinzmann Engineering and authorize the Chairman to sign the purchase agreement for one John Deere 770A motor grader for $51,350. Roll call, ayes: Lightner, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Nays: Hoagland and Sole. Motion carried. Mr. Sole stated that his vote was not against the firm from whom the purchase was being made, but against purchasing any motor grader at this time. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Haogland that the following Miscellan- eous Receipts be made a part of this SupervisorsProceedings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 Knights of Pythias Adams County Clerk Veteran's of Foreign Wars Jefferson County Court Adams County Court Adams County Court Register of Deeds Columbia Holding Com. Bingo Martha Andersen Adams County Court Fraternal Order of Eagles Adams Co. Highway Dept County Clerk Adams County Court Clerk of Dist. Court Paul P Whalen Kevin Loudon Adams County Court Anita Hawes Raoma Beavers, City Ambulance Service First National Bank First National Bank Register of Dedds Marv. Hartman State of Nebr Railroad Transportation Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Adams Treas. County County County County County County County County County Cancelled Ambulance Service Adams County Clerk Adams County Clerk Cecil Reichstein, P.R. Jean O'Meara, P. R. Adams County Bank Hastings State Bank Court Court Court Court Court Court Court Court Clerk Dist. for St Adm 205.98 133.84 253.35 66.00 6,672.00 207.00 988.21 270.82 3.00 125.00 448.50 1,727.58 436.50 34,650.47 1,440.00 1,766.33 3.00 637.50 2.95 815.00 547.60 550.00 3,123.29 15.24 8.34 44,175.84 12,000.00 100.00 250.00 150.00 25.00 80.50 150.00 75.00 21.00 2,428.41 371.00 2,183.00 439.50 769.57 285.67 791.67 2,342.47 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 1449 Ann's Coffee Shop 1450 Clay County Clerk 1451 Adams Co. Noxious Weed 1452 Adams County Court 1453 Adams Co. Court 1454 Adams County Court 1455 Adams County Court 1456 Adams County Court 1457 Adams County Court 1458 First National Bank 1459 Barbara Miller 1460 Cancelled 1461 Hall Co. Treasurer 226.32 1462 Hall Co. Treas 49.77 1463 Hall Co. Treasurer 9.00 1464 Hall Co. Treasurer 16.32 1465 Hall Co. Treasurer 8.99 1466 Hall Co. Treasurer 4.92 1467 City National Bank & Trust Co. 687.50 1468 Adams County Bank 3,200.00 1469 M.A .A .A . 137.00 1470 Mi_dlard Nutrition Project 73.00 1471 Adams Co. Hiway Dept 4,333.75 1472 Adams Co. Hiway Dept 152.93 1473 Adams County Court 2.1.00 1474 Adams County Court 50.00 1475 Adams County Court 172.48 1476 Adams County Sheriff 903.10 1477 Fraternal Order of Police 410.00 1478 City of Hastings 500.00 1479 First National Bank 205.48 1480 Register of Deeds 1,889.95 1481 State of Nebraska 20,000.00 1482 Adams County Court 75.00 1483 Adams County Court 1,000.00 1484 Ayr Bicentennial Committee 249.38 1485 City of Hastings 2,783.76 1486 State of Nebraska 7,437.00 1487 State of Nebraska 12,934.00 1488 Adams County Court 375.00 1489 Pat Allaman 3.00 1490 Register of Deeds 128.37 1491 Brock & Seiler 411.80 1492 Adams Co. Noxious Weed Control 3,124.23 1493 Ambulance 1,011.32 1494 County Court 1,011.32 1495 Wm Caabridge, Atty 60.65 1496 First National Bank 4,808.22 25.00 964.00 914.05 479.04 46.01 4,157.10 25.00 75.00 75.00 6;410.96 3.00 1497 Cancelled 1498 Adams County Court 1499 County Court 1500 First National Bank 1501 State of Nebr. 1502 First National Bincoln 1503 State of Nebraska 1504 Adams County Court 1505 Adams County Court 1506 Hastings State Bank 1507 Ambulance Service 25.00 310.18 2,404.11 499.32 829.03 1,159.29 465.00 75.00 4,808.22 686.93 326 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Motion by White, seconded by Halloran that the Officer's Reports be accepted and placed on file: Library (3) Register of Deeds (2), Clerk of Dist. Court (2) Sheriff, County Clerk, Car Titles, State Admin. Ambulance (3), Roll call, all voted aye Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Halloran that we reject and deny the claim of Roger Etzelmiller in the amount of $1,700.00 for overtime because it does not have an itemized statement of dates and times and is not approved by the Adams County Sheriff. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion by Halloran seconded by White that we deny the claim of Jeanne Hoselton in the amount of $25.00. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Lightner that the remaining claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. WEED Centra Chemical Services Inc. Commercial Electronics, Inc Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Co. Friend's Motor Supply Glenwood Telephone Co. Hastings Battery & Electric Inc Jahnke Supply Kansas-Nebr. Natural Gas Klusman, Merlin Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Republic National Life Ins. Roseland Coop Grain & Supply Roseland Sundries Shaw's Service Sherman's Service Center Southern Power Dist Timms Repair Timis Repair Wheeler's American Fright System Inc Eastman Kodak Company Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Nebr, Dept of Public Welfare Hastings Regional Center Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Apex Plumbing & Heating Baker & Taylor Companies Hastings Public Library Main Line Book Company Peterson 'Guides Western Publishing Co. Inc Western Publishing Co., Inc CONTROL FUND Chemicals Radio Repair Gasoline Repairs Telephone & Toll Labor & Repair Repairs Gas Service Supplies Directory Listing Insurance Coverage Gasoline Supplies Repairs Repairs Electric Service Gasoline Gasoline & Suppplies Repairs FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND Freight Charges Machine Draperies Vendor Payment STATE INSTITUTIONS FUND Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care INHERITANCE TAX FUND Material & Labor COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Books Bookmobile Service Books Books Books Books 139.00 18.00 12.00 29.63 23.14 23.87 43.43 5.44 17.25 24.72 41.44 177.97 13.33 3.00 1.08 8.85 28.00 20.45 38.54 94.60 712.95 1,810.83 21,910.04 3,698.00 677.00 465.00 350.00 5.56 525.50 190.29 11.95 8.85 23.76 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Internationa Nikkila, Jim ESCROW FUND Business Machines Equipment Box Culvert ROAD BRIDGE FUND Postage Supplies Roller & Supplies Supplies Gasoline Radio Repair Gasoline Mechanics Supplies Propane Diesel_ Supplies Repairs Gasoline Telephone Keys Gravel Repairs Repair Supplies Utilities Oxygen Inspection Supplies Gas Service Diesel Repairs Repairs Repairs Repairs Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Telephone Repairs Hot Mix Shop Towel Service Repairs & Supplies Signs Electirc Supplies Supplies Drafting Service Janitorial Services Gasoline Gasoline Supplies Supplies Insurance Coverage Gasoline & Repairs Supplies Equipment Electric Service Euipment Gasoline Gravel Project Hot Mix Supplies Supplies Adams County Highway Dept Aliens of Hastin s Big Bear Equipment Case Power & Equipment Big G Ace Hardware Clarke Oil Company Commercial Electronics Coop Grain & Supply Delken Press Dutton-Lainson Go. Farmers Coop Propane Co. Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Firestone Stores Friends Motor Supply Garvey Elevators Glenwood Telephone Co. Grace's Bike & Key H & M Equipment Co., Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Glass & Aluminum Hastings Typewriter Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Hi -Line Motors Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Kansas-Nebr. Natural Gas Kenesaw Oil Supply Kully Iron & Metal Laird Motors Inc. Laird Motors Lemke Sharpening Service Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Lincoln Equipment " Lincoln Equipment Lincoln Equipment Lincoln Telephone Mid -City Auto Supply Missouri Valley Contruction Modern Linen Service Mr. Automotive Nebraska Correctional Inc. Nebr. Public Power Dist. Nebraska Tractor Nebraska Tractor Nicolarsen, Debra L. Orodite Company Olsen, L. L. Oil Olsen, L. L. Sinclair Precision Bearing Co. Precision Laboratories Republic National Life Insurance Shaws Service Sherman Service Centers Slope Meter Co. Southern Power District 3-M Company 3 -Point Tire Service Vontz, L. J. Const Vontz, L. J. Const. WErner Construction Wheeler St. REgis D A Lubricant Co. Trailer Reports & Toll (State) & Toll Service & Repair 1,431.00 18,093.57 23.19 24.48 5,230.00 45.74 18.13 1,404.39 145.00 22.80 40.00 91.09 44.00 364.70 22.00 2.75.00 13.60 31.79 7.50 10,594.68 190.12 99.68 30.53 70.04 28.15 3.75 137.89 2.72 591.20 43.54 128.88 20.51 16.75 870.20 439.19 26.39 60.65 177.54 209.73 35.00 465.36 14.42 299.86 792.00 2.05 453.98 51.87 87.50 4.00 3,198.97 63.89 170.97 133.45 977.73 259.82 199.14 63.61 44.26 967.20 82.25 17,578.39 11,093.10 1,093.03 807.55 61.02 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Adams County Treasurer Affiliated Store Allen's Aman, David Beck, Sid Badger Uniforms Bank Card Service Matthew Bender & Company Big G Big G Brown, Susan Burroughs Corp Business Supply Co. Campus House Inc. Cash-Wa Candy Co. Cash-Wa Candy Co. Cengas Chris's Car Wash City of Friend City of Friend City National Bank & Trust Clarke Oil Company Clerk of Dist Court Coars, Mrs. W. C. Commercial Electronics Inc Commercial Electronics INC. Crisler, John or Doris Credit Bureau of Hastings Dave's Wrecker Service Deluxe Cleaning Service Deluxe Cleaning Service DesMoines Stamp Mfg Co. The Dietz Co. Division of Communications Drapers Professional Office Duro-Test Corporation Dutton-Lainson Co. GENERAL FUND Postage Supplies Supplies Crystal Lake Board Member Uniforms Gas & Food Library Expense Supplies & Repair Supplies Mileage Maintenance Supplies Foster Care Supplies Supplies Gas Service Washing Services Utilities Utilities Checks Supplies State Cases & Mental Board Member Mileage Radio Repair Radio Repair Foster Care Bulletin Services Cleaning Services Cleaning Services Supplies Supplies Rental System Printing Supplies Supplies 145.65 9.99 167.70 Project 60.00 Mileage 9.08 168.08 89.33 17.50 23.70 85.81 37.66 1,428.30 118.28 448.77 10.05 6.95 3.95 5.25 33.06 25.01 7.55 13.50 Health 838.14 8.06 36.80 & Installation 285.00 150.00 10.00 20.00 117.70 211.25 13.80 181.75 456.35 7.68 72.41 13.08 142.07 623.39 447.07 276.00 110.50 19.44 18.42 58.34 89.00 41.00 44.75 5.70 704.03 676.48 58.30 274.66 6,356.91 40.43 30.25 10.08 17.90 148.41 Supplies 5.35 27.71 80.00 227.30 2.47 90.05 149.00 51.00 5.24 97.69 29.80 Dutton-Lainson Co. Eakes Office Equipment Eakes Office Equipment Egan Supply Co. Exon, J.J.. Co. Fischer, Dick Fischer, Dic, Friends Motor Su -ply Gant Publishing Company Gewecke, Wilbur R. Grace's Bike & Key Shop Grace's Bike & Key Shop Hammond & Stephens Co. Hastings DAily Tribune Hastins Skyways INC. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastins Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Hawes, Anita Henry Service & Repair Hoagland, Orville Heoft, Merle W. Hoselton, Jeanne Interstate Business Products International Business Machines Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Johnson Company Johnson Control K -Mart Kelso Company Kelso Company Kindig Printing Service Supplies Rental Supplies& Equipment Mat Repairs Supplies Postage Supplies Subscription Postage Keys & Locks Keys Supplies, School Dist Printing & Publishing Rental Supplies Courthouse Utilities Utilities N. HOme Oxygen Supplies & Misc. Gasoline NACO Expense Miscellaneous Mileage Service Contract Supplies Materials Repairs Maintenance Supplies Janitorial Supplies Janitorial Supplies Supplies SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 529 Kindig Printing Service Kingsley, D. W. Jr. M. D. Kingsley, D. W. Jr. M. D. Largent, Dorothy Laux, Larry Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone & Telegraph Lincoln Telephone Company Lincoln Telephone Company McDonald's' Mahoney, Nancy Mary Lanning HOspital Minnesco Div. 3-M Company Mobley, Irwin L. Modern Linen Service Modern Mehtonds Inc. Modern Methods Inc. MOrris Paint & Wallcoverings Murthy, P S. S. M. C. Murthy, P. S. S. M. D. Nebr. Assoc. of Co. Officials Nelson & Harding Nelson, Luwane PPG Industries Pavelka Bros Petty Cash Platte Valley Communications Postmaster Powell Tower Maintenance Rabenau, Robert Recknor, John Redfield & Co. Redfield & Co. Register of Deeds Register of Deeds Republic National Life Rinder Printing Co. Rolling Pin Bakery Rutt's Pharmacy Sempek, Edward Shafer Printing Co. Schafer Printing Co. Sprague, Hon . Bernard Sullivan Jay J Swanson, Paul Talley, Don Thiel, Jake, Sheriff Thiel, Jake Sheriff Thiel, Jake Thiel, Jake Thompson, Co. Thomsen 0il Co. 3-D Investment Inc. Tonniges, Dr. Tom M.D Toogood, Arthur United Bank Serv. Co. United Laboratories Vaughans Printers Vaughans Printers Velmore Marketing Veterans Service Office Waits, Jackie Walts Conoco Service Weber, Mrs. Janice Wellensiek, Don Western Paper Co. Williams, Art Ind. Williams Exterminating Co. Woodward's Disposal Service Youth Development Center Inc. Supplies Professional Professional Mileage Reg. EMT -A Telephone & Telephone & Telephone & Hot Line Supplies Mileage Services Lease agreement MIleage Linen Service Supplies Maintenance Supplies Autopsy Autopsy Annual Dues Services & Expense Mileage Supplies Repairs Miscellaneous Installation Postage Rental Foster Care Mileage Supplies Supplies Postage Postage Insurance Coverage Supplies Supplies Prescriptions Foster Care Supplies Supplies Share of Equip. Court Appointed Mileage Rental Mileage Mileage Miscellaneous Board of Prisoners & matron fee 56.56 Service 35.00 Service :135.00 7.48 15.00 Toll 109.01 Toll 1,889.46 Toll 65.54 31.25 46.50 51.00 10.00 71.33 30.77 86.15 43.05 Agreemtn 165.00 16.67 350.00 250.00 550.00 75.00 45.05 188.00 14.85 23.86 66.50 2,500.00 245.00 91.65 34.00 40.96 70.00 27.18 129.52 3,368.08 7.59 32.10 34.51 140.00 78.30 38.19 124.17 Attorney 606.25 55.26 125.00 55.20 2,765.05 42.45 Supplies Gasoline Ammunition Professional Service Criminal Investigation Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Equipment Office Expenses Reg. EMT -A Gasoline Board Member , Mileage Board Member, Mileage Supplies Supplies Pest Control Disposal Service Safekeeper 1,172.00 25.09 235.54 156.00 35.00 2.500.00 66.02 456.46 27.80 5.80 201.53 1527.94 15.00 709.37 12.14 10.95 112.08 118.80 16.00 49.00 150.00 530 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Winkler, Maxine Modern Linen Service Hansen, Dean N. Youth Development Center Midland Area Agency on Aging This Board will now County Clerk // 71..„,„,,,�d( ,���ut e P y recess sub' Mileage 1.53 Mop Service 24.00 Court Appointed Counsel 440.00 Safekeeping 150.00 Handi-Bus Expense 1111.96 t to the call of the Chairman of the Board 6/7/44 Cham V111 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 18, 1979. 9:30 AM. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L. Kailey, Chairman, presiding. .Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, White Halloran and Kailey. Absent: Burr. Motion by White, seconded by Burr that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication inthe Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk;s office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report on the progress of road work in the county. The Board authorized rental of an air compressor for a short time to allow two crews to work at installing culverts. Motion by Lightner, seconded by White that the Chairman be authorized to sign the request for reimbursement for the final report #7 on the Highway Safety Survey. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Richard Wenske, Director of the Ambulance Dept. reported concerning the increase of overtime in that department. With calls nearly being tripled in the past month and two employees injured it was necessary to use the volunteers plus the increased overtime. The Board asked for another report in a month and discussed the possibility of increasing rates sometime in the future. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Lightner that a permit be granted for a mobile home as an accessory living facility for farm employemnt to Quirk Land and Cattle Co. for the following piece of land to wit: Described as part of the NAD, Book 312, Page 857 in the Register of Deeds Office, Tax Lot 7 in Section 13, T7N, R9W Blaine Township, Adams County, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Lightner that we authroize a temporary electric hook-up until the applicant can appear before the Planning Commission for a conditional use permit for the following described property, to wit: Lots 1 thru 6, inclusive, Block 3, Pauline Village, Adams County, Nebraska Applicant: Brenda Bottolfson Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Halloran that at the request of the Juniata School Board we order and direct the County Treasurer to transfer from the Old Bond Fund to the New Bond Fund any monies remaining after all bonds and interest are paid including any future collections designated for the fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 531 The Board received a statement of deficiencies in the Jail from the Deputy State Fire Marshall. The Board toured the facility and asked that a meeting be set up with the Deputy State Fire Marshall at a future meeting to discuss the matter. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Halloran that Bill Sole be appointed as the Adams County Board's representative to the CTCC advisory committee. Roll call, ayes: Lightner, Hoagland, White, Halloran and Kailey. Burr, absent. Sole, abstaining. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Sole that the following resolution be adopted:. RESOLUTION 79-9-18 WHEREAS, it was necessary to transfer money from Inheritance Tax to State Administration Fund to maintain a balanced cash flow, WHEREAS, it was stipulated in the resolution of transfer that the money was to be returned to the Inheritance Tax Fund, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby ordered and directed to transfer $6,000. from State Administration Fund back to the Inheritance Tax Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Sole that we approve the release of Joint Custody Receipt 953259 7 in the amount of $50,000. to the First National Bank. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Halloran that the their respective funds and the County Clerk be directed to issue warrants for the same. Roll Motion carried. COUNTY LIBRARY FUND County Library Fund Salaries WEED CONTROL FUND Weed Control Fund Salaries STATE ADMINISTRATIVE FUNDS Salaries Prior Service State Administration Eva B. Duthie ESCROW FUND Krause Roofing Company Services Relief -Medical fund State Administrative Fund Transfer of Funds INHERITANCE FUND Krause Roofing & Sheet Metal Inc. Services ROAD FUND Road Fund Salaries Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Payment,Serv. claims be allowed on authorized and call, all voted aye. Koch, David Struss, Lambert R. Austin, Weslie Witt, Lloyd Anderson, Roy Poore, Delbert Mousel, Virgil Stromer, Paul Harpham, Gilbert L. Hoskin-Western-Sonderegger GENERAL FUND Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Final County Supervisors County Clerk;s office County Treasurer's Office Register of Deeds Communications 1 County Assessor's Office County Superintendent 's Planning & Zoning Data Processing Office Clerk of District Court Mental Health Board Public Defender Office Courthouse Custodial County Extension Office County Sheriff's office County Attorney's office Office Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries & Overtime 1,036.27 1,950.12 15,865.42 14.00 38,220.00 5,000.00 450.00 23,571.54 25.00 12.00 25.00 22.00 25.00 25.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 1,857.88 3,500.00 4,905.38 5,592.72 2,548.08 544.00 4,840.38 1,795.67 2,272.00 1,589.00 2,360.88 150.00 2,738.00 2,425.40 4,627.95 12,059.30 6,955.33 532 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA County Jail County Ambulance Veterans Service Office Stromer Paul Burchard, Minnie M Story, Roscoe E Reutlinger, Lila Gartner, Rena Hayen, Rachel Kidd, C. H. Office of Public Defender O'Herron Ray Co. Inc. Sales & Marketing Management Mag Cornhusker Press HastingsTypewriter Co. Lincoln Telephone company Register of Deeds Salaries & Overtime Salaries & Overtime Salaries Salary Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Expenses Camera & Stand Supplies Services Supplies Telephone & Toll Postage 5,630.86 9,964.19 2,254.68 137.17 14.00 15.00 14.00 25.00 25.00 16.00 653.15 793.23 47.50 2.50 26.12 60.21 26.13 This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of Adams County Board of Supervisors. 41. _ County (1 eputy the C ai man COURTHO � , HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday September, 18, 1979. The Adams CountyBoard of Supervisors acted as a Board of Equalization for the purpose of setting tax levies with Willis L. Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, White, Halloran and Kailey. Absent: Burr. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Halloran that having received the final valuations for the following sub -divisions a corrected levy' by set. Valuations have not yet been received from KearneyCounty, therefore levies will be set later for School district 3R Kenesaw, 11R Holstein, and Kenesaw Rural Fire District, LEVIES IN MILLS SUB -DIVISION COUNTY General Road Relief -Med, Soldiers - Sailors Courthouse Bd Weed Control Institutions Fed. Grts Rev. Sharing Welfare Adm. Inheritance Emp. Sec, TOTAL COUNTY LEVY CITIES AND VILLAGES Hastings Hast.A irport Juniata Kenesaw Ayr Roseland Holstein General 2;59 2.52 1.81 .01 .15 .30 7,38 Mills 17.31 Authority .61 11.05 16.30 10.29 4.21 17.56 Bond Sinking Fd. Spec Bldg. .22 None none 5.31 3.17 Water Sewer SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 533 Levies ---Continued SUB -DIVISION General Bond Sinkind Fd Spec Bldg. Prosser .59 Trumbull 13.37 TOWNSHIPS West Blue .55 highland ;48 Wona .33 Kenesaw None Wanda ;72 Juniata ;03 Denver ;40 Blaine .24 Hanover ;13 Ayr .32 Roseland ;53 Cottonwood .27 Logan • Silver Lake 1.05 ZeDo ,57 Little Blue .52 SCHOOL DISTRICTS 1 Juniata 14.20 , 1.64 3R Kenesaw 23;90 8 Pauline 15.38 11R Holstein 12,78 15 3.74 18 Hastings 36.54 2113 Old Bd 2.34 .29 New Bd 29 1.63 33 5.11 1.11 42 Roseland 29.57 .78 Old Bd 1.33 New Bd 53 Ayr 6.93 60 10.70 1.15 Bd 65-67 13.05 75 5.08 81 4.11 9A Adams Central 9.97 1.47 .23 .51 RURAL FIRE DISTRICTS Roseland R.F.D. .30 .59 Holstein R.F.D. .76 .53 Juniata R.F.D. .30 .40 Hastings R.F.D. .27 .31 Kenesaw R.F.D. .13 .40 Glenvil R.F.D. .43 MISCELLANEOUS LEVIES CountyFair (Agric. Soc. .06 Central Tech. Com. Col 1.37 Educ.Serv. Unit 9 .60 Educ, Serv. Unit 10 .45 Educ, Serv. Unit 11 .51 Free High Tuition 9.82 County Library .23 S.&.I.D. #1 2.97 S.&.I,D, #2 3.58 NRD #1 Upper Big Blue .59 8.04 None NRD #2 Little Blue .61 R.R. Safety Dist. None OTHER LEVIES TO BE CERTIFIED FROM OTHER COUNTIES .29 Cap Proj. .06 Cap Imp. .02 .04 .17Ground Water Dc 534 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA This Board of Equalization will now recess subject to the call the Chairman of tie Adams CountyBoard of Supervisors. /s/ ( County Clerk COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 25, 1979. 9:30A.M The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis Kailey Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran & Kailey. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report of the progress of road work in the County. He was given permission to have two scraper workers run their machines on Saturday for overtime at the County Landfill in order to keep it usable, since the machines are busy during the week on County roads. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Hoagland that we authorize the Chairman of the Board and the Highway Superintendent to sign a resolution for pavement markings on public roads which will be 100% federally funded. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner seconded by Halloran that we authorize the Chairman of the Board and the Highway Superintendent to sign the annual Fiscal Year report of the Highway Department. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Dallas Juggert , Deputy State Fire Marshall and Jacob Thiel met with the Board regarding deficiencies in the jail. The Deputy State Fire Marshall requested that the Board start immediately with some of the corrections requested and then look into the others and he would meet with the Board in about 60 days to see how work is progressing. Don Nispel appeared before the board presenting plans for some courthouse remodeling for their consideration and approval. Paul Swanson & Sylvester Beck appeared before the Board asking about the denial of the claim last month for Jeanne Hoselton, and it waa agreed to add $25.00 to Jeanne's salary in lieu of a seperate claim each month. Roger Etzelmiller appeared before the board with itemized hours for overtime. The Board discussed the claim and it was decided to hold with the motion to reject the claim from the week before because it was determined most of the hours were before the present administration and there is no one to approve the claim. Motion by Sole, seconded by White that we authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign regulations governing the Handi-Bus and that we approve the appointment of Donna Lurz, George Tippen and Gerald Ryan to be a committee to review yearly the compliance of Handi-Bus Regulations. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion. carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Lightner that we hold executive session for the purpose of labor negotiations. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:45 A.M SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 535 Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr to resume regular session. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 12:25 PM Ted Regier appeared before the Board. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Hoagland that Halloran be appointed as Adams County Board's secondary representative to the CTCC advisory committee. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Sole that we authorize the Chairman to sign Tax exempt applications. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried This Board will now recess subject Adams County Board of Supery County Clerk to the call of the Chairman of the COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS ,NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 25, 1979. 2:00 P.M. The Adams County Board of Supervisors convened as a Board of Equalization with Willis Kailey, Chairman, presiding, for the purpose of setting corrected levies upon receipt of the final valuation for School Dist 3R Kenesaw, School Dist 11R Holstein, and Ken(saw Rural Fire District. Members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Ka4ley. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that upon receipt of final valuations fhe following corrected levies be set: School 3 R Kenesaw General 23.90 Spec. Bldg .51 School 11R Holstein General 12.78 Kenesaw Rural Fire Dist. General .13 Sinking Fd. .40 The list of Levies to be used for 1979 as set by this Board of Equalization, as certified or re -certified by other Counties and Sub -Divisions is: MILLS MILLS MILLS MILLS TOTAL COUNTY LEVY General Bond Sinking Fd. Spec Bldg. General 2.59 Road 2.52 Relief -Med 1.81 Soldiers /Sail Relief .01 Courthouse Bd Weed Control .15 Institutions .30 Fed. Grants Revenue Shar. Welfare Admin, Inheritance Tx Employment Sec TOTAL COUNTY LEVY 7.38 Mills CITIES AND VILLAGES Hastings 17.31 Hastings Airport Auth .61 Juniata 11.05 Renesaw 16.30 Ayr 10.29 Roseland 4.21 .22 None None 5.31 536 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA General Bond Sinking Fd---STIet-Td40:-7- Holstein 17.56 Prosse .59 Trumbull 13.37 TOWNSHIP TAX West Blue .55 Highland .48 Verona .33 Kenesaw None Wanda .72 Juniata .03 Denver .40 Blaine .24 Hanover .13 Ayr .32 Roseland .53 Cottonwood .27 Logan .69 Silver Lake 1.05 Zero .57 Little Blue .52 SCHOOL DISTRICTS 1 Juniata 14.20 3R Kenesaq 23.90 8 Pauline 15.38 11R Holstein 12.78 15 3.74 18 Hastings 36.54 29 1,63 33 5.11 42 Roseland 29.57 3.17 Water ----Sewer 1.64 2.13 Old Bd .29 New Bd .78 Old Bd 1.33 New Bd .51 2.34 53 Ayr 6.93 60 10.70 1.15Bd 65-67 13.05 75 5.08 81 4.11 9A Adams Central 9.97 1.47 .23 13R Franklin 19.20 2.00 26 Hall 27.74 1.09 1.93 31R Webster 3392 19 Buffalo 26.18 3.49 .51 74 Webster 29.55 1.67 101 Trumbull 27.71 1.86 1-C Clay 26.66 2.93 .72 71 Nuckolls 27.27 2.37 3r Minden 22.26 1.39 RURAL FIRE DISTRICTS Roeland Rural Fire Dist. .30 .59 Holstein R.F.D. .76 .53 Juniata R.F.D. .30 .40 }lasting R.F.D. .27 .31 Kenesaw R.F.D. .13 .40 Glenvil R.F.D. .43 Trumbull R.F.D. .52 .46 Lawrence R.F.D. .46 Blue Hill R.F.D. .46 .14 MISCELLANEOUS LEVIES. County Fir (Agric. Soc. .06 .29 Cap Proj. Central Tech. Comm.Col 1.35 .06 Cap Imp. Educ. Sery Unit #9 .60 Educ. Sery Unit #10 .45 Educ. Sery Unit #11 .50 Free High Tuition 9.82 County Library .23 .02 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 537 General Bond Sanitary Improv Dist #1 2.97 8.04 Sanitary Improv Dist #2 3.58 None NRD #1 Upper Big Blue .59 NRD #2 Little Blue .61 R.R. Safety Tra.n.Di_st#1 None Roll Ca.1, all voted aye = Motion carried. Sinking Fd Spec Bldg. .04 .17 Ground Water Cont: Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland that the levies having been set, there is no further business and this Board of Equalization adjourn sine die. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. County Clerk Deputy COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 2, 1979. 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L. Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Llghtner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by White, seconded by Halloran that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agneda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk; s office.Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Chester Anderson appeared to notify the Board that he would be filing suit against another property owner and possibly against the County to correct a water flow problem. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent, gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr that we authorize rental of a copying machine from Eakes Office Equipment for the Road Dept. Rental payments of $165. per month includes maintenance with 757 of the rental fee to go toward purchase price if a decision is made later to purchase. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Burr that we approve an easement for a road to be made for a Railroad crossing to building 196 at Hastings Industrial Park East, said crossing to be located 12 miles south of the corner of Highway 6 and the Maxon Gate road; however, we would require a smooth approach to the tracks, over, and off the tracks, said construction to be approved by the County Engineer. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried / Motion by Burr, seconded by Lightner that as per the recommendation of the Planning Commission, we approve a conditional use permit for the following tract of land, to wit; The East one-half of the Northwest Quarter (E2NW4), Section 13, T8N, R11W, Verona Township, County of Adams, Applicant: Harvey Aulrich, with the contingency that annual review and renewal be made and that it not be used for any other purpose than Mr. Aulrich's or his son's residence. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 538 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Motion by Lightner, seconded by White that we give permission for a survey of the employees to be made to determine if they would be interested in a deferred compensation plan presented by National Life of Vermont. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The Board was notified of the vacancy in the office of Register of Deeds after the death of L. John Meredith. The Board determined that written applications would be received until October 12, 1979 and appointment to fill the vacancy would be made on the 16th of October if possible. The Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Superv_ors. County Clerk Chair COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 10, 1979. 9:30 A.M The regular meeting of the ADams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L. Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members ana an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks gave a report on the progress of road work in the County. Proposals were received for furnishing tires from Three Points Tires, 0. K. Tires, Firestone and Big "G". Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr that we accept the low bid of Firestone for furnishing the new tires; the low bid of 0. K. Tire for re -caps of 14 x 24's; the low bid of Big"G" for re -caps of 8 x 25's and 10 x 20's. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Richard Wenske, Director of the Ambulance Department, presented his formal resignation to the Board, effective November 1, 1979. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that we accept with regret the resignation of Richard Wenske and hereby appoint Ronald Meyer to be Director of the Ambulance Department as of November 1, 1979. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Lightner that we authorize the Chairman to sign a letter of assurance concerning the 13(c) Warranty on the Handi-Bus. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Haogland, seconded by Burr that as requested by the Village Board we authorize and order the County Treasurer to transfer the funds remaining in the Sewer Bond Fund to the General Fund for the Village of Juniata and any future collections designated therefor. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by White that the reports of County Clerk, Car Titles, County Library, Register of Deeds (2), County Permits; County Sheriff; Ambulance; Clerk of District Court; be accepted and placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections No. 6976 thru 6982. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS_ RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 53C Motion by Halloran, seconded by Burr that we appoint Ryal Reis to fill the unexpired term of Edgar Schmidt on the Area Planning and Zoning Commission. Roll call, ayes: Lightner, Hoagland, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Nays: Sole. Motion carried. A representative of Protex Systems appeared to discuss the matter of fire protection in the jail and jail surveillance with the Board. He told of the system presently in use in Hall County and Hamilton County. The matter to be studied further. Motion by Hoagland, seocnded by White that we accept the low bid of Commercial Air Management, Inc. for furnishing filters for the Courthouse heating system, providing the filters meet specifications. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Lightner that we deny the claim for Tax Exemption of Nebraska Association for Developmental Housing for Lots 4, 5 and 7 and 8 in Wallace Addition to the City of Hastings Adams County, State of Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The Board prepared the following comment Re Project 79-56 Applicant NE Dept. of Health, Flouridation Prog. which is to be reviewed by Greater Nebraska Health Systems Agnecy. The Adams County Board of Supervisors does not support spending $133,864. in Federal tax monies to support and promote an issue that was soundly defeated at an election in this community in 1974. Motion by Burr, seconded by Halloran that the Miscellaneous Receipts be made a part of this Supervisors' Proceedings Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 1508 State of Nebr. 1509 Noxious Weed 1510 Adams County Bank 1511 First National Bank 1512 Adams County Clerk 1513 Adams County Court 1514 County Court 1515 County Court 1516 County C ourt 1517 Adam Kohl Ins. 1518 Register of Deeds 1519 Cler of Dist Court 1520 Register of Deeds 1521 Adams County Court 1522 Adams County Court 1523 Adams County Court 1524 Ambulance Service 1525 Road Dept. 1526 Cottonwood Township 1527 Highland Township 1528 State of Neb. 1529 County Court 1530 A -ams CountyCourt 1531 County Court 1532 County Court of Clay Co. 1533 State of Neb. 1534 State of Neb. 1535 State of Neb. 1536 Marvin Hartman 1537 Hastings State Bank 1538 County Court 1539 County Court 1540 County Court 1541 County Court 1542 County -Court 1543 Adams County Bank 1544 Clerk of Dist. Court 1545 County Clerk 1546 County Clerk 1547 Clay County Treas. 1548 Clay County Treas. 1549 Clay County Treas. 1,240.46 1,875.20 10,125.00 4,915.07 80.00 21.00 366.00 8,393.00 695.00 489.00 64.00 1,256.50 1,650.00 50.00 567.80 7,509.72 739.56 227.01 575.00 1,125.00 1,019.12 14.00 21.00 100.00 1,091.00 45,972.28 22, 000.00 57.76 1.01 780.82 75.00 25.00 43.10 25.00 150.00 15,187.50 250.00 310.50 2,418.50 151.00 135.00 274.00 540 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 1550 Clay County Treas. 1551 Clay County Treas. 1552 Clay County Treas. 1553 Clay County Treas. 1554 Thayer County Treas. 1555 Ambulance Servicw 1556 Becky Minkler 1557 Adams Co. -Hastings Centennial Com 1558 First National Bank 1559 Hall Co. Treas 1560 Hall Co. Treas 1561 Hall Co. Treas 1562 Hall Co 1563 Hall Co. 1564 Hall Co. 1565 Zero Township 1566 Raoma Beavers 1567 County Court 1568 State of Neb. 1569 State of Neb. 1570 Ann's Coffee Shop 1571 M.A.A.A. 1572 Midland Nutrition Proj. for the 1573 Relief Medical 1574 County Clerk 1575 Register of Deeds 1576 County Court 1577 County Court 1578 Ambulance Service 1579 Noxious Weed 1580 Noxious Weed 1581 County Court 1582 County Court 1583 County Court 1584 Sheriff's Dept 1585 Register of Deeds 1586 Register of Deeds 1587 Register of Deeds 1588 Road Dept. 1589 State of Nebr. 1590 Sheriff's Dept. 1591. County Court 1592 Kearney Co. Treas 1593 Kearney Co. Treas 1594 Kearney Co. Treas 1595 Kearney Co. Treas 1596 Ambulance Service Elderly Motion by White, seconded by Haogland that the their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 44.00 880.00 550.00 1,515.00 723.00 1,283.50 3.00 2,000.00 222.95 1,900.00 30.00 5.00 130.00 5.00 40.00 612.50 17,441.25 21.00 12,934.00 7,437.00 25.00 137.00 73.00 5,000.00 12.77 2,279.20 169.44 7.00 926.56 3,257.00 1,293.80 21.00 437.85 1,665.28 2,170.00 31.72 27.18 129.52 41.20 133.41 652.20 34.09 9,000.00 150.00 260.00 3.000.00 907.75 claims be allowed on authorized and STATE Borrell, Peggy Business Supply Co. Catlett, Dr. Fred Credit Bureau of Hastings Hastings Typewriter Co. Hervert, Dr. J. W. Jr. Hinrichs Margaret Kamm, Dr. Frank Kingsley, Dr. D. W. Sr. Kuehn, Dr. Gerald Linc-ln Telephone Co Little, Dr. David Meyer, Garnet Miller, Dr. James Morris, L. L. Nitzel, Dr. Dale L. Osman, Pat ADMINISTRATION FUND Mileage Supplies Professional Service Bulletin Service Supplies Professional Service Mileage Professional Service Professional Service Professional Service Telephone & Toll Professional Service Mileage Professional Service Registration Professional Service Mileage 19.04 78.82 24.00 5.00 61.00 10.00 13.26 8.00 25.00 15.00 223.02 10.00 14.45 3.00 6.00 15.00 62.22 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 541 Pearson, Naomi RNI Insurance Coverage Salyards, Dr. Harry Schmidt, Marlys Soterin, Beverly U. S. Postmaster Williams, Sheila Catlett, Dr. Davis, Dave Hastings Family Practice HastingsRadiology Henrikus, Delbert Home Health Services Home Health Services Home Health Services Fred Prior Service Professional Mileage Mileage Postage Mileage RELIEF -MEDICAL Fund Catastrophis Foster Care Foster Care Catastrophic Illness Foster Care Professional Service Professional Service Professional Services Service Illness Livingston-Butler-Volland Funeral Burial Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Service Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Service Neb. Dept of Public Welfare Vendor Payment Match Nichols, John Foster Care Pooh Corner Foster Care Pooh Corner V Foster Care Redondo Motel Lodging McIntire, Drs. Richard & McKinnis Professional Rutt's Pharmacy Prescriptions Stark, Arlo Foster Care Tonniges, Dr. Tom Catastrophic Illness WEED CONTROL FUND Burge & Son Motors Supplies Centra Chemical Services Chemicals Commercial Electronics Inc. Radio Repair Co -Op Grain & Supply Gasoline Farmers Union Coop Gas & Oil Gasoline Friend's Motor Supply Repairs Glenwood Tele. Membership Telephone & Toll Hastings Tribune Advertising Jahnke's Repairs Klein& Manske Agency Insurance Coverage Kohtz Sales Company Repairs Miller Transfer Supplies Republic National Life Ins. Insurance Shaws Service Gasoline & Supplies Southern Power District Electric Service - REVENUE SHARING FUND Business Supply Co. Machine Nebr. Dept. of Public Welfare Vendor Payment Match Revenue Sharing Advisory Sery Bulletin STATE INSTITUTIONS FUND Beatrice State Develop. Center Patient Care Beatrice State Develop. Center Patient Care Hastings Regional Center Outpatient Care Hastings Regional Center Patient Care Lincoln Regional Center Patient Care Norfolk Regional Center Patient Care COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Baker & Taylor Com Books Botsford Book,John Company Books Children's Press Supplies GarrardPublishing Co. Books Hastings Public Library Bookmobile Service Peterson's Guides Books 69.24 661.76 10.00 4.59 4.76 200.00 7.82 265.00 350.20 40.00 32.00 250.00 27.00 27.00 135.00 560.00 103.00 2,232.65 7,914.68 175.10 220.00 45.00 117.00 Serv. 71.00 9.00 58.31 230.o0 Consolidated Concrete ESCROW FUND Concrete ROAD FUND Adams Co. Highway Department Postage & Misc Adams Co. Highway Dept. Petty Cash The Big "G" Supplies Brodkey Jewelry Co. Retirement Gift 20.80 425.25 46.30 494.11 29.10 22.66 50.34 7.60 22.21 195.00 15.00 63.74 118.10 161.99 8.48 199.50 18,089.96 27.00 1,209.00 1,209.00 24.50 4,838.40 555.00 180.00 2.18 35.78 59.99 59.90 525.50 19.83 1,820.00 18.52 12.17 4.58 110.00 542 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Clarke Oil Company Commercial Electronics D -A Lubricant Delken Press Dutton-Lainson Co. Eakes Office Equip. Farmers Coop Propane Farmers Union Coop Gas Firestone Stores Fitzke, Debra L. Friends Motor Supply Gessford Machine Shop Glenwood Telephone H & M Equipm Gasoline & Oil Radio Repair Oil Reports Supplies Supplies Propane & Oil Gasoline & Diesel Supplies Mileage Supplies Repairs Telephone & Toll Gravel Hastings Battery & Electric Equip Repair Hastings Utilities Uitlities Hastings Welding Supply Repair Independent Insurance Agents of Hastings Insurance Johnson Cashway Supplies Kansas-Nebr. Nat. Gas Gas Service Kenesaw Oil Supply Diesel Kerr Chevrolet Co. Supplies Kully Iron & Metal Supplies Laird Motors Repair Lilley Sand & Gravel Co. Gravel Lincoln Equipment Co. Supplies Lincoln Telephone Telephone & Toll Modern Linen Service Shop Service Mr. Automotive Repairs & Supplies Neb. Public Power Electirc Service Olsen, L. L. Oil Co. Gasoline Olsen, L. L Gasoline Republic National Life Ins Insurance Shaws Service Gasoline Sherman's Service Center Repairs Standard Blue Repairs Southern Power District Electric 3 Points Tire Service Gasoline U. S. Geological Survey Supplies Vontz, L. J. Construction Co. Gravel Werner Const. Inc. Hot Mix Wheeler St. Regis Supplies GENERAL FUND Abbott's Dairy Acme Printing Adams Co. Ambualnce Serv. AdamsCo. Treas. Allens Allen's Allen's American Data Products Bachman Foods, Inc. Bank Card Service Bastani, J. Bosman Beck, Sid Bender, Matthew & Company Berg, Mrs. Glenn Big "G" Big "G" Big "G" Brown, Susan Brown, Susan Business Supply Co. Butterfield, Maurine Callaghan & Co. Cash-Wa Cnady Company Cash-Wa Candy Company City of Hastings Clay County Sheriff's Dept Clerk of Dist Court Clerk of District Court Coats, Mr.s W. C. Coverage Service & Supplies Law Enforcement Camp Supplies Service & Oxygen Postage film Supplies Supplies Supplies Law Enforcement Camp Gasoline Professional Service Board Members Mileage Supplies Board Member Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Mileage Supplies & MIsc. Supplies Reporting Vital Statistics Supplies Supplies Supplies Zoning Permit Admin. Board of Prisoners State Cases Supplies Board Members Mileage 1,485.13 40.00 319.00 18.50 82.71 50.00 11.00 170.20 1,666.00 15.61 48.93 5.00 28.02 9,087.12 13.25 58.39 10.00 650.00 121.97 5.44 698.25 24.80 30.59 75.37 9,3452.24 706.78 204.01 13.40 166.04 1.35 4,020.21 9.30 980.84 794.22 668.00 86.76 44.57 77.00 20.00 12,685.31 15,297.29 4,044.85 164.18 23.40 32.50 155.45 51.48 7.38. 109.56 51.33 24.30 198.76 250.00 9.08 38.50 7.21 31.52 127.91 11.56 112.42 58.25 54.05 131.50 60.00 51.45 94.10 102.40 42.00 314.10 15.00 8.06 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 543 Commercial Electronics, Inc. Repair Consumers Service Co., Inc Law Enforcement Camp Conway & Connolly Professional Service Crisler, John or Doris Foster Care Curly's Stop & Shop Law Enforcement Camp Custom Pakc Inc. Law Enforcement Camp DeLuxe Cleaning Services Inc Laundry Services DeLuxe Cleaning Services Inc. Laundry Services Dept. of Ag Communications Supplies Dieken, Mrs. Karen Board Member Mileage Dietz Company Supplies Division of Communication Communication Rental Donelson, Larry D. Suuplies Donelson, Larry D. Supplies Dutton-Lainson Co. Law Enforcement Camp Dutton-Lainson Company Supplies Dutton-Lainson Co. Supplies Dutton-Lainson Co. Supplies Eakes Office Equipment Supplies Eakes Office Equipment Supplies Eakes Office Equipment Rental Educational Serv.Unit 9 Repair Educational Serv. Unit 9 Supplies Exon, J. J. Co. Repair & Mileage First National Bank Check Imprinting Fischer, Richard Postage Friends Motor Supply Supplies Friend's Motor Supplye Supplies Fry, Ervin V. Mowing Cemetery Gant Publishing Co Subscription General Electirc Equipment Golden Triangle Lumber Co Supplies Great Plains Repair Hammond & Stephens Co. Supplies Hansen; Dean N Attorney Professional Service Hansen, Gordon L Dues & Mileage Hastings Daily Tribune Advertising & Supplies Hastings Daliy Tribune Advertising Hastings Police Dept. Rental Hastings Plumbing & Heating Inc. Repairs Hastings Typewriter Co. Supplies Hastings Utilities Utilities N Home Hastings Utilities Utilities Courthouse Hastings Welding Supply Oxygen Henry's Service & Repair Gasoline Hoagland, Orville Registration Heyen Huga Co. Supplies Hoselton, Jeanne Mileage Hupf, Gayle Board Member Mileage Hastings Ind. Ins. Agents Insurance Coverage I.B.M. Supplies I. B.M. Supplies Jahnke's Law Enforcement Campout Johnson Cashway Supplies Johnson Company Repair K & K Market Law Enforcement Campout Kelso Supplies Kindig Printing & Service Supplies Kleager &`Glenn Dr.s Professional Service Kleager & Glenn Dr.s Professional Service K -Mart Repairs Landgraf, Charles W Jr. M.D Langvardt, Arthur R Law Enforcement Equip Co Lincoln Tele. & Tele. Lincoln Telephone Co. Lincoln Telephone Company McNannay's Electric Motor S Mid-Nebr Restaurant Supply Mobley, Beverley D. Mobley, Irwin L. Modern Linen Service Professional Service Professional Service Equipment Hot Line Telephone & Toll Telephone Service erv. Repair Repairs Mileage & Lodging Mileage Linen Service 8.00 5.25 210.50 150.00 53.70 290.66 170.30 170.30 5.90 5.68 25.25 456.35 11.50 34.50 26.45 30.81 10.04 47.16 38.17 127.29 627.48 27.50 158.77 74.50 62.54 15.00 25.51 22.75 105.00 89.00 1304.00 4.18 125.00 189.90 50.00 177.43 579.72 12.00 25.00 1.00 356.26 288.12 6,058.54 24.20 9.02 6.00 73.74 122.02 11.80 107.00 8.82 18.88 7.39 5.95 1,203.21 83.62 29.20 32.15 250.00 250.00 32.76 75.00 220.00 460.86 31.25 2,023.83 96.11 77.90 77.97 261.30 61.16 99.36 544 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Modern Methods Inc. Monroe Moore Business Fors Inc. Mr. Automotive Myers Refrigeration Inc. Nebraska Air Filter Inc. Nebr. State Bar Assoc. Nelson, Luwane Nelson, Luwane Nienhueser, Doug O'Keefe Elevator Co. Old Home Bread PPG Industries PPG Industries Pauley, W. G. Lumber Pepsi Bottling Company Petty Cash Rabenau, Robert Redfield & Comapny Redfield & Company Region III Mental Health Register of Deeds Republic National LIfe Rutt's Pharmacy Safeway Stores Inc. Schafer Printing Co. Schafer Printing Co. Sporting Goods Skyview Development Co. Talley, Don Thiel, Jake Thiel, Thiel, Thiel, Thiel, Thomsen Oil Co. Toogood Arthur C. Swanson, Paul 3M Business Products Sales Vaughans Printers Inc. Velmore Marketing Walts Conoco Sery Weber, Mrs. Janice Wellensiek, Don Wilkerson, Mrs. Dixie Williams Exterminating Co. Williams, Art Ind Woodward's Disposal Service Woodward's Disposal Service Yost, C. G. Jake Sheriff Jake, Sheriff Jake Jake Mop Service Mop & Mat Service Supplies Maintenance Service Supplies Supplies Repair Supplies Supplies Mileage Supplies Board Member Mileage Repair & Maintenance Law Enforcement Camp Supplies Supplies Law Enforcement Camp Law Enforcement Camp Postage Foster Care Supplies Supplies 2nd Quarter Funding Postage Insurance Coverage Medicine & Supplies Law Enforcement Camp Supplies Supplies Law Enforcement Camp Refund Rental Food for prisoners & Matron fee Mileage Service Charges Mileage Printing Checks & Stamps Gasoline Filing fee Co. Court Mileage Lease Supplies Supplies Gasoline Board Member Mileage Board Member Mileage Foster Care Pest Control Supplies Law Enforcement Camp Disposal Service Registration Fee This Board will now recess subject to the call of the the Adams County Board of Supervisors. County Clerk %ii:L.66( Deputy 24.00 60.30 154.00 53.00 27.18 52.51 50.80 11.41 8.77 175.22 13.77 10.44 57.00 33.43 16.11 6.47 2.58 116.30 3.16 550.00 133.60 74.39 4,000.00 161.10 3,326.64 48.67 129.18 31.45 61.44 199.93 51.00 125.00 1,308.00 3,229.38 4.30 62.10 33.41 226.52 8.00 95.76 71.33 16.40 170.80 816.96 12.14 10.95 95.68 8.00 306.00 36.00 49.00 6.00 Chairman of SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 545 COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 16, 1979 9:30 A.M The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Vice -Chairman presiding. Roll call, members. present: Hoagland, Burr, White, Halloran and Lightner. Absent: Sole and Kailey. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Sole entered meeting at 9:35 A.M. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Burr that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION 79-10-16 WHEREAS, an allocation of Federal -Aid Secondary Highway Funds is made available to the Counties of Nebraska at yearly intervals, and designated as fiscal year funds, and WHEREAS this allocation is made available to each County for a period of not less than eighteen (18) months, and WHEREAS, the County of Adams has used or obligated all Federal -aid allotted them including the most recent fiscal year allocation, and WHEREAS, the present policy of the Department of Roads permits counties to request additional Federal -aid Secondary Funds from a "Pool" of unused Federal -Aid Secondary funds. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that Adams County requests that the Department of Roads transfer to the credit of Adams County unused funds from the Federal -aid Secondary Funds in the amount of $114,631.00 Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report of the progress of road work in the County. The Board requested Mr. Parks to make a recommendation concerning regulations for spacing re -use pits. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Burr that this Board hold executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel and employee applicatons. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Executive session began at 10:00 A.M. Motion by Burr, seconded by White that we resume regular session. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:00 A.M. Motion by Burr, seconded by White that we appoint Sharon Lemmer to fill the unexpired term of Register of Deeds, said appointment to be effective November 1, 1979. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Donald Nispel presented plans and specifications to the Board for their approval for planned remodeling in the Courthouse with bids to be opened on October 30, 1979. Hearings were held for six applications to Planning and Zoning. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that as recommended by the Planning Commission we grant approval for a Preliminary/Final Plat for Grothen Heights Subdivision, located in the NW4i Section 19, Denver Township, Adams County, Nebraska. Henry Grothen, applicant. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that as recommended by the Planning Commission we approve the Preliminary/Final Plat for Weseman subdivision : a tract in the SW4 of the NW4i Section 5, T7N, R10 West in Adams County, Nebraska. 546 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Applicant: Creighton Weseman. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Halloran that as recommended by the Planning Commission under the provisions of Sec.5-112 of the Zoning Ordinance, we grant approval for a mobile home as a principal residence to be located ,in the NW4, Section 6, Verona Township Adams County, Nebraska; Neal Sahling applicant. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that as recommended by the Palnning Commission we approve the Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plat for Walter Reiber Subdivision located in the NE of Section 6, T5N, R9W of the 6th P.M. in Adams County, Nebraska. Applicant: Tony Kranau.. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. On the application of Paul Gerloff for a mobile home to be used as an Accessory Living Facility, Mr. Stan Aman appeared in opposition. His main objection was that the trailer was already located when the application was requested and said he felt that the only reason it came before the Zoning Board was because the REA would not approve an electrical hook-up until a permit was granted. He felt that this sort of thing should not be allowed to continue. Discussion followed. Mr. and Mrs. Gerloff appeared, kri behalf of their request. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Burr that based on the recommendation by the Planning Commission, we approve the location of a mobile home as an Accessory Living Facility in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast quarter, Section 30, Ayr Township, Adams County, Nebraska. Paul Gerloff, applicant. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Adams County Board of Sp. visors. Vice -Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 23, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Ed Lightner, Vice -Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Burr, White and Lightner. Absent: Sole, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by White, seconded by Burr that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Sole entered meeting at 9:35 A.M. Discussion was held concerning the progress of work at Crystal Lake. About the only remaining work is to let bids for fencing and guard rails. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that we authorize the Vice -Chairman to sign exemption application for 1964 Dodge bus Iddnt. No. 3581403576, First United Methodist Church; Notice of Change in Amount of Homestead Exemption for Pt NW4 NW4 Sec. 23-7-10, Tax Lot 11, 128 00420; and notice of rejection of homestead exemption for the So 50' of West 22' of Lot 11 & South 50' of Lot 12, Block 14, Johnson's Add. to the City of Hastings, 284 00680. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 547 Herbert Spears, representing Greater Nebraska Health Systems Agency appeared to thank the County for their support and to discuss some of the things being handled by the agency. A group of Veterans and Auxiliary with Mr. Harry Wilson as their spokesman appeared to protest moving the Veteran's Service office to the Courthouse annex. They cited a steep ramp as making it not easily accessible to Veterans. The matter was placed on the agenda for the next board meeting for discussion. Terry Marshall, Civil Defense Director, presented a new draft for the County Civil Defense plan using the conceptual plan as its basis. The Board asked for an additional week to study the proposed plan before voting on it. It was determined that a meeting with the State Fire Marshall here in Adams County to view the jail,should be arranged to see if a solution could be found concerning Jail surveillance and fire protection. Tentatively scheduled for 1:30 P.M. Tuesday, October 30th. Dee Haussler appeared to request the County to participate in a signing project at Industrial Park East. The State Dept. of Roads has been requested to put signs near the entrances; individual businesses have provided money for locater boards and are putting together a map to provide easier access to the buildings. The County was requested to provide street markers and install them. The Board asked Roger -Parks to make a cost -estimate for installation and report back to the Board. Further study will be made before a decision is reached. Bids were received from Johnson CashWay Lumber Co. and from Wheeler -St. Regis for providing bridge lumber Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland that we accept the low bid of WHeeler-St. Regis to provide lumber as per instructions to bidders for $15,487. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Burr that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed and authorized to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye Motion carried. County Supervisors County Clerk's office County Treasurer's office Register of Deeds Office Communications County Assessor's office County Superintendent's 0 Planning & Zoning Office Data Processing Office Clerk of District Court Mental Health Board Public Defender Office Courthouse Janitors County Extension Office County Sheriff's Office County Attorney's office County Jail Ambulance Dept Veterans Service Office Landfill Office of Public Defender Hayen, Rachel Gartner, Rena Burchard, Minnie M Reutlinger, Lila Kidd, C. H. Story, Roscoe E. GENERAL FUND Salaires Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries ff. Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Office Expense Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service ROAD FUND Road Department Salaries 3,500.00 4,946.02 5,708.38 3,815.49 544.00 4,840.38 1,795.67 2,272.00 1,574.92 2,330.26 400.00 2,738.00 2,011.28 4,745.51 11,728.32 6,955.33 5,691.00 12,153.28 2,354.67 121.22 847.27 25.00 25.00 14.00 14.00 16.00 15.00 28,690.33 548 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Anderson, Roy Austin, Weslie Dept of Revenue Harpham, Gilbert Koch, David Mousel, Virgil Poore, Delbert Stromer, Paul Struss, Lambert Witt, Lloyd Weed Control Prior Prior Sales Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior WEED CONTROL Service Service Tax Service Service Service Service Service Service Service FUND Department Salaries STATE ADMINISTRATIVE FUND Salaries Prior Service COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Salaries INHERITANCE FUND Carmichael Construction Co. Handicapped Ramp change order State Administration Duthie, Eva B. County Library ESCROW FUND Carmichael Construction Co. Handicapped Ramp Project Payment Nikkila, Jim This Board will now recess subject to the call of the, County Clerk (nU/0-6e/ eputy 25.00 25.00 10.39 14.00 25.00 12.00 25.00 13.00 12.00 22.00 1,939.88 15,289.54 14.00 1,190.91 570.00 5,615.00 10,415.55 Vice -Chairman COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, October 30, 1979. 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L. Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by White, seconded by Burr that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. A group representing the veterans in Adams County appeared, with Lawrence Dunmire acting as spokesman, to protest moving the Veteran's Service office to the Courthouse Annex. They compared accesibility to both buildings and cited contacts necessary with other offices. Chairman Kailey told the group that it was a matter of finding sufficient space for necessary activities in the Courthouse, and that any decisions made would not be decisions against veterans but decisions made to solve the space problems. Approval was given for another telephone in the Extension Office for a Leadership Instruction program. John Wilkie and Dale Schultz appeared to make further request for signing at the Industrial Park East. The matter is being considered by the Board. Bids for remodeling the Courthouse were received from H & H Enterprises Carmichael Construction Company and Cut -Rite Millwork. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 549 Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that as per the recommendation of the Planning Commission we grant a conditional use permit for Lots 1-6, Block 3 in Pauline, Little Blue Township. Robert Bottolfson, applicant. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Representatives from Republic National Life Insurance Company appeared to present the experience rec ord for the past year and the projected premium requirements for the next year for the Courthouse group health insurance program. Matter to be studied. Motion by Burr, seconded by White that we adopt the County Civil Defense Plan as presented. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Lightner that due to the collapse of a bridge we declare an emergency and authorize the County Highway Superintendent to take measures to build a temporary crossing across the Blue River in Section 28 in Ayr, Township, Adams County Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Hoagland that we approve the bonds of Ronald Meyer, Director of the Ambulance Dept. in the amount of $10,000. and Sharon L. Lemmer, Register of Deeds in the amount of $5,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by White that we approve the release of JC7968 in the amount of $200,000. and the pledging of JC6938 in the amount of $400,000. by Adams County Bank, Kenesaw, Nebraska. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Hoagland that due to lack of funds and manpower we reject the request of HEDC for signs in Industrial Park East at the present time. Roll call, ayes: Lightner, Hoagland, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Nays: Sole. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Halloran that we move the Veteran's Service Office to the Annex; move the County Superintendent to the Veteran's Service vacated office and the County Board Room to the vacated Superintendent's office and add the present Board room to the County Clerk's office. Roll call, ayes: Hoagland, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Nays: Lightner and Sole. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that we accept the low bid of H & H Enterprises for remodeling on (A) Annex Bldg. and (B) Boardroom in Courthouse and Cut -Rite Millwork for (C) the Supervisor's desk and installing. Roll call, ayes: Lightner, Hoagland, Burr, White, Halloran, Kailey. Nays: Sole. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board. County C Deputy P / C airman COURT LOUSE, HASTINGS , -1EBRASKA Tuesday, November 6, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L. Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kelley. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that this meeting is a regularly scheduled pub.liL meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, all voted aye. notion carried. 550. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent reported concerning the progress of road work in the County. The Board authorized purchase of a used ice machine from Myers Refrigeration for $500., delivered, installed and guaranteed. Motion by Burr, seconded by Sole that in view of the Planning Commission's recommendation we deny approval of the plat of Hoffman Subdivision. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Joan Lehman representing "Bridge House" appeared to request matching funds from Adams County, Discussion followed. Motion by Sole, seconded by White that we provide a partial match of $601. for "Bridge House'. Ayes: Sole, White. Nays: Lightner, Hoagland, Burr, Halloran and Kailey. Motion failed. Comments from Board members indicated they were impressed with the work being done at the house but funds had not been provided in the budget for this fiscal year. Motion by Sole, seconded by Lightner that the officers reports be accepted and placed on file (Distress Warrants, Register of Deeds, (2) Sheriff; Ambulance (2Y; County Clerks Car titles; Clerk of District Court; Library(2). Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner,seconded by White that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 6983 thru 6986. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Halloran that the Miscellaneous Receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisors' Proceedings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 1597 City National Bank u Trust 791.10 1598 City National Bank 1,582.19 1599 First National Bank 801.37 1600 First National Bank 1,602.74 1601 Register of Deeds 2.6.13 1602 Adams County Court 21.00 1603 Adams County Court 150.00 1604 Adams County Court 700.00 1605 Adams County Clerk 42.66 1606 Clerk of Dist. Court 245.25 1607 Adams County Court 100.00 1608 Adams County Court 25.00 1609 Adams County Court 30.00 1610 Adams County Court 8,989.00 1611 Adams County Court 222.00 1612 Adams County Court 375.00 1613 Adams County Court 75.00 1614 Clerk of Dist. Court 850.00 1615 Register of Deeds 889.36 1616 Estate of Louise Heusser 9,653.06 1617 Adams County Court 7.78 1618 Adams County Clerk .25 1619 State of Nebraska 1,022.68 1620 Road Dept. 300.00 1621 Road Dept. 20.00 1622 Ambulance Service 1,143.00 1623 City of Hastings 114.50 1624 State of Neb. 46,783.63 1625 First National Bank 4,968.49 1626 Adams County Court 1,636.07 1627 Cancelled ---- 1628 Cancelled ---- 1629 Adams County Court 650.00 1630 Adams County Court 125.00 1631 Adams County Court 25.00 1632 Adams County Court 100.00 1633 Adams County Court 50.00 1634 Adams County Court 75.00 551 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 1635 Adams County Court 850.00 1636 Adams County Court 225.00 1637 U.S. Treasurer 45,368.00 1638 County Court 125.00 1639 Adams County Court 25.00 1640 Adams County Court 150.00 1641 Adams County Court 100.00 1642 Adams County Court 75.00 1643 First National Lincoln 929.46 1644 Adams County Court 21.00 1645 Adams County Court 300.00 1646 Adams County Court 25.00 1647 Adams County Court 75.00 1648 Adams County Court 300.00 1649 Adams County Court 75.00 1650 Adams County Court 75.00 1651 First National Bank 1,643.84 1652 State of Nebr. 4,886.73 1653 Adams County Court 35.00 1654 Adams County Court 257.45 1655 City National Bank 550.00 1656 Ambulance Service 830.75 1657 Noxious Weed 1,356.00 1658 County Clerk 436.75 1659 Adams Co. Clerk 1,892.50 1660 Ann's Coffee Shop 25.00 1661 Adams County Court 21.00 1662 Adams County Court 350.00 1663 State of Nebr. 1,243.37 1664 Register of Deeds 1,752.35 1665 County Court 25.00 1666 First National Bank 215.75 1667 County Welfare 98.08 1668 Sall Co. Treasurer 1,800.00 1669 Hall Co. Treasurer 850.00 1670 Hall Co. Treas. 150.00 1671 Hall Co. Treas. 130.00 1672 Hall Co. Treas. 160.00 1673 Hall Co. Treas. 35.00 1674 Hall Co. Treas. 25.00 1675 Midland Nutrition Proj. 73.00 1676 Midland Area Agency on Aging 137.00 1677 Adams Co. Senior Services 2.75 1678 Road Dept. 120.00 1679 Road Dept. 850.00 1680 State of Nebr. 12,934.00 1681 State of Nebr. 7,437.00 1682 Adams Co. Court 17.50 1683 Knights of Phythias 210.83 1684 Adams County Court 21.00 1685 Co. Ambulance Serv. 1,356.13 1686 State of Nebr. 18,000.00 1687 Adams County Court 84.96 1688 Void ---- 1689 Adams County Court 56.00 1690 Adams County Court 300.00 1691 Adams County Court 667.05 1692 State of Nebr. 507.38 1693 Clerk of Dist. Court 250.00 1694 Fraternal Order of Eagles 400.50 1695 American Legion Bingo Fund 249.12 1696 Ambulance Service 467.50 1697 Road Dept. 75.00 1698 Road Dept. 283.50 1699 Adams County Court 51.49 1700 Register of Deeds 161.10 1701 Adams County Court 7.00 552 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 1702 County Court 1703 St. Michael's Bingo Acct. 1704 Veterans Foreign Wars 1705 Harry Gay Est. 1706 State of Nebr. 1707 Ambulance Service 1708 Raoma Beavers, City Treas. 1709 Adams County Court 1710 Adams County Court 1711 State Administration 1712 County Sheriff 21.00 262.14 292.15 125.52 1,990.79 485.00 1,185.00 369.00 14.00 2,433.69 454.57 Motion by White, seconded by Hoagland that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed authorized to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND Abas Marine Publication Adams County Court Adams County Treasurer Allen's Allen's Anderberg, Gary C. Badger Uniforms Badger Uniforms Badger Uniforms Bank Card Service Bank Care Service Big G Big G Big G Beck, Sid Beyke Signs Brown, Susan Burroughs Corporation Business Supply Co. Cash-Wa Candy Company Cengas Chris's Car Wash City of Friend City of Hastings Clerk of District Court Commercial Electronics Inc. Commercial Electronics Inc. Consolidated Motor Freight Inc. Conway & Connolly Cornhusker Press Cornhusker Press County Extension Office County Extension Credit Bureau of Hastings Inc. Crisler, John or Doris Crowell Correctional Corp Curtis, DeWayne Deluxe Cleaning Services Deluxe Cleaning Services Dept. of Ag. Comm. Des Moines Stamp Mfg. Co. Dunmire & Blessing Dunmire & Blessing Dutton-Lainson Co. Dutton-Lainson Co. Dyna Industries Eakes Office Equip. Eakes Office Equip. Supplies Court Costs Postage Film Camera & Film Mileage Uniforms Uniforms Uniforms Travel Expenses Travel Expenses Supplies & Repairs Supplies Supplies Board Member Lettering Mileage Supplies Supplies Supplies Service Service Gas Service Civil Defense Court Costs Radio Equip. Repair Freight Court Appointed 21.69 124.10 522.00 56.14 97.23 54.40 912.87 103.55 105.16 285.88 31.59 224.89 36.87 16.20 Mileage 9.08 193.50 27.81 66.70 430.18 50.95 9.28 16.50 23.67 Expenses75.64 132.70 31.95 18.00 10.08 Counsel 198.74 4.00 100.00 36.72 27.19 10.00 150.00 3,025.00 of Windshield 154.56 Cleaning Services 91.45 Cleaning Services 295.00 Supplies 147.83 Supplies 37,20 Court Costs 255.00 Court Appointed Counsel 928.09 Supplies 9.17 Supplies 15.65 Supplies 38.91 Supplies 406.98 PMT Printing Supplies Supplies Weekly Bulletin Foster Care Repairs Replacement Rental 631.47 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 .ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 553 Eakes Office Equip. Eastern Nebr. Ambulance Serv. Elley's Auto Sales Emergency Protective Services Fischer, Dick General Electric Co. Gewecke, Wilbur R Grace's Bike & Key Shop Great Plains Supplies Ambulance Service Repair Shelter Postage Supplies Postage Keys Repair Greater Nebr. Health Systems Agency Adams Co. Share Guhl Air Freight Freight Hastings Daily Tribune Printing & Publishing Hastings Economic Devel. Funding Hastings Meals on Wheels, Inc.Adams Co. Share Hastings Plumbing & Heating Inc. Repair Hastings Typewriter Co. Supplies Hastings Utilities Utilities Hastings Utilities Nursing Home Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Repair Hastings Welding Supply Co. Oxygen Helmann & Sullivan Prof. Service Henry's Service & Repair Gasoline Hoeft, Merle W. Misc. Hoselton, Jeanne Mileage Hupf, Gayle Board Member Mileage IBM Corp. Supplies Keith's Drive -In Drug Medicine Kelso Supplies Kimle, Duane Board Member Mileage Kindig Printing Service Supplies Kindig Printing Service Supplies Knight, Robert C. Prof. Serv. Landgraf, Charles W. Jr. M.D. Prof. Serv. Larry's Refrigeration Repairs Law Enforcement Equip. Supplies Lincoln Tele. Co. Tele. & Toll Lincoln Tele. Co. Tele. & Toll Lincoln Tele. Co. Tele. & Toll Lincoln Tele. Co. Hotline Malesker, Bob Supplies Mary Lanning Hospital Supplies McIntire, Dr. Robert H. Medical Care Midland Area Agency on Aging Operating Expense Mid Nebraska Dist. Co. Supplies Mobley, Irwin L. Mileage Modern Linen Mat & Mop Serv. Modern Linen Linen Serv. Modern Linen Mop & Mat Serv. Modern Methods Inc. Film & Paper Monroe Calculator Co. Maintenance Monroe Calculator Co. Maintenance Moore Business Forms Supplies Nebr. Co. Attorney's Assoc. Reg. Fee Nebr. Dept. of Roads Equipment Nebr. Office Service Supplies Nebr. State Library Supplement Nelson, Luwane Mileage Nelson Luwane Supplies Hupf, Gayle Board Member Mileage PPG Industries Replace Windows Petty Cash Supplies & Misc. Phelps Co. Telephone Phelps Co. Treasurer Copies Platte Valley Comm. Repair Platte Valley Coll'''. Repair 20.33 76.50 59.45 35.00 19.67 132.00 45.00 5.70 76.00 1,375.00 9.00 1,449.08 10,000.00 2,300.00 52.12. 188.61 4,078.35 208.20 15.40 24.20 50.00 10.80 4.95 13.83 11.80 16.20 19.10 259.50 10.78 69.83 204.33 228.25 75.00 74.80 17.50 109.66 Courthouse 1,965.55 71.60 31.25 1.76 5.00 84.00 2,290.75 134.85 33.49 21.70 204.98 24.00 267.15 69.00 53.00 68.82 80.00 25.45 6.40 11.50 97.81 10.06 11.80 289.83 21.20 144.74 26.29 82.00 15.00 554 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Postmaster Postmaster Powell Tower Maintenance Protex Systems Inc. Rabenau, Carol or Robert Redfield & Co. Register of Deeds Register of Deeds Republic Nat'l Life Ins. Co.. Retired Senior Vol. Prog. Rinder Printing Co. Rinder Printing Co. Rogers Inc. Rotter & Associates Royal Business Machines Rutt's Pharmacy Schafer Printing Co. Search & Seizure Bulletin Sempek, Edward Share Corp. Spady, Jerry Pont. Cad. Swanson, Paul Talley, Don Thiel, Jake Sheriff Thiel, Jake Sheriff Thomsen Oil Co. Thiel, Jake 3-M Business Products Sales Unlimited Printing & Systems Urban Land Institute VaughnsPrinters Vaughans Printers Velmore Marketing Walts Conoco Service Weber, Mrs. Janice West Publishing Co. West Publishing Co. Western Paper Co. Williams Exterminating Co. Williams, Art Ind. Woodward's Disposal Serv. Postage Postage Tower Rental Installation Foster Care Supplies Postage Charges Postage Insurance Local Match Supplies Supplies Supplies Cadastral Map Update Supplies Medicine Supplies Bulletin Foster Care Supplies Repairs Mileage Rent Mileage Mileage Gasoline Prisoners Keep & Ma.ron ees Supplies Subscription Dues Binders Supplies Supplies Gasoline Board Member Mileage Library Supplies Law Library Supplies Pest Control Supplies Disposal Service Relief Medical Fund Davis, Dave & Gretchen Greyhound Depot Hastings Pedia tric Clinic Hastings Pediatric Clinic Heifner, Paul & Audrey Henrikus, Delbert Home Health Services Koranda, Frank C. M.D. Koranda, Frank C. M.D. Mary Lanning Memorial Hospita Morris, L.L Nebr. Dept. of Public Welfare Nichols, John & Sally Rutts Pharmacy Walgreen Drug Walgreen, Drug Walgreen Drug Acme Printing Co. Borrell, Peggy Business Supply Co. Foster Care Ticket Foster Care Services Foster Care Foster Care Services Office Call Prof. Service 1 Prof. Service Revolving Fund Vendor_Payments Foster Care Medicine Prescriptions Prescriptions Prescriptions STATE ADMINISTRATIVE FUND Printing Mileage Supplies 2,500.00 15.00 105.00 225.00 550.00 105.76 32.36 80.99 3,335.97 1,000.00 108.98 48.98 57.21 1,146.85 13.36 31.01 12.00 27.50 140.00 204.59 177.37 79.84 125.00 2,597.19 59.90 184.48 1,457.00 227.07 18.50 200.00 703.63 27.80 136.03 902.53 12.14 66.00 2,000.00 192.44 8.00 267.56 51.00 350.20 32.00 24.00 45.00 112.84 250.00 81.00 20.00 29.00 25.00 8.47 18,576.93 175.10 20.30 16.22 5.39 2.66 59.50 12.58 35.24 555 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTX NEBRASKA Cosgrove, Madelyn Credit Bureau of Hastings Dean, Dr. E. J. Fraser, Mary Hinrichs, Margaret International Bus. Mach. Kingsley, Dr. D.W. Lincoln Tele. Co. Meyer, Garnet Nitzel, Dr. Dale L Peck, Dr. Eugene Republic Nat'l Life Ins. Rutt, Dr. F. J. Schmidt, Marlys Soterin, Beverly Thompson, Mary U.S. Postmaster Williamson, Sheila WEED Mileage Bulletin Professional Service Mileage Mileage Corp. Serv. Agreement Professional Service Tele. & Toll Mileage Professional Service Professional Service Insurance Coverage Professional Service Mileage Mileage Mileage Postage Mileage CONTROL FUND Commercial Electronics, Inc. Glenwood Telephone Co. Hastings Daily Tribune Jahnke's Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas Klusman, Merlin Republic Nat'l Life Southern Power District Hastings Daily Tribune International Business International Business Petroleum Equipment Rental Tele. & Toll Advertisisng Supplies Gas Service Radio Insurance Coverage Electric Service REVENUE SHARING FUND Advertising Machines Typewriter Machines Typewriter Equip. For Fuel Tank STATE INSTITUTIONS FUND -Beatrice State Develop Center Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Baker & Taylor Hastings Public Library Main Book Company Petroleum Equipment Nikkila, Jim Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Adams Co. Highway Dept. Adams Co Highway Dept. Allen's of Hastings B E Excavating Barco Municipal Prod. Case Power & Equip. Construction Service Equip. Cook Flatt & Strobel Coop Grain & Supply Dutton-Lainson Co. Eakes Office Equip. Eakes Office Equip. Books Rental & Service Books ESCROW FUND Fuel Tank Project Final Payment ROAD FUND Petty Cash Postage Films Service Call Equipment Repairs Co. Supplies Project Gasoline Supplies Rental Chair 9.52 5.00 10.00 97.85 21.76 66.00 35.00 205.54 20.91 15.00 7.50 620.32 54.00 7.48 21.59 64.77 200.00 27.37 180.00 28.35 20.66 25.49 2.86 25.00 118.10 8.61 60.58 733.50 810.00 125.47 1,170.00 4,333.00 450.00 4.16 525.50 369.70 2,953.09 4,961.42 16.85 20.13 20.08 276.95 137.23 17.08 7.60 600.00 103.91 8.08 165.00 330.00 556 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Farmers Coop Propane Farmers Union Coop Gas Firestone Stores Friends Motor Supply Garvey Elevators l.. Glenwood Telephone Grace's Bike & Key H & M Equip. Co. Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Seed & Supply Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Jahnke's Agri Home Johnson Cashway Kenesaw Oil Supply Kully Iron & Metal Lairds Lemke Sharpening Service Lilley Sand & Gravel Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Lincoln Equipment Lincoln Equipment Lincoln Equipment Lincoln Steel Lincoln Telephone Modern Linen Mr. Automotive Nebr. Public Power Nebr. Tractor & Equip. Odorite Co. Olsen, L.L. Oil Co. Olsen, L.L. Oil Co. Olsen, L.L. Oil Co. Parks, Roger S. Peterson Bros. Republic Nat'l Life Ins. Shaws Service Sherman Service Center Southern Power District 3 -Points Tire Service Vontz, L.J. Construction Co. Vontz, L.J. Construction Co. Werner Construction Co. Wheeler St. Regis. This Board will now rece the Board. /s/ County Clerk /s/ Deputy Propane Diesel & Supplies Tires Repair & Supplies. Gasoline Tele. & Toll Keys Gravel. Repairs Seed Utilities Oxygen Tarp Supplies Diesel Iron Supplies Sharpening Service Gravel Equipment Repair Rental Equipment Repair Repairs Repairs Prod ect Costs Tele. & Toll Shop Service Supplies Electric Service Repairs Janitorial Services Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Film Striping Insurance Gasoline Repairs Electric Service Tire Repair Asphalt Gravel Hot Mix Supplies t to the call 11.00 418.46 1,054.96 576.94 43.53 28.62 2.85 4,363.87 25.04 2,902.02 88.91 28.93 52.49 230.80 748.87 16.59 78.04 202.00 18,437.00 376.57 645.00 401.07 233.33 68.70 7.437.60 226.77 12.80 488.45 1.46 133.45 5.00 455.62 1,496.54 23.80 8.34 3,403.98' 1,019.17 52.77 127.69 49.50 41.74 35,069.98 21,941.84 2,278.85 13,192.57 of the Chairman of is/,(X;t Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, November 13, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L. Kailey, Chairman, pre- siding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, White, Halloran, and Kailey. Absent: Burr. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 557 was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent notified the Board that addi- tional bridge ratings had been received which resulted in the closing of three additional bridges in Adams County. The three were a truss bridge west of Pauline, one on the west County line 12 miles North of Hiway 6 and one 6 miles South of Holstein and Z mile East. He indicated that after the information is received fron the State concerning the deficiencies in these bridges, perhaps corrective measures can be taken and at least some of them re -opened. Discussion was held concerning the State Fire Marshals findings in connection with the Jail. It was determined that proposals should be accepted and opened on December 4, 1979 for furnishing and installing smoke and heat detectors in the jail area: The County Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the State Fire Marshal relaying this information and stating that the Board was working with the Sheriff in an attempt to solve 24-hour jail surveil- lance. Gerald Whelan appeared before the Board to make a proposal concerning the lot used for parking east of the Courthouse. He made an offer to work with the County to get improvements made to the lot before bad weather conditions arrived. Mr. Whelan also requested that the Board give consideration when preparing the next budget document to using Inheritance Tax money to fund the Adams County Historical Society. He cited it as being the best in the State and urged continued support. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Hoagland that we approve the release of JC8155 and JC8156 to the Roseland State Bank in the amounts of $20,000. and $25,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Sole that the Chairman be authorized to sign Tax list corrections No. 6987 thru 6993. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The Board determined that there would be no meeting on November 27th, December 25 and January 1st. A regular meeting will be held on Decmeber 28, 1979 to complete business for the calendar year. This meeting will now recess the Board of Supervisors /s/ County Clerk ect to the call of the Chairman of /s/ Deputy ,-C--667; /r;eiti Chairman COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, November 20, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L. Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by White, seconded by Halloran that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was availabi'e to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office., Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 558 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report of the progress of road work.__ He reported that the bridge on the Kearney -Adams County line(norh of Highway 6 that had been closed the previous week had been re -opened after removal of dirt and other repairs. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Halloran that due to an emergency we contract with Cook Flatt and Strobel to perform the necessary engineering, necessary permits and necessary surveys to secure Off -System Safety Funds and State Aide for Bridge Replacement for a bridge west of Pauline in Section 9, Little Blue Township. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Jim Green and Ed Petr presented an insurance proposal for the Board's consideration. Further study of the matter to be made. Joe Helmann, representing the County Law Library appeared to request funds to clear back bills for the Law Library. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Halloran that we pay $2,000. on the Inheritance Fund as recommended by the County Attorney. Roll call, ayes: Lightner, Hoagland, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Nays: Sole. Motion carried. Steve Wild appeared to present an insurance proposal for the Board's consideration. A proposal for dental insurance was also made. Further study of the matter to be made. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Halloran that as recommended by the Planning Commission we approve the land area exemption and approve the preliminary Final Sub -Division plat for Louis Seberg located in the North-west Quarter, Section 35, Ayr Township. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Burr that as recommended by the Planning Commission we approve a mobile home installation as an Acessory Living Facility for farm employment in the Southeast Quarter of Section 24, Ayr, Township. Applicant: David Lynn. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Burr that we authorize the Chairman to sign the application form under Section 18, U.M.T. Act. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Sole that as requested by the Adams Central High School Board of Education, the County Treasurer be directed to transfer $1,000.00 from the Special Building Fund to the General Fund to correct an error on warrant 460, dated December 11, 1978, for $500.00 and paid on December 13, 1978, and to correct an error of July 9, 1979, in which the Adams Central High School Board of Education directed the Adams County Treasurer to rectify the above by transferring $500.00 from the General Fund to the Special Building Fund. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Sharon Lemmer, Register of Deeds, appeared before the Board to report on world in the office. She also requested a typewriter. The matter was referred to the Building and Grounds Committee. Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and directed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. County Extension County Clerk's Office County Treasurer's Office Register of Deed's office Communications County Assessor's Office GENERAL FUND Salaries 3,500.00 Salaries 4,898.61 Salaries 5,635.77 Salaries 3,259.98 Salary 247.30 Salaries>. 4,840.38 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY NEBRASKA 559 County Superintendent Office Planning & Zoning Office Data Processing Clerk of District Court Mental Health Board Public Defender's Office Courthouse Janitors County Extension Office Adams Co. Sheriff's Office Adams Co. Attorney's Office Adams Co. Jail Adams Co. Ambulance Dept. Adams Co, Veterans Office Adams Co. Bailiff Stromer, Paul Historical Society Burchard, Minnie Division of Communications Gartner, Rena Hayen, Rachel Kidd, C.H. Lincoln Tele. Co. Midland Area Agency on Aging Office of Public Defender Reutlingen, Lila Story, Roscoe E. Weed Control County Library State Administrative Duthie, Eva Road Anderson, Roy Austin, Weslie Harpham, Gilbert Koch, David Mousel, Virgil Poore, Delbert Stromer, Paul Struss, Lambert Witt, Lloyd Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salary Salaries Prior Service Rental Prior Service Prior Service Prior Service Tele. Service Handi-Bus Operation Office Expenses Prior Service Prior Service 1,795.67 2,272.00 1,589.00 2,305.20 300.00 2,738.00 2,430.62 4,639.76 12,541.33 6,955.33 7,440.50 8,147.58 2,554.67 160.00 114.84 675.00 14.00 456.35 25.00 25.00 16.00 127.91 2,487.51 1,044.79 14.00 15.00 WEED CONTROL FUND Salaries 1,939.38 COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Salaries 1,381.58 STATE ADMINISTRATION FUND Salaries 15,289.54 Prior Service 14.00 ROAD FUND Salaries Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service. Service INHERITANCE FUND Great Plains Chrysler. Plymouth Handi-Bus REVENUE SHARING FUND Great Plains Chrysler Plymouth This Board will Board. /s/ County Clerk now Handi-Bus 24,382.82 25.00 25.00 14.00 25.00 12.00 25.00 13.00 12.00 22.00 2,398.24 7,400.00 recess sub'- ..to the call of the Chairman of the Deputy Is/ Hyl% ` g` Chairman 560 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA COURTHOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, December 4, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L. Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by Burr, seconded by Hoagland that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent reported concerning the progress of road work in the County. Also told of a Bridge school that is being held in Lincoln. Art Toogood appeared before the Board and reported on the progress of several cases that are pending. Bids were received for smoke and heat detectors for the Jail. Motion by Halloran seconded by Lightner that we authorize the Chairman to sign Notification of County Highway Superintendent, for determining Incentive Payment. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by White that we authorize the Chairman to sign Public Transportation Operating Assitance Agreement. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Ray H. Miller with Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States presented an Insurance proposal. Joe DeMuth appeared before the Board and asked for approval for a telephone cable to be buriedon the road, but request was denied. He also spoke of several roads he felt needed attention and this was turned over the Road Committee. Jake Thiel appeared before the Board asking for a wage scale for a civilian jailer. It was determined that he could start them at $778. and then increasit to $817.00 after 6 month probation for 40 hours per week. Motion by Hoagland and seconded by White that we accept the Bid of Protex for a fire alarm system for the Adams County Jail at the installed price of $5968.00, which also includes 12 months warrants and 4 quarterly inspections, pending the approval of plan and final installation by the State Fire Marshall. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr that the Chariman be authorized to sign tax list correction No. 6994-7002, 7006-7028,7032-7041, 7043-7047 and 7048-7051. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Halloran that the officers reports be accepted and placed on file Register of Deeds (2), Sheriff, County Library (2), County Clerk, Car Titles, Welfare, Planning & Zoning. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Burr that we accept the proposal of Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, PLAN 1, for Health and Life Insurance coverage for Adams County Employees, said plan to become effective January 1, 1980. Roll call, ayes: Lightner, Hoagland, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Nays: Sole. Motion carried. 561 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Motion by Sole, seconded by White that the Miscellaneous Receipts be accepted and made a part of this Supervisor's proceedings. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. 1713 John E. Baudendstel Estate 1714 Adams County Clerk 1715 Columbian Holding Co. 1716 Adams County Court 1717 Adams County Court 1718 Adams Co. Highway Dept. 1719 Skyview Development 1720 Stephen E. Stewart 1721 Adams Co. Court 1722 Register of Deeds 1723 Clerk of District Court 1724 Pat Lacey 1725 Marvin Hartman 1726 Adams County Court 1727 State of Nebraska 1728 First National Bank 1729 Gunnison & Gunnison Attny's 1730 Haseloh's Sewing Center 1731 Village of Kenesaw 1732 William Cambridge 1733 Adams County Ambulance Service 1734 State of Nebraska 1735 Adams County Court 1736 Adams County Court 1737 Adams County Bank 1738 Adams County Clerk 1739 Register of Deeds 1740 Clerk of District Court 1741 Adams County Bank 1742 Hastings State Bank 1743 Ann's Coffee Shop 1744 First National Bank 1745 Midland Area Agency on Aging 1746 Register of Deeds 1747 Register of Deeds 1748 Adams County Court 1749 Adams County Court 1750 Adams County Bank 1751 State of Nebraska 1752 Anita Hawes Co. Clerk 1753 Anita Hawes Co. Clerk 1754 Adans County Court 1755 Adams County Ambulance Service 1756 First National Bank 1757 Lowell Waugh 1758 Road Dept. 1759 Hall Co. Treas. 1760 Hall Co. Treas. 1761 Hall Co. Treas. 1762 Hall Co. Treas. 1763 Adams County Court 1764 Adams County Court 1765 Adams County Court 1766 Register of Deeds 1767 Village of Prosser 1768 Village of Roseland 1769 City of Hastings 1770 State of Nebraska 1771 State of Nebraska 1772 State of Nebraska 1773 Adams County Court 1774 Adams County Court 1775 Adams County Court 83.21 69.29 256.25 14,552.00 265.00 110.97 12.77 3.00 5,318.30 21.63 1,211.00 3.00 13.10 39.04 190.42 5,197.81 66.89 5.00 2,184.00 1,454.80 937.50 44,397.13 75.00 650.00 1,833.33 112.75 881.10 31.50 5,062.50 1,643.84 25.00 1,928.77 210.00 32_.36 80.99 25.00 419.82 1,955.56 19,000.00 2,161.50 315.50 82.05 455.00 215.75 3.00 532.30 2,900.00 50.00 200.00 65.00 50.00 25.00 125.00 1,821.55 420.00 636.00 5,224.08 492.19 7,437.00 12,934.00 125.00. 75.00 50.00 562 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 1776 Adams County Court 1777 Adams Co. Ambulance Service 1778 Adams Co. Clerk of District Court 1779 Adams County Court 1780 Adams County Court 1781 Adams County Court 1782 Adams County Court 1783 Roger Geitz 1784 Adams County Court 1785 Adams County Court 1786 Adams County Court 1787 Village of Holstein 1788 Hastings State Bank 1789 Roama Beavers, City Treasurer 1790 Village of Holstein 1791 Little Blue Natural Resources 1792 Adams Co. Ambulance Service 1793 Clerk of District Court 1794 State of Nebraska 1795 Adams County Court 1796 Adams County Court 1797 Adams County Court 225.00 402.50 28.00 53.00 56.00 25.00 25.00 49.04 75.00 500.00 6.21 5,604.00 4,832.88 280,350.00 693.00 54.78 847.50 539.40 2,069.74 25.00 150.00 200.00 Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be instructed and authorized to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. RELIEF -MEDICAL FUND Davis, Dave & Gretchen Hastings Pediatric Clinic Hastings Pediatric Clinic Heifner, Paul & Audrey Henrikus, Delbert Home Health Services McBride, John L. 0.D. Nebraska Dept. of Public Welfare Nichols, John & Sally Rutt's Pharmacy Foster Care Service Service Foster Care Foster Care Services Services Vendor Payments Foster Care Medicine STATE ADMINISTRATIVE FUND Beran, Dr. Russell Borrell, Peggy Business Supply Co. Credit Bureau of Hastings Dean, Dr. E. J. French, Dr. Richard Hastings Typewriter Co. Hinrichs, Margaret Kingsley, Dr. D.W. Jr. Lincoln Tele. Co. Lurz, Donna Meyer, Garnet Morris, L.L. Nitzel, Dr. Dale R. L. Polk ,Sc Co. Republic Nat`l Life Ins. Salyards, Dr. Harry Schmidt, Marlys Soterin, Beverly United States Postmaster Welch, Dr. George Williamson, Sheila Wycoff, Dr. Kevin Prof. Services Mileage Supplies Services Services Services Supplies Mileage Services Services & Toll Chgs. Mileage Mileage Mileage, Meals & Reg. Services City Directory Insurance Services Mileage Mileage Postage Services Mileage Services 230.00 12.00 25.00 190.00 190.00 81.00 61.85 19,096.15 115.10 16.95 36.50 2.89 93.80 5.00 10.00 10.00 995.00 9.86 35.00 175.61 21.25 11.05 226.65 15.00 51.00 620.32 45.00 3.74 21.25 200.00 15.00 9.18 3.00 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA 563 Glenwood Telephone Co. Kansas Nebr. Gas Co. Klusman, Merlin Miller Transfer Republic Nat'l Life Ins. Roseland Grain & Supply Southern Nebr. Power Dist Trausch, A.J. Apex Plumbing & Heating WEED CONTROL FUND Serv. & Toll Charges Service Miscellaneous Supplies Insurance Gas Service Repair FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING Installing Fixtures STATE INSTITUTIONS FUND Bastani, J. Boman, M.D. Beatrice State Develop Center Hastings Regional Center Lincoln Regional Center Services Patient Care Patient Care Patient Care COUNTY LIBRARY FUND Congressional Quarterly Inc. Hastings Public Library Main Line Book Company Adams Co. Hwy. Dept. Adams Co. Hwy. Dept. Allen's of Hastings Barco Municipal Products Board of Examiners R. C. Booth Enterprises Case Power & Equip. Clarke Oil Co. Commercial Electronics Consumers Service Co., Inc. Coop Grain & Supply County Clerk Dutton Lainson Co. Dutton Lainson Co. Eakes Office Equipment Farmers Coop Propane Co. Firestone Stores Forestry Suppliers Friends Motor Supply Garvey Elevators General Supply Big G Glenwood Telephone Grace's Bike & Key Shop Guhl Air Freight Hastings Battery & Electric Hastings Motor Truck Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding H & M Equipment Co., Inc. Hoeffer, John IBM Johnson Cashway Kenesaw Oil & Supply Kully Iron & Metal Laird Motors Lemke Sharpening Services Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Equipment Co. Lincoln Telephone Co. Directories Bookmobile Service Books ROAD FUND Miscellaneous Petty Cash Supplies Supplies License Renewal Maps Supplies Fuel Repairs Rental & Supplies Gas & Oil Supplies Supplies Supplies Rental Propane Repairs Supplies Parts & Repairs Gas Supplies Services & Toll Chgs. Keys Freight Repairs Parts & Repair Servicw Supplies & Repairs Gravel Labor Service Supplies Supplies & Gas Supplies Supplies & Services Services Parts & Labor Parts & Labor Telephone 19.14 2.73 146.75 99.13 118. 1.0 45.70 8.41 14.00 6,255.08 275.00 1,209.00 4,743.00 786.00 78.75 525.50 7.42 26.19 12.28 11.64 396.09 20.00 51.35 16.61 1,411.61 256.50 50.72 790.46 15.70 40.65 145.17 165.00 28.00 78.68 77.45 444.01 15.10 125.48 34.63 3.80 15.00 21.20 86.70 158.83 149.49 7,372.68 5.00 44.00 515.18 40.00 22.04 50.69 21.27 351.00 867.41 217.50 564 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Midwest Service Modern Linen Service Mr. Automotive Nebr. Correctional Industries Nebr. Public Power Odorite Co. L. L. Olsen Oil Co L. L. Olsen Oil L. L. Olsen/Sinclair Roger S. Parks Virgil R. Pickering Precision Laboratories Republic Nat'l Life Southern Power District Standard Blue Steve Willy's Body Shop 3 -Points Tire Service L. J. Vontz Construction Wheeler St. Regis Youngson Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Supplies Electricity Supplies Gas & Diesel Diesel Gasoline Reg. & Travel Exp. Materials & Labor Supplies Insurance Electricity Supplies Labor Tire Repair Gravel Supplies Supplies GENERAL FUND Adams Co. Treasurer Adam Kohl Insurance Allen's Alloway's Apco Stan Aman Pump Service Anstine Roofing Apex Plumbing & Heating Apex Plumbing & Heating Audio Intelligence Devices Badger Unifo-ms Badger Uniforms Badger Uniforms Beck, Sid Berg, Mrs. Glenn Big G Big G Big G Susan Brown Burroughs Corp. Burroughs Corp. Business Supply Co. Business World Products Cash Wa Candy Co. Cengas Minnesota Gas Co. Chris's Car Wash City Nat'l Bank & Trust City of Friend City of Hastings Eng. Dept. Classen, Mrs. Claire Clerk of the Dist. Court Clerk of the Dist. Court Clerk of the Dist. Ct. Scottsb Commercial Electronics, Inc. Conway & Connolly Cornhusker Press Crisler, John or Doris The Dale. Deluxe Cleaning Services Inc. Deluxe Cleaning Services Inc. Dept. of Ag Communications Dept. of Labor Dieken, Mrs. Karen Directory Service Co. Don Hume Leathergoods, Inc. Duro-Test Corp. Dyer, Robert E 931.56 21.54 444.89 678.20 3.31 4.00 3,181.66 248.47 28.75 154.92 713.11 341.92 977.73 55.12 65.98 16.50 41.50 20,537..22 2,395.23 150.00 Postage for Statements2,091.75 Bond 115.00 Supplies 115.85. Rental 15.50 Supplies 550.00 Repairs 129.37 Service Call 17.00 Service Call 17.00 Supplies 48.82 Equipment 684.05 Equipment 400.15 Equipment 445.74 Mileage 9.08 Mileage 7.21 Labor & Parts 375.33 Supplies 218.18 Supplies 57.17 Mileage 130.23 Supplies 203.50 Maintenance Agree. 3,061.44 Supplies 509.26 Service Call 17.50 Supplies 17.65 Service 10.20 Wash 3.00 Check Charges 82.70 Utilities 7.84 Zoning Permit Adm. & Etc.72.00 Mileage 8.74 State Cases 528.69 Jury Meals 66.30 luff Co. Mental Hearing 232.67 Repairs Professional Services Blueprints Foster Care Alterations Services Services Supplies Elevator Inspection Mileage Directories Supplies Supplies Project, Material & Labor 299.35 73.10 8.15 10.00 40.00 247.75 96.15 239.80 23.50 5.68 103.00 195.25 84.53 2,570.00 565 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS ,COUNTY NEBRASKA Eakes Office Equipment Eakes Office Equipment Eastman Kodak Co. Educational Service Unit #9 Egan Supply Co. Ellerbrock-Norris Agency Inc First National Bank Flesner, Anne Four Rivers Sportsmans Club I Fredricks, David Halloran, John E. Hansen, Gordon L. Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich Hastings Daily Tribune Hastings Electronics Hastings Family Practice Hastings Orthopaedics, P.C. Hastings Plg. & Htg. Inc. Hastings Typewriter Co. Hastings Utilities Hastings Welding Supply Co. Anita Hawes, Co. Clerk Hoagland, Orville Hoselton, Jeanne Hotel Clarke Hugo Heyn Co. Independent Ins. Agent of Has IBM Corp. IBM Corp. IBM Corp. IBM Corp. Johnson Cashway Lumber Co. Kailey, Willis Kelso Kerr Chevrolet Co. Kimle, Duane Kindig Printing Service Krieger Electric Kully Iron & Metal Co. Laird Motors Inc. Law Enforcement Equip. Co. Law Enforcement Equip. Co. Ed Lightner Lincoln Tele. & Tele. Lincoln Tele. Co. Lincoln Tele. & Tele. Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital Midland Area Agency on Aging Mid -Nebraska Distributing Co. Mobley, Beverly Mobley, Irwin L. Modern Linen Service Modern Linen Service Moeller, Julia Moore Business Forms Murray, Thomas B. M.D. National Judicial College Nebr. Correctional Industries Nelson & Harding Nelson, Luwane Nelson, Luwane Pauley, W. G. Lumber Co. Petty Cash Police Officer's Assoc. of Nebe. Polk, R. L. & Co Polk, R. L. Co. Polk, R.L. Co. Polk, R. L. Co. Supplies Rental Service Film Library Service Supplies Bond Checks Prior Service nc Club Dues Mileage Mileage, Meals & Etc. Mileage, Meals & Etc. Books Supp lies Labor & Material Professional Services Professional Services Supplies Supplies Utilities Oxygen Reimbursement Mileage, Expenses Reg. Mileage Jury Meals Supplies tings Insurance Service Agreement Supplies Service Agreement Service Agreement Supplies Mileage, Meals & Reg. Supplies Repair Board Member Mileage Supplies Crystal Lake Project Supplies Repairs & Supplies Supplies Supplies Uniforms Convention Expense Telephone & Toll Telephone & Toll Telephone Service Professional Service Handi-Bus Gasoline & Repair Convention Expense Mileage Mop & Mat Service Linen Supplies Convention Expense Supplies Professional Service Supplies Supplies Professional Service Mileage Supplies Crystal Lake Project Supplies Supplies City Directory City Cirectories Correction Service City Directory 15.00 625.35 103.00 350.25 219.55 71.00 175.65 57.70 25.00 10.10 150.00 217.83 472.47 6.00 29.73 95.00 30.50 15.60 122.10 368.55 33.55 3.00 150.00 104.51 88.13 73.81 4,778.00 44.00' 35.69 275.00 275.00 12.15 150.00 143.28 8.40 10.78 783.81 100.00 119.87 84.73 37.50 37.50 150.00 1,994.55 63.35 31.25 39.75 2,154.85 91.37 150.00 101.83 24.00 86.75 150.00 3,531.32 150.00 4.00 4.10 30.04 17.06 3.86 204.00 4.19 30.00 52.53 408.00 14.00 52.53 566 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA PPG Industries Rabenau, Carol or Robert Redfield & Co. Register of Deeds Republic Nat'l Life Rocky Mountain Software, Inc. Ron's Printing Roth, Dennis L. Rutt's Pharmacy Sargen-Sowell Schneider, Kay Seiler, Les Sempek, Edward Share Corp. Siemers Printing Standard Blue Steinke's Great Plains Swanson, Paul Talley, Don Thiel, Jake Sheriff Thiel, Jake Sheriff Thiel, Jake Sheriff Thisl, Jake Thomsen Oil Co. 3-M Business Products 3-M Products Sales Inc. 3-M Modern Methods United Bank Services United Bank Services Co. United Laboratories University of Nebr.-Lincoln Unlimited Printing & Systems Vaughans Printers Inc. Village of Roseland Vontz, L. J. Construction Co. Walt's Conoco Service Weber, Mrs. Janice Western Paper Co. Wheelers Stores White, F.S. Williams, Art Ind. Willsie Cap & Gown Co. Witte's Woodward's Disposal Service Bank Card Service Center This Board will now recess sub' the Board. /s/ County Clerk /s/ L) Deputy Supplies Foster Care Supplies Postage Charges Insurance Coverage Reprogramming Printing Service Postage & Misc. Supplies Supplies Jury Supplies Professional Service Foster Care Supplies Printing & Supplies Survey Supplies Repairs Mileage Rental Mileage Mileage Misc. & Postage Food for Prisoners_ Gasoline Lease Lease Maintenance Microfilm Supplies Supplies Registration Subscription Supplies Repairs Crystal Lake Gasoline Board Member Supplies Repairs & Supplies Convention Expense Supplies Judicial Robe Supplies Disposal Service Gasoline 25.41 550.00 145.18 27.61 3,220.98 825.00 21.00 2.02 7.32 77.62 18.25 47.50 93.40 592.71 235.78 157.72 184.81 25.53 125.00 2,332.61 59.30 11.74 & Matron ees1,286.50 139.90 71.33 146.94 Agreement 250.00 99.48 95.18 111..92 Fee 50.00 18.50 6.80 313.67 Proj'.ect 910.80 899.20 Mileage 12.14 112.08 95.01 150.00 168.40 120.14 4.50 49.00 49.94 to the call of the Chairman of / s / 06-6424,4'-`64/ } Chairman of thard�l COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday December 11, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kaily, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, White, Halloran and Kailey. Absent: Burr. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams ;ounty Board of Supervisors SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting.V Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried./ An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Cleik's office. A Delegation from the Crystal Lake Area with Joe DeMuth as their spokes- man appeared to talk about the problems that exist since the bridge is out near Crystal Lake. The problems with fire protection, trans- porting children to school, farmers getting from one field to other parts of their farming operations were discussed as well as situations that could arise from a heavy rain in the area. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Halloran that as an emergency exists with the bridge out, we install a culvert in Section 28, T§N, RlOWest near Crystal Lake right away and pursue all avenues to get a permanent bridge in as soon as possible. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. The County Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Oliver Wolff at the Game and Parks Commission to request removal of the dam at Crystal Lake. Michael Sullivan, serving as a representative from the Adams County Bar Association, appeared to request the Supervisors rename the Law Library to memorialize the past service of Al Blessing who had spent much time and effort working for the Law Library. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that we approve the request of the Adams County Bar Association and rename the Law Library to be known as the Alfred W Blessing Law Library and allow a plaque to be installed on the door of the library. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Lightner that we approve the request of Sharon Leuu.uer and name Edna Kramer Deputy Register of Deeds, effective January 1, 1980. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that we approve the bond of Roderick James Conner, Jailer Dispatcher in the amount of $10,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Representatives of Lincoln. Equipment Co. appeared and presented a scholarship to Cheryl J Uland, First Alternate -Cory Lee Spintig and Second Alternate -Jackie Stromer. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent gave a report concerning the progress of road work in the County. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Lightner, that we accept the offer of Great West Casualty Company of $12,500.00 for damages to a bridge in Sec.28, T6N, RlOW in Adams County, near Crystal Lake. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. A proposed resolution was presented concerning set back on irrigation re -use pits and wells Motion by Halloran, seconded by Sole:.that this matter be tabled as further study needs to be made. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Halloran that the following resolution be adopted RESOLUTION 79-12-11 WHEREAS, certain roads and streets in said County have been designated as being eligible for Federal funds by the Federal Highway Administration in compliance with Federal Laws pertaining thereto, and, WHEREAS, said County desires to improve a certain portion of the County Road System in said County, more fully described hereinafter, 568 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Department of Roads is hereby requested to act for said County and to program for construction that portion of County Road described as: Beginning at the NW Corner Section 9, T5N, R9W, thence S.E. approximately 0.30 mileand which construction includes grading, bridges, surfacing The Estimated cost of such improvement Grading and Culverts 0.30 miles $25,000. New bridges Length 100 ft. 110,000. Low type surfacing, 0.30 2,000. Surveys and Plans (If Federal. Aid not requested indicate NONE) None Right of Way (If Federal Aid not requested indicate NONE) None Estimated Total for Project $137,000. Surveys and Plans will be made by Cook, Flatt & Strobe•l Engineers, P.A. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Chairman of the County Board is authorized to sign this resolution on behalf of said Board and that the County Board hereby approves the above contemplated construction prior to first submitting of said project to the Federal Highway Administration. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That sufficient funds of said County are now, or will be, available and are hereby pledged to the Department of Roads in the amount and at the required time for the purpose of matching Federal Funds available for the contemplated construction. Roll call All voted aye. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Lightner that we authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement with Cook-Flatt & Strobel for design surveys, and plan preparation as per the agreement for $8,075.00 for a bridge in the NW4 Sec 9, T5N, R9W, crossing Ash Creek. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board. Chair CC 7 THOUSE HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, December 18, 1979 9:30A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by Burr, seconded by Halloran that this meeting is a regular- ly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. an Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that we authorize execution of a release for Great West Casualty Company in receipt for settlement of $12,500.00 for damage to a bridge in Sec.28, T6N, RlOW, Adams County, Nebraska and instruct the County Treasurer to invest the SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA 569 funds in a Certificate of Deposit for ninety days; said funds to be used for replacement of a structure in the same location. Roll:call allvoted aye. Motion carried. Roger Parks, Highway Superintendent reported concerning progress of road work in the County. Discussion was held concerning roads that the. State had used for a detour. Discussion was held concerning salary to be set for the Public Defender prior to the next election. Stephen Scherr, the present Public Defender appeared to discuss some of the points he felt should be taken under consideration when setting salary for the office. His recommend - dation for the salary was that it should exceed the salary of the highest-paid Deputy County Attorney and the Board should consider parity with the salary of the County Attorney. The matter will be decided at the meeting December 28th, 1979. Motion by Burr, seconded by White that we authorize the Chairman to sign tax list corrections No.7003-7005; 7052-7070; 7072-7080; 7082-7083; 7086-7089; 7091-7107. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Halloran that we approve the pledging of J.C. Receipt and the release of the same covering Fed. Nat. Mortgage Assoc. Bds J842950182 in the amount of $50,000. by Roseland State Bank. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Ron Meyer, Director of the Ambulance Department appeared to tell about the Volunteer Ambulance Corp and to introduce some of its members. Motion by White, seconded by Burr that the Adams County Board of Supervisors go on record to express how fortunate Adams County is to have the Volunteer Ambulance Corp and to thank them for their efforts. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Hoagland that as recommended by the Planning Commisssion we approve the installation of a mobile home for farm employment of the S ZSE 4s Section 3, T6N, R9W, Adams County Nebraska(Hanover Township) and authorize the Chairman to sign the permit. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that as recommended by the Planning Commission we approve the installation of a mobile home as a residence for farm employment of the SE4 Section 26, T7N, R12W, Adams County, Nebraska (Wanda Township) and authorize the Chairman to sign the permit. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Discussion was held concerning the need for modest priced housing that people could afford. Discussion concerning zoning and regulations in Villages and the City of Hastings followed. Jack Mills, Director of the Nebraska Association of County Officials appeared to discuss with the Board problems faced by the Counties regarding loss of personal property tax and the shift of the tax burden to real estate. Motinnby Lightner, seconded by Whe that we approve the appointment of Jack Halloran to the Crystal Lake Committee. Roll call, ayes: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White and Kailey. Halloran, abstaining. Motion carried. Motin by White, seconded by Burr that the claims be allowed on their respective funds and the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue warrants for the same. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND County Supervisors Salaries County Clerk's Office Salaries County Treasurer's Salaries Register of Deeds Salaries 3500.00 5007.10 5684.03 2255.90 570 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA Communications County Assessor's Office County Superintendent Planning & Zoning Office Data Processing Clerk of District Court Mental Health Board Public Defender Courthouse Janitors Ag Extension Office County Sheriff's Office County Attorneys Office County Jail Ambulance Department Veterans Service Office Potter, Harry Schneider, Kay Stromer, Paul Kestner, Judith Ann,: Whitcomb, Audrey Benjamin & Associates, Inc Burchard, Minnie M Gartner, Rena Hastings Typewriter Hastings Utilities Hawes, Anita M Hayen, Rachel Hoeft, Merle W Lincoln Telephone Company Midland Area Agency on Aging Office of Public Defender Register of Deeds Reutlinger, Lila Story, Roscoe E Adcock, Lavon (Connie Benjamin & Associates, Inc Clerk of Dist. Court C. H. Kidd Duthie, Eva B Welfare Weed Control Library Road Struss, Lambert Anderson, Roy Austin, Weslie Harpham, Gilbert L Koch, David Mousel, Virgil Poore, Delbert Stromer, Paul Witt, Lloyd STATE Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Salaries Bailiff Salary Bailiff Salary Salary Salary Salary Supplies & Service Prior Service Prior Service Supplies Utilities Postage & Miscellaneous Prior Service Miscellaneous Telephone & Toll Supplies Miscellaneous Postage Prior Service Prior Service Professional Services Professional Services Jury Prior Service 536.94 4945:38 1795.63 2272.00 1589.00 2355.62 150.00 2738.00 2228.78 7146.43 10,993.56 6955.37 6180.76 9864.31 2554.63 100.00 100.00 137.17 893.00 900.00 399.30 14.00 25.00 48.19 5370.83 12.28. 25.00 7.15 59.28 12.66 753.79 19.50 14.00 15.00 1836.00 1836.00 2082.60 16.00 ADMINISTRATION Prior Service Salaries WEED CONTROL Salaries LIBRARY Salaries ROAD FUND Great Plains Chrysler West Publishing Co. West Publishing Co. Salaries Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Prior Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Service 14.00 16,034.75 2309.60 1563.07 26,776.38 12.00 25.00 25.00 14.00 25.00 12.00 25.00 13.00 22.00 INHERITANCE_FUNti Plymouth Van Dodge 919P-24, Books 1590.00 _Books;" -- ., 410.00,_ ;. 50 SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. ' NEBRASKA This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board. Count Depd COURTHOU HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Friday, December 28, 1979 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the AdamsCounty Board o. Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding Roll call, members present: Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, Iialloran, and Kailey. Lightner absent. Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's Office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by White that we authorize the Chairman to sign amendment fr3 to the Crystal Lake project. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Burr that the salary for Public Defender for the term beginning in January 1981 be set at $13,000. annually plus a $500. increase for the cost of living for each year after the first year of the term. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Burr, seconded by Haogland that the salary for Supervisors for the term beginning in 1981 be set at $7,000. annually plus a one year escalation of $500.00 in 1982 for cost of living, salary to remain at th;tlevel. Roll call, Ayes: Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White and Kailey. Nays: Halloran. Lightner, absent. Motion carried. Paul Johnson, representing Adams County Advisory Committee appeared to make recommendations concerning the appointment of a Board Member for the South Central Community Mental Health Center. Discussion. followed concerning whether or not the County should have stronger representation of County Board members on the Community Mental Health Board. The matter of an appointment will be placed on the agenda for January 8,1930. Sharon Lemmer, Register of Deeds appeared to discuss a problem with light reflection when micro -filming. The matter was referred to the Building and Grounds Committee. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that the following resolution be adopted: Chairman RESOLUTION 79-12-28 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AND DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE COUNTY OF ADAMS NEBRASKA TO PROCEED WITH THE ISSUANCE OF APPROXIMATELY ONE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,500,000.) IN PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ITS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACQUIRING A CERTAIN PROJECT TO BE LEASED TO AND OPERATED BY SNELL PUBLISHING COMPANY, A CORPORATION, SUCH PROJECT TO CONSIST OF ANY OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: (A) A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA: (B) CERTAIN BUILDINGS AND RELATED FACILITIES SUITABLE FOR USE BY A MANUFACTURING OR INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE, AND (C) MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT AND OTHER PROPERTIES FOR USE IN CONNECTION THEREWITH (COLLECTIVELY REFERRED TO AS THE "PROJECT"), AND TO PAY CERTAIN EXPENSES OF SUCH BOND ISSUE, WHICH BONDS AND THE INTEREST THEREON SHALL BE PAYABLE SOLELY FROM THE REVENUESDERIVED BY THE COUNTY FROM SAID PROJECT. WHEREAS, the County of Adams Nebraska ( the "County") is_a body politic and corporate duly organized and existing as a county under the laws 572. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA of the State of Nebraska and is authorized and empowered by the provisions of Section 2 of Article XIII of the Nebraska Constitution and Sections 18-1614 to 18-1623, R.R.S. Neb., 1943, as am.emded (the Act") to acquire one or more "projects:, as that term is defined in the Act, and to issue revenue bonds for the purpose of paying the cost of acquiting the same; and WHEREAS, the County has been requested to issue and sell its Industrial Development Revenue Bonds pursuant to the provisions of the Act for the purpose of paying the cost of acquiring a certain tract of land located in Adams County, Nebraska, constructing and completing thereon manufacturing and industrial plant buildings and related improvements and acquiring, purchasing and installing therein related items of machinery, equipment and other properties for use in connection therewith (the "Project") such Project to be leased to Snell Publishing Company, a corporation (the "Lessee"), and to constitute a "project" as that term is defined in the Act; and WHEREAS, the Lessee has agreed to indemnify the County for any claims against the County and for any costs incurred by it in connection with the proposed bond issuance; and WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and advisable that the County take such action as may be required under the Act to authorize and issue its revenue bonds for such purpose in order to promote, develop and advance the general prosperity and economic welfare of the people of Nebraska; and WHEREAS, a Memorandum of Agreement has been prepared setting forth the respective agreements and undertakings of the County and the Lessee with respect to the issuance by the County of its revenue bonds for the purpose of acquiring the Project; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County wishes to declare its intention to authorize an issue of Industrial Development Revenue Bonds of the County qualifying under Section 103 (b) (4) o r (6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, for the purpose of paying the cost of acquiring or improving the Project, when so requested by the Lessee, upon such terms and conditions as may then be agreed upon by the County, the Lessee and the purchasers of the bonds, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE COUNTY OF ADAMS, NEBRASKA: Section 1. The County does hereby declare its intention to authorize the issuance of its Industrial Development Revenue Bonds in one or more series under and in accordance with the applicable statutes of the State of Nebraska, and particularly the Act, in such amounts, but not to initially exceed the sum of One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.), and upon such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by the County, the Lessee and the purchasers of the bonds, for the purpose of paying the costs of the Project which will be located in Adams County, Nebraska and leased to the Lessee, the issuance of the bonds to be authorized by the Board of Supervisors of the County at a meeting to be held for such purpose, the receipt of an agreement on the part of the Lessee to Indemnify the County for any claims against the County in connection with the proposed bond issue, the approval of the County upon advice of the County Attorney, of the final documentation, and receipt at the closing with respect to the sale of such bonds of an approving legal opinion of Messrs. Cline, Williams, Wright, Johnson & Oldfather of Lincoln, Nebraska. Section 2. The Lessee is authorized to use "interim" or"construction" financing until the bonds are issued and to use the Project prior to the issuance of the bonds. Section 3. This Resolution is hereby declared to constitute official action of the County to evidence its intent to issue Industrial Development Revenue Bonds qualifying under Section 103(b)(4) or (6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Section 4. A Memorandum of Agreement, substantially in the form and of the content set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, be entered into with the Lessee. Section 5. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that the Chairman be authorized to sign tax list corrections No. 7031, 7042, 7081, 7090, all cancelled 7108 thru 7113, 7116, 7117 -VOID, 7118 thru 7121. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Sole that we accept Inventories from Veteransservice Officer, County Judge, County Clerk, Welfare Director, Register of Deeds, District Judge, County. Treasurer, Data Processing, Custodian, County Library, Clerk of District Court, and Superintendent and the same shall be placed on file. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Burr that we approve the bond of W. Bruce Vom Weg as Chief Jailer in the amount of $10,000. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by White, seconded by Hoagland that we approve the application of William K Edwards as manager of Highland Operating Co. DBA Lochland Country Club, said company holding a Corporation (H) License. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Burr that we hold executive session, concerned with purchase of real estate. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Executive session began at 11:15 A.M. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by White that we resume regular session. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Regular session resumed at 11:50 A.M. This Board will now recess subject to the call of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. COURTHOUSE, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA Tuesday, January 8, 1980 9:30 A.M. The regular meeting of the Adams County Board of Supervisors was held as per public notice given with Willis L Kailey, Chairman, presiding. Roll call, members present: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr „White, Halloran and Kailey. Motion by Halloran, seconded by Hoagland that this meeting is a regularly scheduled public meetingof the Adams County Board of Supervisors and public notice of this meeting has been given by publication in the Hastings Daily Tribune and by posting. An agenda was available to the members and an agenda was kept currently amended and posted in the County Clerk's office. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. =Motion by Haogland, seconded by Halloran that there is no unfinished old business and the Board adjourn sine die. Roll call, all voted aye. M6tion carried. STATUTORY REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD Motion by Lightner, seconded by Hoagland that Kailey be appointed 57f SUPERVISORS RECORD No. 18 ADAMS COUNTY. NEBRASKA temporary Chairman for the purpose of reorganization of the Board. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. Motion by Sole, seconded by Burr that we proceed to take an informal ballot for the appointment of a permanent Chairman of the Adams County Board of Supervisors for the year 1980. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. An informal ballot was ordered and the temporary Chairman appointed Hoagland and Lightner as tellers with the following results listed on the informal ballot: Kailey, six and Halloran, one. Motion by Hoagland, seconded by Lightner that we suspend the rules and declare Kailey elected Chairman for 1980 by unanimous vote.. Roll call, ayes: Lightner, Hoagland, Sole, Burr, White, and Halloran. Kailey, abstaining. Motion carried. Motion by Lightner, seconded by Burr that we proceed to take an informal ballot for the appointment of Vice -Chairman for 1980. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried. An informal ballot was ordered by the Chairman and Hoagland and Lightner were appointed as tellers with the following results listed on the informal ballots: Lightner, three; Hoagland, three; Halloran; one. Motion by Lightner, seconded by White that we suspend the rules and declare Hoagland elected Vice -Chairman for 1980 by unanimous vote. Roll call, ayes: Lightner, Sole, Burr, White, Halloran and Kailey. Hoagland abstaining. Motion carried. Chairman Kailey appointed the following standing committees for 1980 FINANCE AND INSURANCE Burr Lightner White, Chairman ROAD AND BRIDGE Halloran Burr Lightner, Chairman COURTHOUSE ---BUILDING AND GROUNDS AND SUPPLIES White Halloran Hoagland, Chairman MID -NEBRASKA HUMAN SERVICES White Halloran Hoagland Sole,Chairman CIVIL DEFENSE--AMBULANCE--SHERIFF Sole Lightner Burr, Chairman PLANNING & ZONING and LANDFILL Hoagland Burr Halloran, Chairman LIAISON AND PUBLIC RELATIONS Sole INTERGOVERNMENTAL REPRESENTATIVE Kailey COUNTY GOVERNMENT DAY Halloran RAILROAD RELOCATION AND SAFETY COMMITTEE Hoagland Halloran Lightner, Chairman Motion by Halloran, seconded by White that the Hastings Daily Tribune be designated as the official newspaper for 1980. Roll call, all voted aye. Motion carried.